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January 15 - 19, 2011

Herod's Roman Connection

To January 16 -- 17 -- 18 -- 19

January 15

Wikipedia says that the mother of Herod the Great was Cypros, but Julie sent in an article telling that his mother was "Kapidon," smacking of mythical Capys:

However, according to the commentary of Abarbane, Herod's mother was an Edomite princess (Seder HaDoros and Josephus state that she was from the royal family of Edom and her name was Kapidon the Edomite).

This is quite amazing because Herod was made anything in Israel due to the Maccabee/Hasmonean bloodline raising him up. Maccabees were in some ways, known and unknown, joined to Pharisees and Sadducees:

Although opposed by the Pharisaic-Rabbinic leadership and without any historical precedent, an early Hasmonean king, Yochanan Hyrcanus, began a policy of forced conversion [of Edomites] to a limited form of Judaism. Sadduceean leadership, under Alexander Yannai began an active program of seeking and encouraging converts that was especially successful among other Semitic peoples.

The Talmud sheds an interesting light on the relationship of "Jews" in this Judaic Nation after the destruction of the Temple. Rabbi Akiva [1st-2nd century] told this parable, "A fox [Herod, Idumean Arabs] was once walking alongside a river. He saw fish {Pharisaic Jews} swimming in groups from one place to another. The fox said to them...

There we go. Edomites were viewed as foxes (see also foxes in the Temple). I didn't know this until now, but I did suggest that foxes, being red, could be symbols for the red of Edomites. That in turn suggests that the Samson-related foxes were code for Edomites among the Manoah>Samson cult. I identified the foxes years ago as Avvites, but the Bible has an Avvite location of Avith ruled by an Edomite whose name, Hadad, could connect with a major Syrian god of that name.

When I traced Pharisees to mythical Capys, it was suggested that Maccabee stock should trace there too, because the hunch is a Maccabee link to Pharisees and Sadducees (there doesn't seem to be enough historical data to assess this possibility). Years before, I was able to find evidence (the detail is published in the Ladon book, though I've forgotten it) that Sadducees traced to Boiotians, which happened to jibe with my independent trace (recently) of "MaccaBee/MaccaBaus/Maccabaioi" to the Boii Celts...whom I had traced back to Boiotians years ago.

Maccabees took over the royal line that God gave to Judah, and as such can be considered a rival messianic bloodline. SADDUCees may have been ZADOKite (= non-Levite) priests, and they in turn appear to trace back to "Zedek," the name of Jerusalem before the Israelites arrived. It was king David, who conquered Jebusite/Amorite Jerusalem, who raised the Zadokite priesthood as per a faithful follower named. Zadok.

Zadokites were of Hebron elements, apparently, and that gets us to Caleb (means "dog"), the Jew (i.e. from the tribe of Judah) that I think became the Halybes...whom I thought were Apollo wolf line long before I came to the Caleb=Halybe theory only recently (I had rejected the equation in the past) . I repeat this because rabbi "Akiva [also "Akiba"] was the shepherd of a rich man nicknamed Kalba Savua because anyone who entered his house hungry like a dog (kalba) went out satiated (savua)...Kalba Savua's daughter, whose name was Rachel..."

Kalba? A hungry dog? That sounds like myth code again. It looks as though rabbi Akiva was a Halybe "Jew." I keep in mind that when I traced Caleb Jews to Halybes, it was as pagan Jews united with the Anak cult of Hebron. I therefore fully expect a trace of those Jews, as explained recently (4th and 5th updates of December), to the Hebros river in Thrace.

Mythical Capys gets us to the very same places. First, I identified him as elements from CAPPAdocia, a region that included the Halyes river upon which Halybes lived. Moreover, as the father of Capys was made, Assaracus (one can imagine a 'C/K' once fronting this entity), see this: "Kayseri..., named in classical antiquity as Mazaka or Mazaca, Eusebia, Caesarea Cappadociae, and later as Kaisariyah..."

I think that latter term is to be split as Kai/Kay-Sariya...smacking of the Sarus (the modern Sihon) river that also flowed in Cappadocia. "Sihon" is the name of a Biblical Amorite region and king to the east of the Jordan river...where I had traced Jebusites and Hephaestus together on separate grounds. That last Cappadocia link tells that mythical Cappodax was made a son of Assyrian elements of Nimrod, which tends to identify ASSARacus as the same ASSYRian elements. I may have been wrong, therefore, to view the mythical term as As-Saracus and therefore as code for early Saracens.

Mazaca is always key in my trace to the Massey dragon cult, for I see the location as root to the north-African Amazons/Amazighen (the Meshwesh were Amazighens). Although I traced Masseys solidly to the Meshwesh, I later suggested a Massey trace back to MACCabee stock, and the Mazaca location looks good for explaining where both Masseys and Maccabees may have developed and gone their separate ways. Remember, I traced Meschins of (C)Halybe-like CALVados (in the Boii-founded Bessin) to the Boii long before proposing the Boii-stock nature of "MaccaBaus," and before accepting the Caleb trace to the Halybes.

I need to repeat my theory that porphyria (the purple disease) should trace to incestuous marriages/relationships in the Massey family. This idea was coupled with a trace of the disease to Komnenos-like entities, and to the Komnenos bloodline itself. I say this because I now see that there was/is a Comana location in Cappadocia. The Komnenos BYZantines were from Thrace, and that's exactly where the Assaracus>Capys line (of Trojans) went to from the Cappadocia theater. Moreover, "The Komnenoi were related to the Doukas [also "Ducas"] family..." The term smacks of "CappaDOCia." Dog-ia??? The Doukai are thought to have been Paphlagonians. Keep in mind as I continue that Paphlagonians were traced by myth writers to Phoenicians (as per mythical Phineas) out of Tyre/Tyrus, and to Odrysians on the Hebron-rooted Hebros. Also keep in mind that I traced Caleb's Judah-ites, without any thought of this, to Tyre (before they reached their Halybe station).

The mother of Capys was made Hieromneme. She was a daughter of Simois. As Jerusalem to the Greeks was "HieroSolyma," it could be that Capys was of Jerusalem elements, you see. The "mneme" ending is a difficulty, but per chance the "heiromneme" term is double code both for Heirosolyma and for "Roman(im)." The Capys link above shows Capys in the Roman family tree, in fact.

The tree starts with a mythical Silvius, father to "Alba." This supports my trace of "Silvia" to "Slav" (Slavs worshiped the wolf too, suggesting Caleb>Slav), which I in turn identify as a soft-C version of "Chalybe." Thus, Silvia>Alba refers almost certainly to a Halybe line to the Romans that came out of TranSYLVania (later Romania). I'm keeping in mind my trace of the Transylvanian Mures/Maros river to the Maritsa=Hebros river, and that these elements were the Aphrodite cult, born in Paphos of Cyprus.

Next, we find that Alba was made the father of Atys, smacking of Atys/Attis, the Phrygian sun god, father of Lydus (we expect Lydians in the Roman theater as per their line to Latins). That's easy enough, especially as Alba Longa (what Alba depicted) was a Latin city. Never did I ever think I'd be saying that Alba traces to Caleb-cult Jews/Israelites, but there you have it. To what extent it was Jewish I have yet to conclude, but certainly I find no Mosaic elements. The Romans conquered Alba Longa, which may have been the end of

Next, Atys (of the Roman line) is made father of Capys (said to be the founder of Capua in Italy), and Capys' father is made Capetus, smacking of Herod's mother, Kapidon. Herod's father, ANTipater, smacks of the "Heneti" (they were Paphlagonians, depicted by "ANTenor") that I see in the ANTiochus bloodline. It was the latter bloodline that forced Israelites, at the onset of the Maccabean revolt/era, to convert to Hellenism, and some Jews went along so that Hellenism became part of Israelite make-up. Antipater appears to be one such Hellenized bloodline.

Capua is in Campania, where the Apollo wolf line (i.e. the Hirpini of Avellino) lived; this was the mythical wolf in Roman make-up (as per Romulus). I had traced a P-less "Paphlagon(ia)" to a variation of the Greek, "Apollyon," but the bigger point now is that Capua is in a province of Caserta, which smacks of "Kayseri" of Cappadocia. As the latter location was also "Caesaria," one can imagine that the term, "caesar," came from Caserta elements.

The genetic-malfunction side of Parkinson's Disease, which disease I traced to Masseys, has been traced by medical experts to Campania's Contursi Terme location. "The "tursi" portion of "Contursi" smacks of "Tros," the root of the Capys bloodline. I'm not sure what the "Terme" relates to, but the Thermodon river of the Amazons comes to mind, as that was home to Apollo's twin sister.

Two generations after Capetus (on the Roman family tree), we come to "Agrippa," which as you may know is a term in the king-Herod bloodline. That is very good evidence for tracing the mother (Kapidon) of Herod the Great Monster to the Capys bloodline, and in particular to the Capys line out of Rome (the Capys entity in the Amazon/Cappadocia theater may have come earlier, before the founding of Tros=Troy (and the Trojan allies, the Lydians).

At the top of the tree we see Anchises, father of Aeneas. As we know, this was the Trojan line that merged with Tros-like Tyrus to form the Carthaginians of Tunis. The Meshwesh were in Tunisia, and although I traced Meshwesh to Mysians identified with Aeneas, I figure that Mysians were from Mazaca, a chief center of the Biblical Meshech. The latter are typically lumped with Tubal, and while the latter are also identified with the Tiber/Iberi term, so we see in the Roman family tree that a Tibernus Silvius was made son of Capetus.

Moreover, the first Capys (son of Assaracus) was made the father of that the entire family tree to the Romans was traced by ancients to the first Capys. This is the Biblical Draco, the really stupid people of the earth, the insane, the crude, the everything-evil. Do not fear their end-time representative; just stay out of his/their way, like you'd keep away from a fire to hot to handle.

Recently, I suggested that the Inch clan is to be differentiated from the Hanna clan as Enki versus Anu>Antu>Anat (= the Anaki bloodline). The same appears to be at play in ANCHises versus his son, Aeneas. Again, another Aeneus (with a 'u') was made code for Aenus (a real location) at the mouth of the Hebros, and he was given Aenette for a wife. It therefore looks like the Caleb line to Halybes, whom I think were Heneti (or at least merged with Heneti). It's not easy to find Halybe=Heneti evidence, but it was yet part of my fundamental gleanings from early in the dragon hunt.

