The Pont Monster on DISplay at Kos
Francis Bacon was Tuchet Away in Cheap Shops
Mythical Skogal and the Tous Ache
Jeevers, the Galveston Negro Mugged Me Under God's Guidance
Maurienne of Modane Enlightens on Orba
For a reader hopping into an update for the first time, there is not much I can say in an introductory paragraph to explain everything needed before proceeding. The only readers able to follow are those taking the time needed to get a solid idea of the entire scope. It is probably impossible to follow unless the heraldic Coats are loaded and viewed. It would be helpful to have a photographic memory, or to at least spend some time to get to know Coats, and to understand what I'm saying about them. I did the work over years to be able to present to you the relevant Coats, and you need only decide whether I am correctly interpreting the evidence and the codes. It is far best that you load Coats on a separate browser(s) rather than clicking back and forth from the update page. It might take longer for one to read an update than the week it takes me to write it, but that's what it'll take for a solid understanding of what I'm doing. I know that few have the time to follow this in that way. My hope is...actually, I should have no such hopes as I should just allow God to do what He wants with this. One of my goals at this time is to discover the parent(s) of Josephs Caiaphas, and in the meantime to prove that heraldic masters and leading Templar families knew that all of heraldry had, at its foundations, Caiaphas and his circle of Christ killers. These updates are jot-down format (sub-titles don't usually reflect the roaming topics well) making it hard / impossible to have a pre-plotted storyline. I'm no longer doing final proof-reads, please excuse the imperfections / mistakes. Ever since I decided to use apostrophes only after surnames ending in vowels, I started to catch myself using apostrophes before the 's' of pluralized words, making it appear that I need to return to primary grammar school.
If ever you'd want to check a description in the Coat of Arms, type the surname at this page:
They say that 250,000 people have died in the Syrian civil war. This is the West's doing, and doesn't include the maimed, the displaced, and the severely impoverished. On top of that, war is expensive; the money could have gone for better causes. Wouldn't it have been better to leave Assad alone? Some people actually like dictators. Dictators are partly loved, partly hated.America dislikes its democratic rulers, probably because democracy is a farce. When the Supreme Court votes 5-4 along party lines, time and time again, it's obvious that democracy is a farce. If the rules of the land are decided by the political parties rather than independent, free-thinking judges, the supreme court is a farce too. Why would that be a better system than that of Assad's. Don't get me wrong, I have no idea how Assad runs his country, and so I'm not saying bad or good about him. I know that he likes Iran, and that Iran doesn't like the West, but I happen to agree with some of the reasons that Iran doesn't like the West, and so should every Christian. There is a vast difference between Jesus and freedom of expression / freedom of thought / freedom of religion.
I am very happy to say that Jesus is a dictator. I like it that way. Imagine if Jesus had to argue his rules for life with the American democrats, finding agreement / compromise with them before implementing any law. He would never be able to get anything done because liberals are destroyers, always wanting the opposite of that which is normal and right, always seeking to better itself so that it can exercise its greed more efficiently.
Liberals never do anything for others; they are always taking. If they want freedom for women, it's because they want more women more easily. Abortion has nothing to do with the rights of woman, but is a quick fix for unwanted pregnancies...produced by more, easy-to-get sex with the "new woman," made in the USA over the last generation. It's not a minor thing that liberals destroyed the family as it was once understood and appreciated.
I happen to believe that a man wanting to own a woman is the greatest compliment he can give her. If a man wants to own her, like he wants to possess something he admires greatly, isn't that the way things should be? Yet feminists made women despise being owned by a man, and likened it to the owning of a piece of furniture.
On the flip side, the man should be owned by the woman. Neither one of them are mere objects, and feminists are crazy, as everyone but liberals know. If you don't like the word, "ownership," because you see some kind of financial translation involved, you've been influenced by the feminist. She is the same one who wants a "partnership" with the man, a 50-50 deal. But that's not at all like a 100-percent ownership between couples. Fifty-fifty partnerships always fail, sooner or later. A modern, marital partnership doesn't have the depth of commitment that people once offered one another as a general rule. A couple is to become one person, not two individuals sharing a partnership.
There are a lot of men afraid that they might end up with a closet feminist in marriage. She might not let it on until later. The young woman may not even realize that she's been shaped into a feminist until later, when the incubation period is over, and she comes out assertive, independent, and divisive...and proud of it. Another misconception is that "owning" someone makes a master and slave. Not necessarily. There are bad men, of course, who don't appreciate women except for what they can get from them, but when a normal man sees someone he likes, he doesn't have any desire to rule her as a master. Instead, he wants to be with her, to be her man, her one and OWN-ly. He would like to own her.
No man asks a woman if he can own her. He asks to be with her, and hopes that she won't find him disagreeable. Some woman can be picky. Things turn them off. A man needs to apply to her standards. You don't get to pick and choose like you would an item on a shelf. Women decide whether they want you. Any little dirt can turn them off. The better they are by common standards, the easier they can get away to someone else before committing to you. They can overlook some dirt, or have a blind spot to it, if you have wealth or popularity or an aggressive personality that sweeps them off their feet. But I think the ownership concept is badly needed. Couples need to be taught that they should own one another in an effort to stamp out divorce. But ownership should not be the result of the marriage contract signed for the government. The government plays zero role in the relationship, or at least that's the way it should be. The sense of owning one another as the most-precious things in life needs to be put in place by the couple. And both couples should allow themselves to be owned. Resistance to being owned is the new standard of the feminist. Men are finding women less desirable due to the complications and obstructive elements put in place by feminism. Women are robbing themselves of the best-possible relationship when they apply feministic rules. If they like to be cheap objects that men respect little, they should practice feminism.
I like the way things used to be far more than what's now the norm. In fact, there's not much I like about the shape of this world. It's going to take a long time to fix the harm done, and Iran along with Russia, the "evil axis," wants to avoid this "American way." And it's the European way too. This isn't irrelevant to prophecy, but dead-on related. Hillary Clinton is a feminist. Is America about to elect one? Shame. She's dishonest and selfish, the very attributes of a feminist. She fakes concern for people when in fact she has an insatiable desire to succeed politically. Shame. Get out get out, let someone better rule. But where is the better ruler? The American media never allows a good man to stand a chance at getting the White House. If the media had its way, it would trick Republican voters into choosing a man that will be a sure loser to the Democrat leader. The American media has been stacked with people tailored for Armageddon.
This new concept that womens' issues need to be addressed in politics is a farce, amounting to a war between the sexes. The implication is that males subdue and abuse females so that government needs to step in to chop the hands off of the men. In the same way that whites are to take less of the best jobs, for example, so that blacks can have more, men are now to step down from leading positions and give the jobs to more women. An environment like that is a war, obviously. The woman in the workplace now becomes the underhanded tool to destroy the reputation of the man. Her job is to pass herself off as better than the man, to take his leadership role. The end result of this situation is men pushing the baby carts, men changing the diapers, men staying at home to look after kids, bottle-feeding the infants, and women superseding men at work. That is the not-so-secret feminist goal. And with men knowing it, there naturally occurs war at work. Instead of women appreciating men, they speak to them with knives in their eyes. A feminist teacher will rob the male students of the esteem they need, and give it all to the female students. She will try to make the male students grow up feeling incompetent. Is this the sort of society that Russia and Iran want? Is this the future of Western globalism? Yes, indeed. For the West has become subservient to demonic deception. It is moving the West further and further to the demonic "left," step by step. Conflict, discontent, hopelessness, everywhere.
It is my hope that women don't want to be rejected by males, and will not take feminism seriously for that reason. It is my hope that men can be worthy of God, and thereby appreciated by women. But Hillary Clinton may bring the feminist demons to the next leading government. These demons know how to phrase words in order to move society in a certain direction. Demons are the conspiracists working in politics. I have little faith that God speaks through Hillary. Where does she get her ideas? What drives her mind? Can't spirits alter minds, motives and ambitions? I have little faith that God speaks through the big media. What drives them? The answer is obvious. The education of America comes largely from demons. You can't put a democracy band-aid on this serious wound. You can't make it better by saying that American is the best thing the world has to offer. Not any more it isn't.
I would like for a woman to own me. But not if she has a special, female agenda to make men less valuable. Not all ownership is the same. One can purchase an item and hold it up in pride or glory, or one can purchase an item as a tool to get a certain job done. The feminist wants a tool. The dogged feminist doesn't want to be his prize, for the feminist is driven by evil. In order to be his prize, she needs to become something esteemed, but she has a task at hand that makes her a creep, like the black widow preparing to pounce. She'll learn to act the angel...that tears you down and, if she can, take everything away from you in the end. She'll preach against being owned by the man, but secretly she wishes to own the man in the negative sense. If she doesn't, then she's not a feminist. A feminist is defined as one who makes war with men, but of course she will define it differently. She'll define it as the abused and controlled woman seeking to get remedy.
I happen to like the female "species." I think God did a good job when making male and female, and the attraction between the two. It's not accidental that there's natural attraction between the two. But if the female ceases to be feminine, won't that remove the attractive ingredient? What happens in a marriage when a woman is no longer attractive? The man has less interest in her. It makes the woman feel robbed of that which the man promised her at the wedding ceremony. But instead of blaming her own self for becoming less attractive, she blames the man for not appreciating her enough. She may not realize that she has changed toward something that the man appreciates less, and of course it can work the other way around, but this is a discussion on the female problem. Men have historically been the leaders; they can't see themselves in any other role. They can't easily lay down their role as leaders. When women want to make an issue of this, they will become less appreciated. I predict the increase in divorce so long as half of America wants Hillary to be the president, but I predict record-high divorce rates in the wake of her presidency. Divorce is much more than two people breaking up. Divorce damages the potential and quality of the offspring. Hillary didn't have the morality enough to denounce her own husband's adulterous activity. For the sake of politics, she "forgave" him. And for her feminist spirit, she became less attractive to her husband. Liberals are their own destroyers.
I like femininity. It's by far the best thing that God gave to man. She was made to be brightness, quality, and a life-enhancer, but like all human qualities, this can be corrupted until it no longer exists. We have heard it said that behind every successful man there is a woman giving him esteem. Can we imagine feminists like that? But what happens if the woman wants badly to make her husband successful so that she can enjoy the glory? What if he doesn't perform to her expectations? Will she interject in his life, seek to redirect him in certain ways? But there is a flip side, when the woman plays no role at all in his agenda, giving him no esteem at all, no confidence to succeed, showing no interest and offering no advice or comment even when he asks for it. How does that spell a lasting relationship? Such a woman is in the marriage to get only what she wants; she's no wife at all. She's a parasite destroying the marriage.
A marriage needs a woman, but if the woman disappears to become the man, the marriage will fail. The marriage doesn't fail only at a court hearing in request for an official divorce. The marriage failed years before. People live failed marriages for years. Ask Hillary Clinton. Yet, half of America is willing to see this woman as the president, even after her husband shamed the world, even after she has been accused rightly of underhanded, ambitious programs. What's wrong with America? The Russians and Iranians know it; but why don't Americans? It's because the problem, the liberals, are blind to morality. They have warred against morality, and are now blind to it, like when a person puts a traditional thing into the closet, and brings out Pandora's Box instead. The moral thing is no longer an option. The liberal is convinced that morality is the culprit, and that another thing needs to be installed by force upon society.
There was a time when Hollywood had a rule, or perhaps it was the government that enforced it. Two people were not allowed to be on the same bed unless at least one foot was on the floor. Why? Why was Hollywood so "prudish"? Isn't it because the demons were filling the halls of Hollywood, and that this was known by the moralists so that they took preventive steps to keep the demons in the closets? Alas, the demons got out, and you know what they did to Hollywood, and now to the Internet, where a most disgusting-possible porn has been the biggest profit-maker of all. This is what Russia and Iran hope to avoid.
There is nothing necessarily ungodly about sex, but he didn't intend for it to be performed before camera's for all to entertain / satisfy themselves. Porn is driven by fast / easier money, obviously, which only magnifies the criticality of this sin. Shame on the women selling themselves for a quick buck to the demons. The idea is to make porn as irresistible as possible. But it's no longer a matter of showing nudity, for the Internet is filled with crude and demonic sex, and someone has to be buying this, or it wouldn't exist as it does. If people wanted something more "soft," the hard-core wouldn't be selling. Who are the buyers that feed the pornographers on the Internet? It's the kind of people that Russia and Iran don't want in their society. These people have become demonic, and the seeds of their fruit have yet to grow into full, mature trees. When they do, the American crisis will be at the edge. Russia and Iran await like piranha.
I grew up as a young man at the very time that society changed from the one-foot-on-the-floor to the deep things of satan. As a teen, it turned out that I liked girls, thankfully, but then something happened. I no longer recognized them. They changed, not becoming what I expected of them. In the meantime, the young men were of filthy mouths and minds. I witnessed all of this first-hand, and was partner to it to some extent. But by 21, I had had enough. I was shocked at the condition of the world in the 1980's, and tried to do my part at preventing the downward slide. Shame on my generation. Shame on the leaders who claim they cannot do anything about the porn. These same leaders are willing to accept same-sex marriages as though it were the correct thing suddenly, as though mankind has been wrong all along to disallow it in the past. This generation thinks it has special enlightenment now, not recognizing the difference between eating stool and practicing Godliness. If a group arose that promoted the eating of stool cupcakes, stool pancakes, stool pizza, the courts would not deny them, and the government would give them licence to sell stool as food, indifferent to the effects on society, and blasting the Russians and Iranians for being opposed to yet another "human right." America is making a giant ass out of itself, and Europe has been kissing it.
If you notice in my Iraq updates that I'm not very appalled with Russians in Syria, it's because I'm more appalled with America in Syria. I don't like what the West has become. I can see that Western intrusion in the east is an Armageddon item. Imagine Russia trying to topple Canada by feeding rebellion within the country, in an effort to change it from an American ally to a Russian ally. That's what the West in doing in Syria. Is this a correct thing to do, to change pro-Russian nations into pro-America nations, even if they are on the Russian border? Doesn't Russia have a right to be friends with its neighbors, just as the U.S. is friends with Canada? But the U.S. seeks to make Russia's neighbors its enemies. Isn't that rude, demonic activity that promises to reap the whirlwind? Yes, but the Americans are blind, remember, and are slated for destruction for their rebellion against God. America can no longer distinguish between the truth and the lie, because the Truth is not in it. The Truth is the One who teaches the truth. He will guide you into all truth. But America abandoned this. In the last election, Republicans were willing to see a Mormon president. In this election, they have been willing to see Trump as president. Things are not as they seem in the Republican party. I would guess that 20 percent of Americans still retain a semblance of the Truth, but the condition of the rest of America predicts a slipping of that number. Will there be any faith left at all? How many believers will be lured into the demonic swamp?
God is dead, they say. There is no evidence of God in their lives, wherefore they conclude he doesn't exist. They first slapped him in the face, booting him out of town, and then claim that, since he's not around, since he's not active in their lives, he doesn't exist. This is a sample of the "superior" intelligence that claims to know what's best for us. These are the social engineers now playing God in his "absence." As the new god, they feed you and clothe you, hoping to win your worship. And they give the men the vodka of porn to keep them entertained. There's plenty for woman too. And while minds are becoming twisted, the leaders devise ways to increase taxes, and ways to control the operation of the peoples as willing toy soldiers. All of them are being made to believe that God is dead. Just look around, they say, at all the nastiness in the world. How can there be a loving God?
Well, achem, no, it's not a fantasy. I who have eyes to see can show them evidence of God's existence right under their noses. The problem is, they haven't got open eyes above their noses to see what I'm talking about. As just one of millions of examples, let's take the sexual desires of all living things. It can be shown that all things mate because they want to. It's not an accidental activity that might or might not occur. A species would die off in a year if their reproduction was based on a choice. Instead, all living things are driven to sex, by an inner urge, a program that has been passed along to them from the parents. A male dragonfly doesn't mount a female one just because it dreams up some fun on a spur of the moment. And it wouldn't have been desirable / irresistible unless the program made it so. If all life were based on fat-chance evolution, how could it know that living things need such a program to continue future generations? How could fat-chance know what a desirable sexual activity is versus undesirable? How could fat-chance, which is to be defined as a brainless nothing, know that something desirable is needed in the first place? On top of that, this mindless fat-chance needs to create the physical sex organs, the reproductive scheme, and the physical development of the future creatures from mere gook. And even the program that drives sex needs to be created. It's not a simple thing, is it, to create such a thing and pass it along? Only a blind man neglects these questions, going full-steam ahead with confidence that God doesn't exist, and that's the bulk of our leaders and educators today. It wasn't that way a generation or two ago.
Let's put it another way. If there is no God, then something within the inner workings of a creature is the evolutionary engine, the creator of all special features and instincts peculiar to species. We would expect this inner working to get things wrong 999 times out of a thousand. While some "errors" would destroy a species, yet some species would survive by luck. Still, we should expect something like a duck with feet growing out its back, along with the regular legs and feet, a thing that doesn't destroy the duck's further evolution. We should expect all sorts of inexplicable, out-of-place physical features that are clear indication of fat-chance evolution at work versus a Creator who knew what he was doing to begin with. We should expect more ridiculous physical features than the ones that look tailor-made to perfection. Shouldn't fat-chance create something ridiculous such a sexual desire between a dragonfly and the twig of a tree? How does fat chance know that sexual desire in a male dragonfly needs to be toward another dragonfly?
With Trump getting trampled this past week, he's looking like he's about to go down like the big and boastful Titanic. With Hillary leading the Democrats, she's a serious contender for the White House. She's itching to get to women's issues, to plot with fellow feminists in the things they are hoping to accomplish.
Yesterday, I had a Qumran realization. It was after two or three days of a gum more swelled than ever. This time, for the first time, the gum became like a balloon. I had not thought about poking it with a needle before, but this balloon (less than a quarter-inch round) looked like one of those bloated infections, filled with puss, that one gets from a sliver in the finger, for example. Although no puss came out, I treated the pricked open area with peroxide several times; I could feel the biting pain of the peroxide doing it's good work on tissue. And today, the area is almost flat, flatter than it's been in months. It promises to be virtually healed.By the way, if you have plaque build-up, of gum infections, I can testify that rinsing with hydrogen peroxide regularly seriously hampers both. I have been rinsing, like one does with mouthwash, once daily with peroxide for over ten years. I have no visible plaque build-up, and no gum infections / bleeding. Peroxide kills germs better than mouthwash, and it's germs that cause plaque and infections. After a while, when one gets used to it, it tastes like water. It is actually made mainly of water. Chemically, it's called H2O2, which is H20 with some additional oxygen that is released once out of the bottle, and into your mouth. The release of the oxygen creates a foam that kills bacteria. That is, when it's foaming, that's when it's killing bacteria.
I do not know whether peroxide has a negative effect on the protective layer of the teeth. I asked the dentist about it last time I was there, and he said once every two days would be better than once daily. Perhaps he knows that once daily would put dentists out of business. I rinse with it at night before bed, and with some still in the teeth, I floss, forcing the peroxide into the gum area, and wiping between the teeth a little too. It will clear up any gingivitis that you may have, so long as you do it nightly. If you do it only twice a week, for example, it might not clear it up for a long while. As a bonus, peroxide whitens teeth (not much, but it helps). Dentists use a 30-percent (or better) water-peroxide mix to whiten teeth, but store-bought peroxide is only a 3-percent mix, and the amount of peroxide in toothpaste / whitening strips is much less than a small gulp from the 3-percent bottles. Save your money, don't buy whitening strips. Peroxide is about the same cost, or less, of mouthwash. It doesn't leave a fresh taste in the mouth, however, but is better for removing lousy taste / odor after sleep. Brushing hard two or more times daily with a medium-hard brush eventually removes yellow stains (not the same as plaque) at the base of the teeth while daily peroxide doesn't. After nearly cutting out all peroxide over a two-month period, I got plaque...though it was easy to scrape off on my own with a metallic object (my steak knife with the tip broken off, a perfect scraper).
This tooth problem I have is due to a small filling coming out the side of the tooth; I left it out for about two years, thinking that the peroxide wouldn't allow germs to form a cavity situation. But it did, and came on suddenly, and badly. It must have worked its way down to the root area, but the dentist, rather than fixing it, took out the old filling material, and put a nice cap on the tooth, not drilling deep enough, and left the bacteria in there. He did this deliberately, telling me that it might need a root canal at a later time. When arriving home, I looked at the molar, and there was a dark-grey area on the lower half of this tooth he had capped. It was unusually dark. I had not seen this before. It was on the outer side, facing him, so that he could not possibly have missed it. During that same visit, he pointed out two dark areas in other teeth, saying that they were sure signs of cavities forming, but I didn't see those areas as particularly dark, and thought he was just fixing up some added business. The dark area on the tooth he worked on was 10 times darker than what he had shown me!
I knew this dentist was corrupt at that point. So I went back, and he drilled into the dark area, without freezing it i.e. he did not go deep enough again. As with the first time, he drilled without freezing, meaning that he wasn't going deep enough. On the second occasion, he stopped drilling as soon as I jumped in pain. He said he would use opaque filling material so that I won't be able to see any dark area through it, indicating that he was setting me up for a rotten tooth to bag the profit of a root canal later. The tooth was worse than ever immediately after that second visit. But I nursed it for months afterward, keeping it clean, hoping to let the body do its thing to heal the infection, yet it's still a slight problem to this day. Out of this situation came the Tooth and Gumm topic of the last two weeks.
