Previous Update: October 1 - 3

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October 4 - 6, 2010

October 5 -- 6

October 4

Today continues the Ross-shire investigation, and ends up finding just why Meschins trace to the Bavarian Illuminati, and even makes further new discoveries on what family was behind it. It looks like bee-line Buz, the Budini, and the island of Bute in Scotland, and Tolkien's Baggins, even Ross-shire itself.

It also shows again why God chose me to do this work, not because I'm handsome or have the peculiar advantage over other men of having nose hair down to the upper lip; not because I am supper-intelligent with an i.o.u. of 400; and not because I am super-spiritual, as for example I fast every day, seven days a week, at least two hours between meals. It's because my mother's two direct bloodlines, Masci and Grimaldi, are the roots of the Bavarian Illuminati, which I did not know until much after stressing Rothschilds in my dragon hunt. Mascis and Rothschilds seems virtually identical, and this update seems to explain why, though it was not the purpose of the topic in the beginning. I started by continuing the Tain question at the end of yesterday's topics. The Tain Crest uses mascles as depiction of Meschins/Masculines. The mascles (= hollow diamonds) are red on gold because Thomas Randolph, first earl of Moray, used three red-on-gold diamonds, and that proves very nicely that Thomas' surname was in honor of Ranulph le Meschin, who's people almost conquered their fellow Norman kings of England. By losing, they had to escape to Scotland with some Stewarts in their waves, finding refuge under David I, son of Malcolm CanMORE and Margaret of Hungary. They therefore found the Drummonds. In the Thomas article above, we read: "The traditional view [of Thomas' ancestry] is that it was through a daughter of the first marriage of Countess Marjorie of Carrick..." We will see the Carrick name again shortly.

Yesterday, we saw that the Irish Morrison Coat uses a footless martin amid what must have been a variation of the Sinclair cross, for Morrisons trace easily to Morris' of Moray, where I say Rollo-based Sinclairs ruled. But I also say that Meschins were from Rollo's grandfather (Eystein), and that the Musselburgh location of Lothian was named after the Masculine-like variations of the Meschins, the surname that got mascles as their symbol. I found yesterday that Roslin (Lothian), where Sinclairs were first found, was named after the Ross-clan of Ross-shire (beside Moray, for new readers; I write this for the world of tomorrow, not for current readers only; if you can't follow it or handle the length, not to worry, I'm hoping that better than the learned historians will sit down and tackle it. There are many who seek to unveil the Bavarian Illuminati, and these updates give the keys to its secret doors).

We saw a "Dun Eistein" code in a Morrison motto yesterday, and so I thought that the Ross-clan capital at Tain was named after Danes too, the Rollo-Rus Danes. Whether that's true remains to be seen, but in any case, the Tain surname also uses footless martins, suggesting that it links to the Morrisons. One Morrison write-up, after linking the surname to "Maurice," says: This comes from the Latin personal name Mauritius," a perfect surname for a MARTIN to depict. But if Maurice Drummond is at the root of the footless Martin, we need to find out why.(It should be said that the Hungarian line of Scottish Leslies, founded by a Bartholomew aboard Maurice Drummond's ship from Hungary, married a sister of Malcolm Canmore. A Sinclair servant of Margaret was on board with her, whom Margaret and Malcolm gave Roslin as his family's home, and they became so super-rich that they started to build the gnnostic-Rosicrucian Rosslyn Chapel).

The Tain surname was not first found in or near Ross-shire, however, but in Oxfordshire. That was Vere-ville, and I say the Randolphs of Moray were Vere-Meschins from Cheshire, and from the Avranches bloodline (ruling Cheshire) that Ranulph was partly from (his other bloodline, Briquessart, was from Eystein). We saw in recent days that the Damorys/Morencys were Drummond/Biset-related peoples from Oxfordshire, that they were given titles in a Bochen location (Oxfordshire) smacking of the Bogens of Bavaria [this happened to become super-important below], that they were likey from the Nerthus-worshiping Oxonae, fellow tribe with the Varni>Veres and Traby-related proto-Drummonds of the same Polabian theater, and that their surname variations smack of "Moray" and "Maurice."

We also saw that D'Amorys/Morencys were related to the Ellis clan; that a Morrison Coat, the one having "Dun Eistein," uses the Ellis Coat in variation; and the Ellis clan should trace to Aeolus, husband of Enarete...whom I trace to "Nerthus" of the Oxonae. Therefore keep in mind that I trace Nerthus to Nahorites. For Emailer Patterson, if she's reading, and because she stressed the Holle/Mari goddess to me long before I had come to the topic, keep in mind that the Ellis clan, depicted by Holle, was first in Yorkshire, for I am about to show another "Patterson"-like code in Yorkshire, in the Sheldon surname (the Skelton branch was first in Yorkshire), the one using SHELLDrake ducks (as code for "SHELDon") used also by Lamberts and Basques (Mari was a Basque goddess).

Now, going forward, the trick is to find evidence of a Tain-surname link to Tain, capital of the Ross clan at Ross-shire. As we see that the surname is properly, Thame, named after the Thames river flowing through Oxfordshire, so we can seek other Thames-like surnames for clues. But I say right off the top that I had traced the Drummonds of the Damory bloodline to "THERMOdon," where the city of Themis sat. That's secret number one: the Thames was named after an ArTEMIS cult in England. Note that EnARETe is like the start of "ARTEmis." I had traced the D'Amorys to Amorites of the Thermodon theater.

Entering "Themes" gets us a surname first found in Shropshire, where Meschins (= Amazons/Mesech) were first found. The Coat uses red lions on gold, the colors of Thomas Randolph, and likely the red-on-gold lion that Wikipedia's article of Ranulph shows. It became the symbol of Scotland. Note that Ranulph married Lucy Talbot of BOLingbroke. Ignore Wikipedia's definition of "Meschin," as "the younger." That comes from learned historians only, sons of Satan much of the time, trained by pagan/atheistic/humanistic/Rosicrucian "scholarly" institutions.

The Themes/Thynne Crest is a stag, symbol also in the Crest of the Arms of Thomas Randolph. As the Themes surname is registered under a family showing mainly n-versions such as "Thin" or "Then," I checked that Thain Coat (a viking-related term of "nobility" but much like "Tain") to find it in Ross-shire colors. It uses add-looking helmets perhaps as code for Helm-like surnames. In any case, we now come to the juice of the matter, that the Themis/Thynne surname shows Botville and other Bot-using variations, even as the Coat is identical to the Botville Coat. The write-up in both Coat pages: "Fancifully, the name Thynne was supposedly derived from John Boteville who was a counselor at Lincoln's Inn and became known as 'John of th'Inn.' More likely, the Botvilles intermarried with the Thynne of Norton, in Northampton who held a family seat there from ancient times." Aside from the fact that Ranulph's wife was from Lincolnshire, I cannot ignore the Buz/Bute-like term mixed with the NORton term. I investigated for Nahorite links.

Later, after some investigation on the Norton surname, I discovered that Nortons use the Bott/Boden eagle, that surname smacking of the Budini that i had traced to the island of Bute. Even better, the Botts were first found in HAMPshire, a term that I tended to trace to Nahor's son, Kemuel, not forgetting that Bisets/Bassets, likely named after the Bast aspect of the Buto cult, was in Ross-shire (as the Bisets), but trace-able to Hampshire's lamb line. Also, the Basset branch of Bisets were first in GlaMorgan (Wales, where Merlin was from), and I linked "Morg" to "Moray" (not to mention to mythical Morgan la Fay, chief Merlin/Myrddin-related witch of Avalon=Bute) , while the Basset motto is used roughly by the Pattersons, first found in Ross-shire. German Botts actually use a Bute variation.

It was then noticed that the English Bute Coat uses "poss" twice in the motto. AND, as the Botvilles use "bonne" in their motto, it was found that the French Bonnes Shield is a chevron in colors reversed from the Bute-Shield chevron. The Bonne Shield is also the Vey Shield (purple lions in the chevron), the term/surname that I had traced to Morgan la FEY.

It was found that English Bonnes use the same colors, and were first in Oxfordshire. They use an eagle in Ferte-eagle colors, making sense where Veres are traced to Fertes>Bellamys>Mascis. This Bonne Coat is also like the Bellamy Coat.

Now here's the Irish Connaught Coat, identical to the Naughton Coat, exposing that Connaught, the Irish region, was named by the Naughtons, who were also Nortons! You can see the Bott eagle both in the Crest and on the Shield. The crossed swords, symbol of Anat, smacks of the Annette (first in KinROSS) surname because "Naughton" itself smacks of it. On the particular browser that I loaded the Connaught Coat on, I happened to load it immediately after the Belgian Bole Coat, and noticed that both use white-on-green. I spent considerable time recently tracing Nahorites to "Nach" terms of Greece because he was Biblically, "Nachor," and so the Naughtons were also "Nachtons."

Mythical Aeneus was made married to Aenette, code for Anat-based Heneti, the fleece line. In the Irish Naughton/Norton write-up: "Neachtan, the progenitor, about 850 A.D., was the grandson of Aeneas Lally." SHOCKER, for we don't see an Aeneas name very often, anywhere. The write-up shows that Mulallys and Lallys were one, and perhaps "Mulally" was from "Malahule" (son of Eystein), ancestor of the Briquessart line to Ranulf le Meschin. No exclamation mark there, for the sacredness of the discovery, not the sacredness of the wicked bloodline that was merely dung in the dung heaps of empirehood, but for the sacredness of revelation, finally, of what God wanted me to uncover some ten years ago with that bee in the garden incident (see first chapter of the Ladon book).

