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October 1 - 3, 2010

October 2 -- 3

October 1

Prior to discovering the location of Aenus at the mouth of the Hebros, there was circumstantial evidence of a Pelops of Heneti move from Lydia to the Hebros: Orestes, grandson of ATREUS, depicted the city of Orestaea in the ODRYSian theater. But with Aenus being depicted by mythical Aeneus, husband of AENETE, it's made clear that Pelops Heneti were at and around Aenus. I'm assuming that Aenus was itself named after the Heneti. An antelope and antler would be appropriate heraldic symbols for Heneti, and both are used by the Singletary Crest, that being the surname leading to Obama's mother, Ann.

As I identify the Pelops>Atreus line with the ram>fleece>lamb symbol of paganism, the similarity between "Aenus" and "agnes," especially as the latter developed a silent 'g') is striking. The latter term is Latin for "lamb,." and we expect proto-Latin in Lydia, or where mythical Aeneas was made founder of Romans. Also, as "aegi" is a Greek goat, note the "ag" in "agnello" or "agnus." The Aegean sea may not have been named after a goat entity, therefore, but after a ram/sheep/lamb entity.

There is only one Agnus Coat, Italian, but it uses the Polish Shield-on-Shield, apparently, for the Shield colors are the two main Polish-heraldry colors. Crossed swords, which the Agnes Coat uses, were a symbol of Anat! Here's what I wrote in the third update of July, 2009:

"Before I checked for a Moak Coat, I had checked for a Kinross Coat. I found it to use two crossed swords but thought nothing of it except that the same sword appears to be used in the Annette/Arnot Crest [surname from PortMOAK, Kinross]. This was no surprise after finding the Moak link to the Anettes/Arnotts. But what I had read earlier, that the crossed swords were the symbol of mythical Anat (likely the root of the Heneti), didn't dawn on me at first...until I remembered that the Annette/Arnott Coat was being kept at bay for possible future evidence of Anat links. Isn't that wild?"

I've had enjoyable moments in the secret trenches with the dragon. I can now trace his Anat cult to Kinross, and expect the flying-fleece line there too. I do wonder whether "KinRoss" ties to the Ross clan that I trace to Drummond-based Hungarians. When I said yesterday that the lamb-line appears to trace to Hungarians rather than Poles, I didn't mean that the Pelops>Atreus line didn't trace to Poles, but was rather equating "lamb line" with the Pascal/Easter lamb line. There were other lamb lines, so to speak, and one definitely goes to Poles.

A question coming to mind is whether the Hungarian stag symbol was based in "antler" as a secret symbol of Heneti.

The Annette/Arnot motto uses "speratum," and because the Coat uses a red-on-white crescent and red-on-white stars, it should link to the red-on-white star between red-on-white crescents of the Speer Chief. Speers use crossed spears (!!!), great evidence of a Speer trace to the Anat lamb line. I trace Speers to the red-on-white crescents of the Spree surname, and the latter I trace to the Spree river in the Polish/Silesian theater of Lusatia (the river flows through Bautzen).

Now the Spree Coat uses both red-on-white and white-on-red crescents, and as king Mieszko was in the Silesian theater, we can't ignore the white-on-red crescent in the German Lambert Coat. One has reason to trace these Lamberts to Mieszko Lambert. English Lamberts use white-on-red lambs.

The Kinross Coat is in the white-on-red colors of the Traby/Sadowski "Q", used also by the Zarcyzinskis. Yesterday's trace of a lamb line to the Polish ZarCYZINskis, who I'm linking tentatively to CYZicus, father of Aeneus, made a reasonable-looking link to the Sark/Surrey surname, and as I've tentatively traced "Surrey" to "Surru/Tsurru," an alternative name for ancient Tyre, so mythical AGENor (i.e. like "agnus") was made the Danaan-based ruler of Phoenicia, and son of Poseidon, the latter of whom I trace to Pisidians at the root of both Pelops and Piast Poles. Previously, I suggested an Agenor link to the goat/Satyr entity, but now a sheep/ram looks better. The Dutch Ram/Rames surname uses a white-on-red ram.

Entering "Agen" brings up white crescents too, and the surname is properly, "Aachen," the name of a locality in the Nurburg theater of Germany. The Aachen write-up: "Charlemagne built his palace at Aachen and the city became the place where numerous kings and emperors were coronated." Charlemagne was a Pepinid, from CARLOman of Landen, and Pepinids were Heneti>Veneti Paphlagonians. The Agen/Aachen crescents are white-on-black, the colors, generally, of Paphlagonian surnames.

The Arms of Landen uses the black Flanders lion on white. As Landen is in Flemish Brabant, note the center piece in the Arms of Flemish Brabant, for its identical to the Arms of Babenburgs. This works in support my trace of "Baben" to "Pepin."

The Ann/Hanney Coat uses stag heads, and that surname evokes the Hanna/Hanney surname...that also uses stag heads. The Latter surname uses "ardua" as a motto term, reflecting the Arda river and locality at Odrysia.

The Hannity Coat uses the Talbot and Sellick style of Shield-on-Shield, and I traced both surnames to the "Seleucid" line of king Mieszko's Sardinian roots, at Sulcis of Sardinia, which was founded by HANNibal-named Carthiginians. AND, Carthiginians were co-founded by Tyrians and...mythical Aeneas (founder of Romans, not AeneUs, son of Cyzicus, but I assume both Aen terms were from Aenus).

Perhaps Saracens trace to "Surru" and "Surrey," though previously I traced "Saracen" to "Thracian." But then "Thracian" is thought to be foundational to "Trojan," and I trace "Troy" to "Tyre" and "Tros" (alternative name for Troy) to "Tyrus." Aeneas was a Trojan from the mythical Tros bloodline.

The English Scott Coat (surname first in ROXburghshire, where I've traced Pollocks and Maxton-based Meschins, and no doubt other Poles) uses the same-style Shield-on-Shield as the Hannitys. And using cartwheels, the Scott surname could certainly link to mythical (i.e. his name is code) Piast Kolodziej the Wheelwright. We wonder what the Scott surname was at first. The original Scott was on record at SELkirk, a term smacking of Sellicks/Seleucids. The Selkirk Coat (in Sellick colors) uses A salaMANDER in flames.

The Scottish Scott Crest (Masci and Bellamy colors) is a stag, and the motto, "Amo," together with Scott roots near the Maxtons/Maxwell-branch Meschins/Masseys, gives the impression of HAMO de Masci, ruler of Dunham Masci, the town to which I trace Obama's Dunham/Singletary bloodline. As per the trace of Scots above to Sellicks, note now that the Scottish Scott Coat is nearly a replica of the French/Norman Talbot Coat (with Masci fleur-de-lys). It's the English Talbot Coat that uses the English Scott Shield.

This Talbot-Sellick link makes me suspect that TALbots were originally SELbots, so to speak, evoking Sel/Selby-like surnames. Talbots were first in Shropshire (beside Cheshire), where Meschins were first found, and Ranulf le Meschin married a Talbot. AND THEN we find the Sal surname first in Cheshire. That in turns evokes SALop, the alternative name of Shropshire, wherefore it seems more-certain that Sals were Talbots of Shropshire.

Next, while still in search of S-version Talbots, I recalled the Seller surname, and this was FANTASTIC, leading smack back to the Sadowski and Zarcyzinski topic of yesterday. I woke up this morning, before writing any of this, with the Sadowski trace to Seatons and similar surnames, in particular to the Said/Saddle surname, and here I find myself (with no thought of Sadowskis) on the Seller surname, the write-up of which says: "...the Anglo Norman French word, seller, which is a derivative of the Latin word sellarius, which means seat, or saddle."

The Saddle Coat was then loaded (I had forgotten what it was), to find a blue lion on gold, the same as the Louvain and Massin/Mason lion!!! I had traced the Traby/Sadowski and related Zarcyzinski surnames just yesterday to this Louvain clan. WOW. Early this morning, I recalled that I had traced Seatons (first in Lothian) to the Louvain-of-Belgium theater.

NOTE: "The Leuven [=Louvain] Arrondissement is one of two arrondissements in the Belgian province of Flemish Brabant." That's the Belgian province, near Aachen, in which Landen, and the first Pepinids, were found. It assures that the Anat-cult lamb line was in Louvain. The Flemish-Brabant lion is in colors reversed to the Flanders lion, and smacks of the Budapest and Wittelsbachs lions that I traced to the Uat/Buto cult. I likewise traced Seatons/Says et all to Sais of the Uat/Buto cult. The Say Crest uses a black bull like the Mieske/Mesech Coat, and, evoking the Mieszko link to Meschins, the Say Coat appears to be a variation of the English Massey Coat.

The Arms of Louvain are used centrally in the Arms of Flemish Brabant, and these were also the Arms of Babenberg. It makes one think that "Brabant" could be a Babel variation, or vice versa. "Louvain" was also "Lewan," smacking of the Lamb/Lowan surname of yesterday.

Remember, Italian Leuvens use the Babenberg-surname triple chevrons, and as Babenbergs were Heneti, the same chevron in colors reversed in the Singletary Coat suggests that the Singletary ANTelope and ANTler symbols are indeed code for the Heneti.

The same code should apply, therefore, to the Zahringer/Veringen antler since they link to Bebbanburgs of the Bernicians. The German Leuven surname, which we assume was the Louvain surname, was first found in Wurttemberg, where the Zahringer/Veringen antler was for example in the Arms of Wurttemberg. I was able to trace the Zahringer antler to Lusatia, in the Spree-river region if I'm not mistaken. Yes, the red antler is in the Arms of Spree Neisse. "The deer antler in the bottom right symbolizes Forst, and was taken from the coat of arms of the Lords of Biberstein." I then traced Forst of Lusatia to Forst in Baden of Baden-Wurttemberg.

The Forst Coat, showing a curved chevron, was from Forst of Baden. It's the same red chevron as per the Swedish Gust/Gaut Coat that links to the French Gaut/Cotte Coat, which is VERY VERY conspicuous because the crayfish in the Arms of Spree Neisse is of the Cottbus region on the Spree. I'm convinced, the Gusts, from "Gaut," were from Cottbus elements. Another surname using the curved chevron (rare in my hunts) is the Polish Past Coat, in the colors of the curved chevron of the German Strub Coat.

Aside from those four, I don't think I've come across curved chevron elsewhere, and I see that "Strub" could be a Stur/Easter variation; the latter uses bars in the Strub-Shield colors, and both surnames use roses.

The English Scott surname was first in Kent, where the Louvains and Massins/Masons were first found. The Scottish Scott Coat (and related French Talbots) is in the colors of the Louvain and Mason lion, while the Sellers Coat is in the Traby/Sadowski colors. If you haven't read yet, the Trabys are important if the 666ish in the Traby/Brzezinski Arms exposes a bloodline basis of the False Prophet's skincode system (Revelation 13), while the lamb symbol (Revelation 13) of the False Prophet is being traced, live, to the Traby/Sadowski and ZarCYZinski families. To no surprise, the list of surnames using the Traby Arms includes one Ciazynski.

Aside from the white-skinned Moor head, I didn't find any heraldic connection possibilities of the Selby Coat to the Sals/Sellers/Talbots/etc...until I reloaded the French Cousin/Cosse Coat just now. It dawned on me yesterday that the English Cousins/Cusyns should be ZarCYZINskis (note also the "Zarc") because they and the Traby/Sadowskis were traced to the Sark/Surrey surname using a Cousins-like Coat.

Thus, what I consider the Polish lamb line to Anns/Hannas/Hannitys et al, appears merged with Seleucid lines from Mieszko's Sulcis-of-Sardinia line to Silesia, which makes absolute sense where Mieszko's grandson, king Mieszko LAMBert, is thought here to represent that lamb/fleece line...which goes back to Sardis on the Hermus river, Lydia, the city that likely named Sardinia. The Heneti, from Eneti, were in Lydia too, you see.

