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Fundamental Tracking System of the Simpleton, Scythian Pagan Past

April 2011

The Hermes character is perhaps the most-central for defining the dragon cult's historical context. As the name implies, the dragon is an Armenian beast. It stands to reason, and bears itself out, that virtually all the main characters of Greek myth can be linked to Armenians, especially the ones that passed through Phoenicia, who I identify as Cadmus, and the namer of Kadish.

Emailer Patterson sent in an article telling that Cappadocia, on the Halys river, was named at one time after the Cilician "Kati" (brackets not mine):

Cappadocia was known to the Assyrians as kat-pat-uka (probably an Akkadian term-- "land of the Kati"), and the Kati were a people living in Cilicia and Cappadocia, which region had a Semitic population side by side with Mengels (see HITTITES)...

It can be ascertained that the Cati of Cilicia were represented by "Cadmus," and that the nature of his brother, Cilix (= Cilicia), is therefore wrapped up in the Cati. Emailer Patterson's find is extremely important because it lends excellent evidence for what can be gleaned in other ways: that the Cati were the Kati and therefore the Hatti.

Once it's accepted that "Hermes" depicted an Armenian people (I'm the only person that I know of who makes this claim, though some readers may agree), the Cati can be identified as the Cadusii Armenians, and the Hatti equation with the Cati/Cadmus is then confidently maintained by the similarity between "Cadusia" and "Hattusa," the Hatti capital on the Halys.

One now has the bones to create the rest of the dragon's make-up. One naturally follows the mythical Attis character of Phrygia, to his "son," Lydus, and thereby understands that the Cati>Hatti line was foundational to Lydians, which well explains why downtown Lydia had the Hermus river flowing through it. Armed with the knowledge that Hermes depicted Armenians, one understands that Cadusii Armenians were in Phoenicia, for Cadmus was Phoenician. And of course, mount Hermon in Phoenicia is easily pegged as the Armenian site, for at the foot of that mountain is Panias, which was Pan, the "son" of Hermes, though I think Panias was also "Phoenix," the foundation of Phoenicia itself.

We now have an excellent foundation for following the dragon cult to Greece and uncovering yet further secrets. In fact, there are so many things to say that I'm never sure where to start. Cadmus married the "daughter" of Ares, Harmonia, and so we gather that she was the Hermes cult out of the Hermus valley. But who was Pelops, the Lydian king? Was he a fundamental aspect of the Hermes cult too? We know from myth that Pelops founded Peloponnesia in southern Greece, but myth also tells that Hermes helped Pelops to establish himself in Pisa (north-west Peloponnesia). Therefore, the Hermes Lydians and the Pelops Heneti were merged, for Pelops ruled at Eneti. And the Heneti, like the Hatti, lived on the Halys.

But there was another branch of Heneti at Antayla, in the land of Pisidians, and it just so happens that Pelop's father was named, Tantalus, a near match with "Antayla." Moreover, the Olympus location in Pisa can be traced to the Olympus location near Antayla. It therefore strikes us as solid fact that the peoples represented by Pelops were Pisidians (perhaps not fundamentally but at least merged with them), for that explains why Pelops was given the princess of Pisa for his "wife."

But it just so happens that Poseidon was made the father of Phoenix, and Phoenix the father of Cadmus, suggesting that the Pisidians were just of that Poseidon line. The Pelops entity must have been yet another Phoenician entity, separate from, but allied with, the Hermes Armenians. But how can we reveal Pelops better than that generalization? One way is to see that "Antayla" was named after the goddess, Anat, and that she must have named both Anatolia and the Heneti. It just so happens that, at one point, Anat was made the mate of Baal, and that seems to clinch the idea that "Pel(ops)" depicted Baal>Bel. There was indeed a Baal cult in Phoenicia.

Now Baal was depicted in myth as a bull, and it just so happens that Cadmus founded Thebes (or proto-Thebes), on the east side of Peloponnesia, by following a bull there. That picture suggests that the Pelops Pisidians arrived to Thebes first, and that the Hermes Cadusii followed later.

Another clue to the Pelops identity is where myth writers made his sons into Spartans. Sparta was in Peloponnesia too, meaning that the Pelops Heneti/Pisidians became the Spartans as well as merging with Pisa's Pisidians. It just so happens that when Cadmus arrived to Thebes, he encountered the dragon of Ares, and he warred with it and won. Cadmus then found an alliance with the surviving parts of that dragon, and they became "Sparti." In that picture, one cannot distinguish between Cadmus and Pelops, which is just what we expect because Pelops and Hermes (i.e. the Cadusii) were allied when coming to Peloponnesia.

In fact, myth writers ascribed the birth place of Hermes in Arcadia, which is in Peloponnesia to the direct north of Sparta. Pisa was to the direct west of Arcadia. We then find the Ladon river on the north side of Arcadia, and we easily understand that it was named by the Lydians that both Hermes and Pelops belonged to. There was a Daphne character that was given both Ladon and Peneus for a father, and so we find a Peneus river next to the Ladon river, in the Pisa theater. It seems obvious now that the Peneus was named after the son of Hermes, Pan/Panias.

Therefore, the Hermes cult out of Panias and Hermon had moved with the Baal cult to Peloponnesia. En route from Hermon, they passed through Cilicia, and that's roughly where mount Cassius was located (in the Syria-Cilicia border region), smacking of the Cilician region of Khassi, where the Cati happened to live. Mount Cassius is known to have been the mountain of Baal, though that mountain was also called, Saphon. And this can only mean that "Daphne" on the Ladon and Peneus rivers was the entity that had named Saphon. Indeed, near Saphon was a Syrian city called, Daphne. This city was also "Harbiye," and it just so happens that Hermes was given a son named, Arabus.

It's not likely a coincidence that Baal at Saphon had been at war with a Syrian, seven-headed dragon named, Lotan, for in Greece Ladon was also a multi-headed dragon. It therefore comes to our attention that Lotan depicted the proto-Lydians. We therefore expect the Lotan/Lydia line to come by way of the god, Manes, for he was ancestral to Attis and his son, Lydus. And that's where the Carian Harpassus/Arpaz river comes in, for it was a tributary of the Maeander. It's known that Manes depicted Maeonians, that they named the Maeander, but what's more it's also known by historians that Maeonians were ancestral to Lydians.

We can now identify the namers of the Harpassus river as the same Arabus entity that named Harbiye, and we can do so more confidently where another Harpassus river was located in Armenia. It was a tributary of the Aras, I discovered after much investigation, and that's where I trace the "Ares" Armenians. It's known that chief Armenian gods included Ar/Ara and his "father," Aramazd, who smacks of "Hermes." We not only realize that Ares>Harmonia and Hermes were the same cult/peoples, which I will prove below by yet another method, but that the Ares cult was at Caria's Harpassus river. It may be that "Caria" was named after "Ares."

It can be gleaned that the Arpaz spelling of the Harpassus links Ares to Arpad in Syria, and that lends support for a Harpassus link to "Harbiye," for the latter was also in Syria. We should be keeping in mind that Harbiye was also the city of Daphne so that Harbiye is suspect as the Lotan>Ladon line to Daphne. That is, the dragon that was given to the Daphne cult appears to be the Ares dragon at Thebes, the one that became the Sparti and therefore the Spartans living near the Ladon river.

