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April 5 - 11, 2016

Time for a Check-Up on the Dents
The Helen-Trojan Monster was the Gutts of Teuther Danaans
The Goods on DicTYS
Tiss the Season to be Joppa

For a reader hopping into an update for the first time, there is not much I can say in an introductory paragraph to explain everything needed before proceeding. The only readers able to follow are those taking the time needed to get a solid idea of the entire scope. It is probably impossible to follow unless the heraldic Coats are loaded and viewed. It would be helpful to have a photographic memory, or to at least spend some time to get to know Coats, and to understand what I'm saying about them. I did the work over years to be able to present to you the relevant Coats, and you need only decide whether I am correctly interpreting the evidence and the codes. It is far best that you load Coats on a separate browser(s) rather than clicking back and forth from the update page. It might take longer for one to read an update than the week it takes me to write it, but that's what it'll take for a solid understanding of what I'm doing. I know that few have the time to follow this in that way. My hope is...actually, I should have no such hopes as I should just allow God to do what He wants with this. One of my goals at this time is to discover the parent(s) of Josephs Caiaphas, and in the meantime to prove that heraldic masters and leading Templar families knew that all of heraldry had, at its foundations, Caiaphas and his circle of Christ killers. These updates are jot-down format (sub-titles don't usually reflect the roaming topics well) making it hard / impossible to have a pre-plotted storyline. I'm no longer doing final proof-reads, please excuse the imperfections / mistakes. Ever since I decided to use apostrophes only after surnames ending in vowels, I started to catch myself using apostrophes before the 's' of pluralized words, making it appear that I need to return to primary grammar school.

If ever you'd want to check a description in the Coat of Arms, type the surname at this page:

The Syrian war has erupted at Aleppo. Some anti-Assad fighters not happy with the ceasefire have gone over to the Nusra Front or ISIS so that they can continue the war, for Nusra and ISIS did not agree to the ceasefire. Assad, not to be cut out as a dummy for accepting the "time-out_ called by the West, has stated openly that he with the Russians have planned an offensive against Aleppo. In other words, while he knows that the West is planning its next offensive against him in this ceasefire, he's announcing an offensive of his own just to give the pained West something a little harder to deal with. The West was an inch from ousting Assad so that the current situation has got to be painful for it. The West is responsible for this Syrian disaster, and the Russians are not only making light of this each and every week, but are daily sending the Russian peoples an anti-West message that does not play well to globalism.

The Iraqi's have got to be ninnies if they can't see the American game played against them. "The spokesman [Steve Waren] for the international coalition against the Islamic State (IS) told a TV program that Iraqi forces need more time to launch operation to liberate the IS-held northern city of Mosul." It's been years that America has been claiming that Iraqi's are not yet militarily ready. It's the American excuse not to help Iraqi's gain their lost ground north of Baghdad.

Late in the last update, I found Cetis liners inadvertently around the northerly Stur river, in Worcestershire. The Husmerae on the Stur became suspect with the Moravian Hussites, also called Taborites, and the latter were being entertained with Tibur, a location near Rome and associated with the Tiber river. For a few updates in a row, Porcius Cato and his links to Rita's and the Tibur location have been a major line of discussion, and so I would now like to mention that Davidsons, said to be a member of Cato-related Clan Chattan, are in Taber colors. Davidsons were looked up because of their "Sapienter" motto term, like the "Sapiens" in the Arms of Dudley. See the last update as per why symbols in the Arms of Dudley trace to Cetis liners of the Laevillus kind. Dudleys became a topic due to the Dudley location off the northerly Stur river.

As Wiltshire is between the two Stur rivers, let's add that Dutch Wilts have a coat well-reflecting the Davidson Coat. While Davidsons were first found in Perth, way up in Scotland, not near the Stur rivers, Davids and Davis' were first found in Cheshire and Wales, both fairly near to Worcestershire. One can glean that Davidsons were kin to Celts/Colts and perhaps to Enders/Ingers. The question them becomes whether the Davidson / Celt pheons are those of Morton-related Walsh's, for Mortons were first found in Wiltshire.

The Keith Catti were found (by me) in Husmerae circle's, and Keiths had, by that time, been identified as Cato/Chattan liners. We can now read, in the Davidson write-up, that Davidsons descend from a Catti tribe, same term used for Keith ancestry. The Davidson write-up puts "Chattan" in brackets as an alternative name of the Catti. Davidsons are said to descend from the MacPHERSon (Pharisee liners?) branch of Catti, and moreover it adds that Davidsons viewed themselves as the superior Catti faction. The Keith pale bars have been identified with the Stur bars, and the Keith stag head can, surely, link to the same of Colts/Celts / Coutes', the latter two being resolved as a line from Pontius Pilate. It can be therefore gleaned that the three Davidson pheons are a gold version of the Pilate Coat.

Pontius Pilate's mother was reportedly a Pict from Pherson-like Perth. Heraldry bears out this fanciful-like claim in multiple ways, and I happen to believe that's it's a true claim. The Phersons, said to be named after parson priests, are said to be from Picts. It is not a coincidence that the Parson surname shares the three leopard faces (colors included) as Pears/Peare's, meaning that the pears in the Arms of Dudley are for MacPherson liners too...which links Dudleys to Clan-Chattan elements. The Hesse-suspect suns found in the Dudley area can now link to the same of Persons, said to be from "Pier." The Person-like Poussins (Le Mans) use these suns on the one hand, and a CAT on the other as per their Pussy variation. The cat-using Poussins are expected to be a merger with Damorys / Amore's (but see also Crispins).

This is a good place to mention that the ancient Hatti were on the Halys river that flows by lake Tatta, suspect from a line of Dud-like king Tut. The witchy Vere's trace themselves to ancient Mitanni, and while historians are divided / doubtful on whether Yuya, Tut's ancestor, was a Mitanni, I think he definitely was. Vere's are said to have been of HADDINGton-like HEDINGton, and Keiths were first found in Haddington. Moreover, Yuya was born in Kemmis, and while Kenny / Kemmis liners were emphasized in the last update, and while Kensingtons were mentioned in a key spot in relation to a people group at / near the Ceno river, the Vere's are said to have been of a Kensington location in London, right beside their Oxford bastion.

Between the two pears, there is a "fountain," the symbol of the Kiss/Cush surname. "I kissed Miss Peare" has been a topic for a couple of updates before this one, and here the two surnames in that phrase may be side-by-side in the Arms of a Cetis line from Caiaphas himself.

The axe in the Parson Crest is, at least sometimes, code for the Axe river of Somerset, where Leavells and related Percivals were first found. Laevillus' mother had a Varia surname suspect with Parson-like Pharisees. The MacPherson write-up says that the clan was also called, Clan Mhuirich, as per a Muredach entity said to descend from some Duncan the Parson character. But Duncans were also, "DunCHAD," and they did trace to St. Chad of Staffordshire, which may explain why the Arms of Dudley uses a so-called Stafford knot. This knot is on a gold mural crown, perhaps belonging to the Cetis-liner Caens. The knot is said to be charGED, a term that was deciphered (last update), at least tentatively, as part-code for Geds (share fish with Geddes').

"MHUIR" is like the Mhaoir" term in the write-up of Irish Weirs, and the Muirs/More's are using the Coat of Scottish Weirs/Vere's, suggesting that Phersons were a Vere branch, which tends to explain why Pears were first found in Oxfordshire.

We can read that Catti were hubbed around Badenoch and Nairn in the 7th century, yet they were in Worcestershire too while connecting to the southerly Stur river, home roughly of the first Percivals and Pierce's, more Pharisee-line suspects. Badenochs were traced with little doubt to Badens/Battins, first found in the same place as Percivals and Pierce's, these being suspect with Pierleoni, and the latter being suspect with Rita's, and the latter being suspect with the Poole's and therefore the Poole location near the mouth of the southerly Stur. This story becomes more fantastic still where Rita's, Roets, and the book in the Arms of Dudley trace to Vespasia Polla at Rieti, mother of the Roman emperor that I see as the back side of the revival of the anti-Christ system in the end times. Vespasian's family took the priestly liner, Josephus the historian, as a virtual, adopted brother. Heraldry has suggested in some of the strongest terms that Josephus was a Caiaphas liner, and while Josephus has traced well to the Josephs of Hampshire, that's where Poole is, almost, located.

Poole is in Dorset, and while the Husmerae topic of the last update connected to a couple of sun symbols, including the Huss/Hesse sun, we find another sun in the Dorset/Dowset surname, first found in Wiltshire. As Caiaphas has been suspect in a descent from Quintus Caepio, and then descending to the birth of Laevillus, it's very interesting that Quints, sharing the fitchee with Phersons, were first found in Dorset. The Somerset area beside Dorset is where ancient Dumnonii settled that I see behind the Domnanns and MacDonalds. The Pherson fitchee is that of the MacDonalds.

Okay, so the sun in this part of England becomes suspect with the Hesse sun because the Chatti Germanics of Hesse were there, and the Catti are to trace thereby to the Cavii theater, which can explain Chives' in Devon with a moline symbol linkable to Rock-liner rooks and to the Roach fish. Why do Chives call their Crest and Coat leopard, "cats"?

When we ask who the Catti became as per surnames, the Chads, Chettle's and Geds / Geddes' seem to play well to that question. Saddock liners are therefore expected as part of the Arms-of-Dudley Crest: "The crest is mainly taken from the Sedgley and Cseley arms." Saddocks are listed with Sedgley-like Sedge's/Sedgewicks, and the two are in the same colors. In fact, the Sedgley Coat ("tibi") is a reflection of the Dragon/Drainer Coat that I trace to the Drin river that circled around the Cavii. Sedgleys and Dragons were both first found in the same place (Kent) as Mynetts and Massins/Masons, and the latter share the Dudley lion.

The Drin river is the location of Has and Gabuleum. The river's alternative name, DRILon, may explain the TRILobite in the Arms of Dudley. There has been plenty of disinformation throughout the centuries on the reasons that towns and individuals use their symbols, and the write-up for the Arms of Dudley must be no exception. Trefoils, a Roquefeuil symbol, are used by Trilobite-like Trills, though they are listed properly as TROWle's/Troule's/TRUEls. They give me the impression of being a branch of Trows/True's, and merged with Trips. Trills use six trefoils in the formation of the six Tarves fitchees.

Well, okay, so the Arms-of-Dudley Crest is taken partly from Sedgleys, and then we read of the red roses in that Crest: "barbed and seeded proper." Barbera's use fish in Roach-fish colors. Or, Barbe's may be using the Dudley lion in red, for Barbers were first found in Warwickshire, at the sources of the Stur river that flows near Dudley. Reminder: the eight footless martlets that surround the Saddock and Chaddock Coats are a take from the same in the Arms of ROCHdale, and Roach's/Roche's share the same fish as Barbera's. These are the Luciano and Lucy fish, and Lucys are said to be kin of Geddes' (who share the Chaddock escutcheon). Beware the disinformation on the origin of "Lucy" and "Ged."

It seems that "barbed and seeded" can be code for a surname related to Sedgleys/Sedleys, who have variations much like Saddle's, the latter using the Dudley lion exactly (colors included). If there was a saddle in the Dudley Crest, they would have said that it's a symbol of saddle makers once in the area. That is typical disinformation world-wide with heraldry. I know, trust me. Saddle's were first found in Cheshire. Seatons are known FLEMings, and so the flames in the Arms of Dudley should be for Flemish kin, but the write-up insists that the flames, and the salamander, are purely a symbol of metal makers in Dudley. Recently, I learned of a Seaton location at/near the mouth of the Axe river.

In like manner, the "PIECE's of chain" in the chevron along with the pears is said to be for the chain-making industry. When was the last time you cooed over chains? Do you have an irresistible impulse to visit a chain-making factory? By what logic would a town council decide to put chains in their Arms merely for a chain-making factory? Is that sensible in your mind? As Cato liners were in the Dudley theater, the "pieces of chain" should be part-code for Rita's and/or their kin that share their "piece of wood." Cheneys and Chaine's were Caen liners, weren't they?

As the Chaine surname lists Chenays, and as Cheneys were first found in Buckinghamshire, beside the first Pears, it's a good bet that the Dudley chains, on both sides of the pears, are from Cheney liners = Ceno-river liners.

The Sedgley Coat is in the colors and format of the Alisons, introduced in the last update. I'll show how the Dudleys can link to the Arms of Rothschild later. The point here is the "Truth" motto term of Alisons, and meanwhile Alis' are using the Keith motto in reverse, which is a starter for linking Alisons to the Catti of the Dudley area. Truths use the same bars, almost, as Sturs, you see, and they are listed with Trotts that can be from the Trotus river in Moldova, which flows through the Bacau area that was traced confidently to Bacons. The latter have a Beacon variation while the Dudley Crest uses the "Sedgley Beacon Tower." Now you know the truth, that the heraldry goons are lying to us all. It appears, therefore, that Sedgleys were kin of Alisons. The other Dudley Arms has lions holding beacons. "The fired beacons held by the lions are taken from the arms of Coseley and Brierley Hill and allude to local industries."

Beside the trilobite in the lower Arms of Dudley, there is a "Davy lamp," said to "signify local industries." Really? Shouldn't it be code instead for the Davidson-branch of Chattan? I don't think I've ever deciphered the "tibi" motto term, shared by Sedgewicks and Voirs, but perhaps it's for a Davy / David line. As there is a book in the upper Arms of Dudley, which is shared by Rita-suspect Roets and Reeds, note the Voir description: "St. Mark's lion, supporting a silver BOOK inscribed with the words 'PAX TIBI, MARCE EVANGELISTA". Reeds use "Pax" too, and I can see "Angel" ion that capitalized phrase. French Davys/Daviauds were first found in the same place (Brittany) as Voirs. Plows/Ploughs, accessible from the plough in the Very Crest, use another "tibi" term. A with a plow is in the Crest of Curtis', suspect with the Curtus surname that Josephus claimed to be in his Maccabee ancestry.

The Daviaud variation is like the Devauds that trace with Leavells to Laevillus, and then the book is suspect with Bible's/Bibo's, symbol, I think, for Laevillus' mother, Vibia.

Good morning. The above is where I left off yesterday, and it can play well to the incredible revelation that started while I was waking up. Before telling this, let me add that Vibia Varia is suspect to the Vere's, and therefore to Phersons / Pears, but from AULUS Terentius VARRO Murena. Furthermore, let me remind that Phersons claimed to be Chief Chattan liners now linking to Tut-suspect Dudleys.

I awoke with a Pullen-like term (without the 'en') in a dream, and found myself, while coming to consciousness, doing what I usually do in the mind to make surname connections. Only this time, for a reason I can't explain, this Pullen-like term (that I have forgotten) brought to mind that Pullens were first found in the same place as Gumbys. The latter are new to me as per the last update, though I may have mentioned them in the past without much elaboration. Gumbys are responsible for my telling reader what I refused to tell them for weeks earlier, that God may have given me a swollen gum, beside a sore tooth (created by a corrupt dentist in hopes of making more money, but that's another story). Gumms/Gomers and Gums/Goms fit very well into the Kimmy-Walsh theme of the last update, indicating the Cimmerian-Gomer line to the Welsh. Before I explain this morning's realization, let me say further that Kim Walsh is to be linked to La Paloma, where I had kissed both her and Miss Peare, and that while Palmers were perhaps the greatest topic of the last update, PALMyra is near Homs. This is what I think we are to get.

I've yet to look at the Plume's that are known to have been largely of Brittany, a place where the Welsh fled war. The Brits are closely related to the Welsh. They were depicted as the red Arthurian dragon, expected from the Chimera dragon out of Rhodes and into Lycia (i.e. the Rhodian city of Kamiros). But wait, for Pendragons are from the Penestae on the Trilobite-suspect Drilon river, a little up-river from sun-god suspect Gabuleum, and then the Dudley-beloved Sedgleys are using the same Coat, essentially, as Dragons/Drainers. It compels me to make a Kamiros link to the Penestae and/or other Drilon-area peoples. The Chimera dragon was given a second head, a goat head, which we saw with Sedgleys.

You may have read from the Dudley page that COSelys were related to its Arms, and while Kos was off the Carian coast along with Rhodes, and while the latter had the rose symbol, let me re-quote: "The [Dudley] crest is mainly taken from the Sedgley and Cseley arms. The roses refer to the briars once common in the area and from which Brierley Hill derives its name". There you have some garbage in the derivation of Brierleys, but the point is that Sedgleys trace to Rhodes with the Cseleys / COSELeys. At least, I'm assuming that Cseleys are the same as Coseleys. I can find no Coseley or similar surname at houseofnames, leaving it a mystery. However, I have found Joseph- / Gose-suspect Gosleys/GOSELLS that share the same fesse as Briars, both in the colors of Brierleys.

This gets rather complicated due to the uncertainties. Gosleys become suspect with the GOOSE on a rock of Rutherfords because both surnames share footless martlets. I have no problem with that. Gosleys are in the colors of English Jose's/Gosse's (Staffordshire), and French Jose's are listed with Josephs using a giant footless martlet. It may mean that Coseleys and Gosleys were Josephs.

COSSELs happen to be listed with German Cassells, not only part of the Hesse Chatti (sun) that I see linked with Gabuleum's sun-god elements, but linkable to the Kennati priests thanks to Kennedys sharing a version of the Scottish Cassel Coat. That's another reason to trace that priest-like character, holding the book, to the Kennati.

The Brierleys (could be the Macclesfield cross in colors reversed) were first found in the same place as Chettle's, and the latter once again share the red-on-white fesse of Briars and Gosleys.

I can't be sure whether Coseleys are Kos liners. However, German Cossels/Cassells are sharing the Clare triple chevrons, I take it, because Clarus was in Caria on-shore from Kos. The latter island plays excellently to this morning's Message (that I've yet to get to) because Merops of Kos was a mythical grandfather of queen AEDON of Thebes, from Atun, the sun god of king Tut's father, AkhenATEN. It appears that Dudleys were from Tut liners that went through the Merops > Aedon entity, and therefore through Kos, then to Ephesus (beside Clarus) with Pandareus, son of Merops, and then to dragon-infested Thebes. It's making the Chimera dragon suspect in Thebes. You need to keep PANdareus in mind as Pan, the goat son of Hermes at the Hermus river, now the Geddes-like Gediz river, which is where I traced Yuya's Mitanni i.e. downtown Lydia, home of Gugu/Gyges, probably the same as mythical Ogyges of Thebes, thought by some to have been the Thebes dragon. This plays excellently to the Gomer-Cimmerian link to the Biblical Gog.

It can now be added that while I traced Medleys and Methleys to Mitanni at Foca / Phocaea, smack near the mouth of the Hermus, the Seleys/Celeys are sharing a SEATED tiger in Crest with Medleys! This is huge, is Seleys were Cseleys. for we just saw CSELEYs verified as COSELeys, and Merops of Kos is expected to be a Hermes liner in that both birthed Pan liners. Again, Sedleys and Cseleys are in the Dudley Crest together, and Sedgleys are the ones with goats! It's linking Sadducee-suspect Scythians to the Hermes-Pan line, and while Pan was from Armenia's Lake Van, where Cimmerians had conquered, and while "Hermes" (partly a Cadusii-Armenian line to CADmus of Thebes) was code, along with "Harmonia" (Cadmus' wife in Thebes) for Armenians, Soducena was at Van-related Sevan, Armenian home of Gogarene/Gugar, the entity expected with Gugu. It's making Soducena elements -- already traceable to Saddocks/Sedwicks, and therefore to Sedgleys -- expected in the Carian / Kos / Rhodes / Ephesus area. It suggests that a Soducena branch named the Gediz river (points well to mythical Attis). It means that Soducena elements can be expected in the Cato > Chattan liners around Dudley, yet by that time, Soducena elements had, in my theory, become the Sadducees proper of Israel. See Soducena and Gogarene on this ancient map at Lychnis = Sevan:

When writing here, the Dent tiger was overlooked (I had forgotten about it). Dent's were not loaded again until the next day. I had also forgotten that Dents are said to be from SEDbergh, in a Dentdale location that was anciently, Denet...a possible Danaan line. Dents share symbols on a bend in the colors of the same of Sale's, who may have been a Seley branch. "Sale" cannot be a branch of "Kos," and so, perhaps, Seleys were merged with Cos liners to produce the Cseley version of "Coseley," if "Cseley" isn't a spelling mistake. In any case, the white Seley tiger is definitely linkable to the same of Dents.

Recall the conclusion that Alisons were kin of Sedgley/Sedleys, for Alisons are suspect with the Coats of Halls and Hulls, the latter first found in the same place as same-colored Dents. It could appear as though the Dudley Crest honors a Dent-related circle of families, and that Sedburgh was a Sedgely / Saddock branch.

The Dudley-Crest description, "two Roses Gules barbed and SEEDED proper", is expected as part code for Seeds/Seats/Cedes' (Sedbergh elements?) whom are honored in the motto of Amore's, and it just so happens that Merops was deciphered as an Amorite entity. Amore's share a gold mural crown with the Arms of Dudley, and moreover place a white talbot dog in the crown, the colors of the Alison / Hall / Hall talbots. Amore's are suspect with the Leavell bars and are therefore linkable to the Sturs.

Sturs were just linked to the Alison-beloved Truths/Trotts, and so watch the heraldic magic at work when one uses it properly, denying the lies freely, and plowing forward on one's own gleanings. The Trotus river was up near Angustus, and then the Hush lion is also in the Chief of the Cabbage's that use an "angustis" motto term. The trick is to prove that Hush's were Husmerae elements (on the Stur), and "Merae" can certainly link to entities such as Amore's and the related Damorys. Cabbage's were first found in Northamptonshire, not at all far from the sources of the northerly Stur, and it just so happens that French House's (same leaves as the Hazels and Hulse's) use "cabbage leaves," suggesting that House's, Hazels, Heslingtons, Hulse's, Islips ("hazel SLIPs") and their other branches were Hush's = Husmerae liners. Excellent find. Very useful. Hazels were kin to Weavers, the ones for whom wavy bars were created, and Damorys use wavy bars. Weavers were Beavers, and the Arms of Oxford, where Amore's and Damorys were first found, uses a beaver. Beavers are likely Bewere's, and Drago de Bewere is in the write-up of Blade's who use a saltire (Hume colors) in the colors of the cross of English House's. I came to believe that Hume's/Home's were not a branch of House's, but that they had somehow merged, and this paragraph can perhaps help to explain it.

