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November 24 - 30, 2015

The Kept Secrets of Geneva Unfold
Weir Going to The Ceno River
The Head of the Vere Household Accepts Drakenberg

For a reader hopping into an update for the first time, there is not much I can say in an introductory paragraph to explain everything needed before proceeding. The only readers able to follow are those taking the time needed to get a solid idea of the entire scope. It is probably impossible to follow unless the heraldic Coats are loaded and viewed. It would be helpful to have a photographic memory, or to at least spend some time to get to know Coats, and to understand what I'm saying about them. I did the work over years to be able to present to you the relevant Coats, and you need only decide whether I am correctly interpreting the evidence and the codes. It is far best that you load Coats on a separate browser(s) rather than clicking back and forth from the update page. It might take longer for one to read an update than the week it takes me to write it, but that's what it'll take for a solid understanding of what I'm doing. I know that few have the time to follow this in that way. My hope is...actually, I should have no such hopes as I should just allow God to do what He wants with this. One of my goals at this time is to discover the parent(s) of Josephs Caiaphas, and in the meantime to prove that heraldic masters and leading Templar families knew that all of heraldry had, at its foundations, Caiaphas and his circle of Christ killers. These updates are jot-down format (sub-titles don't usually reflect the roaming topics well) making it hard / impossible to have a pre-plotted storyline. I'm no longer doing final proof-reads, please excuse the imperfections / mistakes.

If ever you'd want to check a description in the Coat of Arms, type the surname at this page:

One of the things I do when reading news that concerns Russia is to predict the way that the Russians are feeling and thinking. The latest troubles are now with Turkey, the nation that Putin wanted to befriend. But when Putin decided to begin an active military campaign against ISIS, he probably knew that relations with Turkey would need to be sacrificed. For Putin, the West pushed him over the edge with a left punch to his eyebrow, so that he decided to enter the Middle-East war openly, and this latest skirmish with Turkey is yet another bruise for Putin. It may have well have come from the West. The American might be thinking, "O good." But Russia is not Iran nor North Korea. You can't tread on Putin like this and expect no counter plots. Basically, the West started a war with Putin for the sake of seeking to take Syria. It was slow at first, cautious, but the inevitable has started.

No sooner did Russia enter the war, that the United States starting a bombing campaign, this week, against ISIS in Mosul. My prediction is that the United States will deliberately miss the key targets and allow ISIS to remain strong. But even by feigning a war in Mosul, the U.S. has cut Russia out from starting one there itself. Or so is the hope. Mosul is key for the American / Western oil enterprise in Kurdistan. If Russia were to gain a military foothold in Mosul, it would be able to spy out all that's happening on the ground. Kurdistan is announcing that it has enough oil to supply Europe, and we know how the West has its fingers in that pie, while Putin knows how the West sabotaged his South Stream pipeline. Try to imagine how the Russians feel about all of this, now that the West has the best shot at securing Kurd oil deals through Turkey. I suppose that Russia can worm its way into Mosul affairs by acting like it wants to be America's partner in the war against ISIS. Probably, Russia knows that the US isn't trying to take ISIS out.

In the article below, Putin claims openly that Russia has witnessed, from the sky, oil-truck shipments from ISIS into Turkey. If this accusation against Turkey is true, then one must assume that the United States has seen it too, for Americans have hundreds of people in the thick of the situation, with the earth's best spy system to boot. The United States has claimed to be engaged in a war against ISIS so that there is no way it could have missed oil shipments from ISIS into Turkey. In a war against ISIS, with the whole world knowing that its power is from money, supposedly from its oil sales, the Americans are expected to keep such shipments from taking place as a priority.

But Putin says that these shipments are taking place. Would he really fabricate such a claim only to make his relations with Turkey sour all the more? What purpose does he have in making this open accusation / revelation? Clearly, he is seeking to turn the world against the West. The Americans knew that his natural choice was to make them look lame in the war against ISIS, and the Americans therefore pulled up their boot straps. But Putin is now insinuating that the Americans are allowing these shipments to continue? Will Putin continue such a campaign to shame the West as it enters the war? I say the Russians are angry enough to do so. But they may decide to pretend to be an ally with the U.S. in the fight against ISIS, until Obama is gone, anyway.

It was during the spell check of the last update, at the last hour, when it dawned on me that Rozala should have descended from Inger, the Varangian guard of Byzantine, and his half-Khazar wife, Melissena, from Khazar kagans. I knew what I was going to say to start this update off, that the checks (look red and white) on the throne of Tedaldus should be the Hohen checks, for Hohens can be identified from Khazars because the check-using Cohens have a Jewish branch with a Kagan variation. That's all I had in mind to start this update of.

Rozala was the daughter of Willa of Tuscany while the painting of Tedaldus is with his wife, named Guillie/Willa, and was found at the Wikipedia article on Willa of Tuscany, mother of Rozala. It seems that the two Willa's are closely related, perhaps mother and daughter, which could make the Willa of Tedaldus the sister of Rozala. As Taddei's/Tadini's use the Bouillon cross, Tedaldus thus becomes suspect with the Taddei's/Tadini's.

As Tedaldus was the son of TEUBaldus, note the "TEUBor" motto term of Bings/Binks, for the latter use the quarters of the Chives', and while Bings use a white lion upon a black quarter, Chives' use white cats on their black quarters. This can speak on two things, that Tedaldus' family was linked to Ceva, and/or was from a line of Caiaphas. This is a long update, with, once again, some of my "best" discoveries late. This paragraph and the quote below are being inserted here near the end of the week, on a stroke of "luck" in loading the Bing/Bink Coat just as I was also re-loading the webpage below, which caused be to spot the similarity of terms above. There was no special reason for me to load Binks. As Firefox takes a long time to load houseofnames pages now, I decided to try Microsoft Explorer again to see if it might load quicker (it doesn't for me), and the first name popping into my head for the test was "Bink." I then re-loaded the article below and read its parts on Tedaldus immediately after that test. Note that Willa was buried in Florence:

After the death of Emperor Otto III in 1002, Marchese Tedaldo did not support Arduino Marchese d'Ivrea who had himself crowned King of Italy. After the latter was defeated by Emperor Heinrich II in 1004, Marchese Tedaldo swore allegiance to the emperor at Bergamo. He acquired Ferrara, and founded the abbey of San Benedetto in Jun 1007 after the death of his wife. The Alberti Milioli Notarii Regini Liber de Temporibus records the death "VIII Id Mai" of "Tedaldus marchio" and his burial "in arce Canusina". m[arried] GUILLIA {Willa}, daughter of {TEUBALDO Marchese and Duke of Spoleto & his wife ---} (-30 Aug before 1007, bur Florence). She is shown in Europaische Stammtafeln as the possible daughter of Duke Teobaldo but the primary source which confirms her parentage has not yet been identified. The Alberti Milioli Notarii Regini Liber de Temporibus names "comitissa Giuliam" as wife of "dux et marchio Tedaldus" and her death "penultime die Aug". Tedaldo & his wife had three children...The Alberti Milioli Notarii Regini Liber de Temporibus names "Tedaldum episcopum urbis Aretine et Conradum" as the three sons of "dux et marchio Tedaldus" & his wife. He was installed as BONIFAZIO Marchese of Tuscany in 1127.

This morning, as I awoke, I remembered a vivid dream of this past night. I don't usually remember my dreams. I'm convinced that it was a Message to us. There was little to the dream. An old friend, with Kepke surname, came walking into view at my driveway, with a young pet stag walking along with him. Then, behind him followed a second man who looked a little like another friend, with a Smith surname, and he was walking on crutches. When considering this dream, as to whether or not it was some direction from God, the first thing asked was whether the Kepke surname could link to a stag, and the second question was whether the crutch = potent line of Templar Jerusalem could link to the Kepke-stag entity. What are the chances of that being the case if this was a random dream not from God? Or, as Rozala was traced to Templar-Jerusalem's first ruler / king (Godfrey de Bouillon), by what coincidence does this dream seemingly connect to the first thing I had planned, from yesterday, to kick-off this update? The family of Godfrey de bouillon owned the potent cross that was the flag of Jerusalem.

Therefore, this update starts with this Special Direction, and it's up to me to elaborate upon it, and to find what that message might be more abundantly. The Kepke surname was not considered in my work until after the Keeps were trace to the namers of Kiev. The Keeps are in the motto of Hebrons/HEPburns, meaning that Keeps are a branch of Hepburns, and that Hebrons trace to Kiev. That has been my position for several years, and this dream tends to verify that it's a correct conclusion. After making it, I recalled that Kepke's father, also a Kepke, was from the Ukraine i.e. location of Kiev. The first thing asked this morning was whether there was any Kiev connection to a stag, and, yes, there was, for Hungarians trace their ancestry to a stag, which is the symbol, by the way of, Eustace's, highly suspect with Eustace II, father of Godfrey de Bouillon.

Proto Hungarians were allies of Khazars to the east of Kiev, and they needed to cut across Kiev in getting to Hungary. But, more importantly, king Andrew I of Hungary, before becoming the king (1046, 50 years before the first crusade), was in the company of the Varangian rulers of Kiev. It's been years since tracing this Andrew to the formation of the Ross clan of Scotland, said to descend from an Andrew. But Rozala, without any thought of this, had traced by her roses, at least tentatively, to the Rose clan known to live right beside Ross-shire. And as that was beside Moray, let's add that Jewish Cohens/Kagans use the same stars as the Morays.

There are several evidences that this dream was Direction. Let's repeat that Schole's were traced to Eschol, a Biblical valley in Hebron, making the Hebron surname suspect with Hebrews from Hebron because, it just so happens, the Schole's use a Shield filled with lozengy (can be construed with the Cohen / Hohen checks) with potent-like Patents! That was the zowie of early this morning that convinced me that this dream was of God. And the Patents even use the green Leslie griffin while it's known that Leslie's are from Hungarians that were in the company of princess Margaret Aetheling there, and it's known that she was in exile in Kiev with prince Andrew of Hungary.

The Leslie's, they say, are using a motto (Grip fast) that goes back to when Maurice Drummond piloted the ship over rough waters (makes people on board grip something fast) that brought the proto-Leslie's and princess Margaret to Scotland (I don't agree with that interpretation of the motto). Maurice Drummond was the grandson of Andrew I. It just so happens that Drummonds use three WAVy fesse bars that were, only recently, deciphered with the WEAVer surname (Flemish), the Weber branch of which uses three (so says the description) wavy fesse bars. Weavers were traced (years ago) to the namers of Kiev too, for "WEBer" is like "HEP(burn)" while Keeps use a weaver's shuttle. No guff. It looks like the dream is definitely about these players, and that Templar Jerusalem's flag should trace to them.

As Rozala changed her name to Susanna while the Susanna surname uses nothing but a lily, note the "Liliae" motto term of Webers, and make a special note of the fleur-colors of Webers, gold on black. We might be looking for a gold-on-black flory cross, or a black-on-gold one, expected to trace to her. Moline's use a black-on-gold moline. Moline's are said / implied to be from the "tanner" of Falaise, and "Falaise" is like "Valais," which, in the last update, was recognized as a variation of the Melusine-using Glass surname. Glass' have been tracing well to "Clausula," where I trace the Cavii that formed the Chives', who use a black moline too, you see, an excellent indication that Falaise is a Glass / Valais/Valois line to Melissena, and moreover it's good evidence that she was mythicized as the Melusine dragon woman of Lusatia (she was given a snake tail, and a fish-tail alternative). Again, the Mathis' that share the Chives moline in both colors were first found in Burgundy, origin of Rozala's grandfather (Boso).

The Rose-Ross connection seems to be at the heart of the Message, but, also, Rozala should be from Inger-branch Varangians, and for this you can venture to Wikipedia's article of Michael I Rangabe (Byzantine emperor), where it shows the Arms of Rangabe, a white flory cross, the color of the Bouillon / Taddei flory cross. Inger's wife was Melissena Rangabe. The reason that she was traced to mythical Milouziana / Melusine beloved by Vere's is, for one, because Fers/Ferrats share the Cohen Coat while Vairs/Fers' share the Hohen Coat. Plus, "Vere" is suspect from the namer of Varangians, which I trace to WIERingen (Netherlands), home of Rurik the Varangian who lived at the same time as Rurik the Varangian, founder of Kiev. Hungary was founded near the end of his / their lives.

Rurik of Wieringen had a brother, Harald, who might indicate a trace to Harald, father of Maccus. The Haralds/Herods were first found in the same place (Argyllshire) as MacArthurs who not only trace to Arduin of Ivrea, so as to be connectable to Rozala (also of Ivrea), but the MacArthur moline, a near copy of the flory cross, is in both colors of the Rangabe flory. It should be clear from this that Rangabe's trace to Segni's/Segurana's using the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Saluzzo's, which speaks to Alice of Saluzzo, daughter of Luisa of Chives-suspect Ceva near the Tanner-suspect Tanaro river.

Although I have not yet come across the historical / specific link between Alice of Saluzzo and Rozala of Burgundy / Ivrea / Lombardy / Tuscany, heraldry has been indicating such a link. Note that Rose's (the Less boar head) are related to Bosco's while Busca is beside Saluzzo. The Rose Crest is said to be a blue harp, which, in this picture, should be code for Arpad, father of Hungarians proper. German Roses use one Yonge Coat exactly, and were first found in the same place (Silesia) as some Massa-Carrara-important Carian liners of the last update. That topic was like so:

...Skits/Scythe's are said to be from Ayrshire's MAUCHLINE location. Masculine-branch Meshech?

There is a Maunch surname (the spell-checker automatically makes it "Maunch", but it should not have the 'n') with a sleeping moon (illegal colors suspect with Templar Jerusalem) that has been routinely traced to the sleeping-moon cult of Carians (see Endymion). These peoples have always been expected at the naming of Carrara. For indication that Masci's and Massena's evolved Macc-like variations, compare their sinister bends with that of Tweed-theater Machs. German Machs/Machule's use another sleeping moon at the base of the Shield, and were first found in the same place (Silesia) as sleeping-moon Karens/Kerns (like "Carian"). But why was there a Masci-line Mauchline location in Ayrshire? We could ask the saltire in the Arms of Ayrshire, identical to the saltire that is the Arms of Massa. Or, we could ask the Mackie's/Mackeys (share the arrow with Machs/Machule's), first found in Ayrshire, and expected to be of the mace-using Maceys...from the mace in the Arms of Massa, right?

It is a picture very connectable to Maccus and Harald of the Scottish Isles. But as you can see that the Mauch's and Machule's started with the Mauchline location of Skits/Scythe's, by what coincidence does that surname use the potent cross? The Mackie's list "Margy," suspect on the one hand with Margaret Aetheling, making her suspect from Aethelstan, father-in-law of Sitric, Maccus' grandfather. Prestwick is in Ayrshire (overlooks Buteshire, where Glass' were first found), while Prestwicks share Melusine with Glass'. Margys are suspect on the other hand with Marjory Carrick (Ayrshire elements), and Kerricks (Prest elements) were very traceable to PRIESTlys, and moreover, while Pike's/Pickens (kin of Carrick-suspect Geddes) got suspect with Picots, the latter use a "prest" motto term, now tracing to Prestwick and Pike's together. In consideration of the Pine trace to Malaspina's of Massa-Carrara, why is there a porcuPINE in the Prestwick Crest?

The Yonge's, kin of Gore's/Core's, use a prest-like motto term, and have been traced to Hungarians and proto-Hungarians on the Ticino/Tessin river, where the Tosini surname is now tracing that is suspect with the Tadini variation of Taddei's. The Gowers/Gore's, sharing the white wolf in Crest with the Gore/Core Crest, use a black flory cross partly on gold. But what I'd like to see is a gold-on-black flory in a surname having codework tracing undeniably to Rozala, and thus linking her to the Weber fleur-de-lys. The fleur-de-lys traces with Lys'/Lisse's to ancient Lissus (lower-left of map below), in the land of the Cavii, and near the mouth of the Mathis river.

The Yonge's with the Rose Coat use a motto, "TouJOURs Jeune," part-code for Gore's/Jore's that share the stars of German Webers who in-turn use a motto phrase, "segne uns." The uns term therefore links hard to Yonge's because they and Gore's both have been traced for years to the Una river (proto-Croatia), the river (Oeneus on the map above) that I say named mythical Juno...the ancestry of the "Jeune"-using Yonge's, right?

The Rozala-suspect Webers are even using a motto term indicating the Rangabe-suspect Segni's/Segurana's (use a colors-reversed version of the Seagar moline). The Melusine-using Glass' were first found in the same area as the Rangabe- and Segurana-suspect MacArthurs. The Glass' were discovered as a branch of the namers of Valais/Wallis canton, and it just so happens that its Walsers share a gold-on-black goat with the Moline Chief. Rozala has traced to Russells using a goat in Crest. The German Webers might identify this goat by their "Gott" motto term, perhaps code for the Goth surname using the Zionist star of Vlads. The latter were suspect for a moment (last update) with VLADimir "the great" of Kiev. Vladimir came to mind as per this entry of the last update, while on the Rozala-suspect Dure's:

Likely, the Dure sword is that of Justine's, for both were first found in Perthshire [as were Hagars sharing the Vlad star], and then Siward (Sigurd) was traced exactly to Justine of Picenum along with Seagars [Rangabe liners, right?]. The Jarrow variation of Dure's, seemingly out of place with the other variations, may indicate Yaroslav, king of the Kiev Varangians. German Dure's: roses. You know, there is a good chance that Rozala was a Varangian-of-Kiev line, from Inger and Melissena. This Jarrow surname results in the first time that such an idea has occurred to me. As Yaroslav's father was VLADimir "the great," perhaps the Vlad-like terms in this update trace much to him.

For a tough decision, ask whether French Dure's/Durets/D'Hure's/Hurette's/Hurels (Brittany) were D'Herods / Herods/Hurls [same as Haralds mentioned above]. Could Herod liners from Arduin have formed the Dere / Dero / Dure surnames???...

Probably, though I can't make them out, there are roses surrounding the painting of Vladimir at his Wikipedia article. The Kiev Varangians named Red Rus, otherwise known as Galicia. One of my first heraldic traces was of Maurice Drummond to something in Red Rus, and from this place I supposed that the Ross clan of Scotland was named. I had noted, and recorded in the updates, an historical quote that placed Maurice's father (Andrew's son, George) in Scotland in 1055, just as the battle for Moray was taking place between forces of MacBeth, Siward of Northumberland, and Malcolm III, future husband of princess Margaret of Hungary / Kiev. Margaret's mother (Agatha) is listed as a maybe-daughter of Vladimir at his article.

Vladimir's brother, YAROpolk (proto-Pollocks/Polks?) was apparently seeking to kill Vladimir after killing his other brother, such a nice family. The Kiev Varangians married the Mieszko's (see Casimir) to which I've traced Pollocks/Polks, and the latter share the saltire of Scottish Andrews. Just the same. Vladimir named his son, YAROslav, suggesting that a Yaro entity was sacred to this family. Was this the Dure/Jarrow entity? As the first Pollock was a friend / kin of the Dol Alans, and as he lived with the Dol Alans in Shropshire, where the Dol Alans settled Clun, by what coincidence is the symbol-less Dure/Jarrow Coat identical to the Clun Coat???

[A few days after writing here, while on the Clinton surname, I came across a Jarrow location at the county of DURham. I will give details late in this update, all interesting because the Clintons use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Dure's/Jarrows. Clintons were linked to Cluns and Saluzzo, both using the Dure/Jarrow Coat exactly, about five minutes after coming across the Jarrow location.]

I had traced "Dol" to Doly in the Polish-Ukraine border area, near or amongst the Bug-river Nahorites. The Dols were suspect with Roxolani (Alan Huns) there that may have named Rozala. Pay special attention to the symbols in the painting of Vladimir, having a five-pointed crown (same as MacArthurs), and holding a spear, for while Bug-river elements trace to the Bug surnames, one was first found in the same place (Nottinghamshire) as ShakeSPEARe's, in Bug colors. As Inger the Varangian (born about 800 AD) is most-suspect with the Kiev Varangians (no other Varangians proper were known at the time) because he was involved with Byzantium, which itself had an on-off relationship with the Kiev Varangians, Rangabe's are suspect with Kiev, and this is why Rangabe-suspect MacArthurs should trace, with Rozala, to Kiev.

I kid you not, that the paragraph above was conceived in its totality the minute that the Goats (Gotham, Nottinghamshire) were loaded, finding the Shakespeare bend. The Goats were loaded because it entered my mind that the Russell / Walser / Moline goats could be code for that Gott- / Goth-like surname. Goats/Goths are in Moline colors while Moline's are suspect with at least two things: the Shakespeare-suspect Shake's using MOLEhills; 2) Eschyna de Molle whose daughter (Isabel) married the second Pollock (Robert) i.e. fresh from his Shropshire father suspect with Doly elements at / near the Bug river. That works too well not to be correct. The Hagars, sharing the Goth star, were traced to the Agarus river (Moldova) with a source at the Ukraine theater. The Bug river flows to the east side of Moldova.

Let's now go back to that man with crutches in my dream, who looked like a bearded friend with Smith surname. I've been tracing the Smith motto to the motto in the Arms of L'viv, a Ukraine location between the two Bug rivers! The Smith bird with blood drops is described as "GUTTee," I kid you not. I've even said that the Arm's of L'viv look like the flag of modern Jerusalem, important also because the modern Israeli flag is a Zionist star in colors reversed from the Hagar / Goth / Vlad star. And while Vladimir's descendants went on to co-found Moscow with the Kiev Rus, Rothschilds (Pollocks liners) are said to have usurped the Russian throne in 1917, and moreover, Israel was being re-populated by Rothschilds, from before 1917, with Russian "Jews" suspect more with the known-Hebrew rulers of Khazars than true Jews. When the Varangians destroyed the Khazar empire, the Khazars fled massively to Hungary (they were partly Khazars to begin with), and even the Rothschild arrows trace to Hungarians (especially suspect with the Hungarians Hussians, suspect with the Huss variation of Hesse's, who share the sun with Cohens/Kagans (and Hectors, first found in Angus). I had read that Vladimir 'the great" had a red-sun symbol, but then Suns are listed with Varangian-suspect Sinclairs.

Annas' were traced to two things: 1) the Angus surname; 2) Angusta up the northern reaches of the Agarus river. Annas' were first found in Nottinghamshire, and can be suspect with the Goats/Gothams there, a good reason for linking Goats to Hagar-related Goths. "L'viv" was traced to Vivians, kin of Fife's, and Fife is beside Angus, in the Leslie theater to boot. The Leslie theater was ABERDEEN, like the KABARDINo area of the Caucasian Kabars, suspect with the three Kabar tribes that co-founded Hungarians.

It's always important to keep the Willa names of the Rozala circle in mind. The Wills (suns) are listed with Velis', while one Velis surname can be using a version of the Shakespeare Coat. The latter Velis' use the same motto, "In te domine SPERavi," as Melusine-using Prestwicks. The bendlets in the Velis Coat, as with other bendlets, may indicate that the owners of the Coat wanted to use a fesse in the colors of the bendlets, but needed instead to use a bend in another color. If this is correct, Velis wanted to use a black-on-gold bend, the colors of the Shakespeare / Goat bend.

In case you need a reminder, Boso of Burgundy was father of Willa of Tuscany, and Willa mother of Rozala. The latter's father was king Berenger II of Italy. I have yet to delve deeply into an investigation on Berenger's links to Berenger de Todini, said to be a son of the Conqueror's father in the Tute/Tuit write-up, and I want to investigate whether this links to another Berenger, supposed father of Poppa (of Glass-suspect Valois), Rollo's wife. The more heraldic clues that I can muster before that investigation, the better. Compare "Velis", and its Vale variation, to "Valois." As this can make the Velis' suspect as a Glass liner, let's talk about the Shakespeare-suspect Spears/Speers, whom I traced fundamentally to Melusine's Lusatian elements (Spree river), for Speers happen to have been first found in Renfrewshire, location of Glass-related Glasgow. Velis' use a "SPERavi" motto term.

The Goat/Gotham/Gothan and Shakespeare bends link well to Varangian-suspect Varns/Warnochs in this picture, suspect from the Warni/Varni who long pre-date the first Varangians proper. Varni were in griffin-studded Pomerania (Wills use the sun and griffins together) and MECKlenburg, where Dols were first found who likely link to Roxolani of Rostock. The latter is somewhat suspect with the rooster of Sinclairs/SUNs. It's a murky picture between the 1st-century Varni and the 9th-century Varangians, during which period the Jutes, Goths, Angles and Saxons, and Varangi-like Franks devolved as chief Germanics. The gold scallops upon the van bend can, in this picture, go to the same of Dade's, now suspect with Dado, father of king Arduin, nephew of Berenger II. This Dado is very suspect, obviously, with the Taddei's that share the white Rangabe flory, the latter's in the colors of the moline of Arduin-suspect MacArthurs.

As Dade's, also "Deed," are in the Fleming motto, note that Irish Flemings (VAIR fur) use red-and-gold checks, for I have not resolved whether the throne of Tedaldus has red-and-white versus gold-and red checks. But even if the Fleming checks are not wholly in the colors of the Tedaldus throne, it doesn't necessarily mean that the two check symbols can't relate. If they are red and gold, they can link to the Vaux/VALLibus surname who are in-turn linkable to Velis'/Vale's. If they are red and white, then let's add that the son of Willa of Tuscany (Rozala's mother) gave birth to Conrad of Ivrea, while I've long thought that "Conrad" means, "red Cohen," or the red-and-white checkered Hohens.

The birth of Vladimir has been thought by some to be in a Budini-like location while Budini can trace to Bus' (giant cinquefoil in the colors of the giant Nobel rose), and to red-and-white checkers Boyds, no guff. As Boyds were Dol-Alan kin, the two can trace together to the Ukraine (i.e. to Doly and to the Budini). While Budin are said to have been south of Kiev, there's no reason that they couldn't have been in Kiev at a different time. Willa, in the painting, holds a flower, suspect as code for the flower of Italian Toni's, who were the Toeni's at Leicester, while the Bus cinquefoil is on the Arms of that place. Toni's are a known Tosni / Todini line, and if correct that they were also of the Tous'/Tosini's, and if correct that they trace to the Tessin/Ticino, then these checks can go to the line of Marici > Marks too, and of course to the Stewart checks. The Varn motto ("Ne oublie") looks linkable to the Campbell motto, and Campbells are said to be from MacArthur stock, a good way to begin tracing Varangi-suspect Varni to the Dado>Arduin family through the five-pointed crown on the head of Vladimir the Varangian. Does that not make complete sense in light of what was said on that topic above? If the Varn motto is code for Nobels, it makes sense where the Nobel motto is, "FIDE et fortiTUDINE," a Todini-like term if ever we saw one. Dutch Nobels: just one giant rose capable of linking to the Varangian Rus of Wieringen. Boyds" "conFIDO."

