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May 26 - 31, 2015

The Nairn Email
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Can We Trust Revelation?

What guarantee do we have that the Book of Revelation is a true message from God? Just because the book is in the New-Testament doesn't automatically make it a true message. Just because a John claims to have written it doesn't necessarily mean that the apostle by that name wrote it. Some of the contents are strange to other apostolic writings, and yet there are sound parallels to the core teachings of Jesus. There is not much that one could point to in accusing it of being a false work with a twisted / malignant version of Jesus' words. There is not much said that could point to a false-Christian cult as the author. But there are some things of note.

The first chapter says that "the time is near," and the last chapter (22) says that Jesus is coming "quickly." In the Revelation context, the Greek word (taku) for "quickly" does not reflect 1900+ years well at all. For me, this has always been the most difficult part of the book. One explanation, and probably the only one, is that, when he finally does come, it will be with speed / suddenness. However, I don't sense that to be the best context. In Revelation 22:10, "the time is near."

It is possible that God used these words to make every generation believe that the Return could be in their lifetime. But isn't that deception of sorts? An alternative explanation is that a Christian group inventing the Revelation sought to repair a situation within the Greek churches wherein people were falling away from the faith. Under that scenario, the Revelation becomes a fear-applying tool for making believers stay the course. Putting it negatively, the letters to the seven churches are studded with "bait" (rewards) to keep believers staying the course.

In the first letter (to Ephesians), the same situation seen in the writings of Paul is a topic, where a group(s) of apostles or teachers within the Greek churches were not of the original apostles, and seeking to hijack the believers to their own teachings or authority. Assuming that the author was not the apostle John, it suggests that the Revelation was written by the original leaders of the churches. Yet, Paul is not mentioned even though he was the human founder of the Greek churches.

Paul's letters reveal a group of Israelite leaders seeking to take the believers in Greece to their own teachings, and then the Revelation letter to the Ephesians speaks on Israelites who "are not but a synagogue of Satan." The same theme is repeated in the letter to the Philadelphians, yet the wrong-doing of these Israelites, aside from their being charged as "liars," is left untold. If the Revelation was not due to a vision from God, then it becomes a human tool to keep the believers on-side with the original leaders, or, at least, those who considered themselves to be the successors of the 12 apostles.

By the time that Revelation was written, one may assume that Paul had passed away, or been murdered for his faith. It appears very much that the writer(s) of Revelation belonged to the school of leaders appointed by Paul. In that the author does not describe himself, other than to tell his name, suggests that he was either the apostle or a well-known John. Being in exile for his faith suggests that he was a valued leader amongst the churches, and was therefore well known by them. Paul does not mention a well-known John as one of his fellow leaders, increasing the chances that this was the apostle. I've not heard of anyone else mentioning an alternative John of the first century. But if the apostle John invented Revelation, then there is a serious problem for all of Christianity, for an invention such as this amounts to a grand lie.

Think of it: the apostle John inventing Revelation. It gives me nausea. I see Hell broke loose. I feel betrayed. The issue in the first letter is that the Ephesians were going cold. The letter calls the Ephesians to be faithful to the point of death. Imagine: going to your death for John while John fabricates Revelation. What else had he fabricated? When the Gospel of John has the author claiming to have seen the resurrected Jesus, was that invented too? Surely, if John saw the resurrected Jesus, he would not have invented Revelation. But if he knew there was no resurrected Jesus, then he was a schemer and a thief, using the believers for his own means to make a living (on their donations), and he would be perfectly expected to invent Revelation in that case. I can't put this more meanly. This becomes serious.

"I am coming quickly." "I come soon." "I come speedily." "I come without delay." "I am coming fast." No matter how we put it, does this little statement reveal that Revelation is a fabrication? Have we all placed our faith in liars? In the beginning, the believers (some of them) were placing their money, even their fields, at the feet of the apostles. That was strong faith and strong love. But, later, we stop hearing of this. In fact, the New-Testament epistles don't speak much on donations to the apostles. Was the writer of Revelation seeking to make the believers more liberal in making donations, like they were at first? is that the meaning behind the Ephesians losing their first love? Please, no. Please don't be that.

Paul claimed that he worked with his own hands to earn his bread, not relying on donations from others. If it wasn't true, his lie would become known soon enough, with the effect of destroying his churches. I tend to strongly believe that Paul worked for his own money. But an antagonist might argue that this was his "game," so as to keep more donations coming in. At one point, we find Paul delivering a sum of donated gifts (from Greece) to Jerusalem. Paul spoke as though he rarely visited Jerusalem, as though he had little contact with that city's Christian leadership.

Arguing on behalf of Revelation as a true Message, we have Revelation 13 and the 666 commercial system that has never been implemented anywhere. If the purpose of the leadership was to make the Christians respect it more, how could a wild notion such as the 666 make good on that aim? Rather, wouldn't it make the believers raise an eyebrow? Were the leaders trying to make their membership think that the Romans would tag everyone SOON, making them incapable of purchasing apart from a bodily mark? How small were the chances? It amounted to an impossibility. Why would false teachers predict a commercial impossibility? How could that help their cause of raising money from their already-deluded followers? I don't see an answer.

Yet, here we are today, with a commercial possibility for just such a system. Today is not SOON, but here we are on the brink of a compulsory, number-based purchasing system. Phenomenal, is it not? And it's not a local, but an international, thing.

If the purpose of Revelation was to make back-sliding believers respect the leadership more, how could the "crazy" talk and ideas in the rest of Revelation be helpful? Was the leadership so desperate due to past failures that it was now trying something different, something altogether surreal? Was all of the devastation in the book intended as extreme fear tactics, a mix of Old-Testament prophecy with over-reaching novelty? Did the leadership take their members as being so deluded that they would believe such a thing as a shining object (something like a star) falling from the sky, which, upon striking the ground, could create a deep-furnace and huge-smoke situation? The world had never seen such a thing. Although today is not soon after, mankind does possess such a thing. Did John just have a lucky strike, or did he really see a vision from God?

This would be a good time to say that, there is a God. No matter what we may believe about Jesus as the Son of God or not, there is a Creator. On that item, we don't need to debate, and we are for the most part confident that atheists are in the wrong. With all of the utter complexities of both living and non-living things, we are able to know that the Creator is far beyond our comprehension, far superior in ability, more than able to make a man see a vision such as we see in Revelation. However, that in itself doesn't necessarily mean that the Revelation is a message from the Creator. If it is, it absolutely verifies that Jesus is the Son of God. If it isn't, we've got the problem of explaining who John was, and what his motives may have been. Did he take the churches for his fools? Did he expect them to believe his wild invention? Why would the Creator or Jesus use "quickly" and "near" when speaking on an event more than 1900 years to the future? I've got to say, I don't like it. It bothers me. It gives readers the impression that Revelation, and John, are a hoax.

One can point to the words of Jesus, or at least to the words placed into his mouth, where, after the Jews asked him for a sign to prove that he was God's prophesied Servant, he responded that no sign will be given to an evil generation aside from the sign of Jonah. There are few statements with greater ability than this to destroy the faith of a "rational" person. Why would Jesus use such words that are sure to trip-up people struggling with their faith, or others considering faith? Everyone knows that a man cannot survive inside a whale for three days. What will he breath? He'll be dead in a few minutes for lack of air. Why would Jesus seek to convert the Jews on the one hand, then throw Jonah into their faces on the other hand? If Jesus did speak these words, then it makes him look like a false prophet, especially in the eyes of the gentiles.

Or, supposing that Jesus didn't speak those words, but rather someone invented them (on his behalf) to the point that they made their way into the Gospels: why would the leaders of the church liken the Resurrection -- the very crux of their teaching -- to a man living three days in a whale? Was it because the church, in the beginning, was made up of old-school Jews who had no problem believing in the Jonah story? The gentiles, on the other hand, would overwhelmingly have taken that story to be an old Jewish fable. Certainly, our scientific generation will not swallow the Jonah story.

