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November 1 - 7, 2016

Guy de Spoleto, Ancestor of CNUT?

For many months, Russia had to decide whether it would support the Syrian Kurds, against president Assad's will, toward forming their own self-rule system inside Syria. During that period, we saw the Americans having a love-fest with the same Kurds, definitely for the purpose of winning the Kurds to the West while Russia was simultaneously courting them. We now find that Russia has, probably for months if not years, been taking with the Syrian Kurds in order to get some agreement on Assad's table. Officially, the Russians proposed to the Syrian government, with the Kurds attending the meeting, to grant an autonomous Kurdish area within Syria. Assad rejected it flatly. Details: rejects Russian proposal for Kurdish federation / Mahmut Bozarslan

Whether this is a part of prophetic fulfillment, I do not know. The Russians have the option of doing the same with the Iraqi Kurds, in order to pull them away from the West. I wouldn't know what happens after that. As per the start of this week, with eight days to go before voting, we are on the verge of seeing a president Clinton, but I'm still holding my fingers crossed, because I can't stomach seeing her continuously in the news, if ever I need to cover news regularly. The scratch-and-claw Democrats don't deserve to rule, but neither does club-and-bash Trump.

The Americans might make the mistake of siding too heavily with Iraq, offending the Iraqi Kurds on the very-sensitive issue of Mosul. What the Russians have done with the Syrian Kurds must look very appealing to the Iraq Kurds. In fact, they visited Moscow recently: delegation visits Russia amidst ongoing Mosul offensive

We now know that the Russians are very much chasing a pro-Kurd strategy, to the point that Russians have offended Assad. I think it's a big deal. But such political maneuvering in Syria and Iraq, by Russia and the west, could go on for a long time before prophecy begins. My expectation is that the anti-Christ will set up a headquarters in Mosul (anciently Nineveh), as per Nahum 1:11.

The Iraqis seem to be winning on every front against ISIS of Mosul:

The Iraqi Baathists are predicted to be involved in the fight for Mosul.

I ran out of time in the last update to finish the Fitten investigation. To re-cap, I re-stumbled on a family of AVESNes, which I instinctively knew to be from AVEZZANo, because Catherine of Avesnes and Hainaut was the mother of Catherine Roet, and Roets had been traced to Rieti in the vicinity of Avezzano. Moreover, Avesnes is in the Nord area of France, location also of Comines, while the Comine/Comyn Coat shares gold-on-blue garbs (the same Coats exactly) with AVISONs. These garbs were then found in Cheshire's Fittens, and so I was trying to find the reason for it, as well as any significance that might benefit the self-given tasks.

The Avesnes article at Wikipedia has one Margaret of Flanders married to Bouchard of Avesnes (in Hainaut), but she then married Champagne because her mother was from there, which explained why the bend of Champagne's and that of Avezzano's share a pattern that I've never seen in any other bends. The pattern is called "potent," and is known to be the tops of crutch's, which I fond to be certain code for the Crutch/Crooch bloodline that included the potent-cross-using Croce's married by Eschyna de Molle. Catherine Roet's son came to be the first earl of Somerset, and Crutch's were first found in Somerset.

It was in recent days only that I fell upon the Schien surname, sharing the giant Molle and Schim boar head. By that time, I had drawn the theory that the SCIMitar was code for the Schim variation of Schands. I didn't realize until now that Schiens are listed with the Schims/Schands. The point is that the scimiTAR was expected to be code also for Tarr/'Tara liners, and the Taro river of Italy was entertained because I had found several surnames tracing to that area. It just so happens that Fittens were looked up initially, late in the last update, as per a FIDENza location near the mouth of the Taro. It was suspect with Bidens, and Bidens were suspect with the Bitini variation of Vito's, and Vito's are traced (by me) to Julius Avitus, husband of Julia Maesa. I've been claiming that she was of some proto-Massey / Masci element, or even the proto-Masseys themselves, and then Masseys lived in Cheshire (i.e. same as Fittens), while the Arms of Cheshire itself use the gold-on-blue garbs of Fittens. It means that Fittens were married to the earls of Cheshire, for that's the only way to get lawful use of the garbs.

The Schien/Schim write-up traced the family to the earls of bath, and the Biden write-up says that Mr. Button (uncle of Mr. Bitton) was the bishop of Bath and Wells, SOMERSET.

The "comite" motto term of Schiens indicates the Counts/Comites', which I see from the Conteville's, rulers of at least one Comyn location, meaning that Conte liners are expected in Comines of Nord. Marc has sent in some compiled information, including this:

COMINES, from Comines in Flanders. Robert de Comines was created Earl of Northumberland by the Conqueror, but on account of his insolence and violence, was killed by the people of Durham in 1069. He must, however, have left kinsmen in the North...A kinsman went north beyond the Tweed,

Thank you Marc for that; it's news to me and valuable. Durham is where Conte's were first found, suggesting that Conteville's were involved with Mr. Comines.

It's known that the earls of Cheshire were descended from Emma of Conteville, mother of Hugh Lupus, first Cheshire earl, and uncle of Masci-suspect Ranulph le Meschin, the third earl of Cheshire. Ranulph's son was Ranulph de Gernon, and I've been linking him, for years, to the Foots and Fothes' have Fitten- / Fidenza-like variations such as "Fiddes/Fittes." They were first found in the same place (Aberdeenshire) as Schiens/Schims and wolf-head Skene's/Skins. The Fiddes-Crest description: "Two hands COMING out of clouds holding a cornucopia." That's obvious code for the Com(m)ings variation of Comyns, and Clouds are listed with McLeods. The Schiens/Schims use a "duce" motto term while Duce's/Doucets use two lions in pale in colors reversed from the same of Gernons. But that's not all, for the Fothes/Fittes chevron is in the colors of the Levi chevron while Jewish Levi's likewise use two lions in pale (all three surnames with the lions in pale use nothing but). And the bar of Crutch's/Crooch's is in pale, colors reversed from the same of ErSKINs (kin of Mars, expected from the Marsi at/near Avezzano), who list Eschyna-like ESKINs, a term so like the Schims and Skins that it now seems obvious that Eschyna was a Schien / Skin liner, and connected to earls of Cheshire.

This potential connection of Cheshire to Levi's is important because the counts of Hainaut used the three Levi chevrons. It seems a given that Comines of Nord can link to the Cheshire earls by way of the Cheshire garbs in the Comine/Comyns Coat. If we ask why there is a key in the Arms of Comines, it's probably from the keys of Italian Sheaves/Chiava's/Chiapponi's, first found in Abruzzo, and highly suspect with garbs because they are alternatively called, wheat SHEAVES. I had actually linked the Tarves Coat to the rulers of Scotland's Mar (in the Aberdeenshire area, same as Schiens / Skins), and while Marsi were in Abruzzo, the Chiava-like Chives' (moline cross links to Molle's), I kid you not, are said to have had a branch at Aberdeenshire's Tarves location. And the Tarves Coat uses FITchee crosses, suspect with the Fitten / Fittes bloodline, thus making TARves' traceable to the Taro river, location of FIDENza!!! Good job, John. It means that the scimitar sword is a symbol of Taro-river liners to Schiens/Schims and Skins (swords). The Erskins/Eskins use a sword too.

Eschyna' de Molle's daughter married the second Pollock, whom I have traced with Roets to Rieti. I claimed that Pollocks were kin of Newtons, but I can now add that Newtons use SHIN bones, and that English Shins/Chine's/Chynne's were first found in Somerset, where Roets were first found as well as the Croce-related Crutch's/Crooch's. It seems very evident that Eschyna was married to two men both of whom trace to the Catherine of Avesnes (mother of Roets). Irish Shins had a SeanaCHAIN variation that may reveal other Schien kin as the Chaine's/Chenays, and I have traced Cheneys to the Ceno tributary of the Taro. That works. The Masci wing holds a sword in the Chaine/Chenay Coat in the colors of the Schien boar, and Chaine's/Chenays have variations that can derive in "CHESter," the city where Cheshire's earls ruled.

For the record, there is a Swiss Schein/Shine/Sheine surname (COUNTERchanged fleur-de-lys) with a Coat looking linkable to that of Sale's/Salletts, whose bend I think is in use with Cheneys.

Skins/Skene's use swords in the colors of the same of Borders, first found in Somerset again along with the Flemish Tresure's (fitchee crosses). As Flemings are entertained with Trypillians suspect at the naming of the Trebia river, it's near the Ceno / Taro. The "double tressure BORDER" is said to be owned by Flemings; we get it. As the Skins/Skene's use gold-on-red wolf heads at the tips of their swords in pale (= vertical direction), let me repeat from the last update, where Fidenza was first found:

Recalling the double fesse bars of Nice's/Ness', in the colors of the same of Hannibals, it's interesting that, near Parma, there is a FIDENza location the can be a BIDEN line because Bidens are tracing to the Bithynian rulers that included Nico / Nysa terms. Plus, French Nicholas use wolf heads too (in the colors of the Welf/Wolf wolf heads), as do FIDElows, suggesting that Fidelows may have been from Fidenza liners. The Nicholas fesse is colors reversed from the Biden fesse, and colors reversed also from the two Hannibal / Nice / Ness fesses.

It appears that the Skins are using the wolf heads (same colors) of Welfs/Wolfs, first found in Cheshire, and Welfs/Wolfs even use a "FIDES" motto term. And the Quade / Mackay wolf heads use CHAINs. The CAEN Crest share's the five ostrich feathers in the Arms of Traby (Poland location), which is why I trace Caens to the Ceno. I am seeking whether this Bithynian line above, which predated BROGitarus, led by blood to Brogitarus. By what coincidence does the Brugg/Bruge Coat share the Chain ( no 'e') cross while Bruggs were first found in the same place (Buckinghamshire) as Cheneys? Chains are Irish, and are said to be from "Seain" in Ireland, while we saw Shins as SEANaCHAINs. The point is that, if Cheneys were from the Ceno, note "BrogiTARus." By the way, there is a Tarr surname using multiple bars in pale half in the colors of the three swords in pale of Schiens.

Safe to assume, the Welfs/Wolfs are honoring the Fiddes with their "Fides" motto term, and that gets us to the Levi-suspect chevron, but it should also be said that while Caiaphas must trace to the Caepio's, Fothes'/Fiddes use a cornuCOPIA. The way I was shaping up my thinking was that Prusias of Bithynia, ancestor of Nicomedes, led to Brogitarus, but this was before finding the BITHYNia-like FIDENza location at the Taro theater. My thinking then proposes that Brogitarus' line married a line from Servilia Caepio(nis) to produce the Biblical and infamous Joseph Caiaphas.

I need to repeat that Ceno-liner Caens (possibly the Biden fesse) use a motto term, "LICitis," that is likely code for the Lice/Lees surname (share's leopard faces with Caens) that I see in the "licentiam" of Irish Mackays, the one's using the Quade wolf heads. This was from Quadratilla Bassus (BrogiTARus descendant) and her Laevi-suspect husband, Lupus Laevillus, the family of which came to rule Jerusalem as Roman puppets. I've always connected the Laevi Gauls to the Ananes Gauls, from years prior to knowing of the Ceno and Taro, and Ananes were living between the Trebia and the Taro. There is a question on whether Ananes were Hannibal liners, perhaps even Laevi liners named after Hannibal. Quadratilla's family was ruling Cetis, also called, Citis," which we can see in the Caen motto term, "LiCITIS." The Levi motto loves the Aids/Ade's, and the latter share leopard faces in the colors of the Lice/Lees leopard faces, in the colors of the Quade wolf heads, making "Ade" suspect as a Quade branch and therefore very traceable to Quadratilla and Laevillus. I assume that the Quade wolf heads, and the others of this picture, are from Lupus Laevillus. The Leavells, first found in Somerset again, are said to derive in a Lupus-like term. We get it. Caens were first found in neighboring Dorset. The Scottish branch of Leavells was first found in the same place as Molle's.

Fittens use the motto term, "dupLICI."

Quadratilla was descended from Severus Bassus, himself from the city of Hasmonean-like Akmonia, which, if I recall correctly, was at Galatia's Sakarya river, also called the SANGarius. If Akmonia was not quite on the Sakarya, then it was Pessinus, the home of Brogitarus, and the city of the ancient Kabeiri, and also of mythical Cybele. Cabels happen to share the Caen fretty Shield. SKINners use a "SANGuis" motto term, what looks like a version of the Camp/Comp Coat, and throw in the "vulnere" motto term of Broges'/Brocks, another Brogitarus-line candidate. By now, I think I have well made a case for Cheyne-suspect Skin liners from the Ceno-river theater, and here we are tending to solidify a BrogiTARus trace to Taro elements thanks to Skinners.

Skinners may be using "SanGUIS" as part-code for the line of Guissane's/Cashmans, listed with Kissane's. We find Kissane's in the write-up of Pattersons/Cassane's, who were traced solidly, in the last update, to Cassander, a ruler of Macedonia that are said to be ancestral to the Prusias-of-Bithynia line. We now have a very good reason, in the Skinners alone, for making a Cassander > Bithynia > Brogitarus blood link. The "fideli" motto term of Guissane's suggests the Fiddle variation of Fidelows. There is a GUIS surname listed with Guido's (hourglass-like Shield), who may have been Vito's (or even Quade's) and therefore of the Bitini / Biden line. The Guido's put a red lion on their hourglass shape, as do the Helvetii-suspect Halfs/Helps (fitchee crosses) that were traced (last update) to the Helpe river, location of Avesnes.

As Caiaphas is to be expected in this line through Brogitarus to the Bassus;, I've got to repeat that GUIScards are listed with WISharts, and that they trace well to Ottone VISconti, for while Ottone's (Umbria) share the long perchevron of French Chappes' (same place as Levi's), Guiscards were first found in the same place as Scottish Chappes'. While that place was Stirling, the Stirlings share the Moor head with French Chappes'. Scottish Chappes' use "ears of WHEAT," which are at times garbs or sheaves of wheat, and Wheats/Wetts use gold garbs, the Fitten / Stick symbol. The Wheat garbs are in the CHIEF without a box to define the Chief, as is the case with the Joseph garbs. The Josephs use a green perchevron, the color of the Wheat Shield, and the Wheats put a gold dancette fesse on their green Shield, the colors of the two Joseph chevrons that belong to CHAPlains. It's hard to miss the diabolical root of this picture. Wheats/Wetts may have been of the Wade variation of Quade's. The Wheat dancette can trace to Italian Dance's that share multiple pale bars in half the colors of the same of Tarrs.

I've got to say, I do not think that Guis / Vis liners were fundamental Cassander liners, but rather a merger with them.

I claimed several times in my writings that God gave me a sign in my youth for the revelation at hand. It has been a ten-year revelation to date, and He leads me openly from time to time, making it plain that he leads this revelation, and that I was called to it. At 12 years of age, I was on an ice rink in organized hockey. Steve TARR, who is the only reason that I came to investigate Tarrs, shot the puck from the blue line while I was skating past the last defence man toward the net. The puck hit the goalie, bounced over him, and headed for the net, but didn't look like it had enough steam to cross the line. When I saw it stop on the goal line, late in the semi-final game with the score tied at 2-2, my KNEES gave out. I slid in and literally POKEd the PUCK across the line with my top of the STICK.

We won the game. And I scored the first goal of the next game, the final match, when Steve Tarr slid a pass to me when alone in front of the net. The puck went sailing over the goalie's KNEE pad. I started to look into whether the particulars of this event somehow showed kinship to one another. I came to find that Pucks use a version of the Ottone Coat. Poke's are listed with Pollocks. And both Knees and Sticks can link to Fittens, and therefore to Taro-river liners. I didn't know the last sentence until this morning, when this event came back to mind. Looking the Knee's up, they share the blue-on-white bend of Fittens, and while Fittens are said to have been kin of Heskeths/Hasketts, they latter use a version of the Fitten Coat, but with the grabs in the colors of the Stick garbs. Sticks (Somerset again) have been traced to Astikas' of Lithuania, whom the Trabys merged with, which has been a long-standing reason to trace Tarrs to the Taro.

I'll call the surname, Fittons, from now on, as that seems to have been their official name. Note that they and Heskeths put a gold garb in the Crests too, as do Josephs.

The Hesketh motto, "alteri," is likely for the Alter variation of Colters, and they use the Catherine wheel, a known symbol of Catherine Roet. Note that RODhams/Roddans (kin of RUTHERfords) use "alter," for it starts to indicate that Roets were Rod liners = Redones / Ruthenes. Colters were first found in the same place as Sions/Swans that once showed GAUNTlet gloves, code for Gaunt while Catherine Roet married John of Gaunt, the founder of the Red-rose line of Lancaster (beside the Cheshire of Fittons). We read that Fittons lived in Rufford of Lancashire, and they married Heskeths, from Rossal of Lancashire. When we get to the Hesketh write-up, the same basic story is told, and it's there that we learn of Rossel. Heskeths also lived at SHEVington, and this can be linked to Shaws/Sheaves because they are said to derive in a Stick-like SITHECH." At least one Schien/Schim variation used "Shaw," suggesting merger with Shaws.

The Shaws are from the Shawia Numidians at ZANATA, which I trace to Kent's THANET, where Masons/Massins were first found that can be gleaned with the king-Massena Numidians. When we go to the Shevington/Sheffington/Skiffington surname, we find them sharing the Mason-Crest mermaid, as well as three bull heads in the colors of the three Quade wolf heads. I might not be making that link if not for the "Quod" motto term of Heskeths, for the Quade-related Irish Mackays show "Quoid." Shevingtons have a small write-up; about all we can find is that they were first found in Liguria-suspect Leicestershire, which itself uses the Hamilton and BUS cinquefoil, though I trace the Rodham cinquefoil there too as I see Rodhams from Leicester's RUTland (where Wade-like WATsons were first found that share the Rodham oak stump). A part of the Rufford manor was granted to Fittons, in the first place, by a Mr. BUSsel.

When we load the Bussel surname (Bus colors), it has the full motto of Masins/Massins, indicating that the Bussel-Crest wings are those of Masci's round-about. Bussels show terms suggesting a branch of the Yorkshire Bush's, whom I trace to Busca, in the land of Ligurians, and beside Saluzzo, important because I see Heskeths using the Sale/Sallett bend in the color scheme of Salemans and Cheneys.

As I trace Bus' and Hamiltons to Buz and Kemuel, 2nd and 3rd sons of the Biblical Nahor, not that Bussels share the so-called water BOUGet with Bugs, for the ancient Neuri were on a Bug river. I've seen German Bugs with both footless martlets and ravens, in the colors of the footless martlets of same of French Josephs, and colors reversed from the same of Cheneys. As water bougets and ravens are used by Rolph / Ruff liners, it appears that they can link well to Rufford. Note that Rolphs were first found in Nairi-like Nairn, where Rose's were first found that share the water bouget. French Bussels use more ravens, and were first found in the same place (Forez) as Besancons/Bassets/Besse's, which is near Mont Pilat. Bissets were first found in ROSS-shire, beside Moray and the Rose clan, and the latter was married to Bosco's, no kidding. I've never had reason before, that I can recall, to identify Bush's, Buschs and Boschs with Bassets and Bissets. Sometimes, things get confusing / challenging.

It's not called a water bouget for nothing. The WATers may be other Wade/Quade / Watson liners, but in any case, Waters show three chevrons, in colors reversed, from the same of German ASCHs, which asks whether they were HESKeths. The Asch motto, "Virtute DUCE," is a phrase used by Schiens/Schims i.e. traceable to the Taro along with Fittons, suggesting that Haskeths were indeed a branch of Asch's. English Ash's/Aschs (omniBUS" motto term) are using two chevrons in black, the color of the Levi chevrons. These Ash's are said to be from a Mr. Court, while Fittons show a "cordi" motto term that can be for Cords/McCourts.

By the way, I ventured to trace Comyns to Como (northern Italy not far from the Novara location of Laevi). The Fitten bend is in the colors of the double bends of Como's (share arrow with Scottish Adams). I don't recall how well the evidence was for a Comyn trace to Como, but I do recall that it was while I was dealing with Adam Kilconquhar, who's mother was a Comyn. The Adam surname(s) can be linked to this Kilconquhar character, and it traces to Annandale, very traceable to the Ananes Gauls on the Trebia / Taro. Kilconquhar is said to have birthed Thomas, earl of Moray, and so let me bring up the Ruths/Rothers, first found in Moray, for while they are very linkable to Rodhams, they use the same chevrons as Bussels. While both Rodhams and Heskeths honor the Alters of Colter, Rodhams were first found in NorthUMBERland while Heskeths are said to have had a Hesket location in CUMBERland.

Without giving full explanations again, the Asker Coat (Meschin / Muscel version with donkeys) is of the colors and format of those I trace to Brattia, and to the onshore area at Oneum, at the mouth of the Cetina/Tilurius river, where I trace Julia Maesa's family. Askers were first found in the same place as Haskeths/Haskets. The "fac et" motto phrase of Askers suggest Faucets, who are said to have been two miles from Musselburgh, and Muscels are listed with Mussels. Therefore, the HasKETH variation suggests an Asker merger with Keiths/Keths of the Musselburgh / Haddington area, especially as Keiths (their Catti ancestors) were traced to the namers of the Cetina. The Keith pale bars are in the colors of the Tarr pale bars, but link more-solidly, I think, to the Stur bars.