Conrad was made the count of Milan (957) by Otto I before OTTONE Visconti was the ruler of Milan. "Sometime before 987, Conrad married Richilda, daughter of Arduin Glaber..." In Arduin-Glaber's article:"Around 940 Arduin campaigned in the Susa Valley against the Saracens who were occupying Alpine passes. He gained control of the valley, and brought Novalesa back under Christian control..." Compare NOVALesa (Susa valley) to "Nobel." Might Neville's apply? Here's a Noval/Nova/Novel surname for which I have no comment at this time.

As Susa was of the royal Cottians, note that the Cotta/Cottin fretty is filling the Shield, and in red and white. Cotta's are suspect from Aurelia Cotta, mother of Julius Caesar, and English Julians own the black crosslet found in the Velis/Vale (and Schole) Coat. A Shield filled with fretty is used also by Nobel-suspect Noels. BeArduin Glaber (ruled Alba and Asti on the Tanaro) was count of the AURiate. The "killing" term in the Varn description has been traced to Quillans/Killons, sharing the wolf design of German Flemings, and the question is yet on the table as to what Quillan might originate in, whether "Julian" or even "Guillie" = Willa or both.

The Arduinici article at the Arduin link above does not mention Dado, nor have a link to the other Arduin (955, nine years after the crowning of Andrew I), son of Dado and grandson of Arduin Glaber. The latter was himself a grandson of yet another Arduin. Dado thus lived in the same generation as Andrew I. "Dado (or Dodon) (died 980) was the Count of Pombia from 967. The comitatus of Pombia, in what is now Northern Italy, included Novara at the time [home of the Laevi]. He was possibly the son of Adalbert, Count of Pombia, or possibly of Berengar II." Dado could thus have been Rozala's sister. And if Flemings trace to him, they can also trace to the Laevi, very logical in my mind where Tosini's / Todini's are expected with Laevi.

As Arthurs/Archibure's traced to the Arc river, location of Chambre, note that Chamberlains share scallops in the colors of the Dade/Deed scallops, and upon an Arthur-like Shield. Chamberlains are clearly related to Donkeys and Duncans (line to Malcolm III), and the latter's' "disce" motto term can go to the so-called disc (a blue roundel, shared by Irish Arthurs) in the Crest of Kiev-suspect Webers.

As per seeking Pombia-related surnames, I can't recall the surname using bombs in flames. I've always thought that the Bomm surname uses bombs, but now discover that they are "black pots, each with flames coming out the top." Bomms are a Dutch surname, and apparently Flemish. After finding (last update) two surnames using POMmels, and being satisfied that Mele's/Meleguli's were in the PomMELs, I said: "It just so happens that Mele/Meleguli's were first found in Parma, suspect with the Parm variation of Palms, and that tends to reveal what the POMmel is code for, partly for Palm liners." The question then becomes whether Parma / Palm liners were at Bombia. English Palms share blue vair with Irish Flemings, which jibes with a flaming bomb if bombs are code for Palm/Parm liners. There is a Bommel surname listed with a family using mainly Bomb terms.

I can tell that this is going to be a difficult exercise that may prove nothing for a link to Pombia, but here goes, anyway, with the few ducks I've lined up for you. The Bombers (Bavaria, same place as Bamberg) turn out to have variations linkable to Bambergs, including "Bomberg." They use a chevron in the colors of the Italian Palmer fesse, as well as showing a tree in the colors of the German-Palm palm tree (both surnames use nothing but). When we get to Spanish Palmers, it's a vertically-split Shield in colors reversed from the same of Amstels, which I bumped into in the Dutch-Bomm write-up. Amstels are said to be the namers of Amsterdam, where Bomms were first found, but as one side of the Amstel Shield is a single star in the colors of the ANNAS star, note how AMStell may have been from an m-version "Annas." The Arms of Sion are split vertically in the colors of the same of Amstels, but see also the potent-liner Chads.

A Coat like that of the Amstells was found (last update) with the Jewish Felds (Kaplan kin, same moline as Chives') and Feldmans/VELDmans immediately after finding the pale lions of Levi's with Feltwells/Feathwells.

I've been tracing the Letts to Annas' for some time, and Flemings use the motto, "LET the deeds shaw." Letts use organ pipes, and Pipe's can trace to Bambergs/Bombergs as per Poppo of Bamberg. It was just in the last update when Piperells/Pepperalls were found to be using a version of the Paper/Papwell chevron: "Piperells use pineapples, as do Pine's (Devon, same as Piperells) who in-turn have a chevron in Pepper-chevron colors, both colors reversed from the Piperell chevron." That's repeated to say that Peppers (scythes) use a chevron in the colors of the Bomber/Bamberg/Bomberg chevron. Poppo / Pepin liners are expected at Papia/Pavia along with Tosini liners, and perhaps the Noyers in the write-up of Levi-suspect Feltwells are Novara liners, not forgetting the Novara was part of the Pombia district.

Pot-using Bomms can be of Jewish Baumgartners, for their fleur-de-lys is in the colors of the Potter cinquefoils. And Potters were traced to "Bautica," home of the Arduinici. German Baumgartners use "Pom/Paum" terms, and share the oak tree with Bombers/Bambergs. It looks like the namers of Bamberg trace to the namers of the Bautica. Gardners (Capes scallop) are the ones using a version of the Kaplan Shield, making Baumgartners suspect with Felds / Feldmans. The more that Baum and Bamberg liners trace to Zahringens and Veringens, the more that Feld liners can trace to Vladimir of Kiev, for Casimirs, suspect with king Casimir III of Poland (son of VLADyslaw), share the red antler with Veringens. Anything from Silesia, such as where Casimirs were first found, can trace to Spree-Neisse, itself using a red antler. And from Sprees, one gets easily to Tosni liners from antler-suspect Les Andelys. It's about time that the Zahringens and Veringers (Baden) are pegged with Les Andelys.

There was also a Casimir I, son of Mieszko II Lambert, and then Lamberts share a chevron in the colors of the same of Peppers / Bombers/Bambergs. Casimir III (has family tree at his page) was an ancestor (on his fathers side) of two Varangian Yaroslavs, including Yaroslav OsmoMYSL, "the most famous Prince of Halych (now in Western Ukraine)," that location being Red Rus / Galicia. Why does a Varangian of that time period have a "Mysl" in his name, which was used for the earlier mythical SiemoMYSL, grandson of SiemoWIT, the latter traced to eye-using WITkowo, the oak-using Watts / Vatts, and eye-using Battins/Badens? Casimir's brother was named, Siemowit, showing that Casimir was yet honoring his mouse-tower past, which started with a Popiel character...who looks traceable to Poppo of Bamberg (origin of a Babenberg branch), in this picture. As Melusine is suspect with Melissena Rangabe, let's add that Babels/Babe's, suspect with Babenbergs of Bamberg, use Melusine.

As the Bomm pots are in flame's, note that the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Flame's (roundels) is in Flanders colors. The Flame besants can then go to the Bommel/Bombell (Baden) lion holding a besant. This reminds that the Flanders surname is also "Flinder" while Flints use "flint STONES," and while Wilma Flintstone (cartoon character) was given a white dress and red hair, color of the Scottish Flemings, and while I saw her name as a secret version of Vlaam = Fleming, it now, suddenly, traces to Willa! In fact, while that thought was on my mind, the Stone's were being loaded, to find the William-Crest talbot in the Stone Crest! Stoners (share the gold Stone eagle) are even in Flame colors! Zowie.

"William" (like "Wilma") was itself suspect as a Fleming-honoring term, making me wonder whether Flemings were from a William. Willa is now suspect as a Fleming, explaining why her daughter married Arnulph of Flanders, father of Baldwin IV. Note that Baldwins and Williamsons share the black-on-white saltire. And the Balder motto includes "N'oublierai," like the "Ne oublie" of Dade-suspect Varns. MacArthur-related Campbells use "Ne oblivisCARIS," and happen to share gyronny with Williams! It again suggests a trace of Williams to Willa's of Arduinici circles. The Nobels suspect in those terms share besants with Stoners / Bommels/Bombells, and as the latter are suspect with Poppo liners of Bamberg, it can be added that Pepins, in Stoner / Campbell colors, use a camel that can be code for Campbells/Cammells. The "caris" portion in the Campbell motto is for Carris'/Carsons, for their motto is, "Ne m'oubliez." That leaves a "vis" term still unaccounted for in the Campbell motto. However, some motto syllables cannot be code because, by seeking codes in the first place, sometimes difficult, certain syllable's work their way in that are not part of the code work. The most clever terms are where all syllables are code for close kin.

The italics in the quote below were added to the last update as I write here:

"The core of this [Massa-Carrara] territory was formed on 22 February 1473 when Iacopo Malaspina, Marquis of Massa, purchased the Lordship of Carrara (villages of Carrara, Moneta and Avenza)." At the sight of "AVENza, the Avon location of early Pembroke's came to mind because Mazzo's/Mazzone's (roses) use a version of the Pembroke bend with dragon. Mazzo's (same bend as Bessins / Bistons / Popleys) were first found in the same place (Reggio-Emilia), almost, as Mele's/Meleguli's, tending to assure what's evident from other considerations, that the Malaspina purchasers of Carrara were descendants of the Malahule>Tosni and/or the Malahule-Meschin line(s). As the latter line included BALSO D'Espaines, the BLASco Mazza (13th century) in the Mazzo write-up seems logical. Of some interest, the Avens/Avon] surname uses a large lion in the colors of the Paper/Pepperwell/Papwell lion heads. The latter are the ones with CARnations. The Carys use a passant lion in the colors of the upright Aven lion, as well as what could be a spear-using version of the Mieske arm. Note the rose colors of English Carys, and, in the write-up, a Mr. Lovell, owner of Cary castle, that being a Leavell variation. Roses in the Cary-rose colors are used by Leavell-suspect Lowers/Louers (suspect with Louviers, home of Tosni's) of St. Tudy. As the English-Cary Crest is the white swan of the German-Plate Crest, English Plate's (Pilate colors) can be using a version of the Lower Coat.

There had been a groundswell upon finding Monte Pepe in Massa-Carrara. The following brackets were added to the last update as I write here:

German Machs/Machule's use another sleeping moon at the base of the Shield, and were first found in the same place (Silesia) as sleeping-moon Karens/Kerns (like "Carian"). But why was there a Masci-line Mauchline location in Ayrshire? We could ask the saltire in the Arms of Ayrshire, identical to the saltire that is the Arms of Massa. Or, we could ask the Mackie's/Mackeys (share the arrow with Machs/Machule's), first found in Ayrshire, and expected to be of the mace-using Maceys...from the mace in the Arms of Massa, right? Massa-Carrara, poinging and boinging to Scotland, in the land of CARRicks. Does this identify Caracalla as a Carian? The Carrots/Carews (Carrick colors) are not only sharing the "bien" motto term of Carricks, but show three lions on pale in the black color of the Levi / Feltwell lions in pale, and all three in the colors of the triple Levi chevrons. The Feltwells were from the write-up of Malapsina-suspect Spine's!

It needs to be emphasized that the Cary swan is in the design once showing for French Josephs. It truly appears that Levi and Caiaphas liners were at Massa-Carrara in relation to Malaspina's, no doubt from the Malahule-Tosni family. This line became sheer Templarism.

It was not many moments ago when I made an attempt again to decipher the difficult Pepin motto. This time, I started with the premise that "CUjusque" was part code for the Cowes/Ku/Coo surname, a good theory because two terms in the Pepin motto end with "que," code for Qewe/Kue (Cilicia, where Quadratilla's / Laevillus' family ruled), in my previous opinion, where I traced Cowes'/Koo's. That left "jusque" to be deciphered, but I left it at that, until coming to the "J'espere" motto of Carrots/Carews, which prompted a look at the Jess surname, which found JesCHE/JasCHE variation much like "jusque." The Jess', quartered in the colors of Joseph-related Kaplans, and Kaplan-related Felds / Feldmans, recalled the swan-using Guests. Welsh Guests/Jeste's look like they are using the Hedge swans, and while Hedge's traced to the Adige river with little doubt, that river flows alongside lake Garda while it's Gardners that use the Kaplan Shield, and, yet, here we find that the red-and-black split Shields of Gardeners / Kaplans / Felds / Edge's are used by English Guests! It seems clear enough, now, that Guests / Jess'/Jesche's were Este's (from near the Adige(, whom are in the "est" motto term of Pepins.

The "gladio" motto term of Guests was thought to be a Glass line, and so let's remind that Glass liners are now traced to Valais canton around Sion (another vertically-split Shield, half in the colors of Guests, etc.), while Sions/Swans use swan in the colors of the swans of "gladio"-using Guests. Glads/CLADs (Clun Coat?) can be Claud/CLAUSEL liners, suspect from the CLAUSULA, where I trace both Glass' and Caiaphas. French Glads are said to be from Dol, and share a red fesse with Alans...who moved to Glasgow. As the Glad/Clad Coat uses the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Saluzzo's, note how the latter term can be a Glass / Claus(ula) variation. If this is a correct interpretation, "Salyes" needs to be viewed as a Clausula liner.

The Carys sharing the Joseph swan design use Rozala-suspect roses on a Sale-like Coat (Sale's are suspect with Pendragons / Vaughns), and roses in these colors are used by Lowers/Louers (Pendragon / Vaughn chevron, likely), repeated because the latter were first found in Cornwall, home of mythical Gorlois = Luisa of Ceva, mother of Alice of Saluzzo. Ceva not only traces to the Cavii suspect at the Clausula, by Cavii lived beside the Penestae, expected to trace to Pendragons, likewise first found in Cornwall, and known by now to trace to Ivrea, home of Rozala. Have we got all of this straight?

Note the colors of Livings/Levens, capable of being a branch of Jewish Lowens/Lowers. The Living/Leven Chief-and-martlets above a white Shield is a reflection of the Sabine/Savona Coat, suspect with the giant Gardner scallop in colors reversed. Sabine's are mentioned here because they just came up as "Saber," while the Jess/Jesche sword is called a saber. Didn't Jess-suspect Guests/Jeste's just trace with Gardners to the Adige river? Yet, while the Sabine's/Savone's are not expected at the Adige, they are expected at mount Sabina, smack at the Salto river, where Sale's/Salletts / Saluzzo's trace. You now know how to play the game of heraldry if you've read even just one update. Just find the surnames intended by the various code work, and draw theories / conclusions as they relate to people groups and places. Follow my leads on linking surnames to their people groups / families.

Back to the Flanders- and Rozala-suspect "flint stones," of the Flints, from Flintshire, near Liverpool, suspect with the Louviers-suspect Livers/Levers (gold rooster of Guests/Gays?). Stone's were first found in the same place (CORNwall) as mythical Gorlois and the Veys/VIVians (version of the Fife Coat), while Stone's use a "Vive ut vivas" motto. There is a Vive/FIVEash surname too, with the FIVE-pointed MacArthur crown, tending to verify that the 5-like organ rests of Arthurs, with its five keys, is code for Fife's and Five's/Fifys, who share the red lion with Bommels/Bombels. As Arthurs must link to Badens/Battins (same place as Tintagel), it's notable that Bommels/Bombells were first found in Baden. The "VirTUTE" motto term of Fife's can be expected here. Things are making sense, and much of heraldry is tracing to Arduinici. The Lower-Crest uniCORN can be pegged as the unicorns in the Tint / Gale Crests.

The Irish-Tute quarters may be in play in the Bomb/Bamberg Coat, but let's also mention that English Bamburgs/Bamburys were first found in the same place (Oxfordshire) as Stoners. It's where English Crispins were first found, while French Crispins, suspect earlier with the Toothill bend, use the POMEgranate.

Again, the Arthur motto term, "OBstantia," is deciphered as code for Hobs/Habs (tiger) and Stands/Stains, while Vive's use another tiger, and it's under an oak, the Bomb/Bamberg and Baumgartner/Pomgartner/Bogarts symbols. "A tiger in front of an oak tree, all on a mound." The Mounds/Mounts are the ones listing Mons, suspect with Mons (of Flanders), and they are using the same lion as Fife's and Five's, and were first found in Peebles (Pepin / Pavia suspect), where Balds were first found, beside the Balders (Sinclair cross) of Lothian, home of Rozala-suspect Roslin, home in particular of Sinclairs. Jewish Baumgartners share the green parrot with the Peebles surname!

If Bogarts are Bogens / Bogans, it can indicate a Baumgartner like to Bug-river elements. Scottish Bogers/Bogys/Bolgys were just checked to find the same chevron as Bombers/Bambergs and Peppers, as well as white roses. German Bogers (Silesia) are the ones with the nail, and Bogner is a location in the Arun area, location also of Arundel that traces with no doubt to Alice of Saluzzo. As her mother traces to "GorLOIS," by what coincidence were Scottish Bogers first found in Fife?

The Vive crown is called "an eastern crown"; what's that? There is no Eastern surname, and so Easters / Sturs may apply. In any case, Newtons use an eastern prince," and the Prince/Prinse surname shows an arm in red sleeve in Crest, holding pineapples, the Piperell symbol.

Baldwins are expected from the Baltea version of the Bautica. Baldwins share the green dragon in Crest with Waldwins, which may reveal that the Baltea was named after Vladimir elements. The Baldwins are said to be of a DIDDLEbury entity, making a Diddle-like surname suspect with Deeds/Dade's, the latter now suspect with the Dado>Arduin line on the Bautica. Both Dade's and Baldwins were Flemings, right? At least, Dade's were beloved by the Fleming motto. No Diddle/Diddel surname loads at houseofnames, but the term can be suspect with "Tedaldus." Aha! A Dittel surname uses: "a silver fesse displaying a hand and a flower." The flower is a Toni symbol! And Toni's / Todini's are suspect from Tedaldus liners. Dittels/Ditlers were first found in the same place (Bohemia) as Jewish / German Lowers/Lowens.

Diddlebury reminds of Red Skelton's Clem KaDIDDLEhopper character, when Hoppers did trace to Clems / Clements. Hoppers use a tower on gyronny in the colors of the William gyronny, a very good way for Diddlebury elements to trace to Guillia/Willa, wife of Tedaldus. As Hobs/Habs share the white (silver) tiger with the Dites/Diot surname, by what coincidence do Hoppers/Happers use a "SubDITUS" motto term? "A silver tiger passant, with a red collar and leash."

Let's not forget the "gillie flowers" of Rinds, which assures that flower-liner Toni's do trace to a Willa. Rinds use the gillie flowers in a "pot," evoking the bomb-like flaming pots of Pombia-suspect Bommels/Bombells. There had been a question on whether the Hopper tower was also the red one of Murena's/Moratins, for Clements share the black waves of Marina's. But then the Arms of Pombia use a red tower! Not bad, and what's more, the Murena's/Moratins ended up identified with the Marano's/Mauritano's of Marano, near, and related to, Fanano. The latter's Arms uses the same fesse as Dittels, and the Title's/Tattlers (Haddington) use a white-on-red lion, the colors of the Marano/Mauritano lion. As the latter's is now known to be the Montfort lion, let's repeat that the latter's two tails are sure evidence that Montforts trace to the Arms of Bohemia i.e. where Dittels were first found! Bombo! I win the pot. Lest you've forgotten, Dado/Dodon was a count at Pombia.

The Hopper tower is specifically said to be "triple-towered," while other such towers (e.g. the Murena tower) are not so-described. The Hoppers are also "Happers," and as such can link to potent-suspect Happys/Abbs/Epps, sharing a string of lozenges in the colors of the Patent / Schole lozenges. Anything potent is now going to the Varangian-Rus alliances with the Andrew-line Hungarians as they touched upon Ticino-river elements (e.g. Tosini's) in conjunction with the family of Willa>Rozala. The Happy/Abb motto, "In te domine SPERavi," was seen earlier with Shakespeare's and the Velis surname, the latter sharing the crosslet of Schole's (and Cowes/Ku's).

One thing I have not yet emphasized, because it's a new realization, is the Pepin-motto link to Cowes". What does this mean? For one thing, it was debatable on whether the Pepin camel could trace to Gamala (Israel), as well as to Camulodunum. Title's were first found in Haddington, where Hameltons ruled that are suspect with Camulos liners. Two updates ago: "The footnote says that Hambletons became the Hamiltons of BALLINcreif and Luffness, and later the earls of Haddington, the lands previously ruled by Alan St. Clair."

Gamala was a city of the Maccabee's while Laevillus at the Qewe theater was married to a Maccabee liner. It didn't seem possible that Gamala liners could name Camulodunum because it had that name in BC times. But then, Pontius Pilate supposedly had a mother with the Perthshire Picts, when Romans were tossing their leaders from one end to the other of the Roman empire. The crosslet under discussion is owned by Julians, first found in the same place as Caiaphas / Caepio suspects of various kinds, and beside the Capes' sharing the Happy/Abbs scallops. Pilate's mother is highly suspect with the Colts/CULTS, and therefore with the "OcCULTus" motto term of Title's/Tattler's, and the wife of Laevillus traces back to lake-Tatta environs. The Colt/Cult Coat is highly suspect with VISE's/Vice's, and then there was that question concerning the "n'oubliVIScaris" motto term of CAMMELLS.

The Cowes piles trace to those of Guiscards, suspect with VISconti's, and heraldic piles were resolved well-enough to be of Pilate liners. The Viponts/VESponts can thus be suspect with "PONTius." The Guiscards descended from TANKerville's, and the Title's may be burying a "tinc" term for the Tinks (same place as Capes' and gyronny-using Londons), who use the "Crusader" crosslet under discussion in blue. Tinks came up briefly two updates ago: "The Toni Coat...compares with the Loop/Loppo Coat somewhat, suspect with Vis-de-Lou (see Fiddle's) in Normandy, but now also suspect with Lupus-Laevillus liners to Waleran. The latter's TincheBRAI (Normandy) is suspect from Bra-of-Tanaro elements [where Tankerville's are expected to trace]. The Tinks (London) are using a chevron (surrounded by antlers) in the colors of the same of Brays (Northamptonshire, beside London)." You see, those antlers traced to lake Tatta before it was realized that they traced to Les Andelys with near-certainty, home of the Toeni's.

The Crusader cross is a version of the potent cross, but with an extra "bar," as I'm going to call it, at each end of the cross. As I feel that the Bouillon cross is really two silver bullion bars in the shape of a cross, I'm going to keep a theory wherein the potent cross is really using bullion bars / billets at the ends of the cross. We are told that the potent cross derived in two crutch's, crossed with one another, and that's why my dream with a man wearing crutches relates to potent liners. There is a Crutch/Crouch surname with variations like "Creuse," or, even better, like the Croce's using "a gold cross potent". I don't think that's coincidental. In this picture, the Crutch surname formed from the Croce bloodline is suspect in using a crutch-like form of the cross, and yet the Crutch surname itself uses a silver pale BAR (Pale's/Palys use a camel). The Crux's (same place as Croce-suspect Massins/Masons) use a pale bar in colors reversed from the Crutch bar.

Recalling that the dream had the crutches used by a bearded man looking like a friend with Smith surname, I here find that the Croce Crest shares a "formy" cross with the particular Smiths that are in Crutch colors. Italian Croce's/Crose's share a white lion with Title's/Tattlers, and so let's not forget that Taddei's use the Bouillon crosses. The English-Croce quarters are linkable to the Massey-and-Tatton quarters by way of a Croce motto phrase shared by Massins.

The Crux-Crest bird is identical to the one in the Happ/Abb Crest, both white like the Croce-Crest stork. The Happs/Abbs were first found in Middlesex, and use scallops in the colors of the pale scythes in the Arms of Middlesex. Although they are called "seaxes," one can treat them as scythes linking to potent-cross Scythe's/Skits, for the "Sit" motto term of Saxes' is likely for a Skit liner.

I'd like to address the partRIDGE's of Saxes'/Saxybys, for I can trace the Ridge Coat, by way of the Brison Coat (Pilate pheon, we can assume), to Mont Pilat, near Montbrison. The PARTridge, you see, should go to the namers of Mont Pilat's PERDrix peak, and then mythical Perdix was a partridge. In this picture, it seems that the Ridge surname developed from the partridge symbol. Brisons, in Ade colors, and first found in the same place, are likely using the gold Brech hunting horn. It's doubly-interesting whether I traced mythical Perdix to the DODEcanese islands, south of Patmos, for the Currys/Corrys (white rose in Chief), whom I trace to Cora on Patmos, are using a version of the Ridge Coat. It's doubly interesting because the DodeCANESE can even trace to Tedaldus (the one under discussion), who was "of CANOSSA"! Is that not interesting?

Here I am, still lingering on the Dado/Dodon topic, after starting out on his Pombia location, and while the Novara area under his Pombia jurisdiction is expected to have had relations with the NOVALesa location of Arduin Glaber, the Noval/Nova/Novel surname got suspect with Neville's. Then, down here we are on the Currys and Brisons, both of which use the same saltire as Neville's, and Currys, together with Ridge's and partridges, bring me don to the Dodon-like Dodecanese islands. It may be that NovaLESA was a Novara entity of a Lesa kind.

The reason that Perdix (also called, Talus) was traced to the Dodecanese was as per his ancient affiliations with mythical DaeDALUS. It was merely a judgment call on whether DAEDalus traced to the Dodecanese, but, even if wrong (it was never emphasized nor proven), it does appear that Arduinici are tracing there right now. If Neville's are Novara elements, then they are Laevi potentials. The Neville saltire is colors reversed to the Annandale saltire. On my atlas, the northern-most island marked is LEVItha. It's the closest to Patmos. Compare "Levitha" to "Lapith," for Coronis (whom I only trace to Chora of Patmos) was a Lapith! Zinger, I needed that one, for there was a question on whether "Lapith" related to Levites, yet I had not noted Levitha until now. It's about 25 miles from Patmos, with no islands shown between them. Neighbors!

I've just checked my files for "levitha," and found it in the 8th update of October, 2010, while mentioning the Daedalus' trace to the Dodecanese:

The Wikipedia article on Patmos goes on to say that Letois was depicted as an island at the bottom of the sea, but that it was brought up: "Gradually, inhabitants from the surrounding areas, including Mount Latmos, settled on the island and named it 'Letois' in honour of Artemis."...

Other islands in the Dodecanese island group include...Levitha (also "Lebynthos")..."While escaping from Crete, Daedalus and Icarus flew over Lebynthos." The term smacks of the labyrinth [bull pen] built by Daedalus.

