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March 6 - 12, 2018

I've Got Big Neves This Week
Dolly Parton's Not the Only One with Big Bazookas

For best results, take the time to load the Coats to see them for yourself. Load the first-Coat link (or open one here) I offer to get your own tab open, and then open more if needed. To check a description in the Coat of Arms, type the surname at this page:

The last update continued to find surnames tracing to the Ticino river's Marici and Laevi Ligures, though some call the Laevi, Gauls. The Lodge variation of Loge's became suspect with the Ticino's Lugano location. LODge's caused me to check the Lode's and Lodens (ESToile) this week, the latter sharing the same lion as Loge's/Lodge's. A way to discover that Lodens use a version of the Perkens (not "Perkin") Coat (Child colors and format) is to see the fleur-de-lys of the Tute-related Thwaite's, at Loddon (Norfolk), which are the fleur of Perkins. Perkens share the feathers of Tute-like Tooths while Tooths share the Lauder/Letter griffin.

Lodens are almost in the format and colors of Childs/Chills, from the Childeric Merovingians (the first Franks). Childs were first found in Hertfordshire with the Tooth-beloved Palmans/Pelhams (share swans with Totts). The ancestry of the house of Este is in Franks, and while Merovingians claimed to be from the Veneti, Este is in the land of the Veneti. But there was another Veneti peoples at Brittany's Vannes/Gwened, which is the entity that king Arthur's wife (Guinevere) was named after that also named the red-dragon Gwynedd area of Wales. King Arthur was of the red Welsh dragon. For this reason and more, the characters surrounding king Arthur can be expected as Merovingian liners.

To put it another way, Merovingians were partly Salian Franks in Childeric's ancestry, and Salians lived at the mouth of the Rhine river with Batavi peoples whose name is like "Padova," in the Veneti area that possesses Este. The Batavi can be suspect with the BATH surname sharing the cross of Randolphs that have a BAT in Crest. But then the Randolph cross has three items fesseways upon it in the three colors of the three estoile upon the Loden fesse. And Baths share the Loden / Loge/Lodge lion.

King Arthur was made to die on Bute (mythical Avalon), and while there is a Bude location in Cornwall, in Bute/Butt colors, king Arthur's father, and his mother's husband (Gorlois), were from Cornwall. The Bute's/Butts use more estoiles, suggesting the BODEncus river, the alternative name of the Po that flows through Padova.

The Baths were first found in Somerset with Lode's, and this is near Cornwall. The Lode's share the upright and giant, gold wolf with German Flemings while Pero's, whose Pierro/Pero branch was first found on the Ticino's Pavia location, use "FLAMING stars." In fact, Stars share the eye with Battins/Badens, first found in Somerset with Baths. Compare "Baden" with "BODENcus. It makes Baths look like Padova/Padua liners, especially as the Po was also the Padas. Near the sources of the Po, the BAUTica river should apply to Bute liners, and that's the river of Arthur-line Arduinici.

Lode's use "...a gold wolf SALIANt reGARDant". It looks like code for the Salian Franks and/or the Salian/Saleman surname that shares the fleur-de-LYS of Pendragons, the Cornwall liners whom myth writers made the father of King Arthur. Lake Garda is by the Adige river that later flows near Este. Gards likewise use the wolf, as well as what could be the Botter bend. English Botters (EAGLE, important for Laevi liners) have variations like "Boden(cus)," and German Bodens/BOEDens (compare with Boyds) have a Coat reflecting the bend-with-star of Italian Botters.

Lode's are also Lodders while Lauders/Letters (up by Lothian) share a tressure border with Loge's/Lodge's and the Flemish Seatons (Lothian). We now have Lugano-suspect Lode's linking to what I see as the Sidonians of Laish, where i trace Laevi ancestry. The Sitten variation of Seatons named the tribe (or vice-versa) in Switzerland that named Sitten/Sion, in Wallis canton, and Wallis'/Wallace's use the giant, Loge/Lodge lion. Perfect.

The fleur-de-LYS is code for two Lys rivers, one being a tributary of the Bautica, up in Este-like Aosta, a land founded by Salassi, likely of the Sales' and therefore of the Salians/Salemans. The latter share the spread EAGLES of Ghents while the Lys river in Artois flows to Ghent/Gaunt. Baldwin I, the first Templar king of Jerusalem, lived in Artois, and BouLOGNE, a Logen-like term. The last update served more evidence that heraldic eagles trace to Calydon's ACHELous river, suspect there with Laish's Levites in one or more forms. But what about the American BALD eagle? Isn't that code for Baldwin I? His name traces to the BALTea version of the Bautica river, making "Artois" suspect with "Arduinici," an elite family on the Bautica Ardons use more eagles, suspect with the Botter/Bodin eagle in particular, for the Ardens (with an 'e') share the fesse of Bidens/Buttons (same place as Botters/Bodins).

ArduiNICi were at ONEGLIa (Liguria) too while Nagle's/Nails share the saltire of BALDrics. It signals a Bautica-Oneglia tie. With Sithones suspect as STHENelus, mythical king of Liguria, by what coincidence do Sittens use a "HazARD" motto term? Or, with the PORTcullis gate tracing to Portishead (Clapton, where Arthurs lived), note that Yate's, in the "yet motto term of Sittens, probably own the portCULLIS (because Yate's are likely a Gate branch). And even when we load Cullis', we could be at the Irish-Nagle fesse, especially as these Nagle's use "sed", a term I suspect with Seatons. As Sithones are suspect with Sitones of Scandinavia, and with mythical ODIN there, note that the Baldric and Nagle/Nail saltire is also that of Oddie's, a branch of Odins. Neville's use the saltire of Oettingen-Oettingen, I assume, because the former is said to be from Baldric TeutoNICus (queen Teuta of the Ardiaei?) while Baldric's share the saltire (both colors) of Oddie's (both white like that of Neville's).

Lauders/Letters were first found in Berwickshire with Arthurs and Artem/Aitons, and then the Lauder-beloved Tresure's and Borders were both first found in Somerset with Baths. The Artems/AITons (same place as Aids/Ade's), probably a branch of Levi beloved AIDs/Ade's, use a colors-reversed version of the Bath cross, but use roses (Boden symbol) instead of the Bath lions. The Bath Coat is a colors-reversed version of the Rhodes cross, both having four lions surrounding the cross, and while MEROVingians were from mythical MEROPS, he was on Kos, an island near Rhodes. Merops' granddaughter, Aedon, was mythical queen of Thebes in Boeotia, where Boedens and similar other can trace, including the Sadducee house of BOETus.

The Bute's/Butts/BOETs (same place as Bodens/BOEDens), sharing the red fesse of Bidens/Buttons (same place as Botters/Bodins) in both colors, use more roses, as do Pierro's/Pero's. In fact, zowie, the Pierro's/Pero's use five roses on either side of their red fesse while Bute's/Boets use six red roses on either side of their red fesse, suggesting strongly that the Sadducees were from the Laevi upon the Ticino. It makes so much sense.

One can glean a Bautica-river link to Laevi, as expected from other considerations. Rozala of Ivrea is expected in the Rose line. Why do Rosicrucians replace Christ on their cross with a red rose? Ivrea is on the Bautica while Laevi-suspect Leavells (Somerset again) were at Ivrea-like Yvery. Ivrea was home to the Arduinici. The Somerset Leavells happen to use fessewise bars in the colors of the Pierro/Pero fesse. Rozala had ancestry in Burgundy, where the French Loge surname was first found that shares the blue Nail/Nagle saltire, I assume, for Nagle's were of "ONEGLia," where a branch of Arduinici lived. Perfect.

The Salian/Saleman fleur-de-LYS are from Lissus, at the mouth of the Drin river having the proto-Pendragon Penestae. The Salian/Saleman fleur are shared by Pendragons, half in the colors of the fleur of Arrows/Arras', from the Artois capital, suggesting that Salian-Merovingians were merged with things in Artois, no great surprise. The Pepin elite of Merovingians were the namers of Papia/Pavia, and the Pepin bend with fleur-de-lys, in the colors of the same of Arrows/Arras', is a version of the Sales bend but in reflection of the Salian/Saleman bend. It's important here that the Pepin bend can be gleaned with Webbers, a branch of Weavers that share the fesse of Hazels (same place as Weavers).

At the northern-most part of the Drin, a Has location (see has, Albania) is traceable to the Hazel branch of Haslips/Islips, who use a LODGEd stag. The Wallis canton at Sitten/Sion is also "Valais," and here's it's interesting that the Valais/Valois Crest is virtually the black greyhound of PENES'/Pennys (see Lise/Lys greyhound), a line of PENEStae. The lodged STAG is important for linking to the Stagg variation of Eustace's and Staceys, and to the wooden platforms in a dream of last year that were resolved as stage's i.e. as God's code for Stage's/Staggs.

The Eustace and Stagg stags, as well as that of EUStace-like Vise's/Vice's, have a cross between the antlers, as does the stag head of Loders/Lodders (Dorset, beside the Lode's and Trents). Loders were under the counts of Mortaine, and Mortons were right there in Wiltshire, suspect with the line of Terentia Murena to the Trents, and to the red tower in the Arrow/Arras Crest.

There were two woman on a stage beside the stage I was on, and as one of them was Christine Peare, the other was resolved as Louise Phillips, both of whom I shared an apartment with. Miss Peare was instrumental in leading to Pero's, and this was exceptional for what it could do for revealing the ancestry and descent of the killers of Jesus. This dream caused me to look deeper into other events between myself and these ladies, to check on whether God set them up in my life to expound upon this revelation of his enemies. They were in a dream that started off with a SLEEPing BAG, and while Bags love the Este's in their motto, Bagleys, first found in Shropshire with Sleeps, share the lozenges of Penningtons. Louise worked at Pennington's clothing when I first met her, in the same MALL that I worked in along with Miss Peare, Louise's friend (otherwise I wouldn't have met Louise, had she not been Christine's friend). In the sleeping bag dream, I walked into a MALL, and that's where the two ladies were on wooden platforms / stages.

The Bagleys happen to share the ram with Bautica-liner Bauts, first found in Auvergne with Bouillons, and while the stages are of Eustace II, he was the father of Godfrey de Bouillon, who would have been the first king of Templar Jerusalem had he not died almost as soon as the Crusaders conquered that city. Bags share three cinquefoils with Ardens, and moreover Bags (wings) were at Gaywood while Gaywoods use towers that, in colors reversed, are red, the color of the Arrow/Arras tower. We read that the Baguley location of Bagleys went by marriage to Leghs, possible Lugano liners. It appears that God is definitely the author of the sleeping-bag dream, and that it points to the Templars, associates of Rosicrucians. I believe that Godfrey de Bouillon was in charge of an Order of Sion, as per Sion/Sitten.

I see the black griffin of Godfreys as that of Vince's/Vinch's, now suspect from Vinchio at the Asti theater of Cuneo, which I trace to the Paeonian city of Astibus. The Paeonians are suspect in naming the Penestae, who lived on the Drin river flowing out of lake LYCHnidus, and this is where Lode / Lodge / Lugano liners should trace, for Licks/Lucks/Luke's come up as "Lugen." This surname not only shares the black GREYhound with Penes'/Pennys, but shares the pelican with Godfreys for a trace to Paeonia's PELAGONia. It's plain. Pelagonia is beside LYNCestes (both on the east side of Lychnidus), explain in the LYNX in the Penes/Penny Crest. See this area at the lower-left of this light map:

This is where Logans/Lohans come in big for using a heart PIERCED with NAILs, part-code for Nagle's/Nails that share the blue saltire with French Loge's (Nagle/Nail colors). Pierce's, with possibly the Pendragon chevron, but wavy so as to honor Weaver / Webber liners, were first found in Somerset with PERCivals, and Arthurian-myth nuts toyed with the public, making Percival the "Grail King," and father of LOHENgrin, the Swan Knight. As you can verify in the swans of Logens/Lochs and Locks/Licks, "Lohengrin" is part-code for the Lohan variation of pierced-heart Logans. This is what the buffoons were secretly writing about, but leaving it a mystery to those naive readers who have wondered what on earth they were talking about, to this day. The were fable goons, in other words, the underside of the tale of the jack ass.

As this was mythology all in connection to Pendragon, and as Dragons share the helmet with Pendragons while showing a DRAINer variation, it's clear that Pendragons were from the Penestae on the DRIN (the Drilon on the map above). And the Penningtons use the PERCY lozenges in colors reversed. That's how you can know that God set me up with Louise Phillips, and moreover that God set her up at Penningtons. If you load the Phillips, you'll see another swan with the French branch, while Welsh Phillips (almost the motto phrase of Penningtons, no coincidence) use the lion of Louis-likely Lewis' in colors reversed. The French Phillips share the crescent, and the colors and format, of Valais'/VaLOIS' (intentional?), and while Sion/Sitten is in Valais, the Sittens share the green dragon with the other Lewis', who are said to descend from "LEWELlyn," from Lupus "Laevillus," the line to Leavells/Lovells (same place as Percivals), who are in-turn said to descend from Percivals.

I've read that Godfrey de Bouillon had a swan symbol too, and so does the Sion/Swan surname along with what should be the Logan/Lohan heart. Sions/Swans are now showing a falconers glove while Fulk-suspect Falcons share the Valais/Valois crescent. Perfect for clinching Sions/Swans with Sion/Sitten.

This recalls Julie writing in to say that she had an expectation that Lewis' were wolf liners. She looks right, and Louis variations may even be of the Louths/LOWths who share the black wolf with LOUVier's, the latter known (by me) to be Percival-Leavell kin. Louvier's share the checks of Vaux's while Scottish Vaux's/Vance's were first found in East Lothian with Sittens.

This is a good place to mention that all the greyhounds in this discussion, including the one of Valais'/Valois', are part-code for Greys who share the Wallis/Wallace / Lodge / Loden lion.

You might like to see how the mascle of Faux's can be the mascle of Licks/Lucks/Lugens (greyhound), for the mother of Fulk II of Anjou was ROScilla of Loches while Loches' (Burgundy, same as Loge's) are also DesLoge's/Locks/Loke's. Fulk V of Anjou was a king of Templar Jerusalem. The Bauts mentioned above are also Baux's so that Vaux liners may have been Bautica liners. The Vaux branch of VANCE's can then indicate a Vaux merger with VINCHio, interesting where Baux-like Bags (share cinquefoils with Loches') use WINGs. Reminder: the black Vince/Vinch griffin can be the Godfrey griffin while the Godfrey (and Lick/Lugen) pelican traces to the east side of Lychnidus.

God set me up with CHRISTine Peare and Louise Phillips so that I could write what I'm now writing. If you want to see yet another swan, see the two CHRISTman Coats, the German branch perhaps using the Pero star, for while the latter call theirs a flaming star, Christmans were first found in Austria with the Flemings sharing the Lode wolf. Both Christman Coats have a border in colors reversed from the border of French VINCents (same star as Christmans), first found in Languedoc with Rennes-le-Chateau, where Dan Brown connected his Da-VINCi-Code lore. He connected it with Mr. Sauniere of Rennes-le-Chateau, and Saunier's/Saulnier's can be gleaned as a merger with French Faux's. The Falcons that share the Valais/Valois / Vincent crescent were likewise first found in Languedoc. Valais variations look like the makings of the Vallibus variation of Vaux's.

The other Vincents share the three QUATRefoils (different colors) with Croms/Crums (CAT), code for QUADRAtilla, queen of Cetis/CITis, and wife of Lupus Laevillus. Croms/Crums were first found in Berkshire, same as Shaws/Sheaves' and the Bagley-Wood location of Bagleys. French Phillips (the one with swan) use a "DuCIT" motto term, while Shaws and Penningtons (almost the motto phrase of Phillips) use "VinCIT." The Pennington Crest: "A mountain CAT passant guardant." Vincents share a black lion with crown with Phillips. Crombie's, sharing a white flory cross with Bouillons, were first found in Aberdeenshire with the Lodens who in-turn are likely using the Wallis/Wallace lion. Not too many updates ago, I discussed the possible codes where I painted a full kitchen wall, while living with Louise, with an album cover (Tea for the Tillerman) from CAT Stevens. Tillers and Tailers are using lions that are the mountain cats of Chives'.

The Pennington / Bagley lozenges are blue, the color of the Louis lozenges. Sometimes it seems that God even named people (from birth) destined to be in my life in order to clinch surname connections while proving that He is the author of the events.

Lodens are shown more-properly as Leydens/Leidons, possible Legh liners. Leydons/Lodens/Lethens/Leidons strike me as a branch of Lauders/Letters, and while the latter share the tressure border (always has fleur-de-LYS) with Sittens, note that the latter were at Saytown while Says share the quadrants of Leyden/Leidon-like Leightons/Laytons/Latons (Shropshire, same place as Says). Lode's were first found in Somerset with Ladons/Ladds. There appears to be a Lewistown in the circle of Leighton branches, and while one Leighton location is in Cheshire (where Leighs/Leghs were first found), that's where MALLs/Marlybone's (evoke Morleys/Mauls) were first found that share the same quadrants. Was LOUISE Phillips placed in a mall for this reason? Recall the Loders under the count of Mortaine, for Moreton-Say is in Shropshire. Mortons are beloved of Walsh's (swan), from Wallis canton along with Seatons/Sittens.

The Loders happen to share the scallops of STICKlands/Stricklands ("Sans MAL") while Moreton-Say is in the write-up of Cliffs (Stick colors) along with the Sticks (same place as Lode's and Trents) whom the Cliffs married. Sticklands were first found in Westmorland along with the Mauley location of Morley-branch Morlands (share thew two white wings of Bags), and so we can glean that Mauley is a branch of Morleys/Mauls, who were in the sleeping-bag dream, without a doubt, in the mall symbol and more. Morleys share the Arrow/Arras fleur, in Stick colors. Why do the other English STICKlands use a STAG (though called a buck)? Sticks were from Astakos at the Achelous river, which is the river to which Wings/Winks and Hagels trace to.

Repeat: "Lode's are also Lodders while Lauders/Letters (up by Lothian) share a TRESSURE border with Loge's/Lodge's and the Flemish Seatons (Lothian)." There is a Treasure/Tresure surname, first found in Somerset with two Axe rivers, that shares the green dragon with Lewis' and Seatons/Sittens, and there is a Seaton location at the end of one of these Axe rivers. I'm having a hard time with seeing "Lewis / Louis" as a branch of a Leigh(t)-like term, but a merger of the two is better.

Louis'/Luys/Lews'/Luyie's may just have been Lug liners rather than a Lewis branch, hard to say. Louis' were first found in Lorraine with Crispins while English Crispins, first found on Oxfordshire with Amore's ("Malis") and their Damory branch, share horizontal bars in the colors the same of Amore's / Damorys. The Amore bars strike me as those of Leavells. Phillips use the motto phrase, "amor patraei," while Penningtons use "amore patria."

You see, God set Louise Phillips up in my life, and it seems to be about the Crusader-Templars -- in cahoots with royal Jerusalemites, Christian imposters, international bankers -- from the Laevi. As the latter pre-dated Jesus, I suggest that they made up those who sat in Moses' seat during the life of Jesus, and only then, via Lupus Laevillus, did they descend to Eustace II.