To prove that Keiths were Muscel kin, the Mascals are listed with Keiths. You can read on the page that Keiths married Cheyneys of AXKERgill...a great way to trace Keiths to the Cetina.

The Asker motto shares "spera" with the Bussels / Masons. See how the Bracks (talbot dog, same place as Bretts) and Tillers reflect the Asker Coat, for Brattia was also, Brac. The Tilurius was traced well to Talbots, who share the upright red lion with Bretts (more fitchees, Somerset again), though the Brett lion is in both colors of the same at Wikipedia's Ranulph-le-Meschin article.

Let's now visit the Stout-surnamed vikings that used the raven symbol. They are expected to trace to a Ruff entity such as Rufford, home of Fittens. Now just watch how fast we get to a Biden-like surname by following the BEDINGham location (Norfolk) of Stouts, listed with Stows. The Stout Coat (FITchee crosses) is actually a good reflection of the Joseph Coat when the latter's green PERCHEvron is ignored. Let's firs add that Botters/BODINs/BODE's, first found in the same place as Josephs and Bidens, use an eagle STANDing on a PERCH. The Stands use the same double fesse bars as Flecks (this is a big deal here, see below), first found in Norfolk, location not only of Bedingham, but of the first-known Comyns that are in the Joseph Chief. We then go to the Beddinham surname (one fesse in the colors of the three of Stouts/Stows) to find that it was earlier BODENham and BODEham. We have just traced the Rufford location of Biden-suspect Fittens to what look like a Biden branch or Biden merger by following the Stouts. As Rollo, the viking chief, was also "Rolph," it's notable that Rollo's are in Stout colors.

Having said that, let's recall the Flecks are sharing a version of the Palmer/Parmers Coat while FIDENza is at Parma.

Stands were first found in the same place as Palms/Parms, and use "a right HAND emerging from a cloud..." We sat two hands from a cloud with the Fiddes'/Fothes', and while the latter share the stag with Hands, the latter are suspect with Hannibal liners such as Anne's/Hanne's, first found in the same place as Stands, the latter using the double, engrailed fesse bars of stag-using Annabels/Hannibals (Norfolk again) in black. Stands are said to have been at Heslington Hall while Heslingtons use a green chevron (same as Josephs) that can link to Joseph Caiaphas where I trace Heslingtons, a branch of HAZels, to HASdrubal (Carthaginian, perhaps Hannibal's brother). I forget which Hasdrubal is upon a coin, at his Wikipedia article, with a head band, but the Heslington Crest is a white-skinned man with a head band. The same man with headband is in the MOORE/More Crest, and while Irish Moore's share the MORgan lion, I identified the "eMERGed" term, used in the Stand description, for example, with Morgans/Mergens / Mergins (both use giant, gold, upright lions).

The paragraph above comes a day after I opened an email from Marc, who had sent some quotes from an old book (early 20th century) on family origins. One of the quotes (or perhaps in his own words): "Mackay. Siol Mhorgain was the ancient name of the Mackays, a Celtic stock that retreated into the mountains before the invading Northmen. The badge is a bulrush." I don't think that Mackays evolved from Morgans, but rather than a Mackay family married Morgans and thereafter took the Morgan name. There must have been many families doing the same. The point is, I see Mackays as Maceys, and Maceys trace to Numidians whom I always see in heraldic Moor heads. But then one can expect Numidians to form Moor surnames too, and we just saw why Morgans can rate as a branch of Moors.

I can't be sure whether the Gettel surname, listed with German Gartsens, is from Getuli Numidians, but it uses a raven (with annulet in the "dexter paw"). I trace the Greek crow (Coronis) to Meshwesh in Libya, expected to form Massy-like Numidian tribes to which both Syphax (a Getuli) and Massena belonged. The raven may have been a Numidian crow line that developed when these Numidians, in the Nordic regions, formed raven-like surnames such as Ruff. There are two Raven surnames, one Dutch, both using the raven. As English Moore's have a "dexter arm" holding a sword, note that they also have a chevron in the colors of the two of Dexters. The daggers of Comyns, Mackays, and Shaws probably trace to the Apsus-river root of Dexters, which is where I'm now seeing very-ancient proto-Bidens. Or, to put it another way, Numidian lines somehow came into contact with Dexaroi liners. I trace Mackays to the Maccus viking along with Maccuswells/Maxwells, whom the dagger-using Kilpatricks honor.

Another entry from the book from Marc: "Maccus was the name of one of David I's foreign favourites probably Anglo-Norman and he was given large possessions. He called his chief place of residence Maccusville, and this became Maxwell." The claim to Anglo-Norman speaks well of king Maccus because he's thought to be from the Normans, yet he made (or attempted to) alliances with Anglo-Saxons in Cheshire. Maccus' ancestry ruled in Ireland, making his line likely to Irish Mackays i.e. the Quade wolf heads with chains.

An alternative theory is that ravens formed as per a line from the Biblical Rephaites, from a Rephaite valley on the west side of (in) Jerusalem. As mount GAREB was at that very area, I need to repeat that, while still green in my heraldic explorations, I traced Gareb's inhabitants to the Greek crow, "corvos." I tended to connect the raven to the crow because a raven is a breed of crow, but it would be years before realizing that Rephaite's could have formed "raven" as code, and that "Gareb" without the capital (i.e. "Areb") is much like "Reph." And so I developed the theory that Rephaites were from Arrapha/ARABkha, also called Arrapachitis (now Kirkuk in Iraq), named, in my opinion, after the Biblical Arphaxad (grandfather of Eber), the ancestor of Israelites and other Hebrews.

English Ravens and Irish / English Moore's were first found in Leicestershire, where Shawia-Numidian-like Shevingtons were first found. Shevington came to topic because the Haskeths, from Rufford, were at Shevington (Lancashire). And the Leicester topic started on the Bus and Hamilton lines that I trace to tribes from Nahor, brother of Abraham i.e. Hebrews. It just so happens that I've been tracing heraldic GARBs to Gareb liners for years, and both the Haskeths and Fittons use the same garbs, the garbs of Cheshire too. And while the Cumanians are suspect with the Khazars, who had Hebrew rulers, the Comyns use the same garbs. And while we saw the two hands COMING from a cloud, the Clouds use FLAGs while Flags are listed with Flecks.

We saw how well HESKeths link to Askers and Aschs. But which came first? We saw how well Haskeths linked to Keiths, and so it may be correct to view HASkeths coming first, as Has / Hazel liners merged with Keiths. We saw why Keiths had merged with Mascals, and Hazels were first found in Massey-land Cheshire. Keiths are said to be from some unidentified Catti tribe, and while the Tibbs use three blue cats (in the colors of the three Gettel crows and the three Hanna stags), the Haskeths use a "tibi" motto term. As Syphax was a Getuli, and as he was forced to live at TIBur, on the TIBer, the Haskeths are starting to look linkable to Syphax, who married a daughter (Sophonisba) of Hasdrubal, I kid you not. And with Haskeths using the Joseph garbs, we have a spectacular trace of "Caiaphas" to "Syphax," especially as CHYIVES' use cats (they look like lions and a leopard, but they are both called cats in their description). Keate's use cats too, but so do Barca-suspect Berks/Burghs, from the Burgo's that put forth the Hun-suspect Conteville's of Comyn.

The Tibb cats are in the colors of the three TIPPer dolphins, and Tippers link to dolphin-using Kennedys (Irish branch at Tipperary), and Kennedys, possible the namers of the Ceno river, are the ones with the "Avise" motto term listed with the Avisons that use the Comyn Coat exactly! The "La fin" motto term of Kennedys is for the Lafins/La Fonts, first found in Tipperary, and using the same lion as Italian Conte's. It now appears that we have found Tiber-river liners at Ireland's Tipperary, and the Tippers of Pendragon-related Cornwall (Pendragons share the helmet with Irish Kennedys).

As French Conte's were first found in Languedoc along with Font-de-Ville's, it's clear to me that ConteVILLE's were a Conte merger with the line to Tipperary's Lafins/La Fonts. Font-de-Ville's use a lion with "a gold COLLAR and CHAIN, and WAVing a purple FLAG." Collars use Moor heads. Chaine's/Chenays use "a hand eMERGing from a wing" (once showed as the old (now changed) Masci wing, strongly suggesting the king-Maccus merger with Morgan-liner Numidians. The heraldic wave is probably for the wavy-bar Webers and related Weavers (anteLOPE suspect with Lupus), while the latter were first found in the same place (Cheshire) as Hazels, and even use a version of the Hazel Coat with the Cheshire garbs. Their "Esto FIDFELis" motto of Weavers indicates one way in which they contacted the earls of Cheshire i.e. through the Fiddle / Welf wolf line in Hugh Lupus = son of Emma de Conteville. The Halsewell entity of Hazels exposes that they had put out were both Hulse surnames Hazels, but see also the two House surnames. Moreover, the Hazel-Crest squirrel can link to the Deck/Decker/Dagger squirrel.

Ranulph le Meschin ruled the Copeland area (Cumberland / WestMORland), and the Copeland surname shares the double Hannibal/Annabel bars, apparently. The Daggers were first found in Cumberland, so see here from yet another entry from Marc:

Randulf de Meschines: TRAVERS comes from Tevieres, between Bayeux and Caen [at the Bessin]. In the days of the Conqueror, Robert de Travers, or D'Estrivers, Baron of BURGH-upon-Sands, married the daughter of Randulf de Meschines, Lord of Cumberland. He [Robert, I assume] became forester of hereditary forester of Inglewood. "The badge of his office -- the jagged branch -- is over and again introduced in the chapel of Naworth Castle...and where this jagged branch is, in some places, even thrown across the Dacre's arms 265-266

Marc did a lot of work to bring me / us the quotes above and many more. This one proves that Travers/Traviss' are using the Meschin scallops. Note that the jagged BRANCH (suspect with "AVRANCHes" of a Traver family is with the Arms of Dacre, for that's the Cumberland Daggers/Dacre's (scallops) of Dacre.

The mention of Naworth got me checking for such a surname, and there is one, listed with NoseWORTHs/Norseworths (COUNTERchanged Shield), sharing "piles" with POLWORTHs, suspect from Edith of Polesworth, said to have married king Maccus' grandfather (Sitric) when he made alliances with Saxons in Northumberland. This material from Marc is proving invaluable, for Daggers are the ones with the Sabine (and Borgia) bull while Pollocks / Poole's, etc. trace to Rieti in Sabina. Therefore, Vespasian liners can be expected at Polesworth. Of further interest, there is a Nose surname listed with Hannibal-suspect Dutch Ness'.

English Moore's show a chevron in the colors of the same of Hands/Hants', first found in Cheshire, yet Hants is in Hampshire. As English Moore's are said to have had a branch at BARNbrough, they wit Hands may be using the Burn chevron. Broughs (Maxwell saltire?) list "Burgh/Brugh" and appear to be a branch of the Orkney Sinclairs, not forgetting that the Sinclair motto uses "Commit" as code for the Comites / Comitissa variations of Conte's i.e. descended from John de Burgo. It's hard to say whether this Mr. Burgo was himself descended from Comanian Huns, or whether he merged with then in Conteville, but Broughs/Burge's do share the black swan with Josephs (and CHAPlets) while Caiaphas is tentatively being traced to Khazars. Moreover, Caiaphas ancestry in contact with Caesar was touching upon the AlloBROGES'.

A Crisp 'n Claro Picture

Chaplets can be traced very well to Ottone's and their Chappes kin. Chaplets are said to be from Parezze/Pariz of Lorraine, where Crispins (known Clare liners) were first found. This ancestors of the namers of Parez are suspect with "Pharisee." GRAZio's are a branch of CRISpins because both use pomegranate's, both use a bend on blue, and Grazio's were first found in PERUSia, otherwise called PERUGia, like "Burgh". Ottone's (share the Chappes perchevron) were likewise first found in Perugia, in Umbria i.e. traces to Cumberland, where the Burgo > Meschin line came to be "lord."

I once complied a list of surnames all with eight fesse bars, assuming kinship, and while English Crispins use them, so do the Umbria-suspect Homers/Holms'.

Here is another offering from Marc that tends to identify Clare's as Sinclairs: "ST. CLERE, from a place of that name in the arrondissement of Pont "...The Sieur de St. Clair is named (I. Taylor) by Wace as at the Battle of Hastings. This was Richard de St. Clair, who had lands in Suffolk (Domesday). His brother Britel held lands in Somerset (ibid.). Now Sinclere or Sinclair. page 240". Suffolk is where Clare's were first found, and I know for a fact that Dutch Burgers (Barca liners?) once showed the three Clare chevrons in both colors. Therefore, Clare's came into contact with the Grazio line, which can explain why Grazio's and Sinclairs both use roosters...a symbol that I trace to king Gala/Gaia, father of Massena. I'm not sure what a pomegranate is code for, but Palms may have had a Pome branch. Pomeroys/Pomereys ("comes" motto term) might apply, but the apple of Paris'/Parez' (same place as Crispins) surely does apply ("pome" is French for "apple"). To help identify the French-Paris Shield with that of Hazels / Weavers, the latter share the squirrel with Belgian Paris'. Why are we finding an Umbria link to Cheshire's Hasdrubal suspects? Hasdrubal, I showed in the last update, was planning to join Hannibal in Umbria. Did others from his family go?

There is a question on whether the Free's/PHREEZE's/Freys were Pharisee liners of the Paris/Parez kind. The write up of Paris' traces them to the Parisii of France, where Levi's and Chappes' were first found (northern Paris, that is), along with MORencys/MURans (links to the Chappes MOOR head?) who use the Berk/Burgh cross. It became my opinion that "Freemason" was code for Free and Mason liners together, for German Frieie's/Freys/Vreys use the Mason lion (COUNTERchanged). Note that Free's/Freys share a Coat much like the Rays, for PomeRAYs/PomeReys (Talbot Shield?) may apply. Pomerays not only uses "comes" to indicate the Burgo > Conteville line, but they use a fir CONE in Crest while Cone's and Conte's share the same antlers, and then Rays use stags. Pomerays use a "fortuna" motto term that traces to the Fortuna's that use a giant talbot dog very linkable to the Greys and Huns, wherefore the Pomerays are apparently using a black-lion form of the Talbot / Grey Coat.

Free's/Freys share a green Shield with Moore's and Morgans, and the latter two use the same lion as Freie's / Masons (aside from the background color). And Free's/Freys were first found in the same place as MORtons, while the Free's/Frey Crest is a Moor's head with a sword across/through it. I've always thought that Irish Moore's have a chain in Crest, but it's said to be a sword with three human heads, suggesting a strong link between Free's/Freys/Phreeze's and the Morgan witch cult of Bute, not forgetting that German Bute's list "Boet," like the Boetus house of Sadducees. Pretty compelling, isn't it, to view Pharisee liners with Freys?

Here's the Free/Frey description: "An arm embowed in armor holding a sword enfiled by a Moor's head."

The Tous'/TOSINI's, who are said to show a man with shirt and BUTTONs, became suspect with the Todini's and Tadini's/Taddei's. Tous'/Tosini's were first found in Pisa, and the Pisa/Piso Coat happens to be a near replica of the Free/Frey Coat. Rays use a motto term, "promTUS," reminding me of the Tous/Tosini surname. In the Tout/Tuit write-up, a member of the Conqueror's family is said to be from Mr. Todini. Herluin de Conteville (son of John de Burgo) married the Conqueror's mother, and while she was a daughter of Fulbert "the tanner," German Tanners are using a pine cone as code for Herluin's line. Therefore, the fir cone (of Pomerays) is likewise code for the same line, but also for Firs/Feuerers, apparently.

The Tous' can be in the "tous" motto term of Ble's/Bleds, while Bleda was Attila's brother. There is even a Blood surname using stags, the Hun > Hungary symbol. This recalls a queen of Bohemia (I forget her name), who was from the area of Bled (upper Sava river near southern Austria), found in the genealogy of the rulers of Hainaut, exactly where I expect Pharisee / Sadducee liners.

The Perans (same place as Palms/Parms) use the pine cone too, and while they look like Pierleoni liners, their Coat reflects that of Palmers/Parmers. With POMErays using the pine cone too, it might just be true that Pome's, and the pomegranate, are Parma liners, which can explain the buttons of Tous' as a Fidenza > Button/Biden line. The Tous'/Tosini's use the Burger / Clare triple chevrons in colors reversed, and I say that the Conqueror was a Clare / Sinclair liners. Reminder: it's know that Gilbert Crispin was a Clare, and if I recall correctly, he was associated with TOOTing Bec. Gilbert was the count of Eu, and rulers of Eu included the Talbots. Moreover, the ruler of Eu used the Arms of Nassau, a potential Nice/Ness line, a great reason to view the Pomeray Coat ("virTUTis") as a version of the Talbot Coat, and the Pomerays with the Crispin pomegranate.

Next, we go to Hun suspects, Honors/Honeen's/Honans, who share the stag with Hannibals/Honeyballs (the latter use the Nice/Ness bars). The Shirts/Sherrats/Shirards, suspect in the Tous shirt and buttons, use an "honori" motto term. There is sufficient evidence here to trace the Nicomedes line of Bithynia to the Tous' and Huns together. Let's not forget the Feltmans of HOUNSlow, with a "palma" motto term and the Palmer/Parmer bars in colors reversed. The Feltmans are the one's with a "spolia" motto term that can be for Spoleto, in Umbria i.e. as with the Perusia location of a Crispin line. Rayburns (stag) use an Umbria-suspect helmet, and Rays were first found in CUMBERland, where Dexaroi liners were that lived in the same place (Antipatria) as was named by Antipater of Macedonia, ancestor of Nicomedes and Nysa.

Recall that Askers got swept into the Hesketh topic, and while Heskeths had married Fidenza- and Bithynia-suspect Fittons, the other Rays use an ESCARbuncle.

Rays are said to have been at a Gill location of Cumberland. When we check the Gill surname (neighboring Yorkshire, same place as Palms/Parms), we find it with a "nostra" motto term, which can be partly for the Nose variation of Nice's/Ness's, as well as for the Nassau-suspect Naso's, but most-surely for PATERnosters (BERKshire, beside the first English Crispins). The Gills of Yorkshire are said to have named Gilsland in Cumberland. As I trace Dexaroi to the red-squirrel Dackers/Daggers, by what coincidence do GILberts use the red squirrel? Gilberts use the same chevron as Pater(nosters), Taylards and talbot-using Carricks probably for a related reason. Pater(nosters) share the saltire of Patricks and Kilpatricks because they are all from AntiPATRia. Taylards, kin of Chapells, suspect with the Biden-related Capelli's, also used red triple chevrons linkable to the same of Clare's. As Gilslands use a cup, I suggest that they were Copeland elements, but, in any case, as they use the same checkered Shield (Khazar suspect) as Spanish Texas', note the "Teg" motto term of Gilberts, suspect with Deckers / Daggers.

The Gilbert motto term, "yw," looks like code for Eu. The Gills use a "spes" motto term that, in this picture, can be code for La Spezia, near Pisa. "Spes" means "hope" and is used, not surprisingly by Hope's, yet Hope's can be Cope/Cup / Copp liners.

The Craig > Carrick line (talbot dog) traces to ACRAGas (Agrigento), said to be founded by the peoples on Gela, in Sicily to the east of Agrigento. The Gils and Gilberts must trace to Gela elements in Agrigento and area. The Drake's, first found in the same place as Potters, Botters/Budens and Buttons/Bidens, trace to Agrigento's Drago river. Therefore, note the description of the Rind Crest: "A flower pot containing gillie flowers." The Flowers share the Potter cinquefoils, you see, and Gillie's (sinister canton) use the motto of Clan Chattan, which includes "bot," while Italian Botters use the same bend as Cato's/Chattans and Chatans. Gillie's were first found in the same place (Lothian) as the Catti Keiths.

The Dexaroi and other APSUS-river liners may have named the HIPSAS at Agrigento, explaining why Carricks and Gela liners should find their way to a discussion on Biden ancestry at the Apsus.

Note the Haddock- / Chadwick-like motto term of Gilberts that can be for Chaddock / Saddock liners. Keiths were in HADDington, and the Haddington surname uses a cross in the colors of the Chadock cross. Chadwicks use a "DECus" motto term. Chadwicks and Chaddocks (share the same Shield) were both found in Lancashire, location of HasKETHs. As Saddocks/Sedgewicks use the Chadock / Chadwick Shield in black, there is a chance that they were all Sadducee liners. Gilberts came to topic as per the Rays who use a reflection of the Phreeze Coat. Potent-cross Chads were from Staffordshire, where FREIdays/FRYdays/Faradays were first found. Under these circumstances, the Frydays can be using the crescents of Seatons (first found in the same place as Keiths), for there is a Seaton location in Devon, where Gilberts were first found.

Let's go back to the Tous'/Tosini's, first found in Pisa, whom were traced months ago to Cabyle in ancient Thrace. Cabyle was beside Sub RADICE, and while "radice" is like the Italian word for lattice, the Radice surname uses a Shield filled with green-and-white checks, in the colors of the Cable/Cabel fretty lattice. The Gills use a Shield filled with green-and-white lozenges. The reason that Capelli's and Bidens were traced to Cabyle is that button-using Tous' are also "TONZO," while Cabyle was on the TONZus river. It was a very compelling find. I therefore reasoned that Josephs of Hampshire had Cabyle blood in their veins. They say that Bithynia was related to Thyni, and the latter area (Black-sea coast) was beside Thrace, or even part of it.

