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January 26 - 31, 2016

The Caen Motto Breaks Cetis Wide Open on the Heraldic Map
Proto-Sadducee Scythians of Cetis
Agrippa's Suspect with the Eu - Nassau Connection; Herod Agrippa did have a Big Naso
Archie Bunker's Dingbat and the Shu-Feather Roster to Potentia
Lady Fortune in Saracena, and Melusine-Drakenberg Byzantines of Cosenza
Hebrew Crutch's from the Foot of Italy; the Potent Mystery Solved

For a reader hopping into an update for the first time, there is not much I can say in an introductory paragraph to explain everything needed before proceeding. The only readers able to follow are those taking the time needed to get a solid idea of the entire scope. It is probably impossible to follow unless the heraldic Coats are loaded and viewed. It would be helpful to have a photographic memory, or to at least spend some time to get to know Coats, and to understand what I'm saying about them. I did the work over years to be able to present to you the relevant Coats, and you need only decide whether I am correctly interpreting the evidence and the codes. It is far best that you load Coats on a separate browser(s) rather than clicking back and forth from the update page. It might take longer for one to read an update than the week it takes me to write it, but that's what it'll take for a solid understanding of what I'm doing. I know that few have the time to follow this in that way. My hope is...actually, I should have no such hopes as I should just allow God to do what He wants with this. One of my goals at this time is to discover the parent(s) of Josephs Caiaphas, and in the meantime to prove that heraldic masters and leading Templar families knew that all of heraldry had, at its foundations, Caiaphas and his circle of Christ killers. These updates are jot-down format (sub-titles don't usually reflect the roaming topics well) making it hard / impossible to have a pre-plotted storyline. I'm no longer doing final proof-reads, please excuse the imperfections / mistakes. Ever since I decided to use apostrophes only after surnames ending in vowels, I started to catch myself using apostrophes before the 's' of pluralized words, making it appear that I need to return to primary grammar school.

If ever you'd want to check a description in the Coat of Arms, type the surname at this page:

For a read on why presidential candidates in America feign religiosity, see this:

On the last day of the last update, an important matter came up. As often happens, an important finding comes up near the end, where some readers haven't the time to venture. In this case, for those of you who missed it, the very Herod-Maccabee and Bassus bloodlines that I've been emphasizing for many months, who ruled at Cetis, and whom have been discovered in so many surnames that there's no denying where they trace, were found also in the Kidds with an "ORBum" motto term. On other words, "CETis" continued on in certain terms I don't yet know, and ended up developing the Kidd surname, obvious because ORBA was the Cetis capital.

Just now, after spending yesterday morning responding to emails, my files were checked for any others using "orben," and found that Cally-like Clays use it too, while Orba is on the CALYcadnus river. Yesterday was when realizing that the Calycadnus may have had something to do with the naming of OpGALLI, an ancestress of the Cetis family under discussion. As Opgalli was put on the table as a possible sister or aunt of Joseph Caiaphas, there is reason to see some part of Caiaphas' line at Cetis. This location is south of lake Tatta, and near Derbe, where I previously saw glimpse of Caiaphas elements. I have "orben" in only two files, one of which uses it from the Kidd surname, and here's what I said:

Did I mention that the Coffers/Coffeys use the white-on-green dancette of Sumers? No, actually, that escaped me until now. It's important where the Kidders use crescents in Coffer-crescent colors, and the latter Coffers were first found in SOMERset...As Coffers/Coffeys use mythical Taras of Taranto, it should be added that Motels of Taranto use the Caffery/Cafferty horse and rider, with feathered helmet tracing to Herods. Earlier in this update: "Sumers (with a 'u') use a white-on-green fesse, linkable to the gold-on-green fesse of Herods/Hurls."

The green color of the Coffer / Sumer Shield should be kept in mind as per a discussion later that thinks mythical Bast of Egypt, who had a green-lion symbol, should trace to the Bassus family at Cetis. Without Bast on my mind at all, the TRACHeitus valley of the Calycadnus was suggested (last update) with green-lion Tracks/Trigs. Coincidence? Another green-on-gold lion was shown with the Rippers/Ripleys, and as I trace them to the Riparia river of the Cetis-like Cottians, and as I view them as part of the Cotta surname of Orell-suspect Aurelia Cotta, mother of Julius Caesar, is it a coincidence that the six pale bars in the Clay chevron are a gold version of the six pale bars of German Julians? Both use two wings in Crest.

It's the Teague's/TEEGERs with an "OPtem" motto term highly suspect with OPgalli and Tigranes; it's the Teague's who use "SUMmum" (can be for Sumer liners); it's the Teague's what share the cross of English Julians, first found in the same place as June's and Capone's suspect with Servilia Caepionis and her three daughters, all named Junia. And it was Julius Caesar who had a long-standing affair with Servilia Caepionis (bear with the repetition if you've read this many times). I suspect Caiaphas to be named after a Caepionis line from Caesar, and Caepionis' may have been named, in the first place, by Cappadocians in the Cetis area.

As Shawia are already suspect at Cetis, spot that the colors of the Clay chevron, in the colors of a Shaw chevron, for the latter puts trefoils upon, symbol of the Clays. And the three Clay trefoils are in the colors and positioning of the three June fleur-de-lys. This starts to make a case for a Junia trace to Opgalli if the latter was named after the namers of the Calycadnus.

While Clays share two white wings in Crest, with a symbol between them, with VIponts, Caiaphas-suspect Chives' use a "vi" motto term. This term has been traced to the Viu tributary of the Riparia, and so note that Vito's/Vio's share the annulet with Viponts, and moreover I trace Vito's to Julius Avitus, who married Bassus-suspect Bassianus'. Viponts were from a Vipont location at the Teague-suspect Touques river. If that's not enough, ViPONTs were suspect with the line of PONTius Pilate, his name suspect in-turn with "PONTus," the area that was specifically the lower parts of Cappadocia, and mythical Pontus was made the father of Cetis-like Cetus (sea monster for a reason). The Bassus' are highly suspect with Bessan liners, and Bast-like Bassets are listed with BESANcons, first found at Forez, a mountain system smack to the near-west of Mont Pilat.

The Forez/Foret/Forest surname ("Tout travers") uses another green with a fesse, this time in both colors of the Herod/Harald fesse. By what coincidence do Travers/TraVISS' (share the BISS scallops) use a Teeger-like TIGER, of no doubt code for TIGRanes (Opgalli's Herod-liner husband)? While "Geddes/Geddys" can become suspect with "Cetis," the other Geddys/GIDDE's use, not only a fesse in colors reversed from the Forez/Foret fesse, but red roundels (torteaux) suspect with the Sadducee-suspect kin, the Toreatae scythians. Later, you'll see why the very naming of Cetis/Citis is feasibly from "Scythia." The fellow-scythians Sittaceni tribe is always under the microscope as proto-Sadducee suspects, and as Saddocks/Sedgewicks are using a version of the Chadock / Chadwick Coats, it's now extremely important that Geddes use the so-called ESCUTcheon of Chaddocks in both colors, for while Chads share the potent cross with Schutz- and Scythian-like Skits, Skeets'/Sheets and Scheds/Sheds, the Geddes' are now pulling them all to Cetis. This is the drama I've been waiting for, working toward for years. This is the overturned rocks exposing the snake that killed Jesus. Sheds (Ayrshire, same as Skits/Skeochs) use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of the potent Brocuffs/Procks, the "vireSCIT" Brocks, and the Cutters that I tend to link to Saluzzo.

The question now is whether the Sale's/Salletts trace from the Salto river (near Abruzzo) after being a branch of Salem-suspect Salamis. The Salto flows through Avezzano while the Avezzano surname uses a potent pattern in its bend. This reminds that Avisons (share the Comyn Coat) are in the motto of Kennedys! That's a big one. As "Cutter is like "Keturah" while Cetus was a sibling of LADON, note that Keturah's line formed the Letushites suspect with Leto = LATONa. This can make Cetis a line specifically from variations of "Keturah." The Kitters are listed with Chattans (kin of Catans) that may have been named from "CalyCADNus."

The motto of Clan Chattan is, "Touch not the CAT," while Touch's/Toughs use a green lion. The Touch lion is colors reversed from the same of Hume's, and while the Hume motto is "True to the END," "In Greek mythology, Queen Endeis was the wife of King Aeacus and mother of Telamon..." There is no doubt that Hume's were of Herod Archelaus along with Lyons, Lannoys and True's/Tree's, important where the first Herod's mother is expected, not only from Cyprus elements, but from Salamis liners (i.e., from Telamon). Hume's were first found in Bernicia.

Let's go back to AURELia Cotta, whose first name was traced to Orrels and Ore's, both of which share torteaux with Geddys/Gideons. It's feasible for Orba, also called, OURbanopolis, to have developed Aurelia / Orell-like variations. The Orells were first found in the same place (Lancashire) as Saxons that use a similar Coat, and call their symbol, "chaplets," code for Chaplets that can link to Severus-like Safers, and moreover that share black-on-gold swans with French Josephs (no longer showing, but I reported them many times), one of the many reasons that both Joseph surnames are being viewed from Joseph Caiaphas. The Saxons, who may be from Scythians, have a SEPTon variation suspect with emperor, SEPTimius Severus, who married the sister of Julia Bassianus, the latter the wife of Julius Avitus. I always seek evidence that Bassus' evolved into Bassianus, and have some already. And here we find that Geddys/Giddie's use "three torteaux in BASE." Not every Coat with symbols at the bottom are described like that. One Base surname is also "Bassen."

The Geddy Crest becomes Caly-important with its use of "a blue banner charged with a gold cross." The banner is used with Lady Fortune in the Klassen Coat, and right now, all Glass liners are being entertained from CALYcadnus. For example, the Kyle's share the Glass stars as well as using CandleSTICKs that were resolved with the Sithech term said to be at the root of the Shaws, and the latter trace by way of their similarity to Ayers to the family of Quadratus Bassus (whose family ruled at Cetis). The Fortuna's use a giant and upright dog in the colors of the same (greyhound) of Italian Cale's, and then Irish Cale's/Cahills (traced in their write-up to "Cathal") show the Kyle anchor with snake-like rope. That rope is entwined around the anchor's shaft suggesting Asclepios worshipers from Skala of Patmos.

With a trace of Kyle / Glass liners to the Calycadnus, it's not at all in contradiction with my trace of the same surnames to the Clausula river flowing to the southern parts of lake SCODra. The Schutz Crest shares a greyhound with gold collar with Cale's.

Asclepios was worshiped on Skala-suspect Sicily, where Cale's were first found, and while his mother was Coronis, code for Chora of Patmos, Coronis liners were traced solidly to the Ceraunii on the URBANus river, like "OURBANopolis." It suggests a Patmos relationship for the Cetis theater. The Bassianus' have become highly suspect with the Maezaei on the Urbanus, but this river was beside the Una river that was the reason for mythical "Juno," the line to the Roman Junius' that named the Junia Caepionis'. The Orba location not only had a temple to Zeus, though one writer calls it a temple to Jupiter, whom I trace to the Japodes on/beside the Una, but we read in the last update that this temple was dedicated to mythical Ajax, half-brother of Teucer of Salamis on Cyprus, an island directly off-shore from the mouth of the Calycadnus. Teucer was made related to mythical TELAMon, perhaps the namer of DALMatia, where Julius Bassianus was put to work by emperor Caracalla, son of Domna Bassianus and Septimius Severus.

As Caracalla has been traced with little doubt to "Carrick," it is not likely coincidental that Kennedy use the Arms of Carrick while Orba's temple had a Kennati cast of priest-kings, for the last update told of a coin struck by Caracalla with the name, OLBEON, as per the Olba version of Orba. The city was also OlBASA. Kennedys and Carricks were both first found in Ayrshire, where Kyle's were first found. This story is making sense. "Olbasa" was the name of the place as used by Ptolemy, who died around the time that Septimius was rising to power, and was therefore a contemporary of Julius Bassianus. Ptolemy was born around 100 AD, when the family of Quadratus Bassus was ruling Judea, location of Jerusalem that had previously been, Salem, like "Salamis." Compare "Ptolemy" with "Telamon," father of Teucer.

AHHHHAA! I was just rolling ideas in my head to see whether Caens can trace to the Kennati, and thought first that, since Travis'/Travers looked traceable to Cetis above, the fact that Caens share the five, white ostrich feathers in the Arms of Travis-like Trabys can make Caens apply to Cetis too. I then took another jab at the Caen motto to see whether it had any Cetis-suspect terms, and zowie, Caens (leopard faces) use "LiCITIS"!!! EXCELLENT. "LICitus" had been traced to the Lice's/Lee's that are suspect in the "LICentiam" motto of Irish Mackays/Quoids, the one's sharing the three black wolf-heads of Quadratus-liner Quade's, which is why the three leopard faces of Lice's/Lee's were viewed as a version of the three, same-colored wolf heads in the Mackay / Quade Coats, and why Lice's/Lee's were thus practically clinched with the Mackay motto. But the black-on-white leopard faces of Lice's/Lee's are used by KEATons, and you will see later why Keats are scythians suspects at Cetis. The Kenndys (not "Kennedy" but close) use a Coat that is fully reflective of the Lice/Lee Coat.

The UAT/Buto cult of Egypt was related to green-lion Bast(et) and can therefore trace to something at Cetis. "The goddess Bastet was usually represented as a woman with the head of a domesticated cat. However, up until 1000 BC she was portrayed as a lioness. Bastet was the daughter of Re, the sun god. It may have been through him that she acquired her feline characteristics." I have a difficult time tracing the English "cat" to "Cetis" even if Bast traces to that place. "When Re destroyed his enemy Apep, he was usually depicted as a cat." It sounds as though the Ra - Bast cult had to do with the descendants of the southern Egyptians that had warred against, and defeated, king Apepi of the northerly Hyksos. The Hyksos then made their way to Kizzuwatna and adjacent Adana, home of the proto-Danaans of Argos, and, later, Io of Argos, or a representation of its people that had passed through BYZANTium (see Io and her Bosphorus line), birthed Epaphus, what seems like a make-over of Apep. Epaphus birthed Libya, and it just so happens that Bistones lived in what is now eastern Libya along with Meshwesh that had been at Tanis, the peoples of which likely named Adana in the first place. Were Bistones an extension of Bast? It's interesting that Bistones worshiped Ares, who may have been a branch, or even the extension of, Ra/Re. I'm more certain that proto-Ares was Horus.

The Uat/Buto cult was part of the all-seeing-eye of Horus, and Quade's are also Uat-like Wade's and therefore suspect with eye-using Watts and Vatts. Moreover, the latter two put GLASSes on their oak tree, making it certain that Watts and Wade's both trace to ancient surnames rooted in "Quadratus," and then making his name traceable to a version of "Uat," for example, Cilicia's KizzuWATna, smack at Qewe/Kue, the place that was traced to the Cowes'/Coo's before I discovered that Quade's were named as a branch of WIGHT. Years before that, I was tracing "Uat" to Wights / White's, and then a Cowes location is on the Isle of Wight. There is no doubt that I have these things correctly interpreted. The Newports share the black-on-white leopard faces of Lice's/Lee's, and there is a Newport location on the Isle of Wight (southern England, facing Masseys/Maceys of Manche). The Quade-like Ade's (in the Levi motto) use the same leopard faces (same colors). Note how "KizzuWATNa" could have been of Battin liners, for Battins were first found in Somerset, near the coast from Wight.

Quade's/QUIDs (MONaghan) share a black dog with gold collar with Schutz's. Why does "Quid" look like "Kidd"? In the last update, I had to admit that my years-long trace of Quade's to Qewe was irrelevant in the sense that Qewe is on the east side of Cilicia while Cetis is on the west side. That is, I was tracing Quade's to Quadratus and assuming all along that Cetis was at Qewe. I wasn't able to find where Cetis was located until the last update. I now need to clarify that Quade's definitely trace to Qewe elements, and even while Qewe was not at CETis, there was a very-ancient CATI area (goes back to pre-Israeli times) at Qewe that I've been mentioning for years along with Khassi, and the latter may have been at (probably was) at KIZZUwatna. It now appears that Quade's took on forms both from "Quadratus" and "Cetis." If that's not correct, then Kidds and Geddys should trace, not to "Cetis/Citis," but to "Quadratus." It doesn't matter much unless one wants to get very meticulous.

Later, the Forkers, kin of Cunninghams, come to topic, and so let's mention here the Monaghan description, filled with code: "A knight in complete armor resting the sinister hand on the hip and holding in the dexter a spear tilting thereon a forked pennon silver charged with an escutcheon of the arms." The Cowes'/Coo's use pennants, suggesting that Quade's being first found in Monaghan was a Cetis-related thing on both counts. Cunninghams are still suspect with Caens/Canns, all tracing with the Keens and Keons in "escutCHEON" to pharaoh Khyan (Hyksos) that lived in the Nile delta, home of the Uat/Buto cult. It dawns on me here that Cetus may have been a sea monster as code for the Hyksos (they got the tag, "Shepherd Kings") being drowned in the Biblical Red sea. One of Pontus' children along with Cetus was Ladon, and he was equated with Tiresias, son of the "shepherd seer," Everes, code for the Avaris capital of Khyan. Wikipedia says that Hyksos were called, Heka KHASEWET," easily traced to "Kizzuwatna." It means that Hyksos loved Uat, and therefore trace to Quadratus. Plus, as per my years-long claim that Khyan's household was the proto-Masseys/Maceys that named Moses, I didn't know at the time that I'd be concentrating in the future on a Mackay-Quade trace to Kizzuwatna.

"Telamon [father of Teucer] also figures in both versions of Heracles' sacking of Troy, which was ruled by King Laomedon (or Tros in the alternate versions). Before the Trojan War, Poseidon sent a sea monster to attack Troy." The Trojan war was where Hyksos-suspect Hector and Hecuba were ruling entities at Troy. Poseidon of Tyre can certainly have been of the Hyksos after they were forced to abandon Egypt. In other words, the Khyan sea monsters came to conquer Troy with the leadership of the Samson > Hercules Danaans, and the Pontus happens to have been at Samsun. LaoMEDON is suspect with a line of Keturah>Medan. I thought it to be a good theory that Hyksos Hebrews were from Keturah in the first place, perhaps even from her child(ren) with Abraham.

Telamon and Salamis have the sort of a similarity with the Talbot versus Sale surnames that I think are nearly equated. I view Talbots as Tails / Talls but merged with Boths/Booths.

As Mona liners are expected at the naming of HasMONeans that were also MACCabees to Masseys / Mackays, not that the Monaghan Coat looks like a cross between the Mackay and Macey Coats. The Monaghan description doesn't mention the feathered helmet on the knight that was a symbol on a coin of Herod Archelaus. I had linked the Knights to the house of Blois-CHATillon, and traced Blois liners of the Joan-of-Ark kind to Archelaus suspects on the Ark river. Counts of Chatillon (Moselle theater, very-possibly related to Orba-based / orb-using Metz's) share vertical bars with Knights...and "orbum"-using Clays.

It's not without cause that the Monaghans would use a TILTINg spear (why mention such a trivial detail if it were not a code?), and while I think there is good reason to tracing the naming of QuadraTILLa to the Tills/Tile's / Tillens, a Tilt-like surname might apply. TILTENs, in Mackay colors, share the bear head with Mackays, as well as gold-on-blue garbs (Tiltens call them WHEAT bundles) with the Arms of Cheshire. Normally, anything out of a mural crown is either emerging or issuing, but Tiltens use, "A mural crown with a bear's head COMING out of it." One would never suspect "coming" as code if it wasn't known that Comings/Comyns use the same garbs as Tiltens. It's interesting that "coming OUT" can be for the same Out-like surname (Uat liner?) as the "tree withOUT leaves" of French Masseys. Like the Monaghans, Tree's/True's use the feathered helmet, and Tree's/True's have been traced without doubt, by another method, to Herod Archelaus. His brother (Herod Antipas) was in exile at a French city later called, COMMINGes.

