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January 4 - 10, 2016

Acre's, Hagars, and other Hackers
Maroon Blood of Heraldry
Douglas' had an Aery Nest at Thasos
The Latter-Day Sithonians

For a reader hopping into an update for the first time, there is not much I can say in an introductory paragraph to explain everything needed before proceeding. The only readers able to follow are those taking the time needed to get a solid idea of the entire scope. It is probably impossible to follow unless the heraldic Coats are loaded and viewed. It would be helpful to have a photographic memory, or to at least spend some time to get to know Coats, and to understand what I'm saying about them. I did the work over years to be able to present to you the relevant Coats, and you need only decide whether I am correctly interpreting the evidence and the codes. It is far best that you load Coats on a separate browser(s) rather than clicking back and forth from the update page. It might take longer for one to read an update than the week it takes me to write it, but that's what it'll take for a solid understanding of what I'm doing. I know that few have the time to follow this in that way. My hope is...actually, I should have no such hopes as I should just allow God to do what He wants with this. One of my goals at this time is to discover the parent(s) of Josephs Caiaphas, and in the meantime to prove that heraldic masters and leading Templar families knew that all of heraldry had, at its foundations, Caiaphas and his circle of Christ killers. These updates are jot-down format (sub-titles don't usually reflect the roaming topics well) making it hard / impossible to have a pre-plotted storyline. I'm no longer doing final proof-reads, please excuse the imperfections / mistakes. Ever since I decided to use apostrophes only after surnames ending in vowels, I started to catch myself using apostrophes before the 's' of pluralized words, making it appear that I need to return to primary grammar school.

If ever you'd want to check a description in the Coat of Arms, type the surname at this page:

The last update floored me when, after finding right-away evidence for a trace of Organs / Corrigans and Conteville's to the Ergines river (Thrace). Then, Herods of Chalchis / Agrippa's started to trace to Thrace too. Here is an example of what was said, the Easter-egg back-drop of which the reader should find interesting: "Readys: Rhaedestus elements? Readys are linkable to Chocks/Chicks and the swan of Chalkers, making them suspect with Herod of Chalchis and Berenice Agrippa (his wife). This was the easter-bunny line, suspect also with the Benni Thracians, for the Benny surname was first found in the same place as Bernice's!" The Benni Thracians are at the mouth of the Herod-like Arda river, and Ready's (honored by Bernice-related Burns) look like a potential Herod-like term.

While the mother (Cypros) of the first Herod was traceable (last update) to the naming of a son of Cotys I, who ruled at Odrysia, likewise at the mouth of the Arda, the father (Antipater) of the first Herod was trace to Antipatria/AntiPater, on the Apsus river of Illyria to the near south of the Pendragon-based Penestae, and then king Arthur can be code for both Arda and Herod liners, especially as Cypros had ancestry in the Aretas Edomites, who ruled at PETRA. The point is, the KilPATRICKs/Patchie's were traced to Antipatria because it was home to the DEXARoi while Kilpatricks use a DAGGER. But then the Patch's share black hunting hors with Burns and Bernice's, a very good argument, if only for the fat chances for coincidence to be in play, for tracing Herods or Herod ancestry to the namers of Antipatria I have found and shared some excellent arguments for tracing Thracians to Illyria, and might repeat some of them in this update.

The Contevilles ruled Comyn while Comyns use the dagger too. It makes perfect sense to link Herods at the Dexaroi theater with Conteville elements, especially if RhaeDESTUS (south side of the Ergines) was related both the Herods and to the ContaDESDUS river (alternative name for the Ergines). Last night, the Rothschild-related Dusters came to mind with "Desdus," and while I can't be sure whether there's merit in that link, the Dusters are interesting for using the BARNstaple bend with trefoils, and these trefoils traced in the last update, with the Hare / Organ / Corrigan trefoils, to the Ergines! The last update found the Traceys/Trassys/Treats, like "Thrace," as lords of Barnstaple. Both Treat surnames traced to the Albino's of Modena. The other Treats use "An arm holding a banner emerging from a gold mural coronet," while "emERGINg" is now expected as part-code for "Ergines." The Devon Treats/Traceys use a "falcon SEIZing a MALLARD," and then the Sees' (that's how you play this game) can trace to Sees / say in Organ-like Orne," beside the Vire river, and the Vire river is where the Tracy location of Traceys is said to be.

The more Coats you have in your memory, and the better you understand their details, the more you can play this game effectively. The Mallards/Milwards just happen to share the black-on-white moline cross with Chives', first found in the same place as Tracys/Treats and Barnstaple. To play this game, trust me, virtually everything found in the heraldry pages (at houseofnames, anyway), including italicized terms within the write-ups, are codes for kin. The MallARDs/MilWARDs use crescents in the colors of the same of Chalk-suspect CHECK/Chicks, but the Mallard crescents are red, the color of the Seaton crescents, no coincidence, right? Seatons use "forWARD" in their motto, as well as "hazARD," and Wards use CHECKs. Go ahead and check out the fire-breathing green dragon in the Northern Crest, symbol also of the Seaton/Sitten Crest, for Sutys use a "Nothing" motto term.

Treats were suggested as part of the Toreatae scythians, fellow tribe of the Seaton-suspect Sittaceni, and then Seatons are said to be from Say, in Orne. The proto-Sadducees are being looked for in Thrace, and this seems to be part of that picture. As Sadducees are expected with potent-cross liners, note that Brocks, who share the Shield-and-Chief color combination of potent-cross Brocuffs/Prokopps, use a "VIREscit" motto term, partly in honor of Skits and Skeets, likewise potent-cross users, and suspect with a "SCYTHia" version of "SITTaceni." In other words, with the Treats living at the Vire, where Brocks and Brocuffs had kin, and beside the Seaton liners of Orne, it looks like the Toreatae and Sittaceni were at the Orne / Vire theater.

I NEGLECTED TO SAY in the last update, that Chalk-branch Chaucers have a TORTois in Crest!!! That clinches the Chalk / Chaucer link to the Turton variation of Treats, and makes the Toreatae a lot-more suspect. It also makes Tertullus at Perga suspect with Toreatae so that one might look for proto-Sadducees in his family circle. His wife (Plancia Magna), a Herod, was gleaned with Amyntes elements in Derbe, and then Mallards/Milwards were first found in Derbyshire, where Here's/Heyers / Eyers/Ayers were first found that might just be part of the Irish Hare's to the ERGINes. The Ayers are suspect from the Aures area of northern Africa, but then the VERGINs/Virgo's, possibly a play on the virgin symbol (spit) of Ishtar liners, share a red in both Crest and Coat with the Aures'. The Shawia Numidians, who lived in Aures, were suspect in the naming of Cilicia, where the Herod descendants (see Julius Alexander / QUADRatus) of Plancia Magna came to rule. Not only do Shaws use a trefoil version of the Ayer QUATRefoils, but Shaws are honored in the "shaw" motto term in the Arms of AYRshire. It's the Shaws who are said to be from "Sithech," a SITTaceni-like term, and the Shaws were first found in the same place as Sutys, and beside the SIDE's/Sudys the tiger of which is clinched as code for TIGRANes, father of Julius Alexander above, whose daughter married Quadratus. It seems clear enough that the Sithech entity of Shaws was the Side / Suty line, a Seaton/Sitten branch.

Quadratus' daughter then married Levi-suspect Laevillus while the Leavells (same place as Webbers) use a nebuly feature in their multiple fesse bars, though some surnames (such as Marina's) call it "wavy." The other Leavells share piles with Qewe-like Cowes'. Wikipedia's Shawia article shows their C-versions, much like "Qewe." The Quadratus-Herod line actually came to rule Judea on behalf of Romans around 100 AD.

The Vire river is at the east side of Manche, while the proto-Alans have been traced (by me) to both Aulon/Avlona in Illyria / Epirus (near the Dexaroi), and to Alauna in Manche, relevant because the Brock motto is shared by Stewarts (known descendants of Alans). Furthermore, part of the Manche is the COTENtin, but also called, CONTentin, terms suspect with Conte liners and the Cotys liners of Thrace. My senses tell me that the Cotesii of Scythia were a hard version of the namers of Sadducees, or from Soducena at lake SEVAN (in Colchis, like "Chalchis"). And this is where the Chalk SWAN can come in, for the Chalks share three white and wavy fesse bars with Sees'. The Seaton-related Sutys use wavy bars too. WAVY bars were discovered as code for WEAVers and Webbers, the latter using them too. But the Webbers are using a bend version of Pepin and Pipe's (same place as Webbers), and then the Letts use ORGAN PIPES so that Pepin liners (i.e. such as Weaver liners) might be expected at the Ergines too. And that's where the wavy-bar Seaton / Chalk liners are being expected.

Wavy-bar Sees' were first found in Kent, as with Estrys, while Weavers use an "Esto" motto term (Pepins use "est"). The Weaver fesse is also the Bernice fesse, and you just saw why the Chalchis-suspect Chalks should link to Weavers / Sees'. Are we making sense? If you didn't read the last update, know that Berenice AGRIPPa, suspect with the Eastry GRIFFin, was married to Herod of Chalchis.

Shame on me. I've never checked or reported on the Hazard surname. It uses fesse bars, though not wavy, in the colors of the Sees fesse bars. And, by the way, while Sittens are suspect in naming Switzerland's Sitten, there was found a Sees area in Switzerland that should apply. Hazels/Hassals were first found in the same place as Weavers, and both share the same fesse, a good reason to view Hazards/Hassards as Hazel liners. The Hazard write-up traces to dice, a silly idea that must be code for the Dice's, in Seaton colors, and even using red roundels = TORTeaux! That is capable of clinching red roundels with Toreatae, and even clinching the Toreatae-Sittaceni mergers that are cropping up evident. The gold spread eagles of Dice's become suspect in the Side/Suty Chief, but as these have been traced solidly to the eagles of Ghents (when both Ghents and Side's were traced to Genoa families), note that John of Gaunt/Ghent was the husband of Catherine Roet (Herod suspect), and that her sister married Mr. Chaucer (Chaucers are the ones with the TORTois).

Toreatae and Sittaceni originated at Maeotis/Azov, location also of the Sarmatians said to have produced the Alan Huns. It's in Chalk / Chauc-like "Caucasia." The reader might like to disagree with me, therefore, of the Chaucer / Chalk(er) trace to "Chalchis," and yet there was another Chalchis, in Euboea along with Herod-like ERETria.

The Sees' are using a blue fish. Let's repeat and take from the following (last update), where Plotts were suspect at PLOTinopolis (see lower-right of light map), directly across the Hebros from where the Ergines flows by it: "The Plotts/Blots' use simply a 'blue fish' while the English Fish's share the WAVY chevron, in the same colors, with Pierce's/Peirs [same place as Webbers], and the latter throw in a Tigranes-suspect tiger [symbol of Suty-related Side's/Sudys]. The Fish fleur are white, as with the fleur of Pillow/Pilotte-suspect Plows/Ploughs. The Pierce's were first found in the same place as Percivals and Percival-related Leavells from Yvery (Normandy). It just so happens that the Yvery-like Verys/Fairys use a plough in Crest. German Fish's, with a blue fish in Crest, were first found in the same place (Saxony) as Plotts/Blots', and use lions in the colors of the Blot lion." German Webbers/Weavers/Wieve's were first found in Saxony too, and Ways'/Weighs (share wavy fesse bars with Somerset Webbers) use more fish while Weggs (same motto as Vince's) were first found in the same place as the latter Webbers.

The Corrigans are said to have been popular in Ireland's FERMANagh, and so the Fermans/Formans -- share green dragon in Crest with Seaton Crest -- entered the discussion, and they use wavy fesse bars too, in colors reversed from the Sees / Hazard fesse bars. It's another reason to expect Seaton liners / kin at the Ergines. Hazards (Pullen colors) share red scallops with Pullens/Pulleys, and the latter use footless martlets in colors reversed from the same of Fermans/Formans. Fesse bars, by the way, are part-code for fish-using Bars of Bar-le-Duc (fish in colors reversed from the Sees fish), and partly with Fessys that I trace to the Fisk-like Fieschi's of Genoa. Feschs/Fechtens use the ESToile.

There is a question of whether Weavers are a branch of Eavers'/Hephers/Evers, for while Weavers are using the fesse of Burn-related Bernice's, Burns use "EVER ready" as a motto. Eavers/Hephers/Evers (Hebrews?) share garbs with Avis/Avisons that just came up as "Avers." The Avis' (colors and format of German Weavers) use the Comyn/Comming Coat while Conteville's ruled Comyn, and then Herod Antipas was banished from Israel, and went to live at Comyn-suspect Comminges. I learned a few weeks ago that the Avezzano's use a border feature called, potent (shared by the Arms of Champagne). Avezzano is at mount Sabina while Sabine's use a giant red scallop. Hazards use the red scallop in both Chief and Crest.

I can now save myself on prior traces of "hazARD" to the Arda river, even though a Hazard surname has been found that definitely applies to that motto term of Seaton and Sutys. The Hazard-like Lazards/LIZARTs, you see, use pale bars in colors reversed from the fesse bars of Hazards, and should be the representation of the Organ / Corrigan / Hare lizard, thus connecting Hazards to Ergines-river liners, who were smack beside Arda. As RHAEDestus was on the other side of the Ergines, note that Cams (same place as Hazards!) are using the Lazard pale bars (almost exactly), for Cams must have named the Cam river at Cambridge while Cambridge's (Yorkshire) use the Ready swans!!!

The Cams and Hazards were first found in the same place (Gloucestershire) as Samaei-suspect Samsons ( letho") and organ-pipe Letts, and then the Samaei are shown along the Ergines-river theater (dark map below). It just so happens that Burtons use the Hazel fesse in colors reversed while Burtudizum is smack at the Samaei theater, and upon the Ergines river. As Bernice's share the Hazel fesse too, by what coincidence do Burts/Berts share black hunting HORNS (can trace to Orne's/Horns and therefore to Says / Sees') with Bernice's? As Burt/Bert names are often interchanged with "bright," by what coincidence do Brights (same place as Weavers and Hazels) use the Coat, essentially, of German Weavers? It looks like the difficult Berts have finally been correctly pegged with the Burtons and namers of Burtudizum. But Brights are suspect with the Brigantians...who had the Setantii tribe! It's all down the Seaton alley of Thrace.

Plus, as Phrygians are said to have owned the unknown Thracian location of Skodra, it's notable that Phrygians were called, Briges/Brigians. Skodra is suspect with lake Scodra, at the end of the Clausula river (location of Caepionis-suspect Cupionich) passing to the near-north of Has. Has who? The Has below. Brights even share the colors and format of Clauds/CLAUSELs. Chives' and Cavetts are expected to trace to the ancient Cavii in the Has / Clausula area, and so it's notable that Cavetts use fesse bars in the familiar colors of this discussion, namely, in the colors of the same of Sees'. It was the Mallards that were found with the Chives moline, and it was a mallard duck being seizes that got the Sees'.

The "quam" motto term of Cambridge's makes other surnames using the term suspect with Cam liners. Vergins/Virgo's use "nunQUAM." The "ESSE quam" motto phrase of Cambridge's makes Hesse / Ash liners suspect with Hazards / Hazels, and Ash's were of D'Esse Court in Devon, where Barnstaple's resided that share trefoils with Organs / Corrigans / Hare's/Garrys. (H)Assers/Ascers/Azors/Ashers/Passers (saltire in Seaton colors) are even using the Weaver / Hazel fesse again. Essers are listed with Essens/ESSENDORFS/ESSELens, first found in Hesse, and suspect with Hazel-branch Dussels/DUSSELDORFS.

While the Biblical tribe of Asher may come to mind, keep in mind that this surname could be an As / Ash line with merely an 'er' suffix. Or, to the east of the tribe of Asher, and not far south from Laish, there was a Hazor location that can explain the Azor variation of Assers. In that picture, Hazel / Hazard liners can all be from the ancient namers of Hazor. Between Hazor and Laish was Kedish/Kadish, suspect with the Cadusii Armenians at nearby mount Hermon. The Cadusii are suspect at the Hatti of Hattusa, and then Seatons/Sittens (Sidonians of Laish?) were first found in the same place as Keiths, said to be Catti, and traceable therefore to the Chatti at Hesse. That makes sense, and can reveal the Sittaceni as Sidonians. It should be mentioned that the tribe of Asher was at Asher-like Acre (or Acco).

Amazingly, I have just looked up (K)NAPPETs, a surname that exists but does not show at houseofnames. It was looked up as per "NAPHTali," the Israeli tribe that lived at Hazor and Kedish. Next, the Knaps (Cambridge, where Has liners just traced) were loaded to find the same passant lion as Side's/Sutys! Stunning. And Napiers were first found in the same place as Sutys and Hagars! However, I'm always careful never to mention any trace to an Israeli tribe whimsically, or unless there is very good evidence. I DO NOT have prior / underhanded intentions of proving Israelite lines to Europe as per European-Israelism. I do not concern myself with the lost ten tribes. However, I am open to some members of Israelite tribes abandoning Israel for pagan cults in the Greek world. I do not believe that there was any blessed Israelite entity in Europe, for any such entity would need to show the Israelite religion, or, for New-Testament times, would need to show Jesus. Otherwise, there is no blessing with it.

German Knaps, sharing quadrant colors with Hagans (cups in the first quadrant), are studded with codes: "A shield divided quarterly: 1st and 4th, silver with a boy issuant, posed in profile wearing a gold crown and a brownish coat with silver flaps and a silver vest, holding a stick in his dexter hand..." The STICK suggests the Sithech line, right down the Side / Seaton alley. The "profile" is interesting where File's/Vile's, first found in the same place as Cams and Hazards (no guff), are in Stick colors and even share their gold garb. The "coat" can indicate Cotys / Coat / Cott(in) liners, recalling that Cotys' are in Catys/Cade colors while "Cadys" reflects "Kadish." Vests are in Boy / Peverell/Littleboys colors, and can trace to Vestalis, son of king Cottius. Peverells were found to be of the REVERE / River bloodline (rulers between Wight and Devon), while king Cottius ruled at the RIPARia river.

As Boys are suspect with the proto-Bohemian Boii, it's notable that Napiers are using a Coat like the German Franks/Franche's, first found in Bohemia. I want to know whether Bononia was named by Benjamites carrying a Bon-version of their name. Orrs use bon terms in their motto, and they share TORTeaux with Orells, first found in Lancashire, homeland of the Setantii Brigantians. How do you say "Frigg" in French? Orrs were first found in the same place as Pollocks that can trace to the saltires of the British Frank surnames. Note that Scottish Franks (two-tailed lion) share the same saltire as BLADE's/Blate's, for the Knaps of CamBRIDGE (suspect with Brights / Bridge's = Brigantians) use an armored arm said to hold the BLADE of a sword.

Irish French's use the "quam" motto term (as well as the entire motto of Paine's and Giffards). The motto can be part-code for Levi-suspect Fothes sharing a cornuCOPIA with Orrs. French French's (and Napiers) share a white-on-red fleur-de-lys Lys'/Lisse's (same place as Levi's and Cavii-suspect Chappes'), a surname that has traced excellently to Lissus (beside Bassania) at the Cavii theater, as well as to Lissae at the Bessi theater, but has been suggested for Laish too. And here we are tracing Franks to Knaps suspect with Naphtali / Hazor elements both beside Laish. As Cabyle is near the Bessi, what about Cabul, on an NIV / Zondervan map roughly between Hazor and Acco? There is a modern HAZafon area between Hazor and Cabul.