I have more than one problem with the Jonah statement. There is another problem in the first place, for Jesus was providing signs left and right in his miracles. Why would Jesus then say that he would give no sign? Weren't the miracles intended to be signs from God to verify that Jesus was who he said he was? Perhaps Jesus was merely speaking the Jonah statement toward one sort of Jewish group, the kind he knew would never repent no matter what the sign? Was Jesus therefore offering them a dire difficulty, to make it all-the-harder for them to achieve faith, because he knew that God didn't want this group? Or, did Jesus never say it at all?

As I aged from my conversion, and as I looked intently into the New Testament, I began to spot some things that were questionable. I eventually dropped away from the ideal that all of the New Testament is Inspired because God would assure it to be that way. I no longer see things that way. It's clear that false scripture was invented by many, though most of it is not in the Protestant Bible. Whether some of it entered the New Testament is open to debate, but others would not have this possibility open to debate. Regardless, I still think it is possible for some things in the New Testament to be NOT Inspired, and meanwhile I do not think that this is cause to throw the baby out with the diaper. The Gospels did not originate from one book written by one, dependable man. Some things were added and removed from manuscripts as they circulated from place to place. Not all versions can be perfect. Accept it, it's the reality.

The same story is told in different words from Gospel to Gospel. It raises questions, of course. If God dictated every word, why did He chose different words to tell the same account? The reality must be that the events of Jesus' life were written down to the best recollection of the people whom were asked (by the writers) for their accounts.

There is another possibility: the accounts of his life were drastically altered because Jesus was not the Son of God. Everything in the New Testament was fashioned to promote a false idea to enrich the church leaders with worldly wealth. While this is a possibility and a common theme amongst unbelievers, there are many things one can point to that seemingly argue against it.

The only matter of concern is whether we believe that Jesus is whom he said he was. The New Testament is clear on that issue, regardless of the textual imperfections in what we now call the New Testament. There is no cause to throw the entire baby away, unless it can be proven that the baby is a false idea to begin with. Using the Bible itself to discredit the New-Testament position is not convincing. If the New Testament writers are guilty of a con-job, they did a spectacular job. They convinced millions (perhaps billions) of people over almost 2000 years. They convinced me too. I trusted what they said. I believed that the Spirit of God lives in our hearts if we invite Him. I trusted that this Spirit and Jesus are one and the same. Did I trust in vain? To what shall I appeal if I suffer a weakening faith? To the Jonah statement?

One day, one of my own sons wrote to me to say that God gave him a sign through the book of Jonah. From that sign, this son came to believe in Jesus. He was baptized soon afterward, and then married a Christian girl from a conservative-Christian family. Did God chose this method of converting my son, or did my son allow himself to be deluded due to a strong desire to have God in his life, as his helper?

Where in Jonah does it say that Jonah survived alive for three days? It doesn't. I would suggest that Jonah died. Logical. He was either resurrected after three days, or the story is a pure fable to begin with. It is not beyond question that fabulous stories were invented by ancient Israelites. We don't see God calling other prophets (especially not regularly) to go preach to heathen cities upon their streets.

In my search for the truest, deepest meaning of the Revelation dragon, I needed to delve into mythology. It taught me how rife fabulous stories were in ancient times. It's not unthinkable that the same story-making should have been done in Israel, but we do see a definite difference between mythology and Scripture, the most-important being the disgust that the God of Israel has for the pagan gods of mythology. We cannot therefore lump the two systems, as atheists might like us to do. The chief god of myth is immoral, like a cartoon character rather than one who takes life and society seriously. Mythology shows no restraint when producing cartoon-like situations; anything goes. But Old-Testament accounts having miraculous works are not at all like that. If you take the story of Israel's origins, there is nothing in the accounts of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to indicate that a typical myth writer is inventing the storyline. There is no Mercury with wings on his heels; no one is changed into a fish or an owl or a made part-goat; no one is born from the skull of God (as was Athena).

The New Testament epistles by Paul are thorough, not what one would consider to be a small example of his writings. I see them written in excellence rather than showing the marks of fraudsters or criminal types. The language of schemers and liars is expected to show itself, if indeed Paul was such a man. I do not think that it is wise to conclude that, because Jesus is an exceptional character, he is likely too good to be true. If Jesus is not the plan of the Creator for humankind, then I know of no other credible plan from the Creator. If Jesus is not the plan of God for the human creation, then God has maintained a high degree of secrecy since the minor prophets, and has not revealed His message again to Israel after the writing of Malachi. The Israelites need to grapple with the historical fact that God permitted the Romans to destroy the Temple. Why did God allow that? What message do the Israelites take from it? The destruction was not long after the murder of Jesus, and that temple still remains destroyed to this day.

Did God abandon Israel? It sure looks like it. But the atheist would argue that the God of Israel is not the true God at all. In that case, where is the Creator's message to mankind if it's not from the one who communicates through Old-Testament Scripture? We are left with an unsolvable mystery. God has never communicated with certainty to his human creation, if he is not the God of Israel. He has never chosen a school of prophets to speak, if he is not the God of Israel. If we ask whether he is the God of Muslims, then we would need to conclude that he maintained quiet until the life of Mohammad, something I'm not willing to swallow. For me, the Muslim religion was an after-thought, a counterfeit God of Israel specially for the Arabs.

If one believes that Jesus was a creation of fraudsters, then one needs to believe that liars created the perfect human to act as their money-making tool. These fraudsters then made Jesus look like he fulfilled Old-Testament scriptures in an effort to fool their fellow Israelites. They invented the many miracles of Jesus, and expected their fellow Israelites to swallow those lies. They maintained the hoax perfectly to the end of their lives, never getting caught by their own fellowships in such a glaring way as to have their scam widely publicized. I don't know of one historical writing from the Christians whom accuses the apostles of being found guilty, with evidence, of pushing a hoax. Josephus never writes maliciously against the Christian churches or Jesus, even though Romans assumed Christian leaders to be pushing a false message.

But even if we believe that Jesus is truly the Son of God, it doesn't necessarily follow that the Revelation is a message from Him. The writer of Revelation is on the side of goodness, and despises those who live life with fraudulent tactics, but even this doesn't necessarily make the book a message from God. I do not think it is sinful to question the authority of Revelation. I do not think it is wise to blindly / customarily accept all claims to scripture as true.

The evidence for the authenticity of Revelation lies in the future. As "I come quickly" can be rendered, "I come suddenly," we cannot discredit the Revelation on that one phrase alone. The apostles themselves taught the message that Jesus would return suddenly, like one performing an ambush on the human race. They claimed that Jesus originated such a message. They said that Jesus said he would return like lightning. That's pretty quick. And it's frightening.

I don't like the frightening side of the Father of Jesus. I would not want to be caught on his frightening side. Nor do I want my beliefs on the matter to be manipulated by scare tactics, if that's what the apostles were peddling. There is a good case to be made that God is indeed angry with the human race to the point of planning horror for His enemies. The apostles make just such a case. I wish the story of humankind were different. I wish that God would have handled the situation differently. There has been great pain and weeping throughout history, and weeping even when He returns. It's been a dismal stage to the point of unspeakable, but historians speak on the worst of humanity as though it were a natural cycle. Mankind doesn't get it.

The reason that the message of the apostles has been called "good news" is that a good God is in control. If he were an evil being, he would plan torment for the good and bad people alike. But a good Being comes with hope of a corrected mankind, a corrected history, a new thing where sorrow and pain will be a thing of the punctuated past. It may sound too good to be true, more of a fantasy than a reality. And so we shall need to wait to see whether Revelation proves itself true.

