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March 3 - 9, 2015

The First-Ever Focus on Coponius Lines to Surnames
The Barber of Suelles
The Mystery of Hohenstaufens Before their Christianization

For a reader hopping into an update for the first time, there is not much I can say in an introductory paragraph to explain everything needed before proceeding. The only readers able to follow are those taking the time needed to get a solid idea of the entire scope. It is probably impossible to follow unless the heraldic Coats are loaded and viewed. It would be helpful to have a photographic memory, or to at least spend some time to get to know Coats, and to understand what I'm saying about them. I did the work over years to be able to present to you the relevant Coats, and you need only decide whether I am correctly interpreting the evidence and the codes. It is far best that you load Coats on a separate browser(s) rather than clicking back and forth from the update page. It might take longer for one to read an update than the week it takes me to write it, but that's what it'll take for a solid understanding of what I'm doing. I know that few have the time to follow this in that way. My hope is...actually, I should have no such hopes as I should just allow God to do what He wants with this. One of my goals at this time is to discover the parent(s) of Josephs Caiaphas, and in the meantime to prove that heraldic masters and leading Templar families knew that all of heraldry had, at its foundations, Caiaphas and his circle of Christ killers. These updates are jot-down format (sub-titles don't usually reflect the roaming topics well) making it hard / impossible to have a pre-plotted storyline. I'm no longer doing final proof-reads, please excuse the imperfections / mistakes.

In her term as Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton used an email server out of her own house, which, as I'm reading it, violates government requirements. Personally, I wish every private citizen could have their own home-based server so that the government snoops would be less capable of getting to them, but Hillary provided her own server while conducting official business for the government, sending emails that the public has a right to see. I imagine that there are two basic benefits for having her own server: 1) keeping the U.S. spy agency from accessing her mail; 2) having the ability to completely erase any damning email at any time. Let's face it, Hillary didn't pay mega-dollars to have her own server because she had nothing to hide.

Rodeneck Connection to Levi-Loving Aide's

We saw what should be a Rodham/Roden trace to RodenEGG, and so let's add that while Rodhams use the Aide white-bend-with-black-symbols, Edgars/Egers were first found in the same place (Berwickshire) as Aide's. Rodhams seem clearly related to Rothes'/Rothams using white-on-black lions on a black bend (i.e. all in colors reversed). The Rothes/Rotham lion is the only symbol, while the same-colored Edgar/Eger lion is the only symbol there. There was a raven-viking link to Berwickshire elements...which should explain why Hillary Clinton seeks to hijack the world her way at this time.

To get your bearings fixed, here's a repeat from the last update: "Beside Muhlbach there is a RODENeck location with simple Arms: 'The emblem is azure a chevron argent. It is the insignia of the Lords of Rodank who built the RodenEGG Castle in 1140.'" Rodeneck is in the Puster-valley theater near Bressanone, where Scottish royals traced, though I don't know the timing of their trace to that area. The Arms of Rodeneck is simply a white-on-blue chevron, the colors of the Stephen chevron, important because Aide's and Rodens/Rodhams are using the Stephenson bend. The Stephen write-up tells on how the surname means "wreath," and then the Rothes happen to have a Wrath variation for that reason. I'm not suggesting that Rothes are purely Stephen liners, though that may prove to be true, but for now I'm seeing a merger.

There was evidence in the last update that Bill Clinton's birth surname (Blythe), likewise first found in Berwickshire, had linked to Rodham liners. Of further interest is that, prior to getting to what you're reading now, it dawned on me that "BOLZano," the place to which I'm now tracing "BLYTHe," could trace to "Blois." I now find that the Stephen write-up traces to count Stephens of Blois. My trace of Blois' to the Arc river (Savoy) can be added here, for the Chambre location on that river had linked to the donkey-using Chamberlains while Rodeneck is beside donkey-using Muhlbach. Immediately after mention of Rodenach, this was written:

Rodhams/Rodens share the tree stump with Italian Milans (Freienfeld colors), and then Scottish Milans/Millans/MULLens are in the colors of the Catherine wheel of German Mule's. If that's not enough, Milans/Mullens -- with a "DISCO" motto term -- were first found at Tayside, where Dunkeld is located!! (I almost passed writing on the Roden-Milan stumps.) It can all suggest a Crinan > Duncan trace to Muhlbach area, right? As expected. But suddenly Milan seems to be involved in the Mule's.

The Arms of Rodeneck uses a white-on-blue chevron (and nothing else if I recall correctly), the symbol of Stephens too, and colors reversed from the chevron of one Stephenson Coat. Therefore, we have apparently just discovered that Hillary Clinton -- and definitely some Rodens -- may have descended from Rodeneck.

The Garlands implied in the Stephen(son) pages were first found in the same place (Perthshire) as Atholl, and are therefore probably using a version of the Athol pale bars. The Garland Chief is split vertically in the colors of the same of German KAPlans (see also the GARdners), important for proving that the solid chevron of Stephens is that of Chappes'. The Chads, moreover, in likewise using a Shield split vertically, use red on the viewer's left side, as do Kaplans and Garlands. Scottish Chappes'/Chaips were first found smack beside Athol.

Duncans and Donkeys ("Disce" motto term) are Chamberlain kin, and the point here is that, only after writing the paragraph before the quote above was "Bols" entered to find the Dutch Bole's using nothing but a green-on-white (Milan colors) tree stump, the Milan symbol! Surprises like this make me happy enough to keep going; otherwise I would have stopped seeking and writing years ago. I have better things to do than to spend this much time on a fantasy.

Next, the Bowles/Boles' were checked (which is a surname of the current wife of prince Charles of England), and they are said to be from near NeufCHATEL (Normandy), smacking of the Chatillon counts that had merged with counts of Blois! I assume, therefore, that Bowle's/Boles' were a Blois branch. The Bowles/Boles boars happen to be in the black color of the Porcia boar, important because I tended to trace Chatillon (otherwise known as Chalons-sur-Marne) to Porcius Cato. "The counts of Chatillon added to their title that of prince of Porcien...", and then Chalons-sur-Marne was the area of Munderic, ruler of Perthois, a term like "Porcius."

The gold Blythe garbs are in the colors of the Edin garbs while the latter were first found in the same place (Suffolk) as Blois', which is a good clue for linking Blythe's to Blois'.

Belgian Bole's are using a boar shot through with an arrow, the Pollock symbol too, and then, aside from the apparent trace under discussion of Bols liners to "Bolzano," that's where Pollocks had been traced by other considerations. Then, the Speers, first found in the same place as Pollocks, share crescents in the colors of the Blythe crescents. But the Speer spears trace to the same of the BOLogna Pasi's, and that place too has been traced to the namers of Bolzano. I tended to identify (years ago) Belgian Bole's with Boleslaw I of Poland, known to be named after Boleslaw I of Bohemia, and then the proto-Bohemian Boii were at Bologna.

Blythe's are traced to Bolzano for using what looks like a version of the Arms of Bolzano. We wouldn't make the link based solely on this fesse comparison, but the surname is so like the name of the city that the link was predictable, and here it's proving correct. The Rodham cinquefoil had been suspect with the cinquefoil of the Blanks (Shetland, home of raven-vikings), important here because it's the Bus cinquefoil too while the alternative name of Bolzano, BOZen, can apply to Bus'. There is now a question as to whether "Blank" is itself a corruption / creation from "Bolzano."

The last update noted the similarity between the Blythe and Adler fesses, with the latter using gold stars in place of gold garbs, important because Bolzano uses a gold star on its fesse. It can now be added that Adlers were first found in the same place (Norfolk) as Bus' and same-colored Chads. The black wolf heads of Adlers traced to Lycaonia, where the Dade's can trace (i.e. to lake Tatta), important because the Dade's likewise use the Blythe garbs. This is not a cheap shot, for the Blythe crescents are in the colors of the same of Tattons too. The bottom half of the German Bus Coat looks linkable to German Adlers.

Lake Tatta was near Derbe, and so see this: Antipater of Derbe, a friend of Cicero, was ruler of Derbe, but was killed by Amyntes of Galatia, who added Derbe to his possessions." How about that. It's Amyntes, son of Brogitarus. The priesthood of the Big-Mamma Tart was in Lycaonia. The children of these bozo's are tracing to Bozen, aren't they? Doesn't Bill Clinton get a red nose himself? No greater bozo ever sat in the Oval office. It's morals, stupid. Presidents are supposed to have moral integrity, but all of the donkey-crats standing behind Clinton when he was falling sought to change the image of the presidency. These people are still with us today breeding children after their own hearts.

The Edgar/Eger surname, one of quite a few suspect (along with Adge's/Edge's) with the namers of Bolzano's Adige river, shares the dagger with Berwick-suspect Mackays, while the latter shares black wolf heads with ED-like Adlers. It makes Adlers suspect as yet another Adige-river clan.

The last update saw Adige-area liners tracing to the Angusta / Bacau area of the Siret river of Scythia. Cabbage's and Bakers use a lion in the colors of the Edgar / Rothes lion, and the Cabbage motto term, "angustis," traces to Angusta. The Zinne/Czinn/Cinner Coat uses the leaves once showing for the House surname, which the latter call, "cabbage leaves," part code for Laevillus liners, and part code for Cabbage's/Cobells, first found in the same place (Northamptonshire) as Adlers. But as the latter were also first found in the same place as Bus', note the "ReBUS" motto term of Cabbage's. One Baker Coat uses the same leaves as House's, Hazels and Falts (the latter were traced to Falticeni, off the Siret river).

We now have a super coincidence in that Zinne's/Cinners traced (independent of Cabbage considerations) to Hectors, first found in Angus, suspect with "ANGUSta." Reminder: Kinners are said to be from "Wormit," like "Vrm," count of Angusta. And recently, it was suggested that Adlers should be Hiedlers/Hitlers, and then Hiedlers/Hitlers share two features of the Ector Coat! That works.

The Cabbage lion is colors reversed from the Levi lion (same design) so that the Cabbage chevron can be one of the Levi chevrons. The Tails/Tailors (Levi lions in colors reversed) use the Cabbage lion exactly so that the Cabbage chevron must be that of Talons/Talants, important because Augusts use the eagle talon while Angusta was also "Augusta" (top right of map). Nazi's were THULE-Society bums. Bums with machine guns, all Hell-bent and now gone, but replaced by neo-Nazi's in high places with bigger designs on the world.

I had traced the Taulantii of Albania to the Aberdeen area along with Chives', but didn't realize until now that Taulantii could have named Atholl in neighboring Perthshire. Irish Talons (in Talon/Talant colors) use bars in the colors of the Athol bars, and so just stick an 'A' on the front of "Talon" to get "ATALon." Then, "Athal" was just entered to get more black-on-white wolf heads in the design of the same of Adlers/ADELards / Mackays / Quade's!

It could appear as though "Quade / Ade" is an l-less branch of Athols / Athals, all from Taulantii, but that would obliterate a "Quade" trace to Qewe and Quadratilla. I'm not willing to do that, for even the Kinner / CINNER topic at hand is of mythical Kay/Cai, whose father was both Ector and CYNER. It all traces too well to "Qewe." I would rather see Quade's, not as l-less Athals, but as a merger with them. The merger is perfectly expected because Caiaphas has been traced both to the Cavii-Taulantii alliance (that I envision), and to Quadratilla known to have ruled at / beside Qewe/Kue/Que (I don't know the spelling of the place when she was alive).

Adlers/ADELards are now able to trace Athols, Athals, Quade's and a host of related others to Bolzano! "Caddel" was just entered as per "Adel," and there is the red stag head of Colts/Cults, first found in Perthshire! We now have a trace of "Atholl" to Caddels (Banffshire, near Perth), Cattle's and Blake's/Caddels. And the Caddels happen to be using the escutcheon of Chaddocks / Chadwicks so that even Caddels are Chad liners!!! VERY VERY EXCELLENT, for the Chad-descended DunKELD dynasty (from Perth theater) had links to Atholl, and so it all speaks of Sadducees. In other words, I now have a choice on whether to view "Atholl" as an A-fronted "Taulantii," of as an oll-suffixed Chad liner.

The problem cropping up is that "Chad" looks like "Quade" so that, rather than tracing to "Sadducee," Saddocks/Sedgewicks, Chaddocks, Chadwicks and Caddels trace instead to Quade's. But I'm not intimidated. Note that one Blake Coat uses the Tail/Tailor pale bar, as well as gold footless martlets on a red-on-white bend, all in the three-color scheme of the Blythe / Bolzano / Adler/AdelARD / ARDen fesse-with-symbols. And Blacks happen to use crescents in the colors of the Blythe crescents so that Blacks and Blake's likewise seem to be Bolzano liners.

If "Black" doesn't look like "Bolz" very much, I thought it may be due to Blacks descending from a Blas-like surname. The first Blas surname to pop up showed a Bless-like variation, reminding of the "happy and blessed" code in the Sillys/Sullys write-up (see last update for Sillian location), for Blythe's are traced to "happy." Italian Blas' are listed with surnames reflecting the Spanish Baez's/Pelaiz's that use half the Pollock saltire, and then the Baez' trace to Paisleys at roughly Lanarkshire, where Blacks are traced in their write-up. Paisley liners get us back to Speers (same crescents as Blacks) and Pasi's out of Bologna. The Baez'/Pelaiz's use the checks of Bils' whom have been traced (for years) to the Bilis river of Paphlagonia. Here's from the 4th update of February, 2009:

I had traced the Phyl term to the Bilis river of Paphlagonia (evoking the Blythe/Blyith surname of Bill Clinton's father). Pliny:
"Beyond this river Bilis, is the countrey Paphlagonia, which some have named Pylaemeniam, and it is enclosed with Galatia behind it...In this quarter the Heneti inhabite, as Cornelius Nepos saith. Moreover, from thence the Venetians in Italie, who beare their name, are descended, as he would have us beleeve."

I didn't know that Pliny had such a good grasp of the English language. Are there any takers on tracing "Bilis" to "BOLZano"? As I trace "Pepin" to "PAPHlagonia," note that the Bils Coat is a Shield filled with checks half in the colors of the same of Pepoli's, the latter first found in the same place as Pasi's, which place happens to be beside the Veneti. One might soften "BOLOGna" to "Bolos." The Bils surname was first found in Austria, but we'd like to know whether it was in the Puster valley. We'd also like to know whether this Bilis-Galatia picture traces from the time that Amyntes' family was in Galatia.

Proven: Quint Link to Josephs

The following is very good for proving once again that the Joseph surname is from Joseph Caiaphas, and in the meantime it tends to prove again that Caiaphas was from Quintus Caepio. It also tends to show that the Joseph garbs are from the Comyn garbs because this exercise makes a Joseph link to the Burgs/Burrows, first found in the same place as Josephs and sharing the green chevron with them. There is more to be learned here, for example, the apparent origin of the Burgs in Bars, not something that I've given myself to in the past.

It starts by showing this Borrowman/Berryman Coat, of a surname first found in the same place (Hampshire) as Burghs/Burrows and Josephs, and using the black horse design in the Crest of Este's, first found in the same place (Essex) as Quints. The Borrowman/Berryman Crest is even itself a black horse head (the Este Crest once showed as a horse head), suggesting that Borrowmans, along with Burgs/Borrows, were a branch of Bars of Este. The Pepins, by the way, use a motto term in honor of the Este's while sharing the white horse heads in the Este Coat.