As I say often, the Atys/Attis cult was also the Kabeiri cult of Aphrodite=Venus, which was the Heneti line to the Veneti. I glean that this cult was named after "Kypris" elements i.e. the Aphrodite cult in Cyprus. Venus was made the wife of Anchises, and that should be, in a nutshell, the Caleb-line alliance with the Anaki from the Hebron region (Caleb was a Hebron entity too). I feel very confident on this claim.

One can then identify Anchises, thanks to blabbing myth writers, as lame Hephaestus and limp-from-birth Dionysus (remember, "Nysus" traces to Naxos = the Anaki, likely Horites out of Nuzi). From this webpage: "[Hippodamia] is the daughter of Anchises, the king of Dardania who after being struck by Zeus' thunderbolt limped for the rest of his life.

I should add the webpage above tells of Lyrus, likewise made a son of Anchises, for it must refer to the founding of the Liri river (south of Rome). See the last update page for Liri importance as per the Lure/Lire sept of McLeods, who also have a Herod-surname sept.

It's obvious that Hippodamia of Anchises was the same Hippodamia of Pisa that was made a wife of Pelops, king of Lydia in (H)Eneti. For Hippodamia of Anchises married Alcathous, son of Pelops. In this we see that Pelops (= Baal/Apollo) and Anchises are the same entity, though Anchises represents the Anat elements of the Baal cult. The other conclusion is that Pelops was the Hephaestus cult by another name.

The "Alca" portion of "Alcathous" must be of the ALCmene cult of giants; Alcmene was made the mother of Hercules (= Samson in Greece). Again, "Samson" traces to SamoThrace, the island upon which the Kabeiri cult proper was founded (though Hephaestus was made its leader). I'm repeating that because "Assaracus" may be viewed as As-Saracus, which I would suggest is a "Thrace" combination with Aes/Aex terms that I've seen applied to HephAEStus. This is said now because the father of Alcathous was also one AESyetes. In fact, "HephAESTUS" might be the same as Aesyetes. As one theory, I traced "Heph" to Hebe, wife of Hercules, though I suspect roots in JEBusites of Jerusalem to which the Samson cult was merged.

Another theory is that "Hieromneme" (mother of Capys and wife of Assaracus) is a Hierosolyma combination with "(Alc)mene." I've traced "mene" to mythical Manes (a god), father of the Atys that was made a fundamental part of the Capys bloodline. The theory works well, therefore, especially as Cappadocians were Hatti with a capital city at Hattusa (Halys river), which is what "Atys/Atti" must depict.

I trace "Manes" to Manoah, "father" of Samson, and assume that the latter cult was merged with Jerusalemites of the Jebusite/Amorite kind. Ultimately, I trace the Aes aspects of Hephaestus to a husband (Cepheus) of mythical CASSiopeia i.e. a Kassite peoples in pre-Israel that I think were also the Assi/Azzi founders of Gaza and Gath. I then identify the Azzi as the Hyksos founders of KIZZUwatna, and that's an entity known to be related to the Hatti.

Cepheus and his grandfather by the same name was made brother to Danaus and was likewise son of Belus, whom I trace to Pelops. "Cepheus" means "head" in Greek, the same as the Latin "cappa." In this picture, Cepheus=Hephaestus was Capys, and in a nutshell, the Aphrodite marriage to Hephaestus can now be traced back to she on Cyprus and he in Cappadocia. I didn't force this subject to jibe with the Herod topic at the start of this update. It just worked out that way, that in the Cyprus and Cappadocia marriage we have the two entities to which the mother (either Cypros or Kapidon) of Herod the Great (an Edomite) traces. And if "Assaracus" depicted Saracens=Hagarenes, then Hephaestus was very Ishmaelite, very Edomic.

Where's the Edomite elements that I assume linked to Samson? Probably in HippoDAMia, whether or not the "Dam" is code for Edomites. It's very clear to me now that Hippodamia of Pisa traces back to Pisidians (and Solymi) of Antalya (and nearby Olympos). The brackets are in my opinion the HieroSolyma-ites. And as per her father (Oenamaus), she was code for the Dionysus wine cult, i.e. the Maenads that were code for Maeonians = Manes. If I recall correctly, the Solymi lived smack in Maeonian territory.

Probably, because "oen" refers to "wine," the important code in "Oenamaus" is the "maus" portion. Mysians, I assume. Mysians and Maeonians together were known root to the Lydians proper.

Cepheus was brother to Phineus (= Phoenicians to Paphlagonia and on the Hebros river) and father to Agenor, whom may have depicted Hagarites in Phoenicia. It's a no-brainer to trace these Phoenicians to Trojans, and the latter to Romans.

If Alba Longa was the place to which the Caleb-related Jews ended up, then the myth code, Gaius Cluilius (king of the city), could surrender some clues. I first of all see mythical Kay/Cai/Caius, which I trace to "Kaysariyah" and therefore to Capua in Caserta. It's thereby simple to make the Kaysariyah trace to Kay, for as the latter was of the Arthurian cult, so that cult traces back to the Avellino theater (where Capua is generally located). Again, there were wolf entities in the Avellino theater, and "caleb" means "dog" in Hebrew.

The Cluilius term appears to have a "Julius/Ilius" built in, which I would trace to Illyrians, and further back to Ilium of mythical Ilus, the alternative Troy:

The Alban immigrants lived on the Caelian Hill in Rome. Livy said of Alba Longa that it was founded by Ascanius to relieve crowding at Lavinium. He placed it at the foot of the Alban Mount and said that it took its name from being extended along a ridge."

Isn't that all about Albania, where Illyrians lived? Note the Ascanius term (son of Aeneas), what could be understood as Aes-canine.

I traced the Caelian hill to king Cole/Coel and therefore to the Coles/Kyles. Is it a coincidence that I now find the Lire surname first in Ayrshire, where Kyles had settled?

Remember, the Liri river (near Alba Longa) should trace to king Lear, and the Arthur surname itself has been traced by me to the Latin city of Ardea (between Rome and the Liri's mouth). Also: "[The Liri] has its sources near Cappadocia, in the Monti Simbruini east of Rome, and flows south and southeast through a long, narrow, scenic valley in its upper course as far as Arce..."

On the navigable map above, one can see that the mouth of the Liri, not far north of Naples near Minturno, is near Capua on highway E45. Where the Liri river meets the Sacco, the location is Ceprano, smacking of Cyprus. South of Caserta toward Naples there is a CALVano, and a Casoria (Naples outskirts) south of that. Zooming in on Casoria, one sees Capodichino at the Naples airport.

The English Lears/L'Eyrs, like the German Troys, use unicorns, a symbol that I would trace to Anchises elements (= grandfather of Ascanius). "Ascanius, in the Aeneid, first used the phrase 'annuit coeptis', the root phrase of what later became a motto of the United States of America." I suggested that "annuit" was code for the Heneti, but also for the Anaki. I traced "coeptis" to mythical evidenced by the pyramid in the Great Seal of the United States (where the Annuit Coeptis motto is found).

In the tree at the page above, the Ascanius line leads to Brutus, the root of the Arthurian cult. We get it. The Latin dragon but merged with Caleb's pagan dogs.

If you zoom in and follow the shore line north of the Liri's mouth, you'll come to "Sabaudia," the name of Savoy's early history. This Sabaudia locale could have been where the Sforza clan, first found in Rome, developed.

By great neglect of the human race, the great conquerors have been made examples of how humans should behave in order to prosper. The neglect is that "prosper" is a virtue beloved in material terms only, forsaking the spiritual domain where abides goodwill toward fellow man, and similar wisdom. The Caesars were all about themselves, so much so that they would kill their own family members mercilessly just to rule. And the rule consisted only of more murder through endless warfare. What insanity. Herod "the Great" was a small copy of the Roman fools, and historians who categorize him as "Great" are throwing darts at God.

What more need be said:

Lebanese Labor Minister Boutros Harb has said that the UN investigation on the assassination of former Lebanese prime minister Rafik Hariri results will be released Monday, Army Radio reported.

A UN tribunal investigating the assassination of Lebanese former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri is expected to accuse Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei of giving the order to murder Hariri, according to a Saturday report by news website Newsmax.

...The order to murder Hariri was transmitted to Hizbullah's military leader, Imad Mughniyeh, by Quds force chief Qassem Suleymani, sources told Newsmax.

...'The Iranians considered Hariri to be an agent of Saudi Arabia, and felt that killing him would pave the way for a Hizbullah takeover of Lebanon,' the sources told Newsmax.

Iran was not the only country involved in the assassination plot, according to the sources that spoke to Newsmax. Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, and his brother-in-law, Assef Shawkat, the head of Syrian intelligence, also played key roles in the plan to murder Hariri, a source was reported as saying."

If not for this situation, it would be hard to expect the Biblical tribulation of Israel imminently.

January 16

Some liberals are becoming violent-minded against tea-partiers due to the media onslaught this past week. Imagine how much heavier that onslaught would be if the next murderer turns out to be a tea-party supporter? Do we get the impression that liberal media is guilty of promoting violence against conservatives? There is no doubt about it; it s absolutely true, and it's bound to get worse because liberals are, regretfully, "big babies" when they can't get their political way. There will be plenty of time for liberals to weep and gnash their teeth. If they don't repent, they will die in their sins. If they don't repent, they will persecute us.

There's not much news today, but another surname revelation looks like it's shaping up from a spending-cuts article as per a "CBS News Poll analysis by the CBS News Polling Unit: Sarah Dutton, Jennifer De Pinto, Fred Backus and Anthony Salvanto.." Backus?

I found it very non-coincidental that while I traced the "In deo" motto phrase of the tiger-using Medleys to India (the Teucer-like Tocharians of the India theater come to mind) and therefore to Dionysus/Bacchus in India, the Backus/Baccus surname> likewise uses "in deo" as a motto phrase.

I then note that while Dionysus in India was depicted with a leopard skin, the leopard is a symbol of the dragon cult in Transylvania, wherefore the SALVANto surname appears to play into the roots of the Backus/Baccus clan too. Entering "Salvant" brings up the English Silvan/Salvan Coat that looks linked to English Sellick Coat. This potentially creates a link between TranSYLVANians and SELlicks.

I might consider viewing the Silvan surname as Sil-Wayne (i.e. having not to do with Transylvania) due to the Silvayne variation, had it not been for the "maurant" motto term that smacks of the Mures/Maros river. It then appears that the white saltire on half-blue Backus/Baccus Shield can link to the bloodline of Maurice/Marot Drummond (grandson of Andrew I of Hungary), whose name I do link to Mures-river elements that were named "Marot." The Backus/Baccus saltire could be Scotland's Andrew's Cross, you see, that I trace to Andrew I.