Blade's link to Merovingian suspect Franks. While one Frank saltire is the Blade saltire, the other Frank saltire is the Pollock saltire, in the colors of the cabbage-like Cubbys that share the dart with Pollocks.

The Catti became suspect with the Kidderminster location at the end of this Stur, and Kitters are listed with Cato's/Chattans. But then Kissers, using a version of the Kiss/CUSH Coat, both using the fountain linkable to the Dudley fountain smack between the two pears, were first found in MIDDLEsex (as were Vere-liner Fiers/Fere's), and Middle's have at least one variation suggesting Mitanni-suspect Mytilene, on Lesbos off-shore from the mouth of the Gediz. Lesbos also has a Methley- / Mitanni-suspect Methymna location, and while Lesbos is what named lesbians for a reason, the angels in the Dudley Arms are made to look like transvestites, or what the Greeks called a Hermaphrodite, both male and female. "Aphrodite" was from "Euphrates," and Mari, the Amorite capital, was on the Euphrates. The Mitanni were at the Habur/Chabur tributary of the Euphrates, and "CHABUR" led to the Kypris version of "Aphrodite" upon CYPRus (clearly the Apiru/Abiru Hebrews), as well as to the KABEIRi priesthood that was ruled by Aphrodite's husband. The Dudley angels (possible code for the Angle Germanics) hold MURal crowns, suspect with Amorite liners.

Why is the Dudley anchor "cabled." Isn't that code for the great-mother tart, Cybele, mother of Lydians? This recalls that Buttons/Bidens trace with Tous'/Tosni's/Tonso's to Cabyle (Thrace), upon the Tonzus river. Amazingly, Mrs. Besant was insisting that a cable theme should trace to Cybele, and while I don't know of any heraldic cables off-hand, we just crossed one. I can tell you this, that "cuffia," an Italian term for lattice, traced to Sub Radice further up the Tonzus river from Cabyle, while the Cable surname uses lattice, filling their Shield, in the colors of the checks filling the Shield of Radice's/Radi's. What's more, Italians have a Radice-like term, RETIColo, that means "lattice." This discovery is in the last update of 2015. The last update found three surnames, Chapmans and Percivals, included, using "sub." It could indicate that Caiaphas and Pharisees were linked to Sub-Radice liners.

A thing of interest is that while the shirt and buttons is a theme of Tute-suspect Tous'/Tosni's, the Dudley character holding the book is given buttons, possible code for the Buttons/BIDEns that may have been a branch of whatever "triloBITE" refers to.

Here's on the Lindos-liner Line's: "German Line's use "A silver shield with a tree on a green mound," part-code for Hume-beloved Tree's/True's that share the feathered helmet with Lannoys. But there is more, for the Line rose's, along with the "SUB" motto term of Line's..." It's a good bet that the Dudley-Sedgley-Cseley roses are the Line roses, for the Hume lion is colors reversed from the Touch lion, and "Touch" is the first word in the Clan Chattan motto ("Touch not the cat BOT a glove") that includes Button-related Botters. The Hume's will be important for this morning's waking-moment revelation. But before getting to that, let's remind that True's look like they are in the variations of Trilobite-suspect Trills, and that "triloBITE" is suspect for a Button/Biden branch. Moreover, True's are kin of Lannoys and Lyons who use the Touch lion in both colors, while Line's had a Lyen variation, and then the green Touch lion can be expected in the green lion in the Arms of Dudley, though the Dudley lion is in both colors of the same of sun-using Tracks/Trigs and Drigs, while True's are said to be from "trog."

This morning's revelation went something like this. As I recalled the Gumbys, and therefore the GUMMs/Gomers, of the last update, I realized that they were HUME liners from "Homs," a Syrian city near Palmyra that I traced to Gomer-like QUMRan, a Israeli city of the Essenes, whom I suppose can be viewed as a priesthood. The Essenes became suspect with the essenes bee / honey cult of Ephesus, and the Merops > Pandareus line in Ephesus translated to Aedon of Thebes, while that area had a Melia honey goddess. Aedon was the sun-god line of king Tut's father to the Dudleys, Totts/TOTHS, Chettle-suspect Tottens, Tattons, Taddei's, TUTE's, etc. This plays to my tooth-and-gum problem that I think God has given me to indicate how badly He has wanted me to get this. So, let me repeat from the last update, for Homs was anciently Emesa, home of the El-Gabal sun god, and Cybele was wife to the Phrygian sun god. If that's not enough, mythical Rhodes was married to Helios, the Greek sun god, and connectable by his moon-goddess sister to Ephesus. All four sun gods should connect as one line, tracing from ancient Meroe/Merowe (now in Sudan) that I identify as an Amorite city of mythical Merops, he being "another" Merops, king of Ethiopia, whose wife mated with Helios. We get it: there was an Atun connection to Helios (same cult exactly), and it traced to Merops of Kos and then Aedon through Ephesus' essenes bee cult. Ethiopia has been a big honey producer.

But the Gumm-Tooth merger has most to do with Emesa / Homs so that Hume's are made suspect as Gumms. Here's from the last update, included as per the points made on Gumm liners:

By the way, Gumbys (same place as Bruce's) are probably using the Bruce lion, but as Gumbys are said to be from the Gunby lands held by Tisons, note that Yuya's daughter, queen TIYE, can be of the Tysons/Tessons, and the latter use the same lion as Gumm-like Hume's. Gumbys are also GUNbys/GONbys, and Tysons are in Kenny colors. It reminds that Kemmis' are also Kenys' and that Kimmys are also Kenny-like. Scottish Gone's/Gowins/Gavins (NITHSfield) happen to share a green Chief with Kennys. I have cause for linking Gumbys to the Dents (same place as Gumbys), suspect with Tooths, suspect with Tute's, suspect with king Tut, Yuya's great-grandson.

I didn't want to say this because it sounds a little lunatic. Gumms were introduced recently because I have had a long-standing swollen gum beside a tooth that the dentist didn't fix properly. I have been doing everything I can, including constant requests to God, for months, to heal this tooth, or to at least get rid of the swollen gum. While the tooth is much better [I was breaking raw carrot on it last night], the swelling on the one side of the gum refuses to disappear. It is not discolored, and doesn't appear dangerous, and after ten days of antibiotics, it still didn't go away. The doctor refused to give me even two more days of antibiotics. There came a time when I started to think that Tooths and Gumms should be related, but I passed this off as a crazy idea. Just the same, I decided to introduce Gumms recently where they fit in, but they were not very exciting at the time. In this update, the Gumms fit right in, to a surprising degree of importance, and, days after writing on Gumms, the Gumbys came to mind, which is why the above was inserted here less than two hours before this update is due. I have been looking for Tooth links to Gumms for weeks, but have not seen any until now, as per the above. It looks like Gumms and Gumbys were Yuya > Tut liners to Yorkshire.

I had been shrugging a Tooth link to Gumms for months, which was gnawing at my conscience, and the gum problem persisted. The above is what God must want us to get, and Hume's even use a "True TO THE end" motto, partly for Tooth liners. "End" is suspect with Endymion, at the Ephesus theater, who was loved by Helios' sister. It allows one to trace "Helios" and "Ialysos" of Rhodes to "Elis," where Endymion ancestry was traced by ancients. But the Peneus river at the Elis theater was a PANIAS (beside Daphne and Laish) line of Poeni (Phoenicioan) Pan liners to Pandareus of Ephesus, and likely to the PENEStae (beside the Paeoni) = the proto-Arthurian cult suspect from "Aretas."

[After this revelation, I awoke with "Trough" on my mind, but it was like a dream I didn't remember. On Friday morning, I awoke with the same term on my mind, and checked the surname to find Troughs/TROWtons/Trotons (same place as Penns, beside the first Trots at Berkshire), an apparent True/Trow branch of the Trot kind, and there the Penn pellets were found upon the Pendragon chevron, all in Dragon/Drainer colors, and throwing in some swans. The Crest has a white lion, possibly the Hume lion. The Rounds ("ESSE quam") can apply here, for they use a white lion in Crest, and it's sleeping so as to be from Helios' sister at Latmus / Ephesus, or connected to the sleeping moon of ROWND-like Roets, whose Somerset branch lists "ROWET." The latter were first found in the same place as Leavells whose bars can be that of Trots / Sturs, and so by what coincidence are Hush's in Round colors while putting a white lion on their fesse. Plus, the Troghs/Trowtons/Trotons have a black-on-white chevron upon their white Crest lion. I am not familiar with Troughs/Trotons, yet this surname was on my mind two mornings this week near / at wake time. Aren't Hush's, the variations of which were suspect with "Hwicce" (land of the Husmerae), a branch of SUN-liner Hesse's? It just so happens that the Ash's are said to be from one, ESSE COURT, and Ash's use two chevrons in the colors of the Round / Trough chevron, and in the colors of the two True/Trow bendlets.]

In short, the Yuya > Tut line was at Emesa with El-Gabal, and it pertains to Caiaphas, Annas, Herod; otherwise, why would God want me to stress this? If He does, it's got to concern his Son / his program. The Lannoys, True's and Hume's already traced to Herod Archelaus, but then the first Herod's mother was from the household of Aretas III of Edom, and Edom had a Kos cult, a chief god of Edomites, making Edomites suspect at Merops of Kos along with his Amorites...who had a kingdom in Syria and may, therefore, be expected in Arethusa / Emesa. The point of introducing Aretas is that, prior to being in the Emesa, the El-Gabal priests were in ARETHUSa, an Aretas-like term if ever we saw one.

And so "Herod" is expected from the namers of "Arethusa." Yes, Herods are also expected from "Herodotus," but he (5th century BC) lived in Caria, at Botter-like Bodrum. To put it another way, Edomite elements of BC times in Kos came back around to Syria's Arethusa cult out of which Aretas was named. And Botters are Chattan liners so that the Soducena elements expected in Caria can link to proto-Herods through Arethusa. This is the Syrian garbage that the Romans decided to set up over Israel in the time of Jesus. I can now expect proto-Sadducees in Kos. I expect HERODotus' name to be from RHODES." While it can be gleaned that Manders use a version of the Rhodes Coat because the Maeander river has a mouth in Caria, and on-shore from Kos, the Coseley-loving Dudleys use a salaMANDER.

But wait. I trace Herod Antipas to an element from Antibes (near the mouth of the Rhodanus), and from that trace I conjectured that Herods were in Grasse along with Bassianus' (they were priests of El-Gabal) that I trace there. One Grasse surname, first found in the Lindos-based Lincolnshire along with the Rhodes surname, uses the same bend as Botters / Chattans along with same lion as Roet-suspect and Herod-like Rita's. While that priest-like dingdong in the Arms of Dudley shares the book with Roets, the Dudley motto includes, "proGRESS." It looks like the dingdong, and those who put him there, is an El-Gabal figurehead of the Herod-Masonic kind. As Bassianus' are expected from the Brogitarus > Bassus line, while Brogitarus was himself the priest-moron for Cybele, "PROGress" might be code also for Brogitarus liners of the Prock/Brocuff kind / Brugg kind. Bruggs were first found in the same place as Cheneys, and they share the same cross as Chains/Cheins (without the 'e' at the end). It's the Sinclair cross too, a line from Clarus, right? Yes, and Sinclairs, part of the triple chevrons in the Coat of Hesse-sun related Cossells/Cassells, list a Sun variation.

It can't be a coincidence that while Dudley-beloved Sedgleys list a Sedley variation, Bruggs are said to descend from the Sudley castle (Gloucestershire). For, it just so happens that while Dudleys use the same lion as Louvains (and Saddle's), Bruggs are said to be from Belgium, location of Louvain/Leuven (see the triple chevrons of Italian Leuvens). And the Dudley lion is also the Bruce / Gumby lion (!), though the latter two put it on a white background. But as the El-Gabal cult had king-Massena liners, who probably named Emesa, the Gumby lion is expected to be the Masin/Mason lion too. This morning's awake-time revelation had linked to Cilnius Maecenas, a Massena suspect whose family may have named Maccabees.

To explain this, Hermes' was made born in Arcadia, at mount CYLLENE, which I traced to CILNius Maecenas, who married the sister of Aulus Terentia Varro Murena, suspect in a line to Vibia Varia. Murena's are listed with Morton-like Moratins, and Mortons share the goat head with Sedleys, which traces well to Pandareus elements Ephesus, and thus links excellently to Hume-suspect Endymion at Latmus, beside Clarus and Ephesus. We are on the Emesa bloodline with Hume's, right? The Endymion line had come from Elis i.e. location of the Peneus river that was a Pan-Phoenician line fully expected to have the Jonathan Levites from Laish. It begs the question on whether "Elis / Helios" was a Laish variation. Mythical Daphne's father was made, Peneus, as evidence that the Peneus river was from Panias, the latter smack beside an ancient Daphne/Daphna location that's still on my modern atlas. It can't be a coincidence that Hume-suspect and Chattan-related Touch's are also Taphian-like Tuff's. I see mythical Daphne as evolving into, or even named after, the historical Taphians...who lived in the land of Jonathan-suspect Oeneus of Calydon. It can be readily recognized that Daphne was related to Hermes where her other father, Tiresias, owned the Hermes caduceus. Therefore, there was a fundamental Pan-Daphne relationship, and this Levite-potential picture went to Sadducee-suspect Sedleys, etc., making proto-Sadducees suspect at LATmus too, for a third father of Daphne was LADon (i.e. the Ladon river beside the Peneus, and having a source near Arcadia).

Cilnius Maecenas lived in Arettium with his Cilnius bloodline. As an ancestor of the Emesa sun-god priesthood was Aziz, like Assisi near Arettium, I expect "Arethusa / Aretas" to trace to Arretium elements, which is how Maecenas liners may have named Emesa. If correct to trace Cilnius' to Hermes' Cyllene, we can go on to the connection that many make between Hermes and mythical THOTH in Egypt, perhaps the cult after which Tut was named, for Yuya > Tut liners were traced to the Hermus river aside from that point. I fully expect the Lydians at the Hermus to have named the Ladon river, making the Ladon an off-shoot of the Cybele Phrygians. The Hermes caduceus = Cadusii Armenians must trace to Cadusii-like "Hattusa," home of the Catti-suspect Hatti that were mythicized as Atti(s), Cybele's husband. It seems a no brainer that Porcius Cato, and his Catillus entity at Tibur, was a Cadmus / Cadusii line. Ditto for Tut-suspect Dudley elements. But then Dudleys become suspect with Tooth-Gumm liners, and perhaps Hermes was simply the Cimmerians = Gomerians that had taken Lake Van while settling as an army at Sinope, the land once belonging to Hatti.

Let me remind you that while Touch's use the Hume lion in colors reversed, Tiye-suspect Tysons use the Hume lion in both colors while queen Tiye was a daughter of Yuya and the mother of AkhenATEN, founder of the Atun sun god. "Gumbys (same place as Bruce's) are probably using the Bruce lion, but as Gumbys are said to be from the Gunby lands held by Tisons..." This is what my tooth-gum problem is for, to bring this Hume-related topic to the foreground. Some years back, a reader had an awake-time vision that, upon being shared with me, taught that the blue-on-white Bruce lion was a Caiaphas-line lion. I doubt very much that God would create a Tooth-Gumm link for us to know about, at my expense, just to learn Gomerian history at Lake Van. But if it involves revealing the nature of the killers of Jesus, then I accept the bad tooth and swollen gum as a gift.

The swelling is almost gone each morning without fail, but becomes larger almost every day. Just when I think it'll be gone, it comes back. It got worse than ever just before mention of Gumms in the last update. It figures. I'm waiting for evidence that the Dents of Yorkshire were indeed Tooth / Hume liners, but that's where the Yorkshire Gumbys come in for some preliminary evidence. It would not be evidence, however, had I not had a tooth-gum problem. If Gumbys were Tooth kin, then they link to Dents quite naturally.

Tooths use FEATHERs while Fetters/Vetters use a giant sun along with what should be the Vipont wings i.e. Vetters may be VISpont liners. Vispont was at the Touques theater while Touque's/TOLKIENs (Kent, same place as Sedgleys) may be from the Telchines of Rhodes.

English Tute's were likewise first found in Yorkshire, how about that. A Toot-Dent link therefore seems inevitable. Tooths (London) are said to be from "Hugo cum dentibus," and "Hugo" may be a Yuya / Gug term. I haven't reloaded Tooths in weeks, until this minute, and was not aware this past week that they use a "PALMan" motto term! Surprise. For, it started to appear that I should be making a Palmyra link to Homs. Tooths are in Capes colors and were first found in the same place. While that's not enough for a hard Tooth link to Caiaphas, one can begin to grasp it. The Capes-like Caves' use a Shield filled with fretty in the colors of the same of Cetis-loving Caens, the latter first found in Dorset, location of the southerly Stur, and where Quints were first found.

This is a good place to repeat that the lower Arms of Dudley may be using the Italian-Palmer fesse. There is some evidence that this fesse can link to Tooths, you see, so that the "palman" of Tooths can link both to Palmers and Dudleys. Why should DUDleys be Tooth liners? You know by now.

Reminder: Seleys (possibly of the Cseleys in the Dudley Crest along with SEDleys) and Dents share the white tiger, and Dents were from SEDbergh (with or near the first Tute's), making Sedgleys look like Tooth kin. As the Sedgley/Sedley Coat is an apparent version of the Dragon and Mynett Coats, Dents become linkable by their Coat to the similar one of HELMs (share the pheon of similar Seley-like Sale's) because helmets are used by Mynetts (same place as Sedleys and Dragons). It looks like Dents were introduced to topic at just the right time for to link to the Dudleys and their Cato-laden region. It looks like my swollen gum and sore tooth are to unravel an important part of Sadducee liners.

As the Mynetts helmets are specifically said to be "open" (the Pendragon helmet is open, others are CLOSED), the OPENheims became suspect with Mynetts. OpenHEIMS (Helms?) may have been Hume's/Home's, you see. It can be said one Openheim Coat is using the Chettle / Totten dancette. The Dance surname may even be of the bloodline that named Denet, home of Dents. Denets ("ProviDENTiam") were first found in the same place (SUSSEX) as Saddocks/Sedgewicks, and use their colors, no guff. It was resolved that Mascals (same place again) are using the Saddock/Sedgewick escutcheon, and then the other Mascals are listed with Keiths! Bingo. The Saddocks and Sedgleys are now traceable to the Dents in Sedburgh of Denet. PLUS, Feathers, with feathers in the colors and format of the Tooth feathers, were likewise fist found in SUSSEX, and they use Chaddock / Chadwick colors.

MORE. The red antelope in the Feather Crest is that of Derbys, who trace to Derbe (conquered by Amyntes), smack near lake Tatta. The same antler design is used by Chimneys (Yorkshire, same as Toots / Dents), and they have a chevron in colors reversed from the Feather chevron. CHIMneys can be construed as Kimmy / Kemmis liners from the Yuya-Tut line out of Kemmis. Excellent. And it has a great argument for proving that feathered Tooths were Tut liners.

It may be important that the Denet Coat is a near-reflection of the Geve/Jeeve Coat. I had left the Geve Coat open on a browser since the last time they were mentioned in the last update, because I wanted to get back to them. If I didn't have that interest in them, I would probably not have known at this time that they could be using the Denet Coat. This is what was said immediately after the mention of Geve's, who share the CANTon with Denets (boar in Crest):

Here is something. English Gavels (Surrey) have an eagle on black, same as John-Gaunt-suspect Ghents, and the Gavel Chief with pheons is colors reversed from same eagles in the Ghent Chief. The Shield-and-Chief color combination of Tipps' (LANCashire) are those of Ghents, and the Tipps' use the Gavel Chief, with pheons, in colors reversed. The Tipps Chief is in the CORD fesse.

The Gavels started to look like Cavii liners, and so let's add that the Geve's share Chives / Saddocks colors, and were first found in the same place as Saddocks and Denets, not to mention Diens, Deins, Dans, and Daniels. The French / Brittany Denets (share red fesse with Alans) are listed with JORDans, suspect with Gore's/Jore's on the one hand, but much like "Cord" too. The "ConCORDia' of Dents makes it likely that the Brittany Denets were merged with Cords so as to produce the Jordan surname. It's making Denets suspect with Maccabee liners, which the claim of the Dent tiger too.

As Josephus descended from both a Psellus (like "Seley") and a Cortus surname, note the Dent motto term, "ConCORDia." Cords/Courts (above) are the ones linkable to the Tipps and therefore to the Coras / Cato entities at Tibur. Cords/Courts are traceable by their fesse to Brattia, and therefore the Cetina river, where Hume's and Tooths-suspect Tute's traced not very-many weeks ago (starts early February). The Cetina was discovered as a Bassus-of-Cetis line to Bassianius' on and around the Cetina. Tigers are being traced to the Maccabee liner, Tigranes (Laevillus' ancestor). It's Tigranes' wife, Opgalli, who's suspect with the family of Caiaphas, meaning that Dents may have been a Caiaphas line that we ought to know about.

It's conspicuous that Cords/Courts use the same fesse as Cord-like Horts/Hurts, which may mean that they were branches. As Arthurs use hurts, it seems that Cords can be identified as an Arthur branch, but does this mean that Cortus', or whatever named them, evolved into "Arthur"? Or, was the Cortus surname a branch of "Aretas / Herod"? The Herods/Haralds share the gold fesse of Horts/Hurts.

Near Rome, and in the area of the Butteri peoples (suspect with Botters and therefore with Cato liners), there is an Ardea location, home of the Rutili...who may have been named after a Rud / Rad entity that named Ardea. Arados in Syria is coming to mind. Arados was the island that named TARTus on the mainland, and if Palmyra elements were merged with Arados / Tartus, one may be able to link Ardea liners to Parma liners so as to suggest that the Taro was named after Tartus liners. Just a thought.

Parma happens to rhyme with "Farmer," and then Farmers came to mind before the paragraph above was conceived. Farmers (same place as Vere's) came to mind for two reasons: 1) the farmer with plow of Curtis; 2) they are in the colors and format of Curtus-suspect Denets/Jordans. It can easily mean that Formans and Firmans were Parma liners, and therefore that Vibia Varia was a line to / from the namers of Parma, for Vere liners have traced to the Ceno / Parma theater in multiple ways.