Yesterday, I entered the following into the last update: "Sinope (at the monstrous Pontus), the military base of Cimmerians, was at the Halys theater. Scythians were human monsters." Afterward, I got to asking myself what "SINope" could be named after, and with nothing coming to mind, I tried putting a vowel at its front: "Asin, ESIN..." And that suggested the ESSENES of Qumran. But it wasn't until writing here, this very minute, that the Desert of Sin, in Israel, came to mind. Were Essenes the namers of Sin, and were they in Sinope? Is that why Cimmerians = GOMERS, suspect with QUMRan, went to settle Sinope when they came south from Ukraine? If Sinope was already named at that time, by that term, then I can now see that Essenes were there, inviting their distant, northerly cousins to it. Perhaps they were plotting together to conquer Lake Van. They took away the kingdom of king Rusa (Lake Van), and ended up ruling it jointly with him as their vassal.
Were the namers of Sinope the namers of Sion / Zion? Sinope was near Samsun, also called Amisos, like "Amazon," and Amazons were Meshech, the Biblical associates / kin of Gomer. The Sine/Sion surname, which comes up as "Sin," once showed gauntlet gloves, the Macey symbol. As "OPIS" is the Greek word for "bee," and while the essenes bee cult of Amazon-founded Ephesus looks like it can now link to SinOPE, was the latter named partly after "bee"? Perhaps the "FideLITAS" motto of Sions connects to the "letho" of Samsons, code for the Letushites that, along with Leummites, descended from Keturah and Abraham (Genesis 25). I trace Leummites to Lemnos, island of Ephesus-suspect Hephaestus, and Letushites are traced to Leto, mythical mother of the Artemis Amazons that controlled the essenes cult at Ephesus.
No one but Herodotus knew that the Amazons of Ephesus had lived previously at the Thermodon river. It's not far from Sinope / Amisos. Why was the latter given a Samson-like name alternatively? Were Letushites at Samsun? As Letts/Late's were first found in the same place (Gloucestershire) as Samsons, I see that the Samson motto honors Letts, but then the Lettice's/Lettuce's share a white-on-red chevron with Gumms/Gomers, and are in the colors of the giant Leto/Alitto crane and giant Aliotta griffin, the latter showing in the Tooth Coat too.
The reason that it's compelling to view the Leto Coat with a pond as code for the Pontus is because the mythical Pontus was related to PHORCYS while Ponds share a black boar with the PORCIA Coat. Here's from the last update on what I consider the Leto bloodline: "Daphne's Ladon river traces to Lydians, but then the mythical Ladon monster was made a son of Ceto, the latter the wife of PHORCYS, which I had forgotten in all the times that I was tracing PORCIUS Cato to Cetis." Ceto, a sea monster, was the daughter of Pontus...simply meaning that a Ceto-like entity had lived at the Pontus. A myth writer gave that entity a ceto = whale symbol. It now appears that the Cato surname, that traces to Keiths, was from a Ceto-Pontus people group. And the Seatons (dragon), first found in the same place (Ladon- / Lotan-like Lothian) as Keiths, were the ones who named Sion as Sitten, right? That is a good argument for tracing Sion's namers to the namers of Sinope, or to Sinope itself, or to the stock of peoples that named it. I read, yesterday, that Sinope was made mythically the founder of Syria, but then there was a Lotan dragon in Syria.
To the Romans, Leto was Latona. And the teeth of Ares' dragon were a line to the Leda Spartans. There was a tooth connection to the Ladon / Lotan dragon. In Colchis, the Ares dragon that was raised to life from its teeth was code for a people group that protected the golden fleece. What people group did the myth writers have in mind, and why didn't they reveal it? It just so happens that there was a Lazona area at Colchis.
English Ponds/Ponts were first found in the same place (Hampshire, the line of the Atreus Spartans) as same-colored Tiss'/Tice's. from the last update: "Sorrys/Sarrys use "tis" buried twice in their motto, though in both cases it's part of "ctis." Even so, the Tiss/TICE surname was checked to find them with just a chevron, but in Sorrys/Sarry colors. A chevron alone could be a strong code for "Hebron," and so it's interesting that the Hebrons/Hepburns use a chevron in colors reversed, with a rose upon it, for there is a rose on the Sorry/Sarry bend. The LaTICE's use the Tiss chevron in colors reversed, perhaps indicating a Lett / Leto link to Tiss'. The Biblical LETushites, suspect from Hebron, are coming to mind. Why are Tiss/Tice's said to be 'DISplaying a red chevron'?" Players use "gutte de sang", and so let's repeat again from the last update from the Dent-related Denets, not forgetting that the SEDburgh location of Dents linked to SEDGleys/Sedleys while Sedgewicks/Saddocks were first found in the same place as a host of Dan-like surnames:
By the way, the Denets, though they appear to use ermines, use drops called, "guttee." Drops/Trope's (Shield filled with drops), perhaps with the Gumm/Gom Shield, were first found in the same place as same-colored Tute's/Tuits [smack beside DISS]. There is a Gutt/Guty surname listed with Goods/Gudds, first found in the general area of the Denets. Cnuts use guttee too, a good reason to identify Denets with royal Danes.Players (broken lance in Crest) can thus link to the "DISplaying" code of Tiss'/Dice's, which can make a Tiss-Diss equation likely. The "ServiTUTE CLARior" motto of Players helps to trace to Tute's/Tuits, but can indicate the Sinclair / Claro Danes. Players have their lance held by an armored arm that traces to the Knights, now known to be kin of the Eye location beside Diss. The Diss location was brought to topic (last update) as per it being in the write-up of Kissers/Kissings, and they were first found in the same place (Middlesex, beside the Gumms/Goms) as Players. It dawns on me here that Players/PLEYers are a branch of the Bley variation of Bleds (triple Clare chevrons in colors reversed), and that the "guttee de sang" is play on the Blood surname suspect with Bleds. Bleds/Bleys were first found in the same place (Burgundy) as same-colored French Ponds. While Bleds have a Blez variation, Players even share a single pale bar with the Blaze branch of Blake's. English Bleys are suspect with Blyths who share the same fesse as English Ponts/Ponds and Pounds, and put gold symbols upon it, as do Pounds (same place as Ponds).
Excellent, for BLOOD / BLADE liners were suspect from PONTIUS Pilate! I kid you not. The garb in the Blaze Chief was resolved with Josephs, first found in the same place as Ponds / Pounds, and Joseph Caiaphas was suspect long ago with the bloodline of Pontius Pilate. Caiaphas is also expected to link very closely to OPgalli and therefore the Hoppers. One can now expect the Pound castle to link to the Chattan/Cato castle, but the Hoppers use that castle too, making Opgalli, a Galatian woman suspect by others as Jewish, suspect with these Pontus liners under discussion. The Pilate pheons are not only suspect in the Blade Coat due to similarity of terms, but are the colors of the pheons used by Carnys, from ancient Carni, right beside modern Bled! Carnys (Sion colors) even use a gauntlet glove between their pheons, the symbol once showing for Sinope-suspect Sions. Carni is on the upper-left of this light map: you can see, Carni is not far north of the Japodes, whom I trace to Jabesh Gilead, on the east side of the Jordan river at or near the Amorite kingdom of Biblical SIHON. The REPHAites were in the vicinity of Jabesh Gilead, and then the wilderness of Sin (part of the Arabah) had a REPHidim location. As mythical ABAS is suspect with "JABESH," note the "ABStine" motto term of Carnys. Abas' son, ACRisius, is suspect with Acra at Jerusalem, home of Jabesh-suspect Jebusites that controlled mount Zion. Hermes, code for the namers of mount Hermon, where there was a Sion peak, was made the father of mythical Arabus, and while I've been identifying Hermes with the CADUSII peoples, and therefore with a KADESH location near Hermon, the wilderness of Sin had a KADESH-Barnea location. It might just be that Kadesh was a Jabesh variation. Hermes, they say, had something to do with mythical THOTH. The "SERVitute" motto term of Players, now that they trace to the Carni theater, should be code for Servitium, at the Japodes / Juno theater.
The idea is that Hermes was a Hittite > Hatti peoples once in the Sinai wilderness, and that his son. Arabus, who may have predated the Arabs proper, were code for the Arabah, an area that stretched beyond Qumran to the Jordan river. This is really a good argument for a Gomer / Cimmerian trace to Qumran, for I've been tracing "Cadusii" to "Hattusa," in the land of the Hatti at the Sinope / Amisos theater. The Israelites, upon driving the Hittites out of Israel, may have caused them to remove to Hattusa. It can predict that Hittites were at Kadesh-Barnea.
It is VERY VERY INTERESTING that while Barnacle's came to mind with "Barnea," that Barnacle's are listed with Irish Cohens/Koens who share the Pilate pheons in both colors. Can't this trace to the Koans of Kos?
The armor that were are seeing can trace from the Armors / Armys/Armine's to "Hermes." As the Sion gauntlet (piece of armor) was replaced with falconers' gloves, it's notable that falcons are in Sion colors. The French Falcons (same place as Cotta's/COTTINs) can be using the CHATAN tower, and there are two towers in the Falcon Chief matching the colors of the two stars in the Aurelia Chief, important because Aurelia's are suspect with Aurelia COTTA, mother of Julius Caesar. The latter had control of the Pontus under several vassals, including the Brogitarus Galatians. The BROKen lance of Players is likely code for Brocks/Broke's and related PROCKs/Brocuffs, and the "clariOR" motto term of Players can be for the Ore's, obvious kin of Orrels and Orleans', and then the latter three, like "Aurelia," share red roundels with Diss' suspect with Players in the "displayed" code of Tiss'/Tice's/Tyse's (same place as Ponds/Ponts).
It strikes me only now that Tiss' can be from mythical Attis/Attys, code for the Hatti. This can explain why TYsons/DYSons (lions, old Cybele symbol) are in the colors of the Cable/Cabell lattice, for Cable's are suspect with "Cybele," wife and mother of Attis, the couple that birthed Letushite-suspect Lydians. Cable's share the same fesse of Caens (Canaanites?) and Ponts / Pounds. I'm convinced that these things are not coincidences. The Tyson lion is that also of Tooth-suspect HUMe's, and I'm prepared to see Hume's as the Thoth > Hermes line to QUMran.
The "IMPavide" motto term of Cable's can be partly for Imps that have a Coat reflecting the Diss Coat, and possibly using the Keeton leopard faces. Keetons (Hatti, right?) share the black boar with Ponds/Ponts, but as the black boar was an ancient symbol of Edom, mythical Phorcys can be deemed tentatively an Edomite entity that traces to Porcius Cato, whose family merged with that of Quintus Caepio, his Caepionis line suspect with Quints, first found in the same place as Imps, and using a chevron in colors reversed from the Imp / Pond chevron. Diss is so close to Cambridge, where Capone's were first found that it's necessary to stress that Diss'/Dice's have a Coat like that of Imp. The Imps substitute red crescents for the red roundels of Diss', and the red crescent is a symbol of the Chapmans, first found in Cambridge too, and possibly using the solid Gumm/Gom chevron.
As Actons have traced well to ancient Attica, said to be named by Attis lovers, by what coincidence do Actons use a fesse in colors reversed from the Pont / Pound fesse? Actons are in the Craven motto, and Cravens use the Pont / Pound chevron. Cravens were first found with Dents in the West Riding of Yorkshire. The "VirTUS" motto term, shared by Cravens, became suspect recently (last update, I think) with the Tous/TONSO surname (shirt and buttons) that traces with Bidens/Buttons and Capelli's to a Cabyle location on the Tonzus river of Thrace, and this suggests the Cybele-Attis cult, found by following the code of Acton-related Cravens. It works. Bidens/Buttons (same place as Ponts/Ponds) share the same fesse as Ponds/Ponts / Pounds. Buttons are expected to be a Botter branch and therefore from Poti of Colchis. Cravens have been traced to Garebites / Rephaites, and Og, king of Rephaites, had a name suspect with mythical Ogyges in Attica. This makes Og liners suspect at the Pontus' monster mash.
The Amalekites attacked Moses at Rephadim, which can indicate that Amalekites were close to Rephaites. Amalek was the name of a grandson of Esau (i.e. a son of Eliphas and Timna), making Amalekites a possible line from Esau. Wikipedia: "In Genesis 14:7, the writer relates events in Abraham's day (before Amalek was born) anachronistically, whereby 'the whole field of the Amalekites' described a region that was understood by the people of Moses' time. The center of this Amalekite territory was North of Kadesh-Barnea in the Negev desert in the southern part of Canaan, with their tributary camps radiating out into the Sinai Peninsula and northern Arabia" Let's now repeat: "It is VERY VERY INTERESTING that while Barnacle's came to mind with 'Barnea,' that Barnacle's are listed with Irish Cohens/Koens who share the Pilate pheons in both colors. Can't this trace to the Koans of Kos?" Kos was the chief god of Edom, land of Esau. The Merops cult on Kos mythically birthed Pandareus of Ephesus, location of the bee cult of essenes, and then AMALek-suspect AMALthea on Crete was a bee / honey goddess, suggesting that "mele = honey" was a term in relation to "AMALek." Pandareus was made the father of mythical queen Aedon of Thebes, where Melia the honey goddess was placed by myth writers, tending to trace Edomites and Amalekites to Melia, the co-foundress of Argos. In the last update, Melia was suspect with "Milah," the Biblical name of the Dead or Arabah sea.
English Barnacle's are in Burn / Bernice colors. By what coincidence are Bernice's using the fesse in the Arms of Saraca, while Saraca's lived at Ragusa, right beside the ELAPHiti islands, traceable in multiple ways to the Kos area and to ELIPHas?? Amalek-like Melita is an island to the immediate north of the Elaphiti islands. Cravens were traced to the Krvati = Croatians that happened to have lived in the Elaphiti theater, and Craven-related Actons had an Axton location in Kent, where Timnah-suspect Time's/Timms were first found. English Falcons (same place as Burns), in Arms-of-Saraca colors, are using a version of the Burn Coat, and Falcons were kin of Sions now suspect from Sinope and its Sinai elements, and Amalekites lived at the Sinai area. I've been tracing Burns and Bernice's to ancient Burnum (light map above) in Croatia, which is now under suspicion as a Kadesh-Barnea liner.
Note how the Hermes line is revealed with PANdareus:
In Greek mythology, Pandareus was the son of Merops and a nymph. His residence was given as either Ephesus or Miletus. He was said to have been favored by Demeter, who conferred upon him the benefit of never suffering from indigestion, however much food he should eat [glutten symbol?]. At the request of his impious friend, Tantalus, Pandareus stole a bronze (or golden) dog from a temple to Zeus on Crete (the dog, created by Hephaestus, had guarded Zeus during his infancy). According to various sources, he was either turned to stone or fled to Sicily, where he perished together with his wife HARMothoe [caps mine].Pandareus was the father of Aedon (wife of Zethus)...
Zeus' infancy in a Cretan cave was part of AMALthea mythology, and as Sarpedon of Crete (Zeus' grandson) is said to be the founder of Miletus, that city becomes suspect with Amalthea, and therefore with Amalekites. Miletus is not far from the Kos mainland. Myth suggests a migration of Meropian Kos elements to Pandareus in the Miletus - Ephesus area of Caria. Trace Carians to Carnys that share the pheons of Kos-suspect Cohens/Koens in both colors. And while Cohens/Coens share the bend of Knight-related Knee's, these are now linkable to the Cnut Dane's, relevant because the Claro / Clare Dane's are from Clarus, beside Ephesus. The Claro's/Charo's share a blue bend with Knee's and Koens. I suppose that the similarity of the latter two should make Knee's and Knights suspect from Koans of Kos.
Manders are some additional evidence of a Melita / Elaphiti trace to Carians, and "Saraca" has been resolved with Caria-like terms such as Caracalla and Carricks. Manders use a "Laus" motto term while Ragusa was also, Laus. Manders trace to the Maeander river through Miletus. The Elaphiti-suspect Oliphants were associates and/or kin of Arbuthnotts while the latter share the "Laus Deo" motto phrase of Manders. ArBUTHnotts are partly suspect with Boiotia-suspect Butua (now Budva), right beside Kotor, where Saraca's lived prior to being in Ragusa. ArbuthNOTTs might also be Cnut liners of the Notting/Nutt kind.
Pandareus is traceable to the island of Rhodes (off the Carian coat), even as the Manders are using a version of the Rhodes Coat. "Pandareus was the father of Aedon (wife of Zethus), Chelidonis, Cleodora (or Cleothera) and Merope; according to Pausanias, the last two were called Cameiro and Clytia." Pausanias must have had a reason for linking the Cleodora code to Kamiros (real city) on Rhodes. Cleodora becomes suspect as a version of "CHELIDONis, likely code for the proto-Calydonian Khaldi at the Pontus, metal makers and therefore in business with armies and kings. Kamiros was given a Chimera / Khimera symbol, a creature with a second head, that of a goat i.e. Pan, son of Hermes, part of Pandareus elements, obviously. The Cimmerians were also, "Gamir."
Cretan Minoans were, according to myth writers, allied with Rhodes elements. Note that Manders are sharing the red-on-ERMINE-white saltire of Army/Ermine's, first found in the same place as Rhodes'. This can speak to the Hermes Cimmerians in cahoots with the Pandareus elements of the Carian theater. Just trace the Cimmerians of the Hatti theater to Rhodes and other parts of Caria, including Lycia, where the Chimera dragon was ravaging (i.e. attacking). Just a bunch of bone-headed scythians that God permitted to devastate the pagan Greeks. They come and go like the wind with all your gold and silver, and smash or burn what they can't take with them. The demons of the planet, still with us today in corporate suits, not happy to be the tenth-richest on earth; they strive to be the "better" yet, rather than giving their customers reduced prices. Greed incarnate, a stench.
The Army/Ermine Coat is linkable to the near-same of Tailbois', first found in the same place, which was Lincolnshire, a place that traces to the real city of Lindos on Rhodes. Le Meschin (a Meshech liner, right?) married Lucy Taillebois, and while Tailers / Talbots are suspect with the Tilurius river, and possibly the neighboring Telavius near Burnum (all on the light map), they may have been from the TELchines of Rhodes. As Armys/Ermine's were first found near Diss and Eye, note that while Eyes' are listed with Eyers, kin of AYERs, Ermine's show an AYRmine variation.
If we are convinced that Tiss'/Tice's were a branch of Diss'/Dice's, from Diss, note that Armors use a "tuTISSima" motto term, another indication that Arms/Ermines were linked to the namers of Diss. It doesn't matter that Diss is a small location; what matters is the heraldic links that some of these small places can clinch, and the stories that clinched links help to unveil and explain. Armors (land of Bernicians) are suspect with the chevron of Bernician Burns, and while Tiss' have variations linkable to Tease's and Tess'/Tecks, Daggers/Dackers were first found in the same place as Burns and Bernice's. While Burns can be suspect with the Sin/Sion/Swan chevron and colors, the Readys (Rhodians?) in the Burn motto share swans with Sins/Sions/Swans. Readys (TAYside theater) use a scimitar in the hand of an armored arm, but also an "aye" motto term suspect with the Eye location. Eye is in Suffolk, which borders on Cambridgeshire, where scimitar Gumms/Goms were first found. Kyle's of Ayrshire used a scimitar.
Readys share their swans with the Cambridge surname, in the colors of the Gumm-suspect Cams/Gams that are likely from the Cam river through Cambridge. It looks like Cimmerians were on the Cam river, making it suspect with Kamiros, for the Cam flows near to the border of Lindos-founded Lincolnshire. It's telling a story. The heraldic ermine was fundamental with Brittany's Vannes, from the Veneti, from the Heneti on the Parthenius river, one major river to the west of the Hatti and the Khaldi-related Halybes. Repeat: "according to Pausanias, the last two [CHELIDonis and Cleodora] were called CAMEIRO and CLYTia." There is a good argument here for gleaning "Helios," mythical grandfather of Kamiros, with "CHELID / CLYT." I trace this to the first Celts, about 800 BC, perhaps later, in Illyrium. The Celts/Colts are using the Pilate pheon, right? "Clytie (Oceanid), known for her unrequited love for Helios."
From the same page, Clytie and Cameiro are traced to Aphrodite = the Heneti > Venus:
Clytie, daughter of Pandareus and sister of Cameiro. Cameiro and Clytie lost their parents to the wrath of gods and were reared by Aphrodite. They received gifts from other Olympic goddesses as well: wisdom and beauty from Hera, high stature from Artemis, skill in handiwork from Athena. When Aphrodite left for Olympus to arrange for the sisters to get happily married in the future, the girls, left without supervision, were abducted by the Harpies [Arpad/Arados elements?] and given by them to the Erinyes.The page has "another" Clytie: "Clytie, daughter of Merops, wife of Eurypylus of Cos..." We met a Eurypylus in the last update, the ruler of the Cetis-related Ceteii peoples in Mysia, but here we find one in Kos. Ceteii was part of the TEUTHRania discussion linkable to the TEUCER = Togarmite Trojans. Togarmites are Biblically a chief tribe of Gomer. My understanding is that the Khaldi were between the Colchian border and Sinope, and may therefore have been with the Ukraine Cimmerians arrived to Sinope, part of the monster mash of that area. This picture traces to Calydon below, tending to verify that the Khaldi > Calydon line was of Cameiro and Clytia, daughters of Pandareus, son of MerOPS of Kos. We will even come to OPS while looking at EuryPYLOS. Just keep in mind that everything your are about to read was a line off of Kos.