There is also a Philp/Phelp surname sharing the giant and upright wolf with Lode's, and the two surnames were first near one another, Monmouthshire versus Somerset. The Philp/Phelp wolf is colors reversed from the same of Flemings. The fitchee crosslets on the one half of the Philp/Phelp Shield are in the colors of the Annandale saltire cross, which I say because Annandale was named after Ananes Gauls at Placentia while the Arms of Placentia uses a blue wolf, the color of the Philp/Phelp wolf. The Philp/Phelp Shield is split illegally, with gold in contact with silver (what I call "white"), as is the Shield of Mose's whom I see at Le Mose in Placentia. I would not trace Mose's to Moses, but I do think that Moses was named after proto-Masseys that go to Mose's.

The Mose write-up suggests a trace to Mr. Mosce, who was under PHILLIP Augustus (of Malherbe), which seems correct where Mose's came up as per Philps/Phelps. The evidence for this is also where the Mosca's were first found in Pisa, part of Tuscany along with Florence, and the "Fleurie" motto term of Mose's can be for Florence liners. Spanish Flora's share the Masci FLEUR-de-Lys, and so the Laish line may be to the Fleur line, explaining why someone's symbol was turned into the lily that is the fleur-de-lys. There are two Fleur surnames. Mosca's of Pisa evoke the Pelops-line Amazons in Grecian Pisa, and just like that we are back to the Laish > Ladon line. Myth writers made it clear that Lydians under Pelops (Lydian king) named the Ladon river of Peloponnese. Other myth writers traced Lydians to Tuscany and Lazio/Latium, wherefore the Mose surname was from the Pisa Amazons.

The Maceys share the gauntlet glove of Fane's/Vans, and the latter were first found in Monmouthshire with Philps/Phelps. As we just saw the latter linking to Mose's, by what coincidence was Mus at Lake VAN, where I've been tracing Fane's/Vans for years? The Cimmerians conquered king RUSA of Lake Van, and the Fleurs use a "rose" motto term while Moses' use roses. It seems to be the Meshech-Rosh entity in Ezekiel 38. Meshech named the Moschi mountains near Lake van, and nearer to lake SeVAN, that being the swan line to the swans we saw above. Yes, for lake Sevan was also Lychnis, like "Lychnidus." So, you see, God used Louise Phillips to get me to stress the swan line (Phillips use the swan).

I'm wondering whether Phillips liners were from PamPHILIA, and while I had read that Pamphilia had a Bilis river, there's a good chance that the Bilis river traces to heraldic billets, which the Mose's use. The Phillips' that use the swan even have a not-bad reflection of the Billet/Billiard / Billiard/Hilliard Coat, which itself shares the Sion/Swan chevron. Pamphilia was beside wolf-depicted Lycaonia, and while the Arms of PLACentia has the blue wolf, Placentia is also "Piacenza," while Bilis-like Bils' share the checks of Baez'/PELAIZ's, first found in Asturias with Flora's.

Wasn't Alexander "the great" descended from Philip of Epirus? Bilis-river clans may have named Epirus' Byllis/Bullis location. By what coincidence does the Bullis/BILLIARD surname share red roundels with the Arms of BOULogne? Eustace II, to whom Louise Phillips traced, lived at Boulogne.

Bullis was at the area of the Atintanes, whom trace to Tints, first found in Somerset with Lode's while sharing a lion in the colors of the Loden / Lauder/Letter lion. The Atintanes were at the Ceraunii mountains, and the Crauns/Crane's suggest that a crown around the neck of an animal is code for Ceraunii liners. Phillips put a crown around the neck of their lion. Masseys liners are from the Maezaei Illyrians, right beside the Ceraunii Illyrians (one can guess-timate that the Pelops Lydians were in that area as proto-Latins, and indeed if you check the light map, you can see Ad Ladios (center-left) on the Urbanus river along with the Ceraunii. The Atintanes are on the map. In colors reversed, the Tint cross is in the Loder Crest. Were Loders from Ladios? As the Oeneus is right there, might Ladon-river peoples (or Taphians) have been at Ad Ladios?

By the way, the Illyrians were in the land of the Celts around that same time, and "Celt" is suspect from "Khaldi" and "Calydon."

It's completely interesting that Loders (Eustace kin) and Sticklands (Eustace-branch suspect) share the Biss scallops while Biss' are suspect from Vis/Issa along with Eustace-branch Vise's/Vice's. The Biss use two snakes "respecting each other," the symbol of Nettle's is the MALherbe Coat: "A gold shield with a bunch of green nettles." We just saw the Westmorland Sticklands ("Sans MAL") linking to Morlands / Mauls / Mauley. And by the way, Sticklands were first found in the general area of the first-known SHAKEspeare's (Cumberland), who use a "sanz" motto term. The Sans' share the eagle with Shakespeare's (probably from Biblical Shechemites) for a trace to the Achelous, where Stick liners trace.

MalHERBE was crossed as per Phillip Augustus (Mose write-up), lord of Mr. Mosce. The Herbe's smack of Harveys and Garveys, kin of Bellamys (share Seaton/Sitten crescents) that married Ferte-MACE. I trace Harveys and Garveys to the Arve river at lake Geneva, not far down the Rhone river from SION/Sitten. While Bellamy were at Perche, beside the Billets/Billiards in the Mose Coat, Perche's share the double chevrons of Garveys, but these are also the double chevrons of Scottish Lise's. Garveys and Garbs (Vise-like Avise's use garbs) are suspect from Jerusalem's mount Gareb (possibly at the Knesset hill, or the hill beside it), which is (according to my investigations) less than two miles west from mount ZION. Might Amalekites through Meleager of Calydon to the Mall surname apply here? I see Gareb as the line to the mythical crow, Coronis, and she's the line from PatMOS' Chora location to the Ceraunii, and therefore to the Ceraunii mountains near Billet-suspect Byllis/Bullis. Coronis' son, Asclepios, had a coiled-snake symbol, shared by Biss' and Nettle's.

The Nettle's are in Natt/Nathan / Nitt/Naught colors, the line at the Nith river, the area of Annandale that traces to Placentia's Ananes. The Rome's/Rooms of Annandale use a "PLACit" motto term, and share the fesse of Augusts, suspect with Phillip Augustus of Malherbe.

The crosses we saw between ANTLers should trace to ANTALya/ATTALeia, the line to AETOLia in Calydon, at the Achelous. It explains why the queen of Calydon was ATALantis, wife of AMALEK-like MELEAGer.

The Nettle's use snakes respecting each OTHER while Bellamys use crescents colors reversed from the same of Others, the line of UTHER Pendragon. Others are said to be proto-Windsors, and Windsors (stag head) use the Annandale saltire in colors reversed, along with the crosslets of Gore's in mythical GORlois. The Windsors use a motto partly for the Fien variation of Fane's/Vans i.e. the line from Lake Van, suspect through the Veneti, whom I lump in as the wife of King Arthur, son of Gorlois' wife. Mus of lake Van is tracing well to Mose, and to Le Mose of Placentia, and if the Windsor saltire is that of Annandale's, we can reckon that WINDsors were VENETi (perhaps of the Wend/Vandal kind) through Placentia. The Veneti descended from ANTENor-branch Heneti, suspect with AtalANTA (suspect with Anat, a goddess that likely named Anatolia (like "Antalya"). Antalya was in Pisidia, the Poseidon-of-Tyre line to Pisa. The Mosce surname in the Mose write-up is suspect with Pisa's Mosca's. Pelops, mythical king of Pisa, was ruling in Eneti, which I think is roundly considered as a Heneti entity. His father, TANTALus, looks like play on "ANTALya."

Pelops was probably the Apollo of Lydia, or of Leto his mother, which Romans called, Latona, and Ladons/Ladds were first found in the same area as Lode's and Loders. The Leto/Alitto surname (Lettice colors) has the look of the Ali/ALiotta Coat, and the latter shares the Lauder/Letter griffin. Repeat: "In colors reversed, the Tint cross is in the Loder Crest. Were Loders from Ladios? As the Oeneus is right there, might Ladon-river peoples (or Taphians) have been at Ad Ladios?" In the last update, I had an impressive revelation from my cousin, Teresa Taff, a Taphian suspect. But here I can say that her mother, Letizia, has a name that brings up the Leto's/Alitto's, and their crane drinking is code for the Ceraunii smack at Ad Ladios. The Letizia crane is drinking while Drinks (Drake colors) can be using the lion of Tints in colors reversed. Tints are from Atintanes at the Ceraunii mountains.

It seems that Leto liners were ancient cousins of Lise liners out of Lissus. Mythical Leto/Latona was around ancient Clarus, and Scottish Lise's share two of the Clare chevrons while Clare's were first found in Suffolk with Bullis'/Bulliards. The two Lise chevrons are those of Clarens too, and they are red, the color of the two Perche / Garvey chevrons. On the railing of the Perche-like porch at Letizia's house, I accidentally peed on Pino's head as code for PortisHEAD, where I trace Porch's/Portis'. They share the white cinquefoil with Potters, a branch of Porters/Pawters (by the looks of it), both first found in Hampshire with Mosca-related Drake's, Lise's, and Potter-like Botters/Bodins whose eagle stands on a PERCH.

The Pawters are in PALIN/Pawley colors, the latter first found in Dorset with Loders (Palin colors), and beside the Pawlins/Paulins. The latter were first found in Somerset with Tints, Ladons and Burleys, and Burleys have got to be from ancient Boura, near the Ladon river, the peoples of which founded Sybaris. The Ladon river is expected to be integral with Oenotrians if I'm correct in seeing "Oeneus" from "Jonathan." Now Wikipedia says that Sybaris founded neighboring Laus, and Laus happens to be at PALINurus. See this Lucania map:

I've resolved that Laus liners named Las in Sparta's TAYgeti mountain range, and then TAYside is at the LESlie theater, and Leslie's were first found in Aberdeenshire with Craigs who share the Elis crescents. Las (Mani peninsula) was put into code with MeneLaus, husband of Elis-suspect Helen (she's code for the HELLESpont too). And the Craig Coat is like the Loder Coat (shares scallops with Ladons/Ladds) while Elis is near the Ladon river. Elis was home to proto-Massey Amazons, and Meschins share the Loder scallops and the colors of Ladons/Ladds in reverse. The Craig motto is suspect with Vivians, who share (along with Fife's) the Chief-Shield colors of Lets/Late's in colors reversed, while Helen was a daughter of Leda. As Five's/Fifys and Vivians share the same blue chevron while Five's/Fifys were first found in Aberdeenshire with blue-chevron Cope's, note that Fife's share the half red lion of Capone's. By no coincidence, the Let/Late Chief is a different-color version of the Fife Chief, with the Let/Late Chief using the Capone stars in colors reversed.

It seems a no-brainer that Laus, because it's beside Saracena, was named from Laus(a), the alternative name of Dalmatian Ragusa, home of Saraca's. The latter are suspect with Sharks, who use the crane for yet another trace to Ceraunii. Sharks share the green trefoil of Dutch Pawlins/Pauli's so that this clinches what was already clinched: a Saraca trace to Palinurus / Saracena / Laus of Italy. On the light map, Ragusa/Laus is where you see "Asamum," in the land of the Ardiaei = proto-Arthurs. The Ardiaei king, Pinnes, was highly suspect with little Pino, because Arthurs were at Clapton, beside Portishead. Claptons share the Craun patee cross for a trace to Ceraunii yet again.

While Paws are also Pauers, English Powers (Devon) share the Palin/Pawley Chief, and Irish Powers share the Shark trefoil. Irish Powers are in Simson / Burley colors while I trace the Simson motto to Enotri at Saracena. Enotri were also Oenotrians, of the Oeneus river beside Ad Ladio, right? What does this make Ladios look like, especially as Burleys and Ladds/Ladons were first found in Somerset? Oenotrians lived with Taphians, the latter having had a branch at the Ladon river. SulliVANs share the Power stag design, both on green Shields, and Sullivans are expected from Salviae, a location between the Oeneus river and the Ceraunii, because the "Lamh" motto term of Sullivans is like the LAMatis location between Salviae and Ad Ladios. Besides, I trace the Polish Piasts to Bistue, near Salviae, while Piasts included Mieszko II LAMBert. The Ardiaei were on the Neretva/Naro river (beside Ragusa) that comes very close to Bistue and the Ceraunii.

"Sybaris" can be to the Subers that use a giant "green LEAF." The Laevi. Why a GREEN leaf? Sobers/Sobergs/SoBISCHs (Saxony, same as Subers), use three ROSE leaves. German Bischs/Bescheffers use the rose for the apparent link to Sobischs. Supers, first found in Devon with Spurrs and Powers (and Poors/Poers), share billets with Dutch Bush's/Boschs/BISCHS (share there Sullivan lion) while Bosco's are in the Rose write-up. It definitely seems as though Sobers were a Super / Spurr branch, and while Sybaris elements can go to the Dorset Palins, Bushers/Boschers were first found in Dorset. The Crest of German Bush's/Buschs/Bushers can even have the Palin lion between its wings, and Wings/Winks share billets with Supers (and Bos'/Bush's/Boschs). German Boschs probably use the feathers in the Arms of Rothschild, and the Feather motto loves the brother of Valentinian I, born in VINCovci. Fetters, a possible branch of Feets/Fate's loved by Cheneys, share the sun with Dorsets.

Now the Sobeks with SoBIESKi (Bisch liner?) variation are suddenly useful for tracing to Sybaris thanks to their BUCKLE, and thanks to having a variation like the Sobisch variation of Sobers (Traby/Sadowski colors). There are links all over the place here. The Buckle and Buckley surnames are expected with Buchans of Aberdeenshire, where buckle-line Leslie's were first found, and because Buchans and Buchanans share the black lion with Palins, I trace them to BUXENtum, which is on the Lucania map beside Laus and Palinurus.

The German Bischs have a Coat reflecting the Bustard Coat, and the latter's is a version of the English Bush/Busch Coat (shares black boar with Sullivans that share the Bush/Bosch/Bisch lion) when it showed with a red fesse instead of black. Bustards share the bustard with Traps/Trappers, and the bustard is like a crane for a feasible trace to Salvaei and it's Ceraunii. There were Saluvii Ligurians suspect with Saluzzo, at Busca.

Sullivans don't show variations by which one could see what they were without the "van" ending. Their "FOIstenach" motto term suggests the French-alt Foys/Foyers/Foix's (Ile-de-France) that share their split-Shield colors. "Fois" gets the Face's/Fessys, but this may be a coincidence. "Fois" also gets the other French Foys (share the Billet/Billiard stars), first found in Auvergne with fox-using Fes'/Fez," which may indicate that Sullivans name Sale down in Morocco, near Fez. The Bellows (branch of Billets) use the fox too while Sullys speak on a count of Sully (initial Templar period) that was also count of Bellow-like Blois. Sullivans may be a branch of Slavens/Slevans that share the Coats of Neils and Keons (all four surnames use lions combatant).

As I think the Keons (and Neals) share the Saraca fish, it's very notable that the Keon lions are also the Palin lions. The red, eight-pointed stars of Keons are also those of Dutch Stens/Steins, suspect in "foiSTENach." The red lions of Neals with red hand are now pegged with the same of Irish Fox's/SionNACHs/Shinnocks," like the ending on "foisteNACH." These Fox's use "aboo," like the "abu" of Sullivans. If Shinnocks were Schiens/Schims / Skene's, they were likely Shechemites. Keons are also Owens, and even share the Owen lion. The latter were first found in Montgomeryshire, beside the Fane's/VANs, whom I trace to Fano, near Este and not far from the founder of Este (the eight-pointed star of Ishtar can trace to "Este"). Beside Este is Euganeo, where the Eugene variation of Owens (OVANS?) may trace. The Eugene surname (another red lion, as with Sullivans) uses an "AUDaciter" motto while Aude of France is beside Foix. It looks like SulliVANs can be from Fane's/Vans that ended up at Foix-Candale, for while Fane's/Vans use GAUNTlet gloves, John of Gaunt was at Candale.

That motto term is virtually the one used by Pollocks, who are kin of Pula/Pola on Ishtar-like Istria. The blue Eugene ragully may be that of Middle's/Mittels because the latter shares the Owen lion. Middle's were first found in Shrewsbury, where the first earl was of Montgomery. Stewarts out of Shrewsbury use ragully too, and another red lion that now looks like the Eugene / Neal lion.

Let me remind that while Sullivans share the Power stag, possibly, Powers are linkable to Palinurus liners. The Sobek/Sobieski buckle has a shape like the Traby/Sadowski/SANDOWski 'Q', and the latter is the symbol of Poland's Nalecz clan, which is in the Sobek write-up along with SANDOmiersz. Sands use more ragully.

I had gleaned that the Saraca fish became the fleur-de-lys in the same white-on-blue colors, which happens to be the giant fleur of German Bush's/Buschs and Boschs. I traced the curved two fish on the sides of the fleur-de-lys to the fish of the Brunswick Bars and their branch in Bar-le-Duc, which is a little interesting where Sybaris-suspect Spurrs (same garbs as Arms of Cheshire and Cue's/Kews) are said to be from Spurway Barton. Buckleys were first found in Cheshire, the buckle of Sobeks, which may be a Q-shape to honor their links to Cue's/Kews, is purple, the color of the PIGG lion while Buxentum was also PYXus. And Pigots were first found in Cheshire. In the Pigot Crest there is a white wolf head, the colors of the Scarf wolf head, and the Traby/Sadowski Q-shape is called a scarf. French Bigots were first found in Ile-de-France with Lys'/Lise's, Levi's and Foys, the latter probably in the "foys" motto term of Pigots. And while Sullivans love the Foys, Piggs share the black-on-white boar with Sullivans! So, Sullivans were linked to Pyxus liners.

Bartons share the boar with Barts while Barts share the green griffin head of buckle-line Leslie's. It tends to support the connection of Sybaris-suspect Spurrs to Bartons. As Bartons are said to have been related to Booths (and Leighs), it's Barton-important that Booths and Bush's (both of Yorkshire along with Scarfs, purple-lion Lacys and purple-lion Skiptons) share black boars connectable to the red ones of Bartons. The Leighs/Leghs/Lighs/Lee's (Cheshire) happen to use the same lion as Dutch Bush's/Boschs/Bischs. While the Buckle branch of It looks like Piggs and Pigots were Buxentum liners, therefore, and Bigots are in the write-up of Cheshire's Steels. Maxwells share the Super saltire and put a lodged stag in crest with holly BUSH, while German Bartons (snails) use "a green, three leafed holly branch." The German-Barton Crest: "A red banner attached to a gold pole". The "ALL IS with me" motto of German Bartons looks like it honors the Alis'/Alice's, who share a version of the Alpin Coat for a trace to Kenneths. The snail-like Snells are said to be from "small," and Smalls love the Nons/Nevins (AYRshire) along with the Kenneth motto. I would like to investigate whether Nevins and Non-like surnames are from Laevi at Novara.

Pews/Pughs and Perkins (same Coat) share red fleur-de-lys with Gellone's, and the latter was traced to Kenza of Aures while her name was traced to Kenneths that happen to share (aside from one letter) the four-word Pew/Pugh motto. The Kenneth stag head is in the colors of the Green stags, recalling the green leaf of Subers. Just like that, Pews can lead us to Lucania's Sybaris. Kenneths were first found in Ross-shire, beside the Rose's that are likely with the Sober rose leaf. Ross' with Rose's and Rats were near Buchan.

