Down Under in Austria
The Abyss of the Nuremberg Nazis
September 24
In my dragon hunt, I depend on my interpretation of God's messages to me. For example, I identify Batavians us Buz/Budini-based Nahorites because I believe that God informed me from the get-go that Buzites were represented by a bee symbol. Therefore, the Salian side of the Merovingians/Franks, because Salians lived at the mouth of the Rhine, where Batavians lived, are suspect as the bee-important part of Franks, and as Buzite-based Nahorites. To now find a Neuri- and Boudini-like locations, with counts, in relation to Taunus and Daun locations on the Rhine, and coming just after discovering that Danaans were Nahorites, seems as though the time has come to reveal Nahorites and Buzites of the modern time. And as you saw yesterday, they were smack at Rothschild headquarters.The quote that was shared wherein the Bavarians compete with Hessians for Germany's wealthiest regions/corporations is a testament to the obscene greed that the Illuminati has been portrayed with. Such competition is not beneficial to charity or workers, as competition is not conducive to the practice of giving or relieving, but has as its goal the continual hoarding of funds, and the practice of making money work to make money.
We saw some good links between Bavaria and the Hesse/Nurburg theater yesterday, but that was minus the mention of Nuremberg in Bavaria. I have yet to investigate the latter for Nahorite links, but right off the bat we know that it's where Hohens were concentrated. The Arms of Nuremberg not only use the Hohen eagle, but the red and white Hohen colors.
I neglected to mention the Tan(n)er surname yesterday that I had previously thought to link to Tanerdevilles. German Tanners were first found in Bavaria and Franconia. The Tanner symbol is a pine tree and pine cone.
There is an English Daun surname (white roses of York), but as it has Dawn variations, could this family have be encoded by "Golden Dawn," a phrase used by the Rothschild Illuminati??? As the Golden dawn cult Rosicrucians are known to have moved to London, what about 10 Downing Street, "the official residence and office of the First Lord of the Treasury of the United is the headquarters of Her Majesty's Government and the residence of the First Lord of the Treasury who is now always the Prime Minister." doesn't escape us that "Down" and "Doun" are variations of the Dunn surname, or that "Downham" brings up the Dunham Coat. In a nutshell, that could explain why Obama is the president today, as his mother was a Danaan-Rothschild, or at least a Danaan Rosicrucian. But let's not forget amid all this evidence that Dunhams were Nahorites that Obama's mother was involved with a man from Kenya, where NAIRobi is the capital. I had always suspected that she, as an anthropologist (= study of man), was involved with a man dear to her Illuminati bloodline (she worked for Rockefellers), but I didn't know until now what common bond she had with Mr. Obama senior.
Why does the Downing/Douning Crest use a single white arrow, the color of the single arrow in the Rothstein/Rothschild/Rochstein Coat (surname first found in Brunswick)? Why is that Crest an "Arm and Arrow," so to speak, and why does the Shield use green, the color of the Scottish Bower Shield (uses the five bunched arrows that are the Arms of Rothschild) and the German/Austrian Bauer Shield?
Who owns London anyway??? The first son (Nathan) of the first Rothschild was sent (by his father) to London to increase his fortune from the moneys acquired from Hesse-Cassel's prince William. AND, the Pepinid roots in Pepin of Landen (Belgium) come to mind, as they were traced (last update page) to the London surname. The Downing surname was first in Oxfordshire, where Veres ruled the roost, and that brings to mind the green BEAVER in the Arms of Oxford...that I had traced to "Bavar(ia)" elements. Who were the Downs/Dawns/Dans of Bavaria, we wonder?
The Roytenstein variation of the Rothstein/Rothschild surname evoked Reuters, the British news organization, and sure enough, the Reuter surname has a Roytter variation. The Rueter surname, in the colors of the German-Bauer Chief (= top one-third of the Shield), was first in Austria, where the Bauer surname was first found.
The Dan/Danes Coat is apparently a variation of the Surrey/Sark Coat. Let's not forget that the Bavarian Illuminati is now traced by me to Scheyern of Bavaria, and that this location was traced (last update page) to the Share surname of Surrey, as though "Surrey" and "Share" were related entities and together from Scheyern elements. The black crosslets in the Share Coat likely link to the same of the DAVENport Coat.
I did link "Daven" to "Down/Dunn" in previous discussions, but I also suspected a link to "Davis," the surname of Obama's true father (in my opinion and a few others). The Moor head (albeit with white skin) in the Davenport Crest should link to the Moor head in the English Tanner Coat, for both the Tanner and Share Crests are talbot dogs. And the Moor head should be a symbol of Saracens in Sicily, especially in Messenia (since Talbots married Meschins), which could explain why the Downing Coat uses a griffin much like the one used by the Ali surname of Messenia (Meschins and their purple-lion Skipton relatives in Yorkshire used the Alis/Alice name for daughters).
The Dauns/Dawns of Yorkshire use the WHITE-ON-BLUE of the Mackay/Macey and Maceys Coats, and as those Coats use harnessed bears, they should link to the saddled bear of Saint Corbinian of Bavaria, a man lifted to heights by the Garibald>Grimoald line in Bavaria. I remind you that I trace the Wittelsbachs of Scheyern, and Bogens of Bavaria, both of whom used the WHITE AND BLUE "lozenges" of Bavaria, to the Garibald line.
It dawned on me in the last update page that the Welsh David/Davis surname was a variation of "Savidge," while the Savidge/Savage surname had been traced solidly to Saracens, and "Saracen/Sarasin" was suggested as the root of black-talbot Carricks that were solidly linked to Scheyern. That all suggests a trace of Saracens to Bavaria. And as the Sarasin surname and other Saracens were linked closely traced to Russells and Meschins, I repeat my theory that Meschins/Maceys/Masseys/Mascis were from Bavaria too, and were even the proto-Rothschilds. The following could be amazing for me.
I have been keeping an eye out for Masci wings, but thus far have seen only two, perhaps three, Coats using them. But just now I tried to compare the Masci wings to the German Bauer wings, but could not make out a difference. Correct me if I'm wrong, but are the Masci wings the Bauer wings???
If so, Hamo(n) de Masci, ruler of Dunham Masci to which I trace Obama's mother, was of the Bauer bloodline. That makes a lot of sense to me, and should explain why the gold-on-blue bar in the Masci Coat are in Bauer-chief colors. It should also explain why, instinctively, I took on this task of seeking Drago-Rosicrucian roots. My mother is directly a Masci and a Grimaldi, and I've claimed for long now that God gave me this work (long before Obama was known) due to the Masci surname...that would act as key guide for discovering key truths.
I didn't know all along that the Masci wings were the Bauer wings. Though I saw the resemblance, I never bothered to check to see whether they were exactly alike. But today, while on the Danaan of Bavaria hunt, the Dunham Masci link to Rothschilds is very important. I did trace the Masci surname to Ishmaelites, but now I know that I'm a Nahorite too.
Look, there's even a Danish Bauer Coat, and it uses what should be the bars of the Arms of Nuremberg!! There's a Dan link to Bavaria if ever I saw one. And the gold lion on black in the Danish Bauer Coat should link to the same of the Budapest and Wittelsbachs, a lion traced recently to the lion goddesses (Bast, Buto/Wadjet) of the Nile. That brings the black lion on gold discussed yesterday in relation to Nurberg, to mind, as a reversed--color design linked by blood to the Budapest/Wittelsbach, and now Bauer, lion.
The flag of Denmark uses hearts, the French Sauvage symbol, and Savages and Saracens were traced to the Sau river, Austria, where Bauers originated. That trace to the Sau was made as per the write-up in the German/Austrian Sauer/Saier Coat (uses Russell lion). The Sauer/Saier surname was part of a hunt for the "sara" motto term of the Russell Coat, and for Saracens, but I saw yesterday once again that the English Folkes/Fulks use ("Qui sera sera") essentially the same motto as the Russells, and I was at the Folks page in the first place because the Darks/Arques were from Folkestone (Kent).
Folkes/Fulks use a green and red Shield, evoking the green-Shield Bauers and "Rothschild" (= "red shield") all at once. Not surprisingly, the Folkes and (talbot-using) Sawyers were first in NORfolk (hmmm, Nahorite-folk???). The Dunhams were first in Norfolk too. The point is, my theory is supported now that Darks were Sarks/Surreys because the Shares of Surrey trace to Scheyern, while "Sauer/Saier/Sawyer" looks like it fits better into the Scheyern family than OJ Simpson's hand into that black glove.
It is said that powerful Freemasons/Illuminatists scratch one another's backs, and control the courts to a degree that they can easily get their guilty-as-sin subjects free when they deserve jail time. The English Simpson Coat uses both a black-on-gold and gold-on-black lion, and the Scottish Simpson Coat ("Alis" motto term) uses a green Chief (I'm thinking Bauer trace to Saracens) with crescents, the symbol of Saracens (I figure, as per the Muslim/Arab crescent) and of the English Sarasin Coat.
The Sarasin surname was first in CUMBER, jibing with a trace to Chemmites of Buto, and moreover Sarasins use a black lion on gold in Crest, the color of the BUDAPest and Wittelsbach lion (I trace BudaPest and "Witt" without doubt to "Buto/Uat"). The Sarasin Coat is in the colors of the English-Simpson lions, and I forget not here that I linked both Chemmites (who were Danaans of Tanis and Buto) and Simsons/SIMPons to the Samson>Danaan cult and the Samson/SAMPson surname. A black lion is used by both the Savage and David/Davis Coats.
As Wikipedia and others share that the Buto cult evolved into Latona/Leto of Greece, note the "letho" motto term of the Samson Coat. The Sam/Sames Coat uses...a black lion on gold!
We have every reason to trace the Leto/Apollo wolf cult to the Neuri wolf cult, and then to the wolves in various of Obama's bloodlines, including the "wolf" that the Randolph-Coat page speaks of.
Where do we see a black lion on gold in Bavaria? In NURemberg, where we expect the Neuri. It's the symbol of the HohenStaufens of Swabia (part of Bavaria). It was the Hohenstaufen lions that first tipped me off to a Cohen-Khazar link to Flanders lion, and therefore to the Flanders bloodline. But the idea that "Flintstone" was code for Flanders, while Hohenstaufens were from Fredericks, was an additional clue.
Lest a new reader take me for crazy, Wilma Flintstone, with red hair and a white dress, depicted the Vlaams/Flemings, who use red and white. But the Flanders/Flindres-surname Coat is likewise red on white, and it's in colors reversed to the Arms of the House of Babenberg (and Austrian flag).
As per my theory that "Flanders" traces to "Bellamy," note that Bellamys were of the red-eagle Fertes, thought by a "Frame Origins" webpage to be related to red-on-white Frames. A red eagle did become a major symbol of Hohens, and Frames/Fertes were Frisians, that perhaps explaining the Hohen presence in Flanders, and likely their Frederick names too.
As it dawned on me just there that "Ferdinand" is a Frederick variation from "Ferte," so I found that the Ferdinand Coat is in all three Bellamy colors, and quite similar in every way. The other Ferdinand Coats are in the same colors, and one uses the Masci fleur-de-lys, apparently. The German write-up: "The German surname Ferdinand came to Austria in the 15th century with the Spanish Hapsburg dynasty."
