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September 1 - 7, 2015

What Hackers Can Reveal About Donald Trump
The Woman of the Nalecz Pole's
The Sander's Red-Bull Link to Israeli Priests
The Harcourts of Fanano were Pink, Like Tudors

For a reader hopping into an update for the first time, there is not much I can say in an introductory paragraph to explain everything needed before proceeding. The only readers able to follow are those taking the time needed to get a solid idea of the entire scope. It is probably impossible to follow unless the heraldic Coats are loaded and viewed. It would be helpful to have a photographic memory, or to at least spend some time to get to know Coats, and to understand what I'm saying about them. I did the work over years to be able to present to you the relevant Coats, and you need only decide whether I am correctly interpreting the evidence and the codes. It is far best that you load Coats on a separate browser(s) rather than clicking back and forth from the update page. It might take longer for one to read an update than the week it takes me to write it, but that's what it'll take for a solid understanding of what I'm doing. I know that few have the time to follow this in that way. My hope is...actually, I should have no such hopes as I should just allow God to do what He wants with this. One of my goals at this time is to discover the parent(s) of Josephs Caiaphas, and in the meantime to prove that heraldic masters and leading Templar families knew that all of heraldry had, at its foundations, Caiaphas and his circle of Christ killers. These updates are jot-down format (sub-titles don't usually reflect the roaming topics well) making it hard / impossible to have a pre-plotted storyline. I'm no longer doing final proof-reads, please excuse the imperfections / mistakes.

Alright, so what we have now are many more clues as to what Freemasonry cherished, including the Setantii/Segantii and Barnim of Kashubia. And Donald Tusk, descended from Kashubians, is now the EU boss, and is therefore suspect as a Rothschild choice, or even a Rothschild liner in some way. Donald Trump seemed linkable to Tusk, for Trumps are even said to be from Uckermark in the Kashubia (Pomerania) theater. The Trump stag is suspect with all sorts of families between the two Tyne rivers, and with Tyne-surname stag, and with Setantii tribes throughout that part of the Scottish-English borderlands area. On my Atlas, there is a "BORDERS" area stamped right at Peebles, and the latter is where Bowers were first found, and so that's where Rothschilds trace. There is a good argument for tracing the namers of the Borders to the Border surname, first found in the same place as Tresure's. The double-tressure border that was plentiful in Lothian is used, for example, by Louders/Leathers (rock), using a giant griffin and likely from the Lauder location between the two Tyne rivers. Louders can be suspect with "Louth," the Irish home of the Setantii. The "Sub" motto term of Louders may play to the Sobieski's.

Peebles is beside the part of Lothian toward Bathgate, and the latter's suns are being traced to the sun of Hesse's, and perhaps to the Sun variation of the Lothian Sinclairs. The Bathgate area can therefore link with the first Rothschild (a Bower liner) said to have had some shady involvement with Hesse-Cassel. And by the way, as Roslin uses the buckle, and as Kashubians were Polish to some degree, the Polish Sobieski's/Sobeks, using a giant buckle, is interesting as per "KaSHUBia / CasSUBIE." The Buckle surname (shares the wreath with Mackays) uses a "temere" motto term that I identify with Demere's and related Mere's, both from Cheshire, both using a black ship, and both suspect with the Maccus vikings (on Man). Rothschilds, especially if it's correct to trace them to Rothes', are most-definitely from raven vikings, and the Arms of Man uses the raven. The Buckleys (Cheshire) are obviously a Buckle branch, and their white bull head traces to the same of Haughtys, from the Mieszko-Pole line that was linked (last update) to Barnim's Cnut/Canute / Notting/Nutt line. Interesting here is that Nottings share the Buckingham bend-with-besants.

The Buckle Crest is called a "cat rampant." The "Nothing" term of the translated Buckle motto can link Buckle's to the "Nothing" term of the Suty motto, and Sutys are highly linkable to the Seatons of the Scottish Tyne. It's a good reason to trace Buckle liners to Roslin, the line from Henry of Rodez/Rodes, in my opinion, the line to the Rhodian Round Table, said by many to be of the Rothschilds too.

The Uckermans, assumed to be the namers of Uckermark, linked squarely to the Hicks with a wreath they call a chaplet, and a stag they call a BUCK. Hick liners were discovered with Hexham on the southern Tyne. The Hick Crest was discovered in the Ackerman Crest, and the latter call it a wreath, a good reason to equate Uckermans with Ackermans. If these heraldic stags are code for the Stagg(er) surname, then they are to be reckoned as Stacy / Eustace liners (beside Louth), perhaps, for they use the stag too, and besides that, Eustace-suspect Balds and Balders were of the Peebles / Lothian theater. The Ackers (acorns) were found to work into this Setantii-suspect picture because they were first found in Lancashire, where mainline Setantii lived. The Trump stag is in the colors of Dols (share the wavy fesse with Hicks), likewise first found in Mecklenburg.

The "liberte" motto term of Ackers should be for the acorn-using Liebs/Liebers/Libers (Silesia, same as Sitlers). Liebs/Liebers share the fesse of Wreaths/Crae's. Liebs are said to be from a "FLATTerer," but Flatts are listed with Fletts (Orkney) suspect with the Fleetwood location of the Setantii. As the English Alans use the oak theme along with Liebs, while even sharing a red fesse with them, and because I traced the Dol Alans to ancestry in the raven vikings of Orkney and SHETland, I will trace the Flatts/Fletts to Alan fitz Flaad, the first known Dol Alan. That makes a good link between Flaad and Fleetwood, telling us more on Alan ancestry. Fleetwoods even share martlets with French Alans. The Fleetwood wolf has a green trefoil (on the breast) while Flatts/Fleets use black trefoils. The "Quod" motto term of Fleetwoods is suspect with the wolf-using Quade's and Mackays/Quoids.

The "oak BRANCHES" of Liebs can be code for the Avranches-suspect Branch's sharing the same chevron as Flatts/Fletts, and the same stars with Wreaths. Hugh D'Avranches was called by a Flaad-like term while a woman from Dol married a Mr. D'Avranches (Robert, if I recall correctly), from Ferte-Mace. It just so happens that while Wikipedia's article on Hugh showed his symbol to be a white-on-blue wolf head, there is a white wolf in the Fleetwood Crest! I now know that the earls of Chester were Fleetwood liners. The Caster-like variations of Ackers can even be suspect with the Chesters, and Hugh ruled in Cheshire's Chester location, perhaps related to MANchester of neighboring Lancashire. Again, Ackers/CASTERs were first found beside Cheshire, in Lancashire, and Ackerman-related Hicks share the wavy fesse of Dols that married the ruling family of Chester. The Ackers will trace below with Hicks to Issa, an important topic a few weeks ago.

Green trefoils are used by Dusters, and then we find a sun in the Duster Coat. The Duster trefoils look linkable to the Valentin squirrels and the Stevenson leopard faces, and the latter surname was first found in the same place as the southern Tyne. The Stevenson bend is that also of Rothschild- / Rodes-suspect Rodhams/Roddens. The latter use "alter," while Fleetwoods use "alteri," in their mottoes. It was shown recently how all the OpenHEIM motto terms are used roughly by the Arms of Rothschild, no small find. One of the terms, "inDUSTRia," looks like potential code for Dusters. Another one of the Openheim terms, "InTEGRAS," may be read like that so as to trace to Opgalli and Tigranes, or it can be read, InteGRAS, possibly for French Grasse's (Provence) using three chevrons in colors reversed to the two Dexter chevrons. Compare "Dexter" with "Duster," but link the Dexter chevrons to Hucks and Huckabee's who may themselves by Hexham liners, or who may be in the "hoc" motto term of Fleetwoods.

The Fleetwood martlets are in the colors of the same of Apple's and Applebys, the latter first found in the same place (Westmorland) as Dawsons using a lodged stag, same as English Austins/Ostians, though the latter call it "sejant," now suspect with the Segantii. Dawsons are thus discovered as a branch of Austins (look like they married with Bedford and Quint liners), and then the Ostens are listed with Osters using a Coat similar to that of Dusters. Hosters/Hasters/Hesters share the parrot with the Peeble surname, which builds the case for a Rothschild link to Dusters.

Border-using Husters/Hewsters, because they were first found in Cheshire, look like they may have been named after Hugh of Chester, and then we read that one Richard de Huestere moved to Staffordshire, while Staffs share the Austin chevron. Staffs are suspect with the "staves" of the hoc-like Hawks while Cheshire's use the hawk's lure and share the paws with Austins. The Huster pale bar is in the colors of the same of Roxburghs, and then the Rodham-related Rutherfords, first found in Roxburghshire (Borderlands) use a goose on a rock (code for Roxburghs, we may assume), the Lauder Crest symbol (pardon me, I assumed in was a swan in the last update). The Lauder goose is "sitting" on the rock," tending to assure that "SITTINg" is code for SETANtii, for "sejant" is another word for "sitting." And that's how the minds of heraldic masters worked, to create codes for hiding the realities behind them.

English Haukins/HAWKins use another lodged stag, as do Maxwells of Roxburghshire / Yorkshire who share the Haukin/Hawkin saltire. Irish Haukins are, unexpectedly, listed with the Organs/Horrigans. The latter use holly while Maxwells use a "holly bush" while the fleur-de-lys on the Hawking saltire are in the colors of the same on the Bush fesse! Bush's, highly suspect with Rothschild pawns, were first found in the same place as English Maxwells and Hawk-like Hicks'. George Bush lives in the Austin theater, hmm.

The Bush eagles are in the Side/Suddy Chief, and while the Side Crest is a tiger with an arrow, the Arrows/Arras surname uses a cross looking much like the Hawking saltire. Arrows/Arras' are said to be from the Artois capital, and I trace Artois to Arettium/Arezzo, home of the Cilnius family that was traced to spread eagles in the last update. Therefore, the Cilnius line is suspect in the spread eagles of Bush's and Side's. As Cilnius Maecenas married a member of the Murena family, but what coincidence do Murena's share a red tower with the Arrow/Arras Crest??? As Arrows/Arras' were first found in Staffordshire, let's repeat: "Staffs are suspect with the "staves" of the hoc-like Hawks" Maecenas became suspect in the last update with Maxton of Roxburghshire, home of Maxwells. Maxtons share the chevron of Staffs and Austins. Portuguese Austins use vase's, which gets us to the Vase surname listed with Segantii-suspect Face's/Fessys ("segni" motto term) whom have traced to Valentins suspect with the Duster bend.

Fessys trace with Ghents to Genoa, and Ghents share the Side / Bush eagles. It's interesting that while the last update convinced me that Changers were close Joseph kin, the three bars of Portuguese Austins are colors reversed from the three Changer bars. The Asters/Easters / Esturs / Sturs (all branches from the namers of the Stur river of Hampshire), who likewise use three bars, were first found in the same place as Josephs and Changers, suggesting that Easters / Sturs are a branch of Hasters/Hesters/Husters and therefore potentially of the Osters/Ostins, etc. Changers were discovered as a line of Cheneys (BUCKingham), whose bend can be suspect with the Hoster/Haster/Hester bend. The latter put swans on the bend, the Hock symbol. The French Sturs/Esturs even use their bars vertically in the colors of the same of Walkers! There we have a Bush - Cheney - Walker circle. Cheneys were traced to Genoa liners in the 3rd update of last month:

It's interesting that the Ghents can apply to this discussion, which may reveal that "Cuneo" is a version of "Genoa." To put it another way, Cheneys were Genoa / Geneva liners, for, yes indeed, it explains why Chaine's/Chenays use the white-on-blue wing, the colors of the Genova/Geneva wings (Bauers now show that wing design). A spread eagle in white-on-blue is in the Chief of Segni's/Segurana's i.e. first found in Genoa. This traces Cheneys with the "segni"-using Fessys to the Fieschi of Genoa, which reminds me of the "fiscal cliff" scam perpetrated not many years ago, during or shortly after the Bush-Cheney fiasco.

I'm still of the opinion that George Bush Sr. was born George Herbert Scherf Jr., and then Bush's, Scarfs, and Walkers were all first found in Yorkshire. Scarfs are honored by the Trabys/Sadowski's/SANDowski who, if I'm not mistaken, are using the symbol of the Polish Nalecz family, which one can find in the Sobieski write-up. The related Sobeks are said to be of the SANDomiersz family, suspect with Mayers, one ones suspect in naming Mayer Bauer, the first Rothschild. German Miers/Meiers/Mayers share the oak with Maio's, and Jewish Mayers use the giant Bush/Busch / Bosch fleur-de-lys in colors reversed. These surnames can trace to the Mere's/Mayers'/Meyers' (had a Hampshire branch) and DeMere's linkable to Buckles likely honored in the Sobek buckle. The Sobeks are also said to be of a BROCH family, while Brock-related Brocuffs share the sphinx with Rothschild-suspect Openheims. Sobeks are said to derive in "usurp glory," but this is likely code. A Surp-like surname (Sorbs?) could link to Scarfs / Scherfs / Scharps.

Zowie, I was going to leave that Surp topic while the Schorps were loading, and when the Coat loaded, there was the Scharp surname (Peebles-shire) using the Massin/Mason motto. I was going to say that Dutch Mere's are using the Louvain lion, but it's the Massin/Mason lion too! This is good evidence that Mere's were Sobek kin via their common bonds to Buckle's. Here's from the last update: "'s notable that the Eagel write-up traces to "SHARP-eyed vision" (haha), for Sharps/Scharps (Pilate pheon in Scarf colors) share a black eagle in Crest with Hagels." That was part of the Cilnius discussion. The "Dum spiro spera" motto of the Scharps traces with Speers and Sprees to the Spree river of Lusatia, home of Sorbs. I suppose that this makes Scarfs / Schere's / Scherfs and Bosco-suspect Schore's suspect as Sorb liners. Gore's (merger with Dol's Alans), who trace to proto-Serbians at Servitium, share a white wolf with Fleetwoods, and then the Mere/Mayers ship (called a lymphad) has its flags emphasized, which can be code for Fleet-related Flags/Flecks. Were Sorbs in Fleetwood? French Gore's/Jore's, using their greyhound heads in the colors of the martlets (Fleetwood symbol) of French Alans (their Flaad is now tracing to Fleetwood), share the red greyhound with English Majors/Mayers.

The Pilate pheon of Scharps/Schorps reminds me that Mont Pilat became suspect (within the last month) with a staghead having a symbol between the antlers, as code for the twin peaks of Mont Pilat (see Colts of Perthshire, like "Perdrix," one of the twin peaks). The Hocks use a rose between antlers, but then a red antler is used in the Arms of Spree-Neisse (Lusatia). As Hocks were first found in the same place (Switzerland) as Sion/Sitten, that's why the Hock swan should be traced to the same of Sions/Swans, as well as linking to Setantii that named Sitten. It's Fleetwoods that use a "hoc' motto term! The Hock swan is in the colors of the wolf head of Hugh Lupus D'Avrances, said by Wikipedia to have had a Fleet-like name ("Flaide," if I recall correctly), though I do not agree with Wikipedia that the term means "wolf." Many cover-ups took place to disguise what the Masonic bloodlines traced to.

