The Dexter 666
The Rat-Trap Saga Continues
Lewis' Were Laevillus Liners
The last update had numerous advances in my heraldic understanding. One of them had to do with Tafts/Tufts (same eagle as Tarents/Terrents), who revealed that Were's (share the red crosslets of Tafts) were from the family of the Roman general, Terentius VARRO Murena. This is no small find in an update that had several means of tracing to this same family as it married Cilnius Maecenas in the first century BC. I can show how Murena, because he conquered the Salassi, led to Guerin of Provence, a Vere / Were suspect, anyway. It's that Grasse is beside Provence, and that Bosco's use a "tuft of grass." The Varro's (Burgos) were shown sharing the black wolf of Louths, because Taffys were first found in Louth, and moreover the Varro's use fleur-de-lys in colors reversed from the same of Bush's/Buschs, who, together with Bosco's, trace to Busca in the land of the Salassi. I get it.But there is more to be gleaned that wasn't realized in the last update, and it's important that, thanks to Mr. Skeetz, the last update found the Bush / Bosch fleur-de-lys with Dutch Gelders that show an Opgalli-suspect variation, Op-Gelder. For a couple of years, at least, I have been confidently tracing Teague's/Teegers (WOLF in Crest) to Opgalli, and here I can show why Tafts were either a Teague branch, or a merger with them. Is that not incredible? Can heraldry really do things like this? In this case, thanks to the Gelders, yes. The Teague's/Teegers ("OPtem" motto term) not only share the same crosslet style as Tafts, but they both share a black-on-white chevron.
Quite often, Dutch write-ups mention no details, same as for Jewish-surname write-ups. Holland had many Jews / Rosicrucians = international bankers, and the Gelders, probably a Gold / Goldman branch, are suspect. Opgalli was Jewish, they say. For those who don't know, Opgalli was wife to Teeger-like TIGRanes Maccabee-Herod. If I recall correctly, he was the Roman-puppet king of Armenia, location of Soducena suspect with the naming of Sadducees. The latter cropped out from Maccabees, and the latter are suspect (with me) from the ancestry of Cilnius MAECenas (see "Cilla" in the last update for a short explanation). If I recall correctly, the grandson of Opgalli and Tigranes married a daughter (Julia) of Iotapa, from a ruling family of Soducena-like Cetis.
Tafts are using a version of the Branch and Sherwood Coat. Sherwoods were first found at Durham, on the WERE river, no guff. It's also where Conte's were first found that created the name of Hugh Lupus' mother, Emma de Conteville. The Branch's are a branch of "AVRANCHes," ruled by Hugh Lupus D'Avranches. We are learning something new, that Tafts apply to Hugh's family. Hugh ruled in Cheshire, where Tafts were first found. He is suspect with Lupus Laevillus, who married the line of Iotapa above. Was she by any chance named IoTAPHA? Was she a Taphian?
Sherwoods/Shurwoods are suspect with Sherbrooks/Sherbrooks, and the latter have a "conSILIO" motto term suspect with Cilley/Silly liners, who were very-important in the last update for helping to define the Cilnius family. Sherbrooks share a "vi" motto term with Caiaphas-suspect Chives', and I'm still seeking to find whether the Sadducee, the Biblical Caiaphas, was a nephew or brother of Opgalli. Sherbrooks share blue "vair fur" with Quints (same place as Vere's suspect with the Annas star), and the latter were from Quintus Caepio, whose granddaughter messed sexually, for a long time, with Julius Caesar. Teague's share the black-on-white Julian cross. I have been seeking whether Caiaphas was born directly from this Caepio line, but the last update or two started to convince me that he may have been named instead by a Caepio branch of some sort. I'm open.
I shared a bridge event in the last update. I proposed that I was slated to die when being tossed over a bridge, by the wrath of God, except that I was saved by Mercy to do this heraldic work, a work that was started by God in events from youth, events that would become clues as to the surnames I should stress, remember, and investigate. It was in the last update when I realized that the Bridge surname shares the colors and format of Sherwoods, and so the Bridge's can link to Tafts. The only reason that I'm bringing this up here is that I've just found a bridge in the GALway Coat, and Galways were looked up only because it's where Taft-related Teague's were first found. It's excellent timing because the Galway Crest is a cat, symbol of the Chives Crest and Coat, and moreover the Galway motto is that of the Catti-line Keiths that I trace to the namers of Cetis. Keiths were first found in Louth-like Lothian. The SETANtii Brigantians (highly suspect with Maccus, king of the Isles) are said to have spread between Louth and Lancashire, and then SEATONs were first found in Lothian too.
The Lothians (kin of Lots) use a Coat like that of Alis' that use the Keith motto in reverse, and they all use "vincit" along with the SITHECH-Shaws. If Sherbrooks were a merger with Brooks, the latter use the STICK Coat. I had not yet arrived to this when asking whether Iotapa IoTAPHA. Taphian pirates lived at the Akheloos river (Greece), and that's the location of modern Astakos, where I think the Lithuanian ASTIKas' trace. However, south-eastern Thrace had an Astica area not far from Cabyle; see map: reason that I trace Astikas' to Astakos is that it was the home of mythical Sirens (all-female pirates = Amazons) while the Sire's/Sirons link to the Arms of Vilnius along with some of their kin. Astikas' lived in Vilnius. Moreover, I identify Sire's with Squire's and Shire's, and Sherbrooke's are also SHIREbrooks. It therefore seems that Sherbrooks were merged with Brooks who were themselves merged with Astikas' and Sithech liners. Kyle's, who claim to be a branch of king Cole i.e. Colapis liners, use candleSTICKs.
The Galway bridge is called, "Baals Bridge." The Baalams were first found in the same place (Suffolk) as Candle's/Cantwells/Kentwells. Sire's/Sirons were a merger with Justina of Picenum, wife of empower Valentinian I (born in Cibalae = Vinkovci), whose line traces to Valance's, wherefore see William de Vallance in the Candle write-up. Therefore, the candlesticks are code for Astikas liners, yet the Shaws were in Ayrshire, location of Kyle, yet Shaws were first found in the same place as Justine's and Vinkovci-liner Wings/Winks. Kyle's use an anchor, and Anchors/Annackers use a version of the Lady/Laudyman Coat while the latter use the same annulets as Candle's. kid you not, Baalams share the red rooster with Bible's/Bibo's whom I've been tracing for months to Vibia, mother of Laevillus. And Galli's (rooster) were kin of Poitvins while the latter share the stars of Sherbrooks, making Galways suspect with Galli's and Gays from Gaia/Gala, king of Numidia. This recalls the trace of the Galloway Fergus to the Sauers (said to be from Mr. Galleri), said to be from the Shaw-like Sava river, which was not only the river into which the Colapis and Una drain, but flows not far from Vinkovci. Gallerys are listed with Galloways, no kidding at all, and this finally convinces me that the Sava was named after Shawia Numidians. It means that the Tafts and related Teague's were Gaia-liner Numidians. Shawia were from Aures, and the Aures surnames shares a red lion in both Coat and Crest with Fergus'. Red-lion Sauers substitute a brown lion in Crest.
The last update found the Terentia- / Taro-liner Terrys, and they too have a brown lion in Crest, yet they use the same-style cross as Galways. Irish Terrys (familiar crosslets) were resolved with the Guerin Chief, and the latter includes the Coat of Payens, first found in Taphian-liner Dauphine. The gold Shield of Irish Terrys (red lion in both Coat and Crest) traced to the Placentia-based Scute's, and Placentia is on the Trebia river suspect with the Traby family that married Astikas' (see Wikipedia's Traby article) The Trebia is near the Taro, and, in fact, the ANANES Gauls lived between the Taro and the Trebia. Caiaphas' father-in-law was ANANus/Annus/HANAN, and together they had Jesus murdered. Annus' father was Seth, and Seths are listed with Sadducee-like Sithech-Shaws. Don't you think that historians should take a look at all of this?
I suggest that Lithuanian liners include the Lite's (beloved of the Ayer motto) that use feathers in the white color of the>Traby ostrich feathers, and in both colors of the Polish Sadowski's that come up as "Traby." The Tooths apply. Others that share five, white ostrich feathers with the Arms of Traby are the Caens (buried "citis" term) and Irish Clare's. The fretty of Caens is colors reversed from the Louth Taffys.
So, I am now at least half convinced that whatever named OpGALLI traces to the namers of Ireland's Galway, and to the Scottish counterpart, Galloway. The Louth-likely Lothians (share the Traby hunting horn, probably) and Lots share a brown talbot dog, while Teague's use a brown wolf, brown suggesting Brown / Bruno / Brunswick liners. Lothians were first found in the same place as Shaws, and both use a "qui" motto term for their Italian counterparts, the key-using Sheaves'/Chiava's. The "Qui"-using Fulks are from Plancia Magna, granddaughter of Opgalli and Tigranes, The "custoDIT" motto term of Lothians must be for the tiger-using Ditts i.e. a Tigranes-Opgalli line, and so let's not only repeat that the "Diem" motto term of Teague's gets the DITTmayers, but then the "METuam" motto term of Teague's must be for the tiger-using Medley bloodline, namely the Mettleys/Methleys. I was just thinking that "meTUAM" can be double code for a Diem-related surname, and fell upon the Dutch Tiems/Teems (three white escutcheons in the colors of the Placentia square) said to be from Gelderland/Guelders! It was the Gelders that show "Op-Gelder"!! The Ditts look very linkable to the Coat of tiger-using Scythes'/Side's/Sudys, a branch of Seatons, the latter first found in Lothian. It just so happens that the giant fleur used by Dutch Gelders is said to have been granted by a king to the Plow surname while Tiems use a plow! The plow is also in the Very/Fairie Crest while the other Verys are using the Scythes/Side lion, apparently.
The Tiem/Teem plow is called a "blade," but I have seen the identical symbol in another Coat that was called a plow [it's the German Bullis', and it's a ploughshare]. I can't recall that surname. I now know that the "OpTEM" motto term of Teague's/Teegers is for the Op-Gelder link to Tiems/TEEMs, yet one can readily see why the Timms/Time's apply to Teague's too. The latter are well-traceable to Timna, wife of Lothian-like Lotan, in the Bible as the wife of Esau's son. Timna was of Seir, suspect with Sire's. The latter use the mirror of the Melusine mermaid in the Moray Crest, and houseofnames once showed an alternative Moray Coat with a "Deum Time" motto suggesting EDOM TIMNA, and moreover that Moray Coat used FETTER locks, important for the Feathers (Sussex) that share a version of the Lite Coat, a surname suspect now with Lothian-like Lithuanians. Recalling that Sire's are of Valentinian I, the Feather motto reflects that and even honors his brother. The Letters/Lauders have the same colors, were first found tho the near-south of Lothian, and use a version of the feather-using Tooth Coat that itself has an "opTINEbit" term (like "optem") where we readily see another "Op" term.
Letters/Lauders were first found in the same place as Shields/Shiels who use the Shaw motto, and the Tiems/Teems call their escutcheons, "shields." The Shields have a reflection of the Leve/Leaf Coat, and while the latter traced to the Sava-river area (also called the Save river), the Save's are in Shield colors while sharing a snake with Shells while Snake's/Snooks (same lion as English Golds/Gilders) use a version of the Leve/Leaf Coat. It gets interesting where German Golds (Salzburg) use a reflection of the Coat of Ticino-suspect Decks/Daggers (Squire kin) who in-turn share the white fleur-de-lys in both colors of the same of the other Shells, and meanwhile a white fleur-de-lys is used by Gelders. Leve's/Leafs are suspect from the Ticino-river Laevi. The Salzburg location is suspect with the Salyes Ligures at Orange, because the Gold hunting horn is red, as is the Orange hunting horn, and the Gold/Gilder lion is that also of Nassau's. One can see this lion also with Fergusons, not forgetting that Fergus' trace to Sava liners of the Sauer kind.
As Dike's share the fleur-de-lys of Decks/Daggers, it's notable that while Golds/Gilders were first found in the same place (Suffolk) as Dice's/Diss' while English Goldmans use the latter's colors and format. Tecks/Tess', probably a branch of TIGHs/Tease's, use leaves. The leaf-using Leve's/Leafs traced in particular to the Kupa tributary of the Sava. The Lot description: " A talbot's head COUPed." For me, Cope / Copp and possibly Cooper liners trace to the Kupa river with little doubt. It's where Jupps/Jubbs (same place as Golds/Gilders) can trace who were introduced in the last update in a discussion on Kite / Kitt / Kidd liners; the latter were from "Citis/Cetis." The Kupa is the Colapis river, home to Japodes = mythical JUPiter. Jupps thus look like Jupiter liners, but look at how "Jupp" can become "Cope / Kupa."
Jupiter was also "Jove," which recalls the Jove's/Jeeve's of the last update, as they were connected to Gavestons/Jeevers with the same Coat exactly as Dutch Gelders. German Gelders use a bend in colors reversed from the Save bend, and in the colors of the bend of Jupp-related Leslie's.
If you search "hawk" in the last update, you will come to the part on Gards (hawk's lure) and Yonge's as they both trace to the Una and Kupa rivers. Kite's and Kitts use kite hawks, you see, suspect with the Turul hawk of Hungarian legend (see last update for the reason). Yonge's were Hungarian liners at the Kupa theater, and Jupps (Leslie griffin and Leslie buckle) proved to be a merger with Leslie's, known Hungarians. I trace Leslie's to Lesce on the upper Sava, beside Hun-suspect Bled. Bleds share the three chevrons of Clare's in colors reversed, and the latter were first found in the same place as Jupps.
Ultimately, I see Japodes from the Jabesh-Gilead location on the east side of Israel's Jordan river, and with the Jebusites of Jerusalem. There is a good reason for this, for Judges tells the story concerning 400 women of Jabesh-Gilead married forcefully to 600 Benjamites from Rimmon, and Rimmon, I have found by various methods, named the Romans, explaining why their chief god and goddess was Jupiter and Juno. The Crimmons/Rimmons (Maschi lion?) happen to use a version of the Jupp Coat, but the Crimmon/Rimmon Coat is also a blue version of the Taft Coat. Rimmons are said to be of the McLeods, and the latter share a "fast" motto term with Leslie's. The Fasts use the Taft crosslets in colors reversed. The Thistle's/Thissels, in the Crimmon/Rimmon Crest, share a blue bend with gold symbols with Leslie's, and Dissels, whom I've not known, use a version of the Galli Coat. As king Gala was likely a root of Maschi's of Rimini, it should all trace to the Maezaei on ther south-east of the Una river. As I expect the Una's Levites from of Laish in the Leve's/Leafs, note that they use the colors and format of Maceys.
Rimini is beside Cattolica, suspect in the Cattels, and then the Blake's who have a Caddell variation had actually been found as a branch of Bleds. Blacks can be using the Kyle stars. German Cassels use the three Clare chevrons. Jupps share the blue-on-white chevron with Cope's and Copps (and Lure's). Gards use griffins too, as well as yet another brown wolf. I've known for a long time that Gardners use the features to Capes' and German Kaplans while English Kaplans (same place as Capelli-related Buttons) share three griffins in Chief with Gards. Yonge's are a branch of June's, first found in the same place as Chapmans and Capone's. There is a pattern. Tafts come up as "Toste," and Bleds use a "tous" motto term for Tous'/Tosini's/TONSO's (shirt and BUTTONS), from the Tonzus river, Thracian site of Capelli-liner Cabyle to which Kaplans definitely trace. German Teegers share a giant eight-pointed star looking linkable to the Tous/Tonso stars.
The Bled description: "...a MAN's head and BUST natural with a green wreath of laurel around his head wearing a red shirt with gold buttons." Busts may be using the Franconian Rake. The Manns/Mathie's are expected to be kin of Mathie's/Mathews that share the three Bled chevrons in both colors. Having made that link, it reminds me of mythical Bast, related to mythical Buto, who together seems traceable to BudaPEST, the Hungarian capital where Attila (Bleda's brother) ruled for a while. The other Busts/Boasts look like they use the Salian Coat, which recalls Mr. Skeetz in the last update, saying that Salian Germanics were from Franconia. The Salian Franks joined the Sicambrian Franks to form the birth of Childeric, and Budapest was called, Sicambria, when Attila ruled it. It seems we have the evidence here to prove a Bleda trace to Bled.
Bleds were first found in the same place as the Mathie-like Mathis' who share the black-on-white moline of Chives'. It's interesting that Donald Trump has chosen Mr. Mattis for defence Chief, and has fronted a Linda MacMahon for another post. MacMahons/Manns/Mathuna's/Maghens ("SIC" motto terms) are a branch of Manns/Mathie's/Maghans. The last update finished interpreting my dream that may have been given for revealing Trump as some sort of prophetic individual, and while the dream had a sickly stag following an individual that reminds me of Trump, and while Trump's use a stag, the sickly feature was resolved with SICHS (Diss/Dice kin) or Sicambrians or both, but definitely with Sichs for very good reasons. The individual in the dream that led the sickly stag was a shoe salesman with me in a mall in a Scarburgh area, and a Scarburgh-branch entity is in the Sich write-up. Trump-suspect Trips use shoe's, and Trips are expected from Trypillians that lived on the Ukraine/Moldova border while my fellow shoe salesman was Mr. Kepke from the Ukraine. There was more to it, and there was flat-out evidence in a Smith-Crutch connection that God definitely sent this dream to my readers.
Yonge's were merged with Gore's, who are in mythical GorLOIS along with Luisa of Ceva, mother of Alice of Saluzzo, and English Kaplans are using the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Saluzzo's. Gore's use the crosslet style of Were- / Varro-liner Tafts, and were first found in the same place as Vere's, Quints and Yonge's. The wolf-using Gards can therefore be using the Mens Chief. But it's also the Sled Chief, and Sledmere was the home of the Scarbourough-related Sichs. Sleds use the Este / Bute horses while Pepins (probably from the Sicambrian Franks) honor both the Mens and the Este's in their motto. The "Audax" motto term of Sleds is now suspect with Auda, daughter of Charles Martel, son of a Pepin. See the Martel-representing martlets of Mens-related Glennys sharing the Mens / Sled Chief. Glenns use the martlets too, and were first found in Peebles-shire, suspect with Pavia/Papia, a city founded as Ticinum on the Ticino river...where I had found proto-Hungarians. Pavers (same place as Sichs) share checks with Pape's and Marks while Ticinum was co-founded by Marici.
