Previous Update: June 1 -3

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June 4 - 7

Israel Hardening

See June 5 -- 6 -- 7

June 4

After ending in yesterday's update with a Traby link to the English Rod surname, I came across the article below telling that Obama nominated a Republican, John McHugh, to the post of Secretary for the Army. I naturally checked the McHugh Coat to find two green clover leaves, a symbol thst I had seen yesterday morning. I couldn't recall what surname used it, but scrolling back (I leave my houseofnames browser unclosed from day to day to allow scrolling back through many surnames), I found the same symbol in the English Rod Coat.

Having made a solid link between Rod and Rod-like surnames to the Rothschilds only yesterday, and having traced the Rothschild surname some weeks ago to the Shield surname, note that the green clover (probably an Irish symbol) is used also by the English Shield Coat. Then see that the Irish Shield Coat uses a red hand, the symbol also on ther McHugh (Irish) Coat. The red hand is a symbol of Abkhazia, but on the Ulster flag (using a Zionuist star, it's a white hand. I hsd long ago traced the Ulster symbols to Iberia in Abkhazia, and suggested that "Abkhazia" was yet another Khazar domain. Instead of to the immediate east of what was Khazaria, as is Kazakhstan, Abkhazia is to the immediate west of Khazaria.

This is all good because my Pollock friend traces her Irish line(s) to the Heberites, and meanwhile I linked the Rod and Rod-like surname to the Rothes of Pollock only yesterday. I don't think it's a coincidence that the Hros peoples were in northern Caucasia and north of the Black sea (as is Abkhazia). NovGorod (Ukraine), settled by Varangian-Rus pirates from Sweden for the reason that they had allies there, was beside the city of Hrodna/Grodno. Now look at the first Varangians (9th century) under Rurik:

"Led by Rurik and his brothers Truvor and Sineus, the invited Varangians (called Rus) settled around the town of Holmgard (Novgorod)."

Truvor??? Look at the last thing I said in yesterday's update:

"The English Rods were first found in Herefordshire, where Gilbert de Lacy ruled, and where the Welsh Trevor surname -- from 'Traby,' a Radziwill branch! -- was first found."

If the Trabys thus lead back to the Rus, one could say that one of Obama's main men, Zbigniew Brzezinski (using the Traby Coat) is of a Rus bloodline. It is NOT a coincidence that so many names in the Obama camp lead back to Rus-like terms and Rus-family peoples.

How lucky was it that I bothered to check the Oster Coat yesterday after suspecting that the location of OsterReich was named after the ostrich symbol of the Radziwills? I saw some eyes rolling amongst my readers at that wild theory, but it led me to discover that the Oster surname included "Michael Ahasverus Ostermaier [who] served as mayor of the town of Ratzeburg in the seventeenth century." I asked whether this town could have been named after Radziwills but didn't have time (yesterday) to look at Ratzeberg, but this morning...SHOCKER:

"The town was founded in the 11th century as Racisburg. The name is traditionally derived from the local Wendish ruler, Prince Ratibor of the Polabians, who was nicknamed Ratse."

I always knew that Obama inner circle would lead to rats of some kind. The above was not the shocker. It happened when I clicked the Polabian link:

"The Polabians (German: Polaben; Latin: Polabi) were a constituent West Slavic tribe of the Obotrites who lived between the Trave and the Elbe. The main settlement of the Polabians was Racisburg (modern Ratzeburg)...The Polabians were similar to the Drevani, also known as the Dravano-polaben or Drevanen, in Luchow-Dannenberg."

It can't be a coincidence. The Traby family was named after the Trave river, or vice versa, and likely the Drevani were related to a Traby entity. There was a link to "Polabian Slavs":

"...the [Lusatian] Sorbs are the only descendants of the Polabian Slavs to have retained [Polabian-Slav] identity and culture.

...Other tribes associated with the confederation include the Linones (Linonen) near Lenzen, the Travnjane near the Trave, and the Drevani in the Hanoverian Wendland and the northern Altmark."

I bothered to check the Lenz Coat, to find a gold and silver together (breaking the rules of heraldry), and an ostrich from head to toe (!!!!!), white on blue just like the ostrich (with horseshoe in mouth) in the the German Arms of Martin Strauss ("Strauss" is said to derive from "struthio=ostrich"; if this coat disappears from online, ask me to get you a copy from my files). "Jacob Lentz came to Philadelphia in 1728; while Christian Lenz arrived there in 1746..."

My trace of the dragon cult to the Sorbs of Lusatia now lead straight to the Traby fold. I had linked the Sorbs to mythical Sarpedon of Crete years ago, but now I have the evidence via the Traby trace (made just days ago) to Sarpedon's Minoans. Since these Cretans were from Zeus, the Zeus trace to Garebites will prove true once I have solid evidence that Sorbs were a Garebite peoples.

Guess which other Coats break the rules of heraldry in the same way as the Lenz Coat? In yesterday's second-last paragraph, I wrote: "Note that the Oster Coat breaks the rules of heraldry by using gold and silver in contact, as does the English Rod Coat."


I'm wondering whether the Linones of Lenzen link to the Lintones/Lindseys of the Lutan and/or Lincolnshire theaters in Britain (peoples of Luton were "Lintones"), and of course whether they connect to the Danaans of Lindos (Rhodes). Note that the Drevani lived in Luchow-Dannenberg. The Drevani were Wends, wherefore they should trace (at least on that side) to the Veneti>Heneti. Since I trace the Radziwill Lithuanians to the wolf line of Lycians, note the wolf symbol in the Arms of Prignitz, the district in which Lenzen is found (Lycia was on-shore of Rhodes).

Now behold. The chief symbol of Ostprignitz-Ruppin the which is also the symbol of the Scottish Lintone Coat (the Lintones settled Philadelphia too). Ostprignitz-Ruppin is a Brandenburg district beside the Prignitz district, wherefore the OstPrignitz location may be the origin of the Ostik/Astikai surname of the first Radziwills.

In historic Prignitz, the Gareb-like location of Grabow was located. Recalling the three gold stars on blue that I pointed out (yesterday) in the U.S Department of Justice logo -- and used also by the Bauer Coat -- note now the three gold stars on blue, as well as a gold crescent on blue, that makes up the Arms of Grabow.

We are now in the Nerthus-worshiping domains of dragonic Mechlenberg and Rostock. The Varni are among the Rostock-domain worshipers of Nerthus (= Mother Earth), and I think the Varni became the Varangian Rus.

Among the Polabians are the Rani. We could investigate whether the Rani furnished the Ranulf/Randolph surname leading to Obama. We know the Randolph surname was at Moray, and for that reason it should trace to the More of the Rollo Danes/Norwegians. I had traced Rollo's clan to the Ugrian/Garebite Khazars on the Mures river of Transylvania; in particular I traced Rollo's father's name (Ragnvald) to Reghin on the Mures. Therefore, after reading the quote on the Rani below, ask: 1) if Reghin can be linked to Rugen in the Baltic sea off-shore of Mechlenberg, 2) if the Mures can be connected to the Muritz, and 3, if the Ucri/Ukranen were Ugrians.

"The Rani [or Rujani] of Rugen, not to be confused with the older Germanic Rugians, are sometimes considered to be part of the Veleti. South of the Rani were the Ucri (Ukranen) along the Ucker and the Morici (Morizani, Muritzer) along the Muritz."

