The Hyksos-Related Ardiaei I Never Knew
Proto-Hasmonean King Found with the Monunius Dardani
Cappadocia Now Relates Harder to Joseph Caiaphas
Joseph link to Arthurs of Clapton found; Shows from Junia Caepio
For a reader hopping into an update for the first time, there is not much I can say in an introductory paragraph to explain everything needed before proceeding. The only readers able to follow are those taking the time needed to get a solid idea of the entire scope. It is probably impossible to follow unless the heraldic Coats are loaded and viewed. It would be helpful to have a photographic memory, or to at least spend some time to get to know Coats, and to understand what I'm saying about them. I did the work over years to be able to present to you the relevant Coats, and you need only decide whether I am correctly interpreting the evidence and the codes. It is far best that you load Coats on a separate browser(s) rather than clicking back and forth from the update page. It might take longer for one to read an update than the week it takes me to write it, but that's what it'll take for a solid understanding of what I'm doing. I know that few have the time to follow this in that way. My hope is...actually, I should have no such hopes as I should just allow God to do what He wants with this. One of my goals at this time is to discover the parent(s) of Josephs Caiaphas, and in the meantime to prove that heraldic masters and leading Templar families knew that all of heraldry had, at its foundations, Caiaphas and his circle of Christ killers. These updates are jot-down format (sub-titles don't usually reflect the roaming topics well) making it hard / impossible to have a pre- plotted storyline. I'm no longer doing final proof-reads, please excuse the imperfections / mistakes.
I haven't been able to get at email for a while because Yahoo won't let me into my account without first getting into an old gmail account that I can't find the password for, and gmail won't give me the password unless I can answer certain questions, which I can't. Thank you, Yahoo, for forcing us to change passwords without the choice of not doing so. I now need to decide whether to abandon Yahoo, meaning that anyone who emails me there in the next few years will not find me. Thank you, Yahoo, for this, and I know what Yahoo's up to, because if it was clean, it would give us the choice on whether to change passwords. But Yahoo is trying to pass the world's passwords off to someone as soon as we type in the change. I did change the Yahoo password, but it wasn't enough for Yahoo. It wants some personal information too, and so does g(oogle)mail. Rats. Lee, I want you to know I got to your email but didn't have time to read the articles at the time, and then forgot to go back to it until recently, though I can't get to the email anymore.Here is an article showing that the CIA to date has been animalistically opposed to Russia, not a good attitude to have these days:'s one thing not to trust Russia, and quite another to bring back cold- war terminology. One can be wary while giving Russia a chance to prove itself. Let's see where Trump goes with this. So far, he is changing his pre-election agenda with every passing day. By January 20, he will not be recognizable as the one the Republicans elected. He is predicted to emphasize homeland security to make the American people more like cattle than Bush and Obama. I noticed this in his pre-election attitude, that one of his chief goals would be to reduce freedoms in America while promising just the opposite.
Esteban Santiago-Ruiz, 26, who killed 5 and wounded 8 in a shooting attack at Fort Lauderdale's airport on Friday walked into an FBI office in Alaska two months ago claiming the US government had "forced him to watch ISIS videos" and to fight for ISIS.I believe it. This type of thing could be supported by Trump while he of course would claim the opposite. The FBI will of course muster another story about this murderer. There is no way to justify forcing the Internet companies to give up private information to the CIA / NSA aside from the terrorist scare at home, and that's why the CIA creates that scare. George Bush Jr, son of a CIA director, created Homeland Scare. Figure it out. The move to know everything about every citizen is a typical Nazi-like dream in order to set up money-grabbing and power-enhancing schemes. Under Obama, we heard about underground tunnels to huge department stores. Obama was probably tinkering with the idea of dictatorial control, but, lacking enough support, he abandoned it.
I read this past week from Nouri Maliki, former Iraqi president, his claim that the biggest support in the fight against ISIS has been Iran. He didn't even mention Obama. That tells it all, for if it was roundly believed, in Iraqi political circles, that the U.S was vastly more important in that fight, Maliki would not be able to have made that assertion. Whatever the American military reports in the number of sorties or ISIS killed, why would I believe a demon like the American military? It kills its own citizens for a lunatic, unachievable agenda.
The latest news is that Iraq has made more progress in Mosul, a sign that ISIS will not survive without some major support group coming to its aid.
This following is a continuation from the last update's second half, especially near the end. This is a long page, about twice as long us usual.I routinely ask myself, whenever the topic arises again, how many readers are convinced of a Deck/Dagger trace to the Ticino river. I have laid out the evidence for this trace, but have questions about it myself. For example, "Dexaroi" is not very much like "Ticino" or its version, "Tessin." Why should anyone trust in this trace?
I now have the fullest understanding of the Rat-Trap revelation. It occurred to me while asking the question above, and turning to the "DASSeratae" version of "Dexaroi." It looks a lot like "TESSin," but the great thing is the ending, "Dassaretae." I was incredibly taken up by this. As the Dassaretae were on the Apsus river, the mouth of which has a TROPoje location to which the Lewis blood drops trace, I can see that the Rat Trap became a symbol emphasized by God in order to identify Dassaretae liners in conjunction with Tropoje liners. I will show you all of the insights that have arisen with this one thing, but, the spectacular thing is that I was made to purchase a rat trap to capture many squirrels in the attic because the home-made trap was becoming too slow / inefficient. Here's a useful map you can load on a separate browser: felt that the squirrels themselves were being used a Sign to make me emphasize the Square/Squirrel bloodline, and here the rat trap is perfectly conducive to a link of squirrel-using Decks/Daggers to the rat-trap bloodline defined as a Dexaroi merger with Tropoje liners. This is a monumental leap in my work, and can only be from God because the Laevi on the Ticino are important to what He wishes to reveal. The last update clinched, in my mind, both a Lewis-surname trace top Laevi-like Mr. Laevillus, and to the Laevi themselves. I had never been able to prove, until the last update -- the very time in which the Rat Trap realization occurred to me -- that Lewis' were Laevillus liners. It doesn't look coincidental that the two items came together at the same time. This is phenomenal. The Lewis' were traced undeniably to Skye and Lewis, with the namers of Skye being the sickly-stag suspects, the Sichs/Syke's, and here I can add that while McLeods/Lutts were from Sky and Lewis, they come up as Leuts while Traps are said to be from LEUTschbach.
Holds/Holts (FORMee-fitchee) use the squirrel while McLeods use a "Hold fast" motto. No kidding at all. The Hold/Holt Crest: "A gold squirrel holding a hazel branch." Hazels use another squirrel. (The Hold Coat looks like it should links to the Stows/Stouts.) sickly stag, which was itself deciphered from a God-given dream/vision, will link exactly to this Dexaroi trace to the Ticino. It has to do with my old trace of proto-Hungarians to the Ticino river. It appears that I was correct with that idea because I instantly recognized the Dassaretae as the line between ARADos to ARAD, the proto-Hungarian line to Arpad, the founder of Hungarians. Therefore, the rat line is the one to Hungarians. The trap line is the one to the Trebia river. Probably not by coincidence, the last update looked up the ARP surname, finding it listed with variations used by the Apps/Epps surname that itself traces, with certainty, to the Apsus river. It makes Arpad suspect from the Apsus river. While historians generally treat Arpad as a real person, his name may have been mythical to indicate, secretly, the Arados bloodline, for Arados (Syria) was also called, Arvad/Arpad. If I recall correctly, Harpers share the gold boar with Vere's/Weirs, expected from Fier at the mouth of the Apsus.
We now have reason to view the ARAD trap liners at the Apsus and the Hypsas. The Base's/Bassens, who apparently own the so-called base of a Shield, share black hunting horns with Tropoje-like Trabys. One Very surname shares a single lion in Chief with the Drop/Trope Chief, and we can expect more such Chiefs from Tropoje liners. Cabbage's share a white lion on Chief with Drops/Trope's. HOPkins, first found in Vere-laden Oxfordshire, show a Cabbage-like variation, and Cabbage's were first found in the same place as Ladys/Laudymans that have a reflection of the Chief of Anchors whom I trace to the Arms of Agrigento i.e. location of the Hypsas. From the Hips', one goes to the Decks/Deckers, and it just so happens that cabbage LEAVES are used by the House's that show the same leaf design as Hazels. Formans have a Chief reflective of the Anchor Chief too, and Formans put anchors in that Chief along with a lion in the colors of the double lions of the other Base's.
Reminder: the Apsus and Hypsas rivers are both suspect with the HIPS surname that uses a version of the Deck/Dagger Coat. The Hips' were first found exactly at the area of Diss, and the Diss surname is also Dyke-like "Dice" while one Dyke surname shares the red squirrel of and Decks/Daggers (and Square's/Squirrels). My squirrels (on my property) are of the same species, called, red squirrels (I've seen only one black squirrel in many years of living here).
Before expounding on the Hungarian connection to the Apsus, wholly new to my mind, let be repeat the prior evidence that had me maintaining a Deck/Dagger trace to the Ticino for as many as seven years to date. This trace was maintained even before knowing that the KilPATRick DAGGER was, with absolute certainty, code for the "DEXARoi," and before knowing that Patricks were from AntiPATRia (exactly where Dexaroi lived). With Trap / Tropoje liners now part of the picture, one can appreciate my understanding of the Teck/TESS surname even more, for it uses LEAVES as code for the Laevi, and puts them upon a saltire in colors reversed from the Annan(dale) saltire. There is, fortunately, super evidence for a trace of Annandale (near Kilpatrick castle) to the Ananes Gauls on the Trebia river. Part of that evidence includes the "placit" motto term of the Rome's/Rooms (same place as Annandale and Kilpatricks), the write-up of which mentions Annandale. The motto term is clearly for PLACentia liners, for that city is at a part of the Trebia exactly where the Ananes lived.
The Rome's/Rooms are in Deck/Dagger colors, and use the August fesse, which recalls that Annas-suspect Angusta was also "AUGUSTus." Angusta was connected to the king-Bela Hungarians, See count Vrm of Angusta in the last update, and recall from above how Vrm-like Formans (share the WORM-Crest dragon looking good for a trace to the Drago = Hypsas river) trace from the Hypsas to the Ticino's Laevi. The Patchie variation of Kilpatricks must have been a branch of Patch's that share the hunting horn in black with the Arms of Traby (Polish location), which verifies that Kilpatricks were hooked to Trebia-river liners, and of course this makes a Dexaroi link to Trebia liners, as expected with the rat-trap revelation now unfolding. It could be interpreted to a great extent as evolving into a Poland-Hungary merger.
I was just searching for whether "Dassaretae" may have had different versions using "RATae" at the end, for example, and came to the quote below (I have never seen this before), which underscores my trace of the Caiaphas- suspect Caepio surname to the Cavii, and the Cavii to the Apsus river:
The portion of this inscription which is extant is here transcribed. It was found in Achrida. It reads: "With good luck. The Dassaretae [honor] Druas the son of Caepio the chief who went an envoy to the lord emperor . . . ."The name of the person to whom the envoy was sent is broken off. The object of his mission is not mentioned, but he was evidently acting in a political capacity, going as an envoy for the Dassaretae to some emperor. The verb Trpeafievoi is here used in a technical sense, denoting an official action.
That should tweak the interest further of those readers familiar with my quest to identify Caiaphas with the Caepio bloodline. Let's go back to the Geddes', suspect with "Cetis," the city where the rulers included the wife of Lupus Laevillus. Her name, Vibia, is highly expected with the Bibo surname (it lists the Bible's as a good way to recall how to find their Coat). The Geddes use a small shield in the colors of the square, or whatever it is, in the Arms of Placentia. It should be clear, especially if the Placentia symbol is officially a SQUARE, that the Laevi-suspect Squirrels can link to Geddes'. I have explained in recent updates that Geddes' were from a Geds people (before 400 AD) on the Nith river, the river of Kilpatrick castle. It seems feasible, therefore, that the "CAPta" motto term of Geddes can be of the Caepio bloodline, especially the CAPETian royals that traced very likely (last update) to the FORMans and WORMs, and therefore to VRM of Angusta, whose daughter, Helena, married Bela of Hungary. One can thus expect the Capetian Franks largely from the Sich-suspect Sicambrian Franks at the Hungarian capital (Sicambria = Budapest) in about 450 AD.
The Formans/Fermans are the ones with a version of the Major and Anchor Chiefs, and while Geddes' use "Capta MAJORa," it speaks for itself in a Robertian link to Geddes-Placentia liners (Robertians are known to be from Worms, Germany). Drake's, from the Hypsas, use "Captat" [which you should recall when, late in this update, I get to a major operation on important links between CAPPADocia and lake TATTA, which can be the reason behind "capTAT". By that timer, I will about-clinch a GEDDES' trace to neighboring "CETIS."] The Rats (rat liners include the Magyars, like the Magor variation of Majors) share the anchor with Formans, suggesting both the Apsus trace to the Hypsas, and ARAD links to Vrm of Angusta, perfect because Arad (Mures river) had Khazars / Szkeleys that made up Hungarian/Magyar ancestry (i.e. while Vrm's daughter married Hungary). The ANNACKer variation of Anchors is very-seemingly linkable with "ANNAS," though I forget all of the evidence that traced Annas, the killer of Jesus, to Angusta. It bears repeating here that while Tess'/Tecks come up as "Tease," another Tease/Tigh surname shares the Annas star because both surnames were first found in the same place...Nottinghamshire, as were the Bugs that trace to the Bug river not far from Angusta. One chief key is that ancient TRYPillians lived at the Angusta / Bug theater, suspect with the naming of the Trebia. If Annas traces to Ananes at Placentia, and I think he does, he can thus trace to the Angusta line too, explaining why Angus' share the same star as Annas'.
In a nutshell, Ananes may have been named after Angustus Trypillians migrated to what would later be Placentia. While the Nairi-suspect Neuri lived on the Bug, Rats were first found at NAIRNshire. I'll show below why Rats are suspect with putting out the Wreaths/RAYS, but then Rays share the escarbuncle with Hangers who are in the "pot hangers" of Danish Cnuts, important because they say that Cnut named Nottinghamshire. Rats were first found in the same place (Austria, generally) as German Bassens that are possibly with the Patch hunting horns. See the Patch link, below, to Bach liners from Austria.
The sickly stag traces to Bela because the Sichs/Syke's (Diss'/Dice's are in their write-up) use the Kiss fountains while Kiss'/Kish' share the red rooster with Bibo's, the latter's of which sits on a CUSHion (Kilpatrick symbol too), code for the Cush variation of Kiss'/Kish's.
It doesn't appear coincidental that the Placentia-like Place's use the same lion as the Chief of Formans (Agrigento- = Hypsas-river liners). The latter are the ones sharing the identical green dragon with Worms, wherefore the Robertians were involved with Placentia liners! That exclamation mark is because it's known that the Robertians evolved into the Capetian rulers. This is all fodder for making additional links to a greater understanding of the rats, so to speak, the killers of Jesus. On one half of the Place lion, it's the Angus lion too, apparently.
The last squirrel that will ever enter the attic is trapped up there now. I am awaiting its fate to see whether this will be an additional sign after writing what's already come to mind here. I have not heard of it at all since the last time it was mentioned (last update), and the rat trap remains the same, with fresh peanut butter. The theory is that is has died for lack of water.
With both Joseph surnames suspect with Joseph Caiaphas, it's notable that the Forman martlets are colors reversed from the same of French Josephs. Houseofnames lists only the surnames important to Freemasonry / Templarism, and that's partly why both Joseph surnames should trace to Caiaphas and to Josephus, the traitorous Jewish historian. The latter was a Jewish general in charge of fighting emperor Vespasian, when, as things looked bleak, Josephus killed his entire army, women and children included, and went over to Vespasia (Flavius bloodline), explaining Josephus' Flavius name. But he is suspect as a son or other relative of Joseph Caiaphas because the Titus surname (has a white shield / square) shares the Chappes Moor head, but, the point here is, the Titus Crest is a passive lion in the colors of the same of Formans! Zowie, I had never before been able to link the Titus Chief (with some justification) to anything even remotely solid. Emperor Titus was Vespasian's son.
By what coincidence do we find an Apsus-river suspect in the "appeTITUS" motto term of Ashworths (Lancashire) while McLeod-beloved and squirrel- using Holds/Holts are said to be from Lancashire's Ashworth? For good reason(s), Spanish Petro's were traced to Petro, Vespasian's grandfather, wherefore compare their Coat with the Ashworth Coat, and then go to the Fiers/Fears (same place as Apps') from Fier county at the mouth of the Apsus river. Compare the Ashworth Coat ("paREAT" motto term) also with the Reats/Reeds from Rieti, home of Petro, but consider "pareat" as code also for Peter liners of the Parot kind. Note that Scottish Reats are bringing up the Rat Coat. It's notable that while Arad is said to be related to the naming of Oradea (at Biharia, capital of the proto-Hungarian Khazars/Kabars), the Arms of Oradea shows a book or Bible while English Reeds and Roets both use the book. McLeods/Lutts/Leuts and their Hold/Holt kin are suspect from the Olt river of Romania while Biharia is just inside the Romanian border from Hungary.
Aha! The Titus lion is "passant GAURDant" (see website below to verify), and Gardners / Gards definitely link to such surnames as Apps-related Capes'. Moreover, Gards use the Coat of Pulleys/Pullens in colors reversed, while that latter have the Joseph martlet in both colors, which is to say the Forman martlets in colors reversed. The Capetians followed the Carolingians upon the French throne, and the latter were from MARTLet- depicted Charles MARTEL. The Pulleys/Pullens share the scallop of Sabine's (scallop in colors reversed from the Capes and Apps scallops), and then Vespasian's father was named, Sabinus. The Sabine's are, therefore, probably with the Polesdon/Pulsipher stars. Plus, the Sabine's were first found in the same place as martlet-using Hips'. of the Titus Coat: On a silver escutcheon, a blackamoor's head couped wreathed." As it's not just a Moor head, the Blacks are suspect in that codework, especially as Blacks share the stars of Wreaths/Craths/Cree's (compare the latter with COPElands). The Crath/CREIGHT variations reminds that Crichtons/CREIGHTons were first found in Midlothian along with Formans. The latter were first found in Edinburghshire while (Midlothian), and while Edinburgh is six miles from Roslin, home of the first Scottish Sinclairs, the Rats are suspect with the Sinclair cross. Rat-like Wreaths/CRATHs were first found beside the Rats, and as Creights/Craths are also "Rae/Reagh/Ray," it appears that they descended from Rats after the latter became "MacRAT" followed by "Crath" and others.
The way to know that Wreaths/Craths are Rome/Room liners is to load the other Cree surnames. French Cree's/Crets/Craits (probably the Kilpatrick / Levi lion) share the bendy (in colors reversed) of PUNGs/Paganells expected from the "Pungit placit" motto of Rome's/Rooms. This is where the same bends of Guerra's come in, for both Guerra's share the green wyvern with the Lewis', and Guerra's are expected in the motto of Shute's, the surname beloved of the so-called eSCUTcheon (used by Scute's and KEON-related Keens).
I don't want to gravitate far from the central theme of the rat trap: that the Israeli Levites who killed Jesus were from Laevi that had either been at Antipatria (where the Herods are expected to have descended from) or had merger with Antipatria liners. More than one theme of the Lewis' traces to the Apsus river, even if only subtly, but then one Lewis surname even uses a "PATRIae" motto term. The other Lewis' use a HAND with blood DROPs (= Drop/TROPE surname), that being the Tropoje line linked to the stag-using Hands, suspect with stag-using Hanna's, Anne's/Hanne's, and Annabels/Hannabals. It's got the Ananes written all over them, but linked to the Hun / Hungarian stag symbol. This Lewis symbol is a way to trace the sickly-stag line from Lewis' back to Antipatria's proto-Hungarians i.e. from Arados/Arpad. In the dream, the sickly stag followed Paul Smith (an old friend) on crutch's, and the heraldic crutch is code for the Crutch/Crooch surname that shares the FORMee-fitchee cross with Smiths, suggesting links to the FORMan bloodline.
I can add to this because the Blacks (Annas star in colors reversed?) have a "CRUX" motto term while Crux's (patee crosses) are an obvious Crutch/Crooch branch.
As Blacks are said to have included a Hugh Niger of Angus, that's why the Blacks can be using the Annas / Angus star in colors reversed. Therefore, if we paint the Black saltire red, it's the Annan(dale) Coat, isn't it? But, in black, the Black saltire is that of Cush-related Kilpatricks, isn't it? And the Black chevron is in the colors of the Kiss/Cush / Cass / Cust / Sich / Forman chevrons, wherefore let's repeat that a BLACKamoor is the symbol of Titus' with what should be the Forman Chief. That's why the Black stars should be the Annas star in colors reversed...which is to say a Black link to Vrm of Angusta. But why? What were the Blacks? Why did Conrad Black own the Jerusalem Post? One Black Chief is also the Wreath/Craith Chief, and both share the red lion. Does that reveal Blacks with Rat liners?
The single pale bar of Crux' and Crutch's is thereby very linkable to the black-on-white pale bar of Blake's, the latter having another green dragon (as do even Crichtons/Creightons), as well as martlets in the colors of the same of Formans, the latter kin of a line from green-dragon Seatons from the area of the Crichtons/Creightons. As these martlets are used in the same colors by Cheneys, trace the latter feasibly to Ananes Gauls (lived along the Taro) at the Ceno tributary of the Taro, where I think Kennedys trace that share the same chevron as Blacks. Moreover, the Kennedy chevron is definitely of the same of red-squirrel Gilberts...and Talbot-loving Carricks (from the Hypsas = Drago river) that are seemingly a branch of Cracks/CRICKS, perhaps indicating a Carrick-CRICHton merger. The TILLmouth term in the Blake write-up suggests Tailers and Tillers (same crescents as Seatons/Satins), and that the Blake pale bar is that of Tailers. Tillers were first found in the same place (Glamorgan) as Lewis'.
The Annandale / Black saltires link to the same of TailBOIS' because the latter were first found in the same place as Blacks (and Talbot-related Bois'). Therefore, see the BOIUS location at the source of the Apsus river, indicating a Dexaroi merger with the proto-Tailbois'. As the TAULantii are stamped across the mouth of the Apsus, expect Tailbois' and kin such as Talbots to be partially from TAULANTtii. It just so happens that Augusts share the eagle talon with TALENTS/Talons (version of the Capone Coat?), indicating a Taulantii link to Angustus/Augustus elements.
NOW LOOK, for Traps use a so-called "BUSTard," and Busts list Bois"! That nails the Trap trace to the Apsus! Compare the Busts/Bois' (they are in the Nimo motto) to the Cheney Coat. Nimo's use the same crescents as Tillers / Seatons, as well as the same saltire of Annan(dale)s as used by Bruce's and the Arms of Ayrshire.
As Talbots are with the lion of Anchor-loving Greys, we can ask whether this lion is an upright version of the Place / Rome/Room lion; after all, the Talbot Chief uses another red lion in the passant position of the red Place / Rome/Room lion. As Talbots are thus linkable to Placentia elements, ask whether the second motto term of Talbots is for Deck/Dagger / Dacker liners. Note that while COMPs/Camps use a version of the Talent/Talon Coat, the second Talbot motto term is "d'acCOMPlir." The "Prest" motto term of Talbots should be for Prests, first found in the same place (Hertfordshire) as Titus'. The latter share gyronny with Roens/ROME's and CAMPbells, the latter in Camp/Comp colors. Roens/Rome' (August fesse) use gyronny in Campbell-gyronny colors, and moreover the Rome's/Rome's come up as "Roen" too. it's been a theory only that Talbots were from Taulantii, that now appears clinched. I am also convinced that Tailbois' were Boius liners. Tailers and Tillers have lions that are related to the Chives "cats," and Chives' use quadrants in colors reversed from the same of Tailards, both using crosses in the same colors, suggesting a Cavii link to Taulantii. The Cavii can be seen on the map below beside the Taulantii. Mathis' are using the Chives cross and gold star to prove that Mathis' were from the Mathis river, home of Taulantii, but here we can add that rat-suspect Cree's/Craits were first found in the same place (Burgundy) as Mathis' As Rats are "RAITs," note "CRAIT." This recalls Paul Revere and the RAIDers (brief mention last update), for rats are also Raids. Boius on the map below is at SATION, which can link all green dragons above to the dragon of the Lothian Seatons/Satins. The related Sutys are probably using the wavy Forman bars. the map above, spot Arnissa beside the 'L' of "TAULANTII," so close to the Apsus river, for Annas' show an Arniss variation. By the looks of it, Arnissa is at the northern border of Fier county, underscoring what can be the Annas/Arniss star in the Vere Coat. The GENNES link to Vere's and "GuineVERE" was first poised in the last update, but here it can be added that Arnissa is on a GENUSia river. As the Gennes entity was fundamental with the Pendragon > Arthurian cult of utter stupids, note that the Genusia has a source at the proto-Pendragon Penestae peoples.
Where you see the Mathis river on the light map, the dark map has an ARBATus tributary of the Mathis, and that has got to be the Arpad bloodline! Zinger. The Mathis' share the moline cross with Fiers. If you trust my trace of the Jonathan Levites (book of Judges) to Oeneus / Juno liners, note OENeum on the Arbatus. Vere's were first found in the same place as Oeneus-river Yonge's = Hungarian liners. Yonge-beloved June's are Oeneus liners too, and they were first found in the same place as Capone's, suspect as Caepio = Caepionis liners from the Cavii (marked on the dark map to the north side of the Arbatus). It can't be coincidental that Fiers and Apps' were first found in the same place as Bassans (Vere Shield, apparently) while we see Bassania at the mouth of the Mathis. Compare Bassans with the Chives-elated Beng/Bing Coat, for Benjamites were at the Oeneus river. The Oeneum connection to the Oeneus looks solid. Later, June- suspect Acre's crop up with Daggers/Dackers.
Yonge's and Gore's were kin, and Gore's are at the root of Pendragon, wherefore see that English Bassens share the Gore crosslets as well as what should be the Penny/Penes greyhound, for Penes' are expected with the PENEStae absolutely. It predicts that Traby-related peoples of Bassania merged with Pendragon / June liners (recalls from above that June liners had linked closely to the Bassania / Arbatus area. While German Bassens show nothing but black horns, English Bassens were first found in the same place as Dexters who are in-turn honoring, with their "weights" in Crest, black-horn Weights.
As Parts and Partons appear to be using Shield-and-Chief color combination in colors reversed (both in Deck/Dagger colors), and as one uses the Shield- and-Chief color combination of Pepin-beloved Mens', let's repeat that Laevi and Marici founded Ticinum (Ticino river), later called Papia/Pavia, where I trace Pepins. I brought Partons up due to the Parthenius-suspect peoples on the north side of the Dexaroi. The Parthenius river was that of the Heneti, often called Paphlagonian Heneti, whom I traced to Pepins even before seeing that the Parthenius-river people were at the Dexaroi theater, and even before knowing of the Dexaroi or emphasizing that region. It's now all falling together very nicely.
There are three Rait surnames coming up, the Belgian branch sharing the anchor with Rat/Raits. French Raits are listed with the escarbuncle Rays, likewise first found in the same place as Cree's/Craits. Why do Rayburns use the stag?
There's a question on whether Belgian Rait variations indicate Rieti/Reate, home of Vespasian and Titus. This can make a welcome trace of Rieti to Arados liners. The first thing of note is that while I trace VesPASIA Polla, Vespasian's mother, to the Pasi's of Bologna, where the BOII ruled that can be from a Rat-Boius merger, the Pasi-related Paisleys/Pasleys share a chevron in colors reversed with Belgian Raits/Raete's. As the Lewis hand needs to play into this, it's notable that the Rait chevron is also the Hand chevron. Paisley is where the first Pollocks of Scotland lived, a great reason to trace them to Vespasia's surname. The other great thing is that Paisleys share the anchor with two Tait surnames, the Belgian branch using it in black, the color of the anchor of Avisons = Avezzano liners! Avezzano is very near Rieti, on the same river. The Rats are now quite traceable to the Flavians at Rieti. For further evidence in making this trace, Pasi's are Pascels too while Pascals use the same lion as Cree's/Craits (and Levi's). Link the whole of this to Guido Guerra's Bologna elements. Pasi liners can be suspect with PASsant liners, and "pasSANT" can be double code, secondly for the Saint variation of Sinclairs (Rat cross?).
Avisons use the Comyn Coat while Comyns trace hard by their dagger to Kuman in Fier county. This has good potential to link Rieti-area peoples to the Apsus river.
If you read the evidence, in the last update, for a Bush/Busch trace to Bozrah (Esau's Edomite capital), let's go to French Bois'/Boscs, probably using the three red fesse bars of Carpenter-related Fullers. Carpenters have always been expected from the Carpathians, named by the Arpad = Arados bloodline. But the Bois/Bosc bars are exactly the Stur bars for a trace to the Stura river of Cuneo, which flows very near BUSCA. It's suggesting that Bush's were Boius liners, which is to say that some pertinent Bozrah liners can be from Boius. The Bushers share the gold, passant lion with the Forman Chief, and so let's repeat that Seatons/Satins can be from Sation at Boius, especially as Suty-branch Side's/Sudys use the Busher lion in colors reversed. Then trace Boius' members to the Bois at Bologna, not only where the Pasi's were first found, but where there is a SETTa valley of the Panico's/Pane's, kin of Placentia- related Pungs/Paganells, from the Paionians to the east side of Boius.
Recall the introduction of Nimo's with the Busts/Bois', for Nimo's were first found in STIRlingshire (as were Scottish Chappes') while Stirlings/STURlings are Stur suspects that happen to be using the Titus / Chappes Moor head.
Carpenters were first found in the same place as Nith-liner Knights, and both share pale bars in the same colors. The Knight bars are comparable to the same of French Sturs (though in different colors). The point is that Arpad/Arados liners have already traced from the Apsus river to the Nith, and here we see another way to do it via Carpenters. The lions of Scottish Nights are in the colors of the Busher lions. "Busher" reflects the bustard of Traps, and, in any case, Bush liners are suspect with Busts/Bois'. Here is the Bustard Coat looking like a version of the Coat of Cheney- beloved Fade's/Fatmore's (not forgetting that Cheneys use a reflection of the Bust/Bois Coat). There are two heraldic reasons to see a Blake-Bustard merger, including their shared pellets (black roundels), not to mention that both were first found in Devon.
Here are the Traps/Trappens (Traby/Sadowski colors) with a black object, that I can't make out, on its bustard. They are said to be of Trappenburg of Austria, making the Blake / Bustard fesse suspect with the fesse that is the Arms of Austria (and the Covert fesse). You can find Trappenburg with the Traps in the 2nd update of November, whereabouts that Rotens were introduced that share a white Zionist star with Rads. Trappenburg is at the area of INNSbruck, and the Innes' (Moray) happen to use the Moray stars in colors reversed while Moray is from the Mures river, location of Arad! Excellent. It tends to strongly verify that the rat trap includes an Arad- Trappenburg line.
The one Innes Coat shows three Zionist stars in colors reversed from the same of Rads/Raeders/Raders, clinching the Innes trace to Innsbruck Austrians. The German for of "Austria" can be given the ostrich code, noting that the whiter Trap bustard is similar to an ostrich while the Arms of Trabys has white ostrich feathers. Paul Revere and the RAIDERs came up only because God gave me a dream (discussed last update) that was Intended to connect with their song, Silver Bird, wherefore I think it's notable that while Arad is in TranSYLVania, German Silvers are in Rad/Rader colors. When God does something, it comes with excellence, and Birds use the same martlets as Hips' while Rat liners of the Arad kind were at the Hypsas. English Silvers (potential version of the Covert Coat) bring us to what could be the Forman / Robert lion. The earliest Silver is said to be from Lincolnshire, where Blacks and other Boius liners were first found.
One Bird Coat looks linkable to Coverts, but with the same fesse as Fade's/Fatmore's and Bustards. The English Bush Coat once showed with a red fesse too, very reflective of the Bird fesse with symbols. The other Birds use a "Cruce" motto term so as to definitely link to the Crutch / Croce / Crux bloodline suspect from mythical Creusa at Agrigento. And that's why BERTons/BURTons can apply to Birds/Burds, for while the Drago river was the Hypsas river at Agrigento, Drago de Bewere is in the Berton write-up. Hips' share the Bird/Burt martlets; for goodness sake, we are not naive.
The sphinx is shared between Hips' and Brocuffs/Procks/BROX's, while Birds are said to be from BROXton. But see also the Cheshire Broxtons, looking linkable to the Scarf-suspect Schere's/Scherfs and Shere's. Brocks/Procks have been suspect with "BROGitarus, and while we saw that he trace's to Froggits, the latter use a bundle of cherries wile Herberts use "A bundle of seven gold arrows." There is a Bundle surname using eagle legs, underscoring the fact that the Bird/Burt fesse is also the August fesse.(Cherry's were first found in the same place as Froggits, beside the Birds/Burds of Cheshire.)
The Hips write-up traces to "son of HerBERT," but this looks like code to indicate that Herberts were Bird/Burt liners. One Herbert Coat reminds of the Fuller bars, recalling that I trace Fullers to FulBERT, ancestor of Pollocks. The same Herberts may be using a besant-version of the Blake martlets. Berts/Burts, first found in the same place (Devon) as Blake's and Bustards (and Revere's/REDvere's), bring us back to black hunting horns, symbol of Bustard-suspect Traby. Black hunting horns are used by Patch's, likewise first found in Devon, thus making a Bert/Burt link to the Trebia- Placentia liners of Kilpatricks. Patch's are therefore using the Hanna fitchee, likely.
I've just leaned that Patch's/Patches' come up as "Paches," suggesting that the Bert/Burt Coat is a version of the Peck/Pek Coat. Moreover, the Silver / Saffer/Savery Coats are a version, I think, of Welsh Bachs/Baughs. Another "cruce" motto term is with German Bachs/Backs, using a STEER while Traps were first found in STYRia. Stur liners? Radziwills are in the write- up of Polish Packs/PACEwicz's, using a giant fleur-de-lys in the colors of the Traby/Sadowski scarf. The leaves of the Patch's/Paches' suggest a Trebia-people merger with some Laevi liners, and Levi's were first found in the same place as Lys'/Lisse's that use a small version of the Polish-Pach fleur. This recalls that Pasi's/Pascels, who come up as PACE's, are likely a branch of Pascals that use the Jewish-Levi lion. This is the rat-trap line that is damned, destined to bring the world to utter, burning destruction. A Day is coming when Enough is Enough, when 6,000 years of vengeance upon the planet is poured out on top of the calamities caused by the rat-trap rulers.
French Packs share the red bull with Sabine's and Daggers/Dackers, for yet another link of the Rieti emperors to the Apsus river. Reeds must be using a "PAX copia" motto for this Pack link to Mr. Sabinus, husband of Vespasia Polla. Daggers/Dackers were first found in the same place as black- horn Burns and Bernice's. One can now propose that Belgian Raits are using the Dexter/Deckster chevron.
As Daggers/Dackers are also Dacre's, it's interesting that Acre's were first found in the same place (Cumberland) as Daggers/Dackers, and that Acre's use the same fleur as June's. This complicates things because it makes Daggers appear originated in "Acre," but this is not necessarily the case.
Another surname using the same lion as Formans are the Base's/Baise's, first found in Lincolnshire. Note how French and Welsh Roberts can link both to Lewis' and Bachs (same place as Welsh Roberts) while English Roberts use the same chevron as PAISleys, for this may be able to indicate that Base's/Baise's were Pasi liners. As the Dexter weights are a weight scale, the Sich/Syke symbol, the Duster variation of Dexters can indicate that the Dice's in the Sich write-up were Dexaroi liners, especially as Knights, first found in the same place as Diss, and the Diss'/Dice's, share a red canton (sometimes called a SQUARE) with Dexters. In this picture, the two Forman bars can be closely formed from the two Dexter chevrons.
In addition, as Knights share a spur with Close's/Clovse's, from Closeburn, home of Kilpatricks and from king Clovis, the Base's/Baise's are expected with some Bassen / Bassan / Bessin liners from Basina, Clovis' mother. The Clubs are suspect with Clovis liners, and German Bessens/Besants happen to use a club.
The Ardiaei Rats
Arthurian liners (= Merovingians in England) may have developed from the Ardiaei Illyrians. I haven't stressed the Ardiaei ever, only mentioning them. They lived between the Neretva and Kotor, land of the Daorsi, which reminds me of when I mentioned that the Daver-branch Daorsi (also called Daversi) on the Neretva are in Arthur colors and format. The Davers are fairly-obvious kin of Diss'/Dice's. One now must link the Ardiaei to the Arduinici of Ivrea, and so many other Arda- line branches.
