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October 25 - 31, 2016

Still Seeking Caiaphas Links to Syphax

The last update found some evidence of Caiaphas-suspect families in relation to the Spoleto location of Italy's Umbra province. I've got more to say on that here. I've been studying the English Feltham/Feltman Coat, with "spolia" motto term. While those Feltmans lived around the area of the Caiaphas-like Capes' (London), German Feldmans/Feltmans (Jewish surname) use a version of the German Kaplan/Kappelan Coat, themselves a version of the Capes Coat. Both the Feldmans and Kaplans share a Shield split in red and black, with a white CHIEF overtop (that symbol is like "CAIAPHas"). The Capes' use a red Shield wholly, but still have the white Chief overtop. Therefore, Capes' were Kaplan / Capelli liners (all branches of one another, apparently).

I can prove via the double-gold chevrons of French Chaplains (Normandy) that English Caplans/Chaplains, first found in the same place as Josephs (double-gold chevrons), were related to Josephs. And Josephs are trace-able to Caiaphas' first name (Joseph). Feltwells even show the two Levi lions in pale; you can't say I don't have evidence for my prior theories on this very matter.

Feltwells are said to be from Eure, location of Evreux and its Abreu line from Abruzzo, which neighbors Umbria. The Eburovices/Ebroicum, from Abruzzo liners, named Ebroicum = Yorkshire, which borders CUMBERland / UMBERland, a place I trace to "UMBRia." The Palmers/Parmers, honored in the "palma" motto term (same term as Palms/Parms) of the "spolia" Feltmans, were first found in Norfolk (Palms/Parms in Yorkshire) and use double black-on-white fesse bars, which are not only in the colors of the two Levi / Feltwell lions, but colors reversed from the two fesse bars of Feltmans. And the Flecks, using an obvious version of the Palmer Coat, were first found in Norfolk, location also of a Feltwell location that's found in the Sping/Spine write-up. The latter surname was looked up only as per a similar surname listed with SPIKers, who were themselves looked up for links to "SYPHAX," the name of a Numidian from whom "Caiaphas" became suspect. That topic is much of the last update.

The second-most important place for where Palmers were first found is given as Cambridgeshire (between London and Norfolk), where CHAPmans and Capone's were first found.

It was shown that Abreu's have the lions used, as leopards, in the Arms of Normandy, and that place had a capital at Rouen, where the Yvetot location of Spings/Spine's is found, and Rouen happens to be beside Evreux. It was shown that the English-Feltman double bars are in the colors of the Hound/Houns lozenges because these Feltmans are said to be from Hounslow (London area). I knew that Dents, first found in Yorkshire, use the same ermined lozenges as Hounds/Houns, but didn't know until now that English Caplans use "three gold griffins heads on a blue chief inDENTed." There is a reason for every heraldic symbol or feature, and it usually pertains to direct and/or "important" kin. Coat descriptions can be found here:

If the Huns / Hunds are related to Hounds/Houns', then let me repeat that both Hun surnames look very linkable to Greys (NorthUMBERland) not only due to the similarity of their Hun greyhound to the Grey lion, but because the heraldic greyHOUND is obviously in honor of Grey-Hound marriage (suggests strongly that both Hun surnames were Hound/Houns branches). This now makes it very certain that the Capes', first found in London i.e. location also of Hounslow, are using the Grey lion. The Grey Coat is a colors-reversed version of the Talbot Coat while the English Huns use talbot dogs.

A Caiaphas link to Greys then takes us to their beloved kin, the Anchors/Annackers, who are using a version of the Chief of anchor-using Majors/MAGors, suspect with the "mago" motto term of Josephs, and traceable, in my picture, to Mago, brother of Hannibal (Syphax was a military chief eventually allied to Hannibal's Carthaginians). The Hannibal line was traced to "Annas/Ananus," father-in-law of Caiaphas, and the German-Jewish Feldmans happen to use a single star in the colors of the same of Annas'. I once read that Annas was "Hanan" to the Jews, and there is a Hanan Coat that's a version of the Eure Coat.

Majors use a greyhound in Crest, in case you thought their link to Greys could be coincidental. And the Chief-and-Shield color combination of Majors is not only that of Annas', but both use a single, white object in their red Shield. Therefore, Majors should trace to the Ananes Gauls at Placentia, the area where Hannibal first invaded Italy. The Coats are not very interesting until you find what's behind them, but this is as interesting as the cause for Armageddon. Did you see the resemblance between "ANNACKer" and "ANNAS"?

As I trace the Anchor Shield to the Arms of Agrigento, where a DRAGO river flowed, one can link the Anchor-Crest bull head to that in the Dreux Crest, for there is a Drago river at Agrigento. Drake's are in Dreux colors, and while Drake's can be traced to Abruzzo, Dreux is in Eure along with Evreux. And Drake's were first found in the same place as Josephs / Caplans. As Caplans use a Kep term while Chapmans use "CHEPman," I'd like to repeat that, as soon as I saw a coin with Syphax's profile upon it, having never made any theories about him, and not even dreaming that Caiaphas might trace to him, I found that his face looks like a friend in my youth with KEPKe surname, which, when softened with the 's' on both ends is "Syphax."

Annas' father is known to have been Seth, who lived in Syria. And so here's from Wikipedia on Hannibal: "Seven years after the [Roman] victory of Zama, the Romans, alarmed by Carthage's renewed prosperity, demanded Hannibal's surrender. Hannibal thereupon went into voluntary exile. He journeyed to Tyre, the mother city of Carthage, and then to Ephesus, where he was honorably received by Antiochus III of Syria, who was preparing for war with Rome." Hannibal offered his command over part of Syria's army, though the article doesn't give details on his relationship with Antiochus. The latter was a Seleucid, which the prophet Daniel portrays as the runner-up to the anti-Christ. Imagine if Annas, a high priest of Israel, in whose house Jesus was sentenced to death, was a Seleucid-Hannibal liner. In any case, I'm now asking whether Hannibal had a child in Syria, whose descendant birthed Annas.

While Caplans use three griffins on a gold Chief, Josephs use three grabs on a gold Chief. It's definitely a match, but while GRIFFins are being toyed with as code for the line of Herod AGRIPPa, whose daughter was Berenice, note that Bernice's, and related Burns, were first found in CUMBERland. I can see a possible way in which Hannibal may have had a bloodline to Herods. We first read: "In 190 BC, [Hannibal] was placed in command of a Seleucid [i.e. Syrian] fleet but was defeated in the battle of the Eurymedon. According to Strabo and Plutarch, Hannibal also received hospitality at the Armenian royal court of Artaxias I." If I recall correctly, the Herod-Maccabee line married by the Bassus' had been made rulers, on behalf of Rome, of Armenia.

In Artaxias Wikipedia article:

It is said that when Hannibal fled from the Romans and came to Armenia, he suggested different projects to the Armenian king and taught him several useful things. When he saw the beautiful landscape and nature in Armenia he drew a sketch for the future city. Then he took Artashes to the spot and asked him to personally supervise the building of the city. Thus a big and beautiful city was named after the king, Artashat, and became his capital.

It sounds like Hannibal lived some years in Armenia, north of Syria. Syria was the area where there was a cult run by an Archelaus family to which was married one son of the first king Herod. The wife of GLAPHYRa Archelaus, and so I think I should mention that the Romans who defeated Antiochus III, after Hannibal became his ally, was a Mr. GLABRio. Whether or not there was a Glabrio connection to "Glaphyra," I can't at the moment venture a guess, but I do trace her name to Clavers/Cleavers (white towers), who share the key with Italian Sheaves/Chiava's/Chiapponi's, a surname that can trace to "Syphax / Caiaphas," for the English Sheaves/Shaws use a "QUI" motto term. And it just so happens that "Seth" is a surname listed with Scottish Shaws...who share the CUPs of Pilotte's and Pellets, no doubt a line from Pontius Pilate. The dagger in the Seth/Shaw Crest has been traced to the Dexaroi peoples at Antipatria, which, I read, was also, Antipater, the name of the father of the first Herod. A dagger is used by Comyns (not to mention Patria-like KilPATRicks), and the Comyns share three gold-on-blue garbs with the Joseph Chief. Plus, a son of the first Herod went into exile at what would later be called, Comminges, like the Commings variation of Comyns.

Note the double gold bars of Clavers. I would not have known that French Chaplains were Joseph kin when they first showed a single chevron, but when houseofnames changed it to two gold chevrons, the Joseph-Chaplain merger became link was obvious. A single chevron in the colors of the Chaplain chevron is in the Pellet Coat.

The double-gold bars of Clavers are on black, as are the double-white bars of Feltmans. Shaws are said to be from a Sadducee-like Sithech entity, while Annas was a Sadducee, as was Caiaphas. Compare "Chiava" with "Chives," for the latter have a SHEWas variation, and moreover Chives' use a version of the Beng/Bing Coat while the latter were first found in Middlesex, where Feltmans were first found that were a Capes branch round-about. Recall that Feltmans are using the Fleck and Palmer bars in colors reversed, for the latter two were first found in the same place as Clavers and Hannibals/Annabels. The latter share double fesse bars with Feltmans, Flecks and Palmers/Parmers, which can indicate Hannibal liners at Parma, near the Trebia. While Caiaphas is suspect also with Quintus Caepio, Palms/Parms share the blue-and-white fur of Quints, both in their CHIEFs. Palms/Parms were first found in the same place as Anne's/Hanne's, and the latter share the stag with Hannibals/Annabels.

While French Josephs once showed a swan in the colors of the FIVE used by Chaplets, French Saffers use five birds of their own (falcons), in the same positions. Saffers were traced to SEVERus Bassus (concurrent with Caiaphas and Annas), but I'm now asking whether that name was from SYPHax. I had conjectured that the missing parents of Severus Bassus are for the reason that they could show Caiaphas' ancestors. All other man, from Brogitarus through Severus to Quadratus are given some parentage, but there is neither mother nor father for Severus, and so he may have been a brother, for all we know, of Caiaphas. The reason that Saffers can be traced to Bassus is that English Saffers/SAVERys (more blue-and-white fur) use a "vita" motto term, code for Julius Avitus, husband of Julia Bassianus. A Savary/Savard surname uses besants, a Bassianus symbol, in my opinion.

The Hannibal article says that Hannibal, after some connection with Syria and Armenia, he took refuge with Prusias I of Bithynia, which gets us close to the Galatians that put forth Severus Bassus. Prusias liners named Prusa (Bursa, Mysia), and per-chance the Pruse surname derived from this city. Pruse's use the same lion as Bengs/Bings, but so do numerous surnames. However, as The Beng Coat looks like a variation of the Chives Coat, by what coincidence were Chives' first found in the same place (Devon) as Pruse's? The same lions can be in the Coat of Petersons, for they were first found in Aberdeenshire, where a Chives branch is said to have been. "BITHYNia" is like the Biden variation of Capelli-related Buttons, first found in the same place as Josephs. "Biden" is like the Bitini variation of Vito's.

The royal descendants of Prusias cam to rule the PONTUS for a time, and we can ask why PONTIUS Pilate got that name. Or, in the Blate/Blade write-up, we find that they had a BURSEblade entity, like the Bursa location of Prusias. By what coincidence do Blate's and similar Pilate's share white pheons? Note how the Plate's are in Pilate colors, and with what could be the Mark-Antony leopard heads. A Burse surname (fesse bars in the colors of the same of Clavers) was first found in the same place as Pierce's and Percivals, whom both connect to a Leavell surname that I trace to the husband (Laevillus) of Quadratilla Bassus, a descendant of Severus Bassus.

Wikipedia wrote on the theory that said Pontius Pilate's father was a Roman ambassador to the Picts, and that he mated with a Pictish woman of Perthshire to birth Pontius Pilate ("Pontius" may not have been his birth name). As the Celts/Colts/Cults, first found in Perthshire, use the Pilate pheon in colors reversed, and as one peak of Mont Pilat (France) is called, PERDrix, like "Perth, note this: "The Calidii of the Republic are not known to have been divided into families. In imperial times, a family of this gens bore the surname Severus." The ancient Khaldi peoples lived along the Pontus. Calders, said to be first found in a Pict stronghold (Inverness-shire), share the stag head with Celts/Colts/Cults. Picts had a tribe of CALEDonians that may have been named after the Roman Calidii. Was Pilate's father a Mr. Calidii? Hmm, Nicomedes III of Bithynia (grandson of a Prusias) married Nysa, like the Ness river of InverNESS. Nysa, like "Annas," was a Cappadocian royal, and the cult of Glaphyra Archelaus was in Cappadocia. The Nice surname (more double fesse bars), which can be from NICOmedes, is listed with the Ness surname, and uses the same two bars as Hannibals/Annabels/Honeyballs.

There is a question on whether the Calidii were from Greek Calydon, where a mythical Oeneus was king who traces to his daughter, Methoni, suspect with the Mitanni who lived on the ancient Habur tributary of the Euphrates, and were thus Hebrews to some extent, we may assume. Note NicoMEDes, a potential Mitanni liner. This is said because the three Ness surnames share the double bars of Washingtons (descend from double-bar Wassa's) while the Mitanni capital was Wassukanni. By what coincidence are the double Ness bars in the colors of the one fesse bar of Bidens/Buttons, a surname conjectured above from "Bithynia"? Oeneus has been claimed, by me, to be the line to Levites = Sadducees. This completely intrigues me, for Bidens are Capelli kin, and can open the line of investigation into whether Quintus Caepio was of the Prusias / Calidii line. The Calidii are said to have used the name, Quintus.

"Nicomedes III and Nysa were distantly related as they held lineage from the Seleucid dynasty, the ANTIPATRid dynasty and the Antigonid dynasty." One of those may have named Antipater, father of the first Herod. "The Antipatrid dynasty was a dynasty of the ancient Greek kingdom of Macedon founded by Cassander, the son of Antipater, who declared himself King of Macedon in 302 BC. This dynasty did not last long;" Antipatria, on the map below in the early land of Celts (whom I trace to "Khaldi"), is right beside Macedonia. In this way, the father of all Herods may have been a descendant of Cassander. The Joseph motto includes "CAS Ni," and Casano's/Cassius' were first found in Modena (Methoni was also "Modon"). The Knee's are also "Neigh," which may have been a Nicomedes line along with Nie's/Nye's/Noys. Plus, it's the PATTERsons, said to be from "PATRICK," who show a Cassane variation while the KilPATRICK dagger traces to the Dexaroi (the Dassaretae on the map) at Antipatria. This is a good argument for tracing Casano's and Cassane's (also the Kissane's with a stag) to Cassander.

Yes, for while Kilpatricks have a castle on the Nith river, like "Nice / Nico," the Geds of that river evolved into the Geddes ("CAPta MAJORa: motto) of Nairnshire, at the Inverness theater. Nairnshire is in the Calder write-up.

Note the Bullis location near Antipatria, for there is a Bullis surname, listed with Buliards, using the Annas / Kaplan star, possibly. The Biden Crest has bull horns. Zikers, I think that I am prepared to include this new thing, the Bithynian royals, into my Jesus-killer, Illuminati theories. Billiards (share the white star with Bullis'/Buliards) are listed with Hilliards, but they use the colors and format of Billets/Billiards, first found in the same place as French Josephs, and heraldic billets are traced to the gold and silver bars of Quintus Caepio, which might just have belonged, once, to Hannibal, for he went through France (there were only 50,000 gold bars each of 15 pounds). Billets are suspect with "Pilate," for not only are they in Pilate colors, but billets are used by Etienne's while Mont Pilat is at St. Etienne.

Let's go back to the Casano/Cassius surname, for we can see a Cassius surname married to Junia, Servilia Caepionis' daughter, in the genealogy of Quintus Caepio (I get it from the bottom of the Wikipedia article on Servilia Caepio). Note that Servilia was half sister to Cato, descended from Porcius Cato, and that she descended from a Levi-suspect Livius family on her mother's side. By what coincidence do Casano's/Cassius' use Zionist stars in blue, what could be a colors-reversed version of the Billet/Billiard Zionist stars? Appius Pulcher is in the genealogy as the one adopted by the Livius family (he was renamed, Marcus Livius Drusus Claudianus).

Aha! English Cassandra's/Cassans were first found in Hampshire, where the first-known English Josephs and Bidens were first found. They use stars in the colors of the Annas / Kaplan / Bullis star, as and a white tower in Crest that can connect to the same of Pellicans and Chatans (kin of Cato's/Chatans). The red, triple chevron of Cassandra's is in the colors of the Nice/Ness bars, and the Cassandra's share a red canton (square) with Wassa's/Gace's (!) while the latter share a white Zionist star with Billets/Billiards. That exclamation mark is for the Washington bars being those also of Nice's/Ness', and moreover the Washington-Chief stars are colors reversed from the Cassander stars...meaning that the Cassander stars are in the colors of the Canton-Chief stars, for Cantons/Gantons use the Washington Coat in colors reversed. In other words, we have just seen a good Nice-Washington link in Cassandra's.

Italian Cassandra's are listed with Casano's/Cassius', and while they share the blue-on-gold fesse with Burns ./ Bernice's, English Cassandra's are said to be from Bearne, France.