Arcadia lay between Sparta and the Ladon, and it just so happens that the Aras river was also the Araq/Arak, wherefore Arcadia may have been named after the same river that named Ares. If true, it's another reason for equating Ares with Hermes, for Hermes was made born in Arcadia...presumably because he had a main root there. If we ask why "adia" is tacked to the end of "Arcadia," perhaps it's because the 'c' was used in two ways, one to create the idea of Ar-cad, i.e. an Ares-Cadmus or Harmonia-Cadmus combination. That idea suggests that the Cadusii were in that place.

I had found other evidence that the peoples who named the Harpassus were the Ares dragon, and I identified them as the namers of the very ancient city of Arabkha, otherwise known as Arrapha or Arrapachitis (modern Kirkuk in Arak-like Iraq), apparently named after the Biblical Arphaxad, the proto-Hebrew. We can keep in mind that Armenia was possibly named after the Biblical man, Aram, who was of the Arphaxad bloodline. There are quite a few "Ar"s in this discussion.

Now Arpad in Syria was "Arados" to the Greeks, and it just so happens that off-shore of Caria is Rhodes. The Maeander, after taking the waters of the Harpassus, flows toward Rhodes, suggesting that the peoples who named Arpad=Arados also named Rhodes, and that the Ares dragon was therefore on Rhodes as well as Caria. Ares' son, Erotes, smacks of the Arados>Rhodes line. ANTayla was not far from the Caria border, and may have been in Caria at times, and so we should note that ANTeros (looks like Anat-Eros) was the full brother of Erotes.

The idea that Ares depicted the proto-Rus comes by several means, and his connection to Rhodes is one major method. The Rodez of southern France were called, Russi, in fact. As Eros was made a son of Ares, note the similarity with "Hros," the latter being a people suspect as proto-Rus. We can then explain why the Russians depict themselves with a bear, and moreover I should add that I trace the Varangian Rus both to Rodez elements in France and to the Zahringer-Veringen family of Germany that founded the Swiss city of Berne and gave it a bear symbol. For the so-called Big-Dipper bear, which was "Ursa" to the Latins, was "Arca" to the Greeks, and it just so happens that mythical Arca was the symbol of Arcadia, the very place to which Arak>Aras>Ares traces.

Note how "ATLANTIS" smacks of Anat-Lindos, for Lindos was a major city on Rhodes. It can be established that Antayla's other name, Attaleia, was the reason for "Atlas," for as Plato made Poseidon the father of Atlas, so Attaleia was in Pisidia. Therefore, as expected by many, the Atlanteans that were represented by Atlas can be joined to sea-faring Phoenicians, but the Carian pirates are suspect too, and that suggests that Rhodian elements were also a major part of Atlanteans.

With the knowledge above, however, Atlanteans can more correctly be identified as Armenians that had become a fundamental part of the Phoenician fold. One should never lose site of that Semite root for Atlanteans, and in fact it is said that the Phoenician alphabet was Semite, not Hamite.

There is a major part of the Peloponnese that has not yet been treated here: Argos. Another Ar term, and yet this one could derive in "Aryan" rather than in "Aram/Armenia." I trace Argos to the DioNYSUS cult of Horites out of Nysa in Iran, and indeed Horites were Aryans. In this picture, it's made possible that Aryans were a mix of Caucasians with Semites, for the Aras and Harpassus rivers (= Semite entities) were indeed in Caucasia. AND, Nysa was very near to Arabkha/Arrapha, the place to which I trace the Harpassus, wherefore we can glean that Horites had merged with Armenians in forming the dragon cult.

The founder of Argos, Inachus, smacks of "Naxos," the sacred island of DioNYSUS, suggesting that Naxos and Inachus were Nysa elements, and just as we expect Horites in Argos for that reason, it just so happens that Argos was a major keep of Hera, the queen of the gods. Hera was the Egyptian Horus, and the latter smacks, not only of "Hros," but of the Horites.

But Argos was fundamental to a batch of Greeks called Danaans, and that's where the Adana region of Cilicia, which in old times had a name much like mythical Danaus, comes in. For we find Adana in the Kizzuwatna region of Cilicia, which was also Khassi, the region inhabited by the Cati>Hatti line. It can be shown that the Danaans had merged with the Khassi elements, explaining why Danaans too got to Peloponnesia. It's rather difficult to identify Danaans in Lydia by that name, but there must be another way to find their Lydian entities.

First, we can link Danaans to Armenians by the link made by others, and myself, between Egyptian Danaans and Hyksos Hebrews that ruled the Tanis region of Egypt for some 200 years. It can be gleaned that "Hyksos" derived from another chief Armenian god, Haik/Hayk, the god that Armenia is named after today (Armenia to the Armenians is now, Hayastan). The Hayasa-Azzi peoples, who lived to in the western ends of Armenia, seem very applicable to the Hyksos.

We can be sure that the Tanis location was mythical Danaus because the latter's father was made Belus, which must have been the Baal god that named the Pelusia region at/near Tanis. We now get the sense that this Pel-Baal cult at Tanis evolved into Pelops, and I aim to prove it right now. For as we saw that Pelops' Lydian components traces back to the Cati/Hatti line from Cilicia, and to Anat, wife of Baal, so we find that the Hyksos were called "Heka Khaswet" when they were in Egypt. The latter term of that phrase surely links to "Kizzuwatna," especially as the Hyksos appear very much to be the Hayasa AZZI.

Therefore, the Egyptian Hyksos and their Tanis allies evolved into the Adana and neighboring Khassi/Kizzu regions of Cilicia, and we must then make a fundamental link of the Azzi to the Cati>Hatti>Atti(s) line to Lydians...where Pelops was ruler. Others besides myself trace Argos roots to Tarsus, the Cilician city that is in the Adana theater, and Tarsus momentarily becomes huge in explaining the Cilician root of Trojans, who were Lydian allies.

There were a few things combined that tipped me off to the Hyksos founding of the Kabeiri cult. Atti(s), for example, was a sun god of that cult. But the trace of Hyksos to the Kabeiri then tipped me off to the Hyksos evolution into the Trojans, for the Kabeiri cult founded the Trojans, according to mythology. Myths were not complete fabrications or fancies, but were intended to tell real history in simplified code work.

I do not recall ever realizing that the said founder of the Kabeiri cult, Iasius (or "Iasion), was code for Kizzu/Azzi elements. Then again, I faintly recall (or do I?) linking "Ixion" to "Iasion," and Ixion has always been a symbol of the Hyksos in my writings. I don't recall thinking or telling that Dardanus, who was made the brother of Iasius, tends to prove that Iasion was code for Kizzuwatna, for "Dardanus" was surely code for the Danaus cult of Adana, and his "Dar" portion smacks of Tarsus.

While Iasius was made the founder of the Kabeiri, Dardanus was made the father of the Trojans.

AND, Dardanus (not a real man) married Batia, the Bat root of which could stem from the "watna" entity of "Kizzuwatna." After all, the Nile-river Danaans had a Uat cult (i.e. like "watna") that was also "Buto." As the Kizzuwatna cult led to Attis>Lydus, so we can't ignore that the Caucasian Bats lived with, or next to, the Lazi. I believe the nation of the Lazi was "Lazona," very close to "Ladon."