There is a Mulally/Lally Coat showing a trace to ""O Maolalaidh." Let's not forget that the Morevilles, mentioned in the Ross-Coat write-up as central to the early clan, "were originally from Morville, arr Valognes in the canton of Briquebec in Normandy." That is, MOREvilles (Eystein and company were jarls of More) appear to be, once again, from the Eystein>Malahule line to BRIQUEsarts, even as MORRISons use "Dun Eistein" for a motto.

Now, recalling from yesterday that Campbells/Cammels, whom I trace to Kemuel (son of Nahor) were first in Argyllshire (facing Bute), it was amazing to discover that NORtons/NACHtens were first if Argyllshire. I won't give an exclamation mark there because the discovery is more sacred than fun, more profound than interesting, for it truly measures up to the theory that Nahorites were on and around Bute. (The Bec at the end of "Briquebec" could be Bavaria-Illuminati important, as I get to the Bogen link below).

MOREOVER, I had mentioned the Lochow location yesterday because Clan Campbell, known as the Siol Diarmaid an Tuirc, from the Lords of Lochow. The Scottish Norton write-up: "First found in Argyllshire, where they held lands at Lochow and Loch Fyne, called Glenera, Glenshira, and Glen Fyne." The Nortons trace to Moray, even, and so we don't forget that Botvilles (likely Botts using the Norton eagle) were Thaynes and Themes' that smack of Tain, capital of the Ross-clan (before the capital was moved to golden-fleece Dingwall): "Some learned scholars of the Irish McNaghtens claim to be descended of the Pictish race, being one of three clans of the old Maormors of Moray, Kings of the Picts who claimed title to the Kingdom of Scotland."

I traced Picts to bee-liners, the Pictones of Poitou, but ultimately to the Pyxites river in Thermodon-Amazon-ville. Later I discovered that the same proto-Picts could have been at Pekuat, a location on the Nile delta named after Uat/Buto, also known as the city of Sais, on the Sebannytos branch of the Nile that traces to bee-line Sabines who had an Ops cult, and a Marsi peoples. The Uat/Buto cult was known to be of the Chemmites, the same that I trace back to "Kemuel" and forward to Cambells (not to mention the Cymbri of Wales), but Chemmites were Danaans, and that may have to do with a Dane link to "Tain," even if the latter term stems from the Thames river, and itself from the Themis Amazons. The Thames was also the Isis, if that helps to trace the region to the Buto-Horus cult. The eagle in the Bott and Norton coats could be a hawk, symbol of Horus and of Bast/Uat. etc.

In the Scottish Norton Coat page, we find that Nortons were "Neachdainn" to the Irish Gaels, smacking of "Dane" and of "Tain." The page also shows a NochTAIN variation right off the start of the longish list.

And STUNNING. I found most of what I am writing today last night (it's long, I warn you). It was only today that I entered the Morgan topic to what was found last night, and checking the Morgan Coat moments ago, I thought little of it except that I thought saw it last night. But being on the Norton topic, I have just found the Morgan Coat the English Norton Coat!!! Suddenly, the nine witches of Avalon=Bute were Buzites, Kemuel-ites, and Nachor-ites.

By the way, I don't really have nose hairs growing down to the upper lip. Just wanted to get that off the back of your mind.

Bear with me as I quote from an earlier update, May 6:

The Sullys were of Rackenford, and the Racken Coat is identical to the [Scottish] Naughton Coat, while of the latter one website says: "The Macnaughtons, many of whom were called Mackay -- that is, the Children of Aodh..." [is that the Oeta cult, I ask today, symbolized by Hercules and mythical Poeas? I must come back to this question as there is much in the way of verification and new revelation]. I went on to quote from the same article telling that Naughtons were Robertsons [roots of the DUNKeld/Duncan dynasty that I've just linked yesterday to Dingwall!] while the [French] Robert Coat [this was from king Robert of France; note the Bavaria-like bell pattern in the Chief] uses the Mackesy/Margetson and Margy/Macey (rarish) lion design...

I kid you not, that as this other Norton/Naughton Coat was loading, Nahor (Biblically "Nachor"), father of Buz, was on my mind. I have good reason to trace the bee-line Buzites to the bee-line Bessin, and therefore to the [Mac]Beth surname [of Moray]. As proof that Naughtons were in Scotland among the early competitors for Moray, the English Norton Coat is the Irish [first in ConNaught] Duff Coat (Duffs/Dubs were in the Moray thick of murderous things).

The Naughtons use three crossed swords like the Brennans (John Brennan is Obama's key Intelligence man)...Now, the Arms of Kilkenny give us a good idea of what an ermine looks like. It looks exactly like the "caltrop" used by the English Kerricks and Prestleys. Note that the Kerrick write-up: "...when the family resided in the village of Kerridge found in the parish of PRESTbury in the county of Cheshire" (caps mine).

The Scottish Carricks/Kerricks (using talbots), whom I found to be in the bloodline of the Vere-Meschins of Blackwood leading to the earldom of Moray, could have been a branch of Crackens, the surname that pops up when one enters "Racken."...When one enters "Cracken," a Craigie/Craiggie surname comes up using crescents, partially in Carrick colors, AND Carricks are traced by their write-up to "Craig." Both Crackens and Carricks were first found in Ayrshire, so it's got to be a family match. For the record, Crackens use the same engrailed chevron, topped with what I'll call a "knob," as the unicorn-using Dobbs Coat (I'm ignoring the Dobbs trace to "Robert" and thinking "Dub/Duff).

The Craigs (crescents), the write-up of which tends to link them to Carricks, use an ermine Shield just like the Cracks/Cricks and the Arms of Kilkenny...which started this part of the conversation to begin with because Kilkenny uses ermine spots appearing like the "caltrop" of the Kerricks...

Entering "Calp" gets a Cole(s) Coat in Carrick colors, a compelling match because the Kyle-branch Coles were first in Ayrshire, where the Carricks were first found. Kyles did use their black candle symbol on gold i.e. Carrick colors.

Lots of points there, but in short, the Nortons/Nahorites/Campbells/Bute-ites look like Rackens>Crackens/Craigies>Carricks leading to the birth of Thomas Randolph my his Carrick parent, and such a situation stationed Nahorites also in Ross-shire to the next of Morayshire. Along came the Drummond Hungarians and merged with them to become the founders of Scotland proper.

As per the Norton trace to Morgan le Fay, consider the "vivo" motto term in the Cracken Coat, for the Vey surname is also "Vivian."

Then, here's what I wrote yesterday:

It just so happens that Malcolms [the surname] were linked to Campbells of Argyllshire, beside the Kyles of Ayrshire, and as "Their ancient Clan [the Malcolm's that is] seat was at Poltalloch near Loch Craignish, " so we find that the Craignish surname was first in Argyllshire, and uses the Campbell "windmill" exactly. BUT, we learn, the Craignish and Campbell colors are those of the Carricks (first in Ayrshire), who claim to be from the Craigs, wherefore we get it: Carricks, from Scheyern elements of Bavaria..."

NOW LOOK. The Tain capital of Ross-shire comes back to the fore, which looks awfully like a Naughton stronghold, and for that I go back to the Thyne/Botville clan: First found in Shropshire where they were Lords of the Manor of Church Stretton. Traditionally, the name was originally Botfield or Botville, and Geoffrey and Oliver Bouteville came into England from a distinguished family in Pictou [apparently, the same as Poictou/Poitou] in France about 1180." (Emailer Patterson should see here)

The point there was the Stretton location, which by the way evokes the Sturs and Sturt-branch Stewarts. The point is, the Stretton/Stratton Crest appears to use the Bott and Norton/Naughton Eagle. We can assume that the 11 bars in the Stratton Coat are the ten bars in the TThyne/Botville Coat. AND, linking again to Cheshire's family (i.e. D'Avranches) that produced Ranulf le Meschin, the Stratton write-up: "Where it is said that the notorious Adam de Stratton derives from Argouges from Manche in the arrondisement of Avranches in Normandy." That should explain why Botvilles use what should turn out to be the personal lion of Ranulf le Meschin, symbol of Scotland proper after the country was taken away from the Picts.

Fortunately, I was able to recall who used the three red Shields on white Shield, for the Strattons use a red Shield on White Shield, and as it turned out, it was a match, because the Hayer Coat uses the Stratton eagle exactly. BUT, in the Hayer write-up, the bird is apparently a hawk, symbol of the Buto cult's Eye of Horus. (The Hayers were a branch of Heyers=Ayers). While Hayers/Ayers were first in DERBYshire, which I trace to Traby Poles that I think were also proto-Drummonds, the Hayers were first in Perthshire, where Drummonds were first found.

YOU MAY RECALL that I found the Hayer Coat in the first place when on the NURburg-branch Nahorites of Ahr roots, who were linked closely to the Taunus region. Could these have become (or vice versa?) the Nortons of Tain elements?