AMAZING corroboration: the NIColas' share a bird from a white tower with the Cassandra Crest! In my opinion, the Cassandra's can thus be clinched with Cassander of Macedon, whom we can assume was ancestral to NYSA, wife of NICOmedes of Bithynia. Both he and Nysa are said to descend from the Antipater > Cassandra line, and, by the way, the latter was one of the four branches of the Greek beast in Daniel 8. As there is a Nice location in Liguria, not far from Oneglia, by what coincidence do Nagle's share three gold symbols on a blue fesse with Casano's/Cassandra's? Nice is right beside ANTIBES, which had been suspect with the naming of Herod ANTIPAS, a son of the first Herod and therefore a grandson of Antipater!

The Nicolas bird is a raven ("wings expanded"), symbol in the Washington Crest too ("wings endorsed"). German Nicolas' use more double-red fesse bars. This reminds me that "NAGLE" is comparable to "NICKLE," and that there is a Nickle surname listed with Nichols, and they not only share a raven, but a giant, white pheon that can link closely to the white Pilate's pheons. German Nickels/Nike's/Nicolsons happen to use pellets while pellets share the Pilotte Coat. This is indicating that Nagle's, who were close kin of Vere's, were Nicomedes liners. NICOLAS de Vere von Drakenberg traced his ancestry to the Mitanni. The Nickle/Nichols motto, "Fide se cui vide," is code for Fiddle's on the one hand, and Vito's on the other. The entire motto was seen in the last update with the Holms, and there was good proof there that "vide" is code for Vito's, for the Holms use a canton square with the same annulet us used by Vito's = Biden-suspect Bitini's! The Holms Crest even shows the Biden and Capelli chapeau. Amazing, for it's more corroboration that this thing traces to the Nicomedes bloodline, and that I'm not mis-reading the heraldry on this matter. I've missed it all these years, and it's where George Washington himself traces.

The raven gets interesting where Pater-like Peters use one. There is a Pater(noster) surname (Berkshire) sharing black-on-white saltires with Patricks and Kilpatricks, which for me already indicates that the surname is from Antipatria. My first guess is that Paters are using a version of the Cassel / Kennedy Coat. As Kilpatricks share the same lion as Feltwells, kin of Capes-related Kaplans, let's add that Capes' share the Happ/APPs scallops with Antipatria is on an APSus river. One problem with this is that Capes liners can thus trace to "Apsus" rather than to "Caiaphas," but then it all depends on where "Caiaphas" traces. Yet, the Cavii were not far off, and many C / Ch terms lost their capitals to begin with a vowel so that "Apsus" could have been from a Capsus-like term. Again, Kaplans share the Capes Shield-and-Chief combination, and are kin to Josephs. And the Kilpatrick lion is also the Levi / Feltwell lion. Was Caiaphas an Apsus-river liner? Josephs use the garbs of Comyns, who in-turn use the dagger as code for Dexaroi on the Apsus. The Hampshire Josephs were kin of Henrys, and Hips' share the Henry martlets, a Joseph symbol too. The Dexaroi are "DassaRETAE" on the map. Was "Retae" related to "Rieti," also called, Reate?

Why do Reeds share gold garbs with Josephs? And why are the Reed garbs in the colors of the Dagger scallops while Daggers share the red bull in Crest with Sabine's? Moreover, Daggers can trace to Umbria from their Cumberland location. For another red bull, the Joseph-beloved Charo's.

So, here's the question. When the Antipater line went to the rulers of Bithynia, where Aphrodite cultists could have lived, did the proto-Caiaphas family go along? How possibly could it have been a Syphax line too? Well, there is a modern HAS location at the northern-most part of the Drin river, the river of the Cavii, and there were two HASdrubal characters in the Carthaginian camps, one of them a brother of Hannibal. And with Josephs using a "mago" motto term along with a Cas ni" phrase that can be for Cassander liners, it's a good bet that proto-Caiaphas' were merged at some point with a child / brother of Hannibal when he was in Bithynia, explaining why Josephs and Bidens were first found in the same place. The mention of Aphrodite, who I say was on the Parthenius river of the Heneti, is for he trace to Abruzzo, a term that sounds much like king PRUSias of Bithynia. I expect Caiaphas liners at AVEZZANo, down-river from north-western Abruzzo, and AVISONs use the garb in both colors of the Joseph garbs. The Avisons list "Avis(e)," which is a motto term of Cassels / Kennedys, no kidding at all.

Hasdrubal commanded Hannibal's camps in Spain, and war against the Romans took place on the EBRO river (Spain), a potential Abruzzo > Eburovices term. Here's on the plan to have Hasdrubal's army meet Hannibal's in Italy: "It was not until Hasdrubal sent messengers to Hannibal that decisive measures were taken. Hasdrubal wished to meet with his brother in South Umbria." Hannibal in southern Umbria...near Avezzano, and closer still to Rieti. Spoleto is in southern Umbria, as is the mouth of the Turano.

I've been neglecting the TURNer surname that is said to be from Turnerus CAPELLANus. What made me look it up just now? That surname was, surely, the Capelli / Caplan kin of Bidens and Josephs *(and may explain the Joseph bull horns from Turin liners, not forgetting that Josephs loved the bull-using Charo's). Avezzano is on the Turano. Turners were first found at Oxfordshire, on the west side of London, and we read that Feltmans (probably of the Kaplan kin of Feldmans and Capes') were from West London. I kid you not, that Feltmans are the ones with a Spoleto-like "spolia" motto term. Just look at the timing of this find.

German Turners share the same tower as Pellicans (same place as French Josephs), in colors reversed from the Thor/Tour tower. German Turners share elephant TRUNks ("Turano-like term) with German and Swedish Thors. Pellicans were first found in Maine, and Maine's (same place as Thors/Tours and Billets) may be using the Nickle pheon in colors reversed. The Maine Coat is in the colors and format of the Cassel / Pater Coats, and the "ProJECI" motto of Maine's was suggested as code for Jacks/Jacques' (Yorkshire), who use scallops on a fesse in the colors of the garbs on a fesse of Billet-like Blythe's, all in the colors of the Biden fesse. And, Billets/BILIARDs were first found in Maine. That works. The bull in the Biden Crest has become suspect with "Bullis," while Bullis' list BULIARD. Not even the people at Google, who persecute my work, can deny me a popped eye upon these interesting "coincidences."

Blythe's share garbs in the colors of the same of Reeds so that Blythe liners can trace to the Turano too. Maine's use the double Perche chevrons, as to be found as kin of the Perche BELLamys (same crescents as Blythe's), probably a branch of Billets/Bellows ("Vita" and "pecTORE" motto terms). This is a good place to repeat that Vita's are in the annulet of Holms, suspect, for the first time in the last update, as Umbria liners. "PECtore" can also be for Syphax liners of the Pickernell-et-al kind.

I like to repeat that bellow fans are used by Skiptons (same place as English Turners), potential Skipton = Scipio liners. It's therefore interesting that the Billets/Bellows (share the English Billet Shield) use the same cinquefoils as HAMILtons while Hannibal's father was HAMILcar Barca. As I trace Hameltons to CAMULOdunum, later Colchester, it's also interesting that the Arms of Colchester use nails, perhaps code for the Nickle line of Nagle's. If I recall correctly, the Arms of Colchester is a red cross of the type used by Burghs/BERKs.

The write-up for Scottish Jacks (share holly with Maxwells) traces to a Mr. Jack that was supposedly a tenant for a mill operator, but I have found that even heraldic write-ups have false statements that are nothing but code for kin. In this case, I say that the Jack mill theme is due to the known Jack-Maine-Turner links. Turners pretended to be derived in a mill-turner theme, but their use of a mill rind suggests blood links to Mills and Rinds. Rinds use a motto term, "DiuTURNitate," and I doubt very much that this is code for mill-turning equipment. Rinds share gold scallops with the English Jacks. The mill rind has a mascle at the center, and looks much like an heraldic fret (the Turner mill rind is in the colors of the Cattle fret).

Scottish Jacks are said to be from a WOODal location in Renfrewshire, where we can expect several Rieti lines, and so let's repeat that Rita's use a "piece of WOOD," and that "piece" can be for Paise/Peace liners to the namers of Renfrew's Paisley/PASley, from Italian Pase's/Pasi's. The Crusaders were from the Rollo-Claro line, and the first grand master is said to have married Catherine Sinclair (of Roslin), while the black moline of Jacques de Molay is in the colors of the Sinclair cross. Other say the first grand master married Elizabeth Chappes, which is how I know that Caiaphas liner had invested themselves with the Templars / Crusaders in order to secure something of great value at Jerusalem's temple (the Crusades weren't cheap). Then, while Rollo's (same place as Rinds) use a "passe" motto term, Rolins use the same lions as Rita's and Sforza's...and German Bernards. One of the early leaders of the Crusades was BERNARd de CLAIRvaux, but then by what coincidence do Bernards and Rinds both share scallops on a blue-on-white bend? French Bernards use wreaths called, "laurel crowns," and laurel traces to Lorraine (Lorraine's use laurel), beside Champagne.

Why do Rolles'/Rowles' (gold lion) have a fesse in the colors of the TURNbull fesse? We could ask the boar heads of Rollo's and Turins/Thurins? The Rolles description: "...three black BILLETs, each charged with a lion." Rolles' were first found in the same place as Jacks/Jacques', recalling that Jacks came up as per the motto of Maine's (i.e. Billets were first found in Maine).

The Rolles Crest has a ParchMENT surname, and there are two Ment surnames suspect with "Amyntes," whom I trace to Mynetts (share black-on-white helmet with French Bernards). One Ment/Mant surname was first found in the same place as Rolles' and Jacks/Jacques while using three bends in the colors of the bend in the Arms of Jacques de Molay (shown at his Wikipedia article). Scottish Ments/Manns (pellets) were first found in the same place as Turins/Thurins. Parchment can also be code for Parks (CUMBERland, Umbria-likely place), who use the Stewart Shield while sharing red stag heads with Reeds, a logical thing because Stewarts (ended up in Renfrewshire) were close to the Rieti-based Pollocks. The Rollo Clan badge, a stag head, has got to be the giant red one of Celts/Colts (same place as Rollo's), but then Parkers use a giant stag head too.

Parkers were first found in DERBYshire while Amyntes conquered Derbe (Anatolia). Amyntes' father, BROGITarus, has the same basic consonants as "Park," and FROGGITs (parrot) were likewise first found in Derbyshire. Amazing "coincidences." Froggits use a "bunch of cherries," and Bunch's (suspect as a Pink branch) were first found in Perthshire. BROCKs share the Stewart motto so that yet another BROG-like term links to Park liners. Bunch-like Punch's are said to derive in "Pontius," and Perth(shire) traces to Perdrix, a peak of Mont Pilat. Coincidence after coincidence...they are likely not.

The last update dealt with the claim in the Reed write-up, that they descended from Robertsons of Perthshire (where Celts and Rollo's were first found), but here we find that the Robertson motto shares "merces" with Parkers (traces to the Marsi near/in Avezzano). The Parker-Robertson link works also where the "fideli" motto term of Parkers is code for Fiddle's/FIDELows (Vito colors) using three wolf heads in colors reversed from the same of Robertsons.

Back to the Rolin lions, in case they are the Sforza - Rita lions. The Sforza lion is also that of Ferrara's while Clare's/Charo's (same bend as Rinds) were first found in Ferrara. But let's repeat that Rita's and Sforza's (both from Rome) are honoring the Pierleoni with their lions, while Godfrey III was grandfather to Godfrey de Bouillon, to whose credit the first battle of Jerusalem went. I didn't learn until this past year that Godfrey III was welcome, as a military supporter, into the gates of the Pierleoni (Catholicized Jews), when the latter were in political trouble. This find was years after insisting that the Bouillon family was of the Jerusalem Jews. In fact, Godfrey de Bouillon was elected the first king of Jerusalem. Why him? Surely, he was a Caiaphas / Herod liner, for his contemporary, Hugh de Payens, who stayed decades at the Jerusalem temple, married Chappes'. The secret is out, but Google has decided to hide my writings on these matters.

Ponts/Ponds, share the same-colored bend as Bunch's, tending to indicate that Bunch's were Punch's. Ponts/Ponds share the red-on-white patee cross of Jacques de Molay, and moreover the Jacks/Jacques look to be using a version of the Bunch fesse with symbols (all three colors the same for both surnames). Ponts/Ponds were first found in the same place as Bidens, who use the same fesse. Once we trace to Bithynia and neighboring Galatia (home of Brogitarus / Amyntes), we are around the Pontus. While I agree with others that Pontius Pilate was born in Perthshire, or to a Pict of Perthshire, I see his name as indicating ties to a ruler of the Pontus. In that way, he was in a position to be chosen, by the Roman puppets in Syria, as the governor of Jerusalem. Pilate ruled at the same time as Caiaphas was the high priest, and Bidens use the Capelli chapeau. I should try to remember that Ponts were first found in the same place as Josephs, a thing I've never stressed. French Ponts were first found in the same place (Burgundy) as Pilate's...another amazing coincidence.

The first Templar grandmaster was Hugh de Payens, and he reportedly had strong connections to the count of Champagne. The Arms of Champagne (and the Champagne surname) share the potent pattern, upon a bend, with Avezzano's. Why? The Champagne bend, incidentally, is colors reversed from the Bernard bend.

Looking up the Woodal surname (red moline), we find that there is another Woodall location in Yorkshire, where English Jacks (and Maxwells) were first found. The Woodal MOLine reminds of JACQUES de MOLay, who traced very well to Eschyna de Molle. Wikipedia once had Jacques de Molay with a red-on-white moline upon his breast (now black-on-white), the colors of the Woodal moline. Let's remind that while Eschyna married Robert Croce, Croce's share the potent = crutch feature with Avezzano's, and that the potent cross was used by the first invaders of Templarist Jerusalem while Jacques de Molay was a Templar grand master. Some say that the potent cross was owned by Godfrey de Bouillon, and then Bouillons ("bello" motto term can reveal Bello / Below / Bellows kin) use a flory cross in colors reversed from the similar Molay / Woodal moline.

The family of Godfrey de Bouillon was basic to the Flanders connection to Crusaders. One of the two English Peter surnames is said to descend from Flanders, and the Coat even uses the Arms-of-Flanders lion (same lion in the Rolles Coat). But the lion is in French-Levi colors while the county of Hainaut, in Flanders, used the French-Levi chevrons (all three of them). This Peter surname uses a "major" motto term that should link to the "mago" of Josephs, and the "InVIDIA" motto term of the same Peters can be for a Vito/Vita liner.

The Peters above are said to have lived in a THORNdon manner, which can explain why English Thorns/Torns share the upright and black Peter lion. The Thorn motto term, "spinis," reminded my of SPINE's/Spings, and while the latter were first found in the same place (Warwickshire) as Spoons (look like branches), by what coincidence do Spoons share the giant boar head (same colors) of Molle's while the daughter of Eschyna de Molle married Peter Pollock's brother? In all the times that I've been tracing Peter Pollock to Vespasia Polla on the TURANo river, I have missed this THORN link to Peters. Turins/THURINs/Torns share the boar head.

As Thorns were first found in Somerset, while Bidens are said to have been in Somerset's Bath and Wells, it's notable that Thorns share the same fesse as Bidens. Thorns were first found beside Thors/Tours (towers). As Thorns use a "colleQUINus" motto term, the QUINotaur of Merovingian lore is brought to mind, suggesting that Thorns and Thors were Tournai liners, for they say that Pollocks trace to the Merovingian king, Clovis I. The last update found the Clovis/Clovell surname with nails, a symbol of the Nagle/Nail line, I assume, now tracing to Nicomedes. Therefore, can we entertain a Nicomedes link to Flavius Petro's imperial family? His son was Flavius Sabinus while the Sabine surname uses a giant scallop in colors reversed from the Happs/Apps / Capes scallops, showing a potential Flavius link to the Apsus river. Just like that, a simple way to trace Flavius Petro's name to AntiPATER.

The Spoon boar head has blood drops, a symbol with the Kilpatrick dagger head and with the black Patterson/Cassane lion, suggesting that the Patterson lion may be that of Peters / Thorns. In fact, the Sodhans in the Patterson/Cassane write-up trace to Sodhans/SOWdens because they not only use scallops in colors reversed from the Patterson scallops, but a Coat reflecting that of Casano's/Cassandra's! I have reported this many times, but it's now verifying the Patterson trace to Antipatria. And Scottish Pattersons (pelicans galore) were first found in Ross-shire, beside Peter Pollocks Rothes castle.

The last update found that the giant Molle boar head, identical with the Spoon boar head, is in the Schien/Schand Coat, and that the surname was a branch of Skins/Skene's. The latter share gold-on-red wolf heads with French Nicholas', the latter's fesse in colors reversed from that of Bidens. I can now add that the Peterson Coat shares the same lions as English Nicholas' (colors reversed from the Thorn lions), and that these Nicholas' are the one's sharing the raven with the other English Peters (Thorn kin, I'm assuming). The Sabine's can be linked very well to Pulleys/Pullens/Pullers, and the latter share black martlets with French Nicholas', but while the Pulley martlets are in both colors of the French-Joseph martlet, let's repeat that English Josephs were first found in the same place as the Bidens.

