Previous Update: September 5 - 9

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September 10 - 13, 2009

Obama's Davis Bloodline is Major in the Da Vinci Cult

See September 11 -- 12 -- 13

September 10

It's known that black and white checks are a symbol of witchcraft, but I cannot recall ever coming across a heraldic shield fully filled with them (until yesterday) as I have come across shields fully filled with blue and white (Cohen, Fer, Falk. Ligon), red and white (Hohen), black and gold (Bils), red and gold (Vaux, Becking/Baring), blue and gold (Warren, Denmark, Nassau), green and gold (Sparks), and even gold and silver. The most that I could find in my files for black and white checks are in the band of the German Becker Coat. Keep in mind for one paragraph that the Beckers were first found in Prussia, where the German Mieske/Mesech surname was first found.

Since Beckers use white stars on blue, I'd consider a link to the French Bec/Bes/Bez surname (first found in Languedoc) using a single white star on blue. I had traced the latter to Polish king Bezprym (brother of a king Mieszko) of the Piast dynasty. Since I was discussing Paisley with my Pollock friend last night, she sharing that Pollocks had invested heavily in the founding of Paisley Abbey, I should mention that "Piast" reflects "Pais" not bad, but that the Baiz/Baise variation of the Bec/Bes/Bez family is even better.

To this, add the fact that Boleslaw I was the father of Bezprym while the Bole Crest uses a boar shot through with an arrow, the Pollock Crest symbol. The evidence for a Pollock link to the Piast dynasty is overwhelming when these things and more are placed side-by-side.

Paisley Abbey was founded by Benedictines of Burgundy (this region was important in the previous update). The Bec Abbey in Normandy, officiated by the Wells (= branch of Vaux) family at an early point, was founded by Benedictines too. I agree that "Paisley" may derived from a variation of "basilica," as stated at Wikipedia, but this Bec/Bais surname sure does seem to fit this picture too. It is extremely interesting that Paisely was founded by Benedictines of the Cluney locality that uses gold keys on blue for a symbol (see link), for I traced the Shaw surname both to Ayrshire (near Paisely) and the Italian and Spanish Chaves surname...using blue keys on gold. You may have read not too long ago where I tended to trace (independently) both the Shaws and the Piast dynasty to Ishmaelites.

[Update: I kid you not, it was after writing this update to many paragraphs below wherein the Davis surname enters large, that I checked for a Cluney surname and got one. It was first found in Perthshire...where the Shaws were first found!!! The Cluney Crest is a"wolf holding a green trefoil, while the green trefoil (same as clover) is the symbol of the Irish Davis Coat!! Later in this update, you will see that the Davis surname connects with the Randolph surname said to derive from "wolf."]

I was stunned last night when hearing from Tim. As I said, I found what I think was the first shield filled with black and white checks only yesterday in the Spanish Major/Mayerdomo Coat. How can it be a coincidence that, after years of not finding one such Shield, I opened an email from Tim on the same day that led to yet another such Shield? The email only shared the Davis motto that I could not read at The motto was this: "Heb Dhuw heb ddym, Dhuw a digon" (Without God without anything, God is enough). The first thing I did was check for a Digon surname, and not only did it bring up a Digon/Digoin surname, but its Coat was a shield filled with black and white Cohen-type checks!! Note that the lion in the Davis Crest is quartered (i.e. check-like) black and white.

PLUS!! Let me repeat what Wikipedia enters, that "Mieszko [I] also appeared as Dagome Iudex or Dagone..." Surely, then, the Davis bloodline goes back to Mieszko, which is consistent with a trace of the Randolph side of Obama to the Meschins (for new readers, I say Frank Davis was Obama's true father).

To this I want to repeat that the top half of the Spanish Pelaez/Baez Coat is nearly the Pollock Coat, and that the bottom half uses black and gold Cohen-type checks. Possibly, this surname was linked to "Bez(prym)" and "Paisley."

As Paisley is in Renfrew, and as Mieszko I married Dobrawa (daughter of Boleslaw I of Bohemia), I'd say the Dobie surname of Renfrewshire links back to her bloodline. As a Dobie/Doby variation is "Dawbie," it not only reflects "Davis/David," but the "Dhuw" (meaning "God") used twice in the Davis motto. The latter instance is "Dhuw a digon," what could be taken as a claim to Dagon godhood. In any case, it can't be a coincidence that the Dober and Dobermen Coats (Leslie=Polish griffins in Crest) are near identical while the Doberman version is a decent reflection of the Hebrew Pollock Coat. In fact, while the Doberman version does not use a wavy band as does the Pollock Coat, the Dober Coat does.

AND, a variation of the Dober surname is DAWBER!!! Thus, the Pollocks and Dobies were one family together in Renfrewshire, the migration of certain elements of the Piast dynasty to Scotland. "Pollock" was simply a surname used by a branch of the Maxwell family to indicate honor for their Polish heritage, or perhaps linkage to "BOLEslaw"), and the Maxwell (from "Maccus") family was named in honor of Dobrawa's husband, Mieszko (he was Boleslaw's father). This very much supports a Paisley link back to Bezprym (Mieszko's grandson). BUT, how could Polish royals get to Scotland apart from ruling something significant there. That question is answered by the Pollock link to Stewarts, Leslies, and Bruces.

There is yet the question of whether "Davis" links to "Davinci." Thanks to Tim, we can now trace the Davis family to Burgundy, where the Digon/Digoin surname was first found. The Bec/Bez surname was also fist found in Burgundy. The French Vincent surname was fist found nearby in Languedoc, and it uses the motto, "Vincenti DABO," wherefore it MUST (i.e. with all certainty) link to the Davis clan, for both these French Vincents and the Davis' use black lions.

As per the Welsh David Coat (similar to the Davis Coat), we read the motto, "Pax et copia," wherefore we can find a link to the black-lion (same design used by the Davids) of the Packet Coat...which surname should link to the German Beckers because Beckers use black and white checks!!

As some further evidence that the Beckers were of the Bec/Bes/Bez clan (both use white stars on blue), the English Becker motto uses, "Bis" (this is getting us to the bee line, which involves the ultimate of my dragon cult hunt: linkage to Buz, son of Nahor).

There is no French Becket Coat, but the English one uses red lions on gold, the same type as in the black and white quartered Davis Crest. It's also the same type as in the Bratt Coat, wherefore the red lion on gold of the Brett Coat should apply to the Beckets. I am re-mentioning this because I want to trace the Beckets/Beckers to Bohemia and thus support the Davis and Pollock trace to the Polish royals, for Boleslaw I the Pole was from Boleslaw I the Bohemian.

I had identified Bohemians, from the Boii Celts, as a bee depicted peoples from Boiotia (Greece). I traced the Pratt/Bratt surname to PodeBrady, Bohemia. I showed that the Becket surname derives, as per the write-up, from the locality of Becket in Berkshire, said (by the write-up) to be "from the Old English words beo, which means bee, and cot, which means cottage or shelter." I traced the idea of "bee house" to "Bajocasses/Baiocasses," the name of the Celts who founded the Bessin (Normandy). And because the Beckets were first found in Norfolk and Cheshire, I traced them to the Meschins of Cheshire because those Meschins had ancestry in the Bessin. BUT, I do not recall mentioning at that time (see March 20 and April 13) that the Arms of Ranulph de Meschin is a red lion on gold, the color of the Becket lion!!

In other words, it appears that the Beckets, and Beckers, trace back to Bohemians of the Mieszko fold. And those Bohemians in particular are from Dobrawa and her father, Boleslaw of Bohemia. This is the very same family to which I am tracing the Pollock clans. This should explain why the Maxton/Maccuston branch of Maxwells uses a bee in the Crest.

The Maxtons lived in that very part of Roxburghshire to which the shield-on-shield Polish Janina trace, wherefore we expect the Sobek surname there too, and it should have been there as the proto-Doby surname of the Pollock fold. After all, Pollocks in Scotland were Rothes to a major degree, explained in the Rutherfords of Maxton.

BEHOLD. At the Maxton write-up: "Maccus, son of Undewyn was believed to have followed King David north and was granted the lands of Maxton." UnDEWyn??? Is that the essence of the Davis motto's use of "Dhuw"?

The point is, I tend to suspect that the David/Davis surname is in honor of this king David I of Scotland, and that should therefore link king David to the Polish royals under discussion, and there in that sentence above we have the evidence! Certain Stewarts et al had to flee England, and so they took shelter with, and supported in war, king David. He in turn made the Stewarts -- i.e. the Magdalene cult -- High Stewards of Scotland. And that's how the Davis surname should prove to be a major part of the Magdalene/Da Vinci cult. Indeed, the black lion on white of the Davis clan should link to the black griffin on white of the Vince/Vinch Coat.

There you now have the Da Vinci Code broken!! But, dah, I thought it was supposed to lead to Jesus and Mary Magdalene. Duh!

I had suspected that Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa was a portrait of a Leslie. The Leslies proper started out with Bartholomew Leslie marrying the sister of David's father. This Bartholomew was the cup bearer of Agatha, David's grandmother...when she was still in the Hungarian theater somewhere. The point is, one cannot have a much more important Da Vinci bloodline that of king David, and Obama's Dunham>Randolph line traces, as per the work of others, directly to king David!

And that's why I think Obama's mother had extra-marital sex with Frank Davis, for he and she were both working for Rockefellers, and she, being an anthropologist, knew that the Davis clan was "special" to her own Dunham line.