Now as mythical ANTenor depicted the Heneti, I thought once to trace the Anthony surname to the Heneti, and I now see that both English Anthonys/Antons and Hannitys were first in Lincolnshire. Hannitys were in Hainton, wherefore mark that locale as a Heneti settlement. ALSO, both Anthonys and Hannitys use leopard heads. Lincolnshire is where the Rhodes Rus lived, and the Rhodes Crest is a leopard.

As Heneti trace to Carloman of LANDEN, I don't forget that Lincolnshire/Lindsey traces to LINDOS, Rhodes. And while I trace both the Heneti of Pelops and the Danaans of Lindos to Belus>Danaus-based Hyksos (these were the root of mythical AGENor), let me mention the Scottish Aken surname (uses roosters, a symbol I saw in the Babenberg investigation), what is nearly the Agen/Aachen surname out of Aachen, near Pepinid Landen. Pharaoh AKHENaten comes to mind, and his wife Nefertiti was traced, by me, to a Nibelung-like Belgian location (= Nivelles) to the west of Aachen. (A rooster is the symbol of Walloon, a Belgian region beside Aachen.)

The Aken Coat looks possibly related to the Hykes/Hack Coat, which I mention because it comes up when entering "Aik," while Aachen was "originally called Aix-la-Chappelle" (see Agen/Aachen write-up)! That's evidence that Akhenaten was named after Hyksos, which is my position anyway. The other Hykes Coat is in Agen/Aachen colors. HephAEStus was given children named with Aik prefixes (can't recall spellings), and I trace Hyksos to the Hephaestus Kabeiri cult. Suddenly, Hyksos of the Danaus>Agenor line are brought to the fore of this lamb discussion, evoking RAMesses of Tanis too.

BUT, my trace of the lamb line to Nahorites, and therefore to Haran, evokes the surrounding Aram nation. The latter country is, according to my feelers, ground zero for the golden ram/fleece cult. Its Hurrians spawned the Edomite Horites, of Seir, and Syria is known to have been called Aram as well. It speaks to a recent theory, that Hagarites were Haran's Horites to Seir, and moreover the earlier theory was that Hagarites were named after agi/agri-like goat terms, giving birth to Seir's goal cult. But that goat cult could have been a sheep/ram cult too when symbolizing Aram rather than Seir/Syria. I trace Danaan-based Hyksos to Cilicia's frontier with Syria, and the Agenor>Phoenix>Cadmus line is known by another term as Cilix, Cadmus' brother and symbol of Cilicia.

Aachen is extremely close to Maastricht, wherefore let me requote from the German/Franconian Lambert write-up: "The name Lambrecht with its many regional variations was much loved both as a first and last name throughout the Middle Ages. This was partly owing to the fame of Bishop Lambertus von Maastricht who lived around 700 a.d." Merovingians were ruling at that time, but Pepinids were arising among them and would soon father Charles Martel, grandfather of Charlemagne of Aachen.

The Lowan Coat is nearly identical to the English Lamb/Lam Coat, this page showing no n-versions such as Loan/Lowan. It's up in the air as to which came first, the n- or m-versions, but the Lamberts of Maastricht, as early as 700 AD, could be helpful in answering the question.

The Louvain link to Massins/Masons traces also to proto-Stewarts of Brittany because I traced them to the Italian Massi surname, likely named after the Massino region of Piedmont. The Massi surname (and "Mattis") is registered under a Matt surname using nearly the Stewart Coat. As the Mascis of Piedmont (Bauer-star colors) use the German Bauer wing, and as the Bauers use three gold stars on blue, and as the proto-Stewart Alans of Brittany were just traced to Bauers yesterday, for one because French Allens/Alans use those stars, see the same three stars in the Rames surname first found in Brittany. The write-up: "The family were well established in the region of Dol..."

This jibes very well with the trace of the Sturs/Stowers/Stouers (Alan-Coat colors) and Easters of Stur, to the Stewarts...if not to the proto-Stewarts of Brittany and Normandy. The Castle of Rames, after which the Brittany Rames' were named, was in Normandy. The surname variations smack of Reims, the Merovingian city that I trace to mythical Remus, brother of Romulus, of the Aeneas line.

The English Rames Coat uses similar surnames, such as Rheims, and shows the Brittany ermines in the top corner (the English Ram/Rames Coat, distinct from the above, uses rams and ermines). The Rames write-up: "Hence, conjecturally, the surname is descended from the tenant of the lands of Metinge and the lands of Ramesdune in Suffolk, where Roger de Rames..." The Metinge term evoked mythical Metaneira, mother of an Abas, but also mother of a BUZYges: I wrote (last update): "...relate the same story of a boy, Ascalabus, and call his mother Misme." That is, Abas was also AscalaBUS, which jibes with my trace of Abas to Avvites of the Ashkelon/Ascalon region of Philistia. The above gives good reason to trace Buzites there too. I trace Abas of Argos -- of the ACRISius line -- to nearby Ekron, but also to Creusa, wife of Aeneas."

As the Rames' clan of Metinge are said to be "directly related to the Mandevilles," it's no surprise that the Mandeville Coat appears to use the Rames checks. BUT, as the Mandeville Coat is English and exactly identical to the ENGLISH Say Coat, I would suggest that the Mandevilles were Says, and Says were, apparently, from Say of Normandy, as per the Seaton/Sayton write-up. The Mandeville/Say/Seaton Coats are in the colors of the Mander symbols (on an ermine Shield), and the latter is the family using "Laus Deo" in the motto. The same motto uses "omniBUS," smacking of AscalaBUS, son of Metaneira.

Interestingly, as per my trace of Mander terms to Maeonians of the Maeander river, and then to the Meon river of Hampshire, wherefore I suspect that Manders were linked to the Easters of Hampshire, who were linked to Pascals.baskets, the Mander write-up says: The Mander surname is thought to derive...Alternatively it may have been an occupational name for a maker of baskets, from Middle English word 'maund,' meaning 'basket.'"

I recall the dancette of MANDERscheid that was loaned to the Arms of EUSkirchen, potential Euskals/Basques, as might have been the Baskets/Pascals. It dawned on me at the time that the dancette was a symbol of the mythical dancing Maenads (who I identify as the Maeander Maeonians). NOW, recall that the Selkirk Crest (in Sellick colors) uses A salaMANDER in flames. Mythical Abas, son of Metaneira, was turned into a lizard: "Some mythological traditions tell that Metanira's son Abas mocked Demeter and as punishment was turned into a lizard." I'm thinking that "Met" links to mead, the honey-wine drink that I suspect was used by the god of wine, Dionysus.

The Maenads were peculiar to DIOnysus, and as I traced him to the "Laus Deo" written atop the Washington Monument, see what appears to be a bunch of purple grapes in the hand of a man in the German/Bohemian Laus Coat (there's a sickle in the other hand). Bohemians were bee-liners, and we expect Buzite entities, such as that of Metaneira, to be bee-liners. Lusatia at the Bohemian frontier is also "Lausitz.." The Metin/Methan surname was related to a Lacy/Laith clan, which not only smacks of "Laus," but uses a purple lion (English Lacys use a purple "fret-knot").

The English Mandeville Coat appears linked to the ENGLISH Rhodes Coat, and the latter uses a leopard, as discussed above with the use of the same by Heneti-related surnames. This is repeated because the English Baskets/Pascals use leopards, but on a Shield like that of the English Rams/Rames. That's interesting because Pascals could be expected to use rams as well as their pagan/Templar lamb.

This potential Pascal link to the Rames' of Metinge could explain why the Pascal Coat's red cross is used also by the German Bus Coat. That is, the "Bus" term that was made a prefix on Metaneira's son, which son was also "Abas," could have become the Bus surname that linked somehow to Pascals, especially if the Manders, who use "omniBUS," were indeed named after a basket because they were of the Basket/Pascal clan.

If it seems a stretch to link the Bus mythical term to the Bus surname, consider the "coincidence" on the English Bus Coat (surname first in NORfolk), using the Hamilton cinquefoil exactly. Before knowing that, I had traced "Hamil" to Camels and therefore to Kemuel, third son of Nahor (Buz was his second son).

We could expect "Mound" to be a Mander/Maunder variation, and so note the bees in the Mound/Mund Coat. I happened to record that the Mander motto term, "omnibus," was used also by the Waynes, and knowing that Vains were a Mackay sept, and that Waynes use the Macey metal gloves, the "casus" motto term of the Waynes traces to the Meschins of the BESSin (the Bus surnames are also "Buss"), founded by the Baio/BajoCASSES ("bij" means "bee"). Thus, in the Bessin, we're back again to the Bezprym bloodline of Mieszko Lambert!

I know for a fact that Waynes linked to Cheshire Pulls/Poles, who I'm sure were Poles of the Meschin clan. The Wayne pelican is used by the Mead Coat; the pelican on nest is also used by Scottish Pattersons who were from the Irish CASans...with camel for Crest.

I wish I had time for more on that, but as promised, here's the scoop on the Martin surname. The idea occurred to me that the Myrtus term said to be of Biblical Esther -- who might just have been the Ishtar at the heart of the Easter/Ister bloodlines -- links to Myrddin (= Welsh Merlin) and Martin surnames. I started with the Mytrle surname, using hammers because it's also the Martel surname. The surname is said to be from "Martin" = the god Mars, even as the god, Camulos, is identified with Mars (I suspect that "Merlin" was code for Mars line). I think the CAMPbell/Cammell surname is related here, but also linked to HAMPshire.

Incidentally, I typically link Murtons to the Myrddin cult, and I always recall the Murton Coat, wherefore I'll mention that the German Manders use what could be the Murton bars. YES, I just checked the English Manders, and they were first in Devon, where Murtons were first found. Amazing how one topic ties to the other. Murtons were also in Hampshire, home of the Meons and Atrebates. Again, we might expect the Mytrus entity (Mordecai, I think) of Esther among the Easters/Isters of Hampshire.

As per the Basket link to Basques which I envision, French Martins (Murton/Mander colors) were first in Gascony. Irish Martins use the same colors. Italian Martins use goats in the same colors. iMortans/Mortons use goats too, in Scottish Morton/Myrton colors.

Having said all that, with no time today to dig in much deeper, the English Ister/Easter Shield might be in colors reversed specifically to the English Marden/Marden Shield. The French Mars Coat write-up says: "The Mars surname comes from the Old French word 'marre,' meaning 'ram.'" How do you like that? Not that I agree with the marre=ram definition, but that Mars lines were ram lines.

The Mars Coat is again in white-on-blue of some Martin Coats. It reminds me of the white-on-blue Moray star that I trace to the Bez/Bezprym star and Lambert-Coat stars, and thereby to Moravia's Marot/Maurice-named Khazars...that had likely been the Moravians who merged with the Bohemian royal line to royal Piast Poles of Boleslaw I, father of Bezprym and Mieszko Lambert!

Hard to believe:

"Iraq's main Shia parliamentary bloc chose incumbent Nuri al-Maliki as its candidate for prime minister [today], National Alliance MP Falah Fayadh said at a news conference.

'The National Alliance has chosen Maliki as its candidate for the premiership,' Fayadh said. He said that the coalition's members voted 'by consensus,' but did not elaborate.

The selection of Maliki helps clear the way for an end to Iraq's more than six-month-long political deadlock that has seen no new government formed since March 7 elections.

...The INA had named Vice-President Adel Abdel Mahdi as its choice, but Maliki eventually won out."

If this is true and it sticks, Iran is going to be very upset, especially as Obama has just hit Iran's elite with some stinging sanctions amounting to a freeze of their American assets. On top of it, Iran's nuclear reactor is under siege by a worm. The Shi'ite party that just chose Maliki is NOT Maliki's party, but the other one that wanted Iran's man, Mahdi. What happened suddenly? Another article verifies:

"Powerful Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr is backing Iraq's prime minister to retain power...