"Another" Eurypylus (of Cyrene) traces all over the map, including Lycaonia (beside Cetis): "Eurypylus married Sterope, a daughter of Helios and sister of Pasiphae [from the Minoan-Rhodes merger], and had two sons, Lycaon and Leucippus." It sounds as though Lycians (on-shore from Rhodes) and Lycaonians were branches. This picture traces from the Antalya/ATTALEIA area of Pisidia (beside Lycians) to AETOLIA, location of Calydon, home of Oeneus, father of Methoni, the latter a mythical representation of the real city of Methoni, beside EuryPYLUS-suspect Pylos. As I trace OENeus through OENOmaus of Pisa, from the Pisidians, it's not a coincidence that SterOPE was the wife of Oenomaus.
Eurypylus of Kos was killed by Hercules: "Heracles planned the attack on Cos because he liked Eurypylus' daughter Chalciope and intended to abduct her. Chalciope is indeed known as the mother of Heracles's son Thessalus." Thessalus looks like code for Thessaly. Another Thessalus was a son of Jason and Media, and brother of Alcimenes, like "Alcmene," mother of Hercules, effectively tracing the Hercules line of Danaans to something Thessaly. Thessalus was king of Iolcus, home of Jason, thus making the Argos link to Jason for explaining his ship's name. Jason was a Hercules line from Laish through the Tyrians of Crete, from the Minoans to the Minyae Boiotians, and it's sure to link to Cadmus, Europa's brother in Boiotia.
For the next Eurypylus, it needs to be said that while Knees became suspect with Koans of Kos, though that is highly tentative, the Thessaly-like Thistle's/Thissels share a blue bend with Knees. The fact that Thistle's share pheons on blue with Pilate's reminds that Pilate's and their branches trace well to PYLOS.
"Eurypylus was a THESSALian king, son of Euaemon and OPS. Another source gives his mother's name as either Deipyle or Deityche [sounds like a Pyle link to a Tyche entity]. Alternate genealogies made him a son of Hyperochus and father of Ormenus." It's been a long time since mentioning the trace of Avvites (root term, Avv") to an OPIS location on the Tigris river; I can't recall why I engaged that trace. But here we have an Avv-possible EUAEmon married to Ops.
Not much is coming to mind with the quote above, and I'm looking for links to OPgalli too. It compels us to assume an Och entity in "Hyperochus," but it's possibly got Peroch as the root term. In any case, if you read the last update's treatment on the chest / crate used by Acrisius in floating Danae and Perseus to sea, look at the following that makes the chest absolutely linkable to Perseus: "After the [Trojan] war, Eurypylus (son of Ops] got a chest as part of his victory spoils. The chest was abandoned by Aeneas when he fled from Troy, or was intentionally left behind by Cassandra who placed a curse on it to whichever Greek would open the chest." Perseus married ANDROmeda, daughter of CASSiopeia, thus revealing that CASSANDRA was code for the family of Gorgonic Danaans.
Here's from the last update: "Then, "In another version Auge was given to Nauplius ("sailor") who was to kill her, but who, taking pity, brought her to Teuthras, a king in Mysia, in Asia Minor. Alternatively, Auge and Telephus were put in a crate and set adrift on the sea. They washed up in Mysia, where Telephus later appeared in his wanderings..." It's the same crate-into-the-sea theme (Cretan code?) as Danae and Perseus to Sarifos" All three crates are linkable, for Cassandra was a daughter of Priam, code for Parium in Mysia, and Priam's son, PARIS, was code for the same stock of Mysians, but one I trace to PERSeus. Thus, Paris -- the abductor of Helen who married an Argos line -- was a Danaan liner.
Finding AUGE in a crate myth evokes HyperOCHus, father of Eurypylos of other crate myth. This can reveal Hyperochus as an Og line. The link between Gorgonic Parium and Thessaly are the Muses of both Parium/PARION and Thessaly's PARNassus. Another Thessalus was father to Nesson, apparent play on "ParNASSus." I wonder whether Parnassus was a Kadesh-Barnea line, for Barnacle's may have been on Kos with Cohens/Koens.
As soon as the paragraph above was finished, I looked beside my desk to see a box with "SIMPSON" on it. And I laughed. Simpson is the name of a company that sold me the chimney pipe for my wood stove several years ago. This box without its chimney pipe has been up in the attic all this time, but was filled with scrap wood slated for the wood stove. It was just hours ago as I write that this box was taken down and set beside the wood stove for tomorrow morning's kindling. And it was probably two hours ago when wondering whether Simsons were Sin / Sinai liners. I hadn't had the chance to look at the possibility, and so when I looked over to see this Simpson name on the box, I laughed...because I had the sense that God was enjoying this. The writing on the box is on one of the four sides, the side that happens to be facing me. I couldn't have seen "Simpson" if it was on any other side.
In other words, if the Simsons can link to what's been said above, it may be that God wants this known as an item of importance, having arranged this box HIMSELF to underscore the importance, and get me to include Simsons at this very time. I was not at all keen on looking at Simsons as per "Sinai" until I saw this box, and I saw it immediately after writing on a Eurypylus trace to various entities, including Oeneus of Calydon / Methoni. In fact, I was finished treating Eurypylos. The Simsons fit well to topic for more than one reason, one being that their "nutrior" motto term was deciphered recently as code of Enotri, otherwise called, OENotrians, I kid thee not. I'm laughing again. The Simsons may be Samsun liners, you see, and therefore linkable to SINope. It could indicate that Samson, whom I view as a mythical insertion into the Bible by pagan priests, was a proto-Danaan entity in the Sinai, perhaps even a wayward part of the Israeli tribe of Dan. Enotri had a kingdom at Calabria's Saracena.
The "Alis" motto term of Simsons goes to the Keith Catti -- and therefore through the Hatti of the Samsun / Sinope theater -- by way of the link between the Alis and Keith mottoes. The Simpson Crest is a falcon, linkable to the falconer's gloves of Sins/Sions. Sinsons/Zinzans use the falcon too, and a so-called "royal blue" Shield, probably an exclusive color belonging to Windsor liners. The only other surname I can think of off-hand with royal blue is the German Biens, with a white chevron on royal blue, in the colors of the Sin/Sion chevron, and the Bien quadrants are somewhat reflective if the Teeter quadrants. Biens are expected with the Vienne's ("bien viennne tout" motto phrase), the latter's giant eagle in colors reversed from the same of Ferte's, while Ferte's are expected with Maceys of Ferte-Mace, the ones whose gloves the Sins/Sions once showed. Biens are expected in the Bean/Van sept of Mackays, and then Fane's/Vans are a sept of Mackays too, who likewise use the gauntlet glove. This traces to Mus of Lake Van, where an ancient BIAINi peoples lived that supposedly named Van. The bees on the Bien chevron can apply to Biaini, and then the Bie/Boy surname (Berwickshire) uses bees in Bien colors.
Beans/Vans are said to have been "sod bearers to the Chiefs" of Clan Chattan. What's a sod bearer? I don't know, but Hatti are expected as allies of the Heneti > Veneti line, and there is a question on whether the latter were Lake-Van Cimmerians. Heneti liners are expected with Cassel-related Kennedys, and they use the Arms-of-Carrick Coat while Carricks use a "biene" motto term. The Craigie's share the Bien / Sion chevron, apparently, though not in royal blue. The Craigie's speak on a location of that name in a Caputh area, likely of the Chapeau/Chaput surname (kin of Pont-liner Bidens/Buttons) that is expected with a version of the Major and Anchor Chiefs, relevant where I trace Anchors with Carricks to Agrigento. Chaput liners may have been of Capua, from mythical Capys, part of the Aeneas Trojans. Put the Caputh location side-by-side with Cohen-suspect SHAWlands/Shorelands.
The Dragon / Pendragon-suspect Alisons, first found in the same place (Lanarkshire) as Sins/Sions, are said to have been descended from a Mr. MacDonnell, and Donnells (MacDonald branch) use the giant Vienne eagle in colors reversed. In the Donnel Crest, "A raven standing on a rock with motto 'Creag an Fhitich' above", can possibly link to the falcon on a rock of Sinsons/Zinzans, for Alis' are in the motto of Sinson-like Simsons. "Creag" suggests the Craig ancestry of Carricks, right? The Craigs / Crags / Craigie's were the mythical-Creusa liners at Acgragas/Agrigento, and as Creusa was wife to Aeneas, let's repeat: "After the [Trojan] war, Eurypylus (son of Ops] got a chest as part of his victory spoils. The chest was abandoned by Aeneas when he fled from Troy, or was intentionally left behind by Cassandra who placed a curse on it to whichever Greek would open the chest." Aeneas was made the son of Aphrodite, the Perseus line at the Parthenius river of the Heneti. The Alison talbot in colors reversed becomes black, the color of the Carrick / Crag talbot.
As Ixion is suspect with "Sion," and as he was a Thessalian entity, let's re-mention first that his wife, Nephele, was linked in the last update to Nauplion, at the Attica area where the Cephissus river flows that I say was the reason for "Cepheus," father-in-law of Perseus' wife, part of the Cassandra entity. We just saw mythical Nauplius float his Auge mate in a crate to sea. Ixion had another wife, DIA, while the description of English Simsons is: "Gold and black DIAgonally with a lion rampant." Both Simsons and Ixion are being traced, independent of one another, to Sinope.
To help prove that "diaGONELL" is code, there is a Gonell surname listed with the MacDonald branch of Connells. And Irish Gone's/Gowans, a possible branch of the Kos Koans, share a green Chief with Simsons, both using a white Shield. There happens to be a THISTLE in the Gone/Gowan Crest, and while Thistle's/Thissels were remotely suspect with Knee's, "Gone" is a little like "Knee." In this way, Thistle's may have been Ixion- / Sion-line Thessalians.
Belgian Gone's/GONELs/Guenets (probably Gaunt liners), who can link to the Sin/Sion gauntlet, can apply because the Simson lion was traced to the Hainaut / Flanders lion (when Simsons were linked to Carni-related Kerns while the Carni / Slovenia theater was that of Kunigunda of Bohemia, she being in the ancestry of Hainaut rulers).
The Gone's/Gowans use an "arma" motto term that can link to the Knee-related Knights, but then the Cowans (Kos/Kosinski colors) happen to share the Army/Ermine and Annan Chief and saltire! Bingo. On a gold Shield, this Annan Coat is in the Arms of AYRshire, and Cowans were first found in Ayrshire, along with the first Gonells/Connels. The "altum" motto term of Cowans is easily pegged, now, as code for the Alda's from the Alde river near Eye and Diss, where Knee's and Knights engaged the Ayrshire line of Eyes'/Eyers. The "SIC itur" motto phrase of Cowans is shared by Knight-like Kenneths while Ayrshire-beloved Shaws use "patITUR" and throw in a "qui" motto term that's also in the motto of SICHs (from a Tatton character), the latter sharing the Kissing / Kiss/Cuss' / Cass/Casts / Cust Coat, roughly. Cos/Kos liners?
Last month, the SINsons/ZINzens were a topic, and they were linked to Windsors, expected to be of the Veneti branch of Vandals = Wends. I had been wondering whether Zinzans were Simsons. In the first update of this month, Simsons were a topic: "I neglected to say, until now, that the Simsons use an "Alis" motto term while Alis' use the Keith motto in reverse. It tends to clinch Simsons as a line of Kimmys. Alis' (FIR tree) use fleur-de-lys in the colors of the Kennys, and then Alpins use the Alis fir tree too, suggesting that KENNeth MacAlpin is behind the Kennys." Kimmys have a Kenny-like variation, and Kennys (armored arm) share white items in a green Chief with Simsons. Alpins use another thistle, as do Gone's/Gowans that use another green Chief.
Hmm, I know a Miss Simson who had married a Mr. TEETer, and Teets (same place as Simson-colored Hume's) are listed with Tate's using the Cowan / Annan / Army/Ermine Coat! Again, the Hermes - Arabus line is expected at Kos, where the peoples were Cowan-like Koans. The Hume's loved the Tree's/True's TO THE end, and Alpins with Alis' use the TREE. Alpin was a Pict royal, and as Picts had a CALEDONian branch, they can be traced to Khaldi living at or near a PYXITes river (between Thermodon and Colchis). In fact, the Pyxites is near Trabzon, what should trace to the Trebbia river, home of Annan-related Ananes Gauls. Tate's can trace to lake Tatta, the Hatti theater of Hermes liners, an area where one can expect Khaldi, and these trace to Calydon, home of mythical Oeneus that traces to the Simson motto.
There is a Teeter/Deter surname, first found in Pomerania. They are said to be from Peter Deterde/Dithers at GRAPow, which makes that place and the Coat's grapes suspect with Grape's/Gripps, a possible branch of the Pomeranian Griffins (see their Wikipedia article). The Tooth griffin is expected to be a Griffin line. It just so happens that while Simsons are suspect with Sinsons/Zinzans, count Zinzendorf was a leader of Taborites while Tabers share the grape bunch with Teeters. Together with the Simpson box, this is very interesting, for I with Miss Simson/Simpson (I don't know the spelling), who was divorced from Mr. Teeter. She was my last serious woman friend, about 14 years ago. I decided, shortly after that, to keep away from women, if it pleases God, and I think it does (not fully to my liking). Under the word, "Simpson," there are two words, "Dura-VENT," the only three words printed on the box.
Anyway, the new message for me is that Hermes was an Arabah line of Armenians that included a relationship with Amalekites, all migrating to the Hatti / Pontus theater before jumping to northern Italy as the aggressive Veneti...that some call the "black nobility." I don't like reading up on the black nobility, as there are endless claims on how they link to Illuminatists, international bankers, etc., but the claims come without evidence presented. There may be something to it, but without evidence, I can't take the links seriously.
Rosicrucians Under Francis Bacon
This is a mysterious thing, that Rosicrucians, though they claim to be from Germany, were in the very courts of Elizabeth I of England with John Dee and Francis Bacon. I was forwarded a message that the mother of Javier Solana wrote a book of 666 pages on the life of Francis Bacon. What would the Spanish have to do with Francis Bacon? And did this author arrange the book to be 666 pages for a satanic reason?
The Solana's use a sun, a symbol that has traced with the Hesse - Chatti to the Dudley area, and Dudleys use beacons, code for Beacons/Bacons. The Dudleys also use a Stafford knot while I can show Francis-Bacon links to Staffordshire. It starts with the Touch's, whom are in the "Touch not the cat" phrase of Clan Chattan. The Touch's are perhaps using the Hume / Tyson lion in colors reversed. With Tysons suspect earlier with Cybele and her alliance with the Hatti, and with Hatti beside the Parthenius river, and with Francis Bacon expected from the Venetian Illuminatists, let's quote Strabo with a Ty-like entity in the area of mythical Cybele:
As for the Cauconians, who, according to report, took up their abode on the sea-coast next to the Mariandyni and extended as far as the Parthenius River, with TIEium as their city, some say that they were Scythians...Cauconians were led by the noble son of Polycles -- they who lived in glorious dwellings in the neighbourhood of the Parthenius River,...the Cauconians round Tieium extended to the Parthenius River, whereas that of the Heneti, who held Cytorum, were situated next to them after the Parthenius River, and still to-day certain 'Cauconitae' live in the neighbourhood of the Parthenius River.
First of all, the CYTorum location may have been a Cetis / Ceteii entity, in which case it's a good argument for tracing "Heneti" to the Kennati priests of the Cetis area. Secondly, the source of the Parthenius river is near Ankara, where Anchors may trace along with the Anaki of Hebron, for I trace Aphrodite to Amorite Hebrews of Hebron. The Anchors were mentioned above as likely kin of the Chaputs, and, indeed, mythical Capys can be of a Cappadocian line to the Parthenius Trojans. The Caucones, I have read, lived also in the Troad, Mysian location of a second Cilicia, and of the river named by the Ceteii, ruled by one mythical Eurypylus. Mythically, the Parthenius river was made a son of TETHys, perhaps code for the line of mythical Teuthras (Mysia), friend or more of Eurypylus.
The Parthenius is now the Bartin, and there is even a modern Bartin location at its site. Bartin is about 150 miles west of Sinope. There is a Bartin surname first found in the same place as Touch's, and it just so-happens that the Touch lion is colors reversed from the Tyson lions so that, if Tysons are from Tieium, the Touch's can trace to the Parthenius theater too, but then while they are expected with Porcius-Cato liners at the Hatti area, the Bartins happen to use boars. The Bartins are even mentioned beside the Booths that share the black boar with Porcia's. Barton Old Hall, we read, belonged to the Booths after the Bartons owned it. The Beacons/Bacons use the boar too.
Touch's are said to have been lords of Audley, the earls of Castlehaven. I decided to investigate what this was, finding Mervyn Tuchet/Touchet, earl of Castlehaven (died 1631). He was the son of George Tuchet, 11th baron of Audley. "Sometime before 1612 (records of the marriage are lacking), Lord Audley [Mervyn] married Elizabeth Barnham, a sister-in-law of the philosopher and scientist Francis Bacon..." That is, Elizabeth was the sister of Bacon's wife, Alice Barnham. It's interesting that while Beacons use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Alde's/Aulds (served Carricks) in colors reversed, Audleys (Staffordshire) are said to descend from barons of ALDEleigh, also called, Audley. Alde's are the ones sharing a cherub with Tacks/Thackerys, said to be from Tancreds / Tankerville's, and the latter happen to share the cinquefoils of French Bacons. Furthermore, some say that Francis Bacon was the true William SHAKEspeare, while Shake's are listed with Thackery-like Shakerleys.,_2nd_Earl_of_CastlehavenThus, the Touch's and Mervyn TUCKet become suspect with Tacks and even William Shakespeare. The "Nobilitas sol" motto phrase of Tacks/Thackerys (Cambridgeshire) can be part-code for the "Black Nobility," and so it's notable that Audleys are sharing a giant fret with Black-suspect Blake's. As the Audley fret is in the colors of the DUTTON fret (suspect with the Tatton / Tute quadrants), it may be that "Audley" was a DUDley branch. In any case, the Dudleys are using the Berkshire Coat, and while Sinsons/Zinzans were first found in Berkshire (beside the first Tacks), note that Sinsons/Zinzans share the estoile with Tacks/Thackerys (share green with Simsons).
Here's from the last update: "Kendrys use a cherub-like 'demi cupid holding a torch'...the beacons in the upper Arms of Dudley look like torches." And while the cherub-using Tacks have colors used by Scottish Gowans, Irish Gowans use "two arms embowed holding a torch, above an arm holding a dagger." Daggers / Dackers are possibly a Tack / Teck/Tess/Tease / Tease/TYE branch, and where Tye liners may have named Tieium in TURKey, it may speak for itself on the origin of Turks/Torks.
No Torch surname comes up, but Torks/Turks (rock in flames called a "flaming mount") use a "Pace" motto term while the Pace's, first found in the same place as Farndons / Bartins / Touch's, share a version of the Farndon Coat. Just like that, Turks can trace to the Tieium location along the Bartin river. Farndons (Vair liners) are in the write-up of Bartins. The "bello" term in the Tork/Turk write-up can be linked via Billets / Bellows / and beacon-using Belli's to Beacons/Bacons, for French Bacons use the same cinquefoils as Bellows and Billets. Clearly, the line of Francis Bacon was in the Dudley camp with Torks/Turks so that the Dudley beacons are shaped as torches for this reason. Torks/Turks are said to have had a member in Mochrum, and the Mochs of that place were traced to Mocissus, beside lake Tatta, and off the Halys river. The Mochs/Mouchers happen to use only a white sword in the colors of the AUDE swords, but it's in the colors of the Chaine/Chauny sword too, making the latter suspect with "Chandos."
The Derbyshire Staffs are said to have been in close relationship with "Chandos," a term I've just found in an article on Grey Bridges, 5th baron of Chandos of Sudeley. Mr. Bridges (son of Miss Hopton) was husband to Anne Stanley (qualified for the English throne after Elizabeth I), second wife of Mervyn Tucket. The Stanleys are said to descend from a branch of Audleys, meaning that they are traced to this very Tuchet-Stanley marriage. Stanleys were not only first found in the same place as Shakespeare-suspect Tacks, but they use "Sans" while Shakespeare's use "sanz."