Having said that, the Pisa lion is half the Bruce/Brose lion while French Brose's use it in black-on-white, the colors of the Pomeray lion. Lions in colors reversed from the Pomeray lion can be found with Pruse's/PRUSIUS', a surname like Prusias of Bithynia. Pruse's were first found in the same place as Gilberts. Pisa is in Tuscany, named by Etruscans whose chief god was Tinia i.e. like "Thyni."

Chadwicks (lily in Crest) are said to use "birds," and Birds/Burds use the Bouillon flory cross in colors reversed, along with footless martlets, the symbol of Chadwicks. I happened to find Bordels (show only wings, but Wings share the Moor head with Bouillons), for the first time this week, and they are first known in the same place as Bouillons. I had theorized that the Bouillon cross was two silver bullion bars, and Wings happen to use bullion (or billet) bars. The Bird/Burd martlets are in the colors of the same of Hips', suspect with the Apsus / Hypsas river. The Chadwick lily reminds of another entry from Marc, where he repeats the claims of many, "LUCE, the Old English name for a pike", and then adds, "but also for a lily (the fleur de luce)," as though the Luce's were part of the Lys/Lisse bloodline, perhaps even a branch. It reminds me that the Gilbert Coat is a reflection of the Pek/Peck Coat, and that Peck liners can be a branch of Pike's. The problem is, while Pike liners became suspect with Syphax liners of the Spikers/Pickernell kind, I've traced Peks to the Pek river way over in Moesia (how do we link Syphax liners to that?).

The Lille/LISle Crest has a "swallow in flight," and swallows are use by Swallows and Arundels. Walter Raleigh is in both the Arundel and Sherburn write-ups, meaning that Sherburns (from Scireburn) may have been of the namers of Shirburns. As FitzAlans of Arundel are known to descend from Luisa of Ceva, whom I trace with Gore's to mythical Gorlois of Cornwall, note that Raleigh's/Rallys share the Gore crosslets, and that Raleighs were first found (in Devon) beside Cornwall. The Arundels who received a title(s) belonging to Walter Raleigh did so in Cornwall. Compare Tints (share unicorn with Sherburns) to Raleigh's, as per Tintagel, birthplace of mythical king Arthur from Gorlois' wife. FitzAlans lived at Clun (Shropshire) while Cluns use the Saluzzo Shield (FitzAlans married Alice of Saluzzo, daughter of Luisa of Ceva).

If I'm reading the Lille write-up correctly, Shirburn belonged to Richard, earl of Cornwall, and passed to ALICE, a wife of Mr. Lisle. It doesn't tell us why the earl of Macclesfields had his/their seat at Shirburn. The blue Macclesfield lion is also the Pisa lion while Masseys trace to Massa-Carrara, beside Pisa (Pike liners?). The Lille's share formee-fitchee crosses with Macclesfields. I always view the blue lion as of the Caepio line, and then Peks were first found in the same place (Essex) as Quints, while the Lille cross can be that of Quint-related Winchesters (another blue lion, in front of the Quint fitchee). Essex is also the location of Colchester, which I trace to the Colapis = KUPA river, like the "copia" of Macclesfield. And all of this is why the Meschins in Copeland are important, for the Arms of Copeland use the Macclesfield lion too, and Copelands, the surname, share the double fesse bars of Annabels/Hannibals. I always trace the black Davenport fitchee to the same of Hanna's.

Another Arms of Macclesfield no longer at Wikipedia showed the Davenport fitchee hanging off the Macclesfield stag. Davens happen to share the gold and upright lion, on silver Shield, an illegal color-combination now, with Massars/Massai's/Masiani's at Massa-Carrara. This is a new entry on my part, and tends to trace the Macclesfield (i.e. Caepio line) lion to Pisa's/Piso's whom I see using a version of the Freie Coat, but it also signals that Massars/Masiani's were Masons/Massins = Numidians. Msca's/Muscas' were first found in Pisa. The earls of Macclesfield used leopards, bringing to mind the Mosca leopard that I see in the Chives Crest. Chives' were first found in Devon, where Davens/Devans/Devine's may trace. Chives' are expected from the Lissus location (mouth of the Drin), and while Lys' are also Lisse's, the LISle variation of Lille's probably applies. That is, Lille's (same place as English Crispins) were Lissus liners, and probably with Cavii blood.

I recall that Attila was near or at the Pek river (Danube tributary), wherefore note the Lille motto, "SeDULO et HONeste." The resemblance between "Pisa" and "Pike" got me to check for a Pica surname, and there is one listed with Picardi's/Picini's/Picasso's, using the martlets (same colors) as Josephs / Pullens, and first found in Treviso (near Bled), as with Vito's suspect with Mr. Avitus, husband of Miss. Maesa, and suspect also with Travis'/Travers that use the Meschin scallops. Scottish Picards (Moray) are said to be from PICTs, and use gyronny in Pisa colors. Picards have a white lion in Crest, and the Pisa lion is half white. French Picards use just an upright lion, as Pisa's do. It had never dawned on me before that Pisa liners could have named Picardy. "As "picini" means "petit," the Petit lions can apply. As Taddei's were first found in the same place as Pisa, note that Peso's/Petnals/Petingale's (Oxfordshire) use a flory cross in colors reversed to the same of Taddei's. Birds/Burds use the Peso cross, and while Birds/Burds are suspect with the Alan martlets, French Picards (same lion as French Petits) were first found in Brittany.

The davenports are said to have been at Cheshire's Astbury, and Astburys (much like the Ashbury Coat) can link to Ash's/Aschs, first found in Devon, and suspect with the Heskeths, kin of Biden-suspect Fittons, which may reveal the Astbury / Ashbury fesses as a colors reversed version of the Biden fesse. Astbury's use FOOTless martlets (which can be called MARTINs), and the Davenport write-up traces has the Davenport ancestor (not named) at a MARTON manor, which can explain why Marlins/Marlands/MARTLeys (Lancashire, same as Heskeths / Fittons) use martlets (black) on fesses (wavy) in the colors of the Astbury fesse. This is now reminding me of the Tarves' (fitchees), for Chives' are said to have been at Tarves, which I linked to rulers of Mar. It makes the black Davenport fitchee suspect at TARves, and Fidenza is only a little off the TARo river. The Mar-Crest leopard (said to be "with spots") can thus be the spotted earl-of-Macclesfield leopard. Compare the Arms at that link to the Fitch Coat, then connect the Quint fitchee to the Macclesfield lion, now tracing to Pisa.

French Mars share white scallops with Meschins. The Scottish Mars use lions in pale in the colors of Marlins / Astburys, and half in the colors of the two lions in pale of Gernons. The latter are suspect from le-Meschin's son, an earl of Cheshire too, and as I always trace Gernons to the Fothes'/Fittes' (cornuCOPIA), let's add that the latter were first found in Aberdeenshire, same as the Tarves location, and same as LESlie's whom I claim to be in the footLESS code. It seems fairly obvious now that footless martlets were from Davenport ancestry at Marton.

When we go to the Gernon Coat, remove it's red Shield and use the blue one behind it, so that the Gernon lion becomes the Maschi-Chief lion (in the colors of the Sforza lion that holds a QUINCE). Note that Gernons had a "homestead" in Essex, where Quints were first found. Gernons are said to be from MontFIQUET, also called, MontFITCHet. Montfitchets (red triple chevrons of German Asch's?) were likewise first found in Essex. The Gernons of Montfitchet (Essex) are said to have had their place at STANESted/Stansted, perhaps of the Stands/Stans/Stanes' (same place as Scottish Mars and Palms/Parms) that share the double bars of Palmers/Parmers, for the Palms/Parms share the Quint Chief, and can trace to Fittons as easily as their trace to neighboring Parma. That works too well not to be correct. I declare, Fitch liners were Fittons from Fidenza. Compare the variations of Fiquets to Fothes/Fittes'.

As I see the first Drummonds in the Kildrummy castle of the earls of Mar, its very notable that Scottish Drummonds use three wavy fesse bars half in the colors of the same of Marlins/Martleys. I suspect Drummonds at the naming of Teramo, the new name for Aprutium, the old Abruzzo capital. The Marsi of Abruzzo are expected in Mar, therefore. While the Mercian flag is the saltire of Messeys/Messire's, they were first found in Burgundy, where French Mars were first found. In white, the Messey saltire becomes the flag of Scotland, "Andrew's Cross" (German-Drummond colors), which I trace to king Andrew I of Hungary, father of George (was in Scotland in 1055), father in-turn of Maurice Drummond, the first-known Drummond.

Everything you are reading here is the epitome of Freemasonry. The Leslie buckle's can be traced to Buckle's / Buckley's in Cheshire, and while I had found what looked like proto-Leslie's in Padua, where Abruzzo's were first found, the Buckleys (Travis colors) use the same motto as Travis', expected from Treviso, near Padua. Treviso is where the Avitus-Maesa line is expected. The Buckleys are expected with the white Haught bull head, and Haughts (Cheshire) trace to a daughter of Mieszko I, whose line did marry Varangians, of Kiev, where Andrew I was in exile (protected by Varangians) before he became the Hungarian king. The first Scottish Leslie's (Hungarians, as with Drummonds) married the sister of Malcolm III, while Malcolm's wife (Saxon) was in Kiev with Andrew, likewise in exile.

Reminder, Malcolm's son, king David, did some favors for Maccus = proto-Maxwells whom I expect at the naming of Macclesfield. Malcolm became the Scottish king two years after George, son of Andrew I, was in Scotland. Malcolm defeated Macbeth of Moray. Malcolms (same place as Haralds/Herods, suspect with Harald, father of king Maccus) are also "Callams, and Hallams (same place as Bruce's and Mars) use a blue-on-white lion, the colors of the Macclesfield lion. The "petit" motto term of Malcolms gets two upright lions in two Petit Coats, and the one in Burgundy is in Maschi / Messey colors. The Malcolm stags are expected with the Hungarian stag. The Malcolm saltire is colors reversed from the same of Andrew's Cross. English Petits (Peter-Pollock line?), first found in the same place as Masons/Massins, can be using the lion of Ranulph le Meschin, which might be in the Tarves Crest, for French Petits use the Mason/Massin lion in colors reversed.

The Maurice lion is so Mar-lion / Gernon-lion interesting that I begin to suspect that Maurice Drummond was a Massey of Marsi liner. But how? Did his father marry a Masci of the Marsi tribe? I read that George married a woman in Podebrady, Bohemia, and the Arms of Bohemia use a white-on-red lion, the colors of the Mar lions, and colors reversed from the English Petit lion. French Maurice's can be using a version of the Mackay Coat (Mackays were at Moray), which has the same stars as MORays, as well as a version of the French Mar/Maure/MORE Coat (Messey colors), and while the Moray/Murray Crest is that also of Masons/Massins, a mermaid symbol of Khazars on the Mures river, it starts to appear that Drummonds were partly Hungarian, partly Khazars. Recall the Picard-Petit discussion, and that Picards were first found at Moray, for Malcolms honor the Petits. Does this trace Pisa liners to the household of Malcolm III? By what coincidence are Malcolms "Callams" while Hallams/Hallands use the same lion as Pisa's?

It could be that George married a Khazar of Bohemia, but how does that link to Masci liners? Well, Masci's were first found in Piedmont, location of Montforte (in Montferrat) and MontFERRAT, while the double-tailed lion of Bohemia is that of Montforts too. The FERRATs/Fers use the same Coat as Cohens. The Moravia location beside Bohemia is identical in name as a version used for Scotland's Moray. The checks of Hohens and Cohens became suspect with CZECKoslovakia, for that country is comprised almost wholly by Bohemia and Moravia.

Mieszko I, who predated Andrew I, named his son after Boleslaw of Bohemia i.e. Mieszko Poles were related to rulers of Bohemia. In this way, it can seem that George's wife was a Masci liner of the Mieszko kind. English Bole's are suspect with Boleslaw (of Poland) because they share a boar shot with an arrow with Pollocks, as well as sharing the white boar head with Pollock-related Molle's, and to top it off the Bole's look traceable to Pilotte's and Pellets while Pilate's were first found in the same place as the French Mars / Messeys. As Peter Pollock was at Rothes castle, Morayshire, it could appear that the first Pollock (at least partly Saxon, they say) was a Masci liner from the Maccus alliance with Saxons (Edith of Polesworth is highly suspect). The Saxon wife of Malcolm III might have been a Polesworth liner. Belgian Bole's use the same star as Morays. One can get the impression that Bole's were Pollock liners from Boleslaw. The Polesdons of Cheshire use a white star too, the colors of the Moray star. German Bole's (Peter lion?) are said to descend from Bole von Malchov (a Malcolm suspect) from Maccus-suspect Mecklenburg, and share white wings with Masci's. Mieszko's PIASt ancestry had been suspect from Masci / Mosca liners in "Pisa." The Bole ComPASSes (Pasi liners?) are in Pilate / Pasi colors. '

French Maurice's were first found in the same place (Gascony/Guyenne) as Martins and Martels. English Martins use the same double bars as Ness' and Hannibals/Annabels, but as I trace some Wassa variations to GAScony, let's add that these double bars are in the Washington Coat. Spanish and Italian Martins (Brescia) together suggest linkage to Panico's of the Setta valley (Bologna, known home of proto-Bohemians), and while the Spanish branch may have a version of the Moray stars, the oak tree is in both colors of the Maio oak, which can trace to the Maiella (or is it Maiello?) mountain of Abruzzo. Mythical Maia was a daughter of Atlas = Pisidians that one can expect at Pisa.

Let's go back to the Marton manor of the proto-Davenports, at Macclesfield, a term much like "MECHLenburg." There is a Marton Coat not listed with Martins. The Martons (Lancashire, beside Cheshire), whom I've not seen before until this paragraph, use three fesse bars in colors reversed from the same of Scottish Drummonds, tending to assure that Drummonds named the Kildrummy castle of the Mars. The Marton fesse bars are in half the colors of the Marlin/Martley fesse bars. German Drummonds were first found in the same place as Trips, and Trips (now show the shoe) once showed the same boots as French Masseys/Masse's once showed. The boots are code for the island of Bute = Avalon, where Morgan le Fay was the head witch, and then there was a Morggan, earl of Mar, no kidding at all. Alesta, daughter of Morggan of Mar, was suspect (4th update of this past February) with the line between Alice of Montferrat to Alice Burgh of the Irish Burghs/Berks (yes Conteville's).

The cross in the Marton Coat is colors reversed from the same-type cross of Macclesfields. The third quadrant of the Martons has two chevrons in the colors of the same of the Devon Ash's, and Davenports are said to be from Astbury while Astburys use a form of the ASHbury Coat. We are thus finding that Ash's and Asch's (same triple chevrons as Montfitchets) were Astbury liners, and as they were suspect with Haskeths, note that the latter were from Lancashire too. The stag head in the Marton Crest can therefore link to the same in the Crest of HasKETH-liner Keiths, kin of Mascals = Mussels/Muscels. Here is the Marton description in-part: "...two black chevronels, the lower rompu (broken), between three red CHAPLets." The Caiaphas bloodline was at Marton, wasn't it? "Rompu" reminds of Mr. Rompuy, the previous president of the European Union, now replaced by a Polish leader. Rompuy's second in command was Catherine ASHton. Ashtons were first found in Lancashire, while Astons were first found in Cheshire (as with Fittons).

The Marton chaplets are not red, but in a burgundy hue like the chaplets of Saxons/Septons. In red, the Marton chaplets are the annulets of Vito's/Bitini's, evoking the Bidens/Buttons just where we are crossing the Fitton kin of Haskeths. Ashtons are said to have received title from Bartons, and their motto along with their colors suggest kinship with Quade's / Mackays/Quoids. I'm glad that we are crossing Bartons (share boar head in Crest with Ashtons), for while Leslie's were kin of boar-using Bards/Beards, Bartons show the Less boar heads, the Barton heads in both colors of the Fiddle/Fidelow wolf heads suspect in the "Fide" motto term of Bartons. And the Fidelow wolf heads is another reason that Quade's and Mackays ought to apply to Ashtons. To support the identification of "footLESS" with the Less', Bartons were first found in Cheshire, where I trace the Foot / Fothes liners. The red tusks of the Molle / Bole boar head can be suspect with the red Less / Barton boar heads.

The Marton motto term, "patrie," gets the Patrie's (Aberdeenshire again) using what looks like a version of the Pulley/Pullen Coat, another reason to trace Peter Pollock to Vespasia Polla and her grandfather, Flavius Petro. She married Petro's son, Sabinus, and Patrie's share the red-on-white scallop with Sabine's. The Patrie motto, "FIDE et VIDE," begs the question as to whether Fiddle's/Fidelows were Vito/Bitini liners. Does it indicate that Fidenza was a Bitini element? If so, we should expect Capelli liners to crop up, and we just saw chaplets from Patrie-related Martons. While Pulleys/Pullens (pelican) use the Joseph martlet, the same Josephs have shown a black-on-gold swan, the Chaplet symbol. Pellicans were first found in the same place as these Josephs, and Caiaphas, along with Flavius Josephus, Caiaphas is suspect in forming an unholy alliance with Vespasian's household. The Marton cross even has scallops in the colors of the same of Capes' / Apps'.

Patrie's use more fitchee crosses. Moreover, as one Marton chevron is BROKEn, note that the Patrie Shield has the Shield-and-Chief color combination Broke's/Brocks. The the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Clintons is in colors reversed, and the Clinton (and Hillary) Shield shows the six black fitchees of Tarves'. The next president could be Hillary Clinton, and then the current vice-president is Joseph Biden. Is America led by the Caiaphas bloodline? That can explain why America has been so corrupted by money, a thing that sorely affects even the Christians. Clintons were first found in the same place (Oxfordshire) as the Lille-Macclesfields (at SHIRburn) that were involved with black-fitchee Davenports. The SHIRE's use a black fitchees too, as do Schere's/Scherfs/Schire's (almost), both in the colors of the Tarves fitchees. We now know that Carrick / Gilbert liners of the Shire / Squire kind were at Shirburn. Note that the Shire Crest is a black version of the Damory / Amore (More liners, apparently) talbot head, for the latter two surnames were first found in Oxfordshire.

Renier/Rainier of Montferrat (brother to a count in Templar Israel), was cousin to emperor Frederick, a Hohen = Khazar, all the more reason to know that the Ferrat/Fer and Vair/Fers checks are those of Cohens and Hohens, but not missing the point that Caiaphas-suspect Quints use VAIR fur, for I'm expecting a Caiaphas line to the Khazars. Renier "became son-in-law of the Byzantine Emperor Manuel I KOMNenos [Comyns liner?] and Caesar in 1180..." This recalls the likelihood that the Comanian Huns at the root of the Comyns were Khazar allies / relatives. Renier married a Byzantine that may have been from Melissena Rangabe, a Khazar on one side and Byzantine on the other. The white-on-blue Rangabe flory cross is probably that of Bouillons.

Renier's mother was Judith Babenberg. Babels'/Babe's use the Melusine mermaid that I see as code for a line from Melissena Rangabe. Babenbergs were founded by Poppo I, and if he was a Pepin, he might be from the Pepins that furnished Charles Martel i.e. a Martin liner. The Babenbergs share three red-on-white chevrons with Aschs and MontFitchets. I'm right-now looking into Montferrat history to see whether George, son of king Andrew, was a Masci liner at Montferrat. It's what much of the above suggested. Renier married the countess of Burgundy, where Mars and Messeys were first found, and his daughter with the countess was French queen, Adelaide of MAURienne (location in Savoy, at the Modane theater). But lets add that Masseys and Vere's use the same Shield while Vere's are expected with Vairs / Ferrats. And while Fears/Fere's are said to be a branch of Vere's, Davenports use "Fear God" for a motto. And proto-Davenports are the ones at the Marton manor, evoking the Pepin > Martel line. Adelaide latter married MontMORENcy (like "Maurienne"), and Morency's were first found in the same place as Ottone-related Chappes'.

At Adelaide's article, note what look like serpents with a human head in their mouths, the Visconti symbol, apparently, for this Montferrat family birthed Otto/Oddone of Montferrat, the name, roughly, of the first Visconti. William IV of Montferrat was a son of emperor Otto II, and Otto of Montferrat is obviously named after the emperor. William IV was born in 1030, during the time of Andrew I. As Adelaide's ancestry was all over that area, including at Geneva, the Wallis/Wallace lion, same as the Montfort lion, probably traces to the Walsers, named after Wallis canton at lake Geneva. The Walsers use a two-tailed mermaid, you see.

As Modane is like "Modena," and as Albino's were first found in Modena, at a location beside Fanano, note the following myth work: "Adelaide is one of two queens in a legend related by William Dugdale. As the story goes, Queen Adelaide of France became enamoured of a young knight, William d'Albini..." Modena is the location of Fanano, where the gonFANON banner, a Montfort-owned symbol, traces. Right beside FANANo is Marano, and while Spanish Marano's are using a white version of the Murena/Moratin tower, while Italian Marano's/MAURITANO's (first found in Modena) use the Montfort lion (minus the second tail). Moreover, Arms of Savignano sul Panaro use a red gate / castle, with towers on top, just like the red one of Murena's//MORATINs. The PANARo river explains why the gonfanon was made a BANNER. It appears that Adelaide of Maurienne traces to these Modena elements, and to Montforte elements in Montferrat.