This alone justifies further investigation: Since "Charenza, also Karentia or Karenz, later also Gharense, was a medieval burgh on the island of Rugen [and] the administrative center of the Rani tribe," I checked for a Karen Coat, and finding just one, it belongs to a Kerns surname first found in Silesia. That's not a bad geographical match since its beside Lusatia, Poland and Brandenburg, but what's conspicuous is the gold crescent on blue, as well as three six-pointed stars on blue (evoking the Bauer Coat, etc) in the Kerns Coat.

The greater Rani capital was Cape Arkona on Rugen, "the religious centre of the Slavic Rani in the Early Middle Ages. The temple was dedicated to the deity Svantevit, who was depicted with four heads." Svantevit, on a rock carving, is shown with a large drinking horn that doubled as a cornucopia (i.e. "horn of plenty"), and this may indicate that my suspicions are correct where I equate (due to similarities in shape) the Traby horn with the crescent symbol.

The Svantevit cult was a horse-worshiping one, a white horse in particular, evoking the Saxon horse but also the Thracian horse. The god reflects the Svan people of the lake Sevan region of Caucasia. The Svan came to live in Abkhazia, and most live in Svaneti, a term reflecting the god yet better.

I've traced (years ago) the swan symbol, and therefore Leda and Pollux of the swan line, back to the Svan of Caucasia. This jibes with the following sentence: "Boris Rybakov argued for identification of the [four] faces [of Svantevit] with the gods Perun, Svarog, Lada and Mokosh." I'm emphsizing Lada in particular, which I trace both to Leda and to Lada of the Lydo-Lycians...not forgetting that I had traced Luo-tribe stock of Obama's father from Africa to the Lycians and then to the Ligurians, even as I had traced Leda to the Ligurians, in particular to the Ligurian capital, Savona.

To now find that Obama may trace to the Rani Polabians whose god was Svantevit seems very conspicuous. Obama may trace the Rani on both his mother's and father's side, in other words.

June 5

As much as I don't want to mention Obama's Egyptian speech because it adds nothing new but an unrealistic goal of making Muslims our friends, I suppose that you'd like to get comments from a prophecy point of view.

Some Israelis are mocking Obama, as for example those intending to purchase ads with Obama wearing an Arab headdress...of the kind worn by Arafat. Some Israelis are claiming that they look not to Obama, but to Heaven. They are demonstrating and saying that Jerusalem belongs to God. Along with similar attitudes from conservative Christians, it will make Obama more resolute, and also because many Arabs are accusing him of mere talk and no walk, we should expect that Obama will eventually get very tough in enforcing a two-state program.

Even Hamas is a little happier:

"Hamas also welcomed Obama's speech, although some of the movement's spokesmen appeared to be less enthusiastic.

...Earlier, the Hamas government invited Obama to visit the Gaza Strip. The invitation was issued by Ahmed Yousef, a senior official with Hamas's Foreign Ministry."

Put this together with Jimmy Carters visit, soon, to Israel, a Democrat who loves Hamas. Carter, though not invited by Israel, will drop by to check out the Lebanese electing results (voting day is June 7). Israelis are of course unhappy; you can find many stories piddling on the president at the Jerusalem Post this morning.

It's simply logical that the tribulation of Israel should arrive under the presidential powers of Obama, and since the tribulation will be almost four years long, it's logical for it to begin in the first half of Obama's 2012-2016 term. I suppose it's possible that Obama will begin the trend toward Israel's tribulation, only for another president to finish the job.

It's possible though very conspiratorial to assume that Osama bin Laden, a Saudi Arabian, and al-Qaeda's number two in command, an Egyptian citizen on the run, are working in cahoots with Obama's circle of globalists. Both terrorists came out with publicized messages on Obama's visit to Saudi Arabia and Egypt. Both are uttering war-escalation threats against Americans. Globalists might want such a situation to continue to provide a military foothold in the Middle East; that's the going conspiracy story, anyway. Al-Jazeera aired Osama's message just as Obama gave his speech.

The Muslim world has now been given the opportunity to take Obama some steps further than the globalists want to go. Various leaders of Muslim nations are starting a new trend, to send Obama the message that he now needs to put action to his fine words. Obama's is now hanging from a Muslim wire; his entire Muslim agenda will go hollow if he doesn't show some solid wood.

What better way to satisfy Muslims than to show some force against Netanyahu and the Israelis pointing to God. Even secular Netanyahu is on the Jerusalem-belongs-to-God wagon. Obama will become very guilty in God's eyes now that this has been pointed out to him publicly. The Israelis moved into Palestinian territories, yes, but God owns the land of Israel from way back. It is not for any man to over-ride God's will on this matter. Obama has chosen to do the Bush-thing on the worst-possible globalist agenda.

What will Obama now do as Muslim's expect action from him? Will he invite some poor Palestinians to share a lavish room in his home? Will he create a Little Palestine in Washington? Will Jimmy Carter start a Habitat for Humanity for poor Arabs? Or will we see such things as Hillary hugging Hamas, so to speak? Things need to occur quickly if the tribulation of Israel begins in the 2012-16 period.

The invasion of Israel starts from Hezbollah, in my opinion. Iran is feverish to see Hezbollah succeed on Sunday:

"But one likely reason for [Lebanon's] current economic health is the vast amounts of money pouring in to influence the general election scheduled for June 7.

No one knows for sure how much is involved...While rival regional powers such as Saudi Arabia are involved, a former Lebanese army officer, speaking on condition of anonymity, says the Khomeinist regime in Tehran has emerged as the 'big spender,' supplying its various agents, clients and allies with 'more money than they could use.'

...Over the past three years, Tehran also has financed the creation of scores of front companies in Lebanon. And through frontmen it has purchased substantial tracts of land in...The strategy is aimed at creating a ministate within Lebanon to guarantee Hezbollah a permanent territorial base."

The article suggests that Hezbollah (which is politically allied to Maronite "Christians," ironically) will fall way short of the 65 seats needed to control parliament, but that the group could use violence to gain supreme powers. In any case, I don't think Hezbollah has been stronger than it is today, and if ever Iran saw opportunity to invade Israel using Hezbollah, it would be after the election.

The idea that Hezbollah may try to take parliament by force has been floating around for some time. Perhaps this is why Obama's George Mitchell is expected in Lebanon early next week, perhaps super-imposed on Jimmy Carter's visit.

One could expect Obama's agenda in the Middle East to vary with that of the globalists to some degree, for the globalists have no love for Muslims. There is no telling how much affection Obama has for the Muslim world, though his bow to a Saudi royal not long ago begins to expose it a little. Plus, Obama has special affection for Palestinians.

Although globalists are solidly in favor of Hezbollah's political enemies, Obama's desire to see a Palestinian state likely surpasses mere political aspiration...such as globalists possess. Obama could, therefore, betray the wishes of his Zionist leaders, and enter a sincere friendship with Hamas and Hezbollah. Shouldn't this explain why Jimmy Carter, a lover of Hamas if not also of Hezbollah, is about to give a message on the Lebanese front? I expect, anyway, that Carter will give some message for the media to circulate.

Obama left Egypt for Germany, where he's having talks on the Palestinian issue with chancellor Merkel. The article below (dated today on the Merkel topic) tells something that may be extremely useful for uncovering the reasons that Obama may hold for betraying Zionists:

"Obama is the first U.S. president to visit Buchenwald, and the stop was personal. A great-uncle helped liberate a nearby satellite camp, Ohrdruf, in early April 1945 just days before other U.S. Army units overran Buchenwald [concentration camp]."