Now is a good time to mention Nottingham, the surname, assuming Naughton links. The Nottingham Coat uses a hand holding a ring for a Crest, as does the Ross Crest! Nottinghams also use a Shield-on-Shield the size and shape of the Hayer Shield. Wikipedia says that Nottingham, the location, was inhabited by Snots, and the Snot/Snodgrass surname was first found in AYRshire. The Snot Coat uses footless martins, symbol of the Tain/Thame Coat and Morrison Coat, and possibly a symbol in honor of "Maurice/Marot" Drummond.

We don't forget the NachTAIN variation of the Nortons, and that Nortons became a topic here in the first place due to the "Thynne of Norton in NorthAmpton," a phrase in the Thynes/Botville write-up, or that Thynes/Botvilles were from lords in Stretton. The <'A HREF="">Botts (I'm strongly thinking Budini), who use the Norton eagle, were first found in Hampshire.

Northampton, because it was on the north side of Hampshire, may have been home to the Easter/Ister/Stur fleece line in Dingwall, you see, for if Tain-like Nortons were in NorthAmpton, while I've already seen glimpses of Ross-shire lamb-line traces to Hampshire, couldn't the Strattons have been the Sturs>Sturts of Hampshire? YES, for Sturts/Stuarts were first found in Shropshire, where the Thynes/Botvilles of Stretton were first found! And "Stratton" smacks of the Greek, "struthios," the ostrich...used by certain Polish lines, including Trabys and their Tudors-of-Wales relatives (related to Tudor TREVor, I assume)

FREAK OUT. The STURTivants, when I looked again at their Coat again this minute, were first in Nottingham! I've claimed for years now, I think, that Stewarts were Nahorites.

The Nottingham-surname write-up: "Hence, conjecturally, the surname is descended from the tenant of the lands of Nottingham, held by Hugh Fitzbaldrick from the King..." The Baldrick Coat uses Andrews Cross (Scottish flag) in combination with a reversed color scheme that is the Malcolm Coat. It was the Malcolms who were related to Campbells (i.e. Kemuel Nahorites), and at Poltalloch near Loch Craignish. 'P. The Botts of Hampshire use a Boden variation, like Budini, and as German Botts are also Butes-et-al, I would trace these families to Bautzen/Budysin of Lusatia. The "posse" motto terms of the Bute clan leads to a look at the Posse./Possit surname, to find that it looks similar enough to the Bute Coat. The Posse clan has a Pousin variations, like "Bautzin." I should record here the big black rose of the Boz/Baus Coat, as it smacks of the Illuminati.

The North Coat (assuming Norton-of-NorthAmpton roots because they were first found in Sussex, next to Hampshire) uses "animo" in the motto, and the Nimo Coat uses "boast." The Boast/Bois Coat (originally from Bois in Normandy). Both Coats use cinquefoils (traced to the Cinque Port cities on the Sussex-Kent border, location of the 1066 Norman invasion of England), as does the Hampton/Ampton Coat, and although Amptons were first in Staffordshire, one can tentatively assume that some, anyway, were in NorthAmpton with the Nortons of Botvilles/Thynes.

There was a Hampton in Lichford, says the Ampton write-up, and the Lich surname is registered with the Lodges (Masonic surname?), who use nearly exactly the STURTivant Coat (that I am sure were of the Easters/Sturs of Hampshire).

If one follows the Nimo crescent to the Annette crescent and the Speer-like motto term of the Annettes, one finds a trace to Speers and Sprees, tracing to Lusatia's Spree river..running through Bautzen/Budysin. What a coincidence, since the Botts of Hampshire have a Boden variation.

Interestingly, "Nimo" evokes Nimrod, the Biblical character to which the Arpad Hungarians trace themselves, who ruled Mesopotamia as per the Ishtar cult. Might Nimos have been among the Isters/Easters of Hampshire, therefore? Nimos were first in STIRlingshire, smacking of the Stur location in Normandy where the Easters first lived before the Cinque Port invasion. The Stur surname was first in Hampshire, and it was also "Styre" (not to mention "Stower"). And, the Stirling surname of Stirlingshire is also "Sturling." I recognize the Stirling Coat as the Stubb Coat (Stewart branch in Staffordsfhire).

I have no time (it's after noon) to get to the Bavaria link that starts off with the Nordon beaver symbol of Kent. I'll be splashing around in that pond tomorrow.

In the news:

"First look at sketches of the Ground Zero mosque... but why does it appear to be covered in symbols similar to the Jewish Star of David?

...The developers took to their Twitter account to clarify that the hexagram is a powerful symbol in Islam and Christianity as well as Judaism."

It was never a Christian symbol until it became a "Jewish" symbol, and it became a Jewish symbol, say Bavarian-Illuminati dog-bone diggers, with the German/Ashkenazi line to the Rothschilds, who put it on the flag of Israel. The gnostic-Christian Rosicrucians may love the symbol, but they are not Christians at all. The symbol is said to go back to witchcraft, and the hex.

There was word from the governor of Nineveh yesterday on the Maliki cling-on scheme. He's getting his way so far because Allawi seems to have no political machine. Only the Sunnis can help him now, but not with political equipment:

"Ninevah provincial Gov. Atheel al-Nujaifi's warnings show the serious challenges to U.S.-led efforts at bringing Iraq's rival groups together in a unity government...

. ...The governor is part of the secular political Iraqiya coalition [of Allawi] that is strongly backed by minority Sunnis. It narrowly defeated al-Maliki's Shiite-led political alliance, but...

But al-Maliki now appears to have clinched a second term with support from hard-line Shiites and possibly Kurdish parties.

Iraqiya has said it will boycott another al-Maliki-run government, shutting out the Sunnis from top posts and policymaking. Al-Nujaifi said that Iraqiya lawmakers will oppose al-Maliki's administration from within parliament.

'This could lead to government institutions ceasing to work --; they just won't function any more,' he added.

However, al-Nujaifi insisted the political battle won't mark a return to widespread sectarian violence, as U.S. and Iraqi officials fear.

...In another sign of Iraq's ethnic and sectarian fault lines, officials again postponed a planned nationwide census from late October to Dec. 5.

The count is an extremely sensitive issue in some areas, such as Mosul and the oil-rich Kirkuk area, where Kurds and Arab are vying with each other for a greater voice in economic planning and political affairs."

There you have it, the Iraqi drama continues, the Sunni leaders in support of Allawi not happy. But AP was much too kind in that article. For a better read of the situation, see

It's the same old same old, only now a threshold has been passed, where Sunnis no longer feel the threat of the cold, but are in the cold without hope. They are saying that Maliki as prime minister for four more years is a done deal. Until now, Sunnis had the hope of fate; now that fate is behind them, and before them stands Shi'ite mountain, high and insurmountable. Will they decide to go underground, and undermine the Maliki mountain with TNT?

Don't ask Obama, for he wouldn't know; he's too busy hoping for the fates to save his Democrat mountain, which is shrinking into a mole hill by the day. Only the blacks of America, some 90 percent of them, and some Democrat whites, some 30 percent of them, still love the big zero. Everyone else claims that he's done worse than zero for America so far, bringing the country into the negative zone.

The Allawi group's feelings are felt in this article like the start of rumblings below the feet:

"A Sunni - backed bloc that came first in elections seven months ago is united against the bid by Shiite Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki to remain in office, a party spokesman said [today], in another clear sign of deep divisions over efforts to end Iraq's political impasse.

The pledge of solidarity against al-Maliki...means little to effectively block his bid to retain power.

...Hayder al-Mulla, a spokesman for the Sunni-backed Iraqiya group, demanded that al-Maliki and his allies 'give up the post' of prime minister to acknowledge the narrow election victory of Ayad Allawi, Iraqiya's leader...

...'Iraqiya says clearly it won't participate in any government headed by al-Maliki. Our reservations over al-Maliki come out of the bitter experiences the past four years' [topped off with an election theft], al-Mulla told reporters at a parliament press conference...

...The political manoeuvring comes amid a wave of attacks targeting security personnel and government workers. The bombings and shootings, blamed on Sunni insurgents, is seen as an attempt to discredit al-Maliki's leadership and tap into public frustration over the political bind."

It sounds like the cry of disappointment with a vengeance. We shall have to see if the wave of vengeance grows.

As Maliki now needs some Kurds to form the next government, we can be sure that the Council on Foreign Relations, and other worms not elected to power by the people, are speaking with Kurds. What we can't be sure of is what the outcome of those talks will be, or what direction the Council is "advising" for the Kurds.

October 5

Did you happen to notice the Stirling/Sturling write-up late yesterday? Probably not, as you haven't the time I do for this. Did you happen to notice the motto, "Gang forward," very comparable to the Drummond motto, "Gang warily." The Vere Gang?

That in a nutshell shows how Stewarts were essentially the Drummonds. Did you happen to note that the Sturlings, as I'll call them to remind you that they were Sturs/Easters, were closely involved with king David I, his HolyRood House, and with and his descendant, king Alexander? It was David (son of Malcolm CanMORE) who made the Stewarts the High Stewards of Scotland, synonymous with the king's right-hand man. But it was to the right hand of that same throne that the Meschin/Masci clan ended up too, as the proto-Obama Randolph surname of Moray.