I am convinced that Sorbs were from mythical Sarpedon of Miletus, and that mythical Melusine was from Miletus elements, and so let's add that Melusine is used by Walsers, named after Wallis canton of Sion/Sitten. Near the start of this update, there was a surname with "attires" in the description. I can't re-find it easily, but the point is that the Hamons (the Branch Shield?) use "attires" to describe the antlers of their Crest, having an item between them. The giant Trump/Trampe stag head is in the colors of the giant Hock swan, and I think it therefore applies to Mont-Pilat liners. As Dols are suspect in a merger with Trumps, the Stewart stag can apply. Hockers are listed with Ackers/Acasters and can thereby link to Uckermark, location of Trampe. As the Ackers use a bend in the colors of the Sale bend, "Trump" may have been a Turano variation.

I don't know why Sadowski's are lumped in, with many others, with the Nalecz family, but the Arms of Nalecz shows a woman between antlers in the Crest. The woman should be peculiar to the Nalecz family, and may be Melusine, though the official description may not indicate it.

I still trace Masseys to the Hyksos. I think I recall saying that Hixons (share eagle's legs with Augusts, Brays and Talants/Talons) were first found in Cheshire, but that's no longer the case, though they are said to descend from a Hustedone/Hutchtesdona location held by a bishop of Chester. The Bray river flows to Dieppe, where stag-using Dawsons are said to derive. Hutch's are listed with Hitchens (McLeod castle?) near a Hiz river and derive from a Mr. Hickum, but also from a Hichoun surname. One of the other Mont-Pilat suspect with an object between the antlers is the Vise/Vice surname, very linkable to the Eustace's, and this is making the Hiz river suspect with the island of Issa, also called Vis, smack beside Pharia/Hvar. The Trump and Vise stag heads are identical, facing left.

The Hutch's recall the hatchet of Zerrs/Zehrers suspect with Zahringers of Baden, who used three blue antlers. The Huchoun version of the Hutch's looks like the Cone's/Coune's (Hutch colors) can apply, who use three antlers, and they use the antlers of English Conte's, which can now traced these lines with La Fonts (Italian Conte lion) and Font de Ville's (same place as French Conte's) to Piscinas, where I trace Fonts, and it just so happens that Avezzano's, first found in Sardinia, are to be linked to the AVIS/Avison surname (share the Comyn garbs!) so that Avezzano is thereby discovered to be a Vis/Issa liner! Zowie, there is just no doubt about it, and so let's repeat that Kennedys / Cassels (don't forget that Cass' use fountains) use a motto that honors both the Avis/Avice's and the Lafins/La Fonts. It's amazing what surname variations can reveal in conjunction with motto codes. And it's tracing the Joseph Chief to Issa, smack beside Pharisee-suspect Pharia. This is making SULCIS, right beside Piscinas, suspect with the Salto-river SALYES at Avezzano! If correct, it means that the Salto was home to some Seleucids.

The gauntlet hand in the Cone Crest, and the trace to Hugh of Vendee, suggests Veneti liners of the Fane/Veyne kind that can link to "Kennedy," and so the Fane's are suspect in Font liners. Cone' were first found in the same place as Gaunts. John of Gaunt (ruler in Lancashire) established the Kendels of Candale, and Kendels not only list "Kenndy," but share the dolphin with Kennedys. If it seems wrong to trace Veneti to Genoa liners, note Vannes/Gwenea at the Veneti of Brittany, and then recall that Morlaix, home of dolphin-using Marleys, is at Finistere, beside Vannes.

The question now is, how many other Hick- / Vice- / Acker-like surnames trace to Issa? Huckers (beside Exeter) are using the Huck/Hux/Ucke chevron and owl, and the Huxter variation makes Dexters suspect, not with Dexaroi, as I've insisted, but as D'Hick liners.

German Cone's are listed with priestly-suspect Cohens, and Jewish Cohens use the sun that, in this Cassel picture, traces with the Hesse sun to the Sun variation of Sinclairs, who use the Conan cross! I get it. German Cohens share the Shield of Fers/Ferrats/Ferrarsons, suspect with Pharia liners.

Irish Cohens/Coins/Barnickle's share the white pheon of Pilate's and Scharps/Schorps. The only heraldic coin I know of is that of Bullis', traceable to Bullis in the Epirus theater, where Thesprotians lived that were either allied to Seleucids, or related to them. Bullis were first found in the same place a Blois, making Blois trace to Bullis, and to this I'll repeat that Avezzano's, now suspect with Seleucids, share the red rose on a stem with Chambre's, on the Arc river, where I trace Blois'. But there's more, for the counts of Blois merged with Chatillon, and I trace Cattels to Cattolica smack beside Fano, a term in the Fane/Veyne motto. The Piscinas-like Pesci's (Fontana colors) were first found in the land of Veneti. To Italians, "piscina" came to mean "fountain."

Silks (same area as Sullivans) list Sheedys. I wonder what that was. Silks were looked up as per "Sulcis." Fontana's (use a fountain), in Shed / Fanano colors, were first found in Bologna, location of the Setta valley where I've traced Scheds/Sheds. The Sheds share cinquefoils in Chief with Albino's, and use the colors and format of Fanano-related Penders. That works very well in linking Fano elements to Silks/Sheedys, making the latter suspect with a Sulcis-line merger with Setantii elements at the Setta (near Fanano). The hermit in the Shed Crest has been concluded as a line of Helms that use the Sale/Sallete pheon and bend, and so let's add that pheons are in the Silk/Sheedy Chief.

The Panico's/Pane's of the Setta valley are suspect with the namers of the Panaro, not only the location of Fanano, but the term to which I trace Penders/Pinders and Panders/Panters (helmets in Hermit / Helm helmet colors). The Panders, with a fesse in colors reversed from the fesse in the Arms of Fanano, share "spur rowels" with Pane-like Payens/Peans/Paionts, and the Hamons (same place as Mynetts), who are viewed as a branch of Mynetts that share helmets with Helms and Hermits, use a "chevron PEAN." "Pane" rhymes with "Fane" so that Panico liners may have named Fanano and Fano too. The potent cross of Scheds/Sheds is to be expected in relationship with Hugh de Payens so that the first Templars and Crusaders are tracing to the Panaro area of Modena, and these elements are expected at Modane upon the Arc, where Avezzano's trace whose rose may be in the Pander Coat. The Pincs/Pinks have been linked to Point(er)s, like a "Pont / Paiont" surname that can apply to Font liners. Pincs and Points share the formee fitchee, symbol of Mea's/Meighs now tracing to the Meu river with a source at the border of the Armour area of Brittany, where Hermits are expected to trace because Armours share the knight theme of Hermits. And Knights, first found in the same place as Blois', are expected with the pale bars of the counts of Chatillon. The Spurrs may therefore be using the Avis garbs and the Chato/Chattan / Chatan bend.

Therefore, that being very compelling in my view, the Silk/Sheedy lion can be that of Marano's/Mauritano's (from the Panaro river's Marano location). As Scheds/Sheds are a branch of Skits and Skeets'/Skate's (suspect with Guido's), not that Shade's/Schade's (Baden) are in Schutz colors. Skeets', using a border version of an eSCUTcheon, are using someone's black Shield, and I think it's that of Saddock liners. Skeets' were first found in the same place as related Chads and Segantii-suspect Seagers. The Skeets description uses "Per saltire," and, thanks to the input of Mr. Skeetz, our last email exchange convinced me that Schutz's, whom he emphasizes as a branch of Skeetz's, were fundamental with the Saltire surname. Mr. Skeetz has been responsible for filling a key gap in Templarism's history. Skeetz' are likely a branch of Setantii out of the Setta valley and into Wallis canton with Wallis'/Wallace's who use the Silk/Sheedy lion (as do Guido's).

Silks/Sheedys are said to be a branch of MacNamara's, and they use virtually the Silk/Sheedy Coat. Namara's happen to be traced (in their write-up) to CONmara, chief of the area of Clan Caisin, like the Casano/Casino variations of Cassius', first found in Modena! You can't argue with the facts. See also the German Casan fesse for a trace to Cassius' and Fanano.

The Schutz saltire is gold, as is the Selk/Silcox saltire. Compare "Silcox" to "Sulcis." The Selk Crest shares a greyhound with the Schutz Crest! Selks are traced to "Cecil," but I'm not buying that. The Salyes / Saltire's make much more sense, though the Cecil lions (colors of the PENDERell lion) were traced with the Savage lions to Savignano, on the Panaro. French Sauvage's share hearts with the Skeets border. In other words, I'm willing to see a Cecil-line merger with Selks/Silcox's. Cecils are said to be from Cassels / Kessels. Cecils are listed with SITsilts. The Cecils are traced in their write-up to counts of Gand and can therefore trace to Ligurians around Genoa.

There is a way to trace this picture to Alexander Balas, the Seleucid king whose Maccabee line is suspect at Sulcis. First, the Cecil bars were suspect with the same of Cavetts, whom I trace to the Cevetta river at Ceva (less than 50 miles west of Genoa). The Caves' share a fretty Shield half in the colors of the Modens/Modeys, suspect as Modena liners, and the Motts' are the ones using the crescents of Alexanders suspect with the Balas line through Alexander-named Maccabees. If you don't know, Alexander Balas formed a strong alliance with the first-known Maccabees (especially Jonathan), sons of MATTATHias, and this Maccabee family was traced (by me), aside from anything to do with Cavetts, to the MATHIS river of Illyria / Albania, land of the Cavii. The Mathis' are the ones sharing the moline cross of Ceva-like Chives', first found in the same place (Devon) as Cecils. Ceva is near Fossano, suspect with lake Fucino of the Marsi, at the sources of the Salto river, meaning that Avezzano-Sulcis elements can be expected in the Ceva area.

I've just loaded the Penderells, but instead of getting the Pendle's/Penderells, the Pendragons (Pendle colors) came up, suggesting that Pendragons (helmet, same as Panders) were indeed Pender / Pander liners from the Panaro. And Pendragons (beside Devon) were traced to the Penestae smack at the sources of the Mathis river (see map). The Selk greyhound is in the design of the Penes/Penny greyhound, and Schutz's are suspect from lake Scodra shortly north of the Mathis. Clearly, Mathis- / Drilon-river peoples had settled Modena. I can't begin to tell you how important this is, for Maccabee ancestry had been suspect at Modena long before I knew of the Mathis, and while readers were not about to swallow a Maccabee trace to the Mathis easily, here we can trace the Mathis to Modena so that a family named after the Mathis later named Mattathias at Israel's Modi'in.

Plus, as Maccabees descended from Hasmoneans (Mattathias was a Hasmonean), while they are suspect at AKMONIA, home of Amyntes' great-grandson, by what coincidence do Mynetts, Pendragons and Drin-river suspects, the Drayners/Dragons (Pendragon colors), all use white, open helmets??? The Drilon is now the Drin. This argumentation is very compelling, and looks like the triumph I've been waiting to secure. It's like the long shot wins. And the best thing, some long-time readers can feel assured that I was not wasting their time on a fantasy.

Cecils are said to share the barry of the counts of Gand, and French Gands/Gants (Pendragon-et-al colors) were first found in the same place as Mathis'. Belgian Gands (Albino colors) share a moline with Mathis', and it's highly suspect with the Segni/Segurana / Seagar moline, which should explain the "ProSEQUOR" motto term of Cassius/Casano's. Dutch Ghents use the same fesse as the Arms of Fanano. In other words, make a Modena link to Genoa / Ceva elements, but view them as the Cecils = Cassels (= Kennedy kin), and therefore likely as a branch of Cassius'/Casano's. Cecils look like they trace to the namers of Sestola (Modena), where Albino's were first found. Trace Cecils also to Sulcis and Piscinas with fountain-using Cass', and ask whether Piscinas elements named Pessinus (SAKARya river), home of Amyntes' grandfather (Brogitarus).

The Lothian location of Bathgate brings the Keith Catti to bear, suspect from the Chatti founders of Hesse-Cassel. Keiths, due to their Keath variation, look at least like a merger with Seatons. If Keiths were a Seaton branch, they can trace to the Setta, but I'm not ready to equate "Setta" with "Catti" or "Cassius." This is tricky because I think there needs to be a distinction between the namers of the Setantii and Hatti > Catti liners from Atti(s), the Phrygian sun god. But, the point is, we have a good basis for tracing Poussins/Posse's (same place as French Josephs) to Pessinus, and to the Pesci's of Venice because the Venus/Venis surname (same place as Veneti-suspect Ghents) shares a brown stag with the Keith Crest, and the Venis stag is identical (different colors) at this time to that of KISSanes/CASHmans/Guissanes. Pousins/Posse's share a blue Shield with Pesci's and Pasi's/Pascels of Bologna. English Poussins happen to use a "cat passant," white, like the several white tigers that trace to the Akmonia-Maccabee line.

Recalling that Cheneys are now viewed as Genoa elements, what about the Keith write-up tracing to a marriage with Cheneys of AXKERgill? That makes the Keith stag linkable to the Trumps at Uckermark. It suggests that Keiths had merged with some Hexham line. Hicks are in the colors of the Keith Chief, and the Hick Crest is another stag. We can now identify the three bars in the Keith Chief with those of Sturs and Changers, for the latter were concluded as Cheney liners.

Although it's not the topic here, I'd like to add that Keiths are tracing with Sturs to Manche, where I would trace the Mussels/Muscels suspect at Musselburgh (Keith theater). Mussels are suspect with a wife (Messalina) of emperor Claudius, and I had been asking whether Claudius' name traces to the Clauds/Clausels who share acorns with several Acker liners. Hmm. Joseph Caiaphas must trace to the Clausula river, and Cheneys use martlets in colors reversed from the French-Joseph martlets, and Sturs / Changers were first found in the same place as English Josephs. Claudius' first wife had a first name much like "plate," symbol of Mussels. The Keith-related Marshalls share a string of lozenges with Messalina-like Mussolini's.

The reasoning in this discussion is cause to view Modena's Cassius family as the namers of Germany's Cassel. If we ask why Modena elements should have been at Hesse, ask the HASmoneans what they were named after. What about the suns of French Poussins/Posse's (same Coat as Bathgate's)? Can that surname trace Hesse liners to PESSINus? Why does "Hessin" (= Hesse) rhyme with "Pessin." Were there some Chatti liners at Pessinus? Brogitarus was the priest of Cybele, wife and mother of Atti(s), and I did suspect that Brogitarus was linked to the Anatolian city of Clarus, which link had nothing to do with the very recent find that the Bathgate and Hesse suns can be code for Suns/Sinclairs. The Sakarya was also the SANGarius, like the Singular variation of Sinclairs. German Cassels use the Clare triple chevrons so that Cassels (or the Chatti thereof) can trace to the Hatti > Chatti line suspect from Attis, but until this year, I had no idea that this line may have been so late in history as the time of Brogitarus.

The cat-using Poussins were suspect with the Pousinn code in the blue-apple riddle at Rennes-le-CHATeau. Since then, the Apple / Appleby martlets (on a blue Shield and in the colors of the Pousin suns) have been found with Fleetwoods. It just so happens that the Chives' call their Crest leopard, a cat, and even use white cat-a-mountains in the Coat while Mountains share the Apple / Fleetwood martlets in the same colors. The Fleetwood-related Macks/Macklens use this-colored martlet too. It's suspect with Martels and Martins, and the latter share the Cassell castle.

The Hatti were on the Halys, the river where Mokissos was located suspect with the Muksus version of "Mopsus." As Clarus was the location of Mopsus, by what coincidence do Modena-suspect MODburleys list the Mopps surname while the Crest has what looks like a woman holding a pair of scales, the Cass/Cash symbol? It looks like Kashubians not only trace to Modena, but to Brogitarus, and so let's remind that the Broughs/Brughs share the saltire of Sinclair-suspect Roosts. The Mopps are very related to CANTons (suspect as Heneti > Veneti between Pessinus and the Halys), and in the canton square of the Mopps Coat, there's a fitchee cross, the Cassel / Kennedy symbol too.