As the Hatti were on the north of Pisidians, and as the Cabelees were related to Pisidians along with the Lazi-suspect Lasonii, I would suggest what I wouldn't previously, though it came to mind, that Naphtali named the Roman Neptune, the equal to the Greek Poseidon (i.e. Pisidians). But if correct, why wasn't Neptune a Greek term? What brought Naphtali liners to Romans?

Hazels and Hesse's were traced to a modern Has location at the north end of the Drilon river (Illyria), where Sadducee liners were highly expected along with the namers of Caiaphas. Lissus is at the mouth of the Drilon. While I wasn't able to clinch Hazels and others with the namers of Has (small location), I now have the Hazards to help with that trace. For example, Has is beside a modern Krume location while Krume's were first found in the same place (Hamburg) as German Drummonds, and the latter use wavy fesse bars in the colors of the same of Sees', which are the colors of the Hazard fesse bars! Bingo. The sinister-facing Krume crescent is a giant one, in the colors of the Falcon/Falconte / Conte crescents, which recalls the falcon SEIZing the Mallard (of Treats), which brought Sees' to topic. No coincidence. The Krume's are definite Sees liners along with Drummonds.

Crooms/Cromer's/Crone's are again showing the Lys/Lisse fleur-de-lys, and it's the mural crown / coronet of Crooms/Crone's that traces it to Coronis on Patmos. Coronis was made a daughter of Phlegyas, a Lapith king seen in a quote above as mythical king of Orchomenos. While i don't have absolute evidence yet that the Ergines was named by the namers of Orchomenos, note the Croom Crest: "A black demi-lion rampant emERGINg from a gold mural crown and holding a silver fleur-de-lys." However, the "EMERINg" term is part-code for Mergins/Bergins because Burgula is on the Ergines river, and it just so happens that Mergins/Bergins share a gold-on-red rampant lion holding a white object with French Franks. And while the latter's white fleur traces to Lissae, the Mergins/Bergins use a sword, in both colors of the same of Swords, and they are being traced to the Serdi, smack beside Lissae. The Croom crown is in the colors of the mural crown of Caens, from the Caeni smack at the Ergines theater. It's impossible to be able to trace this many surnames to the same river, all in one day, at my very first crack, if there wasn't truth to it.

Plus, the German Franks have a second Coat, this time showing a "column," code likely for Malcolms/Callams using the red stag heads of Colts/Cults, first found in the same place as Knap-related Napiers and Sutys. Malcolms/Callams use "ardua petit" as a motto phrase, and Petits (Kent) are using the same upright lion as Vergins/Virgo's, making Petits suspect with the Paeti smack next to the Vergin-like Ergines. Alternatively, the Pessit variation of French Petits may reveal that these were Bessi liners. Petits, Mergins/Bergins and French's all use giant and upright gold lions. The first known French Petit is said to be from a seize-like Suize river in Burgin-like Burgundy. The Burgundy surname is listed with English Burgens (Seaton colors), and they happen to use red scallops again, in both colors of the same of Hazards! The Burgen Crest is a sword in saltire with a key, both in white, like the crossed swords of a surname I just saw somewhere close above. The white sword of Mergins/Bergins may apply.

Check out the blue-on-white pale bars of the Seats/Cedes', the colors of the Cam / Lazard pale bars. Lazards/Lizarts were always difficult for me in linking to a people group, but here they seem clinched already as Seaton liners of the Hazard kind. The Seats/Cedes' had just come to mind upon seeing the Seitz/Seetz variations of SEIZ's/Seys' ("flowers").

Dutch Bergens/Bergs, who once showed the Clare triple chevrons, are said to be from Utrecht, like the Atrecht capital of Artois known to be named by ATRebates, whom I have traced for years to ODRysians, and the latter have been suspect with Dor of northern Israel, not at all far from such locations as Cabul. It can explain why the Odrysians are at the mouth of the Tonzus, location of Cabyle. Cabul was as old as Joshua by that name, and therefore a non-Israeli name.

All right. We are, by now, convinced that Seatons and (H)As / Haz liners trace to the Ergines river, and Sittaceni were from AZov. We are making sense, but there is more, because Ergines became suspect with the namers of ORCHomenos, the Boiotians (beside Euboea, location of Chalchis) on board the Argo ship that was represented by IASon, son of AESon. ASNers/AISENers (share blue wings with Here's and HERTzogs) are in Hazard colors, and while the latter became suspect with the Pullens/Pulleys, Asner use the same bend as Pullens/Pulleys. The Suty-beloved Nothings/Northerns were first found in the same place as Pulleys/Pullens, and have a couple of features linkable to them.

The Benni, traced well to the Easter-bunny code, are being viewed as Benjamites whom, I do declare for a mountain of good reasons, were the proto-Romans. Here is another example. Benjamites trace with their Jabesh wives to Japodes on the Colapis river, which is in the "culpa" term in the Pullen/Pulley motto. This Jabesh > Japodes line named the chief Roman god (Jupiter), and the rape of the woman in Judge's, enacted by the Benjamites that were reduced to 600 men, the very ones who married the 400 Jabesh women, trace to the myth, "Rape of the Sabines," where Roman men forced-married Sabine women. The Pulleys/Pullens are using a version of the Romney Coat, both sharing the red scallop with the Sabine surname, and both Romneys and Hazards put the scallop in the Crest too, while Hazards have them also on a gold Chief, the color of the Pullen/Pulley Chief. Both Romneys and Pullens emphasize their bend with bendlets, and the Bend surname is also "Ben." Bendlets are often called, COTISed," as is the case with Romneys and Pullens, and then the Benni were smack across the Hebros from Odrysia, where Cotys I ruled!

Down at the mouth of the Hebros, a JABESH-like APSinthii peoples. It may or may not be coincidental, but while I identified "Jabesh" with mythical ABAS, his father / son (I can't recall which) was ACRisius, consonant reversed from "ERGines. In any case, the Ergines is suspect with the Argonauts because mythical RHADAmanthes was just discovered (by me) recently (3rd update of last month) to have become in cahoots with Orchomenos, and then the Ergines river is beside RHAEDestus, making the two Thracian locations suspect with the RHADamanthys merger with Orchomenos elements. Abas was from Argos, founder of its Danaans, from the Samson> Hercules Danites. "RHADAMANTHUS (Rhadamanthos), a son of Zeus and Europa, and brother of king Minos of Crete (Hom. Il. xiv. 322), or, according to others, a son of Hephaestus (Paus. viii. 53. § 2). From fear of his brother he fled to Ocaleia in Boeotia, and there married Alcmene" (mother of Hercules). His brother, Sarpedon, named the area at the mouth of the Hebros.

"SARPedon" is suspect from GAREB, on the same side of Jerusalem as ACRisius-like Acra, though ACRISius is suspect as a double code, one for Chrys liners that were traced to a relationship with proto-Romans out of Laish/Dan. "Chryse's son with Ares was Phlegyas, who inherited the kingdom of Orchomenus as Eteocles had died childless. Chrysogeneia had by Poseidon a son Chryses, who succeeded Phlegyas as king of Orchomenus, and in his turn became father of Minyas..."

The Pulleys are suspect with Pula on Istria, an area settled by Colchians. The Argonautica relayed this information by having Jason sail with Medea (likely of the Medes that named Maeotis) up the Ister river and then across some land and rivers to the Adriatic at and near Istria. The rape symbol is also in Revelation 17, where the harlot, identified by me as the Ishtar cult to the Romans, is raped and killed at her demise, and this may Deliberately reflect back on the Benjamites who raped and killed a woman. The Romneys, in Eastry colors, were first found in the same place as Eastrys and their Eastorege location. Bennincidence? Bunns/Bone's/Bonns are somewhat / subtly comparable with Pulleys / Romneys / Hazard. The "cubit arms" of Romneys may link to Hobbits sharing so-called flaunches with the Sees' Coat.

Hagars were first found in the same place as Sutys, and may trace to the AGRianes tributary of the Ergines. Hagars share the Zionist star of Goths, while another Goth surname lists "Godde/Gode," while the Sinclair motto, "Commit thy WORK to GOD" is part code for the Comites variation of Conte's (from the CONTadesdus = Ergines river), and part-code for the ERGines-like Works/Werks/Worge's, and probably part code for Goth liners, which, if correct, can trace Hagars and Goths to the Ergines / Agrianes rivers.

The Goths/Godde's use swords in saltire, a symbol also of Cypsela-suspect Capes, and Corrigans: From the last update: "This is all new to me, but look, as Corrigans share the lizard and trefoils with Organs, by what coincidence do the three objects in the Corrigan Crest reflect the three organ pipes in the Lett Crest (two in saltire and a third straight down between them)."

Templar Vere's of Acre

Good morning. The first thing done today was to visit Wikipedia's Cabul article. It has been a Muslim town historically, at least since the Ottomans. Al-Muqaddasi visited Kabul in 985 CE, while it was under ABBASid rule..Its Crusader name was "Cabor". Isn't "Acre" like "ACRisius? Could his Argos kin, Abas, have been related to Abbasids in the Acre / Cabul area? Abbasads in Cabul prior to 1000 BC can certainly link to old, mythical Argos.,_Israel

As Guerins are said to have been an order of Jerusalem in Templar times, it's notable that the Cabul article adds, "The French explorer Victor Guerin visited in 1875..." It's notable that Acre-like Ackers, said to be from "Acca," almost the Acco version of "Acre," are using a bend like that of Sale's/Salletts, and more reflective of the bend of Salemans, for Guerin of Provence was in the area of the Durance-river Salyes, and then Abors/Abbers (listed with Tabors), like "Cabor," use a motto phrase, "SOLES OCCidere." It can suggest that Acco-Templar liners used an Occ variation, and it then found that Ackers come up as OCKER, which recalls that the Irish Vere's share a lozengy Shield in the colors of the same of COCKs!!! COCKERS/Cockets (fleur in Sale/Sallett-fleur colors!) can be construed as using a version of the Sale/Sallett bend, and the Selletae are smack beside Cabyle!!! Zikers. Plus, Cockers use simply, "A man's head," in Crest, symbol of Swords that trace to the Serdi up-river from Cabyle. The Vere and Weir boar may therefore have been from some variation of Cabor / Abor, and, besides, Abors/Tabors (same place as Vere's and Gore's) are in Guerin colors. And, remember, as Drakenberg elements are suspect from Provence's Draguignan, the Drake's share the wyvern with Tills/Tile's now expected from Tyle, marked on the light map between Cabyle and the Serdi. Tills/Tile's are said to be from Tilley, near Caen, and the latter were from the Caeni at the Ergines. You can't argue with that.

Gore's use the motto phrase, "Sola SALUS," and were resolved as a branch of Gords sharing the gold boar with Weirs. French Gore's/Jore's use stars in the colors of the Guerin stars (the Payen stars with little doubt in explaining the Jerusalem order of Guerins).

I now have a new theory on the English Tabers, that they were a branch of DeVere's, listed with Vere's. They became d'Aver > d'Abor, in other words. It may or may not apply to grape-bunch German Tabers (GRIEFSwald), and the question remains whether Taborites (church group) can apply too. With Abors/Abbers being a Vere branch, it can explain why Abbots (upright white unicorn, color of the white upright wolf of Gore's) were first found in Oxfordshire. But if "Gore" is a variation of "Guerin," for Garins are also Gorings, then it goes back to a semi-conclusion made not long ago, there Vere's (share the Massey Shield) were actually from Chora of Patmos, the raven line. The Varni were expected as proto-Varangian Rus, and Varenne's use the raven. It even occurred to me while on "ERGINes," that it's like "VARANGi" (could be coincidental). And while I traced "AVRANCes" to "Varangi," Hugh D'Avrances was a son of Emma de CONTEville! I may have just stumbled over proto-Varni and proto-Varangians at the namers of the Ergines / Contadesdus river.

Note the Varangi-like "Frangas" motto term of Gowers/Gore's (share white wolf in Crest with Gore's/Core's. This brings the theory back that "Frank" was the proto-Varangi. And we even crossed the Frank surnames shortly above (a surname I rarely emphasize). VilleFRANCHE's were found listed with French Tulls (same place as Payens), a potential Till/Tile liner. The other Tulls/Tolle's are apparent kin of Italian Fulks, first found in the same place as Firenze, where I trace the Fire's/Feuers sharing a white unicorn with Abbots. The UNIcorn is still suspect with the Una/Oeneus river to which I've traced Gore's and their Yonge kin. English Franks share "Non" with Gowers/Gore's, Drake's, and Vere-related Nagle's, and this Non/Nevin surname should link to the "NUNc aut Nunquam" motto of VERGINS/Virgo's, can you believe it!? I even traced Guerin of Provence to Kanza of the Awraba/Aures tribe, explaining now why the Aures Coat and Crest share a red lion with the Vergin Coat and Crest. And Kanza was married to Idris of Morocco, a Muslim in the region of Berbers = Amazons. Were's claim to be a branch of "quam"-using Giffards. The Were river is where Conte's were first found.

Nons/Nevins use the fesse of Ivo's/Ibers, suspect with Ivers/Evers/Eure's (Dreux is in Eure), making them all potential Vere branches. Nuns/None's/Noons (bull-head design of Drake-suspect Dreux's/Drews) were first found in Norfolk, location of Sparham, which recalls the Arms of Sparks (likely of the Sparks/Sparrs) using the Radice checks for a trace to the Sub Radice theater i.e. beside Cabyle. Sparks/Sparrs are Abor/Taber- / Devere-perfect for using "A swan DEVOURing a fish"! Naptons, likewise first found in Norfolk, were looked up earlier as per Naphtali suspects, and they happen to share gold scallops with Varns, but Naptons put theirs in a fesse of Radice / Spark colors, and moreover the Spark eagle is ermined as is the Napton Shield. The Fulke's, likewise first found in Norfolk, show a Shield very linkable to the Naptons. If you recall, Knaps (sword and blade) had linked to the Franks / Blade's, wherefore note that Blate's/Plate's use the grape vine too. Naptons share the Knappen variation of blade-using Knaps. It just so happens that the gold-on-green-on-white color scheme is that also of Were's (croziers).

The Sparrows (Norfolk), likely from Sprowestun, where the Weirs/Vere's are said to have lived, and of Sprowston in Norfolk, share "sola" and "salus" with Gore's/Core's, and even share the white unicorn, a symbol of Cnuts, making king CNut suspect with KNap liners. Can this suggest a proto-Dane (i.e. Danites of Laish) merger with Naphtali liners? Laish is quite close to the upper reaches of the Naphtali lands. The Sparrow Crest is a white item (the unicorn) from a gold mural crown (color of Caen mural crown), linkable to Lurch's/Larchers and Archers. Sparrows use roses, an apt symbol for Rus such as Varangians and Dane's.

Kerricks use "Nunquam" too, and as I trace them to emperor Caracalla (200 AD), let's repeat that his mother's sister was Julius Bassianus Maesa, wife of Mr. Avitus, for the Nuns/Noons are using a "SauVITER" motto term that can be partially for the Sau/Sava river, which is the Croatian theater where Julia's father was stationed by Caracalla. This can go to the Sauers, said to be named after the Sau, and, yes, I guessed it, the Sauers are using a red upright lion in both Coat and Crest! Reminder: Vito's share the Till annulets and thus trace potentially to Tyle. Julia's Maesa's father was the close kin (nephew, if I recall) of Julius Agrippa, making him a suspect to the Griffins. Masters/Misters use griffins as well as "quam."

This recalls that the Sauer lion was traced without doubt to Fergus', thus tending to reveal that Fergus' were Vergins (same Coat and Crest as Sauers). We have just seen why the Scot Fergus liners trace to the Ergines river...I never knew all these past ten years of searching for dragon ancestry. Fergus' are said to be from a CARRICKfergus location of northern Ireland. Fergusons use the same lion as Ferrari's. Fergus' share the demi lion in Crest with Sauers, and yet the Fergus copy has a brownish tinge, suspect with Bruno's, first found in Firenze. The Forgie variation evokes "Worge," the Work/Werk variation. While I don't except that French Gore's are from George's, as the write-up claims, the George's, suspect with Gorgons, may indeed apply to "Ergines." Gorgons, in other words, may have named that river. And the ones most-suspect are the Gorgon Muses of Parion/Parium, where I trace the Caen motto. The Parion/Parium Gorgons were linked to Laish-suspect Lysimachia, and identified with mythical Paris and his father, Priam, Trojan chiefs. GALLIpolis is smack at the Mysian theater under discussion, and Fergus' were first found in GALLoway. The Galloway/Gallery surname (probably using the Rory-of-Bute lion, a name that is from "Rurik," name of the first Varangians) was traced to Mr. Galleri in the Sauer write-up, a certainty, you see.

Irish Fergus(on)' (eight-pointed star) are said to FEARguise's/FearGhasa's in Ireland, which recalls that Ergines-suspect Hare's/Garrys use a "Fear" motto term. The Coat of this surname can be a version of the Tous/Tosini Coat, and therefore linkable to Taddei's/Tadini's of Firenze. The Tous' had been found as per the "tous" motto term of Barone-suspect Berone's/Byrams, and Barone's/Varone's (with an 'a'), like the Verone variation of Varenne's, were first found in Firenze, suspect there with Bruno's. Irish Barones share the blue boar of Vere's. The Verona's (with an 'a') are likely using the fish DEVOURED by the Spark swan. English Barone's were first found "near Caen" as were Tills/Tile's, and are in Till/Tiley colors, and then the German Tills/Tile's share annulets with Irish Barone's. English Barone's look like they use a version of the Wager Coat, and wagers are suspect from Wagrians on the river of the Varni (the Warnow). THERFORE, Bruno's and Berone's / Barone's must all have been from the namers of the Ergines / Burgula. Italian Barone's look linkable to Barrys/Berrys so that even fish-using Bar liners, and Bar of Illyria, can trace to the same. Berrys/Barrys are suspect at Berry/Bourges, anciently Avaricum, suspect with Avaris, Nile home of pharaoh Khyan, himself suspect to the Caeni > Caen line.

Virgils (curved red chevron) are listed with Vorchtels/Vochtels/Vechtens/Forchtls/VIRTuals (may apply to "virt-like motto terms), and may indicate that Fichtens/Fichtls and Victor(ia)s/Vechtens/Ficthers were at least merged with Ergines-river liners. This can be important where Coffers/Coffee's use a "Victoria" motto term, for it was recently learned that lattice was a "cuffia" term to Italians. Here's from the 4th update of last month: "As Cable's use the Caves' Shield (fretty in the colors of the Caen fretty), behold from an Italian webpage: "Il reticolo, chiamato anche 'cuffia'... " That's Italian for, "Lattice, called also "cuffia'...'! That is simply amazing." The Virgil who wrote the Aeneas myth may himself have been an Ergines-river liner.

The CUNNinghams can be resolved better now, as a Caen branch, because the "fork" motto term of Cunninghams must be for Forkers/Farquhars (Fergus branch), first found in the same place (Ayrshire) as well as Carricks, suggesting that Carrickfergus was of the Carricks / Kerricks, not of the Irish word for "rock." Note that Forkers use hands, for the Hands look like kin of Hanna's, first found in WIGTON (like "Vechten") of Galloway, and as Hanna' are suspect with Anne's/Hanne's and Annabels/Hannibals (all four surnames sharing the stag), note that the father of Hannibal, BARCA, looks like an Ergines-liner surname suddenly! And then Hannibals associates / kin, HASdrubal and Syphax, were suspect with Hasmoneans-Maccabees and "Caiaphas," even as "Hanna" was suspect with high-priest Annas/Ananas (Caiaphas' father-in-law)! Zikers, this could all spark correct. I had no idea I'd be back to topic when on the Has topic shortly above; I suspect Hasdrubal from Has (Caiaphas- / cuffia-like Cavii theater).