The Sike variation of Sichs suggests the Dyke's, kin of Ticino suspect Decks/Daggers. One Dyke surname shares the red squirrel with Decks/Daggers, and another Dyke surname shares the giant Gelder / Bosch fleur. I'm fairly sure that it's the Massey fleur, shared by both Decks/Daggers and yet another Dyke surname. The Marks use checks in the colors of the Hohen and Cohen checks, and Pavers use the checks in the Arms of Meulan while a daughter of a Mr. Beaumont, count of Meulan, married the Percival-Leavell line, yes from Laevi on the Ticino. There was a Hungarian king, Taksony, like the Tessin version of "Ticino," and evoking the Teck variation of the Swiss Tess'. I trace Kilpatrick-related Pattersons to Sodans/Sowdens (Leslie colors) that happen to come up as "Soltan," and that's nearly Zolten, the name of Taxsony's father. Kilpatricks use the DAGGER.
Pattersons and Kilpatricks both use drops, and Drops/Trope's (Shield filled with drops) use another Coat like that of Mens' / Sleds / Poppins. The Drop lion is in the colors of the Mar / Ross lion, and Scottish Pattersons were first found in Ross-shire. The Andrew that's in the ancestry of Ross' has been resolved (by me) to be Andrew I of Hungary, who came not long after Taksony. Andrew's brother had a Laevi-like name.
Hungarians were founded by king ARPad, father of Zolten, and Arps/Earps/Yrpe's/Epps, I kid you not, use the Diss/Dice eagles. The two were first found virtually beside one another. Just like that, Sichs/Syke's can be traced as a Dyke / Dagger branch to a merger with Sicambrians. Sichs are said to be from a Tatton individual, and Arps look to be using a version of a Tate Coat (same place as Diss'/Dice's!). While Laevi were merged with Ananes Gauls, according to logic, and according to the leafed saltire of Tecks/Tess'/Tease's, Scottish Tate's use Shield-and-Chief color combination of Annans...not to remention that Tease's/Tighs are using the Annas star. The other Daggers/Dackers were first found in the same place (Cumberland) as the first-known Sichs/Syke's. Daggers trace to Dexaroi at AntiPATRIA. The Dexaroi were on the APSus river, and while Hips' use a version of the Deck/Dagger Coat, the Epp variation of Arps is used by Apps'.
Arpad was likely named after the Arpii/Carpae peoples, whom I see as the namers of the Carpathian mountains. I trace Carpenters (same place as Diss/Dice's), who use bars in the colors of the bars in the Arms of Hungary, to Carpae. As Carpenters were first found in the same place as knights, she must be using the same red-and-white vertical bars, but Nights/Knights share the spur with Close's for a tracer to Closeburn on the Night-like Nith, location of Kilpatrick castle. Here are the Nith-river Nitts/Naughts, with variations like the Scottish Nights. They are suspect with the Patty lions, and Pattys trace to Patti in the Scylla area of Sicily. Nights/Naughts use a "durum" motto term, and Nitts/Naughts (Cohen checks?) use a "committo" term suggesting the Comitissa variation of Conte's, first found in Durham. The Nitt/Naught lions are also those of Numans/Newmans.
The first surname I ever traced to proto-Khazars were Caseys, but I did not know Kupps (kin if Hungarian Leslie's) at that time, nor that that they use a blue version of the Casey Coat. To see how Caseys / Cazelles' trace to the Kennati priests at Olba / Cetis, see the Casey - Cassel link in the last update. See also the trace of leaf-using Leve's to the Kupa, and then spot the leaves of French Caseys/Cazelles'. These leaves are for Lupus-Laevillus liners, aren't they? The black wolves of Varro's and Louths (shared by Yonge's) link very likely to the same of Quade's, from Quadratilla Bassus, wife of Lupus Laevillus. The last update showed how Yonge's were Laevi liners.
Now that there is evidence for a trace of Pattersons/Cassane's to Hungarians, not forgetting that the Soltans/Sodans use a version of the Cassius/Cassano Coat, let's go back to HASAN NUMAN al-GHASANI, suspect with Cassano liners, and also with the Hungarian Hussians. Zolten's son was Geza. There may have been a Hasan-line merger with Kahina after 700 AD, and Hungarians arose with some Khazars in about 900. The Kahina Cohens are now suspect with the Hungarian tribes. Kahina lived just before Idris (an Arab, like Hasan), and his wife Kenza goes to Kenneths, who use the Hungarian-ancestry symbol. Idris, I read, was from Syria, and I traced Arpad / Carpae independently to Syria's Arpad, which the Greeks called, Arados, like the Arad and related Oradea locations in Transylvania, where the Hungarian-related Khazars had lived. The Szkeley claim to be some of those Khazars, and they might just have been a line of Sichs. I had trace Szekleys to mythical Scylla for a reason, and as Scylla was represented by scallops, that's the Soltan/Sodan symbol. Scylla was paired in myth with Charybdis, which traces well to mythical Charops up in the Carpae domain, whose descendant, Orpheus, was on the Hebros river but ended up in Leslie-suspect Lesbos. While Scylla is thought to be the Sicil area of eastern Sicily, Charybdis is thought to be over in Calabria, at Reggio, and Pattersons, who share the Soltan/Sodan scallops in colors reversed, use a "rege" motto term.
Orpheus floated down the Hebros with his lyre, or HARP, we get it, but then while Hungarians also traced themselves to the Turul hawk, lyre-like Lure's (Leslie colors), who are a sept of McLeods (share "fast" with Leslie's) along with Liers and other such terms, are honored by the "hawk's lure," indicating a fundamental merger between Lure's and Hawks. Of all the sword designs that houseofnames has, it chose for Lure's the sword design of Mussens/Mustins, and then the Lure star with chevron looks like a Macie Coat. Or compare with Maso's/Massini's/Masons, first found in the same place as the Ticino river. However, I don't know what the Greeks / Thracians called the lyre or harp. It had belonged to Apollo, and his music theme was of the Muse's. HARPers use a motto term much like one of Irish Leslie's. On-shore from Lesbos were the Phocaean Lydians, who co-founded Ligurians at LACYdon and Numidian-suspect Massilia around 700 BC.
I got sidetracked from the original topic, where the idea was to prove that Opgalli actually traces to a host of surnames. It started with the Tafts (Were crosslets), and showed how the Were's were from Varro Murena, and all connecting to Laevillus. I can add to that, but not let's forget the Nith / Knight liners that just traced to Durham, on the Were river. As Tafts come up as "Toste," we go to the Tosts/Tosti's with patee crosses in the colors of the same of Peks, suspect from the Pek river (down the Danube from Budapest), the source of which is near Cuppae, where I trace the Leve/Leaf dove. Were's were first found in Devon, and on the Axe river from Somerset to Devon. That gets one to the area of Bude, and the Bude's happen to use a seven-pointed star in the colors of the Teeger star. note the arrow theme of Bude's, which can be for the Hussian Hungarians, or the arrow symbol of Hungarians, and for the Inger-Melissena line of Varangians.
The BudaPEST-possible Pesters/Pistols are suspect from the Op-like HOPkins that use pistols in the colors and format of the Capone's, first found in the same place as Hungarian-liner June's/Juens. They need to trace to Quintus Caepio. Like German June's/Jungs/Youngs, Pesters/Pistols use stags (good reason to trace to Budapest), and they are in the colors and format of Quints, first found in the same place as Yonge's ("juene" motto term) and Vere's. The latter ruled heavily at Oxfordshire, where Hopkins were first found. It's the Drakenberg Vere's who love the Inger-Melissena line, and Hopkins use an "Inter" motto term while Inders/Ingers, first found in the same place as the Bude location, share arrows on blue with Bude's. The Drakenberg Vere's boasted of being royal-witchcraft liners, and they traced Melusine (dragon lady) to Avalon = Bute, home of the mythical witch, Morgan le Fay. The English Bude's happen to use a lion in the colors of the Morgan and Moore lion. The Welsh Bude's with arrows and seven-pointed star are in Bute/Butt colors. It's all making sense.
Here is an alternative Juene Coat (Cambridgeshire), with fleur now in the colors of the same of Constantine's and Mascals. The latter are using the escutcheon of Saddocks, and Saddocks along with Levins share footless martlets in the colors of the Juene canton. I don't recall knowing the Juene's before; they are traced to Mr. Gennes of Anjou, and Anjou is where the Drakenberg Vere's put Melusine's son (Milo de Vere, probably fictitious). The Gennes' are said to have been lords of a Le Motte de Geenes in 1144. Motts happen to share the estoile with Bude's/Butts. The Morte variation of Motts is honored in the Arthurian myth, "Le Morte d'Arthur," which has king Arthur dying in Avalon. Death's/Darths share the Mott/Morte crescent, expected to be the Alexander crescent, from Kintyre, near Bute. Alexanders are suspect as Maccabee liners, and Motts are also Mottins, like Modi'in of Israel, home of the first-known Maccabees.
Arthur's wife was made GuineVERE, we get it. "Guine" is now suspect with "Gennes." Gennes' were first found in Anjou, but as I've identified Guinevere with Gwenea = Vannes, note that Nannes' use two fesse bars in the colors of the one fesse bar of Gennes'. Moreover, two bars are often "gemel" while Maccabees lived also at Gamala. I've never know this Vere link to Gennes'/Jennes'. I suggest that the Gennes fesse is colors reversed with Dart(h)s, first found in the same place as Were's. The Maine's (same place as Darts), with two chevrons in the colors of the two Vannes / Ness bars, use a dart.
There is a French Juene/Jonnet surname too, first found in Auvergne, and possibly from Jonathans expected from the Oeneus-river / Juno liners. I suggest these Jonnets are using a version of the Capes Shield. Compare also with the Shield of German Kaplans, and with Irish Constantine's. As the first English Constantine's were near the first Capes' and Hopkins, and in Berkshire, where Modens/Modeys and related Arks were first found, and also because Irish Constantine's use the Brian lions, Motts/Mottins trace excellently to Modane (Ark river), some 25 miles from Briancon. This supports my previous claim, that the Oxford surname once showed the lion design that Irish Brians once showed.
The Arthur motto term, "OBstantia," is suspect with the Hobs variation of tiger-using Habs, first found in the same place as Arthurs. That's Opgalli and Tigranes, isn't it? Yes, and we just saw king-Arthur elements with Hopkin elements. Bude is in Cornwall, where king Arthur was born from mythical Pendragon. Pendragons were first found in Cornwall, and they use fleur in colors of the June fleur. The "tiepSUM" motto term of Pendragons can now link well to the "Summum" motto term of Teague's/Teegers. Soams/Somes' (hawk's lure) are in Arthur colors / format, and suspect from Sohaemus, high priest of El-Gabal. The Tipps' use a black bull traceable with the Cole bull to the Colapis river, right where we expect June liners.
The Tipps Coat is almost the Levin Coat, whom are expected at the Una river's Levites. I see the Helms and the Sale's / Salians/Salemans in the Tipps Chief, and because the bull-using Haughts (share the Buckley bull head) are linkable to the Mieske bull, and because the Haughts (from Mieszko's daughter, "the Haughty") are suspect with the bars of Humbers (Penn roundels in colors reversed), whom I trace with Helms to Umbria, land of Guy of Spoleto, and because Spoltons/Spauldings are said to be from Ranulph le Meschin, who ruled where Haughts and Buckleys were first found, and because Spoltons use the buckles of Guys, I see the Pendragon Coat as a version of the Buckle and Buckley Coats. Pendragons must trace to the founding of Oscans of Italy. The Kennedy kin of Pendragons love the Avezzano liners, and Avisons were related to Comyns/Comines, ruled by the Conteville's in the ancestry of le Meschin. The Pendragon is the open helmet of Mynetts, a branch of Hamon(d)s from the Masci's / Maschi's.
Alright, here's what I wanted to add concerning the Taft-Were trace to Laevillus: Iverys, suspect with the Yvery location of the Leavells, use the same green-on-white bend as Were's. It suggests that Varro-Murena liners were at Yvery (Normandy). It's another indication that Cilnius Maecenas traces to Levites. He was from Arettium, where proto-Arthurs lived, you see, and you just saw how king Arthur (fictitious character) was fundamental with Massey-related Vere's. I have finally been made a master of these topics, whereas, years ago, these links were very foggy, very hard to follow and complete.
Buckle's were first found in the same place as jay-using Davers and Diss'/Dice's, both using the Arthur-Coat format, as well as MUST/Muskets, The French Juene's/Jonnets appear to have the same sword as Mussens/MUSTins, and then the Musts/Muskets use double fesse bars in the colors of the same of Vannes' / Ness', now suspect from MassiNISSA, son of the jay liner. Buckle's were first found in two place's, the other being Sussex, where Mascals were first found that use the six fleur of Constantine's, whom are using the fleur of the Cambridge Juene's. Isn't this a neat interpretation of things hidden from the masses? At least, at one time, these things were well understood, but, perhaps, in time, they were lost. The same double bars are used by Kupa-suspect Copelands (brown lion), and Ranulph le Meschin actually ruled Copeland. The Copeland motto, "BENIGNo Numine," seen before with Smiths, is for the Benjamites at the Kupa / Una theater. Copelands are said to have married Courcys that use the Keith motto roughly, and the Tarent eagle's, no guff, making yet another Cetis link to Cilnius Maecenas.
By the way, one Ness surname lists Nests while the Arthurs use "A black pelican in her piety in a gold nest." There is a Pellican surname.
Mascals were first found in the same place as COOPers/Coppers. The Masculs/Keiths share "vincit" with one Shaw surname while another Shaw surname shares the Pendragon motto. Just trace with Shaws (kin of Cole-related Kyle's, right) to the Sava river, where the Pendragon=June fleur trace. Moreover, Gore's and Cole's together honor Servitium liners in their motto (Servitium was on the Sava), and the Colapis / Una rivers are in a GORski area of Croatia. Gore's are the ones from GORlois, whose wife was king Arthur's mother, and Gore's use the Windsor crosslets while Windsors are said to be from the Others, which named UTHER Pendragon from the clever writers who obviously knew these things. Servitium seems obviously to be of the Serbs, but as they are said to derive in Sorbs of Lusatia, that's where Melusine traces.
Traby Link to Maccabee-Herods
As she is from Byzantines in relation to Kahina's Aures kingdom, we should be able to find her through Cohen / Hohen lines to Arthurian elements in Avalon, and that's where Kyle's come back to the picture in a hard way with their Astikas / Vilnius elements shared by Shaws, from Shawia of Aures. Glass', first found in Buteshire, not only use Melusine in their Crest, but they share the Kyle stars. And, as was said that Melissena Rangabe was both a Byzantine imperial and a Khazar royal to Cohens, the latter's Jewish branch share the Moray stars, thus tracing to Khazars on the Mures river. If we are wondering why German Cohens use checks, I think it's for Czechoslovakia, location of Moravia (probably named ther Mures/Maros river), for Moray was actually called, Moravia. And the Moray Crest has Melusine too. The Vilnius-related Sire's/Sirons trace to this very thing with their green snake coiled around the handle of a mirror, obvious symbol of Melusine (her mirror is code for Mire's/Mireux's, first found in Anjou). Kyle is a location in Ayrshire, facing Bute, and the Assi's, who use two symbols in the Arms of Vilnius, were first found in SHETland (raven symbol) while Skeets', kin of Sheets', were first found in Ayrshire. There is your Vilnius-line link to the Kyle candlesticks. It recalls that the raven vikings (pirates) who conquered Orkney (see Macie's/Mackeys of Ayrshire) and Shetland also conquered Rothesay, later named Bute.
So, the Kahina Numidians are tracing to a merger with the Vilnius Astikas' at Avalon. I can enlighten some more, but have so many points I don't know where to start. Let's go back to the trace of Timna to Moray, adding to the reasons stated above. She was from Seir of Edom, and this traces obviously to Sire's/Sirons (Siren pirates from Astakos) at this time, for the latter have just traced to the Melusine mermaid via ther Astakos > Astikas line. One surname, which I have forgotten, called her a "Siren." To prove that Morays knew their trace to Edomites, they use a "TOUT pret" motto along with "DEUM TIME." "Tout" is used by OLIPHants/OLIPHards (Toot / Tatton crescent) while Timna of Seir married ELIPHas. Plus, while the book of Enoch says that Edom was depicted with a black boar, that's the symbol of BOOTHs and Bush's (both from Yorkshire), which is why I trace "Bush" and the Bushers to "BOZrah, Esau's Edomite capital. Oliphants are in the ArBUTHnott write-up, and vice-versa, and Oliphants (same place as Shaws) are said to have received BOTHwell in Lanarkshire, where BIGGERs (honored in the Arms-of-Shetland motto) were first found who trace to BIHARia, the capital of the Transylvanian Khazars (see Menumorat). Arbuthnotts are using the Moray / Douglas stars, and it's very good that we now have a likely trace of Douglas' to Dougga Numidians, though the DuGLASS variation suggests merger with Glass' of Buteshire and Glasgow (beside Lanarkshire). This recalls my trace of Douglas' to a character / people group (forget his/their name) of Lithuania when I was not at all up-to-speed on an Astikas trace to Kyle's or Shaws or any other Scottish thing aside from Lothians (thanks to their Traby hunting horn).
I read that Bothwells were named after "Bute." It suggests that Edomites from Esau and Timna were at Avalon, making Kahina suspect as Edomites. While Boyds have been said to be named after Bute, they use the Hohen checks. That;s another Kahina trace to Bute if indeed she was the mother of Cohens / Hohens. You can read for yourself that Boyds were merged with proto-Stewarts of Dol (from the Dulo Huns), and Scottish Stewarts use a version of the Boyd Coat but with the Cohen checks. Khazars were founded by Huns, right? Yes, at the Terek river of Alania. And Alania was also called, Iron, while Irons/Hirams are said to be from AIRAINes, which is how I learned that nearby Abbeville named the MacABBE's of ARRAN. The Boyd motto, "CONfido," can be gleaned as part code for the German Con/Cohens (the ones with the checks). It's Kahina = Melusine in our faces, at Avalon = Bute, but also along the Somme river.
