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September 8 - 14, 2015

Continued Harcourt Investigation
CharleMAGNE's Trace to Webbers is all so Simplex
The Cortemelia Line Surprises with New-Found Education
Gog in Aberdeenshire

For a reader hopping into an update for the first time, there is not much I can say in an introductory paragraph to explain everything needed before proceeding. The only readers able to follow are those taking the time needed to get a solid idea of the entire scope. It is probably impossible to follow unless the heraldic Coats are loaded and viewed. It would be helpful to have a photographic memory, or to at least spend some time to get to know Coats, and to understand what I'm saying about them. I did the work over years to be able to present to you the relevant Coats, and you need only decide whether I am correctly interpreting the evidence and the codes. It is far best that you load Coats on a separate browser(s) rather than clicking back and forth from the update page. It might take longer for one to read an update than the week it takes me to write it, but that's what it'll take for a solid understanding of what I'm doing. I know that few have the time to follow this in that way. My hope is...actually, I should have no such hopes as I should just allow God to do what He wants with this. One of my goals at this time is to discover the parent(s) of Josephs Caiaphas, and in the meantime to prove that heraldic masters and leading Templar families knew that all of heraldry had, at its foundations, Caiaphas and his circle of Christ killers. These updates are jot-down format (sub-titles don't usually reflect the roaming topics well) making it hard / impossible to have a pre-plotted storyline. I'm no longer doing final proof-reads, please excuse the imperfections / mistakes.

I didn't get a chance to elaborate on the Beauchamp's Beecham variation that seemed linkable to Beech's, said to be from a Bec surname. The Beauchamps were very identifiable (late last update) with the Beaumont Danes, very traceable to Cuneo's Stura valley. This is not surprising where the Tanner line of the Rollo Sinclairs traces to the Tanaro, beside Cuneo. This trace of the Danes to Italians may have been a guarded secret, for even today writers on the Normans don't mention Italians much even when they show Italian surnames amongst the Normans. I had read that a royal Norman line of England (particularly Edward, I think it was) tried to hide his ancestry in Savoy.

After the update was published, I checked Wikipedia article's on Tooting Bec, a location in London, so named after a Bec Abbey run by the Crispins. Although there is no Tooting surname, the Tottens happen to share several fesse bars in the colors of the several Crispin fesse bars, and Crispins were first found in London. This trace is new to me. It had surprised me (late last update) at how well the Beaumont Danes traced to Mascis / Masseys (some of them, at least, first found in Piedmont, location of Cuneo). of Piedmont, but here it can be added that Hamonds, with a motto honoring the Rimini location of Maschi's, use a "tot" motto term. Moreover, as Tattons were merged with Masseys, they can reveal that Tottens, and the namers of Tooting, were Tatton liners.

If the question is whether Tooting was a Toothill line, it just so happens that French Crispins use the same bend as Toothills (beside London). The way to link this picture to Poppa of Valois (Rollo's wife) is to assume her trace to Poppo of Bamberg, then trace Bamberg to Pamphylia, beside lake Tatta. Then note the similarity between the Valois, Turtle/Toothill and Rollo Coats. And we should not overlook that the Valais surname is listed with Valois', because Sion is in Valais canton while Godfrey de Bouillon traces to Sion elements, wherefore we add that the Taddei's (Clare chevrons?) share the flory cross of Bouillons in the same colors. Moreover, Beaumonts / Beauchamps were traced to Boii, to which BOUIlion and it's variations can trace very well.

The Beaumont line was traced extremely well to the Panico's of Bononia, but I failed to mention, when afterward the Harcourt ancestry of Beaumonts traced to Masseys, that the Panico Chief uses the Masci do Beaumonts/BELmonts, suspect with Massey-related Bellamys.

I'd like to re-mention that a reader put me on to a Robin with a Tuttle bloodline on one side, a variation of the Turtle's/Toothills. Robin is the one who alerted me to Tooting Bec. She had a serious case of porphyria, the so-called purple disease, and she was seeking it's origins. She was complaining to me that people online were seeking to destroy her credibility, and seeking to spoil her computer. One day, she never wrote back, and hasn't since. She was telling me that porphyria traces to Rollo and Poppa, but, at the time, neither I not her knew that the Tuttle Coat is a near copy of the Valois Coat.

Since that time, a reader near Sion led me to the Passe / Pass surname listed with Pascels, and "passe" is a Rollo motto term along with "tout" that gets the Touts/Toots. The "passe par tout" of Rollo's can now be suspect with the Parrs mentioned briefly in the last update. The point is that the Pascel variation of Pace's/Pasi's brings us back to Bononia, where the Pace's/Pasi's were first found, and moreover English Pace's, first found in the same place as Masseys, use a purple Shield. One might think that porphyria, the so-called "royal disease" suspect with "blue blood," would lead to some purple heraldry. It's a thing often on my mind when I come across purple heraldry, such as is used also by Magnusons/Mangs, first found in Shetland (Rollo Sinclairs are expected there), and suspect from Maccabee / Massey liners on the Isle of Man, the same ones that some say were in Normandy when Rollo was taking it over.

The Parrs, by the way, linked to the double bars of Harcourts, can be construed as using a white escutcheon on a black Shield, the Saddock/Sidick/Sedgewick symbol, that being a surname suspect with Sidicini of CAMPania, where BeauCHAMPs are expected to trace. If Parrs are using the Saddock Shield, they become suspect with PHARisee."

In the last update, the woman in blue in the Parr Crest was mentioned alongside the woman in blue of Tabers, and that's when Taborites (Christian group) entered the picture, whom had a leader in Zinzendorf (some say he had some weird Christian ideas) suspect with the Sinsens/Zinzons using a royal-blue Shield. The last update happened to emphasize the Nalecz Pole's, and that's how the purple-buckle Sobeks/Sobieski's entered the discussion. Some of the Nalecz Arms use their woman in a blue dress.

Harald, son of Sitric, was the father of the viking ruler in the Isle of Man. He became suspect with the Herod/Harald surname that lists Hurls, and then while Herls are listed with Hurls, "The [Bec] abbey was founded in 1034 by St HERLuin. St Herluin's life was written by Gilbert Crispin..." We would be wise to entertain all ancient saints as possible fabrications, especially if they are legendary, in order for the Templar lines to disguise what they truly traced to. Or, even if they did exist, Masons can trace to any one of them to disguise what they truly belonged to. The Crispin write-up traces to a saint Crispin of a very early time, but is that the true story? Was "Crispin" even the original surname? Or was "Crepon" the original?

Bec Abbey "is located in Le Bec Hellouin, Normandy..." It seems that some Herluin name became the Hellouins/Hellguins, who happen to share fesse bars with Crispins, partly in the colors of the Crispin bars. That's how we can know that Hellouins are from the Bec liners. And Hurls, Herods and Herods are listed as septs of McLeods, whom by now are suspect with the Sitric > Harald line. I'm therefore open to tracing that Harald line to the Bec abbey and the families of its location. Are there other Hell-like surnames that may descend from Harold?

But the three Hellouin bars are identical to the Stur bars, and Sturs were part of the late-update topic, when Harcourts were being traced to the Stura valley. Sturs use fesse bars in colors reversed from the two fesse bars of Harcourts, and HARcourts themselves became suspect with the Herod/Harald surname, tending to trace the Sitric > Harald vikings to the Harcourt Danes, which must be a well-guarded secret.

The Herluin/Hurluin/Harlewyn surname is said to be from Herluin de Conteville, which checks out where the rampant Herluin/Hurluin lion is red-on-white, same as the lion of Ville's, first found in the same place as Conte's. The latter two were first found in Languedoc, location of Herault, and then the Herod/Harald/Hurl surname lists the Heraults. Moreover, Herault is not far from Comminges, where Herod AntiPAS (what was that term named after?) was forced to live. And "Comminges" is like the "Commings variation of Comyns while Contevilles ruled at least one Comyn-like location. Therefore, rather than tracing merely to St. Herluin, the Hellouins and Bec company can trace to the Conteville's.

As it's been established that Ville's, listed with Fonts/Fonds, trace to a merger with Avis'/Avisons, it's very notable that Avis' share the Comyns Coat, and that this was the line of Josephs. The Ville lion is chained, and waves a purple flag while Flags/Flacks share double fesse bars with Harcourts and use the same scallops as Conteville-related Meschins. The lion of Ranulph le Meschin, at his Wikipedia article, is shown red-on-white and rampant, same as the Herluin / Ville lion. Aflacks share the same cross (same as that of Conans and Conte-loving Sinclairs) as Chains. Between the McLeod flags, there's a white bull head, and Beaumonts use a red-and-white bull head.

The double-blue bars of Manners/Maness' ("PARvenir" motto term) are now identifiable with the same of Parrs, and then the "Pour y" term of the same Manners seems clinched with the Purys/Bureys because they were first found in the same place as Crispins..who were from PARez. The common factor between Manners and Purys seem to be the Glenns and Glennys, and the latter have been traced to the Manner-related Mens'/Mengzes for some months. But Glenns and Glennys had become suspect with Gellone's, and William de Gellone was at a Gellone monastery at the Herault theater. Moreover, the Gellone-suspect Guerins use a red, rampant lion in both colors of the Meschin lion, and then Masseys and Vere's, sharing the same quarters, were from Manche, same as Sturs.

The Glenny banner is called a pennon while Banners and Penders have both traced to banner-related Fanano (in Maccabee-suspect Modena, near Bononia). Note the Bec / Beech-like term in the Glenny description: "A silver shield with three black martlets beaked and legged red; a red chief on which there is a silver claymore (sword) and a black pennon with a staff inscribed 'bonnie' crossed in saltire." The pennon was obviously linked to the Bonnie's suspect with Bononia liners. The Bonnie bend is colors reversed from the Bone bend, and is a dexter version of the sinister Masci bend.

The Pennon surname can be suspect with the Pennants that use the Trevor Coat, and this is a good place to mention that Trevors are traced in their write-up to Tudors while queen Catherine Parr married the Tudor family. Tudors and Taddei's are both said to be named after Theodore's, though, even if correct, that name is not likely the beginning of the Tudor surname. As long ago as my email exchanges with Robin, I was telling her that Taddei's can link by their triple chevrons to the Arms of Cardiff, the Welsh capital, and that Taddei's are therefore suspect with Tudors. Pennons/Penning are said to have been of the German Pennings who, in London, were called, Palatines. It means that Pennings were in London. This is why the Pennon/Penning stags can be suspect with the same-colored Capes' (first found in London), for the Capes Chief shares a sword in saltire with the Glenny Chief, and the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Capes' is also that of Pennons/Pennings (and colors reversed from the same of Glennys).

The Pennants are honored in the pennants of Mackay-related Cowes', and Mackays are from Maccus, son of Harald (the viking under discussion). The lion of the Capes' now becomes suspect as the Montfort / Beaumont lion that I trace hard to the Marano's, from a Marano location near Fanano. For new readers, the Montfort "gonFANON" banner has been discovered as code for Fanano, an important key. A Capes' trace to Marano makes Caiaphas liners suspect at Modena. Capes' were first found beside Capone's and Chapmans; the latter two first found in the same place as Toothills. And the birth of Caiaphas became suspect with the family of OPgalli whom I traced to lake Tatta, where Toothills can trace. If Tudors were Taddei's, Tudors too can trace to Tatta. It just so happens that while Hobs/Habs trace excellently to Opgalli, the Happs/Abbs use the Capes scallops. Habsburgs/Hapsburg, who can be linked to Happs/Abbs because the latter use the fesse that is the Arms of Austria, use another red, rampant lion. It makes the Austrian Habsburgs suspect as a Caiaphas line.

Pennons/Pennings are said to have included an old Penig variation, much link the Panico's of the Setta valley. A recent find was Plancia Magna, who traced to the ancestry of the Anjou Fulks as I see it, i.e. in the Harcourt Dane's of Torville/Torcy, the same ones that furnished Beaumonts. I traced Fulks to Tertullus elements (in Torcy) years ago, long before knowing of Plancia. She was not only a Tertullus by ancestry, but she married a Tertullus. You can find that topic in the 2nd update of August. "Tertullus" smacks of the Turtle variation of Toothills. Here's from the last update: "The "Simplex" motto term of Perkins is huge. Here's from the 2nd update of this month: "...Pamphylia [location] of Caecilius Simplex...Simplex married a Cornutus-related Tertulla. Her nephew, as you can see, had a Plancius surname, and it just so happens that the Cecil-Coat lions are in the colors of the giant lion of Planks [Plunkett colors]." Mr. Simplex and Mrs. Plancia were from Perkin-like Perga. That's included here because Perkins ("veri" motto term) share red fleur-de-lys with Gellone's, and because Herluin de Conteville was the son of John de Burgo so that Burgo's can be expected at Herault / Gellone.

When Plancia (born in Perga) was first treated some weeks ago, I ended up realizing that her Perga elements linked to Tatta elements. Plancia was a descendant of Opgalli and her husband (Tigranes Maccabee, or Tigranes Herod, if you like), but I think I may have failed to mention the Hoppers, who use a white tower in both colors of the Plunket tower! Shame on me, for Hoppers were suggested as OPgalli liners previously. This is a good reason to clinch Hoppers with Opgalli, and Plunkets with "Plancia."

And Perkins are likely mis-traced to "Peter" because Peter Pollock, who lived in the same place as where Simple's were first found, had a Plock branch from a Plunket location. In other words, someone knew that Peter Pollock was a Perga liner. The Plock-Plunket connection means that the first Pollocks were from Plancia and the Simplex line. Peter Pollock's father is even suspect with Fulbert "the tanner," whose daughter (HERLeva) married Herluin de Conteville. "Herleva" is begging the question on whether the tanner himself was a Sitric > Harald line, something that is sitting very well with me. As I've been tracing Fulbert "the Saxon" (Peter's father) to Fullers, this would be a good place to add that the three Fuller fesse bars are linkable to the same of Sturs and Hellouins...and to the fesse bars of Crispins of Peter-like Parez. Fullers even share the horse with Plunkets, making the Plunket bend suspect with the white bend of Jewish Pollocks. These horses may be of the Hellens, a surname like "Helluoin."

As per the wavy discussion to follow, which traces to Vespasian's family, it should be added here that the fleur-de-lys of Hells are in the colors of the same of Dole's. Fulbert the Saxon lived at Dol, or was at least with the Dol Alans while Dols use a wavy fesse. I don't mean to complicate this discussion further by adding the trace of Peter Pollock to Flavius Petro, grandfather of emperor Vespasian. It was a compelling trace, suggesting that we keep eyes open for a Plancia-Magna trace to Vespasian. Titus' share the Chappes Moor head, and these may be in the Tanner Chief. Titus, Vespasian's son, had been slated to marry Berenice Agrippa (a Herod), further igniting the prospect of a Caiaphas link to Vespasian's family. How was Josephus (took on a Flavius surname), a Jew under attack by Titus, manage to become adopted by Titus? William de Gellone was count of Toulouse, where Quintus Caepio had stolen a vast gold treasure, but was unable to spend it because the Romans took him to court. To whom did he give some of the treasure? To the family of Caiaphas? Was Josephus a member of the family of Joseph Caiaphas?

The gyronny of the Titus' is partly in the colors of the Pincher/Pencon gyronny, and German Hellens/Hellers, in Hell colors, share the fesse colors with the Pincher/Pencon fesse, all suspect with the Arms-of-Fanano fesse. The Pincher fesse is not wavy, but has a wave-like "engrailed" design, much like the Dol fesse. It's not likely coincidental that while the Dol / Fanano fesse is white-on-blue, the Bernice fesse is gold on blue, raising the chances that Dol's trace to something in relation to the engagement of Titus to Berenice. As Burns are a Bernice branch, it's notable that Bec abbey is near Burnay while the Burn write-up traces to a location in Renfrewshire, where Simple's were first found. As was explained recently (2nd of August), the Vespasians had Tertullus characters in their family, as had Simplex's family. Tertulla was the mother of Vespasia Polla, mother of emperor Vespasian, and that's the Pollock / Plock bloodline. The Rollo motto term, "passe," can trace to VesPASIa, but Rollo's also trace to Turtle's/Toothills.

Pinchers were first found in the same place as the Dol Stewarts. The Stewarts not only use the same lion as Herluins, but the Herluin lion is crowned, applicable to royal Stewarts. The fact that Herls/Hurls share ducks with French Alans (no longer showing for the Alans) is a good reason to identify Hellens / Hellers / hells with the Dol Alans.

I've always had trouble realizing what surnames were from "Flavius." The Plows/Ploughs and Bloughs were suspect, and Plows are practically said to own the fleur-de-lys in the colors of the Hell fleur. Did you note that the Hell chevron is a near-copy of the Dol / Fanano fesse? The same fleur-are used by Raggs suspect with the ragully bend of Stewarts.