Next, some surnames from my files (i.e. not shown at houseofnames), starting with Barrowmans (with an 'a'); they show what we can interpret as the red Quint chevron, and three of the black Joseph martlets, for the Barrowman Coat is identical, aside from colors, with the Breydon and Breyton Coats. But the latter two show the Quint chevron and the Joseph martlet in both colors. It becomes clear here that Brey liners were Barrow / Borrow / Burrow liners, and it's our ability to make the English-Joseph connection to the Burghs/Burrows that compels us to see these martlets as the French-Joseph martlet.

Then, here is an alternative Borrowman Coat that is, once again, identical, aside from colors. The three footless Borrowman martlets are now red instead of black, but the Borrowman chevron is in both colors of the Barrowman chevron, thus proving that the horse-using Borrowmans are linkable to the others. The three Borrowman horses are even in the colors and format of the three Barrowman martlets.

There is yet another Coat showing the three red martlets around a chevron, only this time, in the Bonekill Coat, the chevron is green, like the Joseph chevron. The white shield on red Shield of the Bonekills can perhaps play to the same of Chaddocks and Chadwicks. It's possible that Bonekills are from Bononia = Bologna. Here's the Buncle's/Bonkylls (Berwickshire) that should apply, where we find a Richard Cumyn in the write-up. French Rays use a so-called esCARbunkle, which now looks like part-play of the Charo link to Bonekills.

If we ask why Joseph Caiaphas should be tracing to Este, there are at least three answers: 1) Hugh D'Avrances, of the Burgo > Conteville line to the Joseph garbs, was a Welf-of-Este liner; 2) Bars trace to Bar at lake Scodra, immediately north of the Cavii; 3) the Este's were merged with neighboring Ferrara, while the Charo's/Claro's, honored in the Joseph motto, were first found at Ferrara. Then, the Charo/Claro Coat shares a red-on-gold bull (different position) with this Borron Coat (typical Burg / Berg colors), for which reason Borrons are expected to be a branch of Borrows, etc.

Barons likewise use three red martlets around a chevron, clinching their being a branch of Barrowmans, etc. As the Barons add a double tressure border, it suggests that the Borders, first found in the same place (Somerset) as Tresure's, are Bar liners too.

At houseofnames, there is a Baron(e)/Barne surname first found in neighboring Devon. But as the double tressure is studded with fleur-de-lys, a trace to Barons/Barone's/Verone's, first found in Florence, seems right. As this surname is expected to trace to the namers of Verona, on the Adige river not far up from Este, it recalls some proto-Merovingians, expected out of the Este theater into that part of the river, who had traced to the Mavis/Maurici/Maurovi/MURIGia surname (Bologna) from the Mavesyns, the latter sharing the Kos the colors of the bendy Shield of Baron(e)s/Verone's. See also the French Merits/Merics with a MERIGon variation...for a trace of the bends above to Normandy.

[It was days later when looking up the Barrels, not only to find French Barrels (Dauphine) using the Mavesyn Coat exactly, but the Mavesyn talbot in the English Barrels (Barwell). How about that. As I trace Merovingians to Salyes Ligures, the Barrel Coat may be the Saluzzo Coat.]

As Bruno's were first found in Florence too, it seems that peoples from Lissus (Cavii homeland) are being traced through the Bruno's and Barons, to Bernicians. Verona's (with an 'a') are the one's first found in the same place (north Paris) as Lys'/Lisse's, Chappes' and Levi's. You can't get much of a better trace of these three surnames to Lissus and its Cavii. You never need doubt that Chappes' are from the Cavii. It just so happens that the Bruno (had a branch in Este-suspect Asti) bend is in the colors of the Mavis/Maurici/Maurovi bend, and while the latter use a butterfly as code for Butters, the Butter Coat shares hearts with the Baron(e)/Barne Coat.

At this B-page, spot the Brough Coat using fleur-de-lys in the colors of the same of Browns. At houseofnames, Broughs/Bruge's/BURGHe's share the black swan with French Josephs. This can't be coincidental i.e. the Broughs musts be a branch of English Burghs/Burrows, thus linking French Josephs to English Josephs, in case we ever doubted. We read that Broughs/Burghe's (Orkneys) are from OVERbrough, while Overs are suspect with the Bruno bend. I tend to see the Scott-surname bend as a version of the Bruno bend because Scotts should trace to the namers of Scodra. It looks like "Scotland" may trace to MacBeth, actually.

Verona's share the white-on-blue (Este colors) fish with Bars of Bar-le-Duc. This is the fish symbol out of Kotor (near-north of Scodra) and evolving into the fleur-de-lys. Although Melusine was originally a woman with a snake's tail, she was given a fish tail. Why? She had traced as "Lady Fortune" in the Klassen Coat to Klausen, higher up on the Adige, but also to the Clausula river (flows to lake Scodra), location of Cupionich, suspect with the Caepionis variation from the descendants of Quintus Caepio. The reason for repeating this is that Irish Baron(e)s use "Fortuna" in their motto, as well as the blue Vere boar. Melusine is a Vere-beloved entity, but this news came online as per Nicholas de Vere von DRAKenberg, while Drake's were first found in the same place as English Josephs. In colors reversed, the Fortuna talbot becomes the red talbot of Mavesyns.

In my opinion, what was only a theory -- that mythical Melusine was code for Melissena Rangabe of Byzantine-Khazar ancestry -- is now clinched. In the Bartley Coat at the B-Page, there is a flory cross in colors reversed from the same of the imperial Rangabe's. Next to the BARTley Coat is a BARTHolomew Coat (black goat heads instead of martlets) showing some rough similarity with the Breydon Coat. Albeit the similarity is questionable, the Breydons are being treated as Quintus-Caepio liners without doubt while the Bartholomews throw in gold fitchees, a symbol in the Quint Crest. In this picture, due to Chives' having a Tarves location in Aberdeenshire, where Leslie's were first found, it seems likely that Cavii liners in and around Tarves merged with Leslie's, founded by Bartholomew Leslie, the known cupbearer of Agatha, mother of queen Margaret (wife of Malcolm III). The Tarves surname itself uses fitchees. The question is: why does Bartholomew start with "Bar"? Coincidence, or do Leslie's trace to Bar liners too?

Here's the three red martlets of the Begley Coat (from the B-page). Look familiar? As martlets are code for from Charles Martel, while he descended from Begga (daughter of Pepin of Landen), it would seem that Begleys are from her. On the B-page, Bagleys are using the Begley Coat exactly, but at houseofnames, an alternative Bagley Coat shows only three lozenges in colors reversed from the three in the Beaton Coat, and the latter must be a version of the Ide/Hyde Coat that was traced in the last few updates to Ida of Metz, wife of Pepin of Landen, and mother of Begga.

We are on Flintstone liners such as Betty and Barney Rubble. On the B-page, spot the Bettie Coat using the Bar Coat exactly (with Este eagle included). Beside the Bettie Coat, the Bethune Coat is shown, identical to the Beaton Coat on the same page, both latter surnames known to be from king MacBeth of Moray, the one who killed Duncan, father of Malcolm III (the latter then replaced MacBeth). Who were Bettie and Beaton liners? Were they from Butua (lower-left on map below), to the near-north of Bar? It just so happens that Bar (not shown on map) is on the coast smack where you read, "LaBEATES Lac." (another name for lake Scodra).

No coincidence. The B-page also shows the Beattie Coat, identical to the Betty/Beaty Coat at with a "coelESTE" motto term. No coincidence. It's tracing Betty liners to Bar and therefore to the Labeates. Note the Taulantii on both the map above and the map below, smack on the south of the Cavii, for the Tail/Tailor pale bar is in the black-on-white colors of the Betty/Beaty pale bar.

We now seem to realize where MacBeth originated. On the map directly above, Labeates are across the Clausula river. Pendragons and their fleur-de-lys were traced to Penestae on the Drilon river, circling next to the Clausula and ending at Lissus. Uther Pendragon was found to be code for the Other/Otter surname, and so note the otter in the Crest of Beatons/Beths, for on the B-page the Beatons show the Balfour Coat with otter.

The "LuMEN COELeste" motto phrase of Bettys/Beatys is a clever one, but unfortunately exposing things to us they likely didn't want exposed. "Lumen" is part-code for the "Mens" motto term of "est"-using Pepins, and part-code for the lumen = light theme of Ayers, Blacks and Glass', all three from the Ayrshire-Glasgow theater. The Cole-related Kyle's have lived in Ayrshire, and the Ayers use a motto, "LIGHTer than air."

"Kyle" has been suspect as a branch of "Glass" because they share red-on-white stars. Melusine-using Glass' (Clausula liner) were first found in Buteshire, important because Bute's/Butts use the black horse head exactly that was once showing in the Este Crest. Therefore, Buteshire traces to Butua, and the Bute's were a Betty branch if the Labeates were named from Butua (I trace Butua's founders to Boeotians). But if correct that Kyle's are Glass', then the namers of the Clausula also named the Colapis river, for the Colapis is where Cole's trace. If we view the 'u' in "Clausula" as a 'v', we get, "CLAVS" which easily becomes "COLAPIS." Thus, Cupionich traces to the Kupa variation of the Colapis.

It is now very interesting that while MacBeth is tracing to the Clausula theater, the Dunkeld dynasty (named after Duncan) had traced to the Klausen theater (Bolzano-way). The "DebonNAIRRE" motto of Bettys/Beatys should be part-code for the Narona location on the Naro river north of Butua.

To help prove that this picture related to the Flintstones characters, the B-page shows a Beatson Coat with diamond-shaped spear / arrow heads like the so-called "flint stones" now showing in the Flint Coat. Previously, however, the Flint flint stones were not arrow heads, but just diamond-shaped stones. Moreover, the Betty/Beaty key is colors reversed from a key in a BARney Coat, extra evidence that Betty liners are from Bar.

The B-page shows the Blane and Blanearn Coats which, together, reflect the bar Coat. The Blanearn Coat shows an eagle in the colors of the Bar and Este eagle standing over a fish in the same colors.

The B-page (shows the Blythe Coat) has the Blew and Blaw Coats, nearly identical. The Blew and Blaw Chiefs both show three small shields in the colors of the three Blythe garbs, thus tending to trace Blews and Blaws to the namers of Bolzano. But the Blew/Blue/Gorm surname at houseofnames has it first found on Arran, beside Bute. The Blaws use a blue-on-white saltire as opposed to the same-colored cross of Blews; otherwise the two Coats are identical. The Blaw saltire is in the colors of the Malcolm/Colomb saltire.

The B-page shows a Bolton Coat with three gold besants in chief, the colors of the Blaw / Blew shields. This can indicate that "Bolton" is a "BOLZANo" variation. At houseofnames, the Boltons use gold stags on a chevron, all in the three-color scheme of the Blythe and Arms-of-Bolzano fesse.

Next, the Blackadder surname on the B-page is similar to the one at houseofnames. As the Blackadder motto (Vise de la fine) is nearly the same as the Kennedy motto (Avise la fin), the Blackadder roses should trace to the Avezzano rose. While Blacks trace to the Glasgow theater, Kennedys were first found in neighboring Ayrshire. It seems that the surname is a Black-Cadder variation as per the Caddel variation of Blake's. If correct, it's notable that Caddel-like Cassels use the Kennedy Coat and motto.

I have traced Barbers / Barbera's to the Gellone Coat and therefore to some partnership with the family of Guerin of Provence. This family had be gleaned with the founding of the first Scottish-proper kings. I assumed that Barbera's traced to African Berbers because there was reason to trace Guerin's family to Idris of Morocco. However, the Barbana area (on the map) to the near-south of Bar has never been stressed. The Flintstone's, whose code's you've just seen in a trace to Bar, was created by Hanna-Barbera. It's probably no coincidence. The suspicion, especially as Italian Barbera's use fish, is that Barbana was named by the Barbera bloodline.

Barbera's were treated in the 1st update of last month, where the "cauldrons" of Spanish Barbera's were mentioned as likely code for Cadder-like Caulders, very linkable to Celts/Colts that I see in the name of the DunKELD royals. At the B-page above for Scottish surnames, the Browns are shown with their fleur on a red Shield, which are colors reversed from the fleur in the Barber Coat at the English Ba-page. Beside the Barber Coat there is a Barbe Coat looking like it might be a version of the Leavell Coat, which I might not mention had not the Barber Coat come with two red chevrons, the colors of the same in the Levi-suspect Oliver Coat. Here's the English Ba-page:

Here is from the 1st update in February:

Caulders (stag) are clearly a branch of Clunes-related Colts/Celts / Coutes'/Coots and Coats'...I can see Caulders using a version of the French Joseph Coat with the Joseph swan in the Crest. I have always had trouble with the "Vigilans" motto term of Cauldrons, and similar motto terms of others, but in this Gaulonite discussion, it suddenly seems to undress itself as a Vi-Gilan combo, linking to the "vi" motto term of Chives, for both surnames share a "non" term...

...Irish Gilans/Gillions happen to use the Gellone Coat exactly.

So, you see, there is a trace from what was likely a Cavii-Barbana alliance to Scot-royal formation via the Gellone>Guerin proto-Templars (Guerins use the Payen mullets). There is much more to be gleaned from these things than what's written here. English Barbers at houseofnames to use the Gellone fleur that are now being gleaned as the Scottish-Brown fleur too. I did trace Guerin to William V of Montferrat, and Asti, where the Bruno's are said to have had a branch, is smack at Montferrat!

This is a good place to remention that I traced Guerin to Guido Guerra III (married the daughter of William V of Montferrat) in the Bologna theater, and therefore to the Guidi. I trace the hourglass-like Shield of Spanish Barbera's (with cauldrons) to the same of the Guido Coat, but the point is that potent-cross users, Skits and Scheds, were viewed some years ago as part of the Setta-valley crew at Bologna. This was mentioned near the top of the last update, but, later in the update, it wasn't re-mention when on the Mavis/Maurici/Maurovi surname, first found in Bologna. It was important because that surname was being linked to the Mavesyns, while it is the Chadwicks that were, to my great surprise, from Lichfield, where St. Chad had some ecclesiastical operations. The Chads use the potent cross too, wherefore I have scored a very important potent-cross trace to Bologna, clinching the prediction that Skit and Sched bloodlines traced there too. The potent cross is nothing less than the flag of Templar Jerusalem, and Skits and Scheds could trace with "Scot" to "Scodra."

There are a slew of Bar-using surnames on the English B-page, as though this were their favorite entity. One Barnham Coat looks like a version of the Deacon / Decan Coat, relevant because the latter trace roughly to the Clausula theater. Actually, they traced to Decani in what's now KOSovo, and then the Kos Coat was linked to the Mavesyn Coat, what a chadincidence. Kos was an ancient god of Edom thought to be an owl god, and then Spanish Olive's use the owl.

The page also has an alternative Barr Coat showing what looks like pomegranate's, the Crispin/Crepon symbol. You can read in the Crispin/Crepon write-up that they were from Lorraine, location of Bar-le-Duc...and Metz, where Begga of Metz, I assume, lived (or vacationed). The POMEgranate was reckoned to be code for the Parez location (Lorraine) of Crispins, for Paris' use an apple while the French apple is a "pome." This should identify many pomegranates with Parez/Paresse. Pomegranates are used by Carls (Carolingians in Lorraine?), Bilsons and Zolls/Zollners. Bilsons could be Bilis-river liners now tracing tentatively to Bolzano.

For a new revelation, this Bayley Coat is identical to the Bagley and Begley Coats shown earlier, and while the latter two linked well to Begga, it seems that some Begga lines morphed into Bay / Bey terms. On the Be-Bi page, it can be seem that Beckleys, Beckwiths apply to Bayleys and Bagleys, but the all-important martlets are also in the Biggs Coat.