Modena's Casano's/Cassandra's is to whom I've recently traced the Antipater > Bithynia line.

The Raines', who share the lions of NEWMANs, were traced to RAINier of Montferrat, and English Banners use a "SINE NUMINE" motto phrase, sharing "Numine" with Mea's/My's/Meighs that use the same cross as Savoy and Savoys. The Patrie's in the Marton motto share "sed" with Walsh's (and Sedans), who use "numine" too. It can be gleaned that Walsh's loved MORTANs/Moretons, suggesting that they are Marano liners, or at least of the stock that named Marano. And that identified Walsh's as a Wallis line, especially as the Walsh Crest is a swan (shared by Italian Alba's, probably from Alba at the Montforte theater). Scottish Walsh's (probably the Maxwell saltire) use "AuSPICE Numine," suspect with the Syphax Numidians.

German Banners share the giant fleur-de-lys of English Banners, and together they look linkable to the same of Marsy's/Marseille's. Sine's are listed with Sions, from Sion, I assume, in Wallis canton. Martons use a "ma" motto term (means "my") that can be for a variation of the Mea's/My's, for the Marton cross is colors reversed from the same of Mea's/Meighs. German Alba's/ALBERs use another giant fleur-de-lys, counterchanged like that of Banners, only this time it's in the colors of the Massey fleur while Masci's are expected at Alba, especially as Sine's/Sions/Swans once showed gauntlet gloves (a Macie symbol). There is a Lys river between Adelaide's Savoy and Sion. As German Alba's can suggest that some Alba liners became Alberts, it's notable that French Alberts were first found in Burgundy, and share the gold, upright lion with Petits, first found in Burgundy. English Alberts were first found in Kent with the first Masons/Massins, and use a giant and upright griffin in colors reversed to the giant and upright Mason/Massin lion, and in the colors of the Burgundy Petits.

Danish Cnuts use banners.

Adelaide's family tree is available from her Wikipedia page above. On her father's side, she goes back to Manfred of Turin, and if I recall correctly, Manfred was a name used by the Mosca's that married MonteChiaro. As I see the Mosca leopard in the Chives Crest, let's repeat that Chivasso is beside Turin, and that Chiaro's use the bull expected in Turin/Torini. Yes, Manfredi Chiaramonte, husband of Isabella Mosca: "The Chiaramonte family built many castles at Mussomeli, Caccamo, Chiaramonte Gulfi, Ragusa and all over Sicily, in a very typical Gothic style..." It's hard to say whether the Mosca's, first found in Pisa, predated the Mosca's of Sicily, but apparently so. It can explain why Charo's share the bull with Mieske's and Haughts it the latter two were Pisa > Piast liners. There is also a question on whether ManFREDs named FERTE-Mace, for the red Ferte eagle can be a colors-reversed version of the white-on-red Piast eagle.

I haven't yet proved that Montferrats were somehow married to, or descended from, Masci's / Mars that produced the Drummonds, but I feel that I'm all over it. Wikipedia stops going back in time at the article on William IV, but there is an article on William I of Montferrat, in the time of Mieszko I. Recalling that Spoleto elements are suspect with Spoltons/Spauldings, who are traced directly to Ranulph le Meschin, see here: "According to the Gesta Berengarii Imperatoris, William [I Montferrat] was a Frank who crossed the Alps leading 300 armed retainers in 888-889 to fight alongside Guy III of Spoleto against Berengar of Friuli for the Iron Crown of Lombardy...he appears, in 921, along with Lambert, Archbishop of Milan, and two other counts, Giselbert and Samson, as dilectissimi fideles of the Emperor.",_Marquess_of_Montferrat

Lambert was a name used for Mieszko II, and French Lamberts (beside Burgundy, or part of it) use a Coat much like that of the Burgundy Mars. Compare German Lamberts to Spanish Luna's expected from Luni at the Massa-Carrara theater, and to German Martins (white Chief at bottom of Shield, same as Luna's), asking whether German Martins are using the lion of the Burgundy Petits / Burgundy Alberts, for we find this Montferrat character with ties to Burgundy: "William transferred his allegiance again following the death of Berengar. He appears for the last time alive in 924, intervening on behalf of the bishop of Piacenza with Rudolf II of Burgundy, a claimant for the Italian crown." Heraldic reversals such as upside-down symbols, or a Chief at the base of the Shield, have been suspect with Masci liners because they are at the root of left-hand bends.

Italian Luna's (same crescent as Spanish Luna's and Lamberts) were first found in Milan, tending to nail the Lamberts with Luna's without question. The Lambert Coat, very linkable to the Ottone Coat, is probably a white version of the Payen Coat, for both surnames were first found in Dauphine. Compare also with the Macey Coat. Ottone Visconti ruled at Milan, location of archbishop Lambert. It's adding up to a link of Mieszko II Lambert to Ottone Visconti. The reason that I trace these Lamberts to Mieszko is that they share two white chevrons and white stars with Sweets/Sweits (their chevrons in the colors of the English-Lambert chevron) while SWIEToslawa was a daughter of Mieszko I. Moreover, I see the Goplo Mouse tower in the Sweet Crest. It appears that archbishop Lambert was a Mieszko liner, and thus linkable to William I of Montferrat, making him the Masci liner to Drummonds and the Mars of Scotland, possibly. This recalls that Alice of Montferrat (daughter of William V) was traced to Irish Burghs and that the latter were somehow in the Mar theater in the approach to the royal Bruce marring Isabel of Mar. King Bruce III married Annabella Drummond, and as Drummonds were Hun liners, one might trace the Annabel/Hannibal surname (two fesse bars in the colors of the two Sweet chevrons) to her family. The Annabell/Hannibal bars are shared by English Martins.

Burgundy, by the way, was where the Bozonid Franks (from Bozo) ruled that, as the Boso surname (Lombardy, where Milan is the capital), share the upright bull with the Chiaro/Charo/Claro surname. Bozonids were placed in power by the royal line of Charles Martel, and his surname may have been play on the mace of Maceys, or the Maccabee hammer symbol. One could suppose that the Franks to which William I of Montferrat belonged were likewise from Charles Martel. I trace Montferrat ancestry to Guerin of Provence, who had titles up Burgundy way, and then Guerins share the Payen Coat so as to be linkable to the Lambert line.

William's article ends with: "Various legendary assertions about his Saxon and Kentish origins and the origins of his wife..." That could be a Maccus / Mason liner. For further reading, see the descendants of William I, kings and queens of Jerusalem, but read also the Guerin write-up:

I trace lambs, shared by English Lamberts, to the Lamas surname, which shares white-on-blue lambs with the Arms of Grasse, a location just outside Provence, and then the Lamas surname uses these same lambs while Le Mas (see it in the Dumas write-up) is beside Grasse. This location can be suspect with the Grazio's, first found in the same place (Perusia) as Ottone's. On William I Montferrat, we read further: "Nonetheless, some, including 18th-century historian Malaspina and 20th-century historians Usseglio and Cognasso (writing in 1960), consider him to have been alive in 961, based on a faulty reading and interpretation of the foundation charter of the monastery of GRAZZano, founded that year by Aleram and his family." That is, "Grazzano Badoglio (Grazzano Monferrato until 1939) is a comune (municipality) in the Province of Asti in the Italian region Piedmont, located about 50 kilometres (31 mi) east of Turin..." Asti is like "Astibus," a Paionian city that can put proto-Payens/Paions in Asti. It just so happens that the Grazio bend is in the colors of the French Paine/Payne fesse.

As Grate's use a fesse bar in the colors of the Crispin fesse bars, They could be Grazio / Crispin liners. As the Fitton kin of Heskeths worked out to look like Asch liners, note that the Grate Coat is a colors-reversed reflection of the , and that the latter surname had an Ashburne location in Devon, where Ash's/Aschs were first found. The Grate's (see "inteGRITy" motto of Scottish Cree's) are listed with Cree's/Crea's/Creights/Wreaths/Rays, making it difficult to understand what they were initially, yet they use the same fesse as Bidens. As the ASTburys/Aspreys use a reflection of the Ashburn Coat, couldn't it suggest the Astibus > Asti line so that Grazio > Crispin liners are again looking at least linked to Paioni Greeks? French Cree's (Burgundy, same area as Payens/Pagans) can be gleaned in using the multiple bends of Paganells (same place as Parms/Palms). By what coincidence does the English Paine/Payne/Paynell Coat reflect that of Ashborns and Astburys? The Antipater>Cassander line at Antipatria (regarded here as Biden ancestry) was in the Paionian theater. Here's the old map:

. . As French Paine's show "painCHAUX," note that Chaucers and Chalkers (same colors) were both first found in Kent, and that Chalkers use more fesse bars in the same colors yet again, for a Mr. Chaucer married PAYNE Roet's daughter. It may be that Chaucers and Chalkers were from Normandy's Caux area. In fact, I just looked up the surname (Sping/Spine) said to be from Caux, and they were first found in the same place as Chaucers. Spine's remind me of Balso D'Espaines, a descendant of MALAhule of MORE, and then Paine's/Payne's use a "malo mori" motto phrase. It's known that the Malahule > D'Espaines line furnished the rulers of the Bessin, and Caux is in the Bessin. Moreover, Spine's are said to be at Caux's YveTOT while Tottens use more fesse bars in the red-and-white seen above. Here is the genealogy of the Malahule line:

I'm not at all sharp on this family. The genealogy has Balso married to a woman of Caux! And Malahule is married to a woman of St. Pol. Therefore, Ranulph le Meschin has Caux ancestry, which may explain why Chalkers and Chaucers were first found in the same place as the Numidians Masons/Massins (and the Meschin-Clare merger), which jibes with the tentative trace of Spine's/Spings liners to Syphax (himself a Numidian). Note that the name of Balso's son, Anschetil (said to be a brother of a Mr. Toeni), has also been spelled ASCHetil. Moreover, the AnsKETILL name can also be in honor of Cheatle's/Chettle's (look linkable to the Totten bars), for they were not only first found in Cheshire, but they too use a red-and-white fesse the colors of the Biden fesse! Zowie. That's the Hasketh-Fitton merger, isn't it? One can now trace the Chaucer TORTois to Tortona, not far from Fidenza, but also near Asti. Chalkers, by the way, share a swan with Alba's, and while Alba is at Montferrat along with Asti (Tanaro river), Alba's are almost using the Astbury fesse. Then, German Alba's/Albers use a Shield split vertically in the colors of the same of Chaucers.

I have entertained the Chaucer bend with that of Jewish Pollocks, but I just didn't know that Chaucers were from Caux. As the Caux line married the St. Pol line from Malahule, it appears that Jewish Pollocks named St. Pol. Malahule's wife (from Saint Pol) was a daughter of Mahaut CREQuy, and then CRICKtons/Creightons have a variation like the Cree's/Creights while Cricks/Cracks and Crags were both first found in Yorkshire, and both suspect from the Caracalla > Carrick line that was branch to, or merged with, the Shire's (fitchee) of Shirburn, home of Lille's, explaining, apparently, why Lille's share the formee-fitchee with Cricks/Cracks. The Crags even share the black talbot with Shire's/Shere's and Carricks. Moreover, as Crags were first found in Lancashire, the Fitton-Hasketh homeland, note that the Crags (leaves instead of garbs) have a reflection of the Fitton Coat. If that's not enough, the Spine/Sping Coat is a good reflection of that Cragyn Coat, and Spine's were first found in Warwickshire, same as Sheriffs while Shire's/Shere's link to Schere's that come up as "Scherf." Cragyns have a motto term linkable to the motto of Craigs, and Carricks are said to descend from Craigs. Therefore, I do declare, Malahule married a line from the disgusting emperor, Caracalla (killed his own brother, Geta), and it is a fact that I have been tracing Caracalla's mother (Julia Domna) to Grasse in France! Bingo.

I traced Geta, which was a name used also by the family of Caracalla's father (Septimius Severus), said to be from north Africa, to a Geta family of north Africa, and that suggested the Getuli Numidians, the people to which Syphax belonged. Moreover, the Gettels are listed with Gard-like terms, and while Carricks use a "Garde bien" motto, the Gettels/Gardsen's use an annulet (in the "DEXTER paw" of a raven), as do Vito's from Julius Avitus, who married the sister of Caracalla's mother! This is bang-on. It can't be coincidental. As Avitus' wife was Julia Maesa Bassianus, expected in Bessin elements, by what coincidence did the Malahule / Crequy line put forth the Meschins of the Bessin!? This Malahule ancestry is new to me, and very important in tracing Freemasonry and Templarism to the Bassianus' of El-Gabal.

Recall that Heskeths had been deemed ASKER liners, and that Askers are using the type of Coat (shared by Bratts, Tillers, Meschins and Muscels) that traces to the Tilurius/Cetina river (and Brattia), where I had traced the Bassianus' months ago, for Caracalla made Julia Maesa's father a leader in Dalmatia, and I found his line in Dalmatia's Tilurius, near the MAEZaei peoples that apparently named Julia's surname. I now find that Malahule's mother was ASCRide (i.e. Asker liner from the Tilurius?). Moreover, as Talbot liners traced to the Tilurius, by what coincidence do Halls (same place as Grasse's and Lucy Taillebois, le Meschin's wife) and HULE's/Hulls share talbot dogs with Carricks, while Hule's may have named MalaHULE? There is a question here on whether "Grasse / Grazio" was a Crag / Carrick version.

Irish Grasse's/Grace's were first found in Buckinghamshire, and Buckinghams share the besants-on-a-bend of Nottings while Cnut was a grandson of Mieszko I, and then French Grace's/Grasse's use three of the two Lambert chevrons while lambs are in the Arms of Grasse. This indicates to me that Grasse was an entity of the Mieszko-Lambert line to archdeacon Lambert of Milan, and thus linkable to Ottone Visconti, and to the Ottone chevron (surrounded by annulets, we get it) that is in the colors of the Grasse / Lambert chevrons. But then Ottone's were first found in the same place as Grazio's! We saw that Paine-related Grate's/Creights might apply to Grazzio liners, and while Grazio's use a bend in the colors of the Paine fesse, here I can add that Creightons/CRICHtons (probably the Seaton dragon in Crest) use a "grace" motto term.

It was the Grazzano location of William I of Montferrat, in Asti province, that got me to the Grate / Grasse topic in the first place. And look at what is has found as per a Maesa-suspect line to Malahule's mother. At the time, I was even looking for Masci liners in the Williams of Montferrat...who could explain the Masci link to Drummonds, and so let's add that German Drummonds use three fesse bars in the colors of the three chevrons of Grace's/Grasse's. Safe to say, William of Montferrat was a Crispin liner, which might explain why French Crispins share the bend of the Lincolnshire Grasse's, same bend again of the Pulleys/Pullens/PULLERs suspect with the FULLER who use three red-on-white fesse bars (we saw these bars lots above), the colors of the eight bars of the Oxfordshire Crispins (Shirburn is in Oxfordshire, and was home to the earls of Maxwell-suspect Macclesfields).

Mahaut Crequy married Adaloff of Boulogne at a time before de-Bouillon of Boulogne, and the latter's household ruled in lower Burgundy. Adaloff was a son of Baldwin II of Flanders, and Adaloff's mother was a Saxon from Wessex, suggesting that St. Pol, where Adaloff was the count, was a Polesworth-Maccus line, from a wife (Edith of Polesworth) of Maccus' grandfather, well-explaining why Maccus is thought to have been a Norman connected to Rollo (Malahule's nephew). Hence, Pollocks became a sept of Maccuswells/Maxwells. The ancestor of Pollocks, FULbert the Saxon, might have been the reason for the Fullers, kin of Belli's (share beacons) that may be in the Bouillon motto. Fulbert was the name of "the tanner," and I think that was a misunderstood term, not referring to his tanning occupation, but to his descent from Tanaro-river liners. Asti is on the Tanaro.

While Chappes' married Hugh de Payens, no doubt close to Godfrey de Bouillon in same way, Asti is near (less than 40 miles) Chieri (southern-Turin rural area), and bull-using Chiaro's are listed with Claro's that go to the Conqueror, married by the tanner's daughter. One can start to get the impression that the tanner was a Paioni liner like the Payens/Paions. Not Jews, not Israelites, but Paioni Greeks / Thracians...who I say married the Jewish line of Caiaphas. This is where Jewish Pollocks can come in.

From the last update: "By what coincidences was the father of Catherine Avesnes (ruler of Holland) married secondly to Trudy Poele while Avezzano is near the Roet-like Rieti location of Vespasia Polla?" TRUDY Poele, and then Adaloff's Wessex mother was ElfTRUDE. Wikipedia spells his name, AdaLUFF, and then Luffs/Love's (Levi liners of the Louvain kind?) were first found in the same place as the Crispin-line Clare's. Luffs/Love's (formee-fitchee) happen to share the same fesse bars as Fullers, no kidding at all. It seems clear here that the three, red Clare chevrons are a form of the three, red Luff bars. And the Meschin-merged Clare's of Tunbridge were in Kent, where Chaucers were first found that use the same bend as Jewish Pollocks, where Lille's had their place who share the formee-fitchee with Luffs, but also where Louvains were first found that user the Mason/Massin lion.

As Louvain of Belgium was also "Leuven," by what coincidence are red-and-white (Luff-bar colors) chevrons showing for Italian Leuvens, listed with Livelli's/Lieveli's (Padua), whom I'm going to peg with the Capelli's, first found in the same place (Ferrara) as Claro's/Charo's, beloved of Caiaphas-suspect Josephs. German Leuvens (said to be from ASHKenaz, hmm) share the bear paw with Belli-related Bellini's (both from the general area of Leuvens/Livelli's). It just so happens that Ashkenaz-like Asch's use three red chevrons on white! Some say Ashkenaz Jews were from Khazars, but some DNA specialists use DNA "evidence" to disprove it because they want Jews to be from Israel instead. They may not realize that the Khazar Jews were from Israel, at least in-part.

We now go to Livelli-like Leavells/Lovells, descended from Mr. Percival, and we find Percivals with a bear. This is an aha-moment, connecting Leavells to Louvains and Luffs all at once, for Leavells/Lovells use fesse bars half in the colors of the Luff bars, and the three Luff bars can be gleaned as the three vertical ones, in the same colors, of Belli's/Bello's. German Belli's/Baleys/Balleys (Balso liners?) are the ones that share the beacon with three-bar Fullers. Scottish Leavells (same place as Maxwells and Pollock-related Molle's): another red-on-white fesse bar, same as Caens (from the Bessin) whom use a motto term tracing to Cetis/Citis, where Lupus Laevillus was. Scottish Leavells/Lovells share piles with Polworths, making Leavells suspect with the St. Pol > Balso line to the Bessin. The Leavell bars were traced to Oxfordshire's DaMORys/Amori's and Amore's (same talbot head as Shire's), potential Malahule-of-More liners.

If Fullers were Pollocks, then let's repeat that the St. Pol line produced Balso D'Espaines, and there is a Spine-suspect Espaine surname in Pollock colors.

Laevillus married the daughter of a princess of Cetis. The page below says that Laevillus wife, though born Quadratilla, changed her name to Julia, and while she was a Bassus surname, note that Julia Maesa Bassianus was just a few generations later (about 175 AD). Quadratilla's father was legate of Judea after 70 AD. The page has Laevillus born in 70 AD, the year that Titus took Jerusalem, and so note Laevillus' full name: Gaius Julius Lupus Titus Vibius Varus Laevillus. How did Titus work into it? Was Laevillus a Levi liner, and son of, Flavius Josephus??? It's a good bet, for Josephus was adopted by Titus, and he was the proto-Pollock line. One of the children was named, Aulus Julius Claudius CHARAX Laevillus, like "Crequy," and therefore suspect to the "nickname", Caracalla, of emperor Bassianus.

Laevillus' Varus surname can be for the Yvery location of Leavells, and the Iverys (probably share the Were bend) were first found in Vere-laden Oxfordshire, same as the Carrick-related Shire's of Shirburn. And while I see Shire's as a branch of Squire's/Squirrels, the latter share the red squirrel with Ticino-suspect Decks/Daggers, important because "Laevillus" is suspect from the Laevi on the Ticino/Tessin (TECKs/Tess' use LEAVES). The Gilberts that share the red squirrel (CRACKing a nut) share the Arms-of-Carrick chevron, but this is in the colors of the Leuven/Livelli chevrons. The Arms of Carrick sometimes put black fitchee crosses around the chevron, as do the Carrick-related Kennedys from the Kennati priests at Cetis / Olba. If that's not coincidental, Carricks are thus tracing to Charax Laevillus. Black fitchees are shared by the Oxfordshire Clintons and the Chives-suspect Tarves', but as Hillarys use the very same six fitchees as both latter surnames, note that Biliards are listed with Hilliards, for the related Billets/Billiards were first found in the same place as French Josephs.

