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April 1 - 4, 2016

Parma Takes Center Stage With My Kiss
Proto-Keiths / Kiss' of Worcestershire, and its Vibia Bible Liners in Dudley

For a reader hopping into an update for the first time, there is not much I can say in an introductory paragraph to explain everything needed before proceeding. The only readers able to follow are those taking the time needed to get a solid idea of the entire scope. It is probably impossible to follow unless the heraldic Coats are loaded and viewed. It would be helpful to have a photographic memory, or to at least spend some time to get to know Coats, and to understand what I'm saying about them. I did the work over years to be able to present to you the relevant Coats, and you need only decide whether I am correctly interpreting the evidence and the codes. It is far best that you load Coats on a separate browser(s) rather than clicking back and forth from the update page. It might take longer for one to read an update than the week it takes me to write it, but that's what it'll take for a solid understanding of what I'm doing. I know that few have the time to follow this in that way. My hope is...actually, I should have no such hopes as I should just allow God to do what He wants with this. One of my goals at this time is to discover the parent(s) of Josephs Caiaphas, and in the meantime to prove that heraldic masters and leading Templar families knew that all of heraldry had, at its foundations, Caiaphas and his circle of Christ killers. These updates are jot-down format (sub-titles don't usually reflect the roaming topics well) making it hard / impossible to have a pre-plotted storyline. I'm no longer doing final proof-reads, please excuse the imperfections / mistakes. Ever since I decided to use apostrophes only after surnames ending in vowels, I started to catch myself using apostrophes before the 's' of pluralized words, making it appear that I need to return to primary grammar school.

If ever you'd want to check a description in the Coat of Arms, type the surname at this page:

Assad, unable to blast the Russians for the independence move of the Kurds, is blasting the West:
In a meeting on Sunday, Assad criticized the establishment of a federal system in the Syrian Kurdistan called Rojava and accused the parties behind the decision of not releasing the facts on the ground, BasNews reported.

He claimed that there is no chance for such a federal region to succeed as only 23% of the northern area is populated by Kurds [he would resist the move no matter how high the percentage].

He also accused the U.S. and its allies of standing against Syria and using Kurds to implement their agenda. "US plots in Syria have essentially failed, and they are now using Kurds to oppose the Syrian government," he claimed.

Earlier on March 12, the Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem said the Syrian regime and Syrian Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) are on the same frontline against terrorism. A week later, PYD declared a federal system in north of the country which sparked international reactions.

The Kurds want to take Raqqa from ISIS. But why would they wish for an American alliance in obtaining Raqqa versus a Russian alliance? Because Russia is apt to play to Assad's tune, which isn't playing to a quasi-independent Kurdish province. On the other hand, the American hope is to topple Assad, the obstacle of Kurdish autonomy at this time. Assad was giddy with the Kurds where the common object was to weaken ISIS, but now the Kurds are asking too much in return.

This past week:

[Western headline] Why is David Cameron so silent on the recapture of Palmyra from the clutches of Isis?
In the end, it was the Syrian army - and its Hizballah chums from Lebanon, and the Iranians, and the Russians - who drove the Isis murderers out of Palmyra

The biggest military defeat that Isis has suffered in more than two years. The recapture of Palmyra...And we are silent. Yes, folks, the bad guys won, didn't they? Otherwise, we would all be celebrating, wouldn't we?

...As the black masters of execution fled Palmyra this weekend, Messers Obama and Cameron were as silent as the grave...Here are the Syrian army, backed, of course, by Vladimir Putin's Russkies, chucking the clowns of Isis out of town, and we daren't utter a single word to say well done.

Pravda is saying that, when ISIS took Palmyra (last May), Obama thought that Assad was as good as dead. That may explain why the chief Western governments are unhappy to see Palmyra liberated. It looks like Putin did five times as much with a lightning-speed Zorro approach than the waddling Obama did in over a year. How can that be? That isn't reality, is it? But it has been.

The ceasefire in Syria doesn't include the war against ISIS. Russian planes had been pounding Palmyra for days prior to the victory. I'm reading that Assad's forces are gearing up to attack Raqqa next, allowing the Russians to participate. Assad would prefer to be the chief cause for winning Raqqa. Although the West-sponsored ceasefire has curtailed damage to the Syrian rebels, it allows Assad to concentrate most of his powers against ISIS, a thing I can't see Obama liking. It predicts that the Americans will direct the rebels to break the ceasefire, to give Assad too much on his plate to take Raqqa easily. The Americans are busy with their second air base in Syria, perhaps too little too late. They didn't expect ISIS to be trounced in the past year, but that might yet be an over-statement. The tide has turned against the West, and even the time-out has proven to be a major downer.

If you haven't heard, the Iraqi fight to re-take Mosul started last week with the taking of a few villages outside the big city. The West has arranged for ISIS to dig in and ground itself in this city to the point that, if it has any desire to keep it, it's in a much-better situation to defend itself as compared to the same should the fight have started the moment the city was taken. I'm expecting Obama to procrastinate in the Mosul and Raqqa offensives. Now that the Iraqi's have started the Mosul operation, let's see whether it grinds to a standstill before long, with the Iraqi's blaming Obama. If the Americans stall again, the Russians can make like they will come fill the vacuum, forcing Obama to act with some seriousness

Obama hasn't failed to defeat ISIS in Mosul; he's deliberatively neglected it. Donald Trump may prove to stir a hornet's nest in contrast. Trump comes across as an over-confident doer. As a Republican president, other Republicans may urge him successfully to engage U.S. military in Iraq.

The following BBC article portrays Trump as one who wants to cut American spending, deal with the national debt, and change NATO to deal with terrorism. "Mr Trump also referred to the criticism he had received for calling Brussels a 'hellhole waiting to explode' but said that, after the deadly attacks on Tuesday, he had been proved right." Did Trump know that the attack was going to take place because it was a West-sponsored attack? Is Trump part of the terrorist scare-monger circle? The use of "hellhole" suggests he doesn't appreciate / respect the EU very much. He definitely doesn't come across as a NATO or UN supporter. In these regards, he doesn't seem like a globalist. But he could be spinning a false image of himself because he knows Republicans want to disengage with globalist groups. George Bush Jr. did the same when saying, before elected, that he was not going to nation build. He then became a terrible nation-builder, throwing the U.S. deeply into debt, all of it launched by the faked 9-11 terrorist attacks. Is Trump of this thing?

To accentuate Trump's over-confident, crazy approach, he promised to build a wall between the southern U.S. and Mexico. Does anyone believe he would actually do that? No, but it's what Republicans wanted to hear. He might do much better by taking a more-reasonable approach with the issues, but he would then sacrifice the shock-value that has catapulted him into the lead. That only works in the beginning by generating unattainable, false hopes in the minds of supporters. A FOX-News poll claims that Trump has been wildly losing support to Ted Cruz, which may predict that Trumps future attitude will change into something that nips the reasons for the current decline, if indeed Fox is being honest with this poll. Trump might be a better thing for America than the Bush-Obama period if he's truly disengaged with the political beast. He is saying all the things to create that image of himself. Obama did the same, however.

During the last update, the Fever surname came to mind with the Feuer variation of Fire's, the ones sharing the Rasmussen unicorn. And then, while Trumps were first found (near Denmark) where I'd expect Rasmussen elements, Fevers are using the Trump stag head in both colors. This doesn't necessarily mean that Donald is a NATO instrument, of course. Scottish Woods share the gold-on-blue fitchees of Fevers, while Woods were recently shown to be kin of Crozier / Cruz(e) liners. I glean that Woods were part of the Guido-Panico relationship that, with Guido Guerra III, married Montferrat.

MANFORTSs are listed with Montforts who use a giant, upright lion in the colors of the same of the Rasmussen unicorn, and then "the Trump campaign has hired veteran Republican strategist Paul J. MANAFORT, a senior Trump adviser confirmed to CBS News. Manafort helped manage the convention floor for President Gerald Ford in 1976." As there is a Monforte location at Montferrat, it's possible now to expect a Montfort-Rasmussen relationship from way back, as per Masci's in the Montferrat area (Rasmussen-related Assmans use the Massey fleur). The Wood motto term, "Tutus," suggests the Tute's who share the crescent of Masseys/Massa's, first found in the same place (Savoy) as Fevers.

By some coincidence or not, Bastens use a giant griffin that was symbol of the Pomeranian Griffins. Trumps were first found in Mechlenburg and Pomerania. Bastens were looked up as per the Basternburgh / Bastenburgh entity to which Montfort ancestry is traced in the Montfort write-up. Griffins use the motto of Fane's/Vans, Macey kin. I've had a tendency to link Battins/Badens and Baths/Atha's to Battle's/BATTAILs, and the latter share a giant, gold griffin with Bastens (and Griffins) while English Bastens, first found in Cornwall, beside the Battins and Baths, use BATS. Baths share the cross of Macclesfields.

English Bastons are said to said from lands held by a Mr. Major, and while Majors lived at Guernsey, off the coast of the Masseys of Manche, Montforts came to rule Leicestershire (where Woods were first found), the Arms of which uses a sleeve / maunch as code for Manche elements. Montforts were entitled to Leicestershire because they had become kin of Beaumonts, the latter being known Percival-Leavell kin of Yvery, and then Iverys (same bend as crozier-using Were's) are said to be from IVRY-la-BATAILLE (Eure). Iverys were first found in Oxfordshire, the Vere's of which should be from the Varni of Pomerania / Mechlenburg.

The Leavell-like Levers use a rooster on a TRUMPet, and roosters are now tracing to the Gala > Massena Numidians. Yet, "rooster" may have had something to do with ROSTock, in the Mecklenburg area.

The reliable things said above can trace this picture reliably to the Carian moon goddess at Latmus, whom was mated, by myth writers, with ENDymion, who I can glean in the Wood mottoes, especially their "DefEND" motto. I had traced the Tute / Massa / Luna crescent to the Carian moon goddess because Massa-Carrara traced to Caria, and because an old Luna location beside Massa-Carrara is suspect with the Tute / Massa crescent. I don't think it's coincidental that while the Somerset Roets use a Caria-suspect motto term, while German Roets share the sleeping moon with "Carian"-like Kerns/Karens, the Woods share the oak tree with the Somerset Roets. The Masters who share the Carrara-like motto term of Roets are using griffin heads in the colors of the Baston griffin, and feasibly the Rasmussen unicorn.

As Leavells of Yvery were first found in Somerset, it's possible that Woods/VODE's/VOUDs were a branch of some Vaux line such as the DeVaux's/DeVAUDs (Vaux's were kin of the Beaumonts). In any case, the Roet boar heads are colors reversed from the Rollo boar head while Rollo's use "tout", and while Rollo married Toothill-related Valois. I don't usually think of Rollo as a Roet kin.

The Pisa location at Massa-Carrara may have had Rita liners, for the Pisa's use a lion in Rita-lion colors, and Rita's are the ones suspect with the Croce / Creuse cross but called, a "piece of WOOD." The Passe's/ Pascals, in the "passe" motto term of Rollo's, are said to be from Robert Beaumont, whose family married Gouel de Perceval, father of the Leavells, and then Passe's/Pascals use the same lion as Jewish Levi's. This looks absolutely reliable, and the "piece"-suspect Pasi's/Pace's (Rita colors) show a PASCEL variation! This clinches Passe's/Pascals as a Paisley branch. It also asks why English Pace's (same place as Macclesfield) share a purple Shield with Spanish Andes' suspect in the Wood motto, "Tutus in undis." The Woods share a gold fitchee with Rita-suspect Reeds.

Passe's/Pascals are said to have been granted lands, via Robert Beaumont, in a Much location. Much's (red triple chevrons) are listed with MusCHATS/MontFitchetts, who must be kin of the MASCAL surname listed with Keiths (just realized that the Rollo clan badge is in the Mascal/Keith Crest). Keiths are likely using a gold version of the three pale bars used by the counts of Chatillon. And so Keiths trace to the Porcius-Cato relationship with the Rita's of Rome, that being a topic of the last couple of weeks. See also the Love/Luff-related Muscats, both first found in the same place as the related Knights (three pale bars), and the latter were Chatillon kin while it has been resolved that Chatillon was of the mythical Catillus character (last update) written about, and perhaps coined by, Porcius Cato (200 BC, in-time for his Cato entity to form Sadducees).

As Cato liners can create the Chaddocks / Chadwicks, it doesn't seem coincidental that the related Saddocks/Sedgewicks (same place as Mascals) use an escutcheon (shield) in colors reversed from the same of English Mascals. I'm ready to view Chaddocks and Saddocks as Cato liners, but a Saddock merger with Mascals speaks to me of a Sadducee-liner merger with Maccabees.

I'll assume that MusCHATs and Muscats/Mousquette's were Massa-Carrara liners merged with the Chattan-suspect cat in the Lucca Coat, and going to the Catti in the Keith write-up, for Lucca (beside Pisa and Massa-Carrara) is where Chattan-related Botters were first found. Mascals can thus be Massa-Carrara liners to Mussels/Muscels that I see in naming Musselburgh in the Lothian land of the Keiths. And while Keiths were first found in Haddington, the Haddingtons use the same cross as Passe's/Pascals, suspect in the "passe" motto term of Rollo's. This cross can be the Savoy / Swiss cross in colors reversed, the latter used by Macclesfield. "The "desunt" motto term of the Macclesfield Arms is like the "Diis sunt" of Moke's ("CURA") who happen to share the rooster (same gold one as Sinclairs)" This makes moke's and Macclesfields suspect with the Much variation of Muschats/MontFITCHetts. One Arms of Macclesfield once shown at Wikipedia's Macclesfield article had FITCHees hanging from the brown stags in this Arms of Macclesfield. The Rollo clan badge (midway down the Rollo page) is a brown stag head.

Whose white unicorn head in the Crest of the Macclesfield Arms? As Woods and FEVERs share a gold fitchee with Rita-suspect Reeds, the FEUER / Rasmussen unicorn becomes suspect.

It suddenly dawns on me that the blue-on-white lion in the Macclesfield Arms is the Rita lion in colors reversed, for the "copia" motto term of the same Arms is shared by Reeds. This makes it possible for the Arms-of-Cheshire garbs, in the paws of the Macclesfield lion, to be the garbs of Avisons, for Avezzano is on the Salto river with proto-Reed Rieti. And the Avison garbs are shared by Josephs while I have reason to expect something of Joseph Caiaphas out of Avezzano elements. Reeds share the red-on-white spread eagles in the Passe/Pascal Coat, which is the Coat with the same-type cross, in colors reversed, of Macclesfields. The Reeds share red stag heads in the design of the Rollo clan badge, and in the Mascal/Keith Crest. The Reeds, like the Keiths, must trace to the Cato-Rita relationship.

And while Rita's are suspect with a gold version of the Sforza lion, the latter's holds a quince while the Quince's (mascles) were close kin of Winchesters (mascles, same place as Josephs) that show the gold fitchee in Crest behind a blue lion. The Quince-related Quints, first found in the same place as Passe's/Pascals, use the gold fitchee too. It looks like the Sforza-Rita-Cato relationship moved it over from Rome to Winchesters, all lumped in with Quintus-Caepio liners expected in the Macclesfield motto.

The Winchester cross is colors reversed from the same-style cross of Croziers (similar to the Wood Coat with gold fitchee), and the latter have a brown stag head in Crest. Cruze's use the same chevron as Quints, and what could be a red version of the Capone Coat. It seems that the Winchester / Quince mascles are code for the Mascals, effectively tracing Cato liners to Winchesters / Quince's. As we saw (last update) in a family tree, the line of Porcius Cato hooked up in marriage with the line of Quintus Caepio (Servilia Caepionis was a half-sibling to a Cato).

Click over to the French Croziers to see what I think is the Rita cross in both colors. It's in the same design as seen in black between the antlers of the Eustace stag, and then while Eustace II was father of Godfrey de Bouillon, French Crozier's were first found in the same place as Bouillons. See the line of Eustace II in Godfrey III of the last update, for Godfrey formed an alliance with Pierleoni Jews of Rome who were part of the Rita's of Rome.

The Fes' (can link to the Macclesfield cross by way of Fessys), first found in the same place as Crozier's, share the same bend as Porci's, but as the Fes' put a fox on their bend, the Foscot location of a Richard Courcy comes to mind, for Foscots are also Foxcots. Porcius Cato wrote on a Coras character, brother of Catillus, who has become suspect with Courcy / Court / Courtenay liners. Richard Courcy is said to have named Stoke Courcy in Somerset, which is linkable to the Rita line expected in the Somerset Roets (Porcius-suspect boar heads). Stoke Courcy is said to have become, Stogursey, and there is a Stoger/Stocker surname (parrots), first found in Somerset, and beside the Devon Staggers, indicating, perhaps, that "Stoger" was formed due to a Stoke-Courcy merger with Staggers. Or, perhaps, the Stocks had been Stagger liners in the first place. As Stogers/Stockers share the man's head in the Bart Crest, while Barts use a "bearded man" in the Coat, they become suspect as stag-using Stacys/Eustace's. Bart-like Bards/Beards use a boar, a Porcia symbol too. The "sibi" motto term of Stogers/Stockers, shared by Vince's, can indicate a Fowler-Godfrey line.

[Late in this update, a fantastic revelation on proto-Keiths / Cato liners -- yes from Cetis -- being a Saxon peoples in Worcestershire. The Wikipedia articles on that topic lead to Husum of northern Germany, near RoSTOCK, and it's there that I learn that a breed of pigs of that area was called, Husum, apparently after that location. This discussion finds that Rock liners of the Rockefeller / Zinzendorf kind were merged with the Cato liners of a Hus-named area in Worcestershire, which was twinned with Husum of northern Germany. I had traced proto-Rockefellers to Rostock, you see. And the Hus area of Worcestershire was on a Stour river that can be largely proven to have links to the Stur river of Somerset-Dorset i.e. the general location of Stoke-Courcy. The latter Stur flows toward Poole, and Poole's use the same lion as Cato-suspect Rita's. For me, it's a no-brainer now that Poole was a line from Vespasia Polla in Rieti. If you've been following my adventure, reading this Hus topic later is something you may want to digest, as it's bound to be a major part of future discussion. It is absolutely exciting to find Cetis liners on the Stur rivers.]

The Trump stag can apply to this line, which now recalls that Donald Trump has brought a Mr. Manafort to his team. Stogers/Stockers are suspect with the Montfort-suspect Stocks ("FORTis QUI INSons") and Stake's/Stacks. Recall that Mr. Courcy of Stogursey's founding was at Foscot, for Stocks/Stoke's/Stake's share the dove with branch exactly of Foscots/Foxcots. The latter's tree stumps are in Trump-stag colors. German Stocks/Stoks (beetles, small saltires) are said to be named after tree trunks; however we may want to view that, correct or otherwise, it tends to clinch Stocks/Stoke's with Stogursey / Stoke Courcy. It can now be pointed out that Trumps are in Rita colors, because there can be a kinship reason for it, for Fever's who share the Trump stag head also share the gold fitchees of Rita-related Woods.

As Stogers are in Rita colors too, their parrots can indicate that Pears/Peare's and Parots (pears), the latter first found in the same place (Pembrokeshire) as Stocks/Stoke's, are from the Peter who named Pierleoni. Peare's/Pears were first found in Oxfordshire while Richard Courcy held NUNEham COURTenay in Oxfordshire, and then "NON" is a motto term in the Stoger/Stocker motto. English Courcys are said to have received Foxcote in Oxfordshire, which must be the same as Foscot.

By the way, Courtenays share red roundels with Ore's while the latter share the "omnia" motto term of Courcys. The latter share the red spread eagle's of Reeds as further indication that Stock-Courcy liners were of the Rita's / Pierleoni. Reminder: Stogursey is in Somerset, where Roets were first found, but then I trace Roets and Reeds to a Flavius PETRO.

By the way, STOCKs/Stoke's use their lion in the colors of SADDOCKs.

Why are Stogers/Stockers using the old man of Barts. In the last update, Barts and Bards were linked to Henry the Fowler's Winkler / Vincent line, and to the mother of Godfrey III, said to be from Barten elements. Courcys use a "VINCit" motto term that can now link to the Winkler line. Bartens use more boars. Godfrey III, or his descendant, linked up with Taddei's now highly suspect in the "toti" motto term of Stogers/Stockers. The latter use "Six pie shapes," obvious code. These pie shapes are otherwise called, gyronny, and they are in the colors of the Picard gyronny. Gyronny is likely code for a Gernon branch, and Eustace II is said, at his Wikipedia article, to have had a Gernon nickname, and while that nickname is said to derive in "mustache," I see that as the Gernon family's play-on-word code for the Must surname listed the Muscats/Mousquette's who in-turn share the Godfrey lion head. It's another reason to link the Eustace > Godfrey line to Cato > Chatillon liners. Gernons were first found in Montfitchett.

Stogers are said to be descended from a Mr. Douai, suggesting the Dragon-suspect Deweys (Devon) and/or Davids/Dewi's. Deweys (share cinquefoils with Courcys) are said to be from Douai in the Lille part of Normandy. That could be Lille up in Artois (Eustace II was living in Artois), for I've seen houseofnames use "Normandy" for Picardy locations.

Roets originate in Picardy, and were highly suspect with the Picards because the Picard gyronny is in the Arms of Gironde while John of Gaunt (Catherine Roet's husband) is known to have been in Candale, right beside Gironde. Plus, there was a FOIX-Candale entity from a merger of the rulers of both, making Foscots/Foxcots linkable to Foix's/Foys, perfect, for fox-using Fes' are also Fays. From this picture, trace to the Foxside location of Faucets, said to be a couple of miles from Musselburgh (Keith homeland). Yes, that means the Fes'/Fays were kin to Porcius Cato with little doubt (i.e. the Fes bend is indeed the Porcia bend).

Roets were Beauforts, and said to be descended from Croys / Groys (I forget which), which makes the Beaufort lion suspect with the same one of Greys/Croys/Groys, itself probably the Stock / Stake / Montfort/Manfort lion. The Joplins (same place as Greys) are using the Grey lion but throw in the Poitvin Chief, and then the Poitvins use a blue jay while Jays were first found in Herefordshire, as were Godfrey-branch Jeffreys and Jeffersons, the latter's Jephson variation suspect with Joplins. It just so happens that Pie's were first found in Herefordshire too.

Pie's are new to me; I don't know for certain what to link their symbols to. No Shape surname comes up, but it begs the question on whether the "pie shapes" (Stogers/Stockers) were once "PIECES of pie" in relation to the Rita "piece of wood."

Hmm, Pie's use a pile (colors reversed from the Pile piles) that may betray their origins in Pile's, first found in the same place as Joplins / Greys. Ore's use piles too, as well as motto terms like the "Le bon" of Pierleoni-liner Benedicts / Bennets. Le Bons happen to share a form of the Poitvin Chief (Boii?). The latter are said to be descended from king WENCeslaus of Bohemia, a perfect place to trace Bononia-suspect Bon liners, but then Bononia was also Bologna, like the Boulogne of Eustace II.

If Pile's were Poole's, they can link by the Pool lion to the Rita lion, for behind the Poole lion are fleur-de-lys in the colors of the Wood fleur. French Pile's/Pilots use the same lion as Palins (Joplin Chief in someone else's colors?), and Palins were first found in the same place as Poole, and as the Poole's. French Pohls/Pols share an upright lion in the colors of the same in the Pie Crest. It's the same as the Sforza lion, and all three are holding objects. Pohl's/Pols were first found in Picardy, no kidding, suggesting that they were of the de-Pols married by Foix-Candale rulers.

French Piles/Pilots are said to be from Joplin-suspect "javelin." I'm not suggesting that Joplins were named after a javelin, but do see that the writer may have taken the opportunity to use a Joplin code because Pile's/Pilots had married them. It could be that Joplin liners use heraldic lance's, for example, or, better yet, have branches in Jav-like surnames such as Jave's/Jeeve's/Geve's / Gavels. Or what about the "Juvat" motto term of Fey- / Morgan-related Duffs? Hmm, John of Gaunt was the founder of the rose of lance-like Lancaster (Lancashire). Irish Duffs/Doweys, The latter speaks on "The Duffy," lord of Fermanagh, where Cork-like Corrigans were first found. Courcys are said to be from Cork. Currys (rooster) share trefoils with Corrigans, and the Curry saltire is colors reversed from the same of Kildare's while Eustace's, with a "CUR" motto term, were first found in KilDARE. Dere's happen to use lances, and German Dare's/Derrs are Rieti- / Tristan-interesting if they happen to be using the Avison garbs.