While I'm at the Be-Bi page, I'd like to jot down some points not necessarily relevant to the discussion. The Bellows are shown with a fret in the colors of the fretty Shield of Bellews, showing once again that frets and fretty both apply to the same entity, to Ferte-Mace (merged with Bellamys), while tending to prove that Bellows and related Billets are Bellamy liners. Moreover, the BIGOT on this page use an odd form of a moline cross, which was seen in the Bannester Coat (Ba-page), and then the latter at houseofnames have "water BOUGETs" (used also by Bugs) that are thus discovered as code for Bigot liners. They might just be Begga liners. French Bigots (in Bucket colors) are in Metz colors, and first found in Ile-de-France, while English Bigots (turtle / tortoise) were first found in the same place as Quints.

It just so happens that the Biggs above share gold-on-black annulets with BENJamins while the Bigg-like Bings upon the same page are in the same colors. Then, a little further down, BINGhams share gold-on-blue patee cross with Metz's!!! Zowie, that proves that Biggs and Bings/Bengs are from Begga of Metz. Hmm, compare that BINGHAM Coat to the Bone/BOHUM Coat.

On the Bl-Bo page (still for English surnames only), there is a Bolt Coat with a chevron with single, gold symbol (lion), all in the three-color scheme of the Arms-of-BOLZano fesse. The evidence thus builds for Bolts and Boltons from the namers of Bolzano. Later in the page, an alternative Bolton Coat with three of the Bolt lions upon the same-colored chevron. This truly tends to convince me that several surnames took the Arms of Bolzano with them, unless one of the surnames named Bolzano and gave it its Arms.

Moreover, the Bolt Coat has a chevron in both colors of the Quint chevron while sharing the fitchee with Quints. PLUS, scrolling down a little to a Blithe Coat, instead of gold garbs upon its fesse, gold lions!!! It matches the Bolt chevron, in other words. Surprise.

On the Bl-Bo page, a Borman Coat showing the horses of the Borrowman Coat. Also, a Borough Coat using the Irish-Burgh cross that helps to prove that the Irish branch are of the English Burghs/Borrows. That then links Joseph Caiaphas to the Eustace cross, as expected. Reminder: some Arthurians claim that mythical Bors is the highest-grade "holy grail" line (spit).

On the Br page, there is something important. The Bragg Coat has three red bulls (Charo symbol) around a GREEN-on-white chevron, which therefore matches the format and colors of this Bonekill Coat (green-on-white chevron). The significance of the latter is that it uses the basic Coat of Borrowmans and others linking to Josephs that share the green chevron with Burghs/Burrows. Therefore, "Bragg" is predicted to be a Burgh branch from the Brough/Bruge/Burghe kind, and the red bull of Braggs is an indicator that the "charo" motto term of Josephs is indeed for the Charo surname. Note that BRIGhams use a saltire in the colors of the Bragg chevron. Then BRINGhursts use three scallops in an undefined Chief in the colors of the three Joseph garbs in an undefined (no separate background color) Chief. It all throws me for a loop in nailing down the origins of Burghs, whether from Bars or Brigian elements. Further down the page, Briggs are shown with thin, double fesse bars in gold, the colors of the thin, double chevrons of Chaplains and Josephs.

The first potent cross arrived to until now is on the Br-page, and it's another red one, belonging to Brierleys. Perhaps they are Bray-ers, so to speak, from Bragg elements.

On the Bu page, the Bullens look like they use a version of the Borrowman Coat, substituting the black martlets with black bull heads. The Charo bull, if it doesn't represent a bull entity like Turin, may of course be code for a Bull-like surname. Or both. Bullers are using a cross in the colors of the Chives cross, and Chives can be traced to Chivasso, on the northeast of Turin, while Chieri -- like the Chiaro variation of Charo's -- is on the southeast of Turin. I think we have it.

I was convinced enough by some reasoning and/or evidence to claim that Cavii liners named Calvados. On the Ca-Ch page, there is a Calverley Coat in Chives colors, and an escutcheon in the colors of the same of Saddocks. Instead of the eight, white Saddock martlets, the Calverley Shield is surrounded by eight, white owls (I think they are). Although the Chives cats (both Coat and Crest) look like leopards (and they are), they are called "cats," which I think I see in the Callow Coat (Chives colors) at the page below, where the Calleys are shown with quarters in colors reversed from the Chives quarters. See also Calley-like Keele's.

The same page shows the Calverts with three/six pale bars in the colors of the three Levi chevrons. The BALTimore variation of Calverts must trace to the BALDea/Bautica river flowing by Chivasso. Further down, Cecils are using lions in the colors of the Chives cats upon multiple fesse bars in the colors of the same of Chives-related Cavetts, from the Cavetta river at Ceva.

Still on the same page, the Chappells are showing only a giant anchor in the colors of the giant Joseph martlet that was once showing as a giant swan in the same colors, and then FIVE swans in the same colors are used by Chaplets. The black anchor (i.e. used by Chappells too) became a topic recently when the Avis'/Avisons (black anchor in Crest) traced to the Joseph garbs. No coincidence. "Avison" is suspect with "Chivasso." It is paragraphs like this, linking both Joseph surnames to Caiaphas-like terms, that, when laid out one after another, sink teeth into the harsh reality of Christian-ear history: Templars, Freemasons and rulers of globalism are from the killers of Christ, and they love it secretly. The world would have been a much better place if this had not been the reality.

The same page shows the giant cross of Christians in the same colors as the giant items in the paragraph above. It's the Julian cross, in the same black colors, perhaps an indicator that Caiaphas was a descendant of Julius Caesar and Servilia Caepionis. The Christian surname is suspect from the Crestien variation of Levi-honoring Chretiens.

On the Cl-Cu page, the Clays seem to be using the bars of the Calverts, thus revealing (apparently) that Clays are Chives liners too. Claytons are using the Sinclair cross, but it's in the colors of the Chives cross, and then Chives' are very linkable to Charo's/Claro's. The Cleggs can be gleaned as a branch of Cloughs, and the latter as a branch of Cliftons, thus tracing the whole lot to Cleavers, whom I say are from Glaphyra Archelaus.

Where Lady Fortuna traced earlier from Cupionich to the Colapis/Kupa river, the Cooper Coat (page above) is interesting for sharing the Lady/Laudyman Chief. A little further down the page, a Copley Coat using nothing but the Chives moline. Copingers are shown with bendy in Quint colors. Cooks look like they use the Levi lions around the Quint chevron, and Cookeseys can be using the blue Charo/Claro bend. As Chadwicks claim to be from Cawardens, it's notable that Cowleys could be using the red Charo bull on the split Chad Shield. The Cowards use two fesse bars in the colors of the three Levi chevrons.

The CRADdocks share on a fesse the Joseph-Chief garbs, and CREEDs look linkable to the Levi chevrons in combination with the Aide leopard face. The blue Craddock fesse may link to the three blue one's of Cox's, and the three colors of the Craddock fesse-with-symbols reflects the Cookesey bend and the COPE chevron. Taken together, this could be from a shared family link between COPONius and Valerius GRATus, two Roman governors of Judea shortly before Jesus' ministry. Coponius could have been a Caeponis / Cupionich liner, especially if the Cooper ANNuLETS are the Lady annulets.

The cafepress website has many alternative Coats. Houseofnames claims to seek the earliest-possible Coats. Any one family member may have changed the traditional family Coat with any marriage. Any one Coat starts off with an individual, and does not represent the entire surname, which is a fantasy that the Coat sellers would have their customers believe. A Coat belonged to one family and its descendants, and meanwhile there may have been hundreds or thousands of other families with the same surname that did not apply to those Arms, nor do they necessarily have Coats of their own...because they were not worldly- nor Templar-important, or because they were not in the heraldry game. Apparently, it became fashionable for some rulers to have Arms starting with Templars / Crusaders. When even the popes had Arms, it's another sign that much was wrong with their organization.

On the Di-Dy page, something interesting. The DISNey and DIXON Coats both use a gold-on-red fleur, and the Disney Coat has that Bolzano- or Blythe-line look. It might be a coincidence except that the Dicksons show a six-pointed star that is not the six-pointed Zionist star, but is exactly like the Arms-of-Bolzano star! I am still tracing Dixon-like surnames to "Ticino" so that, as could be expected, Bolzano elements are hereby tracing to the Ticino. The Dickson Chief is also the Keith Chief, by the way, and the Keith Catti may be part of the Chives cats.

The Dicksens (with an 'e') have a gold leopard face at the center of a black flory cross (colors of the Chives moline), which can be construed as the Aide-Crest leopard "jessant" (refers to a leopard head combined with a fleur-de-lys). If correct to link the Dicksen face to the Aide face, it's more evidence that Dicksens are from "Ticino," and that the "aide"-using Levi's are from the Laevi Ligurians upon the Ticino.

We saw that the Cocks (Ligure suspects) and similar surnames were playing into Quintus-Caepio liners shortly above, wherefore let's show the Jess(on) Coat sharing red-on-white roosters with Cocks, for the "jessant" term must be for the Jesson/Gesson surname in that it uses a white-on-red bend (Aide symbol) on a sleeve.

The Dickmans are using hurts (Arthur symbol) on what should therefore be the Arthur chevron, which has potential to trace Ticino liners to Ivrea (beside the Ticino on the Baldea/Bautica), home of the Arduinici. This is a good trace because a branch of Arduinici were at Oneglia, with the Doria family, first found in the same place (Genoa) as where Cock-related Grimaldi's had titles. As Oneglia involved Nagle's, it may be Jesson-relevant that Welsh Guests/Jests share a "non" motto term with Wales-related Nagle's (Nons/Nevins use a fesse in colors reversed to the Nagle fesse) while being in colors reversed and sharing the swan with Josephs. One Guest surname even uses a black swan in Crest.

If you'll bear with me, I think I am upon a new and important discovery. Mavesyns are said to be from "Lords of Rosny, from Gastinois, in the Isle of France...The first was GUY Mauvoisin..." Isle de France is where the Levi's were first found, and so I assume a trace of the Ticino Laevi to the Levi of that place. First off, Gastins use nothing but three lion heads that could link to the same of Levi-beloved Cretiens. The latter are from Le Neuf, a term that could have created, or at least been related to, the NEVins honored in the Guest motto. Secondly, French Guests (rooster in Gastin colors) are listed with the GUYs using a CASTONguay variation, such a gastincidence. Reminder: it's Chadwicks that lived in Mavesyn-Ridware.

English Guests/Gests (with the black swan) happen to be using a vertically-split Shield in the colors of the same of German Kaplans. The chevron-with-fleur of English Guests is in the three colors of the chevron-with-hurts of Dickmans.

Next, we look at the Glads because Welsh Guests use a "gladio" motto term. Welsh Guests also use the same chevron as Clauds/Glaude's/CLAUSels. While viewing the Glads, it occurred (may not have been the first time) that they may have been from a hard-C version of "Saluzzo," and while rolling such terms on my tongue, "Clausula" came to mind. Claus(ula) > Saluzzo. The evolution of terms may have went something like this: Claus > Claud > Clad/Glad > Salto.

Consider that while I trace the Salian-Frank side of Merovingians to the Salyes Ligures, though later they were traced to the Salto river, the first Merovingian's son was named CHLODwig (his mother, from THURINgia, was traced to Bassania, beside Lissus). The theory now is that proto-Merovingians (how deeply Cavii were they?) from the Clausula / Lissus theater migrated up the Adige to bull-depicted Bolzano, and perhaps only later to the Salto and neighboring Turano rivers. Or, there were two branches, one to each area, later to re-unite. The Claus surname is also "Klausen, the name of a city on the Adige and north of Bolzano.

One big question: was Quintus Caepio from this line to Merovingians? Chlodewig (Latinized, Clovis) would come to rule in Paris, where Chappes' may already have been. And if you recall, the Mavesyn>Gastinois line in Paris (Ile-de-France) had traced possibly/logically to Mavis'/Maurici's/MAUROVI's.

Glads/Cladwins use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Saluzzo's, and so do English Kaplans/Chaplains, first found in the same place as English Josephs. How many traces like this will the skeptic take before succumbing to the reality behind these surnames? On the Da-De page (English surnames), Daggets (Dagobert liners?) are using what could be a version of the Kaplan/Chaplain Coat.

The Glads/Cladwins (rhymes with "Chad") were even first found in Staffordshire, home of Mavesyn-Ridware and potent-depicted St. Chad. The Mavesyn > Mavis line traced to potent-cross users (eSCUTcheon liners included) in Bologna's Setta valley, where Panico's had titles who traced to Pincum at the mouth of the Pek river. The "PAX copia" motto of Reeds is important for a trace to Cuppae off the Pek, and Reeds/Rieds/Raeds trace to Rieti at the mouth of the Salto upon the Turano. French Packs happen to use a bull (standing in front of the Panico oak?) in both colors of the Charo bull, and English Packs use the Saluzzo Shield again with gold symbols (anchors) in Chief, matching the gold symbols (griffins) of the similar-look Kaplans/Chaplains.

Peks/Pecks use patee crosses that trace to Pattys sharing the escutcheon in the same colors with Chadwick-related Saddocks/Sedgewicks, first found in the same place (Sussex) as Packs. Pattys (compare with Nitts) trace to Patchie's/Kilpatricks on the Nith river, location of CLOSEburn. I wish I knew what named modern Puke to the south of the Clausula, and in the heart of the ancient land of Cavii. While English Pucks were likewise first found in Sussex, German Pucks are using a version of the Chappes-related Ottone Coat, all suspect with the Ticino-possible Duke's/Dooks. You can verify at the webpage below that Dukes are using "chaplets," as do Ticino-possible Saxons.

Packenhams are showing quarters in gold-and-red, the colors of the quarters in the Chief of Pechams/Pachams/Pakemans ("via est" motto phrase), first found beside Sussex. On the Pa-page, Pakemans are showing footless martlets in colors reversed from the same of French Josephs. It always comes around, doesn't it? The martlets in this case could be revealing yet another Begga line in "Pake / Pech," but let's repeat that FOOTless (heraldic martlets almost-always come footless) has got to be code for Fotts and related Fothes sharing chevrons in the colors of the Levi chevrons, while Fothes use a cornuCOPIA...right down the Pek alley, right? It may appear in this picture that Begga was named after Pek liners. Peks do share the patee with Metz's.

Fothes' were first found in Aberdeenshire, at the theater of Cowie castle (Kincardineshire), and then the Chives of Tarves were not far off. The Cavii were there, weren't they? Here's the Cowie's/Covie's with that Bolzano-line look again, only this time it may be with the Bard boars. The BRADs share the green Leslie griffin, recalling the BARTHolomew link to Josephs.

Packingtons (Pa-page) show stars in the colors of the Fothes / Capone stars, and a solid white chevron, the color of the solid Chappes chevron. At houseofnames, Packenhams/PAGENams (may betray a Payen/Pagan branch), with an eagle in CHARO-bull colors, show the esCARbunkle (probably the second or third I've even seen). Buncle's/Bonkylls share buckles with Leslie's, and were first found in the same place (Berwickshire) as BARtholomews. At houseofnames, the latter use three goat heads in the colors of the three bear heads of BARwicks (with an 'a'), first found in the same place (Northumberland) as Rodhams, which seems relevant because the Cowie Crest has the Rodham tree stump. Bartholomew's and Barwicks are even in Fothes colors while the Barwick Crest shares the stag with Fothes. There are reasons to link the black Bartholomew goat to the same of MeluSINE-using Walsers, known to be named after Wallis canton at SION/Sitten. Sine's are listed with swan-using Sions, and we will see the Copon-significance of swans in the next section.