The original Hohenstaufen lion was in colors reversed: "When Frederick I became Duke of Swabia in 1079, his coat of arms showed a yellow lion on a black shield...Philip of Swabia, elected German king in 1198, changed the coat of arms -- the lion was replaced by three [black-on-gold] leopards" (webpage above). Remember here, leopards had been a symbol of Transylvania, and that points to the Gyula Khazars. The Sarah/Sayer Crest uses a leopard, and the Coat is in original Hohenstaufen colors, the colors of the Carricks et al from Scheyern.
Thus, we suspect that Hohens were from Scheyern elements, which could explain why the Arms of Scheyern are white-on-blue, German and "Jewish" Cohen colors. The Scheyern symbol, a double-armed cross (thought to be pagan), is used also by the Arms of Hungary.
What was Hohen emphasis in Sicily? "The House of Hohenstaufen (or the Staufer) was a dynasty of German kings lasting from 1138 to 1254. Three of these kings were also crowned Holy Roman Emperor. In 1194 the Hohenstaufen also became Kings of Sicily." One has every reason to suspect the Bauer-related Saracens there as Hohen-important. Why? Because, likely, a Rus-Khazar merger had taken place, and Sicilian Saracens (with Samsan and Timnah names) were a Rus-merged peoples (i.e. merged with the Tancreds>Guiscards).
HohenZollerns were from Swabia too. The Zollern/Solern surname (talbot dog) uses an original HohenZollern design (that became black and white Illuminati checks), and was first found in Austria, not surprisingly. Hmm, this is new: Solern variation might have produced the Sol/Solana surname, not just because "The Solana family originally lived in any of the numerous village and towns named Soler," but the "Jewish" Cohen Coat uses a sun as per the Solana Coat. The Solana Coat was once surrounded by snake heads, but now wolf heads; the snake was a symbol of Buto/Uat, and she developed into the Leto wolf cult, who gave birth to Sol, otherwise known as Apollo.
As per my trace of proto-Cohens/Hohens to Ireland (O-Rourke, for one, but also the hound-clan Canns), see this: "The [HohenZollern] family coat of arms, first adopted in 1192, began as a simple shield quarterly sable and argent [= black and white]. A century later, in 1317, Frederick IV, Burgrave of Nuremberg, added the head and shoulders of a hound as a crest." talbot head in the Crest at the section, "Counts of Zollern (before 1061-1204)," suggests links to Talbots (a surname that I trace to "Seleucid") and, as per the Meschin marriage to Lucy Tallibois, to the Meschins from king Mieszko (from Sulcis-based Seleucids). Further down the HohenZollern page, at the section, "Burgraves of Nuremberg (1192-1427)", one sees an upright black lion on gold, the position of the Flanders lion. Further down at "Margraves and Electors of Brandenburg (1417-1806)", we see a red eagle positioned centrally beside the HohenZollern black eagle.
Farther down at "Dukes of Brandenburg-Jägerndorf (1523-1622)" there are three bugles linked at the center...just like the 666-like Traby Arms! I've never seen anyone else using the Traby et al (includes the Brzezinskis) using that design. The Traby bugles are in Hohen-lion colors, and I do recall tracing the Traby ostrich feathers to "Austria." And now is the first time that Nahor's child (daughter?), Tebah, has perhaps shown itself, for we read that Traby-Arms alternatives are "Brzezina, Traby II, Traby Odmienne, Tuba." (It doesn't hurt to record it, but it hurts like bee stings to not record and regret it later).
The following seems like God's message to me this morning, for I awoke at 3 am with the Sheridan surname on my mind, and I got right to the computer at 3:30. It's now 7:35. I didn't know what to make of the term accept to link it to "Sherrod," mentioned again in the previous update page as pertaining to the Sherry/Scheyern bloodline. I checked the Sheridan Coat (green lion) early but saw nothing of a story within it, and left it at that, though I'll now point out that the green color had been traced by me to Saracens because Arabs/Muslims use green to this day.
NOW, as I saw the JorDAN surname at the end of the list of surnames using the Traby Arms, I entered the term to find the Shurtan/Shurdane/Shurtaine variations of the Irish Jordan surname, and a black lion on white, exactly the black-on-white lion of the Cheshire Davids...that I think were Downs/Dunns/Downings/Davens and Savidge/Savage Saracens.
As this David Coat is said to be Welsh, see nearly the same lion in the Welsh Davis Coat, but this time see the colors of the quarters in the Davis Crest, for they are black and white, the HohenZollern symbol. The Sherry Coat is also quartered (though blue and gold), thus indicating a Hohen link to Scheyern (the Sherry dancette is used by the Arms of Scheyern).
In the HohenZollern article: "The family uses the motto Nihil Sine Deo (English: Nothing Without God)." In my September 5 update:
Thundering Lightning Cloud! The Peterson motto is nearly identical to the Davis motto. Although I can't read the Davis motto above the Crest, the write-up has the English translation: "Without God without anything, God is enough." The Peterson motto, "Nihil sine Deo," has the translation of, "Nothing without God."That's added support for a trace of the black David/Davis lion to the Hohen black lion. The Peterson lion head is the same as the one in the Davis Crest.
But we also see, once again, a trace of the Obama Dunham line to the Hohen Illuminati, and the O-trace to Babenburgs can perhaps be gleaned again by way of the French Jordan/Danon Coat, colors reversed from the Arms of Babenberg.
Moreover, as the French Jordans/Danons were first in Brittany, the Coat appears to be a variation of the Alan-of-Brittany Coat, thus tending to support the afore-mentioned link of the Alan Coat to the Babenberg Arms. This Jordan Coat is exactly the Flanders Shield. The many Dan-like variations of the French Jordans supports a Dan root of the Irish Jordans, and could therefore reveal the Polish Jordans of the Traby fold as Nahorite Danaans from the Nurburg region (see yesterday's discussion for many details on that).
I didn't know this, but the French Davis Coat uses lilies, the symbol of NARmer (father of king Scorpion) and leading to the fleur-de-lys. As more support for a Jordan link to the Davids/Davis', the Irish Davis Coat uses clovers (Clovis code), a symbol of the (Irish) SheriDANS. The latter have a "laCESSitus" motto term, smacking of the "cuss" root that I imagine in the "Percussa" term of the Irish Jordan/Shurdane motto. It evokes the Irish Cussanes/Kissanes/Pattersons, who use the Savage black lion on white.
Also, the English Cuss/Kish/Cush Coat uses the "water fountains" that I link to Nahorite Atlanteans. The same symbol is found in Ireland's O'Rourke domain of Lietrim, and he used black lions on gold...that I long ago traced to the Hohen lion.
We know that one of Obama's chief foreign-=affairs advisors is/was Brzezinski, of the Traby fold. And to add to the Obama trace to that fold, we go to his Wolfley line in Cheshire : "First found in Cheshire where they held a family seat in Longdendale." The Sheridan surname was first in Longford, but where that is by no means strong evidence of a link to Wolfleys, I note that both Coats use green and gold. Moreover, where we're convinced that Jordans/Shurdanes were linked to Davids, we find that Davids (and Savages) were also first in Cheshire. AND, the Sherrods were first in Cheshire too!
That's the story of the SheriDAN term, and it would appear that it is a Dan term, who would have guessed? The main point, I think, is to trace Danaans to Scheyern/Bavaria. Nuremberg was in NORdgau, and right now, any Nor/north term is suspect as being from the far-north Neuri that I suspect founded Nuremberg. "The chief cities of the Nordgau were the Frankish cities Nuremberg and Bamberg." One can trace Nuremberg's early developments to Babenburgs of Austria, then taken over by Hohens:
"From 1050 to 1571, [Nuremberg] expanded and rose dramatically...King Conrad III established a burgraviate, with the first burgraves coming from the Austrian House of Raab but, with the extinction of their male line around 1190, the burgraviate was inherited by the last count's son-in-law, of the House of Hohenzollern."Clicking the Raab link, one finds the Babenberg Arms in colors reversed, in the Raabs an der Thaya. And we don't forget that Babenburgs were early in Bamberg. Later, in Hohen-ruled Germany, something went terribly wrong into the direction of an anti-Israeli movement:
"Nuremberg held great significance during the Nazi Germany era. Because of the city's relevance to the Holy Roman Empire and its position in the centre of Germany, the Nazi Party chose the city to be the site of huge Nazi Party conventions -- the Nuremberg rallies. The rallies were held annually from 1927 to 1938 in Nuremberg."NAZI, a term that I traced to Nuzi-based Horites/Nahorites. And I did suggest from some evidence (many months ago) that Obama traces to German, Nazi entities in and around the Brocken, and at a location of the Veres, who were Stewarts (Brocks were also Stewarts). And I had suggested that the Thule Society, of the Nazis, was code for Dol elements, where proto-Stewarts ruled who named themselves, "Alan," a term that I recently traced fundamentally to the Neuri and their Alizone neighbors. Moreover, Thule is a mythical location doubling for Atlantis. True, Thule is in the far-north, and Dol is not, but proto-Stewarts of Dol were traced by me to Shetland's Raven vikings, and who knows who they had merged with there, as Shetland is close to NORway, founded by mythical Nor.
Were the Neuri of Nuremberg and/or Nurburg the Hyperboreans:
"Hyperborea was usually described as a continent-bound land, bordered by the great earth-encircling river Okeanos to the north, and the great peaks of the mythical Rhipaion mountains to the south. Its main river was the Eridanos, which flowed south, drawing its waters directly from the Okean-stream. The shores of this stream were lined by amber-bearing poplar trees and its waters inhabited by flocks of white swans. Blessed with eternal spring, the land producing two crops of grain per year. But most of the country was wild, covered with rich and beautiful forests, 'the garden of Apollon.'To the south the realm was guarded by the bitterly cold peaks of the near-impassable Rhipaion mountains. This was the home of Boreas, god of the north wind..."
If correct to identify the Eridanus with the Rhodanus/Rhone, where Sol/Apollo/Phaethon crashed his chariot, and where swan-depicted Ligurians were founded, the huge Rhipaion mountains appear to be the Swiss/Italian Alps. Hyperborea then translates to north of Switzerland, what is now Germany. The Okeanos river might be thought to be sheer fantasy from the likelihood that no one lived further north than the source of the Rhone, which is at lake Geneva (Switzerland). Down in Liguria are Genoa, possibly suggesting that Geneva was a Ligurian-swan settlement, but also Nice, a place that I trace to the Nuzi/Nysus elements of Dionysus. Note Annecy on the south side of lake Geneva (map at link above), for it evokes "Nice," and wherever there is a Dionysus cult, there too should Nahorites be:
"Nice...Occitan: Niça [classical norm] or Nissa [nonstandard], Italian: Nizza...Greek: Nikaia, Latin: Nicaea...was given the honour of a victory over the neighbouring Ligurians (Nike is the Greek goddess of victory). The city soon became one of the busiest trading ports on the Ligurian coast..."In the wild depictions of the Dionysus cult, "Dionysus stands in a cart pulled by two panthers directed by Nike, the god of victory..." It's no wonder she was given wings, she went as far as Liguria. picture then helps to trace LAUSanne (shown on map on Geneva's north shore) to "Laus Deo," a phrase that I equate with Dionysus. I assume that Rosicrucian Sionists/Zionists were from the Sithones and Sviones (from Ligurian Savona=swan) that I trace to the Swiss city of Sion/Sitten, shown smack beside Lausanne.