Now watch this, for I figured that Maurice was named when his father, George, married a PodeBrady (Bohemia) gal that I figured was from neighboring Moravians that were themselves linked to the Mures-river Marots. Moravia was beside Bohemia and Silesia.

The Marot/Maros/Maryott Coat uses three horizontal black bars on gold, smacking of the three black-on-white bars of the Arms of Trebizond empire. This is some proof for my theory that "Drummond" traces to "Thermodon," what I say was an m-version of "Trabzon/Trebizond." The Arms of PodeBrady (look above the gate) uses three black bars on white (!), tending to prove that they are the essence of the two Drummond Coats, both using three horizontal waves, and that George Drummond did in fact link back to the Thermodon region. Podebrady is also "PodeBRODY."

Mures-river elements are traced (by me) to Moray, which should explain why the Brodys were first found in Moray, and why they use the Moray stars. The Brody Crest is bunched arrows, a symbol that I trace to the founding of Hungary as per "On-Ogur" = "ten arrows." The ten arrows are known to have been split seven versus three as per the seven tribes of Magyars and three tribes of Kabars/Khazars that founded Hungary. The Brody Crest is three bunched arrows that should depict the Mures-river Kabars/Khazars. Now you know.

But when I said, "watch this," I wasn't referring to those enlightening things. I was referring to "An eagle preying on a snake" that defines the Backus/Baccus Crest, for I don't think it's coincidental that the French Prey Coat uses a similar, half white saltire on blue. Remember, this Prey design is used by the Saves, and it was linked solidly to the Leslie Coat, while Leslies were not only Hungarians, but came to Scotland with Maurice Drummond. (Preys were first found in Auvergne, beside Burgundy where Saves were first found.)

But that's still not the "watch this" part, which is this: the Irish Preys (vertical bars in Drummond colors) are said to be from "Preith, from the Pictish word predhae," smacking of PodeBRADY. That can't be coincidental; it traces some aspects of the Bacchus cult to Podebrady, and meanwhile makes a link to Picts.

I trace Picts to the Pyxites river near the Thermodon. An ancient geographical claim on the Trabzon region: "The river Pyxites is distant from Prytanis ninety stadia." It seems plain from this that the Pretani -- the proto-Brits -- were from the Prytanis river. The proto-Celt Khaldi were nearby, remember, but the point is obvious, that Pyxites and/or Prytanis elements founded PodeBRADY.

It strikes me that the "Preith" variation of the Backus-related Preys should link to the Priest and/or Presley/Priest surname, for Dionysus was a symbol of the Galli priests (= proto-Gauls). The Presley Coat has been linked to the English Kerricks ("paratus" motto term) because both Coats use the same black symbol, though the Kerricks call it a "claptrop" while Presleys call it a "grappling hook." Scottish Kerricks/Carricks use a black talbot, the symbol of the same-colored Marot/Maros Crest (the latter uses the Trebizond Arms and/or PodeBrady Arms on gold Shield).

Now, back to the "in deo" phrase of the Backus/Baccus clan, for the same Dio(nysus)-like phrase is used by the Plocks/Pluknetts (that I link to Pollock-related Poles). The symbol here is the (black) footless martin, what I traced to lame Hephaestus, though he was the same as limping Dionysus. The point is, the Priest/Press Crest uses the same martin, again in black (which I'm thinking is Trebizond black). The martin was a symbol of the Merlin/Myrddin cult of Welsh-branch Brits/Pretani.

Pratts use the same martin in colors reversed, and I say that Belgian Pratts had linked with the Ananes (Gauls) that founded Annandale (compare Annan Coat to the Pratt Coat and to the Bruces of Annandale who used the Pratt Coat). I assume that Ananes were a priesthood in some way that linked to the Laevi Gauls...and to Ananias, father of Caiaphas, the priesthood under which Jesus was murdered.

The Press/Priests were first in HERTfordshire, where the Presleys/Priests were likewise. The latter use two Abreu/Abrussi symbols, a surname from APRUTium (now TERAMo) that I trace back to APHRODite, and forward to the Brusi=Bruces. I identify the Abreu line to Bruces in the Ebriocum (Evreux) co-founders of Yorkshire, explaining why Presleys/Priestlys were first found in Yorkshire...where the Annandale Bruces removed to. We are now flirting with an identification of the Ananes and Laevis as Dionysus=Bacchus-related priests of satan...even the Hephaestus-related Aphrodite sex-pots destined to a burning Hell, which is what I've already claimed from other evidences.

York=Eboracum is said to be named after the boar, and I link the boar fundamentally to the Ebriocum=Eburovices. See below for the significance.

It can be gleaned that Aprutium elements should link to the Bruttii (toe of Italy, still on Italy's west coast) that the Arthurian writer (Geoffrey of Monmouth) linked to mythical Brutus. As we saw yesterday that Brutus was made a descendant of the Aeneas>Ascanius line to ALBA Longa Latins (west coast), so we expect proto-Brutus elements in the Liri-river zone of the Latins. Bruttium was also CALABria, smacking of the Halybes that I trace to ALBA Longa.

Yesterday's trace of Capys elements (from Halybe territory on the Halys) to proto-Arthurian elements on and around the Liri river (Italy) reminded me that "Herod" is like "hurt," the latter being a symbol (smacking of "Art") used by the Arthur Coat. I think the Arthur surname is from "Ardea" (west coast, north of the Liri river), and this morning I came across the Hardegg location on the Moravian side of Czechoslovakia (the other side was Bohemia). It evoked the Hardey surname, and it was surprising to find black boars of the same design as the black Sullivan boars.

I sense that Slav/Silvan-like Sullivans linked to SILESia because I'm convinced that they were of the Salyes Ligurians (they were in-turn related to, or at least associated with, the Laevi and Ananes). I traced the Salyes Ligurians recently to the Sals/Sales clan (Cheshire) that I say (co-)founded "Salop," a place that I earlier traced to "Slab/Slav." I don't think it's a coincidence that the Sullivan Crest is a lizard while a salamander is used by the SLABoda surname of Poland. As FE found, the Slaboda surname is also "SlaBAUGH," smacking of Backus-et-al surnames.

Look, then, for while Welsh Baughs/Bachs use a black talbot, the Bacon Crest uses the Sullivan and Hardey boar!

In the midst of proving to myself that the Backus/Baccus and related Prey/Praith-like surnames linked to Dionysus (the wine god), it occurred to me that Pratt-like surnames may have developed l-versions, wherefore I entered "Plett" (swan in Crest) to find a grapevine (purple grapes). That's not likely coincidental. The Pletts are also Platts, Plaths, and even Blates/Blaths. Some variations smack of Harald BLATAND Bluetooth.

I would suggest that the German Platts/Blatts above link to the English Platts/Plaits/Blatts in Prey/Praith colors. These are also the Moray colors, and the Pratt/Blatt leopard heads suggest a trace to the Mures once again. The white-on-blue scallops should link with the same of the Pattersons, whom in Scotland were first in Ross-shire, where the Mures-related Drummond bloodline of Andrew I was concentrated. In other words, the Platts/Blatts likewise appear to be linked to PodeBrady, even as the Brodys were first found in Moray (beside Ross-shire).

The Blatts were first in Lancashire, and this gets me to a new idea, a new trace of Lancelot to Alba LONGA. I've traced "Lancelot" to various entities without necessary contradiction. I see him as LANCAshire elements, but as his father was Ban/Bant, I pegged his bloodline as the Banisters, first found in Lancashire. I traced Ban to a Bantia location on the BRADanus river in Lucania (see Lucania map), and figured that Lucania was in code with Lady of the Lak(e), an Arthurian-myth character that Lancelot, and the Excalibur sword, was made associated with.

Lucania is in the arch of Italy's toe, while Bruttium/Calabria starts roughly where you see "Laus," and goes off the page into the toe. I traced the ExCALIBUR sword to "Calabria," but as of yesterday have good reason to trace the Halybes (inventors of iron) of that region to ALBA Longa. The Excalibur (a symbol of iron weaponry-making) was also "Caliburnus" in some myths, which is why I trace this sword-code to the mount Alburnus seen north of Laus. North of Alburnus you see the Eburum location that gets one into the Avellino theater (that was touched on in yesterday's Capys topic).

Note the Hales river to the west of Alburnus, if that helps in a trace to Halybes. I should add that a Pyxites-river trace to the Pyxus locale near Laus is a reasonable idea, jibing with a Prytanis trace to the Bradanus.

I tentatively traced "Lanca(shire)" to Langhe in the Cuneo region of Interior Liguria. It's interesting that a German Lang Coat uses a pelican on nest, the symbol of the French DeVaud surname...that I think traces to the Vaud canton of Switzerland, where LAUSanne is a principal location, and where Bute- and Morgan-related Arthurians came from. In fact, the Vey surname was traced to Fey (near Morges of Vaud), while I now see that French Hardys use the Vey lion design. AND ZOWIE, both Hardys and DeVauds were first found in Guyenne!

As you may know, the Arthur Crest is a pelican on nest.

In the last update page, the German Hagar/Hegen Coat was traced to Sion/Wallis of Switzerland, but I now see the same red-capped man of the Hagar/Hegen Crest in the German-alternative Lang Crest.

Scottish Langs appear linked to both Long Coats. The Langs were first found in Berwickshire, where the Arthur surname was first found. As per my trace of the BERnicians of bear-depicted BERwickshire to "Brunswick" (Bernicia was also "Bryneich"), so we see that German Langs were "First found in Lueneburg, in the Dukedom of Brunswick..." But Bernicians were also from Switzerland, in bear-depicted Berne.

Possibly, Lang stock named "Luene(burg)."

Just noted that the French Veys, first found in LANGuedoc, use cinquefoils, a symbol of the Scottish Langs and French/Norman Longs. There is a Banes clan also first found in Languedoc that I've linked to Lancelot. The mystery of the Arthurians turns out to be very anti-climactic, doesn't it? And the myth writers appear arrogant and malicious.

The Lance surname uses a red rose, symbol of Lancashire/Lancaster.

Scallops in colors reversed to the Pratt/Bratt scallops are used by Perts/Petts ("Ardens" motto), and that could link PERTHsire Hagarites/Ishmaelites to the same Prett line out of PodeBrady. If correct to trace Perts to mythical Perdix, suddenly he could be from Prytanis elements (Trabzon).