Smalls ("RATione") use a horizontally-split Shield in the colors of the vertically-split Shields of Snells, and the latter's is colors reversed from that of German Walkers while English Walkers use a "Magna" motto term while PERKins are from Plancia Magna of PERGA with little doubt. She was related to a Mr. Simplex while Perkins use a "simplex" motto term. Simple's were first found in Renfrewshire with Smalls and Speers while RATs were first found in Nairnshire with Rose's. I trace Speers (Spree crescents) with Spree's to Lusatia's Spree river, but this tends to nail LUSatia with Laus while nailing "Spree" with "SYBARis." Perfect. Rats even use a "Spero meliora" motto. Perkins are highly suspect to mythical Perkunas and LADA (his wife) of Lithuania, home of RADZiwills-Astikas', who married Trap-like Traby of Poland.

In this picture, Mr. Simplex looks like a SIMson liner, and so let's remention that one Simson Coat is the BUCHANan lion so as to clinch Simsons with Laus and Buxentum. Simsons use Elis-like "Alis," and we saw Alis' suspect with the motto of German Smalls. The founders of Sybaris were Achaeans at the Elis / Ladon theater of Greece, and Rats share the Elis cross, in Ladon/Ladd colors.

Now that Speers seem clinched as Sybaris liners in Lusatia, let's connect them to the Pasi's/Pace's/Pascels of Bologna, who are likely a branch of the Passe's/Pascals in the motto of Rollo's who in-turn use the Speer boar heads in colors reversed. Rollo's share "voir" with Edomite-suspect Oliphants (Spree crescents), suspect from the Elaphiti islands beside Laus/Ragusa, and Oliphants share the Coat of Millions while Millens/Milans are said to be kin of Buchanans, whose lion they share, yet it's the lion of Simpsons ("deSPERandum") too while the other Simsons are in the colors of Mellans/Mallons. Oliphants were at least associated with ArBUTHnotts, who use a "LAUS Deo" motto phrase. The Cheshire Pace's share purple with Sobeks/Sobieski's (feasibly in Lusatia).

While Paws/Pauers and Powers figure in with Palins/Pawleys, Pews/Pughs, who evoke the Pigots that already traced to Buxentum, share the Perkin Coat (Small / Levi / Pascal lion?), and both use a lion in Palin-lion colors. While Powers were a Poor branch, Pores' are listed with Peirs/Pere's, sharing the bend of Mellans/Mallons. The Pascal-like Baskets, in the basket of the Pores/Pere Crest, happen to share three, gold leopard faces with Peare's and Parsons. This has the potential to reveal that Poors and Powers were of the Ticino's Pero liners. Baskets were first found on Wight, suspect with the Wade variation of Traby-beloved Quade's, and with the Weights sharing the Arms-of-Traby horn. Baskets were also first found in Dorset, same as Palins. The Cowes location on Wight should be of the Cowes'/Coo's that love the Penants who in-turn use a good reflection of the Simson Coat. Pasi liners were from Vespasia Polla, the line to Poole, a location at Dorset facing out to sea at Wight. Recall the pole of German Bartons.

It can't be another "coincidence" that while NewPORT is on Wight, Newports use the motto, "Ne SUPRA modum saPERE." The latter term in itself therefore looks as though Pores/Pere liners were of Sybaris liners. The Newport leopard faces are in the colors of the three Quade/Wade wolf heads, and in the colors of the leopard faces of Levi-beloved Aids/Ade's, the latter first found in Berwickshire with Pearsons/Persons. Ade's can be in the "ad" motto term of Pews/Pughs (makes me wonder what AD Ladios was named after). Ports / Porters use a portcullis gate suspect with Proculus, son of LUPUS Laevillus of Cetis. Quade's are from his wife, QuadraTILLA, whose name is suspect with the Cetis-like CETINa river because it was also the TILURius while Tillers and Tailers use the white lions that Chives' call CATS, the latter being symbol of Cetins/Cattans who use a "lupus" motto term. The Cetins/Cattans share the black fitchee of Tarves' while Chives' were first found in Tarves (between Buchan and the Rose's and Rollo's). Cetin-like Keatons share the black Ade / Newport leopard faces.

Cetins/Cattans have a horizontally-split Shield in the colors of the same of Pearsons/Persons, excellent for tracing "Laevillus" to the Laevi on the Ticino. Perrins use an engrailed chevron in the colors of the two of Rowells/ROSEwells, beloved in "SPUR rowells" (of Payens and Bernice's, for example), what a sybarincidence. Pierro's/Pero's use roses and were first found in Pavia, suspect with the "ImPAVidun" motto term of Perrins. That term must be part-code for Imps (Essex, same as Leavell-related Youngs), because they share the black leopard head.

Rose's were first found in the same place as Rats/Raids, who can be from Sub Radice way up the Hebros river near Lissae and the Bessi. Bissets (Basset / Basket colors) were first found in neighboring Ross, and this area was the capital region of the Dunkeld dynasty, which included king Duncan, whose name I trace to the Dunax peak(s) you can see to the near-west of the Bessi. I traced QuadRATus Bassus (Quadratilla's husband) to Radice elements for certain reasons, and then Radziwills were also RadziVILs, like "LaeVILLus." If he was a Laevi liner, the ending of his name had to be named after something. STICK with me here, for while "Sub Radice" is use on this dark map, SUBRadice" is the spelling on the light map), which may have been the line to "SYBARis." For Lissae is expected with both Lissus of the Cavii, and at Laus of Sybaris. Lissus of the Cavii is beside Bassania (dark map), suspect with the Bassus > Bassianus line Quadratus Bassus.

Note Assus on the Hebros (dark map) between Lissae and SubZUPORA, for the Radziwill-Astikas entity connects to Assi's. Therefore, Azzo of Este can be from "Assus," which, when merged with Bessi, can become "Bassus." Base's share the black hunting horn with the Arms of Traby. Azzo's home in Fermo is beloved in the motto of Squire's/Squirrels, a branch of Sire's that smack of the SYRmas river through Sub Radice.

The TYLE location stamped between Subradice and Cabyle is what makes Quadratus and QuadraTILLa suspect with these entities. Cable's use a fretty (lattice) Shield in the colors of the chequey Shield of Radice's while the Italian word for "lattice" is like, Radice. The ancestor of the Bassus, Brogitarus, was the high priest of Cabyle-like Cybele, and Bessi-like Pessinos. You can't argue with the facts.

The Cable (probably the Leavell / Caen fesse) motto, "Impavide," is like the "impavidun" of Perrins, and the latter's leopard faces are colors reversed from the Newport / Ade / Keaton leopard faces. It's Laevillus tracing again to Ticino's Pero's/Perino's. And German TILE's/Tillers use the annulet of Vido's/Vito's (TARVISium) in colors reversed, revealing why "impaVIDE" is used. The other Tile's were first found in Dorset, and are suspect with Palin liners there, and the latter's lion is in the Chief of Quints, the latter first found in Essex with Imps and using their chevron in colors reversed. You need to do your own line-drawings at times, as I won't make all the connections hard for you, or this will take far longer than it already is.

What was LaeVILLUS named after? Perrins use fir CONE's while Cone's are a branch of Conte's who merged with VILLE's/Font-de-Ville's (flag) to form Conteville's. Italian Conte's use the lion of Lafins/La Fonts, beloved of the Kennedys, from the Kennati priests at Cetis. I've got to repeat here that while Kennedys (Tarves fitchees) use the Arms of Carrick, Laevillus' son was Proculus CHARAX. This was the line to Caracalla, whose mother was Domna Bassianus, sister of Julia, the latter being the wife of Julius AVITus, the line to Tile-related Vito's. You can see Vito's in the motto of Saffers/Savarys (OLIVE branch), from "Severus," the name of Caracalla's father. The Charax > Caracalla line was to Saraca's at Laus, and "Severus" is like "Sybaris." Savarys are also Savards/SABARds (besants). Savarys/Saffers (Devon, beside Pierce's and Leavells) share the gold unicorn head with Piers/Pierce's while Laevillus is the line to Percival-Leavells. Is this the Sepharvites through to Sybaris? Looks like.

The Pierce write-up suggests that Peres' and Perys' apply, which I would trace with Petro's/Perez' to Flavius Petro, father of Flavius Sabinus. Sabers are listed with Sabine's that use a two-star version of the Palin Chief, which makes Palins (same place as POOLE) suspect with Vespasia POLLa, wife of Flavius Sabinus. The Flys were at Flavian/Flagi, suspect with the Flags/Flacks, beloved of Ville's/Font-de-Ville's. There are all sorts of lines to be drawn here, confusing yet revealing.

The Stura-DEMONte river is from the Satrae Thracians, whose priests were the Bessi. There's a good chance that Demonte's, who share the gold unicorn with Saffers/Savarys, were from whatever named Domna, or even from herself. Domino's/Damons/Damonts were first found in Piedmont with the Stura-Demonte, and the write-up traces suggestively to PIETRO Damiani (Damian), bishop of Pavia in the 7th-8th century. It makes Domna liners suspect with Pavia's Pierro's/Pero's/PIETRi's/Perris' (why FIVE roses?).

Italian Demonte's were likewise first found in Piedmont, along with Masci's while French Demonte's (Burgundy, same as Messeys/Messier's) share the lion of Maschi's and of the Oliphant-beloved Voirs/Voyers...which strike me as the double gold lions of Base's/Baise's, first found in Lincolnshire with English Messier's. Italian Bassans can be using the bars of Stura-line Sturs and BASSets (unicorn, as with Oliphants), but see also the bars of Crispins and Amore's (both of Oxfordshire with Peare's), for French Crispins were from Perez/Paresse (Lorraine) while French Paris'/Parez' (Lorraine) share the fesse of Spanish Vido's, important because Vido's are in the motto of Saffers/Savarys that share the unicorn heads (both colors) of English Paris'/Pares'. English Bassans use the Massey Shield with probably the Mosca leopard.

The Vido and Paris fesse is blue on gold, the colors of the Saraca fesse. UNIcorns (shared by RasMUSSENs) are still suspect with the Una/Oeneus river of the Maezaei that likely named Julia Maesa Bassianus, wife of Avitus above (led to the Tile's/Tillers). Her father was stationed in Dalmatia by Caracalla, and Dalmatia is where the Tilurius river flows, where Ragusa/Laus is located along with the Elaphiti islands. Oliphants love the Touts along with the Pigot motto, and Pigots were at BUTLey while Bottle's (line to ArBUTHnotts?) share the crown design of German Bessans/Bessens (Masci wings?).

Novara Investigation

The entries on Sullivans earlier, and their link to Foys/Foix's and Foix of southern France, were done after this section below was written, which stresses the Voirs/Voyers. The Foys/Foix's, I didn't realize at the time, are also Foyers. To help prove that Voyers can be Foyers, let me repeat what comes late in this update:

However, Pilgrims call the scimitar a cutLASS, as do Elis-possible Eliots, and "Elis" is highly suspect from lass-like Laish. The Lass surnames are with Lacys, one of which shares pellets with Voys/Foix's/Foyers. The latter share pellets with Elliots, in colors reversed from the Cutt plates.

It's just that the fox-using Fes/Fez surname, first found in Auvergne with the Foys/Foix's that use pellets, share the bend of Elliots. Now recall that SulliVANS did link to Fane's/Vans (expected with Foix-Candale), for Voirs/Voyers are said to have been first found in the Vannes area of Brittany.

In the past, I haven't had the greater understanding of Ticino liners as has developed over the past few weeks. I wasn't able to see that Spanish Navarre's could be Novara liners by their wolf in Fleming-wolf colors. But with the flaming star of Pero's, the Navarre wolf can indicate Novara liners. Who else lived at Novara?

Just look at this. Spanish VARRO's share the passant wolf with NaVARRE's, interestingly, for VOIRs (in the Oliphant motto) use two passant lions in pale in the colors of the two passant wolves in pale of Novara's, and not only do Jewish Levi's likewise use two passant lions, but they are black, as are the two passant wolves of Varro's, the latter's being in both colors of French Levi's. On top of this, it's known that Laevi founded Pavia with Marici, and it just so happens that the Voir Crest is: "St. Mark's lion, supporting a silver book inscribed with the words "PAX TIBI, MARCE EVANGELISTA"". I kid you not.

The book-using Roets were Boofima liners along with Nagle's (VERE kin), and the latter can be gleaned as a branch of English Angels ("super VIAS" suspect with Sybaris), or a merger with them. The Books/Boggs can be a branch of Bogers, looked up as per the Voyer variation of Voirs, for they may have been Boyers that translate easily from "Boger." And, to my surprise, German Bogers use a giant nail in Nagle/Nail colors!

"Angel" can be in "evANGELista" because Italian Angels share the brown lion with the Mark lion of Voirs. "EVANgeLISta" can be part-code for Evans because their giant lion is in Voir-lion colors. The Evans have the EUStace stag in Crest while Voirs use a "VIS" motto term suspect with the Eustace branch of Vise's/Vice's. Dutch Evans look like they use a version of the Varro Coat (all the colors are there in their identical locations). Evans are said to be from Levi-possible "Lefan."

Now that the Nagle's appear clinched with Voirs while Voirs can trace to Novara, we can move to the "non" motto term of Nagle's (fesse colors reversed from the Non-Nevin / Boeff/Beef fesse) happen to use a "non" motto term while Nons are NEVins. Navys/Neve's ("arte") happen to share a winged horse in Crest with English Angels. Suddenly, there is cause to trace Neve liners to Novara's naming. Spanish Nunes' (the lion of English Marks!) use a bend in the colors of the bendwise "trout" of English Neve's/Neveu's. I'll be back to Scottish Neve's, and so you may want to keep in mind that they come up as "Nevers."

While Voirs use a "vincit" motto term suspect with Vince's/Vinch's, "Neveu" was a code in Dan Brown's Da-Vinci Code, and while his fable played on Mr. Saunier(e) of Rennes-le-Chateau, Saunier's were first found in PERIgord with Boeufs/Beefs. Boofima's priests were the ImPERI peoples (Africa) suspect with Imperia (Liguria), the alternative name of Nagle-line Oneglia. The Voir book is a Boofima-line entity, and as such, Boofima liners trace to the Marici with the Mark lion that "supPORTs" that book. The Saulnier variation of Sainier's is like the Solney of Sola's, who are in the "Sola" motto term of Scottish Neve's, first found in Angus, beside the Scottish Bogers that share two white roses in Chief with Saunier's, but in both colors of the two white stars in the Angus Chief.

Angus' are suspect with Angusta, which I traced to the Trotus river, suspect with Trotts and Trouts. Where did we see a trout? With English Neve's. German Trotts have a good reflection of the Jewish Mark/Marx Coat, all so amazing suddenly, thanks mainly to what Pero's have done for me.

Lists, in "evangeLISTa," share the Coat of the Hampshire Lise's exactly, both sharing six pale bars with English Trotts (same place as "vincit" Shaws). And Lists were first found in Silesia with German Bogers. If the latter were Boyers / Voyers, it's notable that Boyers (VAIR fur) have the look of the Plume Coat, for the German Flemings (suspect with the Navarre wolf) use ostrich plumes. French Plume's (spear heads) share the vair fur of Irish Flemings, were first found in Brittany with Voirs/Voyers, and the pale bars of Lists / Lise's are in the colors of the two pale bars in the Arms of Vilaine. Rennes, suspect with Rennes-le-Chateau, is in the Vilaine part of Brittany along with Dol, where French Plume's are said to be from. Voirs/Voyers are said to be from GRIPel (Vannes area), and Gripps/Grape's/Grabbers share the bend of Dutch Evans, suspect in "EVANgelista."

The spear heads of Plume's look like the arrow/spear heads (called pikeheads) of Pigots. Pigots are likely from Pyxus/Buxentum, which is near Blanda, a location that became entertained with the naming of "FLANDers, home of Flemings. The Pigots share "Tout" with Oliphants while the Elaphiti islands are beside Ragusa/Laus, the line to Laus at Blanda. The Oliphants are the ones with a "voir" motto term, and while Rollo's (Spear boar heads colors reversed) use "passe and "tout," "passe" is shared by Voyer-like Boyers (the ones with the Plume-like Coat). Spear's are kin of Pasi's, yet are from the namers of the Spree river in Lusatia, an area that overlaps Silesia where Sitlers/Schitners were from that share the trefoil of Pike's, perfect if the Pigot pikeheads are spear tips, for LUSatia traces to Laus at Pigot-liner Pyxus/BUXENtum. Sitlers even share the BUCHANan lion. It's clear: Albert Pike descended from Pyxus.

The the Angels call their Crest a PEGASus, perhaps code for Pyxus. This recalls the "pax" term on the book in the Voir Crest. The book-using Reeds use "Pax copia" while having the look of the Scottish Pike/Picken Coat. Repeat: "By the way, the Illyrians were in the land of the Celts around that same time, and 'Celt' is suspect from 'Khaldi' and 'Calydon.'" The Khaldi were over at Trabzon, beside the Pyxites river. It was the line to Caledonian Picts, who lived in the Buchan area. The Reeds with the book share the Celt/Colt / Book/Bogg stag head, and we can wonder whether Boggs / Bugs / Bogans were Buxentum liners, for while Boughs/Bows share the motto of book-using Roets, they also share the bow with Bogans/Bugers (Bug colors), perhaps a branch of Voyer-suspect Bogers.

Reeds are a branch of Rita's, and the latter use a lion holding "a PIECE of wood" while Scottish Woods share a reflection of the Piggs/Pix/Picks/PIXTs Coat and Crest in combination. It now appears that "piece" is code for a Pyxus / Pyxites line. While the Palin lion holds the gold fitchee of Quints (same place as Palins), note that Woods and Piggs/Pix's share the gold fitchee. vair

Reeds share the garbs of Deeds/Dade's in the motto of Flemings, and the Book-related Voirs are the ones expected with the double wolves of Navarre's, in the colors of the Fleming wolf. The Reed Crest is identical, in appearance, with the Boyer Crest; both use falcons while French Falcons share the Non/Nevin / Neiss crescent. English Falcons have the motto, "VIS COURAGEux FIER," can we believe it? "Courage" is the full motto of Comyns (from Kuman in FIER county, Albania), and Comyns are suspect as a branch of Comets (almost the Falcon tower) suspect in the comet of Reines', which is, in appearance, identical with the "flaming stars" of Pero's. It's the Voirs that share "Vis" and a book with Reeds.

Next, I want to go to Wedge's, for Peggs' and Watch's use Wedge's/Weggs. All three have similar Coats, but Wedge's/Weggs use a fesse instead of a chevron, and it's got to be the Vince/Vinch fesse because both surnames share the same motto as well as colors and format. I suggest that Peggs' tend to prove that Wedge's and Watch's were Pyxus liners, for while Palins are from Palinurus, at Pyxus, Palins share the stars of Watch's/Wage's/Wichs. One would never think that "Wich" is from "Pyxus." Wichs love the Neals/Nihills in their motto, and that's the Nail line to the Boger nail. Bogens/Bugers were first found in Bavaria with the Vicks (and Plume's). German Bugs (same place as Drummonds) use ravens, symbol of Vick-like vikings. Is "Vince" a Vick line? I do think so. Winks/Wings (same place as Rollo's) are from the mythical Sirens, pirates, killers, satan incarnate.

Nagle-kin Angle's use a baton while Batons/Bats share the bat with the English Bugs. The Wicks love castle Cary in Somerset, where Battins/Badens and Bat-branch Baths were first found. The Varangian vikings are suspect with the Veringers of Baden (beside the Wicks), where STUTTgart is that was the Stout-raven line of vikings. It looks like Vikings trace from the Pyxites river, with a mouth on the Black sea near the Colchian pirates, and moreover a Bat peoples of Colchis lived there along with Lazi. In myth, Lazi was the spouse of Nagle-like Nergal. The Bug river was home to Neuri, suspect with Nerthus, the goddess of the Angles and the Varni, probably the proto-Varangians. The light map has the Vardeai at the Nerthus-like Neretva (Naro) river.