During this Herluin discussion, Harlens were looked up to find a "fluvius" motto term and a wavy bend. It made the wavy code suspect with the Flavian line, especially as there is not Wavy / Wave / Waver / Waiv(e) / Waivy surname coming up. I have never found a surname to which the wavy term of heraldry can apply, but "waver" just put "Webber" in my mind, and zowie, Webbers use wavy bars in colors reversed to the wavy bend of Harlens! Webbers even share a black bend with Harlens. The Webber description: "Black shield with three gold wavy bars..." It may seem like a small point to the reader, but it's not to me, that Webbers (disc in Crest) share gold fleur-de-lys with Spanish Petro's. As the Pratts / Prude's are honored in the motto of the Arms of Rieti, where Flavius Petro was at home, note the "prae" term buried in the Webber motto, for Prays (topic last update) can be construed as Pratt kin, and we saw (last update) that Peters are likely using the Pratt mascles. Prays/Praters are in Webber colors.

Irish Prays happen to use three pale bars in the colors of the three fesse bars of Herluins.

The Pray/Prater wolf heads can be suspect with the Scarf wolf heads because the lion-in-Chief of the other Prays is that of Drops/Trope's while it's the Sadowski's with a Traby variation that use the scarf. Pratt liners are suspect from Brattia, beside Pharisee-suspect Pharia, where we might expect Sadducee liners, such as Sadowski's may have been.

Now that Webbers are discovered was wavy liners, we can expect Weavers too, and they use the same fesse as Bernice's. It's the Hazel fesse. German Weavers/Webers are using the stars of Bauers / Alans / Julians / Maceys / Harveys, take your pick, they were all related closely. Maceys are Fane liners to Fanano, and English Hellens are said to be from HERVe d'Helion.

The PINCON variation of Pinchers became suspect with the Tanner / Maschi PINE CONE. It's a good reason for suspecting that the white Pincher eagles are of the white Masci wings. Then, the Maschi lion is identical with that of German Hellens/Hellers while the blue wing (color of Bauer wing) in the Hellen/Heller Crest is of the design that the Masci's were showing, until, for a reason I cannot fathom, houseofnames changed the Masci wing design. Why bother? What was behind the change that also changed the Masci wing of Chaine's/Chenays? Hellens/Hellers are the ones using what can be construed as the Dol / Fanano fesse, but it's behind a red fesse, the color of the Alan fesse. As the Hellouin bars are in the two colors of the Alan fesse, it seems to speak for itself that Alans were at the Bec abbey, and that Herluin / Herl liners were not necessarily Alans, but merged with them at the family of Bec's St. Herluin. It seems that the Alans of that place took on an Herluin-like surname due to the marriage.

The "fluvius" Harlens/Horlands use a "juga" motto term, which can trace well to Brittany's Jugon location not far west of Dol. As Dols are tracing well to Vespasian subjects, let's bring in the bend of Mussolini's, in the colors of the Harlen bend, for emperor Claudius married Messalina, mother, if I recall correctly, of emperor Brittanicus. What spurred that name? Did it lead to "Brittany"? Vespasian came to power shortly after Claudius, and VesPASIa was traced to Pasi's, first found in the same place (Bononia) as Mussolini's. The Harlen write-up traces the name to "inFESTEd with hares," a ridiculous / laughable phrase that's obviously code. The "FESTina" motto term of Plunkets can apply.

The "fluvius" term is translated, "torrents," which may reveal that Harlens were kin also to Tarents suspect with Terentia, for Torrents/Torrens use a vertically-split Shield in half the colors of the same of Trents. The oars in the Torrent Coat can trace to Renfrewshire, where Orrs ("Bonis omnia bona") were first found. The bull in the Torrent Crest can suggest Turin suspects such as Tourlaville, where Sturs were first found that can trace to Sturlings/Stirlings, of Stirlingshire, where Torrents were first found. The Stura / Tanner theater is near Turin, and Tanners share the Moor head with Sturlings/Stirlings.

Harleys use a bend in the colors of the Harlen/Horland bend, and as they were first found in Shropshire, the Harley lion is likely the Stewart lion. But Fulbert the Saxon lived in Shropshire with Alans, and so if we're looking to find where in Brittany he may have lived, the Jugon area is a good bet, for Juggs/Judds share the boar with Pollocks. As Harleys use the bend of Torcys in colors reversed, Harleys and Harlens are suspect as Harcourts (Stura liners). Harleys / Harlens are even in Cord/Court colors while HarCOURTS can apply. The three colors of the Cord/Court fesse are those of the Varn bend, and it's logical that Harcourts were Varni-based Varangians.

The following on a Bray trace to Rieti is new (so far as I recall) and convincing. If we aren't convinced that Brays are Brace/Brayce / Braker/Brech liners, then perhaps they were Pray / Pratt liners traceable to the Pratts / Prude's in the motto of the Rieti Arms. The Bray river is the location of AVESNes, perhaps an Aves/AVISON liner, in which case the Comyn entity of Conteville's can trace to the Bray (especially as Conteville is near the Bray). AVEZZANo is on the Turano river along with Rieti! In this way, Brays are tracing to Rieti, and so let's add that the eagle talons of Brays can be of the Augusts, wherefore Brays might just have been from the Roman emperors.

Harcourts were traced tentatively and logically to Cortemelia, which place had been traced to the Bray river, but unfortunately, that trace was somewhat over-blown because it depended on my wrong assumption that Brays use a weaver's shuttle. It looks like one, but it's a flax breaker instead (the breaker is what allows Bray to trace to Brace's too, and to Brac/Brattia, where Pratt liners are being traced). However, Bra is on the Tanaro with Ceva, and between them is Cortemelia. Ceva smacks of "Kiev," and Keeps, who do use the weaver's shuttle, were traced to Kiev elements (likely the Varangians). Talents/Talons share eagle talons with Brays, while Irish Talons were first found in the same place (Carlow) as Cavans/Keevans. Weavers were suspect with these Ceva-like surnames, wherefore they may all trace to the Flavius>Vespasian line. It's like saying that Vespasian's family had something to do with the Varni that trace to "passe"-using Rollo's and Harcourts. I knew of a Mr. Kepke, a Ukrainian, and Kiev is in the Ukraine. Ukrainians can trace to UCKERmark (Varni theater), and to the Ackers, etc.

Torrents/Torrens, suspect in the "fluvius" term of Harlens, and therefore resolved as Turano-river liners, especially as they use a bull in Crest, are said to be from KilBRIDE. Right off, one can begin to sense that Bride's / KilBride's are Pratt liners, but it's conspicuous that Kilbride's (Torrent colors) use a giant cinquefoil in the colors of the Petro fleur-de-lys. The KilBride's are said to be from "St. Brigid, which I will take as code for a Bridge / Bright line. The Bride's even use the same stars as Brights, and as Bride's were first found in Savoy, they are likely from Brigantium (modern Briancon). Brakers/Brechs, in KilBride colors, share hunting horns with Brians. One branch of KilBride's/Breeds/Braids was first found in Arran along with Blue's/Gorms, and the GORM surname can go back to count VRM of Angusta, a location off the Siret river that was named after Augustus.

I'm getting the impression that the Brigantes were from Brattia/Brac. It's too hasty to make that trace, but it's on the table for dissection. The Setantii / Segantii were Brigantes, and they are the Sadducee suspects. It's starting to appear that proto-Sadducees were Brigantes or proto-Brigantes, likely the Phrygians, known also as Briges/Brigians. The Galatian house of BROGITarus was in the land previously run by Phrygians. It's making sense. With Phrygians at Brattia, they may have transferred to the Brogitarus family. The Phrygia-like Pharisees may have been in Pharia. Brogitarus' grandson conquered Derbe while Brogit-like Froggits (parrot with cherries) were first found in Derbyshire. The pears of Parrots (PemBROKEshire) may just be code for a Pharia line.

It just so happens that Augustus-suspect Brays were first found in the same place (Northamptonshire) as Cabbage's using an "angustis" motto term. The two surnames even share a black chevron, and while Cabbage's are in Pray/Praten colors, Pratt liners can trace to the Siret theater too. The Pray/Praten wolf heads have already traced to Trypillian suspects. The holly of Cabbage's becomes momentarily important for this new trace to the Turano theater. I've just noticed that Irish Prays (KilBride colors) not only use the Drop/Trope Chief, but share a white, passant lion with the Cabbage Chief. Note too that the Cabbage fleur are in the colors of the same of Sale's/Salette's, wherefore begin to expect Trypillians at the Salto / Turano rivers.

I was just looking at other locations along the Salto, especially Tivoli and Celano. Tivoli evoked the Table's/Tapleys because Pendragons trace to Sale's/Sallete's, and the Arthurian round table is partly code for the Round/Rownd surname (Pendragon chevron) that can be a branch of Rowens (same place as English Conte's) who in-turn share gyronny with Titus'. Rounds are the ones with a sleeping lion linkable to the sleeping moons of Roets, from Rieti. "Roet" is suspect from a Rodez / Rhodian element that can use a round / wheel symbol (from roda = wheel), and in fact Catherine Roet owns the Catherine wheel. It should be clear here that Arthurs, suspect from the namers of Arettium, were at the Salto river.

Rounds are in the colors of Hollys who may be a branch of Hollys/Cullens with most variations like "Celano." Hollys/Cullens may be using the Rode(e) trefoils so as to be a line of Henry of Rodez. The first Hollys are suspect with the bend of Plunkets now tracing to Tertulla liners, and Titus' not only married a Tertulla, but his father (Vespasian) was born of a Tertulla. This is working surprisingly to link Plancia Magna to the Flavian line. Hollys even use TORTeaux!

For me, it means that Hollys and/or their kin from the Salto were at Holstein, beside Denmark, roughly where the Rollo and Harcourt Danes had a primary settlement. SCHLESwig, beside Holstein, can be from "Salyes," making Schleswig suspect with Sardinia's Sulcis (Avezzano's were first found in Sardinia). The first Varangians had a Harald character (brother of Rurik of Wieringen) who ruled for a time in Schleswig, and he may just have been the reason for Harald, son of Sitric, for both Haralds lived in the 9th century.

Mythical Holle might just have been of the Marsi snake goddess, Angitia, and then whatever named her may have named the Angles, for they developed out of the Holstein area. Reminder: the Holly dolphin is that of MARleys i.e. linkable to "Marsi" and Mercians (lived amongst the British Angles). The Marley bend is in colors reversed from the Varn bend, and the Marley dolphins trace to Pendragon kin such as Table-suspect Tippers, suspect with the namers of Tipperary, where lived Kennedys (share helmet with Pendragons) who honor the Avis'/Avisons and Conteville liners in their motto. Brays are said to be of a Bernal location while Bernals ("plume of feathers") appear to be from the Vannes area of Brittany, or even of Finistere, where Marleys trace. Aside from a border, Bernals (said to be from lower Brittany) use nothing in their Coat but ermines, the symbol of Vannes.

The bent armored arm in the Holly Crest suggests that the Holly bend is that of the Brace's, bringing us back to Bray suspects. The Brace's are being traced (by me) to Brac/Brattia, where the Pratts / Prude' of the Rieti motto trace, and this was near Melita, where the mermaid of the Holly/Cullen Crest traces. It get's very interesting where Pratts / Prude's trace to the Prut river of Moldova, for this can involve the Trypillian goddess that I traced to Nerthus, the goddess of the Angles. German Raeds (said to be from "wheel") even use the Zionist star of Hagars, whom I trace to the AGARus river beside the Prut. The Agarus became the Siret, and then Sirets/Sirons not only use a mirror, symbol with the Holly mermaid that is sometimes called a Siren, but the Siret mirror is entwined with a snake for linkage to Angitia. Nicholas de Vere von Drakenberg even traced his Vere-Melusine line to Angles, and I traced Drake's to Abruzzo, namers of Prut-like Aprutium (Abruzzo capital), home of Angitia!

Celano may even be suspect with Kilners/Kelners and "Cilnius." As the Cilnius' lived in Arettium, one can thus expect Arthur liners at Celano as well as Tivoli. Terentia, wife of Cilnius Maecenas, can trace to Tarents and therefore to the Flavius-suspect Torrents, and Tarents are the ones with the white spread eagle, same as Kilners/Kelners, and colors-reversed from the CHILL/Child eagle's, either one of which may be using the Holly/Cullen chevron! The Chills/Childs are suspect with the Chillingham location of "Keep"-using Hebrons whom I trace to Varangians (Trypillia was to the near-south of Kiev), likely the Varni kin of Angles. As Childs trace to the Merovingians, whom in fact I did trace to Salyes. CHILDeric, the first Merovingian king is tracing thereby to Vespasian.

The Turano-related Durance flows into the Rhodanus, which itself flows past Marsi-based Marseilles. And Kilbride-suspect Brigantium is on the Durance. It was the Turano-suspect Torrents/Torrens that were at Kilbride. As the write-up puts it, they were from "either North Kilbride of north of Glasgow," and then Kale's/Cole's (Colt/Celt pheon) are using the Glass / Kyle star, making KILbride's suspect as Kale, or even Cilnius, liners. The Kale's came to mind with the Kaelner variation of Celners/Kelners/Kellers who in-turn use the black eagle head of Bride's. The Kellys share a white tower with Plunkets. Sellers use the colors and format of Tarents.

Bernay is interesting because it's near Bec and Montfort. The Arms of Bernay appear linkable to one of the two Beaumont lions (one is apparently the Montfort lion), which amounts to a tentative trace of Berenice Agrippa to these Danish vikings. English Bernays (cross in Montfort-lion colors) use the two Shield colors of the Bernay Arms. French Bernays get us back to what could be the Fanano fesse...because Montforts and Beaumonts trace heavily to Fanano. That's extra evidence that Bernice's are using a gold version of the Fanano fesse, by which I mean to say that Agrippa's / Herods were in Modena. French Bernays were first found in Dauphine, home of exiled Herod Archelaus...whose name is suspect with the Arc river, location of Modane.

The Agrippa-suspect Gripps/Grape's/Grabbers, which can link also to Grapfeld, a city of the Babenbergs who trace themselves to Poppo I, use a bend in the colors of the Varn / / Harlen / Harley bend. Torcys and Baben-like Pepins use a bend in colors reversed, serving as some corroboration that Babenbergs did link to Varni and Harcourt Danes. One of the motto terms of Pepins that defies deciphering is translated, "mind," while I've traced Minds/Munds to Amyntes, whose family lived in the area where Paphlagonian Heneti. I don't recall ever making the Mind/Mund link to Pepins, but I have been claiming for nearly a decade that Pepins and Babenbergs were named after the namers of PAPHlagonians. Therefore, the line of Amyntes is suspect as Paphlagonian, and should trace to queen Bebba of Bamburgh castle in the land if Berenice-suspect Bernicians. How did the Maccabee-related Galatians get to the Bernicians in time for the Anglo-Saxon ruler that Bebba married? Shouldn't the Anglo-Varni relationship have had something to do with it?

Why is Mercia's flag the same saltire as used by Messeys/Messier's, first found in the same place as Torcys? Or, as Mercier's are suspect with Messier's and the Marsi > Mercia line together, why do Marleys (share dolphins with Heneti-suspect Kennedys) use a bend in colors reversed from the Torcy bend? The Torcy location of Harcourts was in Artois, where French Merciers were first found, and English Mercier's were first found in Northumberland, between Mercians and Bernicians. Let's not ignore the similarity between UMBERland and Umbria, for Artois-suspect Arettium/Arezzo is near the Umbria border. Marleys (same place as Sale's) are using a form of the Sale/Sallete bend, aren't they? Marleys were of the Marsi at the Salto theater, right? The Torcy location was also "Torville" because it was a Turano / Torrent liner, right?

Mercier's are linking to Pepins probably due to a Marsi trace to Marici on the Ticino, the co-founders of Ticinum, what latter became Papia/Pavia. As the other co-founders were Laevi Gauls, highly suspect with the Maccabee-related Galatians, let's add here that Pepin-related Glenns were first found in Pavia-suspect Peebles, and then German Glenns/Glans use a patee cross in colors reversed from the Mercier patee. The Glenns had become suspect with the Gaulonians at GAMALa (Israel) because Pepins use a CAMEL. Amyntes was of the TROCmi Galatians while the Glenns are said to be from TRAQuaire (Peebles-shire). Tracks/Trigs are in the colors of the Artois Mercier's.

There is a Tracquaire surname (Peebles-shire) that may be using the giant Annas star, important for supporting the traces at hand because Ticino-suspect Tease's/Tighs use stars in the colors of the Annas star, and moreover the saltire of Tess'/Tease's has Laevi suspect leaves on a saltire in colors reversed from the Annan saltire.

It's interesting that both Coats of Simplex-like Simpsons can link to the Coats of Mercier's and Tracks/Trigs. Tregairs look like they have a version of the Peeble's Coat (parrots) but using the Rice ravens because Parrots married a prince Rice...with a MARCHion first name (i.e. supporting a trace of Peebles to Marici). The Parrot Shield thus becomes suspect as a colors-reversed version of the Glenny Shield, and the Glenn / Glenny martlets become suspect with the same-colored Tregair ravens. There is a Marchion/Merchant/Merecator surname using the same-colored bend as Pepins, that being additional support for a Pepin trace to Pavia's Marici.