The imagery of flying over Levitha, an island I came to forget and never emphasize from that time, is not in ancient print for nothing. It means that Daedalus' Cretan lot (likely Minoans) were on the island, at least in passing. We learn in the quote above that Leto elements from Latmus, location of the sleeping-moon Carians, were on Patmos. Leto and her twins. Apollo and Artemis, were on their sacred island of Talus-like Delos. As Perdix and Daedalus were both craftsmen, one needs to incorporate the migration of Ariadne and Dionysus from Crete to Lemnos; this picture smacks of the Keturah-line Letushites and Leummites (Genesis 25), the seed of Abraham.

As Coronis was sister to Ixion, wife of Dia, it stood to reason that "DAEdalus" was a Dia-Talus combination, though, in later times, his cult may have developed Daed-like terms. It just so happens that Ixion was given another wife, Neville-like Nephele! Zinger. Can we now entertain a Nephele-Ixion line to the namers of Novara (home of Laevi) and/or Novalesa? The Lesa suspect with the latter location traces well to Lissus, suspect from Biblical Laish, home of Jonathan the pagan Levite...whom I've been tracing for a couple of years to the Ixion-suspect Lapiths=Levite theory. Lissus was in Cavii territory, and then the Chives' use a "vi" motto term that I've traced to the Viu valley, a tributary of the Riparia river that was itself from Susa, location of NovaLESA! Amazing coincidences.

The French had a NIBELung branch that I traced to Burgundians, and that was suspect from Nephele. I entertained Nibelungs with Nobels, and here the Nobels have become suspect with "NOVALesa." The Neville's/Navelle's (same place as Smiths suspect from Hephaestus of Lemnos) were from the Touques, where the VIponts (share annuLETs with Vito's/VIO's) are from too! Compare Scottish Smiths with Touque's/Tooks! The Neville's are linked to Gace's, and the latter were from Mitanni, and therefore from AkhenATEN (lord of the sun god, ATUN) and his wife, NEFERtiti, who trace to Nevers, beside Autun. This Nefertiti was suspect with Nephele.

And look. As Susa is suspect with the lily-using Susans, the Nevers/Neve Crest is a lily! It could be that Novara was a NEFERtiti line through to a merger with the Laevi / Lapiths. I have an entire book that could be written on that subject that can't be repeated here. The key seems to be that the Arduinici were Herod liners merged with the Laevi that had earlier put forth the Jesus-time Levites in conjunction with Romans. These Romans had been founded by Benjamites in the book of Judges (I'm not ashamed to make that claim), and they were traced to Pelops (proto-Latins), and especially to his wife, queen of Pisa and Elis. The wife was the OENOmaus line to OENeus at Mitanni-suspect Methoni, and it was also the namer of the Oeneus/Una river of Juno, wife of Jupiter, himself named from Japodes of that same river. Japodes trace to the 400 wives of JABESH Gilead married by the 600 Benjamite men in RIMMON wedded (book of Judges). I have known for a couple of years that the Benjamin Coat can link to the Elis Coat, but the latter appears in use with the Nevers/Neve's too. As some of the Thomas surnames traced well (earlier this month) to Thomas of Saluzzo (father of Elis-like Alice), compare the English Thomas' to Elis' and then note the Sale fleur on the Nevers/Neve cross. Makes one think that Elis elements were of the Laish line to Lissus, doesn't it. Can we expect the same at Italian Pisa?

Coronis was the crow, suspect also with ravens in use by Welsh Thomas', and by several Welsh surnames. Ravens got suspect with "REPHAites" of Jerusalem. Tate's use ravens. It's been some time since loading Tate's, and it just so happens that Scottish Tate's/Taits were first found in the Tweed theater, thus suggesting that they could have been Tute's/Tuits/Thwaits, especially as Scottish Tate's (full Annandale Coat) share the Annandale saltire with Tweeds! Tweeds use a "think" motto term while English Tate's use "thincke," a definite match. Compare also with Ermine's, suspect from mount Hermon, location of Laish. As Panias was either at Laish, or close beside it, compare "PANIAS" to the PENEStae up-river on the Drin/Drilon from Lissus. The Penes surname shares the same greyhound design as Lys'/Lisse's, and that connects them likely to the Tatton greyhound.

Here's a quote that may be of Lapiths at the Magra river of Luni: ""The LAPicini were an ancient Ligurian tribe mentioned by Livy as being subjugated by Rome under consuls Marcus Aemilius LEPIDUS and Quintus Mucius Scaevola in 175 BC. (Liv. xli. 19.) They inhabited the extreme northern regions of Liguria, as it was defined in Roman times, on a tributary of the Magra (Latin: Macra) river."

The trace of the Benjamites to Pelops was made before the trace of Yuya to Gugu of Lydia (the latter trace not clinched), but it so happens that Pelops was a ruler of Lydia, and Yuya was the kin-by-marriage, and horse trainer, of Akhenaten. The latter was father of king Tut, suspect now with Tedaldus / Dado liners, and so note that the Thomas' with the Elis Coat are using the seated greyhound of Tattons (different color). It's almost as though I know what I'm talking about with the wildest theories historians have never heard of. But most historians have their minds buried in evolutionary garbage, and as such, because they love garbage, they never raise their heads to take a breath of fresh air. Impoverished historians, feigning ignorance to, or ignoring, the Biblical lineages for fear that the world might take stronger to Faith in Jesus. You don't really want to be like them, do you?

Blue Bars

The Tate's with the "Thincke and thancke" motto share a single, blue pale bar with Roxburghs/Rokesbys, and the latter's "quam" motto term is for Cams using pale bars in the same blue-on-white colors. The Cam feature is called "barry," code for Bars that share the Este eagle. "Quam" is used by CAMbridge's, and Cambridge's were at the Cam river. Cams were first found in the same place (Gloucestershire) as Cam-like Kemmis; and Yuya lived in Kemmis of Egypt. No guff, it makes Yuya-Mitanni and Atun-Nefertiti elements suspect at Cambridge. Cambridge's are in Italian-Este colors, as are the Roxburgh horse head (same as the English-Este horse head) and the Tate roses. But the Este horse heads (appropriate symbol for horse owners / trainers) are a good reflection of the roses used by Louviers-suspect Lowers/Louers, and Tut liners of the Todini kind are suspect with the Tosni's at Louviers.

What was the Tut-Yuya-Tige-Akhenaten-Nefertiti entity throughout history as it moved west all the way to Britain. What a task it would be to answer that question. But heraldry can point to the right places and people groups. Este is in Padova, which place I trace to the south of Egypt, at Merowe (modern Sudan), because it was called alternatively, Bedewe, a clue that mythical Merovee was a term in honor of Merowe elements (it was anciently in Ethiopia), for Bedewe-like Batavi lived at the same place (Netherlands) as the Salian Franks (proto-Merovingians). It's a good clue for expecting Merovingian ancestry in Nevers / Autun, and the Nevers/Neve's use another "quam" motto term, no guff. It almost looks like I can read heraldry. English Neve's/Neveu's (like the "sophia neveu" code of Dan Brown) use a single fish in Neville colors.

The point was, Bedewe/Merowe was way up the Nile, as was Kemmis, making the Atun cult suspect in the formation of Merovingians.

A horse is in Este colors used by Nevays/Navys/Neve's ("Marte et arte" motto, having a rider with the feathered helmet, code for Herod Archelaus. The latter Neve's were first found in Nevay of Angus, and then Angus' ("est" motto term, no kidding) are using virtually the same red-on-white lion as Datons/D'Autuns, said to be from Autun. Datons share the patee cross with Cambridge's, and both were first found in Yorkshire. The "Marte" motto term gets the Martins (castle in Este colors), first found in the same place (Gascony) as Martels, while Charles Martel was a descendent of Pepins (= Merovingians expected at Este theater), who use the Este horse head too, and another "est" motto term. German Marte's/Martins are interesting for using a white Chief at the base of their Shield, as do Luna's, kin of Lamberts. The Martin tower thus likely traces with the Chattan castle / Chatan tower to Botters at the Lucca theater, beside Luni.

The colors of the German Marte's/Martins link excellently to the Edge's from the Adige river (passes by Este), who share a white spread eagle with Este's. But the Marte/Martin Coat is also to be linked to the one half of the Feld / Feldman Coats, the ones linkable to Levi-suspect Feltwells. The Felds / Feldmans are the ones sharing the Kaplan and GARDner split-Shields, and the Adige passes by Garda. It looks like a Martin trace to Adige liners of the Kaplan kind is warranted, and the Gardner- / Kaplan-related Capes' were first found beside Cambridgeshire. It is completely conspicuous, now, that the Felds / Feldmans (Jewish surnames) share the single Annas star with the two in the Chief of Annas-like Angus', and the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Angus' is that also of Marte's/Martins and Felds / Feldmans.

Let's not forget Adige-river Hedge's, sharing the Cambridge swans, honored in the hedgehog of Berone's, the latter being the ones with a "tous" motto term suspect with Tous'/Tosini's.

The Arniss variation of Annas' is being identified with Arnissa, on a river (Genusus) with a source smack at the Penestae peoples, and then the Penes (MacArthur crown) greyhound is split in red and black, the two colors of the vertically-split Shields of Felds / Feldmans and Gardners / Kaplans. How about that! While German Gardners are linkable by their Capes scallop to Caiaphas-suspect Pullens and therefore to Gards, English Gardners (beside Cambridgeshire) are likely using a version of the Coat of Capone's, first found in Cambridgeshire.

Chances are, Martins and Martels (first found in the land of Basque's) were Marsi liners while "ANGus" was named after the same that named ANGitia, snake goddess of the Marsi. This identifies with the Basque goddess, Mari, said to be wife of a Basque snake god, Sugaar. The latter is indication of the Segurana's that share the MacArthur / Seagar/Sugar moline in colors reversed. The five-pointed MacArthur crown is expected with Fife's and Five's, beside Angus, and then the Fife lion is expected in the red lion of the Capone Chief because Capone's are expected with Quintus Caepio (stole his treasure from Gascony theater), while Quint-related Quince's were first found in the same place as MacArthur-related Penes', while Saer de Quincy's mother is said to be from Fife.

What are the chances, with the Yuya liners tracing to Annas', that Annas' would be first found in the same place as Tease's/TIGE's, who share the Annas / Angus star, while Yuya's daughter was TIYE? Tease's/Tess'/Tecks were traced to the Ticino/Tessin river long before coming to the Tessin-suspect Tosini's. As Merovingians and Herods together are expected with France's Redone's, let's point out that Tessons/Dysons are using the lion of the Touch's (= Chattan liners), making both surnames suspect with Tiye liners. The French Lannoys (beside the Chappes / Levi's / Lys') with the Touch / Tesson lion in colors reversed are link-able by the feathered helmet of English Lannoys (Bedfordshire, beside Cambridgeshire) to Herod Archelaus. The Lyons use the Lannoy lions too, indicating that Lannoys were from Lyon = Lugdunum on the Rhodanus, but it can be expected that Martins / Martels in Gascony had linked with Herod Antipas' line from Lugdunum at Comminges, and as that was beside Toulouse, note that Tools are using the Angus / Daton lion in colors reversed, not forgetting that Navys/Neve's share the feathered helmet.

I'd like to point out that the blue-on-white pale bars at the start of this Yuya discussion can be expected with the blue (on gold) bends of DuLYS/D'Oyle's/Ouillie's. This is a difficult surname, tracing possibly to the Du-Lys family of Joan of Arc, or to Dole's/Doyle's ("fortiTUDINE")...or even to "Guillie / Willa." The billet border of Dole's/Doyle's is in Dulys/D'Oyle colors. The idea here is to be on the look-out for blue bends, or blue-on-gold bars, tracing to Willa elements.

English Este's (Essex) look linkable by their location and Crest colors to Yonge's, and while Yonge's trace to Juno, wife of Jove, there is a Jove/Jeeves/Geve surname (Oxfordshire, same place as Dulys'), like the "J'avance" motto of English Este's, sharing English-Este colors. Este has traced to Istria, beside the spot where Japodes are normally stamped. As Japodes named Jupiter (my personal opinion), the Este eagle can be construed as a version of the Roman eagle.

The Oise's/Oisels (Artois) listed with Lois' were first found beside Picardy, the latter being where Lannoys and Cavetts (blue-and-white fesse bars) were first found, and so while there is a Cevetta river at Ceva, it seems clinched that Luisa of Ceva had a branch in the Artois theater. The Lannoys are even said to be from the OISE part of France, at Paris, not far from Picardy. This in itself doesn't necessarily make a Lannoy link to Luisa of Ceva, but the possibility is there. What seems clinch-able is that Oise was named from Luisa, or any other Lois-like name in her bloodline. The giant Oise/Lois ostrich is in the colors of the giant Este eagle. There is/was a Gouy location in Picardy, "Gouy" being found in the Gower/Gore write-up. As Gore's trace with Yonge's to the Una-river theater, "Gower" becomes suspect as a Jove/Jupiter line, and that meshes Gore's with Jabesh Gilead and the Benjamites.

As Gowers/Gore's are thus traceable to Picardy, remember that Gore's are part of GorLOIS. And, no guff (a phrase I use to indicate a hot-point), Gowers/Gore's are said to be from the north of Paris, location also of Oise. I don;'t recall making this hot-point before (though I might have), clinching Gore's with Lois', thus tracing Gorlois to the Artois / PicARDY theater, as expected.

While writing above, I decided not to link "D'oyle" to the Oise/Lois surname, but after writing to this point here, I took a look at the Wikipedia article on Oise, to find blue-on-gold bends as the Arms of Oise! Bingo, Dulys'/D'Oyle's were Luisa-of-Ceva / Gorlois liners to Oise (sinister bend). And the bottom half in the Arms of Oise is filled with fleur-de-lys as with the Chambre Coat, while Chambre is on the ARC river! Bingo again. It looks like Joan-of-Arc's Du-Lys surname was in Oise, and it looks like she was named after the Arc river. Chambre is suspect with Chamberlains using the Deed/Dade/Datt scallops. Before finding this, another blue bend, this time blue-on-white, was bumped into in the Biggar/Givern surname, first found in the same place (Lanarkshire) as Givens/Giverns. I wasn't looking for Giverns, but was seeking Jeeves liners by taking a look for a Given surname. That's what popped into my head while on the Jeeves / Este topic. It turns out that while the Biggars/Giverns use the Glass stars, while Glass' are now known to be Valais liners (location of Sion), Givens/Giverns share the Sion/Swan (and Hedge) swans. I can't say that anything in this paragraph, to this point, proves a Given/Givern link to Jeeves'/Jove's / Gowers, however. Giffards ("quam" motto tern), on the other hand, are in Jove colors. The "Malo mori quam foedari" motto of Giffards traces them to Malahule.

As Jove's were brought to topic partly from the "J'AVANCE" motto of Este's, note that the Giffard motto is shared by Wallons, using quarters in the colors of the checkered shield of Vaux's, and in the colors of VANCE's/Vallibus'/Vaux's, the latter first found in the same place as Vaux-suspect FAUCets/FAUXside's and Sion-related Seatons, the latter being kin of FauxSIDE-suspect Side's.

The Vance lion is "holding in the dexter paw a pair of balances proper," and then Dexters use double chevrons in the familiar blue-on-white colors. Here's the Tate-Crest description: "A dexter arm embowed in blue, gold cuff, charged with two silver roses, holding a pine apple between two ears of wheat in saltire." Whew. Where have we seen the pineapple? Prince's, Pine's and Piperells. Shouldn't they relate to the Apple's / Appleby line? Paris' use the apple while Oise elements were at the Caiaphas-hot-spot of Paris. Chives', expected to trace to Luisa of Ceva, use cat-a-mountains while I see the six Apple / Appleby martlets in the Coat of English Mountains (same place as GorLOIS-liner Gore's), the Mountains having a bend in the colors of the Arms-of-Oise and Dulys/D'Oile bends.

The "emBOWED" code is likely for bull-using Boweds, and as this section started on blue-on-white pale bars (shared for example by Kemmis-suspect Cams), I'm going to link the Bowed bull to the so-called steer of German Bachs, for I see Welsh Bachs using a version of the Kemmis Coat. The Bach steer then goes to Steers using a "cede" motto term while Cedes'/Seats use two blue-on-white pale bars. The Bach steer is the gold-on-blue bull of Italian Boys, and Boy liners are expected to trace to Littleboys/Peverells (Este colors, expected of Pepin liners), kin of pineapple Piperells. We are right back to Este liners. The Boso bull is in the colors of the French-Mountain bulls, and while an important marriage of French Mountains was with Claviere's (share the key with Clermonts), the latter were involved with CLARmonts/ClerMONTs, while the Boso bull goes to the same bull (different colors) as that of CLARo's/Charo's. It just so happens that the latter are using a bend in colors reversed from the English-Mountain bend.

An important point is that the Claviere description gives the surname four keys surrounding a white-on-red saltire, the colors of the saltire formed by the two keys of Clermonts (Dauphine, same as Payens), and the colors of the Brison saltire that traces to Montbrison, at Mont the Dauphine zone, where Vienne sits, home of Herod ARCHelaus. As I traced the Mont-Pilat circle of Hugh de Payen's ancestry, and Caepio liners, to Chappes' of Ile-de-France, that place being the Paris location of Val-d-Oise (south side of Oise), it's notable that the Vienne eagle is in the colors of the eagle at the top half in the Arms of Val-d-Oise while the bottom half shares a moline with Chives'. Between the two symbols there is the white sinister bend of Oise, and as a sinister bend must trace from mythical Mucius (left-hand symbol) to Masci's, it's telling me again that Luisa of Ceva was a Masci-related line.

A giant and gold spread eagle is shared by Vienne's and Mucie's/Mussys, the latter first found in Brittany. This calls into question the WAVY sinister wavy fesse used by Oise, for the Dols use a white and wavy fesse bar while the Alan-related Pollocks (descended from Fulbert of Dol) use a white and wavy bend (not sinister / left) in the colors of the same of Oise. The Arms of the other French Vienne location (not in Dauphine) uses a wavy white-on-red fesse. These are the colors of the Claviere saltire, which is also the Neville saltire, and the line of Luisa of Ceva was shown, in a family tree one or two updates ago, going forward to the Neville's. As Claviere's and Clermonts both use keys, the Sheaves/Chiava symbol too, see this: "The first of the Mucii to appear in history is Gaius Mucius Scaevola..." Can "Sheaves" be from "Scaevola"? If it's correct, Mucius Scaevola is suspect with the Massena-Shawia Numidians. Can "Chiava" be a Ceva liners?

[[Sometimes, my computer's find feature seems incapable of finding certain terms that I know I recorded. In this instance, it will not bring up the page where I wrote on Mucius, Mucianus, Scaevola, "left hand", and Lars Porsena. All of those terms were used, but it's as though they are no longer in my computer, where they should be. In a Google search for " tribwatch mucia, " no results are found. When searching " tribwatch mucianus, " just one page comes up, the 4th update of this past October, where I said, "The George/Gurganus bends are, first of all, in the sinister direction, a feature now highly suspect with the Mucianus bloodline." It means that Mucianus was mentioned shortly prior to that update, but it is apparently gone from my computer, and/or Google has refused to bring it up if it is online. That's quite concerning. If people are removing material, what else have they removed, and who is in charge of monitoring my writings to see what else should be removed?

Backing up to the 3rd update in October, I find: "In the last update, while on the newly-discovered Mucius / Mucianus bloodline of Romans, I claimed that they led to the last two NATO chiefs, and gleaned that the first of the two, Anders Fogh RasMUSSEN, was a MUCIANus liner." That can explain why Google refuses to bring this topic up. Mucianus" is on that page 12 times, yet Google acts as though it can't find one instance of that term. There are 18 instances of "Mucianus" in the 2nd update of October, and one is even in the sub-title, yet Google has directed its computer to ignore this page too. Therefore, I am going to put this message where everyone can see it, at the top of the Update Index. The other question is, why does my Internet-Explorer search feature (lower-left button) not find these 12 and 18 instances of "Mucianus"?

There are nine instances of "Scaevola" on the 2nd update of October, and while a Google search for "tribwatch scaevola" brings up two January updates with that term, the October one does not come up. Google black-listed the October updates, plain and simple. The Google computer can't make such mistakes. The 2nd update has this under the title, "October 6 - 12, 2015," but when searching " tribwatch "October 6 - 12, 2015" ", Google brings up 116 results, mostly unrelated to my website, and does not bring up the part in quotation marks immediately upon its first-page results, as though my webpage does not exist. How many other tribwatch pages have been canceled by Google, without informing me? I suppose I could easily find out. Fortunately, the October updates still have the Mucianus terms, and have not been tampered with, yet it seems that Microsoft Explorer is able to exercise power in my computer, to make me unable to find "mucianus" in my own files, as though the pages blacklisted by Google are also blacklisted by Microsoft Explorer. I'd email them to inquire on this, but Google makes it impossible for anyone to email / contact them for such questioning. End comment]]

The following had come up for the German Norman surname: "A blue shield with a savage wearing a crown and CARnation of ivy, his LEFT HAND resting on his hip, and leaning on a club in his right hand, standing on a green terrace." The Savage in this case can be code for Savage's, first found in the same place as Masseys/Macie's. The carnation, symbol of Papers/Pepperwells/Papwells, was suspect with Massa-Carrara and its Monte Pepe.

One would think that "the tanner" (Fulbert) of Falaise would own the Tanner Coat's symbol, a black Chief on a symbol-less white Shield. The Ghents can use it because they trace to Genoa, near the Tanaro, but Saluzzo is nearer yet while Saluzzo's use a blue Chief with symbol-less white Shield. This is repeated because English Normans are using a symbol-less white Shield with a black Chief, and instead of the gold-on-black eagles of Ghents, in the colors of the same of Mucie's/Mussys, the Normans put leopard FACE's in the black Chief, code for Face's/Fessys whose motto trace's to Sengi's/Segurana's, first found in Genoa. Therefore, we just saw a left-hand phase tracing from the Norman surname to left-hand suspects, the Mucie's. There is a La Falaise location smack at Ile-de-France / Oise to which the Tanner Moor head can trace i.e. to the Chappes Moor head.

The "wearing" term in the code-studded Norman description recalls the "wearing" term if the Tous/Tosini description, where it was found that Wearings and Pape's use the same checkered bend on red Shield. That occurred just as Pepin liners were tracing to Massa-Carrara's Malahule-Tosni suspects. It can be added here that Wearing are sharing the hunting horns (same colors) with Brisons and Brecks. But as Wearings are said to be from "Guerin" while Guerin of Provence was within easy grasp of the Montbrison area, one can now go to the bendy colors of Guerra's, who share the green wyvern of Luisa-like Lewis'. This no small no-guff point, for the three Guerra bends are in the colors of the same in the Arms of Oise. That traces Luisa of Ceva to the Welsh Lewis', even as Luisa's husband, Thomas of Saluzzo, traces to Welsh Thomas'.

Thomas' mother was Beatrice of Savoy, and Savoy is the Arc-river theater, explaining why we saw some Arc-river elements mixed in with the Oise discussions. The Brechs were suspect with the Brian hunting horn and therefore with Brigantium/Briancon, near the Arc river. The Maccabee-important Modane location (on the Arc) is directly across the Cottian Alps from Susa, perhaps the entity after which Rozala re-named herself. Thomas' father was ManFRED (Savoy), perhaps the line to FERTE-Mace, which bears repeating that Ferte's use a giant eagle in colors reversed from the same of Vienne's.

The wyvern dragon, now traced to Luisa of Ceva, traces with Drake's to the Drago river, i.e. to Agrigento, where Carricks trace who honor the Vienne-related Bien's in their motto. Biens use axes to form a saltire in the colors of the saltire formed by the CLERmont keys, and Chiaremonte at the Drago theater has been resolved as a CLARo/Chiaro line. These saltire's are in the colors of the bend in the Arms of both Oise areas, and while the Arms of Val-d-Oise uses a gold-on-red moline, Fears/Fere's use just such a moline. It's clear that the latter use the Coat of Irish Fairs ("VirTUTE TUTus"), using a white-on-red moline. It's all-the-more Oise-important because French Fairs/Vers' share a white-on-red bend (not sinister) with both the Arms of Oise and arms of Val-d-Oise. The Irish Fairs and Fears/Fere's even share a BLUE BEND with Claro's/Charo's. The latter trace to Boso's of Burgundy, where French Fairs/Vers' were first found. And we know by now that a blue bend is special to Luisa-of-Ceva liners.

Scottish Fairs use a giant anchor, traceable with Anchors to the Arms of Agrigento. Spanish Fare's use two wavy fesse bars in colors reversed from the blue-on-white ones of Formans, who share the green dragon of the fret-using Worms. The Forman anchors are in the colors of the Fair anchor, and the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Formans is that of Anchors, both using gold symbols in their Chiefs. The Worm bend? Yep, blue on gold, the colors of the Oise / Guerra / Dulys / Chiaro bends. It's colors reversed from the bend of Bruno's, first found in Firenze.

Reminder: the Oise-related Dulys'/D'Oyle's were first found in Oxfordshire, where Mitanni-rooted Vere's ruled for centuries.

I have a new revelation. I've just spotted the Arno river on the atlas flowing from FIREnza/Florence down to Pisa. As Annas' are also "ARNiss," the Annas line is now suspect at the Arno, and it just so happens that Fire's/Furs/Feuers (probably kin of Fairs / Vere's / etc.) use a giant unicorn in the colors of the giant Annas star, which is also the single Vere star. These are also the colors of Taddei's, first found in Florence. This paragraph, and the things said, didn't start until writing the above, and here the Arno/Arnold surname (Venice) was checked to find a wyvern dragon. Surprise. It's counterchanged, a code tracing to Berone / Barone-like Eburone's at Flanders, and this wyvern (upright) is even in the colors of the upright Flanders / HAINaut lion.

Recalling that blue-on-white-bar Cedes/Seats worked into the Yuya discussion, here the "cede arduis" motto term of Fairburns can apply, not forgetting the "hazARD" motto term of Seat-like Seatons. But the point is that Fairburns use a "lever screw" in Crest, while Levers had become suspect with Tosni's at Louviers, while Tosni's / Todini's are suspect with the Taddei line. It looks like Vere's of some sort named Firenze. As Firmins (Yorkshire, home of Eburovice's) share the Forman anchor, Firenze elements can be expected at Firminy. Firmins are the ones with a "Christo" motto term linkable to the motto of Taddei-related Bouillons. In this Eburo / Abruzzo-line picture, the Firmin lion heads are those of Love's/Luffs while the Levi in the Arms of Hainaut county are expected with Bruce-related Louvains, and their blue lions can be expected at the blue and counterchanged lion of Pisa's, i.e. from the mouth of the Arno. Zowie, this is all a new vein, and I expect Firenze to be an Abruzzo-Hebrew line. Formans and Firmins are still expected from ancient Forum Allieni, the proto-Ferrara, and moreover Chiaro's (Ferrara) share the blue-on-gold bend of Forman-related Worms.

