Previous Update: October 11 - 14

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October 15 - 17, 2010

October 16 -- 17

October 15

If you missed yesterday's Iraq news, you might like to have a read as it looks like a tempestuous storm developing.

As the Wolfleys/Wolleys of Cheshire are said to have "held a family seat in Longdendale," let me share what Pots sent along:

"The earliest documentary recorded evidence for Timperley occurs in two documents of 1211 and 12 34, when Walter de Timperleie...he might also have been the father or grandfather of Sir John (Mascy) de Timperlegh, Barfoot, and Longendale. The de Mascys of Timperley are generally thought to have descended from the Macys of Sale, but there is no mention of Walter in the Sale pedigree. Nor is it clear where Barfoot and Longendale belong in the history of the 13th century."

(Chapter 4: Timperley Hall; by Pat Faulkner)

Sir John Mascy married an Alice, if that helps to show that "Alice" was a favorite name of the Meschins.

You may realize that I'm entering the Wolfleys here because Obama's ancestry has a Wolflin surname from Germany that was changed to Wolfley, and because I trace Obama's mother's Dunham surname to Dunham Mascy. I assumed that Wolfleys were connected to the Mascys of Dunham Mascy therefore, and the quote above is potential evidence for that link.

Templars originated officially about 1100 AD, and it could be that Timperleys and Temples of Cheshire were named after them rather than vide versa. The page ends by showing what could be "the first documentary evidence that the Timperley hall moiety was held from the Mascys of Tatton and not directly from the Dunham Mascy barony," which in my mind traces to the Dido-Carthaginians. We are about to see the Carthaginians again below.

There is a Barfoot Coat with write-up tracing to "barefoot," but I can't agree with that, even thought "Barefoot" is one variation shown. The Barfoots were at the battle of Hastings (1066).

The Barfoot Crest stag is a common one in my topics, but whenever it comes up, I can never recall where I had seen it before. The surname is said to have been first found in Hants, and while the Hants page was loading, I realized that they had to be the Hand surname, first found in Cheshire, a surname that I equated with the Hanna/Hanneth family from Hannibal Carthiginians/Berbers. Sure enough, it did turn out to be the Hand surname, using the Barfoot stag, apparently, but in a different position. The Hanna Coat uses stag heads in Hand/Hants-Shield colors.

The Hanna stag has a bell around it's neck," which may be the undecipherable object seen around the Barfoot stag's neck. This could be code for Bells/Bellamys...whom I've yet to trace to north Africa. The Hants are said to have been in Britain before the arrival of the Conqueror, and the Hannas use "arda" and "alta" in their motto, the latter term likely code for the Mauds/Monaltos of Cheshire.

As I trace Stewarts to the Massi/Matt family of Italy, the Mauds may apply. The ENGLISH Maud lion is in the colors of the ENGLISH Stewarts, and there in the Stewart Crest is the same stag, apparently.

The same Faulkner page says that Mascy barons of Dunham Mascy owned Backford/Bakford manner, and that they settled their Mascy kin of Sale upon it. It says that "Sir Hamon de Mascy of Backford married who had married MAThilda, daughter of Sir William de Mascy of Timperlegh." Is that a little example of the too-close intermarriages that I imagine/claim for these families?

There is a Sale Coat, surname first found in Cheshire. It uses what should be a variation of the Bonnie/Bonnet Coat (surname of Ligurian descent), itself a variation of the Italian/Ligurian Masci Coat. The Sale fleur-de-lys are in colors reversed to the fleur of the Banister Coat (I traced Meschin-related Banisters to the Bonnes yesterday). As the Banes and Banisters are linked (by me) to Lancelot, it's conspicuous that Pendragons use fleur-de-lys in the SALe colors. I remember that I trace the Arthurian cult to SALop, and that Richard Banister is said in the Meschin write-up to be from Shropshire=Salop. It wasn't too long ago that I traced the Sal surname to "Salop," and I learned just this minute that it's the Sale surname!

I tried to find the Sal quote just now but ended up finding a mention of the Sal Coat in the 7th update of May, where this was written:

Recalling earlier in this update page that the Nieve/Nevay Coat uses white fleur-de-lys on black, I should add that the same is used in the Sal /Salle Coat, mentioned because the Gore Coat uses "Sola salus" as a motto phrase, while the Nieve/Nevay motto uses "Sola" as a motto term. "

The following seems amazing. First, the English Gore Coat uses the same crosses, in the same colors, as the Basson/Bassen Coat (yesterday's topic, where it was discovered to be a Bogen-of-Bavaria variation). The Basson Coat uses greyhounds, as does the French/Normandy Gore/Jore Coat! (The latter surname is said to be from "George"). The English Gore motto uses "servire" after it's "Sola salus," and I suspect that to be code for Serbs/Sorbs of Poland/Lusatia, who I think were Slavs, which I point out because I've traced "Salop" to "Slav."

Al Gore traces to the Bassons of Haddington, and no doubt to the Bessin of Normandy. But I trace greyhounds now to the Graeae Amazons/Gorgons of north-Africa. The gold collar on the Basson greyhounds could be the same as the gold collar on the Hanna stag, recalling from yesterday that the Collar Coat uses Moor heads.

The English George Coat is in Hanna-stag colors. The Belgian George Coat adds scallops in Gore colors. The "Yerkes" variation in the latter clan evokes Maurice Drummond, son of George, son of king Andrew of Hungary, for Maurice was also styled, "Marot de Yorvik." I claimed that the Scottish flag was named after Andrew's line to George and/or Maurice, and I've already mentioned that the Belgian George Coat uses half the Scottish flag! Thus, the Gores appear to be from the Drummond-proper fold.

The German George page shows "Gorgen and Gurganus variations, suggesting roots in the greyhound-depicted Gorgon Medusa, sisters to the Graeae. The German George Coat uses colors seen in the Clapton Coat (surname first in Cheshire, beside Salop), another surname that I trace to "Salop" and to "Slav."

After writing the above quote from the May update, I added that the Sal Coat looks much like the Bee Coat, the Shield of which looks like the Massey Shield but is more-likely linked directly to the Say Shield (!), suggesting that Mascys of Sal/Sale were Says and therefore Seatons/Saytons. The Says were first in Shropshire (where Sals were first!), and the Seatons were first in East Lothian, where Haddington is located (i.e. where the Bassons were first). As Bassons have just been linked to Gores, the Gore write-up's claim that it was a Flemish surname jibes with the Seaton double border that is known to belong to the Flemings.

AND, I wasn't going to mention it until now for lack of evidence; the wolf (in Bellamy colors) of the Clapton Crest looks like the wolf of the German Fleming Coat. I've traced Flemings to TanSYLVania, named after Slavs in my opinion, and I've linked "Sylvan" to certain Sola-like surnames, such as "Sulcis>Silesia."

It occurs to me now that the "deeds shaw" motto phrase of the Scottish Flemings could be code for the Dido Carthaginians, for "Deed" brings up the Dade Coat (garbs in Gore colors) shown recently in the Dido discussion. The garbs could be evidence of a link to Tattons/Duttons of Cheshire's Mascy clan.

Going back to the Backford/Bakford manor, one sees possible links to the Bogans>Bassens and Bagg surnames such as the Baggaleghs/Baggaleys of the Mascy fold. I note right off that the ram head in the Baggaley Crest is in the colors of the Clapton and Fleming wolves; Scottish Flemings use a goat head for a Crest. The Baggaley diamonds are "lozenges" (see yesterday) and in the color of the Bavarian/Bogen lozenges.

We're wondering whether the wolf above links to "Wolfley," and certainly one can link tentatively to the wolf used by Hugh Lupus (earl in Cheshire's capital before the earldom went to his nephew, Ranulph le Meschin). The evidence below of a Wolfley link to Bagg clans may suggest that the Baggaley ram (and the Fleming goat) link to the "Wooley" (said to be from "wool") variation of the Wolfleys...of Longdendale.

The English Back/Bak Coat uses the same black eagle as the two-headed one in theLongden Coat. The Bach surname is evoked, recalling that German Bachs (coat in German-Fleming colors) use German Bauer and Italian Masci wings. But the Welsh Bachs/Baghs use the same bell design, in the same colors, as the Irish Flemings...AND the same bell pattern is used by the WittelsBACH Coat, meaning that the bell pattern connects to the same-colored Bavarian lozenges known to belong to Wittelsbachs! The checks in that Fleming Chief are used also by the Vaux clan, who I link to Fulks and Foxes=Fuggers=Bogens. .

For new readers, Templars were highly concentrated in Flemings, and the fact that I'm discovering the same for the Bellamy clans to the Mascys suggests that the bell pattern of the Flemings is symbol for "Bellamy," a term that I've traced to "Fleming/Vlaam." The Fleming wolf is in Bellamy-Shield colors.

I entered "Balk" earlier this morning seeking Back/Bak links to Fulks, but thought I had found nothing to say. But now I realize that the Balk bar is "engrailed," as is the bar of the Sale/Sal Coat. PLUS, the Balk bar has pheons, the symbol of the Sale/Sal Crest! Balk variations include Bellch, Belch, etc.