The Revelation appeals to the prophet Daniel's vision wherein there is "one like the son of man" coming back with the clouds of the sky. If this type of return is the reality, it sounds like complete fiction and mythology to the masses...just as though God intended for them not to believe it. It plays to the element of sudden surprise which he has supposedly planned for his enemies.

The Revelation also borrows from Ezekiel, Zechariah, and Isaiah, but never once, that I know of, contradicts the Old-Testament prophecies. If it were a fraudulent work, one might expect the Revelation to introduce new ideas that do not conform to the old prophets. I don't see anything like that in Revelation. Instead, there is conformity while adding to the old picture. However, Revelation 1 presents a strange Jesus seemingly mythical. He stands with feet glowing as though in a furnace, and his face is like the sun god. He comes with a sword in his mouth, and with eyes blazing like they were on fire, as though he were the god of war. Few in the modern world would be willing to take this seriously. It looks like fiction, and the Revelation only gets "worse" with "crazy" pictures. But I've come to view the book as God's response to pagan myth from Zeus down to the lowest Greek and Thracian gods. God is saying that he, not Zeus or Jupiter, is the true God.

It not reasonable to view the earliest Christian leaders as a cult from Greek paganism but introducing a new concept into Israel with the Jesus sacrifice. There is nothing in the Bible, aside from the ministry of Paul to the Greek world in Anatolia, to possibly link the first Christians to a monotheistic form of Greek religion. We don't hear of links / associations between the chief apostles and the Jews of Greece. The chief apostles were not Jews skilled / learned in Greek philosophy, but rather fisherman in northern Israel. There is no evidence that Jesus had Greek connections. But even as far back as Isaiah, the message of the God of Israel was that the "servant" of God -- the Messiah -- would reach out to the gentiles. In Isaiah 53, this servant is said to die for the sins of the Israeli nation, and, after dying for their sins, he would be resurrected to life to become the king of the world. We cannot count this Isaiah prophecy as a Greek thing introduced in Israel. We cannot count the sacrifice of the "servant" as a parallel with the human / child sacrifices performed by the Zeus and related cults of Trojans, Tyrians and Cretans.

We would be wise to grapple with Isaiah 53. Either this prophet correctly predicted the truth concerning the Sacrifice because he was hearing from God, or the chief apostles created and successfully conducting one grand hoax in making a fraud (Jesus) look like he came to fulfill Isaiah. One of the first words that we hear from Jesus, when he speaks to Israelites of his home area, is a repetition of Isaiah wherein the prophet predicts the preaching of good news, by the Messiah, to that area. Jesus just looked the people in the face and said, what Isaiah spoke of, I am he. Surprise. Take me or leave me, but I am he.

It was the start of one grand hoax, or it was the start of One Grand Plot by one True God. What say ye? Do you know the relevant scriptures enough to make an informed decision? It shouldn't take you long to read Isaiah in full, and also the four Gospels.

Isaiah wasn't a mere generation or two before Jesus, but more like seven centuries. It is doubtful that Isaiah got caught up with a Greek cult while Jesus descended from the same cult seven centuries later. It seems a stretch to link Jesus back to Greek notions stemming from child sacrifices of Greek cults. We know that the concept of blood sacrifice for sins goes back to Moses, suggesting one of two things: 1) the Israelite religion under Moses was either a branch of ancient pagan religion but with a one-only God; 2) the Israelite religion was from a true God who despised pagan religion but allowed a semblance of pagan sacrifices to become part of Israel's religion because He had planned to create the Ultimate Human Sacrifice as the answer for mankind's utter sinfulness. Yet, Israel didn't hear of the sacrifice of Messiah until Isaiah, some seven or eight centuries after Moses. And even then, the concept was not taken deep to heart, apparently, because the prophets after Isaiah did not mention / stress this Sacrifice. The concept jumps out upon the human race with Jesus and his fishermen in Galilee.

Galilee is in the northern part of Israel, i.e. facing Tyre, a known human-sacrifice center. But links between Jesus and Tyre are not known. There is one event in the Gospels where Jesus shows favor to a Phoenician woman, but aside from that, there's no argumentation to link Jesus or the apostles to Tyrians or Jews of Tyre or any Tyrian cult. Jews of northern Israel, in the days of Jesus, did not need Tyrians to teach them paganism, for Israelites had learned paganism many centuries earlier. It is very likely that Tyrian religion had crept into northern Israel, and the Cretan Zeus was, in my opinion, a cult originating from Haifa = northern Israel. The Nuzi basis of "DioNYSUS" may even have named NAZAreth, but there is no paganism in the teachings of Jesus. It's therefore a non-starter to attempt a link of Jesus to Tyrian religion. It is clear that the concepts and thoughts of Jesus link heavily to Moses.

Yet, the Revelation seems to use mythical pictures, and even includes Apollo, one of the most-disgusting gods beloved of Anatolian Greeks. Some of the seven churches of Revelation are centered in ApolloLand = Lydia. But these seven are not fictitious; they were real churches founded by a real Paul, and he himself was born in Tarsus, the mother of Tyre, according to Biblical prophecy. In my opinion, Tarsus was from the Zeus "Taurus," and even the mountains to the north of Tarsus are named, Taurus. This region (of Tarsus) became the white cow of Argos, but Paul was not given to Greek religion. Instead, he had been a proud Pharisee.

In my dragon hunts, I traced the mythical crow of Apollo to Chora, a city on Patmos, which happens to be the island wherein John wrote the Revelation. The wolf theme of Apollo went from the city of Skala on Patmos to mythical Scylla in eastern Sicily. In other words, the namers of Skala were the proto-Sicels that named Sicily. Scylla was likened by the ancient writers to a sea monster with multiple wolf heads, and it had a fellow monster in Charibdis, which I traced to the lyre / harp symbol of Apollo as it pertained to Orpheus upon the Hebros river (Thrace). To put it another way, Charibdis was traced to mythical Charops, ancestor of Orpheus, and Charops was identified easily as the historical Carpae / Arpii peoples that named the Carpathian mountains (around ARAD). In my opinion, the Carpae Thracians had originated in Arvad/Arpad of Syria, what the Greeks called, ARADos, and it just so happens that Wikipedia has the people of Arvad/Arpad as the founders of neighboring Tartus, a term that likely named mythical Tartarus, the Greek underground. In Revelation 9, Apollo comes with a bottomless pit, you see.

In myth, the head (Gorgon symbol) of Orpheus floated down the Hebros river, along with his lyre, to Lesbos, an island of the Lapiths. Coronis, the mythical crow, was herself a Lapith, which reveals to me that Lapiths were at Chora and Skala. Did God chose Patmos as the place for the Revelation due to His plot against the Lapiths? This would have the greatest meaning if I am correct in tracing "Lapith" to "Levi(te)," or to the cult of pagan Levites from Jonathan in the book of Judges. This Levite cult, stemming shortly from Moses (himself a Levite), was in the Israelite city of Dan/Laish up near the Phoenician border. In fact, Laish was smack beside PANias, the city of Pan, the son of HERMes. Laish and Panias were at the foot of mount HERMon. Later, the Hermes cult at Hermon would name the Hermus river of downtown Lydia, the ApolloLand.

The term, Phoenix, came under my suspicion years ago as a term related to 666 along with "Europa," but that was years before realizing that mythical Phoenix was a term from "Panias." It is striking that while Hermes became the Roman MERCury, god of MERCHandise, that the MARK of the beast will be the crux of end-time merchandising. Has there been a mark theme to mechanizing from the beginning? In any case, I have come to suspect that the Levites out of mount Hermon were in the Hermes cult to Lydia, the same as mythical Attis, father of Lydus. And my conclusion had been that "Hades," ruler of Tartarus, was a form of "Attis," code for the Hatti namers of Hattusa. If correct, and I think it is absolutely correct, Hermes and Apollo were virtually one cult, and expected together through Patmos.