The Stanley Coat (Turk/Tork colors), which looks like a version of the Crag Coat for a trace to mythical Creusa, looks linkable to the Knee Coat. While McGee's (white swords again) are suspect with Knee's, McGee's were first found in the same place (Dumfries) as Turks/Torks. As "Chandos" was suspect with Chands, listed with SCHIMs, it's not only notable that Scottish Mochs/Mochrys (Lanarkshire) use a white sword shaped as a SCIMitar, but, while scimiTARs are expected with Tarr liners, McGee's and Knees have linked in multiple ways to Tarrs/Terre's. The Torks/Turks show as "Tuire/Turie."
Turks/Torks have a Coat linkable to Burns, first found in the same place as Shakespeare's. The Schims/Chands share a white boar head with McGee's, and it's in both colors of the Molle boar head, and then Shake's/Shakerleys use MOLE hills.
Mythical Creusa is expected to trace to Anchor ancestry at Ancore = Nicaea, and yet the Ankara location of Phrygia can be a part of that line. Ankara is today the Turkish capital. I expect Creusa liners to be part of Rosy Cross = Rosicrucian make-up. Creuse's were first found in the same place as Pace's / Farndons / Bartins / Touch's, thus traceable to the Bartin / Parthenius river, and moreover Creuse's were first found in the same place (Cheshire) as a Dee river to which John Dee (Rosicrucian leader, influenced queen Elizabeth) may trace.
The Berkshire / Dutton Coat, suspect with the Audley fret, is shared by Spencers (wasn't Lady Diana a Spencer?). Alice Spencer was wife to Ferdinand Stanley (5th earl of Derby), father of Anne Stanley above who married Audley elements. That explains why Audleys should connect to Berkshire, location of Windsor castle. This was the stock of peoples seeking control of Britain in the name of a dark god. Today, similar elements seek control of the entire scope of peoples. Wikipedia says that Ferdinand, called, Lord Strange, wouldn't divulge his particular religion to the forces (e.g. Vatican) that wanted to know whether or not they should try to make him king on their own behalf's. Queen Elizabeth signed Ferdinand up as one of her puppets. "Shakespeare may have been employed by Strange in his early years as one of Lord Strange's Men...",_5th_Earl_of_DerbyIf German Ferdinands (Austria) apply to Lord Strange, they look like Chaputs and Chives'. That is, the Ferdinand bend has the roses of Chapeau's/Chaputs/Shaputs, and the Ferdinand Crest has the demi leopard of Chives'/Shevas'. Chapeau's/Chaputs are the ones suspect with the Anchor / Major Chief, for the Geddes' use a "CAPTa majora" motto. If this was the Caiaphas line, I would not be surprised. In addition, see here:
Cheapside is a street in the City of London, the historic and modern financial centre of London, which forms part of the A40 London to Fishguard road. It links St. Martin's Le Grand with Poultry. Near its eastern end at Bank junction, where it becomes Poultry, is Mansion House, the Bank of England, and Bank station. To the west is St. Paul's Cathedral, St. Paul's tube station and Paternoster Square.In the Middle Ages, it was known as Westcheap, as opposed to Eastcheap, another street in the City, near London Bridge...
...Cheapside is a common English street name, meaning "market place", from Old English ceapan, 'to buy' (cf. "shop", German kaufen, Dutch kopen, Swedish kopa, pronounced {sheu-pah}), whence also chapman and chapbook.
Is that derivation correct? It looks pretty good, and would have us believe that Chappes', Chapmans and others derive in "shop." Or is there a mistake or trick involved? Or might Chappes liners have coined "ceapan" because they were merchants? Wasn't Annas / Caiaphas selling animals at the Temple? Wiktionary says that "ceap" means "trade / bargain." Note that "shop" is followed by Cohen-like "kaufen," for there is a Shop surname sharing a sea horse with Cohens/Koens. The question is whether the Cheapside text was fashioned as code for Shop liners. Shops were first found in Kent, where sea-horse Tokers trace. Later, mythical Skogal traces to Tokers exactly, and moreover he is resolved as code for Shoe's/Schuchs, and so note the "SHEU-pah" term in the Cheapside article. Shops (Carrick dancette) are also Shorelands/Shawlands, and therefore can be deemed a branch of Shere's / Carricks.
The Cheaps are listed with Scottish Chappes', and French Chappes' share a white-on-blue chevron with Cheapside's. The "lamb in base" of Cheapside's may be a small hint of the False-Prophet line to the commercial 666. The CHEAPside Crest is a SHEEP, and Cheapside colors are those of lamb-using Lamas', and the lamb-using Arms of Grasse. The Cheapside / Chappes chevron is in the colors of the three used by one French Grasse/Grace surname (Provence, beside Grasse). The Sheep-like Skiptons are the ones with Bellamy-suspect Bellows (share the red crescent with Chapmans), and Bellamys lived at PERCHE, suspect with the PERCHEvron of Chappes' and Chapmans. Perche is near the first French Josephs and the Bellow-related Billets/Billiards (= Bouillon / Godfrey bloodline), the latter using the same chevron and colors as Cheapside's. Side's/Sudys are kin of Sutys and Seatons, the latter sharing the Bellamy crescents in both colors. If you think I'm being fair about this, let's go on.
Not likely by coincidence, Bacons share the Billet / Bellow cinquefoils. Cheapside was looked up as per this quote on the wife of Francis Bacon: "Her mother, Dorothy, or Dorothea (d. 1639), was the daughter of Humphrey Ambrose Smith, an important Cheapside mercer and the official purveyor of silks and velvets to Queen Elizabeth." It doesn't mean that Bacon was linked to Cheaps/Chappes' necessarily, but I wonder whether this street was stacked with Caiaphas-liner merchants. Barnhams, perhaps with the Sinclair cross, were first found in the same place as Josephs whose motto honors Charo's'/Claro's and Levi-beloved Ade's, and then, to suggest that Chappes' were not named merely after merchants / shops, they were first found in the same place as Levi's. The Ade's are even using a Coat very reflective of the Sheep/Shipman/CHIPman Coat. Bacons were first found in the same place as Clare's. Josephs were close to Henrys while the latter were near / with the first Motts, the Barnhams may be using the Mott crescent. In the Barnham Crest, a dragon head surrounded by four dragon wings, wherefore it's notable that Dragons/Drainers are in Barnham colors. The Wings/Winks share a Moor head with French Chappes'. Wings (Shield filled with billets) use a single PILE in the colors of the similar perchevron of Chapmans, and the pellets on the Barnham dragon head should be code for Pellets, who use the PILOTTE Coat, suspect with the line of Pontius Pilate. Pilotte's and Pellets share the Coat of Shaws, first found in the same place as Wings/Winks. Grasse's may be using the Creuse lion, by the way. Wings were first found in Perthshire, where lines from Pontius Pilate lived. Sheeps/Shipmans/Chipmans use pellets.
As Besancons use 11 of the six Etienne billets while Besancons were first found at Forez, to the near-west of St. Etienne and Mont Pilat, it could be that BESANcons were a BACON branch. Recall the "lamb in BASE" of Cheapside's, for German Base's are listed with BASSANS (probably kin of Basans/Besants/Bessens). English Base's use the two lions in pale on red, as do Strange's, and then Ferdinand Lord Strange may not have been named after a strange quality he had, but after his Strange bloodline, for Strange's were first found in Derbyshire, where Ferdinand was earl. It looks like the Base's are indeed in code in the Cheapside Coat due to being kin of Ferdinand. Chives- and Chaput-suspect Ferdinands were first found in the same place (Austria) as Basans/Besants/Bessens. As Firminy is beside St. Etienne, the Bacon motto term, "firma," likely applies, especially as the Brunswick / Base lion is in the Chief of Firmin-related Formans/Fermans. Capes'/Caps are hereby made linkable to the Bacon Shield, sharing the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Capes'.
The Base lions are the Brunswick lions exactly, and Bars of Brunswick married Godfrey III, grandfather of Godfrey de Bouillon, the family that lorded Jerusalem as soon as it was conquered (1099). We don't suspect that Bouillon's family ruled Jerusalem because they were from a line of mere London merchants, do we? No, but we suspect that they were Caiaphas / Annas / Herod / Pilate liners who kept together for 1,000 years previous wherever they went. They had money-loving in common, and can be expected with the international Templar bankers. Capes' were first found in London. Were they mere merchants of Cheapside?
BalFOURs are linkable in multiple ways to the symbols of FORmans/Fermans, including a comparison between their Coat and the Sutys, Seatons, Nothings and Balfours. But as the Nothings (share the Forman / Seaton dragon) are using a version of the Cnut Coat, Nothings are revealed as Notting liners, and thus traceable to the Nith river, home of Geds and Geddes', the latter being the ones who honor the Majors that share the anchor with Firmins (Were / Toste crosslets?) and Formans. As the Geddes motto is suspect also with Chaputs while Ferdinands have a Coat linkable to Major-suspect Chaputs', the Ferdinand-Strange bloodline applies to everything in this paragraph. They say that prime-minister Arthur Balfour was a satanist. By what coincidence were Cnuts first found in Derbyshire i.e. where Ferdinand was earl? Sutys were first found in Perthshire, beside the first Cheaps/Chappes', and in the same place as Wings who share the Moor head with French Chappes'. [I had linked Strange's to Trypillians, and then, later in this update, it struck me that "Derby" can be a Trypillian term.]
Etienne's were first found in Lorraine, location of Bar-le-Duc, the entity married by Godfrey III. As Bars were Este liners, it's notable that Etienne's/ESTienne's are in Este / Barr colors. Why do Sheeps/Chipmans use estoiles? The Besancon / Etienne / Wing billets were form the silver bars of the Quintus-Caepio treasure, isn't that right? Their treasure secret would keep them together, though not always, and together they would have plotted kingdom expansion.
As yet another example of sticking together, Plegers/Pledgers were first found in the same place as Capone's and Chapmans, and share the colors of Capone's while putting pellets on their "bucks." Feasibly, Bucks (same place as le-Meschin's wife) were Bacon liners, especially as Plegers share the Meschin / Tiller fesse while Meschins were from the Bacon-like Bessin. Bakers share the Tiller / Taylor lion as well as the Meschin scallops, and perhaps the Baker / Meschin / Biss scallops are on the Spencer bend too. Plegers were first found beside the Players of Middlesex (London). Players use a broken lance, both codes linkable to Alans. Bakers can be using a black version of the Tailbois Coat, and I can see that the engrailed Baker saltire can link to the same of the Barnham cross. From the TailBOYS variation, go to the Boys/Bie's that share bees with Bessins/Beastons and Bistone's.
The Bacon write-up mentions several surnames as clues to what Bacons were all about. The Warrene's are in there who share the checked Shield of Cliffords. The latter share a "Semper" motto term with Smiths (perchevron), and then, on Bacon's wife: "She was born 14 May 1592, to Benedict Barnham and his wife Dorothy, née SMITH. BENEDICT Barnham (1559-1598) was a London merchant, who held the positions of Alderman, Sheriff of London...Her mother...was the daughter of Humphrey Ambrose Smith, an important Cheapside mercer..." It looks like the "Semper"-using Smiths (said to be of Clan Chattan) were Francis-Bacon kin, and then Ferdinand had Margaret Clifford as mother. This Clifford family was of the royal Tudors (Tooth suspects), and Cliffords had ruled Cumberland, where Barnham-possible Burns / Bernice's were first found. Berenice Agrippa was kin to Herod Archelaus, and he married Clifford-suspect Glaphyra.
I wonder whether the Smiths here furnished the Mormon founder so that Mormons can be discovered as Bacon-circle Rosicrucians. Russells, traced to Herod suspects in Henry of Rodez, are expected in Rosicrucianism, and Russells hooked up with barons of Cliffords. These Clifford are said to descend partly from Clifford in Herefordshire, and partly from Sheep-suspect Skipton. It's the Cheapside's with a Cheap-like sheep in Crest. Sheeps/Shipmans/Chipmans were first found in Herefordshire, and I think this makes Chap liners as much linkable to Skipton / Shipton liners as it does to Caiaphas suspects. It should be added that Skiptons trace well to general Scipio at Cremona and Placentia.
Note the five, white ostrich feathers (Tudor symbol) in the portrait of George Clifford, earl of Cumberland, at the Clifford link above. On the ground beside him, his helmet has plumes of feathers, a symbol on a coin of Herod Archelaus (his surname was from his wife, Glaphyra Archelaus). I can now understand why Wikipedia removed the the Herod coin from his article (replaced it with a different Herod coin), as I was linking it to Herod Archelaus, and here we find excellent evidence of that trace because "Glaphyra" tribes named Clavers/Cleavers, Cliffs/Cleve's and Cliffords. The cover up never ends. Why does George Clifford hold a lance. It's all symbolism in these old paintings, right? Look at his lovely dress and lovely legs. What's that mean, do you think?
The Sempers/Peere's use two lions (the lion is a Pierleoni symbol) in pale in colors reversed from the same of Brunswicks, which tends to make Sempers linkable to Ferdinand Strange. With "Semper" shared between Cliffords and Smiths, let's mention that while I trace Crombys and Croms to Cremona, Smiths are said to descend from a Neil Cromb while Sempers were first found in the same place (Essex) as SKIPpers. The Clifford write-up says that the Yorkshire SKIPtons was of particular significance to Cliffords, and there was even a Clifford location in Yorkshire. Skipton is in the West Riding of Yorkshire, where Dents of Sedburgh were first found, and this is where the Dent lozenges can be those of Giffords if the latter were Cliffords. Skipton, the Clifford write-up says, was granted to a PIERS de GAVESton, and afterward to Cliffords, and it just so happens that Gavestons are listed with Gavers'/Jeevers/Geffers, evoking the Geve's/Jeeve's that were suspect (last update) with the Coat of Dent-like Denets. The Gophers/Govers/GAVERS and Giffords/Givords can therefore apply to Gavers / Geve's/Jeeve's, but these terms are still suspect with Chives' / Cavii liners. There was an old Stanlei location (1086) of the Ferdinand line in West Yorkshire.
It just so happens that Giffords share the Paine motto while French Paine's are suspect with the Leo fesse i.e. suggesting that Piers de Gaveston was a Pierleoni liner. The Paine's, suspect with Paine de Roet, could be using the two Strange lions. Paine's are said to be from a Paine or StourPain location on the Dorset (southerly) Stur river (same general area as the first Caens and Quints). And we read that there was a "priory of Black canons" in Stourpain, reminding of the Premonstratensian canon in the Arms of Dudley (northern Stur river).
A Walter, son of Richard, is said to have adopted the Clifford name upon seizing the Clifford castle (Herefordshire), wherefore it's debatable as to what link, if any, this Walter had with Glaphyra liners. Yet, the painting of George Clifford suggests solid linkage to Herod Archelaus in the least. One can also link the Clifford fesse and checks to the Caen Coat, where the Crest shares five white ostrich feathers with George's head and helmet. Were Quints part of the Caen liners from the Ceno river and the Kennati stupids? The painting shows a gauntlet glove in the lower left, symbol of John of Gaunt (married Paine Roet's daughter), whose Lancastrian line married Henry VII Tudor, father of Margaret Clifford above.
: Tudors (Herefordshire) use helmets and are in the colors and format of Tooths (white feathers) and Feathers. We get it; the Tooth and Gumm investigation leads to this Tudor family. Tooths were first found in the same place as Cheapside street. It's now fairly obvious as to why the Feather Crest shares the red antelope in the Derby Crest. The Stanleys ruled in Derbyshire (explains why they share the stag with the Arms of Derby).
The lion paw, a Quint symbol, is shared by Paine's, and the latter's is grasPING a (broken and tilting) spear. The Pings were first found in Yorkshire, and are listed with Paganells, a branch of Paine's and Pagans/Payens, right? "GRASping" can be part-code for Grasse's, for the Lincolnshire Grasse's share the Creuse / Rita lion, and Creuse liners link to Crozier's. The Gifford-related Were's use the crozier. The Cheapside lamb was traced to the lamb of Grasse, and the Cheapside sheep is on a GREEN mount, which, in this case, can conjure up the Greens (Kent) and Greenwich's, Greens using another "semper" motto term, and Greenwich's sharing the Odin lion with crozier, and thus linkable to Yorkshire, where Odins and Oddie's were first found along with Skipton. Greenwich is in Kent, where the Clare's had merged with the Meschins of Skipton, you see.
Oddie's share the saltire of Gophers, in the colors of Chappes-related Ottone's, and Chappes' were also Cheaps. Gophers were first found in the same place (Oxfordshire) as Crispins, and the latter's French branch shares the pomegranate with Cris- / Grasse-like Grazio's, first found in the same place as Ottone's. Just like that, Cheapside street can be claimed as an Ottone-Visconti liner. Gophers share "guttees de sang" with Bled- / Blood- / Pilote-suspect Players (broken lance). Players can be a branch of Plegers that linked above to Cheapside elements.
"The barony of de Clifford was claimed in 1628 by his daughter and only child, Anne Clifford, but the House of Lords postponed the hearing. The barony remained dormant until 1678, when Nicholas Tufton, 3rd Earl of Thanet, was allowed to claim the peerage and became the fifteenth Baron de Clifford." Mr. Tufton was Anne Clifford's grandson, and his rule in Kent's Thanet, where Massins/Masons were first found, may suggest Numidians. The Touch's/Toughs, who share the green-on-white lion with the Herod-Archelaus lines of Lannoys and Lyons, are also Tuff's, and it was the Touch/Tuff write-up that put us over to Audleys and Mervyn Tuchet (married a sister of Bacon's wife) in the first place. There is a Tufton Coat, new to me. It's in Barnham and Raines colors, the latter included because Tuftons are said to be from a Rainham/Tuftons location. Tuftons are said to have moved from Sussex to Kent, and can therefore be suspect with the Mascal / Saddock escutcheon.
The Tufton border is wavy, and in the colors of the wavy fesse of Sedgleys/Sedleys, first found in Kent. The Sedgley fesse is in the colors of the escutcheon of Saddocks/SEDGEwicks, meaning that this is a match. And Sedgley symbols are said (Arms-of-Dudley page) to be in the Crest of the Arms of Dudley along with a Bacon-loving beacon. The lions holding the beacon in the Chief of the Arms of Dudley are half green, the color of the Touch/Tuff lion. Sedgleys are said to have been in AYLESford, the reason that Tuftons use an "Ales" motto term. We've now found Sadducee suspects by following the Cheapside / Bacon circle of families.
The "silver sea lion seated" in the Tufton Crest can suggest the sea-horse of Tokers, for Tokers can be linkable to Tuchets [I didn't know while writing the last sentence the Tuftons the write-up traces them to "De TOKEton". The Tuftons are said to have been TOKEtons too, and so one realizes that they were a branch of Touque's/Tooks, first found in Kent. It's a good way to trace Tokers to the Touques river.] From there, one can compare the Touque's/Tooks to Smiths.
Under the circumstances, I would suggest the ostrich-using Propers for the "propriis" motto term of Tuftons. The Propers (same place as Touch's/Tuff's) are said to be Robins/Roberts, and moreover they use the French Robert lion, which can be gleaned with the Forman/Ferman lion because the latter share the green dragon of FORM-like Worms while Worms (location in Germany) was the ancestry of so-called Robertians, otherwise known as the royal CAPETians, a Geddes-suspect surname along with Chaputs. Welsh Roberts were first found in the same place as Bacon-possible Bachs that share the blue vair fur of French Roberts. We are on a Capetian path crashing into the Bacon-Rosicrucian path, and I don't think Capetians were named after a shop.
The Green stags are in the colors of the Stanley stags, how about that. Stanleys have a motto, "Sans changer," and Changers (Hampshire) were first found in the same place as Caplans and Bidens, the latter using the CHAPEAU of Caplan-like Capelli's, and then Chaputs list a Chapeau surname. Have we got this right? Are we going to trace Chapeau's to a hat shop?
Back to the Roberts, this time the English Roberts that use a white spread eagle in Crest, possibly the same in the Tufton Coat. English Roberts share the chevron of Cheapside's and Provence's, and the latter were first found in the same place (Burgundy) as French Roberts. I know what this is, the Taddei and similar lines between royal-Italian lines from Burgundy and Florence tying in with the Norman kings of England at their first Tudor kind. The line of Godfrey III was involved exactly in that Italian thing, and then the father of this Godfrey, Gothelo, was resolved with the Goths, its Zionist star traced to the same of CHEPstows/Jepps, likely a branch of Jeffersons/Jepsons, first found in the same place (Herefordshire) as Tudors and the Tudor-Clifford rulers. Chepstows were Cheap liners, right? Just compare Cheapside's to Provence's (a thing I didn't know until arriving to this point), for Grasse is less than 10 miles outside the border of Provence.
This is great. It traces Cheapside's to the lamb of Grasse, and makes Cheapside of London suspect with the False Prophet, said in Revelation 13 to resemble the horns of a lamb, but speak like a dragon, and to bring on a commercial 666 to enslave the world to satanism. This recalls that I traced Bassianus' to Grasse, and so let's remind that the Cheapside's use a "lamb in BASE." I predicted (years before knowing Bassianus') that the False Prophet would be a Massey / Meschin liner, and that has since been traced to Julia Maesa Bassianus.