I therefore don't think it's a coincidence that the Irish Davis Coat uses clovers, as does the English Dober/Daber Coat (Rockefellers use this symbol too). The Dober Coat is in the colors of the German Dobe Coat, and the latter uses a cartwheel, the symbol of Piast the Cartwheeler (origin of the Piast dynasty). Dobe variations include Dobbe, smacking of Sobbe (= the Sobek/Sobieski surname in Germany), and Doberitz, smacking of the Sober variation of Sobbe.

When one enters "Tobel," the Pollock-like Tober/Dober Coat pops up. Since the Sobek Coat uses the Leslie buckle, it's obvious that the Dober griffin is indeed the same as in the Leslie Crest. The Dober surname is traced in the write-up to "the Pomeranian town of Dobberphul." I trace "Pomerania" to the Fomorians of Ireland; the god Lug was half Fomorian, half Danaan.

What Leslie inclusion into the Magdalene cult does is to include the Ladon, and therefore the Biblical Lydia>Latin, dragon. That's as satanic as one can get. We would expect Satan to merge the Magdalene cult with Jesus, or Biblical king David, or other important Israelitish elements.

It was at this point where I checked the Cluney Coat to discover that it traces to the Cluney (Burgundy) gold keys on blue, as per the Shaw trace to the blue-key-on-gold Chaves. As both were first found in Perthshire, Shaws and Cluneys were merged families in what may have been Bartholomew-shire. The Irish Clune write-up traces the surname to local/Irish terms such as "glun" (= knee), even though the Coat is identical to the Scottish Cluney Coat. The French Colin Coat is similar.

I therefore suspect the French Clement clan as well (the one using a single white star on blue; same as Bec/Bez), for I had traced Clements to the Malcolm (i.e. Coluim and/or Colin) line in Scotland, and to George/Giric "Drummond"...who married a royal of PodeBrady/Bohemia. The Drummonds were first found in Perthshire too, and they use red and gold as well as blue and white. In other words, see the similarity between the white-on-blue French Clement Coat and the gold-on-red English Benedict Coat; both use a single central star of the same size. I enter the benedict surname because the Cluneys were of the Benedictines. I cannot read the Benedict motto.

One can even see the Cluney Shield in the German Benedict Coat (which makes a trace of the Cluney term to "knee" all the more loonie). The Dutch Benedict Coat uses the lion design used in the Legro Coat; Legros, like Cluneys, were first found in Burgundy. (Have you noticed that many Dutch Coats have no surname details, as with most/all "Jewish" Coats? That has got to be by request of some world-important "Jewish" group.)

The Burgundy theater, especially Autun, is where I expect the Merovingian line from Merowe/Meroe (= mythical Merops) of Ethiopia...that passed though Sparta as the MeneLaus cult. Menelaus was "married" to Helen, sister of Pollux, explaining why the Poles (from Pollux) and the Ligurians (from Leda, Pollux' and Helen's mother) would live in the Autun region (which I trace to mythical Aedon ("granddaughter" of Merops) of Boiotia). I re-discovered last night that the Dayton surname derives from "D'Autun," and so see the red lion on white, the DeLion symbol. Ignore Wikipedia where it says that "Autun" derives from "Augustodunum."

Autun is not far north of Lugdunum/Lyon (where the DeLions originated). I showed that DeLions were also the Legro line of Burgundy to the Irish Logans. Since the Legros and their Vincent branch went to Leicester, and since Leicester and the Blank Coat (surname linked to Plancus founder of Lugdunum) both use a white cinquefoil on red, I'll add that the Lanark-surname Coat uses the same symbol, but also uses the red-on-white Douglas heart. Not only do the Dougal/Dowell and Douglas families link closely to the DeLion/Dalen (and likely Dahlen) clans (see previous update), but the red heart is used by the Logans, who in Scotland were Lennons...smacking of "Lanark."

Therefore, Lanarkshire/Lanrick, beside Ayrshire and Renfrewshire, appears to be a prime MagDaLION center. Indeed, the Leicester cinquefoil is thought by many to be the Hamilton cinquefoil, and a location of Hamilton is in Lanarkshire (though Hamiltons were first found in Renfrewshire). I would therefore suggest that Lanark/Lenrick was named after the Legros>Logan>Lennan.

To repeat something of great importance, the Rodham symbol is exactly the Hamilton cinquefoil, and Hillary thus traces to the Blank bloodline that must have been at the root of the Delions/Logans/Lennans. The Rodham motto includes a Davis-like term, "deficit," and the Rodham Shield is a match with the Welsh Davis Shield.

The Leicester motto, "Semper Eadem," smacks of the Sempre/St. Pierre surname, and checking the French Pierre surname (first in Languedoc) we find LANphere-like variations; "Lan" could derive from "Lyon/Leon," but I'm open to other possibilities. The Leicester motto also smacks of the Aedon>Autun line.

I did not get to the news at all this morning. Tomorrow, for sure. Good day.

PS If it concerns you, note that Update URLs are changing slightly. Instead of, they are now (for personal reason, to make uploading faster.)

September 11

The deceptive attitude of Putin's Russia can perhaps be highlighted in the current event:

"Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office has admitted that it had misled the public about his day-long disappearance from public view earlier this week.

The premier's office did not deny media reports that the Israeli premier had stolen away to Russia aboard a private plane on Monday to discuss Moscow's arms sales to Iran and Syria."§ionid=351020202

Another article:

"An unsourced report in Israel's most popular newspaper, Yedioth Ahronoth, said the 'security facility was actually Russia' and Netanyahu had discussed new arms deals being forged between the Kremlin and Iran.

Russia is denying the Netanyahu visit, or at least denying that he visited with either Putin or Medvedev. The French leader appears convinced of Netanyahu's purpose:

France called on Russia [yesterday] not to complete the sale of advanced air defense missiles to Iran.

...[yesterday], the Russian daily Kommersant quoted Kremlin sources as confirming Netanyahu's visit to the Russian capital."

Here's a theory. Putin had "pirates" on board a ship laden with weapons slated for Iran. Perhaps the plan was to go off radar and hope for the best in reaching the intended port, somewhere between north Africa and Iran, but to create an excuse should the ship get caught, "pirates/hijackers" were placed on which case all the other crew knew the plan and were part of it.

Cheap prices are on the way:

"WASHINGTON -- One year after the near collapse of the global financial system, this much is clear: The financial world as we knew it is over, and something new is rising from its ashes.

...On Sept. 7 , the government seized mortgage titans Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Eight days later, investment bank Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy, sparking a global financial panic...

One year later, the easy-money smashed. Once-ravenous U.S. consumers are saving money and paying down debt. Banks are building reserves and hoarding cash...

...Many analysts also think that an extended period of slow job growth and suppressed wage growth will keep consumers -- and the businesses that sell to them -- in the dumps for years.

...Regalia thinks that it could be five years before the U.S. economy generates enough jobs to overcome those lost and to employ the new workers entering the labor force.

All this is likely to keep consumers on the sidelines."

A recession ultimately brings low prices in efforts to get people spending again, and as desperation sets in to sell items at any price above costs. But the Globama Team isn't thinking about you. Instead, it's focused on the globonomy: "'Our objective is to design an economic framework where we're going to have a more balanced pattern of growth globally, less reliant on a buildup of unsustainable borrowing . . . and not just here, but around the world,' said Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner" (article above).

Mr. Geithner, the people elected Obama to work the American economy, not to set up a global economy. The reason for the recession is because you and other Globalists are engineering a global economy and thereby slowing the economic engines either by your own inability to create what you hope for, or by deliberated manipulations to create what you hope for, or both. Get your fingers off of the machinery and let the wheels spin normally.

Yesterday, thanks to Tim taking the time to send me the Davis motto, the family was linked to the Digions/Digons, very likely a branch of the Maxton "Roxburghers" (Rockefellers? Roxolani=Rox-Alans?), from Mieszko I/Dagone. These Maxtons had joined the kingdom of David I and therefore intermarried with them so as to take on his name for a surname. They and Stewarts alike fled their homes in England and moved to Scotland; Stewarts settled in Ayrshire and Renfrewshire.

The theory then is that a Ranulph de Meschin would join the Maxtons and their high-up Davis branch in Scotland to become the Randolph surname (first found in Moray because Moray was settled by the blue-star-on-white Mieszko>Bezprym line). The other theory is that these Ranulphs, first from the Bessin, then Dunholm and Dunham Masci, would become Obama's Dunham line. You can see that while the Welsh Davis' were first found in Flintshire, the Welsh Davids -- using the very same Coat but with slightly-different lion designs -- were first found in Cheshire (the location of Dunham Masci, and where Ranulf le Meschin ruled).

This morning I awoke while still dark, and while still in bed asked what surname variation the Digons could have derived from. "Diyon" came to my mind as a possibility to investigate, but later, as I got to the computer and engaged the houseofnames browser, there in front of my face was the Dayton surname still up from late yesterday. I saw it's Deighton variation. I did not think late yesterday to link Daytons (= D'Autun) to "Digon." This morning, I realized that it uses the same lion design as the Welsh Davis Coat.

Seeking the missing link between Deighton and Digon, I figured there had to be 'i' versions of "Dayton, and so I tried for and got an English Ditton/Diton Coat, showing Dyton and Dighton variations even. It's a black and white Coat using footless martins/sparrows, which birds are used by the Rutherfords of Maxton but also in (the arms of) Rochdale of Greater Manchester (see July 13 for that Rockefeller discussion). Therefore, if Ditons were a Digon branch, we herein find the Rockefeller link to the Davis', supporting the claim by some that Obama's true father, Frank Davis, was working for Obama's mother is known to have been. By the way, Rochdale is also near Lancashire, where the Ditons were first found.