The trace of Firenze elements to Firminy gets one a short distance from MontBRISon, while Bryce's can be expected as a Brussi/Abruzzo line to Bruce's, the latter anciently "Brusi." Not only do Bryce's use the Bruce Coat in colors reversed, but it throws the Annas stars upon it, for the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Brice's is that also of Annas! And it's known that the Bruce Coat is a version of the Annandale Coat. I get it, and from now on, Annas' and the Ananes Gauls trace to the Arno river. It doesn't necessarily mean that Annas' started out with a Arno-like variation. It may be that an Ananes merger with Arno-river elements named the Arniss variation of Annas'. The weight scale and the "Justitia" motto term of Bryce's indicates merger with Sire's / Justine-of-Picenum liners such as Justine's / Cibals / Segurana's / Vilnius. The red lion in the Bryce Chief is likely the Oxford / Brock lion.

There was a small hint, as the last paragraph ended, that the dream relates to this. The hint came as the Segurana moline recalled that the Rangabe flory should link to the Seagar / MacArthur moline. The Rangabe flory should trace with the Taddei flory to "Florence." But the Bryce description then loaded to show a "pair of scales," and it just so happens that the dream's crutches led to the Patents, and to the Schole's with a Scayles variation. The Scale/Scales surname shares the Capes and Happs scallops (the latter uses lozenges in Schole/Scayles lozenge colors), as well as using five white ostrich feathers in Crest, the Traby-of-Vilnius symbol. This recalls the weight scales of Dexters, called simply, "weights," for the Weights use the Traby hunting horn, very apparently.

The question is whether Rangabe's trace to something inside Florence, or merely to a marital merger with Florence liners. There are so many things that mythical Melusine traces to that it's boggling. But to keep it simple, follow Melissena Rangabe to Cohens and Hohens (probably the same as Fers/Ferrats and Vairs/Fers i.e. Firenze suspects), and probably to the checks on the throne of Tedald(us).

As Caens/Canns share five white ostrich feathers, the Ceno river, with a source at the source of the Trebbia river, is interesting. The Ceno flows into the Taro, that itself flows to Parma. Ostrich feathers are used by the Arms of Rothschild, while Jewish Rothchilds (no 's') got suspect with parts of the viewer's left side of the KEEN/Kean Coat, making the latter a potential Ceno-river liner. The latter's Felis" motto term, if it is code for Velis', van trace back to Willa and Tedaldus, especially if it was correct to trace Taddei's to ostrich-feather Tudors. The Rothschild horse, facing sinister, as does the identical Keen horse, is in the colors of the Fire unicorn, making it possible to trace Keens and Rothschilds to Firenze's Taddei's. Keons (not "Kean") share eight-pointed stars with Rothschilds/Rothsteins.

The bend in the Rothchild Coat is in the sinister direction, and in the colors of the same in the Arms of Oise. Keens use the same colored bend, in the sinister direction too, using lizards. What do you suppose Lazards/Lizarts use? Blue-and-white pale bars.

Aha! The Rothschilds with the Keen symbol use a Zionist star in the colors of the same of Mele's/Meleguli's, first found at Parma! As the Mele's/Meleguli's are said to be from Venice, where Arno's were first found, it could be the Meleguli liners followed Arno liners to Venice.

I think that, because the Taddei's and Keens share a blue Shield, and for the other considerations, Taddei/Tadini liners were in cahoots with Ceno-river liners, and from that picture, also with Trebbia-river liners. If one goes to the highest part of the Ceno, and looks over the mountains, Genoa will come into view. That's where the Rangabe cross traces, along with so many other Templar-important lines. The Grimaldi's of that place share a Shield filled with lozenges with Schole's and Patents, but the Grimaldi checks are in red and white, which may be the colors of the checks on the Tedaldus' throne.

Felis' are listed with Italian Felice's. I can't at first sight see any links to Willa-suspect Coats. But Spanish Felice's were first found in Navarre, like the Novara location of the Laevi along the Tosini-suspect Tessin river. The Spanish Felice's use a triple-tower castle in red, the color of the same in the Arms of Pombia, and we read that Pombia's counts ruled over Novara. This works. The Felice castle is in both colors of the Murena tower.

As my mother is a Grimaldi on one side, and a Masci on the other, let's repeat that my grandparent was a Taddei. It should prove true that I trace to whatever the Lord wants revealed in this part of my hunt. I've just followed Beatrice of Savoy and Saluzzo to her father's re-marriage to Cecile of Baux, and found Baux at the mouth of the Rhone: "The town [of Les Baux de Provence] was granted in 1642 to the Grimaldi family, rulers of Monaco, as a French marquisiate. To this day the title of Marquis des Baux remains with the Grimaldis..." The reason that this was entered to the discussion is for the Arms of Baux, a giant sun or starburst in the colors of the giant Annas star. As Annas' are tracing to the Arno, from Taddei-rooted Firenze, I'm getting the distinct impression that Taddei and Grimaldi liners stayed close to one another.

If we thing that the Tedaldus throne has gold-on-red checks (instead of white-on-red), those are the colors of the checks filling the shield of Baux-like Vaux's. But Baux's are listed with the Bauts, first found in the same place as Bouillons sharing the Taddei crosses. And that place, Auvergne, became suspect with "Auberie," wife of Waleran, a line from Laevillus whose wife, Quadratilla, is suspect in the quatrefoils on the throne of Tedaldus' wife (Willa). But the other Willa, of Tuscany, if indeed she is another Willa, was mother to Rozalla of Ivrea, on the BAUTica river, and so I'm assuming that Baux elements were there, or at least mixing things up with the Ivrea theater. Lest you forget, Ivrea is suspect with the namers of the Yvery location of Waleran above.

Beatrice's father, Amadeus of Savoy (married Geneva), strikes me as a potential Mathis-river Maccabee liner, for Savoy is the location of Modane (Maccabees in Israel were at Modi'in). Amadeus was born at Montmelian, beside Chambre, and using a deep-scarlet-colored Shield and Chief, a color suspect with Flemings of the Tresure kind. I'm not sure whether scarlet is the correct term for this shade. If we follow to Amadeus' granddaughter, we come back to Beatrice of Vienne and Macon. Macons are listed with Massins/Masons. This Beatrice's mother was "de Salins," whatever that was. As Beatrice's son was Thomas (father of Amadeus above), perhaps Salins was connectable to Thomas of Saluzzo. Salens are listed with Salemans and use the Ghent / Mucie/Mussy / Bush eagle. This spread eagle is now suspect with the green one of Henrys, for the latter's is in the colors of the Lyon / Lannoy lions while Beatrice of Vienne could have contacted Herod-ARCHelaus liners, especially if the latter named the Arc river, location of the birthplace of Amadeus.

Montmelian may have been of Melians/Mellens said to have been near Liverpool, or even of the Mele's/Meleguli's. French Melansons use a giant spread eagle half in the colors of the same of Vienne's, and while the latter's is suspect with Ferte's, English Mele's/Mells use a giant fret. Henrys are expected to trace to the Rods, and Melansons use a "bundle of rods." Bundle's/Bunds show eagle's legs in the colors of the Vienne eagle. As Rods were identified as the Roquefeuil marriage to Henry IV of Rodez, the line to the Henry surname, in my opinion, it's interesting that the other Melians, listed curiously with McLains, are showing a "red rock," for rocks are the Roque symbol.

In Lancashire, the Melians were at a WRAYton area, a term that could be of the Ivrea / Yvery entity, for the Melans'/Mellans use a bend in colors reversed from the same of Iverys. This tends to expect an Ivrea link to Savoy and/or Alice of Saluzzo. The Melans'/Mellans are said to use a greyhound with a SPIKED collar, and Spike's/Specks are the ones said to be from a Speke location near Liverpool, roughly a home of Malians too. Both the Malians and Melans' are said to have been under Roger of Poitou.

Wrays ("vray" motto term) were first found in Lancashire, and they show an ostrich in Crest, as well as showing three footless martlets (red) in Chief, symbol of the Tanaro-suspect Livings/Levins, important where one of the Melian locations (of Lancashire) is near Liverpool, suspect with Levers/Livers. While the latter use the Sinclair rooster, Livings/Levens use the Tanner Shield. However, the Wrays are said merely to use "red birds," and then the Birds use red footless martlets! The exclamation mark is for Birds using a colors-reversed version of the Taddei flory. It recalls the prediction that Taddei liners merged with Ceno-river liners. The Kemmis' have a Kenys variation that I've doubted to be a version of "Kemmis," but expected it to be a Kemmis-line merger with a Ken-like entity. Is this tracing Yuya-Tut liners to the Ceno river? I'll come back to this question with an answer.

I suppose that, because Ceva is near the Tanaro rulers, the Wray ostrich can be the Lois ostrich. But Ceva is not far from the Trebbia / Ceno either. As Trabys married Vilnius elements, which use "just" terms concertedly, note the Wray motto, "En just et vray." The village of Wray (Wray write-up) is said to have been anciently, Wra, perhaps from Bra on the Tanaro. In fact, as Brays (share eagles legs with Bundle's/Bunds) use a FLAX breaker, let's repeat that Flacks share the Palmer/PARMer Coat...while the Ceno waters flow to Parma (after pouring into the Taro) Wrays probably link to Pullens (Yorkshire, up-river from Lancashire). [As Lois' are fundamental to Pendragons / Arthurs, let me add here what will be realized later in this update, that the Arthur-suspect Stands share the two Palmer/Parmer fesse bars, and this realization came upon the discovery of Monte Penna at the source of the Ceno, said to be named after a god, Penn. This discovery came when time was up to do the spell check, which I'm doing right now, meaning I'd like to stress this find in the next update.]

There are two Brakers surnames. Scottish Brakers/Breckenridge's ("VirTUTE") show roses in three color schemes, and share the "industria" motto term with the Arms of Rothschild. That term became suspect with Dusters (lucky but important guess) before catching on that the Duster Shield was a version of the Rothchild (no ''s') Shield. Rothschilds just finished tracing to the Ceno with Keens. If, therefore, it's correct to trace Keens to the Ceno, this river becomes a major suspect in the escutCHEON, and Skit liners might be expected close by, especially as Skit liners are evident in the code / symbol of Brocks / Brocuffs. It's been a long time since I've mentioned the island of Brac, beside Issa and Pharia. It's shown as Brattia on the map, off the coast from the Gard-suspect Vardaei (can Vardaei elements become "Bratt / Wray"?). Gards are probably using the Pullen / Wray Shield while Wrays just traced to Brac suspects, if Wrays were Brays. The Arms of Rothschild shown above use an escutcheon, as do Keens.

AMAZINGLY, a look at the Duster variations just now brought the Tous variation of Tosini's to mind, and the latter happen to share eight-pointed stars with Rothschilds/Rothsteins and Keons! Tous'/Tosini's were first found at Pisa, at the end of the Arno river. As Tous' use a man with shirt and "buttons," note that Wrays are said to be of a parish, Wray-with-Botton. It looks like Rothschilds are honoring the Tosini bloodline with their motto. This Tous link to Dusters, if that's what it is, evokes the Tost(y)s/Tostie's, in the colors of half the Duster Coat. There is a Dost(ie)/Dostine-surname page, but it shows no Coat.

The Keen / Keon fish were suspect with Saraca's, and the Laus/Ragusa location of Saraca's was traced to Lausanne, where the son of Thomas of Savoy had authority. Ragusa is near Melita, and so the Montmelian location may relate to that. Melita can trace well to Brac if it was origin of Brocks. As Ragusa is said to derive in "deer," it's interesting that I don't recall one stag that's been called a deer, but just came across one while writing the paragraph above, where the stag of Dustins/Dunstans is said to be a deer, and it's in Tost/Tostie colors. Downs/Doune's use the stag but call it a buck, and then Bucks use antlers (Les Andelys = Tosni's!), as well as a "fortiTUDINE" motto term!! It tends to clinch the Doune link to Dustins/Dunstins, and may then reveal that Duns were Tosni liners to begin with. The Melita-suspect Were's use the Ivery bend and moreover share the Toste crosslets.

For years, I was forced to ignore the "VirTUTE" and "Fortitudine" motto terms, but I now know what they mean, and they regularly come up while Tosni liners are at issue. It's the Tute's that speak on Berenger de TODINI. German Bucks use, "Virtute et fideliTATE," and Tate's share the Rothes/Rothchild raven, apparently.

Irish Duns share the lizard with Keens, playing to the theory forming, that Duns were merged with Tosni's of some kind. The white stag head of Dusters/Dunstans (show no other Dus-like variations) is in the Windsor Crest, and the Windsor motto phrase, "fie en Deus" must be at least partly for the DESmond-related Deas' (I've read that they were the same family), for Desmonds/Geralds use the Windsor saltire in colors reversed. German Gerards are using the flower design of Italian Toni's (only the leaves are different). The "fie" motto term of Windsors, by the way, can be for Irish Fie's/Feys. This paragraph is written after the quote below, upon finding that a Mr. Dufton was placed in charge of Drakenberg, upon its leader, Nicholas de Vere, falling ill: "No Dufton surname comes up, but perhaps the Dusters apply. The Duffs / Duffys (Morgan lion) are coming to mind. Also, the Fie's/Feys/Duffie's, highly suspect with Morgan le Fay." Sometimes, for a reason I don't understand, an 's' in type is made to look like an 'f' so that Duftons may have been Dustons. It can also explain why Toste's are Toffs/Tofts too (same crosslets as Windsors, different colors). It is no small thing to trace Drakenberg to Tosni's (the Templar missing link until now), and this update will emphasize Drakenberg later, with quotes from Nicholas himself, when I conclude that this organization will have much to do with the anti-Christ system. The reader should not miss that discussion.

While Irish Duns share the same giant spread eagle of Melansons, the Duns use a "Mullach" motto term. The Dun "holly bush" can trace Duns to elements from Busca i.e. beside Saluzzo. The two-headed eagle of the Duns links easily to the same of holly-bush Maxwells, but the Spike's/Specks use the same eagle design while being honored in the spiked collar of Melans'/Mellans.

If Wrays were Ivrea / Yvery liners, what about the Rays? The Rayburns use "a roeBUCK drinking out of a brook". That buck easily traces Ray liners, of the Rayburn kind, anyway, to Tut-suspect Tosni's. Brooks/Brechs (share the beaver with Arms of Oxford) are said to be from Broc of Anjou, where Vere's trace themselves. The Brooks (same place as Vere's) even share a Coat, using nothing but three gold scallops, with Dade's/Datts. Dat does look like a Tut line.

Ceno, the Destroyer

The Weirs/Vere's are the ones who claimed to trace their surname to Mitanni. How did they know? I resolved that they trace to Yuya, said to be a Mitanni line in deep Egypt when the Egyptians had made an alliance with the Mitanni. I traced the Mitanni to Mytilene on Lesbos for a reason or two, and supposed that the Middle/Mittel surname traced to that place. But Weirs/Vere's are said to have held KENSington in MIDDLEsex, and I no longer respect historians who might trace the naming of Middlesex to a middle-of-the-road geography. "LESbos" was traced (by me) to the boar-using Less', and Vere's / Weirs/Vere's use the boar too. In any case, the issue here is whether the Kenys variation of Yuya-suspect Kemmis' relates to the namers of Kensingtons/Kenningtons. And, if so, does it trace to the Ceno river?

It was a few hours after writing here that I got around to checking the Bardy Coat as per the Bardi location of the Ceno, and the Bardy uses the Dade/Datt/Deed Coat! The game is on. The Ceno is now discovered to be Flemish- / Templar-important. MORE: the Caens use a "PERImus" motto term while Bardys were first found in PERIgord! That is one fantastic tool to have, not only clinching the Caen-of-Normandy trace to the Ceno, but tracing Ceno liners to Perigord, where Faux's of the Saunier/Saulnier kind were first found. Bardys are in the colors of the Bard/Beard/Baird boar, and the latter use a "fecit" motto term suspect with Faucets/FAUXside's! The Bard boar is in the gold color of the PeriGORD-suspect Gord boar! It's been raining paydirt ever since the Italian Templars were discovered.

Bradys are in Kenner colors, making a preliminary trace of Kenners to the Ceno. These are the colors also of Conns and Conys, and, if Ceno is from the namers of Cuneo (location of Saluzzo and a Salluvi peoples), Darrens (counterchanged Sullivan boar on a Saluzzo-possible Shield) may apply, who, though shown properly as Dorans, may be Taro-river liners. If Darrens/Dorans do apply to the Taro, they would trace with Salluvi to the Durance river...i.e. the namers of the Taro are from the Turano > Durance line. Ahhh, shucks, it's the same old same old. But at least the Ceno is new.

After writing the paragraph above, the Brady trace to Bardi was clinched. This was a brilliant moment, I must confess. I recalled that Carthaginians should be on the Trebbia river after they won their war there. At that moment I recalled that the Cupid lion is used by Carthage-like Cards, but it didn't enter my mind, until writing here, that Carts use palm trees as code for Palms/Parms i.e. from Parma at the end of the Taro. And look, the Cards use a hand from a cloud! None of this was from the original brilliant moment, which found this from the Larks: "A hand issuing from a cloud in fesse, holding a garb proper." Amazing cloudincidenses. The Lark Coat then uses a sun in the colors of the Brady sun, but calls it "...a gold estoile of 16 points...", code for the hand pointing at the sun in the Brady Coat, right? Of course. Here's the Brady description: "...a hand pointing at a gold sun." The Larks are thus traced to Bardi because Barks use larks, and Barks were the brilliant moment that occurred as per Hannibal BARCA, conqueror of the Trebbia. It's brilliant because it proves that Bradys (supposed to be Irish, but) were from Bardi.

The Berone's/Byrams with the "tous POINTS" motto phrase can apply to the point codes above, for Berone's can / should trace to Barone's and Bruno's, first found in the same place as Tous-suspect Taddei's.

Who were the Larks/Lauerks? They use roundels and are linking to the hand-and-cloud of Roundel-suspect Aarons. Roundels share a red fesse with Caens, and the Roundel fesse is clearly that of Alans (of Arundel). As Roundels were first found in Kent (same as Kensingtons), it begs the question on whether Kents were from the Ceno, for while Arundels were Alice-of-Saluzzo liners, Kents (supposedly from a Cantii peoples) use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Saluzzo's in colors reversed. To me, this speaks on Ixion's CENTaurs settled in Ceno, and then Ixion's wife was Nephele = cloud!!!!! What a surprise to come to this suddenly. The Levi-suspect Lapiths were at the Ceno theater. Let's repeat that the "Tenax" motto term of Roundels can be for the Tenas' (same place as Chives-related Mathis') with Tanaro-like variations.

Larks'/LAUERks were first found in the same place as Barks and Tute's (Tatton kin), important because a Lark-and-Bark trace to the Ceno expects their finding Todini elements. The Barks are also shown as "Berk," but houseofnames provided that the surname should not come up with "Berk." Kents were first found in BERKshire, and Berkshire's share the FRET and Coat of DUTTons (Tatton kin). As Caens share the FRETTY of Modens, first found in Berkshire, Duttons can trace to the Ceno theater too. The Berk/Burgh Crest is a cat, as is the Chives crest, and then cat-using Croms were likewise first found in Berkshire.

The LAURK variation of Larks recalls that Hannibal had a war at Larinus/Larino (southern Italy), which I traced to Larins/Clarens (using two of the Clare chevrons), but with this new-found information, it's important that Larens and Bards were both first found in roughly the same place, with Glasgow between them, for Bards trace definitely to the Ceno. In this way, Ceno liners of a Carthage kind can be anticipated at Lanark / Glasgow / Argyllshire, important because I traced Cathaginians to the modern-Has area of the ancient land of Cavii. Has is at the northern end of the Drilon, smack beside the Clausula, where I've been tracing Glass liners. But that trace was made when I had no clue that Carthage elements should be at/near Glasgow. Caiaphas' Cavii line actually got suspect with a line through Carthaginians / Numidians, and the Carthaginian, Syphax, was suspect with a Caiaphas-like name. Caiaphas' father-in-law, Annas/ANANas., was suspect with "HANNIbal." The theory was that Hannibal's relatives were the Ananes at Placentia, at one end of the Trebbia river, and this explained why he wished to take the Trebbia away from Romans.

He won the war against the Roman leader, Scipio, who traces with little doubt to Lacy-related Skiptons, and Lacys share black roundels with Larks. Lacys will come up again in the most-unexpected place, at lake GENeva's rulers. Did the Centaurs name Geneva too? Did Hannibal's kin name Annecy near Geneva? Was Hannibal from something at Arnissa on the Genusus river? Was Ceno from the namers of that river? Note that McCARTHys share the stag with Annabels/Hannibals, Anne's/Hanne's, Hands and Hanna's. Didn't we just see hands from clouds? (In this case, where clouds are obviously code for Nephele, they perhaps shouldn't be traced to McLeods/Clouds.) IXION must trace from ancient SION, and can be expected at Swiss Sion, if Ixion elements trace to the namers of Geneva. Things from ancient Sion are expected to trace from neighboring Panias (mythical Pan, kin of Centaurs) to the Penestae, at the source of the Genusus. It's convincing.

As Tortona is not far from the Ceno, let's add that Cards use "a blue demi-lion rampant with a gold collar, thereon three TORTeaux." If Torteaux (red roundels) are code for Tortona, then Arundel liners should link to them fundamentally.

Something to bring into this discussion is the Bucks, now known, for the first time ever, to be of the Tosni's. Bucks were traced to the Hyksos king, Apachnas, and Keens / Keons were traced to the Hyksos king, Khyan, though some believe them to have been the same king. Recall that Kemmis'/Kenys look linkable to Bachs. The question is, therefore, whether Yuya liners out of Egypt merged with Khyan / Apachnas liners in arriving to the Ceno-river theater. "Ixion" has been identified with "Khyan" for nearly a decade, and I've yet to find reason to change my mind.

Bucking(ham)s (Oxfordshire) use that blue-on-gold bend that entered this section abundantly, used, for example, by Dulys/D'Oyle's, first found in Oxfordshire. The CHENeys were first found in Buckinghamshire. Were they from the namers of the Ceno?

As Were's use the bend of Vere-like Iverys, now linking to the Malians, Melans', and Wrays, recall that Mele's/Meleguli's were first found in Parma, near the Ceno. The Melans'/Mellens use a white greyhound (in a basket), the color of the Tatton greyhound, but here's more from the Irish Kennys: "...a [white/silver] greyhound following a silver stag with gold antlers, on a green chief." As antlers are mentioned, and emphasized with a different color, the Les-Andelys Tosni's must be at issue. This doesn't necessarily trace Kennys to the Ceno, for Tosni's are all over the map, but it's a start.

The Kenny Crest: "A cubit arm in armor hand grasping a roll of parchment." The Aarons use two hands "grasping" from the clouds, and Cubits (same place as Tute's/Tuits=Todini's) use "Two hands issuing from clouds, battling with scimitars." I've had the scimiTAR on my mind ever since I saw the Taro river, the one into-which the Ceno pours. Coincidence? It might be, if "Kenny" didn't look so linkable to "Ceno." The Areys (share pale bars with Tarrs) use "Two hands holding a flower," not only tending to clinch an Arey link to Aarons, but connectable to some degree with Italian Toni's (flower). I kid you not, that the Areys were found after entering "Aries" as per the canARIES of Kenners. It was a wild shot, and while there's no evidence that "canaries" is code for Areys, the apparent Areys link to Aarons and Kennys together serves as evidence. Plus, after writing that, it dawned on me that the "Je le" motto phase of Areys is for the Jells using a black-on-gold bend, colors reversed from the same of Kenners! Zinger, clinched. The "aris" motto term of Heslingtons/Hazeltons might apply.

Another consideration is the Aaron-like AIRAINes location of Irons/KENirons! As they trace to the Raines' and Newmans, note that the latter two use the white lion (both on black), the color of the Flower-Crest lion head, and the color of the "crossed anchors" in the Kenner Crest. The Raines / Newman lion is in the colors of the Cabbage/CUBELL lion, and that may suggest that Cabbage's are a branch of Cubits/Cupids. Cabbage's got suspect with Cobhams/Copons, and with Coponius, ancient governor of Judea soon before Pontius Pilate.

Talbots are suspect from the Taulantii on both sides of the Genusus. Taulantii had been suspect with the Cavii line to Caepio's, which is why I think Talants are using a version of the Capone Coat. But the latter's stars are in the Jell/Gell bend, while the Jell/Gell Crest is a black talbot, in use by Penes'/Pennys. The greyhound-related Huns are using talbot dogs in the colors of the Hun/Hundt greyhound (and Annas star), in the colors of the Grey lion, and these link to the same-colored Fortuna talbot that I trace with Klassens (Lady Fortune) to the Clausula. It begs the question on whether Huns / Hundts / Hounds and Hunds trace to "Hannibal," and, if so, you just saw why they should trace to the Genusus / Arnissa theater, making Hannibal suspect with the Annas/Arniss surname, as was expected from earlier considerations. But never be convinced of anything just because I say so. You have your own decision-maker.

I might relent on tracing the Annas/Arniss surname to Annas of Israel, except that the Cavii smack of his son-in-law. Compare the seated talbot of the Hun Crest to the greyhound (both white) in Tatton Crest for yet another of what looks like a Taddei link to Carthage elements. Again, Taddei's were first found in Florence, location of the Arnissa-like Arno river. Arno's use a wyVERN dragon in the colors of the VARN bend shared by Jells/Gells...making the latter suspect as the Gela founders of the Drago-river area at Anchor/Annacker-related Agrigento, facing Carthage. Who used the crossed anchors? The Kenners. Why are they CROSSED? Ask Creusa, wife of Aeneas, known to pass through Agrigento. With Ceno liners tracing to Gela in south-eastern Sicily, we are at Sicily's Ragusa, recalling that the Keon fish was traced to the fish of the Ragusa Saraca's, while Keons were suspect with Ixion / Khyan elements.