I had found convincing evidence that Muksus traces to two Moch surnames. Much of that evidence is the Scottish Moch/MOCHRy Coat ("ESSE" motto term), much like the Canton / Mopps Coat (exactly like the Coat of Wreaths/Cree's suspect with the Ackerman wreath and the Hicks chaplet). Mochs were traced to the Mochrum location of Gospatricks that we find in the Dunbar write-up, and Dunbars, a branch of Gospatricks, were likewise of Lothian. There is a Duns location in Lothian between Berwick and the Haddington location of Keaths, making that "esse" motto term very linkable the Hesse's. French Mochs/Muchers/Mouchers (like "MOCHRum") use an erect sword (Mopps symbol too) in the rare design used by Dunns.

Cat-using Poussins use three white-on-red bars, and Keaths use three gold-on-red bars. Cat-using Poussins are said to be from Pusey of Oxfordshire, and that the Pusey family were granted their estate there by king Cnut. That makes the Poussin bars linkable to the three white-on-black Haughty bars, tending to assure that Haughtys were named after Sigrid the Haughty (Cnut's mother). Haughtys are the ones with the bull head linkable to the same of Buckleys/Bulkellys, which adds to the evidence that Sobieski's had merged with some Mieszko line. This bull head thereby becomes suspect with the Tourlaville location of Sturs.

The inclusion of Gospatricks is welcome because they were a branch of Pattersons who list Kissane's and Cassane's as variations. As there is compelling reason to trace Cassane's to the Modena Cassius', the white-on-red Dunbar lion becomes suspect with the Marano/Mauritano lion, and the Dunbar escutcheon becomes suspect with those of Chadocks and Chadwicks, begging the question of whether Saddocks/Sedgewicks too, and Sadducees, were Hatti > Chad liners. Why do Broughs/Brughs share black swans with Caiaphas-suspect Chaplets and French Josephs, the latter first found in the same place (Maine) as Pessinus-like Poussins? It's giving the impression that Sadducees and Caiaphas were from the religious cult of Brogitarus. English Josephs were a merger with Chaplet-like Kaplans (virtually the Joseph Chief but with three griffins) and Chaplains (share two gold chevrons with Josephs), and then German Kaplans share the split Shield of Steers in colors reversed, and Steers, like the Styre variation of Sturs (same place as Changers and Josephs), have a "cede" motto term suspect with CEDES'/Seats, a Setantii-suspect surname like "Geddes" who share the Chadock / Chadwick escutcheon. It can be gleaned that the Steer Shield is a version of the Shield used by the Arms of Sion, and Kaplans were even first found in Switzerland. For a further "coincidence," trace the Capelli's of Bologna (i.e. location of the Setta) to the Bidens/Buttons, first found in the same place as Kaplans, Josephs, etc., and ask whose bull horns are in the Biden/Button Crest? I'll bet they are the "bull's scalp" of Changer-related Cheneys, but also the Haught bull. Bidens/Buttons are suspect with Botters and Botters/Bodins with Clan Chattan ("bot" motto term).

Trying to Understand Nalecz

Bidens had an important (Vatican-related) family in Bath and Wells, where Bathgate's trace. But where Bathgate's are suspect with the Atgate variation of Westons, it's interesting that German Wessells (single antler, Nalecz colors) use the buffalo horn i.e. linkable to the Biden horns. English Wessels/Westells use another black swan, as well as the same garbs as Josephs. And the quarters in the Wessel/Westell Chief are in the colors of Steers and Kaplans. The German-Wessel Shield is split in colors reversed from the Arms of Sion, meaning the Wessel Shield is split in the colors of the same of Trents (same place as Bath and Wells), and while Trents are expected with the line of CILNius Maecenas and Terentius Varro Murena, Westons are the ones with the spread eagle suspect with that one of KILNers/Kelners.

I don't yet know where Dunbar in Lothian is, but it can be suspect with Bathgate in West Lothian. As Dunbars use the rare horsehead of Hebrons, kin of Cilnius-suspect Chills/Childs, by what coincidence do Dunns use a spread eagle in the colors of the spread Kilner/Kelner eagle? Reminder: Dunbars use the same lion as Murena-suspect Marano's. Why should Dunn liners trace to Maecenas? Ask Hamon de Massey at Dunham-Masci. As Masci's and Maecenas-like Massins are the sinister liners, why are the buckle's of the other Dunns facing sinister? These other Dunns are the ones with the Moch sword, and they moreover use "fetter locks" while Fetters (Bavaria) use the giant Hesse sun, a great reason to link Dunns to the Bathgate suns. In the Fetter Crest, a sun between white wings (i.e. suspect with the white Dunn eagle). We therefore have evidence of a three-way kinship between Bidens of Bath, Bathgate's and Dunbars. The Dunbar / Hebron horse is white, the color of the Wessel/Westell horse, not to mention the horse of Plunketts (Kilner colors).

The sinister code is suspect with the Seneschal variation of Seneca's, in Sens colors, and then a third Dunn surname shares the spread eagle in the colors of the same of Spanish Sans'. These look like Sion liners now known to have passed through Modena. The Seneca's are suspect with the line of Senecio Albinus at the Sestola location of Modena. As Wissels/Whistle's share a string of lozenges with Marshalls, it can trace Wessels and Westons to the Duns location beside the Haddington location of Keith-Marshalls. As Senecio Albinus had a Nummius name, the NewMARSH variation of Nimo's (share Seaton crescents) can play into this. We might ass whether MacNAMara's (kin of Setta-suspect Sheedys), using the same lion as Marano's, trace to Nummius liners. The list of surnames belonging to Nalecz includes several Niemier-fronted surnames, as well as Sitanski's and Sitnicki's.

I'm going to propose that Nalecz's link to the Wessel antler, and that Wessels/Westells are from the namers of Poland's Vestula river. Previously, Wessels were traced to Vestalis, son of king Cottius, but I trace his Cottian peoples to the Cotesii (Trypillian theater), smack beside the SENSii. I glean that the Senn/Sens surname (Switzerland) links to Aurelia's and therefore to Aurelia Cotta. Cotesii are suspect from mythical Cotys, who was at times made the father of Attis. In that picture, Cotesii were a branch of Sadducees. It's notable that Neame's/Name's are in the illegal colors of Silks (Schutz suspects), for Sheedys are listed with Irish Silks/Selks. The latter's Coat has the look of the Geddes Coat while Neams/Name's come up as "Need," suggesting the Nith river of the proto-Geddes Geds! Therefore, it looks like MacNamara's were Name liners while Geddes were Setta liners. It's the Cecils that are traced in the Silk write-up to Silks. Name's/Needs use griffins in Kashubia colors.

Let's go back to the Keiths suspect with the Kissane/Cashman stag. Kashubians trace very well to Lothian's rulers, but the Kissane's are suspect from Modena's Casano's, and I traced Trypillians to the Setta before knowing of the Modena elements now under hot pursuit. Here are the Kissane descriptions: "A silver shield with a red stag trippant with gold antlers." Why are antlers emphasized? Isn't "trippant" code for Trips (first found not far from Kashubia)? Here's the Kissane Crest: "A right arm in armor with a silver cuff holding a lizard." Lizarts share three pale bars with Keiths, but in the colors of the Cedes/Seat pale bars. The Kissane's translate their "nihil" term with "nothing," possibly code for the same term in the Suty motto. The Keith-suspect Dunns use "A gold lizard in front of a holly bush proper," having the effect of revealing the double-headed Dunn eagle with that of Maxwells, and tracing with Hollys to mythical Holle of Holstein, beside the Trips. The same woman is shown in the Arms of Gorzenski, while Gore's are using the Trip / Hamburg crosslets. Gore's are the ones sharing the white wolf with Fleetwoods, and the latter link well to Q-suspect Quade's.

The "Mullach" motto term of Dunns may suggest the line of Stanislaw Malachowski, whose Arms include the same woman in red. At the bottom of the Shield, there may be the Zerr/Zehrer hatchet, in which case the Nalecz antlers become suspect as the Zahringer / Veringer antlers. It just so happens that Zahringers had a buffalo horn as symbol. The hatchets in the Zerr/Zehrer Coat are topped with axe's in the Crest, and then while English Hackers are also "Hatcher," German Hackers use "a man in profile dressed in black holding an axe across his body, facing the dexter." Why mention "body"? The Body surname is listed with the Botters/Bodins having a red eagle, symbol originally of Zahringens (or Zahringers), and this bit of heraldry tends to prove that Zerrs/Zehrers were Zahringens while Botters/Bodins were from the namers of Baden. The Body eagle is even on a diagonal, in line with the same-colored bend that is the entire Arms of Baden. These are good reasons to trace Veringers to the Varni at Uckermark.

At the bottom of the Nalecz page, a modern Nalecz liner was part of the Knight of the Order of the Elephant. The so-called elephant trunks that double as prairie-buffalo horns are used in the Arms of Rothschild along with three ostrich feathers that are shown in multiple Nalecz Arms, including those of Malachowski. The latter's black eagles can be the one in the Rothschild Arms, which is perhaps the Weston eagle, though it would be more-importantly the eagle of the Hohenzollers / Hohenstaufens, for I read that the red Zahringer eagle went to them. English Gastons use a Shield filled with the Hohen checks.

I have it recorded in multiple updates that the Nalecz-related Sadowski's (the ones who list Trabys) were kin of a Gaston or a Gaston-like family (I can't recall) who likewise use the Nalecz 'Q'. On the Nalecz page, there is a Gostomski surname that shares the woman in red between the antlers with the Arms of Nalecz. Therefore, the Nalecz family is suspect with Wessel / Wisel / Weston liners. The Gaston owl can trace to the Greek island of Kos, a term like "Gostomski."

The same hatchet is in the Arms of the counts of OSTRorog, perhaps of the Osters/Ostens / Austins and therefore of the Rothschild-suspect Dusters. Hatchers are also Hackers and use scallops in the colors of the Patterson/Cassane scallops. I say that Pattersons were of Kilpatricks on the Nith.

The three swords in the Arms of Malachowski are positioned much like those of Nortons/NAUGHtens, and the Northen variation of Nothings can be of the Nortons while Naughtens (Natts/Nathans?) are suspect with the Niths/Naughts of the Nith river i.e. linkable to the Needs/Name's. Nathans (NOTTinghamshire) share a heart pierced by an arrow with Colors/Koelners. The escutcheon of German Nathans is linkable to the Geddes of the Nith, but used in both colors by Saddocks, first found in the same place as Gastons. As RothSCHILDs are suspect with the shield / escutcheon theme of Schutz's, I'm going to peg the Nathan fesse (Kashubia colors) as a colors-reversed version of the same of Shade's/Schade's (Schutz colors), first found in Baden, home of Zahringers.

There is a "Medieval version of Nalecz coat of arms" shown that looks much like the neckLACE of Summits. The Dunbars are traced to "summit," but this is code because Summits were first found in the same place (Lorraine) as Bar-le-Duc, effectively tracing Duns and Dunbars to Bar-le-Duc. Baden is the location of the Neckar river suspect in the necklace. Baden is where one can expect Hohen families. Lace's/Lacys happen to use a purple fret-KNOT linkable to the purple buckle of Sobieski's. The write-up of Irish Lace's/Lacys ("meritas" motto term) looks like the family merged with Fleetwood elements. Lacys share a purple lion with Magnusons/Mangs, first found in Shetland, where Stout vikings resided who I trace to Stuttgart on the Neckar. "Stutt" is nearly a Setantii-like term. Fleetwood's Setantii were linked (last update) to the Manx peoples on the Isle of Man, which itself uses the raven no doubt for the Stout vikings who indeed used a raven symbol.

From the last update: "The Magnusons have the colors and look of Sitters/Sidewells, linkable, as you will see, to Maccus' grandfather [Sitric]." The colors involved are green and gold, the colors also of Herods/Haralds, now suspect with Harald, Maccus' father. Irish Lacys use "A gold eagle rising," while Risin(g)s show nothing but a gold-on-green cross, Herod/Harald colors. Rice's/Rhys' not only use the raven, but a "hardi" motto term suspect with Herods. Kashubia-suspect Barnums, also suspect with Herod liners, share pellets with fret-knot Lacys, and Barnums had been trace to Cnut. Herods/Haralds were first found in the same area as Alexanders, and "Nalecz" might just be an Alex liner. Rise's/Rye's were first found in the same place as Saddocks, perhaps of the Nalecz-based Sadowski's.

Wikipedia's Sadowski page tells that Sanduski's were a variation, and then Sandes'/Sands (Lancashire) use the ragully design suspect with Ragusa. It just so happens that Ragusa is beside the Elaphiti islands, recalling the Order of the Elephant to which one Nalecz member belonged, and, to boot, Sanders use the elephant. If that's not enough, Rhizon is on the old map smack at Kotor (not shown), where the Saraca's of Ragusa had previously lived.

Sanders not only use the colors and format of Rice's, but are said to be from "ALEXandros." In the Sander Chief, there are plates in the colors of the Nalecz 'Q'. The Sander motto term, "sibi," is traceable, thanks to the Vince's/Vinch's using the Sander motto, to Cibalae = Vinkovci, where I trace Wings/Winks that are apparently in the wings of the Barnum Crest. And it's the Barnums that share crescents in the colors of the Alexander crescents! I'm convinced that heraldry has just discovered the identity and kin of the Nalecz tribe. Cibalae elements trace to Sibals using the moline (fish-tail symbol of the Saraca fish) in colors reversed to that same of Seagers/Seckers (WINGS), suspect with the "SECRet" motto term of Rice's, and first found in the same place as Risin(g)s. Plus, as Cibalae was the birthplace of Valentinian I, the Rise's/Rye's (honored in the "ears of rye" of the Saddock Crest) happen to use the Valentin bend. As you can see, the "Justitia" motto of Sibals is code for a line from Justine, Valentinian's wife. The Seagar Crest shows a green coiled snake, symbol also of the Sire's/Sirets/SIRONs who use another "justitia" motto term, but see also the Arms of Vilnius. The Sire snake is coiled around the Primo mirror, symbol of Melusine who traces to Melita (shown on map), beside the Elaphiti islands (shown but nor marked).

The Sibal moline is very linkable to the cross of WINCHesters (same place as Barnums) because the Sibal write-up traces to Northamptonshire, where the family of Saer de Quincy, ruler of Winchester, was first found. Sauers are said to be from the Sava, location roughly of Cibalae. One of the best arguments for tracing Saer de Quincy to Quintus Caepio is the gold fitchee behind the blue lion of the Winchester Crest, which I call the Caepio-line lion. Quints share the gold fitchee, and then the Sandes'/Sands not only use a fitchee that would be gold in colors reversed, but their ragully fesse is in the colors of the Quint chevron. Rhizon is very near Caepio-suspect Cupionich (Clausula river). It's seemingly relevant that the Wings/Winks share the Moor head with Chappes', but the Wink perchevron (symbol also of Chappes') has been traced to the Hagel pile while Hagels trace to Akheloos river, home of mythical SIRENs, and location roughly of Astakos, like the Astikas family of Vilnius, geographically / politically subject to making mergers with Nalecz liners.