Going to my files, I was able to find another surname using the same cross type as per the Dayton Coat; a single, central large one turns out to be used in the Bennett Coat. The Bennetts were first found in Lancashire. When I discussed them, I had linked them to Benedicts. Remember from yesterday's discussion that the German Benedict/Benditt Coat has the Cluney Shield, a surname linking to the Shaws of Perthsire (Scotland).

Since I'm on the Perthshire topic, I should record this peculiar Robert Coat with greatly diversified surnames, including Legan. It evokes a Randolph clan of Moray as it uses white wolf-heads on red (Randolph colors), and "Virtutis gloria meroes" in the motto." This family was first found in Perthshire, but as it is said to derive from "the personal name Robert," it should trace to the French Roberts, first found in Burgundy...where the Benedictine town of Cluney is located. NOTE that the three wolf heads are identical to the three in the Fiddle Coat (the Fiddles were traced (August 31) directly to Obama's Arthurian Wolfley line).

The peculiar-Robert family (which I found when seeking Legro-like surnames yesterday) is proving to be an excellent lead into more of the unknown, for I note that the Welsh Robert Coat is a half-black half-white lion, reflecting the Welsh Davis Crest, a half-black half-white lion head of the very same design! The French Robert Coat uses the same lion style as in the Welsh David Coat!!

The peculiar-Robert family (using Robertson, MacConachie, MacDonnachie, MacInroy, and MacLagan) uses the wolf that should be linked to the black wolf in the Cluney Crest. Yesterday I found that the Benedicts use the same lion design as the Legro Coat, and as Legros were first found in Burgundy, they ought to link to the Roberts of Burgundy and therefore to the peculiar/varied Robert clan...which I suspect to be a Randolph branch.

Evidence is buiding for a trace to what I consider European Ishmaelites. Not only did I trace the Shaws (and therefore now the Cluneys) to Ishmaelites, but also the Hale/Hayle surname. I traced Ishmaelites to Ayrshire, and at one point (July 26) said this:

"...The original point has to do was that I recently traced the Jedburgh [I was asking if this was ultimately from Jetur, son of Ishmael) and Maxton regions of Roxburghshire -- where Rutherfords arose -- to Ayrshire because the Arm and Scimitar symbol is used by both the Arms of Roxburghshire and the Kyles of Ayrshire. The original point is, the Scotts, who look like a branch of Rutherfords, lived on the Ale river of the Rutherford region of Roxburghshire, which smacks of "Aleshire," an alternative name at some point for Ayrshire."

Having quoted that, I cite the Hale/Hayle surname as a possible term for the Ale river and/or Aleshire, just as "Hager" ought to be a variation of "Ayer(shire)." Not only is the English Hale Coat a shield-on-shield (used also by Rutherfords and Scotts, et al), but it centrally has the patee cross used by...the Daytons (and Bennetts)! This gets us very close to tracing the Obama -- and therefore a sector of world rule -- to what I consider, tentatively anyway, Ishmaelites. The Hales, by the way, were first found in Cheshire.

Keep in mind that I suspect the white Moray stars on blue to be a variation of the Hagar white Zionist star on blue, and that Hagar(t)s were first found in Perthshire (Hagar was Ishmael's mother). I had also traced the royal Poles (who used the Moray star) to Ishmaelites on other grounds. The Hagar motto uses "conobor," evoking the Conn/Coney/Konig surname that was traced (previous update) to the Cohens...using three white stars on blue!

"Hayle" looks like it could be a variation of Hagel/Hegel, wherefore I now see that the Hegel Coat uses the Legro and Benedict lion design. Since the Roberts of Burgundy have just been traced to the Legros of Burgundy, and since the French Robert Chief uses the bell-design called "vairy," the Haskels/Asketins should prove to be related. The latter use a shield filled with black and white vairy, the colors of the Haskets and Hegels. The Haskets use the garb, a Gascony symbol, and the Haskel surname, derived from "Aeskil," sounds as though created in honor of the Euskals=Basques (founders of Gascony).

The point is, I had traced "Euskal" to Ashkelon/Ascalon (pre-Israeli Canaan), the "wife" of Dagon, whose symbol was the garb (used also by the Dagon cult). My hunch is that Mieszko/Dagone was of that Dagon cult and therefore related to the Basques. Since the Sami of blue and white Finland were a Basque branch, the Piast dynasty leading to Mieszko could link to the Sami; remember, the legendary son of Piast Kolodziej was SEIMowit.

The bell design, by the way, was hypothetically linked (by me) to Bell-family branches that may have derived from Abila/Abeline (Syrio-Lebanon), what might have been Havilah, the Biblical home of Ishmaelites.

The point is, if "Hale/Hayle" is linked to "Hagel," the Hales, and therefore the Daytons using the Hale symbol, could trace to Ishmaelite Hebrews. AND, if Hales were the basis of the Ale river of Roxburghshire, the "Ale" leading to Aleshire=Ayrshire, the chances of Ishmaelite connection increases as per the trace of Ishmaelites en-masse to Ayrshire. The Dayton link to the Hales is therefore important for tracing the Davis clan to Ishmaelites, for "Dayton/Deighton" appears very much to have been a Diton/Dighton variation...out of which the Digon-branch Davis surname arose. Yes, I did say that the Davis' were Maxtons, but Maxtons were royal Poles who should trace to the Dagon cult...and Samson's involvement with that cult.

This is where it gets interesting, for I imagine in this picture that the Samson-cult Avviy/Avvites (named after Havilah elements?) moved with some Philistine allies (the Dagon cult of Samson association was Philistine) to Finland and Poland, thus making the Spanish Pelaez/Baez surname (in which I see a Pollock branch) indeed connectable to Philistines, or at least the Palestine term. Since Avvites worshiped both the dog and the donkey, it's conspicuous that the peculiar-Robert family, using wolves as symbols, has a MacDonachie (like "donkey") variation.

Perthshire is where this family was first found, and it's possible that the Pert surname was formed after that place, even though Perts/Petts were first found in Kent, where the English Roberts were first found! The Pert Coat uses scallops and mascles, the (e)scallops tracing to the Euskals/Ascalon, and the mascles to the Meschins. But I think the whole lot, right back to the Samson-cult Avvites, were Amorites out of Meroe/Merowe of what was then Ethiopia. It was the ancient cult leading to Auton and therefore to the Dayton surname.

Here's more evidence. On this webpage, we find a Man Coat (about half-way down, or find "masculyn") using a special mascle in the blue and gold colors of the Manchester Crest. I'm assuming that MANchester derives from "Man(x)," and/or the Isle of Man. The Manchester Crest uses bees, exactly like the Maxton bee, thus assuring that the Man entity of Manchester links to the Maxtons...a branch of Meschins that the special mascle depicts. For, we read that the mascle, "with the ends terminating in fleurs-de-lis," is called a "masculyn." At the scallop-using Meschin-Coat page, we find five Masculyne variations (plus, the Masci Coat uses gold fleur de lys on blue).

But there is tantalizing fodder now, for on June 23 I had written:

"The Manchester motto uses 'Labore.' Hmm. And there is a white creature (Lamashtu skin color) supporting the Manchester Shield, with a dog having upward ears like a jackal (compare with Anubis [= Avvite god]), and hooves that could be those of a horse or donkey [i.e. Avvite donkey god, Tartak]. Hmm. At the other side of the shield, a lion, the main symbol of Lamashtu [daughter of Anu]. Was Manchester the home of the Labartu/Lamashtu cults as they arrived to the West???

Note the colors of Anubis [read as ANUbis] at the above link: gold, blue, white, and brown, the four colors of the Manchester Crest."

How could it be that I was able to trace Manchester to the Avvites (completely bizarre), exactly what's required for today's topic in tracing the Mieszko Poles to the Samson Avvites??? In fact, as I'm entertaining a Pollock-surname link with the Pelaez/Baez surname (that I think might be Philistines of the Samson cult), which I think is a Bez/Baez variation from Polish king Bezprym, is it another coincidence that, just now while seeking the Manchester clip above, I found what I had forgotten, that the scallop-using Bisel Coat is a good reflection of the Jewish Pollock Coat (not to re-mention the Davis Coat).

Not only does the English Becker motto use, "Bis," keeping in mind that the Becket surname is traced by it's write-up to "bee house" and therefore linked to the Meschines of the Bessin and Cheshire (see yesterday's update), but "bis" is in AnuBIS!! We recall the Samson riddle, honey in the lion carcass. The riddle had to do with the mighty rulers of the earth; those of the honey/bee cult are the mighty. I had traced the Avvites to mythical Abas of Argos, a bee cult line leading from the Abantes peoples of Euboea/Evia (Greece) to Ethiopia's Merops/bee cult that then returned to become the Merovingians Franks and other related peoples. Again, they lived in Meroe/Merowe of Ethiopia (now in Sudan), and the peculiar Robert surname with donkey-like variation (i.e. "MacDonachie") uses "meroes" in the motto.

When one searches for a "Donkey" surname, one gets the Donkin Coat, a near-copy of the Duncan Coat...using white cinquefoils on red (!) and what might be the Pollock bugle. The Donkey surname is said to be from "Donnchad," not a far cry from the "MacDonachie" found by the wolf-using Robert clan. Since these cinquefoils were recently traced to Logans/Lennans, the Lagan/Legan variation (shown) of the Robert/Donachie surname should trace to Logan and therefore the DeLion cult of Magdalene. IN FACT, after writing that, I tried for a distinct Lagan coat (because the Robert/Donachie page shows "MacLagan"), and up popped up the Scottish Logan/Lennan Coat (see yesterday for Logan links to the white cinquefoil on red).