It's interesting that the Conns / Conys come up too (as "Con"), for their rabbit was traced tentatively to the hare (same design) of Haas', suspect from HASAN NUMAN, whom Kahina defeated in war, only to have him come back and kill her in another war. Later, marital alliances between the two families may have taken place. The rabbit-using Cons were first found in the same place (Kabardino-suspect ABERDEENshire) as Fothes/Fittes'/FETTs (cornuCOPia, we get it) who come up as "Fido," the other term in the Boyd motto. CUNNinghams: first found in Aures-liner Ayrshire. The Cunningham unicorn head is used by Oliphants and Cnuts, explaining "ArbuthNOTT." But trace that to the Nith-river Nitts/Naughts who use the Cohen checks along with the NUMAN / Raines lion. The Cunningham motto honors the Forkers/Farquhars (Ayrshire), possibly a branch of the Sava-liner Fergus'. The "Sto" motto term of Forkers may be for Stows/Stouts, for the raven vikings of Shetland were Stouts.
I kid you not, that Numans/Newmans were linked (by me) to the MacAbbe's mainly as per what JJ Tolkien said about his fictional Numenor island, which, by studying many of his codes, I interpreted at the island of Arran. This was before I knew heraldry at all. Tolkien said that Avalone can be seen from Numenor, and knowing at that time that Avalon was Bute, I pegged Numenor as neighboring Arran (where MacAbbe's were first found). I then found, years later, that the Numan/Newman motto was likely honoring the MacAbbe's, and by that time I had claimed that the Numan/Newman lion was the RAINES lion, but this was before knowing about the AIRAINES location, and it's obvious trace to Arran. All of this was thanks to the Masonic character, Hiram Abiff, who I was investigating. It appears that Hasan Numan had a line to Arran, and while Kane's use the white Keen/Kahan fish, the Kane's use it in the colors of the MacAbee salmon!!!!!! Zowie. Arabs were in Arran and Airaines, the latter in the area of Somme, suspect with Sohaemus of El-Gabal.
A Raines motto term (honors JUDicael of Rennes) traces "RAINES" to "Rennes," in the Vilaine part of Brittany, where Dol is located, and beside Jugon (where Juggs/JUTTs trace), and beside the Arthurian-beloved Motts/Morte's of Cotes-de-Nord. "Vilaine" was gleaned as a VILNius entity, but it should also be said the Vilains (same place as Irons/Hirams) use Shield-and-Chief color combination of Levins. Why?
Wikipedia's map of Aures has "AIRES" in the URL. Note the Constantine location smack at Aures, named after the Byzantine capital when Byzantines ruled the area.'s take king Arthur back from Artois, where Eustace II was whose Eustace branch shares the cross of Irons/Hirams. Airaines is beside Artois, we get it. Let's take Arras or Artois back to modern Arezzo, anciently Arettium, for as we saw that the Pendragon motto term, "teipSUM," could be for Soams/Some's that are said to be from Sohaemus-like "Soham," Sohaemus had ancestry in El-Gabal priests with the name, Aziz(us). This can go to the Assi's of Shetland, but the first place I had traced his named was to Assisi, in Umbria near Arettium, for Aziz's family was ruling El-Gabal from Syria's ARETHusa location. It convinced me that Arethusa was an Arettium entity before I knew of the Cilnius' of Arettium. The Edomite king, Aretas III, was of the household from which the mother of the first Herod belonged.
Just like that, the Seir-based Assi's can qualify as Edomites of the Herod kind. While Herods/Heraults were first found in the same place (part of Buteshire now) as MacArthurs, the latter's moline was traced to that of Segni's/Segurana's, and from there it all connected hard to the Sire bloodline from Justine of Picenum (Justine's were first found in the same place as Eliphas-liner Oliphants). For her husband was born in CIBALae, while SIBAL(d)s use the moline under discussion. Sibals were first found in Arthur-beloved Fife, the line of Morgan le Fay. The Veys/ViVians, that is, first found in the same place as Pendragons, can be shown to be a branch of Fife's / FIVE's/Fifys, and the Arthur Coat along with the MacArthur crown show a number-5 theme. Dutch Veys use the boot as code for Avalon = Bute. Italian Masseys once showed the Trip boots, but the same Masseys now show the Oliphant crescents. Veys/Vivians share the purple lion with the Wren branch of Raines', and the latter are from the Somme river, right? Yes, and into Arran, from the Irons of Alania, now explaining my very old claim that the royal Alan>Stewarts loved Bute with a priority.
It's the "causa" motto term of Justine's, and their weight scale, that makes me see Assi's as Cass / Kiss / Cush liners, but these link well to Cassane's and therefore can be yet another line in connection with Hasan Numan. The red rooster of Kiss' is that of Bibo's/Bible's because the Bibo rooster sits on a CUSHion (symbol in the Kilpatrick Chief) for a trace to Laevillus' mother. We wonder who she married. Cass' (Cambridgeshire) and the others use "fountains" while Fountains share a green snake with Sire's. Fountains share "nostra" with Pendragons, but I'm not sure what it's code for. Fountains look linkable to PENdragon-suspect Paine's and Pierleoni-related Leo's, and while Pierleoni were named after a Peter, PaterNOSTERs (branch of Patricks) look like they can apply to "nostra."
The Somme is in Picardy, and Picards (Moray) share the gyronny with the MacArthur-related Campbells, a good way to expect Numidians of Picardy in the Bute area. It's notable that the Brittany Picards (same lion as Beaumonts) can be traced to Humphrey Vieilles, ancestor of the Beaumonts that put forth the Leavells. Picards are said to be from Brittany's Vieilleville, perhaps related to "Vilaine," for the Vilains share the Levin Coat, apparently. It recalls my trace round-about of the Brittany Levine's to Brittany's Vannes. The English Levine's get the Levins I'm referring to, first found in Umbria-suspect Cumberland.
Actually, Levins were first found in Westmorland, where Sticklands/Stricks were first found that use a white semblance of the Stick garbs. The Sticks were first found in the same place as the Axe river, and while the Stricks were looked up as per the "Strike" motto of Hawks/Hauks, the AxelRODs/Hawkeswells/Haukewells use axes in RODham colors. While Hawks use stave's, the Stave's/Stevensons were first found in the same place (beside Westmorland) as Rodhams, who use the bend of the other Stevensons. As Were's are said to have been on the Axe river, while we saw why Were's trace to Terentius Varro Murena, by what coincidence do Stave's/Stevensons use the Varro fleur while sharing the Weir/Vere stars? Stave's/Stevensons have already traced to the Provence surname.
Although Traby-related Tarves' were naming a place in Aberdeenshire, the Tarves-Crest lion holds an axe, and Chives' of Tarves were, until recently, said to be first found in Devon, where the mouth of the Axe is located. The Patch's that share a black hunting horn with Trabys were not only first found in Devon, but they must be using the black fitchee of Tarves' (and Devon-suspect Davenports). The oak LEAVES of Patch's are very likely those of Alans because Devon is where their English-Stewart branch was first found. Then, the Chives' are using the Coat of Hykes'/Hacks (Devon), who share white-on-black scallops with Sticklands/Stricks. Therefore, the Hacks must be a Hawk branch, and of the namers of the Axe river. Trace this to the Grimaldi's due to the pilGRIM's stave's of Hawks, and see that Irish Weirs have the Grimaldi lozenges. Recalling that Mallets trace to Melita, beside the Elaphiti area of Oliphants, it's interesting that GriMALDi's (Monaco) may be Mallets, and that Stave's share the stars of Arbuthnotts. The Monaco-suspect Monks were first found in Devon too.
Let's add that Opgalli-liner Habs/Hobs use the hawk. The Axe river is suspect with the Axius of Paionia, which starts near to the proto-Pendragon Penestae. The Pendragon-related birth of Arthur in Cornwall should therefore link closely to Traby-related Weights, first found in Cornwall. he was born in TINTagel, from the ATINTanes peoples to the south side of the Apsus river, and smack at the river to proto-Alan Aulon, which was called AVLONA. Now you know what mythical Avalon is from, and why Stewarts loved Bute. See Atintanes and Aulon at lower-left of the map below, and while there is a Bullis location on the river, the Bullis surname uses roundels, while Rundels use the Alan fesse. French Blains were first found in Brittany, it's a clue that Blains may be Vilains. It just so happens that Scottish Blains, first found in the same place as Kyle, use the Kyle anchor (I assume). The Blain anchor is entwined by a serpent. Cale's/Kahills not only use an anchor and the "confido" motto term of Alan-related Boyds, but share the whale with Dols. When I get down to the Traby clincher to Placentia, when I remention Blains, remember that Place's use the axe.
Herod's mother, Cypros, was from the family of Aretas III of Petra, which place I now expect to be from, or related to, AntiPATRia. Those Nitts/Naughts above that are Raines liners must have been related to the Kilpatrick castle in the Nith river, in DUMfries, what an edomincidence. The question now is whether Cilnius liners in Arettium were part of Aretas III and the Herods. Cilnius lines had traced to Close's/Clovse's (Nith river, smack at Closeburn, location of Kilpatrick castle) and other Merovingians. Charles Martel and his Merovingian-betraying Pepins routed the Merovingians about the time (800 AD) that European MORAVia came into existence, suggesting that it was named by MEROVingians. That's why I see Merovingians at Edomite Moray. Let's keep in mind that the Moray motto, "Deum TIME," should include the bloodline of Tiems/Teems, kin of Gelders that use the fleur of Edomite Buschs/Bush's / Boschs.
There is no doubt that Mallets trace to the island of Melita near the Ragusa location of fish-using Saraca's. The first fish I ever used in connecting to that of Saraca's was that of Keons (share eight-pointed star with Tiem-loving Teegers), and here I am finding that they were Kahina liners. Saraca's trace to Carricks, once again getting us to Numidian-studded Ayrshire. It's a good reason to trace the mallet-using Soams to Numidians between Melita and the Somme river. Between Ragusa and Melita are the ELAPHiti islands, I kid you not, the Eliphas line of Edomites. The>Arms of Saraca use a fesse in the colors of the chevron of Oliphant-related Bothwells (boy pulling down a pine tree). Are the tiger-using Hobs/Habs in the "OBdura" motto term of Bothwells? The Brittany Dure's/Hurels (of the Hurl branch of Herods/Heraults?) use a Shield full of checks (indicates Czeck = Moravian lines from Kahina), and Scottish Dure's (Saluzzo / Clun Coat), first found in the same place (Perthshire) as Cluns, use a "patria" motto term. The Saluzzo line through FitzAlans of Clun (Shropshire) went through Chives', in my opinion, from the Cavii on the same river as proto-Pendragon Penestae, themselves near Antipatria.
As Cluns share the black wolf with Quade's/Quids, note the Kidd-like "Quid" motto term of the Perthshire Dure's, surely from "Citis," for Kidds (Moray stars) use a motto term in honor of Orba/Olba at Cetis. Kidds use a version of the Lothian Coat, both using the Traby / Weight (see Watts, Vatts and Wade variation of Quade's) hunting horn hanging off of a tree. Opgalli's line (not more that three generations) married rulers of Cetis. Kite's and Kitts use the colors and format of Bothwells, and you will momentarily see why Bute liners should trace to Lothians, who use the pine tree. It;s interesting that the pine tree was a symbol of mythical Attis, code for the HATTi, suspect in Catti liners like the Lothian / HADDington Keiths. Scottish Dure's are said to be from Borthwick of Lothian.
Bothwells use the colors and format of Payens, recalling the Pendragon link to Paine's above. Pine's are also "Pyne," and while Pine's look like kin of Friends (same place as Paine's) and/or the Arthur-related, Payne-like Wayne's (= Vannes / Veneti liners), Friends might be a branch of Firenze-based Ferren(d)s/Ferrants (Friend / Paine colors) that use a "Justus" motto term, likely for Justus, father of Justina of Picenum. For, the "tenax" motto term of Ferrends can be for the Tenas/Tenare surname (triple chevrons of Bleds = Sava-river liner), first found in the same place (Burgundy) as Sire's ("justitia" motto term). A Ferrend motto phrase is backward in the Rundel motto, and while Rundels use the Alan Coat, Alans were kin to Bleds that share the triple-gold chevrons of Tenas'. It's now notable that the "temps" motto term of Bleds can be partly for Tiems/Teems who use a Bled-like Blade. There is an Emps surname (may be the other side of "tEMPS") listed with Amos'/Haymes' (Exmes liner) with a "DULcior" motto term suspect with Attila's house of Dulo. This works to make a Blade-link to Bleda, after all, an idea entertained earlier, but when I retained the trace also to "Pilate," supposing that Bleda was a Pilate liner. Why do Rundels use "A silver sword in pale with a red GRIP"?
It's interesting that Amos/Haymes' are in Smith colors while Smiths use the heron, code for Orne's / Horns (Exmes is in Orne). Orne is near ancient CROCiatonum, home of the Alans of Alaunia, and while Smiths use the formee-fitchee crosses of Crutch's/Crooch's, the latter are an obvious branch of Croce's (!) because they use the potent cross, said to be created from a crutch. Therefore, we have found Smith kin in Orne, and suspect from the Huns, recalling that Paul Smith (in my God-given dream, see last update) was following a stag, symbol of the Hun bloodline, according to Hungarians themselves! Smith's (Plunket colors) share the fleur of Perkins while the latter use a "veri" motto term, and Smiths were first found in Durham, on the Were river. Plunkets were first found in the same place as Dulo-suspect Dol. It looks like Smiths were Plancia-Magna liners.
Together, Friends and Pine's were first found in the same place as Were's (recalls Vere link to Vannes / Gennes liners of the Arthurian kind), kin of Teague-related Tafts (= Opgalli liners suspect with proto-Arthur Galatians), and Friends are known by me only because the only Teague I knew had a Friend maiden name. The Were write-up mentions their merger with Giffards, and the latter share the Paine motto.
If the Cass', etc, were, along with Assi's, from Assisi, you can see how Arthurian elements can link to Aziz, ancestor of Sohaemus. Whether Cass' were from Hasan Numan al-Ghassani is not important, for he was late in history, after the killers of Jesus. I don't know what "Ghassani" refers to, whether he married a Numidian of that place, or what. The Assi's are said to be Oswalds (Caithness), but, zowie, German Oswalds (Bavaria) use the Zionist star of Wassa's/Gace's/Gassons!!! Wow. Gace is a location on the Teague-related Touques river. There you see those double red-on-white bars again that evoke Annaba and the Vannes / Ness line. Wassa's were first found in Cornwall, birthplace of king Arthur. The same Zionist star is used by Rothesay-suspect Rotens. It recalls the bnow-and-arrow theme (Rothschild theme) of the Cornwall Bude's. German Oswalds have proBOSCes in Crest.
Scottish Oswalds: "...a savage wrapped and crowned in green bay LEAVES, a SHEAF of arrows on his sinister shoulder and holding a bow with the sinister hand, with the dexter hand pointing to a gold comet in dexter chief." That's just the Shield. The Oswald Crest: "A right hand emerging from a cloud pointing to a star of eight rays." German Teegers use the eight-pointed star, as do German Rothschilds/Rothsteins and Dutch Steins. In this case, the arrow theme lends itself well to the Arrow/Arras surname for a trace to Arezzo = Arettium. It appears that one can trace Cass liners to Assisi, surprisingly enough, or to whatever named it. The Cassius variation of Casano's may have done it. French Caseys (leaves) come up as "Cases," evoking the BAIocasses of the Bessin, perhaps what the Boys/Bie's (in the Bothwell Crest?) are named after, for Boys use bees, as do Bessins. Boys/Bie's were, remarkably enough, first found in Berwickshire, land of the Borthwicks in the Bothwell write-up. Italian Borts share a red tower with the Arrow/Arras Crest.
The BAY leaves of Oswalds can be for the Baii peoples, said to be the founders of Bavaria/Bayern, where German Oswalds were first found. Whether correct or not, historians have reported that Baiocasses and Baii were Boii. It explains what we are seeing here. French Bays/Bayouds (Boyds of Bute?) were first found in the same place as Payens, and use crescents in colors reversed from French Pine's (Limousin, home of Lemnites from Lemnos). Italian Pino's have crescents in colors reversed from the crescents of Bothwell-related Oliphants. This strengthens the Bothwell trace to Payen liners, which is to say that the Bothwell pine tree supports a Pyne-Payen equation. There had been a question on whether Paionians were Boii, and here the Bothwell pine tree is being pulled by a boy. Apparently, BAIOcasses' were PAIOnians. While Oswalds use a "COELum" motto term, English Bays (Bude / Bute / Bothwell colors) were first found in COLchester (same place as Quints).
Apparently, Bute liners were Paionians. English Bute's/Butts are in Bothwell / Payen/Paion colors and format, and are said to be from Falaise, recalling that Fellers/Felltragers use a white-trefoil version of the Bothwell Coat. And Fallis' use white trefoils too (Rocks use trefoils) It suggests that Falaise was a Roquefeuil line. Tragers are kin of Rocco's, if you care to check it out. Fallis' were first found in Midlothian, location of the first-known Borthwick. Surprise, but no surprise after all. The Fallis lion is expected to be a colors-reversed version of the Crichton lion, itself the lion of Rory of Bute.
Hugh de Payens, who spent many years at the Jerusalem temple site, married Elizabeth Chappes, extreme evidence that Chappes' were from Caiaphas, and that de Payen knew it. They must have been seeking some of the Caepio treasure. German Bute's/Butts list "Boet," suspect from the house of Boetus to which the Sadducees, and therefore Caiaphas, belonged. The Bute/Boet fish is on a fesse, as is the Saraca fish. The Borthwick cinquefoils are colors reversed from the same of Botter-related Potters, making Potters and Botters (Ardon kin) suspect with Boetus liners. The related Buttons/Bidens are Capelli / Kaplan liners, remember. Kaplans have a Coat like that of Roets, but Roets put the same boar heads as used by Gordons in their Chief, and Borthwicks had a charter from the Gordons to own land in Lauder. The Borthwick cinquefoils should be those of Rodhams, because Rodhams share "nec" with the Rutherfords, first found in the same place as Borthwicks.