Laevillus could very well have been a son / grandson of Joseph Caiaphas, for both the Biliards/Hilliards and Billets/Billiards use chevrons in the colors of the Chappes perchevron. Biliards/Hilliards share the black rooster with Grazio's, and while Grazio-related Crispins were first found in the same place as Clintons, Biliards/Hilliards and Billets/Billiards share a chevron in the colors of the triple Grace/Grasse chevrons. English Billets and Bellows (kin of the Oxfordshire Skiptons that use bellow fans) share the same Coat, and it has a red chief with white Shield, which I've been looking forward to seeing because it was the symbol of the household / ancestry of William I of Montferrat, seen here:


The page speaks on a branch of the Montferrat family, the del Vasto's, ruling in Ceva, Busca and Saluzzo. The Fasts happen to share a red-on-gold bend with three symbols with Lorraine's, and as Mieszko II Lambert married a woman from Lorraine (Lotharingia), it explains why Lorraine's use the Piast eagles as their bend symbol. Leslie's use the motto, "Grip fast," partly suspect with Julius Agrippa, uncle of Julius Bassianus. By what coincidence do Leslie's share the buckle with Spoleto-like Spoltons/Spauldings!? This is all very revealing, a super, new dimension to my ever-expanding work.

The Leslie motto is said to have been founded in relation to, or honor of, Maurice Drummond, the first Drummond, and his line was suspect with a Masci-Mar line, not forgetting that the Burgundy Mars share the Lambert chevron. I should add here that two lions in the colors of the same of Scottish Mars are in the WHISTle/Wissel Coat, in case they were Vasto / Fast liners. McLeods use "Hold fast," and so see the Holder-like Colters below, but, more than that, the Holdens are using ALLERion eagles (no beaks suggests linkage to Beaks), colors reversed from the Piast eagle, symbol of Allers (share the Holden escutcheon), and you can read above that William I was of the house of ALERamici. Allers use an "umbra" motto term that may be for Spoleto liners (i.e. in UMBRia), and then Lamberts come up as "Amber." Were Lamberts named after a Lamas line in Umbria?

Vasto's may have been West > Uest > Vest liners. West's may be using the Carrick dancette. The "vie" motto term of Wests (same place as chives') can be of the "vi" motto term of Chives', and I've been insisting that Chives' were kin to the namers of Ceva, but I have not been familiar with the Vasto's rulers of Ceva. Chives' had a branch in TARves, in the land of Leslie's, and Guy de Spoleto died at the Taro river (big hmm), according to his Wikipedia article. That makes "TarVES" suspect as a Taro-Vasto entity. The split Tarves Shield is in Spolton / Vast colors, and in the colors of the Aller gyronny; I trace this symbol to Gernon liners, from the son of Ranulph le Meschin who's central in the Spolton write-up. Compare "Tarves" to Meschin-liner "Travis," for Holdens share the motto of Travis'. We now have compelling evidence (we didn't before) that Spoltons/Spauldings were from Guy-de-Spoleto liners. TREVi is a town near Spoleto, and then Aller-suspect Beaks, suspect with the three bars that were the Arms of TREBizon, share the ostrich theme with Trabys.

I trace Campbells to Campania and it's Abellinum location, and so while Campbells share the gyronny with Allers, it's notable that Guy of Spoleto married Benevento, a city in Campania. This is the area from which Italian Capone's were first found, and then English Capone's (reflect the Camps/Comps) were first found in relation to, or even on, the Cam river of CAMbridge, while Guy of Spoleto was count of CAMerino. Cams and Kemmis', both first found in the same place as Samsons, share the blue Quint vair. Guy made alliances with Saracens of the Campania area, and shortly after him, Robert Guiscard, like the Guis variation of Guido's, made a pact with Saracen leaders by the names of Samsam and Timnah. Why did they trace themselves to Biblical Samson at Timnah? What Hebrew element was in these Saracens?

While there is a Nera river near Spoleto, Fulke's are said to be from Fulk III Nerra. The "sera"-using Fulke's use a giant fleur-de-lys, traceable to Lissus, a city of the Cavii that I expect at Ceva and its Cevetta river. It just so happens that Camerino-like Camerins (Rothschild arrows) use fesse bars in the colors of the Pale bars of Tarrs. They must be the Drummond bars. And Camerons were first found near Tarves. The "ri cheile" motto phrase of Camerons looks like it's for the Rye's that share a bend, in colors reversed, with Cheile's (boot). Rye's (Jewish-Pollock bend?) were first found in the same place as "ear-of-rye" Saddocks/Sedgewicks, who use an escutcheon too, in the colors of the same of German Nathans. The first Rothschild, from Pollocks and later from Bowers, named his first son, Nathan. Note that English Nathans/Nusans use an arrow shot into an item, a Pollock / Bole symbol, while Bole's share the compass' (must be part-code for Pasi's) with English Nathans, while Pettys, linkable by their green parrot to Peeble's, and Bowers of Peebles-shire, use the needle of a compass. Jewish Rothchilds (no 's') use a sinister bend and sinister horse, and the Nathan Crest is "black arrow in bend sinister." The Rothchild bend is half in the colors of the Rye / Pollock bend. Nathans were Roth(s)child liners, right? While Nathans are also Nusens, there is a Jewish Nusen/Nathan surname. Saddocks are kin of potent-liner Chads, Chadocks and Chadwicks, which may indicate that they all trace to Potenza-river liners. This river is new to me.

As Camerino is off a POTENza river, note that Patents share the Leslie griffin head. I am very sure that Leslie's married Spoleto / Vasto liners. Camerino is said to have been home to the people group, Camertes Umbri in BC times. The "umbra"-using Allers use a red escutcheon = shield, while Rothschilds in the Cameron Crest are said to derive in "Red Shield." The potent pattern is on the Arms of Champagne. It appears that Camerino elements traced as proto-Camerons to the Taro river, where Guy died and/or was buried. From the Taro, it's a small hop to Fidenza, and this place was in the land of Ananes Gauls that I trace to Annandale, home of Kilpatricks that trace to the proto-Biden area of Antipatria.

I trace Campania to Campania/Champagne, for Avallon at the south of Champagne is like the Avellino location (previously ABELLinum). The point here is that Haskells/, said to be from "Anschetille/ASKetill," the name used by the Malahule line, share the Coat of English Champagne's, and this vair that they share is a BELL pattern. The Martons (Chaplet kin, suspect with Capes' too) that share the double chevrons of Ash's/ASCHS use three fesse bars in colors reversed from the same of Camerons. And Martons (same place as Haskeths/Haskals) share "ma" with Vasto-possible Wests. There is a German Camer Coat with a good reflection of the German Deck/Dagger Coat. The "ma vie" of Wests, by the way, is good reason to trace Vasto's to Vestalis, son of king Cottius near/at the VIU river. This recalls that the Arms of Rothschild use the same quarters as Fasts (!) and Pettys (!!) It suggests that Vasto's may have been Vespasian liners with the proto-Pollock Peter / Rieti liners, and ROTH may indicate Roet / Rodham /Rutherford kin. Of course. In the center of the Arms, a white-on-red scallop, the colors of the Capes / Marton scallops, and it's the Martons that use "ma patrie" so as to be linkable to Pettys. Re-checking Marlins/Martlets (footLESS martlets), they use three fesse bars half in the colors of the same of Camerons, and half in the colors of the three Marton bars. The Patrie's, who clearly trace to Sabine / Pulley elements, use a bend in the colors of that same of Jewish Rothchilds.

Guy (or Guido) of Spoleto (supporter of William I Montferrat) was the king of Italy, and even the Roman emperor. Guy descended from men named, Lambert, and we saw Lamberts using the same chevrons as Biliards/Hilliards and Billets/Billiards, and we saw these chevrons tracing to Grazio's and Chappes'. Lambert of Milan may have been from this Lambert > Spoleto line, in which case I would trace Mieszko Poles to this Spoleto entity. As we saw Lamberts tracing to the Bassus > Bassianus line, what about Spoltons/Spauldings being from Ranulph le Meschin i.e. now tracing from the Bassianus line to the Malahule-Crequy merger. Spoltons share the six-sectioned Shield with Wheelwrights, expected from Piast the Wheelwright, mythical ancestry of Mieszko I. Piast birthed Siemowit, and then Samsons share the Meschin and Travis/Traver scallops, while the latter share the motto of Buckleys (Cheshire), kin of Buckle's honored in the buckle's (face sinister direction) of Spoltons/Spauldings. The motto uses "Nec" twice, a motto term of Rodhams / Rutherfords (same place as Scottish Leavells) too, and Rodhams throw in "alter," which as a surname is listed with COLTers, who share the Catherine wheel with Wheelwrights, and moreover COLT is like "KOLODziej," the first name of Piast the Wheelwright. Roets (same place as English Leavells) descend from Payne's/Paine's apparently, which recalls that I link Guido's/Guis' to Panico's that list "Pane." As Spoleto is near proto-Roet (proto-Rodham?) Rieti, I would suggest that Guido of Spoleto was Mieszko ancestry somehow.

It's known that a Guido III (not Guy III above) had married a daughter of William V of Montferrat. Note that Guy is called "Wido" too, suggest the Vito's/Vio's (in Guido colors) from the husband of Maesa Bassianus.

King Arthur's Naked Bones

Another way to trace Bidens/Buttons to Fidenza is the neighboring Fiorenzuola d'Arda. Ardens (share same fesse as Bidens) and Ardons can both apply. The Ardon eagle was traced quite solidly to the Botter eagle. The Ardens (Arthur colors) use gold-on-red cinquefoils = flowers while the Arms of Fiorenzuola d'Arda has white-on-red flowers, and is reflective of the Arms of Camerino. Ardons/Artois' are said to be from Artois. There is an Arda/Hardres surname with the two-tailed Montfort / Bohemian lion, which is in the colors of Fiorenzuola d'Arda. The Arda description: " ermine lion deBRUISEd by a gold chevron." Bruise's are listed with Bruce's, and while Scottish Bruces were at Annandale, this Fiorenzuola d'Arda is smack in the land of the ancient Ananes. The Arda chevron is in the colors of the Arthur chevron, though Irish Arthurs (hurts) use it in the colors of Fiorenzuola d'Arda.

Years ago, I traced king Arthur principally to Badens/Battins of Somerset, and linked them to Baths of Somerset, which recalls that Bidens were clergy at Somerset's Bath and Wells while Wells use a two-tailed lion too. It suggests that Badens/Battins were a branch of Bidens/Buttons, and here, while tracing Bidens to Fidenza, I find Arthur liners tracing to the neighboring Fiorenzuola d'Arda, a thing I've never known before. The Badens/Battins were traced to Germany's Baden-WURTtemberg, and that latter term was somewhat suspect with Arthur liners, perhaps the Hurts. In any case, the Zahringers that ruled Baden-Wurttemberg, used blue antlers while their kin, the Veringers, used red antlers, and here we find the Arda/Hardres stag with one blue, one red, antler. It's a perfect corroboration that Arthurs do trace to Badens/Battins. Judging by the axe's of Badens/Battins, they were on the Axe river.

Baths use a "disperTIRE" motto term while the Arda stag is said to be "ATTIRED." Plus, the "Habere" motto term of Baths should be at least partly for Habs/Hobs in the Arthur motto. There is a Habere/Haben/Hoben/HEBER surname, however, with eagle heads in colors reversed from the Ardon/Artois eagle. Not very long ago, I saw that Baths (same lion as Arda's/Hardres!) were sharing the Coat of Artems/Aitons, first found in the same place as Arthurs and Habs/Hobs. It has the suggestion of tracing the BrogiTARus > ARTEMidoros line to Fiorenzuola d'Arda, which harmonizes with my expectation that the Bithynian line (pre-dated Brogitarus) of proto-Bidens should connect with Brogitarus.

The Plessis Coat compares with the Bath Coat, aside from colors, and the Fittons are the ones with a "duplici motto term. The Plessis lions are white, as are the Bath lions, for a great trace of Plessis liners to Fiorenzuola d'Arda. And that can be explained where the Plessis are Placentia liners, for Fiorenzuola d'Arda is near Placentia. The Plessis cross is almost colors reversed from the Arrow/Arras cross, perfect where the latter are said to be from the Artois capital.

The Arrow cross is in the colors of the same-type cross of bow-using Biturs/Butters, and let's also mention that the flowers of Fiorenzuola d'Arda can trace to the Flowers that share the Potter cinquefoil. Then let me repeat, from years ago, that the BAATHist party of Syria and Iraq were co-founded by two surnames, the Bitar and the Aflaq, while Aflacks/Aflecks share the same cross again (both colors). Then, Flowers are suggested in their write-up with bow-and-arrow-using Fletchers (same cross again, same place as Palms/Parms) who have a Flegger variation, like "Aflack," and Flecks/Flacks share the Palmer/Parmer Coat for a trace to Parma i.e. smack beside Fidenza and Fiorenzuola d'Arda. This paragraph is very mysterious. Artois / Arda liners appear to have had agents in Syria, perhaps Rothschild / Rhodes connected, for an attempt by the so-called Round Table Illuminati (why did they use Arthurian terminology?) to take over Syria for British / globalist interests. That agenda may be on-going right now in the Baathist world. While the arrows in this picture are a prime Rothschild symbol, compare the Rhodes cross to that of Artems / Baths (not to mention Deacons and Decans).

Baths use "DISpertire," and Ardons are "DISplaying an eagle." The Diss' are from Diss on the Suffolk-Norfolk border, and Ardons (eagle) were first found in Suffolk, along with Diss' that use eagles on a reflection of the Arthur Coat. Dis is beside an EYE location, which should explain the eye in the Baden/Battin Crest. The old Dyse variation can suggest a branch of Dyke's / Decks/Daggers. In fact, the Deacons (share axe with Badens/Battens) were first found in Suffolk too. The Deacon motto looks like code for Atrecht, the Artois capital that is now Arras. And there you have king Arthur stripped to his ankles, not looking very happy about it.

Atrecht was named by Atrebates, and so the ATTIRed stag of Arda's looks like code for an Atrebate line, for example the Atters/TIRE's (black fitchee) using the motto, "Per ardua," as well as eagles in the colors of the Ardon eagle. The Atter/Tire Crest is another dagger. As the Atter/Tire description uses "beak" for its red eagles, evoking the beakless red eagles of Allers, kin of HOLDENs, note the Atter/Tire Crest: "A hand HOLDING a dagger." There arte many "holding" instances in heraldic descriptions, but then there were many kin to Holdens.

The Alde river near Eye might even be a version of "Arda." There is Alde/Auld surname that may be using the Arms of the Aleramici. The surname uses a motto term, "conSTANTia," like the Arthur motto in honor of Stands/Stants that share the double Palmer / Fleck bars. Just like that, we go from the Alde to the Arda. Italian Alda's were first found in Florence/FIRENZA, which may have named FIORENZuola on the Arda river. STANDish's may be using the Annandale saltire. Checking for an Old surname to connect with "Auld," we find it sharing the Arthur hurts, as well as a cross that can be the Bitar / Aflack / Fletcher cross in colors reversed. That about knocks king Arthur's socks off. Olds were first found in the Hampshire area, where Atrebates are known to have had a branch.

Holdens were Old / Alde liners, weren't they?

The Eye and Diss location was linkable to the Knees, though I don't recall how, though it had to do with the Knights, first found in Suffolk, while the Shoe's/Schuchs (potent suspects as per Skits/Skeochs) use a knight to his knees, suggesting that Knee's/Neighs (another red eagle) were Night / Knight liners. This recalls a hockey event in my youth that struck me a few years ago as a sign from God, for the purpose of this revelation, in which the two key symbols were my knees, and Steve Tarr. And here we can now have a Knee trace to the Taro by another method than the one expressed earlier, where Knee's are using a version / reflection of the Fitton Coat. If God gave me that event for the purpose at hand, the Taro river must be of prime importance for revealing anti-Christ globalist roots, which is what I seem to be finding right now.

There seemed to be a brutal attempt by Eric Holder, with Obama, to fulfill some sinister globalist plot, until Holder was forced into a lame duck. The Holdens had a branch at Livesey, and there is a Livesey surname first found in the same place (Lancashire) as Livers/Levers and the Rufford location of Fittons. While the Arthur symbol, rests, were also called clarions, thought to be a trumpet, the Liver/Lever Crest has a rooster "STANDing on a trumpet, ALL proper". That's why the two Liver/Lever bends (one is engrailed) should be a version of the two, engrailed fesse bars of Stands. There is an All/AULT surname, no kidding, so that even an "all" term can be code. By now we are starting to rip king Arthur's skin away to check out his ugly bones. The ALL-seeing-EYE may have been code of the globalists for their Alde-river links to Eye.

Livers/Levers were first found in Lancashire, as with the Liveseys of a LOWER area, and LIVERpool of Lancashire should apply, though we don't assume that the namer of Liverpool had the original term. While the line of Quintus Caepio married the Livius bloodline, note that Liveseys share a lion paw in Crest with Quints. The Liveseys call it a "gamb," and moreover they have their trefoils, a Rufford symbol too, "slipped." The Hazels use "hazel SLIPs," and Holdens were from Lancashire's HASLingden, while we can readily see that the Hazel slips are code for Islips/Haslips, a Hazel / Haslington/Heslington/Hazleton branch. Yes, for Holdens gave us the Liveseys in the first place. And Haslingtons use LEAVES.

There are three Lower surnames, the Germo-Jewish branch showing Levi-like "Lebe." The Hazel slips are leaves, and Leave's list "Leve/Leves." English Lowers (Old / Livin/Leven / Cabbage colors) look like they use a version of the Pendragon Coat, which is part of the ugly bones of Arthur. I ventured to trace the Lower roses to Rozala of Ivrea, and Ivrea was home to the ARDUinici. The Hazel leaves arte those of French House's, but the latter call them cabbage leaves in honor of Cabbage's (Old colors), first found in the same place as Quince's and Olds. The Old martlets are in the colors of the same of Livins/Levins, and that how we can find Levins as a branch of the Liveseys of Lower. These martlets are probably those of Lancashire's Rochdale (see Wikipedia), borrowed by Chadwicks, Chaddocks and Saddocks.

The leaves of Leves' (same place as PARMers) are in the colors and design of the Crag leaves, and Crags are said to be from Lancashire too, which is why they can connect to the same-colored bend of Fittons. The full Crag Shield is a reflection of the Knee Shield, and the red Knee eagle can be of the red Holden allerions. That's how we get Knee's to Fitton and the Taro river along with Levi suspects of the Livius kind.

As my mate's name was Steve Tarr, I've just realized that Stevens use a reflection of the Leves Coat. But note that the Steven chevron is a perchevron in the colors of the same of Chappes', first found in the same place as Levi's. Stevensons were first found in the same place as Rodhams, and they both use the same bend. German Stevens share the Garland bars, three vertical ones, used by Knights too.

The Livesey trefoils are in the colors of the same of the Rods, they being of the ROQUEfeuil marriage to Henry IV of RODez. That is likely the kin of Rochdale, therefore. It is very likely that this was the line to the demented Cecil Rhodes, who thought to use his fortune to control the world. Mad dog. And Bill Clinton, along withy dozens of other political animals, bought into Cecil Rhodes scholarship scheme, a plot to this day to hijack as much of the world as possible, as globalist money-thirsters (who never have enough) see fit. Your money, their purposes. Your hardship, their luxury, they call the shots on world prices, and they fix the prices, not low for you, but high for them. This is contempt of God's Court, but they rectify themselves by pretending to be humanitarians. The Ruffords may be using a version of the Blackburn Coat, for Livesey township is in Blackburn.

A thing I don't cross much is the multiple (10) red-and-gold bars of Tarrs, in the vertical direction. The Arms of Roussillon and Aragon both share this design, but few surnames use them. However, the Knights use three in red-on-white, and they were first found beside Parmers. Tarrs were first found beside the first Leavells that use red-and-gold fesse bars. Some surnames with three gold-on-red are Stevens (highlighting the importance of Steve Tarr), Garlands and Walkers (same place as Parms). Knights are said to be from KNITHt, and while NITTs/Naughts were first found in the same place as the NITH river (Dumfries) and Annandale, it traces Knights to the Ananes between Parma and Placentia, for Knights happen to share the spur with Close's, likely named after the Closeburn location on the Nith (home of Kilpatricks). If Knights were Knee liners, it tends to verify that the hockey event was indeed a tip from God to encourage me in this party of the revelation.

The Close's once again use a chevron in the colors of the Steven / Chappes / Ottone chevron, and the Ottone's use a version of the Puck Coat, you see. While on my knees, I slid in and poked Tarr's puck into the net. The Close Coat has the Traby horn, likely, because Nith-river elements trace to the Trebia. In fact, before I learned that the proto-Ged Geddes lived on the Nith from in 400 AD, I traced Geddes to Placentia. I didn't yet know that they were feasibly Getuli Numidians. English Walkers use crescents in the colors of the Gettel/GARdsen ravens, and both surnames use gold annulets. As CAMbridge's use a "quam" motto term, apparently for its Cam river, and because Walkers use "quam" too, it can now trace them to Camerino, and therefore to Guy de Spoleto i.e. who died at the Taro. What else was he doing at the Taro? There are Jewish Walkers, but they don't show a Coat. As is typical, Jewish surnames don't have a write-up of any value, as though they like to keep secretive. There is nothing else in the three walker Coats, that I can see, for their trace to Guy of Spoleto.