CHEYNeys use a bend-with-symbols in the colors of the Jell/Gell bend-with-symbols. The FOOTless martlets of Cheneys goes to the Foots and Fothes (both in Jell/Gell colors), and to Footes on Guernsey, the island where Majors are said to have lived, whom are honored in the Cheney motto. The "Fato" motto term of Cheneys must be for the Fate's/Fadmore's/FADELeys (share gold footless martlets with Cheneys), perhaps a branch of Fothes. The Fate/Fadmore (FIDDLE colors) martlets are on a red fesse, the color of the Caen fesse, making Cheneys Ceno-river suspects, or at least a branch thereof. Recalling that Bards traced to Bardi upon the Ceno, by what coincidence do Less' (Berkshire), suspect in "footLESS," use a boar head in colors reversed from the Bard boar?! And, by the way, German Barts (Bavaria) use a man with BEARD as code for Bards/Beards, which traces Bavarian elements (where Bauers and Rothchilds were first found) to the Ceno. Compare Barts with the Justine Coat. See the colors of French Beards, if interested, and consider a link to the Bach steer. As I see Bards as Leslie's, I suppose Leslie's can be expected at Ceno elements.

Plus, I've been harping a few times on the three Barton boar heads being in the red-on-white colors of the Fiddle/FIDElow wolf heads, as if I suspected the two surnames as kin, and here we are. I've not had reason, until now, to point out the whole Barton motto: "FIDE et FortiTUDINE." And, very recently, I've been comparing the Fiddle wolf heads to the TODD fox heads, as if the Fiddle's should trace to TODINI elements. By now, we are catching on that Forts got linked to Fidelow (Vis-de-Lou) and to Todini liners.

Here's from a few updates ago: "Recall Dick Cheney's Haliburton, for the Bust/Boyes write-up traces to barons of Halburton (Devon, home of boy-using Peverels/Littleboys of the Revere kind), while the Bust/Bois bend-with-symbols is in the colors of the same of Cheneys..." It looks like Burtons and Haliburtons trace to Bardi, a good reason, if correct, to trace Cheneys to the Ceno river. BURTons/BIRTons (suspect with Taddei-related Burds/Birds) are traced to Drago de Bewere, also in the Blade write-up.

German Bartons use snails while English Snells use "a red dog", and German Snells were first found in the same place as German Barts. Although English Snells are said to use a gold-on-red flory cross (Taddei symbol in white), it shows as a moline in the colors of the Fair moline, which recalls that Fairs traced to FIREnze (where Taddei's were first found).

Am I ever glad that "Ferren" just came to mind, at the sight of "Firenze," for Ferrens have two crosses in a red Chief, the Taddei symbol! They even come up as "Ferrens." The Ferrens crosses are white, like those of Taddei's, but are filled with VAIR fur, it figures, for Furs are listed with Taddei-colored Fire's! Bingo. I like this game, when I'm winning. The Vere dragon doesn't look happy, though. It never wanted the world to know that it was Italian. Like I said, I am a Taddei and a Ferrari at my grandparents, and God chose me to discover the dragon den from keeping my bloodlines in mind during the hunt. Do Drake's use a battle-axe" Ferrens: "A hand holding a battle-axe." In the Coat: "...two crosses patonce vair on a red chief." And Patons/Pattins use "VirTUTE." Pattans (same place as Vere's) are listed with Patents, probably a Paton branch.

The Ferrens motto is similar to that of R(o)undels, and Ferrens throw in a "Justus" term, probably indicating that Justus of Picenum was a Taddei kin. My mother was born in a town beginning with "Picen." It was near the spot where the Drake motto traces, to L'Aquila. I was there as a child, on a two-month vacation. A chicken on her nest bit my finger when I was trying to be nice to it. I stayed in a house of an iron worker = a ferrari. I don't know what his surname was. As I trace Ferrari's to Montferrat on the Tanaro, so the Tenas surname suspect with the "Tenax" motto term of Ferrens (and Rundels) has Tanaro-like variations. I can barely believe that the dragon I sought for, after a decade, has traced roughly to where I was vacationing with my mother's family. Who arranged that vacation, my mother, or God? Why did my father allow us to go without him?

The Ferrans' (symbol-less white Shield, same as Tanners) were granted land by the Conqueror, son-in-law of the Tanaro river, right? And the Conqueror was the son of the father of Berenger of Todini, if the Tute write-up is correct. The Ferrens' were given land at Yorkshire, where Abruzzo elements settled as Eburovices. The Taddei crosses are in Tout/Tute and Tute/Tuit colors. The Ferrens write-up says that the Conqueror appointed the family to the oversight of Skipton castle, "for the Cliffords." It explains why Cliffords, sharing the Warren / Ward checks, use a red wyvern in Crest, clinching the Ferrens link to Drake's.

I've got to tell you, that I felt the Lord speak to me about a month ago, when I was thinking that my own lines were figuring in more than I expected a year ago. I felt Him saying something like, you haven't seen anything yet. Or perhaps it was something like, you just wait, as if it was pending. When I think that God speaks to me, it's usually of mental understanding by unique impression, not English words, though words may come to my mind at the impression. Why is God over-seeing this project, for such a long time (as I count time)? What is he working in this? Nicholas de Vere von Drakenberg, who passed much information by letting it out online, died two years ago, at a young age. I wonder who replaced him. My mother's family was not like that of Nicholas':

As he was growing up, Nicholas' father taught him of the family's royal Scottish origins and of its involvement with royal witchcraft within the dragon tradition, which had been passed down to Nicholas' father by his own parents. Nicholas' father was gifted with the "king's touch" [delusional].

His paternal grandmother - a Scottish Gael - was a skilled seer, and his maternal grandmother had spent years as a student of mediumship.

... Consequently Nicholas grew and developed in isolation, detached from the vacuity of human culture, enveloped in a world of intellectualism, magic, mysticism and imagination [he had a choice not to be so enveloped].

...At the age of twelve, Nicholas was magically dedicated to the dragon tradition formally, and at the age of thirteen he first enacted the rite known as "Starfire."

...Today, Nicholas de Vere is the sovereign of the Dragon Court of the Royal House of Vere. As a proponent and scholar of magic he is unrivalled. He is the original magical prince; the rightful king of witches by familial inheritance whose ancient, royal elven blood lineage is unquestionable [garbage, it means nothing, a prince of nothing].

I have no idea on how an educated man can be so stupid. What does witchcraft have to do with doing good or being of sound mind? Isn't it a contradiction? Spare yourself needless pain; don't be attracted by his exotic garbage. He decided that he was going to grow up to be the biggest, best, most-outstanding...nothing. But why is my work veering toward this Drakenberg organization? I didn't start with reading some of his works because I thought he would trace to my own bloodlines. Heraldry itself traces to Vere dragon liners. They were the elite of Oxford. They got around. Why is God wanting this thing revealed? Is it globalist-important at some of it's branches? Is this satan-incarnate in the future? Why did Nicholas contact me by email just before he died? Did God have a plot with that? Was there an effort at Drakenberg to harm me? If so, the time wasn't right for success, and here I am, fingering this cult in the Taddei bloodline.

I've gotta tell you, that when I saw the mummies of Yuya and his wife, his wife gave the impression of looking like my Ferrari-line grandmother (I can't recall whether she was a Taddei or whether it was her husband). If that doesn't send a chill up my spine to know that I descend from king Tut. I'm sure of this. This grandmother lived in my house for some years. I have a good memory of what she looked like to this day. The Egyptians of old were wicked, champions of the magic arts, and God will fight against the end-time Exodus king, when satan-incarnate shows up spewing his garbage from his lips. I'm also sure that Moses was a proto-Masci liner, in a proto-Masci household of the Exodus pharaoh, whom I've pegged as Khyan, regardless of what the historians tell us, according to their faulty time line for Egyptian kings. My Masci-side aunt married a Taff, and Tuff's/Tafts are listed with Taddei-colored Toste's. Taffs (same colors) are listed with Taffeys, sharing fretty with Tute-related Thwaits.

Note that while the Ferrens' use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of the Arms of Crema, the Taff Crest looks like the Crest in the Arms of Crema. The Taffs are clearly Fessy liners.

This expects that Tosni liners were merged with Daphne-line Taphians of the Ladon river, and my dragon-line "book" (jot-down, preliminary investigation online), before I had a clue on these matters, was named, "Tracking Ladon Gog and the Hebrew Rose." It's a powerful combination, Hebrew Rosicrucians with the dragon-line Gog, and that's why I'm "thrilled" this month to discover Rozala. But the key to these Rosy Hebrews is Abruzzo, my mother's homeland. I never would have thought, when that book was titled. I knew that Abruzzo may have been of Hebrews, but I didn't expect that Masonry or anti-Christ themes would stem from there. Now I'm checking my closet to see if satan's in there. Get out, you loser! Or, in ancient talk, "The Lord rebuke you."

Daphne was made a daughter of both Ladon and Tiresias, and the latter's father was "Everes," the "shepherd seer," code for the "Shepherd Kings," the Hyksos, with a capital at Everes-like Avaris. That's not coincidental. And that's why Taff liners linking to the Ceno is important, if Ixion was indeed from the Khyan Hyksos.

I can't find the next / new leader of Drakenberg. Maybe no one wants the job. Here's maybe why:

After proving that Jesus was a "Dragon King of the Grail Bloodlines" and a "descendant of Satan", De Vere pronounces: "The Black Mass was the original Christian Mass of Jesus which the later Catholics stole and sanitized for public consumption" [haha, what a jerk].

De Vere assures us that "technically the crime of murder doesn't exist", and comes to the defense of "paedophiles and Satanists" claiming the current "FBI and Scotland Yard investigations are undermining the foundation of the Great Western Civilization". The vampiric rituals "MUST be repeated", the internationally recognized Prince demands.

Through his website De Vere von Drakenberg was accepting submissions of blood samples to be DNA tested at a top London facility for purity of stock. If the potential initiate's blood was shown to be of the authentic bloodlines (and no doubt sufficiently connected politically and economically) they too could join the ranks of the elite aristocracy and become a Vampire. De Vere's goal is to reunify the old bloodlines and create a new Master Race, and no doubt reclaim their aristocratic authority. The elimination of the sub-races would have to be the next priority, as their evolutionary belief system dictates [was this the globalist phrasing for elimination of humans by certain methods?].

"If the planet is to survive, then social groups must become smaller, and must be ordered by economic necessity, not by the global tyranny of the so-called Democracy of Consumerism... By re-introducing their old social structures and values, the Dragons hope to establish a naturally ordained system of socio-economic interactions between the Dragon (Aryan) people" [don't try to comprehend a world like that].

This new community of born-again Aryans [spit!] is unlikely to be picking De Vere's apple trees, more likely they will be running transnational corporations, sitting on the secretive "Bilderberg Group", or any other high-level political-financial-military body. The aristocrats of Europe are far from impotent, as illustrated by Prince Bernhard of the Netherland's position as chairman of the "Bilderberg Group" from its inception in 1952 to 1976. His daughter Queen Beatrix regularly attends the Bilderberg meetings, as do other prominent Eurocrats.

...Following the publication of Gardner's "illuminating" book [Holy-Blood garbage], De Vere's no-holds-barred website, and the subsequent dismissal of Gardner, the Dragon Court apparently spiraled into schism [it's what dragons do best]. The inner council of Sarkeny Rend has side-stepped out-of-the-closet and proud Satanist Grand Master De Vere by appointing quasi-Catholic "scion" Prince Michael Stewart as Grand Protector of a rival order at a ceremony at York Manor, England, which was strangely attended by representatives for Queen Elizabeth II. This move allowed Gardner to remain in the fold, but has seemingly sent a tremor through the Dragon Sovereignty. Concurrently a legal challenge has been made by Scotland's Cardinal Winning to reverse the British law that bans Catholics from the throne, paving the way for a Stewart restoration. However, De Vere was appointed Grand Master by Austria's House of Habsburg, also prominent and influential Catholics.

The shadowy world of European secret societies is seemingly as complex as the Gore/Bush November 2000 Presidential race - no doubt its correct outcome, unethically decided by the Supreme Court, was of extreme importance to the Power Elite. The Queen of England's pre-election October visit to the Vatican, the first in 20 years, followed by the much protested post-election December meeting between Pope John Paul II and neo-Nazi Austrian leader Jorge Haider (another Habsburg minion) was undoubtedly all part of the Master Plan, or Final Battle, for absolute power in the New World Order... or at the very least to allow the back-room boys to consolidate their interests, stay on top of their respective power pyramids, and maintain their grip on the hearts and minds of Western civilization. And the rest, post-World Trade Center disaster, is fast becoming history... if not Armageddon.

As of late 2002, according to the Dragon Court website Prince Nicholas De Vere is currently suffering from acute paranoid schizophrenia [like having a cold, heartless demon sitting in your soul's cockpit].

De Vere, whose main contribution to the order was allegedly adapting rituals "to include the first menstural blood of pre-adolescent girls", has been replaced as his cousin, Baron Sir Richard Dufton, due to De Vere's condition and his involvement with "Americans who wish to remain anonymous" with possible links to the "Dragon Order side of the Ku Klux Klan." Schizophrenia aside, De Vere is now running his own transnational order in tandem with the anonymous Americans; which means that there are now three Dragon Courts to choose from, depending on your personal leanings, and of course, that you are of the Dragon blood.

However, with their claims that a "child of pure blood was born in the late 1980's and is being raised by the Jesuits", and that "two children with purer blood are residing in Great Britain", the plot twists are becoming less Shakespearean, and more Hollywood (as in The Omen) by the day. But don't take our word for it...

I might have the purest "dragon blood" of the whole lot, but I'm not stupid. I was surprised to find in that quote that someone took over for Nicholas, at least on a temporary basis. I kid you not, the material on Toste/Tuff's/TAFTs and Taffs above this quote was already written when it was pasted in, and within it I found that Nicholas was replaced by Baron Sir Richard DUFTon. Amazing coincidence. No Dufton surname comes up, but perhaps the Dusters apply. The Duffs / Duffys (Morgan lion) are coming to mind. Also, the Fie's/Feys/Duffie's, highly suspect with Morgan le Fay. This trace's Duffs to the Geneva shores, right?

The Duffie's/Feys are said to be from North UIST, and are moreover said to be associated with fairy folk, and so this was the Melusine of the Drakenberg Vere's. Note the sword, in Rangabe colors. Trace that sword to Sword-related Siward elements in the Crest of the Arms of Crema, location on the Serio river of the Zahringer bloodline. It's the axe-line Zerrs/Zehrers, kin of Sere's / Sears sharing the Tost chevron [keep look-out for a Serra-named location on the Ceno, found at the last hour of this update but]. The Dusts are using almost-exactly the man in the Sword Coat; the only difference is the color of the head covering. Swords were first found partially in KilDARE, where Uist-suspect Eustace's were first found. Uist is still suspect with GorLOIS, part of the Arthurian line to Avalon. Recalling that Downs/Doune's looked like Dusters of the Rothschild kind, here we find Dust-related Swords from County Down. The Sword head is "couped," and the Dust head is "caBOSSed," suggesting Coop versus Cab-like branches of one another. English Boss'/Boisville's look like a branch of Italian Boys, and "bossed"-like Bosts/Busts are listed with Bois' with what looks like a cinquefoil version of the Saleman / Cheney Coat. Busts/Bois' are traced to a Hugo Delboys (12th century), and a Richard del Bois in TorDUF. There is also a Walter de Bosco in the write-up.

Dragon blood counts for nothing; the wicked soul is what matters. The wicked soul is what destroys both self and others. The wicked soul is a tool. Tools do work. Work gets things done, and destruction is a work. Wisdom is the tool resisting wickedness. Wisdom knows that goodness is the tool for true construction. No one destroys what you've built in a world filled with good people. If you believe in stealing from others, then don't cry when someone steals all you've worked for. Imagine world-engineering Round-Table fanatics, seeking world resolutions that spoil people groups by ruthless, secret methods. Lacking wisdom, they spoil only to receive a spoiling of their own concerns. That's the Definition of Armageddon's crumbling cities. You had best get on the winning side. When you catch yourself hating God, chances are, a demon moves your heart strings. Contrary to Hollywood movies, demons don't have so much power. They can work in minds, but cannot attack your body or jump out at you from the closet darkness, so to speak. You need only resist their mental promptings, and once they have no power over your thinking, they will leave your place. They cannot tolerate a soul that praises Jesus, and neither can they do much about it, unless they turn you(r thoughts) against Him. No, it's not silly to believe in demons.

As for the Kenny "parchment," I tend to trace it to Parks, whose stag heads are normal, no different than others using the same design, yet they are said to be "couped," indication that it's code for Cubits/CUPIDS, and their blue Caepio-line lion makes them suspect with Cope's / Copps > Kupa river of the Japodes. "ParchMENT" might be double code, one for the Manns who list "Ment," and use an emBATTLEd fesse, linkable to the battling Cupid scimitars. I'm convinced that "enbattled" is code for Battins/Badens, which touch upon the Zahringers, and then I've just read that they were in the affairs of the kin of the Savoy / Geneva rulers.

The use of the scimiTAR may have been a clever way to adopt a sword-like symbol for a Sword-related line that incorporated Turano / Salto liners. The Bosts/Busts are honored in the motto of Nimo's/NewMARSHes, suspect with Marsi expected on those rivers. The Marsi (Abruzzo) were mythical Mars, which, if we follow the myth writers, was Ares before that, whose symbol was the sword. Ares was the lover of Aphrodite, a Hebros-river line to Abruzzo. Her alternative name was, Kypris, known as code for Cooper-like Cyprus elements. She with Ares gave birth to Eros, a form of the Roman Cupid, symbol for the boy sex of Greece.

I am suddenly satisfied already that scimitars are part code for the namers of the Taro. The Daro/Darrow surname (Stirlingshire), that comes up as "Daros," shares the sea with Mitre's/MITERrands, suggesting that "sciMITAR" could have as many as three codes. Darrels, sharing the Moor with the Daro/Darrow Crest, were first found in Buckinghamshire, same as Cheneys. German Dure's use a pale bar in the colors of the Tarr pale bars. While Scottish Dure's/Jarrows use the Saluzzo Coat exactly, Kenneths are expected to be from Kenneth MacAlpin, while Alpins use a version of the Alice Coat, suspect with Alice of Saluzzo. Were Kenneths and Alice's from Ceno elements? As the Kildare location of Jerusalem-suspect Eustace's suggests the Dare's, it's very conspicuous that English Dare's (same place as Vere's) use the same lion as the Jerusalem-related Lusignans. [Later, I find a Serravilla Ceno location on the Ceno, where it meets the Taro, and it just so happens that Spanish Serra's (Castile) use the Dare lion too! It may suggest that Dare's are a Serravilla line i.e. that Dare's were a branch of some Serr-like surnames, especially also the Sauers using the same lion].

The son of Thomas mentioned earlier was Peter, who became a Vatican tool in Lausanne, but, surprisingly, king Henry of England made him the count of Richmond, granting him land. Meanwhile, Henry was using Peter as a tool for war and conquest, and this arena is where an Alice of Saluzzo pops up, not forgetting that while an Alice of Saluzzo was merged with FitAlans of Arundel, Richmond had earlier become the holding of the Brittany Alans: "In 1241, Henry sent Peter to gather support for a pending invasion of Poitou. He traveled to Hugh IV, Duke of Burgundy; Theobald I of Navarre; his brother Amadeus IV, Count of Savoy...In 1246, Peter went back to Savoy, in part to seal a marriage deal with Amadeus. In February 1247, he returned to England with Alice of Saluzzo, Amadeus's granddaughter by Beatrice. She was married to Edmund de Lacy, Baron of Pontefract that May."

It turns out that this Alice was "the daughter of Manfred III of Saluzzo and sister to Thomas I of Saluzzo" At Thomas' article: "Thomas also had a daughter, Alice of Saluzzo, who married Richard Fitzalan, 8th Earl of Arundel." As it turns out, the first Alice above was the aunt of the Alice that's filled much space in the last couple of updates.

Thomas I was married to the counts of Geneva, who used a blue-on-white bend, and blue-on-white lions suspect with the Caepio-line lion (colors of the lion of Kenny-related Cubits/Cupids, making for a Geneva trace to the Ceno). These are Saluzzo colors. In the article for Amadeus of Geneva, Thomas' grandfather: "During his lifetime Amadeus I added the city of Annecy to his territories, thereby increasing the power of his County. He also sought the protection of the House of Zahringen, after losing the rights to the dioceses of Sion, Lausanne and Geneva. Emperor Frederick Barbarossa [a Hohen] in 1156 granted the rights to Berthold IV of Zahringen instead." A little later, Thomas' son took Lausanne over. That's the lake-Geneva area that links very well to the Arthurian Avalon in Scotland. If one goes downhill from lake Geneva, the Isere region will be entered, home of Herod Archelaus, and roughly (or exactly, for all I know) where the Mathis surname was first found. Don't forget, Mathis-like Mattis' use a Shield of checks in the colors of the Cohen checks. Plus, as the Mattis checks traced well to the same-colored Stewart checks on a fesse, that's what Parks use.

The Secrets of Vaud

Why was Morgan le Fay of Avalon portrayed as a witch? Was there some sort of witchcraft involved with the family of Melissena Rangabe? While Veys/Vivians are very traceable to Avalon = Bute, and while Dutch Veys share a Bute-like boot with Hagans, the boot of Hagans is with some cups (why?) and a solid chevron (called a PERCHEvron) in the colors of the Hagel pile, and the colors of the symbol-less Arms of Vaud. The pile of Hagels (same place as Leavells and Badens) is shaped as an upside-down perchevron, making it linkable to the Hagan perchevron, which has the effect of tracing Hagel liners to Avalon. The super point is, I had traced "Hagel/Aigle" to "Akheloos," a river of Greece, Calydonian home of the mythical Sirens (pirate symbol), kin of the NINE Muses of Apollo, the number of witches on Apollo-like Avalon that were eight sisters of Morgan le Fay. And while I have seen the Melusine mermaid called a Siren (can't recall the surname), it just so happens that, zowie, there is an Aigle area in Vaud canton, where Morges is also situated. It's an ancient name going back to Romans. To prove that the mermaid is a Siren, her mirror is entwined with a green snake (symbol of Melusine) in the Sire/Siren surname (kin of Astikas').

The Morges location sits on lake Geneva, on the west side of Lausanne. On the east side of Lausanne there is a Vevey location looking very linkable to the write-up of Veys/Vivians, first found in the same place as Gorlois, and beside the Battins/Badens and Leavells, the latter said to be from YVERY. Then, still in Vaud canton, and north of Lausanne, there is an YVERdon location, no guff, which was spotted for the first time just now on my atlas. Berne, known to be founded by Zahringers, is not far off. As Zahringers (gave their red eagle to the Hohens i.e. they were married) use antlers, they are now linkable to Tosni's at Les Andelys, and that's the area that Waleran de Percival, founder of Leavells, traced to.

While I had traced Percivals to "Perche," home to Bellamys that have a Coat like that of HARVeys, GARVeys share the two chevrons of Perche's, so that Percival liners were traced confidently to the ARVE river on the south side of lake Geneva. It just so happens that Amadeus of Geneva was a son of the ruler of Faucigny, a location at the Arve river, itself a term like the Vaux's that were the line to/from Waleran. The Laevillus-Quadratilla line was at Geneva, bank on it. It could even be that Faucigny was named by Italian Fulks, but their checks (Rangabe colors) are expected to go back to Melissena Rangabe, who married Varangians, suspect with the antler-using Veringers (red antler, Hohen-check color), kin of Zahringers (blue antler, Cohen-check color). The Toste's are listed also as Tuff's/Tafts, and then the Taphian pirates are known to have lived along the Akheloos.

It looks like Taddei / Tosni liners can trace to Taphians, probably the representation of mythical Daphne, and then an ancient Harvey-like location in Syria was Harbiye, otherwise called, Daphne. No guff. It looks like the Daphne cult, which Apollo loved, got to the Geneva theater. But it was also in Dauphine, wasn't it? Yes, and Dauphine is the Isere area that one gets to by going downhill from the mouth of the Arve at lake Geneva's southern tip. It seems clear enough, now, with the Daphne cult tracing to Morgan le Fay, that the dolphin of Kennedys (Ayrshire, over-looking Bute) relates, and Irish Kennedys (Tipperary) were related to dolphin-using Tippers, first found in the same place as Veys/Vivians (beside "Daphne"-like Devon). One can even glean that "Tipp(er)" was from a Daphne- / Devon-like term. The pheons of Tipps'/Tippets (ANTELope) were even linked to the eagles of Ghents, in the colors of the eagle in the Arms of Aigle, and as Ghents were traced to Genoa with the Side's/Sudys (same eagles), note that the latter (Fife, kin of Veys/Vivians) were kin of Seatons (Bellamy crescents)...who were at Sion (shortly east of lake Geneva), which has the effect of making the Geneva link to Genova.

As Genoa-suspect Kennedys (Ceno liners?) use the Cassel Coat, there is a chance that the Cecils/Cassels can apply to Aigle, and this is mentioned deliberately because the six lions of Cecils are in the Aigle Coat. They should be a deliberate colors-reversed form of the six Savage lions. The "Avise" motto term of Cassels and Kennedys can trace to the Hugo anchor via the Avis anchor, having the potential to trace the surnames to Hugo I of Cuiseaux, whom we will bump into shortly below.

There is more, for there is a modern Astakos location alongside the Akheloos that was traced to the Astikas' of Vilnius, kin of Trabys now tracing with some teeth to the Trebbia river...with a source near Genova. Of interest here is that the Caens/Canns, tracing hard to the Ceno, and the reason that the Traby trace to Trebbia has teeth, are using a red fesse with leopard face's, code for the Grimaldi-related Fieschi = Face's/Fessys of Genova. But the Caens can perhaps be traced to Pully, about three miles from Lausanne, by way of their being first found in the same place (Dorset) as black-lion Palins/Pawleys, while the "Licitis" motto term of Caens gets the same black lion in the Crest of Lice's/Lees (Ligurian suspects of the Quade / Mackay kind). The latter have more leopard faces in their Coat (Ade leopard faces, likely), and yet another "Fide et fortiTUDINE" motto, same as the Ceno-suspect Bucks. As this effectively traces Caens to the Leavells, it's notable that both surnames use a red fesse, and, of course, with Caens clinched already at the Ceno, it traces the Quadratilla-Laevillus line to the Ceno.