"Vincit" and "pruDENTia" is used by Voirs (share brown lion in Crest with Blands) while Dents were in Sedbergh along with Blands. As the latter use a Sybaris-like "Sperate" motto term, Blands along with Blonds, Blundells and Blondville's can be Blanda liners. While Plume's were Flemings that lived at Blanda-suspect Flanders, Plume's share blue vair fur with Blondville's, Nero's/Neretti's, Flemings and Quints. Quint-like Winters share the Fleming checks while the same Flemings share the Quint vair, and the Winters (share blue border with VINCEnts) use their checks on a bend similar to the Plume bend with same-colored vair.

The flaming stars of Pero's are essentially the two Zionist stars of WISE's/Weis', who share the wings of Wies' (Silesia) while the latter's fesse is that of Nons/Nevins. There you have a trace of Vise suspects to the Ticino who may have been Nevin kin round-about. And Nons/Nevins use "ViVIS SPERandum" for what looks like part-code for the Spree river in Lusatia, which may flow through what was Silesia too. The wings here should be for Vinchio liners, beside NIZZA Monferrato, like the NEISSE area at the Spree river. Not only do Neiss' (same place as Wings/Winks) use a 'non" motto term, but they share the Non/Nevin crescents.

I now want to move to the News/Newes surname because it's possibly a branch of Neve's. In fact, I've just loaded "Neves" to get the Spanish Navarre's. I've repeated many times in the past couple of months, that my newspaper and coffee in Victoria was set up by God to indicate the Coffee's/Coffers with "VICtoria" motto term. Might Victors/Victoria's have been Vick / Vice/Vise liners? About 12 hours before getting that coffee in Victoria, I put a pair of VICE grips on the latch of the Nissan's hatch (door), from the inside, to protect myself from an intruder while I slept. And an intruder did come by, who woke me up and tried to rob the entire truck, wallet and all.

Let's remind that it's the Voirs, with two passant lions (in pale = vertical direction) in the colors of the two passant wolves of Navarre's, that use a "Vis" motto term. And while the News/Newes Crest has a PARCHment, Parks and Parkers all share the stag head with Nissans. The "vincit" motto term Voirs is important for two reasons: 1) my Nissan was code for queen-Nysa liners to Nizza Monferrato, beside VINCHio; 2) the Vince/Vinch Coat probably shares the black-on-white griffin of Godfreys, from Godfrey III, whose daughter EUStace II married. I see griffins as code for Agrippa's, which evokes the vice-grips, and then the Gripps are also Grape's while the Arms of Vinchio uses grapes, as do the Brittany Levine's while Jewish Levine's are the Laevi-suspect Levi's with two passant lions in pale. If you thought it was outlandish for me to trace the Coffee/Coffer Crest to the Arms of Taranto, the fact that I checked into a motel immediately after the mugging helps with that claim, for Motels were first found in Taranto. I left the motel maybe three hours before arriving in Victoria. The Motels share the winged horse with Angels, and the winged horse of Neve's/Navys reflects the Coat of Coffer-colored Cafferys/Caffertys. But there is now more, for Taranto is in Apulia, beside Lucania, and the latter is where we find Sybaris, Laus and Pyxus to which Templar families (they devised heraldry) traced themselves knowingly, in my opinion. And the PEGASus of Angels is suspect with "Pyxus."

The Pyggs'/Pix's are also Pixts while Pictons share the demi-red lion in Crest with the Capone Crest. My sense is that Coffers / Cafferys were anciently a branch of the Caepionis surname from Quintus Caepio, and that "Pax COPIA" motto of Reeds can apply here. This recalls Cuppae near the source of the Pek river (Moesia), meaning that Pyxus may have been cousins of Pek dwellers. The Pyxites river was at or near the Moschian mountains, and Moschi / Meshech liners probably named Moesia.

Italian Capone's are suspect with the black Levi/Levine lion, and because Davids ("Pax et copia") share a black lion head in Crest with Capone's, the passant lion in the David bend must be the Levi/Levine lion, especially as the David lion is in all three colors of the leopard faces on a bend of Levi-beloved Ade's. With Davids first found in Cheshire with Massey liners and Pace's, "Pax" looks like code for Polish Packs/PACEwicz's sharing the Massey / Lise/Lys fleur-de-lys. And while Speers are from Poland's Spree river, that takes us to spear-using Pasi's/Pace's/Pascels. Speers were first found in Renfrewshire with Pollocks, the line from VesPASia Polla, of Rieti, where Reeds/Riets trace.

So, there you have the evidence that the line of Quintus Caepio linked to Levi liners, and the Quint-like Quinns happen to share a winged horse with Motels and Masseys. I am a Massey liner who was mugged that night. The other Quinns share the white wolf head in Crest with Pigots ("pikeheads" that could be spear tips). It looks like a hit with PIGGS'/Pixts, suspect with "PEGASus." I've always got an eye out for OPgalli possibilities, because I think that Joseph Caiaphas was closely related to both Quintus Caepio and Opgalli. Quinns use: "A silver wolf's head, face UP." The Face's/Fessys share the cross of Macclesfields (same place as Davids) while this Arms of Macclesfield shows a "copia" motto term.

Having said that, let's go to the dolphin in the Pew/PUGH Crest, and then remind that Pews/Pughs (could be of the lion PAW in the Quint Crest) use the Perkin/Parking Coat fully. It shares the passant lion of Levi's, suspect with the double wolves in pale of Varro's because Perkins/Parkings use "veri." Varro's can be from Aulus Terentius Varro Murena, and as the Murena tower is highly suspect in the Arrow/Arras Crest, the Pigot pikeheads could be arrow heads. Arrows/Arras' share the cross of Neve's/Neaves', yet the Neve/Neaves' cross is just as much the Elis / Elias cross. In the Neve/Neaves Crest, a lily, symbol of the Brittany Davis'/Davids. I say that proto-Laevi from Laish were at Elis, and Neve liners are tracing not-bad here to Novara while linking to Levi-related Davids.

As Arras was the Artois capital, note king Arthur's wife, GuiNEVERE." Was that intentional to indicate Novara liners? There is a Nevers area in France, near Avallon, like the mythical Avalon of king Arthur lore. The Nevers surname (Pendragon fleur in colors reversed) is with the Neve's/Neaves'. The Neve/Neaves' fleur are in the colors of the same of Vannes-line Vaughns ("Non") who in-turn share the Pendragon chevron. Pendragon mated with GorLOIS' wife while Lois were first found in Artois. If GUINEvere is also code for Guine's, they use a giant oak branch yet it shows as LEAVES. Vannes is also Guine-like Gwenea.

To trace this picture to Laevillus at Cetis, suspect as a descendant of Joseph Caiaphas, the Cetis surname shares the lily with Neve's/Neaves' while the latter uses an "honesta" motto term, like the "honesta" of Lille's. In colors reversed, the Lille fitchee is the gold one of Quints. Therefore, when God moved me to get a coffee at Victoria, he must have moved me to get a NEWSpaper for this reason that Newes' are a Neaves' branch. I never get a newspaper when traveling. However, I was headed to Mexico to find some cheap land for to spend winters, but the mugging, and my father's warning that I could get mugged in Mexico with non-Mexican plates, made me get a newspaper to see whether land in southern Texas is cheap enough. So, as God set up the mugging (He also saved my truck and wallet by a miracle), he also set up the newspaper and coffee.

I probably would never had tried for a Newey or Neway surname until seeing the Nevey and Nevay variations of Neve's/Neaves', and, sure enough, Neweys and Neways are listed with News/Newes'. In the News/Newes Crest is an arm that is said to have a perchevron, and it's red, the color of the perchevron of CHAPmans, first found in Cambridgeshire with Capone's and News'. That's why the News' add CHAPlets. "A dexter arm proper vested perchevron gold and red gold holding a roll of silver parchment." The Motel horse has an "armored ARM" in its mouth.

There is a Parchment surname (shares blue scallops with Wade's/Wide's), yet Parks and Parkers along with Perkins/Parkings can apply. But before getting to that, let's repeat: "The Pyggs'/Pix's are also Pixts while Pictons share the demi-red lion in Crest with the Capone Crest." This red lion, called a "HALF lion" by English WISE's, should link to the Halfs/Helps (red lion) and therefore to the Helpe river, location of Avesnes...up in Artois, home of Wise-suspect EUStace II. Aside from colors, the Half/Help Shield is a version of the News/Newes Coat, and the latter's colors must be those of Guido's/GUIS, who put a red lion on their Shield, as do Halfs/Helps. And the latter's Crest has the gold fitchee of the Quint Crest, you see, so the News' do link to Quintus Caepio.

The motto of English Wise's use a Sybaris-suspect "Sapere aude." Aude is in Languedoc's OCCITANia area, suspect with "JOKTAN," and Joktanites engaged the Sybaris-suspect Sepharvites. Occitania covered part of north-eastern Spain, where the mouth of the Ebro is that must have been named after Joktan's father. I'm not suggesting the Eber himself was at the Ebro.

This red demi-lion is that also of Scottish Yonge's/Youngs (Leavell piles) that share "prudentia" with VOIRs. English Yonge's were first found in Essex, same as Quints, and these Yonge's love the June's / Jeune's, from a Junia Caepionis. More: the Yonge's have a passant wolf in Crest in the black color of the passant wolves of VARRo's. Vis liners can be from the island of Vis/ISSa, and while "ISSuing" has been suspect with "Issa," Scottish Yonge's use: "A red lion issuing from a wreath..."

It's interesting that Ises'/Ise's are listed with Assi's who use a sword in saltire with a fasces while Feschs use two swords in saltire. This is new here. Variations of Feschs/VECHTERs happen to be very linkable to Victor(ia) variations. Feschs were surely from Genova's Fieschi, the Face's/Fessys in the Quinn-Crest wolf, "face up," and the Fessy love the Segni's/Segurana's that share the Este eagle while Assi's/Ises' were from Azzo, founder of Este. The other Quinns share the winged horse with Motels, the latter probably related to Coffee's/Coffers. Ise-like Ice's share the trefoil of Victor-possible Pike's. Genova might be a Quinn line, but, in any case, Quinn-like WINchesters (Lille cross?) share the Quint fitchee too.

The Fesch-branch Fisks (estoile) share the motto phrase of Pews/Pughs that includes Este-suspect "ad astra" that can be part-code for Levi-beloved Ade's. It doesn't say where in Switzerland the Feschs were first found (Fessys use the Swiss cross), but the Ticino canton is a good guess, though the Geneva/Genova Coat is suspect with the wings of the Este / Segni eagle while lake Geneva is up against Aosta. This recalls the "honestas" motto term of Neve's/Neaves' that can be partly for Este's and partly for Hones', the latter sharing the double fesses of Nissans. I was ordained with a Nissan when getting the NEWSpaper.

As I've said many times, on the evening of getting that newspaper, I stayed in another motel, which had cockROACHes making noise behind the wallpaper all night long. In the morning, the black smoke out the tailpipe ended the trip suddenly, and I returned home though very satisfied with the trip. Many years later, not long ago, I checked the Roach surname, and a little later checked the Smoke surname as per the smoke out the tailpipe, and discovered that God set that up too, for Smoke's have Roach-like variations.

However, it's not until now that I've made this further realization, that Roach's share "fish" in both colors of the Neve trout! The Neve trout is bendwise, making a bend in the colors of the Smoke/RAUCHE bend. And Racks/Rake's use "honestum," can you believe it, like the "honestas" of the Neve's/Neaves'. The fish of Roach's (share "est" with Pipe-branch Pepins) are easily Fisk liners, and while Neve's/Neaves' use a "Sola" motto term, Sola's/Solneys share white fish ("fish haurient" with Roach's. It's a wild hit: God is speaking.

I don't know how many aeons God spent trying to figure out how to set up these events for making perfect heraldic links, but now that the newsPAPER has been clinched with Neve's, we can take the wallPAPER too, because Papers are Pepperwals/Papperwells. Look at how God fixed things up on the unpleasant side for me, with the fearful mugging, the cockroaches like you never heard before, right behind the headboard of the bed, and the tailpipe problem. Why? The earliest English Tails, who share the single pale bar of Fisks, were in Kent.

The trout-using Neve's were first found in Kent with Piggs/Pixts (same chevron as Papers) who in-turn share the gold fitchee with Halfs/Helps, the latter first found in Gloucestershire with Papers/Pepperwals. That Halfs/Helps use a blue version of the News Shield, and we need to ask whether ChapLETs (in the News Coat) were named after Lets/Late's (Gloucestershire!), for the latter use "organ PIPES." Chaplets use FIVE swans (the number of "quint"), in the colors of the swan once shown for French Josephs. Quince's were first found in the same place as Late-like Ladys, and in the meantime, English Josephs were first found in Hampshire with the Hones' suspect in the "honestas" motto term of Neve's/Neaves'.

Let's/Late's were linked earlier in this update to the Fife Chief, and Fife's share the half lion of Capone's. So what do we think the "oPERA" motto term of Fife's is for? Hebrews, pere chance? The Let/Late stars are colors reversed from the same of Capone's, the latter first found in the same place as News', News-beloved Chapmans, and the Ponders in the Chapman motto. Then, Ponds/PONTs, with a version of the Ponder Coat, were likewise first found in Hampshire. Like I said, God set up the Nissan as code for Nysa of the PONTus, and I drove that Nissan 2,000 miles to get the newspaper just so that it could reveal the News' from "Nysa," right? I've failed to see this similarity until now. Totally amazing. The Ponders and Ponts/Ponds' use one of the Ness/Nessan fesses, and while the latter are also NESTS, we can spot them in the "hoNESTa" motto term of Neve's/Neaves'! I don't recall ever realizing before that News' were Nysa liners.

God owes me 4,000 miles worth of gasoline for this, the cost of three or four nights in motels, and compensation for a fright. And don't forget the cost of the newspaper. Scottish Ness'/Nessans were first found in Fife, beside the first-known Neve's/Neaves' in Angus (Tayside, suspect from Taygeti of Sparta). I've read that Taranto, where Motels were first found, was founded by Spartans. Neve's/Navys share the winged horse with Motels. Quinns use the winged horse in the colors of the Caffery horse, and the Crest of Craigs (Vivian kin?) could have the Caffery rider on horse. Vivians are a branch of Fife's and Five's (same place as Craigs) while Cafferys are said to be from "Five mile Town." Craigs were from southern Sicily, at Acragas, the Arms of which I trace to Anchors that use a version of the Lady Coat. Craigie's ("vivo") share gold three crescents and a chevron with English Coffers. Remember, Craigs are the line from Proculus Charax, begging whether he was named after Acragas elements.

We could say that the black smoke out the tailpipe was due to a bad GAS mixture, which corrected itself after I turned for home. It never came back. There are three Gas surnames, the German ones (a goose) first found in Hamburg with Nissans. And while Gace's/Gassons are the proto-Washingtons, the latter share the double Ness/Nessan fesses. Scottish Gas'/Gascons/Gaests use "squares" that are the checks of Gastons, and the latter look linkable to the Fisk Coat. The FISH-using ROACH's use an eagle rising on a "ROCK proper," and Rutherfords, first found in ROXburghshire, use a goose on a rock.

I didn't realize until now that the Fish surname (compare with Pierce's) shares the fleur-de-lys of Neve's/Neaves', which are colors reversed from the fleur of June's, first found in the same place as News'/Newes'. Can you believe it? Junia Caepionis (one of them) must have had a line linked to one of the three queen Nysa's, one being of CAPPadocia. If we compare Fisks with Cliffs/Cleave's, we can assume that Fisks descend from Glaphyra ArcheLAUS of Cappadocia. Her grandson was TIGRanes VI (husband of Opgalli), and Fish's use a TIGER.

Fish's use the Coat of Vaughns, and the latter us a "NON" motto term. Just like that, Roach's link by their fish to Nons/Nevins. I sold the Nissan to Paul Smith, who lived in Vaughn township, and Smiths use a heron holding a "fish," can we believe it? He needed the Nissan because he lost his JEEP (in an accident, I think), and Jeepma's are Cheps too while News-beloved Chapmans are Chepmans. Smiths, by coincidence or by God's set-up, share the colors and format of Fish's and Vaughns. The Smith fleur-de-lys are those of Perkins/Parkings too, and this brings us to Parkers and Parks, in case they were a branch of the Parchments in the News Crest.

The "quam" motto term of Walkers is shared by CAMbridge's so that it looks like code for Cams (Cam river through Cambridge, where News' were first found). Cams share the six pale bars of Lise's, first found in Hampshire with the Hones' that use fesses in the same colors as those pale bars. Then, Perkins/Parkings are expected from Plancia Magna, Tigranes' granddaughter, and Walkers use a Hones-suspect motto, "HoNESTa quam MAGNA." It looks like a Nysa link to Plancia Magna.

I can guarantee that "HONESta" is a clever code for the Nysa line, for while Nysa of the Pontus was married to PHARnaces, the PARRs with Nissans share the double-blue fesses of Hones'. No coincidence.

The same Walkers share the annulets of Ladys. If the latter were a branch of Lets/Late's, it can be added that while the latter use "organ pipes," Organs are a branch of Corrigans while the latter use a version of the Gowdy/Goody Coat. Goodie liners such as the Swiss Goods/Gutte's (Stick Coat) may be in the "guttee" drops that come with the Smith heron, for Herons and their Orne branch may have been Organ liners. The Gowdy/Goodie motto is, "Honestas." Gowdys were first found in Edinburgh with the Pepin-beloved Mens', a branch of Maness'/Manners who love the Parrs. The Chief-Shield colors of Men's is shared by Partons. Sticks married the Cliffs/CLEAVE's, from "GLAPHyra."

I'm having a problem with the suggestion that Parrs were Pero liners so that Pharnaces then becomes a Pero / Peare liner. I tend to see Pero's as Peters / Petro's, and "Pharnaces' doesn't seem to apply to Peters. In any case, Partons share what could be the embattled Rocco bend, in the colors of ShakesPEARE bend, and the Shake chevron is shared Gowdys/Goodie's (tortoise) that trace by their motto to Nysa and Pharnaces. Shakespeare's ("Non") were first found in Cumberland with Partons, making Partons highly suspect with Pharnaces liners. Shakespeare's share the Gripp bend. Note that English BiGOTs share the tortoise so that Goods/GUTTE's may have been a corruption from "Bigot," making them suspect with Pyxus liners. English Goods were first found in Kent with tortoise-using Chaucers.

This recalls that Mamie, code for Mame's/Meme's/Mens' (the Men's above that love Parrs and look like they share the Parton Shield), had large breasts as God's code for Mamesfelde (of the MANSfields), who are said to be named after "breast." That is, God wanted to assure that Men's were a Mansfield / Mansell branch. Dolly Parton has large breasts too. It can mean that God named Dolly as code for Dollys/Dooleys (same lion as the Brittany Voirs of GRIPel) Dol liners perhaps, for while Alans of Dol married Saluzzo, the Dolly/Dooley Chief-Shield colors are those of Saluzzo's (no symbols), and then Saluzzo was ruled by the Montferrat branch of Vasto's while rulers of Montferrat used a red Chief and white Shield (no symbols), the colors of the Mens / Parton Chief-Shield combination. Dollys are also Doleys, while English Doleys were first found in Oxfordshire with Peare's and Clintons, the latter's Coat a good reflection of the Dolly/Dooley Coat.