Irish Farmers, first found in Essex too, use their fesse in the colors of the Hush fesse (Husmerae?), and Hush's share the five ostrich FEATHERs (can link to the Tooth feathers) of Caens...from the Ceno tributary of the Taro. However, that is a weak reason for linking Hush's to Farmers. There needs to be more to it for merit. Yet, one can add that Fetters share the giant sun of Huss'/Hesse's. Now we're talking. And the Farmer stag heads are called bucks, traceable to the Ceno-liner Cheneys of Buckinghamshire.

I don't think it's coincidental that while Dudleys share the BOOK with Reeds, the latter use the Farmer BUCKS. The Dudley Arms uses a CLOSED book, and while Closeburn was on the NITH, the "UNITY" motto term of Dudleys may reveal that others using "unity" are intending Nith-river liners, or even the Nitts/Naughts (same place as the Nith) that can apply to the Stafford KNOT in the Dudley Crest. Nitts/Naughts are suspect with the Saddock / Nathan escutcheon, and the knot is in the very Crest with the symbols of Saddock-suspect Sedgleys. McGee's were first found in the same place as the Nith, and here I find that Books share the McGee colors and boar head. This recalls that I scored a goal over McGee's KNEE pad, for Knee's can be Knights and therefore Nith-river liners. Zowie.

The Knee stag heads are CABOSsed, perhaps code for a branch of Cabots (fish) in the "Capta" motto term of Nith-river Geddes (fish). "cabosSED" can be code also for Sed > Ged liners.

Recall that Cabbage's were kin of Hush-related House's, for Pattys/Pati's, who are suspect with the Nitt/Naught / Saddock escutcheon, use the same lion as Cabbage's / Hush's, almost. The Book-like Bakers, suspect with the Beacon/Bacons in the Dudley Crest, use the Cabbage lion, while Dutch Bakers/Beckers use the "cabbage leaves" of House's / Hazels / Hulse's. German Bakers are with the wavy fesse of Jewish Pollocks while we saw Pollock-related Cubbie's linkable to Cabbage's. The Dutch Bakers use the same-colored chevron as per the Arms of Dudley, and then while Cubbie's share the dart with Pollocks, Darts (share flames with Dudleys) have a fesse in the colors of the one in the lower Arms of Dudley.

Aha! Darts may have been Tarr liners of the Tartus kind, for Darts share the fesse of Italian Palmers! Zinger. Yes, for while Cavii were traced to Avvites that I traced to Tartus and Arados, Darts were first found in the same place as Chives'. Darts share a white canton with Saddock-suspect and Cavvi-like Geve's/Jeeve's. Cable's are the once linkable to Arados-like RADice's. Devon is in the midst of all sorts of Arthur liners, as well as Botter liners that I trace to the Butteri at the Ardea / Rutili theater. Hmm, while Avvites became suspect with Revelation's Abaddon, the demon that releases a furnace from an abyss, note that Darts use flames, perhaps an indication that Flemings were Avvites or Avvite kin.

Lookie. One way to link the Butteri to Porcius Cato, expected where Italian Botters are Cato/Chattan kin, is where Ponts share the black boar with Porcia's, for Butteri lived at the PONTine marshes. The Ponts (Hampshire, same as Botters!) are even using a fesse in colors reversed to the Dart fesse. French Ponts use a Pont-possible fesse with bendy in the colors of the Porci bend!! The Butteri were also north of Rome, at Maremma, which brings them bang-on to the Tusculus location that was Porcia's birthplace. Zowie, we now know Cato-Porcia liners in the Ponts, and meanwhile traced Ponts to the Pontine marches to the south of Ardea. Ponts are likely using the fesse of Bidens/Buttons, and the latter's Crest is solid evidence of linkage to Cabyle liners of the Capelli kind, while Cabyle was beside Sub RADICE!!! I think we have excellent cause here to trace Sub Radice to the Rutili.

English Bonds are probably using the Botter eagle, which was previously brown, the colors of the Bond eagle. The red color of the Botter eagle is one of more reasons that makes them linkable to Ardea-like Ardons. I've just recalled what Ardens (with an 'e') use, a fesse linkable to the Ajax-suspect Jacks. The Arden bend is, once again, red-on-white (i.e. the colors of the Biden / Pont bend). The Bonds are sharing an orb-like motto term with Cetis-liner Kidds, adding to the evidence that Ardens were Jack / Joke kin. Ardens were first found in Warwickshire, near the northerly Stur.

Cable's (Radice kin) can link to the lattice of Caens (same fesse as Ponts / Bidens), and the latter are not only Cetis lovers, but trace to Parma...where I now expect Dart / Pont / Tartak liners. The Avvites had a god, Nibhaz, thought by others to be the small-dog god, Anubis, but then the Caeni of Thrace can relate to dogs. Caens use "liCITIS", and Bonds use "suffiCIT ORBis." It's yet another way to trace Cetis elements to Parma. To refresh your memory. Bonds were resolved as Porcius-Cato liners, the ancestry, we may presume, of Rita's and Pierleoni.

Kidds share a horn like that of Caen-related Trabys, and then the Sithech-suspect Astikas' in Lithuania, who descended from RADZiwills, had married Traby (Poland). I have been saying for years that Polish Sobeks / Sobers should prove to be Traby kin, and here Trabys appear to have married Sub-Radice liners.

Why do Bonds use "orBIS." The Biss', smacking of the Bessi priests near Sub Radice, share the scallops of Flacks, the latter being obvious Palmer/Parmer kin, and so for yet another instance, Cato liners are hooking up with Parma liners.

This would be the place to mention that the while Amore's have linked rather solidly to Dudley-Arms elements, Amore's (McGee / Book colors) use "ne" and bars in the colors of the Luff / Knight bars while Knights share the spur with Close's. The Books share the hourglass with Houstons, whose variations may indicate a branch of Husmerae-suspect Husons. A thing not mentioned in probably over a year is that Josephs use a "ni" motto term. The motto starts as "Cas ni." This is a good place to mention the cuSHION of Bible's/Bibo's as it may have been part-code for their line to SION of Switzerland. Sion's use gloves, and Clan Chattan uses a "glove" motto term. Kilpatricks use cushions too, code for the Cassane kin of Pattersons, and that traces to the Cassius'/Casano's in Modena, the elements of which did trace to Sion (reasons won't be repeated here). Might "Cas ni" be code for Casano liners?

The Dudley Pierleoni Fall Out of the Closet

Near the northerly / Worcestershire Stur river is a LEOminster (just found now), perhaps a Pierleoni liner [I didn't yet know I'd be writing all the below when mentioning that.] Leominsters (same star as Benedicts!) use the same fesse as Ardens (Benedict colors, same place as Benedicts), as well as "A demi angel holding a bow and an arrow." These angels are obviously linkable to the Dudley angels.

Pierleoni were supposedly named after pope Leo Benedictus, but that may not be the entire story. I had traced Pierleoni (the Benedicts if I recall correctly) to the Avon river, not far from Dudley, and then the "EVANgelista" motto term of Voirs can also be read as, EvANGELista," for the Kettle's, suspect with the Chettle's who are definitely tracing to the Catti, are using Keith stag heads, the Voir lion, and a "Bono" motto term like the "Le Bon" of Benedicts. The Kettle fesse and lion are almost the Leo fesse and lion. This can make the green Dudley lions linkable to the same of Lyons and Lannoys, especially if the Pierleoni-pertinent Leo was named after Lyon elements.

I didn't know while writing here that the Dudley priest traces to Laon. He is said to be "a Canon of the Premonstratensian Order," and Wikipedia says that they "are a Roman Catholic religious order of canons regular founded in Premontre near Laon in 1120 by Saint Norbert, who later became Archbishop of Magdeburg." The Arms of Laon (far-east Picardy) use three footless and beakless martlets in the black of the Jose/Joseph martlet, some potential indication that the Pierleoni, if they were of Laon, were Josephus-Maccabee liners. The bottom of the page below suggests child molesters / queers.

It just so happens that the beakless code of Laon should be code for Beaks (Dorset), who share fesse bars in the colors of the Nie/Nay fesse bars, the latter suspect in the "ni" motto term of Josephs. Now there's something the chew over.

The Arms of Laon has a Chief in the colors of the English-Joseph Chief. The Premonstratensian "canon" has a gold apron on a green skirt, the colors of the gold Joseph chevrons upon the green perchevron. The Joseph-related Henrys (same chevron as per the Arms of Dudley, but could be coincidental) share red footless martlet with Gosleys (and Alans), and as there is no Coseley / Cosley surname coming up, Gosleys can be Coseley liners, especially as Gosleys share the Briar fesse, both in Brierley colors. The Brierleys use the Mea/Meigh cross in colors reversed, and Henrys are said to be from locations at the Meu river. Henrys are said to be from a Motte-Henry entity that signals a Mott merger with Henrys, for Motts/Mottins were first found in the Meu-river area too. The Mott/Mottin estoile is linkable to the same of Zinzans because the latter were first found in the same place (Berkshire) as Modens/Modeys, and the latter's fretty lattice is in the lion of Henry-suspect Enrico's. It's known that the Hampshire Josephs were from a Henry Joseph or Joseph Henry (I forget which).

English Josephs were first found not far from Dudley, and I expect Joseph Caiaphas from Derbe elements i.e. near lake Tatta. JOSlyns/Gocelyns ("MON deVOIR") use a CHAPlet, and English Josephs are kin of Chaplains and Caplins. Chaplets share black-on-gold swans with French Josephs (now showing as a same-colored martlet). It appears the Dudleys were strong Joseph liners, and while I've seen reasons for tracing Josephs to Josephus, he was a Psellus liner that may have to do with Seleys/Celeys, which might explain the Dudley-beloved Cseleys as a Seley-Joseph merger.

Joslins are said to be from Josleyn de Bohun, bishop of SALISbury (like "Psellus"), very linkable to Benedicts. In fact, I recall tracing Benedicts to Salisbury (Wiltshire area). Aside from the Avon river up by the northerly Stur, there is another Avon river that, along with the southerly Stur, has sources near Wiltshire. The southerly Avon flows through Salisbury to the Hampshire/Dorset border, with a mouth near Rita-suspect Poole. Recall (3rd update last month) that the "piece of wood" of Rita's was able to link to Croziers / Creuse's / Croce's, for the Arms of the Premonstatensians uses croziers in saltire. Croziers were first found in the same place as Pierleoni-related Bouillons.

We want to know why Leominsters used a bow and arrow. Does it have to do with Pierleoni (Jews) linking to Rothschilds, and therefore with Rothschild partnerships with pope wanna-bees? Did Rothschilds make popes since they became world-class tools? Arrows are listed with Arras', from Artois, tending to reveal that the namers of Ardea named the Arduinici at Ivrea, on the Botter-suspect Bautica river. That works. It's also the Baltea river, and Balders (not to mention Aflacks and Bitars/Butters) share the Arrow/Arras cross. Weren't Rothschilds part of the Round Table Illuminati? "Arras" is like "Arezzo," modern Arettium. Arrows/Arras' were first found in Staffordshire, as with Jose's/Gosse's, and the latter are very linkable to RUTHERfords, first found in ROXburghshire, and kin of Rutili-like Rutlands (share the "orle" with Rutherfords) and Rodhams.

The Dudley canon / evangelist with the Roet-suspect book was a Catholic character. Might Jesuits have been named secretly after an order of priests that were, not of "Jesus," but of Jose/Joseph liners? Shouldn't that "closed book" have been a Bible? Of course, but this goes to prove that Bible/Bibo liners merged with the Books/Boggs so that they could call it a book instead. I now know that books were Buck liners, because the Reed stags are called bucks by some.

Rozala of Ivrea married Baldwin IV of Flanders. Balders use a "ferme" motto term while Farmers share the fesse of Bidens / Ponts / Ardens / Gosleys / Briars / Chettle's, all in the colors of the three fesses of Fullers who use a beacon and a Farmer-like motto term. Beacons/Bacons use "FIRME," no apparent coincidence. Angels are linkable to Nagle's, said to be from a D'Angula character, and then Nagle's trace to Oneglia, where an Arduinici branch lived.

The Hort-suspect Cords share Herod-suspect hearts with bow-using Bitars/Butters. Balds were first found in the same place as bow-and-arrow Bowers. Some claim that Rothschilds were in close cahoots with Adam Weishaupt, a former Jesuit that founded the Bavarian Illuminati. Baldwyns are said to have furnished Baldwin of Exeter as the bishop of Worcestershire in 1180, who was promoted to archbishop of Canterbury in 1185-90. The Joslin/Gocelyn write-up says that the bishop of Salisbury (died 1184, the right timing) had a son who was bishop of Bath (Somerset) and Archbishop-elect of Canterbury. Capelli-loving Butter-like Bidens/Buttons are said to have had Catholic clergy in Bath and Wells (Somerset). Buttons were Botters, in all likeliness i.e. from the namers of the Bautica river. Salisburys are using the Leominster crescents in colors reversed.

Baldwins are said to have been of the Norman chiefs, and should be using a version of the Sinclair cross. These Baldwins may have named the first kings of Templar Jerusalem, from a brother of de-Bouillon. In the Baldwin write-up, it mentions Baldwin of Redvers, in Wiltshire, and between Hants and Wilts, what could be Salisbury. Redvers/Revere's use the same lion as Dudleys. Salisburys, said to be from EVREUX liners, are highly suspect with the ABRUE/Abruzz lions, and, not long ago, Porcius Cato was said, at his Wikipedia article, to have had a childhood in Abruzzo. The article did not mention any Abruzzo details for him. Salisburys/SALESburys can be Sale's (same place as Leominsters) and therefore from the Salto river with a source near Abruzzo. The Salto flows along mount Sabina, and Cato's article now says that he had lands in Sabina. The Salto flows through VesPASIa-suspect Avezzano, and then Baldwins use a "pas" motto term while Bouillons trace to Bologna, where Pasi's/Pace's were first found that are suspect with Rita's "piece." The Pascals are suspect with the Pascel variation of Pasi's/Pace's, and Pascals share the cross of Brierleys, first found in the same place as sun-god-suspect English Pace's (and Leominsters), which place is Cheshire, which uses the Joseph / Avison garbs in its Arms. Garbs are sometimes "wheat SHEAVES," and the Italian Sheaves' were first found in Abruzzo. Avezzano-suspect Avisons use the three Joseph garbs.

Besant-using Pace's are suspect with the El-Gabal sun god because besants are Bassianus symbols, while Bassianus' presided over the El-Gabal priesthood, while "Pace" is like a term we could expect from the creators of "Bassus." I see Bassus' from Phasis in Colchis, which was also, Poti, the possible root of Potters, Botters, etc.

As Leominsters/Lemsters were first found in the same place as Chee's/Chettle's, they can be sharing the same fesse, and this traces Pierleoni smack to the Chettle-suspect Catti of the Leominster area!!! Excellent. It is corroboration that Cato liners were in the Dudley area. And Leominsters were first found in the same place (Cheshire) as Brierleys too. Their Lemster variation suggests Lemons (Le Mans liners?) because they share the Leominster/Lemster fesse. Lemons were first found in Blything (Suffolk), and then Bald-like Blyths use the Leman / Leominster fesse too, with the colors and format of Lemans, and Blyths even share the red-on-white crescents of Leominsters. Bill Clinton (father = Mr. Blythe) was therefore a Pierleoni liner, and his wife may have been a Rutili liner.

French Lemons/Lamons (Brittany) use the ORB (!) as well as the Rita / Leo lion!!! See the Metz's for the same orb, a Vatican symbol (in the besant shape of the El-Gabal sun god), but tracing to Orba at Cetis.

Having said that, I can't be sure that "Leominster" was the original variation, for Josephs were first found in Maine, which once covered Le Mans. And as the Arms of Le Mans use candleSTICKS, something in Le Mans has become suspect with Sadducee-liner Sithechs/Shaws...suspect at Cetis. The Leominster write-up says that "Lemster" was the first-known variation. Might the Lamas surname apply? Yes, for they share a Templar lamb with Pascals. Lamas' and Dumas' have long been suspect as Massey liners of the Maesa-Bassianus kind, suggesting that Leominsters (same place as Masseys) are looking just like that very line. Spanish Lamas' may be using the Biss scallops, and BISS' are suspect with the WEIShaupt ibis. Is there a contradiction in tracing Leominsters both to Le Mans and to La Mas liners?

Le Mas is a location near Grasse, and the Arms of Grasse share the Lamas lambs in the same colors. But English Grass'/Crass' (Lamas colors) became suspect with the Rita lions. German Leo's are showing a sinister bend. Might the Grass'/Crass' and German Leo's be using the Cato bend? The Savone's are sharing white crescents with Leominster-suspect Saliburys, and while Savone's were first found in the same place as Pierce's, German Leo's show a Pierce-like variation. It's indication that Leo's were Laevillus liners.

Armor and Knight Liners Unite

From the Turano river flowing beside the Salto, both at Sabina, one can take Cato liners to the Taro at Parma. Parma-suspect Farmers share the same fesse a Bidens / Ponts / Ardens / Briars / Chettle's / etc. ), and moreover show a gold hunting horn, symbol of German Gumms/Gomers. That alone might mean practically nothing, except that English Gumms/Goms (same place as the Cam river, kin of Kemmis') are the ones with scimiTARs. Again, the Gumms/Goms are using a Coat like that of Capes', the later in Tooth colors and first found in the same place, London, near the source of the Cam river. It flows to Norfolk, where Tute/Tuits and Thwaits were first found. Firmans (sun), who look linkable to Rooks and Rookbys, share the red lion heads of the Irish Farmers, the ones suspect earlier with Hush's. It should be kept in mind that Hush liners can include the Moravian Hussians, and that Moravia may have been named after Merovingian refugees, when they were being chased out of France. Rock-using Zinzans were first found in Berkshire.

Note the "proSPICIT" motto term of the Dudley Arms, suspect with Syphax-suspect Space's/Speccots. The latter share the FRET with DUTTons, and Duttons are using the Berkshire Coat (same fret) while Berks use a CAT in their first quadrant. It's evocative of the lion in the first quadrant of Husons (FERTE eagle in colors reversed), suspect with Husmerae Saxons in the Dudley / Stur theater. Husons share the quadrant colors of both Mortons (beside FRETTY Caens) and Tute's/Tuits, and the latter are kin to fretty-using Thwaits. Fretty, expected to be related to frets, is lattice, and there is a Lattice/Lettuce surname linkable to Leto's, Aliotta's, and Letters/Lauders, the latter two sharing the Tooth griffin. Fretty is used by Modens/Modleys (Berkshire). See also the quadrants of Tattons.

By what coincidence do Thwaits share the same cross as Chains/Cheins, while Cable's use fretty, while the anchor in the Dudley fesse has a cable? The Davy lamp in that same fesse can be code for kin of Davids/DAFFYs, and then like Thwaits, Taffeys ("SPES") use fretty inside of a cross. I don't know any other surnames that do that, but Enrico's use fretty in a blue lion while French Henrys are said to have been on the Meu river, suspect with the "mea" motto term of Taffeys. The Enrico lattice (gold, as with the Thwait lattice) is almost colors reversed from the Taffey lattice, and while Motts were first found in Cotes-du-Nord, now the Armor area under discussion, let's repeat: "The Mott/Mottin estoile is linkable to the same of Zinzans because the latter were first found in the same place (Berkshire) as Modens/Modeys, and the latter's fretty lattice is in the lion of Henry-suspect Enrico's." Touch's are also "Tuff," indicating the distinct possibility that Clan Chattan derived from Taphians as they had been kin to the Hermes Hatti. While Hermes of mount Sion (part of mount Hermon) was beside Panias and Laish, Taphians were in the midst of Oeneus, symbol of Laish's Levites. Two updates ago, the Enrico and Adel lions, in both colors of the Gumby lion, were traced to Adelaide of Burgundy, born in Orbe (Switzerland), itself like the Orba location of the Cetis theater.

Daffys use roughly the motto of English Reeds, and while the latter share the garbs of DADE's/DEEDS (same place as Thwaits and Toots), Scottish Reeds share the book with the religious lunatic in the Arms of DUDley. Irish Dade's are listed with Davids and may be using a version of the Kenny / Simson Coat, which, if correct, traces them to Kemmis / Kimmy / Gumm liners.

Dade's/Deeds are in the motto of Flemings, and that's where the Arms-of-Dudley flames can come in. This recalls that "Fleming," which the locals called, Vlaam, ' became suspect with German Plums/Flaums. English Plums share vair fur with Irish Flemings, and a seated greyhound with Tattons...for some additional evidence that Tut liners were in Palmyra. Should there have been Tut liners in Palmyra of Rochester too? There was definitely a religious lunatic there by the name of Joseph Smith. German Flemings have something in their Crest along with their wolf, and not being able to make it out, I checked for it, to find: "A demi-wolf and ostrich PLUMES."

I had forgotten about it. The last time that the ostrich plumes were mentioned was in August of 2012: "German Flemings use A demi-wolf and ostrich plumes. As you are about to discover that Lannoys are a Herod-plume line, by what coincidence is the upright Hume/Home lion in colors reversed to the green-on-white lions of the French Lannoys???" So, it appears that God's message to you is that Plume / Palmer / Paloma / Palmyra liners are important as per the killers of Jesus, and that they link to Hume's, Gumms, Kimmys / Kennys, Cams, Caens, Cheneys, Kennedys, Kenneths, and similar surnames from Cetis and Orba. These led to certain (not all) Flemings, the chief Crusaders along with the Sinclairs.

The Taffey motto, along with the colors of the Taffey cross, indicates clearly that Taffeys were kin to Mea's and Fessys ("Sub"). The "signo" motto term of Taffeys and Fesse's can be for Segans/Sagans, who use a salamander-in-flames, a good argument for linking Dudleys to Sagans because Taffeys can be shown to be David liners linkable to the Davy lamp above the salamander. If Sagans were Segars / Segurana's, Dudleys can be Tut liners merged with the Sakarya-river Galatians i.e. Brogitarus / Bassus family, which can explain why the salamander is in the BASE of the Arms. The seated tigers and greyhounds seen above are at times called, sejant, like "Segan."