As Comminges is directly across the Garonne river from TOULouse, while Tools use the same lion as Mars, while French Mars (same place as Messeys) look to be using the Mackay / Monaghan chevron with Meschin scallops, the Tilten bend becomes suspect with the same of the earls of Mar. I would not have known that the black cat in the Mar Crest is identical with the cats of Keats/Ketts (same place as Wheats/Whate's) had I not checked the latter yesterday. Mars call their Crest cat " a leopard WITH spots," evocative of the "WITHout leaves" of French Masseys, and then Tattons (Tute kin) are said to have married "WITHenSHAW, alias Massy." Massey-liner Hamonds, traceable to "Amyntes" with Mynetts, have a motto suspect with TOTTENhams, all suspect from lake Tatta, near Derbe.

The Tilten-suspect Wheats/Wetts/Whate's use a version of the Sumer and Coffer / Kidder Coats, apparently, fully expected now where Wheats trace to Uat / Quade liners at Cetis. Normally, garbs are called "wheat SHEAVES," alternatively, code for the Shaws/Sheaves. Chances are, "Wheat" was not the original term, but developed as a variation from Quade liners after a marital merger with Sheaves liners. Wheats call their garbs, "ears of wheat," code for Eyers/Ayers, kin of Shaws. As "wheat bundle" is used by Tiltens, it should be code for Bundle's (eagle legs), and then FROGGITts (DERBEshire), probably from "BROGITarus," use a "BUNDLE of cherries." Brogitarus'' son, Amyntes, conquered DERBE, and Amyntes was the great-grandfather of Severus Bassus (first-known Bassus as far as my knowledge is concerned).

In case you don't know, ARTEMidoros was the son of Amyntes while ARTEMs are listed with Aid-like Aitons, first found in the same place as Ade's/Aids (black leopard faces now tracing to Cetis liners) and Arthurs, and that place, in Bernicia, traces to Berenicianus, one of which was the uncle of Julia Iotapa of Cetis. Another Berenicianus was a son of Berenice Agrippa while Bernice's and related Burns use black-on-white symbols in the positioning of the black symbols of Quade's, Lice's/Lee's, Newports, etc. The Newport Coat even compares with the Kennedy Coat.

Was "TelaMON" (could be from the Amun of Egypt) play on the proto-HasMONean entity? As I trace proto-Hasmoneans to the Mathis river, home of the TAULantii, was Telamon from something that named the Taulantii? The Talants use eagle talons, and the "eagle legs" of Bundle's are said to be ERASed, a common heraldic term that I have no clue for unless it's code for the Eras surname listed with Erasmus'/Rasmussens...with an Assman variation suspect with "HASMONean" and with AKMONIA, Galatian home of the first-known Bassus. Both Assman surnames show linkage to Maccabee-suspect Masseys.

The Mars are in Italian-Cale colors and suspect with the Italian Marone's (share black-on-white Zionist star with Bernice's), first found in the same area as Cale's. The Marone's not only use Kyle / Cole-suspect suffixes, but share the anchor with the other Cale's, and the Kyle's. The Carricks of the Kyle theater were in cahoots with the earls of Mar. The Mars were traced suggestively (last update) to Caracalla's mother (Domna Bassianus), but that was before a Caracalla coin helped to find where Cetis was located. A flood of new discoveries has rushed upon us since.

Knowing now that Caens actually honor Cetis in their motto, and moreover honor the Quadratus line in the same motto term, it opens up additional insights. For example, the Caen ostrich feathers (from a mural coronet) are called "plumes." There are three Plume surnames to study, asking why they should link to Caens. One of the Plumes shares a seated dog (gold collar again) in Crest with Tattons (colors of German Plume's), and the Plume dog is said to be "sejant," which I think is code for Sagans/Segans using a SALAmander in FLAMES, part-code for Flemings and part code for Sale liners, in my opinion. But "salamander" even has the same ending as Scamander, father of the Trojan Teucer, and, likely, the Sale's are from Salamis elements. For several years I wasn't sure what to trace Sale's to, but recently, in the past few weeks alone, they were thought to be from Salem. And here we are at Salamis. If I'm not mistaken, the Plume dog ("talbot") has a chain, as do the Quade wolves, and, I think, this makes Chains and Chaine's/Chenays suspect as a Caen branch. The Cheneys (not "Chenay") have been thought to be using a version of the Saleman Coat, but this has been the theory for years prior to coming to the Teucer-Salamis relationship. With Cheneys tracing with Caens to Quadratus liners, it bears repeating that the footless martins of Cheneys are colors reversed from those of French Josephs.

Next, see German-Plume variations such as Plumer and Flaum. It tends to explain the flames of Sagans. That is, the Plume's are a variation of "Fleming," or whatever Flemings were named after. The Plume's even share vair fur with Irish Flemings, and the Plume vair is in the colors of the Irish-Fleming checks. Compare "Plume/Plumer" with Palms/PARMs and Palmers/PARMERs, for the Ceno river of the Plume-loving Caens ultimately flows to PARMA. The Palmers/Parmers share a seated greyhound with Tattons, and Palmers likewise call it, sejant. Those that use "seated" are suspect with Seatons and/or Seats/Cedes''; the latter can be found in the motto of Amore's (share gold mural crown with Caens!) with a version of the Leavell Coat (for those who don't know, Quadratilla married Laevillus). Then, Amore's are in the "Amore" motto of Terras'/TARRas', perfect because the Ceno flows into the TARO that itself flows to Parma. The Amore crown has a talbot too, in the white of the Tatton greyhound.

And, by the way, lions in colors reversed from the green-on-gold ones of Tracks/Triggs are acceptable for tracing to Tracheitis, and while the Caen feathers are said to be EMERGINg from a crown, Mergins/Morgans use a gold-on-green lion. Morgan le Fay, suspect with Lady Fortune of the Klassens, and in the Crest of the Glass', first found in Buteshire, was on Buto-like Bute.

The greyhound was resolved as code for Greys and related Huns. In the colors white-on-red of the upright Grey lion and Fortuna talbot, German Huns/Hundts use an upright greyhound (gold collar again), reflecting the Cale greyhound exactly, and Cale's are the ones now suspect from the namers of the CALYcadnus. The Hun/Hundt Crest is a white seated greyhound (making the red seated greyhound in the Plume Crest suspect as a colors-reversed version). In the same colors again, English Huns use "three silver talbots seated" (in white, the color of the seated talbot of Seat-loving Amore's). In the Crest of English Huns, "A silver talbot sejant." In the Crest of German Huns: "A silver greyhound sejant." Finally, the Sagans share a salamander in flames with the Crest of English Julians, first found in the same place as Hounds/Hounds.

English Huns, first found where Caracalla and his family were staying while at war in Britain, use Geddes-suspect endings on their variations, and Caracalla was from a Geta bloodline now suspect with "Cetis." The Gate Shield is split vertically in the colors of the same of Cage's while Caige's are listed with Teague's so that Gate's can indeed trace to Cetis elements. Cage's, who share a stag with mythical Hungarian roots, were first found in the same place as June's. This new trace of Kyle's and Cale's to Calycadnus does not necessarily contradict my trace of them to the Colapis river of the Japodes. As I trace Yonge's (honor the June's in their motto) to the neighboring Una, while Yonge's are suspect with HUNgarians, note how "Una" is the makings "Hun." I haven't resolved whether mythical Aeneas was created by Virgil as code for Oeneus elements, but that's been the theory. The Una was also the Oeneus, and may therefore trace to Aenus, a city beside ancient Sale (lower-right of dark map). Sale is near the mouth of the Hebros, where I trace Aphrodite Hebrews, and as she was made born in Cyprus, she could be expected with Salamis elements there, so that, perhaps, Sale was named by them. On the one half of the Cage Shield, the saltire is colors reversed from the same of Coopers/Coppers.

As soon as the last sentence was written, "Heber" popped to mind in asking what surnames could be from "Hebros." I'm unaware of the Heber surname, but it happens to use a Shield split horizontally in the colors of the Cage's / Gate's. Hebers share "Preste" with a Yonge motto, and use the Talbot motto completely while Talbots are now lumped with potent liners, and expected with the Grey Coat in colors reversed. Talbots were recently found to be close kin of Chaddock-related Dogs/Dougs, explaining why an heraldic talbot is a dog (doesn't yet answer as to why it's a Labrador species). The Dogs/Doags share the white cinquefoil with Hebers, and "CINQUE" is a five term that could have been used as code for Quintus-Caepio liners. The Heber cinquefoil is shared with Chaders/Chaters (linkable through Carters of Quincys, both of Winchester elements, to the Ampton cinquefoils), who use a "Fortune" motto term. Amptons were first found in Staffordshire, home of St. Chad.

Hebers use "A lady's head and shoulders in proFILE, crined gold, and she's in blue, the colors of the Taber woman (Tabers rhyme with Hebers). Parrs use "A woman's head and shoulders, dressed in blue...", suggesting that "Parr" (in the Maness/Manner motto and Coat) is a branch of "Heber." As Parrs share double fesse bars with Palmers/PARmers, the Hebers and Parrs may both be from the namers of Parma, especially as Palms/Parms share the fleur of Crine's/Crone's. The FILE's/Vile's (shares the gold garb with Avisons) should be mentioned for using a Coat reflective of the Saleman Coat, in the colors of Salamis-like Salmons, and while the Taro river at Parma is still suspect with the Turano flowing beside the Salto, the Vile variation evokes the Ville's/Font-de-Ville's to whom I trace the "la fin" motto phrase of Kennedys. As the full motto, "Avise la fin," is part-code for Avise's/Avisons, the Lafins/La/Fonts should have connected with Avezzano liners. Before knowing of Avezzano's or Lafins/La Fonts, Font / Fountain liners were traced to Sardinia, where Avezzano's were first found.

Aphrodite's birth on Cyprus allows other Cyprus elements to Abruzzo if correct to trace APRUTium (old Abruzzo capital) to "APHRODite," but this idea was traced to the namers of Epirus before knowing of the Ceraunii mountains at Epirus, which not only trace to Craun / Crone/Crine liners in the Heber-Crest description, but to the Ceraunii on the Ourbanopolis-suspect Urbanus river, smack beside the Salviae that should trace to Saluvii / Salyes and Sullivans (share black-on-white boar with Ebers) for good reason. As one of several gleanings from this, Parma looks like it was named after Epirus-liner Hebrews. Mythical Achilles -- while related in myth to Ajax at Ourbanopolis, himself the half brother of Salamis' founder -- is known to have been an Epirus element with his son, NeoPTOLEMus, adding to the evidence that the latter name was of "Telamun" i.e. Salamis liners out of Cyprus / Calycadnus (Ishtar was born on Telmun/Dilmun). But "ACHILLes" was suspect with "Galli" long before I knew that Ourbanopolis was on the CALYcadnus. As per the Dudo topic later in this update, note the Zeus temple at Dodona of Epirus, for the Ajax temple at Ourbanopolis was a Zeus temple.

Perhaps Hephaestus, lord of the Galli (priests of the Kabeiri) was given a lame symbol as per jibing with the vulnerable heel of Achilles, or vice versa. Achilleion (on-shore from Lemnos) was a city at Troy, opposite the Hellespont from GALLI/CALLIpolis. Mythical Helen of Troy traces easily to the Hellespont once it's known that its Parion location was mythical Paris, abductor of Helen. There was then a Trojan Helenus (brother of Paris) who got involved with Achilles' son. The entire picture here is to be viewed as the Keturah-Hyksos (Hebrew) line. The prophecy theme of Helenus was that of Apollo, and the latter's Cilla entity in the Troy area was likely an Achilles entity. Achilles and Helenus are made to appear as Trojans that betrayed Trojans in the Trojan war, which is explained where the Greek side of the Trojan war was spear-headed by the brother of Menelaus, husband of Helen of Troy. These Hebrews were the Disappointment of God.

Note that the Heber lion is in both colors of the Gate lion, tending to clinch the Heber Shield with the Gate Shield (and Italian Alda's/Audi's). With Geddes' tracing fairly well to "Cetis," the Geddes pikes may relate to mythical Pyxus, whom I've read was brother to the Molossians of Epirus (Molise is beside Abruzzo), said to descend from Neoptolemus. We then trace Abruzzo to the Eburovices/EBROICUM, namers, very apparently of EBORACUM, an early name of York, where the Heber surname was first found along with Abruzzo-suspect Bruce's, and the Palmers/Parmers. German Ebers use a giant boar, and Eboracum is thought by others to have been a boar entity. The Presleys/PRIESTlys share two items of the Abreu/Abruzzo surname, which should explain the "Prest" motto term of Hebers. A Gorgon head is in the Arms of Sicily, to which I trace the scallops of Flags/Flecks using a version of the Palmer/Parmer Coat, a good reason for tracing Parma to Parium.

The Heber cinquefoil, simply at the top corner, is said to be "in dexter chief" while Dexters use two chevrons in the colors of the Parr fesses. I read that York was co-founded by the Parr-like Parisii, who trace to mythical Paris at Parium (Mysia), known home of Gorgons...that had a head symbol, which should be the reason for the head and shoulders of the Heber woman. Gorgons also shared the ugly symbol with Hephaestus, husband of Aphrodite. The Marsi of the area between Abruzzo and the Salto can thus be from Myrina on Lemnos, highly expected from the Mari capital of the Euphrates Amorites, for the meeting of the KHABUR/HABUR and EUPHRATes river quite-obviously named APHRODite and Hephaestus' KHABEIRi cult. One can glean that EUPHRates was a Heber term.

"SHOULder" can be code for SHOULers/Shovels/Showls (traced in the past to Hebrons) sharing the fleur of the Palm/Parm Chief. The "Perimus" motto term of Caens is suspect with "Parium," and the Prime's use "...a black human leg, ERASED at the thigh in pale." Why a leg? The Leghs happen to list Lee's, as do the Cetis-liner Lice's suspect in the "Licitis" term of Caens. The Shovels were traced also to Merovingian liners, the Chills/Childs (kin of Hebrons), and then mythical Merops was on Kos, suspect with the Kos owl cult of Edom that may be in the owl of the Prime Crest. The Thighs/THYS share the wolf with Teague's/Caige's, and while the Sinclair motto includes, "THY work," the Works/Wergs share the double-black fesses of Palmers/Parmers. The Prime owl has "a scroll COMING from its mouth."

Swiss Hebers show a Hoben variation, and share black-on-gold items with Cobens/Copons/Cobhams. I wouldn't rush to equate Hebers with Kent's Cobham rulers, but a merger between the two could definitely be expected if Copons were from Coponius.

Mr. Skeetz's Inquiries

Mr. Skeetz has been searching for the roots of his bloodlines, checking for connections, and very curious as to what people groups they stemmed from. He believes that Schutz's trace between the Scott surnames of Britain and Germany's counts of Nassau. He is sure that his Skeetz line is from those counts, but that they must go through Normans. I think he's been mildly requesting my thoughts on Dudo liners at the counts of Nassau, and while I shared things with him on the Dude surname, I may have failed to add that they share the double fesse bars of Works/Wergs in the Sinclair motto. One of his other bloodlines is the Hamiltons, and yet another the Frame's. He has also been considering my Skeetz link to the line of Guido Guerra. Aside from expecting his trace to Varni, he is interested in the Skudra of Thrace, said to be a Phrygian entity. My email to him got long but interesting on the topic of the Crispin family:

...I didn't know that the counts of Eu use the Nassau lion exactly until you mentioned it. I guess the trick is to find who had the design first. The billets on the coat must be code for Billets, and one Billet Coat is identical to the wolf-loving Bellows, who are in the bellows of the Skiptons. See also the Belows ("TUTE"). It just so happens that Bellows and Billets share the Hamilton cinquefoils in Chief!...

I recall your mention of a Dudo of the house of Nassau, and while the counts of Eu were from a son of duke Richard of Normandy, here's Wikipedia's article on Richard: "Dudo of Saint-Quentin, whom Richard commissioned to write the "De moribus et actis primorum Normanniae ducum" (Latin, "On the Customs and Deeds of the First Dukes of Normandy")..." It could appear that there was a Richard connection to Dudo of Nassau. The family of this Richard became suspect with Taddei's of Tuscany, and to this it should be noted that the Billets / Bellows share white symbols on a red Chief with Taddei's. This Shield-and-Chief combination, shared by Frame's, is now suspect with the Arms of Montferrat. The update out this [last] week discovered, I feel sure, that the Burgh-Brain marriage in Ireland was from Alice, daughter of William V of Montferrat (his other daughter married Guido Guerra), and then the first count of Eu was also count of Brione while both Brions are listed with Brians. One Brian/Brian Coat has lions in the colors of the Frame/FRAYme lions, and both surnames can be suspect with Phrygians if Frame's were Frey liners. The Arms of Montferrat makes a good case for linking the Frame lions to the Brian lions. The Irish Brians are probably using the same three of Maghans/Manns/Mahons, and the related Mahonys (and Driscolls, if they matter to you) can be using a version of the Guido lion.

As Alda's were first found in the same place as Taddei's, and said to be from Taddeo Alderotti, note first that the Alda and Taddei Coats are versions, and that Scottish Alda's ("VirTUTE") use the Shield-and-Chief combo of Montferrat. Next, the Auld/Ault variations of Scottish Alda's must be a line to an Ault location, about ten miles on my atlas to the north of Eu (on the Bresle river) [this was a discovery made while writing the email, a thing that is highly interesting for me]...German Aults have a gold lion in Crest, but it's hard to say whether it's the Nassau lion. "Eu" might be short for "AUlt." YEOmans, in Ault colors, list "Human," and while Grattans use a "human heart," the Crispins/CREPons (same place as Skiptons) were discovered, in this week's update, to be a branch of Grazio's and Greats/GREEPs. The second count of Eu and Brionne was Gilbert de Clare Crispin, son of the first count, and supposedly the first Crispin, but I'm not buying it. The Grazio's were suspect with Grasse's, one of which shares the Frame / Brian lion. The first count of Eu was either a Clare, or married a Clare, I assume, but Clare's share the triple chevrons of Dutch Burgs in both colors, adding weight to the Brione-location link to the Brian-Burgh merger (at Thomond / Munster).

After Gilbert Crispin was murdered, his two sons were scooted off to safety with Baldwin V of Flanders, son of Baldwin IV, husband of Rozala of Italy, daughter of Willa of Tuscany, suspect with the Tute/Todini link to the Conqueror's family. One son married Miss Giffard, and while Giffards share the Payne motto, the French Payne Coat has Taddei colors in reflection of the Grazio Coat. The Gifford-like Biggers/Giverns use a bend in colors reversed from the Crispin bend, interesting but that is all. Your email is helping me more than I'm helping you, for Taddei's and Alda's are hot on my plate lately. The other Payne's share lions in pale in the colors of the same of Brians/Brions, as well as sharing a broken spear in Crest with Eu-suspect Yeomans. In fact, while Yeomans were first found in Gloucestershire, Wiki's article on Gilbert states: "Through these sons Gilbert was ancestor of the English house of de Clare, of the Barons FitzWalter, and the Earls of Gloucester (see Earl of Gloucester) and Hertford (see Earl of Hertford)."...