The "Bear and forbear" motto of Sarah's/Sayers (Barwick / Fothes colors) had been suspect with Bernicians, and here the same motto is found with Barwicks. Berwicks share the three Barwick bear heads, all muzzled. "FORBear" is likely code for muzzled-bear FORBEs', first found in Aberdeenshire.

The Coin of Coponius

Coponius was Prefect of Judea from 6-9 AD during the reign of Caesar Augustus. The symbols on coins of Coponius are grain-ears and a palm tree. The coins of Coponius are similar to those of the Prefect Marcus Ambibulus and only way we can tell the difference between the two Prefects will be the date on the coin.

The palm tree has caused a look at the palm and Palmer surnames. It's very interesting. But the ears of wheat have been traced to Sadducee lines for going-on-years now. Saddocks use "ears of rye" while Scottish Chappes' use "ears of wheat." While these may be code for surnames, yet, I'm entertaining a family link between Coponius and Caiaphas.

Probably, the ear term was not in the minds of those who put wheat on the Coponius coin. But, later, when the code-loving Templarites surfaced in the world, they knew that they, with Coponius lines, traced to Shaws and related Ayers / Eyers, and thus, as my theory goes here, they named "ears of wheat" (or other ears) to mark the Coponius line to Ayrshire elements. Here's from above: "It was days later when looking up the Barrels, not only to find French Barrels (Dauphine) using the Mavesyn Coat exactly, but the Mavesyn talbot in the Coat and Crest of English Barrels (Barwell)." The Barrel talbot has an ear of a different color. Why? The same goes with the Petty elephant ear. Oettingen-Oettingen likewise gives the talbot a different-colored ear.

As per AMBivulus," note that Amps/Impys and Copons both use gold-on-red chevrons, and while Amps were first found in the same place as Quints, the chevrons are colors reversed from the Quint chevron. Copons use black lions, a Levi symbol, while Amps/Impys use the black leopard face, a symbol of Levi-related Aide's. This is one strong paragraph already, but there's more.

Asking why Coponius and Ambivulus would use palm tress, perhaps it had been the symbol of Palma in their lifetimes. We find Palma in the write-up of Italian Palmers, a location in CAMPania, in the province of Naples, and it just so happens that Italian Capone's/Caponio's (another black lion) were first found in Naples along with Palmers. The problem is, how do we decide whether Palms and Palmers were named generally after Palma elements, or in particular after Coponius / Ambivulus lines, or even after the palm tree on their coins? You decide.

Here is the Champion/Campion Coat showing nothing but white-on-black trefoils, the colors of the same on the two bars of English Palmers. It assures that Palma elements were in England, and that Campions are named after Campania. It's been only recent since tracing Quints hard to Bedfordshire, where Campions were first found.

I'll need to repeat that CAMPbells should trace to Campania while Camps are using the colors and format of English Capone's. It appears that "AmbiBULUS" is a double term, one for the Alexander-Balus line of Seleucids, but then the whole, alternative spelling, Ambivulus, looks like the makings of "Campbell." While I have other theories on what the Campbell surname can trace to, it's possible for any surname-line to develop various versions in reflection of various entities to which it comes in contact. I think we are completely on the right track in tracing both Coponius and Ambivulus to Campania, and to Campbells and same-colored Camps.

The Capute variation of Italian Capone's suggests linkage to the Capote's. One Capote surname was first found at Forez, on the north-west of Mont Pilat. What a coincidence, since Ambivulus oversaw Judea (until 13 AD) shortly before Pontius Pilate.

Italian Capote's (Florence) use a giant mule head in the colors of the giant eagle head of Dutch Camps. We would like to know what the Capote mule is code for. The Mule surname happens to share double fesse bars (different colors) with Palmers. It seems that Italian Capote's had been an English family, for the Italians don't call a mule by that term. Italian Palmers are said to be of Tancredi di Palma, and that's the Norman family of Tancreds / Guiscards. The Mule Coat is a version of the Washington Coat while I trace proto-Washington Wassa's to "Wassukanni," the ancient Mitanni capital. Mythical Midas, the Mitanni suspect, is the one that was given donkey ears by Apollo, and the latter traces to wolf-depicted peoples at Campania's Avellino...anciently ABELLinum, which could very well be the ultimate reason for "CampBELL."

As AmbiBULUS is suspect with an Alexander-Balus line, what about the Alexander surname, first found in Kintyre, smack beside Bute = Avalon? That's the Campbell theater too, and the Avalon entity there is why "CampBELL" can indeed be of Abellinum liners to Scotland. In fact, Campbells with their MacArthur kin become the prime Avalon suspects. Arthurs and donkey-using Chamberlains use the chevron in the colors of the same of Amps/Impys and Copons, so many coincidences.

The surname of Alexander Balus was deemed in the name of AristoBULUS, ancestor of Mariamne Maccabee, daughter of Alexander Maccabee...and mother of another Aristobulus, born in 7 AD i.e. during the term in Judea of Coponius. It seems that "Ambibulus" should apply to "Aristobulus" or "Balus."

Maccabees trace to Modane (Savoy), on the same river with CHAMBRE. But CHAMBERlains can trace by their "quam" motto term from Chambre to CAMBRidge, where Capone's were first found. The Cambridge/Cambrigg surname, first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as Palms and Palmers, itself uses "quam," you see, as well as swans. "Cambridge" was not necessarily named with "bridge" originally.

In the last update, the Chalmers found in the Milan/Mullen write-up were shown as Chalmers'/CHAMBERS, using the Buchan lions, important because Buchanans and Milans/Mullens are said to have been merged. It would thus seem that the Capote mule expends to Milan > Millan/Mullen liners, but why not also Moline's/Moulans honored in the Chives moline?

At the Ca-Ch English page, both Champions and Campions are shown, and the latter appear to be using three lion heads (if not lion heads, they are talbot heads), in the two colors of the same in the Buchan Coat!! Zowie, this traces Chambers/Chalmers to Campania. Note that English Champagne's use vair fur in the colors of the Palmer / Champion trefoils.

On the Ca-Ch page, Chamberlains are shown with an alternative Coat, a fesse instead of a chevron; it's colored reverse from the red fesse in this alternative-English Champion/Campion Coat (more trefoils), which can have the effect of identifying Chamberlains as Campania elements to the Champion-related Palmers. Scottish Chambers use a red fesse too, but at the Ca-Ch page, a Chambers Coat is not only showing the same chevron as Chamberlains, but CINQUEfoils, a symbol somewhat suspect as code for Quint liners. Quince's, said to be named after "five," were first found in NorthAMPtonshire -- where AMBivulus / CAMP liners may trace -- and then Northampton is smack beside Bedford, where Champions were first found. We have a story to tell in all this.

The Champion Crest: "A arm erect in green, CUFF red holding a green CHAPLET." Oh me oh my. Here's the five swans of Chaplets (Parez/Paresse, Lorraine). Did Hugh de Payens, with ChamPAGNE connections, marry Elizabeth Chappes? That should explain why the Champion/Campion trefoils are called "pean," for Peans are listed with Payens/Pagans.

Buchanans are said to have had lands where Chappes/Chaips were first found, and the latter are the ones with "ears of wheat." Did you think Coponius could trace so soon to these ears of wheat while also so well??

Buchanans are traced in their write-up to a Kyan entity while Kyans share the white-on-blue fish with Keons/Wings/Owens (will the real surname please stand up) sharing the upright black lion with the Buchanan Coat. "Keon" is suspect in "escutCHEON" while the SCUT part of that term traces to lake Scodra, location of fish-related Bar. As both Bar and Kotor are near the CLAUSula, and as "Coponius" is suspect from Cupionich upon the Clausula, see the McCLOSkey/CLASkey/Cluskey variations of the Kyans! It wasn't my idea that the Coponius investigation should lead to Buchans and BuchANANs. We have a very big story here, as I can't progress one paragraph (thus far) without a major piece of evidence tracing to Coponius. If none of it were true, we could not get so many traces working out.

The Bar fish are in the Arms of Bar-le-DUC of Lorraine, but as we just saw Chaplets said to be from Lorraine, let's re-mention the chaplets of Duc-like Duke's/Dooks. Compare the Doags/Doaks to the Donkeys / Duncans, and it appears that "Doak" was a lazy "Duncan." Remember, Duncans trace to "DunnCHAD" (not to dopey "brown warrior"), and are in Chad / Chadwick colors, and then one Chamberlain Coat even shares the escutcheon of Chadwicks (same colors). Duncans are again using a chevron in the colors of the Copon and Amp/Impy chevrons. Go ahead and load the Patty Coat as per the "pati" motto term of Duncans / Donkeys, and see another escutcheon, this time in the colors of the Saddock/Sedgewick Sedgley colors (Dudleys borrow from Sedgleys for a Crest symbol; see Dudleys last update).

The Kyan write-up: "Blue with a shield [= escutcheon] within the shield on which there is a cross of calvary..." Calv terms had been suspect with Cavii, and then Kyans share the cat-a-mountain with Chives'. Calvars/Carvers (Palmer colors) show a Moor head in Crest, a Chappes symbol too. Over and over again, we are brought back to Caiaphas suspects.

There is even a Calvary/Calveley surname, first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as Palms and Palmers. The Calvary Coat uses another escutcheon, this time in the colors and format of the Saddock escutcheon. Instead of eight white-on-black martlets, eight white-on-black owls. Over and over again, Caiaphas suspects.

We can surely ignore the Calvary write-up tracing to cow pastures. As you can see, whatever the original term, it morphed to "Calvary" even though it had nothing to do with Calvary...aside from Caiaphas being the main player in inciting Jesus' execution. The write-up traces to a Calverleigh location in Devon, where same-colored Chives' were first found. Like I said, ignore the calf-pasture theme, or view it as merely incidental through the evolution of terms.

Taggerts, using owls, share the "non vi" motto phrase of Chives'. The Taggert-Coat owls are in the brown color and design as per the Calvary Crest, and in the design of the Owl/Howl owls, themselves in the colors of the Joseph martlet.

German Palmers use FIVE branches on their palm tree. Their write-up traces to "palme or balme" = "pussy willow." Hmm. Willows don't come to mind with palm trees, do they? Balme's show nothing but LEAVES, and in this case there are only FOUR leaves on the branch, suggesting the line of Mariamne Maccabee through Tigranes to QUADRAtilla, wife of Laevillus. The PalMURES variation suggested a look at the Mures/More/Muir surname ("non" motto term) that can be linked on at least two counts to the Nagle's. Both Mures/Moors and Willows use a "Saracen's head."

Then, that you may know that "pussy willow" is a pure and unabashed falsification and yet code work, the Pussy/Pussin surname was first found in the same place (Berkshire, near Cambridge and Bedford) as Modens/Modleys, and the latter use a fretty Shield in colors reversed to the same of Willows (the latter call it a "trellis"). You have just seen the Maccabee-suspect Palmers linking to Modane-like Modens. For new readers, the Israeli home of the first Maccabees/Hasmoneans was at Modi'in.

Nagle's trace to the Grasse theater, and then Trells/Trowels are using more trefoils, but in the colors of the Grass trefoils. This can be important if Valerius Gratus, the Judean governor (for Rome) shortly after Ambivulus, trace's to Grass'. As we are partly on a discussion of Ambivulus' coin, let's repeat that the feathered helmet on the coin of Herod Archelaus is in the Crest of True's/Trows, who look like a branch of Trells/Trowels/Truells.

The Nagle's are in the Calvary write-up, said to have "held" the village of Calverleigh in Devon. This location was alternatively "Calodelie," which prompted a loading of "Caldell" to find the Caulders/Caddels...who appear to be using the Colt/Cult stag head (without the Pilate pheon). I have a problem with a "Calvar" trace to "Colt/Celt," but a Calvary-line merger with Colts/Celts is acceptable. Caulders/Caddels share a "non" term with Nagle's, and are traced to a Hugh de Kaledouer. "Cadella" is in the write-up as identical with "Klaedouer," suggesting that "Cadell" is an l-less "Caldell." Were Colts/Celts Claud-like liners from the Clausula river?

CALVerleigh can be seen in the CALEWUdelega version of "CALOdelie." English Calo's/CALEWs/Callows could be using a leopard-face version of the Buchan / Campion Coat! If that's a correct interpretation, it all comes back to Palma-of-Campania yet again. These leopard faces are important, not just because they are black like the Aide faces, but because Chives', in the same place as Calodelie, use leopards too. The Mule's were likewise first found in Devon.

It's very interesting that Italian Cale's/Calo's (Sicily) use a giant and upright greyhound in the colors of the giant and upright talbot dog of Clausula-suspect Fortuna's. What a coincidence. English Cale's show the Kyle and Coles anchor, I reckon, for a trace with them to the Colapis/Kupa river, suspect recently with Clausula liners.

The Palm/Parm Chief is using the blue vair fur of the Quint Chief, and the Palm/Parm Coat has fleur-de-lys in the colors of the same of Lys'/Lisse's for a trace to Lissus of the Cavii theater. This is like a master stroke, especially as the Lys/Lisse greyhound design is in the English-Palmer Chief.

Next, we go back to the Balme surname (in the Palmer write-up) with FOUR leaves. The description tells that they alternatively use "three green flowers." The Flower surname suggests a trace to Fletchers, which I've agreed with over the years. But it plays well here because Fletchers are also "Fleger" while Flecks are using a version of the English-Palmer Coat.

Flecks were traced in the 3rd update of last month to Velch, north of Rome at the Fiora river. One of the things said then was: "Stands/Stants and Pendle-related BARleys (QUATRefoil) use two black-on-white fesse bars, the Palmer / Fleck symbol." Fiora linked quite naturally to Florence, and so let's recall the Mules, with double bars of their own, only in red on white, the colors of the same of Barwells/Barwicks. Let me repeat from earlier in this update so that you get your bearings on this:

[It was days later when looking up the Barrels, not only to find French Barrels (Dauphine) using the Mavesyn Coat exactly, but the Mavesyn talbot in the Coat and Crest of English Barrels (Barwell). How about that.]

That insert was added above immediately after writing here, for I had looked Barrels up as per "Barley." That's when I was led to the Barwells/Barwicks. These double bars in these colors are the Washington's too, and the latter were first found in the same place (Lancashire) as Chaddocks and a branch of Chadwicks, yet Chadwicks are said to be from Mavesyn-Ridware. Then, if it seems that Chad liners should be linking to Coponius and/or Ambivulus lines out of Palma of Campania, it turns out that Spanish Palmers, the fourth Palmer surname to be treated, have a split Shield vertically in the colors of the same of Chads, first found in the same place (Norfolk) as Flecks. No guff.

Unfortunately, while this traces Sadducee suspects back to the family of St. Chad at a fairly-early time, it doesn't tell me where Chad liners came from, in the first few Christian centuries, in getting to his family. I have only assumed that potent liners, at the Setta valley, were there in the first century, and have assumed that "Setta" was a Sadducee term too. Seatons/Sittens trace with the split Chad Shield to Sion/Sitten, but I don't know the timing. I don't even know when the place was named, Sitten. Templar "Zionism" is now well-defined under this Chad-Seaton picture, but there are holes.