The "Qui"- and Moor-using Borthwicks were therefore at the home area of Letters/Lauders (near Lothian). LATTER DAY SAINTS -- the Mormons -- gave themselves that name as part-code for Sintians of Lemnos that named the Santones Gauls, namers of Sainte (French city), and they lived beside the PICTones that should trace to Pictland, which included Lothian. The Book-of-Mormon code, Lamanite, is for Lemnos, island of Amazons that went with mythical Myrina to the Atlas mountains = Numidia. But the Day surname was never before known to myself as to how it might relate to Mormons, but here, this very week, Days are tracing to "Dahiya," a variation of "Kahina" (see last update). There is a Moorman surname listed with Scottish More's (probably a version of the Weir/Vere / Nagle Coat), first found in African-Amazon-infested Ayrshire. The two Moorman surnames together, with the "FRANGor" motto term of one, suggest Bohemia (where German Franks were first found) and Moravia together, both in CZECHoslovakia, explaining the checks (in Hohen-check colors) of the other Moormans. As Franks can be Franconia liners, note that one Dure surname was first found in Franconia while another uses a Coat filled with checks while Moormans use a "Duris" motto term. As Scottish Dure's use the Saluzzo Coat, the motto term must be for Durance-river Salyes especially.
And, by the way, the Melusine of Vere's is definitely in the Moray Crest because Weirs/Vere's use the Moray stars yet again, but then the Fers/Ferrats (Alice of Saluzzo was of MontFERRAT) use the Cohen Coat while Vairs/Fers' use the Hohen Coat. It's Kahina all over. The Vere's honor the Neils/Nihills in their motto, a branch of Nagle's (share "non" with Sire-loved Justine's), and the Nagle's use three fesse-ways lozenges in colors reversed from the same in the Sire Chief, but lets add that lozenges (shared by Sava-river Shaws) trace to Losinj in Croatia, where the Arms use the Hohen checks yet again. Sire's were Amazons, like the Mormons, right? I rarely mention the Neils/Nihills, but they use a version of the Keon Coat! Things are making great sense on the Kahina - Melissena connection. Bank on the Keon / Neil lions being those of Abreu's through to the Eburovices Hebrews of Evreux.
This is a good place to remention that the Hobs/Habs were first found in the same place Arthurs and as AITons that come up as "ARTEM," highly suspect with ther AIDs, first found in the same place, and beloved by the Levi motto. What gives? Well, Pendragons use the rare, Open helmets of MYNETTS, and AMYNTES was the father of ARTEMidoros, both the rulers of Galatia, and Opgalli, now suspect with Tiems/Teems, was a Galatian woman, and said to be Jewish. For me, I'm seeing Edomites in these Galatian rulers. And if Tiems were a branch of Tiens/Teans/THAMES', from the Thames river, I would trace them to THEMIScyra, on the Thermodon river of the Pontus, home of the original Amazons that trace to the all-female Sirens = Seir liners from Edom. The all-female Muses = Amazons, from Mazaca (near the Thermodon) and into Mysia, numbered nine, the number of witches in Avalon. The latter terms was from Avellino, in Campania along with a Teano location (did you catch the Tean variation of Thames?) of a SIDICINI peoples that can trace to the Setanti Brigantians whom, because they lived between Ireland and Scotland, can be expected in the Isles i.e. including Bute / Arran. But they trace between black-wolf Louth to Lothian's Seatons.
The Pontus is suspect with the naming of Pontius Pilate, but as they say that his mother was a Pict of Perthshire (it's true), which, of all the Perthshire surnames, do we trace him to? Or, to how many of them do we trace him? Well, the Pilate pheon is used in colors reversed by Gelder-possible Colts/Cults/Celts, and the Blade's share white pheons with Blade-like Pilate's while we saw a blade in the Coat of Tiems/Teens, who came to topic as per the "optem" motto term of Opgalli liner Teague's. The Pontus was next to Galatia, and this recalls Polemon of the Pontus, ruler of Cilicia / Cetis at one point. The Bothwell boy is PULLING a pine tree, and Pullings are listed with Colapis-related Pullys/Pullens, kin of Copes'/Culps/CUPs. The Sava-liner Shaws share the CUPS of Pilotte's and Pellets in both colors. Pullings/Pullens share the Joseph martlet, and the Italian-Botter bend, and English Botters are expected as kin to the Joseph's (use the Chaplain chevrons) first found in their midst along with Kaplans. As Arthurs trace to the Galatians of the Pontus theater, its notable that Arthurs could be using the Pulling pelican, masking Pulleys traceable to Polemon.
The cup-using Butlers ("covered cups" may suggest Coverts), though they are said to be named after the Chief Butler of Ireland (could be a fable), had a seat at Ormond, explaining why Ormonds are listed with both Butler surnames. It just so happens that Omans/Osmunds, who list "Ormond" too, share black footless martlets with Pullings, suggesting that the Butler cups were not code for a butler's services, but taken from a merger with Copes'/Culps/Cups. I'm thinking that Caiaphas, Opgalli and Pilate were all related to the same circle of things with Polemon involved. Butlers had their seat at Laughton, and Laughtons (white wolf) happen to use cinquefoils in the colors of the Potter cinquefoils. If Laughtons were from Lafins/La Fonts, they can trace with Kennedys to Kennati of Cetis, and it just so happens that Laughtons share the black fitchees with Kennedys. They are traced to Lowton in Lancashire. Lowtons are said to have changed to KENYons.
The Riddle-Crest greyhound is in the white of the Laughton/Lawton wolf. See how the Riddle's use the Kennedy / Arms-of-Carrick chevron. The latter two are kin round-about of Share's in the Riddle motto, but German Share's are the ones with a version of the Bosco Coat, the latter using a "tuft of grass" on their pillar. Pillers are listed with the cup-using Pilotte's. Riddle's are descended from Mr. Blavia (Flavians?) near Bordeaux (Aquitaine). A member of the Ridell line merged with Picards, and the latter use the Arms of Gironde, a city near Bordeaux (it confirms a Picard trace to Gironde elements). It recalls that French Picards are from Vieilleville, and therefore from the Vieilles > Beaumont line (Danes).
If the Polman/Poole lion is a white version of the Beaumont lion (both are surrounded by the same fleur-de-lys), the namer of Poole (in the area of English Josephs) can trace to the Beaumont-Leavell line from Laevillus, who married the Galatians with rule over Cetis. The Riddle's use the Kennedy chevron and were at least merged with Cetis liners. It just so happens that Beaumonts were first found in Dorset, location of Poole, and next to the Leavells of Somerset. The Arms of Poole use the Melusine mermaid, apparently, new to me. It recalls ther mermaid in the Arms of Warsaw, Poland, not far from Traby.
Share's are a branch of German Schere's/SCHERFs, and the Sadowski/Traby Coat uses a SCARF. Austrian Schere's use a "snake entwined around a STICK." It's evocative of the Sire snake with a mirror. Again, candleSTICKs are used by Kyle's, from Kyle in the same place as the first Carricks / Kennedys. They knew exactly what they intended, with their sound-alike symbols, didn't they? Austrian Schere's use a vertically-split Shield in the colors of the same of Tarves', and the latter share the black Kennedy / Share / Laughton fitchees. It recalls the last update's link of Tarves' to Trebia-suspect Tarbeys.
Where did we see a white wolf? Oh, yes, in the Laughton Crest. The Scarfs use white wolf heads in the colors of the Tarbey fish, and as the Trebia is at Placentia, let's repeat that the Arms of Placentia has a wolf in colors reversed from the Scarf wolves. You can't get better evidence than this for tracing Trabys to the Trebia. And the Chives' of Tarves are expected to apply. Laughtons were first found in the same place (Cheshire) as black-fitchee Davenports, and I trace their fitchee to Hanna's, which reminds that the Ananes Hauls lived between the Trebia and the Tarves-suspect Taro. You can't get much better evidence than this to trace Hanna's, with stags in the colors of the Placentia wolf, to Ananes Gauls.
For the record, the Davenports are likely using a version of the Derby Coat because the Davenport man is said to have a rope around his neck, and Ropers were first found in Derbyshire while Rope's (same place as early Chives', and said to be Ropers from Caen) share the antelope with Derbys. It reminds of my trace to Plancia Magna (beside antelope-depicted Antalya) to nearby Derbe, the latter conquered by the Galatian, Amyntes. The Amyntes line goes to Mynetts, a branch of Hamonds that likewise use the colors and format of Derbe's and Davenports. The Derby motto has "PLACeurit." The Davenport man is, probably, secretly, a savage in honor of the Cheshire Savage's that use lions in the formation and colors of the Tarves fitchees.
The Rope Coat (possibly the Tarves or Fergus lion) looks like a version of the Pilate-related Colt/Celt Coat. As Billets/Billiards trace to Pilate's, note that Hilliards/Billiards were first found in the same place as Scarfs (and Bush's), and use the colors and format of Scarfs. Then, check out the six fitchees of Hillarys, identical to the Tarves (and Clinton) fitchees. As Shere's etc. were kin to Carricks, said to be from Craigs, the Hilliards / Hillarys can be identified with Hills, using a version of the Craig Coat, but, moreover, the Hills use the same white-on-black tower as Plunkets. Amazing. It means that Hill liners merged with Billets, for one, but there is much more to be had from this. It's the same tower as that of Clavers, from Glaphyra Archelaus, Plancia Magna's grandmother. Clavers/Cleevers (same place as Hillarys) are a branch of Cliffs/Cleeve's (version of the Bush Coat) that use the three Quade wolf heads. The Cliff fesse with symbols is nearly that of Vilain-suspect Blains; the latter are the ones with the anchor of candleSTICK Kyle's, tending to verify that Vilaine of Brittany was a Vilnius liner. Blains are apparently a merger with Twinns/Twyne's.
What Will the 666 Bloodline Be?
The Blanns happen to use a version of the Place Coat! Excellent. Recall that Trabys trace logically to Annandale, especially as Patch's, a branch of Kilpatricks, share the black hunting horn with the Arms of Traby. The Rome's/Rooms, first found in the same place as Annandale, use a "placit" motto term. Now you can tell everyone that the Trabys, who appear to be using a 666 code in the strings of their horns, that they trace to Annan liners and to the Ananes Gauls, and, probably, to the chief High priest of Israel that had Jesus as his guest, in his own house, when Jesus was sentenced to death.
Plancia lived at Perga, and as the Perkins trace to Perga without doubt, note the Lithuanian god, Perkunas. Then, let's repeat that Perkens (with an 'e') use feathers, in white, the colors of the Traby feathers, and in both colors of the Traby/Sadowski scarf (it's shaped as a 'Q' for wolf-head Quade's, right?). And the Perken Coat links to a host of mergers, including the Letters/Lauders. Recall the snake around the Astikas-representing stick of Schere's, for Snake's/Snooks use the fleur of Perkins! Just realized. The same fleur are used by Droits/Drewitts found in the Clifton motto.
Perkunas' wife is said to be Lada, the name of a Lycian goddess too, and Perga is at Lycia, roughly. Lycians are suspect with mythical Lycus, like the Greek term for "wolf," and Lithuania has a wolf symbol. Lycaonia was definitely given a wolf symbol, and that's where Derbe is. I had suspected "Perkunas" from "Hyrcania/Verkana," otherwise called, "wolf land," at the southern tip of the Caspian sea. That could identify Perga with the Gels/Gileki (proto-Cilicians?) of the Hyrcania area, which is where I trace Zeus' mother, important because Zeus turned mythical Lycaon into a wolf.
The Kenyons/Kanyons can now be figured with Kahina, and her name is suspect from Kennedy-line ancestors. The Kenyons use a white flory cross, the color of the>Rangabe flory (see the Arms at Wikipedia's Michael I Rangabe of Byzantium). Kahina is suspect in a line to Melissena Rangabe, right? She was closely related to Michael. It should be mentioned that Michael III of Byzantium was Amorian, from Amorium in Galatia, and that Wikipedia had a painting of him with middle finger pointed to the sky, while he sat on his throne. The Boyds use a similar symbol in Crest, and they use the Hohen checks. The Bradys use a finger pointing, and they can be from PodeBRADY in Bohemia. Boyds (Bute liners, right) may have been Boii, right? I read that George, son of Andrew I of Hungary, married Podebrady, and Rangabe's are in the colors of Drummonds, the latter known to descend from George's son. The Bouillons, also suspect as Boii liners, use another flory cross in white. Bohemia is the other half of Czechoslovakia, aside from Moravia.
Kenyons (motto suspect with Plancia Magna) are using all three colors of Conns and Conys, Highly suspect in the Boyd motto. Canyons/Cannings (same place as Mortons) use Moor heads in the colors of the Cunningham fork (or whatever it is). Cunninghams were first found in the same place as Kennedys / Carricks. Kenyons are said to descend from "Lauton," which was also "Lowton/Lawton," suggesting the Lothians/Lowdons (Traby horn).
While the Arms of Poole also use the dolphin, (Dauphine symbol), French Beaumonts (and Payens) were first found in Dauphine, which I think covered Mont Pilat. French Josephs were first found in the same place as the Billets that use the Payen stars in the colors of Pilate's, and in the colors of the billets of Etienne's (Mont Pilat is at St. Etienne), and moreover these same billets are used by Besancons/Bassets, first found at Forez, which is a mountain area to the near-west of Mont Pilat. The Billiard variation of Billets is indication of linkage to the Billiards/Hilliards, using the same Coat but with the Moray stars, I gather, for Melusine traces to Moray elements. The Arms of Poole may be using a motto term in honor of Morays.
As Leavell liners are expected with the black wolf, recall the black wolf of Varro's, which came with the same fleur-de-lys as French Beaumonts. Dauphine (home of Herod Archelaus) was next to Guerin in Provence, and Guerins use the Payen Coat. The "vide" motto term, shared by Beaumonts, has been resolved with Julius Avitus, husband of Julia Maesa Bassianus, and she lived not long after Quadratilla Bassus, wife of Laevillus. The "virTUS" motto term of Polmans/Poole's might be partially for the Tous/Tosini surname that used buttons, and traces with Cabyle Thracians to Kaplans / Buttons. If I recall correctly, Polemon's family was mixing things up with the king of Thrace, from king Cotys.
Polmans/Poole's were at Radbourne Hall, and Radborns are traced to "hreod," what one might expect from a family trying to hide their Herod name in some other form. The black Radborn boar head is a symbol of Edomites, right? Radbourne's (Huntingdonshire/Cambridgeshire) share the Teague / Julian cross in the same colors. As I expect the Traby hunting horn from Huntingdonshire, it's notable that Traby is in Poland, and that the Traby kin of Astikas' were RADZivills. Radborns are traced to CHANDos-Pole, recalling that Eschyna de Molle's family married Robert Pollock, and that the white Molle boar head (in the two colors of the Poole lion) is shared by Schims/CHANDs. That clinches the Poole-Pollock link and assumes a close link between the Molle and Radbourne boars. Molle's were first found in the same place as Scottish Leavells who share piles with Cowes' (the latter call then pennants), probably the namers of Cowes on the Isle of Wight. The Cowes Crest has the Radborn cross. Cowes variations suggest Quade / Mackay variations.
French Chands are listed with Chaine's/Chenays, suspect with the Quade / Mackay chains because Quade's were traced to the Isle of Wight, out to sea from Poole. Cheneys use footless martlets in colors reversed from the Pulling / Joseph martlets, and English Josephs were first found in Hampshire, location of the Isle of Wight.
Molle's (moray stars again) show the same red eagle as Tarents/Terrents and Tafts, the latter using the crosslet under discussion in red. The Taft-related Teague's use the same crosslet in both colors of the same of Radborns, and while Teague's led to Tiems/Teems of Gelderland, the Gelders share the same fleur-de-lys as German Molle's, though the latter use another one in both colors of the Varro / Beaumont fleur. Beaumonts trace exactly to where the Caen motto traces.
King Cotys was a client of the Julian throne, and so we might be able to trace the Radborn cross to Julius Caesar's relationship with Cotys, for French Cotys' are listed with the Cotta's, the latter being the surname of Caesar's mother. She was Aurelia Cotta, and Aurelia's use more stars that were also the Moray stars. As Leavells trace to Cetis with Caens, note that both use a red fesse, and that Caens (same place as Poole) share a fretty Shield with Cotys'/Cotta's. Caens share the five Traby ostrich feathers! It tends to make the Radborn link to Radzivills. We saw the feathers with cup-using Butlers.
The blade of Tiems was seen with another surname as a plow, and Plows not only use the Molle / Gelder fleur, but a "Quod" motto term, like the Quoid variation of the Quade-related Irish Mackays. These Mackays use a motto term, "licenTIAM," which, I know now, is code for Tiems/Teems! Caens use "LICitis" as part code for the Lice/Lees surname, I gather from the Mackay motto, for Lice's use what looks like a version of the Quade / Mackay Coat, and moreover the Lice Coat has the black leopard faces of Newports while the Isle of Wight has a Newport location. As Cnut attacked England from the Wight area, the Newport Crest must be the Cnut unicorn.
Recall the giant revelation that Oswalds could be Wassa/Gasson liners from al-Ghassani. While Oswalds are said to be a branch of Assi's, the latter tracing to Astikas' of Vilnius, it just so happens that the Wassa / Oswald / Roten Zionist star is white, as are the three in the RAD Coat. Therefore, Rads (same place as Oswalds and Bauers) are likely Radborns, a branch of Radzivills.
I'd like to remention Kala of Numidia, near Annaba. Might Glass' be from Kala? Does "Wallis" trace to it? Walsers use Kahina-suspect Melusine. The Cale's, first found in Sicily, can be linked to Kyle's, and to Melusine of the Glass Crest, thus tracing Kahina liners to that Bute / Ayrshire area. The first way to do this is to recall the Cale's with the Kyle anchor, and then to recall that Kyle's use the Glass stars. Then, we go to so-called "Lady Fortune" in the Klassen Coat, noting that the giant Fortuna dog is a version of the giant greyhound (white) of the Sicilian Cale's/Cala's. Irish Kala's are listed with Cala(g)hans that use a reflection of the Lothian Coat, the one with the Traby horn. And as Trabys are expected in Vilaine's kin, it's notable that the Blain bendy can be that in the German Kala/Gaul/Gallus Coat (along with the Kopple rooster). Isn't "Gallus" like "Wallis"? Was king Gala/Gaia a Kala liner, or was the place named after him?? The Kopple's are mouse-tower liners, and I have predicted the False Prophet / anti-Christ from that line, but here Traby elements are linking to it, as could be expected. Are Trumps Traby liners?