The Caucasian Bats and the Lazi lived at the Phasis river, where mythical Aeetes' city was located, and he with his city of Kutaisi can be sistered to Attis and his city of Hattusa, both of them from the Cadusii>Cati line. Therefore, when we see Attis father of Lydus, it's the Cadusii peoples merged with the Lazi to form the dragon. That easily explains why the caduceus symbol of Hermes was a pair of snakes entwined around one entity.

Moreover, as we saw that Hermes and Ares were identical peoples, so a myth writer placed the Ares dragon -- the same one that Cadmus killed and then allied with -- in Kutaisi. The latter city was not far from the Aras river, if that helps to make the Ares link to Kutaisi. The Ares dragon was protecting the golden fleece when it was in Kutaisi, and when yet alive, the fleece had been a ram of Hermes piloted by a mythical Phrixus character, who smacks of "Phrygia," making perfect sense where Attis was the sun god of Phrygians. Thus, the Phrixus-Phrygians became the Aeetes cult in Colchis.

But where the Attis cult was a Hyksos one, we must identify the golden ram and Aeetes as a Hyksos element. There is a question in my mind as to whether the Hyksos evolved into the original Hatti proper, or the next wave of Hattusa conquerors that were called "Hittites" by late historians. The Kizzu spelling may suggest a "Hittite" identification for Hyksos. As I equate the Pelops character with Hyksos/Danaans out of Pelusia, it can't be a coincidence that Pelops' son, Atreus, and the latter's son, MeneLAUS, were both given gold lambs by myth writers. That easily identifies that the golden fleece depicted the Pelopian Lydians as they evolved into Spartans.

"Menelaus" was Spartan symbol for the city of Las/Laas on the Mani peninsula (in Sparta), and we already saw that the Ares dragon evolved into the Sparti. Therefore, it appears rather solid that the fleece, though a Phrygian entity, was a symbol of the Lydian-Laz dragon. I had identified the Ares dragon at Thebes as mythical Ogyges, and later Lydia was ruled by a quasi-mythical ruler named Gyges/Gugu. The Georgians (who were Colchians of sorts) come to mind because they use, to this day, the name of, Gogi. In other words, we might have a very hard time distinguishing between the Lazi and the Gogi-Georgians.

A witch by the name of Hecate was the goddess of mythical Medea, daughter of Aeetes. There is Medusa Gorgon written all over Medea, and as Perseus killed that Medusa, what do we make of Perseus' wife, AndroMEDA, and their daughter, Gorgophone? Since we should be seeking who the Hyksos were historically that were depicted by the golden fleece in Colchis, how can we disregard Andromeda's mother, CASSiopeia (Cassi of Joppa/Ioppa, apparently)? Does she not smack of Khassi/Kizzuwatna, especially as Perseus was a Danaan peoples?

It therefore appears very much that Hyksos in the Greek theater founded not only the Aeetes Colchians, but merged with the Medea Gorgons that evolved into the Perseus Gorgons>Danaans. It's known that Medea depicted the Medes, and that Gorgons are known to be rooted in Parthian lands. But as Parthians held Verkana (= "wolf land), which today is Gorgan, note that Hecate was depicted as a multi-headed dog/wolf.

But Hyksos founded Trojans too, and that's where the Trojan king, HECTor, comes in, for he smacks of "Hecate." Therefore, Hector, whose mother was Hecuba, must have been linked to Hecate of Colchis, and that's who the Hyksos have just been identified as. It's hard to make a distinction between Medea and the golden fleece because Jason and the Argonauts took both away from Aeetes. But I stop short of equating the Hyksos with Medea and therefore identify them as the golden fleece. Jason divorced Medea, in fact, and she drove off in a chariot pulled by dragons. We can assume that Jason was merged with Hyksos.

As the golden fleece was from a Phrygian entity, shouldn't we connect Hecate to Phrygians? And since Hecate was Keket, the frog goddess of Egypt, couldn't we link "frog" to "Phrygia"?

Now it just so happens that the Trojan war was one led by Hector's Trojans on the one hand, and Greeks from the Pelops>Menelaus entity on the other. I must therefore view the war as Hyksos-versus-Hyksos. As the Pelops Lydians were from the god Manes, I've got to assume that the Mani peninsula, and "Mene(laus)" that depicted it, was named after Manes. After Maeonians, that is, but after the Maeonians that co-founded to Lydians, suggesting that Las was a Lydian city in Sparta. There is a good chance that the Spartan, Leda, whose daughter was Helen of Troy, who was in turn married to Menelaus, depicted the city of Laz and or its branch.

The Argo ship was filled with Minyae and OrchMENIANS (Boiotia, where Thebes was located, and where the dragon of Ares was therefore located). "Orchomenos" smacks of "Arcadians" from the Ares cult back in the Maeonian/Maeander theater. Ares was a horse-depicted entity, and the Minyae buried horses with their dead. If the question is why the ship was called "Argo" if the crew were largely Minyae and Orchmenians, perhaps the similarity between "ARCadia and "ARGo" might answer it.

Knowing that Pelops Lydians evolved partly into Spartans, it's conspicuous that Leto, mother of Apollo, reflects the Spartan Leda, mother of Pollux. It gives the impression that Apollo was the Baal cult as depicted by Pelops, and indeed Apollo was also "Aeiballon." It gives the impression that Leto, who was "Latona" to the Romans, was the Laz>Lydian line to Pelops, and was then the further evolution into the Ladon river through the Spartans.

But as Sparti came by way of Thebes, we could expect Orchmenians in that migration, and it's that which lends to the MENElaus=OrchoMENOS equation. We could even suspect that the Ares dragon at Thebes, because it became the Ares dragon at Kutaisi, had something fundamental to do with Maeonians>Orchmenians. As I trace "Kutaisi" to "Cadusia," and as Mannae was beside or even over-lapping Cadusia, I would venture to identify the Lydian golden fleece as abused/enslaved Manes=Mannae elements that their Maeonian>Orchmenos relatives (the Maeander was on the Lydian border with Lycia) came to free when "guarded" by Aeetes' dragon.

Thus, it appears that Jason and his Argonauts freed a Mannae peoples when they freed the golden fleece from Aeetes' and Ares' grip. That makes all the more sense where the fleece belonged in the first place to Hermes i.e. Cadusii Armenians. The question is, was the Argo ship crew a sworn enemy of the Hyksos depicted by Aeetes and Ares? Or was this just another family conflict with Hyksos on both sides?

Mannae ought to have been the Biblical Minni. Jeremiah 51:27 lists Minni with Ararat and Ashkenaz. I include this here because I identified one of the serpents of the Hermes caduceus with Asclepios, the medicine man depicted with one entwined serpent. Though I traced "Asclepios" to "Ascalon/Ashkelon" of Philistine realms, he may have originated in Ashkenaz. There is good reason to believe that the Urartu/Ararat Armenians (around Ardahan) were the proto-Arthurian cult as they developed into the ARZAwa Lydians. But the Arthurian cult was traced (by me) solidly to Hyksos aside from considerations that the Hayasa Azzi were in the Ardahan theater.

The Huckabee surname, smacking of "Hecuba" (mother of the Hyksos-based Trojans) uses single entwined serpents, and the multiple blue chevrons should link to the same of the Huck Coat, the latter using owls (it's known that a species of owl was named after Asclepios). The Hocks use the same colors, and the Hooks/Hokes were first found where the Huckabees were first found.