If Langs could be linked solidly to Langhe of interior Liguria, then a trace to mythical Lynceus, known to merge with certain Ligurians, could apply. Lynceus was a Hyksos-Danaan entity out of Avaris (Nile), and merging with Trojans of mount Ida. The Teucer side of Trojans were from Ida, and while an aspect of the Ida cult was the swan line to Ligurians, we find that Lynceus was involved heavily with Pollux and Castor, the twins born from Leda as she mated with a swan-cult of Zeus.

Moreover, when I got to the English Lance Coat, it appeared to show evidence of Lance=Allen, for the Coat has the Allen Shield in colors reversed. I then re-viewed the Irish Allen/Hallion Coat, in the same colors, with tiger in Crest...that I trace to "Teucer."

Strangely, entering "Hallion" also brings up the Malcolm/Collum Coat (Andrew's Cross in colors reversed). But the latter surname was traced (5th update November) to a swan entity (i.e. the Schwangau knights) associated with a "saint" Colomon. In that November update, it was quoted: "The Callums were an import branch of the clan McLeod of Raasay." McLeods also have septs of Teague-et-al.

Moreover, I trace McLeods/McClouds (first found on Lewis) to the same Clode entities of Clovis as the Louis/Lewis surname. I then see that Lowans/Loanes/Luains (smacks of "Luen(burg)"), who could be part of the Lohen(grin) swan-king line, use cinquefoils in the colors of the English and Scottish Langs.

January 17

Look at the choice of words in today's BBC article on Swiss-bank revelations:

...Rudolf scheduled to go on trial in Switzerland on Wednesday for breaking bank secrecy laws.

..."I'm against the system. I know how the system works," said the banker at the press conference. He says a sophisticated network exists to funnel illicit money into secret offshore accounts.

"I've been there. I've done the job. I know what is the day-to-day business," he said, explaining why he thought it important to identify himself as the source.

The banker, who worked as Julius Baer's chief operating officer in the Cayman Islands, said he and his family faced pressure akin to "a fire-breathing dragon with several heads" after he decided to blow the whistle.

This information is going out from Elmer to WikiLeaks, and so for purposes like this, WikiLeaks can be a very useful tool in curbing the sorry state of the world. Elmer "said the data includes the offshore accounts of about 40 politicians, and covers accounts at three banks, including his former employer." Money dragons of the world now need to operate with great caution; they've got to watch more than ever who they confide in.

In Israel, a notable piece of news:

"Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak says he is resigning as head of the Labour party to form his own faction.

Mr Barak is heading a breakaway group - Independence - which includes four other Labour MPs, reports say.

Correspondents say the move strengthens Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's right-wing coalition, as it allows Mr Barak's party to remain in government.

Labour is due to vote on whether to quit the coalition over Mr Netanyahu's handling of the Mid-East peace process.

But Mr Barak's surprise move pre-empts that decision, due next month...

...Ehud Barak resigned from Labour amid rising discontent within the left-of-centre party about its role as a partner in the right-wing coalition of PM Benjamin Netanyahu.

...The resignation does not immediately threaten Mr Netanyahu's governing coalition - Mr Barak and his four followers are expected to remain part of it and to retain ministerial posts.

..."[The new party] will be centrist, Zionist and democratic," he said.

...The Labour movement was central to the creation of Israel in 1948 and had long dominated Israeli politics since then.

Barak and the rest of his Independence crew are signalling a means of remaining on board with Netanyahu's anti-Palestinian program.

Some Labor-party members in Netanyahu's coalition government have already quit in defiance of the move. It seems insane that these "Israelite" leaders would go to this extent on behalf of a Palestinian state. But that's the situation today, and we would like to know on which side the house of Rothschild sits in this dispute. We read at the "quit" link above: "Herzog was the first to announce his resignation, with Braverman and Ben-Eliezer following suit just a few hours later."

There is a Herzog Crest using blue wings that are almost identical to the blue Bauer wings. Variations include Hert and Hart terms, and the surname was first found in Bavaria. The German Hert/Hart surname (uses a stag as do English Hurts) was likewise first found in Bavaria. It's amazing how this surname fits so well with the Arthur topics of recent days.

The Hert/Hart stag is A stag wounded by an arrow, which is a chief Rothschild symbol. The stag (said to be "a red deer courant") wears a gold collar, and has antlers identical to the Hanna stag, which also wears a gold collar. Hannas use an "ardua" motto term. Scottish Herts use a green Shield, as do Bauers, and are in the gold-on-green colors of the Herod Coat. Coincidence? Or are the Haralds/Herods the same as Scottish Herts? Note: no write-up for the latter clan.

Entering "Hort" brings up the Hurt clan (with stag), and that evokes the Horton stag. Hortons were first found in Yorkshire, where the Annabels/Hannibals>Annes/Hannes (both use stags) were first found.

Herds/Hurds (showing hearts) use an otter, the symbol, I now know, of "UTHER" Pendragon and the Otter/Other surname (that was root to the Windsors). Herds/Hurds use the "sapienter" motto term, like the "sapientia" term of the Scottish Anders. The latter also (i.e. like the Scottish Herts) use a gold-on-green saltire. In this picture, Arthur clans were merged with the Hungarians from Andrew I, which should explain the re-occurring stags.

You may have read (earlier in this page): "That last Cappadocia link tells that mythical Cappodax was made a son of Assyrian elements of Nimrod..." In Hungarian myth, the stag is a symbol of Hungarians roots in Nimrod, as they developed into the Scythians>Huns. Perhaps the Hungarians knew of roots in Nimrod as per Cappodox roots.

"The Hungarian Legend of the Wondrous Stag is one of the oldest legends of the nation. It is so old that it is found in various forms among those nations who were the distant relatives or neighbors of the Hungarians, long before their settlement in Hungary.

...The king of the land was the giant hunter Nimrod, the descendant of the great king Etana. (Tana in Hungarian, Kus-Tana in Kushan-Scythian, or Etana in Sumerian, the king who lived in the 3 rd millennium B.C. and according to the legend of Gilgamesh he established the city of Kish and the first Mesopotamian empire..."

...Belas {Bel Nimrud} ruled for 56 years 130 years following the flood, and built the tower of Babel...(brackets not mine)

There we have a Dan-like term pre-dating the Israelite tribe of Dan, and just as Greek myth made Belus the father of Danaus, so we see above that Nimrod's bloodline from a Tana individual used "Belas." I would definitely suggest the Caucasus river of Tanais as the epitome of this pagan cult, which is where Magyars lived before coming to Hungary.

Note that the Hungarians who cite this myth are infatuated with their trace to the tower of Babel. The piece goes on to say, "[Bel Nimrod] married his first wife Eneth and she later bore him two twin sons called Hunor and Magor." Perfect, for "Eneth" must be Antu of Sumeria as she developed into Anat and her Eneti/Heneti peoples. I say "perfect" because I ventured, aside from that knowledge, in tracing the heraldic stag to "antler"-like Heneti. I did trace Pelops, ruler at Eneti, to Belas>Baal, father of Danaus. (As per the suggested Lynceus trace yesterday to "Lancelot," I should add that Lynceus was the one who merged with the Danaus bloodline to form the mainline Greeks).

Note that "Peloponnese" (the representation of Pelops) looks like Pelop-Eneth.

Suddenly, we can trace Hungarians to Pelops-based Greeks. But the trace to Nimrod (ruler of Assyria) jibes with my trace of Arpads the Assyrian Arphaxadites. I also note the "rod" in "Nimrod," for I traced Arphaxadites to Arados/Arpad/Arvad (Syria)...before tracing that place to Arad and Oradea (Transylvania) near the Hungarian border, and to the CARPathian mountains that should have been named by Arpad stock in the Carpae/Arpii peoples (Thracians?).

But I also traced Arphaxadites to "Harpassus," the name of a tributary of the Aras (Armenia), and of a river near Lydia, where Pelop-ians had ruled before living in Peloponnesia. Apparently, the (C)Halybes lived to one side of the Armenian Harpassus: "Then they turned southwest and crossed the land of the Chalibians without taking anything from there before they reached the Harpassus River. All contemporary historians identify Harpassus with the modern Coruh River."

The Coruh is in the ARTvin province of Turkey. I've never read that the Coruh was the Harpassus, and what I did find on the Harpassus located it differently. In any case, the Coruh looks Arthur interesting. It rises in a Mescid mountain system, smacking of the Meshech of that area, and of the Mysians>Muses that became part of British Arthurianism at Avalon. In fact, the Coruh was not far from the Caucasian Bats that I trace to Bute=Avalon. We read: "In Arrian's Periplus Ponti Euxini, [the Coruh] is called the Acampsis [smacks of Campania, where proto-Avalon Avellino sits); Pliny may have confused it with the Bathys."

It should also be said that I trace "Turkey" to the Turruku "Iranians" that had some sway in Arphaxadite Assyria (at Arrapha/Arrapachitis) while Turkey was previously called, Anatolia, named after Anat elements quite apparently. I'm suggesting support for the "Anat>Eneti" trace to Nimrod's "Eneth." The stag article above continues: "Another Greek recorded the legend of the MEGARI of Anatolia, and of course translated it into it's Greek equivalent, with slight changes. Here Zeus marries a Scythian Nymph of the area, and from their union is born Megaros, the ancestor of the people of Megari." The writer is assuming a Magara link to Magyars.

Armed with this new support for a Hungarian trace to Pelops-related Heneti, mythical ENDymion comes to mind because he was associated with Elis, at Pisa, and yet was also associated with Anatolian elements. Pelops of Anatolia was made married to an Amazon line in Pisa, you see. In fact: "In Greek mythology, Endymion could have been a handsome Aeolian shepherd or hunter, or even a king who ruled and was said to reside at Olympia in Elis,..." I trace that Olympos to Olympos near Antalya (this place named Anatolia, in my opinion), and I identify "Antalya" as the root of "Tantalus" (Pelop's father at Eneti).

The sentence continues: "...but [Endymion] was also said to reside and was venerated on Mount Latmus in Caria..." The other Harpassus river was in...Caria! Keep in mind that Dionysus=Zagrius (a bull/taurus cult) was from Nuzi, roughly where the Turukku had been from (both were in the Zagros theater), for "Selene and Endymion had fifty daughters called the Menae." As the Maeander river that named Dionysus' Maenads flowed past Miletus, we can't ignore the Menae of EndyMION because Miletus was near his mount Latmus. AND in fact, "The mouth of the Gulf of Latmus began to fill with sediment from the Maeander river, which emptied into it..."

