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February 1 - 8, 2016

The Arne - Melan Levites
The Enotri Levites of Cetis and the Cetina Croatians;

For a reader hopping into an update for the first time, there is not much I can say in an introductory paragraph to explain everything needed before proceeding. The only readers able to follow are those taking the time needed to get a solid idea of the entire scope. It is probably impossible to follow unless the heraldic Coats are loaded and viewed. It would be helpful to have a photographic memory, or to at least spend some time to get to know Coats, and to understand what I'm saying about them. I did the work over years to be able to present to you the relevant Coats, and you need only decide whether I am correctly interpreting the evidence and the codes. It is far best that you load Coats on a separate browser(s) rather than clicking back and forth from the update page. It might take longer for one to read an update than the week it takes me to write it, but that's what it'll take for a solid understanding of what I'm doing. I know that few have the time to follow this in that way. My hope is...actually, I should have no such hopes as I should just allow God to do what He wants with this. One of my goals at this time is to discover the parent(s) of Josephs Caiaphas, and in the meantime to prove that heraldic masters and leading Templar families knew that all of heraldry had, at its foundations, Caiaphas and his circle of Christ killers. These updates are jot-down format (sub-titles don't usually reflect the roaming topics well) making it hard / impossible to have a pre-plotted storyline. I'm no longer doing final proof-reads, please excuse the imperfections / mistakes. Ever since I decided to use apostrophes only after surnames ending in vowels, I started to catch myself using apostrophes before the 's' of pluralized words, making it appear that I need to return to primary grammar school.

If ever you'd want to check a description in the Coat of Arms, type the surname at this page:

Miss Florida sent in a short email concerning the ancients who thought that Berenice Agrippa was having incestuous relations with her brother. And for a reason that seemed irrelevant to me, she added only that Habsburgs were accused of the same. Either her implication was that Herods were a line to Habsburgs, or she wanted me to consider Habsburgs for a reason not stated. When I responded, not intending to involve Habsburgs, I started to tell about one or two of the latest Cetis findings, and found myself on the Base's/Bassens. As they were first found in Austria, I jotted down that this is where Habsburgs had ruled. And I was telling her that Base's/Bassens share black-on-white hunting horns with Bernice's, only to note thereupon that English Base's use two lions in colors reversed from the lion of the Habsburg surname. That was not much to speak of really, but it got me thinking, wherefore it was followed by a mention of Habs/Hobs (= Tigranes-Herod bloodline), only to find further that Abbs/Happs, who use the Arms of Austria / Habsburg, were first found in the same place (Middlesex) as English Bassens/Bezants! What a surprise.

This was slated for the last update, but I didn't get to it. It comes at a better time here because, the end of the last update found that the Schole surname was, without doubt and with excellent insights, from Scolucium/Scolatium (modern Cassiodoros) in ancient Bruttium. Quite often, when I've mentions Abbs/Happs, it's also mentioned that they use lozenges in the colors of the Schole lozenges. Why? Because I trace Schole's/Scayle's to Scylla of Sicily, where the Scallops of the Capes' trace, and it just so happens that Capes' share the same-colored scallops as Abbs/Happs. But, zowie, as the Bruttium topic of the last update got into the mythology of Geoffrey of Monmouth, whose codes were shown to trace his mythical Brutus to Bruttium, that's the character that he makes a king and founder of London, i.e. where capes' were first found! How incredible that Miss Florida's short email should put me onto this thing at this excellent timing.

But there is a question as to what Capes' trace to, whether Caiaphas or OPgalli. If Habs/Hops are named after lines that either named Opgalli, or that were named after her name, then one might assume that Abbs/Happs were named after her so that Capes' should be too. On the other hand, Gardner symbols link to both Capes' and Kaplans while the latter, along with French Chaplains, were kin of Caiaphas-suspect Josephs. Then again, there was a good case for tracing English Josephs to Josephus, who was taken in by emperor Titus, while Berenice Agrippa was virtually married to Titus. And the Titus surname (HERTfordshire) has the same Moor head as French Chappes'. If that's not enough, the Guiscard Normans came to rule Calabria and Sicily while Scottish Chappes' were first found in the same place as Guiscards. GUIScards are listed with WISharts, the suffix perhaps indicating a Herod line, and Vis / Biss / liners (Vissers share the Ham MacAbee salmon in the same colors) are suspect with Chives'.

The Titus Moor head is in an eSCUTcheon while Schole's linked without doubt, in the last update, to potent-cross liners i.e. that include SCHUTz's. The escutCHEON is also part-code for Keens and KEONs, while Keens use a white escutcheon, as do Titus''. In this picture, Keens are likely kin of Caens. The Visser fish are in the colors of the Kane fish, shared by Keons on a blue background, the colors of the fish in the Arms of Saraca while that Arms has the same fesse as Bernice's. And Saraca's are now tracing to Saracena at Bruttium, right in the thick of potent-cross origins (Saracena is new to me as of the last update). A second Irish Kane Coat has the looks of the Geddes Coat, a surname suspect with Chadocks, for both Chadocks and Geddes use a white-on-red escutcheon. Why did we get to Sadducee-suspect Chaddocks and Geddes by starting out this paragraph of potent-cross liners? Because Sadducees were potent-cross liners. This has been my re-occurring theme for over a year.

One Kane branch is said to have lived at KEENaght and COLERaine, which may explain why Collars use Moor heads. The Kane's are said to descend from Cathains; it's a good bet that they were the Cassane's of Pattersons, and therefore the Cassius/Casano's (Bernice fesse yet again). Irish Colers/Cowleys are informative as to why Collars use the Moor head, for Colers share the fleur-leopard combination (one symbol) of MORleys and Morlands...but it's also used Ade's/Aids (in the Levi motto). Schutz's use a collar. On of the things I've neglected, until now, is the CROSSbow in the Collar Crest, important because the only Cross surname coming up at houseofnames uses the potent cross! The "dum spero FIDO" motto term of Cross' can now become linkable to the Vido's/Vio's (giant annulet)

The Viponts, from a Vipont location that was also "VISponti," use annulets in the colors of the same of Ladys/Laudymans, the latter found traceable in the last update to Saracena's Lady Fortune. The Vipont / Lady annulets are gold, as is the one in the sinister canton of Schole's. The "vi" motto term of Chives' (same place as VIponts) is apparently in use in the "speraVI" motto term of Abbs/Happs, a very good observation for making an important link. The family of emperor Titus was traced to the Speers (see Pasi and Speers last update), suggested in "SPEravi," and this picture is very linkable to the "spero fido" of Cross'. The "vi" motto term, and the Vis liners, are expected with Julius Avitus, who married the sister of Julia DOMNA, the latter looking like the "Domine" motto term of the same Abbs/Happs. Titus' brother was emperor DOMitian.

In this picture, the Pollino mountain at the Sybaris / Laus theater of Bruttium may have named Vespasia Polla, grandmother of Titus. That mountain is where one find Muranum (see Lucania map), also called, Morano/Murenu, which linked hard (last update) to Marone's, and the latter happen to share the boar head of Molle's while Eschyna de Molle married a Mr. Croce while the Cross' above list "Croce"!!! Those exclamatons are because of Eschyna's daughter (Isabel) marrying Robert Pollock so that Pollocks are almost-certainly from the namers of Pollino, for Pollocks were first found in the same place as Speers and Pasi-like Paisleys. Pollocks were already traced to VesPASIa Polla by other methods, but we now have indication that the line to the emperors was in the Pollino theater.

There was a Cassano location (unicorn) at Sybaris / Pollino. "The archaeological site of Sybaris, located near the modern town of Sibari is part of the comune of Cassano allo Ionio."

Let's recall that the Laus surname uses what looks like a scythes while Scythe's are listed with Skeets's/Sheets (potent cross) while the lady in the arms of Saracena is said to carry a SHEET. The "foVEAN" motto term suggests the Veans listed with Beans/Vains, a known sept of Mackays, and using the Clan Chattan motto. Vain liners are expected from Heneti, the same that likely named the Kennati at Cetis. Although it's an Italian location, the heraldry likely belongs to Normans i.e. English speakers so that the sheet should be code for a sheet-like surname. If the sheet was originally an Italian term, it would not likely be code for the Sheets.

Note that what I call an hourglass design in the Skeet Coat was seen (last update) in some Arms of Calabria. I may be right-on with "hourGLASS", for not only do Houstons of GLASgow (same place as Pollocks / Paisleys) use an hourglass in Crest, and not only is there an hourglass shape between the wings of Jewish Glass' (and German Fulks), but the lady carrying the sheet is a match with so-called Lady Fortune in the KLASSen Coat. I recall that Lady Fortune once carried a blanket (it's now a banner), important because Pollock-like Plocks/Pluknetts ("fide") are said to be from blanket-like PLUNKET, and are actually traced to "blanket or sheet," clear codework for Sheet liners at the Saracena theater. In the case of the "fide" motto term of Plocks, it should not be viewed as code for Vido's, at least no so much, as for Foots / Fothes', for the Plocks use FOOTless martlets, in the colors of the same of Pollock-suspect Pullens/Pulleys...and French Josephs. The Pullens are the ones sharing the motto of Patents, and the latter use the Schole Coat, I kid thee not...meaning that Pollocks / Pullens both trace to the Pollino theater. It's all new and all clinch-able.

By all appearances, the Plock-Crest bird is that also in the Abbs/Happ Crest, but that was noted before seeing that both surnames start their mottoes with similar terms, "In Deo" versus "In te." Plunket is suspect with Plancia Magna, a Herod liner birthed by Opgalli's line. Plancia (married Tertullus) traced with little doubt to the Tertullus' of Fulk-of-Anjou ancestry, while the last update exposed the Anjou mirror symbol in Mormanno, on the Laus river i.e. Pollino theater). That mirror is a symbol of mythical Melusine of Laus-suspect Lusignan, and while I trace her to Inger and Melissena (real people), the Ingers are listed with INDers, perhaps in the motto phrases above. Ingers/Inders share three arrows on a blue Shield with Lurch's/Larchers (Derbyshire), suspect with Lurco, father-in-law of Appius PULCHer, a PELICan-like surname suspect in the Pullen pelican. It's at first a wonder as to why Inger (Varangian chief) and Melissena (Byzantine) should be linking to Bruttium elements, until it's learned that Byzantines invaded Bruttium in-time for the appearance of Normans.

I now have the explanation as to who there is an unexpected pulley in the portrait of the Sicilian Guiscard brothers, for Pulleys/Pullens (same place as Schole's) surely trace to the namers of Pollino. As Pollocks trace hard to Pola/Pula of Istria, one can assume a link between it and Pollino. Italian Pollino's/Apollo's (oak tree) were first found in the same place (Florence) as Italian Fulks (same checks as Hohens and Houstons), important where "Fulk" is suspect with Pollock variations. The eagle design in the Fulk Chief is that also of Plocks.

Not much of the above seems capable of telling whether Abbs/Happs' were Caiaphas versus Opgalli liners, but the entire topic flirts with either one of them on several grounds. Besides, Opgalli is suspect as a sister / cousin of Caiaphas. How I can ever begin to prove it is something I don't know. In the meantime, there is a new ballpark open to any of us that want to investigate further. We now know much more of what the potent cross of the first Crusaders involved. The Plunkets (not the Plocks) share the bend of We might keep eyes peeled for a Paisley / Pasi-like location in Bruttium / Lucania.

As Scolatium was earlier, Skylletion, to the Greeks, it signals linkage to the mythical Scylla monster that myth writers tended to link to mythical Sirens of the Bruttium area. If it wasn't for this location, it would not have been convincing to trace Patents and Putents to it. The sharing of a Shield filled with black-and-white lozenges of Patents and Schole's makes it convincing. Had not this ancient Lucania map not shown a Potentia location, I may have missed the Schole link to Scolatium, for by the last update, I was regularly linking Patents to Schole's, and expecting Patents to trace to Patti of Sicily' Messina. The "Regi" motto term of Scottish Pattersons (pelicans) had therefore become suspect with Reggio, in the Bruttium area neat Messina. The black crescents of Scottish Patents can now be linked to Saracena, a term that has been suspect with "Seir," and therefore Sirens, because the Saracen surname shares black crescents. The Sire's/Sirons even use a mirror, suggest Mormanno liners.

Sirens are said to have originated from the Akheloos river of Calydon / Aetolia, known to be wrapped up with the rulers of Elis, and then Elis' share the Craig crescents (both colors). As the disheveled woman in the Elis Crest traced well to the same in the Arms of Saracena, Elis' are suspect as kin to the namers of the Aeolian islands off the Messina coast. Or, the Aliotta surname lists "Ali," and was first found on Messina. The Elis cross is in Saracen colors. The black wolf with gold collar in the Saracen Crest may now be considered for the mythical wolf monster, Scylla. The Moor heads of Collars make sense in a trace to Saracens of Saracena where gold collars are rife on black wolves and black greyhounds. As per the below, Collars, shown properly as Collards, are suspect with Colchians. The upper half of the Collar Coat can be a version of the Saracen Coat. Now that the Molle's (married the Collar kin of Cross'/Croce's) have traced to Morano liners, the moline cross of the Brittany Sarasins may apply with the Molle trace to that area. Moline's are said to have been of "the tanner" of Falaise, and Elis' can be suspect with the cross of Sinclairs who married the tanner's daughter.

Kilpatricks, a branch of Pattersons, have Sheer-like variations that should apply because Shere's are a branch of Carricks / Craigs (crescents in colors reversed from the Patent crescents) while Pattersons also have a "grege" motto term. That can explain why Scottish Patents/Padyns and Kilpatricks were both first found in Dumfries. Putents share the black-on-white fesse of Craigs. English Patents (and Pullens) even use a "palleSCERE" motto term. Moreover, Kilpatrick castle was on the Nith river, and an online article on the Geds -- the proto-Geddes -- has them on the Nith in 400 AD or earlier, and even claims that St. Patrick was a Roman youth involved with the Geds around the Nith. Apparently, Scylla-potent liners from the Sicily-Bruttium area had gone somewhat "quickly" to Scotland, and the Chaddock-suspect Geddes are expected with a line to St. Chad (proto-Staffordshire) of roughly the same era, while the family of St. Chad is said to have used the potent cross (as Chads still show). How can this be explained with Sadducee liners at the root of Chaddocks? Was the line between Scylla and Britain in Christian times, or was it in BC times long before the formation of Sadducees proper?

It's hard to deny anything in this part of the discussion. It reminds that the Albino's, who were very linkable to the Saracena liners in the last update, and also very linkable to the Cassius'/Casano's suspect with Irish Pattersons/Cassane's (scallops = Scylla liners), use the symbol of St. Patrick, the green trefoil. Mythical ASCLepios has been resolved as part code for Skala > Scylla liners, and partly for "Lapith," and his symbol is with the snake coiled around the mirror of the Sire-Siron Coat.

Lozenges have to do with Colchians, according to my findings, and Colchians were in Corinth, suspect with Coronis, mother of Asclepios. It was Colchian mythology (e.g. Argonautica) that created/advanced the Scylla and Siren monsters. Colchians settled the Adriatic coats, especially up in the Gorski area of Croatia, or where you see APSurus on the light map (below). That area happens to be the one with the Colapis river, highly suspect in the "culpa" motto term of Patents / Pullens. It suggests that the golden-fleece Colchians were both at the upper Adriatic and at the Sicily-Bruttium seas. The Aeolian islands of those seas can trace to Aeolus liners that I found (3rd update December) on the Black-sea coast of Thrace, especially at AULAEitichus. Aeolus' son, Sisyphus, was king in Corinth, and the other son, Salmoneus, was resolved as code for (Jeru)Salem liners at SalmyDESSUS. The Black-sea coast is the location of Odessa, reliably deciphered now with mythical Odysseus, whom was placed in captivity in western Italy, and who was part of the golden-Fleece saga in the Argonautica. Mythical Calypso was likely code for the Chalybes > Calabria line.

h So, it looks like Apsorus, a real island that was made the brother of mythical Medea (wife of Jason and queen of Corinth, and an important part of the Keturah-Abraham line), looks like the makings of the Abbs/Happ/Apps surname. Apsorus may trace to the Apsinthii, near Sale, at the mouth of the Hebros, making Sale (dark map below) suspect with Salmoneus too. The Apsinthii are beside the Paeti on both maps why Pietas-Julia is an alternative name for Pula/Pola on Istria, very near Apsorus. It therefore seems certain that we can include the Apsinthii in with the Abbs/Happs and Capes', which requires the re-mention of the CYPSela location on the Hebros, smack where the Paeti are stamped in the light map. On the dark map, the Paeti are nearer to the Caeni (light map), suspect with Caens. Note SYRAcellea (on the north of the Paeti) upon a river that leads down to a place named after Aphrodite. Between that river and the Apsinthii there is a LYSimachia (part of Keturah's line to the HECTor Trojans, suspect with HECATe, goddess of mythical Media above) that I associate with Laus / Lazi Colchians, and may have been part of the namers of Lissus / Lissae.

Colchis was the same area as Georgians, the latter suspect with Gorgons. There is a Gorgon head in the Arms of Sicily. Craigs have been long traced to Acragas of Sicily, a city said to be founded by peoples of Gela in the Syracuse area of Sicily. The Elis liners expected with Saracena elements can easily have been Gela liners, and thus help to make an Agrigento link to the Bruttium elements under discussion, and then the "diSHEVELed" code of Elis' can be for the Shovels that list Schole-like "Shouler." The Schulers/Schoelers/Schuylers share the white-on-red fleur of Shovels. Coincidence after coincidence means that these assertions are correct in the main. Shovels/Shoulers, in Scholefield / Chaddock / Chadwick colors, were first found in the same place as Saddocks/Sedgewicks and Collars. Scholefields, whose bull head unusually wears a collar, use a fesse in the colors of the Chaddock escutcheon, and both were first found in Lancashire. The Bullocks (like "Pollock"), first found in the same place as Molle's, and sharing bull heads in the colors of the Scholefield bull heads, are likely from the namers of the Pollino mountains. The motto of Bullocks (reflective of the Abbs/Happ Coat) uses "conSCIRE."

The collar in the Schutz Crest plays well with the "blackamoor" in the Solway/Salloway Crest, for both surnames share the gold-on-black saltire. As the saltire is suspect with the Saltire's and Sale's'/Salletts, the Solways may have been the Saluvii Ligurians, thought to have been the same as Salyes. There is a Solway body of water at the mouth of the Nith, and near Galloway, and so compare "GALLOWAY to "SALLOWAY." I've not noticed this similarity before. Instead of tracing to Gall-like terms, Galloway can now trace to Salyes Ligures. Or, the Salways might not be Salyes at all, but simply named as a variation of "Galloway."

The Shovel/Shulers and Schuler/Scholer fleur make them connectable to the same of Dyke's (escutcheon)and Decks/Deckers (reflection of the Schuler Coat), mentioned here in case Teague's/Teegers are one of their branches, for the latter share the black crosslet in the Schole Crest, found also in the Arms of Calabria. The Deckers/Dickers are not familiar to me (as I usually load "Dagger" to access Decks/Deckers). With this connection made "DISheveled" may be part-code for the Diss'/Dyce's (same place as Deacons who share the Dyke lion) that may be using a version of a Dagger Coat. While Schole's use a sinister (backward from the norm) square in their Shield, and Dutch Dyke's share the Massey fleur (sinister is a Massey-line possession), German Dyke's pout their Chief at the bottom (BASE) of the Shield, which is backward, and used also by Luna's (Aragon), important because ancient Luni is smack beside Sarzana (off the Italian coast from Massa-Carrara). Why are Scottish Dyke's (Cumberland, same as Daggers) using three black cinquefoils in the colors and format of the three Saracen crescents? Italian Luna's (Massi/Mattis eagle), sharing the white-on-red crescents of the Spanish Luna's, use a Coat reflective of the Deck/Dagger and Schuler Coats. The Deck liners have thus enabled a Sarzana link to Saracena, but thanks only to Elis' (more white crescents) that were able to link the topic to Saracena.