"Sir John Stirling of Moray swore fealty in 1291." The Randolphs were just then powerful, and in some cases, Thomas Randolph (first earl of Moray by 1315) was a son of Thomas Randolph, Lord Chamberlain of Scotland. In the Arms of Thomas Randolph, you can see the double-border of the Flemings, founders of Flanders (keeping in mind that the red-on-gold diamonds are the mascles of the Tain Chief). Another article has him titled, "Thomas Randolph, knight of Strahdon," evoking the Strattons, and the Thynes/Botvilles of Stretton. Recall the eagle of the Bots and Nortons now, for the Drummond Crest uses it, I think, in spread-out-wings style. The Bassets (use the Drummond Coat), remember, were also Bisets, the latter being in Ross-shire, while Bassets use the same, essentially, motto as the Pattersons that were first found in Ross-Shire.

Aside from the Drummond write-up telling that the Drummonds were from "prince Andrew" of Hungary, look at their Stubb-like location, for the Sturlings were also Stubbs (because they have the same Coat in colors reversed): "First found in Perthshire. There is also an early reference to the Clan in the district of Lennox when Gilbert de Drummyn, who was chaplain to Alwyn [is that an Alan of Stewart?], Earl of Levenax, was witness to a charter by that Earl around 1199. Malcolm de Drummond witnessed several charters by Maldouen, the third Earl of Levenax, between 1225 and 1270. The family seat was at Stobhall, Perthshire."

Strubbs had made it big too: "There are elaborate accounts of this family's descent from Belmeis or Beaumeis from Beaumeis-Sur-Dive from Calvados in Normandy through Richard Belmeis, the founder of the family, who was a follower of Roger de Montogomery who was Sheriff of Shropshire and later Bishop of London, about 1100." That sure sounds like the Bellamys, the Norman house to which I trace Randolphs of Moray. And that's why I mentioned the Fleming double border in the Arms of Thomas Randolph, for I suspect that "Fleming/Vlaam" had also been "Bellam(y)." The colors of Flanders, black and gold, are used by both the Stubbs and Sturlings.

A link of these families (not forgetting that Sturs and Sturlings were the lamb line from Pascals) to Nortons is not only evident by the above links to Tains and Thynes/Botvilles, but what is that thing in the Strubb eagle's beak? A gold demi eagle with a laurel branch in its beak. I had seen an eagle with branch in its beak yesterday, but didn't record the fact.

The Botvilles use "bonne" in their motto, and the Bonnes use a red-on-gold eagle, the color of the Ferte eagle, while Fertes were the line, directly from Bellamys, to the Mascis of Cheshire, whom we can assume were the Meschins there...that produced the Randolphs. The Botville eagle is, moreover, on a Bellamy-like Shield, but with the diagonal bar so common to Stewarts of these particular branches.

The gold lions on blue in the Bonne Coat can now be linked to the same in the Beaumont Coat (both Crests are identical), for they were also BELLEMonts, and as I traced the Montfort line of Beaumont to Montferret (in Piedmont, and smacking of "Ferte"), note the "popula" motto of the Bassets, smacking of Poppa, Rollo's wife, for there is a Poppa surname, first found in Piedmont, using a lion in colors reversed to the Flanders black-on-gold lion. And that's not all folks, for the Beaumont/Bellemont Coat uses gold-on-blue fleur-de-lys, the symbol of the Italian Masci Coat, that surname first found in Piedmont too!

As a gentleman of royalty might venture to say on an off-kilter day: Nailed them!!

AND, as we read in the Poppa write-up, that "The first record of the family was in 1280 [about the time that Sturlings/Randolphs were climbing aboard Moray] when the senior member of the family was the Count di Costiglioni in Piedmont or Piemonte," so we see a bell as the only symbol of the French Cost/Caust Coat. The Botvilles use "bonne cause"in their motto! It is indeed for a good cause, so as to figure out the worming paths of these families.

BUT there's more, and from that there's more and more, because the German Strubbs/Struves, showing a STRUVEL variation (and Struwe, perhaps a form of "Stewart") can be linked to the early Strivelynd/STRYVELlin variation of the Sturlings, and as German Strubbs (colors of Bonnes) use a curved chevron like the Swedish Gusts of Gaut ancestry, so "Gaut" brings up the Cott/Cote surname smacking of the Cotel and Coteau variation of the Costs/Causts. I say this because I had traced the Gauts/Cotts to Cottians of the Cottian Alps, while the Costs/Cotels trace to the alps of Piedmont i.e. the Poppas of Piedmont.

AND, I was so excited about this link and busy writing it out that I didn't for the first few minutes even realize the Gust-to-Caust similarity!!! I realized the link apart from that similarity. AND zikers, both the Costs/Cotels and Gauts/Cotes were first in Languedoc. A secure match.

This can't be small potatoes, for as the Gauts/Cotts use the lattice symbol of the GUIScards (Rollo-line Rus in Sicily), we easily trace the Guiscards to Gusts of Sweden...and the Costs and the Poppas of CostigLiano! The black-skinned Moor head in the Sturling/Strivel Crest can now be traced to the Saracens that allied with Guiscard, and as you may know, I traced Meschins to the same Saracens, who were of the Samson cult and leading to the Sardinians that were at the root of king Mieszko. I find that picture leading to the "Libyans" called Meshwesh (and by a Massey-like variation), though they had been Amazon Berbers in the first place. Thus, when we get to the white-skinned Moor heads of Moray and Moray-like Coats, I think it's symbol for the Meshwesh trace to Mascis and Meschins in Moray, the Randolphs and perhaps other surnames.

[Later, about two hours below, I was on the Guiscard topic again when i found that the Guiscard surname was first in Stirling. We get it.]

I don't forget "Clan Campbell, known as the Siol Diarmaid an Tuirc, from the Lords of Lochow," for "Tuirc" smacks of the Tuareg Berbers, likewise Amazons (thank you Emailer Patterson for insisting that I investigate Tuaregs, who you claimed led to Basques), and Cambells trace to southern Italy's Abellinum. But the Italian Avellino Coat is the symbol of northern Italy, Milan, where the Guiscards were the Viscontis of Milan, at MASSino Visconti in Piedmont.

When one enters "Mattis," the surname that now rules the Obama-of-Moray-Randolph's military machine, the Massi/Matt surname of Piedmont comes up, using a Stewart-like Coat. Hairs up down my spine.

The Lally surname is the one with An eagle with a branch [in it's beak], the same as the Strubbs eagle with LAUREL branch. The Mulally/Lally Coat write-up: "The original Gaelic form of Lally was "O Maolalaidh,..." which I say leads to Malahule, son of Rollo's grandfather, Eystein, the latter of whom was earl of More and ancestor, too, of the "Eistein" using MORrisons. This now makes it appear that Swedish Gauts/Gusts (using the Strubbs curved chevron) , who seem like the GUIScards, were from Malahule's line...which happened to produce the Briquessart side (i.e. his father) of Ranulph le Meschin, BUT Ranulph's other side (his mother) was a Gos/Gois surname!! The Gois Coat shows a "Guise."

We are back to the lamb line of Lambert here in three ways. First, the Lally surname should trace to the progenitor of the Nortons/Naughtons: Aeneus Lally. Mythical Aeneas was the lamb/fleece line of the Heneti, and I trace the fleece=ram to Nahorites in ARAM. Thirdly, the German Gos Coat is much like the Lambert Coat. I am including this Gust-to-Gos part of today's investigation AFTER the info below was gathered and planned (for yesterday) for a Lambert link to the Bavarian Illuminati, wherefore note that the German Gos' were first in Bavaria.

Also, I just realized that the Botts, whose Crest is described, On the middle of a staff a gold crown, were from royal Stewarts in STAFfordshire, who happened to be the Stubbs of Bellmeis. That brings me to the "arma" motto term of the Stubbs. Is it code for Aram/Aramaens? Don't these clans know, or didn't they know in the past, that they were Nahorites?

The Stubb write-up: "Richard Belmeis, the founder of the family, who was a follower of Roger de Montogomery who was Sheriff of Shropshire and later Bishop of London." Evidence that the Bellmeis and Stubbs were Beaumont/Bellamys is that the latter's fleur-de-lys are in the colors of th same symbol in the Montgomery Coat. Thus the MONTgomerys who were with the first Stewarts of Scotland were Bellamys/Stubbs of PiedMONT's MONTferret elements.

The Stubbs thus link for multiple reasons to the Gust>Gos line (i.e. Poppas and Costs/Causts) from Piedmont's Monfort/MontFerret line of BeaMONTs/Bellemonts. And the points are these, which I didn't know yesterday: 1) Beaumont were also BOWmonts, tying nicely with the Bow root of the Bavarian Illuminati, and, 2) the English Gos surname was first in Staffordshire, thus drawing a Gos-based Illuminati line from Staffordshire to Bavaria, which should then include the Stubbs, first in Staffordshire.

The fundamental Stubbs link to Bellamys assures that Stubbs were of the Massey clan, and indeed the Stubbings (from Calvados) use a Shield in colors reversed from the Manche>Cheshire Masseys. The Stubbing Shield happens to be the same as the Sat Shield, and not surprisingly, since proto-Stewarts were in Shropshire before climbing into the Scottish throne room, the Says were first in Shropshire. They easily trace to Seatons/Sayton of Saytown, and of Say in Normandy, who use the Fleming double border. The red crescents of the Seaton Coat could/should link to the same in the alternative-English Beaumont Coat, especially as the Crest of the latter, a bull head, is identical to the bull head in the Sat Crest.