Here is something. English Gavels (Surrey) have an eagle on black, same as John-Gaunt-suspect Ghents, and the Gavel Chief with pheons is colors reversed from same eagles in the Ghent Chief. The Shield-and-Chief color combination of Tipps' (LANCashire) are those of Ghents, and the Tipps' use the Gavel Chief, with pheons, in colors reversed. The Tipps Chief is in the CORD fesse. Tipps' throw in a black bull head, symbol of German Pohls. And Tipps' may be from the Tippels/TudBARDs that sound like "Tivoli," which may suddenly reveal that Porcius liners of the Tivoli area merged with Bards because the latter use the boar. Tivoli, anciently "Tibur," was touched upon with "Tiburtus," a myth character used by Porcius Cato. Tiburtus was made a brother of Catillus and Coras. As "Cato" is suspect with Chaddocks (Lancashire) and Saddocks, note that Gavels were first found near the same place as Saddocks. This paragraph wouldn't have happened if not for the javelins in the write-up of Pontius-Pilate-suspect Pile's/Pilots. Pilate's use pheons too, you see. However, I don't see heraldic evidence that Gavels were a Joplin branch.

I'll admit that the variations with which Tippels are listed are not especially reflective of "Tivoli,", yet I've maintained the trace, tentatively, because it works in linking to Cato's mythology. Tippels are suspect with the crosslets of Coras-like Gore's/Core's.

Chaddocks use the same-style cross as I think I see in the Rita wood. Chadwicks/Shadducks use a Gaunt-like "candORE" motto term The Chaddock martlets are called, "silver birds," and I link John of Gaunt to Borders / Bordeaux's, and moreover Birds/Burds use the Bouillon cross in colors reversed. The lily in the Chadwick Crest can be for Lille, on the Lys river (Artois, home of the de-Bouillon's family) that flows to Ghent/Gaunt. It absolutely appears as though John of Gaunt married a Cato-Rita liner in CATHerine Roet, but she was also married to a SWYNford surname (boars)!

Miss Florida is the one who was responsible for my delving into the Pierleoni, and she repeatedly reminds me of John of Gaunt when she sees the Roets in my work. Plus, I would never have come across Boofima if not for Miss Florida, and Roets / Beauforts turned out to be Boofima liners though she had no idea. She tried to get me to emphasize Herods about ten years ago, when I was not prepared to do so. She was claiming that Herods were the core of Freemasonry. I was at unwilling to go there because I didn't want to enter anything merely sensational. I needed evidence first. After coming to terms with the realization that Masonic heraldry had Edomite liners, I found Herod liners too, and Roets happen to be suspect as Herod liners. In the Book of Enoch, Edom has a black-boar symbol. So, I think that God has used Miss Florida to enlarge my dragon hunt for to include the right players for making His story complete.

Swynfords use the black boar, as do Porcia's. I have a hard time seeing anyone using a boar symbol as code for their swine-like surname. That is, I have a hard time seeing anyone taking on a surname after pigs. I might rather believe that Swyn / Swine liners had been Swan liners, or something similar, in a non-English country where the term didn't mean a pig. And that non-English family merged with a Porcius line to get their boar ("Porcius" was not necessarily rooted in "porco"). The Swans/Sions once showed GAUNTlet gloves. There is a Swynford location in Staffordshire, where St. Chad operated, and where Chadwicks were first found. English Swine's use black boars too, and what looks like a rare shade of green for their fesse, upon which there is a lizard, the Corrigan / Organ symbol, and Organs were kin of Letts, first found in Gloucestershire, where the first Tippel liner, Mr. TeoBALD, was living. As Balds use the Leslie griffin head, I suspect Balds to be from Bartholomew, founder of the Scottish Leslie's. Leslie's may be a branch of lizard-like Lizarts/Lazards. Herod-suspect IZZARDs, said to be from mythical Tristan (see last update), were first found in Gloucestershire.

The Gavi variation of Dutch Gavels gave provides the inkling that Cavii may be in play. That's when the Gavel eagle was noted for being in Chives / Dragon / Pendragon colors. The Pendragon motto has been suspect with the Tipps' who seem clearly to be sharing the Gavel Chief. Dragons share the helmet with Pendragons while Helms use pheons. Dragons have a Drainer variation suspect with the Drin river, home of the PENdragon-suspect PENestae smack at the Cavii theater. This reminds that I trace Cavii to the meeting of the Sava and Colapis/Kupa rivers, home of Joplin-suspect Japodes. That is, a Joplin link to javelin-like Gavels has just cropped up.

The last update claimed to find the "Sophia-Neveu" code of the Da-Vince-Code book in Sophie of Bar, wife of Montbeliard, at which time the latter's domain started a significant treatment on Billiards, showing them to trace to lines from Godfrey III whoi married Sophie's family. The Billiards/Hilliards brought the Hillarys and Clintons to topic, and reminded that Bill Clinton's biological father was a Mr. Blythe, like the Billet variation of French Billiards. It was also mentioned that the Clinton Coat is suspect with the Saluzzo Coat, making Clintons (Oxfordshire) traceable to Alice of Saluzzo. What I didn't mention is that both Billiard surnames are in Lois colors, while Lois' are in mythical GorLOIS, part of the Tristan entity of Cornwall. This may be absolutely bang-on because Sophie married LOUIS, count of Montbeliard. That is, I'm asking whether Louis was related to Luisa of Ceva, mother of Alice of Saluzzo. The Hillarys and Clintons both use the six, black fitchees of Tarves', and Ceva-suspect Chives' were in Tarves, you see. Plus, the fitchees of all three surnames are in the configuration of the six leopard faces of Tristan-related Izzards...with an Isoed variation like "Isold," Tristan's lover. Tristan elements were traced to Hebrons, Rodhams and Stevensons, first found in the same place as Joplins. It's interesting that the stars in the Joplin Chief are colors reversed from the same in the Clinton Chief.

Wikipedia has no article on Louis, meaning that his ancestry may be in the dark. In the Montbeliard article: "[Montbeliard] was led by a line of Counts of Montbeliard descending from Conrad's vassal Louis of Mousson in Upper Lorraine, husband of Countess Sophie of Bar, and their successors from the Scarpone family." Scarpone's (can mean "shoe" to Italians) may have produced the shoe in the Trip Coat, and then Trists, who were resolved in the Tristan code, use a "TREPidum" motto term.

Montbeliard is on the north-west of lake Geneva, home to the ancient Sequani that might apply. I've just learned that the Arms of Franche-Comte, where Montbeliard is located, uses the Nassau lion with the BILLET background included! It's a very good reason to equate Montbeliard with Billiards/Billets. Now we know that Nassau's, and the counts of Eu, were from the Montbeliard theater. As Besancons/Bassets use the Billiard billets, see this: "The principal cities [of France-Comte] are the capital Besancon, Belfort and Montbeliard the last two form the aire urbaine Belfort-Montbéliard-Héricourt-Delle). Other important cities are Dole [in Jura]..." That explains why one Dole Coat ("Vincit") has a billet border in the colors of the Nassau billets. The Arms of Dol use the Nassau lions-and-billets along with a sun. I wonder whose sun it is.

The certainty of Dole's now tracing to Dole at the French-Swiss border makes the Dole write-up look ridiculous. I say that Dole's are using the Colt/Celt stag head because Besancons had traced to the Mont-Pilat crew, as do Colts/Cults.

The Trumps are suspect with heraldic trumpets, which Arthurs and their Hicks kin called, clarions. Clarions are a surname listed with Clarens/Larins, who were fundamental parts (last update) of the Bar / Lorraine liners to the Ayrshire / Lanark area. The Alans of DOL happened to reside in that area as the Stewarts who share checks with German Dole's. Dols (no 'e') were first found in the same Nordic area as Trumps. English Dole's (WINGS) are in Billiard colors and suspect in the past with the Bellamy / Harvey fesse. Bellamys and HARVeys both trace to the ARTVE river on the south side of lake Geneva for more than one reason, one being that Garveys share the two red-on-white chevrons of Perche's while Perche (beside Alencon) was home to Bellamys. Two red chevrons happen to be in the Clarion/Claren/Larin Coat. There are thus two reasons to trace Clarions to the Geneva area.

The Bonneville location on the Arve looked linkable to Bonnetable at the south end of Colle-du-Perche. Bonnetable happens to be in Le mans! That's the Maine area where Billiards/Billets were first found. Plus, the six pierced stars in the Bonneville Coat (Clare stag head?) are in the configuration of, and colors reversed from, the Hillary / Clinton fitchees while pierced stars are in the Clinton Chief! Bonneville's were first found in the same place as English Stewarts. If Clintons are using the Saluzzo Shield, then it's the Clun Shield too, from FitzALANs of Clun, who married Alice of Saluzzo. Pierced stars (Percival-Leavell code, right?) are also in the Dole Coat, upon its Bellamy / Harvey-suspect fesse.

The last update discovered that Cetis elements of the Laevillus / Vibia-Varia / Aule kind had settled on the north shores of Geneva. It can be added here that while a Mr. Aule married Julia Brampton, the French Bonneville's share the two red lions in pale with Bramtons. The Bramton lions are in both colors of the Colly/Caullie (Gloucestershire) lion while the Aule line was gleaned at Cully, at the north shore of Geneva. This paragraph is corroboration that Aule liners, from Laevillus' children, were at Geneva. I almost missed it: the talbot head of Bramtons is that also (different colors) of Cullys! Aule's/Halls and Hulls use this talbot head too. Cullys are said to have had a Cully location in Derbyshire, making for a Swiss link to Derbyshire, though, more importantly, making for a Cetis-family link to Derbyshire.

Ketts/Kite's were first found in the same place as Collys, absolutely corroborative of a Cetis trace to Cully. As Scottish Kidds (same stars as Billiards / Moray) can be gleaned from "CETis" because they use an "orbum" motto term for Orba, the Cetis capital, the Kidds / Kidders just came to mind with the BalQUIDDER location of Clarions/Larins. The latter are the ones looking linked with Garvey / Harvey line from the Arve at Geneva, you see. And if Trumps link to the Clarions for obvious reason, we are seeing a Clinton / Hillary link to Trumps in this very discussion, while Trump may be head-to-head with Mrs. Hillary Clinton in just a few months. It looks like the Laevillus bloodline is going to rule the United States from 2017 to the end of 2020.

English Kidds were first found in the same place as Chatillon liners and the Clarion-related Clare's. The Higgs of Chatillon-related Challant (Aosta, beside the Arve) were resolved as Hicks while Hicks' of Clapton (Somerset) shared the clarion trumpets with Arthurs. The dove in the Kidd Crest (see also the Leafs/LEVE's and their colors) is identical in design with the Stoke / Foxcot dove. The Caens are the ones with a Cetis/Citis code in their motto, and the Stock location of Stocks/Stoke's is near Caen. FoxCOTE is in Oxfordshire, where Clintons were first found, and it just so happens that Caens share a Shield of fretty lattice with COTE's/Cotta's. It's asking whether Cotta's were themselves a branch of the namers of Cetis. Heraldic lattice was traced to "cuffia," an Italian word for lattice, and it just so happens that Kidders use the same crescents as Coffers, first found in the same place as the Somerset Leavells. Coffers are in Morgan colors in case Coffers trace to Morges elements (Morges is near Cully).

The Fife's and Five's/Fifys, whom I traced to Morges liners years ago, use the same lion as Collys, and it just so happens that "Five" is like "Vibia," the mother of Laevillus. This is stupendous, for it means I wasn't wasting your/my time in tracing Levite liners to Sion/Sitten. Seatons/Sittens are the ones sharing the Bellamy crescents. It's all coming to light. Compare the Fife chevron with that of Veys/VIVians.

While Kidds share the same stars vas Morays, the Kidder Crest reminds me of as Moray Crest (as I best recall it) no longer shown by houseofnames. At one time, houseofnames showed two Moray Coats, the one no longer shown using FETTERlocks, like the Feeter variation listed with Clarions/Larins. The Billiards/Hilliards use the same stars as Morays.

There is good reason here to view "BonneTABLE" with the Arthurian Table surname, for Tristan was a knight of the ROUND Table while the FitzAlans who married Saluzzo were rulers of ARUNDEL, likely kin of Rundels/ROUNDells that use the Alan fesse. Bonnetable is smack beside ALENcon. Plus, as these locations are at Le Mans, that's the place sharing Candlesticks with Kyle's of Ayrshire, where Bars were first found that happen to use stars in the colors of the Bonneville stars! Excellent, for Bar in Lorraine is politically linkable to Franche-Comte and the northern shores of Geneva.

The Nassau lion can now be linked, possibly, to the same-colored Beaumont lion, excellent because Gouel de Perceval (of Leavell) married Beaumont. The Beaumonts are also "BELLMONT" while there is a Belfort location (in all four Beaumont colors) in Franche-Comte that should link to the MontFORT lion used by the other English Bellmonts/Beaumonts. Beaumonts were partly first found in Gloucestershire, same as Cullys and other Geneva liners. German Bellows/Bellauts (share the Chep/Jepp eagle) were first found in Pomerania i.e. the Tusk / Trump / Dol theater. As the wife of Laevillus, she being a Bassus surname, is being traced to Julia Bassianus, by what coincidence did she marry Julius AVITus while "vide" is the Beaumont motto term? "Vita" is used by Billet-related / Bellmont-suspect Bellows. This is good evidence that the Laevillus > Bassianus line went to Gouel de Perceval at Yvery.

The "black sailing SHIP" of Clarions/Larins suggests the Sale's/Sails/Salians, and perhaps the Glass-related Blacks, for Lanark is near Glasgow. The Ships are listed with Skiptons, you see, clear indication of a link to Bellows.

Bellows (fox) are said to have held a family seat at Moreton, likely of the Moreton-Say location of Shropshire. The Says of that place may be of the namers of Seyssel to the near-west of the Arve river, a good trace in this case because Bellows were likely a Bellamy branch. The Bellows, because they use the Billet Coat, are clearly from the billets of Franche-Comte. Therefore Bellows were from Montbeliard, probably its counts. The bellow symbol of the Skipton-suspect Skiptons (same place as Clintons) may explain the purple lion of Veys/Vivians. As the latter are tracing very well to Vibia, not that the Shipton bellows are fans while Fanns (same place as Seatons of Say) are listed with Leavell-related Vance's/Vaux's. The Fane's/Vans are the ones that use the gauntlet gloves, as do Swans/Sions, no apparent coincidence.

Here is the Fann/Vance/Vaux Crest, suspect with the Beaumont / Nassau / Franche-Comte lion: "A lion rampant gold, gorged with a COLLAR red and holding in the dexter paw a pair of BALANCE's proper." It makes the Collar)d) surname suspect with the namers of Cully. The Balance's share the eagle of Gavels, the latter's Coat, according to what was said about them above, are very linkable to the Side's/Sudys, a Seaton branch without question. I read that Wells were involved with Bec Abbey, which recalls that some Eu elements of the Crispin kind were at Bec Abbey, important where the Fanns/Vaux's are claimed to be Wells kin, explaining the Valibus variation of Vaux's, and the sharing of the pelican between DeVAUX's and Wells. The counts of Eu used the Nassau lion, you see, making a trace of the Vaux-related Beaumonts once again to Franche-Comte. And Crispins (same place as Fann/Vance-suspect Skiptons) use BARRY. Here are the French Becs/Bess'/Baiz'/Baise's/Bests (evoking Besancons/Bassets) with what should be the Nassau / Beaumont lion on both sides of the Billiard star.

While Vaux' and Valibus are said to derive in "valley," let's not be naive. The bloodline may have warped toward valley-like terms in a fancy, but the original terms were not likely after a valley. The Walerans use a "vos" motto term suggesting that the Vos surname was a near-original, or at least the important variation in Templar times. The Vos' (same Nordic area as Dols and Trumps again) share the Fox / Fuchs wolf so-as to come out looking like they belong to the fox in the Bellow Crest, so long as the Shipton bellows are fans for a clever, Fann/Vaux reason.

The Fox/Fuchs Coat and Crest are both red and reflective of the Aures Coat and Crest, which makes sense where the fox-using Fes' trace to Fes/Fez of Morocco, where Kanza of Aures went to live with Idris. Fox's/Fucks were first found in the same place (Franconia) as Trunks while Foxcots/FOScots use tree trunks, albeit they are described as "stumps." There is a Stump surname, but it can be suspect in a merger with Trunks. Trumps? This recalls that the Tirana area of Albania shares, and traced to, the white-on-blue wolf of Hugh the colors of the Trump stag, meaning that Trumps might thereby be unveiled as Tirana liners.

Trane's use an upright red lion that can be of the red and upright Fox wolf. Franche-Comte may have been named after Franconia elements, as well as the Comit-like variations of Conte's that were in Hugh Lupus' mother. Italian Simons (Aures Coat?) share a red and upright lion with Trane's, and while Jewish Simons use a fox, that picture suggests that at least two surnames trace to Simon de Montfort, the one who took Beaumont titles by inheritance. I now recall that Hugh Lupus' son (Richard D'Avranches) used a wolf too, and it's colors reversed from the Fox wolf.

It's therefore Tirana-interesting that Trans' are listed with Trents, while there is a STOKE-on-Trent location while Trents were first found in the same place as Richard Courcy's Stoke-Courcy location, while French Simons use the same lion (minus a tail) of Montfort-suspect Stoke's, while French Simons share the red rose with Trents, while the "mon" motto term of French Simons can be for MONforte, while the split Trent Shield is colors reversed from the same in the Arms of Sion, while Walsers of the Sion / Wallis area are a branch of Walsh's that use "TRANSfixus" for a motto. As Walsh's had a branch first found in the same place as the Roxburgh Leavells, Waleran was likely a Wells liner from Wallis canton. English Trans'/Trents were first found in the same place as the Somerset Leavells.

So, the way to trace Trumps from Tirana is to go through Trans'/Trents to Stoke-Courcy = STOGURsey (same place as Trans'/Trents), then link to stag-using Staggers, and from there to the Trump stag. The expected link between Trumps and Clarions can be by Trump merger with the Hicks of Clapton, a location in Somerset i.e. same place as Stogursey. These Hicks used the clarion (it's recorded online), said to be a trumpet, and the Hicks Crest (Arthur colors) happens to use another stag, as does the Clare Crest (Clarions/Clarens use two of the three Clare chevrons). Hicks' are in Clapton colors, but were first found in Yorkshire. The Hykes'/Hacks (Chives kin) were first found in the same place (Devon) as Staggers. The "bon" motto term of Hicks suggests the Bone's / Bonns (Vaux stars?) suspect with the Beaumont lion. Bonns were kin of Poitvins (from Wenceslaus of Bohemia), which link Hicks, likely, to Boii of Bononia. The two-tailed Montfort lion is in the Arms of Bohemia. There's consistency behind it.

Clarions/Larins claim, or are said, to descend from a Lorn character in 6th century, but this can't be the entire story. I see Lanarks/LURNacks as Lorne liners, and so I see a Clare merger with Lanark elements to produce the Claren/Clarion variations of Lorne-like Larins. I don't think they share the laurel theme with Laurys / Lowrys and Lorraine's. If the "BLACK sailing ship" of Clarions is part-code for Blacks, and if Blacks are a branch of Blake's, then they need to trace to Blaze's and therefore to Bleds/Blez's, perfect because the latter are using the Clare triple chevrons in colors reversed. We are making new discoveries here on Clare ancestry, now going between Emona and lake Geneva.

Bled is a Sava-river location smack beside Emona, which came to use a green dragon (see Arms of Ljubljana), wherefore note the green dragon in the Faringdon Crest (a Vere branch), for Skiptons (same place as elite Vere's) are said to descend from Alfsi of Faringdon. Faringdons even share "temps" in their motto with the Bled motto, "En tous temps de Ble")! And Faringdons use "LE BON temps VIENdra" as a phrase, linkable to the "Le bon" of Benedicts and Bennets. The Viens ("bien vienne tout") are listed with Vienne's, suspect with Vienne-Isere in Burgundy i.e. where Herod Archelaus lived who can trace to the Herods/Haralds, first found in the same place as Clarions/Larins, and beside the Bars of Lorraine. The full Vienne motto is shared by HARcourts (suspect with "HERod"), who had a member, Humphrey Vieilles, whom I see as the root of the Wells, for Humphrey was the ancestor of the Beaumonts under discussion. HarCOURTs, like Clare's, were Danes, and, lest you forget, Clarions are still expected as kin of Trumps (first found in the Varni / Danish theater) whom are now tracing to Court-related Stoke Courcy.

Harcourts (peacock) use double fesse bars in the colors of the Bled chevrons, were first found in Oxfordshire, and were obvious kin of the Parrs found in the Manner/Maness motto. The green Oxford beaver traces to Drago de BEWERE, in the BLADE write-up.

Herods/Haralds list an Herault surname while there is an Herault location smack at NarBONNE, which is the area of the Gellone monastery of William de Gellone, father of Guerin of Provence. Guerin is kin to green-dragon Guerra's. Perfect. It's now clinched that the green Vere dragon is an Emona line. This needs to be kept in mind with the trace of Dragons/Drainers and Pendragons to the Drin/Drilon river, the Tirana / Mathis / Fier theater of Albanians. Elements of Albanians ended up in Scotland as the namers of Alba, right? Yes, and they were probably there about the time of the Lorn character in the Clarion write-up. Faringdons are said to be from Faringdon in Lancashire, near PENwortham. Faringdons are traced in their write-up to "where ferns grow," said with a straight face, another clue that one should not fully trust derivations in heraldic write-ups.

The "de ble" motto term, or the De Ble surname, is suspect with the DOUBLE tressure border of Flemish lines, and we do see flames on the besants of Faringdons. These particular besants indicate that the Bassianus Numidians, whom had linked to Bled elements, linked up with the line to Vere's (share the Massey QUADRants). From Vibia Varia? I now think. In other words, the time line can go from the Shawia Numidians, centuries before Kanza of Aures, to the family circles of Quadratus Bassus in the Cetis theater, and to the Bassus marriage with the Varia-Laevillus family, and only from there did it go to the Varni Nordics, whom are first known in the historical records about 98 AD, the lifetime of Laevillus. I still don't quite know how to explain a link between Mecklenburg-Pomerania and Cetis in the ballpark of 100 BC - 50 AD, but the proto-Maccus / Fomerian vikings are suspect there. The Lug Fomerians were the ones who named two Lugdunum locations, and the Herod brothers lived in both. Coincidence?

As Herod Archelaus was married the Glaphyra, while she had married JUBA of Mauritania, note how LJUBljana might be named after Juba liners. I fully expect the Bassianus Numidians, off the Tilurius/Cetina river, at Bled.

Not all black symbols can be code for Blacks and Blake's, but in the case of the black used in the Clarion and Faringdon Coats, I think it applies. This recalls that Nicholas de Vere von Drakenberg, in his Transylvania book, said that Ralph and Thomas de Vere were of Lanarkshire, where BIGGAR is located that traces (in my opinion) to Transylvania's BIHARIA location, the capital of the Hun-descended Khazars in Hungary's ancestry. I say that these Kabars, as some call them, from Kabardino, named Aberdeen, home of the Hungarian Leslie's (green griffin now linkable to the Emona dragon) who were traced to "Lesce," smack beside Bled...which I say was named after Bleda, Attila's brother. As Attila is said to have been from the house of DULO, it looks like TOULouse, where William of Gellone was count, was named after Dulo! I'm sure of that now. The Vere's, like their beloved Stewarts, are tracing to Attila, and to his descendants, the Khazars (think Melissena Rangabe, and the Fer / Vair checks that link to Cohens / Hohens). The Tool lion is the Dreux/Drew lion in colors reversed. And Toulouse was right beside the Comminges (previously Lugdunum) home of Herod Antipas.

When we go to the Blackwood Coat, what do we see but the Harvey / Bellamy fesse, with the Harveys stars to boot. It's once again speaking to the Bled-Geneva link. This is important because Bellamys, whom have already linked, together with Garveys, to Clarions, had merged with Maceys / Masseys of Ferte-Mace while the Vienne eagle is the Ferte / MacDonald eagle in colors reversed. From Geneva, it's all downhill on the Rhone river to Vienne-Isere. Probably, the Clarion ship is the MacDonald ship, now making MacDonalds suspect with Skiptons and Bellows together. I say this ship theme goes to the Harald > Maccus vikings, and so the Herod variation of Haralds may reveal that Herault (France) was named after Herods.

That feels so correct that I'm willing to claim that the Maccus vikings were pure Herod liners, and suspect with much of the Caepio tressure, which they must have sailed from place to place over the centuries. As the Herault area belonged to William Gellone (and/or his allies), while his line was mixing it up with Barbers, it tells that Herod liners from southern France were merged with Numidians, though the truth may be that Herods descended from Numidians in the first place, for Maccabees are suspect from that very thing.