The city of Ohrdruf can be understood as Ohrd-Ruf or Ohr-Druf (I can't find the derivation of the term), and the latter smacks of the Trave river after which the Traby family was no-doubt named. It reflects "Truvor" even better, the Varangian brother of Rurik. Assuming that Ohrdruf was named after the Traby-family stock, note that, aside from mass killings of Hebrews occurring there, it's where the Nazis held their last stand against the allies, and where they had planned their Nazi headquarters, etc.

I'm suggesting that the Traby fold may have been central in the Rosicrucian organization to which Hitler and his diabolical agents belonged. The Nazi org was an anti-Zionist Rosicrucian group -- for reasons we may never know -- but it speaks of a massive and passionate betrayal of pro-Zionist Rosicrucians. What we do know is that the Nazi faction honored "Thule," a Scandinavian location that I tentatively trace to Dol where the Alan Stewarts ruled as stewards of Brittany...probably for Alain, duke of Brittany in Rennes, and his family.

This is the same Stewart family that I have been recently tracing Obama's bloodline to, and a Dol link to Thule -- i.e. a Stewart link to the Nazis -- may explain why Stewarts do not want their history to be known.

Obama links on several fronts to the Cecil-Rhodes Illuminati, a group of pro-Aryans...who may be the sort of Aryans that ruled over Hitler's war machine. Or, while the Rhodes Illuminati may have been partnered with the pro-Zionist Hebrews, the anti-Zionist globalists -- expected among the Rhodes Illuminati rather than among the Rothschilds -- may have kept their positions in a closet, not to be discovered easily. Then, as the tribulation of Israel approaches, they will come out of the closet to persecute/topple Zionists again.

June 6

In a nutshell, the sentiments of our enemies can be found in a page on Obama's snubbing of the French president:

"No matter what all the right wing nutjobs from drudge say, the president is very popular. Check Gallup for confirmation. All these right wing idiots have left is message boards like this. They have screwed up the country and won't see a return to power for a long long time."

Obama and his wife will be staying the night in the neighborhood that Sarkozy will also be staying (in Paris), and although the French leader therefore asked the Obama couple to dinner, the Obama's rejected the offer...supposedly due to a past insult that Sarkozy sent Obama's way. We shall have to see whether this divide becomes prophecy relevant, but you'll note that while Obama is bragging about undoing Bush's U.S. divisions with Europe, he's forming his own. One article reported that Obama stayed away from Berlin so that he wouldn't have to spend more time than necessary with chancellor Merkel.

The divisions he's carving out with Israelis won't be eliminated with the calculated plan of visiting a German concentration camp immediately after his address to the Muslim world. He said that he would not forget the camp, a statement that his advisors probably put into his mouth.

"In his Cairo speech, immediately after talking about the Holocaust, Obama said that 'on the other hand, it is also undeniable that the Palestinian people - Muslims and Christians - have suffered in pursuit of a homeland.'

Obama shockingly equated the destruction of European Jewry to the suffering Arabs..."

For a hard list of criticisms, from an Israeli writer, on Obama's methods, see

Israelis are becoming aggressively defiant, even insulting Obama:

"A day after US President Barack Obama reiterated his call to stop settlement activity during a speech in Cairo, defiant settlers continued to erect illegal structures in the West Bank, building a new outpost...

...the settlers built a wooden structure they mockingly called the 'Obama Hut'...

...'It's all illusions. With these [Palestinian] savages, there was never peace, there is no peace and there will not be peace,' [an Israeli] said...'They should all be sent to Saudi Arabia.'

National Union MK Michael Ben-Ari voiced his support for the settlers' actions saying the West Bank's Jewish communities were an established fact that could not be changed.

'Obama, in his audacity, dreams that 350,000 Jews can be removed from Judea and Samaria, but they are a fact that cannot be changed,' he was quoted by Army Radio as saying."

When one calls the Palestinians "savages," one offends Obama deeply. If Obama can't take a minor insult from Sarkozy (merely pointing out his inexperience), he can't take these gruff words from Israelis.

I want to go back to the Ohrdruf topic: "The [Buchenwald] camp has personal significance for Mr Obama as his great-uncle, Charles Payne, helped liberate Ohrdruf, a satellite camp of Buchenwald." The Payne surname is a variation of "Payen," the surname of the first Grand Master of the first nine Templars...who took part in persecuting and massacring both the Jews of France and of the Jerusalem they conquered.

I'm not suggesting that Charles Payne was necessarily a Zionist or a Templar devotee, but am pointing out that Obama's mother had come from a Payne bloodline that may have led back to the Payen Templars. Mrs. Dunham may have become an anthropologist due to her "important" roots. In Obama's genealogy page below, one can see that Obama's mother's mother was Madelyn Lee Payne, a bank vice-president.

Her father was Rolla Charles Payne, a name that evokes Rollo (the Viking family to which I trace Obama's Randolh bloodline). I don't think it's a coincidence. Rolla Payne (bookkeeper for an oil company) married Leona McCurry, and upon checking the McCurry Coat, I found a rooster in the Crest, the symbol of the Sinclairs (Rollo was a Sinclair).

The write-up says that the Curry family/surname was in Britain before the Conqueror (Rollo's descendant) arrived. This is extremely interesting for identifying the particular family in Scotland to which the Rollo vikings were linked, for the write-up also says that the McCurry surname "was a name for a person who lived [in] the place named Currie, derived from Gaelic curraigh, in Midlothian." If one checks the write-up for the Sinclairs, one finds that they were first in Midlothian as well, but not until after the Conqueror arrived (1066).

In particular, the Sinclairs were at the town of Roslin because it was made the special home of Henry Sinclair, cup bearer to the mother of David I (to whom the Randolphs trace). The thing is, "Many Sinclair books/documents mention that a Catherine Sinclair married Hugh de Payen the Grand Master of the first Knights Templar"!! I've read (years ago) that Hugh, after leaving Jerusalem, went nearly straight to Henry Sinclair of Roslin, for that's where he had his wife, from Henry's daughter.

You should note that the Currie symbol is a white saltire and a white rose (an symbol of Aryanism, possibly), for we are about to come across more white symbols. The Irish Curry Coat uses a gold rooster, the color used by the Sinclair Coat, while the write-up says: "First found in counties Clare and Waterford, as well as in Ulster where different instances of this surname originated" (italics mine).

The Irish surname is "Corry," a term that I found (some months ago) important in the founding peoples of Liecester. This seems very relevant because, in a study on Orhdruf, we are about to bump into a two-tailed white lion, the symbol of the Montforts...who ruled Liecester.

In fact, the English Payen Coat uses two white lions on red, the two colors of the Montfort Coat, and the two colors of the Currie Coats. The write-up for the French Payne Coat traces the surname to the Normans: "First found in Normandy where this distinguished family were anciently seated at Payen, and were members of the noblesse of that region." If you had been reading previously, you may recall that I traced the Rothschilds to the Schell surname of Schellenberg manor, near Essen, Germany. Compare the Schell/Schelling Shield (using white fleur de lys, a ) to the English Payne Shield. To explain why the Schelling surname comes up at all in this Ohrdruf investigation, the webpage below tells that Buchenwald was chosen by the Nazis for a headquarters "because of the close ties of the location to Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, who was being idealized as 'the embodiment of the German Spirit'"

Ahh, very good. We now have a personality that the Nazis admired, and all the reasons for it may not yet be known. Clicking on the Johann Goethe link, I found this statement: [Goethe's] influence on German philosophy is virtually immeasurable, having major effect especially on the generation of Hegel and Schelling..." At first, I tried the Hegel Coat (English), and found white lions on black, the same symbol, in the same colors, as the English Stock/Stokes Coat. In fact, the Stock Coat uses a two-tailed white lion.