...Grome's/Gooms are expected with Crone liners while Yeomans use "spear CRONels," and Grazio's share pomeGRANate's with Crispins. As no Pome / Pomme surnames come up, I've assumed the Palms that share the Crone fleur [I failed to mention that Dude's share the Palmer/Parmer bars, which, for the purposes of this update thus far, traces Cetis liners to Agrippa-suspect Crispins at Eu]. Yeomans had always eluded me, but, even if they were Eu liners, I still don't know what "Eu" is from. Perhaps d'Eu was the makings of Doe's/Dows or the Yeoman-colored Doh's/Dows...[there is a Eudes name that is alternatively, Odo, that may be an alternative explanation for the formation of "Dudo," adding to the complication, and Ode's are also "Aude," like an Alda variation].

Men named Dudo may be from a variation of Taddei's / Dade's / Daddys (gold saltire). The Arno river out of Florence may have named Arnolds [he had mentioned Arnolds with the Nassau liners]. Dude's (same place as Frame's, and Clare's sharing the triple Taddei chevrons) are listed with Doughtys/Dowtys (in Doe/Dow colors) that look like a branch of Dohertys/Doughertys that are themselves using the Dade/David Coat. Dude's share double fesse bars with Ness' that may be a Nassau branch. It definitely appears that Dude's/Dowtys were, at least, Eu elements / associates. The Doe's/Dows (kin of Derbys) use what I think may have been scythes [code for Skeets liners] but call them "coulters." [Further comments: Coulters, in Gald colors, come up as "ALTER," i.e. Alda / Alder suspects, and Alders share "VirTUTE" with Alda's. Alders use green-on-white stars in Chief, colors reversed from the same of Dade's/Davids and Dowertys/Dogherys. As Clare's descended from Gilbert Crispin, by what cetincidence do Irish Clare's share the five ostrich feathers of Caens? Dude's share the black-on-white Zionist star of Agrippa-suspect Bernice's, making a Herod-of-Cetis link to proto-Dude / proto-Eu suspects at nearby Derbe].

If you told me before that Schutz's were the main vassals of Nassau, I must have glossed over it. I recall you digging in around some German parts to find [raven-related] linkage to Stuttgart (shares the Ferrari-car logo], suggesting the Ferrari's that share the Nassau lion. I can't at the moment see Schutz heraldry linking to anything of Nassau. I don't know Nassau's very well, anyway. [Another of his bloodlines is a Rod one, and while Rodhams use "nec" that can trace to the Neckar river at Stuttgart, the "alteri" motto term of Rodhams can be for Alters/Coulters and therefore trace to Mr. Skeetz's other lines, if Doe's/Dows apply. This tends to argue for a Doe link to Alda's, and Alda's were just found to be sharing the split Shield of Cetis-suspect Gate's / Cage's. On one side of the Gate Coat, it's perhaps the Nassau lion too. After looking at Galts above, Galders were loaded to find an Op-Gelder variation smacking of Opgalli. French Galders use nothing but a fesse in colors reversed from the same of Alda's!]

The Rupers were first found in Derbyshire, and, as you saw, Dude's can link to the Derby-related Doe's/Dows. That is significant where Taddei liners trace to lake Tatta, near Derbe. Dade's share scallops with Derbys. Rupers were looked up as per Ruprecht [which he mentioned along with Nassau elements]. Rovers/Ruffie's look like they can be raven-liner Ruffs/Rolphs, Normans. Rollo's use a "tout" motto term while Irish Tute's are said to be from Berenger of Todeni, like the Tadini variation of Taddei's. Thus Berenger is said to have been a son of the Conqueror's father so that, if correct (I haven't been able to find anyone else that makes the claim), he's descended from duke Richard. If you can provide more information on Dudo or Nassau kin as might relate to your bloodlines, I can comment further if there's anything found.

The French Crispins are in the colors of the Italian Naso's/Naseau's ("hanks of cotton") while Dutch Nassau's list "Naso." The Italian branch were first found in the same place (Tuscany) as Alda's / Taddei's. One of the things I noted on a coin of Herod Agrippa, if I recall correctly that it was him, was his beaked nose. Did some of his descendants get the Naso surname as a result? Another consideration is that while Orange (merged with Nassau) may have been named by Rangabe's, the Rangabe flory cross, white like that of Taddei's, is in both colors of French Crispins.

My email was followed up by another in response to Mr. Skeetz's other email mentioning the Baliols in the Scott write-up:

I figure by now you know that Baliols are in Schutz colors, but note that the Baliol swords are in the colors and configuration of the Alexander crescents, for the Scotts were linked closely to Alexanders, which should explain why Baliol's brother was Alexander. The Alexanders share the MacDonald motto, and, maybe for the first time, the update this [last] week helped to clinch the MacDonald eagle with Montferrat liners, for it's the Ferte eagle too. Amongst the Brits, Italians in the ball-park of Montferrat had gotten involved, and this can't be left out of the Norman picture, or it will be very incomplete. Danish heraldry is scarce, but my thoughts on Templar-related Danes center on Swietoslawa liners (married Forkbeard the Dane) to such entities as Lorraine's, and Crispins were first found in Lorraine. The Crispin-related Grazio's were first found in Umbria, and Humbers/Umbers share, perhaps, the Dude Shield. I trace Umbria to Cumbria, where Bernice's were first found who share the black Zionist star with Dude's, colors reversed from the same of Russian Alexanders whose Coat is somewhat reflective of the Grazio Coat. The Humber is at Lincolnshire, where Grasse's were first found. You need all the clues possible to find the Dane family that you come from, if indeed you do. You might at first think that such-and-such a surname doesn't apply importantly, only to find later that it has a symbol or clue that is the very key. The Haughts, whom I trace to Swietoslawa, share the three Humber bars in colors reversed, and Baliols were first found in NorthUMBERland.

. Alexanders (sword in Crest) use crescents in the colors of the same of Motts, and the latter share the estoile in the colors of Feschs, and Feschs share swords in the colors of the Baliol swords, all likely from Swords, = Siward of Northumberland, kin of Swietoslawa. Swords use a pommel, and Crispins the POMEgranate. On their one half, Grans/Crannys could be using the Alda combination again.

If you load Terras', part of the Alexander motto, you'll see that one Terras Coat uses a version of the Scott motto and Coat, while the other Terras are using rooks, very reflective of the spur cronels, and in the same colors, suggesting a Terras / Alexander link to Eu. They are all in the colors of the Giffard lozenges. Recall that the son of Gilbert Crispin married Giffard (Sinclair rooster, likely), for the latter share the ermined Hound lozenges. I think you are getting very hot with this Danish Eu line for your ancestry. I forgot to mention again that the Giffard / Payne motto is likely in honor of Malahule, the Dano-Norman founder of Tosni's. The "foedari" motto term of Giffards was traced to Futters (last week), and Futters were at topic as per the Fuller motto, and Fullers are traced to Fulbert "the tanner," which gets us back to the Tanaro river, location of Montferrat. Fullers honor Bacons/Beacons with their beacon, and Bacons share the Hamilton cinquefoil (shared by many others), but Fullers share the beacon with related Belli's, kin of Bellino's, while Bellows / Billets use the same cinquefoils as Bacons. It's a match. Your Hamilton line is linking to the billets in the Arms of Eu and Nassau. [Belli's are likely in the motto of Taddei-related Bouillons.]

Giffards are said to descend from BolleBECs while Crispins were at Bec Abbey, if I recall correctly. It looks like Bec elements merged with Bolle's of some sort. English Bolle's have been reckoned as Pollock kin, and Pollocks share the Daddy saltire in both colors, a gold saltire, like the Schutz saltire. The Molle boar heads are probably inside the Bolle cups.

The first earl of Gloucester is thought to be from Caen, and while the counts of Eu are said to have been part of those earls, the Caen-suspect Cunninghams use a big Y as their symbol, evoking Yeomans who happen to share what could be a version of the Alexander Coat. The Cunninghams came to mind due to their "fork" motto term, code for Forkers/Farquhars, and suspect with king Forkbeard. Clare's were Dane's, as were Beaumonts, and Richard de Clare, 3rd Earl of Hertford, married a daughter of Beaumonts. We are now at the Clare's of Tonbridge. This Richard, who descends from Rohese Giffard, was the grandson of Alice de Gernon (a Meschin, descended from Malahule), and this can explain what I haven't yet proven, though toying with it for years, that the pomegranate should be code for Gernons. Palms and Crone's both share the Massey fleur.

Doe's use coulters, and Coulters can be Holders / Holdens, and then the latter share the Aller escutcheon and use so-called allerion eagles, but Allers are now suspect with Alermo of Montferrat, ancestor of the Williams of Montferrat. The Geddes escutcheon can apply here because Geddes' may have been Guido's. Somehow, the Schutz' / Scotts apply to these escutcheons. The Skeets'/Sheets, highly suspect with part of the Guido Coat, are said to be a variant of "Keat," which, if correct, can trace with Kitts and Kidds to the term, "Cetis" (home of Quadratus' royal family), the hottest topic on my plate at this time. Keats'/Keite's/Ketts (share the black cats with Quadratus-suspect Croms!) were first found in the same place (Norfolk) as Skeets'. You really are helping me more than I'm helping you.

The Kidds were found, in the current [last] update, to be from Cetis with little doubt. If Schutz's / Skeets' / Skits / Scheds all trace to Cetis, it would be enormous. It may be clue that Cetis/Citis was once Scetis / Schitis, or something like it, city of Scythians / Sittaceni. The Kennati peoples at Cetis are being traced seriously to Kennedys, first found in the same place as CUNNinghams and Forkers. Cunninghams are suspect with Caens, who share the five ostrich feathers of Irish Clare's, and whom are suspect with escutcheon-using Keens, kin of Keons. Caens trace without doubt to the namers of the Ceno river, tributary of the Tarras-suspect Taro, which flows to POMEgranate-suspect Parma (Palms are also Parms).

The Keat cats are, like the Chives cats, called, mountain cats. The three Keat cats are in pale, colors reversed from the three lions in pale of Tailers, and I trace the Tailer lions to the Chives cats (same colors between them). This now becomes a good way to start proving a Chives trace to Cetis' Sadducee suspects. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that the Sadducees could derive from the Cetis term itself, in all the many months that Sadducees were being sought in the Bassus - Maccabee family at Cetis. And so, let's repeat that the Shutz variation is much like "Sadducee." The Ceva location suspect with Chives' was married to the line of Alice of Montferrat, and while I traced Ferrats to Ferrari's, they share the Eu / Nassau lion. To put this flatly, you probably entered my email life to help show the way, unbeknown to you, to the root of Sadducees. It was not many days ago when I stumbled accidentally on the Tailboys, they being the Taillbois', using a copy of the Annan Coat, and Ananus/Annas of Israel was a Sadducee out of Syria in such high circles that he was appointed high priest of Israel by Augustus.

Without your surname being known to me, and your emphasis on the related Schutz's, I might have been forever in finding this thing now apparently clinched. What do I owe you? How much time and failure did you spare me? I'll add to all of this in the next update. Hope I've been of help to your project.

If the similarity between "Cetis" and "Sadducee" never occurred to me, it was a blind spot. For most of the period since discovering the Bassus family at Cetis, I couldn't recall the Cetis term. I left it out of my writings. All I did was recall that the Bassus family ruled somewhere in Cilicia, and every once in a while, I'd come across it while reading on the people there, but the term just wouldn't stick in my memory. Checking all my files now, the term was written in only two updates, the 1st and 2nd of last January.

As Galt liners looked like Alda branches, the Spanish Galters (five greyhound heads in Dowerty colors) are interesting for showing Balteriz/Balderiz variations, for as the Alda's are using a version of the Taddei Coat, Taddei's are using the Bouillon cross while Balders should be of the Baldwins, a name used by the direct family of Godfrey de Bouillon. I now know that Godfrey's ancestry was in Tuscany as a matter of historical fact upon its links to the Pierleoni. As those links explain the Bouillon-Taddei connection, here we are finding a Bouillon-Alda connection that apparently went through Spanish Galters, making other Galt liners suspect with Alda's. This can make the Khaldi apparent at the proto-Alda's of Cetis / Tatta.

It recalls that Colts/Cults/Celts are a branch of CALDERs/Cadders/Caddels and CADDels. The latter happen to share the escutcheon of CHADDocks (and Geddes'), revealing that Chaddock liners merged with Colts/Celts. The giant stag head of Calders/Cadders (see also Coutes', known branch of Colts/Celts) is shared by Vice's/Vise's that was traced to the stag of Eustace's, probably from Eustace II, father of Baldwin I of Jerusalem. If correct to trace Vise's to Vis, also called Issa, the Isaurus region around Cetis may apply to the namers of Issa. Pharisee / Sadducee suspects were at Issa and neighboring Pharia and Brac/Brattia, according to my preliminary findings on that topic, and these islands were off the Illyrian coast from the Urbanus river.

Khaldi, suspect with Hebrews from CHALDea (that place likely at the Euphrates-Khabur junction), were at the Pontus and can thus originate there with monstrous Cetus. The CalyCADnus may explain the "cadit" motto term of Calders, and their Caddell variation (recalls CHATILLon, the Kettle's too), now tending to reveal that the Sadducees originated in that Cad(nus) entity. This recalls that Cassells share the Kennedy motto and Coat, and that Cassell of Germany was an area of the Chatti. As PONTius Pilate is suspect with the Pontus, by what coincidence do Colts/Cults/Celts and Cootes' use the Pilate pheon? Is it logical to trace Pontius Pilate to the same as the proto-Sadducees?

As the house of Boet(h)us is known to been the core of the Sadducees in Jesus' time, while they were suspect with Boeotians, by what coincidence did Cadnus-like Cadmus found the Kabeiri center of Thebes in Boeotia? As Cadmus was certainly from the Cadusii Armenians, and merged with Mus' Armenians, I think I am ready now to clinch proto-Sadducees with the Cadusii peoples, and also with Soducena of Armenia's lake Sevan, which should explain the swan in the Calder/Caddel Crest. I spent a lot of time repeating that the caduceus staff of Hermes had one of it's two snakes as representation of the Gileki Iranians, who lived beside the Cadusii, an idea supported where Cadmus' brother, Gileki-like Cilix, was code for Cilicia. In other words, Cilicia was named after the Gileki, and inhabited by their Cadusii partners, who likely named very-ancient Cati...which was conquered by an Assyrian king who had actually lived on the Khabur river, according to historical texts I found. His name was Shamshi-Adad.

The oval buckles of Caddels are rare, but used by SOBeks, otherwise I don't recall any other surnames using that shape. Sobeks can now tell a story in tracing Cetis elements to Cabyle (see light map or dark map) and neighboring SUB Radice in Tracheitis-like Thrace. Let's start by repeating that "Radice" is like the Italian term for "lattice," and that I found a "cuffia" term that Italians use for lattice too. The Cable's use fretty lattice filling the Shield in the white-on-GREEN colors of the checks filling the Shield of Radice's, and so these surnames do trace to Cabyle and Sub Radice. The Caves' use lattice filling the Shield too, and in the colors of the same of Caens. You can almost smell Caiaphas socks in this.

The cuffia term got suspect with Coffers and Coffers/Coffeys, both in Cobey/Cobben colors, all using GREEN Shields, and this latter surname can be a hard-version of "Subradice," the spelling found on the light map versus "Sub Radice" on the dark map. That is, "SUBRadice" could have created Sobers / Sopars and similar terms like Cobers, whereas "Sub radice" could have created Sobeks/Sobie's and similar terms. The Cobey Crest: "A lion passant guardant standing on a wheat sheaf fessways." The Wheats/Whate's (Coffer kin) are thus very linkable to this picture, and Wheats are suspect with the very name of Quadratus. Cobeys/Cobbens can of course be a branch of Copons/Cobhams.

The Cuffie's are the ones with the Sale bend that can now trace Sale's/SALLETTS, likely from the Selletae at Cabyle, to Cetis' Salamis suspects. Note the tiny besants, code for Quadratus' surname, in the BENDlets of the Cuffie's. The Cobey lion stands on a wheat sheaf (Shaw liners, right?) with what looks like a red band tying the sheaf together, though the band is not mentioned in the description. Bands are likely kin of Bends (same place as bend-using Sale's), and the latter use both besants and torteaux, the latter suspect with the Toreatae, fellow tribe of the Sittaceni. Those socks are starting to smell a lot thicker.

Chaddocks were first found in the same place as torteaux-using Orells and Joseph-suspect Saxons/Septons, but just as I had this thought, which intended to remind of the torteaux in the ORLeans surname, I thought I had best check the Orban surname (green Shield), which, to my great surprise, brought up the Albins/Elbins/Aubins! It looks like ALBins should trace to "Olba," and "Orban" to "Orba"! This can suggest that the Caucasian Albanians named Olba, for they lived to the near-north of the Gileki. From the Cuffie liners expected at Calycadnus' proto-Sadducees, one may then trace to Albani and Cavii of Illyria (side-by-side on the dark map), not neglecting Greek myth as it traces Cadmus and his wife, as two snakes (code for the two caduceus snakes), to the founding of Illyrians. There is, no guff, an Isaurus river to the west side of the Albani! That is stunning. I could have had all this for you a year ago, if only I knew where Cetis was. I must admit, I didn't look very hard to find it, preoccupied with others "adventures." The Bend Crest shares a blue lion with Albanys/Elbanys, first found in Shropshire, and therefore highly suspect with the Massin/Mason lion.

The Blake's that show Caddel variations, and who share a large fret with Cattels, share a leopard with the Chives Crest. This is enormous now that buckle-using Caddels have been found to be Chaddock liners expected on the CalyCADnus, and named after Cetis. Blake's are said to derive from Richard Cadell le Blac, and Blacks share the stars of Glass' now tracing to CALYcadnus, though there had been cause to trace the Caly line through the Clausula (beside the Cavii), which can explain why Blake's share the leopard with Chives' (and the Tailer Crest), and why English Blake's were first found in the same place (Devon) as Chives'...and Albins/Orbans. The latter were traced to Brittany, and the Albanys are highly suspect as Stewart kin. English Blake's share the black-on-white pale bar of Tailers. Of all the different leopard designs at houseofnames, they chose the same one as per the Blake Crest for the Tailor Crest (as though houseofnames knew of the relationship). The Chives' use it upright and in "demi," which, I gather, is code for the Demys/Mays that may be a branch of Mea's/Meighs sharing the same fitchee type, in the same blue color, as Albins/Orbans. This paragraph is key for tracing demi items to Mea's/Meighs on Brittany's Meu river.

As English Blacks (Taylor / Blake colors) were first found in the same place as the Tailboys'/Taillbois'', it additional evidence that Taillebois' were Tailors (not named after tailors, right?). The TAY-named area of Scotland, which includes Tayside of Angus, roughly / exactly the theater of Chives' of Tarves, is coming to mind with "TAYlor." Scottish Blacks ("lux," nearly the Glass motto) are almost using the Tailboy Coat, but substitute a black saltire, probably in keeping with their black-on-white Taylor / Chives colors. The Shield-and-Chief color combination of Scottish Blacks is that of Angus', and the Black-Chief stars are colors reversed from the TWO Angus-Chief stars, in the colors of the Annas star, and then the Tailboys Coat is identical with the Annan(dale) Coat while Blacks share the black-on-white saltire of Kilpatricks (same place as Annandale). The Angus' became suspect with the Shields of Alda's / Ferrens' and other Firenze liners with two items in Chief.