In the last update, it was noted that Barbe's (Provence) and Le Bons both use two stars in Chief with a white crescent between them. I didn't know at the time that Le Bons could link as they just did to Clarions. And here the Blackwood Chief has two stars with white crescent between. Barbe's (share gold fesse with Herods/Haralds) can therefore be gleaned with Blackwoods where Barbers (Dreux bull head?) share the double chevrons of Clarions/Larins (French Larins were first found in Provence) and the red-on-gold fleur-de-lys of Gellone's.

As Nicholas made Ralph directly related to Thomas, while the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Blackwoods and Barbe's is that of Saluzzo's, it looks as though these De Vere's were from Clun of Shropshire. Cluns were merged with the line of Thomas of Saluzzo, which family included the Arundels of Arun, terms like the cloud-using Aarons (McLeod colors). This cloud might just be code for the Cloud variation of McLeods. The Herods and Haralds are listed individually as septs of McLeods, and the latter use a black bull head for their clan badge. McLeods were on Skye and Lewis while Lewis' use a green dragon head.

The black Barbe horse has been suspect with the black Este horse, and the Este Crest was once showing the same black horse head as per the Bute Crest, and then the marine theater (Argyllshire) of Herods/Haralds / MacDonalds was also the Bute theater. Black-related Glass' were first found in Buteshire, wherefore this black horse (shared by Italian Forts) might just indicate Blacks / Blake's / Blackwoods...perhaps all three from the Bleda Huns, following the Dol Alans > Stewarts to the Lanark / Glasgow / Argyll area.

Again, while English Barbe's (probably of the Este-related French Barbe's) use the same fesse as Herods/Haralds, Bars-of-Este were first found in the area between Glasgow and Bute. And Barbers use the double chevrons of Clarions/Larins, the latter with the ship of MacDonalds / Mere's / DeMere's, the latter two first found in the same place as State's/Stathams. While I traced Ralph de Vere of Blackwood back to Lupus liners of Cheshire (beside FitzAlans of Clun), that's where the State's/Stathams (lozenges in the colors of the same of Grimaldi Ligures) were first found. They are suspect in the Este-suspect motto term, "HoneSTATE," of Barbe's. This might be hint that the Statielli Ligures were Este liners to such places as Asti / Aosta. Doesn't "HONestate" indicate Huns too? Hannibal came through Ligurian territory, and took many of its tribes as allies against Rome.

The line I imagine goes from the Bassianus-Hun merger (5th century, one century before Lorn of the Clarens/Larins) at the Bled area though Este to Asti (near Saluzzo) and Salassi-founded Aosta, then into the neighboring Geneva area, and from there westward to many places, including a Morges trace to Bute = Avalon in time for king Arthur elements. That's a neat little package I think I can rely on. It can explain why Alans of Dol got hooked up with Saluzzo centuries later, for Alans had earlier been from Langhe, smack at Asti / Monforte.

One cannot argue against these implications without looking desperate to deny / deceive. The Clare's are tracing to William of Gellone and to the geography of the Herod brothers in France. This was the true da-Vinci cult; it was not the children of Jesus with Magdalene. Nicholas de Vere, whom has gone to see his Maker, tried to convince people that Jesus and Mary Magdalene were married, and that their children ended up in southern France smack in the area of Gellone. He can now try to convince his Maker about that.

A New Shot at Understanding Taro Lines

As I see reason to link Hannibal to the Ananes Gauls, it's notable that the Annan saltire is the same one as per English Barbers. The latter happen to share the red-on-white scallops of PULCHER-suspect Pulleys/PULLERs (pelican), and Barbe's use a "PULCHRitude" motto term suspect with Appius and/or Publius Pulcher. Why do Langs and Stewarts both use a PELICan? I traced Pulleys to Pula/Pola on Este-suspect Istria, and Pullers became suspect with horse-using FULLERs ("FORTiter"), making Fullers suspect from one or both of the Pulchers. Fort liners are suspect with Fortuna's and both Hun surnames. As Ferrara's Italian Forts use their black horse beside the Alan / Rundel fesse, everything in this discussion can trace to the Tanaro river (location of Asti, for one), and therefore to Fuller-suspect FULbert "the tanner." English Forts (same place as Faringdons) share the castle of Arundel- / Rundel-suspect McLeods, and may be using the double Bar / Savona stars in colors reversed. Pulley-related Savona's are likely using the stars of Bars, an Este line first found in the mainland-Bute theater.

It's not a story of Hun liners only, up the Po river to its upper tributaries, but of Bassianus liners to Masci's / Masseys and Vere's. If I'm correct in tracing "Vere" directly to Vibia Varia, I can start to seek evidence for Varia liners in the very name of "Ferrara." That name didn't exist in her lifetime, I do not think, because I read that Ferrara, in 70 AD (when the Varni and Nagle-suspect Angles were already, likely, in Mecklenburg, was called, Forum Allieni. It's a great reason to track proto-Attila between Bled and proto-Ferrara (later to become a major ally of Este). Yes, I'm suggesting that the Attila Huns may have originated, partly, in FORUM Allieni's Alan Huns. The Formans/FORHAMs (kin of Firmans) use the Base/Baise lion, right? Can this indicate that Allieni lines merged with Bassianus lines in relation to Huns at Bled?

The Base/Baise / Brunswick lions are in the colors and passant position of the Place/Plais lion, and Plais' are suspect with Baez'/Pelaiz' (Pula-suspects) as PLACentia/PIACenza liners. Although it seems that Placentia was named by Pola > Pollock liners (the ones who named Pollock, a Renfrewshire location eventually inhabited by Alans and Fulbert the Saxon), I'm wondering whether PIACENza was named after a BASSIANus/ Bassan liner. If correct, it would be huge for the theory that Maccabees originated in Massena liners merged with Scipio's family, for general Scipio founded Placentia, though I don't know which form of the name it had at that early time (about 200 BC).

In other words, though the first-known Bassianus (the first I know of) was living about 150 AD, he descends (the theory) from the namers of Piacenza, where Alan Huns out of Istria (Pola) were living, and from that picture, Vespasia Polla originated. She married a family in Rieti, on the same river as BESSAN-suspect AVEZZANo, and then Blade's share the gold-on-blue garb with Cheshire and Avisons. That's fairly powerful for supporting the theory. If Italian Bassans are using the Leavell bars in colors reversed, there we can have a Vibia-Varia trace to this picture. One webpage claims that Romans named Placentia after "pleasant place," but that could be from a typical historian desperate to find a derivation from the cockpit of his flying imagination.

The Bassan fesse bars are in the colors of the Alan fesse. The Rome's/Rooms (Annan colors), first found in Ananes-suspect Dumfries (same place as Annandale), do not only use a "placit" motto term, but share a red chevron with Alans. It looks as though some Placentia-area Romans ventured up to Scotland. Who exactly were they? In their write-up, they are said to have been responsible for the defence of Annandale. Why? Did they live in Annandale? Makes sense? The "PUNGit" motto term of Rome's/Rooms must be for Pungs/Paganells, first found in the same place as Pulleys/Pullers. The latter are suspect from Publius Pulcher, who raised Brogitarus to prominence, and Brogitarus was the ancestor of the Bassus'. The point is, Appius Pulcher married the imperial daughter of Lurco, the latter suspect with Lurchs/Larchers and Archers, both of which share the mural crown with Pungs/Paganells and with the Caens having a "liCITIS" motto term. The daughter above, a Laevi suspect, married emperor Augustus, and then the Augusts use the same fesse as Rome's/Rooms. "PlaCIT" can be part code for CITIS/Cetis. [See this topic in the next update as it overlaps with a Walsh trace to Vrm of Angusta, and consequently to Annas / Annan liners].

When seeing the French Fort Coat moments ago, it reminded me of the Kite's / KITTs. "PunGIT" should be part code for the Geddes', for their Ged ancestors were on the Nith river of Dumfries. But then can't the "GEDDES" trace with Kitts and Kidds to "CETIS." Looks good. I read that the Geds gave their military arms to Clan Mackay, the latter sharing the dagger with the Nith-river Kilpatricks (Levi lion, I think), kin in-turn of Pollock-related Maxwells of Maxton, roughly or exactly where Scottish Leavells were first found. I haven't nailed Bassus / Bassianus liners with "Piacenza," but hope to do so, if it's a correct thing.

By what coincidence does the Arms of Placentia use a small square that can be construed as the escutcheon of Geddes' and Chadocks (same place as Varia-suspect Faringdons)? It looks like Cetis and Sadducee liners were at Placentia, and then "Varia" may have been related to "Pharisee." We might want to ask the white horse's of Freys/PHREEZE's if they know anything about this. Vibia-suspect Veys/Vivians share the purple lion with Scipio-related and Shipton-suspect Skiptons. The purple lion is used also by Renfrew-suspect Wrens, the latter said to be of a Raines family, but then the Raines lions are suspect with the same of Pattys/Pati's, Kilpatrick liners that share the Nitt/Naught escutcheon in Saddock-escutcheon colors. It's not a coincidence that while Geddes' honor the Majors in their motto, Majors/Magors share the red greyhound (Hun-liner symbol) with State's/Stathams, while the latter share the lozenges of Reno's. It means that Reno's linked as Wren liners to some Scipio liners in cahoots with Statielli Ligures. The Numidian cavalry was all over that upper-Po area of Italy.

If the Este / Barbe / Bute horse is not code for a surname, it could be a symbol of the Numidian cavalry (in Italy with Hannibal, the line to the Huns, I think, that merged with Bassianus). There is a Horse surname sharing the white horse with Este's, and the Horse horse head is in the design of the same of Hebrons (same place as horse's). DESIGN MATTERS. Houseofnames was changing designs at a fast clip for a year or two (don't notice it much anymore), but it always serves to help because I record and remember the old symbols while the latest designs help further. The Este Crest now shows the Barbe horse, enabling me to glean Numidians / Berbers with Este's.

The Arms of Placentia are even split vertically in the colors of the same of Chads and Trents, the latter first found in the same place as the Somerset Leavells. The potent cross of Chads is in the Coat of BROGitarus-suspect Procks/Brocuffs/Prokopps, and the latter share the Shield-and-Chief color combination of potent-liner Brocks and horse-using Barbe's. Neat little package of useful information. English Barbe's can now be fathomed with the Aures / le-Meschin lion.

The AnaMARI can be an Ananes merger with the Marsi that I see in the Laevi-related Marici: "Before its settlement by the Romans, the [Placentia] area was populated by other peoples; specifically, most recently to the Roman settlement, the region on the right bank of the Po River between the Trebbia River and the Taro River had been occupied by the Ananes or Anamari, a tribe of Cisalpine Gauls." This is what makes the Taro and Ceno rivers important, for the Ceno was definitely the home of Caens. Ask the five white ostrich feathers shared in the Crests of Caens and this Arms of Traby. This link is so obvious that I expect houseofnames to remove the Caen ostrich feathers, if someone influential gets wind of what you're reading here. You can bank on a Cetis-liner trace, including the very namers of Cetis, to the Ceno-Taro-Trebbia theater, and that's why the Ananes should be responsible for the naming of the Sadducee high priest, Ananus/Annas, the one who oversaw the Crucifixion.

French Mars happen to share the scallops of KENsingtons/Keningtons, and while I don't recall the full merit of the Kensington trace to the Ceno, I believe that there was sufficient.

I wonder whether the Anamari became a surname such as the Name's. This recalls my claim that God used a childhood experience of mine that would be Purposely for this revelation today. I think the first time that I told this story was in the 4th update of September, 2014: "I'll never forget Steve Tarr. As a hockey team, mine was floundering, until Steve Tarr was traded to our team. He would score an average of four goals per game for the last remaining games of the season. In a semi-final series, I passed the puck to Steve on a two-on-one break. He shot and hit the goalie, with the puck sliding back behind him but coming to rest on the goal line. And there I found myself looking at this puck, with the score 2-2 late in the game, and the goalie sprawled way out of the net. My knees gave way for pure joy as I slid in, poking the puck across the goal line." Since then, I came to believe that the Knee surname should apply, but, when I told this story in the 3rd update of last month, I said: "However, I can't see any points to make concerning the Knee/Kneigh/Nea Coat." I felt blank at that time.

However, something just hit me now, but for this I need to remind that the Tarr surname was expected from the Taro river, and that God had all the elements of that hockey event designed to tell a story. The German Pucks were already traced to a merger with Ottone's (suspect with Ottone Visconti of northern Italy), kin of Caiaphas-suspect Chappes'. That's why God would want to provide "inside information" to me, to direct me, to make me feel sure of the right surnames for discovering the true Caiaphas-family story. The Sticks have been resolved as the Shaw's "Sithech" entity that sounds like "Sadducee," and the Sticks share three gold garbs with Josephs and an assortment of others that use them in both colors of the Josephs, including the Avisons that trace to the Marsi theater.

Having said that, the Marsi-suspect Anamari just brought the Name surname to mind, which is why I re-told the hockey story, for here's what was said in the last update: "The Name's/Neme's list "Need" curiously, but then the Knee's (half the York saltire) are said to be from MacNeidhe's while the latter share stag heads with Name's/Nammee's/Nannys. I would suggest that these are Anne/Hanne / Hanna liners, Hannibal suspects. I wholly reject the derivation of Name's/Nammee's in the write-up. The English Name's (same place as Name's/Neme's/Needs), traced in their write-up to "uncle" (seems brilliantly wrong too), use the same lion as Masins/Masons. "

So, there you go, the Knee bloodline can possibly trace smack to the Ananes at the Ceno / TARO theater Coincidence? I don't think so. It suggests that Knees were Name's (or at least a merger with Name's) and therefore from Anamari and Ananes. I might need to retract the idea that Name's were named after "NUMidia." Irish Name's/Nammee's/Nannys (Annan colors) have variations somewhat like the Annan(dale) variations. Nimo's/NewMARSH's (same place as Scottish Chappes') look to apply excellently just by their two variations, but they even use a saltire in the colors of the Annandale saltire as used (on gold) by Bruce's and the Arms of Ayrshire. It looks like I may need to retract the claim that "Nimo" is a Numidia term, though Nimo's can still figure as Numidians even if they trace to "ANAMari." The "show" motto term of Nimo's gets a SCHAW surname so as to suggest the Shawia Numidians. Stick liners.

I POKED the PUKE from a SHOT by Steve Tarr while on my knees. I've yet to learn whose symbols the Knees and Ny's/Nie's are using; it should be interesting should it be accomplished. The Poke's are listed with Pollocks whom I've been tracing to Placentia for years, apart from anything to do with poking a puck. The Shot's are listed with Shute's and have been suspect, for years, as Sadducee liners from Placentia. The Shots/Shute's are likely a branch of ESCUTcheon-liner Scute's.

Shute's: "A red shield with three swords BAR WAYS." As they erroneously say that "Ragusa" (home of Saraca's) is derived in "deer," the Ways/Weigh fish trace to the same-colored Saraca fish, for Scute's use "deer." As KEONs use the same fish as Saraca's, while the related Keens use an escutCHEON, it corroborates the Bar and Ways trace to the Saraca's. The Ways/Weigh surname (baton in Crest) uses WAVY bars both in vertical pale and horizontal too, and it's fish are in Bar-fish colors and likewise in pale. Wavy bars are Weber = Weaver liners from Kiev. The Scute crane was one of some that I saw as code for "Ukraine." It's blue, the color of the Placentia wolf, and the Trebbia-suspect Trypillians had a Trypillia location near Kiev. Scute's are in Geddes colors.

Schutz's/Shutz's happen to share the black greyhound with Palmers/Parmers. We are wise to what the score is, and I win. The puck has crossed the goal line. All of my team-mates are piled up on top of me in celebration. The downcast dragon has been revealed for the slaying. God even used a Mr. Skeets to make me understand the Schutz bloodline.

After scoring the goal (at which time the bench cleared and piled on top of me), we went on to the finals. In the first goal of the game, I was alone in front of the net. Steve Tarr was in the corner, passing it out nicely, and I lifted it over the goalie's knee pad as soon as it arrived. His name was Jim McGee, a friend. It just so happens that McGee's (Dumfries) share the Shot/Scute swords in the same colors, and use them as a chevron. As Swords were kin of KEY-using Cleavers, McGee`s may have been Key/Kay liners (same place as Palmers/Parmers). I learned to smoke at 12 years of age, the same year as these hockey games, while hanging out with McGee's circle (not good). The leader of the pack came to be one Tanner surname (the Statielli were at the Tanaro), and it included a Fisher surname who lived across from McGee.

If Stocks were Saddocks and therefore Shot liners, not the "qui INSons" motto phrase of Stocks, for Keys/Kays share bendless bendlets with Ince's/ Inch's. This age of 12 was the very year after God struck my chimney with a bolt of lightning, precisely after (the very second) that I twice repeated, "no, I don't believe in you, God." This was being said as I came to consciousness when waking up, as though there may have been a related dream (that I do not recall). These days, I get many thoughts, as I awake, from God, and then write them out for publishing. I think I get it. I became of the opinion that he chose to use lightning at that time to indicate displeasure at my hanging around the McGee gang. It changed the course of my life drastically, making me prone to gravitating toward similar friends, and eventually creating a crisis for my parents.

I've always had a problem with the "charged" term of heraldry, but I may just have caught glimpse that it's part code for Char(d) liners, and part for Geds. The Ways/Weigh's share fish with Geddes, after all, and are expected in a merger with Placentia liners (i.e. the Shute's), and so here's the description: "two silver wavy bars, each CHARGED with three red wavy palets." I kid you not, that about five or ten minutes after writing this, I checked for a Ged surname (not very familiar with it, but have seen it before) to find three fish in pale, exactly the Ways fish. I don't recall thinking before that "charGED" could be code for Geds. There we have it. But the charged term is not used by Ways, but by Scute's, an excellent reason for tracing Scute's to Placentia with Geddes'. It's also an excellent reason for equating Geddes stock (Geta / Getuli Numidians?) with the Scute / Saddock / Skeets / etc. stock. And "bar ways" is not used by Scute's, but by Shots/Shute's, meaning that this Ged find can link them all reliably.

The Ways show a Weigh variation while Weights (beside the ways) share gold-striped, black hunting horns with the Arms of Traby. Weights share the motto of Hazeltons/Heslingtons, while Hazels (same pace as Weavers) are sharing the Weaver fesse...and it's the Saraca / Bernice fesse too while Bernice's and Burns share black hunting horns with Weights. And then the Patch's use black hunting horns too, suspect with the Patchie variation of Kilpatricks who were on the Nith with Geds. Although I've mentioned "Geds" many times, I failed to recall that there was a Ged surname with fish. I won't forget now. I may not recall that they link to Ways/Weighs and much else in this discussion. This is actually a key / enlightening discussion, one that I should become very familiar with.

There is a second Weight surname listed with White's, but let's also mention the "hilt and pommel" in the description of the Swords, for the sword bar ways of Shots/Shute's can link to the Swords. This is excellent, for I had traced "pommel," for lack of a better theory, to Palms/Parms / Palmers, and their Parmer variation was traced to Parma, smack at the TARO river!!! Get it? The SHOT by Steve TARR! He took a slap shot from just inside the blue line. And I'm the Massey = Massena stock in that picture, which now indicates to me that Massena liners were at Parma, a thing that came to mind just BEFORE remembering that Palms/Parms (share blue vair fur with Weights/White's) are using the same fleur-de-lys as Masseys!

When first getting to understand a few things about the Ceno and Taro river, about four months ago for the first time, the absolute importance wasn't realized. I haven't been to the Placentia article in many months to read that the Ananes lived between Placentia and the Taro. In fact, I don't recall knowing that Ananes were at/near the Taro. Therefore, that hockey event was not fun and games by God, but dead-serious material intended to feed me for the task at hand.

Good morning. As I awoke today, wanting to get back to this topic, I recalled that I kissed Peare for the first time outside a bar. I mentioned the name of this bar recently, wondering whether, or feeling as though, it should play to a related surname. It was called the La Paloma, virtually "Palm." This amazed me this morning because I have no idea why this place came back to mind just as I was coming to normal consciousness. I didn't realize for a second or two that it was like "Palm." Coincidence?

It looks like I should investigate Parma as the place where Annas liners were. Palmers/Parmers, first found in the same [place as palms that share the Quint fur, and in the same place as Bruce's of Annandale, happen to use double fesse bars, often called, gemel, which I take as code for the Maccabee-held city of Gamala, mentioned by Josephus as the home of a Gaul-like Gaulonite whose Pharisee friend was Sadduc! The Ananes were Gauls. I assume that Peare's should trace to this Parma picture as part of the Percival-Leavell line from Laevillus, making "Varia" more suspect with Pharisees, and now with Sadduc himself.

Palmers/Parmers were first found "especially in Norfolk [Chads too], Cambridge [Quints too], and Kent [blue-lion Massins too]." The Palmers/Parmer fesses, if one views the white middle as meaningful, is in Saddock colors, and the trefoils on black are in the colors of the footless martlets that surround the Saddock border. The Samson-related Flecks/Flacks (Norfolk) use virtually the same Coat as Palmers/Parmers, but are linkable to Meschins.

The Palmer write-up mentions quite a few Palmer characters, but not one Parmer. Yet, even the Palms show a Parm variation. I wonder what this could mean, whether Pam-like liners (Cato's Pamphylians?) merged with Parma liners to form "Palm." The Hands are thought (by me) to be a Hannibal line, wherefore "Palm" may have become play off of the Hand bloodline. The black greyhound courant of Palmers/Parmers is described as "at the TOP a greyhound, and Tops happen to use a canton SQUARE, important if the Arms of Placentia uses a square officially.

The Ways/Weighs, whom have traced both to the Taro picture, and to Kiev-liner Weavers, use two fesse bars, and two pale bars, both of which can be gemel codes. The "weaver's SHUTtle" of Kepke-like Keeps looks linkable to Shots/Shute's, what a slapincidence. But there's more, for the Hebrons/HEPburns with a "Keep tryst" motto code were first found in Northumberland, the realm of Siward of Northumberland, the one that formed the Sword surname. The Swords have a Clavin variation like the "Glavin/Glavy" of Lavans who happen to list a Hand surname, I kid you not. The Swords are in CLAViere colors, and the Claviere's are now showing the hand, in the colors of the hands in the English Puck Coat.

This make Siward suspect with Glaphyra liners. The Clavers/Cleavers, who share the key with Claviere's, use two bars, likely a gemel code, in the colors of the Weber bars. German Webers: "GOTT SEGNI uns," traceable to the Segni's/SEGURana's of Liguria, suspect from the Sakarya river, home of Brogitarus.

Lavans/Hands share red lozenges with the Statielli-suspect State's, and are therefore Laevi candidates merged with Hannibal liners, perfect for tracing Hannibal liners to the birth of Annas. Let's not forget that Cocks and Cochs share the same-colored lozenges as State's (Palmer greyhound?) while the Cock rooster is now being viewed as a Gala-Numidian liner. Swords share a man's head with Cockers. The "Paratus" motto term of Swords can be from ancient names of Moldova's Prut river.

The Statielli Ligures (or were they Gauls?) were not far from the Trebbia. Their chief capital, according to Wikipedia, is at Acqui TERME, near Alessandria. The latter's Arms has a griffin that I trace to the griffin of Ali's/Aliotta's, from a TERME area in Messina. The Aliotta-related Leto's use a CRANE for Ukrainian elements, very likely, and mythical Leto was mother to ArTEMIS, you see, so that these Terme locations are likely from THEMIScyra, in the original land of the Amazons on the THERModon river. This is a good reason for tracing the Trabzon area near the Thermodon to "Trypillia." Hence, the Artemis cult suspect in the goddess of Trypillians traces to Acqui Terme, but also to the Trabzon-like Trebbia.

While the Brocuffs/Prokopps are suspect with the Brogitarus Galatians, whom I trace to the Galati location of the Trypillian theater, the Arms of Acqui Terme should be using the potent cross (same colors too) in Chief as per the Brocuff Chief, for the red-on-white griffin in the Brocuff Crest is in the Arms of Ali-like Alessandria. It's colors reversed from the Ali/Aliotta griffin. The potent-suspect Patents (kin of Schole's/Scayle's that trace to Messina) share a Shield filled with lozenges with Cocks.