Dollys/Dooleys were first found in WestMEATH while Meaths use quadrants in colors reversed from the same of Aarons/Arens, and then it was the FitzAlans of Arun/Arundel that married Alice of Saluzzo. The Rundels "PROpositi") share the fesse of Alans and of Pierro's/PERO's. Unless "Pharnaces" was too-ancient of a name, he may have been named by Pero liners on the Ticino rather than the other way around. While Pharnaces' Pontus goes to Ponders and Ponts/Ponds, they share the red fesse with Alans and Pierro's/Pero's. Laevi Gauls can be expected to have arrived at the Pontus theater with Galatians in the 3rd century BC. "Pharnaces" was a name in the area going back to the 6th century BC.

Mamie was code also for Mummolin, suspect in the "AniMUM" motto term of BEDfords. I had given a Bible to Mamie, but she took it on her trip, she claimed, and left it under the BED as her excuse not to bring it back. The Bedfords share the black lion paw of Quints, and while Pews/Pughs share the black lion in both colors of the Bedford lion paws, both Paws surnames share the peacock with Mame-related and Parr-loving Maness'/Manners, you see. In the meantime, the Bible/Bibo surname (shares the red rooster with Mummolin-liner Babcocks/Badcocks) is suspect with Vibia, mother of Lupus Laevillus. And the Bedfords share a black border with Pharnaces-like Furnace's. There were two other black borders seen during today's work, but I've misplaced them (later found one, and it's the Parrs!!!). The Furnace's may be sharing the dog of Fortuna's in the Bedford motto. Bedfordshire is beside the News' et-al.

I know a Miss Babcock that has large breasts too (not just a little on the large side). BABon was Mummolin's son, and BADon was his grandson.

About the time she left her Bible on her trip, I invited her to a Bible-study meet outdoors, where God set her up with the pastor's daughter, Miss Richardson. I won't go over the meaning of all that, but want to say that the Richardsons and Works both use black lion heads in their Chief in the colors of the Bedford lion paws. While Bedfords are very linkable to Pharnaces, we now have the further coincidence that Works, suspect with "Worcestershire," where Babcocks were first found, share double fesses (different colors) with Ness'/Nessans and Parrs / Nissans. Black-lion Pews/Pughs use "Sic ITUR," and Richardsons use "acquirITUR HONOS" (Hones' share the Parr / Nissan fesses).

Not finished. The double fesses of Works are in the colors of the same of Stands. The Sic-suspect Sichs/Sykes (same place as breasty Partons) share the Coat of red-rooster Kiss'/CUSH's while the red rooster of Bible's STANDs of a CUSHion. Cindy Richardson applies to breasty Mamie only because I KISSed her at home plate while I turned and saw Cindy (second base) eying us with displeasure for doing this. No one else was at this baseball diamond. I recall nothing else that entire evening but this one act of God. The Sich Crest may be using a tortoise, which may be part-code for Toys/Teys, which recalls that God gave Mamie a thigh symbol for the Ticino-suspect Tease's/Tye's (same place as Mamesfelde), a possible branch of TYsons/Tessons (the Ticino was also the Tessin) that use only lions in the colors of the Cindy/CONDy lion. The latter, with two pale bars in the colors of the two Parr fesses, were likely Conteville's, from Font-de-Ville's who are loosely in the / Kiss/Cush and Sich "fountains". Conte liners are in the Sinclair motto along with Works.

Let's repeat that "torTOISE" may be part code for some aspect of the Toys/Tays, for while Goods are said to be from "God," Sinclairs have the motto, "Commit THY work to God." "God" is in the motto of Men's, first found in the same area as Sinclairs.

Toys'/Tays (same place as Quints and Brocks) share three white martlets in Crest with Levins/Livings, the latter first found in the area of the first-known Sykes'. Neve's and Navys (share winged horse with Quinns) were first found at TAYside (beside the first-known SIDE's), and while the Neve's share the fleur-de-lys of Saluzzo-suspect Sales', Tays share the Chief-Shield colors of Saluzzo's, colors reversed from the same of Brocks (share the half lion of Capone's). This can indicate that Mr. Livius, husband of Servilia Caepionis, was linked to Laevi at Saluzzo. Do Quints use a lion PAW? Brocks: "HALF a red lion with a dart in its PAW." Brocks can be with the Copp / Cope fleur because the latter two share the Toys/Tay chevron.

If the Colp location in the Cope write-up is Colpy, it's close to Tarves. The Half variation of Helps can be of the Belgian Have's/Haafs in the motto of Side-branch Sutys. The Copp / Cope rose can be that of Avezzano's, the line to Avesnes on the Helpe river at the Belgian border. This was the region of Eustace II in Boulogne, and as the Arms of Boulogne shares torteaux with Ince's, note that the latter (branch of Ince's/Ines') were first found in Perthshire (beside Tayside) with Sutys and that Colpy is three miles north on INSCH.

The Sich/Sykes Crest shows a tortoise but the description page reads: "A demi triton adorned with flags," and so the TORToise looks like part-code for whatever "TRITon" is code for. There is a Tritten surname with TRAYtons whose helmet looks like that of Dragons/DRAYners (same place as tortoise-using Chaucers). You can bank on Trittens/Traytons (same place as Sales') having been merged with Sales-related Helms.

As per their "ASSIduus" motto term, "Sykes" can be a branch of the Ises variation of Assi's, or of the Ice/Icke surname which may itself be using a version of the Deck/Dagger Coat (Tease/Teck/Tess colors) for a trace to Ice-like Diss'/Dice's suspect in the Sykes-Dyke location of Sykes'. As the Shake chevron is shared by tortoise-using Gowdys/Goodie's, Sykes' (same place as SHAKEspeare's) look like a branch of Shake's and therefore from Shechemites.

By the way, Neve-possible Neville's, from the Touques river (at Gacey), happen to use the same saltire as Tease's/Tess'.

It's about time I do Parks and Parkers. We want to know whether they trace to the Ticino with the Parchment kin of News'. One of the two English Parkers use "Non," for starters. The other Parkers use "certa," and Certs/Cards (TORTeaux) have a LETTER in Crest while Letters/Lauders link to the Tooth Coat while Tooths share the feathers of Perkens/Parkins and Feathers. Parkers use the antler because they call their stag a buck, as do Vise's/Vice's. Bucks were first found in Lincolnshire with Parchments. Both Parkers put bucks in their Shields but call their Crests after stags, code for Stage's/Staggs that put a cross between the antler, as do Vise's/Vice's that in-turn use a giant stag head in colors reversed from the same of Parkers.

It's not been resolved whether Sykes' were merged with Issa/Vis liners, but Sykes-Dyke is in Cumberland, where Parks were first found who may be with the Mark fesse, for German Marks share the double-tipped spear of Shakespeare's (Cumberland). Marks put their checkered fesse on a green Shield, the color of one Parker Shield.

Parkers use flaunches. For years, I have had a problem finding the surname for "flaunch," but here the FLANAGans popped to mind, and they happen to have the motto, "CERTavi etVICi," while it's Parkers that use "certi" while having led to Vice's. The flaunches looks like code for a Flanagan branch. My best shot to date was the Flan variation of Flints (green Shield), suspect with "Flanders." Flanagans use a "An dexter CUBIT arm in armor holding a blue FLAMING sword" In colors reversed, the Flint chevron is that of Shake's. Cubits are suspect with the Cert/Card lion head.

As I trace Flanders tentatively to Blanda, it's interesting that the Flint "flint stones," be they arrow heads or spear heads alternatively, can be those of Pigots, from Pyxus, beside Blanda. Flints come up as "Flink," as do Flynns (share besants with Flame's). In this picture, a trace to the flaming stars of Pero's can be had, especially as Stars share the chevron of Flints. Miss Peare was on a stage along with Louise Phillips, and the Philps use the wolf in colors reversed from the peasant Flynn wolf, and the latter is half in the colors of the passant Navarre wolves. It can trace Flints to Laevi and other things at Novara.

The Trick on Trecate

Could Novara have been named after Nysa, or vice-versa, since Neve / News liners are now resolved with "Nysa"? The upward flint stones of Flints are in half the colors of the three spears of Tricks/Tracks, and Novara is just six miles from TRECate...which may have named the TROCmii Galatians to which BrogiTARUS belonged. Wikipedia:

In their origin they [the Galatians] were a part of the great Celtic migration which invaded Macedon [roughly in the time of Macedon king, Cassander, queen Nysa's ancestor], led by Brennus. The original Celts [Gauls, stupid] who settled in Galatia came through Thrace under the leadership of LeoTARIOS and Leonnorios c. 278 BC. These Celts consisted mainly of three tribes, the Tectosages, the Trocmii, and the Tolistobogii, but they were also other minor tribes. They spoke a Celtic language, the Galatian language, which is sparsely attested.

I traced names amongst the Trocmi to the line of Tullia of Lyon (at Auvergne), and while Lyons share the green lion with Tricks/Tracks (and Drigs), Tulls/Tolle's/Tullia's and Tools share the same lions in the colors of Spanish Tolis'/Toledo's. It seems plain that the Tolistobogii Galatians were Gauls from TOULOUSe. Toulouse is where general Quintus Caepio stole a massive fortune as a spoils of war (it belonged to the Roman government). My theory has been that some of that fortune (see his Wikipedia article) went to Joseph Caiaphas via Julius Caesar getting hold of it. Some of it then adorned the Jerusalem Temple as owned by Herods. In any case, the Tolis/Toledo tower is that also of Pellicans, first found in Maine with Josephs. English Josephs were first found in the same place as Flys (Flavians) while French Tulls use butterFLIES.

The Caepio fortune (reportedly included 50,000 bars each of 15 pounds) is suspect in going to the Galatians, therefore. There had been a link between Plancia Magna, whose father was from Galatia, and the Flavian husband of Vespasia Polla, they being the line to Pellicans without a doubt. The Josephs are expected to be from Flavius Josephus, but the question is whether he was related to Joseph Caiaphas. Flys share the martlets of French Josephs.

Tricks/Tracks were first found in Cambridgeshire with Capone's and Julians, yup. Julius Caesar had an affair with Servilia Caepionis, mother of three Junia's, one of which could have been the illegitimate daughter of Caesar (he was born six years after Caepio, Servilia's grandfather, stole the Toulouse treasure). As Caepio had a war with BOIORix a year after seizing the treasure, I assume that it belonged to Boiorix, or whoever he was fighting for. His name smacks of Boyers / Voyers/Voirs, and the latter's Crest is code for Marici on the Ticino. And the Boyer-like Bogers (share the Caesar roses) evoke "TolistoBOGii." Caesars share the white dolphin in Crest with Pews/Pughs ("Sic" and "ad" motto term), the latter being the ones with the Perkin Coat i.e. suspect with Plancia Magna. In black, the three Pew / Perkin fleur are those of June's. The husband of Servilia was Mr. Livius, and Pews / Perkins can be with the Levi/Levin lion.

After denying it, it was resolved that Davids (share the passant lion of Pews/Pughs and Levi's) were from king David, or at least his grandson, David of Huntingdon, son of ADA of Warenne. The Pews/Pughs use an "ad" motto term, and that points hard to Ada, yet the Ade's, in the Levi motto, use a version of the David Coat. Ada's husband was Henry (son of king David), and it's online that the Hampshire Josephs are from Henry Joseph or Joseph Henry of about the time of Henry of Huntingdon. The Tailards, first found in Huntingdonshire, should be with the Chives quadrants closely, for the Chives cats are the Tiller / Tailer lions. Tailards are said to have been close to CHAPells.

To prove that Ada of Warenne was to the Ade's/Aids, the latter share three leopard faces on a bend with English Words (eagle RISING), and then both Wards and Warrens use the checks in the Word Coat. Scottish Words use a garland, and while Stevens are Garland kin, Stevensons share the leopard faces on a bend too.

If you enter "Davis," you get a Welsh David Coat (FLINTshire) with the motto of Parrys that use one of the two Parr fesses. It's very important because Davids use the Levi lion.

Drigs (spears, same Coat as Tricks/Tracks) were first found in Cumbria, as with ShakeSPEARE's, and this is a good way to make the Drig and Trick link to the flint stones Flints/Flinks. The trick is to prove that Flinks/Flynns use the Navarre wolf so that it can all be traced to Novara and TRECate. Fred FLINTstone's wife is WILMa, with a name like "Vlaam," what Flemings call themselves. And she has a white dress and red hair, the colors of English Flemings.

When we check the Stone's as per "flint stones," they share the split Shield of Cage's, first found in Cambridgeshire with Tricks/Tracks. Gate-like Cetis is along a Trach-like river, and Gate's likewise use these split colors. Proculus, son of Laevillus of Cetis, is suspect with the portcullis GATE, you see. Proculus had a Charax surname while Carricks are said to be from Craigs, who use a motto like that of Stone's, can you believe it? Craigie's use a term from that motto but kick in "Honeste." We have the makings a trace between the Laevi at Novara and Trecate to the TracheiTIS river at Cetis.

Once we cross Lupus Laevillus, we are at the line to Quade's and Queens beloved by Trabys/Sadowski's. The latter use a scarf while Scarfs use wolf heads in the colors of the Flink/Flynn wolf. Also, Teague's/Teegers/CAIGE's are from Laevillus' ancestor, Tigranes VI.

The vertically-split colors of Stone's, Gate's and Cage's are horizontal with Cetis-suspect Cetins/Cattans (probably the Chives cats), from the Cetina = Tilurius river along with Tailors and Tillers...and so why not also the Tailards (kin round-about of Chives'). One of the passant Cetin cats is in the colors of the passant Flink/Flint wolf.

Have we proved that Flints trace with Stone's to Novara? Not bad, but I'd like more. As Flint's use a "Sine" motto term while Sions come up as "Sine," Stone's look like a branch of Sittens (known Flemings) or Sittons/Sidewells (more black lions). Side's, a Sitten branch, use the tiger, symbol of Tigranes. The Ditts use a stripeless tiger in both colors of the Side lion, and the Teague's/TEEGERs/Caige's have a "Diem" motto term that gets DITTmayers/Diems. The Side Chief has spread eagles in the gold color of the spread Stone eagle, and in both colors of the spread eagles of Stoners.

Sittons/Sidewells/SITTERs (Northumberland, same as Manners/Maness') are highly suspect from Sitric (Northumberland), father of Harald, and Haralds/Herods are in Sitton/Sidewell colors. Harald was the father of Maccus, the line to Maxwells/Maccuswells (same general area as PolWORTHs), and while Pollocks (Harald/Herod colors) were a sept of Maxwells (share the WORTH Coat), Sitric married Edith of Polesworth. She (or at least the namers of Polesworth) must therefore have been a line from Vespasia Polla. Worths were at BUDleigh of Devon, near Bude of Cornwall, but then man is near Bute. Pigots were at BUTLey, and while Maccus-line Mackays were at Moray, so were ArBUTHnotts (ABERbuthnotts), judging by their stars. Arbuthnotts share the peacock in Crest with Man-liner Manners/Maness'.

WoolWORTHs use a "bread of CAKE," and Cake's/Cakebreads (Cambridgeshire) are probably from Sitric's Caech name. Caech-like Catch's are in Arbuthnott colors. German Woolworths can be suspect with the Seaton crescent.

As Sitric's family ruled Man, where Parr-loving Manners were apparently from, how did Pharnaces liners get to these vikings? I'll show you before this update is over, and it has much to do with grubs in Cambridgeshire. Woolworths share a ragully bend with breasty, Pharnaces-line Partons, and the latter share the Chief-Shield colors of breasty Mame's/Meme's/Mens' (same place as Breads). I believe that God impressed me with Mamie's terrific thighs, when she was at her garden upon the front lawn, and while I clinched that event with Gardens because they share the boar head of Babons, from the son of MUMmolin, BaumGARTNers share the Cake/Cakebread fleur. Gardens use a "JUNGunter" motto term while Jungs are June's while Cake's are likely using the fleur of the Cambridge June's.

As Gunters use gauntlet gloves, "jungunter" may indicate a June-Gaunt relationship. Dutch Ghents not only share the fesse of Dolls/Dols, but of the Arms of Fanano, which itself uses what looks like a banner. The so-called GONfanon banner is partly for Fanano, and can be partly for June-like Gone's with a Ghent-like Guenet variation, and sharing the bend of Gaunts. Plus, Banners share the giant fleur-de-lys with Cake's while Gaunt is at the Lys river while Maccus-like Maceys use the gauntlet glove. My Masci mother has large breasts, and so did Christine Peare (i.e. Christine's were first found on Man).

With TRECate in the area of the first flaming-STAR Pero's, Star TREK just came to mind. Without going over it all, Star-Trek items traced well to the Terek river over by Alania (Caucasia), where Khazars had their start. The Terek is at STEPHANTsminda, and Stephensons share a green version of the Ade Coat. Can't the Ade-beloved Levi thus link to Trecate as the Laevi Gauls? The Stars share the chevron of Flints/Flans/Flinks that brought Trecate to topic in the first place ("Trecate" is not in any of my computer files / updates but this one). Stephensons share the bend of Roddens/Rodhams (same place as Stephensons) while Star Trek was created by Gene RODDENbury. Stars use a "Vive" motto term suspect with the Craig and Craigie mottoes.

"Acragas" (on the Hypsas river) can be from the Dexaroi on the Apsus, I've just realized, because Dexaroi were to the Daggers and their ACRE branch. ACRagas. From here we take the Dexaroi to queen Nysa because they were at Antipatria/Antipater while king Antipater of Macedonia was the ancestor of Nysa. Acre's (Craig fesse) share the June fleur. Comyns, from Kuman on/off the Apsus river, use the dagger. The "Courage" motto of Comyns can be for Acragas / Charax liners. The red fleur of Pews/Pughs and Perkins were suspect with the three June fleur, and Courage's (Essex, same as Quints) happen to use the three Pew / Perkin fleur in both colors. Courage's are said to possibly be the namers of Cowridge End in Luton, which is in Bedfordshire...while Bedfords share the Quint lion PAW. Pawfect. Gellone's, suspect from the Gela founders of Acragas, share three red fleur. Brocks (Capone half lion) were first found in Essex too, and their Brocuff branch shares the sphinx with Hips'. Bedfordshire is beside Middlesex, where Apsus-river liners such as Apps' and Fiers were first found.

The Hypsas was also the Drago, and Drigs happen to have been first found in the same place as Daggers and Acre's. Whether it's a coincidence or not, Cate's/Cats', looked up as per "TreCATE," share the moline of Fiers. I see the Fier Coat as a version of the Chiaro/Claro Coat while MonteChiaro, to the side of Acragas, married the Mosca's of that area who are in the Drake motto. The Irish Fairs/PHARES' (Sarasin moline?) use a version of the Fier Coat while Scottish Fairs (Cumberland, same as Daggers / Acre's and English Sarasins/Saracens) use a giant anchor that helps to predict an Anchor/Annacker trace to the Arms of Acragas. Sarasens/Saracens are in Carrick and Sarah/Sayer colors while the latter share the bend of Shakespeare's (Cumberland again) and Varns, the latter first found in Ayrshire with Carricks and Craigie's.