It just so happens that the Ardiaei capital was CAPLjina while the Capelli's and Kaplans trace to Cabyle of Thrace, location of Arda. The Odrysians at Arda were traced (by me) to ATREUS, and from there it went to Atrecht, the capital of Artois, but, the point was, the Neretva pours into the ADRiatic sea. Atrecht was an Atrebate city, though Atrebates lived in Hampshire, where Caplans were first found that are in the colors of the split Capljina flag. Cabyle is on the light map upon the Tonzus river with a mouth in Odrysia, directly across the Hebros river from the mouth of the Arda. Wikipedia calls the Ardiaei pirates, quoting Strabo in saying that they were subdued and forced to disappear from the Neretva. Note that they are lumped with DARDani, for we just saw Arthur liners of the Cornwall peninsula linked to Darts / Darths when in the Gennes topic.
In the article for queen Teuta of the Ardiaei, she has a stepson, Pinnes, evoking the PENEStae, and perhaps speaking of the Pine's/Pyne's (chevron of Irish Arthurs and Arthur-related Wayne's), first found in Devon = Cornwall peninsula. It just so happens that Italian Pino's share the red-on-white crescent with Touts/Tute's! Zowie. And Tute's put it into a red canton. Pino's were first found around the Pike-suspect Picentini mountains of the Naples area (Pike's are beloved by Nith-river Geddes'). Compare French Pine's (Limousin) with Ardens, but also with the (H)Amptons from the Southampton area of Atrebates. As per the Arthurian codework, "Lady of the Lake," compare the Pine's to Lords/Lauds, suspect with Ladys/Laudymans at the Northampton area.
Irish Tute's/Tuits are the ones said to be from Mr. Todini, suspect with the Tosini's (shirt and buttons) that have the Tonso variation and very traceable with Capelli-loving Buttons to the TONZus river. How about that, the Toots are tracing to queen Teuta and her Capelli liners. Have I been wrong with a Toot trace to lake Tatta? The Bleds are the ones who honor the Tous variation of Tosini's, and the Bleds use the three chevrons of Clare's in colors reversed, while Clare's were first found in the same place as Neretva-line Davers. Bleds use three chevrons in the colors of the Daver and Diss (and Arthur) chevron.
Teuta was followed by the last Ardiaei king: "n 180 BC, during his early reign the Dalmatians and Daorson [= Daorsi] declared themselves independent from Gentius's rule and the city of Rhizon abandoned him prior to his defeat, receiving immunity from the Romans. He married Etuta, the daughter of the Dardanian King Monunius II." The Darts (Pine colors) use a canton in colors reversed from the Tute canton! That clinches the Darts and Tute's together from Ardiaei. Where did they go after their last king? The Darth fesse is colors reversed from the Gennes fesse, suggesting that king Gentius may have been to the Gennes bloodline, and of course the Ghents and Gaunts come to mind. English Ghents were first found in the Hampshire land of Atrebates. The city of Ghent/Gaunt is close enough to Mons that Monunius above may apply. In fact, king Arthur's wife, which was the Veneti line from Vannes to the Venedotia founders of Gwynedd (northern Wales), includes the Fane's/Veynes' (share GAUNTlet gloves with Wayne's), first found in MONmouthshire!!! Yes, for there was the Arthurian myth writer, Geoffrey of Monmouth. We now have another clue to the make-up of the Levi that were counts of Hainaut. I will slowly show why Ardiaei liners are a part of the Rat liners. Beside Gwynedd, there was an Arduu location.
I have so much to say on the Ardiaei link to Arad liners. I wrote the above without realizing how "Arda" is like "Arad," and from that comparison, an avalanche of ideas poured through me. But first, I'd like to trace Ardiaei to the formation of the first Herod. This includes their trace to Arettium's Cilnius Maecenas, for while Arettium was an Artois branch, Cilnius' were a line to the Chills/Childs = the first Merovingian Frank. The Diss'/Dice's happen to use a gold version of the Chill/Child Coat, but keep in mind for a later point that Ardiaei are integral with Diss/Dice liners. The latter are in the Sich write-up, and king Childeric was partly a SICambrian Frank i.e. from proto-Hungary's Sicambria. Just like that, we are seeing potential for an Ardiaei link to Arad's proto- Hungarians.
The Sichs use the Cass / Kiss Coat, and Cass' are highly expected from king Cassander of Macedonia, son of Antipater, king of Macedonia, the latter suspect at the naming of Antipatria, which was also "Antipater." Wikipedia tells that the wife of Nicodemus, king of Biden-suspect Bithynia, descended from Cassander, and while her name was Nysa [expounded upon later], the Nice / Ness bloodline uses the same double bars as Vannes'. Moreover, the same double bars are used by Ulmans, who may have named Germany's Ulm location, and therefore mythical Olmus, the father of Arpad, patriarch of Hungarians. I had seen that the Ulman lion was once in the rare style of the old lion design of Mauds, and Mauds use the Coat of Monmouths, both of them using double bars. The lions were changed after I made the Ulman link to Mauds. The latter can be deemed a branch of DARTH-related Motts/Mottins (see "Le Morte d'Arthur" in the last update). Motts are said to be from Cotes-du-Nord, and area of Brittany i.e. near Vannes. [Later, Ulmans link hard to Elis' while the latter use the Rat cross in colors reversed, suggesting that Rats may have been in-particular Arad liners.]
The Bithynians under discussion are being traced tentatively, while awaiting the big evidence, to the neighboring Brogitarus Galatians. We just saw why the Ardiaei should link to Bidens (same place as the Hampshire Atrebates), underscoring the importance if Bidens were from the Cassander > Bithynia line. Arthurs were first found in the same place as Artems/Aitons, suspect with ther Levi-beloved Aids, and with ARTEMiDOROS, Brogitarus' grandson. This line would produce the wife of Laevillus, and so let's repeat that the Cass-branch Kiss'/Kish's/Cush's trace to Vibia, Laevillus' wife. Laevillus' family came to oversee Jerusalem, where Herods had been kings from as much as a century earlier. Laevillus' son. What I'm saying is that Herods trace from Antipater of Macedonia to Antipater, father of the first Herod with Cypros as his mother. Laevillus' family ruled at Cetis, over-looking Cypros-like Cyprus, and Cypros happened to be from the household of Aretas III (Wikipedia doesn't tell her precise relationship to Aretas). The trick is to find who the mother of Antipater, father of Herod, was.
The implication is that Ardiaei were linked to the kings of Macedonia, and that the Ardiaei named the Aretas' rulers, especially as Aretas III ruled PETRA, a place one can expect from Antipatria liners. Aretas had become suspect with "Arethusa" in Syria, important where the Ardiaei trace to Syria's Arad. The last update told why Arethusa should trace to Arettium, and here one can see that Ardiaei trace to Arettium in the first place, then over to Arethusa to be back in their old Arad stomping grounds, once they had been chased out of Illyrium. That's how I see it, tentatively. I trace Macedonians to "Megiddo," beside Dor, and I trace Dor to Odrysians at Arda, and to Daorsi on the same river as the Ardiaei. Therefore, ArtemiDOROS may have been a Daorsi line. (The Daorsi were mythical Doris, mother of NERETva's NEREIDs.) The Dorians of Greece lay claim to Macedonia. Here is an Arethusa location in Megiddo-suspect Mygdonia:
This Arethusa is said to be in Chalcis, but there was a Chalcis in Syria ruled by Herods:'s article on Arethusa speaks to a Nereid by that name, she depicting a fountain in ORTygia, a potential line to ORDovices at Arduu. Irish Arthurs use hurts (blue roundels) that must be for the Hurt/Hort surname (shares gold cinquefoils with Ardens). As Ardiaei trace heavily to Hampshire, note: "Arethusa Falls, one of the highest waterfalls in New Hampshire, USA." The last Arethusa entry at Wikipedia's article is: "Antipatris, refounded in 64– 63 BC by Pompey as Arethusa," no kidding at all. the link for Antipatris, we go to this: "Antipatris was a city built during the first century BC by Herod the Great, who named it in honour of his father, Antipater." I have never known this Arethusa link to Herod before. It suggests that Aretas III was indeed a line from Arethusa in Syria, city of the El-Gabal sun-god cult of stupids, no less stupid that Herod himself. ANTipater was a son of ANTipas, both with names that I would trace to mythical Anat, namer of Anatolia, and probably Antalya too. But I see her name in the HENETi, who lived between the Galatians and the Bithynians. Myth made the Heneti stem from ANTenor to the Veneti = Arthur's wife, wherefore I suggest that the Herods descend from Heneti in relation to Artemidoros. Again, the Pendragons use the open helmet of Mynetts, the latter from Amyntes, Artemidoros' father.
While Masci-line Hamonds are a branch of Mynetts, both were first found in the same place as MASSINs, important where Ardiaei trace to Cilnius MAECENas. While Massena's father is the Jay/Gai / Gay line, there is a blue jay in the Crest of Daorsi-line Davers. There we have an excellent reason to trace ArtemiDOROS to Daorsi / Daversi liners at the Neretva. It's the Dalmatia area to which Caracalla commissioned Julius Bassianus, priest of El-Gabal. This is a good place to mention that Revere's/REDvere's use the Massin lion, for I'm thinking that RedVERE's (from the first counts of Devon) were from the Arad liners suspect with "Dassaretae" in merger with county-Fier liners to Vere's.
To help prove that Redvere's were Dassaretae as they linked to Laevi on the Ticino, the Revere lions are in the colors of the Chretien/Chrestien lion heads, and Chretiens are in the Levi motto. The Wreath = Cree liners -- suspect with RATS -- use Crete / Crest variations looking very applicable to Chretens/Chrestiens. Plus, the Revere lion is blue, as is the lion of CREIGHTons/Crichtons. This tends to trace Rats to Curetes of Crete, for I think the latter trace to the CRUITHens/CRUITHNe of Ireland/Scotland, and assume that Crichtons/Creightons were of that line. The Crack variation of Cricks had me doubting a Crichton trace to Cretans, thinking that they were Carrick liners instead. Cracks are expected with the cracking of the nut by the Gilbert squirrel, but while Carricks trace to Acragas = Agrigento, that's where mythical Creusa was placed by myth writers. She has been suspect with a hard-C version of Hros, from proto-Rus peoples of Rhodes...home of the Telchines that are routinely mentioned in an alliance with Curetes of Crete. Compare the Craith variation with "Creusa." In this picture, because Creusa was wife to the mythical founder of Rome, recall that Rome's/Rooms link to Cree liners. Plus, Levi liners to the Laevi are suspect from mythical Oeneus (Calydon) and the Oeneus river while Creusa's husband was Aeneas. There was a mythical Aeneus (with a 'u'), known code for Annas-like Aenus at the mouth of the Hebros. Many Hebros elements trace to Illyrium, and the Arniss variation of Annas' goes to Arnissa, I assume. Recall the GENUSia river, location of Arnissa, as it can be of the Gennes entity of the Vere-Arthur (or GuiniVERE) entity spoken of earlier. It looks like it can help us to understand "RedVERE" as a Fier liner. The Annas star is potentially in the Bullis Coat, and Bullis is a location on the old maps that's now either in or beside Fier county.
Here's how Gennes came up in the last update: "Here is an alternative Juene Coat (Cambridgeshire [same as June's]), with fleur now in the colors of the same of Constantine's and Mascals. The latter are using the escutcheon of Saddocks, and Saddocks along with Levins share footless martlets in the colors of the Juene canton. I don't recall knowing the Juene's before; they are traced to Mr. Gennes of Anjou..." June's are from the Una = Oeneus river, right?
Bassianus' uncle was Julius Agrippa, probably from Herod Agrippa I, brother of Herod of Chalcis. Herod Agrippa II was also, Marcus Julius Agrippa. And the El-Gabal jokers (out of their minds) moved things from Syria's Arethusa to Emesa (still in Syria), what I view as part of Apollo's Muses. Emesa was beside Massyas, which was also called Marsyas, the name of a mythical goat that had a music contest with Apollo. A music theme with Apollo is always code for his Muses. When king Midas voted for Marsyas as the winner of the contest, Apollo gave Midas donkey ears. Before knowing this, I had traced Apollo to Arad because I had identified him with the Biblical Avvites, who had a donkey god, Tartak, which I traced to Tartus, a location directly onshore from Arados/Arpad (Wikipedia says that Tartak was named after "Arados"). At that time, I was tracing Apollo's "Abello" version to Abile/Abilene, at the Syria-Lebanon border, and therefore this was at / near Emesa. I had not yet known the latter location nor the El- Gabal cult of that place. This is a good reason to expect mythical Marsyas as the namer of Massyas, also at the Syria-Lebanon border. It is the DaMASCus area, which the Massey-suspect anti-Christ will take in the future. It's notable that while Caplans are tracing to the Ardiaei capital, they use GRIPPa-suspect GRIFFins in what otherwise should be the Joseph Chief.
I traced Avvites, with their capital at AVITH, to ABYDos, smack beside Mysia's Dardania. Compare "DARDania" to "TARTak" in order to spot the Arados line to the Dardani merger with the last Ardiaei king. It appears that the Avvites named Dardanus, father of the Trojans, and brother of the founder (Iasion) of the Kabeiri cult that was chiefly at Lemnos, where Limousin traces. French Pine's, suspect with Pinnes', Teuta's stepson (his mother was Triteuta), were first found in Limousin (Triteuta evokes the "triton" said to be in the Sich Crest). Although I have never come across Apollo's Hebrew name other than in Revelation 9, it's there said to be "Abaddon," suspect with Abydos liners. I have a mind to link Abaddon to Battins/Badens, for I always view the latter as chief Arthurian liners. Battins/Badens happen to use the eye, and Eye is a location smack beside Diss.
For the record, Pinnes' father, Agros, became the ruler of Pharos. Agros smacks of the Ugrians that I trace to Ugarit, with an obvious connection to the Arados-based Hungarians. What does it tell us about "Arda"? "According to Dio, Demetrius of Pharos married Triteuta and became regent for Pinnes, after the war, thus becoming the most powerful of the Illyrian rulers in the 220s BC. With Demetrius removed from the throne in 219 BC it is likely that Triteuta was no longer queen." This is dated the year before Hannibal invaded the Trebia, at which time the Boii, from Boius, we can assume, found alliance with Hannibal when invading Modena, suspect with the Modi'in location (Israel) of the Maccabees, whom we first hear of some 40 years later. Strabo calls the people from Boius as the Boii. The Maccabees were "Maccabaeus," suspect to some degree with "Boii" for the reason above, but also suspect with mythical Abaeus, an Apollo-oracle cult. Massyas was the name of northern Lebanon from at least 100 BC, and may apply to proto-Maccabees. Cilnius Maecenas of Arettium, now suspect with Ardiaei, is expected at Modena if his surname (or a variation thereof) named the Maccabees, and so while Ardiaei are expected in a league with Cassander of Macedonia, let's repeat that Casano's come up as Cassandra's.
Moreover, as Arettium is expected together with nearby Assisi in the make- up of the El-Gabal cult (because it's early priest was Azizus), one should expect the Cassander line at Assisi. The latter term is much like the Cassius variation of Cassandra's. It's now possible to trace the Cass / Cush line to Laevillus as a Cassius line out of Assisi. English Cassandra's/Cassane's (share the red canton with Touts), extremely traceable to Cassander via the Pattersons/Cassane's, were, once again, first found in Hampshire (i.e. home of Atrebates). Feasibly, the Modena Cassandra's/Casano's are using the Rad star in colors reversed. Or put it this way, that while Scottish Pattersons were first found at Ross- shire, beside Moray, the Italian Cassandra's can be using the Innes star (not forgetting that Innes' are very traceable to Innsbruck, where Traps were roughly living while at Trappenburg.
The Morays trace to the Mures river, which was also the Maros, and for this reason I thought it should trace to the Maritsa version of the Hebros. One can make a link between Arad at the Mures to Arda at the Hebros. This works excellently via mythical Charops, father/son of OEAGRus, the latter depicting the UGRians, said to be Hungarian ancestry. That's why Charops must be the line to king Arpad. It clinches the Arados line to Arad, especially as ancient UGARit was in Syria too, but then Charops / Oeagrus (I can't recall which) had a son, Orpheus, who was given a lyre by Apollo = his Muse theme, and myth had Orpheus' head float down the Hebros river. It's a reliable way to connect Arad to Arda.
A mythical head was symbol of Gorgons, whom Herodotus called the Gargarians = the proto-Georgians of Colchis. This identifies the Charops line with Gorgons / Colchians. Gargarians lived at BATumi, named by the Bat peoples of Colchis, and it just so happens that mythical Dardanus married Batia. Apollo's mother, Leto, was Latona to Romans, and she traces to Lasoni, home of the Lazi Colchians smack at/beside the Bats. I trace Bats to the Baths/Atha's, first found in the same place (Somerset, location of the Axe river) as axe-using Battins/Badens. Therefore, I suggest that Batia was code for Abydos liners to end-time Abaddon of Revelation 9. Baths/Atha's use a "Habere" motto term that can be from Hebros liners. They also use "DISpertire" as well as the Deacon Coat (axe!) in colors reversed while Deacons were first found in the same place as Diss! Bingo. See also the Decans, first found in RUTland, which, if it's the Rutland at Leicester, makes DECans suspect with Dexters/DECksters, first found in Leicestershire. That's the Rat line, right, from the Dassaretae/Dexaroi. Note that Deacons use motto terms like "Utrecht," likely related with Atrecht of Artois, and with UTHER Pendragon.
The Bath/Atha cross is that of bat-using Randolphs, first found at Moray, home of Arad liners. In fact, I always trace Baths to Bitars/Butters, who share the cross of Rats, apparently, along with Aflacks. This is a great thing to find myself on because the Baathists, expected with the anti-Christ in prophecy, were founded in Syria by Mr. Bitar and Mr. Aflaq. I had reasoned that the Round-Table Illuminati founded the Baathists for infiltrating Syria, and here I am finding that Arthurians, the original creators of the round-table code, are tracing to ancient Syria. Amazing. Where else will you get history like this? Did you thank your Father today?
Aflacks use an emBATTled cross, and in the Aflack Crest, "An eagle RISINg." This recalls that Ardiaei were between RHISINium and the Neretva. Moreover, Rize is a location between the Gargarians and the Amazons of the Thermodon. Essentially, Rize is at TRABzon. Rhisinium/Rhizon is at Butua, very linkable to Arthurian elements at Bude and Bute. Moreover, the Rye/Rise surname uses ermined-white on red, the colors of Dardania-based Darts. And the Rye/Rise bend is suspect with that of Rodhams, because I trace them to Rutland. This is the Roten / Rad / Radziwill bloodline to a merger with Trabzon-like Trabys. And while Ardahan is beside Rize, and in the land of the Moschi mountains of the ancient Meshech, that's the area of>Soducena, suspect with the Saddocks, who use "ears of RYE," and were first found in the same place as Rye's/Rise's. The same bend is used (without the ermines) by French Fairs/Vairs/VIERs' (branch of Fire's, by the looks of it) while the other Fairs are linkable to Fiers and Formans.
Rodhams share "nec" with Fairborns (same place as Scarfs). It should be added that the Arms of Vannes uses an ermine mammal wearing a SCARF, obvious linkage to Trabys/Sadowski's. The Necks/Neckers suspect with the Fairborn motto use a giant stag head and can be kin of Vannes'/Ness;.
We saw that Ardiaei were connectable to the Capelli-loving Bidens/Buttons. The latter are said to have been clergy at Bath and Wells of Somerset, wherefore they trace to Baths and Battins. These were Trojan liners, right? Colchian Trojans.
In Search of Trump Kin
Fortunately, I had found a webpage telling of an Arthur family married with Hicks of Clapton, likewise in Somerset. These Hicks were said to use clarions, which is what the Arthur rests are at times called, unless the rests are substituted with clarions. The rests are code, I think, for Orestia liners, for Orestia (on the light map) was smack at the mouth of the Arda and the Tonzus (Bidens/Buttons trace to Tonzus liners). With Trumps suspect with Trabzon liners, it's important that clarions were trumpets, and that a trumpet is used by Levers under the gold Sinclair rooster. I assume it's the Sinclair rooster because the Rat / Bitar / Aflack cross is also the Sinclair cross, but also because clarions are code for the Claro > Sinclair line. The Saint variation of Sinclairs must be for Sainte, founded by the Santones, from the Sintians of Lemnos, for French Clairs were first found in Limousin, founded by the Lemnos line to Lemovices. And the Ardiaei- suspect Pine's were also first found in Limousin.
The gold rooster is used also by Galli's and Gays, and Galli's use a version of the Poitvin Coat (blue jay), from Poitou, founded by the Pictones that I trace to the Pyxites river at Trabzon, home of the original Amazons = Meshwesh that were later in Lemnos. Are we making sense?
Question: is the blood of Donald Trump from Tropoje? Why did the bloodly- hand vision come on the heels of my explanation of the Kepke-sickly-stag vision? While I do not think that the last seven years has yet begun, and while it looks years away, might Trump bring on an optional skincode system that later evolves into the 666? Russians have their naval base at Tartak.
Trump's are in the colors of Dols, both first found at the same area of the Varni. I want to know whether Varni were from Fier county, for that would suggest a Fier-Ardiaei merger in that the Varni goddess (Nerthus) is expected from "Neretva." The Alans of Dol were linked to Arduinici of Alauna, and to king- Arthur elements in Bute/Avalon from Aulon in Epirus (home of Epirotes). The Dexaroi were Epirotes too. We saw how an Ardiaei king could trace to Ghents, and so let's add that the wavy fesse of Dols is in the colors of the same of Dutch Ghents. Forum Allieni was proto-Ferrara, perhaps a county- Fier line. And Alans link to Vere liners of all kinds. Therefore, if we are confident of a Dol trace to Fier, that's the location of Tropoje. As was said, the Drop/Trope Chief could be a white version of the Chief of Formans/FERmans, suspect with Forum Allieni. Plus, it can be gleaned that Formans are a branch of FIRmans. The Formans use wavy bars in colors reversed from the Dol / Ghent bar.
The wavy bars are code for Weavers / Webbers, and so note that Webbers can be using a version of the Varn bend. Webbers use a "telis" motto term suggesting a branch of Talents/Talons (Taulantii at/beside Fier), for the latter are in Webber / Varn colors while Varns use a motto like that of Campbells (share the gold boar head with Weirs/Vere's), kin, likely, of the Camps with the version of the Talant/Talon Coat. Having said that, there is a Telis/TOLLet/Tolly surname (Dol branch?) that shares the anchors of Firmans and Formans, and throwing in the same checks as those of Fers/Ferrats and Stewarts. Plus, the Telis/Tolly Chief is the Drop/Trope Chief! I needed that in order to justify a Varni trace to Fier county. There are two Tellis surnames for which I have not much comment.
A funny thing happened. After seeing the list of Telis variations, the list disappeared the next time ((less than a minute later) that I looked at it. The rest of the page was there, but the entire paragraph with the variations disappeared without my reloading the page. Here is the page using the Tollet variation. Telis' have a pyramid in Crest, as do the Fisks (Suffolk, same as Sich-related Diss'/Dice's) that use a "sic" motto term. A four-word phrase of the Fisk motto is virtually that of Kenneths with a giant stag head on blue, as with Trumps. Kenneths not only use the "Sic" motto term, but "non." Read on.
Campbells may be using a motto term ("obliviscaris") in honor of Levi's and Scar liners, for Scarborough's (in the Sich write-up) and Scarfs were first found in Yorkshire, where Camps were first found. Campbells are said to be the mother stock of MacArthurs, and the latter's moline can be of the Fier / Fair moline. If so, that would look like a Fier-Ardiaei merger. In fact, while Fairs share a white moline with MacArthurs, Fairs use a "VirTUTE tutus" motto, apparently for queen Teuta! Fairborns use an "arduis" motto term. That is vere-y good. I'll return to Fair liners. Fisks throw in a "virTUTE" term.
Recall the Lewis trace to McLeods of Lewis (last update). Although houseofnames shows a white bull head for McLeods, they also show a black one in the septs of McLeods page, which traces excellently to the black bull heads of Walerans (Devon) now that Lewis' are identified with the line of Waleran of Leavells. This has been brought up because black and white bull heads are used by Turnbulls who list Trimbals and TRUMBells, terms like "Trump." I had forgotten that Walerans use a "Sic" motto term. Whether or not this was a Trump branch, note that Turnbulls were first found in the same place as Scottish Leavells. You can see Teague's in the list of McLeod septs, and they use a version of the Turnbull/Trumbell Coat.
The McLeod beloved Holds are the ones with a Coat like that of Stouts, but see also the Rivers, a branch of Redvers/Revere's (same place as Walerans), for the Rivers can be (aside from colors) with a Coat version of the Somerset Leavells. The Waleran bull head can be with German Lux's/Luchs, wherefore note the "Luceo" motto term of Kenneths. If the latter use the Trump stag head, it can make a subtle link of Trumps to Waleran of Leavell. The McLeod / Waleran bulls are likely from St. Tauren (Evreux) in the write- up of Devon Albins (formee-fitchees).
Turnbulls are on the Beef page. Beefs were traced to the fesse of Nagle's, and Nagle's share "non" with Walerans (and Kenneths) while Nons/Nevins use a fesse in the colors of the Dol fesse, and the Dol fesse has a whale that should therefore be for a Waleran line. That is pretty interesting. Nons/Nevins can be using the Krume / Silver crescent, for Krume's were first found in the same place as Trips, beside the Varni / Trump theater. Why do Nons/Nevins use a "ViVIS" motto term?
Vis/Issa is an island beside Pharia, which I think is the same as Pharos above, ruled by Pinnes' family of Ardiaei. Pharia (on the light map) is suspect with Pharisee liners. The Vise/Vice surname has the stag-head design of Trumps. Impressive, but not conclusive for linking to Trumps. Weavers and Webbers can be Kiev liners along with Keeps and Kepke's, and Mr. Kepke, who walked along my driveway with a sickly stag, has hair and a personality like Donald Trump.
Vis and Pharia are beside BRATTia, and Walerans are said to be of BRADford elements. Brads use a giant lion head facing to the Shield's right side, as does the same-colored stag head of Trumps. As the Brad lion is expected to be a colors reversed version of the Crichton lion, it's notable that Cricks/Cracks use what looks like a formee version of the Fisk pale bar. Let's not neglect the trace of Cetis' Bassus' (including QuadraTILLA) to Bassianus' on/off the Cetina river, that having a mouth at Brattia, where Telis-like Tillers and Tile's trace.
Ah, Bradfords (same place as Fairborns and Scarfs) use a "Fier" motto term as well as what should be the Quade wolf head, important because Scarfs are suspect with the Quade wolf head. The Scarf wolf heads are in the colors of the Brad lion / Trump stag. The Bradfords even add black hunting horns with stripes,same as the Arms of Traby. That is stunning, not just because it's the Trabys/Sadowski with the Q-shaped scarf expected with Quade's, but because we are tracing Leavells from Laevillus, husband of Quade-liner Quadratilla. It looks as though Donald Trump can be included from the Laevillus-Quadratilla line. The Bradford Crest: "A peacock's head, with a snake in its mouth and enTWINEd around its NECK." It reminds of the "Nec" motto term of Fairborns, and Necks/Neckers, but the latter use a giant stag head in the colors of the Celt stag head, wherefore see the Kelton variation of the Kiltons (Kelt colors) below.
Twine's (share a red fesse with Leavells) were first found in Yorkshire too, and lead to more peacocks. They are said to have owned a title in Ayton, that being the Aitons/Artems, a line to/from Quadratilla Bassus. As the peacock is used by Pairs/Paukers, it's notable that Twine's use PARRots while Hiltons use the Parr bars. The Twine's are said to be from Hilton- like Kilton. The Parrs are in the motto and bars of peacock-using Maness'/Manners. The Pairs/Paukers (Baden) came up in the last update with the "pair of scales" of the Laevillus-liner Cass'. The Parr bars are in the colors of the two Dexter chevrons, and Dexters use "weights" for a scale that gets us to Quade-suspect Weights with black, striped hunting horns. The Lothians use one too, and Brads with Crichtons were first found in Lothian.
The following is from the 1st update of March, 2013, which might be able to trace Pinnes to Panico's:
I search surnames at houseofnames with Javascript turned off to make it faster, but with it turned off, the words, "Last name Search" in the search box does not disappear automatically so that I need to delete it before typing in a surname. I often fail to remove it all when typing in a surname. In this case, when loading the Pine surname, the "ch" was left in the box that is at the end of "Last Name SearCH," and for this reason I accidentally entered and found the Pinech surname. What a lucky strike, for it uses an hourglass Shield Coat, and has Panico-like variations, evocative of the Guido link to Panico's that I've been making for several days until now...This Pinech/Pinnock/Pinnick/Pinoke surname shows lions in the colors of the Pembroke dragon, as well as cinquefoils in the colors of the Hampton cinquefoils [colors reversed from the Pine cinquefoils]. The surname was first found in the same place (Cornwall) as Pendragons...
It reminds me of Pinnochio, created by Japodes-like Japeto. I had traced Panico's and Reno-related Pinks/Pincs to PINCUM, at the mouth of the Pek river (Moesia), and I always connected the Panico circle of surnames to Cuppae near the sources of the Pek. It just so happens that I traced Cuppae elements to the naming of the Kupa, the river of Japodes. This has potential to reveal that the Ardiaei were from, or related to, Moesia elements around the Pek river. [I had not yet known while writing here that queen Teuta would trace, below, strongly to Moesia-possible Mokissos at lake Tatta. Eventually, this will result in an attempt to trace the first Herod to the Teuta connection to Tatta. Panico's may be using the Masci fleur, and Tute's are very linkable to Massey liners expected from Moesians / Mysians.]
At age 4 or 5, while playing on the porch railing, and standing on it, the child next door, about my age, named Pino, walked around the front corner of the porch while I was standing on the rail directly above him, urinating at the time, which, after it landed on his head, he looked up and it went straight into his mouth. It's an event I can never forget. It makes me suspect that Pino's will have a large part to play in this revelation, and/or that God doesn't like the Pino's bloodline much. The house number on the porch was, 10, in case that means anything. We moved away when I was 5, to Jay street. I have a feeling that the Pino crescents trace to ancient Luni, at the Massa-Carrara area. Luna's share the Lambert crescent, and it's very linkable to the Tute / Massey crescent. After writing the last sentence, I recalled that Beaumonts use a whack of crescents in the colors of the Tute crescents, and looking them up, they happen to number, 10! I am impressed. Plus, the other English Beaumonts share the Panico fleur while Panico's were at Bologna = BONonia while the Beaumont lion has always been suspect with the Bone lions.
If the Beaumont crescents are those of Lamberts, from Mieszko Lambert, I would identify the white Beaumont lion as the Poole/Polman lion, and if Polmans trace to Polemon of the Pontus, it's notable that Beaumonts fathered the Leavells, for Polemon ruled the Cetis area. It may indicate a Laevillus trace to Polemon.
The bull head in the Crest of crescent-using Beaumonts is quartered in the colors of the Tatton quarters, and the latter share crescents in the colors of the Beaumont / Pino crescents. The Tatton quarters are colors reversed from the same of Tuits/Tute's (Dart colors). Note that the Tuits/Tute's show a RisDEARD variation, evoking the Darts that have a canton in colors reversed from the Tute/Toot canton. Looking at it as "RESDeard," the Arthur Rests come to mind. The Beaumont bull head, very linkable to the Waleran bull head, is in the design of the Dreux bull head, and the latter's is black, as is the Waleran head. Dreux is in Evreux, and the bull-head Albins/Aubins/AlliBONE's, first found in the same place as Walerans, are said to be from St. Tauren in Evreux. It looks like one can write a long story on this alone. The Holme-like Home's/Hume's love the True's/TREWS while Dreux's are listed with Drews (first found beside the Beaumonts of Dorset). Italian Albino's were first found beside Bononia.
Tuits are said to have gotten land from a fellow from Holme, and I've just learned that Holme's. The Holme's use a canton with a wreath in colors reversed from the canton of Tute's with their crescent. In the Holme Crest, the Button / Capelli chapeau, but called "a cap of MainTENance." The motto is suspect with Julius Avitus, for one, especially as the Holme canton looks linkable to the Vito annulet. The Todeni variation in the Tuit write- up now suggests that Tous/Tosini surname (Pisa, same general area as Taddei's, and near Luni) strongly, for it's the one with shirt and BUTTONs! One could never prove the Todeni link to Tosini's unless the Holme / Button cap is involved while Holme's are linked to Tuits. Todeni's (said to be from the family of the Conqueror) must have been Tattons / Taddei's.
The Pinech lion can be that of Kings (Devon, same as Walerans) and Kingstons, for the Waleran-suspect Turnbulls use a "king" motto term. The Bushers use lions in the same colors, and from that go to the TUFT of grass of Bosco's, then to the Tafts/Tofts/Toffs that come up as "TOSTE," like the Tosatti variation of Tous'/Tosini's (my father's mother is a Taddei, and my Father's sister married a Taff liner, which can explain the Toste variation of Tafts/Toffs). Then, go to the "holly bush" of Maxwells, first found in the same place as Turnbulls. The Tous description: "...a man's head and BUST (Bush-line suspect) natural with a green wreath of laurel around his head wearing a red shirt with gold buttons."
In the dream, the stag walked by the corner of my garage, and so, not taking any part of the dream for granted, I looked up Corners. Corners/GARNers (share the acorn with the Arms of Rutland), very likely the Varn bloodline, were first found in RUTland, at Leicestershire, where the Bus cinquefoil was that's in colors reversed with the Pocket/Poucher Coat. Squirrel-liner Dexters were first found in Leicestershire. The squirrel in my shorts POCKET traces to the Fier county, doesn't it? Rutlands share the "orle" border with Rodham-related Rutherfords (two "nec" users), and the orle is suspect with Aurelia Cotta, from the Cotesii on the Busau river. Bacons use the Bus cinquefoil, and the giant Bus cinquefoil is in the colors of the giant Annas star. Therefore, if Annas was a line from Forman- related Vrm of Angusta, "Bacua" (= Angusta area) becomes linkable to "Busau." Vere's use the Annas star, don't they? Can we trace Trypillians of Bacua and Busau to Fier's Tropoje? Again, the green wyVERN dragon of Drop- loving Lewis' is shared by GUERIN-suspect Guerra's, and Guerins are also Garn-like Garins.
The garage is where my Jeep sits that just got a new plow last month (I have a long driveway to plow). The stag-using Plows happen to share the fleur-de-lys of Corners/Garners, and share white wings in Crest with the Crest of English Dole's. The white-on-blue fleur of Plows / Corners/Garners is shared by English Dole's while Irish Dole's use more stag heads. Plows are kin of Verys/Fairie's (plow in Crest), and were first found in Shropshire, home of the Dol Alans. Verys/Fairie's (probably Fier liners) may be using the Tellis / Stewart lion, for as we saw that Telis' looked like Dol liners, Tellis' can be Dol liners too. And they trace to the stag-line house of Dulo. The Stewart stag has all three features (both leg positioning and head direction) of the Plow stag. German Dole's are probably using black ostrich feathers. Dollys/Dooleys may be using a blue version of the Forman Chief.
See also the Yorkshire Dolmans/Dolle's with probably the Avis/Avison garbs, for Tilers/Tollys share the black anchor with Avis'/Avisons, but doesn't this reveal that Avis' and Avezzano's are Vis/Issa and/or Vise/Vice liners? The stag belongs to Eustace II, who lived near Comines and two AVESNes locations, while Comine's trace to Kuman in Fier county, and moreover Comine's share the Dolle / Avis garbs.
The Yorkshire Fairborns are the ones with the "Nec" motto term that makes the Fair bend suspect with the Rodham bend. The Necks/Neckers are the ones with a giant stag head, and it's in the red-on-white of the Dole stag head. I assume the Neck stag wears the MacArthur crown. The Dole-Crest stag has a crown around its NECK. Yeah. The Fair bend can be the Save bend (both first found in Burgundy), and as the Crest of Scottish Fairs looks like the Stevenson falcon, the fair bend should also be the bend of Stevensons (same place as Rodhams). Stevensons link to the Provence surname (i.e. make the assumed link to Guerin of Provence).
The giant anchor of Scottish Fairs/Phares' (Pharia / Pharisee liners?) is in both colors of the Forman anchors, and these Fairs (Dagger/Dacker colors) happen to have been first found in the same place as Daggers/Dackers, not surprising where Fairs obviously came from Fier county. This links Formans solidly to Fier, location of TROPoje, which argues for the Trope's using a white version of the Forman-Chief lion. Lest you forget, the Anchor/Annacker chief is probably a version of the Forman Chief...and the new question is whether Annackers are a branch of Neckers.
The Neck(er)s suggest a trace to Stuttgart on the Neckar river, while Stouts use a FORMee-fitchee. The Neckar is in Baden, suspect with the Baden variation of Battins. The red antler is used by Veringers of Baden, and we just saw red stags, one from the Neckers.
This has been a good section, nailing the Fier county with Varni liners, especially as they are expected to form the Veringer-suspect Varangians. I predict that Trumps apply to this.