The step could also bring dealmaking that may give key concessions to al-Sadr's anti-American bloc.

The announcement, made [today] at a press conference by officials from al-Sadr's political group...

...Al-Sadr's move apparently sets aside past animosity with al-Maliki for a chance to gain a greater voice in a possible new government. Al-Sadr -- who has been in self-exile in Iran since 2007 -- has denounced al-Maliki's government for its close ties to Washington and a joint security pact that allows U.S. military presence through at least the end of next year.";_ylt=AkFZVJM2fKaMm4lJweaALAb5SpZ4

Even the Sadrists have bowed to Maliki??? There can be only one explanation: Maliki offered the entire candy factory to his Shi'ite rivals.

Time now to watch the Sunni reaction, as they are left out in the cold.

October 2

Today finds a fleece symbol exactly where expected.

How can we reconcile a Mars trace to the lamb line with the trace already made to the Hyksos line to Pelops>Atreus? Easy. And the evidence just fell upon me in the first few Coats that I continued to view. First, I knew that the Roman Mars (married the Aeneus bloodline) traces to the Marsi of Abruzzo, but also to the Maritsa/Hebros, where the Atreus Heneti were located. In fact, as Aphrodite Kabeiri lived on the Hebros with Ares, the latter likely evolved into Mars by way of "Maritsa." The Marsi lived among the Sabines, who were the Daphne cult, which was a fundamental identification of the Hyksos; I won't re-explain the reasons, but hang on until you see the Daphne symbol appear on yet another lamb-line Coat.

Note the white-skinned Moor head in the Mures Crest. I've traced this Coat to Mures-river Morat Khazars for years, and to the Rollo-Rus of More and Moray. We wonder if the white moor head traces, not to north Africa, but to the Khazars of the Mures. I don't know that the Marsi of Abruzzo didn't come from the Mures. They may have, for I trace the Silvius mythical characters in the Aeneas line to TranSYLVania, where the Mures follows.

I then entered "Marit" as per "Maritsa," and wow, I got a Coat that I recognized from yesterday to be like the Selby Coat. I had reasoned that "Selby" was an S-version "Talbot," and so gawk at the black talbot dog in the Marit Crest. BUT ALSO, the Selby Crest is the very same Moor head as per the Mures/More Crest. One can even hypothesize that "Selby" came first, named after Silvius elements in Transylvania.

Then, when I entered "Silvan," I got a gold-on-black Chief, the colors of the Selbys and Maris', but when I read that the French Silvans were first in Poitou, I recalled from ten minutes earlier that the gold-on-black Marsi/Marseille surname was also first found in Poitou! I had traced the Marsi to the founding of Marseilles, the city on the Rhone, but having nothing to do with the evidence of the Marsi/Marseille surname. The English Silvan Coat uses "mourant" for a motto term.

I now recall the Sullivan surname that I had entertained as a Seleucus>Selev(cus) surname; I was a freaked breathless momentarily as I gawked at the "Lamh" motto term. The Sullivan write-up appears to trace secretly to the Horus hawk, which is the bird from which the all-seeing Eye of Horus derives: "The surname probably means either one-eyed or hawk-eyed." I am in the very throws, via the Sabines of Abruzzo, of tracing the Marsi to the Sebannytos branch of the Nile, where Horus was god.

While we saw in the last update page that Buzyges, also known as Abas, was turned into a lizard, so this Sullivan Crest is A robin on a lizard proper, while another Sullivan motto term is "abu."

After looking at the Marit and Selby Coats, I tried "Sheep" and then "Shepherd." I figured that there were endless numbers of peoples who could have called themselves "Shepherd," but the Shepherd Coat that came up uses certain axes in the Chief, a Hyksos symbol here in my book, and it just so happens that Hyksos are reckoned by many to have been "Shepherd Kings." Daphne's grandfather (Everes) was depicted as a shepherd seer, and that's how I figure that Hyksos got their shepherd code.

And then I got to the Scottish Shepherd Coat, and zowie, an electrical shocker once again, only this time I was pleasantly livened. Is that a sheep among laurel branches, I asked myself? Drats, the page where I get Coat and Crest details loaded only the English Shepherd Coat, even when I tried the Shippert variation. BUT entering "Sheepherd" luckily got the Scottish Coat, which for a Crest reads: "A silver ram passant between two laurel branches." O happy days! Heraldry, you see, is often a pagan enterprise, and so it's not really all that surprising that both Shepherd Coats should clues to the Daphne line of Hyksos ("Daphne" is a laurel tree in Greek).

Entering "Sheep" brings up a Shipman surname, smacking of the Shippert variation of the Shepherds. It's white-on-red, keep in mind as per the Bellow Coat. For entering Ship brings up a "bellows" symbol, and then the Bellow Coat, much like the Shepherd Coat with red Chief, uses "pectore" for a motto term, smacking of "Pekuat," the alternative name of Sais on the Sebannytos branch of the Nile. That branch was a Nile root of "Daphne" as it evolved into "Saphon," and then into the Safini/Sabina, ruling Italy with their Mars cult in Abruzzo, himself a shoot of the Ares-Ixion Hyksos on the Hebros river. The Bellows "held a family seat at Moreton."

I added the Moreton link above so you can see that the surname was first in Cheshire, where the Bellow surname was first found. The other Moreton Coat, in the same red and white colors, uses goat heads.

There is something important to record here, and it goes like this. The Bellows must have been Bellamys, ancestors to the Mascis/Meschins of Cheshire, and the Bellows wolf could link to Hugh Lupus of Cheshire, Ranulf le Meschin's uncle. Then, as the bellow symbol is used by the Ships, let's read their write-up: "Conjecturally the Shiptons are descended from Alfsi of Faringdon who held the King's land, or from Ilbert who held his lands from the Bishop of Bayeux." Bayeux was in the Bessin, where Meschins were first found. And "Faringdon" smacks of the Fertes, the clan on the house of Bellamy that put forth the Mascis of Cheshire.

The point to be recorded is, not just the following part of the Ship/Shipton write-up, but the Meschin link to purple-lion Skiptons, for I have been seeking the ancestry of the Skiptons for ever past, because I believe that genetic-related diseases, from bad genes due to incest, go back from the Skiptons even as they do from the Meschins. I had found evidence that suggested a trace of these diseases to Hyksos, and now we have it again. Here's the write-up: " The name Shipton derives from the Old English words scip, meaning sheep..."

First, the sheep derivation of the Ships should lead to the Hyksos as per the Shepherd and Shippert surnames. Second, "Shipton" smacks of "Skipton," which is made so conspicuous by the "scip" root of the Ships that I am convinced of a Skipton=Shipton equation, especially as other evidence in the Ship page suggests Meschin/Masci relatives. Therefore, Skiptons were Hyksos, and of a sheep line that I have been seeking. Not only have I insisted that the False Prophet would be from a sheep/lamb/fleece line, but I've also insisted that he would be an end-time Hyksos.

The following is interesting due to the origin of both Meschins and Fertes in CALVados, for I trace that term to the (C)Halybes that I see as founders of the Slavs and their Silvanian ancestors (in Transylvania). The Faringdon Coat looks much like the Moreton Coat of Cheshire, where Bellows were from. In England, Bellamys, like Meschins, were first found in Shropshire, which was also Salop, a term that I I've traced to "Slav," so why not a Salop trace ultimately to elements of "Calvados"? I'm keeping in mind yesterday's discovery that Sals, first found in Cheshire (beside Shropshire) were S-version Talbots (first found in Shropshire and marrying Meschins), as were the Selbys, I think, who were just traced to Silv terms in TranSYLVania. THE POINT IS, as I'm running out of breath, the Faringdon Crest shows a dragon I don't see often, if ever, and it's identical to the Crest of the Silvan Coat!!!

As you may know that I trace leopards to Transylvania, because it's claimed on an online Vere work, "From Transylvania to Tunbridge Wells," it's not too surprising that "Faring(don)" smacks of the Veres, and that the Faringdon Coat uses leopards faces. Also, as the Vere dragon is green too, we now know where the Veres of Cheshire were: in the Bellamy>Ferte line to Shiptons and Skiptons. As we just read that Shiptons were descended from a Faringdon, so Shiptons were first found in Oxfordshire, where Veres ruled for centuries. The Shipton Crest is an eel, a rare symbol in my hunts.

We can easily suspect a Vere link to Skiptons, therefore, and here's evidence. Veres are said to use a wyvern dragon, winged with no front legs, and a pointed tail. That's the species used by the Clifford Crest. The Skipton write-up: ..."Skipton Castle was acquired by the Cliffords." Plus, Cliffords were first found in Nottingham,. where the green-dragon (same as the Faringdon dragon) Silvans were first found. And that surname smacks of TranSYLVANia.

The Cliff Coat uses black wolf heads (Bellow symbol), and gold-on-black stars, the Silvan symbol. Cliffs were also Cleeves, and I recall tracing that term to Clavers, the proto-Clares. I also recall linking "Claver" to "Clapton/Clopton," who I think founded "Salop," or were named after it. Note that the Salvyn variation of Silvans could have been the Sals, but in any case, my trace of "Salop" to the Slav family (not necessarily Slavs proper) is now finally no longer a joke, as I think one can see the likelihood of Slavs been founded in "Sylvania."

At the time that I was making the Clapton link to Salop, it was a fresh discovery that the Arthur surname was the Arthurian cult, and that Arthurs had merged (as a history-recorded fact) in Clapton of Somerset to the Hicks/Hykes. I began to see that the Arthurian cult was in Salop, likely explaining the white fleur-de-lys on black in the Sal Coat, colors revered from the fleur of the Pendragon surname.

The Cliffs were first found in Herefordshire, and recalling that Sellicks were first found there, so Sellicks use gold-on-black stars, like the Cliffs and Silvans/Salvyns, and zowie, there's a fine example of a v-version "Sellick," same as I imagine a Selevcus term from king Seleucus. Seleucus is in both Daniel 8 and and 11; in chapter eight, he's after the ram-depicted Medo-Persians (verse 3), and the goat-depicted Alexander "the great"). Seleucus is one of the four horns coming out of the goat.

The Sheep/Shipman/Chipman surname was first in Herefordshire too. Perhaps the Chep surname is related, especially as it uses a double-headed eagle in the colors of the same of the German Bellow Coat. (The English Chips/Chipmans could use the three Shields of the Hayers/Ayers.)

The Silvans/Salvyns use a Cuckne variation, and when reading why, I was happily assured that my trace of Flemings to Transylvania is not to be poo-pooed: "First found in Nottingham where the [Silvan] family name is descended from a Norman noble Joceus le Flemangh who accompanied William the Conqueror into England and was granted part of a knight's fee at Cuckney in that shire." The Flemings look like Silvans, do they not?

And didn't I trace "Bellamy" to Fleming"? I now find a Shipton surname from a Ferte-like Faringdon, and using a Bellamy-like bellow symbol, linked to the Silvans by the latter's use of the same green dragon as per Faringdons, and then Silvans are traced to a Fleming/Vlaam-like surname. And the Faringdon red-on-white chevron is likely that of the Scottish Fleming Coat. That Fleming Crest is a goat head, as is the English Moreton Coat, while the Scottish Moretons (first in Cheshire) use the same red-on-white chevron. The Bellow write-up tells that they had a family seat in Moreton of Cheshire, thus linking Bellows to Flemings, which then acts to support a "Bellamy" link to "Fleming." If that traces the Masci family to Transylvania via the Bellamys, it can explain why the Massey variation of the Mascis was first in Manche, where the town of Vere is located, home of the Normandy Veres.