This is a very-interesting concept, that the Revelation dragon, unbeknown to John, was the line of pagan Levites rebelling against the God of Israel, and joining the mainline Greek cult of Zeus, or even forming it as a counterfeit God. This jibes with my finding that "Rome" traces to the Rimmon location of the 600 Benjamites in Judges. Why were there 600 of them, as well as 600 Danites (of Dan/Laish) whom took Jonathan as their pagan high priest? Why do we see the 6 twice??? The 600 Benjamite men of Rimmon had merged (married) with 400 women of JABESH Gilead, whom traced to "JAPODE(S)" = Jupiter, the Roman Zeus. He was, by the way, father of Ares, god of war, because the two gods were essentially the same cult.

The Revelation has this Roman dragon warring with Jesus near the end of the book, and once again this fanciful Jesus comes with a sword protruding from his mouth, like a god of war. Like a god of war versus a god of war, only it will be no contest at all, though the end of the dragon comes with an unspeakable destruction with the revelation of one visible Jesus in the clouds of the sky, Zeus style, lightning bolts and tempest included. Why should anyone believe that this myth-like event will actually come to pass? Shouldn't we play it safe and ignore it? Or, is ignoring it not playing it safe at all?

John writes about a woman whom he calls "Babylon," yet he has her sitting on the seven hills of Rome, and co-ruling the world along with the Romans. End-time Rome has become "Europa," which in ancient Greek myth was a daughter of Phoenix, a Tyrian entity. I have gleaned that Europa (actually, "Evropa") was an Eberite (Hebrew) entity, to be viewed as EBRopa, with "opa" as the common Greek suffix. It therefore becomes compelling to view Europa as the Levite cult from Laish. In myth, Europa is taken by the Zeus bull, and she rides on his back to become raped by Zeus. It's virtually the same picture that we see in Revelation 17 concerning the woman, Babylon, as she rides the back of the dragon to her rape and cruel death.

It can be understood that Europa had been from the Hebrews of Babylon whom named the Habur tributary of the Euphrates. From this conclusion, where the river was also "Khabur," one can also trace to "Kabeiri," a cult of Phrygian priests that belonged to Attis and his wife, the great-mother goddess, Cybele. She was mythically made mother to the Lydians that became the Latins, and thus she sat on the seven hills of Rome as the Latin side of the Roman dragon. Revelation gives hint to her identity when it calls her, "Babylon the GREAT, MOTHER of abominations." It was necessary to use this hint approach to her identity to spare the early Church persecution from the Cybele cult. In the same way, and for the same reason, the Revelation merely hints that the dread enemy, the dragon, pertains to the Romans.

John, the mere man, had no way of knowing what the end of the Romans would be, or when Roman power would come to an end. The same applies to the prophet, Daniel, whom is quoted in Revelation 1:13. Daniel, writing before the Romans arose, predicted one more great empire to follow that of Alexander the Great, and his prophecies are with such merit that those who denounce him claim that the book of Daniel was written after the Romans came to power. In other words, the unbelievers say that there are no real prophecies in Daniel aside from faked prophecies. However, the Daniel prophecy does predict only one more major world power after Alexander, and it claims that, after a gap of unspecified time between the 10th and 11th king (chapter 7), this same empire would yet exist at the end of current history.

The Romans continued under an imperial banner far beyond the "sack of Rome" in the 5th century, and even when the 5th-century Germanics defeated Rome temporarily, they did not in themselves become a world power. However one might like to view the end of the Roman empire, Daniel has thus-far been bang-on with his prediction that only one more world power would continue after the Greek empire. In the view of historians, the Roman empire continued as a tool of the Vatican, but was ruled in several eras by various Germanics. Wikipedia has the "dissolution" of the "Holy Roman Empire" in 1806 at the hands of Napoleon (the first Rothschild had a family by then), but Europe thereafter adopted a Rothschild-based globalism, and I don't think it's coincidental that the EU flag uses the Bauer stars (the first Rothschild was a Bauer).

Daniel and Revelation agree in the concept of a Roman beast enduring beyond a gap of unspecified time, to the end of history. The non-believer would argue that an unspecified date for the return is perfectly expected in a hoax. But I might argue in rebuttal that, had the apostles been guilty of a Jesus-hoax, they might have predicted his return a few years after their expected old-age deaths. The non-believer might argue, not necessarily, for the apostles may have wanted to protect the hoax for their successors, some of whom were alive and in their midst. The non-believer wins this argument. If Jesus is not a hoax, God has provided a situation in which non-believers go away laughing, living contentedly as though no God-cloud hangs over their heads. And the long time since Revelation has made them into scoffers, just as the apostle Peter predicted them to become.

I'll be the first to admit that the "fear tactics" used by John, Jesus and the apostles works well on me. I am deathly afraid of suffering God's eternal wrath. The underlying reason for this fear is that I believe. If I did not believe, I would not be afraid. If you are afraid, you also have some belief, some commitment to God, some inner knowledge of the Truth. If you have a mix of belief and doubts, then you also have a wavering lifestyle, predictably, or wavering thoughts, what the apostle James called instability. You might look your face in the mirror, and go away forgetting what it looks like. You might read the Words of Jesus, but, having doubts, the words don't enter deep into your mind, and you neglect them from your heart and core.

But I don't want to serve God due only to fear of punishment. I like a good society, one that celebrates good people filled with the good will, and I hate a rotten society filled with thieves, self-centered business people (much like thieves) and attitudes comparable to whoredom. However, I don't want to serve Jesus, even if I agree with his sort of society, if Jesus doesn't exist. If there is no good God, then history and society together are given to the winds. Nothing is predictable; nothing will ever be maintained on any level, good or bad. Everything will always fluctuate without hope of any stable outcome.

The Nairns Email

I got an email from Kerry that led to Wikipedia's article on Scottish Comyns, an article I don't recall knowing. The emailer pointed me to Alexander Stewart, Earl of Buchan, whom was called the wolf, and his article had a link to one of the Comyns. What happened was that the Comyns, who had ruled Buchan (Aberdeenshire), were competing with the Bruce's for the Scottish throne, and the Bruce's [of Annandale) won out, which elevated the Stewarts to the throne.

I don't recall knowing that the Comyns were nearly the kings of Scotland, but this is all extremely interesting for multiple reasons: 1) the first Bruce king protected the Templars of Europe when the French throne and Vatican together persecuted them; 2) I have concluded that both Alans>Stewarts and Templars together were from the lines of Israelite priests after 70 AD; 3) I independently view the Bruce's and Annandale together as the line from Joseph Caiaphas and his father in law, Annas; 4) I independently view the Joseph surname as a line to Joseph Caiaphas, and then English Josephs share gold-on-blue garbs with Comyns; 5) I trace the Sithech = wolf theme of Shaws to the naming of Seth, Annas' father in Syria; 6) Shaws are a branch of Chives' in Tarves, beside Buchan.

Actually, Tarves lies between Buchan and Badenoch, the latter being another place handed to Alexander Stewart. On Comyn: "John Comyn, 3rd Earl of Buchan (died 1308) was an important member of Clan Comyn during the early 14th century. He was a chief opponent of Robert the Bruce in the civil war that paralleled the War of Scottish Independence. He should not be confused with the better known John III Comyn, Lord of Badenoch, who was his cousin, and who was killed by Bruce in Dumfries in March 1306." This is completely rich in pegging the roots of Scottish-Rite Freemasonry. I see the sons of the killers of Christ all over this, battling for the Scottish throne, poor, sickening desperadoes.,_Earl_of_Buchan

As often happens, emails direct my topics, and often I think that God uses emailers to direct me. It goes back to a vision of a reader that I trusted 100 percent, which led to the knowledge that the blue lion of the Bruce's was the line back to Joseph Caiaphas. That lion was found in the Arms of BREScia/Brixia (northern Italy), which in-turn was able to trace Bruce's to the namers of Brescia, not far from the ANANES Gauls (Placentia) to which I had earlier traced "ANNAN(dale)." For new readers, I've read that "Hanan" is what Hebrews called Annas, but some call him ANANAS. My theory requires that the Ananes Gauls put forth Seth of Syria at a time when the Romans were busy seeking to conquer all across Anatolia and south toward Israel.