But Walkers were first found in the same place as Bush's/Buschs, while the president Bush's were Walkers on one side. Gettels were first found in the same place (Rhineland) as German Bush's/Buschs. The Geddes' moved from the Nith to Nairnshire, home of the Rose's, and while Walkers use a red rose, Rose's are said to have married Bosco's. This should go to Busca, where the Vasto-branch of Montferrat was ruling. Feasibly, Vasto's were related to Guy of Spoleto when Montferrat joined Guy. Bush's share a gold, spread eagle with Knights, while Walkers share three, red vertical bars with Knights. I think this is a subtle point, but valid for Bush-Walker connection with Nith-river liners. One Kilpatrick saltire is white, the color of the Walker saltire upon their red bars.

Scottish Nights use lions in the colors of the same of Kingstons and Kings, which traces to Kingston of Yorkshire, and Yorkshire is where Walkers and Bush's were both found. Bushers share the gold-on-black lions too. As Gettels/GARDsens were first found in the same place, it's notable that black-on-white boars are shared between Bush's and GARDens/Jardens.

Nith-river liners became suspect with "Cnut," a Knight-like term, and Cnuts were first found in the same place (Derbyshire) as Sure's/Shore's that are likely in the "I make sure" motto of Kilpatricks (had their castle on the Nith). The "make" term is for Maxwells, who use a "holly BUSH," no kidding, and Sure's/Shore's use holly too. Compare Bosco's with Schore's to be sure of the connection. Hollys are the ones that share a white on black talbot with Hulls, the latter said to be from Kingston upon the Hull river, which tends to make a Busher link to Holly / Hull liners. The Holly Crest: "An arm HOLDINg a branch of holly." Branch's share the Sure/Shore chevron, and Branch's are suspect with Hugh D'Avranches, of the Cheshire location (beside Derbyshire's Cnuts) to which Cnut liners will trace below.

Danish Cnuts use "pot hangers" as part code for Potters, first found in the same place as Hangars, and the latter show an "Artes" motto term that can trace to the Arda river. Pot hangers are for flowers, and Fiorenzuola d'Arda uses flowers. Cnut was a Dane ruler, and so was Tosti, as was Maccus that formed Maxwells at Maxton. Tosti liners are expected with Tost(i)s and Toste's, and the latter are listed with Tofts while Bosco's put "TUFTS of GRASS" on their pillars / columns. Toste's/Tafts (same chevron as Sure's/Shore's) share the red eagle in Crest with Cnut-like Knee's (same eagle design too). Toste's/Tosti's were first found in Yorkshire.

Toste's/Tofts (Massena patees?) were first found in the same place as Haughts, suspect with Sigrid the Haughty (daughter of Mieszko I), mother of Cnut. The Haught bull head is white, as are the Buckley bull heads, and Buckleys were first found in the same place as Haughts and Toste's, which was Cheshire, where Maccus joined some Saxons. Buckleys (Traviss/Travers colors) are the ones sharing the Traviss / Holden motto, and as they are kin of Buckles, they can trace with the Spolton/Spaulding buckles to Guy of Spoleto and Camerino. Holdens are tracing to the Aleramici, however, from William of Montferrat, and the Knee eagle is in the colors of the Holden allerion eagle's. Yet, Holdens became suspect with Old / Alde/Auld, and therefore Arda, liners.

Buckle's (wreaths) were first found in the same place as Knights, and are said to have named Buckley in HERTfordshire (asks whether it was an Arda-river entity). As Buckle's are likewise in Traviss colors, their wreaths can be a version of the annulets of Vito's, first found in TREVISo. Buckles use "A cat rampant" in Crest. Irish Mackays use the wreath too, as well as "two daggers pointing at a BUCK's head", and "An arm HOLDINg a dagger." The "Manu" motto term of Mackays has been deemed code for the Isle of Man, where Maccus' family ruled. Hertfords: "three gold bucks' heads." Why did the Maccus vikings touch upon Spoleto-Buckle liners?

HERTords use a reflection of the ARTHur Coat, and Arthurs use HURTs. Hertfords are said to be from FitzHerberts, and Herberts (same place as Knights and Buckle's) are then found using the same lion as Arda's! Herberts even use "ConSTANTia," same as the Alde's/Aulds. As Arrows/Arras' are Artois liners, note the Herbert Crest: "A bundle of seven gold arrows." In Rothschild- / Cameron-arrow style. Bundle's were kin of Froggits (Derbyshire), highly suspect from "BROGITarus," and some Arthur elements are suspect from his son, ARTEMidoros.

As the Herbert Coat compares well with the Geddes-like Gates Coat, this is a good place to remind that Gedde's/Gideons (the Bos/Bosch/Bush lion?) use a fesse in colors reversed from the Haralds/HURLs that lest Hert-like Herods. And Hurts not only share a gold fesse with Haralds/Hurls, but in both colors of the Herl/Hurl fesse. The Hurt cinquefoils are in the gold of the Arden cinquefoils, and the latter's, in colors reversed, are red so as to likely be in the Arms of Comines (Artois), for Herls are suspect with Herluin de Conteville de Comines. As Eustace II was in Artois, note that the Eustace stag in the Hurt Crest, and that Eustace's share the Berk/Burgh cross.

While Getuli are expected at the Trebia-Taro stretch, one branch of Gates' was in Yorkshire's KNEDlington. There is a Kneed/Need surname listed curiously with Name's/Neme's. It should suggest Knee liners with various endings, for the Knee write-up traces to McNeidhe's. Thus, Knee's have traced to Yorkshire, where Getuli-suspect Bush's/Buschs were first found, kin of BOS'/Boschs (see "caBOSSed" below). There is another Neme surname (first found in the same place) that looks like it can be using a version of the Gates lions, and Irish Name's/Nannys may be using the Hertford bucks, though they're called stags' heads, symbol of the Knee's. The Knee stags are "CABOSSed," and this might relate to a variation of CABOTs, who, because they share fish with Geds and Geddes', are expected in the "CAPTa" motto term of Geddes. Note how German Boss' reflect the Fast Coat, and how they may be using the Grazio bend, for Kneeds/Needs share a white perchevron with Ottone's (and Stevens).

The Basts came to mind at this point, after failing to find Bosts, and German Basts/Bastions (said to be from "Sebastian" but it could have been the other way around) happen to use a version of the German-Bush Coat and Crest, I think. Spanish Basts/Sebastians show the same giant griffin as Cnut-beloved Hangars. How did Knee liners at the Taro theater get to the Danes? Should we ask the Tosni kin of MalaHULE? Or the Bassianus ancestry of Malahule's family? Why do Bucking(ham)s and Nottings share BESANTs on the same bend? Nottingham is said to have been named by Cnut, and Nottinghamshire is where the Annas' were first found that can be from the Taro's Ananes. There is a Bosset surname (tower, first found in TOURaine), in German-Bush colors, but also in the colors of Bissets, first found in the Rose-Bosco theater (German Basts use roses). The Bisset bend is in the colors of the Crispin bend, and Crispins were Grazio liners, how interesting. For all I know about Guy of Spoleto, he had dominion over Perusia too. English Crispins were first found in the same place as Arda-suspect Hurts.

From the Kneeds/Needs, highly suspect with Knee's, I loaded Netts to find Netbys/Natbys (Nathan colors!) sharing the Traviss Coat exactly! The Coat is a reflection of the Buckle Coat for a Meschin-Buckle trace to Spoleto. The Nett Crest: "A black lion's paw HOLDINg a bird bolt." As Quints share a black lion paw in Crest, it gets interesting that the Traviss / Meschin scallops are in white, as are those of Capes', first found beside Caepio-suspect Capone's. As Capes use the same scallop (i.e. both colors) in the Arms of Rothschilds, kin of Nathans, zowie, it appears that Nathans were Knee liners. I didn't realize until this paragraph that Holdens (share the Traviss / Buckle motto) list "Holding." Holdens are the ones sharing a RED SHIELD symbol (upon their white Shield) with Allers.

Let me repeat: Holdens were at LIVESey, and the Caepionis line married Livius. Rothschilds are linking to Caiaphas ancestry. The NETTle's are in Nett colors, and share the coiled serpents of Biss' while the latter share the Travis / Meschin scallops! The best thing that Rothschilds can do, before it's too late: give the money you have stolen from humanity back to the poor. Biss' were first found in the same place as Saddocks/Sedgewicks that share the Nathan escutcheon. The Holden / Aller escutcheon is colors reversed from the same of Chadocks / Chadwicks. The Biss', in Prude colors, can trace to the Arms of Rieti by their "prudence" motto term.

The "Ayez" motto term may be code for Eye, the area of Knights i.e. where some Knee liners may have been. Saddocks list SEDwick, perhaps from Yorkshire's Sedburgh, but, in any case, they use "EARS of rye," while Chapps'/Chaips use "EARS of wheat," while EYERs/Ayers list "EYES." Especially due to being first found in the same place as Cnuts, the spur in the Ayers/Eyes Crest can link to the Knight / Close spur, but as the Ayer/Eyes chevron-with-quatrefoils links to the Shaw chevron-with-trefoils, we are talking Shawia Numidians from Aures. And Saddocks (same martlets as Livins/Levins) are said to have been from the founders of Kent, where the Massin Numidians lived. There is a question on whether the Nitts/Naughts are using the Saddock escutcheon.

Aha! I poked the puck from Steve Tarr's show into the NET! The goal was the game-winner in the semi-final match, and the first goal of the final match was a pass from Steve Tarr, to me in front of the Net, where I lifted the puck so that it went over the knee pad of Jim McGee, as he kicked it out to block the shot. It just so happens that McGee's share a white boar head with Netts (in Nitt/NAUGHT colors)! And McGee's were first found in the same place as the Nith river. I have only just-now tried for a Net surname, and it's listed with Nights/McKnights/McNAUGHTs!!! The McGee boar heads are in both colors of the same of Mea's/MEIGHs, perhaps a play on the Neigh variation of Knee's. Note that the Nitt/Naught lion heads are half in the colors of the Night/Knight lion heads.

I'm going to guess that the McGee Coat is a version of the Child Coat, for Childeric was father of Clovis while Close's list "Clovse." Childs use the spread eagle in what could be colors reversed from the Knee / Holden eagle.

The Spurrs, by the way, in Close/Clovse colors, have as bend in colors reversed from the Knee bend, but as the Spurs put gold garbs on their bend, and moreover show a gold garb in Crest, they look like a colors-reversed version of the Fitton Coat. As Bidens are suspect with English Botters/Bodins, note that the Spurr bend has a single star in the center of the bend, like the same of the same-colored bend of Italian Botters. The red Botter/Bodin eagle is in the design of, and almost colors reversed from, the Arden/Artois eagle, and the latter put a red eagle head in Crest. Recalling that Fitton liners are expected from the Antipatria line through Bithynians, Kilpatricks of Closeburn are Antipatria liners.

I've been so preoccupied with constant writing, the Guy(s)/Guise surname hasn't been checked until now. It was first found in the same place as Cams! Moreover, Kemmis', first found in the same place, share blue vair fur with Guys. Recalling that Guy of Spoleto is suspect with Buckle's, and noting that Buckle's use wreaths in the colors of the giant annulet of Spanish Burgos', what about the Guy write-up tracing to Mr. Gyse married to Magotta de Burgh/Burke (countess of Kent)? That's a good reason to trace the Wido version of "Guy" to the giant annulet of Vito's, thus making Guy out as an Avitus-Maesa liner. The Guise variation is like the Guis variation of Guido's. The earlier Mr. Gyse is William, recalling William Montferrat (family married Guido III of Bologna). And, by the way, the Nitts/naughts use the same checks as Ferrats/Fers, kin of Vairs. Guy's/Guise's may be using a version of the Quince Coat, and in that way their blue vair can connect closely to the same of Quints (same place as Vere's).

No guff. French Guys use buckles!!! In all the time that the Spolton buckles were being traced to Guy, I did not know this consciously. I have seen the Guy buckles before, but it was years ago (I can't recall everything). The Guy write-up traces to Guy, duke of Spolet, and places his line in Oise, near the first French Chappes', and then Scottish Chappes' were first found in Stirling while Stirlings show buckles as well as the Moor head of French Chappes! Zowie, the Caiaphas line has traced to Guy, himself tracing very well to Julia Maesa Bassianus, important because I see Caiaphas as a Bassus liner, or, at least, I see one of his parents married to a Bassus. My first choice in guessing is that he was a brother/cousin/nephew of Severus Bassus (we supposedly don't know the parents of either man).

The Stirlings clearly honor the Drummonds, but while the Leslie's honor the Drummonds, they share the Stirling buckles. Stirlings and Drummonds share a "Gang" motto term, and Leslie's use "fast" for Vasto liners (I am now sure). The three Drummond bars are colors reversed from the same of Sturs (same place as Josephs / Bidens), but the French Sturs use them in vertical direction, same as Tarrs (same place as the upper Stur river), and in the same colors, while Stirlings are also STURlings. It's the Steve-Tarr revelation coming at you. Taro liners of the Caiaphas kind were on the Stur river, near the first Josephs, weren't they? And there is another Stour river in Worcestershire, where I found some Keith Catti whom I trace with Avitus / Bassianus liners to the Cetina river.

If not mistaken, I see the Wye river coming through Worcestershire, and Wye's were first found in the same place (Gloucestershire) as Guys/Guise's! The mouth of the Wye is in Gloucestershire, and Wye's share the five white ostrich feathers of Trabys and Caens (Bessin = BassianusLand), and the latter are Cetis liners! Zowie, it's all coming together. The Wye griffin is in the colors of the same of Hangars, first found in the same place as Sturs. Caens share the motto of Sure's/Shore's, first found in the same place as Cnuts, and its the Danish Cnuts that use HANGERS. It's a Guy-of-Spoleto link to Danes, without question, but especially the Mieszko-related Danes that should figure into the Malahule > Bessin > Meschin line. GRIFFins are suspect from Julius AGRIPPa, uncle of Julius Bassianus. Ranulph le Meschin was earl of Cumberland (suspect with Umbria, location of Spoleto), and Agrippa-suspect Bernice's can be using the Traby hunting horn, but in any case horns are code for Horns / Orne's while Caen / Bessin is down the Orne waterway.

One can also mention that Bessins, Leves' and Maxtons share the bee that trace well to the Childeric bees. Basina, Childeric's wife, lived at the same time as the Geds on the Nith river, and likely at Closeburn, while Close's are also Clovse's. Coincidence? Childs are using the Piast / Lorraine eagle, aren't they? One could get the impression that Childeric was from the Geta family of Caracalla's father. His name was Severus, like Severus Bassus, and so when the latter married Domna Bassianus, it can be viewed as two Bassus / Caiaphas lines coming together.

As Wye's are also "Wighs," the Wigton location to the west of Dumfries comes to mind. Wigton is where Hanna's were first found, and they share the black fitchee with TARves'. The Wiggs/Wigtons ("drops" in Crest) use two chevrons, one black, one white, and Clovis'/Clovells use two black chevrons in both colors, as well as showing an ostrich in Crest. The "All" motto term of Clovis' is now suspect with the All/Ault / Alde/Auld / Old / Holden bloodline. I am getting the impression that the Frank root of Montferrats was in the Clovis line, and that it joined Guy of Spoleto because he too was a Clovis liner. Wiggs/Wigtons use "seashells" while Shells (fleur-de-lys, Clovis symbol) look like an apt reflection of the Child Coat. I maintain that the Ged fish evolved into the fleur-de-lys via a Caracalla-related Saraca family of a Laus location in Dalmatia, near the mouth of the Cetina.

Is the blue lion in the Wigg/Wigton Crest the Caepio-line lion? The other Wigtons use three stars in the colors of the same of Capone's. Amazingly, Wigtons are traced to AKEMAN of Wigton (Cumberland), like the Akmonia location that was home to Severus Bassus! This is a great way to trace a line from Servilia Caepionis to Severus Bassus, which has been an expectation for a couple of years to date. And William de Meschin is in the Wigton write-up, saying that he gave Wigton to a "lord of ALLERdale," I kid you not. This has potential to trace Masci liners to the Aleramici branch (= Vasto's) of Montferrats.

Alice of Saluzzo lived in the area ruled (before her time) by the Vasto branch, and so let's repeat that Fast-loving Leslie's share buckles with the Spoltons whom are traced to William de Meschin's brother. William married Skiptons of Yorkshire, and they used the name, Alice, for their daughter(s). These Wigtons were first found in Yorkshire. I trace Skiptons and Meschins to the alliance between king Massena and general Scipio (I imagine that the lines married), expected at Placentia, where Scipio built his army barracks after losing the battle of Trebia to Hanna-like Hannibal. That's why the Hanna's of the other Wigton location (share the davenport fitchee) can be Hannibal liners.

The lord of Allerdale then gave Wigton of OdoARD, which name looks like an Otto-Arda combination. By what coincidence do Hanna's use "Per Ardua." It now seems obvious that Wigg/Wigton liners were a 'W' version of "Guy," and that Guy of Spoleto (or his kin) was at the Arda river. Recalling that the Alde river of Suffolk was suspect with "Arda," note the "alta" motto term of the same Hanna's. The "ardua" motto term can be translated in many ways, such as "difficulties / troubles / hardships," yet it is translated "straits." The Strait/Street surname (beside Somerset) is said to have named a Street location in Hertshire, while Hertfords share three stag heads with Hanna's, making Hert-like locations even more suspect with the namers of the Arda. The Straits/Streets use Catherine wheels, and had a Street location also in Somerset, home of Roets (known owners of the Catherine wheel). The Strait/Street wheels reflect the Arms of Fiorenzuola d'Arda.

Stratherns were first found in Perthshire, and might just be using the double Chaplain chevrons because Chappes'/Chaips were first found beside Perthshire, and where Guy liners have already traced. STRaths thus become suspect as Stur > Sturling liners.

Drummonds were of STRATHclyde, and Straths/Straiths (stag head) were first found in the same place as Drummond-related Leslie's, but had a location in Perthshire, where Drummonds were first found. Moreover, Perthshire was home to Pilate's mother, they say, and the Pilate pheon can be gleaned with the stag head of the Perthshire Celts/Colts (kin of Rollo's), suspect to some degree with Colters/ALTers that use the Catherine wheel. Therefore, the "ALTA" motto term of Hanna's can trace to Colters too, tending to clinch the Hanna link to Straits/Streets. The Colt Crest: "An arm HOLDING a dart." Darts may have formed as D'Arts. Pollocks use the dart or arrow, I've seen both terms. Later, proto-Pollocks will be suspect in Saxons / earls of Warwickshire, and so let's mention STRATford in Warwickshire.

The Stur in Worcestershire rises in the Hereford area, and thus the Stur bars can indeed connect to the Fuller bars, which assumes Fullers from the Stur theater. I can now see Fulbert from that area. The Stur rises at Clent, and Clents/CLINTs happen to use the same garbs as Blythe's (same place as same-colored Polworths), while Bill CLINTON was born to Mr. Blythe! We now have a good idea of what may have been Clinton ancestry, and the Blythe's share a fesse in the colors of the three of Fullers. Clintons were first found in neighboring Oxfordshire. German Glants use nearly the Clent Coat.

As Clents use the Deed/Dade Coat exactly, and as Dudley is not far from Clent, but also because the Arms of Dudley use the salamander-in-FLAMEs while "deed" is a FLEMing motto term, it appears that Clinton liners got involved with Dudley elements. French Galants/Calants (Picardy) are nearly using the Clent / Glant Coat, and as Picardy became suspect with Pisa liners, note that Dudleys (became dukes of Northumberland) use the same lion as Massins/Mason and the Flemish-suspect Louvains, half the Pisa lion. The Gallons/Gallus' (Galant/Calant colors) were first found in the same place as Pisa's. It's asking whether Galants were from Gala, father of Massena? Note that French Galens use a lion in cpolors reversed from the Mason lion, and in the gold of the Gallon/Gallus lion. German Galens: more annulets. The reason that Bill Clinton may have been asked to be a Rhodians Scholar is the Galants/Calants and Clents are using both forms of the Arthur Coats.

Not far west of the source of this Stur there is a Knighten location to which Cnut liners can trace. Let's add that the Knights (share red canton with Fullers) use three vertical bars in the colors of the three fesse bars of Fullers. It appears to be a clinched link. Fullers were probably in Knighten, and as Clintons use the six fitchees of Tarves', while Chives' were at Tarves, I would say it's a good bet that Knightens are using eight of the nine Cavett bars, from the Cevetta river at Ceva, probably. In fact, YES, for Clintons use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Saluzzo's (and Cluns) while Luisa of Ceva gave birth to Alice of Saluzzo! And this line is known to be in the FitzAlans of Clun, Shropshire, which tends to link Fulbert of Shropshire to that entity. Was Clun a Clent/Clint liner?

I didn't check the Stratford Coat (same place as Knights) until the paragraph below was written, and it uses ten of the Knighten / Cavett bars! The bars are all in Saluzzo colors. I have traced the Stur rivers to the Stura Demonte in Cuneo, and the Stur-river article even mentions it. The Stura is very near Saluzzo! When things get this easy and correct on a rampage, the exclamation marks start coming out. I suppose "STRat" was some sort of Stura variation like Sturetti or something. It reminds me of the Stewart-suspect STURTifants (linkable to Grey / Talbots / Pommers), or the Sturt variation of Stuarts. Stratfords use the scimiTAR with POMMEL and hilt, the latter two being symbols of the Swords too. It recalls that POMEgranates could be partly for Palmer / Pommer liners from Parma, i.e. at the Taro river. The SCIMitar was found to be part-code for Schims/Schiens and Skene's/Skins, the latter sharing the Sword swords.