Thus, the loony Maenads were Heneti on the Meander, and as they appear to trace to Assyria, I add that the Harpassus was also a tributary of the Maeander, at which junction was the city of Harpasa/Arpaz). The following quote is a little confusing, but there are two main points I'd like to make with it, one being the Arados/Arpad trace that I make to the island of Rhodes (off the Carian coast), and two, a Ninoe term at Caria that strikes me as a Nineveh entity:

"Further inland towards Aydin is Alabanda, noted for its marble and its scorpions, Orthosia, Coscinia or Coscinus on the upper Maeander and Halydienses, Alinda or Alina. At the confluence of the Maeander and the Harpasus is Harpasa (Arpaz). At the confluence of the Maeander and the Orsinus, Corsymus or Corsynus is Antioch on the Maeander and on the Orsinus in the mountains a border town with Phrygia, Gordiutichos ("Gordius' Fort") near Geyre. Founded by the Leleges and called Ninoe it became Megalopolis ("Big City") and Aphrodisias, sometime capital of Caria."

The Halydienses/Alinda location strikes me as fodder for the founding of both Ialysos and Lindos on Rhodes. In the Aphrodisias article, the city was also called, "City of the Leleges," which now jibes with my trace of Leleges (Wikipedia suggests that they were anciently, "Lulahi") to the Lullu(bum) peoples of Arrapha, who were mentioned in some historical documents along with Turruku:

"The Lullubi or Lulubi were a group of tribes during the 3rd millennium BC, from a region known as Lulubum, now the Sharazor plain of Kurdistan in the Zagros Mountains. Frayne (1990) identified their city Lulubuna or Luluban with the modern Halabja."

Halabja, as in the Halybes??? I had traced the Lullu(bum) to Lilybaeum, a location of western Sicily ruled to some degree by the Athenian line of Butes/Erechtheus.

I now bring up my trace of Arphaxadites to the dragon of Ares, for we can expect the Ares cult at Aphrodisias=Ninoe because it was named after Aphrodite. I traced Ares from Arados (Syria) to Rhodes, in fact, and thus-far that trace seems to work well in various ways. As Nimrod was confounded with Nineveh elements, because the city of Nimrud was near Nineveh, one might trace Ninoe to Nineveh (= downtown Assyria). Again, one on the Zab rivers in downtown Assyria was the Lycus/Lykus, smacking of Lycians beside the Carians, and another Zab river (both were near Nuzi) was Kypris-like "Kaprus."

On Harp terms, we find a mythical "Harpe. One of the nurses of Dionysus who followed him in his Indian campaign." Also, "Harpina. Daughter of Asopus (one of the RIVER GODS) and Metope. She is mother, by Ares, of Oenomaus 1, whom Pelops 1 slew" Actually, Oenomaus was, not only a Dionysus entity, but the father of Pelop's "wife" in Pisa. Thus, the Pelops cult was infested with Arphaxadites.

Metope was a daughter also of Ladon, suggesting that Endymion's mount Latmus should link to the Ladon line (we're definitely talking Lydians>Latins where Pelops, king of Lydia, is also concerned). Also, "Harpocrates. The god of silence [from Egypt]," who smacks of Endymion the sleeper.

But there's more from the same page that implies the Harp link to the Lycus river in Arphaxadite Assyria (both Zab rivers were near Arrapachitis):

"Harpasus. Son of Clinis and Harpe. Harpasus, together with his brother Lycius [the latter also becomes a son of Harpe] wished to sacrifice asses against Apollo's will...Harpasus was devoured by his father's asses and Lycius was turned into a white raven that became black at once by the will of Apollo.

Donkey ears are found in an Apollo myth with king Midas (his ears were turned into donkey ears), and perhaps you noted above that Ninoe/Aphrodisias was near the Gordius entity, which was made the father of king Midas.

I had never known until now that the donkey pertained to Arphaxadites. And the black raven depicting Ares (= proto-Rus) makes sense where we find the raven symbol among Scandinavian Rus. But I had traced the donkey to Tartak, the donkey god of Avvites, and it was later suggested that Tartak was code for the founders of Tartus, which is not only the mainland of Arados/Arpad (the latter is an island), but said to have been named after "Arados." In short, what we have here is an Arphaxadite merger with Ares, and they together wrapped up with Avvites.

It all seems to clinch both an Ares trace to Arados/Arpad, and the identification of the Ares dragon with Arphaxadites. In fact, it suggests Arphaxadites at mount Latmus, which in turn supports my claim that the Biblical dragon -- Ladon -- was also the Ares dragon, even the Lydio-Phrygian golden-fleece line to Colchis...where the Laz lived (in golden-fleece myth, Ares' dragon is involved as the protector of the fleece).

We now have the problem of a Hungarian trace both to Arphaxadites (Semites) and to Nimrod (Hamites). But, really, how can Hungarians have known whether they trace to Nimrod? Isn't it just a fancy for pagans, who despise the true God, to trace themselves to arch-enemies of God? I say that Hungarians trace to Arphaxadites, and to Scythians that became the Rus/Hros faction of the Biblical Gog and Meshech.

There was a mythical Ninus, founder of Nineveh, to whom I would trace the Ninoe locale in Caria. Ninus was made married to Semite-like SEMiramis. look, Ninus "was said to have been the son of Belus or Bel..." That jibes with Hungarian myth tracing to Nimrod, son of Belas. The problem is, Nimrod was NOT Ninus, though some like to equate them. Ninus may not have represented a Hamite entity.

I link Apollo to Avvites of pre-Israel, and to the Revelation-9 destroyer, Abaddon. I've traced Abaddon to Abydos in Mysia (tentatively, anyway), but also to mythical Abas, whom I've identified as an Avvite peoples in Danaan-related Argos. Above we read: ""Further inland [in Caria] towards Aydin is Alabanda, noted for its marble and its scorpions..." I had shown (in one chapter of the Ladon book) that Apollo had been depicted with scorpions, and I sensed that these should link to the scorpion-like locusts that are found interwoven into the Revelation-9 prophecy. The reason that Abas is mentioned above is due to his representation of the Abantes/Abantian peoples (of Euboea), for they smack of AlaBANDA.

The Aydin location is on the Maeander, and the ancient name of the location smacks of the "Eneti": "In ancient Greek sources, the name of the city is given as 'Anthea' and 'Euanthia'. During the Seleucid period, it received the name 'Antiochia'...and was one of the largest Aegean cities in antiquity."

At a map at the above website, there is a Harpasus-like location to this day near Aydin. Alabanda is in Aydin province, and on that topic we see an Arphaxadite term: "Alabanda...and for a time, Antiochia of the Chrysaorians -- was an ancient city of Caria, Anatolia, the site of which is now located near Doganyurt (also called Araphisar), Aydin Province..." The article splits the term as Ala-banda ("ala" is said to be the Carian term for "horse") meaning that a trace to Abantians is viable.

Mythical Alabandus was made the son of a Hippo-like term, suggesting as a possibility Hippodama, wife of Pelops. The mother of Alabandus was made Car or Callirrhoe. The latter was a term that was made a daughter of Lycus. We get it, and it jibes with a trace of Tantalus>Pelops to the Lycian theater of Antalya. The Abas that was founder of Abantians was not technically the one in Argos, but the one that was made a son of Poseidon, and that too works because Antalya was in the Pisidian theater, and I think Plato made Poseidon the chief king of Antalya/Attaleia because I view it as ground zero for "Atlantis."

I almost missed it: the father of Alabandus was "Euippus," smacking of "Euboea." That certainly has the potential to identify Abantians with Alabandus elements. This is important because Io of Argos traces to north-Africa via Euboea elements, and then links in Egypt with a Paph-like myth character (from Euboea) that could have depicted Paphlagonians and/or Heneti. The Harpocrates mentioned above was linked to Io by the webpage.

The Harpasus-like location mentioned above (that I didn't name) is Karpuzlu. The Lindos-like location of Alinda was at the Karpuzla location, and that Kar term smacks of "Caria" itself i.e. Carians were short for Arphaxadites??? The Karpuzla term smacks of Carpathia.

The Carr/Kerr Coat uses Rus colors and a sun in Crest as possible symbol of Helios, father of Lindos and god of Rhodes. The Kearn Coat uses a moon sleeping, suggesting Selene, the moon goddess (and sister of Helios) that was made married to Endymion the sleeper. The other sibling of Helios and Selene was Eos (smacking of Io), said to mean "rosy fingers" and so defined as the reddish dawn. But the rose was also a symbol of Rhodes so that there appears to have been a deliberate double-meaning applied to Eos.

"Eos" may have been a deliberate, play-on-word corruption of "Eros," son of Ares. In fact, with the common l-to-r switch, "Helios" and "Eros" may have been the same people entity, just as one can suspect from a Rus trace back to Rhodes.

"Eros" then evokes mythical Iris, also associated with "sleep": "Like Hermes, Iris carries a caduceus or winged staff. By command of Zeus, the king of the gods, she carries an ewer of water from the River Styx, with which she puts to sleep all who perjure themselves. Goddess of sea and sky..." The Harpies were made the sisters of Iris.

Apparently, then, the Ares-related Thracians and Greeks were distant cousins of the Israelites, both from Arphaxad. But God took Israel as part of his plot, from the foundation of the world, to destroy Ares, even Ixion and Nephele.

Iris was made married to Zephyrus, a code that I link to Sepharvites. I trace Sepharvites to Assyria's Subartu, and that jibes with a Harpies trace to Arphaxadites of Assyria. I link Sepharvites to Joktan, the Hebrew grandson of Arphaxad. There's a deer in the painting of Iris (or is it Nike?) at the webpage above.

Interestingly, "Nike," smacking of DioNYSUS of Nuzi>Naxos, is said to mean "victory," the same definition given to the "banda" of "Alabanda."

I suggest that the sleep code given to Selene and Endymion, and even to Iris, is code for "nyx" = night, and therefore for Nike too. But as the Alabandians and the Endymion Menae were on the Maeander, the loony Maenads also fit in with a lunar theme, even a dark witchcraft practiced in the quiet of night in some God-forsaken places.

January 18

Late yesterday, I was surprised to find a sleeping moon immediately after introducing Endymion the sleeper of the Caria theater, who was made married to the moon goddess. I was surprised because the sleeping moon was found as the second surname that I tried in a search for Car/Carian-like surnames. It's the Kerrs/Kearns (first in Silesia) that use the sleeping moon. I don't think it's a coincidence, meaning that there are some surnames honoring Caria.