Barca liners can be to the Bark/Berks (Norfolk, compares with the Varone/Varenne Coat)'s), lovers of Larks/Laurks (Norfolk, same as Sau-suspect Sawyers and Seagars). Larks share a HAND from a cloud with Jewish ARKINs/Aarons, suspect for weeks from Levite liners, though I didn't know that Aarons were a branch of Ergines-like Arkins until the last update. Berkshire's (version of the Morton quadrants), first found in the same place (Wiltshire) as Mortons, use the fret, which can be assumed as code for the same as the fretty lattice (Ferte's share the Sparr eagle), which tends to trace Barks/Berks to Sub-Radice elements...suspect with Sobeks who share the buckle with Mortons of Cheshire, traceable to Marano's/Mauritano's at Marano in Modi'in-suspect Modena.

It's about time that I re-mention the Modeys/Modens (BERKshire), using a Shield of fretty lattice, and suspect from a Modi'in line to Modane on the Ark river (Savoy). The namers of the Ark can be Arkin / Ergines liners too, not forgetting that ARCHdeacons list the Cotys surname. Arks/Arch's were first found in BERKshire, welding the Moden/Modey trace to Modane. Modi'in was the Israelite city where Hasmoneans/Maccabees were established as priest-kings of Israel in the lead-up to the appearance, from their circles, of Sadducees and Pharisees. Pharisees are still suspect with Paris liners, and that's important, if correct, as per the trace of the Caen motto to mythical Paris. Yet, the "Perimus" motto term of Caens can be for Primo's/Primeau's (BURGundy), using quadrants in colors reversed from the Aaron/Arkin quadrants. Hagans (Fergus lion?), traceable with same-colored Hagars to the AGRianes tributary of the Ergines, use the same quadrants as Aarons/Arkins, as well as a boot, the symbol once showing for the French Masseys/Massa's, first found in the same place as Modane. As Plotinopolis is near the Ergines, note that Hagens share the blue fish with Plots. Hagans share the red hand (on a "flag") with Forkers/Farquhars.

Aarons/Arkins share the quadrant colors of the Knaps using a boy in a brownish coat and vest, part-code, I gathered, for Vestalis, son of Cottius. But why does a boy wear the coat and vest? Were the Boii linked to the royal Cottians (reminder, Cotts/Cottins share the fretty Shield with Modens, and Modane was directly over the Cottian Alps from Cottius' capital (at Susa). The Maccabee's must, in my books, trace to the Boii of Modena / Bononia. This was the theater invaded by both Boii and Hannibal at the same time (218 BC), and in fact the Hannibal war was at the Trebbia river that flows at Placentia, home of ANANES Gauls. The first-known Hasmoneans appear about two generations later (roughly 170 BC) at Modena-like Modi'in. The theory is that God chose human-sacrifice liners out of Carthage (home of Hannibal) to offer up His Son so that He could have the widest avenue for pour his fullest fury out on the worst human-sacrifice cult of all time. And Drakenberg Vere's trace to the human-sacrifice Boofima / Baphomet cult at ImPERia/Oneglia.

As Cavii are suspect with the namers of Cabyle, the inclusion of Naphtali-suspect Knaps here is quite conspicuous as per Cabul in Naphtali. Again, Cabul is in HAZafon, and beside Hazor. And I found cause to trace Caiaphas liners to the naming of Haifa, not far north of Cabul and Acre, for the Arms of Haifa is suspect with the long chevron of French Chappes (Aaron/Arkin colors), first found in PARIS along with Levi's and Verona's/Vairs. That brownish coat in the Knap Coat looks like it can apply to Bruno / Verona liners. The Chappes' are kin of Ottone's, first found in PERUSia. The Arms of Haifa are suspect from Chappes-liner Templars, and we just read that Templars were in Cabul. I am not well-read on Templar / Crusader locations in Israel.

"HazaFON" reminds of the "phon" endings on myth terms, for example. Gorgophone, daughter of Paris-suspect Perseus, who was placed in myth at Joppa, not very far from Cabul. Can't GORGOphone trace to the Gorgon suspects at the naming of the Ergines? Ancient Georgians were also KARTveli, perhaps the namers of Carthage. King Massena of Numidia (beside Carthage) was suspect as the proto-Maccabees after he betrayed Hannibal and Carthage, going over to general Scipio, whom Hannibal defeated at the Trebbia. Massena can trace to the Gorgon Muses at Parion, but lets add that Masci's, Rasmussens, Massena's and German George's (Gorgon-like variations) all use sinister-leaning bends. As Chamberlains traced to Chambre on the Ark, the George scallops are suspect with the Chamberlain scallops, but then the other Chamberlains are using the escutcheon of Sadducee-suspect Chadocks / Chadwicks.

The Cabul article adds: "In the 14th and 15th centuries, it was a place for Jewish pilgrimage for containing the tombs of the Jewish scholars and philosophers Abraham ibn Ezra and Judah Halevi." "Halevi" is much like "Calafia," the fictional Muslim Amazon with griffin allies. Again, the Griffin surname was from Pomerania, the Varni theater, and Varns share the Gripp/Grape/Grabben bend...while grapes are in the hand of a woman in blue dress in the German Taber Coat. Jewish Franks use "A gold shield with a MAN holding grapes and a jug of wine in his hands." He looks dressed in navy blue, and is the same man as per the Vest Crest: "A man dressed in blue, holding the arrow from the arms." Vest kin can include Wessels and Whistle's.

Arkins/Aarons are in the colors of the ARCHibalds/ARKANbaldus', and as the latter use the same crescents as French Conte's, it's a good reason to trace Arch liners to "Ergines." I haven't deciphered the "Ut reficiar" motto of Archebalds. The "bald" ending can go to Bauts and the Bautica/Baltea river, for the Balds (to the near south of Roslin) are in Archibald / Baut colors, while Balders (West Lothian) share the Conning/Conan (Cunningham colors) and Sinclair saltire. Sinclairs were at Roslin, six miles from Edinburgh, while Archibalds are said to have been first found at Roxburghshire "about 30 miles southeast of Edinburgh." We saw how the Sinclair motto can trace in multiple ways to Ergines liners.

The hand holding the crosslet in the Balder Crest is like the similar Crest of Were's, and as Conte's, who are Cone kin and therefore linkable to Connings/Connans, were first found on the Were river. The Balders then use a "Constance" motto term while French Constance's/CONTans (Conte crescent) were first found in the same place (Languedoc) as French Conte's, the ones using the Archibald crescent. English Constance's (Norfolk, location of Sparham) are using the Sparr eagle. It looks like Connings, Cunninghams and Conte's can all trace to the Caeni as well as to the neighboring Contadesdus river, suggesting that it was named by the Caeni. The Constance/Contan pine tree is very linkable to the same of Fichtens, and to the pine tree in the Arms of Fichtenberg, a German location near lake Constance, also called, Bodensee and therefore traceable with Buttons / Botters/Bodins to Cabyle / TONZUS-river liners. It can explain why the Tous/TONSO Chief shares gold-on-blue stars with the Constance/Contan Chief, and why the Tous/Tonso man is said to have BUTTON's on his shirt. It looks like Fichtens and similar surnames do in fact trace to the namers of the Ergines...the river that I mainly glossed over while emphasizing the old map for at least the last four years.

The ORGAN-pipe Letts who started me on the Ergines liners even share two stars on a gold Chief, with a crescent between them, with Constance's/Contans. You can't argue with this. The question is: did the people devising the heraldry know of their trace to the Contadesdus = Ergines river, and, if so, why didn't they inform historians so as to notify the masses in their books? Heraldry makes the Ergines liners very plain when one understands how to use heraldry codes, but only if one has a large store of surnames in the memory, a good knowledge of people-group locations, some ancient maps, a good knowledge of Biblical terms, and the wisdom not to lean toward a hunt for the lost ten tribes, for that will clearly fog the hunt for the realities. If one starts to link terms to the names of Israelite tribes with preoccupation and obsession, it will surely make a mass of things, and lead astray. Lay off tracing terms to Biblical characters until it crops up, but if you go looking for them, you will find plenty of them, most of which have nothing to do with the Biblical characters.

Sticking to Abraham Liners

I went easy on the notion that "Abraham" might trace to "Priam." At first, it frightened me, and I wouldn't have anything to do with it, until I discovered that Abraham had an alternative wife in Genesis 25. I don't know how I missed it after reading Genesis, and parts of Genesis, many times over in my first decade or two of Bible study, but I missed it. Keturah, with Abraham as her husband, was the ancestor to Letushites, and I've become fairly sure that she can trace to such names as the Letts and their variations. One might even propose that the stars in the Lett Chief were originally used as code for the countless stars that God used as symbol of the many nations from Abraham (Biblical "nations" are not necessarily countries with borders, but people groups). I verified that Abraham and Keturah trace to mythical Paris and Priam, and Hector and Hecuba. You can trust this. But as Iasion and Dardanus were made the founders of Trojans, it speaks to the Orchomenos liners of Aeson, suspect with the Lett organ pipes. Again, as Pipe's = Pepins are suspect from Apepi, he was the Hyksos ruler who ruled immediately after (in place of) Caeni-suspect Khyan. And HYKsos trace to the naming of Hecuba, made the mother of Hector and Paris, with Priam as her husband.

There are Troy surnames, and one of them uses another white unicorn. They are both traceable to the Griffins of Pomerania. Troy somehow got to be called, Tros, and then Thrace has a Trausi peoples between the Hebros and the Keturah-suspect Satyrs. The Trausi are beside the Abdero location while Dere's (long shot) share a red chevron with Trausi-like Tresure's/Trashers (same place as oak-tree Roets), honored in the tressure border of Flemings / Seatons. Roets, possibly from the namers of Rhodope, smack at the Trausi, have been suspect with Kaplans using griffin heads in the colors of the Troy griffins. Roets share the book with Reeds, making them suspect from Rhodope too. The Trausi are near the Seaton-suspect Sithones, known to have lived in the center peninsula of Chalcidice, as you can verify on the dark map's Sithonia location (south-west of the Trausi):

What about ChalciDICE? Just look at the implications as I repeat from above before coming to the topic / investigation at hand, and know also that, beside Abdero on the dark map, there is what looks like a DICaea location:

The Hazard write-up traces to dice, a silly idea that must be code for the Dice's, in Seaton colors, and even using red roundels = TORTeaux! That is capable of clinching red roundels with Toreatae, and even clinching the Toreatae-Sittaceni mergers that are cropping up evident. The gold spread eagles of Dice's become suspect in the Side/Suty Chief, but as these have been traced solidly to the eagles of Ghents (when both Ghents and Side's were traced to Genoa families), note that John of Gaunt/Ghent was the husband of Catherine Roet (Herod suspect), and that her sister married Mr. Chaucer (Chaucers are the ones with the TORTois).

My understanding of Sadducee / Caiaphas suspects at Thrace is growing, as is my heraldry experience, pivotal in linking to ancient geography. This is a science that I believe is known but kept out-of-reach from the masses by deliberate falsifications of people-name and place-name derivations. The reality seems to be that proto-Sadducees were the Sithones, from Sittaceni. Chalcidice was named after Chalchis on Euboea, or vice versa, where Herod-like Eritrea is located, but Euboea is where mythical Abas was code for the Abantians, like the Korybantian co-founders of Troy. So, the apparent reality is that Chalchis and Eritrea elements moved to Chalchis of Syria, where the Herods ruled. The first Herod's mother is even suspect with Cyprus, off-shore from Syria.

The Tresure Crest has two fern branches looking like two pine trees, and then German Dallens once showed two pine trees that I used to point out with the identical pine tree of Constance's. It just so happens that Irish Dallens/Delaneys (eight-pointed star) share the Constance / Conte crescent, and moreover use that familiar red-on-white upright lion tracing hard to the Contadesdus river. Irish Dallens were first found in Leinster while Leinsters are listed with Leicesters that share blood drops (from a swan) with the Tressure stag. Note that while some of the red lions are shown in demi form, Tresure's have "A silver demi stag, adorned with red blood drops, between two fern branches." Bloods use the stag too.

But houseofnames changed the Dallen pines to oaks. However, the descriptions page still says: "...two green pine trees side by side on a dark brown mound." SIDE by SIDE can be code for Seaton-related Side's/Sudys, especially if the pine trees link to the two fern BRANCHES, and it just so happens that while Constance's use the MacDonald eagle, Tresure's use the red fitchee cross of MacDonalds. The latter were traced to the Dumnonii founders of Devon and Somerset, where the Tresure's were first found. There is as BRANCH surname suspect with "AVRANCES," meaning that the fern branches can trace with Tresure's to "Ergines," if that's where "Varangi" traces. The Varangian Rus have been resolved as the root of Rosicrucians, but always to be linked to Redones of southern France, and, as you can see, things in southern France are tracing to the Ergines.

The Ferns/FEARns can strike us as a branch of Firenze elements, and that's where the sharing of the unicorn by Troys and FIRE's/Feuers/Furs can come in. While Tresure's use green dragons, Seatons use " A [green] dragon spouting FIRE." It looks like Seatons engaged Firenze elements. We just read that the Dallen pines are on a BROWN mound, code for Bruno's of Firenze, right? The Dallen mound shows green, as it almost-always does with other surnames, making it suspect (in this case) with the Greens and Greenwich's, for even the Dallen description uses a "green" term. Greens share the stag with Tresure's/Thrashers, and the latter use a rare burgundy color, the color of the crozier (Were symbol) in the Greenwich Coat. I don't think that's a coincidence, and while the color isn't mentioned, it was recent when there was evidence that the color should be burgundy in honor of Burgundians...suspect from Burgula on the Ergines / Contadesdus right? If correct, simply view this burgundy color as code for the line of John de Burgo of Conteville, and as his Comyn entity links to Josephs, kin of KAPLans, see too that the burgundy color is in use by the CHAPLets of Saxons/Septons/Sextons (SEPTImania suspects). The Chaplet surname uses swans in the colors of the same once showing in the French Joseph Coat. Sions/Swans use swans while Seatons/Sittens trace to Sion/Sitten.

Greens were first found in Kent, same place as the Greenwich location. The Cantii of Kent's naming are traced (by me) to Kikons, on the map smack beside the Trausi. Greenwich's (Kent) use a GreenHEDGE variation, evoking the HEDGEhog of Berone's/Byroms (can trace to Barone's of Firenze). Hedge's, using the swan Coat of Readys (Roet / Reed suspects at Rhaedestus), were likewise first found in Kent, and while being in Hagen and Hague/Hait colors, Hedge's show a Hegge variation. This is making sense. Hague's ("Sola VIRTUS inVICTus) are back to the white-on-blue crescent of Constance's/Contans / Conte's / Dallens. Then, the Greens (Troy colors) use a "VIRTis" motto term that can be code for German Virgils/VECHTens/VIRTuals (share red chevron with Tresure's), for the pine is used by Vechten-like Ficthens (German).

The Rocks/Roque's, suspect in the white rock in the Hague Crest, the design once shown for the white rocks of Rocks/Roque's, were first found in the same place as Constance's/Contans. And a daughter of Roquefeuil married Herod-suspect Henry IV of RODez/Rodes (southern France's Redones), making that location suspect with Rhodope. German Rhodes'/Rode's use torteaux in the colors of the same of Dice's. The Rods can be linked to the Rodez-Roquefeuil marriage because they use trefoils. Note the colors of the upright lions of the English Rhodes' using a version of the Decan and Deacon Coat, the Deacons first found in the same place (Suffolk) as Deacon-like Dice's. This can trace Deacons and Archdeacons/Cotys' to that Dicaea location at the southern end of the Rhodope mountains. As king Cotys was at Odrysia / Arda, note that Dice's are using a version of the Arthur Coat while Deacons are using a version of the Artem/Aiton Coat (same place as Arthurs).

Hague's are said to be from BEMERsyde, and then Beamers/Beamish's are once again showing an upright red lion in both Coat and Crest, with a red demi (half) lion in Crest, as with the Sauer and Fergus lions. But it's the Virgil-like and Fergus-branch Virgins using the same (almost) Coat who trace to the Contadesdus river, the Agrianes tributary of which may be origin for Hagan / Hague / Hagar liners. And Biblical Hagar was Abraham's concubine. Hoggs, suspect with "hedgehog," were first found in the same place as Conte's, no guff.

Plus, I was able to establish to a significant degree that Abraham was honored in the Bramton surname (Norfolk) using RED LIONS, making red lions of some other surnames suspect as Abraham lines with Keturah and/or Hagar. The double Bramton lions are in pale, and colors reversed from the same of Bruno-suspect Brunswicks. It's asking whether BRUNo's were BRAMtons, and whether Bar / Barry liners were Abraham liners, for I always trace (for good reasons) Bar of Illyrium to neighboring Kotor, which I am sure was a line from Keturah through mythical Kodros.

However, it should be added that there is a Maronia location (light map) in the land of Kikons, and where the dark map shows Dicaea. In Italian, "Maronia" would mean "brown." It creates a conflict as to what Browns / Bruno's should trace to. I have a heraldry webpage in my files that includes maroon as one of its colors, saying "Maroon (Sanguine or Murray)". One must resist all the stated definitions on this page like one avoids a chronic liar, and yet some of the definitions can be codes.

Hague's are said to be from BemerSYDE, a possible Side liner too. The demi lion in the Beamer Crest has a trefoil upon it, part code for RoqueFEUILS (same place as Roque's), and in half the colors of the Organ trefoil. The latter's trefoil is in the colors of the same of SITlers/Schitners. Plus, as Organs, Corrigans and Fear-loving Hare's/Garry all use lizards, that's the symbol of the Keturah-like Cottar Coat! It's a great way to trace Keturah's Abrahamic lines to the Ergines river. There is a BROWN lion in the Cottar Crest!! And while Abraham lived in Hebron, we can expect his lines to be on the Hebros river.

Unfortunately, houseofnames uses forked-tailed lions in Crests almost always (Cottars use one), making it difficult to know which ones are truly forked tailed. The Shields rarely use fork-tailed lions so that, when they do appear (on Shields), they can be reckoned as such for a reason. I came across a surname once (can't recall which) said to use fork-tailed lion. The Organ- / Corrigan-like Corks/Core's use only lion TAIL, in the Coat, and they are suspect with Ergines-liner Forkers/Farquhars, you see. And the Cork tails have been resolved with the TAILer lions (in pale, like the Bramton lions) while the Bramtons use a TALbot in Crest, that likely being the line of Ivo Taillebois.

The Bemersyde location of Hagar-suspect Hague's can be from the Bemers/Bammerels. They describe their Coat with the "two" term, which, in heraldry, can link to the Twins or the gemel twin theme. Bemers: "A red and gold shield with two gold bells, two silver hammers, two scythes and two bunches of blue grapes." Bemers can thus link to the grapes and scythes of the Laus surname listed with Lauers, perhaps a branch of Larks/Laurks beloved by the larks of Bergula-suspect Barks. After all, Beamers are using the VERGin Coat while Vergins have linked to Bergins.

The Bemer grapes are said to be blue, the color of the clothes on the MAN holding grapes in the Vest and Jewish Frank Coats. The Laus/Lauer description is simply: "A black shield showing a man." Nothing is said concerning the grapes or the scythe. It suggests the Manders with the "Laus deo" motto phrase, and Manders are a branch of Manners whom are in the write-up of the Mens'. It just so happens that the Scottish Man surname has an "ardua STABILIS" motto phrase that can now be gleaned as code for the STAPHYLUS / Botrys grape line! And that was a Dionysus / Maenad cult to which Manders trace, right? German Mans/Manners share the quadrant colors of Bemers, making Hagar liners (Ishmaelites expected) at Bemersyde suspect with the wild Maenads. The Scythe/Skeets surname shares gold-on-black fleur-de-lys with Ishmael-possible AshMOLE's. Note how Molle's crop up below.