There is a definite possibility that Tail liners are from the Taulantii at the Chives theater. The Talpy variation of Tailbois' had me looking up the Tappens/Tappers (same place as Mieske's) who share the sinister bend of DOBERs/Tobers, suspect from Dober on the Clausula.

The Tay river and Strath Tay is at Perthshire. We find the Mens/Mennes write-up tracing to some elite of Athol (Perthshire), and even to lands in Strath Tay. The Mens/Mennes' use a motto phrase suspect with ISLIPs/Haslips, a branch of Hazels (they use "hazel-SLIPs") , which is what makes Athols suspect as a line of Hazels. The Mens'/Mennes' share the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Blake's (= TAYlor liners, right?), and may be from "AMYNTes" (traces to Mind- / Mand-like terms) for Mens' are said to be a branch of Manners, while Manders use besants along with a Coat linking to besant-liner Rhodes' (share a leopard in Crest with Blake's), first found in the same place as Tailbois'. The engrailed Rhodes cross is colors reversed from the same of Mandys/Mundays, first found in Derbyshire, i.e. suspect with Derbe, conquered by Amyntes. The Mandy/Munday Crest likely uses the black wolf for being of the Quadratus wolf (Derbe is in Lycaonia, anciently given the wolf symbol from Zeus). Mandys/Mundays happen to use "eagle's legs" that can link to Taulantii-suspect Talants (eagle's legs).

As "erased" is suspect with Bassus' at Akmonia, note the Mandy/Munday Crest: "A black wolf's head erased BEZANTE with fire COMING from his mouth." The vertically-split Shield of Mandys/Mundays is used by German Kaplans while English Kaplans are definite kin of English Josephs with the COMING/Comyn garbs. The Shield-and-Chief color combination of Annas' and Mandys/Mundays is the same. English Kaplans were first found in the same place (Hampshire) as Josephs and Poppins, and the latter are traced to BASINGstoke of Hampshire. Poppins (TWO items in the same Coat as Alda's and Ferrens') not only share a "Mens" motto term with Pepins, but use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Mens' (from GLENyon) and Glenns. As Mens' shared Lothian as a home with Keiths, I strongly suggest that Poppins are using a version of the Keith Chief and stag head, the latter strongly suspect from Cetis / CalyCADnus liners.

Basings/Bainges' (same place as Kaplans) are in Chaplet colors. But why the Beng-like Bainges variation? Aren't Bengs ("Teubor") using a version of the Chives Coat?

It was Twine's/Twengs that use the POPPINjays, and they became suspect with one or both of the Tyne rivers, one flowing in Lothian near the Keiths! That works.

Why the eagle leg by Mandys/Mundays? The Leghs/Lee's can be a branch of Lice's/Lee's, the latter being the kin of Quade's and Mackays, and suspect in the Caen motto too, and then the Quade wolves are in the colors and positioning of the objects used by Minds/Munds.

The Mens' write-up gave cause for tracing the surname to the Glenns / Glennys (share the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Mens'), the latter first found in the same place as Tarves'...and Leslie's using an Agrippa-suspect "Grip Fast" motto (that can be secondly for Festus liners). Recalling that the Mens motto is suspect with hazel liners, note that German Glenns were first found in the same place (Westphalia) as Dusseldorf, for D'Hazel-suspect Dussels are using the Hazel fesse. Mens' are said to have escaped persecution in England to Malcolm III, the one who set Leslie's up in Aberdeenshire (because his sister married Bartholomew Leslie). Men's had traced to something in Kincardine (Aberdeenshire), where Chives- / Cowes-suspect Cowie's were first found that share the boar in the colors of Bartholomew-suspect Bards (same green griffin head as Leslie's). The Mens' are said to have been given land by Malcolm in Lothian, where the cup-bearer (Henry Sinclair) of this king's queen lived along with Cetis suspects such as Seatons and the Keith Catti. Upon their Kelt-suspect chevron, Huntlys use the Lothian hunting horn in colors reversed.

The Cowie/Covey Coat gave the impression of the Jacques/Jack Coat, the latter an obvious version of the Yoke/Joke Coat suspect with JOKtanites, and the latter were suspect (last update) at the Thwing and OCTAN locations (Yorkshire) of Twine's (share the swan with the other Yoke's/Hoks). We just saw Twine's (same fesse as Cowie's) tracing to the Tyne river of Lothian, and apparently linking there with Keiths, wherefore it's notable that the Keith Chief is in the colors of the Jacques / Cowie fesse. The Twine's are said to be of Kelt-like KILTon castle, and the Twine poppinjays look like the green parrots of Pebble's under another name as to honor Poppin liners.

Twine's (said to be descended from Robert Bruce) are traced in their write-up to an Ayton location (assumed in Yorkshire) granted to Robert the Bruce. It just so happens that the Tyne, and the other Tyne, are near Berwick, where Aytons/Aitons were first found who list "Artem" suspect with Artemidoros, son of Amyntes.

Scottish Glenns are said to be from TRAQuair in Peebles-shire while the Brogitarus-liner Froggits (Derbyshire again) share a parrot with the Peebles surname. The Parrots might even be Pharisee liners. Glenns / Glennys (both share black footless martlets with French Josephs) had become suspect with Gaulonites from Israel's Gamala, which evokes the man, Sadduc, a Pharisee friend of a Gaulonite, according to Josephus. If Traquaire traces to the Tracheitis valley on the Calycadnus, it creates an hyper-interesting situation if I'm correct on the Glenn=Gaulonite equation. The Poppin-related Pepins use a CAMEL.

Glenns use a Herod-suspect heart in Crest, and Leslie's share buckles with the Chaddock-liner Caddels, both of the Aberdeen theater. Glenns are said to have had a chief, Colban, himself possibly of the Colban variation of Copons/Cobhams (share red Shield with Glenns), the latter sharing the chevron of German Glenns. Copons/Cobhams were from Kent, where Amyntes-liner Mynetts were first found. The Mounth area of Aberdeenshire has become suspect as a line from the Mynetts.

The Glenn connection to Perthshire probably involves the mother there of Pontius Pilate. That wild claim by some proves true in heraldry. Part of the heraldic evidence involves, not only the Colts/Celts of PERTHshire, but the PERDrix name for one of the peaks at mount Pilate. PARTons (ragully) happen to use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Glenns / Mens'. Parton is a location in the ALLERdale part of Cumberland, and Allers are escutcheon-sharing kin of Colt-like Holdens. As Pontius Pilate is said to have been born from a Roman ambassador to Pictland / Perthshire, note that Parton was the location of a Roman fort.

The Tarves location of Aberdeenshire is beside Huntly, and though Huntlys were not first found in Perthshire, they use the stag-head design of Colts/Celts on a Shield having the colors and format of the Lice's/Lee's. That's said because Huntlys were first found in Monmouthshire, where Mackons (and Fane's) were first found that can be a branch of Lice-loving Mackays. The Monmouths use bars GEMEL (it's what makes MONmouths suspect with HasMONean liners, especially if Athols were HAZels), and the Gamala-suspect Glenns use three martlets in the colors and positioning of the Lice items (leopard faces), the latter's Coat being a reflection of the Coat of Kelts, likewise first found in Perthshire. Mont Pilat became suspect with an item between antlers, used not only by Colts/Cults, but by Amyntes-suspect Hamon(d)s, and the latter are using the Kelt Coat while calling their chevron "pean," a term like the Pilate / Colt pheon. The Hamond motto is suspect with Rimini (especially Maschi's of Rimini), beside Fane-related Fano, and then while Fane's were first found in the same place as Mackins, the latter likewise use the colors and format of Hamonds.

The Machin/Makin pelicans are of the design showing for Godfreys (Baliol chevron?), first found in the same place as Massins/Macons, the ones who brought "Mackon" to mind in the first place (otherwise, Mackins are mainly unfamiliar to me). The Scotts, who mention John of Baliol, were likewise first found in Kent (as were Joke's/Yoke's), suggesting that the Baliols are kin of Godfreys...which can brings us back to the Bouillon-Taddei relationship, important because a MOCissus/Mokissos location is at the Halys river off the northern Tatta shores. The Bouillons share the Moor head with Godfreys...and Collars, the latter in the collar of Scott-suspect Schutz's (Baliol / Godfrey colors). Tatta was suspect with the line of Yuya>Tiye that birthed king Tut, and as Yuya lived in Kemmis, compare the Kemmis Coat to the Welsh Bachs, for the latter are apparently using the Coat of WELSH Machons/Makins. It's not likely coincidental that while the Scotts above use Catherine wheels, symbol of the wife of John of Gaunt, gauntlet-using Fane's were first found in the same place as Makins. It makes Makins suspect as gauntlet-using Maceys. German Machons share the sleeping moon with German Roets while the Catherine wheel is owned by Catherine Roet.

Tut was the son of AkhenATEN, whom I trace to "Auton" as a near-certainty, a place suspect with Aitons, and therefore now traceable to Ayton of Yorkshire. Ayton is in Hambleton, and such a term traces to Hambletons / Hamiltons of Haddington, where the Twine's just led us who are said to be of Ayton! Ayton is at the Humber theater, which recalls how Hamilton-suspect Dude's (twin bars) may be using a version of the Humber Coat. Compare with the TAYTON variation of Tatta-suspect Tattons-of-Massey. It's even more certain now that Tute/Tutt liners were in fact from king Tut. Hamon(d)s, very-likely from Hamon de Massey, honor Tott liners in their motto. It seems clear that the Brogitarus > Amyntes line in Derbe, which birthed Severus Bassus, likely the ancestor of Julia Maesa Bassianus, was merged in the Tatta area with Tut liners.

The Hamond motto (includes "tot") is translated, "THROUGH so many dangers," while Hamiltons use "Through" as the entire motto Were HAMonds a branch of HAMiltons? Haddington is the location of Meschin-related Musselburgh, and Twins/Twine's (same lion as Rands) may be using the lion of Ranulph le Meschin. The Totten lion, likewise red, is suspect with the Rand lion, and the Totten dancetty is in the colors of the dancette of the Cheshire Chee's/Cheatle's, perhaps a line of Keiths/Keiths. Rands (Lincolnshire, same place as Ranulph's wife) share the white boar head with Mea's/Meighs The Kettle's (Hamilton cinquefoils in colors reversed!) share TWO (twin theme) gold stags in Chief with the now-Keith-suspect Poppins (kin of poppinjay Twine's), and moreover may be using the Maschi lion. Did Twine's and Twins/Twains get created from the twin-bar theme of heraldic gemel? Were the proto-Twine's from Gamala / Gaulonite liners? That's what it looks like, yet the Pepin CAMEL was thought best to be from Camulos liners at Camulodunum, and Camulos was suspect with "Kemuel" (son of Nahor), along with HAMELtons, what a hamincdence. The Kettle motto is suspect with Malahule, as could be expected with Meschin and Tosni=Tute liners. Both Poppins and Kettle's are using two stags in Chief with an additional stag head in the Crest. It's speaking of a Paphlagonian link to the Caddel=Chadock liners at Cetis, and Paphlagonians are suspect with Apepi/Apophis, the Hyksos king immediately after Khyan. The latter has the look of AKHENaten, and so it may become up in the air as to whether Caens at Cetis should be viewed from "Khyan" or "Akhenaten."

What was this Tott-Meschin relationship? Totts/Toths are using the giant swan of Yoke's/Yoks/Hoks. This is relational to the Macey Coat suspect with Swans/Sions (swans in Yoke-swan colors), for that Coat once showed gauntlet gloves. I had provided a fuzzy theory when the Yuya line was linked suggestively to Og and Joktan, as though "Yuya" was itself a Jok / Og term to the Biblical Gog (ruled by Meshech, right?). The whole of that was of course prophetically meaningful, but on the suggestive side rather than evidential. The idea was that the Yuya line came down the Nile and merged there with Meshwesh of Tanis, rulers of Egypt for some time (beginning in the 21st dynasty). Note that Yoke's above use an item between antlers, the Hamond symbol too. This line traced with certainty to Pelops, ruler of Lydia, where a GUGU king cropped up around 700 AD, not many generations before Ezekiel prophesied concerning Gog (Ezekiel 38).

It should be very clear that we are now treading on Gogarene/Gugar liners from swan-like Sevan, location also of Soducena now suspect at the very naming of Cetis, not far south from lake Tatta.

I can now show that the Moke Coat is in Hamond colors for a reason, though one can also compare Moke's with Blacks. Hamonds and Moke's share gold ermine spots on black, which, in an online article, "The Meanings Behind Symbols" (mainly filled with garbage), says that this feature is called, "pean," explaining why the Hamond chevron is called such. The Moke/Mogg motto can be gleaned in the motto of this Arms of Macclesfield, and as Macclesfield is in Cheshire, it tends to clinch the Hamon(d)s with Hamon de Massey (of Dunham-Massey in Cheshire).

The "Ad astra SEQUOR" motto of Tottens (same place as Bengs) links them well to Kenneth MacAlpin liners from Kanza and Idris, and Kanza is suspect from king Massena, and traced to Guerin liners suspect with ADA of Warenne, probably in the "Ad" motto term. Here's from a couple of updates ago:

As Fieschi of Genoa are suspect in a relationship with the Segni's/SEGURana's (MacArthur moline in colors reversed) of Genoa, see this [Arthurian mythology]: "Segwarides (SEGURades) (Brother of Palomides) Arms: Or, a mountain sable." The Claviere's, who likewise used the key, had married French Mountains. It all predicts that Fessys were from the namers of Physca [Illyria], and then Fisks use "ITUR" as code for Idris of Morocco, whose son ruled at Fes/Fez. As his wife is a line to Kenneths, note that Kenneths/Kenzie's use, "Sic itur as astra," almost the Fisk motto ("Sic Itur AD astra"). An amazing coincidence it is not. The families knew their ancestry in Idris, and they had to do with Genoa elements.

The mountain symbol given to that mythical entity should be of the cat-a-mountain of Chives', and we may ask why it's not simply a "mountain cat," symbol of Keats. Is "cat-a" code for something like Catto's/Chattans/Kidders?

Shu's Wing and Feather

Mrs. Besant, helping in whatever way she can to enlarge upon the Bassus / Bassianus bloodline, emailed first on ostrich feathers in Egypt, worn on head-dresses of various ancient royals. She claimed that ostrich feathers were a symbol of ancient Shu, and that's correct, but his symbol was the SHUT!!! I can already smell-out what this is leading to.

I can recall a Shu-like term linked to Keturah (pre-dated Hyksos) in a discussion that linked her surprisingly well to the formation of Hyksos. This may pertain to the ostrich feathers of Caens. However, there is always the possibility that any heraldic symbol is mere code for surnames. The ostrich may be code for Osters, for example, along with Rich's. There are times when heraldic symbols can be both code for surnames while tracing to their ancient ancestors that actually used that symbol.

? The Shoe/Shoo/Schuch surname is a branch, in my opinion, of Skits/Skeochs, and thus expects Shoo liners at Cetis' potent liners. I didn't recall until now that Shoe's/Shoo's use two feathers in the Crest!!! Zikers, but the description page doesn't record a Crest, and so I can't know whether they are ostrich feathers. They look like ostrich feathers used by others. Shoot, it looks like Mrs. Besant was bang-on target with the mention of mythical Shu! And, of course, "Shut" can be a line through to Shutz's/Schutz's.

The feather is depicted as a tall ostrich plume whose tip bends over under its own weight.

The feather, because of its name, "shut", was a symbol of Shu. Shu was the Egyptian god of the air [blah blah fantasy]...Shu was often shown wearing a feather in his hair...

Usually, the feather was a symbol of Ma'at, the goddess of truth and order. The goddess was always shown wearing an ostrich feather in her hair. The feather by itself was her emblem.

Like Shoe's, Shusters (a boot, not a shoe, why?) are said to derive in "shoe," but I ignore this. Shoe's are also "Shoemakers," and while one tends to see a clinching of that surname in the shoemaker trade, I resist such a derivation. More likely, Makers are a line of Masseys, and French Masseys even showed the boot at one time. Are we going to view Maker-liker surnames as a branch of Shoemakers? Makers/Macks (Macey stars) are using a version of the sinister Masci / Massena bend. The Massey boot was identical to the Trip boot, but lately, the Trip boot was changed to a shoe, showing that Masseys did link to Shoemakers. And Trips have always been suspect with Trabys, who shared the five, white ostrich feathers of Caens. This is the Trypillian-Skit link that was predicted years ago, and Trypillians were scythians of the Scythia-Minor area, and thus very linkable to the Sittaceni scythians suspect at Cetis' proto-Sadducee peoples.

The Macey gauntlet is used also by Shoots/Shute's. The latter, in Chaddock colors and looking linkable to Fortuna's, had a Chute-CADley location. The Shute swords must be the reason that Siward-suspect Sewers are listed with Suters that happen to use a version of the Saddock / Chaddock Coats. There is a gold collar on the Suter-Crest leopard that is in the design of the Rhodes-Crest leopard, yet more, the Mosca leopard is in the Seward Coat (Shut colors). It's very clear that ancient Massey and Siward liners were part of Shu. I feel it's very likely that Swords trace Siward to Ares-related Serdica at the Bessi theater, all kin to the sword-worshiping Bistones.

Trypillia was south of Kiev, where the Cimmerians must have lived before coming down to Lake Van, followed soon after by Herodotus' "Royal Scythians" that I see as Ezekiel's Gog. How possibly one can make a Royal-Scythian link to Yuya needs to be seen. Yuya's Mitanni were several centuries before the Royal Scythians into Anatolia, but both the Cimmerians and Scythians of that time got either near to, or into, Lydia, in seeking to conquer Gugu's domain. I had even rad of a Cimmerian-Gug peoples, though not much was found online concerning them.

The Lake-Van Cimmerians, who ruled the place jointly with king Rusa, had stationed themselves at the Pontus shore, where mythical Cetus took off as a monster, and, I think one may agree, scythians were monsters...if peoples who drank out of human skulls can rate as such. The Nairi at Lake Van can connect to the Neuri near / amongst the Trypillians, and this may all have to do with the monster, Camulos. There is a tree atop a tower in the Shoo Coat, and the tree is a symbol of Hamiltons (I think I see trees in the Arms of Hambleton too).

The greyhound-liner True's (like "Through" of Hamiltons) use feathers in their helmet, which may indicate that the coin of Herod Archelaus was in honor of Shu liners. The True's (erect sword) are said to be from "trog = trough," but I ignore it and assume there was a Trog-like surname involved, which may be of the green-lion Tracks/Trigs (erect spears). The Shu article above speaks on an erect pole set up for worshipful purposes (Bistones used an erect sword).

I'm ready to say that the ostrich feathers of the surnames mentioned herein are purely traceable to Shu liners, and not code for surnames. The Greek "struthios" = ostrich can apply Shu liners to Struth-like terms, such as Strath Tay, Struthers, and perhaps Straus'. Didn't a Struthers surname play in ARCHIE Bunker's, All in the Family"? Aha! I didn't know until after writing the sentence above that Struthers share the Caen fretty Shield! It definitely appears as though the ostrich feather, not necessarily of Shu liners only, found its way to Greece in struthios-like terms. Sally Struthers played Gloria, like the "gloriam" motto term of Struthers. It could appear that the creators of All in the Family" had heraldic "family" on the brain.