Why is the Stock Coat important here? Because of the Carmelite monastery at Ohrdruf called "Ohrdruf Priory." In Templar times (some say that Carmelites were founded by Templars), the prophecy-based Carmelite organization was linked to the Biblical Elijah of mount Carmel, Israel. Being forced to move away from Israel:

"In 1240 [Carmelites] were in Aylesford, Kent, England, and four years later in southern France, while by 1245 they were so numerous that they were able to hold their first general chapter at Aylesford, where Simon Stock, then eighty years of age, was chosen general."

Simon Stock. How is it that the Hegel surname, also shown as "Aigle," used roughly the Stock symbol? Could Hagels have been named after Aylesford? Yes, for the write-up on the English Ayles Coat says that the surname was first found in Kent (at Aylesford) and that "Further research revealed that the name is derived from the Old English word Aegel..." Moreover, the colors of the Ayels Coat, black and gold, are the colors of the German Hegel Coat.

The German Stocks were first in Bavaria, but I think that I can trace the name to Buchenwald's trunk symbol -- keeping in mind that the Rodham Crest uses a trunk symbol -- for the Stock surname "referred to a person who resided near an unusual tree. In this instance, the name is also derived from the word stoc, which also referred to the stem or trunk of a tree." Now compare:

"Buchenwald (German for beech forest) was chosen as the name for the camp because of the close ties of the location to Johann Wolfgang von Goethe...The Goethe Eiche (Goethe's Oak) stood inside the camp's perimeter, and the stump of the tree is preserved as part of the memorial at KZ Buchenwald"

To solidify ties between the Bavarian Stocks and Johann Goethe, "[Johann] Goethe's father, Johann Caspar Goethe (Frankfurt am Main, Hessen...), lived with his family in a large house in Frankfurt" (article above). Frankfurt, in Bavaria, was where the Rothschilds arose. It is said by some that Rothschilds used a Zionist star as symbol, wherefore see the Goethe/Goth Coat, a large white Zionist star...on blue, smacking of the Israeli flag's colors (= blue Zionist star on white).

Perhaps I'm reading the above quote wrongly. I read it as though it was the Nazis who honored Johann Goethe and for that reason chose the Buchenwald and Ohrdruf regions to create a new headquarters (Goethe wrote his most popular poem under the oak tree there). If I'm reading correctly, it appears that Nazi Aryans honored Goths, and in fact the Ohrdruf concentration camp was near the town of Goth. One is then led to the theory that the Thule-cult Rosicrucians (and perhaps the Traby family too) were Gothic Hebrews, and in fact Batman's New York was fictionalized as Gothic City.

This past week I showed that Rod-like terms, as per the Ruth-Randolph bloodline of Obama, link to Rothschilds, and that the surnames migrated to Philadelphia in the first half of the 1700s. Well, "Some of the first settlers of this [Goeth] family name or some of its variants were: Johann Bernhart Goth, who arrived in Philadelphia in 1751..." The Rodham surname arrived later: "Some of the first settlers of this family name or some of its variants were: Edward, John, Mary Rodden, who all arrived in Philadelphia between 1840 and 1870; John Roddan settled in Philadelphia in 1833..."

I'm convinced, therefore, that Rodham Crest is evidence of a Rodham link to the Goethe tree stump. If true, Hillary's bloodline could trace back to the Nazi sect of Rosicrucians (some have argued that Hitler was himself a Rothschild).

There is a Buchen Coat, using a tree, and the write-up claims that the surname is from "the German word buohe, which means beech tree..." I'm open for other derivatives. The Buchen surname was first found in Bavaria, though the Scottish Buchen/Buchan surname, using a sun in the crest, was first recorded in Aberdeen. A trace of the latter to the Cohen family is warranted, not only in the sun symbol, but in the fact that the Buchanan Coat uses a black lion on gold (symbol of the C/Hohens of Flanders), with the fleur-de-lys Flemming border (seen also in the Seton Coat). The derivation of "Buchanan" is not given, but as it's a Pictish-Scot surname, Aberdeen fits (because Picts were in northern Scotland).

I want to go back to the Payne surname and it's ties to Rollo. In consideration that Rollo's name was "Rolph," we find a Rolph surname in Obama's genealogy not much earlier than when the Payne surname disappears. At the page displaying the Rolph Coat, we read:

"The surname Rolph is derived from the Old Norse given name Randolph, which itself comes from the Old German words, rat, meaning counsel, and wolf, meaning wolf."

Rats and wolves evoke Ratzeberg (coincidence, I'm sure), where the Radziwills Lithuanians (using the wolf symbol) developed. As I traced Stewarts and the wolf symbol back to Nahorites (brother of Biblical Abraham) and the Nairi of Armenia, it's interesting that the Rolphs were "First found in the town of Nairn in Nairnshire."

What's more conspicuous is that, in the very same generation that the Rolph surname appears as wife to Benjamin Dunham, a FitzRandolph appears as the mother of Mary Smith, the latter being the wife of the Benjamin's son. The Dunham's were heavily Randolphs at that time (early 18th century), but this genealogy page does not list the Randolph line(s) back much further.

There are about a half-dozen generations of McCurrys and Paynes in the Obama genealogy before they are no longer listed. I have found where the Paynes got/gave their heraldry symbol, for about the time that the Payne surname is no longer included, we find the Hoskins surname, which uses white lions on a red and blue shield. The Payne Coat uses white lions on a red shield, but the French Payne Coat uses a red and blue shield. The similarities are obvious, but a further point of interest is the gold rooster in the Hoskins Crest, a symbol, not on the Payne Coats, but in the McCurry Crests.

This would be a good place to show that the white triple chevron on red of the Rand Coat (surname from "Randolph") is the symbol of the Singletary Coat, the surname that the Dunham's stemmed from, for on the genealogy page we read: "Jonathan Singletary alias Dunham, b. Newbury, Mass., 17 Jan. 1639/40..." (see line 1536). It would appear that since Dunhams married Randolphs, the Rand Coat was permitted to use the Singletary/Dunham symbol (and meanwhile the Dunhams and Randolphs share the same blue and gold "dancette").

Jonathan Singletary married a Bloomfield, a surname first found in Norfolk, where Dunham's were first found. The Bloomfield Coat uses green clovers on white, the symbol also of the Irish McHughs, the latter being mentioned at the very top of this update because Obama nominated John McHugh to Secretary for the Army.

I was going to show the similarities (black lions on white) between the Welsh Hugh Coat and the English Perkins Coat at the top of this update because I had read a piece wherein the Perkins surname was relevant to an Obama government pick (I wasn't able to find the piece and can't recall the details). That was before I came to the genealogy topic today, where I discover that Stephen Perkins (line 908) married Mary Hughes (904), and where David Bowles (905) married Sarah Hughes (905) in the same generation. It's all in the family because Jesse Bowles (line 452) married Hannah Perkins a generation later.