Pavia is not far from Alessandria, which might apply to the "Alis" motto term of Simpsons. The "nutrior" motto term of Simpsons looks like code for Newters/Nutters listed with Nutts/Nottings, for while the latter use the same bend-with-besants as Buckinghams, Simpsons were first found in Buckinghamshire. By a stroke of luck, I've just found that Newters/Nottings were first found in the same place (Gloucestershire) as Merseys/Maiseys! The Mersey/Maisey Coat looks like a version of the Tregair Coat.

The March surname (looks like a version of the Elis Coat) shares the Nimo/NewMARCH crescents, same as the Seaton crescents, and then the other Marchion/Marsham surname (same place as Nons/Noons) uses a "sed' motto term that's been clinched with Seddens ("sed" motto term). The black Sedden cinquefoils can link to the same of Marseys/Maiseys. The "None" motto term of Seddens linked hard to Nuneaton and Nuns/Noons (last update), and then Marchions use "Non." You see, you can't ignore those small motto terms as meaning nothing, not even the "Nothing" motto term of Seaton-related Sutys. Irish Noons are in French-Mercier colors. Both March surnames are in Torcy colors, but French March's (Lorraine, beside Torcys) share bends in the colors of the Torcy bend.

I've just realized something. The MorLAIX location of Marleys, which looks like "Laus," is in the same place (Brittany) as Plume's, and while I've lately identified Plume's as Flemings (lived in Flanders), I've traced "Flanders" to "Blanda" (south-west Italy), smack beside Laus! It's also beside Buxentum (see map) that traced excellently to Buchans and Buchanans, so why not also to Buckenhams/Buckinghams (Buchanan lion in red?)? That should explain why one Simpson Coat is using the same lion as Buchanans, in Buckin/Buggen / Bogen colors, and then the same-colored Bugs were first found in Nottinghamshire, where Annas' (and Mea's) were first found! Mea's have traced hard to the Meu river of Brittany. German Buckens/Boekers were first found in the same place (Bavaria) as Bogens, and they mention Buchanwald. Buckens/BOEKers share an oak tree with German Roets while the other Roets use a BOOK, and this can trace Buxentum / Bucken liners to Rieti. It's notable that Buckens/Boakers are said to be from a "BEECH grove," which may be code to indicate a Beauchamp/Beecham link to Buckens.

The English Buckins were first found in the same place as Stubbs using what looks like the Peter Coat, but with BUCKles. If Manders are a branch of Pepin-related Manners, then let's mention the "laus" motto term of Manders. Manders are interesting for being traceable to the Maeander river, but possibly also to Amyntes, which is to ask whether Amyntes was named after Maeander elements. Amyntes' family in the Derbe theater was found linking logically to Plancia Magna.

The Simpson location in the Simpson write-up was previously called, Sevinstone, and then Sevins (Plunket / Villain colors) were first found in the Vilaine part of Brittany, where Plunkets were first found. It's a great reason to trace Simpsons to the Simplex > Plancia line. Simpsons share white crescents with Savona's/Saffins. Simpsons and Saffers happen to share falcons, and Falcons use white crescents in both colors of the Savona crescents. The Somerset location of Savona's makes them suspect with Savone's/Sabina's (same place as Fulks) because Roets of Somerset trace to Rieti on the west side of mount Sabina. That amounts to another Plancia-Magna trace to the Tertulla liners of Vespasian's family, and, to boot, the Falcon-suspect Fulks were traced (by others) to a mythical Tertullus. Fulks were also traced to ancestry in one quasi-mythical Torquatus, like "Torcy."

As the Turano traces to Turin, near Chivasso, the Sevin Coat is likely the Chives Shield, especially as the Shevas variation of Chives' looks conformable to "Sevin." Chives' use "non" in their motto. The "VirTUTE" motto term of Chives is suspect with Tatta liners to Toothills, the latter being Crispin cousins of Tooting Bec. It's interesting that while Chives' can be of the Cevetta (Sauvit-like term) river at Ceva, Cavetts have variations like "Shevas," and share several fesse bars with Crispins. It's a new idea that Crispins/Crepons should trace to Ceva, and I'll keep open for the reason. I've been tracing Saffers to Julius Severus at Akmonia.

The "saved" motto term of Torrents/Torrens can apply to Sevin liners. Perhaps the SAVIDge's apply whose "pro te" motto phrase may be of the Rieti motto. Nuns/Noons use "Sauviter." I've just re-seen that Prude's (share fish in the colors of the same in the Arms of Rieti) are listed with PRIDE's while Torrents are from KilBRIDE!!! Prude's/Pride's are the ones with lamPREYs linking to the Prays/Praters.

The Bridge's use "GardeRAY," potential code for both Gards and Rays. The latter use an "escarBUNCLE" while Buncle's/Bunkills/Bonekills, who look like a possible play on the Bulkelly-and-similar variations of Buckleys, happen to use buckles (in the colors of the Stubb buckles). As Bridge's use crabs while Buncle's are said to have witnessed a charter from a Mr. Cumyn, while Comyns use crab-like garbs, the two can be traced to the Avison garbs, and therefore to Avezzano. It's just another way to trace Torrents to the Turano theater, and this makes Bridge's suspect with MacBride.

Perga was in PAMphylia, where I tend to trace BAMberg, home of Poppo. It can now be added that while Poppo is suspect in the line to Poppa, herself already linking well to Crispin liners, Bamburgs/Bamburys were first found in Oxfordshire i.e. same as Crispins. There is this online quote: "According to [Mr. Grimaldi], Crispinus, Baron of Bec, was the son of Crispina, daughter of Rollo, by Grimaldus, Prince of Monaco." The Monaco fesse is in the colors of the Crispin bend, and "Cris" can be a version of the Gris surname (very comparable to Monaco's) suspect with grim Grimadli's.

German Bamburgs/Bambergs (same place as Sadowski-suspect Trunks) may be sharing the crescents of Tattons. Note that Tattons descend from a Massi line using a "shaw" ending, for this tends to corroborate a Massey trace to the Massena / Shawia Numidians. King Massena traces with Masci-related Meschins to a marriage with Skiptons, and the latter share the purple lion with Lacys/Lace's (same place as Skiptons), and then while the other Lacys/Lace's use a purple fret-KNOT, Tattons are said to be of KNUTSford. It just so happens that Knutsfords/Knotsfords (Cheshire) share a string of lozenges in the same direction as the Happs/Abbs! Late last update, Knot-suspect king Cnut entered the Massey-Harcourt discussion. The Knutsford write-up can't decide whether the place was named after Cnut, said to have passed with his army by the place, or an older Knott family that lived on the river flowing by Knutsford. I didn't know that Cnut passed through Cheshire, but it bodes well for a Mieszko trace to Masseys / Masci's of Cheshire. Knotts were first found in Derbyshire while Derbe was a location between Perga and Tatta.

See the colors of the chevron of Cheney-suspect Chanuts too, for Canute's are listed with Knotts. Cheneys are the ones using the Joseph martlet in colors reversed, which can trace Joseph Caiaphas to Derbe / Tatta, which is where I've traced him by other means. Cheneys were first found in Buckingham (beside the Capes') while Buckinghams share the Notting bend-with-besants. Then, lo and behold, Knutsford was in Bucklow, where the purple buckle of Sobieski's can trace. Buckleys, obvious kin of Buckle's, were first found in Cheshire, location of Bucklow. And Buckleys are the ones sharing the white bull head of Haughts (!), while Sigrid the HAUGHTy was mother of Cnut! That explains why Haughts ("tort" motto term suspect now with Tertullus liners) were likewise first found in Cheshire, but never have I known before that Cnut's bloodline was in Cheshire like so, and associated with Tattons. "Canute" thereby becomes suspect with "Cuneo" and/or "Genoa / Geneva," but looks more like the Kennedy line of Genoa elements.

The Beaumont bull head must link to this Bucklow line. Note that the white-on-blue wings of Genova's/Geneva's and Chaine's/Chenays can link to the same-colored eagles of Pinchers/Pensons (Pennon liners?), for the last update discovered that the royal-blue line of Pincerna's were of the Beaumonts.

I've repeated many times that the Beaks/Beakers are using a colors-reversed version of the Haught Coat, but Beaks now become suspect with Bec / Beech / Beecham/Beauchamp liners. I don't see that any of the Bec surnames have hint of linkage to Bec Abbey, but as it was called, Beck / Bekkr, perhaps Becks and Beckers can apply, both first found in Yorkshire, where Lace's/Lacys and Skiptons were first found. The Lace surname became suspect with a necklace-like Arms of Nalecz, and the latter family incorporated the Sadducee-suspect Sadowski's, both using knots. I didn't know until the Beckers were loaded that they are Bec elements, for they share a Shield filled with vair fur with Beech's and Stantons. The latter were of Stanton Harcourt. The Welsh Bachs (beside Chester) use blue vair.

Back to the Manners/Maness' for a trace to the Mathis river, evoking the Mathie/Mann/Maghen surname (share gyronny with Pinchers/Pensons and Hoppers) which may partly be a Plancia-Magna line into the Isle of Man. The Mathie/Mann gyronny is suspect with the CAMPbell gyronny because Campbells descend from MacArthurs (same place as Herods/Haralds) while Mathie's/Manns share the MacArthur crown. The MacArthur moline, which traces to Segni's of Genoa, is white, the colors of the Beck moline, and then Mathis' use a moline too. I trace Maccabee ancestry to the Mathis river, at the lower-left of the map below, having a source at the Canute-like Candavii mountains. The PENEStae at the Candavii range trace without doubt to the Penes/Penny surname that you can find in the Pennon/Penning write-up. Pennons had come up as per the Glenny kin of Manner-related Mens, and the latter's MENGzes variation is suspect with the Manx of Man.

It should also be mentioned that Mens' are honored in the Pepin and Poppin mottoes, surnames that can trace to Poppo of Bamberg. While I was very green at heraldry, I was venturing to trace Pepins to Paphlagonian HENETI, suspect with Kennedys, but, if I recall, Paphlagonians were allies of Pamphylians. Pepins / Paphlagonians became suspect with Hyksos pharaoh Apepi/Apophis, and Hyksos are suspect with Hick-like surnames. Poppins (the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Glennys and Mens') use a "manSIT" motto term along with "Mens".

I'd like to repeat the "parVENIR" motto term of Manners/Maness, for German Venners use the Dutch-Reed symbol, though Venners call it a hook. The Hooks happen to use a fesse in colors reversed from the double Manner/Maness fesses, and then Hockys/Hochleys (Cnut colors) use a fesse in the blue color of the Parr / Manner/Maness fesse. The Hockley fesse-with crescents (colors reversed from the Cnut crescents) is that of Hazels for a trace to Has i.e. near the Mathis river. The Hooks are using the Beaumont / Masci fleur again. To help prove that Hooks are Beaumont/Belmont liners, the Hooks share the Bellamy fesse. It's also the Harvey fesse for a trace to Geneva's Arve river, and then French Harve's/Harveys use a chevron in the colors of the Cnut chevron. The Hoke-like Cokes (Cage's?) look like they are using a version of the Pincher/Penson Coat, the eagles of which are suspect with the Geneva/Genova (and Masci) wings. The Coke Crest is also the Beak-Crest ostrich. The "qui patiens" motto phrase of Coke's is almost the "qui patitur" of Shaws.

Bacon and other Unhealthy Thingoes.

There is a question on whether Billets were Blythe's (surname of Bill Clinton's father). There is a Blyth location near Berwick, explaining why Blyths (Artem/AITon colors) were first found in Berwickshire. The Blyth crescents can therefore be the Seaton crescents, especially as Blyth is to the near-north of the mouth of a Tyne river. The AID's, likewise first found in Berwickshire, are using the same bend as Rodhams, and the latter share cinquefoils with Billets. The latter's cinquefoils can be the Blank cinquefoils for a trace to Plancia Magna, for the Rodham bend is white, as is the Plunket bend. Rodhams were first found in the same place as the Tyne with a mouth near Blyth. The Blyth-Rodham circle want to be the world leader in 2016. Shudder.

Jewish Pollocks do trace to the Rodham / Stevenson bend. But interesting here is that the Buckle's are an obvious branch of Buckleys with BULKelly/BULKley variations smacking of the PLUKnet variation of the Plocks/Placks said to be from Plunket. Bulkellys are even in Plunket colors. The way to link Bulkellys to Rodhams is, first of all, by their sharing the "nec" motto term, and, secondly, the trace of the Bulkelly bull head to Haughts = the daughter of Mieszko I, himself a Piast from mythical Piast KOLODziej, called the "Wheelwright" for the reason that he was code for Wheelwrights that share the Catherine wheel with COLTers that come up as "Alter," a Rodham motto term.

It is an important part of the discussion to follow that Wheelwrights share a six-sectioned Shield with Tate's, though I won't emphasize Tate's. The latter share the raven with the Toothill Crest, and so it's enough to know that Toothills (suspect with the Pulley/Pullen bend) are Mieszko liners. As the topic will turn to Renfrew and Glasgow, that's where Wrights were first found that share the Stewart Coat. And Rollo's not only honor Paisley liners in their motto, but use "tout." This was the porphyria bloodline suspect in the purple Shield of Pace's, first found in the same place (Cheshire) as Polesdons, Haughts, and Buckleys, for which reason the purple buckle of Sobieski's/Sobeks should apply.

The Colters are suspect with the Colts/Celts who not only share the stag head of the Rollo clan badge, but were first found in the same place as Rollo's, important where Rollo's link to Turtle's/Toothills that use white symbols on their blue bend, as do Colters. This should alert us to the link of Rollo's line to Sigrid the Haughty, for she did in fact marry a Dane king, and while her son was Cnut, the Cnut surname has a chevron in colors reversed from the Rollo chevron. Symbols in colors reversed is an item commonly shared by families who marry.

The white Bulkelly bull heads are in use also by Bullocks, and the latter surname looks like play on words, as per a mix of Pollocks with the Haught bull head. It could be that the Haught and Mieske bull heads are merely code for the Pollock branch of Bullocks. The Bole's not only share a shot-through boar with Pollocks, but the Bole boar is the black Rollo-Crest boar. Bole's were first found at / near the Humber river while Humbers/Umbers (pellets) share the three Haught bars in colors reversed. It's a good bet that the Bole cups are those of Pellets and Pilotte's (same place as Bole's), and, besides, the Colts/Celts use the Pilote pheon.

Bullocks (Pollock / Valentin colors) share the motto of SANDers and Vince's (Valentin kin), and can therefore link to Polish Sadowski's/SANDuski's. The motto includes "conSCIRE," suspect with the "pelleSCERE" of the Pulleys/Pullens, first found in the same place as Sadowski-beloved SCARfs...and Firmins sharing the same chevron as Irish Sanders, while German Sanders use the white bull head again. Irish Sander use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Billets, both Chiefs showing white symbols to boot. The "Christo" motto term of Firmins is used by Bello-loving Bouillons, suggesting strongly that Bouillons (play on metal bullion?) were Billet / Pilate liners in cahoots with Firminy liners. One could get the impression that Bouillons (Bullock colors) were Bullock liners, but I'm holding out that Bouillons were from the Boii, and possibly traceable to Boleslaw of Bohemia, who named Boleslaw, son of Mieszko I. Remember, VesPASIa Polla is suspect with the Pasi's, first found in the Boii location of Bologna, like the Boulogne location of Godfrey de Bouillon. One should expect Polla liners in Bologna, therefore, and Bouillons should trace to them without being Polla liners to begin with.

The Vise's share the Colt/Celt stag head but put a cross between the antlers instead, the symbol between the antlers of Eustace's, the latter likely from the father of Godfrey de Bouillon. This not only helps to inform us that "EUStace" was a VISE branch, but it can trace with VESpasia Polla to Vis/Issi, one of the Illyrian islands suspect with the lines to Israel's chief priests. If this is correct, de Bouillon's father may have been a line all the way back to the ancestors of Caiaphas, but expected to have merged with Caiaphas liners after Caiaphas' death. This is my explanation for Eustace's sons (including Godfrey) becoming the first rulers of Crusader Jerusalem. So why do Eustace's use the stag while holding that "important" position? What's a stag got to do with Jerusalem's priestly lines? The Eustace stag is the Polesdon stag having an unidentified object at the front of the neck.

The Stagg Crest can help answer the question, for it uses a gold cross that's almost the potent cross that was the flag of Templar Jerusalem, and the Stagg cross is between the antlers of a stag. Staggs are using a version of the Rollo Coat, right? But then it's a version also of the Turtle/Tuttel Coat too. Is a Tertullus line to the Jerusalem Templars important? The line of Tertulla had conquered Jerusalem in 70 AD, and the Roman soldiers got what gold they could from the temple, but I think they missed the Caepio treasure buried by Caiaphas' / Herod's family in some secret spot beneath the temple. They say that Templar tools were found 80 feet below the Temple Mount. The Crusaders were after gold, weren't they, not after anything that would glorify Christ. The dirtbags of our world today must be spending and investing the gold that the Caepio gold created, for gold nets more gold. They probably arranged the price of gold to be extremely high for their own enrichment, but it's useless unless they can sell it at high prices, and last I heard, there's no end to the suckers willing to buy it at $1,000 per ounce.