Don't count the wolf-using Calaghans out yet, because the similar Kellogs (same place as Tarves) use blue greyhounds in the colors of the blue Placentia wolf! That's reason enough to trace Calahans to the Irish Cale's and Blanns. Next, compare the Irish Cale's with the Dols, in Trump colors, and first found in the same place as Trumps. Recall that Plancia's Perga traces to Lithuania, and that Plunketts were first found with Dol in Vilaine. Why are Trumps in Scarf colors? He just defeated Hillary, and Hilliards (Kopple rooster?) use a version of the Scarf Coat, which is a colors-reversed version of the Kellog Coat. Hills are using the Plunket tower, and while Killens use the Plunkett Coat exactly, Hills might relate to Killins = Cilnius liners. I've never said much about Hills, but here they are coming alive. Whale's (Alan colors) could be a mix of Turins and Tarves' (same place). Whales are used by Whalleys, whom I found in the Ashton write-up.
[The day after writing here, I realized that while Rodhams use "nec", Dutch Necks/Neckers share a giant stag head with Trumps. However, I do not think I have a hard Rodham link to Trumps. There is a Neckar river in Baden, and German Neckers (Bavaria) list Night-like Nichters sharing the pale bar with Knights. AMAZINGLY, the one Necker pale bar is in the colors of the one of Crutch's! That can make Trump a part of the Paul-Smith-crutch dream.]
I have the distinct recollection that the Plunket Coat had a white horse on one side of the bend. Alan-suspect Hellens/HEYlens (Brittany) use horses. Heys (may be honoring Jugon in Brittany) use three red escutcheons in colors reversed to the three Tiem/Teem escutcheons, and the latter's are in the colors of the Placentia square. The Tiem/Teem blade is in familiar colors for linkage to Scarfs / Hilliards (same place as Blade's!), but that's not quite enough evidence for a Tiem trace to Placentia. However, the Pelais'/Baez's use half the Pollock saltire, and while one Frank Coat uses it all, another Frank Coat uses it as white on green, the colors of the Blade saltire. At this point, instead of viewing "Blade" as a version of "Pilate," what about a version of "Pelaiz"? Hellens are said to be from a Helion entity, and Helions (kin of Sale's) are listed with Helms (highly suspect in the Pendragon helmet) and share white pheons with Blade's. Helions are named at an Ashton location, and Ashtons (all black) use "Quid," a variation of Scarf-related Quade's.
The Ashton manner belonged first to Kydale's (same place as Scarfs, Blade's), who look to have a black version of the Tipper/Tippet Coat. Tippers (share "non" with Ashtons) were first found in the same place as Pendragons so that one can expect the Pendragon motto to include Tippers/Tippets. The Tipps' are the ones with the pheons expected with the same of Sale's and Helms. The Tippers/Tippets use another anchor, and have the colors and format of Scarfs / Kellogs. As Scottish Kennedys use the dolphin too, and as Irish Kennedys share the helmet with Pendragons while being first found in TIPPERary, it's notable that KYDale's can be a branch of Kidds i.e. from Cetis. The Kidds are the ones with a version of the Lothian Coat (same Traby horn), as well as a version of the Watt / Vatt Coat, surnames like the Wade variation of Quade's. That should explain why Kydale's are in Quade colors. Watts (same place as Place-suspect Blanns) hang glasses from their tree, but call them spectacles.
Dolphins are from mythical Daphne through Dauphine, land of Herod Archelaus, who got his surname when he married Glaphyra Archelaus, and we saw how Traby lines link to Glaphyra's lines. As Traby king trace to the land of Taphians, here's from the last update: "While Daphne at the Ladon river was amongst the Lydians that named that river, Sheridans are from Ireland's Teffia, like the Taphian pirates that 'Daphne' represented." Take that to the Teague's, kin of Tafts, and we are at Opgalli, whose parents are supposedly unknown, yet she married Glaphyra's grandson. As Pollocks had an ancestor that was in the service of the Dol Alans, the fact that Blaine's share a crescent between two stars with Scottish Harts (Herod/Herault colors) seems relevant, for Harts use the Pollock saltire. But Irish Harts/Arts are said to have been lords of Teffia, and "Hart" is much like "Herod." Herods were Edomites, and the Seir-suspect Sire's/Sirons are expected from the mythical Sirens in the land of Taphians (Akheloos river, location of Astakos). German Harts share the red stag with McCarthys/Arthys.
The Teffia Harts were from ancient Brega, and are in Breck colors. The Brecks use the Traby horn in colors reversed, I take it, because they were first found in Shropshire, new home of the Vilaine Alans who share the motto of Brocks. Brecks show the antelope in Crest for a trace to Plancia Magna liners, I assume. This tends to link Scottish Harts both to Pollocks (their ancestor was in Shropshire too) and the Irish Harts/Arts. Wikipedia once had a coin of Archelaus showing and described bat his article, with a vine on one side, and this was resolved with the Blate's/Plate's, while Blade's come up as "Blate" too. Plate's make this picture look like it should be a Pilate picture. German Teegers use white roundels commonly called, plate's.
The Drago de BeWERE in the Blade/Plate write-up may have been a were liner, kin of Tafts/TOSTE's. The German Blate's/P{late's look like they have variations for Blatand BlueTOOTH, a Danish king, and then TOSTI was a Danish ruler / royal / prince of some sort. Tooths use a "palman" motto term, and there is a Palman surname in Polman/Poole colors and with "pelicans vulning themselves proper." Pullings/Pullys and Pelle's use the pelican. Stewarts use the pelican with a "VULNere" motto term. Drago de Bewere is also in the Berton write-up, and Bertons (share the dog head with Blade's) were first found in Shropshire, another reason to view Harts / Blade's as a merger with Pollocks. The Pollock ancestor at Shropshire was FulBERT, perhaps a Berton ancestor. One branch of the Bertons was at Dalton (Lancashire) while Irish Daltons/Altons share a version of the Polman/Poole Coat. Daltons: "A dragon's head couped, flanked by dragon wings." I can see Drago in that. Bewere's are suspect with Bauers / Bowers, actually, who must trace to Pollocks, and as such I'm not sure whether they could be from Were's. Bauers use wings.
I have no court-room evidence that the Arms of Traby were fashioned deliberately to reflect 666. It's been announced because it's something to watch for. One reason that I see a 666 with Trabys is that the 666, according to Revelation 13, is said to be forced upon peoples right hands or head. I therefore believe that a branch of the Dexaroi formed the Dexter surname from the Dagger / Decker surnames, specifically because "dexter" means "right side." The dexter hand is the right hand. We saw how the Assi weight scale, for example, traces to Vilnius, not just because the Arms of Vilnius uses a weight scale and justice theme, but because the same Arms uses a fasces, also in the Assi Coat. And the Justine's/Justus' use the weight scale too. You might say that these things are mere coincidences, but it's clear that Sire's, who honor Justine in their motto, trace to these Vilnius elements, and Sire's are a branch of Squire's/Squirrels while Decks/Deckers share the red Squire/Squirrel squirrel. Trust me here, because God had shown me that Squirrels and RAT TRAPs apply to His revelation through me. The rat trap is obviously for the Radziwill-Traby connection. I of course had no idea when I first purchased it. I will explain this so that it will be undeniable to the reader, but everything said above on the Trabys is a great help.
A couple of winters ago, He entertained me with revelations wherein I caught 16 squirrels in my attic with one rat trap. I have recorded the events (in my updates) and the things that came to mind, and, probably, I will revisit those claims in the future. I finally completed the soffits this past year, and there is one squirrel that climbs my walls trying to get in which spent the entire winter there last year, without my knowing, and made a right-mess. I heard it on my outer wall two nights ago, and a week before that, it was clanging up against the aluminum seeking a way in. As I peaked out the window (it was scaling the rough wood siding), it's nose came round the window jamb into my view. This story may yet continue because, about five nights ago, I thought I heard it in the attic. I built this house, and there is just no way into the attic at this time, except for one possible place that I haven't yet checked, the little hatch where I get onto the roof to clear the snow from the solar panels.
I've just checked the Solars and Panels as per saying that, and Panels are listed with Paganells, who come up as "Pung," which was checked in the first place, years ago, as per the "pungit" motto term of the Dumfries Rome's/Rooms, the ones with the "placit" motto term as code for Placentia! Amazing, and Rome's were first found in the same place as dagger-using Kilpatricks. Kilpatricks are the ones with a so-called "dexter paw" on the HEAD of a dragon, and it's the dragon of LOTHIAN's Seatons. Panels/Paganells look like they use the Guerra bendy (and possibly the Varro fleur), for Guerins use the Payen/Pagan Coat. Note the so-called label in the Panels/Paganell Chief, shared in the Chief of Pane's/Panico's (Setta valley, Bologna). Bologna is where Guido's were first found that likely had a name from Guido Guerra. Payens come up as "Pan" and then the German Pole's/Pohls/Pollmanns, with a man having a feather on his head, holds a "frying pan." The other German Pohls (feathers they call "plume's) are expected with the Mieske bull. The description: "A blue shield charged with a man HABited black, a hat of the same surmounted by a red ostrich feather and holding a silver frying pan."
Now look at this. The weight scale is actually in the Dexter/Deckster Crest, Is that a cosmic coincidence, or were Dexters kin of the Astikas-Traby bloodline? The Traby-suspect Trips use a "SCALing ladder," and the weight scale may have been a symbol, in the first place, to honor a Scale bloodline. The Scayle variation of Schole's comes to mind. The Scale's use a familiar design, and they use the Apps/Epps/Abbs scallops while the latter share the lozenges of Scole's/Scayles'. The Apps' are suspect from the Apsus river, home of the Dexaroi. The reader is impressed. The ladder must be code for the Lite, Letter, Leto, Lettuce, Aliotta bloodline, which I will call the L-bloodline and identify as the Ladon dragon that included mythical Leto, Leda, and Lada. They are all in Traby/Sadowski colors, and while Lothians/Lowdons are not, they use the Traby horn. It's not a coincidence that Lothians use "CUSTodit" as a motto term, part-code for the Custs that use the same Coat as weight-scale Cash's/Casts (called, "a pair of scales." The Scale scallops are used in both colors by Capes', first found in the same place as Tooths, whom I will expound on below for tracing them to Vilnius liners of the Traby kind.
The Latters (variations suggest a branch of Lawtons/Laughtons), suspect in "Latter-Day Saints," were first found in Astikas-laden Ayrshire. The "laidir" motto terms of Kilpatricks and Brians can apply to Latters (Seaton crescents in colors reversed). Lothian was home to Sinclairs (at Roslin), whom I link to Tanners, and the latter use Shield-and-Chief color combination of Vilains. Roslins use buckles (but why are they unusually square?) for a trace to Guy Spoleto, at Camerino, and Camerins are the ones with the 5 bunched Rothschild arrows. Mr. Cameron is the British prime minister at this time.
The Dyster variation of Dexters brings the Rothchild-related Dusters to mind. We saw how Rotens link to Rads by their shared Zionist star, a star that many anti-Rothchild readers claim was a Rothschild symbol. The Hagar(d)s, in Justine colors, use the Rad star, and the first two were both first found in Perthshire along with Lothians.
The Dexters call their Crest "weights," without using "scale." And that's how we can know that Weights are using the Traby horn.
I kid you not, I am amazed yet again with how God entertains us. I just loaded the Pairs as per the "pair of scale's" of Cash's/casts, and came to the Pauer/Pauker surname (peacocks). First of all, let me add that both Paw surnames use the peacock, relating to "dexter paw" of Kilpatricks and others. The Kilpatricks are the ones with CUSHions, and Cush's (share the Cash Coat, both share the Weight chevron) were first found in the same place (Leicestershire) as Dexters and Plancia-liner Perkins. Cush's are the ones sharing the red rooster with Bible's/Bibo's while the latter's rooster sits on a cushion. It's now notable that Babels (same place as Apsus-river Fiers) share the six bars of Solars. While Babels and Fiers were first found in Middlesex, it should be added that Borthwicks of Lauder were at Middlesex of Lothian.
I haven't yet gotten to what amazes me. The biggest squirrel sign was when I dubbed a squirrel, satan, because it got away from me twice. Months later, it was found dead in the pocket of my shorts after I put it through the laundry machine...
At this point, because my batteries were as low as they should ever be, and because my generator can't run due to a small repair that it needs, I went to check how much power the cloudy morning was providing. When it read 35 watts, too low for such a cloudy day, I went out to see whether there was snow on the solar panels. Sure enough, there was about a half inch, just enough to upset me...because I had to go back up on the roof again to clear a lousy half inch, probably the 8th time this winter already. But I was wondering whether this fresh half-inch was a Set-up to have me check whether the squirrel was getting through the hatch. Sure enough, there was a crack at the top of the hatch (follows the roof line), which I was wanting for to release some hot attic air in that area. The opening was 1 1/4 inches wide by ten inches long, enough for a squirrel to squeeze through. I just sealed it before writing this. If the squirrel is hibernating in the attic, it's going to die of thirst or hunger, soon I hope. I wonder whether there will be another Sign it whatever happens.
But, already, there seems to be a sign in the Pair/PAUKER/PaurBUSCH surname, because the squirrel in my shorts pocket had me investigating the Pocket/POUCHER surname, what a coincidence. I just find that so amazing, especially as the Pocket Coat is the giant BUS fleur-de-lys used in the Arms of Leicester. L:et me repeat that the Busch fleur is used by Gelders/Op-Gelders while Opgalli-liner Tiems/Teems were first found in Guelders while there is strong evidence that Plancia Magna's line was in Galatia's Derbe location. And this is where the Tooths ("OPtinebit") come in strong to make the link to the Lithuanian lines that included Perga, and therefore the Smith-related Perkins of Leicestershire. The Tooths (Letter / Aliotta griffin) are the ones with a Coat version of the L-surnames I spoke of, the Ladon dragon, the ones with the Traby feathers, I assume, including the Perken Coat. The "opTINEbit" motto term should be partly for the two Tyne rivers (one in Lothian), with Lauder between them, if I recall correctly. Tine's share the "causa" motto term of Justine's.
Tooths must be part of the Toot/Tout line honored by Oliphants, kin/allies of Bothwells (Pagan kin) that were probably a branch of Booths that share the black boars of Bush's/Buschs, both first found in the same place as Scarfs, Toots/Touts/Tuts and probably other Traby-Vilnius lines. It just so happens that Tine's/Tyne's are said to derive in Mr. BOTEville. The Tine's use a "bonne" motto term, and Dutch Bonne's put the same-colored crescent in the same spot as the Toot/Tout crescent. But as Toots/Touts share the Tatton crescents while the Tatton quadrants are shared by Toots/Tuits, Tooths can be expected from lake Tatta, in Lycaonia along with Derbe. And Derbys (anteLOPE) are using garbs that, in colors reversed, became fodder for the Stick garbs. Derbyshire is where FROGGITs (frogs) were first found suspect with "BROGITarus," father of the Amyntes who conquered Derbe.
The Tine's are said to be from Botville's of Pictou, and while I can't find that location, perhaps it's meant to be POITou, likely home of Potters, kin of Botters. That makes sense, and while there is a blue JAY in the Coat of POITvins, from Poitou, it now seems certain that the "J'ai" motto term of Tine's is for Jays of D'Gai. The Poitvin jay is upon the Roque rock, and so I'd like to remention the rock-tossing event with a Powell-surname friend (this event was in the last update). This friend proved to be set up by God as part of the revelations being set out today. As I said, we had the rock fight while warm enough out to be summer-like, yet I moved away from that home by May. The unusual rock event (I don;t think we were trying to hit one another) must have been close to May. I went to that school only two months, I recall. Its best-looking girl was Cathy Froggit. Her name has been forever imprinted upon my mind, yet I don't even recall speaking to her. How can this be? I would suggest that it was for this revelation, for I had never met another Froggit before. The only reason that I know of the Froggit surname link to Brogitarus is because of her. Did God have my parents move for this reason alone? How important is this revelation? Did God move mountains in my life to make it happen? How important is a Brogitarus trace to Derbyshire?
Froggs/Frocks were first found in the same place (Shropshire) as Tine's. Froggs share black-on-white annulets with Emps'/Amis'/Heymes', the ones that had linked to the house of Dulo, and then Shropshire was the new home of the Dulo-line Alans. The Amis/Haymes motto honors two surnames (Spanish Rosa's and Italian Candida's) both using a gold-on-black eagle. Now that Smiths, for the first time ever, have been linked to the Amis'/Haymes', recall that Paul Smith owned a Jeep in the same color of my Jeep some 25 years after he owned his, for the Rosa's use the same double-headed eagle, in the same colors, as Cheps/JEEPma's. This eagle is in the colors of the Benjamin annulets, and they are gold, the color of the one annulet in the Amis/Hames' Crest, but, moreover, be staggered, for as the Benjamites of Judges (Biblical book) married 400 wives from JABESH-Gilead, note the JABACH variation of the Cheps/Jeepma's. According to my unbelievable claim that the Rimmon location of the 600 Benjamites named the Romans, by what coincidence is the two-headed eagle the Roman eagle? Did God cause both Paul and I to purchase Jeeps for this reason and more?
I purchased my Jeep from an Italian landlord with Simon surname, and Italian Simons share a white Zionist star with Jeepma's. The Simons use only one, in the corner, where Toots place their one white crescent. I could add that the HORNs of Jeeps go toot-toot while Amis' were first found in Horn-related Orne, and that Smiths share the heron with Orne's/Horns. But this may be stretching things into coincidence-land. Should I check the chuckle surname? French Simons: a "PLAISir" motto term that may be partly for Sire's, first found in the same place as Toothills. Jeepma's can be traced to Jeffersons / Jeffreys due to their central escutcheon.