Wasn't Gloria's husband nicknamed, MEAThead, a little like "Ma'at? Don't MODeys use a gold version of the Caen / Struther fretty? Wasn't Modi'in of ancient Israel home of Maat-like Mattathias, first-known HASmonean? Don't Mauds share the MONmouth Coat? It's even possible that "Shu" developed a capital vowel to became "Has." Or, perhaps Shu was "As / Ash" to begin with. The Meats/Meads (Joseph martlets?) share the pelican design of Godfreys and even share their gold-on-black chevron. Both Matt surnames are in Meat/Mead colors.

There are going to be coincidences when it comes to words. There are so many myth terms between Sumerian, Egyptian and Greek mythology alone that many of them are going to reflect / match the names of the Israeli tribes, patriarchs, kings and prophets. Have the smarts not to make integral connections outright in a false aha-moment. We are told that Egyptians had a god, Nun, but I'd like to ask whether that spelling is accurate, or whether some historians (or satan-mined individuals) chose that version of the name because they believed, or wanted to teach, that JoSHUA's father, Nun, was from a Nun-Shu combination. Are we going to trace Y'Shua = Jesus to the Shu cult of Egypt's creation mythology? "Shu" was identical to the later 's' letter, and is bound to be in many terms not tracing to Shu. But the heraldry in this section tends to clinch Shu liners due to the feathers / wings involved, and as the Nons/Nevins are now suspect with Nun and Shu liners, all sorts of other realizations can come to mind.

For example, Nun was the frog god, they tell us, and as the Egyptian frog goddess was Keket, it should relate to the Greek Hecate, the goddess of Meat-like Medea whom I traced with little doubt to Keturah, making Shu more suspect with her Ashurite tribe.

In Egyptian lore, Shu = atmosphere. That's how he got his feather / wing symbol. Shu was integral with Ra = sun, and Hesse's happen to share a giant sun with Fetters while Nuns/Noons (same saltire as Schutz's) use a "re" motto term. Fetters may have morphed to "Feathers/Fedders" (ostrich feathers) for a Shu-loving reason. Secret paganism went on during Vatican tyranny. Feathers share the red antelope head of Derbys for a possible proto-Feather trace to Derbe, i.e. near Akhenaten- / Tut-suspect Tatta. The Futters and Foots / Fothes are coming to mind here. Fetters (same place as Weis') are Vetts and, because they share an item between two WINGS, they are suspect with VIponts/VISponti and Weis' / Wies'. Vipont is a location of the Touques, and therefore near Gace, home of a line from Mitanni-suspect WASSa's/Gace's, thus tending to clinch Wassa's / Washingtons with Weis liners (the Mitanni capital was WASSukani, or things like, WaSHUSHUkani). The Weishaupt ibis was resolved as code for the Biss surname, suspect with Vis liners. Why does the Nun/Noon motto have "modo"?

Having said that, Italian Bassans use the Leavels bars, apparently, almost the Washington bars. It's reason, along with Bassus' married to Laevillus, to trace Bassus' to the Wassa namers of the Mitanni capital. German Bassans/Besants use an item between two white wings, Vipont- / Weis-suspect. English Bassans are apparently using the Mosca leopard on the Massey quadrants. The Wies' share the Weis Crest, both using the white wings, but Wies', in their Chief, use the Chief-star of Motels / Res'/Dere's along with the same chevron as feather-suspect Nons/Nevins. This reminds that while the Bavarian Illuminati of Adam Weishaupt (founder) traced well to the Boofima / Baphomet cult, the Imperi peoples of Boofima were found at Imperia, also called, Oneglia, named by a branch of "non"-using Nagle's that use the Non/Nevis fesse in colors reversed. See also the star colors of French Lance's.

The Shoo knight is said to be cut off at the knee. Why? The Knee surname lists "Neigh," and uses half the saltire of German Nagle's. Nague's share the Nagle lozenges. It really does look like Shu-Nun liners went to the Nagle's. And lozenges have always been suspect with the Lazi Colchians, even before learning that Colchians had settled the Gorski area of Croatia, where one finds Losinj.

Nagle's translate their motto with "wish," while the Wish's are also WYShams. The Angulo variation of early Nagle's, and their sharing of lozenges in colors reversed from Angle's, can suggest an Angle root in Imperia (Liguria). It just so happens that Angle's (same place as Washingtons) use a "baston" while both Baton surnames are also BASTons. Wonders never cease on discovering the pagan loves of heraldic families (i.e. those who registered their symbols by law). The Angle's ("vias") even use another winged horse, making Pegasus (suspect as code for the line of Hyksos king, Apachnas) highly suspect with Shu liners.

At one time, the Angle baston was not shaped as a cane, as it is now. Cane's/Keane's, Keens and Keons are all suspect with Hyksos king Khyan, whom I've read was the same as Apachnas. Spanish Cane's look like they may be using a version of the Bassan / Basset Coats while Irish Cane's/Keane's look like a Drummond merger with Bissets.

As English Batons use bats apart from showing any Bat-like variations, it looks like Bast liners merged with Bat liners, which evokes the Caucasian Bats at Batumi, next-door to PHASis (also called, Poti). I read that pheasants were named after Phasis, and then there is a Pheasant surname linkable to Besants. It's not necessarily a contradiction to trace Bassus liners both to the namers of Phasis and to the namers of Wassukanni, for they could have been the same people-group. French Batons/Bastons were first found in Poti-like Poitou.

Phasis was on the Glaucus river that was home to mythical Medea and the Lazi > Ladon cult that Greek myth writers birthed on the Pontus. That works because the Pontus was at the mouth of the Halys, the river that was home to Hatti of Hattusa, the same line as mythical Aeetes (Medea's father) at Hattusa-like Kutaisi up the Glaucus river. As you can see on the map, the husband of mythical Leda, a swan-Ladon combo, was on the Glaucus. Leda was of the Keturah Letushites, right? But then what about the ostrich-feather Lite's/Lights??? Are French Batons/Bastons using the CUTTER Shield because Batons were linked to KETURah liners?

From these things, Fessys and Feathers look like Phasis liners too, especially as Scottish Randolphs (beside the Bissets of Ross) use both the Fessy cross and the bat. It's not necessarily a contradiction to trace Fessys all over the map, between Fes, the Fes surname, the Fieschi of Genoa, and Phasis liners to Crete's PASIphae, wife of Minos. Ostrich eggs were some part of Crete, but I can't recall whether that was a commercial enterprise versus myth code. Leda had an egg symbol, but the myth writers settled on swan eggs (went by kok-like terms to ancient Aryans) as per her attachment to Sevan elements, yet her swan also traces to CYCnus, swan-egg king of Liguria, i.e. location of Oneglia, Genoa, and Savona. If the Caucasian Lazi to Leda were the namers of Lothian, note that its Tyne river may have been from the namers of TYNdareus, Leda's husband. As bars gemel are said to be named after the Italian word for "twin," by what coincidence do Gemels (Ayrshire) have a swan in Crest? Don't Washingtons and Wassa's use bars gemel?

The Twins and Twine's that have been traced to the Tyne river evoke the twin symbol of Leda's children, same as the twin symbol of Leto's' Apollo and ArTEMIS, and while the latter was named, in my opinion, after THEMIScyra, it's traceable to the Thames river, origin of the Thames surname that lists "Tien." Plus, a part of the Thames river was named, Isis, which can of course trace to the Egyptian Shu. As the Glaucus river (location of Tyndaris) was in Caucasia, it's reason to suspect that "Tyn" was given a twin symbol in that the proto-twin term can be expected in Caucasian speakers such as the proto-English i.e. the Angles. The Armenian god, Angl-Thork is coming to mind as part of the Germanic-Anglo relationship.

The Twine's are the PELICan liners from a Joktan-suspect Octon location in Yorkshire, but here I find a mythical Octa of Yorkshire, in the Stapleton write-up, a surname looked up as per Jean Stapleton, who played Archie Bunker's wife. It says that Octa was made a brother of Hengis. If that the same as Hengist, founder of Kent, that's where Staple's were first found.

Possibly, the Wing surname and its forthcoming branch's developed from a Shu theme even though the proto-Wings -- for example, Vinkovci -- may not have. It's asking whether Chives', who share the Bing Shield, were Shu-lover liners along with Bings, and it's asking whether Wings developed from Bings. Can Bunkers apply? The Chives and Bing quadrants are those also of German Strutts. Why do Bunkers/Bungeys, first found in the same place (Suffolk) as English Strutts, use besants in the typical colors of Severus-Bassus suspects?

I didn't realize, while writing the above, that the Feather motto, "Valens et volens," is likely code for emperor Valens, born along with his brother (Valentinian I) in Vinkovci. "Valens and his brother Valentinian were both born in Cibalae (in present-day Croatia) into an Illyrian family in 328 and 321 respectively. They had grown up on estates purchased by their father Gratian the Elder in Africa and Britain." Stapletons can obviously be a branch of Barnstaple's (an item between the Vipont wings), and the latter's bend is suspect with the Valentin bend. While barkers share the full motto of Stapletons, Barkers share the green griffin head of Barnstaple's, assuring that Stapletons are a Barnstaple branch. The motto includes "vide" as likely code for Vito's/Vido's, a likely branch of Viponts. Albins/Orbans were in Barnstaple, and Italian Albino's share the Barnstaple trefoils.

Valen's wife, ALBIA Dominica, may thus trace to Albins and Barnstaple's. Staple's share the Peter motto for a trace between Peter Pollock and Vespasia Polla. Note that while Vespasia's grandson was emperor Titus, Titus' and Stapletons share the Moor head. Albia Dominica may have been a Julia-Domna liner: "Her further ancestry [aside from her probably-Pannonian father] is unknown. Various of her relatives held influential positions. A possible relative is Domnicus, an officer of Valens..."

On Vinkovci/Winkowitz: "The Romans named the town Colonia Aurelia Cibalae [Caracalla has an Aurelia name], most likely during the reign of emperor Caracalla...The 4th century Battle of Cibalae, between the armies of Constantine I and Licinius, was fought nearby." There are other reasons to link the bloodlines of Caracalla, Constantine, and Valentinian all to the Fessys (motto uses "VINCes"), who, because they are in Feather colors, may reveal Feathers/Fedders / Fetters / Futters as a line from Idris of Fes/Fez. As Shaws trace to Idris, by what coincidence do Shaws use "VINCit"? Ask whether the "hoc" motto term of Fessys, and of the famous utterance of Constantine I, was code for the Hocs/Yoks/Yoke's.

PINCum is near Cuppae, "city of doves," which asks whether ISHTar (like "shut"), who had the dove symbol, was named after a shut-atmosphere theme. The Ashurite tribe from Keturah is coming to mind where Ishtar was the goddess also of Assyria, which anciently went by "Ashur." The Ishtar cult of Assyria had been equated with ancients with Semiramis and NINeveh. The Show/SCHAW surname can be in the "show" motto term of Nun-like Nimo's, which reminds of the Nineveh connection to Nimrod. Showers (in Show and Shute colors) are listed with Sewards, the Shute / Suter suspects, which reminds of my link between the Sweet and Seward Coats, now asking whether Swietoslawa was named by a shut = Shu lover. The SiemoWIT ancestry of her father (Mieszko) was traced to WITkowo, the Arms of which uses an eye on what looks like a sun-burst, or what the Great Seal of the United States calls a "glory" along with its own eye. The Glory surname, perhaps honored in the Struthers motto, is listed with Lowrys, kin of Laurie's, both using laurel branches in their cups.

Remember, much, or even everything, in creation mythology was word-play, devising the names of the mythical characters from people groups. Perhaps the Ashurites, or Esau, got to be Shu. Chives' are the ones with a "vi" motto term that can be for VIpont liners. And the Chives' also use Nun-like Non, asking whether a certain Nevin/Knife family, because Nevins list "Non," were Shu lovers. Even as that sentence was started, and not until the near-end of it, did I recall that Nons/Nevins use a feather-like branch of palm. I've seen other branches of palm not looking like a feather. It tends to suggest that it was once a feather, then turned into a palm branch when an important-to-heraldry Nevin family merged with Palm liners.

Nons/Nevins were first found in AYRshire while Ayers use the motto, "Lighter than AIR," Then, believe it or not, the Lights/Lite's use three ostrich feathers in Crest, and wing-emphasizing "swans rising" in the colors of the Feather feathers. It becomes a strong argument for tracing the Aures Shawia to Shu lovers, and it's the Shaws themselves suspect with Cetis' Sadducee elements! The ostrich feathers are "ISSuing from behind a demi swan rising proper." Not only is the swan in the design once showing for French Josephs, but "issuing" became suspect with the island of Issa, also called, Vis," where I predicted proto-Sadducees / proto-Pharisees. Mrs. Besant has scored huge with her mention of Shu, and just look at the timing. The Light swan is also the Seller swan while both surnames use the same colors and format.

Nevin-like Navys/Neve's (Angus / Tayside) use a winged horse, and a feathered helmet, making mythical Pegasus suspect with Shu elements. As Shu has already become suspect with Modi'in (already existed in Joshua's time), let's also talk about the winged horse of Motels (same stars as Maceys), first found in Calabria, which, as it's on the Messina strait, should trace Motels, as expected if they were Modi'in liners, to the winged horse of Masseys/Maceys. Motels are in the colors of the Moden/Modey fretty.

In case it becomes more meaningful than I can see at the moment, I'd like to record that while the Motel Chief is that also of Italian Res'/Dere's, the lances in the latter's Coat (another example of Italian surnames using English codes?) may be for the Lance's sharing a gold-on-red fesse with Sewards/Showers (colors of the Fes bend). The Lance / Seward fesses are shared by Italian Alba's while German Alba's share the same fleur as Masseys. Masci's were first found in the neighborhood of Alba (Piedmont), smack beside Lance-like Langhe. The Alba swan is in the design and colors (!) of the same of Feather-related Lights/Lite's...the latter honored by Ayers = Aures-Shawia liners, right? The last sentence was not an original part of this paragraph's purpose. Albanys (same place as Meschins) use the Massin/Mason lion.

Bunkers/Bungeys use an eagle with "WINGs endorsed standing on a green laurel branch." The Botters use an eagle standing on a perch, the same standing theme, and Botters can trace to Buto. "Endorsed" can be code for Dorsets (share sun with Hesse's), feasibly from Dorians, whom I view as partners with Mygdonians -- traced to Dor and neighboring Megiddo of Israel, home of a branch of Hessen-like ESSENes -- while Assurus and neighboring Lete, both suspect with Biblical tribes from Keturah, were ancient locations in Mygdonia (see dark map). Why was Archie Bunker given that first name? Archie's/Arks were first found in the same place (Berkshire) as Modens/Modeys, clinching the trace of the latter to Modane on the Ark river.

I think what I can resolve now, with not the best focus, is that Phasis liners in the proto-Massey Bassus' were merged with the proto-Shawia at Cetis and the Kennati of Orba who came to name Kanza in Aures. The known Massena liner, Drusilla, was married to Sohaemus, the priest of El-Gabal at the Maesa-suspect location of Emesa in southern Syria, right beside a Massyas region (named such in BC times) of northern Lebanon that was home to ITUReans...that I say named Idris. If the "Summum" motto term of Teegers is, as I suspect, code for Sohaemus liners to Somers / Summers, then a marital Sohaemus connection to Tigranes is expected, especially as Tigranes' grandmother, Glaphyra Archelaus, was married both to Juba of Mauritania, a known Massena liner, and to a Herod while Sohaemus' other wife was Drusilla Herod. Sohaemus' mother, Iotapa, had the same name and heritage as Tigranes' daughter-in-law, and as her daughter, a third Iotapa who married Quadratus Bassus. The idea here is that a Massena liner from a child of Sohaemus would be open for acceptance by Tigranes' Maccabee-Herod line, and being part of it by marriage can explain the later birth of Julia Maesa Bassianus from the Bassus' marriage to Iotapa. There's no one in the Tigranes line to Quadratus Bassus that could have been a Sohaemus liner but Opgalli, Tigranes' wife. And I say that she is in the Teeger motto too.

By the looks of it, Opgalli and Sohaemus were born around the same time, making it difficult to view her as his daughter. But Emesa was so-named before Sohaemus' birth, and ruled by his ancestors so that other Massena liners (besides Drusilla) may have been at play in that city, especially the line from the Scipio-Massena merger some 200 years earlier. This line is what's suspect at the naming of Massyas. So, Opgalli may have been an Emesa liner.

Later, Emesa was named, Homs, and then Hume's/Home's link to Herod-Archelaus liners such as Lyons, Lannoys and True's, the latter perhaps from "DRUsilla." Hume's were first found in Herod-liner Bernicia. From the last update: "Then, Bernetts use "A dexter hand with a pruning knife pruning a vine tree." Why a tree rather than a vine?" The question was posed to indicate the True's/Tree's. Vine's/Veyns, first found beside the Fane's/Veynes', share three garbs in colors reversed from the three Derby garbs. The Knife surname was found listed with Nons/Nevins.

Why do Burnetts mention the dexter hand? While Dexters/Decksters are suspect with Daggers, there are two Dagger surnames that may or may not be branches. At least some heraldic daggers trace to the Dexaroi peoples, but the Dagger surname below, which I trace with Chamberlains to the Ark river, appears to be named merely after a dagger symbol of ancient times. The Daggers below happen to use scallops in colors reversed from the same of Pryne's, and there is no Prune/Prun/Prunn/Pruns/Prunes surname. While the other Daggers that list Decks trace to the VALENTin squirrel, the Pryne Crest is a "A black demi eagle VOLANT." Mackay-related Alis' use "VINCit." Are Pryne's really in the pruning term of Bernetts? Yes, apparently, because the Pryne fesse is that also of Bernice's.

Mackays, whose bears trace to Bernicia, use daggers while Wikipedia says, "Sohaemus is Arabic for little dagger..." Perhaps someone has stretched the Sohaemus term to appear as though it's the Arabic word for "dagger." Rightly or wrongly, it doesn't matter so long as someone believed it, and changed their name to Dagger. How interesting that one Dagger surname (same place as Bernice's) uses the colors of Soams, said to descend from an earl SOHOM?? Soams were first found in the same place (Suffolk) as Deacons while Degans/Degers look linkable to Teegers. Compare the nine Irish-Degen estoiles (eight points, like the Teeger star) to the eight-or-nine Metz besants to the eight Teeger plate's. Deacons use a version of the Artem/Aiton Coat, important as per an Arthur-motto code below.

Soams use a falcon "standing" on a lure, recalling the Bunker/Bungey eagle with "standing on a green laurel branch," and the Botter eagle "standing on a perch." Scottish Archie's use "Ut," like "Uat," and Botters are suspect from "Buto." Compare the Irish Degens (share the Scottish-Archie and Falcon crescent) to Bute's/Butts and Bude's. It seems full proof to trace Degens / Degers to Tigranes liners, but to find Modane elements, such as the Archie's seem to be, linkable to Degens (same place as Bunkers) makes absolute sense. One expects Modi'in elements to link up with Tigranes Maccabee.

The Soams use mallets while Mallets (Suffolk again, where Bunkers and Strutts were first found) share gold-on-blue scallops with Barkers (Stapleton kin), who in-turn use a falcon on a rock. It just so happens that while Roquefeuil are Rock liners, the French Graville's, in the Mallet write-up, are using the Feller Coat but with the Falcon crescents substituted. English Graville's look like they use a version of the Schutz Coat and Crest. The Barker / Stapleton motto is used by Holme's sharing the Biden / Capelli chapeau. The motto includes "cui VIDE," which together look like "Cavett," and then the Holme's may be using a gold version of the Cavett/Schavo bars. In the Holme canton square, there is a red-on-white circular object (wreath) reflective of the giant Vito/VIDO annulet, and that alone makes Holmes suspect as a Hume/Home branch from Homs = Emesa. "Cui" may also be for Qewe liners, and for the same basic line as the "qui" used by Shaws that I see in Cavett-related Chives'/Shevas'. The Hume lion, in colors reversed, is a green one (i.e. can trace with Tracks/Trigs to the Calycadnus).