Thus, Beaumont/BELLmonts/BOWmonts were indeed Stubbs/Stubbings, and as it's known that Beaumont were from Harcourt Danes, the Stewarts trace to Danes too, very likely the Rollo Danes. I should add that the Beaumont Coat above uses a white lion on red, the STURTivant symbol.

This is a good place to mention the red-on-gold mascles of the Rouen Coat, for they are the symbol also of the Tain Coat, the term that was capital of Ross-shire that I thought should link to Danes. Rouen was the city that Rollo ruled Normandy from, but the Rouen write-up traces to Dol: "First found in Brittany, originally Armorica [Aram-morica?] in ancient times, where the family has been a prominent family for centuries, and held a family seat with lands and manor. The family were well established in the region of Dol..." There's a proto-Stewart of Dol link to Rollo, and I would suggest that the link gave Rollo his Poppa wife, said to be of Valois, Normandy.

The Beaumont motto uses "sed," smacking of Set(h), the god of Sais in Egypt's Chemmite/Nahorite zone that I have traced the Says and Seatons to, not to mention the Trabys/SADowskis, which I mention because the Stubbing gold roundels on black match those of the English Trebys.

I've mentioned several times that Seatons were first in Lothian while the Lothian-surname Coat shows what should be the Traby Arms bugle, but now I can add that the Lothian motto uses "dormet" and "custodit." The Dermitts are DARBYS, you see, thus proving that Seatons were from Trabys and therefore from SADowskis/SADLowskis. The blue lion of the Dermitt Crest could be that of the Said/SADDLe Coat.

As per the "custodit" term of the Lothian clan, , the Cust/Coost-Coat write-up traces to "Constantia." I recall the pine tree symbol, which the Lothian Coat uses, in the Constance of Germany discussion many months ago. As the Bellamys and Fertes were just linked to the Costs/Causts, see the Constance Coat, the Ferte eagle!

I kid you not that my cousin, whom I grew up with closely, used to call me "Firtz" when we were boys, for no reason that I knew, and I didn't ever ask why. I just thought it was a term that he made up. The Fertes use such a variation, and my Masci mother was likely from Fertes.

AHA! The French Constance Coat uses a pine tree, and the surname was first in Languedoc, where the Costs/Causts and Cotts/Cotes were first found (that clinches the link that was only suspected above). The Constance Chief uses Bauer-colored stars, and then as per my very recent trace of the Proto-Stewarts of Dol (i.e. the Alan/Allen surname) to the Bauers, see the Constance write-up: "There was a noble family of feudal lords bearing the name in Poitou in the thirteenth century, and later, in the fifteenth century, there was another prominent family of that name among the nobility who held large fiefs in Brittany."

The Cust/Constantia Coat use water fountains, a symbol that I've linked tentatively to Atlantean Nahorites. The Cust clan was first in Lincolnshire, the place to which I trace the Rhodian/Lindos branch -- the Hercules Danaan -- of the Atlanteans.

We are keeping an owl's eye on these Kos-like surnames, and I am sure the duckling-using Gasts relate. The duck is called a "shelldrake," and it's used because it's code for the Sheldon surname, which uses them along with the "pati" motto term that I think is code for Pattersons/Pattisons of Ross-shire. Emailer Patterson, who traced the Tuareg Berbers to Basques, had no idea at the time that the Cussane variation of Irish Pattersons was of the very Guis/Gos terms that trace to Gascony Basques, or that her Patterson bloodline traced to the Euskal-branch Basques, even as the SCALLops of the Cussains/Pattersons are code for EuSKALs, whom the Sheldons/SKELtons must trace to. But the Tuerig elements to which Campbells belonged, they being Norton-branch Nahorites without doubt from southern Italy, gives Emailer Patterson lots to think about in terms of her Taureg investigations.

The Skelton Coat? The Masci/Beaumont/Montgomery symbols, with the Rus-raven thrown in, all on a Bellamy Shield. The surname was first found in CUMBERland, exactly where we expect Buto-Cult Chemmites from Kemuel, founder of the Campbells/Cammels, which speaks to the camel symbol in the Cussane/Patterson Crest. That's one hump of a lot of evidence for she to work with, oh cousin of mine from way back.

And LG (Swedo-Finnish American), with a Gust bloodline, didn't ever believe me when, more than a year ago, I started to make links between that surname and my Masci bloodline. Her Dahlen (Germanic and Finnish) surname uses a pine, by the way, the very same one in the Constance Coat. And as Emailer Patterson insists that the Mary Magdalene cult should trace to Mari, the Basque goddess from the Tuaregs, so I traced the MagDALENE cult to red-on-white lion clans starting with Irish Dallens, whom I was sure were "D'Allens the Alans of Dol (who went on to use the red-on-white lion of English Stewarts) .

The beavers link to "Bavaria," I will assume, as I assumed that the Arms-of-Oxford beaver does so. The Nordon beaver is exactly the one in the English Beaver Coat. They were from Beauvoir, Normandy, and as I suspect that beaver-based clans were Veres (of Oxford, for example), I suspect that Beaver Shield is the Bellamy Shield in reversed colors. German Beavers/Baybers were first in Bavaria, if that helps to trace the beaver to that region.

Beaumont/BELLEMonts had a French branch near Piedmont with Bau-using variation, and coupled with the family's BOWmont variation, they smack of Bowers/BAUers that are at the root of the Bavarian Illuminati. As you read below, also keep in mind that the French Beaumont/Baumons (bowman?) use a Shield that is also the Arms of Babenberg, Austria.

Lake Constance, the German region to which I traced the pine tree, is in Bavaria, where it crosses over to Baden-Wurttemberg. The lake also enters Austria, which brings to mind the fact that Babenbergs (of Bamberg, Bavaria) and Bauers (look like "Beavers") were first in Austria (until now, I had not much idea where in Austria they originated or nested).

Lake Constance is also lake Budensee, and that info, along with all the other Constance info here, is added this morning, after the below was already planned and assembled two days ago your viewing pleasure, but more for the purpose of proving that I'm not a kook when I have Nahorites and Buzites all over Europe as though they were the fat guts of the Illuminati beast, the intestines of which are about to be burst open like those of Judas Iscariot on his way down the cliff face.

Scottish Bayers/Buyers (i.e. Bauer), in German-Beaver colors, were first in East Lothian, where the Catti Hessians were as Keiths/Keiths, and where the Set cult of Nahorites were as Seatons/Satans. As you may know, the fledgling Bauer>Rothschild Illuminati had Hesse-Cassel horns. The Bayers/Buyers were BERNicians, jibing with a trace to Bavaria's Babenberg Bamberg, and to the bear symbol of the German Bayers/Baiars. The write-up for the latter: "Literally, the name means 'Bavarian,' but all of the most prominent branches arose in either Austria or Wuerttemberg, and in particular regions bordering on Bavaria."

It is thought that a favorite Illuminati symbol is black and white checks, used by witches...and by Stewarts somewhere, for the black and white checks on the helmets/hats of British police officers was a Stewart-inspired/granted gift. The German Begger Coat has such a Shield, with nothing but black and white checks. The German Bils Coat is similar, and I traced that surname (first found in Austria) to the Bilis river (hard to find online but I found it once) of...I can't recall. It's been so long that I can't recall whether the river was in Paphlagonia or Pamphylia, but I trace Babenbergs to Paphlagonians and BAMberg to PAMphylia.

I don't recall how I arrived at the Begger surname two days ago, perhaps as suspected Bayer/Beaver variation, but I recorded that it smacks of the Bogens of Bavaria, with bow symbol, known to be one of the original users of the Bavarian diamonds/lozenges. I feel strongly that Bauers/Bowers were Bogens. There is a BeggenHoven variation in the Begger write-up, and a Begin one too, the name of a modern Israelite prime minister. The French Begins use the black and white of the Beggers/Begins, and use the Meschin/Samson white scallops on black, fully expected where I trace Masseys to Bavaria (Masci wings are the Bauer wings).

The fact that both Meschin and Samson surnames use the same scallops makes for an easy trace to the Samsam- and Timnah-named Saracens that Guiscard merged with in fighting other Saracens. Sicily was named after ancient Sicels that smack of "scallop." The Sicels are strongly suspect as the Szekelys of Hungary's Mures river, for I expect Guiscard's Rollo-of-More bloodline to be from the Mures river.

The Meschin trace to Bavaria has been admittedly illusive, aside from Massey/Masci links that I've gleaned. BUT NOW there is cause to link the black-and-white Bessin Coat (must use an 'i', not an 'e', to find it) to the Beggins. Meschins were first from the Bessen, and so see that the Bessen Coat uses the Massey Shield. Moreover, Bessins were first in Cheshire where the same-colors Meschins ruled. There remains only the task of linking Bessin to Beggins solidly, which would not only prove a Meschin trace to the Bavarian Illuminati, but a potential trace of prime minister Begin to the same.