It looks like potent-cross liners were from Sicilian Greeks spreading into Lucania. There is a Lucan/Lovekyn surname (eagles rising) sharing a similar Coat and black SCALLops (in EATON colors) with EDENs (same place as Diss'/Dyce's, sharing a similar Coat too), suspect with "ETNa" at Sicily's Scylla area. It looks like Lucans/Lovekyns can be using a version of the Diss/Dyce Coat. French Locks/Loke's/Deloges' use nothing but three cinquefoils, as do Scottish Dyke's, and the Lock cinquefoils were linked to the same-colored roses of Primo's/Primeau's (mirror). The "foVEAN" motto term suggests the Veans listed with Beans/Vains, a known sept of Mackays, and using the Clan Chattan motto. Vain liners are expected from Heneti, the same that likely named the Kennati at Cetis. in the same place (Burgundy).

The reason that so many surnames can be branches of one another is that heraldry concerns itself only with nobles who registered their Arms, usually Templar-related families (not at all representing the entire family of identical surnames). When you purchase a Coat of Arms at houseofnames and hang the thing on your wall, you may be hanging the symbol of the devil's right-hand man in your house. The Arms does not represent the entire family sharing the same surname, but was owned by a person, and the persons married by that person, and so on. The designs in the Arms may have been borrowed from other right-hand men of satan. The Eden scallops are in Saracen colors.

French Luciano's/Liciens (Marne) use an "eagle volant," seeming applicable to the eagles rising of Lucans. The Lucien eagle is in Saracen colors. The Eden chevron with surrounding symbols are in the colors of the Geddes, and the latter's pike fish are said to be closely related to the Lucy fish, making Lucys (share their fish with Italian Luciano's) suspect from Lucania liners. Luke's/Lucks/Licks (black greyhounds, pelican) even share five mascles (hollow lozenges) fesse-wise with, in the colors of, the five Abbs/Happ lozenges fesse-wise. The Lucy fish are in pale while Delaneys (Luna / Lucy colors), who came to mind at the De Luna variation of Luna's, use three fish on a pale bar. As Lucys are said to be from Passeis, the line of VesPASia Polla is coming to mind, for she married a family in Rieti, the Arms of which uses fish. The Arms of Rieti uses a "Pratis" motto term, which may relate to Bruttium liners along with the "prudentia" of Edens. Pratts use lozenges, and Scottish Prude's/Pride's use fish in pale. There must be many Pratt-like locations, but the Belgian Pratts/Praets, in sharing the Bruce saltire, can trace to Praetorium, beside the Breuci, and this stands a good chance of tracing the neighboring Japodes and Colapis liners to the Bruzi namers of Bruttium.

French Prude's/Prats (Auvergne, why?) use the motto and trefoils (same colors even) of Hatchets/Hackets that in-turn use fish in pale. More black scallops, and a cross that I've linked to the Eaton cross, are used by the Devon Hykes'/Hachs (quadrants of the Devon Chives') while Scottish Hykes'/Hake's use more fish. It's probably relevant that the Hykes/Hack cross is in the colors of the Aflack cross, for Samsons, who once showed the same cross as Eatons (neither now show it), honor the Flags/Flacks in the scallops and motto, which are in the white-on-black colors of the Hykes/Hach scallops, all of which suggests Samsam, a leader of Saracens that became allied with the Guiscards against other Saracens. I read and recorded that years ago, but don't know whether it's still online. It's good evidence for tracing the back scallops to Sicily's Etna area.

Wikipedia: "Guiscard immediately fortified Messina and allied himself with Ibn at-Timnah, one of the rival emirs of Sicily, against Ibn al-Hawas, another emir." Samsam had control of the Scylla area while Timnah controlled the Gela area: "Following the death of Hasan as-Samsam in 1053 three warring emirs divided control of Sicily. Ibn al Hawas ruled northeastern Sicily (Val Demone) from Kasr'Jannis (Enna), Ibn at Timnah ruled southeastern Sicily (Val di Noto) from Siracuse and Catania, and Abdullah ibn Haukal ruled western Sicily (Val di Mazara)..."

It looks like the Guiscards, Pulley/Pullen kin, allied with the line of Hykes'/Hachs, kin of Hatchets/Hackets, all related to the Lucania-fish liners suspect with Lucys and potent-suspect Geddes'. Suddenly, with Sadducee liners expected with potent liners, and with old Potentia being in Lucani, the trace I made months ago of Licks/Lucks and similar surname to lake Lychnis in Armenia, location of Soducena (on map below), is coming to mind. This trace is sound because another Lick surname, listed with Locks, uses the swan, suspect for years with lake Sevan, the alternative name of Lychnis. The Lick/Lock Shield: "A swan with wings endorsed eating a perch." Why EATINg? Ah, now we know that Locks were kin of Eatons/EATINGs...who share "vincit" with same-colored Shaws = Sithechs. Scottish Shaws share cups with Sellers, and the latter use the swan design in the Lick/Lock Crest. By the way, as Zerrs/Zehrers use the hatchet, they are suspect as Saracen liners. The question is, what made two fathers of the Saracen leaders (or were they from the same father?) chose Samson-of-Timnah themes for their sons? Were these Muslims from Hebron? Were they from Ishmaelites / Hagarites? Hagars (Zionist star) were first found beside Guiscards.

The Lohengrin "Swan Knight" of Arthurian lore definitely was part of the Licks/Locks and Lochs/LOGENs, but was suspect also with the Logens / Logans sharing the pierced heart with German Colers, the latter perhaps a branch of Collars. I have the sense that AshMOLE's (black greyhound, suspect with Collars) are a part of this picture. They almost use the Hykes/Hach quadrants, and are in Saracen and Lick/Lock colors while the latter use a saltire in colors reversed from black-greyhound-and-collar Schutz's with a Sadducee-like Shutz variation. Ashmole's were first found in Staffordshire, where Litchfield of St. Chad is located. The Litchfield Crest shares a bow with the Eaton Crest. Again, the Eatons once showed that same patee cross as Samsons (different colors), indicating Patti of Sicily, i.e. in the northeast district ruled by Samsam. It's a clear-cut trace of Samsons to Samsam. The "letho" motto term of Samsons becomes suspect with Litch liners. Leich's/Leitch's (reflects the Anchor Coat) were first found in the same place as Eatons.

I'm not allowing St. Chad to whitewash this discussion. First of all, as saints were invented to stand as false derivations of surnames or locations, the same might apply to St. Chad. The Litchfield Crest: "An arm embowed WEARING silver holding a gold bow, strung red." One notices that "embowing" is likely code for a Bow line. It recalls the crossBOW, indicating that Bows (connect to the Roet motto and book) were fundamental with potent liners of the Cross/Croce kind. Strings were first found in the same place as Bogen-colored Bugs. The bow-using Bogens can be a branch of Bogans (Dragon/Drainer colors) that share the dragon with Wearings. German Bugs share ravens with Varenne's=Warenne's while Warrens share the Wearing checks. We get it. Bows/Boughs (probably Book/Boggs kine) were first found in the same place as the Were river. There are Saracen colors here.

The last update introduced the Munro's after I heard a clear, crisp voice as I awoke, saying nothing but "Marilyn Munroe 666." I rarely hear a voice (in my head) this loud and clear. It may have been nothing, but I'm treating it as a possible Message to include the Munro surname as it might apply to a discussion. The Munro Crest is "An eagle perching proper," which can link to the perch symbol of Licks/Locks, but I think we can also go to the eagles rising of Lucens because the red eagle in the Munro Shield suggests the phoenix to me. The last update suggested that "Marilyn" can trace with Morano's / Murena's to Myrina of Lemnos, which entity may have named Marne, where Luciens/Luciano's were first found. The Munro-Crest eagle is used by Mureno's/Moratins. I always link Italian Marina's to Clements, and while the latter actually list "Clermonts" (with the 's'), the Claviere surname, sharing the Munro eagle, is kin to the Clermonts (no 's'). Claver-like Clappers/Clapps (vair fur, code for Verona / Verone/Varenne liners), who share the pike with Geddes', were first found in Surrey i.e. where Varenne's ruled.

The last update showed how Clermonts and Claviere's (both use keys) can trace with Mountains to the crossed keys in the Arms of MorMANNO (Laus river), making Manno's suspect with Mountains because the latter married Claviere (they use a hand = manno). The idea here is that MUNroe's may have been MorMANNO liners. And it's all suspect with the cat-a-mountains of the Chives' now tracing with the Keats cats to Skeets'/Sheets liners (n Cetis) suspect in the sheet of the disheveled woman in the Arms of Saracena.

Munro's are said to traditionally descend from a Pictish Moray ruler, Anselan O'Cain, ancestor also of McMillens and Buchanans, the latter traced with little doubt, months ago, before finding my new Laus topic this month, to Buxentum (on the Lucania map below), smack beside Laus. I suggest that the O'Cains of Moray were of the Bissets and Drummonds, as suggested by one of two Cain Coats. The other Cains (probably the Brian Crest) share fish with Kane's, and use them in pale in the colors of the same of Lucys. Therefore, the voice in my head on Munroe came a couple of days or less before I ventured into the Saracena investigation. It could have been the morning of same day.

But if this is a Sign, why is the 666 to be associated with this topic? Well, if the 666 is to be a Western scheme, I would expect it to be enforced by the same who lead NATO, and while Ander Fogh Rasmussen was the previous NATO leader, it's interesting that the Munro eagle is said to be "erased," code, I guess, for Eras'/Assmans/Rasmussens (kin of Massey-suspect Assmans/Asmans). Bellamys lived in Perche, and they married Masseys/Maceys, definite kin of Rasmussens. I predicted as long ago as 2010 that the False Prophet, the one who enforces the 666, will be a Massey / Meschin liner. I then predicted further (with reasons) that he will be a mouse liner from the mouse tower of Goplo, where Mieszko's arose, and then the current EU Chief is the previous Polish prime minister (or is it president?).

Update March 4. When originally writing here, I failed to look up the Roe's that Munroe's are said to descend from. Roe's happen to use the Templar lamb, and the 666, according to Revelation 13, will be enforced by a man with two horns like those of a lamb. I'm going to have some surprising things to say about this at the top of the 1st update in March.

The Naked Triangle: Bruttium, Nith, and Aude

The "naked" term in the Elis description, and the naked woman of Saracena, suggest a surname like that term. I once found a naked-like surname, but am having trouble re-finding it. The Naughts/Nitts are suspect, as they were first found in the same place as the Nith river, while the Geds there are said, by an online article, to have given their swords to the Mackays, and the latter, Mieszko liners, were in and around Moray. Naught liners can link to Cnut, and Nottingham, and the daughter of Mieszko I was actually the mother of Cnut "the great." He was a Dane, as is Rasmussen. Mr. Skeetz is seeking his Danish ancestry, if indeed it was Danish, and he might help to give us the clue as to what else this mystery pertains to.

Danish Cnuts use "pot hangers," and Hangers (same place as Potters) are suspect with Anger elements at Anjou, or even with the Angle kin of Nagle's. Naked-like and Cnut-suspect NAUGHTens/Naughtens (falcons) use the colors of Saracen-suspect Fulke's (and Belgian Flechs). Cnut is said to have named NOTTINGhamshire. This can indicate that Nitts/Naughts were the naked liners from the potent-liner Saracens i.e. suggesting Saracen liners / kin in the naming of the Nith. The Nitts/Naughts look to be using a version of the Patty/Pati Coat, both with an escutcheon, suggesting a strong connection to KilPatricks, and revealing them from the namers of Patti, and thus tracing the namers of Antipatria to Patti. That can explain the SCALLops of Daggers, suspect from the DEXARoi ("Dassaretae" on the light map) at Antipatria. The other Daggers/Decks use the squirrel as code for the Squire's/Squirrels, kin of mirror-using Sire's/Sirons, suspect from the namers of Saracena. This is all working too well not to be correct from an historical view.

Niths use the same checks, upon their escutcheon, as Italian Fulks. The Pattys/Pati's use an escutcheon-with-surrounding symbols in the colors of the same of Saddocks. It again tends to prove that escutcheon users were fundamental with potent / Schutz liners, and that Saddocks / Chaddocks were part of them for a Sadducee reason. There is too much logic in Sadducee liners forming the first Crusaders to be swept aside as someone's fancy. The "fortunae committo" motto phrase of Nitts/Naughts tends to speak for itself on connecting to the Saracena version of Lady Fortune, but the finding of a commit-like motto term, used by Sinclairs, makes the WORCestershire location of the first Pattys suspect with the WORK/Werg surname (also in the Sinclair motto), sharing lion heads with Nitts/Naughts in colors reversed.

I'm ready to resolve that crutch liners were from an ACRAGas line with Saracens and Carricks both. The way I'm viewing the potent-crutch connection is from Potentia liners merged with Creusa, with the latter evolving into various Creuse-like terms that was changed to "Crutch" by a family that had merged with a Potentia liner. In other words, as "potent" meant a crutch to the Italians, the surname "Crutch" was created in word-play. If part of the Creusa liners named the Crati river near Saracena, that works excellently to expose the likely proto-Crutch surname in the Crati area. But if true that St. Chad and his family had the potent cross in the early Christian centuries, then the Crati-Potentia liners to the Crusaders were early to Britain. The Carricks and Kerricks then become a branch of Crutch's from the Crati. The Prestbury location of Kerricks, and their link to Presleys, suggests the Bruzi, the name that Italians use for Bruttii. The Prestwicks (Chaddock colors), first found in the same place as Chaddocks, but having a location of the same name where Carricks were first found, use Melusine with mirror. The Prestwick motto, "In te DOMINE speravi" (same motto as Abbs/Happs) thus becomes more suspect with Domna, Caracalla's mother.

Yes, we have just come back to Caracalla in York in about 200 AD. I don't know whether York was named such at that early time, but I think it was founded as "Eboracum" by the Bruzi-suspect Ebroicum/Eburovices of Evreux. Therefore, Caracalla's ancestry in a Geti family is predicted to have been part of the Chaddock liners of the Geddes kind on the Nith river. Caracalla must have chosen that nickname for himself due to his being an Acragus / Crati / Saracena liner. And when Aeneas makes an alliance with the queen of Carthage, that's where his link to proto-Geta is suspect, for Caracalla's father is known to be from north Africa, where there was also a Geta family. The Getuli Numidians are thus suspect in the Carthage merger with Aeneas elements at Sicily.

I'd like to give away a thing here, probably best to mention it early due to it's importance, hoping you don't miss it. Late in this update, Cetis liners are found with Bassianus' at a Cetina river with about a one percent chance of being wrong. As the sun-god cult of the Bassianus' expected suns at that river, so they did come up. But here I'd like to mention the sun of Clappers/Clapps because they share the pike with Cetina-suspect Geddes', and it's very likely the truth that Cetis and Cetina were named after the Geta ancestry of Caracalla, born a Bassianus. As the mouth of the Cetina looks out to Brattia, also named, Brac, it's probably not a coincidence that Clavers use two fesses in the colors of the one of Bracks. The white towers of Clavers are to be linked to the same of Scone's whom will later show themselves as Bassianus kin. The Tute's will be found heavily on the Cetina, and so let's add that Clavers were first found in the same place as Tute's.

I don't know whether the English "cloke" is relevant or not to the claim that Caracalla named himself such after his special cloke / robe. But what's Cloke-interesting is the mythical phrase, "GLAUCus loved Scylla." As Samsons are reliably traced to Scylla elements, by what coincidence were Samsons first found in GLOUCestershire? Or, by what coincidence does the Gloucester surname show Glos terms like the Klassens expected at Saracena? The Cloke's are listed with Clocks and therefore possibly a branch of Gloucesters.

I was just about to jot down the idea that mythical Glaucus, said to mean sea-blue / sea-green, was more-correctly from the idea of a light reflection (i.e. mirror) from the sea surface. The idea has been coming to mind, but I decided not to jot this down for lack of evidence. At that very moment, I scrolled back from the webpage below to the Google-results page, to see this phrase: "Creusa figlia di [daughter of] Priamo". Priamo must have been a line to the Primo's/Primaeu's (patee cross) using a mirror!!! Excellent. It connects Priamo (Priam) to the mirror-using Sire's/Sirons too, fully expected at the Saracena theater. The green Primo roses may have been such as code for Glaucus liners. Prime's ("inVITA") happen to share a human leg with the Arms of Sicily, and the Prime leg is used on a green Shield by Foot-suspect Prophets/ProFetts (I trace this to Foetes/Fussen on the leg-like Leck river, southern Germany). Why do Prophets stick a spur to the shoe, as does the human leg and shoe of Ayers/Eyers?

In the Argonautica, mythical Butes jumps off the Argo and starts to swim to his death toward the Sirens, a picture that was created, not for nothing. Butes was a priest of Poseidon in Athens. Butes was made the twin brother of ERECHtheus / Erecthoneus, king of Athens, but I traced that term to Eryx at the western tip of Sicily, home of Elymians: "The Elymi shared western Sicily with the Sicani, the Phoenicians and later the Greeks. Their three most important cities were Segesta, the political centre; Eryx (the modern Erice), a religious centre; and Entella [Antalya liners?]. Other cities were Elima, Halyciae (referred to as Alicia in modern Italian sources), Iatae, Hypana and Drepanon." As Keturah was a line to the royals of Athens, this Butes character is highly suspect with the namers of Butua, beside Keturah-liner Kotor, where the Saraca's of Ragusa originated. But Keturah was also a line to Priam, and Aeneas himself is said to descend from Dardanus (ancestor of Priam). "Another" Butes (son of Telemon-suspect Teleon) mated with Aphrodite to birth Eryx, thus tracing Eryx to the Telemon-Ajax cult at the Cetis / Cyprus theater.

Theory: Elymians named the Helms and are therefore in heraldic helmets. The Elymians were in a natural, geographical reach of southern Sardinia, where the motto of Scottish Kennedys traces on two counts, while Irish Kennedys use helmets. From Sardinia, the Salyes were within natural reach while Helms share the Coat of Sale's. Sale's and Helms both use pheons, suspect with Paeoni while the light map has an Elimea region to the south side of Paeonia. Elimea happens to be on the HALIACmon river, which must be the naming of Halyciae (in the quote above) at the Eryx area. As Elimea is beside the APsus river, perhaps the Hypana location (quote above) applies. Hypsas' share the sphinx with OPENheims whom have been traced to the OPEN helmets of Mynetts. The Salyes lived on the Durance river with a mouth near Orange, and then one of the few orange symbols happens to be in the Crest (griffin) of the Rix's/Ricks (share the fitchee with Kennedys), looked up, only after the last sentences were written, as per "ERYX." It looks like Eryx Sicilians were up at the Durance / Orange theater, but isn't the Rix griffin an Agrippa line? The Eordaea region beside Elimea, and the Eordaei peoples on the Apsus, link well, suddenly, to the Jordans/SHURDANE's/Shurtans partially suspect in the past with SARDINians (the Shurdan Sea Peoples).

I'm now ready to pose that Rix's/Ricks (Child colors) were kin to king Childeric (I trace him to Salyes), for Childs (HERTfordshire) use spread eagles in the colors of the same of Lorraine's (they are the Piast eagles of the Mieszko's) while Rix's/Ricks were traced to Richeza of Lorraine. As this same Richeza married Mieszko II Lambert, by what coincidence does Wikipedia's article on Dagome, an alternative name for Mieszko I, trace his ancestry to Sardinia? The Child Coat is comparable with the English Lambert Coat, and these Lamberts were first found in the same place (Surrey) as Helms. Plus, the counts of Orange used the hunting horn while Ada of Varenne (Surrey) married Henry Huntingdon. The Nassau Coat is in the top-left quadrant of this Arms of Orange. Is that the Rix/Rick / Huntingdon fesse in the lower quadrant? Huntingdons were first found in the same place (Essex) as ELMers (share ravens with Varenne's), kin of Elnors (Bedfordshire) and both suspect last month with the namers of Alnwick. As Elms use a woman, Elimea may have been of the Elis'.

German Helms use the helmet in the colors of RANGabe's, who have been somewhat suspect with "Orange."

Here's from a translated Italian page: "Creusa, called Eurydice in the oldest tradition, was the daughter of Priam and Hecuba... In his [her] youth, he had as nurse, a woman named Caieta , which later became known as the city of Gaeta. Later, she married her cousin Creusa Aeneas, son of Anchises." I had not known this when crossing the Gaetani above, making them suspect with the Geta / Geddes liners. We now have the added mystery / complication on why the Gaeta location (near Setia) should have been a proto-Sadducee element. Gaeta became suspect with the Sulcis / Piscinas parts of southern Sardinia.