Having learned that the potent cross had started out as a crutch or staff, it seems that Chads trace to the hawk's lure of Herods/Heraults/Haralds, first found in the same place (Argyllshire) as Campbells and Avalon. But who were the stave=using Hawks and their Pilgrim kin? As PilGRIMs suggest Grimaldi's, "Hawk" may have been a branch of "Cock," a new idea this moment. And it looks correct, for Cochs (with an 'h') not only use lozenges in the colors of the Grimaldi / Cock lozengy, but in the colors of the Pink and Reno lozenges so that, indeed, hawk's-lure liners trace to the Panico's known to have been at the Setta valley (Reno tributary).

But Panico's were of the middle centuries. What went on at the Setta much earlier? The Setta and Reno are beside a Sevan-like river (Savena) flowing with the Reno to Bologna, which is why I thought that the namers of Soducena (see map below), at lake Sevan, should have at least been involved with the namers of the Setta. It makes perfect sense because Cocks/Cockers have been suspect from GOGARene, which you can see on the map to the other side of lake Sevan, marked "Lychnis". Neighboring Alania, where Alans lived from before the first century, can trace to Forum Allieni, the name of proto-Ferrara (about a dozen miles from the Reno).

I had found a Stephantsminda location at Alania that became suspect with a Stewart-Stephen relationship, and then Stave's are listed with Chappes-suspect Stephens. The latter use falcons that trace to Velch, probably at an early time. The Turan goddess at Velch should trace to Tarun at Lake Van. While these considerations make sense in drawing up the entire picture, the evolution of the Sadducee suspects from the Reno theater to St. Chad is foggy. As proto-Merovingians at or near the Reno are suspect, let's mention that their Salian Franks side, and the Batavia peoples suspect from "Padova," were at the mouth of the Reno-like Rhine. In fact, the Reno surname is also the Rhine. The Salians on the Rhine, I think, predated St. Chad, but perhaps not by much.

By what coincidence do Dutch Cocks use the giant rooster, in the same design, of Guests/Guys/CASTONguays? The Chadwicks/Shadducks were at Merovingian-suspect Mavesyn-Ridware (from Mavis'/Maurovi's of Bologna?), and then it's the Mavesyn write-up that has a trace to GASTINois in the same part of France as Chappes'. The Mavesyn talbot is even indicative of the Cavii-Taulantii partnership. I've just found an alternative Castonguay surname sharing the oak with Panico's! And the Gastons (black owl in Crest) even use a Shield filled with checks in the colors of the lozenges that fill the Cock / Grimaldi Shields, tending to link the Cock rooster to the Castonguay rooster.

Reminder, the other two Guest surnames show swans, suspect from "Sevan" or even the Sevana river at Bologna, and then the LYCHnis alternative of Sevan can go to "LICHfield," location of Mavesyn-Ridware. It's just another indicator that this picture is correct in it's skeletal parts. It can trace St. Chad's Lichfield location to Lychnis liners at the Savena river. It's not likely coincidental that the black-swan Guest surname has a write-up defining "guest" as a "stranger," for "Allieni" has likely been misinterpreted that way in the formation of the Stewart-related Strange surname.

It's been shown many times that Lick surnames and their variants or near-variants use swans, and then the swan is used in the Arms of Boulogne (France), home of the Sionist Bouillons...suggesting that Savena-river peoples were at Boulogne. The Licks/Lochs/Locks, first found in the same place (Peebles) as Balds, even use the swan design showing until recently for French Josephs. That trace's the Balds to Jerusalem king, Baldwin, son of Eustace II of Boulogne, and makes the family suspect with the descendants of Joseph Caiaphas. It is a big deal to uncover the Templars in this way. To verify that the family of Eustace trace's to Guido Guerra III at the Bologna theater, German Balds are using a version of the Guido Coat.

The link of Guido Guerra to St. Chad verifies what was claimed (by me) about two years ago, that the royal Scots were founded by the Guido-Guerra bloodline. No one believed me then, I do not think, but we now know that the Dunkelds, and likely also the Pict line through the Malcolms/Colombs to the Dunkelds, were from Chad / Aidan / Columba elements. here's from the 3rd update of last month: ""Ears" is suspect with Eyers/Ayers and Ayers, using QUATRefoils now tracing to Quadratilla and Laevillus, i.e. whom are expected at Qewe, where terms like "Coventry" may trace. The Coventry Coat even uses three BLUE "columbine," that being a columba = dove term, important because Cuppae was called, "City of Doves"!" St. Chad was at Lichfield and Coventry.

The heraldic ears are now suspect with the coin of Coponius. I imagine that the Templarist goons arranged for "ear" to depict a Coponius line, and while he's suspect already with Sadducees, the fact that Eyers / Ayers use quatrefoils is perfectly expected if they are code for Quadratilla lines. Her line goes back to Tigranes and his wife, Opgalli, whose parents are said to be unknown, but living roughly at the birth of Caiaphas. Opgalli is said to have been possibly Jewish for a reason(s).

The Copon surname is listed with Cobhams said to have named Surrey, where Gastons were first found, what mavesincidence. Note that the Gaston Shield is also the Hohen Shield, a red version of the Cohen Shield, for Cohen liners are suspect with Gone's/Kohns and Gone's/GOWENs while the Cobham location above was also, COVENham, in 1086, what a coventryincidence. It just can't be a coincidence that while Covenham is said to be in ELMridge, the Elms share double black-on-white bars with Palmers! Now we know the fact that Coponius' family member(s) descended to the Copon surname listed with the namers of Cobham. There are FIVE LEAVES on each Elm bar, and the Elms were first found in the same place as Chaddocks and a branch of Chadwicks, not to re-mention double-bar Washingtons.

One Elmer branch was first found in the same place as Quints, and the other Elmers where English Josephs were first found. They had an Elmore location in Gloucestershire, where Samsons (share the Fleck scallops) were first found that honor the Flags/Flecks in their motto.

The Gaston owl is black, like the Barwick owls, and then the father of Quadratilla had married a niece of Berenicianus. Recall the double-BAR Barwells/Barwicks as they linked to both Mavesyns and the double Palmer bars.

The Coventry Crest is a gold garb, symbol of the Joseph Crest. The "Candide" motto term of Coventrys is likely for Candida's, first found in Naples, where the Palmers and Capone's were first found, indicating that Coponius lines did go to Cobham/Covenham and Coventry too, and thus St. Chad becomes suspect with at least a marriage or secret relationship with a woman of the Coponius line. The "constanter" motto term of Coventrys, packed together with all these other points, assures that this line went through the Scot-royal Malcolms.

French Gavins/Gauvents (Brittany) are both Payen- and Coventry-interesting. They use a "triangle," recalling the "triangular bend" of German Bamburgs (this line traces from Bebba of the Bernicians). The pierced Zionist stars of Gavins/Gauvents are used also by Guerins, suspect as a line to Guido Guerra. The triANGLE likely traces to the namers of Angers / Anjou, where the Melissena-Rangabe Khazars are expected, and then the Fers/FERRATs (Brittany), very linkable to Guido Guerra's marriage to MontFERRAT, use a Shield filled with the Cohen checks while Jewish Cohens come up as "Kagan" i.e. Khazars. Nicholas de Vere revealed that the first counts of Anjou, encoded "Milouziana," traced out of the royal Scot-Pict relationship, and it just so happens that the Miles' (same place as Josephs) use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of the Gone's/Gowens (share thistle with Alpins), a surname suspect with the GONfanon banner of Montferrat-suspect Montforts.

Here's from the 3rd update of last month: "Amazingly, the Gone's/Gowans...are using the green-on-white cinquefoils of the Loches'/DeLOGES" that came up as per the Khazar-suspect Mrs. Loches, mother of Fulk I!" French Gastons (cage) show linkage to the Hosts (Gast variation?) while Irish Gavins/Gowens (CAVAN) have a "hostes" motto term. These Gowens use ARMS, one holding a DAGGER, while Gone's/Gowens use am "ARMA DECORi" motto phrase. I've lost track of which surname somewhere above uses a "decor" motto term, now suspect with Ticino liners of the Deck/Dagger kind. The distinct possibility is that Daggers trace to "Tigranes," for his line's Laevillus character is suspect from the Laevi on the Ticino. The "exPELLIT" motto term of Gavins/Gowens could be for the Pilate-related Pellets (same place as Saddocks).

I do not think that mythical Melusine of Scotland, prior to the counts of Anjou, were Khazars in any way. Rather, I think she was given that name when Pictish elements merged with the family of Inger and/or Melissena at the Anjou theater. These Pictish elements are perhaps going to trace to St. Chad's circle. This line then merged with Cohens, or, perhaps, Melusine of Scotland was from the Irish Gowens that named the Cohens. It's not a bad theory.

It just so happens that Scottish Govans/Gowens were first found in the same place (Lanarkshire) as the Khazar-based Biggars. Lanark gets us back to GLASgow, the line from Lady Fortune / KLAUSen suspect with Melusine in the Glass Crest. Reminder, Glass' were first found in Buteshire = Avalon, where the Vere's had traced Melusine. We are bang-on track. It could appear as though Melusine was this Govan/Gowen line. The surname even uses the red Glass star, as well as a blue and upright sword shared by Bettys/Beatys, suspect with Beatons and king MacBeth. The Baits/Beaths (in Fortuna colors) use another upright sword...and a "Fortuna" motto term!!! The Bait sword pierces a black boar, symbol of Bute-suspect Booths. I would suggest that the green Bait dragon head (the Melusine dragon woman?) is that in the Crichton Crest, for I trace the blue Crichton lion to Rory of Bute.

The Elmers use a "woman," as do Elis'. The Elmore locations (of Elmers) may have originated first from Elis elements, and later the Elms formed. The Elis WOMAN was traced to VIMINacium, shown on this map in Margus to the near-west of PINCum. The Coponius line is suspect from nearby Cuppae, you see, so that the Elms can be explained as Coponius liners in this way.

The Bait motto, "Fortuna virtute," is translated, "By good fortune and valour," making the virtute term, wherever it appears in heraldry, suspect with VALERius Gratus. The Bait sword is called a "rapier erect" while Rapiers share both the antelope and six-sectioned Shield with Wheelwrights. Another blue sword is used by Lure's (the Leir star?), and the latter, because they are a sept of McLeods, share the FLAG with McLeods. But a flag is used also in the Eugene Coat while Eugene's and Euganeo (Padova, where Bait-like Batavi trace) are, in my opining in the "agendo" motto term of Lure's. The latter look like they can be using a version of the Cope / Copp Coat, and then Cope's, first found in the same place (Leicestershire) as Lears, use "adESTE."

You can already see that we could be on Coponius liners, but there is more where French Leirs/Layers are sharing the Fleck/FLAG scallops. "Layer" looks linkable to ear-suspect Ayers, and then the Lears (compare with Masters) are said to be from "L'Eyre." It could the be the ear-of-wheat line shared by Coponius and Ambivulus, and then it just so happens that there is an "IMPlear" motto term (of Meeks) that may be code for Amps/Impys.

German Leirs, using double-fesse bars (always suspect with the Palmer bars at this point), happen to be from ULM, and we have only just crossed the double-bar Elms. It just so happens that German ULMans use nothing but double-fesse bars! This recalls the trace of the old Ulman lion to the same design in the old Monmouth and old Maud lion (all three were changed), both of whom use double-fesse bars of the thin kind used by proto-Washington Wassa's. The double Ulman bars are then in colors reversed, and of the same size, as the double Washington bars. Ulm became suspect with Almos, quasi-mythical father of Hungarians.

Why did Masons use "Coeptis" as part of the motto in the Great Seal of the United States?

English Ulmans were first found in the same place (Worcestershire) as swan-using Guests. To help prove the link, the Ulmans use "a blue border seme silver horseshoes." The Seme's are listed with swan-using Sine's/Sions/Swans.

This section makes Caiaphas suspect with the family of Coponius, but nothing is known much about Coponius, though, thanks to the ears of wheat on his coin, it seems that he was a Sadducee liner to the Chappes' and Saddocks. A distinction must be made between the Caepio gens and the Coponius gens, the latter said at Wikipedia to originate at ancient Tibur, now Tivoli about 20 miles northeast of Rome. It's interesting that a Jewish community in Tivoli got into trouble, and was ordered by the authorities to "carry a red cape over the shoulders" so that the general population could identify them. Yes, that's persecution. Nearly 180 years later, "the Ventura family departed from Tivoli along with other Jews expelled from the town by Pope Pius V in 1568." The Ventura surname has "Turin" listed, and there is no other Italian Turin surname. But the Venturi's are also listed with Tura/Turella/Turel," evoking the Tural hawk of Hungarian legend.

The only other Turin surname is a Scottish one, first found in Kabar-suspect Aberdeen, home of Hungarians. Amazing. "Aberdeen," regardless of what they say for it's origin, sounds like "Kabardino," home of Kabars way over in northern Caucasia, where proto-Hungarians lived, and made alliances with Kabars in forming the Hungarians proper. No guff, and many Khazar Jews later joined Hungary...long before the Jewish persecution of Tivoli above. It just so happens that "fortuna" is yet another motto term of Scottish Turins! Zowie. I would suggest that Turins are using the Bard boar.

The question is whether Ventura's/VenTURINO's were Turin and/or Turano elements. The Scottish Turins were first found in the same place as same-colored Reeds from Rieta on the Turano. Reeds are the ones with a "Pax copia" motto suggesting Cuppae and the Pek together. Reeds are said to be a sept of Robertsons, and then the Robertsons are said to be from "Donnachaide," same as Dunnchad of the royal Dunkelds.

Ever since reading on the red cape, the Traby/Sadowski scarf was coming to mind. I was getting this idea that the red capes could have evolved under complaints to red scarves. The reason that the Traby scarf was coming to mind was that the Ventura bendy, rising in the rare, sinister direction, and in blue and white, is like international marine flag for the number six. There had been things that argued for a Traby link to the number 6. However, this was merely running through my mind; it was not going to mentioned here on so little evidence. But when the Robertsons (Traby/Sadowski colors) were loaded, there were the three white wolf heads of the Scarfs.

For more information on the closeness of the Dunkeld royals to St. Columba, read the Robertson write-up. Robertsons are clearly from a Robert, follower or descendant of Columba, and the Robertsons were esteemed by the Duncan royals as though fellow family. The red covered crown in the Robertson Crest is therefore the Scottish crown. I've seen a close-up of that crown where the white row you see is made of the tops of white ostrich feathers, the symbol of the Traby Arms. Stunning. Does this mean that Trabys trace to the Ventura lot out of Tivoli, the city where the Coponius surname had some beginnings? Why is the Traby scarf fashioned like a 'Q'?

French Roberts are sharing the Palm/Parm Chief and Quint Chiefs, and Palms were first found in the same place as Scarfs, Balme's and Palmers! Just like that, while on a proposed trace of Tivoli peoples to Robertsons, the Roberts turn out with a feasible link to highly-suspect Coponius elements. The Roberts were investigated some in the 3rd update of last month when the ostrich-using (!) Probins/Robins/ROBERTS had traced to Pollocks, and the Probin/Robin lion (has the Bolzano look) is also in the French Robert Coat!! Therefore, everything in the Probin discussion, which was traced to a branch of the imperial Valentinian family, may apply to a Coponius line. The "inMICA" motto term of Probins may be for Meeks/Meiks with the "IMPlear" motto term.