Let's go back to the Corners/Garners, for they use the rare sword design of French Mochs (and Duns), in the same colors even. Scottish Mochs use the Coat exactly of the Rat-suspect Wreaths. As that Coat is a one-bar version of the Washington Coat, I trace Mochs to Mopps', listed with Moberleys and using another weight scale in Crest. As mythical Mopsus was in Pamphylia, near Mokissos (Halys river, now Turkey), I trace the Mochs to that place and to that mythical person, for his alternative name was Muksus. He was also stationed at Clarus. He is apparently named after Mopsuestia, in Cilicia. Mokissos is right-near lake Tatta, and then Tattons (surely, Tute kin) were first found in the same place as Mopps/Moberleys. This allows one to consider a trace of queen Teuta to Tatta elements. The Mopps/Moberleys use a red canton with a white item within it, just like the Touts.
Just see the Tute crescent in the Crest of Moke's, first found in the same place as Leavells. As Mopsus was at Clarus, by what coincidence do Moke's share the Sinclair rooster? The Moke motto is comparable to a motto term in this>Arms of Macclesfield. Mackays not only use a dagger for Dassaretae liners, but their Irish branch uses a wreath for Rat suspects.
The fact that Duns use the same sword speaks to me of Hamon de Masci at Dunham-Massey (same place as Mopps/Moberleys). Hamon(d)s are a branch of Mynetts, and it was AMYNTes that conquered the Tatta area. Hamonds share pean (gold-on-black ermines) with Moke's. Then, Mopsus was made a son of mythical MANTo. It's really funny that, this very morning, while waking, I had a long vision of Mandy, a woman I was with years ago, and she was wearing glaring, light-purple lipstick (in the vision), though she never wore lipstick (not when I kissed her, anyway). The vision was long because I was failing to see it as a message from God. When it was over, I remembered that Mandys/Mondays use purple lozenges. Plus, can you believe it, Mandys were first found in Derbyshire (!), where Brogitarus-like Froggits were first found. Amyntes conquered Derbe, near Tatta.
It now appears that the Brogitarus > Amyntes line to Bassus' was a Mopsus- related one, and possibly connecting politically to Mopsuestia, not very far from Cetis. The black Mandy wolf head must be the Quade wolf head. Derbe and Tatta are in wolf-depicted Lycaonia. As Swords use a hilt, it recalls the Hiltons / Kiltons/Keltons, and then Kelts use the Hamond Shield, apparently.
Stare at the blue-on-gold talons in the Mandy Crest, as well as the purple lozenges. Then load the Sewards and guess at whether they use purple leopards, for I see them as purple, but they are said to be blue. Siward of Northumberland is the one behind the Swords, and so the Moch / Corner/Garner sword should apply to Siward's line. A Moch-liner location is in the write-up of Dunbars, by the way. Don't the Seward and Mandy Coats look related? The Seward leopards are in the design of the Mosca leopard.
Manto was the sister of Daphne, both from the Avaris HYKSos. Manto and Daphne were granddaughters of Avaris-like Everes. This is a reliable trace. Hmm, I almost married Mandy, but, in keeping with the promise of an old dream wherein I would marry a blonde woman, I did not marry her. I felt that I knew who the blonde woman was, and I told this dream to Mandy, and that I thought the other woman was one with a HICKS maiden name. It just so happens that Mandys and Hixons/Hicksons share the eagle leg. Hyksos moved to Cilicia after being wiped out of Egypt. The Hykes'/Hacks were first found in the same place as Walerans. Miss Hicks married Mr. Kilpatrick, and Dunbars were merged with Gospatricks.
The Moke rooster is gold, as is the Lever rooster that STANDs on a trumpet. Compare the engrailed feature of Levers / Hilts / Sinclairs to the dancette in the Hilt Crest. The Kilton cinquefoils are PIERCED, code for the Percival-related Pierce's (both in the same place as Moke's). The cinquefoils are colors reversed from those of Potters, and the latter must be a branch of Porters/Pawters (both first found in Hampshire). The Porters use a PORTCULLIS gate, suspect as code for PROCULUS, son of Laevillus and Quadratilla. The Moke Crest: "A gold rooster with a gold NECK chain, and a silver shield charged with a red crescent." DunBARs are said to derive in "summit," but this can be found-out as code for Summits/Sommets (same place as BAR-le-Duc), who use NECK lace's.
This reminds me that I need to look at the Hatch's, for the current and last squirrel got into the attic through a hatch in the roof. But before getting to that, I need to go one-further about Miss Hicks. While I was seeking to discover whether she was the one in the dream, I thought that she was having an affair with one Stanley. My friendship with her (we attended the same church, and I would never have committed adultery with her) went downhill when I asked whether he was her "buddy." So, I looked up Buddys, and they are using the Botter eagle (links to the Ardon eagle), and first found in the same place as Botters. I'm looking the Stanley surname up because it's like the Stan variation of Stands. I can scarcely believe this, because, in the dream, I touched the woman on the knee. I'll explain this momentarily, but the point is, Stanleys use a version of the Knee Coat!!! This blows my mind. Both use stag heads, and Stanleys use them in the colors of the Kenneth stag head.
The Stanley bend is that also of German Gelders (Hamburg) while Dutch Gelders are Op-Gelders too! Stan liners are in the "OBstantia" of Arthurs. The GeldSAYER variation warranted a peak at Sayers, which recalled that they use a version of the Varn Coat. Gelders were first found beside the Varni. The Varn motto can be honoring the Bly's/Blighs (axe definitely the Axe river), using the griffin, likely, of the Pomeranian Griffins that use a "velis" motto term that gets the Velis' using a reflection of the Varn bend. Aha! The Scottish Velis'/Wills use a row of suns at the fesse area in the colors of the Blyths garbs on fesse, and both surnames were first found in Bernicia. Blyths were therefore a branch of Bly's.
Mandy knew nothing about the problem I had with Stanley, but, some two or more years later, we were talking on the phone, and she told me that Stanley was after her.
The first part of the old dream came to pass, my divorce. I talked about this two updates ago. This dream was a week or so after the one where the plane swept down to save me from drowning (see the same update for that story, but also in the last update). The second part of the dream was a remarriage to a woman hovering over ther seats of an old-model car (probably 1950s). She had gotten into the car to get away from me as I walked toward her. I assumed her man owned the car, and I heard her thoughts. She looked distressed on her face, wondering whether her man loved her, or whether he was out chasing other women. And she was asleep that way, afterwhich I heard a voice from behind me, "What are you waiting for, go wake her up." As I approached to kiss her awake, I saw my hand deflect off her knee, which is when she bolted up into my arms, and we rose embraced into the sky. I believed from day one that God was showing me my future wife. I did not know that the first part of the dream was a perfect picture of my divorce until 16/17 years later.
Good morning. I already have plans from thinking these things through before getting up. The way I'm viewing the above now is that it has to do with Donald Trump. That is, the Mandy-Moke topic brought us to the gold rooster in the Moke Crest, and then there is a gold rooster STANding on a TRUMPet in the Lever Crest. What else could God have had in mind by bringing the topic to this? It needs to jibe with the Kepke impression I have of Trump, and this will be explained below in a way I haven't yet done to my recollection.
It dawned on me that TRUMps were at least partially DRUMmonds, for both use the same colors and both were first found beside one another. The Drummonds have been traced to Shetland's Stout-raven vikings, which recalls that Trumps and others of Pomerania / Mecklenburg (Moke / Macclesfield liners, right?) should trace to Stuttgart and Varni-suspect Veringers of Baden. Let's add that the POMERania-suspect FOMERian pirates of Ireland ended up in the Isle of Man, according to Lug mythology, and that's where king Maccus' family ruled that led to the raven-using Mackie's/Mackeys. Maccus had been in Cheshire, location of Macclesfield. I will add that while Drummonds connected to Malcolm III of Scotland, he was in alliance with Siward of Northumberland, whom we saw connected to the Moke sword. Therefore, it's notable that the Moch sword is in the colors of the Trump stag, for I trace the Hanna fitchee to Davenports of East Cheshire, where Macclesfield is located, and moreover I have seen an Arms of Macclesfield with the Davenport fitchee hanging off of the>Macclesfield stags. There is a subtle Zahringer link to the Maccus vikings here, suggesting that he belonged to Varangians of the Veringer kind, and so note that while Zahringers founded bear-depicted Berne, Mackays use bears. The Zahringer-suspect Zehrers use axe's (and a HATCHet), the Battin/Baden symbol.
I have yet to get to the Hatchets/Hackets and Hatch's, all suspect with the Hack / Hach variations of Hykes', wherefore you can see where the addition of Miss Hicks into the Trump picture plays very well. I will completely blow my mind if she ends up as my wife.
Before awaking today, I had a key realization. I had been asking whose colors the Battins/Badens are using for their three axe's, and the Hanna stags came to mind. A few minutes later, while still planning what else I wanted to say today, I found myself on the Veringer antlers as they likely link to someone's red stag, when I asked whether the blue stag of Baden's Zahringers should link to a blue stag. Folly is me for not asking that question years ago, for it's now obvious that the Zahringer antler belongs to the blue Hanna stags, which had been proposed minutes earlier for explaining the colors of the Battin/BADEN axes! Excellent. This idea can be facilitated by the HAND that holds the eye in the Baden Crest, for Hands are in Hanna colors and share the stag with them. THEREFORE, I propose that the Trump stag, albeit in Drummond colors, is the Hanna stag in colors reversed. I also expect Hanna liners on Somerset's Axe river. The Maccus- suspect Seatons named a location by that name at the mouth of the Axe, which is in Devon, where Hykes'/Hacks were first found.
The bull heads of the Walerans of Devon were tracked shortly above to the bull head of the Devon Albins, and as the latter are said to be from St. TAURen, the bull-head TURNbulls are suspect with Tauren liners. As the Hykes'/Hacks are using the quadrants of Chives (because CHIVES' were said to be first found in Devon until recently), we can trace Tauren to TURNbull- like Turin, smack next to CHIVASSo. Yes, for Chives' are now said to be first found in Tarves, in the Hungarian area of Aberdeenshire, where Scottish Turins were first found. The Tarrs were first found in the same place as the Axe river, and they may be in Turin colors because they are a branch of Tarves. When I was explaining the Knee surname that God showed me as related to Tarrs due to a special event in my youth, I had forgotten about brushing up against the knee of the woman in the dream.
I will also add here that, while I quit hockey after playing with Steve Tarr, I resumed at age 16, and had invited Katrina Hanson (Danish) to a game, who was tall, blonde and model-like, as is Miss Hicks now leading to the Hanna's expected in the Battins/Badens of the Axe river. The Axe river is suspect with the Axius of Paionia, but can't Hack / Hykes liners apply to that term? KATRINa Hanson reminds that CATHERINE Roet, daughter of Payne Roet (i.e. suspect with Paioni), had a line first found in the same place as the Axe river, and moreover Roets trace exactly to the Boofima cult (Africa) that I see in the Beefs/Turnbulls! I asked Katrina out while purcahsing an ice-cream from her, as I did with Darlene Ray about a year later. Darlene's share the book with Roets. [See 2nd and 3rd updates of April, 2018, for the meaning of Katrina Hanson and Darlene Ray.]
I had shown in previous updates how a string of girlfriends in my teenage years were seemingly intended to help with this revelation. For example, Miss Hanson followed Jackie, reminding me now that the "ProJECI" motto of DART-using Maine's (Devon, same place as Darts) is suspect with the Jacks / Jacques' (look like a Blyth merger). The Maine's put a dart into a GAUNTleted HAND, and Catherine Roet married John of GAUNT. We saw above how Gaunts/Ghents and darts together were from the Ardiaei, and one of their branches, the Arduinici, merger with Doria's (Daorsi, right?) of ONEGLia, which is why I trace Boofima and the Beefs to Nagle's. Oneglia was also called, Imperia, and the IMPERI peoples that owned Boofima were suspect at PERIgord, where Beefs/Turnbulls were first found. This link of Beefs to Turnbulls reminds that I trace Turin liners to Tuareg Berbers i.e. Tuaregs may have founded Boofima > Baphomet.
Miss Bauer followed Miss Hanna while Miss Rae followed Bauer, leading to a realization (which I have forgotten) on how Rae's link to Rothschild liners. The first Rothschild was a Bauer, and I traced them to a variation of BOOFima such as "Baugh." See the variation of Books, for Roets use a book. I even remember that when I was playing official ice-rink hockey with Steve Tarr, I used Bauer-brand equipment. Roets can be Rothes liners, and Rae's can be Rat liners of the Wreath/Crae/Rae kind.
One day, I called Miss Hicks (while she was married) for the first time because I wanted to know whether there could be any hint in the call that she was the one in the dream. She was married to a man more than 30 years older, and so the theory was that I would marry his widow. Yes, he had money, and probably married her for her looks, just as Trump's wife him for his money and he for her sex. It was Sunday afternoon, after she sang a solo in Church. I used the excuse of wanting to tell her that I enjoyed the song. She ended up talking to me for four hours, even after I said twice that "I better get going." I remember only one phrase in the entire song, which was "in the night." Her husband was a Kilpatrick, and Kilpatricks had a castle on the NITH, and so just go to the Knight/Night write-up to see that they included KNITHs. Plus, the Trip-beloved Shoe surname uses a knight along with "knee" in the description of the Coat. Isn't that wild? How many things had God put together in my life that play to this revelation? Trips were first found in the same place as Trump-suspect Drummonds, wherefore "Trump" may be a combination of Trips with Drummonds.
Near the end of the call, she asked if I was going to church that evening. "I wasn't planning on it."
"My daughter is singing tonight."
"Oh, well, then I'll go."
I got there before her, and she came sitting in front of me, handing me a cassette of her music, as I had requested. A minute later, Knee-line Stanley came as sat right beside her, shoulder to shoulder, as one expects a couple to sit (her husband may have been out of town). But, after church, while having coffee and snacks, she came to sit at the table directly across from me. I got up promptly, and walked away deliberately, and she put her hand to her mouth in insulted shock. It was the start of resentment that she grew for me until she-outright attacked me with a false rumor. But at the time that I got up from the table, she started to appear like an adulteress. I wasn't after sex with her, but she accused me of being so, even in the pastor's hearing, to the point that her husband sternly rebukerd me, though afterward he gave me a hug and relented.
The next Wednesday, our church put on a remembrance day for 9-11 in the local park, and Miss Hykes sang a solo, which I enjoyed very much, especially as I ended up sitting beside her. Yes, stupid me, I asked if I could sit beside her. Her husband was again absent, and I wanted to know whether she was the one in the dream. When I asked, she said, "okay, but if my daughter comes, you can SCOOT over." By the way, her daughter never did sing the previous Sunday night; she didn't even show up. Miss Hicks was seemingly lying to me as a method to get me to go to church that night. The scoot-like Scute's are the one's that I trace to Placentia, where Kilpatricks trace.
Later in the evening at the park, I got up to go to the pastor, asking him if she would call Miss Hicks up to sing another song. You can tell that I would not have done this if I was after adultery. And when i returned to sit with her, there was Stanley sitting with her. So I went up to her one ear, leaned down, and asked, "Is that your buddy."
"He's just a friend," she said, with stress wrinkles forming on her forehead, and probably some daggers in her eyes. I didn't like what I was seeing.
I admit that, after she left the park, I hurried out and hoped to catch her at the local corner store. As I walked up to the door, there she was on the inside, and, I kid you not, for the first and last time ever, I was drawn to what beautiful knees she had. Can God make knees look beautiful for one night / minute only? After speaking a few words with her at the check-out counter, I went home thinking that she must be the one in the dream, for I recalled the knee event in the dream. But this event came on the same night that Knee-related Stanley was called, "buddy." It reminds me of Buddy HACKET. Can God put words into my mouth and hers for this revelation?
While at the check-out counter, I told her that I enjoyed the song very much, and she said, "Oh, no one has ever said that to me before." In other words, she was upset, and accusing me of giving her a pick-up line. But I went home in triumph because I thought I had the evidence that she would one day be the one. The story got worse promptly. I'd like to add that the event above on September 11, a year after 9-11, begging whether Trump was one of the insiders involved in that terrible hoax.
As for the dream a week before the one with the woman, where a jet came down and saved me from drowning, I'd like to share an experience at about the age of seven, the year I heard the voice from nowhere, "Will you live for me"? I rejected the "offer" because it sounded like a dutiful bunch of work, and I wanted a normal childhood of fun. I didn't yet know how to tread water, and I had tried to learn while getting too far from shore. I couldn't touch bottom with my feet, and started to drown, but before I got too panicked, a big woman put her arm down, and pulled me up, yanking me a few feet closer to shore. It all happened so fast, and my parents must not have been watching. She (a Massey liner) had waited too long to get to the hospital to give me birth, and I came out blue, she told me. In other words, I was slated to die, but God must have said, "Wait, I'm keeping this one for a revelation on king Massena and Caiaphas." To put it another way, God feels that he owns my life, and has shown me that He has saved me from death on more than one occasion, wherefore I now feel that I can't let Him down on this massive writing task. Besides, it gets fun at times.
The first Scottish Drummond was a son of George, son of king Andrew I of Hungary. It starts to trace Trumps to Hungarians, if Trumps were Drummonds, and the Trump stag is a Hungary-line symbol. Andrew had married a Varangian Rus of Kiev, making Trumps Rus liners too, from Kiev, if Trumps were Drummonds. And Kepke's are traced to Kiev liners. That's a very good fit. I should add that the only experience I can recall with a Drummond surname is where I laid tiles in their bathroom floor, after which the floor cracked. The Drummonds had jacked up the floor rafters (from the basement) previous to the installation, and that had somehow been responsible, we assumed. The point is, Cracks/Cricks are using a version of the Crutch Coat, and Kepke led a stag that was followed by Paul Smith on crutches. Does God provide cracks in floors just to make a point like this?
The crutch is the symbol that made the potent cross. If you think about it, the flory cross is a potent cross with fleur-de-lys ends. I now turn to the flory cross of Bouillons, because their "bello" term is suspect with Bela of Hungary, Andrew's brother. If we wonder why the heraldic stag should be owned by Eustace's/STACeys (as goes my opinion at present), it's probably due to this trace to Bela, for Eustace II was father to Godfrey de Bouillon. It means that the Flemish side (i.e. the Eustace-line royals of Jerusalem) of the first Crusaders were Hungarians as well as Numidians. Reminder: potent-using Avezzano's link to elements of Eustace II, and are suspect with the Vise's that share a version of the Eustace Crest.
One wonders whether lines from Andrew were also in Eustace II, for while I trace so-called "Andrew's Cross (flag of Scotland) to Andrew's Drummonds and the Ross clan (the latter expected from Varangian Rus), this cross is in both colors of the>Rangabe flory cross, and it's white, like the Bouillon flory. Therefore, Eustace's family was connected to Kahina's Numidians as they developed into the Khazar Cohens. It's interesting that while Melissena Rangabe's father (or grandfather) has a Fulk-like name, Italian Fulks use the Cohen checks. Ross-shire is beside the Moray location of the Melissena-line Khazars, yet she was also a Byzantine from emperor Michael I Rangabe. It's very interesting that while I saw a painting of emperor Michael III with a finger pointing up, the BRADYs use a finger pointing to a sun, a symbol also in the Coat of Jewish Cohens/Kagans, the latter even throwing in the Moray stars. I had read that George, the Hungarian above, had married a woman from PodeBRADY ("Pode" is a prefix, I assume). The Pointers use fingers pointing too, as well as more formee-fitchee crosses, the Crutch / Smith symbol. Michael II and Michael III were from Amorium, in the area of the Brogitarus Galatians.
So, we now have reason to view Eustace II as a downright mut, with Hungarian, Rus, Khazar and Byzantine genes, the Byzantine ones from Kahina's Numidians. But the Basques are also suspect in the veins of EUStace, because they call themselves EUSkals, And they were also called, Vascones, the namers of Gascony, where I ventured to trace the Gasson variation of Wassa's/Gace's. However, recently, it appeared that Gassons can trace to Hasad Numan a-Ghassani, the Arab who killed Kahina. The Basques are a mystery to historians as goes their ancestry and their language, but here the Basques might just trace to muts of North Africa, a Numidian-Arab alliance that could be expected to produce a strange language when coupled together, especially as Numidians of the Massey kind trace to Meshwesh/Meshech of Caucasia.
Some years ago, I thought there was good cause to trace "NUMIDia" to the NEAMT area of Moldova, and Neamt is at the Bacua / Angusta area, where Vrn was count that had his daughter married to Bela of Hungary. As Eustace links to Bela, I assume, it can explain why Eustace also had Numidian genes. But Melissena' husband was a Varangian guard of the Byzantines, and Bela was probably in exile, in Kiev, when Andrew was. That can make Bela suspect with having at least one child with a Rangabe-line woman that led to Eustace II in some way. One Belli surname uses a beacon, and Beacons are listed with Bacons, suspect from Bacau. That's why the "bello" motto term of Bouillons should be for Bela's marriage to Angusta. Again, the Cabbage's use "angustis" for a motto term while sharing the Numan/Newman lion, and this recalls that Bakers use the Cabbage lion too, not to mention that another Baker surname uses the leaf design of House's and Hazels while House's use "cabbage leaves." It seems undeniable that Bakers were from Bacau's namers.
Neamt is on the BISTrita river while BISSETs are in Drummond / Rangabe colors, and first found in Ross-shire. Bassets use a version of the Drummond bars. Besancons/Bassets use billets in the colors of the Billet stars, and these are the Moray stars, making Hilliards and Billets/Billiards, a branch of Bellows, suspect with Bela liners too. The Macedonian lines of Byzantine emperors, I read, use red with gold, the colors of the Scottish-Drummond bars.
Kiev was the site of the formation of a Varangian-Hungarian-Khazar- Byzantine melting pot that became the first Crusaders into Jerusalem. Why? What did these looters have in mind? From which of those nations did the idea first spring up to conquer Jerusalem? What was so serious about that quest that it was actually undertaken? Was Caiaphas a line to Khazars via the north-African Byzantines that ruled Numidia?
Craigie's, a branch of Craigs = Carricks and therefore from Agrigento, where we expect Numidians, were first found in Ayrshire, home of Shawia Numidians. Cragie's are said to be from Caputh of Perthshire, what looks like the Numidians, either Cafuza or Capuca. I am feeling confident that Caiaphas will be found in a line from Cafuza, a term much like "Syphax." Cafusa was the brother of Hulse-suspect Ulzasen, and while Hulse's share the leaf design of House's and Hazels, I had found Hulse's to be the makings of "Hauteville," the latter being the line to the Sicilian Guiscards. It could indicate that Guiscard Normans attacked Sicily (not long before the first invasion of Jerusalem) because they descended from Agrigento in the first place. Guiscards/WISharts (Vise liners?) were first found in the same place as Chappes/Chaips/Cheeps, evoking the Jeepma's/Cheps who share the star of Goths/Gothels, the Gothelo line to Godfrey de Bouillon (the latter's brother was the first Jerusalem king). As Paul Smith and I owned Jeeps in the same color, it begins to suggest that the Jeep is code for the potent line of Caiaphas inherent in the potent cross of Templar Jerusalem.
The Jeepma/Chep star is used also by Hagars, first found in the same place as same-colored Drummonds and Shaws, and beside the Chappes/Cheeps. The latter use "ears of wheat," otherwise called wheat sheaves as code for the Sheaves variation of Shaws. The ears must be code for the Eyers/Ayers and Heyers, first found in Derbyshire, area of Brogitarus and Mandy=Amyntes liners. Mandys birth name was AMANDA, begging whether the name formed in the first place from "Amyntes." Her surname, which I don't want to reveal, is a Levi-related one from the Oeneus bloodline. The motto of her surname links squarely to Kenneths, which is not only interesting where Kenneths are from the Kenza Numidians in the Aures land of the Shawia, but where Stanleys may be using the Kenneth stag head. Again, Stans/Stands/STANTs are kin of trumpet-using Levers, and they are in the Opgalli-related motto term ("obSTANTia") of Arthurs.
The Shawia/Chaoui had been given the key symbol, making Keys/Kays suspect as a Shaw / Shay branch. My father worked briefly as a real estate agent for a Shay-named company. Did God provide this as having to do with Donald Trump, real-estate magnate? Caiaphas' birth is still suspect in relation to Opgalli, and the latter leads to the Teague's that share a version of the Smith Coat. The Coat of Leavell-related Turnbulls/TRUMBells is a version of the Smith Coat too, what a trumpincidence. The pattern around the solid chevron of Teague's is rare and shared by Keys/Kays, and the pattern reminds me of a so-called keyed pattern. It's very Trump-interesting where the other Keys/Kays share double-black bendlets, without a bend between them, with trumpet-using Levers. The gold rooster upon the trumpet is code for the Gala/Gaia-line Numidians, suspect as Shawia. Recall the purple color of Mandys, for one Key/Kay Coat is said to use purple bendlets.
After my separation, and before the divorce, I suspected that Miss Hicks would be my future wife. I had seen her only twice beforehand at the same church my wife and I attended. I don't recall why we chose that church, but I purchased land from a real-estate agent, Mrs. Teague, who had acreage on a river. It turns out that Miss Hicks lived on a ranch 10 miles down that same river.
It took three years for me to return to that area due to court proceedings in relation to the divorce. I was intent on going to the same church to find Miss Hykes. I didn't know that she was married because she was at church alone in the two instances that I saw her. In the second instance, she sat in front of me, then turned at the end of the service to give me a friendly smile. This is probably the reason that she came to mind after the separation.
As soon as I returned to the area, after a three-year absence, and while settling into a motel room because the house had only been partially built, I saw a woman driving by the motel into a restaurant across the street. As she was pulling out, I flagged her down, and asked if she would like to have coffee some time, and I told her I had bought land from Mrs. Teague. So she went home and called Mrs. Teague to make sure I was safe to be with, and we got together for coffee. She was Mandy, dark-haired and therefore not the woman in the dream. Why did I get together with her if I was intent on finding the blonde Miss Hicks? Call me stupid, or maybe it was God's will because Miss Hicks would be married for many years after that.
It just so happens that Mandy was attending the same church as Miss Hicks, but when we went, the latter woman was not there. Each time we attended, we sat directly behind an old man, and Mandy piped up one day, "He's married to a gorgeous blonde with big-Texas hair." My heart sank. This must have been Miss Hicks, and, sure enough, she was this man's wife, I learned some two years later.
One day, with a speaker from outside the church doing the service, I stood up in the middle of it and rebuked him for a thing he repeated four times, and I then walked out, never to return. He was an new-age Ecumenical bonehead lumping Christians in with the Templars who massacred the Jews and others in Jerusalem. And he was saying that we Christians today should apologize to the world for that. So I stood up to say, "Make a distinction between murders and rapists and God's people. You can go on without me," and I walked out. It means I needed a new church to go to, and, the following year, I chose one based on three reasons, not knowing that Miss Hicks was attending this one with her husband to boot.
About the second time that I attended, I walked into the dark church, lights down because they were putting on a Christmas play. As I took a seat, they had a guest singer singing, and she sang lovely. But after sitting, I realized that it was Miss Hicks. The first time I saw her was Christmas day seven years earlier. The cast in the play included Stanley. It's possible that while he was after her, she was not interested, maybe toying with him, I'll maybe never know.
Not much later, the pastor asked us all to the front to pray, and when we got up there, he asked us to hold each others hands, and there to my right, without my knowing, was Miss Hicks, who took my hand. I now had every reason to think that she would be my future wife, but of course this was not anything to dance about seeing that she was married. It would be eight months before I would call her for the first time, as related above. In all that time, I did not cozy up to her, but did speak to both she and her husband. On one occasion, she said that they had buffaloes on their ranch. And I responded, "You mean the ones with big HEADs," while separating my arms to indicate largesse. The only heraldic buffalo I know today of is that of Pohls, and it's a buffalo HEAD. However, buffalo horns were a symbol of Zahringers, and the latter come up with a look at Hykes/Hack kin below. "BUFFALo" had been suspect with "BOUILLON," especially when the 'u' is a 'v'.
The reason that I came to believe that the dream (of my future wife) was from God is that the first half of it involved a bulldog with spot shapes just like a giant BULLdog I would come to purchase 15 years after the dream, and less than one year before I met Miss Hicks for the first time. This bulldog was a three-dimensional fiberglass figure for our family business. I view the Pohl buffalo head as a version of the Mieske BULL head, and I think they can link well-enough to the Waleran / Turnbull bull heads. I purchased the bulldog in a city with a name that is a common surname, first found in the same place as Pollocks, though the name of the city is used rarely for the first name of men. Miss Hicks' husband happened to have that very name as a first name. In 2016, upon searching online whether he had passed away, I came across his obituary (died at the end of 2015), I came across a newspaper photo with her husband and sons standing in front of a dog mascot. It was a white dog head (much larger than a human head), the colors of my bulldog, and the colors of the bulldog in the dream, though the mascot was not a bulldog, but more of a terrier. It was like a quasi-clincher that she will be the one, yet I have not been wanting to contact her. The dream had the woman on a summer beach, making me expect her this coming summer. Or, maybe I'm just crazy.
The Bouillons use "bello CHRISTI." When I was scouting land in Texas, after being attacked in Galveston, I ended the trip in a place called, CRYSTal [the surname by the same name figures large later with HYKSos, I kid you not]. After purchasing land, I learned, in my phone call to Miss Hicks, that she had attended church in that town. It can be gleaned that Christs (share a version of the Hips Coat = Hypsas river, Agrigento) are a branch of mythical Creusa, and there is even a Creuse province of France beside the first Bouillon. The Creuse's use the same lion as Pohl-related Poole's, the latter from Poole, at the edge of the Cornwall peninsula where much of my present concern lays as it has to do with the Zahringer trace to the Axe river. This river is in Somerset, location of the Clapton Hicks that married Arthurs and used the clarion trumpets. The "Mens" motto term of Crystals suggests Izalcas of Numidia, and the fir tree in the Crystal Crest links to the same of Numidia-liners Alpins/Cappins (share thistle with Crystals), kin of Kenneths. Mandy's surname not only has a motto term tracing to Kenneths, but to another surname sharing the fir tree. It suggests the Fire's, Fier-county suspects.
The Fire unicorn is also the Rasmussen unicorn, and while I trace Rasmusens to Akmonia (home of the Bassus'), not far from Mokissos, the Crystals share the calvary symbol of Mokis-like Moses'. I can't get online at the moment, but if I recall correctly, one Rasmussen/Assman Coat uses gold-on-silver fleur-de-lys, a symbol / color scheme of the Mose's (not the Moses'). If this is correct, it tends to clinch "Asman" with "Akmon(ia)." The Asman/Assman Coat uses the Massey fleur-de-lys, and Masseys married Tatta- suspect Tattons. One of two Rasmussen Coats uses the Pepin fleur-de-lys while Pepins share "Mens" with Crystals. Pepins were from Pavia, I believe, at the river where I trace Decks/Daggers that use a version of the Christ Coat. Moreover, while Taddei's are suspect with Tattons, the Christ-loving Bouillons use the Taddei cross. "Calvary" can be code for Calvers/Carvers that share the Moor head with Bouillons.
In the motel room at Crystal, I heard roaches all night behind the wallpaper. If I recall correctly, the Roach surname uses fish in the colors of the Geddes fish or Geddes escutcheon, and as the latter symbol traces to the square in the Arms of Placentia, let's add that Le Mose is an area within Placentia. Mokissos was the line of mythical Muksus = Mopsus, and his stations included Clarus while the Hicks adopted the CLARion trumpet (or perhaps the Arthurs adopted it from the Hicks'). It strikes me here that the PIACenza version of Placentia can be the reason for the PIKE fish in the Geddes Coat. While I tend to see Pike's / Pickens from the Picentini mountains near Salerno, compare that term to "Piacenza" (Pinnes-likely Pino's were first found in Salerno). My mother (a Maschi liner) was born in a village named after Picentini (same say it was named after the woodPECKer). If one goes to the sea from her town, which we did when we vacationed there (hmm, we went to Pescara, named after fish), one faces directly across to the Ardiaei theater, especially the one where Pinnes came to rule. Maschi's use PINE cone's, I kid you not. It appears that Maschi's had hooked up with Ardiaei elements, which explains why Fano- related Veynes' are kin of Arthur-related Wayne's.
Cone's and Conte's share antlers with Hamons (share pean with Moke's) and the latter, from Dunham-Masci, shows a "rimini" buried in the motto, while Maschi's were first found in Rimini. The Hamon Coat is a version of the Sherwood and Taft/Tuff/Toste Coat, and the latter were first found in the same place as Conte's. Crystals use a "CONScia" motto term.
The Moke sword can link to the swords of Scute-likely Shute's, which recalls "you can scoot over." Her daughter never did come to sit with her. The escutCHEON is part code for Keons, kin of escutcheon-using Keens that moreover share the calvary symbol with Crystals. The Crystal connection to Keens/Kahans would seem to be Kahina Numidians in relation to ancient Creusa liners. She was wife to Aeneus, and he was made a mate of the queen of Carthage. As Kahina is now being identified with mythical Melusine, note that Melusine is in the Prestwick Coat while Crystals are said to have been "not uncommon in Prestwick" (Ayrshire, a Shawia nest).
I can't get online at the time to verify some of the things in this paragraph. Recall my urinating on Pino, the son of my mother's neighbor. I was standing near the number 10 on the front porch, and Beaumonts use 10 crescents in colors reversed from the Pino crescents. We lived at 10 --- cliffe Drive, and the first part of that street name, which I won't reveal, links definitely to Christs. The Cliffs (traceable reliably to Glaphyra Archelaus) are using the Quade wolf heads, but if I recall correctly, the Seals and SALERno-like Sailers use them too, though one of the two also uses the same wolf head as Scarfs. My mother has a book telling that people in her town were from Naples, which is beside Salerno, you see, and this is why I trace the naming of her town to the Picentini peoples. But as Trabys/Sadowski's use a Q-shaped scarf as code for Quade's, note that this Picentini entity smacks of Picenum, where Justine of Picenum lived whose several kin trace to the Arms of Vilnius, where Trabys married the Rat line. I've just realized that my mother's brother lived at 10 RADcliff, I kid you not.
His surname was likely from Genoa or Monaco, which recalls that two Ardiaei rulers had names traceable to Ghents/Gaunts and Mon liners. In fact, Mons' are listed with Mounds/Mounts (can be of the Monday variation of Mandys) while Claviere's of France married French Mountains. Claviere's were kin of ClareMONTs (more keys), and Clavers liners have long been suspect at CLAPton, where the Hicks had their clarion trumpets from the Ardiaei-based Arthurs!!! The clarion trumpets are linking most-closely to Claremonts, and I went to school, at 5 years of age while living at ---cliffe, at the corner of Clair street. We lived in the upper part of the home while my father's sister (married a Taff liner) lived in the bottom part.
I recall that Monaco's share a white fesse with Darts, the latter first found in the same place as Monks...and the dart-using Maine's that share the double chevrons of Perche's. Beaumont-possible Bellamys lived at Perche (beside Maine). Monaco-suspect Monks (the white Beaumont lion?) were first found in the same place as Levi-related Walerans, and as the latter trace to the white bull head of Albins (Alpins?), note that one Mountain Coat uses white bulls. The Albins were at St. Tauren of Evreux, and the latter is named after the Abreu variation of Abruzzo's. Abruzzo-related Drake's, from the Drago = Hypsas river of Agrigento, and kin of Mosca's, were probably of bull-head Dreux's that named Dreux in Evreux. The Mosca leopard is used by Chives', from the area of Turin that likely named St. Tauren. Masci's were first found around Turin. The Drew variation of Dreux's should be of Trews (Drake merger with Trews?). The Tree variation of Trews should be in the "tree without LEAVES" of French Masseys, and the "with" line is suspect in the Tatton write-up.
Recall that Mandys linked to Mokissos liners of the Bassus kind, while Mandys are expected to be of the Mynetts, a branch of Hamon(d)s. The antlers of Cone's, Conte's and Hamons should be code for Antalya, where Plancia Magna was, roughly. Poseidon-based Pisidians were at home at Antalya, and Poseidon-founded Positano is smack beside Salerno. If Sailers are Salerno liners, it thereby tends to link the Sailer=Quade wolf heads to Plancia Magna, and as I trace her to the an alliance / relationship with Bassus' at Derbe / Tatta / Mokissos, note that Quade's are from Quadratus Bassus.
Plunketts use the Claver/Cleever tower, and the latter's Coat is a version of the Meschin / Muscel Coat. Plancia's Perga location was recently linked to mythical Perkunas of Lithuania, location of Vilnius, and as Plunkets were fist found in Vilaine, let's add that Vilains use Shield-and-Chief color combination of Tanners (Moor heads) while German Tanners use pine cones. Again, Vilnius liners included rulers of Picenum, which was between the pine-cone Maschi's of Rimini and Abruzzo. Claviere's and Clavers both use keys as code for Shawia Numidians, but then the Sheaves'/Chiava's/Chiapponi's were first found in Abruzzo, where my mother's town is located. There are many Ferrari's in that town that can trace to the Were river, where Pinnes-suspect Conte's were first found, and Were's, first found at the Axe river to which antler-using Zahringers trace, use croziers, code for Croziers = Creusa liners. This makes Veringers suspect as Were liners. Were's share the red crosslets of Tafts/Toffs, and Taffs use the Mea/Meigh cross while the latter were from the Meu river that is partially in Vilaine.