If Tipps' / Tippers/Tippens were Daphne liners, more-likely were the Tapps/Tabbs, first found in Dorset, and Table/Tapley candidates, the latter sharing another red fesse, and first found in Devon. Tapps/Tabbs use the motto, "Be JUST and fear not" (the Peacock motto), while "just" traces to Justine of Picenum, kin of Astikas' and Sire's/Sirons. Astikas' were suspect with Stocks, said to be from near-Caen. Calydon (Akheloos river) traced to the Colts/Cults, for one, first found in the same place as Justine's. With the red fesse of Caens traceable to the Ceno, note the TAR-using variation of Tabler'/Tapleys, capable of tracing Round-Table liners to the Taro! That's where Rothschilds traced whom are said to have been of the Round Table illuminati. The TarPLOW variation may link to the plough in the Crest of Ivery-suspect Very/Fairys (embattled symbol), suspect with Melusine's alternative name, "Fairy princess." Plows/Ploughs use a "Quod tibi" motto phrase that traces to the Q-like scarf (highly suspect with Quade's) of Trabys/Sadowski's, and moreover looks like part-code for Tipps liners of a Tibbs / Tibb/Tibbit kind. "Tibi" is like the "sibi" motto term of Vince's that traces to Cibalae / Vinkovci, home of Justine's husband. Tibbs/Tibbits use blue cats in both colors of the Geneva-count lions, and yet cats are of the "VirTUTE"-using Chives', from Devon yet again.

I'm reading now that William I of Geneva. father of Thomas I of Savoy, "died at the Chateau de Novel in Annecy." Novel?? William himself married Faucigny.

Faux's use the falcon, and their giant mascle is called "a black diamond SHAPE". That is immediately suspect with the Sheeps/Skiptons that use Bellamy-suspect bellows. It just so happens that while the Melusine mermaid is used by Hugo's, first found in Basel (Switzerland, beside the Baden area of Zahringens), Amadeus of Geneva was married to a line from a Hugo: "Amadeus was the son of Aymon I of Geneva (f. 1128) and Ida Faucigny, daughter of Sir Luís I of Faucigny. For two years Amadeus was married to the Lady Matilde of Cuiseaux, daughter of Hugo I of Cuiseaux, with whom he had: 1. William I of Geneva (1132-1196) was married to Margaret Beatriz of Faucigny..." Also interesting here is the LUIS name of Amadeus' grandfather, for the Mathis-related Chives', suspect from LUISa of Ceva, were first found in the same place (Devon), almost, as GorLOIS. Wikipedia is indicating that there is no article on Cuiseaux, or the relevant people thereof, but the term smacks of Cowes.

Basel was the name of Byzantine emperors even in the general time of Melissena, herself of Byzantine-imperial blood. It looks like her Rangabe line can be traced to the namers of Swiss Basel. The symbol-less Arms of Zurich are in Rangabe / Saluzzo colors. In the Hugo Crest, the mermaid holds a mirror, code for Mire's/Mireux's, first found in Anjou. The Vere's traced her to Avalon before her son became count of Anjou around 800 AD. There is a question, therefore, on whether the north side of Geneva was Avalon-related before or after 800 AD. The mermaid holds a black anchor in the Coat, which can go to Annecy-suspect Annackers, and then Nicholas de Vere traced his Vere line back to Anu and the Annunaki (or is it "Anunnaki"?). He was apparently referring to the Anchor/Annacker surname, but then Biblical Anak (Amorite) of Hebron can apply here, for we saw that Hebron liners need to trace to the potent cross of the Templars.

English Basels share black roundels with both Lacys and Foix's/Foyers! Repeat: "...Alice of Saluzzo, Amadeus's granddaughter by Beatrice. She was married to Edmund de Lacy, Baron of Pontefract that May". The Irish Lacys share the purple lion of Shipton-like Skiptons, and a purple lion is used also by Spanish Luz', now capable of tracing to LAUSanne. The Foix's/Foyers (same place as Bauts/Baux's and Bouillons) share a white, sinister bend in half the colors of the same of Rothchilds, and then the Bauers (immediate Rothschild ancestry) show wings with a fist-like shape between them, as does the Geneva Coat! This now suggests that Ceno-river liners were at Geneva, but as the Ceno's source over-looks Genova, it's notable that the Geneva surname is more-importantly the Genova surname. Why are the wings (Rangabe / Down / Segurana colors) upside-DOWN in the Geneva Coat? It recalls that the Downs/Doune's had linked to the Rothschild motto. Reminder: the Segurana's use a moline cross in colors reversed from the Rangabe flory.

The Cowes share piles with Scottish Leavells, and Leavell liners are now expected at the north shore of Geneva. But let's not forget that the throne of Willa has quatrefoils while her husbands throne has either red-and-white or red-and-gold checks, the latter very applicable to Faucigny if it was indeed a Faux / Vaux line.

Here are the Arms of a house of Prussia, showing bearded men wrapped in what could be ivy, the symbol of the "savage" in the Norman-surname Coat. The Grimaldi-colored lozengy is at the bottom of the Arms right beside the same-colored Hohen checks. It's very interesting that the man in my dream, with crutches tracing to Patents / Schole's (share Shields filled with lozengy), looked like the men in these Arms. The Grimaldi lozengy is used on an angle by Irish Weirs/Wyers (holly and sleeve), like the Bavarian lozengy.

The Ivy surname, because it uses the same lion (same colors) at the top half of the Geneva/Genova Coat, may be from YVERdon. If you were convinced that "ragully" was code for Mele's/Meleguli's at Parma (they are said to have had a location in Genoa too), here's the Ivy Crest: "A gold demi-lion rampant holding a green staff raguly." The Ivys were first found in WILTshire, while another savage is in the German Wilt/Wilder Coat. French Sauvage's (from Wassy) use only a heart, symbol smack beside the Hohen checks in the Prussian Arms. The English Savage's have lions in the formation of the Lacy pellets, and share a black lion paw with the Quint Crest. Quints were first found at Dorset, beside Wiltshire. Wings with a fist-like shape can be seen at the Arms top-right, beside the Arms of Saxony. Below the wings are crossed keys in the colors of the same of Clermonts (Dauphine). Below those keys, I'm guessing, is the Flanders / Hohen lion.

Let's go back to Hugo I of Cuiseaux, and assume a trace to Cowes / Chives'. Then let's repeat: "As Genoa-suspect Kennedys (Ceno liners?) use the Cassel Coat, there is a chance that the Cecils/Cassels can apply to Aigle [the turf of the Geneva count that Hugo birthed, that becoming the Alice-of-Saluzzo line to the fitzAlans of Clun], and this is mentioned deliberately because the six lions of Cecils are in the Aigle Coat. They should be a deliberate colors-reversed form of the six Savage lions. The "Avise" motto term of Cassels and Kennedys can trace to the Hugo anchor via the Avis anchor, having the potential to trace the surnames to Hugo I of Cuiseaux, whom we will bump into shortly below." The Chives' use cats in the colors of the Cecil / Savage lions, but I've been tracing the Chives cats to the Tailer lions, in the same colors, while Tailers (share a leopard with the Chives Crest) are suspect with Lucy Taillebois...of Lincolnshire, where Aigle's (and Vaud-suspect Wells) were first found, but also where Rhodes' were first found that can trace to Cecil Rhodes of the Round-Table illuminati. There is a Cecil Taylor in the Tailer write-up.

"In 1231, Aigle was made a market town by Thomas I of Savoy, and in 1314 it was raised to a free city by Amadeus V of Savoy." I trace German Hagels to the Arms of Kyburg (Zurich). What pirate treasures are locked up in those secretive Swiss banks? Isn't it true that the rich seek riches by their riches, while the poor entertain themselves while enrichening the rich?

Scottish Tailers are said to have held land in Stirlingshire, where Cuis-like Guiscards were first found. There is a Cuis/COOish/Cuish surname using the MacDonald ship and eagle. It does look like a version of the Cowes/Coo surname. The Cuis' are traced to an island of UIST in the Hebrides (north-west Scotland), feasible of the Maccus pirates who held sway in the Scottish Isles. I did trace Quade's and their Mackay kin to Cowes, which occurred months ago roughly at the same time that Maccus was becoming a new and major topic. As Maxwells are from "MACCUSwell," note that the Cuis eagle is all red, the colors of the legs on the black Maxwell eagle. Scottish Leavells were first found in the same place (Roxburghshire) as Scottish Maxwells. As Williamsons are a Mackay sept, the Williamson saltire is likely the Maxwell saltire (on an escutcheon upon the eagle's breast), thus making the Maccus - Maxwell - Mackay link.

As Maceys/Macys/Mackays were from Ferte-Mace, the Cuis eagle is likely the Ferte eagle (a good way to identify the Ferte's (and MacDonalds) with Ferte-Mace in particular). Maxwells are traced to the Tweed river, which recalls my prediction / resolution that Tosni's of Normandy were Maccus liners (the Mackay bear was traced to Berwickshire, on the Tweed). The "ReVIRESco" motto of Maxwells can thus trace to Vires'/Vairs, and to the Vire river of Normandy, where there is a Tessy-sur-Vire location (about 40 miles from Caen) looking Tosni-like.

The "Max's weil" (a well) in the Maxwell write-up is made to appear as a factual derivation of the surname, yet the sentence can make the phrase read as an invention of the writer upon seeking to explain "Maccusweil." You can't convince me that every surname with a "well" ending was named after a well. What about the German Well(er) surname (Arms-of-Vaud colors) sharing the pelican of DeVAUDs/DeVAUX's? Now that makes sense, especially as Vaux's can be of Faucigny, the kin-by-marriage of Hugo of Cuiseaux. It was Amadeus of Geneva, a Faucigny liner, who married Hugo's daughter, and "AMADEUS" is still suspect with MATHIS', kin of Cuis-like Chives'. The German Wellers became suspect with "Waleran," and his Leavell line had a branch first found in the same place as Maxwells.

An interesting thing is the Maxwell motto (ReviRESco) red with the Res surname in view, for as Res' come up as "Dere," the Spanish Dero's/Ros'/Rosals [now suspect with Dare's from Serravilla elements] use the black Maxwell eagle (two heads) in the colors of the two-tailed lion of the Lincolnshire Wells. Recalling that Dero's/Ros'/Rosals traced to Rozala, who married Flanders, by what coincidence is the Well lion the Flanders lion too? Wasn't Obama involved in a sly /illegal plot with a Tony Rezko? Is that the surname in-code in the Maxwell motto? Like the Wells, Clays were first found in Lincolnshire, and then:

Item #1: Long-time Barack Obama supporter and campaign insider Tony Rezko was born in Syria and raised among Muslims.

Rezko traveled the world for five years putting together business and real estate deals for famed-boxer Muhammed Ali.

'My role model in life is my father and Muhammad Ali,' Rezko says.

Item #2: Muhammed Ali [aka Cassius Clay] is a Muslim."

Clays are in Well-lion colors, but aside from that, the heraldry makes no other links that I can see at this time. The Italian Dere/Res surname shows no variations. Was "Cassius" a Cuiseaux branch? Was Cuiseaux from the Cassius/Casano surname? The thing coming to mind is that, while Cassius were first found in Modena, I assumed / guessed that the ancestry of Cilnius Maecenas was in Modena in forming the first Maccabee's proper out of that place, or something to that effect. The Cilnius family had been in Arretium since at least 400 BC, but Arettium was also "Arezzo" like the Res / Rezko surname. And this speaks to me of Arras, the Artois capital. The Cassius' were traceable to the Cass' and related Cush's while Cius' are also "Cuish" (and "Coise"). The Artois'/Ardons were resolved in using the red Botter eagle in their Crest, in the colors of the Cius eagle, but the red Ardon eagle head is also of the Caseys. There is a lot that one can do with this information, tracing, for one, the Artois-Coat eagle to the colors-reversed one of Dero's/Ros'/Rosals, a good way to trace the latter to Rozala of Ivrea, home of Arduinici that traced to Artois by other means.

The Arrow/Arras surname uses fleur-de-lys in the colors of the Dero/Ros eagle, but as the Arrow/Arras cross is in the colors of the Maxwell saltire, while the Maxwell motto is suspect with Res liners, what about the Maxwell-Ros merger? As you can see, the Maxwell-Ros' use water bougets, the Rose-surname symbol.

Now, as the Cuis/Coise write-up traces to the Scottish Isle of Uist, what about that Oise discussion earlier in this update, as it traced Luisa-of-Ceva elements to Oise at Ile-de-France, home of Montmorencys, founded by Bouchard II, to whom I traced the water bouget? Plus, as Cuis'/Coise's got suspect with Chives liners, so Chives liners are expected at Ceva. Lois' were first found in Artois. THEREFORE, it has been resolved that Hugo of Cuiseaux was a Luisa-of-Ceva liner. But as Ceva liners are suspect with the namers of Caiaphas, as are Chappes', note that Swiss Hugo's are using nothing but a curved and long PERCHEvron, the Ottone symbol too, while the latter's is in the colors of the same (without the curve) of Chappes', first found in Ile-de-France. It's pretty clear that Chappes' were of Luisa of Ceva.

Reminder: Amadeus, suspect with Chives-related Mathis', of a Maccabee line, was a grandson of LUIS of Faucigny, and this same Amadeus married the daughter of Hugo of Cuiseaux. It has only taken me ten years to arrive to this Rosicrucian hot-spot. And what reward do I have for my troubles?

Was the lily traced to Rozala? The bouget-related Buckets/Buchards (Lincolnshire again) use "A lily and holly branch in saltire." Holly is the Maxwell symbol, but really the Maxwells use a holly bush for a trace to Busca, beside Saluzzo. It's the same as saying that the Luisa line through Alice of Saluzzo got to the Maccus > Maxwell pirates somehow, and the Rosicrucianist Rose's and Ross' of the Moray theater are suspect in that thing. The Williamson and Maxwell saltire was the pirate skull-and-bones flag, wasn't it? What do you people, who take pride in being from the Sinclairs, take pride in, exactly? Is a world ruled by stolen wealth anything to honor? But this wealth was stolen by murders upon murders in the name of empire building, as though murder for cash is acceptable if a so-called king does it. Therein is the utter stupidity of historians who give you that impression. They say, it's the natural job of a king to kill and expand his empire, and if counts and barons can do it too, the king is all the happier and all the "greater." Shame, historians. You use military sensationalism to sell push your writings.

Buckets/Buchards use piles in the colors of the Morency cross, and these piles can be gleaned with the piles of Cuis-like GUIScards, suddenly making Guiscards suspect with Luisa-of-Ceva and/or Luis-of-Faucigny liners. But as Guiscards are also "WISharts, doesn't that trace to Ottone Visconti? Does that then reveal further that he was a Luisa / Luis liner? That is a difficult question. Ottone's are in Lois colors, but it's a difficult question unless "Lois" started as a form of "Oise." The Morencys use the EUStace and Visconti-related Burgh cross, but Vise's use the Eustace stag with cross between the antlers. EUSTace's were first found in Ireland, and as such can possibly trace to the Isle of UIST." It's a good bet. The Maccus family originated in Ireland too before trouncing their share of the Scottish Isles, and making themselves "king." Kings of what? Stolen wealth. Shameful kings. If historians and Hollywood had their way, we should all become as "glorious" as these pirates. If I had my way, no one would read their books or watch their movies. There are better ways to entertain yourself. And the world would be a much-better place.

The Roche area of Aigle uses a "chammois," which is an antelope. Was this a deliberate choice as code for Les-Andelys liners? Do you recall how the anteLOPE is code for the Lupellus = Leavell line? The Arms of Les Andelys uses grapes on one side, but at this time I have no comment on whether that's an Agrippa code. The coin of Herod Archelaus used a grape vine. As Les Andelys is in Eure, the white tower on the other half of the Arms may trace to the Abreu / Presley tower, expected in several other surnames, of course. Presleys use Agrippa-suspect "GRAPPling irons," and Irons use the same-type cross as Burghs / Eustace's in the same colors. Why are Irons also "KENiron." Is that Ceno-river element? The moline in the Iron Crest is "pierced," making this a Waleran>Leavell-suspect line. Irons are the ones listing "Hiram," and tracing to Scotland's Isle of Arran from Airaines in Picardy, near ABBEville. Arran is where MacABEE's were first found that are suspect with the Masonic character, Hiram Abiff. I don't know much about the Masonic rite, but Hiram Abiff is part of it. Why should MacAbee elements apply to Masonry? You can find the Abiff entity in the motto of Newmans, sharing the lions of Airaines' suspect Raines'.

Vaud is Drakenberg Up to?

And so from the picture above, one can take it to the Melusine dragon, a complicated entity that touches upon many entities, and is expected from the Exodus Hyksos. In Scotland, she is most-related to the Massins/Masons (Vere kin), from the same house that named Moses (his mother or father did not name him, but rather it was pharaoh's daughter). She is also in the Glass Crest, and is therefore expected in the Glasgow / Lanark area, and this is where the Blacks can apply, in that Nicholas de Vere traces his ancestry and "royal" dragon cult to Blackwood of Lanarkshire. Here's Nicholas in an interview that appears tailored to his own desires for usurping Laurence Gardner:

My father educated me about our particular origins in the royal and noble Blackwood family of Lanark, Scotland. This dynasty sired the most significant practitioner of the Dragon tradition in his time: Major Thomas Weir of Vere of Edinburgh, my 11th great grandfather.

. The Blacks (Glass stars) were traced to the Arms of Crema before the same seemed possible of the Ferrens Coat. The Blackwood Coat gives the impression of the Harveys, but it's just a guess. If correct, it would trace Blackwoods to Harbiye/Daphne, at what later become Antioch, the capital of the Seleucids, the fore-runners to the end-time anti-Christ. The white mascle at the base of the Blackwood Coat may be the Faux mascle, called a "diamond shape," which became suspect with the Skipton-suspect Skiptons (Oxfordshire, where the royalty aspect of Vere-Drakenberg likely developed) before learning that Ferrens' were wardens of Skipton castle. The white crescent at the top of the Blackwood Coat should be the Falcon crescent is the Blackwood mascle is the Faux mascle. This would then trace to the Faucigny circle at Geneva-Saluzzo.

The Harveys trace to the Arve river with a mouth at lake Geneva, and with "Geneva" suspect with the namers of the Ceno, see what follows. Scottish Blacks (the ones with the Crema-suspect Chief) share a "lux" motto term with Burtons/Birtons, resolved with Bart / Barton / Bardy liners from Bardi (Ceno river = Hyksos suspect), and Burtons/Birtons happen to use a fesse in the colors of the Blackwood fesse. The Burtons are the ones said to be from Drago-de-Bewere, a good reason for suspecting him in the line of the Blackwood warlocks. The Burton talbots evokes Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor. I've just learned, however, that the Burton talbots are called "dogs," and so let's repeat from above: "German Bartons use snails while English Snells use "a red dog", and German Snells were first found in the same place as German Barts. Although English Snells are said to use a gold-on-red flory cross (Taddei symbol in white), it shows as a moline in the colors of the Fair moline, which recalls that Fairs traced to FIREnze (where Taddei's were first found)." The Taddei crosses are colors reversed from the same flory cross of Burds/Birds, a good reason suddenly to trace Burds/Birds with Burtons/Birtons to the namers of Bardi. It appears that Drakenberg can be traced to something on the Ceno, especially at Bardi (Bards and Weirs share the gold boar).

Moreover, the Arms of LUSignan are like the Arms of LUXembourg, while we just saw two surnames using "lux," including the Blacks. The Black-related and Melusine-using Glass' use "Luctor." It seems a certainty that these terms trace to Melusine elements in the namers of Luxembourg. Just because the talbots are called dogs doesn't mean that they aren't code also for the line of LUCy TailleBOIS. Was she a Bois liner?

After writing above, I got around to loading the description of the Blate's/Blade's, who likewise trace to Drago de Beware n(as do dog-using Burtons), and what came up but "A black dog's head". The descriptions people know to use "talbot" when applicable, but in this case, they must know that the official descriptions use "dog," possible code for the Dog/Doak surname. Dogs/Doaks (sword) were first found in the same place as Justine's (sword) and HalBERTS (version of Dog Coat, Valentin colors). It makes Halberts (axes, Drake symbol) suspect with Bardi liners too. German Halberts/Halberrs use a giant rook, and rooks are shared by Hunds suspect with red-talbot Huns, probably no coincidence. A red talbot is in the Crest of Priam-suspect Bramtons, but it's called "A red dog's head." It looks like it was correct to trace Bramtons to Priam (suspect from Abraham and Keturah), where the Caen motto was traced, and it also looks correct to trace the Hyksos Trojans to the Ceno. I now have confidence that the Exodus pharaoh had descendants on the Ceno, and moreover there are several surnames tracing to it strongly, including Drakenbergs.

As Trojans were Mysians, and while the Parium location was linked in myth to the Hellespont (Mysia, near Troy), as represented by Helen of Troy (abducted by prince Paris), note that the Halbert rook is colors reversed from the Hall / Hull talbots, indicating that Halberts were Hall liners merged with Bardi liners. Perhaps it's incorrect, therefore, to trace Halberts to Alberts, unless Alberts came later as a version of Halberts. While Bramtons and Halls both call them talbots, Hulls call them "dog's heads," indicating a fundamental / important Talbot merger with Dogs/Doaks. The latter use cinquefoils in the colors of the Leicester one, and, as Toeni's were of Leicester's Arms, I'm going to peg the Dog/Doak Coat with the colors and format of Tosts.

As Blackwoods are suspect with the Faux mascle, let's go to French Faux's, listed with a Saunier branch, both first found in Perigord, a location of the Boofima > Baphomet cult, a satanic-Templar human-sacrifice tradition linkable to Drakenberg. A Baphomet order yet survives today. Repeat from above on Ceno-river liners expected from the Exodus Hyksos: "Bardys are in the colors of the Bard/Beard/Baird boar, and the latter use a "fecit" motto term suspect with Faucets/FAUXside's! The Bard boar is in the gold color of the PeriGORD-suspect Gord [and Weir/Vere] boar! " That was written after the Bardys came up, first found in Perigord, and moreover it had clinched the "PeriMUS"-using Caens with the Ceno. When I gleaned that the Exodus Hyksos was of the proto-Masseys / proto-Meshwesh, I decided to use the phrase, "MUS household," as this indicates the Mus area of Lake Van as the specific origin of the Hyksos (sometimes called, Asians).

Later, the motto of Khyan-like Caens seemed to corroborate the use of the Mus-household phrase, and I concluded that "Perimus" was code for Parium/Parion, a Mysian city of the mythical Muses that I saw as the naming of Priam (married HECuba), mythical father of Paris and Hyksos-suspect HECtor. But before that realization, I had already traced Hyksos (or HEKA Khasewet) to Trojans, and from Trojans I had traced them to Etruscans, no guff. Later, Yuya got traced to Lydians, who happen to have formed the Latins, neighbors of Etruscans (in myth, Etruscans were traced to brothers of Lydia). The ImPERI peoples of Boofima then got suspect with the Paris Trojans. It speaks of an anti-Christ from the Exodus pharaoh's ancient cult, which can explain why God chose to perform a great work against him as a sign of plagues yet to come in the end times.

So, what I'm saying is that this Drakenberg witchcraft goes back to black magic in the Hyksos, which was symbolized by the turning of Moses' staff into a serpent. It suggests that the Hyksos had a serpent symbol, though, later, when Aaron succumbed to the golden-calf idol, it suggests that the Hyksos also had a calf symbol, which is why it was important to my hunt that houseofnames previously showed a gold calf in the Apachnas-suspect Bach Coat. It now shows as the same bull design used by Italian Boys and Boss'/Boiville's, and while these surnames are expected of Boiotians, the Yuya-Tut-Atun cult traces through mythical Aedon of Boiotia (proto-Autun).

The line to Freemasonry would be through Jonathan of Laish, a descendant of Moses' family, who succumbed to paganism in rebellion against the God of Moses. Laish was, or picked up, proto-Sionism, and it passed through the Geneva theater, and was in Pendragon's Arduinici. There is a serious question on whether Drakenberg will furnish the end-time anti-Christ / False Prophet with its new leader, whoever he is. Google seems to be keeping this topic buried from public view, though it may be expected that Drakenberg has reverted to silence after Nicholas' death (inside murder?).

Let's go back to the royal dragon blood from Blackwood that Nicholas says went to Major Thomas Weir of Edinburgh, some ten generations ago. Note "Thomas", expected with Thomas Randolph of Moray. Nicholas, whose interview statements seem practiced and planned (decisions were made beforehand on what particular information to release), then continues: "As a witch lord and the prince consort to the elven queen of the Lallan [Alans?], Thomas performed the ancient Gaelic rites of the sacred kingship of Epona, and consequently founded this rite of kingship within my lineage. So I received the tradition at an early age from my father and he received it from his father, and so on." In other statements, he traced his Mitanni line through Scythians of Europe to the Pictish transition to the Scot royals (= Kenneth MacAlpin, suspect from Thomas of Saluzzo), but also through the Irish ancestry to Scots, and this part can be pegged with Irish-Scot traditions that trace to Scythians of Egypt, namely, Scotia, a mythical term involved with a Miletus-like character, a good reason to trace MELusine and her son (Milo de Vere) to Miletus' Carians. From those Carians, trace to Massa-Carrara in Tuscany, the counts of which shared the Fer/Ferrat checks suspect with the checks of Cohens = the line of Melissena Rangabe's Khazars.

Guerin of Provence, who was pegged as the line to mythical MacAlpin and therefore to Vere-Melusine elements, became suspect with Guido Guerra III who married Ferrat-suspect Montferrat. As Guerra's use the wyvern dragon, Draguignan of Provence became suspect as a root of Drakenberg. Guerin had a vast territory, but he was after the Anjou counts, yet expected to be from them, where Nicholas (in the interview) then says, "I trace my lineage back in an unbroken bloodline to the imperial prince Milo de Vere, Count of Anjou in 740 A.D., son of Princess Milouziana of the Scythians [no one finds these people in known history records, apparently]. I trace my lineage back in an unbroken bloodline to the imperial prince Milo de Vere, Count of Anjou in 740 A.D., son of Princess Milouziana of the Scythians. She was recorded throughout France as being the Elven, Dragon Princess of the Scottish Picts, and her Grandson, Milo II, derived his Merovingian descent through his father's marital alliance with the imperial house of Charlene." It implies a line back through the Merovingian Pepinids that formed the house of Charlemagne, and Pepins are traceable to Apepi/Apophis, the Hyksos king after Khyan. Apepi was the last Hyksos king of importance (there may have been one or two more self-appointed minor leaders while Hyksos were being booted out of Egypt at that time). Apepi was expected (by me) with the Paphlagonian Heneti, the line to the Veneti, Lake-Van suspects. Heneti > Veneti was the Roman Venus, the Greek Aphrodite to Abruzzo Hebrews, and Hyksos, it was said, were Hebrews (I don't view them as Israel-branch Hebrews, a common misconception).