The Pattys share the Nicholas lion on a Coat reflecting that of Petersons, and Pattys use a Coat like that of NITTs/Naughts, first found in the same place (Dumfries) as the NITH river, location of Kilpatrick castle. There is a lot of heraldry tracing to Antipatria, and it includes Peter liners that, in my opinion, have proven to trace to Vespasia Polla, wife of Flavius Sabinus. The "uvas" motto term of Thorns may allude to a Vespasian line (Vas' are listed with Vice's/Vise's). A VASE was found with the Spangle's (last update), assumed to be part of the Spingle variation of Spine's, and moreover these surnames were looked up as per the Spingler variation of Syphax-suspect Spike's.

I had a childhood friend with WitherSPOON surname, which is why I've just looked up the Witters to find two surnames sharing crescents, and the English Witters/Withers/Weathers are using an excellent reflection of Sping/Spine Coat, not forgetting that the latter were first found in the same place as Spoons. The Witter Coat is even a reflection of the Cassel and Pater Coats. The Witter write-up traces to a Mr. Wider, recalling the "videri" motto term of Shreve's/Sheriffs, first found in the same place as Spoons. This can now link Spine's and Spoons to the "piece of wood" of Rita's, for Wide's are listed with Woods. Syphax was living around Rome at the end of his life, and Rita's were first found in Rome, and have proven to be the Pierleoni of Rome. The Pierleoni are suspect in LEOpards, and also in leopard face's while Face's/Fessys list the Vase surname.

So, as the Rieti line of Flavius Petro has traced well to the Peters that named Pierleoni, it can trace Pierleoni to Antipatria. All of these new trails will be useful for greater understanding. One clue leads to more than one, and I have hundreds of them. I've been learning to "read" heraldry, and though mistakes are bound to occur, I can usually see where correct gleanings have been made with a high percentage of certainty. I trust some of the links more than others. Here is a good example of how I operate. "Vezzano" looks like "Bessin," and Bessins have been found to trace to Bassianus' and Masseys with a high degree of certainty, for the first-known Meschin was from the Bessin, and he ruled where Masseys lived while the first-known Bassianus had a daughter that took on a Maesa surname. "VESpasian" has only been suspect with the namers of "AVEZzano," for his city was on the same river as Avezzano, and, so, when we inquire about the Vase surname, we only need to know that a 'v' was often modified from/to a 'b' so that Vase's may have been Base's / Pase's, the same that may have named "VesPASIa." In that case, "Vespasia" was made of two terms of related bloodlines, and Avezzano becomes a city of the Bassianus'. It starts off as a theory, but heraldry can add to the clues that support the theory until it looks undeniably factual.

Right off the bat, we note that Base's/Baise's (same place as the first Meschin's wife) use the double lions, in vertical (pale) positioning, as the Gernon lions, while the first Meschin's son was "de Gernon." Why is Lucy Taillebois tracing to Bassianus liners? Ask the Tilurius river in the 2nd update of this month.

We then find that Face's/Vase's use the same cross as Passe's/Pascals, but in colors reversed, and that the Face/Vase cross is used by Cheshire's Macclesfield. Plus, I have traced the Bassianus' to the Lamas surname, which I saw with the Dumas surname (besants), for the Dumas write-up traces to Le Mas (southern France), which is near Grasse, and the Arms of Grasse uses the same white-on-blue lambs as the Lamas surname, but then a lamb is used also by the Passe's/Pascals. While Italian Pasi's are Pase's/Pace's/Pascels (Lamas colors), English Pace's were first found in Cheshire, and so it all adds up to what looks like a reliable viewpoint.

Another clue is where Basins, like the Pasino variation of Pasi's, share pine cones with Maschi's. And there is obvious reason to consider the Pasutti variation with Bassets, for French Bassets (same billets as Etienne's, in Pilate colors), list "BESANcon." There is a French area of Besancon near a Clairvaux location, and then the Bernards, which figured above as some kin of Jacques de Molay, traced well for that reason to Bernard of Clairvaux. We then find that Bissets use the Bernard bend in colors reversed, making Bissets (Pasi colors) suspect as Pasi kin. The Bisset motto, "Reviresco," can be code for Revere's with the Mason/Massin lion. While Pulleys/Pullens have proven to trace to the Vespasian line, they use the same bend as Bissets.

I predicted, before knowing any of this, that the False Prophet, in Revelation 13, would be a mouse = Massey / Meschin liner. That prediction was made before I knew of the GOPLo Mouse Tower, and before I knew that French GOBELs (once showed the old Masci-wing design) use a version of the Macey Shield. The prediction was made before I knew the Lamas lambs. I actually started to believe that God gave me the wits to read heraldry, as well as other keen insights and methods, for making a dragon-line spite of Google's persecution / suppression of my work. My mother is a Massey liner, and this caused me to keep tabs on Massey symbols, wherever they might crop up, and it also caused me to keep a record of all Massey-related details, especially when realizing that Masseys were the very root of Freemasonry (Freie's and Masons use the same lion, and they probably named "Freemasonry," having nothing to do with stone masons). Masons/Massins use a "spiro spero" motto phrase while Pase's/Pasi's use spears.

Eventually, it was realized that "Goplo" and "Gobel" look like "Gabal," and the first-known Bassianus was a high priest of El-Gabal. I think it was Julia Maesa's grandson, emperor HeilioGABALus, who wanted to change the entire Roman pantheon to an El-Gabal cult. I then found a GABULeum location on the Drin river, while Bassania is near the mouth of the river. It's right beside ancient Lissus (has a similar name today), while the Lys/Lisse surname shares the Massey fleur-de-lys in the same colors. For this reason, I feel compelled to make a fundamental Bassianus link to the Drin river's Cavii peoples, and trace them, even though I don't know how it went down in history, to Avezzano. In the meantime, Carthaginians and/or Numidians that led to Hannibal's / Massena's / Syphax' family are expected on the Illyrian coast near Bassania.

Face's/Vase's have a motto that is claimed to be, probably falsely, a statement made by Constantine I (Roman emperor not long many generations after Heliogabalus). The motto / statement is part-code for the Winks/Wings / Vince's from VINKovci, which can explain the wings of Masci's, which are white on red, the colors of the "falcons" in the French Saffer Coat. As English Saffers/Savarys are the ones with a "vita" motto term for Julia Maesa's husband, while French Savarys/Savards share the besants of Dumas'. And so I trace Saffers to Severus Bassus and/or Septimius Severus, emperor and husband of Julia's sister (Domna Bassianus). When we ask why Saffers use falcons, the Fulks come to mind because: 1) German Fulks use wings; 2) Italian Fulks use the blue-and-white checks of Mattis' who list "Massi." This line can be a Mathis-river liner because Bassania is at the mouth of the Mathis river (modern Mat). In fact, Mathis' were first found in the same place (Burgundy) as French Saffers (and Messeys/Messier's). We can guess by the billets of Besancons/Bassets that they were at Mont Pilat / St. Etienne (Burgundy).

I am not very familiar with the Clairvaux surname. I do know that Masci's of Cheshire used "Hamon" as a first name, and Clairvaux's are traced to an elite Hamon de Clervaux, "follower" of Alan "the red" of Brittany and Richmond. Although the Clairvaux saltire is shown black on gold, the write-up tells that he had a gold saltire. Hamon is said to be originally from Rodez, and later from the Clervaux Anjou (ruled early by Fulks). I am not familiar at all with this castle or location, but it can explain why Masci's and Fulks share wings. In fact, I just came across black wings (Fulk-wing colors) with the Polish Pasts (I'm not familiar with them either, but looked them up as per a Pasi variation, Pasutti).

It appears that I've just found Massey liners in Anjou, which recalls that Nicholas de Vere traced his family to counts of Anjou immediately before the Fulks took over, though no one seems to know of any Vere counts in Anjou. But as Vere's use the Massey quadrants, which are in colors reversed in the Croft Crest, it appears that the Vere line was part of the Croft-Clervaux association. Hamon de Clervaux is said to have held, from the Norman king, the land of Croft, while Crofts use the Sheriff motto (includes "videri"). As I found the Mattis/Massi checks in the Arms of Massa-Carrara (northwest Italy, same area as Italian Fulks), let's repeat from above: "the English Witters/Withers/Weathers [from a Mr. Wider] are using an excellent reflection of Sping/Spine Coat..." Widers>Witters are like the Croft motto term, videri, and then Massa-Carrara was ruled for a time by MalaSPINA's, suggesting the Syphax-suspect Spings/Spine's and Spoons, both first found in the same place as videri-using Sheriffs, the Shreve variation of which has become suspect with the naming of SHREWSbury in similar SHROPshire. The Says were at Moreton-Say of Shropshire, and the Say quadrants are in the Croft Crest. The lion in the Croft Crest is split in the two colors of the Base / Gernon lion.

Nicholas de Vere (a witchcraft dope and a fool), claimed that Milouziana, or mythical Melusine (dragon tail, later a fish tail, she is known to be beloved in Lusignan, not far from Anjou), was the mother of Milo de Vere, count of Anjou / Angers, but then we find Melusine in the Crests of Masons/Massins and Glass', while Jewish Glass' use wings in the colors of the Masci wings (the latter once showed two white wings only). The Glass wing looks like the one in the Fulk Crest, and so we can trace this Anjou element to Glasgow and PAISley. Thus, it now appears that Masons were of Massa-Carrara, Numidians there along with the Syphax-Numidian line to Spikers'/SPINGLE's > SPINGS/Spine's > Malaspina's (named of MALAhule, ancestor of le Meschin?). Nicholas wrote a book, "From Transylvania to Tunbridge Wells" (Kent, same as Masons/Massins), and Clairs/Clare's (Vere colors) are from Tunbridge; they married a Meschin-of-Cheshire family. It should explain why French Clairs use besants.

If I recall correctly, Syphax, when he was a Roman prisoner, was kept north of Rome, and the Pierleoni were on Rome's north side. The Pisa's (compare with Freie's), suspect with the Mason/Massin lion, use the lion half in the colors of the Rita lion (= Pierleoni line but from Rieti). Plus, Pisa and Massa-Carrara are beside Lucca, where Massars/Massei's were first found along with Botters; the latter share the bend of Pulleys, Cato's, and Bissets (I include Cato's because Lucca's use a CAT). English Botters, kin of Bidens/Buttons, show an eagle in FERTE-eagle colors. Massars/Massei's are likely the namers of Massaro, on the south side of Lucca. Beside Massa-Carrara, there is a La SPEZia location that can be of the Space variation of SPECCots (FRETS in Masci-wing colors). Barca-suspect Berks show a lion but call it a cat. Space's/Speccots (in Ferte-eagle colors, red on gold) can be a branch of Syphax-suspect Specks/Spicks/Spocks. If the latter are using a red version of the Maxwell eagle, the Clairvaux saltire might be the Maxwell which case it's also the Kilpatrick saltire for a trace to where Bidens trace: Antipatria and Prusias of Bithynia.

It's very interesting that the Space/Speccots Coat has a bend in the colors of the Turin/Thurin bend, not only because this line traces to Basina in Thuringia, but because the CHIVES', first found in the same place (Devon) as Space's/Speccots (and Thors/Tours), should trace to "CHIVASSo," near Turin. Plus, while Chives' are said to have had a branch in Aberdeenshire, that's where Turins/Thurins were first found. But the very new point here is that La Spezia, being beside the Massa-Carrara that uses the MATTIS/Massi checks, appears situated for a relationship with Mathis-river liners that must have included Cavii liners to the Chives', for the latter share the moline cross of Mathis'. Thus, my prior trace of Carthaginians / Numidians to the Cavii theater (including Has on the Drin) is working out right here where I'm attempting to find the lines of Syphax.

The Massey liners of Anjou suggest the Broc location of Anjou, where Bricks (Munster) are said to derive that use the Massey fleur, and probably the Clare stag head because Strongbow Clare invaded Munster with a whack of families around Wales / Cheshire. The PemBROKE's share the Mazzo/Mazza Coat, and Strongbow ruled out of Pembroke, which tends to reveal that Strongbow was involved with Broc liners. The Croft-Crest lion is partly red, and PASSant, like the Broke/Brock lion, and the latter surname (from a Mr. Capell) is likewise said to be from Broc of Anjou. It may also mean that Briquessart (father of le-Meschin) was named after Broc-of-Anjou elements. He had married the sister of Hugh Lupus, herself born from Richard Goz (father), and then a Gosbert is said to have been the holder of the land in Speccot. There is a question on whether Gos'/JOSSe's were Joseph-Caiaphas liners, for they were first found in Staffordshire while Staffords share the Quint chevron. Reminder: the Speccots are suspect with "Syphax," and the latter term with "Caiaphas."

As Brocks/Broke's were in Essex (same as Quints), beside the Lincolnshire of le-Meschin's Talbot-liner wife, the Brock Crest is likely using the Talbot lion, and the Chief likely using a red version of the Maschi lion, with the Coat using the Masci fleur-de-lys.

Before leaving the Clervaux location, it's interesting that the gold saltire of Clervaux is said to be of "CLEVRaux," either a spelling mistake, or a variation of the name, for, before seeing this, I had traced "Clare" to "CLAVER." I wasn't sure whether Clavers/Cleavers were Clare liners, or a merger with them. Clavers use a reflection of the Meschin Coat. Over and over, from the MonteChiaro marriage to Mosca's, I see Clare-Meschin mergers. French Clairs (besants) even share a leopard with Mosca's. But the MonteChiaro line traces to a motto term of Josephs. One may ask whether Syphax liners out of Numidia were at Montechiaro, who then caught up with the Josephs via the Chiaro's/Claro's.

Let me take you back to the suspicion that Kepke / Keep liners are Syphax liners, for Gos'/Josse's share a multitude of stars in the colors of the seven Tryst stars while "Keep Tryst" is a motto of HEPburns. There is a falcon in the Tryst Crest...with someone's fish in its mouth, perhaps that of French Barneys/Bernier's (share the key with Clavers). The land of Speccots was given to Gosbert from a Mr. FitzBERNER, and then English Berners share quadrants in colors reversed from the same of Espaine's/Spineto's (thin bend, as with Chiaro's/Claro's), a Spina line, apparently, very-possibly from Balso D'Espaines, a descendant of MALAhule...tending to verify that Malaspina's were Malahule liners somehow (Normans were all over Italy, and probably descended from some Italians).

This is no small thing, to link Spine's solidly with Space's/Speccots, for the Spine - Spike link had been gleaned and conjectured prior to making it. We have some green in these quadrants, and, somewhere along the way, Josephs picked up green for their perchevron. The green chevrons of English Burghs (same place as Josephs) are suspect with that green, and then Richard Goz married the Burgo > Conteville line. Reminder: Dutch Burgers once showed the three chevrons of Clare's.

From "Espaine's," we'd like to know whether Paine's/Payne's (same fesse as Leo's) and Payens/Pagans apply, for the first Templar grandmaster (a Payens) married a Syphax-suspect Chappes surname (share's the Moor head of Titus').

English Barneys/Bernie's share a red bend with Speccots and Turins, and put three gold symbols upon theirs, the colors of the three symbols on the Turin bend. This is sufficient to make a tentative Barney link to Berners of Speccot. As Turins trace to the Turano and therefore to Rieti, that was the home of emperor Titus, who, for some reason, was engaged to be married to BERENice Agrippa. By what coincidence do Bernice's share the fesse of Casano's/Cassandrfa's, first found in the same place (Modena) as Albino's (part-green Shield), kin of Albins/Aubins, said to be from Devon, where Speccots were first found.

Barnstaple's (Devon) share the trefoils of Albino's, and I know what they are from: the RoqueFEUIL marriage to Henry IV of Rodez, who produced the Rods using the same trefoils. When emphasizing the Albini liners, I found an ancient man by that name who is said to have named Aubin, near Rodez. The Barnstaple motto term, "mort," must be for the Morte's/Motts/Mottins (Modena liners, apparently), said to be from Cotes-du-Nord (Brittany), which is where French Henrys were first found who were not only in the early Josephs of Hampshire, but trace well to Henry IV of Rodez. And Rodez can bring us back to Hamon of Clervaux, said to be from Rodez.

PAYNE Roet, having a Rodez-possible surname, especially as his daughter owned a wheel symbol, was from the ESTAPLE area of Picardy. Coincidence? The Staple surname (leopard faces) shares the Peter motto. Note the Staple-FitzPAINE parish in the Staple write-up. The parish is in Taunton while Tauntons (share ravens with Peters) were first found in the same place (Somerset) as Roets and a Taunton location. The Taunton term is said to derive in the Tone/Thone river, but I can spot that this was a corruption from "Thorn," for Thorns were first found in Somerset too, and use a fesse in the colors of the Taunton chevron. The latter's chevron has gold symbols reflecting the Turin/Thurin bend, which itself shares boar heads with the Roet Chief. This is an aha-moment, for while Thorns (lived at Thorn-Falcon) are the ones with a "spinis motto term, Catherine Roet (Payne's daughter) married Mr. SWINford. Yes, swine-like Swinfords use boar heads, but the boar heads may not have been that of Swinfords to begin with, or symbols of that surname. Rather, Swinfords may have been SPINe/Spinner liners that re-named themselves in honor of the boar heads.