While Acre's were first found in the general area of Levins, suspect with Mr. Livius, father of at least one Junia Caepionis (there were three sisters named alike), Acre-like Ackers share a "dove rising" with Leafs/LEVE's, and, I've just noticed, the latter are in the colors and format of Craigie's! Zowie. The Arms of Agrigento has a red Chief with white Shield, as does the Coat of Partons, first found in Cumberland with Daggers and Acre's. Partons got heavily suspect with Pharnaces. Partons are expected with Maness'/Manners, and Mens' (Chief/Shield combo of Partons) were first found in Midlothian while a branch of Craigie's and their Dundas kin were in West Lothian, as were DUND-like Tenants that likewise use the same Chief-Shield combo.

The "VELA" motto term of Tenants came in big in the last update along with the "VEL" of Turks/TORKs. Vela's (Navarre) use TORCHes at four "corners," and Corners/Garners (Gardner branch?) share the acorn with Ackers. Acorns and possibly the Vela eagle are in the Dutch Tromp Coat while VAL Trompia is at lake Garda and breast-suspect Brescia, where Gardens / Baumgartners can trace, and while Baumgartners use the fleur of Man-liner CakeBreads while Breads were in the same place as breasty Mame's/Men's, by what coincidence do the latter use a "Vil" motto term while being first found in Midlothian, near the West-Lothian Tenants?

The Tenants came to topic as per my tenant, Helen. After our first sexual encounter, she did a curious thing. Standing on the landing of the stairs while going down to her apartment, she raised her top, bent over a little, let her breasts (not small) hang down for my viewing pleasure while the top was over her face, and then went down the stairs with a smile. I have a hard time believing that God would have provided that event, but for this revelation, I just never know anymore what he will allow. She proved to be code for Helen of Troy, wife of Mens-liner Menelaus, from Maeonians, whom historians view as proto-Lydians, yet myth writers made the great-mother goddess the mother of Lydians. So, that event along with the paragraph above looks providential. You decide. I'll just tell the stories.

Was Lothian named after Lydians? Why do Lothians use the pine tree, symbol of Attis, mythical father of the Lydians? Atti(s) was in play with "Aeetes," the owner of the golden fleece that was protected by the Sparti dragon of Boeotia. Sepharvites, right? The founders of Spartans, right? Yes, and Menelaus was a Spartan, as was Helen. Her father, Tyndareus, was code for Tyndaris at the Glaucus river (Colchis) of Aeetes. As I said, I took Helen from Dave, and he came around one night hoping to find her home, but not finding her, he left some CHOCOlate on the door knob for her. That can be code for Caucasia, location of Colchis, and yet "chocoLATE" can also be code for Lets/Late's (Glaucus-like Gloucestershire), like the Leto line to Leda, wife of Tyndareus and mother of Helen. My Helen left me for Steve, and Stevens were likewise first found in Gloucestershire.

Let's/Late's use "organ pipes" while I trace Pipe's and Pepins (Jeune fleur) to Paphlagonians, who lived on the Helen-like Halys river of the Hatti whom Atti(s) depicted. And I think that the Pontus was originally named after the large points of land (can be seen on a typical map) around the mouth of the Halys. Mythical Helen was from HellesPONT (the sister of the rider of the golden fleece fell to her death in the Hellespont).

Recall the "JUNGunter" of Gardens, for while lake Garda is at Val Trompia, German Tromps/Trumps have a stag head in the colors of the Jung/June stag. Trumps are in Troy colors and first found in the same place. Was Trompia filled with a Trojan bunch of pot smokers?

Historians think that Trojans were Thracians or the namers thereof. "Thrako" looks like the makings of a mythical dragon, which was named Lothian-like Lotan or Ladon, from Lydians and therefore from Cybele's Phrygians. The original great-mother, Inana, was called the great mother of the heavenly dragon, or mother of the great heavenly dragon. Should we be looking for this Trojan bunch at Trecate? Do the women around there flash their breasts? Recall the buttons in the trailer, for Trojans had mythical Batia as their mother, suspect with the Colchian Bats at the Glaucus-river theater. Lets/Late's share the stars of breasty Peare's and Artemis-suspect Thames' (she was daughter of Leto/Latona). I've read that Lydian men freely gave their daughters up to become temple prostitutes, smacking of the Revelation harlot.

The Trittens/TREYtons came up shortly before I saw "TRECate" on the atlas. As DRAGons are DREYners too, who share the helmet of Trittens/Treytons, I can see Trecate from the Drago river at Acragas. And then there's the Scottish Treys/Trails/Traylers (Bedfordshire), who can be from the DRILon river, which is the modern Drin to which Dragons/Dreyners/DRAINers definitely trace. The latter (Kent, same as Mynetts) share the open helmets of Mynetts, from Amyntes of the TROCmii Galatians. We have a story. Kent is where tortoise-using Chaucers (chocolate line?) were first found, and the Sich Crest is said to have a triton (which brought Trittens to topic), yet it shows as a tortoise. It's amazing that Gowdys share a tortoise while it evokes TREY Gowdy.

I now recall the Caucasian Toreatae up at the Azov sea, a fellow tribe with the Sittaceni, suspect with a Soducena location of swan-liner lake Sevan. Helen of Troy was born from the egg of a swan, with Zeus as father swan, and this symbolism can be proven to be from lake Sevan ("Lychnis" on the map above). Zeus elements at lake Sevan, that is, home of Gog, the line to mythical CYGnus at the Savona theater.

The Drin river comes north to the area where peoples out of Rhizon/Risinium could have lived (see light map). The DARDanians were nearby, and then both Tricks and Drigs use a RISING sun while calling their spears, DARTs. The Darts/Dards share the ermined fesse with Sleeps, from the Selepitanoi peoples between Rhizon and the Drin. Risings are in Trick / Drig colors. The Suns are listed with the Sinclairs who apparently honor the Goods/Gutte's in their motto. Dragons/Dreyners were first found in Kent along with Goods/Gutte's. German Goods share the gold garb with Gowdys/Goddie's, the latter first found in Edinburghshire while Edinburgh is six miles from the Roslin location of Sinclairs.

The bend of Trittens/Treytons (Cheshire, same as Sales') is suspect with the Sale bend while Treys/Trails use a "salus" motto term. Cheshire is beside Flintshire, and Flints brought us to Novara (beside Trecate) in the first place. The Trey/Trail motto suggests the Crimmons/Rimmons, first found in Skye and Lewis. Lewis' were, I feel sure, from Laevillus. And it's the Skye-like Sykes' (Cumberland, same as Pharnaces-suspect Partons and Trick-branch Drigs) that have the triton. Treytons are said to have settled at Lewes in Sussex. Lewis'/Lewes' use the DRAGon, with blood drops that are at times called "guttee," suspect with Gowdys/Goddie's ("Honestas", the term tracing to Pharnaces and Nysa). The Hones' and Parrs use two fesses in the colors of the three of English Treys. This could possibly be the Trecate line to Pharnaces and Nysa.

A dog's walk north of Trecate is Galliate, like "Galatia." Some 15-20 miles southwest of Novara is Sesia, which might account for the Sestie and similar variations that list "Cetis." The latter (in Flink/Flynn colors) share a single lily (nothing else) with Susans, in Flink/Flint colors. Flints/Flans were suspect with Blanda, and Blands share three pheons on a bend suspect with the same of Helms (share pheon in Crest with Sales') while Trittens/Treytons use this Sales bend with a HELMet. It all looks very good for a Trey line in or out of Trecate. And while Treys/Trails use the colors and format of French Davids/Davis' (harp), the latter use lilies too. This recalls that Welsh Davis' were first found in Flintshire.

The Treys/TRAILs came up several months ago when tearing apart my trailer, when red buttons I didn't know about fell into the kitchen SINK. I felt that it was an act of God. I can't recall what I wrote at the time as per heraldry, but I can now say that Sinks (Cambridgeshire) use yet another version of the Sales / Tritten/Treyton Coat. The Sink Coat is likely a version of the Marleys (same place as sales' and Trittens/Treytons). The Sink dolphins are white, as is the one of Pews/Pughs ("Sic" and "ad" motto term) and of the Kent Caesars. But why did buttons fall into the sink? Are Buttons/Bidens Laevi-important? They share the red fesse with Leavells and Ponts/Ponds / Ponders.

Sinks are in Kitchen colors, and Kitchens (Furnace colors) share the water bougets of Banister (Lancashire, same as Kitchens, Parrs and Furnace's). Banisters throw in the same fleur as June's, first found in the same place as Sinks. Was God saying that this picture links to Trails/Treys? It was only yesterday that I was cleaning up all the bolts, washers and screws sprawled over much of my work table, when I came across the bag with the red buttons, as well as the bag of brown buttons found, soon after, in the inner pocket of my years-old jacket. I threw them both away figuring I'd never need them.

I think I now know why I had the Banes' (dagger) lumped in with Banesters years ago. Not that I knew the reason then, but now i think I do. The Banes' use a wolf head in the colors of the Navarre wolves. It's supposed to trace Banisters with Kitchens to Novara, I think. Banes' were first found in Dover while Dovers use a giant black cinquefoil while the Treys suspect with the Parr fesses use their cinquefoils partly in black. Dovers (share white tower in Crest with Dove's) may have been named after the Leaf/Leve dove. Due to the Banes motto, the surname was suspect with ban, father of mythical LANCElot, a potential symbol for a line from Lancashire's. The principal mansion of the Banes' was in Lancashire, and it was called the CRAGGs. It just so happens that Crags share leaves in the same colors as the "tree leaves" of Leafs/Leve's. PLUS, the Crags share the black dog of Carricks...and Furnace's!!! Mr. Proculus Charax is tracing to Navarre liners of Novara. Was "PROculus" a Pero term???

By the way, Lancashire is where Copelands were first found who share the double Ness/Nessan fesses. As I traced Benjamites to the Kupa/Colapis river aside from anything to do with Copelands, what about their "BENIGno" motto term" Did the makers of this motto know their Benjamite ancestry? Copelands were at Whittington while Whittingtons use the motto, "Sapere aude." The Whittington Crest shares the Timm/Time and Bush goat head while I trace the latter two to Edom's Bozrah, home of Esau-line Hebrews expected to have lived with other Hebrew tribes in Edom.

Remember, the Navarre wolves are in the colors of the Fleming wolf while Laevi are expected with flaming-star Pero's. The Banes' and Banesters are now expected with that picture. The Banes motto is much like the Neve'/Navy motto, both using "arte" and "marte." What do we suppose "marte" is code for?

When God gave the dream with Miss Hicks, she was hovering over the seats in a car on the sand of a beach, and then Sands, Cars and Seats were all first found in Lancashire while she (in real life) moved to Furnace-like Forney. The Seats even use two pale bars in the colors of the Parr fesses. It now looks like that part of the dream was for Pharnaces liners. The Sands give the impression of a merger with Quints, and Irish Sanders could be with a version of the Coat of the Lancaster Partons, who share ragully with Sands. The house she moved to in Forney, which was newly built, was owned, apparently, by a Mr. Childs, for his name was registered there. Beach's were first found in Herod-suspect Hertfordshire with Childs. There is a Forney surname that shares a white chevron with Cars and Childs, yet the Forney chevron is in both colors of the double chevrons of German Sanders.

As I said, she was hovering, and while German Sanders use red bull heads, Hovers use a leopard face with red bull horns while Horns were likewise first found in Hertfordshire. Hertfords, in Hick colors, share the buck with Hicks. I was told to go wake her up, and Wake's (Lincolnshire, same as Bucks) share two fesses in the red of Ness'/Nessans. It has taken me this long to decipher that dream as well as I just have. About eight months before I met her, I drove the Nissan to Crystal City, where she was going to church, and where I ended the trip due to a smoke problem in the tailpipe. I had driven by Baytown the previous day, where she was living a few months prior to moving to the Crystal-City area. Bays share the double fesses, in colors reversed, of Parr-loving Manners/Maness'.

There was some good material in the first paragraph of this update on the Perken and Perkin link to Loddon's Thwaite's, highly suspect with Tute's, Tooths, Totts, Tottens, Twitch's and Tattons from lake Tatta in Galatia, or its namers. It's just that Perkens were first found in Lancashire so as to look linkable to Pharnaces elements at Tatta. God, I think, showed me that Tooths are to be linked to Gumms / Gomers, which some say were Cimmerians...who lived at Sinope, way down the Halys river from Tatta. Tooths use a red "demi griffin SEGReant", suspect partly with Seager liners that I trace to the SAKARia river of neighboring Phrygia. In my opinion, the Pontus was named after the two or three points of land jutting out to sea around Sinope. The Snopes surname is a good suspect for Sinope liners, and Snape's/Snips (beloved of the Meuller snips) use the portcullis gate on what looks like the Clinton Shield.

Can you imagine how much work it is to take apart an 18-foot trailer, piece by piece, and then to throw everything in the trash? What possessed me? This place looked like a junk yard for days. I was thinking that I could use the trailer's frame to lug firewood in from the forest, but now think that God pout me to that job for nothing in return for me, and all for this discussion here. Sinks are suspect with Sings/Songs/Singers / Sangs/Singers at the Sangarius river of Brogitarus, the Trocmii ruler who birthed the Amyntes line to Mynetts, kin of Dragons/Drayners/DRAINers. Sinks have drains, right? You see.

Sings/Songs/Singers, partly in Flint colors, share the garbs of Sticks and Germo-Swiss Goods. The part in Flint colors is the Frey/Phreeze horse, and Freys are from Phrygians, who lived on the Sangarius. If Phreeze's were Pharisees, then Pharisee-suspect "Pharnaces" may have been a Phrygian term.

AHA!!!!!!!! The Furnace's and Parrs share the black border with Kitch's!!!!!!! Such a laugh, but still not enough payment for taking that trailer apart just to find a bag of unused buttons in a kitchen sink. Kitch's were first found in Cheshire with Trittens/Treytons while Treys are also Trails (column in Crest) while the other Treys use three of the Parr fesses. What giant thing do you suppose Kitch's use? "Silver with a green LEAF surrounded by a black and gold checkered border" The houseofnames shows a fully-black border.

The Gots/Godde's ("birds"), by the way, share the crossed swords of Borders. And don't forget that Borders are beloved by the double-tressure border of Flemings. And, zowie, I just threw the buttons in the TRASH yesterday while dragon-using Tresure's (Somerset, same as Borders) are also Trashers! This is really making me laugh. What has God wrought? What kind of way is this to tell a story?

Then Button/Biden fesse is shared by Caens, and the latter use "citis" buried in their motto, which Cetis was also Citis while Kitch's are also Ketch's. It reminds that Scottish Kidds use a motto term suspect with Orba/Olba at Cetis. English Kidds (beside the Leafs/Leve's) share a dove in Crest with Leafs/Leve's. The latter share the chevron of tiger-using Catch's (Norfolk, same as Leafs/Leve's).

Recall the theory that God named Dolly Parton because Dollys/Dooleys should trace to Pharnaces along with Partons. The Scottish Kidds share a version of the Dolly/Dooley Coat. These Kidds were from Dundee while the Dundee's (Angus, same as Neve's and Neve's/Navys) share the white-on-blue lily with Cetis'/Sestie's.

I can't remember how it came to be, but I had a home-made CD with a song by Dolly Parton and a male singer, Kenny Rogers, i think,. I didn't like the song because it sounded like fornication between lovers. I recall that "island" is a word on that song, and while this evokes the lily-suspect Lille's/Lisle's ("honesta"), there is even an Island surname (new to me) with 16 bars all on the colors of the Parr fesses. Amazing. Hang on to your chair, because Islands ("fish") share a black border with Parrs and Furnace's. You can't say that I wrote that song, but you can say that God injected "island" into it.

Lille's, by the way, share the swallow with Arundels, and the latter's Saluzzo kin trace definitely to Clintons, first found in Oxfordshire with Islands. The Clinton Coat is a good reflection of the Dolly/Dooley Coat probably for the reason that FitzAlans of Arundels were from Dol. The description page for Islands: "Barry wavy of 16 silver and blue with three black fish and a BLACK BORDER with bezants". The Fish's (another tiger) use fleur in colors reversed from the June fleur.

There is an Isle surname with the black June fleur, and a lion paw holding a black fleur, similar to the Quint Crest. June's are from Quintus Caepio, right? The Isle's were first found in Somerset, beside the Dorset of Quints, and while houseofnames places the first English Yonge's in Essex with other early Quints, the Swyrich description website above says that the same Yonge's were first found in Somerset. These Yonge's use a "jeune" motto term, you see. German Youngs are also June's.

Here's a not-great version of the Dolly-Parton song, "Islands in the Stream":

Can we say that the 16 wavy bars in blue and white look like a stream? No Stream surname comes up. The Islands are shown properly as Ostlers/Hostlers. I wonder what they were? Austins/Ostians (Bedfordshire) look like kin of Quints and Bedfords (black border!). Scottish Austins use a "NOStra" motto term. What could that be for?

As you can see Kenny Rogers is singing with Dolly. What are the chances that English Rogers' use a "Nos" motto term while Nos' are listed with Ness'/Nessans/Nests? Yup. They even use "Nos nosTRAQUE Deo." Irish Kennys use a "TeNEAT" motto term while Neats (Cambridgeshire, same as Gowdys/Goodie's) share a version of the Gowdy/Goodie Coat ("HoNESTas").

Hang on to your oversized bra, because Neats are like the Need variation of Name's (Lincolnshire, same as Parchments, share their chevron), and the Irish Name's/Nannys were first found in Westmeath with Dollys/Dooleys. English Name's/Neme's, sharing the Meath quadrants in colors reversed, were likewise first found in Lincolnshire. Meaths share the fleur of the Kennys with the "teNEAT" motto term. These Kennys appear to be kin of English Browns and Spanish Flora's, while Scottish Browns share the Fish Coat essentially.

Welsh Rogers look linkable to Sink-suspect Singers, but just go ahead and compare Welsh Rogers to the Kennys ("Vincit" can be for Vinchio, beside Nizza Monferrato). Who really named Kenny Rogers? Both Kenny surnames (same place as Teague's) share a "roll of parchment" with Rolls and Nysa-suspect News/Newes'. Portuguese Austins use vases while Vase's are listed with Fessys ("vincit").

Devin Nunes is Portuguese, and the Dolly-Parton song came from Miss Abreu, a Portuguese woman who recorded many Western songs for me. I kid you not that Miss Abreu has a massive collection of designer dolls, in the range of 30. And Irish Dolls use "Vincit" too. Portuguese Abreu's use FIVE wings, while Face's/Fessys use "vincit" for Wing/Wink liners from Vinkovci. Face-loving Parsons use "emBRUED" drops that look like code for Italian Abreu's, for the latter have lions in the colors of the Parson leopard faces...not to mention that it's the Nunes lion too. Parsons share the faces of Peare's, first found in Oxfordshire with Islands/Ostlers. Miss Peare is another woman with large breasts.

Remember here that Dollys/Dooleys are suspect with Dols/Dolls with the TOLIStobogii Galatians, likely from Tool-like Toulouse, while Tulls/Toole's/Tullia's share the pyramid with the Fessy kin of Fisks. Tullia of Lyon (daughter of Gallia) was at Auvergne's Clermont-Ferrand, partly a line from Firenze = FLORence, where I trace Browns because it's where Bruno's were first found. Browns and Kennys share "FLOReat," and as "floREAT," it's code for Reats/Reeds/Riets and Reits/Riets/Rats/RAIDERs, which recalls that I met Miss Peare when she worked at REITmans. Apparently by the move of God, I had called Devin Nunes a RAIDer on a winged horse with FLAME-tipped arrows, and if I recall correctly, this was before (but only shortly before) I found the flaming stars of Pero's.