The Logan surname is the one using "majorum" in the motto, and for that reason I think it links to the black-and-white checkered Major Coat (Spanish), but also to the black-and-white checkered Digon Coat of the Davis clan. It therefore seems likely that the Duncan surname was in honor of king David's grandfather (David's father was Maol Caluim mac Dhonnchaidh).

This royal line was called the DunKeld dynasty (the term is not necessarily related to Duncan/Donnchad), possibly from "Kolod," though more directly from "Celt." I trace the wolf symbol to the Khaldi-fold of Amazons, and the line from Ethiopia that I am discussing was an Amazon one in all likeliness; hence "Mesech/Mieske." I traced porphyry to the mascle symbol of the Poles (i.e. the Kolodziej dynasty), and CC had independently traced negative RH blood (that once used to make babies born blue and dead) to the Berber-Basque line. And, she says, her findings are that negative RH is much-linked to porphyry. She concentrates on the Canaanite/Philistine (i.e. Hamite) side of the Berbers and Hyksos, and I don't know whether she agrees with my Meshech (= Japhethite) side of those same peoples.

A look at Wikipedia's Berber article will reveal that they were Amazhigen, the African term for Amazons. Amazhigen were "Mazices" too, while the Meshech lived at Mazaca (north of Syria). One can see how king Mieszko was named after these elements, wherefore I think that his Kolodziej ancestor was from the Khaldi Amazons of Meshech land.

At Wikipedia's article on Dunkeld, we find it to be a locality 15 miles from Perth! It is said to derive from "Dun Chailleann mean[ing] Fort of the Caledonii or of the Caledonians." I traced the Khaldi to the Greek Calydonians and then to the Pictish Caledonians after which Dunkeld was named.

I think that the Hyksos, as they fled the Biblical wrath on Egypt, escaped from their capital at Avaris (near Tanis on the Nile Delta), into Philistine territory, but that they were related to the Avvites of Philistine territory. I therefore think that the Samson cult of Danaan were in-part Hyksos Avvites...who came to Greece as the Perseus>Hercules representatives of the Danaans. It's very likely that Hyksos were the Daphne-cult Avars too (Avars were from Dagestan but near the Georgian land of Gogarene), from Laish to the Leto>Apollo wolf cult (with the Khaldi Amazons being made Apollo's twin sister, a wolf goddess) but leading to the Leda>Pollux Spartans that formed the Poles and Ligurians. I don't want to repeat myself too-too much, but it all "works like a charm."

THE END TIMES BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON IS AGAINST THOSE WHO WERE ONCE THE RULERS OF EGYPT WHICH GOD DESTROYED IN THE BIBLICAL TEN PLAGUES. Perhaps God slew their firstborn because they worshiped their own bloodline. It is known that Egyptian kings would marry their own sisters to propagate their own supreme blood. Fools. Inventors of the chariot, perhaps, and perhaps inventors of the wheel, and of metal, and of most of the sciences, but spiritual fools who gain the entire world yet forfeit their souls.

I apologize for any redundancy that you dislike. Back tomorrow.

September 12

The first story I read this morning was on Obama's shift on North-Korean relations (he is not abiding any longer with the obligatory six-party talks, but is going one-on-one. This, just after Clinton visited the Korean dictator), and there in the article I found US envoy, Stephen Bosworth. Being ion the Bis/Bez topic yesterday, I checked the Bosworth Coat to find "valet" in the motto, and sure enough, the Valet Crest shows certain sign, a black greyhound, that it's a branch of the Valais/Valois family (I wish I had caught on to the importance of mottos years ago).

Then, as evidence that the Valais/Valois surname is in honor of Valais/Wallis, Switzerland, the English Valet Coat uses red stars on white, the symbol of the Wallis flag. This is the best evidence, or perhaps the only solid evidence of a Valais-surname link to Valais, that I've provided. It's nice to know the link was not an error.

The French Valet surname was first found in Languedoc, where the French Bez surname was first found (!), thereby indicating that Bosworth (= a Valet branch) may indeed have been a Bez clan linking to the Polish royals. In fact, the Bosworth Coat is basically just blue and red, the two main Polish colors. In the Valet write-up: "This main stem branched to Vivarais..." This is interesting because the Valais Shield and chevron are in colors reversed from those of the Vivian/Vey surname...that I trace to the Arthurian cult at Avalon. Conspicuously, Vivarais is in the French department of Ardeche. A tributary of the Ardeche river is the Lignon, and checking for variations I found the Ligon/Liggonn Coat with full-blown Cohen Shield.

This in its totality supports a trace of the Vivian surname (said to derive from "vivus") to nearby lake Geneva where Morges is found. Very close to Morges is Vevey, where I had previously traced the goddess Vivian...who is sometimes equated with Morgan le Fay of Avalon. In other words, Vevey (historically "Viviscus") and Vivarais in France, could be sister regions of the Morges/Morgan cult. As I was on the hale topic just yesterday, see the similarity between the Hale Coat and the Vivian Coat, and that the Hale Coat appears to be a variation of the Valais Coat but using a half-red half-blue Shield (Bosworth colors) instead of all blue.

Keep in mind that the Hale Coat uses the Dayton (and Bennett= Benedict) patee cross, and that Daytons, from Autun, trace back to the Merops>Aedon peoples of Boiotia, where Melia the honey goddess ruled. I'm building evidence that the Bez terms are an integral part of the honey/bee cult of the Franks/Merovingians, and that it all links back to Buz, son of Nahor. Therefore, is it a coincidence that I focused on the Bez topic in these updates just before "Bos(worth)" would be in the news? Melia was married to mythical Inachus, "founder" of Argos (Greece), and the Biblical form of "Nahor" is "Nachor" (i.e. reflecting I-nachus).

Also keep in mind that the Daytons link to the Dightons and black-and-white-checkered Digons of the Davis family which in turn belongs to the stock of the black-and-white-checkered Major-branch Cohens (see earlier in this update), which should explain why the English Major Coat and Crest shows definite signs of Valais-surname connection. Having said all that, see that the French David Shield (minus the symbols) is the Valais Shield.

Since all of these entities of southern France must connect to the red-on-white DeLion lion, they should also connect to the Leon surname (the Spanish Leons use a red lion on white). I mention this because the Italian Leon Coat looks like it could be the Ligon Coat minus the checks. PLUS, the Italian Leon Chief uses the David-style lion. The French Majors, first found in Provence (southern France), use red lions on white BUT also a crescent in colors reversed from the Valais crescents.

This is all very good, for I was talking the FE (this topic's Switzerland agent) days ago and stressing that the Magdalene cult had not yet linked much to Wallis/Switzerland but that it should be forthcoming, and here it is...from a domino-effect starting with the Boswell surname this morning. The essence of the link is the Ligurian (from mythical Leda a Spartan group) trace to Sion of Wallis, though also keep in mind that the Wells family, representatives of the Wallis canton, over-saw the Abbey of Bec (Normandy), so that there is also a Wallis connection to the Bez/Bec Poles (from mythical Pollux, son of Leda). Spartans lived smack beside Argos.

Put up with redundancy below if you've read on the topic before, because it spells out the Magdalene cult like never before. My hunch is that the royal Poles were from the Neuri wolf peoples (Slav group), living with the Budini -- Buz tribe of Nahorites -- and the Geloni -- from Helen, sister of Pollux. They moved north from the Thrace theater with some MeneLaus (husband of Helen) elements who become the Lusatians. On the other foot, in Liguria and to its north, MeneLaus elements (this is the Ethiopian factor in southern France) furnished the Lys/Lig/Lug/Liyon/Lyon terms out of Lacydon of the Ligurians. In this picture, the Magdalene cult -- if indeed it is represented by the DeLion/Dalen surname -- traces to the bee cult of Merops as it developed into Autun, Nevers, and Burgundy.

I at first think that this Ethiopian trace of (Mag)Dalene is "better" than the trace to the House of Dulo/Dol and Attila-based Alans/D'Allens, but only because I'm sure that Merovingians, from Meroe/Merowe (where its peoples were called Amurru-like), were ultimately from Mari on the Euphrates after which Amorites (anciently "Amurru") were called. BUT, for all I know, the House of Dulo (and the Alans) was also from those Amorites.

When pondering the Amorites of the Euphrates, one needs to connect them to a larger family of peoples. It's known that their Marduk god (likely named after Mari elements) evolved from the Sumerian Anu cult, but ultimately, as they lived on the Euphrates and Habur rivers, they were the proto-Aphrodite and proto-Ares cult that moved to the Hebros river in Thrace. As the Habur/Chabur was a Euphrates tributary, it's clear enough to me from other considerations that "Euphrates" was viewed as the "Hebrates." For, Hephaestus of Lemnos (Amazon island but infested with the Kabeiri cult) was given two wives, one Aphrodite and the other Cabeiro, one named after the Chabur and the other after the Euphrates...which is why I peg Aphrodite/Cabeiro as the same Amorite peoples on the Hebros river...also the Maritsa, likely in honor of Mari/Marduk and Mars=Ares.

In other words, the Aphrodite-Ares unity was a Hebro-Amorite entity, carrying the Mari side of the Mary-Magdalene cult from what was at first Akkadia (likely named after the Cadusii = proto-Hatti of Hattusa), and later named Babylon...though it's Hebrew sector became Chaldea. One therefore traces the Hebro-Amorites to the Halybes and their Khaldi partners, the Halybes on the Halys river (where Hattusa was situated), and the Chaldee/Khaldi next door in Amazon country. But then consider also "Phrygia" (and it's sea of Marmara) as a Euphrates/Aphrodite entity, for the Armenian/Cadusii evolution through the Manes>Attis>Lydus bloodlines to the Kabeiri cult of Kybele/Cybele association was ultimately an Armenian evolution into the Phrygians...explaining why the Hermus river flowed through capital Lydia.