Perhaps pro-Sionists merged there with some who developed anti-Sion tendencies, as had the Hitlerites. I do see the Rotten river flowing past Sion, if that helps to link Sion to Rothschild Zionists. Hitler warred against Rothschilds, though some think he acted on their behalf. Perhaps the World War was a Rothschild spat (we'd hate to see an argument).
I don't think that the "Okeanos" was sheer fantasy, but I do think it was code for "Geneva," whatever it might have been called in those days. For as it says that the Rhone issued straight from the round river of Okeanos, so lake Geneva is a long, arching body of water, and the Rhone can be seen on the map to begin at one end of Geneva. Later, the Okeanos was made to circle the world, but who knows how myth evolves legs? Other mythology thought that the Eridanus was a combination of the Po with the Rhodanus, for they had the Argo ship sailing up the Po (west across Italy from Venetia to Liguria), and then down the Eridanus to the Tyrrhenian sea. Thus, it might have been thought or taught that the river (i.e. the Rotten) flowing to the other end of lake Geneva was the Po, at that time called the Okeanos.
As Dionysus was placed by myth in a war of the India theater, I view that aspect of his cult as Revelation's Abaddon of the abyss.
And in today's news. the king of JORDAN speaks on an abyss of his won:
"Jordan's King Abdullah warned [yesterday] that if the issue of the building moratorium in West Bank settlements was not solved...'If we fail on the 30th [of September], expect another war by the end of the year. And more wars in the region over the coming years,' Abdullah said.
...'We are at a defining crossroads of whether we are going to go down in the abyss or not.'"
Well said. It's downhill from here on in, and there's no coming back from Tartarus.
In Iraq, where Shi'ites promised days ago to have a new prime minister chosen within a week, no word yet. However, that promise was made by anti-Maliki Shi'ites to pressure Maliki to step down, forever. Maliki, though not heeding the one-week deadline, is desperate:
Officials for Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki's political bloc say envoys are in Iran for talks with...anti-American cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, whose faction has opposed keeping al-Maliki in office....Al-Maliki's factions seek to rally Shiite support from al-Sadr..."
September 25Before I show the Edom-like terms associated with Aeneas, and how the proto-Romans depicted by him can trace to the Masseys, I want to share my thoughts of last night on how Masseys got involved in Bavaria in the first place. It is a problem, not least of all because I had traced Masseys/Meschins to three basic peoples. One, via the Briquessart father of Ranulf le Meschin, to the Rollo Rus bloodline. Two, a via the Dunham-Massey/Masci clan among the houses of Fertes and Bellamy, to the Frisians and Flemings of the Netherlands theater. Three, via "Meschin" to Polish king Mieszko.
The latter was the problem, for I had no idea how the Poles could be traced to Bavaria, but I wanted to know. The "contradiction" of tracing Masseys both to Frisians and the Rollo Rus is understood if my theory, that the Rollo Rus were Varangians, is kept to, for "Varangian" should trace to Friesland's Wieringen locality. But the Poles do not strike me as Varangians, and yet I eventually realized that the commonality between Fertes, Bavaria, and Mieszko (the first historical Piast king) is a red eagle. AND, if I recall correctly, and I'm sure I do, I quoted in the Laden book that the red Hohen eagle had come from the Zahringers, close cousins in Wurttemberg with Veringens...whom I trace to Varangians.
Albeit the Piast Eagle shown by Wikipedia is white on red, I recall reading that it was originally red, and this online statement, "Poland Piast Eagle on White Background," suggests a red eagle. In this picture, Piasts were somehow in red-eagle Bavaria, among Hohens, and that's how the Masseys/Mascis should likewise trace to Bavaria.
And I was also thinking this last night, that although Hungarian Arpads (via king Stephen) and Budapest elements trace to Bavaria easily, Hungarians were not Poles. However, Piast Poles were linked (by me) to Moravians, whom I think were from Transylvanian Khazars/Kabars, the latter being the common thread between Hohen Bavarians, Hungarians, Flemings (Bellamys?) of Flanders, and the Rollo Rus (I traced each of these five entities to Transylvanian Khazars on independent grounds, wherefore it's either a fact of history, or I'm one wild magician who can trace anything to anything and make it sound good).
The importance of these thoughts last night is the Nahorites of Bavaria, for I believe that God said to me, in effect, "Start including non-Israelite Hebrew elements in your dragon hunt, and you will find the bee-line Buzi Nahorites." Coupled with my belief that my mother's Masci surname is key to my hunt, I can't ignore that Meschins, and therefore Piasts Poles, were in the Bessin, itself named by the bee-line Bajo/Baiocasses...that many trace to the Boii founders of Bohemia. Adding to those suspicions that Buz-based Poles were in the Bessin, king BEZprym, grandson of Mieszko, easily fits into the shoes of "Bessin" and meanwhile smacks of "Buz." Thus wanting evidence that Piast Poles were Nahorites of the Buz kind, I went to the Wikipedia article on Bezprym, thinking that his father and/or his mother would show signs of Buzite background.
It turned out that his mother was Judith of Hungary, wow, and she was the sister of king Stephen. At her article: "According to some sources,] she was the eldest child of Geza of Hungary by his first wife Sarolt, a daughter of Gyula of Transylvania." Bigger wow. Sarolt WAS the mother of Stephen. I was reminded that proto-Hungarians had been Magyars to the north of the black sea, and that the Budini and Neuri lived to the north of that sea too.
I have a bad memory, but I kid you not, I cannot recall, in all the years and times that I've tried to convince the reader that king Stephen was somehow related to the Franconian Rake used in the Arms of Bavaria, that Stephen's wife was Giselle of Bavaria. In fact, I can't find her in any of my files. I suppose that, throughout the years, I never bothered to read that part of Wikipedia's article on Stephen. Giselle's bloodline from Burgundy could be a story in itself, but there's no time this morning.
We can now trace, more assuredly, the stag symbol of the Hungarians, who were indeed supported by Varangians, to the antler symbol of the Veringens and Zahringers. And the bear symbol of the Zahringers of Berne should be from a Rus bear. BUT we should expect that some Gyula Khazars in the Stephen line got to Bavaria as per his wife, and perhaps that migration was facilitated further by the presence in Bavaria of C/Hohen Khazars. I am reminded that I saw hint of a Cohen trace to Moravians and Transylvanian Khazars at the time that I was tracing original Cohens to the part-Khazar, Melissena, wife of Inger the Varangian (contemporary with Rurik, founder of Kievian Varangians).
I saw no Buz-like terms in the Judith article...which tells that Bezprym had trouble acquiring the Polish throne, but succeeded with help from the Kievian Varangians. I am now reminded that Varangians under Rurik (there was a Rurik from Wieringen who I think was the Kievian Rurik) had settled north of Kiev before reaching Kiev, and that northern settlement could have placed them smack in the Neuri stretch to Kiev. There are reasons to link Nahorites to Hungarian Arpads, but this time I wanted more than my trace of the Buto cult to Arpad/Tartus of Syria. On I went, therefore, to the article on Bezprym's father, and came to the report that he, Boleslaw I (son of Mieszko) , had signed the Treaty of Bautzen. recall tracing Budini to Bautzen because this city is alternatively, "Budysin/Budziszyn." Tit's a Sorb locale, and capital of Lusatia/LAUSitz. Therefore, if the Laus term, or even if my trace of Lusatians to the Lasonii (cousins of/fellow tribe with Pisidians) leads back to the Dionysus cult, which is a Nahorite cult in this book, we might expect Buzites in Lusatia.
The Treaty of Bautzen was to quell the war over Bohemia between Boleslaw (who took the country and became it's ruler) and the previous ruler that made a come-back. Also, Boleslaw was named after his grandfather, Boleslaw of Bohemia, if that helps to trace some Piast Poles to the Baiocasses of the Bessin. As I read the Boleslaw article, not knowing which of the two fighting sides belonged to Bautzen, it turned out to be Boleslaw, that he had his army stationed there.
Boleslaw, moreover, was born in POZNan, smacking both of Buz and Poseidon. Like I said, I have a bad memory due to all that's crammed into my head on this topic; while searching for Buz elements last night in either Boleslaw or his wife, and coming to the Bautzen and Poznan details wherein they convinced me that Boleslaw was of a Buzite bloodline, it was only then that I was reminded that I had already traced Piasts to Poseidon/Pisidians (i.e. I suggested, long before coming to the Poles, that "Poseidon" was founded by, and named after, Buz).
The Bautzen/Sorb topic ties right into the Aeneas trace to Edom- and LUSatia-like myth codes that is next on my bloodline agenda. But that's the topic for tomorrow. To summarize today's point, the Masseys were in Bavaria liikley by the Boleslaw marriage to Judith of Hungary, for it was her brother's family that linked Hungarians to Bavaria. Poles, named in honor of Boleslaw's father, became a Masci/Mesch(in)-like clan in Bavaria (the Mieskle/Mesech surname was first in Prussia, says But as yet, that clan eludes me. Italian Mascis were first in Piedmont, what was interior Liguria to the north of Monoco on the map below.
On the map of the Geneva region, which I was just about to close so that I could use the browser to fetch the news, see the Rotten river again. When suggesting yesterday that it was part of the mythical Eridanus, I didn't realize how similar that term is with "Rotten." It's got to be a match.
Myth (by a writer from Rhodes) had the Argo ship sailing up the Po, and then down the Rhodanus/Rhone, and so one can expect that the myth/ship was a depiction of Argives and all others on board (Nahorites are expected?) migrating along that route and accessing the Rhodanus by way of the Rotten and Geneva waterway. Going just now (how timely!) to the Po article to verify that it's the river running through the word, "Italy" (on the above map), I found this: "The Po (Latin: Padus and Eridanus...ancient Ligurian: Bodincus or Bodencus..." Like I said, timely. So timely that I'm already convinced that Budini stock had settled the Po, and even named it "Padus." That could in turn trace Budini stock to Pedasus of the Troy/Mysian domain. Po river, starting in Venetia, named the city of Padova/Padua, the city that I trace to the Batavi, whom I said were Budini! I don't recall ever tracing the Budini, or any Buzites/Nahorites, to the Bodicus name of the Po, and in fact I don't recall that term from this Po article. No files come up when I search my C-drive for "Bodicus." I think "the best has been saved for last." All of Europe seems to be Nahorite to some degree. Remember, the Merovingians, from the Batavians, trace themselves to the Veneti, and I trace them further back to BEDEWE, a city in ancient Ethiopia that was also MEROWE (now Meroe, Sudan). As Ethiopia was and is a honey-producing nation, I would suggest that Bedewe was named after Buzites way down under. Poseidon, too, was located by myth way down in Ethiopia, and so I will maintain that Dionysus' mother, Semele, depicted the Somali, wherefore Nahorites -- likely the same Lake-Van/>Pan>Punt stock of Nairi that named Nairobi -- were in the Somali nation too.
On this enlarged map of the Po valley, see how close some Po tributaries are to the Rotten. The entire west side of the Po is the Ligurian theater, and that's how Ligurian swans got to Geneva. On the Geneva map again, note Dijon, smacking of "Sion." Dijon (perhaps a form of DIONysus," is on the Saone river, also reflecting "Sion."
As per Nahor's wife, Milcah, and the Molech cult that i traced fundamentally to Nahorites out of Haran and into Edom, see this name in today's news, the name of an Iraqi leader that you've seen here many times:
"The winner of Iraq's March election [= Allawi] has ruled out participating in any new government led by current Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, his bloc said."