In another page on Timperley, Pat Faulkner writes that Roger Dutton held Timperley from Richard de Mascy of Tatton, and that Roger's two daughters (the second one named Alice) married Baggaleghs and Bulkeleys respectively. I glean that the latter surname is to be understood, not as Bulkel-ey, but as Bulk-legh, and therefore it shows that the Balk surname was linked indeed to the Mascy fold. As Baggaleghs are from Bogens of Bavaria, so too the Bulks are suspect, and even the writer, Pat FAULKner, should trace there, and to the Bulks.

For further investigation, see the Maryton origin of Faulkners, and the Moor-like Maryton/MERITon Coat with GREEN roses (very uncommon rose color but it's the color of north-Africa). The Faulkner heart is likely the Douglas heart, and Douglas' (use Moray stars, from Transylvanian Marit-named Khazars)) were close to the Biggar-branch Flemings. The Biggar Coat also uses half the Scottish flag -- i.e. suggesting links to Belgian Georges>Drummonds>Hungarians -- and it's the Biggars who first tipped me off of a Fleming trace to Transylvania, at Biharia near the Hungarian border and off the Mures/Maros river (where lived the Marit-named Khazars).

"Bigger," and their Byg variation, smack of Bagg-like surnames, and even of the Fugger>Bogan clan, which could reveal that Bogens of BAVARIA were from BIHARIA's Khazars/Kabars, which works very well with a trace of Bauers>Rothschilds to Khazars. That is actually a windfall, for as Bavarians were founded by a Baia peoples, why couldn't the Baia (who founded the Bessin too!) have been from "Biha(ria)"? It's a rainstorm, for it tends to agree with the very recent trace of Bessin-like surnames to "Bogen."

On the Bulkeley above (William) who married Alice Dutton de Mascy, we read that she was "was either the sister of daughter of Nicholas Whatcroft..." That means that WHATcrofts were Duttons and/or Mascys. There is a What/Whadcote surname using pheasant-like birds on a green Shield, birds that I trace to "Besant" and possibly "Bessin." But pheasants were named after Phasis, in golden-fleece Georgia, home of the Gorgons/Gargarians...that I think provided the north-African Gorgons. George DRUMmond is traced by me to Amazons on the THERModon, smack next to the Gargarians. One can therefore suspect that George was named after Georgian elements, and derived from Gorgons of north-Africa.

The Whats could be a Watt, Wyatt, White, or WittelsBACH branch (the latter surname used the Bogan lozenges and passed them off to the Arms of Bavaria). The English Witten Coat (owl in Crest) uses gold "besants" (with what could be the Banister water bouget).

I recall making links between Scheyern (Bavarian origin of Wittelsbachs) and the Nahorites/Danaans of the Nurburg theater's Euskirchen region, the region that uses a dancetty chevron like the one in the Wyatt Coat. The Wyatts (arrow in Crest could be the Bogen/Bauer arrow), furthermore, use black-on-white fleur-de-lys, colors of the Pendragon-et-al fleur, making it suspect that the Whatcrofts ("witchcraft"?) belonged to the all-seeing eye of the Watts, whom I trace without doubts to the Uat/Buto cult of Nile-river Nahorites/Dananns/Chemmites.

The Euskirchen article mentions the city of Bonn (I'm thinking the Bonne surname that was found in the first place by the motto term of the Tain/Botville-branch Nahorites), and the Arms of Bonne uses a black-on-white cross (Euskirchen also uses such a cross), colors reversed from the cross in the English Merit/Morit Coat (the latter uses black-on-white fleur in the Chief!). The significance here is that the Bulkeleys married Whatcrofts, while I think Bulkeleys were Faulkners, while Faulkners were from the MERITon entity. One might forego a Merit link to "Meriton" because the latter could be understood as Meri-town, but on the other hand, both Merits and Meritons were first found in Durham. The "Duriora" motto term of the Wyatts may be code for Durham.

Bonn was the home of a Ubii peoples among an Eburones peoples, Belgics. "The names of their kings, such as AMBiorix and CatuVOLCUS... " (caps mine). I identify Eburones as a branch of Eburovices, the same that founded york. They lived beside the Catti of Hesse, if that helps to make a Bonn-peoples trace to Cheshire's families. I traced Hugh Lupus D'Avranches (of Cheshire) to Eburovices of Evreux, but "AVRANches" seems more like "EBURONe." The city of Bonn also uses a gold lion on red, the color of the ABREU lion...that I trace to the Arms of Normandy and to the Eburovices of EVREUx (Normandy). And remember, the Bonne Coat has been traced (by me) to Bellamys, and Bellamys to Belgics, and especially to Flanders of Belgium, founded by Flemings.

The statue of AMBiorex (at the Eburones article above) shows him with an axe, a symbol I trace to the Nile-river Hyksos, which works because the Uat/Buto cult was central to the Hyksos, and because I traced the Uat/Buto Chemmites to CAMP/CAMB-like entities.

If one knows my deciphering of Flintstone codes, he/she knows that I trace them from north-African Berbers/Carthaginians to both Flanders/Flemings and to Brunswick>Bernicians. I had realized not many months ago that "Avranches' was from "Bryneich," home of the Bernicians. But Bernicians smack of Eburones too, and possibly the latter were responsible for the bear symbol of Bernicians (and Berwickshire ("Bear-viking"?), and the Arthur surname first found in Berwickshire)...that ended up as the harnessed bear in Mackay and Macey Coats.

The Barfoot surname (from Hands/Hants) could certainly apply to that bear line. I suggest Barfoot trace to the bear-using Bahrs/Bars of Lower Saxony, where Brunswick is found, and not far from the Eburones. The capital of Lower Saxony, Hanover, uses a gold lion on red too, but also use (green, but perhaps also black) roundels, a symbol on the Barfoot Coat.

As further evidence of a Bonne-surname trace to Eburones of Bonn and/or Brunswick, compare the Bonne Coat to the Bruno Coat, the latter term thought to have been the origin of "Brunswick" (Bruno's vikings?). The Bruno Coat is not only in the colors of the Mackay/Masci-like English Brown Coat, but the Brown motto uses "Floreat," apparently a code for mythical Flora, goddess of Florence, for the Bruno surname was first in Florence!!! Exclamation marks usually mean that I don't recall making such an important solid link, not necessarily meaning that I didn't make the links before, somewhere in my forgotten past. Browns were first in CUMBERland.

I have a hunch that the Barfoot roundels trace to those of Fichtenburg, which uses the pine tree of the French Fichtens, said to be from Bavaria and Franconia. The nine fruits on the green mound under the Fichten pine is seen also under the brown bear of the German Bair/Bayern/Bavaria Coat. It's all a definite family match, suggesting that Barfoots of the Mascy clan trace, as in other Mascy entities, to the guts of Bavaria.

Pat Faulkner writes that Riddings Hall is 1.5 miles north of Timperley Hall. I did not record the surname using three boars seen earlier this morning (you may have come across it), which is what the Riddings Coat uses. The boar is a Vere symbol in blue, which plays into the below trace of Riddings to blue Wrights

Wrights were first in Berwickshire, and their Stewart-like Coat uses "MERITez" for a motto (and checks in Wright colors). I had linked the Faulkners and Balks to Merit elements above, wherefore I should mention that the blue bars of the Balk Coat could be those of the English Wrights. Obama once loved a reverend Wright, enough to attend his church for some two decades.

The point is that Wrights could have been Riddings, wherefore Wrights could have been linked to Timperley, Barfoot, and Longendale (the latter was abided by, and possibly controlled, by Wolfleys). The Wright-Up says that Wrights were Fabers, and the German Fabers (in Wright blue and white) were first in Bavaria. "Faber" smacks of "Bavaria," the colors of which are also blue and white.

The same-colored English Fabers were first in Suffolk, which evokes Pat Faulkner writing that the son (John) of Sir John de Mascy of Timperley went to make his fortunes in Suffolk. The latter Faber Coat uses gold roundels i.e. "besants," which could link to the Basson/Bassen Coat because it uses the same crosses as in the Faber Coat.

Interestingly, the Italian Fabers were first in Modena/Mutina, and, as these Fabers once again use the same blue and white colors, the Wright and Stewart checks (in the same colors) could link to the French/Brittany Fer Coat, nothing but blue and white checks. In other words, "Faber" appear to have been a "Fer" variation, especially as I trace Fers/Veres to Modena...because I think it was named after the Mitanni that Veres descended from. How does Nicholas de Vere know that his surname descended from Mitanni? Possibly, from the knowledge of some that the Mitanni named Modena.

If we're getting the impression that Fers and Wrights were Stewarts, it should be better said that they were from the Italian Massi/Mattis (not likely "Matthew" originally, but from Mitanni elements in Messina) and Italian Fulk families. The latter two use the same eagle, apparently, possibly the eagle (in the same colors) of the Temple Coat (surname first in Cheshire and therefore likely linked to Timperley). The Ready Coat (swans) is in the same Wright/Faber colors

The Read/Reed Coat (smacking of the Reading variation of the Riddings) uses garbs (Cheshire symbols) and a "Pax copia" motto term that should link to the Copia term in the Arms of Macclesfield (Cheshire). The Reads were from Rede in Suffolk, suggesting that Ridding-branch Mascys from Timperley were in Rede.