This trace of Brocuffs to Alessandria and Acqui Terme is new right here, and is very welcome, for I ventured to link Skits and Scheds to Trypillians when very green on the topic. The Brocks, with the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Brocuffs, use a "vireSCIT" motto term, you see, and while the Skit link to Trypillians was wrapped up with the proto-Alans of Forum Allieni, the Alans use the Brock motto! Bingo Bango. I had noticed that Someone was helping me to understand the realities even when the evidence was minimal.

Back to the "top" code of Palmers/Parmers. The Top Crest is a gauntleted hand, and it's holding a hand, assuring that Gaunts are not the only ones in code. The Hands are clearly being marked out. The Hands share the chevron of Cope's / Copps, making the ProKOPP variation suspect with Cope liners. Chances are, the Tops are using the Tute canton because the Palmer/Parmer motto is "Palma virTUTi." Tute's/Tuits were first found in the same place as potent-cross Chads, and the Palmer-related Flecks/FLAGS, and then the griffin of potent-cross Brocuffs/Prokopps griffin holds a "FLAG" (let's be smart) with a white-on-red fesse, which happens to be the fesse of Italian Palmers. I kid you not that Spanish Palmers use the split Shield of Chads. Most of these findings / links I didn't know of off-hand, and couldn't possibly have dreamed about them before I awoke this morning with La Paloma on my mind.

The Norfolk Tute's/Tuits may be using the Morton QUADRants because Tops were first found in the same place (Wiltshire) as Mortons, and so let's repeat that I was at the Paloma bar again, at least a couple of years later, when Miss. Walsh, having some disagreement with Kepke (he had abandoned Peare by then), got into the front seat of my car, when I leaned over and gave her a kiss on the cheek. That's two women that Kepke was destined to be with, whom I kissed at the same Paloma bar, and Kepke was Ukrainian on his father's side, yet he's being viewed as a Syphax-Numidian liner. The Trebbia-suspect Trypillians of the Ukraine theater were probably in / near Parma, and then Moldova, where Trypillians lived, has a NEAMT area today that is near ancient Angusta, where I traced Annas. It's a good reason to view Neamt as a Name/Neme / Knee liner to / from the Anamari. Reminder: Angusta was also "Augusta, and Augusts use the same fesse as Rome's/Rooms whose "pungit" motto term traces to Pungesti in Moldova, near a modern Roman location.

The hunch is that Laevi and Marici Gauls were in proto-Moldova as the Galatians (en route to forming the Brogitarus Galatians) that could have named Moldova's city of Galati. The Moldova capital, Kisin'ov, was suspect, years ago, before the kisses above were on my mind, with the Kiss/Cush surname. How about that. And, I kid you not, that, without anything to do with Miss Walsh, Walsh's were traced to "Wallachia," now in Moldova smack at the Galati theater!

The most-important things concerning Wallachia was: 1) its Buzau river (may trace to George Bush who married Laura Walsh), home to ancient Cotesii; 2) the Rimini-like Rimna river to the near-north of the Buzau. I traced Benjamites of Rimini to the Rimna, and it just so happens that Scottish Walsh's share five gold ANNulets on a black saltire with Benjamins (Norfolk again). The Cotesii are suspect with the family of names that I think provided "Sadducee," and I trace therm to Cottians, and therefore to Cotta's that share a Shield of fretty with Ceno-river Caens, you see. So, Cotesii are suspect at the Ceno-Taro theater. I can't make just any surname trace to the Parma area this well.

I now discover that the red covered crown of Italian Palmers is that of Douglas', for the bottom of the English Palmer/Parmer write-up says that a "Hugh Palmere was a 'messager' of the earl of Douglas in 1397". This might explain the flames (Douglas symbol) in the Crest of Benjamins, though the flame is used also by Kanza-liner Kenneths. The Sagans/Segans share the salamander-in-flames with Douglas', and while Sagans/Segans were suspect in the heraldic "SEJANT" code, the Palmer/Parmer Crest is said to be a black greyhound "sejant." It's otherwise called, seated, and then Seats are suspect with Gaunt-related Seaton liners (Flemings), suspect in the "sed" motto term of Walsh's.

Scottish Walsh's are the ones with a Syphax-suspect "spice" term buried in their motto, and the motto even includes Numidia-like "Numine." Walsh's were suspect, with good reasons, from Aulus Terentius VARRO Murena. His line has become suspect with the Aulus names used by Laevillus for his sons, wherefore Varro's can be suspect with Vibia Varia. The Varia > Laevillus > Aulus line traces to Leavells, first found in the same place as Walsh's, and sharing a red bend with Caens.

Walsh's happen to use a Morton-like motto code, as well as using the colors and format of Mortons, and, moreover, Moreton-Say was in Shropshire, also called, SALOP, which might be important, if I'm not stretching things too far, as per Tarr's SLAP shot. Reminder: it's the Shots/Shute's that use the Sword swords in the same colors, and it's Swords who use a hilt and pommel.

I can't find a Pommel-like surname, but did just get a Pommer/Pomroys surname that happens to share "Virtutis" (almost) with Palmers/Parmers. A minute before seeking Pommel-like surnames again, I was looking at the Hilt Coat, important because Hilts use the Pommer lion. The Pommer Crest: "A green fir cone CHARGED with a bezant". Pommers seem to be honoring Comitissa/Conte / Cone liners without question. This reminds of the pine cones of Tanners, for the leader of the McGee pack of friends was ROY Tanner, and here the PomROYS have come up. Fir cones can be expected as part-code for Firs/Furs/Feuers, likely in the vair-FUR code too (vair fur is used by Palms/Parms), but "Feuer" became suspect in this very update with Fevers who share the stag head of the POMERania Trumps. This can indicate a PARma-line trace to Pomeranians, which reminds me that I've yet to find how PHARisee liners got up to the Varni.

As I said, Pucks share the long chevron, and annulets, of Ottone's, and Caiaphas-suspect Ottone's were first found in Pharisee-like Perusia. Was Parma a Perusia liner? As the Grazio's of Perusia share the POMEgranate (no guff) with Agrippa-suspect Crispins/Crepons, note that the latter were from Bar-like Parez in Lorraine, suggesting that Parma liners may have been in Lorraine too, as the Bars of Este. These Bars are known to have been in Brunswick. The PomeGRANate may be part-code for Cran suspect Crone's that share the fleur of Palms/Parms. Grans/Cranns were first found in Jura, the area from which Adelaide, wife of emperor OTTO was from.

The Roys (Trump- / Fever-stag colors) have just been loaded, to glean that they can be using the ship of Clarions/Larins, for Roys were first found in Lanarkshire. Clarions were Trump(et) liners, right? As Fevers are the ones sharing fitchees in both colors of the Wood fitchees, the Roy lion becomes suspect as the Rita lion, but as the Roy lion was owned by Dougals, it suddenly make's Dougals traceable to Rita's. Dougals (the MacDonald fitchee in Crest) even use the Roy ship together with the Roy lion in the same Coat. I can't think of a way, off-hand, for tracing Dougals to Rita elements. Dougals were first found in the same place as Hanna's.

Why did the Tarr puck stop on the goal LINE, an unlikely event? Scottish Line's are using annulets (in their border) in colors reversed from the same of German Pucks. Amazing. Lines even have a "silver border CHARGED with blue fleur-de-lis and annulet." That term expects Line's to be linked to eSCUTcheon liners of the Ged / Geddes kind, and then Line's share "VireSCIT" with Brocks...and thus trace with Brocuffs to the Taro / Parma theater. We once again see what looks like a God-formulated story that includes even the goal line.

Brocuffs had traced to the Alessandria griffins, and while TORTona was nearby, Roys (Roets?) use TORTeaux. While the Brocuff cross linked well to the same of ACQUI Terme (10 miles or less from the Tanaro), Roys happen to use a "QUA" motto term. Catherine Roet's father had to do with MontREUIL (Picardy), where ROYals may originate who may be using the Chaddock cross.

German Line's must be using the Mens Shield with someone's white horse in Chief, probably the white horse of Mens-related Pepins. But Pepins honor both the Mens' and Este's in their motto, and Este's use the white horse too. More, for as English Line's use red roses with a chevron in colors reversed from the Hebron chevron, the Line horse can be the white Hebron horse too. Line-beloved Sempers use the double Bramton lions in pale, colors reversed from the double Brunswick lions, and that's where Bars of Este can come in. This allows Line's to trace to Parma if Bar liners named it. The white horse is in use also in the Coat of PHREEZE's. The latter are in Hume colors, and Hume's were kin of Lannoys / Lyons so that English Line's (Agrippa-suspect griffin), said to be from an old Lyen surname, for one, might be Lyon-Herod liners.

German Line's use "A silver shield with a tree on a green mound," part-code for Hume-beloved Tree's/True's that share the feathered helmet with Lannoys. But there is more, for the Line rose's, along with the "SUB" motto term of Line's, is apparent code for the Sobers with ROSE LEAVES, suspect with Laevi. And then while Rays use stags in the colors of the Phreeze horse's, the escarBUNCLE of Rays is code for buckle-using Buncle's that suggests inclusion of the buckle-using Sobeks. The Line motto phrase, "Sub manu," is translated "UNDER the HAND." The Hume motto, "True to the END" is suspect with ENDERS/Ingers.

Recall that the "charGED" term of a Line description can link them to Geddes', but also recall that Lines linked to eSCUTcheon-liner Brocuffs. If the Scottish Line Coat were to be viewed as a Shield-on-Shield (escutcheon) rather than with a border (which is what they call it), it would be colors reversed from the Chaddock / Geddes escutcheon. But then Borders are using swords in Shot/SHUTE-sword colors. The Border Coat even compares well with the Scottish Line Coat. The Crest of Scottish Lines is a "Two SPRIGs of laurel in saltire." What Lawrence / Larry liner is this code for? I'm not quite sure yet, but this paragraph was placed here because Spriggs happen to use ROSE LEAVES.

Although there isn't a Goal surname, Gole's are listed with Aule's, and they share the Celt/Colt pheon and all that it can imply for tracing to Justine of Puck-suspect Picenum. Beside the mouth of the Siret river of Moldova, where Galati is situated, there was an ancient Peuce location, home to the PEUCINi. The Siret/Sire surname honors Justine of Picenum in their motto. I think it's clear that Puck liners were of this entity, and mixing it up with Trypillians in the Trebbia / Parma theater, and so note that the TARR PUCK SHOT to the GOLE LINE looks like quintrupal code that can trace to the Taro river in all five cases. And don't forget a sixth element, my STICK, for Seths are part of a SITHECH entity. And Gole's are likely of the Aulus line beloved of Laevillus. See Peuce on the dark map:

English Line's share a black griffin in Crest with Scotts, and the latter may be a branch of Scute's / SHOTs/Shute's.

The Palms/Parms even use a "justus" motto term. Seths/Shaws were first found in the same place as Justine's/Justus' and the Gole-related Celts/Colts. The Gole's are using the Kyle star so as to be Kyle liners, and Kyle's use candleSTICKS. I can't make this up. It's all true. And while the Gole / Celt pheon is that of Pilate's in colors reversed, Seths/Shaws are using the Pilotte / Pellet Coat. By what coincidence is my hockey event linking now to Pontius Pilate? And by the way, the "causa" motto term, and the weight scales, of Justine's is code for the Cass' / Kiss'.

Irish Seths/Shaws (and Ayers) are using the Levi chevron, aren't they? Irish Seths/Shaws can be gleaned with the Pike trefoils because both surnames link to Justine of Picenum, but the Seths/Shaws are using them in the colors of the Ayer QUATRefoils. The Seth/Shaw trefoils are in the colors of the Tipps pheons, and that suggests Tipps to be in the "TE IPSum" motto phrase of Seths/Shaws.

Now for a new thing that screams Levites from the Laevi (Tessin river). It starts with the Tay surname suspect with "Te," and we first note that the Tay Chief shares three white footless martlets with the Living/Levin Chief. Then, "Tay" is like the Tye variation of Tessin-river Tease's. The other Tease's are with the Annandale saltire in colors reversed, with LEAVES to boot, you see, and Tye's/Tease's were first found in the same place as Annas', and share the Annas star! It's an undeniable trace to Seths/Shaws smack to Annas, son of Seth.

The Tye/Tease stars are in the colors of the same of Ungers and Scottish Line's (Ayrshire), both surname placing the stars in their Caiaphas-suspect Chiefs. Ungers were looked up as per Unders/Ingers. Ungers share the Gamble fleur, and Yonge's share the Leavell piles while I had found proto-Hungarians on the Tessin/Ticino river. And look: Czech Ungers use a FLAG!

There are lots of pale features in this discussion. Pale's use a Gamala-suspect camel. Yet more, Gamble's (said to be from "Gamel") use the same fleur-de-lys as Reed-suspect Petro's. Reeds use a saltire in colors of the same of Pickens/Pike's, suspect with the pike fish of Geddes and therefore traceable to the Trebbia / Parma / Ananes theater. In fact, the Pike/Picken saltire is colors reversed from the same of Nimo's/Newmarsh's, tending to clinch the latter's trace to Anamari while simultaneously suggesting that Pickens (Picenum liners?) were Anamari kin. Pommers share "fortuna" with Tute-loving Rollo's, first found in the same place as Picenum-liner Justine's/Justus'. And Rollo's use a "passe" motto term too.

Aha! The "passe PAR tout" motto phrase of Rollo's is partly for Parrs, kin of Mens-related Manners/Maness', and as Parrs share double fesse bars with Palmers/PARmers, Parrs are thus found out as Parma liners! Plus, Parrs use the two blue bars of Manners/Maness' ("PARvenir") so that Mens liners may have been fundamental to Parma liners, in the way that Bar-Este's can be behind Parma. German Line's are using the Mens Shield, apparently.

While Geddes' have been resolved as Chaddocks / Chadwicks, the English Pike's (Devon, same as Pommers/Pomroys) use a vertically-split (pale theme) Shield in colors reversed from the same of Chads and Palmers. Gamble's (Italian-Palmer colors) share "A crane with a ROSE in its beak" with Scute's. Beaks share the ostrich theme with Traby, and should be using the three bars in the Arms of Trebizond Empire.

The "comes" motto term of Pommers suggest Conte-and-COMYN liners, and while Trebizond empire was founded by a KOMNenos family, I wonder whether this applies to the Comyns, or even to the naming of Comminges, the home of Herod AntiPAS. Or, perhaps the name should be read, KomNENOs, as in the Name's/Neme's now tracing to the Anamari. There is a Nane/Nene surname (checks), like "Annan," and Annan variations include, Innienie / Aneny. Note how the "SPERabo" motto term of Annans can link to the Line / Pasi spears. Line's share crossed spears with piece-suspect Pasi's and the related Speers and Paisleys, the latter two first found beside the earliest-known Line's in Ayrshire. That's where Pike's/Pickens were first found too, along with a host of Shawia liners. While Shaws list "Seth," and while I think that God is trying to inform us that Annas was of the Ananes / Anamari Gauls, Annas' father was, Seth.

Piece-loving Rita's trace between Vespasia Polla of Rieti and the VesPASIa-suspect Pasi's, meaning that Roys can apply to that picture if indeed they are using the Rita lion. The Pacenti variation of Pasi's can be of the Picken variation of Pike's. I can't recall the details or the merit behind it, but Sempers, found in a Line motto, were traced to Flavius Petro, whose son Vespasia married. While the Arms of Rieti use a "pratis" motto term, "Semper paratus" is the motto of Cliffords who share the Nane/Nene checks. CLIFFORds (Caen Coat?) are suspect with Clavers in the line of GLAPHYRa to Plancia Magna. The sprig that was seen with Line's is taken by me as a Fulk>Plantagenet line, and while Fulks are said to derive in a semi-legendary Tertullus character, Flavius Petro married a Tertulla. And Plancia married Tertullus. Glaphyra married a Herod that was related to Berenice Agrippa, wife, almost, of Vespasian's son. Glaphyra married the brother of Herod AntiPAS, a reason to trace Vespasia to Herod's naming.

I was fairly-well convinced above that Line's were Lyon liners. Previously, I assumed that they were Lindsey liners. This may not be wrong, however, even if Line's are Lyon liners, for it may reveal that Lyons and Lindseys were one stock. Lindseys (Lanarkshire) are the ones sharing the black swan with French Josephs and Chaplets. If the "end" motto term of Hume's is for Enders, then the "Endure" motto term of Lindseys can indeed reveal them as Lyon / Lannoy liners. As Lincolnshire, where Lindseys are traced in their write-up, was once named, Lindsey, it now suggests that Lincolnshire was a Herod-Archelaus haunt. The Herod-suspect Rhodes' were first found in Lincolnshire. The Henrys, whom I traced both to Josephs and the Henrys of Rodez, use a giant eagle in the colors of the Lyon / Lannoy lions. It truly looks as though Lindseys were Lyon-Herod liners.

I've just seen another way to trace Line's (also "Lind") to Parma if Lindseys were Line's/Linds. There is a Crawford term in the Lindsey write-up, and while one Scottish Crawford surname uses the Lindsey checks, the other Scottish Crawfords use the ermined fesse of Italians Palmers. It can then be gleaned that the Lindsey Coat, minus the blue checks, is the Palmer / Crawford fesse. It's suggesting that Parma liners were up in Stewart-related Lanarkshire, and linked there with Boyds. But Boyds share checks on a fesse with Anamari-suspect Marks.

Here's another way to trace Lindseys to Parma. Crawfords ("An ostrich proper with a gold key in its mouth") were obvious kin of Propers/Robins, and while the latter share the lion of French Roberts, the latter share blue vair in their Chief with Palms/Parms, and both use a red Shield. Then, zowie, I didn't realize at first, but Palms/Parms use "A HAND holding a palm branch, all PROPER."

We now go back to the sprig of laurel used by Line's, and assume that it's the Tertullus > Plantagenet line, for Geoffrey Plantagenet used a sprig of broom in his hat, and Brooms/Brome's actually use a sprig of broom. This time, I want to go back to the Tertullus family married by Plancia Magna, noting that Planque's (in Plunkett colors) are Plant liners. French Planque's/Plante's are said to be from Montreuil, and while they use a patee cross, English Planque's share a white-on-black lion with Nith-river Pattys/Pati's, Traby kin, from the Trebbia. Patty's/Pati's share the escutcheon of Saddocks. The reason for going back to Plancia is that Plunketts use a "LENTE" motto term. Then after seeing the English Roberts that the Lindsey-Crawford merger may have joined with, I thought it was notable that Lents use their colors while Welsh Roberts use a giant and upright lion in the colors of the same of Planque's. The French Simons use the same lion, with a "C'este mon PLAISir" motto phrase that can indicate Emona liners at Placentia. While Mons is the Hainaut capital, SIMsons are the ones suspect with the Hainaut / Flanders lion, black, like half of the Robert lion.

Simsons, a Levite-suspect line whose lion was traced to that of Hainaut (had Mons as a capital), later become meshed with Rock liners, and so let me mention here the "Mon" motto term of Roach's/Roche's, the latter very linkable to the Geddes' = Chaddocks, especially if the Roach's named Rochdale.

Craws/CrawSHAWS/CrankSHAWS are very interesting because, while Seths/Shaws are tracing excellently to Annas, the Craws use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Annas'. Crawshaws, share a courant greyhound with Palmers/Parmers, and both were first found near to one another. This reminds of the Palm-suspect Crone's. The CRANshaw location of Crawshaws can betray their Cran ancestry, and Crans/Crauns happen to use patee crosses in colors reversed from the Planque/Plante patee. And, no kidding, Crans/Crauns share a "hind" with Shaws so that it appears that Craws, and also Crawfords, were a Cran-Shaw merger.

I traced Crans/Crauns without doubt to mythical Coronis, the mythical crow. Why does the Crest of English Crows have a camel? While these Crows are in Chad colors and first found in the same place, Irish Crows/MacEnroe's use a motto term looking like the Skeochs that list Skits (share potent cross with Chads), and that links to the "vireSCIT" motto term of Stewarts.

When re-reading above, after seeing the white-on-red crescents of Irish Crans/Rings, it struck me that Crawshaws should link to Nimo's/Newmarch's (Annandale saltire with gold background), for the latter use a "show" motto term while Shows, sharing white-on-red crescents, are also Schaws. This is a valid reason to trace Craw liners to the Anamari at Parma, but the Crows can trace to the same area because Chaddocks = Geddes do.

I have just seen a new thing, or at least one I've not emphasized. It started with the Nimo colors, those of the Others having variations like the Ottone's. The Others are using a gold version of the Irish Cran Coat, and, because there appears to be kinship between Cran liners and Shaws, it links Others to Shaws. Crans use ANNulets in blue, what could have been the annulets of Pucks and Ottone's in colors reversed. The latter two share the long chevron of French Chappes', they can be traced by way of VISconti-related WISharts/Guiscards (same place as Nimo's) to Scottish Chappes', first found in the same place as Nimo's and Guiscards. This is excellent reason for identifying Chappes' with "Caiaphas,": especially as the swan design of Craw-related Lindseys is of the one previously showing for French Josephs. English Crans (crane) are traced suggestively to Crannes in Maine, where French Josephs were first found.

Incidentally, Shaws use a blue hind, the color of the Hanna stag. The Maine area used candleSTICKs, meaning that Shaws were there.

The CRANKshaw variation reminds that CRONKite's/Kranke's (Roque/Rock colors) use a crane with ROCK in its foot. This rock is code for Roque liners at ROCHdale, where there was a Cranshaw location, also called, CRONKshaw. This is new material thanks to the Crawshaw write-up. The Arms of Rochdale are a version of the Coat of Chaddocks (same place as Rochdale), with Rochdale using eight footless martlets all around the border, the color of the eight Chaddock / Saddock martlets. It looks like we have a solid Shaw link to Josephs, and while English Josephs share the three Comyns garbs, you can find the Comyns in the write-up of Scottish Shaws.

What about "CronKITE." Was that deliberate in a Shaw-liner merger with Kite's? Sadducees need to trace to Kite-suspect Cetis. While Scottish Kidds (Cronkite colors) definitely traces to Cetis, the other Kidds use upright goats in Cronkite-crane colors. Scottish Kidds even use an "impLEAT" motto term while Leto's share a giant, white crane with Cronkite's. It looks like Cronkite's, against my better judgment at first, were indeed merged with Cetis-suspect Kite's / Kidds.

I had traced Cronkite's to CRONCiaconnum in Alauna (Manche), though it was also called, CROCiatonum. Later, I found ACROCerautae area (light map) beside an Aulon location (at Epirus), and put two-and-two together. Later, upon the dark map, I noted that the same place (at Epirus) was also, AcroCERAUNium, named after the adjacent Ceraunii mountains, but by that time I had traced the Crans/CRAUNs to the Ceraunii peoples on the Urbanus river (light map). And here, amazing enough, the same Crans/Crauns just linked to Kronkite's. It's another delightful moment. And it's absolutely necessary to link proto-Alans of Aulon and Alauna to the early Pharisees / Sadducees in the Forum Allieni area. It looks as though the namers of Aulon (also called, Avlona) were the namers of Forum Allieni.

The Ceraunii were beside the Maezaei, and Masseys lived in Manche. Put two-and-two together. Alans had something to do with Maccabee and Sadducee formation, and these stupids were on Avalon with Aulon liners.

The Kyle factor in the Caiaphas bloodline was the Colapis factor, and also the Colchester factor that can reveal something about Colchester's earlier name, CAMULOdunum. How possibly could Gamala of the Maccabees have named Camulodunum in BC times? The two were a quarter-planet apart. But then the Campbells are also Cammells, and I've been tracing them to Avalon-suspect Avellino for about a decade, with no change of mind. It was only over the past year that Avlona in Epirus was figured to be the proto-Avellino. Therefore, the same Alan-Shaw merger that had to do with Maccabee formation could have been responsible for the naming of Camulodunum. If I recall correctly, the Arms of Colchester use a ragully cross, and ragully is found in the description of crane-using Crans. The Quints were first found in the same place as Colchester.

The Alans even show an AlanSHAW variation. Why do they use LEAVES? Gamble's, said to be from "Gamel," use a crane! Gamble's were first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as Campbell-colored and Capone-suspect Camps/Comps.

Thank God for this magnificent job...that he's doing. I am amazed. There may have been an additional code in STEVE Tarr, for while the hockey event seems wholly for the purpose of revealing things on Annas and Caiaphas, Stevens share a solid, white-on-blue chevron with Pucks and Chappes'. Just think about the careful planning that God did to provide that hockey event just right to make all the props surname-meaningful, and in such a way that it draws us to a certain geography too. I don't think I've known until now that German Stevens (Garland kin) share red-and-gold vertical bars with Tarrs/Tara's/Terre's (MacDonald colors). I don't think it occurred to me, until now, to include Stevens in with the Tarr event. The Tarrs/Terre's were first found in the same place as the Somerset Leavells, the ones with red-and-gold fesse bars! Amazing.