NUR al-Maliki??? It never dawned on me before.
I think that Allawi is saying he's not going to go for a deal wherein he'll play the President figure of Iraq. Maliki is on his last stand, and the scalpers are coming.
September 26Before I start on the Aeneas topic, with oodles of Edomite clues I was blind to in the past, I'd like to make points about mythical Hellen and his three sons, Dorus, Xuthus, and Aeolus. These Alans, apparently, were made the founders of Greece, and yet there is no mention of Zeus, the chief Greek god, in this particular mythology. We can therefore glean that the terms used in Hellen mythology are codes for important aspects of the Uranus>Zeus cult out of Haran's Hurrians, and leading to the Horites of Edom with certain Semites including the Nahorite Hebrews. I've already made the points that Xuthus depicted Cutha(h) of Mesopotamia, where the god NERgal was worshiped, and that the Zeus Taurus out of Edom and into the Tyre and Dor regions included Dorus, son of Hellen.
Recalling that I traced the goat cult of Edom -- the Horites and possibly their Hagarites/Ishmaelites -- to agai=goat terms, note that Xuthus, by his son, Achaeus, was made the founder of the Greek Achaeans...where flowed the Ladon river, named after the Laz, the spouse of Nergal. Excellent fit.
Xuthus was said to have lived originally in Thessaly, home of Olympus, the summit of which belonged to Zeus. Excellent fit. The Dorians of Doris were nearby, and spread all around Doris.
And Xuthus was given Ion for a brother (in depiction of the real Ionians). As expected where these Nahorite Alans were in Argos too, "Ion" should depict Io, daughter of the Nahorite founder of Argos, Inachus. Indeed, "Pausanias says that 'Achaean' was the name of those Greeks originally inhabiting the Argolis and Laconia, because they were descended from the sons of the mythical Achaeus, Archander and Architeles." Argo-like terms and Argos itself, when tied to "Achaean," remind me of the possibility that "Argos" was a consonant-reversal of "agri," an idea causing me to tentatively trace Hagarites to Argos. The extended theory now is that Achaeans were Hagarites, and that Ishmaelites are therefore expected there. Although this sounds far-fetched, the strong evidence below of Edomites living all over Greece, and crawling all over the myths and even the major gods, serves an expectation for Hagarites somewhere in Greece with agri/ager-like term. But as "Hagar" may have had an "ar" suffix, with the root being "Hag," we can also seek Hagarites and Ishmaelites in Ac/Ach/Ak/Ag terms, especially if those terms are accompanied with Is/Isma terms.
A few days ago it dawned on me that Edom may not have been named after "Esau," as assumed, but that it was named after "Isma(el)" elements, as for example an Isma>Idma>Idum evolution of terms. Esau was married to Basemath (Genesis 36:10), for one, a daughter of Ishmael. It's too early to tell whether BASemath was a Buzite-Nahorite line, but we'll be seeing lots more Bas-like terms below. If Basemath was named in honor of Buzites (for example of Bashan), it underscores an Ishmaelite link to Buzites, explaining what you are about to learn (if you can follow it all, or spend the time/effort to grasp it). We can investigate out of the Aenus topic whether its Edom-like terms can apply to Ishmaelites.
We're about to see a Lys code used, wherefore I should point out that the Laconia above, one of the two areas to which the Achaeans moved, was home to Spartan LACEdaemonians. We're about to see Daemo-like terms too, smacking of "Edom." I was blind to this in the past, and owe it to a couple of readers that I am now concentrating on it. Thank you very much for the friendly shove.
It's now easy to see that Joktanite Hebrews were part of the Achaeans, for "According to Pausanias, Achaeus originally dwelt in Attica, where his father had settled after being expelled from Thessaly." I had traced "Joktan" to the rulership of proto-Attica when it was called, Acte, but I traced the Sepharvite tribes of Joktan to Spartans. This may be no small clue, for the similarity between "Acte" and "Achae" could indicate that Hagar, the real woman, was from Jok(tan)/Ok elements in Subartu.
Let's not forget that Laus in southern Italy was founded by nearby Sybaris, which I treated in my chapter, Sparta's MeneLaus-al Symptons. I said:
The article goes on to reveal the reason that Sybaris retreated to Laus, for the founders of Laus were from Sybaris: "[Laus] was a Greek city, and a colony of Sybaris..." Therefore, the Greeks of Laus can be traced to the founders of Sybaris, and fortunately they are known to be from Helike."
Helike was in Achaea, and it smacks of "Hellen."
It became clear to me not long ago that Athens was ruled by Nahorites in competition with Joktanites, and that Buzite Nahorites were part of mythical Theseus, ruler of Athens. I equated "Theseus" with Athenian Nahorites when linking the code to "Thetis," daughter of NEReus, who was mother of ACHI--lles (more on that below). Alexander the Great, a Macedonian (i.e. of Dorian stock, as with Achaeans) claimed to be of the Achilles cult. As Thetis spread ambrosia on Achilles' body, it's easy to link Thetis-based Nahorites to Ambracia of the Epirus region, where certain Aeneas elements also spread. I had, years ago, identified the Zeus cult at Dodona, in Epirus, with mythical Dido, the wife of Aeneas and princess of Tyre.
When I discovered for the first time a real location of Aenus, I had the pieces needed to make sense of mythical Aeneas. Aenus was at the mouth of the Hebros and therefore was not of minor importance to historical development. The Hebros was the home of Ixion and his twin (my view), Ares, and of the Aphrodite cult that evolved into the Roman Venus i.e. the Veneti Nahorites. It was in yesterday's update that I realized, for the first time, that Budini-stock Buzites named the Po/Podas/Bodincus river in Venetia.
As per the trace of those Po-naming Buzites to the major city of Padova (in Venetia), and therefore forward in time to the Batavians, understand that Aeneas was a Trojan from the tribe of Dardanus, in Dardania (Mysia), where Abydos was located, which was symbolized, in my opinion now, as Batia, wife of Dardanus and therefore mother of the Trojans. And yesterday's trace of Batavians to Ethiopia is much supported by an Abydos trace to Abydos of Upper Egypt, where NARmer was an early or original ruler of the so-called "first" Egyptian dynasty.
And, the Abreu/Abruzzo surname that I trace to "Aphrodite" was first found in Padova, thus making the Abreu bloodline to the Evreux Eburovices (beside the Meschin-of-Bessen Buzites), and to Bruce kings, suspect as Nahorite Hebrews. I traced Aphrodite=Aprutium elements in Padova to "Epirus," itself to the "Hebros" river. Somehow, therefore, we know that the Aeneas line to Epirus was involved with this Venetian cult, the proto-Illuminati. Here is a good map for that discussion.
For days, I had kept the browser open at the Aenus , article for future use, and got to it finally yesterday. It reported what I had not known, that "Heracles slew Poltys' insolent brother Sarpedon on the beach of Aenus. According to Strabo, Sarpedon is the name of the coastline near Aenus..." I trace mythical Sarpedon (of Crete/Minoans) from the Garebites in the Zeus-Taurus cult to Sorbs (= proto-Serbs) of Lusatia, wherefore we expect proto-Lusatiaons in the Aenus story here. Let's not forget that I discussed the Buzites of Lusatia yesterday, at Bautzen/Budysin/Budziszyn.
It's only interesting at this point that "Poltys" evokes BOLEslaw, a Buzite king in Bautzen. I have no idea what Poltys was in the way of a peoples, but it's said to be the symbol of Poltyobria/Poltymbria (there's that b-to-m switch again, common in Buto-Chemmite discussions), an alternative name of the Aenus location. I note the latter variation has an UMBRIA-like ending...that I've linked to Chemmis/Chemmites.
Not only did I find a Chem-like term when reading on Boleslaw's treaty of Bautzen, but "When Eckard I was murdered on 30 April 1002 in Pohlde, Polish duke Boleslaw I, who had supported Eckard's..." Pohlde??? It's a town in the Harz mountains of Germany, and because it's in Lower Saxony, where the Oldenburg theater sits that I linked to the Nurburg Nahorites/Danaans, I would identify mythical Poltys as a Nahorite peoples to some extent, and perhaps leading to king "Bole(slaw/v)."
It doesn't escape us that "Poltys" evokes the Poles on the whole, and as I trace Poles to Pollux, I should add that I trace Pollux also to the Po river Venetians, who had a colony at Poland's Venethi location. In that picture, Pollux was code for a branch of Buzites, and that makes sense where Helen (i.e. the Alans-Nahorites?) was made the sister of Pollux, and where Leda (the Latona/Leto aspect of the Buto cult) was made their mother. Poltys mythology included his ally, Helen herself: "Poltys advised Paris [son of king Priam] to restore Helen..." (Poltys article above).
As "Homer mentions that the leaders of Troy's Thracian allies, Acamas and Peiros, came from Aenus," I clicked to the Acamas article with "Chemmis" in mind (Chemmis was the Egyptian entity foundational to Narmer's Abydos and the Buzites of the Buto>Bast cult). It turned out that "another" Acamas was a son of Theseus, thus jibing with my Nahorite trace to Chemmites.
The Acamas of Aenus was son of Eussorus, smacking of Esau. A third Acamus shown was made son of Antenor, Trojan symbol of the Heneti>Veneti line, which brings to mind my theory, that "Aenus" was named after Anat/Heneti elements. If true, the Heneti moved from Paphlagonia to Aenus, and from there founded the Romans as per Aeneas.
The location of Aenus is said to be depicted by AeneUs (not "AeneAs" but close enough), father of a mythical Cyzicus. AND LOOK: "Cyzicus' parentage is given as Aeneus by Aenete (or Aenippe), daughter of Eussorus; or else Eussorus is given as his father. " That Aenete who was wife to Aeneus tends to prove strongly that Aenus was an Anat/Heneti settlement. Thus, we can be sure that Venetians and their Aphrodite/Venus cult trace to Aenus on the Hebros. The Venetians were one line to the Romans, but there was another from Aeneas' Libyan domains.
On the Antenor>Acamas line, we read: "With his brother ARCHelochus and his cousin Aeneas, Acamas led the Dardanian contingent to assist [Trojan] King Priam." Thus, Aeneas is suspect as a Nahorite-Chemmite peoples encoded as Acamas (recall the camel symbol of the Pepins=Paphlagonians of Landen). Keep in mind that I trace the Hebrew-like "Priam" to Parion of Mysia, for Mysians are becoming central (in my mind) in the Aeneas line to Dido's Carthage empire, and therefore to the Meshwesh/Amazighen "Libyans." We are about to experience a crash of Edomites into Amazons, who in fact infested Mysia.
Who was EUSsorus code for? He was, as per the short quote above, a patriarch of the Aenus location, and we will find evidence momentarily of Esau elements in the Aenus entity.
Turning now to Acamas, son of Theseus, where we expect Nereid-based (i.e. maritime sea-faring) Nahorites, we find that his mother was Phaedra, smacking of Phaethon who crashed the chariot of Helios (i.e. Rhodians/Danaans) into the EriDANUS river. We saw yesterday and the day before that the Eridanus was related to the Po river.
Not only was Acamas linked to Theseus-Nahorites of Athens, but he was made half brother to Demophoon. I might not have realized that to be code for Edomites had it not been for this sentence:
"After [Acamas'] father was exiled from Athens, he and his brother were sent to Euboea, where they grew to adulthood and allied themselves with Euboea's King Elephenor. Prior to the assault of the Greeks against Troy, he and Diomedes were sent to demand the surrender of Helen ..."