I then trace the Maritsa clan of Hebro-Aphrodite Amurru to the Mures/Maros river, and they came there carrying the Mari goddess. But it is this sector of the migration that included Helen (is that Holla?), MeneLaus, Pollux, and Leda to the Polish/Lithuanian/Lusatian domains. These were previously Leto-based Lydians/Lasonii who had moved to realms of the Spartans (I think Sepharvites from Sephar/Subartu parts of Akkadia), where they founded the Ladon river. When Daphne came along and swam in the Ladon river (= myth-speak), the Leto=Leda=Apollo=Pollux cult "loved" her, says mythology, but Daphne rejected Apollo and ran away. Where to? North to the land of the Taphians on the one hand (in the Calydon theater), but also to furnish the Safini/Sabines of eastern Italy...who later named the Savona capital of Liguria.

All this has been repeated here to ask: how do the proto-Stewart Alans of Dol fit into this Mari sector of the west-European Magdalene cult? There is no doubt that the Stewarts were one with the Arthurian cult, which traces to various Arda/Arta-like terms, including the Arzawa kingdom of Luwian Lydia that evolved into Arda on the Hebros/Maritsa river. That Arthurian cult has been traced by me to both some Lusatia localities and southern Italy's Bruttium...that I trace to Aphrodite/Aprutium of Italy, in the Marsi country of the Sabines.

Thus, there are two main Mari-of-Amorite entities, one on the Mures/Maros (Carpathian mountains), and the other in the Marsi of the Sabines. The first evolved from proto-Moravian elements into the More, Aviemore, and Moray locations of certain Scandinavian vikings, and the other into Marseille in extreme southern France, near the Lacydon of the Ligurians. I'm assuming that the proto-Stewart portion of the Magdalene cult was from the northern branch: the Mures river migration to Rollo-stock vikings of More etc. Thus, when Mari and D'Allen are linked, as per a merger of the French line with the Mures line, one finds it useful to use "Mary Magdalene" as code to describe the re-union.

Where in this picture is the Attila Hun/Alan sector of this Magdalene cult? For one, in the HUNgarian Arpads who trace themselves to Attila, BUT if Hungarian Arpads trace to Attila, why not other Arpii/Carpae peoples of the Carpathians, those who did not form Hungarians? The Biharians, for example. Can we trace "MorBihan" (Brittany) and therefore "Morvan" (one near Dol and one near Autun) to "Biharia"? That thought occurred to me for the first time last night.

It seems that Mures-region Mari-ites of a Dulo clan founded Dol next to Morvan, but that they merged with the south-France Mari-ites in Morvan of the Autun/Nevers/Avallon region, wherefore we'd expect the Magdalene cult to issue forth from the Autun theater, and in fact it is traced by others to those parts. It is often traced to Rennes-le-Chateau...with black-and-white checkered floors often cited as mysteriously sacred.

German/Prussian Beckers use black and white checks, and they no-doubt link to Bez/Bec families of Languedoc that use the Moray star(s), for the Becker Coat also uses Moray stars!! Therefore, I am convinced that the Piast-Polish royals, as per their ancestry in king Svatopluk's Moravians (see 6th update of August), trace to the House of Dulo. That is, the Moravians trace to Attila's Dulo clan. But who were the Moravians? Merovingians, merged with Avar Huns, in my opinion, who fled the Carolingian onslaught together.

Yes, the demise of the Merovingians at the hands of the Carol/Charles-branch Franks is typically linked by others to the Magdalene cult...especially via Thierry IV of Autun (but ignore the common thread that this Thierry was from current Babylonian Jews).

When one searches for an Attila-like surname, "Dill" comes to mind, but as the Dill Coat shows a gold lion that I know not where to link, I repeat that entering "Dillon" or "Dalen" gets the DeLion Coat. In fact, the first variation shown is "Dillon," followed by "Delion." The red crescents suggest a trace to the Spree river in Lusatia, if that helps to make a link to a mysterious Dulo clan of Moravia (Lusatia and Moravia overlapped in parts). In fact, the Dillon motto, Dum spiro spero, makes the same trace (for the Spree and Speer surnames both use red crescents.

What have I wrought? LOOK, the Spree Crest is identical to the Dill Crest!!! That spells it out like never before. The Magdalene cult goes back on one side to the Dill family on the Spree river, and it can only be a matter of time before further proofs and details are obtained. On the Spree river:

"Its source is located in the Lusatian Hills (Lausitzer Bergland) on the Czech border. After leaving the hills, the river crosses the old city of Bautzen/Budysin [the Budini???}, the centre of the Sorbs in Upper Lusatia. Further north the river enters the Spreewald, a large wetlands area, which belongs to Lower Lusatia. In its final portion the river runs through the city centre of Berlin to join the River Havel in Spandau, a western quarter of Berlin."

Havel??? Isn't that where I traced the Biblical Havilah term? Let me repeat what I last wrote on Havel:

"I've suspected that Vratislav I [of Bohemia] was tied to the Svatopluk line, and indeed, but only after suspecting, I found that Vratislav's father was SPYTihnev and that Vratislav's son was Vaclav SVATy (= Saint Wenceslaus), brother of Boleslaw [the Boleslaw of Bohemia that furnished the Polish king Boleslaw of holy-grail and Bezprym importance].

Keep in mind that Drahomira, Vratislav's wife (and therefore mother of Boleslaw and Svaty-Wenceslaus) was from the Hevelli of Havel(land)..."

That is enormous, for it traces Havel-ites on/off the Spree to the king of Great Moravia, Svatopluk (who I had linked years ago to the family of Thierry IV of Autun). This potential link of Havel-ites to Attila/Dill(on) elements on the Spree supports my earlier hunch that Attila was associated with Ishmaelites (caution, Havilah could instead signify Joktanites rather than Ishmaelites).

Again, the daughter (Dobrowa) of Boleslaw of Bohemia married Mieszko I, and they had a daughter named Swietoslawa {I'm assuming from Svatopluk blood), queen of Sweden, Denmark, Norway and England. I had traced Dobrowa to the Doby surname of Renfrewshire...where the Speers (from Sprees) were first found! The Dober Coat was traced to the Hebrew Pollock Coat; Scottish Pollocks were also first found in Renfrewshire.

There is a locality of Havelberg on the Havel river. The town is veering into Polabians realms (discussions on Polabia begin in third update of June). As per highlighting the "abi" endings of Polabi locations, it dawned on me last night that ancient king Hammurabi has an identical ending. I had no idea then why that popped into my head.

It is known that Hammurabi was named after the Amurru/Amorites, so behold that at the source of the Havel river is the location of Muritz, and that the river was anciently called "Habola/Habula," reflecting Ebla (Syria), the Amorite capital alternative to Mari!

ALSO, there was a Havilah river in the Euphrates region (!), near where the Euphrates and Tigris the land of Eden.

If you would like to investigate further links to the red crescents of the DeLions etc., see the Mullin, Maule and Malo surnames, all apparently Polish-based.

The Till surname (still closer to "Attila") is another clue, for it uses the Dill/Dilley Crest. The good news is that the German Tills were first found in Austria (origin of the Bauers>Rothschilds), and that the Coat uses a single white arrow on red, the symbol (same colors) in a Rothschild/Rothstein Coat.

The English Tills/Tilleys use a black-on-white wyvern dragon, which could connect to the black-on-white lion of the Dell Coat. The Dell Crest uses a hand holding a garb but "coming out of a cloud," which is Nephele conspicuous (she was depicted as a cloud in Greek myth). The Dells use a black lion on white, and entering "Dellon" brings up the DeLion/Dillon Coat, suggesting a possible Dell=Dill equation.

Quite apparently, the DeLion family leads back to an Attila-honoring Amorite-based peoples on the Spree and Havel rivers. But if Rothschilds trace to Attila too, why couldn't he have been a Khazar or Khazar-branch peoples? Why not from Kazakhstan elements?

The German Deller Coat is a single gold arrow on blue, Bauer colors, and the surname was first found in Bavaria, where Bauers evolved into Rothschilds.

If the German Dilling(er) surname is related to the above, then so ought the Irish Tallon surname, for both use roughly the same black and gold bars.

The German and "Jewish" Adel surname looks promising because it uses a crowned blue lion on white, the Dougal/Dowell symbol (the Dowells have already been linked to the DeLion fold). The Dowells/Douls should be a branch of Doles/Doyels/Doilles, and we see that the German Hohen-like Dole Coat has a Crest matching the Crest in the Cohen-like Sage Coat. Why Sage? It's found in the Spree motto (the Spree Crest uses the Dill and Till Crest symbol: a dove). The Sages/Sagers were first found in Pomerania, where the Havel river is generally located.

The Spree motto, "Soyez, sage et simple," also uses "simple," and then we find a Simple/Semple surname (three bugles shown) first found in Renfrewshire, where the Spree-related Speers were first found!

What comes to mind is the Delymites and their Delmun/Telmon relatives who furnished mythical Ishtar. The Ishtar star is used in the Rothschild/Rothstein Coat, but also in the French Millet Coat. Why Millet? Because I had traced Delmun elements through Greece to the Telchines of Argos, Rhodes and Crete, and then to the Tolkien surname (using Leslie-like griffin heads). The Tolkien/Tocque motto uses "militia," and that evoked the Millet surname. I was impressed to find a single large white cinquefoil on red in the English Millet Coat, which is the symbol of the Blanks leading from the founder of Lyon (Lugdunum) to Leicester. But it was impressing further to find that the French Millets were first in Burgundy, where the same-colored Legros were first found (Legros have already been traced solidly to Leicester).