As Jewish Simons use the fox, it seems plain that they trace to Samson, who supposedly caught 300 foxes. The Samson account liked 30, 300, and 3,000, using all three. The story on the 600 Benjamites, and the 600 "Daniy", follows shortly after the Samson account. This reminds me that I traced "SMITH" to "SAMSon," for Hephaestus, leader of the Kabeiri stupids, was a metal smith while the Kabeiri originated at Samothrace, named after the island of Samos.
To prove that Cheps/Jeepma's link to the Amis/Hames', the latter use a "Fama" motto term while Fane's, first found in the same place as CHEPstow, come up as "Fame." Plus, the Fane's were first found in MONmouthshire while French Simons use a "mon" motto term. Fane's share the gauntlet glove of Maceys while Maschi's were first found in RIMINI. As "rimini" is buried in the motto of Masci-related Hamons, let me repeat that I once traced Hamons to Amis'/Hames', but later abandoned / ignored it for lack of evidence. I had traced the Amis' to Samsun (location), believe it or not, which had the alternative name of Amisos (Amazonian, apparently = proto-Masci's). I had not at that time known the Simon link to Amis'. This paragraph was thanks to the Froggits being found shortly after writing on Amis' who were found, luckily, my taking a stab at an Emps surname, from a Teem-suspect "temps" motto term. Amazons were from THEMIScyra. Amis' use the QUATRefoil, suspect with QUADRAtilla Bassus.
It should be added that while Fane's (gauntlet gloves) were kin to Gaunt, the Arms of Gaunt uses a white-on-black lion that could just be that of French Simons. For, the Arms-of-Gaunt lion comes with a virgin while the Virgin surname (same place as Gaunts) shares a red lion in Coat and Crest with Italian Simons. The "mon" motto term of French Simons can thus be for Mons, in Hainaut, near Gaunt. Hainaut is the location of Avesnes, from/of Avezzano's who use the crutch-potent pattern in their bend. If historians have not yet discovered what the Gaunt virgin is for, it's because they don't know enough to realize that heraldic symbols are for kin. I have revealed thousands of examples for making symbol links to surnames, but not one family historian has contacted me to say so much as, "thanks, great work." Not that I crave it, but that these people are unworthy to be historians. Tell the truth, or find some other occupation. If the truth bothers you, stick your head in the dirt, and be done with your "services" to humanity. No one needs you to tell off-the-wall tales on what the symbols represent. Compare Gaunts to Stouts/Stows, for the Stout vikings conquered Rothesay, where, roughly, the Shetland-related Mackie's/Mackeys were first found.
Now that RODhams can trace to the Crutch bloodline, let's go over that, because the ChepSTOW location may be of the Stow/Stout surname likely from the STOUT-vikings (from Shetland). Rodhams and RUTHERfords together use "nec," and STUTTgart is on the Neckar river. As German Neckers share a pale bar in the colors of the Crutch pale bar, we'd like to know why Crutch's use so-called FORMee-fitchee crosses on their pale bar. First of all, the Pale's/Palys (CAMEL) share a blue-on-gold bend with WORMs who in-turn share the green dragon of FORMans. As Worms provided the so-called Robertians, the Forman Chief has the Robert / Proper/Robin/Robert lion, safe to say. The Carolingian Franks were replaced by CAPETians from the Robertians, and Geddes' use a "CAPTa majora" motto while Majors/Magors (from Mago in Monmouthshire?) use a version of the Anchor/Annacker Chief, as do Formans very obviously.
This is a good time to show you Ancore at the bottom-right of the map below, the alternative name if NICaea, smack beside Astacus, a third location like "Astikas". Then, note how Dutch Necks can be a branch of Dutch Ness' while the Nice surname is listed with Scottish Ness'/NESSENs using the very same double bars, often called GEMEL. NISSANs share the stag head with Dutch Necks/Neckers, and use more double fesse bars, now in the colors of the two wavy fesse bars of Formans, and in the colors of the three wavy fesse bars of Drummonds, first found in the same place (Hamburg) as Nissans. Scottish Drummonds (Perthshire) were first found beside the Fife Nice's/Nessens (red bars, same as Scottish Drummonds).'s a mouthful already, but we've got to bring in the Sturs/STOWers with the three Scottish-Drummond bars. When we go to Stows/Stouts (formee-fitchee crosses!), the three fesse bars are half in the colors of the German-Drummond bars. The Sutys, who share a motto term with Seatons, and therefore trace to the Setantii Brigantians in the Scottish Isles (vikings?), use wavy bars in the colors of the Stout/Stow bars, and were first found in the same place as Drummonds, The ship in the Suty Crest can therefore be of the ship in the Arms of Shetland, which, I gathered, years ago, was in honor of George Drummond, for I was tracing German Drummonds to Shetland at the time along with proto-Alans from Blatand BlueTOOTH. The Blanns use the anchor.
Suty's have a "nothing" motto term while Nothings/Northers (Yorkshire) share the Seaton dragon, in the color of the Forman dragon, and the latter share gold martlets with Nothings/Northens. As NOTHings share the colors and format of Cnuts/KNOTTs (Derbyshire), it seems plain that we can trace them to Danish vikings in some way i.e. a Setantii merger with Cnut.
This is the place to enter the Suty-related Side's/Sudys that have the tiger and the Ghent-Chief eagles, making it certain that Gaunt/Ghent links to Setantii liners, which, I think, occurs from king Maccus to the Mackie's/Mackeys, but also to the Maxwells/Maccuswells that share the double-heeded eagle with Cheps/Jeepma's. The latter's, in colors reversed, is black, the colors of the Maxwell eagle. But, also, note that Maxwells share a saltire in the colors of the Jove/JEEVE's/GEEVE's saltire, a surname suspect with Jove = Jupiter, where the Benjamites = proto-Romans trace. I trace Jupiter to the Japodes, and the latter I trace to Jabesh-Gilead, which we saw, likely, in the Jabach variation of Cheps/Jeepma's.
Having said that, it recalls my Nissan experience in Galveston (meant as another Sign from God), while Gavestons are Jeevers/Geevers, Jeep-like and therefore linkable to Cheps/Jeepma's, expected from ChepSTOW, near Mago. I sold the Nissan to Paul Smith after he had to sell his Jeep (or perhaps he wrecked it, I can't recall). As Josephs use a "mago" motto term, compare the Josephs with Stouts/Stows, ignoring the green part of Josephs (probably belongs the Burgh/Burrows chevrons). The gold Joseph chevrons belong to Chaplains.
Paul built his own canoe. It was a beautiful job, but, one day, he told me that it flew off the top of his Jeep while driving down a highway. It must have been heart-wrenching. In any case, it's interesting that the Spanish Cano/Cane surname looks like it can be using the Drummond bars. He was an avid fisherman, and Kane's use fish. He would take his Jeep almost every summer weekend to go fishing, which I thought was a waste of time. But everyone has their own way to waste time, I had mine. Wasting time can be enjoyable because it gets to appreciate time. Irish Cane's (Cohen colors) use three wavy bends in the colors of the wavy Drummond bars. It appears that we are on the Kahina bloodline here, and Drummonds were Hungarians on their one side, Varangians of Kiev on their other, both of whom were close to Khazars. Paul Smith was in the dream with Kepke, a Ukrainian suspect from "Kiev" liners, and with a stag walking along between them that depicts Hungarians. Maurice Drummond, the first Scottish Drummond, piloted the ship, from Hungary to Scotland, bringing also the first Scottish Leslie's...who use a bend in colors reversed from the Cane bend, making Cane's suspect with Save's / Sava river Shaws. Shaws were first found in the same place as Drummonds. It's amazing what a canoe can reveal.
Kepke, the stag, and Smith were walking up my driveway. God could have put them elsewhere to lend a further clue. Why the driveway? It's only now that I'm asking the question for the first time, immediately after, or during, the writing of the paragraph above. Drive's are listed with Drove's that come up with "Drave," and the Drave river runs beside, and parallel with, the Sava. The Drave starts in Tyrol. I trace Leslie's to the Sava. The Drave passes ancient Jovia in Pannonia (on the old map above), and follows the Hungarian border at that area. Are you impressed? As I trace Maxwells to Rijeka, they could have formed alliances with the namers of Jovia. On the old map, Rijeka (Croatia) is at Tarsatica in the land of Japodes. Are you not impressed with what a driveway can begin to reveal? The Maxwell saltire is also that of Maxwell-loving Kilpatricks.
The Drive/Drave Coat (same place as Drake's / Josephs) uses only quadrants smacking of the Hohen-related Zollerns, which can explain why the Arms of Croatia use the Hohen checks! Speak, my lovely driveway, don't stop now. The Chives' use the quadrants in colors reversed, and throw in a cross in the colors of the Jove / Maxwell saltire. Chives' were first found at TARves, like "TARsatica!!! Zowie, this is getting climactic. Also in colors reversed from the Drave quadrants are those of the Benjamite-suspect Bengs (lion in the colors of the Chives cats), and while they are in Plunket colors, they toss in the antelope. Bengs were first found in the same place as Fiers, and Fier county is at the mouth of the Apsus river, home of the proto-Kilpatricks and their right-hand-line dagger. Maxwells/Maccuswells were, surely, a branch of dagger-using Mackays, and the latter' motto is part-code for the Isle of Man, ruled by Maccus and/or his brother, Gofraid, he being perhaps in the Gophers/Gofairs who share blood drops with Kilpatricks and related Pattersons, which, we can imagine, are owned by Drops/TROPE's, like the Drove variation of Drive's/Drave's. TROPoje is at the mouth of the Apsus, I kid you not. Does your driveway speak as good as mine? If you come visit, take thine shoes off as you walk across; my driveway is holy ground. If anyone wants to capture me before I say too much, you are out of luck, my place is surrounded. Whoever you send will be made to talk. The Gofraid-like Giffards were merged with Were's while Gophers (Andrew's Cross?) were first found in the political bastion of the Massey-related Vere's.
The dream was about three seconds long. Kepke walks up the driveway at the corner of my garage. A sickly stag enters the scene behind him, followed by a bearded man on crutches. That's when I awoke, with the picture crisp on my mind. When I told readers, I mentioned that he looked like an old friend, Paul Smith, but I didn't have the evidence until heraldry, months later, revealed it absolutely. The Beards/Bards, you see, use the Leslie griffin, and the stag is an Hungarian symbol. Therefore, God may have ordained that Paul Smith grow a beard for benefiting this revelation. As Ruse is on the Drave, the>Maxwell-Ros Coat, using the Rose-clan water boguets, is interesting. Ruse's are listed with Ross' with an "alit" motto term suggesting the Leto's/Alitto's ("crane drinking" may be a Ukrainian line) and/or Aliotta's, Ladon liners, both of whom use upright animals in the colors of the upright Ross/Ruse lion.
What about the Pauls/Palle's? They use a "rePUBLica" motto term evoking Publius PULCHer, for Pelle's and Pullens, and Palmans in the Tooth motto, use the PELICan. Publius Pulcher was the one pulling political strings that made Brogitarus the high priest of Kybele. The first time that Palmans (properly Pelhams = Pel liners) were first mentioned above was with Blatand BlueTOOTh, and he was kin to Tosti and to Cnut, and Cnuts were first found in the same place as Brogitarus-liner Froggits. Speak, Paul, my ears are open. Danish Cnuts use pot hangers while Hangers share the upright griffin with Tooths.
Boston is in the Palman write-up, is in Lincolnshire, where Pelle's and Pockets/Pouchers were first found. Palmans share the peacock with Poucher-suspect Pairs/Paukers/Pauers (beloved of Dexter-related Cass'), whom, I am quite sure, were a branch of Paws, Powers, Powells and Palins/Paulins. The squirrel in my pocket was part-code for the squirrel-using Decks/Daggers, from the Dexaroi on the Apsus. The "Pro rege" of Pauls is shared by Pattersons while Palmans , having a "patria" motto term, share drops with Pattersons and Kilpatricks, which, I gather, connects Drops/Trope's to the Drove variation of Drive's/Drave's. Pauls/Palle's bring us to the Apsus river. Pauls/Palle's must therefore have been kin of Pelle's. Pockets may have been a Peacock/Peas branch. The latter use a "fear not" motto phrase while Fears are listed with Fiers...from Fier county at the Apsus.
Bostons (same place as Kilpatrick-beloved Maxwells) use the Hume lion (connects via True's and Lannoys / Lyons to Herod Archelaus, trust me) while Hume's use the motto, "True TO THE end." The Tooths, Letters, Leto's/Alitto's, Aliotta's and Palmans all use upright and white birds. Recalling that the Roos'/Ruse's appear to be honoring Aliotta's / Alitto's, by what coincidence do German Ruse's (Roten / Oswald / Wassa star) share a white-on-red chevron with Lettuce'/Lattice's. Peacocks, I have read, were a Pollock sept while Pollocks were a Maxwell sept.
It's interesting that Paul's father, Peter, wore long hair, like woman, into his old age, while Merovingians were called "long-haired kings," for Peters are Peacock and Pollock kin, and Pollocks/Polks are said to be from Clovis, son of Childeric, and so it's notable that German Ruse's (anchor) use the colors and format of Chills/Childs. Scottish Ruse's/Ross' tell that they had Tain as their capital, and Tains are listed with Tiens/Thames/Teans with what should be a colors-reversed version of the Anchor Chief. That gets the discussion to the Apsus-related Hypsas river, where Drago de Bewere should trace whose in the Blade write-up, and Blade's are beloved of Tiems/Teems. That's a good way to trace Opgalli-liker Tiems to the namers of the Thames river...through London, where Tooths were first found who share a red griffin in Crest with Corners/Garners, and the latter share the Tiem/Teem fleur-de-lys.
Corners were looked up because the trio in the dream were walking past the corner of the garage. Corners/Garners were first found in RUTland, where I trace Roten-suspect Rodhams/Roddens. Rutland is at Leicestershire, where the Bus cinquefoil was that's in colors reversed with the Pocket/Poucher Coat. Rutlands share the "orle" border with Rodham-related Rutherfords, from Maxton (near Lauder and the Tyne) along with Maxwells. German Garners indicate that they were Guerin / Garin liners, and then German Garins/Gorings (same lion as Garners/Garins) were first found in the same place (Saxony) as Ruse's. Italian Garins use bars in the colors of the Arms-of-Saxony and Tine/Tyne bars while the Tyne rivers are beside Lauder while Tooths ("opTINEbit") use the white-on-red griffin of Letters/Lauders. It's all fitting like a tooth in a gum.
As Corns/Cornalls and related Camps were first found in Yorkshire along with Kingstons, the Corners/Garners can apply to Corns because German Garners use the same lion as Kingstons and Kings. This is revealing, for as Camps are in Campbell colors, while the latter use GYRONny, French Guerins/Garins are said to be from a GIRON character. Camps are suspect with a griffin version of the Capone Coat because Italian Capone's were in the CAMPania area. The landlord from whom I purchased the Jeep was from Benevento, in Campania, and Jeepma's are also CHEPs while Chepmans were first found in the same place as English Capone's.
Palmans/Pelhams are said to have been at Laughton of Sussex, and while Tooths are the ones with a "palman" motto term, Laughtons list Lawtons, like Lauder/Lawder variations. Lawters bring up LATTERhams/Letterhams, in case needed to make a further point. If one enters, "Lawder," a second Letter Coat comes up with a different Crest and motto, the motto (RepulluLAT) and tree stump of Laurie's, kin of Lowrys. That motto can now be deciphered as part code for a Pull line in conjunction with a Lat liner.
This can identify the white Tooth / Letter griffin with some assurance because the white griffin head in the Pull/Polman/Poole Crest belongs to DOBRawa, wife of Mieszko I. To learn this, see the griffin heads of DOBERs, Dobermans and Haldens (Lothian), the latter from Odo of HALDENsleben, Mieszko's other wife. I've never bothered, before, to load Heldens (squirrel), and am glad I just did, for they use the white bull heads of Haughts, assuring that they were from Sigrid "the Haughty," daughter of the same Mieszko. She married a royal Dane and birthed Cnut. She was related round-about to Siward of Northumberland. She's probably in the Sweet surname. Siward is in the Sword surname using a HILT, and HILTONs can now be reckoned as Helden liners. The Helden/Hilden Coat is a version of the Buckley Coat, and the latter likes "nec" motto terms. This recalls the trace I gleaned between buckle-liner Guy of Spoleto and the Mieszko's, gleaned here by the Buckle branch of Buckleys.
The Hillesdon/HILLERsden variations of Heldens suggest that such things as Hills / Hillarys and Hilliards can apply. As Hilliards use a version of the Billiard Coat, not forgetting that they linked to the Scarf Coat (of Polish-Traby relations), it's now very notable that Hilliards/Billiards and Billets/Billiards use the stars and format in the Lambert Coat, very traceable to Mieszko II Lambert. Compare English Lamberts to Sweets and Sewards. Recall the dolphin and mermaid in the Arms of Poole, for Lamberts above were first found in Dauphine. German Lamberts: Franconia. It just so happens that Trunks, first found in Franconia, use the white Helden bull heads. We can now be more sure that Pollock-suspect Franks are Franconia liners...but of the Mieszko kind. As German and Swedish Thors love the Trunks, this is a good place to point out that Pellicans, first found in the same place (Maine) as Billets/Billiards, use the tower of English Thors/Tours in colors reversed, making pelican symbols suspect with these Polish lines (no surprise). Maine's (look like Walsh / Morton / Exeter kin) use two chevrons in the colors of the two of Sweets and Sewards (Sigrid "the Haughty" was also Swietoslawa) and Perche's. Perche is beside Maine, home of Bellamys (probably line of Billets / Bellows) that are likely in the Exeter bells. There had been a question on whether Exeter was named after dexter liners, and, if so, Devon may have been infested with Dexaroi at some point. I'll keep eyes peeled for evidence. Aha! Dexters use two chevrons in the colors of the two Lambert chevrons!!! Maine's use the dart, what Pollocks sometimes call their arrow. Darts were Darth = Arthur liners.