Elephenor must have been from Eliphas, son of Esau, in which case Eussorus (father of Aenete) looks like Esau elements. That in turn reveals Esau bloodlines fundamental to the Anat cult (and to ANATolia), which jibes with my trace of the Zeus cult in Edom to the Baal-Anat cult at Saphon, a mountain also named Cassius, which itself smacks of Cyzicus, son of AeneUs and Aenete. The Cyzicus term alongside the Eussorus term smacks of the Catti founders of Hesse, which then supports an Esau trace to "Hesse" (and therefore to Cheshire, which in turn supports my inkling that Meschins trace to Ishmaelites).
Further support for an Acamas trace to Chemmis (near Buto) is his grandmother, Aethra (mother of Theseus), whom I traced (first update September) to Hathor, the Buto- and Bast-related goddess of Egypt.
Acamus is linked (in the article) to the Palladium, which was, as per my investigations, a Philistine root in the founding of Romans, suggesting that Philistines were at Aenus, and in the next sentence we find a mythical Phyllis:
"Later mythological traditions describe the two brothers [Acamus and DEMOphoon] embarking on other adventures as well, including the capture of the Palladium. On his return home he was detained in Thrace by his love for Phyllis..."
That can't be a coincidence, meaning that Phyllis depicted Philistines to Rome's founding (according to a thing I read, Philistines may have been were in the Rome theater before Aeneas Trojans arrived). Phyllis is interesting for a trace to LIGURians, who were founded at LACYdon of the Rhodanus river. This Rhodanus picture jibes excellently with the "other" Acamas, son of Phaedra=Phaethon:
"Phyllis is a character in Greek mythology. Daughter of LYCURgus [caps mine], King of Thrace, she married Demophon, King of Athens and son of Theseus..."
Thus, Philistines and Edomites were in Liguria, and they can be expected among Nahorites there, whom I suspect were in the LACYdon term. I traced that term to LACE-Daemonians before I realized the latter to be Edomites. As we read above that Acamas and Demophon were allied in Euboea with Elephenor, so we are reminded that Abantians lived at Euboea, who were Abas-based Avvites that I trace both to Philistine territory, and to Avith in Edom. These traces seem undeniable at this point, and indeed God has saved the best wine till last to expose the drunk, Dionysus.
I should pause to mention that the Dumnonii Celts of Devon were identified by me as British Danaan, and yet were viewed distinct to those Danann. I had traced the Dumnonii (and "Devon") to Lace-Daemonians, and to "Samnite," and therefore to the Daphne-cult Sabines, founders of Liguria's swan cult. I didn't realize that the Daemon>Samnite line was Edomite in particular, suggesting that the Sebannytos/Samannud branch of the Nile (to which I trace "Sabine" and "Samnite") was an Edomite settlement, and that jibes with a trace of "Kos/Kaus" to the "Sais" location on the Sebannytos. I have yet to make up my mind whether "Kaus" was itself a hard-C version of "Esau."
I should add another aside as per yesterday's trace of swan-depicted Ligurians to the Rotten/Eridanus river, for it involved a Gogi-like peoples from Ixion's Kikons, and meanwhile I maintain that "Ixion" was code for "Sion." In Ovid's Metamorphoses:
""Now, though [Cycnus/Cygnus] had ruled the people and great cities of Liguria, he left his kingdom, and filled Eridanus's green banks and streams...As he did so his voice vanished and white feathers hid his hair, his long neck stretched out from his body...So Cycnus became a new kind of bird, the swan."
Somehow, Kikons were related to the Greek, "cygnus," meaning swan, which picture works so very in swan-like Savona of Liguria that I trace Kikons to the Sabine>Savona line. But these are the same Sviones-and-SITHONes that I traced to Sion/Sitten of Switzerland, and to support the theory, the father of Cycnus was made, STHENelus...or StheneLAUS, apparent code for Sithones at Lausanne (near Sion). We will shortly come to a new root of the Laus term in Edomite Nahorites of Argos.
Mythical-Elephenor Edomites can now be gleaned in the Euboean location of Chalcis: In Greek mythology, Elephenor was the son of Chalcodon [son of Abas] and king of the Abantes of Euboea." Thus, Elephenor was an Avvite-of-Esau peoples in Euboea.
There were two Demo(phones), one of mythical Eleusis, son of queen Metanira. As per this myth, one has reason to identify DEMeter as an Edomite entity:
"While Demeter was searching for her daughter Persephone [probably the Perseus Danaans/Gorgophones], having taken the form of an old woman [i.e. the Gorgon hags that Perseus was related to] called Doso, she received a hospitable welcome from Celeus, the King of Eleusis in Attica. He asked her to nurse Demophon and Triptolemus, his sons by Metanira.As a gift to Celeus, because of his hospitality, Demeter planned to make Demophon as a god, by anointing and coating him with Ambrosia [Molech-cult code there]... "
One easily connects DEMOphone to ACHIlles by way of the ambrosia code, that serving as some evidence of a Hagarite identity for Achilles.
The problem is, I traced "Demeter" to "Tammuz/Dumuzi," and did not identify the latter as Edomites, but as Amazons, as per Tamazon-branch Amazons in north Africa (where the Gorgon hags were located by myth writers). The problem is that I identify Amazons as Meshech, for which reason I cannot identify them as Edomites...unless Edomites were merged with Meshech. I will be open to an error with my Amazon=Meshech/Mysia equation, but I have my doubts that it's an error.
There is also the possibility now that the Demo terms are code, not for Edomites, but for the Demeter-based Tammuz cult, which makes sense here because Tammuz was from the Anu-and-Antu cult...leading (I and others think) to Anat. BUT, if the Tammuz cult was an Edomite one, then the Demo terms apply to both Tammuz and Edomites. I am very willing to accept error in tracing "Tammuz" to "(T)Amazon," and that would cease to trace Demeter and Edomites to Amazons, not at all meaning that there couldn't have been a merger of the two. If you're confused, I understand, and my advice is to gloss over that part... unless you're a serious investigator of these topics.
Last night, I had missed the great importance of Triptolemus (to be understood as Tri-Ptolemus, apparently) until now because I didn't venture yesterday to his article (brackets not mine):
"Triptolemus (...also known as Buzyges), in Greek mythology always connected with Demeter of the Eleusinian Mysteries, might be accounted the son of King Celeus of Eleusis in Attica, or, according to the Pseudo-Apollodorus (Bibliotheca I.V.2), the son of Gaia and Oceanus..."
The question is, why was TriPtolemus alternated with BUZYges? Probably because he was, as Demophone's brother, an Edomite from Phoenicia. Poseidon himself, co-founder of Phoenicians, and father of AGenor, comes to mind.
Hmm, in the Argonautica, the Argos ship was made to sail west from Colchis on the Black sea, which sea I think was mythical Oceanus sounds like "Agenor too), then up the Danube a ways, then veering south (yes, across the land) to the southern end of the Adriatic sea (separating Epirus from Italy), which region was encoded with Uranus' sickle; then up the Adriatic to the Po, then up that river to the Eridanus (the Rotten river to lake Geneva), and then down the Rhodanus to the founding of Ligurians.
That jibes with another myth wherein the Eridanus had the Okeanos river as its source, which I identify with "Geneva" elements, but also of Genoa (sounds like "Agenor" again), the Ligurian capital to this day. Therefore, Gaia and Oceanus elements were at Geneva. Oceanus was likely a code developed for an Oc-termed (Joktan?) sea-faring peoples, and the roundness of Oceanus -- the idea that surrounded the entire world -- suggests to me the round serpent with tail in mouth, a symbol for global migrations and the quest for global governance. It's Atlantean all over, and perhaps Gaia with Oceanus was a Nahorite alliance with Joktanites. Note that Uranus is a round sphere (i.e. the sky) covering the entire planet, and that "Cronus" might have been depicted originally as a crown.
Gaia always depicts Nahorites in this book, for she was not only wife to Uranus=Haran, but Gaham was a son of Nahor. To thus find the BUZYges term as a son of Gaia seems to verify that it, and Tri-Ptolemus (evokes Ptah of Egypt), depicted Buz-branch Nahorites. All of these "coincidences" make me very happy, for I'm tired of this work and want to get to the end of it, like a book worm going through a Cyclopean, two-inch encyclopedia. And yet I'm happily obsessed with it, and absorbed in making discoveries not known to common man, discoveries that will prove to destroy the powers of the modern dragon cult to some degree, for God's work never goes without purpose or fruit.
The Buzyges character, "always connected with Demeter," suggests to me that Demeter was an Edomite entity, perhaps the proto-Edomites, and if so, she is suspect as the line to the real woman, Hagar and her son, Isma(el). Where the article says, "When Triptolemus taught Lyncus, King of the Scythians...", it evokes the Lynceus Egyptians/Danaans (Lynceus was made son of Aigyptus) that I traced solidly to Ligurians (founded at Lacydon by a mythical Gyptis) . And being revealed now as a Scythian peoples, it would appear that Lynceus was a Chemmite peoples...who I trace to a Nahorite alliance with Cimmerian scythians.
It might occur to us, therefore, if Nahor named his third son (Kemuel) after Cimmerians, or if in any case Kemuel was founder of Chemmites, that Kemuel-based Nahorites trace to the Acamas characters, one being a son of Phaedra, a Helios-of-Rhodes/Danaan peoples in the Rhodanus theater. And as Danaans of Rhodes were at Lindos, it appears that LYNceus, and Buz-related LYNcus, were founders of LINdos.
As Acamas was linked by myth writers to Anat's Aenus cult, and therefore to the Heneti Paphlagonians, the Pepins of Landen (i.e. like "Lindos"), who were traced to the London surname, come forcefully to mind. I don't know off-hand how steeped in Merovingian CAMBRai the Pepinids were, but we do know Pepinids were Merovingians, and that the latter traced themselves to the Veneti. It is feasible, therefore, to trace CAMBRai, and the SiCAMBRIA of the Sicambrian-Frank side of Merovingians, to the alternative name of Aenus: PoltYMBRia (perhaps to be understood as Pol-Tymbria, the possible makings of "Sicambria").
A trace of Eliphas elements to Liguria reminds me of the elephant logo of the American Republican party that looks too much like the "elephant" in the Arms of Liguria. Now that I trace American Freemasons solidly to Edomites, I have confidence in linking the Republican elephant to Biblical Eliphas. The Democrat donkey was traced to Tartak, the Avvite donkey god. It begins to look as though Avvites were Buzites, amazingly enough. And it makes sense where Abas of Argos was identified (by me, years ago) as the bee cult of Argos (in conjunction with Melia of Bithynia).
"Metanira," mother of BUZYges, could refer to some Medes, who had a Buzi tribe. And the trace I suggested of Buzites to bee-line Abas is underscored now: "Some mythological traditions tell that Metanira's son Abas mocked Demeter and as punishment was turned into a lizard." The Abas cult was depicted by a lizard, but was in very fact the Buzyges line.
To prove that Buzyges/Lyncus cult was Lynceus of Egypt, we click over from the Metanira article to the Abas page, where we find a link to many mythical-Abas characters, and we see one Abas, son of Lynceus. Clicking on Abas (mythology), we find an Abas, captain of the ship of the Aeneas proto-Romans to Carthage, as if to reveal that Aeneas Heneti/Paphlagonians were a Buzite peoples.