The Dills are also "Dilks," and this may be the origin of "Tolkien." Although the Tolkien surname is said to be derived from the locality of Touques in Normandy, it could be that this location was named after Dilk/Tolk elements. I would suggest Doke-surname connection because "Tolk" is also registered in the Touque databank..and because the Dolk Crest uses a griffin as does the Touque/Tolkien Crest.

Wowie. Recalling a Doak surname found when entering "Dog," see the Doak Coat: white cinquefoils on red (!!)...tending to prove that the Tolks/Tolkiens (also "Toke") were related to both Dolks and Millets! The Doaks were first found in Perthshire.

Now, as Avvites had both a dog god and a donkey god, see that the Dog/Doak Coat is virtually identical to the Donkey Coat!! The Donkey Coat was found as per the peculiar Robert family using a Donachie variation and three wolf heads...the same wolf heads as in the Fiddle Coat). For a discussion on how the Fiddles were connected to "Arthur's sister" i.e. the Wolfley bloodline of Obama, see August 31).

The Fiddle Crest is a a hand holding a garland,, while the Doke Crest is "A gold demi griffin holding a blue chaplet." My dictionary says that a chaplet is a garland!! That proves that Fiddles and Dokes -- and Tokes/Tolkiens -- were of the peculiar-Robert and Doak clans. Do you see how much fun this is?

BUT, were Tolkiens et all of the Dill/Dell/Dole families linking to the mysterious Attila clans of the Spree and Havel rivers? I dunno yet. Some years ago I thought to link the Telchines to Delos, the sacred island of Apollo (where he and Artemis were said to have been born), and that squares well with the Apollo wolf symbol, but he was also associated in myth with the donkey ears of King Midas (the Phrygian). In fact, I traced Apollo to Avvite stock long ago.

The possibility is that Attila was of Dagestani stock, for I trace Apollo to the Dag(h)estani peoples (probably Avars, but the Alans were nearby in Alania, now Ossetia) who I think furnished the Dacian tribe of Getae Thracians. The Dagestani on the east side of Caspian sea were from the Dahae peoples on the east side of the Caspian, and "dahae" is (or at least was) said online to mean "dog." The east side of the Caspian is where Kazakhstan is situated, but also the MassaGetae. I discuss the Dahae (see "Dehae") in my Tolkien chapter.

I made a mistake in "Bob Dillon," as it should have been Bob Dylan, but the Dylan surname is registered under the DeLion/Dillon page anyway.

September 13

Not much news, so today's update has some very necessary points to make in tracing the Magdalene cult to Khazars. If anyone thinks that Putin could become Gog, there is the below that seems to prove his ambition to bump Medvedev out of Office in 2012:

"Asked whether he would run again for president, Putin said: 'My term expired and I thought Medvedev was the best person to replace me and I backed him.'

'In 2012, we will think together and will take into account the realities of the time, our personal plans, the political landscape and the United Russia party and we will take the decision,' Putin told academics and reporters from the Valdai discussion group at his Novo-Ogaryovo residence outside Moscow."

In another article on the same topic: "Mr Putin declined to say whether he had received Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, on a secret visit this week, as was reported in Israel."

He's clearly embarrassed to admit the visit, as many think he got a scolding of sorts from Netanyahu. It may be his undoing so far as his cover-up on his very pro-Iran stance is concerned. Whether this event sets Gog's appearance back, or hastens it, I have no idea. Putin may decide that the time of pussy-footing around is over, and the time to get down-and-dirty has arrived. His great popularity in Russia is behind him. Just thank God that Obama does not have ratings in the 80-percent region, or he'd be taking a few trillion more in "stimulus" moneys. Today, the bloodline topic veers a little to the money bags of the Magdalene cult, and the Davis surname once again comes up central to the natural flow of the discussion. Let me begin by what I said yesterday on Doles, Tills, and other Dills of a pickle, because there is some wild expansion to be made on those terms:

"The German and "Jewish" Adel surname looks promising because it uses a crowned blue lion on white, the Dougal/Dowell symbol (the Dowells have already been linked to the DeLion fold). The Dowells/Douls should be a branch of Doles/Doyels/Doilles, and we see that the German Hohen-like Dole Coat has a Crest matching the Crest in the Cohen-like Sage Coat. Why Sage? It's found in the Spree motto (the Spree Crest uses the Dill and Till Crest symbol: a dove). The Sages/Sagers were first found in Pomerania..."

Now, see the German Toller Coat, a black and white quartered Shield but with the black portions themselves black and white checks!! The surname was first found in Pomerania, same as the Sages, and was found as a result of checking Teleri-like terms, for Tolkien's myth codes speak of Teleri elves (who founded "Avallone")...that I've broadly called "Tel terms" in regards to such peoples as Telchines and even the Tolkien term itself. In my Tolkien chapter:

"As the Danaans of Rhodes built Lindos, is it a coincidence that Tolkien calls his ancient Teleri elves, 'Lindar'? He also says that, upon coming to Aman (which I identify as Ireland) from Tol Eressea [decoded as Rothesay/Avalon], the Teleri became the 'Falmari' sea elves, which I would peg as the Fomorians (of Ireland), also 'Formorians,' who were in fact a sea-faring peoples."

Isn't that super (praise God!)? I trace Fomorians to Pomerania, and there in Pomerania were the Tollers!! They must have been the Teleri elves! "Toller" was the second surname I tried when the thought came to seek Teleri-like surnames. The first was Teller, and that may reveal some things too. (When entering "Telling" in search of Diling(er)-like surnames, a Scottish Tealing/Teylin(g) surname comes up that looks somewhat like the English Teller Coat.)

The shield-on-shield Spanish Tell Coat uses the Legro-style lion (no 's' on "Legro"), while the English Toller Coat uses the Legros-Coat cross (an 's' on "Legros"). ZOWIE, it all comes back to the Legros! I fully expect, before investigating, the English Toller surname to link to the Tolkien surname. The leaves on this Toller Coat have been seen in the last 24 hours, but I can't recall which Coat. The Toller motto uses "fidelis," a clue to a Fiddle-surname link.

I kid you not. It was after writing the paragraph above that I went back to find who I had linked the Fiddles to yesterday, and this is what was written:

"The Fiddle Crest is a a hand holding a garland,, while the Doke Crest is "A gold demi griffin holding a blue chaplet." My dictionary says that a chaplet is a garland!! That proves that Fiddles and Dokes -- and Tokes/Tolkiens -- were of the peculiar-Robert and Doak clans. Do you see how much fun this is?"

There you have it, the Fiddle link to the Tolkiens, showing once again that motto terms are very use-able for seeking relatives.

With the Tollers now linked to the Dokes, why shouldn't Tollers, who use black and white checks, link also to the black-and-white-checkered Digons? In other words, the Digons, Dokes, Doaks, and Tokes/Tolkiens were all the same family...and of course we include the Davis' who use "digon" in their motto.

The Toller cross is used, in colors reversed, by the Bouillons. The mysteries of black-and-white-floored Rennes-le-Chateau link to Godfrey de Bouillon and the Sion cult. See at the Wikipedia article that Rennes-le-Chateau is the location of the Church of Mary Magdalene. Is it a coincidence that I'm linking the Davis' to the Vinch/Vince/Vincent surnames while Rennes-le-Chateau is much about the Da Vinci Code? I know the codes now, and they point to Da Devil, not to the bloodline of Jesus Christ.

NOW BEHOLD. Seeing that a variation of the German Toller surname is Tolle, I entered "Dolle" to get the German Dole Coat shown before, but now I see that it's a perfect variation of the quartered Toller Coat, but instead of black and white checks, the Doles/Dolles use red and white checkers!! Then we read that "The [Dolle/Dol/Dole] name can be traced to the Old Germanic word tol, which means strong and efficient and to be named Tol was an honor." Forget that definition. Just note the "tol" derivation.

This German Dole Crest uses the Sage Crest. I showed yesterday, but I didn't know then that the English Tollers use "sage" in their motto!

As per the Tollen variation of the German Tollers, one finds the Dollar/Doller surname, and when thinking about it, "Toller," said to mean "tax-man," is quite synonymous with "dollar." I now recall that Lee found the derivation of "dollar" from "thaler," a term not far from "Toller." On August the 7 I wrote about it:

Lee, shortly before sending the first Roquefeuil email, sent one on the derivation of "dollar" in "thaler." At that time, I was wondering why he sent this message; I could find no thaler term, surname or otherwise, in my files. But I happened to check the Thaler Coat to find a unique symbol with a 'D' on it, as if to link to 'dollar.'

Fast-forward a few weeks to last night, when I dug into Rockefeller roots in Neuwied, Germany...But when I clicked the link to the district of Neuwied...the very same symbol, in the same gold color, found in the Thaler Coat!!! How could this be a coincidence?

Lee had shared an article telling that "Rockefellers trace their family back to Goddard Rockenfeller (1590) of Fahr, today part of Neuwied, Germany."

It's not necessarily true that "Toller" means "tax-collector." It's enough that the surname was believed by family members to mean such in order for the "Doller" variation to become the dollar currency. In any case, the German Doller page shows a Toller variation.