The German Bessin Coat uses an arm-and-sword looking like the one in the Bessin Crest. Hard to say whether "Bessin" and "Hessen" were related, but as I trace Hessen (i.e. Hesse) and/or Catti elements to Cheshire's founding, it can explain why Bessins were first in Cheshire. The same arm-and-sword is used by the Bagg/Begg Coat, if that helps to link Beggins to Bessins, and therefore Bessins to Bogans.

The Baggs/Beggs were first in Tyrol, and the Bayer/Bavaria surname was"First found in Lower Austria and Tyrol." German Bessens were first found in Austria too. There is a pattern here, and the German Bessens even use a war club, a symbol that I've long traced to Babenbergs. It was the symbol of Hercules, especially at Oeta, where he was linked by his club symbol to mythical Poeas, son of PHILoctetes, that jibing with my fundamental trace of Hercules to PamPHYLians.

As was mentioned when on the Damory/Morency topic (they were Drummondish Oxfordites of Vere blood to Ross-shire/Moray), the Maret Coat uses the same white-on-black scallops. The French Marets, first found in CAMBRAY (Normandy), were said to be from the house of Bousis, and I think that house must have been of the Bessin family. It evokes mythical Myrddin, the glorified witchman, in Powys and GlaMORGAN, the old Morgannwg.

There's no Bousis or Bous Coat, but a Bowsis variation seems logical. Meschins happened to rule in Durham for a time, and so we find black-on-white bows of the Bows/Bowes surname, first found in Durham (also called "Dunholme) after Danes. The Bowes write-up: "The place and the surname both are derived from the Old English word bogus, which meant 'bend in the river.' The village was renamed Bogas in 1148." There's almost always a body of water in such bogas definitions of surnames. Instead, think the Bogens of Bavaria.

I constantly neglect to remember who uses the small red and white diamonds of the English Baggs (first found in NORfolk). They evoke the Bavarian lozenges in Grimaldi colors, which is important because I suspect that Bogens go back to Garibald of Bavaria, whose descendant, Grimoald, is expected to be a founder of the Grimaldis (based on the theory that Grimaldi diamonds are from Garibald's lozenges, though I haven't proven that Garibald used Bogen lozenges).

This all evokes "Baggins" of Tolkien's ring-obsessed myth-speak, who concentrated on Meschin-Rus bloodlines, including the Rouen/Rohan bloodline. "Beacon" brings up black-on-whiteBacon/Bachen (Francis Bacon was a ROSicrucian leader, obsessed with a New Atlantis in America), and that should apply directly to Tolkien's cult.

Let's not forget that the Bogans gave their lozenges (blue and white) to the WittelsBACHS. The Welsh Bachs/Bauge/Bagh Coat has a so-called "vair" pattern of bells in WittelsBACH-lozenge colors (I'd have to dig deep to find the online quote in my huge Ladon book telling that the Wittelsbachs lozenges were those of the Bogens, but one day I'll find it and share it regularly).

BEHOLD BEHOLD BEHOLD. To prove that Bauers were Bogens, or to nearly prove it, German Bachs use the Bauer (and Masci) wings!!! That tends to show that the Bauer stars are in Masci fleur colors.

I've wondered whether the Bilderbergs, said to be named after a hotel of that name, were not in fact rooted in the Bilder surname, or whether Bilders were of Bilis elements. I recognize the English Bilder Coat as that of the English Berts. The Bert Crest: An arm emerging from a cloud holding a garland of laurel. It is the Ross Crest, described as A hand holding a garland of laurel.

A common r-to-l switch turns the Berts to Belts/Bilts, and Belts were first in Yorkshire, where Bilders were first found.

French LamBERTS (were Berts and Bilts a branch of Lambert Piast Poles?) were from Dauphine, and Daphne was depicted as a laurel tree. The Lambair variation of the Lamberts reflects "Bauer," while entering "Bair" brings up the Bayer/Bavaria Coat. It's not likely a coincidence because German Lamberts were first in Franconia, the Franko-German region paired with Bavaria. The English Lambert Coat, with lambs, uses the same Shield as the Belts, and in colors reversed from the Bert and Bilder Shields. (I did link the Bert bugles to the Pollock bugles, so that Berts could indeed be from Polish Piasts, and therefore LamBERTS. Pollocks were from "FulBERT the Saxon.")

NOW, as the alternative-English Beaumont Coat uses (11) white crescents, while German Lamberts use one such crescent, I don't think it's coincidental that French Lamberts and Beaumont were first found in Dauphine. The English Beaumont use "fide" for a motto term, while French Beaumont use the term as their entire motto, causing me to recall that Tim sent in a Rothschild Arms using "Industria" for a motto term (very appropriate for a world-class sucking-noise machine), the entire motto of the Fido/Fidlow Coat.

Instead of a hand holding a garland of Laurel, the Fido Crest is Two hands coming out of clouds holding a cornucopia. Plenty, symbol of the Rothschilds, who, like the Pharisees, probably think they are blessed by God for having so much. The Son of God is coming back to turn that cornucopia upside down, and all the goodies inside will fall to the meek.

Time to check the news...

Very recently, a supply boat sailing to Gaza with a mind to make waves in the world of anti-Israeli fans went into dock peacefully as Israeli navy crews intervened. That was that, the Hamas-loving demonstrators would have done better to go fishing for the week. But now there's something brewing that really smells like rotting fish:

"Some 500 activists mostly from Asia will take part in an aid convoy to Gaza...a Turkish charity that led an ill-fated campaign four months ago said [today].

The convoy will leave New Delhi in India by land on Dec. 2 and plans to reach Gaza on Dec. 27, on the second anniversary of the start of Israel's deadly offensive against the territory controlled by Hamas...

It will pass through Pakistan, Iran, Turkey and Syria, from which it will try to reach the enclave by sea.

The convoy will include activists from India, Pakistan, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Syria, Egypt, the Palestinian Territories, Jordan and Lebanon, IHH said."

Why do I see pirates with patches over their eyes in that list? Why do they give the impression of vengeance or even violence?

That's it. Back tomorrow, as I would have a cold-turkey attack now that updates have become an addiction. I wouldn't know what else to do early in the morning, and I really LOVE to get up early, 5 am if possible. For emailers, I haven't checked email for almost two weeks. It must be piling up. I'll try on the weekend. The house construction is going well considering, and I've got to get it sealed for wood stove heat. Can't wait to see how well the 12-inch thick walls, 10-inch ceilings, and 14-inch floors, fully insulated, do to keep heat in. Interior wallboard is all up and taped; but for a front door, and a ceiling spot above the solar batteries, I'm all sealed in.

October 6

Tim was right on it yesterday, finding the online quote connecting Bogens to Wittelsbach ancestry:

"These are the arms of the Wittelsbach family that ruled Bavaria for nearly a millennium until the monarchies in Germany were abolished in 1918. The arms were inherited by the Wittelsbachs from the counts of Bogen - whose possessions were near the Danube river around Regensburg - in the 13th century."

Bogens at Regensburg? I trace the naming of Rollo's father, Ragnvald, to Rhegan on the Mures. Thank you Tim for removing any doubts readers may have had on the Bogen ancestry of the Bavarian lozenges.

He Above must have done it again. On the 28th of September, Julie sent an email, and getting a little time last night to respond to a few emails, I opened it, on the same day that I emphasized a hunt for the Bogen link to Bauers, and discovered the needed evidence of their trace to Bellamys>Mascis.

She had brought up the Fugger family of Bavaria, owners of silver and copper mines in Hungary and Poland. That not only spoke of Rothschild diamond mines (I assume they have copper and silver too), but opened up a possibility that Fuggers were Bogens. Fuggers joined the Thurzo family (sounds like the "thyrsos" rod of Dionysus, which depicted a similarly-named peoples) family of Poland in the late 15th century. She ended by saying, "the Fugger-Thurzo partnership came close to creating world-wide monopoly in production of copper. Fugger also invested in copper mines of the Tyrol area." That was more than a week before I mentioned Tyrol for the first time yesterday, as the place where Baggs and Bayers/Bavarians were first found.

AMAZING. But even if the Fuggers turn out to be Bogens, they may not have been Bogen ancestors, but rather descendants. It calls for an investigation, which me and my coffee love early in the morning. Actually, I did a little look-see last night and found the following. First, the Fugger Coat (you might need to squint your eyes at the stated derivation in the "four letter word") uses gold fleur-de-lys on blue (and blue fleur on gold too). I'm going to assume that these are the Masci and Beaumont symbols (and linked to Bauer-star colors) just because Bellamonts/Bowmonts/Baumonts were found central to Bauers yesterday.

We would expect BAUmonts in German to use a BAUman/Baughman/Bowman surname if indeed they linked to "Bogen" (meaning, and using, a bow). The Welsh Bauman Coat actually uses fleur-de-lys, but in white on black, the color scheme of the English Bogan Coat ("Bogan" with an 'a', not an 'e') . Although "bogen" is bow/bowman in German, the English Bogan write-up says: "The surname Bogan was an occupational name for a maker of bows."

I'm seeing Vere links here, especially in the Bogan wyvern dragon, wherefore I'll record that the Bauman motto term, "inaltus," could be code for the McNultys, said to be named after "Ulster" (uses a Zionist star) but having a Null variation that could be sign of a Niall/Neal/Nihill branch, therefore linking to the "nihil" motto term of the Veres.