We read there that Abas, son of Metaneira, relate the same story of a boy, Ascalabus, and call his mother Misme." That is, Abas was also AscalaBUS, which jibes with my trace of Abas to Avvites of the Ashkelon/Ascalon region of Philistia. The above gives good reason to trace Buzites there too. I trace Abas of Argos -- of the ACRISius line -- to nearby Ekron, but also to Creusa, wife of Aeneas.
It all works like a professional juggler performing his antics, and it is laughable in many cases that grown men should have played myth games like this from generation to generation, as dedicated to their amusements as the prophets of God were dedicated to their destruction.
The Lord is doing a remarkable job here, and I know that the Tri-Godhead wants to expose the Tri-Buzi for what they were, mortal enemies of Israel. Never lose sight that it's not me who will be famous for this revelation, but He. I am probably nothing more than a Buzite and/or Ishmaelite.
Ambrosia, the sweet drink of the gods, which I imagine to be an obscene thing practiced in the darkest cellars of the cults, was symbol for DEMophone but also for Achilles, grandson of yet another Agi/Agai-like term: Aiakos/Aecus. "Achilles" is therefore suspect as a Hagarite/Ishmaelite entity (if indeed the agi=goat terms related to Hagarites), which works where his mother (Thetis) was a major NEReid character. Aiakos was symbol for the island of Aegina, at Athens. I should record here that the tortoise was a symbol of Aegina.
Herodotus thought that Aegina was a colony of Epidaurus, the latter being "Reputed to be the birthplace of Apollo's son Asclepius..." As you may know, I trace "Asclepius" to Edom's owl cult(s), but also to "Ascalon." Thus, sweet Achilles' heel seems to fit right into the rotting carcass of honey-line Edomites. "EpiDaurus" smacks of both Dorians and "Taurus."
One of the daughters of Asclepius was Hygieia/Hygea, yet another Agi term. Another daughter was made Aglaea/Aglaia. Another was PanAcea, and yet another, Aceso, all Ag/Ac terms that would appear to link to the Aiakos>Achilles line. These terms were cleverly given double meanings, but jibing with my trace of Hagarites to the Uranus>Cronus cult in Haran, Asclepius was made the son of Apollo and Coronis (the crow).
Coronis was made a daughter of Phlegyas, suggesting that Core and/or Cronus was a Pelegian-Hebrew peoples. Excellent fit, for as Core was Persephone, she was a Parthian-Gorgon peoples, and as "Parthian" was rooted in "parse=divide," so Peleg was said in Genesis to mean, "divided." That seems to prove that Ixion's Lapiths, ruled by Phlegyas, was a Pelegite-Hebrew peoples. The mythical crow, which could trace to crow-depicted Rus (blood-letting seekers of world dominance), looks like a Peleg entity.
The Abas-mythology page also shows that "Abas was an Argive seer, son of MELAmpus and IphiaNEIRA [caps mine]. He was the father of Coeranus, Idmon, and Lysimache." CoerANUS smacks of Core, the goddess in the Triptolemus article, an aspect of DEMeter. "In Greek art, Persephone is invariably portrayed robed. She may be carrying a sheaf of grain [symbol of Shala, wife of Philistine Dagon, and likely symbol of Ascalon] and smiling demurely with the 'Archaic smile' of the Kore of Antenor."
Now that we see a Core link to Antenor, symbol of the Heneti, it reminds us of the Heneti/Aenete trace to the Aenus location; hence, the CoerANUS code for those peoples.
Core is clearly an underworld/abyss deity, and as such should link to Abydos=Abaddon, the Abzu>Buto cult of Buzites. The Abydos-of-Mysia region is where the Aenus-Aenete cult sprang forth from...though I would link it to Jerusalem's Anata/Anathoth, the latter spelling perhaps linked to Egypt's Thoth cult, the same as the Thetis>Achilles Nahorites in Greece.
"Coeranus" smacks of the Cronus>Uranus Hurrians=Horites that I trace to EDOM, and so note that IDMon is listed after Coeranus. I recall now that I traced (days ago) Hagarites/Ishmaelites to the Haran cult, and last night I thought that "Edom" may have been formed by an Idom term, itself from "Isma(el)."
Hmm, Coronis was in love with ISchys. The latter was made son of an Elatus (Lat/Laz?), while there was "another" Elatus "who lived in the Troad town of Pedasus." That's the town that I traced yesterday to the Po/Padus river, founded by Buzites. I now find that mythical Pedasus had a twin brother, AesePus, perhaps code for Esau and company . As evidence that "Pedasus" was the Buto or Bast cult out of Sais, Wikipedia tells that it was on a SATnioeis river. PEDaSais??? Was the Greek myth suffix, "sus," a symbol of Sais and/or Zeus elements?
AesePus may have been an Esau bloodline whether the myth writer knew it or not, for we expect "Esau" to have developed into tribes using that term in some ways. If Aes was one such term, then the father of Jason of the Argo ship, Aeson, could have been an Esau-ite. "Jason/Iason" evokes wicked Iasion, brother of Dardanus. Not only Abydos, but SEStus, was at Dardania. As Iasion is equated sometimes with Eetion, an Edom-like term, it could very well be that Iasion was an Esau-ite peoples. Eetion was king of Imbros, an island near Aenus (and the Lemnos Kabeiri) that I trace to "Ambracia." Iasion was the founder of the Kabeiri cult (with a main station on Lemnos), and Esau was a Hebrew merged with Mesopotamian Abiru.
Another Eetion was king of Thebe (not Thebes) in a Mysian domain named, Cilicia. This Eetion was given a son, Podes, smacking of Mysian/Trojan Pedasus. In this picture, the Po/Padus river was founded by Edomite, and even Esau-ite, elements joined to Buzites. The article tells that Achilles sacked Trojan Pedasus, and that jibes with another mythical account wherein Achilles killed Eetion, father of Podes.
A second Pedasus location, in Caria, supports what has been on my mind, that Kore/Cronus/Coronis depicted Haran's Hurrians but with the Horite spelling, who eventually settled with their Haranian/Charranian counterparts in Caria, right next to Kas and Kos.
MOREOVER, as I suspect that Horites in Edom put forth the Lotan dragon as per the marriage of Eliphaz (Esau's son) to the Lotan bloodline, and as I trace the Lotan dragon to the Lazi, I would identify "Lysimache," listed after Idmus, as the Lazi who were made married to the underworld god, NERgal. The "mache" portion of the term could be from Maacah, son of Nahor with his concubine, Reumah (Genesis 22:24). In Genesis 36:13, we find a list of Reuel's sons, where this Reuel (Reu-el) was the son of Esau's wife, BASemath, herself the daughter of Ishmael. In other words, Nahor's concubine, by which he produced Maacah and Gaham, may have been an Ishmaelite of a Reu entity. Mythical Rhea, mother of Zeus, comes to mind, and that jibes with Kybele, the Phrygian Rhea, being the goddess of the Kabeiri cult.
The Horite daughter of Lotan that married Eliphaz was Timna, an Edom-term if ever we saw one. Eliphaz, moreover, named a son, Teman (Genesis 36:11). As Timna was named by Horites, not Esau's Hebrew line, the term, "Edom," seems founded in Horites, and it just so happens that I'm tracing Hagarites/Ishmaelites to Horites out of Haran. However, in keeping with the Biblical picture in which Edom proper was rooted in Esau-ites, it is likely that Edom proper was named after Teman above, grandson of Esau. Just the same, that picture does not support an Esau-Edom evolution of terms.
Trojan Pedasus was ruled by an Altes term, his parentage said to be unknown/unspecified. But he was given a daughter, Laothoe, smacking of Lat and Lot all at once. It of course brings to mind, Elatus of Pedasus, father of an IS(chys) or ISCH(s) term (Ascalon's Ishmaelites?). As Altes was a Lelegian peoples, a term that I trace to the Lycian wolf line, it's interesting that Laothoe was "A wife of Priamos, king of Troy, and mother of Lycaon." Lycaon was turned into a wolf by Zeus.
I'm not going to link Altes to Oldenburg elements, as that would be too shaky at this point. A clue to Altes' Danaan background is his son, Ancaeus of Samos. And attesting further to Altes' Samson-Hercules background, another Laothoe mated with Hercules to give birth to an AntiPHUS. This is very very interesting for my identification of Biblical Gog as Royal Scythians and the Lydian/Ladon branch, for while Cecrops was portrayed as a snake below the waist, Hercules, in another myth, mated with a snake-woman (a snake in her lower parts) in giving birth to a son called, Scythes.
The union also produced Scythe's brother, AGAthyrsus," symbol of the Agathyrsi peoples on the DanUBE river (it begs the question, why was the brother of MeneLaus called, AGAmemnon?). Moreover, if you read Lydian history, it links Lydia back to the Hercules bloodline in Mysia. The Ladon dragon is clearly linked to the Samson-Hercules line here, and Laothe looks very much like the Ladon snakewoman, wherefore the Ladon dragon can be traced to Buzite Pedasus. It suggests, ultimately, that Lotan of Edom was linked to Buzites of Edom.
Another child from Hercules and the snakewoman (some myths, strangely, located the snakewoman in Geryon's far-west Erytheia) was Gelonus, a depiction, apparently, of the Geloni among the Budini, who I link to mythical Helen and Hellen.
What was AntiPhus (= Laothoe's son) code for? I say the Heneti of the Anat cult, but also Buz. The common Greek suffix, "pus/pos" and "ops/ube," seems to be code for Buzites (ultimately), which works well because "opis" and "apis" mean bee to Greeks and Romans. Mythical Merope/Merops, for example, a term given by scientists to bee-eating bird species, appears to reveal Buzites in the Merovingian bloodline, and indeed we saw that Batavians, from Padova of the Heneti>Veneti, were just such peoples.
Idmon's mother was made Asteria, smacking of Ishtar, wherefore we find the expected: an "Edom" trace to "Tammuz/Dumuzi," husband of Ishtar. But Asteria was an Amazon! I'm still hesitant to identify the root of Amazons with this Edom-Tammuz link. As per the Scythian-Gogi merger to Buzites, one can imagine a Meshech/Amazon merger with Nahorites.
Idmon was killed by a boar -- an Artemis-Amazon symbol -- in bee-line Bithynia (home of Melia, wife of Inachus), the land that I suspect named the Budini. The trace of Buzite Edomites (probably in Bashan, the city from which Esau ruled) to Tammuz supports an "INACHus" trace to ENKIi, father of Tammuz, and moreover supports a Buz trace to the Abzu underworld of the Enki cult. It yet reveals Nahorites fundamental to the Enki and Ishtar cults, if that helps to link Nahorites to the Biblical dragon.
As we see that Melampus above was an Abas entity, we suspect that MelamPUS too was code for Buzites, explaining why he was made married to IphiaNEIRA. If DioNysus was a Nahorite peoples, then see that Dionysus may have been much Buzite:
"Melampus, or Melampous...was a legendary soothsayer...He was the introducer of the worship of Dionysus, according to Herodotus, who asserted that his powers as a seer were derived from the Egyptians...According to Herodotus and Pausanias (vi.17.6), on the authority of Hesiod, [Melampus'] father was Amythaon...Melampus and his heirs were thus Amythaides of the 'House of Amythaon'"
" How Amazon is that? But I think it's a coincidence that Buzites were both of the Tammuz line to Edom, and of Amazons.