Don't fool with my "crazy" claims, even though I make mistakes. I do a lot of writing and can't help but make mistakes. Don't assume that the things I say are of my own understanding only. I have been chosen to do this work, and have been Directed all along (not perfectly, of course) to a certain finish line, and the revelation will be made just as God wants it made, so long as I don't disappoint Him. Whatever the relationship between to "buy / trade" and Cheapside's / Cheaps/Chappes, the latter were Caiaphas liners. They have therefore become suspect with the 666. I can't imagine a better fit for satanic Illuminatism than the dark members of the Caiaphas bloodline whom have chosen to perpetuate his murder of Christ. Their first teaching will be that Jesus died, end of His story.
This trace, after ten years of heraldic work, to London's Cheapside, seems perfectly attuned with two previous decades of intense / Directed study on Biblical prophecy, and with my book warning of the impending 666 system, and how to prepare dealing with it. I feel that this Cheapside line has all to do with the 666. Compare the ProvANCHER variation of Provence's to the CheapHANKS variation of Cheapside's, asking why Cottons use "HANKS of cotton" while sharing the colors and chevrons of both surnames above? Cottons are said to have had a DENTon location in Huntingdon shire. Virtually everything in heraldry is my enemy. Heraldry concerns the Crusaders and their cherished globalist system. Having secured the United States, they have been plotting world rule next. Although Provence's were named after the region, they clearly seem to be Caiaphas liners of the Cheap kind in relation to Etienne's, Billets and Pilate's. Compare Cottons with Billets.
Francis Bacon wrote the New Atlantis, by which he intended the fledgling United States at that time. Washington DC was a Masonic bastion; what is it that Americans don't realize about this? Of course the rulers will try to convince Americans that the Masonry of George Washington was an innocent, benevolent thing. Of course they will try to stay in power by fending off their Christian enemies, by hiding the dark sides of their plots. But in due time, and that time has already started decades ago, the Masons will turn the country into a satanic bastion. Haven't you noticed? The prediction is Christian persecution in due time.
The Cottons mention their Connington manor, and then Conningtons share a blue Shield with Cottons, and put three wavy piles upon it in the colors of the three Taddei chevrons. The Conningtons are said to be of a Conington location in Cambridgeshire, where Julians were first found that trace to Aurelia Cotta, part of the Cotta/COTTIN surname. This Conington was given by Canute to a TURKill character, a Danish entity that can jibe with the Denton location of Cottons. In this picture, the Connington piles can be those of Aurelia-suspect Ore's. Conington is said to have passed from Turkill to a niece of the Conqueror, and the latter has been suspect for a few months now with Tuscany liners that included Taddei's. It was the Tute's/Tuits that gave the first solid clue that the Conqueror traced to the Todini branch of Tute's, and here the Cottons use a "paraTUS" motto term that can be code for the Tous'/Tosini's, part of the Biden - Capelli bloodline even.
It's notable that the shirt of Tous' is in Connington colors, and that Conningtons are said to be named after "con(ig)" = king William. If the other parts of the Tous Coat were white, it would be a reflection of the Cheapside Coat. In the Domesday book, a record-keeping book of king William the control freak, a listing for a Mr. Cotton says he was in TOSEland (Huntingdonshire). William gave England to all of his goons, and made them faithful barons by granting them many manors each, and called them tenants-in-chief. And they all controlled the nation, by controlling the manors and the real-estate, and counting everyone's' possessions, they kept an eye on things, just like the modern-days spies from the same basket of rotten figs. Not happy with Normandy, pieces of Norway, and England with Wales, they went to spoil Ireland, then to Italy, and even Jerusalem. Bottomless stomachs who knew nothing but to rule over the world at any expense of others.
Skagal's Shoe Stand
The Tous' show a Tosatti variation smacking of the Danish ruler, Skagal/Skoglar Toste. This jibes with Turkill the Dane. It should explain why German Turks share a Coat like that of Tous'. It should also explain why Scottish Turks use a Bouillon-honoring "bello" term for their motto. It appears that Tous' were Toste liners i.e. a Tuscany merger with Conqueror-related Danes. It should explain why Cottons share "fortuna" with "tout"-using Rollo's. It should explain why a Toste surname is listed with Tafts/TUFFS', linkable to Tuftons. I can't recall whose red eagle is in the Toste/Tuff's Crest. There is also a Tost/Tosti surname (Yorkshire) that doesn't come up with "Tosti," an Italian name in some cases. Toste lived a generation after Rollo.
Wikipedia says that Toste was a "legendary" king, and I think I must agree. He is made the father of a Harald, and can therefore suggest the Harald > Maccus vikings of the same time period. Maccus' grandfather had secured alliances with Saxons in Northumberland, and then, without any consideration on that, I had traced Provence's to Stevens and Stevensons, the latter first found in Northumberland. Without any consideration of a Toste descent from the Maccus vikings (I didn't know either party at the time), I traced Sigrid the Haughty to a close relationship with Siward of Northumberland, and then discovered that Toste was made her father. At that time, I had not yet discovered Maccus nor his grandfather, Sitric. The latter had married Edith of Polesworth, and then, zikers, I now see that Polworthys share three red piles with Tous-colored Conningtons...possibly indicating that the Conqueror was of this Toste line. The Tosts/Tosti's share the white-on-red chevron with Swietoslawa-suspect Sweets/Sweits, Siward-suspect Sewards, and Lamberts, the latter suspect with Mieszko II Lambert because Swietoslawa (alternative name of Sigrid the Haughty) was a daughter of Mieszko I, a Polish ruler. Can't Polesworth be a Mieszko entity?
Note that while French Lamberts can be suspect with the Grasse / Cheapside chevrons, English Lamberts, sharing the lamb with Cheapside's, are in the colors and format of Tosts/Tosti's. French Lamberts share two white chevrons with Sweets and Sewards. It makes Mieszko's suspect with Julia Maesa.
I already know what to say for the next few paragraphs. As Toste was myth code (apparently to keep the Tous secret), then his son, TosTESSON may have been code for Tessin-river peoples. Tessens/Tessins, who use nothing but a fesse linkable to the Dol fesse, were first found in Pomerania, where Mieszko liners ruled. Tessons (Northumberland) are the Tysons with the lions in colors reversed from the Touch/Tuff lion! That's how we know that Tosti and his son were myth codes, linkable to Toste's/Tuff's'. One of the two Stevensons Coats is a leopard-face version of the Valentin Coat with squirrels, both using green-on-white, the colors of the Touchs'/Tuff's.
I can trace this picture to the squirrel-liner DECKs/Daggers, whom I've traced to the Ticino/Tessin river for years, though haven't clinched it. For this cause, it's necessary to re-mention that Tessons/Tysons link to Tease's/Tye's and therefore to Tease's/Tess'/TECKs. Then, the Stevenson Coat with faces is used by Levi-beloved Ade's, first found in the same place (Berwickshire) as Polworthys, and while Levi's can be expected with the Laevi of the Tessin river, it's known that Siward was of the Bernicians around Berwickshire. The Bebba Bernicians were at Bamburgh castle, and Bamburgs share the Polworthy pile.
Keep the Ade's in mind for this paragraph because they use a version of the Sheep/Shipman Coat suspect in the Cheapside sheep. Next up: the Tost/Tosti Coat reminded me of the Peks and Peckers, and that the Pek Coat was suspect as a version of the Gilbert Coat, the surname with the red squirrel in Crest, symbol of Decks/Daggers, which should explain the "Teg" motto term of Gilberts. This is not only corroboration that Teck / Deck liners were from the Tessin, but is why Skagal Toste should prove to be a Laevi / Tessin liner. Gilberts share white-on-red roses with Peckers (Pek / Tost/Tosti colors), and Peckers have the Chappes Moor head in Crest, important where Stevensons / Stevens trace to Provence's and therefore to CHEAPside's. The Stevens even share a white-on-blue perchevron (colors of the Cheapside chevron) with Moor-head Chappes'. The Scottish Chappes'/CHEAPs were first found in the same place as Guiscards (beside the Valentinian-related Wings and Justice's) while Guiscards share three red-on-white piles of Polworthys. Guiscard variations are suspect from Ottone VISconti.
English Stevens are traced in their write-up to a member in the service of Thomas BECKet, and the Thomas name is important because I have found some Thomas' in Britain who trace to Thomas of Saluzzo, important where Stevensons share the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Saluzzo's. As the FitzAlans had married Thomas of Saluzzo's daughter, it should explain why Tessens/Tessins (Saluzzo colors) link to Dols. Beckets can even be using the red lion heads of Godfreys, for while Bouillons were Bello kin, Bellamys were at Perche while Beckets use a another PERCHevron.
English Beckers share the vair fur with Bachs. GILberts, because they use the Arms-of-Carrick chevron (Carricks were form a family of Gilbert), were traced to the GELa founders of Agrigento, and then one can see two reasons in the motto of English Beckets for linking to the Agrigento liners, Cragie's and Craigs, kin of Crags, the latter first found in the same place as English Beckets and Tosts/Tosti's. German Beckers are linkable to the stars of Billets/Billiards (and Stevensons?), which I say because Bacons (Pek / Pecker colors) are Billet kin.
This topic has been crossed before, where it was tentatively concluded that Italian Tous' were of the Tessin river, but as the Tous buttons trace to Joseph-related Capelli's, it's stands to reason that Tous' were Cheapside kin. To put it another way, Capelli's trace to ancient Cabyle while Cheaps of a "Cabyle" look would be Chaplets, for example, who share the Joseph swan (now showing as a martlet) in both colors. Perhaps you might like to imagine a Mr. Joseph, shop merchant, but I'm seeing Joseph Caiaphas and his Levite line from Laevi. Toste's even share the Were crosslets while Were's are using the Ivory bend for a trace to Leavells of Yvery.
If we are wondering where Tooths apply to Skagal Toste and "Tous / Tadini," there are two or three immediate reasons for making the equation: 1) Tooths are in the colors of Tosts/Tosti's and Tute's; 2) Tosts/Tosti's were first found in the same place as Dents; 3) Tooths use a griffin as code for the griffins of Pomerania, where Tessens/Tessins were first found that should be of the Tostesson code. An additional reason is that Tooth and Gumm liners traced to Danes while Sigrid the Haughty married a Dane ruler. The Gumms, by the way, use a perchevron in the colors of the Tost/Tosti chevron.
Next, the "Ne" motto term of Griffins reminds that the Knee's/Kneigh's / Nie's/Neys can apply to SKAGal/SKOGul Toste if it's code for the Shoe's/SCHUCHs that use a Knight cut off at the knee. The Griffin Crest share the black Carrick talbot with Crags (same place as Tosts/Tosti's), and Crags use the same bend as Knee's. Recall that I had forgotten who used the red eagle in the Toste/Tuff's Crest; it's just been refound in the Knee Crest. The eagles are identical! Bingo, proof that the heraldic stupids were writing in code. Toste's were kin of Shoe's, and Trips are now showing the shoe, and were first found in Hamburg, near Pomerania.
MORE. While Stanleys were noted earlier as using a version of the Crag bend, here's on Tostesson" "Ulf Tostesson was a jarl and the son of the legendary Viking Skogul Toste. He was the brother of Sigrid the Haughty, and his son, Ragnvald Ulfsson [wolf liner code?], a jarl, was the father of STENkil, who was elected king when the old House of Munso died out." What's Stenkil code for? Stanleys?
The black talbot of Crags can link closely to the same in the Spink Crest, for while Spinks are suspect with the sphinx, used by Hips'/Hipkins, the latter can trace to the Hypsas river at proto-Crag Agrigento/ACRAGas. This starts to explain why Toste - Crag liners were involved with Sigrid the Haughty, for the Hypsas was also the Drago river, very traceable to Drake's that use the red-on-white wyvern of the dukes of Masovia (Poland), where the Mieszko-duke line ruled. The Hips' use a horizontally split Shield in colors reversed from the same of Decks/Daggers (probably the Massey / Pack fleur), first found in the same place (Prussia) as Mieske's. The latter's armor can now link to Knights. Mieszko I was also called, DAGome.
Hmm, I've just tried Gome's ("Touch"), as per "DaGOME," and found them as the Clan-Chattan liner, Combs/Come's (Perthshire).
The Haughts, suspect with Sigrid because they share a bull head with Dreux's and Mieske's, can be using the three bars of Nie's/Neys (Essex). Haughts are in Toste/Tuff's colors and were first found in the same place as Toste's/Tuff's' and Touch's/Tuff's. The latter are linkable with Lannoys to Tree's/Trews, perhaps a branch of the Drew variation of Dreux's, and Knee-loving Shoe's/Schuchs use a tree perhaps for this family circle.
Let's go back to the Knee and Knight link to the Eye location near the Alde river, for the Ayrshire-based and Carrick-associated Alde's/Alda's ("VirTUTE" et ConSTANtia") are suspect with the Taddei Chief, and share the Tooth griffin for a trace to Griffins of Pomerania. Italian Alda's are using a white-on-blue fesse, the colors of the Dol fesse, and colors reversed from the same of Tessens/Tessins, first found in Pomerania. The Griffins are expected to be Agrippa liners along with Varn-suspect Gripps/Grape's, but the latter do not use the Varn bend only, but that of Shakespeare's so that we can come back around to Francis Bacon, if he was Shakespeare. Repeat from above: "Grey Bridges, 5th baron of Chandos of Sudeley. Mr. Bridges (son of Miss Hopton) was husband to Anne Stanley (qualified for the English throne after Elizabeth I), second wife of Mervyn Tucket. The Stanleys are said to descend from a branch of Audleys, meaning that they are traced to this very Tuchet-Stanley marriage. Stanleys were not only first found in the same place as Shakespeare-suspect Tacks, but they use 'Sans' while Shakespeare's use 'sanz.' "
The question is whether mythical Stenkil was a Stanley line, and we just saw Stanleys using the same bend as Knee's, both with three gold items upon that bend, and Knee's have been confirmed with Skagal-Toste liners. When we enter "Sten," we get the Stains (same place as Tosts/Tosti's) that list "Stand/STANT," suspect with the "ConSTANTia" motto term of Alda's, and Alda variations can prove to be a branch of some Audleys that furnished Stanleys/ STANDleys (share stags heads of Knee's). In this picture, Mervyn Tuchet looks like a Toste/TUFFs / Touch/Tuff liner. The Sten/Stant Crest (garland) is shared by Stevensons, and is part-code for the German Stevensons sharing the Garland Coat. It explains why Stevensons are also STENsons/STEINsons, and so compare the Stevenson bend to that of Steins.
As Stanleys are also STONEleys, by what coincidence are Stone's (Carrick / Crag talbot in white) sharing the Craig motto ("Vive ut vivas"), which, by the way, I'm tracing to Vibia Varia, mother of Laevi-suspect Lupus Laevillus. This picture allows one to link the Craig crescents to the Barnhams whom Francis Bacon married, as did Mervyn Tuchet.
StenKIL can now definitely be a double code, one for Kills, in the colors of Hills, and Hills can be argued as sharing the Craig fesse, but with the tower of Hoppers (I'm guessing because Hoptons furnished the Stanley after Mr. Bridge's, and because Hips'/Hipkins can be Hopkins). Kills use the crescent in colors reversed from the Craig / Barnham crescent, which is probably on the Hill-Crest tower. The Stands/Stants are in the "obSTANTia" motto term of Arthurs, and Hobs/Habs, suspect with the same motto term, can therefore be argued as Hopton > Stanley liners. I think this is a big deal, tracing many pertinent-to-my-work surnames to an identified family circle around Francis Bacon. Hobs/Habs share the same chevron as Craigs and Hills.
Wikipedia treats Stenkil as historical, not legendary. But in the House of Stenkil article: "Line (of magnates and earls) before Stenkil, according to the Norse sagas:..." Any of the names on this page can be treated as myth code. For example, Philip (1110), may be code for Philippa of Hainaut, whom was a Negro, and may have been one of the so-called "dark Danes" (a phrase in 1911 Britannica on its Viking article). is from the 3rd update of last month:
I've just gone to the atlas to spot Binche, right beside Mons [Hainaut capital], and then the Binks/Bings had been resolved with the Chives quadrants! Bingo. I've also spotted Philippaville to the near-southeast of Binch, suggesting Philippa of Hainaut, said to be a Negro (see last update for that).The Binks and Chives' use quadrants in colors reversed from the Kill quadrants!!! Excellent. Wikipedia treat Philip as a real, Swedish king. I had reason for tracing Philippa to Luisa of Ceva, where I trace Chives'. We saw how Skagal-Toste liners could have been of the Alice-Saluzzo line, and so let's repeat that Luisa above was mother to Alice of Saluzzo. This family married the FitzAlans of Arundel, in ARUN (Sussex), making the cloud and sun in the Stevenson/Stenson Crest suspect with Jewish AARONs/ARENs ("hands GRASping"). If the blue quadrants of Aarons were black, it would be the Kill Shield. I've just recalled that KILners share the white-on-black spread eagle of TUFtons! I didn't know until re-loading Tuftons (= TOKEtons) that they were first found in Sussex, likely kin of Saddocks/Sedgewicks and Sedgleys. Rundels (Alan fesse) were first found in the same place (Kent) as to where the Tuftons moved to, where they had their Touque/Took branch.
It appears that the Toste Danes / Swedes had Touques-river liners as kin. I'm not going to view Tos / Toste liners as a Tuff/Tough / Touques branch, but rather as a merger. I'm seeing Ticino-river Laevi, and perhaps other Ticino liners, at the Touques river as it namers. Yes, this is a good argument for tracing Touque's to things upon the Ticino. The LISIeux location on the Touques can go through the Laevi to Lissus, between the Mathis river and the Cavii peoples, and then Mathis' share the Chives moline. Should we be tracing Chives' to "shop / ceapan," or do you think more like Caiaphas liners? The Apps/Abbs Crest is suspect with the Kilner / Tufton eagle, but it's used also by Balance's that may have formed for their kinship to Scale's (as word-play on a balance scale).
German Arens (Stone eagle?) use "scales," and then the Scale surname shares the Capes / Apps/Abbs scallops, and moreover throws in five white ostrich feathers in Crest. This Crest was a symbol of the Herod-suspect Cliffords, remember, but you can find it also with Irish Clare's (Danes), important where English Clare's link to Bleds at Bled, in the home area (Slovenia) of queen Kunigunda, in the ancestry of Philippa of Hainaut. The Apps/Abbs ("Te" can be a Tessin-river liner) share black-and-white lozenges with Schole's/Scayle's. The white tiger in the Hob/Hab Crest gives the impression that it should link to the white Bing lion and the same-colored "cat" of Chives'.
The ARNO river (Florence) comes to mind for Arens / Arundels / Rundels, which recalls the Arniss variation of Annas', the latter suspect with "Hainaut." There is was an old Arnissa location (lower-left of dark map) to the side of the Ticino-suspect DEXARoi, the latter on the APSus river, now linkable, thanks to the scale of German Arens, to the Apps'/Abbs'. That is a tidy package. Daggers/DACKERs even share the Apps/Abbs / Capes / Scale scallops in gold, all four surnames using them on a red Shield. Note the "speraVI" motto term of Apps/Abbs, traceable to VIpont at the Touques river (Chives' use "vi"). Annans use "SperABo." This picture is clear as glass. Daggers/Deckers use a "loyALTE" motto term than can be for the Florence Alda's. Note that Alte's/Aults use a wavy pale bar in the colors of the wavy border of Tuftons. It can be shown that the Capes scallops moved into / out of Cambridge with the Dives'.
The Scale's and similar others are expected at the Scylla = Messina part of Sicily, where Ali's/Aliotta's were first found that can be a line to the Ale's/Aleys in the "Ales" motto of Tuftons. The Tost/Tosti patees trace to Patti of Messina, and to the patees of the Massena/Messina surname. As the latter share the Dutton lion, it's interesting that Ale's/Aleys were first found in Worcestershire, location of Dudley. While that place was on the northerly Stur, the southerly Stur flows near to Poole, and then Poole's share the Ale/Aley lion. The Ales'/Alicea's/Alesani's, whom I'm not familiar with, were looked up immediately after writing this paragraph to this point, to find that they were first found in Messina. Ales' share the tree with Alis'.
Aha! The Sedgleys/'Sedleys (wavy Tufton kin), said to be from AYLEsworth, share a virtual copy of the Alisons Coat! There is lots of meaty stuff here on the dragon-flesh kind.
I'm going to peg the STANwick Coat with that of Bernice's (both first found in Cumberland). As Stenwicks are said to have been under the authority of Brittany Alans, I'm going to peg the Stanwick Coat also with English Dole's. Stanwicks are using potent crosses, a symbol I don't come across often, but is one that belongs to Skeets'/Sheets' and Skits, both using the same Coat but the latter listed with Schuch-like Skeochs. Isn't this proof, again, that Skagal Toste was a Dane entity in merger with Sten liners? Yes, and the potent cross belonged to the house of Godfrey de Bouillon. It was the symbol chosen for Templar Jerusalem, and the first crusaders were both Flemish and Dane-viking. Potent liners are suspect with the Patent surnames, one using what I consider to be the Schole/Scayle lozenges, and the other suspect as a branch of Pattys/Pati's, Kilpatricks/Patchie's and Patch's, the latter sharing black hunting horns with Berrnice's and Burns.