The Arms of Gaetani were suspect with the wavy bars of Side's/Scythes' (traced to Scidrus at Laus), who were in-turn suspect with Setia. "The gens Annia [Aeneas liner?] was a plebeian family of considerable antiquity at Rome. The first person of this name whom Titus Livius mentions is the Latin praetor Lucius Annius of SETIA, a Roman colony in 340 BC." Modern Setia (Sezza, about 40 miles south of Rome) uses a cornucopia (Fothes symbol), likely in honor of the Ops bee cult of Sabines. The second Butes above was a bee keeper, suggesting that Butes liners were Boiotians (see Melia of Boiotia, wife of ANCHISes-like INACHUS), and making the Sadducee house of Boetes suspect with these Butes liners to Sicily. As Kotor traces to mythical king Kodros of Athens, who had a fish symbol that goes to the fish in the Arms of Saraca, by what coincidence do German Butes'/Butts/BOETs use the fish on a fesse too?

English Butes' (share blue Shield with Ingers/Enders) use a "VIDentur" motto term that may be part-code for Ingers/Enders. The latter are suspect with a version of the Lurch/Larcher and Archer Coats, whom I trace to Lurco, known to be from Fondi i.e. midway between Gaeta and Setia. As English Butes' are said to be from a Mr. Bot, it can connect to the "bot" term of Clan Chattan, noting that Chattans / Chatans / Botters all share the blue Shield with Butes' (and related Este's and Bars). English Butes' are traced in their write-up to "archery butts," but that's mere code, or, at best, a vain attempt to link Butes' to Welsh Bude's (Butes colors) with a bow-and-arrow theme in the Coat...tending to clinch their link to Larchers / Archers (arrows). You just saw a good reason for identifying Chattan with "Keturah." Prime's and Prophets (both share the leg) both use arrows.

The Annius family included Vivianus Annius (1st century AD), who's in the Vey/Vivian write-up, and suspect with the Craig motto. Dutch Veys happen to use a BOOT. English Bude's share the Morgan / Moore lion, and that's the Morgan-le-FAY line very suspect with Veys.

So, Creusa's father was the Keturah-Abraham line to the Priam Trojans. There are different Creusa's in myth that help to establish her identity and alliances. Why was she also EuryDICE? Did the peoples represented by her go through Dicaea? Was Eurydice a line to Dyke's / Decks / Deacons / Degens / Degers / Teegers? Degens and Teegers share the Butes estoiles and Bude star, apparently, and while Teague's/Teggers share the Julian cross, Creusa and Aeneas were made the parents of mythical Iulia = the Julians. Dicaea is in the dark map between Maroni and Thasos; the latter was home to the Samson > Hercules line. But as Maronia is tracing excellently to Morano/Muranum at the Sybaris river, it's a preliminary cause to trace the Samsam / Timnah Saracens to the Thasos theater. Another Creusa was a wife of Panias-suspect Peneius, parents of the Lapith king, Hypseus, obvious liner to the Hypsas river at Agrigento.

Lapith-like Lapps use Melusine too, and were first found in the same place as Mortons/MYRtons, recalling the Mire prefixes on some versions of "Mormanno," which is what made Mormanno suspect with the mirror-suspect Mire's/Mireux's (Anjou). The Morton/Myrton quadrants are colors reversed from the same of Gaetani's. Saracena's patron saint is San Leone di CATANia. Cosenza is beside CATANzaro (potent cross). What's the "ZARo" for? Who shares the three gold-on-red pale bars of Catanzaro? The Garlands and Walkers, to name two. The Sturs use them in colors reversed, and share three red roses in Chief with anchor-using Majors (GREYhound with gold collar) while the latter use the roses in the colors of the Anchor Chief-with-lozenges. The Anchor lozenges are in the colors of the same on Beatle's/Bedwells, and the latter use their lozenges in an hourglass shape, as are the same-colored bars of Catanzaro. The Beatle Crest (rock) is a castle in flames, and Chattans happen to use the castle too.

The fact that the potent cross of the Cosenza area is black-on-white and suspect with the Sinclair cross is reason to mention that Beatle's/Bedwells were first found in the same place as Elnors who share the same cross as Sinclairs with Elmers (Elis' use it on gold background), and then the Alnwicks (rooster, Sinclair symbol) use a moline cross in the same colors. It may be indicating that Elemia / Elymian elements were fundamental with the potent liners of Bruttium. No great surprise, and it would make the woman of Elms suspect with the woman of Saracena. The Elm description, "A woman's head and shoulders," is part-suspect with Shuler = Schole = potent liners.

But the ALNwicks became suspect with ALANs of the Fitzalan kind (merged with Ceva = Chives elements), which may indicate an Elimea merger with proto-Alans (of Aulon) in the Elimea theater. The Cornish choughs of Elmers and Elnors trace to Cornwalls, and the latter have the Salyes-related motto, "La vie durante," part-code for Durants from the Durance river, and part-code for the "vi" motto term of Chives', the latter sharing the Alnwich moline (same colors), and first found in the same place as Cornwalls and Cornish's. This link of Elmers to the Salyes theater helps to clinch Elmers and Elnors with Helm liners.

Another Creusa was made the daughter of Erechtheus above; in that latter capacity, while married to Xuthus, Creusa was mother to Achaeans and Ionians, and while Achaeans founded Sybaris and Crotone (both in Bruttium), Ionians must have named the Ionian sea at the Saracena / Lungro part of Bruttium. Achaeans were in the Elis region, and the founders of Sybaris were from Halike, virtually the same terms as seen above with Elimea / Elymians In myth, Halice married Ion. Halice sure can be an Elis line. The black-on-white crosses above are in the colors of the Super/Soper saltire, perhaps indicating that Supers (same place as Chives') are from Sybaris. Later, the Michael's, with "supero" motto term, trace excellently to Bruttium's Byzantines, and this recalls that the Melissena Byzantines are tracing to Mormanno at the Sybaris river.

Aha! The Shops (listed with Carrick-suspect Shorelands/Shawlands) share the Shield-and-Chief color combination of English Elmers. These are the Elmers (dolphin, symbol of Daphne liners) that are in the cartoon code, Elmer Fudd, HUNTER of DAFFY duck, itself code for Daphne liners in the Ladon river of Elis. Now that we are apparently back to Huntingdon liners, let's add the "Ad" motto term of BOURs/Bowers, for "Sybaris" is said to be named after a fountain, Sybaris, in BOURA (Achaea). For what it might be worth, especially if this is the proto-Bauer / proto-Rothschild entity, Boura is said to be near Trupia, which may have named Trapani/Drepanon. It's notable that Bude's, Butes' and Bours/Bowers share the bow theme, for mythical Butes was at Eryx / Trapani.

The Troops (Banffshire), possible Tarves liners, showing no Coat, are said to have married Keith-Marshalls, while the Keith motto is a reversed version of the ALICE motto, making Alice's somewhat suspect with "Halice." The Keiths, by the way, share pale bars in the colors of the same of Catanzaro, making the Keith Catti suspect from the namers of that place! I'm sorry for taking so long to make that connection; where was my hadd? The Shield-and-Chief color combination of Keiths can be that also of Trope's/Drops. It looks like Trupia liners merged with Catanzaro liners to form the Keith-Troop relationship as far as Scotland.

The Arms of Crotone uses an anchor for a possible link to Agrigento liners. There is a Crotone/Crotty surname (gyronny) said to be of the Thomand Brians. It's interesting where Brains (GLOUCestershire) share a single pale bar with Crutch's.

I need to assume that ACRAGas was named by whatever real entity "CREUSa" represented. That is, I'll start by taking the position that she was the same as named Agrigento originally (I don't know the original term, Romans called it, Agrigentum). The Crutch's use a pale-bar-with-symbols in colors reversed from the Craig fesse-bar-with-symbols. At this webpage, you can verify that the Aeneas Trojans sailed along all of southern Sicily, with Aeneas' father, ANCHises, dying at Drepanum, the western tip of the island. One gets the impression that the naming of his father equates "AENEAS" with some Ank entity, such as Ancore, an alternative name for Nicaea. This is a good reason to trace Anchors/Annackers to the Arms of Agrigento. But as Greys use "anchor" in their motto, as well as the anchor, note how "grig," in "AGRIGento," means "grey" to the Latins.

The Croton/Crotty Crest happens to use a hind. Hinds (become suspect as Hainaut liners below) and Hyde's share lozenges, and while the three Hyde lozenges are in the color of the three used by Anchors, Hyde's were first found in Bedfordshire, i.e. same as Catanzaro-suspect Bedwells. You just saw a fair reason for tracing Crotons to Crotone in Catanzaro, and then there are the three lozenges in the Coat of mirror-using Sire's/Sirons, in the colors of the Hyde lozenges.

While Crotons/Crottys use gyronny, Majors are from gyronny-suspect Guernsey, location of Footes, and then Gregs -- in Carrick colors and first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as Crags (LEAVES) and Caracalla -- are using a version of the Foot / Fothes Coat, as well as two of the three Levi chevrons. It just so happens that while the LEVI chevrons (all three, same two colors) were used by the counts of Hainaut (Flanders), the Brains are said to be from "Brain, near Hainaut in Normandy." If it's not intended to mean Hainaut in Flanders, it's likely related to it. The Brabants, from Brabant at Hainaut of Flanders, and first found in the same place (Kent) as the Flanders line of Louvains, use roses on a fesse bar in the colors of the three faces on a pale bar of Brains. French Brabants were first found in the same place as Josephs, and use the Moor head centrally. (The Arms of HainAut Counts is from Wikipedia's Count of Hainaut article. The Levi chevrons once showed thicker, like the ones of these counts. Technically, the counts are not using three chevrons in this design, but, rather, it is to be considered bendy in general.)

The Levi motto uses "aide," and then Aids share leopard faces with Brains, tending to assure that the Brains link to the Greg chevrons, and thus trace well to Crotone of Bruttium, suspect in the first place with crutch liners now resolved as AGRIGento / Greg liners. This also spells out a Levi trace to the Bruttium elements suspect with proto-Sadducees. This is important if my trace of "FLANDers is to BLANDa on the north side of the Saracena theater.

I didn't notice until after writing the above, and only because I loaded the Count of Hainaut article (rarely do I), that further down the page, under the House of Habsburg, its Arms include what must be a version of the Arms of Catanzaro! Here is a larger version from the article below):

The only basic difference is that the Habsburgs replace the black-on-white potent crosses with same-colored eagles. This explains why the Habsburg Coat (houseofnames) uses the Mons/Mount lion, for Mons is the Hainaut capital. Apparently, when Habsburgs came to rule Hainaut (with Philip I, the son of Roman emperor, Maximilian I), they borrowed the Mons lion (or vice versa). Of interest, Philip I (king of Castile) was born in Bruges, Belgium, and died in Burgos, Spain. The center of the Habsburg Arms shows a pomegranate. This is potential here for this entity to have been much about Rosicrucianism proper of about that same time period.

The Hinds (Buckinghamshire, same place as Bruges'/Bruggs), who are likely in the hind of the Croton/Crotty Crest, use the lozenges of Brix's/Brice's/Bres', a potential Bruges liner, but also potentially from the Brezi = Bruttii. That works. It reminds us that Brians (same place as related Crotons/Crottys) are from BRIGantium. As Bricks (Munster, close to Crotons of Thomond) use the Brix/Bres lozenges in colors reversed, and moreover use a string of them, they link well to the same of Percys (same place as Gregs / Crags), especially as the Percy article shared recently claims and shows that Percys preferred to use the Louvain lion. It looks like "PERCy" and related lines are a branch of "BRICK / Brix," all suspect now from the Bruttii...that were called by Brech-like terms too.

Sooo, it looks like a Flanders trace to the Lucanians / Bruttii is explicable. Flanders constitutes the French side of the chief Crusaders, adding to the evidence that Sadducee / Herod / Maccabee liners were from this potent area of Italy. In fact, this recalls a feasible trace of "Herod" to Creusa terms, for I see her as a Hros line to such things as "Erotes / Rhodes / Redones." In this picture, Herodotus of the Rhodes area, known to have settled at Sybaris, evolves into the Herods by contact with Dexaroi elements out of Antipatria, for the latter was also called, Antipater, the name of the father of the first Herod. I would expect this to involve elements of a paragraph above in which Dexaroi link to Patti, Kilpatricks, and similar other Potentia suspects. Simply expect Herodotus' family to have merged with elite circles involving Saddock-suspect Pattys/Pati's, and then view the patee cross as a fundamental Herod line. Expect other Apsus-river elements in the mix, especially from KODRrium. Trace the Apsus river to the Hypsas, home to mythical Creusa, and link to an Aeneas entity there that goes to Annas, chief priest of Israel under Herod rule. These lines got around.

I can now expect BARCa, father of Annas-suspect Hannibal (Carthaginian), to be from BRECH = Bruttium liners, which reminds that Aeneas merged with Carthaginians. As Virgil made Aeneas father die in DREpanum = TRAPani, it reminds of my theory that Hannibal invaded the TREBBia river because he had kin there, for example the Ananes Gauls known to have been at Placentia, location of the Trebbia. When Hannibal invaded the Trebbia, he went first through Gaul and amassed willing Gauls for incorporation into his armies. And he brought the Numidian cavalry with him. I suppose that Virgil (inventor of Aeneas mythology) secretly knew that Aeneas was the line to Hannibal. While BARKs use larks, the Larks use a chevron in the colors of the Greg / Levi / Foot chevrons. Inside the Lark pellets, white FOOTless martlets shared by Levins / Saddocks / Chadocks, and the Sawyers, first found in the same place (Norfolk) as Larks. I feel comfortable with this picture.

Hanna's were first found in GALLOWAY, a place now suspect with the SALLOWAYs/Solways (Schutz/Shutz kin, probably), first found in the same place as St. Chad and his Litchfield location. Here, it's notable that the Litchfield leopard faces are in the gold color of the one in the Aid Crest, while Litchfields share a black Shield with leopard-face Brains (the latter's leopard faces are colors reversed from the same on the Aide Shield). We may as well add that Face's are kin of Segurana's while Seagars were first found in the same place as Sawyers / Larks. The Litchfield Coat, by the way, looks like an upside-down version of the Kerrick Coat, and the Kerricks use so-called "galTRAPs" in the Coat, and a "caltrop on a MOUNT" in the Crest. While Nons/Nevins are suspect from the Sophonisba Carthaginians, the Kerrick motto is, "NUNquam NON paratus." Nuns/Noons ("SuaVITER") happen to use the same saltire as Salloways/Solways / Schutz's.

I have not stressed a view in which Virgil was linking Aeneas to Hannibal in particular. The theory was always there, but I didn't want to force it, but rather wanted it to appear naturally and undeniably as part of my heraldic science. But first, it was necessary to find details on how that link may have taken place in the real world, and Sicily, especially at Agrigento, was always expected to be the linking factor. Nuns/Noons, I didn't realize until now, were first found in the same place as Larks! So, you see, Barca-related Larks are connecting with the kin of Agrigento's Kerrick liners...a thing that I would not care for in the least had it not to do also with the origins of the killers and enemies of Jesus. It is probably the wildest theory ever that the rulers of Jerusalem, in the days of Jesus, were from north Africa. But they were also from the Romans that merged with north-African elements. The whole of this goes back to Tyre, the father of ambitious, aggressive, and determined satanic elements on this planet. These are the stupids who never stopped to think on what they were doing, because their passions led them strongly. It's the same passions that Jesus condemned them for. Virgil was probably not concerned in the least on the lines to Israel's rulers, and yet his mythology allows one to make discoveries concerning them. On the other hand, Virgil's concerns were to glorify Augustus (or else), whom I think was close to Annas.

It can't be a further coincidence that German Bracks are using the black-on-gold Carrick talbot. While Bricks show evidence of being Massey liners, and while Meschins were birthed by BRIQUESsart, and as that Briquessart-Meschin married Talbots, the Brack Coat must be using the Meschin fesse (upon which is the talbot). It's Massena-perfect, for while the brother of le Meschin formed the Meschins of SKIPton, king Massena of Numidia abandoned the Carthaginians to join the loser of the war of Trebbia, general SCIPio. If I recall, the two men had dinner in north Africa, Scipio adventuring to see him there in hopes of acquiring his military support. He must have offered something pretty good to Massena. Bracks use a seated ("sejant") talbot in Crest.

As the Brechs list "Brack," while the Crest of German Bracks has, "A dog sejant between two black horns...", the hunting horns of Brechs/Bracks, and probably Brians too, must apply. Of interest here is that the French Brians use a saltire in colors reversed from the same of Soph-like Gophers, and the latter put DROPS upon the saltire that can be of the calTROPs of Kerricks. I can't recall the exact path that Hannibal took through the Alps in getting to Scipio's army at Trebbia, but it was up in the Turin area, which makes it suspect with the pass through / near Brigantium/Briancon. So, one may imagine a Hannibal / Numidian merger with proto-Brians / Brains, and, later, Massena on the side of Scipio tries to talk some of those Ligurians to side with Romans. I am mainly unfamiliar with the fine details of the Hannibal-Scipio war.

Although the Brack dog is not called a talbot, houseofnames uses one. As the talbot was the line of Le Meschin's wife, that being the Taillebois line, by what coincidence do Tailbois' share the Coat of Annan(dale)s that's traceable through Bruce's on Annandale to the Ananes Gauls at the Trebbia? Reminder: the Talbot surname is suspect with Dogs/Doags whom have themselves been resolved recently (mid-January) as Chaddock liners.

I now have the problem of "Barca" versus "Brigantium" for Bricks / Brecks / etc. The above felt convincing toward Barca liners, but brought me back to surnames I've previously thought were of Brigantium. Perhaps Barca and Brigantium were two distinct Bruttii liners. The ancient Phrygians were Briges/Brigians too, and Aphrodite, the namers of the Bruttii, in my opinion, was of the Heneti of Phrygia. These Heneti were likely the namers of the Kennati at the Calycadnus river, which recalls that Kennedys use the Arms of Carrick, and, moreover, the Kennedy motto is for Avisons suspect with Avezzano's who adopted the potent pattern. And Avisons happen to use an anchor. The AVEZzano location was suspect with the naming of VESpasia Polla so that the potent / Potenza aspect of Avezzano can trace to the Pollino area with her. "Avezzano" is still suspect with "Bessen," home of Ranulph of Briquessart-Meschin, and probably from "Bassianus / Bassania." The Turano river at Avezzano becomes suspect with the Tourlaville location in Manche, where Masseys were first found. Sturs, suspect with the Arms of Catanzaro (or are they the Arms of Habsburgs first of all?), are said to have been from Tourlaville. Aha, French Tours (Languedoc, same as the Font de Ville's in the Kennedy motto) share the white-on-blue tower with CHATANs! English Tours are listed with Thors, the ones with red towers shared by the Arms of Firmo. This latter place was highly suspect with anchor-using Firmans and Formans.

I've just noticed that the Chattans (two 't's) have a Schatto variation along with "Catto,", recalling that Skeetz' are said to be from "Keats," meaning that Chattans look like a branch of potent-liners Skits / Skeets / Scheds. I don't think this has ever dawned on be before. It's not anything I've carried with the Chattans / Chatans. Keats are the ones suspect with the cats of Chives', first found in the same place as Tours/Thors. Chattans are said to have married Percys and POTTs, and then Clan Chattan uses "BOT." Chatans were first found in POITou, which had recently become suspect with Poti, also named Phasis, like VesPASIA Polla! Potters were first found in the same place as English Sturs, the Stur river, and Pollino-suspect Poole. It looks like Catanzaro liners were in fact linked to Sturs and the namers of Tourlaville.

It needs to be repeated that Carricks trace by the Craig and Craigie ("vivo") motto to Vivianus Annius, who married a daughter of Domitius Corbulo, while another of the latter's daughters married dragon-line emperor Domitian (6th head of Revelation 17), Vespasia Polla's grandson. This emperor's children were Corbulo liners (did Domitian re-name himself after Corbulo's first name, or were they related beforehand?). Was that a bad thing? Cragie's, who share a white-on-blue engrailed feature with Chatans, were first found in the same place (Ayrshire) as Carricks, and a Kyle location, the latter being where Potter-suspect Porters/Pawters were first found. The Cragyns/Craigie's came to mind as per their church mentioned in the Porter write-up.