The Justine's were first found in the same place as Celts/Colts that use a stag with an object between the antlers, the Nalecz theme too. The "causa" motto term of Justine's suggests that the link of Justine of Picenum to Vilnius also linked to Kashubians of the Cass kind, for the latter share the weight scales, or scales of JUSTICE, with the Arms of Vilnius, the Justine's, and the Sire's/Sirets. Justus (or was it Justin?) was Justine's father. The Siret variation is a good argument for tracing the Cass / Kiss bloodline to the Moldova capital, but Sire's are suspect with Biblical Eliphas (like ("Elaphiti"), who married a woman from Seir. The Assi's/Hoseasons, suspect with lines from "Esau," Eliphas' father, not only use the scales and the sword of Justine's, but throw in a fasces, an item in the Arms of Vilnius, and moreover Assi's were first found on raven-depicted Shetland.

I don't think it's coincidental that the Hoseason variation is like the Hose surname using human linkable to the same in the Arms of Man. But note too that Huckabys, like the Huseby variation of Hose's, use snakes coiled around a rod, which the Huckaby description calls, Asclepios rods. Asclepios was the son of the Coronis crow that traces well to the raven under discussion. Hucks and Huckabys are very linkable to Dexters that use the weight scale so that, indeed, Hucks and Huckabees look like Assi liners. As Asclepios was a nephew of Ixion, I have the tendency to trace Hucks to Hyksos, but it seems that they are tracing potentially to people groups that carried the Esau name. Edom was home to a Kos cult that many link to the owl, the symbol of Hucks. The owl was called (in one language) by an Asclepios-like term (I always forget the spelling).

The Blanks, initially said to be first found in Shetland (Setantii homeland, right?), but now said to be of Northamptonshire, share the giant cinquefoil of Bus' potentially from Bozrah, Esau's Edomite capital. The Bus cinquefoil is in use in the Arms of leg-suspect Leicester, where leg-using Hose's/Husebys were first found. We are making a lot of sense. Compare some of the Hose variations to the Aous river (location of Atintanes and Bullis), one major river south of the Apsus, where the Dexaroi lived to which Dexters/Decksters may trace, for it's not likely coincidental that Hips' use a Coat like that of Decks/Daggers, who share the squirrel with Valentins and Sire-suspect Squire's/Squirrels. Note the "conSCIRE sibi" motto phrase of Vince's and elephant-using Sanders. The latter even use a "broken sword" while Broke-related Brocuffs share the sphinx with Hips'.

I've found an online quote: "The ermine cinqufoil is from the arms of Robert de Beaumont, Earl of Leicester..." This refers to an Arms of Nuneaton (midway down the page) Warwickshire, where Squire-related Sheriffs were first found. The Nuneaton Crest uses a "bear's gamb," symbol of the Squire/Squirrel Crest! I've never had such good evidence of a squire link to Sheriffs (Hazel fesse in colors reversed). The writer, like most, are naive to heraldic symbolism, or at least he/she acts the part. He says that the black lozenges in the Nuneaton Arms represent the coal industry, but all sort of things like this need to be invented to keep secrets.

The Nuneaton motto (Pret D'accomplir) is said to be of the Astons (same place as Eatons) who owned much of the Nuneaton landscape, but then Astons use black lozenges too. The Sheriff motto is suspect with the Ash's, in Aston colors. Below, the Nalecz family will trace well to Brattia with the Pratts, and so you might want to recall the Nuneaton motto term, "Pret."

The webpage says that the Nuneaton bear gamb "links to the arms of the Warwickshire County Council and the mural crown is a common civic symbol." The writer isn't telling what I know, to be shown below, that the mural crown traces to Marano, wherefore the blue-and-white bars of Nuneaton are suspect with the Fanano fesse. Robert Beaumont's Leicestershire titles went to Simon de Montfort, and Montforts have been trace hard to Fanano, and to the Marano/Mauritano lion. Scroll up the page to the Arms of Bedworth (near Nuneaton) to see a knot, though the description doesn't use "knot." The Bedworth Shield has the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Albino's. In the Crest, the Bedworth symbol is a hind (no antlers, traceable to the Ragusa deer theme), and then the Warwick bear is chained to a so-called "RAGGed staff," suspect with RAGusa.

Reminder: the Arms of Nalecz looks like a SHEET tied in a KNOT, the latter being the Lacy symbol too. It's also interesting that the Nalecz woman wears a white head band (I don't know what its called officially), with a knot assumed behind her head, and this band looks like play on whatever the Nalecz 'Q' is, but the overwhelming assumption is that the knot is a fundamental / meaningful part of the code. Sometimes the 'Q' was used upside-down, and so see that the Knot/Canute chevron is upside-down in the Chanut/Chenu Coat. Both chevrons are in the colors of the Changer bars, making king Cnut suspect with Cheneys and Chaine's/Chenays.

Scroll up the same webpage (link below) to the Arms of Alcester, and note the so-called "Roman swords," in the colors of the Dempsey and Dempster swords. The Dempster lion is covered with a ribbon, and then the knot of Bedworth is of a ribbon. The Alcester write-up tells of a RAGley Hall. The Alcester bull, red, holds a shield with white needle's, and then the Needle Coat is just a giant sun, suspect with Suns/Sinclairs on two counts:1) the red bull of Claro's/Charo's; 2) the engrailed cross of the Alcester Arms.

A new thing just came to mind, starting with the Boius area stamped on the Apsus. It was bringing the Bus surname to mind, and in the meantime I was asking whether the Legros river (Leicester) can trace to that area, which brought lake LYCHnidus to mind. The Dexaroi/Dasseratae are shown extending to an area between the Boius area and Lychnidus, and then Leicesters (suspect with the Hose leg and therefore with the Aous river) use the swan, important because I trace Ligurian-swan liners to Lychnidus. It's also where I trace proto-Sadducees. The Hips surname may have formed from the Hipkins as play on the leg liners of this picture. The Hips' were first found in the same place as Risings whom cropped up as per the rising eagle of leg-like Lace's/Lacys. Hmm. I trace the latter to Lacydon, the founding location of Ligurians! The Lacy and Leghs/Lighs share a giant rampant lion on a gold Shield! And Risings are suspect with Rye's/Rise's that are honored in the Saddock Crest, and to this we can definitely go back to the suspicion that Sadowski's/Sanduskys are Saddock / Sadducee liners.

As Trabys are listed with Sadowski's, let's repeat that the so-called "weights" in the Dexter Crest are code for Weights sharing the gold-striped, black hunting horn with the Arms of Traby. This can trace Sadowski's to the Apsus river, excellent because the mouth of that river is the location of TROPoje. That definitely makes Sadowski's and Sands / Sanders suspect as Sadducee liners. Leicesters use DROPs on their swan as code for Drops/Trope's, no guff, first found in the same place (Norfolk) as Risings. Irish Sanders (CANDy colors) share the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Drops/Trope's (no guff, but why?). German Sanders share the rampant red bull with Joseph-beloved Charo's/Claro's, and these Sanders (Vilain Shield?) are in Saddock colors. Saddocks were first found in the same place as Warrens (Drop lion?), whom are in the Risling write-up as the keepers of Risling castle. The Warren lion is in a CANTon while the area to the immediate west of lake Lychnidus is the Candavii mountains, a term that can generate to / from a Sand term. The river shown with a source at the Candavii range flows to Genusis, suspect with the namers of Genoa, Geneva (at Vaud), Cheneys, and Ghents, all suspect with Ixion and Nephele as the Centaur line. Ixion liners are suspect also at PELAGonia (east side of Lychnidus) because he was related to PHLEGyas.

The "wlad" motto term of the same Josephs may be code for Vlads with a Flatten variation linkable to the Irish version of Lacy's, and then French Josephs, which once showed the giant swan, now show the giant footless martlet. Joseph Caiaphas must trace to the Clausula river, but that's near a second Tropoje location at the KOSovo border area. "Kosovo" looks a little like "Kashubia." Polish Alex's, sharing the wavy bar of the Mecklenburg Dols, are said to have been related to KOSCiezi's, and then Kosky's/Kos'/Kosinski's were first found in Mecklenburg. The KISHENov location (Moldova capital) looks applicable to KOSINski's, which may reveal that the Alex stars can connect to the KISSINger stars. The same Alex's are said to be related also to SREXiawa's, who look like Surrichs/Surreys that share red-and-white checks (almost) with Sadowski-related Gastons (first found in Surrey), and the latter's owl can trace to Kos. The Surrich/Surrey chevron is said to be a "paly of eight," while Pale's/Palys (same bend as Joseph-beloved Charo's'/Claro's) are suggested as Polish.

Wikipedia once showed an ancient artwork with the hourglass goddess of Trypillians, having a triangle as her upper body, and a triangle as her lower body, just as one would draw a broad dress on a woman, just like we see in the Nalecz woman.

Maxwells are expected from Mechlenburg elements while the double-headed Maxwell eagle, though in red, is in the Coat of French Alex's. For whatever it might mean, the Cheps/Jepps/Yeks/Yeps use the same eagle as Maxwells (though in Joseph colors), and they throw in the same Zionist star as Vlads/Flattens. The Yek variation may betray linkage to swan-using Yoke's/Hochs (Nalecz-suspect Crest). Any giant bird in the colors (Levi colors) of the Joseph swan / martlet can be suspect with Caiaphas. As Hooks share the Leicester/Lester Coat, the Yoke/Hoch swan becomes highly suspect with the Leicester swan. English Hookers are using the same lions as Levi's, and share blue vair fur with Quints. The deer in the Hooker Crest can trace to deer-depicted Ragusa. English Yoke's/Joke's share the red wyvern with the dukes of Masovia (Poland), and may be using the Stick garbs for a potential link to the Vilnius Trabys. Hooks are suspect from Gog, who lived at lake Sevan, the swan-line lake, and neighboring Gogarene.

Hockys (same place as Quints) are using two Scott-surname symbols. But the HOCKLey variation gives away their being a Hazel branch or merger, for they share the Hazel fesse with crescents. This bodes well for the Hazel trace to modern Has, near lake Scodra. Compare the Hazel / House / Huls leaf to that in the Arms of Maciej Zadlowski (not a great reason to make the Hazel link to Sadowski's until the Zadlowski leaves are identified).

The Hips use the nebuly feature with their FOOTless martlets (we have everything here but toes), as do Lacy-suspect Fleetwoods. "FootLESS" was deemed code for the Leslie-related Less', from Lesbos, off the shore from Phocaea, where the known proto-Ligurians at Lacydon had originated...meaning that "footless" is part-code for the Lace/Lacy bloodline. Neighboring Lemnos, where I trace Santones, had a lame / thigh symbol, and "lame" is like "Lemnos." Leslie's are the ones sharing the buckle with Sobieski's, and the purple color of the latter's is making them linkable to Lacys. We now go back to the reason for the inclusion of Lace's in this discussion, which was the necklace-like version of the Arms of NaLECZ. The Lecks/Lex surname (Vaud of Switzerland) may apply, the botany cross of which is suspect with Joseph-related and Cheney-suspect Bidens/Buttons.

Vaud is the area of LausANNE, which was recently traced to Laus(a), the alternative name of Ragusa. As Nalecz-suspect Sanders are tracing to Ragusa and its environs, what about an Anne-Lecks merger as the formation of "Nalecz." Note that the Sandes/Sand fesse is in the red color of the Biden/Button fesse, for Bidens share the bull theme with German Sanders and Lux's/Laux's (Swabia). But as Bidens use only the bull horns, what about tracing them to buffalo-horn Zahringens of Button-like Baden? Bidens are said to have furnished a family in Bath and Wells, in Somerset, where the Badens/Battins were first found. I think it's pretty clear that Bidens were Baden-of-Germany elements along with Botters/Bodins, and the antlers of Nalecz are suspect with the Zahringen antler.

If we remove the 'd' from "Sandes," we get the Sanes surname is listed with swan-using Sions/Swans (same white lion as in the Drop/Trope Chief). But there are coincidence's, and this could be one, meaning that I'm not ready to equate Sanders with a Sion branch. There is a Leck/Lachey surname (holly), first found in the same place (Stirlingshire) as buckle-using Sterlings/STURlings. As the Chappes/Chaips were first found in the same place, one could expect the Lecks/Lacheys to be using the Quint chevron. The Sturling bend looks Cheney-Coat-like, though it is almost-certainly a black version of the Leslie bend, which makes Lecks/Lacheys look like Lacydon-Lesbos elements (I'm ignoring the Leck write-up's derivation). As Sturlings were traced to Stubbs and Stubbings, from Stobi of Paeonia, it is tracing Lacydon's namers well to the Lychnidus theater, as expected also of the Sions/Swans. Lecks/Lacheys use a "praemium" motto term that could be part-code for Prays/Preays sharing the Drop/Trope Chief. The other Prays/Preators can therefore be using the Scarf wolf heads. The "praeMIUM" term may be part-code for Mummolin, grandson of Rusticus, suspect as a Kashubian or Kashubia-related line.

The Shirleys/Sherleys have the "praemium" motto term, but they were found as Shauls, which I looked up as per Wikipedia using "shawl" to describe the Nalecz scarf. Shirleys/Shauls (Arms-of-Saraca colors) use a canton and a Saracen head suggesting the Sheer/Shire / Carrick line expected out of Saraca's of Dalmatia. As Squire's are a Sheer/Shire branch while Decks/Daggers share the Squire squirrel, note how Decks/Daggers use a Coat like that of Shulers. The Hockys/Hockleys, sharing the fesse-with-crescents of squirrel-using Hazels, may be using the Schulz stars. It appears that Caracalla elements had merged with Shaul / Shuler / Schulz liners.

I had forgotten about the "Tiens" motto term of Squire's when discussing the Tiens'/Thames/Teano's. It seemed that the Sidicini of Teano traced from Scidrus to lake Scodra, where I'm tracing Scotts suspect with two aspects of the Hockley surname.

The LinkLETTERs had been suspect with several surnames using letters, such as the Lyncestis-related Langs. The lynx is in the Penes-Penny Crest, a surname from the Penestae to the north of the Candavii. We then have the Sadowski / Nalecz Q-like symbol, as well as the x-like symbol of Candys, both in the same colors.

The proto-Alans of Alauna were traced by a lynx symbol to Lyncestes, but the pre-Brittany Alans were also traced to the Shetland vikings, and then the raven in the Arms of Shetland traces to Coronis, Ixion's sister. Lyncestis happens to be beside Pelagonia, the latter highly suspect with proto-Pollocks (Alan kin / partners), and therefore with proto-Poland. The Poles are also called, Lecks, probably for this reason. Then, the "Byggar" motto term in the motto of the Shetland Arms should trace to lake Begorrites, shown to the southeast of Lychnidus and Lyncestis. Biggars were first found in the same place (Lanarkshire) as Sions/Swans (i.e. suspect from the Lychnidus swan liners). Not just the Stewarts, but the Biggars, use a PELICAN, obvious code for PELAGONia (obvious only when these traces are first made). See the Lick/Luck/Louk pelican to be more assured that pelicans trace to Lychnidus, and in the meantime note the Coat's mascles, symbol also of the Lecks/Lex's.

The Biggars are, therefore, erroneously traced to "barley," suspect as code for Barleys, from Pendle (Pendragon kin), and then the Penderell variation of Pendle's traces to Penders that use the colors and format of Sions/Swans.