Obama has a large headache looming because "Al-Qaeda and the Iraqi Resistance Seek to Win Over Fighters of the Awakening Councils" This is what I see the Daniel-11 prophecy predicting, that the two "broken" groups should ally and then join the king of the north.[tt_news]=35081&tx_ttnews[backPid]=7&cHash=239c1c7a16

I find little evidence in the surnames at Obama's genealogy of Lusatian links, aside from the Holloway surname, which uses the crescent symbols of Spree, the latter being a region in the Lusatian theater but also a surname first found in Cornwall, where also the Holloway surname was first found. I wasn't going to do this exercise, and in fact before I did I was lamenting my failure thus far to find trace to the Traby or Radziwill families that I suspect Obama traces to.

Hey, this is good. Having taken the trouble to write the paragraph above, unwilling at first because I didn't wish to burden readers further on this topic, I decided to check out who the Holloways married. One on line 816 married into the Bradford family, and being first found in Yorkshire I was sure that Bradfords were a Brady sept of the Yorkshire Bruces. I long ago traced the Brady/Bratt/Pratt surname to the Lusatian theater, Podebrady (Bohemia, to Lusatia's south) for one, but the point is: the English Bradford Crest uses the blue ostrich head (holding a serpent in its mouth), a wolf, and three bugles, all symbols of the Radziwill and/or Traby families!!!

The Comfort Coat was the first one I found using a blue ostrich head (I hope it's an ostrich, anyway), but it too uses bugles. [Update: turns out to be a blue peacock.]

Another Holloway (line 408) married a Showell, wherefore it's not surprising that the Showell Coat uses a white crescent on red (the Holloway symbol).

Another Holloway (line 204) married a Godfrey surname, and zowie the Godfrey Coat uses what appears to be the same bird head but in gold and black. Immediate upon seeing the colors, I wondered whether the Godfreys were linked to the Hegels/Hagels (also black and gold in Germany) of Kent, for I knew that the Comforts were first found in Kent. Yes, the Godfreys were first found in Kent! (I'm assuming that the Hagels, also "Aigle," were the Ayles, also "Aegel," of Aylesford, Kent). There is a separate English Hagel Coat (as opposed to "Hegel") which was first found in Sommerset (Cornwall), where the Holloways were first found.

I have the suspicion now that the Randolphs were connected solidly to the Spree crescent, and because the Speer surname of Renfrew also used it, I suspect again that the Randolphs trace to Rennes (Brittany)...but ultimately to the Rani peoples of Rugen (discussed earlier). Prior to coming to the Rani topic, I had said: "The connection of the Ruth/Randolph family to the Sinclairs is perhaps evidenced again in the Rudge/Rutge Coat, using what could be a white Sinclair Cross. The Coat uses the same colors as the Ruth/Randolph Coat, and both [the Ridealgh and the] Ridel Coats..." I neglected to say that the Rudge surname is from a Rugen-like term: "The local variant of the surname is derived from the Old English word hrycg, which means ridge. In Old English, this word became rugge, regge, and rigge in various dialects of the language. The surname Rudge is derived from the rugge variant of the word."

I'm glad that I take stretches like this because they come back to reward me. I'm sure that readers didn't find the Rudge surname especially indicative of the Randolphs. The Rudge connection to a rugge term indicates strongly that it links to the Rani of Rugen, an island in the Baltic which the Rani, or Rujani, founded. Just as "Roger" derives from "Rodger" and therefore from "Rod," so "Rugen" could have derived from Rudgen. You get it; the Rudge surname may be in honor of the Rani from Rugen who probably became the Randolphs of Moray...the ancestors of president Obama.

We've all heard of Tom Ridge; see the white cross -- exactly like the Rudge Cross -- in the Ridge Coat. The internet has several articles wherein Tom Ridge defends Obama from Dick Cheney's political attack. Tom is a former governor of Pennsylvania -- i.e. where Philadelphia is located, where many European individuals with Rod/Roth-like surnames moved to -- and was then made George Bush's Homeland-Security chief. "[Tom] Ridge's maternal grandparents were Ruthenian immigrants from the former Czechoslovakia..."

There's yet another way to link Obama's mother to Rollo Sinclairs and/or Randolphs of Moray. That is, while Obama's mother's mother was a Payne, Obama's mother's father was Stanley Armour Dunham (line 6). The middle name is the emphasis here; Stanley's father married Ruth Lucille Armour (= surname). The Armour surname uses the three Moray stars (on blue).

For these and probably other reasons, Obama is considered by globalists as of the "holy" Rollo bloodline. Regarding the Godfrey surname -- that might trace back to Goths of the Frey cult -- one may trace it to the Geoffrey and Jeffrey surnames. For example, at the Welsh Geoffrey Coat page, we read that "The Geoffrey surname is a patronymic name that comes from the personal names Geoffrey and Godfrey. These names appear in Old English as Geffrey and in Old French as Jefroi or Jeufroi." We see a black lion on white.

Therefore, I am convinced by the colors above that the Scottish Jeffrey surname -- using three black stars on white -- is related to the Welsh Godfrey family. I am reminded of my trace of black stars on white to the Moray stars, to the Bacon Coat as per Francis Bacon (leading British Rosicrucian), and to the Ruth/Randolph Coat!!! The Godfrey link to the Holloway bloodline of Obama's ancestry is not exactly great evidence for an Obama trace to the Goths/Goethes of Buchenwald, but it's a start. In disbelieving that "Buchen" derives from a tree of any sort, I investigated the Bogen surname...which owned the blue and white Bavarian diamonds (before they were transferred to the Wittelsbachs). A variation of the Bogan surname was "Bugen," and meanwhile both it and the Buchen surname were first found in Bavaria. I think it's a match.

I had traced the arrow symbol in the Rothschilds Arms back to the Bogens ("bogen" means bow in German, as in bow and arrow), realizing too that the Bower surname -- with "Bauer" variation -- was linked to the Bogens. See the five bunched arrows (i.e. just like the Rothschild Arms) in the Scottish Bower Coat, and ask if the green shield in the latter was connected to the green shield of the German Bauer/Bower Coat.

Remember, the Goth/Goethe Coat uses the Israeli flag in reverse colors, and that Rothschilds had just about everything to do with establishing modern Israel. Note too that the Scottish Jeffreys (= Godfreys and probably of Gothic blood) were first found in Peeblesshire (on Lothian's southern border), where the Scottish Bowers were first found.

It just struck me that black and white, as for example in the Geoffrey and Jeffrey Coats, are Goth colors. To make sure, I found this online quote: "Because of the centrality of the colors black and white to Goth culture..." Black and white squares are the colors also of the floor at Rennes le Chateau, which place was likely named by the same peoples (the Rani?) who named Rennes in Brittany. This should now well explain why the black and white checks in the rims of British police hats were founded by Stewarts (for Stewarts and the Rani are, in this theory, the same stock of Scandinavians).

June 7

The thing to do at this point is to take a look at the Thule Society, the Satanic organization from which Hitler's Nazis arose, and see if links can be made to the Rani, and/or to the Radziwill and Traby families, and/or to Obama's leading agents. The first shockers comes as we discover "Jewish" names among the leaders of the anti-Jewish Thule Society, names such as Rosenberg and Hess:

"Sebottendorff had by then left the Thule Society, and never joined the DAP or the Nazi party. It has been alleged that other members of the Thule Society were later prominent in Nazi Germany: the list includes Dietrich Eckart, Gottfried Feder, Hans Frank, Rudolf Hess and Alfred Rosenberg."