If that appears to contradict a Meschin>Briquessart trace to the Rollo Rus, no, for they trace to the Mures river also. In fact, I traced the Rollo Rus to the Mures before tracing anyone else in the West there, before tracing Flemings there, or even Veres. I didn't even know at the time that Mars or Aphrodite traced there.

I'm impressed with the fact that Moreton became central on this update, the very day after introducing the Martin surnames, and the ram symbol of the Mars clan. It could be that "Martin" evolved from "Maritsa." I now find, after writing all the above, that the goats in the English Kidd Coat are very much like the same-colored goats in the Italian Martin Coat. AND, the same-colored stars in the Spanish Martin Coat are found, in the same colors again, in the Scottish Kidd Coat. AND MORE, the latter two Coats use the same nine-acorned oak tree. That's a family match, therefore, even as both the Irish Martins and Scottish Kids use a white crescent.

The Kidd oak tree has a bugle hanging from the branches, and it's a gold one with black stripes, evoking the black bugle with gold stripes of the Traby Arms bugles. I know there's another such bugle in the Lothian-surname Coat, hanging from a pine tree (over a talbot dog). Hmm, that can't be coincidental.

The Kidd motto term, "impleat," suggested a look at the Pleat Coat, and as it loaded I thought of the bleat/cry of a sheep or goat, but am persuaded easily to ignore it. I found the Pleat Coat in Kidd colors, and using leopard heads (i.e. Transylvania), which jibed with my look at the scroll of the Kidder Crest. Morays, which use the Kidd stars, have a scroll in Crest that I traced to Oradea, Transylvania, origin of Biggar-branch Flemings, in my opinion. But I have no evidence that Kidders were Kidds.

Now the Kitten Coat uses leopard heads too, and that looks like a match. The Kitten Crest -- I recognize those branches now -- "A boar's head couped within two laurel branches." Kittens are properly Keatons, and the Lothian link that was implied above can now be traced, possibly, to the Keiths/Keaths of Lothian.

I'VE GOT IT! It came a result of first trying to figure out what significance I placed in the Hyde surname (I just couldn't recall), for the Kidds use a Kydeman variation. Then, as the Keith surname was arrived to (from the Catti, says the write-up), I thought of the Catti Hesse, and immediately after that I recalled the Heidler variation of "Hitler" and the trace of the Trabys to Nazis. Also, the Polish Piasts used a Siem mythical term, smacking of the pro-Nazi Siemens corporation. It was only then that I saw the sun in the Hesse Coat, identical to the sun in the Heidler/Hilter/ Hiddler Coat.

Thus, Kidds were not a goat line, but the Catti from Hess as they evolved into Keiths and Keatons...and why not also the Cheatles of Cheshire? BUT, ZOWIE, another electric shock, for SEATONs were first in Lothian, and they smack of soft-C Keatons/Kettons. Both Keaths and Seatons were first in EAST Lothian, and both use the same colors. The Keaths were in Haddingshire, smacking of "Catti." Or, there's a Hadden surname said to be derived from "Heath."

How can Trabys fit this picture? By their Sadowski/Sadlowski surname, which I traced to Saddles/Sadlers, Seatons/Settons, and similar others.

The Kids et al are not a lost cause for tracing to the Easter and Pascal lamb line that started this hunt. Here's how it works. The Kettles/Ketills sound like the Cheatles and use what should be the Keith stag. The Haskells (nine apples on a tree) have an AsKETILL/AnsCHETILL variation, and they are Basques in my opinion, as I think the Baskets/Pascals are. The Basket/Pascal Coat is much like the Kettle/Ketill Coat (not just the colors and ermine bars, but the gold lions on blue), and used leopard heads, as does the Ketton/Keaton Coat. The latter were first found in Leicestershire, using a white-on-red cinquefoil, while the Kettles/Ketills use red-on-white cinquefoils.

ALSO, the Pleat Coat uses leopard heads and the same Shield as the Baskets. Pleats were accessed by a Kidd motto term, and knowing now that Kidds were Kittens and Catti, I recall the "Jewish" Katz surname said to be from "cohen Zedek," which is to claim that they were "priests of righteousness," or even priests of Zedek=Jerusalem." But I see a pagan Zedek, that of Seth/Sutekh, of sad Sais on the Nile, of horrid Horus, of Buto the butt-end of a mule. The Katz Coat is in Kidd/Pleat//Basket/Kettle/Martin and Cohen/Kagan colors, a white cat on blue. It stands on a mound with nine fruit on the ground. Remember, the white-on-blue Moray/Kidd/Martin star is used also by the "Jewish" Cohens/Kagans, and they too trace to the Transylvanian/Mures Khazars, wherefore they were not priests of God, not Levites, not even Zadokites.

Ahh, ZADOK and SADOwski. Hmm. Were Sadowskis from Zedek/Zadok elements, or did they at least think/claim they were?

I'm thinking that the Hitler surname, Hiedler (see also related Heidlers), was named after a K-less variation by which the Catti were called. If "Hesse" was itself such a term, then I wouldn't trace it to "Esau." But while Hesse was founded by the Catti, according to what we read online, it's possible that Hesse was named after something else. In any case, "Hiedler" looks like a derivation from the Kyde variation of the Kidds, and perhaps even from Kettles or Cheatles/Chedels. I recall tracing a Hesse entity to Essex and remarking that Essex sounds founded in "Hesse." I now find that Hadlers/Hadleys were first in Essex. While Hadleys use the Hiedler colors on one side of the Hiedler Shield, Hedleys (first in Shropshire and Hampshire) use the colors on the other side of the Shield. Both Hadleys and Hedleys use martlets.

The webpage below attempts to explain heraldry symbols, and no doubt echoing lore upon lore over the centuries as pagans attempted to disguise their symbols by giving them alternative definitions. The idea that a certain symbol represented, for example, the fourth son, as the Martin/Martlet is said to depict, was likely an addition of later times, and may have been used little. Typically, symbols were passed on from family to family, and could not match the family details from one family to the other. On the Martlet, we read:

"A bird resembling a swallow, with thighs but no visible legs representing the martin. It is a mark of Cadency and was used as the symbol of the fourth son, because its footlessness symbolized his inability to inherit, and walk on, his ancestral lands [that sounds like lore, and evokes Hephaestus and/or Dionysus, who were depicted lame/limping]. There is some dispute as to what kind of bird it really is...It was apparently, in its original purpose, a small blackbird...The word 'martlet' does exist in English as the name of a swift or martin and appears to have been confused with the French 'merlette' (merle) because of its similarities to the word 'martlet'. However, it is also said that the charge first appeared as a small blackbird in 1185 in the arms of Mello in Normandy and subsequently in canting arms of 'merlot', indicating that the intention was to represent the French blackbird called 'merlette'. "

That sounds like the Merlin cult to me, who was Myrddin at first, which in turn is an apt name for representation by a martin. The article goes on to describe a merle/merlette as a blackbird called Medula or Merula. I had traced Merlin's wife, depicting Gwynedd, to Daphne. Gwynedd itself is named after the Venedotia people, who seem to me like the Veneti of Brittany, at Gwenea/Vannes. Thus, the Heneti lamb line went straight to Merlin, by way of the Morbihan (i.e. like "Merovee") region of Vannes, and that is one good reason for identifying MERlin as a Merovingian peoples, explaining also why the Martin (sur)name was dear to Merovingians.

"Merle" should therefore link to Merovingians too, and as we see Mar-like variations at the French Merle-Coat page, I can't help but think of the Mary Magdalane story that was used to disguise a pagan Mar(y)-like entity. The Amazons of Hephaestus' Lemnos home were symbolized my "Myrina." English Merles use footless martins, but the French Merles/Marlots use swans, which jibes with my trace of Merovingians to the Marsi of Abruzzo, for I have them founding MARseilles at the mouth of the Rhone...where Ligurians (depicted by a swan) were founded. The Merovingian trace to Merovingians (founded the fleu-de-lys, we are told, easily explains why the Marsi/Marseille Coat uses nothing but one large fleur-de-lys.

Entering "Marina" gets a write-up mentioning bishop Morino of Rimini (Italy, not far from the Marsi), which smacks of Reims, where Merovingians ruled early. But ultimately, Merovingians trace to Moray and Mures-river peoples. As Khazars were not yet a people known by that name in Merovingian times, and not likely in Transylvania yet, I trace Merovingians to the Hebros-river dragon cult, Ares>Mars, that I think named the Mures/Maros after the Maritza variation of the Hebros. I know that Drummonds founded the Ross clan, and that his Hungarian line was from Transylvanian Khazars on the Mures. But then there are the Marlys, who were also the MontMORENcy surname, and they use the Drummond symbol.">Marly/Marley Coat, which uses a Meschin variation/colors, apparently, for they were first in Cheshire. And although the Montmorencys/Marlys were also "Marisco" and Marais, I'm not referring to the Maris/Marais Coat Coat. And although the Marisco of Montmorency were also Mares, I'm not referring to the English Mare Coat, although I shortly trace that to Drummonds too, along with the French Mare/Mars Coats where we find the surname traced to "a ram." Here's the quotes:

"...Bouchard [see Bucher surname below in case of a link] de Montmorency et Marly [ties together both surnames]...Adelheid de Clermont [his wife, sounds like a Clare]...Bouchard III. Sire de Montmorency surnamed 'the Bearded', Lord of Ecouen, of Marly, of Feuillarde [sounds like the Roquefeuil proto-Rockefellers], of Chateau-Basset [well see the Basset surname again, as it links to the Drummonds]...Herve de Montmorency, the founder of the Montmorency-Marisco (Montmarais/Montemarisco) line...Children of their great-grandaughter, Alix de Montmorency, were called Amaury/Amary; she having married into the family of Montfort; see Robert de Amar, as follows. Alvere was also known as Alvève de Mariscis (Marches)...

William de Mara of Domesday was synonymous with William de Dalmari or De la Mare, (or Marisco). His presumed descendant (was) Gilbert d'Aumari, who held lands in Somersetshire...without any evidence being given of the connection. The arms of the latter's family were barry nebulee of six, over all a bend. These are substantially the arms of the later Bassetts, a cadet of Tyrel, whose earliest arms were hedgehogs...Nicholas Damory was owner of the manors of Bochenhall and Blechendon, co. Oxon...It may reasonably be suggested that the families of Ferte-Fresnel and Ellis, suggested as close kin by William Smith Ellis, were so related; cousins of Montmorency connection."

The Mariscos were the Damorys, and that's the surname bringing up the Drummond symbol. We know that the Damory Coat is the Marisco-correct one because Damorys used the Basset symbol (I'm asking if they were Baskets/Pascals too), the Drummond Coat exactly. I had traced Drummonds to Shetland, and there in the Basset Crest is a white unicorn that may be the Shetland unicorn.

The article above tells that Bassets (I'm thinking Bast cult and especially out of BudaPEST) were also Bisets, and ZOWIE, two great points can be gleaned in the Biset Coat. First, Bisets were first in Ross-shire, and I trace Drummonds fresh out of Hungary to the Ross clan ("Children of Andrew," as the Ross' were anciently called). Secondly, this paragraph was inserted here after writing the one below, for the reason that the Biset Crest is a tree stump.

The Damory/DaMARY surname was first found in Oxfordshire, which connects with the "Oxon" in the quote (where the Damorys owned a manor), for Blechenhall is in Oxfordshire. Veres of Oxfordshire were Merovingians in some way, says the clan leader, but also Stewarts. I say this because the Bochenhall location in Oxon smacks of the Bogens>Bauers of Bavaria, and "Bochen" brings up the German Buchan/Bucher surname (first in Bavaria!) derived from elements of Buchanwald (Nazi concentration-camp locale), which led to the discussion (many months ago) on the tree stumps and witchcraft of that area and of the Brocken (surname uses tree stumps) mountain, where both Veres and Stewarts were traced. The Bochens/Buchens use what appears to be a Martin Coat, the one with the Traby-like bugle hanging off of it. The other Traby-like Bugle was in East Lothian, the location of the Keath Catti that I now think link to the Hitler surname.