As Porters use bells, can we imagine a CorBELL-like name from "Corbulo"? Corbells/Corbetts were first found in TOURaine (at Tours), which probably had political relationships with Poitou to its south. The CorBELIN variation may be of the Belli's and Bellino's, both first found in Verona, and then Verone's/Varenne's happen to use the Corbel/Corbett Coat exactly! I wasn't conscious of this when posing the question above. It looks like Porters were not named after doormen, as the write-up may imply (did they really use door bells in early times?). It just so happens that Belli's share three red bars with Sturs! Plus, I trace Sturs to Istria, location of Pola. As FULLERS (FUTTer kin) share the beacon with German Belli's, note that PULLER are listed with Pulleys/Pullens (share the Patent motto = potent liner) sharing the Chatan / Chatan / Botter bend, as well as using FOOTless martlets in the colors of the same of Plocks, and colors reversed from the same of Formans. It looks like Corbulo liners named the Corbells/Corbetts, and were at least merged with Bell's liners, unless Bells were a Corbulo branch (one Bell surname shares bells with Porters). The "PAScit" motto term of Corbins/Corbetts (elephant) tends to clinch the Corbett trace to Corbulo!

Fullers and Beacons/Bacons use Firmo-suspect motto term. Fullers are suspect with the three red Stur bars. If one compares FARMers to Firmins and PARMers/Palmers (same place as Firmans), a Firmo link to the namers of Parma develops...unless it's wrong to trace Firmins to Firmo liners. Fuller-suspect Pullers share the pelican with the Langs that list Lungro-like Longers, and Lungro is near Firmo. Moreover, the pelican often comes with a NEST, note that the Nestos river flows near COSYNTus (dark map), like "COSENZa, location of both Firmo and Lungro.

Corbins/Corbells (Shropshire, same as the Fuller-suspect father of Pollocks, and English Rothes') must be a branch of both Rothes surnames, both suspect from Peter Pollock's Rothes castle, in Moray, where Scottish Belli's were first found. Pollocks ("AUDacter") had traced to Aude, that's where the CORBIERES region is suspect with the neighboring ORBIEU river, also in Aude (same place as French Tours). And right next door is Narbonne while the Narbonne surname (listed with Denardo's) shares the Chatan / Tour tower, making it appear that Corbulo-Vespasian liners trace together with Catanzaro liners to Aude. That's where cat-suspect CHATeau-le-Rennes (suspect with the namers of Renfrew) is located while Chateau's are listed with Castels/Castille's/Castets, variations like the "Chastin/Chastan" of Chatans.

Vespasia liners were suspect with Pasi's, whose spears are used by Speers, first found in the same place (Renfrewshire) as Ore's that share the cornucopia with Fothes', and who may have been a branch of Orbieu. Ore's share torteaux with Orells, much like "Corbell." There was also an Orbelus area suspect with the namers of Orbieu because elements around Orbelus had traced well to Aude. The Orbelus mountains (bottom of light map) are along the Stur-suspect STRYmon river. To the opposite side of the Orbelus range is the Nestos river while Nests/Ness' use two red fesse bars, the color of the three used by Sturs. "OrBELUS" may have been a Belus line (i.e. to Belli's) merged with an Or/Cor entity...that named Corbulo. The Dunax mountain at the north end of the Orbelus range was traced well to the royal Duncans/DunCHADS (Scotland) known to descend from the mentor (Columba, I think his name was) of St. Chad. No matter what they say to dent it, I say that "COLUMba" named the MalCOLMs of the royal Duncans.

Or, Orbelus may have been an Orb-Belus merger from the namers of Orba at Cetis.

I haven't been sure on what the "omnia" motto term of Ore's and many others stands for. I've guessed that it might be the Omans/Osmonds/ORmandys/OrMUNDYs (Mandys/Mundays?). There is an OdoMANTi peoples stamped at the southern end of the Orbelus range. Omans/Ormandys use three footless martlets in the black color and positioning of the three Corbell/Corbett ravens. Chattans use "omniBUS" while the Bus cinquefoil is in use with Duncans, and "Bus" is like the Bessi peoples next to mount Dunax. The Bessi are said to have been priests of the Satrae, the latter stamped at the southern end of the Orbelus range. We are making sense. Heraldry traces over and over to pagan-Greek elements.

The Belli's can now be linked to the ROQUEfeuil billets by way of the Bells, first found in ROXburghshire, using the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Billets / Bellows in colors reversed. The Arms of Roquefeuil uses billets, you see. This now makes Billets and Bellows suspect with CORbulo liners. While on the Corbulo's, the Ore's cam to topic, and it just so happens that Billets are believed to descend from Cote de Or. Billets and Bellows (same Coat) use cinquefoils in the colors of the same of Bus' / Duncans for a potential Bellow trace to OrBELUS liners i.e. at Dunax.

Why do Bellows use a motto, "Vito et pectORE PURO"? The Purrs/Purys happen to use a version of the Oman/Ormandy Coat. The Omans and Bellows are now linkable to the Glenns / Glennys (same place as Fothes) who use the black Oman / Pury martlets on the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Billets / Bellows, and, I kid you not, I've been tracing the "Pour y" motto phrase of Manners/Maness' to Purrs/Purys for several years. This tends to prove that trace correct because Mens' (Glenyon) are said to be of the Manners. The chief of the Glenns is said to have been Colbin, a possible version of the Corbin variation of the Corbett / Corbell line. To this it can be added that the Veys/Vivians Fife's share the red Chief with Glennys, first found beside Fife, a good reason to trace Glenns and the Glenyon location to Vivianus / Corbulo / Domitian Vespasian liners. Recall that Domitian was suspect with the naming of Julia Domna, for her sister married Julius Avitus suspect in the "Vito" term of Bellows.

Plus, the Glennys use a banner but call it a pennon while Pennons/Pennings use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of the Roxburghshire Bells (or colors reversed from the same of Glennys). This Pennon line is expected with the Banners at the naked woman of Saracena. The Pennons are said to have been called Palatines, in London, and even according to the look of their Coat, they trace well to the Capes' of London, the latter using a version of the Glenny Chief. I can glean that Palatine's were Pilate's to the red stag head of Colts/Celts, in colors reversed from the Pennon stag heads. It just so happens that the French Billets trace to the billets of Besancons/Bassets, first found at Forez, beside both Mont Pilat and FIRMINy. The latter can now trace to Firmo is indeed the Pennons trace to Saracena.

Colbans/Cobhams/Copons happen to share the chevron of German Glenns, and were first found in Kent, beside the Pennons (Suffolk). Colbans/Cobhams have been suspect with the Quint Coat in colors reversed, which I think is extremely important as per the Roquefeuil billets, especially if Coponius, the governor of Judea shortly before Pilate, is part of this surname. The gold that king Herod lavished on the Jerusalem temple became suspect with the Caepio gold, and my theory is that Caiaphas was made the chief priest as per the gold that he secretly had, which made him wealthy.

The gold and silver bars -- heraldic billets -- of the Caepio treasure were suspect between Mont Pilat and the Aude theater of Roquefeuil, for Quintus got his treasure at Toulouse, beside Aude, and the Herods of Toulouse were expected to have transferred some of it to the area of Herod Archelaus around Vienne / Lyon, beside Mont Pilate...and Orange. The latter location is where Quintus Caepio fought a war with king Boiorix in 105 BC, the year after he (Quintus) stole the treasure from Toulouse. The gold billets of Nassau's prove that the treasure was shared between Roquefeuils and Orange elements, for Orange came to be merged with Nassau. As per the Narbonne location, that's roughly where the Gellone monastery was located, and William Gellone was the count of Toulouse, and, some say, the father of Guerin of Provence up at the Orange theater. Narbonne is in Aude's Corbieres region, and near the border with Herault while Heraults are listed with Herods/Haralds. The Guerins are using the pierced Zionist stars of Billets (same place as Josephs that share the black martlet) in gold.

Compare the lion of Boior-like Voyers to that of Narbonne's/DeNORDI's and Norths, making it appear that the line of king Boiorix merged eventually with North liners through Narbonne. Naked-suspect Nortons/Nottons/NECHTens (red towers) happen to list NAUGHtens so that we may have found Nith / naked elements at the NarBONNE theater. I am ready to trace North liners to the naked woman of Saracena, linking her, Melusine, to William Gellone. It implies connection between Narbonne and Bruttium.

Why do Ore's use bonne-like motto terms? Were Ore's part of the namers of Orange that had been of Narbonne connections. If Orange named the Rangabe's, does this make Ore's ancestors to Rangabe's? The Ore motto term, "omnia," suspect with Omans/Ormunds, can make "Oman" a play on "woman." Don't the piles of Ore's trace to Pilate liners at / near Orange? Aren't piles shared by Guiscards i.e. from the Saracena area and expected as part of Rangabe liners? Was "Orange" indication of an Ore-Angers merger? I've always wondered about the similarity between "Rangabe" and "Anjevin" (name of the peoples of Anjou / Angers). Ore-related Orells trace well by their shared torteaux to the same of the Orell-like Orleans surname (must have the 's' to come up), and Orleans is on the same Loire river as Angers. It is very notable that the Orleans bars are in the green-and-white colors of the bars of Sitters/SIDEwells, for Sutys are a branch of SIDE's/Sudys. Not far below, Sitter liners are traced in a different manner, in a surprising find that includes vikings, to Bruttium's Byzantines.

As Melusine is very-likely the same as Morgan le Fay, by what coincidence do English Nortons/Northens use the same lion as Morgans? The Notting-like "nothing" motto term of Sutys gets the Nothings/Northens, which effectively links Seatons/Sittens to Nith liners, explaining why Seatons / Nothings/Northens share a green dragon with Kilpatricks. While the Kilpatrick castle (upon the Nith) was in relation to CLOSEburn, the Nortons use a "falcon CLOSE." As Bruttium's Firmo (smack beside Saracena) is the place sharing the red tower with Nortons, the wavy bars of Formans (another green dragon in Crest) must be the wavy bars of Sutys. This identifies Nortons/Naughtens / Connaughts solidly with Nitts/Naughts and the namers of the Nith. It's tracing them to Aude. And it's making the Bruttium link to Aude simultaneously, just after Bruttium elements had traced to the Nith.

Ore's share what looks like a version of the Quillan Coat, and Quillan is a location in France's Aude, where the motto of Pollocks, first found in the same place as Ore's, traces. Quillan is not far from the monastery of Gellone, making Gellone's suspect with the namers of Quillan.

Perhaps it's coincidental, but the bell-ringer theme in the Bell write-up may be code for surnames from Melissena RANGabe. Ringers use the bell, and fleur in Bell-Coat colors. The Ringer unicorn is covered in pellets, and Pellets use the Coat of Pilotte's. The Ringers were first found in the same place as Annas', and are using Annas colors. The Annas Coat is a good reflection of the Quillan Coat, and there is a Quillan location beside Rennes-le-Chateau. Repeat from above: "Danish Cnuts use 'pot hangers,' and Hangers (same place as Potters) are suspect with Anger elements [included RANGabe's?] at Anjou, or even with the Angle kin of Nagle's. Naked-like and Cnut-suspect NAUGHTens/Naughtens (falcons) use the colors of Saracen-suspect Fulke's (and Belgian Flecks). Cnut is said to have named NOTTINGhamshire." The Ringers, first found in Nottinghamshire, share the unicorn with one Cnut surname. Again, bell-using Porters/Pawters are expected as a branch, or at least a merger with, Potters.

Perhaps it's a coincidence, perhaps not, but Irish Rings/Rynns list Cranns while Crannys/Crains share the grey elephant with Corbins/Corbetts and use the wolf design of Quillans. Rings/Rynns are in Bell colors and said to descend from a potential mythical character, BILLrian. That name gets suspect with Billers/Bellers, first found in the same place as Capone's and Chapmans, the latter sharing the white-on-red crescent with Rings/Rynns. The Biller Shield is split vertically in the colors of the same of German Kaplans. English Kaplans were first found in the same place as Potters, Hangers...and Capelli-related Bidens/Buttons who trace to the namers of Cabyle in Thrace, making Kaplans highly suspect as Cabyle liners. One half of the German Kaplan Coat is the Shield-and-Chief color combination of the Roxburghshire Bells, or colors reversed from the same of Billets / Bellows. The Billers are "Billiere" too, while French Billets, likely using a silver version of the gold Coat of Chappes-related Payens (same place as Mont Pilat), are also "Billiard," all of this tending to identify the Caepio(nis) surname as kin of Cabyle liners. Compare the Billers/Bellers between the Capes', Gardners, and Kaplans. Cable's share a fretty Shield with Belows/Bella's (one 'l'), first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as Crags and Cragie's, expected kin of Gards (share a sleeve in Crest with Belows/Bella's).

I think there has just been found a way to better link the Quillans (Irish) to Aude's Quillan. The latter came to mind at the sight of the Quilt location of Glennys, and while there is no Quilt surname, there is a Quillet/Queluil/Ceuile surname, first found in the same place as Bouillons ("bello" motto term). The latter are Taddei kin, and Taddei's share the Alda Coat while Alda's are also "Auld's." The Alda Coat has the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Glennys, and Bellows / Billets. Italian Alda's show several Aud-like terms, can be construed with a version of the Kaplan / Biller/Bellers Coat. As Quillets/Queuile's use nearly the Solway/Salloway Coat, they may be Galloway liners that can trace with Hanna's to the Gela peoples of southern Sicily, where proto-Annas' are expected. That could make Quillan a Gela line, wherefore note that the Carricks, from Gela-founded Agrigento, were first found in the same place as Alda's/Aulds. The Glennys of Quilt are mentioned alongside the royal Bruce's, suggesting that the Gleny-Crest heart is considered by others to be the so-called "heart of Bruce," and then Galloways share the Bruce lion. I view the "heart of Bruce" as fiction, and trace that heart, shared by principally by Douglas', to the Hardys that share an engrailed cross with Quillets.

As Glennys became suspect with Gaulonites out of Gamala, and somehow into Camulodunum, it's notable that Camps/Comps and CampBELLs are in Quillet colors, while Camps/Comps can be using a version of the English Capone Coat because Italian Capone's/Capua's are from Capua, in CAMPania, and near ABELLinum.

The Bellows are said to have held a seat at Moreton in the 11th century, making them very traceable to Muranum/Morano at Sybaris, which is at the Pollino mountains, indicating that Bellows / Belli's/Bellens/Bellati's / Billets and their kin may have been a branch of the namers of Pollino. That can jibe with my trace of Pollocks to Roquefeuils...whom I say married Herods in Henry IV of Rodez (Henrys, more footless martlets). Note that Pulleys/Pullens from that Pollino area share a version of a Gard Coat. The Pollino area is at Thurii, home of HERODotus.

Irish Gards (in the Carrick motto) use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Bellows, and even throw in a dark-brown wolf, which can be the black one in the Bellow Crest. Irish Gards share the hawk's lure with Herods/Heraults and Cheshire's while Bellows were first found in Cheshire.

As Melusine and Melissena Rangabe has traced very well to the Byzantium empire's Saracena area, let me jot down a new theory here. It started with the realization, just before the paragraphs above were formed starting with the Roxburghshire Bells, that there may have been l-version Ingers / Enders. There are Linger and Lenders surnames. Scottish Lenders were first found in Bedfordshire, same as the Catanzaro-suspect Beatle's/Bedwells. And Lenders share vertical bars with the Arms of Catanzaro, gold-on-black versus gold-on-red. Then, German Lenders/Lindens use a green tree, as do the mirror-line Mire's/Mireux's/Mireurs, part of Melissena's Anjou kin (Mire's call it a "myrtle bush"). Anjou is on the Loire river slightly down-river from Tours / Touraine, and the latter became suspect with the Tourlaville of the Sturs using red-and-gold vertical (pale) bars. German Mire's use a woman (in blue dress).

I would not minimize here the trace I made of Mere's to the Imair/Imar bloodline that produced Sitric, Harald and Maccus in the seas between Scotland and Ireland. The idea coming to mind is that they were the mirror line, for the Drakenberg Vere's placed their mythical Melusine on Avalon in those very seas before her son supposedly birthed Milo de Vere, first count of Anjou (historians don't recognize him as real, or at least not as the count). In other words, there is reason to believe that Sitric was a Varangian from the bloodline of Inger. It can explain why Ingers/Enders share the arrow with Mackie's/Margys, the latter first found on-shore (at Ayrshire) from Avalon. Moreover, as the Stout-surnamed vikings are known to have used a raven banner, so the Mackie's/Margy use one. As I trace Maccus, not only to Mackie's / Mackays, but to Maxwells, let's tell that, for some time, I was telling readers that the Mire's used holly, until one day it had changed to a MYRtle BUSH as play on words. But Maxwells happen to use a "holly BUSH," you see, convincing me that Maccus liners were the Melusine line between Avalon and Mire's of Anjou. I now, for the first time ever, have that part of the Melusine mystery solved, part of which tells me that her Byzantine elements had something to do with Byzantines in Cosenza / Catanzaro (Chatans / Chattans are in Rangabe colors).

Sitric was traced to Sitters/Sidewells/SITHwells, and they too use vertical bars. They even share vertical-green bars with Lender/Linden-like Landers/Landens (sinister bend), making them suspect with the naming of Belgium's Landen. Landers/Landens share eight bars total with Lenders/Lindens.

Why is the banner-like flag highlighted on the ship of Mere's? Is that code for the banner line of Lady Fortune through Saracena? The Stout vikings went through SHETland, as even the raven in the Arms of Shetland can verify, and the woman in the Arms of Saracena was given a SHEET symbol. I had earlier resolved (a year or more earlier) that Shetland was named by the Skeets'/Sheets! The Arms of Shetland even share a ship with Mere's.

As Mere's list "Myers/Mayers," while first found in the same place as English Masseys, Mere's can be a branch of Majors/Mayers, from an island off the coast of Manche, not only the home of French Masseys, but of the Sturs of Tourlaville. Manche is suspect from "Manx," the peoples on the Isle of Mann, where Maccus and/or his brother is known to have ruled. Mayers/Majors are said to have included Mauger, and uncle of the Conqueror who married Guille, while Guille's/Gulls (share gold Chief with Majors/Mayers) use more vertical bars, this time a version of the same of German Julians (i.e. Guille's were a Julian branch, first found in Saxony, the Arms of which share gold-and-black bars with Lenders. If one only compares the Quillans to the Majors/Mayers, one can see that Quille (a woman) was part of the Quillans. I wonder what side of the Conqueror's parents Mauger was from. Was he a son of "the tanner"? I'm guessing that he was a Maker liner from Maccus. Makers/Macks (version of the sinister Masci / Massena bend) not only share eight vertical bars with Landers and Lenders, but they are in the colors of the Stur bars.

There is reason to link the Makers/Mack bend to that of the Roxburghshire Scotts if the latter were a branch of Skeets'/Sheets. Mr. Skeetz has said that Schutz's were expected as a Scottish line to Schutz's of Saxony, and he therefore expects the Scott surnames to apply. Later, he excitedly claimed to find his line from a raven-using family near Stuttgart, where I trace Stouts. I can't recall the name of that family. Stuttgart is in Baden, where Zahringer and their VERINger kin ruled, while Verone's/Varenne's use ravens. Ada of Varenne has been resolved with Ade's, first found in the same place (Berwickshire) as Makers/Macks, and where I trace the Mackay bear. Berne of Switzerland, known to be founded by Zahringers, uses the bear symbol. Michael I Rangabe becomes suspect below with the Michael surnames, two of which were first found in Surrey, where Varenne's ruled. Along with tracing his line to the Varni (proto-Varangians?), Mr. Skeetz has emphasized the Huns / Hundts in his search, and they are suspect from Huntingdon, where Henry ruled that married Ada of Varenne. Henry was a descendant of queen Margaret, suspect in the Margy variation of raven-liner Mackie's.

Recalling that Chatans are now suspect with Schat-like terms, by what coincidence were Chattans first found in Roxburghshire along with Scotts?

The woman-using Mire's (Prussia, where I trace Pressina, Melusine's mythical mother) is likely Melusine, for the Mire description is: "A silver shield with a woman in blue eMERGINg from green ground." Not only is the green ground identical to the one in the Coat of Mire-suspect Lenders/Lindens (Inger suspects, right?), but "EMERGINg was suspect with Mergens/Morgans, the line of Morgan le Fay of Avalon, who must have been identical to the Melusine of Avalon, for the Drakenberg Vere's identified her as their witchcraft cult, same theme as Morgan le Fay by the Arthurian writers.