Wikipedia's article on Apollo currently traces Leto to the Lycian wolf cult, and that jibes with the Lycian goddess, Lada. It also jibes with an Apollo=Pelops equation because Lycia and Pisidia over-lapped. I suspect that Lycians were named after the adjacent Lasonii, the latter known to be a branch of Cabelees...who obviously named the Phrygian mother goddess, Kybele/Cybele, the wife of Attis. These were the Hyksos and Danaans.

It seems rather evident that if "Apollo" and its variations were code for Cabelees, then Pelops depicted Cabelees, which is not a contradiction necessarily to the idea of Pelops=Pisidians, for Pisidians are also said to have been a fellow tribe with Cabelees. In this picture, Cabelees and Lasonii appear as the Phrygian line to mythical Lydus, as though there were proto-Lydian Lasonii who founded Lydians proper.

It begins to appear that Apollo represented Danaans in Lydia, an idea that does not readily come to mind. That is, Danaan links to Apollo evaded me for years. But the Romans traced their Latona cult to the Uat/Buto cult, and the latter claimed to be Danaans of the Perseus character, who was the representation of royal Argos. I don't know of any myth code to link Apollo fundamentally to Argos. There is a faint clue in Io, the white cow of Argos, for Baal was a bull, no doubt the white Taurus bull of Tyre/Tyrus. Tarsus is the mother of Tyre in the Bible, and we know already that Argos was rooted in Tarsus-Adana elements.

If the origin of Baal proper was in Egypt, then that explains a distinction between Baal and the Armenians who merged with it. In Greece, Baal was also Zeus, the Taurus cult out of Tyrus that took Europa with him to Minoans of Crete. It's known that Curetes/Korybantians of Crete founded Trojans, and that means we've got to link Curetes to Iasius, the Hyksos founder of the Kabeiri cult. One son of Iasion was made, Korybas, and there was "another" Iasion (see Iasius link below) that was from the Curetes.

It's known that Zeus of Crete was merged with Curetes, explaining the similarity between "Troy" and "Tyre," or between "Tyrus" and "Tros." The Taurus-depicted Minoan branch Tyrians seem to me to be the Maeonians, for even Dionysus was depicted by a bull, whose favorite lunatics were the Maenads.

Again, the Maeander river cut through Lydia and Lycia, and while the Harpassus was a tributary of the Maeander, there was a Lycus river in the Arabkha/Arrapha region of Assyria. That Lycus was also called, Zab, though there were two nearby and related Zab rivers, with Nysa between them. That means that DioNYSUS, from Nysa, is expected in Lycia if Lycia was named after the Lycus near Nysa. This allows us to peg the Maenads as Maeander-river peoples related to the Lycus>Lycian line.

The insanity that was symbol for the Maenads jibes with wolf lunacy (I'm inferring the Lycian wolf cult), or anything lunar, especially a moon goddess. Selene was a moon goddess at Latmus, in the Miletus theater, and it just so happens that the Meander flows by Miletus. Selene was mated with EndyMION. We get it: part Maeonian.

Endymion was father of Aetolus, smacking of Antayla>Attaleia elements in Pisidia/Lycia, but removed to the Calydon theater, where Aetolia was located. It can't be coincidental that while Antayla was the Atlas-Atlantean entity, a king (Meleager) of Calydon was mated with the goddess, Atalantis. Both Meleager and Atalantis were on the Argo ship to retrieve the golden fleece.

We can wonder why the city of Atlanta is in the American state of Georgia. We might be led to believe that this state was named after something other than Caucasian Georgia. But the point is, Atalantis was an Iasion entity of Minyae-Boiotian elements, but the finger points also to the Ares-Cadmus cult that evolved their Boiotian elements into the Arcadians:

Atalanta was the daughter of Iasius (or Mainalos), a Boeotian (according to Hesiod) or an Arcadian princess (according to Apollodorus) of Schoeneus (according to Hyginus)...Some stories say that a she-bear suckled and cared for Atalanta until hunters found and raised her...

The Iasius link above shows several links of his name to Argos, but the Iasius that was made father to Atalantis was made a husband of a daughter of Minyas, himself a son of king Lycurgus [proto-Ligurians?] of Arcadia. One clearly sees why the Argo ship was infested with Minyae. The Atalanta article above tells that Iasius was a symbol of Iasos, "a city in Caria located on the Gulf of Iasos...It is located...near the Alevi [Halybe-like term] village."

Now, Jason/Iason was made the chief subject of the Argo ship, and he was son of Aeson. We readily see that Aeson and Iason look like "Iasion." Therefore, the chief of the Argo ship looks very Hyksos indeed, and one easily traces the Kabeiri cult to the Danaans of Argos, adding to the evidence that the Kabeiri had roots in the Samson cult.

Again, "Iasion" looks like "Ixion," and it just so happens that one wife of Ixion, Nephele, was the one who instigated Phrixus in his ride of the living golden fleece to Colchis. That seems to clinch the Ixion=Iasion deal, and it's huge for revealing the Argo ship as an infestation of homosexual world conquerors (i.e. the Kabeiri) that became pirates and other nasty human conditions...that to this day has maligned the human race with death and destruction, thievery and falsehood.

Take the homosexual, Hercules, a Danann people that was the Molech cult of Tyre, whose wife, Hebe, must have been Europa=EBRopa, the sister of Cadmus. As Cadmus followed a bull to Thebes searching for Europa, he clearly followed the Zeus Taurus that had "raped" Europa. It's clear that this white bull ended up in Argos as the white cow (at least one myth writer had Zeus mating with Io), and that explains why Hercules was a Danaan entity in Argos. Clearly, the Samson>Hercules line went through Iasion in arriving to Argos.

We saw that the Cadmus Tyrians ended up in Sparta with the Ares dragon, which tracks the Europa Tyrians to the Eurotas river in downtown Sparta. If we are convinced that Erotes, son of Ares, depicted the Eurotas river, we have reason to see Ares-based Armenians in Tyre's "Europa." It's not at all out of the question that Europa was the Ares dragon that Cadmus encountered. Revelation 17 appears to allude to the Zeus rape of Europa, and in that section of Revelation, a raped woman rides the back of a seven-headed dragon, which I assume was the Lotan dragon to the Lydians that ruled Rome as Latins.

Didn't we already trace Cadmus to Lydians? Shouldn't that trace his sister to Lydians too? Therefore, the Ares dragon was a Lydian entity in Boiotia. Hercules, depicted at one point with the so-called Lydian lion, was made the ancestor of the Mysians who co-founded Lydia proper under Gyges/Gugu, and I was led to believe, wholly independent of myth topics, that the Revelation dragon is the Biblical Gog. I had no idea at the time that the Revelation dragon was the Lydian peoples.

I had come to the conclusion that one can hardly distinguish between Ixion and Ares, which idea locates Ares square in the Kabeiri cult, meaning that the cult had a ruthless military side amounting to Roman-style empirehood.

Europa is where Aphrodite comes in, the special mate of Ares that was mother to Ares' son, Erotes. It is clear to me that Aphrodite was a symbol of the Kabeiri cult, not only because she was made the official wife of Hephaestus, but because her alternative name, Kypris, smacks of "Kabeiri." Not forgetting that the Ares dragon (i.e. Arphaxadites) traces back to the Zab river theater, I'll add that the other Zab river was named very much like "Kypris."