The apparent honoring of the Orba area by the Brittany Lemans/Lamans jibes with the connection of Maine's with English Stewarts. Proto-Stewart Alans of Dol, in Vilaine (Lithuania), were considered as part of the Trabys who married Astikas' in Vilaine-like Vilnius, and this family sounds like the Astakos area in Calydon, home of Taphians. The island of Ithaca, offshore from Astakos, makes the two seem like the same term, one of them minus the 's'. Ulysses of Ithaca sounds like "Elis," the Peneus-related part of Greece that was wrapped up in Calydon's Aetolia. For example, Oenomaus was a king of Pisa while Oeneus was the ruler of Calydon. This Oen entity was resolved from Maeonians (beside Pisidians), or the wine-depicted Maenads of the Maeander river. They were beside the Lycians who shared a Lada goddess with Lithuanians, and she smacks of the Ladon river, home of Daphne at the Pisa theater. Maeonians can trace to Maine and Le Mans. Alencon is in the same part of France as Le Mans.

The Blaine's were looked up as per "Vilaine," and they are immediately interesting, whereas, prior to the discovery of the candlesticks of Le Mans, not many weeks ago, they would have meant nothing. The Blaine's were first found in the same Shaw-studded area, Ayrshire, as Kyle's, and the two share the same anchor design. The Blaine's even use a "ParITUR" motto term that jibes with the "patITUR" of Shaws, this being code for Idris of Morocco, in Fes, the line expected to Fessys, Meu-river kin. The Meu is beside Vilaine, and is in what's now called, Armor, and then there are French Blains, first found in Brittany. There is an ARM in armor in the Crest of the Mea-loving Taffeys, and we will see another shortly.

"PARitur" can be suspect with the Parrs that happen to be related to Maeonian-suspect Manners/Maness'. Parrs are traceable by their double bars to PARma. French Blains use three gold-on-red bends, the colors of the Tarr bars. The "bello" motto term of Blaine's may indicate their being Bello liners. German Bello's/Belows were first found in the same Mecklenburg area as Dols, and these Bello's share the Maxwell eagle, important below. These Belows were resolved as Billet / Bellow liners and are therefore traceable to Billets/Billiards, first found in Maine. Billets/Billiards share the chevron of Armors, indicating rather well that Blains were Bello liners as well as a branch of Vilaine's namers. One can therefore start the trace of the Bello-loving Bouillons to Vilaine stock.

Bouillons were Leominster kin, right? Leominsters/Lemsters, suspect with the Brittany Lemans/Lamans, were first found in the same place as English Bel(l)ows "puro"), the ones sharing the Coat of Billets, both using the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Manner-related Mens'. This brings us right back to the Lemster link proposed for Maine / Le Mans.

Italian Bello's (same place as Bellini's) happen to use pale bars in the colors of the Knight pale bars. As Fullers (same bar colors) love the Beacons/Bacons, while Carpenters love the Belli's, while Bellows share the Bacon cinquefoils, it tends to reveal that all of the above were Knight / Chatillon kin. The counts of BLOIS were merged with Chatillon, the latter at Chalons near orb-loving Metz, the latter married by Pepin of Landen, kin of Mens'. Blains use "PAX bello" while Bellows use "PECtore."

Bellows are said to have had home in a Moreton location (not Moreton-Say in Shropshire) while Cliffs, using what looks like a version of the English Blain Coat, are said to have been of Moreton-Say. In fact, Cliffs are said to have married Astika-like Styche's of Moreton-Say, tending to nail Blains with Vilaine, and Vilaine with VILNius. These Styche's are expected in the candlesticks of Le mans, right? Yes, but also in the candlesticks of Kyle's, the latter being in the Blain anchor.

It's very interesting that the Bleis variation of Blains can indicate Bleds/Blez's, for the latter use triple chevrons in the colors of the three bends of Blains/Blais'. The Knightons have DOUBLE green dragon heads that traced, on the one hand to the Emona dragon (Emona is beside Bled), and on the other hand to the "double" code suspect in DeBLOIS', and the De Ble variation of Bleds/Blez's. The latter's triple chevrons are those of Clare's in colors reversed, and Clare's were first found in the same place as Knights.

The question is: how many armored arms and legs belong to the Armor area of Brittany? Ayers use armor. The Segan SalaMANDER expects Maeander elements, and Taffeys with Fessys use a Segan-suspect motto term. It's notable that Blaine's are in Thwait colors while Thwaits show a potential link to Taffeys. If Blaine's were Vilaine elements, they can thereby link with Thwaits to the Tweeds that named the Tweed / Teviot rivers in Berwickshire, where Armors were first found. Thwaits are suspect as Tute's/Tuits, and Armors use a "TUTissimas virTUS" motto phrase.

Having said that as background, I can now repeat an insert in the last update that readers may have missed. It was added as per the finding that Kissings/Gissins are said to be from Diss, which I happened to stumble across on my atlas:

After this update was finished, a Diss location (Suffolk-Norfolk border!) was found near the source of the Alde river. Between Diss and the Alde is an Eye location (it's on my atlas) while the Eyes surname is listed were Ayer-related Eyers, and then Alde's/Alda's were first found in AYRshire. In this way, Shawia liners expected in Kent can be expected in neighboring Suffolk too. Note the [armored] knee in the Eyes/Eyer Crest, for Kissings/Gissens, who can link with near-certainty to the Eye location, are using the same bend as Knee's. This practically clinches the Knee's with Knights [Suffolk, same as Eyes]. The Eyes/Eyer leg with bent knee wears a spur on the shoe, the Knight symbol too. Mystery solved. The Kissings and Eyes'/Ayers both use armor, which can be gleaned here as a special symbol of Knights. As my two knee events were with Steve Tarr, it's possible that Knee's were Ceno-river liners that would naturally form alliances with Taro-river peoples. Reminder: Palmer-related Flecks [and Tute's / Thwaits] were first found in the same place as Diss.

This is very good for understand Knights and Knightons (Armor colors), and perhaps Nith liners too. Knights were clearly linked to Ayer liners, and I've not known an Ayer trace to the Norfolk-Suffolk border like this. Knightons were first found in Worcestershire's Lindridge (northerly-Stur theater), and are said to have had another home in Dorset, area of the southern Stur. Sturs are also Stewart-like Stowers and share the colors of Blains/Blais', recalling the Bled link to Istria liners.

LINDridge of Worcestershire is very interesting here, being in the Catti part of southern England. Linds/LINE's were first found in Ayrshire too, and I scored a goal on my knees with the puck on the goal LINE. McGee's happen to share the white-on-red boar head with Juggs/Judds and Mea's, thus linking McGee's to the Armor / Meu area (location of Jugon). But I've neglected McGee's knee PAD until now. My next goal, after the one on the goal line, was over McGee's pad as he kicked it out to block the shot. McGee's were first found in the same place as the Nith river, home of KilPATricks/Patchie's, kin of Pattys/Pati's/PADDYS and Patch's. I find that happily remarkable, and Paddys were even first found in Worcestershire!

As this tends to indicate that Meu-river elements included Knight-of-Armor liners in the Nith area, by what coincidence do Kilpatricks use a "make" motto term for Maxwells/Makeswells while Mea's are also "Meigh"?

Might McGEE's have been Knee's? The McGee's are said to derive in the same Aodh term as Mackays, said to be from "Hugh," but I've always rejected this Aodh = Hugh derivation, and no write-up has every given evidence for it. The Nith-river suspects, the Close's (share SPUR with Knights and Ayers), use the Macey Shield, both sharing the Armor chevron, indicating that Mea's/Meighs were Macey liners on the Meu. Macey-like Mackays (both with blue Shields) share the wolf heads of Ged-like Quade's, but these are also the wolf heads of Blain-suspect Cliffs. The Gee-like Geds on the Nith had given their army to Mackays; I have that from an article on the Geddes. The latter share a white escutcheon with Paddys, and Mackays share the dagger with Kilpatricks. It's all fairly clear: Armor-Knight liners were at the Nith's Closeburn location, home of the Kilpatrick castle. Kilpatricks share the green dragon with Knightons, and the Geddes pikes can include the Pike's/Pickens, first found in Ayrshire with Knee / Knight liners.

The white boar head of McGee's is shared by Nate's/Natbys in the colors of the Nitts/Naughts and Natts/Nathans/Nations.

Should we expect Taro-river liners up in the Nith area? I've always claimed that Kilpatricks were sharing Traby blood, and the Taro is near the Trebbia.

With Knee liners now tracing solidly to the Nith, let's repeat: "It just so happens that the beakless code of Laon should be code for Beaks (Dorset), who share fesse bars in the colors of the Nie/Nay fesse bars, the latter suspect in the "ni" motto term of Josephs." Beaks share the ostrich theme with the Arms of Traby, the place that married Astikas' of Vilnius, and Styche's/Sticks share gold garbs with English Josephs while the Maine Josephs share black martlets with the Arms of Laon, and Laon is near St. QUENTin. The Nie's/Neys are traced to "atten (e)ye," said to mean, "at the river," total garbage that can be gleaned as code for Eye, the Suffolk location beside Diss to which Knights and Knees had clearly linked. The "EARS of wheat" of Chappes'/Chaips are play on the garbs / wheat sheaves, and Eyes' are listed with ears-like Eyers. I see Joseph Caiaphas, not "at the river."

However, while Caiaphas must link to the blue lion, it's interesting that Rivers are known kin of Revere's while the latter use a blue lion. Rivers (share nebuly with Leavells) use two fesse bars in the colors of the two chevrons of Chaplains and Josephs, and Capelli-related Chapeau's are in the same colors, and looking like a branch of Anchors and Geddes-beloved Majors. The Geddes use a "CAPTta majora" motto, while Chapeau's (Forez, same as Billet-related Besancons/Bassets) show as CHAPUTs. Now we're on it! The blue lion has been regarded as a Caepio-line lion while Quints were first found in the same place as Nie's/Neys. There is a question on whether the "mago" motto term of Josephs can be of the Magor variation of Majors.

As Revere's share the Dudley lion (both colors) while Dudleys loved Psellus-suspect Cseleys, note that Seals/Seallys and Sailers are sharing the Mackay / Cliff / Quade wolf heads. As Cliffs were from Moreton-SAY, note the Saylor variation, as though the Seatons / Says were merged with this line. Seatons share "has" with Sailers and Sutys. The Seal/Seally fesse is in the colors of the Arms-of-Dudley chevron, and colors reversed from the Celey/Seley chevron. That is, the Dudley chevron is colors reversed from the Celey/Seley chevron. While that Dudley fesse uses chains, there are chains around the Seal / Sailer wolf heads in the Quade and Mackay Coats. It looks like we have found the representation of the Dudley chevron. And Seals look like a branch of Bernice's.

The "greater" term in the Sailer motto is why I see the "Great Seal" of the United States as pure code for this line. Why does the Sailer-Crest wolf head have collars "gemel." Isn't that for the Maccabee city of Gamala? The Sailers are in Knee colors, and both use the engrailed feature, the Sailers using it in their COTISed fesse-lets. The Cotis surname is listed with Maccabee-suspect Curtis', the ones with the farmer as code for Farmers, kin of anchor-using Firmins, Formans and Faire's. Firmins are suspect at Firminy, a location smack beside the Forez mountains, i.e. where Chapeau's/Chaputs were first found. It just so happens that the Psellus-suspect Celeys/Seleys are in the colors of Curtus-suspect Curtis'/Cotis'. And Celles' were first found in Forez, suspect with a gold version of the Brison saltire because MontBrison is beside Firminy. The Celey/Seley stars are in the colors and format of the Pilat pheons, relevant because Firminy and Forez are beside Mont Pilat.

The question is whether "Cotis" is from "Cetis." Does that link Cetis' rulers to the Cortus Maccabees? The Seleys/Celeys us a tiger as code for the Maccabee liners to Cetis' rulers. Look into it. Tigranes and Opgalli furnished a ruling family in Cetis.

The Forez surname (probably the Herod/Harald Coat) uses a "Tout travers" motto in honor of Travers/Traviss' who have a perfect copy of the Nate/Natby Coat, and Travers/Traviss' share a white tiger in Crest with Celeys/Seleys. Travers and Nate's (Saddock / Natt/Nathan colors) were both first found in Lancashire, location of Rochdale, mentioned because I see Rochesters in the colors of Forez', and Roquefeuil in the Besancon billets. By the way, I've been wrongly saying (working off memory) for about two years that the Arms of Rochdale use black martlets. They are white on black, even more linkable to the same eight of Saddocks / Chaddocks. "Lying within the historic county boundaries of Lancashire since the early 12th century, Rochdale was recorded in 1066 as held by GAMEL, one of the twenty-one thegns of the Hundred of Salfordshire." The Arms of Rochdale shows a wool pack and fleece, possibly linkable to the cushion of Bible's/Bibo's. In any case, Salfords share black wolves with Sal-like Seals and Sailers, and put boar heads on a fesse in all three colors of the Blain / Cliff fesses, the Cliffs likewise use the Seal / Sailer wolf heads. The Cleavers/Clavers, linkable to the Cleave variation of Cliffs, use bars gemel in both colors of the collars gemel of Sailers, thus clinching a Salford link to Sailers, and tracing the whole lot to the chevron in the Arms of Dudley. CLAVERS and Cliffs are expected from GLAPHYRA, grandmother of Seley-linkable Tigranes.

Therefore, the finding of the Cetis-Catti liners in the Dudley area has proven key for these traces, and we are now venturing into Gamala liners with more certainty, thanks partly to the Cotis variation of Curtis'. The Salfords list a Savard variation, suspect with Severus Bassus, whose grandson married the Tigranes line. This can make French Savards (besants) suspect with the Celey/Seley chevron. The Ditts/Diots, traceable to a Teeger motto term ("diem"), use a white tiger without stripes, perhaps a theme like that of the beakless Laon martlets. Ditts/Diots put a "red collar and leash" on their Crest tiger, but the leash shows as a chain, making it appear that Ditts/Diots were a Dudley branch. Ditts/Diots were first found in Staffordshire, where the Stafford knot can trace that's in the Dudley Crest along with Cseley / Coseley items. The "diem" motto term of Teegers gets the Diems listed with DITTmayers. Go figure.

The Leash's (ignore their write-up) show a Lise variation, and can therefore be of the Lice/Lee's/Leas' in the motto of wolf-head Mackays. Lice's/Lee's/Leas' (Quade colors) are also suspect with the "LICitis" term of Caens, and the latter use a gold mural crown, the symbol under the Stafford knot. Knots were Knight liners, weren't they? Knights were first found in the same place as Clare's, and the Leash/Lise surname shares the Claren/Larin chevrons while Clarens were first found in the general area of Knight-to-Ayrshire liners. The Knots/Cnuts share the Savard / Celey chevron, possibly, for king Cnut/Canute can surely trace to the Chanuts/Chenu's (Caen kin, right?) that use the same chevron upside-down. And Chanuts/Cheynu's sound like the Chenays/Chene's listed with Chaine's.

Chenays/Chaine's are said to be from an island of Grande Terre, perhaps a Grand-surname location, for Grands are kin to Courts/Coverts and Curtis'/Cotis', and Grande Terre is in GUADeloupe, what looks perfectly suited for a trace to Lupus Laevillus and his wife, QUADratilla. After all, Quade's use wolves. The motto of French Grands is suspect with Vibia Varia, and Grands share three gold bends with French Blains/Bleis', and Grands use it in the colors of the bendy in the Arms of Aisne, the area around Laon. One of the variations of the Blains/Bleis' looks linkable to Bla = Blue/Gorm liners, and therefore to Blatant "bluetooth," grandfather, I think he was, of Cnut. Leons share flames with Grands/Grants. The Blue's/Gorms were first found in the same place as MacAbee's/Abbe's, and then there's an ABBEcourt in Aisne, as well as an Abbeville further down in Picardy to which the MacAbee's trace with little question.

Between St. Quentin (Aisne) and Laon is a La Fare location while Italian Fare's are the Ferrari's that share the Leon lion. A small ways down on the Oise river from La Fare is Chauny, and Chaunys (in the colors of St. Quentin) are listed with Chaine's. In the Dudley Chief, between the chain and the Stafford knot, there are part-green lions suspect with the Lannoy / Lyon lion. Abbecourt is in the canton of Chauny. There is a claim in the Chauny/Chaine write-up that the surname was from a Casano-like entity of the 6th century, but this may have been only part of the story. The Armors have a "Cassis" motto term that can be code for the Cassius'/Casano's, and without going into it all, this can trace back to the Cato-Caepio relationship in BC times. Here are the Arms of Chauny, showing a tower / castle (with gate) in the colors of the Chattan castle. This jibes with the Cassane bloodline that Chaunys may have merged with. If the Arms has a castle, it can indicate the Cato liners. But then even the Chatans use a tower rather than a castle. Note that Champagne was related to the St. Quentin theater, for the Arms of Champagne is the same bend as Chattans / Chatans.

I don't yet know whether or not Laons/Lains/Lane's/Lone's apply to Laon, or, even if so, whether they apply to Pierleoni, but the above is starting to make the links between Lyon and Laon. The split Shield of these Laons/Lane's is colors reversed from the same of Diems/Dittmayers. Laons/Lane's were first found in Staffordshire while Staffords share the Quint chevron while Laon is near St. Quentin. As St. Quentin, the man, was legendary, and as his account reads as a pro-Vatican fable, I'd suggest that the founders of the city gave a false representation of the naming, when, in reality, it was of the Quint bloodline. Saint Quentin, the man, is said to have been the son of a Zeno, in case you'd like to tackle that mystery. Sions/Sine's/Swans (Chauny colors), sharing the Armor chevron, and perhaps using the Leo lion, might apply.

The city under Carolingians, St. Quentin was the capital of VERMANdois, and the La Fare location nearby seems to jibe with that, for Vermans/Firmins and Fare's share the anchor. Wikipedia pairs Vermandois with a Perrone location, and then the Perrone surname (colors and format of Barone's and Berone's/Byrums), first found in Champagne, happens to use the three Quade / Seal wolf heads. As Vermandois and Perrone were Merovingian entities of the Pepinid kind, note that the motto of the Arms of Perrone is "URBs nescia vinci," suggesting the Metz orb. And these wolf heads are a great reason to trace the Metz orb to Orba and Cetis. Wonderful simplicity.

The Barone's are said to be of a baron location near Caen, and then Caens are the ones with a "LICitis" motto term suspect partly for the Lice/Lee surname that shares the colors and format of Barone's, Perrone's and Berone's ("Arma"). Armys/Armione's/Ermiones share the red-on-white saltire with blue-boar Barone's. The Lice's/Lee's/Leas' share the black leopard faces of Keetons, first found in Leicestershire, where I trace Leghs/Lee's. The black boar in the Keeton Crest suggests Porcius Cato, it's that easy when you know the roots. Keats use cats in the same colors, and were first found in Cornwall, right beside the first cat-using Chives'.

Good morning. It's Friday, the morning when I checked Troughs and inserted them earlier in this update. The Troughs/Trowtons are suspect with the "trog" to which True/Trows are traced. While writing the Trough insert, it dawned on me that the Knee bend should be the Buckingham bend. Buckingham is where Troughs and related Penns were first found, and while this can trace to Moravians at the Bucks-County of Pennsylvania, Zinzans were first found in the same place as True's/Trows. I haven't checked the latter's description in a long time, but did so immediately after writing the Trough insert, to find "A demi knight in armor, brandishing a sword." BranDISHing is therefore expected as part-code for the Knight-related Diss location.

I don't think it's coincidental that Demys/May, in the "demi knight," use a chevron with no other symbols, in colors reversed from the chevron of Chanuts (no other symbols). In fact, I didn't come to this topic until all the above was written on the Chauny location in Aisne, and here I find that Demys were from Aisne! Bingo. It reveals that all demi items are linkable to a Demy-Chauny relationship. The reason that Bucking(ham)s/Beckinghams/Bockinghams should be using the Knee bend is because NOTTings use the same bend with the same besants, wherefore it's a given that Chanuts, Chaunys/Chenays, and Cheneys (Buckinghamshire) were Cnut/Canute liners along with Nottings and Nottinghamshire. The Nottings are said to be from a Canute-like term yet the stupids define it as "brown as a nut," indicating that Nottings, Knees and Buckings are using the Bruno bend (no other symbols) in colors reversed. This plays to the Perrone's of Aisne, for Italian Barone's were first found in the same place (Florence) as Bruno's.

The Dead-Sea Teeth Liners

There is a very good chance that the blue-boar Barone's, suspect with the Vere boar, traced the Firenze version of "Florence" to Firminy and Montbrison to the north side of Mont Pilat, for the blue-boar Barone's use a saltire in colors reversed from the Brison saltire. Let's repeat that one of the two peaks of Pilat is called PERDrix while they say that the mother of Pontius Pilate was a Pict in PERTHshire. That's where blue-boar Rollo's/Rollocks were first found. I don't think that the ones claiming Pilate's mother in Perthshire knew that Mont Pilat was named by a Perth-like term, nor that the Colts/Celts of Perthshire use the Pilate pheon in colors reversed. The Justus' were also first found in Perthshire, and it just so happens that Firenze-suspect Ferrens' use a "justus" motto term! It looks like the Florence trace to Firminy is more than acceptable. The Ferrens Coat is a virtual match with the Scottish Alda/Alde Coat, which recalls the Alde river near Eye and Diss, where Knights and Knee's traced! Excellent, for Italian Alda's/AUDINo's (in Ottone / Otone colors) were first found in Florence.

The Aude's use swords in the colors of the Chauny/Chenay sword (Bar colors), excellent because Chauny is expected to be related to Perrone / Barone liners. Ottone's were first found in the same place as Grazio's, the latter kin of bar-related Crispins/Crepins,

For a year or more, the Notting Coat had changed, though I can't recall what it was showing. But the description should reveal it: "A shield divided perfesse blue and ermine with a pale counterchanged and three silver pheons." That is, a Shield split horizontally, and the implication is that the pale bar is in the same colors but opposite the Shield colors in both halfs. That tends to reveal that the pale bar is half in blue, so that the pheons are half in the colors of the Pilate pheons, and half in the colors of the Colt/Celt pheon. The Rollo clan badge is the Colt/Celt stag head, but then Knee's use stag heads beside their Notting-suspect bend.