The Meu in Vilaine cuts across Montfort, and while the Montforts use the two-tailed lion of Bohemia, while the latter was named by the Boii of Beaumont-related Bononia, the Beaumonts with the 10 crescents can be suspect with the Montfort lion. The Montfort lion traces definitely to Marano's/Mauritano's, from Marano in Modena, smack beside the first Albino's. If the other Beaumonts are using the Masci fleur -- possible because there's a MONforte location along the Tanner-suspect Tanaro river, where Masci's were first found generally -- then Montforts can be from king Monunius of the Ardiaei. Monks (same place as Albins) use the same lion as Montforts / Marano's, I assume. As Tanners use the Pinnes-suspect pine cone, I think it's a good bet that Ardiaei were along the Tanaro. Nearby were the Arduinici of Yvery-like Ivrea, and Leavells of Yvery were birthed by a daughter of the Beaumonts. Monunius was the DARDanian king, and darts were first found in the same place as Walerans and Albins. It was one Waleran that either married the daughter of Beaumonts, or sprang as her son (I can't recall which).
Gaunt-loving Maceys married BELLamys, and Beaumonts are BELLmonts too. As Bellamys share red crescents with Pino's, I think I have just clinched, for the first time, a Beaumont = Bellamy equation. Bellamys at the root of Leavells? It's never occurred to me. Might Beaumonts have been from Bela of Hungary?
Is there a Urine surname with pine cones? If Pino came across my life to be a Sign and a clue to this discussion, which has helped me greatly with Leavell = Laevillus = Laevi liners of the Beaumont sector, why was their urine on his head, and in his mouth? Was it just to make me remember and emphasize it? I, a pine-cone Maschi liner, peed in Pino's MOUTH. Is that all there is to it? Was it just to make the Maschi / Conte link to Pinnes? Or does God want me to say that he hates the Pinnes bloodline, perhaps because it will be central in end-time war against His saints? What about MonMOUTH, a location now logically expected to be related to Pinnes? Does Pinnes trace with Monunius to Monmouth? That's where Maschi-related Fane's/Veynes' (gauntlet gloves) were first found, from Fano, near Rimini, and suspect with Fanano, near the first Albino's and beside Marano. Albins/Aubins were the namers of Aubin, near the first Bello-loving Bouillons. Aubin is also near Rodez, the line of Rods and Rocks that likely use the Albino / Barnstaple trefoils. When I was five, we moved to Jay Street, and there is a blue jay on what should be the Roque/Rock rock in the Poitvin Coat. There is a jay in the Daver Crest, and Davers were from the Daorsi on the same Neretva river as the Ardiaei. Little Pino has taught me what I have never known, that Masci's were fundamental kin of the Ardiaei.
Were Pino liners possibly from "Paioni," for I have already traced Paioni to the Tanaro river (between Astibus of Paionia and Asti on the Tanaro), and Poitvin-related Galli's were first found in the same place as Payens/Paions. Arthur-root Penestae lived beside the Paioni, and may have been Paioni. God didn't like Hugh de Payens, did He? The Paioni were to the south of the Moesia area on the Cuppae river. Alba upon the Tanaro is close to Monforte, and should be an Albani line to Albins. The Albani are on the map beside the Penestae. If I recall correctly, the Albanys share the Redvere / Massin lion. If I recall correctly, German Alba's share the Massey / Lisse fleur, suspect with the giant fleur of Montforte-related Banners from the Panaro river at Marano. Doesn't the name of that river look like a Pane / Paine liner? Montforts own the GONfanon banner, part code for Fanano, and part code for Gaunt liners, in my opinion, such as the Gone's. I recall a Gent-like variation of the Belgian Gone's (share the red Gaunt bend), and so let's repeat: "[king GENTius] married Etuta, the daughter of the Dardanian King Monunius II."
Ghents share the Chief of Seaton-related Side's/Sudys while Seatons use the Bellamy crescents in both colors. That traces Pinnes liners to Seatons, Flemings.
The urine-like Orne river begins near Ferte-Mace, where Bellamys married gauntlet-loving Maceys, and it drains into the Bessin, home of Meschins, descended from CONTEville's. But there is more to be had, for as Pinnes was at Issa, modern VIS, let's repeat that Conteville's were Burgo's while ruling Comines, and Eustace II (= Bela liner, now the theory) was kin of VISE's and near Comines while Eustace's use the same cross as Burghs. I can't get online to check which of the two, Conte's / Cone's, use black antlers, but I do recall that Vise's use a black stag head. Pinnes liners are thus tracing to the first Crusader kings, and all I've ever done in all my heraldic writings is to urinate on their cherished families. They taught that they and their bloodly swords were blessed of God.
A couple of years ago, I caught faint glimpse that Issa/Vis had the lines of Israel's chief priests, and here we are revealing things about that island. It is beside Pharia. The Pinnes bloodline has just linked to Laevi / Leavell liners, and we even know that Pinnes was an Arthurian entity.
Let's go back to the white bulls of Mountains, for the other Mountains have the same martlets as Apple's / Applebys. English Pine's use pineAPPLEs. Why do they say that Avalon is named after the apple? In fact, it's named after an Apollo liner at Avellino/Abellinum. It's that Arados line from Abilene, isn't it? At Massyas of old Phoenicia. And Arados led to Arda, didn't it? And to the Ardiaei. Therefore, Artois, home of Bela-suspect Eustace, was related to proto-Hungarians at Arda. Or, at least, Hungarians were from Arpad, a cousin or brother of Arad, so to speak. Arpad had been suspect with the Biblical Arphaxad, who I say named Arrapachitis (now Kirkuk), otherwise called, Arrapha, much like "Arp." Wikipedia says that Arrapha was also "Arabkha," suggesting the origin of "Arabia."
How do we trace Pine's to Avalon? By the death of king Arthur there. Let's repeat that the myth, "Le Morte d'Arthur," was code for Motts/Morte's that share the white crescents of Deaths/DARTHs, the latter now unveiled as part of the DARDanian connection to Ardiaei liners at Avalon. The neo-Trojans at Avalon, a disgusting peoples. Trojans were in Mysia, home of the nine Muses of Apollo, and there were invented nine witches in Avalon by the disgusting Arthurian cult. Apples, no, but the Pine pineapple seems to apply to Avalon. Recall the Bute-liner Bothwells with a boy pulling down a pine tree. That says it. Case closed. Heraldry tells all. It has a big mouth that we can all urinate into. Geoffrey of Monmouth, the sicko Arthurian "historian." No need to pollute his mouth since he had his own bullchit coming out from it.
The Mott / Darth crescents are white, the color of the Tute crescent. I can fathom why. And Motts also use an estoile, the Bute/Butt symbol. Perfect. The Este's once showed the identical black horsehead of Bute's/Butts, making it easy to decipher the meaning of the estoile. There are no esoteric symbols in heraldry that I know of. They virtually all stand as code for surnames, places, people groups, or individuals. Usually surnames.
The Birth of Herod and the Rat Trap of Quadratus
I think that I can put down a logical path to the first Herod that includes the Ardiaei tracing to Artemidoros. It begins with the Antipater-Cassander line of Macedonians and goes to Amyntes' wife. No one supposedly knows who she was, but as she birthed a man now tracing harder to Arthurians than before, and especially to the Daorsi-Ardiaei league that we may assume had existed, I say that Amyntes' wife was from queen Teuta. Amyntes conquered Derbe, but that's about all that Wikipedia says. I assume that he took lake Tatta too, and that he probably named it after his wife's line. She herself may have had the name, Tatta. This is a premise only.
Amyntes' line went on to marry the line of Herods, which may have been due to the Herods having been from Tatta's bloodline in the first place. In this picture, I would trace a branch of Ardiaei to Arettium, then to Arethusa (Syria), which, we saw, was a name beloved by Herods. This Arethusa entity was home to El-Gabal, suspect from Gabuleum in the land of the Arthur-related Penestae. Gabuleum was beside modern Krume, and Krume's use a giant white crescent. Where did we see one of those? Oh, yes, with the Tout surname. One of the Herods, Drusilla, married the El-Gabal priest, Sohaemus. But what I think happened is that Arethusa elements put out Aretas, and from that family came the mother of the first Herod. The trick is to find where her husband, Antipater, came from. We can suspect the Macedonian line to Brogitarus. The latter was born, I figure, around the same time (85 BC?) as Antipater.
Brogitarus was of the TROCmi branch of Galatians, and if that term led to the Tracks/Tricks and Drigs (both use suns that can be for El-Gabal), it's notable that they are both in the colors of the Herods/Heraults/Hurls (same place as MacArthurs), all septs of Laevillus-related McLeods. The latter share the black bull head with Walerans and the white bull head with Albins. The latter share the trefoils of Rods, whom I half expect to be from Herod liners. Trocmi may have been Trojan liners.
So, if Brogitarus was the brother of Antipater, or something of that nature, it can explain why the Ardiaei, in trouble in their Dalmatian land by 100 BC, moved their fortunes over to Galatia, to be with the line of the Antipater Macedonians. And Brogitarus then gave the Ardiaei shelter, whereafter they married his son, Amyntes. The father of Artemidoros is unknown, perhaps by a deliberate act of historical sabotage. All we are to know is that Artemidoros' grandson was in Akmonia. All I can do to understand that picture better is to hook the Rasmussen unicorn to the Fire unicorn, and then trace Fire's to Fier, at the river of Antipatria, home of Laevi kin that somehow got to Laevillus, husband of Artemidoros' gr-gr- great-granddaughter. The other thing I feel certain of is that Amyntes was himself a Massey liner, similar to RasMussens? And we may want to ask what the "Ras" refers to? Rats? Recall what Mandy taught us, that Amyntes was a Manto liner, the mythical mother of Mokissos (real place) on the north side of lake Tatta. This line goes to the Mopps/Moberleys (Cheshire, same place as Masseys) that use the Coat of Rat-suspect Wreaths, and then Mackays use the wreath, the dagger for Dassaretae liners, and the Quade wolf heads that go to QuadRATus Bassus, father-in-law of Laevillus.
I was side-tracked when trying to find how near Arethusa was to Arados. The Rat line of that time period could easily connect to Arados, and Arethusa may have been an Arados line centuries earlier, now coming back to roost in its ancient land. The Dardanians are now being traced to TARTus, a colony of Arados, according to Wikipedia.
But if Amyntes was a Massey liner, though I don't know it with certainty as compared to his leading to Massey liners later, does that make Brogitarus a Massey liner? Or did Brogitarus marry a Massey liner? Masseys were Mysians, and so were Trojans. If Trocmi were Trojans, Brogitarus may have married a Mysian. What's the "tarus" for? Taro-river liners such as the Ananes Gauls? Tarrs were first found in the same place, and share the colors of, Leavells. If Brogitarus led to Brocuffs/Prokopps/Procks/Brox's, they share the sphinx with Hips', and Hips' use a version of the Deck/Deckar Coat, the dagger line from the Dassaretae. The problem is, these are things coming later, telling us nothing, necessarily, of the ancestry or wives of these men. The many clues are all there, but the specifics are hard to work out satisfactorily. One needs a miracle here to make a clear or reliable picture.
The Mynetts use the Pendragon helmets, and these helmets are used by Dragons/Drains from the Drin river, location of the Penestae. It's another reason to suspect that Amyntes married an Ardiaei liner and/or some Gabuleum entity. But then Artems/AITons were first found in the same place as AIDs (and Arthurs), whom are in the Levi motto, which again brings the Laevi to Brogitarus' household. Dexter-related Weights, suspect with the Wade variation of Quade's, use the Traby horn, and so the entire rat-trap- with-squirrel is involved right here along with the Squirrel-related Laevi. All the clues are in place; only the correct specifics are yet a mystery.
Artemidoros married a daughter of Amyntes of the TECtosages Galatians. Were they Dexaroi? Can "tosages" be a term of itself? Does the "Teg" motto term of red-squirrel Gilberts link to Tectosages? The Teague's and Tighs/Tease's too? It recalls that Tighs have a variation like "Tiye" (daughter of Yuya), the grandmother of king Tut, suspect at lake Tatta. The Teague's were probably a branch of Tafts/Tuffs, and while they are suspect in the "tuft of grass," the Grasse location (to which I trace Bassianus') is very close to ANTIBES, suspect with ANTIPAS, grandfather of the first Herod and father of Antipater. What was over in the Grasse area that can fit into this picture? We saw that the Dardanians that GENTius of the Ardiaei married were likely at Monaco and Genoa, and Monaco is very near Antibes. Not far from Monaco was Imperia, home of the Arduinici by marriage to the DORia's (same eagle as GHENTs) that might just have named ArtemiDORos. Doria's were first found in Genoa along with the Segni's/Segurana's suspect with the moline of MacArthurs.
Let's remind that the Tafts linked to the Tiens/Teems of Gelderland, home of Op-Gelders that share the Bosch / Busch fleur-de-lys, and that it's the Bosco's that use the "tuft of grass." Teems got suspect strongly with the "OPtem" motto term of Teague's. I purchased land from Mrs. Teague. Her maiden name was Friend, the Ferren(d) line, I assume, that are with a version of the Tatta-suspect Taddei Chief. It could appear that Opgalli (a Galatian of about the time of Jesus) was in relation to lake Tatta, and that can make her a descendant of Amyntes' wife. I should add that, if Gelders were of the Celts/Cults, the related Kelts use the Hamon Shield.
Mrs. Teague's first name was Adana, the name of an ancient location in Cilicia that I and others trace to the Danaans of Argos, explaining why some ancients traced Argos to Cilicians. I expect Teague's to link square with Cilicia. Coincidence? Or does God do things excellently? I can gather that Io, a white cow, came from Tarsus of Cilicia, as did the Zeus Taurus from Tarsus-like Tyre/Tyrus. The Bible says that Tarsus and Tyre were mother and daughter, and myth had Cadmus of Tyre as the brother of Cilix, symbol of Cilicia. The thing is, myth placed Danaans on Rhodes before they got to Argos, and Rhodes is the location of TELCHINES while the Teague Coat is a reflection of the TOLKIEN/Touque Coat, a great reason for tracing Teague's to the namers of the Touques river. Adana was at a Cati area, and beside the Hyksos station of Kizzuwatna. QUADratus is suspect from the Cati of that area, though the Hatti on the Halys, location of Mokissos, may apply to the Hatti.
By what hyksosincidence could Mandys be using the Hixon/Hickson eagle legs...though the eagle talons of Talants/Talons can play well into this story as per the Parthenius river of the Heneti. The Parthenius was beside the Halys river, home of Mokissos that we saw Mandys linked fundamentally to. A Hales river is on one of my old maps near Salerno, and had figured into the Arthurian cult's ExCALIBur sword, able to trace the Hales area to CHALYBes at the Halys / Parthenius area. Years ago, I had identified the river with the Danaan, Perseus, and Mrs. Teague definitely descends from Danaans. One can therefore draw a line from Hyksos-suspect Adana to Apophis Hyksos on the Parthenius, but to help trace the rat-trap line from Illyrium to the Parthenius / Galatian theater, just look on the old map for the Partheni peoples well-reflecting the Parthenius river, smack at the Taulantii theater! They are to the north side of the Dexaroi, and right at Annas-suspect Arnissa. Is that not amazing? Note the Phrygian-suspect Byges' in the area of Parthos and the Partheni on this new map: just the way that I met Mandy by what now seems to be an act of God for telling this story, I met Mrs Teague by what I have always felt to be an act of God. A few updates ago, I told the story of an omen I received with a small cloud covering the sun, and that night I was almost robbed -- truck, wallet and all -- saved only my a miracle. I had been scouting (without my wife) for land to purchase as a winter retreat in the south, and was headed for Mexico, but the Galveston incident gave me cold feet for crossing into Mexico. I got as far as Crystal the next day, but I would like to say, additionally, that I passed right by the city home of Miss Hicks while on the way to Galveston, the home she lived in before moving into the area where I would purchase land six months later. In fact, I learned that she had moved from the city to this country area the year before I did, which puts it very near to when I drove past her city.
After seeing a few properties, I decided, while in Crystal, to go back home and come back down in six months to purchase a tract of land. When the entire family was with me, six months later, I was driving us, at night, to a town where the plan was to stay at a motel and seek property the following day. But, on the way, an eerie feeling set in, and the moon-lit clouds were rushing very fast past the full moon in what felt like another omen. If not for what took place with the sun-and-cloud omen not long before, I would not have heeded this eerie feeling, and would have continued to the town. Instead, I turned around and went back the way we came, then headed in another direction to a camp site. In the morning, I asked the park attendant whether she knew of nearby real-estate offices, and she said there was a real-estate agent living right across the road. This real-estate agent said she had a vacant property with just the right number of acres, and on a river property to boot. She even turned out to be a fellow post-tribulationist, and this was Mrs. Teague. After settling into the property, we went to her church, on Christmas day, and that was when I fist saw Miss Hicks. A Hyksos liner, right? Her late father was a pastor. Upon going back home in the spring, I wrote the first four chapters of the post-tribulation book, and told this part of the story, though I have since removed it from the book. My wife didn't bother to read any of it, and this was the beginning our drifting apart for good. It was as though the devil was between us.
Before I knew what was happening, it was over between us, and I comforted myself in the belief that God had a new wife as per the dream, for it was while separating that the white bulldog in the garage rushed to my mind, recalling that the dream had a white bulldog with the same type of Holstein- like spots in its fur. In the dream, the bulldog ran into or fell into a kidney-shaped pool, which had a nasty shark that took the dog head first until it was exactly half way into the shark's mouth, a rink of nasty teeth showing all around the dog's mid-section. I jumped in to get the dog out, but the dream ended. Well, no it did not, for the dream went straight to another scene. This time, I was coming out of a beautiful light-blue body of water, and walked upon a beach, where I saw a blonde woman in the distance, standing beside an old-model car. I was then shown a split-second glance of her face (beautiful), and proceeded to walk to the car, but she got into it, wanting not to see me. I told the rest of this part of the dream earlier.
During the separation, when the bulldog came to mind, I realized in an instant that the shark was my wife. And, sure enough, she would not give me the dog to make money for our family even though I was running the business from another home. That dog was a real money-maker. It was HALF mine, HALF hers, which is what I gather to be the meaning of the dream's dog being half in her mouth, with me trying to get it out. As it turned out, she said she wanted the dog while I could have the Texas property. And when I thought back to Miss Hicks, whose name I didn't yet know, she looked like the one in the dream, for if you were to see her, she has a lady-like look, like an actress / model, and that is exactly what I said in the dream: "She's beautiful, she looks like an actress." Of course, it was not me speaking those words; they were words put into my mouth from the Provider of the dream.
But why would God give me this wife who would be married for another 20 years after my separation? That doesn't make any sense. From the time that I first saw her, to his death in December, it was exactly 20 years. The way that I make sense of this is, simply: no wife would be happy with me with the writing task I have had. Or, I would be incapable of concentrating and hearing God's messages, if I had a wife in the home at the same time. First, God needs to finish this revelation, and then I can have my next wife. That's how I'm looking at it. Or, maybe I'm crazy.
I would not have known about the Teague surname had I not gone to Texas. The Teague surname has proven to be pivotal in the quest at hand. But what is His Quest? I have no idea, but it better be big. Mrs. Teague's maiden name, Friend, has me looking at the Ferrends, from FIRenza, a potential Fier-county line. Firenze was also Florence, where Godfrey III, grandfather of Godfrey de Bouillon, would find political alliance, and while the Bouillons use the flory cross (named after Florence, right?) of Taddei's/TADINI's, the latter use two white-on-red ones in their Chief, the colors of the two similar crosses in the Ferrend Chief. No one sees a problem with explaining this, but the question is whether the Tonso's developed a TOSINI variation, like the Todeni of Tuits, due to a merger with Taddei's. Mrs Hicks adopted a daughter whose surname had been, Daddy. The reason that I'm bringing Tonso's up again is because I can trace the rat-trap line to the Tonzus river with some added information not pointed out recently. But there is also the question of the TecTOSages.
They may have been named after a Tect-Sagi combination, but even if not, I can see them being responsible for the Sage surname, with variations evoking the Seagars (same place as Tuits), the MacArthur-related Segurana's, and the Segurs that come up as "Second," another term found in the Levi motto. A Tectosages link to Arthurs is fully expected where Artemidoros married a daughter of the Tectosages. As I recall it, the Seconds/Segurs (Limousin) use quadrants in the colors of the Tuit quadrants. We are thus linking, even with Sage-like surnames, to where the "tos" in TecTOSagi can be tentatively expected. The Tous variation of Tosini's, that is. And it just so happens that the Bleds, who use a "tous" motto term, are expected with the three Clare chevrons round-about. Let's not neglect that while Segurana's are tracing hard to Ardiaei, the latter were of the Daorsi-branch of Davers (chevron in colors reversed from the Clare chevrons), first found in the same place as Clare's. The Seagar cross (moline) is almost the flory Rangabe cross in the same colors.
Recalling that EUStace II may have been named from EUSkals = Basque's, let's add that Seagars/Sugars reflect Sugaar, a Basque snake god that I trace to the snake god of the Marsi, for Sugaar was given the Basque goddess, Mari, for a wife. But I think that the Marsi named the Marici on the Ticino, co-founders of Apepi-suspect Pavia (from the Heneti Paphlagonians). I say that the Hyksos (introduced the chariot into Africa) had a horse symbol, as did their Trojan descendants, and this speaks to the unicorn of Pepin-related RasMUSsens, which reminds me that I traced the Hyksos king, Khyan, to the Mus bloodline at Lake Van, the latter suspect with the Heneti > Veneti line to king Arthur's wife. Khyan became suspect with Keons, but as they are now tracing to queen Kahina, it may reveal that she was a Khyan-Hyksos liner. Khyan ruled immediately before Apepi. Daphne and Manto were from Avaris, the Hyksos capital, and while Daphne was the Taphian line, my Father's sister married Pepin of the Taff bloodline. Probably, I was born while my parents lived in the same home as he.
I trace Pepins and Paphlagonians to one of the last Hyksos kings, Apepi/Apophis, who moreover is suspect in mythical Epaphus, son of the white cow of Argos, yes, Io. When Epaphus is said to have birthed Libya in Africa, I suspect it had to do with the Bistones and/or the Meshwesh of eastern Lybia, the line to the Meschins of the Bessen, for the Bessins share the Coat of the Bistone surname. The Bessin is at the Orne river, a term like the Organ/ARRAGAN surname honored in the "organ pipes" of Letts (Pipe's are a Pepin branch). In fact, Caen is along the Orne while the Caeni were near the source of the ERGINES river. The Caen fretty will link to the rat line of northern Thrace.
As Daphne was (and still is) a location smack at Laish, the Jonathan Levites of Laish are fully expected in a relationship with Hyksos. I claim with confidence that Khyan was the Exodus pharaoh, and that Moses, named by the pharaoh's daughter, is the reason that I see Khyan from the Mus of Lake Van. I had read that Khyan was alternatively named, APACHnas, and when I found a gold CALF in the Coat of German BACHs (now showing as an adult bull), I put two-and-two together to realize that it was deliberate code for the golden calf in the Exodus wilderness of Moses, when many of the Israelites rebelled against Moses, wanting to go back to pharaoh. I reasoned that they made a gold calf because it was a favorite symbol of Khyan. And the Moses surname happens to use a CALVary symbol! That is the first time that I have made that link. The Keon-related Keens/Cahans, I kid you not, are another one using calvary!!! Zowie! The Masonic enemies of God used a symbol of Jesus as word-play for their golden-calf rebellion against Moses.
The Crystals are the other ones with the calvary symbol, which recalls the cockroaches in the motel room at Crystal. Recall that Miss Hicks was probably going to church in Crystal at the time I was there for one night. Roach's share fish with Cane's. I suggest that Crystals go back to mythical Chrysippus ("ippus" means "horse"), queer lover of Laish-suspect Laius. Chrysippus was a part of a dream I had that opened a huge revelation on tracing Romans back to 600 Benjamites in Rimmon, wherefore the Chrysippus line became suspect with Creusa, mother of all Romans. I can definitely see Kahina liners with/from Creusa elements out of Agrigento. "Creusa" is suspect with a hard-C form of "Ares," the special mate of Aphrodite, mother of Creusa's husband, Aeneus. The latter is suspect with the Oeneus-line Levites of Laish. They stemmed from the pagan Levite, Jonathan, who obviously rebelled against Moses when becoming the priest of Micah, the one whom in Judges had silver idols. That's why the Hyksos at Daphne must have merged with the Levites at Laish, which was renamed, Dan, probably by the proto-Danaans that ended up in Adana. Jonathan left Micah to become the priest of the 600 Danites that named this Dan location. If the two instances of 600 strike you, note that "hex" means "six" while "hex" is like "Hyksos." Can Hicks liners trace to 666-suspect Trabys?
I am afraid that I have departed from the "Biblical" claim in Judges that the Dan location was named after the Israelite tribe of Dan. I don't view the end of Judges as Inspired, but added to the book by some rotten priests, perhaps from the Jonathan line. You may differ. The point is, I trace Dan to Tanis, beside Avaris, and where the Meshwesh would rule Egypt (21st dynasty and beyond) whom I assume were related to Mus at lake Van. They ended up as the Amazons that Pelops married, at Pisa, smack at the Ladon river, the alternative father of Daphne. The Ladon was from "Laish," wasn't it? I always trace this picture to the Lazi Colchians of Lazona, the latter term suspect to Latona, the mother of Pelops-suspect Apollo. It goes to Lada of Lithuania, doesn't it? And to the Trabys that married the Radziwill line of Lithuania. RADZ(iwill)'s are now going to be proposed from Sub RADICE, perhaps the deepest part yet of the Rat Trap line.
But first, let me get back to what was being proposed above as per the Tectosages, for if they were not intended as a Tect-Sage entity, but rather as a Tec-TOSAGi entity, note how it reflects "TUSCany," where Tous'/ Tonso's were first found. If that's a correct interpretation, we are left with deciphering "Tec," and of course a Dexaroi-of-Ticino link to Tuscany comes to mind. Gauls were on the Ticino (from about 500 BC), and Gauls are known to have named Galatia (about 300 BC), while Tectosagi were a Galatian tribe. The button-using Tous/Tonso's are the ones that trace to Cabyle upon the Tonzus river, and that location is suspect with "Cybele," the mother goddess of Phrygia, smack at Galatia. Cybele had a chief priest, Brogitarus (yes, the one I always speak of). On the old map (which you should have on a separate browser), Cabyle is beside TYLE, and to the near-west of Tyle is Sub Radice, though the other map has it as Subradice. As it has been established that the rat trap goes to QuadRATus, note how the last five letters of his name is like "Radice."
Let me re-explain why the rat trap goes to Quadratus, in case you missed it. He is the Quade line, and Quade's show "wade," like the weights that use the Traby hunting horns. There's the Trap part of Quadratus, and it even links with Trabys to the Radziwills, whom are the rat part of the symbol. But if God has been giving us a rat-trap symbol through my adventures in the attic, has it only been to point out this trace to Quadratus? Why? Not only have I been stressing Quadratus for at least two years, not knowing that he was the rat-trap line until this very update, but he has been stressed because i suspect the killers of Jesus to be from Laevillus, whom his daughter married, and so just compare her name, QuadraTILLa, with the TYLE location between Sub Radice and Cabyle. Quadratus was descended from Brogitarus, the priest of Cybele.
It was Publius Pulcher [keep this guy in mind when you get to the GREAT REVELATION on the Arthurs-of-Clapton link to Pellicans of Dart-related Maine] who made Brogitarus the priest of Cybele, and I read that Publius' mother was one of two women, one option being Servilia Caepio, daughter of Quintus Caepio the elder, not to be confused with Servilia Caepionis, granddaughter of Quintus Caepio the Elder, the latter Servilia being the one that had an affair with Julius Caesar. If not for this Caepio line entering the Cybele picture, I might be out of luck in tracing both Joseph surnames to Joseph Caiaphas. It can be shown that English Josephs were kin both of KAPLans and CHAPLains (chief Ardiaei liners, right?) while French Josephs once showed a swan in the colors of the CHAPLet swan [Pellicans were first found in the same place as swan-using Josephs! Like I said, GREAT REVELATION]. All three terms have the CPL consonants, as do the Capelli kin of Buttons (same place as Josephs and Caplans) who together assure a trace to Cabyle. While I have been tinkering with these terms as proof that Josephs were Caiaphas liners, the fact is, "Capelli" is not all like "Caiaphas." I am more confident that Caiaphas was from a Caepio line, however, and Publius Pulcher puts the Caepio line together with his chosen ruler over Cybele. Her cult, and Brogitarus' city, was at PESSinos, a Bessin-like term, but also indicative of the Bessi Thracians that are on the map to the side of Sub Radice. If Quadratus Bassus was from Sub-Radice elements, and I feel certain that he was, it makes sense to see a Bessi- Bassus relationship. The Bessi, they say, were priests themselves, and one can gather that they were from Pessinos. Therefore, the Bassus appear to relate to this Pessinos entity, especially if I'm correct in viewing BASSIANus' from Bassus'.
Again, the Bessi are beside Laish-suspect Lissae while Bassania is beside Lissus at the Caepio-suspect Cavii theater of Illyria. One could get the impression that the priests of Laish -- stupids -- evolved into the Pessinos / Bessi priests. And the priests at Pessinos are known to have been the queer and Hebrew-like Kabeiri. Myth writers gave Iasion as the founder of the Kabeiri, and his brother was Dardanus, I kid you not, the line to the Dardani that merged with the Ardiaei...who are now being traced (on a theory) to a wife of Brogitarus' son. That theory is making great sense. It can explain why the Ardiaei ended up with Amyntes simply because the Dardani had been anciently related to the Kabeiri.
I encountered a problem that led me to stress the Tectosages in the first place. The problem was, Quadratus is the rat-trap line only, but not the Dexaroi-Laevi line, though "DassaRETae" is suspect with the Rat line. We can view the Dexaroi-Laevi line as the squirrel-Laevi line, for the rat trap was for catching squirrels. While Quadratus doesn't fit the Laevi line, his daughter married it, and so the squirrel line can be suspect from Laevillus' ancestry. Faced with this predicament, I spotted "TECtosages," like the Teck variation of Tessin-river Tess', and like the "Teg" motto term of squirrel-using Gilberts, and it was this Teck / Dagger view of those particular Galatians that had me thinking to trace "TOSagi" to the Tous/Tonso bloodline, a great idea under the Radice circumstances because Tous' traced long ago to Cabyle, smack beside Tyle, the term expected at the tail-end of Laevillus' wife. I don't recall anyone telling of the descendants of the Tectosages after Amyntes married one of their daughters, but my theory now is that the Levite killers of Jesus were in the Tectosages. The rat-trap lesson is steering me in this direction.
If I recall correctly, the German Sage's/Saegers (ostrich feathers in Crest) use a RAINbow, and Raines' share the TILLer/Tyler and TAILer lion, how about that. They are the Levi lions in colors reversed, and are even in the colors of the Chives cat-a-mountains. Just like that, Levi's are tracing to Tectosages, if they lead to the Sage surname with rainbow. They could have used rain drops if they wanted to honor the Raines'. Why did they use a rainBOW instead? Laevillus' full name included Varro, Vibius and Titus. There was a Titius river near the TILURius. The same lion is used by Cabbage's that are honored by leaves, and the Cabbage chevron is in both colors of the Levi chevrons. If Laevillus was from Terentius Varro Murena, that family married Cilnius' of Arettium, a city suspect with Arethusa.
English Sage's are very linkable to Darts. Why do the "old men" wear "close caps"? Close's/Clovse's use the Traby hunting horns. NOW LOOK. The Close Coat is a reflection of the Monahan Coat while Manahans (with an 'a') use a white stag, as do Trumps, first found in the same place as German Sage's/Saegars. The Manahan stag (called a "deer") looks to be that of Powers (same design), first found in the same place as Darts! This paragraph was inserted after finding below that Monahans are Dardanians from Monunius. Manahans ("crossed arrows") were first found in Cork so that the MacARTHy stag (same design!) should apply. DESIGN MATTERs to houseofnames; they know a lot more of the family links than they let on. Suddenly, Trumps starts to look like an Ardiaei-Dardanian element of the Nerthus kind.
The El-Gabal cult out of Arethusa furnished Sohaemus, whose name is like a Suemus tributary (amp below) of the Tonzus. Therefore, if Tectosages trace to Tonzus-river Tous', and therefore come from the area of the Tonzus to begin with, it again makes sense that Laevillus should have been descended from Tectosages. Soams (lure) look definitely to be a merger with Darsi-liner Davers. Traby article at Wikipedia says that "traby" means "horn," and while I think there is something else in the way to explain the use of this horn, the point is that "horn" is "corn" to Latins, and the Rasmussen / Fire uniCORN may thus apply to the Traby horn. I can't get online to find whether Aikens use a red or black rooster, but if it's red, it traces especially well to the red one of Bibo's, and Aikens are lumped (by me) ti Akmonia-like Ackmans and Levi-suspect Liebers that use the oak theme, the theme of Ackmans and Aikens. Bibo's are from the mother of Laevillus. Coincidence? And it's Lieber-like Levers/Livers (from Liverpool) that use the rooster standing on a trumpet. Just like that, Laevillus traces to Liverpool. And while the Beatles band was from Liverpool, I kid you not that the Beatle/Bedwell surname using lozenges in the colors of the Vaux checks, which are the colors of the checks of Meulan, where the Beaumonts ruled who mothered the Leavells. The "vos" motto term of Walerans should be for Vaux/Vose liners. The same checks are used by Louviere's, along with a wolf that's connectable to LUPUS Laevillus.
I have "Louviere" in several updates, but the Microsoft search feature is hiding them all but one. In the one I can still find, I have it recorded that La Louvieres is beside Mons, and that's at Hainaut while the counts of Hainaut are at Wikipedia with the three Levi chevrons. I have never found any other person or thing using the three Levi chevrons in both colors. They seem specially reserved. This is yet another reason to trace Levi especially to Laevillus. Reminder: Mons is now tracing to Monunius of Dardania, the line (likely) from the Kabeiri. The Mons/Mounts can link to the Chives cat-a-mountains. Feasible, the Mons/Mounts are using the lion of Levi-beloved Seconds/Segurs. In that update (3rd of March or 2016), I say that it's a no-brainer to trace Mons to Emona, a location beside Bled. Recall that Bleds use ther "tous" motto term. That trace had to do with a line of a Bohemian queen to the counts of Hainaut. Bleds use the triple chevrons of Clare's in colors reversed, and French Clairs were first found in the same place as Seconds/Segurs (Tuit-line suspects from the Ardiaei), making the Clare chevrons suspect with the Levi chevrons in someone else's colors. There is a good chance that Levers use the CLARion trumpet.
Clare's may be using the brown stag of Bloods/Bluds, and perhaps the blood drops of some are code for a Blood merger with Tropoje liners. The Lewis blood drops are coming to mind. Sometimes, blood is called, "sang," or something similar, smacking of the Sangarius river of the Galatians under discussion. That river was also, SAKARya, suspect with Segurs / Seagars / etc. It appears that Bled and Emona / Mons trace to the Sakarya river. Akmonia, a location I can't pin-point at the moment, was in the Sakarya / Parthenius area.
With the Laevi now tracing to Tectosages, and possibly from the ancient Tous / Taddei bloodline, it's notable that Taddei's share three red chevrons with Clare's. The Taddei chevrons are in the colors of the three fesse bars of Fountains, and the Fountains trace to Laevillus via the fountains of red-rooster Kiss'/CUSH's. I see the Levi lion in the Crest of CUSHion-using Kilpatricks, but then the red Bibo rooster stands on a cushion. Irish Clare's use the five ostrich feathers in the Arms of Traby. Why?
To prove that the Radice surname traces to Sub Radice, it uses a Shield filled with green-and-white checks while Cabels, obviously from neighboring Cabyle, uses a Shield filled with green-and-white lattice. In Italian, a Radice-like term means, "lattice." I don't know how to spell it, but I recall my mother calling a screen a radichia (my best attempt to spell what it sounds like). CAVES' share the Caen lattice (both filling the Shields) so that one can fathom a CAIAPHAS link to Cabyle liners. Cotta's use a Shield filled with lattice so that one can fathom Caiaphas trace to Aurelia Cotta's son, who had an affair with Servilia Caepionis.