The Welsh Baumans have a very-Stewart-y write-up and appear to link to the Traby fold of Wales, which I trace to Tudor TREVor: "First found in Shropshire, where they were descended from Tudor Trevor, the Earl of Hereford, and Lord of Maylors (the first Rothschild was Maier Bauer). His wife was descended from...Gronwy, Earl of Hereford, through a series of Lords of Maylors and Oswestry. They descended to John Vaughan, son of Rhys Ap Llewellyn, of Plas Thomas in Shrewsbury."

The point there is the Trevor surname and Shropshire=Shrewsbury links of those Welsh peoples, for the Arthurian cult was linked to Shropshire, and wait until you see how Tim opened up the window for a Bauer trace to the Hicks and Claptons/Cloptons, the latter thought by me to be the namers of Salop, another name yet for Shropshire. In the meantime, keep in mind that English Bogans were first in Cornwall, that the Pendragons were first in Cornwall (as with mythical Gorlois who was essentially the Pendragon entity there), and that the Pendragon Coat is a near-match with the Welsh Bauman Coat!! Claptons were from Clapton, Sommerset, on the Cornwall peninsula.

I just learned that the Trevor Coat uses a wyvern dragon (two legged only, pointed tail, and wings)!!! We have it by the tail, peoples. It proves that Bogans too were linked to the Trevor surname. AND, we can also make a tentative Bauer/Bower link to "POWys," for "[Tudor Trevor] was son of Ynyr Ap Cadforch, Lord of both Maelors in Powys, a Baron of Powys." Maylers above, and Maelors here.

The Powys surname was first in Shropshire, and using a "tueri" motto term, I'm thinking Tuaregs...which jibes with a very old theory I had but never developed much, that the Welsh were from north Africa.

As we can see in these write-up that these clans were on the marches between Wales and England, it tends to assure that the English Bowman surname was there too, and for that reason it uses a "Numine" motto term, smacking of the Nimo surname that was also "Newmarch" for it's being on those very marches. The "arcu" motto term of the Bowmans smacks of the word for "bear" that is often applied to the king-Arthur cult.

There is a German Bauman Coat in Bogen-of-Bavaria colors. I recall being on the Baum surname, and tracing it not-bad to "Bamberg." That suggests what we may have realized from the start, that Bauers were of "Bamberg" elements. I don't forget that I traced "Powys" to mythical Poeas, son of PamPhylian-like "Philoctetes," and that in the Poeas myth, Hercules committed suicide (at Oeta) with Poeas' willing help so as to grant him his sacred bows and arrows. We get it. That bow cult was in Powys!

I haven't got to my second point on Julie's email, which is this. The Fugger surname is said to mean, "sheep shearers," and while that's not necessarily linked to the Lambert clan, wait until you get the additional definition of "Fugger." The first Rothschild sent his wealthy son to London (about 1799) to investigate and engage the wool trade. I can't recall all the details, but it had to do with Hessian mercenary soldiers and British-government permits to Drummond bankers of London to clothe and otherwise oversee the British army in its Canadian fight against the Americans i.e. the Drummonds were purchasing their wool from the family of the first Bauer>Rothschild).

I failed to mention yesterday, when suggesting a LamBERT link to Berts, that the Italian Bert Coat is in the same white-on-blue as the French Lambert/Lambaire Coat. The feasible link of the "Baire/Bair" endings of "Lambert" to German Bairs/Bayers/Bavars could just be the first evidence of a Fugger sheep-shearing link to the Lambert lamb line. But in such a case, one could argue that Lamberts trace to sheep shearers, not the golden fleece line of the Pelops>Atreus bloodline. However, the evidence in so far for a Lambert link to that mythical entity is very strong. Perhaps the fleece line of Lydia was depicted as such because it's peoples were sheep shearers from way back.

The third point from Julie's email is that Austrian Fugger Coat (using white-on-black goat) shows a Fuegen variation, which when substituted with a "Buegen" brings up the Bogen-of-Bavaria Coat! Austrian Fuggers have a FuegersBACH variation, perhaps link-able to WittelsBachs and the Bagg surname.

The Bogen list of names includes Fugger/Fueger-like variations such as Boger and Bueger. AND, when the Fuge variation of the Fuggers was substituted with "Buge." I expected the German Bug(s) Coat -- which I had already linked to Bogens -- and that's what came up. The Coat uses martins (= Merlin symbol), jibing with the trace of these bow-like surnames to Powys and other Myrddin/Merlin realms.

We're not forgetting that Obama's Wolfin bloodline (from Orsington, Germany) was changed to "Wolfley," and that entering the latter brings up the Wolleys of Cheshire, who use a wool packs for a symbol. I should also mention that I traced Merlin's "virgin" wife to Daphne (a mythical virgin) and that French LAMBerts/LamBairs (and Beamonts/Baumonts) were first in Dauphine.

Messing around with this Fugger "gem," I got to "Fuchs," using a red fox because it's the German and "Jewish" Fox surname (first found in Franconia). Hmm, Guiscard was styled "the Fox," and he was just traced to Bauer elements yesterday. That was last night's discovery. Just this minute, when entering "Fox" to access the Irish Fox Coat too, there was a red-on-white lion and hand, the symbol of the McNultys that were accessed above from a Bauman motto term. BUT, the bigger point is, the Irish Fox surname is said to derive from "SIONnach," while the Bauer>Rothschild line became avid Zionists. AND, don't forget, the Nulty surname is said to derive from Ulster, the flag of which uses a red hand within a white Zionist star...the latter symbol often attributed to the Rothschilds. Thus, the Zionist star on the Israeli flag derives from the Nulty/Ulster entity itself tied to Baumans, making a Bauman link to Bauers forceful.

I'll re-mention that Obama's Dunham surname was changed by a man with Singletary surname, reflecting the Shinnock variation of the Irish Fox'/Sionnachs. I found this Coat in the first place (years ago) when entering "Shing" seeking Singletary variations, and "Shing" brings up an alternative Fox/Sionnach-Coat page with other variations shown. The SionNACH and SIONNagh terms smack of the Naughtons/Nachtons.

The Focher-Coat write-up confirms that a Fugger-like term means "shearer," for we read there: "The surname Focher was an occupational name for a reaper or mower, or a maker of scythes deriving from the Old French word 'fauche,' which meant 'scythe.'" The Focher symbol is a grasshopper, a shearer indeed. But as it's French, keep the Fulks in mind because French Fochs use a Folch variations. Fulks were also "Vaux," and so see the red fox also in the German Fochs/Vos/Voss Coat, in Vaux/Vokes/Voxe colors (the latter were first found in CUMBERland).

French Vauxs were also "Belliveau" and "BelliVaux," and show a Bellamy-like Shield. I mentioned another Bellamy-like Shield earlier on this page, as per the Bonne Coat (using Ferte eagles), much like the Vaux/Belliveau Coat.

The Bonne Coat was accessed in the first place due to the name appearing in the Thyne/Botville Coat, but the point now is that Vauxs/Bellivauxs were in a Posse-like location: "First found in Burgundy, where the family held a family seat from ancient times in the town of Volnay in the district of Beaune." Check out the red hand and red lion of the Bean Coat! And what looks like the Mackay sword/dagger, for the Beans were also Vains, and Vains were a Mackay (also "Macey," from Bellamys) sept! Beans/Bains/Vains were first found in Grampian (Scotland, not far from Moray and Ross), where I traced Rollo's clan, to a two-term location of Grampian starting with the term, "More" (can't recall the second term). I would suggest that the Bean lion is the personal lion of Ranulph le Meschin...which could then link it to the red Ulster/Nulty lion. The Beans were servants of a Chattan clan, smacking of Rothschild-money-bags relations with Hesse.

The Bonne Crest uses the same lion as in the Scottish Vaux Crest, and the latter Vaux clan were first in east Lothian, where the Keiths, said to be from a Catti tribe, were first found. That tends to prove that the Bonnes were of Beune-location elements that provided the Beans/Bains too.

It is known that the Scottish Vauxs, and likely other Vauxs, were Wells, using a two-tailed lion Montforts...and Bohemia. Wallis/Valais links are expected (and I made them many months ago), where Sion/Sitten was located.

BEHOLD, "[German Fulks] also held property in Saxony, near the city of Wittenburg, as well as the state Luemzow in the region of Neu-Stettin (Pomerania)" (always remember that the Fulk-Coat wings are seen often in German Coats, while they can be gleaned as falcon wings for obvious reason). Stettin. Aside from the English Stattons (not to be confused with "Stretton/Stratton") first being in Cheshire and using red diamonds (i.e. a symbol of Thomas Randolph of Moray who I trace to Meschins-of-Cheshire), the German Statton Coat uses a goat in the position of the Fugger goat, and on a Shield smacking of was on the tip of my tongue, I'm sure I showed the Shield yesterday, but I can't recall from which surname. For the first time, I am seeing solid heraldry Fulk links to the roots of the Bavarian Illuminati.

Guiscard's fox symbol likely came as per his merger with Samson-related Saracens, and if you read yesterday, where I mentioned Guiscard's trace to Massino Visconti and the Massis/Matts of Piedmont, so now compare the Italian Massi/Mattis Coat with the Italian Fulk Coat. AND SEE the lone Furgeri variation, smacking of a link to the Fuggers, even as I'm implying by bringing the Falk surname up.