They say that the potent cross is developed from crutch's, but I glean that the Crutch surname is a branch of Cross liners; hence, the potent CROSS. Croce's/Cross' use the potent cross, you see. And it just so happens that the Crutch/Crooch Coat is a reflection of the Tufton and Alte/Ault Coats combined! There is little doubt in my mind that they named it the potent cross because Crutch's and kin trace to Potentia, in the arch of Italy near the Scylla / Patti part of Sicily. Calabria, Cosenza, and others nearby places use the potent cross in their Arms. Blanda in Calabria was pegged as the origin of "Flanders," and the Palins, who use share the black lion with Flanders, were traced to PALINurum, beside Blanda. "Palin" and "BLANda" may have been related entities.
It's important that the Tufton Shield can link to the Saddocks/Sedgewicks in that they were first found in the same place while using roughly the same Shield in colors reversed. STEN / STONE liners can be gleaned as Seaton/Sitten-like terms, all suspect from Sadducee-like terms. This involves a re-occurring method for linking Chap- / Cape-like surnames, not to shops or any other thing, but to Caiaphas and Annas. "Skit / Skeets' is very-possibly a Germanic version of "Sit / Shitt / Set / Shet / Shed," and then Chads use the potent cross while Saddocks are an obvious branch of Chaddocks and Chadwicks. Yet, Chads also use patee crosses in the colors of the same of Tosts/Tosti's. And Sheds use fitchee crosses in the colors of the crusader crosses of Toste's/Tuff's, and of the patee crosses on the other half of the Chad Coat. Note that the Chads use a combination of potent and so-called "crusader cross." This Skogal Toste fellow is shaping up like the crusader guts of Jerusalem, the dragon bloodline, especially as this thing links to Sweden, home of the Varangian Rus. The latter had its beginnings with Inger, and so Inge below, part of the Skogal dynasty.
Sheds ("ServABO") use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Brocuffs, the latter using another potent cross. Sheds were not only first found in the same place (Ayrshire) as Cheapside's, but both share the same chevron. We thus have a solid Cheap link to Sadducee suspects in Shawia-studded Ayrshire. Shaws list "Seth". It's known that the Arms of Ayrshire ("shaw" motto term) use the Annan(dale) saltire on gold, but then the Annan saltire is in both colors of the STANDish saltire. Like the Tuftons using a border that I think doubles as an eSCUTcheon, Standish's use a border so that their Shield becomes suspect as a version of the Chaddock / Chadwick escutcheon. The border is suspect with the Borders, who happen to use swords in the colors of the same of Shitts/SHUTE's...who may be using the Aude swords. In any case, the Shute / Border swords are in the two colors of the same of Siward-liner Swords, thus linking to Sigrid the Haughty, who is said to have married both a Dane (Forkbeard) and a Swedish ruler.
Standish's, Shute's and Borders were first found beside one another, where Trents were first found suspect with the Chad Shield, a good reason to view Borders as escutcheon liners. Standish's were first found in the same place (Gloucestershire) as organ-pipe and Annas-suspect Letts, both using a saltire in colors reversed from one another. The Letts use a Chief with their saltire that can be construed as the Annan Chief-and-saltire in colors reversed. Organs and Corrigans may have been ORKNey liners, where Danish vikings infested. If the Lett Chief were white, the Lett Coat could be the Bacon Coat. The "Mediocria" motto term of Bacons makes their black stars suspect with those of Medleys (same place as wavy Tuftons / Saddocks) and Methleys (Yorkshire again, same as Knee-suspect Crags), but then the black stars of Letts can apply, and we want to know whether the three Methley bars are the Haught / Nie bars. As beaks use the three Methley bars, it appears that Beaks were Bacon liners. As wavy Beaks share the ostrich in Crest with Carricks, the Beak bars must be of the black fesse bar of Carricks (Ayrshire).
Aude-possible Alte's/Aulds are expected with Knee liners at the namers of the Alde river, and the Haught Coat looks like a Nie/Ney liner, expected as part of the "knee" term of the Schuch description. Danish Clare's, kin of Claro's/Charo's that share a blue bend with Knee's, were first found in the same place (Suffolk) as the Alde river (and the first Bacons), and Caiaphas-suspect Josephs use both a "ni" and a "charo" term. Josephs were Skogul liners, weren't they? The "wlad" motto term of Josephs may link to the "volat" of Tuftons. In fact, while Vlads list FLATTens, the Tufton-related Sedgleys are said to be from a SouthFLEET location, and Fleets (double bars of Flecks/Flags, suspect with the double bars of Harcourts). share the BLACK and upright lion of Hainauts. In case you don't know, the three Levi chevrons were used by the counts / county of Mons, thus tracing Levi's to rulers in Hainaut, which can explain why Jewish Levi's use the black lion in both colors of the Philip lion. This is the best explanation for the lumping of Flemings / Flanders elements in with the Danish vikings in the conquering of Jerusalem. The lamb-using Lamberts are in ADE colors, and first found in the same place as ADA of Warenne, while it just so happens that Lamberts are traced to rulers of Mons. That should explain why Levi's honor the Ade's in their motto. We can't lose sight of CHEAPside's, suspect with French and English Lamberts both, for German Lamberts have been resolved as Alan liners of the Luna / Lang / Luneburg kind, and suspect with the CHEPman crescent.
I am fairly sure I have it recorded that French Alans once showed ducks in the design used by Herls/Hurls, yet the latter's have now changed. The ducks were either exactly, or similar with, the ducks now showing for German Lamberts. It just so happens that Herls/Hurls were first found in the same place (NorthUMBERland) as LUMBERs, and that Lumbers use a fesse in the colors of the Lang fesse...colors reversed from the Beak / HUMBER fesse bars. It makes the Mieszko Poles of the Lambert kind suspect at the naming of the Humber river. The Lumbers may even be (very likely) using the two Bacon stars, for the Lumber Chief shares white cinquefoils with French Bacons, yet more evidence that Bacons were a branch of Beaks. Lamberts list "Amber." Here in this paragraph one has a good reason to link Mieszko's to Siward of Northumberland, all suspect with "the Haughty." Lumbers not only share "virtute" with Chives', but are in the same colors.
The Lumber cinquefoil can be that of Flowers, said possibly to be from Fleet-like Fletchers/Fleggers/Fleshers (pellets), a possible branch of Plagers / Players. The Flesh's/Flackmans are the ones suspect with the two gold chevrons of Chaplains and Josephs, and we just saw how the Joseph motto can link to Fleets and related Flack liners. Josephs were first found in the same place as Potters who share the Flower cinquefoil, and Potters use a version of the Sedgley Coat. Surprise. Potters just linked to the Sedgleys of Fleetwood. While the Crest of Potters has a sea horse (Toker symbol too), the Crest of Sedgley- and Toker-related Tuftons has a sea lion. Flesh's/Flackmans were first found in Huntingdonshire, perhaps of the line of Henry Huntingdon, husband of Ada of Warenne.
The Potter cinquefoils can be in use in the Cliffton Coat, feasible using the Saddock border, for Clifftons (peacock) were first found in the same place as Chaddocks...and Rochdale, where the Arms uses a similar border. The "droit" motto term of Clifftons exists as a surname, first found in Oxfordshire, and listed with DREWitts, suspect with Drews listed with Dreux's. They are likely using the fleur-de-lys of Gellone's and Barbers (share the Dreux bull head, quite apparently). Warenne's are suspect with Guerin of Provence, son, they say, of William Gellone.
It can be gleaned that Potters and Lumbers are Dragon/Drainer liners from the Drake's (same place as Potters), and therefore from the dukes of Masovia. The Puters (Potter colors) may be using a paly (vertical) version of the Humber bars, and the Puter eagle may, once again, be the Tufton eagle. It's in white, the color of the Piast eagle. The latter's is white on red, which you can see on the Lorraine bend, because Mieszko II Lambert married Richeza of Lorraine. The Lorraine's share the green-on-gold lion of Tracks/Triggs and Drigs, and then the Druckers, with a Drig-like variation, use bull horns linkable to the Mieszko-line bull. We'll see bull horns again below, on a Haughty-suspect surname. Puters are in Dragon / Pendragon colors, and first found in the same place (Cornwall) as Pendragons. There is a question on whether the Puter eagles are those of STANDards/Stoners. Do Fletchers use pellets with Pilate- / Blade-suspect pheons with-in them? Humbers put pellets on their GRIFFIN (Mieszko's were kin of Pomeranian Griffins), the symbol of Sheeps/CHEPmans, yet another reason to link Mieszko Lambert to sheep-using Cheapside's. The Sheeps are the ones suspect with the Ade bend, and, so, let's repeat that Lamberts are traced to Levi-studded Mons. It should be repeated here that the white griffin head of Humbers belongs to Dobers / Dobermans and Haldans, the lines of DOBRawa, wife of Mieszko I, and of Oda of HALDENsleben (near Luneburg), other wife of Mieszko I. It make's the Ade bend suspect with Dobers / Dobermans. It's interesting that the three Humber / Beak / Methley bars are in the black of the three Levi / Arms-of-Mons chevrons.
As Humbers were first found in Herefordshire, the Mieszko-line griffin head under discussion should be the white griffin of Jeffersons ("cruce"), and moreover the Dober / Ade bend then becomes linkable to the same of Jays (Herefordshire). The Jeffreys then share black stars on a white fesse with Lumbers and Bacon-related Medleys, all in the colors of the Bacon-Chief stars. Jeffreys use three black-on-white bars of their own, in the vertical direction.
Repeat: "As yet another example of sticking together, Plegers/Pledgers were first found in the same place as Capone's and Chapmans, and share the colors of Capone's while putting pellets on their 'bucks.'" The Godfreys have a Coat linkable to that of Capone's. Pledgers are suspect with a variation of Bleds, and the latter were linked to Kunigunda, the line to Philippa of Hainaut.
I once saw a very unique thing. The Texas sky was completely blue nearing sundown, a most-pleasant afternoon in April. Then, a small cloud covering the sun, about as wide as the sun, and not much longer, exactly the picture in the Jeffrey Crest. Along with this sighting came an ominous feeling, of something bad about to happen to me. I had been headed for Galveston (island in southern Texas) ever since crossing the Mississippi river, wanting to see the ocean. When dark came, I was nearing Galveston, and that ominous feeling was gripping me a little. I decided to sleep in the back of my capped truck on a quiet Galveston street. About 1 am, I was attacked and nearly robbed by a Black man. He tried to drive the truck away, leaving me without wallet and shirt on the side of the street, but, by a miracle, the vehicle refused to start for him (it had NEVER done that for me previously). The long and the short of it is that he fled with the keys while I was knocking on someone's front door, and the truck started for me on the third try (with spare key).
I was wondering, therefore, whether a GALVESton surname applied to the Jeffreys. This was a day or two ago, as I write here. There was no Galveston surname coming up, however. Not much later, I found myself writing: "Skipton, the Clifford write-up says, was granted to a PIERS de GAVESton, and afterward to Cliffords, and it just so happens that Gavestons are listed with Gavers'/Jeevers/Geffers, evoking the Geve's/Jeeve's [Jeffrey colors] that were suspect (last update) with the Coat of Dent-like Denets. The Gophers/Govers/GAVERS and Giffords/Givords can therefore apply to Gavers' / Geve's/Jeeve's, but these terms are still suspect with Chives' / Cavii liners." Can't Gavers/Jeevers/Geffers be Jeffrey liners? Did God give me that cloud-on-sun picture, and the related robbery-attempt, for the purpose here, more than 25 years later? The GOPHER/Gaver saltire is almost the JEFFERson saltire, and Godfreys list "GEOGHERY." Gophers are in Gough / Googe/Gooch colors, in case they apply.
There is a Galves/Gallego surname, Spanish, and perhaps using the Chad Shield. On the one half, the Galves Shield shares a tower (gold) on red with this County-of-Hainaut page, where you can see a red and upright lion in the Arms of Hainaut (shared by the Mons/Mount surname), and then the Galves lion is upright an red too. The white-on-red tower is the Arms of Mons! That's pretty impressive, for Welsh Jeffreys use the same lion as Philips, thus making Godfrey liners link, as can be expected, to the Flanders / Hainaut lion. Gavels (suspect with the Gaunt Chief) happen to use the same spread eagle as Tufton yet again.
Was I attacked by a Black man? Yes. Historically, Philippa's skin color was disguised in paintings as white, but in the 2nd update of March, you can find someone's eye-witness description of her, where she definitely seems to be Negroid. The Philip lion has a crown gorged around its neck, and I see crowns on the faked / copied grave stone of king Philip (Sweden) at his Wikipedia article. You can see the same "copy" at the article on Inge, Philip's brother. Their father was HalSTEN:
By what coincidence do Halls (and Hulls) share white talbots with STONE's? In colors reversed, the Hall / Hull talbots are black, the Crag / Carrick talbot. This makes "HALsten" suspect as code for a Hall merger with Stone / Sten / Stanley liners. There are both Swedish Halls and Swedish Stens/Steins, otherwise, there are not many Swedish surnames that come up. Hulls were first found in the same place as Tosts/Tosti's, and while Skogul Toste connects to Knee's, the latter were linked to Diss' that use a semblance of the Swedish Sten Coat.
Better yet, the Swedish Stens share the Shirt/Sherrat Coat exactly, and the latter are expected in the shirt and buttons of TOUS'! You can run, but you can't hide, Toste. I wonder whether the "HOSTIS" motto term of Shirts applies to Tosti liners. Unbelievably, Hosts/Osts are in the colors of the Aurelia's, and the Shirt motto suggests kinship with Ore's / Orrels / Orleans' because all four surnames share torteaux.
The Hosts/Osts evoke the Sten-like Austens, extremely important because Austens/Ostiens (gold mural crown) can be gleaned with the black paw of Quints, for the latter share a red-on-gold chevron with Austens. The latter were first found in Bedfordshire, and thus share the black Bedford lion paw, and Bedfords look linkable to Tuftons / Saddocks. The Bedfords write-up trace's to king Offa (Saxon king of Mercia), and then Hoffs are suspect with HOUGHtons/Haughts, making the white bull head of Hosts/Osts suspect with the same of Haughts! It's right down the Skogal-Toste alley. German Hoffs even but bull horns on their leopard face, and as it's a black-on-white face, it links well to the same of Ade's.
Aha! The "Crux" motto term of the Scottish Austens (same Coat, virtually) must be for the Crux surname (KILL colors) using the Tufton eagle yet again, along with a single pale bar in colors reversed from the same of Tufton-suspect Alte's/Aults and Crutch's/Crouch's. Gavels (Surrey) happen to share the Tufton / Crux eagle along with the same upright stag as Scottish AuSTENs! That nails Austens as Skogul > StenKIL liners, but then the "nostra" motto term of Gavels can now link to the "Nosce tiepsum" motto of Pendragons that I've claimed as code for Tipps' (share black bull head with Mieske's) that happen to share the pheons in the Gavel Chief.
Pendragons (linkable to Sale's and therefore to Hoffs / Coughs and Haughts/Haughtons) share the colors of Dragons for a reason, and the latter share the Lumber fesse. As UTHER Pendragon was code for the Others, said to be from lords of LOMBARdy, the Lumbers can now identify Lombards (the Swedish people group) with the line of Mieszko Lambert. Or, to put it another way, Lambert was named after Lombards. Scottish Lombards/Limbaugh's, who could be using a version of the Standard/Stoner Coat, were first found in the same place as Pollocks.
French Lombards, surprisingly enough, share the Quint / Austen chevron. These Lombards were first found in Provence, and can therefore link to Cheapside elements of that theater, making perfect sense for identifying Cheapside's and Cheaps/Chappes' with "Caepio." The Caiaphas-suspect CHIEF of Lombards has three black fleur de lys, a very profound little thing because the June's/Jungs, first found in the same place as Capone's and Julians, and therefore suspect from JUNia Caepionis, use black fleur too. That explains why the Austens share the upright stag with German June's/Jungs/Youngs/JungBLUDS/JungBLUTS (i.e. link to the Blood/Blud stag, noting that one Austin Crest uses a stag resting, as do Bloods). There are a lot of British / London political people who would be very interested in knowing these things.
As the Gavel stag has been resolved with the Austen stag, I would suggest that Gavels were El-GABAL / Gabuleum liners. Previously, Gavels were suspect with Cavii, but then Cavii lived at or beside Gabuleum (beside or with the Penestae). I had not only sensed a Caepio trace to the Cavii, but to Cavii expected at KOPLik, also called CUPIONICH, like "Caepionis." Koplik is on the east side of lake SCODra, and is a couple of miles from a Dober location, which is why I trace KOPLik to the GOPLo mouse tower, Polish origin of the Mieszko's / Piasts. It appears that Gabuleum was related to Koplik, but then let's not forget that God apparently gave me a sign in the sun and cloud, at Galveston, that is now seemingly linkable to this Gavel line.
El-Gabal had a Black STONE idol, which was to some degree suspect with the Stoner / Stone surnames, and here the Gavals are found in Stoner colors. Dutch Gavals/Gavi's are in the colors of three Gobel surnames. One of them, listed peculiarly with Goodbolts, were first found in the same place (Essex) as Quints. These may be Good / Gutt / Goodman liners. German Gobels can be using the fish of Bar-le-Duc (Lorraine, Piast haunt) and therefore trace to the Bar location off the west side of lake Scodra.
German Gobels are highly suspect with a Saraca-of-Kotor trace to the Bush's / Boschs. Kotor is near Scodra too. The giant Bush / Bosch fleur-de-lys is not only the only symbol of Dutch Gavestons/Gavers'/Jeeves' (Gopher colors), but is in the Crest of French Gobels. Gophers use BLOOD drops for a trace between Bled and Koplik / Gabuleum.
French Gobels (Macey Shield) share the gold wing of Spanish Ales'/Alesani's, which I expect to be the wings of Portuguese Alfreds and Portuguese Abreu's. At one time, Masci's showed only white wings, and in the design of the wing shown previously by French Gobels, but the Masci's now show a gold wing too, in the colors of the Ales/Alesani wings. As Masci's share the bend of Messina's, the Ali's/Aliotta's (Messina) should apply to Ales'/Alesani's (Messina). Alisons then share the Shield of Potters.
The Cavii area was probably a Colchian area. Repeat: "Lumbers not only share "virtute" with Chives', but are in the same colors." The Lumber CINQUEfoils, suspect as code for Quints / Quince's, are shared by Potters, suspect with Bassianus' from Poti / Phasis of Colchis. The Lamberts share the Grasse chevrons, I assume, and the Provence stars, and thus trace to Bassianus' / Lamas' / Dumas' suspect at Grasse. Italian Lombards can therefore be suspect with the French-Gobel / Macey stars.
The Masci wing is still showing with the patee crosses of Diens/Dives', but then the other Dives', first found in the same place as Capone's, use the Capes scallops (Messina symbol). The implication may be a Cavii migration to Messina.
Look it. Bedfordshire is near Cambridgeshire, where Capone's and Aurelia-suspect Julians were first found. This is amazing, for Quints are still being targeted with the birth of Joseph Caiaphas from a sexual encounter between Julius Caesar and the mother of a Junia Caepionis (granddaughter of one QUINTus Caepio). The "SERVabo" motto term of Sheds becomes suspect in this update, on the one hand, with Apps/Abbs liners, kin of Capes', and on the other, it has just become suspect with SERVilia Caepionis, mother of three Junia Caepio's, and mistress of Julius Caesar.
Bedwells, first found in Bedfordshire, share the checks of Vaux's and the Arms of Meulan, and can thus link to Tosni-related Waleran, progenitor of Leavells, and son of a countess of Meulan.
Was Philippa a Negro?
That attack by the Negro has stirred up my interest again in Philippa of Hainaut. I never did get to her ancestry close enough to see where her Negro genes may have come from. She was the granddaughter of Philippa of Luxembourg, and therefore named after her. The earlier Philippa was of the house of Montbeliard, which was traced to engagement with Godfrey III's wife, Beatrice of Bar. It's the Godfrey-related Bouillons that use a Negro Moor head.
The Godfreys not only use a Negro, but he holds a fitchee cross with his black hand. It is very linkable to the BLACK lion paw of Quints, which also holds a fitchee, because these Godfreys are using the colors and format of Capone's.
When we get to the Arms of Montbeliard, instead of using the Bar fish in white on blue or gold on blue, as I usually see the Bar fish, they are gold on red, colors reversed from the fish of Cabots. Both Cabot Coats use the fish, and French Cabots, first found in Provence so as to be suspect with Cheapside's of that area, show variations like those of Chapeau's/Chaputs (suspect with the Chief of Geddes-related Majors). There is little doubt, therefore, that the Chappes Moor head relates to the Godfrey / Bouillon Negro because Chappes liners link to Montbeliard liners that apparently included Cabots...and Capone's. AND IT'S THEIR OBVIOUS GODFREY LINK TO QUINTS THAT MAKES THEM TRACEABLE SUSPECT QUINTUS CAEPIO. Note that Cabots are not traced to "shop / to buy." I've never seen one Cheap-like surname, aside from Cheapside's, traced to "shop / to buy."