In the Notting Crest: "A gold pheon between two silver wings," feasibly the white wing in the Chauny/Chenay Coat. There are white wings also in the Alda/Alde Crest along with a cherub that has the look of the so-called "demi angel" of Leominsters (not forgetting that Chauny is beside Laon). This comes just after deciding not to suggest a link of the Otone/Olten lion to the Rita / Leo lion, but the Otone/Olten lion is in two colors schemes, one being that of the Odin lion! Nor was I going to mention that Grazio's are in Leo colors. But now, as Otone's/Oltens (Grazio colors) were first found in the same place as Leominsters, I have a little something to work on. Besides, the Berone's, in the colors and format of Perrone's (said to be from "Peter"), use hedgeHOGs while Hoggs share black boars with Pierleoni-suspect Porcia's. The idea just came to mind that Porcia's could be Prock/Brocuff liners, and that was aside from the "vires" motto term of Hoggs, like the "VIREscit" of Brocks! Zowie.

And after writing four paragraphs below, I finally got round to loading the Italian Perrone's (same place as Massino-Visconti) to find the Rita lion, I assume! The Perrone lion holds a flag, and so I went to the last update to see who else it was with a flag, and it turned out to be the Procks/Brocuffs!!! It's seemingly clinched: Brocuffs and Brocks were Porcia liners to the Pierleoni. The "ORiente" motto term of Brocuffs can be for Ore's with a motto linkable to the "Le Bon" of Benedicts. Lebons use a large dolphin in the colors of the large sphinx of Brocuffs. Italian Perrone's were first found in the same place (Piedmont) as Saluzzo (and Alan-related Langhe), raising the likelihood that Brocks (Stewart motto) and Brocuffs are using the Saluzzo Shield in colors reversed. Expect Busca = Bush liners in this Cheney picture. Cheney liners were suspect with "Cuneo," location of Saluzzo and of the Stura-Demonte river suspect with the two Stur rivers. It turns out that the Perrone's use as "banner," adding additional information toward them. The Perrone lion is "CARRYing a banner."

Let's follow the pork trail. Hoggs were first found in Durham, location of the Were river, and Were's (crozier, the Premonstratensian symbol, and shared by Odins) were first found in the same place as boar-head Roets having a Shield-and-Chief color combination in colors reversed from that of Brocks and Brocuffs. Brocuffs were first found in the same place (Silesia) as Roet-related Kerns/Karens Sleeping moon), both traced to CARIA's ENDymion (sleeper-moon) character, himself suspect with the "oriENTE" motto term of Brocuffs. The latter use a sun theme supposedly for Helios elements. Were's are said to have been on the Axe river (same area as the first Scottish Roets), which has a mouth near Seaton, and Seatons were first found in the same place as Cato-liners Keiths. The Roet boar heads are colors reversed from the Rollo boar heads, but there is a black boar, the colors of the Hogg / Bush boar head, in the Rollo Crest. The blue Rollo boar is linkable to the blue Barone and Vere boar, right?

The Leo fesse is likely that of the Paine's who share the motto of Were-related Giffards, which reminds that Giffards are suspect with the DENT lozenges. Grazio's share a black rooster (same design) as the GUMMS/Gomers (share a white and curved perchevron with Ottone's), and the Alda/Alde griffin is that of the TOOTHs. Gumms/Goms use SCIMitars while Schims ("VirTUTE") are listed with Chauny-like Chands. The Schim/Chand boar head, in Chauny/Chenay colors, is blue in colors reversed, and Schims/Chands share a "fortuna" motto term with blue-boar Rollo's. The Shield-and-Chief color combination of Schims/Chands is that of Brocks (VIREscit) and Brocuffs, building the evidence that the latter were Porcia liners. the The Firenze location of the Grazio- / Ottone-colored Alda's/AUDINi's ("VirTUTE," could be part-code for VIRE river) is near the Perusia location of the first Grazio's / Ottone's, and Perusia is in UMBRIA, suspect with Cumbians = Cimmerians, and therefore Gumm suspects. This reminds that the Nie/Ney bars are in the colors of the UMBER/Humber bars. The Gumm rooster is that also of Kopple's, suspect with the line of Quintus Caepio (had merged with the line of Porcius Cato), which line is also suspect at St. Quentin, beside Chauny , Perrone, Vermandois, etc. Perusia is on the Tiber not far up-river from Cato's emphasis on Tibur.

The Vermans/Firmins (share "Christo" with Bouillons) are the Firminy suspects sharing the red lion head with Godfreys, which recalls that Godfrey III was supported by the Pierleoni when he invaded their city at Rome. This same Godfrey married Beatrice of Bar, herself from the rulers of Tuscany, explaining why Bouillons use the cross in the Chief of the Taddei's, first found in Florence with Alda's/Audini's. Yet, it's the Scottish Alda's who use a Chief like that of Taddei's (and Ferrens'), and these Alda's substitute the Taddei crosses with the TOOTH griffins, suggesting that Tooths and Tute's were Taddei liners. It should prove true that this Godfrey-Tuscany merger was at the Alde Suffolk, where Clare's (from Clarus, at the Endymion theater) were first found that share three red chevrons with Taddei's. This Clare link goes to the claim in the Tute/Tuit write-up that their Tadini variation was from a son of the Conqueror (i.e. a Claro). Clare's were masters at Pembroke, and Pembroke's share the Mazzo/MazzaGALLI bend-with-dragon, which reminds me that, an hour ago, "Mazzo" became suspect with "Emesa."

There was a Mazo Sea Peoples of Caria, perhaps the ancestry of the Massena CARthaginians / Numidians. There is a ValDARNO tributary of the Tibur that flows by Arettium/Arezzo, home of Cilnius MAECenas. The DARNO surname is listed with German Dragons (red Drake wyvern), first found in Silesia i.e. same as Brocuffs. Pembroke's (dragon) are also PENbroke's (Arrow/ARRAS colors), and therefore likely of the Pendragons, the latter expected to give birth (mythically speaking) to Arettium/AREZZo liners. Suddenly, Tibur-suspect Pendragons (same place as Tippers) are tracing to the Tiber. This would have been mentioned in the past few updates, but I didn't consciously know (recently) until now that Arettium was on the Tibur.

The Mazo sea peoples are expected at Massa-Carrara, and the Claro Carians are also "Charo." The Darno's/Dragons (like the Drains/Dragons) have a dragon in Clare, Claro/Charo, and Murena colors. With Draguignan near the Durance, it appears that Valdarno liners were of the namers of the Durance, but this river had been traced well to the Turano, at Sabina, where Porcius Cato owned land. The Tiber flows down the opposite side of mount Sabina as the Turano. With Maecenas married to a Varro Murena family, it's notable that while Cato made Catillus a brother of Tiburtus, the Chatans share a tower with Murena's.

While the above is an important set of logical links for explaining some mysteries concerning the bloodlines of the first Crusaders, it's all expected because heraldry was created in the first place by the same blood-loving stupids. Once their heraldic tracking system is mastered, all of their secrets fall out. Note the "FirMUS" motto term of Vermans/Firmins, comparable with the "Fuimus" of Were's. Vere's share the Massey quadrants, right?

Let's not ignore out of hand the possibility that Essenes at Qumran ended up at Umbria, or that Gomerians at Qumran named Umbria. We can imagine "Essene" becoming an Ettene-like term, or the Ottone's of Umbria. The essenes bee cult of Ephesus is Avvite-interesting where Abasa/Apasa was the earlier name of Ephesus. The Dead sea, location of Qumran, was Biblically the sea of Arava (Arabah), a term that can trace to Arvad (Greeks changed it to "Arados"), where I see the Avvite donkey god. In myth, Apollo, twin brother of Artemis at Ephesus, gave donkey ears to the goat, Marsyas, but I see goats from Edom's Seir entity, and while Essenes may have been named after Esau (merged with Seir), the Avvite capital, Avith, was ruled by an Edomite. Edom was in the southern part of the Dead sea.

It's interesting that while Genesis 14 calls the Dead sea the Salt sea, the Marsyas-suspect Marsi lived near the Salto river. The fact is, "salt" in Hebrew is not like "salt" at all. However, the salt sea was the MELAH sea (see Wikipedia's Dead-Sea article), and mythical MELIA was the honey goddess of Boiotia, that being the MERops line through Pandareus of Ephesus, and to Aedon of Boiotia, the Atun line from Yuya's Mitanni, whom I trace to Foca/Phocaea, itself suspect with lake Fucino, the lake of the Marsi. In this way, Essenes of Qumran can trace to the Marsi. The question may be whether Melia of Boiotia was turned into a Salt-like term by some proto-Germanic speakers. Cadmus of Boiotia / Thebes was a proto-Germanic line from Armenians, and while Cadmus married the Armenian daughter of Ares, the latter evolved into the Roman Mars. The Merops line was out of Kos, like the Kos god of Edom.

It just so happens that Marsyas was a Phrygian goat while Phrygia had a PACATiana area, while the Arabah can be suspect with ancient Arabkha/Arrapha (now Kirkuk, near the Aras), also called, ArraPACHITis (perhaps after Ares = Aras river) after the Biblical Arphaxad, a Hebrew ancestor in Genesis that can therefore be half-expected at the Dead sea. Ares was a Lydian god, and Phocaea was at the Lydian river of Hermus. It just so happens that mythical Arabus was made a son of Hermes, no kidding at all. I don't know that Arabs proper, as a peoples, existed that far back. If Arabus was the namer of the Arabah, consider that a Phocis location was beside Boiotia. The Avvites are in 2 Kings 17:31 along with SEPHARvites, and the latter lived between Sephar and Mesha, which I think was in Subartu (Assyria), in the Arabkha area, and traceable to "Sparti," the name of the dragon that Cadmus killed in Thebes. The dragon of Cadmus was given a tooth symbol. That is, the teeth of the dead dragon arose as the Sparti. Should I, therefore, be linking that dragon to Gumms/Gomers out of QUMRan??? What a question. Why would Cimmerians have had a tooth symbol? These teeth were likened to seeds, if you can figure out that riddle, and this dragon was indeed the dragon of Ares, and suspect with the Ogyges line to the Lydian Gugu, kin of Gomers, we may assume.

Avvites may have had a small-dog symbol, a feasible fang symbol. Consider that while I trace Avvites to Arados, it may have named Rhodes, location of Kamiros, a Cimmerian-suspect city that can trace to Qumran, if Gomerians = Cimmerians named it.

Ogyges was in both Attica and Boiotia, and Attica, I've read, and tend to agree with, was named by Attis (same as Aeetes who had for an army the risen, Ares-dragons, teeth-men, so to speak), husband of Cybele, herself suspect with the Cabyle location (Thrace, an Ares bastion) smack beside the salt-like Selletae. Were Gomers in that area? Yes, possibly. Attis was given a castration symbol that I take to be a playful pun, by the uncircumcised Greeks, on Hebrew circumcision.

I'm sure that the Greek tooth was a dent term. Was the Ares dragon a Dent / Denet liner? The Danaans? In myth, Cadmus was following a bull (= the white Zeus Taurus, symbol of Cadmus' sister) to Thebes, and the white cow, Io, was a goddess of Argos (this included the ones who stole the fleece from Aeetes under the noses of the Sparti), the city where Danaans would rule, through they ruled first at Arados-suspect Rhodes. The Danaans were made descendants of Abas, suspect with Apasa = Ephesus, home of the bee-cult essenes, and then Inachus, founder of Argos, was married to Salt-sea-suspect, Melia of Boiotia. I couldn't make up a better set of links if I were the best fiction novelist. The Greeks had all of this reality-reflecting information recorded in their fictional "poetry."

This topic comes shortly after the Denets ("proviDENTiam") were found with the Geve/Jeeve Coat, and the latter were reckoned as Cavii liners while there was a large section tracing Cavii to Avvites in the first update(s) of last month. Perseus, the Danaan from ABAS, was in Joppa/Jaffa, a Jeeve-like Israeli city suspect with JABESH-Gilead, on the Jordan river that empties into the Salt sea. The French Denets are listed with Jordans, no guff.

The Salto is the location of Vespasia Polla, whose first name is suspect on the one hand with Apasa-like Pasi's/Pace's, and on the other with Abas-like Ves liners. And to top it off, Essenes-possible OTTONE VISconti was the first Visconti ruler of MILAN, perhaps named after those who were still carrying the Melah term from their Melah = Salt sea. Denets use a boar, an old Edom symbol. The Denet canton (called a "square") shows only ermines, feasibly from "Harmonia," Ares' daughter and Cadmus' wife.

The Dents happen to share what I've claimed is the bend of Sale's/SALLETTS. That's pretty shocking after all that's been gathered together in short order for a Gumm trace out of Qumran. It's notable that the heraldic dancette has tooth-like inDENTs. Dance's/Danse's (embattled indents), first found in the same place as Dents, share a red-on-white fesse with Denets/Jordans. Dance's/Danse's are very linkable by their Este horse head and their red lion heads to Godfrey III (Este's one showed the same horse head, likewise in black). While Godfrey III joined the Pierleoni, Italian Dance's were first found in the same place as Perrone's.

I'm very surprised that Dead-sea liners can trace in these ways to Melia of Boiotia. It means that honey / bee liners are Dead-sea elements, and while I can't see bee hives or fruit trees thriving at the Dead sea, I can see Avvites there. If I recall correctly, there is a Biblical bee theme used for Amorites, and they lived in the same place (Jerusalem) as Jabesh-suspect Jebusites. When Joshua invaded Israel, he left the Avvites alone, as well as the Amorites of Jerusalem. As you can read, Melia was ancestress to Sicyon, represented by Sisyphus, brother of Salem-suspect Salmoneus. The Salemans are suspect with the Sale/Sallett bend too. Other Amorites were east of the Jordan i.e. east of Jabesh-Gilead. ACRisius, son of Abas of Argos, smacks of mount Acra in ancient Jerusalem.

In fact, as IaSION (brother of DarDANUS) was also Iasius, "Acrisius" might have been, AcriSION. It might just be that IAsion was part code for IO, meaning that the Dar-Danaans, so to speak, and other Argos elements, were from Zion and/or Sion. Compare "Iasion" with "IXION," for the latter was paired with JERUsalem-suspect Hera (as per "Hierosolyma"). An old Amorite king east of the Jordan was, SIHON. DARdanus looks like he's partly named after PanDAReus, king of Abas-suspect Ephesus and father of a queen of Thebes. I feel that this information is correct in all of its parts. If Ixion was code for a line to Kikons, they were at an old Sale location (like "Salem") at the Sarpedon (i.e. Cadmus-related) part of southern Thrace.

There were plenty of r-to-l switches, and I'd like to know why. Whatever the reason, "Acr" can become "Agl," or vice-versa, and it just so happens that myth writers made Acrisius' mother, AGLaea. Her alternative name, OCalea, may have been part-code for OG, for his Rephaites lived both at Jerusalem, and also around Jabesh-Gilead. Acrisius was a grandson of Lynceus, that latter married to a daughter of Danaus. Acrisius' daughter was Danae. It's interesting that while there was a Lyncestis area not far from Tirana, Acrisius' twin brother (Proetus) was ruler of both Argos and nearby Tiryns. Tirana is (not shown) on the south side of the Parthini (light map below), while Avvite-suspect Cavii (not shown) were on the north of the Mathis i.e. north of the Parthini. I traced Perseus, son of Danae, to the Parthenius river of Phrygia.

It just so happens that the myth on the Chimera dragon had to do with the father-in-law of Proetus, who was IObates (or Jobates), what looks like an Io liner. The term can also be viewed as "Jabesh / Japodes." Proetus' first daughter, LYSippe, strikes me as a kine from Laish (where I see proto-Danaans) to Lissus, the latter between the Cavvi and the Parthini. I'm seeing pirates, for when Acrisius wanted to kill his daughter along with Perseus, the myth writer gave the story a chest symbol, and sent the mother and child to sea, locked in the chest. Isn't that a symbol of a pirate's chest? The two survived, washing ashore on an island, SARifos, a possible Seir entity.

I am not familiar with the multiple mythical Lysippe names. One was made the mother of the Tanais river, which I say was the Egyptian root of the Danaans in the first place. Danaus' brother was father to Lynceus, whom I've deciphered with Alan Huns at Tanais, and Lynceus was father to Abas, a good reason to view the latter as code for Avvites in the Gaza / EKRon theater, and meanwhile to suppose that ACRisius was an Ekron liner to Jerusalem. This migration from the Nile delta (location of Tanis and Pelusium) to Jerusalem may have been roughly concurrent with the invasion of Joshua, when the Israelites were leaving Avvites alone. It may be that the Avvites were showing no hostility, having heard first-hand from the proto-Danaans what devastation the Israelites had accomplished in Egypt en-route to the promised land. It was probably less than the 40-year wilderness wandering that the Hyksos were booted out of Egypt, at which time their ruling families in Tanis and neighboring Avaris had to pack their bags. It's known that Hyksos left for the Gaza and Jerusalem theaters. The Yuya line would not arrive for a century or more, though some Mitanni Hebrews may have been in Israel already. Moses may have married a Mitanni liner.

This particular Lysippe was an Amazon, evoking Herodotus' claim that Amazons of Thermodon migrated through the Crimea (Cimmerian homeland) to become the Sarmatians smack at Tanais. This can explain how Laish evolved into the Lazi of Colchis. Another Lysippe was mate of Hercules (= a Danaan) and mother to ERASippie ("ippe" is the horse suffix), what should be code for the Aras river, for Lazi were between the Aras and the Tanais. The latter was home exactly or roughly of the Sittaceni, suspect with Sthen liners, especially as Sthenelus of Liguria was made father of Cygnus the swan, suspect from Gogarene/Gugar at lake Sevan, where Soducena was located.

Another Lysippe was wife to ProLAUS of Elis, what looks like part-code for Proetus, and part-code for a Laus entity. Helen (code for Hellespont), married to MeneLAUS, was suspect with "Elis," and she was a daughter of Tyndareus, code for a Tyndaris location on the Glaucus river of Colchis, home of the Lazi. Helen's mother, Leda, may have been from Lada, a goddess of Lycians, but then Iobates was a Lycian entity. Leda was likely the Ladon river at the Elis area. This was home to Laish / Panias Phoenicians / SIDONians. Proetus' Sidon-like wife wanted to marry BelleroPHON (suspect partly with PHOENicians), the one who warred against the Chimera dragon (part goat, suspect with Panias), and Bellerophon was from Corinthian elements, where Aeetes, kin of Colchis, had ruled, though Aeetes gave it up to a family of Hermes i.e. the Armenians of Phoenicia's Panias region. Aeetes' city was beside Tyndaris. You can't argue with this paragraph to this point. Lycians (perhaps from Lachish) may have been a distant branch of Laish, and there was a Lycos river (one of the Zabs) in the area of Arabkha/Arrapachitis. Helen was suspect with Alans, known to be of the Sarmatians. Perhaps the Sarmatians named Sarifos.

Another Lysippe (daughter of Abas) was given an alternative name, Lysimache (code for Lysimachia in Thrace), wife of Talaus (king of Argos), possible code for a peoples that became, for one, the Taulantii, on the light map smack across the land of Tirana. That works very well. Talaus was made the son of Bias, like the Boius entity between Lyncestis and the Taulantii. I traced the Abantians of Euboea to the Boius area, and "another" Abas was the founder of the Abantians. Boius is on the Abas-like APSus river, perhaps from the APSinthi (mouth of the Hebros), beside Lysimachia, and perhaps even from Apasa = Ephesus. Bias was made the husband also of a daughter of Proetus, king of Tirana-like Tiryns...and, I realized the day after writing here, Proetus' wife, sometimes called Antaea, looks like the Endymion entity.

Helen now becomes suspect with Aulon (south of the Taulantii), which happens to be beside the TYNDareus-like ATINTanes. This has the tendency to trace Spartans to Tintagel, in Cornwall, the area of the Atrebates, whom I trace to Spartans. It's known that Atrebates named Atrecht, also called, Arras, in Artois, and king Arthur was birthed in Tintagel to a woman of Cornwall. UTHER Pendragon is suspect with UTRecht, in Holland. Below, Perseus' roots in Sarifos is connected to a motto term of the Sorry/Sarry surname (fasces in Crest) which puts arrows on a bend in the red color of the OTHER bend, and Arrows are listed with Arras'.

When it comes to Lysippe, daughter of Proetus, her mother was STHENeboea, what looks like part-code for Euboea liners. As Chalker-related Chaucers may have been from Colchis-like Chalchis in Euboea, note that Chaucer use a bend in both Sorry/Sarry bend colors. I view the Sthene(lus) entity of myth, with little doubt, as the proto-Seatons/Sittens. They are expected through the Khassi / Cati / Adana area of Cilicia, as per Cassiopeia, Perseus' mother-in-law. There is a Sation location (dark map) smack at the Boius area. Stheneboea was the one sometimes called, Antaea (perhaps the Antalya Pisidians), which brings to mind that Endymion traces to Carian liners such as Roets, first found in Somerset, location of the Axe river with a Seaton location near its mouth. I traced the Dumnonii founders of Somerset to the LaceDAEMONian Spartans (Colchian pirates, right?), and Tyndareus was a Spartan, from the Sparti tooth liners, right? Compare "Tynd" to "dent," hmm.

By the way, the Denets, though they appear to use ermines, use drops called, "guttee." Drops/Trope's (Shield filled with drops), perhaps with the Gumm/Gom Shield, were first found in the same place as same-colored Tute's/Tuits. There is a Gutt/Guty surname listed with Goods/Gudds, first found in the general area of the Denets. Cnuts use guttee too, a good reason to identify Denets with royal Danes. It looks like Geats / Goths apply to Gutts/Gudds. Sparta had a TayGETi area that can apply, for "Tay" looks like "Tiye," Yuya's daughter, and grandmother to tooth-suspect Tut. I'm seeing Helen "of Troy" linked to tooth-liner Danaans in the Argos family of Menelaus. Helen was a Troy-Danaan merger at Hellespont, expected where Danaans were of Hyksos liners (proto-Trojans) in the first place. Myth writers even put mythical Helles on the flying golden fleece while it was yet alive, and she fell into the Hellespont while riding it. Menelaus was the Argos fleece line, right? Ask the golden lamb of his father?