Wikipedia's article on Godfrey de Bouillon may still be showing the Jerusalem flag, said to have been the symbol of Godfrey de Bouillon. Here's a version of the Jerusalem flag. The gold cross looks a little red but it was gold officially, gold on silver, what a "coincidence". Most potent crosses I come across -- see Brocuffs -- are red. The potent cross is suspect at the earliest with Chads, who got suspect with "SADowski," and while their Sandowski variation is suspect with Sanders, the latter use a broken sword as code for Brocks and related Brocuffs.

I don't think it's coincidental that while Saddocks/Sedgewicks share the escutcheon with Chadocks and Chadwicks, the Crutch's use what can be construed as an escutcheon in the colors of the same of Saddocks. The potent cross, they tell us, was named after crutches, but that is false. In reality, it was formed in honor of the Crutch/Crouch surname...suspect with Crocks / Croce's married by the Stewart liner, Eschyna de Molle, her surname suspect with moline-using Jacques de Molay. Croce's/Cross' use the potent cross with double ends, as do Chads. The double ends allows the cross to be either potent or Crusader.

Note that the potent cross in the flag above is not quite potent, but more of what's called the "Crusader cross," similar to the flory cross used by Bouillons.

It looks like Rollo the viking was a Mieszko liner, and I guarantee you that the Republican Party (shares elephant with Sanders) traces to this family. I am fast becoming of the opinion that the revived seventh head of Revelation has to do with the line of Vespasian ruling the EU at Armageddon. My prediction: that line will actually honor Vespasian because it knows to be from him. All of its ancient kin by marriage will be made the rulers of the EU, and they will war with Christ, though they took his Name in the Crusades. And they made the cross of Christ into a blood-soaked sword of war...reflecting the red on the Jerusalem cross above. But murderers will have no part of Christ's coming Jerusalem.

It doesn't automatically strike us that Plunkets should be Pollocks, but we have see Tertullus-related Plancia tracing to the Tertulla / Vespasia line, and Vespasia's surname was, Polla. I have a hard time wrapping my head around the idea that "Plancia" was anciently a variation of "Polla," but even if it wasn't so, one can imagine a merger between the two. The patriarch of the Pollocks (originally "Pollok") was at least a close friend of the Dol Alans, while Plunkets were first found in the same part of Brittany as Dol and RENnes, while both Pollocks and Alans ended up at RENfrew. It's as though they moved to Scotland with the namers of Rennes, important enough to name Renfrew. I don't know the timing of the English Stewarts of Devon, but that's where Billets were first found too.

The line of Peter Pollock ended up marrying buckle-using Leslie's, and so we can assume that the Leslie buckle was code for the Plunket-related Buckle's. Polish Sobieski's/Sobeks use a purple buckle, the colors of the Wren lions. Wrens use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Sanders, and both surnames use the broken code for Brock / Brocuff liners. Who named the duke of Albany in the Wren write-up? Was Albany an Albin/AUBIN line? Why is the lord of the wrens said to be William de AUBIGNy? As Sanders are suspect with Sadowski's who in-turn list Trabys, is the Wren Crest using the Crusader crosses of Trips? The "CONscire" motto term of Sanders can be suspect with Cone's and related Conte's (link to purple-flag Ville's) because the latter were first found in the same place as Wrens.

Wrens are said to be from Raines'. Wrens use more footLESS martlets, in the colors of the same of Levi- / Livius-suspect Livings/Levins (Plank colors) who happen to use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Vilains, the latter suspect from the Vilaine part of Brittany, where Plunkets were first found. Foots are suspect with the Levi chevron, and may be in the "futura" motto term of Fullers.

The most-important part of the Plocks/Placks is their use of the Joseph martlet (same colors), for French Billets were first found in the same place as the martlet-using Josephs. It's making Joseph Caiaphas suspect with the ancestry of Plancia Magna, a thing I've had my eyes on for a few weeks. Pulleys/Pullens (share the pelican with Stewarts) use the martlets in the same colors again, making them suspect as a branch of Plocks and Polesdons/Pulsdons (share the stag with Stewarts). The Shield-and-Chief color combination of Wrens is that also of the other Billets (who use the Bellows Coat so that it's a near-certainty that the Wren lion is the Skipton lion). Note how French Billets are in Fanano colors, for the Billet Zionist stars are colors reversed from the same of Cassius'/Casano's (Modena, same place as Fanano). Junia Caepio Tertulla, a Livius liner, married a Cassius family. Don't you think we have something here?

The Plock write-up takes the opportunity to trace, not just to "blanket," but throws in a "sheets" term. This blanket theme goes very well to Lady Fortune (had a blanket at one time) in the Klassen Coat, for Renfrew is the location of GLASgow and Pace- / Pasi-like Paisleys/Pasleys (chevron in Billet-chevron colors), and Sheet-like surnames are expected with liners from lake Scodra, where the CLAUSula drains. Until recently, Blanks, sharing the Billet cinquefoils, were said to be first found in SHETland, which looks like the Plock sheet. The Paisley chevron is colors reversed from the Colter chevron, and the latter were first found in Lanarkshire, beside Paisley.

The fact that Toothills are in Paisley colors helps to make the connection along with the Paisley thistles. The THISTLE's, who almost look like "Toothill/Tuttel," are in the colors of Turtle's/Tuttels/Toothills whom, I have just found, come up as "TITTLE." In colors reversed, the Paisley chevron is blue, like the Turtle/Toothill chevron. Within the past couple of years, heraldic billets have proven themselves to be code for the gold and silver bars stolen by Quintus Caepio, and this led to the likely fact that the two metals of heraldry are code for his treasure (I continue to use "white" for what in heraldry is officially "silver"). Turtle's help to give away a trace to Junia Caepio Tertulla because Turtle's were first found in the same place as Quints while Toothills were first found in the same place as Capone's while the Junia Caepio's were officially "Caepionis." And this is the importance of a Glasgow trace to Cupionich upon the Clausula river. The black Turtle leopard and the black Toothill lion are in the colors of the black lion paw in the Quint Chief. As Cupionich is also called, Koplik, it should not be overlooked that the Kopple's rooster is in the colors of the French-Joseph bird, be it showing as a swan or martlet.

Rollo's trace to the Clausula because they apparently honor the Fortune bloodline. As Klassens now show a banner for Mrs. Fortune, her Glass liners trace to the Panaro river, where Banners trace without doubt, as well as Penders (Billet colors and format) sharing the Paisley chevron. And Pace's/Pasi's (Paisley colors) were first found near the Panaro. Gleasons (Tipperary), having Klassen-like variations, share the Glass stars but on the same bend as Plunkets. Claws'/Clasons are the ones with the same lion as Marano's, now known to be the MacNamara lion as well, and the latter use two "spear heads," which can trace to Spears (same place as Pollocks, Glasgow and Paisleys), whose spears-in-saltire trace very well to the same of Pace's/Pasi's. It just so happens that the MacNamara Coat is that also of Silks/SHEEDys, another sheet-line entity, we may assume, that can trace to blanket-liner, Plancia Magna.

For another white bend, see the Lents (Buckingham) suspect in the "lente" motto term of Plunkets. By now, I have a good idea that the Pollock patriarch, Fulbert, was a Plunket liner because Fullers share a white horse with Plunkets, and as Fulbert was said to be a Saxon, it's notable that the Saxon horse is also white. I am very convinced that Fulbert was a Plunk(et). Note that while Fullers use a beacon, the Beacons/Bacons share a boar with Pollocks while French Bacons use the Billet / Blank cinquefoils again, and the write-up of English Bacons even says that "some of the family came from Maine." That explains why the Shield-and-Chief color combination of English Bacons is colors reversed from the same of Billets / Bellows. Besides, I've been linking the Fuller bars to the same of Belli's and Carpenters for a long time, because one Belli surname share's the beacon with Fullers.

At one time, the beacons were identical in design, but after mentioning this a few times, houseofnames promptly changed the design of the Belli beacon. Why on earth would it have done that? Is there something to hide in a Bacon relationship to Billets? Francis Bacon was a leading Rosicrucian, and Javier Solana, "the boss" of Europe, according to what I've read, had a mother who wrote a 666-page book on Francis Bacon. It looks like the Bacon circle rules the EU today.

The Bacon stars, though they are likely the Medley stars, are colors reversed from the same of Polesdons, first found in the same place as Pluknet-suspect Bulkellys. The "MedioCRIA" motto term of Bacons must be for the Cree's using the Shield-and-Chief color combination of the Bacons in colors reversed. The same combination is used by the Sanders sharing the Bullock motto. The "firma" motto term of Bacons is suspect (along with the Fuller motto) with Firminy at Mont Pilat.

The Medley motto (In Deo fide") is shared by Plocks/Pluknets, a thing I may not have reported before, but this is important, for while Plancia Magna was a descendant of Opgalli and tiger-suspect Tigranes, Medleys use a tiger. Medleys are suspect in the Bacon motto. The "INTEgrity" motto term of Cree's may be play on whatever "In deo" is code for, or the term may be understood as "InTEGRity" as code for Tigranes. These Cree's are the ones using what looks like a version of the Sander Chief, and so let's add that Sands use the same chevron as Quints.

The Medley / Polesdon stars have linked to the same of Palins/Pawleys, but they are the Bacon stars in colors reversed, important because Palins (BUCHANan / Buchan lion) trace well to PALINurus, beside Bacon-suspect BUXENtum. Besides, the Bacon cinquefoils are the Bus cinquefoils that make Bacons suspect with Bus liners (this was written before finding Pockets below). Palins are from Pavilly on the outskirts of Rouen, and it just so happens that a Buchy location is on my atlas some 15-20 miles east of Pavilly. Buchys (piles) happen to be listed with Buckets/Bouchards that had been identified with the heraldic "water bouget," and it just so happens that Bugs use that bouget. That traces both Bug surnames, and likely Bogens too, to a branch of Buchy / Buchanans / etc. German Bugs once showed footless martlets in the colors of the same of Josephs / Plocks. The Bocket variation of Buchys is suspect with Pockets/Pouchers, first found in the same place (Lincolnshire) as Buchys. It just so happens that Pockets/Pouchers/Powchers use the giant Bus cinquefoil in colors reversed!

I'm guessing that Pouchers are a branch of Palin-related Powers and Paws, which may reveal that the latter two were Buxentum elements, though it could be that Buxentum elements such as a Bocket > Pocket line merged with Power liners. Powers are said to be from Pois/Poix or the namers of Picardy, the same theme that I see in the Pockets/Poucher write-up. Therefore, Picardy (not far north of Pavilly) becomes partly suspect with "Pyxus," the alternative name for Buxentum. I still trace Sands and Sanders to the Santones, beside the Pictones, the latter looking like the Pyxus.

What would it mean if Buxentum traces to the Bug river of the Neuri? Buz was Nahor's son. What would it mean if Francis Bacon was a Bug-river liner? I trace Dols / Dole's to Doly in the Bug-river theater. What would it mean if Nahor's descendants now rule the EU? Didn't God say that Abraham's descendants would become countless nations? But the Bible never elaborates. What nations? As late as the latest prophets, now one elaborated on these many nations from Abraham. Didn't they ever wonder what it meant? The Bible probably didn't elaborate because no one knew what it meant. They couldn't / didn't see how Abraham's children became many nations.

The Bacons are traced to a Bradfield location (Suffolk), and Brads are suspect from Brattia. The Bradfields (Suffolk) happen to use checks in the colors of the Warren checks while Warrens are suspect as Vere liners from Pharia, beside Brattia. At the end of certain write-ups, there's mention of what a certain location / family possessed in the Domesday Book, but at times I get the impression that these entries are code for kin. For example, Bradfield is said to have been taxed 80 goats,s/and meanwhile Bradfield is said to have been held by the count of Mortain while Mortains/Mortons use goats.

Bradfords ("Fier et sage") are filled with interesting codes, sharing the peacock with both Paws surnames. As Brattia is off-shore of the mouth of the Tilurius river (map below), with a source near Burnum, it's interesting that the Bradford hunting horns are those of Burns / Bernice's. The Bradford wolf head is that of Quade's suspect with the Sadowski/Traby 'Q' scarf, and Bradfords were first found in the same place as Scarfs that use the Quade wolf head in white. Scarfs are suspect from Scardona, near Burnum. The Trabys, listed with Sadowski's for a reason we would like to know, likewise use black hunting horns. The last update traced Sadowski's to the Brattia theater for reasons not included in this paragraph. The Bradford motto is translated with a "Proud" term that can trace to Brattia liners, for the entire translation is "Proud and Wise," suspect also with neighboring Ves.

But Prouds/Prouts use fish, the symbol of Prude's too, and this effectively traces Bradfords through to the fish and motto in the Arms of Rieti. This recalls the Torrents at MacBRIDE (Glasgow area), for Torrents traced to the Rieti theater too, and in fact they traced to the Flavian family there. Prouds/Prouts use their otter-and-fish in PALE, and the Prude fish are in pale too. Broads/Brods use a pale bar. Therefore, when you read that Bradfords trace to something broad, ignore it and view it as code for Broads/Brod's ("A savage holding three arrows pointing to a crown."). The Broad pale bar is colors reversed from the Crutch/Crouch pale bar, and both surnames were first found in the same place (Somerset), and then the Crutch's (new to my work) linked above to Sadowski's, where the latter two are suspect with Saddocks. And it's proto-Sadducee's that are being traced to Issa/Vis / Brattia / Pharia.

Quade's were traced to Quadratilla, wife of Lupus Laevillus, and then Quade-suspect Broads were first found in the same place as Leavells/Lowells and Roets. The latter share the oak tree with Watts (glasses) and Vatts/Watters/Quattie's (glasses) while Quade's/Wade's are said to have been of a Wat entity. Therefore, we are back to Rieti liners. Oak-using Watsons were first found in Roet-like Rutland. QuadraTILLa was suspect after Tilurius elements.

Recalling that Pratt liners are also Prays, note the "PRAEilia" motto term of Rutlands/RITlands, and then see the map (center-left) to the east of the Tilurius, to a RIDitae location smack beside a Promona location that may apply to the "Praemia" motto term of Rutlands. The trace of Scarfs to Scardona comes for a reason beyond similarity of terms. But I've only now found the Scharts/Schardins (griffin holding a cony rabbit) with Scherpen-and-similar variations that can develop to "Scarf. The Sharptons/Sharps (giant Pilate pheon) may apply who share the black eagle head of Kelners/Kellers. I normally emphasize English Scarfs, but there is a German Scharf surname using a hunting horn in the colors of the Traby/Sadowski scarf. Scharfs were first found in the same place (Bavaria) as Wittelsbachs found in the Schart/Scherpen write-up. It appears that Wittelsbachs were at Scharding (Austria) since about 806.

English Wittelsbachs look like White liners, and White's are suspect withy the Isle of Wight, location of Cowes, where Quade's and Mackays (and Maccus) have been traced very recently (to my surprise). Before that, Cowes'/Coo's were suspect at Qewe/Kue (Cilicia), where I figured that Quadratilla (ruling family in Cilicia) was prominent. When Quade's were realized at Cowes, it tended to clinch the Quadratilla link to Cowes, for the Isle of Wight is even beside the Leavells of Somerset.

The Wittel(bach)s have the look of the Geddes Coat, and Geds, before they became Geddes at Nairn, had joined the Mackays in the far north, and this may reveals that Geddes were of the same entity that named Quadratus Bassus (father of Quadratilla). In fact, cowie, as Quadratus was the grandson of Julius Severus, just compare the Wittelsbachs to the Savary Coat!!! Wittelsbachs owned the lozengy of Bavaria, and it's in the colors of the vair fur shared between Savarys and Wittelsbachs. I'm still tracing Geddes to Geta, son of Julia Domna Bassianus, sister of Julia Bassianus, the latter the wife of Avitus, like the "vita" motto term of the Savarys above! You can't argue with the facts. Plus, the WittelsBACHs clearly link to the Welsh Bachs. German Bach use a steer suspect with Sturs, the latter suspect with the Leavell bars.

Bacons use FIVE cinquefoils while Saffers use five falcons. These things are meaningful when Caiaphas is clinched as a Quintus-Caepio line in relation to Plancia Magna's ancestry. I don't know where Geta's brother (and murderer) ruled in his dealings with Dalmatia, but the Brattia are is certainly on the table. Caracalla (the brother) set Julius Bassianus up in Dalmatia, and as he's suspect with the line of Carricks, note that Bachs (Bacon colors, no guff) share the black talbot with Carricks, and that more talbot dogs are in the Wittelsbach Coat. I had read that the Bogens/Bogans of Bavaria had the Bavarian lozengy prior to the Wittelsbachs, and Bogens are now tracing to Buxentum elements along with Bacons. The BRADfield location (caps lest we neglect Brattia) in the Bacon write-up was in THINGoe, which is not the reason that Tinks were looked up. Things are listed with Tyne's/Botville's.