The trace of the Ares dragon to Sparti tends to trace that dragon to Sepharvites, and I locate the latter in Subartu (i.e. very Sparta-like term), which was downtown Assyria...where the two Zab rivers were located. Sephar, says Genesis 10:30, was the home of Joktanites, and Joktan was the son of Eber, founder of the Apiru (= Babylonian Hebrews)...that I trace to "Aphro" and to "Kypris" and to "Europa." It can be seen that "Aphrodite" was named after the Euphrates river in Babylon, and that river had a Khabur/Habur tributary that can be linked to the "Abiru" variation of "Apiru." Aphrodite is Mystery Babylon the Great Mother of Harlots.

Aphrodite is easily linked to the Pelops Lydians, which is required if Aphrodite is to be defined as the Revelation-17 harlot. She was the Roman Venus, and from that we gather that Aphrodite was the Heneti>Veneti line. Pelops was ruler of the Heneti, in Lydia, and a branch of Heneti, the Paphlagonians, smacks of Paphos, the birthplace of Aphrodite on Cyprus (the latter is where she got her "Kypris" title).

Moreover, as Pelops was Baal, we expect Aphrodite to be the Anat elements that Pelops fused with, and it just so happens that the dragon of the Babylonian mother goddess, Ishtar, was Tammuz of Sumeria, himself from the Anu=Antu cult that evolved into Anat.

The Ishtar/Babylonian elements of the dragon cult do not contradict a trace of the Ares dragon to the Cadusii Armenians, for the Ishtar cult was technically that of Akkadia, apparently named after the Cadusii.

The Hebrew area of Babylon/Akkadia was Chaldea, and out of that term developed the Khaldi, who were closely allied to (C)Halybes that I now define confidentially as Caleb-ite Jews. I do not know whether the dog definition of "Caleb" is somehow linked to the Apollo/Lycia wolf cult, but I have doubts. Halybes lived on the Halys and may have been consumed by Hatti elements there. I see Khaldi (and Halybes) escaping humanity to the farthest reaches of the world as Celts (and Gauls), but passing through Calydon. The Endymion links to Aetolia and Calydon then suggests a Khaldi merger with Heneti.

The Heneti/Paphlagonians were on the Parthenius river to the Halys west. "Parthen" smacks of "Perseus," whom I finally equated with"Aphro(dite)" after years of being blind to it. By that time, I had already understood that Aphrodite depicted the Heneti. It's no small thing to be thus able to trace Perseus Danaans to the Parthenius river.

The Perseus alliance with CASSIopeia, which suggests merger with Kassites (who had an Abira/Habira tribe) and/or Cadusii, is conspicuous where Cassiopeia's husband, Cepheus, smacks of "Hephaestus," meaning that Perseus should have developed into the Aphrodite-Hephaestus cult.

Again, by various means, Aphrodite can be pegged as Heneti, while Hephaestus can be pegged as metal-smelting Halybes and/or Khaldi. The Khaldi were in the Thermodon region of Amazons, and it's known that Amazons had infested Hephaestus' sacred island of Lemnos. So close were these Amazons to the Aeson>Iason line of Kabeiri that the Argo ship stopped in Lemnos en route to Colchis, mating with the Amazon women there (it didn't really happen, but this is myth code to indicate an alliance/equation of the two peoples).

Consider that Cepheus was a king of Ethiopia, and assume that "EthIOPIA" is partly rooted in "Ioppa/Joppa," where myth placed Perseus and CassIOPEIA's daughter. We can see here that some Kassite and/or Cadusii entity in Joppa had conquered all the way into Ethiopia (which was then our Sudan). Knowing that Perseus depicted the Danaans=Hyksos, we then glean a Hyksos alliance with Ethiopians, probably to check the Egyptians in Upper/southern Egypt that were enemies of the Hyksos rule on the Nile delta.

The point is: mythical Eetion has been said to be the same as Iasion, the founder of the Kabeiri. Do you see it?

If we agree with a trace of Hyksos out of Egypt to Iasion, then consider "Eetion" appearing like the entity that named Ethiopians. And as Hephaestus and Aphrodite depicted the Kabeiri, it stands that the two had been Perseus' and Cepheus' Cassi-related bloodline out of Ethiopia. That certainly jibes well with a Hyksos trace to Khassi in Cilicia, and it just so happens that there was another Cilicia in Mysia (= Trojan theater) that was ruled by...Eetion! The city that Eetion ruled in this other Cilicia was Thebe:

In Greek mythology, Eetion was the king of the Cilician Thebe. He is the father of Andromache, wife of Hector...

ANDROmache??? Another Heneti code, apparently, and she's got to be the Andromeda "wife" of Perseus, which now strongly supports an Eetion trace to Cepheus of Ethiopia. And just as I claim that Iasion, the brother of the founder of Trojans, traces to Hyksos, so we see Eetion's bloodline establishing the Trojan king, Hector. This simply means that Andromeda Gorgons define the Hyksos-related Trojans.

The idea coming to mind is that Ethi(opia) was named after the same Hatti elements that had named Khassi/Kizzuwatna, and of course that idea is strongly supported where the queen of Ethiopia was encoded as Cassiopeia. Where Eetion is equated with Iasion, it tends to prove that the latter was also from Kizzuwatna elements.

THEN, LOOK, for mythical Aedon of Thebes had Merops (of Kos) for an ancestor, and there was a king Merops of Ethiopia too...who I identify as the proto-Merovee cult leading to the Franks. BUT, I traced Aedon of Thebes to the Aedui peoples of Autun (France), and suddenly that gives reason to identify Aedon as a version of the same Hatti elements that named Ethi(opia). I've never been strong on identifying the Aedon-based Franks at Autun as a Hatti bloodline, but there we have it.

I am convinced that Aeetes was a representation of the Hatti, and we don't find many terms with a double 'e' as they exist unconventionally in both "Aeetes and "Eetion." Having just reasoned that Eetion was itself a Hatti entity, I'd say that Aeetes was essentially Eetion and therefore the Iasius/Iasion elements from Cilicia. In support of this new idea, I had traced "Cilicia" to "Colchis."

After reasoning that "Colchis" was from the "Gileki" Iranians because they were beside Cadusia, and after reasoning that the Gileki were mythical Glaucus when they arrived to the European theater, I came across an old map of Caucasia showing a Glaucus river smack at Kutaisi. It's hard to find, but it's there, directly under the word "Tyndaris" which is itself under the word, "Colchis." There you can also see the Lazi nearby.

THEN, consider that mythical Tyndareus was the husband of the Spartan, Leda, whom I identify as the Lazi that named Las/Laas in Sparta. ALSO, as Las was depicted by MeneLAUS, it explains why Leda's daughter (Helen of Troy) was married to Menelaus. I view Leda's son, Pollux, as a line to the Poles, but I also trace Leda's swan bloodline to Ligurians, wherefore note that Poles were also Lechs. I'll come back to Poles later on, but will not (for lack of room) give them the treatment they deserve as a dragon entity.