The Clarions/Larins, using the ship of MacDonalds ("per terras" motto phrase) ship, we may assume, are in the same colors as Stevens / Tarrs. We now have a MacDonald trace to Tarrs, which may serve to reveal that Donalds, whom I view as the old Dumnonii from Somerset, were on the Taro river. MacDonalds were first found in the same place (Kintyre, Bute area) as Maccabee-suspect Alexanders, the latter being kin of Scotts, whom in-turn had a branch first found in the same place as the Roxburgh Leavells. I expect MacDonalds to be from Irish DomNANN, but never had reason before to suppose that they may have been involved with the Name's/NANNYs (etc)...whom I'm entertaining, for the first time ever in this update, with the Anamari at the Taro!

As Rock liners were in Roxburghshire (see the rock of Rutherfords), note that one of the two Terras surnames (with Terra variation) uses ROOKs. Rooks and Rookbys were near Rochdale, and while Rookbys share the same chevron as one of two Stevenson surnames, the other Stevensons (Tristan kin) are sharing the bend of Rodhams who in-turn share "nec" with Rutherfords. See also the Ruths/Rothers, first found in Moray, where Scottish Terras'/Turris (expected to link to tower-using surnames) were first found whom were an obvious branch of Scotts. The Amore's and related Damorys were figured as using the Leavell bars (see also the location of Crispins), and they are in the "Amore" motto of the Terras'/Turris'. Clarions/Larins use a "TUIRC" motto term, like the Tuareg Berbers that I traced to heraldic towers.

The Stevensons at the link above not only use the same stars as Morays, and blue-on-white fleur-de-lys, which are the colors of the same of the Scottish Line's, the ones that add annulets in colors reversed from the Puck annulets. Grans/Cranny, suspect in "pomeGRANate," use an "Amor PROXimi" motto phrase. It can be gleaned that the Crispin/Crepin bars are borrowed from the Amore's / Damorys because all three surnames were first found in Oxfordshire. That's where English Line's were first found who share a black griffin in Crest with Scotts. But French Crispins/Crepins, in sharing the Grazio POMEgranate, trace to Grazio's, first found in the same place (Perusia) as Puck-related Ottone's. There is a big heap of material that one can explore in relation to these solid family links of the past. The Grans/Crannys (expected to share the Kronkite / Leto crane) even share a grey elephant with the Arms of Oxford.

As the Stevenson Coat was traced to Provence's, note that the Stevenson Coat is a good reflection of French Barbe's , first found in Provence. This allows the Coats to be using the Saluzzo Shield. The "HoneSTATE" motto term of Barbe's can get them to the Statielli, near, or even in, Saluzzo. And Zowie, while Clintons use the same Shield as Barbe's along with two stars in Chief in the colors of the two Barbe-Chief stars, Clintons were first found in Oxfordshire! By now you may know that the six Clinton / Hillary fitchees are used by TARves'!!! While Brocks and PROCKS/Brocuffs use the Saluzzo combination in colors reversed, they may be in the "PROXimi" motto term of Grans/Crannys.

It suddenly begs why a Taro liner is ending with "Ves," and VISconti's come forcefully to mind, for I see Visconti's in Wisharts/Guiscards, first found not-far from Tarves. The Tarves' were gleaned in the Arms of the counts of Mar, perhaps of the AnaMARi. There is then the Vipont surname from a VISpont location (Normandy) that use annulets, making them suspect with Ottone Visconti. And Viponts use six annulets in the pattern of the Clinton / Traves fitchees. Vispont/Vipont is a location at the Touques river along with Gace, and while I don't recall exactly where Vipont is, Gace is right beside Perche, suspect in the so-called PERCHEvron, the heraldic term for solid / filled chevrons i.e. used by Stevens, Pucks, Ottone's, Chappes' and Chapmans.

As Chives' were in Tarves, it's certain that we are dealing with Chivasso liners, from Turin, that place expected to be from TUAReg Berbers. I don't know whether Tuaregs were Numidians, but a Tuareg trace to the naming of the Taro jibes with a trace of the Ananes to Hannibal. Turins/Thurins, in the colors of the "Tuirc"-using Clarions/Larins, were first found in Aberdeenshire, the location also of Tarves. I traced the Larins (same scallops as Capes') of Provence to Larino, where Hannibal had a war after winning the war of Trebbia. Larin / Laury liners became suspect with the LAURKs/Larks, accessed from the larks in the Coat of Barks/Berks, suspect from "Barca," Hannibal's father. Irish Berks were of the Conteville line to EUSTace II, and then GUSTS use a long, solid and curved chevron that can link to the same of Pucks.

The Kimmy Gog

Here's from the first update of last November, when Viponts were introduced (first time): "Next, I want to take you to a VIpont surname, for Chives' use a "vi" motto term. I kid you not that the Vipont entity was found in the family tree of Ralph Neville. It says that Isabella of Vipont married Robert de Clifford, and produced Maud Percy two generations later, who was from Alice of Saluzzo (the great-grandmother) on her father's side." This was the line to which the FitzAlans were married. As Cliffs/Cleave's can be expected with Clavers/Cleavers, and therefore with Glaphyra Archelaus, who married Juba, king of Mauritania. I think it's likely that the Cliffords above apply. As PLANCia Magna was descended from Glaphyra's line, note that Glaphyra-suspect Claptons share the Planque patee in both colors. The "AUDentes fortuna JUVat" motto of Turins may indicate Juba, as well as the Aude part of Roussillon. Here's from the 3rd update of last November:

VIponts share wings in Crest, with a symbol between them, with Correns [kin of Cecils], and Viponts (same place as Cecils) share the six-symbol format with Cecils. The Vipont annulets may trace to the giant annulet of Vito's/Vio's, first found in TreVISO, relevant because the Vipont location (Touques river) was also VISpont. Treviso is not far from the Verona location of Belli's/Belona's and Bellini's. As VISponts were traced with Biss' to Vis/Issa, here we find Treviso-like TraVISS' (tiger) with the same scallops as Biss' (and Russells, for a Travis trace to Rozala). Traviss' can link to the POMmel by way the Flag/Fleck scallops (same as the Biss/ Samson scallops) being a version of the PALMer/PARMer trefoils, not forgetting that Mele's/Meleguli's were first found in Parma...

Russell-suspect Roussillon is important, not just because I see Numidians / Carthaginians / Berbers venturing to it, but because the Arms of Roussillon share nine of the ten red-and-gold pale bars of Tarrs/Terre's. "...Roussillon derived its name from Ruscino (Rosceliona, Castel Rossello), a small fortified place near modern-day Perpignan where Gaulish chieftains met to consider Hannibal's request for a conference. The region formed part of the Roman province of Gallia NARBONensis..." The Narbonne surname is listed with Denardo's, and shows the Tour / Tower tower. It makes Tuaregs suspect at Narbonne, Herault, Roussillon, and Roquefeuil. It may explain why Barbe's share a gold fesse with Herods/Haralds/Heraults.

It's also important to notice that Turins use boars, for there is reason to see Cato liners, of the Coras kind, in this picture, starting with the Keith pale bars, three of them in colors reversed from the same of German Stevens. Playing off of the "AMOR proXIMI" motto term of Grans/Crans (share the elephant of Keith-related Mascals = Saddock kin), Kimmys were loaded to find them traced to Keiths, and sharing the Keith stag head. The Name's/Nannys use stag heads too, a symbol that traces well to Hannibal liners. In fact, I've neglected the stag-using Hannibals (listed with Anne-suspect Annabels) until now, and they share double fesse bars with Palmers/Parmers.

I'm guessing that the three Kimmy crowns are those of Courcy-and Court-related GRANds, who might just be of the Ground variation of Grans/Crans. Scottish Grans are the ones sharing the rock-in-flames of Kanza-liner Kenneths (stag head). The Mele's/Meleguli's of Parma might be related to the English Mele's (Somerset, Leavell colors) that share a giant fret with Cato- / Chatillon-suspect Cattle's / Blake's/Caddells. But this fret is used also by Berkshire's (probably the MORton quarters), a possible Barca line in association with Tuaregs in Parma. I'm always keeping an eye out for the blue-on-white bend from which the Knee's borrowed theirs, and so let's record that Berkshire's use one. The Mele write-up speaks on a Mell location of Suffolk's BLYTHing area, and Blyths share a red-on-white fesse with Leavells, and having gold garbs highly suspect as the Joseph garbs upon that fesse (I see the Billet-Joseph relationship here).

[ZOWIE Insert! I decided to take another look at the Lemans surname, for Le Mans was in the old Maine region (where Billets and Josephs were first found), and there was the colors and format of Blyths in the Lemans Coat! The Lemans' were first found in Suffolk's Blything area! The Blyth / Lemans fesse is in the colors of the three of Levi-suspect Love's/Luffs, first found in Suffolk! That links the Knights and Musts to Le-Mans liners too. While Maine's share the black pheon with WALSH's, the Maine's use a "PROJeci" motto, like the "PROXimi" of Grans/Crans!!! I'm shaking my head with a big grin. This is funny, because this paragraph, and the last sentence in the last paragraph, was inserted here after many paragraphs were written below, seeking evidence that Kimmys were linkable to Walsh's, and there it is. You'll understand the reason for those exclamation marks when you get to the first paragraph below this insert. This Walsh link to Kimmys came inadvertently here, without my knowing about it when first coming to enlarge upon the Mele's in the paragraph above. It's as though God is pulling up his sleeves, cranking things up, for the timing of this key find can't be my doing alone.

The Lemans/Leamans are said to be from "LIEFman," which can indicate one of two things: 1) Le Mans was originally a Laev-like term that developed into Lief-like terms; 2) Laevi / Laevillus liners in Maine merged with Maine-and-related surnames so that Lief liners got confused with Le-Mans liners. I choose 2). The Liefs/Leve's share the chevron of Billets/Billiards, first found in Maine. I must not have taken care in the past to let the Lemans write-up sink in. Poor God; he's got to work with me.

"ProJECI" must be part-code for Jacks, for they share the gold garbs on a red-on-white fesse with Blyth's. Later, I suggest that the "Je" motto term of Kims can be for Jays, and then Jays were resolved as a branch of Jack-related Jacob(son)s in the very last update. Jacks were a large topic in the last update along with a Sign from God (see "jackpot" and "Jackie") to help me sort out the significance. At one point, it was said: "The tree stump of Jacks is shared by Rodhams, which tends to suggest that the Sophie > Billard > Hilliard line evolved into Hillary Clinton's first name." Hillary Rodham Clinton married a Blythe. It's clear to me that the red Alan fesse with leaves plays to the red Blyth / Jack / Leavell fesses. End ZOWIE insert].

The Syphax-suspect Space's/Speccots use the same bend as Turins, and Speccots put frets upon theirs, all reflecting the Lorraine Coat and bend. Turin-suspect Space's/Speccots were first found in the same place (Devon) as Chives', suspect from Chivasso at Turin. The Emona-related Blake's were likewise first found in Devon. I had been waiting for a Kim-like surname to crop up because Kepke's finance, Miss Walsh, had Kim for a first name. And Kepke's first name, Lawrence, is likely a Lorraine / Larino line. Lawrence's use the Tarves-suspect turbot fish, and Turbots are using what looks like the Ged Coat, Tuareg-important because Geds are suspect from Geta / Getuli Numidians.

Turbots may be sharing the trident with Bewere's. The latter use a horizontally-split Shield in the colors of the vertically-split Shield of German Warners, while English Warners share the Speccot / Turin bend...which is why I always point out that Ted TURNer merged with Time-Warner at CNN. The red Warner bend may explain the red fesse of Warner-suspect Warrens, and the latter share the Coat of Cliffords / Nane's/Nene's, perhaps a branch of Nons/Nevins ("a gold branch of PALM in base") / Nuns / Noons, for English Warners use a "Non" motto term. The Bewere link to Warners becomes compelling where Warners use "nati," a motto term also of Franks who share the saltire of Blade's. The latter's write-up has Drago de Bewere. Thus, if Blade's were kin of Blaze's, let's repeat that Blaze's were resolved as a branch of Blake's/Caddells, the latter sharing the red fret of Mele's, the latter first found beside the Blaze-related Josephs and Drake's (share the red wyvern of Cliffords).

Can Kimmys be linked to Walsh's? Can we go as far as imagining that God arranged to give these people their first names, for this revelation today? Right off, I see not one way to link Walsh's to Kimmys/Kynnie's/Cammie's (Peebles-shire), who are in Cam colors. CAMs were first found in the same place (Gloucestershire) as Kemmis'/Kenys and SAMsons. Cams became suspect with the Court/Covert pale bars, and that's another reason to link the three Kimmy crowns to the Grands (in the "GRANDescunt" motto term of Courts/Coverts). The Kimmy write-up tells us that the Kimmy Coat is that of Frazers. The Frazer write-up traces to a SYMON Frazer, and while this can explain why Kimmys are said to be from an Irish version of "Simon," I think the Samsons are in play while Simon liners may not be. The Kimmy / Frazer cinquefoils are in the colors of the Cam bars and the CAMbridge swans, and Cam was a river at Cambridge.

Samsons are Parma-important because they were kin of Palmer-related Flags/Flacks and Annas-suspect Letts. The latter are suspect with Letters/Lauders, from Lauder, in or beside the lands of Keith. The Frazer write-up speaks on "lands of Keith" in the Tweedale part of Pebbles-shire. The Tweeds (Lanarkshire) might just be using the Annandale saltire for a trace to the Parma-Placentia stretch. Who were the Tweeds named after?

Although Line's share the same chevron as Walsh's (swan), that's not enough for a Kimmy link to Walsh's. English Line's are said to have included a Mr. Lyne, son of a Mr. Kyne, and that makes for a better Line link to Kimmys. The line of Biblical Samson to the Danaans plays excellently here, for myth had located Danaans in LINDos of Rhodes. Ahh, the Line's/Linds were from Lindos, and the namers of Samson tagged along as a line to Kimmys and Cams, apparently, which, if correct, locates the Samson Danaan, likely out of Laish with the Jonathan Levites, in Lincolnshire and along the Cam river. The Cams are thus traceable to the city of Kamiros on Rhodes, where I happen to trace the Cimmerians that are said to be WELSH ancestry! The Laish Levites were identified as Oenotrians / Enotri, and only afterward were they found in the Simson motto. Therefore, Kimmys are figuring as Simsons and French Simons too.

The Kyne's were looked up at the sight of Mr. Lyne, son of Mr. Kyne, and it just so happens that pheon-using Kyne's (listed with Irish Cohens) share a blue-on-white bend with Knee's. As McGee's are using two upward-pointing swords in the colors of the two upward-pointing spears of Scottish Line's -- not to mention that Walsh's use upward-pointing pheons -- I need to re-tell my goal on McGee, especially as Walsh's use a "MORTuus" motto term while Morte's are listed with Motts, from the area that was the source of the Meu river, where Mea's/Meighs trace that share the McGee boar heads in both colors. The Kyne pheons are in the colors of the Carny pheons, they suspect as Carians on-shore from Rhodes.

The goal on my KNEES with the puck on the goal line came as the last one in the semi-finals. It was about two minutes before the end of the game, and we won it with that goal, 3-2 (explains why the bench cleared to celebrate). The very next goal our team scored was in the next game, the final match for town championship. And it was Steve Tarr who passed it to me from the corner. As you can imagine, the goalie, McGee, was facing the corner at the time, from the corner of the net. As the puck came out to me in front of the center of the net, all alone, I backhanded it 90 degrees toward the net. It was in one motion (as soon as it arrived while still moving), not giving McGee time to set himself up in front of the shot. He was forced to kick a KNEE pad in an effort to block the backhand, but it sailed over the pad, too bad for McGee, I didn't feel sorry for him one bit.

In other words, there were two knee incidence's, that may not have been coincidental, in back-to-back, Steve-Tarr-related goals by yours truly, a Massena liner. Tarr went on to score four goals that game, and if I recall correctly, I had two. I do not remember one thing whatsoever in that game aside from that goal, which is forever burned in my memory. I cannot see myself in any other part of that game. How can that be? I was there, wasn't I? I do remember knowing (after the game) that Tarr got four goals, and that I got two. But I don't remember any of his goals, or my second. I don't remember seeing McGee in any other part of that game. I don't remember seeing our goalie, or the two goals they scored against us. I can't remember myself in any part of the rink on that day. How can this be? Why do I remember only the Steve Tarr pass, and the lifting of the puck over his leg?

Similarly, I can't recall any part of the previous game aside from looking up at the clock with about two minutes to go, and the two-on-one break that Steve and I got soon after. I recall the team piled up on me, but nothing after that. I don't recall the buzzer, nor the celebration at the end of the game. I don't recall the celebration when we came out of the next game as 6-2 winners. I don't remember anything in the dressing rooms of either game. I can understand why my memory would remember the goal-line goal, as that was thrilling, but why should I recall the McGee goal? It was not anything out of the ordinary? I don't recall how Steve got to the corner, but I can still see his face as he skated around an opponent and saw me alone in front of the net, wasting no time to slide the puck perfectly soft. If it was too hard, I wouldn't have been able to swoop it into the net. I don't remember celebrating the goal with Steve. I don't remember how I got to the front of the net, alone. I remember only two or three seconds of that game, the pass, and the swoop. In the previous game, I remember Steve crossing the blue line ahead of me, the shot a second later, and I recall the puck hitting the goalie, then bouncing over him to the goal line. The puck on the line is forever etched on my mind. I remember my knees giving out and being embarrassed about it. I slid past the post, missing it by a few inches, and hit the boards happier than a lark at the crack of dawn. Should I be looking at the Corner, Post, and Board surnames too?

The Board/Bord surname ("orle of silver martlets") is perhaps the most interesting, using the Chaddock Coat, and first found in the same place as Saddocks. Can't Birds/Burds apply? As Bordens were first found in the same place as Quints who share the gold fitchee with Suters/Shuters, the Boards/Bords can be using the Suter/SHUTER Coat too. The Posts (same place as Poole and Josephs) look to be using the Pool lion, but as German Corners share a black-on-gold boar with Porcia's, it may be the Rita lion too. English Corners use a fleur in colors reversed from the STEVEenson fleur.

Now that I know that Jays were from Gala, Massena's father, what about the "Je" motto term of Kimmys? Is this revealing that Kimmys were Cimmerians of the Neamt area of Scythia's Siret river?

We then want to compare the KNEE surname to "KYNE," for Kyne's share the Knee bend in both colors. Suddenly, it appears that Knee's were Kimmy/Kynnie liners. And I KISSed Kim Walsh (innocently, on the cheek) while she was with Kepke, who represents both Syphax Numidians and the Kiev Ukrainians / Trypillians near KISin'ov, ancient land of Cimmerians known to have come down into Anatolia (720ish BC), and from there are expected to have named Kamiros on Rhodes before naming the Walsh/Welsh surname. This Cimmerian migration is where the Schutz's, Scotts, Skits, and other Scythian-like surnames can come in, suspect even with naming Sadducees.

I kid you not, that I first checked for a Kisin surname, then a Kissin, without luck, but wanting badly to find a Kisin'ov liner, Kissings were tried, coming up with the Knee bend!!! The red eagle in the Knee Crest is a think I trace to Lake Van, where the Ukrainian Cimmerians conquered into as a priority when they came south. Remember too that Walsh's trace to Wallachia, in southern Moldova not far from Kisin'ov. Perhaps some proto-Wallachian elements were amongst the Cimmerians, then finding their way to the AULUS name. One of the three major cites on Rhodes, along with Kamiros and Lindos, was IALYSos. All three were made the sons / grandsons of HELIOS. The Cimmerians in Lake Van made a pact with its king RUSA, very possibly the line to Roussillon, in the land of Redones. Helios was suspect as the Alans of Caucasia, who lived at / around the Tanais river, where I trace mythical Danaus, founder of Danaans. Tanais was across a small part of the Black sea from Taurus / Crimea. Tanais, according to Herodotus, was the home of an Amazon-Gargarian alliance that first passed through the Crimea. That was probably Helios himself, and after being in Rhodes, these scythians are suspect with African Amazons.

This would be a good place to repeat that I traced the Tous/Tosini/Tonso surname with little question to the Tonzus river, Thracian home of the SELLETae, not far south of Scythia Minor. The "morTUUS" motto term of Walsh's may apply, for Walsh's share the black pheon with Sale's/SALLETTs. The Tous'/Tonso's use a shirt with buttons, which was the combination that clinched their trace to the Tonzus, and here the Shirts are found with the colors and format of Line's. Shirts were first found in the same place as Mortons so that a Line / Shirt link to Walsh's appears more certain yet. Shirts even share red roundels with German Rode's/Rhodes'.

Scottish Walsh's were first found in ROXburghshire while I've seen the ROXolani Alans stamped on a map at the Buzau river, beside the Rimna area that was home to the Rimmon Benjamites, important because Walsh's are using the Benjamin saltire-with-annulets. But I've just found the bear of French Benjamins/Jamme's in the Swiss surname, which was looked up as per the "Je SUIS" motto term of Kimmys. And then the SENSII, who are on the light and dark maps to the near-south of the Buzau, were traced to "Sion" of Switzerland. The Sens surname was first found in Switzerland. The Cotesii on the Buzau were traced to the Cottian Alps near the Swiss border. Therefore, while I had doubts that French Benjamins/Jamme's were Benjamite liners, it looks like they were after all, and that they followed Walsh liners to the naming of Wallis canton.

The Jamme-and-similar variations of French Benjamins are suspect in the Douglas motto, and may apply to the James'. One James Coat is sharing a white and upright giant lion with Wallis, but the James lion is in both colors of the same of Dougals and Rita's (Rome), while I discovered that Romans were named after "Rimmon" elements (there was much logic to it, and I'm saying this confidently, not on a wild whim). McGee's first name, Jim, was likely James at birth. And the KNEE's that I feel to associate with McGee's may have been the reason for "CNUT," the name of a DANish king feasibly from the Rhodian Danaans. The other James' share the dolphin with Lindos-possible Lents. Benjamites through Lindos? It looks like James' were not named after a James, but after French Benjamins.

While Roussillon was the northern part of CATALONia, the counts of Chatillon used pale bars too. Where the Arms of Roussillon are using the pale bars of Tarrs, it could be that Tarrs were from the Taurus name of Azov, the Ukrainian homeland of Cimmerians now inhabited by the rebel Russians. This Taurus entity may have named the Tuaregs, in other words, for the Berbers of Africa are highly suspect with Scythian Gorgons and Meshech = Amazons. Yet the Tarrs are using bars in Leavell-bar colors, and were first found in the same place as the Somerset Leavells. The other Leavells are linkable to the Roxolani Alans that lived around the Buzau, and I've read that "Roxolani" was a Rus-Alan merger. Therefore, it all traced to Roxburgh. Of some interest, Roxburghs use a single pale bar in the colors of the Knee / Kissing/Gissin bend. The Bistones of Cyrene (same time period as Cimmerians of lake van) used an erect sword as their sanctuary, which can be seen in the Bessin and Bistone Crests, but also in the Kissing/Gissin Crest.

Taurus was also called, CRIMea, and then while GOG is expected to be a close kin of the Cimmerians thereof, COCKs are sharing the GRIMaldi Shield, filled with Colchian-suspect lozenges. This was the Swan-line Ligurians, but doesn't it also go to the swans of Kamiros- / Kimmy-suspect Cambridge? The Kemmis' share three fesse bars in red with Love's/Luffs (Suffolk), who in-turn use the same-colored pale bars of Knee-like Knights (Suffolk, Chatillon kin), and Love's/Luffs, highly suspect with the Leavell/Lovell bars, were first found in the same place as Diss'/Dice's (share gold spread eagles with Kissings), whom were just looked up as per the Diss location of Kissings/Gissens, suspect, but not proven to be, from Kisin'ov (Ukrainian border), the old Cimmerian / Scythian theater. The Diss location reminds of the "Diis sunt" motto term of Moke's (same place as Tarrs / Leavells). Diss' happen to share the red roundels, apparently, of Shirts, and it's the Walsh motto that I'm now linking to Shirt-loving Tous'. I kissed Kim Walsh while she was with Kepke, whose father was Ukrainian.