The Billiard surname is listed with Billets, first found in the same place as French Josephs, and the Billiards/Billets are using Cheapside colors, and moreover are suspect with a version of the Cotton Coat, as we saw earlier, that links back to Aurelia Cotta, suspect as a great-great-grandmother of Joseph Caiaphas. My reckoning is that there were families who knew of this trace to Caiaphas, but covered it up.
English Cabots were first found in the islands of the English Channel, home of Majors/Magors, perhaps part of the "mago" motto term of Josephs. Mago, brother of Hannibal, may have had a line all the way to the Majors, and some Negro blood out of Spain may have been involved, especially as Spanish Majors use BLACK checks. "Philippa" sounds Spanish to me.
The Arms of Montbeliard include BLACK antlers on gold-and-red quadrants linkable to the MORton quadrants because the Montbeliard quadrants are those of Says who had merged with Mortons in naming Moreton-Say of Shropshire. One can find this location in the write-up of Cliffs/Cleave's, kin of Cliffords, we may assume. Cliffs share the gold-on-black stars of Capone's, but it should be noted that they also use the Mackay wolf heads. Cliffs share part of the Jefferson motto.
Cliffords were earls of THANET, suspect with Numidians of ZANATA, for Numidian-suspect Massins/Masons were first found in Thanet. Heraldic Moors of importance have traced hard to Numidians, and Mortons were even first found in the same place as Masseys, beside the first-known Meschins of Shropshire. The Montbeliard / Say quadrants are colors reversed from the Massey quadrants, and all of this, and much more, is why God chose a Massey liner to bring the world this revelation. I have been prone to keeping tabs on Massey ancestry, and it was crucial for discovering it in king Massena, in order to find, and elaborate on, Caiaphas ancestry. That's what this is all about. If the event in Galveston was Planned, there may be more Signs in the details of the event. We already saw that Galveston was able to show a link to the Crest of Jeffreys.
The thief took my KEYS. He lunged at me just after I unlocked the passenger door to get inside to unlock the driver door. His lunge pushed my head into the rear-view MIRROR, breaking it off. He got BOTH HANDS CLASPED around my throat, demanding, "Give 'em over, give 'em over." He wanted the keys. I had dropped them. With one of his hands around my throat, his other hand started looking for the weapon that was knocked out of his hand as he was plunging it into my stomach, or worse. It never arrived, hitting my KNEE as I used it to block the coming object. I couldn't see what it was. I started searching for it with one hand. Neither of us could see because our faces could not look down, and the floor was pitch black, anyway, as I chose a dark spot to park. We came across each other's hands (Aarons have two hands clasping) as we looked for it. Thankfully, I came up with it first.
"In the name of Jesus, get off," I yelled, and as I pushed, he was backed-out of the door on the street in a second, surprised with no hint of resistance. I was standing free in front of him, but didn't want risk to engage him with a weapon (I wasn't a violent / aggressive person); I was happy enough to run up the driveway, to the front porch, to knock hard on the door and scare him away. In the meantime, I looked at the object in my hand, just a piece of plastic he was using the feign a gun or knife. So, knowing he wasn't armed, I ran back to the street, but by the time I hopped over the privacy fence, he was gone, along with the keys, with the driver door left open.
The vehicle wasn't turning over, just clicking, as though no electric circuit from the battery was engaging the engine. It clicked twice for me, then started. Thank you, Lord. I drove off and stayed in a hotel. Next morning, good-riddance Galveston.
This is a little amazing, as I've never before considered this event as a Sign for using the particulars as Direction toward certain surnames. I kid you not that Aarons have TWO HANDS CLASPING, each hand coming from a CLOUD. It reminds that Aarons are suspect with Arun while Arundels of that place (and Swallows) use BLACK SWALLOS. If this is about Philippa, it makes Alans suspect with her. By what coincidence do SWALE's use the same fesse as WHALE-using Dols?
Then, as Vere's claim that Melusine was a foundress of the counts of Anjou, I traced her MIRROR to the Mire's/Mireux's, first found in Anjou, and yet Melusine is known to be the dragon woman of Lusignan. I've been saying for years that the Arms of Luxembourg shares the blue-and-white (Este-Bar colors) BARs of LUSignan, and here I find that this Negro attacker has put me on to Philippa of Luxembourg, whose mother was Margaret of Bar. Coincidence, or was the mirror knocked off for a Sign? It didn't hurt my head at all.
The Keys/Kays are in-code with the Numidian Shaws/Sheaves', a branch of key-using Sheaves'/CHIAPPONi's (Abruzzo). They use FIVE keys as likely code for QUINTus Caepio. The Negro's attack was all about the KEYS, and here the Keys link to Moor-related Numidians. The Shawia lived at Zanata. Cliff-suspect Glaphyra Archelaus married the king of Mauritania, Juba, suspect with surnames such as "Geve / Jeeves,." now linkable to Jeffreys. Just look at the timing of my first-ever realization that Jeffreys may have been Jeeves liners, for it comes on the same day that I decided to tell the Negro-attack story, itself just hours after the cloud-on-sun omen. So far, the message seems to be that the Jeffrey cloud-on-sun links to the Aaron cloud.
Juba was a king-Massena liner. It could start to appear that Godfreys / Jeffreys / Jeffersons / Gophers were all from "Juba," but that idea would spoil the trace to "Gabuleum / Koplik." Yet, one can ask whether "Juba" was a name of the same entity that named Gabuleum. The modern Has location, a little down the Drin river from Gabuleum, was suspect with "HASdrubal," the name of Carthaginians, including the father of Gopher-like Sophonisba. King Massena was himself engaged / married to Sophonisba, and she may have birthed one or more children from him. She was married also to Caiaphas-like Syphax, a Numidian.
I have recently discussed two event in my youth, in back-to-back hockey games, that were given as Signs for this work today. As crazy as it sounds, the evidence was compelling. In both games, my knee, and the goalie's knee pad, were central to the events. And here I realized that the attacker's "weapon" hit me dead-on upon the knee. He had raised this weapon way up, before bringing it down, to make me think he was plunging it into me. He knew it couldn't hurt, but that's what he did anyway. The Knee surname can be a branch of Needs listed with Name's/Neme's (white perchevron), probable Numidians. If Knee's were not purely from Name's/Neme's, then a merger can be assumed. The other Name's share the Massin/Mason lion, but I see this as the Caepio-line lion as well, an idea that formed before I caught on to king Massena. Irish Name's/Nannys, suspect with Annan(dale)s, share a red chevron with Quints. The latter Name's share the stag with Hands, Hanna's, Annabels/Hannibals, and Anne's/Hanne's, not to mention Godfrey-related Eustace's.
As the Jeffreys have become suspect with "Galveston," by what coincidence do Galves' share the red-on-white lion of Godfreys? In fact, just now, I tried for a Geogh surname as per the Geoghery variation of Godfreys, and there came up a red-on-white upright lion, the colors of the upright Galves lion! Amazing. And I kid you not, the Geogh lion is surrounded by hands!!! This recalls my suspicion that Eustace's linked to the Hand bloodline in Ireland. Godfreys/Geogherys were first found in the same place as Thanet.
Again, the "hands CLASping" of Aarons is now expected to be of the Jeffrey cloud-on-sun, and the clasping code is expected to be partly for Class / Klassen liners, and partly for the Payen line of Pings/Pungs/Paganells. The Glass' not only use a "LUCtor" motto, but Melusine with mirror in Crest, suggesting that Glass' linked to the Lusignan-Luxembourg relationship. And I traced Glass' with much evidence to the CLAUSula river, which, although I have not identified its precise location, was said by one to be the location of Koplik. It's not far from Has, etc. I would suggest that the Glass motto is code for Luce's, for the Glass Shield is almost that of Geddes', suspect with the Geta / Getuli Numidians, and very linkable to Cabots and therefore to Montbeliard...right down my very discussion here.
Luce's are traced to a Dice entity, which, if it's of the Dice's/Diss', should be from Knee-related Diss, a location in Norfolk, where Luce's were first found. This should explain why French Luce's share three red chevrons with Clare's, first found in the same place as Dice's/Diss'. We have thus come to Ticino suspects of the Skagal/Skogal / Tessin kind.
[The day after writing here, I got around to checking the Galven surname, to find three vertical fish in the colors of the same of Luce's. I kid you not. And the first Luce on record was a governor of FALAISE, like "Valais." The paragraph below was already written there before this insert when in.]
I'm a Massena liner. The attack involved me. The Galves surname is also "Gallego," perhaps from Gala, father of Massena. The similarity between "Galves" and Glass just caught my eye, and has reminded me that I traced "Glass" to "Valais/Wallis," the Swiss canton around Sion. This was recalled a second or two (was Someone putting it into my head?) before realizing that the Arms of Sion and the Arms of Valais use a vertically-split Shield in the two colors of the same of Galves'! I kid you not. The Walsers, named after the Wallis canton, use MeluSINE on a horizontally-split Shield in the same colors (same split colors as Dice-like Decks). The two stars in the Arms of Sion are in the colors of the Glass and Black stars. [Melusine has been called the ELVIN princess, a term that can relate to Galven / Alven terms.]
I don't think it has merit to say that Crusaders were Negroes, or anything like it. But heraldry overwhelmingly includes Moor heads, and they are all over Chappes liners. There was something of importance to it, and this discussion appears to be treading all over it from the Bouillon family. Godfrey de Bouillon was a leader of the Priory of Sion, and while some are now saying that this priory was faked or fictional, heraldry has told me over and over that Bouillon liners were in cahoots with Swiss Sion.
The Sine/Sion Coat once used gauntlet gloves as code for Gaunts / Ghents. Dutch Ghents and German Dols use the same wavy fesse, colors reversed from the Alven/Elvin fesse. In the case of Marina's, the nebuly border, used on the Alvin/Elvin fesse, is called, wavy. "Nebuly" has to do with clouds, and so it's interesting that Dols and Alvens (same place as English Stewarts and CALVENs) are both in Clun / Saluzzo / Aaron colors. Clun is a Shropshire location of the FitzAlans of Arundel, suspect with Aarons/Arens that use clouds. While Arundels share swallows with Swallows (said to be under count Alan), Swale's apparently share the Dol fesse too.
Swallows are said to descend from ALFRED of Lincoln, reminding of this quote above: "French Gobels (Macey Shield) share the gold wing of Spanish Ales'/Alesani's, which I expect to be the wings of Portuguese Alfreds and Portuguese Abreu's." Amazingly, Ales'/Alesani's use a vertically-split Shield in the colors of the same of Alvin-like Galves' (and the Arms of Sion), and Ales' even share a tree with the Swallow Crest, not to mention the fir trees of Alis' and related Alven-like Alpins! This was the Kenneth MacAlpin bloodline from Kanza of Aures, and by now I think it's justified to remind that the Godfrey lion -- and therefore the Galves and Geogh lion -- is likely the Aures lion. Galves' were first found in Galicia, on the Portuguese side of Spain.
As I traced the line of Kenneth MacALPIN to linkage with Guerin of Provence (roughly the same time period), he being suspect in the ancestry of Melusine-loving Vere's, it stands to reason that Alpin-like Galvens are using the Barbera fish. Spanish Barbera's may therefore be using towers in colors reversed from the Galves castle for a related reason.
Margaret, mother of Philippa of Luxembourg, was a granddaughter of another Philippa, this time of Dreux, traceable with Drake's to Sicily, and to Guerin of Provence, the line from the Kanza of Aures, home of the Shawia Numidians whose C-versions are the makings of "Key." If Philippa of Hainaut was part-Negro, I can't imagine that her Negro genes would go back as far as Philippa of Dreux, but then I don't know how many generations it normally takes to eradicate typical Negro skin / facial genes out of a line of pure Whites. In any case, these three Philippa's were after the time of Godfrey de Bouillon. It might make better sense to assume that the Negro genes came from Margaret of Bar, daughter of Henry II of Bar, husband of Philippa of Dreux) for this can link back a small period to Beatrice of Bar (wife of Godfrey III).
Scottish Bars were first found in Shawia-laden Ayrshire, and the Bar hunting horns can suggest Henry Huntingdon, husband of Guerin-suspect Ada of Warenne. Warrens share the checks of Cliffords. It's Sion-important that Cliffs were at Moreton-Say, in the same place (Shropshire) as Alans of Dol, while Says (Seaton colors) are expected at the Say location of Seatons/Sittens, the one expected at the Sitten variation of Sion. There is a Say location at the ORNE theater (Normandy), and Orne's share the three herons of Horns. Horns are said to descend from ALWIN Horne, I kid you not, and GALVINs are the ones, in Horn colors (!), using the Luce fish while Luce is a location in Orne! I feel sure that this links Galveston suspects to Bars and their kin.
Dutch Horns can, therefore, be using the blue Alvin/Elvin fesse. Orne is in CALVados, and ALVENs, CALVENs, etc, are suspect from the ALBANians, who lived near / beside / amongst the Cavii. The Chives', first found in the same place as Alvens and Calvens, share the moline cross with Calvens, and with the Moline's said to be from the Falaise circle of families. Repeat: "the first Luce on record was a governor of FALAISE..." Calvens share the Fessy motto.
The keys in the Negro-attacker story represent Shawia liners to key-using Clavers/Cleavers and CLAViere's, the latter first found in the same place as Bouillons, and looking like "CALVen." While the Claviere description says, "A red shield with a silver saltire between four silver KEYS," the Claviere's are showing a hand. The Negro had his hands around my neck, demanding the keys. The Claviere hand is drawn as one would form it to create a perch for a trained hawk / falcon. Is this code for Henry the Fowler? I didn't consciously know, when asking it, that Fowlers (same place as Mortons) use a "QUI" motto term. Fowlers were a topic, along with Godfrey III, in the 4th update of last month. The Botter eagle stands on a PERCH. Henry Fowler was father to emperor Otto I, and Fowlers use a chevron in the colors of the Ottone/Otto PERCHEvron. That looks like an Otto-line match with Claviere's.
(While my search feature brings up 2016 files with "Henry," it will not bring up 2016 files with "fowler," even though Henry Fowler is mentioned several times this year. Is Microsoft messing with my search feature? In the same way, Google will not bring up the 4th update of last month when searching " tribwatch 'henry fowler' ", even though "Henry Fowler" is in the update several times. Whenever Google and Microsoft together black out my files, there's a reason. Perhaps there is an explanation, but I don't see it.)
While Fowlers were first found in the same place as (Wiltshire) as Mortons, Claviere's were suspect with the Murena/Moratin eagles because both have two birds facing opposite directions, a rare symbol. The CLAViere birds (I don't know whether they are eagles versus hawks or falcons) are in the colors of the castle of GALVes'. This can make my Galveston story traceable to Glaphyra liners, which includes Cliff liners. It just so happens that: "The "droit" motto term of Clifftons exists as a surname, first found in Oxfordshire, and listed with DREWitts [palm wreaths], suspect with Drews listed with Dreux's. They are likely using the fleur-de-lys of Gellone's and Barbers (share the Dreux bull head, quite apparently)." The Barbera tower should be the Murena/Moratin tower, and Barbers are suspect in the "Bearded" nickname of Godfrey III.
Barbera's share the fish of Luce's / Luciano's / Galvens, though they can be the Cabot fish because Barbers and Gellone's are in Cabot colors while Cabots were first found in Provence. This Cabot link to Guerin of Provence is making sense, with Barbers identified with Mauritanian / Numidian Berbers.
So, now, the Negro elements can go back through Philippa of Dreux as well as to Henry of Bar. If there were Negro genes in both couples, that could result in some Negro features over the next few generations. You'll note that Robert of Dreux, Philippa's father, is given blond hair, which I see as an attempt to fend off those who claimed Moor blood in earlier centuries. At Robert's page, the Arms of Dreux are shown with the Warren / Clifford / Ward checks, though I don't know whose checks they were most-immediately. Robert was a CAPETian, probably the same as a Cabot liner. Capetians were from Worms, and therefore from green-dragon Formans/Fermans and Firmins, both suspect with the anchor of Chaput-suspect Majors.
If Drake's were a branch of Dreux's, the latter are suspect with the Mieske bull head, but then Mieske's were first found in the same place (Prussia) as Otto's who likewise use a giant, black bull head.
Robert's father, Robert I of Dreux, is likewise shown with fair feature's. The mother of Robert I was Adelaide of MAURienne/Savoy, and her image is upon a pedestal having a couple of dragon-like creature's looking like they are both munching on a man's head. It evokes the infant in the mouth of the Visconti snake/dragon, and that was originally a Moor infant when the Visconti snake was green. It's possible that Adelaide was a Visconti, and therefore becomes linkable to the Ottone-related Chappes'.
Adelaide was born not long before de-Bouillon's death, and has ancestry in Otto-William of Burgundy, himself of the House of Ivrea. This William married the line of emperor Otto I, himself suspect with Ottone's. Otto-William's father was the brother of Rozala of Ivrea, both the sons of Willa of Tuscany, and here is where the Tuscany elements of Godfrey III can come in. Beatrice of Bar was involved with the Tuscany elite. Otto-William is styled "of Macon," and Macons are listed with Massins/Masons. His mother was from Macon, but there is apparently not much known about her. He had rule in and around Besancon, which recalls Adelaide of Burgundy (4th update last month), of Orbe in the same area, wife of emperor Otto I. Jewish Adels, it was shown, sharing a blue lion with Massins/Macons, can link to the Enrico lion, and to the Moden/Modey surname, as per the lattice painted on Adelaide's dress.
I'm simply shooting in the dark seeking what the Galveston Negro should have meant. The son of Otto-William was Guy of Macon, and he evokes the Gays, first found in Savoy, and using the rooster now suspect hard with Gaia, father of king Massena. That rooster was used in Gallura, the ownership of the Sardinian Visconti's. Wikipedia has no article on Guy, nor on his son, Otto of Macon, nor on the latter's son, GEOFFREY of Macon (married Beatrice), born during the transition between Godfrey III and Godfrey de Bouillon. Cover up? Didn't the family keep genealogical records? Didn't historians seek them? Nothing seems to be known about the particulars of the counts of Macon, in the Capetian era (i.e. after Carolingians), unless they were the ones merged with Burgundy: only Geoffrey surname (BLACK canton) coming up is that of Welsh Jeffreys. The little cloud over the sun in Texas is suspect with the Crest of Scottish Jeffreys (Peebles-shire), and here we come to a Geoffrey of Macon, whose son (Otto II) supposedly gave Macon to William I of Burgundy, the latter being the grandfather of Adelaide of Maurienne, a valley that includes Modane (Savoy). Gaia of Numidia was traced also to Jays, first found in the same place as Geoffreys/Jeffreys. Isn't this Negro-attacker conspicuous?
In 1032, Humbert the White-Handed received the Maurienne, his native land, from Conrad II the Salian whom he had helped in his Italian campaigns against Aribert, Archbishop of Milan. The House of Savoy maintained their independence as counts and then dukes until Savoy was linked with the Kingdom of Sardinia, which included Piedmont in north-western Italy.Modens/Modeys were first found in the same place (Berkshire) as Arks. The Arms of Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne uses a hand with two fingers pointing up (in Rangabe colors). It's suspect with Joan of Arc because it's at the Arc-river theater. "[Saint Jean] lies in the Maurienne, the valley of the River Arc...Its original name was simply Maurienne, or Moriana in Italian and Latin." It recalls that Wikipedia once had an image of either Michael I, II, or III, of Byzantium, on his throne with a finger pointing up. Michael I grandfather of Melissena Rangabe (Khazar on her mother's side), suspect with mythical Melusine. It just so happens that the Arms of Rangabe is a white flory cross, symbol also of Bouillons. There is potential here for a Khazar link to Scotland's Moray. The link above has a photo of Modane.
Here is a Morien/Maurier surname that might apply to Maurienne. It was first found in Provence, beside the Galli's (Dauphine) that use the Gay rooster (because Gaia was also called, Gala, and because a blue jay is used by Galli-related Poitvins).
Archibalds, looked up to see how they might link to the Arc river, turned out to use crescents in Maurienne colors, and they are on a bend in the colors of the Knee bend. The "refiCIAR" motto term of Archibalds makes them suspect with the blue bend of Charo's/Claro's/CHIARo's. As the Archibalds are in Ottone/Otto colors, the "Ut" motto term (Archibalds) may apply. As Ottone's/Otto's share the perchevron of Stevens, it's very notable that Stevensons, with what could be the Moray stars, were traced to Provence's i.e. while Morians were first found in Provence. The Shield-and-Chief color combination of Stevensons is that of Morians in colors reversed.
I now realize that the other Stevenson's (white bend) have the gold Cabot garb in Crest (!), putting some solid teeth in the claim that Stevensons are using the Provence Coat. Remember, Stevensons are Sten liners too, meaning they are Skogul = Schuch = Knee liners. Three updates ago, Stevensons were traced to mythical TriSTAN, and while that term was resolved with Trists, yet I now see that it can be a double code, one for Stan liners. My find feature refuses to bring up "tristan" and "trist" in the 3rd and 4th updates of last month, suggesting that Google and Microsoft have blacklisted those two updates. The find feature will bring up dozens of other files/;updates using "trist," and three others using "tristan."