This reminds me that Sadowski's (Pole's) were traced by someone online to a Gaston family. I've shared this a few times over the years. It just so happens that Gastons and the Cobham location of Copons were in Surrey, and Surrey is where Sheers/Shere's/Shire's were first found who are using the fitchee cross of German Schere's, who in-turn come up as Scarf-like Scherf! When things work out this well, it's likely correct. Then, to assure that we are on Coponius liners, Austrian Schere's use "ears of wheat"!!!

The left half (our right) of the Schere Shield uses "a [green] snake entwined around a STICK," suspect as code for the ASTIKas' of Vilnius (Lithuania), whom the Trabys had merged with (you can read about both surnames at Wikipedia's Traby article). The other surname using a green snake coiled around a rod is the Shire-like Sire's/Sirets/Sirons; on three counts in the Sire Coat / motto itself, as well as other considerations from Sire kin, they were traced to the Arms of Vilnius! It's bonanza time.

Actually, the Sire snake is coiled around a mirror ("a green snake looking at himself in a mirror"). The Sire's were traced to the mythical Sirens on the Akheloos river of Greece, location of Astakos, the obvious origin of the Astikas'. As green, snake-tailed Melusine has a mirror in heraldry, note that the Lithuanian goddess, LADA, evokes the Glass-related LADY Fortune.

The Sire's and the justice codes in the Arms of Vilnius are for honoring Justine of Picenum...who happens to be the wife of Valentinian I. Her line was traced to the Scottish Justine's, first found in the same place (Perthshire) as Roberstons. The Sire's were kin of Squire's/Square's/Squirrels that share the squirrel with the Gilberts known to be at the ancestry of Carricks, and the latter are using the black talbot of Sheers/Shere's/Shire's.

Clues from the Heraldic Glossary Page

One common feature between the Arms of Vilnius and the Sire's is the anchor. On a heraldry page, for the definition of a "trabe": "Trabe, (fr.): the stock of an anchor, q.v." It tends to weld Trabys to the Anchors/Annackers using a Chief reflective of the Lady Chief. Coincidence?

On the same page for a Stockden surname: "Gules, the trunk of a tree eradicated and couped {otherwise snagged} in pale, sprouting two slips argent--STOCKDEN, Leicester" The tree stump is in Traby/Sadowski / Stack colors, and the slips can indicate (or may not) the Hazel-Islip relationship for insinuating a line from Has near Tropoje. At house of names, the white Stockden tree stumps are on a green Shield, and the surname was first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as Scarfs. Both Stockden surnames (same place as Meschins from the Caen area) use a column in Crest supported by a brown-gold lion. Blackstocks likewise show three trunks.

The same page: "Gules, the stem and trunk of a tree eradicated as also couped, in pale, sprouting out two branches argent--BOROUGH, Leicester." The design is shown, and it's virtually identical to the COUPED stump Stockdens, white-on-red colors and all. It can be gleaned that "ERADicated" is code for the RADziwills in the Astikas family that Trabys married. The fact that the Borough surname uses this stump speaks to white-on-green Burghs/Burrows/BOROUGHs (that I link to Josephs), the alternative colors of the Stockden stumps. It's starting to make a first-time-ever link between Stocks and Josephs.

Look at where this leads. The white griffin head in the Burgh/Burrow Crest is used also by Dobers and Dobermans (one of the latter two use it in gold), traceable to Dober location about two miles from Cupionich, itself near Tropoje. It's exactly where Joseph Caiaphas is expected to trace! And you just witnessed two COUPed terms.

The way to know that Stocks were not named after tree stumps is where Stocks (dove, indicates Cuppae) were from the Caen area while Caens share the Traby ostrich feathers. And German Stocks are the ones with the beetles while Beatles (hourGLASS design) have lozengy in the colors of the Anchor lozenges. The StackHOUSE's (North Yorkshire again) are conspicuous where Hazels share the House leaf design, and the Stackhouse's (gold garb, brown house) happen to share small, red-on-white saltires with German Stocks.

The same page (link several paragraphs below) then goes on to describe trefoils, which I've claimed were part-code for Trips/Treffs. It says: "[The trefoil] is, however, always borne with a stalk, generally ending in a point, when the term slipped is used." Why STALK along with SLIPPED? Isn't this another indication of an Islip relationship with Tropoje elements? This is the area very near to the Clausula river and its Copon-like Cupionich (also called, KOPLik) location that traces to the Mouse Tower in GOPLo, Poland, and then there is a Traby location in Poland that was of course of the Polish Trabys. The Trefoil is part-code for RoqueFEUILs, and then Beetle's show a castle on a ROCK.

The Storkhouse location in Yorkshire seems in play with Stockhouse's. Storkhouse is in the write-ups of Odins / Oddie's, who trace to stork-depicted Oettingen-Oettingen (kin of Hohenzollerns) using an emphasized EAR upon a talbot. This should explain why Odins share a white-on-red lion with Stake's/Stacks ("haystack" code). The Store's use the stork, and they should be a branch of Leavell-suspect Sturs/Stowers, first found in the same place as Josephs and Burghs/Burrows. The Store Coat has a six-sectioned shield, ditto for Wheelwrights expected out of the Mouse Tower.

Next, if you're convinced that CLAUSula liners could have developed into "Claud," compare the Claud/Clausel Coat to the Stork Coat, a virtual match. They both use acorns, the seed of oaks, and then the oak theme belongs to such as Ackmans and Aikens, the latter suspect in using the Kopple rooster.

The next section will focus on a Hun-Khazar relationship as it should apply to Hohens out of Swabia, where Huners were first found. Huners were a topic in the 3rd update of last month, as per Huneric of the royal Vandals, who married a daughter (Placidia) of Valentinian III. It was said: "Huners are listed with Hunns/Hundts sharing an upright dog (grayhound), in the same colors with the talbot of Italian Fortuna's (Prestwick colors), and then Klassens use a "Lady Fortune" that I see as Melusine in the Glass Crest...meaning that Huneric could have been of the Hun line (preceded Khazars proper) to Melissena's royal-Khazar ancestry." We will come to a quote below showing Valentinian I in a war smack where some Hohens had origins. The Valentinian family has talks with the Huns, and perhaps more than talks.

Since the Huneric topic, where Pollocks of the Paisley area were traced to a Probinus family now suspect in the ostrich-using Probins/Robins, I came across a version of the Huner/Hunn Coat and Crest in an Irish Falen surname, while German Falens/VALENCE's share red martlets with Scottish Valence's/VALANTs. I don't think it's coincidental, tending to prove that Huners were from Huneric.

In a Valentinian trace to Pollocks, it's important that French Alans use red footless martlets too. The previous French Alan Coat showed ducks, and so here's what was written in the 1st update of July, 2009: "When I checked for a Gast Coat just now, I got the duckling of the Gas/Gascon Coat...and now I find that the Gast surname uses the very same duckling as in the Falen Coat!" That Falen Coat now shows the red martlets, meaning that houseofnames changed both the red Falen and Alan ducks to red martlets. That's one great way to discover that Alans were close to Falens / Valence's. It should explain the whale in the Dol Coat as code for Whelans/Phelans/Failins.

The Alans are important here because they trace to Huns in several ways. The Gasts/Gascons above are now showing a goose instead of a duck, but that's predictable. RUTHERfords, who share "nec" with Rodhams, use a goose on a rock, and then I trace "nec" to the Neckar river, smack beside the origins of Hohenzollerns. The Stuttgart location on the Neckar has been traced to the raven-depicted Stout vikings that included German ROTHES', suggesting that Rutherfords apply. The Stout surname is also "Stow" and therefore linkable to Sturs/Stowers, while it just so happens that French Sturs and Belgian Gastels/Gistels (and Garlands and Walkers) both use three red pale bars on a gold Shield.

I didn't know until now that, apparently, the first roundels were the red torteaux: "Torteau, (fr. tourteau de gueules): the name now always applied to a roundle gules. At the same time the French apply the word to roundles of all tinctures, including even or and argent. (See Roundle.) Literally tourteau (and it is found in ancient rolls) means a little tart or cake, and the figure is said to have been intended to represent the sacred Host [could have been a cover-up]. The term gastel is also used (which in the form gateau is still used for a cake), and in the older rolls, though the torteau is found more frequently tinctured gules, both that and the gastel are found tinctured as a metal." as the Gastel pale bars are gules = red, it seems that torteau, whatever they stood as code for, were related to Gastel/Gistel liners. It probably wasn't an accident that the so-called storks in the Store Coat are swans, in the design of the Guest/Gist swans, suggesting that Guests are a Gastel branch. (The Store Crest looks like a stork).

There is reason to view Gasts/Gascons as Alan kin, and while they may trace to Gascony (where martlet-depicted Martels were first found), the Gastons with Hohen / Vair Shield should apply. Let me remind that the Mavesyns are the ones from Gastinois (Ile-de-France), and that the Mavesyns use a red talbot that could be colors reversed specifically from the Fortuna talbot, and then the Mavesyn talbot proved to be the one with emphasized ear in the Barrel surname.

The heraldnet page above shows the thistle that's the clan badge of the Stuarts. I didn't know it. It explains why Paisleys use a thistle. The page then shows a "teazel" version of a thistle, evoking the two Tease surnames, at least one of which traces to "Ticino/Tessen" with little doubt. The German Tease's/Tess'/Tecks (Switzerland, where the Ticino originates, use leaves as code for the Laevi, and then we read that the heraldic thistle "is generally represented slipped, as in the margin. The leaves are found also separate." There is an Alan-important Teasel/Tezelaar surname said to be from Tessel in the Tilly part of Normandy, on the Suelles river through Calvados, where also the Touques river flows that may be the reason for the Tigh variation of the Tease's; the latter use the same fesse colors as the Alan fesse. The mouth of the Suelles is at the Manche/Calvados border area, at a Conte-like Conde location. There is a Conde surname using nothing but a fesse in Alan-fesse colors.

But don't assume just yet that Teasels can't also trace to the Ticino too. Alans are suspect from ancient Alauna in the CROCiatonum = Manche area, to the west side of Calvados, and then the Teasel Coat shares the CRAIG crescents on a fesse, all in the same three-color scheme. The Craigs are said to be the ancestry of Carricks, and then a recent update found that Carricks had ancestry in squirrel-using Gilberts, using the red squirrel of Ticino suspects, Decks/Daggers. The Gilbert topic was in the 1st update of February, where it was said: "And Gilberts (Tech colors) are the ones with a "Teg" motto term." It starts to appear as though talbot-liner Carricks trace through Cavii-suspect Calvados, and that the namers of the Ticino also named the Touques.

Carricks were first found in the same area of Scotland as where the Alans removed to who came to use the thistle as a clan badge. It seems a no-brainer lately that Carricks were from CROCiatonum, also called CRONCiaconnum, which is why it's important below when you get to the KRONKite's as per their Coat being used by the line of the first-known Hohenzollern count. It is to be expected that Cohens and Hohens derive from the Vere house that had to do with Melusine, and it just so happens that Vere's lived at Ver(e), in what had been Crociatonum.

I'm reading: "Tilly, on the Suelles River 10 miles west of Caen..." Stock might just be very nearby. Another article: "This family of Tilleys came from the dual localities of Tilly and Verroles on the Suelles River which date back to Gallo-Roman times. Today these have conjoined to become Tilly Seulles (Tilly-sur- 217 Suelles) with the associated hamlet of St Peter (St. Pierre) being the ancient site of Vederolae Verolae, then becoming Berolle Verrolles " That's a Barrel-like location to which the Oettingen talbot may trace along with the Barrel talbot. There are veder-like motto terms that can apply to "Vederolae," and then there is a constant stream of "virtute / veritas" motto terms that can apply to the Veret variation of the Vairs/Verona's (slipped trefoils) that come up as "Verel." That variation was found in the Zachary/SacheVERALL topic (first mentioned in the 1st update of February). It just so happens that the other Vairs share a Shield filled with the Hohen / Gaston checks, and then Gastinois is in the same place as where Vairs/Verona's were first found. The Vire river that separates most of Manche (where Vere's lived) from the Bessin is not far from the Suelles, itself in the Bessin.

This section was inserted here after the section below was written that included the Till surnames. Tilly / Tilley was not yet a topic. The Sachverall topic lead back to an ancient Ver river of England, having to do with the royals of Camulodunum. It's therefore interesting that the glossary page tells of a Gemmill surname using the "thistle leaved". As I typically see Salyes Ligures merged with Laevi of the Ticino, let's add that the very next line has "three thistles slipped vert, flowered gules--Miles SALLEY, Bp. of Llandaff, 1500-16" Salleys are listed with Sale's using symbols in the colors of the Tessel/Tassel crescents.

It's the tiger-using Medleys that use "two black bars-GEMEL," and perhaps this all has to do with a trace of tiger-suspect Tigranes Maccabees to Tighs/Tease's and Decks/Daggers. I lean toward such an interpretation, but I don't recall that it's been clinched. The Actons, with an Axton location in Kent, where the Teague-related Touque's were first found, use a "Vailance" motto term, and for that reason it should be added that the squirrel-using bend of Valentins is in the colors of the Gemmill bend, and the Acton fesse. That Gemmill bend is in the glossary page, but at house of names, the Gemmills (hearts) have a different Coat (with yet another swan in Crest). The Gemmill write-up speaks on "gemell = twin," and explains that twin fesse bars are called by that term. But the Medley twin bars are used also by Med-like Mauds, Monmouths, and Gaston-suspect Gace's/Gassons from Gace upon the Touques river. Double-fesse bars thus trace to Gemmill liners suspect as Maccabee liners from Calvados.

The Gemmill swan is pierced with an arrow, and the glossary page happens to define "transfixed" as "pierced through" while the Walsh surname (same chevron as Gemmills) uses both a pierced-through swan and a "Transfixus" motto term. Trans are listed with Trents, first found in the same place (Somerset) as Pierce's, and there is a Fix/Ficks/Vicka surname (Luneburg).

All thistles, including the one in the Arms of PithiVIERS, are now tracing to Tessel and the Suelles river. They are suspect with the Belgian Tassle/TASSIN surname sharing the fesse of Tease's/Tighs. That Tassin/Tasson variation, in this context, suggests a teazel / thistle trace to the Tessen river. It's interesting that Tuells use the blue duck while Tessels/Tassels use blue eagles. There is also a Tewel/Tuell surname sharing three red pale bars with Gastels.

I didn't try for a Suell/Sewel surname (Warwickshire) until now, and here we find three bees in the colors of the Bessin bees. If Tuells apply, it recalls that German Talls/Thalls were once showing the Bessin bee design. Why they would change a bee design is a mystery, but they did it after I wrote on the Tall-Bessin link a few times, as per Basina of Thuringia, where Talls/Thals were first found. She was Childeric's wife, and so let's repeat that Chills/Childs are using the Tarent Coat in colors reversed, one of them using the chevron of Trent-suspect Walsh's. The tomb of Childeric was found with many gold bees, thus tracing the Clovis Merovingians to the Bessin, and now probably to things on the Suell river.

Merovingians had traces to Salyes, and can therefore trace to thistle-using Salleys/Sale's/Salette's (same place as Meschins/Masculine's) that share the Bessin bend. The three Suell/Sewel bees are also the Boy bees, and Boys are suspect with the boys in this Masculine Coat (Boy colors). The Boy Crest is "crossed oak branches" while the Suell Crest is an acorn. I find it impossible for heraldry specialists not to know that Suells are from the Suelles river, yet the write-up offers mere guess work in defining the surname. I tend to agree with the write-up's trace to a Sewell location (apparently controlled by Ralph de Taillebois) in Bedfordshire because Ranulph-le-Meschin married TailleBOIS.