Recall that Roets were from a Boofima cult conducted by an IMPERI peoples, and suspect at Imperia, also called Oneglia. For, Nagle's share gold lozenges with Tauntons.

So Tauntons/TANTons are Turano-river liners, assumed, of the Tone/Thone kind, and we then have TUNbridge/TONbridge that can be the same. As the Turano ends near SPOLeto, let's go to the "PorTANTi SPOLia palma" motto of FELTmans/Felthams, and repeat that they use the Palmer bars in colors reversed so that we know, for certain, that their motto has code for surnames / entities. The Spine's/Spinners (Feltham colors) are said to have been at FELTwell, and Feltwells (same place as Palmers) are the ones with the two lions of Jewish Levi's. The Feltham Crest is a broken spear with a tip at each end (see Shakespeare spear), and there is such a spear also in the Crest of English Fulke's, first found in the same place as Palmers and related/similar Flecks.

Agrippa's are suspect with griffins, which are used by Gards, whom can be in the "ReGARDez" motto term of Barnstaple's. Note the apparent allusion of RODEZ in "RegaRDEZ." "Rodez" has itself been suspect with "Herod."

The Barnstaple Albins/Aubins (bull head in Crest) are said to be from St. Tauren (Evreux), a possible Turin liner. The type of blue fitchee crosses of Albins/Aubins are used by MEA's/Meighs, which is a good reason to trace the latter, or both, to the MEU river in Cotes-du-Nord. It tends to clinch the "mort" motto term of Barnstaple's with Mottins/Morte's. Mea's even share white-on-red boar heads with Juggs/Judds while there is a Jugon location in Cotes-du-Nord. A Tauren location on Abreu-related Evreux can certainly trace to Turano liners. Speccots, remember, can be using the Turin bend.

So, were the Berners at Speccot (same place as Barnstaple) a Berenice-Agrippa merger with Syphax liners? The Gripps/Grape's/Grabbers are using half a saltire in the colors of the Clairvaux saltire, and Clervaux's ruler not only came from Rodez, but was of a Croft area while Crofts use an "Esse" motto term that should be for D'Esse Court in the write-up of the Ash's of Devon i.e. location of Speccot. D'Esse Court is a person, and when we go to the Court/Covert surname, we find Barnstaple there too. The "GRAND" term buried in the Court/Covert motto can be for GIRONDe river, where the other husband of Catherine Roet had some business. French Grands are also "GRONDE. Grands/Grants are said to have been from Grand COURT, and counts of Eu (Talbots were counts of Eu too).

Next, I looked up Tonners to see if they were Turano liners of the Tone kind, and the Tony (Toeni) Coat came up, said to be from Turano-like Tyrone. Toeni's are known Malahule descendants, and may be using the Tickhill symbol that makes Tony's linkable to Anne's/Hanne's of Tickhill. Italian Tony's were first found in Tuscany i.e. location of Pisa, La Spezia, Lucca, Massa-Carrara, and Italian Fulks (it's interesting that I trace TANTalus to the Antalya Pisidians (the root of Atlanteans) that I say named Grecian Pisa). The Botters, first found in Lucca, are not only a branch of Bidens/Buttons, but of Potters, and while the latter use the Flower cinquefoil, Italian Tonys use a flower. Moreover, the Porters/PAWTERs are in POTTER colors, and can be gleaned as a Potter branch (because they were first found in the same place), important as per the "PORTanti" motto term of Feltmans/Felthams.

Toeni's gave their sleeve symbol to the Arms of Leicestershire. The Feltwells are said to have had a base in Hose of Leicestershire, yet are traced to a VESly location in Abruzzo-based Eure (operated by the Noyers), good reasons for tracing Vesly to Vespasian and/or Avezzano.

The Italian-Tony flower is white on blue, the color of the rose of Italian Culles'/Cola's/Colardo's, and Porters use a "portCULLIS" gate (as do Yate's). The Culles write-up mentions a Mr. Colaci, like "Colchis." Can there be a reason for this? Yes. Cullis' are listed with Collisons. Recall that the "PorTANTi" motto term can be both for Ports and Tauntons, for while Cullis' use "peasCODs," the Codds (beside Taunton of Somerset) use a version of the Taunton/Tanton Coat.

Note that while Porters are traced to a doorman, Ports, first found in Hants (in Hampshire, where Porters were first found), are traced to a sea port (meaning that neither derivation is to be trusted). Ports share two blue-on-white chevrons with Hucks, and while HUCKABEE's use five chevrons in the same colors, Hose's/Ouse's (said to be from Noyers in Eure) are also "HOSABY." As Dexters (Leicestershire) use two chevrons in the same colors again, Hose liners can now be traced to the Aous river (in Epirus = proto-Abruzzo), one major river south of the Apsus = home of Dexter-like Dexaroi. The leg symbol of Hose's are probably for the Legro river at Leicester. We are apparently back to the Antipatria > Bithynia line, which underscores the fact that Porters were first found in the same place as Bidens. The Aous is at the bottom-left of this map:

Of drive-by interest, Hose's are said to be from ANDELYs, home also of the Tosni's (in the Hose write-up). The Tosni's are the Toeni's, suggesting a Turano-river link to Antipatria and/or things upon the Aous river such as Bullis. Toeni's are in Taunton/Tanton colors, and while I trace TANTAlus to "ANTALya, this city was also "Attaleia," the making of "Italia." As Plato made Poseidon's first/chief son, ATLas, king of ATLantis, I can glean that Atlas was code for ATTALeia, especially as Poseidon (i.e. Pisidians) was a Phoenician peoples. Therefore, the Tantalus > Pelops > Pisa line of Amazons / Lydians / Heneti are suspect at Les Andelys (in Eure). Keep in mind that Toeni's/Tosni's are tentatively tracing to the Turano river, where we can expect some Abruzzo (i.e. Epirus) elements that named Eure and its Evreux location. Between the Lydia of Tantalus and the Antalya of Pisidians, there was LYCia, a likely origin for LEICester. As for Eure's Noyer, the Noys/Nie's (share the dove with Peace's/Paise's) may apply who happen to be in Pace/Pasi colors while using a "pacis" motto term. Noyers use a giant eagle that may be from the Arms of L'Aquila (Abruzzo capital).

This picture can bring us back to VesPASIA, a good reason to trace her line to Vesly, especially as Fessy's/Vesseys share the Macclesfield cross while the Arms-of-Macclesfield motto shares "copia" with Reeds while Reeds use "PAX copia" (i.e. linkable to "pacis"). There is a Pacis surname said to derive in "pax," but this is off-the-wall garbage. The Pacis Coat shares the giant oak tree with Maio's, and while Maia was a daughter of Atlas, a mythical Maja was a goddess of Abruzzo's Maiella mountains. Therefore, the Reed motto can trace to Abruzzo liners. The Pacis'/Paci's were first found in the same place as Pace's/Pasi's, wherefore the Noy motto has just found for me what I had not known, a Pasi branch from Abruzzo elements of the Atlas kind. It may give the impression that Pasi / Phasis liners were Pisidians, and, on that idea, the Pisa/Piso surname shares a blue-on-white lion with the Arms of Macclesfield.

I still argue that Pelops' wife was of the pagan Levites of Israel's Laish, which place I see as related to the Lasonii tribe of Pisidians, traced (by me) to the Lazi of Lazona smack at/beside Phasis/Poti. As I identify this as the Ladon dragon, the Ares dragon at Colchis must have been the Lazi army. The Pacis/Pasutti crosses form a bend in Bisset-bend colors, and the Pasin variation recalls the Basins, first found in POITou (POITIERs), where we might expect Potter / Porter/Pawter liners.

The Ports (same place as Josephs) use three ESToile's in Chief in the colors of the three Joseph-Chief garbs. This is a good reason to view the bend of French Ports/Porters as that of Charo's/Claro's, the latter first found in ESTE-related Ferrara. As Colchians came to settle around Istria, itself near Este, I trace Potters / Botters / Porters to Poti, a Colchian city on the Black sea. The city was also called, Phasis, which became suspect with Bassus > Bassianus liners (Bassus' ruled at Cilicia, near Colchis); if correct, Avezzano (and the Bessin) becomes suspect as a Phasis liner to such things as Porters. The Avezzano's even use a POTent pattern that I think is code for Potentia in southern Italy, for I found the potent cross in multiple Arms of Calabria, anciently Bruttium, like "Aprutium," the old Abruzzo capital. Aphrodite (= the Heneti > Veneti > Venus line) was the lover of Ares so that one gleans a Colchian league with the Heneti (Phrygia).

Yes, I trace Bessins and Bistons to the ancient Bistones (Cyrene), but as they worshiped Ares, note that the golden fleece, in Colchis, was protected by the dragon of Ares (it's only myth, but we get the Ares connection to Colchis that the writer made). If we remove the 's' from "Bistone," we are left with a Biden-like term. As the temporary owner of the fleece was mythical Aeetes, code for Attis of Phrygia, let's remind that Phrygia was beside Biden-suspect Bithynia. The real owner of the fleece (a flying gold ram to begin with) was Hermes, code for the Hermus river of Lydia (Attis was made father of Lydians). When Aeetes left Corinth for Colchis, he put a family of Hermes in charge of Corinth. Ares' daughter was Hermes-like Harmonia. We get it. The rider of the fleece, when it went to Colchis, was Phrygia-like Phrixus/Phryxes.

Colchians are known to have settled opposite the Adriatic sea from Istria, and that's where we find the COLapis river, wherefore I trace Colchians to Coles', Cole's and Cale's. As Kyle's (same place as a Kyle location) claim to be Cole liners, by what coincidence are Porters said to be from Kyle? Note that Cale's/Cahils, who share the anchor in Crest with Kyle's, are said to be from Tipperary, where Kennedys are from who trace to the Kennati priesthood at the Cetis area of Cilicia, where the Bassus line came to rule. Scottish Kennedys, first found in the same place (Ayrshire) as the Kyle's, are the ones with an "Avise" motto term for Avezzano (= Turano-river) liners. Now you know to trust me more than off-the-wall heraldic derivations. Reminder: Kennedys use the Cassel Coat, and Cassels were shaping up as Cassander liners. Admittedly, however, I have a problem where I trace Bidens to "Bithynia" and to Botters / Potters too, for the latter are traced to Poti. Perhaps the Bidens/Buttons were not a Poti line, but were merged with them, for they were first found in the same place, and Botters show a Button-like variation. Colchians in Bithynia? No problem.

Let's now go to Tyrone's/Tyrols, for Irish Tonners/Tone's are said to be from Tyrone. Tyrone's were first found in Essex, location of king Cole's COLchester. Tyrone's are said to descend from Mr. TIREL, Lord of Poix, and then German Thors were first found in TYROL, a good reason to view German Tyrols as Turano-river liners too. Tyrone's happen to share the blue-on-white chevron with the Ports, who were first found in Hants and Dorset. Hants is southern Hampshire, and the southern-Hampshire border with Dorset is the location of Poole, the Vespasia-Polla line from the Turano river. Palins, who have a PAWley variation like the PAWters, are in Porter/Pawter colors, and first found in Dorset too. I suggest a merger of Palins with Potters (I don't see them as fundamental branches), As the Palin-Chief stars are shared by Powers while Powers are said to be from Pois=POIX (Picardy), by what coincidence are early Tyrone's said to be lords of Poix?

There is a Poitou surname showing variations that begin as "Post," and then Posts, first found in the same place as Porters / Potters, use the Poole lion. As Poitou's are said to be from Artois, they are likely using the Eustace Coat, and were thus married to the family of the first Jerusalem kings.

German Tyrols use a rare "crampon." The same symbol is used by Dutch Reeds, which gets us to Rieti = Turano-river liners yet again. Scottish Reeds were first found in the same place as Turins/Thurins. Crampons/Cramptons were first found in Umbria-suspect Cumberland, and cherish their white helmet (have a lion holding one in Crest), which recalls that Helms (white helmet), and helmet users, were gleaned as Umbria liners. As PENdragons use the helmet while tracing solidly to the Penestae Illyrians on the DRIN river, where I trace the Dragons/DRAINers (PenDRAGON colors) that likewise use the helmet, note that the Dragon helmets are in the colors of the Crampon helmets...and colors reversed from the helmets of Mynetts (same place as Dragons/Drainers) for a trace to Amyntes, ancestor in Phrygia of the Bassus'.

It just so happens that while the Italian OSCANs were within reach of the Umbria / Rieti theater, the Penestae had a capital, USCANa. The good historian is losing much potential heraldry codes are not understood for finding people-group bloodlines and their geographical origins.

Crampons use a so-called "square" as a canton, and it's quartered in the colors of the Fort quadrants, which is why any historian could look at the "Fortum" motto term of Crampons and guess rightly that this was code work. Yet, in ten years of doing this work, I have not read from one historian that motto terms are code for kin. The best online historians are either wholly ignorant and dumb, or, better yet, they know to keep the secrets demanded of them by the heraldry custodians. The Arms of Placentia use a square, though I don't know the official name. As CREMona is beside Placentia, CRAMpons look like Cremona liners.

The Crampon square has a black lion, the color of the Levi / Feltwell / Kilpatrick lion. The Square/Squirrel surname shares the red squirrel with Dexter/Deckster-like Deckers for a trace to Antipatria, origin of Kilpatricks. Like Crampons, Dexters use a canton. I still consider Deckers to be of the Ticino river, home of the Laevi Ligurians. The Dexters were first found in LIGURian-suspect Leicestershire, on the LEGRo river. But why are Dexters using the chevrons of Colchian-suspect Ports?

I've found many heraldic write-ups to use subtle codes. The Poitiers (Biden fesse in colors reversed?) are said to be from a "pot" or "DRINKing VESSEL," what looks like code for VESLy.

Vesly was the Eure home to Levi-suspect Feltwells. The Drinks (Gos/Josse and Gospatrick colors) share the lion of Dreux's, from Dreux of Eure, and are said to have been associated with Gospatricks (Antipatria suspects), earls of Umbria-suspect NorthUMBERland. There is a SPELman surname in the Drink write-up that can be indication of a line from Umbria's Spoleto. Spelmans/Spillane's (12 "discs" shown as plates) were first found in the same place as the Feltwells...using the Levi / KilPATRICK lion(s). It's FELThams that use "SPOLia", and while felt liners were traced to Capes' and related Kaplans, Capes' and related Happs/Apps' can be from the APSus river at Antipatria. Just add it all up.

As Felthams are said to be from HOUNSlow, compare the Houns/Hound Coat to that of GEFFARds, for Drinks are said to be from GEVRES (Brittany, land of ermines). Geffards/Giffords are said to have been in CHILLington, and then Poitiers (Chill/Child colors) are traced in their write-up to Courcys that use the three Chill/Child eagles in colors reversed. The Chills are suspect also with the Chillingham of Hebrons (Gospatrick colors), and the latter are the ones with a "tryst" motto term while Trysts can be using the multiple Gos/Josse stars.

The PICTones were from Poitiers, and an early Gospatrick, said to be part Pict (from Pilate's mother?), is said to have visited Rome (why?) with a TOSTig character, reminding of the Dane ruler, Tosti, a relative, if I recall correctly, of Swietoslawa of Poland, mother of Cnut, and daughter of Mieszko I. The latter was a Piast, and while I see Piasts descended from Pepinid Merovingians, the Piast eagle is also the Chill/Child eagle. Mieszko, in his Dagome article at Wikipedia, is said to have been descended from Sardinia, beside Courcy-like CORSica, and the Gospatrick saltire is also the Curry saltire. The Toste's/Tafts/Tofts share the red spread eagle with Courcys, not to mention Reeds, and not forgetting that Avezzano's were first found in Sardinia. The Tosts (no 'e') use the colors and format of Chills/Childs.

Toste's share the red-on-white crusader crosses with Were's/Weare's, who are said to have been a branch of Giffards on the Axe river, which river can be seen in the Drake-Crest axe. As Drake's (Dreux / Drink colors) trace to Abruzzo (Childeric's wife is suspect at Avezzano), where it's capital now uses the eagle, let's note that Were's, who were Vere liners in spite of the Were write-up denying it, use the motto of Abruzzo-liner Bruce's. The Drink / Dreux lion is the Brock lion, isn't it? On the map, see how close the Axius river of Paeonia is to the Penestae, the proto-Pendragons of the Axe-river theater.

Courcys are also in the Court/Covert write-up, and the latter were brought to topic as per D'Esse Court of the Ash's. Hesse in Germany can now be considered as an Aous > Hose/Hosaby liner for a couple of reasons. Irish Hussons (same lozenges as Bruce-suspect Bricks, but compare Hussons with Brix's/Brice's) are in Dexter / Huck / Huckaby colors, and show a Hessan variation along Cassane-like "Hassane." It makes Hucks suspect as Huss liners. German Hussons/Huss' are listed with Hesse's. The Cassane variation of Pattersons can thus trace to Aous liners, if Hose's are such, for Pattersons were Antipatria liners. The Hussons use blue lozenges, the colors of the Casano/Cassandra stars. Hesse of Germany was paired politically with Cassel, and Cassels were starting to figure as Antipater > Cassander liners. While a Chatti peoples are said to have founded Hesse / Cassel, Cassane's/Cassandra's, first found in the same place as Porters / Potters et-al, and who share the red-on-white chevron with Scottish Cassels, and triple-red chevrons with German Cassels, are said to have had a CATTESsone version. It reminds me of CETIS, and the Cetina river, where I trace the Keith Catti. I'm suggesting that proto-Hesse liners were merged with proto-Cassel liners, both from the Apsus - Aous theater. However, I have shown no proof that Hose liners are from the Aous, aside from the related surnames that can be traced strongly to the Apsus.