The Goodie's/Goddys, which are bad for your teeth, share green trefoils with Danish Cnuts. Don't forget to brush at least twice daily, to floss nightly, and brush your tongue and gums too, or you might get a blue tooth. Tongue's were first found in the same place as Dents, and there are a lot of heraldic tongues for a reason. Heraldic tongues are just as rude as the Danish vikings. They loved to dismantle villages, just for fun. The Tongue's are using the Blaze martlets, right? Yes, and that's why Tongue's ("STEADy") can trace with the Blaze garb to the Josephs of Hampshire, where Cnut-loving Hangers were first found. Tongue's, Dents, Steads and Blaze's were first found in the same place as Brush-related Bruce's, and Brush's were first found in the same place as Cnut-related Knights.

Goodmans have a demi tower with woman in blue. Reminder: "Bingo. It reveals that all demi items are linkable to a Demy-Chauny relationship." And Demay/Mays are using the Chanut chevron, right? It tends to verify that Gutt/Good liners were merged with the Cnut Danes. "BlaTAND" was not necessarily named after a blue tooth, as claimed, but rather that may have been an erroneous definition. It's funny that Cnut's son, if I recall correctly, married SWIEToslawa, and she isn't good for your teeth either. Goodmans share the two-headed, gold eagle of Cheps/Jepps.

Staff(ord)s use the Gutt/Guty chevron in colors reversed, and while the Staff chevron is in the Arms of Coseley, some of the Staffs are said to descend from counts of Buckinghams, evoking Cheneys. The Derbyshire Staffs are said to have been in close relationship with "Chandos," suggesting the Shands/Chands that list Schims, and making them linkable to the scimitars of Middlesex (near Buckingham) and the Gumms/Goms. As the Coseley knot is in the Dudley Arms as a "Stafford knot," it's very likely that Pusters (same chevron as Staffs), whom I usually show as Pistols, are a branch of the Wooster variation of Worcesters. The HOPkins use pistols, and were linked to Capone's, first found in the same place as Capes-suspect Gumms/Goms, and then it's the German Gumms/Gomers that share the black rooster of Kopliks whom I always trace to Caepio / Capone ancestry. It just so happens that the Goodmans are using the HOPper Shield while Caepio's trace to COPPs / Cope's. I recall that Hopkins were said to be first found in Cambridge, as with Capone's, which is what made it compelling to link their Coat to the Capone Coat, but Hopkins are now said to have been first found in Oxfordshire. The Hopkin write-up mentions early members in Staffordshire and Worcestershire, and while Staffs were closely knit with Ferrers, Hoppers were first found in the same place as the Were river.

It's possible that the Habbagan variation of Hopkins formed the Cabbage's (same place as Quince's), the latter kin to Husmerae-suspect House's (cabbage leaf), which can glean the Hopkin castle as part of the Chattan / Chatillon liners from Porcius Cato (his line was close to Caepio's), whom I traced to Chatillon of Aosta, beside Ferrer-suspect Verres. The leg with spur of Eyes/Eyers (Derbyshire, same place as HOPE's) had linked to Knee's and Knights (spur), the latter being Chatillon kin, and here we find Hopkins with a "primos" motto term that should be for Prime's ("inVITA") using a giant leg with bent knee and spur. Prime's (what's the owl for?) were first found in Sussex, where a host of Dan-like liners were first found. Swietoslawa ("the HAUGHTy") can be linked to Nie's/Neys by way of Haughts. Owls/Howls were first found in the same place as Knights.

Taggerts are the owl-using surname sharing "vi" with Chives', and moreover suspect with the bend of Haught-possible Huffs/Hoffs (expected as Coughs/Cuffs), and the Taggert-like Teegers are the ones tracing to HOP / Hopper-suspect OPgalli. "Vi" should be code for VIpont at the Teeger-related Touques river. Viponts share the annulets of Ladys/Laudymans, first found in the same place as Quince's, and linkable to Lords/lauds sharing the same chevron as Cope's / Copps.

I can't trace "tooth" purely to an Aryan form of "dent," if I'm to trace Tooths and similar others to "Tut." The better idea is to trace Tut liners to a dent-like entity such as Tyndareus. Tyndaris, the real location, was very-much precisely at Kutaisi (suspect with Cadusii Armenians from Hattusa), the golden-fleece city where the teeth-rooted dragon protected it. The Glaucus river there was probably home to the Lysippe-suspect Lazi. Ermines can be related to the guttee drops because Hermes was made born in Arcadia, at the northern edge of Sparta, and, moreover, the golden fleece was a ram that belonged to Hermes. This was the Ares-Hermes relationship that named Harmonia, daughter of Ares, and it was also the Sion-of-Hermon entity that led to Swiss Sion, renamed Sitten after king STHENelus of Liguria. The other Sthenelus was that of the Perseus Gorgons, a Spartan.

As "Cilicia" is like "Colchis," "Cetis" can trace to "Kutaisi." That tends to make Cetis a Hattusa = Hatti entity, though ancient Cati of Cilicia can be suspect there. The Pontus, birthplace of the Ceto sea monster, was a Black-sea marine area that Colchians would have sought for themselves. It's interesting that the Hatti were on the Halys river, a term that means "salt" to the Greeks. With Hermes identified as the root of the Hatti, we need to re-mention that Hermes was made a father of Arabus, possibly the Arabah = Dead Sea bloodline.

Lake Tatta is near the upper Halys river so that Yuya-Tut liners can trace to the Hatti, and it works because the Hatti were made the mythical father of Lydians. But as I trace Yuya to Gyges and Ogyges, suspect from the Biblical Og, whose Rephaites were in the Rephaite valley of Jerusalem, by what coincidence was this valley beside mount Gareb, an Arabah-like term? It suddenly appears that one can trace a peoples at the Arabah sea to the Halys river. In fact, Gilead was suspect with the Galli priests that I see from "Halys."

Gareb and Rephaites trace together to the mythical crow and raven, which was Corinth-liner Coronis. This makes Corinth-rooted Bellerophon suspect from the Baal cult at Jerusalem's KIDRON valley, the south-west side of Jerusalem, i.e. next to the Rephaite valley on the west side of Jerusalem, and next to mount Zion on the south. It's notable that there was a Kendron area at the Peneus river of Elis that was also, KEDRON. It makes KENDron liners through Hattusa suspect with the KENNATi priests at the Hattusa-suspect Cetis. The Halys river had a mouth at the Pontus, father of the Ceto monster, and a monster is defined as one that eats humans. The Baal cult at Kidron was a human-sacrifice cult, and, as in the sacrifice of animals, the worshipers probably ate the human flesh.

KIDRon-like Kitters are listed with Cato's/Chattans, and Kidds were definitely Cetis liners. It suddenly appears that Cetis was a line from the Kidron. Kidders are in Track/Trig colors. KENDERs (ravens!), looked up only now as per "Kendron," were first found in Derbyshire, which I'm tracing to Derbe, near Tatta. This is working. The Baal cult at Kidron was also the Moloch bull (human-sacrifice) cult, suspect with Cronus. The latter was not only father of the Taurus, but shared a cannibal symbol with Baal-suspect Pelops of Lydia. Yet more, Pelops and his father ruled at Eneti/HENETI, like "Kennati." This Eneti location appears to have been in Lydia, but there were also Heneti Paphlagonians suggesting another Heneti location on the Parthenius river, known home of the Heneti, which myth made the proto-Veneti from an ANTenor code. This Parthenius river is where I think Perseus traces.

One can glean that mythical Danae was code for Adana (a real place), and that Adana elements had been down in Ioppa/Joppa (where a myth writer located Perseus and Cassiopeia's daughter), and that CassIOPEIA was part-code for Joppa. This Cass entity may have been the Cati - Khassi, and therefore the proto-Cato > Cetis entity. The Parthenius has a mouth at the Pontus roughly. Yet, another myth writer had the Danae-Perseus duo at Sarifos, far from Israel. How do we explain this? The latter writer seemed to see the origins of Perseus Danaans in Sarifos. In that myth, Perseus is made an adopted son of a fisherman, Dictys. I can't see any people group by that name [I didn't realize at the time that "DiCTYS" may have been a part-Cetis code], but here's something interesting from a 2012 update, where the Sorrys/Sarrya may have been from Sarifos:

The term, "decato," was going through my mind at the sight of the "Diktis" motto term of Sorrys, but I couldn't find the term in my files. But this morning (Sunday), Derketo (or "Derceto") came to mind, and I remembered that she was the mother of the Syrian / Aramean goddess, Semiramis. Wikipedia says that Semiramis was "the daughter of the fish-goddess Derketo of Ascalon in Syria and a mortal." This fish theme is named after the fish monster of Greek myth, Ceto...

Wasn't Ceto the naming of Cetis, and don't Geddes' and Geds use fish? Saraca's use the fish too, and they might therefore have been from Sarifos. The full Sorry/Sarro motto. "Dictis FactisQUE Simplex," may be honoring Qewe/Que/Kue, smack at Adana / Khassi. [I didn't realize while writing here that FaCTIS" might be a Cetis code]. Syria was right beside the Adana part of Cilicia, and it was in that area that a mount Cassius existed, which came to be called, "Aqra," like "Acrisius" (Danae's father). Cassius was the sacred mountain of Baal, and thus Cassiopeia becomes suspect with Baal. To put it another way, mount Acra at Jerusalem traces with that city's Baal cult to Cassius, and likely to Cassiopeia (there was a sea monster in the Cassiopeia myth).

Sorrys/Sarrys look like Sauers = Sava-river liners, meaning that Sorrys may not be named after Sarifos elements, as much as their motto may suggest it. If the Sava was named after Cavii, then it may have been an Avvite entity, but in that case Sava-liners could have been related to Sarifos liners.

Sorrys/Sarrys use "tis" buried twice in their motto, though in both cases it's part of "ctis." Even so, the Tiss/TICE surname was checked to find them with just a chevron, but in Sorrys/Sarry colors. A chevron alone could be a strong code for "Hebron," and so it's interesting that the Hebrons/Hepburns use a chevron in colors reversed, with a rose upon it, for there is a rose on the Sorry/Sarry bend. The LaTICE's use the Tiss chevron in colors reversed, perhaps indicating a Lett / Leto link to Tiss'. The Biblical LETushites, suspect from Hebron, are coming to mind. Why are Tiss/Tice's said to be "DISplaying a red chevron"? Hardly any surnames with a chevron are said to be displaying it. The Armor motto, "TuTISSimas virtus" might apply, for German Tice's/Theisens can be using the Tute TEUTen/Tatton quadrants, which can link to "TUTissimas." German Tice's even use an armored arm, and a "demi horse, bridled in red, between a pair of wings." Teutens were Meshech kin, right?

The Drops/Drove's (same place as Tute's), whom had linked square to Cnut Dane's, have a Drope variation that may be a branch of Drove's, the latter possibly with the Tute / Tatton quadrants in black. Drove's were first found in the same place as Tiss'/Tice's. This paragraph looks likable to the Hykes'/Hake's (same place as Drove's) and Hykes'/Hacks, the latter kin of the "virTUTE" Chives', making it all traceable to a Tropoje location near the Cavii. The Hykes'/Hake's may thus be using the Tiss chevron.

The Teece/Tyse/Teese variations of Tiss' makes them appear as a branch of both Tease surnames, one showing "Tye," and both traceable to the Laevi on the Tessin river, whom I trace back to the Danaan-merger with the Jonathan Levites in Laish. Tysons are the ones with the Hume lions, an amazing gummincidence and toothincidence all at once. Isn't this the TayGETI line? Both Tease's are the Annas-suspect family that makes good reasoning for a Laevi link, and here we find Tiss' in Annan colors and first found in the same place as Josephs.

Yet another Lysippe: "Lysippe, mother of TEUTHras the Mysian king. Her son killed a sacred boar of Artemis during hunt and was driven mad by the angry goddess." This mad symbol was that of Maenads, an all-woman symbol like the Mysian Muse's. The theory is that a certain peoples rife with homosexuality and transvestite's got the all-woman symbol, and these peoples may have been matrilineal in their choice of rulers. Tacitus said that the Sitones, suspect with Sthene liners, were matrilineal. The writer at Wikipedia's Stheneboea article, who seems intent on linking her to the Biblical Potiphar without acceptable evidence, claims that her name means, "cattle queen," and because he reveals that he thinks "boea" means cattle, he must have had a reason for defining "Sthen" as "queen." The Sitones of Scandinavia were beside a QWENland, and the Queen surname is listed with Sweens/Swans (the Quade / Seal / Mackay wolf heads again), a likely branch of Sions/Swans (once showed the gauntlet glove = Macey kin), and Sions were kin of the namers of Sitten, right? Wikipedia says that a Sitten-like people group named Sitten. That was the Sthenelus swan liner, right? How obvious. But was the Kwen entity a KENdron liner?

It can be gleaned that Teuthras (what was the RAS for?) was related to the Lysimachia location opposite the small waters from Mysia. Teuthras was the symbol of the real place, Teuthrania, a Tooth-liner suspect. By some grand coincidence nor not, the Teuth entity seems linkable to a dent-like entity: "TEUTHRANIA, the name of the western part of Mysia about the river Caicus, which was believed to be derived from an ancient Mysian king TENTHras. This king is said to have adopted, as his son and successor, Telephus, a son of Heracles; and Eurypylus [PamPHYLian?], the son of Telephus, appears in the Odyssey as the ruler of the CETEII. (Strab. iii. p.615; Hom. Od. 10.520; comp. MYSIA)"

What an amazing thing to find right here and now, that Teuthras was alternatively, TENThras, and all connected to Cetis. Telephus connects to the Teucer character of Cyprus, which was of the Ajax cult of the Kennati. Telephus was given an Og-like mother: "In Greek mythology, Telephus...was the son of Heracles and Auge, daughter of king Aleus of Tegea...He was wounded by the Achaeans [ELIS theater] when they were coming to sack Troy and bring back Helen to Sparta." Clearly, Telephus of a Ceteii peoples was Helen kin, linking her to Danaan-suspect dent liners, if Teuthras was such. Strabo mentioned a Ceteius tributary of the Caicus, and the latter smacks of mythical Cacus of Rome, a cave dweller with a backward and cattle symbol. Cacus was linked my myth writers to monsters, which I can see as reason for a tooth symbol. Cacus stole the cattle of Geryon the monster, and the latter had a monster dog i.e. perhaps play on fangs. Geryon and his dog have themes similar to toothy Scylla, and this speaks to me of Colchian Gorgons in Sicily.

Recall that Laevillus liked the Aulus name: "When the Greeks sailed from the island of Aulis to capture Troy, the fleet became lost and they attacked the city of Teuthrania instead of Troy; they sacked the city and then returned to Aulis to prepare for another attempt at finding Troy." There must have been a reason that the myth writer linked Teuthrania to Aulis. The leader of the Trojan war on the Greek side was the brother of Menelaus, and the latter's wife (Helen) is suspect with "Aulis," for until now the dent entity had become suspect with TYNDareus, husband of Helen's mother. Aulis, I take it, was off the Mysian coast, and may even have been in the Hellespont. Helen had been abducted by the Paris Trojans, suspect as a Perseus line at Parion/Parium, in Mysia.

I can glean that TEUTHRania was mythical TEUCER (Togarmites = a GOMerian branch!), founder of the Trojans on the one hand, and yet there was another Teucer, "the son of King Telamon [like TELEphus] of Salamis Island and HeSIONE, daughter of King Laomedon of Troy. He fought alongside his half-brother, Ajax, in the Trojan War and is the legendary founder of the city of Salamis [(Jeru)Salem suspect] on Cyprus." Cyprus was directly offshore from Cetis. It works: the tooth line is now tracing to Teucer Gomerians, and this can go to the Gomers that I see at Qumran, the latter term sharing a "ran" ending with TeuthRANia (this place was named by Strabo). "Tooth" is an English = Germanic term expected from a Germanic people group such as Gomerians. It asks whether Gomerians named the gum and tooth as their very own special symbol.

Online comment: "...Professor Sayce includes the Trojans among Hittite peoples. In their neighbourhood dwelt the Ceteii of Homer, whom Mr. Gladstone has identified with the Hittites [Hatti], and with them were the Cilices of the Troad." The Cilicians at Troy, I gather, a perfect explanation for a Cetis - Ceteii connection. There was a Thebes-related Cilicia location in Mysia ruled by mythical Eetion, whose (Andro code) daughter married Hector of Troy. This was the Hykos line from Kizzuwatna / Adana. Eetion looks like Iasion, brother of Dardanus. The inclusion of Hittites of the Hatti kind can trace Tenthras, who adopted a ruler of the Ceteii, to the Halys river, perhaps named after some Salt-sea peoples. Sinope (at the monstrous Pontus), the military base of Cimmerians, was at the Halys theater. Scythians were human monsters.

Teuthras and Telephus were joined by myth writers as one, a batch of Mysians = Meshech, kin of Gomers. Telephus may have been a code for Delphi liners, who were associated with Phocis, the latter a potential line from Phocaea. Daphne was at Delphi, and received her dolphin symbol there. Daphne's Ladon river traces to Lydians, but then the mythical Ladon monster was made a son of Ceto, the latter the wife of PHORCYS, which I had forgotten in all the times that I was trace PORCIUS Cato to Cetis.

"Ceto was also variously called Crataeis and Trienus...and was occasionally conflated by scholars with the goddess Hecate (for whom Trienus and Crataeis are also epithets)." Ignore the Wikipedia writer's typical naivity when he/she defines those terms. If the Greek word for "crate" (from Latin "cratis") is like the Latin word for it, Crataeis may have been in view when Crataeis-like Acrisius put his daughter in a chest (from the Greek, "ciste") and floated it out to sea. Later, Danae's son (Perseus) would kill a sea monster to gain his wife (Andromeda), daughter of Cassiopeia. Crataeis was made the parent of the Scylla wolf that had "three rows of sharp teeth" per head.

Note the Ty term: "These children [of Ceto with Phorcys] tend to be consistent across sources, though Ladon is sometimes cited as a child of Echidna [Cydon?] by TYphon and therefore Phorcys and Ceto's grandson." The Pontus probably included the Thermodon area, where I see the origins of Artemis, who owned the sacred boars. "TyPHON" looks like a Phoenician entity.

Tiss'/Teece's/Tyse's/Teese's can be the Yuya-Tiye line in Lydia through Sparta's Taygeti, for Tiss' were first found in Hampshire, location of the Atrebates that I trace to Atreus, a king of Argos but a father of Menelaus the Spartan, husband of Helen. It all fits like a bad tooth seated in a swelled gum. Typhon can be code for Taygeti elements because the Ladon river was near the north end of Taygeti. There is a Dhafni location on my modern Atlas near/on the Ladon river, and this was home to Hermon-related Phoenicians, right? My atlas has a Dafna location two or three miles west of Dan, and the latter was Laish.

Atreus was the son of Pelops of Lydia, a partner of Hermes, making it appear as though Pelops was the Yuya > Tut line. MENE-LAUS has long been suspect with Laish / Lysimachia liners at Las on the Mani peninsula, the southern extension of Taygeti. But if this was the Tiye line, where are the tribes named after her son, pharaoh AKHENaten? I was read someone's opinion that Nefertiti, Akhenaten's wife, was a homosexual dressed as a woman to fool the peoples. Might Akhenaten have named the Qwen liners, and later the dragQUEENs. Were the Kennati from Akhenaten? Did his tribe name the Heneti? Was NEFERTITI an APHRODITE line? As Aphrodite evolved into the Roman Venus, I view her as the Heneti > Veneti line.

According to Wikipedia's Ceto article, one minor Aphrodite was a granddaughter of Pontus, and sister of Halia = salt. Hercules' brother by a Halia-like name was a queer cult, suspect with the Galli queers. Homosexual priests, where have we heard that before? The mainline Aphrodite was given a birth on Cyprus, home of the TELEmon line, and then THALassa was the mother of the minor Aphrodite. Halia and Aphrodite were made siblings of the TELchines, a good clue to have, yet this mythology seems obscure.

Back to the Sorrys with a Dictys-like motto term, but let's first mention that Thalassa's children were fish while Dictys of Sarifos was a fisherman. I can sense that this has to do with the fish symbol of Kodros, a king of Atun-suspect Athens, where Hephaestus, husband of Aphrodite, was mating with Athena. Akhenaten's Atun sun god was at AMARNA, traceable to Myrina of Lemnos, sacred island of Hephaestus. I trace Kodros to Kotor, where fish-using SARACa's lived. I have the sense that "Sarifos was a SARIG term. The Laus = Ragusa home of the later Saraca's is not far from the Sava. As Saraca's were Carrick liners, the Carrick-related Shere's and Schere's/SCHERFs (!) come to mind. Valentinian was a Sire liner absolutely linkable to the Shire variation of Shere's, for Valentins share the squirrel with Carrick-related Gilberts (roses, same as Scherfs). The latter share the Arms-of-Carrick chevron with Kennedys, a good reason to trace Sarifos to the Kennati at Cetis. We are on it. The Gilbert roses are in the colors of the Sorry/Sarry roses! The Sorrys are the ones with two Cetis-suspect Ctis" terms buried in their motto, one being "Dictis."

The DYKE's share a red squirrel with Decks/Daggers, Square's/Squirrels, and Gilberts, can you believe it? For years, I've been wanting to know where Decks/Daggers trace, and here it's apparent that they trace to Dictys. Daggers have been traced to the Dexaroi on the Apsus. Can this suggest a Sarifos line to the Dexaroi? Nothing in all of this can obliterate my trace of decks/Daggers to the Tessin/Ticino river, for the Danae > Perseus line in Sarifos is expected from Dan = Laish, where the Dan-related Levites there can trace to the Ticino's Laevi Galli. Aha! Scottish Dike's/Dyke's (Shire/Shere colors) were first found in the same place, Gomer-suspect Cumberland, as Daggers.