I had traced "Ixion" to the Kikons, "brothers" of mythical Hebros on the Hebros river (Thrace). Kikons may have been from the Caucones, and the latter look like Caucasian elements. Colchis was Caucasia. more or less. But as it's suggested that "Caucasia" was a Gog-Asia combination, what of the similarity between "Iasius" and "Asia"? Assuming that Asia was named after Azzi elements, I can make a link also to "Iasius" even as I link the "Azz"i to "Kizzu/Khassi."

Note Gogarene on the map above, off the shores of lake Sevan, and ask whether mythical CYCNus/Cygnus was code for, not just the Gogarene peoples ("Gugars" to Assyrians), but for "KIKON." Is it not very conspicuous that Cycnus was made a king of Liguria while the capital of Liguria became Savona, smacking of "Sevan"? If that's not enough, Cycnus was made "Cygnus" as play on words because a Greek cygnus is a swan. Comparing "Sevan" to "swan" may then explain why Cycnus Caucones were depicted as swans.

In consideration of the mythical swan knight, and his father, Parzival the grail king, note the Parthian-like term as well as the Mary-like term in this Strabo quote::

As for the Cauconians, who, according to report, took up their abode on the [Black] seacoast next to the Mariandyni and extended as far as the Parthenius River...the Cauconians extended from Heracleia and the Mariandyni to the white Syrians, whom we call Cappadocians...whereas that of the Heneti, who held Cytorum, were situated next to them after the Parthenius River, and still today certain "Cauconitae" live in the neighborhood of the Parthenius River.

Mythical Perseus gave birth to a Gorgon branch that was victorious over Medusa Gorgons, and we can assume that these were Georgian stock from Parthian Gorgons to the south of the Caspian=Hyrcanian sea, where the Gileki and the Cadusii lived too. Today, the city of Hyrcania is "Gorgan." Compare "Hyrcania" to the Heracleia location above, and then compare "MariANDyni" to Andro(meda), the Mede-looking mother of the Perseus Gorgons. As Perseus and Hercules both were Danaans, it should explain why the "And" term ends as "DYNI." One can now get the distinct impression that the holy grail and swan cults of Templarism were Gogi entities as they mixed with Danaan elements.

From my Kizzuwatna chapter:

It's not only plausible for Greek Danaans proper to have been directly from Adaniya [= Adana in Cilicia], but as mythical Samson (of the Bible) was of the Samos/Samosata Armenians (in my opinion), note that the Bible places him as part of a "Daniy" peoples, a perfect reflection of "Adaniya"! I did not know this version of "Adana" when arguing that the "Daniy" (applied to Samson) did not depict the tribe of Dan, but rather that it depicted the Chaldean-Hebrew Dinay.

The Dinay may be in the DYNI term above.

Moreover, a root of Argos (i.e. where Danaans ruled) in Cilicia was made a mythical Parthenius, not just because a mount Parthenius was near Argos, but because Cilicia's Tarsus (i.e. at Adana) was also called, Parthenius. It therefore seems that Parthenius elements from Cilicia inhabited the Halys-Parthenius theater, where the Caleb-ite Jews lived, giving the impression that these wayward Jews had joined the Samson-cult wave to the West.

We find this online phrase: "IUBKASUS, or Parthenius, a river of Samos." It appears solid that "Kasus" is a term all in itself, and as Iasius (of Samothrace, an island named after the Samos above) is being traced to Khassi next to Tarsus=Parthenius, I'd say that the Parthenius elements of Argos also landed in Samos. That's said because Hera was important to Argos, but Wikipedia told that one of her most-important locales was...Samos!

Thus, Hercules and his wife, Hebe (daughter of Hera), were the Hera cult in Danaan-infested Argos, and they were also the SAMSon cult of Argos, even the Hyksos Hebrews that had founded Khassi/Kizzuwatna and Adana. We haven't deviated from the Armenians in this trace to Argos, for an Armenian god was also, Sames. Semites, apparently. Hercules was also a symbol of Atlantean expansion to the Straights of Gibraltar, and: "The Samians [of Samos] are also credited with having been the first Greeks to reach the Straits of Gibraltar."

Again, emailer Patterson had sent an email not many days ago that located the Kati in Cappadocia. It just so happens that, apart from considerations of a Halybe=Caleb equation, I had traced the Maccabee (= Israelites, in-part, anyway) and Pharisee bloodline(s) to Trojan elements in Cappadocia (e.g. mythical Capys), and so note AndroMACHE, mother of the Hector Trojans. It can be assumed that Andromache was a term long before the Maccabees became a force in Israel (at the time that Seleucids over-ran Israel). The idea coming to mind is that, after Trojans lost the Trojan war, the Mache and Capys elements among them moved to Cappadocia to become proto-Maccabees, and they may have become somewhat Jewish as per the Halybes in and around Cappadocia. The existence of Calebite Israelites there may have attracted the Mache entity from Mysia, and for all I know it may already have been somewhat Jewish as per an "ANDROmache" trace to Perseus elements in Joppa.

I'm assuming now that "ANDromache" was code for Heneti stock, an idea that compliments a Perseus=Aphrodite equation where Aphrodite>Venus is identified as the Heneti>Veneti.

Hmm, there is a German Mache surname using a sleeping moon, the symbol that I traced to ENDymion, the sleeping myth character who was mate of the moon goddess. I traced her, "Selene," to elements of historical king Seleucus (= anti-Christ entity) because a sleeping moon is used by the Karen/Kearn surname of Silesia. The Mache surname is likewise first found in Silesia! Is that not amazing where Maccabees warred with Seleucids???

As I just linked Andromeda to the Heneti before this paragraph was conceived, before I tried the Mache surname, it would appear that "Andro" does in fact trace to the Heneti that Endymion represented. If that be true, then the Mache surname is itself a branch of Andromache elements from Troy.

Man. I just checked the German Anders Coat (as per "Andro") mainly for fun, and its ancestral home is in Silesia! Consider that Scotland's flag, Andrew's Cross, could trace to these very Silesian elements because Scots do trace themselves to Miletus...where Endymion was situated!!! Convinced that Scotland's flag, and the Andrew character known to be at the root of Scotland's Ross clan, are directly from king Andrew I of Hungary, shouldn't he trace to the same Carian theater? But how?

Andrew was an Arpad, and the MaeANDER river in Caria, flowing past Miletus, had an Harpassus/Arpaz tributary!!! This is all new and hot stuff!!! The Hungarians were from that Harpassus river, meaning that the Arpii/Carpae that named Hungary's Carpathian mountains were from that river. But I had traced the Arpii solidly to the Charybdis "monster" in Calabria, the home of Caleb-ite Jews. It is highly suspect in my mind that Charybdis was the home of Glaucus who loved Scylla, for in the Charybdis area there is the city of Reggio, called Rhegion by Greeks, a city that I traced to Rhagae/Rey in the Gileki theater.

PLUS, I was able to identify the Arpii/Carpae as mythical Charops, father of Ugric-like Oeagrus (Hungarians were Ugrics). It was Orpheus, son of Oeagrus, that floated down, with his Arpad-like harp, the Hebros river to Lesbos, a place named after "Lapith." . That is, Lesbos was named after Ixion-related Halybes, who had been the Kizzuwatna-based Kikons/Hyksos (= Hebrews) as they had merged with Caleb-ite Jews. As we know that "lesbian" derives from "Lesbos," so the wife of Oeagrus, she being the mother of Orpheus, was Calliope, smacking of the transvestite Galli...that I identify with the Halybes.