It seems a stretch where Nicholas says, "She was recorded throughout France as being the Elven, Dragon Princess of the Scottish Picts." In my investigations on European Melusine, she is not traced to Scotland, though later I'll mention one book that apparently makes that claim. Nicholas either knew what Milo was code for, or he was repeating a thing twisted over time by his ancestors. Milo de Vere in Anjou / Angers in 740 predates Melissena Rangabe by about three generations, and get's one back near the birth of Michael I Rangabe, Byzantine emperor whose last name is much like "Anger." Melissena's husband. Anger-like Inger, is like "INGelger," father of the Anjou Fulks. It made me suspect that Byzantine elements of the Rangabe kind had been at Anjou as perhaps the ancestors of the Vere's.

The mystery is the Scot-Pict connection to European Melusine. She is known to have been of Lusignan, a place that put at least one member on the throne of Templar Jerusalem. The Arms of Lusignan, in Rangabe colors, is a clue, for it used blue-and-white fesse bars, a symbol of the Cavetts, for example. But with the Ferrens' tracing to the keepers of Skipton castle, the purple-lion Luz's are coming to mind as a branch of the namers of Lusignan. And the purple-lion Lacys had married Alice of Saluzzo, sister of THOMAS of Saluzzo. There is a good chance that she traces to Thomas of Blackwood, the royal warlock of the Vere's.

It was a son of a Hugh of Lusignan that was on the throne of Jerusalem, a name that should trace to Melusine-using Hugo's. Or to Hugo I of Cuiseaux, grandfather of Thomas of Saluzzo. As we just saw the Blackwood mascle tracing well to the Faux mascle, let's repeat that the Faucigny line married the daughter of this Hugo of Cuiseaux. As Falcons are suspect in the Blackwood crescent, let's repeat that Falcons (Rangabe / Falk colors) are also FAUCons, and that there is a Montfaucon near Firminy, where Ferrens' (from Firenze) should trace. The Falcon/Faucon tower is in the colors of the same in the Arms of Les Andelys, where Tosni liners lived that can trace to Tosini's of Tuscany i.e. the location of Firenze, where Taddei's were first found.

I am getting the impression that my writings are being followed by the Drakenberg cult for more than one reason. One, they may be learning from the things that I'm Led to uncover. But if I am correct on this hunch, I would take my writings to be a warning to these stupids, not to go forward with their over-ambitious plans. The powerful can change a vast people group only temporarily, and it's never worth the money and effort. In this respect, I suppose that I'm a little like a Protected prophet, protected until my message has gotten through. Then what? Do I suffer the murder familiar with prophets? That's a good reason not to claim to be a prophet. I have never made that claim because I have never felt like a prophet. Why do I call them stupids? Do I have a death-wish? I call them stupids because they think they have pure wisdom. They need to be brought down to earth, for they think that they have special blood that carries special mental powers from one human being to another. Stupids!!!

When Nicholas was writing to me, I warned readers not to email me, in case his people have ways to find people on my email list. I have not heard from several regular readers since. There was evidence as shortly ago as a few months that people writing to me are seeking to find my address.

I have just discovered: "Hugh I (fl. early tenth century), called Venator (Latin for the Hunter), was the first Lord of Lusignan...It has been hypothesised that he was the huntsman, ('Le Veneur' in his native French), of the Count of Poitou or the Bishop of Poitiers on the basis of his epithet. He was succeeded by his son, Hugh II Carus [Carian?], who built the Castle of Lusignan." The Venator surname came up in the last update, and as it shows a red lion, it's now identifiable as the red lion of Jerusalem king, Guy Lusignan, son of Hugh VIII of Lusignan. Note that the Arms of Lusignan had 10 bars in the colors of the Cavett/Chavo/Cheve bars. The Venator write-up traces to Raoul (Ralph) le Veneur, baron of Chester from HUGH Lupus. If I recall correctly. Thomas of Blackwood was a son of a Ralph de Vere (according to Nicholas' book). Some of Hugh Lupus' estates went to the Ferrers. The Venators became a topic as per the write-up of Conders, while seeking surnames from the Condrusi of Flanders (beside the Eburones). The Venator lion is highly suspect as the lion of Ranulph le Meschin (earl of Chester after Hugh's family).

The first Hugh Lusignan goes back to a birth the 800s, in the time of Guerin of Provence, and of Inger and Melissena. Later, there was Hugh IV Lusignan (died ca. 1026), called Brunus, perhaps from Bruno's, first found in Firenze. Stepping aside the possibility that "Hugo" was a Gog" term from "Yuya," let's assume that these Hughs were Hyksos liners to the Vere's. We have Hugh IV receiving the castle of Mouzeuil, while Hugh III's article mentions Mezeaux. Were these Mus elements from the Hyksos? Mouzeuil sounds like a French version of Mussels/Muscels, connectable to the Blackwood mascle, and Musselburgh is in East Lothian, near Edinburgh, home of warlock Thomas de Weir of the Blackwood family. The Vere write-up traces to a location like "Haddington," at Musselburgh. The Keiths at Haddington use the motto of Alice's in reverse while Alice's are using a version of the Alpin Coat, both using fur trees as code, we can assume, for the Firenze-line Fire's/Furs/Feuers.

The Weirs/Vere's, with a fesse in colors reversed from the Blackwood fesse, are said to be of Kensington elements (Khyan- possible liners). Had Yuya not been thought by some historians to be of the Mitanni, it would be seen as a ridiculous stretch for me to view the YEW tree as code for Yuya liners. I'm not taking that position, yet, but it's on the table. The Kensington scallops are used by Peverels, a branch of Piperells = Pepins, Hyksos, right? And the scallops are white, as are the scallops of Hyksos-suspect Meschins/MASCULine's who share the boy theme of Peverels (that Coat belongs to the Masculine surname). It can't be a coincidence that while Mussels use plate's, Plate's share the Peverel scallops (compare with German Dare's in case they can apply to the Dare's suspect with Eustace II). And Blate's/Blade's, as with Ceno-liner Burtons/Birtons, are said to be from Drago de Bewere. Repeat: "Gardners even share the white-on-red scallops of French Larins" the color and format of the Peverel / Plate scallops.

Beaver-like Bewere's (he can explain the Oxford beaver) are traceable to Melusine by way of Babels and the Babel-like variations of German Beavers/Biebers (Bavaria), who look to be sharing the Arms of Zurich, recalling that Hagels -- from the Taphian Sirens, where Melusine should trace -- of neighboring Kyburg. Bewere's look like a branch of Bauers (share green Shield with Blate's), first found in Bavaria, and Beavers/Bebers (same fesse as Burtons) were first found in the same place as Windsor castle, beside Oxford. I think that Bavaria was a fundamental Boofima entity. Note that English Babels use pale bars in the colors of the fesse bars in the Arms of Lusignan, making this paragraph / topic a good clue as to what Melusine is all about. From Kyburg and Zurich, shift a little to Basel, where Melusine-using Hugo's were first found, and expect these Hugo's at Hughs of Lusignan.

The new design for the German Babels has Melusine with two tails (one tail previously), identical with the one of Walsers. The ends of her tails are in the form of the fleur-de-lys. The so-called halbert axes of Walsers are now suspect with the Drake axes and therefore with Drakenberg, making the goat of Walsers trace well to the Baphomet goat. The Halberts are using axes, wherefore it makes Drakenberg suspect with Alberts of some kind. Alberts of Bologna got suspect with Guerin of Provence. And Walsers were resolved as a branch of Glass'.

I can't recall how William de Gellone worked into the holy-blood garbage of Laurence Gardner, but it's interesting that the Glass fleur is in the red color of the Gellone fleur. As Gellone was thought to be the father of Guerin of Provence, note that Glass' were first found in the same place as Larins/Clarens while French Larins/Laurens were first found in Provence. Larins/Clarens are said to be from "Laurence," such a gardnerincidence. Gardners even share the white-on-red scallops of French Larins. These surnames may trace to the Larks/LAUERks traced earlier to the Ceno.

As the Larin scallops are in the colors of the same of PEVerels, note that PEWs/Pughs use red fleur-de-lys too. The Pew dolphin traces this surname to Dauphine elements. The entire pew motto is used by Fisks, but the latter throw in "virTUTE," and moreover, i see Fisks as kin of Cliffs who were both honored in the "fiscal cliff" scam a few years ago, where the world was put into a financial straight-jacket while efforts were seemingly being made to achieve the next step toward globalism. We had read that the Ferrens' of Skipton were involved with Cliffords...who share the checks of Guerin-suspect Warrens. And while Vairs are listed with Varenne's/Verone's, note the "ad" motto term of Pews and Fisks, code for Ada of Varenne, likely.

At one time, Varenne's showed the same birds as Kays and Kenners/Kinners, important where Kays honor (in their motto) what looks like Kinner liners. It tends to trace Kays with Kenners to the Ceno, therefore, and that recalls mythical Kay, son of Ector, code for Ectors/Hectors, the same name as Hyksos-suspect Hector of Troy.

Now, as per seeking RANGabe elements in mythical-Melusine circles, we have this: "Hugh IV Lusignan] also engaged in a long war with Aimery I, lord of RANCon..." The Arms shows a gold pale bar surrounded by lozenges. The only-possible way to link these Arms to Rangabe's, at the moment, is by way of the two colors of the pale bar, in the colors used often by Byzantine rulers, called the colors of the Macedonian dynasty. That's hardly good enough for the link. The Lance surname uses a fesse alone, in the colors of the Rancon pale bar, and Lance's are found in the lance of the Rankin surname, probably no coincidence. Lance's were first found in the same place as Fulke's, and, as my understanding has it, Rangabe's were Bouillon / Taddei liners but using the colors specifically of Italian Fulks, kin of mythical Melusine we should expect.

French Lance's are in the colors of Italian Dere's/Res, and so the mystery objects, with fleur-de-lys ends, in the latter's Coat, may be lance's of some sort. But even if not, a link can now be made between French Lance's (Maine), Dere's/Res' and Blackwoods, not just because they share gold-on-blue stars, but because the "rectas" motto term of Blackwoods can link to the "rect" of Rankins. Having said that, see that the Blackwood Chief uses two of the three stars in the Dere/Res Chief, for as I resolved that Rosicrucians should be of the Dero's/Ros'/Rosals and Dere's/Res', here we have their trace to the Drakenberg cult, quite apparently.

Compare the lower end of the Rankin lance to the lower end of the Dere/Res object, both showing what-cha-ma-callems for placing the hand into, that being of the lance type used by charging horsemen. Dere, now you know the truth. But as Lance's were first found in the same place as French Josephs, what about the Dere Chief looking like the Chief of English Josephs, first found in the same place as Drake's? What better definition for a stupid Illuminatist than one from the sons of Joseph Caiaphas, intent on carrying the fight against Jesus to the brink of Armageddon. "Stupid" is used in the sense of "determined pig-head," like the Biblical obstinate term of an Israel determined to disappoint God in return for world-begotten opportunities for acquiring temporal things.

The Rankins: "A red shield with three silver boars' heads erased, between, a lance in dexter base, and Lochaber axe in sinister." I know of only one other surname using the Lochaber axes, the Bullocks. Note the Bullock colors and format, then re-read: "It just so happens that Dogs/Doaks (sword) were first found in the same place as Justine's (sword) and HalBERTS (version of Dog Coat, Valentin colors)." The Bullock motto is the Vince motto tracing to Cibalae=Vinkovci, and Bullocks are suspect as Pollocks while same-colored Jewish Pollocks share the Valentin bend. As Rothschilds descended from Pollocks, let's add that the five Rothschild arrows, matching the five Lochaber axes in the Bullock Crest, are used by Camerons. Then see here: "...the [Cameron] clan split into three separate branches, one each at Letterfinlay, Strone and Glen Nevis, with the clan seat at LOCHaber." Is Google going to blacklist this update too?

Who put a Mr. Cameron in charge of Britain? Previously, it was a Mr. Brown, traceable to Bruno's of Firenze. Previous to that, it was Mr. Blair, and Blairs look to be using a version of the Maxwell Coat, with the saltire stuffed with nine white-on-black mascles, the colors of the giant Faux mascle, now linkable to the Blackwood mascle. A century ago, Rothschilds apparently had a Mr. Balfour in charge of Britain, and Balfours were discovered with Boofima elements of the Beaufort / Roet kind. The Balfour days were well-known to be of a British secret-society society amongst the elite. What the devil got hold of Britain? Don't Brits care to change this? Don't Americans care to change the same scenario in their country? As time drags on, these fiends will take ever-stronger hold, if they have their way. But, finally, for them, it will be as with the skyscrapers: the taller they are, the harder they fall. The cities of the world would not be slated to collapse, if the peoples of the cities rejected the satanism, but, alas, prophecy predicts that the peoples will side with the anti-Christ and his False Prophet.

In a November update of 2010, I claimed that Camerons were related to Burtons. The Cam river, and surnames using "quam," were traced earlier in this update to Yuya-Tut liners. The Drago Bewere in the Burton write-up can link to the Collisons, and so let's get back to the interview with Nicholas:

Concerning my maternal lineage: my mother is descended from the ancient Collison Jarls of Norfolk, and is the third cousin of the head of the House of Vere. We are a very tightly knit family. The head of the House himself is of Royal Collison descent and this matrilinear Collison extraction also stems from the ancient House of Vere and Princess Milouziana of the Scythians. We are Veres on all sides of the family.

Collisons (yet another "VirTUTis" motto term) share red roses with Bewere's. But these rose's now go strongly to Dere's/Res tracing to Rozala. There is yet another way to trace Drakenberg to the Ceno, if Drago was a Drakenberg liner, by the so-called pitch forks of Bewere's. The Pitch's use a bridge, the symbol Ponti's, and then here's the Bewere description: "...pitch forks, POINTs down..." It looks like the Points and Ponti's were branches, but as Pont liners got suspect with Viponts/VISponts, what about the "vias" motto term of Blackwoods? As Viponts also got suspect with PONTius Pilate, what about the white pheons / arrowheads of Pilate's showing in the Coat of Pilate-like Blate's/Blade's, the ones said to be from Drago de Beware?

Then, as VIS-de-Lou was also Vis-de-LOOP, by what further coincidence do Bewere's use a horizontally-split Shield in the colors of the same of Loops? See also the split-Shield of Toni's, first found in the same place as Italian Fulks. My claim had been that Vis-de-Lou was founded by an Alan-Visconti merger from Langhe, at Montferrat, and so the Lance's (same place as Fulke's), with the Alan fesse in colors reversed, may be from Langhe. As Rangabe's are suspect exactly from Italian Fulks, who share the checkered Shield of Ferrats, the fact that Rankins use a lance suggests that Rankins, and Rancon (Limousin area), was a Rangabe center. While the Barton boar heads were seen as a version of the Vis-de-lou (Fiddle) wolf heads, here we find the three Barton boar heads in colors reversed, in the Rankin Coat. Why do Rankins use a RanKENE variation? The Rankin lance rises in the sinister direction.

[Hours after writing here, I was back to the Lance's (later in the update), where I recalled mythical LanceLOT, and this found the Lotts using what can be the black Dero/Ros/Rosal double-headed eagle (expected to be linked closer to Maxwells). The brown talbot in the Lott Crest traces (in my work) to a Bruno > Brunswick line, but Brunswick-Luneburg was traced to the Alan-Visconti merger envisioned at Langhe. The Lott-like Lothians use a brown talbot. Jewish Lotts use a split Shield in the sinister direction, and are thus linkable to Jewish Rothchilds. These Lotts share the elephant-trunk style in the Arms of Rothschilds.]

I've just noticed that houseofnames changed the design for the Fulk spear, where it once showed, for years, as the same one used by Shakespeare's. At least, the Fulke spear could once be seen clearly to be the Shakespeare spear, with a point at both ends, but that clarity is no longer there. While I trace Vere's to the Varni, the Varns share the Shakespeare bend, and Nicholas has said that his mother is from Norfolk, where Fulke's were first found. I traced the Varni goddess (Nerthus) to the Neuri on the Bug river before knowing that Shakespeare's are in Bug colors, and first found in the same place as Bugs. Clearly, the Varns are a Shakespeare branch.

The Scottish Weir write-up traces Vere's to Sprowestun of Roxburghshire, but there is a Sprowston in Norfolk. The Sparrows of Norfolk, who were lumped in with those locations, use three red-on-white roses alone, the only symbol in the bottom half of the Bewere Coat. The Sparrow Crest is a unicorn, symbol of the Cnut Crest, and Cnut traces to Nottingham, where the Bugs and Shakespeare's were first found. And Danish Cnuts use pot hangers, while HANGARS, like Angers / Anjou, were first found in the same place (Hampshire) as Drake's and Potters.

The PEAScods in the Collison Coat can be for the Peas/Peacocks. In any case, after mentioning that his mother is from Collison jarls, he adds: "The overall head of the House of Vere today is the Prince Mhaior. By Papal Investiture and by inheritance from the House of the royal O'Brien descendants of King Brian Boru of Tara, the Prince Mhaior is himself an Archduke - not an insignificant Irish earl, as some totally ill-informed malcontent once triumphantly proclaimed in a ridiculous, failed attempt at an exposé of me." Tara? That sounds like the Taro river, at the Ceno. As I said, if one goes to the source of the Ceno, and sticks a head over the mountains, Genoa will be seen below.

What's that Prince MHAIOR about? It was fortunate that I happened to load Irish Weirs earlier today. Though I didn't agree with its wording, it says that "Weir is an anglicization of Mac an MHAIOR". It sounds as though "Mhaior" came first, but that doesn't seem correct. If it is correct, then it means that Weirs merged with another surname of the Mhaior line, but the two terms don't seem to be from the same stock. The Mayers / Majors / Mere's can apply here, but, in any case, the Weirs from Mhaior are using the Grimaldi lozengy, likely, because Grimaldi's were in Genoa. So, there you have it, that the head of house of Vere is a Grimaldi liner, as with my mother. I didn't know that Drakenberg would come this close to me when I said earlier: "I felt Him saying something like, you haven't seen anything yet. Or perhaps it was something like, you just wait, as if it was pending."

Now, let's just assume, as a theory only, that God, wanting to expose Drakenberg, chose me for the hunt because I would keep closer tabs on Taddei's, Grimaldi's, Ferrari's and Masci's than Mr. English or Mr. German or Mr. Japan. I think it's a good theory, or the world may never have known what we just saw. But this is not a game, if this theory is true, because God isn't doing all this for fun, or for my entertainment. Drakenberg had best pay heed, because God isn't doing this because he loves Drakenberg. What's he up to with his sites on Drakenberg? Is the Trigger in the Sky about to be pulled? Will Drakenberg pay for its many murders at any moment? Will the stupids stumble and fall right before their enemies?

The Weir lozengy can be traced to Grimoald of the Bavarian house of Garibald, back before the Fulks of Anjou, for the Weir lozengy is in the style of the Bavarian lozengy, owned by a Bug-colored Bogan family prior to Templar times. This explains why English Bogens (with an 'e') use a wyvern dragon. The Bogan bow is in the colors of the Shakespeare spear. Sometimes, the wyvern dragon, especially when in red (see Presleys), is called a COCKatrice, and this is now easily explained in that Cocks use a Shield filled with the Grimaldi / Weir lozengy too.

He adds: "The Head of the House formally addresses me as 'the Dragon Prince' of the House of Vere." But if he was a prince, who was the dragon king? If he doesn't exist, Nicholas was playing fantasy with "prince." Prince of the empty throne, the non-existent throne. The problem is, with Nicholas agreeing in his soul to become a lunatic, what can we really trust from his words? He claims that the special dragon race of humans goes back to the Biblical Nephilim, in pre-Flood times. After the Flood, demented descendants of Noah produced a neo-Nephilim cult, as play on words, to define themselves as a superior race by linking themselves back to angelic beings of the past, not unlike the demented Greeks and others who imagined multiple gods in various personalities and functions. Don't allow the imagination to play, or it will play and lose reality.

The neo-Nephilim cult can be "proven," I think, in mythical Nephele (post-Flood invention), meaning the "habitation of angels." Probably, therefore, the Nephilim were named after the clouds. But as Nephele was made the wife of Ixion, he is to be viewed as the chief architect of the neo-Nephilim fantasy / concept. And so this arrogant cult gets suspect with the Hyksos, from Lake Van, near the resting place of Noah's ark. It decided to be the chief antagonist of the True God, the ones who worshiped the serpent of Eden, the master of the Nephilim. And this cult has continued in privacy to this day, and is expected to foment for the Final Battle, when the Restrainer gets out of its way, to allow its human master -- satan incarnate -- to prosper in war. But it will be such a short time that, while he yet has the champagne bottle turned upside-down on his hairy head, searing coals will come raining down upon him.

Nicholas shed some dim light on what his throne pertains to, but note his trace to Robin Hood, for the Bogan Crest seems to have him there:

The Imperial and Royal Dragon Court appears repeatedly throughout the history of my family...

Briefly, to give a few examples, in more recent times it was the Royal Court of the Dragon Princess Milouziana from whom we are descended in numerous lines, and later it was the fairy Court of Alberic de Vere, the legendary Oberon.

Immediately following Alberic it was the Court of his son, Robert de Vere, earl of Huntingdon, who was the historical Robin Hood; the elven, sacral priest-king of the witches. Later the Dragon Court was manifest in the "Thirteen Covens of Mid-Lothian", and in the cabal of Lady Somerville, the witch-mother of Thomas of Edinburgh [the Blackwood Thomas, I assume]. Thomas was the grandson of Sir William Vere of Stonebyres and the elvin, Dragon priest-king of the Thirteen Covens.

Sir William was the son of James, 7th Baron Blackwood. Lady Jane Somerville's heraldic family badge is recorded as the fiery dragon surmounting the pentacle, denoting Dragon blood in the House of the Somerville earls.

While no Stonebyers surname comes up, Byers/Bayers, smacking of Bavarians, were first found in Lothian. The Byers Crest shares the red boar with Bartons, for yet another Drakenberg trace to Ceno liners. For a red rose linkable to the Bewere roses, see English Bayers...with "stet" motto term, evoking the Statielli Ligures mentioned in the last update: "The Statielli, Statiellates, or Statiellenses were a small Ligurian tribe which inhabited an area south of the river Padus (today the Po). Their chief town was Aquae Statiellae (Acqui Terme), on the road from Vada Sabatia, near Savona to Dertona (Tortona) and Placentia." The source of the Ceno is very near this road to Placentia, probably less than 15 miles, and the State surname happens to use lozenges in the colors of the Irish Weir / Grimaldi / Coch / Cock lozenges, a great way to trace the house of Vere to this Ligurian tribe. I've suggested that the Cocks were of mythical CYCnus (swan symbol) at swan-like Savona, but that was before learning that State's share the Cock / Coch lozenges, tending to assure that State's were of the Statielli at the Savona theater. It then tends to assure that the swan symbol of Godfrey de Bouillon traces to some aspect of the Statielli, and moreover, as per LOHENgrin the mythical swan of the Arthurian cult, one should be able to trace the Lohans/Logens to these Statielli. If that's not enough, "LohenGRIN" then looks like part-code for Grimaldi liners.

It's not coincidental that Cochs throw in the Nagle / Weir fesse, with Zionist stars in the colors of the Nagle lozenges, and, moreover, the Lohans/Logens have NAILs as code for Nagle's/Nails. As Grimaldi's were in Genoa, where Doria's were first found, Grimaldi's may just have been part of the Doria-Arduinici entity at Oneglia (western Liguria). That's what it looks like. The Nagle's ("Vox" motto term should be for the Faux's) were first found at MILford Haven, a potential Milo liner.

English Cocks are listed with Corks having "A hand emerging from a cloud POINTing to a star." The pointing symbol was found with Bradys suspect at Bardi, on the Ceno river, where Ixion and the Nephele cloud have been tracing. The Nephilim cult that Nicholas was in love with, right? The Bewere's and hedgeHOG Berone's also use the pointing term. Recalling the red dogs and red talbots that linked to Bardi elements, see the red greyHOUND in the State Crest, and ask if Hounds / Hunds / Huns (red talbots) and can trace to Huntingdon. What do we suppose Mr. Vere of Huntingdon was connected to? The Crispin-related Toothills are using a version the same bend-with-lion as David's, a surname that,tafter much questioning, did trace to king David I, ruler of Huntingdon.

Stettons/Statens (goat, Baphomet?) were first found in Baden, home of red-antler Veringers. I'm stumped on thinking up a related people group to which Statielli might descend from. The term is somewhat like "Sthenelus," mythical Ligurian king and father of Cycnus. If we added a second 't' to "Sthenelus," it would be "Sthentelus, like the Stand/Stant/Stain surname (hand and cloud!) to which I trace the Arthur motto. Stands, who share double fesse bars in the colors of the same of Parmers/Palmers, were first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as Millfords.

I've insisted that "STHENelus" was for the Sion-related Seatons/Sittens, from the Sithone tribe of Edones, for mythical LYCURGus of the Edone's smacks of "Liguria." The Stettons and State's may therefore have been proto-Seaton branches. I recall a second mythical Cygnus, of the Ares cult, itself of the proto-Rus Thracians.

Interestingly, the Ceno river of Parma province has a source at Pendragon-like Monte Penna, and Nicholas de Vere says, "Notably in our family the Dragon Court is also derived from the Court of the Pendragon Kings whose lineage we inherit through numerous marital alliances with our close cousins, the Dukes of Hamilton, whose estates bordered our own in Lanarkshire." The name of Penna "derives from the ancient Celtic deity Penn, who was believed to reside here by the Ligures."

I've only now gone to the Wikipedia article on the Ceno, to discover, at its source area, a Varano de' MeleGARi location smacking of both the Varenne's/Verone's / Verona's/Vairs and a Melusine-Guerra entity. The Arms of Varano de' Melegari use bendy (Guerra symbol) in red and gold (imperial-Byzantine colors). There is a Serravilla Ceno location in the article that may be of the Sava-river Sauers, for they use the same lion (same colors too) as Spanish Serra's/Serrano's. This red-on-white lion is also that of Jerusalem king, Guy Lusignan, and Melusine was of Lusignan (some peoples of Lusignan are called Melusines). One can perhaps link "Melegari" to Meleguli's of Parma. I don't have time to elaborate as time's up for this update as I write here.

I've just gone seeking Robert Vere of Huntingdon, coming across the following that tens to trace the Thomas Vere's to Thomas of Saluzzo: f"Oxford Castle is thought to be the oldest in all England. The Norman structure was built in 1071 by Robert d'Oilly. From what is left of it we can conclude that it was originally a pre-Norman motte and bailey fort." The Dulys'/D'Oyle's were first found in Oxfordshire, and they became very suspect with the Arms of Oise (Paris), and all that this may mean for connection to the line of Israeli priests.