[After this update was finished, a Diss location (Suffolk-Norfolk border!) was found near the source of the Alde river. Between Diss and the Alde is an Eye location (it's on my atlas) while the Eyes surname is listed were Ayer-related Eyers, and then Alde's/Alda's were first found in AYRshire. In this way, Shawia liners expected in Kent can be expected in neighboring Suffolk too. Note the knee in the Eyes/Eyer Crest, for Kissings/Gissens, who can link with near-certainty to the Eye location, are using the same bend as Knee's. This practically clinches the Knee's with Knights. The Eyes/Eyer leg with bent knee wears a spur on the shoe, the Knight symbol too. Mystery solved. The Kissings and Eyes'/Ayers both use armor, which can be gleaned here as a special symbol of Knights. As my two knee events were with Steve Tarr, it's possible that Knee's were Ceno-river liners that would naturally form alliances with Taro-river peoples. Reminder: Palmer-related Flecks were first found in the same place as Diss.]

The Moke Crest has a small gold shield, as does the Chief of crane-using (Ukraine-suspect) Scute's, the latter suspect with ESCUTcheons that are otherwise shields within Shields. As I think that Scute's were Placentia liners, the Moke's can be of the Le Mose part of Placentia. And just like that, Diss' and Kissings may trace to Trypillians of the Trebbia...i.e. some preliminary evidence that Kissings were from Kisin'ov. I kissed Kim Walsh when she got into the front seat of my MUStang, alone, leaving Kepke outside (she knew that Kepke always had to have the front seat. She was not pleased with him, and was making a statement. But she didn't return my kiss, drats). MUSTs (Suffolk) are using the Love/Luff bars.

Mustans/Moussons (erect swords) share the same chevron as Walsh's, but the Mustan/Mousson Coat (upward-pointing swords) is a reflection of the Line and McGee (upwards-pointing swords forming a chevron) Coats. The McGee's share the boar heads of Mea's/Meighs (same Meu area as Morte's), and the Moke motto phrase can link to the "desunt" motto term of Macclesfields, who use the Mea/Meigh cross. The Walsh-beloved Mortons were first found in the same place as Macclesfield, where my Massena line traces. This exercise can now reveal that Macclesfields were linked to Diss'/Dice's, and, indeed, the latter share pean (gold ermines on black) with Massey-liner Hamonds, whose motto term, "DISCrimini," traces them to Rimmon-liner Rimini, beside CATTOLica. I've forgotten what surname calls their blue roundel, a disc.

It could be that the Hamond motto is a Diss-Crimmin code. Crimmins thus become suspect with Benjamite liners. Crimmins use a lion in the colors of the Maschi lion, and list a Rimmon variation, suggesting Maschi's, first found in Rimini. Might Rimmon liners have named the Crimea? What about Cremona? Crimmins/Rimmons were first found in the same place as McLeods, and are said to be of a McLeod branch at DunVEGAN location, a term like the Veynes variation of Vans/Fane's, whom I trace to Fano, near Rimini. These were Lake-Van liners, right? Yes, and so the Crimea may relate.

I kissed Kim at La Paloma. After writing that sentence, although I can't recall how it came about, I went up to add a point to the Mele's, which turned out to create the ZOWIE insert that included excellent evidence of a Kimmy link to Walsh's, thus tending to assure that God chose her first name for this revelation. When I came back down here, the Paloma's were loaded, to see again that Italian Paloma's use a "silver DOVE with a gold OLIVE branch in the mouth." The Zowie insert included the following upon finding that Blyths, and the Blything location of Mele's, traced to Le Mans: "The Lemans/Leamans are said to be from "LIEFman..." It convinced me that Leavells were in Le Mans partly because Mele's were first found in the same place as Somerset Leavells (in Mele colors). It just so happens that Liefs/Leve's use a white dove too, and then the Zowie insert included the Maine's that share two-red-on-white chevrons with Lief-suspect OLIVErs, first found in the same place as the Roxburgh Leavells, and likely using the black footless martlets of the Maine Josephs! I like nailing things. I'm nailing the dragon to a crucifix, for all the passerby to see and ridicule. Jesus took the punishment that the dragon deserved so that the world of the dragon would be conquered. If you have weak faith and believe what I'm saying, ask yourself why God would want to reveal things about the history of Annas, Caiaphas, and their descendants and ancestors, unless the true God is indeed the father of Jesus. If the true God were not the father of Jesus, He wouldn't care an iota to be revealing this. It's not just me whose been at this for ten years, but Him. He has been continually with me, to the point that I'll have withdrawal symptoms when this is over.

So, it appears that Paloma liners had mixed it up with Lief/Leve liners, which for me is a sign that Levites of some kind(s) were in Parma with Paloma liners, thus explaining the Parm-using variation of Palms and Palmers. God must have chosen for Kepke and I to visit the Paloma bar shortly after we both took jobs as shoe salesmen. The Shoe/Schuch surname uses a " a KNIGHT issuing from the KNEES". You can laugh, because I am, and yet God is dead serious about revealing some things here by which to facilitate the dragon's crucifixion. Note the tree in the Shoe Coat, for Liefs use a tree theme.

The Liefs/Leve's: "A dove rising with the dexter claw on a staff tree leaf." The Staffs (Leavell / Mele colors) are the ones sharing the red chevron of Quints in both colors, and a swan with Josephs. Likely, the Staff chevron is that of swan-using Walsh's. Staffs are said to be named after Toeni's of Stafford. Who were the Toeni's? They were Tosni's, known to be descended from Malahule, and the latter is almost smack-dab like the Meleguli variation of Italian Mele's. The Tosni's are the Tosini's with a Tous variation now being eyed in the "morTUUS" motto term of Walsh's. It's the Tonzus-river Thracians that include the Joseph-related Capelli's from ancient Cabyle (on both the dark and light maps). You can bank on this trace because the Buttons/Bidens (same place as English Josephs), in the shirt and buttons of the Tous/Tosini/Tonso Coat, use the Capelli chapeau.

German Gumms/Gomers were first found in the same place (Bavaria) as Shoe's/Schuchs. English Gumms/Goms use scimiTARs in saltire in the colors of the spears in saltire of Lindos-liner Line's. English Gumms/Goms were first found in CAMbridgeshire, which I see as kin of Kimmys/Cammie's. We have got this beast nipped in the butt. Gomerians are said by many to have become the Cimmerians, and the latter were at the root of the Welsh. The Shoe's were not named after shoemakers, but after the Skeoch liners merged with Scythian-suspect Skits, etc. The Gumm/Gom Chief should link to the Capes Chief.

The Shoe star may be the Mose star in colors reversed. The Mose bends can be the Schild bends for the reason that I link Schultz's to Shoe's while Schilds had come up with a Schultz-like variation.

Gumms/Gomers use a PERCHEvron in white, the color of the Puck / Chappes perchevrons, and Maine is beside Perche. Besides, the Walsh-related Maine's share the double chevrons of Perche's, in colors reversed from the Gumm/Gomer perchevron. Therefore, this is not only a revelation concerning Caiaphas, but on the Gog-Gomer-Meshech-Rosh confederacy of Ezekiel 38 and 39. It apparently went through Porcius Cato's Romo-Chatillon elements, and from their to kinship with the line of Quintus Caepio. Yes, and that explains why the Gumm/Gomer perchevron should be that of Chapmans ("CreSCIT"), first found in Cambridgeshire along with Capone's and Gumms/Goms!

Rhodes-liner Line's share "sub" with Chapmans (and Percivals), I wonder why. The Chapman Crest is a "a BROKEen lance with a WREATH on the point, all proper.", and PROCKs/Brocuffs are suspect in the "PROXimi" motto term that was also the reason for the introduction of Kimmys. The Brocks use "VireSCIT," obviously of the "CreSCIT" of Chapmans. Thus, the broken code is for Broke's/Brocks (same place as Quints) and Brocuffs. "CREscit" looks like code for Cree's that come up as "Wreath." As Dere's/Res' use the lance too, the "ponDERE" motto term of Chapmans is thereby partly deciphered. It's a good bet that Brocks are using the fleur of Stewart-beloved MontGOMERys, but also the fleur of Masci's and Browns.

I've only just realized that the "virTUS" motto term, shared by Brocks, is part code for the Tous surname (honored in the motto of Bruno-related Barone's/Byrums), and part code for the Vire river (Manche), same as the "VIREscit" term of Brocks. There are many "virtus" motto terms, but I had never been able to decipher this code before, not until realizing that the "morTUUS" of Walch's was for Tous'. The "tous" motto term is used also by Bleds/Blez's. The Eyes'/Ayers use "VirTUS" while we just saw Eye at the sources of the Alde river, and then Italian Alda's were first found in the same place as related Taddei's/TADINI's. suspect with the Tosini variation of Tous' because Tute's/Tuits trace themselves to "Todini."

The "PROJeci" motto term must be partly for Jacks, and partly for Brocks, for Projeci is used by Maine's while there is a dart both in the Maine Crest and in the paw of the Brock lion. The Brock lion is called, "HALF a lion," rare.

Back to the Staffs honored in the staff leaf of Le-Mans / Billet-related Liefs/Leve's. While Staffs are suspect in their chevron with Quintus Caepio, he was traced to KOPLik/Cupionich, at Skit- / Scott-suspect lake SCODra, and the Gumms/Gomers happen to use the black KOPPLE rooster. But this rooster will trace with Gala-line Numidians to Jays, now highly suspect with the Jay-Jack relationship in the "Je" motto term of Cimmerian-suspect Kimmys. Some of the Welsh, for example the Silurians, were dark, and suspect with Berbers. Sellers are using the Joseph swan design, and may therefore be from the Selletae of the Tonzus, for while there was a Skudra area in Thrace, so it can trace to lake Scodra. I see Numidians (feasibly Cimmerians) around lake Scodra, and the Caepio-suspect Cavii there are suspect with the Shawia Numidians. In other words, the Selletae Thracians may have been / become part of the Berber Amazons, especially if I'm correct in tracing the Bessi Thracians to the Bistones of Cyrene (home of Meshech-liner Meshwesh) prior to their naming the Bessin and the Meschins thereof. Liefs/Leve's share the bee with Bessins and Bistone's, and then while Bessi liners trace well to Bassania and Lissus (Cavii theater), Levi's were first found in the same place as Lys'/Lisse's and Chappes'.

Catalonia has a city, Roses, or "Rhode" (Girona province) with an Arms that uses roses so that many heraldic roses should trace to the namers of this place. Wikipedia has a writer saying, "A popular theory holds it was founded in the 8th century BC by Greek colonists from Rhodes. It seems more probable, however, that it was founded in the 5th century BC by Greeks from Massilia (Marseilles)..." The article even shows a Roses coin with a sun on one side, yet the writer seemingly remains ignorant, for that's an obvious symbol of Helios, god of Rhodes. There are many stupids writing for Wikipedia who seek to deny us realities deliberately, but I do not always know when such a one may be writing, versus those that make honest mistakes. In this case, the writer seems to be diverting the reader from the reality. Why? Are we not to know that Redones of southern France were from Rhodes? Why not?

I feel ready to announce that Knees were Knight liners of the Chattan / Chatan / Catalonia kind, for the Knee bend must be the Chattan / Chatan bend in colors reversed. There are many heraldic legs BENT at the knee that can apply to this thing; often, the legs come with armor for a Knight reason.

I have the sense that the Paloma's are using Sober colors for a related reason. I'm seeing a sprig in the beak of the Paloma dove, and Spriggs share ROSE LEAVES with Sobers. I'm keeping in mind that Scottish Chappes' use wheat that reflects the sprigs of broom in the Broom/Brome Coat, and that Brooms/Brome's are in Dove colors while Paloma's use the dove. After saying that, not extremely confident of a Sprigg link to Paloma's, the clincher arrived when recalling that Spriggs (Suffolk, erect sword) use two pale bars, symbol of Spanish Paloma's, and their pale bars are colors reversed from one another! Excellent, and it makes Paloma's linkable to Rose liners.

Yes, for Roses is in Catalonia while counts of Chatillon used pale bars too, and as Knee-related Knights use them, note the "ne" motto term below. The Spriggs are apparently sharing the two blue pale bars of Seats/Cedes', the latter putting roses in their Chief. Seats/Cedes' are suspect in the "Tu NE cede" motto phrase of Laevillus-suspect Amore's. Let's not forget the "Amor ProXIMI" motto.

Rose's are now traceable to Roses in Catalonia, and this place is helpful for nailing down the Res surname listed with Dere's, for there is a Dero surname bringing up Spanish Rosa's/Rosals. The latter are now realized as using the double-headed Chep/Jepp eagle because Chapmans/CHEPmans are the ones with a lance and the "ponDERE" motto term as code for the lance-using Dere's/Res'. Excellent, for the Chep / Rosa eagle is in the design of the one used by Syphax-suspect Specks/Spicks, likely the kin of the Walsh-beloved Spice's. This is important because "CAIAPHAS," suspect in a line to Chapmans, looks rooted in the same that named "SYPHAX."

Maxwells had a so-called Maxwell-Ros branch while the black Maxwell eagle is identical with the Daro/Rosa eagle! Nailed them. Aha! Daro's/Darrows were first found in the same place as Scottish Chappes'/Chaips. English Dare's/Dairs (AuRES lions), first found in the same place (Essex) as Quints, happen to share red-on-white crescents with Chapmans, clinching the Dere/Res link to Chap liners, and making the Res' / Rosa's suspect with "AuRES." Actually, "Dair" looks like a d'Ayer term, but Ayers do trace to Aures, and Eyers / Ayers are in code with the "EARS of wheat" of Scottish Chappes'.

Can this reveal that "Aures" was a Russi liner from Rhodes? Is this why Aures Numidians were in Roussillon? Was Rozala of Ivrea an Aures Numidian? Ivrea was home of Arduinici, the latter with a branch in Oneglia, where they married eagle-using Doria's. Yes, for the Doria eagle is in the colors of the Dero/Rosa/Rosal eagle. And Ivrea is on the BAUTica river suspect with the "bot" motto term of Clan Chattan. German Dare's use what could be the Brock Shield but with the Joseph / Avison garbs.

The Staff write-up suggests a close relationship between the Toeni-Staff liners and the Ferrers (Staffordshire). Spanish Ferrers: first found in CATALONia. In a recent update (early March), Ferrers were suspect in Aosta's Verres location, near Aosta's Chatillon location. At that time, a Chatillon location was found in Ile-de-France, i.e. same place as Chappes' / Levi's. That's another reason to identify Levi's with the Staff-loving Liefs/Leve's. About everything in the Aosta valley, including the Lys river, flows down the Bautica river to Ivrea. Ivrea-like Verys list a Verrers variation. In other words, I'm seeing a Rozala-of-Ivrea link to Spain's Roses/Rhode location, and a Catalonia link to Aosta's Chatillon. But is not Ivrea linkable to the Yvery location of Lief-related Leavells? That should explain why the Arms of Catalonia and Roussillon share bars in the colors of the Leavell bars. See the vair fur in the Arms of Girona, for the Arms of Verres (Aosta) use vair fur in the colors of the Vair checks, and in the colors of the Girona vair. You can't go wrong with that, but you can wait until Hell freezes over before historians borrow this from me to make the obvious link.

That sort of ignorance can't be cured. You can't pull the horns out of the devil's head. I have yet to see one Wikipedia article borrowing from my work, no matter how reliable. I've made hundreds of reliable links not generally known / disseminated by schools of historians, but they prefer their pet derivations obtained professionally from their whims. Heraldry makes solid links, and I have the heraldic tools by which to make them. No matter, I'm one of the crazy Christians, not to be respected, not to be esteemed.

Good morning. It was a full day yesterday, the day that Paloma came to mind. As Kimmys are said to be Keith kin, Kimmys can trace to Girona. The latter is much like the Greek term for a crane goddess. As Kimmys are suspect in the motto term of Grans/Crans, who list a GROUND surname, isn't that traceable to "Girona." Crans/Grounds use the wolf design of German Flemings, and Irish Flemings use vair fur, and checks in the colors of Girona / Catalonia. Repeat: "I'm guessing that the three Kimmy crowns are those of Courcy-and Court-related GRANds, who might just be of the Ground variation of Grans/Crans." The Ken-like variations of Kimmys can be of Kennys, for they use the Montgomery / Masci / Brown fleur, though, of course, there are probably a few hundred surnames, and even more locations, that use it in these colors. But the Kenny motto has a Florence-suspect motto term used also by Bruno-suspect Browns. As Gernons can play to "Girona," the Kenny fleur can indeed be the Masci fleur, for Gernon was the surname of the second-known Meschin.

I know for a fact that Kennys were Kimmys because the other Irish Kennys share the two Keith motto terms in reverse, while Kimmys are said to have merged with Keiths. This find comes thanks to Miss Florida, for, last night, I opened her email where she was speaking of a Magdalene-named kin of count Zinzendorf just after I had caught glimpse of a Kimmy trace to the Catalonia / Septimania area. Previously, I had suggested to her that Zinzendorfs may have been named after Simsons, but earlier in the day (yesterday), I came to resolve that Kimmys, said to be Simons in some way, were Simson liners. I was therefore wondering whether Zinzendorf was a Kimmy liner, and started to check things out, which is what brought me to Kennys, suspect months ago with the Ceno river along with Kensingtons, the latter now suspect with Mars in the AnaMARI of the Ceno theater.

I neglected to say, until now, that the Simsons use an "Alis" motto term while Alis' use the Keith motto in reverse. It tends to clinch Simsons as a line of Kimmys. Alis' (FIR tree) use fleur-de-lys in the colors of the Kennys, and then Alpins use the Alis fir tree too, suggesting that KENNeth MacAlpin is behind the Kennys. If I'm correct in tracing Kenneth to the Kanza Numidians, and I am sure it's correct, then Kimmys were either a Kanza branch, or a Cam liner merged with Kanza Numidians. Plus, it tends to suggest what is now acceptable in my eyes, that the Ceno was named after Kanza elements. It would be nice to know what she was named after.

When seeing the "Aalis" term in the Alis write-up, the Aulus names of Laevillus sons came to mind, and that's when I realized the truth, for the Alis' share the bear of Leavell-related Percivals! Therefore, Kennys can trace to something in Cetis. I've neglected to re-mention (in this update) the Kennati priests of Orba / Cetis, even though Ceno-river liners were traced to Cetis. That is, the Kimmys / Kennys can be of those KENNATi priests along with KENNETHs. Now we're talking. Kanza lived around the time of king Alpin, and so there may have been some sort of Scottish export to Aures that was of the Kenneths, if it wasn't the other way around. Either way, Kenneths were of the Kennati priests. The stupids honored mythical Ajax, a zero, who may have been a line to the Jacks / Jacobs.

The Kennys with the Alis motto use a Chief-and-symbols in the colors of the same of Simsons. This was the first clue that Kennys were Simsons. The Kenny motto has a "shine" term in the translation, evoking the SHIN-bones of Newtons, which are in the colors of the Simson / Kenny Chiefs. That it, Shin variations, such as "Chinn," are expected to be Kenny / Kimmy liners. NEWtons may be NUmidians. It just so happens that Shins/Chinns, first found in the same place as red-bar Leavells, use the three red bars of Kemmis'/Kenys' (same place as cams and Samsons), and these, with vair-fur background, are reflective of the Arms of the counts of Chatillon, a good reason for tracing Kimmy liners to Catalonia elements.

The Irish Shins/Shannons happen to use the same fesse as Porcia's and Fes', and Kanza lived in Morocco's Fes location. The Shins might even be a version of "Shawia," though other theories can be imagined. By some stroke of luck or coincidence, or not, the Schims are listed with SHANds/SHAWnds, and they were looked up originally (years back) as per SCIMiTAR, a good reason, perhaps, to trace Kenny liners to the Taro river, as expected. It was the Gumms that were found with scimitars, but Kenneth-like Kennedys use one too, which is what tended to clinch the scimitar as part-code for Taro-river liners. The Kennedy Coat is in the colors and format of the Walsh's, and the "la fin" motto of Kennedys (Tipperary) is for Lafins/La FONTS (Tipperary) while fountains are used by Kiss'. I kissed Kim Walsh.

[By the way, Gumbys (same place as Bruce's) are probably using the Bruce lion, but as Gumbys are said to be from the Gunby lands held by Tisons, note that Yuya's daughter, queen TIYE, can be of the Tysons/Tessons, and the latter use the same lion as Gumm-like Hume's. Gumbys are also GUNbys/GONbys, and Tysons are in Kenny colors. It reminds that Kemmis' are also Kenys' and that Kimmys are also Kenny-like. Scottish Gone's/Gowins/Gavins (NITHSfield) happen to share a green Chief with Kennys. I have cause for linking Gumbys to the Dents (same place as Gumbys), suspect with Tooths, suspect with Tute's, suspect with king Tut, Yuya's great-grandson.

I didn't want to say this because it sounds a little lunatic. Gumms were introduced recently because I have had a long-standing swollen gum beside a tooth that the dentist didn't fix properly. I have been doing everything I can, including constant requests to God, for months, to heal this tooth, or to at least get rid of the swollen gum. While the tooth is much better, the swelling on the one side of the gum refuses to disappear. It is not discolored, and doesn't appear dangerous, and after ten days of antibiotics, it still didn't go away. The doctor refused to give me even two more days of antibiotics. There came a time when I started to think that Tooths and Gumms should be related, but I passed this off as a crazy idea. Just the same, I decided to introduce Gumms recently where they fit in, but they were not very exciting at the time. In this update, the Gumms fit right in, to a surprising degree of importance, and, days after writing on Gumms, the Gumbys came to mind, which is why the above was inserted here less than two hours before this update is due. I have been looking for Tooth links to Gumms for weeks, but have not seen any until now, as per the above. It looks like Gumms and Gumbys were Yuya > Tut liners to Yorkshire.]

I can now see that SCHIMs were Kimmy liners of a Germanic, SIMson kind. The Schim/Shand Crest is a dove with olive branch, the Paloma symbol. I kissed Kim Walsh at La Paloma. The Schims/Shand boar head (in Chaine/Chenay colors) is that of the Molle's, and ESCHYNA de Molle was traced to a variation of the Erskin surname while Erskins are known to be kin of the Scottish Mars, suspect with French Mars that share the Kensington scallops. That allows the Schims/Shands to trace to the Ceno / Taro theater, or, to put it another way, the earls of Mar (same place as Schims/Shands) were from the Mari liners that named Anamari.

The Schim/Shand dove is used exactly by Stocks and related FOXcots, and the Shin/Shannon bend has a fox on it when it's the Fes bend. That makes the Schim/Shand boar linkable to the Porcius line, which went to Keiths, i.e. kin of Schims/Shands and the related others under discussion. The Stocks are now suspect with the lion of French Simons, for Jewish Simons use the fox. It makes the red lion of Italian Simons suspect with the Aures lion.

Courcy-related Foscots/Foxcots share an engrailed, blue-on-white bend with Knee's. For the time-being, Knee's, Knights, and Knightons are being viewed as Nith-river liners, and therefore traceable to the Taro theater with such elements as Geds / Geddes. The Kilpatricks on the Nith, linkable to Trebbia suspects, were a branch of Pattersons, and the latter share the Mar / Kensington scallops. The Pattersons share a lion with drops with Kimmy-possible Sams/Sammes' (Essex, same as Vere's), the latter's lion in the colors of the Simson = Hainaut lion.

The Molle / Schim boar becomes blue in colors reversed, and while Vere's use a blue boar, they are said to have held Kensington in London. As difficult as it may seem, Kensingtons are suspect with such terms as, "Sam," but while I'm not inclined to equate the two type of terms, the explanation, a merger between them, may be gleaned on the dark map, where a Samaei peoples are in Thrace beside the Caeni on the light map. The Caeni are shown off the Ergines river to which I traced the Organs and related Corrigans, a bloodline in the "organ pipes" of Samson-beloved Letts, both first found in the same place as Shin-related Kemmis'/Kenys and Cams. The Corrigans were first found in the same place as Marone's/Mullrooneys, the latter sharing the Schim/Shand / Molle boar head and meanwhile using them in the colors and format of the French Mar Coat. I think that this effectively traces Gog liners to the Anamari.

The Neats (Needs/Name's = Anamari?), possibly of the Neat-like surname to which Knee's are traced, are using a version of the Corrigan Coat. Both share trefoils with Shaws, and then Shawia-possible Shake's/Shacks show the Neat chevron in both colors along with MOLE hills, thus making Mole's suspect with the MULLrooney variation of Molle-related Marone's (FERMANagh). This can trace to the Mele's/Meleguli's, first found in Parma, for Neats were looked up as per the "TeNEAT" motto term of Kennys. Neats were first found in Cambridgeshire i.e. home of Kimmy-related Cams and swan-liner Cambridge's. If Neats were Knee liners, let's re-mention that McGee's use white boar heads too.