Irish Kerns/Kerins were first found in Mayo, as with Irish Carneys. The latter use red lions on white, a symbol that I trace to Rhodes and the Rus (e.g. the Russells and Rhodes, who both use the Carney lion).

The first surname that I tried was Cat," and it not only had a sun in Crest smacking of Helios, but used a motto, "Sero sed serio," which must link to the Russell motto, "Che sara sara." These terms were linked to Savages, and because the latter were recently linked to DeVauds, it's even more remarkable that the first time I have seen the DeVaud pelican design since being introduced to the Devaud surname) was moments ago when entering "Carn." That's just wild!

The Carns are a Welsh clan, jibing with a DeVaud trace to Welsh Davids/Davis'. AND, the Carns were first in GlaMORGAN/MORGANnwg, while these very Morgan terms have been traced solidly to Morges in the Vaud canton!

You may have read where DeVauds were traced to the Vaud canton of Switzerland, beside the Wallis/Sion canton using red/white stars on white/red, wherefore the red-on-white stars of the Cars are conspicuous along Swiss/Sion lines. Moments after finding the Carney pelican, as per coming across the Cruz surname (see below), I was looking on how to spell "Crusoe" and fell upon more red-on-white stars in the Carrus Coat!

The Cruise surname (in Spanish Cruz colors) also uses red stars, and one can even begin to surmise that "Rosy-Cross," i.e. the Rosicrucian cult that I trace to Rhodes, was named in secret after Carian pirates of the Atlantean kind.

The Cruz surname may be Spanish, but it uses a Swiss-like cross.

Carneys use a "sustine" motto term that looks like the Souston location I had seen in a surname featured yesterday (can't recall which one). I didn't have time to investigate whether the location could have links to Sais and the Say(ton) surname to which I traced Sais Chemmites/Danaans.

I was up early this morning (just after 3 am) and saw a Corey Saylor featured on a repeat of yesterday's Bill O'Reilly (Fox news). Saylor is the spokesman for a Muslim-loving organization called CAIR. Coincidence? In this photo of Corey Saylor, one sees two other Muslim-inclined men with Bray and Cruz surname.

Still looking for how to correctly spell "Crusoe" (as per Robinson Crusoe), I fell upon the Caruso surname of Italy, using the same stag as the Annabels/Hannibals. The Saylors/Sailers were first in Yorkshire too, where the Annabel-related Annes/Hannes were first found, suggesting that the Say (and possibly the Sal(e)) surname was linked to Hannibal Carthaginians (I did link "Carthage" to "Caria"). This was made more interesting when I finally found the correct spelling from the Wikipedia article on Robinson Crusoe.

Crusoe was stranded at sea and became the prisoner of certain Moors: "...his journey too ends in disaster as the ship is taken over by Salé pirates and Crusoe becomes the slave of a Moor. After two years of slavery, he manages to escape in a boat with a boy named Xury;..." Sale pirates. and a Xury individual? Could that be code for Carians?

It's conspicuous that Carians were indeed pirates/sailors, and that the Crew/Creuse surname (in Saylor colors) was first in Cheshire, where the Sals/Sales/Sails were first found. The Sale Crest is a pheon, a symbol that I trace to Phoenicians...who were likewise Atlantean sailors. (We're keeping in mind that Caria was near Atlantis' ground-zero at Antayla.)

The Caruso Coat uses the same jellyfish-like stars (not quite Zionist stars but close) as the Kern Coat with sleeping moon. I don't think that's coincidental. It proves in my mind that Carusos were Carians of the Endymion=Halybes=Anat cult. Irish Kerrs/Carrs also use the same stars, and the write-up traced to a spear: "...a descendant of Carra; the word Carra in turn meant 'spear.'" We'll come to Caria-related spears below.

The Crow surname (camel) was first in Norfolk, where the Annabel/Hannibal surname was first found. As you may know that I link Annabels and Annas/Hannes to the Hanna surname using a stag with gold collar, note that the Saylors use "a gold collar gemel and three gold escallops in front," which could perhaps be part-code for the camel bloodline of Nahorite Atlanteans. I trace "Kemuel," son of Nahor, to Chemmites, but also to Gadirus="Emulus," the twin of Atlas in western Atlantis.

The Crow camel is also the collared Patterson camel, and like Crows, the Patterson Chief uses scallops. Scottish Pattersons use pelicans almost identical in design, and identical in colors, as per the DeVaud and Carn pelican.

There has always been the question of whether the Annes/Hannes et-al trace, not only to Hannibals, but to the Ananes and Laevi Gauls. This is where the Italian Carusos (with Anabel/Hannibal stag) come in dandy, for they were first found at Placentia...where the Ananes were located!!!

From the 8th update in November: "Before its settlement by the Romans, the [Placentia] area was populated by other peoples; specifically, most recently to the Roman settlement, the region on the right bank of the Po River between the Trebbia River and the Taro River had been occupied by the Ananes or Anamari..."

Remember, therefore, that Annabels/Hannibals and their relations were from the Ananes, the same lot of Galli/Halybes that I think named Ananias, the "Israelite" high priest.

The Italian Caruso write-up traces the surname to a young apprentice," smacking of Freemasonry. The Caruso Coat is in the gold-on-blue of the Massin/Mason Coat. The English Caruso/Crusoe surname was first found in Norfolk (!), I just learned after writing the above paragraph (!!), where the Annabel surname was first found!!!

After looking at the Car Coat yesterday, I tried "Carp" as per the Harp topic, and after that I entered "Arpen." I wouldn't have mentioned it...until now, for Arpens/Orpens use half the Massin/Mason lion, and were also first found in Norfolk. Moreover, the Arpens use a "veritas" motto term while the Crusoes use "Virtus."

Perhaps the bigger point, since those terms are likely in honor of the Veres, is that the Arpen motto is "Veritas vincit" (i.e. "victor") recalling from yesterday that "Alabanda" is said to mean "horse-victor(y)." Alabanda was located in Caria near a Haly-like and Lindos-like location. It's feasible, with an l-to-r switch, for "Alaban(da)" to become "Arpen." Recall the Chalibians of the Harpassus river region, for they smack of "ALABANda."

The Orbison/Orby surname (triple chevron in Rhodes colors) came to mind at this point, and they were first found in Lincolnshire, where we expect Rhodians/Carians.

This all reminds me of the Dunhams, for they are in Massin/Mason and Arpen/Orpen colors, and like the latter were first found in Norfolk. But in Obama's bloodline, Dunhams came forth from Singletarys (a Jonathan Singletary changed his surname to Dunham, the surname of Obama's mother). I say all this because Singletarys use a triple chevron in colors reversed to the Orbison/Orby. You can see that Dunhams and Singletarys share the same gold spear.

The Arpens/Orpens use a split Shield like the Fulkes ("Qui sera sera" motto) of Norfolk, and I think they are indeed related...not just because the Fulkes use a spear (= the Shakespeare spear). English Plantes/Plantagenets (= Fulks) should be linked to French Plantes, and the latter use a "patee" cross that looks identical to the "formee" cross of the Norfolk Crusoes/Carusos.

But that's not all. The English Plantagenet Coat uses the Kent-surname lion that is nearly the Orbison lion (I think these were both a form of the British lion), and while Orbisons were first found in Lindos-rooted Lincolnshire, Plantagenets were first found in Lindos-like London.

Robinson Crusoe was written by a Defoe surname...using the Save Shield, and being first found in France (in Limousin) near to where the Saves were first found. In my mind, this clinches a Defoe relationship with Sava-river clans, but I still entertain that the "Velis" motto term of the Saves links the clan to Wallis/Valais canton. The Foes are more properly, "Fours," smacking of the formee cross of the Crusoes.

Robinson Crusoe was written by Daniel Defoe: "Daniel Foe (his original name) was probably born in the parish of St. Giles Cripplegate London."

Entering the Faure variation of the DeFoes, one finds the same oak tree as in the French Plante Coat, and a red rose as per the English Plante/Plantagenet Coat. The Faures are also Forie, Fory, etc. It could be another case of an l-to-r switch as in Fulk>Fourc, for the DeFoes show Dufourg and Dufourc variations. In this picture, Fulks appear to trace solidly to Carians. Faures/Fories were first in Guyenne, near the Anjou Fulks. Moreover, the Faures/Fories Shield is colors reversed to the Italian Fulk Shield, but then compare them both with the French Fer Coat.

That explains how Fers and Fulks were the same, or why Veres claim to have been counts of Anjou like the Fulks. It never dawned on me that "Fulk" could be a variation of "Vere," but therein you have the reasoning in the proposed Fourc=Fulk equation.

In fact, it was mythical Melusine that is made the symbol the Vere line to Anjou, and she was said to be from Avalon. The Faure oak tree, with nine acorns, is claimed by me to be a symbol of the Apollo line to Avalon (it had nine witches ruled by Morgan le Fay). The Italian Apollo/Poloni Coat uses the same oak, and the surname was first in Fer-like Firenza.

Back to the Morgan trace to the Vaud canton, for that traces Avalon entities to Vaud. It';s not likely a coincidence, therefore, that both the DeVaud and Four(c)e surnames were first found in Guyenne. The Four(c) Chief is in DeVaud colors.

The Veres claim that a Milo de Ver (son of Melusine/Milouziana) was the first count of Anjou, and I think the Miles surname applies, for the Irish Miles (in Vere colors) use the motto, "Sol virtus invicta," the virtus term being code for Veres, likely. Not only did I just trace a "Virtus vincit" motto to Alabanda of Caria, but the "Sola" term of the Miles Coat smacks once again of Helios (of Rhodes). AND, Alabanda was near Miletus, wherefore I suggest that "Milo," which by the way means "apple" in Greek (I'm thinking the Avalon=apple orchard theme), is code for the Miletan scythians that were the mythical roots to the Irish and Scots.

It's clear that English Miles were also English Mills (with red (= Rhodian-colored) lion.

Millners use the same-style wolf as in the Saylor Crest, and both surnames were first in Yorkshire. That adds to the evidence that Saylors were Carians (i.e. as per a Mill(ner) trace to Miletus of Caria). AND LOOK, Miltons (split Shield that I typically link to Fulks) were first found in Oxfordshire, where Veres ruled on England's and London's behalf. Meltons were first in Norfolk (i.e. where Fulkes were first found).