The two Lick surnames are using Schutz symbols, apparently. The Licks/Lochs are using the swan design in Crest once showing for French Josephs, the latter's swan in the colors of the Lick/Loch saltire. It's colors reversed from the Lux/Laux Coat using what looks like a scythes, traceable to the Scythes/Side's that use a lion in the colors of the Lick/Lock saltire. The Scythes/Side lion may be in the Pray/Praetor Chief. I haven't a clue at the moment what the Prays may trace to at the Tropoje theater. Perhaps they trace to Brattia, beside Pharia/Hvar, where Setantii, and therefore the Scythes/Side's, should trace. Note that while Vis/Issa is beside Pharia, the Licks/Locks use an "Assi" term buried in their motto while Assi's (Setantii-suspect Shetland) use a fasces, and then I've just entered Vasco to find the Chappes-suspect VISconti's. The reason that I trace Visconti's to Chappes' is the perchevron of Ottone's, suspect from Ottone Visconti, and then Ottone's were first found in Pharia-possible Perusia.

Of some interest, Feschs are also Fechts/Vechters while Fix's are also Fechs, and then the latter use the WESton eagle so that Westons/Atgate's, and therefore Bathgate (north of Peebles), can trace to Vis. The eight-pointed estoile of Feschs/Vechters can be that of Motts/Morte's while Fisk-suspect Cliffs are said to be from Moreton-Say. It just so happens that Fisks/Fiscs (LAXfield) share the checkered Shield of Gastons (first found beside one another) while Gastons use scallops in the colors of the Styche/Stick scallops while there is a Styche hall in the write-up of Cliffs (Stick colors). That is, we are now tracing to Astikas suspects, and Astikas' were in Vilnius, where the Arms uses a fasces. Wests (Vice/Vise colors) even share the fesse (suspect with Fessys from the Fieschi of Liguria) in the colors of the Cliff fesse, and it you check the Pratts, note how they use a Coat like the Cliff Coat, for Brattia is essentially beside Vis.

I'd like to address the bend of Duprays, in the colors of the Botter bend, important because Botters have been traced to the Bautica while Bauts, in Dupray colors, were first found in the same place as Bauts. Then, as Balds apply to the Bautica, they were first found in the same place (Peebles) as Licks/Lochs. The Bautica is in Aosta, where the Schutz saltire is now tracing (i.e. to the Salassi), meaning that the Lick/Loch saltire, in colors reversed, can trace Lychnidus elements to Aosta. There is a Lych-like Lys river in Aosta, which can now identify the Lissus location (Drilon river, near Scodra) with the namers of Lychnidus, for the Lys/Lisse surname shares the greyhound with the Licks/Lucks (and Schutz's). The Lissus river is even down river from the waters of lake Lychnidus. I don't recall making this Lych = Lys conclusion.

Some Pray / Dupray variations suggest the Pratts that use mascles in the colors of the Lick/Luck mascles. Pratts were traced with Prude's to Rieti's motto and fish (suggesting a Pratt trace to Kotor / Bar / Saraca's). English Pratts even use the wolf head design of Lecks/Lacheys.

It's surprising that there is no Vaud surname coming up. But Scottish Bauds (Sion/Swan colors), I've just found, are using a ship in the colors of the Bald ship, all the more reason to trace these surnames to the Bautica/Baltea river. German Bauds/Baults share "bello" in their motto with Bouillons, the latter first found in the same place as French Bauds/Bauts. Scottish Bauds were first found in the same place as Chappes'/Chaips, and half the German-Baud perchevron is in the colors of the same of French Chappes'. We have the first Templar / Crusader families nailed down right here. Balds were first found beside the Biggers, wherefore the Baud stars are likely the Biggar stars. I had a hard time finding the Italian Botters in the Salyes theater, for years after finding circumstantial evidence of their link, but finally the Botters were thought to be the namers of the Bautica (Salassi theater), and here one can add that the Biggar bend is in the colors of the Botter bend while both surnames share the red-on-white star. There is a Biggar location in Lanarkshire, right beside Hamilton, and then Hamiltons use the ermined cinquefoil in the Arms of Leicester...a great reason to trace Biggars, not to "barley," but to Begorrites, beside Leicester-suspect Lychnidus.

The Biggar / Botter stars are those of Glass' too who use a LUXor motto term, suspect for Lux's/Laux's, but why not also for the Lecks of Vaud? The Lux/Laux Coat is a bull head (Biden/Button liner?) in colors reversed from the Laus Coat, which can equate Laux's with Laus'. From that point, trace logically to LAUSanne in Vaud.

The Italian Brac variations suggest the Italian word for "arm," and right after having that thought, the Brace's (Brac colors) were loaded to find arms in armor. Therefore, English branches of the Bracs are expected to be using the arm as code for their Brac roots. The Italian Bracs, with a chevron in colors reversed from the Pratt chevron, is a good argument for tracing Pratts to Brac = Brattia. Note how Brace's can be Bruce liners, for Belgian Pratts/Praets use the Bruce saltire. The Bras variation of Brace's suggest Brays/Brae's (flax breaker) using the colors and format of Pratts (i.e. another chevron in colors reversed from the Brac chevron). The Talons/Talants use "eagle's legs" rather than saying they use talons, and as Brays use "eagle's legs" too, it can trace Pratt elements to the Taulantii, at Tropoje, where the Pratt / Scarf wolf heads are expected to trace with Trabys/Sadowski's. As the latter's 'Q' was concluded as code for Quade's, note that the Quade wolf heads are black, as is the Pratt wolf head. Cliffs use the same wolf heads as Quade's.

In case we are not convinced that Brays are Brace liners, there are two Braker surnames to which the flax breaker of Brays can trace, one listed with Brechs and the other with Brackenridge's. This may be a good way to prove that Dusters are in the "industria" term, which is used by Brackenridge's, for Dusters use arms in armor!

Brackens happen to use eight PLATE's (like "Brattia") in a circular fashion, and the circle is in the colors of the Sadowski / Nalecz 'Q'. This is significant because the Sadowski scarf was already tracing with the Pratt wolf heads to Brattia. We now have a clue that heraldic plate's trace to Brattia. This reminds of this sentence: "In the Sander Chief, there are plates in the colors of the Nalecz 'Q'." And by the way, the SanDUSKy version of the Sadowski's may be (but probably not) play on Tusk liners. We are now tracing Sadducee-suspect Sadowski's to one or two islands beside Pharisee-suspect Pharia.

So far as I can recall, the Brackens above are the only other ones that share the white-on-red fretty with Cotta's. Joseph Caiaphas is suspect from Julius Caesar Cotta. The Cotta's are suspect with king Cottius, whose son, Vestalis, may have been a Weston line back to Vis. Westons can be using the black eagle of the Julian line. The black talbot of the German Brack(en)s, and the colors of the fesse, are suggesting the Shade's/Schade's and Schutz's. Sade's were just entered as per "Shade," to find the Cedes'/Seats, and then the Brackens use a "sejant" (seated) talbot in the Crest. The Sade/Cedes Chief may be the Caesar Chief, for German Julians share pale bars with Sade's/Cedes'. There's no heraldic evidence here to equate Sade's or Shade's with Sadowski's. The Sade demi-cock is blue, like the Wessel swans.

The Bracken talbot is called a "dog," and there is a Dog/Doag surname, said to be from St . Cadog / Cado, like "Sadow," and the Dogs are in Sadowski colors. This Cadog (or at least some written details of his life) sounds mythical, invented. On-shore from Brattia/Brac is the mouth of the TILURius river, and then Tillers/Tillieres' (likely kin of Talbot-suspect Tailers) were first found in Glamorgan. Then, "Saint Cadoc or Cadog...was a 5th-6th century Abbot of Llancarfan, near Cowbridge in Glamorganshire, South Wales..." This paragraph comes a minute or two after it entered my head that the Sadowski 'Q' may have been the Visconti annulet or the Dook chaplet, and then German Tillers happen to use annulets in both colors of the 'Q'!!! Zowie, it really looks like Sadowski's trace to the Brac theater. Near the source of the Tilurius, the SCARdona area may be an origin of Scarfs. Sheers/Shire's use the talbot in the colors of the Bracken dog, and Sheer-branch Schere's are also "Scherf." The Sheers are a branch also of Carricks that share a black dancette-fesse with Wests, now tracing with Westons to Vis.

Scardona is now suspect with the Carrick bloodline of Shirleys/Shauls introduced shortly above. "Scardona" is a consonant-reversal from "Scodra," but this may be coincidental. There is a Scardus mountain system smack on the south-east of the Has region (Has is near Gabuleum, shown on map). Note how Scupio is near the Scardus mountain, for general Scipio traces to Skiptons of Yorkshire, where Scarfs were first found. And then Skiptons lived in the Craven part of Yorkshire, not only suspect with the KRVati = Croatians (relevant because Scardona is in Croatia), but there is a Crevenia location on the map below very near Has.

The "Honor" motto term of Shirleys/Shauls can be for Honors using TRIPpant bucks, and then the Krume location beside Has is suspect with Krume's, first found in the same place as German Trips, and, besides, the Krume crescent is half in the colors of the Hazel crescent. The Hazel / House bloodline is suspect from the Aous river, home of ATINTanes, and then Tints share the Trip crosslets in half their colors, and moreover use a lion suspect with the one in the Drop/Trope Chief. The latter surname traces to one of the two Tropoje's, one being at the mouth of the Apsus i.e. near the mouth of a Aous. The Tint write-up makes Rex's suspect as their kin, and Rex's use a version of the Craven Coat. One can likely identify the Shirley pale bars with those of Cams whom are likely in the "Esse quam" motto phrase of Sheriffs.

So far, I can't say absolutely that the Shaul variation of Shirleys is what the Nalecz shawl represents. Wikipedia doesn't say that English-speaking Nalecz liners call it a shawl officially. However, the Scarfs are highly suspect with Sheriffs (traced in their write-up to "Shire reeve") and Shirleys. The Shirley manner was in Herefordshire, beside Warwickshire, where Sheriffs were first found, and then the flag of Warwickshire use the Trip crosslets in colors reversed. The Arms also uses an upright bear, a symbol in the Crest of Couch's suspect with the "couchant" lion of Tints.

I've not known Westfalls/Westphalens before, but they clearly look like a merger with Bidens. It expects Zahringers in Westphalia, no surprise, but I'm pointing out the Dusseldorf location of Westphalia, for Dussels (Hazel Shield) are also "DUSCHl," and SanDUSKY's, if they were elephant-using Sanders, can link to the Zahringen elephant trunks. Dussels were first found in Baden. However, Sanduski's use a "ski" ending so that they are not likely Dusky liners of any sort. It's best to view Sanduski's rooted in "Sand," but even that is debatable.

English Westfalls/Westphale's were even first found in the same place as Bidens and KAPLans (and Zahringen-expected Botters/Budins). Westfalls call the Biden CHAPeau a "hat." Recalling that Bidens are likely sharing the Cheney bull horns, it just so happens that Hats use wreaths (same thing as a chaplet) on a bend in the colors of the Cheney bend-with-martlets. As Chaplets share the swan in the colors of the Joseph swan, while the same Josephs now show a martlet instead, in colors reversed to the Cheney martlets, it seems clear enough that the Westfalls, first found in the same place as English Josephs, were merged with the line of Joseph Caiaphas. And it looks to be a Vis line. Let's not forget the buffalo horn of Wessels/Wassels, very linkable to the Gastons that use the same Shield as Hohens. The Wessel/Wassel horn is in Task colors, and may have been an elephant tusk at one time.

Did I mention that Gastons, like the Gastel variation of English Wessels, could be Kashubians along with Cash's/Casts? The interesting thing here is that Wissels/Whistle's are not only sharing red-on-white passant lions with the Drop/Trope Chief, but they're colors reversed from the same ones in the Task Coat. One would think that a Tusk surname would have tusks for a symbol, which may be in the elephant heads of the particular Sanders with the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Drops/Trope's. The Sander plates are in the colors of the Sadowski 'Q' and Tiller annulets for a good Sander trace to Brattia and the Tilurius river. It's a good reason for noting the "Tusk" look of SanDUSKY's. The white antler beside the Wessel horn traces excellently to the Zahringer family sharing elephant trunks with Thors, and the latter happen to use a perchevron in colors reversed to the same of Ottone's. The same Thor Coat uses the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Sanders, I've only just realized, a good key to have.

The Thor trunks are in the colors of the Wessel/Wassel horn that looks like a tusk. This is a good place to add that NATO was run by a Dane linkable to mythical Thor, kin of Odin to whom Washingtons are traced by others. Someone once noted how "NATO" looks like a backward version of "Odin." The Ottone's are coming to mind. The Wassell variation, and the Gastel variation, smack of the Wassa/Gace surname said to be proto-Washingtons, and they use a Zionist star (in a canton) in the right colors for this part of the discussion.

It took some long time to find that the elephant trunks in the Swedish Thor Coat, the type used in Germany and by Zahringers, were alternatively prairie-buffalo horns. I had suspected that they were originally buffalo horns (especially as they do not look like elephant trunks as they are positioned), but had the problem of their not looking like buffalo horns. The three hearts in pale in the Swedish-Thor Crest are in the colors of the three Task lions in pale. Finally, the prairie horns were found in the Arms of Barry Lereng Wilmont:

Crest -- Two buffalo horns chequy Argent and Vert each set with two peacock feathers Argent [some Nalecz Arms show peacock feathers]

...The buffalo horns, or 'buffelhorns' are a very distinctive and ancient European heraldic symbol. The horns are a reference to the prairie bison...Choosing the horns in this form is also a way of celebrating Mr. Wilmont's long connection with Denmark and his contributions to cultural life there.

Denmark, hum? But at the same time, this was found: online quote: "Several characteristically German crests bear the curved buffalo horns, reminiscent of Viking helmets but open and splayed at the tips." The Arms of Denmark use hearts, the Swedish-Thor symbol. The statement comes with a picture of the horns, the same ones in the Thor Crest, or in the Arms of Rothschild. Another webpage (below) tells: "The original arms of the Zahringer dynasty was a red eagle on gold...As crest two buffalo horns are used." The Trunk surname uses a bull's head, hinting that buffalo horns were a play on (adaptation from) bull liners, such as Thors are expected (i.e. from Turano / Turin elements).

The trick is to find what "buffalo" refers to. One theory is that the buffalo was code for a v-using version of "Bouillon," or a Bovillon-like surname. One can see that "bull" can also become code for a Bouillon line. The Bouillon-colored Oliphants (in the colors of the Trunk bull) can be part of this picture because the Wilmont Arms put peacock feathers on their horns, while Arbuthnotts, kin / associated of Oliphants, use the peacock. Oliphants share the "pour" motto term of peacock-using Manners/Maness'. The star of Wessel-suspect Wassa's looks connectable to the Toot/Tout crescent, which is obviously the crescent of "tout"-using Oliphants. ArbuthNOTTs suggest the Cnut Danes, and indeed the Oliphants share a unicorn head (another horn) with Cnuts. The Trabys (feathers, linkable perhaps to the peacock feathers on Buffalo horns) are said to be defined in "horn," but I say that this is code for the Horns and Orne's, in Oliphant / Sadowski colors. Dutch Horns (same colors) even use the same Zionist stars as Wassa's! It's a great reason to trace Washingtons to the Wessel horn. The Horn fesse is in the colors of the same of Peacocks (peacocks), and the Peacock mascles look linkable to the Pratt mascles for a trace to Brattia. Peacocks (sept of Pollocks and Maxwells) use a "not" motto term, suspect with the Polish line of Cnut.