The two Ross Coats both use white lions on red, as does the Scottish Mare/Mar Coat; I'm assuming that Mares/Mars were also the Marisco>Damory clan, therefore, especially as the French Mares/Mars use white scallops on blue, the Patterson-scallop colors, while Scottish Pattersons were likewise first found in Ross-shire. That's a Patterson-Drummond match, confirming my Patterson link to Drummonds.

Now see the Ross write-up: "For this origin, the first reference of the name was Godfrey de Ross, a vassal of the de Morevilles, obtaining from Richard de Moreville the lands of Stewarton in Cuningham." One would easily link the Mores to Moray (beside Ross-shire), true, but what about the MontMOREncy branch of the DaMORYS? AND, doesn't the latter term smack of "Moray" itself, and of the Murrays who were named after Moray? Others have realized this too. BUT, do they trace to Moravia??? Not likely, unless they're insiders. Note the CUNingham part of the Ross family, smacking of HUN.

The Cuningham write-up mentions Malcolm CANMORE, this jibing with my theory that Hungarians were in Scotland, and at Moray, before the Drummond patriarch, George, son of king Andrew of Hungary, arrived in 1055. Can't you just see Andrew, in whose company queen Margaret was in while she was in exile in Hungary, saying to her: Hey, look, I sent George my son to Scotland to help Malcolm Canmore defeat Macbeth of Moray, and don't tell anyone I told you, but Malcolm is one of us Hungarians, so I'm sending you to marry him. Do you like that idea?" Margaret did marry Malcolm, and she was escorted to Scotland in a ship piloted by Maurice Drummond, son of George. And she came with proto-Leslies of the Hungarian domain.

The Ross write-up ends with, "the capital was transferred to the town of Dingwall." In the Dingwall Coat, WHAT DO YOU SEE? It's GOLDEN FLEECE between two spurs. I kid you not, I claimed in recent days that the lamb/fleece line traces to Hungarians BEFORE I found this Coat just this minute. If I recall correctly, I had traced it to Moravians in the Hungarian Arpad line. There in the Dingwall Crest is a stag, Arpad symbol that Hungarian myth traces to in ancient Babylon/Assyria.

Previously, I thought that there was evidence of a Macbeth trace to Hungarians, and so I claimed that George was sent to Scotland to assist Macbeth over Malcolm (Malcolm won the war two years after George arrived). But it could have been the other way around. Somewhere in the Moray theater, perhaps in the Cuninghams, noble-blooded Hungarians loomed secretly, and they named the flag of Scotland after Andrew, father of the Ross clan.

The Cuningham Crest? A white unicorn again. The "Y" in the Coat is a fork, or disguised as a fork (very clever). The Ross write-up: "This [Moreville land in Cuningham] family of Ros or Ross came from Yorkshire." I once read that Maurice Drummond was "Marot do Yorvik," and while the latter term could be a George variation, it also smacks of "York." And that smacks of "fork," a Ross motto term. INDEED, the Cuningham-Coat's Y stands for York and/or Yorvik. I had to write this paragraph out completely before realizing it !!!

The Cuninghams could have been Cohens/Hohens. In any case, the Cunning/Gunning Coat uses the Clopton/Clapton cross style (called, "patee"). I recall from the last update page: "We read of the Gunn surname in the Keith write-up, and in the Gunn/Guinne write-up, the Gunns are mentioned with Mackays and Sinclairs..." I had traced "Clapton" to "Claver," and the latter to "Clare/Sinclair." I had traced Pattersons of Ross-shire to a Vere-related Guin variation of "Guis" that now seems to link to the far-north Gunns of the Orkney theater. Were GUNns Hungarian/Hun-based Cuninghams? Apparently, yes.

The Gunn Coat (Chief in Gunning/Cunning and Ross colors) uses a ship, a Drummond symbol, as per Maurice the ship pilot, we might assume. The Shiptons? The Sheeps/Ships?? The Shipperts/Shepherds??? The Shiptons of Moreton were related to Maurice Drummond (de Yorvik) and the Morevilles of the Ross clan??? That could explain why Shiptons>Skiptons were first in YORKshire. I'll keep a hawk's eye out for that in case the Hungarians have been pulling a fleece over your eyes. Uat is going on here? It's a Hunny of a tale we're being fed.

Indeed, a Sheep=Ship trace to Drummonds can explain why the golden fleece appears in the Ross-shire domain. But why a fleece in the Dingwall Coat?

Certainly, the Moreton buckles can link to the Leslie buckles, if that helps to trace Moretons (Cheshire) to Hungary. The "Grip fast" motto of the Leslies is said to come from an incident on the ship piloted my Maurice, in which queen-to-be Margaret was endangered. The Moretons are said to be Strathclydes, and "Drummond of Strathclyde" is plastered all over the Internet. The English Moretons use a goat, perhaps an alternative to the Dingwall-of-Ross lamb/fleece. By all means, the Moretons could have been Morevilles at the root of the Ross clan.

That means that the Ship(man) Coat, using bellows in code for the Bellows (Chief in Ross et-al colors).of Cheshire's Moreton location, could have been named after the Drummond ship symbol, which, after evolving a Sheep variation, gave birth to a sheep symbol. And the scip=sheep definition term that is said to be the origin of the Ship(man) surname now looks rooted in-reality in "skipper" of a ship, as in Maurice himself.

LOOK AT THIS COAT that I had prepared to show you before looking up the Damory-Basset topic, for it too used the Damory-Baset waves, which are the Drummond waves. I was so sidelined by the topic above that it took this long to show it, but exhausting the topic above, I finally got to it, and it fits neatly at this point of the discussion to reveal who the MAR lines were. The Spanish MARin/MARino Coat uses the Drummond waves too, in German Drummond colors, and it smacks of "MARot/Maurice" (I didn't realize this when on the MARISco/DaMAURIi topic). The Marin/Marino write-up: "The French given name Marin was an occupational name for a sailor."

I haven't known what the black bars in the Italian Marina/Marino Coat were, until checking just now. they are three black wavy bends. Waves. This is the surname with Bishop Morino of Rimini that I trace to Merovingians, tentatively. I had traced both Merovingians and the Drummonds to the Marot-named Khazars, but as the Khazars were not there always, it appears that they merged with the Mars cult on the Mures, and that's what Maurice/Marot was named after. It means that Drummonds were the pre-Khazar Mars cult from the Mures to the Moray region, and they could have been Picts, or any other Arthurian-era (mid-first-millennium) group of that area, even the Mercians...whom I traced to the Marsi.

Note the Tremond variation of the German Drummonds. Near the Marsi of Italy is TERAMO, what was in the past, Aprutium, named after Aphrodite. We get it: the hub of the Aphrodite>Ares cult. As per Drummonds living in Pictish territory, a trace to the Pyxites river, and the THERMOdon river beside it, is feasible. The Khaldi in that same Thermodon neck of the woods named the Caledonian "Picts," we gather, and mythical Meleager of Greek Calydon is known by be to be Tolkien's Melkor, and his Orcs/Orks in the Orkneys (though clever-but-foolish Tolkien doesn't reveal these things), which makes the Gunns of Orkney suspect.

LOOK! The French Marin Coat is exactly the same, but in colors reversed, and minus the Gunn ship, of the Gunn Coat. EXCELLENT verification of a Gunn link to Drummonds, and that makes my Drummond trace to Shetland very feasible.

As per my theory that Maurice's father was the man behind the St. George Cross, used on the English flag, is it coincidental that the George cross is red and just like the one in the ENGLISH Marin Coat??? The Marins "were of Marrini or Marigny family of Calvados in Bayeux at Marigny, 4 kilometers from Port en Bessin."

NOW IS THE TIME to show the French Marais Coat, a white-on-red cross, but with scallops in Meschin colors. I say that because Meschins were first in Calvados, and in the Bessin. But see also the Marly/Marley Coat that I traced to the Meschin scallops...because the dolphins are in the colors of those scallops while the Shield is in the Meschin-Shield color. As you can see, the black diagonal bar in both the Marly and Marais Coats slants in the same direction, and both use white symbols on those bars.

The Marlys were from Morlaix of Brittany, and Brittany is where the French Marin surname was first found. As you can see that this Marin Coat uses the Bellamy Shield, it may not be coincidental that Bellamys were first found in Shropshire, where the Brittany proto-Stewarts were first found (when entering England in 1066). It all looks like the Stewart link to the Massey clans, verifying that proto-Stewarts of Dol were linked closely with the Massi/Matt family of Abruzzo (so close that they use roughly the same Shield; the Stewart Coat could even be taken as the Bellamy Shield in colors reversed).

The Massi eagle has a bent neck, the same style eagle as mentioned earlier today like so:

The Sheep/Shipman/Chipman surname [I didn't know this was a Drummond clan when i wrote it] was first in Herefordshire too. Perhaps the Chep surname is related, especially as it uses a double-headed eagle in the colors of the same of the German Bellow Coat.

I had linked the Bellows to Bellamys, which now looks more certain.

There's more. The French Marais/Maret/Marey write-up traces to a Buz-like term in Normandy that I expect there as per king BEZprym and/or other Buz elements of the Bessin: "First found in Cambray, Normandy where ancestors of the family belonged to the house of Bousis." I did trace the Buto cult to Buzites, and forward to CAMBR terms. Meschins ruled in CUMBERland and NorthUMBRIA, and Merovingians in CAMBRai. Look at the slyness or irresponsibility of the Marais write-up, recalling that the surname was also "Marisco": "The Marais surname is a habitational name derived from any of several places named with the Old French words 'mareis,' or 'maresc,' meaning 'marsh.'"

Entering "Bousis," we not only find a Coat, but it's the Boucher surname using water bouquets (used by Bugs' too), created, some suggest, after this very surname/clan. It's a branch of the Bochen/Boucher surname, is it not, for "Nicholas Damory was owner of the manors of Bochenhall and Blechendon, co. Oxon." Just as I suspect a trace of the Bochens/Bouchers of Bavaria to Bogans>Bauers/Bowers of Bavaria, so we see Bowser, Bowesar, and Bowsher variations in the Bousis/Boucher page. Bogans use a bow without arrow, thus stressing the bow.

What do I see above? I see a Drummond-Rothschild link. I see that Drummonds in the Bessin were the Bogans>Bauers that furnished the first Rothschild. But never did I see, until now, that Bogans may have been Buzites, aside from a trace of the Wittelsbachs (Bavaria), whom I suspect were Bogans, to the Buto/Uat cult.

AND LOOK SOME MORE. The BUS/Beusse surname that I suspected was a Buz line, which I thought should show signs of linkage to "Bousis," uses a red cross like that of the English Marins, while the French Marins (using a cross too) are the ones from the house of Bousis. The English Bus Coat is the one using the HAMILton cinquefoil, and that again makes a trace to Cambri-like terms in the Campbells/Cammells that I see in "Hamil." In short, I see the Bus surname as related to his brother, Kemuel, possible founders of the Egyptian Chemmites that trace to Cambri-like terms. These fellows were big guns, apparently, and we know they were shipmen of the Atlantean kind.

The German Bowser Coat is very much like the French Lambert Coat. Both use the Moray stars, and that's the symbol also of the French Bez/Bes Coat. This potential Drummond-of-Bessin link to Bezprym and king Mieszko Lambert is most-excellent for adding evidence to a Bezprym trace to the Bessin, and even to "Bessin" itself. Consider now my logic-puzzle theory that the white Bez and Lambert star, in Moray colors, had to trace to Moravian Marot-named Khazars at the root of royal Hungarians, and add not only the Maurice Drummond trace to those Khazars, but Bezprym's wife, Judith of Hungary, and we see a pattern.