The SHEWel variations could suggest contact with, or even origin in, the Shawia Numidians...who are still suspect from "Qewe." I'm not sure whether the Saxon terms to which the write-up traces Suells/Sewels apply to the Suelles river, but if they do, what was found in the last update should be repeated: "We see a Maccus character (10th century), whose despicable family had conquered the Isle of Man, which should explain the "Manu forti" motto of Mackays. We see that Maccus went to Cheshire [later home of Maceys and Meschins] with some alliance in mind with its Saxon rulers. I now know what could only be speculation until now, that Maceys were in England before the Normans invaded it from Normandy." This Maccabee-viking picture is the same theme as per the independent discoveries that lines from Herods and the Israeli priesthood had become Norse vikings. Maccus' viking family ruled the Scottish Isle's from the Hebrides down to Mona in Wales. It was truly a great finding because, until then, I had been claiming that Mona was named by HasMONean elements.

The Dal Riata elements ruled by Maccus' family can trace to Rieti, where the Salto (like the Sallete variation of Sale's) river flows that may now be traceable with Salyes Ligures to the namers of the Suelles. AMAZING. It works. A trace of Mercians back to the Marsi in the Salto theater can get Salto-river elements to England fairly early.

The Suell/Sewel acorn can thus trace well to AkMONia via the oak theme of Assman-like Ackmans, for the Bassus bloodline was in Akmonia, suspect with forming the Bassianus line to the Bessin. But Bassania at the mouth of the Mathis needs to apply with a trace of its Cavii to the namers of Calvados, and so note the moline cross of one Dene surname, in colors reversed to the MacArthur moline, while Mathie's use the MacArthur crown. Mathis' share the black Chives moline. The Eatons/Eatings (share "vincit" with Shaws) happen to use the Zollern quarters, in colors reversed to the Chives quarters.

Sewallis is the "noble Saxon" in the write-up who "possessed Lower EATINGton" (near Coventry) and then Eatons, whom I trace to Messina along with the Meschin scallops, were first found in Cheshire. Therefore, Maccus' business with Saxons of Cheshire may have involved the Eatons that named Lower Eatington (Warwickshire). There are four Dene surnames and one Dien/Dives surname that can apply to the Dene river through Lower Eatington. There are various reasons (takes too much room to explain) for linking these Dene elements to Masseys, Masci's, Mackays, Sheriffs, Nagle's, Arduins, Doria's and Segurana's.

But the Diens/Dives trace from the Dives river of Calvados to Deva, the alternative name of Chester. The Dives surname (Cambridge, same as Capone's, Chapmans) seems certainly to be using the white scallops of neighboring Capes' (London), but Meschins likewise use white scallops while Capes' (from "near Calvados") are suspect as a Cavii elements...perhaps directly from Caiaphas. The Capes chief uses acorns crossed with a sword as evidence of their link to the Suells/Sewells and perhaps the crossed oak branches of Boys.

There is a Preston Capes location south of Daventry in Northamptonshire. I expect Quintus-Caepio lines in Northamptonshire, of the Quincy kind at least. Preston Capes is on the southeast of Coventry while Sewell is on the southwest of Coventry. I expect lines from Sadducees that may have grown out of St. Chad at the Coventry theater. The Arms of Coventry show what appears to be a cat in Crest, what Chives' call their leopards. The Daventry/Dantry surname (Northampton) is traced to "Dafa's tree," haha, and is sharing a white bend with Davids/Daffys (Cheshire), who use a lion in the bend that is in all three colors of the Aide bend with its leopard FACES. The writer of the Daventry surname is completely daft, or code is at work sneakily by heraldic goons whose mothers didn't succeed in teaching them to always speak the truth.

The Face/Fessy cross, in the colors of the David bend, is used by copia-loving Macclesfields, and I have seen another Arms of Macclesfield with the black DAVENport fitchee. Therefore, David- and Deva-related Davenports likely named Daventry, which then expects the Capes' at Preston Capes. I cannot find where in Normandy the Capes location was, or how close to the Dives river. The gold bendlets of the Daventy/Dantry surname (Dien/Dives colors) may suggest links to Wingers, and then both a Dene surname and the Dien/Dives Coats can be using the Masci wings (the old Masci wing design is still in the Dien/Dives Coat). The Dien and Dene surnames, first found in the same place as Saddocks, Dans, Danners (COUPED unicorn) and COPPEDs/Copede's, might be of the Dantry variation Daventrys.

It would be nice to know who owned the unicorn initially. It's shared by Prestons and Danners/Daniels, and used large by ERAS'/Assmans/Rasmussens while the Preston unicorn is ERASed.

The glossary page tells of a torTILLY design, shown as a string of roundels not necessarily in red. One featured Oare surname with tortilly must be related to the torteaux-using Ore's/Orrs. Torteaux are a border feature in the Coat of Sale-suspect Saltire's/Salters, which can trace tortilly liners to Tilly and the Suelles river. Tillys, quite apparently a branch of Drake's, share the axe with Danners/Daniels (Danes?), and while the Tilly wyVERN suggests a Varni > Varangian line to vikings, the Saltire surname is suspect in the saltire flag of certain Templar-related pirates.

Recalling the viking, Maccus, whose family invaded the Isle of MAN at the time that it visited Cheshire's rulers (may have been called Deva at that time), it's notable that the Mandeville's (Vere and Massey Shield in colors reversed) are in the Tilly write-up, for they were from Valognes (Avalon element?) in the Cotentin = MANCHE. Recall that some historian(s) traced the Maccus family to Normandy at the time roughly of its invasion by Rollo "the DANE." The Mandeville's share the German Mann Shield in colors reversed, while Scottish Manns/MANGus' (same place as Mens/Mengzes') are using the Ballone fesse-with-pellets. The white estoiles of the Manns suggest Bute=Avalon, as well as Mott/Morte, elements, and it does appear here that Ballone's are Valognes elements. A link of Modi'in-suspect Motts to Maccus would be of obvious Maccabee importance. I think it's safe to say that Mandeville's are of the Manners / Manders / Mengzes' (one stock) tracing to the Isle of Man.

I've just learned that Vallone's (share the Payne / Giffard motto) use the Mandeville Coat! Italian Vallone's/Vallaro's (Veneto) are very interesting for looking like they trace to the Setta valley at Bologne. The clue is mainly in the "quieSCIT" motto term, but then the colors of their moline cross are those of the Skit / Sched potent cross. A potent cross in the same colors is found in the Brocuff Chief while Brocks (Brocuff Shield) and Stewarts use a "VireSCIT" motto term partly for the Vire river of Manche. It's notable that the Vallone/Vallaro quarters are in the colors of the Vair checks and the vertically-split Ballone Shield (shows double = gemel bars), itself in colors reversed to the vertically-split Shield of potent-using Chads. The mouth of the Vire river, remember, is very near the mouth of the Suelles.

There seems to be no doubt about it that the Setta-valley crew ended up in Manche as the dragon bloodline. Long before knowing that proto-Alans/ALLONE's were at Manche's Alauna, I had ventured to trace the proto-Alans at Forum Allieni to the Setta-valley crew (from Israel's priesthood(s)), and then traced the name of that place to Forhams/Formans...who happen to share (in Crest) the dragon design of the Scottish Mann/Mangus Crest. I think I have developed a knack for knowing who the major players were in various branches by many names, because my ventures (may seem like stretches or unverifiable connections to the reader) often prove correct.

In consideration of the Melusine entity of Avalon being traced by tricky-dicky Vere's to Anjou, leaving us to figure out what was meant, let's look at the Seville/Saville surname, looked up as per the Sevele surname in the Suell write-up. The Seville's are said to be from Saville of Anjou, and frankly this evokes "Barber of Seville," for Barbers / Barbera's trace to Gellone's, thought to be the surname of the father of Guerin of Provence, whom I view as a Vere liner to Melusine of royal Scotland. The Seville Coat must be using an owl version of the Sale/Sallete Coat, and if correct, it tends to trace Saville to the namers of the Suelles. As Suell's are using the Boy bees, note the Seville-surname motto, "BE fast." Seville of southern Spain is across the barbarian coast of the Berbers, and had a name, Hispalis, dating back to Roman times. The problem here is that this opens up another possibility for the elusive derivation of "Salyes / Saluzzo / Salassi"...unless Hispalis > Seville does not apply to the Suelles river.

It just so happens that English Barbers with the Gellone fleur-de-lys share the double-red fesse with Scottish Olivers while Spanish Olive(r)'s (Aragon, not near Seville) share the owl with Seville's. [I missed the following until after this update was published: Spanish Olive's are suggseted (in their write-up) at an Olivares location in the province of Seville!] The "foedera" motto term of Olivers is like the "foedari" of Vallone's who traced well to Valogna, not far from the Suelles. There is good reason to trace the Alan Huns of the early 5th century, in central Spain (location of La Mancha) to Alauna in Manche, making it possible to trace Hispalis elements to the Suelles. Perhaps it's wrong to trace "Salyes" to "Suelles."

It just so happens that, like the Seulles Crest, the Spell(man) Coat (Baden-Wurttemburg) has a single acorn, no leaves. In fact, while the Spell acorn is showing blue, the description says they use a green acorn, the color of the Suelles acorn! That could help clinch a Suelles trace to the HiISPELis elements while tracing them all the way to Germany. Spellmans (dice) are Jewish, aren't they?

The acorn could be code for the Acorn/Alchorn surname, which happens to have been first found in the same place (Sussex) as Saddocks, while the leafless acorn is used also by Clauds/CLAUSels. Acorns are said to have lived in Rotherfield while Rotherfields were first found in the same place as Drake's and Josephs, beside Sussex. The Rotherfield Coat is both similar with the Claud/Clausel and Lear Coats, while the latter use uniCORNs. It asks the question of whether unicorns are part-code for Acorns/Alchorns. The latter two Coats are similar with the Master Coat, where we find a unicorn in Crest. As Masters share the motto term of Roets, the Rotherfields may be a Roet branch, but then Roets had been linked with near-certainty to Kaplans (same place as Rotherfields)! Masters, who show the Kaplan griffins in the same colors, were first found in the same place (Kent, beside Sussex) as the Storks who were deemed using a version of the Claud/Clausel Coat.

Side-Track to Khazars

The great capital city of modern Ukraine, Kiev, was founded by Khazars or Hungarians. Kiev is a Turkic place name (Kui = riverbank + ev = settlement). A community of Jewish Khazars lived in Kiev. Other towns of the Khazars, many of which also had important Jewish communities, included Kerch (Bospor), Feodosia, Tamatarkha (Tmutorokan), Chufut-Kale, Sudak, and Sarkel. The local governor of Samandar [Khazar capital between 720-750] was Jewish, and it may be assumed that many of the governors of these other localities were also Jewish. A major brick fortress was built in 834 in Sarkel, along the Don River. It was a cooperative Byzantine-Khazar venture...

Note the "cooperative Byzantine-Khazar venture" in Sarkel, for Melissena Rangabe, who was alive in 834, was partly from royal Byzantines, and partly from royal Khazars. Her husband, Inger the Varangian, was perhaps 30 years old at the time, and expected to be out of Kiev's Varangians, though they may not have been in Kiev in 834. The first-known Varangians in Kiev were not very long after 834, and likely in Inger's lifetime.

I'm going to gamble a good bet that Kiev was not named as per the claim in the quote, and for the time being view it as a Qewe entity from Sadducee liners. Note the Sudac location. Then, note Sarkel, for the Sark surname is listed with Surreys while we just saw Gastons of Surrey using the Hohen Shield while Hohens were Khazar liners. Hohens started out in Swabia, on the north of Zurich, and then Surreys are listed as "Surrich" too. I think that works. Plus, the Arms of Kyburg, beside Zurich, use lions in colors reversed to the lion of the Hohenstaufens / Hohenzollerns. A lion in these colors is the main symbol of PICHtons/Pictons, suspect thereby from the PECHenegs of the Khazaria theater. Wikipedia's Sarkel article: "A garrison fortified at Sarkel included Oghuz and Pecheneg mercenaries." The article says that Sarkel was named, "white house."

Why did Freemasons use "Coeptis" as part of the motto in the Great Seal of the United States? Was the Sarkel white house a line to Copons in Surrey, then to the Washington Masons? If the Ulmans, using the Washington bars in colors reversed, were from Almos, he's expected to have some Khazar background / alliances. There was an ancient Almus location (shown on map) not far down the Danube from Cuppae, and to the north of the Triballi. I read that Attila and/or his brother sought to sign a treaty with Romans at the Almus theater.

To the east of Biharia, there is an Almas term along a river marked the Somes further downstream (flows to Dej). From Wikipedia's Menumorut article: "Menumorut...was the ruler of the lands between the rivers Mures, Somes; and Tisza..." The article suggests that he may have been fictional because the anonymous writer named things not named by others, or didn't name things named by others, but apparently this is not accepted by all. "According to Anonymus, Menumorut's duchy was populated primarily with Khazars and Szekelys, and he acknowledged the suzerainty of the (unnamed) ruling Byzantine Emperor at the time." The timing of Menumorut (around 900) was concurrent with Arpad, the son, they say, of Almos. It looks like Almos elements were at the Somes theater.

There is a Somes surname using a hawk's lure. The Somes chevron is also the Copon chevron, what a double coincidence.

The Sark/Surrey surname (see also the Dan surname) itself uses the Hohen checks. The Arms of Zurich are plainly two colors, the colors of Gog, as I call them, while Khazars descended in-part from Kok-Turks. Recall the Cocks, suspect with Sudac-like Soducena at lake Sevan, for the Cocks are using a Hohen-like Shield.

We now have reason to ask what the Coponius line to Surrey had to do with this Khazar picture in Surrey. The black Copon/Cobham lions are in the two colors used for the Hohenstaufen / Hohenzollern lions. The Covenham location (Surrey) of Copons led to TORCH-using Gavens, a term like "TURK." The Scottish Turk surname ("Pace" motto term) shares a rock in flames with Kenneths, and while Kenneths use a stag, symbol of Hungarian roots, Turks use hunting horns, possible part-code for Huns. The Turk hunting horns are green with red stripes, as are the hunting horns of Hunters that use a grayHOUND (the Hound surname is also "Houn"). Hunters are said to descend from the same Irish king, Colla, as these Gavens, and the latter could be using a version of the Pace Coat.

The Turk chevron is in the colors of the Lure and Stephenson chevrons, while Lure's were first found in the same place (Ayrshire) as the Hunters above. There was a Step(h)antsminda location -- on the Turk-like Terek river -- near Samander, the earlier Khazar capital (the Salamander in flames might apply to "Samander"). I had read and recorded some information stating evidence for the idea that, upon the Terek river, descendants from the Attila Huns had founded Khazars. It makes sense in explaining the creation of the Khazar empire, which needed plenty of gold, which we can assume was plentiful in Attila's family due to the vast realms seized.

The Stepantsminda location, said, as per tradition, to be named after a St. Stephen, may explain HohenSTAUFEN. I take the naming of that place by a saint very lightly, as this sort of thing is to be expected when the real reason for the naming had been lost in time. The Hungarian king, Stephen, may have applied.