Then we find a Nach- and Anaki-like code: "Melampus lived in Pylos during the reign of Anaxagoras..." The peoples depicted by that latter term gave Melampus and his brother, Bias (!), rule in Argos (a Nahorite city!). On a mythical account of that rule, we find the killing/sacrificing of an ox (defeat of Joktanites?), and that "[Anaxagoras] felt he had no choice but to agree [to give Argos], and so Melampus lead [Anaxagorus' people] to the city of Lusi where they were healed of their [Dionysus-related] madness in a sanctuary of Artemis." Code-studded picture there. This Lusi location (in Arcadia) might have been the identification of "Lysimache." Yes, for:
"In Greek mythology, Talaus...was the king of Argos and...son of Bias and Pero. [Talaus'] wife was Lysimache, daughter of Abas. He was the father of Adrastus..."
TaLaus" should be play on "Laus," and so for the first time it appears that Laus, a term that I link to Dionysus, was code for the Lusi location. A Lusi situated in Arcadia, the Greek birthplace of Hermes, begs a Lusi trace to Laish at mount Hermon.
In the past, I traced "Laus" to Las/Laas on the Mani peninsula of Sparta, and thus I identified the latter two geographies as mythical MeneLaus. That easily explains why another Lysimache was made the wife of Priam, whose son Paris stole Helen, wife of Menelaus.
That is, Priam married the Laus peoples depicted by MeneLaus, and then stole the "wife" of those Laus/Las peoples, herself likely a depiction of Nahorite-Alans...likely from the Amazon-Gargarian mix that produced the Sarmations>Alans. Helen was very important because she was likely a depiction of the founding Hellenes. Priam depicted the Parion/Pari Gorgons, I think, and Pero, wife of Bias, may have done so too. Recall: "Homer mentions that the leaders of Troy's Thracian allies, Acamas and PEIROS, came from Aenus..." Parion was a Mysian locale, and we know that Aeneus came from Mysian elements, from the same Dardanian bloodline that produced king Priam.
This all works very well, even as I've long identified ADRaStus, son of TaLAUS, with ATReus, father of MenaLAUS, although I also suspect that Atreus depicted Odrysians...that I suspect were Dorians from Doris, itself depicted by Dorus, son of Hellen. It works better than fire in Hell, doesn't it?
It's known that Spartans were at Odrysia, on the Hebros river, as per mythical Orestes, of the Atreus line, named after a city of Orestia in Odrysia. That should explain why Lysimache was assigned both Adrastus and Aristomachus as sons. In the second update in May, I shared that the Seleucid king, Antiochus I, fought in Epirus with an army of Orestians from Macedonia, and the Laus entity buried deep in the Orestes entity should explain why the anti-Christ is Biblically portrayed as stemming from both Antiochus and Laz-dragon elements.
Where Adrastus was made married to Demonassa, I would have made the link only to LaceDaemonians, but today I'm seeing the red of Edom too. And never before did it dawn on me that Damas terms, such as in "Hippodamas," were Edomite codes. "Another' Demonassa was made mother of Eurydamas, if that helps to make the point as sharp as the devil's tail. The Demonassa of Adrastus was made mother of AEGIaLEUS, suggesting to me the Hagarites of Edom but laced to the Lazi.
The Eury term is said to mean "wide," so that "Eurydamas" would be defined by mythologists as wide-spread Damas. "Eurytion," Eurydamas' brother, then looks like wide-spread Dion/Zion, but not likely. The Eurythion alternative appears to denote Erytheia, meaning "red." Indeed, one Eurytion was "Son of Ares and the Hesperid Erytheia, who bore him 'beside the silver-rooted boundless waters of the river Tartessus..." That's Geryon's (code for Gorgons?) domain of Erytheia, the western Nahorite Atlantis.
There's a modern Abas in the news today, so to speak, an enemy of Israel with Philistine stripes:
"Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas struck a hard line in a speech to the UN General Assembly yesterday, saying that Israel had to choose between settlements and peace.He accused Israel of flouting UN resolutions and 'relentlessly carrying out oppression, arrests and detentions, killings, destruction, demolition of homes, siege, settlement expansion, apartheid wall, violating and undermining the rights of our people and presence in their homeland without consequence.'
...Palestinian sources said Abbas is waiting to see how the Israeli government handles the moratorium issue. If it announces that construction will resume, and holds ceremonies to mark the occasion, then direct talks will stop immediately, said the sources. "
Really, do you think that Buzites are now in charge at Philistine Jerusalem? It could be.
The building freeze ends now, and is being painted as a crisis. "On Friday, Netanyahu met in Jerusalem with Quartet envoy Tony Blair, who flew over from New York to try to persuade Netanyahu to extend the freeze. Netanyahu told Blair he would not be able to get the cabinet to approve such a move." But it's the Abbas' of the world who are making it a crisis, and the globalists of Buzite stock are doing their utmost best to support the Philistin-ians. It's Buz versus the God of Zion; no match at all, so not to worry.
It seems to me that Abbas agreed to direct talks only to highlight a stubborn Israel's refusal this month to get construction equipment out of East Jerusalem and environs. It seems a stretch that this situation should explode immediately into the great-tribulation of Israel, but one cannot always predict what an Arab will do in madness.
In another article wherein the previous prime minister of Israel is said to be pushing Netanyahu's buttons toward a favorable deal with palestinians, we find Geneva involved: "In a Tel Aviv speech sponsored by the Geneva Initiative last Sunday, Olmert revealed that..."
September 27
Recent topics can play, today, right into the lamb symbol used for the False Prophet. It just so happens that this story includes the Biblical dragon, and Gog, too. I didn't know at all last night what today's topic would be, and thinking that I might not have one, I instead awoke with this idea coming immediately to mind. It feels very Right.
Years ago I identified the golden fleece as the Lazi of Colchis, who took Colchis over after mythical Aeetes, king of Colchis, was defeated. When reading the fleece myth, one is able to glean that the king was defeated by the arrival and presence of the Argo ship at Colchis.
The golden fleece was a ram's wool coat, the symbol of Hermes. He was involved in an earlier myth, when Phrixus rode the ram to Colchis that later became the golden fleece. Thus, Hermes was somehow involved in the fleece symbol. Phrixus is easily identified as code for Phrygians, and not just because his sister, Helle, represented the Hellespont:
"During their flight [on the golden ram sent by Nephele], Helle swooned, fell off the ram and drowned in the Dardanelles, renamed the Hellespont (sea of Helle), but Phrixus survived all the way to Colchis, where King Aeetes, the son of the sun god Helios, took him in and treated him kindly..."
We firstly ask whether the Helle entity represents a branch of Neuri or Budini among the Geloni and/or Alizones, the latter sounding like "Helles(pont)." We see that Helle depicted a peoples at Dardania, a sacred place of Buto-based Nahorites. Technically, Dardania was in Mysia, but it was beside Phrygia, and also beside Lydia.
The fact that Atreus was given a golden lamb that brought him to power easily reveals that the golden fleece was his bloodline, and being a son of Pelops, ruler of the Phrygian domain, but in particular at Lydia, was what led me to identify the fleece as the Lazi and Lydians. It wasn't until just days ago that I knew about a lamb symbol given also to MeneLAUS, son of Atreus. I hope that clinches for you a fleece identification with the Lazi.
The Lydians proper are said to have developed from quasi-mythical Gyges/Gugu, and that term certainly seems relevant to a Lazi bloodline tracing to the False Prophet. But Lydians were in the Phrygian theater before Gyges, and I think they were then the Lasonii, even as the region of the Colchian Lazi was called, Lazona.
Thus, the Pelops>Atreus>MeneLaus bloodline depicted the Lasonii, and as Pelops was made married to HippoDAMia (an Amazon, but now suspect as an Edomite), princess of Pisa (in Elis/Alis), we can't deny that the Ladon river flows near Pisa, and has a source at Arcadia, the birthplace of Hermes. Hermes assisted Pelops in acquiring his Pisa domain, which I'm assuming was a Pisidian=Buzite domain. And the big secret is, the Pelops-Hermes alliance were the golden fleece and the Ladon dragon...leading to Leda, for one, mother of Helen and Pollux, the latter being the Pel(ops) line, and Helen being "married" to Pelops grandfather, MeneLaus.
The Zeus swan line that was father to Helen and Pollux can now be traced to lake Sevan with some logic, for this lake was not far from the Lazi, and was home to the Gugar/Gogarene nation that we assume led to Gyges/Gugu if Lydia. To prove this, the Argo ship, after leaving Colchis with the golden fleece, was made to sail (i.e. migrate), in the Argonautica, up the Po to Liguria, where the swan was given the code, CYCnus/CYGnus (i.e. a Gyg-like term). Therefore, it seems that the Gugars of Sevan -- the Biblical Gog -- were meshed with the Lazi in Argo mythology, and in other mythology, and for that reason we assume that the same situation/alliance was also the historical reality.
As mythical Laz was made spouse to devil-like Nergal, we keep an all-seeing eye out for a Nergal identification with the Gugars. We've already seen with normal eyes that the all-seeing evil eye was a symbol of the Horus and Buto cults of the Nile, but I traced Horus to the Hros/Rosh at the Aras river, where the Gugars lived. Expect Nahor to get his eye punched out soon by the Boxing Glove of Heaven.
I had first of all traced Pel(ops) to Belus of Egypt (= Pelusiac branch of the Nile), father of Danaus and Aigyptus. Later, I was able to see that Pelops traced also to Antalya, a Pisidian city that I think was depicted by his father, Tantalus. A Pisidian backdrop for Pelops explains well why he ruled also in Pisa, but someone at Wikipedia says: "In the italian (and more famous) Pisa, relics have been found, which would prove that the greeks from the homonym Pisa, under the king Pelope, arrived on the tuscanian coasts after the Troy's war, and here they created the actual city of Pisa." I've never read that before, but I'm sure the idea has occurred to many. Pisa of Italy was not far from the Ligurian border."
The trace of Pelops to Antalya reveals why he was king of Lydians at the location of Eneti/Heneti, for ANTalya smacks of the Heneti, and frankly I think that Antalya was capital of ANATolia. Thus, Pel(ops) was Baal, husband of Anat.
This is all too rusanable, roshional, and gogical, and top of it all we have Daphne on our hook, who SWAM the Ladon river (evokes the seven-headed Lotan sea-dragon of Baal-ville/SAPHON in Syria), who I was eventually able to trace, by no deliberation or trickery or purposeful machinations, to Tubal, a Colchian region ruled by the Gugars.
Now mythical Gyges/Gugu of Lydia can be traced to mythical Lydus, son of Attis, who himself smacks of Aeetes of Colchis. And being a son of HELios, Aeetes looks like the Alan Sauromatians that became mythical Hellen, father of Achaea, a region to the direct north of Elis/Pisa, and home of the Ladon river. Whenever Alans enter the picture, there we should expect the Nahorites and Buzites that became the Neuri and Budini. I trace "Sauro(mat)" to "Taurus," and that to "Dorus," son of Hellen. At the Aeetes webpage below: "...the bulls just were Taurian guards who had been appointed to guard the Golden Fleece inside a precinct."
And Molech was there, the bull-shaped furnace that burned infants on its metal altar, which act I have read was pleasantly described by ancient cultists as a sweet fire "breathed" on the infants :
"Most of these things [in Aeetes' capital city of Aea] had been designed and fashioned by Hephaestus, who also wrought a couple of brazen-footed bulls which breathed fire through their mouths of bronze, and which he gave to Aeetes."