Scottish Michaels ("supero") are sharing the gold-on-black Meschin fesse, though it's also the Herl fesse, and, therefore, suspect with the gold fesse of Herods/Haralds/Hurls, the latter now thought to be from Harald, father of Maccus. The Michael fesse is in both colors of the Brack fesse (share the black Carrick talbot) while Scottish Michaels (mascles) have a Mr. Michaelis of BRECHin in their write-up. Already, that's indication Bruttium elements, jibing with the theory now under discussion, that the line of Michael I Rangabe (Melissena's' grandfather, if I recall correctly) was involved Byzantines of Cosenza / Catanzaro. Scottish Michaels even use a "FavENTE" motto term suspect with Enders that list "Inger." "Milo" de Vere had become suspect as short-code for "Michael," but the evidence we are now reading is new at this time.

So, it looks like Michaels trace to Bruttium with the Meschin kin of Bracks suspect with the father of le Meschin, not forgetting that le Meschin's son was surnamed, Gernon, while the Gernon motto (Nid CyFOETH) is suspect with such things as Footes on Gernon-like Guernsey. Recall that Bruttium elements led to the Nith river early, for the "Nid" motto term can apply. As I said, the Geds on the Nith are said to have given their swords to the Mackays.

English Michaels share scallops with Meschins, and this traces to Scylla elements that must include Skylletion in Bruttium. When we get to German Michaels, what do we see but a version of both the Bernice fesse and the Arms-of-Saraca fesse. Moreover, as Saraca's were from Ragusa, beside the ELAPHITi islands, by what coincidence are the two lions of German Michaels in colors reversed from the two of Voyers/VOIRs while "voir" is a motto term of OLIPHANTs. That now links Saraca's to Voyers, recalling that Voyers entered the discussion earlier in this update as part of the Narbonne / Norton/Naughten link to Saracena. However, Narbonne's/DeNORDI's share the Chatan tower so as to trace to something in Catanzaro.

The same tower is used by Scone's (STIRling, same place as Guiscards), suspect with the Scone location wherein the Scottish royals crowned themselves. If we reduce "Scone" to "Sone," the Sone's/Soams (share falcon with Nortons) come to mind who use mallets while it has been resolved that the Mallet surname traces to both Ragusa and Melita, the latter smack beside the Elaphiti islands. This island of Melita was claimed (by me) to be an origin of Melusine. The Scone's use a white-on-blue Zionist star in their canton square, which star can be found in the fesse of German Michaels...and with Hagars, first found beside Stirling. The Scone Crest is another green dragon, this time a wyvern, traceable to the Guerin-suspect Guerra's i.e. recalls William of Gellone at / beside Narbonne.

This idea that Scone's (Rangabe colors) were Sone's/Soams, and now practically proven to be correct, reminds that I traced Soams to Sohaemus, whose sun-god cult had a black stone. It had been suggested a year or two ago that the stone of this sun god linked to "the stone of Scone," but I don't think I realized at the time that Scone's were Sone's/Soams. There is a Schone surname (Prussia) that shares red roses with Chatans.

The German-Michael fesse with Zionist stars in Rangabe colors is a good reflection of the Cassius/Casano Coat, wherefore the Patterson/Cassane branch of Kilpatricks should apply to Michael liners. The Patterson/Cassane scallops in Chief are a reflection of the Michael stars on fesse, Kilpatricks are definitely using the Maxwell saltire so that Patricks / Pattersons were at least merged with the Maccus line, though with their trace to Patti, they were probably very-close and ancient kin of proto-Maccus families. Kilpatricks and Mackays share the dagger for a mutual trace to the Dexaroi of AntiPATRia. The Patterson/Cassane write-up mentions Kissane's, and they list a GUIScard-like GUISSane variation so that Cassane's are expected again with the Guiscard relationship to Bruttium. That is, one can trace Guiscard elements, perhaps even Guiscard ancestry, to the Cassius'/Casano's.

Scone's call their tower a "fortifiCATION," which is definitely part-code for Cations/Cattens (cats), for the Chatans must apply who share the Scone tower. Therefore, Scone's do trace to Catanzaro liners. The Catten cats recall that Keats (cats) are possibly Skeetz's/Sheets. Cations/Cattens (Norfolk, same place as Keats) share a horizontally-split Shield with Schone's/Shonmans. "FORTIfication" can now link well to Lady Fortune, especially as Cations/Cattens use "A Saracen's head eMERGINg from a castle with two towers..." The Saracen's head tends to prove here that Lady Fortune of the Klassens is in the Arms of Saracena. The split Cation/Catten Shield colors are those of the Fort quadrants; the Forts share a black fitchee with cations/Cattens; and the Fort castle is likely that of Chattans, but also of Martins in that the latter were first found in the same place (Guyenne=Gascony) as French Forts. The English-Fort motto likely honors Aude liners.

The good thing about all of these complications, if you are not very familiar with my work, is that they don't lead far in that it all goes in circles, coming back again and again to the same elements by different names. The Keats cats were linked to the Chives cats, and the "vi" motto term of Chives goes to the Viu river, home of the royal Cottians likely in the Cautes/Cotta/Cottin surname suggested by the "cautes" motto term of Cation's/Cattens. And the "vi" term is also for Viponts/VISponti's (likely Vio's/Vito's/Vitone's) that link to Ottone Visconti, kin of Guiscards/WISharts.

The Enotri Mystery Clinches Bassus with Bassianus

If I stick to all of the points thus far, it expects the Maccus-viking line in Cosenza / Catanzaro, suggesting that Guiscards and/or the Drengots apply to that theory. But it suggests more, that the Byzantines of Catanzaro were themselves related to the Maccus line i.e. from Melissena, a Byzantine of around 850 AD. "Fulk" even became suspect from "TheoPHYLACtus Rangabe," Melissena's father. The Fulke's (same place as Saracen-loving Cations/Cattens) use "Qui sera sera," right? If Fulks were directly from Theophylactus, it doesn't necessarily spoil other things to which I trace Fulks, such as Tuscany's Velch location. But if Fulks were of the Polk variation of Pollocks, shouldn't Fulks trace to the Pollino mountains? Pollino's were first found in the same place (Tuscany) as Fulks and Aude-suspect Alda's. TheoPHYLACtus may be of the Belgian Flecks/Flogens (partially the Pollock saltire) that share the split-Shield of Fulke's, the latter first found in the same place as Flacks/Flechs.

With Seatons suspect from the Setantii Brigantians who lived in the seas between Louth and Lancashire, but also up in the Lothian area, it brings back to mind the Keith-Coat link to the Arms of Catanzaro. Basically, Catanzaro was a line to Keiths of Lothian, I am very sure, and Seatons were first found in the same place as Keiths...along with Faucets. The latter can thus become suspect with the Phaeacaens of the Cosenza theater. As Keith-related Alice's use a MUZZLED bear as code for Musselburgh of the Keith / Faucet domain, let's recall the Enotri of the last update, they being the ancient peoples of Saracena. The Enotri just came to mind here while recalling the "Alis" motto term of Samson-like Simsons, for the full Alice motto is, "Alis NUTRior"!!! Zowie, what a great way to prove the Keith / Alice trace to the Halike-Boura (beside Trupia) relationship with Catanzaro. English Simsons may be construed as using the Sam/Sammes lion, and the latter's even has DROPs upon it, recalling that Keiths linked to Trupia-suspect Tropes'/Drops.

I've been seeing hints that Sybaris links to the naming of "Cibalae" (VINKovci). It started with the Shaw-look of "SYBaris," but was then followed with the Shawland variation of Sybaris-suspect Shops, to be followed shortly after with the "VINCit" motto terms of Keiths and Alice's, and here in the Simsons, "A falcon VOLANT proper," suspect as code for emperor Valens (born in Cibalae), and their motto translated as, I am fed by my WINGs." "The Enotri were a very-ancient peoples in Calabria, living at Scolucium/Scolatium (modern Cassiodoros)..."

Now look at this, for Notters/Nodders were just found, using the Petty (and Fastoff) quarters in colors reversed, and Scottish Pettys share the green parrot of the Peeble's surname while Boura-suspect Bours/Bowers were first found in Peebles-shire. Burleys use boar heads in the colors of the Simson crescents. The Petty-Crest parrot even has an arrow in its beak. I've been linking Pettys to the Rothschilds for more reason that this, especially as this Arms of Rothschild use the Petty quarters. It all spells out that German Bauers (who formed the first Rothschild), sharing a green Shield with Bours/Bowers and Burleys/Bourlys, were from Boura indeed. In the Rothschild Arms, note the "INTEgritis" motto term suspect with Inders/Ingers who share arrows with the Arms of Rothschild. Besides, while the Rothschild name is from Peter Pollock's castle, he traces to the Pollino mountains at Sybaris. Pollino's/Apollo's share a green tree with Alice's. At the Ladon river, Apollo loved Daphne, but she ran away from him, and she likely ran to the Akheloos river, home of Taphians and Sirens.

So, who are the Notters/Nodders (owl) by other terms? Pettys use a "needle," and there is a Needle/Nadler surname (a giant sun). The bow-using Bogens may have developed as a Germanized version of Bowers ("bogen" means "bow"), the purpose here being a Bogen trace to the same-colored Bugs of NOTTINGhamshire. The Nottings/NUTTERs were first found in the same place as Simson-like Samsons, and should therefore link to the "NUTRior" term of Simsons (whether or not they knew of their trace to the Enotri). This tends to reveal that king Cnut was an Enotri liner, though not necessarily the Danes before him, for the Enotri line may have been from his Polish mother, Swietoslawa. As her line was kin to the Beaks, note the "beak" in the Petty description. Pettys and Pollocks have both been traced to Pola = Pietas-Julia. The Cnut surname lists "Knotter."

Now that Nott liners are tracing to Bruttium, the "pot hangers" of Danish Cnuts can be brought back to topic under the suspicion that Hangers are Angers liners and therefore trace, at least, to Mormanno on the Pollino-Sybaris watershed, and to the Melusine liners in Saracena. One expects an Enotri merger with the Saracens of Saracena, and they were Sirens, right? From the Taphian pirates, right? And the Enotri of Skylletion were of the Apollo cult, right? The ones that gave Scylla its wolf heads. As the pot hangers are certainly code for Potters, might they be a Petty branch? I didn't know when writing this paragraph that Dutch Boors/Bore's/Bors' use "cooking POTS"! It's the symbol of German Pots. There you have a great reason to link Cnut to Enotri liners as they connected with Boura liners. The purple Cooks can apply, who share the ostrich with Beaks and Carricks.

The Akheloos river (Calydon) of the Sirens was the location of the Calydonian boar, suggesting, perhaps, that the Burley boars apply, meaning that Boura may have been the identity of that mythical boar. The Astakos location off the Akheloos was traced to the Astikas' of Lithuania (wolf symbol, Lada goddess), who married Trabys, a good reason to trace Trabys to Trupia, smack at Boura! Plus, while I trace CALYDon to the Khaldi, the latter were at TRABzon! Excellent; it reveals that Traby stock was a Trabzon entity through Trupia / Achaea / Elis / Ladon...and, perhaps most-important of all as concerns the coming 666, suspect with the strings in this Arms of Traby (Poland), the Rothschilds are linking fundamentally with Trabys. Rothschild bankers are high on the list of suspects for changing the way the masses bank their money, or in the way we all operate with it at the "cashier."

Elis', by the way, share white crescents with Alis-loving Simsons, yet another reason to link the Enotri to Elis liners. In my opinion, the most-ancient peoples of Elis were of Uranus, as per the myth of his castration by a sickle. In Greek, a sickle is a "drepane," and some historians said that Trapani was named after its sickle-shaped coast. But where the Elymians of Trapani were Elis liners, the Uranus myth should apply to an Elis migration to Trapani, and this becomes suspect with Trupia.

Recalling that Keiths linked to Trupia suspects, here I find that Drape's share "Vincit" with Keiths, share a stag head with Keiths, and moreover use three cups in the colors of the three Keith bars. Both Drape motto terms end in "cit," which may reveal that others that do the same are potential Citis/Cetis liners. The Drape annulets are in the colors of the giant one used by Vito's. Reminder: the Caens sharing five, white ostrich feathers in Crest with the Traby Crest use "citis" at the end of their motto term. It's suggesting that Trabzon liners were at Cetis.

The Traby hunting horn hanging off the pine tree in the Lothian Coat can of course link to Keiths of Lothian. But the Cetis-liner Kidds use another hunting horn, this time in colors reversed, hanging off of an oak tree, the Pollino/Apollo symbol. It may indicate that Lothians and related Lotts were Leto liners, same as named Lada in Lithuania. The "impLEAT" motto term of Kidds happens to get the Leats/Leiths, first found in Lothian. Kidds were discovered as Cetis liners as per their "ORBem" motto term, code for Orba, the Cetis capital.

I've been wondering all along as to what people group the Enotri may have been named after. I've been considering whether they suffered a consonant reversal from such a term as "Enarete," wife of Aeolus. This can explain why Northen-suspect Nortons show Notton/Naughten variations linkable to Enotri-suspect Nott liners. On Enarete, virtually nothing is known, leaving me without comment. But Aeolus had another mate in Melanippe, a horse-line daughter of Chiron the Centaur. I think I can identify Chiron as a Siren, and manage a good trace of his Corinthian line to the Sirens. Keep in mind that while Chiron was a son of Cronus, the latter suspect with the namers of Corinth, Aeolus and Enarete birthed Sisyphus, king of Corinth. Between Corinth and the Sirens of Calydon, one can find Boura.

I've just read that "Endeis was either the daughter of Chiron and the nymph Chariclo; the daughter of Pandion of Athens; or the daughter of the Megarian warlord Sciron." In other words, with the same character made a daughter of both Chiron and Sciron, they look like Siren codes. This is the Cronus who, with his sickle, castrated Uranus and threw the result away. For a reason, I felt that he threw it to Elis, though the myth doesn't say so.

Endeis (wife of Achaea-like Aeacus) was a recent topic because she was the mother of Telemon, and therefore related to the Cyprian Salamis, and the Ajax cult at Orba / Cetis. And I just saw an "END" motto term in the Leat surname, which was itself obtained from the motto of Cetis-liner Kidds. The other Salamis location was in or near the "Sceironian Rocks, a cliff on the SARONic coast of the Isthmus of Corinth," those rocks being the representation of mythical Sciron. While these rocks are at the western end of the Corinthian sea, the Sirens proper were at the opposite end. It seems they were pirates of that sea.

This recalls that Hume's, who likewise use an "end" motto term, became suspect with Yeomans/Humans who happen to use "cronels," making them suspect with the Cronus > Chiron line.

Wikipedia claims that "Endeis" is a version of a Greek term, Engaios, that means "earth." I'm not sure whether I'll agree, but will say that Nerthus, whom I see from "Enarete," was the mother-earth goddess of the Germanic Nordics, including the Engaios-like Angles, possibly indicating that historians caught sight of an Angle trace to Endeis elements, and then resolved rightly or wrongly that she was named after an Angle-like term.

The Hume lion is in the colors of the Simson crescents, and while this is not exactly super evidence of a link between them, the Simsons are the Enotri liners, I feel sure. If we remove the 'o', "Enotri" becomes "ENTRi," like the Ender surname that lists Angle-suspect Inger (Angles were also called, Ingvi). Nerthus was the goddess of the Varni, suspect with the makings later of Varangians, and Inger was a Varangian. He with his wife are now tracing (from before coming to this part of the discussion) to the very Saracena that was home to Enotri. And the "sera"-using Fulke's from Angers had INGelger as their father.

Another tribe worshiping Nerthus were the Eudoses, suspect with names such as Eudes/Odo and Eudokia, the latter being the name of Inger's daughter with Melissena. Odo liners can include many, perhaps even Oda, wife of Mieszko I, for Mieszko's have already traced to Enotri. Possibly, "EnOTRi" was a compound word that had Otr liners at root that came to be, for example, the Others/Otters/Oders (crescents). The Others (Huntingdon, where Varangi-suspect Varenne's got involved) are said to be from a Norman lord of Lombards, and they too were said (by Tacitus) to be Nerthus worshipers. "Otter" rhymes with "Notter" (may be a coincidence).

The Notters/Nodders, aside from the quadrants that match those in the Arms of Rothschild, show only an owl. Many heraldic owls have got to be code for Howells, and they use the Thor towers in colors reversed. These Thors had traced satisfactorily to Thurii, the new name of Sybaris, the line from Rothschild-suspect Boura. No coincidence. Plus, the Thor towers are expected in the Arms of Firmo, smack beside the Enotri of Saracena. Here is the Saracena article translated:

You want it to descend from the ancient Saracen Sestio, founded by Enotri, as reported by Strabo, Stephen of Byzantium and Father Giovanni Fiore from Cropani, who, in his "Della Calabria illustrated" thus saith the Saracen: "Earth-old, is the same, which already flourished under the name of Sestio, built by Enotri...

The elephant trunks of the type used by Swedish Thors can be found in the Arms of Rothschild. You can see three ostrich feathers in those Arms, as well as in the Crest of Hubble's (Howell colors), looked up just now as per seeking Howell kin. Swedish Gusts/Gustovs may be a version of the Fastoffs, and the latter share the Rothschilds / Petty quarters, all colors reversed from the Notter/Nodder quadrants. The Tyrol location of German Thors (elephant trunks again) became suspect with the Tyre / Tiro river through Firmo, which is what tended to clinch the Firmo towers with the Thor towers. Needless to say, Thor liners can trace to Nerthus elements, but then mythical Thor was kin to Odo-like Odin. Was he an Enotri liner, therefore? Odin's symbol was a tree, symbol of Alice's and Pollino's, both expected at the Sybaris river.

As the Enotri are said to have been also at Scolucium/Scolatium, note that SCHOLEfields share the white-on-red bull head with Trunks. The Pollino-suspect Bullocks use the same bull heads. If the bull heads are removed from the Trunk Coat, it has the makings of the Notter/Nodder quadrants in colors reversed. These are good arguments for finding Enotri liners, which are wholly new to me at this time, and apparently important to Nordic liners. The Notters/Nodders can be linked in another way to Enotri by their being first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as Sheldons and Sheltons (suspect with the Skylletion version of Scolatium). Skeltons and Sheltons are both in Notter colors.

On my atlas, there is a modern Scalea location about the same place as Laus on the Lucania map. Trips share the ladder with Scalia's, and Trips call it a SCALing ladder. The Arms of Scalea use the ladder too. That looks like Trupia liners at the Laus / Sybaris theater. "It is claimed that the town of Laus, of pre-Indo-European origin and colonized by the Sybarites in the 6th-5th century BC, once stood on the plain South of Scalea, near the mouth of the river Lao."

If we think in terms of the mother-earth goddess of the Varni, we would suspect that the dragon symbol of Melusine should apply, which I gather was the Guerra dragon applied to its merger with the Rangabe's. The Rankins, for example, use lance's that can trace to Langhe at Montferrat, where the Guido-Guerra line is traceable. The Rankins can be using the Burley boar heads on red. Jacob de Rankine, we read, married the chief of the Keith clan to become the father of Rankins. Keiths traced exactly to Catanzaro, and as that place was traced to Bedford elements, let's also bring on the Bundle's/Bunds, first found in Bedfordshire, and looked up only due to the "bundle of rods" used by Mallesons/Melansons, who were looked up only in search of Melissena-like surnames. Mallisons/Melansons have the look of Bellamys and Bells, but also the Mathers/MOTHERs (same general area as Mallesons/Melansons).

If you recall, one can expect a Rangabe line, if it merged with Bells, to form a Ring-like variation. The Rangabe-based Michaels, for example, share a black-on-white chevron with Rings. The Rings/Rynns share white scallops with "nutrior"-using Simsons, and the Ring/Rynn Coat looks like a version of the Other/Otir Coat. The Others became suspect with the mother-earth goddess.

The rods of bundles speak to me of the Rods, the marriage of a lady of Roquefeuil to Henry IV of Rodez. The Rod trefoil (in the Rock Coat too) is expected with Albino's of Sestia-like Sestola (Sestia was in the Enotri-of-Saracena quote above). As Sestola is in Modena, it's notable that the Cassius'/Casano's of Modena use a fesse in colors reversed from that of Bells, Bellamys and Mallesons/Melansons. Blue-scallop Sodans/Sowdens were resolved as a branch of CASSIUS/Casano's, and we read that Skylletion is now CASSIOdoros. Blue-scallop Mathers/Mothers use two fesses in colors reversed from the Cassius/Casano fesse. Scallops are code for Scylla, and therefore, Skylletion elements.