I have it recorded that Peacocks initially showed gold mascles (color of the Pratt mascles), and, at the time I said that the Peacock mascle was in a "gold ring" upon a red Shield. The Peacock description still reads, "three mascles, each within a gold annulet." Gold-on-red annulets are used by Ladys/Laudymans, traceable to Lady Fortune that once held a blanket that's linkable to the Plunkett basis of the Pollock-like Plock surname. Laudymans are traceable to Lauds/Lords suspect in the GLASgow motto, important because Lady Fortune traces to the CLAUSula river, and Pollocks (hunting horns) lived at the Glasgow theater. Ladys/Laudymans use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of elephant-using Sanders and Thors, and in the Sander Crest, an elephant head within a mural crown, important because Peacocks use a mural crown too. Mural crowns are suspect with Mariels / Muriels. One of the first Pollock daughters was Mariel / Muriel (I can't recall which), and a reader with Pollock bloodline claims that this daughter was called, "LADY ROTHES". Peters share gold mascles with Peacocks, and Lady Rothes was a daughter of Peter Pollock.

To help prove that the Laud variation of Lords was a Lady line, the Lords share the Ampton cinquefoils while Lady's were first found in Northamptonshire. The Ampton besants are in the colors of the Peacock besants (that were once the Lady/Laudyman annulets). Mascles within Northampton are those of Quince's (can explain the CINQUEfoil), and indeed the Quince's use them in gold-on-red, the colors of the Peacock mascles. But they are also the colors of the Pert/Pett mascles, that being a surname suspect as a cross between Perdrix / Perthshire and gold-mascle Peters. Perts/Petts use "BULrushes" for a reason. The trace of Pollocks / Peacocks both to Dober, beside CUPIONICH, and to Saer de Quincy is tantamount to a trace to Quintus Caepio(nis).

The following identifies the Watson chevron with Hockys/Hockleys rather than the Hazels. It starts with the "gloria" motto term of Watsons, and goes to the Glory/Lowry surname using a single grail cup. The Glory/Lowry motto is shared by Greens who use a version of the Coat of Honors/Honans found in the Hocky/Hockley motto. Both surnames use nearly the same stag, colors included, which is much like the Scott stag. Moreover, as Hockleys use two symbols of the Scotts, it's notable that one branch of Scotts was first found in the same place (Kent) as Greens. The Green motto includes "semper," while Sempers are said to be from "Peter." Two Peter surnames use a bend in colors reversed from the Scott bend, and the latter's bend is where the Hockley / Hazel / Watson crescent is found.

As the Watson griffin head traced to the Clausula, it's notable that Watts and Vatts use GLASSES hanging from their oak tree while Watsons use the oak theme themselves. Clauds/Clausels use the oak theme, but there is also a Clausel/Clausen/Closel surname that I'm not familiar with. in Scotts are the ones who trace very well to Nalecz-suspect Alexanders, though I'd like to point out that the Alex link to Nalecz's is still on the theoretical standing. The Neils (Nail kin) in the Glory write-up may apply to "Nalecz."

The Peter mascles are in both colors of the Pratt mascles, another reason to trace Sanders to something in Brattia/Brac, but then link that mystery something to the Pollocks. As we saw that "Brac" traces to heraldic arms, note that the Laud/Lord Crest uses a "dexter arm in a blue maunch" (sleeve)...with hand holding a what looks like a sleeve (the description doesn't say what it's holding). The blue sleeve is bent, making a blue chevron, the Dexter symbol, and Dexters honor the Weights/Waits (same motto as Hazeltons) with the Traby hunting horns. It looks like the Dexaroi at one Tropoje trace to the other Tropoje near Has and the Clausula.

Weights/Waits can be Watson liners, for Watsons (married the family of Lady Rothes) use the same chevron as Dexters. The Watsons even use the Hazel crescents upon their chevron for a Watson link to Has liners. Watsons are the ones with the Dober / Doberman griffin head for a trace to the Clausula. The Lords/Lauds, in Dexter colors, use pheons in the colors of the same of Pilate's, and the Pratt mascles are within pellets while Pellets share the grails of Pilotte's. The antlers of Nalecz-suspect Sanders link to the Colts/Celts (Perthshire) using the Pilate pheon in colors reversed, and so this is the inkling that the Arms of Nalecz / Sadowski were Pontius-Pilate liners.

French Bracs were first found in Dauphine, location of Mont Pilate / Perdrix while Italian Bracs are in Glory/Lowry colors, and use a chevron in colors reversed from the same of Weights. The Weight colors and format is used by Brays (Northamptonshire, where Clausula liners just traced) while Brace's/BRAYce's/Bras' are in Italian-Brac colors while Mont Pilat is beside Montbrison. Brysons not only use the Pilate pheon, but they share the spur with Clausula-suspect Close's. Bracebridge's (vair fur in Brace colors) were first found in the same place (Lincolnshire) as Peters and grail-using Pilotte's. The Brays are interesting as per the two Brai locations in Falaise, origin of Fulbert "the tanner," suspect with Fulbert "the Saxon," father of Peter Pollock.

There is a Bra location on / near the tanner-like Tanaro river, where Fers/Ferrats and Vairs/Fers' trace that share a Shield filled with vair fur with Bracebridge's. It's suggesting that Bra is a part of the heraldic-arm bloodline, but trace also to the Bray river that flows to Dieppe, where Hazel-suspect Dawson's (same "lodged" stag as Haslips) lived who share a stag in the colors of the Green / Honor stags. As the Huns (one branch shares talbot with Dawsons) are the ones using a Coat like that of Fortuna's, the Huns look like a branch of Honors/Honans. I'm going to interpret the Dawson bend as the Peter bend with the Alan martlets upon it, for the lodged Dawson stag is likely that of Maxwells. At this point, we may ask why Maxwells are using a version of the Haslip Coat. Or, why are Hazel liners linking to Maccus of the Isle's? Has it to do with Maccabee's from the Has theater?

English Muriels use the peacock, making Peacocks suspect directly from Muriel Pollock. Spanish Muriels/MURATs are using tower tops that look like mural crowns, and the tower tops are even colors reversed from the Murena/MORATin towers, which should trace "Muriel" to the namers of Marano. There you have what amounts to another Clausula-liner trace to Modena. Mariels (with an 'a') are in Albino colors, and share a green Shield with five-arrow Bowers and Bauers, perfect logic. The Albins/Aubins were first found at BarnSTAPLE while Staple's share a Peter motto, and so it's expected that Pollocks trace to Albino's. The Muriel/Murat Coat shows five arrows too, very suspect with the five arrows of ROTHESchilds (descended from Lady Rothes). English Thors happen to use towers, a good reason to link Ladys/Laudymans to Lady Rothes. The Thor tower is red, as is the Murena/Moratin tower, as is the tower / castle in the Arms of SAVIGnano (beside the Albino's and Marano), wherefore it should link the Thor hearts to the SAUVAGE heart. Reminder: the Savage lions are tracing to the Cecil lions while Cecils are suspect from the namers of Sestola, where Albino's (green Shield) were first found.

The Glory write-up traces to Savage's, no guff, and it's the Watsons who use "gloria" in their motto. The Watson chevron is colors reversed from the Pender chevron, and the Lords/Lauds share the fesse of Panders/Panters, a fesse in colors reversed from the Arms-of-Fanano fesse. Pollock kin are definitely tracing to Modena. Remember, both Watts / Watsons and Ladys trace to the Clausula. Lady Fortune was traced to Cupionich, a couple of miles from Dober, and Dobers / Dobermans are using the Jewish-Pollock bend, in the colors of the fesse used by Lady-related Peacocks. We are thus finding a Clausula-river trace to Modena, similar to the Mathis-river trace to Modena, and Joseph Caiaphas is suspect with roots on the Clausula, near a second TROPoje location. The banner of Lady Fortune traces to Modena's Panaro river.

Pollocks are keeping us upon Polish lines connectable to Nalecz's / Sadowski's / Drops/Trope's. Let's add that Pohls call the Mieske bull head a "buffalo head," and moreover use three ostrich feathers, a symbol throughout several Nalecz Arms, and used in the Arms of Rothschild too. These many similarities and connections are real. The French Pole's/Pohls (same place as Staple-related Etaples) are using the Sforza and French-Fort lion (nearly the Pool lion), and then English Forts, with a motto term suspect with the Pollock motto, can be using the Trunk quarters. The Fort Crest is "A [winged] lion seated on a rock holding a cross [black fitchee]." The "streNUE" motto term of Pollocks has become suspect with New liners such as Newtons (Mariel colors) and Newports, the latter from Newport on the Isle of Wight, off the coast of Poole, and now known to be of Isle-of-Man liners to Maccus, the root of Maxwells. Maccus-suspect Herods/Haralds are Sitters/Sidwells are in Pollock colors, and the Peter lion, in Side-lion colors, can be the Suty lion. Maxwells were not, apparently, merged with peter Pollock, but Maxwells merged with his line after his lifetime (had to do with the Mayer-suspect Mearns), and that's when the Pollock line would be expected to merge with Seaton / Setantii liners too.

This is a good place to insert a revelation that I think I'm gleaning. It started with the thought that the Haslips were a branch of Heths/Heaths and therefore Keths/Keaths, for this had some basis where Keaths share the stag with Haslips. The problem with this idea is that Keaths then look like Has liners rather than Seaton / Setantii liners, and yet I have already traced Keaths to Hesse. But then Seatons are the ones with a "HAZard" motto term. In other words, I've got to distinguish Keaths, not as a branch of Seatons, but as a merger with them. That is, "Keath" is not a SEATon variation.

After having those thoughts, it was noticed that Huns/HunGATE's are in Bath/Atha colors, relevant because I think the Atha variation is of the Heths/Heaths (Sinclair rooster allows them a trace to Lothian). And BathGATE's (Lothian theater) are now being traced both to the Hesse sun and to Baths/Atha's, the reason that a Hungate trace to Bath / Bathgate liners seems called for. The Huns are also in the colors of the Geddes escutcheon, and, finally, it was noted that the Hungate-Coat talbots are said to be SEATed, which recalls that Geddes are now suspect as Cedes'/Seats. The Hungate-Crest talbot is said to be "sejant," code for the Segantii version of "Setantii." Hungate's are also Hungatts/Hungetts/Hungete's, similar endings as per the Bathgate's (Lothian, same as Seatons and Keiths). The confusing part is where Heths / Baths and Keiths are all now looking like Has liners, but it can be gleaned that both Hun surnames are linkable to Fortuna's and therefore to the Clausula. But what were Huns named after? Why are Honors Conan-like Honans too? Irish Conans were first found in the same area (Tipperary) as Honors/Honans, making Huns suspect with Conte / Conteville / Lafin liners.

The Keith motto uses "Veritas," a term like a Green motto term, thus tracing the Keith stag to the Green stag. The two words in the Keith motto are reversed in the Galway motto, and Galways even use a Keith-linkable cat (it's said to be "a cat"). Conteville-based Burghs were first found in Galway, and the Burghs even share a cross in the colors of the Galway cross. This recalls the cat in the Poussin Crest, for the Poussin bars are half in the colors of the Keith bars. The style of Cross used by Galways is that of Eustace's, in the same colors even.

With Lady Fortune tracing to the Clausula's Maccabee suspects that furnished Maccus, it's notable that the Fort bee is that also of Maxtons (same bee design, but houseofnames has many bee designs). The Fort-Coat lion, like the heraldic savages, holds a club. Why should Clubs trace to Modena? Clubs (similar to the Hykes/Hake Coat) are suspect with the Hicks that married Claptons, and then Claptons share the gold patee with Peaks, perhaps revealing the PEACocks. Peks use patees too, and may be using the Hykes/Hake chevron. I trace Pek elements to the Reno and Setta rivers (very connectable to the Modena liners under discussion), and then the "rien" motto term of Peacock-related Peters is suspect with Reno/Rein liners, as is RENfrew, where Peter Pollock lived. This is an effective way to understand Peacocks from the Pek river (Moesia). Clubs and Claptons are suspect with Glaphyra liners, as are Cliffs/Cleave's, and then Clifftons use a peacock. Clifftons are said to be from a Clapton-like Clipton location, and are in the colors of the other Claptons. The Cliffton lion is suspect with the Pendle/Penderell (and Cecil) lion because due to Pendel Lancashire, where Clifftons were first found. Therefore, Clifftons and Claptons can trace with Penders, and the banner of Lady Fortune, to Fanano.

Panders/Panters (Pendragon liners, as with Penderells) use the helmet in colors reversed from the helmet of Dober-suspect Dobys (Renfrewshire), whom, haven't been loaded since starting on Plancia Magna. The Dobys use a "sed magno proSEQUOR" motto phrase. The family of Plancia Magna was found very linkable by marriage to the Amyntes Galatians...who I trace to the Mynett / Pendragon helmets. The Doby helmet can be linked to the Hermits and Helms, and Hermits are in the Crest of Setta-suspect Sheds.

The "sed" motto term is now highly suspect with "sed"-using Sedons/Seddens. I stumbled on a Sedden link to NUNeaton just now, for as we saw that Nuneaton uses the "bear gamb" (paw), we now find bear paws in the Sedden Crest. That may not in itself make the Sedden link to Nuneatons, but the "None" motto term of Seddens gives it away, especially as NUNS/None's/Noons use lion PAWS while Paw-suspect Powys' use the bear gamb. Paws even use more peacocks. Seddens were from a Seddon location... in Lancashire, where Setantii lived. Seddon is near Liverpool, suggesting that the gold Liverpool/Lever rooster is that of Heths (first found in the same place as Seddens). Why are Sadducee suspects linking hard to Has suspects? Should we ask HASmoneans? Should we ask Mona = Isle of Man? Were Levers from Levites?

The Nun/None saltire is in the colors of the Schutz saltire while the latter have been suspect with Shed liners from the start. Therefore, Mr. Skeetz would be happy to know that his line applies to Nuns/Noons, and to Nuneaton. The Nun/Noone Crest is likely the Say bull head, and Says were first found beside Eatons. But the Nun/Noon bull is split in the two colors of the two bull heads of German Sanders, first found in Rhineland, same place as Schutz's! Have I mentioned that German Sanders use the same chevron as Italian Bracs? As Brays are said to be from Eure, where Dreux's trace, the Nun/Noon bull head can be that of Dreux's.

Nuns/Noons were first found in the same place as Benjamins using the saltire in colors reversed, and this picture can explain the bear of French Benjamins (though I can't be sure whether the French Benjamins are truly from the Benjamin surname). Nuns'/Noons use a "modo" motto term, as well as a "FORTiter." It is notable that the Elis cross is in the colors of the Benjamin saltire. The modo term is translated, "manner," meaning that "modo" is an apt term to use for Modena liners tracing to peacock-using Manners. The Maccabee / Setantii liners in Man, right?

Why is Lady Fortune naked, like the WOMAN in the Elis Crest? For one, the woman traces to VIMINacium, at the mouth of the Pek river. "Naked" became suspect (4th update last month) with Knechts (Austria) having the same lion as Forts (and Pharia-suspect Ferrari's), and the sickle / scythes held by the Knecht lion is in the colors of the banner held by Lady Fortune. The Knechts can be Knot liners expected in the Nalecz knot. We saw a knot in an Arms next to Nuneaton, in the Arms of Bedworth. Bedfords use lion paws (in the color of the Quint lion paw) and a "fortuna" motto term! The Nalecz 'Q', because it looks like a sheet, can also trace to the blanket once held by Lady Fortune. Expect Nalecz / Sadowski liners on the Clausula. Elis' have crescents in the colors of the Alexander crescent, making some Alex liners suspect with Elis'.