Lots and lots of Carian bloodlines this morning. Maltons (Vere colors) were from Halybe-like Calvados, where Veres were from. More specifically, Maltons were from Milo-like Meules of Calvados. This was in the canton of Orbec, smacking of the Orbys/Orbisons (why do Normandy and Switzerland both use "cantons"?). As per the Orr-using variations of the Orbys ("Orrebey" could be in-part after "Bayeux"), the Orr surname might apply, using the Guiscard "piles."

I figure that Maltons use the Cornwall/Carnell stars, as both surnames were first found in Devon. This now entertains a Cornwall/Carnell trace to "Caria(n)." The "Durante" motto term of English Cornwalls (red lion again) was traced recently to the Salyes Gauls in Liguria's Durance river (source near lake Geneva).

The German Milt Coat could be the Arms of Trebizond empire. I keep in mind that I trace the "Thames" river of Oxford and London to "Themis(cyra)" on the Thermodon/Trabzon region, and that I trace the Damory-branch Drummonds of Oxfordshire to "Thermodon."

I recall tracing the Harleys (red=Rhodian lion) of the British parliament to Rosicrucian spies in cahoots with Dee and Bacon elements of the New Atlantis. "After his three days in the pillory, [Daniel] Defoe went into Newgate Prison. Robert Harley, 1st Earl of Oxford and Mortimer, brokered his release in exchange for Defoe's co-operation as an intelligence agent." The Harley write-up traces to "hare," and the Harley Coat smacks of the rabbit-using Cony Coat. The Conys were first in Lincolnshire, once again where we expect Carians, and I run fast to say that "Harley" was in it's oldest form (before taking on a hare code) a Caria term. I've already shown that Hare surnames link to Veres and Bellamy>Masseys.

Chances are, the DeFoes were DeVauds. Entering "DeVoe" brings up the French Vaux/Bellivaux Coat, and DeVauds were also "DeVaux." The DeVauds are also "DeVeault," smacking of the Vieilles surname (= HARcourt family of Danes) that was root to the Beaumonts/Bellmonts, and meanwhile I traced "Vieilles' to the Wells surname that was a fundamental part of the Vaux/Valibus clan. I had also traced these entities to Wallis/Valais canton (i.e. near to where the DeVauds must originate).

In this picture, Harcourt Danes, likely a branch of Harleys, trace to "Caria." Harcourts (blue Indian peacock) were first found in Oxfordshire, and they too use Vere colors while earlier from Calvados.

This all begs the question of whether Heron surname and heron symbols trace to Carians. One Heron surname uses herons, an "Ardua" motto term like the Hannas, and a pelican on nest. Herons are said to be from "Hagherin," and this possibly means that Carians were named after HaGAR elements...whom I identify as Horites from Heron-like Haran. Coincidence?

Irish Harans/Horans, like Herons, use a green Shield, but they use gold on the Haralds/Herods (I trace "Herod" to "Horite").

There had to be a reason why Daniel Defoe named his character, "Robinson." The Robinson Coat is in the same green-on-gold colors, and it was first found in Yorkshire. It uses what appears to be the Annabel/Hannibal stag!! THOSE EXCLAMATION MARKS ARE FOR WHAT WAS SHOWN ABOVE: "I fell upon the Caruso surname of Italy, using the same stag as the Annabels/Hannibals."


As proof that Daniel Defoe was a duffus, entering "Duffus" brings up the DeFoe Coat. That evokes the Daffy/David surname (of Wales/Cheshire) that I traced recently to the DeVauds.

There was a major bombing in Tikrit (Iraq), in case you were thinking that terrorism is going away. It targeted Iraqi police, and is obviously from a group seeking the Iraqi throne. The bomb was in Saddam's neck of the Iraqi nation.

January 19

Yesterday it was said that "the Harley write-up traces to "hare," and the Harley Coat smacks of the rabbit-using Cony Coat." The paragraph ended with: "I've already shown that Hare surnames link to Veres and Bellamy>Masseys."

I neglected to say that I had traced Conys to Cuneo (Piedmont) months/years ago, and that the Italian Masci surname was first found in Piedmont. Then, as per the Saylor/Sailer surname likely linking to the so-called "Sales of Mascy," it's conspicuous that this photo of four men at the headline, "Muslim American Society Holds News Conference On Ground Zero Mosque," includes both a Bray and Saylor surname. The Brays were traced to Bra of Cuneo.

On top of that, while a third surname is "Cruz," the Mascis/Mascys were in Cheshire, where the Creuse surname was first found. The Bray Coat looks like it uses the eagles' legs of the Cheshire Hixons. Again, the Sales/Sails were also first in Cheshire.

The fourth surname, Waskow, could be a Wass(a) variation, noting that Wassas were first in Cornwall. It was shown yesterday that the Sales/Sails should trace back to the Durance/Durantia-river, Salyes-branch Ligurians i.e. near Cuneo. That's an obvious pattern, and moreover it tends to jibe with my claim that Masseys were from Hagarites/Ishmaelites and/or other Arabs and even Muslims of north Africa.

The point is important for revealing an anti-Israeli Sionism of the Ishmaelite kind that I say was the guts of Templarism. I don't forget that the Temple surname was also first found in Cheshire, and that there were also so-called "Timplerley's of Mascy." Moreover, the Temple write-up tells of a manor of Temple in Leicestershire, the place that I say was founded by Ligurians.

There is definitely a pattern pointing to Cuneo. Again, the Italian Massi/Mattis surname was in Piedmont (= interior Liguria), and uses an eagle in the Temple-eagle colors, and meanwhile there is a Massino region in Piedmont that should connect with the Massin/Mason surname of Freemason-infested Kent. The Massi/Mattis Coat uses the blue-and-white Fer and Italian Fulk checks, which are the Cohen checks, a surname that I thought could link to "Cuneo." I trace the Fer/Ferrat surname to MontFERRAT, beside Cuneo, and meanwhile the similar "Ferte" (another eagle) surname is known to be an immediate root to the Mascys. Fer/Ferrats and Fertes are then traces to Veres, who lived with the Masseys/Maceys in Manche. If that's not a pattern...YES IT IS, and it's the Illuminati of the anti-Israeli kind because it belongs to a Westernized Ishmaelite/Arab bloodline and linked to Russo-Hyksos elements out of Rhodes.

Even the (Ares-based) Arphaxadites, treated earlier on this page, were from a city called, Arrapha or ARABkha.

As per yesterday's statement, "The Caruso Coat is in the gold-on-blue of the Massin/Mason Coat," I now add that the French Carre/Charais Coat is almost the Massi/Mattis Coat, and English Carres were first found in Kent (where Massins/Masons were first found)! The latter Coat uses red martlets identical to the Sullivan "robin," and MOREOVER the latter Carre Coat uses a black diagonal bar on white in the same direction as the black-on-white bar os the Sales Coat! That adds to the Sullivan=Salyes equation.

It's interesting as per yesterday's DeFoe topic that the Fers/Ferrats show a Dufer variation because it was discovered yesterday that entering "Duffus" brings up the DeFoe surname. Moreover. DeFoes were also DeFOURS, smacking of the Fers. Italian Fers use the Massin/Mason lion, and French Fers were first in Dol, Brittany, where the Stewarts crept out of that use the Fer checks too, and even use a Coat like the Massi-Mattis Coat. It's all fundamental to me by now: these are the snakes that must be avoided in the last days, reserved for Judgment because "Vengeance is Mine," says the Lord.

Yesterday, we saw the wolf design used by the Cunns. I did not show the Cunn Coat, however, but went to it only now due to seeking Cuneo-based clans. And indeed, Cunn variations include "Swan/Sweene/Queen." That should be a branch of the Swan/Sion clan with Mace/Macey-like Coat.

The wolf design of the Cunns was shown yesterday was per the Milner and Saylor Crests. Coincidence? No. Cunns/Swans were Ligurian elements from the Salyes Ligurians that must have gotten in with Cuneo elements.

Cunns were first in the Lewis part of Scotland where the McLeods were first found, and that suggests Harley links to the McLeod septs of Herods and Harolds. In fact, even as "Hurl" brings up the Harald/Herod Coat, so we see, in the list of McLeod septs, such Harley-like surnames as Harel, Harell, Harill, Harle, Herell, Hirrel, Horrel, Hurl and still others.

Harleys were first found in Shropshire=SALop, where I expect the Salyes Ligurians as they developed into the Sals/Sales/Sallys of Cheshire...beside Shropshire.

Yesterday saw evidence that Robinson Crusoe was part of this bloodline scheme. That recalls the thistle-using Robin surname that was linked to the Thistle (and similar Tuttle) surname. Thistles use a pheon, the lone symbol in the Sales Crest. The Tuttles, who use the Robin Shield in colors reversed, appear to be a branch of the Valais/Valois surname, and that gets us to the Valais canton once again where we expect Templar Sionists to have developed.

More and more the Valais/Sion link that was made to Savona Ligurians (years ago) appears to be to the Salyes in particular. For example, the Robin-Crest robin, is used (in a different design) by the SULLivan Crest. The latter were first in Tipperary, while the Tipper Coat shows a "robore" motto term; the Tipps Coat shows pheons, a symbol also of the Robin>Thistle-bloodline.

The Sullivan Coat uses a green snake around a sword, which was also a symbol of a Mackesy Coat. We then find the Mackesy/Margeson and Mackie/Mackey lion (English-Robert colors) in the French Roberre/Robert Coat, a surname said to be from a Herod-like "Hrod."

Then, we find the Robin chevron in the Rob Coat, but the latter also uses a stag design (almost) seen in the Sullivan Coat! That's new, and it supports the Sullivan-robin link to Robins. I don't think it's coincidence that the Robin motto uses "Vivit," while the Vivian/Vey Coat has a chevron in colors reversed to the Robin chevron.

As an aside while on the Vey surname, I'd like to mention the Norres surname, another McLeod sept. It uses the Mackie/Mackey raven (albeit this raven belongs to many; it was traced to Rhodians at Caria earlier in this update, even to Avvites of Apollo), and a FEYthfully" motto term. There is a Feythful surname in Norres colors using what I guess is a version of the Sinclair-Rus cross.

It turned out not to be an aside, for after writing the above, I thought to check some Defoe-like Vey terms, and came upon two Devey Coats. One is the French Vey Coat using cinquefoils (in Vaux colors), but cinquefoils are a symbol also in the Welsh DeVey Coat...using the Mackie/Mackey lion in the Chief! The Mackie/Mackey raven is all over Wales, in fact, and moreover I trace Morgan le Fay to the Glamorgan region of Wales.