Gace is at the Touques river, and Gace's use a version of the Tute canton, but Gace's use put the Roten star (hexagram), in the white color of the Rad star, into the canton. As Oswalds use the Gace star too while Assi's are said to be a branch of Oswalds, it appears that Assi's, highly suspect with Cass / Cush liners, named the Wassa's/Gace's. Assi's are the ones using two symbols in the Arms of Vilnius (home of the Rad-suspect Radziwill line), and one of the Cass' / Cush' and Dexters. It looks like Masons of Washington DC pattered the city streets after the hexagram as per their trace to Rats of the Caiaphas kind. There are known 660 and 6666 themes in the Washington Monument. Imagine, an entire country like that of the United States, secretly built as a monument to satan, still passing off the lie that the founding fathers were Christians. The motto of the founding fathers was, "Annuit Coeptis," what appears to be in honor of Annas and Caepio / Caiaphas liners.
In my claim, Steve Tarr and the Knee / McGee surnames amounted to a major Sign for some purpose, and while I thought that the Taro river was the end of that part of the Revelation, I'm now looking at BrogiTARus. I'm also wondering whether he had one of his sons paired off with a Caepio liner from Publius Pulcher, or perhaps a child of Caesar with the other Servilia Caepio was welcomed into the family. Caesar's alliance with the royals of Thrace can explain why Radice elements entered at Quadratus. The Taro was home to Ananes, and they have got to enter the picture somewhere, and probably in relation to the Caepio line to Caiaphas, if that's what happened, a good reason to trace Brogitarus' name to the Taro river. Caens trace excellently to the Ceno tributary of the Taro because Caens use the five ostrich feathers in the Arms of Traby.
Having said that, the Knee factor needs to explain something at Brogitarus if indeed he was a Taro-river liner. Now that Knee's are connected to Stanleys, we come back to the rooster STANDing on the clarion-suspect trumpet because Clare's share the five Caen feathers too. And the Ananes lived between the Taro and the Trebia. Clare's were from Clarus, the home of the Mopsus cult from Mokissos. The Knee's can be a pertinent factor where they are expected as a branch of Knights from the Nith river, as per the Kilpatricks, who link to Trabys in at least two solid ways. The Patch's share black hunting horns with Bassus-suspect Base's, and the Patch's are sharing the oak leaves with Liebers, a possible branch of trumpet-using Levers. The Base's are expected with Brogitarus' Pessinos liners to the Bessin, down the Orne river, and then the Horns are Orne's. That's what I think the black Traby horns truly represent, their branch or kin at the Orne river. Caen is in the Bessin at the Orne, and I think that explains it. Did Trebia liners name the Horns and Orne's because some traby-like Polish term meant, a horn? Possibly. It makes sense.
So, with Quadratus being the rat trap line to Trebia / Weight / Quade elements, by what coincidence did he marry Julia Herod of Cetis/Citis while Caens have a "citis" term buried in their motto? As Quadratus descended from Brogitaros, it's another reason to trace the latter to the Taro-Trebia theater. Unless the Ananes found another route to Galatians, it appears that they entered at the Brogitarus-of-Trocmi line. But as I always link the Laevi to the Ananes, it's notable that the Laevi are tentatively suspect with the Tectosages.
The Dardanians are suspect with the Trocmi (rulers of the land of Kabeiri), and the Ardiaei are suspect with the Tectosages that married Amyntes of the Trocmi. It just so happens that the fesse of Italian Palmers is that of DARTS, important because the Taro is at PARMA while English Palmers and Palms are PARMers and Parms! That's one giant benefit of knowing that Darts were Dardanians...from ancient Trojans so that, indeed, Trocmi look like Trojan liners. It recalls that German Troys use an upright unicorn, just like that of Rasmussens. Note that while Asmans use the Massey fleur, ditto for Palms/Parms. I can't over-state the importance of this paragraph, as it tends to prove that Brogitarus was a Tarr liner. And while Annas of Israel can therefore be suspect through the same line, whether it was through the Bassus' or not, let's add that Tarrs could have named Tarves, where Caiaphas-like Chives' were first found. In fact, I recently made a good case for tracking Traby-like Tarves' to the Taro and Trebia river.
Recall that Vilains use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Tanners while the other Tanners use a pine cone suspect with a Pinnes link to Cone's / Conte's. The Levins use the same Shield-and-Chief color combination, and the Arthur trumpet is with the Levers. Clare's have figured in with Levi elements so that Clare's may go to the Tectosages along with Arthur liners, which recalls that Mr. Todeni in the Tuit write- up is said to be from the family of the Conqueror, who married the daughter of "the tanner." Thus, if Tectosages were from the Tosini's, it tends to link Clare's to Tectosages. And while I view Sinclairs as the line of the Conqueror, Cone-like Conans happen to use the Sinclair cross while the Sinclair motto has a term in honor of the Conte's. If I recall correctly, the Brogitarus-possible Bruges'/Bruggs use the same cross as Sinclairs too. It's in the colors of the Kilpatrick / Maxwell saltire (they share it closely), and Maxwells were from Rijeka, ancient TARSatica on the map. BrogiTARUS can be a proto-Maxwell liner from TARSatica. He was already suspect with Mysians of sorts, and I see proto-Maxwells from the Maezaei.
Maezaei are suspect with Julia Maesa Bassianus at the Tilurius theater, and her husband (Avitus) can be in the canton and motto of Holme's, who are the other ones using the chapeau of Buttons and Capelli's. The Holme's became suspect with the Helms, and the latter use a helmet so as to link to the Amyntes / Pendragon helmets. In other words, the Amyntes line to Mynetts chose Helm liners as their favorite heraldic buddies. Why? Ask the Helms that share a version of the Sale and Bessin / Biston Coats, then compare the Sallett variation of Sale's to the Selletae at the Cabyle theater. And as Quadratus Bassus needs to trace to the Quade's, ask whether the Seals and Sailers, both with the Quade wolf heads, were Sallett liners / kin.
The Capelli line from Cabyle already traced to Brogitarus mother-stupid cult. In centuries before Brogitarus, the Kabeiri lunatics of Cybele were transvestites, probably with long hair so as to earn the Capelli term. As Cupua was a mythical Trojan, the chapeau cap might be code for the Capua/Capone surname, which happens to share a black-on-white lion with Levi's. Therefore, here we have Cabyle-related Brogitarus, and yet we also have him linking to Caepionis-like Capone's. Meanwhile, Tarsatica is at the Japodes theater while Servilia Caepionis married the Junius family from the neighboring Una river...which happens to have been the Maezaei theater on its one bank. If you recall, Juno-based Yonge's share the black-on-white piles of Leavells. Sale's/Salletts were kin of Masseys. As this again pits Massey liners into the Brogitarus > Quadratus line, it should tend to prove that Bassianus' (a century after Quadratus) were Bassus'.
Next, we go to the Thwaite variation of Tuits, and from there to Satters/SatterTHWAITs. What is this Thwait term? Was this the name of a person with a lisp? Well, the Bessi were priests of the SATRae Thracians, and SATTERs sure look like they can apply. I traced Satyrs to the Stura river, and so I would trace them to the Sturs who happen to use bars in the colors of the Leavell bars. In fact, the three red-on-gold Stur bars are in the colors of the three Clare chevrons. Why should Levi liners link to Bessi and the Satyrs? Ask Lissae right beside the Bessi. Whatever the Bessi worshipped, it probably wasn't Moses, but what we can expect is some deity from king Khyan. As he was also called APACHnas, let's go back to the gold- calf Bachs, for they are said to use a Stur-like steer. It evokes the Sturlings/Sterlings, who were Chappes kin, and using buckles that trace to Guy of Spoleto, in Umbria, where I trace the Holms and Helms because they were resolved as Homers / Humbers/Umbers.
The mythical Satyrs had the goat symbol, which was also that of Marsyas, suspect with the Marsi of Abruzzo. The latter's snake goddess, Angitia, sounds like "Anchetil, the name of a descendant of Malahule whose line came to rule the Bessin. Can't argue with that. Malahule also brought forth the TOSNI's while Tosini's can be using the Teeger star. The Tosni's lived by the Touques river. There was a Mars-Satrae merger, apparently, somewhere. As I trace Satyrs to the biblical Keturah, suspect from Hebron, it's interesting that I link her to Anak of Hebron, an Amorite, and in the meantime Amorites ruled Mari on the Aphrodite-depicted Euphrates river. Aphrodite came to love Ares, whom the Romans saw fit to call him Mars, and Anak came to mind first with ANCHetil, suggesting that Angitia of the Marsi was an Anak line and that Marsi had been Amorites. ANKara (a little off the Sakarya river) then came to mind because it's in Phrygia, important because Marsyas was Phrygian goat. But as Seagars/Sugars trace to the Sakarya, let's repeat that Sugaar (snake god) was married to Mari. You have just read an excellent proof for tracing Amorites of the Jerusalem area to Phrygia.
And while I think that the French got the frog word because they were Phrygians, and because Froggits are expected from BROGITarus, let me say what I haven't in a long time, that Phrygians were also Brigians so that BROGitarus looks like he's named after a Phrygia variation. Having said that, why did God chose three frogs (Revelation 16) as the symbols to muster up the army for Armageddon? Whose idea will it be that this battle should be at Megiddo?
A MONUNental Discovery
Let's go back to the sure trace of the Monunius Dardanians to Monaco, home of Grimaldi's, kin of Irish Weirs/Wiers. Let's keep in mind that Weirs are at least related to Fier, itself linked to Antipatria, likely named by Antipater of Megiddo-suspect Macedonia. The Grimaldi write-up uses a "frock" term (while speaking on a monk-like character) while Frocks are listed with Froggs. Can Grimaldi's be traced to Brogitarus? Yes, because Dardanians have already been so traced. And while Cock(er)s use the Grimaldi Shield, they throw in a red rooster traceable to Vibia.
Cockers are traceable to mythical CYCnus of Liguria, CYCNus must be code for the Cicones, whom were made the mythical brother of the Hebros river. Cicones were real peoples beside the Edones, and the latter were given mythical Lycurgus as code for Ligurians. Expect the Selletae amongst the Ligurians, probably at Sale at the mouth of the Hebros, explaining why Sale's (Salyes Ligurians, right?) are also Salletts. Lycurgus was given a mythical son/father, Dryas, whom I think was a Dorian entity, from Dor, beside Megiddo, and defining the Odrysians at Arda. Hence, the Daorsi allies of the Dardania-related Ardiaei. The Levite-suspect founder of Romans, Aeneus, like the Aenus location at the mouth of the Hebros, was from the line of mythical Dardanus, the founder of Trojans, and then to the south side of Rome we find Ardea. In other words, the Arda tributary of the Hebros was a fundamental part of Roman make-up, and the Benni marked on that river are thus suspect with the 600 Benjamites of Rimmon.
I am lost as to how the Massena line works specifically into the Galatians. While Massena liners are in the rooster to Vibia, her son had a Varro name that can be from the family married by Cilnius Maecenas. But while Laevillus is expected from Tectosages, Massey / Mussen liners were of the Brogitarus Trocmi, as I see it, anyway. On the other hand, recalling that Pinnes liners (= Ardiaei) were fundamental with Maschi's, it can actually trace Massena liners to Tectosages, if I'm correct with the trace of a Teuta line to Tectosages. Amyntes' son married a daughter of an Amyntes of the Tectosages, and Amyntes liners are expected with the Maschi-related Hamonds. Therefore, Massena liners may have entered the Trocmi-Bassus fold at a Trocmi merger with the Tectosages prior to the lifetime of Severus Bassus. It was the latter's grandson that would marry the Massena-suspect line of Tigranes Maccabee, and this marriage may have occurred just because the Bassus' were Maccabee liners themselves. One can assume that AkMONia was in existence long before Severus lived there, but his living there can indicate that his ancestry was HasMONean = Maccabee to begin with. And we can ask whether king Monunius was himself of the entity that had named Hasmoneans. If I recall correctly, Monaco's share a white fesse with Darts.
Why should Hasmonean elements have been in the land of Dardanians? Recall the white crescents used by Teuta, Darth and Pinnes liners, for Krume's use a white crescent while modern Krume (Drin river) is beside Hasmonean- suspect modern Has. At least, Has is the modern name of the small location, but it had to develop from something. And as Arthurs had developed a relationship with proto-Pendragons in the Pinnes-like PENEStae peoples, one could expect Ardiaei elements over on the Drin. Why not also the Dardanians? Darths are suspect with the Mazo dragon, and, in this picture, that dragon can be of the Dragons/Drains and Pendragons. The Mazzo Coat is like the Pembroke Coat, and Clare's, who are never far off in any discussion, ruled Pembroke. The Mazzo / Pembroke bend with dragon is in the three colors of the Salian/Saleman bend with eagles, in the colors of the Ghent / Doria eagles, and Arthur-related Doria's were first found in Genoa, where there was another branch of Grimaldi's.
Krume's were half-expected to be a branch of GRIMaldi's of a Groom kind, and Grimaldi's of Monaco may have touched upon the Mon-line Dardanians there. Monks, in Dart colors, were first found in the same place as Darts. While Pendragons use the Drain / Mynett helmet, the giant Helm helmet is in the colors of the giant Krume crescent (the latter faces sinister, if I recall correctly). By the way, there is a Mona area at northern Wales, near Arduu, as well as a neighboring Menai straight that can be of the dart- using Maine's.
So, we now have fodder for recognizing Hasmoneans at least touching upon an Ardiaei merger with Dardanians, from the Drin and neighboring Mathis rivers, the latter suspect for a while with the naming of Mattathias (Matthew) Hasmonean, the first known Hasmonean in about 200 BC. That time frame was at the closing days of the Ardiaei at the Neretva river. Where did they go from there? How does one go about getting a Mathis-river liner to Israel's Modi'in before 200 BC? Should we first go to Massyas in Lebanon? As that place was MARSyas too, it cannot only trace from the ancient Marsyas elements at the Sakarya river, where we expect the Hasmonean line at Akmonia, but it just so happens that the flag of Marsi- suspect Mercia (England) is the saltire of French Masseys/Messier's, first found in the same place as the Mathis'...who are certainly from the Mathis river. There was a Marsi-Massey union that can explain "Marsyas" versus "Massyas." And the sons of Mattathias the Hasmonean were called MACCabaeus.
I was able to get online for an hour and found surnames from Monunius! And they can be traced to Modane!! This in itself tends to assure that it's the Modi'in bloodline. I can scarcely believe this. Maccabees are from Dardanians? First, I'd like to say that there was a Monunius I of 290 BC, giving plenty of time to set up Hasmoneans in Modi'in. And he was apparently involved with Gauls, some of which were in Thrace, probably as the proto-Galatians. Keep your mind on the Boii of Pannonia, for I still remain open to a Boii merger with Macca liners to form Maccabees:
During the 4th Century BC, a Gallic population had settled in Pannonia, in the territory of present Hungary. Many Illyrians tribes had been subdued. About 280 BC, according to Diodorus and Pausanias, they moved in three directions: toward Macedonia and Illyria, toward Greece, and toward Thrace...In the end they were all whiped out by Monunius's forces in the Dardanian State, through which [the Gauls] had to pass. Another variant of the return of the Gauls through the Dardanian State is that the Medii [Paionia, perhaps the Medea Colchians] and the Dardanians made peace with the Gauls in return for a part of the stolen gold in the temples.
In 280 BC, Monunius gained control of the Taulantii State.
One can fathom a Dardanian league with Taulantii, and so note that the Monans/Moonans are using the same lion as Talbots and Boys', kin of Boii- suspect Tailbois'. A Dardania peace with Gauls here could have led to the moving of Dardanians to Galatia, the old land of the Galli priests of Kabeiri. These Galli were there long before the Galatians, and I view the Galatians as old Galli returning. It seems obvious that the Galli evolved into the Gauls in the first place. Galli were fundamental with Cybele and Attis [same entity as Aeetes, father of Media Colchians], mythical founders of Lydians, allies of the Dardanus-based Trojans. That's what we are talking about. The Batia side of the Trojans were from Lydia, and it just so happens that the other Monunius (the one that married Ardiaei) had a brother, king BATO, a good candidate for tracing to Battins/Badens (Hanna kin, keep in mind). I see the Colchian BAT peoples with very little doubt [and, later, the Coverts, with the same bend as Darts, trace to a heavily- Colchian area of the Adriatic sea, but not forgetting that the namers of the Adriatic were cousins of the Atrebates (Artois kin) of Hampshire, note that Sussex, where Coverts and Courts/Coverts were first found, is beside Hampshire].
At the page above. Monunius' coins are shown with a cow and CALF, big hmmm. I trace Hyksos to Trojans, and this Trojan line under discussion, with a calf symbol, is therefore suspect with the Khyan Hyksos, especially as Battins/Badens use axes as code for the Axe river. Recall that Mandys use eagle legs that can either link to Hixons/Hicksons or Taulantii. I did not know, when mentioning that, that Monunius I existed, let alone that he was a ruler over the Taulantii. Nor did I know the following wild from the article above: "Monunius's second main centre might have been the ancient city of Pelion in DASSERETIA [caps mine], near the present day village of Selca e Poshtme in Albania, in the old residence of the Illyrian kings. It has been claimed that the king was buried in the Royal Tombs of Selca e Poshtme." I had tinkered hopefully with an Ardiaei link to Antipatria and/or the Dasseretae, and here we find that the Dardanians likely had such an alliance. Later, I will give details on Nysa, the line of Antipater > Cassander to Anatolia. Cassander's rule was over in 297 BC, just before Monunius ruled his own domain.
A Dardani alliance with Dasseretae is not surprising, as the map below shows them to one another's side. It also marks the Ardiaei, as well as the Uscana capital of the Penestae, with the Phrygian-suspect Byrges' in their land: now expect Monunius liners to Mokissos (Halys river, river of the ancient Galli), and of course to the mythical Manto root of Mokissos, which was in the name of Amyntes. Is that not wild? Just like that MONunius could have named AkMONia. Manto and Daphne were entities at Avaris, where Khyan ruled. To help convince you that Manto and Daphne represented Hyksos, let's go back to their mythical grandfather, Everes, code for Avaris. he was a so- called shepherd seer. Then, the Hyksos historian, Manto-like Manetho, called the Hyksos, "Shepherd kings," though I do not agree with that label. The point is, there was some shepherd label upon the Hyksos, which explains the shepherd seer. Perhaps Manetho was playing off the shepherd seer when he created his phrase.
There was a Buto Cult in the Nile delta (location also of Avaris). Buto smacks of Bato, and we will cross the Buto cult again in a motto term of a Monunius-related surname. It's making Batia suspect from Buto. The latter was identified (by me) as a Nahorite entity in relation to Buz's name (son of Nahor), or even named after Buz. The Biblical spelling of his name, or the pronunciation, is something like "Boots." There is a Bude location near the first Battins, and the Bude's share arrows with the Monunius-related Archers (and rainbow-possible Bows).
First, let's look at the Monun/Moonan Coat. Here is how I know that its from Monunius: " A falcon RISING, belled charged on the breast with a canton flory black, on the stump of a tree." What's that rising term for, again? Before I go on, look at the "FLECTo" motto term of Monans. Here is from earlier in this update when seeking to prove that Aflacks were from Ardiaei elements: "Aflacks use an emBATTled cross, and in the Aflack Crest, "An eagle RISINg." This recalls that Ardiaei were between RHISINium and the Neretva." Plus, Rhisinium is smack beside BUTUA, now BUDva, which seemingly well explains king Bato's name. The two Monun lions are "comBATant," as are the Abreu lions.
When I get to the Trews, showing that they are Monunius liners, remember the Drews/Dreux's (share red-on-white lion with Monans) were first found in Abreu-related Evreux, home of Hebrews, right? Also, as Trews are Tree's, note the "stump of a tree" above. Then, when I get to the Moons, compare them with the Chief of the Savoy Masseys, who use a "tree without leaves." Savoy is the location of Modane. The Moneys, first found in Savoy, use a version of the MOUNtain Coat, thus effectively making a Monunius link to Mounts/Mons' (share the red and upright lion with Monans). Mounts/Mons were first found in Pavia-possible Peeble's [later, Perts/Petts become extremely important, wherefore note that Pettys share the Peeble parrots].
If I recall correctly, the Mott-like Mauds (Modane suspects) and MONmouths, who both use the same lion as Monans, use double bars in black on white, as do Flecks and their kin, Palmers/Parmers, which recalls that Italian Palmers share the Dart fesse. We have excellent and compounded reasons now to know that there are heraldic codes for Monunius liners.
The black flory cross in the Monun canton is almost the Mathis cross. Is that not impressive after what I said before finding this Coat? Monunius gives plenty of time for Mathis-river peoples to put Mattathias at Mottin- like Modi'in. Mottins are listed with white-crescent Motts/Morte's, who use crescents in both colors of the Darth/Death crescents. This is the sort of thing I have been waiting a year or two for. I have found the proto- Hasmoneans, I just know it. I have not disappointed readers with this far- fetched theory, that Maccabees come from the Mathis / Cavii theater.
According to the Monun write-up, where we find that a mythical saint was invented for the surname, the Monun lion can also be the Fife lion. The Fife's show as a branch of the Cornwall Veys/Vivians while Dutch Veys use a BOOT, and that has got to be the reason for mythical Morgan le Fay of Avalon = Bute. We expect Butua liners in Bute, right? And we now have cause to trace Butua to mythical Buto. Budini-suspect Boyds were Bute liners. King Arthur died there.
The Stumps, whose surname eludes any explanation thus far, use a version of the Teague / Touque Coat, but also the Leavell-connectable Turnbull/Trumbell Coat. Trumbells are still under investigation for linking to the Lever trumpet. The Wassa's/Gace's (same place as Veys/Vivians), who named Gace at the Touques river, use the skinny double bars of Mauds and Monmouths. Wassa's were proto-Washingtons, and Washingtons use nearly the Mopps/Moberly and Moch Coats for another trace to Mokissos. The other Mochs use nothing but an erect sword, and we see one between the Monun lions. Washingtons were traced to the Yuya circle, which fathered king Tut, possibly a line to lake Tatta, beside Mokissos. Yuya's city, AKHMIM, traced excellently to mythical AGAMEMnon, a close kin of the Orestia location smack at Arda, and its the Ardiaei that used the Teuta-and-similar names. The Tute's/Tuts are the ones sharing the Moon crescents, and in a canton like the Wassa/Gace canton with hexagram. White hexagrams are shared by Monaco's.
The Beef/Turnbull surname was connected to Nons, and Monans use a "non" motto term. The Nuns / Noons may be a branch of Nons, but note that the Noon-like Moons can be linked to the Moonans because they use white crescents! I just known instinctively that these are the Pino / Beaumont crescents, in part, though Moons also use one white-on-blue crescent, the colors of the Archer and Archibald/ARKenbald crescents, likely from the Ark river, location of Modane. I don't recall the evidence, but the Archibure variation of Arthurs was expected at the Ark river. The Archibalds use an "Ut" motto term, and while Nahor's first son was Utz (Biblical spelling), his second son was Buz, and in the meantime, mythical Buto was alternatively Uts-like Uat. Archibalds were first found in the same place (Roxburghshire) as Leavells. Keep my urination upon Pino in mind, at __Cliff street, until you see another Arch term.
Moons were first found in the same place as Walerans, and Waleran was the one who connected to a Beaumont in birthing Leavells. Moons are said to be from Moyon in Manche, or Mohun in Normandy. The Moyne's can apply, and wouldn't you know it, one Moyne surname is listed with the Devon Monks (Dart colors) that I've been mentioning.
Monans were first found in Ireland's Oriel, and the Oriel/Orrel surname shares double bendlets, without a bend, in the colors of the same of Trews/Tree's (Devon again). Note that Trews are said to be from Trojan-like "trog." I don't know whether that's correct of the write-up, but it sure smacks of the Trocmi. Look at those lovely feathers on the helmet in the Trew Crest, and you might want to read, in the Monunius article, how they liked to mint coins with helmets. Herod ARCHelaus had a helmet with feathers on his coin, and Trews have been very traceable to Lyon (see the Lyons and Lannoys and the True-loving Hume's), near to where Herod Archelaus was banished. Then, we find the same helmet with lovely feathers in the Crest of Monahans/Moncks, tending to clinch that Oriels/Orells, suspect for years with Aurelia Cotta, were at Oriel, where Monans were first found.
Note that the Laus surname uses Agrippa-suspect grapes, begging where ArcheLAUS was an Ark-Laus combination. The Laus surname traces to Laus at the Calabria border, as you will see, home of an Arthurian center in relation to the Excalibur. And this Laus location traces by its nearby Saracena location to the other Laus, home of Saraca's, from Kotor at Rhisinium. As the Laus (better known as Ragusa) of the Saraca's was in the Dalmatian land of the Ardiaei, I now understand why the Excalibur sword of king Arthur was at the Laus-of-Italy area. This can indicate that Arthur liners were at the root of Herods.
Moneys share besants with Dumas', and the latter are said to be from Oriel- like Auriol (mouth of Rhodanus/Rhone area).
At this point, it's a good idea if we intrude the topic with Nysa, daughter of queen Nysa of Bithynia, herself a granddaughter of queen Nysa of Cappadocia: "According to Suetonius (Caesar. 49), her cause was defended by the Roman Politician Gaius Julius Caesar in gratitude for her father's friendship." That's the father of Julius Caesar and the husband of Aurelia Cotta. It predicts that Julius Caesar was in favor of this Cappadocian family, and Cappadocia was not only the location of a religious Persian cult run by the father(s) of Glaphyra Archelaus, but it's right beside Cetis, itself ruled by the Persian dynasty married by Quadratus Bassus. Queen Nysa is said to be part Persian, and so what this looks like is a line from Antipater > Cassander to the rulers of Cetis! It can explain why a son of the first Herod married Glaphyra Archelaus, if the father of the first Herod was from this Antipater > Cassander line! I think I have nailed this theory into fact. ithynia)Glaphyra traces to the Clavers/Cleevers, and as Cliffs are Cleeve's, they can be expected to be Glaphyra liners, especially as Cliffs use the Quade wolf heads. It makes a Glaphyra link to Quadratus of Cetis.
"Nysa was a monarch of Greek Macedonian and Persian ancestry. She was the daughter and first-born child of the Monarchs Ariarathes VI of Cappadocia and Laodice of Cappadocia....She was born and raised in Cappadocia. At an unknown date, Nysa became the first wife Greek King Nicomedes III of Bithynia, who reigned between from c. 127 BC to c. 94 BC." The end of that term was about the time of Brogitarus.
If the Nysa's were a line to the Nice / Ness surnames, note that they use the double bars of Washingtons, in the same colors. The fact that queen Nysa (descendant of Cassander of Macedonia) had ancestry in Cappadocia, where the capital was Mazaca (later Caesarea), allows for a good argument in tracing to king MassiNISSA (the one I usually call Massena of Numidia), for he belonged to a Massylii peoples suspect with Meshwesh = Amazighen, also called, Mazices in Africa, like "Mazaca" of Cappadocia.
Ahh, as the Massylii named Massila, later MARSeilles, a Marsi-line link to Massena liners is feasible, recalling "Massyas" versus "Marsyas." Then, the Abaeus cult suspect with "MaccABAEUS" was at Phocis (near the Boii-suspect Boiotians), a name like the Phocaeans that are known to have co-founded Ligurians at Massilia! Perfect.
Now, recall the argument for identifying Assi's with Cass'/Cash' and Kiss'/Cush's, with the latter going to the Bibo = Vibia rooster on a cushion, for this is what can link the Cassander > Nysa line to Laevillus. And as Assi's are said to be Oswalds, by what coincidence do Osborns use the tiger? I will stress Teegers below in a trace to lake Tatta when it becomes fairly obvious that Nysa's line(s) should have touched upon that lake. The Bidens/Buttons use one of the Washington / Ness fesse bars, tending to assure that Bidens were of the Nysa Bithynians. English Cassandra's use three chevrons in the colors of the Washington / Ness bars, and were first found in the same place as Bidens/Buttons. But as the latter loved the Cabyle line, isn't that Cybele? There you have reason to link the Nysa Bithynians, as expected, to Brogitarus. And while the Bidens/Button were linked years ago to Baths and Bitars/Buttons, the Brugg Coat shares the cross of Bitars/Butters...and Aflacks i.e. like the motto term of Monans. The Aflack cross is emBATTLEd, and the Battle's can be gleaned with a location in the write-up of Iverys, suspect with the Yvery location of Leavells, and with the Ivrea location of Arduinici. .
Now that Washingtons are tracing well to Nysa, lets remind that Yuya was a Mitanni (capital at Wassukanni), suspect with "Modi'in," which was already in existence before Monunius' lifetime. In this [picture, the proto- Hasmoneans in Monunius are coming into contact with old Modi'in liners in and out of Cappadocia. But if Wassa's and Assi's were branches, it suggests that Cassander was a Wassukanni liner. That's why Cassander should link to Tatta if it was indeed a king-Tut line. While I haven't clinched Wassa's with Wassukanni, this paragraph works not bad in establishing the link. The black crosses above will be met again in the Hatch/Haach discussion below, and from that the idea presented itself that Haach liners were a hard-c form of Assi's, which tended to obliterate, at first, the theory that Hykes'/Hacks and Hykes'/Hachs were Hyksos, until I recalled that Hyksos, the Heka KHASEWET of Egypt's language, were at KIZZUWATna, which, I read, was identical with Khassi (Cilicia), like "Cass." Thus, the Cass / Cassane / Cassandra line, in tracing to Vibia, goes right back to its old stomping grounds of Cilicia, from rulers of Macedonia (I don't know that they were Macedonians by blood). The Nice / Ness surname can still be from Nike and DioNYSUS (alternative name, Zagreus), from an ancient location of Nuzi at the ZAGRos mountains (western Iran). It could indicate that those mountains named the Sakarya river, for it was beside his Maenads. Nuzi was at the TIGRIS (Togarmites?) river that may have named the TIGRanus name of Armenian rulers.
I have realized that the fasces symbol Assi's (share the Cass weight scale) is for Fieschi's of Genoa, for the Fieschi's were definitely Face's/Fessys honored in the LEOpard face, and Leo's use a fesse bar in the colors of the three fesse bars of Fountains, whom are in the Cass / Cush fountains. The Fessys loved the Segni's/Segurana's (Sakarya river, home of the Brogitarus line), the ones with the MacARTHUR moline. But Assi-related Sibal(d)s use it too, and while I trace them to CIBALAE, isn't that Cybele? Aha! As Cibalae was the birthplace of Valentinian I, and as he is in the squirrel- using Valentin surname, note that the Square/Squire variations of Squirrels is like "SAKARya." We should keep eyes on evidence for a Brogitarus trace to Valentinian (five centuries between them). The Valentin squirrels are in the green-on-white that were used by the Herod-Archelaus liners of Lannoys and Lyons. It's feasible that GRATIAN, Valentinian's father, was a Levi- beloved CHRETIEN, or a Wreath/Crete/Crest liner (use a reflection of the Washington Coat). As the Wreaths/Craiths got suspect with the Rat line, now tracing from Sub Radice to Quadratus, it appears that Cibalae was named after something from Cabyle, to the near-east of Sub Radice.
Lookie. The three Valentin squirrels are in the colors of the Radice checks and the Cable lattice, and the Valentin bend with squirrels is suspect with the three green leopard faces, on the same-colored bend, of Stevensons, and the Levi-beloved Aids use the Stevenson bend with three black leopard faces while the Fieschi > Fesse/Face line is definitely part of the Valentin circle of close kin. This link of Levi's to Valentinian is more cause to track Chretiens to "Gratian." As Cibalae was alternatively, Vinkovci, highly suspect with Wings, it's very notable that Wingers use a version of the Coat of Claptons, suspect with Glaphyra Archelaus. The Valence location near Lyon was named by Valentinian's descendants, the reason that his squirrels should be linked to Lyons and Lannoys. Valentinian's family may have been Herod-Archelaus liners in its ancestry, not merely by connection of his descendants to Lyon's theater.
So, it now appears that the Dardanian line of Monunius and that of Cassander both bumped into Herods, and of course one might expect the Ardiaei of the Brogitarus line to have had relations with the Dardanian elements there, suspect at Akmonia. The Trews use black greyhounds courant, as do the Penes/Pennys (and Palmers/Parmers) that I trace confidently to the Penestae (sources of the Mathis river), suspect with Pinnes = the Pine / Pino line, the latter being the ones sharing the Moon crescents. The Trew-suspect Monahans/Moncks are using the three stars of Brights, I figure, because Brights are likely from Brigantium, about 25 miles from Modane. Arks (Moon colors) were first found in the same place as Modens/Modeys.
Penes' use a lynx in Crest as code for Lyncestes, in easy reach of Dardanians. That alone makes for an expected Dardanian link to the Penestae. Mythical Lynceus was the brother of Danaus, founder of Danaans. What was that disgusting thing doing in Macedonia? Nearby PELAGonia is suspect with Peleg, Hebrew (non-Israelite) brother of Joktan, and perhaps also with the heraldic pelican. The Pellicans were first found in Dart- related Maine, working well to trace pelicans to Pelagonia.
Now that Monunius liners have traced to the Cilicia area, ancient home of Hyksos, let's recall that Monunius is suspect with the Khyan Hyksos, for the Hykes'/Hacks were likewise first found in Devon, and they use the same scallops as the Flecks who are likely in the Monun motto. Again, Hykes'/Hacks use the Chives Coat while Chives' share the Mathis moline without question, including someone's gold star at the center of the cross. It could be the Capone star.
Did the Archelaus family name the Ark river? Did the Archelaus family name Archibalds and ArchiBURE's? The Burleys/Bourlys (could be a branch of Bauers / Bowers), who first came up as a topic from the ModBurley variation of Mopps/Moberleys, are in the colors of Hume's, and colors reversed from the Lannoys and Lyons, all three related to Herod Archelaus. Mokissos was near Glaphyra's Cappadocia, and Mopsus in Cilicia and Pamphylia may have been closer to her. I had traced Mopsus to an ancient name of Mosul (can't recall the spelling), a possible branch of Lake Van's Mus. Will the anti- Christ out of Mosul be a Mus-liner Hyksos tool of the devil? Might "excaliBUR be part code for Burley / Bure liners? By what coincidence does that sword stand as code for the (C)Halybes on the Halys while Mokissos, the entity to the Mopps/Moberleys, was on the Halys! Bingo.
Now watch this from a 2014 update, recalling how Moch / Moke liners can trace to CALVary-using Moses: English Majors, who may be using the Caesar roses in Chief, are said to be from a Mauger character, like the Moucer/Mucher variation of French Mochs. As the latter are also "Mouchet," they must be a branch of Mousquette's that share the very same red lion heads as French Majors!!! Very new and unexpected. Plus, Mousquette's share double-red fesse bars with Mopps'/Modburleys [and Nice's / Ness']. Clinched" The Moberleys have a MOTTburley variation, and so when we trace that Cheshire family to Herod Archelaus at Vienne and Lyon, it wasn't far from Modane. Lyons and Lannoys are colors reversed from Burleys.
I can also that Majors are in the "CAPTa majora" motto of Cetis-suspect Geddes', and that Capetians, suspect from that motto, may have been from "CAPPADocia."
Those lion heads that had me exclaiming are in the colors of the Monun lions, the ones suspect with the Moch sword between them. As Monans are suspect from Khyan, whom I say was a Mus liner, it can appear that Khyan liners were to Mokissos, and probably to other false-prophecy cults, shame, like the Abaeus false-prophecy cult that may have named Maccabaeus'. The Mochers can be found as Gospatrick elements in the Dunbar write-up, and while Dunbars use the same lion as Monans, I recall Gospatricks using the same saltire as Tess'/Tecks (Ticino liners), important because Kilpatrick dagger and black lion trace to the same Ticino elements, if the Dexaroi were on that river. And that's where we can be reminded that Monunius I had a kingdom / domain at Dasseretia. It's a completely an outstanding piece of information, because the Levites (Pharisees and Sadducees) that came out of the Hasmoneans were predicted (by me) to be from the Laevi on the Ticino, and here we have the proto-Hasmonean king in the very city of the Dexaroi. Amazing. If I doubt a theory, I often let it show, but here I have no doubt already: Monunius was the proto-Hasmonean king.
The Monahan/Monck Coat can even be a version of the Macey Coat. With a black Shield, the Monahan Coat is the Capone Coat.
This revelation comes about a week after I last heard the last squirrel in the attic. I assume that it has died. Story over. God has accomplished what he intended to do with the rat trap and the red squirrels, though He likely has more to say; the winter is still young, and I have lots of time in winter. I've yet to do the Hatch investigation.
It's interesting that while Decks/Daggers use a version of the Christ Coat, the latter use roses in the colors of the French-Moine roses. They are white roses, used also by Paisleys that share the thistle with calvary- using Crystals. Paisleys were at the same place as Oriel-related Ore's and Pollocks. The latter are suspect with the saltires of Frank surnames, and Monans have a Frank-suspect motto code. I suggest that the Monans link well to the Bohemian Franks too, for the Monun lion is colors reversed from the one in the Arms of Bohemia. German Franks use red leopard faces, the Anton symbol suspect from Mark Antony, an ally of Antipater, father of the first Herod. Coopers, possibly from Herod's mother (Cypros), use leopard faces too. German Franks use the same saltire as Annan(dale)s.