The Crusader cross is in the Tink/TYNEkar Crest, a surname suspect with the "exTINCtus" motto term of Title's/Tattlers, first found in the same place (Haddington) as the Scottish Tyne river. It's a Sadducee-suspect area of the Seatons, who always suspect with a branch of Geddes, and especially with the Yate's and Porter PORTCULLIS gate symbol that I see as code for Proculus, son of Quadratilla and Laevillus. The crescents of Title's can be the Seaton crescents in colors reversed. The Title's/Tattlers were looked up as per the Tittle variation of Turtle's/Tuttels.

The Tyne/Tynekar surname uses antlers (without stags), and then uses an "OcCULTus" motto term, likely for the Cult variation of Colts/Celts. I trace the "nec" motto term of Rodhams and Rutlands to the Neckar river that may be in play in "TyNEKAR," for the other Tyne river is in Northumberland, where Rodhams were first found. It looks like some Neckar elements in cahoots with Rodhams, Pollocks and Stevensons were kin to the Tertullus / Plancius bloodline. Between the two Tyne rivers is a Lauder location while Lauders/Leathers (likely a branch of Traby- / Weight-suspect Loudens/Lothians) can be of the LeatheringSETT location (Norfolk), where one branch of Bacons is said to have been. The giant Lauder/Leather griffin (Bacon colors) is colors reversed from the same of the Scharts/Schardins, a good reason to trace the latter to Scardona i.e. near Brattia.

Lauders use a "Sub umbra" motto phrase that can incorporate the Sobeks because Umbers/Humbers (Polish line) share the white griffin with Lauders. But Cumbers (peacock, Polish line) are also Sobek-interesting because they both share red Shields. Peacock-suspect Peaks use the three Humber fesse bars in colors reversed, and the Beak ostrich is suspect with the Trabys and used by Carricks, the latter two both evident in the Lothian/Louden Coat that itself can be a version of the Alis Coat.

"Sub" is shared by Percivals whom you will find in the Leavell write-up. Percivals use muzzled bears, symbol of Barwicks, and then Lauders/Leathers were first found in Berwickshire (near Lauder). But the muzzled bear is in the description of Alis' while the Arms of Alessandria use the Lauder/Leather griffin in colors reversed, which means that the Alessandria griffin can be that of Scharts/Scharpens. It just so happens that while TORTona often comes to mind with Alessandria, Sharps/Sharptons use TORTeaux...albeit they call them discs. But then the "Disce" motto term of Duncans comes to mind, and Duncans share cinquefoils in the colors of the Bacon cinquefoil's.

Note that Title's/Tattlers use FIVE rays of the sun, for Quints are suspect in several five themes while Tuttels were first found in the same place as Quints. Why are the five rays of Title's squared off, like gold bars? As Caiaphas is lately suspect from Plancia Magna while Caiaphas was previously suspect with Opgalli, Plancia's ancestor, is it coincidental that Plocks/Pluknets use "five red lozenges"? The Plock/Pluknet Crest is "A gold demi-eagle emerging from the embattlements of a tower," and the tower is a Plunket symbol too. Sometimes, Issa-suspect "issuing" is used instead of "emerging." The latter became suspect with Mergens/Morgans and/or Mergins, but as the latter are listed with BERGins, they can be Perga liners. The "Simplex"-using PERKins share a black, passant cat (leopard) with Turtle's/Toothills, making the Perkin lion suspect with the black lion paw of Quints. The evidence for a Plancia-Magna link to Joseph Caiaphas thus builds.

Mergins/Bergins are said to derive in "wondrous BIRTH," but I've been suspecting the Births/Berts (Bernice suspects) for nearly a decade as from FulBERT, patriarch of Pollocks, and yet I've only recently entertained the same Fulbert as a descendant / partner of the Plunkets. Ask whether Berts are using the Duncan hunting horn. English Bertrams use blue Crusader crosses, the color of the same in the Tink/Tynekar Crest.

Let me repeat that while "Tyne" became suspect with the Teano location (Campania) of the Seaton-suspect Sidicini, UMBRius Primus, suspect with the Umber variation of Humbers, was from Campania. Humbers, who can be of the namers of Northumberland, were first found in the same place (Herefordshire) as Fullers, explaining why Fullers share three fesse bars with Humbers. But then the Stouts, suspect from Stuttgart upon the Neckar, use three fesse bars too. Umbrius Primus (Roman ruler for Macedonia) was discovered in the 2nd update of last month. "He was thought to be involved with a conspiracy against Augustus along with a Lucius Lucinius Varro Murena and Fannius Caepio." Fannius has since become suspect with the namers of Fanano because Umbrius Primus had adopted Senecio Albinus, the latter being one whom has traced to the Fanano theater since mid-August. Unfortunately, but welcome just the same, it's a problem as to whether Cumbrians / Umberland / Humbers trace to Umbrians of some sort or to Umbrius in particular.

The "FERMiora" motto term of Fullers is therefore suspect with the Firminy location beside Mont Pilat (At St. Etienne), and as it's also beside the Forez mountains, note that the Besancons/Bassets were first found in Forez while they share the Etienne billets in the colors of the Billet stars. Billets are therefore a clever code for metal bars as well as for the line of Pontius Pilate.

As for the "futura" motto term of Fullers, Futters (look like a branch of Foots / Fothes') happen to be using, not just a fesse in Fuller-fesse colors, but what looks like a cross between the Duncan and Bacon/Beacon Coats. That's significant where Fullers honor the Bacons with their beacon. The blue Futter dove seems like code for Cuppae, "city of doves," because Fothes' use a cornuCOPIA. Beaks can trace top the Pek river near Cuppae, and then there is a LEDERata location near the mouth of the Pek.

The "Jai" motto term of Things/Tyne's may be code for Jays/Gai's, first found in the same place as Fullers and Humbers. The Thing surname became a topic with the Thingoe location of.....Bacons, no guff. The Jays may be using a version of the Cumber Coat, noting the Jay Crest in blue, for the Comber Crest has a blue-Indian peacock. The Jay Crest: "A blue griffin sejant holding a red escutcheon." Why are the Segantii Brigantes brought to topic along with a Sadducee-suspect escutcheon, in the Jay Crest? Ask the Brigantians at the Tyne river.

As a Phrygian > Brigantes people are now suspect with Brattia/Brac and neighboring Pharia, let's recall that Brogitarus-suspect Froggits use a parrot, for the pear-using Parrots share the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Bacons, and the latter's BRADfield entity is still tracing to Brattia. The Pears/Pearls/Purls (Jewish surname?), first found in the same place as Purys and Teans/Thames', are the ones who look to be using the chevron and stars of Teans/Thames', suspect with the Teano capital of the Sidicini. Escutcheon-using Saddocks list a Sidick variation. The Paer/Pearl and Tean/Thames stars-upon-chevron are in colors reversed from the trefoils-upon-chevron of Sithech-based Shaws. The trefoils are in the colors of the pheons of Tipps'/Tippens, whom I think are in the Shaw motto. Tipps' were first found in Lancashire, home of the Setantii.

I'd like to show a new thing, why Tipps' may trace to Dieppe at the mouth of the Brattia-suspect Bray river. I happened to try for a Tapper surname, getting Germo-Austrian Teepers (sinister bend) in colors reversed from the Tippers. From Tappers, Dappers/Depners were found who brought Dieppe to mind because I was thinking, at the time, about the Topps using the gauntlet in a canton square, like the stag in the canton of Dawsons, said to be from Dieppe. The gauntlet is Tipps-relevant because Tipps' use a version of the Ghent Coat, and Tappers/Teepers are in Dutch-Ghent colors. Dappers/Depners look very linkable to both Pollock Coats, but using hunting horns in both colors of the Bert horn. Bertrams had traced to Fanano, as did Senecio Albinus, and it's his Senecio bloodline that has been suspect with the sinister code.

French Dappers use double-fesse bars in German-Dapper colors, and show DapPAUER/Depauer variations that may reveal kinship with Paws/Pauers, who share the peacock with double-fesse Manners/Maness', and use the same chevron as Berts. Powers are said to be from Pois/Poix, some 40 miles from Dieppe, and about half that distance to the Bray. As Manners are expected out of the Isle of Man, it can explain the eagle legs of Brays as play on the human legs in the Arms of Man. As Harcourts trace to Man, it's notable that Harcourt liners use double-fesse bars.

As per the flax breaker of Brays, we find more double-fesse bars with Flags/Flacks, suspect with the flags beside the bull head of Man-suspect McLeods. English Brakers use more hunting horns (Bert symbol too), and they were first found in Shropshire, where Fulbert the Saxon lived. Scottish Brakers were first found in Lanarkshire, beside the Renfrew area of the first Pollocks. Moreover, the latter Brakers share white roses with Paisleys, which begins to expect Brac/Brattia liners with the Pasi's and Speers. I'll tell you why this paragraph is suspect with CharleMAGNE below.

The "industria" motto term of the Brakers is still suspect with Dusters using another white-on-red bend, the colors of the Dapper/Depner bend. There was some suspicion that Dusters could be Dawson liners so that, indeed, Dappers/Depners could be Dieppe liners. Plus, Dusters use arms in armor, symbol of Bray-possible Brace's/Brayce's (another white bend), first found in the same place as Fulbert-suspect Fullers. The latter use fesse bars in colors reversed from the fesse bars of French Dappers/Dapauers. The Duster bend has trefoils in the colors of the Albino trefoils, and French Bracs are in Albino colors, as well as in the colors of Albins/Aubins (another white bend), first found in the same place (Devon) as Brock-related Stewarts and Berts.

Albins/Aubins use that white bull head that traces to Mieszko's daughter. Albins/Aubins are said to be from St. Taurin, making the Haught bull head suspect with that place, and Haughts are the ones sharing three fesse bars with Fullers. Plus, Brays (chevron in colors reversed from a Brac chevron), are said to be from Evreux, the location also of St. Tauren. The formee-fitchee crosses of Albins/Aubins are in the blue color of the same of Mea's/Meighs, from the Meu river of Brittany, in the same part of Brittany as Dol, Rennes, and where the Plunkets were first found who share a white-on-black bend with Brace's. The Meigh variation may betray linkage to Plancia MAGna. The Meu passes right by a Montfort location, which is the factor that traces Albin(o) kin to the Meu.

The Pollock bend is wavy, a term now highly suspect with Weavers and Webbers. One Webber surname (Pray/Prater suspects) use wavy fesse bars, and the other Webbers use what could be the Bright Coat so that Webbers may trace to Brattia too. The Dutch-Ghent fesse is wavy, as is the same-colored Dol fesse, and then the Gone's/Kohns with Ghent-like variation use a bend in colors reversed from the Pollock / Dapper bend. As the Arms-of-Fanano fesse is in the colors of the Ghent / Dol fesse, it's pretty clear from the Gone / Gonne variations that Ghent / Gaunt liners trace to the GONfanon entity of Fanano. That's why the Russell lion should be viewed as the Montfort lion in colors reversed, and why Berts can be the Bertram ancestry said of Russells.

From Charlemagne to Maccus

To kick off this section, let's ask what Charles the Simple, or "Simplex" in French, traces to. He was the Carolingian king who gave Rollo a large chunk of France. I don't know whether the Simple surname (more hunting horns) applies to him, but this is a good question to keep in mind, along with the Renfrew location of the first Simple's. As an ancient Simplex line was that of Plancia Magna, the question fits perfectly into this section. As Webbers trace to the weaver's shuttle of Keeps, note the Simple motto, "Keep tryst." If Webbers prove to be Charlemagne liners, can that prove that he was from Plancia Magna, explaining why Charles the Simple, a century after him, apparently carried the same blood?

Webbers are indeed becoming suspect with CharleMAGNE, and I'm wondering whether he was not named after "the great," but rather after the line of Plancia Magna. German Webbers use a "segne" motto term, like the "segni" of Fessys, who not only trace to Genoa with the Ghents, but are to be expected in the multiple fesses under discussion, and, to boot, Fessys use the same cross as Mea's/Meighs [I didn't know while writing here that Charlemagne liners would trace to the Meu river of Mea's]. It may seem simpleton, but the white wings in the Webber Crest are in the colors of the white eagle used for English Charles'. That's just for starters.

I have no evidence [yet, as I write] that English Charles' were Charlemagne liners, and the same can be said of Irish Carols, who are in the colors of the English Webbers. These Webbers are said to be Flemish, and the ancestry of Charlemagne is said to have been in Belgium, home of Flemings. Charlemagne was partly a Merovingian, but more-importantly descended from the Pepins, and it just so happens that the English Webbers use gold fleur-de-lys on a black bend, very linkable to Pepins and Pipe's, the latter first found in the same place (Somerset) as Webbers (and Flemish Treasure's/Tresure's). Suddenly, a Webber link to Carolingians looks gushing. The "Liliae" motto term of English Webbers suggests the Lille location off the Lys river flowing from France to Belgium. The Lille-Lys combination is what likely created the fleur-de-lys lily.

When we go to the Carols, we find that they had a branch at Monagan and Louth, and this is the area suspect with Isle-of-Man liners in connection to the Setantii, for the latter are said to have been between Lancashire and Louth. It just so happens that Monagans/Moncks/Mongans, all terms linkable to the Manx of Man, use the same stars as German Webbers, the ones with a "segne" motto term suspect with the Segantii version of the Setantii. These are the Brits suspect as escutcheon liners.

The Monagan description is laced with code but fails to mention the Herod-suspect plumed helmet: "A knight in complete armor resting the sinister hand on the hip and holding in the dexter a spear tilting thereon a forked pennon silver charged with an escutcheon of the arms." Hips' are the ones that traced to the Apsus river, at the mouth of which is Tropoje, suspect with the Drops/Trope's whose Chief is in use in the Telis Coat, important because German Webers use a "telis" motto code. Telis' may be suspect with Talons (share eagle talons with Brays) in English-Weber colors, and moreover the Talant variation of Talons was traced to the Taulantii Illyrians (left of map) smack at the north side of the Apsus river.

If that's not enough, I've only just realized that the Hips Coat is a version of the English Charles Coat. Did I say I didn't have evidence that English Charles' were of Charlemagne? I do now, thanks to Webber symbols and the big mouth of the Monagans. The Isle of Man was also, Mona. The Hips substitute martlets, symbol of French Charles', and of course code for Charles Martel, Charlemagne's grandfather. The French Charles/Charlemagne Coat strikes me as a version of the Braker Coat, and Brakers are suspect with the flax breaker of talon-using Brays. The personal symbol of Charlemagne was, I have read, a black eagle. Things are beginning to click.

English Webbers use "Two arms holding a blue disk..." The two arms may be reference to the two arms of Brace's / Dusters, but, in any case, it was Sharps/Sharptons that use "discs" along with a giant pheon, the symbol also of Danish Magnus'/Magnusons, said to be named after Magnus the Good (king of Norway), the first Scandinavian to use that name. I'm therefore thinking that Plancia Magna, or at least someone of the Magna surname, traces to this Norwegian family. Let's repeat that German Magnus', suspect with the Panico Chief, are said to have had "Mang" as the most-popular version, indicating Isle-of-Man elements. Maccus, who was on Man, or, at least, it was ruled by either himself or his brother, was sometimes called, Magnus, though Wikipedia says that this was disputed. There may be some truth to it, but one can sense in the write-ups of Magnus' that there is some pride in Magnus the Good being the first to use that name. It's known that Mansons are a Magnus branch.

The Magnus pheon is "facing sinister", perhaps part code for Face's/Fessys, and sinister is always deemed a Masci / Massena symbol while Sharps are the ones using the "Dum spiro spera" motto of Massins/Masons. It looks like Sharps/Sharptons and Scharts/Scherpens can trace to Maccus Maccabees and/or to Plancia Magna Maccabee. The Sharps are using a black eagle in Crest, which, under the circumstances in which Webbers use a disk (it's a hurt, really), should be reckoned as the Charlemagne eagle. Note how the Sharp pheon looks like a 'V', for English Magnus' (Shetland) are also "Vanish/Vinish." The Weynish variation is suspect with Wayne's using the chevron of hurt-using Arthurs. Yet, in the write-up of Swedish Magnus' traces the name to Charlemagne without flinching.

The English Magnus' share the purple lion with Wrens, a Raines family suspect from Rennes, the location of the Meu river and therefore of the Mea/Meigh surname, what a coincidence. A branch of English Magnus' is said to have been in CORTance (Aberdeenshire), which evokes Cortemelia, a location I touched briefly yet traced to the Bray river. I wasn't sure whether that was a correct trace, but it involved Weavers, who are now at topic in their Webber branch. Note how the black pheon of Danish Magnus' is replaced by an ermine-like spear head by the Swedish and Norwegian Magnus', for the ermine is the symbol of Vanish-like Vannes. The Arms if Vinish-like Finistere (beside Vannes) had traced with Bauts to Albins/Aubins of an Aubin location near Rodez, France. It allowed one to link the Albino trefoils to those of Rods, and made the Albin/Aubin connection to the marriage of Henri IV of Rodez to a daughter of the Roquefeuils. This line was that of the Rhodian Illuminati, quite plainly, that sought to control the world.