The German Bez surname uses the black-on-gold Adler eagle used also by the German Bus Coat. (As of last night, I seek evidence for an "Adler" link to the Hiedler/Hitler surname.)

Now that's it's established firmly in my mind that Hungarian/Moravian Drummonds were among the Piast Poles to the Bessin, let's go back to the obvious Drummond link to Bisets/Bassets. If Drummonds of Ross-shire were a golden fleece line, might the Bassets have been the Baskets/Pascals? I did trace Bassets to Bast, the mythical cousin/sister of Buto. Baskets use German-Drummond colors, the leopard a Transylvanian symbol, and a Shield much like the Lamberts and Bowsers above. As we expect the Baskets/Pascals as part of the Easters of HAMPshire and Wight, I've noted that the English Marins were first in Hampshire, but from the Bessin 4 kilometers from Port en Bessin...[and] 3 miles from BASingstoke" (caps mine). The Basing Coat uses white-on-gold adler eagles.

As the Hampshire Basings were associated with the Port surname, so we find a Port surname first in Hampshire, suggesting strongly that the surname was from Port en Bessin. The Port Shield is a chevron in colors reversed from the Basket/Bowser/Lambert chevrons.

The common thing in the Coats of the Hampshire Easters, French Ports (expected to be related to Hampshire Ports), and Ross-shire Bisets, is a diagonal bar in the same direction. The Bessin surname (first in Cheshire, no surprise), uses a diagonal bar (surrounded by bees) in the same direction!

And, there are Bassin surnames, one first found in Haddington, where Keiths were first found. Remember, I trace both "Cheshire/Chester" and the Keith Catti to Hesse, wherefore Bessins>Bassins should be part of the Meschin/MASCULine and Cheshire line that I've envisioned to the Keith clans, the ones that I figure named MUSSELburgh in Haddington. The Bessin Coat is in the Meschin-scallop colors.

And, excellent, the Italian Bassin Coat is a black diagonal bar in the same direction as the black Bessin diagonal bar! Variations of the Italian clan include, Basta!! Mythical Bast was also "Baset." The Bassets might just be, pure and simple, the Buzite Bessins from Buto. Cheshire Bessins are also "Beastons."

I swear on the last strands of my brain that I wrote the above less than a minute before entering "Best" to find a "legiBUS" motto term. The French Bests are also the French Bes'/Bes'.

The French Best Crest is a white ostrich, identical to the French Lois Coat ostrich. I had recorded that because the Marigny Coat uses a "lois" (and "murs") motto term, while "Marigny was a variation of the particular Marins that were "4 kilometers from Port en Bessin," and three kilometers from BASingstoke.

Boii oh Boii, am I ever buzzed out. The letters on my keyboard are disappearing. But I have lots to work with seeking whatever the Beest-Swatter of Heaven wants yet exposed. I'll check the news...and report back soon later this afternoon...

I just found a longish article with many general Mattis quotes on his approach to Iraq, now that he's the big cheese of the Obama war. I read the article with a view of Mattis as the anti-Christ, but came away thinking that he couldn't be, even though he says he's got to go in largely on a diplomatic effort rather than a strictly military one.

Even though he seems to oppose the official Obama agenda of winding down the fighters, as he says he's going in for a long war with no deadline announced to any one, yet he seems firmly opposed to the enemy, the Insurgents. For that reason alone, I have a problem squaring Mattis with the neo-Seleucid "king of Babylon."

But things can change, and moreover we don't really know that Obama's invisible bosses want him out of Iraq. The plan, secretly, could be to linger in Iraq indefinitely, and take it over if need be due to the Iran axis. Mattis in the article could be echoing the true but unofficial Globamist agenda, to be in Iraq for as long as it takes, and to continue the battle to the end of the agenda, whatever that may be. This article out fresh makes it clear (no surprise, really) that Syria and Iran are tied together in a "revolution" against Globamists, and a men like Mattis, very outspoken, confident, smooth indeed as you can see for yourself by reading the article below, can only aggravate the Muslim revolution against global Zionists.

Can I imagine a merger of Mattis with the Insurgents? No, not at all. BUT the reality may yet prove to be true that Americans have been behind the Insurgency -- behind its West-"friendly" leaders, anyway -- for the globalist agenda, whatever that might be, that includes a strong foothold in Iraq. At any time, Mattis could announce, by order of globalist invisibles, that the Sunni fighters of Iraq are needed, be they friend or foe of Americans to fight the Iran Axis in Iraq. But even that doesn't look like the anti-Christ, where he is to be Ezekiel's Gog with Iran as a main ally.

The only good news is that there doesn't seem to be a hazard for post-trib Christians in one man in Iraq who can be wrongly taken as the anti-Christ...that makes some enjoin trib retreats at the wrong, too-early time.

October 3

If you're patient today, you'll get more low-down on the fleece line to Ross-shire, with exclamation marks galore. It proves to be the Mieszko-Lambert line once again.

Contrary to what you might think, I as a dog-bone digger am not complicating the dragon cult as much as I'm exposing something complicated that's been simultaneously buried in the dusts of time. The nutshell revelation of the dragon bloodline is as follows.

As Merovingians were mythical Merops of Ethiopia, a symbol of the city of Meroe/Merowe, while a Meroe location further south was inhabited, according to Wikipedia, by an Amurru-like peoples, I trace Merovingians to the Amorites, Semites originally, whom on the Euphrates river had a capital, Mari. The Euphrates was "Aphrodite," and she was a Hebrew peoples on the Khabur/Habur branch of the Euphrates. The two entities migrated to the Hebros river, and the Amorites named the river, Maritsa, after Mari quite apparently. Yes, the Amorites of Mari had MARduk as their god, the Mars/Martin line to the Maritsa.

The Ethiopian entity called Merops was also placed by myth writers on Kos, and island near Rhodes. The Merops-of-Kos line, having out forth "Aedon," migrated to the Rhodanus river as the Autun family of peoples, and that's where the peoples of Rhodes settled too, as the Redones. Thus Merovingians were the Autun line from Merops, but merged with Redone proto-Rus, wherefore the VaRANGian Rus were just those Merovingians, called "the first Franks," merged with the Redones Rus.

As Ares was a proto-Rus peoples, he can be expected on Rhodes, but as he had an affair with Aphrodite, he can also be expected on the Hebros, which river was down-town Thraco. As per my discovery that Ares was also Ixion, or an essential part of Ixion, the latter depicting the Kikons of the Hebros domain, it's now made plain to me that Ares on the Hebros was the mother of mythical Kikon, RHODope, who was made mother also of Hebros because the Rhodope region was on the Hebros. Thus we see that Ares was indeed a proto-Rus/Rhodian peoples on the Hebros.

As the Rus side of the "first Franks" trace from Rhodian elements, some Merovingians can also be traced to the Rhodope region, and in particular to the Mars/Martin cult, named after "Maritsa." As Amorites were thus on the Hebros as proto-Merovingians (and proto-Moravians), one can also trace them to Jerusalem's Amorites by way of my trace of "Ixion" to mount "Zion" and other Jerusalem hills and valleys. The HEBROs was itself the APHRO-dite Hebrews, and so we expect the Amorites of the Euphrates to have moved to Jerusalem also.

The Ares dragon represented Lazi-based Hebrews -- who were the fleece/lamb bloodline -- evolving into the Lazio region south of Rome, home of the Latins. In that Latin domain is an Arda-like location (Ardes, I think it's spelled) that, according to Romans, was the birthplace of Aphrodite (i.e. it was a major Aphrodite-bloodline center), which clue easily traces that locality and its cult to Arda on the Hebros, home also of the Atreus lamb-line at nearby Orestaea.

The Aenus location on the Hebros became the Aeneas-based Romans, yet another lamb line, in my tentative opinion, explaining why they settled next to the Latin fleece line. As Atreus was son of the Lydian king, Pelops, whom was the Lydian/Leto Apollo, it's not surprising that Romans traced themselves to a wolf, the Avellino/Abellinum Hirpini. And that Apollo wolf, according to the Romans, married Mars, from "Maritsa," the Amorites that were also basis of the Merovingians. Apollo can be traced to Amorites by way of their second capital at Ebla, which I think was named after Abila, capital of the Abilene region on the Syrio-Phoenician territory.

As I trace "Apollo/Abello" to "Abila," so one can trace Apollo to "Ebla," which was close enough to the Thermodon river of the Amazons, where the city of THEMIS sat, in which case it explains why wolf-line Apollo was made a twin brother of wolf-line ArTEMIS, herself an Amazon goddess of the ruthless-Roman kind. And the mother of Apollo and Artemis was the Roman Latona...the Laz fleece line, the Latin side of the Romans, the Biblical dragon that carries Aphrodite/Marduk -- Semites and Hebrews of Babylon -- on its back . Therefore, for those who wish to view Revelation's Babylon the Great as Jerusalem, she's not the Jerusalem of the Israelites, but of the Amorites.

The Drummond link yesterday to the D'Aumari, who were also the Mariscos, Marrs, and Morencys, suggests strongly that "Drummond" traces to the "Thermodon." It was suggested (here, many months ago, ) that Drummonds were DERMotts, whom at houseofnames (enter "Darby" to see) are also DARBYs (of Derbyshire), so I see "Drummond" from the Trabzon=Thermodon line to the Polish TRABYs. And when I traced Drummonds to Trabys of Polabia (north Germany), I had shown that they were related to Veres of Polabia i.e. the proto-Varangian Varni worshipers of Nerthus, who were fellows with the Angle worshipers of the same mother-earth goddess, who founded Anjou/Angers, home of early Veres linked to Melusine, a snake goddess in LUSignan but from Prussian LUSatia. That's not complication, but revelation. One has reason, therefore, to trace the Laz lamb line to Lusatia, at Moravia's/Bohemia's back-door patio.

The point is being made that Drummonds and their Aumari branch were the Thermodon Amazons i.e. Artemis together with the Apollo Amorites of nearby Ebla. And the Moretons and Martins of recent discussions, being found among Bellows (i.e. like "Apollo/Abello") and Bellamys, who were in turn linked to Ships/Sheeps of the Drummond fold, appear to be the same Amorites of Apollo. There are many complicated lines to be discovered from these apparent facts, and while I can't go into all of them again, I will add some bee-line comments.

It can be gleaned that Ixion, a proto-Rus Kikon peoples at the RHODope ("ope" means "bee", as in "Merops)" region, moved to the Rhodanus with Nephele (Ixion's wife, and major golden-fleece character), while "she" was symbol for proto-Nibelungs on that river. Naples, said to be derived from "new Polis," seems to me to be better traced to "Nephele" elements. Naples was south of the Arda-like location of the Latins/Lazi, and to the south of Naples sat Poseidonia, a Buz-based Poseidon center. The Apian way, named after "apis=bee," went past Naples, north toward Rome. And Napoleon, who used the bee symbol on his very royal "pajamas," was named after Naples elements. Poseidonia of bee-land Italy was from Pisidians, at LYCia the wolf land, explaining why LACydon was the origin of the LIGurians on the Rhodanus, near where the Abruzzo-based Marsi founded Marseilles.

Thus, the same wolf- and lamb-line Lazi (depicted by Apollo and Pel-ops respectively) of Latin-ville were the Ligurians to the north of Rome. As the Rus seem to be the essence of the lamb-line, let me say that Ares (i.e. proto-Rus peoples at Rhodope) dragon, which was not only the Laz golden fleece line, but evolving into the "Sparti," was very likely the Atreus Spartans, or the Spartan fleece line. The point here is that the Ross clan, which we assume were named after the Rus/Varangians, used a fleece symbol at Dingwall (see yesterday for details). How can we reconcile the Ross-fleece trace both to Hungarians Drummonds (see yesterday) and to Varangian Rus?