Previously, the Macestus river of Mysia was suspect with the Muksus version of Mopsus. As per Kilpatrick-beloved Maccuswells, peoples at the Macestus may have been the line through Rijeka, which, at that time, may have been Tarsatica, like Tarsus at Cilicia. A trace of Tarsus to the Taro is interesting where the surnames that have traced to its Ceno tributary can be from Khyan Hyksos. The Trebia trace to Trabzon is near Cilicia.
With fish-using Geddes looking correct from Cetis, one should add that fish are used by Scottish Hykes'/Hachs. And then there are the fish of Cane's while Caens have a Cetis-like motto term. The calvary-using Keens have another fish. And the mythical fish of Greece belonged to Kodros of Athens, the line to Kotor, at Rhisinium, where the Monun Crest has traced. And by the way, recall the white-on-blue crescent of Moons, Archibalds and Archers, for it's the Falcon crescent too while the Monun Crest is a falcon rising. Falcons link well to the "Flecto" motto term of Mohuns. Rhisinium can be of some Rye variations, and while Rye's (same place as Coopers) use the same bend as Stevensons, the latter list Stave's while Hack-possible Hawks use pilGRIM stave's, partly suspect with GRIMaldi's that can connect to Monunius' Monaco elements. Stevens use falcons too, wherefore the Stevenson-Provence link can be using the Monaco hexagrams. Stevensons use three green leopard faces on their bend, as do Levi-beloved Aids, and the Stevenson bend is a great reflection of the three squirrels on a bend of Valentins (squirrels just popped up with Levi's). Valentinian's family named Valence in the area of Herod Archelaus, and while the Lannoys and Lyons are green-on-white, ditto for the squirrels and leopard faces just mentioned.
To summarize what has taken place this week, and why I think the rat-trap revelation was given, it starts with the Kepke and sickly stag identifying the Hungarian connection to the Varangians, that being the family of Andrew and Bela, and with the Varangians tracing to the Varni, whose goddess, Nerthus, was a Neretva-river element. Although I had read about the Ardiaei over the years, once or twice, I ignored them. I didn't even recall or know that they were on the Neretva, a river I mention often. Had Ii known that, I would have made the Arduinici-Doria connection, which I often mention, easily to the Ardiaei. And here this week, the Ardiaei were laid out before my eyes while on the rat trap topic that led to Arad anyway, only to find that the DARDani are excellent proof that Ardiaei were from the island of Arados and its on-shore location of TARTus. And that's exactly where the proto-Hungarians traced, indicating that they must have been from Arda on the Hebros. King-Arthur goons, intent on keeping their secrets in written codes of their false history, were rat liners.
And just when I came to realize that the rat trap would help me to put together a picture of Bassus-line connections to northern Thrace (e.g. Sub Radice), I found the proto-Maccabee king, which underscores, I think, why the rat trap scenario was given to my attic in the first place. All of the things so discovered would not have been, aside from my recognizing that God was setting up the rat-trap-squirrel situation as a guide for our understanding. And it means that God is interested in this revelation. It even leads to the Abaddon of Revelation 9, assuring that Apollo was fundamental with Tartus, and because Abaddon is represented with the "abyssos" = abyss, it tends to assure that Tartarus, the Greek underworld, was an Avvite theme from Tartus. There are all sorts of things one can add with these keys, and, probably, they will lead to other keys. For the last couple of mornings, I have not received any further guidance. All of the Monunius discussion came with no further guidance; I had enough to go on that, with just a little ordinary digging, I could figure out the Hasmonean picture buried within, but only due to past theories and conclusions on what Hasmoneans could be expected to trace to. I still have not found proof of what named "Maccabee."
How does the first Hasmonean get to Israel from Anatolia? The clue is Akmonia in around 200 BC. It's well before Severus Bassus. What was going on in Akmonia in 200 BC? It is the land of Phrygia, and while myth gave indication that Midas' donkey ears trace him and his Phrygians to Tartus, we can expect the Marsyas Phrygians at Massyas, near Damascus, at some point before 100 BC, for I read that Massyas was the name of the area from at least 100 BC. It just looks perfect for naming "Macca." And while Apollo's Oracle was similar to Mopsus and Abaeus, the latter was at Phocis, an area of Greece beside the BOIOtians, suspect with the Boii that probably named some bee entities such as bee-using Bie's/Boys. The Boys' use the same lion as Monans', which i think is a critical key, and as Talbots use the same lion, we go to Ivo TailleBOIS, not to mention the bee-using Bessins, because Ranulph le Meschin from the Bessin married Ivo's daughter. It's got Bassus' and the Bessi Thracians all over it. Again, the Bessi were priests of Satrae (*a real peoples), as they say, and mythical satyrs were goats, as was Marsyas, and this ought to trace Satrae to Phrygians, and possibly something at Tartak.
In myth, satyrs loved Maenads, symbol for the Maeander river with a source near Phrygia. The Maenads had a pine cone symbol, and Attis of the Hatti, the sun god of Phrygia, and of the Kabeiri, had a pine tree symbol. While Maenads belonged to Dionysus, a priest of the Kabeiri, it links exactly to the Dardanians, for mythical Dardanus was made the brother of the founder of Kabeiri. But what can we say, that king Pinnes was named after the pine cone? Since when does Greek or Trojan or Illyrian use "pine" for the pine tree? Yet, it's remarkable how the Dardani, allies of Pinnes' family (for a short time, anyway) trace exactly to the Dionysus pine-cone symbol. For the record, the pine cone was at the tip of a so-called thyrsus rod, but I don't recall deciphering that term, perhaps named after a location by the same name.
It's interesting here that Manders (besants) (evokes Mandy / Manto / Amyntes] can be using the Tailbois saltire, and the only inland location of the Kabeiri was at Boiotia...where there was a honey goddess, Melia, who married the founder of Argos, where abyss-suspect Abas was the ancestor of the Perseus-branch Danaans. One can see that Boiotia had a bee theme as far as very-ancient times. The Manders can be traced to the Maeander because they use a version of the Rhodes cross, and the Maeander's lower parts are near Rhodes, suspect from "ARADos." And, for that matter, the Bessi and the Satrae were both at RHODope, as was mount Dunax, the ancestry of the royal Duncans / Donkeys of Scotland (why did they give themselves a Donkey variation?). The donkey-using Chamberlains have been traced to Chambre, on the Ark river to which the Monun liners had traced! Chamber liners are expected from Cimmerians, and Cimmerians, ancient Gamir, were at Kamiros of Rhodes. It just so happens that the Mander-related Rhodes surname was first found in the same place as Tailbois', and as the family of Ivo Taillebois. In fact, that place, Lincolnshire/Lindsey, was named after Lindos, the city on Rhodes where at least one myth writer placed the Danaans. As they had been from Laish, just trace Rhodes elements to Rhodope and it's Lissae location beside the Bessi priests. One can expect the pagan-Levite priests there in another form, and the Bessi are highly suspect with them.
A Biss surname shares the scallops of Meschins and Russells (and Meschin- suspect Hykes'), but Russells throw in a goat, a not-bad indication that Russells trace to proto-Rus through Rhodope. The red Russell lion is again the Monun / Boys / Talbot lion, and Roussillon is in the land of Redones. Roussillon is between the OCCITanian and Aquitanian lands from the line of Biblical JOKTAN, a son of Eber, the first Hebrew. This line named the Ebro river in Spanish Occitania, and was responsible for the SEPHARdic Jews of Spain, for the Bible places the sons of Joktan between Mesha and SEPHAR. The Sepharvites are in 2 Kings 17 along with Avvites and their respective gods. The Avvites had Nibhaz, and the Sepharvites had ADRAMmolech, from HADORAM, a son of Joktan. One can imagine that Micah's gods related closely to the gods of Joktanites, and Micah is in Judges as the first owner of Jonathan, the pagan Levite priest.
Micah is said specifically said to have had silver gods (from the silver treasure of his mother), and Monunius made silver coins. On his coins, he carved a cow suckled by a calf, with the jaw of a boar above the cow, and I see the boar as a symbol of the wicked Hebrews, for even German Ebers use the giant boar. Gauls, from the Galli to which the Dardani were related, used the boar symbol with an apple in its mouth. The donkey jaw in the Samson account can now be linked squarely to the boar jaw of Monunius, for Samson is part of the "Danites" in Judges. I long-ago surmised that Samson was code for Beth Shamesh, beside Timnah, and that his donkey-jaw symbol was code for a Hebrew alliance with Avvites (lived in the same land as Philistines). With the calf being a symbol of the Exodus king, and with the Israelite rebellion against Moses (can be half-expected with Jonathan), it's remarkable now that I had identified Samson as part of the Hyksos Hebrews. I do not doubt the Moses account as God's Word, but I do not view the Samson account as Inspired. It reads like myth code.
Let's take "Jonathan" to "Oeneus," as I do, and when we get to mythical Oeneus of Calydon, he lived where the Calydonian BOAR ravaged (just a myth). This boar belonged to Artemis, indicating a Hebrew peoples in Artemis, even though she was an Amazon = Meshech. Hercules, the extension of the Samson cult, robbed an Amazon queen of her girdle, a way for the myth writer to make a Hercules connection to Amazons. Amisos, which sounds like "Amazon," was also, Samsun, perhaps because the Amisos Amazons were related to Samson liners. It was honey-suspect MELEager who killed the Calydonian boar, and Artemis was a goddess over Ephesus, where the essenes bee cult had been. Mythical PANdarius (goat line?) of Ephesus was father to Aedon, queen of Melia-infested Boiotia. As she was made a twin of Apollo, one could expect her from Avvites, perhaps even from Avvites at Tartus / Arados, but the Samson's Avvites come forcefully to mind. By the way, Darts come up as "Tart."
Although some historians doubt the claim of HERODotus (can his name be traced to the Monunius line to Herods?) that Amazons of Mysia were earlier at THERModon, I have found plenty of evidence to prove it. Compare THERM with ADRAM(molech), and with the DRUMmonds who descended from Arad liners. Drummonds were first found in the same place as Hagar(d)s that use the Rad hexagram, and there have been some good arguments to trace Hagar to Abraham's concubine, Hagar. Samson was beside Abraham's Hebron homeland, all suspect with the Hebros river, and I feel sure that Arda was an important Arados element into Europe. It seems undeniable that wicked Hebrews were at Arados.
Reminder: Muse-loving "Apollo / Abello" is suspect from Abila/Abilene, near or at Massyas. And with Apollo's link to Arados, where Monunius traces, we can fathom that Apollo's Muses were the Mus household of pharaoh Khyan, the one whose daughter named Moses (Arabs call him Musa, if I recall correctly). It really does appear that Monunius' calf symbol was that of Khyan, and the cow that comes with the calf may have been anciently the white cow of Io, goddess of Argos when Melia's husband was there. This reminds me of my link of honey to the bull cult of Moloch (child-sacrifice cult), which we can glean in "AdramMOLECH." As I identified Moloch with the Zeus Taurus, it was white, linkable to Io, therefore, explaining why Zeus and Io mated to produce Apophis-suspect Epaphus. Anyone that anciently traced Argos to Cilicia probably saw an Io link to Cilicia's Taurus mountains, but there was a Taurus area in the Crimea, where Herodotus placed the Amazons. He then traced these Amazons to the area of Tanais, like the Tanis location of the Hyksos to which I trace proto-Danaans. And Tanais was at lake Maeotis, where the Sadducee- / Soducena-suspect Sittaceni lived along with the Toreatae that I trace to heraldic torteaux, which, if I recall correctly, are used by the Rhodes'.
I'd now like to go back to my trace of Bellamys and Perche's to the ARVE river into lake Geneva. If king Gentius of the Ardiaei named Genoa/GENOVA, then his line can be traced up the RHODanus river to Geneva. Why was it named, "RhoDANUS," like mythical Danaus from Tanis, whose line went through Rhodes? The mythical EriDANUS is where the son of Helios crashed, and most think that Eridanus was at least at the Rhodanus area, the point being that Helios was the god of Rhodes. In some versions of the crashing myth, the god was Sol or Apollo. It strikes us like a Rhodes trace to Arados. But Helios was a Colchian entity, and that's where mythical Medea (a line from Abraham and Keturah), who had her own chariot in the sky, lived. She is suspect with the naming of "Maeotis." Helios thus comes out looking like Tanais element that had a branch in Rhodes, and thus he appears related to the ArTEMIS Amazons, from THEMIScyra on the Thermodon.
HERODotus was from Caria, where the pine-cone-related Maeander flows, and we saw above how the Pinnes-related line of Monunius can trace even to the formation of Herods. We saw that Bellamys can be using the Pino crescents, and French Pine's use crescents in colors reversed from the lower one of Moons (the top of the Moon Shield has the Pino crescents in colors reversed). One reason that I traced Bellamys of Perche to the Arve is that the Arve-like Garveys use the double chevrons of Perche's, but then the Harveys (black boar) share the Bellamy fesse. BUT NOW, zikers, I can add that the French Harvey Coat (same place as Levi's) is the Monahan/Monck Coat!!! That's not why this topic was started, It was started because I saw "Arve" from ARVAD, the other name of Arados! And the mouth of the Arve is at the Rhodanus river's exit at the southern tip of lake Geneva. Plus, the Bellamys popped to mind in the first place because they use the crescents of Seatons/SITTens who came to mind when writing, "Sittaceni." And Sittens named Sitten not far up the Rhodanus from lake Geneva.
I can add that while Savona is beside Genova, the Savona surname was first found in the same place (Norfolk) as Harveys and the Flecks of the Monun motto, and that Savone's (with an 'e') use the Moon crescent merged into the Monahan/Monck / Harvey star, and Savone's were first found in the same place as Leavells, and beside the monks and Walerans. Bellamys are now reckoned as Beaumonts i.e. the Leavell line (Beaumonts use 10 of the Moon crescents). Bellamys had been traced to Bellerophon of Lycia (on-shore from Rhodes), and was connectable by the Khimera dragons (that he slew) to Kamiros on Rhodes.
Aha! Recall that it dawned on me that a black-Shielded Monahan Coat is the Capone Coat. The Monctons use such a Shield, with the Capone stars in colors reversed, and with gold martlets, the English-Harvey symbol. Therefore, the red lion in the Capone Chief can be the Monun lion. The "factis" motto of Monctons can link to the motto of Mathis-possible Mathie's (the other Mathie's/Matthews share the red scallop with Savona's)...which may do with the expected trace of Monunius to the Mathis- river connection to Mattathias Hasmonean. As Monunius had a close relationship with the Taulantii, it bears repeating that Talents (Cornwall) use a version of the Moncton Coat, as do Corns, first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as Monctons and same-colored Camps/Comps. Corns remind me of Corners/Garners, the ones with the Moch sword! The sickly stag, symbol of Arad liners, walked past the corner of my garage.
The Harvey martlets are in both colors of the Apple and Appleby martlets, which i thought were connectable to the Mountains that are now figuring in as Monunius liners, and so let's repeat: "The Moneys, first found in Savoy [location of the Ark river], use a version of the MOUNtain Coat, thus effectively making a Monunius link to Mounts/Mons' (share the red and upright lion with Monans)." The other Mountains (Bach-calf colors) use white bulls that, we may bet, goes to the cow on the coins of Monunius. The formation of the SIX Appleby martlets are as with the six Tarves fitchees, and Chives', using cat-a- mountains, were first found in Tarves. Tarves', even before this paragraph, became suspect with Tarsus / Taurus = white-bull liners. Therefore, it's a good bet that Apple's were Apollo-of-Arados liners to Monunius (Apollo was a son of Zeus with Latona).
Applebys were first found in the same place (Westmorland) as martlet-using Levins and Morlands, while the latter use the symbol in the Crest of Levi-beloved Aids (same place as Arthurs), likely kin of the Artemidoros line of Aitons/Artems. The Arthur motto and clarions links to codes used by Levers. The leopard faces on the Aid bend link to the same-colored cats of KEATs (same place as Harveys), no coincidence, for Aids were from InverKEITHin, and the Keat cats are the Chives cats (same design), in colors reversed even. The Aid bend is in the colors of the Darts / Pines.
I am astounded by how much heraldry connection I have missed all these years for not delving into the Ardiaei relationship to Monunius-line Dardanians. From the Ade bend, we go to the Stevenson bend, asking why Stevensons should apply, and as God does things perfectly when he does anything, I think of Steve Tarr. Pity those who resist God, for they will never know His excellence. Stevens share the falcon with Monans. When we go back to the Moneys/Monetts, we find that they use a whack of besants, SIX of them, suspect with hex-Hyksos who probably lived at Tarsus, and who were likely of Zeus. It was the beginning of the 666 theme that the pitiful stupids began to develop.
I would not have been able to link Moneys/Monnets to Monunius had I not linked Harveys to the Arve, for it's the Arve that brought Arvad to mind. Call me lucky or blessed, but while I identified the apple with Apollo, I was also able to trace him to Arvad, and here the Apple's are found using the Harvey martlets...indicating that the Arados line goes to Charles Martel, born from a Pepinid = the Apepi Hyksos, and as his Apophis version is in mythical Epaphus, the latter was the white-cow line. It irresistibly connects to the Monunius cow and calf, and meanwhile I'm the only person willing (and able) to explain why Khyan was the Exodus pharaoh. The Hyksos came to an end with Apophis, who ruled immediately after Khyan, because God did an excellent work to spoil Khyan's kingdom with ten plagues. Apophis is known not to have been Kyhan's son, because God killed that son in the 10th plague while it was yet an infant (Khyan didn't have anymore sons because this was his first-born). Apophis can be predicted to be Khyan's brother, uncle, or what-not, a stupid just the same. Apophis was the white-cow line that proves (to me) that the Exodus calf was a symbol of Khyan's household. The natural Egyptians had a red cow (Apis), but Hyksos were Asians = white- skinned.
The Moneys/Monnets, using besants as indication of a trace to Severus Bassus, are said to be from the name, Hamon, and while this is not likely correct, a Hamon link can be expected because Hamons are Maschi lovers that grew out with Bassus elements, and moreover Masseys were from Maccabees founded by Monunius. "Hamon" evokes the Egyptian God of Amun, which, if I recall correctly, was a chief Hyksos god. But "AMYNTes" has been resolved with the "Manto" line of Hyksos, and "Hamond" looks very connectable to that term. We saw the several Coats that are a reflection of the Moncton Coat, one being the Talent coat that shares eagle talons with the Mandy/Munday/MONDay Chief, and Moneys/MONNETs replace the six MOUNTain martlets (same as the Moncton martlets, we assume) with six besants, otherwise the Coats are identical. It's clear from this that Monunius liners had Amyntes / HaMOND-like variations. But the characters at Dunham- Masci chose "HaMON."
If I recall correctly, the Arms of Hainaut use both the Flanders lion and the Mons/Mount lion, and thus it's the Monun lion we may well expect.
Dragon Bloodline is in Tatters
I believe that God showed me a Tooth link to Gumms, and that Gumms were Cimmerians. The Tooths can be expected as queen-Touta liners (Pinnes was the son of her other husband) to lake Tatta as per the moving in of the Ardiaei and Dardani into the Galatian world. The Tooths are in Dart colors, and Tooth kin include Latters/Laudors (theater of same-colored Aids), which is why we can glean that Leats (Seaton / Bellamy crescents) use a Tooth code in their motto, "Trustie TO THE end." As Hume's use "True TO THE end," it recalls that True's share the feathered helmet of Monahans/Moncks, and Tooths happen to use feathers as code for the feather-using Fetters. Leats and Letters are then linkable to the Lite's for obvious reason.
I realize how bonkers it sounds to claim that God allowed my tooth to be infected in order to have me stress the Tooths and Gumms. After He would not heal it It's still infected to this day), I assumed he wanted me to stress these surnames, for the gum had developed a perpetual lump beside the tooth. After writing on the topic, I learned that the lump is called a FISTula, which is God's defence mechanism that takes bacteria in the tooth's nerve to the outside. And so I now recall that while Fists use a fist symbol, the hand showing in the Claviere Coat stuck me as a fist-like shape, and it just so happens that Claviere's married French Mountains, the ones with the white bulls (and possibly the Massey/Messier saltire). There is also an arm with fist (shape) between the white wings (Masci wings?) in the Genova/Geneva Coat. Plus, Claviere's were from Glaphyra Archelaus, and True's use the helmet with feathers on a coin of Herod Archelaus. One might gather that he adopted the symbol when he married Glaphyra. Her cult was not far from Tatta, and as I expect Ardiaei liners at Tatta's naming, perhaps Herod (son of the first Herod) married her because she was an Ardiaei liner to the Aretas family of the first Herod's mother. Herods liked to marry Herods, conceited stupids. Perhaps Fists were from the Biblical Festus.
Dentists online all say that a fistula means game over for the tooth; it either needs to be pulled, or to get an expensive (and not always reliable) root canal. I have gone off of sugar, a real sacrifice for you all, as my coffee and tea taste lousy, and herbal tea just doesn't cut it much with me. Hot drinks every couple of hours are half my reward for writing to you all. And I can't have those sweet snacks either. The fistula is issuing only a very small amount of pus now, every 10 days or even 14, which is under good control. This is a test to see whether God will cure the incurable. I am willing to take this test to the max. Stay tuned. I wrote on the tooth above because it came to mind at that time, and the Tooths fit right in with the Monunius topic, didn't it?
The Maine's share the double chevrons of Garveys and Perche's, and Maine's happen to use a gauntleted hand with a dart. It's additional evidence that Garveys were Arvad liners. And these chevrons are in the colors of the bars in the Arms of Hungary. To see more of the Rad hexagrams, see the Billets/Billiards of Maine. It thus traces Bellamy-suspect Billets to Arad. Billets are shared by Mose's. English Billets and Bellows use the same Coat, and Bellows throw in a fox, an old symbol of Samson, wherefore the Fox surname may have been from a Samson-loving line. Irish Fox's are SIONnachs, and Sion was also Sitten while Sittens share the crescents of Garvey-related Bellamys. Bellerophon was descended from mythical SISYphus of SICYon, though Sisyphus was king of neighboring Corinth. Sisyphus was brother to Jerusalem suspect Salmoneus, two sons of ENARETE, whom I have been tracing for years to "Nerthus," and therefore she is traceable to the NERETva, where we could expect some Dardanians. Enarete was the wife of Aeolus, whom in some cases was made the twin of Boiotus, suspect with the Boetus house of Sadducees (Boiotia was also Boeotia), and with the Boets/Bute's/Butts that use a fish, symbol of the mythical Nereids at the Neretva.
Thus, the house of Sadducees, known to issue from the Hasmoneans, is now very linkable to Monunius liners, and we saw that the falcon RISING of the Monans traces to Rhisinium, smack beside fish-line Kotor and BUTua. I should be screaming, but this is now to be expected. The Kotor location is from the mythical fish of Kodros, king of Athens, and he also had a boar symbol to indicate Hebrews. Kodros' son, Medon, alerted me to his descent from Medan, son of KODRos-like KETURah, and then mythical Medea, queen of Corinth, flew her chariot to Athens...because the myth writer knew that she was of the Medan > Medon line, though Keturah (the other wife of Abraham) had another son, Midian, likely of the Midianites with which Moses was living prior to his 40-year trial with the calf-loving Israelites. Another son of Kodros was made the king of Ephesus, but that's where the Pandarius character was who birthed Aedon of Boiotia. Therefore, I reckon, the Bellerophon line was from Keturah liners in Corinth, of the Medea kind.
And Medea was a witch from Colchis smack at the Lazi theater. APSyrtus/ABSyrtus, mythical brother of Medea, is said to have named the Croatian island of Apsorus (between Istria and Japodes coast). Apsorus was the name of a Colchian river too. And while LOSINJ is an island near the island of Apsorus, the APPS'/ABBS' use LOZENGes on what I consider to be the Arms of Austria, for as Habsburgs ruled Austria, HABSburgs were also HAPSburgs, making them very linkable to the Colchians...perhaps from Corinth / Athens. The fesse under discussion is the Dart fesse too, and moreover I think I have just found the origin of the Coverts, who not only use the same fesse, but share the gold Moncton / Harvey martlets. As the Covert fesse is colors reversed from the CRAVen fesse, and as Cravens (SIX fitchees) trace to the KRVati = Croatians, I suspected Coverts from Croatians, and here today I find, on my atlas, that the waters off Apsorus and Losinj are called, KVARneric/Kvarner, a COVERt-like term. This can make the black eagle in the Court/Covert Coat linkable to the eagle in the Arms of Rijeka.
As Bute's/Butts use estoiles and the black Este horse, Butua and Kotor are this traceable to ISTria, where I think Este's (and the Este location near Istria) came from. Este's use an eagle in the colors of the Silver/Silber crescent, which is in the colors of the Moon crescent, and I've just spotted Silba as an island to the south of Losinj. This recalls the Silver- Bird theme, for Birds share martlets too. Now look at what was said two updates ago, before knowing that the calvary symbol was that of the Hyksos link to Monunius:
Terrys happen to use what looks like a version of the Bird/Burd Coat, while McGee's seemingly use the BORDer swords in saltire, and Borders were first found in the same place as Tarrs! The Terry cross is in the style used for the Calvary symbols, how about that.This discussion came lumped with CARVers, similar to "KVARner," yet Carvers use a CALVer variation while Terrys use the cross only found with the CALVary symbol of other surnames. It looks like Terrys were part of the Tarsus-line Hyksos, and when we go to the Alexander motto, with "terras," we can add to that picture the white crescent of Alexanders (Maccabee suspects), highly suspect with the Mott crescent mainly, but Motts/Morte's were kin of Deaths/DARTHs. Therefore, Monunius liners, or, at least, Dardanians, are to be expected in the Colchian islands off of Croatia. The English Moneys (same place as CARPenter-related Fullers) even use the checks in the Arms of Croatia. I therefore declare, Coverts and Craven- beloved Actons/AXtons are using the Dart / Palmer fesse (of Italian Palmers).
And while Parma is at the Taro, there is an Palma location near Bute-based Avellino, home of the Arpad-like Hirpini. They had an Irpino location to the north-east of Avellino, and on the CERVaro river. It flows past SATRiano and Troia, and also Fogg-possible Foggia, to the Adriatic coast directly across from the Neretva river. Satriano evokes mythical Satyrion, lumped by myth writers into Apulia history with Spartans, especially at TARanto...where the MOTels were first found that can be sharing the horse and rider of Caffers/Caffertys, kin of Coffers/Coffeys, I must assume, for the Coffer Crest is the naked rider on a dolphin that's also in the Arms of Taranto. Taranto's rider was named, TARAS. Also, fish goddess, Dercato, also called, ATARgatis, was worshipped in PALMyra, and its environs, that being a stronghold of Amorites at one time. Thus, Palmyra traces to the Palma location near the Hirpini. Coffers were suspect with the Coffert variation of Coverts so that, feasibly, Coffers / Caffertys can trace to the namers of the Kvarner sea. The Italian Palmers use a "MOUND," and it's probably Teuta-important that English Palmers use "virTUTi."
Here's from the last update: "Palmans/Pelhams are said to have been at Laughton of Sussex, and while Tooths are the ones with a "palman" motto term, Laughtons list Lawtons, like Lauder/Lawder variations" (Lauders use a version of the Tooth Coat). I also said: "...Palmans in the Tooth motto, use the PELICan. Publius Pulcher was the one pulling political strings that made Brogitarus the high priest of Kybele". I haven't clinched the pelican with Pulcher; its a theory. Again, the Pellican surname (Dart colors) was first found in Dart-related Maine. Manent-like surnames, such as Amyntes, can apply to Monunius liners, because a Miller surname (Dumfries) uses a "Manent" motto term while the other Miller surname (shares blue wolf with Placentia) was first found in the same place (Sussex) as Coverts. Placentia is near to, and related to, the Taro river. BrogiTAROS, traced earlier to TARSatica = Rijeka, can be a line from Taras as he related to mythical Satyrion, the latter looking like the Bessi- related Satrae. That works because a Taranto link to Croatia seemed to be in play in this very discussion.
Here is from the last update that now links to Dardanians: "...a Palman surname in Polman/Poole colors and with "pelicans vulning themselves proper." Pullings/Pullys and Pelle's use the pelican. Stewarts use the pelican with a "VULNere" motto term." With the Pellicans now tracing to Pelagonia, but related also to Darts, presumably, "vulNERE" looks like code for the Naro = Neretva river, especially as I routinely link Alan-Stewarts to Arthur liners. I had found a lynx with the Alaunia family of Manche, but my Microsoft search feature could never find it again, when I really wanted it, as though Microsoft really wanted to hide that from me (I cannot remember what it was that had the lynx). It was a great find, tracing Alans to Lyncestes elements, and therefore proving that the Stewart pelican was for Pelagonia liners. A lynx- line theory was to the letter-using Langs and LINKletters (Stewart-like Coat), the Langs suspect with the Aleng variation of Alans (once showed ducks, the Linkletter symbol, instead of the martlets). Aha, the letters of Langs can be for the Letters/Lauders that use a version of the Tooth Coat! You can run, but you can't hide from the tribwatch eye. It's even feasible for the Dents to be Danaan liners. Why was the Mysian place called, DarDANia? Were the proto-Danaan of Laish at Tartus?
A ways down the river from the Penestae, the Lynceus line would have come to Lissus, and Lys'/Lisse's share the courant greyhounds of Penes'. From Lissus, they could practice piracy, and move up to the Neretva. it was a short pirate sail
Palmyra in New York state is said to be named after Palmyra in Syria. What possibly could have arranged such a thing? The founder of the Mormons, Joseph SMITH (I was in his house, I kid you not), was from, or born in, Palmyra. And Smiths use a heron as code for Orne. Then, English Moneys (Vair Shield) were first found in Orne, and these Moneys share a Shield of checks in the colors of the same of Rochesters! Zowie, Palmyra is in Rochester. It appears that Mormons (or at least their visible founder, a Freemason) may have been Monunius liners, and as his Dardanians were from the Kabeiri, let's repeat what was stressed recently, that the writers of the fictitious book of Mormon (a con-job throughout) secretly knew their roots from Lemnos...the island of Hephaestus, leader of the Kabeiri! Zikers, Paul Smith would be proud of me (he used to say "zikers"). This tends to prove a solid relationship of Arados-based Dardanians, now suspect also in Palmyra, to Palmer liners, and so let's repeat that "Flecto" is in the Monun motto while Flecks use a version of the Palmer/Parmer Coat.
Hmm, Joseph Smith used to look through a black piece of crystal, which he placed into a hat, after being paid by idiots, pretending that he could find buried treasure for them. He was arrested in 1826 for this practice of pay-me-for-divination, and, one year later, he claimed to find golden plates buried, with the book of Mormon written upon them in Egyptian hieroglyphics. He said that God provided him with special glasses, like a crystal, to translate the plates. And there were too many Christian fools who followed this nut; fortunately, he was shot dead at the early age of 44. The point is, I stayed a night in Crystal with ROACHes, like ROCHESter, making noises behind the wallpaper. Is there a Crystal-surname link to the founder of Mormons? Just asking. Christ's use only Roch-like roses, and the Money Crest is "An eagle's head erased holding three ROSES in the beak". I was just able to get online, and Roach's not only use fish, but a "Mon" motto term! Zikers. AND LOOK at the Roach Crest: "On a rock proper, a silver eagle RISING, with gold beak and legs, and a silver fish in the claws." A-ha-ha-ha. The heraldic goons strike again with their big mouth. The Roach's knew their trace to Monunius.
The Bush's who "adopted" the first president Bush were from Rochester's PENfield area, and these Bush's had themselves married a Smith family. Later, both Bush presidents supported the Mormon, Mitt Romney, for president, and Romneys share the Shield of pelican-using Pullens, the latter with martlets in colors reversed from the same of Khyan-like Cheneys. The Crystals are the ones with the Khyan symbol, calvary. Chrysippus comes to mind because he was a horse entity while Crystals use a fir tree, probably for the Fir(e)s with the giant unicorn. I trace the UNIcorn to the Una river, otherwise called the Oeneus (unicorn-possible Corns can be using the Capone chevron while Servilia Caepionis married Una- liner Mr. Junius).
If I recall correctly, Roach's use fish, and the fish goddess, Atargatis, was worshiped in Palmyra. Isn't that a hoot? Her DerCATO version was likely of mythical Ceto, the whale monster of the Pontus, suspect at "Cetis." The Cetis-suspect Geddes use fish! Did God put those cockroaches in the room just in time for my arrival? Perhaps she was of the Cati in Cilicia, beside Qewe. I have seemingly abandoned the trace of Laevillus to Qewe, as it's not mentioned much anymore, but it's still on the back burner, and will be brought to the front as the evidence arises, if it arises. What was her "Der" for?
DARdanians are also linking hard to TARR liners. Let's not forget PanDAReus, a Pan-goat combination with some Dar entity...suddenly looking like the Taras-Satyrion merger. Pandareus was at Ephesus, where I trace "Hephaestus." Pandareus' grandson was Italy-suspect Itylus.
Hmm, Itylus is like the Tyle location beside Cabyle, and Cybele was the goddess of the Kabeiri. The Sub Radice location beside Tyle definitely traces to Radice's, who use another Shield filled with checks. And Cabels use a Shield filled with fretty lattice, same as Caens at the Orne area, i.e. where the Smith heron traces, and where Shield-of-checks Moneys were first found. Taras was made a son of Poseidon, but Plato made Poseidon's chief son, Itylus-like Atlas. As Tyle now figures to be of the Hebrew line of Kabeiri, especially if it was the Itylus a line from Pandareus, note that its right beside the Haemus/HAEMON mountains, like the Hamon term we came across earlier in the write-up of the Moneys/Monnets. It means that Pandareus may have been a Dardanus line of Kabeiri.
Cabels were first found in the same place as Tarrs, and the Cabel motto suggests the Vito's, first found in TARVISium (root of Tarves?), in Venetia, and Radice's/Radi's/Radix's were first found in Udine, likewise in Venetia. As the Cabel motto has what looks like part code for Vito's, there is a chance that he was from the Cybele cult, for he married a daughter of the high priest of El-Gabal. Or, Avitus may have been a Caiaphas liner as per Chives' in Tarves. The Radice checks are in half the colors of the Linkletter checks, both using the odd-check color of green.
Below is from the 3rd of December, 2015, when I first mentioned Tyle. Note that Oeneus of Calydon is part of it, for Atalantis was made the queen of Calydon, wife of Meleager. The two of them killed the Calydonian boar:
...Oeneus of Aetolia was linked to the one-eyed man on his horse, son of Haemon or of Andraemon (the latter married to a daughter of Oeneus). Cabyle is directly inland from a coastal ANCHialus location. This could, therefore, pass as Aeneas' father [Anchises], or at least part of him. To the other side of Cabyle there is a "Tyle?" location, the map maker not sure where it should go, or whether it should be on the map at all (I don't know which). I still seek the reason as to why Quadratus Bassus' daughter was QuadraTILLa. As she married Laevillus, while Oeneus is now tracing as pagan-Levi cult to this area with a Tyle term, that could work excellently...The dark map has a Tilatae term between Cabyle and Serdica.It was my first linking that Quadratus was possibly from Tyle. In the paragraph above the one above, which I didn't recall writing when suggesting, in this update, a trace of Tous' to Tectosages, I had this conducive material:
Repeat: "[Alcathous] was killed by TYDeus, the son of Oeneus, Alcathous' brother". This can begin to identify the Tous/Tosini / Tosni surname with "AlcaTHOUS", for the Tosni's were also Todeni's, suspect with Taddei's/Tadini's, terms linkable suddenly to "Tydeus."...The Tous surname (boy-like "man") lists "Tonso," like the Tonzus river.ALCathous was no-doubt given that name to link to ALCmene, Hercules' mother, so that "Thous" becomes a root word. If we're going to stress Oeneus liners, we should try to remember Alcathous. In this picture, I was probably wrong to trace "Tous" to "TUScany," for it appears that the Tonzus- river peoples were merged with Alcathous elements, for Tosini's are suddenly looking like a Tous merger with Tydeus liners to Taddei's (same place as Tous'). I can trace Tydeus to Antalya/ATTALEIA, suspect with "Atlas," and this Pisidian location traces to AETOLIA at Calydon, explaining why myth writers places Atalanta in Calydon (they knew that Atlas was the symbol for Atlantis). DioMEDES was made the son of Tydeus. Here is an online quote: "Tydeus left Calydon and fled to Argos in order to avoid being persecuted by his uncle Agrius. He married King Adrastus's daughter DeiPYLE." Pylos was beside Methoni, and the latter was made a daughter of Oeneus of Calydon. I expect Methoni (of Massina-like Messene) to trace to ancient Modi'in, but the Hasmoneans were not yet there.