I traced Henry of Rodez to the Henry surname, and so you may want to keep in mind that the Irish Henry surname shares a green-on-white spread eagle with Charlestons while the Brittany Henrys use martlets (the Alan martlets). That's powerful, because Henrys were traced to the Hampshire Josephs. The Brittany Henrys are said to be from the Montfort location on the Meu, which it calls, Gael Montfort in Saint Gilles, the area that includes a Mott-Henry village. Keep an eye out for the Mott crescent in the Aachen Coat, for that too makes the Henry link to Charlemagne. Gilles are in the colors of the Henry eagle. French Gilles'/Jilles' are in Henry and Gellone colors, and being first found in Languedoc, they can link to the Gellone monastery or to Rodez.

Why was king Magnus named after Charlemagne? Was there a blood connection? The fesse bars of English Magnus' are in the colors of the split Shield of Spanish Capets. As the latter use the crown design of French Martels, the Capets are highly suspect with the royal Capetians who followed the Carolingians (founded by Charles Martel) on the French throne. But then the same crown design is used by Irish Charles'. All three Charles surnames are now found to be from Charlemagne, as would be expected, for heraldry doesn't involve itself with just ordinary Mr. Charles'. The Irish Charles Crest shares a sword with Irish Carols. The Charles sword is in saltire with a stave, the symbol of Pilgrims and Hawks. As the latter use purple stave's, they are suspect with Magnus', for the hawks lure of Man-suspect Herods/Haralds is code for the Lure sept of McLeods, and the latter share the castle of Martins who are in-turn a branch of Martels. It just so happens that there is a gold fleur-de-lys on a black eagle in the Hawk Crest, making it suspect with Charlemagne (yes, it's called a hawk, but so what? That's for obvious reason). Webbers use gold fleur. Pilgrims were first found in the same place as Fulke's whom I think are using the Capet Shield. On it, the Fulke's use a giant fleur-de-lys.

We are therefore discovering that Harald, father of Maccus, was a Charlemagne liner in relation to Magnus the Good. The evidence is not hard, but it's there. I had traced Carolingian ancestry (years ago, not now for convenience in making the argument) to Carlisle, roughly at the Solway Firth facing Man. I would have made the Carolingian trace to Carlisle aside from the flory cross of Carlisle's. I don't know the dating off-hand, but Maccus' father, Sitric, was roughly contemporary with Charlemagne.

The Sitric-suspect Sitters (suspect with the Suty / Side/Sudy lion) share green bars with both Landens and Magnus', and Pepin of Landen was ancestral to Charlemagne. Dutch Sitters are not described, but they appear to be using either a dove or gull, and I saw, years ago, a gull or dove, in the same colors, in the French Pepin Coat. I tend to recall it as a gull. If the Sitter bird stands on a box, it's linkable to the Box lion in Sitter-bird colors, but as it's a white lion, it can be the one in the Irish-Charles Crest. Dutch Sitters are in Dutch-Ghent colors while the Side's/Sudys, suspect with the Sidewell variation of Sitters, use eagles in Chief in the colors of the same of the English Ghents. Side colors are those of Irish Carols, and the white Side-Crest tiger may therefore be a version of the Charles-Crest lion, in which case CharleMAGNE can trace to the Tigranes > Plancia Magna line. In colors reversed, the Side eagles become black, the colors of the hawks used by tiger-using Hobs/Habs suspect in the "OBstantia" motto term of Arthurs.

The Side Coat has a Tipps look to it while Irish Charles were of Tipperary, home of Ghent-related Kennedys (Tipps, Kennedys and Tippers all trace to Pendragons). This was the Veneti-of-Vannes line that I call the wife of king Arthur, and he had been deemed a Merovingian branch in Britain, which is why I traced Carolingians to Carlisle, for king-Arthur elements had been traced there. Side's were first found in Fife, beside the Cortance location of a Magnus branch.

Aha! After writing that, the Cords/Courts were loaded to find the pheons of Tipps'!!! I didn't know it while the Tipps were seemingly tracing to Sitric. The Cord/Court pheons are on a black fesse making it look like the Side Chief! Cords were first found in the same place (Ayrshire, faces Man) as arrow-using Mackie's/Mackeys/Margys (!), and there is an arrow in the paw of the Side tiger! I get it, a Side link to Maccus! Excellent. The pheon is itself an arrowhead, and it just so happens that the Arrows/Arras' (Artois, same as the Lille location and Lys river) use fleur-de-lys, not only in the colors of the Cord/Court pheons, but in the colors of the Webber fleur! You can read on the Stouts of Orkney and Shetland in the Arrow write-up, noting that while Stouts had a raven symbol, you'll find it in the Arms of Man as well as with the Mackey arrow.

I'm actually in wonder because I don't know why I started on the Cortemelia location. I didn't expect it to become important. It's near Ceva, which I trace to Chives', who were at Tarves, in Aberdeenshire, same as Cortance. Isn't that amazing? Historians really need to know their heraldry before guessing at what place names were named after. Cortemelia = Cortance. Check out how the Cowie's/Kovie's, first found in Aberdeenshire, look like a cross between Irish and French Charles'. I've never before made these Charles connections to anyone on this scale. Cowie's are colors reversed from Cove's and Coverts (not the Courts/Coverts), and the black hawk in the Cowie Crest (feasibly the Charlemagne eagle) can suggest that "COW/COV" is a version of hawk-using "HOB." Cobbs (martlets), in Cove / Covert colors, were first found in the same place as English Charles'.

Cowie's are said to be from Kincardine, which is where I recall tracing Manner-related Mengzes. I now have the stuff to prove that Magnus' should be Maccus-of-Man liners: "...Magnuss, the source of Macvanish, q. v. In Shetland Magnus as a font name is tenth in order of frequency...As a forename we have Magnus Caddenheid in Cortance, Aberdeen...In the form Manus it was a common name among the Macleans and Macdonalds, and gave origin to MacManuis. See Manson and Manus." The double-blue fesse bars of Manners/Maness' are in use also by Cowen-like Howens. Cowens will pop up below with Caddenheids.

I'm reading that a Magnus Caddenheid / Cadenhead was in Cortance in the 16th century. The Cadden Coat (Ulster) is the Cadenhead Arms. Caddens happen to share red-nebuly fesse bars with Leavells, the latter suspect with Quade's at the family of Lupus Laevillus. That's important where I think the Levi lion is in the Side Coat, for Laevillus is the Levite suspect in the Maccabee-Herod line. Look. While Quade's were Mackays while Mackays trace to Maccus, this Cadden surname is highly suspect with Caddenheid, which should explain the Wadden variation of Caddens, like the Wade of Quade's. It begs the question on whether Irish Charles' are using the Watt / Vatt/Watters oak tree. In any case, it is a good key to find Quade liners with Cadd-like surnames. Caddens/Waddens are in Haddington colors. As Quade's / Mackays trace to Cowes, note that Cowes' share piles with the other Leavells.

The page above: "This surname of CADENHEAD was a Scottish surname meaning 'the dweller at the head of Cadon Water' in Selkirkshire...Early instances of this name include William de CALDANHED or CALDENHED, a monk of Newbattle, who was treasurer to the Abbey in l467 and is apparently first of the name on record...Magnus CADDENHEID in Cortance is on record in l633." The Calden variation may trace to pheon-using Celts/Colts/Cults, near Cortance. Caldens (another gold fleur) were likewise first found in Ayrshire, and may be using the Annandale / Ermine Coat. It makes Irish Caldens/Callens (Hips martlets possible because Carricks of Ayrshire trace to Agrigento, location of the Hypsas river) suspect with the Annandale griffin. Another gold fleur is used by Skits/Skeochs, first found in Ayrshire. As the unicorn is found both in the Arms of Shetland and in the Head surname, CaddenHEADs may have been a Quade merger with Heads. The "itur" term of Caldens is buried in the motto of Shaws (same place as Colts/Celts, and then Shaws are in the motto of the Arms of Ayrshire likely due to Ayers (share the Irish-Shaw chevron) being of the Aures location of the Shawia Numidians. I trace "itur" to Idris of Morocco, who married the Aures tribe. As Caldans are listed with Cowens, it seems that Quade's evolved to Cowens, not surprising in the face of the Caw / Kaw variation of Mackay liners.

Should Cohens be cited here? I don't know. The Kay motto seemingly links to Keens/Keans using a version of the Coat of Keons/Kewans that list a Cowen-like Owen variation, how about that. I'm not sure I can agree that Keons/Kewans, as stated, derived originally from "Owen." I traced "Keon" to Hyksos pharaoh, Khyan, and while I can be very sure that Cowen liners trace to "Qewe," let me repeat that Hyksos, in Egypt, were "Heka KHASEWET," while KIZZUWATna was either exactly at, or beside, Qewe. That makes Qewe suspect after an n-less "Khyan."

MacCaws are listed with arrow-using Scottish Adams, first found in Annandale. Adams were from Adam Kilconquhar, husband of Marjory Carrick. English Adams/Caws (Sutherland stars?) use a cross-version of the Annandale saltire. Ayrshire is known to use the Annandale saltire on a gold background. Therefore, Caldans are suspect with the Annandale Coat. It just so happens that a single arrow is used by Heids!!! Therefore, Heids, and Heid-suspect Hitlers/Hiedlers, are tracing to CaddenHEID. As Pollocks were initially on the east side of Ayrshire, note that Hitler's mother was a Mrs. Polzl while Hitler's father had also married a Miss. Glassl, linkable to Glasgow with little doubt. Pollocks have linked to Plancia Magna, and then Heids not only share a white bend with Jewish Pollocks, but it's in both colors of the Plunket bend.

I can't tell for sure, but the two white swords in the Irish Mackay Crest look identical, and not in the design of most houseofnames swords, as the sword in the Irish Charles Crest. On second thought, the handles are not the same length. Yet, they are both white swords, and Charlemagne is suspect with a line to Maccus.

The "SUBditus" motto term of Irish Charles' is bringing up the question again on whether "sub" is code for Sobeks, and this time we have the purple cinquefoil of Magnus' i.e. linkable to the purple buckle of Sobeks. The Lauders/Leathers are the ones using "Sub," and they traced to Alessandria in a discussion that involved the red discs of Sharps/Sharptons. The Alessandria-suspect Alis' share the muzzled bear with "Sub"-using Percivals, first found in the same place as Pipe's, related Webbers, and Leavells. Why should Webbers work into the line of Israel's priest-kings? Weavers are the ones with the fesse of Hasmonean-suspect Hazels. Weavers share the antelope with the Brakers/Brechs having a Coat like the Irish Charles', and the brown Braker antelope is lying down, as is the brown Haslip stag. It works because Haslips are Islips while Hazels use "hazel SLIPs."

The "Esto" term of Weavers can be placed beside the Este Crest once showing the same black horse head as in the Head Crest. Both surnames use the same white-on-black horse heads in the Coat, the same as Este-loving Pepins / Pipe's. Merovingians had traced to Este (in the land of Veneti) before I realized that their Pepin kin use an "est" motto term. Therefore, Charlemagne links to Webbers yet again in this paragraph. The Este Crest is now a full black horse. Why the change? To what other horse-using surname did the heraldry people link the Este Crest? Compare the Este Coat with the Plunket Coat. isn't Charlemagne under investigation for a Magne trace to Plancia Magna? You're not going to trust off-the-wall historians, are you, with the meaning of "Charlemagne"? Once they latch on to a mere theory long enough, it becomes a false fact.

Heads are in Pilgrim colors, and first found with them in Norfolk, where Cattens and CORTs/Coverts (Charlemagne eagle?) were first found. I'll come back to these Corts.

There is a Hede location on my atlas between the Meu river and Dol, and Hede's were first found in Belgium, location also of Pepin of Landen. Hede's use the same fesse as Dutch Ghents, except that the latter use it wavy in honor of Webbers. Why did they call it the worldwide web? The Hede crescent is shared by Martels and Martins, and the latter share Calvary with the Magnus branch of Mansons. Repeat: "...German Magnus', suspect with the Panico Chief..." Note that Italian Martins are suspect with the Panico Coat. As Italian Martins use the label in their Chief, the label is suspect with Labels using the Irish-Martin crescent. Spanish Martins share the oak with Panico's. Why are Martel liners tracing to the Setta valley? Do the Setantii in Maccus' ancestry have anything to do with it? Isn't that an escutcheon in the Spanish Martin Coat???

The Keans/Keens show three Martin symbols: Calvary, the oak, and the white-on-=blue crescent. Keons/Owens show the eight-pointed stars (different colors) of Spanish Martins. The Spanish stars are in the white of the Kean/Keen estoiles. The white Keen lion therefore becomes suspect in the Charles Crest. The Keen write-up says that the original Gaelic variation (not necessarily the first of all anywhere) was "Cathain," but this speaks to Caddenheids, right? Now we know. I'm sure others know who aren't telling, for this is not difficult for surname specialists. The Saraca fish of Keans / Keons speaks to the deer of Keys, for the deer is now tracing to Ragusa.

Did you think that the use of Calvary was holy to Jesus? Think again. These satanic monsters use Christian symbolism for their own bloodline tricks. Calvers happen to share the Moor head of Auge's, as well as a gold fleur-de-lys on black, the Webber / Arrow symbol. It's always very likely that symbols in the same colors are not evidence of a marriage between the two or more that use them, for the use of colors reversed makes that idea impossible at all instances. But in this case, there are other reasons to link Webbers, Auge's and Arrows. We will see the same Moor head elsewhere shortly, but it's also the Caiaphas Moor head, from the monster killer of Jesus. Like so many monsters creeping upon the human race, Caiaphas killed Jesus because his political position was threatened by Him.

The Cattens have a Saraca-suspect Saracen in the Crest along with a that can be the Martin castle. Chattans likewise use the castle, and this allows a Cattanheid trace to Botters. The Chattan motto phrase, "BOT a glove," is likely part-code for Glove's who happen to use the three crescents of Aachens! If you don't know why Aachen is Charlemagne-important, see below. Compare Glove's to Catters and assume the fish line of Abraham and Keturah tracing through the Saraca fish. Catters share a white griffin in Crest with Kays. Amazingly, Clan Chattan turns out to be a Maccus alliance, unless: 1) Maccus was not part of the Magnus Cattenheid line; 2) Cattenheid was not a Maccus line. So far, it appears that Maccus was a Magnus line, thanks to the Quade / Mackay link to Cattens. At the very least, Cattens / Chattans / Chatans merged with the Maccus Maccabees.

The black Catten fitchee, along with the "cat-a-mounts," trace well to the black fitchees of Tarves' and to the "cat-a-mountains" of Tarves' Chives'. It's another Ceva-and-Cortemelia trace to Cortance and Tarves. The "Cautes" motto term of Cattens reveals that they are a branch of Cotta's! I'm trying to wrap my head around a Cadden trace both to "Quade" and Aurelia Cotta. It may be indication that the Cotta > Caesar line, upon mating with a Junia Caepio, was in Quadratus Bassus. I've suspected Caiaphas from Quadratus' ancestry from other considerations, because Opgalli is suspect from his family. The white Catten / Chives cats can link to the white Side and Hob tiger for a trace to Opgalli.

But was "Quade" a Cotta variation? I don't think so. Was "Cotta" from "Qewe"? It doesn't look like it. However, see how the COTTARD variation of Cotta's is using all the consonants for making up "QUADRATus." Then, with "Froggit" suspect with BROGITarus, note how Cotters look like they use a version of the Froggit Coat. I would suggest a Qewe merger with the Cotta line. I would now suggest that Quadratus was the Julian-Cotta line (Aurelia was Caesar's mother) that decided to marry the Israeli Levites -- imposters, the synagogue of satan -- for political advantage in fully conquering the entire Levant for the long haul. This is making sense. The family of Quadratus came to rule Judea on behalf of Romans in about 100 AD. There must have been a Cottard-like variation that could become "Quadrat" in the Syrian theater. The COITter variation of Cotters smacks of the Quoid variation of Mackays.

Cotters were first found in the same place (Oxfordshire) as Poussins/Puseys (Cotta/Cottard colors) using the same white cat as Cattens. Was this from "Pessinus," home of Brogitarus? If not, what a coincidence. Quadratus was born in 70 AD, and Brogitarus was his great-6-grandfather so as to have birth in the ballpark of 120 BC, or roughly twenty years or less before Julius Caesar's birth, and therefore contemporary with Aurelia Cotta. If we take the position that Cattens were named after a pussy-cat theme of Poussins/Puseys, which I don't think I'll take, then Cattens and the Chives cats can trace to Pessinus. Canute is in the Poussin write-up as a possible kin, and that causes me to say what I think, that Poussins are using a version of the Humber Coat (Mieszko>Haughty> Cnut liner) and Crest, the Crest being a white griffin, the same as used by Dobrawa-suspect Dobers / Dobermans, Catters and Keys. As Humbers were first found in the same place as Fullers, note that the Poussin bars are three, colors reversed from the three of Fullers. Although Dobers use it in gold, it was likely white originally, as is the Doberman griffin.