The Welsh David/Davis Coat uses "Pax in Copia," and I think Obama's true father was the communist, Frank Marshall Davis.

This is quite staggering, that while I'm trying to find Obama links to Timperleys, above and beyond his mother's trace to Mascys of Timperley, Obama's father now traces there too. The Welsh David/Davis family was first found in Cheshire, in fact.

We saw the Read/Reed Crest eagle in the Chalmers and Eskibel Coats yesterday, and as Chalmers were linked to Lincoln, I'd say that Reads/Reeds and Riddings were Rhodians from the Rhodes family of Lincolnshire, where Ranulph le Meschin found his Talbot-surnamed wife. I traced "Talbot" to Seleucus-like terms, and they in turn to dark/wicked Telchines of Rhodes. Chalmers were also "CHAMBers," and yesterday's topic traced Chalmers to key Templar/Arthurian entities from CHAMPagne.

The Chalmers write-up: "First found in Denbighshire, where they held lands at Llewenne, granted to John de Chambre from the Earl of Lincoln, who was Constable of Chester." There's the Cheshire/Meschin link.

The Chamber Crest uses another pheasant-like cock. It's a blue peacock, a symbol that I trace to Sintians of northern Colchis (jibing with known "pheasant" origins in "Phasis") , and to Piast Poles. The Peacock surname, for example, a sept of the Maxwells and Pollocks, uses the blue Indian peacock (and mascles). Pollocks and Speers were both first in Renfrewshire, and that should explain the "Spero" motto of the Scottish Chalmers/Chambers. These clans appear to be related to the Meschin's king Mieszko bloodline, known to be from Sardinia and therefore, in my guess-timation, from Seleucid entities in Sulcis (Sardinia).

Possibly, as I trace Sulcus elements to Mieszko's Silesian entities, the Sal/Sale-branch Mascys were from those Silesian entities. After all, I do trace "Salop" to Slavs and "Shropshire" to Sorbs, who did live in Silesia. Pollocks were also first in Shropshire before moving to Scotland. And Meschins were first in Shropshire. Either the world of coincidences is making a fool of me, or I'm telling the truth here. I did trace the Cheshire "garb" to Garebites, and the Sorbs/Serbs and Croats/KRVats were traced to Gareb too. I found recently that Talbots were "Talvos," likely a T-version "Slav" or "Salop," for Talbots were first in Shropshire. I would guess that, since Stewarts were also first in Shropshire, the red-on-white lion of the Talbots was that of the Stewarts too.

These were the heart of the Templars, apparently, from ancient, pre-Israeli Jerusalem. This is why they invaded and conquered Jerusalem, not for the sake of Jews or Israelites, whom they killed on the way, but for their bloodline history at Gareb, Moriah, Zion, Acra, and other hills/valleys at/near Jerusalem.

Pat Faulkner, on yet another page, says that "Alice de Mascy married Sir William Stanley of Storeton (Stourton) in Wirral. " They look like Stewarts to me. But the Store surname (stork for a symbol) shows a Stury variation smacking of the Massey-colored Stur/Stower/Easter/Esturmy-branch Stewarts, from Manche where Masseys were from.

It is hard to make a distinction there between Veres, Masseys, and Sturs of Manche. It should explain why Thomas de Ferrer was made the Justice of Chester, and why Ferrers were high-up in other Chester-earldom affairs. Veres of Chester elements en-route to Thomas Randolph of Moray liked the name, "Thomas."

Recalling the gleaned link of the Barfoot Mascys to the Bahrs/Bars of Lower Saxony, I now find that the English Esturmy Crest uses the Bahr bear exactly. Langdons use bears in the same colors.

AND, as Pat Faulkner lumped Barfoot with Longendale, see the Pascal lamb in the Irish Longen/Langen Crest! That lamb is used by the Pascal surname that I have traced solidly to the Sturs/Easters/ of Hampshire.

I also see that the Longford Coat is an apparent variation of the French Stur/Esturmy Coat.

The Ferrer write-up tells they were from lords of Longueville, which could Verey-possibly apply to Cheshire's Londendale. There are two Longville Coats, the French one in Vere colors. The English one uses a dancetty chevron, and the Coat smacks of the Randolph/Ruther Coat of Moray.

Did Veres start the Thomas surname? This English Thomas surname (from a Bessin/Bayeux bloodline) could apply to Veres. The surname was in HAMPtonshire, on the Thames in London. German Thomas' were first in Bavaria...and use a Stur-like Shield. This apparent link of Veres to Bavaria recalls the beaver of the Oxford Veres, not to mention that Oxford was likewise on the Thames. The German Thomas Coat is like that of the English Stur/Easter surname of HAMPshire.

I just learned that Hampshire was for centuries "Hantscire," reflecting the Hants/Hands of Cheshire. Apparently, Hantscire was named after Hants county. The Hants term came up for the first time today because it's where Barfoot Mascys -- or perhaps just the Barfoots -- were from.

I'll get the news tomorrow. The talk today is Ahmadinejad's visit to Lebanon and his threat to annihilate Zionists, which may not be aimed at Israelis only.

October 16

After finding good evidence (which I won't get into here) that, in the beginning, "Paphlagonia" and "Pamphylia" were the P-less entities of "Apollo" and mythical "Amphilocus," it behooves me to remove Ps from Paphlagonian-related entities to see what they might have been in the beginning. For example, "Paphos," son of Aphrodite and Pygmalion, becomes "Aphos," apparently undressing Paphos as Aphrodite herself (i.e. the city was named after a short for Aphrodite). The point is, "Pygmal-ion" becomes too much like "Ishmal-ion" to ignore, especially as I have recently traced Masseys to the Pygmalion>Dido line of Tyrians. For, I have suggested on quite a few occasions, by other gleanings, that Masseys were Ishmaelites, at least on their non-Amazon side

I think I'm about to break the Massey nut wide open this morning; they were the metal makers on Lemnos -- the Aphrodite and Hephaestus marriage -- and leading to the iron workers -- Ferrers/Ferraris/Fers -- of Venetian Italy, and spreading along the Po river. This was Vulcan in Italy, the likely root of "Fulk/Faulk/Falk" It works excellently where Veres of Anjou were Fulks of Anjou.

The reason that the Lemnos nut is being broken wide open is that a realization occurred to me this morning as I asked myself (while still in bed where I conduct preliminary thoughts), how could the Hants of Hampshire have been related to Abkhazia in north-western Caucasia (Tanais area)? For, I had years ago traced the red hand of Ireland to the Abkhazia theater, and the Hants/Hands surname discussed yesterday uses red hands.

By the time that I asked the question, I had already realized (also while in bed) that the Hants were a Heneti branch (!!), supporting my trace of the Pelops>Atreus Heneti to the Atrebates of Hampshire, wherefore the Heneti, depicted by mythical ANTenor, had a branch in Hants county, southern Hampshire. Remember, the Atreus character was depicted in myth with a golden lamb, and the golden fleece was the Pelops Heneti (the proto-Lydians), while the Easters (linked to Ferrers/Veres yesterday) were first in Hampshire.

Then it hit me. The Sinti/Sindi(ans) of north-western Caucasia/Abkhazia must have been the red hand of Ireland, for as I discovered once that the Heneti were responsible for naming "Genetes" (Amazon-Gargarian theater near the Thermodon), so the latter term, when fronted with a soft-c, becomes Sinti-like. The Sintians were Heneti!

Quite a few things struck me at this point, including the Sinti trace that others make to the Indus valley, Pakistan, meaning that "India" was itself named after a variation of "Heneti." But at this point, it became a no-brainer to trace Aphrodite to the Sintians of Lemnos, for she became the Roman Venus (= code for the Veneti) , because she was the Heneti line to the Veneti. And with Aphrodite representing the Sintians of Lemnos, Hephaestus likely represented the Amazons of Lemnos, but in any case, the Masseys/Veres et-al were just that Sintian-Amazon mix that was on Lemnos...and no doubt elsewhere.

What the above does is to make a fundamental link of Ishmaelites -- if Pygmalian depicted them -- to the Aphrodite Heneti, and therefore to the Anat cult at the root of the Heneti. One then has reason, as per my trace of PygMALion to Mali, for example, to identify Ishmaelites with meli (= honey) entities such as Melia, goddess on Boiotia. Certainly, the Boiotians could have become the Boii/Bohemians to which the Bessin and Bavaria trace back to.

AMALthea of Crete, a bee goddess, could have depicted IshMAELlites (though in the past I traced her to AMALekites). Interestingly, Amalthea was both a bee goddess and a goat goddess, the goat cult of Edom being traced (by me), on independent grounds, to Ishmaelites.

The Sinti migration both to Europe and India evokes the HEPHthalite Hebrews, thought to have been a branch of Avars. That in turn evokes the Manda-branch Avars that did in fact go east from Caucasia, but also West as the Everes>Tiresias>Manto/Daphne cult Hyksos. Aphrodite was herself the Anat-branch Hyksos, thus making HEPHaestus suspect as a branch of the HEPHthalite Avars. I naturally connected the red hand of Ireland to the Iberi of the Abkhaz theater, for the Irish trace themselves to "Heber" elements....out of Miletus. In fact, there were Miletian colonies in Abkhazia.