Due to weariness (burn-out), I had stopped my hunt for Caiaphas' parents a few weeks ago. Kerry's email is the first since then to put me back to the topic, but Kerry had no such intention. It just worked out that way. I had come across a Comyn earlier this year (Feb-Mar) in the mother of Adam Kilconquhar, who had married Marjorie Carrick, a kin of the royal Bruce's. It looks as though the rivalry between the Bruce's and Comyns resulted in a merger. I've never known this before. The mother of Adam Kilconquhar was recently discovered (Feb-Mar) to be a Comyn, and she traced well to Como, likewise in northern Italy. Between Como and Brescia is BERGamo, which may have been named by the line of John de Burgo, ruler of Conteville and Comyns / Comines. The Comiti variation of Como's is what tends to clinch a trace of Conte's/Comites' / Comatissa's and Comyns to the namers of Como. One finds this family line in the "Commit" motto code of the chief Crusaders, the Sinclairs.

Between Como and Chivasso (where I trace the Chives') was home to the Laevi Gauls, a peoples that I see at the ancestral root of Caiaphas and/or Annas. By what coincidence were the Comyns ruling Badenoch, smack beside the Chives' of Tarves??? I view the heraldic CUFF as a potential symbol for Joseph Caiaphas (assumes that the masters of heraldry knew their links to a line(s) of Caiaphas), and it just so happens that the Como surname uses "an arm, silver sleeved and red cuffed..." Much of everything in heraldry is code. The Como's also use "a dancette PARTition" (webpage below). It just so happens that I trace Perts/Petts to PERTHshire, where Shaws were first found, and not far from Tarves / Badenoch. The Como's also use an arrow, and to make this short, I can glean that they had linked to Pettys and Bowers (both of Peebles), a proto-Rothschild line from Peter Pollock of Moray's Rothes castle, near Badenoch.

Buchan is at PETERhead. To help prove that Conteville's were Conte's, the BUCHANans use the lion of Italian Conte's, which is the lion also of the Lafins/La Fonts because Conte's had merged with Font de Ville's in forming "ConteVILLE." The Kennedy / Cassel motto not only honors the Lafins/La Fonts, but honors the Aves'/Avisons too who use the Comyn garbs. The Buchanan lion is used also by English Peters, the latter showing a swan in Crest. In fact, the lions under discussion are all in the two colors of the Joseph swan. The latter's is a black swan, in the design of the black Lindsey swan, important because Lindseys named Lincolnshire, where the swan-using Peters were first found.

The Buchans share the black lion with Buchanans, just so you know.

Kerry wrote in to inquire of the Nairn surname, first found in Nairnshire, in the same general area of Scotland under discussion. In response to Kerry, I wrote: "The so-called COUNTERchanged Shield of Nairns is code for the Counters/Conte's who ruled Comyn / Comines. It looks like the Comyns of Badenoch got hooked up with Nairns." Kerry informed me that the main Nairn symbol is a CHAPlet, which I knew to link to the French Josephs, important because Comyns had been considered a branch of English Josephs. The Chaplet surname uses the swan symbol in the colors of the swan that French Josephs were showing a couple of years ago (until it was changed to a footless martlet in the same colors).

The English Chapel surname (green lion) uses the giant chaplet too, but calls it a wreath, and it's colors are counterchanged too. The Wreath/Crea/Crath/Ray surname (version of the Washington Coat?) was first found in Inverness-shire, which includes the Nairn theater. Chapels were first found in Huntingdonshire, in Cambridgeshire, where Chapmans and Capone's were first found, but also beside London, where Capes' were first found. Therefore, the simpleton notion that Chapels were named after a chapel is not to be entertained. It just so happens that Inverness is named after a Ness river while the Ness Coat is using the double Washington bars.

Kerry wrote back to say, "The Name 'Nairn is pre celtic in origin in gaelic means ''River of Alders''( the trees)." I don't usually buy statements like that, but I did look up the Alders', said to have moved from London and Middlesex to Haddington as Aldertons (Chapel colors). Alders' use the same sun as Hesse's while Keiths of Haddington are said to be a Catti peoples...while a Chatti peoples are said to have founded Hesse. I think this is a good argument for identifying the Keiths and Marshalls from the German Chatti. The Alders chevron is white and ermined one, used also by Catters/Cathers. Calders/Cauders ("cadit" motto term), sharing the stag head with Keiths, were first found in Inverness-shire, suggesting that Nairns had merged with Calders = Alders, a Chatti line. In the Calder write-up, a Hugh de Cadella (Klaudouer) is said to have been granted Nairnshire. Calders, with a stag in the colors of the Chaplet swans, use a swan in Crest. Note that the Calder antlers are in a different color (red) than the head, as though to stress them for the purpose of tracing to Veringers / Zahringers (Veringers use the antler in red, Zahringers in blue).

I developed a theory in which the Josephs had branches such as "Goz / Goss / Jose / etc" simply because the Josephs had become important to heraldry, but also due to Richard Goz marrying the daughter of Herluin de Conteville, son of John de Burgo of Comyn. It just so happens that the Nairn chaplet is used (different colors) as a "wreath" by Jocylyns/GOCElyns/JOSSElyns...who happen to be in the colors of Goz'/Gos'. Although the latter were first found in Bavaria, they can trace to Moray i.e. the white-on-blue stars in the Goz/Gos Coat may be the Moray stars. That's because the BADENochs can trace well to Zahringers and Veringens of Baden (beside Bavaria), for both families (Zahringers and Veringens) share antlers with Counters/Conte's.

As there is an Annas surname using a giant star, I've come to suspect several surnames using stars in the same white-on-red colors as potential Annas liners. The English Jose/Goss surname uses nine stars in colors reversed, and in the shape of a saltire that happens to be in the colors of the Annan(dale) saltire. The Annas star is in use, in my opinion, by the Angus surname, and Angus is a Scottish area not far from Badenoch. I highly suspect that Angus was a line from the Ananes Gauls, whom lived at PLACEntia, and then the Place surname (same place as Comyns and Place-suspect Fulke's) uses the Angus lion, apparently, on a counterchanged Shield. The axe in the Place Crest, because the Dreux's/Drews use essentially the same lion, can link to the axe of Drake's, first found in the same place as English Josephs, and to the axe of Badens/Battins.

It just so happens that there is a falcon in the Jose/Goss Crest while one Falcon surname uses crescents (in Goz/Gos / Jocylyn colors) in the colors of the crescents of French Conte's, both first found in Languedoc. Although the Sion/Sine/SWAN surname once showed the gauntlet gloves of Macys/Maceys, it now shows falconers gloves and moreover uses swans and a chevron in the colors of the stars and chevron of Goz'/Gos'.

As Sions/Swans have the Some surname listed with them, they became suspect with "SOHAEMus," a priest of Syria's El-Gabal cult who married a Drusilla of Massena (from Massena, Numidian king, suspect as the reason for "FreeMASON"). This Drusilla became suspect as a line to Julia Maesa (mother of a Roman emperor who worshiped El-Gabal), and so the fact that the Sion/Some/Swan surname uses the Macey chevron and the Macey gloves is cause to trace the surname to Julia Maesa (Masseys are also "Macey"). Julia was a daughter of Julius Bassianus, a close kin of Julius Agrippa, the latter suspect with a line from Herod Agrippa. Sohaemus had married two Drusillas, the other one being a daughter of Herod Agrippa. The HEART at the center of the Sion/Swan chevron is suspect as code for "HEROD."