To better clinch Holme's with Vito's, the latter show "Bitini" while Holme's share the chapeau with Bidens...having the effect of clinching Bidens as Avitus-Maesa liners with ancestry in Cetis Bassus' As Tracks / Drigs became suspect with DRIScolls and DRESSers (share red lion with Holme's Crest), what about the Drake-suspect Druckers/DRIkers/DRIGGERs sharing bull horns with Bidens, first found inn the same place as Drake's? The Holme motto is translated with as Hume-like "whom" term. While Hume's/Home's honor the True's/TREWs in motto, the Drake's are in the colors of Dreax's/DREWS (another red lion). The Holme Crest: "A red lion's head erased langued blue, ensigned with a cap of maintenance." This cap is called a "chapeau" by others, and there is a Chapeau surname listed with Shaputs/Chaputs/Chapus' (Forez) using what could be a version of the French Batons/Baston Coat.

Let's recall that the Hume motto, "True to the END" can be code for elements from mythical Endeis, mother of Telamon, and therefore expected at the Ajax cult on the Calycadnus. But if Endeis was part of mythical Endymion at Caria, let's look at the Holme motto's English translation using "care" while Care's are enlightening. Before getting to Care's, let's talk about the "mainteNANCE" motto term, suggesting Maeonians on Maeander river through Caria and flowing to Miletus. Endymion was at Latmus, beside Clarus, while the NANCE surname (Cornwall) shares the Sinclair cross, though in this discussion, it should also be mentioned that the Sinclair cross is used by Bitars/Buttars, perhaps a branch of Vito's of the Biden/Button kind. The Nance cross doesn't reach the sides of the Shield, and is called, "HUMettee," another reason to equate Hume's/Home's with Holme's. The Nance's show "Trengoff" and similar variations.

And Endeis > Telamon trace to Caria reminds me of the Tel terms used by JJ Tolkien in his elf fiction. As Tolkien's are listed with Tooks/Tucks with a Miletus-suspect motto, I reasons that the Telchines of nearby Rhodes applied to "Tolkien." The Maeander-suspect Manders even use a version of the Rhodes Coat, and the Rhodes' share the Sinclair cross in red, which, along with the four red lions is a match with the Coat of axe-using Deacons and Decans, suspect with Teegers and sinister Degans. It all works good. German Degens/Degers use only a large oak tree, which reminds that I had always mentions a Decani location near KOSovo along with the neighboring Clausula, for the eye-using Watts / Vatts use glasses on the oak tree. The island of KOS is off-shore from the mouth of the Maeander river. The Decani location is on the White DRIN, which looks like it should link to the TRENgoff variations of Nance's, especially as the Nance/Trengoff Crest shares the gold, eight-pointed estoile with the Degen Crest! That's very good for clinching Degens with Decani, and moreover for exposing the Drin-river liners modified to Tren terms.

The Dragons/Drainers/Dreyners are expected from the White or Black Drin. The latter is the Drilon on the maps I've been sharing, flowing though the land of the Cavii. The White Drin is the one with a mouth at Gabuleum, a little ways up-river from modern Krume, and then the Krume's share the sinister-facing Degen crescent! As Krume's were first found in the same place as Trips, the Tropoje location between Decani and the Clausula became suspect (Krume is near the mouth of the river (not marked) upon which Tropoje is located). The Drops/Trope's are also suspect with Tropoje, and then Tokers/Tuckers use drops in the black color of the drops filling the Drop/Trope Shield.

Care's first of all use leopard faces on a bend in the three colors of the Cough bend with fleur, important because Care's put "Cornish choughs" around their bend... a classic case for proving that heraldry not only uses code for self in what they call "canting Arms," but code also for kin, which is the more-important of the two because no one is stressing this. Heraldry writers posing as experts are doing all they can to hush / disguise this reality.

As Newport is beside Cowes while Newports use leopard faces in colors reversed, the Choughs are thereby revealed as a branch of Cowes'/Coo's. This has the effect of clinching Cavetts with Cowes liners, and then Chives' were first found beside Cornwall, and in the same place as the Cornish surname...which I've not known before. It shares the gold and embattled chevron of Tokers/Tuckers (same place as Cornish's). The axe in the Toker Crest suggests the neighboring Battins/Badens, suspect with Bidens/Buttons. But the Baths (suspect with Teeger-suspect Deacons / Decans) use a version of the Artem/Aiton Coat while Aid's share three leopard faces on a bend with Care's. The Cornwall motto has "La vie", possibly code both for Aid-loving Levi's and the Vio branch of Vito's, and it seems certain that the Cornwall motto is honoring the same as the "vi" of Chives'. They all knew what it meant, but no one was telling, and the heraldry "experts" are your worst enemies if you'd like to find out.

It can be construed from the Sees version of the Toker bars that the bars of Drummonds apply, and then German Drummonds were first found in the same place (Ham-liner Hamburg) as Krume's and Trips/Treff (shoe and boot). English Trips were first found in the same place as Dragons/Drainers so as to support the latter's trace to the Drin theater (along with a Trip trace to Tropoje liners). The Dragons/Drainers (embattled fesse) are notable for being in PenDRAGON colors, and thus linking to the Penestae on the Drilon, and for sharing three helmets in colors reversed to those of Mynetts (Kent, same place as Dragons/Drainers), the line that produced the Bassus' suspect at/from/to Bassania at the mouth of the Drilon. As the Cravens (Bath colors) use a motto in honor of Actons, who have an AXton location in the same place as where Dragons/Drainers were first found, note the Crevenia location (dark map), due south of Tropoje and Krume, on a Drilon tributary. Then, there is a second Tropoje near the mouth of the Apsus river, suspect with the Hypsas, also called the Drago, while Drake's likewise us axes. There is a dump-truck full of pagan garbage to be assessed here, if anyone cares to know.

Tokers use eight fesse bars (number of Holme bars) in the colors of the nine of Cavetts. Tokers/Tuckers can be a branch of Tooks/Tucks (motto term suggests CARians of Miletus) and therefore of Teague's/Teegers (nine crosslets), bringing us right back to a certain Opgalli liner.

A canting Arms is when the Tooth surname, for example, uses a tooth. But if such a thing is known to exist, why doesn't it dawn on the heraldry experts that Tooths could be using feathers in honor of Feathers using feathers in the same colors??? It has dawned on them, but they don't tell of such things? Why not? Were they placed in charge, by heraldry masters, to deceive, to say such things as feathers are a symbol for a spiritual individual, or other such off-the-wall creations? The Tooths were suspect in the Hume motto, "True TO THE end." Now that Hume's and Shu have both traced to the Calycadnus, that's where the Tooth feathers ought to trace, and Tooths (Tute / Totten colors) may therefore have been named in honor of mythical Thoth of Egypt. The Toot / Tut liners at Tatta are coming to mind, and it was at Tatta that Opgalli was suspect. The "palman" motto term of Tooths suggests the Palms/Parms, especially as the Ceno flows ultimately to Parma while Tooths share white feathers with Caens. But Caens are now known to have been Ceno-river liners through Cetis, or at least merged with Cetis-loving kin.

The Drops/Trope's, by the way, are using a Chief-with-symbol in the colors of the Alda / Dino / Taddei Chief-and-symbols, and the Alda / Letter/Lauder griffin is in the Tooth Coat amongst the feathers (Tooths call it a "demi griffin SEGREANt" while feathers are SEGURAN-related Valentinian liners). Lauder is a location between the two TYNE rivers, and Tooths use an ObTINebit" motto term...that looks a lot like the "optem" of Teague's. The Tooth motto includes the "perSEVERantia" term of Bernice's while Lauder is in the Bernician theater. Although I lament the absence of a Temm surname listed with Timms/Time's/Tyms, the latter might be a branch of Tyne's. The Tyne might be named from the Teano location of the Sidicini, for I recall finding Briganti at the Tyne river while Briganti had a Setantii tribe highly suspect with Seatons/Sittens, first found near the Scottish Tyne. The "bit" at the end if "obtinebit" can be for the Bittini variation of Vito's.

The "HAZard" motto term of Seatons can be from the namers of Has, beside Krume. Hazels are suspect from the same namers, and share the Bernice fesse (in the colors of the Timm/Tyn chevron). The fact that Hazels show Harse--- variations suggests the Assus location on the upper Hebros, called Arsus on the other map, near the Bessi at Lissae that trace with little doubt to Bassania and nearby Lissus, the latter not far downstream from Has. The SUB Radice location stamped to the near-north of Arsus may be in the "Sub" motto term of Letters/Lauders. It should be repeated that Ali's/Aliotta's share the Letter/Lauder griffin, in the colors of the Leto crane DRINking so that Tooths appear to have engaged Letushites, a good reason to trace Tooths to Dents and the DentheLETAE on the Strymon river (Paeonia).

Tiger-using Dents (same motto as Arms of Rothschild) were first found in the same place as the Meschin-Skiptons while Thoth was given an ibis (bird) symbol, used by Weishaupts (though as an ibis goat), but suspect with the Biss' (expected as a Weis branch) sharing the Meschin scallops, as do Palmer-related Flacks/Flags. The Ibis bird seems a match with the feather cult of Egypt, especially as Ma'at (feather symbol) was a special partner with Thoth. Remember here that the feather-like PALM branch of Non/Nevins can link to the "palman" motto term of Tooths. The Palms/Parms ("UT palma"), first found in the same place as Dents and Palmers/Parmers, share fleur in the colors of the same of Lissus-liner Lys'/Lisse's. As Lissus is near the mouth of the Mathis river, couldn't that make Ma'at suspect at the naming of that river?

While the Mathis' share the Chives moline in both colors, the Keats sharing the Chives cats in colors reversed, and the Skeets' said to be possibly from "Keat," were both first found in the same place as Tute's that share Quadratus-suspect quadrants with Chives'. I can imagine a Tute line merging with Dents to become Tooths. The Skeets' and Skits/Skeochs (share the same Coat) are, in my opinion, Shoo/Schuch (quadrants) liners expected in the Tooth feathers. Compare "Thoth" to the "shut" term of Egyptians from which the Shu feather cult is said to have derived.

Quadratus is now a Uat suspect. As Palm liners are being linkable to feather-using Caens, let's go to the Watterville's married by Palms/Parms, asking whether Watterville's were Uat liners, for Palms (share vair with White's) use a "ut" motto term. When we load Watterville's (lilies, fountains), they are said to be from a VALTIERville location (Seine river, same as Lille-related Lys'/Lisse's), and moreover Watters are listed with WALTERs, making Walters and Vlads (both use hexagrams) suspect from Uat liners. As "Seine" is like "Sion," it's interesting that the Waterville Shield (minus the symbols) is a reflection of the Sion/Swan Shield. The Walsers/Waltzers (Halpert kin), known to be from the Wallis/Valais canton that surrounds Sion, may look like Walters, but I've always had a hard time with that, though I can now see a Walter merger with Wallis/Wallace liners. Swans/Sions come up as "Some" and use falconers' gloves, same theme as the falcon on a lure in the Soam Crest, thus making the Sion location in Switzerland very suspect as a line merged with Sohaemus blood. The Somme river flows not far from the Seine. Valais'/Valois' share the Falcon crescents, and look like a branch of Fellers/Felltragers and Verona's/Vairs. If we remove the Feller-suspect part of the Valais/Valois Coat, it becomes the French Baton/Baston Coat.

"Walter" was a name beloved by the early Dol Alans, while Plume's were especially in Brittany. English Plume's (Suffolk again, same as feather-suspect Strutts) share a bend-with-bendlets with Watters/Walters, and the Plume's put vair fur, the Palm symbol, into their bend. German Plume's (hexagrams) are split into the two colors of the Walsers, and of the Arms of Wallis and Sion, and moreover, the all three use stars in the same colors. German Walters share the same fesse as palm-branch Nons/Nevins. It looks like feather liners were close to Uat suspects. It looks like Uat liners can trace to the Ceno and Taro rivers to Parma, and as the Uat cult is highly suspect with the Hyksos migration to Cilicia, so the Ceno-liner Caens are expected with the Khyan Hyksos.

But what about the "hawk's lure" of Herods/Haralds of Archelaus-like Argyllshire? Why isn't it a falcon lure like the one in the Soam Crest? But wait, Well, the Hobs/Habs use hawks, and were first found in the same place (Bernicia) as Artems and Arthurs, the latter using an "OBstantia" motto term suspect in-part with Stands/Stains who should be in the "standing" codes of the three surnames above, including the Bunkers. And OBstantia is suspect with OPgalli because Hobs/Habs use a Tigranes-suspect tiger. And lets not be meatheads; the tiger of MEDleys traces they and Methleys to Modane. The Lure's (Ayrshire, what else is new?) are listed as a sept of McLeods, as are Herods and Haralds.

The heraldic hawk, though it needs to be open to being pure code for the Hawk surname, may also trace to Horus' hawk eye. If we trace Ra / Horus with Bast to the Bassus', that's the family that married the line of Opgalli. The possibility is that some Hawk-like surname developed a Hawk surname in wanting to honor the old hawk symbol of Horus. We find the Quadratus liners of Watts and Vatts both using the eye along with Watt-like Battins, and the latter share the axe with Haukeswells (Suffolk again), a surname like the Hauk variation of Hawks. While the Ayer-Shaw bloodline is suspect at Cetis, the Eyes surname (shares the Derby chevron), first found in Derbyshire, is actually listed with QUATRefoil-using Ayers/Eyers.

Hawks use pilgrims STAVEs while Meathead was given a STIVik surname. Archie Bunker's wife was nicknamed, dingBAT," which can be play on the Bat Caucasians who might have named the Battins (Quadratus looks like a Uat/Buto liner that could have provided Bat-like names). The Baths, first found in the same place as Battins, trace well / certainly to the bat-using Randolphs. From the bat of Randolphs, off we go to the bat-using Batons/BASTons, one branch in Poitou, itself suspect with Potters, Porters and Botters. "DINGbat" may also be code for Dingwalls, from a Dingwall location, old capital of Ross-shire, where Bissets were first found that share the bend of Italian Botters, themselves part of Clan Chattan ("bot" motto term). Dingwalls share spurs with the Eyes/Ayer Crest. The latter puts the spur on a SHOE of a knight, while Shoe's use a knight holding an axe.

Here's something Nassau-interesting. While Bunkers are said to be descended from Noyers, the Noyers use a gold eagle with slightly-different-colored legs. I have seen a few orange symbols suspect with Orange on the Rhone river, which was related to Nassau, but I can't decide whether the Noyer legs are brown or orange. The Bunker lion is that of Nassau's, you see. Recalling that various lines of Mr. Skeetz were tracing to rulers of Montferrat, location of Lance-suspect Langhe (English Lance's share the Alba fesse), it's notable that French Lance's (share the star of lance-using Res'/Dare's) were first found in the same place (Maine) as Billets suspect in the Nassau billets. And, for that matter, Maine is where swan-using Josephs were first found that can thus trace to the Alba / Light swan. The Lance trefoils are part-code for Roquefeuils and Rocks, and the Arms of Roquefeuil (same place as Roque's/Rocks) use gold billets too.

This recalls that Jewish Fellers/FellTRAGERs (Roque/Rock colors) are visible as kin of Rocco's and German Tragers, while Tragers may trace with Tracks/Trigs to Tracheitis. In fact, the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Tracks/Trigs and Drigs is that also of the trefoil-using Rocks. Note that the fish-tail tops of the rooks in the Rock, Rook, and Rookby Coats are like the tops of the moline cross. Were Roxolani at the Tracheitis valley? The Feller Coat is not a bad reflection of the French-Billet Coat.

I recall, when investigating Nassua, that it had to do with a Sieger-like area of Germany, and so the Seigers were part of the discussion, and they happen to share a gold-on-blue spread eagle with Noyers. Bigots are in the Bunker write-up, and Picots (same place as moline-using Sarasins) share the moline with Seagars and Segurana's. Picots are said to have had branches in Maine. French Bigots were first found in the same place (Ile-de-France) as Verona's that are using a version of the Feller/Felltrager Coat, and somewhat reflecting the Bigit Coat itself. Verona is where Belli's and Bellini's were first found that link well to the Bellows sharing the Billet Coat. Bellows share the black wolf with Sarasins. Verone's (with an e') share three ravens with English Tragers/Tregears.

If I had an expert historian to bounce questions off of, instead of depending largely on Wikipedia, whose writers are often shy of details, I might be able to tell you when exactly SOPHENE was named. This place was ruled by Sohaemus, and while his family is suspect from a Massena-Scipio merger, Massena was engaged to SOPHONisba. Did Sophene get named by the Emesa bloodline to begin with? Anyway, Dan Brown's Da-Vince-Code fiction includes a code, "sophia neveu," which I suspect has to do with insider knowledge on Sophonisba links to the Neve surnames. Only two neve surnames come up, but the Nons/Nevins (Ayrshire, where I trace the Aures Numidians) are to be included, which, for me, traces Boofima (human sacrifice cult) to the Sophonisba Carthaginians and/or the Massena Numidians. It is completely understandable as to why God would arrange the Carthage human-sacrificers to offer up His Son. Both Caiaphas and Annas, the high priests who worked in tandem to offer Jesus up, became suspect with Carthage / Numidian lines.

The "Vivis" motto term of Nons/Nevins is traceable to the newly-found (last update) character, Vivianus ANNIUS, whose in the Vey/Vivian write-up. Vivianus had a son-in-law: "[Domitian] Corbulo married Cassia Longina [Longos liner?], a Roman woman from a senatorial family, daughter of Gaius Cassius Longinus and his wife Junia Lepida. Cassia bore Corbulo two daughters. The elder daughter Domitia married the senator Lucius ANNIUS Vinicianus and their second daughter Domitia Longina married the future Roman Emperor Domitian and later became a Roman Empress." Domitian was a son of Vespasian, and grandson of VesPASia Polla, who was traced to the Italian Pasi's/Pace's (Paisley colors) that share crossed spears with SPEERS (same place as Polla-like Pollocks and Paisleys). But the Nons/Nevins, in Pasi colors, use the motto, "Vivis SPERandum," quite-apparently revealing that they traced themselves to Vivianus and his daughter's marriage to the Vespasian line. English Pace's, first found where one expects Maccabee liners, use besants so-as to make Pasi liners suspect as Phasis > Bassianus liners. Pasi's share purple with Skiptons married by Meschins (same place as Pace's), which is how I know that Massena's line married Scipio's line. This is a good place to add that Skiptons, the ones using bellows, are suspect as a branch of Skiptons (Yorkshire, same place as where Caracalla Bassianus may have had some children).

Look at the motto of Nons/Nevins again to see how it reflects the "Dum spiro spero" motto of Massena-like Massins/masons, first found at Thanet, like the Zanata area of Numidia's Shawia peoples.