The German Tallers/Tellers use a lion with what could be a silver coin or ring in hand. A Taller variation is "Taleres," smacking of Tolkien's Teleri elves. Tolkien had magic rings of earthly power...that are obviously Illuminati circles of power, power based on money. How does any of this, or the supposed treasures of Rennes-le-Chateau, relate to Jesus, someone please tell me? More like pirates and thieves and other scoundrels.

Keep in mind that I had noted just yesterday the Spanish Tell lion to be the blue-on-gold Legro lion.

The time came (after writing all the above) to seek the European origins of the Rangabe clan of Byzantium, since now I'm armed with the Legros Coat using the Rangabe Cross. By the way, the Legro lion holds a laurel branch (Daphne symbol), complimenting my emphasis, in the Tolkien chapter, on Daphne.

Melissena Rangabe (an historical imperial) had married one of the first Varangians proper, Inger. I have been seeking his origins for years, and the INGer/VARANGi/RANGabe finger pointed in general to Anjevins of Angers/Anjou, and perhaps to Aquitaine, but for certain it had links to Lusignan if Melissena was basis for mythical Melusine of Lusignan. The time has come to do what I haven't yet: seek Rangabe-like surnames.

After trying "Rankin" (said to be from "Randolph"), I took a look at the Wrangle Coat. It's a gold lion inside a tent-like shape, similar to the Teller gold lion inside the same shape. Then I tried the Ranger Coat, blue and gold like the Wrangle Coat, the colors of Anjou. Rangers/Rangots were first found in Champagne.

Next: I tried for "Inger" and curiously got the Hender/Enders Coat. If one looks closely, one can see white in the tips of the three arrows on blue shield; blue and white are the Rangabe colors. BUT, how can I entertain an Inger link from the Enders page since there are no Inger-like variations? I'm keeping in mind that the Deller Coat is a single gold arrow on blue.

Next I tried the Rain Coat because the Veres say that Milo de Vere (no one's sure whether he existed; he could be code for someone else) of Anjou/Angers was a certain Rainfroi de Vere. The Rain/Raines surname (said to derive from "Ragin") uses "leges" in the motto. Hmm.

Next: the English Anger Coat (surname from Angers France) uses gold diamonds on blue (the German Dollers use blue diamonds on white). The French Angers Coat does not use blue and gold, but blue and white on a gold shield...a little conspicuously like the Stewarts. Note that the Anger "blocks" (for lack of the proper name) are apparently used in the border of the Irish Dole Coat.

Then I saw the Angers write-up:

"The proud French name Anger was formed in Normandy when the family resided in the former province of Anjou, which comprised parts of southern Armorica, Indre-et-Loire..."

Is that "Indre" as in "Enders"??? Since the Inger/Enders coat is white on blue, the colors used together by the French Angers, I'd say this is a match...i.e. that Inger was from Indre-et-Loire...or Indre itself. I was off to Google faster than a speeding arrow; Wikipedia has an article, showing a white wave on blue in the Indre Arms. Other than that, the article offers little.

On second thought, we find Indre in the Chateauroux prefecture, while "Chateauroux is the capital of the Indre department...Its residents are called Castelroussines or Castelroussins." That works with Varangian RUS.

Then I found that "Deols is a commune in the Indre department in central France. Deols is an ancient town with a famous Benedictine abbey..." Zikers! The Benedicts use the Legro lion too.

Then, when at an Indre dead-end, the Anders surname was investigated. The Danish, Swedish, and German Anders all use blue and white. The Spanish Andres Coatis white on blue. So far, so good for connecting Anders/Andres to the Enders and Rangabe.

The French Ander Coat (don't use an 's' or you won't get it) is a saltire in colors (red and gold) reversed from the Scottish Anders, but neither uses blue and white. HOWEVER, these Scottish Anders are the Andrew clan that were the roots of the Ross clan, and I traced those Andrews to the white-saltire-on-blue Scotland flag! PLUS, the French Andres were first found in Provence, where the French Majors were first found, wherefore the white crescent on blue of the Swedish Anders should connect to the blue crescent on white of the French Majors.

I can't recall all the details, but French Majors were linked directly to the Legros of Burgundy...which is interesting for reinforcing a link of Majors, also "Magors," to the Hungarian Magyars, for by the end of this update, it was reasoned that Legros do trace to the Cohen-branch Khazars at the root of the Magyars (Magyars lived beside, and in alliance with, Khazaria for quite some time). Spanish Majors use a Coat filled with black and white checks, suggesting a Cohen branch.

Before I wrote the paragraph above, I had an inkling that "Inger" was a Yonge variation and therefore from "Hungary." I was delighted to find, after writing the paragraph, that "The Enger surname comes from the German 'ungarn,' meaning someone from Hungary (a Magyar)." I had traced the Scottish Andrews and Ross' to king Andrew of Hungary! The German Engers/Ungers were first found in Bohemia. Hmm. By the end of this update, you will see evidence that both Inger and Hohens were from Bohemian royals.

Apparently, Inger- and Ander-like terms have the same root, in "On-Ogur," the proto-Hungary name that is said by some to mean, perhaps as play on words, "ten arrows." It could explain the arrows of the Inger/Ender Coat, that which case the Ingers/Enders were linked to the German/Bohemian Enders. Why not? It seems reasonable.

Inger was apparently from whatever family block named king Andrew (it's too simpleton to say he was named after the Apostle). The colors of the Andrew-like terms are all blue and white, or red and gold, the two color schemes of the two Drummond Coats. I traced Drummonds to the Andrew-Ross clan because the first Drummond was the son of King Andrew...and his Varangian-Rus wife (Anastasia, granddaughter of Vladimir the Great)!! Those exclamation marks are for a likely link of Inger to the Drummond-based Varangian bloodline, from Kiev.

Andrew's mother could have been a Varangian, which would work great. It could thereby trace Inger to Kiev Varangians...who were heavily involved in Byzantium at the very time that Andrew was born. Inger was born about a century before Andrew. The approximate date of Inger's birth places him in the first wave of Swedish Varangians into Russian/Kiev domains.

The Scottish Andrews/Aindreas could have been the concept of mythical Melusine of the Picts that went to rule in Anjou as "Milo" de Vere, for Inger was her husband if Melusine depicted historical Melissena. The Andrews were way in the far-north of Scotland, opposite Shetland, and that's where I had the proto-Stewarts of Dol coming from: vikings of Shetland...likely Varangians, you see. It should explain why the French Anger surname has what looks like the makings of the Scottish Stewart Coat...and together the two families look very much like Nicholas de Vere's Melouziana/Melusine de Vere, queen of some elf line. Add to this picture the Deols locality of the Indre department of France...where I would trace Inger himself.

Am I suggesting that Inger was from Attila's house of Dulo? I think I am. It all makes sense because Dol is traced to Attila and Attila to the first Hungarian royals. And that should also explain why there seem to be links to Doller clans when seeking Inger-like surnames.

I think I see mainline Stewarts/Veres coming from the Varangian Rus mother that furnished king Andrew so that Stewarts are from both he and the Rus, but since Drummonds were from both he and the Rus, I again see that Drummonds and Stewarts were identical.

Note the white unicorn in the German Enders Coat, for that's the symbol of Shetland (not to re-mention that Shetland uses a blue and white flag with cross that could be a variation of Andrew's Cross).

Wikipedia shows "Ender" as a variation of king Andrew. It shows "unknown" for his mother but I had it from an online source that "either Basil or Ladislav fathered king Andras I (Andrew I)..." so that there is some doubt about whether Basil, as Wikipedia has it, was the father. Ladislav was married to Premislavna, daughter of Vladimir the Great (Kiev Varangians). If she was not Andrew's mother, then she would be a good possibility for furnishing the proto-Stewarts with duke Ladislav as the Stewart (and Leslie?) patriarch.

NOW, couldn't it be that Premislavna was from the so-called Premyslid dynasty of Bohemians...which led to Vratislav and then Boleslaw? I found that the white star on blue (Rangabe colors) came out of this Premyslid dynasty.

I didn't know where I had it recorded, but I finally came across it in the writings of Henry Drummond, founder of pre-tribulationism, that George "Drummond," son of king Andrew, married "Agatha, dau. Gundolph Podiebradius, Grandduke of Bohemia."

Gundolph Podiebradius??? I can't find any info on him aside from his daughter, Agatha, but then Henry probably had documents from Freemasonic groups...who could have made all public knowledge of these lines disappear. I'm not sure whether Henry views this Agatha as the mother of queen Margaret and therefore grandmother of David I. Apparently, yes, for Henry has this Agatha related-by-marriage to Henry III (it is believed that Margaret's mother was related to Henry III) through Solomon, George's brother.

So. George married (or had sex with) Margaret's mother??? It works. For it's known that Margaret was escorted to Scotland from Hungary by Maurice/Marot Drummond (George's son). PLUS, as George's brother was Solomon (= Andrew's first son), why shouldn't Agatha's daughter name her son, David? It suggests that Andrew's mother's line may have traced itself to Biblical Solomon and David. It's the sort of cultish arrogance we might expect of Attila's Dulo bloodline since Attila thought he was Jesus of Revelation 19.

I'm beginning to get it. Inger was somehow involved in the Magdalene cult from the Huns. He with his Rangabe wife was mythical Melusine of blue and white Lusignan. Look at how near Lusignan is to the Indre department. If Inger was of the Attila line, he could be the reason that Lusignans used a red Magdalene-cult lion. Since I've just finished tracing the Magdalene cult to Aphrodite and Mars/Ares, I should re-mention that the red Lusignan lion was used in particular in Cyprus, the chosen (by myth writers) birthplace of Aphrodite.