I entertained (but didn't stress) a trace of "DRUSilla" to the Drews/Dreux's (that named Dreux near Paris), for by that time the Trew surname was known to be of Herod Archelaus. Drusilla Agrippa had married Antonius Felix, a Roman overseer of Judea, and one who imprisoned the apostle Paul. As all of heraldry traces to such circles, the two Felix surnames (a term like "Fulk") at are suspect with Antonius Felix. One Felix surname (similar to "Place") once again uses stars in the colors of the Goz/Gos stars, which are the colors of the Pilate pheons, possibly important because Felix and Pilate had roughly the same jobs. One Shaw surname uses the grails of English Pilotte's, first found in the same place (Lincolnshire) as Comyns and dolphin-using Claremonts (French branch from dolphin-depicted Dauphine, where Payens/Pagans were first found whom founded the Templars).

Hugh Lupus D'Avranches, son of Richard Goz and a Conteville mother, married Ermentrude of Claremont, grandmother of le Meschin. We will later see why Meschins trace perfectly to Pilate liners such as Plate's and Blate's.

Of interest is that the Blythe surname (shares gold garbs with Comyns), the one of Bill Clinton's real father, and much like "Pilate," is said to mean "happy," the same definition given to "Felix." Perhaps not by coincidence, the Como-surname write-up mentions an early St. Felix of Como, perhaps indication that the line of Antonius Felix was in Como. It just so happens that the Clintons use six fitchee crosses in the same way as the Tarves surname, important because Tarves is beside the Comyns of Badenoch.

Felix was stationed at Caesarea (Cappadocia), an area where the Maccabee-Herod line to Laevillus may have ruled. The family of this mysterious Laevillus (married Quadratilla of Cilicia) had ruled Judea not many years after Felix. Laevillus is suspect from the LAEVI Gauls. My theory is that the Sadducees of Israel were Levites only by tracing to the Laevi, who in-turn trace back to Jonathan's pagan-Levite line. One of the first five Maccabees was Jonathan, and his father, Mattathias, has been traced to the Mathis surname sharing the black moline cross of Chives'. The El-Gabal cult used an eagle symbol on its sacred black stone, which may be the black eagle of the Massi/Mattis surname. The suspicion has been that Maccabees were formed by the same Massena line that named Julia Maesa, and that the Maccabee mace symbol is inherent in the Macey surname (uses a mace). The El-Gabal cult (of Emesa) was traced (by me) to ancient Gabuleum (Drilon river) near the source of the Mathis river of Albania.

Felix with Drusilla Agrippa had a daughter, Antonia Clementiana, and it just so happens that the Clement/Clermonts surname was first found in Brecknoch, same area (Powys) as a Commins Coch location found in the Comyn write-up. I'll repeat that the Clement besants are code for the line of Julia Bassianus Maesa while the black bars of Clements are used by Italian Marina's suspect with Moratins/Moreno's who are themselves suspect from "Mauritania," the line likely from Juba II Massena, king of Mauritania and father / grandfather of two Drusilla's of Massena (including the one that married Sohaemus). Juba II was married to Glaphyra Archelaus, the mother of the Maccabee-Herod line mentioned above.

It is highly likely that the Chaplets honored by the Nairns are for the line of Elizabeth Chappes, wife of Hugh de Payen, founder / first chief of the Templars. While the French Chappes' were first found in the same place as the Levi surname, it's not likely coincidental that the Nairn Crest is "A trunk of an oak tree sprouting LEAVES" (webpage below). Scottish Chappes'/Chaips were first found in Sterling, due south of Badenoch and Nairn. The latter Chappes' had been linked to the Stubbings and Stubbs, from ancient Stobi of the Paeonians/Paionians, the peoples that Payens/Paions are suspect from. But the Stubbings and Stubbs were linked to the Stirling surname (shares the Moor head of French Chappes') using buckles that link well to Buchan, a term much like the Pagan variation of Payens. It all linked to Quintus Caepio because Stubbs use buckles on their bend, all in colors reversed from the Sterling bend-and-buckles, while Stubbings use besants on a bend all in the colors of the Stirling bend-with-buckles, while Stubbs were first found in Staffordshire, while Staffs (a Stobi-possible term) use the same chevron as Quints, first found in the same place (Essex) as Stubbings. Staffs are said to descend from dukes of BUCKINGham, and then Buckinghams, who share an upright lion on a gold Shield with Buchanans, share besants on a bend with Stubbings.

The oak-using Watsons (RUTland) trace to the oak-using Watts and Vatts/Watters (important as per the "water bouget" about to come to topic), and I see the Watts as a branch of BADENs/Batins (same place as oak-using Roets) that can be proven to be the namers of Badenoch. This is important for my old trace of Baths/ATHA's, first found in the same place as Badens/Battins, to the MacHETHs of Moray / Ross-shire i.e. the Nairnshire / Badenoch theater.

Watsons, whom I have traced to a husband of the daughter / granddaughter of Peter Pollock at Rothes castle (Moray), share the oak stump with Rothes-related RODhams and Nairns, but then I tend to trace Nairns to the Neuri scythians, whom I thought had merged with the Roxolani Rus that I trace to the naming of Roxburgh, where the Rodham- and Rutland-related Rutherfords were first found...who share the black footless martlet with French Josephs (see also the Rothers/Ruths of Moray). It just so happens that the Sprout surname ("four human hearts") was first found in Roxburghshire (!), which I didn't know until the rest of this paragraph was already written.

The pelican head of the Sprout Crest is used in the Biggar Crest, which tends to link the Sprout hearts to the heart of Moray-related Douglas', especially as Douglas' and Sprouts share crowns (the Sprouts use the MacArthur / Mathie crown). Pelicans and Arthurs together were traced to Artemidoros, grandson of Brogitarus, chief priest of the Great-Mother harlot (goddess) of Phrygia. The descendants of Artemidoros (see Julius Bassus and family that I trace to Bassania (lower-left of map) at the Mathis river) had married the Maccabee-Herod line under discussion. The pelican was gleaned as code for Publius Pulcher (thought by others to be a grandson of Quintus Caepio), a Roman leader who allowed Brogitarus to become a priest of the goddess. The Alan-based Stewarts, whom I trace to RoxoLANI Alans (the Huns), use the pelican, and this brings us back to Alexander Stewart of Badenoch, whose name can trace to Alexander Balus, the Seleucid king that unexpectedly formed a political merger (abomination) with Jonathan Maccabee. The Alexander name thus entered the Maccabee family, and was still in use in the Maccabee-Herod line under discussion. If all of this makes your head spin, it's why I got burn-out.

I had traced Artemidoros tentatively to the naming of Artemia, daughter of Rusticus (see last February), and the latter became suspect with the founding of the Varangian Rus, same as to what I trace the Vere's/Were's, Fulks, Massi's/Mattis', and Cohens/Kagans (Moray stars). If I recall correctly, Rusticus' father was RURICius, the makings of "Rurik," the name of the first Varangian (of Wieringen). The Roosts/Ruste's (black fitchees), who may be from "Rusticus," share the red wyvern with Drake's. There is a very good chance that the Neuri enter the Scottish picture with the Alan>Stewart migration to Scotland, but this entity was traced to the Varangian Rus...who had previously established a branch in Kiev, though they spread west at least as far as Red Rus (= Halychina/Galicia, possible branch of the Brogitarus Galatians). There are multiple reasons to expect these particular Varangians in cahoots with Khazars upon the Mures river of Transylvania. I trace Biggars to "Biharia" (Transylvania), and it just so happens that Menumurat, leader of the Mures-river Khazars, was in Biharia. It is this very topic that I expect at Moray.