There is every reason to connect Hephaestus to the axe symbol because myth writers gave him "Aix/Aex" terms (they are difficult to find online) that no doubt became the "Aes" in "Aestus." Moreover, as the axe was a Cretan symbol, so the Hephaestus cult was on Crete, and likely named the Cretan city of Phaistos.

We saw yesterday that the Eburones used an axe symbol, and I do trace Eburones, even as I trace Eburovices, to the Aphrodite cult as it evolved into the Abreu>Abruzzo family out of Padua/Padova (Venetia).

Still before getting out of bed (contrary to what you might think, these thoughts are usually easy on my mind and a little entertaining too), I realized that the Daphne dolphin symbol (code for her cult at Delphi), used in the Arms of Dauphine (France), for example, was code for the particular Tyrians that her father, TIRESias, was named after. For another dolphin was used to depict Taras, son of Poseidon. That Taras dolphin is in the Arms of Taranto (southern Italy).

I was on that dolphin topic after asking myself whether "PORPoise" was a symbol for porphyry, the disease is named after the Greek for "purple.". I concluded that it was not likely the case, but rather the purple color of Tyre seemed more-likely to be at play. Madeira, a Portuguese island to which some Abreu families migrated, was first called, Purple, and for that reason some believe that it was founded by Tyrians/Phoenicians.

I had noted some dolphins with such a subtle purple tinge, for example the Reagan Coat dolphins, that it smacked of the purple urine that named porphyry. The same dolphins are found in the Durham-surname Crest. Durham was ruled by Meschins, and so we see a Meschin-like Shield in the dolphin-using Marley Coat (surname first in Cheshire). It is then quite conspicuous that purple-lion Skiptons (Yorkshire), who were merged with Meschins in the Durham theater, were traced recently to Shipton/Sheepton-related Damory/Marisco Drummonds, for it appears that Marleys were just those Drummonds.

The Dauphine dolphin is blue, but some porphyry experts insist that "blue blood" was code for the disease. Then, as Daphne was a fundamental Hyksos peoples, so there is the suggestion I made not long ago that heraldic blue, called "cyan," was named after the Exodus pharaoh, the Hyksos king, Khyan. Khyan ruled after Apophis, who could have been at the root of "Paphos." One can even see that the latter two terms could have been "porpoise"-like.

Therefore, the purple disease might go back a long way to the Hyksos that came to rule Tyre, and who knows but that the purple dye of Phoenicia (the Revelation purple/scarlet alludes to Satanic Tyrians) was manufactured just because purple was the favorite color of the Hyksos. It seems a stretch to conclude that Khyan-branch Hyksos liked purple because their children regularly popped up with a purple tinge in their urine, or perhaps in their skin/arteries, but for now the theory will be established in my mind.

The city of Chester ruled by Meschins, though first by Avranches, was called Deva, by what I've insisted was the Daphne cult, for DAVENports were large in Cheshire too. And I've shown that Davenports use the same black crosslet as the Hanna/Hanneth (linked to Hants-Heneti, in my opinion) Crest. It's not hard to link Daphne to the Heneti, for her father was alternatively, Ladon -- the Lydians -- while Pelops ruled Lydians from the city of Eneti.

The suspicion, therefore, is that the purple dolphin of Taras and Tiresias bloodlines traces to the Pygmalion Tyrians, and where I trace those Tyrians to Mali-based Moors/Mauritanians/Tuaregs that are then traced to Malahule, son of Eystein, it's very conspicuous that Eystein had another son, RAGNvald, smacking of the Reagan dolphin. The porphyry victim who wrote to me, who has a Tuttle bloodline that I have just traced to Pygmalion>Dido, insisted that the disease came from the Rollo bloodline somehow (she had not read any of my writings when she was led to that conclusion, and frankly I knew practically nothing by which to help her, accept that I conjectured a Varangian-Rus base for the disease, likely from the Kiev Varangians merged with purple-loving Byzantines.

As I showed that Tuaregs were also in Mali among the Mande-branch peoples, there is a good chance that Tuareg Amazons were an Everes>Tiresias-Manto bloodline to Mantua, next to MILan and not far from Turin. Turin gets us smack beside Dauphine.

Yes, I did trace Ragnvald to elements of Rhegan on the Mures/Maros river (Transylvania), but that river was traced to the Maritsa -- otherwise the Hebros -- named after Aphrodite-Hyksos Hebrews in my strong opinion.

An amazing realization just occurred after writing the above paragraph, as I tried to understand how the new realization of moments ago carried over to the Hebros. That is, if the Daphne porpoise traces to Hyksos king, Apophis, where was his cult on the Hebros? I took the first P off of "Apophis," and simultaneously sought a porpoise-like term, and got "Orpheus." It works incredibly well, as I'll explain NOW. I hope that all porphyry hunters are reading.

It's known that Orpheus' head floated down the Hebros to Lesbos, and I have shown that this myth refers to Lapiths on Lesbos, I made that link long before I knew that there was a Lapithos on Cyprus (that island being where Paphos is located). The idea that Orpheus was a Lapith peoples on the Hebros jibes excellently with Ixion, a Lapith king, for he was code for Kikons, who were mythically the brother of Hebros, himself code for the Hebros river. The point is, I trace Ixion to "HYKsos," not to mention that "IX-ion" seems like the Aik terms applied to the Hephaestus cult. In other words, Orpheus was a Hyksos peoples who could therefore trace to Apophis-branch Hyksos.

The next thought was that I had traced Orpheus to the Hungarian Arpads, for the father of Orpheus was Oeagrus, smacking of the Ugrian root of the Arpads, while the father of Oeagrus was Charops (sometimes "Tharops"), smacking of the Carpae/Arpii founders of the Carpathian mountains (where the Mures flowed), who I trace to "Arpad." That thought was important because Emailer Pollock, who also has porphyry, mentioned that the disease was large among Hungarians as well as Scandinavians. Thus, Orpheus is the link for both Hungarians and Scandinavians, and he appears to be a porpoise term undressed of the 'P'.

I can't recall to what country I had traced the Dauphine dolphin, but I feel as though it was Hungary. I've looked for it in my files, but found only this from the fourth update in January:

The Sceptre of Scotland was a gift from Pope Alexander VI to King James IV of Scotland in 1494...The Sceptre includes several Christian symbols. Stylised dolphins, symbols of the Church, appear on the head of the rod...and of Saint Andrew holding a saltire.

That was secretly king Andrew if Hungary, and you will see lots of blue and white (the color of the Andrews saltire) below when I get to dolphin bloodlines.

I've found it. The Dauphine dolphins were traced to the two dolphins, in the same colors, of the Arms of Transylvania/Romania. There are also Moldavian dolphins. The eagle in the Romanian Arms holds a diamond-shaped mace.

But Orpheus had a lyre, a symbol also of Apollo/Apollyon, and the latter was the P-less Paphlagonians. The lyre was the symbol of the mythical Muses, the Mysian Amazons in my opinion that were the proto-Meshwesh Amazons, even the Aeneas-branch Heneti that merged with Dido.

But while Orpheus can be traced to an Ap-less "Apophis," Ixion can be traced to Khyan, if indeed "Ixion" was word-play also for "Sion," for one can see that a soft-c version of "Khyan" is Sion-like.

Charops brings another thing to mind that also occurred to me before I got out of bed. I failed to mention yesterday, when tracing Salop and Shropshire to Slavs and Sorbs respectively, that Meschins, first found in Shropshire, trace to Mackays/Maceys, who use a harnessed bear likely from the saddled bear of CORBinian of Bavaria. Certainly, "Corbinian" smacks of "Shrop." Also, as Mackays were traced (by me) to raven-depicted vikings, both the Corbin and Corbet Coats show ravens, for "corvos" is the Greek for "crow=raven." It therefore appears that Meschins in Shropshire merged with corvos-depicted Sorbs, and that Mackays and Maceys were likewise merged with Sorbs (I don't know if they were the same Sorb branches, however).

The English Corbin/Corbet surname was first found in SHROPshire!!

Likely, mythical Charops plays into the Meschin and/or Mackay clans. Unfortunately, the Carp/Carpen-surname page shows no Coat, but tells of being first in Pomerania, bringing MECHLENburg to mind, a Masculine-like place (that's a Meschin variation). There is an English Arpen/Orpen Coat that could be the Massin/Mason Coat.

We don't lose sight of the lyre symbol of Ireland, or that a lyre is alternatively a HARP. Nor do we ignore that the crow was mythically invented by Apollo from white birds, meaning that Apollo depicted a crow-branch bloodline...that must have been the Charops>Orpheus lyre/harp line to north-Africa, likely Cyrene (Meshwesh territory), an Apollo colony. Also, I had traced mythical Cyrene very recently (2nd update September, I think) to the Lapithos theater of Cyprus.