Miss Abreu installed pink FLAMINGo's (on lawns) on a part-time basis. There is a Dutch Flamingo/Vlaming/Flaming surname with a Shield filled with the Louvier / Vaux checks, shared by Irish Flemings.

Coming across Florence now reminds that I found RED buttons shortly before finding BROWN buttons. Why red? Perhaps due to the "FloREAT" of Browns, for Reats are also Reds, first found in Northumberland, beside the Browns of Cumberland. Or, the Tous'/Tosni's of Florence use a red shirt with buttons (red buttons assumed). And the brown buttons may reveal that Florence's Bruno's were merged with Buttons/Bidens somehow, for example in the same motion that brought Buttons together with Tous'. Amazingly, while Italian Barone's were first found in Florence too, Berone's/Byrums use a "tous" motto term. One Brune surname looks like an Ade line with the Bernician bear.

The "maJESTa" motto term of Browns looks partly for Jests/Guests, for they share the Brown chevron. Jests/Guests share swans with Hedge's, in the hedgehogs of Berone's/Byrums. I can now understand why the finding of the brown buttons was important, for if you check out English Guests, the share the chevron probably of Chaplains and Josephs so that "Jest" looks like a variation of "Joseph." The English Guests not only use a black swan in Crest while French Josephs once showed a black swan, but the split Guest Shield is that of German Caplins while English Caplins (same place as Josephs) seem to share the Joseph Chief. And the Buttons/Bidens (same place as Josephs) use the chapeau cap of CAPLin-like Capelli's. There you go, the button mystery much solved. The Treys/Traylers use much the colors and format of Jests/Guests, and the Trayler motto term, "DIScrimine," can be for Diss'/Dice's whom I link to Davers with a jay while Jackets are Jaycocks. Jacks share the same fesse as Buttons.

[Insert - While looking at the disc of Italian Martins below, I found Diskers/Dischers/Dishers with a version of the Diss/Dice Coat, which tends to prove that the Diss'/Dice's use a version of the Tarent and Child Coats, which in-turn tends to prove that Childs/Chills were from CILNius Maecenas. The Diss/Dice and Discher/Disher Coats are also a version of the Peare Coat, apparently, because Peare's were first found in Oxfordshire with Dischers/Dishers. That supports a trace to Decks/Daggers, who share the red squirrel of Dyke's, to "Ticino." And Italian Martins were first found in BREScia. This insert was placed here after the below was already written where you see it.]

These large breasts all around may not have been by God's choice (sound crazy?) to merely link Mamie to Mamesfelde, but to point to Brest in Brittany, for Brests/Brix's were kin of Alan-possible Launay, from Lane's/Lano's, first found in BREScia/Brixia, and I read that the Eburovices who named Abreu-line [Miss Abreu has large breasts] Evreux were also in Brescia. Makes sense. Bricks can be gleaned as Brix's with the Massey fleur-de-lys, and the gold-on-red wing of Portuguese Abreu's is shared by Masci's. I suppose this is why I rented a room in Miss Abreu's house. Whelans share the Brick Coat [branch of Brests] while Dolls/Dols [as per big-breasted Dolly Parton] use the whale [biggest breasts of all, heh heh]. If Miss Peare had stayed with me rather than going to Mr. Kepke, I would not have dated Miss Whelan immediately upon moving out of the apartment that Miss Peare shared with me.

Partons were first found in Lancashire, home of the Setantii Brigantians whom I trace to the family of Maccus through Man.

Good Morning

I awoke this morning wondering about those breasts. I remembered that they should be God's code also for the great-mother goddess, and so I asked why Pero's should trace to her, and immediately a slew of realizations occurred. "Pero" could be from a "Phrygia" variation such as Frey > Prey > Parry, for the great-mother Cybele was the Phrygian goddess. In this picture, any developments from Pero's to Pierre's / Perez's and therefore to Peters was as per some Peter entering the family.

I realized that even "Christine" could be from Phrygians because the Phrygian goat was Marsyas, the line to the Marsi of Abruzzo, highly suspect with Marici that lived where Pero's lived. The French Mars (almost the colors and format of Christine's) were first found in Burgundy with Pilate's while Christine's share the cups of Pilotte's and Pellets. Scottish Mars use two lions in pale (as with Levi's) in the colors of the Tool / Tull/Tolle lion, and we saw that latter line tracing to Galatians, who lived at or beside Phrygia. The Laevi Gauls are expected in the Gaul to Galatian migration. Christine's were first found on the isle of man, where Maccus and/or his father/brother ruled, and while Maccus formed the Mackays (or perhaps vice-versa), the Mars use the colors and format of Mackays.

Note that while Phrygians were also Briges/Brigians, it smacks of "BURGundy." Maccus' grandfather, Sitric Caech, could have named the Catch's, who happen to share the Mar scallops (half in the colors of the Meschin scallops while Burgundy is where Messeys were first found who use the flag of MERCia. It makes Mercians suspect withy Marici. Kitchens, Kitch's and Catch's could all have been Phrygians because the red buttons had dropped into the Sangarius-suspect sink. And I have been tracing the Sitric-like Sitters/Sidewells/Sittons to the Setantii BRIGANTians (like "BURGUNDy") for many months.

Irish Bergens share the lion of English Marks. Dutch Bergens/Bergers share the fesse of Pierro's/Pero's, and the Bergens/Bergers perhaps place the Tease/Tess/Teck saltire upon their fesse, for the Tease's/Tye's (same place as Annas'), to which large-breasted Mamie traces, likewise share the fesse of Pierro's/Pero's. Is that not amazing, right off the bat on this new idea? Swedish Bergens use a "wagon wheel" (not the Catherine wheel), which is in the design of the Verres/Verret/Verre wheels, a surname possibly from Varesse up the Ticino near the Swiss border. The Tease's/Tess' were first found in Switzerland while Tease's/Tye share three white stars with Verres'/Verrets/Verre's.

Recall how the Verre-like Varro's connected well to Navarre's. The latter's two wolves in pale are in the colors of the Pero pale bar, and in the colors of the Fleming wolf while Pero's use flaming stars. And the Navarre border (Borders are loved by Flemings, right) have small saltires half in the colors of the Bergen saltires, themselves upon the same fesse a Pierro's/Pero's. "Pero" can now look like "Perga," and it just so happens that Plancia Magna's family had the chief priestesses of Artemis while her father was from Galatia, where Brogitarus was the chief priest of Cybele.

As I awoke this morning, thinking on this, the not-rare motto phrase, "Pro rege," came to mind, now suspect with Pero's. And "rege" has been suspect from a line of the Rhagae Iranians through Rhea the great mother (daughter of Iranian-suspect Uranus). Heraldic RAGully, partly suspect with Julian-branch Gullys,. can be a Rhagae line, and Partons use ragully, for example, as do English Stewarts from the Iranian Alans of Dol. The Alan-related Rundels (same fesse as Pierro's/Pero's and Alans) and Arundels (from ARUN) may have been URANus liners. The Perseus Danaans were born from Zeus (Rhea's son) as a golden shower, suspect as code for Uranus' rainfall. And I trace "Perseus" to the Parthenius river of Phrygia, then to mythical Paris (PARION) in Mysia, and to the all-female Muses of PARNassus in the area of Zeus' mount Olympus.

But as Danaans were from Dan/Laish, note that Laus of Italy is near Reggio. This Laus is from Las of Sparta (near the Boura area whose Achaeans founded Sybaris and Laus), near the Danaans at Argos. Las was represented by Menelaus, whose wife (Alan- / Elis-suspect Helen) was abducted by mythical Paris. Parion is on the Hellespont, perhaps named partly after the Pontus Amazons.

The historians say that Lydians were birthed from a mix of Maeonians (line to Menelaus) and Mysians, but myth writers simplified it by making Cybele (Cabelees, fellow tribe of Lasonii) the mother of Lydians, with Attis (Hatti on the Halys river of what would become Galatia), the Phrygian sun god (read as a Zeus element), as the father. In other words, the Laish line to Lydians were fully Phrygian in their eyes.

While the Sidonians of Laish are suspect to the Sittens, the Edones had a Sithone branch while Sitones of Sweden/GOTland, who had a matriarchal system honoring mothers, are thus highly suspect with mythical Odin, like "Edone." And Odin's wife was Phrygia-like Frigg.

Of interest here is mythical Creusa (could be the line to Christine's), who was made the wife of a Trojan son of Aphrodite, Oeneus-like Aeneas, and they were at Acragas. The point here is that Aeneas' wife was more-specifically Venus, a term that I trace to "Veneti," from the Heneti Paphlagonians who lived on the PARTHENius river, which, keep in mind, is suspect with the naming of Parnassus-like PHARNaces as well as with Parion (city of Gorgon Muses). It's known that Muses were at Sybaris after it was renamed when Herodotus came to live there. Paphlagonians proper were at the Pontus, or around the mouth of the Halys river, home of the Galli priests (proto-Gauls, right) of the Aphrodite-related Kabeiri, who worshiped Cybele along with the Amazons of Lemnos.

If you go to your light map, you will see the Parthini to the near-south of Lissus. They lived on the southern bank of the Mathis, and Mathis', sharing the Chives moline because Chives' were from Cavii at Lissus, were first found in BURGUNdy. Chives' named Chivasso, not 50 miles from Novara's Laevi. Can't we expect Laevi at Chivasso too, that named Caiaphas? Just compare the two terms, but also with "Cavii." I therefore assume that Chivasso liners migrated with Italy's Gauls to Galatia, and Opgalli was a Galatian woman, some saying that she was Jewish. Wikipedia doesn't explain why she is thought to have been Jewish.

Let's go back to the Phrygian Marsyas, expected with the Marici partners of the Laevi. It's a great reason to trace Laevi to Galatia, for Phrygia overlaps Galatia. And while we saw that God placed me in the home of large-breasted and Hebrew-suspect Miss Abreu, so the Marsi lived at lake FUCino of Abruzzo, which I suspect is from Foca, the ancient Phocaea (known co-founders of Ligures) at the Lydian coast facing the lesbian island of Lesbos. That's Laish-bos, right? Ask the matriarchal Sitones about mama worship. Foca elements (at the end of the Hermus river) may be in the "PRO aris et focis" motto of Dexter-beloved Weights, and of Hazeltons (leaves and the chevron of SHAKE's). If "aris" is for the Ris' (croziers but called "pilgrim's staves"), they are also Reys', perhaps Rhea liners. Pilgrims (Peleg liners?) use the scimitar, a SHECHemite symbol, and three pilgrim's staves in the colors of the three Levi chevrons.

However, Pilgrims call the scimitar a cutLASS, as do Elis-possible Eliots, and "Elis" is highly suspect from lass-like Laish. The Lass surnames are with Lacys, one of which shares pellets with Voys/Foix's/Foyers. The latter share pellets with Elliots, in colors reversed from the Cutt plates.

The scimitar is code for SchimaTARI, perhaps named after the same entity that named IshTAR, the proto-Rhea (assumes the Ishtar / AshTART cult in Tyre / Sidon / Laish). Was the "tar" of Ishtar named after the same that named DARdania, suspect with Dan = Laish? Looks like, for Troy (looks like "Tyre") was founded partly by Cretans. And "Europa," Cadmus' sister to Crete, and highly likely the same entity as Rhea on Crete, can be spelled, "EBRopa," what looks like Eberites = Hebrews. If the Mesha area of Joktanite Hebrews was from Mus, then Joktanites can be gleaned in CadMUS.

Peleg's brother, JOKtan," may have had an ox symbol that became the Zeus bull, for Joktan's son, HADORAM (he lived or was born near Sephar), is highly suspect with the ADRAMmolech god of Sepharvites while Molech was a bull entity suspect with Amalthea of Crete. Sepharvites are suspect (by me) in forming the Sparti from Cadmus' bull cult at Thebes (in Boeotia, same as Schimatari).

A dexter paw of a black lion, suspect with the Levi / Palin lion, and with the Quint lion paw, is used by dagger-line Kilpatricks, from Antipatria liners. The Mars happen to share the scallops of Irish Pattersons/Cassane's, the Antipater > Cassander line to queen Nysa of the Pontus. And the Scottish Pattersons (pelicans for PELAGonia) use the motto, "PRO REGE et grege." What do we suppose "grege" is code for? Why do we thing the pelicans are on NESTS? Heraldry is by nature, whether intended or not, a tracking system. It spills the beans on pagan and satanic history. It sheds light on its historical darkness even while seeking to hide it in code.

Lesbos is known to be an island of the Lapiths, which included Peleg-suspect PHLEGyas, which can go to Pelagonia, which can make pelicans suspect as a fundamental Hebrew line in direct connection with Aphrodite-liner Abruzzo (ancient capital at Aprutium). The Pellican surname uses a giant tower in the colors of the Abreu/Abruzzo tower, you see, and from this we can suspect that the "Pro rege" of pelican-liner Pattersons is of Abruzzo elements, explaining why Pattersons share the Mar scallops. Peleg was the son of Eber, the Biblical founder of Hebrews, and Abruzzo liners were EBUROvices. Navarre is in the Ebro-river region of the PYRENees mountains. Did Perrin / Perino liners name those mountains?

York, as Eboracum, was named by Eburovices. It's interesting that Yorks share the besant with the Arms of Navarre, but this in itself is no clincher for closeness. Yet both lines can be expected with the Hebrew line to Laevi and Marici at Novara. Perrins were first found in Yorkshire with Gregs, suspect in the "grege" motto term of Mar-related Pattersons. Email Patterson was maybe probably placed into my email life because she was helpful to my work, and she is a Martin surname too. Martins and Martels were first found in Gascony, named by the Basques that lived also in the Navarre region, and all around the Pyrenees. Pattersons use "Pro" as code for Pero's/Perino's, right? Italian Martins (Brescia), looking connectable to Panico's/Pane's, use goats as some evidence of a Marsyas line.

Gregs use two of the three Levi chevrons. They also use a stork, evoking the stork-liner Oettingens of Bavaria, who used a saltire in the colors of the Tease/Tess saltire, and moreover they put a dog on that saltire (see their Wikipedia article), symbol of Craig-related Carricks and Crags (Yorkshire), both of whom use it in black, as do Pharnaces-like Furnace's. Gregs are in Carrick colors, and Carricks are from the Charax surname of Laevillus' son. You can't argue with the facts. Laevillus' ancestry is to trace to Nysa and Pharnaces, then back to Antipater of Macedonia. I have no idea where the Patterson line branches off in that picture.

baldric The Oettingen saltire is white, as is the saltire of Oddie's, first found in Yorkshire with Odins of STORKhouse. These are to be suspect with Frigg the Phrygian. Oddie's are in Ottone colors, and Ottone's were first found in PERUSia with Grazio's, the latter sharing the pomegranate with Crispins of PAREZ/Paresse. It appears that we are hitting Odin liners in combination with Phrygian liners, and English Crispins were first found in the same place as Peare's.

Let me repeat a good find earlier in this update:

Arduinici were at ONEGLIa (Liguria) too while Nagle's/Nails share the saltire of BALDrics. It signals a Bautica-Oneglia tie. With Sithones suspect as STHENelus, mythical king of Liguria, by what coincidence do Sittens use a "HazARD" motto term. Or, with the PORTcullis gate tracing to Portishead (Clapton, where Arthurs lived), note that Yate's, in the "yet motto term of Sittens, probably own the portCULLIS (because Yate's are likely a Gate branch). And even when we load Cullis', we could be at the Irish-Nagle fesse, especially as these Nagle's use "sed", a term I suspect with Seatons. As Sithones are suspect with Sitones of Scandinavia, and with mythical ODIN there, note that the Baldric and Nagle/Nail saltire is also that of Oddie's, a branch of Odins.

The Paris fesse with apple is in the colors of the Nagle fesse with lozenges, and in colors reversed, they are the lozenges of Louis', first found at Lorraine, location of Parez/Paresse. Lewis'/Lewes' share the green dragon with Seatons/Sittens, and the blood drops of Lewis' are called, "guttee," suspect earlier with Oddie-like Goodie's, making Goodie's look like Oddie's, the latter first found beside "ard"-using Seatons. Mythical Lycurgas (proto-Ligurians) of the Edones was made directly related to mythical Dryas, suspect with Arda, in downtown Thrace.

I once kept a theory (not abandoned but ignored) in which Edones were GETae Thracians by another name as they developed into Jutes, for the latter were Eotens too, and then Goodie's were first found at EDINburgh. Edins use a "sit" motto term likely for Seatons/Sittons. A county of the Jute's was Ytene, a possible clue of the proto-Yate's in the Seaton motto. Edins look linkable to the Arthur-linkable Davers and Diss'/Dice (both in Suffolk with Edins), and with the neighboring Deeds/Dade's (share the Edin garbs) in the Fleming motto. As Edins were at STAINton, Stains/Stands/Stans look like Sithones. Jutes appeared near the Phrygian-suspect Frisians, making Odin look like a Jute element that named Gotland.

The cross of Staintons (share Vito annulet) is in a design once shown for Eatons (and Samsons), and Dickens use it (almost) too. It's a patee cross but with rounded ends. Patees are code for Patti, in the Scylla part of Sicily, where the Edin / Dagger scallops trace. Edins and Eatons, and therefore Jutes / Getae, are suspect at nearby mount ETNa. As Getae developed into Dacians, it may be that Dexaroi and Dickens, Diss'/Dice's, and similar-connectable others were Dacians. As Dutch Dickensons use a pale bar of besants in the color of the Pero pale bar, The Ticino thereby becomes suspect from Dacians, or by a branch of proto-Dacians.

English Dickensons use a fesse colors reversed from the two of Parrs (same place as Dickensons), which supports my view that Dexaroi were in the Antipater > Nysa line. The Dickenson fesse is also that of Nons/Nevins i.e. a possible branch of the Nysa-suspect News' / Neve's. Dickensons were at Eccleston while EccleSTONE's (Sithone / Sitton possibility) share the cross of Haddocks and Sinclairs (Jute liners?), the latter having lived six miles from EDINburgh. Ecclestone's (same place as Haddock-like Chaddocks and Chadwicks) share the Rat/Raid motto and Rat/Raid cross while I believe that God showed that Rats/Raids were Nunes kin along with Arrows/Arras (same cross again as Ecclestone's), making "Rat" suspect with "Arras," which I trace to "ARRETium (now Arezzo), home of GILbert-possible Cilnius'. As I trace Rats to Sub Radice and Cabyle, note that the Radice and Cable Coats are a good reflection of the Gill Coat. CILNius-like GILNers/Kilners (same place as Ecclestone's, etc) may even be using the Child/Chill eagle. Killin/Gilins (Gilner/Kilner colors) use the Coat of Plunketts, from Perkin-suspect Plancia Magna, and Ecclestone's share the Perkin fleur.

While Chaddocks use a cross in HADDington-cross colors, the latter look like Haddock liners, making Chaddock elements suspect at Haddington, home of Seatons. Chadwicks and Haddocks are suspect in the motto of Gilberts (Arms-of-Carrick chevron), whom I see from a Gilbert in the ancestry of Carricks. GILberts are therefore suspect with the Ayrshire GILmore's, suspect from the Gela founders of Acragas. GilBERTs, whose chevron with items looks like a version of the Bert chevron, use "Teg" and share the red squirrel with German Decks/Daggers, while Chadwicks use "DECus." Berts share black hunting horns with Bernice's and Burns, both first found in the same place as English Daggers, and moreover the Bernice motto term, "PERseveranti(a)," is shared by Gilmore's (version of the Craigie Coat). The latter's write-up tends to trace to Gillanders, the latter first found at Midlothian i.e. the Edinburgh / Roslin / Haddingon theater.