The "sprouting" term of Nairns can also go to the Dutch Sprows' because the two surnames share a vertically-split Shield in colors reversed. It tends to clinch "sprouting" in other surname descriptions as code for the Sprows bloodline, which I trace without doubt to Norfolk, where Falcon-related Comyns (i.e. suspect with Fulk liners) were first found. But the Vere's/Were's are said to be from a Sprowestun in Roxburghshire, and so the two locations can be deemed related, especially as Vere's trace themselves to the earliest counts of Anjou, who are said to have furnished the Fulke's/Folks (another vertically-split Shield) of NorFOLK. Dutch Sprows happen to use an oak tree as well as more footless martlets, and the latter happen to be in the colors of the same of Sadducee-suspect Saddocks/Sedgewicks. Norfolk is where the Levi-suspect LEAVE/Leve/Leaf surname was first found.

Norfolk is the location of SPARham and is where the Sparrows (roses, unicorn suspect with the Rutland horse) were first found, and this plays to the crossed spears of the Sprouts, a symbol also of the Spears...meaning that Sprouts are a branch of Spears. German Sparrs/Sperls use the same-type footless martlet as Rutherfords, and English Sparrs use another swan. Without going into the details, I can glean that Scottish Sparrs are of the Maccabee-Herod line mentioned above (from Mariamne Maccabee, a Herod).

The Nairn motto term, sero and serio, can link well to the Zerrs/Zehrers (hatchets and the axe), suspect with Zahringers of BADEN, which can now trace the naming of Badenoch to Baden (Germany). Again, Zahringers used antlers alone (no stag heads), the Counter/Conte symbol. It just so happens that I traced the red antler of Zahringer-related Veringens to the red antler-alone in the Arms of SPREE-Neisse (Lusatia), important here because the Spree river traces excellently to the Spears in that they share the crescents of Spree's. This explains the sprouting code of Nairns as a trace of a Spree-river family passing through, or connecting with, Zahringers. It should be very interesting to discover how this Zahringer family ended up in Badenoch and surroundings. I would strongly suggest that the Hatchet/Hacket surname, honored by Zerrs/Zehrers, is using a version of the Massi-Mattis / Fulk Coat. The Norfolk Fulke's/Folks happen to use "sera" in their motto as well as the Shakespeare spear design in their Crest. That works. The Zerr/Zehrer hatchets are crossed in saltire, as are the Sprout and Speer spears.

Another way to trace Baden to Badenoch is by way of the Arms of Baden (just a red-on-gold bend) in use in the Coat of Turins, first found in Aberdeenshire. Moreover, the clincher: English Thorns, first found in the same place (Somerset) as Badens/Battins, are using lions in the colors of the Buchan lions. (My guess is that the Thorn lion is also the Palin/Pawlenty lion.)

Here's what was written to Kerry: "The Nairn quatrefoils are likely linkable to the same of Ayers / Eyers, kin of the Scottish Here's (blue wings), and from that one can link to the Here's and Hertzogs (blue wings) of Bavaria, where the Zerrs were first found. It just so happens that Scottish Here's share the oak stump with the Nairn Crest." Ayrshire is where Carricks were first found that were part of the royal-Bruce make-up. As Noke's/Noaks are Oke's/Oaks, Nairns could have been Ayers. The latter may have been from "Agarus," an ancient river near the Neuri. Noke's and Oke's are themselves suspect from Neuri circles because Alans use oak leaves.

If I recall correctly, the Adam Kilconquhar and/or the Carricks had previously lived / ruled in Angus, and so I'll mention here that French Sere's/Serts (Languedoc) share the white-on-red stars in their Chief with the Angus Chief. Lusatia was in my view the mother of mythical Melusine which the Vere's located at the earliest counts of Anjou, but then the Melusine mermaid is in use in the Prestwick Coat while there is a Prestwick location in AYRshire. The idea here is that a Lusatian line through to Zahringers went to Angus', and it just so happens that the Arms of Carrick (used by Gilberts) are just a chevron in colors reversed to the same of Sere's/Serts. At the page below, you can read of Carrick origins in a Gilbert, but we also find that Duncan Carrick married a Stewart and had for a descendant one "Malcolm, whose seal bore a two-headed eagle displayed." It just so happens that a black, two headed eagle is shared by Gilberts (with the 's' on the end) and the Hatchet/Hacket Crest! To trace Carricks to the Zahringers yet again, the Gilberts (no 's') share white-on-red rose with the Sere's/Serts! This is all new for me.

However, I recall that Fergus, the ancestor of Carricks, had traced strongly to the German Saure's (Carrick colors, shares a red-on-white lion with Angus), said to derive from "Sau," the Sau/Sava river. That river was home to SERVitium, what I view as the proto-Serbs. It just so happens that Serbs descend from Sorbs who were/are heavily in Lusatia.

The Mr. Galleri in the Sauer write-up traces well to the Gallery/Galloway surname (Bruce lion? probably), and it just so happens that Fergus and Gilbert lived in Galloway. The motto of Gallerys, "Higher," looks like code for a line of Eyers / Ayers / Here's. As Fergus is said to be from Roman extraction (hence, the double-headed eagle), I would suggest his trace to emperor Valentinian I, whose home was off the Sava river. The Seagars had traced independently, and solidly, to Valentinian's wife, but then Seagers (in Sawyer colors) were first found in the same place (Norfolk again) as Sawyers (white martlets again), likely a branch of Sauers.

The Gallerys (Wigton) look related to the Hanna's (stag in Gallery colors) of Wigton, and Hanna's are thus likely a branch of Annan(dale)s. The Hanna fitchee cross is expected to be of the Carrick fitchees seen at the page above, but the Hanna fitchee was traced (by me) to the fitchees used by an Arms of Macclesfield (they are owned by Davenports) while this Arms of Macclesfield uses the Gallery/Galloway lion, apparently. The Macclesfield lion was deemed with little doubt to be one that traces to Quintus Caepio (Quints use the fitchee too).

I had said previously that the Gilbert motto and the Gilbert squirrel trace to Decks/Daggers, and so let's add that the Comyn Crest has a lion holding a dagger. This gets us back to the Tecks/Tess'/Tease's using a version of the Annan(dale) saltire along with LEAVES, and then there are the other Tease's/Tighs (same place as Bugs) suspect with the Annas / Sere stars. It can now be noted that the Zerr/Zehrer hatchets form a saltire in the colors of the Teck/Tess saltire (for new readers, the Tecks/Tess' (Switzerland) trace to the Ticino/Tessen river originating in the southern Swiss theater, the river of the Laevi Gauls).

The Wikipedia article on Carricks shows the symbol of earl Duncan Carrick (son of Gilbert), to be what looks like a winged lion with the head of a gull (new to me), which reminds me that Gullys share the Julian/Gillian cross (see also the Cowes'/Kue's). As the Tigh-like Teague's use the same cross, the Julians can indeed fit right into this Carrick picture. The Gullys ("sine" motto term) use the same chevron as the Arms of Carrick, and the version of the Carrick Arms using fitchees around the chevron seems perfectly reflected by the Gully Coat! This seems to be an excellent way to trace Fergus to Julius Caesar (ignore the Gully write-up's derivation), for indeed the double-headed eagle ought to trace to Caesar in particular. The eagle in the Gilberts Coat is identical to the one used by Maxwells, whom trace to Rijeka, near the sources of the Sava.