As we see that Tydeus (an Aetolian) became an Argos royal, that's where Atreus was king who smacks of ADRAStus. It appears the myth writer was using the latter term to indicate an Atreus element, and Atreus was a son of Pelops, i.e. from the Antalya Pisidians. So, an Antalya element first went to Aetolia, and from there it went to merge / colonize with old cousins of an Antalya > Atreus line at Argos. The latter was a land disputed between Poseidon and Hera, and Hera won. As the TARAS line comes out from Pisidians somehow, I suggest peoples from the Taurus mountains and into neighboring Pisidia (this neighborhood was the Zeus-Poseidon brotherhood, we can assume, and the third brother, Hades, was likely the Hatti to their north). It strikes me here that while Tyle liners can go to the Tilurius, Tydeus liners can go to the neighboring Titius.
Tydeus was an entity that was being persecuted by an Agrius entity in Calydon (compare with the "MeleAGER" code), smacking of the Ugrians in mythical Oeagrus to the north of the Hebros i.e. to the north of the Haemon range. Yet this Oeagrus line was also on the Hebros, and between the two areas was Tyle. Now that Tyle can be traced to the RAT-trap line in QuadRATus and QuadraTILLa, wasn't the rat from Arad, where the Arpad line was that was also mythical Charops, father/son of Oeagrus? That is a not-bad way to trace Tydeus elements to the Tonzus theater. And the myth writer made the head of Orpheus, son of either Oeagrus/Charops (I forget which) float through the mouth of the Hebros to Lesbos, home of a branch of Levite-suspect Lapiths. Oeneus was a Levite line, right?
If we wonder why so many Greek myths include Hebrew elements, ask who it was that invented Greek myth?
Tydeus' son, Diomedes, was made the founder of Lanuvium, beside Ardea (Rome area), and that gets Tydeus liners to the south side of Tuscany. I should like to know how Ardea related to the Ardiaei, but I haven't a clue. I did read that Aphrodite / Venus appears first in Italy at Ardea. A Rat-possible peoples founded Ardea, and it was the land of the Butteri cattle herders, highly suspect with Botters, first found in Tuscany. Here's from the 2nd of February, 2015:
The Tullia BUTTERflies suggest Botter lines. Butters (hearts) share the black Nancy cross, and while first found in Fife, are said to be from ARDoch of Perthshire...One couldn't ask for a better trace of Vivians to Arthur suspects than those at an Ardoch location. It may be of Ardea on the northern end of the Butteri cowboys in the Pontine, a term like PONTIUS Pilate [born in Perthshire]. REMINDER : Rusticus' granddaughter (Arthemia) married Munderic, who was "Vitry-le- Brule (Vitry-en-Perthois now)", which was fairly clinched with Perthshire, and herein (the above) is more evidence. ZOWIE, the German Brule/Brewell cross is the Nancy cross! I didn't know it when starting this paragraph, nor was it in the planning to mention Munderic or his Brule title in this paragraph (it was an insert later on). MOREOVER, French Brule's (Champagne) are the ones with pheons in Pilate-pheon colors!!!!!!...I've just been to the Mont Pilat article for the first time in years, to discover a Pert-like location: "The [Pilat] massif generally rises about 1,000 metres (3,300 ft) above its surroundings. Perdrix (Partridge mountain) rises to 1,431 metres..." It's not me who originated the idea that he was born in Perthshire.
Pretty entertaining. ARTHemia married MUNDeric sure reflects an Ardiaei- Monunius merger now that Mund liners can be verified as Monunius liners. It looks like Ardea liners go to Ardoch and link to the line of Pilate, which is one reason that I ventured to expect his unknown father (reportedly a Roman ambassador to Pictland) from Lanuvium. That could make the one who sentenced Jesus to death an Ardea liner, the line upon which the Heavens will one Day urinate fiery coals. Actually, "PERDrix" does not mean "partridge," for its the Greek "perdix" that does. It's the Perdrix peak of Mont Pilate that mostly convinced me that Pilate was born in PERTHshire, and the Rad hexagram might be with the Perthshire Hagars. Wouldn't it be "amazing" if Jesus was sentenced to death by the line of Abraham and Hagar.
Let's go back to "The Tullia BUTTERflies suggest Botter lines." Might Tullia's have been Tyle liners? The BUTTons had traced to Cabyle, smack beside Tyle. You may recall that Butters/Bitars were recently lumped in with Bath / Batton/Baden liners, with an explanation on why they can trace to Syria's Baathists, possibly from ancient Arados. The old update goes on: "...the Arms of St. Etienne [at Mont Pilat] use BOTTONy crosses in Pilate- and Brule-pheon colors. Both are in the colors and format of the Faucon/Falcon Coat, that being the surname to which I've traced Conte's [= pine-cone line]. Faucons are being mentioned here due to a Faucon location near or at Mont Pilat." Monans use the falcon rising for a trace to Rhisinium, smack at Butteri- / Button-like Butua. And that was part of the Ardiaei domain. I had found a Tullia surname with a pale bar in the colors of the Tewel pale bars.
The "deus" motto term of Butters and others s now resolved fairly well as code for the Deusters/Dusters, kin of Jewish Rothchilds (no 's') who use the horse, applicable to the Butteri cowboys. However, my mind is not attuned to a Rothschild link to Butteri elements. Still, Rothchilds and Dusters use the same bend as Italian Botters (Chattan/Cato kin) on half their Shields, and Rothchilds share the hexagram of Tulips/TEWLops. That trace of Rothschilds to Botters seems new to me.
In that update, it was added: "The BRUGel variation of Brule's/Brewells reminded me that Bruggs (said to be from Brugg, Belgium) likewise use a black-on-white cross. Isn't this the BROGitarus > Amyntes line to Munderic? " There is a gold object at the center of the Brugg cross, making it reflect the Mathis / Chives cross in the same colors. Another quote from that update: "Rusticus' mother, Tullia, can be root to the Tewel surname that was checked earlier when finding the tulips of Kite's." It recalls that Kidds were Cetis liners, and evokes the cats of Kite-like Keats that use the Chives cats in colors reversed. Archbishop Rusticus (Roost surname?), great-grandson of ARTEMia, was emphasized only once in my writings, and he was from a father in Lyon, of the time roughly of the first Merovingians...who came to rule much of France and meanwhile set up an alliance with the Vatican. Did they have Rusticus' phone number?
The Cati at Qewe (Adana area) may have named Cetis. Qewe was suspect with the Cowes surname, and there is a Cowes location on the Isle of Wight along with a Newport location, and Newports (definitely from Wight's Newport) share the same leopard faces as Aids, first found in the same place as ARTEMs. Newports have the look of the Quade Coat, moreover, and the Aid leopard faces are in the colors of the three Keat cats, the latter's positioned in pale (vertical) like the two, same-colored lions of Jewish Levi's. The Keety/Keeting Coat not only uses leaves as code for the Laevi, but the Annan(dale) saltire!
The Rush surname (same fesse as Darts) is expected to be a Rusticus line, and I saw him from Herod Archelaus circles. "The Rush horse may trace via the Frey / Phreeze horse to Lannoys and Lyons." Lannoys and Lyons are in Blade/Blate colors, and German Blate's use the vine which was on the reverse side, of Archelaus' coin, from the feathered helmet used by Lannoys. I once emphasized the Perta location as lake Tatta, but had forgotten it. Perta should be suspect with Pontius Pilate, and Blade's share the white pheon with Pilate's. The Perts/Petts use bulRUSH's, wherefore, if Rusticus was of Herod Archelaus, it recalls the proposal earlier in this update that Glaphyra Archelaus was of Ardiaei-Tatta elements.
Artemia's husband was Tec-like Decimus Rusticus (Tectosages?). The "Teg" motto term of squirrel-using Gilberts comes with a Haddock-like term, and Haddocks share the Nancy / Brule cross. The idea here is that Gilberts are kin of squirrel-line Decks/Daggers, but when I see the eight-pointed estoile in the Nancy Crest, it suggests German Teegers. Why is the Nancy cross cut short before reaching the edge of the Shield. Others with such a feature are Coopers, and then Herods/Heraults once showed their gold fesse not reaching the edges. Brabants do the same with their fesse, and on the Brabant fesse are the Gilbert roses, we may assume. This feature may be cooped as code for Cooper/Copper liners. Nancys were first found beside Gilberts, and in the same place as Haddock-like Hatch's/Haachs.
There is a Nancy location in Lorraine. In the Arms of Nancy, the Templar-Jerusalem potent cross, the curved fish of the Bars of Brunswick, and the two Brunswick lions in pale are the entire Hatch/Haach Shield, making Nancys look related to Haddocks and meanwhile revealing that Hatch's are a Haddock branch. But then the potent cross is used by Chads, very traceable from St. Chad to Chaddocks, Chadwicks and Haddocks, all three first found in Lancashire. Gilberts were first found in Devon, as with Hykes'/Hacks. It's all beside the Axe river to which the ZAHRingers of Baden trace i.e. to the axe-using Battins/Badens. French Gilberts share the black, double-headed eagle with the Hatchet/Hacket Crest, and ZEHRers use the hatchet, though the Crest has " A man in profile, carrying an axe on his shoulder, wearing a gold and red sash." As per the "shoulder," see that Shults' use a version of the Hykes/Hack Coat (same place as Gilberts), then click to the Scottish Hykes/Hacks (same chevron as Gilberts) to see fish, the Hatchet symbol too.
Recall the cockroach's in Crystal, for the Hykes/Hach fish are colors reversed from the Roach fish while it was Miss Hicks that went to church in Crystal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Crystals share the thistle with the Arms of Nancy. Was "Nancy" a form of "Annesy," about 200 miles south of Nancy? Nancy is in the Moselle area, and Mussels share white roundels (plates) with German Teegers.
There is more, for as Schults' appear to use the arm-and-sword of DEUSters, Hatchets/Hackets use another "deus" motto term. Somehow, the "Skoal" motto of Linkletters (dexter paw on a scallop) can apply to Schults'. As GILberts are suspect with Julians from the Gela Sicilians, the Schole's/Scayles' can apply because they share the Julian cross. Linkletters share the sheldrake duck with Sheldons whose "pati" motto term assures a trace to Scylla (Sicily) at the Patti theater, but Sheldons also use "OPTIMum," like the "optem" of Teague's/Teegers that's now resolved as code for Opgalli liners to Tiems/Teems (as well as to Timms/Time's). Sheldons were first found in the same place as Quade- / Weight-possible Watts. Sheldons are in Teague/Teeger colors, and the latter share the Julian / Schole cross. German Teegers/Tegens/Teege's/Tiganers were first found in Shults-like SCHLESwig-Holstein. As LinkLETTERs can link to the Letter- related Tooths, note that Toothills use a "langued" lion that is the same as the Levi lion (minus design).
The "diem" motto term of Teague's gets the Dittmayers with a horizontally- split Shield in the colors of the vertically-split Shield of Tarves' (battle- axe in Crest suggests Battin/Baden elements). This recalls the discussion where Tarves elements need to trace to the Devon / Somerset area of Hykes'/Hacks, Tarrs, Chives', and the Axe river. Tarvisium is also Treviso, and Travis' ("TIMide") share the scallops of Hykes'/Hacks, making a great case for a Tarves traces to "Tarvisium." Travis' (Sheldon colors) share the tiger with Ditts, which is how we can known that the Diem motto term is for Dittmayers. Travis' and Teague's share "nec," and it's remarkable how Tarvis' came into the picture just as tiger-using Ditts were at topic. What were the Ditts/Dyots that Tarves liners should be linking to them? Why would Tiem-like Diems (same place as German Teegers) be listed with Dittmayers? What were Tarves elements doing in Schleswig- Holstein? The "metuam" motto term of Teague's, if it's code for tiger-using MEDleys or their Methley branch, suggests that Teegers are a basis of many heraldic tigers.
I just recalled that the Arms of Holstein uses a "nettle leaf," and that Nettle's share the coiled snakes of Biss' who in turn use the same scallops as Travis'. The Ditt Shield has a "black tiger," and the Ditt Crest has "A silver tiger passant, with a red collar and leash." Teague's use a blue collar with besants upon it. As Tiems were first found in the area of Op-Gelders, it's probably true that tiger- using Hobs/Habs are Opgalli liners. Hobs/Habs use hawks, and Hawkeswells use axes for another trace to the Axe / Hykes theater, where Leavells were first found. French Gilberts and Hatchets/Hackets share the black, double- headed eagle of Maxwells, first found in the same place as Scottish Leavells, kin of Yonge's from the Japodes theater, where I trace proto- Maxwells i.e. to Tarsatica. Hawks use staves while Stave's are kin of Levi- beloved Aids, first found in the same place as Hobs/Habs and Tate's. Miss Hicks was with STANley too much for my liking, and Hobs/Habs are in the Arthur motto, "obSTANTia," while Stants/Stans are loved by standing-rooster Levers (same place as Gilbert-suspect Haddocks) who share the double-black bendlets of Ince's and Inse's, a branch, I think, of Innes that use the RAD hexagram in colors reversed.
I trace the Inse's to INSubres, founders of MEDiolanum, perhaps where Medleys trace. Mediolanum was also, Milan, and if Italian Milans call their trunk a "stump," it's interesting where the Stump Coat reflects the Teague Coat. Medleys share the double-black bars with Med-like Mauds and Monmouths, the latter two once showing the Ulman lion design (no longer showing), and I had the sense that all three surnames were connected, and that, shortly after writing about it, houseofnames changed the lion designs of all three as if to keep me from using the argument. At the time, Ulmans were traced to Ulm, and to the certain surname from Ulm I don't recall. The Elms happen to use double black bars of the Ulman kind, and in both colors of the double bars of Mauds / Monmouths / Medleys. The Elm Crest shares the woman with Elis', suggesting that Ulmans could be an Elis' branch. Ulm is beside the Hohen base of Goppingen (Swabia). Elmers ("Cornish blackbirds") are therefore suspect with the Elis cross, the Elmer cross in both colors of the Super saltire, the latter putting billets upon it in the white that Elis' put crescents upon their cross. Sobers use rose leaves in the colors of the single fish of Ulms. Subers use a giant "green leaf," all indicative of an Insubres link to nearby Laevi. The Elm woman is said to be of "head and shoulders" while Schults' have stars in colors reversed from the Medley / Methley stars. The Methleys (same place as Elis') use three bars in the colors of the two Elm bars. Ince's and Inch's use bendlets in these colors.
As the Ulm fish is in both colors of the same of Roach's ("Mon"), by what coincidence do Rochesters use the same Shield as Hohens? It looks as though the Hohens in Ulm were Rochester / Money liners, and this tends to introduce a Roach-Rochester equation that could only be theorized previously. The other Ulmans use the same double bars (in Ulm-fish colors) as Ness' / Washingtons, in colors reversed, for a decent Ulman-Medley link, round- about, to Nysa of Cappadocia. In fact, the double Ulman bars are shared by Washington-related Cantons, first found in the same place as Elis' / Methleys, which recalls that the Wassa (and Mopps/Moberley) canton is probably a version of the Tout canton. Expect the Medleys and their Mead kin to link to Opgalli and Tigranes, therefore. It's interesting that I checked for a Nova surname as per Novara of the Laevi, and moments later loaded the Rochesters who share green-on-gold scallops with Nova's. [The next update has the Maberley Coat with the Plunkett Coat and the Teague crosslets.]
Milan is near Mantua, said to be founded by mythical Manto. This gets me on Mandy, whom I dated when I should have been going after Miss Hicks. But Hicks was married, anyway, and so Mandy was maybe allowed into my life by my Father. That's a risky thing to say, but her name sure is working into this week's discussion. Miss. Hicks went to church in Crystal, where I slept with roaches. Roach's use a "MON DIEU" phrase that might be for the Monday variation of Mandys (share purple with Sobeks/Sobieski's), though Dieu-suspect Die's (Hick colors) use "HIC labor." As Capelli's are tracing to Cybele of Brogitarus' family, note the Hick Crest: "A gold buck's head couped gorged with a green chaplet." Chaplets are the ones sharing the swan that French Josephs once showed. The Hick motto is suspect with Tautons ("phoeBUS") that happen to use the same cinquefoil as Ulmans. The giant Ulman cinquefoil is half in the colors of the giant BUS cinquefoil. The GREAT REVELATION below finds the Bus cinquefoil with the Arthurs of Clapton who married Tewkesbury, Hicks and Meads, no guff. Do not miss that, for it links square to French Josephs with a Pellican twist that rains keys down from heaven.
Having said that, you may have read the last couple of updates where Elis' and Ulmans were concerned with ULZasen, brother of Cafuzo. I felt strongly that Cafuzo would trace forward to "Caiaphas," but, if not, definitely to Chives'..who share a version of the Schultz Coat, recalling that Schultz's are honored by the woman's head a shoulders while Elis' share a woman. Elis' use a woman with disheveled hair while Hairs (and thin-bar Richmonds of Yorkshire) use Shield-and-Chief color combination of Elmers...and of Annas'. Later, you will see the Annecy-suspect Nancy's (same cross as Elmers), first found in the same place (Lorraine) as Chaplets. The double bars of Hairs are in half the colors of the double Ulman bars, and in both colors of the same of HARcourts, and while HAIRs were first found in the same place as Coverts (one fesse in Ulman-fesse colors), whom trace to Hohen contacts in Swabia, the HarCOURTs may have been partially Courts/Coverts. Mrs. Covert not only married Mr. Dein, but Mr. Maness, and Maness' share the peacock of Harcourts. Fascinating, as if God can provide the clues excellently. Scottish Hairs even use a version of the Maness Coat, and the Hair Coat even reflects the Morinis Coat. Hicks, in Harcourt colors and sharing the same-colored fesse, share "bon" with Harcourts. Harcourts were Dane's, expected from Danaans, and they provided Humphrey de Vieilles, and from him the very Beaumonts that were the Leavell liners, wherefore note that the Harcourt bars are in the colors of the barry used the Somerset Leavells.
It recalls that Madelyn O'Hair (the atheist activist who made school prayer illegal) was found sliced into pieces on a ranch of Mrs. Teague's brother just as I drove by in first getting to Texas that year, as I was going to the motel from which I asked Mandy out for coffee. I could tell that she was wondering whether I was involved in the murder, for the investigators had set up their equipment on the roadside that day, which I drove past. For me, that timing is like a sign, now, as though God's wrath against O'Hair is of the wrath He's got in store through His revelation through me. Her murderers have been either jailed or killed. Mrs. Teague passed away long ago.
Note that Gouel de Percival is in the Leavell write-up. It was his son, as I recall it, Waleran, who married a daughter of the Beaumonts. I had found that a Well family was at Bec abbey, and you can see Bec in the Leavell write-up. In relation to this Bec, Robin Tuttle addressed me with an email to say that it was related the Toothill. Otherwise, I may never have known the Toothills that are now playing a large role in the Teague-related revelation...along with my infected tooth, which, if God is excellent enough, will be healed miraculously to the surprise of my dentist. The tooth is going in the right direction. The page below has Aschelin Gouel de Perceval and a map with a pointer in central Brittany, and with de-Percival born in Brittany from rulers of Brittany. Ivery-la-Bataille (see Battle variations) is in Eure, but this phrase may indicate that there was/is another Yvery (in Brittany?). The pointer is close to the first Motts/Morte's, and at PONTivy while Ponts/Ponds share the red-on-white fesse with Scottish Leavells. French Ponts share six bendy bars in the colors of the six fesse bars of English Leavells, I kid you not. that this Gouel Perceval is married to Isabel, daughter of Mr. FitzOsborn (tiger line) of Hereford and Miss Toeni. No Waleran is shown as de-Perceval's children. Instead, it's William, but when we go to William's page, his wife is Maud of Beaumont. Therefore, Waleran is herein called William. As Beaumonts are now practically clinched with Bellamys, and as I link the latter to Harveys, note the de-Perceval and family were of BreHERVAL, for Hervals are listed with French Harveys, the one's with the Monahan Coat.
Mandy had married Mr. Deter (non-Christian, makes it acceptable to divorce him, if he wanted it), like the Teague-related "Ditt." It's as though God, when He does things, does them excellently. Their Beaumont location is said to be at Oise, near the first-known Chappes' and Levi's. Maud was of VERMANdois, potential Fermans/Formans / Firmans, which can explain the double bars of Formans looking much like the Hair / Morinis bars. Vermans are listed with Firmans (share "Christo" with Bello-loving Bouillons). The Forman bars are in the colors of the two of Maness-beloved Parrs, who then use another woman in Crest who related to the Elm woman, for the Parr Crest is: "A woman's head and shoulders, dressed in blue, wearing a wreath of red and silver roses." Round and round we go, on the FIERris wheel. Are Ferris'/Fergus' (same place as Hanna's) using the Maud lion? Both use red lions in Coat and Crest. Are Mauds from this Maud of Vermandois?
If InSUBREs were named after a Suber entity, it evokes the SUBRadice version of Sub Radice. We just saw Radice's first in the area of Tarvisium. Radice's were first in Udine, further east than Tarvisium, and therefore nearer to Tarsatica. Mantua is within political distance of Tarvisium, and the latter is near Losinj, which can perhaps link Mandys to Mantua in that they use lozenges. What was the Manto-of-Mokissos (lake Tatta) connection to Mantua in northern Italy? What was in Mantua? Hyksos, right?
[Insert -- If the Dine moline was black, it would look a lot like the Chives moline, because both use a gold symbol at its center. Dine's were looked up as per "Udine." The Dine moline is in both colors of the Fier / Fair moline (Fairs love Tute liners). Fairways use a version of the Travis Coat, no guff at all, for a Fier-county trace to Tarvisium. That's also a Cavii relationship with Fier county and the Apsus river, recalling that Coverts trace to the same Croatian area as the Apps'. Miss Covert married a Mr. Dein, while English Dine's/Diens were first found in the same place (Sussex) as Deins (Tute crescents in colors reversed). Mr. Dean had a sister that married Nazi-suspect Scheriffs of Long Island, and Fairways were first found in the same place as Sheriffs. It recalls that, near Aryan Nations headquarters in Idaho, and near the home of Mr. Dein, there was a lake to which I thought that Firmans could trace. And from that time onward, Coverts just kept linking to Vere liners non-stop. There are some Dan-like surnames, first found in the same place (Sussex) as Deins / Diens, and Daniels/Danners share lozenges in the colors of the Apps lozenges. German Danners, with axe's yet first found in Baden (location of Stuttgart), seem obviously to be a line from the Zahringers/Veringers to the Battins/Badens. Dans (Sussex) are probably with the Hohen / Rochester checks, but as they use the same trefoils as Rocks and Rods, they can serve to prove that Rochesters were from Roquefeuils (proto-Rockefellers).
Daniels use "Nec" while the Neckar river is near Goppingen, and therefore near Ulm. The Elmer blackbirds are ravens that trace to Stuttgart, and the Arms of Stuttgart use the Ferrari-car logo, which is the horse of Italian Forts (Ferrara), first found in the same area as Udine (Dine-suspect) and Tarvisium. It strikes me here that Stouts have three of the Hair / Maness bars so that the Stout-raven vikings look Danish of a Harcourt kind. The same bars, in vertical direction, may therefore be in use with Courts/Coverts (same place as Coverts). The lake I was referring to is in COEUR d'Alene, and Coeurs are listed with sinister-bend LeCOURT's (in Court/Covert colors), first found in Brittany, where the proto-Leavells were ruling. We might surmise that the line from Lupus Laevillus was either in the Harcourt- Beaumont line, and/or in the Vermandois line. Coeur d'Alene is now suspect with proto-Ferrara, Forum Allieni, where I traced Formans, kin of Vermans/Firmans. I had claimed (as a theory) that the priests of Israel, who escaped the Romans in 70 AD, went to proto-Ferrari to be with the proto- Alans there. I also claimed that the Alan-Stewart line has been ruling the American military for I-don't-know-how-long,
Fairways use a reflection of the Catter Coat, which I looked up as per the "caetera" motto term of Crimmons/Rimmons a minute before going to Dine's. The two topics were unrelated, I thought, but then the Crimmons/Rimmons use a "divis" motto term that must be for the Dives variation (from Diva in Cheshire) of Dine's/Diens! I was working on Crimmons below, and came to this paragraph immediately because I recalled that I wanted to check Dine's (Masci wing) as per "Udine." It was the "divis" term that reminded me to check Dine's. Amazing. As Rimmon-like Rimini is where gauntlet-glove Massey liners were, see that Glove's use another version of the Fairway Coat. Rimini is not far from Tarvisium. They are using a version of the Vaughn Coat, suspect with Fane's/Vans/Veynes' (gauntlet gloves). Veynes', Wayne's, et-al were a branch of Wansteads, with a Wanstead location between London and Cambridge (see Child write-up), and it was as a result of reading the Child write-up that I found the Apps location of Epping on the road between London and Cambridge.
Thanks to the Covert emailer, I now know that Tarves-related Udine elements were at Sussex, and so note that all of the similar Coats above are in the colors of the Sussex Saddocks. Skye and Lewis was only recently (last update, I think) discovered as a Laevillus=Lewis entity, and here we find Vaughns descended from a Llewellyn character, the name that Lewis' are said to be from. I think I now know that the Lewis lion is a white version of the Trevor lion. The Trevor lion can be that of Morris' (same place as Trevors), and it's excellent that the Irish Morris', with a lion in colors reversed, use a lion "dripping with blood," for "DRIP" is like "TRIP" while Trips share "scaling ladders" with the Herefordshire Morris'. That now traces blood drops to Trips, as expected, for Drops are Trope's...from Tropoje in Fier county.
I had mistakenly typed "Deran" instead of "Dean." Derans/Deerings are said to be from a character of Morinis (there is a Morinis/Morasso surname first found in Modena), causing me to check Morris'. It makes the Dein/Dean lion suspect with the Marano / Montfort lion, and suggests a Udine merger with Marano of Modena. As it turns out, that mistake is a good one, for Maurice's (Herefordshire again) are using the Dein/Dean lion, apparently. Irish Deans, sharing a lizard with the Hare's/Garrys that love the Fears/FIERs in their motto, bring us back to a possible version of the Mopps Coat, which is pointed out because these Deans were first found in the same place (Galway) as Teague's (and Irish Morris').
I almost missed this. Recall that Terentius VARRO Murena was traced to Fier county. Then let me repeat that Murena's are also Moratins while Modena's Marano's are also Mauritano's, for Modena's Morinis' share the blue fleur-de-lys with Varro's! The Morinis' are also Moroni, which, if I recall correctly, is an "important" character in the Book of Mormon. It looks like Mormans loved Morinis', and, yes, in keeping with their secret trace to Lemnos, that's the location of Myrina! Got 'em. Stick'em up, Mormon leaders, you are under arrest for falsification. The Morinis fleur is in the colors of the Casano stars. I suppose that Udine elements were from Lemnites in some way, and that surnames like Maurice's and Morris' were from the same stock as the namers of Myrina. Amorites? French Maurice's use the Moray/Murray stars, and a version of the French Mar Coat. Amorites in Lemnos? Ask Aphrodite's Hebrews at the Euphrates river, where Amorites had a capital at Mari. Aphrodite was the official husband of the god of Lemnos. It's notable that Morinis'/Moroni's share double bars with Palmyra-suspect Palmers/Parmers, for Palmyra was an Amorite city, and the founder of the Mormons was from Palmyra. Isn't that a hoot?
AMAZINGLY, I have recalled that the Irvingite church (now the New Apostolic Church) of the wealthy Henry Drummond (London banker, not the writer), was founded in 1830, the same year that Joseph Smith founded the Mormon Church. I cannot recall the potential links that were found between the two men, but here I can add that Morini's/Moroni's use two of the German-Drummond bars. And Drummonds were first found in the same place as Trips, who use "scaling LADDERS,' while the Mormons used "LATTER Day Saints" as code for their organization. Just imagine the great effort that was put into writing the false Bible, the Book of Mormon. It was a wicked and well-planned conspiracy to rob Christians of their money and complete estates, and in the meantime Joseph Smith was screwing their young daughters with the full knowledge of the Mormon mothers. He was the kind of guy you mothers would love to hang from a rope and simultaneously whip-lash to death.
The Scheriffs had been suspect with a claim, that I believe, from the Nazi, Otto Skorzeny, that president George Herbert Walker Bush was born George Herbert SCHERFF. Later, I found that his Bush family was from Rochester, same as Joseph Smith, and that this very Bush family had married a Smith surname. Perhaps it's a coincidence, perhaps not, but an emailer, Michael, who got suspect in the last few months as Mrs. Covert's son with Mr. Dein, said to me that he was one of 12 apostles, and it just so happens that Henry Drummonds Irvingite church (Mr. Irving was its pastor) claimed to have 12 apostles. It recalls that the mother, I think it was, of William Hitler (Adolf's nephew), had a Dowling surname using a "holly tree," which recalls that Irvings use holly. Maxwells use a "holly BUSH", and the Maxwell stag is shared by Islips while the Scheriffs were from West Islip of Long Island. Sheriffs use a single blue-on-gold fleur-de-lys, the colors of the Morinis fleur. Sheriffs were first found in the same place as Marano- related Montforts, who took the title's of the Leavell-liner Beaumonts at Leicester.
Just compare the Morinis Chief to the Dowling Chief. I would say that Joseph Smith lunatic and criminal genes were in Adolf Hitler, and I've been wondering whether to sound the Trump lately. The Morinis-related Derans/Deerings use stag heads. The Dowling lion is GORGED, as the description says, and the first Drummond was a son of George. Paul Smith was on crutches (in the dream), following a sickly stag that has been identified with Hungarians, and George was the son of a Hungarian king who was in Scotland as early as 1055, during the victory celebrations of Siward of Northumberland for his victory over MacBeth. Two years later, Malcolm III, who welcomed these Hungarian lines, would kill MacBeth and become the Scottish king himself. Malcolms share the red stag head with Derans/Deerings, and use Andrew's Cross in colors reversed. had read that George's son, Maurice Drummond (possibly in some Morris / Maurice surnames), was "Marot de Yorvik" (York), and it just so happens that the York saltire is reflective of the Malcolm saltire. God gave my readers a message from emailer Patterson that the blue lion was a Caepio-line lion from Caiaphas and/or Cypros, mother of Herod, and while Yorks use a "cupias" motto term, and a lion head in Crest, the gorged Dowling lion head is blue. Yorks use "metuas" while Teague's use "metuam," and as the Teague term is suspect with tiger-using Medleys, note that their Methley branch was first found in Yorkshire. Do not miss the great revelation shortly below on the Arthur- of-Clapton marriage to Meads; the latter were first found in the same place as Medleys (and Coverts and Deins/Deans / Diens/Dine's).
If one follows the Deering write-up through Norman de Morinis of Kent to his ancestor, Mr. Osbert = the tiger Osborns, first found in Kent, continue to the Bigots as per Osberts receiving land from earl Bigot, and there in the Bigot Chief is a lone turtle in the colors of the lone fleur in the Morinis Chief. Clicking to French Bigots, one finds the Shield- and-Chief color combination of Morini's, and a gold-scallop version of the Mar/Maur Coat, all expected from the Mormon line of Myrina. As the flag of Mercia is the saltire of Masseys/Messier's, first found in the same place as Mars/Maurs, it speaks for itself. There is a Mauron location beside Pontivy, by the way, and this caused me to look up similar terms, coming to Marneys that use the round-tailed lion, as I call it, in half the colors of the same of Deins/Deans (Massey Chief?). But the Marney lion is in both colors of the Marano/Maurtitano / Montfort lion, and Moroni's were first found in the same place as Marano and the Marano's. Yet Marneys are way over in Essex. There is a Montfort location in Brittany 10 or less miles east of Mauron.
If Mandy is reading this, she will find it amazing that I was in Joseph Smith's house. I had no idea that when I got there, while writing a book on Joseph Smith, a bus-load of Mormons would be walked through the "sacred place." I piped up in front of them all, inside his house, saying that Smith had been arrested for divination one year before finding the buried gold plates. They didn't like me. I read that in a book written by a Mormon, and it's now online in case you want the gist of the story. Back to Udine near TARviso. End insert]
Deters are listed with Teet-like variations while Teets are listed with Tatta-possible TATE's (same place as Artems/Aitons and Aids) who in-turn use the same saltire as Annans = Taro-river Ananes Gauls. The original Gaelic form to "Teague" is said to have been "TAIDH," but this was not necessarily the first form of the surname, as though Ireland was the beginning of the world. Lake Tatta would be a good candidate for the home of the Galatian Opgalli, and Teague's were first found in GALway. Aha, Deters said to be from Peter Deterde/DITHers of GRAPlow (inccating why Deters use grapes). That could be part of the Ditt bloodline. The Ditt tiger is in Gripp/GRABben colors, and this surname evokes Agrippa's, which may again suggest a Herod bedrock in the Tatta area. The Antipater > Cassander line had Nysa in Cappadocia, and the Cappadocian capital (Caesarea) is about 200 miles east of lake Tatta, a neighboring state, or perhaps a part of Cappadocia at the time. The Deter Coat actually uses grapes, symbol on at least one Herod coin, but that Grape surname is even listed with Gripps/Grabbens. Note the Grabaeoi, beside the Dasseretae, on this map: used to link Gripps/Grape's to Varns and the Varni, and here we find grape-line Deters from the Varni area. Teets/Tate's were first found in the same place as clarion-trumpet Arthurs, toot-toot. Mandy had a daughter with Mr. Deter whose name uses two lions facing each other, with a sword between them, same as Monans, and this mystery surname was first found in Monaghan.
The Teeter variation of Deters is almost "Teeger". Deters were first found in Pomerania, near the Teegers / Ditts of Schleswig-Holstein. Mandy accepted my offer for an outing after asking Mrs. Teague whether I was safe. Just take the Gaelic form, "Taidh," and make it "Taider," much like "Teeter." Is this important to God? Was this really a Tatta line? Are Teegers using the Tous/Tonso star?
I haven't looked Hicks up until now (it's been maybe a year since the last time). I found their motto in my files as "TOUT en bon heure." I kid you not, I was out of things to say as I asked the questions above, and so decided it was time to check out the Hick (no's') Coat, and there you have the Touts. Just look at the timing. The motto phrase, "Tout en" can be for Tautons, in Hicks colors but listed with Tarltons. Whatever the Tarltons were, I kid you not that they use the motto of the Jeffreys that show a sun-cloud combination that was exactly the scene I was catching on video, as I drove to Galveston, that presented my heart with an eerie feeling, an omen of what was to come. After almost being robbed of all that night, I stopped the trip in Crystal the morning after that day. And by the way, my vehicle was spewing black smoke (act of God?), which is why I returned home (there was no engine problem getting home). The Tauton variation may be for a branch of Tauntons, first found in Somerset, where Arthurs married the Hicks (i.e. at Clapton). And while I've been flirting with a trace to GLAPhyra to Tatta, CLAPtons are even suspect with her name. Remember, Manto was a HYKSos line. (The Jewish Aarons, with cloud, may be using the Deter quadrants, for Deters are in McLeod/Cloud colors while Teague's are a McLeod sept.)
As Tatta was suspect with the line of king Tut, note that his grandmother was Tigh-like Tiye. Then go back to Tate's with the Annan saltire, because Tighs/Tease's/Tye's use the star of Annecy-like Annas'. Repeat: "Recall the cockroach's in Crystal, for the Hykes/Hach fish are colors reversed from the Roach fish while it was Miss Hicks that went to church in Crystal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Crystals share the thistle with the Arms of Nancy. Was "Nancy" a form of "Annesy..."" Apparently, Roach's can be Roque / Rock / Rochester liners but with the Hykes/Hach fish. The latter call them hake fish, which evokes mythical Haik/Hyke, an ancient and chief god of Armenia i.e. where Mus is found i.e. where I trace the Khyan Hyksos. And then Nancy is in Moselle, itself named after the Meuse river. Mussels not only share Pilate-suspect plate's with Teegers, but use a form of the CLAVER Coat. Glaphyrincidence? The Cheshire Claptons are in Mussel colors, and the Meuse's use the patee cross of the other Claptons. Glaphyra (Opgalli's grandmother) may have married Juba of Mauritania (Massena liner) because she had some connection in Cappadocia with Massena liners. If I recall correctly, Tigranes Maccabee (Opgalli's tiger-line husband) ruled Armenia, perhaps because he was from Hyksos.
Mandy's maiden name uses an "Alis" motto term while Alis' use a MUZZLEd bear, and share the fir tree with thistle-using Crystals and thistle-using Alpins.
One of the best keys of this update was the find that both Ponts surnames are from the proto-Leavells (i.e. from the Brittany home of Gouel de Percival) at Pontivy. One can then add that the English Ponts can be using the Clapton patee. But I have no proof for that. Yet, Ponds were first found in the same place as Bidens/Buttons, and as the two share the same fesse, the Pond fesse can be of the Nice / Ness fesses too, and thus trace to Nysa of Cappadocia i.e. the home to Clapton-based Glaphyra. And from this perspective, one can link to "Pontus," a very good- looking theory. The red fesse is even used by Alans of Brittany.