And LOOK: "Orpheus is said to have established the worship of Hecate in Aegina[" Isn't that Hector, the Trojan symbol of the Trojan war? Consider that Calliope was a Muse, who I identify as Mysians, while Troy was in Mysia. And in consideration that Caucones had also been in Troy's Pedasus theater, we then read: "The most famous story in which Orpheus figures is that of his wife Eurydice (also known as Agriope). While walking among her people, the Cicones..." In this picture, "Eurydice" looks like Ebros-dice, the Hebros peoples, brothers to Kikons.

Okay, we easily realize that Orpheus on the Hebros was merged with Kikons, and that does tend to prove that Ixion depicted Kikons. But there's more revelation to be had: "In Greek mythology, Pedasus was the son of the naiad Abarbarea and Bucolion. His brother was Aesepus." The latter smacks of Iasion>Aeson>Iason elements...which I now interpret as Ixion elements. MOREOVER, when we flip to the Abarbarea article to discover Pedasus roots, we find Calliope and Halybe elements:

In Greek mythology, Abarbarea or Abarbe or Abarbaree was a naiad. She was the wife of Bucolion, a son of the Trojan king Laomedon and Calybe, and had two sons, Aesepus and Pedasus. She was one of the three ancestors of the Tyrians, along with Callirrhoe and Drosera.

Drosera must be an Odrysian entity on the Hebros (recalls that Trojan "sea peoples" landed at Dor, where I trace Odrysians), but the point is Laomedon and Calybe. First, Laomedon's son was depicted as the homosexual lover of Zeus, as we expect of the Galli cult. Secondly, my link of the Galli to the Halys-river Halybes is very evident where Laomedon is married to the Halybes.

Third, mythical Capys married the sister of Laomedon, and it just so happens that her name was Themiste, no doubt symbol for Themiscyra way west of Troy, and west even of the Halyes river, which tends to prove that Capys was a Trojan element that named Cappadocia. I had traced Capys to Cappadocia on other evidence as well, and pegged "Caiaphas," the Pharisee under which Jesus was crucified, to Capys elements at Kaisareia/Caesarea, a location in Cappadocia. It just so happens that Capys' father, "Assaracus," smacks of Kaisareia.

Kaisareia was earlier Mazaca (as evidenced at the Kaisareia article above), home of the Meshech, I'm sure, who became the north-African Amazons...and therefore the Amazon-based Berbers. Compare "Berber" to Abarbarea/Abarbe above, for she had merged with the Laomedon/Calybe entity.

I can't recall where I had gotten the idea (but it was not from the quote above) that Tyre proper was founded by Trojans after Trojans lost the Trojan war. It's known that Trojans came to the Phoenician and Israeli theater at that time, both by land and a sea route. Thus, the Maccabees and Pharisees were, I am now very sure, Trojans merged with dragon-cult Jews of the Halys theater. I would never say such a thing merely to tickle the ears of British-Israelists, for I have a long track-record of caring nothing to link Jews to the dragon cult...unless it's true.

Back to the revelation that the German Anders clan was from the sleeping-moon cult of Caria. The Swedish Anders Coat is in the same colors (as the German branch), and uses a lunar crescent on the same blue-colored Shield that is backdrop to the Kissinger and Karen/Kearn sleeping crescents. Swedish Anders Coat also uses scallops, jibing with the Arpad trace to Charybdis and Scylla.

As these elements trace to Silesia/Poland too, I now mention the Mengel peoples in the quote from the article sent in by emailer Patterson: Cappadocia was known to the Assyrians as kat-pat-uka (probably an Akkadian term-- "land of the Kati"), and the Kati were a people living in Cilicia and Cappadocia, which region had a Semitic population side by side with Mengels (see HITTITES).... The quote is found in several webpages, but I can't find anything else on the Mengels. There is a Mengel location in the Mus region of Lake Van (Armenia), on the Murat river, a tributary of the Euphrates (that evokes my trace of Euphrates=Aphrodite to the Maritsa/Hebros river and later to the Maros/Mures). I should mention that I trace Pan(ias)-based Phoenicians from Lake Van. Panias was also "Banias, and the inhabitants of Van were "Biaini."

The Mengal "Hittites" (if that is what they were) were not properly the Biblical ones, but were the ones who took over Hatti domains. Emailer Patterson showed the owl and horseshoe in the Mengel-surname Coat, and while the owl may suggest Edomites in Hesse, the horseshoe is a popular symbol in Poland. After writing that, I was able to find the Mengels in Silesia!! The exclamation marks are for the sentence above, "As these elements trace to Silesia/Poland too, I now mention the Mengel peoples..."

As one reads that Mengels were first in Bavaria and Hesse (evokes the Bavarian Illuminati "founded" by a WEIShaupt surname), note how the Italian Mengs have a Coat smacking of the Weis surname of Bavaria. Then see a Coat using the same colors in the Wies surname of...Silesia! Could that have been the Wishard/Guiscard clan in Poland? I see that the clan has a WisHART variation while the Wies Coat uses a does the Irish Hart/Cart surname. AND, the "Jewish" Hart/Art/Cart Coat uses a Zionist star in the colors of the Weis-of-Bavaria Zionist stars!

The Ross-clan write-up tells of roots in an Andrew character, and I should repeat that the Patterson surname was first found in Ross-shire (founded by the Ross clan). The same star, in the same colors, is in the German Mang Coat. Although the surname is properly shown as "Magnus," there are men named Meng and a Mang in the write-up.

This potentially traces the Mengels to the Mangs/Magnus' of Shetland (where I had traced Traby>Drummond-related Poles). Yes, for that latter surname uses the same lion as do the Irish Harts/Arts (think king Arthur and his bear line to Bernicians of Berwickshire). I don't think it's coincidental that the bear-related Maghans were also "Mann" (see also the Mathie/Maghan/Mann surname, also said to be from a bear). Not only did I trace the Arthur bloodline to the latter clan of Ireland, but to the Waynes, and so I see that the Irish Mangs/Magnus' show a Weynish variation. That recalls my link of the Wayne surname to the Pullens and Polesdons (the latter two clans, who I assumed to be Polish) were founders of a Romulus location in Wayne county, Michigan, and the Pullen Coat is essentially the Romney Coat).

George "Drummond," father of the first Drummond, Maurice, was a son of Andrew I of Hungary, and the Drummond/DruMANN (see Mann significance below) write-up makes the case: "This distinguished family is said to be descended anciently from a Prince Andreas, youngest son of the King of Hungary." I had traced the first Drummonds to the founding of Ross-shire for this reason. I say all this because the Patterson link (just made above) to the Andrew character of Ross-shire bears itself out in another way: the Irish Patterson Chief uses white scallops on blue (Drummond colors), the very colors of the scallops in the Swedish Anders Coat!

Again, the Scottish Pattersons use pelicans (as do Waynes, Pullens and Arthurs) that I trace to Poland..but I recently traced the pelican to the Cretan labrys-type axe, which Greeks called a pelekus (this suggests a Pole trace back to Crete). Again, the Patterson motto term, "Rege," is very trace-able to the Rhae (of Crete) cult that I say named Reggio in Charybdis, the very place to which I just traced the Hungarian Arpads.