Just realized: Dobers/Tobers/Taubers use a sinister bend in the colors of the same of Teepers/Tappers (same place as Mieske's) , revealing them as branches. You can be sure that this griffin traces to Dobrawa, Mieszko's wife, because his other wife was Oda of Haldensleben (near Brunswick), while the same griffin head is used by Haldens...who look like pirates with their black-on-white saltire. That's what Mieszko's daughter married, pirates. I've been mainly of no opinion on who her mother was. Dobermans are suspect with the Pollock bend. Look again and see that the Pollock bend is also the Dapper/Depner bend. Dappers were first found in Hanover, to the near-west of Haldensleben. It looks like Mieszko's descendants were in the Hanover / Brunswick theater. Hanovers decided not to show a Coat.

As Tippers share dolphins with Lents who in-turn use the same bend and colors as Dobers, it looks like Tippers can likewise trace to Dobrawa. Pollocks have traced heavily to Plunkets, the ones using a "lente" motto term.

French Dappers (same place as Chappes' and Levi's) use two fesses in the colors of the three Poussin fesses. This recalls that Wikipedia's article on Dagome = Mieszko I has a quote where someone quoted Mieszko's ancestry in Sardinia, location if Pessinus-like Piscinas ("fountain"). Note that Fountains (Norfolk) use three fesses in the colors of the Fuller fesses so as to link hard to the Poussin fesses! The Cattens (same white cat as Poussins) use a Shield split in the two colors of the Fountain bars. That nails my suspicion that Mieszko's family was from Sulcis, smack beside Piscinas! But why did they move from Sardinia to Poland? Should we ask the Visconti's of Sardinia suspect in the "Vix" motto term of Fountains? The green snake of Fountains was the original color of the Visconti snake. Are Beaks using the Humber / Haught bars? "An eagle's head holding a snake in its beak." The Fountain eagle head is not white like the Piast eagle, but brown, code, I think, for Brunswick liners.

Apparently, a Fountain / Font branch of surnames developed into or from "Piscinas." I wish I knew the timing. Fontaine's (Savoy) use more triple-fesse bars, now in white on green. We may not be off-topic here from the Charlemagne topic, as Spanish Fontana's (baskets) use the same flory cross as Carlisle's, but call it a "cross patonce." Italian Fontana's use a black eagle.

I am absolutely sure that Visconti's were Conte's, kin of Font de Ville's (see "Ville"). But since coming to the theory that VISconti's and "issuing" were from Vis/Issa, I don't think I had looked up the Visconti description: "The snake, issuing from the torse." Skit-suspect Shocks/Schockens/Schoechs (Switzerland) use "The man ISSUING from the TORSE." The German Shuck Crest: "The lion, issuing from the torse..." The Tors/Tours were first found in the same place as Conte's and Font de Ville's, and use the same tower as Chatans/Chastains.

The English Shuck Crest man is negroid, and is shown from the torse too, though the description uses "couped at the waist." The original Visconti snake had a Moor child in its mouth. The English-Shuck motto includes "manus OB," while English Shocks/Shacks (they look like Tyne-river Brigantes) use "OBtinems," and are traced falsely to the sceaga theme used in the Sheaves/Shaw write-up. The Shuck chevron could be that of Bracs because Shucks are expected with Vis/Issa liners.

The Ville's were first found in the same place as Gilles"/Jilles' that came up when linking Henrys of Gilles (Brittany) to Charlestons, first found in the same place as Deacons that share red rampant lions with Gilles'/Jilles'. But the red rampant lion of Ville's is in both colors of the Deacon lion! That is a good key to have; too bad my memory can't store all of this at the war front. It usually gets buried safe and useless at the back. Don't call this snitching; call it correct education. The red rampant lion is also in the Guerin Chief while Guerin of Provence is thought to have been a son of William de Gellone. As Guerin is identifiable with the Albino > Alpin line, note that while Albino's use the Rod trefoils, the Albin and Albino Coats are in Gilles/Jilles colors.

We now seeming have a Gellone trace to the Gilles area of France, at the Meu, and at Montfort, related to Montforts of Modena, right? And it's a Gellone trace even to the Mott-Henry location of Gilles that can connect to Motts/Mottins of Modena, where Albino's were first found. And Albins/Aubins had traced independently, with the Mea crosslets, to the Meu river. You're getting good education, but I love the snitching in the meantime. But here's a fireball to blow your mind, for Modens/Modeys (Berkshire) use the fretty colors that you see plastered on the Enrico lion! Motts are said to be from Cotes-du-Nord of Normandy, but as there is no such location in Normandy, they are from Cotes-du-Nord of Brittany, smack beside the Meu river's source water. The great think is, Modens have just traced to the Meu with known Modena elements, and they are linking to the Henrys that share the red Alan martlets. To top it off, Charles elements are tracing to the same area.

As I trace Modane's Arc river to the Blois', note that they were first found in the same place as Charlestons and Charles while the latter are suspect with the red-martlet Hips'. The Hips recalls the Monagan "knight" with his hand on the hip, for the Knights, first found in the same place as Blois', use the pale bars of the Chatillon allies / partners of the counts of Blois. The Knights are honored also in the knight of the Shuck/Schuh/Shoemaker surname.

By the way, the Catter chevron is in the colors of the Brac chevron while Catters were first found in Brac-like Berkshire, which asks whether the Brac version of Brattia was named after Perga elements. Berks/Burghs (definitely from John de Burgo of Conteville) use a cat (what a coincidence) along with three "ung" motto terms that can be in honor of Junia Caepio Tertulla, named after "three." I noticed that the black fitchee of Cattens / Tarves' is in the colors and shape of the Julian cross, but as it has only THREE arms, it could be code for the three Junia's.

I had suspected a Julian line through a Junia Caepio with a Roman governor of Judea, Coponius, I think was his name. He predated Caiaphas as high priest, but not by much. It just so happens that Copons, with a chevron in colors reversed from the Quint chevron (no small "coincidence"), use a "ConCORDia" motto. The black lions in the Copon chevron are also in the Sitter Coat. Copons are listed properly as Cobbans, likely Hob liners, possible indication that Coponius was an Opgalli line. Note that Julians are also in the Gully surname that may have formed, "OpGALLI." However, a better theory is that she was named in-part after her Galatian homeland. The Pepin gull, if that's what it was, can be suspect with Gullys (red chevron, the color of the Quint chevron).

Tigranes-suspect Teague's/Teegers (McLeod sept) use the Gully crosslets as well as an "OPtem" motto term. Teggers/Teegens/Teegers/Tiganers were first found in Schleswig-Holstein, where Harald the Varangian ruled (850ish) that may have been of Harald (850ish), son of Sitric. Teggers look like they use a version of the Arms of Holstein (you can't do that if you're a pauper). The two ":nec" terms of Teague's/Teggers takes them to the Neckar river, location of Stout-suspect Stuttgart, the Arms of which use a black horse highly suspect with the Este horse because Este was politically allied to Ferrara while the Ferrari car logo is a match with the Arms of Stuttgart. This is the link of the Israeli priesthood to the vikings, their very correct reward from God as per their greed. From glass houses in Israel to bands of thieves and thugs. Today, they have re-taken their glass houses just in time for the Great Night of Crystal Shattering. How ironic if Caddenheid-descended Hitler was himself a Jew. I think he was, at least on his Jewish-Pollock side.

Another page adds more fully: "Black's Surnames of Scotland says of Cadenhead (Caddenhead) -- Of local origin from the head of the Caldon or Cadon Water in the Selkirkshire part of the parish of Stow and not from De Cadneto or Caisneto as the author of "The Norman people" says." The Stows are listed with Stouts (more multiple-fesse bars), and they are the ones suspect in the Isle-of-Man raven. Stows/Stouts share the formee fitchee with Mea's/Meighs.

A thing coming to mind is that the Caig / Kaig variations of Teague's are outgrowths from "Caw / Kaw / Coy," and the Teague wolf head may be the item to prove links to Quade's. That would be an excellent tool for tracing Quade's / Mackays to Quadratus, and for making additional links between he and Opgalli. Somebody down history lane knew where these surnames traced most-exactly.

I've just looked at the Cogs (same place as Quince's), checking for Teague links, and there was the same leaf design (code for Laevi) as per the TEASE/Tess/Teck surname (Switzerland, same as Ticino canton). This makes Tigranes suspect as the line to the namers of the Ticino/Tessen river, which can explain the Teegen/TIGANer variations of Teegens/Teegers. It's the best theory I've had yet on the origins of the Ticino, and as the LAEVi were on that river, they trace excellently to LAEVillus, Quadratus' son-in-law. You can't argue with the facts. The Mackay dagger was suspect with Ticino elements of the Deck kind, but note how Daggers/Decks use a split Shield like that of English Charles'. Compare the motto of English Daggers with the mottoes of Mackesys and Mackays, and note how the English-Dagger scallops are in the format and colors of the French-Charles martlets.

It's clear to me that while Tease's/Tess' are using the Annan saltire in colors reversed, the Tease's/Tighs are using the Annas star. Therefore, this Quadratus > Laevillus line traces to Annas, Caiaphas' father-in-law. The Tease saltire then goes to the Caw/Adam cross. At one time, the Cabbage leaves of House's were leaves in Cog-leaf design, and Cogs were first found in the same place (Northampton) as Levi-suspect Cabbage's/Cobbolds/Cubbels (could be Copon/Cobban liners). It just so happens that Annas was traced to Angusta before I found the "angustis" motto term of Cabbage's. Coponius was brought to Judea under Augustus, the namer of Angusta.

Did you note the besants of Teggers/Teegens? They've traced very well to the Bassus family, and have been just found in the English Cox Coat. These Cox's, with besants in Pollock colors, were first found in the same place as Fullers, and where the pennants of Cowes' trace. Of all things to use in defining a rooster, the Cox write-up uses "strutted proudly," and then Pollocks were of STRATHclyde elements. Prouds (same place as Fulbert the Saxon) should trace as Brattia liners through Rieti, where Pollocks trace. A peaCOCK struts proudly. Strutts/Struths use a chevron in colors reversed from the same of Strouds ("savin tree"), and these are linkable to the Teague chevron. Irish Cox'/Quillys (may not be Caig / Caw liners) share the three fesse bars in the colors of the same of Stouts.

The Savins, in Stroud colors, are listed with Savage's, whose motto includes Proud-like "pro te." The Savage Crest shares a black lion paw with Quints. The Savins/Savone's are very welcome here because they use the three stars of German Webbers while being first found in the same place as English Webbers! These stars are also of the Brattia-suspect Brights. Sevins/SEVIGne's, in Stroud colors again, were first found in Brittany, where Fulbert the Saxon lived before moving to Shropshire (where Prouds were first found). Sevins use only quarters, but they are in the colors of the Chives quarters. The Sevin write-up tells that they were from Vilaine, same as same-colored Plunkets. Sevins, Savone's and Savage's are therefore all suspect with aspects of Fulbert the Saxon. It recalls the trace to the Dol Alans and Pollock liners to Fanano, beside SAVIGnano. Strutts are in Plunket colors. It looks like Savage's were mount-Sabina liners.

The Cox's can bring to play the rooster-using Cocks that can be traced to Aachen in the following way. It starts with a look at the Corts/Coverts. I recall that Martels once showed three crowns and nothing else, as do Grands/Grants suspect in the Cort/Covert motto. The Grant crowns are in the colors of the martlets of French Charles'. Like the English Charles', Corts/Coverts use a horizontally-split Shield with an eagle on the top half. It really looks like the family of Sitric -- at least the branch in Cortance -- was related to Charlemagne. The "aucta" motto term of Corts/Coverts is suspect with the "auget" term of English Charles' that is likely code for French Auge's/Augets/Daugets/d'Augers. English Augers have a motto that I trace to Euganeo, beside Este, but the "AGENdo" motto term of Augers is suspect also with Aachens/Aacheners, for Charlemagne ruled from Aachen. I think this paragraph clinches Cortance liners with Charlemagne liners.

English Auge's are said to be from CreveCOEUR while Coeurs/Cours are also Courts (no coincidence), first found in Brittany, and using a sinister bend in Auge/Auget colors. Auge's are said to have lived in Oxfordshire, beside Cambridgeshire, where Junia-suspect June's were first found that share the three fleur-de-lys of Auge's. Aikens can now be linked to Irish Charles' due to the colors of the Aiken chevron, and the oak tree in the Aiken Crest. If it's correct to identify the black Aiken rooster with the same of Kopple's, then the namers of Aachen trace to Koplik/Cupionich, suspect with the line of Junia Caepionis.

As Levites are all over this discussion, let's bring in the Lieb(er)s using the same fesse as Irish Charles, but instead of the Charles oak tree, Liebers use oak branches. I didn't notice it until now, but the Leibs/Leibers (not "Lieb") are also "Laible," and if the heraldry of Panico's was made by English speakers, the so-called "label" of oak-using Panico's traces excellently to Liebs and Leibs. The "log" of the latter is often called an oak stump. The Leib lion is red like the Aachen-Crest lion, suspect also with the Crest lion of Yonge's, June kin. The Yonge motto includes, "PRUDentia PRAEstat."

The other Yonge's (June / Teague colors) share the wolf with Teague's/TEEGERs and use a "TOUJOURs juene" motto, making the Teague connection quite plain suddenly, especially as the Yonge wolf is black, the color of the Quade wolf. Yonge's thus become suspect as Maccus liners. Earlier, a sinister bend was found with the Teepers/Tappers, and like Auge's with only a fesse, they use no other symbol. The Teeper bend in half in the colors of the sinister Coeur/Court bend, and when the Tegger/Teeger besants are added to the Teeper bend, they become like the Coeur Coat. Therefore, Teepers are now suspect as Teegers. It just so happens that the Yonge annulets are in a black Chief all in the colors of the pheons in the Tipps/Tippen Chief (all in the colors of the Cord/Court pheons), and "Tippen" is like the Teegen variation of Teegers. This compels me to consider a Teepen / Tipps trace to the Ticino.

German Degens: an oak tree! Irish Degens/Dougans: like the Tegger/Teegen Coat, both looking like they should link to the Metz Coat, relevant because Pepin of Landen married Metz. It's notable here that while the white Charles lion got suspect with a white-on-blue lion, the colors of the Dougal lion, the Degen/Dougan crescent is in the same colors, while same-colored Douglas' share the heart with Cords/Courts. If I recall correctly, a reader once told me that Douglas were in Angus, which can't be far from Cortance. No one seems to tell (online) where exactly Cortance was located.

The Degen/Dougan crescent is in the colors of the same of Labels (Gascony, same place as Martels and Martins), wherefore if the Degen oak traces to Panico's, then Labels are suspect as a branch of Leibs/Laible's. Degens/Dougans are even from BALLYduggan, making that place suspect with the Bels assumed of Labels. Ballys are in Label colors and may be sharing the Douglas stars. I would trace this entire picture to the Decani location of the White Drin, near Krume, for Krume's use the same crescent. There is a good argument here for viewing the three Label crescents as those of Aachens. Deacons were first found in the same place (Suffolk) as English Charles' and share the red lion with the Aachen Crest. It now looks like Deacons and Aachens were branches. See Decans too.

The "vigiLANTia" motto term of Aikens/Atkins gets suspect with Lands/Landens, but the Lants are interesting for using the same-colored cross as Deacons / Decans and what looks like the Andrew saltire. However, I think it's the Fessy cross more closely because the Lant Crest uses a green snake i.e. could be the Visconti snake. The Andrew Crest is the same Moor head as per the Auge Crest. Lants were first found in the same place as Quince's honored in the Coat of Visconti-related Sforza's. If you understand me here, Visconti's trace to Quintus Caepio. As per the mention of Visconti's upon the mention of Skeoch-like surnames, at least one of them is suspect from a Schio location near Euganeo. Eugene's/Ewins, suspect with Euganeo, use the same saltire that's called, Andrew's Cross. The Andrew motto uses "fortuna" for a trace to the Clausula river, near Decani. Lants might just be a branch of Lents in the Plunket motto.

Repeat: "As Tippers share dolphins with Lents who in-turn use the same bend and colors as Dobers, it looks like Tippers can likewise trace to Dobrawa. Pollocks have traced heavily to Plunkets, the ones using a "lente" motto term." It looks like Lents can trace to Pepin of Landen, for Plunkets share the Este / Pepin horse, in my opinion. This paragraph is helped much where Este is smack beside Euganeo. It's the area that I feel was ancestral to Merovingians as a whole, but Salyes Ligures were a part of that ancestry, and their name is now suspect with "Sulcis," the ancestry of Mieszko, husband of Dobrawa. The motto of dolphin-using Kennedys / Cassels traces both to Avisons and Lafins/La Fonts while Avezzano's, from the origin of the Salyes on the Salto, were first found in Sardinia. That works nicely. Don't fix it.