What do we make of the fact that the "Deus pascit corvos" motto is used both by the English Corbins/Corbets and the English John Coat? The latter, using crows/ravens too, even uses axes in the Crest. It is said, and therefore thought (whether rightly or wrongly is not relevant), that pharaoh "Khyan" was rooted in "John," and the fact that the crow- and-axe-using Johns (and James') were first in Carmarthenshire suggests links to Merlin (Mars/Maros/Marsi line) the Warlock. In fact, the father of Orpheus was also assigned Marsyas (a Satyr) for a son, who depicted the proto-Marsi/Mars cult of Abruzzo. Think Myrina on Lemnos, a chief Amazon city, and queen Myrina of the north-African Amazons.

I'm not yet sure whether Hephaestus represented Amazons on Lemnos. As per very recently, I can now link him to Lapiths, for I understood that term to be from "Halab/Aleppo," a Halybe settlement in Syria (I say). The Halybes play very much into the iron-making cult under consideration this morning, for they are thought be many to be inventors of iron. Thus, Hephaestus the metal maker appears to be the Halybes and Lapiths, and, with Lemnos near the mouth of the Hebros, one can trace Hephaestus to Orpheus too, for he seems to have been involved with Lapiths on Lesbos. (It's not readily found online, but after finding a Lapith-like location ( mount LEPETymnos) on Lesbos, this quote was found: "Lapithus 2 is father of Lesbos, who became king of the island of Lesbos and called it after himself. Lesbos married Methymna, daughter of Macar 1, who reigned in Lesbos"). One gets the impression that "Lesbos" was a Lapith variation, and even that "Lesbos" was an Halybes variation.

In my opinion, the Halybes trace to the "Elvin" princess of the Fers>Veres. That is, Halybes trace to many Alba-like entities, but also to Calabria, the general region in which Hephaestus evolved into the Roman-myth Vulcan. But I also think that the "Chalybes" form was root to a soft-C "Silv/Slav." In that picture, one follows the Hephaestus>Orpheus bloodlines up the Hebros to the Carpathians of TranSYLVania, where mythical Charops (i.e. the Carpae) became a branch (I'm thinking Krvats>Croats/) of soft-C "Serbs/Sorbs."

Just as "Hyksos" and "Kikons" are suspect as Gogi terms, so the UGRrians of the Orpheus line are suspect as Gugars of Gogarene. I venture to lump Ugrians in the Apollo-related Hyperboreans (= "Far-northerners"). But there was a north-African branch of this Apophis/porpoise line that possibly carried Hyksos-based porphyry to Spanish, Irish, and Cornish-Welsh Atlantis. This line came by way of Liguria's CYGnus/CYCnus code (which I trace back to Kikons and nearby Sithones (possibly Sintians, more likely the Seth cult out of Sais leading forward to the Says/Seatons and the Sals/Sales of Salop, merged there with Liguro-Meschins). Keep in mind that I trace Khyan to Ixion=Kikons, wherefore note the similarity between "Khyan" and "Cygn(us)."

Therefore, Kikons on the Hebros branched into the Ligurians and the Hungario-Scandinavian lines of porphyry, and these distinct lines can be followed along Abreu>Ebur tracks, for they merged on the Po river of the Veneti. Both the Veneti and the related Pisans/Etruscans brought the bloodline to Poland, but not without Ligurian elements. It's no wonder that porphyry hunters do not agree on the particular origin of the disease; it's all over Europe.

It's highly likely that the disease in Spain will be found amongst Basques, who are traced by some, once again, to north-western Caucasia. I've just found a Spanish Pasquale Coat using the Pascal lamb, and the write-up has it first in Basque-ville. Note how "Pasqual" smacks of "Basque" and "Euskal" both. Zowie, I'm convinced. The Pascal lamb/fleece-line goes to Basques in particular!

Interestingly, there is a Basque branch in Finland, the home also of Lapps...who could trace to Lapiths. Finland is also the location of Kwenland, named after "kwen=woman," and of the Sitones, a matrilineal-governed peoples, these things smacking of the lesbian origin of Lesbos. AND, Amazons were also a female-centered peoples, though I cannot rule out that the idea was myth code for homosexuals of the Galli/Kabeiri cult...of Lemnos/Hephaestus.

An idea popped into my head just now, that a Blue surname might link to the Khyan-porphyry bloodline as it transitioned into "blue blood." I note that the Scottish Blues were a clan of Millens. Both Millans and Blues use blue on gold (blue and gold urine? Not likely but worth mentioning), the colors, I recall of the Dauphine dolphin. The French Blues also use blue on gold, and they were found near Dauphine, first in Languedoc.

Amazingly, the Scottish Blue Coat appears to fit the discussion right above, for the symbol used, blue chickens/cocks ("galina" in Italian), are thought by me to be used by the Galli queers, and the Blue surname is even traced to "a particular branch of the MacMillans called the 'MacGhilleghuirm', which means 'son of the blue lad.'" Lads (i.e. young boys) were favorite "dishes" of those disgusting queers, and "Gille(guuirm)" does reflect "Galli" not bad.

Homosexuals will NOT partake in eternal life, unless they are covered by the Blood of the Lamb. That requires sincere and devoted repentance and sorrow for the dastardly sin of homosexuality and pedophilia.

The French Blue variations look like "Blois," and the Blois Coat turned out to use a blue Shield. It looks very-much related to the Samson Coat, the latter being first in Gloucestershire, which I trace to green-blue mythical Glaucus, lover of Scylla, which should explain the scallops shared by both the Samson and the Blois'. The Blois scallops are white-on-blue, the colors of the Irish Patterson scallops (traced months ago to northern Spain's Coruna), which is mentioned because Emailer Patterson is very interested in tracing Rh negative blood, which she suspects to be related to porphyry, to Basques.

Coruna uses gold scallops on a blue Shield, and is thought to have been home to mythical Geryon, a term that I link to Gorgons, and likely from north-Africa. Emailer Patterson thought, before she bumped into me, that Rh blood traces from Hyksos, across north-Africa to Berbers, and then to Basques in Spain. It always amazes me when my own traces, which have not to do with a deliberate attempt to follow her lines, match her lines, but it amazes me more when I find that her own Patterson bloodline follows along. It's simply miraculous. Something is going on here, Direction from the Lamb in the Sky, to explain important facets of the False Lamb...which has made much of humanity sick due to incest and loathsome queer sexual habits. We have a lot to thank to Healer for, and soon, the lame will leap like the deer.

Coruna was likely taken over by the queer-cult Hercules (as per the Geryon myth), the extension of the Samson Danaans.

Emailer Tuttle had traced porphyry to a Toledo/Aragon line of Spain, but as i said she also suspected the Rollo lone somehow, and to the best of her conclusions, she thought it was in Poppa of Valois, Rollo's wife. I say this because, whenever I see "Blois," I think of "Valois." I had forgotten what the Valois Coat was like when I wrote that, and it turned out to be gold on a blue Shield, with greyhound in the Crest and crescent in the Coat, two symbols that I link to north-African Gorgons/Amazons.

I trace Poppa to Poppos of Grapfeld, who were Babenbergs and therefore Paphlagonians. One can almost sense a "Poppo" trace to "Apophis" and the Reagan porpoise line. Poppa's father-in-law was RAGNnvald, you see, and as chronic porphyry is passed on when two sexual partners both have the bad genes, Poppa with Ragnvald's son looks like a prediction of porphyry. Thus, the bad genes would have passed on to the Normans, who could certainly have been the "blue blood," as that phrase is often an English one, while Normans became kings of England.

There is a Poppa Coat, surname first found in Piedmont. The Poppa lion has a tail in its mouth. almost, as though a symbol of self-concern, self-centeredness, self-honor, which are the basic causes of incestuous royal marriages.

There is a Purple/Purpel Coat, but it's not shown. We wonder why?

There's a Scarlet surname using two lion's paws on a pillar, possible symbol of the Hercules lions, and "pillars of Hercules" which had to do with Spanish Atlantis, the same as the Hercules-Geryon myth. The Scarlet Coat uses a blue "canton."

The Scarlet lion is white on red and gold checks, which evokes the Montforts in two. I recall linking Montforts to Poppa somehow, that jibing with a trace of Montforts to Monfort and Montferret, Piedmont, where the Poppa surname was first found. and Poppa to Piedmont. Montforts have uses a white lion on red, and I recall that a Shield filled with red and gold checks belong to Meulan. Beaumonts ruled Meulan, and these were the same Beaumonts that gave their Leicestershire titled to Montforts. Meulan is in the Vexin.

The Dolphin surname? White dolphins on a blue Shield, the colors of Taras on his dolphin, as per the Arms of Taranto. The "nihil" motto term of the Dolphins is code for the Irish Neils/Nihills, which played into the next Coat that I tried, the Meul Coat ("Meulan" shows no Coat). Strangely, "Meul" brings up the Scottish Neil Coat, which doesn't show when entering "Neil." The Irish Neils use a white fish in blue water, the Dolphin colors, and were first found in Tyrone, which could therefore make Neils an example of a Tyrian dolphin line. The Limerick branch could be from Lemnos.

The German Neils/Negals? Blue on white.