The ATINTanes on the Aous can now trace to Tints, first found in Somerset. The Tints can be traced well, with Gale's, to Tintagel, birthplace of king Arthur from the Pendragons. Courcy liners of the Coeur kind are in the Tint write-up. As Tints are said to be from Arundels, and while Arundels married the line of LUISa of Ceva, note that myth has Pendragon mating with GorLOIS' wife to birth Arthur. Gorlois was probably added to myth to make for a Pendragon branch. One can glean that the Tint crosses are a white version of the Gore / Windsor crosses, meaning that GORlois was a Gore-Ceva combination. Yes, for while Windsors are in the OTHER write-up, Pendragon's first name was made, UTHER. We are not stupid when faced with the childish facts. The biggest secret of all is that the stupids who created Arthurian myths were children in adult bodies.

As Hesse's use a giant sun, while there is a modern Has location (probably tiny) on the Drin/Drilon river not far downstream of sun-god-suspect Gabuleum (on the map), it speaks for itself. The Axe river is in Somerset, and Ash's of neighboring Devon may have been Axe liners, especially if Somerset's Tints, and Cornwall's Tintagel and Gale's, trace to Atintanes on the Aous. If Gale's are using a Coat version of the Sodans/Sowdens Coat (neighboring Devon), themselves using the scallops of Pattersons/Cassane's, it links Gale's to Antipatria liners. Reminder: the Sodan/Sowden Coat is a reflection of the Casano/Cassius/Cassandra Coat.

Those red triple chevrons of Cassane's/Cassandra's are used by German Ash's/Aschs. It makes D'Esse Court suspect from the Axius and the Paeonians. The Giffards of the Axe use the PAYNE motto, can you believe it, historians? Look at all the things that heraldry dredges up that you didn't realize while making up off-the-wall derivations to all sorts of things. Paeoni-suspect Pendragons were first found beside the first-known Ash's. The Roets, from PAYNE Roet, were first found in the same place as the Axe river (has a mouth in Devon, where Ash's were first found). There is a Seaton location near the mouth of the Axe, and Seatons were first found in the same place as Keiths. I had found a branch of Keiths (can't recall the term) along the northern Stur river (there's two of them near to one another), and Sturs (share bars in Keith-bar colors) / Isters are from Istria, I feel sure.

Cetis is in western Cilicia. There was a Cati entity, probably the same as Khassi / Kizzuwatna, in ancient Cilicia. I had read of the Cati from 1500 BC, defeated by the Assyrian invasion into Cilicia. This Assyrian king actually lived on the Habur river. I read that. And he was a Babylonian to begin with, and was probably the reason that Ishtar, the dread dragon goddess, was transferred from Babylon to Assyria. This is not to say that Cati was of the Ishtar cult, but it may have become so when Assyrians planted themselves there. And they may have evolved together into the Stur-Keith relationship that I see. And they may have hung around Cilicia to name Cetis.

There must be a million Cat-like entities that cannot all be from the same source. This is where heraldic codes come in to help make the correct links. The Cetin surname is listed with Cattans, and in their Crest is a castle, used also by Cato's/Chattans. Cetins/Cattans share cats with Caiaphas-suspect Chives', and the "lupus" motto term (of Cetins/Cattans) can suggest Lupus Laevillus, who married Quadratilla, she being the Bassus line after it had married the rulers of Cetis. So, you see, the stupids gave us the clues to realize their cherished spiritual pollution, the elite marked for Judgment due to their many sins in chasing power, honor of wealth. In the genealogy of Servilia Caepionis (more spiritual pollution), there is an Atilia, who married Cato the Younger, and she may explain QuadraTILLA. I felt satisfied that the tail of her name was connected to the namer of the TILurius river, the alternative name of the Cetina, which is the only reason I looked up Cetins in the first place. The "cautes" motto term of Cetins/Cattans is listed with Cotta's, the surname of the mother of Julius Caesar (more spiritual pollution extraordinaire), who probably slept with Servilia (a married woman) to get Quintus Caepio's treasure.

Cato the Younger was the half brother of Servilia Caepionis, and while there was a movie made, "Servilia of the Junii," the June's were first found in the same place as Capone's and Julians. The morons who know the secrets of these things, but remain unwilling to tell of them, probably chose Lindsay Duncan to act as Servilia Caepionis in the TV series, Rome, because Duncans use a chevron in colors reversed from the Quint chevron. Moreover, the Duncans ("Disce" motto term) were first from Angus, while the Duncan Chief has cinquefoils in the colors of the Angus and Annas star. One can get the impression that the Duncan royals were from a merger between Caiaphas and Annas liners. The Duncan royals were DunCHADS, a cat-like term that, as a surname, used the potent cross. Chads started out in Staffordshire, and Staffords share the same chevron as Quints. In colors reversed, the black-on-gold fitchee cross in the Cetin/Cattan canton is the gold fitchee in the Quint Crest.

Chats/Ketts/Keate's (cats) were first found in the same place (Norfolk) as Chads. Chats/Ketts use three cats in vertical pale, in colors reversed to the three vertical lions of Tailers, traceable to the Tilurius = Cetina river. As Massena liners are suspect with the Maezaei of the Tilurius theater, the Chad patees, which trace to Patti in Messina, are likely those of Massena's.

From the Donkey branch of Duncans, one can glean that donkey-using Chamberlains (same chevron as Duncans) were somehow merged with Duncans. French Chamberlains are using the Tankerville Shield, but it's also the CHADock and CHADwick Shield. The Chamberlain motto term, "conSPICI" signals Syphax liners, and CHAMBERs can be Umbria > Cambria liners.

Cato the Younger was slated to marry Miss LEPIDus, prior to marrying Atilia. If we think that Jews didn't use a "Levite" term to mark out the Levi priesthood, because "ite" is an English suffix, note the Biblical "LEVITicus." Therefore, a term such as Lepidus, and Lapith, could have been a Levi line to Greece. Mythical Ixion was a Lapith, as was Coronis. The latter was a mother to Asclepios, and the Huckabee's are said to use Asclepios rods.

Helpe from the Cottian Alps

There is no Vesly surname coming up, but Wessels share the three garbs of Josephs and Avise's/Avisons, a good reason to trace Vesly of Eure to Hebrew liners at Avezzano. The Kennedy kin of Avise's were at ORBa/Olba (Cetis area) while the URBanus river is near the Tilurius (center-right of map). Wessels/Wessex's of Wastel, and Whistle's/Wissels (Cotta colors), were suspect with VESTALis (Ves liner with a "Talis" suffix?), son of king Cottius of the Cottians. As Julius Caesar made an alliance with the royal Cottians, it struck me that they were related to his mother's Cotta surname. Whistle's/Wissels are in Tint colors, and first found in the same place (both use the white-on-red lion). The Cottian capital, Susa, is on a Riparia river (flows toward the Turin theater) having a VIU tributary, and French Chamberlains, whom I trace to Chambre, directly across the Cottian Alps from Susa, use an "inVIUm" motto term.

Checking for a Talis-like surname, there are two Tellis', one using the same lion as Talbots, and one in Susan colors, a term like "Susa." But this is inconclusive, and I can't add anything to it at this time. Wait. Chambre is on the Ark river along with Modane, while Modens (share fretty Shield with Cotta's), Arcs and Susans were all first found in Berkshire. The Berks/Burghs, a potential Hannibal-Barca line, jibes with the potential Syphax line in the Chamberlain motto. Berks/Burghs can be using the Savoy cross because the Ark river is in Savoy. Hannibal has crossed the Alps, moving toward the battle of Trebia, roughly or exactly where the Cottian Alps are located (the article didn't tell the path exactly, but mentioned a few places / peoples along the way). Hannibal crossed the Alps a century before the birth of Caesar's mother, but Wikipedia doesn't give Donnus' ancestors. The theory had been that Caesar, with Servilia, birthed the line to the birth of Caiaphas, and while my task is to find how Syphax worked into it, here we find Chambre liners linking logically to Cottians, while "conSPICA" is used by Chamberlains.

English Burghs use chevrons in colors reversed from the Tellis/Tally chevron. Chambers use the same red lion as Talbots and Tellis', and the Chamber lion comes with a red-on-white fesse, a combination used also by Dance's/Danse's, while a dancetty fesse, in the same color, is used by Cambers. It recalls Donnus, father of king Cottius, and the Italian Donnas/Dance/Danais surname (Piedmont, same place as Susa). Moreover, a red fesse in both colors of the Camber fesse (Quint colors) is used by French Dennis'/Denice's/Denise's. As French Chambres', from the area of Chambre, use the same fleur as MontGOMERys, I reasoned that Camber liners had been Gomerians = Cimmerians. COMERfords share the white-on-black talbot dog of Hollys, Halls and Hulls so that Talbot liners seem to be all over this whether or not VesTALIS was named after them. Recall that Hannibal had been in southern Umbria.

As I trace C(h)amber liners to Umbra along with Homers/Holmers / Holms, and as C(h)amber liners seem to be linking well to Cottians, let's repeat that Holms share the annulet of Vito's (trace well to the Tilurius), for they list Vio's while that is much like the spelling of the Viu river. The Vito annulet is suspect with German Tile's/Tillers. Cabels (Biden kin, right?) share fretty with Cotta's, and Cabels show an "impaVIDE" motto term. English Tile's/Tilleys were from Dorset, where CUTTers were first found, and a mount Viso is on the Alps across from Saluzzo while Cutters use the Saluzzo Shield-and-Chief colors in reverse. Vito's were first found at TreVISO (may or may not apply to Viso).

Let's go back to the four surnames above using red fesses, for two of them use a red-on-white fesse, the Biden fesse too while Vio's show "Bitini." The two red-on-gold fesses match that of Cuthberts/CUDberts, possible Cotta liners. In fact, Cud liners can be taken from the "peasCODs" of Cullis'/Colesons (Colchian suspects), who have three roses in Chief, as does the Caesar surname. Cuthberts are from Dumfries, where Rome's/Rooms were first found who share the red-on-white fesse of Augusts, suspect with Augustus, the adopted son, and imperial heir, of Julius Caesar.

Another consideration is that Julians, June's and Capone's (Spice colors and format) were all first found in CAMBRidge, a potential Chambre line. Adding to the mystery, Wikipedia says that Atilia, wife of Servilia's half-brother, was likewise having an affair with Caesar. Hollows/Hallas' were first found in Cambridge too, and while they use crescents in the colors of the ARCHibald crescents (Ark-river suspect), they are in Aurelia colors and share red roundels (torteaux) with AUREL-suspect Orells and Ore's. Caesar's mother was Aurelia Cotta. The Hallas variation is like the Hulles variation of Hulse's, and i read that Hulse's were mainline Hauteville's. The latter birthed Tancreds, a branch of Tankerville's to which the Chamberlains are said to have been merged.

I almost forgot. Spikers (beside Cambridgeshire) share fretty on a red Shield with Cotta's! In the same way that Pickernells are listed with Spikers, I can see a PiCOT surname (Cambridgeshire) forming from Spiker-COTTa liners, which can explain why French BIGOTs share the gold-on-blue scallop with Aurelia's! Compare the Cuthbert/CUDbert symbols to that of English Bigots (same place as COLchester), noting that the Bigots have a Shield-and-Chief color combination of CUTTers in colors reversed. Therefore, as Cuthberts/Cudberts were from KirkCUDbright, I would trace Cotta liners there.

The French-Bigot Coat is a reflection of the English Pick/Pixe/Pext Coat (share gold fitchee with Quints). Recall the TORTeaux above, for the English Bigots use a TORToise. And Pickers/Packers (Moor head) were first found in Berkshire. It's working! A Syphax-suspect link to Aurelia Cotta is working, but linking heavily to Ark-river liners too. And I almost missed the fact that white-on-red lozenges are shared between Vestalis-suspect Whistle's/Wissels and Pickers/Packers.

Pike's and/or Pike's/Picks/Pickens are honored in the pike fish of Geddes' (same Shield as Tankerville's / Chamberlains), and the "majora" motto term of Geddes' can be for a line from Hannibal's brother. The Chamberlains substitute gold-on-red stars for their border, and these are the colors of the Pike/Pick/Picken stars, wherefore Picks may have been of the Spike's / Spice's in the "conspica" motto term of Chamberlains.

It's interesting that Piggs/Picg's (UMBERland), a possible branch of Pigots / Picots, share the black boar of Porcia's, for that line is suspect with Cotta-like Cato's. Atilia married Cato, a descendent of Porcius Cato (predated Caesar by more than a century, and was stationed in Spain to fight Carthage's settlements there). Porcius Cato owned land in Sabina, beside southern Umbria, Rieti, and Avezzano.

Aha! While the Cambridge surname uses swans on blue, ditto for Pickerels (almost "Pickernell"). Pickerels were first found in Norfolk, the northern side of Cambridgeshire, and share the Cutter Chief-and-Shield color combination. There seems to have been an en-masse migration of Cotta / Cottian-Alp elements to Cambridgeshire, a reason to assume that its Cam river was named after it, not vice versa, and to suggest that Cambridge's were Chambre liners. There is even a Chambery location at the mouth of the Ark. The Cambridge motto, "ESSE quam videri," is shared by Sheriffs and Crofts, the latter first found in Yorkshire, as were the first-known Cambridge's. We came across Croft with the manager of the Clervaux castle in Anjou (near Blois).

Between the four Cambridge swans, there is a patee cross in the same colors as the Blois patee. The Blois Coat looks a little like the Aurelia Coat, and, I forgot to mention, that, while Blois is at ORLeans, the Orleans surname shares the ORREL and Ore torteaux. Joan of ARK ruled at Blois, suggesting that she was an Aurelia-Cotta liner in merger with something on the Ark river. Both Blois symbols trace to Sicily's Messina.

Repeat: "Cullis' [taken from the portCULLIS gate of Porters] are listed with Collisons. Recall that the "PorTANTi" motto term can be both for Ports and Tauntons, for while Cullis' use "peasCODs," the Codds (beside Taunton of Somerset) use a version of the Taunton/Tanton Coat." As Colesons and Porters are both figured as Colchians, it's notable that Aeetes' Colchians were made to enter the mouth of the Ister river, in the Argonautica myth, and that Cotesii were not far up the Ister from the mouth. Cotesii look like they should trace to mythical Cotys, who was sometimes made a father of Attis, the latter being the epitome of Aeetes of Colchis. The Cullis' use a "Hoc" motto term while Hocks use a swan in the colors of the swans above.

The Crossing of the Alps

Time to quote from Hannibal history. Writers like to make a miracle of Hannibal's crossing of the Alps, but last time I heard, walking is not a miracle, not even in the snow. The men were made hardy / rugged by the long trek, working to make them more capable in battle.

Hannibal's route across the Alps is one of those historical questions that cause endless debate even though the subject has no importance whatsoever. This does not prevent us, however, from enjoying the puzzle and adding some extra speculations.

There are two ancient texts that give a description of Hannibal's route. The oldest is in the third book of the World History by the Greek historian Polybius of Megalopolis (ca.200-118 BC). At first sight, this text seems to describe a rather northerly route, because it mentions a Celtic tribe, the Allobroges, which lived on the banks of the river Isere in the second century BC. The other source is the twenty-first book of the History of Rome from its Foundation, written by Polybius' Roman colleague Titus Livius of Padua, better known to English readers as Livy (59 BCE-17 CE). He suggests a more southerly route.

Does "BROGitarus" indicate that the Bassus Galatians descended from the Allobroges Gauls? Were Bassus' descended from north Africans? Can't that explain why Bassianus' were merged with Massey liners? Hannibal defeated the Allobroges. The Bassus married the Herod line that was married to Glaphyra. She had not only married Herod Archelaus, but another Herod, Alexander, and the latter was the line that married Bassus'. I'll show a quote below that places Glaphyra in Isere, believe it or not. It is tending to reveal that Herod Archelaus went to live with Glaphyra with the Allobroges because there was a blood link. Note how "Herod/Hrod" is like the RHODanus river, for Allobroges lived between that river and the Isere-river theater. I would suggest that Allobroges were Redones, and one way for such Redones to have become kings in Israel is where Caesar's alliance with Cottians brought Allobroges into the alliance. The Brogitarus > Bassus, and the Herod line of Glaphyra, were both supporters of the Caesar machine.

On the Allobroges, note the Annas-like location:

Their cities were in the areas of modern-day Annecy, Chambery and Grenoble, the modern departement of Isere, and modern Switzerland. Their capital was today's Vienne.