Vests were suspect with the vest worn by the Boii-suspect boy in the Knap Coat, and while German Franks were first found in Bohemia, ditto for Laus'/Lauers. Abraham-related Jews / Hebrews in Bohemia are thus being pegged. As the Scythes surname (with a final 's') is listed with Side's, consider the scythes of Bemers along with "BemerSYDE." And let's repeat that Napiers were first found in the same place (Perthshire) as Sutys and Hagars (!!!) while English Knaps (Hagan quadrants!) are using a version of the Scythes/Side Coat. I didn't expect all of this when starting on the Bemers. I wonder if Bemers were Bram(ton) liners.

Let's go back to the Abdero and Dicaea locations. To their near-north of Abdero, a Topira location, evoking the Tipps' and Tippers that I trace to the Pendragon and Shaw mottoes. The Saxony Toppers (black greyhound) are using symbols-on-a-fesse (red scallops) in the colors of the symbols-on-a-chevron of Dice's. German Toppers use fish in colors reversed from the Tipper dolphins, and in the colors of the Pendragon-suspect helmets of Kennedys of TIPPERary, and the Dobys once showed the Kennedy-helmet design. The Naphtali-suspect Knaps use helmets, and while Dor of Israel was in the Naphtali theater, look a little west of Topira to find Doriscus (mouth area of the Hebros). Dobers are expected at a Dober location on the Clausula, near a Decani area (on the White Drin) to its east.

Topps were first found in the same place as Mortons (Coat compares with that of Manners), making the latter suspect with Maronia, for Arthurian code has a story, "L'MORTE d'Arthur." If Mortons can be traced to Maronia, then Marano at Modena can too. Mortons (Say Shield in colors reversed) along with Says named Moreton-Say in Shropshire, meaning that Mortons were linked to Seatons, which can indicate a Maronia merger with Sithones. Motts/Morte's share the white estoile of Feschs/Fechtens, suspect with the Fieschi of Genoa, where the Doria kin of Arduinici lived...that can both trace back to Odrysians at Arda.

There is a More location in Shropshire. Let's not neglect the possible trace of Sithones to the Sidonians of Laus-like Laish. Mortons were first found beside the Palins that traced hard to PALINurus, smack beside a Laus location of southern Italy, and that was at BUXENTum, where Buchans and Buchanans traced without a doubt, and then the Cheshire Mortons use buckles. Between Laus and Buxentum, one finds SCIDrus (can trace to the scythe of Laus'/Lauers). Laus is said by Wikipedia to have been founded by the peoples of neighboring Sybaris, and then one can see (map at Laus link) a Muranum location on the Sybaris river. Plus, as Muranum is on the Calabria border, it points to the Italian Marone's, first found in Calabria. We have very good cause for tracing Hebros Hebrews to the Muranum theater.

It may be a long shot, but supposing that Abraham liners were morphed to Bruno-like terms by proto-English speakers, and that proto-Latin speakers converted them to Marone-like terms. Or, as the tressure border is used and owned by Flemings, consider that the FLANDers home of Flemings was traced to BLANDa, on the map between Scidrus and Laus. The common r-to-l switch may have caused BRAM liners to morph to "BLAM," and then to "Vlaam," what the Flanders locals called the Flemings. If it changes, know that the maroon double-tressure border of Flemings was absolutely distinguishable from the red color of their chevron, both in the same Coat. Chevrons are plentiful, but it doesn't hurt to repeat that they are suspect with "Hebron, and that Hebrons use a colors reversed from the Fleming chevron.

If heraldic checks are at times code for the Checks/Chicks, whom were linkable to Chalks suspect with Chalchis, then let's add that Irish Flemings use both checks and a bell pattern, often called vair fur, though not always. The Papenheims use the bell pattern but call it, "kettle hats," and then an r-to-l switch changes "Keturah" to "Kettul." Papenheims can be a branch of Pipe's in the motto of Keturah-suspect Letts. The hats can be code for the Hatti. The Settle's and Shuttleworths/Shettleworths are coming to mind, and Shettleworths use the weavers shuttle while Pipe's and Pepins can be gleaned with Webbers and Weavers. The Hate surname is listed with Hague's (Hagar colors).

Kettle's (Cutter colors), who may be using the Brunswick lion, were first found in the same place as Hagars. The Kettle cinquefoil is colors reversed from that of Bus', suspect with Buz, son of Nahor, brother of Abraham. The Kettle cinquefoil is in the colors of the same of Bennys (same place as Chalchis-liner Bernice's), and while Bononia liners may have been Benjamin liners, Kettle's use a "Bono" motto term.

The Palins and Buchanans share black lions, and Buchanans use theirs in the colors of the Suty / Side/Scythes/Sudy lion so that the latter's SIDER variation can link well to the namers of SCIDRus. That's a very good reason to trace the Laus area to the Sithones theater. The Bemers are using BELLS too, and while Sithones were at Dice- and Dicaea-suspect Chalcidice, a CHALICE is used by English Belows/Bella's. IN FACT, the Belows describe it as "pouring WATER from a chalice," and then Chalchis-suspect Bernice's use both the "water bouget" and the Bellamy fesse in colors reversed. As Bellamys are Massey kin, it explains the pegasus in both the Bernice and Massey Crests! In other words, this has discovered that the Bernice's are Ferte-Mace / Bellamy kin, and all linked back of Berenice at Chalchis. And Bellamys are suspect with the Seaton crescents while the Bernice hunting HORN can trace to Orne very well because it's the location of Say while Moreton-Say is where Bellamys were first found.

Having said that, lets add that Garbs are suspect with Garveys using the Perche chevrons (two of the three Water chevrons), for Bellamys (same fesse as Harveys) lived at Perche. The Bear-using Percivals are to be linked to the naming of Perche, and Percivals were first found beside Devon's Bears location, where Spurrs are traced, relevant because Bear-like Bernice's, whom I trace to bear-depicted Bernicians (see the Barwick bears), use "SPUR rowels." As Spurrs are said to have been at Barton of Devon, Barnstaple of Devon can apply, important because Barnstaple's link to Albins and Albino's of Modena while Bernice's share a blue bend with Cassius'/Casano's (suspect with the Kilpatrick CUSHIONs), first found in Modena. The black hunting horns of Bernice's were linked to the same of Kilpatrick-suspect Patch's, and then Patrick-related Pattersons show Cassan variations while the Sodhan ancestry in the Patterson write-up traces with little doubt to Sodans/Sowdons (Suty liners?), first found in Devon, and using the same fesse as Cassius'/Casano's. Modena elements were definitely at the Devon theater.

Rowels share two black-on-white chevrons with Devon's Ash's while the triple chevrons of German Ash's can become suspect with the same of Waters. That works in linking the water bouget to the spur rowel so that all three surnames can be expected as Bernice kin. Who were the English Ash's?

The Sodans are using the fesse-with-stars of Scottish More's/MOORMANS/Muirs (see Mormons below), now known (by me) to be a branch of Weirs. Scottish More's use "frangor", suspect with Varangians. Gowers/Gore's use a "frang" term too whole French Gore's/Jore's share the same stars as Scottish More's. Rollo's and Vere's share the blue boar, and Rollo ruled in More, making More suspect with Maronia.

There is a Marone/MAROONy/Mulrooney surname (Fermanagh, same as Corrigans) sharing boars with Toppers (colors of the boar of Gore-suspect Gords), not a bad reason to trace Marone's to Maronia and Topira together. Boars are suspect with Hebrews. The Marone boar has red tusks, therefore identical to the giant Molle boar head, and the Molle's use the Moray stars, important because the page where the maroon color is found shares it like so: "Maroon (Sanguine or Murray)." Murrays are listed with Morays...whom were traced to the Maros/Mures river of Transylvania, and yet that river was suspect with "Maritsa," an alternative name of the Hebros.

It looks like Moray's namers can trace to Maronia. If we take the Marone boar heads and make then gold so as to be in both colors of the Topper boars, the Marone Coat becomes fully colors reversed from the Rollo Coat, the chevrons of both surnames included.

While Corrigans were traced to the Contadesdus, German Molle's were first found at Constance! German Molle's use the fleur said to be owned by Plows/Ploughs, and while a plough is used by Fairys, the Fairy Princess is in the Moray Crest. The Raggs use the same fleur and may be from Reggio...of Calabria, where Italian Marone's were first found. I had traced RAGNvald, the name of Rollo's father, to Rhegin on the Mures, but that term can suddenly trace to Reggio. Eschyna de Molle's daughter married Robert Pollock, brother of Peter Pollock at Rothes castle in Moray. The Peters share the same lion as Buchanans while Rothes is near Buchan. Buxentum is beside Calabria. And the Buchan lions are colors reversed from the same of Raines' ("parium" motto term) said to be from "Ragin."

As Dole's use the Ragg fleur too, the Raggs became suspect with the ragully feature of English Stewarts. As Stewarts were from the same area as Rennes, note that French Marins, looked up as per the MarinCOLA variation of Italian Marone's, were first found in Brittany. The Dols (no 'e') use a wavy fesse bar in colors reversed from the same of Spanish Marins/Marina's. Then, English Marins are using an embattled cross much like that in the Arms of COLchester, though the latter's cross uses the ragully feature. The "cola" and similar suffixes on Italian Marone's thus traces to Colchester, and for that matter also to the Colapis river. My bet is that English Marins are using the Burgh cross (known to be of John de Burgo of Conteville) for a trace to Burgula. Italian Marins are listed with Marina's. Spanish Marins/Marina's can be suspect with the triple bars of Seaton-suspect Sees'.

The above is cause to link Jacques de MOLAY to "Moray" in yet another switch involving 'l' and 'r'. Did Ishmaelites morph from a Mol term to a Mor term at Maronia? Can this explain why Maroonys show MuLrooney? If Flemings were Abraham liners, and it the Fleming border is in fact maroon, it looks like Ishmaelites can indeed trace to Maronia. I now have the problem on whether the rare color of Tresure's / Flemings / Saxons / Greenwich is burgundy verses maroon. The shades are virtually identical. It appears that Maronia elements link to the Burgula theater, though this is not said for anything to do with the similarity of those two colors. Maroonys were first found in the same place as Ergines-liner Corrigans. And, zikers, I almost missed it: they were first found at FERMANagh while the Ferman/Forman Chief uses the same lion as the Bram-suspect Brunswicks!

The Mormons had a fictional Moroni character along with Lamanites suspect with Lemnos, which, I now see, is straight out to sea from Maronia. The Sintians of Lemnos were traced to the Mormon codework, "Latter Day Saints," for the city of Sainte was named by Sintian-based Santones (beside the Lemnos-based Lemovices). Latters are listed with Latto's, perhaps a branch of the Late variation of Letts. The Days use the rampant lion in the colors of the passant Ferman/Forman lion. The Myrina location on Lemnos is coming to mind for the namers of Maronia.

The Marone write-up makes it seem as though the surname is rooted in "Rooney," but the heraldic evidence is working quite well for a trace to Maronia. The Rooneys are said to have been first found in County Down, previously MIRREN. Maroncidence? That tends to suggest that Rooneys came later, after Marone liners were named as Maroonys. Rooneys are using the same lion as Irish Moore and Mergins/Morgins, the latter likely a branch of Mergins/Bergins. The latter two variations can now be explained as an Ergines-Marone merger, as was expected above. The Welks and Elgins had become suspect with an l-version "Ergines," and here I find that Italian Marone's use a large black-on-white anchor, the only Welk symbol. Elgin is a location at Moray, and the Melusine mermaid with mirror can even be of the Mirren location, for the mirror is code for the Mire's/Mireux's.

Roons are listed with Rowans/Rohans, first found in the same place as Conte's. As the latter are in the Sinclair motto, note that the Rollo Sinclairs ruled at Rouen (Normandy), for the Rouens/Rohans (Brittany) use the nine mascles in the Arms of Rohan (Brittany), while Roons/Rohans are said to be from Rohan. Rohan is in MORbihan, arguing strongly for a link of Maronia to the Sinclairs of Rouen and Rohan both...and Sinclairs sis traced by their motto to the Ergines river.

I insisted for years that the Rollo family, of Norway's More, was at Moray. Perhaps "Rooney" was not an offshoot from "Maronia," but a separate entity altogether that merged with Maronia liners, and for that reason developed a Marooney look. Raines' use a motto term identifying with Judicael of Rennes, and while Vannes/Gwenea is at Morbihan too, home of the Veneti, the Kennedys, whom I trace to a Heneti > Veneti line, share the dolphin with Reagans...making Reagans suspect with the Ragin/Raines liners at Rennes. We should ask whether Rohan was named by Rogans (Roger colors) or something of that look. Compare "ROGAN" with "ERGINes", asking why Rogans share a white boar with Marone's! I dare say, RONald Reagan was an Ergines liner of the Rooney kind. Again, Marone's were first found in the same place as Ergines-liner Corrigans.

The above is a good reason to trace Tippers (same place as Pendragons) and the Tipperary location of Kennedys (and boar-using Sullivans) to Topira. You might be able to glean on your own that Raines, Pendragons and "Nos"-using Rogers are connectable. Aha! Welsh Rogers/Rosers have the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Rooneys in colors reversed. It truly appears that there was an Ergines line to Rogans that named Rohan, Rouen and Rooneys, and Rogers too. As the BROWN horse of Rogers/Rosers is in the design of the Frey horse while Freys use it in the colors of the Roger/Roser garbs, Freys, suspect with Phrygians / Frisians, can be included in this picture. These Freys were first found in Wiltshire, where Mortans were first found. The white garbs of the Roger/Roser Chief may be of the white scallops in the Russell Chief, explaining the Roser variation. In such a picture, Jewish Rosens may have been Rogan branches, but to this one can add that Scottish Rose's, beside Ross-shire, can apply. The problem, or a solution, depending on how I want to see it, is that Rose liners are tracing to "Ergines" rather than some Rus-like term.

Scottish Mars, from Mar, not far from Elgin and neighboring Ross-shire, use the Ross lions, I assume. The Mar lions are two lions in pale, like the Bramton / BRUNswick lions, and in the Mar Crest, no guff, a BROWN-colored leopard that can link to the brown lion in the Crest of Keturah-suspect Cottars (lizards, suspect with Hazard-related Lazards and therefore linkable to Seatons). French Mars are in the colors and format of the Marone boar heads, another good reason to trace Abraham liners to brown-suspect Maronia.

The Brown surname (same place as Bernice's) uses a brown lion in Crest, no surprise, and a motto term tracing to Florence, and the Browns ("majESTAs") are even in Bruno colors. But let's repeat: "Irish Barones share the blue boar of Vere's." The Brown Coat then looks like a version of the Topper Coat, and while Toppers (Weir boar?) are suspect with Pendragon elements, the other Brown Coat looks like a version of the Pendragon Coat. This paragraph has the potential of revealing the Bruno's (and Bars of Este) as Burns and Bernice's. The Bernie's/Barneys must be using the Verona fish. Go ahead and find how Burns and Bernice's can link to Marone's, or wait for the answer shortly.

I made the mistake of calling the animal of Elgins/Elkins wolves, which is what they look like, but the description calls them tigers, and that goes to the Herod line of Tigranes and Opgalli. It becomes clear that the pierced stars ("mullets") of Elgins/Elkins are those of Medleys (tiger) and Methleys, surnames that can link to Medleycotts and Motleys, making them all suspect with Motts/Morte's and therefore with Modi'in and Modena. Modena is the location of Marano, and the Mar lions are even in the colors of the Marano/Mauritano lion. We saw how the Arks and Modens/Modeys traced excellently to Modane on the Arc, and then the Motleys/Medleycotts share the red mural crown with ARCHers / Lurch's/Larchers. As the OpTEM" motto term of TEEGERS/Teague's is part-code for Opgalli and Tigranes, note the "QuieTEM" motto term of Motleys, making the Medley / Elgin / Hob tigers linkable to Teegers/Teague's. "QUIEtem" looks like code for the Tigranes line at Qewe, and while "OpTEM" is suspect with Time's/Timms (due to similarity of their chevron border with the Teeger border), Time's are traceable to the "Deum time" of a Moray Coat no longer showing at Moray and Elgin together are becoming suspect with Maronia liners.

Maronia elements can also be traced to Lesbos, but this picture likewise tracks to Syria. Methleys were traced with Mitanni liners to Methymna of Lesbos, where Mytilene is located. LESbos was suspect with the Leslie-related Less' sharing the red boar head with BARTons, the latter suspect with boar-using Bards who are in-turn suspect with BARTHolomew, the first-known Leslie. The red tusk of the Marone boar can therefore link to the red boars of Bartons, and that surname can then go to the Barton location of the Bernice-beloved Spurrs. Again, as it was gleaned that the Sithones of Chalcidice link to Maronia, here we find Chalchis-liners Bernice's linking to Maronia.

What does it mean that Sithones can trace to Herod liners of Chalchis? Italian Marone's share black Zionist stars with Bernice's and Burns, no need for surprise if Chalchis of Syria was of Chalcidice liners. I have an uneasy concern over whether "Sithone" is the same thing as "Zedek / Sadducee / Sittaceni / Sidicini / Sithech / Soducena, but for the time being, Sithones can be reckoned with Setantii / Sitones. When I thought that the Setantii were of the Maccus vikings between Scotland and Ireland, they seemed like a branch or associates of Rollo's family. The topic here is suggesting that some aspect of Rollo's line has Maronia elements, but even if the Sithones were closely linked to Maronia, I'd like to find the lines from Zedek (old Jerusalem). If correct that Seaton liners were at Scidrus, the nearby Potentia location (on the Lucania map) can identify potent-cross Skits / Skeets' / Scheds with Sithones rather than Zedek liners, if the two were not the same. The Marone boars are used by Gog-like Googe's (same place as Scotts) and Goughs, and if the latter two were from Gogarene at the swan-lake, Sevan, then Soducena elements can trace to Maronia.

Lesbos was home to Lapiths, which included Ixion, suspect with "Kikon," and Kikons are smack at the Maronia theater. "KIKon" recalls that Checks/Chicks, Chock/Chicks and Shicks were linkable to "Chalchis-suspect Chalk(er)s / Chaucers, and then Chalks use the swan, symbol of KIKON-suspect CYCNus/Cygnus, mythical son of SITHONES-liner STHENelus! Bingo. And it suggests Chalchis alliances with Kikons. Chocks/Chicks are in Marone colors and may be using the lion of Lesbos-suspect Motleys/Methleycotts. Not only do I not know whether Kikons were Caucasians or Gogi, though they can trace well to the Gogarene/Gugar area, but the Cocks / Cochs are now become suspect with "Acre/Acco." What a headache. An O-version "ACRE" can even become "Gager." As mount GAREB at Jerusalem, and "JERUsalem" itself, traced well to "JEREVan," right at the Soducena area, there is every likelihood that Gogarene had merged with the namers of Zedek, a good reason to trace "Acre" to Jerusalem's Acra. Compare "Acre" or a hypothetical "Gager" to "Hagar."

French Geigers/Gagers/Gage's (Normandy) are even using the same chevron as Marone's. German Geigers/Geige's use a sinister bend (Masci liners) with the Massey fleur, and one can argue for a Massey trace to the Moschian mountains at the Soducena / Gogarene area. But while this can trace Soducena liners to Maronia, was that the same thing as the Sithones?