I was seeking evidence that these Tyrian lines were Nahorite Atlanteans, perhaps even the mythical Neried sea peoples, sons of Poseidon (possibly linked to white-on-blue Taras), and perhaps the Negals/Neils were named after Nachor elements, for example the blue-on-white Naughtons/Nortons. I once knew a Mary Nigro, who was not black but Italian, and the Nigro/Negro Shield is blue. The surname was first found in Ferrara. The write-up mentions an early Santa surname, smacking of the Lemnos Sintians that I trace to Saint, France (beside a Lemnos-like Celts peoples, the Lemovices), and then the Spanish Santa Coat uses blue and white waves (perhaps the Drummond Coat)!

ZOWIE, the Portuguese Santa Coat uses a purple lion. The clan was in ANDalusia, perhaps a Heneti settlement leading to Hants of Hampshire, even as Cornwall's Cornovii founders were from the Andalusia theater. The Italian Santa Coat is a crowned gold lion on a BLUE Shield...which is the Italian Ferrari Coat too (surname originally from Modena, says the write-up). This Santa clan was first in Lucania, beside Taranto.

That's lots of Sintians from Lemnos, apparently, tracing to the metal-craft Fers of Italy. The Vere motto also uses "nihil," you see, so that the dolphin bloodline goes right through the Veres, and carried by them very likely to fish-tailed Melusine of Fulk-y Anjou, who used gold fleur on a BLUE Shield. Melusine represented blue and white Lusignan, and I trace the fleur-de-lys smack to her Lusignan and Lusatian peoples, from the Lasonii Lydians that were made Ladon, the father of the Daphne dolphin, painted in Dauphine with the colors of Anjou.

Here are a few Iraqi headlines. You can cut-and-paste the headlines here into the Google search engine.

I've got to scoot out to get some sun. Don't forget to thank God for Mercy, and disciplinary measures in your life that come part-and-parcel with Mercy, just as a loving Father would give. With all the wrath of God that one deals with in prophetic topics, we might forget that God loves to love. When my attitude is consciously for Him, I fear nothing, knowing I'm cared for. Take the time to thank God and you will have His peace. If you don't yet have His Mercy, GET IT before you get anything else.

October 17

Today I'm going to deal with the heart of the Templars. A messages from Tim plays into it well:

"Hi John, I just read this.
'"Perhaps one of the most astounding discoveries regarding our government was uncovered by a twelve year-old girl. Bridge Anne d'Avigon started a genealogical research project at age ten. Upon completion, she discovered that every President of the United States is related to each other except for one. With the exception of Martin Van Buren, each president can be traced back to King John of England, including our current president, Barack Obama. This is either one of the most extraordinary coincidences in the history of mankind, or it indicates there is an unseen force influencing and manipulating the presidential office of the United States."""

If this doesn't necessarily mean that king John was special, or more special than his related kings, IT DOES mean that Masonic American leaders (i.e. not just presidents) trace to the Norman kings of England as a Masonic rule. However, John was the son of Henry II, himself from the Scottish royals, Malcolm III CanMor and queen Margaret of Hungary.

BUT on his father's side, Henry II was a Fulk! And I think that has Masonic meaning of the extraordinaire kind. Henry's father was Geoffrey Plantagenet, himself the son of Fulk V, king of Templar Jerusalem.

Henry I was son of the Conqueror and Matilda of Flanders, from the Baldwin counts. I'm wondering why Henry I is shown in green and gold (i.e. is the green from Moors/Saracens?), and suspect his mother's line in Flanders, or one of his two wives (his first was from Malcolm and Margaret). As the Fulkes/Falk Shield is half green, I note from the family tree in her article above that Henry's mother had Fulk-of-Anjou blood on her mother's side. She goes back to Fulk II, while the Fulkes/Falk write-up traces to Fulk III Nera. AND, the Fulkes motto uses "Chi sera sera" (as code for Saracens, in my opinion, possibly explaining the Nera "nickname" that he had).

Tim also sent in this quote on Fulk II Nera:

"Fulk of Anjou, plunderer, murderer, robber, and zweerder false oaths , a truly terrifying character of fiendish cruelty, founded not one but two major abbeys. Fulk This was driven by an unbridled passion with a character that could go two directions. If he is the slightest dispute with a neighbor, he threw himself on his land, destroyed, pillaged, raped and killed him, nothing could stop him, still the least commandments of God. [1] . . . One of the most militant fighters from the Middle Ages.",_Count_of_Anjou

And now it's time for Rip-You-Up Believe it or Not:

"'Today Americans would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful. This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead with world leaders to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well being granted to them by their world government.'

-- Henry Kissinger speaking at Evian, France, May 21, 1992 Bilderburger's meeting. Unbeknown to Kissinger, his speech was taped by a Swiss delegate to the meeting."

I didn't get the web address of that quote. The point is, Tim was concerned with Kissinger from when he spotted Bad Kissingen, a Bavarian location near Grabfeld on this map. Note Hesse(n) on that map, and ask whether "Kissin" is a Hessen variation. Keep in mind as I go on the Fulda location in Hessen, for that was important to Charlemagne, and is know to have linked to Wieringen (Netherlands) , an origin of Varangians proper, the same that built an empire in Kiev and Moscow. Also note THURINgia next to Grabfeld and Hesse, for I am about to show how Tuareg Amazons, which I tentatively trace to TURIN in Piedmont, were in the Fulk line.

I was able to trace Ingelger, father of the Fulks, to Torcy, a French location that I now suspect was named after Tuaregs. The following piece serves to make the point that was on my mind as the main topic for today: that Templar shakers and movers were ALL Danish elements, and as such trace to the Samson-related Danaans. Below is one piece (years old, long before I knew of Tuaregs) from the Ladon book, where it traces Ingelger to the Harcourt Danes that were surnamed, "Vieilles" as per Humphrey de Vieilles:

...Note the underlined "Viell" term [as per Saint-Florent-le-Viell, on the Loire river in Anjou-ville], for it smacks of the Vieilles surname of Torville. I had an inkling once that Ingelger's father belonged to Torville, which place was also "Torcy." Ingelger's legendary/mythcode grandfather and father were made Torquatius [VERY Tuareg-like] and Tortulus respectively (no one knows who these men were). The latter term evokes Torfulus de Harcourt (born after Ingelger's birth), father of Turchitel de Harcourt, whose brother, Tourude, was the father of Humphrey de Vieilles (born after 980). I don't think these similarities are coincidences; I think Ingelger stemmed from this Torville family, wherefore he was a Harcourt on one side. Understand that I had traced Ingelger to Torville for yet another reason (i.e. before I saw these similarities of terms), though at that time I had no reason to link him to the Vieille surname. Nor did I have any clue as to how a Torville family of Danes could link to Anjou, but suddenly the similarity between Viell and Vieilles may give the answer. Furthermore, I knew that the Danes of the period used three blue lions on gold, and although I suspected that this symbol traced to Anjou's three gold lions on blue [shown on the Shield of Plantagenet at his Wikipedia article], I didn't know how.

[Still in the Ladon-book quote] The Vieilles surname (the term means "old" in French) may have been play-on-words from "Veulles" (can be found online as the alternative of "Vieilles"), what may have been the truer spelling. When I searched "Veulles" just now, I found the following location close to Humphrey de Vieilles birthplace: 'Small city of Veulles Les Roses along the coast of Normandy France.'" Humphrey was born in Pont Audemer, Normandy (where his father had ruled), directly west of Rouen (= Rollo's capital) and near the Atlantic coast. Humphrey de Vieilles was so styled after the village if Vieilles, which Wikipedia says is now part of the commune of Beaumont-le-Roger (named after Humphrey's son) in the Eure departement, Normandy. In the course of this search, I found Varengeville, on the ocean coast just 10 miles from Veulles Les Roses.

With Ingelger now linked to Harcourt Danes, his association with Rollo becomes possible, for the two men lived contemporaneous.

[End Ladon-book quote]

These Vieilles were the same that provided Beaumonts, the same Beamonts of Meulan">Meulan who use the same Shield (see Meulan link above) as the checkered Vaux/Vokes Shield. This is just added proof that Fulks/Fokes, who used a Faux variation, trace to Meulan elements and therefore to the Harcourt line to Beaumonts of Meulan. As Torcy is now being linked to Tuaregs, who lived in-part in Mali, "Meulan" is itself suspect as a Mali and/or Tuareg settlement. Let me continue with the Ladon-book quote, as it traces Fulks to mount Gareb, even as I trace Grapfeld there:

With Ingelger now linked to Harcourt Danes, his association with Rollo becomes possible, for the two men lived contemporaneously. I cannot find the location of Valois, Normandy, where Rollo's wife was supposedly linked, but while Torville is today a suburb on the south-east of Paris, the region of Pays de Valois, where we find the community of Crepy-en-Valois, is on the northeast side of Paris (but Paris was not in Normandy). Apparently, Crepy-en-Valois was named after the Crepon-surnamed Danes, a surname that will become very important later, when I investigate whether it was in honor of Gareb hill at Jerusalem. In fact, I was led to identify Rollo's family as Garebites most overwhelmingly (!) even without a Rollo connection to the Crepon surname (details later), though it was this surname, in part, that tipped me off. If I am correct in this, it is a spectacular discovery. In the course of that investigation, I was led to discover that Nebelungs lived smack beside the Gareb hill!! Therefore, if I am correct in identifying the Fulks as Nebelungs, Ingelger's ancestry traces back to a stone's throw from ancient Jerusalem [you get it, explaining why Fulks and relatives, including Baldwins, were made kings of Templar Jerusalem].