George Drummond was the son of king Andrew of Hungary, who was not only in the company of the Varangians of Kiev while in exile as king-to-be, but married, and/or may have had for a mother, a royal Varangian of Kiev. Drummonds were from the Rus too, in other words, and although the Ross clan was called by their Hungarian side, "Children of Andrew," they were clearly named after the Kievian Rus. (I think that Varangians/Merovingians had a presence in the Ross-shire/Morayshire region before Varangians proper got to Kiev.)

We're keeping in mind that the Drummond-related Bisets (see yesterday) were first in Ross-shire, and that Bisets/Bassets, Drummonds, and Amourys/Mariscos all use the same wavy bars...that I think depicted Atlantean Nahorites. The Drummond trace to the bee-line Bessin yesterday suggested a Biset/Basset presence in that part of NORman-Rus (Varangians, I think) territory. It can therefore be gleaned that Drummond Amazons and bee-line/Apollo Amorites were merged all the way to the Meschin-based Bessin, and that close Amazon-Amorite relationship -- the "sacred" wolf-twins -- jibes with the trace of the Meschins, a POLish/Apollo>Pollux peoples, to Mysia's Amazons/ beside Leto/Lydia, the very entity that became Leda>Pollux that was moreover married to the MeneLAUS Lydians/Lasonii.

Yes, Apollo was the bee-line to the Bessin, even as Meschins were from bee-line Piast Pisidians merged with bee-line Bohemians that founded the bee-line Bajocasses of bee-line Bessin/Bayeux. And I had even traced Apollo to bee-line Avvites, who I contended, before making the Apollo link to Amorite Ebla, were Amorite Hebrews/Semites from Babylon's bee-line Abzu.

As per my trace of Avvites back to the Abzu-Poseidon>Buz line of Nahorites, we expect Apollo to be near the bee-line Pisidians of Italy, and indeed Avellino was near bee-line Poseidonia. The Nephele cult that I see in nearby be-line Naples, being also the Hera proto-Rus (jibes with an Ixion identification as the proto-Rus at Rhodope), is traced by me to Nibelungs of Normandy's Vexen (origin of "Viking") and to the Friesland theater of Wieringen, founded by Varangian vikings. But Nibelungs were originally Burgundians, at Autun and Nevers (on the Rhodanus), and that's where the Merovingians Franks, who were the Varangian Rhodians, so to speak, had their Hebros-based root. There is light in this complication, as when an old dog bone is uncovered at midday noon. The only problem is that while I have been trained as a good bone hunter, I am not very skilled in explaining in nutshells what I'm finding. My symbol is going to be the long wind.

It's not my idea that we happen to be tracing dung to the Dingwall fleece line, for I didn't create the dung. I just dig it up. The pagans created it, the same dung whom mentally-ill historians call 'the great," the same who killed and pillaged to form their empires. On the other hand, I am an unknown, as are countless peoples not recorded in history, because they lived peacefully without invading the wives and animals of their neighbors. All of history seems to include the dragon bloodline because dragons make history, and because historians are mentally ill and write about dragons, not unlike myth writers who tum dragons into heroes and even gods. That's why the meek will inherit the earth, and the empires of the Flying Dung Dragon.

I the Scottish Ross write-up, we find Andrew/Anrias mentioned, the ancestor of the clan, who is no revealed truthfully as king Andrew, "Anrias was descended from the O'Beolan." A bee-line clan? Bellamys/Bellows?? Later in the write-up we find the clan descending from a FARquar/FEARquar, smacking of the Veres, especially as the Ross Crest is a ring, symbol of mythical Melusine (and other nasty things) to whom dragonic Veres trace themselves. The Fear-Coat write-up tells that "They were originally descended from Vere from Manche." Note the diagonal bar that was traced yesterday to Bessin/Biset elements.

And as the Vere-Coat motto uses "nihil" as code for the Neals/Nihills, from the Irish Niall clan, so the Ross write-up traces Farquar to the same Niall of the NINE hostages (Melusine was in Avalon, say the dragonic Veres, home of the NINE witches of the Apollo Muse/Mysian cult). Farquar was made an earl of Ross in return for his dung, his part in the military sack of Moray. The Ross write-up mentions "Tain" (evokes Danes) as the capital of Ross before it became Dingwall (evokes Danes).

In the English Ross write-up, there's a Moreville surname at GilleMORIStun, and this term prompted a look at the Morrison surname, while I'm keeping in mind that the Mores and Morris' of Moray were from the Marisco/Aumari/Damory/Morency clans of Drummond affiliation. Amazingly, the first Coat to come up, the Scottish Morrison Coat, is essentially the English Ellis Coat. This recalls the quote shared yesterday: "Nicholas Damory was owner of the manors of Bochenhall and Blechendon, co. Oxon...It may reasonably be suggested that the families of Ferte-Fresnel and Ellis, suggested as close kin by William Smith Ellis, were so related; cousins of Montmorency connection." The Morrison Coat uses scallops in Meschin colors, fully expected where I trace the Vere-Meschins of Cheshire to the earldom of Moray i.e. the Randolphs of Moray.

I failed to mention when on the Varni and Angles (reported by Tacitus), that there were an Oxonae peoples/location that were lumped into those Nerthus worshipers, although that entity is not usually mentioned. I had written in the Ladon book

"Recall that the earldoms of Oxford (originally "Oxanforda / Oxnaforda" to the Saxons) and Worcester united at one point, in particular during the Shakespeare era, and then know that -- if I'm not mistaken it was Tacitus -- included, in northern Europe, a peoples called "Oxonae." Some websites share Ukert's claim that 'the Hellusii and Oxonae are fabulous' i.e. non-real place/peoples, but as no reason is given, I wonder if some are trying to hide something important.

Merovingians Are from Po-land

LOOK NOW. As Dalmorys of Oxon/Oxfordshire were of the Drummonds, who I trace to "ADRAMmelech," a Sepharvite god of JOKtanites, who I suggest were depicted by an ox. Sepharvites were Joktanites (for Genesis 10 places Joktanites in a Sephar region), the ox in the Arms of Oxford can be gleaned as the child-sacrificing Molech bull, the Sepharvite god.

BEHOLD the Hellusi among the Oxonae, as that not only smacks of the Ellis clan, but of Aeolus, son of Hellen!!! Those exclamation marks are for the super evidence just found for a trace of mythical "Enarete," wife of Aeolus, to "Nerthus," whom the Oxonae and Hellusi worshiped!!! That in turn tends to prove that Veres (who ruled Oxford for so long that they owned it) were from the Varni. I would trace WORchester, a likely Vere haunt, to the Melusine found in the Arms of WARsaw, Poland.

Let's not forget the Drummond trace to Ships/Sheeps and Shiptons/Skiptons, for the Meschins were married Skiptons used "Alis" for their daughters. I did trace "Alis" of the Meschin-Skiptons to Messina's NINE Aeolian islands, i.e. to the Ali surname of Messina (Sicily). You get it: the Ellis clan of Meschins. The Ali write-up says that the Alis were specifically at Terme, a Drummond/Adram term!!! This is a good day for digging up...Holle, the European goddess used by the Ellis Crest, who is thought to be the Basque goddess, Mari. Holle was a goddess of HOLstein, in Polabia's ballpark i.e. near the Varni.

As Ranulph de Briquessart (father of Ranulph Meschin) was descended from Malahule, son of Eystein, so we find, "Dun Eistein," as the Morrison motto!!!!

Apparently, the Morrisons were the Rollo-Dane bloodline (Eystein was Rollo's grandfather) in Moray, supporting what no historian worth his dung has revealed, or will reveal, so far as I know, that the Rollo Rus ruled at pre-Conqueror Moray.

PLUS, although I may not dig out an Ellis Coat found online wherein the Crest was a red Melusine, I will show the green Melusine of the Moray Crest. The Moray write-up speaks on "MacANGUS de Moravia," which easily suggests Melusine's Anger/Anjou connection (dragonic Veres say that her son, Milo, was count of Angers/Anjou). Remember, these Moray stars in the Moray Coat were also of the LAMBert Coat, and with Meschins at Moray, you know that the Moray stars are from king Mieszko Lambert.

That now makes it very likely that the Dingwall fleece, in the same Moray colors, are a description of the Polish Piast line to Moray, the Vere-Meschins. Just ding, really, nothing to toot a horn about, as Veres like to do. The Moray write-up: "First found in Moray, where the clan founder, Freskin..." See the Ellis/MontMOREncy quote above with mention of the related the Ferte-Fresnel clan, which I trace to Frisians...likely the Frisian roots of Varangians. You get it: Moray and Ross were infested with the Ferte>Bellamy/Meschin Apollo cult.

The other Scottish Morrison Coat uses three white-skinned MOOR heads (in Moray colors), joined at the center in Traby-Arms style. It's also the Isle of Man style (these Arms from Sicily, which evokes the Aeolus>Ali>Ellis branch of Morrison), wherefore read in the other, Ellis-like Morrison Coat that early Morrisons "were royal princes of the Norse Empire of the Isle of Man and the Hebrides."

I glean that the Morrison Crest is the Mackay sword/dagger, for Mackays ruled Moray too, I had discovered, and in fact I suggested that Mackays had been the Meschin-of-Cheshire line to Randolph earls of Moray. The Alis Coat shows the Mackay and Macey bear.

The Morrison write-up: "The roots of the Morrison family name are in ancient Scotland with the Viking settlers. Morrison was derived from the name Maurice." Couldn't that have been Maurice Drummond?

The Irish Morrison Coat uses a footless martin, a symbol of the Merle/Merlin/etc. entities linking to Moray. The Morrison martlet is beside a Sinclair Cross, apparently, that serving as more evidence of a Rollo-family presence in Moray. And as Sinclairs were first in ROSlin (Lothian), one can now trace Roslin to Ross-shire and/or the Ross clan. That supports my trace of the Rollo bloodline (Rollo worshipers won't like it) to Transylvania's Mures/Maros river (to the location of Rhagan on that river). Maurice Drummond's mother was a Bohemian of PodeBrady, if it's correct that Maurice's father (George) was married to a woman of Podebrady, which some have said. Podebrady was on the Moravian frontier.

Just found a Dutch Dinger Coat from Germany, using a red bull head. The Oxonae?

When DUNK(er) came to mind just now in seeking the root of DINGwalls, Duncan seemed appropriate, ancestor of Malcolm III CanMORE. Duncan's royalty is called the Dunkeld dynasty. And, the German Dunker Coat shows "Dunkel" as the proper form, very much like "Dingwall/Dingel." Dunkels were in the Rhineland, the river leading to Holland (i.e. perhaps related to Dingers).

Yesterday, I saw good Cuningham reason for tracing Malcolm Canmore 'to Hungarians of the Drummond and Ross kind. The Duncan Coat is in Ross-clan colors, and uses a ship in Crest. Also, striped bugle that, if Duncans were Drummonds, could link to the Traby bugle, also striped to a degree. The "pati" motto term of the Duncans evokes the Pattersons, first in Ross-shire. In fact, the white-on-red cinquefoils used by the Duncan Coats (see also Donkey/Donkin-branch Duncans) are a symbol of HAMILtons, who I trace to the god, Camulos and Camelot, while the Irish Pattersons use a camel that i think is code for the same Camulos cult. King Cole of Camulodunum ruled York too, and that evokes the Cuningham branch of the Ross clan that is said (in the Ross write-up) to be from Yorkshire. I'm thinking that "can mor," Malcolm's nickname, was code for Cuninghams of Moray/Ross-shire. The Duncan write-up traced to king Duncan of the Malcolm bloodline. The latter name smacks of the Molech bull cult.