AND, Attis was symbol for the Hatti of Hattusa, smacking of the city from which Aeetes ruled, the mythical Aea that was also Kutaisi (i.e. like "Hattusa"). Moreover, as I linked Molech fundamentally to Nahorites, perhaps evident even in "Milcah," Nahor's wife, I add that many trace the Hurrians to the Hatti, and I think Hurrians were named after Haran, home of Nahorites. Certainly, Molech well describes the fire god, NERgal, who was just like Hephaestus.
It's not coincidental that the Argo ship, before arriving to Aea, landed at Lemnos (the sacred isle of Hephaestus), and the Argonauts mated there with the Amazons of Lemnos, led by queen Myrina (the name of a city on Lemnos). As SINTians were on Lemnos, I note now that Leda -- the Ladon dragon of Sparta (think the "Sparti" who were born from the teeth of the same Ares dragon that protected the fleece in Colchis) -- was made married to TYNDareus (do we see an "Ares" buried in that code?).
Aeetes kept the golden fleece in a "grove of Ares." We get it: the Laz were associated with the Ares/Horus cult on the Aras. And the Ares dragon of the Thracian theater was just this Lazi/Ladon dragon, and merged with proto-Rus
I discussed recently (second update in September) an ancient map of Caucasia with a Tyndaris location up a Colchian river called "Glaucus" (see directly under the word, "Colchis"). Tyndaris is situated close to the Lazi (shown). Also, Sintians/Sinti are traced by me and others to a peoples by the same name in northern Caucasia:
...a sub-group of Sinti Gypsies were called "Cigani," I would also identify them as the Ligurian swan, mythical Cygnus.......It's also possible that Tyndareus depicted Sintians...
...In other words, the Sintians look like Muses [Mysians?], and if true, they should trace back to the Gorgons = Aryans. The article below says that Sintians have been connected by historians to the Thessalonian city of Sindos [Muses lived in Thessaly], but there were also the far-off Sindoi of Caucasia, off the Azov sea, where Gorgons (e.g. Georgians) could be well expected.
That's from my chapter where I stress a proto-Swede entity in northern Caucasia. I had forgotten this morning that I already suggested a Tyndareus link to Sintians. The sea of Azov is on the above map labelled, Maeotis, and the Sindi are marked to the south of Maeotis, smack in Tanais-ville of Sauromatia.
Kutaisi is on the modern Rioni river, which smacks of the Rhone (France) upon which the Argo ship sailed. As the Rhone was the Rhodanus, named after Rhodes (says me) the sacred isle of Helios, the mythical fact that Aeetes was the son of Helios could certainly add to the Rioni-Rhone link. It was Apollonius Rhodius (i.e. "of Rhodes") who wrote the Argonautica wherein we find the Argo ship sailing from Kutaisi to the Rhodanus. We get it, Apollonius, we get it. After leaving the Rhodanus, the ship sailed into the environs of Circe, daughter of Helios. And Circasia is Caucasia.
AND, Phasis smacks of Phaethon, son of Helios who crashed into Eridanus.
AND AND: "The Rioni or Rion River...enters the Black Sea north of the city of Poti (near ancient Phasis)." Poti is north of Phasis or the Phasis river, but by how much? Is it so close that it and Phasis were essentially one and the same location? Was the Phasis river the modern Rioni? If so, Kutaisi looks like it was in the Tyndaris region, in which case it appears that Leda the Lazi dragon was married to the Sintian Amazons that Jason's crew had mated with, the same who named Tyndaris.
I've had trouble trying to understand whether Kutaisi was on the Glaucus river and therefore at Tyndaris, or to a river north of the Glaucus; I've previously assumed the latter, but I think I stand corrected, for the Rioni article tells that it was "Known to the ancient Greeks as the Phasis River..." The ancient map shows the Glaucus flowing smack to Phasis!
As Herodotus revealed that Amazon women (of Trabzon/Thermodon) mated with Gargarian men, it tends to reveal Jason's crew as Gargarians=Georgians (the same two peoples whom Herodotus said became the Sauromatians). Gargarians should trace to Gorgons of Parthia, and indeed the golden fleece can also be reckoned as Medea (mythical mother of the Medes), daughter of Aeetes whom Jason stole and took with him on the Argos when leaving Colchis behind.
To the west of the Lazi (on the ancient map again), beside the word, "Iberia," I see a term that under a magnifying glass looks like "Phrisus," smacking of Phrixus, the rider of the fleece. That can't be coincidental. It tends to reveal the Lazi as fundamental to the fleece symbol. Under the Lazi, I see "Rhodopolis." Under the latter, I see "Phasis" marked for the river running through Rhodopolis and into the Glaucus, but I'm sure that there is a dispute, as Wikipedia mentions, on the true identity of the Phasis. The river to the left of the one marked Phasis, and flowing to Lazi (or is it "Luzi"?), is the Absarum, which evokes mythical Abzu and Abas of Argos (I'm not making a link by any means, as I don't make links on similarity of terms alone).
Phrixus was made the son of Athamus, who was made married to Nephele, wherefore I expect Athamus to depict an Ixion-based Hyksos peoples. One could see an Edom-term in an Adamus variation. In fact, Athamus married also THEMisto, perhaps a DEM-like entity. Athamus also married Ino, which I identified as the bull cult of Cadmus leading him to Boiotia, and then the founding of Argos as per INAchus and Io.
As the Athamus entity had much to do with the golden fleece myth, an Athamus link to Argos could suggest that the ABSarum region was an Abas entity. My identity of the Abas entity as Avvites of Edom and Philistia (especially at Acrisius-depicted Ekron), included an Avvite trace to Avars of Caucasia, but I now note that "Absar" could evolve to/from "Avar/Kabar." Also, I tend to identify Avars with Iberians, and as such I view Avars as Hebrews, wherefore if Abas and Absarum were Avar>Hebrew entities, why could Absarum have been a Buzite-Nahorite land? As per NERgal being the husband of the Lazi, look at how close the Absarum river and Absarum sea are to the Lazi/Luzi.
Now, with some logical reasoning added to the similarity of terms, one could make the Absarum link to Abzu, where one identified Abzu as Buzite in the first place. And as "Abzu" and "Abas" are so similar with "abyss" and the Abaddon demon in the abyss of Revelation 9, and as per my trace of Abaddon to Abydos of the Nahorites, one has reason to view Nergal, a demon of a fiery hell, as an integral part of the Abaddon entity.
The Oceanus entity (son of Uranus and Gaia) was a confusing mess, the sea of POSeidon (= Abzu of Eden), but eventually viewed as an underground river feeding all rivers. The Sumerian Abzu (in Sumerian Eden, not the Biblical Eden) was an underground water system feeding rivers. That can't be coincidence. The Argo ship sailed, it can be gleaned, along the imaginary Oceanus river, and the Nahorites of Oceanus must have named Geneva.
In mythical beginnings of the pagan kind, Adrasteia was a serpent/dragon (we get it) , and she evokes Adrastus, mentioned yesterday as part of the Atreus entity: the Odrysians (who I identify as Dori(ans) as per their founder, mythical DRYas). As Atreus was made father to MeneLaus, who was the Ladon dragon in Sparta, it appears that Atreus was code for the early Adrasteia dragon, itself linked to the Laz dragon and of course to NERgal. Mythical NEReus married the Oceanid, Doris, if that helps to link Dorians to the Lazi. A read of Wikipedia's article on Dorians suggests that they were linked to Pelops, and were a branch of LACEdaemonians (of Sparta) . That very well jibes with a Dorian link to Pelops>Atreus, the Lydian-to-Spartan-Laz bloodline.
But as Dorians were also part of the MACEDONians and Cydonians, I remind you that Dor in Israel is next to MEGIDDO, the end-time site of the coming Boxing Glove of Heaven. The fight ends in the first round, after Gog is pushed to a corner called, Edom. He falls, and never rises again. And he's tossed into his favorite place, the place that he has for centuries gloried over, the fiery Hell. Only this time it hurts like Hell, and there is no party going on there, no beautiful Persephone, no river whatsoever, not even a Styx for a dog to fetch. Just maggots and worms to eat every time that he opens his mouth to scream. But for all the senseless and cruel murders that the devil has been guilty of, a mouthful of maggots is hardly punishment enough.
I forgot to mention what was lamb-important to the above. The Atreus-lamb line, if it goes to the modern 666 system, should end up in a lamb-depicted entity of the modern time. FE showed (second update of September) that the chairman of the Single Global Currency Association, Morrison Bonpasse, could be of the Passe/Pascal surname using the Templar lamb for a symbol, disguised as the Pascal/Easter Lamb of God. I then found that this surname linked to the Stur/Esturmy and Easter surnames, and from that was able to make a connection to the Ishter cult.
I wrote in that update: "Homer's Iliad had two lambs sacrificed by Atreus' son, Menelaus, thus clinching the idea that two lambs were a symbol of the Atreus>Menelaus cult......that I trace to Atrebate Celts of HAMPshire."
The point today is that the Argo ship sailed up the Ister river, en route to Geneva and Liguria. I had entered "Easter" to find the surname in HAMPshire (but from the NORmandy region of Stur), thus serving as evidenced that the Atreus lamb was in Hampshire as that family and others. Today I entered "Ister" to find the same Easter surname. The Easters/Isters held the Isle of Wight, a term that was, as a surname, traced solidly to the Uat/Buto cult.
Scottish Wights use the Ayers/Hayers quatrefoil in Kyle/Illuminati colors. As per the recent trace (last update page) of the Ayers surname to Oldenburg elements in the Nurburg-Ahr theater, we read that the Wights were "First found in at Coldingham, a village in Berwickshire, where 'Uuiaett Hwite' witnessed King Eadgar's charter..." Both of those names reflect "Uat," and the write-up goes on: "It appears the name may have actually predated the Norman invasion as Old English personal names such as 'Huita, Huuita, Hwita' are known to have predated 1066."
I'm finding some interesting surname links of the Pascals and Easters that I'll investigate further and report, probably, tomorrow. In short, the Coldinghams appear to be the Coldens/Goldens, and while "dora" means "gold," we can entertain that the golden fleece (a ram/sheep = adult lamb) was a Dorian one (I've long entertained that Alans, a WHITE-Aryan race, was depicted with gold as per blonde hair; the Budini had blonde hair). Along these lines: The Description of Greece by Pausanias relates that the Achaeans of the Peloponnesus were driven from their lands by Dorians coming from Oeta, a mountainous region bordering on Thessaly. They were led by Hyllus, a son of Heracles..." (Dorian article above). Oeta???
The headline today: "Bulldozers begin construction in Ariel as freeze ends" It reminds me of the end-time prophecy against Israel, in which Jerusalem is called, "Ariel." "Gush Etzion Regional Council head Shaul Goldstein..." I kid you not, that I have come to this article after mentioning the above on the Goldens. I decided to tackle the Easter links to the Coldens/Goldens because they use red and white, as do the Pascals. The Goldstein Coat is not only in the same colors, but the German/Jewish surname was originally from Halle, smacking of Hyllus.
Can it be true: "...'The National Alliance will meet this evening to name a prime minister for the new government,' said Ali al-Fayyad, a lawmaker with the alliance..." We'll see tomorrow if that happens.
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