Unfortunately, the description of the latter DeVey crest ( a white bird) is not given. It looks like the same "swan" of the English Ness/Nassi Coat. Then, Scottish Ness' (who use the Washington Shield, not forgetting that the Washington Chief uses stars in Sion/Wallis-star colors) were first if Fife, where the Vey surname traces.

NOW, again, the Vey surname should trace to Fey in the Vaud canton (Switzerland), near Morges. AND the DeVaud/DeVaux surname (linked yesterday to DeFoes) was traced to the Morges and fey entities for obvious reason, but was also traced on theoretical value to the Welsh Davids/Davis. Now we find that variations of the DeVey surname include "Davy/Davey/Devy." One sees that the Davids were Veys (and therefore Devauds), especially as the Deveys were first found in Cornwall, where the English Vey surname was first found.

The link of raven-using Mackies/Mackeys to the Veys is important where the Mackays were claimed (by me) to be raven-depicted vikings from Shetland, but then moving into Apollo-line (i.e. the founder of the mythical raven) Rothesay=Avalon (i.e. where Morgan le Fay ruled) as per historical documents telling so. Again, Dutch Veys use a boot, symbol of Bute=Rothesay, and the boot is also a symbol of French Masseys. German Roths use a raven too.

The question is, what came first, "David," or "Vey"-et-al.

If I recall correctly, Davidsons are a Mackay sept. I now see that Davidsons (first in Perth, where we expect Ishmaelites) use the same stag (and in the same color) as in the Rob/Hrod (and Sullivan) Coat. Sullivans had been traced to the Salyes Ligurians without much doubt in my mind.

Scottish Davidsons/Davysons use a "Sapienter" motto term, this being a chief piece of evidence that traces Davidsons to the Taffey clan and therefore to the Daffy/David surname of Wales/Cheshire. These Davidsons use a red stag, evoking the red Darby antelope below.

It's very surprising that the Roberts and Robins could actually be from the king-Herod bloodline. The Ropes/Roopes (Rhodian-colored lion again) could apply, and they use an antelope, symbol (in red) of the Derby/Darby surname. I said that because Ropers/Roopers were first found in Derbyshire (beside Salop and Cheshire).

The Rove surname? Ravens! Both the Roe and Rove/Roff/Ralph surnames was found in Norfolk. German Rovers use a Moor head. It could be that "Ralph" is a name that developed from Hrod(bert)>Robert>Rob>Rove>Ruff>Ralph.

Robinsons can be linked to a Wassa>Washington bloodline in "Wakefield." That is, Robinsons were "First found in Yorkshire, where a John Richard Robunson was on record in 1324 in the Court Rolls of the manor of Wakefield..." I don't know how hard that link to Wakefield is, but when I saw the Wake Coat, using what looks like a variation of the Washington Shield, it seemed reasonable to assume that the Wake surname is a hard-c Wassa variation. Wakes were first in Lincolnshire, and use roundels in the colors of the Rhode-surname roundels.

The Vicks/Vecks, in Wassa colors, were also first found in Lincolnshire, and German/Bavarian Wicks use a Zionist star (a Wassa symbol) in the colors of the Weis Zionist star. It seems very clear, therefore, that Wassas were wakes and Wicks/Vicks. I trace the latter term to "viking."

In fact, the Vesk and Levick variations of the Vicks suggests links to Wassa-colored Levesques/Levecque/Levek (Templar lamb), noting also that Sinclair vikings were at "Clai[r]-sur-Elle in La Manche and in St-Clair-L'Eveque in Calvados..." I trace "viking" to the Vexin in Normandy (though "Vexin" may not be the origin of the term).

NOW LOOK. The Welsh Davidsons were first in Yorkshire, where the Annabels/Hannibals were as per the Annes/Hannes. AND this Davidson Coat uses a stag in the position of the Annabel/Hannibal stag, while the Annabel Coat looks like an engrailed version of the Washington Shield.

THEN, as per the Dawyson variation of English Davidsons, we find that English and Irish Dawsons are in Davidson colors, but also Robin colors, which is said because English Davidsons use the Robin>Thistle pheons. English Dawsons also use red martlets that could connect with the red robin of the Robins (or Sullivans).

It's important that Robins were first in Peebleshire i.e. south side of Lothian where Sinclairs were first found, and that Sinclair vikings had a Robert name ruling Normandy.

When I saw the Dawson surname derived in "D'Oson," the Disney/D'Isney surname (first in Lincolnshire) came to mind. Not only does the Disney Crest use a red lion as per the Rhodian lion, but it's in the design of the "Jewish" Levy lion. Moreover, the Welsh David lion has a similar tail to, and is in the same colors, as the Levi lion.

The great thing about the above is that the same lion as used by the Levis had been found by the Pascal Coat, which uses also a Templar lamb as do the Levecques/Leveks. This suggests that the French Levis were Leveks, you see. But if true that Leveks were the same-colored Vicks/Vecks/LeVecks and Wakes, then the Levis were essentially the Wassa/Washington clan.

INDEED, see that the Vick/Veck write-up traces to Lincolnshire's "Henry le Euske," for that's an Euskal term if ever we saw one, and I had traced the Wassa/Gace/Gasche surname to Gascony, named after Euskals (= Basques). WOWSERS!! Washington is from Euskals as a certainty, and the Levis were, not from Jews, but from Euskals!! That in turn traces, I think, the Euskals to the Laevi and Anane, and Salyes, Gauls under Bellovesus.

The Wakes (with Washington-like Shield) use an "Ora" motto term, and while I resisted earlier to link it to the Orbys/Orbisons/Orrebey and Orrs of yesterday's topics, I happened to go to a browser -- just now -- that had the Orbys Coat open, and there in the top corner was the Pascal and Levi lion! The Orbys were, like both the Vicks/Vecks and Wakes, first in Lincolnshire!

The Orr/Ore Coat (Guiscard symbol) uses a roundel in the colors of the Rhodes-of-Lincolnshire roundels (see also German Rhode Coat), which is the colors of the Wake roundels! AND, Orrs are said to derive from "ora" (i.e. the Wake motto term)!!

LOOK OUT! HEART-POUNDING FRESH DISCOVERY AHEAD: The ORsons use the same saltire as the Annan(dale)s!!! Orson variations include: Orzans, Horsans, Aursans, Haursans and Horzans (Horites?).

The Italian Aurora/Orillia Coat shows Zionist stars in the colors of the Hagar(t) and Innes Zionist star', which are the colors of the Inneys...mentioned because the Annans are also "Inyaney/Innieney."

The English Orrell Coat? More red roundels, suggesting a match with the Orrs/Ores. This time, the Orrell surname is traced to iron "ore."

Back to the Orby surname, what came to mind was the "corban" term used by Pharisees to denote their manmade tradition(s). The Corban/Corbett Coat uses a raven, while the Crest is an elephant. the motto includes "pascit," perhaps code for the Pascals...and their Levi lion.

Like the Annans, the Corrs/Corys were first found in DUMfriesshire. I recall tracing "Corie," a term in the founding of "Leicester," to Ligurians. The Cory term was traced to Ireland's Cork, and so we find that the Cork surname was first found in Cornwall, a place that is now suspect as having Carian roots. Irish Corleys (an Orrell-like term) use red cinquefoils, a symbol of Leicester.

The Corks are also "Coch," and so we find that the Cocks/Kokes (Sinclair rooster) were likewise first in Cornwall. Mythical CYCnus comes to mind, and the red and white diamonds of the Cocks/Kokes are a symbol (in different sizes) of the Ligurian Grimaldis. I don't forget the proposed trace to Ligurians to Lycians of the Caria theater.

AND LOOK. I found the last exercise above a little shaky and perhaps unmerited for inclusion here, but at the end of it, "Cocker" was entered to find nearly the Sales Coat!!! The exclamation marks are for evidence of what was proposed earlier today, that the Sion swan line links fundamentally to Salyes Ligurians (Cycnus was a swan!).

The Cockers were first found in Norfolk, where the Carusos/Crusoes were first found. Also, as per an idea that occurred a few months ago, that the rooster was linked to the Crow surname, the Crows were likewise first found in Norfolk. The Crow Coat uses three roosters, and they happen to be the same design as the three Cock roosters!

Yes, I do trace the rooster/chicken also to the Galli, but the Galli were found in Caria and Rhodes. These were, I theorize, the Laevi-Gaul priesthood that formed the killers of Jesus on the morning that the cock crowed three times.

It's amazing that last night I was reading the 13th chapter of John, where the last verse mentions that very crowing. I stopped reading at that very verse. Was Jesus referring secretly to the Cycnus dragon cult, even the Gogi that would fight him in the end times?

AFTER WRITING THAT, it entered my mind to check for a Carrow surname (first found in Cornwall), and there were black lions very much like the black Levi lions. The tail in the Carrow case looks more like the one in the Welsh David Coat.

Then, as per the Carrott variation of the Carrows, I checked for links to the Carthage-like Cart surname, and was reminded that the Cart Coat uses a saltire like the Annan(dale) Coat!!! This is NOT hocus-pocus from Tribwatch. It's the reality. So many different routes to traces to the Ananes and Laevis, exactly when expected, can't be coincidences. Cards were first found in Cornwall too.

Some Russians are thinking to do away with the bear:

A Just Russia is considering adopting the endangered Siberian tiger as its symbol as it steps up its fight to dislodge United Russia -- which uses the bear -- from its pedestal as the party of power in upcoming State Duma elections.

...[Dmitry] Gudkov said the Siberian tiger is one of several options under consideration, and the left-leaning, pro-Kremlin party would make a final decision at a summer conference. He did not identify other proposals.

...Many party members were surprised by the decision to look for a symbol, and there is doubt that even a tiger -- an animal favored by Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, who received a cub for one of his birthdays -- could help the party compete against United Russia in December elections, a party staffer told The Moscow Times.

...'Since Prime Minister Putin has taken tigers under his personal control, this topic has become fashionable and A Just Russia is trying to use it,' Timur Prokopenko, leader of Young Guard, a United Russia youth movement, said in a statement [yesterday].

It's no surprise that the Bush administration spied on Israel's ability for military prowess against Palestinian factions. One could get the impression that Bush and Rice were untrusting of Israel's attitude toward the "peace process."

The Welsh Rice surname: ravens. That indicates a Rice=Rus equation. The "Secret et hardi" motto could link to Hardeys, who use the Sillivan boar in Rice colors.


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