As we know that the goat is a Russell symbol (Samson/Meschin/Begin-colored scallops), which is used also by Worthingtons (thanks to YS for that one), and that the Russell surname, "Che sara sara," is used as "Che sera sera" by the English Fulkes/Folks. I had mentioned the theory that the red and green Fulkes/Folk Shield was linked to the fact that the first Rothschild lived in a home he called, "Red Shield," but later moved up Jew Street to another house which he called "Green Shield." The idea here is that Fulks, who look like Fuggers, are the Bogen-related ancestry that can be suspected of the Bauer>Rothschild line.

Interestingly, the Fulkes/Folks were first in NorFOLK. The hand holding a spear in the Crest reminded me of "Shakespeare," and anything that enters my mind has to be taken seriously as a potential message from Above. I'm not getting lofty on you here, just remarking that I have a responsibility in this work to carry it out, even on days like today where I'm frustrated for lack of time and key-punching potential (I'm missing keys like I was nervous, and I am).

There is a Shakespeare Coat, first found in Nottingham, where the English Bug(s) surname was first found. I didn't know that when I wrote the above paragraph. I kid you not, as God is my witness, I didn't see this Coat when I wrote the above. LOOK AT THE SPEAR in the Shakespeare Coat, the same two-pointed one as in the Fulkes/Folk Crest. I AM AMAZED, praise be to God!

But I'm still nervous. Where is He going with this revelation? We would like to know. I checked my files for "Shakespeare Coat": it comes up only once in an update where the Fulks were not at all the topic. I should mention, therefore, that last night I responded to an email where the sender insisted I should use only the King James bible, respecting only that one as the true translation of God. But I responded that, in the King James Version, the 46th word in the 46th Psalm is "shake" while the 46th word backward in the same Psalm is "spear," thus proving that Shakespeare, a Rosicrucian, not a Christian, took part in translating/writing at least one Psalm.

King James was a Stewart, and his direct family founded the Anglican Church as the Church of Christ on earth, and moreover Francis BACON and John Dee (there's a Dee river in AberDEEN), were Rosicrucians in the royal Stewart courts of Elizabeth I, herself of the James bloodline...that had evolved directly from the Scottish monarchy of Stewarts, themselves from Drummonds and Bruces. I should record that the Dee motto uses "Hic," but unfortunately, I won't be able to get to the Hicks topic today inspired by Tim's email last night. I have it recorded here for when I get to it, hopefully tomorrow. English Dees were first in Cheshire, and they use Ranulph's lion in colors reversed.

Last night's Julie email was preceded by another where she showed the following webpage that defines "pettifogger" as a swindler:

"...Du[tch]. focker, from Flem[ish]. focken 'to cheat,' or from cognate M.E. fugger, from Fugger the renowned family of merchants and financiers of 15c.-16c. Augsburg. In German, Flemish and Dutch, the name became a word for 'monopolist, rich man, usurer.'

A 'petty Fugger' would mean one who on a small scale practices the dishonourable devices for gain popularly attributed to great financiers; it seems possible that the phrase 'petty fogger of the law,' applied in this sense to some notorious person, may have caught the popular fancy. [O.E.D. first edition, in a rare burst of pure speculation]"

Pure speculation or not, it excellently describes the first Rothschilds, if you know their story. And it well describes bankers international and their Illuminati cohorts. Great one Julie. Due to that article, we enter "Focker" to find a Dutch Focker Coat, jibing with the Dutch/Flemish "focken=cheat." It seems clear that the four-letter word was not sexually related at first, and it also seems that the four letter word developed from the Fugger/Fogger clan, as they were in the habit of "screwing" man and society. The Focker Coat is a twisted fish. The surname "The name was first recorded in Utrecht..."

Then, WOWWW, "Foggen" (i.e. like "Bogen") brings up another Coat with the Bugs horizontal martins, in the same colors, the colors also of Bogens! This time it's an Irish Coat, though the surname is properly Vogan/Waggon. Its lion's paw in Crest is possibly related to the lion paw in the Powys Coat. INDEED, I've just read (after saying that) that this Irish surname is from Wales: "The surname Foggen is derived from the Welsh word gwgan..." Gigan??? The Gaelic is "Ugan," but as we know, the Irish, the Gaels, and Welsh had a way of drastically altering names so that Blacks might have turned out to be Whites, so to speak. In other words, it seems very evident that Foggens were Fuggers>Bogens (or was it Bogens>Fuggers?). We can certainly leave open the possibility that Fuggers came before Bogens, and that Fuggers were from a Gigan/Ugan like peoples.

That could work nicely with a trace of Rothschilds to Gog, if that is what the Heraldry Expert in the Sky is trying to tell us. I keep general Mattis in mind, for he is now in the Iraqi, and Obama would act on his behalf for obvious reasons, but only before 2016 (I'm alluding the False Prophet working on behalf of the anti-Christ, as per Revelation 13).

I take the position that Aberdeen was not named after the Dee river, but vice-versa. I see "KABARdino" roots to "Aberdeen," for the Leslies, from Hungarians, are suspect as the three-tribe KABARs that merged with seven Magyar tribes to form the ten Hungarian tribes/arrows...called "On-Ogur." That really brings the Ugan term to mind. The Drummonds parked their Drymen cult not far from Aberdeen, if that helps.

That brings me to Fe's email opened last night, where she shared the Finel surname as per this article:

" Bernard Finel, a National War College professor and Atlantic Council contributing editor, sees the combination of this development with increasing signs that Pakistan's generals are working to oust President Asif Ali Zardari, as worrisome, indeed. 'If Pakistan chokes off supplied [sic], or even if Pakistan fails to whole-heartedly support our efforts in Afghanistan it is game over.' He adds, 'At that point, we need to think in terms of ending the mission and mitigating the consequences, not trying to cludge together some sort of minimal capacity to continue to pursue what, in the best of circumstances, are difficult goals.'

In fairness, Finel has thought the game over for some time. But it is indeed getting difficult to pretend that the United States and Pakistan are allies in this fight.

The French Finel Coat is exactly like the Arms of Trebizond Empire, the place to which I trace Drummonds. The Fenil variations shown include Fins/Finn and Fein (= white), now evoking the Finno-UGRICS from whom the Hungarian Magyars descended. And I did suggest a "Gugar" root for "Ugor/Ugric." The Finel write-up suggests that "clever" became an "attribute" of the Finels, reflecting the Fugger fockers. AlsBACH Coat.

There's a German Fein surname without a write-up, typical of many pages showing "Jewish" (and Dutch) surnames. I see the Folkes/Folk wings in the Fein Crest. The Coat looks a little like the Hitler/Hiedler Coat, and that latter surname is said to be Bavarian. The Hitler surname was first in Munich, and I recall general Mattis' nickname, "Warrior Monk," being linked (by me) to the Munich/Managan surname and other Munich elements such as the Irish Mann/Maghan/Mathuna surname.

The German Fein Coat is a mirror-image of the German Heidler/Heidle Coat (not "Hiedler" as above). It brings back to mind, however, the Eidelstein surname, which was the surname of the father of Vladimir Zhirinovski, whom I thought was an excellent example of a Russian-Gog anti-Christ. The Eidelstein Coat, as I've shown before, uses a bowman, and was first in BOHemiah.

It's being said that Kurds are making the deal with the Maliki machine, meaning that they have no bones of contention about joining his governnment; they just want sufficient oil rights for Kirkuk-area oil:

"Iraq's Kurdish lawmakers are close to allying themselves with Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki but Iraq may not have a new government this year, the leader of the Kurdish negotiating team said [today].

Deputy Prime Minister Ross Nouri Shawis said the Kurds, who are potential kingmakers now that Maliki "

No government by year's end means the problem is very large, giving room for a development that could usher in the dark horse. Another article:

"A flurry of proposals has led to considerable movement in Iraq's seven-month political deadlock, but neither Iraqi nor U.S. officials are counting on an imminent announcement ending Iraq's epic struggle to form a government.

...U.S. officials have said that they'd support Maliki as head of a diverse government, but the prospects of the Sadrists as a major player in a purely Shiite coalition is a nightmare scenario for the United States."

That's because Sadrists (an end-time representation of Satyr goats?) want no Americans in Iraq, and they may get the power to rid the country of all globe-trodders. They might even have included a deal with Maliki to send Americans away in order to allow him to go forward as prime minister. Ahmadinejad's hands are always warm lately because he's always rubbing them in delight.

The O-mbassador in Iraq, James Jeffreys, says: "The problem that we see and that others see here is that there is not clarity in whether the Sadrist movement is a political movement or it is an armed militia which carries out political objectives through violent means. We would urge our Iraqi friends to be cautious in the kind of positions that they leave open to anyone who has not made clear their position . . . any group that cannot distinguish between peaceful political processes and violent intimidation, violent attacks and the threat of violence is a problematic partner for the democratic process." He sounds very concerned. Likely, it will be up to general Mattis to solve this looming threat. How to remain in Iraq, will be his goal.

If you're interested in my Baggins discussion where some Rus-related Tolkien codes are unveiled, see the second update of March.


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