It's very important that Googe's (Roxburghshire, same as Molle's) and Goughs/Goffs share the boar in the same colors, for Yuya, suspect with naming Gog / Gugu, was born in a Kemmis location. Gugu was a mythical king of Lydia, taking over from Mysians after more than 500 years of a Mysian dynasty that Greek historians ascribed to descendants of Hercules. The latter was made the father of a Scythes-dragon character, and so the idea here is that the Royal Scythians and/or Cimmerians came down into Lydia and controlled it with Gugu elements. An heraldic scythe is like a scimitar, and Tarrs are suspect from Taurus, smack in the land of Cimmerians, I read (from Steve Quail) that there had been a Cimmerian-Gug tribe. The point here is that Phocaea (now Foca) was in downtown Lydia while German Fuggers share a Shield like that of Cimmerian-suspect Kennys (Fogarty colors). Fuggers may be related to the namers of lake Fucino, home of the Marsi. In any case, wholly aside from what could be a correct Fugger link to Kemmis-related Kennys, I traced Yuya's Mitanni to Phocaea and Lesbos. It was much to do with Mitanni-suspect Medleys and Methleys sharing the Fogg stars.

Fogartys have two motto terms that can be for the Vlads suspect in the "wlad" motto term of Josephs, wherefore the Fogarty garb is suspect with the Joseph garb. It is possible that 'F' terms were from "G" terms, which is why the 'g' follows the 'f' within the alphabet. It means that Fogartys and Fuggers may have been Gugars, from Gugar/Gogarene, at swan-lake Sevan. If that's correct, one can glean that "PHocaea" was a Gogaea term, home of mythical Gugu. Phocaeans are known to have founded Ligurians as Massilia (RHODanus river), a term like the Numidian tribes to which Massena belonged. But Massilia was later MARSeilles, named, quite-obviously, after the Marsi of Fucino. The Avisons use the Joseph / Fogarty garb, and Avison-suspect Avezzano is near Fucino. The Avise variation of Avisons is in the motto of Kennedys, the latter's Irish branch first found in the same place as Fogartys. That place was TIPPERary, perhaps from Cato liners in Tibur, and then Porcia's share the black boar with HOGGS (same place as Lafin-related Conte's). Was the hog, and consequently the boar, an old Gog symbol? Hoggs and Hogars both use a "dat" motto term, suspect with king-Tut liners at lake Tatta. Tut was a great-grandson of Yuya.

The Frocks/Froggs share a version of the Fogg Coat, and Frocks/Froggs were first found in the same place as Moreton-Say while Austrian Fuggers appear to be using the Morton quarters and Morton goat. It tends to link Foggs and Ficks/Figgs to Fuggers...with a Fuggit variation, much like the Froggits, important because it appears that Foggs and Frocks/Froggs were merged. Frocks are in the write-up of Crimea-suspect Grimaldi's, kin of Gog-suspect Cocks. I, the Meshech liner, kissed Cimmerian-liner Kim Walsh on the CHEEK in my Mysia-suspect Mustang. The Cheeks are listed with Chicks/Checks, and are in Cock / Coch / Chaucer / Chalker colors. The latter share a swan with Walsh's. Chaucers and Chalkers were both first found in the same place as Foggs and Massins. I have the sense that Gog was a line to king Massena. The Cheek crescents are colors reversed from the Massey/Massa crescents. The Googe-colored Chocks/Chicks; perhaps the Rita lion.

I traced the royal family of Yuya to Nevers and Autun, and Nevers later became suspect with Sophia-Neveu, and therefore with Sophonisba, Massena's woman. The Chaucers are using a bend that can be the bend of Gaia-suspect Jays, and, for that matter, McGee's may have been named after Gaia (Massena's father) liners.

I can understand, now, why God sent me in from the garden, back in around 2005/6, to continue my online dragon hunt. At the time, I was convinced by a bee event that my task was to find the line of Buz, son of Nahor. His tribe must have been on the Buzau river, where Roxolani were that trace to Roxburghshire, where Googe's and Molle's were first found, for example, and yet the point is that Walch's trace to Wallachia, at the Buzau river. Nahorites were in the Neuri of the Bug river, smack in Cimmerian territory. It's where Kepke's should trace. The greater point is that, because God gave me the hockey and Kepke-related events for Direction, and for your entertainment, that's why he sent me in to work on the computer. I haven't ceased since that time, and he intended that I should tell you about the hockey and Kepke-related events at the proper time. I first needed much background information so that I could bring this story to you like one having a good handle on mythology, history and heraldry, all working together to clinch the claims that he wants made. All along these last ten years, I could sense God working to make me learn what was needed. And many readers were used to direct me further. Miss Florida, with ancestry in the Ukraine, is the one who directed me to Fuggers, and so see how important that one surname played in the Gog claims here. The black goat of Fuggers is upright, as is the black goat in the Crest of Walsh-related Walsers, and the "suis" motto term of Kimmys can be for the Swiss surname.

The Rochester Connection

A few years ago, there was a robin Sign that involved a news story saying that George Bush Jr. had planned to give a speaking engagement in PLUMstead (Pennsylvania) to celebrate Mitt Romney's Republican victory. It is also interesting that his Bush family originated at Penfield, Rochester, which was at the PALMYRa theater, where Joseph Smith, leader or founder of the Mormons, lived. This same Bush family in the Palmyra area had married a Smith family, and Mitt Romney was a Mormon after his father. This Bush family adopted George Bush Sr., who was a Walker on one side, and George Bush Jr. married Laura Walsh. It is a fact that Walsh's were Walker kin. America should perhaps be happy that Obama won over Mitt Romney, for there's no telling what Romney would have done to increase Mormon causes, or to advance the Bush-circle agenda. Perhaps the taking of Syria's Palmyra area was in his agenda, for Wikipedia claims that Syrian Palmyra named Palmyra in Rochester. Now the Rochesters (crane) can be expected in the rock of the Sinson/Zinzan Coat, which I assume was the surname to which count Zinzendorf belonged. As Zinzans are suspect with Simsons, it's interesting that Simsons use a green Chief to match the green fesse of Rochesters. The royal blue Shield of Zinzans is one of the few still showing that color. Houseofnames removed a few after I mentioned them. Zinzans were first found in the same place as royal Windsor castle.

There are some cranes with rocks in their feet that might just link squarely to Rochesters. The Rochester Shield is called, "chequey," and therefore linkable to the same-colored Cheeks/Checks. I kissed Kim Walsh on the cheek at Palmyra- / Plumstead-like Paloma. Zinzendorf's Moravians, like "Mormon," were in the Pennsylvania area smack around Plumstead. Houseofnames once showed an alternative Moray Crest that, as best as I can recall it, was like the Kenny Crest: "A hand grasping a roll of parchment." The other Kennys use: "A cubit arm in armor hand grasping a roll of parchment." Why not "holding"? Why is it grasping?

The green Rochester/WROCester fesse is in the colors of the Chief of Rocks (compare with Rods), first found in WORCestershire, suggesting that Roquefeuil liners named Worcester. While the Zinzan falcon is on a rock that has an estoile below it, the Roach's use an eagle on a rock with an "est" motto term. The Arms of Worcestershire uses a green Shield, and pears. Whose pears? Later, I'll explain why I think I have found the Keith Catti in a Saxon tribe, the HUSmerae, of Worcestershire. The Moravians were also HUSSites.

Kennys were looked up checking for Zinzendorf links to them, and while Kennys were found with a version of the Simson Chief, the Kenny Chief has "a greyhound following a silver stag." I felt sure that FOLLOWing would be code for a ROCKefeller line, and this was before coming to the Rochester topic and its crane. Do you recall who uses Kimmy-suspect "proKIMI"? It's the crane-using Crans/Grounds. It tends to clinch Rochesters with Kimmy / Kenny liners. This is important because Kimmys started to trace to Catalonia, which had a northern section in Roussillon, location of Roquefeuil. The Arms of Roquefeuil use gold-on-green billets, the colors of the scallops on the Simson-suspect fesse of Rochesters. You can bet that the "Vincit" term of Kennys, Keiths and Simson-beloved Alis' has much to do with the da-Vinci-code garbage at Rennes-le-Chateau, a rock throw from Roquefeuil.

I treated the parchMENt in the past. I reasoned that, if the heraldic masters want a Park code, they wouldn't have needed a parchment, wherefore i reasoned that it was part-code for Ments. There are two Ment surnames, one of them listed with Manns who happen to use the Penn fesse with roundels in colors reversed. Pennsylvania was named after the Penn surname. Penns were first found in Buckingham, i.e. near the first Zinzans, and Plumstead is either in or beside Bucks county, named after Buckingham. The Cheneys, likely a branch of Kennys, were first found in Buckingham (swan), likewise first found in Buckinghamshire, use the Pendragon chevron with the Penn pellets.

Let's go back to the discovery that Alis' and Alpins, and therefore Kenneths, trace to Laevillus at Cetis, and to the Kennati priests of the Cetis area. Let's add that the Track-like river through Orba and Cetis was tentatively identified with Tracks/Trigs, who are in Rochester-fesse colors. The Rochester fesse uses three gold scallops, as do the Jacks and Joke's/Yoke's (first found in Kennati-like KENT). Repeat: "The [Kennati] stupids honored mythical Ajax, a zero, who may have been a line to the Jacks / Jacobs." There is now a large array of surnames that can trace to the Kennati, probably everything that traces to the Ceno, but including Gumms/Gomers, Cams, Kimmys/Cammie's and Sams/Sammes.

The Capes', who share the same scallop as Swedish Jacobsons, were first found beside Berkshire and Buckinghamshire, and look like they can be sharing the Chief of Gumms/Goms, first found in Cam-like Cambridge, beside all three above. It's the Swedish Jacobsons that include a JEPPson variation, and this very update clinched the Chapmans/Chepmans with the Cheps/Jepp surname, how-about that. It means that Jack / Jacob liners in Sweden, and perhaps elsewhere, merged with Caiaphas suspects. Swedish GUSTs, suspect with EUSTace II (father-in-law of Godfrey III), are said to be from Goths, but I now realize that this is code for the Goth/Gothel surname i.e. from Gothelo, father of Godfrey III. The Gust chevron is in the colors of the Chapman perchevron, and this can link Gusts to Cheps/Jepps, for the latter use the same Zionist star as Goths.

Chapmans/Chepmans are the ones sharing a perchevron in colors reversed from the same of Gumms/Gomers, and Cheps/Jepps are the ones suspect with the Syphax-line eagle. The Zionist star on the Chep/Jepps escutcheon is shared by Joseph-suspect Vlads, but traced hard, now, to the father of Godfrey III; the latter married the sister of SOPHIE of Bar, making her suspect from a child of Syphax with his wife, Sophonisba. The Montbeliard line of Sophie's son was resolved with Billets/Billiards that should trace to the billets of Roquefeuil. If you recall, the ZOWIE insert had the Jacks linked squarely to Blyths (share gold scallops on fesse with Rochesters), meaning that Billet and Joseph liners can trace to the Ajax cult of the Kennati.

My understanding is that Kennati could have been Heneti liners from Numidians of the Massena kind that founded Maccabees. A good example of such Heneti would be the Macey-related Fane's/Veynes of Fano, beside the first Maschi's. This idea occurred in my head before finding pean (= gold-on-black ermines) in the griffin head of the Jake/Jackman surname (Essex)...that may be using another white perchevron. Pean is shared by the Maschi-related Hamonds. As Peans are listed with Payens, while Fane's use a "Ne VILE" motto term, it's notable that one of the two English Vile surnames uses the colors and format of Payens. While the Griffin surname uses "Ne vile velis," Wills use griffins, one of them in blue, the color of the same of Jeffersons with a JEPHson variation. It can indicate that Jeffersons were kin of Jacobsons/Jeppsons, and therefore Ajax-loving zeroes.

Good news. I was lucky to spot the "Half griffin" of English Wills just before clicking away from the page. Normally, half an item is called, demi, but then Halfs/Helps share the same type of hourglass shape as Jake's/Jackmans. Reminder: "The Brock lion is called, "HALF a lion," rare." This allows me to say what I was forced to pass on. Although I tend to think that the Fane's/Veynes link to Kennedy's and their Lafin kin, I don't know that I can clinch that link. But now we have the Wills linking to Kennati suspects while the Avise's in the Kennedy motto, "Avice la fin," share the "wheat sheaf" of the other Vile's, the ones with calves that rhyme with "Half." This tends to link Vile-loving Fano's to the Kennati. But the Avice's call them "sheaves," in the plural, and Sheaves' are Shaw = Shawia-Numidian liners, no apparent coincidence. I'll expound on the Halfs later, showing them to be Quintus-Caepio liners of the Colapis-river kind.

Why are Wills linking to Joseph-suspect Avisons who in-turn trace to Cetis?? We could ask the black wyvern of Quadratilla-related Tills, for Wills use black wyverns on both colors of the Till wyvern.

The black Jake griffin is shared by Scotts, with one branch first found in Rochester-suspect Roxburghshire. The Rochesters are important because their fesse is tracing to Ajax suspects. As Jays (same place as Jeffersons) recently became suspect with Jacobs -- though I'm not sure whether Jays were found to be a Jacob branch, or just a merger -- it just so happens that I traced "Jay" to "Gaia," which can be a term from Aiax, the way that Greeks likely spelled, Ajax." If this is correct, then I would not emphasize the Gala version of Gaia's name, but would rather view Gaia as the original. The Gay rooster can trace with the Bible/Bibo rooster to Vibia, Laevillus' mother. The Bible/Bibo rooster stands on a cushion, and Cass'/Cash', Cush's/Kiss', Kissers and Custs all use fountains that may relate to Lafins/La Fonts. Bible's/Bibo's share the red rooster with Cocks and BABcocks.

Why should all of the gold scallops trace to Kennati-Jack liners? We could ask the gold scallops of the Shawia-related and Sadducee-suspect Sticks. They are in both colors of the Joke/Yoke scallops, and then there is a Yoke/Hoch surname with a giant swan, the Joseph symbol. However, Yoke's/Hochs are in Gog colors, and may not relate to the Yoke variation of Joke's, unless there was a merger. Yoke's/Hocks share antlers with Hamonds, and antlers trace to Antalya, at the Pamphylia theater.

The temple to Ajax was one to Zeus, and he may have been of the Royal Scythians / Cimmerians = Gog. Zeus was the Taurus, and Taurus was home to Cimmerians, though I don't know that Cimmerians named Taurus. There was another Taurus location in the Cilicia-Pamphylia theater, and the BILIS river of Pamphylia was suspect with Billet liners. The Ments/Manns use as "staBILIS" motto term that can apply.

Lets go back to the parchMENT of Kennys, for that's what gets us the Ments, and if the latter were from, or kin with, Pamphylia elements, that's where Kenny-suspect Cetis was, on the Cilicia border with the outer reaches of Pamphylia. The Manners/Maness' are the ones that honor the Parrs, and Parrs share double-fesse bars with Palmers/Parmers, which gets us back to the question of why Palm liners were Parm liners too? I suppose that Palmyra liners could have merged with Parma liners. Palmyra, in Syria, was not far from Emesa (modern Homs), suspect with Massena-Numidian liners, and then Palms/Parms share the Massey fleur. Julia Maesa came out of the sun-god priesthood at Emesa.

The Ments are suspect with the Dragon/Drainer Coat, itself a colors reversed version of the Mynett Coat, meaning that Ments were Mynett / Hamond liners from Amyntes, the Galatian line to Quadratilla. The Dragons have been clinched with PENdragons, and, as was said, the Ment roundels upon a fesse are colors reversed to the same of PENNs. Therefore, the parchment of Kennati-liner Kennys goes to Pendragons, and they can be shown to be kin of Kennedys, both sharing the helmet with Mynetts. Ments use "ardua" in their motto, which traces well to Artemidoros, son of Amyntes, and great-great-grandfather of Quadratilla's father.

There is no Parch surname, but Parks and Parkers (Somerset) can be suspect. Barca liners? Aren't Parkers using the Kenneth stag head? Isn't that logical with a Kenny parchment? By what coincidence do Parkers use a "certa" motto term that should be for Cirta, the Numidian capital?

Why should Rochesters link to Barca liners? Ask the Roquefeuil area of Roussillon. Or, ask the Ment goat that's almost identical with the same-colored one in the Russell Crest, asking also whether the scallops of Russells (same place as Tills) apply to the Rochester scallops. At this point, I don't know whether there is any difference in the blood of Roussillon versus the blood in Numidians. They all could have been Rhodes liners. I've read one opinion that Numidians named nomads. These Redones became the Varangian Rus of Sweden, then of Kiev, which recalls the dream where Kepke was walking on my driveway with a sickly stag coming up behind, and behind the stag followed a man with beard, whom I thought was Paul SMITH (an old Christian friend), on crutches (the basis of the potent cross). That dream proved to be a Sign that morning. In this picture, Smiths are being viewed with Joseph Smith of Palmyra, Rochester. I don't recall whether I was able to decipher why the stag was sickly, but it was regarded / assumed as an Hungarian / Magyar symbol as it related to king Andrew in Kiev, in exile under the protection of the Varangians thereof.

Repeat: "Yoke's/Hochs are in Gog colors, and may not relate to the Yoke variation of Joke's, unless there was a merger." The Yoke/Hoch swan is regarded as a symbol of lake Sevan, home of Gogarene/Gugar, but that lake's Soducena entity is expected over in Cetis with Sadducee liners. I'm thinking that Cetis was named by a Soducena branch. The Bible/Bibo write-up, which I have not read until now, tells a silly story about the surname deriving in a German word for drinking, and that one Mr. Hahn was re-named, Bibow, for the nice cups that he kept for drinking. This sounds like typical code, perhaps from the Hahn family itself. Shaws use cups, and Shaws are listed with Seths, suspect with the father of Hahn-like Annas/Ananus.

And so I looked up the Hahns, to find both the German and Jewish branches sharing a giant rooster with Bible's/Bibo's. And the Hahn rooster is in the colors of the giant swan of Yoke's/Hochs, or, to put it another way, in the colors of the giant stag head of Trumps, first found in the same place as Bible's/Bibo's, Hahns, and same-colored Dols (Waleran-suspect whale). This place was Mecklenburg, home of some Maxwells (says me) whose Maxwell-Ros branch is being traced to Roses down in Catalonia. If you trace Roses to the Rose's, the latter were at Ross-shire, said to be founded by an Andrew, whom I know to be king Andrew of Hungary, for he married a Varangian Rus. Was Donald Trump of the sickly-stag line? I can tell you this, that Trump and Kepke were both blond, and of the same nature. They both wore their hair the same way, and have similar, man-of-the-world attitudes.

By what coincidence do Hahn-like Hanna's (Galloway, a good place to trace Gala-line roosters and Hannibal-line stags) use stags in colors reversed from the Trump stag? Aside from ever knowing of this Trump trace to Hanna's (discovered only here), the black Hanna fitchee had been traced to the same of Davenports and an Arms of Macclesfield, and Maxwells / Maxtons were traced between Macclesfield and Mecklenburg. The Arms of Macclesfield use the stag too. On top of that, while Moke's can be shown to be Macclesfield liners, the Mecks, I've only just realized, who share the Mea/Meigh boar head, are sharing the MCGEE boar head while Mecks show a MEKIE variation. I therefore scored on the Mecklenburg bloodline, but it just so happens that the only thing I can recall about Kepke in that year of hockey was the game he played goalie when I scored on him too. I don't remember anything else in that game. It wasn't an impressive goal at all, yet that's one thing I remember vividly. I probably added 15-20 goals that year, but, aside from my first two, in the same game, and meaningful to me, why do I remember only three after that: the Kepke, the goal-line, and McGee goals? Kepke was as nothing in my life at the time. Why do I remember that one?

The Mecks use a "junGOR" motto term that appears to be a Juno/Yonge mix with Gore's.

I didn't play hockey at 13, 14 or 15, but joined a league again at 16. It was the year after Jackie; and I now say that God used her to indicate the Jack bloodliners, but I won't get back into that here. At 16, I saw this lovely girl at an ice-cream store. I lined up, bought one from her, and asked her out right then and there, though this wasn't the first time I bought one from her. I was surprised that she agreed. And she came out to my hockey games. Her surname was Hannan. I let her go because I didn't want to be serious with anyone at that age. I was breaking hearts. At 17, I saw Darlene Rae at an ice-cream store. I lined up, though not the first time, bought one, and asked her out right there. She said, "sure." I was learning that the surprise attack worked. But this time, a couple of months later, she left me. Next, Miss Bauer, and she left me, a couple of months later. I must have needed the humbling and the heart-bite. After Bauer, the Kepke - Peare - Walsh period started. I was still a virgin. I didn't know that, years later, I would be hunting for the root of the Hannans (Massey Shield). The Rae's are the ones sharing the white-on-green stag in the Kenny Chief, and Rochesters were Rothschilds, weren't they? Yes, and the first Rothschild was a Bauer (share green Shield with Rochesters / Rae's).

I thought that it was my terribly good looks and irresistible charm that got these cute-sies, but, it now appears, alas, God got them for me to make a statement. I needed miracles to get girls, ouch. Was "ice cream" code too? The Ice's were first found in Rostock, the Mecklenburg theater. No Cream surname comes up, but Cramers/Creamers share the red Bible rooster, and may be crane liners i.e. that can link to the Rochester crane.

Her name was ALISon Bauer, and we saw the Alis' Chief in Kenny-Chief colors. Alisons share the black griffin head of Jake's/Jackmans. Alisons look like they share the Dragon / Ment Coat, and it's the Kennys that use the parchMENT. The Alison talbots are in the colors of the Aule/Hall / Hull talbots, and we saw the "Aalis" term in the Alis write-up that first gave me clue that Alis' were from the Aulus names of Laevillus' and Vibia's sons. Recall that Vile's and Wills became a topic linking to Quadratilla (Laevillus' wife), for Alisons use "preVAIL." The Vails are the Velis' suspect with the Julian crosses. The Velis' are in the "Ne vile velis" motto of Griffins, and while they were first found in Ireland, they are known to have had a family in Pomerania, which get's us back to the Bible / Hahn / Trump theater. Vails/Velis' share black, spread eagles with griffin-using Jake's/Jackmans.

One key to clinching the Alis link to Laevillus is the muzzled bears shared between PERCivals and Alis', and then, the next girl kissed in my life was Miss Peare at La Paloma. This time, I wasn't ordering ice cream, though I did use the surprise attack again. "Would you like to step outside"? We scooted up the stairs, and we kissed like we knew each other. Pierce's are in Alison colors, and the "Truth" motto term of Alisons is listed with Trotts who share six bars in the colors of the Stur / Leavell bars.

This reminds me that a schoolmate with Pierce surname punched Kepke in the mouth when they were disputing. I was looking on about 15 feet away. Earlier, I was walking into some place, at about age 13, while hanging out with the troublesome McGee crowd, and, before I could see him, all I saw was his fist headed for my mouth. He was very strong, and I fell back like a lifeless doll. And he said, "You did it, didn't you. You did it." I had no idea what he was talking about, and he never explained. I can't recall his name, but he was like the town bully.

As fate would have it, later in life, in roughly my first year as a Christian, my boss was asked to help a certain Frank out in building a steel boat house on this exceptional lake. I was about 23 years old. At 51 years of age, after moving up north, I purchased a boat, and would go to this same lake with it, but I was unable to find the boat house because I worked less than a week on the project, before I knew what it would look like. Frank had hired two men as his helpers, one being the one that punched me in the mouth, and the other being Mr. Pierce that punched Kepke in the mouth. They were drinking beer nights, and I wasn't. When Saturday came, I told my boss that I don't work on sabbaths. And so I stayed home and, while on my knees praying, my boss rushed in the door (about 10 am) and said "I'm out of here," and left me there, driving home. He said that Frank almost killed him by forcing him to lift a steam beam on a bag or two of pink insulation stuffed into the bucket of a back hoe, and, not balanced properly, the beam came sliding down the boom toward him, saving his life only because one end of the beam hit a scaffold (and stopped sliding).

The next day, Frank went ballistic on me, like the devil: "I know what you're thinking," he said, "that the incident yesterday was because we worked on Saturday." And he hurled obscenities at me, and seemed ready to beat me to a pulp. But it didn't happen. I had to hitch-hike home because my boss had driven me up. I have no idea why I stayed behind in the first place. The other two did not join Frank, but stayed silent, watching on. Frank was maybe half right. I don't think that God caused the accident because they were working on Saturday, but, maybe, because they had bad-mouthed me on the way to work. Or, God was showing me that he appreciated what I did. I just don't know. But if God was in my life before I became a Christian, he was much more in my affairs afterward.