The Valois-surname Coat, like the Plante/Plantagenet Coat, uses a red rose on white background. Crepons married both the Harcourts and the Rollo line [also Danish] at about the same time, so that this might explain the founding of Crepy-en-Valois...It just could be that the Crab surname [very Mackay/Macey-like] traces from Grabfeld/Crepfeld (in Germany). Grabfeld is in Thuringia...

Some sources suggest that Tourude de Harcourt (the family to which I tentatively trace Ingelger) married a Crepon, perhaps Wevia Crepon. Could this be evidence that Ingelger's ancestry traces back to Garebites or neighbors who lived beside Gareb hill? Or is it a coincidence that I have traced Nebelungs and Crepons independently back to Gareb and a ["Nebel"-like] hill adjacent to it?

The next point is that Templars were very much Flanders elements, and Baldwins (looks like they are named in honor of Balder, a Scandinavian god) were made the first official kings of Templar Jerusalem. The point is the Bellamy link that I make to Beaumonts/Bellmonts. For as I'm seeing all over the place that Maceys/Masseys from the Bellamys were also from Mali and other north-African Amazons, and more-recently seeing that Maceys/Masseys were are the root of Templars, add those things to a Bellamy=Fleming equation and one realizes that Bellamy>Masseys were a major facet of Templars.

I recall (but not the details) tracing Obama's Wolflin (with 'l') line to Constance, Germany. I shared that the Wolfins (no 'l') are properly "Walwin/Waldwin," and that the green wyvern dragon in the Crest must match the same in the Baldwin Crest, for "Baldwin" and "Waldwin" are practically identical. LOOK, I mistakenly entered "Wollin" above and still got the Wolfin / Waldwin Coat. That tends to prove more strongly that the Wolfleys of Cheshire, properly Wolleys, were the Wolflins (with 'l') that are known to have changed their name to "Wolfley."

This trace of Baldwin elements to Cheshire brings Baldwins close to the Bellamy line, probably because Bellamys and Baldwins were both Flemings. I don't know that I'm ready to trace Bellamys to mythical Balder (he likely was named after Baltic elements), but look at the Balder-surname motto, using "Constance." In the Crest, a Templar cross, and in the Coat, the black-on-white crosslets used by Cheshire Davenports and by the Hanna/Hanneth Crest.

In the third update of this month, it was discovered that the "Firmus" motto term used by the Verman/Fermin/Firman surname was code for those very Vermans, but see the Balder-Crest cross in the Verman Crest, which makes sense because the Balder motto uses "Ferme" (not to mention that both Coats are black-on-white, the colors of the Baldwin Coat). As Balders were found in (West) Lothian, where other Flemings congregated (example, the Seatons), it seems very likely that Baldwin Templars were Balders too. And that evokes the Walter name used by Stewarts, which can trace back to Wallis/Valais of Switzerland, and therefore to Valois elements.

The Wells surname, I discovered from a Wells-surname page long ago, had the Valibus variation used by the Vaux clan, and the Vaux link to Meulan means likely that Wells were the Vieilles surname of the Meulan Beaumonts. It is easy to spot here that Wells and Fulks were exactly the same clan at one point.

As Beaumonts of Meulan quickly became related to Montforts, note that the lion in the Wells Coat has two tails, as does the Montfort lion. The Wells lion is in the colors of the lion in the Arms of Flanders, thus clinching the Wells link to Templar Baldwins (who owned the Flanders lion). Black-on-gold are the colors of the English Walters/Watters, lords of CROWhurst (Garebites?). These are the The German Well (no 's') Coat is a familiar symbol, a pelican on nest, I believe.

This fundamental link of Walters to the Baldwins, if indeed Baldwins and Bellamys were related, explains why the German Walter Coat (Zionist stars, which I link to Sion in Wallis/Valais) uses the Mackesy and Mackie lion, and why these Walters were first in Silesia, the home of Silesians whom I link to Mieszko's Sulcis line, he being the king that I trace to Meschins.

I now recall (but not the details) my trace of "Will" to the "Gyula" Transylvanian Khazars, for I am certain that the Rollo Rus and the Flemings trace to Transylvanian Khazars, made all the more feasible by the relationship that Kiev Varangians had with the Khazar empire. Scottish Wills even use a spotted griffo-leopard (very much like the Mushussu griffo-dragon of Enki-related Sumeria), a symbol that I routinely trace to Transylvanians proto-Veres. In fact, dragon-line Veres trace themselves to the Anu/Enki cult.

Tim corrected my sloppiness when I called the Danish-Bauer leopard a lion. It's a great point if heraldic leopards do indeed trace to Transylvania. BUT AMAZING, for I had no idea that I would be veering to the Will surname until moments ago when it came to mind, and there in the Will Coats, both of them, we see an axe, the symbol held by the leopard in the Danish Bauer Coat. It makes us suspect that Danish Bauers were of the Rollo line, and in fact my theory is that William the Conqueror was named after Gyula>Will elements.

The Danish-Bauer lion is gold on black, colors reversed from the Flanders lion, and the colors of the BudaPest (Hungarian capital) lion that was traced to the lion goddess of the Nile, BUTO/BAST. It's known that the Gyula Khazars merged with early Arpad Hungarians.

The William/Guillaume Coat uses a gold-on-black lion. sort of. The two Will leopards are gold on red, the symbol of the Arms/Flag of Normandy (the blue claws are not likely coincidental or without "blue blood" meaning). In fact, while I have been calling the Normandy symbols "lions," they are classified as leopards...thus proving that the Will surname was from William the Conqueror's line.

I wish that I could make a hard link of the Vieilles and Wells and Wills and Walters and Fulks to Wallis/Valais of Sion-region Switzerland, but I can't recall one. One suspects it strongly, however, and so let me go back to the Ladon-book quote, quoting now from the paragraphs immediately before the quotes already shared above:

I found this Adobe publication, page 219 that sheds some light:
"...Fulk [III] had established Fulchardus of Rochefort as the vicarius of Saumuer, where he served directly under Geoffrey {son of Fulk III}. Rochefort was a key stronghold in the Anjevin defense system...twenty-eight kilometers upriver {on the Loire} from the newly constructed military complex of Saint-Florent-le-Vieil, where men from both Fulk's and Geoffrey's clientela, or military households, would be detailed to serve as garrison troopers" [underscore mine].
Another Fulchardus. One can sense that Fulks had been surnamed after a certain Fulchardus, and the finger points to the advocate. Note the underlined "Viell" term, for it smacks of the Vieilles surname of Torville...

The Rest of this Book ">

The point is ROCHEfort, for I have traced Rockefellers to Valais/Wallis elements. This is yet circumstantial evidence for a Vieilles/Wells trace to Sion of Switzerland.

Seeing the "Saumer" term associated with the Rocheforts just after mentioning Sumerian elements and seeing the sun in the Will Coat, I checked "Saumer" but found no surname. The Summers Coat, however, uses a green Shield, possibly the root of the green part of the Fulkes Shield.

I didn't continue investigating whether Fulks were from "Fulchardus." But Fulchar so smacks of the Fuggers to which I have recently linked the Fulks that I did investigate, finding the Fulker surname with Fucher variation, the very Fucker surname that Fuggers (use a divided Shield like the Fulkes Coat from of Fulk Nero) are said to derive from. And indeed I did explain that these clans were the political and social screwers/fleecers of mankind when Julie first exposed the Fugger surname of Bavaria to me (details, second update this month) .

The Fulkers were at the battle of Hastings with the Conqueror, says the write-up. They were first found in Rhodes-infested Lincolnshire, that jibing with the proto-Rockefellers, the Roquefeuils of Languedoc, that merged with the Rodes of Languedoc. NOTE ZOWIE the "fueils" ending on those proto-Rockefellers! That's got to be the Vieilles clan. ZOWIE YES, for I had shared that "Vieille" was also "Veulles."

Aha-ha-haah...we have got the Rockefellers by their snakeskin tails. They were part of the Harcourt Danes. There are Rochfort Coats, the Irish one using "Candor" for a motto term, evoking the Candia/Candida family (Savoy/Piedmont/Dauphine) to which the Rollo Rus trace. They were Burgundians, and Wikipedia suggests: "The name comes from 'Gondioc' or 'Burg Gundia,'" but others trace to "Scandia." In any case, YES, THE CANDOR MOTTO CODE IS FOR THE HOUSE OF CANDIA, for note that they the family was on the Loire, where the Viell and Rochfort locations were, and also in the Swiss canton of VAUD!!!

"The name comes from 'Gondioc' was fashioned in various regional languages: in Loire called 'Candé' Savoy and L'Isle Canton Vaud 'Candie' and also 'Chandieu'..."