Carricks are suspect with a Nysa-line merger with royals at Cetis, especially with portcullis-suspect Proculus Charax. As Carricks were first found in Ayrshire with Nons/Nevins (in the PARKer motto), I might start to see the News perchevron as the Arms-of-Carrick chevron, shared by PARCHments in the News Crest. Parchments were first found in Lincolnshire with Lucy Taillebois, where I trace the Carrick / Crag talbot. Crags look like they share the STANley/STONEley bend, which itself may come with the Parker stag heads.

Parks (Mark fesse?) were first found in Cumberland with Daggers. The Haddock Coat is nearly the Ecclestone Coat but for the colors of their single fleur-de-lys. Ecclestone's use it in both colors of the PERKin fleur, and Haddocks use it in both colors of the Acre fleur, Acre's being a branch of the Cumberland Daggers. But the Acre fleur is also the Conan fleur while the other Conans share the Haddock / Ecclestone / Sinclair cross. Parks, Parkers and Parchments may have been Plancia liners with their Perga elements.

Back to Oddie's and Odins, who were also at GISburn/Ghiseburne. The GUISSane variation of the Kissane's in the Patterson/Cassane write-up looks good here, having the potential to reveal Gisburn as a king-Cassander line. Kissane's use a lizard while Lizarts almost use the pale bars of Lise's, the latter first found in Hampshire with Cassane's/Cassandra's. Gisburn was suspect with Gascony liners, and while the flag of Gascony shares the quadrants of English Forts, Kissane's use a "Forti" motto term. The Cashman variation of Kissane's tends to reveal that they were a branch of Cass'/Cash and Kiss'/Cush's, suspect from Laevillus' mother. By some coincidence or not, Forts share the giant, white castle of the Gascony Martins, and the latter use it in both colors of the same of McLeods, from SKYE and Lewis, while Skye-like Sykes' share the Cass / Kiss Coats. And Martins are important because they share the Ness/Nessan/Nest bars.

There are three Castle surnames to choose from, one looking like it uses the bend of Chattan (castle) and Chatans (tower). But Dutch Castle's opted for three ravens. Cetins/Cattans have "a Saracen's head emerging from a castle on which there are three black [probably fitchee] crosses". Cetins/Cattans ("meTUIT") were first found in Norfolk with the Tute's/Tuits that use the German-Castle Coat. And while Kennedys (share the black Cetin/Cattan fitchee) share the Cassel Coat, there is a German Cassel surname (Bavaria, same as Castle's) with a castle in the colors of the Martin castle.

We now have every reason to ask whether German Martins/Marte's are using the Mark / Abreu / Bergen lion. As Navys/Neve's love Marte's, it can also be the lion of Nunes' (Castile). We have yet to discover why the Nunes Coat has a letter, 'T'.

The Odins happen to use a sinister crozier, and as Crozier's were first found beside Creuse, they can be suspect with mythical Creusa. She married a son of Venus while Venus' (play on "venison") share the stag (but called a buck) with Kissane's/GUISSane's ("stag") and VISE's/Vice's. We may have been wondering what the EburoVICES were named after. Crozier's (stag head) were first found in Auvergne with Tullia of Lyon, and she was ancestress to Mummolin at Chalons-sur-Marne, the Arms of which is probably a take on the Scottish Crozier Coat. The Scottish Crozier Coat is a blue-Shield version of the Spanish Petro Coat, which shares the fleur-de-lys of the Buck-loving Hicks of Yorkshire, suspect from the Ixion Lapiths (i.e. Hebrew suspects to the namers of York).

Ixion was made the son of Phlegyas, and this is where I need to mention emailer Patterson's horse, COPPERchief, which I think was named by God without her knowing about it, for she one day wrote in to tell of a morning vision of a blue lion named "something like Cappeo." I knew exactly what it meant, and deemed the vision from God. It was the blue Macclesfield lion but included the motto of Yorks, who share the blue saltire of Coppers/Coopers. Why is Copperchief a horse? Ixion was the founder of centaurs (code for a real horse-loving people, suspect with Heneti), and Lapiths were also at Lapithos (faces Cetis) on Cyprus', an island known to be named after copper. "Chief" is a chief heraldic item suspect as code for Caiaphas, the head of all Illuminatists. I therefore suspect that the namer of Caiaphas / Chivasso was a Cyprus line, and it just so happens that Aphrodite was made born at Paphos on Cyprus.

It makes Cavii, Chives and Cheevers suspect from "Cypr(us)." Cheevers are said to be from a Cyprus-like term, and were first found in Devon, where Chives' were previously said to have been first found. The Hykes/Hacks (scallops) of Devon are suspect with the Chives quadrants. The Sodans were likewise first found in Devon, and because they use the Patterson scallops in colors reversed, they should be the Sodhans in the Patterson/Cassane write-up. Scallops trace to Skala on PATmos, where there is a major city, Chora, where I trace Coronis, Ixion's sister.

The Sodan scallops are also those of News'-beloved Parchments, and it correct that Newes' were Nysa liners, not that Sodans (Casano/Cassandra kin), in Parry colors and format, use one of the two Parr fesses. This recalls that Parkers brought us by their stag head to Guiss-like Vise's/Vice's, and by the flaunches on either side of that stag head to Flink liners suspect with Flemings in the flaming stars of Pero's, which are in the colors of the stars on the Sodan fesse. What could Sodans/Sowtons have been that link to Laevi liners? The Sidonians of Laish? Seatons/Sittens have a Seaton location in Devon. Seaton is at the end of one Axe river, a term that may related to the Hykes'/Hacks of Devon.

The Kissane stag is in the design of the Venus buck, a good reason to trace these Patterson kin to a Heneti > Veneti line to Creusa's husband, who was a Dardanian Trojan, as with mythical Antenor, founder of the Heneti. Hicks put a CHAPlet around the neck of their buck. What do you think that's about?

It's not easy to find a Reg-like surname that fits the "Pro rege" phrase. As I go on, remember that Christine Peare had large breasts suspect with the great mother, one of which was Rhea. The best I can do with "rege" is the two Rech surnames, one first found in Hampshire with Cassane's/Cassandra's and Chris'/CHRISTmans, the latter using the swan for a trace to Sitten. Then, the German Christ's/Chriss' use a virtual copy of the German Rech/Reich/Reiker Coat (half lion of Capone's, etc). These latter Coats, especially because Rechs/Reichs were first found in Switzerland with Tease's/Tecks, are suspect as versions of the Deck/Dagger Coat, i.e. Ticino suspects...linkable to the dagger of Patterson-branch Kilpatricks (share blood drops with Pattersons). It's a great reason to see "Pro rege" as a Pero-Rech merger.

Bloods/Bluds: "...three bucks lodged proper" in the colors of the Venus buck. Lodge's/Loge's, suspect from swan-liner lake Lychnidus at Pelagonia, share the Flemish tressure border with Sittens. We're back to swan-line Ligurians, depicted by mythical Cygnus, son of LIGURian king, STHENElus, who looks like the Sithones without a doubt because mythical LYCURgus was an Edone king. STICK with me, and see into the mythical darkness. Strabo said that Edones and Sitones were a branch of Mygdones, like "Macedon" and "Megiddo." In Revelation, Armageddon is associated with the harlot, who, in my view, is clearly from Ishtar, the second great-mother goddess after Inana. Ishtar elements from the Ister (Danube) river probably named Istria, and can therefore be the line to Este. In ancient times, Ishtar even had an eight-pointed star as her symbol. The Bars of Este are now suspect, by their Vares variation, at the Ticino's Varesse location.

Let's go back to the Verres/Verre surname that shares the WAGON-wheel design of Swedish Bergens, and assume that they were Brigians/Phrygians of the Odin-Frigg kind. Gotland faces Rostock, home of the WAGrians and the Verre-suspect Varni/Warni. Two WAGNer surnames happen to share the wagon wheel in the colors of the Verres/Verre wheels, and moreover the Verres/Verre stars are those of Weirs/Vere's, first found in ROXburghshire, suspect with the namers of ROStock. German Wagners share a single, blue pale bar with Roxburghs, and they put their wagon wheel at the center of that pale bar. It happens to be colors reversed from the single Pero pale bar, can we believe it? It tends to verify that Varesse was of the Verres variation of Verre's, a line of the Varni vikings (first mentioned in 98 AD, about the time that Revelation was released out of Patmos).

German Wagners put a greyhound to one side of their pale bar in the colors of the two Varro wolves in pale, much like the two wolves in pale of Navarre's. Like I said, I was spinning my wheels on exposing Ticino liners until the dream with Chris Peare got me to Pero's. It took a while, but all in good timing, I'm sure. I'd like to finish this work before Armageddon, but I'm open. We can now understand why Peare's (Vere colors) were first found in Oxfordshire, where Vere's ruled that place for centuries. "VERE" can even be a "Pere" variation, and so compare Pere's with Wears/Were's of the Axe river. It's making PHARNaces liners through proto-Pero's suspect in naming the VARNi. This is no small thing, for it's a long way from the Pontus to Rostock.

I know a woman who showed me the grave, in her field, of her husband, Mr. Wagner. She took the time to carve out a raven, and she planted it at the gravesight on a stick. I saw this with my own eyes. I suppose that God arranged this to tell that Wagrians were of the Stout-raven vikings.

English Wagners ("swan swimming in water", with one fesse in the colors of the Pero pale bar, were first found in Yorkshire with Wagrian-suspect Wagers. The Wagner fesse is in the colors of the three fesses of Stouts/Stowers, the latter first found in Cambridgeshire, but why?. Ask the PONDers, beloved of the News-related Chapmans. And Varni-like Varenne's/Varone's use ravens while Verona's use a version of the Feller Coat, from ROQUEfeuil, a Roxburgh / Rostock suspect. Roquefeuil is in AUDE while Roxburghs use "audax" and "quam," the latter being code for the Cam river of swan-liner Cambridge.

SWIMMING in water? There is a Swim/SCHWIMMIN surname (Saxony, same as Wagners) that uses leaves, on a bend in the colors of the saltire of leaf-using Tease's/Tecks. You see, Pharnaces elements were at the Ticino. SCHWErin is at the Varni area. The Dolls/Dols were first found there. The Swim Coat looks like a version of the Valentin / Stevenson Coats, but in different colors, the Crag Coat can apply because it shares the black-on-white dog with Furnace's.

It's interesting that Furnace variations look like Bernice variations while the Bernice Coat may be using the Wagner fesse in colors reversed, for there is a WATER bouget on the Bernice fesse while English Wagners use a swan swimming in WATER. The latter term can be of QUADRatus Bassus, for Base's share the black hunting horn with Bernice's (and Burns). Waters even share the three chevrons of Cassane's/Cassandra's, the line to Pharnaces' wife. Bassus descended from Severus of Akmonia, and while his Galatian line is expected from the Ticino, the Bernice motto is "PerSEVERantia vincit," which can be read as Pero-Severus-Rant, for Rants use three chevrons colors reversed from the three red ones of Waters (Essex, same as red-chevron Quints).

If the question now is whether Furnace's were Bernice liners versus Pharnaces liners, we have that squawking black border with Furnace's that spells the Parrs (same place as Furnace's). Yet the Bernice's share a blue fesse with Parrs / Parrys, which should mean that Pharnaces' line was to Bernice Agrippa, that surname suspect from Griffins, known to be from Pomerania, the Varni theater. German Wagners use the griffin.

Herod Agrippa was closely related to Herod ArcheLAUS, the latter named by his wife, Glaphyra Archelaus of Cappadocia. It's therefore interesting that the Laus surname uses Agrippa-like grapes while Gripps/Grape's share the Varn bend while Deeters/DEITers, first found in Pomerania, use both the dog and grapes. Although the Deeter dog is not remotely the Furnace dog in appearance, Furnace's are expected as Varni. This recalls that Teague's/Teegers, from Tigranes, Glaphyra's grandson, love the Diems/DITTmayers (Wagner colors, Varni theater) in their motto.

Teague's, in this particular discussion, are looking key for being first found in GALway while their OPtem" motto term is suspect with OPgalli. Did Opgalli liners name Galway and Galloway, in other words? By what coincidence does the Galway surname ("Vincit VERITas") use the bridge, the symbol of Pontus-suspect Ponts and Ponti's. Why is there a cat in the Galway Crest? See the Keith motto and the Catti in their write-up. Why do Galloways use the "something-like-Cappeo" lion?

The Galways call their bridge as Baal, perhaps code for the Baalham variation of Ballams, for they share the estoile with Wiggs while Wiggs use a not-bad reflection of the Teague Coat. Wiggs can be of Wigton in Galloway. Wing-using Wiggins (Cambridgeshire) look like they use a minor version of the Annas Coat, probably with the Vere star.

Spanish Ponts/Ponti's were at TRUCios, but are also said to be from Catalonia, where Sols/Solana's were first found that share the sun with TRACKs/Tricks and Drigs. Might Trucios have been of Trecate elements? The Galway motto is thereby suspect with the Verret variation of Verres/Verre's.

Aren't the Bridge's, suspect in "CamBRIDGE," Brigians? The raven-liner and Wagner-related Stouts were first found in Cambridgeshire. The Cambridge's even use swans for a trace to Sion/Sitten, the mother-goddess-suspect Sithone line to Frigg. Bridge's use GRIFFins as well as CRABs, the latter suspect in the variations of GRIPPs/Grape's. Crabs, an apt name for vikings, were first found in Cambridgeshire, and said to be Flemish (as with Sittens, same place as Galway-beloved Keiths); they share the Sion/Swan chevron. The Grubs, an apt name for vikings, share the red griffin with German Wagners, first found in Saxony, while Varni developed out of the area of the first-known Saxons. In colors reversed, the Bridge griffins are red.

The viking-like Wiggins were first found in Cambridgeshire. Don't walk the streets by night in Cambridge. The Walks ("DITat"), in Deeter colors, were first found in Dumfries with Closeburn, suspect with spur-using Close's (Walk colors), and then Wiggins use the spur too. Wilkins use the WyVERN dragon, a Varni suspect. The Walk fesse is half the Wagner fesse, and Walkers were first found in Yorkshire with Wagers (Herod-suspect hearts).

Don't boat down the Nith river by knight, or someone could Suffolk-ate you to death on a spur of the mynett. Spurrs were Supers, and the viking flag was the black Super saltire but made of black crossed bones and a very-dead skull.

The Grabber and Grope variations of Gripps/Grape's are apt for vikings. Grabs/Crabber's were first found in Hamburg with Nissans, part of the Varni theater too. Grabs/Crabbe's happen to use two bends in colors reversed from the two fesses of Ness'/Nessans. Don't walk in Hamburg by knight with new shoes, or someone could trip you and take them. Crops were likewise first found in Hamburg, but they didn't likely grow vegetables for a living. They don't work at all.

As Perkins share the red-on-white fleur of Walks, not that while Perkins are from Plancia Magna, Walkers use "magna" in their motto.

Can we believe it? Crappers/Croppers were first found in Lancashire with Parrs and Furnace's, and they even use a version of the Levin Coat, but substituting with pigeons, possible code for Pageons/Le Page's, first found in Dauphine (Herod-Archelaus-theater) with Payens/Pagans. Pageons/Page's use four fesses in the colors of the three of Stouts. There are two Pigeon surnames showing pigeons, and one of them uses a demi griffin while the other (Normandy) shares the chevron of Demys/LeMays (Normandy, at VERvin).

Somewhere in this Crapper picture, we should be keeping a plugged-nose out for Poppo I of GRABfeld. As he was the founder of Babenbergs (Austria, same as Gripps/Grape's/Grope's), we could look for him swimming across the Wagner waters, for Babenbergs share the three Water chevrons. I'm sure that a Herod drowned him to take his swim suit. Why were Suits/Sewers first found in Angus with Navys/Neve's and Neve's/Neaves'? With Crappers all over these waters, it's no wonder they called the Suits Sewers. Wikipedia's article on Herod Archelaus once said that his coin had a feathered helmet on one side, and another website verified it. The Navys/Neve's use such a helmet.

The write-up of German Wagners is confusing, first saying that they were first found in Silesia, then in Saxony. "Silesia" is like the SCHLESwig" area of the Varni, where Harald of VARANGI-like Wieringen (FRISian border) ruled. He may have been ancestor to Harald, father of Maccus. The Brigantium location is about 25 miles from the Archelaus-suspect Ark river, location of Modane while Modens and Arcs were first found in Berkshire with Grubs. In the Grub Chief, there are Rus-suspect roses. And in the Tooth Crest, an upright red griffin, the Wagner griffin! The Tooths (definitely merged with Lauders of BERNICia) share "Perseverantia" with the Grub-related line of Bernice's (tends to prove that Bernice's were from Bernice Agrippa).

I kid you not, that this woman I know who carved out a raven for Mr. Wagner's grave told me that he was employed by Nazi's to pull the gold and silver out of the teeth of murdered Jews. And she showed me the bracelet that he made for her with metal he stole while so employed. She was not ashamed at all about this. I now suspect that God set her up with me because Tooths (beside Cambridgeshire) share the griffin colors of Bridge's i.e. the Wagner griffin in colors reversed. There were other gold-grubbing grubs in Cambridgeshire from Quintus Caepio and Julius Caesar.

Aha! Mr. Wagner's grave. It recalls that Grave's are suspect with Gripp / Griffin liners! Yes, and English Grave's/Greaves' share the eagle of Lutons, while Luton is between the Tooths (London) and Cambridgeshire. Herod Archelaus was banished by Caesar to Vienne-Isere, near Vienne, and the Vienne eagle is in both colors of the lower half of the Grave eagle. The Ark river flows into the Isere. I suspect Herod liners in Windsor castle. Come out with your hands up.

Tooths use a red "demi griffin SEGReant", suspect partly with the Rants in "PerseveRANTia," and partly with Seager liners that I trace to the SAKARia (Sangarius) river. Seagars were first found in Norfolk with Tooth-related Tute's/Tuits and Thwaite's. The Cimmerian-suspect Gumms/Come's were first found in Cambridgeshire again, yet Cimmerians had a Cambria area after themselves in the Denmark / Schleswig area.

Don't ever walk and blow babels with your chewing gumm at the same time in Cambridgeshire, for you need to be on the look-out for Jewish Snipers, Grubs and Babels in neighboring Oxfordshire, Berkshire and Middlesex. While Snipers/Snips are beloved of Meullers, Muellers (not "Meuller") share the Catherine wheel with Jews/Chews (more griffins), and the latter's look like they are of the Wagner pale bar. Muellers were first found in Bavaria with German Gumms/Gomers.

So, we now have Muellers tracing to the Varesse area of the Ticino as per the Wagner link to Verres'/Verrets/Verre's. What do we think that's about? Perhaps the mule of Capote's/Capone's can apply. Never eat pizza in Varesse, or Al Capone will do a drive-by and shoot the place up with his machine gumm. Machine's are listed with Meschins, a line of Meshech, partners in world-conquest crime with Gomer. Somewhere in this update there was a surname, aside from the Owens, from MontGOMERyshire, but I can't refind it.


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