If Mallesons/Melansons are Melissena liners, it's important that they were first found beside Fife, where Veys/Vivians = Morgan-le-Fay liners trace. Mothers/Mathers use a "CELERiter" motto term while Sellers were first found in the same place as Mallesons/Melansons and Mothers/Mathers (KinCardine of Aberdeenshire). I can glean that Mothers/Mathers are a merger with Manners/Maness', and linked to kin of Mens' / Glenns / Glennys of Kincardine. The Cardine's (thought by others to be the ancestors of Chaddocks / Saddocks) share the pheon in the colors of the same of Helms, and the latter traced to Elis elements, who lived around Boura. This alternative Ellis Coat has Melusine in Crest. The Cardine Coat looks like a version of the Holly (same place as Fulke's) and Plunket Coats, and Plunketts were resolved from Plancia Magna (married Tertullus), the line to Tertullus>Fulk ancestry to which Melissena must link. Again, I was telling readers that the Mire's/Mireur's of Anjou were using holly at one time. I may not have been wrong. There was a disheveled mythical woman / witch, mythical Holle, who became suspect with Hollys.

Plunkets (Louth and Brittany) use the motto, "FESTina lente." The Fasts/Fastoffs may be in play, suspect with the Notter/Nodder Coat. This can identify Plancia Magna with Enotri, and her name should trace to Plocks/Pluknetts said to be from a Plunkett entity, and therefore to Pollino elements i.e. at Sybaris. The Plocks use a bend with lozenges in the colors of the Other/Otir crescents. Lents/Lentons (dolphins, trace to Elis) are in Rangabe colors, and share a blue Shield with Enders/Ingers who became suspect with Lent-like Lenders / Landers. The Plunkett Crest is a horse, symbol of Melanippe. Link Lents/Lentons to Marleys sharing the Plunket bend.

I didn't realize at first that the Malleson/Melanson Coat was a good reflection of the Note/Cnut/Knotter Coat. Plancia was suspect with Derbe elements (Anatolia), and here the Cnuts were first found in Derbyshire.

To help identify Melansons as Melissena liners, it just so happens that the eight vertical bars ("paly of eight") of Lenders and Landers are shared by English Melans/Maylands/Mailens. This has the effect of proving that Lenders / Landers are in fact Inger liners of the Enders kind. The Melans front their bars with an upright black lion, symbol also of the Sitters/Sidewells that likewise use eight vertical bars.

Now, as mythical Aeolus was of a location by that name in Thessaly, one would expect his wife, Enarete, to be near or in Thessaly. It just so happens that while Enarete has been traced (tentatively, anyway) to the earth-mother of Nordics, Aeolus was given another mate, MELANippe, like the Melanson variation of Mallesons. That's very conducive to a Melusine link to the mother goddess, and we would expect it of the Vere's if they were named after the Varni. Often in myth, an alternative wife or husband is something closely related to the first. Melanippe and Enarete are expected to have been similar peoples. Melanippe was a granddaughter of Cronus, the husband of Rhea, the great-mother goddess. And I trace "Rhea" to ancient Rhagae/Rey/Ray, wherefore her carriers / lovers cultists may have named Reggio in Bruttium. It's predictable that Enarete was some aspect of Cybele, and as she was the Phrygian goddess, she traces to mythical Frigg, wife of Enotri-suspect Odin.

There was a second Aeolus in myth, related to the first, and lord of the winds. The west wind was made Zephyr, a term like Sybaris. This second Aeolus was made a twin of Boetus, code for Boeotians, whom I trace to the Boetus house of Sadducees i.e. expected in potent liners of Bruttium. The goddess of Boeotia was MELia. It's the Melanippe line again, isn't it? As Melia was married to Inachus, founder of Argos, while the captain of the Argo ship was from IOLcus in Thessaly, while the Argos goddess was IO (no doubt the Cronus-Zeus line), I'll bet that AEOLus of Thessaly was just an Io line to the naming of Iolcus. Jason, they say, was even tutored by Chiron, father of Melanippe. Jason's ship was filled with Boeotians from Orchomenos. Jason's father was Aeson, likely the same as Ixion (Thessaly again), father of the Centaurs, and the Minyae of the Argo ship, I have read, buried horse heads with their dead. Where AEOlus was a variation of "IO," trace to the Ionian sea at Bruttium, for the Aeolian islands are off the tip of Bruttium.

I therefore now know that Aeolus and Enarete were related to the golden-fleece line shared by PELops, the Belus line to Bells, I gather. Pelops was himself given a horse line for a wife, Hippodamia of Pisa at Elis.

Melanson liners can be suspect with Milans, first found in Messina, and with the Scottish Millens/Milans, a sept of Buchanans who trace to Buxentum at the gulf of Laus. The Laus location should trace to Laus, alternative name of Ragusa, and the Arms of Saraca use a fesse in colors reversed from the same of Melansons. I think I have a viable way of getting to the Cullis' that were first found in the same place as Melansons, and sharing what looks like a version of the Arms-of-Saraca fish, by first starting out with Irish Melans/Mallons. They use a greyhound emerging from a basket while Baskets are in Rangabe colors. I'm venturing to identify Baskets (same chevron as Paisleys) as a branch of Paisleys and Pasi's/Pascels because Baskets are said to be a branch of Pascals. Paisleys were very close to the Lady-Fortune line, and the proto-Pollocks at the ancient Pasi liners are expected with a branch at Sybaris. Part of this line is expected in the naming of Poole, directly on-shore from Wight.

Baskets, because they were first found on Wight, are likely sharing the Newport leopard faces (different colors). English Wights use leopard face's too, in the two colors of the same of Litchfields, and the latter can be suspect with Quad-like Chads. Chadwicks/Shadducks (EIGHT martlets) are said to be from LICHfield = Litchfield, suspect with lake LYCHnus (home of Soducena) and/or Lychnidus, the latter beside the Paeoni suspect with the Cawarden pheons. The Chadwick write-up says that Chadwicks claim descend from CAWardens (listed with Cardine's), feasibly named from a merger with Cowes', from Cowes on Wight. It's probably important that Baskets use FOUR leopard faces, for Quade's (share black wolf with Cawardens/Cardine's), who trace to "Wight" and share the Newport colors and format, are QUADratus liners suspect with the number four. It wasn't many days ago when Quadratus' name became suspect with potent / Sadducee liners in the very naming of Cetis, and Cetis-like Chads use the potent cross. Scottish Wights use QUATRefoils, no guff. The "amore" motto of Cawardens/Cardine's (Saddock colors) is Laevillus-interesting because Amore's are suspect with a version of the English Leavell Coat (nebuly, code for Nephele-Centaur liners). The Roxburgh Leavells, in the same place as Schutz-suspect Scotts (= the Amore / Terras bloodline), share piles with Cowes'. And Weights (eight symbol?) use hunting horns that can be code mainly for Quade- / Ade-suspect Ada of Warenne at Huntingdon.

I tend to think that the "streNUE" motto term of Pollocks is partly for Newport / Newton liners, and go better with Newtons that share a saltire in green with Pollocks. If I'm not mistaken, there is a Newton location in Renfrewshire, where Pollocks and Paisleys were first found. The Newton saltire is in the colors of the white-on-green bend of Irish Melans, the ones with the basket. The Newton saltire is form by crossed "shin bone's," and one of two Shin surnames shares blue vair fur with one of two English Wight surnames. The Skins/Skene's ("regia") are interesting in this case for using three swords, as do Aude's suspect in the Pollock motto. The Skins were first found in the same place (Aberdeenshire) as Mallesons/Melansons and Cullis', and the latter use the sword too, along with PEAScods, while the Pollock sept of Peacocks list "Peas." The Cullis ("Hoc", like the "Huic" of Newtons) fesse is a white sword along a blue fesse, reflective of the white fish along a blue fesse in the Arms of Saraca's. The Cullis' come up with "NewPORT," for Porters use a portCULLIS gate, and this was suspect as code for Procullus, the son of Quadratilla. That works very nicely with the above. There is a good chance that Cullis' are Holly liners. The Holly surname using Melusine in Crest is listed with a host of Colin-like variations.

The "eastern PRINCE" in the Newton Crest can include the Pryns', who use a fesse in both colors of the Saraca fesse. The Pryns are essentially resolved as using a version of the Cassius/Casano fesse in combination with the Coat of related Sowdens/Sodans. The Pryns fesse is colors reversed from the Melanson fesse. Pryns were first found in Worcestershire, as were Quade- and-Wight-related Watts. The latter hang GLASSes from their oak tree, which may be the Pollino oak tree, but, in any case, Glass' use the Melusine mermaid too. Likewise first found in Worcestershire were the Rocks, close kin of Rods, recalling the "bundle of rods" of Melansons. Then, while the Melan greyhound wears a spiked collar, the Spike's share the eight blue-and-white bars of Knightons/Nitons, first found in Worcestershire. Instead of eight bars in vertical pale of the Inger-Rangabe suspects, the Spikes and Knightons use them as fesses, and they're in Rangabe colors. The Spike's even throw in a double-headed eagle, symbol of the Byzantine empire.

Pale bars are used by English Knights/Nights (spur, symbol of Closeburn-suspect Close's), while Scottish Nights list Naughts that apparently reveal themselves as Nitts/Naughts on the Nith river (location of Closeburn), and therefore as Enotri liners. Pryns' use a demi eagle VOLANT while Nights use a "volente" motto term that can be code for Inger/Ender liners whether its read as voLENTE or VolENTE. There is a Prince surname that could be using the Mea/Meigh cross, that surname possibly a branch of the Mays/Demy's suspect in the demi eagle of Pryns'. Mea's/Meighs share white-on-red boar heads with Rangabe-suspect Rankins. It has just occurred to me that the lance's of Rankins can make the Lance surname a Lent / Lant liner. I hadn't checked for a Lants surname until that was written, to find the same cross as Mea's/Meighs. However, as Lants' were first found in Northamptonshire, their cross is more-exactly that of Fessys/Vesseys.

I can imagine Enotri liners becoming Noters and Nottens and then Newtons...and maybe News of various kinds such as Newports. Recall that Narbonne's/DeNORDI's are kin of Norths, and that Nortons/Nottons worked their way to that discussion, for the Newton shin BONES can be code for NarBONNE's. One of the Shin Coats shares the gold-on-red fesse with Porcia's (or is it the Porci's?) while a PORCupine is in the Spike Crest. Prince's, probably in the eastern prince of Newtons, use PINEapples i.e. that can jibe with the porcuPINE. Porcius Cato (200 BC) may be in the Cato variation of Chattans for his trace to the namers of Catanzaro.

At this point, I'd like to remind that the Lady-Fortune line at Saracena needs to be that of the Klassens, whom I trace to the Clausula river, where Close's traced not bad. This is very interesting where Enotri suspects were at the Nith while it's known that Enotri were at Saracena or proto-Saracena. To start with, the Close surname uses "FORTis" as a mark of Lady Fortune. The gold Close stars on blue evoke the same of French Lance's and the lance-using Dere's/Res', and then Close's were first found in LANCashire, interesting indeed. It may reveal that the Lancastrian rose was a symbol of the Varangian Rus under Inger, if indeed Lance liners were of the Enders (I have not equated Enders with Ingers).

Next, we go to the Lands surname, which shares black roosters with Aikens ("VigiLANTia"), suggesting the Aachen location that is near Landen. But the Aiken rooster is in the design of the black Kopple rooster (both colors of the Lands roosters), and Kopple's trace to Koplik upon the Clausula river.

What do you think the Plancia-Magna line was that ended up in the Vilaine part of Brittany, location of Dol and Rennes? I would expect it to be related to Tertullus, the line of Plancia herself, and of her husband, and later through the Anjou Fulks. Plancia's line is expected to be much of the Melusine-mirror line at Anjou, but the above showed why Plancia liners should have been at least merged with Enotri. Still seeking lines named after the historical Melissena, the Mallis'/Mellis' were looked up to find two swans in Rangabe colors, and said to descend from Hugh of Rennes. This reminded of the Chalker swan, and of the TORTois of Chalker-related Chaucers (Pollock bend?). MeluSINE has long been suspect with SINE's/Swans/Sions, and the split Shield in the Arms of Sion can be that of the Lants', which even has the look of the Chad Coat. Although there is no Rennes surname, surprising enough, the Raines' have a motto term suggesting Judicael of Rennes. But the Raines lions (Plunket colors) have been traced to the same of Nitts/Naughts so that Enotri-Saracena elements may have gotten to Rennes, and from the namers of Rennes to Renfrew, home of the Dol Alans and the Glass liners. Renfrew was also home to helmet-using Dobys suspect from Dober on the Clausula. Helmets are suspect with Elimea, not far south of lake Lychnidus, where Soducena-swan liners are expected that became the Chads, for example. The Drilon river out of Lychnidus flows down to the Clausula theater.

All the above was written before going to a translated article on the Enotri, to learn that they were from Lycaonia, location of Derbe: "The Enotri are an ancient pre-Roman Italy's population appropriated, around the fifteenth century BC , in an area of considerable size, which took its name from these, Enotria (named oenotrus son of Lycaon )..." Suddenly, the Enotri look like the Greek oen = wine line, Oeneus, for example, of Calydon, and Oenomaus, king of Pisa and father of Hippodamia. That makes sense in light of the Enotri linking up with Boura-area elements prior to finding this article. It appears that whatever the Enotri were named after an entity that the myth writers turned into a wine symbol based on word-play. The Knotters/Cnuts of Derbyshire are now highly suspect, but the Cnut/Canute was a Dane, suggesting also the Hercules Danaans.

Compare a C-less "Canute" to "Annas," for the Annas' were first found in NOTTINGhamshire, and I had read that a mythical Arne was involved with Chiron while the Annas surname has an Arniss variation. I left Arne out when I was on the quotes concerning Chiron and Sciron, but suddenly, this is of absolute importance for the theory that "Oeneus" was code for the line of Jonathan Levites out of Dan/Laish, for I had ventured to guess that the Jewish Aaron surname should apply to that Levite line, along with ARUNdels from Arun of Sussex, where Sadducee-suspect Saddocks were first found. And here I find a mythical ARNE related, apparently, to the Enotri. Amazing. And while the Chiron character connects by his Centaur symbol to Ixion and Nephele (cloud), the Aaron surname uses the cloud. In fact, Aarons share quadrants with the Notters/Nodders, and include blue with them. The quadrants are gold and blue verses white and blue. The Aarons have "HANDS CLASping," and Clas' are listed with the Lady-Fortune Klassens. She's NAKED, suspect with Necht / Naught liners. "A blue shield showing Lady Fortune standing on a gold sphere [besant] and holding a banner." But why isn't she with clothes on?

At her Italian-Wikipedia page, she's said to be diSHEVELed, the same term used by Elis' that are expected anciently with Oenomaus. And the SHOVELs are Shuler liners and therefore Schole's suspect with Scolatium, where Enotri are said to have lived. It's clear, Lady Fortune was an Enotrian, but also an Arne / Aaron liner. And this explains why FiztAlans of Clun (Shropshire), of the family that controlled Arundel, went to the GLASgow area once they had to flee from Shropshire. They were following Klassen liners. And Arundels with Rundels/Roundells can explain the roundel that Lady Fortune stands upon. Roundells are code for Levite lines, in other words, and the besant is suspect, along with quadrants, with Quadratus Bassus, whose daughter married LAEVillus.

I wasn't very confident that the Enotri would link well to Nerthus and Enarete when starting out on that discussion above, but by the end of it, it looked correct. As was said, Aeolus was given an alternative mate in Melanippe, and that's when I bumped into Arne: "In Greek mythology, Arne or Melanippe was a daughter of Aeolus and Melanippe (also Hippe or Euippe), daughter of Chiron." At the time, the Arno river out of Firenze came back to mind, but I didn't have reason for mentioning that either. A little later, I concluded that this Chiron line was connected to Pelops and Hippodamia of Grecian Pisa, and it just so happens that the Arno has a mouth at Italian Pisa.

There is an Epidamnia area right across an ARNissa location (dark map) in Illyricum, which may indicate that Arne=Melanippe was fundamental with Hippodamia. At the northern end of Epidamnia, there is an Isaurus river while Cetis was in Isauria, itself probably overlapping with Lycaonia. As this expects Oenotrians at the Isaurus theater, let's add that, to the near-west of the Isaurus, there's an OENeum location...on what I think is the Mathis river. For me, this suggests a Jonathan-Levi merger with proto-Maccabees on the Mathis. Then, on the Illyrian coast in from Brattia, there is an Oneum location, which is in the Maezaei theater. Brattia was also called, Brac, and we saw the Bracks earlier using a version of the Meschin Coat. Brocks and Brocoffs are the potent-cross / Skit / Skeetz liners expected at Bruttium, which was also called by Brech-like terms. We have here a descent reason for identifying Oenotrians with Oeneum and Oneum.

It's been probably more than two years since tracing Laish elements, with Meshwesh of Tanis, to Hippodama's Amazons at Pisa. That trace was not based on her father, OENoMAUS, but his name tended to agree with a previous hunch that "OEN" was a myth-corrupted form of "JON(athan)." If we ask whether "OENOT" is the root of "Oenotrus," isn't that a lot like "JONATH(an)"?

I didn't know until adding over a dozen paragraphs below that mythical Oeneus of Calydon was given a daughter, Melanippe! That was the name of a daughter also of Aeolus and of Chiron while Oeneus lived in the area of the Sirens. It makes Aeolus very suspect with the close relationship between Calydon and Elis...the entity that named ENDYmion, by the way. A fourth Melanippe is said to have been killed by Telamon, which gets Melanippe elements over to the Cyprus-Cetis-Isauria theater.

As the daughter of Aeolus, Melanippe = Arne was made the mother of Boetus, and this can go to mythical Aedon of Boeotia, mother of Itylus, suspect as code for Italians proper whom are said, in the translated-Wikipedia article on the Enotri, to have been virtually one with Enotri. For example, a mythical "King Siculo Ausone son of King Enotrio Italo." This recalls my claim that "Aedon" was the same as "Aeson." But "Italy" can also be traced to "Aetolus," which is the same place as Calydon, home of the proto-Oenotrians, right? And I have good cause for tracing "Aetolus" to Attaleia, the alternative name of Pisidian Antalya (explains why Aetolia/Calydon and Pisa/Elis had relationship). Antalya is right beside Perga, origin of Tertullus and Plancia Magna.

English-Wikipedia's Oenotrus article is very short, and gives him a brother, Peucetius, that might have named the Pucks, suspect with the Chappes Coat, and in Aaron / Pisa colors. On the far-right of the light map, spot the Peuce location and the nearby Peucini peoples, in the Trypillian part of Scythia, and at the mouth of the Danube. A little north of Peuce, the Tyras location and its Tyragetae peoples may have named the Tyre / Tiro river at the Saracena area, especially as the Peucini and Tyragetae are in SARmatia. This could easily be Tyro, the parents of golden-fleece Aeson, the potential line to Ausones of Bruttium. The Peucini are stamped at the mouth of the Prut river that I think named the Bruttii.

There's more. Recall in the list of Elymian cities both HYPANA and Drepanon, for as the latter was Trapani, it can trace to Trypillians. Then, north of the Tyragetae, there is shown an HYPANIS river. I read that Trypillia was a city south of Kiev, which puts it at or near the Hypanis. It just so happens that the Hypanis became the Bug river while Bugs were first found in NOTTINGham! As the Arniss surname was likewise first found in Nottinghamshire, one can expect Arne = Melanippe in the Peuce theater, and it's not far north of the Black-sea coast where I traced Aeolus.

Recalling that Nott liners were joined in the discussion with Norths / Nortons, what about the Neuri: "According to Herodotus the Neuri were a tribe living beyond the Scythian, one of the nations along the course of the river Hypanis (Southern Bug River),..." Yes, the Neuri lived on the Bug, near or at Trypillia. And Trypillians had an hourglass-shaped goddess that I traced to Nerthus some years ago, long before the Nerthus link above to the newly-found Enotri. It may be Bow- / Bogen-interesting that the Bug is also called the Boh. Boh's are listed with Roet-related Bows.