It could be that "DicTYS" was a double code, one with Tiss liners and one for Dyke liners. It may even have been a triple code if "Citis/Cetis was intended. In any case, it seems that the Sorrys are definitely using "Dictis" as part-code for Tiss liners. The other Dutch Dyke's share the same lion as Sorrys/Sarrys and Sauers. The "Teg" motto term of Gilberts is likely for the squirrel-using Decks/Daggers, yet this assumes that Tecks/Tess'/Tease's were their kin, good for tracing to the Tiss'/Tye's/Teece's because they share the same chevron as Gilberts.

Carricks use a tooth-suspect, indented dancette, and Gilberts (Haddington colors) use a Hatti-suspect "heddwch" motto term. The "yw" motto term of Gilberts is suspect with Yeomans/HUMans, perhaps a gum-tooth liner of the Hume kind.

The Sorry/Sarry Coat compares very well with that of Skulls and Bone's. The Skulls may be from Skala of Patmos, where there was a Chora location traceable to Gore's/Core's, and therefore to GORlois, husband of king-Arthur's mother. Scylla at Sicily, daughter of Crataeis, was also, Skulla. It became suspect as kin to Skylletion (a real place) in Calabria, home of Laish's Levite line, in my opinion. The arrows on the Sorrys/Sarry bend were suspect earlier with the Arrows/Arras' when it was noted that the Sorry bend can be that of Uther-suspect Others. Uther is the father of king Arthur with Gorlois' wife. The writers gave Arthur an adultery symbol, but it was to show close kinship between Pendragons and Gore's/Core's. The latter share the Windsor crosslets, and Windsors are said to be rooted in the Others. Windsors use a "Je" motto term suspect recently with Jays (same place as Skulls), and the latter use a bend in the colors of the Skull bend. The same-colored bend is used by Valentins, very traceable to Vilnius, and the latter shares a fasces symbol with the Sorry/Sarry Crest. The Skulls are in Tint colors, and both share the lion in the same colors.

The Jays put roses on their bend, as does the Sorry/Sarry bend. The Jay bend is half the Windsor saltire, in the colors of the Tease/Tess/Teck saltire. The "Je me" motto phrase of Windsors should be part-code for Mea's/Meighs because the two share roughly the same cross. Windsors are probably from Wends (in Lys-suspect Lusatia) because Wends were also VANDals, suspect with the northern Veneti, and then I see king Arthur from the Brittany Veneti. The "FIE EN" motto phrase of Windsors can therefore be deciphered as code for Fiens/Fane's/Vans, a good reason to trace the latter to Vannes, named by the Brittany Veneti. Vannes was also Gwenea, like GUINEvere, king-Arthur's wife. The stupids knew a lot but were not prepared to reveal what their codes stood for. They toyed with their readers, and denied them. English Fiens (Bone lions?) are said to be from Fiennes in Artois. It should be clear here that king Arthur was an Atreus-Spartan liner of the toothy dragon of Ares. Again, the TYNDareus Spartans are suspect with Atintanes and therefore with TINTagel, birth place of Arthur. Tints (Windsor colors, possible the Sauer lion), first found beside the Cavii-suspect Chives', are almost using the Windsor crosslets in both colors.

The "Simplex" motto term of Sorrys/Sarrys is shared by Perkins whom definitely trace to Plancia Magna and her Tertullus line at Perga, right beside Antalya. This latter place is not only suspect with Antaea = Stheneboea, but with "TANTALus," Atreus' grandfather. Yes, for Antalya was of the Pisa-like Pisidians while Tantalus' son married Pisa...where I'm assuming ancient Dhafni was located in ancient times. There's a question, therefore, whether TANTalus was formed for the dent symbol of Tyndareus, for Tantalus' great-grandson married Tyndareus' family. Dents use LOZENges while the Lazi Colchians lived in LAZOna, which area may have covered Tyndaris. The Lazi lived beside the Caucasian Bats, and Teuthrania-suspect Teucer had a daughter, Batia, who married Laish-suspect DarDANUS.

The "Simplex" motto term shared between Sorrys and Perkins can link Sorrys to the Perkens (with an 'e'), and I am so glad for taking the time to re-load the Perkens/Parkinsons, whose Coat I had forgotten. It's the Tooth feathers!!! What are the chances of that apart from the heraldic masters knowing that Sorrys/Sarrys were from Teuthras elements? One can see hereby that Sarifos' Dictys character linked to the Cetis elements of Teuthrania, which gets Perseus on Sarifos most of the way to Adana (eastern Cilicia) if he (so to speak) was at Cetis (western Cilicia). Remember: Perseus and Aphrodite are both expected on the Parthenius with the Kennati-suspect Heneti. Aphrodite forsook Hephaestus, and had an adulterous relation with ARES who I see in "TeuthRAS. Together, she with Ares birthed EROS.

As Cetis is tracing to the KIDRon valley, though this is yet tentative, note that Parkers, in KIDDER colors, were first found in the same place (Derbyshire) as raven-using Kenders. Derbys use Gareb-suspect garbs. I'm having a problem equating Kidron and Kendron with the Hatti, yet the latter lived beside the KENDron-suspect Heneti so that, perhaps, the KIDron versus the KENDron terms are explained thereby. The Hatti may have been from the HITTites that could have named KIDron. The Kition location on Cyprus can apply because Aphrodite was made born at Paphos of Cyprus while she was part of the Heneti-PAPHlagonians. It seems clear that her monster was infesting Cetis with an abundance of religious stupids.

Carricks and Kennedys were first found in Shawia-infested Ayrshire, and their related Eyers were first found with Heyers in Derbyshire. One of the Schere's uses EARS of wheat, but with Eyers/Eyes' now resolved with Knee / Knight liners, we might want to compare "Knight" with "Kennati." Knights have been resolved with Cato-liner Chatillons. And as Porcius-Cato liners were the Cetis link to the Rome theater, let's remention the Cacus character at Rome, and the Caicus river (Mysia) into which the Ceteius flows.

The Kenders can definitely apply as a certainty because they share a column with SCHORE's, and Kenders were first found in the same place as SHORE's/Sure's (share "Perimus LiCITIS" with Caens). The Shore's/Sure's were beloved of dagger-using Kilpatricks. The Kender ravens are called "Cornish choughs," and Coughs/Cuffs (dancette) and Hoffs/Huffs can be gleaned with the Dent bend. The Coughs/Cuffs link to the Pendragon Coat, explaining the Cornish theme of this circle. Kenders are suspect with the motto of Kays whom I've been tracing to the Qewe theater for years.

Mythical Kay was made the son of Ector, and Ectors share red-and-white bends/bendy with Kendrys (Fife, beside the first Ectors). Kendrys use a cherub-like "demi cupid holding a torch" while Cupids/Cubits (scimitars in Crest) share the blue lion with the Ector Crest. It's important that while Tooth- / Chatti-suspect Dudleys share both a blue lion and the mural crown in the Ector Crest, the beacons in the upper Arms of Dudley look like torches. Husons share red and ermine-white with Kendrys, which, if the two surnames were close, can trace Kennati to Husmerae, home of the Cetis-liner Keiths and the Hesse Chatti. At one time, the Ectors were showing a giant sun, the Huss/Hesse symbol.

As Kenders are being figured as Kennati, linkable to the Carrick- and Pendragon-related Kennedys, it seems that Schore's and Shore's were Sorry/Sarrys liners. The fasces is shared between Sorrys/Sarrys as Assi's (SHETland). The Assi fasces is, in my opinion, in saltire with the Justine sword, and that traces to Valentinian, whom I always link to Sava-river liners, making the Sorry/Sarry bend likely the Valentin bend in colors reversed. Sorrys/Sarrys share the red-on-white Sauer/Sour lion, and Sauers are said to be from the Sau = Sava river. Assi's have Hose-using variations that might betray their being a Husmerae / Hesse-Chatti branch. That could identify Assi with the Khassi / Cassiopeia liners, which is to suggest that Husmerae Saxons are looking like such.

The Gore/Core Coat appears to be in play in the Worcester/Wooster surname (Arthur colors), first found in Worcestershire. I trace the Gewisse / Hwicce area of the Husmerae (Worcestershire) to the Kwisa river of Lusatia, home of Sorbs that founded the Serbs on the Sava river, and I trace the Gore's/Core's to SERVitium upon the Sava. In this way, king Arthur goes back to emperor Valentinian, son of Arettium-like GRATian. Recall that while Skulls share the same bend as Valentins, Scylla/Skulla was a daughter of CRATaeis. Gratian's nickname, Funerius, may trace to the Vannes-suspect Vaughns sharing the Pendragon chevron. The Skylletion-suspect Sheldons (Worcestershire) can be traced to Dragons/Drainers (Pendragon kin) and Drake's, and the "pati" motto term of Sheldons (Patty/Pati colors) tells us that the family, at some point, may have known about its trace to Patti, in the Scylla part of Sicily. As Scylla was given a tooth symbol, by what coincidence do Tooths share the same griffin as Ali's/Aliotta's, first found in Messina, location of Patti and Scylla?

The Grate's (Cree liners) share the red-on-white lions of Sorrys/Sarrys and Sauers, how about that. The Crate Coat looks like a version of the WASHington Coat, and Washingtons had earlier been Gewisse-like Wassa's/Gace's, whom I always trace to the Yuya Mitanni.

Fawns/Faughnes' were first found in the same place as Arthurs. Fauns/Phones' look like a branch of Feins/Fane's/Vans/Phone's that merged with Este, in Venetio along with the first Valentins. The Bars of Este were in the area of Crispins, and Crispins share the pomegranate with Grazio's, a reason to trace Grazio's to "Gratian." The "Ne" motto term of Feins/Phone's can now be realized as the Knee's because the latter were resolved as Knight-Armor liners while the gauntlet glove of Feins/Phone's is a piece of armor, clever dogs.

I'd like to mention here that the first Egyptian king of the 21st dynasty (about the time of Biblical Solomon), known to be the Meshwesh (read as, Meses) dynasty in Tanis, is said to have married TENTamun? What was this Tent entity coupled with Amun? The northern parts of the Dead sea, location of Qumran, was the land of Ammon, like "Amun." The Moabites, between Ammon and Edom, had a god, CheMOSH, and Tentamun is said to have been the daughter of a king RaMESSES, the last king of the 20th dynasty, suggesting that proto-Masseys / -Messina's were in the 20th dynasty as well as the 21st, and going all the way back to Ramesses I. "Chemosh" is much like "Kemmis," home of Yuya.

I think it's irresponsible for Egyptologists to ignore / hide the similarity between "Meshwesh" and "RaMESSES." They start the Meshwesh dynasty at the 21st, but it appears that Meshwesh were a continuation of the Hyksos in some way, with some cadet branch of the rulers marrying the southern Egyptians when the latter became dominant over the Hyksos. I say that MOSes was named by the Hyksos, and if I recall correctly, THUTmose was the name of a king closely related to Akhenaten. I don't respect the Egyptologists' timing of the Hyksos in relation to Moses, for they have Hyksos too early for Moses.

For the record, the Abberton term in the Sheldon write-up brings up the Burtons (talbot heads), whom are said to be of Drago de Bewere. The Burton motto is "Lux vitae," sharing "Lux" with Brocuffs, and sharing the Brocuff colors. As Burtons were first found in the same place (Shropshire) as Clun, while Cluns use the Saluzzo Shield, let's re-mention that Brocuffs and Brocks use the Saluzzo Shield in colors reversed. The Burton fesse is suspect as the Meschin fesse (because le Meschin married Talbots). Just realized: the Brocuff Crest shares the upright and red griffin with the Tooth griffin!!! That is amazing seeing that Burtons were accessed from the page of Scylla-based Sheldons! The "vitae" term of Burtons is suspect with Julius Avitus, husband of Julia Maesa. Meschins had a Skipton branch in Yorkshire, where Dents were first found, and then Skiptons use bellows while Bellows (same place as Masseys) use a "vita" motto term. It begs the question on whether TENTamun liners trace to Tanis-suspect Dents and Denets. Masseys and Masci's use fleur-de-LYS while LYSippe was in cahoots with mythical Tanais. One early king Ramesses had made his capital at Tanis.

Julia Maesa was the daughter of a priest of El-Gabal at Emesa, later Homs, and the Gumm-like Hume's/Home's are the ones with the "TO THE" motto phrase.

There is a Burton abbey in the Shore/Sure write-up, and Share's/Shere's/Shire's share the talbot head with Burtons. Share's/Shere's were first found in Sure-like Surrey, and then the Surrey surname shares a chevron like that of Dans/Dannes', the latter first found in the same place as Denets. Dans/Dannes' share the mural crown with Sure-related Caens. Then, compare the Dan and Surrey chevrons to that of COSkeys/Oscars. The latter share the unicorn head in Crest with Danners and Cnuts.

I awoke this morning with two thoughts, one being on Cerebia, and the other as per the question of who else uses a white boar, aside from Denets. The answer was the Bacons (colors reversed from Bellows), and here it can be added that French Bacons share the Bellows cinquefoils. Cerebia evokes mythical Charybdis, partner of Scylla. I'll get to mythical Cerebia below, but I'll need to mention here that the term was suspect, while waking, with "Arabah," the area to which I trace the Gomerian gum line. Does this indicate that Meshwesh-Tanis / Ramesses elements were over at the Dead sea? Wasn't Ra an Ares line? Yes, and Horus was a Hros line, from Magog, land of Gomers. The Rusa kings at Lake Van, the area of the Massey- and Windsor-related Fane's/Vans. The Cimmerians of Sinope and Lake Van were on both sides of the Hayasa-AZZI. Ra was also called, Atum, and Ra had Thoth for a son.

Back to the ASSI's, first found in Shetland, the Arms of which share the raven with Kenders and moreover use a "Byggar" motto term. Biggars happen to use the Dallas Coat, and Dallas-like THALASSA could have been an ASSA entity merged with Thal / Tel liners, for she was the mother of Telchines. Although Telchines lived on Rhodes (location of Kamiros), they had their start in Sicyon, at Corinth, the crow / raven line. The Kenders can be expected as a distant branch of Kitters/Cato's/Chattans, from the Phorcys-Ceto merger, and while the latter were from the Pontus, he was father to Thalassa.

Phorcys and Ceto birthed THOOSa, can you believe it? I'm seeing the big buck tooth of a cyclopean monster with human legs hanging from its lips. "In Greek mythology, Thoosa was a sea nymph associated with swiftness, and the mother of the Cyclops Polyphemus by the god Poseidon (Odyssey, book I, lines 70–72). According to Homer, she was the daughter of Phorcys, but no mother is mentioned." Phorcys and Ceto birthed the Gorgons and the Graeae, and the latter hags had one tooth which they shared. It appears from this standpoint that the tooth liners were in the Amazons = Mysians = Meshech, who had a capital at Mazaca, at Cappadocia, near Adana. The Tooth Monster is coming. A femur is a bone, and PolyPHEMus may have been named such because monsters eat to the bone. My dictionary doesn't give the derivation of "femur." It's the thigh bone, and ugly Hephaestus had a thigh symbol.

Next, we can go to Tegea, perhaps in the "Teg" motto term of Gilberts. If correct, Tegea becomes linkable to Dike / Deck liners at mythical Dictys. Tegea was in Arcadia, between the tooth-depicted Spartans and the Ladon monster. "In ancient times, the people of Tegea said that Cydon, Archedius, and Gortys, the surviving sons of their king Tegeates, migrated voluntarily to Crete, and that the [Cretan] cities Kydonia, Gortyna, and Catreus, were named after them. Yet the Cretans denied this; instead they tried to portray these three characters as the offspring of the local heroes Minos and Rhadamantus." In other words, Tegea was of Phoenicians of the Europa > Minos kind. Sidonians may be represented by "Cydon," and Archedius was just code for ArCADians, a term wherein I see the Hermes Cadusii. Auge was a priestess in Tegea, and as such she could have been on Og line to mount Sion at Hermon, due east of Tyre, the latter home of Europa and her brother, CADmus. Mino's son, SARPedon, is the Gareb / Rephaite suspect from Og people. Auge was mother to Telephus, the friend of Teuthras, making Catreus suspect with Ceteii. Og was traced top Ogyges at Attica / Athens, and Auge happens to have been a priestess of Athena at Tegea.

Auge's brother was Cepheus, king of Tegea, but having the same name as Cassiopeia's husband, likely named after the Cephissus river in the Attica / Athens area. It appears that there was this Athens link to Tegea that was part with the Perseus story between Sarifos and Cilicia's Baal cult. Cepheus of Tegea was said to be the founder of Kyrenia in Cyprus (the Cyrenian crow line), near a Lapithos location that was of the Lapiths, one of whom was Coronis the crow. And that's another reason to trace Cepheus and Auge to Garebites / Rephaites. "It was at Kyrenia, according to Strabo, that Teucer came first ashore, to found the ancient Kingdom of Salamis after the Trojan war." This gets us back to the Kennati stupids, lovers of Ajax, but one can glean that Ares-loving Bistones, who lived in Cyrene (Libya), apply to this picture.

Auge's father was made one Aleus, code for a real city in Arcadia. "Some accounts make Aleus the brother of Stheneboea, the wife of Proetus." That's linkable to Proetus' brother, Acrisius, the one who put Danae in a crate for to kill her.

Then, "In another version Auge was given to Nauplius ("sailor") who was to kill her, but who, taking pity, brought her to Teuthras, a king in Mysia, in Asia Minor. Alternatively, Auge and Telephus were put in a crate and set adrift on the sea. They washed up in Mysia, where Telephus later appeared in his wanderings..." It's the same crate-into-the-sea theme (Cretan code?) as Danae and Perseus to Sarifos, the line that later married the daughter of Cepheus, king of Ethiopia. Why should Cassiopeia, if indeed she represented Khassi / Cassius elements of Cilicia, be paired off with a king of Ethiopia? But then Athena was from AkhenATEN, and his mother was from way down south at Kemmis. I assume that the ancient Ethiopians had hold of that city.

I tend to see the Yuya liners crossing through Israel while Jerusalem was yet in the hold of Amorites / Jebusites, and merging with Gareb / Repha. I identified Gareb with "Hera" for multiple good reasons, and she was revealed by at least one myth writer as Nephele. Nauplius above may have been code for the same entity as Nephele, wife of the Lapith, Ixion, brother of Coronis. IXION was a ZION liner, right? Tegea may have been a corruption of neighboring "Taygeti." Let's be reminded that Auge was mother to Telephus, friend, or even the equivalent, of Tut-suspect Teuthras.

I've gone perhaps off-topic from when I was working on the Dead-sea liners to Greece. But shouldn't the Yuya liners have engaged Qumran while evolving into the Spartans? I'm not sure what the "phos/phus suffix is for that can be found in mythical terms such as Telephus. It may be the same as "ops," and therefore indicative of an opis = bee entity such as I expect from Essenes of Qumran. MerOPS, for example, a king between Ethiopia and Kos. Of some interest, Athena changed a daughter of Proetus into an owl, perhaps indicative of Kos. The Merops of Ethiopia may have been the same stock as the Atun line to Cepheus and Hephaestus; it's just a matter of tracing Merops of Kos to AEDON of Thebes, and then a few miles over to ATHENs along the Cephissus river.

Next, we go to PolyDECTES, expected to be of the Dictys-Perseus-Cepheus entity, from Sarifos, which was also, SariPHOS. "In Greek mythology, King Polydectes was the ruler of the island of Seriphos, son of either Magnes and an unnamed Naiad, or of PeriSTHENES and ANDROthoe, or of Poseidon and Cerebia." Well, Perseus married ANDROmeda, daughter of Cepheus, and they had a daughter Gorgophone, who was closely related to STHENelus. We get it. When we get to Poseidon and Cerebia, it's probably the fish line that gave Dictys his fishermen symbol. "Polydectes fell in love with Danae when she and her son Perseus were saved by his brother Dictys." It's possible that "SARIPHos should be read like that, perhaps a SarpEDON entity (suspect partly from "PosEIDON").

Recall that the Sorrys/Sarrys use a "dicTIS" motto term that can apply to the Tiss surname, and therefore possibly to a Tis-like people group. The reason that Acrisius wanted to kill his daughter is that he received a divining claiming that her son would kill him. In the end, the myth writer has a DIScus thrown by Perseus, striking Acrisius on the head, and the Greek for that term is, DISkos, perhaps part-code for Kos. A Dis peoples on Kos. The Sarrys use one bend in the colors of the multiple bends used by the Kos/KOSINski surname. The Tiss' use only a chevron in the colors of only-a-chevron COSINs (same place as Tute's/Tuits). The Diss/Dice surname is coming to mind, and I now know it to be from Diss at the Norfolk border. Cosins were first found in Norfolk, how about that. Half the Cosin chevron is gold, the color of the Dis/Dice chevron. It looks like Diss'/Dice's were yet more Dictys / Dyke liners.

Kos was settled by the Lapith cult of Asclepios, and an old Greek term, Ascalephus, like Asclepios, actually meant, owl, tending to clinch the Kos god of Edom as an owl god, and tracing it to Kos. "The Dorians invaded [Kos] in the 11th century BC, establishing a Dorian colony with a large contingent of settlers from Epidaurus, whose Asclepius cult made their new home famous for its sanatoria." Asclepios, son of Coronis with Apollo, was made born on Epidaurus, in the Argos theater. I view the Lapiths as formerly Apophis and Khyan Hyksos. Apophis was also Apepi, possibly the makings of "Avv(ites)." The Greek Apis was a bull cult, possibly the makings of the Zeus Taurus in Tyre, begging the question on whether Apophis' family evolved through the Avvites into Zeus. Ixion, who was a Zeus double, apparently, smacks of "Khyan," the Hyksos ruler before Apophis.

It's a wonder what connection there might be between Coronis and Asclepios in the Argos peninsula. But Nauplion can help with this because it's between Argos and Epidaurus, making Nauplion a good candidate for Nephele, wife of Ixion. Nauplion is on my modern atlas on the outskirts of Tiryns, and just a discus throw from Argos. To the immediate west of Nauplion, there is an Asklipiou location.

I awoke this morning with Cerebia on my mind. I read that term yesterday, but failed to see similarity with ARABah." Why would I awake with this similarity of terms on my mind? Cerebia was paired with POSeidon in birthing Dictys liners. "Charybdis is described as a daughter of Poseidon and Gaea, and as a voracious woman,who stole oxen from Heracles..." It sounds like CHARYbdis was of mythical GERYon, who owned a two-headed dog that can relate to the multi-headed dog that was Scylla. I think "Geryon" was a Gorgon term, and the Arms of Sicily uses a Gorgon head.