Devons even share ducks with German Lamberts, and while English Stewarts were first found in Devon, I saw and reported that French Alans once showed ducks in the colors of the martlets they now show. While Geddes use "Capta," Devons used "CAPTivas," while Geddys/GIDDy were first found in Cornwall, and then Kidds show the Lambert stars and possibly the white crescent in the Coat of the duck-using Lamberts. This suddenly makes GEDDES' very traceable with Kidds to "CETIS"! The Geddes-Cetis theory had been put forward, but here we find some good evidence. The "impLEAT motto term of Kidds (Perthshire area) is suspect with Leats (Lothian) who use the black fitchee that traces from Tarves to Devon, along with the Davenport and Patch fitchee. Patch's must be using the Traby horn along with the black fitchee, and HILLARYs use the six Tarves fitchees while now being suspect with the Hillersden variation of Heldens. Leats can be lumped into the L-surnames from Ladon because they use "Trustie TO THE end." In fact, Leats share the crescents of dragon-using Seatons (and Bellamys), shared by the Dexter-loving Kilpatricks, and the latter trace definitely to kinship with the Latin surname. There is a Seaton location at the mouth of the Axe river.
If one presses the Shift button on the keyboard and gives the '6' three shots, it comes out as ^^^. Three chevrons. We should be seeking a triple chevron user from the mouse tower.
Recall the trace to Hawks to Tarves liners, at the Axe river ending in Devon, where the first Maine's, Chives-related Hykes/Hacks, and Exeters were first found. Hucks use the two Dexter chevrons, and Huckabys (Devon!) use five of them, and "A falcon holding in the DEXTER claw a rod of AEsculapius all proper.". Huckabys were at DARTmoor, and Darts were first found in Devon too. Hucks happen to have been first found in Yorkshire so that they can link to the Scarf Coat. Lest you've forgotten, a scarf is in the Polish Traby/Sadowski Coat. Hucks use owls as possible code for Owls and Howells, the latter using the Pellican / Thor towers, I now assume.
Coming across the Howells just now, along with white crescents, I've got to repeat some things. In the last update, I told that I was almost thrown over a bridge into a river. I connected ther event with the Powell rock fight because, at about that time, I was in his home. I recall nothing done in that home except that I asked him to play the song again, on his record player, "Silver Bird." I don't take anything even this trivial lightly anymore. If it sticks in my mind, I look and see if it relates to surnames that fit with all of the other clues that God is seemingly giving. In my first week of being a Christian, after having a powerful / emotional conversion experience, I had a dream where God saved me from drowning by swooping down in a passenger jet. It seemed to relate exactly to many years later when someone had, apparently, decided to toss me over a bridge, which is how Powell died. Silver Bird is a song about a passenger jet. The way I see this, God gave me the dream (almost a decade after being in Powell's house) in order to fit the Silver-Bird song. There are two songs by that name; the one I heard is from Mark Lindsey of the Paul Revere and the Raiders band.
German Silvers use a giant white crescent, and Birds share the martlets of Alans. This causes me to sense that the Taddei's, using a colors-reversed version of the Bird flory, as well as three chevrons, are important. Taddei's can be of the Tatton-Toot relationship, wherefore let's add that the giant Lambert crescent, which belongs to Luna's too, is in the colors of the Tatton and Toot crescents. Mieszko's are from Julius Bassianus (was stationed at / near Bistue), whose daughter married emperor Septimius SEVERus , and I think Bassianus' were from Severus Bassus, a Galatian in roughly/exactly the time of Opgalli. It just so happens that English Silvers use a version of the Saffer/SAVERy Coat, which has a "vita" motto term for Julius Avitus, ther man who married the other daughter of Julius Bassianus. The Saffer/Savery Crest shares the Heron with Smith's, by the way. The Saffer/Savery unicorns can be linkable to the same of ASSMANs/Rasmussens, whom may have variations from "AKMONia," home of Severus Bassus. The ASMANs/Assmans use the Massey fleur while Avitus married Julia Maesa Bassianus.
Having said that, by what coincidence does "Silver" look like "Saffer/Saver"? Julius Bassianus was high priest of El-Gabal, which I see from GABULeum, near Krume, and then Krume's use the giant crescent of German Silvers, except that Krume's face it sinister, a Rasmussen symbol. As I recall it, mythical Mucius (of the Romans) lost his right hand and had to use his left, or vice-versa, and the surname from that entity was Mucianus, like "Mussen." The right-hand of the 666 may relate exactly to this bloodline, in honor of it. I kid you not, that after I put the Mucius theory online for the first time, I learned, a few months later, that the Microsoft Search button at the bottom of the browser, would not find "Mucius" and related things in my files. And when I went online to find what updates they were written in, Google failed to bring up the same updates, three of them, if I recall correctly. Anders FOGH Rasmussen, past NATO chief, was a part of that discussion, if I recall correctly. Compare Foggs / Figgs to Froggs to see that Mr. Rasmussen was a Brogitarus / Froggit liner. Some of my work is hidden entirely, and much is given low visibility, but this is God's fight, not mine, and Google is going to get whacked in the face for it when it's God's time to act. Wasn't Google, Yahoo, and the big others already exposed for assisting the international spy system?
So, I have a sneaky suspicion that, when Silver Bird came out, God arranged for me to be in Powell's house to hear of it, and God did many things like that in my life, because he was calling me to write this story about the end-time anti-Christ, or what we should be looking for. The Silver / Krume crescent is in Trump-stag colors, and Krume's were first found in the same place as Trips and same-colored Drummonds. Silvers were first found in the same place, Hesse, as Rasmussens, and "Hesse" is suspect from the namers of Has, smack beside Krume (Albania). I kid you not, I wouldn't forget such a thing: Trips that now show shoes once showed the same boots, in the same colors, as the French Masseys that now show crescents in Lambert / Tatton / Toot colors, and Toothills/Tuttle's/Turtle's use crescent in Krume / Silver-crescent colors. Akmonia was near Derbe and Lake TATTA, and it was the ancestor of Severus Bassus that conquered Derbe.
Let me tell you another story. A woman started to email me from the post-Trib book, even though she was not a post-tribber. She continued to email me for over a decade. In the early months, after telling me that she had the porphyria disease, she connected me with her penpal / friend, a fellow sufferer of porphyria. Her bloodline was Tuttle, like the surname above, and she was working very hard to find where the genetic disease originated. The last I heard of her, she claimed that her enemies, who didn't want the world to know where this "royal disease" originated, had hacked into her computer. Perhaps she stopped emailing me because she thought I was crazy to involve myself, and her, in using heraldry to find the root of the disease. I settled on the Varangians, and agreed with her that it touched upon Poppa, Rollo's wife, though she also tracked it to rulers of Toledo in Spain. It was at that time that I began to keep tabs on the Taddei surname, because I am a Taddei on one line, and because it could relate to her Tuttle surname/bloodline. Years later, zowie, I learned that the Taddei flory is that also of Bouillons. The Taddei's can be gleaned in the Ferrend Coat, a surname from Florence/Firenze, where Taddei's were first found.
The first-known Toothill is said to be a Templar, GIOLBER de Totehill. Just compare with the SILBER / SILBERT variations of Silvers. The Gilber(t)s may apply, who use the Maxwell double-headed eagle, I assume, though the other Gilberts, with the Deck/Dagger squirrel, may also apply to Silver = Severus liners. The squirrel-using Gilberts use a motto term suggesting Haddocks, and they use a cross in the colors of the Maxwell saltire. The squirrel-using Gilberts use the Kennedy / Carrick chevron, and while Kennedys trace to Cetis, where the grandson of Severus Bassus had authority, Carricks trace to Caracalla, son of Septimius Severus and Domna Bassianus. Just like that, it appears that the Silver Bird has given the world a key insight on these surnames. The Haddocks are from Lancashire, where Saxons/SEPTons (chaplets) were first found.
The squirrel-line Gilberts use a "TEG motto term, and were first found in Devon, location of DECKster-suspect Exeter, and Deckers use the red squirrel too. The Gilbert chevron is also the Exeter chevron. Gilberts are said to be from the Cornish people, and the other Toohills use a "Cornish chough." They were first found in the same place as June's, and Haddocks share the black-on-white June fleur. The "yw" motto term of Gilberts is suspect with Eu, where Talbots had authority, and while Carrick liners use the talbot dog, Talbots must have been kin of Dogs/Doags said to be from "CADOG," a Chaddock-like term that can link to "Haddock."
Bloody Hand Vision
It's amazing what a vision of less than a second can reveal. But before getting to that, I'd like to say that the squirrel is hibernating, by force, in the attic. Not many days ago, it's nose appeared to me outside the attic, verifying that it entered through the hatch, probably that night. I was up clearing the solar panels today, after hearing the squirrel, over-night, making its regular round inside the soffit just outside the bedroom window. If it goes straight up the rafter from above the window, it get's to its nest on the second-floor rafters, straight above my pillow. I saw wet liquid there this morning, and there were no squirrel prints in the fresh snow anywhere on the roof or around the house. Two years ago, this nest area was incredibly odorous, due to multiple squirrels, and I had to paint over areas twice after washing with bleach.
Two winters ago, the squirrel in there now (probably the only one that didn't get caught in the rat traps) stayed at the same area, making the same wet liquid along with a turdy material. It must have been alone because there was not much turd or pellets. The following summer, I was doing the soffits on the side of the house, and got to the nest area, where the fumes were powerful in my face. I reached in to pull out some smelly insulation, and the squirrel, frightened, jumped to a rafter, bouncing off of it lightning fast without looking at where it would go, and came to my chest, bouncing off of that and falling 20 feet. I watched it fall straight down with all four legs spread, and saw, to my amazement, layers of skin (like flying squirrels have) between the legs so that it fell safely with a built-in umbrella. This must have been the same squirrel, that, earlier in the year was at another area of the soffit while I was in the attic, and there was a flap of vapor-barrier plastic between it and me so that it could not see me, when I poked it with a stick, trying to injure it. That's why it was afraid of me this time.
Weeks later, I was in my old trailer's bathroom (now a mess because it was infiltrated by rodents), and reached up to either open/close the roof vent, when a squirrel (same one?) jumped out of a crack in the ceiling tile, and bounced off my chest, I kid you not, to the floor, afterwhich it bolted across the kitchen counter and out a small hole in the window screen, which it had chewed (without my knowing). This is the squirrel that must have made that mess in there. This must have been the one that refused to go for the trap. What was it eating all winter? My theory is that this squirrel had watched at least two other get caught in the trap, and, learning, avoided it. I put the trap up there, near the nest again, this morning, hoping it has run out of nuts, or whatever the squirrels had stashed up there a couple of years ago. I had no idea that there were so many squirrels up there until the rat trap caught them, easily, one after the other. About five survived the trap while caught, including satan, and releasing them in a bucket (a little tricky), I drove them away to a brook (I have a heart). But satan got free in the vehicle, and went up the heater area, refusing to come out, and so I drove it back home. How else can I explain a dead squirrel in the pocket but that it was satan dying in the vehicle, a SAFARi van, by the way, like "Saffer." I have been convinced by all of the squirrel signs that the anti-Christ / False Prophet will be a Squirrel liner, probably of the Decks/Daggers on the Ticino.
I wasn't able to get to the siding and soffits at the back of the place before winter, and so, after it got out of the trailer, it stayed in the attic all winter. It would make its rounds routinely, while I slept, ever staying in my mind. To my utter amazement, it refused to go for the peanut butter in the trap, which I laid out most of the winter. The other squirrels had gone for this peanut butter one after ther other, multiple squirrels per one day at times. But one of the squirrels learned to trip the trap first, without getting caught, and then eat the peanut butter. But on the third try (in roughly 20 minutes), it got caught. This was the squirrel that got away from me twice, what no other squirrel had done, whom I called, satan. The shorts must have been in my vehicle when it died (I didn't get around to washing the shorts until the spring).
So, how will this story end now that there is no way out of the attic? It's going to die, sooner than later, I hope. Will it die in the rat trap to indicate the Traby / Radziwill line?
I had s snap vision over the past week of a bloody hand, a symbol of Leavell-suspect Lewis'. There were so many things about this, going through my head that it's going to get complicated. First, the bloody hand had drops from it. It dawned on me that the Drops/Trope's are using the Robert and Proper/Robin/Robert lion in white, and it just so happens that Miss Tuttle's first name was, Robin. Just watch how Lewis' bring us to the Tuttle's. The fact that Robins/Roberts use the ostrich indicates that Drops/Trope's were Traby kin. Here is from another update: "Ratzeberg is on the Trave river, wherefore it's where the Radziwills of Traby blood were living, and meanwhile the Radziwills were descended from the Ostiks, the term that first got me seeking the ostrich symbol..." Recall that Oswalds share the white Zionist star with Rads. As Oswalds are said to be a branch of Assi's = the Cass bloodline probably, note that while Sich/SYKE's use the Cass fountains upon a chevron, McLeods were from the island of SKYE and LEWIS. For this discussion, therefore, assume that drop-using Lewis' were in Skye and Lewis. The "assiDUUS" motto term of Sichs can be partly for Duce's that use the Forman lion (loosely speaking) in colors reversed.
As SCARboroughs are in the Sich write-up, first found in the same place as Traby-related SCARfs, recall that Kepke and I were both SHOE salesmen at a mall in Scarburgh, for TRIPs use shoes, and Kepke's are from the Ukraine, where Trypillians lived. But Trypillians also lived at Angusta, and so the white and passant lion in the Drop/Trope Chief is expected to be the passant, white lion in the Cabbage Chief. Yes, the Drop/Trope lion can be both the Cabbage and Robert lion for reasons to follow. The Robert lion is found in both colors in the Forman Chief, and as FORMs use the WORM dragon, green like the Lewis dragon, I traced them to count VRM of Angusta, and Cabbage's use an "angustis" motto term. If I recall correctly, count VRM married a daughter (Helena) of king Bela of Hungary, brother of Andrew I and Levante. Note the Laevi-like name of Levante, another reason to trace proto-Hungarians to the Ticino.
The Trave is in Polabia, the Mecklenburg area, home to the Varni whom were first mentioned about the time of the Book of Revelation by Tacitus. The Laevi-suspect Lewis' use a WyVERN dragon that I always trace to "VARNi, and the Varni have been suspect with Pharisees at FORUM Allieni (proto-Ferrara). There were some reasons to trace FORMans to Forum Allieni. For example, the Forman bars are used by Seaton-related Sutys suspect from the Setta valley (not far from Ferrara), where I had traced Trypillians and priests from Israel together, and Guido-Guerra (married Ferrara-suspect Mont FERRAT) was connected to that picture while Guerra's likewise use a green wyvern. The Corners are listed with GUERIN-suspect GARNers, and while the sickly stag walked past the corner of the garage, my Jeep now sits there...with a brand-spanking new plow installed, hmm. Very's use the plow. Repeat from above: "The plow is also in the Very/Fairie Crest while the other Verys are using the Scythes/Side lion, apparently." That's the kin of Sutys.
The Varni were at SCHWERin (Mecklenburg), and then the green wyvern is used by Walk-like Wilkins that share the split Shield of SCHERE's/SHERFS, and moreover Walkers were first found in the same place as Wagers (and Scarfs), the latter suspect with WAGRians on the Warnow river that named the Varni (or vice-versa). Walkers are the ones with a "magna" motto term.
The sickly stag walked on the DRIVEway, and we saw how Mecklenburg-liner Maxwells were merged with the Jeep-line suspects, Jove's/Geeve's, on the Drave river. Chepstows/JEEPma's are the ones with the Rad Zionist star. Here is from another update:
It can't be a coincidence. The Traby family was named after the Trave river, or vice versa, and likely the Drevani were related to a Traby entity...
"...the [Lusatian] Sorbs are the only descendants of the Polabian Slavs to have retained [Polabian-Slav] identity and culture....Other tribes associated with the confederation include the Linones (Linonen) near Lenzen, the Travnjane near the Trave, and the Drevani in the Hanoverian Wendland and the northern Altmark."I bothered to check the Lenz Coat [Pomerania], to ostrich from head to toe (!!!!!), white on blue just like the ostrich (with horseshoe in mouth) in the German Arms of Martin Strauss ("Strauss" is said to derive from "struthio=ostrich"...). "Jacob Lentz came to Philadelphia in 1728; while Christian Lenz arrived there in 1746...
Note how "Lentz" (Alan-of-Dol branch?) is like the "Lente" motto term of Plunkets, for Plunkets enter the bloody-hand revelation momentarily. First, we need to go to the McLeods of Skye and Lewis, for while French House's use cabbage LEAVES, English House's use a cloud suspect with the Cloud variation of McLeods. That's why I think that the Lewis drops link the Chief of Drops/Trope's to the Cabbage Chief, and why the cabbage leaves include the Lewis line. The Cabbage lion is colors reversed from the Levi lion; the Cabbage chevron is in the colors of the Levi chevrons; the other Lewis' use a lion in the colors of the Levi lion.
I can tell you now, very happily, that the black McLeod bull head belongs to Walerans, for you can read, in the Waleran write-up, about the Leavell family from the Beaumonts of Meulan/Mellent, and a McLeod link to Walerans thus tends to prove that Lewis', said to be from " Llewellyn," were Leavells. Simply put, the line of Lupus Laevillus was on Skye and Lewis. And the Sichs > Skye's enter that picture where the Sich-related Kiss' use the Bibo rooster i.e. from Vibia, Laevillus' mother. The bloody hand told me all this, otherwise I would still be in the dark about it. Are Walerans in the Dol whale? Can't Lewis' trace to the Dol whale via the green Lewis wyvern to Mecklenburg?
Scottish Leavells were first found in the same place as Maxwells while English Maxwells were first found in the same place as Scarfs / Scarborough's. One can expect a Maxwell-of-Rijeka trace to Maxwells of Mecklenburg, with a Maxwell link to Trave-river liners feasibly from the namers of the Drave. It seems logical enough. Drops/Trope's can be, more specifically, from Tropoje, in Fier country, where we can expect Illyrian pirates that may have named the Varni...expected to be the proto-Varangian pirates to Kiev. Reminder: "AVRANCHes" is like "VARANGi," and Hugh Lupus (gave TUTbury to Mr. Ferrers) is suspect from Lupus Laevillus. Moreover, Hugh was a Conteville, from rulers of Comyns, and the latter were traced to "Kuman" in Fier county because Comyns use a dagger = the Dexaroii on the river to Fier. Kuman is in ROSkoveck, perhaps the namers of Rostock at the end of the Warnow river.