The other Pucks use nothing but hands, and Hands are lumped in with Hanna's, or Annas suspects. The "TRUStie to the end" motto of Leats can be of the myth code, "EnoTRUS." There is a Trusesti location on my modern atlas at the Prut river. Leats not only share the black fitchee with Hanna's, but use a version of the Irish Hand/Lavin Coat. Annas liners were thought to be in Angusta, which was somewhere off the west side of the Siret river, southwest of Trusesti. Beside the Peucini, the TROESmis/Trosmi location might apply to Trus liners. The Tros version of "Troy" comes to mind. Tros was kin to DarDANUS. It's making the Enotri suspect with the Tyragetae. South of Troemis is Gius while Swedish Gusts/Gustoffs share the long, curved chevron with Pucks. Gusts are said to be from Gauts / Geats / Goths, and they may be from the Thracian Getae apparent in "Tyrogetae." The Gaut surname is listed with Cotta's/Cottins, while the Cotesii are on the dark map due west of Gius. The Benjamites of Rimmon were traced to the Cotesii theater, and "Cotesii" was suspect as a version of "Soducena." The historical king Cotys' of Thrace probably apply, and one king Cotys had for a wife, Antonia TRYPHaena (daughter of Polemon I who had reach capability into Cetis).

The namers of Gius can also link to VISconti's because the first one was Ottone by a first name, while Ottone's use a version of the Puck Coat, ANNulets and all. There is an ODER term in the midst of the Tyrogetae, which recalls the Others/Oders, said to be from rulers of Lombardy, and Lombards had previously been in Sweden along with Varangians of Kiev, suspect with Inger himself (how else did Inger become the Varangian guard of Byzantium if not connected to the Kiev Varangians?). Others/Oders are said to have proliferated partially in Nottinghamshire. Reminder: While Ottone's use a version of the French Chappes Coat, GUIScards/WISharts were first found in the same place as Scottish Chappes'. It looks like Enotri suspects at the Peucini theater include Gius and Oder liners, one with the Tyre-like Tyragetae, the other with the Troy-suspect Trosmi. If you think about it, these Scythia elements could easily have been cousins of the Aeneas-Carthage relationship, for that was a Trojan-Tyre relationship. And "AENEAS" is much like "OENEUS."

As Zeus turned mythical Lycaon into a wolf, let's add that Herodotus claimed a wolf theme for the Neuri. The Leats above, suspect with Trusesti elements near the Bug river, can be suspect with the Keturah-Abraham line through Letushites to wolf-liner Leto, closely related to the Neuri if the latter were from Nahor (Abraham's brother). Keturah also traced to Hector and Priam, and they were Trojans in relation to Tros, thus making Tros suspect as a Tyran line from Laish (due east of Tyre) i.e. as the proto-OenoTRUS from Jonathan Levi of Laish. is that working? As "Danites" (of Judges) renamed Laish to Dan, note the Danaan implications here:

In Greek mythology, Oenotrus was the youngest of fifty sons of Lycaon from Arcadia. Together with his brother Peucetius, he migrated to the Italian Peninsula, dissatisfied because of the division of Peloponnesus among the fifty brothers by their father Lycaon. According to the Greek and Roman traditions, this was the first expedition dispatched from Greece to found a colony, long before the Trojan War. He was the eponym of Oenotria, giving his name to the Italian peninsula, especially the Southern Pass (modern Calabria).

The 50 sons is a theme used for the children of Danaus and his brother, Aegyptus. Myth gave them a murder symbol. The latter's only-surviving son was Lynceus, code for the Lyncestes area near Elimea. I had found a lynx in heraldry, since lost, that assured an Alan trace to Lyncestes. As Lynceus married the only-surviving daughter of Danaus, it explains why Heraclea is at Lyncestes / Lyncus. This location is right beside lake Lychnidus, where I expect Saddocks to trace. On the dark map, there is a Lychnidus location near SATion. The Lychnidus waters flow down the Drilon past the PENEStae, and the Pennys/Penes' use a lynx. We get it. Plus, the Uscana capital of the Penestae traced to Oscans, said to be at least related to the Ausones, and the latter are apparently part of Oenotri make-up.

The way I'm seeing it now, Jonathan liners in Greece were tagged to Tros liners in creating a Oenotrus term, and this stuck to the point of creating an Oenotrian country. Years ago, with not the greatest of evidence, I traced mythical Aegyptus to Methoni, and that real city was made the daughter of Oeneus, no guff. It expects Oenotrians at Modena. Wikipedia's Oenotrians article is longer:

The Oenotrians ("tribe led by Oenotrus" or "people from the land of vines") were an ancient people of possibly Greek origin who inhabited a territory from Paestum [also called, POSIDONia, likely a line of Pisidians that named Pisa] to southern Calabria in southern Italy. By the sixth century BC, the Oenotrians had been absorbed with other Italic tribes.

Ancient Greek writers stated that Oenotrians arrived there at the beginning of the Iron Age (11th century BC) from Greece through the Strait of Otranto [Oter term?] together with other people of the same ethnic group...According to Antoninus Liberalis, their arrival triggered the migration of the Elymians to Sicily.{citation needed} The settlement of the Greeks with the first stable colonies, such as Metapontum, founded on a native one (Metabon), pushed the Oenotrians inland...From the 5th century BC onwards, they disappeared under the pressure of a Sabellian people, the Lucanians.

...According to a traditionalist view, the Oenotrians represent the southern branch of a very old and different ethno-linguistic layer from the proto-latin one, which would have occupied the Tyrrhenian area from Liguria to Sicily (Ligurian/Sicanian layer).

The TYRRhenian version of the Etruscans evokes the Tyragetae, and "ETRUScan" looks connectable to "OenoTRUS." Mythical Tyrrhenus was a Lydian, great-grandson of mythical Cotys. The chief Etruscan god, Tinia, may be from Thyni, on the map beside AULAEitichus, a term with a suffix like "Ithaca," home of Odysseus whose adventures had him in the land / seas of Etruscans. Odysseus-like Odessus is shown on the map mid-way between Aulaeitichus and Trosmi. I think I have all of this correct. On the dark map, a Dionysus-named location beside Odessus is expected whey wine-liners were in that area too.

The Oenotrians are viewed by some as deriving from the grape vines in their land, but there were excellent grape vines probably everywhere in southern Italy. I'm not sure whether the quote above makes Elymians friends or foes of the Oenotrians. Does it mean that the Elymians lived first in Cosenza?

On the Oneum location beside Brattia, which was also called, Omis (Slavic "Holm / Hum" hmm), we read this: "...there is also the possibility that the name of the settlement Onaeum was derived from the name of the river which was called Nestos by the Greek colonists in its lower flow, during Antiquity." That is, the lower Nestos, suspect with Dionysus elements, was named after a Oen term, no surprise. But the Nestos was thought to be populated by elements on Thassos, which are said to have been the Hercules Danaans and Tyrians. Hercules was the grandson of Anaxo, feasibly the proto-Annas/Arniss surname. From the second update of last month, where the Thasos topic starts: "According to an ancient myth, Thassos was the island of the Sirens..." That leads to Oeneus of Calydon, but then his daughter, Methoni, was a city smack beside Pylos, ruled by mythical Nestor. It's clear here that mythical Oeneus of Calydon was from the namers of the lower Nestos. The quote above doesn't prove that the Oneum at the Nestos was related to Oneum at Brattia.

Topira is on the lower Nestos. Jewish Tabers (Topira liner?) use a woman in blue carrying a grape bunch. Might the grape vine in a coin of Herod Archelaus have been code for Oenotrians? The Laish-suspect Laus location may be in the Laus surname (with Laur-like terms), which uses a grape bunch along with a sickle / scythe.

The Holms were just looked up in case they trace to the Holm version of "Omis," and they were found with eight fesse bars half in the colors of the same of the following: "Then, while the Melan greyhound wears a spiked collar, the Spike's share the eight blue-and-white bars of Knightons/Nitons, first found in Worcestershire." This can identify Melans with the Melanippe Oenotrians, and especially link Melan liners to the Oeneum near Arne-like Arnissa. Holms definitely show signs of being Levi / Caiaphas / Cavett / Chives liners. The Holm Crest traces definitely to Cabyle, likely mother of the Lydians > Latins.

Again, Hume's use an "end" term that can go to the Calydon-Elis elements of Endymion, but Hume's use a motto much like that of Leats, and while the Leat motto was tracing to Trusesti, it's not very far from a HUMorului location on my atlas (west side of the Siret). There was also Endeis, mother of Telemon who killed one Melanippe. While this is all interesting, I'm not sure how far it goes, if at all, to prove a Holm / Hume trace to Omis = Oneum. This place is at Dalmatia, and while Julius Bassianus was stationed somewhere in Dalmatia, the Holm motto and wreath traces to Vito's/Vio's and therefore to Julius Avitus, who married Bassianus' daughter.

There was a mythical Arne (article below) involved between Dionysus elements of Naxos and of Crete, where Naxos supposedly went by the name, Sithonis. This could be the Sidonians of Laish merged with an Aaron-named Israelite tribe that created "Arne." The mouth of the Nestos / Oneum is near the Ixion-suspect Kikones, and he was the cloud line, i.e. linkable to the cloud in the Aaron Coat. The "clasPING" term used for the hands in the Aaron Coat is suspect with Pings/Pungs/Pagans whom I trace (with good reason) to Pungesti, which, like Trusesti, is between the Siret and Prut rivers.

Arne is a mythologized princess of an ancient Greek island, who according to legend betrayed her motherland, after the legendary king Minos [Tyrians, right?] had bribed her with gold into supporting Crete...

...Like Sithoniae (nurus), Sithonios (agros) and Sithon, Sithonis means "Thracian" [I never knew that theory]...Huxley (1984) however has shown that Sithonis in this case refers to the inhabitants of Naxos.


The Cat Croatians Spill the Beans

There you have Dionysus of Naxos traceable to Sithonia of Chalcidice, essentially beside the Naxos / Oneum river. But now compare "Sithonis" with "Cetina," the river upon which Omis/Oneum is located. There is a Cetin surname listed with the Cations/Cattens whom had come up earlier with a motto term of Scone's. The latter were realized as a Sone/Soam line from Sohaemus, priest of El-Gabal at Emesa, and, zowie, that place was later called, HOMS!!! It was Omis/Oneum that was also called "HOM"!!! That is an amazing piece for the El-Gabal puzzle along with the trace of Gabal elements to Gabuleum (Drilon river, not far from Oeneum), and to Koplik on the Clausula.

You saw above that one Melan surname shares the eight pale bars of Sitters/Sidewells, and the latter link excellently, if they are a branch of Side's/Siders/Sudys, to Seatons/Sittens from Sithonia. That tends to prove that at least this one Melan surname traces to the Arne-Melanippe entity. It also tends to prove that Arne went through Sithonia with the Dionysus wine liners, and that speaks not only of Jonathan from a Sidonian city, but of the Sadducees in-the-makings with the line of the Jonathan Levites.

Cetins even share the black fitchee with Leats, and while the Leats were taken from the "impLEAT" motto term of Cetis-liner Kidds, it now appears that Cetis liners named the Cetina river, and the Cetin/Catten surname. The Saracen head of Cetis', and their castle, had traced them to Chattans / Chatans (later are using the Scone tower) / CatanZARO and SARacena, and that latter place's Lady Fortune goes to / comes from the Clausula, what a kopplincidence. Koplik is beside Topira-like Dober, or, the Dobers list Tobers too. The two Topper surnames in combination look like they can be kin of Saraca's (Dalmatia, same as Omis/Oneum) and Cassius'/Casano's / Sodans / Pryns'.

It strikes me here, especially as I found (late last month) the geographical location of Cetis from a coin of Caracalla, that the Cetina river was named after his Geti background. Caracalla was the one who stationed Julius Bassianus in Dalmatia somewhere. This Bassianus was a high priest of El-Gabal, in Emesa, little more than a century after Sohaemus held the position. And he's expected from Quadratus / Quadratilla Bassus of Cetis. Bassianus' granddaughter was even named, Julia Soaemias. I cannot tell you how happy I am to have found the Cetina river and the Hum link to Emesa. Zikers. A lot of questions have been answered in this, and, I think, the Bassus trace to Bassianus' is now, for the first time, clinched. I had inklings that the Sadducees (Levites) of Israel linked to the priesthood of El-Gabal, and here we find that the Oeneus liners may have named Oneum.

I'd now like to know all that can be from the Cetin/Cation/Catten Coat. As the surname was first found in the same place (Norfolk) as Tute's/TUITs, the "meTUIT" motto tern of Cetins seems applicable. The Tute's are expected with Tut / Atun liners to mythical Aedon. Atun was a sun god, as was El-Gabal. The "foVEAN" motto term suggests the Veans listed with Beans/Vains, a known sept of Mackays, and using the Clan Chattan motto. Vain liners are expected from Heneti, the same that likely named the Kennati at Cetis.

I've never gotten details on Bassianus' role in Dalmatia. It hadn't yet mattered where exactly he operated. He was a governor of that place. But details are not at all easy to find, and I've just given up trying. It's interesting that Caracalla, who was born, Julius Bassianus, according to some, was born in Lyon, for the Hume/Home lion can be traced with near-certainty to the Lyon lion. The latter is green-on-white, the colors of the Touch lion, and "Touch" is a motto term of Clan Chattan. It's more obvious now that the city of Homs was a line to Hume's, but Lyons and Lannoys are suspect with True's with a line of Herod Archelaus. It's not getting any better. Hume's/Home's were first found in Berwickshire, where I trace the bear of Vean-related Mackays, an excellent bit of reasoning for clinching Cetins/Cattens with Geta's, Emesa, and Clan Chattan. And it's all cause for interpreting at least some heraldic cats as code for the Geta line through Caracalla. And that makes escutcheon-using Geddes and Chadocks suspect as sheer Geta / Cetina / Cetis liners. The Veans/Beans even use an escutcheon in Crest.

The Massars/Massai's were first found in Lucca, and Lucca's (Lycaonians?) use the cat. Wikipedia claims that Caracalla was born, LUCius Septimius Bassianus. It reminds that Luciano's share the Luce and Geddes fish. But, alas, it's still all very fuzzy on how "Sadducee" was derived from any one term.

With the Cetina having its mouth opposite Brattia, it can explain why Bradys use a sun. It suggests that Bradys, in German-Brack colors, had been Bassianus liners on Brattia/Brac. English Brachs/Brecks, sharing a chevron in the colors of the IMP chevron, share gold hunting horns with black stripes with Kidds ("IMPleat"). While German Bracks are using the Meschin fesse, the Meschin scallops are shared by Biss' suspect with Issa/Vis, further out to sea from Brattia. Pharia, an island between them, is still suspect with proto-Pharisees. It's interesting that while wine liners are expected at the Cetina river, Winers/Winnards share the same stars as the Kidd Chief.

There's more to be had with this Cetina discovery. The river (flows by a Cetina village) has a source at a high Dinara mountain, which recalls that the previously-showing Masci wing is used in the Dien/Dine Coat (Brack colors), that being a surname first found in the same place as Saddocks. There is a reason why that's mentioned that becomes apparent shortly. The Deins/Deans, first found in the same place, share red crescents with Imps; it's not a strong connection by any means, but Deins/Deans are simply expected now from the namers of this mountain. The Dein/Dean Chief has three crescents in colors reversed from the same in the Chief of French Masseys, not forgetting that the Cetina is near the ancient Maezaei. French Masseys use "a tree without leaves," part code for the Tree's/True's, I gather, for they are in the Hume motto too. That works now that Hume's are known to trace to Hum at the mouth of the Cetina.

It starts to predict that Herod-Archelaus liners should trace to Hum elements, but he had grapes on his coins before the birth of Bassianus, and Hom was previously the wine-liner suspect, Oneum. Herod's surname comes from Glaphyra Archelaus, who had married Juba of Mauritania, a descendant of king Massena, and the Massena's share the patee cross with Dine's/Diens. To this, it needs to be repeated that the uncle of Julius Bassianus was Julius Agrippa, suspect with Herod Agrippa. The Agrippa-like Grape surname lists "Gripp" too. We can sense something to this. "Tree without LEAVES" suggests Levi's, whom are suspect in Hum/Oneum. It's probably not coincidental that Jewish Levi's list LeVINE's, and that French Levine's/Levins use the grape vine. Keep focus and check out how we bump into kin of the English Levine's/Livings/Levins as I go on following the leads.

Next, we go to the Dinar surname, listed with Dinans. We want to know whether this was a surname from the Dinara mountain, or at least from the ones who named it. I notice that it's got quarters almost those of Masseys, and exactly those of Tute's/Tuits, which recalls the "meTUIT" motto term of Cetins/Cattens, no guff. It tends to assure that Dinars/Dinans are from the Cetina river. We are able thereby to clinch another major piece of the mystery puzzle, and not forgetting that cats are used by Chives', so they share a moline cross (different colors) with the French Dine's/Dinels/Dinets. It looks like Chives' can trace to something on the Cetina, and the Mosca leopard in the Chives Crest gives hint as to what that something is.

As moline crosses have been resolved as having fish tails, it's necessary to point out that French Dine's are in Geddes colors. Catters use fish, and are in the colors and format of Vaughns, suspect with the Beans/Vains/Veans in the Cetin/Catten motto. Geddes' share the escutcheon with Alliers ("virTUTus"), and French Dine's/Dinets were first found in Allier. The Dinet variation speaks to me of the Dents, and while the Tooth's are said to be from a "dent" term, the Hume motto, "True TO THE end" became suspect with Tooths, which now appears rather clinched with both Hume's and Denets tracing well to the Cetina. However, I think the truth is now obvious, that a Tooth and Dent surnames were created from Tute's on the one hand, and Dine > Dinet liners on the other.

While Dine's/Diens have a Dives variation, the other Dives surname uses a dancette, which may indicate the Dance's trace to Dinara liners. DANCette. English Dance's were first found in the same place as Dents. Of interest is that Sale's, said to be from a "hall" (baloney), and then traced to a DINING hall concept, which seems like deliberate code in that Dents use a version of the Sale Coat. Sale's were first found in the same place as a Diva location ruled by Meschins.

The other Tute's have a crescent in the colors of the Massey crescent, assuring that Tute's, Taddei's, and Tosni's are fundamental Massey liners, as even the Tattons will inform us. The Tute/Tuit write-up tells that they are a branch of Thwaits, and, yes, they were both first found in Norfolk, along with Cetins/Cattens. The Satters are shown as SatterTHWAITs, and they are the ones reflecting the Living/Levin Coat, of obvious importance where Levi liners were in Oeneum elements. But as Dine's/Diens were first found in the same place as Saddocks (another escutcheon), shouldn't "Satter" relate? The white martlets of Livings/Levins, shared by Saddocks, are exchanged in the Satter Coat with white-on-black roses, the symbol of the Lowers/Louers (St. Tudy) that were thought, a few months ago, to be from Louviers, Normandy home of the Tute's / Tosni's. Lowers/Louers use the Catter colors and format too. English Louvier's are listed with Lovings/Louvains, more Levi suspects.

French Louvains (same checks as the Arms of Meulan) are definitely from Louviers because that place had linked to the father of the Leavells, whose family married Beaumonts of Meulan, that being another Melan-suspect liner. The Leavells are from Yvery, probably named after Ivrea, home of Rozala of Tuscany. See her below.

Now, recall that the Tracks/Triggs were suggested for the Tracheitis valley of the Calycadnus river through Cetis, for "Dinara is a mountain located on the border of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia. It has two major peaks: Troglav..." First of all, the True's are said to be from "trog," which tends to clinch True's with the Dinara mountain, explaining why True's share the feathered helmet with Hume-related Lannoys. But as the priest of El-Gabal traced to the Cetina, whereafter we saw the sun of Bradys tracing likely to Brattia, what about the sun in the Track/Trigg and Drig Crests?

There is a True surname listed with German Secrests who write "LIEB" upon their fesse, a Levi-suspect term. It recalls the "LIBERTAS" written in the Chief of Dino's, and Dino's (same place as Taddei's) have been a recent topic only, and always linked to Tute-suspect Taddei's (because Dino's are said to be from a Taddeo character). Therefore, add Dino's in your trace of surnames to the Dinara mountain, as it looks like a certainty, and to this one can add that the Dance's share the same fesse as Alan-suspect Lieb(er)s. German True's/Secrests are suspect with a version of the Scottish Lang Coat with "ABCDEF" written on their same-colored fesse. I view the Lang letters as code only for letters for a deliberate link to LINKletters, probably from the namers of Danaan-suspect Lyncestes. German Langs were first found in Luneburg, which was paired politically with Brunswick.