Whatever the Nuns/Noons derived from, they could certainly have used a sun, symbol of the Firmins (Conan colors), suspect in the "firm in" motto phrase of the Nuns/Noons. "Firm in" is the translation of "Fortiter in." The same motto has the translation, "Gentle in manner," while English Gentle's/Gentrys use an estoile of 12 points i.e. fashioned like a sun. As Firmins were first found in the same place as Huns/Hungate's, perhaps Nuns/None's with H-less Honans (Huonyns to the Irish). The other Noons/Nuane's, said to derive from Neils and Irish Conns, share an engrailed cross with Conans. This is the Conte line in the Sinclair motto, the line from Irish Burghs (share the Eustace cross) i.e. of John de Burgo of Conteville. Burghs were first found in the same place (Galway) as sun-using and Brattia-suspect Bradys (finger pointing). By the way, the so-called "Baals bridge" in the Galway Coat must be code for Ponti liners (they use bridge's), as per the pointing finger of Bradys. The pointing fingers of Points/Pointers suggest that Ponti liners were important in Galway. Ponti's are said to have originated from Ferrara, which evokes the Fergus / Fergusons (Ferrari lion) of Galway-like Galloway. The Galway surname is said to derive from Galloway. The Alis' use the Galway motto.

Firmins even share the anchor with Majors/Mayers whom are honored in the Geddes motto, and then Firmins were first found in GATEforth (Yorkshire). That makes the Firmin sun suspect with the BathGATE suns. Let's not neglect the anchors of Formans/Fermans/Forhams (Edinburgh, beside Bathgate), for I trace Formans / Worms to Forum Allieni, the earlier name of Ferrara. Where have we seen the wavy bars of Formans before? In the Arms of Nuneaton. The Arms even uses the wavy bars under a red Chief, the colors of the Forman Chief. The Nun/Noon bull head thus becomes suspect with the red bull of Claro's/Charo's, first found in Ferrara, especially as the Charo bull is upright, like the Sander bull. It's what makes Sanders suspect with the Saint variation of Sinclairs. The other Sanders (with the elephant) use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Nuneaton. The Sinclairs trace to the Bathgate suns, right? So why not also to the Firmin sun? There is a Firminy location smack beside Montbrison at the Mont-Pilat theater.

As Sanders have been found to link to Brattia, note that Bratts/Bradds were first found in the same place as Formans. I can't prove that Formans were from Forum Allieni (it was the name of proto-Ferrara from at least 70 AD), but look at the logic. I had an entertainable theory that Pharisees named Ferrara several years ago. I started to take it more seriously when discovering the name of Forum Allieni, for I was convinced that the Alans were part with the Chief priests of Israel. The wavy bars in the Forman Coat were gleaned as the wavy Dol bar, and the Forman lion was gleaned as the Brunswick lion because I had previously ventured to trace Alans (= Stewarts) to Brunswick via MontFERRAT / Langhe elements. In fact, I had insisted that Brunswick-Luneburg was founded by an Alan-Visconti merger out of Langhe before finding that German Langs (share pelican with Stewarts) were first found in Luneburg. But, the point now is that Bratts/Bradds trace to Brattia, smack beside Pharisee-suspect Pharia, itself smack beside Visconti-suspect Issa = Vis!!! You can't have that many coincidences and be wrong. See the next section for corroboration.

Bratts are likely using the Bruce / Galloway lion in colors reversed, jibing with a Bruce link to Pratts, and the Bratt Crest is likely the Fergus / Brock / Stewart lion, for Alans became royal Stewarts thanks to king Bruce.

So, we now have good reason to trace the Israeli priests, who abandoned Israel in 70 AD, to the Gateforth location of the Firmins. And let's add here that one or more of the same priestly lines need to get to the Nith river with the Geds of about 400 AD before birthing Maccus a few centuries later. The Nith river pours into the Solway Firth, a bay heading out to sea directly at the Isle of Man. Solways (may or may not be of the Solway Firth) sound like a sun-using line, but instead, they use the same saltire as Sedden-related Nuns/Noons and Sadducee-suspect Schutz's. Those are the Noons suspect with the bull of Joseph-beloved Charo's of Ferrara. The Solway Moor holds a belt strung over his shoulder, and Sheds use "A hermit couped below the shoulders." Schutz's linked to SALtire's while Solways are also SALways.

The Salway/Solway description: "A demi Moor, wreathed about the temples, a belt from the left shoulder to the right hip." Hips traced with Caracalla-related Carricks to Agrigento, location of the Hypsas river. The Geds had become suspect with Geta, brother of Caracalla, both stationed at Yorkshire in about 200 AD. Yorkshire is the location of Gateforth, and where Belts were first found who use a FORMee cross in Crest (it's a "patee fitchee" in the Coat). Belts are therefore suspect from Forum Allieni, and Belts happen use all three Geddes colors (in the same format), but let's add that Geddes are suspect with the Chaddock escutcheon while Sheds share the potent Chad cross while Chads were first found in the same place as Nuns/Noons. All of this makes Gateforth suspect with a Geta > Geddes line, and then the other Noon surname is in Geddy/Gideon colors. Geddes' are suspect as Setantii liners, but I am tentatively making a distinction between the African line of Geta, and the Setantii. The Solway moor may be indicating the Geta line (Caracalla's father was north African).

While the Nun/Noon motto traces through Modena, note how the Kettle's are using the Arms-of-Fanano fesse, with cinquefoils upon the fesse, symbol of the Noon-loving Seddens. The Kettle's were just looked up because I trace the Geta line to the Getuli Numidians. Kettle's may be using the Honor/Honan stags, but the "vince" motto term, and the Keth-like surname itself, suggests the Keith stag. This may reveal that Keiths were Geti / Getuli Numidians, though that requires an understanding on how the Getuli evolved into, or merged with, the Chatti Germanics at Hesse. If I'm not mistaken, the HASdrubal names of north Africa were Numidians. The "bono" motto term of Kettle's (rhymes with "Setta") suggest Bononia, location of the Setta valley in which proto-Seddens are suspect. Perhaps the Nuns were NUMidians. We are about to see other Nun liners tracing to Bononia.

The Kettle lion is also the Maschi lion, and Masci's were not only from Numidians, but they were first found beside Kettle-like CATTOLica, which I do not think was the original variation of that place. It's making Cattolica suspect with Getuli liners, and then Caracalla's father married the sister of Julia Maesa. Keiths lived around MUSSELburgh. Cattolica happens to be beside Fano, the elements suspect at Fanano. The Kettle's fesse is not only the Fanano fesse, but the entirety of the Kettle Coat looks like a fesse-version of the Macey Coat, and the latter shares the gauntlet glove with Fane's. Moreover, Maceys / Masseys were first found in the same place as Chettle's. We have a story. Let's go on.

As Gateforth (of the Firmins) was originally "Gereford," it's notable that Gere-like Were's (Massey kin) share the red crosslets behind the Firmin sun while the "Firmus" motto term of Firmins is like the Fuimus" motto of Were's, both apparently honoring a Mus entity. The Were river is in Durham, where Seddens (Heth colors), Heths and Conte's were first found. Aha! Gere's (listed with Ivers/Eure's) use a "NUNquam" motto term! Gere's have thus traced to Nuns/Noons, while Belgian Nene's/Nane's/Naneau's happen to use the chequy Shield of Warrens (suspect as Guerins). Gere's also use the Weir/Vere boar, a good reason to deny the claim in the Were write-up, saying that Were's were not Weirs/Vere's.

Staceys are suspect with stag-using Staggs (same place as Were's), in Weir/Vere colors. No matter where we might wish to trace the heraldic stag, many of them are bound to be mere code for the Stagg bloodline. The Stagg Crest (cross between antlers, Eustace symbol) can become suspect with the Arms of Nalecz, and so it's notable that while Weirs are using a version of the Nagle Coat, while the Weirs and Vere's honor the Neils/Nihills/Nails (Nagle liners) with their "nihil" motto term, "Nalecz" might actually be a Nail / Nagle / Oneglia liner. If this is correct, the woman between the Nalecz antlers becomes suspect as Vere-beloved Melusine. To expound, Heths (colors of Italian Conte's) use a motto term suspect with Speers that were in-turn found fundamental with Melusine's Lusatian elements, and the Heth rooster was traced recently to the Saltire rooster, while Saltire's were tracing very well to the Salassi, founders of Aosta, where the Bautica/Baltea river flows that connects to Bald liners = the Stacey/Eustace bloodline. But the Bautica flows to IVRea, suspect with the Iver variation of Gere's/Eure's (Vere Shield), and Ivrea was home to the Arduinici that were also at Oneglia.

I have the sense that Sadowski's were Chad liners especially, and that the Chaddock escutcheon is a version of the Sadowski sheet (same as saying Schutz's versus Skeets'). Chads were first found in LITCHfield (Lancashire, home of Setantii), and Litch's are also Leech's (Leck-possible liners), and once again use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of the Arms of Nuneaton. Litch's (comparable to the Lady/Laudyman Coat) were first found in the same place as Eatons, Chettle's, and Maceys.

Let's look at the Arms of Nalecz, said to be a shawl, though it looks like a sheet tied at the corners. It may have been a sheet to some, and then the Sadowski's came along, who married the Scarf bloodline (Scharps suspect), afterwhich the Scarf surname developed, whereafter the symbol was called a scarf by Sadowski liners. Scroll down the page and see the KUNOwski Arms, using the 'Q' along with what may be the Mackay dagger, in which case there can be a good link of the 'Q' to Quade's. KUNOwski's may indicate the Huns, in the colors of the 'Q'.

Some Nagle variations are fronted with "Nain / Nan", explaining why Nagle's use "Non" and "sed" motto terms. Seddens use "None" and "sed." Depending on how close Seddens were to Sadowski's, Nagle's can apply to Nalecz's. And it looks like Nagle's and Weirs together apply to Nun liners. Name's/Neme's look like they can be using a combination of the Weir and Nene/Nane/Naneau Coats. Italian Gentle's (Winchester cross?) have the right colors to apply, and then Dutch Gentle's are listed with Ghents that trace to Genoa, near the mouth of the Traby-suspect Trebia river, and where the Doria family was first found that married Arduinici of Oneglia. Should Trabys/Sadowski's/SANDowski's trace to something near or in Genoa? Sanders use a "NIL conSCIRE" motto phrase that traces with Squire's/Square's to Segni's/Segurana's, first found in Genoa. Were sanders connected to Neil / Nail / Nagle liners? The irony here is that sanders are said to be from Alexanders. So, which is it, the Alex or Nail liners, to which Nalecz's should trace? Or both? At this time, the Irish Neil Coat isn't of much help with that question.

The Were's, said to have merged closely with Giffords, bring us around to Hounds/Houns because the latter share the ermined lozenges of Giffords. Therefore, Were / Gere liners seem fundamental with Huns (greyHOUND), Honors, and Hounds. The Gate-suspect Cage's/CADge's (Keith Catti?) use a stag much like that of Honans / Greens, making the gold Cage saltire suspect with the same of Nuns/Noons. The Cage/Cadge stag is identical (all three features the same) with the Stacey/Eustace stag while the later's saltire is colors reversed from the Cage stag. The Name's/Nanamys/Nannys use more stag heads reflective of the Staggs.

If Nalecz' were Alex / Elis / Alis liners, then one can suspect that the Nalecz woman is Lady Fortune, the line, I now assume, of Muriel Pollock. Her family married Watsons using the same griffin head as Dobers / Dobermans, tracing her to the Clausula, as expected. The "fides" motto term of Watsons makes their chevron suspect with that of Penders, making the other Watsons suspect with the Pander/Panter fesse. Yet, the Watson Coat is like the Burn Coat for a trace to Burnum, at the source of the Tilurius river, the river to which Nalecz kin has traced. The black Watson martlets trace well to Rutherfords, and the Rockingham location of Watsons is likely of the Roxburghs (Watson colors), and suspect with the rock upon which the Fort lion is seated, and the rock upon which the Rutherford goose stands. As Rodhams ("alter" motto term) were Rutherford / Rutland kin, the Watson chevron is also suspect with the Alter/Colter chevron.

SCHITners/Sitlers and SHITTS/Shute's ("guerre" motto term) are in the colors of the SHEET-suspect Q. Shitts/Shute's (gauntlet) share a broken sword with Sanders, and the Sanders place their broken sword between plates in the colors of the Q. Although I trace the Shitt/Shute swords to the same of Swords, the Arms of Alcester (near Nuneaton) call the near-identical swords, "Roman swords." This is a new learning for me. That phrase is not for any Roman thing in town, but likely for a cherished Roman bloodline in Alcestor. I am guessing that the Julian-Alan line was in Alcester. There's a red bull in the Alcester Crest, the color of the bull in the Sander / Nun/Noon Crest. The engrailed Alcester cross is in the colors of the Beauchamp crosslets, relevant because the Alcestor write-up traces the Arms to Beauchamp colors. The Beauchamp/Beecham Crest is a RED swan. For reasons that you'll understand below, the Beauchamp Coat can be traced to Alan lines out of Manche / Alauna, and to Alan-related Gore's, Trip liners. It's not likely coincidental that the Alcester motto includes "DiriGERE NON." It links the Alcester Arms to Gateforth/Gereford of the Nun-beloved Firmins.

It should be said that while None's and Noons are listed with Nuns, Nons are listed with Nivens. The latter use a fesse in colors reversed from the same of "non"-using Nagle's. I can't trace every white-on-blue fesse, as is used by Nons/Nivens, to Fanano, but in this case, if Nons are a branch of None's, it is compelling.

In conclusion, the Nalecz surname looks like an Alex / Leck liner from lake Lychnis = Sevan in Armenia (location of Soducena), then to Sadducee suspects at lake Lychnidus', the same elements that can be expected in the Brattia theater, where Nalecz kin seem to trace.

The Pincer Clincher

I have a new finding that can trace Panico liners to the Harcourt Danes and meanwhile prove that they were at Fanano. This is right-on topic because Beaumonts (from Harcourts of Torville/Torcy). Rare yet another one using "sed," and their bull head is quartered red and white, the two colors of the bull head of "sed"-related Nuns/Noons. Being partly red, it can trace to the bull of Charo's, first found in Ferrara, and then one Beaumont Coat shows the same lion as Ferrari's. In reading this section, recall the Forum-Allieni topic as it linked to the Setta and to Langhe, all wrapped up in Israeli priests.

The red Beaumont bull is likely for Torville, making the Charo bull suspect with Torville liners. Robert Beaumont descended from a Mr. Vieilles (Torville), a topic in an early August update that was linked to the two-tailed Wells suspect with the two-tailed Montforts. We thereby have the setting for this discussion. Recall all you can on the Peacock discussion, for Harcourts use a peacock in Crest.

This is not the first time that I'm comparing the Beaumont lion to the Bone lion, and Bone's have always been suspect with Bononia, but this time we want to look at the Boteler surname using garbs in the colors and format of Bone's. The Harcourt motto: "Le BON temps viendra" (Viens are in Harcourt colors, and look like they use a chef in Crest). Botellers are traced unflinchingly (in their write-up) to the butler(s) of the counts of Meulent (Meulan), and specifically to Robert Beaumont of Meulan. We then read that the butler's family went on to form the Boteler/Botler surname; whether that was fact or fiction doesn't matter here. What counts is that the butler's real surname is said to be PINCerna. What are the chances of a Pincerna surname coming up?