After Hercules stole the cattle of Geryon, he was passing by Rome with them, when Cacus came out to steal them. The Caicus river was in Mysia, home of Gorgons. At least, I know that Gorgons were at Mysia's Parium location. But how do we explain "CHARYBdis," as a Gorgon term? It doesn't seem to fully apply. It does appear that someone invented the term to reflect "Geryon," yet the term was also fashioned like, Cerebia, and then given a DIS ending. We saw Dis-suspect liners with the Dictys code, and it was PolyDECTES who was made the son of Cerebia. It really convinces me that some Dis entity existed in the Sarifos theater / circle of kin.

It's known that PosEIDON was from Ethiopia so that ETHiopia stock may have named the latter part of his name. I've long viewed "Pos" from a bee liner, but this only tends to connect his name to Essenes at Qumran, and later to the essenes bee cult of Ephesus = Pos-like / Apasa. I recall reading that there was a dispute over whether Poseidon or Hera should rule Argos, meaning that it was fundamental to Poseidon, as the Argo ship testifies. I had traced "Pos(eidon)" to APSU/Absu of Sumeria before knowing of the Apasa term. Argos was a bee-liner of the Melia kind from its inception, and we saw why Melia can trace to the Salt sea.

As Poseidon proper was a ruling thing in Phoenicia, the Adonis cult there may have been from Ethiopia way, perhaps Aden in Yemen. They say that Adonis is of Tammuz, of Sumeria, but the whole shebang gets very complicated in such a triangle. The Edones had a SITHONes tribe that looks like it should be in-code with "Sthen," and a second fellow-tribe with Edones were the MYGDONes, which I suppose were from Megiddo, in northern Israel's CarMEL (honey entity?) area, home to another branch of Essenes. Coincidence? Were Essenes and Edone's identical stock?

The way that I see this is with Poseidon of Tyre hooked to Hermes at Hermon, that mountain being the location of Panias = Phoenix, son of Poseidon. Sithones should be the Sidonians, known to have been the inhabitants of Laish. So, off to Greece went these stupids, carrying their pagan gods that were absolute zeroes, making jack-asses out of God's creation, and bringing curses, poverty and dry life upon the earth, and they bragged about their gods, and they had fun writing about them, and imagining them like cartoon characters able to accomplish amazing feats. And this was true history, a peoples filled with bloated rot for spirits, and they warred and warred and warred to become rich off the backs of other peoples' labors, and they died and died and died with similar hopelessness in their wake. And our modern leaders haven't the sense enough, still, to know and understand that there must be a Creator, who is upset with the human race. And the modern leaders only add fuel to his fury, for science, capable of revealing that life could not have arisen by itself, is amply available to them, yet they disregard the plain message, and go on claiming that there is no God at all, not even one. They now wish to evolve into the gods.

It should be amply evident that the Zeus cult, the chief stupid of all the Greeks in their utter stupidity, was a Phoenician entity first. For Poseidon was made his brother, and the writers had Poseidon, not in Greece first of all, but in Tyre. And Tyre was a mere cowboy's ride from mount Carmel. The writers had Europa riding a bull instead of a horse, like one female man of a goddess, and they gave the Zeus cult his rape symbol for good reason, because the owners of the cult were wicked beasts in human form. Yet this was the chief, the most-beloved, of the Greeks, which is why there was no hope for Europe, for it descended from these imbeciles, queers half of them, and the Europeans did nothing but war, kill mother and father for a throne, and pirate the goods of others because they preferred it to working an honest living. And our modern leaders sit upon the wealth acquired by such thieves over many generations, and they think nothing of it, not realizing that by sitting on the wealth, they are on a powder keg with the fuse burning. There are people who write on the myths today who would have you imagine the "heroes" as of great human value, attempting to bring pollution back to the human spirit that had been cut off for centuries.

Repeat: "Cerebia evokes mythical Charybdis, partner of Skala-suspect Scylla". My trace of Coronis and ASCLepios to Patmos' Chora and SKALA won't be found anywhere in Greek writings, as it's my personal observation. Patmos is not far from Kos, and I think that Edomites at the Arabah sea can thus trace to Charybdis.

I may not have seen the last of this Dead-sea topic. The future may bring a clearer understanding. The fact is, the tooth / gum theory seemed to pan out with Qumran elements when Arabah suspects were followed to Greece. Prior to this time, Gumm liners were being considered for Qumran, but I had no plan to delve into Dead-sea liners to Greece. It just happened that way, and they led to Argos and to Denet-like Danaans there, and to the rulers of Argos that became the TYNDareus Spartans. During this time, the dancette became suspect with teeth / inDENTations, but as yet I've yet to repeat that Tottens, from Toteham, use a Shield filled with dancettes. And while Tyndareus was made married to the Leda swan line. Totts/Toths use a giant swan. Tottens were first found in Middlesex (greater London), near or at the first Gumms/Goms in London. The Arms of Middlesex share white-on-red scimitars with the Taddei-suspect Chief of Gumms/Goms, making the Gumm/Gom lion suspect as the Middle/Mittel lion.

Why is the Middle/MITTEL fesse inDENTed? MITILini is a city on Lesbos, where the Charops bloodline removed to that may have been an Arava/Arabah > Arvad/Arados line. Charops traces to king Arpad of Magyars, suspect as Magogers. Ask the Carpii/Carpae/Arpii what that's all about. There is an excellent way to trace Charops to Charybdis where the latter was associated with Sicily, home of the Sicels suspect with the Szekely proto-Hungarians at the Arados-like Arad / Oradea areas of Transylvania. Biggars trace to this part of the CARPathians. Charops' descendant. Orpheus, floated to Lesbos with his harp, and then Harpers share the same giant lion as Middle's/Mittels and Gumms. While I trace Jewish Cohens/Kagans (Moray stars?) and German Cohens to the proto-Hungarian Khazars at Biharia, Biggars share a blue-on-white bend with Irish Cohens/Koens. Perhaps by coincidence, perhaps not, the inhabitants of Kos are called, Koans. Italians call the island, Coo.

TOKERs, suspect by their horse with Trojans from TEUCER, and therefore now with Teuthrania, share the SEA horse with Cohens/Koens, and use another inDENTed chevron. Teuthrania was depicted by mythical TENTHras. There are several names for indented features of heraldry, one being embattled, perhaps for the line of Batia, daughter of Teucer, for Tokers use an embattled indentation. Tokers (axe) are kin of Sees'/Seighs and SEAmans, and were first found in the area of Say-related Seaton near the mouth of the Axe. The Dance's/Danse's, with a horse head in Crest to match the Toker sea horse, use an embattled fesse.

For years prior to this update, the golden-fleece line has been identified with the gold lamb in the flock of Atreus that was responsible for his being the king of Argos, and he then birthed the Spartan ruler that married Tyndareus' family. And to prove that the gold lamb was the golden ram / fleece, Tyndaris was a real location at / beside the golden-fleece city in Colchis. Although mythology doesn't go into it, mythical king Sthenelus of Liguria, father of the swan, was an obvious Perseus-Danaan line through the Leda Spartans.

The scimiTARs of Gumms/Goms can even be for the Dar entity of DARdanus, PanDAREUS, and TynDAREUS. This would necessitate a trace of these entities to the Taro river, and then the Ceno-based Caens (possibly from the fang-depicted Caeni) are the ones with a "PERIMus" motto term suspect with Parium/Parion, the real Mysian city of Priam, father of Paris, the latter being the Perseus-suspect one who abducted Helen, and thus started the Trojan war (pure myth). Paris' brother, Hector, can trace to the Hector surname sharing red-and-white bends with Kos', the latter expected to be of the Pandareus liners to Ephesus, beside Clarus, and then Clare's use three chevrons in the red color of the three Hector bends. It has been gleaned that the Clare chevrons link to the three, red pale bars of Knights, and that Knights were of the Cnut DANES who had one BlueTOOTH character derived from his name, BlaTAND. A part of Denmark was once called by a Cumber-like term as per Cimmerians.

Tarrs (MacDonalds colors), whose Terre variation can make MacDONalds suspect with Tanais liners (the old Tanais is now the DON), use ten pale bars half in the colors of the nine of Italian Dance's/Danes'/Dana's. I wonder whether Dar liners were from Sarr liners, or perhaps they were Tyrians. While Share's/Shere's/Shire's (with a Seir-like Shiere variation) were first found in SURRey, where ADA of Warenne operated, the Tottens use an "AD" motto term as well as the same lion in the Sorrys/Sarry Coat. Surreys list "Sark." German Danners use axes traceable to the Axe river, location of the first (known) Tarrs, and of the first Warenne-related Were's whom had merged with Giffards, and then the latter not only share the white-on-black lozenges of Dents, but they are colors reversed from the lozenges of English Danners/Daniels, the latter once said to be first found in Sussex, where Denets, Dans, Diens/Dine's and Deins were first found. Reminder: Were's share croziers with the Dudley-beloved Premonstatensians, expected with the Dudley-beloved COSeleys. Repeat: "Then, compare the Dan and Surrey chevrons to that of COSkeys/Oscars. The latter share the unicorn head in Crest with Danners and Cnuts." English Cnut's use POT hangers as code for Potter = Poti (of Colchis) liners, likely, and share the three trefoils of Dans/Dannes'.

I don't know whether Coseleys were Kos liners, but as Cseleys are said to share symbols with the Crest of the Dudley Arms, their symbol can be either the red roses for a Rhodes connection, or the mural crown for a Coronis / Ceraunii connection. I realized just now, while viewing the mural crown in the Arms of Dudley, that it's named after a wall built of blocks, which prompted a look at the Wall surname to check whether they use a mural crown, and, sure enough, yes. In Italian, a wall is a muro, or something close to that term. The Wall Coat even uses inDENTations of the embattled kind, and the white wolf head of Seals/SEALYs (and Sarifos-suspect Scarfs), recalling that Coseleys are in the Dudley page along with Sealy-suspect CSELEYs. Scarfs were first found in the same place as Dents, and Share-related Schere's (red rose) list "Scherf." Irish Walls: a "bloody scimitar."

This revelation that mural crowns are code for Wall liners is no small item. As Caens use the mural crown, Walls are suddenly linkable to the Aulus names used for Laevillus' sons. Walls were first found in Gloucestershire, where Danners are now said to have been first found. Samsons were first found there too, and, previously, Samsons used a cross looking like two double-headed axes, important because it was the symbol of Brito-Martis on Crete. Don't we expect the Samson-like Danann through Tyre and into Crete? Samsons are the Flag/Fleck lovers, and the latter are to be linked to Parrs and Parmers/Palmers. The Ectors use, "A blue lion holding a PALM branch," but then the Samson Crest is a blue lion too, and Caens are the ones with a motto term that I see feasibly in mythical Hector's family. The Caeni were in Thrace near the Samaei. German Walls use "A black PLUME of [five] cock feathers," linkable to the Tooth and Caen feathers.

FETTERlocks were once shown by a Moray Coat that used a "Deum TIME" motto suspect with the "TIMeo" motto term of Danners. Time's/Timms were traced to Timna of Seir (proto-Saracens?), but can also go to Timnah, home of Samson's wife. The "letho" motto term of Samsons is code for Letts (same place as Samsons and Danners), and then the Leto's are very linkable via Letters/Lauders to the griffin of Tooths.

Swedish Walls use gold-on-blue chains, symbol in the Dudley chevron. The Dudley page: "The chevron was part of the arms of Stourbridge and Coseley." The gold mural crown is used by the Worcester County. Worcester uses black pears, and Coseley is part of Dudley's Black county. The motto of an Arms of Worcester uses "BELLO et pace," and then the beacons in the Arms of Coseley must be for the Beacons/Bacons, the French branch of which shares the BELLOW cinquefoils. It's the Ships/Skiptons that use bellows, and then the motto of the Arms of Coseley is "FellowSHIP is life," co coincidence. The spiritual imbeciles were using code for kin but didn't tell their peoples. It happens everywhere in a grand cover-up. Fellows are suspect as ROCKefellers, and Dutch Walls use a green rock. Complimenting the "bello et PACE," Life's/Leafs/Leve's (share the dove with Irish Cohens/Koens) may be using a version of the Paisley Coat.

It wasn't but two hours ago when I saw a potential Cohen/Koen trace to the Koan peoples of Kos, and here I find the same checks of German Cohens/Koens filling the Shield in the Arms of COSeley! I had not loaded the Arms of Coseley until now. It seams that Coseleys / Cseleys / Cossells/Cassells were Kos liners merged with Seals/Sealys and/or Seleys/Celeys...unless Coseleys were purely a branch of Cassells/Cossels. The Stafford knot at the center of the Coseley checks is linkable to the "fret knot" of Lacys, if Skiptons were a branch of Lacy-related Skiptons. English Pace's share purple with Lacys and Skiptons. I don't know what to make of a Cohen / Hohen trace to Kos. Do Cone's / Conte's / Keens / Keons / Kane's trace there too? Rochesters/Wrocesters (not to mention Dans) could be using the Hohen checks.

There was excellent reason, near the top of this update, to link Sedgleys to the Sedburgh location of Dents, and Sedgleys are the ones in the Dudley Arms along with Cseleys.

The question is whether Irish Cohens/Koens are using the Knee bend, and, if so, why? I've been getting the message (from the links above) that the Cnut Danes should trace with Merovingians to Kos. As I trace Cnut liners to the Nith river, it's interesting that mythical Thoth of Egypt was Ra's son while Neith was Ra's brother. The Nitts/Naughts, in the same place as the Nith river, use the Cohen/Koen checks! And, believe it or not, mythical NUT was paired with Thoth so that Cnut's Danes can trace to Egypt through Kos. Nottings/NUTTs share a blue bend with Knees, the besant with Cohens/Koens, and were first found in the same place (Gloucestershire) as Danners. It looks like Nith-river critters were from Egypt's Ra-Horus cult. In the family tree below, see that Neith is paired with Khnum, the god of Cheops suspect at Khios.

Now look at this. Thoth with Nut are shown with Seth as their son, and Seth married Neith while Seth-like Geds were in the Nith. Seth and Neith gave birth to Sobek, and then Polish Sobeks use BUCKles while Buckings share the Nutt / Knee bend. The Bucking / Nutt besant is expected to be the Ra sun god, and as he was also Atum, he is predicted to become the Atun sun god, and later the El-Gabal sun god of the besant-depicted Bassianus', but still reflecting a sun. The owl cult of Kos is to be linked to the moon god, typically the second-highest deity of a people group, and so Helios and Kos went hand-in-hand, explaining why Helios mated with Merops' wife to produce "AEDON." It's tracing Ra elements to Grecian Thebes, and then the southern Egyptian kings ruled at their Nile-river Thebes. That's all easy to grasp

When it comes to pairing many of Egyptian gods, much of it was very general, yet, these gods were named after something, and may have been carried by pagan stupids through many centuries, and even afterward their names are expected to continue in place and people names, yet, our historians are looking for things such as bumps on logs to discover the derivations of people-group names. That's because historians were trained and affected by the stupids that didn't want the world to discover their love for ancient paganism. It wasn't in style while the Vatican ruled with Jesus imagery.

On the Egyptian family tree above, Nut gives birth to Osiris, and he marries Isis, a pair that I see as Seir and Esau, and then the Nith river is in Edom-like DUMfries. Osiris and Isis give birth to Horus, who I see as the Horites in Seir in Edom. Chances are that Egyptian gods / people groups of this order were carried to Europe and Britain by the Meshwesh Numidians. I trace Esau's son, Eliphas, to the Elaphiti islands near Isis-like Issa, an island off the Illyrian coast from the mouth of the Bassianus-based Cetina. Wasn't Cetis and Cetina a proto-Ged / -Geddes line to the Nith river? The Cetina was the TILURius, while Tillers and Tailers use lions in the colors of the same of Nith-river Pattys/Pati's. The Tile's/Tills use the wyvern, and wyvern-related Vere's were at Oxford, where part of the Thames was called the Isis. The Arms of Oxford (RED ox) uses an Elaphiti-like elephant.

Immediately beside the Elaphiti islands is the island of Melita, which I traced both to Miletus and to Melissena Rangabe, a Khazar on her mother's side, and a BYZANTine on her father's side. Miletus is on the mainland near Kos. That is amazing now that the Cohen Khazars can trace to Kos' inhabitants. The Touques' use besants and a bend looking linkable to the same of Nutts/Nottings and Buckings, and then Touque's/Tooks, first found in the same place as Timna-suspect Timms/Time's, the latter sharing the peculiar indentations of the Touque-related Teague's/Teegers, use motto in honor of Miletus, apparently. Buckleys, in the colors of Buckle's, use a "TIMide" motto term. Eliphas married Timna.

Buckle's are in use by Buncle's, and then the Crest of Cnut-beloved Hangers shares the escarBUNCLE with Rays. A Ray - Hanger link can be made in another way, starting with the Cnut description: "...pot-hangers tied with a ribbon". The Ribons are listed with RAYburns.

On the other side of the Elaphiti islands is Ragusa, home of Seir-possible Saraca's, meaning that Saraca's may have known that they were Eliphas-Timna liners. Ragusa (not shown on the map) is a little north of Epidaurum, a term like the Epidaurus of Asclepios, the owl-liner entity known to have settled Kos. This means that Melita / Miletus can trace to Melia of Boiotia, the Theban side of Argos, for Epidaurus was on the Argolis peninsula. And from this, one can go back to the Milah name, in Israel, for the Dead sea, land of Edomites.

It dawns on me here that ProETUS may have been play on MilETUS. The city is near Ephesus/APASA, where ABAS, father of Acrisius, twin of Proetus, can trace.

It's all-too likely that Danaans on Rhodes were also in Kos with the Pandareus line from Dan / Panias, and if correct that Laish was of the Lazi, note that the latter were at Poti (Phasis), suggested by the pot hangers of Danish Cnuts. . Perhaps the "phos/phus" endings on Greek terms were for Phasis liners. Phasis liners can be traced to Tyre where Mino's wife was PASIphae, sister of Glaucus (Phasis was at the mouth of the Glaucus). Pasiphae was made a daughter of Helios i.e. from Rhodes. Wikipedia says that her origins are in Colchis, but doesn't tell how so, though she is mentioned as the niece of Medea, a Colchian princess. This is sufficient reason not to rule out a Laish trace to the Lazi. In myth, Glaucus loved toothy Scylla, a good reason to trace Colchians to Patmos' Skala location.

Medea was more than Colchian; she was the Corinthian dragon (expected with Hermes of Corinth = the Cadusii from the Laish area) that ended up at Athens, likely as the line of mythical king Kodros, father of Medon, and of another son, founder of Ephesus i.e. where Panias-suspect Pandareus would later arise. Danns/Dannes' call their mural crown a CORONET. From CORINTH, Medea rode her chariot pulled by dragons to Athens, and then KODRos-like Cutters use dragons. It's interesting that Cutters use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Brocuffs, the latter using a sphinx, the symbol of ancient Khios, an island between Kos and Lesbos. It makes "Khios" suspect with "Cheops." What was that Chi/Che entity? Khios was off-shore from the mouth of the Hermus.

Pasiphae makes Minos and Zeus himself suspect with some Colchian roots. Minos was paired in myth with the island of PAROS, which was between Naxos and PERSEus' SariPHOS. Naxos was the island of Dionysus, who married a daughter of Minos and took her to Lemnos. Her name, Ariadne, might be hint of Arvad/Arados elements expected on Rhodes, and thus Pasiphae may have been of Arados. Remember, her father, Helios, birthed a son from the wife of Merops of Ethiopia, and that son crashed Helios' chariot into an EriDANUS river (expected to be some part of the Rhodanus waterway).

Cadmus of Tyre had a descendant, Laish-suspect Laius, loved by CHRYSippus. Then, "In Greek mythology, Nephalion was one of the four sons of Minos who lived on the Greek island of Paros. Nephalion and his brothers EuryMEDON, KHRYSes, and PhiloLAUS rebelled against Herakles [a Tyrian and queer human-sacrifice cult, very disgusting, not heroic or worthy] and murdered two sailors from one of his vessels that had washed up ashore on the rocks of Paros." Washed ashore was the Crete-suspect Perseus-Danaan symbol at Sariphos. Nephalion smacks of Nephele, wife of the brother of Coronis, she being in code with the coronet of Dans/Danners, right? Yes, and there is a monkey in that coronet, we may wonder why. Desmonds use the monkey too.

Checking the Tant surname (lozenges, Colchian symbol, shared by Dents), it was first found in Somerset, location of the Axe river. Tants are listed with Tantons/Tauntons, a Tantalus-like term. The write-up says that a PERKIN Warbeck attacked Taunton and its castle, and Perkens are the ones with the Tooth feathers. Tants are using ravens around a chevron in the colors of the Tiss chevron, and Diss' use a chevron-with-symbols in colors reversed from the chevron-with-symbols of Tants/Tauntons (beside the first Tiss'). Diss is a location that linked to Cnut-suspect Knights and Knee's, and then the Hangers, from the pot hangers of Danish Cnuts, were first found in the same place as Tiss'.

The torteaux in the Diss chevron can be code for the Toreatae scythians from lake Maeotis, location of Tanais, suspect with proto-Danes. As Shore's/Sure's are the ones using the Caen motto, let's repeat: "The Sarrys use one bend in the colors of the multiple bends used by the Kos/KOSINski surname. The Tiss' use only a chevron in the colors of only-a-chevron COSINs (same place as Tute's/Tuits). The Diss/Dice surname is coming to mind, and I now know it to be from Diss at the Norfolk border. Cosins were first found in Norfolk, how about that. Half the Cosin chevron is gold, the color of the Dis/Dice chevron. It looks like Diss'/Dice's were yet more Dictys / Dyke liners." This can show that the Merops > PanDAReus line can trace with Caen liners to the Taro river.

If correct that "SCIMitar" is part code for Schims/SHANDs, might "Shand" be a Tand/Tant liner?


Especially for new or confused readers
shows where I'm coming from.

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How to Work with Bloodline Topics

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Ladon Gog and the Hebrew Rose

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