Gage's became suspect with the Gace variation of Wassa's, and the latter share a white Zionist star with Hagars. As Wassa's are known to be proto-Washingtons, it's notable that Radnors are said to have been married to "Ap Reese of WASHINGly," for Maronia-suspect Goughs/Goffs were first found in Radnorshire (Wales). Radnors/Ridners share besants on red with Rhodes'. Washingtons were first found in Lancaster, home of the Setantii, and Gace is a Normandy location beside the Say of the Seatons. Reminder: "Spanish Marins/Marina's can be suspect with the triple bars of Seaton-suspect Sees'." Sees, if it's not the same place as Say, is beside it.

As Sthenelus and Cygnus were made kings of Liguria, which needs to include mythical LYCURGus of the Sithones-related Edones, there is the further "coincidence" that Lesbos is directly off-shore of Phocaea, where the Phocaeans lived whom are known to be proto-Ligurians. To help prove that the Methymna location on Lesbos is of the Methleys / Medleys, Phocaea is now Foca while Foggs/Foge's share the Methley / Medley (and Elgin) stars).

As Marone's share the white-on-blue boar heads of Molle's, by what coincidence do Shicks/Shacks use MOLE hills? Plus, the "Antiquum OBTINens" motto term of Shicks/Shacks is like the "optem" of Teegers, and moreover Teegers use "SummUM," same ending as TEEGer-suspect "AnTIQuum."

I still trace Washingtons to the Yuya Mitanni (Egypt) that I see through Lesbos, but also to the naming of mythical Gugu/Gyges of Lydia, on-shore from Lesbos. The older Mitanni on the Euphrates were within reach of Gogarene.

I'm not familiar with Washinglys, but they are likely using the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Saluzzo's, for they use white-on-blue fleur too, the colors of the same of Bosch's and Busch's/Bush's (from Busca, beside Saluzzo). But Bosco's are in the write-up of Scottish Rose's, at the Elgin / Moray theater so that proto-Busca elements can be expected with Maronia. The Washingly fleur are used by German Molle's while Scottish Molle's are the ones with the Maronia / Googe / Gough boars. The Shield of German Molle's is split horizontally in colors reversed from the same of Riders/Ritters, and English Riders (same place as Bush's) look to be using a version of the Savone/Saffin Coat (same place as Rieti-suspect Roets), which can trace to elements from both Lake Sevan and mount Sabina (home of the Safini), the latter beside the Salto river that I trace to "Saluzzo." That tends to identify Radnors/Ridnors and Riders with "Rieti." English Riders may be using the crescent of Dorsets, first found in the same place as Mortons. The Doriscus location beside sale should apply. Dorsets, Riders and Savone's all connect / superimpose a symbol with their crescent, making Dorsets (and Dorset, beside the Savone's) a likely line from the namers of the Turano river at Rieti, beside the Salto that should trace to the namers of Sale.

I trace Safini/Sabines and their Semnite branch to Suebi and their Semnones neighbors, and Suebi were in Sweden along with Sitones, neighbors of Sviones suspect from Savona. It looks like Gogarene / Soducena / Sevan / Jerevan elements should be following those peoples. As Sitones chose their kings on their mothers' side, they become suspect with Amazons and/or Lesbos (origin of "lesbian"). Lesbos-suspect Leslie's (same place as Sutys) use a green griffin in Crest, the color of the Seaton-Crest dragon.

As the above traces Rieti elements to Radnor, note that it's in the Powys part of Wales, where Clements were first found that use the same nebuly pattern, and in the same colors, as Italian Marins/Marina's. Clements were accidentally found as "Clermonts" (with the 's'), which led to the discovery that Clermonts share the Chief of French Clairs (Clarus Amazons, right?), first found in Lemnos-liner Limousin, thus tracing Marins/Marina's well to Myrina on Lemnos (beside Lesbos). But that accident has now discovered that the Clement / Clair Chief is shared by Radnors/Ridnors. As the Limousin Clairs share the leopard with the Rhodes Chief, I suppose that Rhodes' too can trace to Rieti, though for this discussion, the Rhodope mountains are pertinent.

We now ask why both Italian and Spanish Marina's use the wavy feature, though the Italian branch uses "waves" that are ordinarily called "nebuly," or clouds. Isn't that the line of Ixion and Nephele, suspect with Kikones? The cloud theme goes well together with the "sky" definition of "Gog," or even the high peaks of the CAUSasus. Some say that Caucasia was named partly after "Gog," but as Caucasia was also "Colchis," Gog elements can trace to Chalcidice and Chalchis.

I'm recalling that the Maronia-suspect Mars linked to lizard-using Cottars, where lizards are traceable to the Ergines by the Organ and Corrigan lizards, but are expected with the Lazards, the latter expected to be a branch of Hazards that are honored by the Sithones-suspect Seatons and Sutys (same place as Leslie's). One can go further by linking the Marano lion to the same of Wallis'/Wallace's, suspect with Wallis canton, location of Sitten. As the Marano lion is now known (by me) to be the Montfort lion, trace it to the same in the Arms of Bohemia, beside Moravia, for Scotland's Moray (beside the Mars) was actually called, Moravia.

Lazards are using the same Coat (almost) as Cams, first found in the same place as Kemmis', while Yuya lived in Kemmis. This may indicate that Lazards were named as Lesbos elements, especially the Leslie's. In other words, while on the one hand "Lazard" is expected as, l'Azard, so as to be a branch of Hazards, "Lazard" may have been formed in a Hazard merger with Leslie liners. Again, the Organs can be Orne liners and therefore link to Seatons of Say.

I need to go back to the Googe's because something interesting has been found as per their "AuDACES" motto term. While it can be gleaned as part code for the Aude part of France, location of Roquefeuil that I trace to ROXburghshire, where Googe's (and related Molle's) were first found, there is a DACES/Darcy surname showing a D'Arcy variation possibly of the Ark river, for the Daces/Darcy Shield is filled with a pattern in the colors of the Shield-filling pattern of Chambre's (peaCOCK), first found in the same place (Savoy) as Chambre upon the Ark. It makes the namers of Savoy suspect with lake Sevan. The star-on-crescent in the Boast/Bust Crest tends to verify that the surname ought to be of Busca elements, for the Boast/Bust bend-with-symbols looks like the same of Salemans.

While Roxburgh is suspect with Roxolani Rus, Chambre, like Cumbria, is suspect with Gomerians, all three part of the Gog league in Ezekiel 38. Chambre's share the fleur-de-lys in the colors of the same of MontGOMERys. Chambre's share "nos" with Rogers (traced to Manche last year), and the Nos/Ness surnames share the double bars of Washingtons. Daces'/Darcys are said to be from Manche, home of Meshech-based Masseys that are expected also at Modane upon the Arc.

I think what we have is a Gog connection to Maronia liners, but what I'd like to see is whether Sithones were the same that named Soducena. There is a chance that Sithones had Sintians of Lemnos as a branch, and as Sintians trace to Santones at Sainte, by what coincidence do Sinclairs list a Saint variation? As Sinclairs / Clare's were from Clarus, where the Leto cult had mustard, let's repeat that while Abraham's concubine was Gugar-like Hagar, Abraham's other wife, Keturah, had a Letushites, as well as a Lemnos-suspect Leummite, tribe. Keturah was traced with Biblical Og to mythical Ogyges at Acte, the entity that may have named Gyges/Gugu of Lydia, but it's only now that I look up Leum-like terms to find the Looms/Lombs (scepter) using the same fesse as Acte-like Actons. Keturah's line to Athens (at/beside Acte) can be assumed with Athena elements, which I see from the Atun/Aten god of AkhenATEN, the Egyptian king, grandson of Yuya.

We've already seen Sinclairs tracing to the Ergines river (beside the Caeni), where Abraham liners were shown to trace to, and Irish Clairs even share five, white ostrich feathers with Caens. Yuya's daughter, queen Tiye (Akhenaten's mother), I now realize, may be in the "thy" motto term of Sinclairs. Amazingly, while Keturah traced to mythical Kodros (king of Athens), his son was said to be the founder of EPHESUS, the city that I see as the makings of HEPHAESTUS (god of Lemnos), and this god had a thigh symbol in a myth with Athena, while Thy's are also "Thigh." It makes me think that proto-English speakers were a part of the Hephaestus cult. Remember, the Mormon "LATTER Day SAINTS" is a code suspect with Letushites and the Sintians of Lemnos to the Saint surname(s). It seems that Myrina of Lemnos not only traces with Mormons to Maronia, but the Leummites too en route to Limousin. Note how the Irish Clairs reflect the Coat of the Moormans/Moors/Muirs.

As Trabys share the five, white ostrich feathers of Caens and Clairs, Maronia elements can be expected at the Trebbia and neighboring Ceno rivers. The Ceno flows into the Taro which itself flows to Parma, and then Parmers/PALMERs share double fesse bars with the Clements/CLERmonts', and, moreover, get this, while the Clement bars are those of Marins/Marina's, the visible founder of Mormons, Joseph Smith, was from PALMYRa!

The Clement write-up states that an early Mr. Clement was a friend of a Mr. Newmarche, and then the Newmarch's use a "boast" motto term suggesting Boasts/Busts while the other Busts use a Coat linkable to Spanish Palmers. Italian Palmers may therefore be using the Loom fesse. The Bush family in cahoots with the presidential Bush's were from Penfield, smack beside Palmyra, and these Bush's married Smiths. However, I still think that the first president Bush was born a Scherff, suspect with Scarfs (same place as Bush's and Palmers) honored in the scarf of Trabys/Sadowski's.

The Loom SCEPter can now be gleaned as code for SKIPtons of Craven (Yorkshire, same as Bush's and Palmers), for Cravens are using a version of the Acton Coat, according to the Craven motto. That tends to verify that Looms are both Palmers and Leummite / Lemnos liners. As the Sintians are now expected at the Trebbia-Ceno theater, it's mentionable that Trabys married Stick-suspect Astikas', for the Sticks (GARBS) have become virtually clinched with "Sithech." The Looms are using virtually the Stech/Steck Coat. This is a minor / weak piece of evidence that Sithones (if they were a Sintian branch) were also Zedek liners. I'd like something far stronger. One of the Saint surnames used Gareb-like cherubs, and this can trace Sintians to old Zedek. As Boasts/Busts are suspect with the Sale / Saleman bend, were the latter from (Jeru)Salem"? Skiptons traced well to general SCIPio, and it just so happens that he set up army barracks at Placentia, in founding the city, on the Trebbia river! Skiptons were in the same place as Scarfs, and so we should want to know what SADOWski's were named after whom were engaged by Trebbia-river liners. The Sadowski's, I have read, had a SANDuski variation, very suspect now with Santones / Sintians.

This reminds me of a GRUB that spoke to me from my firewood last winter, when it started to make noise at just a certain time that caused me to find the GARB-using Avisons, a line from Avezzano, at the Salto river. I was convinced that the timing, and the way it unfolded, was God speaking something important to me, and Avezzano has been a significant topic ever since. But while certainty on the origin of Salyes Ligures has eluded me for about a decade, suddenly, in the past weeks alone, they are starting to look like Salem liners to the Selletae. Recently, the SALMydessus location smack beside Astica (lower-right on dark map) was mentioned, and "Astica" thus became suspect with "Zedek." That's important enough for to Give the grub Sign.

The Astikas' were in Lithuania, the Lada goddess of which can be of the Latter/Latto surname i.e. from Letushites. Right beside Salmydessus there is what looks like a Littus term.

Looms are in Traby/Sadowski colors. I've just tried for a Lemm surname, finding it listed with Clements/Clermonts'! As the latter are using the Marina nebuly, Clements are thus discovered as Lemnites, tending to verify that Clare liners were in cahoots with Sintians or other Lemnites. There are five Clement-surname pages to peruse. French Clements use a giant hollow star in the colors of the Moray stars. Italian Clements share the black boar with Salem-suspect Sullivans (they trace to the Saluvii-branch Salyes) in-turn using "lamh" motto term. Scottish Lamms/Lambs even use a "Palma" motto term as well as a Coat version of Looms/Lombs and Italian Palmers! English Lamberts use these colors, and French Lamberts likewise use the same stars as Moray. It definitely makes Lambs and Lamberts traceable to Lemnos. Yet, French Lamberts (dolphin-using Dauphine) come up as "Amber" while there is a MesAMBRIA location (dark map) between Sale and Maronia. It looks like Mieszko Lambert was named after Lemnos Amazons.

he Looms/Lombs are even using eagle heads in the colors of the Piast eagle (not a surname), the Piasts being Mieszko's ancestry. As the Astika-related Trabys were from the namers of Poland's Traby location (i.e. near Lithuania), while Piasts have been traced to the Bistue location in the land of the Maezaei, the Stechs/Sticks likely substitute the Loom eagle heads for the Massey fleur. The Stechs are using a version of the Crone Coat while German Crone's (same place as Mieske's/Mesechs) share a crane in the same colors as the crane of Letushite-suspect Leto's, this making for a fine Letushite-Leummite link. Leto's use a crane drinking from a pond while Ponds/Ponts use the Stech / Loom fesse in colors reversed.

The Lame's/Lamby (a smallish / unordinary saltire that can be special code for Saltire's/Salters) are using the Casey motto while the Caseys use three eagle heads in colors reversed from the same of Looms. Irish Caseys (the Stick garb?) were first found in the same place as Corrigans and Marone's. Symbols of Cass'/Cash's and Kiss'/Cush's were traced to the Arms of Vilnius, the Lithuanian city of Astikas'. The Traby-related Kilpatricks use cushions suspect with the Cassans and Cassius'/Casano's, but why not also the Cass' and Cush's? The crows of Scottish Caseys may indicate the Coronis Lapiths, especially as Irish Caseys use a cloud for possible Ixion liners. As the Custs use the Cass / Cush chevron-with-fountains while Cussons/Cusaunce's use the Custer/Constance/Custeson eagle, all three fountain users were traced to French Constance's/CONSTANTINE's (probably the Lett Chief), but, since then, Constance's have traced to the Contadesdus river.

There is a Cosyntus location (dark map) beside Topira, but I'm not prepared to trace Cass / Cassan liners there without some evidence. I'd like to see Cosins and Kos'/Kosinski's, for example, linkable to Cass liners. Cussons share the red eagle with Caseys, a good start. The Dice's, suspect from nearby Dicaea, use roundels in colors reversed from the same of Clements/Lemms. The Deacons and Dice's were first found in the same place as Axelrods/HAUKESwells (mentions a Hawkeswell location of Kent), suspect with the Hawks/Hauks that share a gold-on-silver chevron with Cosins. That's remarkable, especially as Deacons (motto suspect with UTHER Pendragon) share the battle axe with Axelrods/Hawkeswells (Deacon colors). It looks like Cosins can trace to Cosyntus, but this needs a mention of mythical Merops of Kos, the proto-Merovingians, for Dice's look like they can be using a version of the Child/Chill Coat, from Childeric, the first Merovingian king. Childs/Chills use eagles in the colors of the Loom eagle heads, and became suspect, as per the TARENT Coat, with Cilnius Maecenas, an elite Roman that married TERENTia MURENA.

There is a Cosint/Cossen surname showing dove-like birds called martlets, and dragon heads called griffins. The Cosint dragon-head design is used by English Clarks/Clerks, while Irish Clarks share the besants on red of French Clairs, the latter showing a Clerk variation. Merops was father of Pandareus of Ephesus, beside Clarus. English Clarks were first found in the same place (Northumberland) as Stave's/Stevensons (same chevron as Clarks/Clerks), honored in the "pilgrim's staves" of Hawks/Hauks. PilGRIMs share the arm-and-scimitar with Kennedys, suspect with the namers of Genoa, home of GRIMaldi's.

German Hauks are listed with Haugs/Haugens, in the colors of the Hogans, first found in Topira-suspect Tipperary. As Yonge's are kin of Hogens, let's mention that Hagle's share piles with Yonge's. However, rather than tracing Hogens to Hagar liners, I trace them to Ugrians of the Hungarian kind. Yet, German Hogens/Hogers (suspect with the Hagen quadrants) are using rams heads in the colors of Hagars, wherefore Hawks and Haukeswells might just have been Hagar / Hague / Hagen liners. Hague's (same Moray-suspect stars as Lamberts) happen to use a saltire in the colors of the Lame/Lamby saltire. Hague's share the Gopher saltire that can link Hague's to Goffs/Goughs and Googe's. The Varneys (new to me) are using the same cross as Hague's, apparently, for Were's share croziers with Lame's/Lambys. Crozier's use almost the same cross.

Recalling that Abraham liners traced to the Contadesdus, here I now find Constantine's/Consadine's using three lions in pale, linkable to the two lions in pale, of Bramtons. The Conte's were first found in the Durham while Durhams use a "fert" motto term, tending to verify that Constance's/Constans/Constantine's use the Ferte eagle (red like the Casey eagle heads). Durhams had been traced to the Durance river, location of Briancon, where Brians (share hand-in-cloud with Irish Caseys) can trace that share three lions in pale with Irish Constantine's; both surnames use the lions split into gold and silver colors, and both surnames are said to be from County Clare, though Brians are said to be partially from Tipperary, explaining why they share "Lamh" with Sullivans (suspect from the Durance-river Salyes). Brians are said to be from Brian Boru, which can trace to the boars of Tipperary-suspect Toppers. Durhams share dolphins with Tippers and Lemons/Limons. Off the coast of Topira, there is a Lemon-like location on the island of Thasos.

On the light map, Kikons (Cicones) are spread from Maronia to Sale (dark map), and so I think what happened was a merger of Sale's namers and Maronia liners with the namers of Topira. "IXION" can be indicating the Kikons together with "ZION," an idea I had several years ago, i.e. long before I even saw the Sale location on the map, and even longer before I realized that Sale can be from "Salem." That works. And so mount Moriah at Jerusalem is suspect with the line to the Myrina Amazons, and to Maronia, especially as Amorites of the Euphrates were at Mari, their capital.

The other Irish Brians are said to be first found in KilKENNY, while Kennedys (from the family of Brian Boru) were from Tipperary too, and so the Ceno and Taro rivers can apply to Brians as per their potential "tar" motto term. The full Brian motto: "Lamh LAIDir an uachTAR," the second term shared with Kilpatricks. While Kilpatricks (partial Trabys, partial Seatons) are suspect with the Latin saltire, the laidir-like Latters/Latto's share three piles with English Brians. Patricks, using the Kilpatrick saltire in their Shield, have a hand holding a saltire in their Crest, suggesting the honoring of the Saltire's/Salters, and the latter share red roundels (Toreatae-suspect torteaux) with Ore's, who not only use piles too, but are likely honored in the "Ora" motto term of Patricks. French Brians use a regular saltire in colors reversed from the Lame/Lamby saltire, apparently revealing the reason for "Lamh."

There are multiple reasons I can think of for the Lame saltire not reaching to the sides of the Shield, one of which is the adoption of the couped feature, where a symbol is cut short. Scottish Coopers use a shortened chevron for example, but the saltire-using English Coopers (share blue saltire with Brians) were first found in the same place as Lame's/Lambys. Lame's/Lamby's use croziers, a symbol I trace to Creusa, wife of Aeneas, suspect at Aenus, smack beside Sale. The Creuse area of France is near to where French Croziers were first found, who share a giant besant with Lame-like Lano's/Lane's. Coppers can be suspect both with the mother of the first Herod, and with the island of Cyprus, where Aphrodite (mother of Aeneas) was made born by a myth writer. She was the official wife of Hephaestus at Lemnos, although he was given a second wife, Cabeiro. Moreover, I trace "APHRODite" to "EUPHRATes", and view her as the (K)Habur-river Hebrews, the (K)Habur (like "Cabeiro") being the Euphrates tributary that was home to Mitanni. And so I expect Aphrodite to have been amongst the Mari Amorites, and the Myrina Amazons at Lemnos.