The Lowers/Louers above were thought to be using roses that trace to the naming of Rozala of Tuscany, which is where Dino's and Taddei's were first found along with Brunswick-suspect Bruno's. German Lowers happen to list Lobe's/Lebe's, and then Leibers (not "Lieber") were first found in Brunswick.

This recalls a message that I thought I received from God some weeks ago, to the effect of, I haven't seen anything yet" on why Massey liners are important in this work of discovery. It also jibes with a dream I once had while waking, where I saw execution papers with the name of Micah and Masci upon them, and, a man with a rope around his neck was then dropped down a well. I got online that morning to discover that a well and hanging were symbols of Hippodamia and her son, Chrysippus, homo-lover of Laish-suspect Laius. I think what happened is that, God, seeing what I was about to read that morning, gave the dream to assure that, Micah of Laish (he's in Judges), who owned pagan gods over-which Jonathan would come to minister, was in cahoots with proto-Masci's to the Hippodamia Amazons. That is, the 600 Danites of Laish, who forced Jonathan to be their priest, were Meshwesh liners out of Tanis, and migrating through Israel, to Greece. Although I recognized at that point that proto-Masseys were close to the Levi liners that would together culminate in the Maccabee-Sadducee relationship in inter-testimental, I had not yet seen the evidence flowing sufficiently in heraldic proofs. That's what this current time period is all about, clinching this very relationship. These findings have changed my view of prophecy, which now includes Israeli elements of a Levi-Maccabee kind within the Revelation dragon and his Harlot. I think this is what God wants us to know. What else?

The Shield-and-Chief color combination of Dino's is shared by Leich's (same place as Masseys and Meschins of Diva). Just compare that surname to "Laish," for Laish's Levites are tracing to the Dinara / Cetina area with absolute certainty, providing I am correct about the Laish Levites coming through Oeneus liners to Oneum. The Leich surname even comes up as "Lash." Note the hand in the Leich/Lash Crest, for Irish Hands/LAVINs are sharing a version of the Leat/Leath Coat while Leich's/Lash's are also "Leitch." This has got to be the Litchfield line that was in cahoots with the Chads / Chadwicks/Sadducks / Saddocks/Sedgewicks. It's plain. Like the Satterthwaits, the Leich's/Lash's use an ermined-white Shield without symbols. Lest you've forgotten, Leats ("Trustie TO THE end") are in the motto of the Cetina-river Cetins/Cattens. It's plain. My long-standing hunt to prove that Bassus' evolved into Bassianus' has come to this clear resolution.

The three red crescents in the Leat/Leath Chief are also in the Dein/Dean Chief, though the Leat crescents are in both colors of the Seaton crescents. It's the Arne > Sithonia line to the Arno river out of Florence. And the Arno flows to Pisa while the Pisa's, in Aaron colors, are using the blue Caiaphas-line lion.

Why were Chives' tracing to the Cetina. Ask the Bassania location in the land of the Cavii, especially as Bassania is on the same river as Oeneum. One cannot argue with that. How many heraldic trees trace to True liners at the naming of the Troglav mountain?

The Rockefellers were suspect with Felts / Falts suspect from Falticeni, in Moldova beside Humorului. That was when I was somewhat content with a Hume trace to that place. The reason for repeating this here is that Rockefellers include the Fellers/FellTRAGers while German Tragers list Trogge's/Trogens/Trojens. By what coincidence are Hume's now tracing to a location on the same river as the Troglav mountain? The Trogens/Trojens evokes the trace of Oenotrians to Troy / Tyre suspects up near the Bug river.

Does this section thus far anticipate that Malahule, ancestor of Meschins and Tosni's, had ancestry in the Cetina river? Were the Malahule-line Danes from that river? Was Malahule's father, EySTEIN, named after the black STONE of El-Gabal? Why do Sinclairs list the SUN surname? Were they a branch of Soams/Sone's and Scone's? Repeat: "There is a Schone surname (Prussia) that shares red roses with Chatans." I didn't yet know that Cations/Cattens would come up as "Cetin." I went on the say:

Scone's call their tower a "fortifiCATION," which is definitely part-code for Cations/Cattens (cats), for the Chatans must apply who share the Scone tower. Therefore, Scone's do trace to Catanzaro liners...Cations/Cattens (Norfolk, same place as Keats) share a horizontally-split Shield with Schone's/Shonmans. "FORTIfication" can now link well to Lady Fortune, especially as Cations/Cattens use "A Saracen's head eMERGINg from a castle with two towers..."

That can make the Sinclair rooster a colors-reversed version of the Kopple rooster, and Kopple's are almost-certainly El-Gabal liners to the Mieszko's. If Sinclairs originated on the Cetina in times before their related Guiscards got to Bruttium, it can explain why Normans went to Bruttium in the first place, i.e. where Catanzaro was named by Cetina elements.

As such things as Cnuts/Knots were the Danish elements (included the Mieszko > Swietoslawa line) suspect with Oenotrians, the Clan-Chattan motto phrase, "Touch NOT the cat," looks Nott-important. If you load Glove's/Glovers (same place as Rollo's), as per the rest of the motto, "Bot a glove," you will see a reflection of the Catter Coat. The Glove Coat (crossbow, resolved as code for potent-liner Cross'/Croce's) is a good reflection of the Trough/TROWton/Troten Coat, with variations like those of True's/Tree's/Trows. The Troten variation may indicate a trace to the Trotus tributary of the Siret, which can make the crossbow suspect with the "Boh" version of the Bug river.

I locate Angusta either on the Trotus river or the Bistrita (I can't recall which one I ended up choosing). I didn't know at the time that Troughs/Trotens share a white lion with the "Angustis"-using Cabbage's. The Falticeni location is not far north of the Trotus, and Scottish Falts/Fauls share the leaf design of Hazels, Hulse's and French House's; the latter call it a "cabbage leaf," no guff. English Falts/Fauls use the same fleur as Gamble's, suspect along with Campbells/Cammells with "Kemuel," a son of Nahor. English House's are in Hume/Home colors as though "House" developed as play on "Home," and they use the cloud. Hume's are important here as per Humorului, beside Falticeni. In this way, Troughs/Trotens appear to be Trotus-river liners to the Troglav / Dinara mountain. Note that Hulse's (branch of Hauteville's = Guiscard ancestry) use the House leaf upside-down, for Dinara-mountain Dine's use the Masci wing upside-down.

Of further interest, the three, bunched arrows in the Falt/Faul Crest can be those of Ingers/Enders, for Falticeni was probably in the theater of the Kiev Varangians. The Troughs/Trotens are said to be from LINDford, while Lindfords were first found in the same place as Tute's/Tuits and Cetins. It may be futile to trace True's/Trows to anything originally but the Trotus river, the families of which corrupted that term to "Trow." But there can be another explanation. Perhaps True's named the Trotus when merging with Tooths, for they both share feathers. And the Fetters use a giant sun! The Moray/Murray fetter locks (no longer showing) are coming to mind because Locks use the swan. Or, by what coincidence do Troughs/Trotens share the swan with Totts? The "obTINEbit" motto term of Tooths looks definitely as a code for Dine liners. The Tine's/Tyne's (married the "Thynne of NORTon" in Northampton, same place as Cabbage's) have Bot-using variations that can be of the "bot a glove" phrase in the Clan Chattan motto. As Cetina-river elements are tracing to Bassianus' as a near certainty, it can prove that the "PerSEVERantia" motto term of Tooth's and Bernice's applies to Severus Bassus. And the link tends to assure that Tooths are Tute liners. Toothills share the bend of the Lucca Botters. The Troughs call their swans, cygnets, code for Cygnus, mythical swan king of Liguria, son of Sithonia-suspect Sthenelus.

The Trough pellets are called, discs, for a likely link to mount-Dunax liners to Duncans. It occurs to me that True's share bendlets without a bend with Orells so that Humorului may have been named as a Hume-Orell merger, perhaps indicating that Orells were in Hum = Oneum. The motto of Orell-related Ore's use terms like "bonne," the latter in the Tine/Tyne motto. It's feasible here that Dinara liners name both Tyne rivers, one near / at Lauder, important because the Letters/Lauders (goose on a ROCK) share the white-on-red griffin of Tooths. Letters are expected at the old Lete location not far north from Sithonia.

If one find Lete on the dark map, and looks to the mouth of its river, that's where Sindus is stamped. If one goes to the other end of the river, and looks over the peaks into the land of the Sinti, there is a Tristolus location evoking the Trysts/Trists suspect in the "Keep tryst" motto term of Hebrons, important because Lete and neighboring Ashurus are likely from Keturah's Letushites and Ashurites, and because Keturah likely lived in Hebron, home of her husband. Plus, her Leummite tribe (that's in Genesis 25 along with Letushites and Ashurites) traces well to LEMnos, known home of SINTI(ans). It's no coincidence, is it? The Sinti are along the Strymon river, and the DENTHeLETae are a little up-river from them. The Satrae off the Strymon had the Bessi priests (marked on the east side of the Dentheletae) suspect with the namers of Bassania, and with the priesthood of Mr. Bassianus. The Hebron-suspect Hebros has tributaries in the land of the Bessi. Again, "SATRae" is like a soft "KETURah," but it's also like the Satters who apparently merged with the Thwait branch of Tute's.

If it appears that the Humorului / Falticeni / Trusesti area of Trypillians had settlements on the river with Lete and upon the Strymon, it can explain why there is an Angustiae location (dark map) right beside Lissae between the tips of the Strymon and the Hebros. Also beside Angustiae is SUCCorum, like the SUCEava location beside Humorului. Why do Trists use a "TREPidum" motto term? While Humorului is a considerable distance off the north side of the dark map, Angusta is marked as "Augusta," and it's on a COGaeonus river, which is the modern Bistrita (once also the Flutausis), I have just found online. The heraldic COCKaTRICE became suspect as part-code for Trice's, listed with Trists, meaning that it can be part-code for the namers of Cogaeonus too. COGAEONus is much like "Cygnus" expected in the Tott swans, but if that's all correct, the namers of Cogaeonus should trace to GOGarene at lake Sevan. The " of this river is 'Cogaeonus', i.e. a name related to the Getic sacred mountain Kogaion."

The page at the link above says that the Flutausis "should be Plautausis (i.e. in modern Romanian 'plutashi', eng. raftsmen). Indeed, this river which today starts in the mountains as Bistritza and later as Siret down to the Danube was used by raftsmen..." I don't know whether his etymology is correct, but it's interesting that while Flute's are listed with Fletts, German Pletts//Platts/Plate's use a grape vine as well as the swan. English Plate's/Platts/Blate's (Gog colors) share white scallops with Flute's/Fletts, and the latter are even using a distinct version of the Fleck/Flack/Flag/Fletch Coat (same place as Tute's / Thwaits), suggesting perhaps that both were branches of Fletchers/Flagers (bow and arrow), who share pellets with Troughs/Trotens (cygnet swans), and white pheons with Pellet-related Pilate's and Blate's/Blade's. It may be hard to wrap the head around all of this, but it may appear that Pontius Pilate traces to the namers of the Flutausis river, which is important if I'm correct that Annas, the high priest at roughly the time of Pilate's Judean oversight, had family in Angusta. As the Samson motto honors the Flags, by what coincidence does the same motto use "letho"? Blate's/Blade's use a saltire in the colors of the House cross = Hume/Home colors. There is what looks like a Palada location to the near-east of the Cogaeonus.

Why to Pratts use pellets? Is that another sign that Brack liners went by l-versions? Aren't Belgian Pratts/Praets a line of Bruce's from the Praetorium location beside the Breuci (Colapis theater, where I trace Capone's)?

I'm seeing the flute symbol of the Satyrs here. Look: "An aulos or tibia (Latin) was an ancient Greek wind instrument, ... A single pipe held horizontally, as the modern flute, was the plagiaulos ..." Isn't "PLAGiaulos" the makings of "Flags/Flacks??? Was mythical Aeolus named after this entity? Plegers/Pledgers use more pellets and describe their stags as "gold bucks TRIPpant pellettee." There is the possibility that PLEGer (same fesse as Bracks) were l-version Bracks, in which case the Flutausis can trace to Phrygians, important because the flute was originally the symbol of Marsyas, the Phrygian Satyr. Actually, he found it after Athena threw it away, and Athena was part of the Keturah's lines, in my opinion, including mythical Medea, suspect at the Maedi peoples in the Dentheletae theater. The Phrygians were worshipers of Attis, same as Aeetes, father of Medea.

Recalling that Bracks trace to Brattia/Brac out from the mouth of the Cetina, let's mention that Plegers are traced in their write-up to a tenant of Bottisham, a place held by Walter Giffard, for Giffards are suspect in their motto with Malahule of More, father of Tosni's expected on the Cetina. The Tous/Tosini's/Tonso's (Arno river) had traced to Cabyle, suspect with Cybele, wife of Attis. There are two reasons for linking Plegers to English Capone's, and while Italian Capone's are expected with donkey-using Capone's/Capote's, donkey ears were given as symbol to Midas of Phrygia when he was witnessing the flute-versus-lyre contest between Marsyas and Apollo.

As Capone's were first found in the same place as Julians and June's, making them all suspect from one of the Junia Caepionis', daughters of SERVilia Caepionis, mistress of Julius Caesar, by what coincidence do Pleger-like Pleyers/Players use a motto, "ServiTUTE clarior." It looks like Pleyers can trace to Tute liners on Brac along with Plegers. Pleyers (Middlesex, same as Bassans/Bezants) use drops called, "guttee de sang", perhaps code for the Getae of the Cogaeonus theater. "Sang" should be for the Sangarius river of Phrygia. Pleyers also use a BROKEn lance as likely code for Broke/Brock liners. German Bassans share the club with Flute's/Fletts/Fleets, and Woods, suspect in the "piece of wood" of BistRITA-suspect Rita's, use the club too. It definitely appears here as though Caepio's could have linked directly to the Bassus Galatians in the Phrygia theater, and that some Phrygians went by l-version Brig terms. Severus Bassus was a descendant of BROGitarus, suspect with Frigg-like Froggits of DERBYshire. English Brecks/Bracks share the antelope with Derbys, and antelope's trace to Antalya, home of the Oenotrians, in my tentative opinion. The PERGa location beside Antalya may have been a PHRYGian term. Cock-related Grimaldi's are traced to a "FROCK" theme.

The Caucoensii on the north side of the Cogaeonus is what tends to clinch this area with mythical Cygnus, for there were a Caucones peoples at the Troad (Troy) whom can connect to Cycnus-like Cicones/Kikones. As Ares was a Thracian god, it can explain why a another mythical Cygnus was related to Ares. But as Sithones were said in a quote above to have been fundamental Thracians, note that the Ligurian Cygnus was a son of STHENelus.

There are two Poussin surnames, one using the cat, and the other suns. It looks like they were a merger with Cetin/Catten liners of the Bassianus kind. Poussins are suspect with the Pousinn term in the blue-apple riddle of cat-liner Rennes-le-Chateau.

Repeat from above:

...But here I'd like to mention the sun of Clappers/Clapps because they share the pike with Cetina-suspect Geddes', and it's very likely the truth that Cetis and Cetina were named after the Geta ancestry of Caracalla, born a Bassianus. As the mouth of the Cetina looks out to Brattia, also named, Brac, it's probably not a coincidence that Clavers use two fesses in the colors of the one of Bracks. The white towers of Clavers are to be linked to the same of Scone's whom will later show themselves as Bassianus kin. The Tute's will be found heavily on the Cetina, and so let's add that Clavers were first found in the same place as Tute's.

"CLAVER" is still suspect with GLAPHYRa Archelaus. And we saw why lines from Herod Archelaus, including the True's and Hume's, should have been through the Cetina. As Dutch Clavers show clovers, while Clavers list Clovers, it's Bassianus-interesting that CLOVis' mother was Basina. It looks like the first Merovingians can trace to Bassianus' at the Cetina. Again, the first-known Merovingian king (Clovis' father) was found with golden bees in his casket/tomb, a symbol of Bessins and Bistone's, and Meschins, who share the Brack fesse in both colors, were from the Bessin. The BISTrita = Cogaeonus may have been named by Bistones peoples. I once found the Besancons/Bassets coming up with a Bist term.

The Herls (share gold fesse with Herods/Hurls) are yet another surname sharing the Brack fesse in both colors, and they are expected as kin to Herods/Hurls of Archel-like Argyllshire. The impression I am getting is that Bassianus' on the Cetina led through Merovingians to the proto-Sinclair Normans and the related Harald / Maccus vikings. In any case, here's another repeat from above: "I'm now ready to pose that Rix's/Ricks (Child colors) were kin to king Childeric..." I did not have Croatia on my mind at that time. As Croatians were called, KRVati, I traced CRAVens to Croatians, and Cravens happen to use a version of the Rix/Rick Coat! The latter were first found in the same place (Somerset) as English Roets while German Roets were first found in the same place (Thuringia) as the home of Basina, Childeric's wife. In this way, Childeric can indeed trace to proto-Croatians on the Cetina.

As Irish Hands/Lavans/GLAVins (not sure whether it applies to Glaphyra / Clever / Clovis liners) tended to work their way into the Cetina entity (by way of Leats), let's mention the "flaith" term to which they are traced, for that may have been a Flutausis-river entity. The Irish hands/Glavins share red lozenges in both colors with Leats (share the fitchee with Rix's and Cravens), but red lozenges are also the color of the Cocks and Coch lozenges so that, indeed, this Flaith entity can be from the Cogaeonus river, the alternative name of the Flutausis.

The Rix's/Ricks and Rich's/Richess' were traced to Rijeka/Rike/Reka at the north side of Istria, roughly where TERGeste is on the light map. The Clan-Chattan motto was altered by some, with "bot a TARGE" instead of "bot a glove." One surname using "bot a targe" are the Veans/Beans/Vains accessed from the "foVEAN" motto term of cat-using CETIN/Cattens. One quadrant of the Veans shows only a HAND. However, I see no heraldic evidence for a Vean trace to Tergeste. "FOVEan" may be a double code, one for a Five/Fify / Five liner, for they share the red-on-gold lion in another Vean quadrant, and Veans were first found beside Fife, both of which are beside Angusta-like Angus. That can trace Cogaeonus liners to that part of Scotland.

As I see Gog colors as white-on-blue, that's the color of the wolf once showing in Wikipedia's article on Hugh D'Avrances. He is said to be from a flaith-like term, though I traced it for good reason to Flaad, the first-known Alan of Dol. But Alans trace to the Roxolani, who were on the lower Siret at one time, i.e. near the Cogaeonus.

I think it's important that while Jonathan Levi of Laish traced to Cnut, a Danish king related to so-called king BlueTOOTH, the whole lot of these royal Danes were given a mythical Gorm as their ancestor. Then, the Gorms/Blue's are one surname sharing the rooster design of Jonathans/Jonas'. As Jonathan Levi is tracing well to Oneum upon the Cetina, and while the Rollo/Normandy Danes are tracing there somewhat, its speaks clearly on the Massena roots of the first Crusaders, the Normans. They were Maccabee-Levi liners from Laish. This is the meaning of my work over a decade, to bring this message to the world. I had no idea that it would come to this until recently. The Blue's/Gorms were first found in the same place as MacAbee's. My hunch is that Jonathan Maccabee, the one who made an alliance with a Seleucid king (Balas) after his own Maccabee family had been at mortal war with Seleucids, whom in the Bible are representing the line of the devil to the end-time anti-Christ, was a Jonathan-Levi liner. It's a surreal thing to have Levites out of Laish come around, after millennia, to rule Jerusalem for the offering up of the Son of Man.


Especially for new or confused readers
shows where I'm coming from.

For serious investigators:
How to Work with Bloodline Topics

Here's what I did when I had spare time on my hands:
Ladon Gog and the Hebrew Rose

If you have received emails supposedly from me, and they look like advertisements
or anything unflattering and unexpected from me,
they were not from me but by someone using my email box to send it.

The rest of the Gog-in-Iraq story is in PART 2 of the
Table of Contents

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