On the map, the Mures is the Marisus, along which you can see Avellino-like Apulensis. Right beside Apulum is a Campania-like Ampelum. The Almas / Somes river is at Porolissum (north of Apulum). Might the Amp/Impy surname (share's the Aide leopard face), using the Copon chevron, have been from Ampulum? Of interest if "PoroLISSum" was named after Lys/Lisse elements, is that the Lys river of northwestern France has a source about 30 miles from the Somme river, and then while Saint-Quentin is on the Somme, the Amps/Imps use the Quint chevron in colors reversed while being first found in the same place as Quints. Can this trace the Quintus-Caepio gold to the Menumorut Khazars?

The Somme is downtown Picardy while the Picards and Ampelum-like Campbells both use gyronny. Irish Cohens share the sea horse with Meriks. The Maurice/Morys surname, in the colors of lure-using Somes, use a falcon on a tree stump, which together suggests the falcon-using and Rodham-related Stephen(son)s. The tree stump is used also by Watsons, first found in Rutland, where I trace Rodhams, and where the Keatons are traced in their write-up who share the Amp/Impy leopard face in the same (black) color. The Rodhams are the ones using three CINQUEfoils on a bend all in the colors of the three, black leopard faces on a bend of Stephenson-related Aide's. Watsons, once again showing the Stephenson / Lure chevron, share the oak tree with Apollo's (suspect at Apulum) and Watts, the latter first found in the same place (Worcestershire) as Almos-suspect Ulmans.

As Kenneth McAlpin is expected from Guerin of Provence, it should be added that the Stephen and Close chevrons are in the colors of the same in the Provence Coat. Provence's were first found in the same place (Burgundy) as Torcys. As Douglas' are being traced to the flame's of Monaco's, the Provence stars may be those of Douglas' (red-covered crown of royal Scotland) who use a salamander in flames. The "sala" part is suspect with the Sale's using a Coat similar to the Hound/Houn Coat.

The Lure's, now suspect from Cock > Hawk liners expected from the Ligurian swan, CYCnus, use a "domed tower." The only other domed tower I know of is in the Dull/Dillard/Dollard Coat, a surname smacking of both "Attila" and his house of Dulo. This house should trace to Dols, and then Dole's are the one's with the white fleur belonging to a Rangabe line. The Leirs/Liers are said to be from Dol. As Maurice's are traced to a knight of the round table, it's safe to say that the Lier/Leir Coat is a version of the Pendragon / Round Coat, traceable to Lissus on the Drilon river.

As the American flag uses stars in Moray-star colors, one wonders whether the "Coeptis" term of American Masons traces to Khazars on the Mures river. How did they get there, so far from Khazaria, about the time of the Khazar conversion to Judaism? Were they directly related to Melissena Rangabe? While the hawk's lure is used also by Herods/Hurls, its notable that the latter's fesse is in the colors of the Copped/Coppard (Sussex) fesse surrounded by swans. The Copede variation smacks of the Capote's, or the Caputo variation of Capone's. The latter share the black-on-white lion with Dutch Liers (could very well be the Flanders lion). The Copped/Copede stag has "two green EARS of barley in its mouth"! I almost missed it. Barleys are the ones sharing two black-on-white fesse bars with Palmers.

If correct to trace Stephen liners to the Hun-Khazar alliance, we can't lose sight of the Stephenson-related Aide's (both use a white bend with three leopard faces). Aide's/Ade's are being traced with Quade's to QEWE, and then Samander is in the KHEVI part of Caucasia. Moreover, while one might expect Quadratus to have named his daughter, Quadrata, why was she QuadrATILLA? Was their an Atill / Till entity involved that came to name Attila?

[A day or two after writing here, while seeking information on Gaius Julius Severus (about 25 AD), son of Artemidoros, another man by that name was come across: "Gaius Julius Severus was a Proconsul of Asia between 152 and 153. He was the son of (Gaius) Julius Quadratus, a Roman Cavalry Officer. He was a descendant of Attalus (of Pergamon), Deiotaros (of Galatia), and (the Tetrarch) Amyntes, as well as cousin of (Gaius) Iulius (Asinius) Quadratus..."


Khevi had previously been Kazbegi, smacking of "beg," the name of a Khazar king. The place may have been named after Kizzuwatna/Khassi, beside the Danaan-kin in Adana, where the Qewe/Que/Kue location was. The Danaans had been part of the proto-Maceys out of Tanis, though I traced them to Tanais, at the Tanais river, now the Don, location of Samander. The Qewe-suspect Maceys are once again using a chevron in colors linkable to the Stephen(son) / Lure chevron. Like the Tills/TILLERTs, Margys/Mackeys, first found in the same place as Lure's, use the arrow. Lure's happen to be the ones sharing the domed tower with DILLARDs. Margys/Mackeys use the raven too, suspect with Varangian Rus. As "Margy" traces to the Margus river (Moesia) near the Pek, it's notable that the Till/Tillert dove can trace to Cuppae.

Tigranes Maccabee was king of Armenia, and as such he could have had alliances with neighboring Georgia, where Khevi is located. This allows a logical Qewe trace to the namers of Khevi. As David VI of Georgia assisted the crusaders in conquering Jerusalem, it's conspicuous that the Georgian flag to this day is much like the first Templar flag of Jerusalem, and links well to the Norman-English flag. The flag of Georgia is essentially the Templar cross. It's a simple red cross of the same type as the saltire in the Cart Coat, and so note that while four smaller crosses surround the Georgia cross, four PALM trees surround the Cart saltire. The Georgians were called, "KARTli!!!

Gorgons, suspect with the naming of Georgia, were in North Africa in the neighborhood of the CARTHaginians. The latter are known to be from Tyrians, but the Hermes Armenians were in Phoenician, and so why not also some Gorgons? Did Kartli out of Tyre name Carthage? Or was it the other way around, with Hannibal Carthaginians in Italy coming to name the Kartli? I still wonder whether Hannibal named the Huns. I trace the namers of the Trebia to Trypillia, to the near-south of Kiev.

I still hold out that both Annas and Caiaphas descend from Carthaginians / Numidians as they merged with Ligurians for the battle of Trebia, at the Trebia river flowing to Placentia, home of the Ananes Gauls whom I trace to Annandale (Dumfries). It just so happens that the Cart saltire is also the Annan(dale) saltire, but the palm trees are now suspect with a Coponius line. Like the Hanna's, Hands, Anne's/Hanne's and Annabels/Hannibals, the Carts use the stag. The stag is used also by Quade-related Mackays/Caws, and they were in northern Scotland, where Varangians would be expected. Mackays also came to rule Khazar-suspect Moray.

Speaking of DUMfries, a term like "Dome," English Hunters are using what looks like a version of a Latin Coat that traced to Kilpatricks at CLOSEburn, while the Turks, first found in the same place (Dumfries) as Kilpatricks, use a chevron in colors reversed from the Close/Clovse chevron. Upon the latter's chevron, more striped hunting horns, this time in black, the colors of the Patch and BURN (suspect with "CloseBURN") hunting horns; the Patch's are likely of the Patchie variation of Kilpatricks. English Hunters were first found in Shropshire, where the Hun-based Alans of Dol lived, and then Close's/Clovse's share the French Alan stars.

If the Dome surname applies to the domed Dull/Dillard surname, its notable that Dome's use a giant HERON, while Herons/Horns/Orne's can link to the hunting horns under discussion. Orne in France is the location of Alencon.

Next, let's go back to the quote above, as per the Feodosia location in Khazaria, and compare it to "Foetes/Fussen" about 100 miles east of Zurich, and in the southern Swabia theater. Let's also mention the SCHWANgau castle in Foetes, named after the swan, and moreover let's repeat that Swabia was named after the Suebi, traceable to Sabines/Safini and therefore possibly to "Sevan." The Fothes' and Foots are, remember, using a chevron in the colors of the lions above, and in the colors of the Levi chevrons, while Jewish Levi's use a black lion of their own.

The Tills/Tillerts are said to be from Fuessen, the same as Foetes/Fussen, in the Tyrol-Bavaria border region. It recalls that the other Till surname has a black wyvern traceable to the same in colors reversed of Bogans, and therefore traceable to Bogens/Bogans of Bavaria, suspect from the Bug river in the Ukraine, home of Nahorite-suspect Neuri. Fussen is near lake BODENsii, suspect from the Budini who lived south of Kiev. Trypillia was also south of Kiev. Then, on Khevi in Georgia, we read: "it comprises three gorges of the rivers TRUSO, Tergi (Terek) and Snostsq'ali." The Truso term reminds me of modern Trusesti in northern Moldova, land of Trypillians, for the Hebron surname's motto, "Keep tryst," is suspect with the namers of Kiev as well as with Trysts ("TREPiDUM" motto term) showing a Triss variation. Trysts were first found in the same place (Cornwall) as Bogans. There is a Truss surname (origins from a Pagan/Payne character) with "but"-endings suspect with the Budini.

Tills are said to be from near Caen, same as Traby-suspect Stocks, and then the Caens share five white ostrich feathers with Trabys. I'll need to remember that Till elements are tracing well to Khazar elements, what could at least indicate the Attila-Khazar alliance. But, truly, this could be the Qewe line to the Quade's, Mackays and Aide's of Mackay-related Berwickshire, via the Varangians of Kiev. The Varangians of Kiev went on to be co-founders of Moscow, and while Russians came to use the bear, that's the Berwick symbol. In all this, I am not understanding with clarity any Coponius links to Khazars.

The Khazar website featuring the article above insists that Germanic and Hungarian Jews are not from Khazar Jews. I'm not jumping on that idea yet. It seems like a magnificent fabrication to claim that a Turk nation, thriving as an empire by the 9th century, and living in the midst of Muslims, would at that time up-and-take on the Old-Testament religion without having had any links to it beforehand. It's one thing for pagan European nations to suffer forced conversion by the powers of the Vatican, but quite another for the Khazar empire to do a similar thing without the existence of a Jewish Vatican. As one can glean by the historical statements in the page below, rumors got out from Joseph, a Khazar king, that there was a conversion of the Khazars, though I don't recall enough on whether he tried to convert the entire population of Khazars. Joseph claims 24 books in total of the Old Testament, down from 39 today. There may have been less than 24 in the time of Jesus. The following statement was in 864, almost a century before the letters of king Joseph, but there is no word concerning a massive conversion of the country until about 930, when a Persian historian said that ALL the Khazars had been Judaized.

"At the present time we know of no nation under the heavens where Christians do not live. For {Christians are even found} in the lands of Gog and Magog -- who are a Hunnic race and are called Gazari (Khazars)... circumcized and observing all {the laws of} Judaism. The Bulgars, however, who are of the same seven tribes {as the Khazars}, are now becoming baptized {into Christianity}."

The Khazars may to that point have had non-Israelite, pagan Hebrews from Nahorites in the Ukraine, and while some say that Khazars had been Sabirs, that's a term like "Sephar," a land of Eber's Hebrew descendants. The Varangians are themselves suspect as proto-Rosicrucians, and therefore from Sadducees / Pharisees. It is possible that Varangians instilled the Khazar Jews. But if that's true, why do I not know of practicing Jews amongst the Varangians? As the Old-Testament word for "priest" is "cohen," why do we not read at the Hohenzollern / Hohenstaufen article that they were practicing Jews claiming to be from Levites? The word "Jew" doesn't even appear.

The Arms of HohenZollern use the same talbot design as Oettingen-Oettingen. The HohenZollern Shield is used by Zollerns, and it happens to be nothing but quarters in colors reversed from the Chives quarters, important if you agree with me that Chives' were from the Cavii with close alliances with Taulantii who came to use the talbot. "The family arose in the area around the town of Hechingen in Swabia during the 11th century and took their name from Hohenzollern Castle. The first ancestor of the Hohenzollerns was mentioned in 1061. The Hohenzollern family split into two branches, the Catholic Swabian branch and the Protestant Franconian branch..." Actually, we don't know, from this statement alone, whether the Hohens named after the castle were its original namers. They could have been non-Hohens that adopted the name. However, the Arms suggests a trace to the Chives', which expects lines from Levites.

Recent research shows that the battle of Solicinium, fought in 368 between the invading Alamanni and a Roman army led by Emperor Valentinian I, probably took place in the northern part of what is today Hechingen...

Hechingen is the ancestral home of the Hohenzollern. In 1176 the Counts of Hohenberg separated from the Counts of Hohenzollern and seized several cities from the Hohenzollern.

There is mention of Jews in Hechingen, but apparently no Jewish identification with the Hohens of that place. The first Zollern count was Burkhart I, and then there is only one Burkhart surname coming up, first found in Swabia, if that shows what sort of tunnel vision the heraldry masters had. The Burkhard Coat (Cohen colors), virtually identical to the Kronkite/CRANkite Coat, shows a CRANE. Both crane's hold a rock in their foot. Both the Burkhard Coat and the Arms of the Counts of Hohenberg use Shields split in half horizontally.

If correct to trace Hohens and Cohens to Melissena Rangabe, there's about two hundred years of Hohen history missing as per it's first-known count of Hohenzollern in 1050. The Hohenstaufens were superior at that time, but they too show up at roughly the same time, as dukes of Swabia and in a marriage-relationship with the king. Out of nowhere, that's where they start. It therefore seems as though their previous history has been covered up. And the king, Henry IV, soon to be the emperor, was a Salian. I apologize for calling the Hohenzollern symbol, lions:

When Frederick I became Duke of Swabia in 1079, his coat of arms depicted a black lion on a gold shield...Philip of Swabia, elected German king in 1198, changed the coat of arms, and the lion was replaced by three leopards, probably derived from the arms of his Welf rival Otto IV.

I don't know whether they remained leopards, or for how long if they didn't, but the Aide's use black leopards too, and we I expect Hohens to be from Levites. The Hohezollern page showed a curved white fish on a purple Shield, and that could indicate the Bars for a trace to the Cavii theater. We then find that "Around 1120, Frederick II married Judith of Bavaria from the rival House of Welf." That was an Este line, as were Bars.

Philip above, a Hohenstaufen, is at his article with green checks on his robes, and what look like red potent crosses on his crown. He holds the Catholic orb that could suggest the same in the Metz Coat, for Metz is in Lorraine, same place as curved-fish Bar-le-Duc. Philip's mother was from a line of Lorraine and Louvain. He was born not long after the first conquering of Jerusalem, and he died in Bamberg, which at the time was part of Franconia. Recalling that Ida of Metz, the wife of Pepin of Landen, was traceable to Bebba of Scottish Bamburgh Castle, and that Pepins (may have furnished Poppo I, founder of Babenbergs) were traced to Pavia, it's notable that Philip was born, of all places, in Pavia. The Laevi had been from that place.

The only green checks coming up in my files are those once showing for the Spark surname (same place as Welfs), which now shows a white spread eagle, the Este symbol. In the Spark Crest, the swan design of the Coppeds/Copede's, and they too use a green Shield. The Coppeds are the ones with ears of BARley thereby suspect as a Coponius line, but Barley liners trace to Berwick too. The ears of barley are with a stag, a symbol one can spot in the Hohenzollern page.


Especially for new or confused readers
shows where I'm coming from.

For serious investigators:
How to Work with Bloodline Topics

Here's what I did when I had spare time on my hands:
Ladon Gog and the Hebrew Rose

On this page, you will find evidence enough that NASA did not put men on the moon.
Starting at this paragraph, there is a single piece of evidence
-- the almost-invisible dot that no one on the outside was supposed to find --
that is enough in itself to prove the hoax.
End-times false signs and wonders may have to do with staged productions like the lunar landing.

If you have received emails supposedly from me, and they look like advertisements
or anything unflattering and unexpected from me,
they were not from me but by someone using my email box to send it.

The rest of the Gog-in-Iraq story is in PART 2 of the
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