NOW, something good. The Dingwall motto is "Deo favento," smacking of the Fabian clan. It just so happens that the red-on-white Fabian surname was first in HAMPshire, where the red-on-white Easters were first found. That could now trace the Dingwall fleece to the Easters, whom I was convinced were the Pascals using a lamb. The Fabian Shield is in the same style as Sellicks/Talbots/Scots/etc. In this picture, the Dingwalls may have been a lamb line only by association with Easter branches. French Fabians don't show their Coat. I cannot recall details of all the Fabian of Rome talk several weeks ago, but you may.

Camulos was Mars, they say, and god of the Remi founders of Reims, which recalls my trace of Merovingians to Rimini, where at least one Marino climbed high in the Catholic Church...that Merovingians were joined at the hip with. BEHOLD how many sheep the topic brings up as we go along: "At Rindern, France, he was cited as Mars-Camulos on a stone with a corona of oak. Elsewhere he was portrayed with a ram-horned head."

If correct to trace Camulos to Kemuel, son of Nahor, than the trace of the ram symbol to the Aram of Nahorites is made rational, and perhaps I won't go down in history books as a kook after all. Says the article above: Attempts to link [Camulos] with the nursery character Old King Cole and Fionn's father Cumhall have been rejected by contemporary learned commentators." Excuse me, but who are these learned authorities, for the very next line says, "The town Camulodunum (now Colchester) in Essex may have been named after [Camulos]." Isn't that in itself evidence that Camulos was linked to king Cole, since this king, mythical or otherwise, was made king of Colchester, the city that was earlier Camulodunum???

Cuninghams of Ross were from Yorkshire. I suspect them to be linked to the Dunkeld family of Malcolm, and then we find the Coles first in Yorkshire, which jibes with king Cole ruling York. Maurice de Yorvik may have been the Cuninghams or Coles of Yorkshire. The Coles Coat use leopards, Transylvanian symbols used also by the Rhodes Crest, and so could be a Rus symbol too, of the Moray Rollo clan, and Dingwalls, likely Dane Rus, may have been the namers of York/Jorvik because the name comes from Danish vikings. And while Dingers of Germany/Holland use a red bull, the Cole Coat (no 's') shows a black bull.

The latter Cole Coat has been linked to the Mieske/Mesech black bull head, that being the Mieszko line to Moray. The Cole motto uses "Deum Cole," while "Deum" is used also by the Moray motto. The term smacks now of D'Aumori/Damori. The "serva" term of the Cole motto smacks of the Serbs, and it just so happens that Sorbs lived in Lusatia, while Lower Lusatia uses a red bull in its Arms. As I said that Melusine's mother, Pressina, was code for Prussia, so Lusatia was part of Prussia, and Prussia is where the Mieske/Mesech surname was first found, as if the Mieszko clan was carrying the Lusatian bull symbol, as was the Piast branch named after KOLod(ziej), mythical founder of the Mieszko dynasty, to the Coles.

With the trace of the Ross-shire fleece to Hampshire's Fabian surname, what about the Kolts/Kells that were first in Hampshire? They use the Mackie and Mackesy lion, while the green snake in the Coles Crest matches the green snake in this ">Mackesy Coat. That not only traces Mieszko Piasts to Kolts/Kells and Coles, but to Ross-shire once again, and meanwhile helps to confirm that the Hampshire lamb bloodline, in the Easters and likely the Fabians, was from Mieszko II Lambert.

The Scottish Kolts/Kelties (Kyle colors) were first in Perthshire, where Drummonds were first found, and "they held a family seat from very early times on the old lands of Keltie, near Callander." The Malcolm Coat page tells that the surname was also "Calam." Or ":Caluim" in Gaelic. That easily modifies to/from a Cole variation, which can now trace Malcolm to Piast Poles, though Mieszko Lambert's brother was married to Judith of Hungary, wherefore the trace above of Malcolm to Hungarians still stands.

The Malcolm link to Kyles/Coles can be made another way, for as the Duncan motto uses "pati," the Malcolm motto uses "ardua petit," even more like the Patterson surname that I thought "pati" was code for. AND, as I trace the Patterson camel to king Cole's Camulodunum, so we find that the Malcolm clan was of the CAMPbells/Cammells! That surprised me enough to warrant at least one exclamation mark, which I like using only if I don't have to spell out the word. I mean, I just love banging on the exCALAMation-mark key. It has such a nice ring when it means verification to the thinks that I'm kooking up for learned historians to eat of. Go ahead, taste this lamb stew; you might LEARN something.

It just so happens that Malcolms were linked to Campbells of Argyllshire, beside the Kyles of Ayrshire, and as "Their ancient Clan [the Malcolm's that is] seat was at Poltalloch near Loch Craignish, " so we find that the Craignish surname was first in Argyllshire, and uses the Campbell "windmill" exactly. BUT, we learn, the Craignish and Campbell colors are those of the Carricks (first in Ayrshire), who claim to be from the Craigs, wherefore we get it: Carricks, from Scheyern elements of Bavaria, were also merged to Camulos elements in Campbells. We could bet at least one blade of our windmill that the Carricks go back to the Polish line in Bavaria, which, so far as I can tell thus far, was that of Giselle of Bavaria, married to Stephen of Hungary, brother of Judith of Hungary, mother of Mieszko Lambert.

Can we see a Polish term in "Poltalloc" above? Even the Lochow Campbell-Coat write-up sounds Polish: "The Clan Campbell was known as the Siol Diarmaid an Tuirc or, alternatively, the Clan Duibhne, and in a Crown charter Duncan MacDuibhne was ancestor of the Lords of Lochow in 1368." Is that Daphne, who I had traced to the wife of Merlin? Let me record here that the Tuirc term has the vowels in the right order for a potential link to Tuareg Amazons of Berber-ville.

Note that the colors of the Malcolm Coat are the colors of the Lambert Coat, but with colors reversed because the blue-on-white Malcolm saltire in colors reversed is reserved for the Andrew clan of Ross-shire, as it's the flag of Scotland called Andrew's Cross. Even the stags in the Malcolm Coat should trace to Hungarians. The one color scvheme highlights the Hungarian line, therefore, while the Malcolm color scheme highlights the Polish line.

"Really," I hear the devil ask in the back of my mind. Why is it so hard to believe, thou learned historian, that Scots could come from Poles and Hungarians? Your royal high-nesses of Europe tossed their daughters around like men willing to abandon and betray their families for the pot of Utopia's gold, and do you think that these, your sons, you devil, are anything more than dung?

If the question now is whether Campbells too are from Piast Poles, look at the derivation of their name: "This nickname surname is derived from the Gaelic words cam and beul..." Never mind what learned historians decided those terms meant, for it should be clear that they Cammells were named after Camulos, the ram god, and Kemuel of the Aramaeans, while "CampBell" was then a play on words with the Beolans at the Andrew root of the Ross clan.

I had traced "CampBell" to the AVELLino/ABELLlinus location on CAMPania, and so LOOKIE what we find when we seek a Beolan-like surname: "The ancestors of the Bellan family lived in the French province of Champagne. Bellan was a name for a person who lived in Champagne." How can that be? A Bellan was a Champagne-ite??? But as there is an Avallon in Champagne, so "Champagne" must trace to "Campania," and the Bellans must have been Avell-ians, so to speak. The surname has a BESlan variation, perhaps after Buzite elements...if indeed Campbells were a tribe from Buz' brother, Kemuel. RECALL Piast king BOLEslaw, father of BEZprym.

LOOK! The Bellan Coat uses triple white chevron on red, the Singletary symbol, AND, the exclamation mark is for: the white chevron on red have ermines imbedded, just like the white-on-red HAMILton cinquefoils! The Hamiltons show a Hambleton variation, smacking of "Cambel/Campbell." NO SURPRISE NOW.

AND GUESS WHAT ELSE uses the Hamilton cinquefoil? The BUS Coat!!!! (That was a surprise. I had forgotten who else used it, and while scrolling through the Coats to find something else, there it popped up while writing three paragraphs down).

The little story in the Hamilton write-up might be code and therefore myth-speak: "With their pursuers close behind them, Sir William and his servant exchanged clothes with two wood cutters and, using their saw, they cut Down a large oak tree to bridge a river." The oak was a symbol of Camulos, and the felling of trees was a symbol of mythical Esus, who was likewise considered Mars.

The Esus article: "The given name 'Esunertus' ('strength of Esus') occurs at least once as an epithet of Mercury on a dedicatory inscription." Never mind the definition in brackets, in case it's off-the-wall typical historian craft, for the "nertus" part looks too much like "Nerthus" to be ignored. I trace Nerthus to Nereid Nahorites, and as Nereids were sea-going peoples, so Esus is associated with a Boatman entity. The Shipmans??? "According to the Berne Commentary on Lucan, human victims were sacrificed to Esus by being tied to a tree and flailed." The Shipmans were traced to Drummonds, Sepharvites of a Molech-bull cult, which smacks not only of the human sacrifices of the Esus cult, but of the bull that was Esus was identified with.

The Hamilton Crest looks like a nine-appled oak tree, the symbol of Arthurian Avalon!

Back to the Campbell write-up: "First found in Argyllshire. Researchers suggest a joint progenitor of both the Campbells and the MacArthurs. The MacArthurs were the ancient senior sept of the Campbells. Arthur derives from the son of King Aedan MacGabhran, the 9th century Scots King of Argyll." That's the Arthur surname that's being merged to a chief part of the Cammels/Cambells, and king Arthur was made to die in Avalon.

The idea occurring to me above, that Beolans were named in honor of king Boleslaw, got me to take a look at Bole surnames. The German branch uses Bohlen, Boehlen and Boelens. The Dutch Boles use a tree stump, possible symbol of Esus. AND, EXCELLENT, the BELgian Boles use the white Bez/Bes and Lambert star on a BELLamy and BELL Shield. A variation there is "Boleyn." There are three silver compasses" (Masonic symbol, perhaps) in the Belgian Bowl Coat.

The Boles could certainly link to Ross-shire's Beolans because the Bisets, first in Ross-shire, also use a tree stump. And it's green, the color behind the Bole tree stump. I had traced English Boles to Pollocks because both use a boar pierced through with an arrow, and that helped to identify both clans as Polish-based Scots and meanwhile trace Pollocks to king Boleslaw. (There are boars in those gold cups).

Bassets used a hedgehog, tracing a hedgehog-using family (i.e. the Biset branch) to Ross-shire, and in keeping with a Ross-shire and Moray trace to Moravia, I delved deep as a hedge hog into a dragon's den to find the Bassets in the first place because I had found a hedgehog in the Arms of Iglau "Jihlava...German: Iglau) is a city in the Czech Republic. Jihlava is...situated on the Jihlava river (German Igel) on the ancient frontier between Moravia and Bohemia, and is the oldest mining town in the Czech Republic..."

I was at the Iglau page at all because I saw links to the Hungarian Gyula clan. It is said that Judith of Hungary and king Stephen were direct descendants of Gyula, the Hungarian on the Mures river. Judith married Boleslaw of Poland. How neat is that? It can trace a hedgehog-using family to Ross-shire if even the Beolans were named in honor of Boleslaw elements.

Now Judith and her children had to be Heneti Paphlagonians because Gyula was from Sarolt/Carold, a figure that I trace back to Carolingians, who were themselves from Belgian elements in the Pepinids of Landen, Paphlagonians. And as the Heneti were found to be the lamb line of the Greeks/Thracians, that should explain why Judith's son was called Mieszko Lambert. It sounds kookie, but it's not me who named him; it was a totally different kook that did so.

Tomorrow you will see Artemis on the Thames river, but traced to the Ross-clan capital. That jibes with a trace of DRUMMond-based Amazons from the THERModon river, where the city of Themis was located. You can glean this trace by a peep at the Tain Coat. If you don't know the significance of the hollow diamonds, aside from symbolizing the Meshins of Moray, I'll fill you in tomorrow. IT really is a full-proof trace.


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