Vienne was where Glaphyra went to live with Herod, according to a quote below. This Herod was slated to become the next king over the Jews, until the Jews knocked his political feet from under him. The question is: were there Carthaginians / Numidians in the fold that produced the Herod Redones? "Caesar says that the Segusiavi were the 'first tribe outside the province' (Gallia Transalpina) on 'the far side of the Rhone' [= Rhodanus], and that he marched from the Allobroges to the Segusiavi..." The Cottian capital, now Susa, was previously, Segusia, named by the Segusiavi, quite apparently. In this way, the Cottian royals may have been allied also to the Allobroges', and for all we know, Julius Caesar's mother was part Segusiavi / Allobroges, an excellent way to give the Herods a top spot with in the candidates for king of the Jews...if Herods were likewise a part of these Rhodanus liners.

The Segusiavi are suspect from Segovesus (a Gaul), brother of Bellovesus, and while the latter apparently named the Bellovaci of Belgium, BRUGES is in Belgium. I had read that Segovesus took the Hercynian forest (Germany) for his spoils, and the Helvetii are said to have originated there: "Tacitus knows that the Helvetians once settled in the swath between Rhine, Main, and the Hercynian forest." The name of that forest is like the name (Hyrcanus) of Maccabee kings.

One Helvetii tribe of Tigurini (lived in Jura and Vaud) may have been proto-Teague's/Teagers, who happen to share the Julian cross. However, I trace Teagers to "Tigranes," a Maccabee-Herod ruler descended from Glaphyra. Tigranes' granddaughter married Quadratus Bassus. Tigranes' wife, OPgalli (reportedly a Jewish Galatian), is suspect in the "OPtem" motto term of Teagers. Opgalli was entertained with the direct family of Caiaphas (his ancestry is completely unknown, supposedly). It occurs to me here that the "SumMUM" motto term of Teagers can be for Somme river of Picardy as well as for MOMignies, a location on the France-Belgium border where the Helvetii-like Helpe river begins. This paragraph is written after the discovery of the Helpe river, as you will see below.

I'm not yet suggesting that Tigranes (ancient name of Armenian rulers) was named as per the Tigurini, unless the shoe fits. The Tigurini may have been Germanic, and I trace "GERMANY" to "ARMENians" for good reasons.

"The Tigurini followed the Cimbri in their campaign across the Alps, but they did not enter Italy..." The Cimbri here may have named Cambrai, about 30 miles west of the Helpe rivers. The Cimbri are the ones who, the year after Quintus Caepio (Roman general) stole a vast treasure at the Comminges theater, defeated Caepio. Chambery and Chambre may have been named by Cimbri elements.

As the Teague/Teager perchevron has the same border pattern as Rippers/Ripleys, which pattern is rare, it argues for the Rippers being from the Riparia-river Cottians simply because Teagers share the Julian cross in the same colors. It can imply a Tigurini-Cottian alliance, and as I trace a child of Julius Caesar to the birth of Caiaphas, so I traced Teagers to Tigranes and Opgalli while suspecting Opgalli as Caiaphas' aunt, for example. In my files I have it recorded that Tigurini were a tribe of Rhaetians, and: "Rhaetians -- Are considered a possible Etruscan tribe from northern Italy." That's someone else's quote, and then Rieti/Reate seems to fit that picture. Etruscans lived in Tuscany, and Arezzo (ancient Arettium, much like "Rhaet") is in Tuscany, a little over the Umbria border, and looking like "Arras," the Artois capital. The Helpe river is in/beside Artois. Cambrai is in Artois so that Umbrians can trace to it, and while the Cimbri were also in Juteland, German Teegers were first found roughly in the south of Juteland (Denmark). I've had reason to trace the earliest El-Gabal priests (included Aziz) of ARETHusa to ancestry in Arettium and neighboring ASSISi, and then the Halfs/Helps translate their motto, "ASSIStance to help."

Back to Allobroges. There is a Broges surname listed with Brocks. The Brocks use "HALF a red lion with a dart in its paw." The Halfs are listed with the Helps, no guff at all! I did not know of the Helpe river until quoting an important find below that revealed Vespasia-Polla / Avezzano liners at the Helpe river. The dart is used for the Pollock boar (though it's more-commonly called an arrow), and thus links to the Brock dart (especially as Brocks share the Stewart motto while Pollocks were close to proto-Stewarts). The Arrow surname gets the Arras surname said to be from the Artois capital, no guff at all. It's as though we should consider Arettium a sister city to Rieti, and then expect Vespasia-Polla liners in Artois. Just saying that could drop the pants of the best Crusaders, exposing what they're really made of. In order to link the Helpe better to "HELVetii": "On the north, the Rhone divided the Helvetii from the Allobroges...i.e." Bruges is a city in Belgium not far west of Gaunt.

Aha! A dart is used by Cuthberts, and its held by a GAUNTleted hand. The Cuthberts/CUDberts (Cottian suspects earlier) now look like a branch of Cutters because the latter use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of both Broges'/Brocks and Procks/Brocuffs. We are finding that this league of Swiss-area Gauls traces to Artois, Hainaut (partly in France) and Gaunt, and we can bet that blood from Rieti liners of the Roet kind have much to do with it.

As the Helpe river is fairly close to Comines, while the Comyns/Comine's/COMMINGs use the motto, "Courage," note how Brocks translate their motto: "Courage grows stronger at the wound". The brother of Herod Archelaus was sent to exile to what would later be COMMINGes, roughly/exactly where Quintus Caepio got his treasure. The Half/Help Coat (Brock / Brocuff colors) shares the red lion with Brocks, and also shows gold fitchees, the color of the Quint fitchee. This fitchee is in the Winchester Crest (with someone's blue lion), and while Quint-related Saer-de-Quincy ruled Winchester, the Quincys were first found in the same place as Syphax-suspect SPINKs, while Brocuffs use a SPHINX (Spinks, Winchesters, Quincys and Peters all use mascles).

As the Sforza's of Rome use a quince, it's linking the entire picture to Pierleoni (Benedict liners), Polla-line suspects. The Quint-Chief vair is in the Chief of Roberts that use the same lion as Benedicts, but as Welsh Roberts use the same lion as Dutch Poels, while a Helpe-river branch of Dutch rulers married the Poele's, one can get the impression that Welsh Roberts were from Robert Pollock (Peter's brother), for Peters use the same lion, apparently.

I'm now convinced that Brocks were not Bruce liners, but Allobroges liners. However, it may be too hasty to rule Brocks out as Bruce cousins. The blue Bruce lion traces well as the Louvain lion to the Bruges/Brugg location of Belgium, and EBURones lived in Belgium that can be from the Eburovices (that, I've read, were at blue-lion BREScia/Brixia). The Allobroges may therefore have been a branch of Eburovices. While Pollocks are a sept of Maxwells, and while Maxwells use a saltire in the colors of the Brugg/Bruge cross, Renfrew's Polloc location may have been named directly from Dutch Poel(e)'s.

Percys (Ebroicum, same place as Bruce's) used the Louvain lion, and Percys share lozenges with the Bricks from Broc, where Brocks/Broges' are said to derive. Suddenly, a Brogitarus-line link to a line of Lupus LAEVILLus is shaping up because Percys can be Pierce's / Percivals, while Percivals are known to have been ancestral to LEAVELLs/Lovells (have one branch in the same place as Maxwells and Molle's, the latter having married Robert Pollock). Below, you will see that Poele's had to do with a husband of Catherine Roet's mother, and Roets directly from this family had ruled Somerset, where Pierce's and Percivals were first found along with a second Leavell/Lovell branch (Louvain liners?).

One should suspect over-wordy heraldic descriptions as code work. Here's on the Help fitchees: "two gold crosses crosslet fitchee with the POINTs MEETing in SALTire." Actually, the fitchees are not quite forming a saltire, but there is a SALTire/Salter surname that can be a Salto-river liner. Moreover, there is a Meet surname listed with Meads (Somerset again), which reminds me that MEDleys use a TIGER! It's a Tigurini-Helvetii link, apparently. The Meets/Meads share pelicans in the colors of the Godfrey pelicans, as well as using the colors and format of Capone's, and moreover share FOOTless martlets (in Foot / Fothes colors) in the colors of the same of French Josephs, first found in the same place as Pellicans. It's almost as though I can hear someone screaming that Joseph Caiaphas is from the Tigranes family, and that Tigurini Gauls were part of it. The Fothes show Fitch-like variations, and Fitch's use leopard faces in Herod colors.

Reminder: Pulleys/Pullens use the pelican too as well as the same footless martlets, making Meets/Meads and Godfreys suspect as Vespasia-Polla liners.

The Teague's/Teegers and Herods are both listed as septs of McLeods. (I have shared from houseofnames page on McLeod septs probably 25 times, as well as from septs of others...until houseofnames no longer allowed the public to have access to the sept pages). Lure's/(Ma)Clure's are also a McLeod sept, and Herods use a "hawk's lure" for that reason. And the Hobs, first found in the same place as Arthurs (pelican), and suspect from the Arthur motto, "OBstantia," use hawks on the Shield, and a tiger in the Crest, a great reason to trace Hobs to OPgalli, wife of tiger-like TIGRanes. One may not expect an Artem surname, but there is one listed, first found in the same place as Arthurs, and then Brogitarus' grandson was ARTEMidoros. That name's suffix smacks of the Doria family (Oneglia) married by ARDuinici, whom I've traced to the Godfrey-Bouillon family of Artois for certain reasons.

"ObSTANTia" is traceable to the Stants/Stands/Stains (same place as Anne's/Hanne's) that share two, engrailed fesse bars with Hannibals/Annabels. As you can see, they came up as "Stanse," which was tried as per the "AssiSTANCE" motto term of Halfs/Helps (ARTOIS liners, right?). Recall that the same motto term was discussed for Assisi, as per the El-Gabal priest, Aziz, whose family was in ARETHusa.

The article goes on to say: "Next, loyal [to Caesar] once more, Allobrogian warriors joined Julius Caesar during his conquest of Gaul." This can explain why French Alans (i.e. kin of Broges') and French Julians share the same stars. A question arises as to whether Caesar took an Allobroges family, planting it in Galatia (because he was intent on conquering beyond Anatolia), but I don't know whether Brogitarus predated the adult Caesar. It's a close call. Brogitarus may have been born about the time of Caesar's birth in 100 BC. Brogitarus was four generations before his ancestor, Severus Bassus, and I peg the latter as a man in 25 AD. Brogitarus' son (Amyntes) married the daughter of another Amyntes, of a TectoSAGES tribe of Galatians (known to be from Gauls of France). Were Tectosages a tribe of Segusiavi?

If Caesar's mother was a Cottian, it can explain why Segusiavi should have produced the Segans/Sagans that share the SALAmander-in-flames with the Julian surname. I see salaMANDERs as part code for Salyes Ligures, and part for the Manders who happen to use a version of the Rhodes Coat. This is working. I trace Manders to the Maeander river that flows across Caria, itself on-shore from Rhodes. I expect scythians of Rhodes to have named the Rhodanus and its Redones.

Douglas' (known Flemings) use the salamander-in-flames too, as well as the same white-on-blue stars of Aurelia's. Flames are suspect as code for Flemings, a family of peoples in Belgium. Helv-like Alpins share the crown of Douglas'. Fleming ancestry is hard to pin down. I entertained their ancestry in Trypillians of the Ukraine that had an hourglass-shaped goddess, that I suspected in the hourglass shape of heraldry, the one used, for example, by Halfs/Helps. The Trypillians (Ukraine, near the Budini) are said to have burned their homes down, deliberately, from time to time, though details / motives are not made clear. And, hmm, here I read: "Nevertheless, the Helvetii did not give up their planned emigration, but burned their homes in 58 BC." This is while they had planned a strategy to become supreme in all of Gaul with various neighbors, including some Boii. They left their homes and planned to settle amongst the Santones, whom I see as Amazons / Sintians from Lemnos because Santones lived beside the Lemovices. As Lemovices named Limousin, where French Clairs were first found, the Saint variation of Sinclairs suggests Norman contact with Santones (named Sainte in France). The Sinclair Rus have become suspect with Varangians, and moreover, I had the impression that the Trypillian goddess was Artemis, an Amazon goddess.

HERODotus, from Caria, said that blonde Budini, whom I trace to the Boyd kin of Stewarts, had some Geloni (Alan suspects) allies living in wooden houses. They burn. We assume that Herodotus pointed this out because the region had mostly stone houses. And it's the Alan-Stewarts that share the Broges motto, and it's the Broges' that honor the Halfs/Helps (by now, you may be wondering whether ALLobroges' were part Alan Huns). It just so happens that Irish Clairs share five, white ostrich feathers with the Arms of Traby. I trace Clare's to ancient Clarus (beside Ephesus) in downtown Amazon country (Artemis was a goddess of Amazon-founded Ephesus, suspect with HEPHAEStus, god of Lemnos, and official husband of the Hebrew Aphrodite). I had read that a Trypillia location was south of Kiev, and I think that the Keeps / Kepke's were of the namers of Kiev, which can trace Syphax liners on the Trebia to the Varangian Rus, conquerors of Kiev. The red-on-white Fleming chevron is colors reversed from the chevron of Keep-loving Hebrons. French Plume's are said to be from Dol. German Plume's are PFLAUMs/Floms too.

I therefore suggest that Helvetii were Halybes, kin of the Khaldi = proto-Celts in the TRABzon area, home of the first Amazons, according to Herodotus, who said that they (Amazons) went north to become the Sarmatians, known mother trunk of the Alan Huns. He also said they crossed the land of Cimmerians (Crimea) before settling as Sarmatians. Halybes are suspect with the Galli priests of the Kabeiri, a queer cult run by Hephaestus, and where Khaldi named Celts, Galli named the Gali = Gauls. Amazons included the Maenads of Dionysus, and he was the high priest of the Kabeiri. I see Maenads as code for Maeander-river Amazons, and this is where the Julian / Segan salamander traces. Later, the Khazars arose in the land of Sarmatians, and I had proposed (with reasons) that Khazars were from "Caesar." Varangians of Kiev were at first at peace with Khazars, but later brought the Khazar empire down.

I often start with small clues, ever-so-small, and then build to what looks factual. Here is another example. I had found writers claiming that Khazars descended from Attila the Hun when Khazars had a capital on the Terek river of Alania (keeping in mind that Julians share the Alan stars). I didn't know Atilia at the time, whom I've just found to be one of Julius Caesar's many mistresses. While most-everyone echoes the other in tracing Attila the Hun to Mongolia, or some strange thing out that way, I don't do that. I see Huns from Hannibal, then evolving into Magyars, allies of Khazars. The point here is that Khazars had Jewish kings. They took on names that we find as heroes in the Old Testament, and the most-famous Khazar king happened to be one Joseph. It's been a mystery to me for years as to what sort of Hebrews the Khazars were, and I resisted identifying them as Jews at first, leaning more toward Nahorite and Buzite Hebrews, for the Neuri inhabited the Ukraine that I think were Nahorites. Peoples from Nahor's second son, Buz, may have named the Buzau river inhabited by the Cotesii.

I rejected the claim of king Joseph himself, that the Khazar Hebrews were Togarmites (ancestors to Tigrini?), mere converts to Judaism. I thought he was trying to hide the truth, to make the Jews of Spain get off his back, for they had been inquiring with him as to what sort Jewishness he belonged to. Obviously, the Jews of Spain wanted to know whether the Khazars were of the lost 10 tribes. Later, as my work continued, I entered what I never planned to, the realization that Templarism and Freemasonry was stacked to the core with Jewish lines from Herods, Maccabees, Sadducees, Caiaphas, and Annas. That amounts to a very good reason for king Joseph to get the Jews of Spain off his back. The world would never be ready to learn that lines from Joseph Caiaphas / Josephus were ruling over the Khazars. And this idea occurred to me before any inkling occurred that Khazars might descend from "Caesar," though by that time Caiaphas was suspect from a child of Caesar with Servilia Caepionis. I now have reason to think that Attila the Hun was born from a line of Atilia, the woman married to Cato the Younger.

The Dallas/Dulles surname shares the Biggar Coat, and I trace Biggars (known Flemings) to Biharia, a Khazar capital on the Mures river of Transylvania. Yes, Trypillians likely spread to that area. For years, I was tracing the namers of the Mures to "Moray," not knowing the mother of Caesar, and not wanting to know Caesar himself. I then found that the Aurelia Chief uses the same stars as Morays. Khazars of Biharia are known to have been part of the Hun-based Hungarians. There is a lot of talk on online that the first ten Hungarian tribes were seven Magyars and three Khazars, and that they were all depicted as 10 arrows. And so we see a couple of arrows in the Cauley Coat along with a Dulles-like "dulce" motto term that I'll expound upon below. The Cauleys share a fesse filled with red-and-white checks with Budini-suspect Boyds, a known Alan branch. Checks are used by German Cohens (in the colors of the Stewart checks) and Hohens (Boyd-check colors), and Jewish Cohens list "Kagan," which was the title of Khazar priest-kings. Therefore, Cohens trace to Khazars priests ("cohen" is the Hebrew name for a priest from Old-Testament times), and it appears they were linked to Budini liners for the reason that they shared some Ukranian turf.