Well, the Pincerna Coat uses cups (as do Butlers), to be expected of butlers (small 'b'), but was there really any butler, or was this butler story a cover up? That is, do Botelers and Butlers trace to something else? Bottle's/Bootells (no cups or plates or bottles) were first found in Lancashire, home of the Setantii now known to be in the "sed" term of Beaumonts. In fact. Bottle's are said to be of a Bootle location in Liverpool. Their rare crown design is used by German Bessins, who in-turn share a Coat like the Bessins, and then the Bessin of Normandy was near Harcourt. And while Bottle's and Bone's share gold cats (leopard versus lion) in their Crests, Bone's use the same fesse as Botters. And Botters, whom I view as the Butteri cowboys, not butlers, trace to the Bautica river. I showed how the Baut ram can trace on multiple counts to the Albino's of the Fanano theater. The Arms of Meulan use a Shield filled with gold-and-red checks, the symbol of Vaux's/Vallibus' who list Vans/Vance variations suspect with Fanano liners, and the Bauts are also Vaux-like "Baux." The Beatle's, a surname like the band out of Liverpool, happen to use red-and-gold checks! Last heard, the Beatle's/Bedwells were not butlers.

The Vance lion, by the way, holds "a pair of balance's" in the "dexter paw." The Balance surname was a significant topic in the last update, all wrapped up in Murena liners suspect at Marano, where the Beaumont lion is now tracing. This bodes well for the theory that Cilnius Maecenas (married Murena family) was an ancestor to the first Maccabees (out of / into Modena) whom in turn joined the Boii to become "MaccaBAEUS." The Boii not only conquered into Bononia, but spread into Modena.

As both Beaumonts and Bones suggest the Boii of Bononia, it brings to mind my years-old trace of PINCs to the Setta Valley's PANICo's i.e. at Bononia. I haven't known about Pincerna's but for about a half hour. If Pincerna's are just a line of butlers, why are they showing a so-called royal-blue Shield? I've recorded perhaps ten royal-blue Shields over the years, but houseofnames has removed most of them (made them normal blue). I'm not sure whether someone monitoring my writings got the royal blue removed for a reason.

One of the Pincerna variations is Langherne, evoking the trace I made of the Setta-valley crew to Langhe. And Langhe is smack beside a small Monforte location while the Leicester titles of Robert Beaumont's family went to Montforts. As the Montforts have traced without doubt to Fanano, it's notable that French Beaumonts use a white fesse, the color of the Fanano fesse. The Beaumont motto, "Fide," is like the "Fides" written on the banner in the Arms of Fanano. That banner is part of the so-called gonFANON banner, known to be owned by Montforts. The Beaumont fesse is in the two colors of the Montfort lion, which lion I traced to the Marano's/Mauritano's (because Marano is a location near Fanano). The Montfort lion is the two-tailed lion of Boii-based Bohemia. The 2nd update of last month showed that the Well surname, part of the Vaux/Vallibus surname, shares the same pelican design as Devauds/DeVAUX's, and then German Langs use a pelican too. The LINCerna variation of Pincerna's smacks of Lyncestis, beside pelican-based Pelagonia.

Later, we find: "Thomas le BOTELER (4th Lord Sudeley), born bef 1 Oct 1358 in Tyrley, Staffordshire, England...son of 20. William BOTELER and 21. Joan de SUDELEY. He married (1) unknown; (2) bef 18 Jul 1385 11. Alice BEAUCHAMP..." The Beauchamps, in this Boteler picture, could be Beaumonts and therefore of the Boii. The Sudeley location could be a Setta-valley line. Sudeleys are in Seaton (and Beauchamp) colors, and they sound like the Side's/Sudys and Sutys. Saddle's use a lion in colors reversed from the Beaumont lions. Sudeley is in Gloucestershire, where Beaumonts were first found. The double bends of Sudeleys are colors reversed from the double fesses of Harcourts. Double bends are used by Dulys'/D'oile's (Oxfordshire, same place as Harcourts) whom I've suggested for Joan of Arc, born with a Dy Lys surname, and traced to the Arc river, where Modena-like Modane is located. The Arms of Oxford shares the red bull of Beaumonts, and throws in an elephant, symbol of Sanders that likewise use the red bull. Sudeley-like Suttels are listed with Suters/Shutters sharing a Coat like Sadducee-suspect Saddocks/Sedgewicks and Chaddocks. And, by the way, I've just entered "Sidick" (as per "Sidicini") to find it listed with Sedgewicks. Sudeley Castle was built by Ralph Boteler in 1442.

Did we discover that Beaumonts are Nun/Noon liners? Yes, and so see Nuneham: "At first the Harcourts had lands in Leicestershire, but in 1191 Robert de Harcourt of Bosworth inherited lands of his father-in-law at Stanton in Oxfordshire, which then became known as Stanton Harcourt. The manor of Stanton Harcourt has remained in the Harcourt family to the present day, although from 1756 to 1948 their main residence was at Nuneham House, also in Oxfordshire. " That explains why Nuns/Noons were linking hard to Weirs/Vere's. "STANwich" became suspect with "SETANtii" in the last update. Stanwich, home of the Brigantes (suspect from Brigantium, near Modane) was held by an Alan of Brittany.

Stanton Harcourt of Oxfordshire smacks of the "obSTANTia" motto term of Arthurs (Harcourt colors) while Torville was in Artois, a place now tracing well to Arettium/Arreza, home of the Cilnius family. The Stanton Coat shares a Shield filled with vair fur with Beech's while Beauchamps are listed as Beechams. The Champ- and Campania-suspect English Champagne's use vair fur filling their Shield in the black-and-white colors of the Stanton vair (!), a good reason to view Beauchamps as Beaumont liners and trace them all to something Vair-related in Campania. The Vair/Fers Coat uses checks filling the Shield in the colors of the Beech vair, and Fers/Ferrats (Shield filled with checks) are suspect from Montferrat, beside Monforte and suspect with it. The Standish's (much like "SETANTii") were first found in the same place as Sudeley castle.

Beech's, said to be of Bec elements, makes Bec suspect as a Beauchamp location. An early Geoffrey de Bec, we read, owned LANGley. I read that the Wells were involved at Bec, but then we can trace Beech's to the Pek river because it's mouth is the location of PINCum. No guff. That explains why Beaumonts are tracing to Panico / Pinc/Pink liners.

The Beauchamps are in the Arms-of-Alcester write-up (from the page presented earlier in this update), and Wikipedia says that Alcester was named, Alauna, in Roman times. This may have predated the Alauna area in Manche, and was perhaps its precursor. I traced Alauna to Aulon/Avlona (for a good reason), and therefore to Avellino, in Champ-like Campania, home of the Sidicini. But somewhere in that Aulon > Avellino > Alauna trace, the Alans of Forum Allieni are expected, then over to the Setta, then to Langhe. The Arms of Alcester use a red bull in Crest, making it linkable to the Beaumont / Oxford bull.

Beauchamp was a location in Manche, Moreover, the Beauchamps (Bedfordshire, same as Beatle's) use a gold-on-red fesse, almost the white-on-red fesse of Beaumonts. The Beauchamp fesse is colors reversed from the Alan fesse, making Alans suspect at the Alauna location of Manche. French Beauchamps use the same eagle as Este's, and Este was fundamentally wrapped up in Ferrara, i.e. what was earlier Forum Allieni. Sudeley castle was given by the first Tudor king to "Jasper Tudor, Duke of Bedford."

Then, no coincidence, the Pincers/Pincons/Poincons/Pinsons, looked up as per "Pincerna," not only use the Beauchamp / Este eagle, but a white-on-blue fesse, the Fanano symbol! That is amazing. Actually, the Pincon fesse is both on blue and red, the one on red being the Beaumont fesse. The Pincon variation sounds like "pine cone," and then Tanners use the pine cone while Monforte is in the Tanaro theater. Pine's/Pyne's, with a chevron in the colors of the Beaumont fesse, were first found in the same place (Devon) as Pincers/Pincons. French Pine's (Lord/Laud Coat?) use a fesse in colors reversed from the Fanano fesse.

Pints use crescents only, and in colors reversed from the Beaumont crescents. This is the Beaumont Coat with the same lion as Montforts (but only one tail) and Marano's/Mauritano's, and so let's add that Says, with the same bull-head design as Beaumonts, were at Moreton-Say, in the same place (Shropshire) as where Alans of Dol came to roost temporarily. The Say location of Seatons is in the red circle at the map below, and Pincons were from the Lisieux area, where also you see Montfort. Harcourt is near Montfort and Brionne.

Alauna = Alcester is said to have been a Roman fort, but one can expect the proto-Alans there because French Alans use the stars of French Julians. It expects a Julian-line marriage with some Alauna rulers. Champs/Camps have been suspect with Capone's and therefore with Quintus Caepio, and then Julius Caesar had an affair with Caepio's granddaughter, a Capone-like Caepionis. The Beauchamp Coat looks like the Gore Coat but then both Gore surnames are linkable to Alan heraldry. Gore's use a Servilia-like motto term, important because Servilia Caepionis was Caesar's mistress. This is the same theme that I expect in the marriages of the Amyntes-line Galatians, only now I'm expecting it in Alcester (Warwickshire).

The HARcourt peacock is that also of Manners/Maness', and the latter likewise use double fesse bars (Harcourt symbol). This makes Harcourts suspect with Isle-of-Man liners, like HARald, father of Maccus. The Manners/Maness' use a "PARvenir" motto term while I saw the Parr surname in Wikipedia's Sudeley article. Queen Catherine Parr was buried at Sudeley castle, and then Parrs use ("A woman's head and shoulders..." while the shoulder is a term in the Shed write-up too. Parrs (Pharisee liners?) were first found in the same place (Lancashire) as Setantii. It's interesting that shoulder-suspect Shultz's share the quarter colors of Binkers/Bings/Bengs/Binks; both use white on their black quarters (see also Chives'). Parrs share double fesse bars with Harcourts. Binkers/Binks use a motto, "Tuebor," while Tabers share a woman in blue with Parrs (the Parr woman is given a wreath). If the Taborites are under discussion, one of their leaders, ZINZENdorf, was trace to Sinsens/Zinzons that show a royal-blue Shield, shared by Binker-like Pincerna's, the likely ancestors of Sudeley castle's builder. Sinsens were first found in Berkshire, home of Windsor castle, while Beauchamps share the crosslets of Windsors/Winzers. Royal blue would be suspect with Windsors, right?

If the Elis woman traces to VIMINacium, perhaps the Parr / Tabor woman does too, along with the Nalecz woman, for Viminacium is beside Pincum. If Tabers were from Dober (Clausula), the Doberman Pinscher is coming to mind.

The "pour y" motto phrase of the same Manners was suspect with Purys, first found in Oxfordshire (i.e. home of the Harcourts). Plus, Sidicini-suspect Thames' were first found in Oxfordshire too, while they may have had a branch honored in the "temps" motto term of Harcourts. Double fesse bars (called gemel) are used also by Stands/Stants, making the latter suspect with Stanton Harcourt. But the "OBstantia" motto term of Arthurs was suspect with OPgalli because Hobs, first found in the same place as Arthurs, use a tiger suspect with TIGRanes Maccabee, Opgalli's husband. Gemel bars are used by tiger-using Medleys, and gemel is suspect with Gamala, the Israeli location (ruled by Maccabees) where Josephus' Sadduc character is suspect.

"HarCOURT" recalls the CORTemelia location (between Ceva and Alba) that traced to the Bray river at Dieppe. The latter location is on the map above, not far from Harcourt. Alba is near Bra, suspect with the Bray river, and Alba's share a swan with Beauchamps...and the Alba swan is over a fesse in the colors of the Harcourt fesses! I didn't expect that. Cords/Courts use hearts, suspect with Herod liners that may have named Harcourts.

Spanish Alba's use a tree because a Latin tree is like "alba." But then the Scottish Alpins use a tree too. One expects Alpins with the pine tree, yet they were given a FIR tree instead. It's interesting that Pine's are likely honored in the Tanner pine cones, for Alba is on the Tanaro river, and it flows through Montferrat, the Fer / Vair line i.e. the vair FUR line. The Fir unicorn (part goat) had been traced to the Stura-Demonte river of Cuneo, which has its waters emptied at the Tanaro at the face of Bra, and very near Alba too. There is a SAVIGliano location between Bra and Saluzzo, and Sauvage's share the heart with Courts/Cords.

Both DeMONTE surnames (one has the Fir unicorn design) are suspect with BeauMONTs, and to this one can add that the unicorn is a Cnut (i.e. DANE) symbol. Demonte's were first found in the same place as Masci's while Cnut's mother was a Masci liner. I suggest that German Alba's use the Massey fleur-de-lys, and that the Massey pegasus links to the Demonte unicorn. The French-Demonte lions are therefore suspect with the Maschi lion. Maschi's use pine cones, no guff. Masseys were from Manche, where Beauchamp is located, and the Massey pegasus is quartered in half the colors of the quartered Beaumont/Belmont bull. Belmonts may have been the Massey-related Bellamys too, and while the latter merged with Ferte-Mace, the Ferte eagle is a colors-reversed version of the Vien eagle while Harcourts are the ones with a "vien"-like motto term. Beaumonts share the fleur-de-lys in the colors of the same of Masci's. Savage's were first found in the same place as Masseys. The Perche's, as per Perche, home of Bellamys not far from Harcourt, use double chevrons in colors reversed from the same of Sweits, suspect with Swietoslawa, Cnut's mother.

The Stura valley should trace to the Sturs, said to be from Tourlaville in Manche, suspect with Torville of the Harcourts, and of course with Turin on the north side of Montferrat. The Sweit Coat is suspect with the Seward Coat (this helped to clinch Siward of Northumberland with the Swietoslawa line) using the Mosca leopards in purple, suggesting that the Meschin-Skipton / Massena-Scipio line was a part of this Cuneo picture. Sewards, who use the same fesse as Alba's and Harcourts, a fesse in colors reversed from the Alan fesse, should trace to the Swords now suspect with the "Roman swords" of Alcester, anciently Alauna, the same name of a region in Manche. Swords use a "man" as likely code for the Isle of Man, for "Manche" is suspect with the Manx of Man. HARcourts are thus tracing well to Harald, Maccus' father, and therefore to Herods/Haralds sharing a gold fesse with Harcourts. German Manns/Manners (STYRia) use the Massey Shield and the savage, and the lions of German Manns appear to be in the STEER Coat, making Styria and Steers suspect with Stura-river liners.

Sewards were first found in the same place as Pine's that use the same-colored chevrons as Sewards. It's also where Maine's (unicorn) were first found that use the double Perche chevrons. Maine is a large area beside Ferte-Mace, where swan-using Josephs were first found. I suppose that Maine can be lumped into Isle-of-Man liners. Maine is beside ALENcon, and Maine's were first found in the same place as English Stewarts.

I'm out of time for this update, and didn't get to add some things written higher up in this update. I'll go over it for the next update.


Especially for new or confused readers
shows where I'm coming from.

For serious investigators:
How to Work with Bloodline Topics

Here's what I did when I had spare time on my hands:
Ladon Gog and the Hebrew Rose

On this page, you will find evidence enough that NASA did not put men on the moon.
Starting at this paragraph, there is a single piece of evidence
-- the almost-invisible dot that no one on the outside was supposed to find --
that is enough in itself to prove the hoax.
End-times false signs and wonders may have to do with staged productions like the lunar landing.

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or anything unflattering and unexpected from me,
they were not from me but by someone using my email box to send it.

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