The Scottish Neve's look like they are sharing the cross of the Yorkshire Elis' (said to be from an early Mr. Alis) suspect both with Alice Meschin of Skipton, and with a relationship with the eel of Skiptons. Elis' are traced to a Crusader, ARCHibald Ellys. This begs the question on whether the Noyers in the Bunker write-up were Neve liners. The Elis WOMAN was traced in all seriousness to VIMINacium, directly beside the mouth of the PINCum river, and here the Bunkers/Bungeys, not usually a topic at all, were being considered as Pincum liners before getting down to this paragraph. The first Meschin of Skipton had a daughter, Alice, who married the Duncans = Chad liners. These Chad liners are said to be from a saint Chad of the 5th century, and his family is now expected to trace definitely to Cetis, though one needs to be careful in that some Cetis lines did not necessarily produce Sadducees. Yet the Chads, because their potent symbol was on the Crusader flag of Jerusalem, are expected as Sadducee liners. The Chad-related Geddes share the fish on a red Shield with English Neve's.

Calabrian Hyksos

Here is my email to Mrs. Besant at her mention of Shu and Bast:

...Bast was related to the Uat cult that was also called Buto, a good reason to trace Bast to BudaPEST. Bassets share the Drummond wavy bars and were [born directly] from king Andrew of Hungary, a good reason to view Bassets as Bast / Budapest liners. And Bissets seem a part of the Cetis discoveries because the capital of Cetis was OURBANopolis, like the Urbanus river, location of Bisset-like Bistue. Then, because the Ross clan is said to be named after an unidentified Andrew, I traced it to king Andrew (his sons, which included George, father of the first Drummond, were of RUS background), but for other reasons too, and it just so happens that Bissets, in German Drummond colors, were first found in Ross-shire, suggesting that Bast liners may have been from Bassus' at Cetis. So I think you could be correct in rooting Bassus in Bast. This will definitely be on my mind in exploring more Cetis possibilities today or tomorrow.

On the shaking instrument [sistrum, Egyptian musical symbol], I think you are very-possibly correct that Dionysus was the root of it. If the sistrum was an Egyptian term, Sestus, beside Buto-like Abydos (Mysia) comes to mind. Buto was in the Nile delta, as were Meshwesh that I see in the naming of Mysia, and the Maezaei were on the Urbanus, which is a great reason to trace Julia Maesa Bassianus to Bassus-of-Cetis roots...The Cetis capital had other names, Orba, Olba and even OlBASA too. Cetus and Orba were on the CALYcadnus river, perhaps named from the Galli priesthood...ruled by Dionysus. The Bassus' were Galatians from Gauls whom I see as Galli. The Bassus' were TROCmii Galatians, like the Tracheitis valley of the Calycadnus. Callipolis/GALLIpolis is near Sestus, and so, possibly, Dionysus was given a loud, shaky-music theme for being from / in the Sestus area. We have more clues suddenly, in chasing Bassus roots or affinities, and as a bonus, the KIDDs/KYTS use an ORBum motto term so that they are highly suspect from "CITis." Kidders use a green Shield, which, I think, was the colors of the Bast lion. In the update, I actually mention the Triggs/TRACKs / Drigs as possible Tracheitis liners, and they use a green lion! Bast had not, at the time, come to mind. I also mentioned the green lion of Rippers/Ripleys along with the Riparia river, where I trace both cat-using Chives' and, more tentatively, the Avitus line that married Julia Bassianus.

The Hungarians are said to derive in quasi-mythical Olmos, which may have been from "Olba," and then the son of Olmos, ARPad, is a little like "ORBa." I wouldn't be entertaining this had you not brought Bast into the picture. I am wanting to know which was the original name, Orba or Olba, and what Olba may relate to. Right now, I'm entertaining the Lapiths on the north of Cyprus, which essentially faces the mouth of the Calycadnus. Lapiths may have named Aleppo, anciently Halab.

Halybes may have been Caucasian Albanians, and moreover I traced their Chalybes version to the naming of Calabria. They may have been the same as the Galli and/or the co-namers of Calycadnus. I traced king Arthur's exCALIBUR sword to Chalybes in Calabria, realizing that the Welsh version of that sword, Caliburnus, was code for mount Albernus of Lucania (map below), beside Calabria. Halybes are suspect as the metal-makers to Hephaestus, and while his wife was Eberite Aphrodite, by what coincidence is mount Alburnus near Eburum, and near the source of the Hales river, like the Halys river suspect with "Halybes"? Plus, Calabria was also called, Bruttium, like Aphrodite-suspect Aprutium.

Spot Muranum on the Lucania map, over the green border into Calabria, for while Italian Marone's were first found in Calabria, the Irish Marone's share white-on-blue boar heads with Halleys, no guff. That's new too, tending to prove that Irish Marone's were a branch of Muranum's (or Morano / Murenu) namers, and that the whole lot were in some cahoots with the namers of the Hales river. This is all suspect with Gog liners (such as Googe's / Goughs) to the Alba swan = Lake-Sevan Gogi. The Marone chevron is in the colors of the Hales/Hail chevron.

The "populo" motto term of Bassets may be for the namers of Forum Popilii at the east side of mount Alburnus. Popilii is right beside ATINA. Didn't we see TYN(dareus) elements from the Phasis river, suspect with Basset liners at Phasis?

I should get to understand Dents more because they use the tiger. In what ways can they be traced to Tigranes liners? The "Industria" motto term shared by Dents was resolved with Dusters that use a version of the Rothschild (no 's') Coat. But the Dusters are also using the BarnSTAPle Coat, and therefore linkable to Albins of Barnstaple. These may have been from the Caucasian Albanians ultimately, who likely had an alliance with Alania, itself near the Tyndaris location shown on a map above. The Alans are kin to Albany, and probably named mythical Helen, daughter of Tyndareus' wife, Leda, who now looks traceable to the DentheLETAE.

For lack of evidence, I wasn't going to mention that the top half of the Duster Coat struck me as a version of the German Plume Coat, until the Stable's/Staapers were loaded to find a black version of the Dutch Plume Coat. English Staple's are using a version of the Tailbois Coat, and perhaps substituting the Meschin scallops with the Annas star, for the Staple Coat is also that of Annans.

As Aphrodite was made born in Paphos (Cyprus), there must have been a whole pack of Hyksos Hebrew there, especially those who loved Apophis. I still hold to Papho liners naming Paphlagonians, and evolving into Babenbergs, Poppo's, and Pepins. But why not also into the namers of Popilii, if indeed the Aphrodite Hebrews appear to have named Eburum? This reminds of mythical Popiel at the Goplo mouse tower of Poland, ancestry of the Uat-suspect Mieszko's. The Poppins share a bend-with-symbols like that of Care's, Coughs, Dents and Sale's, all traceable earlier to the Cetis theater. Shouldn't we expect the Hyksos of Cyprus also on the mainland at the Calycadnus? The Orba location has become suspect with the Orban variation of Albins, so that Albins and Albino's can trace to the Calycadnus along with Barnstaple's and Annas-suspect Stable's.

I've just been side-tracked from the Dent exploration after going to Wikipedia's Italian article (translated) on Muranum/Morano/Murenu. It tells of the neighboring locations not on my ancient map, one of which is Saracen. The Arms of Morano even uses a Saracen head, ample in Western heraldry. The Arms of Saracena show a naked woman holding what looks like a blanket. For years, I was telling readers that the Lady Fortune (naked, suspect with Leda-like Ladys/Laudymans) in the Klassen Coat held a blanket, for I recall reading that. Then, it showed up as a banner. If the woman in the Arms of Saracena holds either a blanket or a banner (it looks more like a blanket), it's a match, because, right beside the Arms there is shown the same woman upon a gonfanon banner, the symbol owned by Montforts!

This is important because the Montfort lion was found in the Italian Marano/Mauritano Coat, named after Marano (Modena) on the Panaro river that obviously named the Banners, for Marano is near FANANO that is obviously in the gonFANON banner code! Therefore, Marano's namers were a branch of Morano's namers in Calabria, all related to both Marone surnames, and probably also to the Spanish Moratins/Murena's suspect from Romans of the Murena surname. This very Murena surname from the family of Terentia was claimed, by me, to have founded Wallis canton, and it just so happens that Wallace's/Wallis use nothing but a one-tail version of the two-tailed Montfort lion. Also, Walsers use a two-tailed MeluSINE (suspect with the Sine variation of Sions) that is suspect with Lady Fortune. I should add that while Fortuna's trace to Huns / Hundts and likely Hounds, the DentheLETAE-suspect Dents look like they use the Hound lozenges. The dogs in this picture were recently resolved as Doag-Chaddock liners now suspect with the very namers of Cetis.

It's all important because I was just speaking on the Albino's of Modena when that Arms of Saracen were found. The English Plume Crest share the Hun-Crest dog in colors reversed, by the looks of it, and French Plume's shared Brittany with Albins/Orbans and the moline-using Sarasin surname (Molle's share the Marone / Halley boar head in both colors). It's suggesting certainty in the migration of Orba / Cetis elements both to Murano and Marano. But why? It looks like the Halybes on the Halys have to do with it. They must have been in Modena too. And that's where the Mathis-river crew, as well as the Lady-Fortune liners on the Clausula, had to migrate in the picture I've drawn for my purposes. It's my picture that Cavii-related Mathis-river peoples migrated to Modena, and named it after Modi'in, the latter being where Mattathias Hasmonean lived, father of the Maccabees suspect from Cilnius Maecenas, husband of Terentia. I'm not sure whether the ancestry of Mattathias was in the first place in Modena, but that's the best theory in my opinion, where Roman elements in Modena were planted in Israel for Roman-expansion purposes. The Montfort lion, because it's used with two tails in the Arms of Bohemia, go far in verifying my older picture in which the first MaccaBAEUS had to be named by a Boii liner in Bologna or Modena (the Boii conquered both places in about 218 BC, in time to name the Maccabees).

As there is a Monforte location at or beside Langhe, it's interesting that there is a Lungro location beside Saracen. Lungro is already suspect with Alans of the Aleng kind. The Arms of Lungro uses a vertical banner too, and the article reads that Lungro "was founded by exiles from Albania in the second half of the fifteenth century." It may speak on earlier waves of Albanians to that area. The main location of the area, Cosenza, is said to have been founded by the Bruzi in BC times), evoking the Abrussi that I see in the naming of Bruttium. Clicking to the Bruzi article, they are the same as the Brettii / Bruttii. Later, the Alans of Dol (BRITTany) would merge with the Bruce royals. The Bruzi were said by ancients to have been a tribe of Lucania. Let's not forget the Aulon/Avlona location of Epirus, with the Epirotes being suspect as proto-Bruttii, and "Avlona" suspect in naming Avellino not far across the northern border of Lucania.

In the Lucania article: "The Lucanians were a population belonging to the strain italics and Oscan, who arrived in the fifth century BC..." Oscans have got to trace to Uscana, the capital of the Penestae Illyrians, who are shown on the dark map right beside the Albanii. It makes possible a trace of Mathis-river peoples to Lucania / Calabria in about 500 BC, long before proto-Maccabees were needed in Modena. Pendragon was an Arthur liner, and Arthur had the excalibur sword suspect years ago with Halybes of Lucania, but here I'm learning that these Halybes must definitely have been the Albanii.

The fleur-de-lys used by Pendragons (share the helmet with Dragons/Drainers) can be gleaned in the greyhounds shared by the Lys/Lisse and Penes/Penny Coats (lynx in the MacArthur / MATHIE crown), the Penes' apparently of the Penestae, which signals a relationship between the Penestae and the namers of Lissus near the mouth of the Mathis (light map). The source of the Mathis is near or at the Penestae holdings. I had come across some Arthur-like pirates of Illyrium, but forget their name.

As Pendragons share the Shaw motto in reverse, there's a good chance that the Shawia suspect at Cetis were of the Cavii, and made their way through northern Italy to become the Kennati-related Shawia at Cetis, explaining why Kennedys use white-on-black helmets. The Pendragon Crest has a white, open helmet, though it's not said to be open or closed, but the Mynetts, using three black-on-white helmets, call them "open helmets," and then OPENheims use a sphinx, suspect with the Spinks, first found in the same place (Northampton) as Penes'/Pennys. The Mynetts trace to the Amyntes > Bassus line at Cetus, no guff, and the logic behind all of this practically demands that Bassus' were from the namers of Bassania. The Apsus-river suspect, the Hips', use another sphinx.

Mynetts were discovered first in the second update of last January, where it was said: "There is no Open surname coming up, but there are Openheims/Oppenheimers, from Hesse, home of the Chatti that are traceable to the Hatti of Phrygia...In both the Mott and Minute write-ups, Cotes du Nord is said to be in Normandy, though I could not find such a place in Normandy. Are the heraldic masters seeking to hide surnames that were from the Dol theater." It's been so long since I've re-loaded the Mynetts, and moreover I haven't re-read its write-up, that I had forgotten about its claiming their derivation in Cotes-du-Nord, beside the Dol area of Brittany. As the Meu river flows in Cotes-du-Nord, while Mea's/Meighs share the blue fitchee with Albins/Orbans, it's likely correct that the white Mea/Meigh boar head is closely linked to the same of Marone's, amounting to an expected Meigh trace, long with the Motts/Mottins, to Maccabee liners in cahoots with Marano of Modena.

I never thought that evidence such as is now being explained would ever turn up for my wild claim, several years ago on, on Maccabee or Maccabee-liner origins at Modena. The picture has greatly expanded, with multiple examples on why Illyrians should trace to Modena, but here we now have the additional Calabria picture for additional clues as to how it all may have happened. The Bruce lion, suspect with the Caiaphas line, is shared by Albanys, speaking again on an Albanii link to Bruttii.

Geoffrey of Monmouth traced the Britons to myth-code, Brutus, a founder of London, and he claimed that London was named, Tyre, but I have just seen a Tyre (or Tiro) river in the Lungro article (accessed from Saracen page). Geoffrey, the freak, was speaking in dishonest code, knowing the truth, but not telling it forthright. Geoffrey concocted the idea that Brutus was a grandson of Ascanius at ALBA LONGA, and therefore the great-grandson of Aeneas the Trojan founder of Rome. Obviously, Geoffrey viewed Lungro as a settlement of the Alba-Longa colony of about 800 BC. Whether correct or not, I don't know, but he may have had help in arriving to such a belief. Clearly, Geoffrey's outlook was to trace London elements to the Albanians in the Tyre-river area at the Lungro theater, for he even named proto-Britain, Albion. I suppose that it was acceptable to readers to trace Brits to Troy, but to trace them openly to southern Italy was out of the question. One Albion surname is listed with Albanys, and the other with Alpins who come up as "CAPPIN." Caiaphas liners from Olba / Orba?

The Capes' of London are coming to mind, and while Caepionis-suspect Capone's were first found in neighboring Cambridge, the Caepio-suspect Quince's were first found in Northamptonshire, same place as Pendragon-liner and Albanii-related Pennys. This can trace the namers of Cupionich -- a place on the Clausula, where I traced Lady Fortune now found in an Arms beside Longro -- to Albanii at London as early as Quintus Caepio (150-100 BC). The Capua area of Italy, where Italian Capone's/Capua's derived, was not far over the northern Lucania border.

The mythical Lady of the Lake, in Arthurian legend along with the excalibur, is coming to mind with Lady Fortune apparently in the Arms of Saracena. The Lady/Laudyman surname (Northamptonshire, same place as Pennys again) traces well to GLASgows because their "Lord" motto term is a surname that lists Lauds (Suffolk again), tending to assure that "Lady Fortune" of the KLASSen Coat is a two-code term, and that Klassens were a branch of the namers of Glasgow. Ladys/Laudymans look like they use a version of the Anchor Coat which itself has been traced to Agrigento, where Aeneas was stationed before his line got to Alba Longa.

Another gonfanon is found with the Arms of Firmo, beside Lungro and Saracena. The Arms of Firmo share a red tower with some locations of Modena, for example SERRAmazzoni, beside Marano. Let's also mention that Mazzoni-like Massins use the Albion/Albany lion, and that Mazzo's are in Firman colors. There is a Mazzoni surname with maces, if you're interested. FIRMins, with a "firmus" motto term, use anchors so that this surname can be a part of the Aeneas entity between Agrigento and Saracena. Firmins were suspect at the naming of Firmini, beside Mont Pilat, but it's not necessarily a contradiction to trace them also to Firmo, for the Lords/Lauds are using the same pheons as Pilate's.

The Fullers (beacon) and Belli's (beacon) can fit into this because Fullers and Beacons/Bacons use Firmo-like motto terms, and then Italian Belli's along with Fullers use three red-on-white bars, the colors of the three Kos/KOSINSKI bendy. It starts to suggest that Kosinski's were a Polish line from Cozenza. This area traces to the Arms of Bohemia (Czechoslovakia, near Poland), keep in mind, and then Lungro was "Ungros" to the Greeks while there is a Czeck Unger surname using what should be the Montfort / Bohemian lion (one tail). This is also interesting where Yonge's (same place as Quints) are said to be from a Mr. lunga of sorts in 744. That was before the formation of the Hungarians, which formation was during the time of the Anjou Fulks that share a giant fleur-de-lys with German Ungers (Bohemia), and use a "Qui SERA SERA" motto. As Banners likewise use a giant fleur, one can start to get the impression that Fulks trace to Saracena liners, especially if the Melusine Vere's of Anjou (of the Albanii-suspect ELVin Princess) were of the Firmin line.

There is a Mormanno location in the Saracen(a) area that had me looking at Mormans (Suffolk again) and Moormans/Moors/Muirs, the latter now known to be kin of Weirs/Vere's, and showing themselves to be kin also of Nons and Nagle's. The Mormans, sharing the checks of Vairs/Fers', use three bunched arrows in Crest, always suspect with the three Kabar/Khazar tribes that co-founded Hungarians. Those Khazars were suspect with the real/historical Melissena Rangabe that I say was the real basis for mythical Melusine of Anjou. The mythical one was technically known to be a dragon entity in LUSignan, and as I traced that place to Laus liners, by what coincidence is Mormanno on the Laus (Lao) river (Lucania-Calabria border)? It always feel good to prove correct versus incorrect.

As I traced Melusine to Lusatia (Czech-Polish border), which Germans call by a LUSIG-like term, it appears now that Lusatians also trace to Laus (light map). The Fer/Ferrat / Vair/Fers checks are highly suspect with the Cohen and Hohen Khazars, and checks became suspect with Czechs. It's interesting that the Laus river is in a BASILIcata area, while "Basil" is a royal-Byzantine term, while Melissena (birth around 815 AD predated Fulk counts of Anjou) was of the royal Byzantines (as well as royal Khazar on her mother's side). Melissena married Unger-like Inger while Ingers are listed with Enders showing nothing but three arrows. No guff. I've just learned that Basilicata was an alternative name for all/much of Lucania. Wikipedia's English Basilicata article: "The name derives from 'basilikos' which refers to the basileus, the Byzantine emperor who ruled the region in the 9th-11th centuries." It's stated like a fact, but the next sentence gives an alternative position.

The significance of Yonge's in this Lucania / Cosenza picture is their trace to the Una/Oeneus river, and to the Junia Caepio's. Quints use vair fur. Caepio's must (my opinion) trace to the Kupa river, on the light map as the Colapis, and it with the Una have a mouth on the Chives-like Sava not far down-river from the Breuci that thus become suspect with the Bruzi that named Bruttium, which country, I've read, was also Brech-like to some. This Breuci > Bruzi line must be what I've been calling / predicting the Caepio-line lion (i.e. the Bruce lion).