The Mitanni of Yuya were married to Akhenaten at AMARNA, very traceable to "Myrina," and so the Yuya liners may have been at MARONia too. It absolutely explains why Hephaestus was mated with AkhenATEN-suspect Athena. This trace of the Yuya family to Lemnos is a good reason to trace it to Lesbos and Gugu of Lydia too. The Lame's/Lambys are tracing so well to Lemnos liners that the L'Ami variation does not convince me that the surname began as an Ami term. I can imagine plenty of surnames starting with 'L' or 'D' morphing to L'- / D'- terms for any reason, or just because someone likes a change.

The MARNE river (flows to Meaux at Paris) starts off in the Meuse / Moselle theater, location of Metz, and then the Metz's roughly use the orb of French Lemons/Lemans. Lemnicidence? While the other Lemons share dolphins with Tippers, the latter were first found in the same place (Cornwall) as English Amys (MUZZLED bears can trace to Moselle). The Arms of Le Mans (Lemnos look) happens to share candleSTICKs with Kyle's, and Kyle is in AYRshire, the place that uses "Shaw" in its motto, while Shaws are said to be from "Sithech," for which reason we can trace them to Astica / Zedek.

The Astakos location is off the Akheloos river, the latter being a term to be linked to "Hagle," and Hagle's share a single pile, in colors reversed, with English Amy's. Hagle's (share the leaves of French Caseys who in-turn can trace to Astikas' of Vilnius) were first found in Somerset (near muzzled-bear Amys), where muzzled-bear Percivals and Astikas-suspect Sticks were first found, and beside the Topps' using a so-called "square." Then, Square's/Squire's were kin of Sire's/Sirons while the all-women mythical Sirens (singers), suspect with the all-women Muses (Amazons) at the Meuse / Moselle theater, were from the Akheloos. Sire's/Sirons share the mirror with Primo's suspect in the motto of Caens, from the Caeni, beside Zedek-suspect Astica.

The Stechs/Stocks/Stoke's (two-tailed lion) share a "qui" motto term with English Shaws/Sheaves (kin of key-using Sheaves'/Chiava's), and share a black Shield with Sticks.

This is where the Topira-suspect Dobe's/Dobys ("magno") come in, for they once showed the same helmet design still showing for Armors ("Cassis"), the latter said to use a SQUIRE's helmet. Dobys (share the fitchees with the Ayrshire Kennedys / Cassels) were first found in the same place as Speers (and Ore's), and the latter were identified as fundamental Melusine liners, thus linkable to her mirror. I didn't know in the last update, when mentioning the helmet-using Ivo's/Ibers (Armor colors), a branch of Ivo's/Ivers (boars), that Dobys were from IVERclyde. Dobys use the helmet in colors reversed from Ivo's, and the Ivo helmets are in the design of the Kennedy helmets, though previously the Kennedy helmets were in the design of the Doby helmets. The latter's are now in the design of the Kennedy helmets, and so houseofnames may have made the changes when realizing that Dobys, Kennedys and Ivo's were connectable kin.

I think the Marone boars (in the colors of the Ivo/Iber helmets) can thus link to the Ivers and Ivers/Eure's of Topira kinship. The Tipperary Kennedys are said to derive in a Kennedy fellow, nephew of Brian BORU. It just so happens that Ivo's/Ivers are said to be descended from an Ivo at the Oise river, while Oise is near/at the mouth of the Maronia-suspect Marne. The Tipper anchor can go to the Avis/Avison anchor, both of them held up at the same angle by an arm in sleeve and cuff, a very good reason to trace Tippers to the namers of Tipperary. the latter found in the motto of Tipperary Kennedys. The helmets must all be code for the German Helms, using a giant helmet in the colors of the Ivo helmets.

The Ivo fesse and colors are used by English Dickensons, now under investigation for a trace to the namers of Dicaea. It's very interesting that while Samsons once showed the cross design still showing for Dickens, Dickensons share a blue lion on Crest with Samsons. Samothrace is directly off-shore from the Dicaea / Kikon area, and that island's Kabeiri founder, Iasion, is suspect with the Ixion code that I see as part of Kikons.

The black-on-gold boar heads of Ivo's/Ivers are in the colors of the same of Porsels/Purcels/Persells (probably a line of Porcia's / Porci's), looked up again as per Porsulae, to the near-north of Maronia. Porsels (same place as Lame's/Lambys) are said to have been first in Surrey, then in Tipperary, what a topirincidence. The Porsel Crest uses the cuffed sleeve of Tippers / Avisons while Porsulae is very near Topira. This is a good place to bring in the Tipps'/Tippens, for they are suspect with the Ghents at Genoa. The Ghents were from Ghent/Gaunt while the Topps use a GAUNTlet glove. The Tipps show a green antelope linkable to the Seaton green dragon because the Tipps / Ghent Chief is a version of the Side/Sudy Chief. It looks like Heneti were merged with Topira liners.

The Dobers/Tobers (sinister bend) and Dobermans (griffin heads) can link to the Topira line because they trace excellently to Dobrawa, wife of Mieszko I (not Mieszko II Lambert). I wonder whether "Topira" was a T-version Sober / Soper term. Sopers share the same saltire as Haldans (Dober griffin head), from the first wife of Mieszko I. Haldans (East Lothian) use a motto, "Suffer," linkable to Soper / Sober liners.

Porsels use "Aut vinCAM aut PERIAM" for a motto, while "aut NunQUAM" is part of the Vergin/Virgo motto. The "VINCam" term can be partly with Wings/Winks, and as they use the red / single pile of Hagle's while Hagle's trace to the Akheloos, it's not likely coincidental that Wings/Winks (same place as Justine's) are part of the Sire/Siron line that link to Justine of Picenum, wife of Valentinian I, born at VINKovci. The Vinks/Vince's use "conSCIRE sibi" as code for Squire's/Square's/Squirrels (share the squirrel with Valentins) and Cibalae, the alternative name of Vinkovci.

The Douglas Theory Stacks Up and Finds Thasos

There is no doubt that the Sire mirror traces to the Melusine with mirror in the Glass Crest. The Glass' are from the Clausula river, location of a Dober that's very important for my trace to Dobrawa and the origin of Mieszko's / Piasts. I'm not going to go back into it all here, but want to talk about Dogs/Doags/Doaks and Douglas'/DuGLASS'. A new theory is coming to mind, but for this, the "Lady Fortune" in the Klassen Coat should be mentioned, for Fortuna's use a DOG in Dog/Doag colors. I was staring at the Dog/Doag Coat, noting that it's in Stech / Loom colors, wondering whether "Dog" was simply a shortened form of "Zadok / Saddock." And so I wondered whether Douglass' were the same, and then merged with Klassen > Glass liners to form a D'Glass-like surnames. This is interesting, especially as I once claimed that Douglas' were found in a Lithuanian entity (I can't recall). Dougals are sharing the upright white lion with Stecks/Stocks and Stake's. The latter two have been resolved with the Montfort lion, and as Montforts own the gonfanon banner, it's very notable that Lady Fortune has a banner in her hand.

The Montfort lion is that also of Wallis'/Wallace's, who can be found in the Douglas write-up, but to this it should be added that Seatons of Sitten in Wallis canton were Flemings, as were Douglas'. The Wallis-liner Walsers use a two-tailed Melusine, and "Wallis/Valais" was resolved as a Glass variation.

The Douglas' are said to be from Hardys with black boar heads (Edomite suspects), linkable to the same of Ponds, the latter loved by the drinking crane of Lady-like Leto's. Lady's/Laudymans have been resolved as Lords/Lauds (Glasgow colors), honored by the GLASgow motto, and Hardys were first found in the Glasgow theater. Ladys (Lett colors) share annulets that had linked to the Anchor Coat, and Anchors are traced to Ancore = Nicaea, smack beside an Astacus location (light map) that, I am convinced, was a Zedek line. The Amorites of Zedek trace to Moray, right?

So, the idea that Dogs / Douglas' / Dougals were Zedek liners is looking good. The Hardy cross, gleaned as a blue version of the Sinclair cross for a trace to mythical Leto at Clarus, is in the color of the Cooper saltire, and Coopers were first found in the same place as Saddocks...and Lame's/Lambys who use a saltire in colors reversed from the Hardy cross. Hardys are of course suspect with the Douglas hearts, but lets mention further that the Moray stars of Douglas can now trace well to French Lamberts and to Maronia.

I now keep the theory in mind that "Herod" derives in ERETria. HERODotus was of Caria, location of Miletus, suspect with Melusine. As Melusine is in the Moray/Murray Crest, let's go back to the maroon color of heraldry, which, as we saw, was also called, Murray. In this way, Douglas' can trace to Maronia. The Hardys are in the colors of Archibalds, making sense where Douglas' are said to derive in an Archibald us Douglasdale. However, this can indicate that Douglas' were not from the namers of Douglasdale, but from Arch liners. Archibalds are probably using the Biggar bend and the Moray stars in colors reversed; Biggar is a location in Lanarkshire, where Hardys were first found. But as SHETland uses a "Byggar" motto term, can this identify Douglas liners proper (i.e. from Archibald) with a SHET-like entity tracing to "Zedek".

The Douglas salamander has been traced to the Maeander river, with Leto on its north-west and Lada of the Lycians on its south. But is Douglas' were from Zedek = Salem, can't the SALamander now be gleaned with Salem liners??? It's such a coincidence, because I didn't realize this possibility when starting out on this discussion.

The "arriere" motto term of Douglas' can go to MacArys/MacAra's/MacCarrys (Perthshire), probably not Carr-like originally, but, rather, the C variations occurred as a result of the "MaC" prefixes. There is always the possibility that Arys were originally a C term, however. This could be a line of Ayrs/Airs. The Arys/Carrys share the thistle in Crest with Dogs/Doags, and make a Salem-possible saltire with their tree and sword, pointed out because Zedek-liner Shaws are Ayr kin. The Ary/Ara Coat is a version of the Alpin / Gregor Coats, and Alpins likewise use the thistle. This recalls that Alpins had traced to Idris of Morocco and his wife of the Aures/Awraba tribe, which had been traced to "Ayer," and linked definitely with Shaws suspect from the Shawia tribe of Aures. The Arys and Alpins both share the red, covered crown of Douglas', though it's not firmly established in my mind what this crown represents. Gregs are using a potential version of the Shaw / Ayr Coats, with possibly two of the three Levi chevrons.

Gregors are suspect with Craigs that were traced to Agrigento/ ACRAGas, a term potentially from mount Acra of Jerusalem. Craigs are said to be proto-Carricks, the latter suspect with Saracens, whom, historically, were viewed as Hagarites. Compare "Acra" to "Hagar," possibly revealing what Hagar was named after, wherefore Hagar's line with Ishmael may have been at or around Acragas, beside the Saracens. I don't recall this Hagar link to Agrigento occurring to me before. Hagars were first found in the same place as Arys/Ara's and Craigie castle. The idea is that Craigs are Hagar liners that lost the capital '(H)A'.

Craigie's were first found in AYRshire and use a "vivo" motto term, like the Craig motto. On one side of the Craigie Shield, the crescents are colors reversed from the Saracen crescents. There was a Craigie Castle in Perth, where Arys/Ara's were first found. That works, and the Douglas motto term may be double code, one for Arys and one for Airs/Ayrs. Later, while on the Duncan topic, Dundas' crop up, and so let's mention here that the Craigie write-up insinuates a relationship with the lord of Dundas, mentioning Dundee too. The two chevrons of the Graigs are in the colors of the two Ash chevrons, and Dundas' later crop up as "Dass," where it will be shown as to why they are suspect with Ash's. Also later, the Assa location on Sithonia becomes a significant topic, and is investigated for a possible link to "Wassa," and the latter surname shares the white Zionist star with Hagars.

The giant Dundee lily is in the colors of the Hagar star, and the two of them were first found near to one another. The "Dei" motto term of DunDEE's suggests the Dee river of Aberdeenshire, just as "Dass" is from "DunDAS." As the DUNcan-related Chamberlains lead to the Dess/D'Assche surname, it would appear that Dundas' are related to Duncans/DunCHADs. It occurred to while writing this paragraph that the HaGARD variation of Hagars makes the GARDs a Hagar branch. Gards use a chevron in the colors of Hagar star, but as Gards were traced to Garda on the Adige, it recalled that the Egg line of Eastrys traced to the Adige, and then Eastrys/EastDAYs/EastDYE's, using a giant griffin in DunDEE / Hagar colors, were first found in the same place (Kent) as Gards. English Gardners look like they use a version of the one side of the Craigie Coat, while the other side is the Gard chevron. German Gardners (Kaplan / Capes kin) share a vertically-split Shield with Craigie's. Suddenly, lake Garda and its Garda location become suspect with Hagar liners.

The other Gards mention some horse manure concerning "Unicus EST," but this must be code for the Este location near the Adige, and Este's are in Eastry colors while Eastrys share the griffin with the Gards.

One branch of Craigie's is said to be of a Caputh location, which recalls that both Spanish Capets (share vertically-split Shield with Craigie's) and French Martels showed the red covered crown. The Capes' use a sword in saltire with a an oak twig having acorns, and acorns are the Acker symbol. The Capes' are thus looking like they use a version of the sword and oak tree of Arys/Aras's / Alpins/CAPPins. The question then becomes, what came first, Cappin or Alpins? Scottish Chappes (beside the Hagars / Arys) use "ears" as code for Eyers/Ayers. Scottish Chappes' were first found in the same place as GuisCARDS, from rulers of Sicily who, I have read, made an alliance with Saracen leaders named Samsam and Timnah, as though these Saracens traced themselves to Biblical Samson. Why did they? Were they from Samothrace and neighboring Thasos?

I've just become convinced to a fair degree that Guiscards/Wisharts were named in part after Hagar(d) liners of a Gard kind.

Ackers are in Ashmole / Ayr / Shaw / Craigie-crescent colors, but I don't try to force an Ask link to "Ishmael" just because "Ashmole" sounds like him, for I don't know whether Ashmole's were Ishmael liners. It is possible that carriers of "Ishmael" (whatever the term may have been) lost their first letter to become encoded as "Semele," mother of Dionysus and daughter of Cadmus. Smele's/Smileys use a sinister-pointing buckle in Hagar colors, and the "Industria" motto term (used by the Arms of Rothschild) of Smele's has been resolved with Dusters, who show a white crescent (also in the Smele Crest) facing sinister, while the Duster Coat is a version of the Rothchild (no 's') Coat using two sinister features, including lizards on a sinister (leftward) rise. Lazards/Lizarts are highly suspect as a branch of Seaton-beloved Hazards (almost like "Hagar"), which become suspect with Assa at the north end of Sithonia. Was Assa an Ishmael line? I can't say. As Assa is beside MecyBERNa (central Chalcidice), note that Smele's are in BERNice colors and first found in the same place as Bernice's and Burns. It speaks of a Bernice trace to Chalcidice, conspicuous where she married Chalchis. It's as though the Bern / Bernice name traces to Chalchis > Chalcidice elements.

Dusters are suspect with the BARNstaple fesse using the Albino trefoils (Albins were in Barnstaple), and Albino's were first found in Modena! It looks like the namers of Macca(bee)-like Mecyberna were allied to KeraMOTI elements. The Staple's are suspect with the Staphylus-grape line, and the Dionysus grape symbol was on Thasos. Dionysus was on Thasos with his DANCING Maenads, and Carricks use a dancette. On the mainland modern shore from Thasos is KERAmoti, in a Cybele-like Kavala area.

Keramoti is of a Nestos part of Macedonia that can link to Washingtons (i.e. now suspect with the Hagar star). If you look on either map, the Nestus river is shown, with a NICOpolis location along it that traces to the Nice/Ness/Nest surname (load "Ness" to see three versions sharing the double Washington bars). At the sources of the Nestus, the DenthaLETAE (i.e. suspect with Hagar-Abraham liners), and, more importantly for this discussion, you can see mount Dunax, where the Duncan royals of Scotland, part of the Alpin line, were traced hard. The Douglas crown can be for the Duncan royals.

Another Keramoti is in the island of Naxos, which makes the Kermoti at Thasos look like a carry-over from Naxos, and thus identifies the Nestus with "DoiNYSus." KeraMOTI smacks of Motts (ESToile) who happen to share the crescents of the proto-Carrick Craigs. Motts are in the colors of the Kerrick pile, and piles trace to Pylos, home of mythical NESTor. I don't think these things are coincidences. Keramoti has just become suspect with Modi'in liners to Methoni/Modon, how about that! Keramoti is smack beside Abdero / Topira / Maronia, and the Duncans ruled at Moray. How incredibly interesting if not absolutely revealing. I hate to break it to you, Scots, but you were Greeks from way back. Or, rather, Thracians. Italian Marone's (anchor) are using the black Zionist stars of Bernice's / Burns, no coincidence at all, I am now sure.

The Marone anchor should trace to the Kyle anchor, for Kyle's were first found in Ayrshire, but they are mentioned here for their candleSTICKS (part of the Shaw-Sithechs), for Douglas' and Dogs/Doags are suspect with ZEDEK liners. The Candels/Cundells use "Two ears of wheat, crossed in SALTIRE," as further proof that "ears" are code for Ayrshire elements. Candels are even said to be from the count of Mortaine. Moreover, as Candels use the Burgh cross while showing Conte-like variations, they should trace to the Ergines/Contadesdus river / Burgula...beside Stick-suspect Astika, and not far from the saltire-suspect Selletae, itself at Kavala-like Cabyle. Kyle castle was at Cummock while John de Burgo de Conteville ruled Comyn. The Comyn-related Avisons (Gareb-suspect garbs) share the anchor with Kyle's, but in black, the colors of the Marone anchor.

The Duncans use the Dog/Doak cinquefoils, and were actually from saint Chad, explaining the DunCHAD variation of their Duncan ancestry. And Chads share the potent cross of Shetland-suspect Scheds / Skits / Skeets'. Plus, Chads are suspect with the split Shield of Sion / Wallis canton i.e. where Zedek liners need to trace. Chads are from a St. Chad character (may have been mythical, I don't know), of a Litchfield location in the Chadwick write-up, and to this it must be repeated that Chaddocks and Chadwicks share the eSCUTcheon of Saddocks/Sedgewicks, such a dougincidence. Chadwicks and Litchfield are of Stobi-suspect Staffordshire, and the DentheLETAE are on the light map near Stobi, and suspect with LITCHfield. Litch's have a LEETch variation, share the Shield-and-Chief color combination of UNICus-Este Gards, and look like a branch of Unic-like Anchors (Agrigento liners), from Ancore = NICaea. It looks like Nicopolis and Nicaea can be linked together. Nicaea is near Astacus, itself around the corner from NICOmedia. What named NicoMEDEA?

The nasty NicoLAITans of Revelation may apply. Laits are listed with Letts, suspect with ANNUlets, in-turn suspect with Anaki liners, such as Anchors/Annackers can be. I traced Keturah's son, Medan, to mythical Medea with some very-logical evidence. Therefore, the Letushites are suspect with Nicolaitans while the kin of Letushites ate suspect with Nicomedia. Keturah lived in Hebron, we may assume, land of Anak too, another reason yet to trace Keturah liners to Nicaea. But mythical Nike/Nice was likely an element at Naxos, island of DioNYSus, and thus the Nestus area is likely named from the Nuzi Assyrians / Horites. Expect Edomite Horites, suspect with the naming of Herods / Herodotus. Did Horites name Eritrea? "Eritrea was also involved in the Greek colonisation and founded the colonies of Pithekoussai and CUMae in Italy together with Chalchis."