"TACITus" looks interesting as per Texas' using the Arms-of-Meulan, and meanwhile they smack of TAKSony of Hungary, a very good way to trace Laevillus to the Ticino-river Laevi. Just look at that. Tacitus or no Tacitus connection to Texas', this trace of Meulan-Leavells to Taksony / Ticino=Tessin looks correct.
The proto-Maxwells at Rijeka were likely from Maezaei that ultimately birthed Julia Maesa, though I find it important that she was born more than a century after Tacitus mentioned the Varni in Polabia. Just trace Maxwells to king Maccus of the Isles, for Skye and Lewis in is the Isle's, and then link Maccus to the Setantii suspect with the Setta valley. The Panico's/Pane's, from the Setta, use the same fleur as Masci's, and Pane-suspect Payens/Pans are in the Guerin Coat.
Bela of Hungary is going to figure into this discussion as the Belli's and Bellini's, both first found in VERONA while Verone's . Verona's list Vires' and Vairs while Vere's lived at the Vire-river area along with proto-Stewart Alans (Stewarts use a "VIREscit" motto term) at Alauna, from Aulon, beside, or perhaps even part of, Fier country. But proto-Alans are also suspect from Forum Allieni, which was Ferrara in 70 AD. I had read that. It seems clear enough, especially as Forhams share the anchor with Fermans / Firmins (i.e. suspect from Fears/Fiers), that Ferrara's were Fier liners in cahoots with Aulon (on the Adriatic shore, and therefore possibly home of Illyrian pirates).
Belli's are likely honored by the "bello" motto term of Bouillons, and the father of Godfrey de Bouillon is in the Eustace / Stacey surnames that, I now think, own the heraldic stag as play on "STACey." Therefore, the sickly stag traces from Hungarians on the Drave to Eustace, father also of BALDwin, first king of Templar Jerusalem. Baldwin';s name traced to the BALTea river, also called the BAUTica, for Bauts were first found in the same place as Bouillons (= Taddei kin suspect with lake Tatta). The Hungarian-stag connection Eustace thus seems to be via Vrn of Angusta's connection to king Bela. The Carpathian-suspect Carpenters share the Belli bars, in the colors of the bars in the Arms of Hungary. The related Fullers (Pullers?) share the beacon with Belli's, and the Beacons/Bacons are suspect from Bacau, in Moldava, either at or near Angusta.
The Bautica was home to the proto-Artois Arduinici, and so we have got to trace the Arduinici to Arettium. Eustace lived in Artois, near Comines, and so let's repeat that Comyns, from Fier, use the Avison Coat while there are two AVESNes at the Artois area. Then, the black cross between the antlers of the Eustace stag is between the antlers of the VISE/Vice surname, thus identifying the latter with Avis'/Avisons. It's a way to assure that Eustace's family was connected to Kuman liners from Fier, and then the Eustace cross is also that of Berks/Burghs, from John de Burgo de Conteville and Comyns. See, in the Comyns write-up, and a Commins Coch location in Powys, and then the Powys surname uses the Bellini bear paw in colors reversed. Powys is in Wales and therefore linkable to Lewis' and Paw liners. The Lewis lion may be that of Powells and Palins/Pawlins, and then while Palins use the Chief of Pocket-suspect Powers, compare with cloud-using Jeffreys, indicating a Lewis-McLeod link involved with Jeffreys.
Belli-loving Godfreys are said to be a branch of Jeffreys, but there may be more to the Godfreys (a Jeffrey-Goth merger?), especially the Goths/Gothels, from Godfrey's great-grandfather, Gothelo (this line ended up in Tuscany, where Taddei's were first found). Goths/Gothels use the Zionist star of Cheps/Jeepma's, first found beside Powys. The Bellino-Powys bear paw connects excellently, in this Lewis-related discussion, to the Percival bear. We can ask whether the bear "gamb" of Powys relates to Laevillus liners, but a gamb is a paw and so it probably once was called a paw for Paw liners. One of those Paw liners, the Pairs/Paukers (share peacock with Paws) are in the "pair of scales" of Sich-related Cass', a Laevillus liner without question, in my opinion.
To prove that McLeods were linked to a branch of Sichs/Sykes, and therefore kin of the namers of Skye, the Sich Crest is said to be "A demi triton adorned with FLAGS." McLeods use flags too with their Waleran bull. Whatever the triton is, the Sich/Sykes Crest shows as a turtle instead, which can be for the Turtle variation of Tuttle's/Toothills, for Plancia Magna was married to TERTULLus, and he traces without question to Tertullus, grandfather of Ingelger, the latter the known father of the first Fulk of Anjou. The Fulke's/Folks are using a version of the Belgian-Fleck Shield, and Fulke's were first found in the same place as FLAGs/Flecks. That's another way to glean the merger of Plancia's family with lake-Tatta (Lycaonia) liners, but it also makes a Skye link to Plancia along with McLeods, a good reason to equate Sicks with the namers of Skye. The Sich Coat: " Silver with a black chevron between three sykes (fountains)." That really heralds a Syke connection to the Cass / Kiss / Cust fountains, which are roundels, let's not forget, while Rundels/Roundels (Turin colors) use LEAVES. Let's repeat that when FitzAlans of Arundel married Alice of Saluzzo (near Turin), Percival-suspect Percys then married that line.
If you look at the swallows of the Arundels (or the Swallows, I forget which), they look linkable to the Tarves Coat, and Tarves' are now suspect between Tarsatica (Rijeka) and the Taro river (perhaps Tarsatica, evoking Tarsus, was the McLeod / Waleran bull liner, for bull-using Turin is at Chivasso, the Tarves-related Chives line). Flags/Flecks use a version of the Palmer/Parmer Coat, from Parma, we may assume, at the Taro river. It's a reason to trace the proto-Maxwells of Rijeka to the Taro. Note that Palms/Parms use the Massey fleur, for I expect proto-Maxwells to be proto-Masseys, whom I see especially at the Lys tributary of the Bautica, and therefore moving to Artois (another Lys river) with the family of Eustace II. The Artois' Lys flows to Macey-beloved Gaunt, and the Arms of gaunt uses a white-on-black upright lion, the Lewis symbol too. The three Levi chevrons were used by the counts of neighboring Hainaut, and we recently saw while Mons, the Hainaut capital, should trace to MONmouth (i.e. in Wales with Lewis'), where gauntlet-glove Fane's were first found that were from Fano, beside the Benjamite liners expected at Rimini. That's why the Lewis lion can be the Levi lion in colors reversed, and so ponder the double-colored lion of Powells (there are many of these lions in Wales, all suspect now with Levi liners). The Arms of Flanders has a black and upright lion in both colors of the Levi chevrons.
There is a Biella location between the Ticino and the Bautica, and Bauts are also "Baux," very likely connectable to "Vaux," the surname using the Arms of Meulan. In fact, while Meulan plays such a large role in the Laevi line expected in the formation of the Templar rulers in the first place, the Molle's just came to mind, for they not only link to the ScimiTAR line to the Taro, but they have a boar head in the colors of the Baut ram. It recalls that Jacques de Molay (Templar grand master), at his Wikipedia article, was originally shown with a black-on-white moline on his chest, the symbol of Chives' (it has since been changed to a red-on-white moline, perhaps the one in the Sibal Crest). SHAKE's/Shakerleys use "mole HILLs" while Hills are now being identified with Hillarys that use the Tarves fitchees. The Hills share the Plunket tower in both colors while Plancia traces to Fulke's that share the double-tipped SHAKEspeare spear.
SHAKEspeare's share the VARN bend while we already saw cause to trace Magna-suspect Walkers to Wagrians on the river of the Varni. Walkers (same place as BUSH's) are suspect between Wallachians on the BUSau river and Wallis canton near the sources of the Lys tributary of the BAUTica. The Bus' are using a giant cinquefoil in the colors of the giant Annas cinquefoil, and while Bus' are highly expected from Buz, son of Nahor, Nahorites are expected as the Neuri on the Ukraine's Bug river, and then Bugs (Bus liner?), in Varn colors, were first found in the same place as Annas'. Reminder, the Tighs'/Tease's, expected with the Annas star, were first found in the same place too, and they can trace very well to Ticino liners. The Varni goddess, Nerthus, is suspect with Nahorites from the Neretva/Nera river, and Fulke's are traced to Fulk Nera in particular. The giant Fulke fleur-de-lys is partly in the colors of the giant Bus cinquefoil. It begs whether we should keep eyes peeled for a Nahorite line to Plancia Magna's parent(s).
The Toot crescent, the Coat's only symbol within a canton, is in the same colors, and we should want to know who uses the giant version, as, possibly, the owner of the giant version is the first owner. The Silvers / Krume's use a giant white crescent, shared smaller by Turtle's/Tuttle's/Toothills and Fulke-suspect Falcons/FalCONTE's, the latter sharing it with French Conte's, kin, I think, of fountain-liner Font-de-Ville's that use another FLAG i.e. a Fulk-liner. But Font-de-Ville's can be gleaned with Lafins/La Fonts because they share the Italian-Conte lion. Lafins are in the Kennedy motto along with Avis'/Avisons that definitely link to ConteVILLE's, and very-likely to the Bautica liner, Eustace II. Now, as McLeods of SKYE use flags, let's repeat that Sichs/Sykes use fountains.
The Lutt variation of McLeods, and their "HOLD fast" motto, caused me to think that they trace to the old ALUTus river, now the OLT, which happens to be on the opposite side of the Carpathians from Angustis, another reason that I think the Drop/Trope lion is in the Cabbage Chief. The House's with the cabbage leaves share the Hazel / Hulse leaf design. How did houseofnames know to use the same design for all three? It has at least a half-dozen leaf designs to choose from. Recall ULZasen (brother of Cafuzo), the Numidian, for it strikes me here that ELIS' (white crescent) are in Flag/Fleck / Palmer/Palmer colors while the latter two share double fesse bars with ULmans. Can we link the Ulman lion to the Lewis lion where Lewis' link to McLeods/Lutts? I'm still struggling with whether Elis' / Ulmans can trace to Ulzasen, but it's interesting that his name was linked to Oltens, Ilsens/Hiltons, and other such terms that I had linked years ago to McLeods. Here's from the last update: "Hede's look linkable to French Conte's / Falconte's while Ilsons/Hiltons were first found in the same place as English Conte's. Hilts must be using the Ullman / Faucet lion..."
At one time, the Maud lion was in the design of the Ulman lion, but both were changed for no reason that I can see except that design matters over at houseofnames. The Maud Coat is a version of the Monmouth lion, and as we saw that Monmouth traces well to Mons, while the Lewis lion is now suspect in the Arms of Gaunt, note that the latter comes with a virgin while Virgins share the red lion with Monmouths / Mauds. Hede's can be a d-version Hesse line from Has, beside Krume, for Hede's use the same crescent as Krume's (and Silvers). Although it seems a good trace for Has / Hazel liners to Numidians, it's hard to prove. I feel good about the trace, but it flies in the face of my trace of House's, with logic, to Essenes. Perhaps House's / Hauss' were Essenes liners that changed their name to better reflect the Hazel liner that they merged with. Cloud-using House's are in Hazelton colors. Perhaps the trace to Essenes was wrong.
The Rimna river a little ways north of the Busau river might have been part of Wallachia. The Benjamites of Rimmon were at Rimna, which well explains why Nahorite Hebrews were at the Busau. Remember, Walchs/Walsh's use a form of the Benjamin Coat, and Walchs were Wallachians. Benjamins, with perhaps a version of the Elis cross, were first found in the same place as Flags/Flecks. On my modern atlas, RIMNicu-Salat is in the Rimna area, and Rimnicu-Vilcea (TRANSylvania) is on the Olt. Walsh's use "TRANSfixus" for a motto, and that was linked well to Trans'/Trents because Walsh's (swan) are also Wallis-canton liners while Trents use the vertically-split Shield in the Arms of Wallis canton in colors reversed. The Walsers are known to have been (and some still are) Wallis liners in the Lys tributary of the Bautica. On one half of the split-Fulke Shield, the giant fleur is used in smaller form by Lys'/Lisse's and Masseys of the Lys river.
As Cafuzo has been virtually deemed to be a line to Chives', from the Cavii at Lisse-suspect Lissus, it speaks for itself on a Cafusa line to the Lys river, and then the Bautica flows right past CHIVASSO, how about that! It can now trace ULZasen to the Hulse / House / Hazel line that merged with Angusta-loving Cabbage's, and that recalls the Tailer lions, a version of the Chives cats, and in the colors of the Cabbage-Chief lion. We are making a Cafuzo link to Annas liners of ANGUSta, for Angus' use the Annas star too, and this speaks to "CAIAPHAS," from Cafuza, because Joseph Caiaphas married a daughter of Annas!!! Zowie, just look at what the bloody hand has led to...Annas and Caiaphas, both with the blood of Jesus on their murderous hands.
Cabbage's put white fleur beside their lion, the color of the other fleur in this discussion. As Sale's/Salletts use them in the two colors of the Cabbage fleur, the Thracian Selletae (lived at Cabyle, the line to Josephs) may have named Rimnicu-Salat. The Selletae were near the Benni on the Arda river, and the Bings/Bengs not only use a lion in the colors of the Cabbage lion, but quadrants well-linkable to the Chives quadrants.
CABBAGE's (from Capuca?), who are quite like "CAIAPHAS," share holly with the Hazel kin, Islips/Haslips. Hollys (share white talbot with Hulse-possible Halls and Hulls) use what looks like a version of the Plunket Coat. Plancia-liner Fulks, with the Cabbage fleur, we may assume, have an Italian branch with the Kahina-line checks, I assume, first found in the same place (Tuscany) as an old Velch location that looks linkable to Rimnicu-VILCae, for English Fulke's were first found in the same place as Benjamins. That's all why Benjamins can be using a version of the Elis Coat, but also because Arrows/Arras', from Arda-line Artois, use the same black cross as Elis, and moreover Arras' put fleur-de-lys on them as indication to their trace to the Lys-related Arduinici. The latter lived at IVREA, like the YVERY location of the Leavells, indicating why Percival was a favorite of the Arthurian myth writers. See also the Bautica-liner Balds / Balders, and then Baldwins, who must be from Eustace II of Artois, share a green dragon with Vrm-suspect Worms / Formans, as well as with Lewis'. The question I'm getting is whether the Bautica was named after some Busau line, for the Bautica flows past Turin while the Riparia, flowing to Turin, was home to the royal Cottians, whom I've traced to the Cotesii on the Busau. The SENsi to the south of the Cotesii were suspect as Sion liners i.e. to Wallis canton. As Sion was also "Sitten," note the green dragon also of Seatons/Sittens. They say, and I believe in spite of those who say it was a hoax, that Godfrey de Bouillon was a chief of the Priory of Sion.
Here's from the last update, repeated here in case Cabbage's were from "Capuca" (not the same as Cafusa, but from the same stock): "...Hazels suspect from IZALcas, father of LACUmaces, brother of Caiaphas-like Capuca (same page as above). As Lacks/Leetch's use a version of the Lady/Laudyman Coat, mythical Lady of the Lake comes to mind (Arthurian myth)." It's asking whether Ladys, who share gold annuLETs with Benjamins (see also the Walker annulets), were Lutt = Alutus-river liners from Rimnicu-VILCea (Walkers i.e. Wallachians would trace better to Rimnicu-Salat), for Lauds are listed with Lords while Lords are in the motto of Glasgows while Jewish Glass' are suspect with the German-Fulk wings as used by Masci's (Massi's/Mattis', suspect from the Mathis river near Lissus, share the Italian-Fulk Coat). The mermaid in the Glass Crest, MeluSINE, is a good reason to equate "Glass" with "WALLIS"...and to trace to SINE/Sion/Swan surname with FALConer's gloves, though it once showed the gauntlet gloves of Maceys. If Silvers trace to "TranSYLVania," note the color of the crescents of two Walker surnames.
If "Elis" was a version of "Wallis," one could trace Elis' with Wallis canton to Rimnicu-Salat, for this may explain why the Sallett fleur are in the colors of the Elis crescents. The Elis woman was traced to Viminacium, on the Danube that later flows through Wallachia. Elis' were first found in the same place as Walkers and Busau-possible Bush's. Elis' are a hard surname to trace if one bases the attempt on the spelling alone, because the candidates are plenty. If Elis' and Wallis' were from ULZasen (brother of Cafuzo), and if I was correct in tracing "Wallis" to AULUS Terentius Varro Murena (conquered Aosta's Salassi, where Walsers lived), then perhaps the Aulus name was from Ulzasen a few generations earlier. The "sen" ending on "Ulzasen" was perhaps a Sensii / Sion liner. That makes sense.
I can't get online at this time to check, but if Wagers, as I recall them being blue, are per-chance using a symbol of the Lords or Glasgows, then the Sion/Sine heart can be traced to the heart of Wagers, especially if the Sensii were with the proto-Walkers. If Wagers are using chains, as I recall there being between their hearts, note that Chaine's/Chenays use a white wing, symbol of the Jewish Glass. The SENsii may even have named GENoa/GENeva, and the Genoa/Geneva surname happens to use white wings in both colors of the Chaine wing. Lake Geneva is not far down-river from Sion, and Bellamys (Seaton crescents) were traced to the Arve river flowing into that lake. If Bellamys were Belli / Bellino kin, they can't all trace to Bela of Hungary. Rather, he may have been named with "Bela" because one of his parents was a Bellamy / Belli liner from the proto-Hungarians on the Ticino. Again, Biella is near the Ticino river. As Belli's were from Verona, note that the Berone's/Byroms may be using the Wager hearts.
If Elis' are using the Silver crescent, then, because Saffers use a version of the other Silver Coat, it can not only trace Elis' to TranSYLVania liners, but to fur-tree Alis', for Saffers share the unicorn with Furs/Fire's...and Percival-related Pierce's. The Percivals share the bear with Alis' and French Benjamins/Jamins, and heart-using Douglas' use a motto term that can be of the French Benjamins. The Saffer motto loves the Vito's that use a giant annulet, and Lets (suspect with the Annan Coat in colors reversed) use "organ pipes" as part-code for the Pepin liners at Pavia (they use fleur-de-lys too).
I was so low on [power that three days needed to be taken off. I will continue this in the next update proptly, for the big RAT-TRAP revelation no reader has yet seen.