As the Leavell bars are called "barry," and as Scottish Barrys use six bars in half the colors of the six Leavell bars, by what coincidence do Irish Barrys use the thin, double bars of Wassa's/Gace's in the same colors??? The Ness bars are also the Washington bars, right? German Barrys use fish heads in the colors of the Roach fish, on red like the Geddes fish heads. Just look at that powerful argument that you can floor your guests with at your next Bible study. Scottish Barrys (the red Fiddle wolf head) use "LEGi FIDELis" while the one leg of the Monmouth lion is missing.
The Barry-beloved Fiddle's were first found in the same place (Surrey) as the Gastons who share scallops upon a fully-checkered, red-and-white Shield with Rochesters, indicating a Roach-Rochester link to the Hohens. The Barry garland can link to the Gars, one of which appears with a reflection of the Forman Coat, and the others listed with Garns, which can reveal that the Gaston scallops are those of Gripp/Grape-suspect Varn scallops.
This gets interesting where Gars use a "ForTITER" variation while GRAPE- using Deters/TEETERs were first found in Pomerania i.e. the Varni theater. The split Ditt Shield is in the colors of the Fort quadrants, evoking "FORTiter," and in the colors of the flag of Gas-suspect Gascony that uses two quadrants reflective of the Deter quadrants. The Gass' use the Gaston checks too, with what could be overlain with the double Voir lions, and the JOSSelins (giant wreath, falcon LEG) use "deVOIR" while Voirs/Voyers are said to be from GRIPel, in Brittany, apparently from the Gripps/Grape's, suspect from the Griffins of Pomerania. Gripel is not far from Josselin, the latter a little upstream on the Oust river from the Leavell area of Pontivy. Joss'/Goss' use the falcon (Josselin symbol), and the other Gass'/Gascons use a duck, a symbol of French Alans...suspect with Dols, first found in Pomerania. The other Gascons (Gascony) share a red-on-white chevron with Swedish Gusts. The Alan fesse is shared by Cuthberts, who even use another dart in Crest held by a gauntlet glove, as do Maine's, who in-turn share double-red-on-white chevrons with Mabers/Mowers (Moberleys are also Moverleys). Cuthberts were first found in the same place as Maybe's/Mabee's that share the white and stripeless tiger of DITTs. There's a lot to contemplate there.
I don't know what to identify Moberleys as, and have merely assumed that their Mopps variation is of Mopsus, for I expect Wassa's and Washingtons, who both use a piece of the Moberley Coat, to be at Tut-suspect Tatta. Moreover, Mokissos at Tatta is virtually Mopsus' alternative name. But where did "Mober" come from? The Mowers look like they could be a version of a Moucher variation of Mochs. Or should we disregard the "Mob" and stress "Burley"? There are also the Mavers using the same Shield as Hamons.
As Tigranes was not likely from Tatta because he was a Maccabee / Herod, the Tigranes-liner Teegers trace to Tatta with their Taidh variation because of Opgalli being there, or that's the theory. The Op-GELDers may thus be a branch of Celts/Cults (Perta-like PERTHshire) that use the Pilate pheon in colors reversed.
CLAPPERs will now connect with Roach's you just watch. The Roach and Geddes fish are both on red Shields. Clappers/Clapps happen to have a Shield filled with vair fur in the colors of the Shield-filling Rochester checks. The Cotta fretty can also apply. The Clapper Crest: "A pike naiant proper." Are you not impressed? The Geddes use pikes. And the line of Glaphyra > Opgalli ruled Cetis. I think it was Opgalli's son that married Cetis royals, and here you just saw a Glaphyra-like surname linking to Cetis-suspect Geddes. Are you not impressed with the big mouth of heraldry symbols?
Clappers love the Propers/Robins (same place as Claptons), who share the key with Clavers. Robins share the thistle with Nancy, and the white pheon with Pilate's. The latter should connect with Perta, on the Tatta shore. God perhaps sent Robin Tuttle into my email life, and she alerted me to Toothills. As Tuttle's/Toothills are also "Turtle," there is a chance that Tatta liners were fundamental with Tertullus'. Not only did a descendant of Glaphyra, Plancia Magna, marry a Tertullus, but there was Junia Caepionis Tertulla. Another Tertulla was the mother of Vespasia Polla. The first of these Tertul liners was Junia Caepionis (1st century BC), with the others shortly afterward in the 1st century AD, wherefore I'm asking if ther latter two descended from Caepionis. The other Toothills (same place as Capone's) have a bend in the colors of the Pullen/Pully bend, and Pullys trace without any doubt to Vespasia Polla. It can suggest that Tertulla of the Polla family was related to Caepionis Tertulla, and as the latter's first name was Junia, it's notable that June's were likewise first found in the same place as Toothills. As we are taking about Cappadocia at Tatta, Caepio's and Capua's/Capone's are looking like they were named after Cappadocians, and that brings the CAPPAD-like Geddes motto term, "CAPTa," to mind.
As the full motto is "Capta majora," by what coincidence are Majors using a version of the Chief of Annas-like Annackers while the Annacker Chief uses lozenges in the colors of the Pert/Pett mascles (hollow lozenges)? I suppose that, in this picture, Anchors/Annackers can be from Ankara, in the area of Brogitarus' / Amyntes' family. As I've only just started to trace Ardiaei through Amyntes to lake Tatta, note that the Perts/Petts use the motto, ARDENS!!! Zowie. As I'm seeing Herods at Tatta, note that the Pert/Pett bend is linkable to the same of Chaucers (same place as Perts/Petts), suspect with Herod of Chalcis.
The Pert/Pett lozenges are shared by TAUTons/Tarltons (Pert-lozenge colors), and they share the Jeffrey motto that has a "phoebus" term that usually denotes the Apollo sun god, explaining why Jeffreys use the sun. But French Ardens use the sun too, and the Tauton/Tarlton cinquefoils (Tarr colors) are in the colors of the same of English Ardens. It clinches the Taut trace to Tatta, and if that's not enough, Tauntons (same place as Tarrs) share the Cornish chough with Toothills. If that's not enough, the Tauton/Tarlton Crest has (Anton leopard face?) "ostrich feathers" in the white color of the Tooth feathers. Talk about a power-packed paragraph, probably useless for tracing to Tatta had not the Perts applied. Perts became a topic in the first place seeking Perthshire liners.
Tauntons are said to be from a Tone river, and I agree, for the red leopard face between the feathers of the Taunton Crest is that of ANTON(y)s, the latter term like the TANTON variation of Tauntons. But rather than assuming that the similar Tautons/Tarltons were Antony liners, I would suggest that Tauton liners changed to "Taunton" when merging with the line of Mark Antony, an ally of the father of the first Herod, for his family is now expected at Tatta too. Via Antony, Herod's father may have been jettisoned to Israel. Antony was the chief of the pro-Julius-Caesar faction after Caesar's assassination, and Israel was in the throes of falling under the spell of the Romans. Antonys (Lincolnshire) are in the colors of the Leicestershire Tonys/Tosni's, and French Julians use a saltire in the colors of the Tess/Teck saltire, and colors reversed from the saltire of Tailbois' (Lincolnshire too), the latter's Coat very suspect with the Annans. I can glean that the Antony goat is that of Russells who in-turn use the scallops of the Tailbois', by the looks of it.
The bottom line in that confusing picture is that Tauntons, because they use the Pert/Pett lozenges, and the Toothill choughs, must have been Tautons.
I don't know when Ankara was named in order to judge / guess whether it was from the Ananes Gauls, but this is a question I'm going to keep in mind. I can say right-off that Pessinos, home of Brogitarus, may have led to the Pistol/Pester surname, for pistols are used by HOPkins that use the colors and format of Capone's. That alone speaks for an Opgalli link to Caepio's. The Habbagan variation of Hopkins looks much like "Cabbage." Pistols share a red stag with Cults/Colts of PERTHshire! I have it recorded that Hopkins were first found in the same place (Cambridgeshire) as Capone's, but houseofnames may have changed that. Pistols use the same chevron as Quints (suspect with Quintus Caepio, Junia's great-grandfather). Add to this picture that while Publius PULCHer was said to be Quintus' grandson, Pullys use the PELICan. And the Sabine's/Savone's share the stars of Polesdons/PULSiphers (and Palins, I gather), the latter having a known PULCipher variation not in the data bank.
While Pullys are connectable by their red scallop to the same of Sabine's/Savona's (important because Vespasia Polla married Mr. Sabinus), Savone's/Safini's (now viewed as part of the Monunius line) share white-on- blue crescents with Turtle's/Tuttle's/Toothills, which again links Toothills to Tertullus of Polla. I did not know or even think about a Tertullus link to "Tatta," the term, when seeing reason (years ago) to trace Plancia Magna to a relationship with Amyntes, the conqueror of Derbe, not far from Tatta. Wikipedia didn't give the details of this invasion, whether or not it covered Tatta. If Glaphyra was connected to Tatta in some way, it explains why Plancia should be too.
The Perts/Petts use a stork in Crest, and it just so happens that stork- using Storys use a six-sectioned Shield, as do Tate's. Remarkable. The Storys were looked up after a reader from Switzerland tipped me off on the Stormys, and it was this reader who wrote in to tell of a Vevey location on the north shore of lake Geneva just when I was linking Veys/Vivians to Bute. For there is a Morges location on the same north shore that connects to Morgan le Fay of Bute. Later, I found a Pully location between Vevey and Morges, and after that realized that Vevey was from Vibia, mother of Laevillus. Now, in this update, Geneva is linking tentatively to the king- Gentius Ardiaei. The five theme of Arthurs has always been part of the VIVians use Shield-and-Chief color combination of Fife's (same stars as Annas-related Tease's/Tighs) while Fife's share the lion of Five's/Fifys in both colors, feasibly the lion of Monans. Fife is an area beside Perthshire, and Perts/Petts love Ardens while the Arden Chief has the Fife-Chief stars too. I have so many keys close to the front of my memory that the things I seek to prove are within grasp.
The Cornish cough of Toothills may link to Vivians, first found in Cornwall, and Cornish's use the colors and format of Corns. Scottish Cornwalls use the Fife stars so that the other Cornwalls are probably using the Fife / Five lion. Cornwalls were first found in the same place as Darts, and share the dart fesse! Bingo, the Arthurian link to Five's was from Ardiaei in particular. Scottish Cornwalls use "...a Cornish chough HATCHing in the face of a ROCK proper." The Daorsi-line Davers share a jay with Poitvins, but Poitvins out it on a white rock too. Note that the Cornwall rock is shaped like the boot of Dutch Veys. French Veys/Vais'/Vaits use cinquefoils in colors reversed from those of Ardens, yep.
Interestingly, Vase's are listed with Face's/Fessys, and as they use the same cross as Switzerland, they might just be a Vais-line branch of Vevey, which at first seems to shatters all of my prior understandings on Fesse origins. But one place that I've traced them is to the Fieschi of Genova, and that can be from Vevey at Geneva. Like I said, it's interesting. In fact, the Vey trace to Bute was probably of the raven vikings of Shetland, where Fessy-suspect Assi's were first found, for I've read that those vikings conquered Rothesay = Bute. The Fessys are in the fasces of the Assi Coat, right? Yes. And the Vase/Fessy motto honors the Segni's/Segurano's, first found in Genova.
The Feschs/Fechters/Wachters/Vechtens, first found in Switzerland, are probably with the eight-pointed estoile of Motts/Morte's, a merger with Darths. Motts/Morte's are from the area of the Meu river, where Mea's/Meighs were first found that share the Vase/Fessy cross. It looks like the vase has not been shattered at all. The Veys had even used, "FACE of a rock." This recalls the Fessy link to Valentinian, whose father got suspect with Chretiens. The latter use blue lions, the color of the lion of Bute when Rory MacDonald ruled it (see the blue Rory lion), I have always traced the Blue Bute lion to Crichtens/CREIGHTons, recalling that Crete/Crest liners are suspect with Chretiens/Chrestiens! Bingo. The Gratian line was therefore at Midlothian, where Crichtons were first found, and as I theorized that Valentinian descended from CARACalla, the Crichtons are suspect also with Cricks/Cracks while the CARRICK-related Gilberts (use the Arms of Carrick) use a squirrel "CRACKing a nut." Are you not impressed? As Wings (same place as Justine's/Justus') are from the city where Gratian and Valentinian lived, compare the Wing Coat to the Kerrick Coat. Then, link Kerricks to Prestburys that use the Melusine mermaid, who loves the mirror in the Coat of Squirrel-branch Sire's that in-turn love Justine of Picenum, wife of Valentinian I, and daughter of Justus. Out of this line came the scales of justice, and from the scales got called other things as mergers with other families called for different codes. The Dexters call them "weights" as code for the Justine-related Weights, from Quadratilla, I feel certain. The Mopps/Moberleys have a scale in Crest, but the description page mentions nothing about the Crest.
The Crichs/Cracks and Crutch's share the same pale bar also with Tiller- related Tailers, and this reminds that Smith formee-fitchee crosses are used by Crutch's (Palmer colors) due to a fundamental relationship between the two. I'm therefore wondering whether Joseph Smith, from Palmer-likely Palmyra, relates.
The Vechter-like Victors/Fichters/Victoria's are even sharing a black pale bar and gold stars with Fisks (estoile), and the Victor stars are in the colors of the Fife / Cornwall / Tease stars. I see Fisks as kin of Glaphyra-line Cliffs/Cleeve's, and at the bottom of the "fiscal-cliff" money hoax that was conducted under Bush and Obama. Fisks share the red-white checkered Shield of Moneys...and Hohens, important because a reader with a Coffert bloodline said that her father was from elite German Hohens, and then Coffers/Coffeys use a "victoria" motto term. It should be added that Vevey wasn't necessarily the beginning of the Vey/Vivian bloodline. For all we know, it may have went the other way around, from Cornwall to Geneva. Craigs use a Vivian-like motto and share the same crescents as Motts/Morte's, and likely the horse-and-rider of Caffers and Motels (from Taranto, near proto-Craigs of Agrigento).
Fife's share the lion of Annas-suspect Angus', and Angus is likewise beside Fife. Annas' use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Vivians (blank Chief) in colors reversed, and we might keep in mind to discover whose blank, gold Chief the Annas' use. We can now assume that Fife was a settlement of the Vibius bloodline, linked to the north shore of Geneva, and the Arthur / Morte / Death bloodline in Bute likewise links to that northern shore. This Arthurian lunatic-monster, disguised as a chivalrous knight with beaming eyes and flashing teeth, was connected to Annas in some way, making perfect sense because he is expected from the Levites, as is Laevillus. I'm blowing the trumpet here. Levers were first found in the same place as Saddock- likely Haddocks that use the same fleur as June's. Saddocks share the white- on-black martlets of Levins.
Tillers/Tylers were first found in old MORGANwg (Glamorgan) and Monmouthshire. That looks exactly like an Ardiaei-Monunius merger, and Tillers were from the Tilurius, one major north of the Neretva. Tillers use the Seaton crescents, and the Tilurius was alternatively the Seaton-like Cetina. A Cetin surname, though listed with Cattans, uses cats and a "lupus" motto term. While Teague's use "metuam," Cetins/Cattans use "meTUIT." Cetins/Cattans (shares black fitchee with Tarves') can be traced to Chattans / Chatans for reasons aside similarity of terms, but there is no evidence that they (perhaps the Cati of Cilicia) were from the Cetina, albeit, while I trace Masseys to the Cetina, Chattans are in the Massar/Massai cat, that family part of the Massi/Mattis surname (thus traceable to the Chives cats) and the Massa-Carrara political entity. The Carrara surname, first found near TARVISium, shares a vertically-split Shield with Tarves', and both use a blue half. Scottish Carrs/Kerrs are then interesting because they use a sun, while I see the priest of the El- Gabal sun god at/near the Cetina. Irish Carys use the same lion as Maschi's, and the Somerset Carys are in the Leavell write-up. [The next update shows how/why Carys are in the Zehrer description.]
There is a Cully location at Geneva right beside Pully, and Cullys, who named a Cully location in Brogitarus-laden Derbyshire, share part of the Berton/Burton Coat ("vitae" motto term). The latter, if they are Bird/Burd liners, can thus trace from the Bird/Burd flory cross to that of Taddei's. Tattincidence? Bertons are suspect with a Coat version of Bellamys (same place as Bertons), and while Bertons are said to have had a branch at Lancashire's Dalton, Daltons look to be using a Coat version of the Bellamy- related Beaumonts. The latter had a branch at Meulan, and were from Laevillus, right? Just like that, Laevillus' mother can trace to Cully too. And as Bertons use a motto, "Lux vitae," the Cullys come out looking like the Cole's because the Cole bull is in the colors of the Lux bull head, and we now know that the Lux bullhead is the black one of Walerans. The Pullys are the ones with a motto that traces to the Colapis river, where I trace Cole's.
We now have the keys for a Colapis trace to the north shore of Geneva, at the major center of Lux-like Lausanne. Lausanne is in Vaud canton, which recalls that the emailer from Switzerland introduced me to the DeVAUDs, and they not only share the pelican with Pullys (and Waleran-like Wellers), but list "DeVAUX." Isn't that wild, how God can use readers, who have no idea, to make His case? In fact, when she wrote in, I myself had no idea on the significance of the surnames she suggested, and it was always later when it would fall upon me. The Laus surname is listed with Lauers/Lau's, but is in Lux colors and has a man holding grapes and a scythe / sickle (the description page doesn't tell what it is). It recalls my trace of the Scythe's/Skits and the Fife Scythes'/Side's/Sudys (tiger) to SCIDrus, smack beside a Laus location. The Side's/Sudys are a branch of Sittten-related Sutys that were at Sitten, upriver from lake Geneva. The Sitten and Suty motto's include "HazARD," now looking like a Monunius-of-HASmonean combination with Ardiaei.
As Scythes'/Side's have a passant lion in the colors of the passant tiger of Ditts, while the Diem motto term of Teague's/TEEGERS gets the Dittmayers, it's now clinched that Teague's link to Seaton liners from Scidrus. This is the very area to which Mandy's maiden name trace's, and as we just saw grapes with Laus', by what coincidence did she marry Mr. Deter while Deters use grapes too? Note that the Deter dog is in Trump / Dol colors, for all three surnames were first found in Pomerania. Mandy's maiden name traces to the Jonathan Levites at the Laus area.
I don't recall trying for a Firenze Coat, but there is one, with a giant black wolf, in the design of the one of German Flemings, and it holds a "schythe." This is excellent for my trace of "FLANDers" (home of Flemings) to "Blanda," beside Laus and Scidrus (see map below), and the wolf is even in the black of the Flanders lion. The Firenze wolf is suspect with the Louth wolf because Louths were first found in the same place as Firenze-liner Ferrends! Bingo. And this must be the Varro wolf too, but as Lupus Laevillus was a Varro too, by what coincidence did he marry QUADratilla while Quade's use wolf heads in both colors of the Firenze wolf??? We have just traced Laevillus liners to Firenze, where Ferrend-related Taddei's were first found, and, my friend, this links crystal-clear to the Bouillon cross., compare the Parton Coat to the Ferrend Coat, noting that the Parton bend (ragully pattern) should play closely to the Cough bend, because Partons and Cough-loving Toothills should both trace to Perta. The RaGULLY patter is suspect with Gullys/Golly that use the Julian / Teague crosslets! The Gully Coat is a great refection of the Taft/Toste Coat.
The last update showed why Tafts were a Teague merger or branch, As Tafts use the colors and format of Sherwoods and Branch's (= Avranches liners), both connectable to Conte's (same place as Sherwoods), it's notable that Toothills use a BRANCH in the mouth of their Cornish chough. Tafts share the same-colored chevron as Teague's, but use the Teague crosslets in red, yet the Hamons use a version of the Branch / Sherwood Coats so that it round- about gets the Amyntes line to link to Teague's. Why do the Tafts come us as "Toste," like one of the Tous/Tosini variations?
The fact that the French Julian Coat is a great reflection of the French Galli Coat, while Gullys/Gollys are obvious Julian liners, begs two questions: 1) Were Galli's merely a branch of Julians; 2) Were Julians descended from king Gala/Gaia of Numidia? The Gay rooster says that 2) is the likely answer.
I showed a Simplex-reason as to why Perkins trace to Perga (Plancia's home with Tertullus), and it just so happens that Perkens (with an 'e') use a version of the Tooth Coat. You see, Plancia really does trace to Tatta, toot-toot, did you hear the trumpet? Plancia was related to a Simplex character, and it's interesting that Sempers use the double lions, in PALE, of Haddock-like Hatch's/Haachs, in colors reversed. In another colors scheme, Jewish Levi's use double lions in pale. Were Sempers an Simplex line? The Hatch/Haach lions are those of Brunswicks too, and of the Arms of Brunswick, and Bars of Brunswick were at Bar-le-Duc in Lorraine, where Annas-possible Nancys were from who share the same cross as Haddocks. Again, the Nancy cross is couped short, and Saddocks were first found in the same place as Cypros- / Caepio-possible Coopers/Coppers. The COPElands, near the first Levins, use a version of the Mopps/Moberly Coat, and the latter were from Mokissos i.e. at Tatta. Copelands trace with Cope's and Copps strongly to the Kupa/COLAPis river, for Cope's are also Colps/Culps. And the Pullys even use a "CULPA" motto term. This is why Cope liners are expected with Junia Caepio, for the Colapis is beside the Una river of mythical Juno. To put it another way, Servilia Caepionis married Mr. Junius because the two families had similar (and probably related ) ancestry.
Was Junia Caepio involved with Tatta's elements? Her alternative surname used by Wikipedia was, Tertia, meaning " the third," for her two sisters had the same two names, Junia Caepionis. It's interesting where Levi's use the motto term, "second," for Seconds share the Tuit quadrants, and, if I recall correctly (I now work much of my time offline, sorry), the upright Second/Segur lion is in the colors of the passant (not upright) Hatch/Haach / Brunswick / Forman / Robin/Robert / Robert lion. The Forman line with Robertians, remember, were the root of Capetian royals (from Hugh Capet), now suspect with Cappadocians. "Tertulla" is not the same as "Tertia." Why did at least one online writer call her "Tertullus," suggesting that at least one ancient historian used that term. For all we know from Wikipedia's Servilia-Caepionis article, most historians called Junia a Tertulla. The only two heraldic turtles I recall do not call them such. Chaucers, suspect from Herods of Chalcis, call it a TORTois, and while Bigots show a turtle / tortoise, the description website says that the Bigot Crest is a TRITon. That's a mystery.
These sisters were daughters of the Servilia whom Julius Caesar was sleeping with, and her husband didn't seem to mind. Whose daughter, really, was the third one? Had she left Mr. Junius by then? The Savone stars are the same as those of French Julians, though earlier in this update the Savona stars were figuring as the Harvey stars. But they were figuring as the Harvey stars only because Harveys had a version of the Monahan Coat, and the Harvey stars were then assumed to be the Moncton stars, but Monctons are the ones with a version of the Capone Coat! Around and around we go, isn't this fun?
If the Savone stars were first the Julian stars, it can explain a Junia Tertulla trace to Tertulla of Vespasia. I think that this has importance from the standpoint of the seven heads of revelation 17, for the Julian dynasty came to a close with Nero. After Nero came the three quickly- uprooted emperors (Galba, Otho and Vitellius), followed by Vespasian whose link to Julians is foggy, as best as I can recall. But if Vespasian was from Julius Caesar via his daughter, Junia Caepionis Tertulla, it lumps Vespasian, his son, and his grandson (4th-6th heads) in with Julians. The end-time anti-Christ, who is said to belong to the seven heads, might then be a Caepio liner. This could be a way to link Caiaphas to the seven-headed dragon. Remember, Josephus turned to the family of Titus (Vespasian's son), and as he claimed to be from the Israeli priests, he might even have been Joseph Caiaphas' son. Titus wanted to marry Berenice Agrippa, and then the Simplex-suspect Simple/Semple surname (Cotta fretty?), first found in the same place as Polla-liner Pollocks, shares the black hunting horns with Bernice's and Burns (the latter are said to have had a location in Renfrewshire, where Simple's were first found. Simple's share "Keep tryst" with Hebrons/Hepburns.
I should also add that Robin Tuttle was stressing her Hamilton line, if I recall correctly, but she didn't know that Hamiltons were first found in the same place as Pollocks. Emailer Pollock, who had the porphyria disease, introduced Robin to me, who likewise had the disease. Robin stopped speaking with me without explanation just as she was claiming that someone was hacking into her computer to stop her from finding the root of the disease. It appears that her Hamilton line gave her the disease, yet, if I understand it correctly, it takes two married people with porphyria (damaged) genes in order to pass it on to children. They suspected that incestuous marriages from royals was the root of these faulty genes.
The theory or prediction had become that Caiaphas would stem from a Syphax and/or the Julian-Caepio line in direct relationship with Opgalli (his sister / aunt?), and here we have a possible means to trace both Opgalli and Junia Caepionis to Tatta. As Pilate traces there too, all four killers of Jesus (including Herod) may have been in the same nest of Tatta. Perhaps it had shoreline mansions for the luxury-lovers, for Jesus portrays his enemies as silver-spooners. Remember, Taidhs = Teague's share the Julian cross so that ancient Teague's may have known of their link to Caesar's daughter, Tertulla.
From the 2nd update in August, 2015, where the above was dealt with: "The family of a Julia Tertulla (1st century) cropped up to show that it is a Julian line, likely. She was a daughter of Gaius Julius CORNutus Tertullus, clearly a Julian liner, and then Turtle's/Toothills use a raven called a CORNish chough". This recalls that Corns use the same chevron as Capone's, and the same chevron as Cornish's, and so it links the Tertullus surname to Capone's, making Junia Caepionis Tertia a possible Tertullus liner. CORNers/Garners use the same fleur-de-lys as Op- Gelders, and Tiems/Teems, likely in the "opTEM" motto term of Teague's, were in Gelderland. If God sent me all the way to Texas from the far-north just to meet Mrs. Teague so that I could know that surname for this revelation, it underscores the importance to Him. How many Teague's have you known? Where else would I have obtained the Teague surname? She was a Friend too, and while Friends are highly suspect with the Ardiaei link to Darts, we may not have heard the end of the Friend bloodline by other names.
There is even the TEXas surname that uses the same checks of Meulan and the Waleran-beloved Vose's/Vaux's. All three use them in the full Shield. Were Texas liners Teague's, in other words? Let's repeat that Louviere's, from La Louvieres at Mons, use the same checkered Shield. It's tracing Lupus Vibius Laevillus to Mons, now established in my mind as a Hasmonean line from Monunius. And we might be interested in keeping checks on the Hains as per "Hainaut." Ah, as I had traced the Waleran entity to the Tosni's at the side of the Touques river, "Texas" may have been more-closely Touques-river liners. As Tosni's are like "Tosini," just compare the Tous variation with "Touq." That's a thing I have never spotted before. The Tosini's/TONSO's are now looking like a Tonzus-river liner to Teague's at Tatta, explaining why Tosini's were first found in the same place as Ferrends (why an axe in Crest?) that use a version of the Taddei/Tadini Chief. Zowie. The Tous star is the Teeger star, isn't it? It appears that a Tonzus line merged with a Tatta family that evolved from a Taidh-like term to Teague's after crossing the Ticino and/or Touques river. The Gace's from the Touques river use the Tout canton, I must assume, and the Canton surname has the Washington Coat in colors reversed, the latter being a version of the Mopps/Moberly and Moch Coat i.e. from Mokissos of Tatta! Round and round we go.
The three stars in the Canton Chief can then be in the same-colored fesse of Tease's/Tighs (same place as Annas'), and this now works with the Tease's/Tess'/Tecks in a trace also to the Ticino/Tessin. The Tease/Tigh fesse is in Texas-check colors, and the Tease/Tigh stars outside of the fesse are in the colors of the same of Ardens', whom are in the motto of the Perta-liner Perts/Petts! Zinger. The Tatta revelation, at your service. Note the ArDENT- and-similar variations, for Tooth's ("OPtinebit") are said to include one Dentibus fellow. Tooths (Capes colors) were first found in the same place as capes, and moreover they are in Roch colors so as to be linkable to the Geddes Coat i.e. to the Capta liner. Aha, the Cornish choughs of Toothills can now link to the Dents as per their sharing a reflection of the Cough / Cuff Coats. The "iDEM" motto term of Coughs can be of the "diem" of Teague's.
The hexagram that Wassa's/Gace's substitute for the Tout/Toot crescent is used in both colors by ROTENs and Wassa-suspect Oswalds (branch of Assi's), and the RODDENs/Rodhams are using the bend of Chaucers while a Mr. Chaucer married a Rod-like Roet. He married the sister of Catherine Roet, known owner of the Catherine wheel, and Catherine wheels are not only used by Wheelwrights (antelope) who share a six-sectioned Shield with Tate's, but by Gelder-suspect Colters/Alters who are in the Rodden/Rodhams motto. Colters could be a branch of Celts/Cults/Colts that are very traceable to Perta at Tatta.
Rads share the white hexagram too, but in the colors of the Perthshire Hagars, from the ancient Agarus (now the Siret) river of the Angusta area. It explains why Angus is beside Perthshire. As Radice's share a Shield of checks with Vaux' and Meulan, it tends to speak for itself on a Laevillus connection of Sub Radice.
This is Staggering
The page below tells of the Arthur marriage to Hickes', and the use of the Hickes' of the clarion trumpet, but it tells that these Hicks were of TEWKESbury:
Gordano, near Bristol ; and the inference certainly is that that was her maiden name, because in the earliest edition of the Hicks arms, the arms of the Arthurs of Clapton, gules, a chevron argent between three rests (or clarions) or, are impaled. In Collinson's " History of Somerset " is a long account of the very ancient family of Arthur of Clapton. And the account states that John Arthur, who was lord of the manor in the time of Henry VII., had a sister Juliana. She married Hugh (or Richard) Mead of Mead's Place...The Clapton registers, however, show that [Juliana] was a favourite name in the Arthur family...Clapton is a straggling village of thirty-five farms and cottages near Portishead.., the Mead Coat (Somerset) is yet another one in the colors and format of Capone's, which, when coupled with "Juliana," implies a trace to the Caesar-Caepio mystery child. The Mead chevron has the Joseph and Pully martlets, recalling the Junia Tertulla can trace to Tertulla, mother of Vespasia Polla. PLUS, the Mead motto is "Toujours pret" while June-branch Yonge's use "Toujour jeune"! This link of Gore-related Yonge's speaks to mythical Gorlois, the father, essentially, of king Arthur. The Meads not only share the pelican with Pullys, but use a version of the pelican-using Godfrey Coat (shares a Moor with Bouillons).
Now look at Tewkesburys, and compare with Pellicans, first found in the same place (Dart-related Maine) as the French Josephs that use the Mead martlets! That is very impressive. We have found the Joseph-Pellican connection in a marriage of the Clapton Arthurs, but we would not have had Miss Hicks not been part of this update. I don't have the time to elaborate this week on this find, but my inners are telling me that this could explode into many more keys as per the Caiaphas bloodline. The account continues:
Margaret Hickes myn otvne Mother." At Gloucester [where Tewkseburys were first found] there are the wills of two Margaret Hickes who died in 1562 and 1568 respectively. They rouse a sense of aggravation, because one of them might so easily have been the will of the right Margaret. But the first lady (of Tewkesbury) mentions no relations, leaves most of her money to the curate of Tewkesbury...The significance here is a Hyksos link to Caiaphas, matching an old claim / prediction from years ago, and this comes while Ardiaei-related Monunius is looking very traceable to the Exodus pharaoh. The PORTIShead area is at the Somerset-Gloucestershire border, and the Portis surname (same place as Bus' and Vespasia-related Sabine's) happens to use the giant Bus cinquefoil, apparently, recalling my trace of the same-colored Cotta's (surname of Caesar's mother) to the COTESIii on the Busau river. Bendlets are often called "COTISed," as are the Clapton and Pully bendlets.
The Portis cinquefoil is white, like the Potter cinquefoils, clinching the Porter/Pawter link to Potters (both first found in the same place as English Josephs), though Portis' are listed with Porchers, strangely enough, perhaps of the Pockets/Pouchers/Powchers that use the Portis cinquefoil in colors reversed. Potters are likely from Poitou, where the Poitvin kin of Julian-related Galli's were from. This is a magnificent find. It has evil in its ancestry, not at all meaning that all members are necessarily evil.
Scottish Porters were first found in Kyle and therefore trace with Kyle's / Cole's / Cullys to the Colapis river, and to Colchester, which was CAMULOdunum, named after a line from Kemuel, Nahor's third son after Bus. Kemuel was the line to Hamiltons for obvious reason. Cully is a location smack beside Pully near Morges, and Clapton is near Glamorgan. The Pully motto, though addressing Colapis liners, is translated cleverly as, "To turn PALE from no crime." The Pale's/Palys use a CAMEL. You see, they knew where they were from. The "crime" term may be from Crimmons/Rimmons, first found in Skye and Lewis, and using a version of the Gully/Golly / Taft Coats.
German Wingers use the fesse and bendlets of Claptons, and martlets in colors reversed to those of Meads / Josephs. The Winger Coat is a good reflection of the Coat of Mountains, first found in the same place as Yonge's, Gore's, Quints, and Colchester. French Mountains were married to CLAViere's, a branch, I think, of CLAPtons. Mountains had figured as Monunius liners. Claviere's were linked well to Clermonts (same place as Galli's), and that has got to be the clarion trumpet of the Clapton Arthurs and Hicks'. Note how Dutch Clavier's (same place as Bouillons) look like French Ardens. French Claviere's use a hand looking like it's waiting for a hawk / falcon to land, yet the description says: "A red shield with a silver saltire between four silver keys." The color of that saltire is that of French Julians, the one's using a version of the Galli Coat. Remember, Arthurs of Clapton liked "Juliana."
As Flowers use the Potter cinquefoil, I looked up the Flowers, at which time Fellows ("MAGNAnimity") came to mind, and loading them, their Coat reminded me of the Plow Coat (with the Op-Gelder fleur), and, yes, the two share dancettes and similar colors, wherefore compare "Fellow" with "Plow." These can even be from the Flavians. The Plows share "hoc" with Fessys, and use "Quod," like the Quoid variation of Quade's. I have the theory that Laevillus son, Proculus, with Quadratilla, traces to the portcullis gate of Porters, and we just came from a mention of Potters and Portishead. The Plows use an "alteri" motto term that should be for the Colters/Alters (wheels in Gelder colors) that happen to be the ones suspect with "Gelder." That works. Moreover, as the Quadratilla- Laevillus line is the rat-trap line, note that Roddens/Rodhams, with cinquefoils in colors reversed from the Potter / Flower cinquefoil, use "alter." Then, compare the Rodham Coat to that of Valentinian-related Ade's, for Fessys (Ade colors) are Valentinian liners.
As Modi'in liners were in the line to Quadratilla, and as they are expected in Laevillus' line too, note that Fesch's use the eight-pointed estoile of MOTTINs/Motts/Morte's, the beloved of the Arthurs / Darths/Deaths. The Fesch's put the estoile "in BASE," and Base's/BASSENs are the ones that can have the Traby / Bernice hunting HORNs, not forgetting that Cetis-liner Caen is at the Orne river of the BESSIN.
Now look at this. Some Welsh surnames got a 'P' on the front of them, the Propers/Robins/Roberts being one of them. The "Paratus" motto term of Swords came to mind as a possible P-fronted term because it's "RATUS" without the 'P', and that looks like Sub RADICE smack beside the Serdi to which I trace Swords. It opens the possibility that Pratt terms are Radice liners, and it just so happens that Rieti/Reate use a "pratus" motto term! Zikers. It is tracing Radice to the city of Vespasian and Titus. And Swords share the Moor head with Titus'! Zinger. Titus was sleeping with Berenice Agrippa (wanted to marry her), suggesting at least one child, and Bernice's were first found in Cumberland, essentially the Northumberland ruled by Sword-line Siward of Northumberland. Cumberland traces to Umbria, beside Rieti, and as Guy of Spoleto was in Umbria, while his symbol was the buckle (see Guys and Spoltons), Moor-head Stirlings use the buckle, and the Scottish Chappes', kin of Moor-head French Chappes, were first found in Stirlingshire., The French Chappes' use the tall and solid chevron of Ottone's first found in Umbria! Ottone's are suspect with Ottone and VESpasia-like VISconti's and Wisharts/Guiscards, the latter first found in Stirlingshire. Italians, and likely the Pilate-related Romans of earlier times, were at Stirlingshire (beside Perthshire) along with lines from Joseph Caiaphas and Josephus.
Ottone's are kin to Pucks, a possible Apachnas liner.
It just brought a Pontius-Pilate link to emperor Titus to mind, and perhaps it was as per a Pilate-line merger with Herods back at Cappadocian circles from Cassander. I've read that Cappadocia was anciently defined as the upper parts of the Pontus. The Pilotte's and Pellets share the cups of Shaws, first found in Perthshire (i.e. of Perta at the Cappadocian area), and there are pellets on the Tiller lions while the Tilurius is beside the Titius.