The Scottish Anders Coat shows a gold saltire on green, the symbol of the Scottish Pollock clan.

Amazingly, I had made an Anders link to Pattersons in the Shetland/Caithness region (see the end of this page) before discovering the Mangs (purple lion) of Shetland above. It's incredible that emailer Patterson introduced the Mengel Hatti to me, who lived in conjunction with the Kati, because I'm about to trace "Caith(ness)" to the Cati.

I once knew a part of northern Scotland that I thought was named after Halybes, and it stands to reason that "Alba," the earlier name of Scotland, was rooted in that place. But I had forgotten what that Halybe-like place was, and could not recall the spelling. Until now. I was just at the Scottish Anders page and saw that they were first in Caithness, and wondering whether there were Caith links to the Cassane clan found in the Irish Patterson write-up, I clicked the link to the Caithness article, where I found (brackets not mine): "Caithness (Scottish Gaelic: Gallaibh)..."

The next day, I found a Cassane Coat with this write-up: "First found in Hampshire, where a Ralph CATTESone [caps mine] was on record in 1115. Other early records include Robert Casseson in 1327..." Suddenly, the Patterson-related Cassanes look like Catti (but coincidences do occur).

How much sense does it make that the Gallaibh-branch Halybes lived at Catti-like Caithness when Halyes had lived on the same Halys river as the Hatti>Hittites? What's more intriguing is that emailer Patterson emailed her article to me for the sake of highlighting the Kati of Cappadocia/Halyes, knowing nothing of what I'm saying here. She emailed before this chapter was started. But this is not the first time that she emailed things linking to her own bloodline(s) without realizing, or at least without realizing the particulars. She and I (and a few others) are convinced that the Help of God feeds us the clues.

LOOK, after writing that, I checked the Anderson Coat: Ignoring the write-up where it says, "The family is descended from Mac Ghille Andreis, servant of St. Andrew, Scotland's Patron Saint," see the next sentence: "[The Andersons] are regarded as a sept of Clan Chattan..." Hmm, the Mengels were first found in Bavaria, Franconia and Hesse, the latter location being home to the Catti.

Let's get back to the Mengel-surname trace to Bavarian elements, for I had traced a Bavarian clan to the Manx peoples (Isle of Mann), a term smacking of "Mengel." Moreover, the Arms of the Isle of Mann is very similar to the Arms of Sicily (the latter use a Gorgon head at the center of three human legs). German Andersons use the Danish-Anders Shield and were "First found in Schleswig-Holstein and Denmark." As the blue and white Shields are in the colors of the Anders and Patterson scallops, perhaps "Schleswig" was from Scylla stock.

Compare "Schles(wig)," not only to "Sicily/Scylla," but to "Silesia" (where Mengels were just traced), and then note that the German Schlesin(ger) surname is named after Silesia.

The name of the Bavarian location that I traced to Manx is Fussen/Foetes, and it too uses the three legs. The Fussen location is on the Lech river, a term that I trace to Lug...who ended up on the Isle of Mann with his Danann allies under the myth code, Manannan. We expect Danes and Irish Danann to stem from the Hatti. In consideration of "Caithness," see the below that I just dredged up accidentally while looking for the Foetes spelling in my files, keeping in mind the wolf in the Danish Anders Coat:

Entering "Caitch," a sept of McLeods, brings up the Teague/Keague Coat (wolf in Crest), the motto of which uses "metuam." This brings us to Bavarian elements (which I link to Hesse) of the Stewarts, because Scottish Bowers (obviously related to German Bauers/Bowers) use an "Ad metam" motto phrase. The French Alan Coat use German-Bauer stars.

The point is, we saw yesterday that Stewarts were Olivers = Laevi-Galli "priests." The Scottish Oliver Coat (using the black Martins of the Murtrys) has an "Ad foedera" motto phrase, while the Stewart sept of Minney/Molloy uses "foedari." These terms smack of Bavaria's Fussen location, originally called, Foetes.

I can add that I traced InverNESS (i.e. the river Ness) to DioNYSUS, and that his Maenad cult has been linked by me to the MaeANDER river. "Caithness originally formed part of the shire or sheriffdom of Inverness..."

With the implications in mind on this discussion, let me repeat that the wolf/dog was a Stewart symbol, but can be expected to trace to "Caleb," and therefore to Halybes...that named Caithness by the name of Gallaibh. I had traced the proto-Stewarts (of Brittany) to the Shetland raven, and was convinced that there was little difference between the proto-Stewarts and proto-Drummonds of Shetland. The wolf also symbolized Lycia...on the Maeander river, but for the time being I can't see how the Caleb wolf could link squarely to the Lycia wolf.

German Enders use the German Troy unicorn design (I'll get to the uniCORN and Cornwall below). The "Durante" motto term of the Cornwall Coat suggests the Durance river, the abode of Salyes Ligurians whom I link both to Silesians and to Lug. German Troys were first found in Mechlenburg...beside Pomerania, a term that I've traced to Fomorians of Ireland. Lug was half Fomorian and half Danaan.

Hmm, "DurANTE" has an AND(er)-like term built in, and Scottish Durans are in Anders blue and white

The Rande Coat (as per "Durante") not only uses the same red lion as the Cornwall clan, but it's in the two colors of the Legh/Ley lion...that I trace to Ligurians. Randes were first found in Lincolnshire, the place to which I trace Danaan elements from Rhodes, for Lincoln(shire), once "Lyn/Lindsey," traces to the Danann founders of Lindos (chief city in Rhodes founded by the Helios line...that I link to "Halys"). That should explain why Italian Durans use a sun-helios symbol, or why French Durans were first found in Dauphine, beside Liguria (both Shetland and Dauphine use dolphins). Dauphine is on the Rhodanus river, at the mouth of which Ligurians were founded. Thus, Ender and/or DurANTE elements can feasibly trace to ENDymion stock (i.e. at Miletus near Rhodes.

If we think that the unicorn was a symbol of Cornwall elements, I should add that English Enders were first in Cornwall (German Enders use a unicorn). Cornwall is roughly where Lug's Danann side entered Britain. They entered in Devon (where the Cornwall surname was first found), a location that I see named after "Daphne." Aha! The Cornwall link to Shetland about to be made can easily explain why both the Arms of Shetland and the Arms of Dauphine use dolphins.

The idea that the unicorn is a terminology symbol for "Cornwall" is supported where the unicorn is also a symbol of Shetland, the Arms of which show a raven too, a symbol found also in the Scottish Cornwall Coat. And while the Shetland Arms use a "Bygger" motto term, the Scottish Cornwalls use a "beg" motto term.

Note the "SKAL-LAND" (Scylla, root of the Anders clans?) in the Shetland motto, and the Andrew's Cross on the unicorn's shoulder, for it's a variation of the flag of Shetland.

It can't be coincidental that Shetland is just off-shore of Caithness! AND, "In early Irish literature, Shetland is referred to as Inse Catt--"the Isles of Cats', which may have been the pre-Norse inhabitants' name for the islands. The Cat tribe also occupied parts of the northern Scottish mainland and their name can be found in Caithness, and in the Gaelic name for Sutherland (Cataibh, meaning 'among the Cats'."

I could go on and on, but I've got to end somewhere.

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