Amazingly, I tried Bommers to find them listed with Borders (!), who share the Sword swords, and Swords use a POMMel. It looks like Borders merged with Pommer liners. Bommers/Borders were first found in the same place as Sword-related Sweets (Bommer colors), and beside Pommers and Pines/Pyne's (Pommers use a pine cone). The victor over MacBeth in the Sword write-up was Siward of Northumberland. As I trace Borders to the Roet-Gaunt marriage, "pomeGRANATE" must be code for GIRONDE (Garonne river), where we find John-of-Gaunt's Candale, near Bordeaux. The Arms of Gironde share gyronny with Fortune's while Pommers use a "fortuna" motto term. If GRANTs apply, note their motto, "Stand Fast." Stands are the ones with the Parmer/Palmer bars, able to trace to Parma, where we can expect the Vasto line of Fasts. The Bests just came to mind, and while the Dutch branch shares nine fesse bars with Cavetts, Vasto's were smack at the Cevetta river. French Bests/Bes'/Bez' use a "monSTRAT" motto term. It brought Stratons (STRAITon variation) to mind, who happen to use 11 fesse bars in both colors of the Cavett bars! On the Stratton bars, a red escutcheon, the color of the Aller / Holder escutcheon!!! That's big because Vasto's descended from ALERamici. And it's Stratfords that use the pommel. Stratons were first found near the southern Stur river so that, once again, Strat liners can trace to the Stura river in Cuneo, in the thick of Vasto country.

The Candale-suspect Candle's/Kentwells use five annulets in the colors of the four of Clinton-possible Galens. Gaunts were first found in Kent. See next update for a discussion on how the Arms of Ghent can link to Levi's.

Aha! The Clintons are said to have had a branch at Hunton (Kent, where Cnut landed first, same place as Rundels), and Huntons are using a version of the Hull Coat (talbots), both first found in Yorkshire. Hulls are said to be from Kingston while Kingstons share gold-on-black lions with Nights/McNights (same place as dart-using Cuthberts with what could be the Rundel / Alan Coat). It again makes a Clinton link to the Knighten / Clent area, and assures that Knights were involved. The Hutton area in Yorkshire comes to mind.

Knighten is on the border of Worcestershire and Powys, and the Powys surname uses the bear paw of Bellino's in colors reversed. Bellino's were first found in the same place as Fuller-related Belli's, both the Italian branch and the German branch sharing a beacon with Fullers. The "futura" motto term of Fullers was suggested for Futters/Fotys months ago, but here I find that its white talbot is in the Hunton Coat (Pollocks use HUNTING horns). The Futter/Foty fesse is in the colors of the Fuller fesses, and the Coat is a good reflection of the Blythe Coat. As Fitters were looked up to check for links to Fittens / Bidens, note that Futters share the same fesse as Bidens. Beacons/Bacons, probably sharing the Pollock boar, were first found in the same place as Knights, the knight-using Shoe's/Schuchs, and Stratfords.

The Colt motto, "TransFIGum." Can we imagine Figgs as Wiggs? Figgs were first found in Cambridgeshire, tentatively suspect with Camerino. As expected from the Vito line to Guy of Spoleto, or vice versa, the Figgs use annulets, and share the Fogg Coat exactly. Foggs were first found in Kent, where there is another Street location. The Figg and Fogg stars are pierced, signaling the Laevillus line to Percivals and Pierce's (Somerset), a line suspect with the bars of the Somerset Tarrs / Sturs / Leavells, in the colors of the Drummond bars. I get it. It's suggesting that the Sturs, as they moved up to Perthshire and Stirling, got connected with the Hungarian lines of Drummonds and Guy-related Leslie's. But for how long had Leslie's been Guy liners? From before or after they arrived to Scotland? They arrived with Drummonds around 1070, not long after Guy's lifetime.

Struthers are with the Caen / Cabel fretty. The Struther-Crest falcon should be that of Stevens because Struthers and Stevensons were both first found in Northumberland, where "alter" Rodhams were first found, who share the Stevenson bend. The Trane's/Trains (Turin liners?), looked up as per "TRANSfigum," are said to have been linked to Percy's, earls of Northumberland, which recalls that the FitzAlan marriage to Alice of Saluzzo quickly came across the Percy's. Trane's are said to have had a home at STREATlam and STAINton. The lords of Streatlam are said to have been related to the royal Balliols, and Balliols, likewise first found in Northumberland, are said to descend from GUY de Bailleul in the time of the Conqueror. This is the Conqueror whose very-secret ancestry traces to Italians, especially suspect at Montferrat and Tuscany.

The Bailliol use swords likely for Siward of Northumberland, who lived about the time of the Conqueror, or one generation earlier. Siward had become suspect as a descendant of Swietoslawa Mieszko. Trane's share the red and upright lion with Fergus', perhaps related to the naming of FORKbeard, Swietoslawa's husband, and Fergus' were first found in the WIGton-of-Galloway theater, meaning that we have come to Wigs starting from the TransFIGum term. Again, Streats/Straits, taken from the translation of the Wigton Hanna's, use Catherine wheels, symbol of Piast the Wheelwright = Mieszko ancestry. Wheelwrights were first found in the same place as Wiggs/Wigtons, and use their Catherine wheels in the same colors as the Streat/Strait wheels. These are Piast-eagle colors.

Hannah's are said to descend from the Irish "Annach," much like "Annas." The giant Annas star is itself in Piast-eagle colors.

To help prove that "Transfigum" is part-code for Guy of Spoleto, Irish Walsh's use "Transfixus," along with the swan design (though "pierced with an ARROW") of the Guy Crest. Then, Scottish Walsh's (Rodham tree stump?) use more annulets, and an eagle perching. However, I can't see how Fix's/Ficks can trace to Guy / Spoleto elements. But Trans/Trents were first found in Somerset, and can be traced to the Arms of Sion / Wallis = elements of Walsh's. Recall that the Arda lion was also the Wallis/Wallace lion. As Guy is tracing to the Maccus Dane's, perhaps even directly through Mieszko, note that Scottish Walsh's are likely using the saltire of Maxwells, first found in same place as Walsh's (Syphax-kin suspects), though English Maxwells were first found in the same place as Wiggs/Wigtons.

Plus, as Wigtons are now tracing heavily to Quintus Caepio, note that the Quint chevron is shared with Maxtons (Maxwells were from Maxton). Maxtons share the fitchee with Quints, and use a "ProVIDus Esto" motto. Vito's were first found near Este, and I trace the Maxwell eagle to Rijeka at Istria. Mieszko II Lambert married RICHEZA, and the Richess/Rich surname (Richmond colors) has a chevron in colors reversed to that of Maxtons while Rijeka was also, Rika/Reka. The so-called BOTTONy crosses (button ends) of Rich's is code for Bidens/Buttons, first found in the same place as Rich's, and where Guy-Spoleto elements have traced. Rich's are traced (in their write-up) to a Riche term in Lorraine, home of Richeza (she was a Frank). Ricks (more fitchees) were first found in neighboring Somerset.

Richmond was in Yorkshire (same as the first English Maxwells), and was granted (for what reason?) by the Conqueror to an Alan of Brittany. This Alan was surnamed Rufus, same as the Conqueror's son. Might Rufford in Lancashire apply since it was home to Biden-like Fittons? Compare the Fitton Coat with the Welsh Ricard Coat (white talbot head), but compare also with Dulles' (Moray) suspect in the "Utile dulci" motto of these Ricards (virtually the Shuttleworth motto). That motto is implying Attila of Dulo, kin of Alans, in my opinion. English Ricards (said to be Anglo-Saxons) had a seat at Hatfield, and while Hatfields (Yorkshire again) look to be using the Hurt cinquefoils, the Hatters (Cheshire) are sharing the Cheshire garbs with Fittons, making the Ricard garbs suspect with Cheshire too.

The idea here is that Mieszko-Richeza liners were in Richmond before the Norman invasion. Might Spoleto liners have been there before the invasion too, amongst the Anglo-Saxons that were allied with king Maccus? That sounds right. But there was not much time between Maccus and the Conqueror, and even less time between Mieszko's daughter in Denmark. So we go to Cnut's invasion of England, noting that his Nottinghamshire is where Annas' were first found that share the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Richmonds. English Ricards/Richards (Yorkshire) are using the same lion as the Yorkshire Bruce's (Caepio-line lion), and these Bruces were then Annandale liners while the Shield-and-Chief color combination of the Scottish Bruce's is colors reversed from that of Annas' / Richmonds. The Ricard/Richard chevron can be the Lambert chevrons in colors reversed. French Ricards/Richards were first found in Brittany, and share the same stars as Lamberts put round their chevron.

As we arrived to Maxwells from the Walsh's that use the motto term, "AuSPICE," note that Maxwells share the double-headed eagle, in the same design, with Spicks/Specks/Spocks.

As per Cnut's invasion of England: "Among the allies of Denmark was Boleslaw I the Brave, the Duke of Poland (later crowned king) and a relative to the Danish royal house." That's the son of Mieszko I. It's a way for Mieszko liners to enter England before the Normans did. What possible business did Poles have in supporting a Dane? That's partly why Mieszko's daughter was pegged by ancients as Cnut's mother. Cnut decided to attack southern England, and he's described as a brutish beast by the Wikipedia writer. We read that the Mercians abandoned the Saxons and joined Cnut, and this was by Mr. Streona of Mercia, like the "strenue" motto term of Pollocks. I don't know whether Mercians had their flag, the one that's the Messey saltire, before this invasion or after. Pollocks share that gold saltire, though on another background color (suspect with the Newton background).

Hmm, this is new to me: "Eadric's [Mr. Streona above] family appears to have had interests in Shropshire and Herefordshire." The father of Pollocks, Fulbert the Saxon, was in Shropshire, and by that time the Shropshire / Cheshire Maccus liners would have been in place. Did Maccus make alliances with Mercian Saxons? It's a good bet. Fullers, whom I trace to Fulbert, were first found in Herefordshire! Fullers use three bars in the colors of the three Polworth piles, suggesting a possible trace of Fulbert for Edith of Polesworth. Richards use the Cheshire garbs in Pollock colors.

Herefordshire was where Jays were first found, said to be from a Gai location of Normandy, and yet also traced to Herefordshire's WIGmore, which is almost enough (for me) to indicate Guy de Spoleto. However, I recall a good method of tracing Jays to Gaia, father of Massena. The blue griffin in the Jay Crest (see Jeffersons) holds a small red Shield, perhaps indication of Allers / Holdens. Mortimors, said to have been lords of Wigmore, are using the Morency Coat, wherefore I suggest that WigMORE's were a Guy-Morency merger, and are using the greyhounds of Lys', first found in the same place as Morencys. I don't think I can trace "Guy/Wido" both to Vito's and "Gaia," but the two lines are expected to have merged at Julia Maesa. I recall linking the blue-jay-using Poitvins to Galli's for obvious, similarity-of-Coat reasons (Gaia was also Gala). The Galli rooster, I concluded, must have been the French-Gay rooster. A good reason for tracing the POItieris / Poitou root of Poitvins to BOII of Bononia is where Le Bons use a good reflection of the Poitvin Coat. The Le Bon dolphin can connect to the Dauphine location of the first French Galli's.

Cnut, a demon who had no business attacking the lands of others, first attacked England in the midst of the Poole location. Eadric, who sounds like a scoundrel / dirtbag, was made a ruler of Mercia in 1007, about a generation after Maccus' death (it must be an awfully big surprise to be a viking raider, and then see the Judge after death). In Eadric's article, we read: "In 1013, Sweyn Forkbeard arrived in England with the intention of crowning himself King of England. By the end of 1013, English resistance had collapsed and Sweyn had conquered the country." This was two years before Forkbeard's son, Cnut, re-invaded, at which time Eadric joined him, betraying his own father-in-law. In other words, Mieszko liners, and the lines of Polish leaders, may have been in England as per Forkbeard's invasion, and Maccus may have opened the way for them by spying out the land in southern England. Or, the family of Maccus was not involved, and remained faithful to Saxons. I don't know what historians say about this relationship.

Eadric may have been installed in Mercia by Maccus, or his son, a viable way to view the Pollock-Maxwell relationship. If we ask why Poole's should be using the Rita lion, we recall that Rita's were Pierleoni, named after Peter, and that Fulbert named his first son, Peter. As Polloc was is location in Paisley, we recall the "piece of wood" held by the Rita lion. It can explain why Pollocks were Jews. We can add that Paisleys share the same chevron as Lamberts. Paisleys use the thistle, and Thistle's show a blue lion in Crest, which can be the Poole / Rita lion in colors reversed. The Thistle bend is colors reversed from the bend of the English Peters who likewise have a blue lion in Crest. The "rien" motto term of these Peters can be for a line of Rinds (pot, linkable to Danish Cnuts), for the latter share the same scallops as the Peters. As the Rind bend is in the color of the Thistle bend, perhaps Rind liners named Renfrew. The Rands/Rynds in the Rind motto may have been the Moray Randolphs, and Peter Pollock had a castle in Moray, at Rothes, which explains why the same Peters use the German-Rothes raven, and why also English Rothes' were first found in Shropshire. The latter look like a branch of the neighboring pheon-using Sale's, which might explain why Thistle's use pheons too.

The Peter cinquefoils are colors reversed from those of Ardens, and the latter are said to descend from Saxon earls of Warwick, and the Warwick Coat shows nothing but the same lions as Poole's and Rita's. It's another possible clue to Fulbert's ancestry. Earls of Warwick use the same checks as Warrens and Wards. The Ward Coat is not only a good reflection of the Arms of Warwick, but it adds the blue lion head of Peters. Excellent, it's all new to me. Wards were first found in the same place as Quince's, kin of Rita-suspect Sforza's, and moreover the blue ward lion is the Caepio-line lion.

Ardens (Warwickshire, may have named Wards) are said to have been at Newark, in Nottingham, supposedly named by Cnut. There is a Newark Coat, and it used three lion heads in Chief in the colors of the Poole /lion! It also share's two sets of thin double-bar gemel with Alan-related Richmonds i.e. who I trace to the marriage of Mieszko Lambert to Richeza of Lorraine. But as we saw the Bidens/Buttons working into the Richess'/Rich's, let's add that Fittons use a bend like that of Thistle's.

Possibly, "Warwick" was shorted to "Wark," and from that the Newarks derived.

As Newarks were first found in Yorkshire, I would guess that their Crest is that of Heslingtons/Hazletons (as per Heslington Hall in Yorkshire, the location devoted to Mieszko-suspect Siward of Northumberland)), interesting where Hazels use a fesse in colors reversed from the Warwickshire Sheriffs (Peter lion in Crest?), and where the Scarfs of Yorkshire use wolf heads in the colors of the Newark lion heads, all tracing to the same-colored wolf head of Hugh Lupus, who ruled where Hazels were first found, and beside the Shropshire location of Fulbert and some Brittany Alans destined to sit as royal Bruce's on the Scottish throne. That latter part is entered because the Newark lions are colors reversed from the blue Bruce lion, and because both surnames were first found in Yorkshire. I have viewed the "streNUE" motto term as part-code for NEW liners, and while there is a Newport location off the coast from Poole (and another near the Wye mouth), I settled on Newtons. But here we have NEWarks that mighty apply. Ardens were likewise first found in Warwickshire, and they are traced to SIWARD de Arden of Warwickshire.

We then read that Cnut and Eadric together plundered Warwickshire, as any demons might, but this is the place that I trace to Poland's Warsaw, in Masovia. And while the dukes of Masovia (included Mieszko and Boleslaw) used a red-on-white wyvern dragon, this was the symbol of Drake's (same basic Crest as Warwicks), first found in the area that Cnut concentrated (after landing in Kent). We then read that the Saxons plundered Eadric's lands in Shropshire and Cheshire (where Polesdons were first found). When Eadric and Cnut were losing, they retreated to Kent. When they came to an agreement with the Saxons, Cnut got the territory north of London, which I imagine included the Cam river i.e. Camerino suspect. Sheriffs (Warwickshire) share "quam" with Cambridge's, and Cambridge's share the swan with Peters. Cnut ended up killing Eadric brutally out of fear that he might become a traitor.

Drake's were first found in the same place as Cnut-beloved HANGARs (and Bidens), and the Vere-Drakenbergs like to say they ruled ANGER / Anjou before the Fulks did. Drake's are said to be from Devon's MUSbury, and the Drake motto term, "MUScas" is highly suspect with Mosca's/Muscas'. Were's (said to be from the Axe river, explaining the axe of Drake's and Warwicks) share the Bruce motto, "FuiMUS." As Werks were first found in the same place as Vere's, NeWARKS may have been Vere's, for both Were's and Newarks use white lions, as does the Werk Crest. Werks (Sinclair colors) are also Works and suspect in the "work" motto of Sinclairs. I trace the Werk lions to the lions of Raines', and see the Wren-Raines' as namers of Renfrew. Raines' have a motto term suspect with Judicael of RENNES, but also suspect Raines' from Rainier of Montferrat, whom I've connected to Guido's long before stressing Guy/Guido of Spoleto for the first time now. The Werks share the double black-on-white bars of Parmers and Flecks, the latter first found in the same place as Fulke's to which Vere's trace themselves; Ferrats/Fers share the checks of Italian Fulks, half in the colors of the Ward / Warren / Warwick checks. Note that the Pollock badge uses a buckle and an Arda-possible dart, while Darts (Devon) can be with a version of the Coat of Arthur-related Wayne's, whom I trace to Vannes, near Rennes, though Rennes is nearer to Dol.

A daughter of Robert Beaumont married Percival of Yvery, the founder of Leavells/Lovells. This should go to the green bends of Iverys and Were's, but then the Ricards (Pollock colors, Fitton-related suspects) use a green bend too. In other words, I claim that this was the Quadratilla-Laevillus line. We then read:

The first Earl of Warwick was Henry de Beaumont, younger son of Roger de Beaumont, Count of Meulan and brother to Robert de Beaumont, 1st Earl of Leicester [kin of Monforts]. The family...was also known as de Newburgh, Latinised to de Novo Burgo ("from the new borough/town"). Henry changed his name to de Newburgh, after the Castle de Neubourg, his home in Normandy

It makes the Sheriff / Peter lion suspect as the Beaumont lion. Newburghs use the Warwick checks (in the style of the Stewart / Wright checks) on what could be the Satter(thwait) Coat, perhaps a version of the Levin/Livin Coat, making Satter liners suspect with Sadducee liners. The gold lion head in the Satter Crest can therefore be the gold Peter lion head (side-by-side with their blue lion head). A clue to Newburgh ancestry is where they were anciently at BERKely...of Somerset, where Leavells were first found. Levins/Livins were first found in the same place (Cumberland) as Satters and Warwicks. In fact, as there is a Warwick location in Cumberland, let's add that Warwick's lions are in the colors of the Cambridge swans, for I expect a Guy-Spoleto line to Mieszko in Warsaw. The Satter roses are in the colors of the same of Lowers. Fitters/Fitlers (Fiddle's / Fittons?), first found in Warwickshire, use swans. Thwaits (Norfolk) are likely a branch of Tuits listed with Todini-liner Toots (Norfolk), and this is possibly the secret Italian ancestry of the Conqueror. Even the Rollo's use "tout."

Berkelys are said to descend from a viking, Robert fitzHARDing, a possible Herod/Harald (Pollock colors) liner. The Berkeley Coat is a striking reflection of the Tost(i) Coat. The Dane, Tosti, can certainly link to the Danish Beaumonts. Hardings (Derbyshire, first Cnuts) may be using a version of the Fitton Coat. Fitzharding is said to have received title from the Conqueror, and Hardys (same place as Colters) , in Harding colors, look like they use a version of the Sinclair cross, which can explain why French Hardys are sharing the black lion heads of Werks/Works suspect in the Sinclair motto along with Conte's / Comites'. In this picture, if Hardings are using the Fitton Shield, French Hardys are likely with a version of the Rufford Coat (for Fittons were at Rufford). Ruffords were first found in the same place as Berkeleys. Hardys were first found in the same place Guyenne as Martels while Hardings use martlets. As Berk liners are still under investigation as Barca liners, let's add that the Berkeley and Tost patees are those of Massena's too.

It turns out that Robert Fitzharding was the father of Robert Fitzharding de Were (share the Toste (not Tost) crosslets). His father was Harding, son of EADnoth "the "Staller." There is a Staller surname using more black lion heads, in both colors of the Peter lion, and the Levi chevrons. The Eddie's, listed with Aids/Ade's, use leopard heads in the same colors, on the same bend as Jewish Pollocks. The Aids are suspect in the Levi motto, and may now trace to the name of Eadnoth and/or Eadric. Note that Jewish Levi's use black lions too. How could Levi's get to this viking family? Were Hardings Herod liners?

Italian Stellers share the giant Teeger star, perhaps because Teague's/Teegers have a version of the Berkeley Coat. I trace Teagers to Herods.