The first name I'd like to deal with is Gottfried Feder, a Gothic name if ever we heard one, and indeed a variation of "Godfrey." The point is, the German Feder Coat uses a tree stump!!! Can this be a coincidence, or did a Feder-family representative use the stump in honor of Goethe's Oak at Buchenwald? If so, the symbol had to be created after World War II, for the tree was not a stump until the end of the war.

The Feder surname was first found in Bavaria, and by the way the Feder Coat also uses a swan...which may link to the swan line at the root of the Lithuanians and or the Svantevit god of the Rani. As for Eckart, a big name in the Nazi org, we find that the German Eckart Coat uses gold roses on blue, an apt symbol for Rosicrucians. Therefore, what we appear to have is a Bavarian group of Rosicrucians:

"In 1918, Nauhaus [founder of the Thule Society in Munich] was contacted in Munich by Rudolf von Sebottendorf (or von Sebottendorff), an occultist and newly-elected head of the Bavarian province of the schismatic offshoot, known as the Germanenorden Walvater of the Holy Grail...

...The Thule Society attracted about 250 followers in Munich and about 1,500 in greater Bavaria."

Then, in the article on the Holy Grail cult mentioned above:

"In 1916 during World War I, the Germanenorden split into two parts. Eberhard von Brockhusen became the Grand Master of the 'loyalist' Germanenorden. Pohl, previously the order's Chancellor, founded a schismatic offshoot: the Germanenorden Walvater of the Holy Grail (Goodrick-Clarke 1985: 131-32; Thomas 2005).

I'll continue the quote below, but first let me show the tree stumps (!!) in the German Brock Coat. Another coincidence? The Brock Coat was first found in Bavaria.

As for Pohl, the founder of the Holy Grail cult, his surname means simply "Pole," as in one from Poland. The Pohl Coat uses a bull's head, and because the surname was first found in Silesia (part of Poland and next to Lusatia), the symbol may connect to the bull symbol of Lower Lusatia. I should also add that the Pohl surname might just be of the Polabians to which the Rani and the Traby Poles belonged.

You may have noticed that, where does not show a crest, it uses a generic symbol of five ostrich feathers folded over at their tops. However, in the case of the Pohl Crest, there are only three feathers. Therefore, this may be the real Crest symbol of the family. If true, the bottom line seems to be that the Pohls were connected to the Traby family, from the Trave river among Polabians! The Traby Coat uses five feathers, while the Tudors use three. Hmm.

I sought a Pole-like surname among the Welsh to see if it makes a link to the Pohls, and instead I found another German Pohl Coat using a man with what appears to be a single ostrich feather on his head, and a mirror in his hand! The importance of the mirror lies a few paragraphs below, which were written before I discovered this alternative Pohl symbol.

We can assume that Pohl considered himself to be from the pagan holy-grail bloodline. Let me continue the quote to show further connection to Lusatia and the Leslies there:

[Pohl] was joined in the same year by Rudolf von Sebottendorff (formerly Rudolf Glauer), a wealthy adventurer with wide-ranging occult and mystical interests. A Freemason and a practitioner of sufism and astrology, Sebottendorff was also an admirer of Guido von List and Lanz von Liebenfels."

Von List was an anti-Christian occultist who sought the Aryan roots of the Herminone Germanics; his cult was called "Armanism" as a result. I have traced Herminones, and their god, Zio, to mount Herman, the summit of which was Sion. Whether Von List knew this or not I do not know. Liebenfels was into the same sort of Aryanism...which paved the way for Nazi "religion." Von List made particular emphasis on the sun god and a return to paganism in general.

We seek the Nazi holy-grail bloodline espoused by Pohl. Note now that the List surname was "First found in Silesia and Lausitz," the realm of the Pohl surname. Variations of the List surname included Listli and Listle,...the proto-Leslie surname if ever I saw it. Note that "List" is likely in honor of Lausitz (= Lusatia).

Now, finally, in the List surname I have identified, I am sure, the roots of the English Babel surname. First, see the German Babel Coat with Melusine, a depiction of bloodlines in Lusignan and Lusatia. Note her green mirror; syhe appears to be in the Crest of the Scottish Eckart/Urkhart Coat (Eckart was the surname of one major Nazi leader listed above), though she holds a palm leaf there.

The Scottish Eckart surname is said to be Pictish, and meanwhile Melusine in Scotland refers to Picts, according to dragon-line Veres. Moreover, the Eckart Coat uses red boars on gold, the Vere colors and the Vere symbol. So far, so good.

Now, the English Babel Coat. It uses three vertical blue bars on white, the symbol virtually of the German List/Listli Coat. It fits perfectly with Melusine...who likewise depicts Lusatians (see also the Lusignan Arms, blue bars on white).

I'm starting to get the impression again that the Scot-Melusine Veres -- the Eckarts of the Picts -- were Pollocks. In the above list of major players in the Thule Society, we find the Frank surname too. Hans Michael Frank "was prosecuted during the Nuremberg trials for his role in perpetrating the Holocaust during his tenure as Governor-General of occupied Poland."

Compare, then, the Scottish Frank Coat, or better yet the English Frank Coat (gold saltire on green) to the Scottish Pollock Coat (gold saltire on green,), and note the write-up for the English Franks: "The name Frank is of Anglo-Saxon origin...First found in the Domesday Book; bearers of the name Frank were granted lands in Shropshire..." Pollocks were first in Shropshire, according to my email friend of that surname, and were from Saxons.

A look at the German Frank surname is therefore warranted. We read that this name was somehow associated, or attributed to, Francis of Assisi. Two points come to mind, my link of "Assisi" to the "ass/asinus" terms of the Samson cult, and to Hesse(n) of Bavaria. Then, as a pillar would be an apt symbol of Samson, note the pillar in the German Frank Coat.

Again, the Samson Daniy were at Laish on the foothills of mount Hermon/Sion...and the Thule Society stressed the Herminones. Might the Thule Society have traced themselves to the Danaans, therefore, originally the Scythians/Alans of the Tanais river (north Caucasia)?

The Jewish Hess surname should be looked at since Hess was yet another surname in the Thule-Society list above. The Hess Coat uses three colors, but with gold and silver in contact, a no-no. The same three colors, with gold and silver in contact, are used by the German Oster Coat, which may be significant because I came across it only after discovering the importance of OsterReich. The Oster Crest is a gold rose, the symbol of the Eckart Coat, and also of the "Jewish" Rosenberg Coat. The surname may have derived from the Gothic word 'ostan' meaning 'the direction of the rising sun.'" I stress "Gothic."

I suspect that the Khazars are depicted with a sun because Kazakhstan uses a gold sun on blue, the symbol also of the Jewish Cohens/Kagans...and the >German Hess Coat!! Not only did the Khazars live near the Alans of the Tanais, but the Alans are thought by me to be depicted by Helios, the sun god that in western-Atlantean myth was connected to Hercules -- i.e. the Danaan cult from Rhodes, the root of the Rosicrucians.

This is where I decided, for the first time, to look up a Reich surname, and I was surprised to find one, a German one...using a red rose on white, and a white rose on red. It's Rosicrucian all over...and possibly Gothic: "Among the many immigrants to follow this first settler were: Gottfried Reich, who sailed to Philadelphia in 1733."

Another Coat using gold in contact with silver is from the German Lenz surname, which is one using an ostrich. The occultist named above, Jorg Lanz von Liebenfels, may apply to this Lenz surname. I could not find a Lieben surname, but the Lieber surname is interesting, as we read: "It was used as a nickname for a person known as 'flatterer' or 'smooth talker.'"