The Wikipedia article on Clan Pollock shows (or did so previously) a green-on-gold saltire as the Arms, the colors of the Lant / Andrew saltire, and Eugene's are using nearly a Pollock motto term.

Recall the Fountain eagle with the Visconti snake in its beak? Lintons, apparently sporting the Piast eagle in the Coat, use an eagle with an acorn in its beak. This could indicate the acorn-using Clauds/Clausels because Dober is on the Clausula. Lintons are suspect with Lindseys at the naming on Lincolnshire, where Swallows were first found, and then the Visconti snake is said to be "swallowing a boy." As "swallow" is not an Italian term, was the Visconti description written by English speakers to honor the Swallows?

A lot of people have written in to say that the symbol of the tribe of Dan was a snake, and I think Freemasons mistaken the Danaans of Lindos with the tribe of Dan, which could get them to create a snake symbol for Danaan liners. The Rhodes' of Lincolnshire (originally "Lindsey") are a good argument for tracing to Lindos, on Rhodes. The engrailed Rhodes cross is that of Lants. The Rhodes cross surrounded by red-on-white lions is a match with the Deacons / Decans, which can trace to Decani, i.e. near the source of the Clausula. I used to say quite a bit that Cecil Rhodes was in cahoots with De Beers diamond people, and that was to suggest a trace of Rhodians to Bernicians, but here I can show that Rhodes / Decans use a version of the Coat of Artems/Aitons, first found in Berwickshire.

Deacons had just traced to Henry kin, and so let's show that Lutons, said to be "Lintone" in earlier times, use the Henry / Charleston eagle in colors reversed. It could appear that Luton, of Bedfordshire, was a Lindos line. But let's not forget that Lints are honored by Plunkets, first found in the same place as the Meu, where Henrys operated. I wonder whether the Meu was some sort of Illuminati haven infested with Herod liners. The Luton eagle is suspect with Grave's/Greifs, while French Grave's were first found in the same area as Henri of Rodez, and while he's suspect with the proto-Herod liners that I say named Rodez, Grave's are suspect as Agrippa's. Why are Dutch Grave's/Gravels, with the same cross as Mea's, also GrevenRODEs? Compare the English Gravels (look like Schutz's) to the Rhodes Coat.

Swallows use black swallows, the color of the Lindsey swan. The Lincoln write-up traces to "lindo = lake," a typical historian's blunder or lie. There is nothing expressly evident, except perhaps the "fort" motto term, in either the Lindsey or Swallow Coats to indicate a line from Ottone Visconti, but when we get to the Scottish Linds (beside Lindseys), we find annulets in Visconti colors, and colors reversed from the Ottone annulets. The crossed Lind spears can trace to VESpasian-suspect Pasi's, first found in BOII-conquered Bologna, which is what the swallowed BOY may indicate. The Lind motto includes "vireSCIT". This recalls the Skit topic that followed immediately after mention of the Visconti "snake, issuing from the torse." The Milan location of Ottone Visconti can trace to Scottish Milans/Millens sharing a black, rampant lion with Lincolns.

It's interesting that while king Andrew of Hungary is suspect with Gog of Magog, Andrews were first found in the same place as Cogs. Adding to the evidence that Cogs were Caw liners, Cogs use gold leaves on a gold bend, like the gold canaries on a gold bend of Kinners, suspect with mythical Cyner, father of mythical Kay. Kays, said to be from "Coeg," may have been fashioned after Mackays. It looks like Cogs were Kay liners without doubt, and Mackays are suspect with Massey liners from Biblical Meshech, what I consider to be the chief Gogi tribe. At one time, the Kinner bird design was identical to the gold bird in the Kay Crest. Why was it changed (after I mentioned it a few times)? The other Kays have a motto linkable to Keeps, the weaver-shuttle surname suspect with Kiev in the land of Magog. Andrew I was in exile in Kiev before he took the Magyar throne. Previous to ruling in Hungary, Magyars were east of Kiev, perhaps more thickly in the original land of Magog. As a 'y' can be a 'g', "MAGYar" looks traceable to "Magogar," like the Gogarene/Gugar location at lake Sevan.

The way I'm seeing it now, Teague's/Caigs were Mackays / Quade's, yet their T-versions look linkable to Tease's/Tess' and other Ticino suspects. I assume that Laevi on the Ticino, which predated the Israeli priesthood in the run-up to Jesus, got over to Galatia, and entered the Brogitarus > Bassus line at Akmonia, the latter place was suspect with Ackmans, similar Liebers, and similar Aikens/Atkins. If that was correct, then Aachens, and Irish Charles', can trace to Akmonia. Ackmans share a red bend with Massey-suspect Assmans, but German Assmans/Rasmussens use the same bend as Pepins / Pipe's, only in the sinister direction. Does this get you attention at all? For if Caiaphas traces to Charles Martel, who may have been named secretly after the Maccabee hammer, then the next dynasty, that of Capetians, is suspect from a surname directly from "Caiaphas." The Kays are also Keys while FIVE keys are used by the Chives-like Chiava's/CIOFFani's CIAPPONi's, all suspect with "Qewe." Remember this family when getting to Jewish Goffers.

While Geddes are now suspect as Quade's, the Geddes fish can be in the colors of the French Charles' for a reason. The Geddes escutcheon being that of Chadocks makes the Geddes link to potent-cross Chads, and then the same potent cross is used by Skeochs/Skits and Skeets, but just compare "Skeoch" to the "sceaga" term to which English Shaws/Sheaves' ("qui" motto term, Kay colors) are traced. Don't for a second believe that the Sheaves derive in "dweller by the wood." Ton view the Sheaves'/Shaws, click the Chiava link above. Note the "VINCIT qui" motto phrase, and then compare the INCE / Inch Coats to the Kays. That makes Kays trace to Vinkovci, off the Sheaves-like Sava river.

I now understand why the other Keys (share black ermine with Shaws/Sheaves) use a perchevron like that of Teague's. The border of the chevron is unusual, and may have been called, "keyed." Both surnames use the same border feature which the Teague's call, "embattled," though it is not showing as the typical embattled border. Houseofnames didn't choose this common feature; rather, the heraldic masters kept track and assured that the same feature would be used because the two surnames are both Mackay liners. They knew it somehow. I never would have guessed that Teague's were Key liners even though I've seen these border features before. I may have lightly assumed that Teague's were merged with Keys, but don't recall realizing that Caig's were Key liners. You'll find keys in the Crest of Gullys whose Coat shares the Teague crosslets.

Cage's use the same stag design as Keys, which discovers that Cage's (Gate Shield?) were a Key/Kay branch. If the "honores" of the Charles' is for Honors/Honans, note that they use a similar stag as well as being first found in the same place (Tipperary) as Irish Charles'.

I had glossed over the Teague Crest: "A wolf's head with a blue collar on which there is a cross crosslet between two bezants." Besants were seen in the Tegger/Teegen/Teeger Coat. Keys use "A deer on a mountain" for a Crest, code for the same as the Chives cat-a-mountain. It's suspect with the particular Mountains who married Glaphyra-suspect Claviere's, who share keys with Clavers. It's the latter's towers that are suspect with the Plunket tower. Note that Deers are said to be from Mercia, for the flag of Mercia is the same saltire as that of Mountains (and Maccabee-suspect Messeys).. Another surname using a deer (rather than a stag or buck) are the Mallets.

Did I see Visconti's in Aberdeen?

After loading the Schants/Schands/Chandai (Scandinavians?) checking for clues to their Segantii ancestry, if indeed there was one, the Molle's were loaded because the two surnames share large white-on-blue boars...a symbol that I associate with Gogi lines as per the boars of Gooch's/Googe's and Goughs/Gofs. As Maccus is suspect with the Meshech, by what coincidence was his brother, GOFraid? In any case, this wasn't the topic when looking up Molle's late last night, but it incidentally became the topic this morning as I began to write on it, and it just so happens that French Goughs/Goux's/Gouts share the red-on-white stars in the Schant Chief as well as using a Moor head that can link to the Visconti Moor. It's the original Moor infant of Visconti's that makes the Ottone's especially suspect with the Chappes'.

The Jewish Goffers use the same stars as Schants.

Last night, at the sight of the German Molle/Mulkey Coat (in the colors of the other Molle's), the Visconti's snapped to mind for a brief instant, but when looking over the entire page, I could see nothing giving hint of Visconti's aside from their having the same colors. Usually, that's in itself is no reason to make a link. Then, when scrolling back to the Schants, there was a "duce" motto term that recalls how I think the Duke's/Dooks are using a version of the Ottone Coat. It even turns out that Dukes and German Molle's share horizontally split Shields in colors reversed. Plus, the Schants use a "comite" motto term clearly for the Conte's/Comites to whom I trace "VisCONTI." If that's not enough, Conte's are suspect with the Constance's, first found in the same place (Languedoc) as Conte's, while German Molle's were first found in Konstanz (Swiss-German border making the Molle Shield suspect with the Arms of Zurich).

The MollenSCHADEL variation of German Molle's looks Schant-linkable, but in any case, Mollens are expected with the Moline's/Mollins (Devon, same place as Duke's) said to be from the family of "the tanner" of Falaise while Tanners use Moor heads. The Conteville's married the tanner's daughter. For this discussion, it's important the Moline's share a black moline with Chives, first found in the same place as Moline's, and having a Tarves location near the similar Turriff location of Schants. The town of Turriff has a bull symbol suspect with Turin, near Chives-suspect Chivasso, and moreover Turins, sharing the boar head (different colors) with Schants, were first found in the same place (Aberdeenshire) as Schants, Tarves and Turriff. So far, terrific.

Turins use "fortuna juvat," with a motto term of the Duffs (Perthshire / Fife) of the same region. The Turin motto is very linkable to the Googe motto (Audaces juvat), both linkable to the motto of Pollocks, whom Eschyna de Molle married. Schants use "fortuna" too, as do blue-boar Rollo's (Perthshire) i.e. makes the Rollo boar suspect as a colors-reversed version of the Schant / Molle / Googe / Gof boar.

Chivasso gets one close to the Milan location ruled by Ottone Visconti, and then Scottish Millens/Mullens (Aberdeenshire) are listed as Milans. I think this explains the Mollen term used by the Molle's who snapped to mind as Visconti kin, but I was not conscious of the Mollen trace to Milan. Perhaps my subconscious is smarter than me. If only it would always talk. The Millen lion is not only that of Italian Conte's, but of the Suty kin of Side's/Sudys, first found beside Aberdeenshire.

The extra-long Millen sword is used also by Irish Mackays, both in white, and as this evokes the extra-long sword of Carols, note that the two Carol lions are colors reversed from the Millen lion, and in the colors of the two lions in the Arms of Kay-suspect Kyburg, smack beside Zurich. I usually trace the Hagel lion and double bend bars to the same of Kyburg, but then the black Hagel eagle becomes suspect with the eagle of Charlemagne. Kays/Keys use double bend bars (one branch uses them in purple).

Schadels/Schade's/Shade's, by the way are in Schutz colors, and were first found in Biden-suspect Baden. Bidens/Buttons are said to have been in Bath, in the same place as Badens/Battins, and the earl of Bath is where the Schants are traced in their write-up. It just so happens that lake Constance as Konstanz was also called, BODENsee, and so this amounts to an effective trace of Baden / Bidens / Battin liners to Konstanz.

The "disco" motto term of Millens can be of the red discs used by Sharps, the latter entering this update as per the Schardens. The chief Millen clan is said to have been of Knapdale, and Knaps happen to use a lion in the colors of the Millen lion, though passant rather than rampant. Not only is the Knap lion used by Side's/Sudys, but the Chiefs of both surnames are in the same colors, the Knaps using helmets, likely code for Helms, the German branch of which has a giant helmet in Molle colors, and suspect with the Hermits honored in the Crest of Shade-like Sheds. Knap castle was in the same place (Suffolk) as where Charles and Charlestons were first found, which can make the Side/Sudy eagles suspect with the latter two surnames.

In fact, the Charles sword is in saltire with a stave, the symbol of PilGRIMs/PereGRINe's while Knap castle was in West GRINstead! That works. Pilgrims have always been hard to decipher, but here we find that Grinsteads are listed with Grimsteads. I'd still like to know why Hawks use purple pilgrim's staves. Pilgrims are in Millen / Knap colors, and they even use a SCIMitar (Saxon sword?), important because Schims are listed with Schants! We have just traced Side's and their kin to the Charlemagne liners in Suffolk, who in-turn had traced to Henrys on the Meu river. Steads are using the muzzled bears traceable to Berwicks, and then hawks are used by Hobs/Habs (Stead colors) of Berwickshire. The Hawk write-up could be hinting to Keen/Kean kin. Trying to decipher the Hawks and their symbols always gives me failure. The Haus' use scythes but there is no indication that Haus' were Hawk/Hauk liners. The same applies to Strike's and Stricks ("bundle of holly"); no indication that they link to the Hawk motto, albeit holly is used by House-related Haslips while "Hauk" may be of a House/Hause variation. Or was "HAWk merely a variation of "Hob/Hab" as per the latter's hawk symbol? Stave's/Stevensons (Gris stars?) give no indication as to why they should have merged with Hawks, but do look somewhat linkable to German Molle's/Mollenschadens.

As Knap-related Side's use the Ghent Chief, note the Chandai variation of Schants, making them suspect as Gaunt liners...out of Genoa, where GRIMaldi's ruled! The Charles' of Monagan can now trace to Monaco, where another Grimaldi branch became famous/infamous. Or, to put it another way, the Isle of Man/Mona can trace to Monaco elements, for mythical Lug of Man is suspect with Ligurians. As Ghents are gonfanon liners, are Monaco's using the Arms-of-Fanano fesse? Is the Schant / Goffer star the German-Gris star? As per the following points, note that Greens, who share the stag with Steads (makes Greens/Grene's suspect with Grinsteads), were first found in Kent.

The Millens are said to have been traced to a Pictish tribe of Kanteai, in Moray, in the second century, which brings us back to the lifetime of Laevillus, and makes that picture suspect with the Pictish mother of Pontius Pilate in Perthshire...beside Stirling, where Chappes' and Visconti-related Guiscards/Wisharts were first found. Stirlingshire is not far from Aberdeenshire. Perthshire is where Drummonds were first found, using fesse bars in the colors of the same of Leavells, and suspect in one of the locations of the Scants/CHANDai's. As Ghents were first found in Kent, said to be founded by Cantii, it looks likely that the ancient Kanteai apply to the Schant surname. Plus, as the latter use the Molle boar head, let's add that Scottish Molle's were first found in the same place (Roxburghshire) as Leavells who in-turn share piles with Guiscards. Googe's were likewise first found in Roxburghshire, a location suspect with the Biblical Rosh that Ezekiel 38 lumps in with Gog and Meshech, not to mention Table-like Tubal.

The Arms of Kent uses the Saxon horse, suspect with a line of mythical Centaurs, children of Nephele the cloud, a line that might be in heraldic nebuly, used, for example, on the Leavell bars. Centaurs were related to Satyrs suspect at the Stura valley, and therefore with Sturs sharing fesse bars in the colors of the Leavells bars. Sturs thus trace to the Satrae Thracians near a Dunax mountain (center of map) to which I now trace the royal Duncans...using a "disce" motto linkable to the motto of Suty-related Millens. Is this identifying Sutys and their Seaton kin with Satrae liners?

The Scidrus location of southern Italy got traced to the Scythes variation of Side's/Sudy's, and the Scimitar can apply to Scythians. Scidris is beside Buxentum now tracing to the Buchanan kin of Millens, you see. The Moline's happen to use goats in their Chief in colors reversed from the Side Chief. The Laus surname, suspect from a Laus location beside Scidrus, used a scythe, similar to a scimitar. Francis Bacon's family is suspect from Buxentum, and the white Bacon boar may be the Molle / Googe / Gof boar.

There is a Goff/GOFFART/Gafert surname (like "GOFRAID"), said to be from Dol, using three black talbot heads only, in the colors of the three Mackay / Quade wolf heads, making Goffs highly suspect with Gofraid, possible ruler of Man. The Halls and Hills can now apply to Gofraid. Compare the Coats of these surnames to Alan-suspect Hellens/Heylens, from Brittany. Compare the fesses of German / Jewish Hellens/Hellers and Jewish Goffers, both using a feature that at times is called, cotised, what Goffers and Hellens/Hellers call it.


Especially for new or confused readers
shows where I'm coming from.

For serious investigators:
How to Work with Bloodline Topics

Here's what I did when I had spare time on my hands:
Ladon Gog and the Hebrew Rose

If you have received emails supposedly from me, and they look like advertisements
or anything unflattering and unexpected from me,
they were not from me but by someone using my email box to send it.

The rest of the Gog-in-Iraq story is in PART 2 of the
Table of Contents

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