The Shield-and-Chief color combination of the Arms of Agrigento is in use in the Arms of AcquaFORMOSA (a take of "Firmo"), yet another location near Saracena, and once again showing a gonfanon version of the Arms. This time, "Formosa" evokes the Formans, because I earlier saw a location near Acquaformosa with two wavy bars in colors reversed from the same of Formans (share anchor with Firmins). Formans happen to use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Acquaformosa! Note the colors of the four waves that are the entirety of the Arms of Basilicata, in the colors of the Forman bars. Melusine was a dragon woman, and Formans (same place, generally, as green-dragon Seatons) use a green dragon. Similar wavy bars are used by Seaton-related Sutys while Side's/Sudys were traced to Scidrus, shown beside Laus.

The anchor is shared by Italian Marone's from Morano, very close to Mormanno. The article says that variations of "Mormanno" were fronted with "Miro" prefixes at times, recalling the Mire's/Mireux's of Anjou = the mirror symbol of Melusine. I'm keeping in mind that the Mormon cult uses codes that clinch their known trace to Lemnos, location of Myrina, the namers of mythical Myrina Amazons in the Moorish area's of north-west Africa. Therefore, Mormanno becomes suspect as the known origin of the Mormons, founded by a Smith surname that can trace to Hephaestus of Lemnos, the mythical metal smith. Hephaestus had a lame symbol that can trace to heraldic crutch liners. To the Romans, Hephaestus was Vulcan at the Messina theater, which is the part of Sicily facing Calabria. The Hephaestus Hebrews were at Calabria, right? In case it's important, the type of fitchee's used by Smiths, at times called, formees (perhaps from Fermosa liners) are shared by Crutch's.

The Shield-and-Chief color combination of Acquaformosa is used by German Thors, first found in TYRol, and then English Thors use red-on-white towers, suggesting fairly strongly that "Tyrol" links to the namers of the Tyre river across Lungro. This reminds that Sybaris, still in Cosenza, was re-named in the mid-5th century BC, THURii. It looks like English Thors, in the least, can be traced to Thurii, but as Herodotus was one of the settlers of Thurii, we wonder where his name went from there. Did Herodotus' descendants end up in Modena as proto-Herods? The intrigue. Massa liners have always linked far back to Carians.

The Arms of Savignano sul Panaro likewise uses red-on-white towers. This is very interesting, for red is the color of Edom, and Herods were Edomites. Another red tower is used by Murena's/Moratins. The black eagles in the Murena Coat are in the design and color of the "volant" eagles of Pryne's, and, zowie, I understand what this is. The Pryne's are using a version of both the Sowden/Sodan and Cassius/CASANO Coats, while the latter surname was first found in Modena! Zikers. The significance of Sodans is that they use the scallops (colors reversed) of Pattersons/CASSANE's, said to be from Irish Sodhans. Therefore, the Murena surname does trace to Modena's Marano location, no great surprise, but the evidence is very welcome, as it also informs us of whom else was involved in that migration. The colors of Cassius/Casino's are used by Scottish Belli's who share the Carpenter motto, and therefore relate to Firmo-suspect Fullers. This and Cosenza will link to Godfrey de Bouillon below (don't stop reading now), but let's add here that Rangabe's share the white flory cross with Bouillons while Melissena-Rangabe liners are now suspect in the Basilicata / Saracen theater.

The paragraph above was a stroke of luck. While the Murena-eagle design is rare, I remembered it when seeing it earlier in the Pryne Coat, not knowing I'd be on the Murena's down here. It's a stroke of luck because I am not familiar with Pryne's, looking them up only as per the pruning knife of Bernetts. The Pryne's and Cassius' both share the Bernice fesse, and that topic is of the Herods, right? But the Bernice fesse was claimed (by me) to be the fesse in the Arms of Saraca when I was investigating Modena's Marano and Fanano liners. At that time, I traced Saraca's through Modena to Sion.

Why do Swedish Thors use Herod-suspect hearts? Why do two Thor surnames use ELEPHANT trunks suspect with the Edomite, Eliphas? Did the heraldry masters know that Herods were from Herodotus of Thurii? Eliphas liners are expected with Oliphants, who appear, in the Arbuthnott write-up, to be Arbuthnott kin, and that's the surname using "Laus Deo" as a motto. I now recall that Melusine was traced to Melita (on the light map), smack beside the ELAPHIti islands (not marked but shown), themselves smack beside Ragusa, home of the Saracen-suspect Saraca's. Ragusa was also called, Laus(a)!! Whoopie!!! The Drakenberg Vere's, or an aspect of their ancestry, were at the Mormanno theater. It tends to assure that the Fulk motto was due to Fulk-of-Anjou engagement with Saracena liners. But why did Fulke's chose to use "Qui" as well? Was it for the crossed keys in the Arms of Mormanno? Italian Fulks and Mattis' share the Ferrat/Fer checks suspect with Inger-and-Melissena liners. Does this suggest Cavii from the Mathis river at Mormanno?

Why do Manders, using "Laus Deo" in their motto, use BESANTs? Here's some evidence of Byzantines at Cosenza: "San Basile is an Italian town of 1,062 inhabitants in the province of Cosenza in Calabria. It built at the foot of Mount Pollino, on the north side / east of the coastal range in the Pollino National Park. It is a community arbėreshė (Albanian minority ethno-linguistic) of Italy, which keeps the language, the customs, the Greek-Byzantine rite, traditions and culture."

Aha! German Cassans/Kaasanzi's, apparently sharing the Cassius/Casano / Sodan fesse, were first found in THURingia! It tends to nail Thuringia with Thurii. We can now wonder whether Herod liners were in Thuringia, where Childeric got his wife, Basina. She traces certainly to bee-using Bessins / Bistone's, and therefore to Meschins likely, and therefore to Bassianus'. Byzantine-of-Cosenza liners?

The same black eagle design appears to be on a tower in the Cassan Crest! It's as though houseofnames knows of the relationship. Cassans are suspect as Wassa's / Cantons. In the Saracen article: "It is part of the Diocese of Cassano all'Ionio."

The Arms of Cosenza Province shows a black-on-white POTENT cross, symbol (in gold) of the household of Godfrey de Bouillon! Potentia is not far from mount Alburnus in Lucania. The Cosenza article speaks on a CATANzaro location (same potent crosses), while towers / castles are used by Chatans / Chattans. The Arms of Catanzaro use an hourglass shape with vertical bars within it in the colors of the lozengy inside the same hourglass shape of Beatle's/BEDwells (Bedfordshire), and then Patents use lozengy too. There is a modern Potenza province, beside Foggia, evoking the Foggs suspect (by me) as Phocaeans (from modern Foca), and then Cosenza is said to be home of the Phaeacaens.

The Cosenza link above probably brings you to an non-translated English page. I cannot find the URL for that page which brings you directly to the translated one. Even when googling " Cosenza 'Translate this page' ", or " Cozenza province ", Google does not bring it up in order that you might click "Translate this page". I'm wondering whether there is a deliberate attempt by Wikipedia and Google to keep English speakers from seeing that page, for as it shows a potent cross while being beside Potenza, people are able to draw the obvious conclusion. In order to get the translated page, go first to the Cosenza page below, and then click the link for Cosenza province.

I'd also like to expose Wikipedia's trend toward globalist anti-education. If one loads the Italian page on Mormanno, for example, or any of the pages above, and clicks "English" in the margin, it brings the reader, not to a translated page, but to a useless English Wikipedia page on Mormanno. Wikipedia has seemingly not granted the reader the option of translating the page, unless my browser is missing something. If this charge is correct, it's a deliberate form of quasi-censorship of non-English materials. It can't merely be an over-sight. The Italian Mormanno article was able to teach me that it was the line of Melusine's mirror. The English article would have done nothing of the sort. The English Saracena article is not able to teach me that the Montfort gonfanon, and the Klassen Lady Fortune, trace to that area. The FORTuna talbot is upright and white-on-red, as is the MontFORT lion. Other Fort surnames should apply in and out of the Saracena theater. The motto term of English Forts suggests the Aude's, and then Alda's/Aude's can apply who share the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Acquaformosa.

Thanks to the Italian articles having some depth, we now know a lot more about the deal on the potent-cross flag of Templar Jerusalem, which is said to be owned by Godfrey de Bouillon and his family. The "Christo" motto term of Firmins can link to the "BELLO Christi" of Bouillons, long suspect with Creusa, Aeneas' wife, and with the Creuse area of France, near Auvergne, where Bouillons were first found. I've highlighted the bello term because I've just seen a big bell as the only symbol in the Arms of [can't re-find it, it was in Cosenza]. Creusa became suspect with the Crutch line to the makings of the potent cross (said to be crutches). There was an ancient Crati river / entity in Calabria that seems applicable. The Crutch-surname symbol is in the colors of Cosenza's potent cross, fancy that. There must have been Herod / Caiaphas / Annas liners in / out of Cosenza that urged an invasion of Jerusalem with themselves as the leadership. The ancestry of Godfrey de Bouillon was found (not many weeks ago, about the 2nd update of December) in cahoots with the Pierleoni Jews of Rome that had a good handle on the papacy just in time for the papacy to support the first Jerusalem invasion.

As Albino's of Modena are said to be from its SESTola location, see this from the translated (not fully accurate at times) Saracena article:

You want it to descend from the ancient Saracen Sestio, founded by Enotri, as reported by Strabo, Stephen of Byzantium and Father Giovanni Fiore from Cropani, who, in his "Della Calabria illustrated" thus saith the Saracen: "Earth-old, is the same, which already flourished under the name of Sestio, built by Enotri. [...] She was the sixth Earth built by Enotrio Arcade in Calabria, five hundred sixty years before the Trojan War, and therefore was called Sestio".

...According to calculations of the said Father Fiore, Sestio was founded in the year 2256 of Creation (1744 BC), and about 900 of the Christian era was conquered by the Saracens, which they established their colony.

Subsequently, according to the Flower [ah, er, Mr. Fiore], the imperial army of Constantinople attacked and destroyed the city, putting to flight the few survivors led by a naked and disheveled woman wrapped in a sheet. The memory of this legend is depicted in an ancient fresco visible on the front of the chapel of San Antonio and a polyptych in St. Mary of Gamio sacristy of the church, and also in the municipal stamp and in the Saracen banner, on which it is He portrayed a woman who runs away, wrapped in a sheet, surrounded by the inscription: "Universitas terrae Saracinae". (Italian version).

I realize that it's a translation, but the use of "disheveled woman" is quite amazing in light of its being like the Elis-Crest description ("A naked woman her hair disheveled") while I can show this alternative Ellis Coat with a red Melusine mermaid in Crest, mirror included. The Elis Coat (houseofnames) has crescents in colors reversed from the same of the Carrick-related Craigs, a good way to realize that Acragas = Agrigento liners of the Carrick kind were in Saracena. As I think Elis' were from Grecian Elis, at Pisa, let's remind that, very near Italy's Massa-Carrara and Pisa, there is a Sarzana location. If you study-up on Sybaris history, you'll find that the colonists there were from Achaea, the Elis - Pisa area.

Like the Melusine mermaid in the Arms of Warsaw, the woman in the Arms of Saracena holds a sword. Warsaw is the capital of Masovia (Poland), where the dukes used a red-on-white wyvern dragon, symbol of the Drake's. Therefore, one must trace that Mieszko bloodline to the Mormanno / Saracena theater to fully understand the Drakenberg-Vere mystery that's been left untold by the late Nicholas de Vere von Drakenberg, self-styled prince of witchcraft.

The article says that Normans arrived to Saracena in the second half of the 11th century, which places it shortly before the first Jerusalem invasion. It seems clear enough that Byzantines came shortly before the Normans had. My prediction is that the Drengot Normans were involved at this city, as per the quote above, for they were involved also at Capua and Gaetani (also called, Caetani, from Gaeta on the Italian coast). If I recall correctly, the rulers of Gaeta used wavy fesse bars in the blue-on-gold colors of the same of Sutys. The Gaetani surname is traced to a city supposed inhabited by mythical Aeneas. The Gaetani quadrants are colors reversed from the same of Tute's, first found in the same place as Fulke's.

However, the Guiscard Normans of Sicily got hold of Calabria too: "The Val di Crati was an administrative region in the Kingdom of Sicily. It was the territory originally conquered by Robert Guiscard in the 1050s...In 1150, Roger II issued a new law (novella) for Calabria and the Val di Crati..." I'm not quite sure what this means, whether there was another Crati valley in Sicily, or whether Guiscard called his Sicilian dominion after Calabria's Crati area because it became his chief love. On the translated page below, where it seems that the black-and-white potent cross was the symbol for all of Calabria, we read: "...more precisely, the Val di Crati included Cosenza..." The potent cross is under the heading, "Calabria Citri."

The Enotri were a very-ancient peoples in Calabria, living at (modern Cassiodoros), perhaps the ancestry of Schole's that share the PATent Coat! And Schole's (same Julian cross as in the Arms of Calabria!) are suspect in a line from Hebron's Eschol through Skala of PATmos to the Sicel namers of Sicily. That seems like a clinched deal already. This is another mystery solved, and it's a huge one, coming again at the end of an update (drats). The Scolatium variation may have formed the Scholts/Schultz's (Schole colors), suspect with a version of the Chives Coat. Note how Shuler variations can become some of the Shoe variations suspect with the Skeochs that list Skits and use the potent cross. This works.

Scolatium (Bruttium) was earlier, Skylletion, the Greek name / colony. It evokes the Skeltons / Sheltons / Sheldons. The Skeltons should be using the fesse of Bernice's (same place as Skeltons). Sheldons: "OPTIMum PATI," likely part-code for Patti in the Scylla part of Sicily. Skylletion clearly appears to be a Scylla entity. Sheldons are in Patty/Pati colors. And the similarity with the Sheldon motto term to the "Optem" of Teague's argues for tracing the Teague crosslet to the identical one of the Schole Crest. Tribwatch rests its case: the Cetis elements under discussion for a year or more, and now apparently revealed as the Skit-and-similar surnames, were at the potent-cross district of southern Italy, or at least merged with them elsewhere.

We read: "Historically the foundation of Skylletion you should probably at Crotone..." The latter looks like a potential Crutch liner. Crotone is an ancient Bruttii city said to be established by Greeks from Achaea, same as the founders of Sybaris. I recall that the founders of Sybaris were from the KalaVRYTa area of Achaea, a term smacking of "Calabria" but also having a BRUT/BRIT-like syllable. To get to the translated Scolucium article, load the Enotri one first, and find the link:

. Here are the Arms of Calabria, showing a crusader cross in black-on-white along with another one in the same colors that looks like a Maltese cross. Why would the Arms of Calabria to this day honor their ancient-Norman past? But wait, the black-on-white crusader cross is called a Julian cross in the description of the English Julian write-up. And Teague's/Teegers use this cross too. Did the Templars borrow it from a line of Julius Caesar? The Calabria crosses are in the colors of the Sinclair cross, probably no coincidence.

The Mormanno keys are colors reversed from the same of Sheaves/Chiava's/Chiapponi's, and then Shaws share "qui" with Fulke's. There is yet a dump-truck full of Drakenberg garbage not yet discovered in this area. Allow me to sift through it as I get the time. This week is almost up.

COSENza has a Cozzo del Pellegrino location, reminding of Pilgrims/Pelerins/Peregrine's (staves). I wasn't going to mention it for lack of evidence on a link, until realizing that Cosens/Cossins (Norfolk, same place as Pilgrims and Fulke's) share the illegal gold-on-silver chevron of Hawks, the one's with the pilgrim's stave's. French Cossins/Cossetts, first found in Anjou, use three dancettes in colors reversed from the three Levi chevrons, and colors reversed from the Carrick dancette. The other half of the Cossin chevron is in the colors of the Arms-of-Carrick chevron, shared by the Ayrshire Kennedys, and then Irish Kennedys share the arm-and-scimitar with Pilgrims. Doesn't the Arms of Ayrshire use a "Shaw" motto term? Weren't the Kennati of Cetis part of the Shawia liners there?

But if it's correct to trace Hawks / Haukeswells to Cosenza, what about the hawks of the Opgalli-suspect Hobs/Habs?

A few mornings ago, I heard a woman's voice as I awoke, saying "Marilyn Munroe 666." I've got to confess, that when I lay me down to sleep, as I start to doze off, all kinds of sharp pictures are flashed across my brain that are completely foreign to anything I've been dwelling on earlier in the day. I'm sure that this is normal, same as dreams. But I've been taught that, if some strong dream-like thing occurs to me as I awake, it's usually a Sign for me to transfer to readers. I often resist, until I realize that there is something to it. This instance on Marilyn Munroe was different in that it was a clear and loud voice, very unusual. I forgot about it until now, after writing all the above. And so I decided to look up the Munro surname only now, to find the rare eagle (in Crest) mentioned earlier in the day, the one shared by Murena's/Moratins and Pryne's. Furthermore, I had reasoned years ago that the 666 would be a thing related to mythical Phoenix and Europa, and here the Munro's are showing a giant, red eagle head, probably the phoenix in disguise. The Crest eagle is said to be "perching."

Does this mean that the 666 lovers went through Morano, Marano, and the Marone's? Had they also gone through Maronia? I don't know. The future may tell. Is "Munro" a consonant reversal of "Marone"? Irish Marone's share the white-on-blue boar with Gog-suspect Googe's and Goughs. There is a Gorgon head at the center of the Arms of Sicily.

The two Murena/Moratin eagles face in opposite direction (rare design), and are placed at the top of the Shield, as the two eagle-like birds of Claviers are placed that likewise face in opposite directions. The bird designs are not identical between the two surnames, yet they are similar enough that one needs to do a close comparison to spot the differences. The Claviere's were first found in the same place as Bouillons, and are showing a hand evoking MorMANNO. It just so happens that the description of the Claviere's does not speak on the eagles nor the hand, but claims that the surname uses keys around a saltire. The Arms of Mormanno use keys too. There is no mistake with the description because Clavers/Cleavers use the key too. About the only thing I know about the Claviere's is that they were married to French Mountains (makes them suspect with "Manno"), and are expected as kin of Clermonts and Clermonts'/Clements. The latter are kin of Marina's, yet another Morano-like term. Even "MARYlin" can trace to the Myrina Amazons. The Claviere description is very Rosicrucian: "A red shield with a silver saltire between four silver keys."

The early Rosicrucians proper used a saltire with four roses around it, so that whenever there is a saltire with any type of four items in the same positioning (Templar-Jerusalem flag is similar), it can be a hint of Rosicrucianism. French Mountains use a saltire with four bulls around it, and the Mountain saltire happens to be in the colors of the saltire-shaped, crossed keys that are the Arms of Mormanno. It looks like a match, and that the Melusine-mirror line traces to Mountains too.

The "Strike" motto of Hawks should be for the Strike/Straker surname that uses nothing but an upright, red-on-gold lion, same as MOUNTS/Mons'. It begs the question on whether the Claviere birds are hawks rather than eagles. Haukeswells are said to have had a location in Lancashire, where Strike's were first found, and where there is also a Hawkshead location that is roughly where the Satters/Setters were from who can be from the Soducena Armenians. The phoenix-suspect eagle (i.e. from Armenia) of Munro's is coming to mind because the Hawk-Crest eagle is called "a hawk rising" while Hawks are suspect with the old Armenian god, Haik/Hayk (modern Armenia is called after this god). The Hawk is said to be "with gold beak and BELL."

Lancashire is also where tiger-using Traviss' were first found who share a tiger in Crest with Hobs/Habs.

I'm out of time, but had enough time to break the potent mystery in the same update that discovered the potent liners at the very naming of Cetis. All in the family.


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