The Keeps, suspect with Kiev a little to the north of the Budini, use a weaver's SHUTTLE, and Shuttleworths (likewise use a weaver's shuttle) use the motto, "UTILE DULCE," looking like it wants to honor both Attila and the Dulles', first found in Moray, no guff. Well, it just so happens that Attila was from the House of Dulo, explaining "DULlus." If not mistaken, the full motto of Dulles' is shared by the Arms of L'viv, a city in the Ukraine, off the Bug river, the river of the Neuri, and very-much in the territory of Trypillians. By some strange coincidence or not, the Spanish Texas surname shares a Shield filled with checks with Cohens and Hohens, while Dallas is in Texas.

The Dallas border is on the Fort-Worth border, two side-by-side massive cities, and "Worth" is used by ShuttleWORTH's. The Worth surname is said to be from a BUDleigh location, and Budleigh's (Bude / Bute colors) were first found in the same place (Cornwall) as a Bude location, while Bude's look like Bute's/Butts, while Boyds are said to have been Alans of Bute. The Budleighs give the impression of a Joseph liner, and German Bute's/Butts use "Boet," like the Boetus house of Sadducees to which Caiaphas likely belonged. Keep in mind that the island of Bute was Avalon to the Arthurian stupids, and that the Vere's placed their Melusine-Anjou line on Avalon, as the ELVin Princess, immediately before it was in Anjou. Was she an HELVetii liner from Avesnes?

The Bodleighs appear to have modified to Bottle-like terms, and there is a Bottle surname (shares crowns with the Budleigh Chief) said to be from Liverpool, reminding of the Beatle's band from Liverpool, reminding me that Beatle's/Bedwells (Bedfordshire) use FLAMEs on its castle as well as the hourglass shape (!), a great reason to trace Beatle's to Budini and the Trypillia location near them. Bottle's are said to descend from rulers of Poitou/Poitiers, and Potters are likely Botters while the latter show a Budini-like variation.

The idea is that while Caiaphas descended from Caesar, his line became the royal Khazars to the east of the Budini, and that Budini had earlier come by Israel in time for Caiaphas birth to produce the house of Boetus. That house was suspect from Boiotians of Greece, and I saw Boii of Bologna and neighboring Modena in "MaccaBAEUS" make-up. Did Boiotians name Budini?

Dallas-like surnames, including "Doulace" (Dulles variation), are found in the list of MacinTOCH septs. MacIntosh's show the septs of Gome, Goom, Goomb, Goombe, Goome, and Goum, smacking of Biblical Gomer, father of Togarmah, all cousins of Meshech = Amazons that ended up in Lemnos (Mysia), near Troy (Mysia), the latter co-founded by TEUCER. The TOCHARians lived across Russia so as to encompass the Khazar TOGARmites, and MacIntochs became suspect as Togarmites in Britain. "Doulace" may even explain "Douglas," the salamander-in-flames surname using the Moray stars. While the "Jamais" motto term of Douglas' is suspect with the motto of James' (Rita lion?), the "mais" buried in the term might be double code, one for the LeMAIS/DuMais surname (Anjou and Poitou) that comes up as "Demy." This surname is said to have lived in Normandy's Leme location, perhaps a Lemnos line.

Most heraldic items cut in half are called "demi." But this may serve to reveal that Demys/Mais' were Helvetii / Help liners. By now you may know that Mais-like Masseys were Amazons. German Flemings use "A DEMI-wolf and ostrich plumes." One can figure that Plume / Plum liners were FLEMing branches aside from knowing that quote. The ostrich plumes = feathers can link to the same of Trabys (let's not forget the Amazons of TRABzon), you see, a good reason to trace Flemings to Trypillians. French Masseys once showed the same boots as the Trips. Flemings lived in Flanders i.e. at/beside the Helpe river. There are two Helpe rivers, the Minor and Major. Both have sources at Belgium's Ohain (like "HAINaut), and the Major Helpe has "about a third of its watershed in Belgium, near the town of Momignies." Momignies happens to be in the province of Hainaut.

Plummers share a motto term of Pollocks, and while the gold Plummer-Coat lion is only half in the colors of the Poole / Rita lion, the Plummer Crest has an upright, white lion, the color of the Poole / Rita (and Beaufort) lion. The "ConSULTO" motto term of Plummers can be for the Salto river, location of Rieti. "Consulto" is of a family of terms like the Boyd motto, "ConFIDO," and this can indicate that the Fiddle/Fidelow wolf is the wolf of German Flemings (Plummer colors) that comes with ostrich plumes.

Plummers are expected at the Fleming theater which may now include the Helpe river, and Fidelow is also called. VIS de Lou/loop, begging the question on whether "Vis" is an Avezzano element, because, as you will see in my surprise (it was a surprise to me), Catherine Roet's mother was from an Avezzano-like location, probably from Helpe-river elements, and her father had married secondly a Miss Poele. The Plummer chevron (Roet colors) is the only other wavy one I can think of aside from that of Pierce's, the latter first found in the same place as the Roet ruler that stemmed from Catherine Roet. Why does the PLUMmer lion hold a PALM branch? Why do Folke's and Belgian Flecks share a green Shield with Pollocks/POLKs?

If Susans were Susa liners, note that the Susan lily is in the colors of the fleur-de-lys (a lily) of Fulke's (compare colors with Belgian Flecks), for the Fulke Crest shares a spear with Felthams (kin of PALMers, kin of Flecks, both in the same place as Fulke's) but the latter uses it BROKen as code for the Broke's/Brocks i.e. from Broc...of Anjou, where Fulks ruled. Thus, make an Anjou trace to the Helpe river, near the Lys river that is in the fleur-de-lys of Fulke's. The "QUI SERA sera" motto of Fulke's, and the "Que SARA sara" motto of Russells (expected from Redones of Roussillon), can now trace well to the Sara river, an old name for the Isere. It appears that the Anjou Fulks were solidly linked to Allobroges liners on the Isere.

There is a Sarah/Sayer/Saier surname worth looking at for Isere links, said to be from a Saire location of Normandy. The write-up shows an old Saheri version, and mentions Saer de Quincy (earl of Winchester) with a "Saher" spelling. This is interesting because one of my theories was that Severus Bassus (no parents given, conspicuously) was a brother to Joseph Caiaphas, yet I think the latter needs to stem from Quintus Caepio, whom I trace to Quincy's (I was wondering whether an illegitimate child from Servilia Caepionis and Julius Caesar became a parent of Bassus). As the leopard in the Sarah Crest can be the Rhodes leopard, and as the Saheri's are said to have been in the same place as the first Rhodes', it can link Sarah's to the Russell motto. Russells were first found in Dorset, while Quints are said to have been first found in Dorset and Essex. Sarah's were first found in the same place (Essex) as Quints, and the Quint fitchee is, with little doubt, in the Winchester Crest. The Sarah bend is in both colors of the Shakespeare bend, and the Shakespeare spear is in the Crest of "sera" Fulke's (beside Essex). As "Quince" and "Quint" are said to mean "five," note the CINQUEfoils on the Sarah bend. They and the bend are in Cheney-bend-with-symbols colors, and the Cheney bend has footless martlets in colors reversed from the same of Josephs. Cheneys may be the reason for the Cenis location in the Allobroges theater, where some think that Hannibal passed through.

Were Shake's/Shacks a branch of Sagans? There is a Shaken variation listed, unexpectedly, with Severus-like Severns/Safferns. I have never known this surname, and here I find the Sarah cinquefoil in its Crest. The Shaken chevron has besants, as do Savarys/Savards, and the Shaken besants are in the colors of Shakespeare's and Sarahs! Plus, as the Shakens show a Seven variation, the mystery as to why Quince's use seven mascles (instead of the expected five) might be thereby explained. This paragraph is able to track Severus Bassus to Isere-river liners, as may be suspect from the name of his ancestor, Brogitarus. This reminds me of the SEPTon variation of Shaken-like Saxons, and the theory that Saxons were from the Sequani, who happen to have been neighbors of the Allobroges'. Also, SEPTimius Severus married Domna Bassianus. The Saxon/Septon chaplets are in the burgundy-ish color of the so-called "double-tressure border" of Flemings, and of the Fleming-suspect chevron of Tresure's (DEMI stag, same place as Roets). Plus, while Saxons/Septons were first found in the same place (Lancashire, chief Roet lines there) as Orells, expected from AURellia Cotta, there is an "auro" motto term in the Shaken/Severn motto. Segans looks more like Sequani Gauls, not necessarily Segusiavi Gauls. The Sarah-Fulke link, if indeed it has been made correctly, reminds me of the Saffer FALCons.

As Quadratus-Bassus liners have traced to Quade's, let's add that Quade's share the black wolf with Savards/SALfords (share boar heads with Roets but in Cheney colors). Why is there a Savard link to Sal liners? The Sale/Sallett link to Cheneys (Buckingham) will be crossed below, but here we find Salford to be on the border of Buckingham, and Buckinghams use the same besants as French Savards/Savarys (Poitou). Salford titles are said to have passed to Herveys, from the Arve river (my theory) into lake Geneva, and that was Allobroges territory. I have reason to believe that Bellovesus elements were on the Arve.

Sarah's were first found in Chamber-like Cumberland. We saw that Chambery was an Allobroges city. Chambery is on the Isere at the mouth of the Arc. The Arc is to the south of the Isere, and my atlas (shows topography) shows a natural passage through the peaks of the Alps between the source of the Arc and the Cottian capital on the Riparia (this is the location of Cenis). The Atlas shows a red road (highway) across the Alpine peaks right at this place. The road is from Turin, up the Riparia, then down the Arc river to Chambery. Turin is near CHIVASSo, wherefore the "vi" motto term of Chives' can be for Viu-river liners such as Chamberlains (possibly from the Cimmerians of Kamiros on Rhodes). Riparia-possible Rippers are listed with Ripleys, and share a green perchevron with Josephs. The Ribble river starts where Rippers were first found.

Herod Archelaus was banished by Caesar to the Vienne-Isere location, and heraldry supports this. Wikipedia once featured a coin of this Herod having a feathered helmet on one side, and a grape vine on the other. The Lannoys not only use a feathered helmet, but the upright green-on-white lion of Lyons, and Lyon is a city beside Vienne-Isere. The Rippers/Ripleys use the green and upright lion too. Believe it or not. Was Viu a Vienne sister?

Some say Hannibal took the Clapier Pass, which goes to Susa from Braham, but Wikipedia says that there is no firm road there. This pass is from the Modane area rather than the highway mentioned above. Modane is expected to be a location of Massey-liner Numidians. It is just amazing, is it not, that while I traced Clavers, Claptons and Clappers to GLAPHYRa Archelaus, she was married to, and named, Herod Archelaus. She also married Juba II, a Massena-line king of Mauritania. Glaphyra liners were at Modane, weren't they? Ask the Meschin-like Coat of Clavers.

Clappers/Clapps use a Shield filled with vair fur in the colors of the Shield filled with fretty of Cotta's. The Clapper Crest, lo and behold, is a "A pike naiant proper." This update is the first time ever that Pike's, the surname, have been understood as Numidian suspects. Previously, the pike-using Geddes were traced to Getuli Numidians, however, and this was before Syphax, a Getuli himself, was a topic in my mind. I am now finding that Pike's are a branch of Syphax-like surnames. This is a windfall. The "proper" term of Clappers gets a Proper/Robin/Robert surname having a key in Crest, a Claver symbol too.

The highway I was referring to goes through the mount-Cenis pass. In my opinion, Cheneys are using a Coat that belongs to Salyes Ligures of the Sale / Saleman kind. No Cenis surname is coming up, but the old Masci wing design, in white, was showing for Chaine's/Chenays (both surnames have had their wing design altered by houseofnames). By what coincidence do Cheneys use a "major" motto term? It appears that Mago liners are tracing to proto-Cheneys at the Cenis pass.

If it's making sense to trace Cheneys to Cenis, what about the Caens, who trace well to the Ceno river because it's near the Trebia? This reminds that the Proper/Robert key is in the mouth of an ostrich while the Arms of Traby and the Caens both use five, white ostrich feathers in Crest. Doesn't this have the tendency to trace the Cenis pass area to Ceno-river liners, where we could expect more Carthaginian / Numidian settlers? There was no way for Hannibal to keep the Trebia theater unless he left leaders there to control it, as he went south with others. The Ceno is a tributary of the Taro that itself flows to Parma that is itself suspect with the Parma and Parmer variations of Palms / Palmers (Flemings of the Plummer kind?). French Roberts and Propers/Roberts use what could be the Benedict / Bennet lions for a link of Propers to Pierleoni. Keep the black-on-white lion of Welsh Roberts in mind until you see it again with the Poels, an important find because they trace excellently to Vespasia Polla. Was BrogiTARUS named after Taro-river elements?

I've been greatly sidetracked from the original topic of plotting Hannibal's route:

Since then, others have offered their suggestions: Napoleon Bonaparte suggested [that Hannibal went through] the Col du Mont Cenis. In 1959, the British Alpine Hannibal Expedition, led by engineering student John Hoyte, tried to prove that Hannibal had used the Col de Clapier (slightly to the south) by walking the pass, and taking with them an elephant that they had borrowed from Turin Zoo; the route proved too dangerous and they ended up, instead, going via Mont Cenis Pass (but still thought the Clapier pass was the most likely).

It gets a little interesting where Hannibal's elephants, which supposedly crossed the Alps with him, may be in the elephant trunks of Turin-like Thors, for three proposed passes go to Turin.

"Polybius tells us that he crossed the Rhone at a place about four days' march from the sea, and that he turned east towards the Alps at a place called 'the Island', at the confluence of the Rhone and the River Iskaras (in Livy, the 'Sara')". The Isere, that is. But "Livy...states that Hannibal marched east along the Druentia (Durance) through the lands of the Tricastini." The Durance brings one to Briancon (25 miles from Modane) and Guillestre, near the Alpine peaks. It seems a more-favorable route, climate-wise and distance-wise, but one has no idea what factors were on the minds of the decision makers. Friends had to be found, but if enemies were on the Durance, the Isere may have looked a lot better. I'm already starting to question whether the Cottian rulers of Caesar's time were Carthaginians, on one side, to begin with.

The article says: "The ONLY pass in the Alps which has a double-landslide such as that described by Polybius is the Traversette Pass." This is as per the Durance-river path, but the author goes on to say that Polybius himself was at the Alps, and that he merely described the pass that he thought Hannibal took. Therefore, it's not real mystery-buster if the pass he was describing had a double landslide. It did, but wasn't necessarily Hannibal's route.

Note the TRAVERsette pass, at mount VISO, for Vito's were first found at TREVISO, and the Traver surname lists "TRAVIS." It might have been a Trebia entity. Travers use a tiger that can be code for Tigurini Gauls. Travers/Travis' share the Meschin scallops, I assume, for the Salyes Ligures on the Durance trace to the Sale's-of-Masci, Cheshire. Alternatively, the Traver scallops could be of the Flecks. The fleur-de-lys of Sale's/Salletts are probably of the Lys valley in Aosta, home of the Salassi branch of Salyes. Travers/Travis' share two white scallops in Chief with Blois', and the third Blois symbol is a white patee, shared by Massena's, who in-turn use a version of the Masci Coat; the latter were first found on the Italian side of the Cottian Alps. The questions then become: did Syphax liners in Rome find the Massey-line Numidians at the Alps, and did they furnish the Maccabees of Israel, who lived in Modane-like Modi'in (Israel)? Can Caiaphas' presence in Israel derive from this speculated Syphax-Massey merger? There wasn't a lot of time between Syphax and the first-known Maccabees of about 170 BC, but then Syphax liners did not need to be in Israel from that time. Caiaphas wouldn't be born for some 150 years yet.

"Syphax was delivered to Scipio and was taken as a prisoner, dying in Tibur (modern Tivoli) in 203 or 202 BC." That's on the Tiber river before it gets to Rome, and it's near Sabina.

How did the Pierleoni Jews get to Rome? I assume they were Christ-rejectors to begin with, but over the centuries, they Catholicized. Were they from Herod's children? Near the start of Augustus' rule, the first Herod (not Agrippa) sailed to Rome to request the kingdom of Jerusalem. He got it. I don't know how long he was in Rome. "For the greater part of his live, [Herod] Agrippa lived in Rome." The first "Herod became the close friend of Augustus's great minister Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa, after whom one of his grandsons [was named]." Later, the daughter of Herod Agrippa is slated to marry emperor Titus. By that time, Paul had a Christian church in Rome that we may assume was largely Jewish. But the Pierleoni very-likely include the Leo's that share the Payne fesse and thus look like they merged with a line of Payens that had themselves married Chappes', and the latter share the Moor head with Titus'. The Payen who married Chappes goes to the Jerusalem temple that had been destroyed by Titus about 1,030 years earlier. On what business, really?

The rule of [Herod] Archelaus, however, was tyrannous; and about ten years after his accession another embassy of leading Jews appeared before Augustus with an arraignment of his cruel despotism. The emperor thereupon summoned him to Rome, and banished him and his wife, Glaphyra, to Vienne, a city of Gaul, now in the lsere department, France. His wealth was confiscated...