Although I can't recall all the details of why Siward of Northumberland (beside Cumberland) traced to Mieszko, it was partly due to Sewards sharing two chevrons in the colors of the same as Sweets, which are in the colors of the English-Lambert chevron. I gathered that Siward was related to Swietoslawa, and that makes Siward suspect from her husband, Forkbeard. Sweets were first found in Somerset, as with the Borders that share the Sword (Siward liners) swords in the same colors. Sweets (compare with "Thwait") share the white rose with Satter(Thwait)s and Paisleys, tending to link Sweets to Newburghs, especially as Sweets were first found in the same place as Percivals and Leavells (= Newburgh kin). It's tracing Laevillus / Bassus' to Warwick through Warsaw's rulers.

While Shute's share the same swords, Sewers are listed with a Shute-suspect line looking like it uses a version of the Saddock / Chadock Coat. The Pollock motto, "AUDacter," can be for Aude's (Auld / Alda / Old liners?) that use the same swords on blue. Sewards were first found in the same place (neighboring Devon) as Musbury, and are thus likely using the Mosca/Muscas/Moschetto leopard (both in the same design). Mosca's were first found in Pisa, while the Pisa/Piso lion is once again, white-on-blue / blue-on-white i.e. probably the Rita lion, a surname tracing to Roets of Somerset (i.e. near Poole). This is a good reason to trace "Piast" (the Wheelwright) to "Pisa." The Moschetto variation suggests the Muschats (Montfitchet) that use three chevrons in colors reversed to the two of Sweets; the Musket Chief is the antelope design of Wheelwrights, and of the Singletarys that use three chevrons in colors reversed from the Muschat chevrons. As Luffs/Love's are suspect with Louvains (use the mason lion, half in the colors of the Pisa lion), I would suggest that Muskets are using the Luff lion heads. The Muskets also use double fesse bars in the colors of the same of Annabels/Hannibals, and these bars can all go to Harcourts (compare with Leavells) because the Beaumonts descended from Harcourts.

The third earldom of Warwick: "It was created for a third time in 1618 for Robert Rich, 3rd Baron Rich..." Mieskincidence? When we go to his section of the Earl-of-Warwick article, we find the Richess/Rich Coat is featured, bottany crosses included. Penelope, his wife, was also a Devereux, and married Mr. Blount secondly, a Leavell-liner suspect. Note the sun in the Blount Crest and the "via" motto term like the Vio's of Vito's. As Penelope was from earls of Essex, she was probably a Vere (share "Virtutis" with DeVEReux's). There is a shoe in the sun, and Shoe's/Schuchs, which use a knight, were first found in the same place as Knights.

Devereux's are thought to be from "Evreux." Their "inVIDia" motto term can be for Vito liners because Vito's use an annulet in the colors of the Devereux roundels. The Devereaux Coat is a great reflection of the Bitter(ley) Coat, and the Bitter-Crest sun can be a symbol of the sun god over which the father of Avitus' wife presided as chief priest. Keep in minds that Vere's share the Massey Shield, and that the two were both in the same place (Manche). We have some indication here that Vere's (Abruzzo colors) are Abruzzo liners to Evreux.

As Vito's share a giant annulet with Burgos', the Newburghs can apply. In fact, the "comes" motto term of Devereux's suggests the Burgo > Conteville line to Comyns, and as Josephs are sharing the Comyn garbs, it's notable that green-chevron English Burghs/Burrows (share "courage" with Comyns) use annulets too, and were first found in the same place as green-chevron Josephs. I may be mistaken, or they changed the symbol, but English Burghs are showing "wreaths." This paragraph may indicate that Bitters were Bidens/Buttons.,_1st_Earl_of_Warwick

There are two birth dates given for Fulbert the Saxon, one around 1075, and the other in 1030. Eadric died in 1017/18. Clan-Pollock's Wikipedia article chooses 1075-ish. Recalling that the Spoleto buckles trace to Stirling, see: "Pollokshields [in Renfrewshire] was established by the Stirling-Maxwell family in 1849..." The chief architect for this city was Mr/ Rhind, while Rhinds use a pot (same theme as Cnuts), flowers (perhaps for Fiorenzuola d'Arda liners), and a bend looking like that of Fittons. The Pollock Crest includes "a dart PR$OPER," which we can put together with Propers/ROBERTs (Cheshire) and Robert, second son of Fulbert the Saxon.

Searching for EADRic kin, or even a line named after him, German Eaders/Eddens, first found in Silesia (Poland), share a gold and upright griffin with Hangars. Eatons were first found in Cheshire. If the trace of Edens (scallops = Scylla = Sicily) and Eatons to "Etna" (in Messina) is correct, Eadric may have been a Messina liner. We just saw the Massena/Messina patees, code for Patti in Messina.

When Cnut managed to take Northumbria, that's where Maccus' father has relations with Saxons, and where he supposed picked up Edith of Polesworth. Cnut had the leader of Northumbria killed and replaced by Mr. Hold, "nicknamed 'the Hold', was a Northumbrian magnate in the early 11th-century. Perhaps based in Holderness and East Yorkshire..." Holders (Anglo-Saxons) happen to use griffins in the colors of the Hangar griffins, and they were first found in the same place as Cams and Guys (!), in the land of the Wye river.

The murdered ruler of Northumbria (still tracing this to Umbria of Italy) was Uhtred the Bold, husband of Sige, daughter of Styr, son of ULF, which reminds me that Stur's share fesse bars in the colors of the same of Leavells, the latter said to be from "WOLF." And French Sturs use the same vertical bars (though not as many) as Tarrs, while Sturs are suspect at Stirlings/Sturlings, owners of the Guy buckles. Cnut, suspect from Guy elements, replaced Uhtred with Thurbrand the Hold, while Holdens have been tracing to Alericimi, probably allies of Guy of Spoleto and Camerino. The Aller kin of Holdens use an "umbra" motto term. Steers trace to "Styr," and may be using the Caplan Coat in colors reversed, for the other Caplans were first found in the thick of Cnut's invasion. The Caplan Crest shares a lion paw in Crest with Quints, and while a steer is used by German Bachs, Welch Bachs share blue vair with Quints.

The Cnut Coat is a not-bad reflection of the Garb Coat, and the garbs of Josephs can thus trace to Cnut liners. There was a Coat in this update that shared gold-on-blue crescents with Cnut's, but I've forgotten which it is. Cnuts use drops (called, gutee). Why? Drops/Trope's can be using the Steer lion. It reminds me that I trace Bachs to royal-Hyksos Hebrews (not Israelites), who were fundamental with the Greek Danaans, suspect with the Nordic Danes. WIGtons, a line that may have named VIKings, use drops.

We find another giant and upright griffin with Bolts/Bolds, which may be from Uhtred the Bold. It recalls the "bird BOLT" held by the lion paw of Buckle-line kin, the Netts, first found in the same place (Lancashire) as Bolts/Bolds. While Holders are suspect with Colters/Alters, Haskeths (Lancashire) use "alteri" in their motto.

We then come to the Malahule line: "One son of Thurbrand is known, Carl. Carl was known to have had four sons; two of them, Cnut and Sumarlithr, are known definitely by name, and the eldest is thought to have been Thurbrand of SETTRington [caps mine], whose land was taken by Berengar de Tosny after the Norman conquest of Northumbria." Settrington (North Yorkshire) smacks of Sitric, Maccus' grandfather. If Settrington was therefore a Maccus / Meschin liner, it can explain why the Malahule line would want the area. The flag of North Yorkshire is half (the green part) in the colors of Sitters/Sidewells (Northumberland, north side of North Yorkshire), and there was a Setantii tribe of Brigantians in the area. Note that Sitters/Sidewells use eight vertical bars, almost as many vertical bars as Tarrs. I'm wondering whether the Sitter lion is the Peter lion, for Sitters are in both colors of Pollocks. The Arms of Northumberland are eight vertical in the colors of the ten of Tarrs! Are you not impressed? The article tends to claim that Northumbria was named in the 600s, before Guy of Umbria. It could be that Umbrians were there as early as the Roman occupation of England.

The Setantii are known to have lived between Ireland and Lancashire, a perfect match for the Sitric / Maccus family of plunderers between those two countries. Setantii traces excellently to the Seaton/Sitten branches of Side's/Sudys and Sutys, which is why they should be of the Sidewells/Sitters. Sutys and Seatons share a "hazARD" motto term that can be for Arda-river liners. The "yet" motto term of Seatons is suspect with Yate's, who use PORTCULLIS gates suspect as code for PROCULUS, son of Quadratilla and Laevillus at Cetis. The latter term is even much like "Sadducee."

Seatons have always been suspect with the namers of Sadducees because I see them at the naming of Sitten, which was also Sion. Who more than Sadducee lines would want to name a place, Sion? To start off this section, let's remind that Sions/Swans once showed GAUNTlet gloves. Settrington happens to be in the RYEdale area, and while Saddocks (same place as Rye's) use "ears of RYE," that is exactly the symbol of Ryedale's. Only, one would never know, by looking at the Ridell-like variations on the Ryedale page, that they were Rye liners. Fortunately, the write-up traces them to Ryedale of Yorkshire.

Ryedale's are said to be from the Aquitainian location of Fons DULCIs (near Bordeaux), recalling the "dulce / dulci" motto terms. "Dulci" is used by the Ricards that have a white dog in Crest, now suspect with the white greyhound in the Ryedale Crest. Admittedly, this may indicate that "Atile dulci" is not code for Attila's House-of-Dulo line. It's the Suty-like SHUTTleworths that use "dulce." As I link Bordeaux to Borders (same place as Roets and Tresure's), and to the double-tressure border of Flemings, I'm guessing that Ryedale's are using the Fleming / Tresure chevron, and that this line to Bordeaux has to do with Roet-related John of Gaunt (from Flemish territory in Belgium) to nearby Candale.

The Gaunt line of Candale is known to be that of Kendel, and it is very good that, recently, Tippers were traced hard to Tibur, prison-home of Syphax, for Kendels (same place as Tippers) share the Coat of Tippers. This allows us to identify the Ryedale chevron also as that of Kennedys (from Tipperary), they being from a priesthood near or even in Cetis. The name of the priesthood was Kennati, much like "CANDale / KENDel". Candle's/Cantwells/Kentwells (CANTon) may apply, who may be using the Walker annulets. Reminder: annulets can trace to Julius Avitus while Kennedys are clearly with the chevron of Caracalla-line Carricks. The latter are suspect with Charax, the name of another son of Quadratilla and Laevillus. The riddle thickens.

Setantii lived in Lancashire, and Sedans/Seddons ("sino SED DONO" motto phrase) were first found there. But a branch of Setantii were up in the Bernician theater, which can explain the bear paws of Sedans. Bernicia was beside East Lothian, where Seatons (and Keiths) were first found. There is a Sitten-like tribe, said to have named Sitten, that should apply to Setantii. Sedans/Seddons may be using the Hurt cinquefoils in colors reversed for a trace to Arda suspects. Isn't Guy of Spoleto tracing to Caracalla liners?

It Depends on What the Meaning of Issa Is

It's interesting that Shade's/Schaddes' (Baden), what could be a Germanicized form of "Sadducee," use nothing but a gold-on-black fesse, half in the colors of the Saddock eSCUTheon. Shade's/Schades' are in Shutz/SCHUTz colors, and there are gold Shields in the Chief of SCUTE's that could be playing to a gold escutcheon once used by Shade's/Schaddes'. I've just found the Schatz's/Schachs (like the Skeoch variation of Skeets-related Skits), first found in Baden and Swabia, with the Chadock cross in colors reversed (see also Poitiers). Again, the Shoe's/Schuchs use "a knight issuing from the knees". Why do Schatz's use "A silver swan with red BEAK"?

As soon as I saw the Shade/Schaddes Coat, I saw the bunch of Coats that I trace to Brattia, which is an island near Issa, and the latter is where I traced Sadducees, while Pharisees were suspect at neighboring Pharia (see left side of map). Perhaps as long as ago as two years, I identified the "issuing" code of heraldry for Issa liners, which we see in the Shoe/Schuch description. But I didn't know that latter part when the paragraph above started as my mind went to Brattia. If I recall correctly, Issa was also called, Vis. I do not recall why Issa became suspect with Israeli-priestly families. Brattia was also Brac and Broc, and Brocks (dart) are the ones with a "vireSCIT" motto term while Brocuffs/PROCKs use the Skit and Chad potent. Then, PROCtors (the company by that name is said to be an Illuminati corporation) use three nails in the colors of the three Levi chevrons, and while I can see the some perverted Sadducee liners admiring the three nails in Jesus, note that nails are used also by the CloVIS'. King Clovis was not born with that name. How did he get it? There is also the issue of Adam WEIShaupt, founder of the Bavarian Illuminati. Or what about WIShards/Guiscards, first found in the same place as Chappes'?

I never did prove that the Israeli priests were from Issa and Pharia, but the idea started coming to mind. Part of it, in the 5th update of July, 2014, was this: "As the Arms of Colchester use nails, it's Vis-interesting that Colchester's earlier name [Camulodunum] can be of the Cammell variation of Campbells [share gyronny with Titus'], and then the Campbell motto is "Ne obliVIScaris," partly suspect with the two "ny" terms of Quint- and Capes-suspect Grove's. The "Ne" term can be for Nee's/Nays sharing the black-on-white stag head with Vise's!" At that time, I was trying to figure out how Camulodunum could trace to Josephus' Sadduc character, a Pharisee, in relation to the GAMALa location in Israel, which, I think, he was in charge of just before he went over to Titus. I trace Colchester to the Colapis river, a term much like "Clovis," and while I trace Yonge's to the neighboring Una/Oeneus river (of mythical Juno), suspect with ancient, pre-Jesus Levites, Yonge's share a motto term of Proctors, the latter first found in the same place as Capone's and Yonge-related June's. What about the Visa financial company?

Proctors were first found in Cambridgeshire, and while this is suspect from Camerino, there is a POTENza river there, and so let me repeat: "Brocks are the ones with a "vireSCIT" motto term while Brocuffs/PROCKs use the Skit and Chad potent." The potent cross of Templar Jerusalem has suddenly become suspect with the Potenza river, and may be all wrapped up in Guy of Spoleto.

They say that Proctor and Gamble is an Illuminati company. Gamble's (said to be from "Gamel/Gamall"), who smack of Campbells and Gamala, share the fleur-de-lys of Petro's, and I have been convinced that the latter trace to Flavius Petro in Rieti, the great-grandfather of Titus, and the grandfather of VESpasian. Visincidence? Make the red part of the Gamble Coat blue, and you get the Brock Coat. The "vulNERE" motto term of Brocks can be for the Naro/Neretva river on-shore from Pharia. Compare the Brocks (said to be from Anjou) and Gamble's to Fulke's, said to be from Fulk Nerra. As Brocks share the Stewart motto, the Proctor Crest can have the Alan martlet. Finally, note the giant fleur-de-lys of Fiore's, in the colors of the same of Brocks. Even aside from the last sentence, we were able to trace Brocks to Fiorenzuola d'Arda with Guy of Camerino. Fiori's were first found in the same place as Bruno's (and Fulks), and Browns/Bruns (Cumberland) use the same fleur-de-lys. We've seen a prime minister Brown and Cameron in recent years, in the same country.

The NERETva was, in my opinion. home of the mythical fish line of NEREIDs, for I even found a Doris-like people group in that area, and Nereids were given Doris as their mother. This is the fish that should be out of Kotor, where fish-using Saraca's originated before they moved to Laus/Ragusa; the latter is at coastal Asamum on the old map above, not far south of the Neretva area. It just so happens that fish are in the Dutch VISer/Vessler/Fiser Coat. I trace the Saraca fish to the fleur-de-lys said to be owned by CloVIS. Again, both the Boets/Bute's and Saraca's use a fish in a fesse, and Boets are suspect from the Sadducee house of Boetus. Moreover, Merovingian Franks (descended from Salians) trace from ancient BEDEWE, also called Merowe, to PADOVA, to the BATAVI that lived beside the Salian Franks, but then there is also modern BUDVA (ancient Butua), with a very-similar term, right beside Kotor. Budva is not far north of Bassania, where I trace Basina, Clovis' mother.

Many Christians in Canada believe that the late prime minister Trudeau was an Illuminatist of sorts, for he was a leader of the Humanists. His son is now the prime minister of Canada. The Trudeau's were not only first found in the same place as Lys', Levi's and Chappes', but they use a Coat reflecting that of Capone's. It's my theory only, that God chose Annas and Caiaphas to sacrifice his Son so that God could have recourse for severely punishing the Illuminati in the end times, knowing beforehand that governing Illuminatists (and their pawns) would be Annas / Caiaphas descendants. In order to get those characters to Israel, God had to pull some strings. And I'm sure there was a lot to it, more than I can grasp.

I traced the heraldic deer to Laus/Ragusa because Wikipedia says that "Ragusa" means "deer." It's not likely true, but the deer symbol for Ragusa liners looks to have taken shape anyway, because a deer is used by Mallets ("A silver deer's head ducally gorged, gold") while the island of Melita is almost smack at Ragusa. Trudeau's: "...a gold chevron and three deer." Mallets (another "ma" motto term) are traced falsely to St. MaCLOVIUS.

I didn't play hockey many years as a teen. As soon as I became a Christian (at 22), STEVE MELLANson asked me to be his coach assistant. It's a little interesting because it can tie in with the Steve Tarr events. French Mallets are also Mellons, you see, and as they show nothing but buckles, they can trace to Guy de Spoleto. Mellansons were first found in the same place as buckle-liner Leslie's, and proto-Leslie's might just have been the namers of Laus.

There vis a TRUDE surname listed with Trotts that use six of the 10 vertical Tarr bars. There is a Trotus river in Moldova, at least roughly on the border of WALLACHia, where I trace Walch's/Walsh's and the related Walkers. The line of George Walker Bush married Laura Walsh, the first lady of America during the presidency of Bush 2. The Trude bars look much like the bars of Scottish Walkers. Per change, Trudy Poele relates to Trude / Trudeau liners.

And what about the Clintons, those willing and demented pawns of the Rhodians? Yes, the two that think so highly of their intelligence because mind-twisted Democrat faithfuls give the world that impression to cover for the sins and selfishness of both. Mellansons use a "bundle of RODs." I wonder what that's about? Bundle's use talons, as do Talents/Talons, suspect from the Taulantii Illyrians centered not far south of Kotor. Talents/Talons are, once again, in the colors and format of Capone's (same as deer-using Trudeau's). This reminds me that I traced Annas, the high priest of Israel, to Angusta, also called Augusta, while Augusts use the eagle talon too. Angusta is suspect in the "angustis" motto term of Cabbage's, and they use a chevron in colors reversed from the Talent/Talon / Trudeau chevron. The "reBUS" motto term of Cabbage's was suspect with Bus', who use the giant, ermined cinquefoil of Leicester. Angusta was near the Trotus river.

I had reason to trace the ermined cinquefoil of RODhams (in the bundle of rods?) to the Arms of Leicester, and here we find that cinquefoil, minus the ermines, with Millets. Note the write-up as it traces to Roger Millot of Nottinghamshire, for the Annas', first found in that place, use a giant star in the same colors, and both stars and cinquefoils have five points. It's notable that Ardens are using cinquefoils in half the colors of the Millet cinquefoil. Millets and Mallets can be of the Milners that joined Cecil-Rhodes globalism. Milner / MOLINari' liners are often using the "miil RIND," and Rinds happen to share the scallops of Mallets. Rinds use a "fragRANTior" motto term that gets the Rants/RYNDs on-board as their branch, but then there is a location beginning with "Frag" on-shore from Issa. Per-chance. Froggits trace to the namers of that place, for they use a "BUNDLE of cherries."

Well, Rants are said to be Randolphs, and Rodhams can link well to the Coat of Ruths/Rothers/Randolphs, and we known that Obama's mother was a Randolph while Dunhams share the Randolph Coat even, and Obama came to choose Rodham Clinton, whether he liked it or not, because of the evil powers that be, to be his second-in-command. It can be gleaned that Rands/Rynds are using the three Singletary chevrons, for Obama's mother descends from Jonathan Singletary, who changed his surname to Dunham.

When a Miller surname said to be from MOLINdino uses a MOLINE cross, chances are that the surname was not originally "Miller." Chances are, several Millers lines were from Fulbert "the tanner," to whom the Moline's belonged. Chives' use the moline in the black of the Moline moline, and Chives' trace to Cavii, beside the Taulantii, while German Millers (Catherine wheel, same as Jewish Millers) translate one of their motto terms, "talent." These Millers use a "mea" motto term while Mea's share the cross of Randolphs, and meanwhile the Rind-related Singletarys share the antelope design of Catherine-wheel Wheelwrights. The Singletary antelope holds a broken item that can trace with Broke's to Broc/Brac/Brattia, and as Sadducee liners are expected in that area, note that Singletarys share the white-on-red footLESS martlets with Chadocks / Chadwicks, used on black by Saddocks and Levins. We read of a Singleton location in Sussex, where Saddocks were first found. The Randolph bats suggest that the Baths (same place as Tarrs) are using the Randolph cross. The antelope is shared by Derbys while we read that an earl of Derby purchased a manor from Mr. Singleton.

The Bunch's use talons, and FROGGITs (Derbyshire) use a bunch of cherries, and BROGITarus' son is said to have conquered DERBE in Anatolia. Somehow, the Brogitarus line is expected to have found marriage with Sadducees. The latter cropped out from the Hasmoneans, who smack of "Akmonia," home of Severus Bassus. Brogitarus and Akmonia were in relation to a SANGarius river to which SINGletons can trace.


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