I wouldn't have shared that but for the fact that we look to a "smooth talker" or "flatterer" (the Biblical term) to fulfill the boots of Gog, and because there is a Lieberman now in a position of power in Israel. I had actually investigated whether Lieberman could be the anti-Christ, because he has a strong face. But he just doesn't fit the prophecies, at least not at this time. He is pro-Israel and pro-Jerusalem, for one thing. But another Lieberman...

It would appear that the Lieber surname is from "liberal, and therefore a variation of the Frank (meaning "free") surname. The German Leber page suggests "...from Middle Low German le-bar(e) 'leopard'. Compare Lebert." So I checked the Lebert Coat to find a gold leopard on green (colors of the English Frank Coat), but the surname is also Liberton, Lyberton, Libbertoun, etc., smacking of "liberty." The leopard is then merely a name-sounding symbol, and we see four leopard heads in the alternative German Frank Coat.

All-in-all I'm a little hesitant to peg the differences between bloodlines of the Thule Rosicrucians versus pro-Israel Rosicrucians. I see little differences after this entire exercise. Perhaps the only difference is that the Thule group stresses their Aryan sides rather than their Hebrew sides. They stress links to Hyperboreans, for example, which are no doubt scythians of some sort. The easy conclusion is that they originate in Lusatia/Poland/Silesia as the very Laz and Laz-related peoples that I've been tracing there for quite a long time, and moreover they came to belong to Bavaria, home of the Bavarian Illuminati.


Last night as I was ending the discussion above, I was reading a last bit from a Thule Society page and noticed a new name: "Speculative authors assert that a number of high Nazi Party officials had been members of the Thule Society (including such prominent figures as Max Amann..."

I searched the Amann surname but before it loaded I left to do something else. I found it this morning as I went to try Livni-like surnames. Just want to say that the German Amann Crest is Melusine holding a clover. The write-up: "First found in Switzerland. The name originated from the much honored position of the Landammann, who was the highest official of a Swiss canton (province). But as a surname it became prominent in Bavaria..." A migration from Switzerland may be true for the Bavarian Illuminati as a whole.

In any case, the Nazis appear strongly as the European counterparts of the Pictish Veres, namely of the Lus/Lys/Laz peoples...that would ultimately become the Leslies among the Pictish domains. A variation of the Amann surname is shown as "Ammon," evoking the Biblical Ammonites from Lot, who were indeed the propagators of a dark infant-killing cult typical of Molech...whom in Tyre was known as Hercules, though I suspect that Zeus of Tyre was the same Molech cult because the latter idol was shaped as a bull. There is even the possibility that Lotan was named after Lot's descendants. Lothians of Scotland trace to a mythical Lot.

I don't know what ails some men that they would wish to honor, restore, or propagate such a cult as this. Hatred of God, the Bible, and of Christianity, is my best guess.

I decided to check back through all my writings to see who else uses red stars on gold, as does the Amann Coat, and found this when on the topic of Gerry Adams, leader of the Sinn Fein party (Ireland):

"I checked the Adams Coat just now and was surprised to find gold stars on red. Just yesterday I wrote: 'An old Wells Coat using a gold star on red matches the gold stars on red in the Scottish Vaux/Vallibus Coat."

Wells, as you may know, is traced by me to the Wallis canton (of Switzerland) where Sion is located. This is mainly what I inferred when I wrote above that the Bavarian Illuminati may have been wholly from Switzerland, though somewhere in Switzerland there could have developed an anti-Sion, pro-Aryan faction.

The Wells family traces itself to "Vallibus," a variation of the Vaux surname. Long ago I found that the Baux/Vaux peoples of southern France derived from the Goths who crossed through Italy and sacked Rome. The Nazis are suddenly link-able to Vaux bloodline(s), therefore.

Red and gold (also the Vere colors) may now allow a parallel to the Drexall surname as per: "The Thule Society's Karl Harrer was a co-founder, along with Anton Drexler (the party's first chairman)..." The German Drexall/Trachsel Coat uses a gold dragon on red, but the dragon holds a pillar -- a symbol of Hercules. The surname sounds as though derived from "Draco"... or "Thraco" as per the Getae Thracians who some believe evolved into the Goths.

The article above claims that both Harrer and Drexler quit the Thule Society when (early 1920s) Hitler rose to power within the group(s). By the way, when one checks the Harrer Coat, an English Harbottle surname comes up with a club in the Crest -- another symbol of Hercules. But there also comes up an Irish when one checks the Irish Hereford surname that was first found in Hereford...where also Tudor Trevor ruled, and where the de Lacys lived/ruled. Once again, evidence of a Nazi link to the Trabys and to the Leslies of Poland.

The latter Coat uses a black lion on white, the symbol roughly of the Geoffrey Coat i.e. from "Godfrey" and likely a Goth-honoring name. Geoffrey of Monmouth, myth writer on the Arthurian cult, may have been from this family: "Families of this [Hereford] name also acquired Blaise Castle in Gloucestershire, Sirhowy House in Monmouthshire..."

Since I trace Goths to the Getae, and since I identify the latter with the Edones -- and especially with the Sitone branch of Edones that I trace to Sitten/Sion -- the thing to do is to check for Getae- or Edone-like surnames. When I tried the Eden surname -- appropriate because I trace the Edones to an Eden cult that worshiped the dragon of Eden -- I not only got a dragon, but white stars on red, the symbol of Sitten and the Wallis canton!!! Plus, this Eden/Eder surname was first found in Silesia. f

The Eaton Coat: black and white, the Goth colors. Moreover, it is possible that the Eden and Eatons, although they are both said to be Anglo-Saxons, trace to Dunham Masci and the Norman Ranolphs there, from the same that were first in Durham (anciently "Dunholme"). For new readers, these are the peoples to which I trace Obama's mother with Dunham surname.

The English Eden surname is said to come "from when they lived in the region of Eden in Durham." The wheat and scallop shells used by the Edens are symbols that I've noted among the Meschin clan of Durham as they moved to Dunham Masci (Cheshire) and to Chester, capital of Cheshire. Keep in mind that I hypothesize a "Hess" link for "Ches" i.e. that Cheshire and Chester were founded by Bavarians of Hesse. The Eaton surname was "First found in Cheshire where they were seated from very ancient times, some say well before the Norman Conquest..."

Add to this picture that the Meschines of Durham came from the Bessin , a region (in Normandy) that I trace to the Bessi Thracians. Jordanes, the Goth historian, said that the Ister river was named by the Bessi, while Strabo said that the Getae lived on both sides of the Ister. The Bessi, as priests of the Satrae, were likely a goat-depicted peoples along with the mythical satyrs, no doubt a depiction of the Satrae tribe.

As the Bessi were called 'mountain wolves,' they jibe with the wolf and goat symbols of the Radziwill and Traby families. The link between the Rani Polabians (to which I trace Obama's Dunham>Randolph line) and the Meschins can be found in the write-up on the Meschin Coat:

"Richard, son of Mescelin, held the [Shropshire] estates in 1187. He is believed to be descended from William de Meschines, younger brother of Ranulph, 3rd Earl of Chester, who was descended from the Viscounts of Bessin, in the Department of Calvados in Normandy, and who held the honour of Skipton, in Yorkshire, from Richard Banistre, a Norman Baron of Cheshire who also held lands in capite in Shropshire. Robert is mentioned as witness to a deed in 1106. There is also a vague relationship to Robert of Rhudlan, kinsman of Duke William [the Conqueror]."