Anyway, I decided to tell that story before loading the Punch surname. It happens to use a fist, and eight horizontal fesse bars in the colors of the six of Leavells, first found in the same place as Pierce's. I suppose this is Intended to mean that Punch's/Poyntz's/Pons were Laevillus liners. The surname of the one who punched me is on the tip of my tongue, but not coming to me. Perhaps it will come later. [It did come back to mind as Oddie.]

After Peare went to Kepke, I was with Miss Whelan, and the Dols of Mecklenburg use a whale. I must have been with back-to-back Laevillus liners. Moreover, the Whelans/Failins (Massey kin) look like Vail or even Feller liners, and we yet want to know about the greyhound FOLLOWing the stag in the Kenny Chief. There is a Fallow/Fellow surname that can apply. The Falls/Vails/Fauls are using an obvious version of the Vail/Velis Coat, and share the black griffin head once again with Jake's/Jackmans. Willards (flasks), suspect in the last update with Billiards/Billets, use a griffin head in Crest too.

Aha. The Willard flasks are perhaps for Flash's/FLACKmans (Huntingdonshire, same as Kenny-suspect Fallows/Fellows) who share the Chaplain fesses, and the Kenny split Shield. As Chaplains are sharing the two gold chevrons of Josephs, note that FLETchers are FLAGers/FLEGGers too, for the Joseph motto term, "wlad," can be for the Vlads/FLATTens. And Fletts (Fleck/Flack colors) use the same chevron as Willards. It's suggesting that Vlads, suspect with the Chep/Jepp and Goth star, trace to the Gothelo > Godfrey line, but also to the Fleck relationship with Palmers/Parmers. This works because Bouillons use a "bello" motto term that include Billiard/Billet liners of the Bellows kind (Godfrey's wife, Beatrice, was sister to Sophie of Bar, the latter mother to a Beliard line). The Cheps were suspect in the last update with the Chew river of the Willards.

The Fallow/Fellow motto is interesting: "Patientia et perseverantia cum MAGNAnimitate." First of all, "perseverantia" is used by Bernice's, and suspect with Severus Bassus. It was exactly to his family that I traced Plancia Magna, she being descended from the family circle of Berenice Agrippa. The latter motto term has "NIMITate" that can be partly for NUMIDians. The great-grandfather of Severus Bassus had conquered Derbe, and, perhaps, lake Tatta too, so that "nimiTATE" may be part-code for a Tatta liner. The Fellow-Crest lion has a white dancette on it, as does the lion in the Totten Crest, and Tottens use "Ad astra," while the Kenneth Numidians, suspect in the priests of Cetis, use "as astra."

Hmm, I've just noticed that Kenneths use a "Sic" motto term while there is a large stag head in the Coat. Was this the sickly stag that was following Kepke? Does this mean that the Kenneth stag was of the Syphax Numidians? Kenneths use a ROCK.

Fellows are said to be from SHOTESham (Norfolk). This is a good time to get back to the Halfs/Helps, for they share gold fitchees with Shotesham-suspect Suters. The latter's escutcheon, very suspect with the same of Saddocks and Chaddocks, is in the colors of the Fellow dancette, the Feller trefoils, and the hourglass shape (my phrase) of Halfs/Helps. I've seen the Halfs many times, but, this time, I realized that the help variation is a Colapis-river liner such as the Colp/Culp variations of Cope's, who share blue-on-white chevron with Halfs/Helps, if the hourglass shape can be viewed as a perchevron. These are the colors of the Brock Coat using half a lion, and it's red, like the Half/Help lion. I do trace Quints to the Colapis/Kupa, and Quints share the gold fitchee with Halfs/Helps, you see.

Okay, so the Rocks were first found in Worcestershire, and the rock-using Roach's are also Wrocesters. As Moravians were also Taborites, note that Tabors share lion heads in the colors of the same of Fallows/Fellows. The "occiDERE" motto term of Tabers can indicate the Dere/Res bloodline now suspect at Roses (Spain). Tabors use a sun theme in their motto, as do Rooks. Might Rock / Rook liners have been one and the same as the namers of Roses? The Taborites were also called HUSSites (after a Huss surname), while there was an HUSmerae tribe, and then the Huss/Hesse surname uses a giant sun:

The Husmerae were a tribe or clan in Anglo-Saxon England, possibly forming an early settlement of the Hwicce subkingdom. The Husmerae settled on the banks of the River Stour, prior to 736. They probably took their name from Usmere, a pool on the boundary of Wolverley whose name in preserved in Ismere House in Churchill, Worcestershire.

That article was accessed from the KIDDERminster article, which says that the Husmerae lived there. Kidd liners have already traced with Keiths to Cetis, and then Keiths use three gold-on-red pale bars, the colors of the Stur (roses in the colors of the Roses roses) and Stur bars. The Stour river mentioned as the one inhabited by the Husmerae is not the same-named one in the Somerset-Dorset area, and yet the Stur surname was first found in the same area as the latter Stur. Sturs are Stowers too while Stouts are also "Stow," and then the raven-depicted Stout vikings can be in the raven used along with a sun by Rooks. Wikipedia claims that Husmerae was twinned with a Husum location of the Holstein area, where one could expect raven vikings, and, moreover, that's near Rostock where I have seen Roxolani Rus, i.e. proto-Rockefellers. Wikipedia' page on Husum says that a breed of pork was named, Husum, supposedly after this Husun location. There were three other Husum locations nearby for one to investigate, one in COPEnahagen which is said to have been named, HAFn, perhaps part of the Half/Help bloodline, for that was just traced to COPEN-like Cope's.

I had not yet arrived to the Husum topic when Halfs were suggested as Cope liners. But just look at the timing. As soon as the Half/Help paragraph was over, I switched to the Rock-Worcester topic.

I see Husmerae as a full-proof trace of the Keith Catti to the Stur, in the land where Josephs were first found. That is, we have just found Cetis / Cato liners in the land where the line of Joseph-Caiaphas liners lived. And the southerly Stur river flows to the Poole area while the Poole lion is that of Cato-suspect Rita's too, from Vespasia Polla at Rieti. Have we got that right? Yes, we do. The northerly Stur, through Worcestershire, flows near Dudley, which recalls the pears in the Arms of Dudley, expected as part of the Pierce / Percival bloodline, first found in the area of the southerly Stur. From an article on the Arms of Dudley: "The pears are taken from the Stourbridge arms." Stourbridge is on the northerly Stur/Stour. Is that a Bible held by the Masonic-like character? It's called a "a closed Book proper," and should link to the book of Roets i.e. at the southerly Stur area.

Repeat from earlier in this update: "As Stogers [Stoke-Courcy] are in Rita colors too, their parrots can indicate that Pears/Peare's and Parots (pears), the latter first found in the same place (Pembrokeshire) as Stocks/Stoke's..." In the lower Arms of Dudley, note that the fesse is in the colors of the same of Italian Palmers. I kissed Miss Peare at la Paloma. On the chevron that has the pears, there is a "fountain", the symbol of Cush's/KISS' suspect with the cushion in the Bible/Bibo Coat!!! I am absolutely sure that we have found Cetis liners in the Dudley area. The Kiss'/Cush's may even be Kitter / Kidder liners i.e. expected from "Cetis." The man holding the book might even be a Kennati priest.

Note that while the book may have been a Bible in honor of Vibia's family at Cetis, the Arms of Dudley share the green-on-gold lions of Tracks/Trigs, the latter now being traced tentatively to the Tracheitis river at Cetis.

The same man holding the book is wearing what I consider to be a gonfanon apron. This can be seen on a two-tailed Melusine in both the Coats of Bible-like Babels, and in the Walser Coat. As the gonfanon is owned by Montforts, it's notable that Stock-related Stake's use the same lion as Montforts, minus the second tail. Yet, Stocks share the white lion with Stake's, and put two tails on it. Then, while Melusine is in the Glass Coat, I've just discovered that Glass' come up as "Glaston," important because Glastonbury is off the southerly Stur. Plus, Douglas'/DuGLASS' share the salamander-in-flames in the Arms of Dudley, and so let's not forget that Dougals use the same lion as Poole's and Rita's. Repeat: "Hugh Palmere was a 'messager' of the earl of Douglas in 1397". Should we start looking for Parma / Ceno / Taro traces to the Stur rivers? Do Sturs share bars in Tarr-bar colors for a reason?

There is a Huson surname (Tute / Morton Shield?) that may indicate Glass-loving Houstons, but, in any case, Husons were first found in the same area as the first Glass'. Mortons of Wiltshire were near, or even on, the northerly Stur river. Note that Husons may be using a colors-reversed verion of the MacDonald eagle. If the Huson Coat is a version of the Manner Coat (Massey Shield?), Husons would become suspect with Isle-of-Man liners from the Harald-Maccus vikings, for Husons were first found in the same place as Haralds/Herods. Manners were first found in Stur-like Styria. The savage in the Manner Coat wears what I perceive as a Masonic apron. Wilts/Wilders, suspect with Wiltshire, use the savage, and Savage's were first found in Cheshire, where Maccus / Harald made pacts with Saxons. English Manners/Maness' (Parma suspects) were first found in the same place (Northumberland) as where Harald's father made Pacts with Saxons. Harald's father married Polesworth while Polworths share piles with Bamburgs.

While queen Bebba is suspect from Vibia / Bible liners, and while her Bamburgh castle can be of the Bamburgs/Banburys, there is a Banbury location between the two Stur rivers.

I've been claiming for years that the Keith Catti were from the Chatti of Hesse, and here we are. But the discovery here was made while investigating Rock / Rook liners, and it just so happens that their sun theme plays perfectly to the Hussite / Taborite / Moravian theme that had cropped up with Rock liners BEFORE finding the Husmerae. If I'm correct in tracing the Hesse sun to El-GABAL (sun-god of Emesa) elements at modern Has, on the Drin river a little down-river from ancient GABULeum, then let me repeat that the tops of rooks, a symbol used by Rooks and Rookbys, is identical in shape to the tops of moline crosses, the latter used by Mathis' that trace to the Mathis river i.e. near Has and Gabuleum. Moreover, I claimed that the tops of rooks and moline crosses were secretly fish tails, and Roach's/Roche's ("Mon" motto term can link to Has and HasMONeans) show three fish as their only Coat symbol. The northerly Stur flows to the Severn that itself flows down to MONmouth, but also to Gloucestershire, where Annas-suspect Letts were first found along with Cam / Kimmy / Kemmis liners that I would link between lake Tatta and the Dudleys.

The Roach fish are in the colors of the Lucy and Luciano fish, and Luciano's (identical with the Roach Coat) were first found in the same place as Rita's. The Shield-and-Chief color combination of Luciano's is that of Annas'. The fish-using Geddes' / Geds are suspect as Cetis liners along with their Chaddock kin, and Lucys were first found in the same place as Chads. The Stoke-Courcy location of Somerset, suspect with Cato liners, can link to Saddocks if the STOCK variation of Stoke's (likely kin of Chad-suspect Trents) is a "SADDOCK" term. Chaddocks are using the eight footless martlets in the Arms of ROCHdale, and that place can be of the Roach's/ROCHE's. That works.

I recall reading that count Zinzendorf was born in the Lusatia area. There is a Kwisa river in Lusatia that I traced to the Gewisse area of the Saxons. "The Husmerae were a tribe or clan in Anglo-Saxon England, possibly forming an early settlement of the Hwicce subkingdom." Hwicce is the same as Gewisse. As the Lusatian Kwisa was also the Queis, here is a Vallone surname with a "QUIEScit" motto term that appears to have a SCIT code, for the Vallone moline is in the colors of the Skit / Skeets potent. Stubbings use "quiescam." The Vallone moline is shared by the Jacobsons now tracing to the Ajax cult of Kennati.

The Vallone's were first found in Kennati-suspect Venetio. Italian Ballons were first found in Venice. English Ballons are said to be from the Maine area of France, the Joseph / Stick theater. And Sticks (in the Le Mans candlesticks) use the same scallops as Joke's/Yoke's. French Ballons/Ballards (Brittany), suggesting the Billiards/Billets of Maine, use the three large ermine spots that I had seen for an Arms of Vannes, a place founded by the Brittany Veneti, and suspect with the Fane's/Vans/Veynes that were traced to Ajax elements earlier in this update. It looks like we hit the jackpot.

Gewisse is said to be a tribe only, but I had read years ago that it was the name of a Wessex-Saxon territory too. In fact, it read as though Gewisse was the alternative name of Wessex, which tends to teach me that Wessex was not named, at least not originally, after "west." The Gewisse tribe is said to have been on the upper Thames, and then the Tean/Thames surname has a Coat much like, and was first found in the same place as, the pear-using Abbots, and the Peare's/Pearls. That can explain the pear in the Arms of Worcestershire as a Gewisse link to Hwicce.

This recalls that a woman with an Abbott surname (on her mother's side) married a Scheriff suspect with the SCHERF that I see in the veins of the Bush presidents. The Arms of Vannes use an ermine (mammal) with a SCARF. The Polish Trabys/Sadowski's (Cato's?) use a scarf, and Lusatia is partly in Poland. Kitters are listed with Cato's/Chattans. Might this make Taborites derived from the Tibur location for which Porcius Cato created / honored a Tiburtus myth character? Coverts are also Courts suspect with Cato's Coras character.

I still haven't loaded the Kidders again as per the Kidderminster location of the Husmerae. In the Kidder Crest, what could be the Kenny parchment, but given the name, "packet." The Kenny scallops are in the colors of the Kidder crescents. The Kidder crescents are shared by Coffers, perhaps important where Mrs. Abbot's son married a Coffert liner. Coverts/Cofferts share the leopard face of Peare's/Pearls. "An arm in blue holding a packet, inscribed thereon the word 'Standard'." Packets/Pagets (same place as Peare's/Pearls) use a "Per il" motto phrase that must be for Pearls. Part of the Packet motto struck me as code for Arie's, and they use a "TIENdrai" motto term while Teans/Thames' list "Tien." The Tean variation has been entertained with the Teano homeland of Italy's Sithech-like Sidicini. Arie's became suspect in the motto of Douglas'.

The Bible/Bibo CUSHion, as well as the Kilpatrick cushion, as well as Cush's/Kiss', might just be of this Huss/Hesse - Chatti bloodline. I feel certain that the Chatti Germanics descended from the general family of Porcius Cato. But as Kennedys trace to the Cetis area inhabited / ruled by Vibia's family circle, what about the fact that Kennedys use a version of the Cassel Coat, while Hesse has been paired politically with neighboring Cassel? Kitters/Cato's/Chattans use a castle. It's suggesting that Kidderminster was named after the Kitters of this Cato bloodline. This is a huge find, but, guaranteed, the stupids will ignore this just because I'm not a qualified historian, and moreover, in their haughty eyes, I'm a low-down, dumb Christian.

Repeat with my capitals: The Husmerae were a tribe or clan in Anglo-Saxon England, possibly forming an early settlement of the Hwicce subkingdom. The Husmerae settled on the banks of the River Stour, prior to 736. They probably took their name from UsMERE, a pool on the boundary of WOLVERLEY whose name in preserved in Ismere House in Churchill, Worcestershire. This sentence can indicate the Mere's and WOLFLEYs/Wooleys of Cheshire, and therefore may be speaking on the Maccus-viking alliance with Saxons. The point is, Wolfleys use "wool packs" that look like the Kilpatrick cushions. Plus, I've been tracing the Keith Catti to Cheshire for years, especially to the Chee's/Chettle's of Cheshire...who can be using the Totten dancette in colors reversed. Tottens / Totts/Toths are suspect in the Hamond motto. Totts/Toths (Germany) happen to use a giant swan in the colors of the giant rooster of Bible-related Hahns! This swan could easily be that of the Cetis-suspect Yoke's/Hochs (share antlers with Hamonds). The Hahns and Bible's were first found in the Husum area.

The Hush surname came to mind, and, believe it or not, the Hush Crest shares five, white ostrich feathers with Kennedy-related Caens that use a "liCITIS" motto term. I may be dumb, but at least I'm right. And look, the Hush's (same place as Leavells) have a Hwicce-like Hywis variation.

As the Gewisse tribe lived in the Oxford area, the grey Oxford elephant can link to that of Saddock-related Mascals, for Scottish Mascals are listed with Keiths. The Sturs that share their bars with the Keith Chief have been entertained with the Leavell bars for quite some time. French Sturs were first found in the same place as Masseys.

With God's help, I have found Pandora's Box. If one takes the information in this one update alone, one can arrange, with some added work, to convince half their readers that Cetis liners were indeed in the places that the heraldry evidence leads to. As for me, I haven't the time for that, as I feel I've got to pave a further road of discovery until more than half the readers are convinced. This is the crucifixion of the dragon, only he won't rise from it.

Jesus is more than a coach on how we can apply for ourselves a thinking pattern pleasing to God. Jesus is a power that overcomes, for us, the human tendency toward a hopeless sin condition that everyone grapples with. There is a demonic influence in the world that rubs against everyone, tending to corrupt us all in an ever-deeper spiral, to make our thinking pattern displeasing to God. Jesus came to do more than counter this hopeless humanity with the preaching of truth and Godly knowledge, for he came to cleanse us. It's not just about doing good things for others when we have the opportunities; it's also about a washing of the sorry soul. You can't do that with soap. Those who have made their souls filthy, and have cried out to Jesus for help, know what I'm talking about. The Kepke's of my life served only to bring me into the downward spiral, and it was my fault wholly, for I had the choice at any time to abandon any circle of friends that were affecting me wrongly. Yet, I first needed to realize that I was on a sinful track. It's there that the call to God for help starts, and it's by some method known only to Him that the soul is cleansed. You can't do that on your own. If you don't trust in Jesus to do what he wants to do with you, you will remain in your sin condition until the day you die. There needs to be a certain surrender to a greater power than your own, and that's what God is all about at this time, not to be our Santa Claus with a continual flow of tantalizing gifts and answered prayers, not to fix the world just yet while the demons are yet in power, but to keep us clean in what is truly a war scenario, with the darkness incessant on rebelling to the very end, like those who have no fear of God's punishment.

This surrender is to love the Lord God with all you have, which isn't much. The human soul is limited in its depth. Unfortunately, God seeks pleasure from people who endure the most negativity / suffering to succeed in the finest of works, but most people don't like suffering, and so God becomes bored with us. If you want His attention, do something extreme to a successful end, and he'll wake up (so to speak) and take notice. He'll be there with you if you're doing your best to do something he likes. With a cleansed or renewed soul, there should be no reason that you can't like doing what he likes, as that is what's called, oneness with God. Playing as a team is to be in submission to one another, and, believe it or not, God does like to submit to us when we are team players. Every task has its obstacles, burrs, and scrapes. Do you want bliss from God? Forget it, you're not going to get it. Once in a while, yes, but not perpetual bliss. Unfortunately, he thinks the furnace of affliction is better for us than pure bliss. Therefore, if you decide to get cleansed, enjoy the honeymoon for a short while, but then prepare to join the war. You're going to get pushed out to the battlefield, where you can either be determined to fight because you want to see victory at great cost to yourself, or where you can draw back because you dislike the war. I've done it both ways.

But let's be reasonable, for God is. He knows we need to make a living, and that we will have only so much time and energy for His causes after that. But there will be some time left over, and some energy. And the task of remaining clean at work is an integral part of the Calling. But we can't do it if we lose faith. You can't serve in joy, or wholeheartedness, or even with a sense of duty, if you don't believe. And that's why Jesus said that the work of God is this: to believe in the One he has sent. If you believe, you will also be a team player. It's the same as when Jesus said, "Remain in me, or you can do nothing." He wasn't trying to be poetic or brilliant; he was specifying the need of a soldier at war. It's like when the sergeant says, "Here, put this on." We need to know why we believed, and not to forget it. The work of the devil is this: to rob us of our faith. After that, the downward spiral accelerates.

I've noticed that the things I'm writing can be taken in two ways: 1) the reader can decide that I'm nuts, why read any longer: 2) the reader can see what I'm saying as evidence that God does interact with people, and that He is the God of those who killed Jesus. In other words, the way that he has produced this story is perhaps Intended to strengthen the reader's faith, for i can imagine that there are plenty of people struggling with their level of faith. But let me tell you this, that if you are saddened and even alarmed by your reduction in faith, that's a good sign. For all we know, God allows us to lose faith so that he can test to see whether we will be happy without it.

Do I like Jesus? Yes. I like not only his attitude and choice for the good, but his plans too. Do I like everything that God has done in the world? No, not at all. There are many good things that he will never retract, and there are many bad things that he will not retract until this history is over. We can beg God never to allow one more person to die a gruesome death, but the prayers will go unanswered, and the living will need to tolerate extreme sorrow and crises. But there is hope for some, for Jesus said that, unless you repent, the tower can fall on you too. The implication is that, if we repent, God will not allow the tower to fall on us when it happens to fall. Or, when the storm comes, you will be on solid rock. There is truth to that claim. God protects us from certain evils, if we remain in Jesus, but not from all evils. It doesn't make for an easy outlook, because you never know what God's going to allow in your life. For the unbelievers, they get less protection. Is the plane falling and crashing? Oh, well, that's life. Is the plane falling, only to make a safe landing? There could have been one person of faith on that plane that saved the rest. That's life too. God does not allow believers to die. It's a staggering statement, isn't it? But this faith that overcomes the sting of death is not just, "O ya, I believe." It's not just, "Uhhh, yeah, I think I do believe in Jesus. He probably was the son of God." Faith that saves from death is the application of your spirit to the things that Jesus stands for.

One way to test for God's existence is by the promise of Jesus to send the Holy Spirit to believers. There should be some evidence, as we live and breath, that the Spirit of God is with us, if we are applying ourselves to Jesus. Not just any Jesus of our own making, but to the words of Jesus as laid out by his disciples. If we can't trust what his disciples wrote, there's no one we can trust. Besides, there is not much said about him, in written form by eye-witnesses, by anyone else. There are plenty of things said about Jesus to give us a fairly good understanding of what he stands for. The things he stands for are not meant to be philosophically superior, but rather are down-to-earth practicality. It's logical and simple to grasp, and is phenomenal or profound only because the human race lost hold of it. It's news because it wasn't applied by the masses. Jesus was a new thing, but he wasn't beyond grasp. I may not like God's decision to force Israel to pay taxes to caesar, but I can grasp why He may have made that decision. We all know what the Romans would have done if Jesus succeeded in convincing Israel not to pay taxes to Rome, but a Roman invasion of Israel, on that count, wasn't God's plan. It just wasn't.

Look for the Spirit of God in your midst if you are dedicated to him. Don't sacrifice that. Don't believe in Jesus yet shun or block-out the Spirit. Try to understand what it means to live in Him. If that's your service to God, you won't be disappointed. Once you know you have the Spirit as a partner, you can have life more abundantly as compared to where the opposite were true. I'm not talking about an abundance of material things more than the common person, nor am I saying that you can hit the God button and receive anything you want. It's just this: the Spirit will provide what he will, and your life will be more abundant, in that regard, than if the Spirit were not with you. What will the Spirit give you? It's up to Him. My roll is to hearken to the Spirit. When this is done perfectly, you can ask anything and receive it because you are a team player, asking only what he wants to give you.

It's not all over if you've lost faith. You can have it back again. The reason that you lost faith will be marked by God, and will determine how happy he is to give you your faith back. Yes, God is the one who gives you faith. How so? By the evidence of the Spirit in your life. It's our roll to hearken to Him, which is the same as abiding in him. A person knows whether there is rebellion toward, or acceptance of, the Spirit. You know your condition in that regard; no one else can tell it to you. It's between you and him. The Spirit has decided not to speak vocal English to us. God has decided that the evidence of the Spirit's existence in our midst will not be absolute; there will be plenty of reason to doubt because, when you ask him a question, no vocal response is given. When you do receive a sensation of the spirit that informs you on how he feels or what he thinks, you can explain the experience to the best of scientists, but they won't be able to take your word for it because the evidence isn't there for them to experience. In this way, God is present with you, and you know it, but the rest of the world doesn't get it.


Especially for new or confused readers
shows where I'm coming from.

For serious investigators:
How to Work with Bloodline Topics

Here's what I did when I had spare time on my hands:
Ladon Gog and the Hebrew Rose

If you have received emails supposedly from me, and they look like advertisements
or anything unflattering and unexpected from me,
they were not from me but by someone using my email box to send it.

The rest of the Gog-in-Iraq story is in PART 2 of the
Table of Contents

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