If Inger was of the Premyslid line because he was ancestral to Premislavna, then he himself could have been a Byzantine since Premislavna's mother is thought to have been Anna Porphyrogeneta (= "purple-born") of Byzantium. But Premislavna's blood link to the Premyslid Bohemians can also explain how purple and/or porphyry got to the Leslie-based Poles.

Investigation shows ample evidence that the Amorian bloodline of Byzantines did not end with Michael II, but continued to give birth to Anna, and beyond. "Amorium" may have been an Amorite term lingering in Lydo-Lycia domains into Christian centuries. Inger is sometimes styled, Martinakios, perhaps a lingering Marduk term. Others assign the Martin term to Melissena's ancestry. Knowing that Melissena had royal-Khazars ancestors, might they not have been Amorites, as Attila might have been?

If Inger of Premislavna ancestry was from Amorite-based Huns, so too the Premyslid Bohemians. And that's what I had figured in another way, that Bohemians are from the Aedon Boiotians, from Merops of Ethiopia, an Amurru/Amorite peoples from Meroe. Also, in the Bible, bees are mentioned by God alongside Amorites (I can't recall the location of the text).

It was a little surprising to check the Bradie Coat again so see if it shows some sign of supporting a PodieBradius (= Bohemian city) trace to the Attila cult. It uses a sun, as does the "Jewish" Cohen Coat and many others. But I had traced the Cohen sun to the sun, in the same colors, of the Kazakhstan Arms. I realized then that Kazakhstan was a Khazar branch.

I know it's a long shot to tie the Brady sun to that of Kazakhstan, but just the same I decided to look at the Cass Coat because I trace Khazars to Kassites. As soon as I started the loading process, but before the Coat loaded, I realized that the BajoCASSES are thought to be from Boii founders of Bohemia! PLUS, the same Boii are thought by some to have been the Bai founders of Bavaria, and talk on the Bavarian Illuminati often enjoins Hesse-Cassel, founded by a Catti peoples, a tribe of Batavians...from Merowe (also "Bedewe") in Ethiopia!

After writing all the above, I looked at the Cass Coat. A white-on-red shield-on-shield, typical of the Polish Janina. For symbols, it uses the so-called "fountain" used also by the Leitrim Arms. On June 6, I showed how Leitrim could be connected to an Irish Drummond branch aside from its Gaelic rendering, "Liath Druim," and the blue and white waves (German Drummond symbol) of its fountain symbol.

Now look at the symbol of the County Galway Arms, since the Bradys were first found in Galway. It's a ship on blue and white waves (the ship itself is also a Drummond symbol because Maurice Drummond drove the ship that brought Margaret and others to Britain). Not only is Galway not far from Leitrim, but the city of Galway uses a gold lion on black, colors reversed from the black lion on gold of the Leitrim Arms.

I had traced the Leitrim lion (belonging to the O'Rourkes) to the HohenStaufen Arms, but now I see that the lion of Leitrim is in the Welsh David Coat while the lion shown in the Rourke Coat is the same as in the Welsh Davis Coat. Add to this that the lion in the Davis and David Coats is the white-on-blue one in the Bradd Coat (I traced Bradds/Bratts back to PodeBrady), and that the Davis lion is quartered in black and white, what HohenZollerns did to their Shields in the same colors. See the Arms of HohenZollern, and ask whether "Zollern" is a Doller term!

This tends to support that the Davis and David surnames (linked to the black-and-white checkered Digons, keep in mind) are in honor of king David I, and that the first Drummonds, with their Podebrady relatives by marriage, found alliance somehow with David's father. In fact, the Henry Drummond article above tells that George's son was killed fighting for Malcolm III (David's father).

It's a great thing that this discussion caused me to go to the Hohenstaufen page again, for it was now that I learned of the Hohen connection to the Bezprym dynasty. Slap me silly. I can't believe that in so many years the Hohen eagle was not burned into my mind enough to know that it, too, is a "muscleman" eagle. Compare with the Premyslid Eagle from Wikipedia's Premyslid article. That in itself can trace Bohemians back to the Khazar fold.

In fact, thus far in this update I have Inger linked by blood to the Premyslids, and for years I've been claiming that Cohens/Hohens derive from his wife's Khazar bloodline.

The son of king Arpad (of Hungary) was Zolten, and the Dolton Coat is a white lion on blue, the colors of the Drummonds, Cohens, and Rangabe Arms. The Doltons also use "fidelis" in their motto.

I trace Arpads to Khazars of the Mures river, as per the Wikipedia article on certain Khazar Marots/MenMarots of the Mures being in the ancestry of the Hungarian Arpads. This page shows a daughter, named Men (i.e. like "MenMarot"), of a "Marot of Bihar" marrying the above-mentioned Zolten.

As support for a Biggar-surname trace to Biharia, this page uses "Bigorre" for Biharia. Then, let me repeat that the Biggar Coat is exactly the Dallas/Dulles Coat, and that the latter surname (first found in Moray!!) has a Dolays variation. Linkage to Zolten is thereby feasible, especially as the Dolten Coat is in the Dulles/Dolay colors.

George's son was Marot/Maurice. When one searched "Marot," a Leicester family comes up, evoking links back to the Legro clan (France) at the roots of Leicester. BUT, there is also the Legros/Legrow clan, obviously related to the Legro surname but using the Rangabe Cross. The impression is that the Legro(s) surname, at the root of the Magdalene bloodline, was from the Mures/Biharian Khazars...which parallels what I found some years ago (i.e. a Rangabe trace to the same Mures Khazars) by another method besides the one here. Therefore, the evidence is building that Attila was from Khazar stock, and that we are not supposed to know.

At the webpage of Boleslaw I of Poland (grandson of Boleslaw I of Bohemia), we also see his coin with what looks like a peacock, which could then very well link to the Peacock-branch Pollocks. The Peacocks use the blue Indian peacock (on white) that traces to India way, and that's roughly the area that Attila came from.

The grails used by the Bole Coat can now be connected easily to the fact that "Staufen" means "grail-bearer," but the understood HohenStaufen link to Boleslaw should be in the Bohemian Boleslaw, for it now seems that Bohemians trace to Khazars.

You may recall my saying that the checkerboard used by the Cohens/Hohens et al represent the coinage of Byzantium's Amorian dynasty (see July 3), and the banking system. That idea has apparent linkage to the Toller (= tax-collector, or teller of money) surname...using the Rangabe Cross in the Bouillon colors. The Tollers also use "fidelis" in their motto, as do the Doltens, and that can't be a coincidence (i.e. Doltens and Tollers et al are related, linking possibly to Zolten of the Arpads). I think the world of money is ruled by money-sick Khazars.

The history of Hungary in the Gesta Ungarorum rings true. Arpads, seeking a land among the "Cozars" of Transylvania, namely of MenMarot ("Moravec" to the Hungarians) of Biharia, easily conquer, and finally permit a marital alliance with the Biharians...with Zolten marrying MenMorat's daughter. Thus the Arpad dynasty goes forward as part Magyar, part Khazar. This evokes other accounts wherein the Hungarians were seven Magyar tribes joined to three Kabar/Khazar tribes. SOOOOOO, why are there three arrows in the Inger/Ender Coat???

At first glance (I have no other theory at present), it appears that king Andrew was named in honor of his Khazar side, and that the Ender surname was formed in honor of that king Andrew/Ender, meaning that the Enders stem either from Khazarian Hungarians or the Biharian Cozars alone apart from Magyar elements. The fact that the Enders colors, and some Anders Coats, are blue and white suggests linkage to Andrew's Cross i.e. the Scottish flag, and indeed an important Scottish symbol, the unicorn, is in the German Enders Coat!! PROOF that Scotland's flag does not derive from the Apostle of that name, but from the Hungarian.

The German Enders have Endegeest and Endgasser variations, which supposes a link with the Bavarian Gessers/Gassers (also "Gass" "Cass"), using a red lion, the same design as per the DeLion Crest. Remember, DeLions were first in DRUMrany. Entering "Gass" brings up the French Grass/Gress/Grace surname of Provence, a name that I have previously linked to "Gross" = Legro/Legros. The Gass/Grass Coat uses the same lion design (but in Hohen/Flanders colors) as the Gessers/Gassers of Bavaria.

The German Gass Coat has been shown here much before, using a duckling/gosling and having a Gascon variation, but the Scottish Gass Coat shows a Shield filled with checks, half of them red and white (= Hohens), and half of them blue and white (= Cohens).

I actually started looking at Gass Coats more than a week ago, and I kept them handy for future reference, and here we are. It started when I read that the Meschins of Cheshire were from Ranulph of Bayeux/Bessin (i.e. Bajocasses-branch of Bohemians/Bavarians, I think) who married the daughter of Richard Goz of Avranches (see webpage below). I saw that the Bavarian Goz Coat uses white star on blue, and that clicked with a trace of Meschins back to the Bohemian>Polish line to king Mieszko.

The English Goss Coat gave what appeared to be the Gaze=Wassa/Washington stars. The page shows Joss/Jose variation, evoking the German Joost Coat with it's white stars on red...that I previously linked to Washingtons. See the Wassa page if you haven't already, and know that Wassas were proto-Washingtons.

Then I recalled Gisburn/Gisborn of Yorkshire, which I had traced to Gascony (I trace Washingtons integrally to Gascony), and sure enough, the Gisburn Coat turned out to use a garb (major Gascony symbol). It also uses a black lion on that it should link to the same in the French Gass/Grasse Coat.

The Gesta tells that both the Arpads and the Szekelys (among the Cozars) were remnants of the Attila Huns, which could then make the MenMorat Biharians Attila remnants also.


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