Plenty to swallow there. Let's keep it simple. There is a Meschin connection to the Sinclairs, and the Ranulph name should be a part of that connection. The Meschines were made anything in Shropshire and Yorkshire via Richard Banistre, and seeing the black and white Banister Coat, the Goths come to mind. The Banister Coat uses fleur de lys (the symbol also of the Masci and Massey Coats), but also a symbol that I had seen yesterday on the Nazi topic, resembling an ancient letter of some sort; I cannot recall what surname used that symbol, though I dearly wish I could.

There is a good chance that "Banistre" traces to Banias/Panias at Mount Sion, very near to Laish. For that location was founded by the Pan/Satyr cult, which then probably named Pannonia -- proto-Hungary and Transylvania, within the Carpathian ring, on the Ister river. It was located to the north of Rhodope:

"The Bessi (Vesi) were an independent Thracian tribe who lived in a territory ranging from Moesia to Mount Rhodope in southern Thrace."

Moesia was kin to Mysia. Do those terms jibe with "Masci/Massey" of Cheshire, and could "Rhod(ope)" jibe with the Rod terms that I've been dealing with? Note in the Meschin quote above that Robert of Rhudlan (i.e. like "Rhod(ope)") was a Norman related to the Meschins, and that I had traced Rollo Normans to the Mures Pannonia! I had also traced the Mures/Maros to "Maritsa," a river in Rhodope (!) known also as the Hebros river. Yes, the dark Kabeiri cult once again enters the picture.

Again, Rhodope is probably key to the Hebrew-Rus dragon cult that became Rosicrucianism, for mythical children of Rhodope include Hebros and Kikon. I suspect that Rhodope was origin to the god, Rod, honored by wolf-worshiping Slavs, and as such the Slav Rus should be traced to Rhodope (their Varangian counterparts trace to Rhodes). But these were not the Goths.

In other words, while mainline Rosicrucians trace to Rhodope and Hebros -- the Greek epitome of ancient Gogites -- the Nazi Rosicrucians might instead trace to the Getae (to the north of Rhodope). Or, whereas mainline Rosicrucians may trace to Rhodes, the Thule counterparts may trace to Rhodope and the Getae together. Ultimately, Rosicrucian Aryanism must trace through Ares -- of Thrace -- and finally back to the Hermes Armenians...which should have founded "Germanians."

I had ventured to equate Salop, an alternative name for Shropshire, with "Slab/Slav." If the Banistre surname does trace to Pan's cult, it may explain why he had holdings in Shropshire. My trace of the Meschins to Mysians and their Moesian homeland should explain a Banistre trace to the same domains. There was a Meshech-like river in Moesia that could be the origin of "Meschin." I'm looking for the name as I write, waiting for the map to load. We're talking times earlier than the Lusatians here. It turns out to be the "Moschius" river; see left side of the map of Moesia.

I had never noticed the following until now, but looking north and slightly right of the Moschius river, we see Maschianae. This location is to the north side of the Picensii Illyrians from which my mother, a Masci on her mother's side, is from. To the north of Maschianae, on the Maritsa\Hebros river, were the PotuLatensii, a Ladon term if ever I saw one, especially as the Laz were on the Poti river (Caucasia). Note too that the Picensii named the town of Picenzo in Abruzzo (my mother's home town), suggesting an Abruzzo/Abreu trace to the Hebros/Evros river (= mythical Caberos/Aphrodite). The Maritsa is herein the "Marisus," very much like "Maros." This was all Mars, the husband of Aphrodite.

To the far right, the Caucoensii, no doubt being the Trojan-related Caucones, and the Kikon myth character (brother of Hebros) that connects with the Cygnus swan in Liguria.

I'm so glad that I re-loaded this map, for I had forgotten where I had seen the Arpii/Carpae that no doubt named the Carpathians and the Hungarian Arpads; see the Arpii to the extreme right, beside the Caucoensii. This was Getae country (the Dacians, shown, were a Getae tribe).

Find also the Samaei, and then look west of its 'S' to find Assus smack in Odrysia (Dionysus cult of proto-Druids) on the Hebros river. Odrysians were mythical Dryas, father of Lycurgus Edones and ancestors of Ligurians. see Nice to the south of Assus, the name also of a Ligurian city. See a "Druzi..." location to the south of the 'i' of "Samaei."

As an aside, I've noted that Assisi uses a white cross on blue, the symbol of Finland, where we find the Sami peoples. Assuming that Assisi was a Sam-related peoples, one might then link the white cross on blue specifically to the Sam doubt from SamoThrace and/or nearby Samos. Remember that the same symbol is in the Shetland region of northern Scotland.

All the time that I'm relaying this information, I'm looking for a Banistre-like location, and finally it popped up in the left-lower corner: "Penestae," in Albani smack beside the 'P' of the Poeni (= Phoenicians)!! Below the same 'P' is "Horma," evoking Mount Hermon. To the south of Peonia is Pelagonia, evoking Peleg, son of Eber (both were non-Israelite Hebrews). The Edones (from Adonis of Phoenicia, in my opinion) are to the immediate east of Peonia, and Sithonia is at the bottom-center of the map.

As I was also seeking the proto-Traby peoples in the vicinity of the proto-Meschins, my eyes dropped on "Tricornesii," or "Three Horn-ville," in Moesia Superior. That certainly smacks of the three horns in the Traby Coat, especially as they are goat horns most likely, for the satrys were to their south in Poenia. On the other/right side of the Picensii is a location that appears to read: "Drubetis vel Druphegus," possibly the proto-Traby locale.

There is another possibility in "Trausi" on the south side of Moesia Inferior. Trausi, what could conceivably become the "Trave" river (in Polabia), has a location of Radice that may have been named by the same peoples who named Ratse(berg) on the Trave river. Not far to the south-east of Trausi is Orudisza that may also/otherwise apply to Ratseberg and the Radziwills. To the near south of Orudisza is something like "Tarpodizas" (not sure about the 'z') that evokes Apollo's tripod and its representation of a Trapani location (there's one in Sicily and another off the coast of Epirus).

When I was studying myth terms in the Odysseus story -- a character that founded regions to the west of Italy -- I did not notice Tarpodizas on this map even though I was all over it, having discovered that "Odysseus" depicted Odessus not far up the coast from Tarpodizas. It was at that time that I discovered the Arpad links to the mythical Orpheus line, and its migration to Scylla and Charybdis (Sicily and southern-western Italy); Trapani of Sicily is a part of that story. The Argonautica, with similar stories and myth codes, has a fantastic river wherein the Argo ship, fresh from steeling the golden fleece from Colchis, sails into the mouth of the Ister/Danube, and then across and into the Adriatic sea and beyond to the Eridanus and Rhodanus rivers (proto-Liguria). To me, this symbolized a migrational route of the golden-fleece bloodline as viewed by the writer.

As this is a study of Nazi/Thule roots, which I suspect in the Goths, let's look at the Getae region on both sides of the Ister river (far upper-right on the map). The place that sticks out is "Sarmatica," for I had just suggested a trace of the Thule cult to the Alans (= Sarmatians, not on this map) of the Tanais river. The city of Harpis is to the north of the Ister's mouth, and should connect with the Arpii...who may have been a Getae tribe. I see a "Bizone" down the Black-sea coast that may have been home to the Bessi and root of the Bessin in Normandy.


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