Archibalds are suspect from the Ark river of Savoy, not far from Wallis canton. That's the river to which Chamberlains trace who use a form of the Duncan / Donkey Coats, and a donkey in Crest to prove it. But the other (French) Chamberlains actually share the white-on-red escutcheon of Chaddocks and Chadwicks/Shadducks, I kid you not. That makes Dogs and Dougs suspect from the tail end of ChadDOCKs. That's what it looks like. You can find the Dog / Duncan cinquefoil in the Lanark surname too, using a perchevron in Chaddock / Chadwick colors. Chaddocks were first found in the same place as the Setantii Brigantians suspect from Brigantium (Briancon), about 25 miles from the Ark river, the river of Modane now traceable to the namers of Keramoti. The Morte variation of Motts can now be, possibly, from Morton liners into / out of Maronia. It's suggesting Amorites in cahoots with proto-Hasmoneans/Maccabees, and Anak was of the Amorites.

Repeat: "...Moreton-Say in Shropshire, meaning that Mortons were linked to Seatons, which can indicate a Maronia merger with Sithones." I am seriously tracing proto-Maccabees to Keramoti. It looks absolutely full-proof. The Maccabees put forth nasty king Maccus of the Isle's, where Mackie's/Margys were first found (in Ayrshire, same as Carricks), but also the Ham / Hammer-related MacAbee's, beside the Alexanders that share the Craig / Mott crescent. MacAbee's use Salem-suspect salmon. Mythical Salmoneus was brother to Sisyphus, code for Sicyon, but then there's a Sicyone location (dark map) on the Chalcidice peninsula (Cassandra) beside Sithonia. This Cassandra peninsula will later trace to proto-Pharisee suspects, very important is Sisyphus was himself a Salem entity.

As Samson traces to Samothrace, while Modi'in was near his Timnah station, it looks like Keramoti was named by something out of Modi'in. This in itself doesn't preclude necessarily that the something led to Maccabees, but it sure looks like the correct scenario where Sithones and other factors speak of the priest-kings of Israel in the lead-up to Jesus. Timnah is suspect with Lotan's sister, Timnah, and Lotan can trace to Lothian, where Seatons were first found. Seatons share the crescent with Motts, and so it tends to reveal a Sithone merger with proto-Craigs at Keramoti. Suddenly, the Ary/Carra surname comes rushing to mind that's suspect in the Douglas motto. As the other Douglas motto term is suspect with James' that use both the Dougal lion and the dolphin, note the dolphin that crops up later in Thasos, and assume Ladon-Daphne liners to Duffie's.

Repeat: "Arkins/Aarons are in the colors of the ARCHibalds/ARKANbaldus', and as the latter use the same crescents as French Conte's, it's a good reason to trace [tentatively] Arch liners to 'Ergines.'" Dougans use a giant (and sinister) version of that crescent (in the white of the Mott crescent), as well as many estOILE's that are partly suspect with Doyle's / Dulys'/D'Oyle's who can in-turn modify to "Dougal/DOWel." It's a long shot, but Toys/Tays/Teys have a Chief reflective of the Douglas Chief. The Duffeys/DOWeys list a Doy variation, and the Dougal lion may be in the Coat of MacAFFEYs/MacVeaghs, a possible branch of Fie's/Fays/Duffie's.

The "Disce pati" motto of Duncans and Donkeys must be for the patee crosses in the Chad Coat, but a patee in the same colors is used by Ponds (share black boar heads with Hardys), and the latter share the fesse of Chambers/Chalmers, tending to clinch a trace of Archibald of Douglasdale to some family of Chambre elements upon the Ark. The Chambre rose on stem was traced to the same of Avezzano's, but that was before learning that the Avezzano pattern was called, potent. As Ponds are beloved of the Leto pond, the Dentheletae become suspect with Leto's. As the Leto crane is drinking, it's notable that Drinks use a red passant lion, same as Bramtons.

As Alpins use a fir tree, the Fire's/Firs/Furs (Chad colors) could be expected, whom I now see as a branch of Ferrens using the patee cross (with vair fur) in the colors of the same of Chads. The "tenax" motto term of Ferrens' can now be entertained from "Dunax." The Ferrens' are traced to Skipton elements, suspect with the SCEPter of Pond-suspect Looms. But then I know of a second surname using the scepter, and that's the Irish Godfrey Crest (Tipperary), important because Ferrens' have been resolved with Firenze, where Taddei's were first found that share a version of the Ferrens Chief, only the Taddei's are using the Bouillon crosses! Thus, Godfrey de Bouillon is implied, who owned the potent cross of Templar Jerusalem! As I insisted that Guerin of Provence was the real root of the Alpin royals of Scotland, so the Ferrens' look like Guerin liners. That's my story, and I'm stickin to it.

The "libertas" motto term of Godfreys must be for the "LIBERTAS" written in the Chief of Dino's, for the latter use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Ferrens' in colors reversed, and throw in a tree reflective of the Alpins and Arys/Carrys. Dino's were first found in Firenze and are said to be from Taddeo Dini. Godfrey de Bouillon was clearly linked to Taddei's.

The trace I make of Bauts (same place as Bouillons) and the family of de-Bouillon to the Bautica/Baltea river had become suspect with ArchiBALDs before discussing them in this Douglas section, and at a recent time when the Archibald of Douglasdale was not on my mind. So, that trace seems to work. The Arduinici of Ivrea, on the Bautica, are therefore able to explain the Archibure variation of Arthurs, but it traces the Arduinici to something on the Ark. The Italian bear-using Bure's could be using the Chad Shield in colors reversed. But of the four Bure surnames, one listed with Bowers and another with Bewere's, the French Bure's/Bureau's/Burels are an excellent candidate because they use the potent pattern in their chevron. It gets us right back to the Avezzano relationship with Chambre. The bear of the Italian Bure's (Verona) links well to the bear paw of Bellini's (Verona) and that then traces well to the Bellows beloved by the bellows of Skipton-suspect Skiptons i.e. the scepter-suspect line of Godfrey de Bouillon. Skiptons were first found in the same place (Oxfordshire) as English Chamberlains.

This is a good place to mention that the Oxfordshire Tiens/Teans/Thames', suspect from Teano of the Sidicini, are using the same stars as Letts.

I've been wondering what Avezzano's / Avis'/Avisons may have been named after, and Avvites had come to mind before coming here to the donkey-using Chamberlains. The Avvites has a donkey god, Tartak. With this in mind, let's read from Wikipedia's Thasos article until a donkey code crops up, but first know that donkey ears were involved in a myth with golden king Midas:

The island [of Thasos] was colonised at an early date by Phoenicians, attracted probably by its gold mines; they founded a temple to the god Melqart, whom the Greeks identified as "Tyrian Heracles", and whose cult was merged with Heracles from Biblical Samson, the line to Samothrace] in the course of the island's Hellenization. The temple still existed in the time of Herodotus. An eponymous Thasos, son of Phoenix (or of Agenor, as Pausanias reported) was said to have been the leader of the Phoenicians, and to have given his name to the island.

Around 650 BC, or a little earlier, Greeks from Paros founded a colony on Thasos. A generation or so later, the poet Archilochus, a descendant of these colonists, wrote of casting away his shield during a minor war against an indigenous Thracian tribe, the Saians. Thasian power, and sources of its wealth, extended to the mainland, where the Thasians owned gold mines even more valuable than those of the island...Herodotus says that the best mines on the island were those opened by the Phoenicians on the east side of the island, facing Samothrace. Archilochus described Thasos as "an ass's backbone crowned with wild wood."...Thasian coins had the head of the wine god Dionysos on one side and bunches of grape of the other.

The grape vine was the symbol on one side of a coin of Herod ARCHelaus (lived at Vienne, to the near-west of the Ark river), very suspect in naming the Ark river. The question is whether the Thasians had gone way up the Nestus river to Dunax, and then had their donkey god follow all the way to Duncans that merged with Chambre elements i.e. the donkey-using Chamberlains. In other words, were Herods, suspect from Herodotus, part of the Thasians? Eritrea is on Euboea, location of mythical ABAS that I traced years ago, not now for making the argument, to Avvites! Later, "Abas" became suspect with Jabesh Gilead and/or Jebusites of Jerusalem, where Herods came to rule. The Avvite capital, Avith, is in the Bible as an Edomite entity, and Herods were Edomites. The Thasos article shows a coin with dolphins, the symbol of Dauphine, where Vienne was the capital.

The naming of Dauphine can to the Daphne of Phoenicia, not many miles from Dan/Laish. Modern Dafna is on my atlas two or less miles from Dan, and this was the location also of Panias, suspect in naming mythical Phoenix, father of Thasos. But I have no idea, on the spur of the moment, what Thasos may have been named after.

I trace Tartak to Tartus, on the Syrian mainland from Arpad/Arados. As the head of Orpheus floated down the Hebros out to Lesbos as code for his line's links to both areas, let's repeat that Orpheus' ancestry was made in Oeagrus and Charops, who trace to Ugarit and Arpad/ARADos (like "Herod / ERETria"), but also to Arpad, founder of Hungarians, known producers of Leslie's i.e. from Lesbos. And Arados-suspect Arad and Oradea are in the Mures-river theater suspect with proto-Morays/Murrays...meaning that Maronia liners may have named both the Maritsa and the Mures/Maros. The Mures-river Khazars of concern ruled Biharia, suspect with Biggars, kin of Douglas' and Archibalds. This opens the possibility that Douglas liners trace back through Herod Archelaus to Arados, and the Avvite donkey liners there (Wikipedia says that Arados named Tartus). But we can go further back to Dan and Dafna, near Mount Sion, where one would expect Zedek liners.

I kid you not, I didn't know until now, after showing good evidence of a trace to the Arys/Carrie's of the Douglas motto, that "Because of its clear air and cool summer breezes, the ancient poets gave the island [of Thasos] other names, such as Aeria or Heeria." I don't agree that these names had to do with clear air. The poets were always sharpening the clever wits in using double meanings, and the air was the false meaning while the true meaning was a people group. As Dionysus, the Satyrs and the Maenads were deities of Thasos, the thyrsos rod is coming to mind. Note that Satrae Thracians are up the Nestus river too. It speaks of mythical Nestor at Pylos, beside Oeneus of Methoni i.e. Thasos elements to the Methoni theater can be expected, then to Messina of Sicily, location of Patti honored in the Duncan / Donkey motto, and in the Chad patees. Some of the Sicilians (the Sicanians) trace to the Szekely (proto-Hungarians) on the Mures, at or beside Biharia / Arad / Oradea.

I'm also reading now: "According to an ancient myth, Thassos was the island of the Sirens..." It evokes the Daphne-suspect Taphians (real people) on the Akheloos. It therefore seems like a Thasos-of-Dafna trace to Taphians (pirates, expected of Tyrians). But as Sirens were Muses, the Muses of Thessaly, home of Zion-suspect Ixion, also comes to mind, and this Thasos location at the coast of Kikons explains how Ixion can be in the Kikons as well as in Thessaly (the opposite side of Chalcidice). Therefore, Thasos liners were likely the namers of Thessaly, and then there is a Thessalonica on Chalcidice, which, on the dark map, is beside an Aenia location traceable to Aenus at the Kikons theater. Beside Thessalonica, a Sindus location that may be able to weld Sintians of Lemnos with Sithones. The city of Thasos is said to be called by a Lemnos-like name, but everyone defines it as "port" in the local language.

The Duffeys not only use the Morgan lion for a trace to the Ergines, as per the Mergins/Bergin trace there, but are said to be from lords of Fermanagh, where Ergines-suspect Corrigans (and Marone's) were first found. Duffeys are said to descend from Colla, evoking the Marincola variation of Italian Marone's. Below, Morgan le Fay becomes suspect with a location on Thasos.

It may seem like a stretch, but maybe not, that there is an Assa location at the Sithonia peninsula of Chalcidice. One should be expecting donkey terms in Chalcidice in that it's naming was related to Chalchis (i.e. probably part of mythical Abas, suspect with an Arados line to Eritrea). What about Assisi near Arettium? On the Chalcidice peninsula nearest Thasos, a CHARADriae location that may indicate Arados liners.

There was a Neptunium entity on Thasos, but details are scarce. I'd like to know whether Neptune was named after a line from Naphtali as it merged with neighboring Laish.

The "ProDESSE" motto term of Chamberlains can be for Thassos elements. The "Disce" of Duncans can be too. The Dess' are said to be D'Assche's, but, perhaps, Daschs were first. The Diss' are listed with Dice's. The Daish variation of Dess', and the Deas'/Daisys, can indicate Dia, Ixion's wife. Or, D'Assche's can be Assa liners. Unexpectedly, Dass' are listed with DUNdas' (West Lothian), like "Dunax." They share a red lion with Dess', and show a motto, "ESSAyez," perhaps linkable to D'Esse Court of the Ash write-up. The "yez" ending on "Essayez" is like the ending on "PhlegYAS," Ixion's father. There seems to have been a Yas entity of some sort. The Dass/Dundas Crest is "A lion's head emERGING from an oak bush," and then an upright red lion is used by Dutch Bush's too. The latter's is in both colors of the Dess-Chief lion, and while Guerins use the same-colored lion in Chief, Guerins/Garins, and especially Garins/Gorings, smack of "Agora." Hmm. Guerins are suspect with Guerra's, in-turn traceable to Guido Guerra while Guido's use the same lion as Dass'/Dundas'.

Dess' can be construed in using the Dussen/Dussel fesse, but as it's also the Hazel fesse, the Haz liners might just trace to the Thasos ass cult. The Assa location at Sithonia is incredibly strong at this point for the "HAZard" motto term of Sithones-suspect Seatons, first found in East Lothian i.e. not far from Dass'/Dundas' of West Lothian. But as Assa is on Chalcidice, by what coincidence do Dussens/Dussels / Hazels use the same fesse as Bernice's!? That's a wow. There is what looks like a MecyBERNa location on the other side of the Sithonia peninsula, that makings of "MACCAbee," for Maccabees were HASmoneans. WOW. Imagine, then, if the Sadducees from Maccabee circles were of the Sithones.

The Dussens/Dussels share green-on-gold trefoils with Corrigans, and the latter are the ones with the lizard, expected with Hazard-related Lazards! Plus, Corrigans can be a line to the namers of Agora. The Hare's/Garrys share the lizard but also use a fox, while the other god of Avvites, Nibhaz, is equated by some with Anubis, the small-dog god. The 300 foxes of Samson (impossible for anyone to catch) were suspect as code for the Avvite god, along with his donkey-bone symbol.

To the near-north of Thessalonica, there is a Lete location (dark map) that can be of the organ-pipe Letts/Lete's, for Organs are a Corrigan branch. Repeat: "This is a good place to mention that the Oxfordshire Tiens/Teans/Thames', suspect from Teano of the Sidicini, are using the same stars as Letts." Can this trace Sithones to Sidicini, in the area of the Apollo-suspect Hirpini of Avellino? I now trace Avellino and Avalon to Avlona/Aulon, on the map at the THESprotian theater! Aulon is marked beside Apollonian, and places of that name are also in central Chalcidice, and to the near-west of Thasos. It looks like the Leto>Apollo line -- which included Thames-like ArTEMIS -- were wrapped up in Thasos elements, which recalls my trace of proto-Apollo to Arados and to the dog god of Avvites. It was Apollo who gave Midas donkey ears.

To the near-east of Lete, there is what looks like, ASSurus, important because Keturah's descendants are said to have formed an ASHURite tribe along with Letushites. I'm not convinced that these Ashurites were the similarly-named Assyrians. In any case, suddenly, the Has liners can become suspect with Ashurites. The Sheers are coming to mind who show evidence of linkage with Carricks. There is a Carew surname (share lions in pale with Abraham-suspect Bramtons) that has a CARROT variation possibly from CHARADriae. The Carews/Carrots (Carrick colors) and Carricks share a "bien" motto term. One might expect a Bien line from "Avv," the root term of "Avvite." The Sheriffs -- "ESSE quam" motto phrase -- are using the Hazel fesse in colors reversed, I have assumed. The "quam" term is for Cams that share (almost) the Lazard pale bars exactly.

The red-on-gold lion of Dess'/D'assche's is in the colors of the Bramton lions. Where Avvites had formed a relationship with Keturah's lines, it can explain why Avvites were allowed to survive when Joshua entered the Promised Land. One of Keturah's grandchildren, Abida, smacks of Avith. Did Abida's line go on to name Jabesh?

The Shera variation of Kilpatricks can trace with them to the DASSaretae/Dexaroi, at Antipatria/Antipater, suspect with the ancestry of the father of the first Herod. Antipatria is on the dark map down-river from Keturah-suspect Kodrium, and then, further up the same Apsus river, there is Bantia, like the Abantians of Euboea, given in myth to Abas. Just compare "Abas" to "APSus," and then the Apps-related Capes' were first found in the same place as Dess'/D'Assche's, tracing the latter, and the Dussels / Hazels, possibly to the naming of Dassaretae. The light map has "BOIUS" in place of Bantia, suggesting EuBOEA. The possibility is that Dassaretae were Assaretae = Assurus liners.

Strabo said that Edones had two tribes, Sithones and Mygdones. I'm reading "The Mygdones of Macedonia connect with Assurus." Lete is in Mygdonia too. I kid you not, that the webpage below says: "Assorus...a town of Macedonia, in the district of Mygdonia, to the east of the river CHIDORus..." That's Keturah! The page also has an Assarus mountain in Samos, an Assurus location in Numidia, and an Assus in Mysia. Assa of Chalcidice can trace to Gaza, the area where Avvites were living. Alternatively, Assa liners can be from Acco, if the latter was old enough. It was anciently Acre, but the Gaza area had an EKRon, not to mention an Asch-like Ascalon.

At the same peninsula as Charadriae, there is a Stagira location, perhaps to be suspect with the stag-using Staggers, and with the proto-Hungarian stag symbol, for Charadriae is suspect with Arados/ARPAD. Note how "Stag" is like "Stick / Steck so as to be possibly a Zedek entity. The Stagira article says that it was founded by elements at Andros, and this location, a few miles off the Euboea coast, has got to be the meaning of mythical Andromeda at Jabesh-suspect Joppa, for Abas of Euboea is also suspect with "Jabesh." I think I understand this. While I once gathered that AndroMEDA was a Mede entity while Perseus was a Persian / Parthian entity, it could be that she was rather code for Medan or Midian, two sons of Keturah. It's Medan that I trace to Medon, a mythical son of KODRos. The reason that the island of Andros can play well with the Perseus myth is where Andromeda was the mother of Sithones-suspect Sthenelus. It's due to Sithones connection to Mygdonia that Sthenelus should connect to one or the other of Keturah's tribes.

By the way, "Eritrea controlled the Aegean islands of Andros..."

On the east side of Sithonia, there is a SINGos location that named the sea there, and then Sing(er)s (share "vincit" with Shaws) use the same garbs (Garebites, right?) as Sticks, for which reason the Shaw liners -- i.e. Sithechs -- are expected at Sithonia. This is the first case I can recall (though I forget much) in which Zedek suspects have linked with teeth to Sithones. Plus, behold, for the Sing(er)s use the horse of Pharisee-like Phreeze's, listed with Freys (same place as Gore's).

The Chalcidice peninsula on the one side of Sithonia is called, CassANDRA, while Andromeda was made the daughter of CASSiopeia, part-code for Ioppa=Joppa, therefore revealing that Chalcidice elements were from Joppa, on the Israeli coast not far south of Megiddo, which, apparently, named Mygdonia. One could even say that this Perseus line, or something related to it, leads to the culprits at Armageddon.