Recently, Khazars of the Cohen kind have been traceable to the island of Kos. In the past, they were always traced to Moray from Transylvania. But here I am seeing, possibly, that they were in Modane too. There are many things to which three Jean surnames can trace, but I can make out all three with Massey liners...long expected in Modane. For example, Spanish Jeans can be using the Massey quadrants. English Jeans/Jane's/JAYne's can be using the Massin/Macon lion, as well as the Enrico lion with the Moden/Modey fret inside of it. Macon is not far from Lyon, and the Joans, first found in the same place (Worcestershire) as Jeans, are sharing the Lannoy / Lyon lion. Worcestershire is home of Dudleys using the Massin/Macon lion in both colors. It's also the home of the Porcius-Cato line while Joans can be using the Porci bend. Hesse Chatti traced to the HusMERAE of Worcestershire, and then Joans share the sun with Hesse's/Huss, and also with Tracks/Tricks and Drigs that share a green lion with Joans / Lyons.
By the way, the Arms of Dudley share a "Sapiens qui" motto phrase with Ottone-suspect and OWL-using Fowlers.
Recalling that Guerin of Provence can link to Barbers, it's notable that Barbers share red-on-white scallops with English Jeans/Jane's. Guerins, who show link to the first Payens in Dauphine (i.e. Lyon theater), are said to have operated a "St. Jean order of the Jerusalem Templars of sorts. I wonder what that was all about?
Barbers use a "nisi" motto term, and Nissans (Hamburg), whom I am not familiar with at all, use a sinister bend (Massena-line symbol) in the colors of the Joan bend.
The border of Spanish Jeans is called, "counter company," but I say that it's a version of the billet border of Dole's and therefore linkable to the Nassau billets, which are behind a lion in the colors of the same of French Jeans (Languedoc). The billet-using Dole's were resolved with the Bellamy kin of Alans, and then French Jeans use a bell in Maurienne colors. Bellamys were to the north of Modane at the Arve river. Why did I look Nissans up? Because the Negro tried to steal my Nissan truck. I had no idea whether Nissans might play well to the discussion when I first looked them up, and had not yet arrived to the Jean-Maurienne location. The Zionist stars of Nissans are in the colors of the same of Massena's and Payens. Remember, I arrived to Adelaide of Maurienne by going the route of the counts of Macon.
Payens were first found in the same place as Galli's, and so the gold Galli / Gay rooster can be the one in the Morton Crest, for the other Mortons use quadrants in colors reversed from the same of Nissans. As Porcius Cato was at the Tibur theater, suspect with Tabers, it's interesting that German Tabers share a woman in blue with Parrs, for the Parr bars may be in use in the Nissan Coat. In this picture, Parrs can be Pierleoni on the Tiber river, and Tabers can be Taborite-based Moravians, perhaps indicating a Moravia link to Maurienne and the Morians/Mauriers. The latter share the chevron of Tabers (and Payens). This become more interesting where ZINZENdorf was the leader of Moravians while ZINZENs/Sinsons were first found in the same place as the Arks and Modens! Zowie. Might ZINZENs be a branch of Z-less NISSENs?
I don't want to forget that the Khazars are now tracing to Maurienne, for Merits/Merais' (recall mythical MERops of Kos) share multiple bends with Kos'/Kosinski's. The Merits came to mind at the Mariot-like variation of Morians. The Mariots (Brittany) happen to use two "nos" motto terms that can link to Nassau's/Naso's / Naso's, or even Nissans. Are Tabers using the Nassau / Jean lion? Nassau's trace to Orange, a Rangabe-like location not far from Modane.
The Mariots can be using the Lannoy / Lyon / Touch lion, and the "lois" motto term of Mariots can be for Luisa of Ceva, for Alans trace to her. English Mariots are listed with Maris', evoking mythical Hector de Maris, for Hectors (share the sun with Jewish Cohens/Kagans) can be sharing the three bends of Kos'. Jewish Cohens/Kagans are suspect with the Moray stars. Plus, I am now reminded that, of the half-dozen or so royal-blue (dark blue) Shields that houseofnames has removed, one of them was the Jewish Cohens/Kagans. The Sinsons/Zinzans still show one.
Although Naso's/Naseau's/Nassini's (Florence) are said to use "mill stones," the symbols look like they were once yarn, or linkable to the same-colored "hanks of cotton" of Cottons ("uTRAQUE"). Both are in Lois colors. Hanks: more multiple bends, in the colors of the double bends of Dulys...who may have been the Du Lys surname of Joan of Arc's parents.
As Modane is across the Cottian peaks from the Cottian capital (Susa), it's very interesting to find now, that Orelle is a location in the arrondissment of Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne. Shouldn't that be the Aurelia-Cotta line? It just can't be a coincidence that Ankins/HANKins share fretty on red with Cotta's/Cottins while Hanks (Ankinton location) are kin of Cottons. And ZOWIE SHOCKER, while I've been tracing the "vi" motto term of Chives' to the Viu valley near Susa, Hankins use a "vi" motto term!!! Hankins were first found (Somerset) between Josephs and Chives'. This increases the chances that Josephs Caiaphas was descended from Aurelia Cotta. Along with black ducks, Hankins use "A demi-phoenix issuant from flames."
Henry the Fowler was also styled, "Vogler," and there is a Vogler surname that looks like a version of the Aurelia Coat. Was Otto (Fowler's son) a Cottian liner??? As German Pucks (Fowler chevron, likely) use the Ottone/Otto Coat, almost, might Pucks be a branch of VOGLers/FOGLers. Yes, for English Pucks are listed with PUCKELLs and similar terms, which finally clinches, for the first time, Otto I with Ottone's/Otto's. And English Pucks, I kid you not, use hands in the white on red of the Claviere hand, the latter one fashioned as a bird perch, which became suspect for the first time ever, less than a couple of hours ago, with Henry Fowler! Zikers.
I Spot Merovingians
There is also an Aiton location on the Maurienne arrondissment, possibly indicating that ARTEMs/Aitons are using the Savoy cross in colors reversed. The line of Joseph Caiaphas should pass from Aurelia Cotta to Julius Caesar to the Galatian bloodline of ARTEMidoros. Reminder: Adelaide of Maurienne (house of Savoy) was mother to Robert I of Dreux, and Dreux's share the Dayton/D'AUTUN lion, in Artem/Aiton colors. The latter use a stemmed red rose in Crest linkable to the stemmed red rose of Chambre's, suspect from La Chambre in Savoy (Arc river). French Chambre's share the Arms of La Chambre. This makes the Aiton-like Ade's, in the Levi motto, suspect with Aiton, for Ade's were first found in the same place. As Arthurs were first found in the same place too, they can explain the unexpected Artem variation, and moreover Arthurs trace to Arduinici of Ivrea, while the roses under discussion should be code for Rozala of Ivrea. Ivrea is across the Cottians from Savoy.
There is a Bessans location in Maurienne. The Bessans are suspect with Basina, mother of Clovis I, and known to be from Thuringia, where Voglers were first found. The Close/CLOVSE surname happens to use the colors and format of Fowlers. It looks like a match. The Fowler link to CLAViere's can make CLOVse's appear like their branch. As Meschins (share the Claver/Cleaver Shield) were from the Bessin, and while Masci's were first found beside Savoy, I would suggest again that Close's/Clovse's are sharing the Macey Shield. The gold crown in the Close/Clovse Crest can be the gold crown of the Bassan/Bessen/Besant surname, the latter's CLUB suspect with CLOVis liners. Basina married CHILDeric, and his tomb had bees (in gold), symbol of Bessins, wherefore the birds on red of Claviere's can be of the same in the CHILD Coat (Claviere colors). Merovingians were from Merops elements of Kos, right? Note the familiar fish in the Club Coat, in the colors and format of the Child Coat. The CLUB fish are perhaps those of GALVens. It's notable that CLAPtons/Cloptons are using what could be a version of the GALVes Coat. It looks like my Galveston story is tracing back to MERovingians. Were they named after mauro = dark?
The Morian stars and crescent in their Chief remind me of the Black Coat ("Lux"), and from there I'm reminded of Blackwoods, the latter perhaps linked closely to the Archibald crescent. The Morian stars are in the colors of the same as per the Arms of Sion, and the Glass surname. Wasn't this thing a part of the Message in the Negro attack?
Although I've stressed that the first Crusaders must be viewed with their Italian elements, it appears that these were from the circle of the German emperor (Otto), as he was in cahoots with the Vatican. That can explain the Germanic / TEUTonic crusaders. Or should I say, TEUTONic.
My Italian, Massey-line mother has green eyes and light skin. From Germanics of northern Italy, I assume. Hamon de Massey also went by the Italian Masci version, and then the Hamon motto is suspect with Totts / TOTTENs because Tout-related Tattons were merged with Cheshire's Masseys. June-related Yonge's were merged with Tudors, I know this for a fact, and they were found together in the same place as Jeffreys / Jeffersons, not far from the Massey-related Fane's.
Back to Adelaide of MAURIENNE (daughter of Gisela of Burgundy), married secondly to MontMORENcy. It could appear that Morencys, first found in the same place as Moor-head Chappes', were Maurienne liners. Morencys use the Savoy-type cross, in red, the same of Aitons. How / why did this marriage between Savoy and Paris occur? Can we really link the marriage to Chappes' below the water line? Yes, for Montmorency was founded by Bouchard II while Bouchards/Buckets (Morency colors) share three red piles with Visconti-related Guiscards/Wisharts (same place as Cheaps/Chappes'). And so where Ottone's/Otto's were from Ottone Visconti, it makes a Chappes' link to Bouchards/Buckets. I use "Bucket" because I trace heraldic "water BOUGETs" (water containers) to Bouchard II, but doesn't "Bucket" evoke the Ottone-related Pucks, now somewhat resolved with Voglers/Foglers? Yes, and Puckets are listed with these Buckets. We saw that English Pucks are of the Claviere's so that we come right back to the first Merovingians discussed above. Clovis ruled in Paris, location of Montmorency.
Never realized until last month, years after tracing Bugs to the Neuri, is that Bouchards use "HonNEUR," no doubt code for the Neuri on the Bug river, for English Bugs use a water bouget. Neuri were not very far from the Mures-river Khazars (Transylvania), and so the namers of the Mures can go to Maurienne.
The Waters (as per water bougets) share three red-on-white chevrons with French Luce's, in both colors of the Guiscard piles. French Bouchards (Normandy, location of Luce) use three leopards in pale, and Luce's use three fish in pale in the same colors. This goes to the Galven - Glass relationship, and to the "Luctor" motto of Glass', suspect with the Luce's. Glass' (share the Morian stars) go to Valais, i.e. near Maurienne, the idea being that the Maurienne merger with Morency's has brought us back to the Maurienne area with Moray suspects, for while Morians (share fish with Galvins) show "Morriay," Morays share Melusine in Crest with Glass. It appears that we have found Morays at Maurienne.
Lords/Lauds can be shown to have been Glasgow kin. Laud-suspect Letts and mascle-using Blackwoods are sharing two stars in chief, with a crescent between them, with Morians. French Buckets/Bocards/Bockets (CALVados) use four gold-on-blue cinquefoils, which, in colors reversed, can be the blue CINQUEfoils of Lords/Lauds, whose Laud variation traces to LADYs/Laudymans, first found in the same place as CINQUEfoil-suspect and mascle-using Quince's. The Blackwood mascle is in the colors of the same of Spinks, the latter first found in the same place as Quince's. The latter's Winchester kin are Caepio liners, in my opinion, and therefore expected with a Chappes link to Montmorency. The Spinks are suspect in the sphinx of Brocuffs, and the latter share the Shield-and-Chief color combination of the Morians.
Matthew I of Montmorency was the son of a woman from Beaumont-sur-Oise (Chappes area of Paris), a location named, apparently, by the Leavell-based Beaumonts. Matthew married a granddaughter of the Conqueror, a FitzRoy. Roys were first found in Lanarkshire, the Glasgow theater. French Roys (Brittany) share the red star with Morians, Blacks and Glass'.
The "HONneur" motto term of Bouchards is partly suspect with Huns because Klassens use LADY Fortune while Fortuna's share the talbot of Huns, while German Huns use a greyHOUND in the same colors. The Attila Huns were ancestral to the Khazars, some of which are now suspect at Maurienne.
The Fortuna talbot is white, as is the Holly talbot, but the Holly talbot is in both colors of the Hull and Hall talbots, thus tracing Holstein suspects to Halls (same place as Taillebois', near the first Bugs). The Neuri were worshipers of wolves, which can explain why a talbot is a dog. Where TailleBOIS were part Bohemian, let's add that Bohemia was beside Moravia. The Tail-suspect Talls (the Childeric bee, right?) were first found in the same place as Basina, and Moravia was likely named by her Merovingian line. Moravia was founded around 800, the same time as Melusine supposedly formed the first counts of Anjou. If correct to trace Halls to Lupus LAEVillus, it can mean that his line traces to Holstein. I wonder how that worked itself out. The Arms of Holstein happens to be a giant LEAF, and the Leaf surname shares the bee with Maxtons, kin of holly-using Maxwells (said to be from Maxtons in Roxburghshire).
Again, this is all very interesting as per the recent theory that Khazars of the Cohen / Melissena-Rangabe kind developed out of Kos, where I trace Merovingian ancestry. I had traced the Neuri to the Nerthus goddess of the VARNi, in the area of HOLstein, origin of holly-suspect HOLLE, a goddess. One Holly surname is listed with Cullens that have Melusine in Crest, making Holle suspect with the Rangabe Khazars. The VARNi were likely the later VARANgians, and Melissena married a Varangian. Melissena became suspect with Fers/Ferrats because they share the same Coat as German Cohens. Irish Cohens/Koens share the pheons in both colors of the Lord/Laud pheons, which is very important where their Laud listing can link to Glasgow, kin, we can assume, of Melusine-using Glass'. It's not likely a coincidence that while the Mures-river Khazars were at BIHARia, BIGGARs were first found in the same place, near Glasgow, as MeluSINE-suspect Sine's/Sions/Swans. Alans > Stewarts in Glasgow have long been traced to Nahorites of the Neuri / Roxolani kind.
Vere's claim that mythical Melusine was mother of the counts of Anjou shortly before Fulks took that title, and then Jewish Glass' can be suspect with the wings of German Fulks. Italian Fulks are using the same checks as German Cohens. It fits like God's fury down the throat of a dragon.
CinqueFOILs are part-code for RoqueFEUILs (and partly for Trips/Treffs), whom I see as Roxolani Alans in merger with Neuri. I trace Roxolani to the naming of Roxburgh, where Maxwells were first found who share holly with Neuri-line Buckets/Buchards. Lords (Roxburgh colors) share white-on-blue pheons with Carnys that in-turn trace to Carni, location of Bled, named by Bleda, Attila's brother. Carnys and Melusine have been traced to Carians, as have Clare's and Claro's/Charo's, mentionable here because Clare's share the triple chevrons of Dutch Halls, red, as with the triple chevrons of Waters. The Vatts/WATTERS' (same place as Clare-related Clarens/Larins) and Watts use GLASSes hanging off their trees, and Watters/Walters, suspect with the colors of Walsers (Melusine), share the same bend as Varns. Watt liners are suspect with the Wade variation of wolf-using Quade's, suspect with QuadraTILLA, wife of Lupus Laevillus.
Keep in mind that the family of Quadratilla was at the Orba theater of Cilicia while Adelaide of Burgundy was born in Orbe of the Swiss-France border. Talls (feathers) are suspect with the URBan and Massena bend-with-stars, for while Talls are expected as a branch of Tilurius liners, the Urbanus river (home of Maezaei) is near the Tilurius, and the latter was also the Cetina, traceable to Cetis, where the capital was Orba. The Bassianus' found (by me) on the Cetina were traceable to Basina, meaning simply that Basina was the Bassus > Bassianus line that included Quadratilla Bassus. The first Merovingian king married this line, no small finding. It also discovers that Orba was a line to / from the Urbanus...that may have engaged the Ceraunii of that river, highly suspect as kin of Alans in Alauna at Manche. The Alans are suspect earlier with Aulon/AVLONA (beside mount Ceraunii at Epirus), traceable to the nine witches of AVALON, reckoned as code for the nine mythical Muses, and therefore traceable to the nine besants of Metz's who not only use an ORB, but were from the Little-MEUSE theater.
There is a Modane-like Moudon location in Switzerland, not far from Orbe, that can be of the possible connection between Adelaide of Orbe and Adelaide of Maurienne.
Why did the Vere's (from Ver in Manche) trace Melusine to the witch cult of Avalon? Ask the Massey Shield shared by Vere's. Or, ask the Massi's listed with Matthew-suspect Mattis' who share the Fulk Shield. The Melusine-loving Vere's trace themselves to Thomas de Vere in Blackwood, making Massi's/Matthews somewhat suspect with Matthew I of Montmorency, husband of Adelaid of Maurienne. This makes sense for explaining why the Morian Chief should be a version of the Blackwood Chief, and why both use the same Shield colors. The Blackwood crescent can therefore be that of Spanish Urbans.
We now have cause to trace the eye of Watts and Vatts to the Eye location (Suffolk). While Eye linked to Knee's and Knights, the Shoe's/Schuchs (Knight said to be cut off at the knees) are using a tree with an item on top of it, reflective of the eye on top of the Watt / Vatt tree. The Shoe's share the star of Dutch Halls, and Holstein is at southern Denmark, where Schuch-suspect Skogal Toste can be traced. That works. Shoes are now showing in the Coat of Trips, first found in Hamburg, beside the Varni and Holstein. The TRYPillian goddess is suspect with Holle, and she is in the Elis Crest as the one with DISheveled hair, which I can trace now to DISS, smack beside Eye! In fact, Diss'/Dice's share torteaux with Hollys. Roys, first found near Eye-related Ayrshire, use the motto, "Qua tenDIS."
It strikes me here that the Eyes/Eyer surname, which links well to Eye, was first found in DERByshire, a term like "Trip." Did Trypillians name wolf-depicted Lycaonia? Trypillia was a Ukraine location so that Trypillians may have been united with wolf-liner Neuri. Derbe became suspect with PLANCia Magna, and then PLUNKetts share the bend and colors of Hollys. Plunketts were first found in the same area of Brittany as Dol, while Dols were first found in the Varni theater,m and the first Alans of Dol liked the Walter surname that can therefore be expected with the Watters/Walters i.e. sharing the Varn bend. As French Alans can be linked to Henrys while Henrys have traced between Roquefeuil-related Henry of Rhodes to the Hampshire Josephs, I can see that the "wlad" motto term of Josephs is for the line of Flaad, the first known Alan of Dole. There is a Doly location near / at the Bug river around the Polish-Ukraine border. I read that Trypillia was a location south of Kiev, the home area also of the BUDINi, and Josephs were first found in the same place as Bodys/BUDINs/Botters / Bidens/Buttons. You may even have heard of Joseph Biden.
The dolphin in the Holly Coat is suspect as the Marley dolphin because Hollys and Marleys share the bend while Marleys are traced to a Morlaix location in Brittany. Here's on Matthew Montmorency: "Matthieu I de Montmorency (died 1160) was lord of Montmorency, MARLY, Conflans-Sainte-Honorine and Attichy." Caps mine. Morlaix can be traced to Maurienne as follows. is in the Finistere area, and the Arms of Finistere use the ram of Bauts, first found in Auvergne and traceable to the Bautica river of Aosta, i.e. near Maurienne. The Albins/Aubins/HALLIbone's (Aubin branch at Barnstaple), traceable with Mea's to the Meu river of Brittany, where French Henrys lived, were the namers of Aubin, which is on my atlas about 30 miles north-west of Rodez, home of Henry IV of Rodez, who married a woman of Roquefeuil. The Albins/Aubins (Ivory bend?) are very traceable with Barnstaple's to Albino's (Roquefeuil-suspect trefoils seen also in the Holly/Cullen Coat), first found in MODENa, and then the Motts (Hall colors), said to be from Cotes du Nord, the Meu-river area of Brittany, list "MOTTIN." And Maurienne is at MODANE.
As the Modena area had Saraca-Bernice elements that traced to Sion, the Barnstaple's are suspect along with Bernice's and Burns at the Bernese alps around Sion. Berne of that area applies. Albins/Aubins are said to be from St. Taurin in Evreux, and while Dreux's were first found in Evreux, Dreux's share the bull head with Albins, making it linkable to "TAURin." Adelaide of Maurienne was mother to Dreux rulers.
While I trace Merovingian ancestry to the Vannes / Morbihan area, beside Finistere, where one can expect Nahorites, it's interesting that Merovingians claimed to descend from a QuinoTAUR sea bull. Vannes is on the sea, but I'm thinking that "Quino" can be some line from the Ceno river, tributary of the TARO. Veneti suspects such as Kennedys (share dolphin with Finistere-based Marlys) may apply to the Quinotaur. If I recall correctly, there is a Morven area at Autun, and Daytons/D'Autuns share the Dreux lion while D'Autuns are suspect with Aiton in the Maurienne area. This can make both Morven-like MORBihan, and Morlaix, traceable to the namers of Maurienne.
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