The Irish Rochfort Coat is in typical Roque/Rockefeller white on blue. In England, the Rochfort lion is the Dougal/Dowell lion. French Rochforts were first found in Auvergne, where the Bouillon surname (Bellamys?) was first found.

Auvergne is also "Aveyron," which reminds me that FE, our Switzerland specialist, sent in a note that there is a Vere-like Dutch Veyre Coat, though I remarked that the fleur used made it more of a Massey-Coat variation (I equate Masseys of Manche with Veres of Manche).

"Aveyron" prompted a look at the Vey Coat (the English one used purple lion heads on a blue background, how blue-blood might that be?), in Vere/Massey colors, and the surname was first found in Languedoc. AND BEHOLD, there is a Dutch Vey Coat (Rockefeller colors) using a boot (with spur) in the Crest, the symbol of the French Masseys (!!), suggesting that Veys were from Aveyron elements, and that Aveyron elements were from Veyre/Massey elements so as to link Dutch Veyres to Dutch Veys. I rushed to load the French Massey Coat because I recalled it being near Languedoc. It was first in Savoy.

There is no Auvergne Coat, but there is a Vergne surname first found in Languedoc. It uses Vere colors and BLACK (scaaary) Zionist stars.

And speaking of scary things that live under Rocks or in the Walls (think RockerWaller), the Roches/Roaches come to mind. There are French Roches first in Burgundy, and therefore possibly linked to Rochfort>Candia. YES, the Roches are Rockefeller clan of the Rook kind, for the Roches Coat uses the rook-ended moline cross, in scary BLACK on white. The suns in the Rook Coat could link to Saumer, where Fulchardus of Rochefort was creeping out. and lets not forget the Crepy-en-Valois location at Paris.

Aside from the Roque rock used in the Dutch Walls Coat, its in GREEN, the color of Wikipedia's Henry (there is a reason for the use of green there) that I traced through his mother to her Fulk bloodline in Fulk II and Fulk III, and it's the color of the Summer Coat too, making me suspect that Summers were of Saumer elements.

German Wallers/Walls were first found in Bavaria, where the Wallis/Valais-rooted Walsers were first found! That helps to clinch the RockeFeller/RockeWaller link to Valais, and it tends to trace Wells there too if Wells and Wall(er)s were the same. Wallers (dancetty chevron) were from WALDshut, Bavaria.

Walsers use an axe while English Wallers use "Hic" in their Motto.

Dutch Walsers are not only "Felsers," but they too use a moline colors reversed from the Roches Coat.

These Templar families under discussion today likely link back to Scheyern, Bavaria, where the Budapest-related Wittelsbachs (who use a lion in Flanders-lion colors) were first found. Tim sent in a list of possible Scheyern variations, one of which was Shayler (in Walser-of-Bavaria and Wallis/Valais/Sion colors) This scallop-using Coat is strong evidence for a scallop trace to the mythical Scylla monster (symbol of Sicel founders of Sicily), for a surname variation is Scheyle(s). This could be evidence for a Scheyern trace to Sicels. The Shayler/Scheyle surname was first found in SOMERset. Its Crest is a goat, possibly the same goat as in the Walser Crest. The German Shaylers (same colors) has a Schueller variation.

I typically trace anything Scylla to Gloucestershire because mythical Glaucus loved Scylla, just as a roach loves rotten grease. The English Wall/Walles surname was first in Gloucestershire. It uses a wolf as Crest, the symbol of the Scylla monster, at Messina. I neglected to say above while on the Aveyron topic, that the term smacks of "Avranches," and that while Hugh D-Avranches Lupus used a white-on-blue wolf, the next family to govern his Chester outfit, the Meschins, used scallops. Perhaps it was Intended that I forgot to say that earlier, for the Walls/Walles' of Gloucestershire use a white wolf...and what could be the Masci fleur (I trace Mascis-et-al to "Messina.").

The Scylla monster is always connected in myth to the Charybdis monster, a Gareb-like term that I trace to the Charops>Orpheus line out of Lesbos. This topic of earlier on this update page lends well to the blue topic below, for the topic includes lapis lazuli, a phrase in which we see Lapith-like term (Lapiths founded Lesbos).

Although it's true that heraldic blue is called "azur," I have maintained that it's from "cyan," and that term I suspect is from the Hyksos ruler, Khyan. Wikipedia has some interesting statements, but keep in mind that sky blue was called "Gog/Kok/Gok" by Scythian/Hun/Turkish peoples, and that I had traced lapis lazuli to a Gogi-Aryan miners of rocks and metals in Afghanistan -- i.e to the Aphrodite/Hephaestus cult, as the historical Afridi Afghans living in the Khyber valley; think "Kypris," the alternative name of Aphrodite, as per her birth on copper/cuprus-mining island of Cyprus:

"Azure is a blue-cyan color...Azure is the hue that is halfway between blue and cyan...

The word Azure is a near synonym for the color blue. Commonly it refers to a bright blue, resembling the sky on a bright, clear day.

The etymology of the word azure has been traced back to the Persian word 'Lazheward', which is the name of a place in northeastern Afghanistan that in ancient times was the main source for lapis lazuli, a semi-precious rock with a vivid blue color. The word was adopted into French (as l'azur...

Bleu de France is a color that has been associated in heraldry with the Kings of France since the 12th Century....

The web color royal blue is a rich tone of azure....

The flag of the United Nations is a shade of azure called 'United Nations Azure'..."

I tried comparing Bavarian blue with shades on Wikipedia's page, and from that exercise it seems to be United Nations blue, a little smokier than French blue. But colors on webpages may "lie."

NOW, what do we do with the fact that the blue LOZenges in the Arms of Bavaria smack of Lapis LAZuli??? We must trace the "lozenge" term to that gem, and to the pagan importance of that gem. I did trace pharaoh Khyan to the Hebros river Kikons, where the Aphrodite cult lived with it's Hephaestus relatives. It was just yesterday (or was it the day before?) that I realized Hephaestus (a metal-worker peoples) to be a Lapith=Halybes peoples.

Amazingly, as per the mention of the Aix/Aex terms that were linked to HephAEStus ) "aes" meant "iron/metal"), FE was right on it and emailed on the French location of Aix-en-Provence, and although that location is implied by Wikipedia to be named after springs, or "aqui=water" , I do wonder, for Aquitaine/Occitania comes to mind. In the top-left corner of the Arms of Aix-en-Provence, one sees the Jerusalem flag of the Templars, the symbol of Godfrey de Bouillon. Moreover, this location is "in the region of Provence-Alpes-Cote d'AZUR [caps mine]...Its inhabitants are called Aixois..."

If you see merit in tracing the ancient LAPIS lazuli mining industry to Aphrodite and Hephaestus, then let me add that LAPITHos is a city on northern Cyprus. I don't think that's coincidental. I think that "lazuli" could link to the Laz/Ladon dragon. Halybes were all about the Lydian domain, and I trace Hyksos (i.e. so why not also pharaoh Khyan?) to Daphne, daughter of Ladon.

There are myths wherein dragons protect precious metals at the openings of mines, but ultimately, the pagan dragon has its origin in Eden, and the peoples who loved the Eden serpent more than they loved innocent Abel, the "grandson" of God. It's not likely that "cian" was named after Cain, but the thought enters my mind. What were Cain's descendants called?

There is a Lapis/Lapo surname first found in Bologna. This reminds me to tell what entered my mind early this morning, that the Danish Templars trace back to the British "Tuatha de Danann," pirates in Ireland, and to their Fomorian branch, also pirates in Ireland, that are identified as Fir Bolgs (often traced back directly to Greece)...that I and others trace forward to Belgics. Hence, the Belgian Templars of Flanders.

The Fomorians that merged with Danann were ruled by mythical Lug, whose father (BALor) was given a one-eye symbol, as with the CYClopes ("Gogi-wolves"?), cousins of GIGantes ("Gogi-Heneti"?), and other Gog-like terms such as CYCnus of Liguria. I've been maintaining that dog-depicted Lug was symbol for Ligurians (or a branch of proto-Ligurians) in Ireland, but a trace to Cycnus is a trace to Ixion Kikons and therefore to Khyan-based Hyksos.

Likely, Ligur(ian)s were named after "lycos," wolf. Lug destroyer elements seem to have been everywhere in France, Netherlands, and Loki-branch Scandinavia. These it were who took Jerusalem for their own, even the Samsonite Hyksos as they evolved into Hercules Atlanteans. Yes, the Atlanteans were not glorious at all, unless one finds glory in the pillaging of treasures, precious metals, and the best daughters that men can produce.

Julie has been digging fox holes, so to speak (she's seeking fox lines), in the Cyprus region, hoping to find king-Herod roots there. She, like Tim, is very interested in finding Edomite things (before she bumped into me) because the Herod s were Edomites. She sends in the message on this page telling that some Bible versions translate "kos" as "owl."

[End update]

PS -- Correction, Balor was Lug's grandfather, and ZOWIE, hard to believe, Lug's father was Cian!!!! I did not know, or remember that little detail, as I haven't been to a Lug article in years. Is that AMAZING??? How did I get to the Lug topic, anyway, just after I was on the cian color?


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