I assume that Herod had the choice of where to go into exile, under certain conditions. Why to Isere? Why do the Lannoys, whom in one branch use the symbol on his coin, use also the lion, a symbol of Pierleoni, in their other branch? If Dutch Benedicts/Bennets have their lion holding a book, that's the Reed and Roet symbol, and I think "Herod" comes from the same family of peoples as "Roet." The first-known Roet was Payne, and the earliest Roets started a branch of Beauforts that share a white and upright lion with Rome's Rita's. Beauforts were first found in Savoy, the Isere-river theater. Catherine Roet is also styled Catherine de Beaufort.

I had read that Catherine descended from Croys or Groys, both listed with Greys, and thus the Beaufort lion is that also of Greys. The Greys love the Anchors, possibly because they descended from them, and Anchors are major kin, and Majors/Magors are Mago suspects and beloved by Getuli-liner Numidians (i.e. Geddes) that in-turn loved the Syphax-suspect Pike's/Picks. This is a snap-shot for contemplating a Herod-of-Rome link to Syphax-of-Rome liners that could very well have been in Rieti as the proto-Vespasian>Titus line, for they descended from a Peter and from Miss Polla, and peters also that named Pierleoni (= PeterLion).

I had missed the importance of Catherine Roet's mother until now. She was Catherine of AVESNes, like "AVISON / AVEZZANO! Zowwwie. Catherine Roet's son, John Beaufort, was the first earl of Somerset. The mother was a half sister of a Poele surname of Woerden, and fundamental to rulers in Hainaut, which itself uses lions (in two color schemes). The counts of Hainaut used the three Levi chevrons; I've never seen any other surname using three black-on-gold chevrons, but Levi's and the counts of Hainaut used them.

By what coincidences was the father of Catherine Avesnes (ruler of Holland) married secondly to Trudy Poele while Avezzano is near the Roet-like Rieti location of Vespasia Polla? As Catherine Roet married John of Gaunt, who had titles (or something) in Candale, the de-Pols of Foix-Candale should have been Poele's. Reminder: Poole's share the Rita lion. It appears that these things, thanks to the genealogy pages above, clinch the Vespasian line to Roets and Poole's, especially as the Poole location is near the Somerset area ruled by Roets.

There is a Dutch Poel/Poll/Pole surname sharing the Peter lion, but expected to be the Hainaut / Flanders lion too. Aha, the Powells (Welsh) use the same lion, suggesting that they were not, as claimed, from "Howell." Remember, this is also the Welsh Robert lion too, suspect with Robert Pollock. The way to get Pollock liners to Wales is via Cheshire's Polesdons, who use stars in colors reversed to those of English Roberts (Macie chevron?), but see also the Palin stars and lion.

It's interesting that Roberts are said to derive from Herod-like HRODberts.

It turns out that Avesnes is in historical Artois, and that's also where the first kings of Jerusalem (from Eustace II of Boulogne) were living that used the potent feature, which is found in the Avezzano / Champagne bend! It strongly tells us that the snakes who went to Jerusalem as "holy" Crusaders were linked to the family of Titus, but also to Josephus / Joseph Caiaphas (Avisons use the Joseph garbs). The Arms of Avesnes (someone's red lion) share the red bull with Sabina's, kin of Pulleys/Pullens/Pullers who in-turn use the Joseph martlet. As Josephs are expected as Burgo > Conteville > Comyns liners, let's add that the Burghs/Berks share the Eustace cross while Borgia's use another red bull. Powells and Roberts use their Poel lions COUNTERchanged, and Counters are Conte liners.

Avesnes [the one on the Helpe river] was founded in the 11th century. The first known lord was Wedric II of Avesnes (born about 990), son of Wedric I de Morvois. The house of Avesnes played an important role in the low countries, including several Counts of Holland. Historically a part of the County of Hainaut...

That's a second Avesnes location (near the first one), in Nord, where we also find Comines. That must be your Comyns - Avison merger in a nutshell. But what was "WEDRIC" and Morvois? I haven't a clue. Here's Wikipedia's article on Avesnes roots:

The article tells that Margaret, a daughter of an imperial ruler in Flanders by the name of Baldwin, married a man from Hainaut, Bouchard of Avesnes. Margaret's sister got them divorced, and Margaret re-married Champagne...which can explain why Champagne came to use roughly the Avezzano bend. Margaret's mother was Marie of Champagne. It should be reminded here that while Avezzano elements may have been in the Pierleoni, who I see as kin to Payne's, what but Payens/Pagans named ChamPAGNE? They say that Hugh de Payens had links to the count of Champagne. We then find that this Hainaut family soon produced Catherine, wife of PAYNE Roet.

Margaret's husband from Champagne was William II of DamPIERRE, and the Dampierre surname not only uses a "petra" motto term, but the Black Peter lion in both colors, both upright, both giant. Both surnames were first found in Lincolnshire, and where one would say to me, "aha, you were wrong to trace all three Peter surnames to Peter Pollock," I would say, "aha, a Peter surname from Avezzano spells Vespasia Polla to me." There is a Dampierre location in Normandy.

When later we find the Hainaut line of Margaret's son evolving into William III of Holland, a count of Hainaut, too, he turns out to be the brother of a Beaumont, which recalls the marriage between a daughter of Robert Beaumont (of Meulan/Mellent) and Percevil in birthing the Leavells. In this way, it can explain why counts of Hainaut used the Levi chevrons. This William III is said, in the genealogy above, to be the father of Catherine of Avesnes, the mother of Catherine Roet, but Wikipedia's article (below) for the same William does not have him as Catherine's father. He is listed as the father of Philippa of Hainaut, whom someone (in ancient times) described as a Negro, which can explain why she is often painted with blonde hair i.e. to oppose the Negro theory, or is it fact?,_Count_of_Hainaut

William's father's side goes back to rulers of Brabant, and French Brabants use the Moor head. English Brabants were first found in the same place as Masons/Massins and Louvains; the latter two use the same Coat, and Masons trace to Numidians. The Massin variation can be from Massino-Visconti, and the Visconti snake came with a Moor child originally.

Other pages claim that Catherine of Avesnes was the daughter of William above without question. The page below gives her as his 8th child of 10, but Wikipedia lists only nine children. Is there a Roet-line cover up? His wife's mother (of Anjou and MAINE, her picture shows all blondes) was, on one side, directly from kings of Hungary and Khans of Cumania. Could this have been from Caiaphas liners, seeing that French Josephs were first found in Maine, and suspect from Khans (same term as "Kagan") of the Khazars? Were the Comyns (share the Avison Coat) from this Cumania line, seeing that English Josephs use the Avison / Comyn garbs? Mythical Melusine of Anjou, earlier, had been a symbol, in my opinion, of Melissena Rangabe, a Khazar royal on her mother's side.

Earlier this year, in the same update (2nd of March) wherein I first proposed an Avison link to "Avesnes," I traced Comyns to Kuman in Fier county at the mouth of the Apsus river, the river of the Dexaroi that are in heraldic daggers, such as the one in the Comyn Crest. But as Fier county was suspect with Vere's, let's repeat that mythical Melusine of Anjou was an invention of the Drakenberg Vere's, and mother of the phantom / pseudo-Vere's of Anjou. And the Apsus river is suspect with the Hypsas in Sicily, otherwise called the Drago. I therefore propose that Kuman on the Apsus was named by Vere's who had been linked to Khazars in earlier times, and thereby linked to Cumanian Turks too. Cumanians were in Hungary and Transylvania, same area as some Khazars. Let's not forget that Drake's (from dukes of Poland) were first found in the same place as the Josephs that use the Comyn garbs. Fers and Vairs/Fers' use the Cohen and Hohen Coats, and Quints use "vair fur," partly code for the Fur variation of Fier-like Fire's, I assume. While Mongols / Huns are said to have had a blue-wolf symbol, Vere's/Vairs use a blue boar. Fiers are listed with the Fere-branch Vere's.

The idea here is that Caiaphas-Caesar liners formed the Khazars, spilled over to the royal courts of Cumans, then came west as the Comyns surname and locations with the Joseph garbs because Josephs are themselves Caiaphas liners. Let's not forget that the APSus river can be of the Apps' = Capes' surnames, or that the Hips' share the Henry martlets while Josephs of Hampshire descended from Henry Joseph of Hampshire (year 1191), though he's not necessarily the first Hampshire Joseph.

Repeat from earlier in this update: "...Chives' use a version of the Beng/Bing Coat while the latter were first found in Middlesex, where Feltmans were first found that were a Capes branch round-about." Fier's/Fere's were likewise first found in Middlesex, and I see them from Ferrara's Charo's/Claro's (beloved by the Joseph motto) because the two surnames look to be using versions of each other's Coats, but with Fiers changing the Charo bull to a moline cross, the Chives symbol.

Trypillians were suspect at "TREBia" before Hannibal arrived. The Honeybell/Honeyball variations of the Hannibal surname can suggest the beeHIVE of Kerrys because the latter use another hourglass shape, not only in the blue-and-white colors of the Half/Help hourglass, but both put ermines in their white portions. "Hive" is therefore suspect with "HELVetii." Both were first found near to one another. I think this is a good indication that Trypillians on the Trebia merged with Hannibal. As the Anne's/Hanne's were first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as Scarfs, while the latter are honored in the scarf of Sadowski's, who happen to list "Traby," let's quote the Kerry-Crest description: "A black beehive with gold bees FLYING." It just so happens that Flings/Flynns use a white-on-blue wolf, the Scarf symbol, and that, in colors reversed, this is the blue-on-white wolf in the Arms of Placentia i.e. on the Trebia river! This is a surprise to me, for I can't recall doing the Fling surname from the Kerry description. The Fling/Flynn Crest: "A right HAND holding a serpent." I lump Hands in with Hanna's (both use stags) in with the stags of Hannibals and Anne's/Hanne's (said to be from Tickhill). The Fling/Flynn Shield and Crest reflect those of Bigots, not tracing to Syphax. Flings/Flynns are said to have had a Floin branch in UIster, and so the hand in the Arms of Ulster (why the Zionist star?) can indicate Hannibal liners.

There is a Honey surname (Hand / Hanna colors) sharing double fesse bars with Hannibals/Annabels and Palmers/Parmers, and the Honey motto suggests code for the Dere surname, which may be using the Fleming chevron. In any case, German Dere's are listed with Darrs, a possible Taro-river clan because the river flows to Parma.

Recalling the double fesse bars of Nice's/Ness', in the colors of the same of Hannibals, it's interesting that, near Parma, there is a FIDENza location the can be a BIDEN line because Bidens are tracing to the Bithynian rulers that included Nico / Nysa terms. Plus, French Nicholas use wolf heads too (in the colors of the Welf/Wolf wolf heads), as do FIDElows, suggesting that Fidelows may have been from Fidenza liners. The Nicholas fesse is colors reversed from the Biden fesse, and colors reversed also from the two Hannibal / Nice / Ness fesses.

The Nicholas fesse has FOOTless martlets, and Foot-related Fothes' (another stag) show Fide-like variations. The Caiaphas-like motto, 'CyFOETH," of GERNons, as well as a Footes location on GUERNsey, off-shore from the Manche Masseys, has caused me to link Foot / Fothes liners to Masseys of the Meschin-Cheshire kind. See the maunch of Tickels/Tickhills, for Anne's/Hanne's were from there. Guernsey is where Majors/Magors lived, yes suspect with the Joseph motto, and while Majors are Grey-Anchor kin, the Honey motto ("ProGREdere NE reGREdere") may be honoring the Greys too. Josephs use "ni" instead of "ne", and the Knee's/Nee's (another stag), in Hand / Hanna colors, share the same bend as Fittens, and moreover it's blue, as is the bend of Joseph-loving Charo's/Claro's. The Knee bend is colors reversed from the implied bend of Noys/Nye's/Nie's.

"Gernon" was a name used both for le-Meschin's son and heir, and for Eustace II, who's very name is suspect with many heraldic stags. The Nicholas wolf heads are in the colors of the same of Welfs/Wolfs, first found in Cheshire, and the Meschin-Gernon line descended from Hugh Lupus D'Avranches, whose wolf head is/was shown at Wikipedia in white-on-blue, the colors of the Fling/Flynn / Scarf wolf heads. Hugh was a CONTEville, and as Conte's and Cone's both use antlers (i.e. stag symbol), while Huns were "Kuns," it appears to indicate that Conte's were Hun liners, for Hungarians claimed that Huns had a stag symbol, and then Conteville's ruled Comyns. Put this together with the Avesnes line that was from Hungarians and Cumans together, along with the blue-wolf symbol of Mongolians / Huns. Then, we go to the Arms-of-Cheshire garbs, in the colors of Comyns garbs, and of the same of Fittens/Fittons (Cheshire) that were found just now seeking FIDENza liners. Josephs use the garbs in Chief without a Chief defined with a line or box, as is the case for the besants in the Fling/Flynn Chief.

The bottom line is: Josephs and Bidens were first found in the same place, and both had linked to Capelli / Kaplan liners feasibly from the Apsus river, where Comyns trace. And here the Joseph / Comyns garbs may be in the Coat of Biden-like Fittens. Then, right beside Fidenza, there is a Viadana location that may have morphed to a Vlad term, which we find almost in the "wlad" of the Joseph motto. The Vlads/FLATTens use a Zionist star in colors reversed from the same on the Israeli flag, and it's in the colors of the Hugh-Lupus / Fling/Flynn wolf, important because Wikipedia claims (or once claimed) that Hugh's nickname, very much like "Flaad," means "wolf." But this is not true. Rather, that nickname traces to Flaad, the ancestor of the Dol Alans (suspect with the House of DULo). The Nicholas' (share martlets with French Alans) that use the Welf/Wolf wolf heads were first found in Brittany, and a Robert d'Avranches married a woman from Dol. Therefore, while I'm not making a hard Vlad link to Viadana, the Joseph motto term is suspect with the nickname of Hugh Lupus, and with the Alan-Stewarts, while this Fitten surname is very much capable of linking both to Hugh and to Josephs.

The "dupLICI" motto term of Fittens reminds me of the Mackay motto term, "LICEntiam," which I found as code for the Lice/Lees surname (Lys-river liner?) sharing a reflection of the Quade / Mackay wolf heads, and of the Avranches-suspect Branch Coat. Mackays are said to descend from a term that is said to mean "Hugh," and while I disagree with this, I do trace them to Hugh Lupus. As Lice's/Lees share leopard faces with Fitch's, the Fittens may have been a Fitch(ee) liner.

The Lice's/Lees' may even have been Levi's because the Levi motto uses "aide" while Aids (suspect as a branch of AITons/Artems) share black-on-white leopard faces with Lice's/Lees'. The Aid bend can be that of Fairs, and one can trace Fairs to Fiers, and therefore to Fier county on the Apsus river, where dagger-line Comyns can trace, but then Scottish Mackays use the dagger too. Lest you've forgotten, the Bithynians from Nicomedes and Prusias were from Antipatria elements, from on the Apsus. If that line moved things over to the Hipsas in southern Sicily, it would have been in easy contact with Hannibal. The Anchors and Greys trace to the Hipsas river, and the Prusias-suspect Procks/Brocuffs share the sphinx with Hips'. Pruse's are said to be from DROGON Prose, and the Hipsas was also the Drago. The "Cas ni" motto phrase of Josephs was probably for a line from Cassander, son of Antipater, the family that the Prusias line is said to derive in. And the Vlad/Flatten star is feasible that of Casano's/Cassandra's.

Comines is in the Nord area, as with the Helpe rivers and Avesnes (the line from Hungarians and Cumans), which was the French part of Hainaut. My atlas has "Hainaut" marked exactly at this French area, not far from the first-known Levi's, and it recalls that I traced proto-Hungarians to the Ticino river, home of Laevi Gauls, and that the Ticino-river Tecks/Tess' use LEAVES. As Levi's were obviously in the counts of Hainaut, let's add that the "Vae" motto term of Fittens may be for the Vais/Vay surname using red cinquefoils, same as in the Arms of Comines. Note the QUATrefoil in the Arm's black key, for it should be code for Quadratilla > Quade liners. As Hainaut was ruled by the Dutch, let's add that Dutch Vays/Veys share the boot with French Masseys/Masse's, though the latter's Coat was changed to a "tree without LEAVES." I get it.

The Vait variation of Vays may indicate the Wade variation of Quade's, and as Quade's are likely in the Q-shape of the Sadowski/Traby scarf, note that the Arms of Traby share black hunting horns, with gold stripes, with the Weights who are honored in the so-called "weights" of the Dexter/Decksters Crest, for Dexters are suspect with Daggers and Deckers/Daggers, and with the Teck variation of Tess' (Anne-of-Tickhill liners?). The Tease's are very linkable to Annas', and the Annas / Tease star should therefore be in the Bullis/Buliard Coat because Bullis was a location to the south side of the Apsus river, and may even have been in Fier country. The Billets/Billiards (same Zionist star as Joseph-suspect Vlads/Flattens) were first found in the same place as Pellicans that happen to share a giant, white tower with Dutch Vays/Veys. This is a way to get the French Josephs to the Fitten motto, and to the Cumania-based rulers of Avesnes / Hainaut / Holland.

The Fitten motto term mentioned above, "duplici," may be alternatively for the Du Plessy variation of Plessis', possibly a Placentia liner. It's the Arms of Placentia that uses a square along with a blue wolf, and Square's/Squirrels share the red squirrel of Decks/Deckers and Dyke's. I'm out of time for this week.


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