Reminder, we read that "Greeks from PAROS founded a colony on Thasos." Paros is an island beside Naxos of Dionysus. Paros had a Minoa location upon that speaks loudly for its Tyrians as they evolved into the Sarpedon Carians on the Maeander. It was also ancestral to Parium: "[Paros] sent out colonies to Thasos and Parium on the Hellespont." Together, that was mythical Paris and Helen of Troy, the line to a merger with Maeander-suspect Menelaus, himself suspect from Laish elements that named Las (Sparta). Shouldn't Paris-like Pharisees be suspect from the Levite line out of Laish? As the Gorgon Muses of Parium/Parion are suspect as the Muses of Parion-like Parnassus, that latter location is in Thessaly, home of Ixion.

Electryon, father of Hercules' mother, was made a son of Perseus and Andromeda. Trace this picture to Hercules of Thasos, a most-disgusting thing. Electryon's wife, Anaxo, seems certainly to be a code for the line of the Biblical Anak of Hebron. Electryon's children with Anaxo included Archelaus and Laish-suspect Lysinomus. I didn't consciously know this when Herod Archelaus was tracing back to Laish elements with the trace of mythical Thasos to Phoenicia. At that time, the Taphians came to topic, saying, "...a Thasos-of-Dafna trace to Taphians..." At that time, ut was guess-timated that Thasos elements went up the Nestus river. In the Electryon article: "The six sons of Pterelaus, King of the Taphians, descended from Electryon's brother Mestor..." It looks like Mestor was code for the Nestus > Nestor line. It also looks like the Anaki Amorites were at Phoenicia's Daphne location, beside the proto-Hercules "Danites" of Dan. It's also interesting that Mestor can trace to Masters/Mesters/Misters, first found in Ixion-suspect Kent. You can read in the article that Electryon was given a cattle symbol, and that they were taken by Everes, Daphne's grandfather. Trace this from Gorgophone to Geryon, owner of cattle. But Gorgo liners are suspect also at the Ergines.

One of Electryon's brothers was AmphiMACHUS, a known symbol of Pamphylians in the Lycia theater. Then, AmphiTRYON was likewise a Pamphylian entity, and made the nephew of ElecTRYON, suggesting that the latter was an ELEC entity at his root. It's suggesting LACHish of Hebron as it named the Lycians. Yet, "Lachish" is almost "Laish." It could be that peoples of Lachish named Laish, yet Sidonians came to live there, as says the Bible. In this picture, Sidonians trace well to Sithones. As Thasos was made a son of PosEIDON, he traces well to Edonians. Yet, one can read the term also as PoSEIDON to indicate Sidonians. LysiMACHia is a real place that can link to Amphimachus, with the machus entity a candidate for naming Maccabees.

On top of that, I had not motives for seeing Thasos elements up the Nester, but that's where Keturah-suspect Satrae are stamped on one of the maps. Steigers/Staigs (Berne) use a goat! Staggers/Staigs (not the Steigers/Staigs) could be using the Burn/BERN chevron. It's in the colors of the Traby/Sadowski scarf for potential linkage to Astikas liners. As the sons of Eustace II were rulers of the first Crusader Jerusalem, note that Eustace's and Eustace's/STACeys (probably the Kildare saltire) both use stags (in brown) in Crest. The Eustace's even pout a cross between the stag's antlers, as do Stagg(er)s/Staigs. The latter are suspect with the Hanna Coat, both using blue stags, the color of the Zahringer antlers, and Zahringers are known founders of Berne! I get it. Burns even use a hand while Hands (same chevron as BURNs, BROWN stag in Crest) seem to me to be kin of Hanna's.

The "CUR me PERSEqueris" motto of Eustace's and Staceys may be pert-code for Carrick / Carian liners, and partly for Perseus liners to Sithones. I'm also looking at "perseQUERIS," for English Carris' (NINE cinquefoils) happen to share a royal blue Shield with Carrick- and Carrot-loving Biens, and the latter share the white-on-royal-blue chevron of Carris'! French Biens share the axe with the Crest of Zahringer-suspect Zerrs/Zehrers, making ZAHRingers suspect as Carrick / Carian liners of the Saracen-surname kind. Saracens were first found in the same place as Bernice's, and Scottish Carris/Carsons get us to another fesse in the colors of the same of Bernice's / Hazels / Dussels, but this fesse is used also in the Arms of Saracen-suspect Saraca's, whom are said (at Wikipedia's Saraka article) to be from Keturah- / Kodros-suspect Kotor. Kodros had a fish symbol, the item on the Saraca fesse. The Zerr/Zehrer Shield use hatchets, while Hatchets (Kilkenny, same as Brians that use gold lions in pale) use white-on-blue fish, the colors of the Saraka fish.

Hatchets use the same trefoils as Corrigans, making them linkable to Keturah-Abraham liners of the Lett kind, suspect now at Lete. Plus, Hatch's are using the double, gold Brunswick lions...while Bars of Bar-le-Duc (white-on-blue fish) are known to have been in Brunswick with gold-on-blue fish. Bar is near Kotor.

Hatch's were first found in the same place (Cornwall) as Veys/Vivians while the latter use the same chevron as Staggers/Staigs. It's a little interesting because the Craig motto can be for a line that included Veys/Vivians, and while Craigs (share crescents with Saracens) are said to be Carrick ancestry, I'd like to know what proto-Craigs were called after or before they named Keramoti. If we go by ACRAGus / AGRIgento, perhaps the Agrianes river, or the Agrianes peoples beside mount Dunax. The Agrianes is an Ergines tributary, and if we imagine it being from a hypothetical Cergines entity, isn't that like "Saracen." By what coincidence was there an Hypsas river at Agrigento, like the Apsinthii peoples or the Cypsela location near the Ergines?

The idea is that a Veyr / Veyer surname cropped up and later shortened to "Vey," and meanwhile named the WYvern dragon partly after the Varni. Saracens / Carricks are in Varn colors, and the Hypsas was also the Drago. Were's, using the same-type crosslets, list "Wayer." Weavers use the same fesse The Weirs/Vere's, sharing the Bernice / Hazel / Saraca / WEAVER/WEVER fesse (all in Vey colors), come up as "Wire." Weavers/Wevers were first found in the same place as Hazels. Weavers (antelope) are honored in the "weaver's SHUTTle" of Keeps and Shuttleworths/Shettleworths.

Irish Fays/Feys/Vaheys (gold boar, Weir symbol) share the sword of Irish Fie's/Feys/Duffie's, potential kin of MacAffeys/Veaghs/Veighs, and then the Ways'/Weys/Weighs share wavy fesse bars with Webbers (who I say own them as code for "Weaver"), as well as more white-on-blue fish. Let's not forget the Vire river near Vere (Manche), and the Vires'/Verone's using the white-on-blue fish.

From "Wayer / Weyer," one can get to Beyers / Bauers / Beware's / Beavers / etc., including the namers of Bavaria. Bayers/Byers (Ivo/Iver rose?) were first found in the same place as Sithones-suspect Seatons, and are said to be Bernicians. Bayers/Buyers ("fortuna") were first found in the same place as Letts while the Lett organ PIPE's link to the Pepin-Webber relationship. Letts (crescent in the colors of the Saracen crescent) use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Veys/Vivians in colors reversed. Reminder: Letts were first found in the same place as "letho"-using Samsons, suspect at Samothrace, beside Thasos, but also suspect with the Samsam / Timnah Saracens. Saracens use a wolf in Crest, symbol of mythical Leto...from the Caria theater around Clarus. And the Chiaramonte (like "Keramoti") area near Agrigento traces to the Chiaro/Claro surname.

German Bayers share the upright bear of Sangs/Singers/Sengers, and the latter look to be using the Weis stars (Bavarian liners). Sangs can trace to the Singos area, at the sea between Sithonia and Thasos. That makes the Bernician Bayers traceable to the namers of MecyBERNa. Bavaria is known as BAYERN. The Zionist stars of Weis' are in half the colors of the Hagar star, and the Weis bend is that also of the Ishmael-suspect Smele's (same place as Bernice's) and Bruno's. While the latter trace well to Rothschilds, the Rothschild Illuminati has been suspect with that of Adam WEIShaupt's Bavarian Illuminati.

Avers are listed with Avis'/Avisons, and share gold garbs with Weavers. Repeat from above: "The Ways'/Weighs (share wavy fesse bars with Somerset Webbers) use more fish while Weggs (same motto as Vince's) were first found in the same place as the latter Webbers." The Wage's/Wadge's/Watch's are in Wegg colors, and smack of the Wace's/Gace's/Wassa's that might just trace to "Assa." Right now, Assa" is on the table with any possibility until something can be clinched. As the Nestus river is almost-certainly of the Nice/Ness/Nest surname, by what coincidence does it share the double red-on-white fesse bars of Washingtons? The Wage/Wadge stars are even colors reversed from those of Medleys (share bars gemel with Wassa's) and Methleys, and in the colors of the same of Foggs/Foge's (share black-on-white annulets, and virtually the entire Coat, with Weggs/Waggs), and so it traces to Mitanni suspects at Phocaea and Lesbos. Plus, as Nestor was at Pylos, suspect with the heraldic pile, look at the Wage "wedges," shaped just like piles (!), for which reason piles may have derived their shape specifically from the Wage wedges. This is the first time that this has occurred to me. Kerricks (suspect from Keramoti at Nestos) use a single pile in colors reversed from the Wage wedge. The Prestbury location of Carricks may be in the "praestat" motto term of Yonge's (annulets), who use piles in the colors of the Wage wedges.

The idea here is that Thasos elements up the Nestus were merged with the Yuya Mitanni en route to the Oeneus > Methoni line beside Pylos, and Oeneus is still suspect with Jonathan the pagan Levite at Laish. It also means that proto-Maccabees at Modi'in are expected as part of the Mitanni, perhaps named by Midian, Keturah's son. Note that Mauds are using the bars gemel too, with a red lion suspect as the Bramton / Abraham lion, and that Mauds are using a version of the MONmouth Coat, suspect with the naming of HasMONeans. With all this in mind, assuming that HASmoneans trace with Wassa's to Assa, it's right beside MECYberna, both of either sides of Sithonia. Wassa's even use a Zionist star, and Gace is on the Touques river suspect with a line from Tigranes Maccabee, himself expected in the Medley tiger. Teegers/Teague's are very linkable to the Touque surname.

MecyBERNA can explain why a descendant of Tigranes was named BERENicianus, the name also of a son of Berenice. The capital of Sithonia is NIKiti, a Nice-like term, which, together with MecyBERNa, can form "BerNICE / BereNICianus." If Sithonia traces to the namers of Zedek, then let's repeat that Moriah-suspect Marone's use the black-on-white Burn / Bernice Zionist stars.

It's interesting that while Sithonia is also called, Longos, the Yonge's are said to be from a Lunga character. It got me wondering on how many Long or Long-like surnames could trace to Sithones suspects. The Langs have been traced to Luneburg and Brunswick, while I view the latter with Bryneich, country of Bernicians, whom, I have decided, must always be from the Bernice's / Burns. As Seiz's are highly suspect with Seatons of Say, note that while Seiz's use a so-called flower, the Flowers share a giant cinquefoil with French Longs, and the Flower cinquefoil is in the colors of the Lang/Lung cinquefoils! Zowie. Are Lungs/Langs using the Acker acorns?

Langfords/Longfords are in Seaton / Alan colors, and Langs had been suspect as a branch of Alans Huns out of proto-Ferrara. This picture needs to go to the Roxolani and Budini of Sarmatia, and to the Alan-Boyd relationship, but also expected with Buttons/Bidens, Botters/Bodins and Potters, all in the same place as Sturs and the Stur river, relevant because Sturs are using nearly the Langford/Longford bars while Potters are using the Lang / Flower cinquefoil while the proto-Alans of Alauna were in Manche, where French Sturs were first found. Sarmatians were called by a Sauro root term that may have named Saracens.

While Italian Fulks and Tulls share the Stewart checks, and while English Fulke's use "Qui SERA sera," and while Stewarts share the pelican with the Luneburg Langs, and while Tulls are suspect with "Dol," the Tulls were a topic only recently as per mythical Tullus Hostilius at Alba LONGA! Alania in Caucasia was beside the Albanians there. The Roxolani of LANGUEdoc are pegged with Roque's and Roquefeuils, in ROUSSILLon, where Russells should trace that use "Que sara sara." The Russells use the goat, which in general became suspect with Greek "agri" terms that were tentatively traced to "Hagar," because I expected Ishmaelites of Edom in cahoots with the goat-suspect Seir line (proto-Saracens?). But that suspicion was before knowing of Keturah, who became suspect with the makings of "Satyr." And we saw earlier, before it dawned on me that the Ergines may have been named by Saracens, that Abraham lines traced to that river. Sithonians are thus suspect in Languedoc's naming, ignoring what historians say about it.

I didn't know until now that Hagar-like Hackers (Dutch branch) use goats! Satrae are marked on the Nestus, and the Lang pelican ("in her piety") is on a NEST. The Stewart pelican is "feeding its young," recalling that Youngs are said to be from a Lunga character. English Stewarts use a "statant" stag, and Stattens use the goat too. Satrae are marked also beside the STRYmon, which can become suspect with Sturs, and Sturs thus become suspect with Satrae.

The CINQUEfoil just became suspect with the Singer line to Sithonia, and the "foil" part has always been suspect with RoqueFEUILs. The Sangens were looked up as per the alternative names for the maroon color: "Maroon (Sanguine or Murray)." The Sangens use wings in the Crest that can link to the "VINCit" motto term of Sangs/Singers, helping to trace Sangens to Sithonia. The description claims that one side of the Shield is a wheel (often a symbol of Redones, of Roussillon!), but I'm seeing scythes instead, no wheel at all, and Scythe's are listed with potent-liner Skits/Skeochs sharing the potent cross of Chads, which should explain why Chads and Sangers share a vertically-split Shield, both using red on the side where the Sangen scythes appear. On top of that, the Scythes' (with an 's') are listed with Sithones-suspect Side's/Sutys, which now clinches the Seaton / Side / Suty trace to Sithones. I'm convinced, anyway.

Roets use the Catherine wheel, and Roets were first found in the same place as Lings, suspect with LinkLETTERS (version of Stewart Coat), in-turn suspect with the letters on the Lang/Lung fesse. Alans list an Aleng variation, and Letters/Leathers (Leto colors) share the double-tressure border of Seatons. No guff. And the once-showing Roque rock is in the Letter/Leather Crest. Letters/Leathers were even first found in Berwickshire, where Sithonians are now expected, and that place is to the near-south of East Lothian, where Seatons were first found who, incidentally, come up as "Siton." The Letter/Leather griffin is giant, like the griffin of Battle's, likewise first found in Berwickshire. Letters share a goose on a rock with RUTHERfords of Roxolani-suspect Roxburghshire, but the Letter goose is said to be "SITTING on a rock." Letushites are tracing to Sithonians, aren't they?

To be sure that Letters are part of the Linkletters and letter-using Langs/Lungs (Flower cinquefoils), the Letter description: "a double tressure flowered and counter-flowered..." Counters are listed with Conte's from the Ergines river. The goose is suspect from Conteville-married Goz's/Goss'...whom, I've just realized, is a version of the Craigie Coat.

Seatons, if you recall, are Flemings, and Flemings share with Seatons the tressure border that is maroon-like, or perhaps it's actually maroon, in the Fleming Coat. The green-dragon Tresure's using the same maroon-ish color were first found in the same place as Sticks, the ones sharing the garbs of Singers. But it's also where Lings were first found. So, there you have a brand new revelation, that Lang / Long / Alan liners are Sithonians, and that opens up a vast area for further investigations, especially as Seatons just got clinched from Sithonians (not necessarily from Sithonia).

The French Acres/Hacre's' (Forez) are in Hagar (and Pilate) colors, but the English Acres'/Ackers share the fleur-de-lys in the colors of the same of June's, kin of Yonge's. As the latter Acre's were first found in the same place (Cumberland) as Bernice's, it's an additional good reason to trace Hagars to Sithonia. A Dacre location of Cumberland is mentioned, explaining why Dacre's/Daggers (same scallops as Chamberlains) were first found in Cumberland. English Hackers/Hatchers look connectable to the French Mars, but then Scottish Mar was in the neighborhood of Hagars at PERTHshire, a place that traces to PERDrix, a peak of Mont Pilat, beside the Forez mountains. Plus, Hackers/Hatchers should be of the Hatch/Hacce / Hatchet line, and Hatch's/Hacce's happen to share two lions in pale with Scottish Mars...and Bramtons!!!

Earls of Mars were at their Kildrummy castle not far from the Tarves location of a branch of Chives'. The Marr area appears to cover Tarves. The Tarves surname shares fitchee crosses with the earls of Mar, and they share their Coat colors.

The Mar theater is near Ross-shire, where pelican-using Pattersons were first found, and then Irish Pattersons use the same scallops as Acres'/Hacre's. This is important because Pattersons and Kilpatricks were traced to the Dagger-related Dexaroi at AntiPATRia, and we just saw the Dacre's/Daggers enter the Acres picture. Kilpatricks use a dagger. Pattersons and Kilpatricks share blood drops with the Lang pelican in her PIETY, and then Petts are also PERTs.

Recalling that Hagarites are expected at the AGRianes river, beside the Apsinthii peoples and Cypsela location suspect earlier with the HYPSAS river at ACRagus/AGRigento, we now find Hagarites suspect at Antipatria upon an APSUS river, location also of Kodrium. Antipatria is near Alan-suspect Aulon.

The "vulNERE" motto term of Stewarts (and Brocks) can now trace feasibly to Aenyra/Anyra on Thassos.

As candidates for potent-cross liners include the PATENTs, note the stated definition (horse manure, but sometimes good as codework) for the maroon / sanguine color: "PATIENT in battle, and yet victorious." I don't know how any clown comes up with a definition like that merely for a color, but there you have it, it's a laughable thing. There is a Patient surname listed with flame-using Putins/Padyns.

The Skits/Skeochs look like their write-up traces them to then Mauch surname (sleeping moon) sharing the Zionists star of Wassa's. If Wassa's were from Assa, then Mauch's can trace to neighboring Mecyberna. Mauch's use a horizontally-split Shield in the colors of the split Sangin Shield. Mythical Mopsus was also Muksus, and the Mopps'/MODburleys are using a form of the Washington Coat too, including a red canton (shared by Wassa's) as code for Cantons that use the Washington Coat fully, but in colors reversed. If Wassa's were at Assa, the Mecyberna location can be a Muksus entity. There was a Mocissus/Mokissos location on the north of lake Tatta, while the Yuya Mitanni produced king Tut.

A sleeping moon is used by German Roets while English Roets were first found in the same place as Sticks and Burleys/Bourlys, the latter suspect with "ModBURLEY." If I'm seeing a weight scale in the Modburley Crest, it can trace to the same in the Arms of Vilnius, and multiple related surnames all of the Stick-suspect Astikas'. I had read that Mopsus was of Pamphylia but especially as Clarus in the Caria theater. Burleys had a castle at Perthshire, where weight-scale Justine's and Sithech-Shaws were first found. As Burleys are using the green Shield of Bauers and Bowers, while Bauers were proto-Rothschilds along with Pollocks, it should be reminded that Jewish Pollocks use the bend of Valentins, from the husband of Justine. It's Valentinian's Sire/Siron and Sibald lines that likewise trace to Vilnius. As the daughter of Eschyna de Molle married the second Pollock, the Burleys are likely using the white Molle boar head, yet the latter's is in both colors of the same of Marone's/Maroonys.


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or anything unflattering and unexpected from me,
they were not from me but by someone using my email box to send it.

The rest of the Gog-in-Iraq story is in PART 2 of the
Table of Contents

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