I'm having trouble finding Robert de Vere of Huntingdon. The page above says he descends from Melusine, suggesting that it's a pro-Vere page. I'm reading elsewhere that William Clinton was the first earl of Huntingdon. The earls of Clinton used the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Saluzzo's. Compare "CLUN" to "CLINton". Very interesting. If Clintons were Clun liners, then they were of the fitzAlan-Saluzzo line, and if we ever thought that Bill Clinton should have been related to the Bush presidents by Masonic plots, by what coincidence do Bush's trace to Busca, beside Saluzzo? As fitzAlans were of Arundel, note the roundels in the Clinton mullets (stars). The black fitchees in the Clinton Coat link clearly to the same in the Tarves Coat, and Chives, suspect from the mother of Alice of Saluzzo, are said to have been at Tarves! Bingo. And the D'Oile's that built the Oxford castle were traceable to Alice's mother (Luis of Ceva) too.

I'm getting the impression that William Clinton was a Vere, yet named after the Clinton location of Oxford. The Tarves-Crest lion, red like the Oxford-Chief lion, holds an axe, a familiar-to-Drakenberg symbol. Now look at this from Wikipedia's article on earls of Huntingdon: "Huntingdonshire was part of East Anglia, inhabited by a population known as the Gyrwas from about the 6th century." Clicking to the Gyrwas article: "Gyrwas was the name of an Anglo-Saxon population of the Fens, divided into northern and southern groups and recorded in the Tribal Hidage; related to the name of Jarrow." Jarrow. It was a surname in the last update, listed with Dure's. Then, upon clicking the Jarrow link, it was found to be in DURham county, explaining the Dure/Jarrow surname. Fine, but the surname uses the Clun / Saluzzo Coat exactly, all three Coats void of symbols; just their Chiefs on a white Shield...all related to the Clinton Coat, right?

Now, Huntingdon is not exactly in Durham, so I will assume that the Gyrwas peoples moved to Jarrow. The Were river is in that area so that, perhaps, Were's had been of the GYRwas peoples. But Huntingdon is at the Cambridge theater, where Quints and related June's and Julians were first found, all near Hertfordshire, where Nicholas de Vere grew up, and all near Oxford too. Something tells me that the Caepio-liner Chives' were in the Gyrwas environs. Was this GYRwas entity a Guerra entity? Guerra's share a wyvern dragon with the Saxon flag in Wessex. It isn't a coincidence that French Dure's use a Shield filled with the Warren checks, used also by Cliffords, and while Cliff/Cleaves and Clavers/Cleavers are being traced to Glaphyra, ancestor of Quadratilla, the Dure's/Jarrows use a "Quid" motto term that is a surname listed with Quade's.

Someone in the Gyrwas article assumed that the peoples were named after a Saxon term, gyr, for whatever, but I've learned, from studying surnames, that much of this sort of reasoning is wrong guesswork. I like to say that Washington was named after washing a ton of bricks because the doves of Columbia made them dirty, but we know that's not correct. In the same way, tracing "GYRwas" to a gyr dictionary term is feasibly just as erroneous. What about a Gyr-like people group? Doesn't that make more sense? Wasn't Washington named after a people group? Yes.

Although German Geers are listed with Geeds/Geens/GEDDA's (hard to say what the original was), they share the white-on-blue crescent of Blackwoods. The Dutch branch shows the same surname variations, and shares a round-tailed lion with Gate's, in colors-reversed from the Gate lions, while Drake's are traced to the GAIT of a duck. The Geer lion is blue, the color of the Caepio-line lion. The Crest of English Geers/Gere's/Gears shows a blue lion, and uses two fesse bars in the colors of the Lance fesse, and Lance's, with a fesse in colors reversed from the Alan fesse, are being traced to Montferrat, where Guido Guerra got his wife (daughter of William V of Montferrat). The Gyrwas peoples may therefore have founded, as the Melusine-Guerra dragon, the true Pictish king that formed the Scot kings. If you recall, Lance's were picked up at the lance of Rangabe-suspect Rankins.

Prior to the Conqueror, "The earldom [of Huntingdon] at that time carried extensive powers and covered a wide area of East Midlands, covering the counties of Northampton and Bedford as well as Huntingdon." The lion paw in the Quint Crest is black as are the lion paws of Bedfords. Quint-related Quince's were in Northamptonshire, to the near-west of Huntingdon. As The Dure/Jarrow Crest is a sword, as is found in the Coat of Justine's, first found in the same place as Dure's/Jarrows, see here: "In 1065 the earldom passed to Waltheof, son of Siward, Earl of Northumbria. Waltheof kept his title following the Conquest in 1066, and even after his rebellion in 1067, and married Judith, King William's niece [Judith of Lens]." Recalling that the Sword-Coat man is used by Doune-suspect Dusts, it's conspicuous that Durham was once DUNholme.

Dure's/Jarrows were first found in the same place, Perthshire, land of the Picts, as Lothians (Brown talbot), suspect with the Lotts (brown talbot) and therefore with Lancelot. It's notable that Alpins and Alice's, both using swords in front of tree's, are similar to Lothians, with a pine tree. The Gregors (gyr elements?), said to be of the Alpins/Cappins, and using a Coat like that of Alpins, show a BROWN lion in Crest. Just saying. Gregors (Argyllshire) are showing the crown of MacArthurs (Argyllshire), however, while Alpins (Argyllshire) don't. The MacArthur-rooted Campbells are also Cammells, and therefore likely of mythical CameLOT. Can you see why Bramtons (same place as Lance's) can work into this picture along with Mathie's/Manns/Maghens and Maghens/Manns/Mathuna's?

The Dure/Jarrow Crest is described as "BRANDishing a sword," and then English Brands (branch of BRAMTons?) are in Varn colors and use a red cockatrice, a form of wyvern. No guff. It's a good reason to make the Vere link to Huntingdon even if Robert de Vere was a created person meant to disguise the reality in a riddle. Swords use their man couped, and Brands use "black hands couped." They are normal hands like all others, and there is no reason for anyone to describe them as couped, unless someone has read the official description. The "firebrand" of Jewish Brands could indicate the Fire's/Furs of Firenze, kin of Ferrens', kin of Cliffords. Irish Hands/Lavans/Glavans have variations like a variation of the Sword surname (if you don't know, Swords are of Siward of Northumberland). And Irish Hands use red lozenges, the colors of the Weir / Cock lozengy, and of the State lozenges.

In Wikipedia's Earl-of-Huntingdon article, we find no Robert, no Vere's. But in the third creation of the earldom, there is one Guichard d'ANGLE (died 1380), 40 years after William Clinton got the title. And zikers, the Angle's share "vias" with the Blackwood motto! This reminds that Angle's and Nagle's have similar surnames while Nagle's trace to Boofima-suspect Imperia. The Arms of Guichard d'Angle are the same checks of Warrens, with a blue lion overtop, looking much like the Nassau Arms. As he was a Poitevin / Poitiers entity (as was king Guy Lusignan), the lion is likely that of Revere's/RedVere's (VERNon kin), or linkable to it.

The father of this no-show Robert (sometimes called Robin) de Vere was "Alberic de Vere, the legendary Oberon." But as these characters are often code, this may have been the axe-using Halberts honored by Melusine- and axe-using Walsers. "Oberon" suggests the Berons, listed with Berone's, the ones that got the Tous'/Tosini's, and traced by their hedgehogs to Garda at the Adige river. In Shakespeare's works, Oberon's mother was made Morgan la Fey; we get it, that Melusine of Avalon was Morgan le Fay, from Morges in the Wallis realm of Walsers. The page at the Morgan link things that William Shakespeare was a Vere. The writer says that Robert/Robin was also named, Puck, possible code for Pucks or Pughs/Pews.

There is a bit in that page on Shakespeare's, "A Midsummer's Night Dream," where Morgan was wife to Julius Caesar. Was that code for Servilia Caepionis? Was Morgan le Fay of myth a line of Julius Caesar with a child from Mrs. Caepio? Note that German Pucks are using a long chevron in the colors of the long Chappes chevron! Amazing coincidence. Note that Pughs/Pews use three fleur-de-lys on white, as do June's (same place as Capone's and Julians, near Huntingdon), for the three known daughters of Servilia Caepionis were all named, Junia. The Pucks even share the white-on-blue annulet of Ottone's! I've known this for years, but it has surprised me greatly to find this Shakespearian work along with a Puck name. Shakespeare must have known that Chappes' were from Caepio's, but it truly looks like he also knew that Caesar had children with Servilia.

Pucks were once traced to the Peucini / Peuce (right of map below) at the mouth of the modern Siret, anciently the AGARus (Hierasus on this map), and then Justine of Peucini-like Picenum trace's both to the Sire's/Sirens with Siret variation, and to the Justine's, first found in the same place as HAGARs. We just saw how Sava-river liners, the Sauers, can trace to Serravilla Ceno. And Justine married a Sava-river liner, in my opinion. The Valentins, from her husband, are in Zerr/Zehrer / Sere/SERT / Sear colors.

Henry of Huntingdon, son of king David of Scotland, married Ada of Warenne/Varenne, whose family was in Sussex, where English Pucks/Puckle's (three hands) were first found. When Henry of Huntingdon was a topic (two updates ago) with the Cobhams, the latter were suspect as a Caepio line of the Coponius kind. It's now predictable that Guichard d'Angle of Huntingdon descends from Henry and Ada, a good way to explain the Warren-suspect checks in Guichard's Arms. But was his name a take on Visconti-suspect Guiscards, first found in the same place as Scottish Chappes? There is a Guichard/Guich surname (Burgundy) sharing the Frank (share "non" with Nagle's) or Pollock saltire. This surname may relate to the link of De Molle's to Pollocks and Gooch's/Googe's / Goffs/Goughs together. Perhaps the Coch and Cocks apply here, not to mention the Hoggs ("DAT gloria VIRES") from the Beron(e) hedgehogs. The Vires surname is listed with Berone- and Warren-like Verone's/Varenne's, and Hoggs were first found in DURham, now suspect with the GYRwas that can suggest the Geers using the same checks as Warrens.

Search "baron of Blackwood," and Vere pages come up. Was there really a baron of Blackwood, or is that another Vere invention? Here is from an article by a Bill Weir, mentioning all the folklore spoken by Nicholas too:

The Weirs of Blackwood in Lanarkshire, the principal WEIR family, claim descent from Ralph de Vere. Ralph was succeeded by his eldest son Walter de VERE (born circa 1130) who was succeeded by Radulphus de VERE (also known as Ralph), born circa 1154. Radulphus died at end of Alexander II's reign (that being 1214 - 1249)

Thomas de VERE, son of Radulphus was born by 1246. In 1266 he was witness to a charter of a donation to Kelso Monastery by Hemicus St Clan. His son was Richardus de VERE (also recorded as Richard WERE) who was proprietor of the lands and the barony of Blackwood, circa 1296; the baron of Blackwood is often called the ancestor of all Weirs and Wiers of Scotland.

Thomas de VERE (also recorded as Wer/Were), son of Richardus, died in the reign of David Bruce, followed by Buan de VERE (also recorded as Were) born in the beginning of Robert III's reign [it sure sounds like there are historical documents to back these men up as true characters]...

His son was Thomas WEIR of Blackwood, (born circa 1460, died circa 1531), the first in this direct line at Blackwood to use the WEIR spelling consistently...

...Weirs/Veres of Stonebyres and Archtyfardle and Mossmynemion were branches of the Weirs of Blackwood...

The page shows the blue Vere boar on a chapeau, the Biden/Button / Capelli symbol. As Buttons were first found in the same place as Josephs and Capelli-like Caplans, it looks like Vere's got hooked up with Joseph-Caiaphas liners. Guichard was a member of the garter, and so here's Nicholas boasting: "Lateral inheritance from the extinct cadet cousin branch of the Vere earls of Oxford brings to the contemporary Court, via the 11th earl, Richard de Vere, the degree of Societas Draconis - latterly misnamed 'Sarkany Rend' - a membership bestowed upon him, it is believed academically, during his investiture into the Prince's Degree of the Order of the Garter, along with the Emperor Sigismund of Luxembourg, at St. George's Chapel, Windsor Castle. The heraldry of the family prior to Richard's investiture into Societas Draconis already included the ancient Dragon motifs on both the paternal and maternal sides of the family, denoting pure Dragon blood in both descents, and reflecting the continuing presence of the Dragon Court in the family since the time of Princess Milouziana of the Scythians." Saying things like, if true or not all true, may have gotten Nicholas killed.

Nicholas in caution: "Anciently Dragon blood, the blood of the gods, is the true source of divine right kingship. To say that Dragons are the rightful rulers of the world's governments today might raise some contention. Perhaps it would be more realistic to suggest that they may well be the rightful rulers of the world's governments in the future". Translation: Not to be concerned world, for what you fear isn't going to happen in your lifetime. But it's progressing right under your nose, and can jump out at any time, the sooner, we think is better. But right now, we are not ready."

Nicholas speaks with fairy characters to describe humans that he envisions, and perhaps he's trying to create a sensational approach to finding acceptance, but, clearly, the world is not ready for his brand of illuminatism:

"The Dragon" is a term I use generally to mean the dragon archetype resting within the Dragon blood and passed on through the genes. It is the conduit through which flow the memories of the wisdom and experience of the Dragons who have gone before...

Roughly ten percent of Europeans have Dragon blood, and stem from families whose physical attributes clearly point to a genetic inheritance over 100,000 years old. This figure is calculated from research deriving from studies by Oxford University and matched to historical accounts [what else has Oxford been doing for the cause?].

[Dragons] didn't originate from outer space, that's for sure. A principal element of the Dragon genome originated in the vast forests of central Europe, and cut off from other species, they developed as a distinct race. By the time of the Anunnaki they had been hybridized to form the ancestors of the later Elves or Dragon kings and queens.

...As Great Chamberlains, [the Vere's] were the closest advisors to the monarchs and were therefore the major influence or power behind the British throne.

Ya, that's what I was afraid of.

Back to Tedaldus' Family

While reading the webpage below, I came across a family in a time not long before Malahule, which had married in Parma, and had a son, Gerard, which caused me to look that surname up, to find

As I quote the below, keep in mind that Mele's/Mells, expected from the Meleguli's early in Parma, share a FRET with Berkshire's and Duttons, while Windsors can be expected to contact Berkshire's as a rule. Note that while I've read concerning a Candia (northern Italy / Savoy) link to Sinclairs (i.e. includes Malahule), this family below, from fret-like SigFRED, married Candia, the family's whose eagle the Doria's are suspect with. Sigfred married in Parma, and ruled nearby Reggio. Isn't "Sigfried" a Norse / Germanic name too? Note his alternative name, like "Segusia" (now Susa) of the Cottian kings, for Cotta's/Cottins use FRETTy. Then, as the Gerard / Toni flowers are expected as code for Florence liners, while Taddei's of Florence use fleur-de-lys ends on their crosses, what about the lily of Susa-like Susans/Susanne's? This quote below gets very close to Rozala, who changed her name to Susanne, who was expected from Lucca elements. The quote below can be confusing as to what-versus-what took place in Lucca-versus-Parma. Let's not forget that Flower's are using a cinquefoil in the colors of the Palmer/PARMer trefoils. Note how the quote touches on the affairs of Arduin Glaber. Later, the Bardi location at the Ceno river becomes Drakenberg-important, and so I'm noting Baratti's of Parma. Recalling from above that Tedaldus linked well to Chives of the Bink kind, ./, :

1.SIGEFREDO-SIGESO (-after 972).The Alberti Milioli Notarii Regini Liber de Temporibus records the arrival "in comitatu Lucensium" of "comes Sigifredus...cum tribus filiis...Sigifredus, Atto, Gerardus" and the marriage of "Sigifredus {iunior}" and...Baratinam". In the county of Lucca 12 Oct 962. In the city of Parma 3 Jan 969. m[arried] BARATINA, daughter of [unknown] from Parma...Sigefredo & his wife had four children:
b) SIGEFREDO (-1015 or after).The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. Bishop of Parma 981/1015.
d) BARATTO .The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. Maybe ancestor of the family BARATTI in Parma.

...Adalberto Atto [Sigfredo's third child] & his wife had four children:

a) RODOLFO...[same name as the first Vere of Blackwood]

b) TEDALDO (-8 May [1012]...

That's the Tedaldo under discussion since the last update. He became suspect with Tuttle's/Toothills and the other Toothills, and the latter's Coat got suspect with that of French Crispins/Crepons for a lot more than similarity. Now watch.

The Baratti lion holds someone's red fleur-de-lys. Baratti's were first found on the Tanaro, at Alessandria, about 50 miles from the Ceno. As Drakenberg traces to Guerin of Provence (his line resolved to be tied to Tanaro elements at Montferrat), it's conspicuous that Gellone's use the red fleur-de-lys. The Baratti's use the Ferrari / Sforza lion. As Ferrara was intimate with Este, let's go to what should be the Este horse in the Coat of French Barrats (share black Crest with Este's), likely from the Bars of Este, and therefore linkable to Bruno > Barone > Brunswick liners. Why are these Barrats using two Carrick symbols?

I can't be sure yet whether or not Barrats / Barratti's are Bardi liners. The point at bay is that I'm seeing Oxford elements in the two Barrat surnames, namely the Crispins and Purys/BUREYs, and Blackwoods use a "Per" motto term, like the "Pour" of Barrats ("Per" can be for the Oxford Pears/Pearls). The "Pour y" of Maness/Manners was traced to Purys, but this brings to mind that the double fesse BARS of Maness'/Manners, in the colors of the double bends of the Oxford D'Oyle's. The Maness motto term, "PARvenir," indicates that their double blue bars are those of Parrs. Bar bars bars.

Irish Barrats (10 bars) are sharing red-and-white barry with the Oxford Crispins (eight bars), and as such are linkable to the Toothills, an extremely important discovery, clinching the Tuttle / Toothill trace to Tedaldus, in my opinion. It's as we might expect, Todini / Tosni liners in the area of Parma, and the Crispin POMEgranate comes to mind with Palm liners, especially as Italian Palms use a fesse bar in Crispin fesse-bar colors.

Plus, as it seems obvious enough that Barrats are from the Barry / Berry family, see this:

Melusine de VER has also been known as Melusina, Melouziana de Scythes, Maelasanu, and The Dragon Princess. She entered literary history in the book Roman de Melusine written in 1393 by Jean d'Arras [note the late date]. The story is a mix of fiction and fact, commissioned by the Duke de BERRY, a French noble who was brother to King Charles V, and uncle of King Charles VI [Stewart]. It was meant to be a family history and to uphold the proprietary claims to Lusignan and Anjou. In this story Melusine's mother [Presley liners?] was a Presine fairy who charmed Elinas, the king of Scotland. The result was their daughter Melusine. Half fairy and half princess, Melusine wandered over to the Continent and eventually met up with Rainfroi/Raymond [de Vere] in the forests Anjou. They met while he was out boar hunting. Overcome with her beauty, he took her hand in marriage, and many adventures ensued. As a result of this book, Melusine was subsequently featured in medieval tales across Europe, variously depicted as a mermaid, a water sprite, a fairy queen, a fairy princess, a dragon princess, and a forest nymph. She came to represent any magial creature who marries a mortal man. Most royal houses in Europe have claimed lineage to the real Melusine, so she has been the subject of great speculation. Legends about Melusine and Rainfroi (or Raymond) also often have a connection to boars and boar hunting.

Note the book's writer, with Arras surname, an Artois entity. Such were definitely at Berwickshire (where Arthurs were first found," and then Elins/Elms, looked up as per "Elinus," the fiction's king of Scotland, first found in Berwickshire, use the double-fesse bars of Palmers/Parmers, putting leaves upon them. I had traced RAINfrou to the Raines', and therefore to Rennes of Brittany, though at the time I didn't have the page above, which says that the 3rd earl of Oxford, Ralph de Vere, fled to Scotland with "Conan IV Duke of Brittany. Conan IV besides being Duke of Brittany, laid claim to the throne of England as a great-grandson of King Henry I and grandson of Empress Maude. Henry II of England gained control of Brittany, which resulted in Conan fleeing to Scotland. Conan IV married the sister of the King William I, The Lion of Scotland, and Ralph de Vere in return for his allegiance, was given lands in Lanarkshire. In the 12th century, a number of land grants in the lowlands were awarded to Flemish noble families by the Scottish throne." That explains why Conans use the Sinclair cross, but the point is that Vere's got tied with elements from Rennes, and these were mythically made the husband of Melusine.

As she was on Avalon, no doubt with her mother, Pressina (other spellings exist), let's toy with her identity as the Abruzzo line through Presleys and the Prestwicks using Melusine. As Avalon was Bute, beside Arran, I could re-mention here the sure trace of Newmans, who share the Raines lion, to Arran. That idea was reported by JJ Tolkien, who was infatuated with elves and powerful ring lords, same theme as Melusine. Tolkien wrote that NUMENor was a fictional island in relation to his own "Avallone" location. And while the Newman motto honors the MacAbee's, first found on Arran, the name of that island traces to Raines'-like Airaines, in PicARDY, near ABBEville. It's all about a Picardy-Artois trace to king Arthur's Avalon. And that's why Mr. d'Arras was the writer on the Melusine "fairy."

Moments before writing this paragraph, while looking at the Vere motto term, "veRIUS," it suggested that a Rius surname may exist that links to the Dere's/Res' / Dero's/Ros' / Daro's/Daros', and, indeed, there is a Spanish Rius/Rio surname, using a white-on-red tower, a common Spanish symbol yet it's in the colors of the Presley tower. I had traced Presleys to Kerricks, and we just saw two reasons for tracing Carricks to the Barrat surname. Presleys not only once showed the Kerrick symbol, but their symbol is called a grappling iron, tracing to Irons/Kenirons/Hirams, said to be from Airaines, no guff. Again, Barrats are linkable by their red-and-white barry to Crispins...who in-turn married the line of Fulk II of Anjou, and who lived in the land of Bars of Bar-le-Duc, that being Lorraine, suspect with Larins/Lorens (Provence) and Larens/Clarens. Although Larens/Clerens were first found in Argyllshire, they can trace to Lorne's suspect with Lanarks/LARNachs/LURNachs (Hamelton cinquefoil), Vere-important for obvious Lanarkshire reasons. Vere's claim to have been closely related to Hamiltons in Lanarkshire, suspect with the Campbells/Cammells (Argyllshire).

The only Barret surname I knew, from high school, had only one girlfriend, Laura. The only reason I've know the Barret surname was as per this man.

I've just loaded Lorins (Larin/Loren colors) to find quarters in colors reversed from the same of Tute's/Tuits (same place as Fulke's). It can make the red-and-white Tute quarters a version of the red-and-gold Vere quarters. Recalling that D'oyle's were first found in Oxford, here's from the Loren write-up: "Sir Arthur CONAN Doyle's historical novel, 'Sir Nigel,' first chapter is entitled 'The House of Loring.'" There we have Conans again with Oxford elements, not forgetting that Doyle's are from, and/or named, Oise at Ile-de-France. As the engrailed feature of heraldry traced to Lowrys and Laurie's, note the engrailed bend of Lorin(g)s.

The Lorin Crest, a MILL rind that can go to the Milo-de-Vere code. Milo was made a son of Rainfrou, and so one expects a branch of something in Rennes to become a ruling force in Anjou about the time of the Fulks. The Rinds are the ones with the gillie flowers in a pot, linkable to the Toni flowers. English Toni's and Hastings together own the Leicester "maunch / sleeve," and Hastings became the earls of Huntingdonshire not long after Guichard d'Angle. The nook, "St. Nigel," expects a trace to Nagle's, Vere kin. It's not only Arthurian cultists who had a grail theme, for the Nicholas-de-Vere--LAURENce-Gardner duo had one too, and the families all bickered about which one was the chief grail line. The Grail surname is listed with Scottish Neils (BARRA islands, suspect with bar-le-Duc), and we can spot a da-Vinci entity in that surname's motto term, "Vincere." All of the folklore surrounding grail themes is nothing but family bickering over which is supreme to the heraldic cup (used by Lowrys / Laurie's, and suspect with rose-using Cups/Cope's).

The "nihil veRIUS" motto phrase of Vere's and Weirs must be part code for the Nihills, listed with Irish Neils, suspect with German Neils/Nagle's. Both Neils and Grails/Neills share a sea theme with the Rius'. As the latter are suspect with the tower of Presleys, while the latter use two symbols of the Abreu's/Abruzzo's, it's now revealing that the latter share two upright lions, facing one another, with Irish Neils. The sea theme is shared by Keens/Keans and Keons, from the Ceno, right? But God buried the army of king Khyan in the sea, right?

I kid you not, that while Neils are usually entering by that surname, I entered "Neal" this time, and that brought up Nagle-colored English Neals/Neele's/Neilds (unfamiliar to me) with a "NOMEN" motto term! The entire motto: "Nomen EXTenDERE FACTis." The latter term is suspect with Faucets at the Faux's, and French Faux's are listed with a surname tracing to Merovingian / Grail-blood lore at RENNES-le-Chateau. Dan Brown's "Da Vinci Code" had a fictional Sauniere character as code for the real Mr. Sauniere at Rennes-le-Chateau, and I've discovered variations of "Saunier" (no final 'e') in the Coat that comes up as "Faux."

Forget about seeking meanings in some warped / exotic spirituality, for these immature bozos wrote fables as code for merely their beloved surnames and bloodlines. But they didn't tell anyone because they knew others would view it with a frown. They dressed their vanity with attractive, fabulous themes. There are thousands of bozo's doing the same to this day with the naming of products you buy, companies you buy from, and shows you watch. Instead of creating a unity, they create schisms and war-purposed partnerships based on merely their cherished bloodlines. The quest to have the cherished bloodline rule the earth in a fasces-like partnership, as Rothschilds seek, requires a war on the competing bloodlines. This foolery is expected to get way out of control, and we are not surprised at the brutality behind it, as is common where the big money goes.

The blue Neal lion is counterchanged, a code I now trace to Flanders along with the "green mound" in the Neal Crest. That gets us back to the Artois theater. But with Neals apparently tracing to the Ceno, what were they in that area? Well, I say they were the namers of Oneglia, and as such they were likely merged with the Arduinici of that place. The Doria's of that place (who married its Arduinici) were first found in Genoa, near the Ceno. The palm branches in the Neal Crest can then go to Palms/Parms (vair fur), suspect from Parma.


Especially for new or confused readers
shows where I'm coming from.

For serious investigators:
How to Work with Bloodline Topics

Here's what I did when I had spare time on my hands:
Ladon Gog and the Hebrew Rose

If you have received emails supposedly from me, and they look like advertisements
or anything unflattering and unexpected from me,
they were not from me but by someone using my email box to send it.

The rest of the Gog-in-Iraq story is in PART 2 of the
Table of Contents

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