The Vince's were traced to "Vinkovci," the city of birth for Valentinian I. The "sibi" motto term of Vince's was deemed to be code for "Cibalae," the other name of Vinkovci. The Sibal(d)s, who share the Seager moline, lived in Fife, the origin also of Adam Kilconquhar (married Carrick). The Vince's translate their motto, "To have a conscience free from guilt," while the English Gulls (share a version of the German-Julian cross) show a Guil variation. Guilts could be using the Cage Shield, important where Teague's are also "Caige." Guilts (version of Comyn / Montgomery Coat?) were first found in Montgomeryshire, near Commins Coch and the Clements.

Holders, first found near the Guilts, share winged griffins with Vince's, but Holders also use a winged lion called, "A gold lion sejant," and then "sejant" was suspect as code for Sagans/Segans, a branch of Segni's/Segurana's sharing the Sibal / Seagar moline (see also MacArthur moline). That's a good reason for linking the winged lion of Holders to the winged lion of Duncan Carrick, which essentially traces Carricks to Vinkovci, as expected. The cuffed arm of the Como's (relevant because Adam's mother was of a Comyn surname) is "HOLDing an silver arrow with a hold tip, the bottom is silver and blue per bend with a dancette partition." The Holders (and Carricks) use a dancette of their own, and while one might think that "hold tip" is an error because it should be "gold tip," it seems that it's a deliberate error as code for Holders. Thus, Adam Kilconquhar and the Carricks trace with Holders (Gloucestershire) to Vinkovci and therefore to the Sibals.

The first-known Como is said to be from Padua, location of Este to which I trace the heraldic estoile seen in the Guilt Coat. Vicenza, where squirrel-using Valentins were first found, is likewise in Padua. The Valentin squirrel traces to the Gilbert squirrel, doesn't it, assuring that Carricks trace to Valentinian. However, Carricks are said to be descended from Craigs, and the latter were traced without doubt to "ACRAGAS," also known as Agrigento, a city of Sicily founded (according to Wikipedia) by the namers of Gela (also in Sicily). It looks like there was a Gela / Agrigento trace to Vinkovci, and that the Duncan-Carrick gull, if indeed it is a gull, traces to Gela. This tends to assure that Gulls, Gullys and Julians trace to the namers of Gela.

I had traced the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Anchors/Annackers to the same in the Arms of Agrigento, but can now claim with certainty that the red-on-gold lozenges in the Arms of Thomas Randolph (first earl of Moray) specifically uses the Anchor/Annacker lozenges in colors reversed. It just so happens that while Obama's mother (a Dunham) descends from the Randolphs (they share the Dunham Coat), the Holder Coat is a version of the Randolph / Dunham Coat. That's why Obama hired Eric Holder to be his accomplice in crime. Thomas Randolph, some historians said, was the son of Adam Kilconquhar and Marjorie Carrick. That works.

Recall the English Peters using the Buchanan lion and what ought to be the Joseph swan, for the gold mascles in the Peter Chief trace well to the gold lozenges in the Anchor/Annacker Chief, because the Majors, honored in the Peter motto, use the anchor. The Peter / Buchanan / Lafin / Conte lion is in Carrick colors.

The Wikipedia article on Thomas doesn't have the courtesy of mentioning Adam Kilconquhar, but makes Thomas the son of another Thomas, sheriff of Roxburgh (no Wikipedia article on him). The article shows an alternative Arms used by Thomas, with three "cushions" in place of the three lozenges. Kilpatricks (near Annandale) use cushions too, which I've traced to the Cass/Cash and Cush/Kiss surnames that had linked hard to the line of Valentinian's wife (Justine of Picenum). The Cassels honor the Lafins along with Kennedys. There is also the Cusson surname that is a branch of Constance's, from the Roman emperor, Constantine I, known to be a line to Valentinian. For example, someone put some words into Constantine's mouth that included "segni vinces," code for the Segni's/Segurana's and for the Vinkovci line. The motto of Macclesfield-related Fessys/Vesseys (same cross as French Chapels) use the words supposedly spoken by Constantine (I do not think he spoke them). The red Cusson / Constance eagle is used also by MacDonalds, Ferte's and Sparrs. The Constance's are a branch of, or merger with,fretty-using Cotta's, the surname of the mother of Julius Caesar, tending to identify the Ferte eagle with the Julian / Roman eagle. The red eagle was owned by Zahringers before transfer to the Hohen emperors, who trace from FREDerick Hohenzollern, and thus the Ferte's are suspect with his name.

English Chapels use scallops in the colors of the Valentin squirrels, and were first found in the general area of the Justine's. I've just entered "Bessy"' to check for links to "Fessy," and got the Besancons, first found in the same place as Chapels! As Nairns use the chaplet, by what coincidence does the "serio" motto term of Nairns get the SIGNOri's? The Nairs/NAYERS (share red lion with Wreaths) were first found in Wreath-like Perth, where Justine's were first found! Nairs/Nayers share the pheon with Pilate's, and while the Pilate pheon is used in colors reversed by the Celts/Colts of Perthshire, the latter share it in blue with Nairs/Nayers (why a mermaid?). Perthshire traces to mount Pilat at Forez, where the Nairn Chaplet will trace below. It has been said that the mother of Pontius Pilate was from Perthshire. The Nairn Crest mermaid can trace to Nereus, the mythical merman whose wife (Doris) was a mermaid, but if Nairns trace to the Nereids (Neretva river), they can't be fundamental Ayer liners, but more like a marital merger with Ayers.

Kerry (writer of the email) made mention of the water bougets used by Ralphs, first found in Nairnshire. But the Rose's of the Nairnshire area share water BOUGets with the BUGs (same place as Tease's/Tighs and Annas'), and then the Neuri are known to have been on the Bug river (Ukraine). It tends to assure that Nairn was named by a Neuri family, and in this way the Rose's look to be from the Roxolani Rus. The two Bug rivers are on either side of L'VIV, a city like the Five/Fifie and Fife surnames. The Pfeifers (rose in Crest) happen to use a large anchor, which links potentially to Anchors and therefore to Thomas Randolph. Again, Adam Kilconquhar had ancestry in Fife. Angus' namers may trace to ancient Angusta, not very far from a Bug river. Pfeifers are also "PFEYfer," and in Morgan colors (gold on green) so as to link to mythical Morgan le Fay of Avalon (she's dressed in the same colors at her Wikipedia article).

In the webpage below on Thomas Randolph, his story reads a little poetic and perhaps throws in some novel fiction; at one point in the story, king Bruce (Thomas' uncle) says to Thomas, "A rose has fallen from your chaplet!" That sounds like code for the Nairn chaplet and the connection to the Rose family. This recalls the Roosevelt rose upon a stem, as it should link to the same of Avezzano's; the latter were traced to Aves'/Avisons whom share the Comyn garbs.

Irish Moors use the Morgan lion, suggesting that Morgan le Fay was a Mauritanian element. She traces to purple-lion Veys/Vivians who share the Fife Shield. The purple lion can trace to king Massena where he had created an alliance with the Roman general, Scipio, and together that alliance seems to trace to Meschins that married purple-lion Skiptons. Although the Bruce lion is blue, Scottish Bruce's have a purple tinge to their lion. The royal lion of the Scottish royals traces, in my opinion, to the lion of Ranulph le Meschin, and he's still suspect at the root of the Moray Randolphs. Meschins had married the royal Duncan family, which may have put forth Duncan Carrick.

Alexander Stewart, Earl of Buchan, Alasdair Mór mac an Rígh, and called the Wolf of Badenoch (1343 - 20 June 1405), was the third surviving son of King Robert II of Scotland [first Stewart king] and youngest by his first wife, Elizabeth Mure of Rowallan. He was the first Earl of Buchan since John Comyn...,_Earl_of_Buchan

Elizabeth MURE. The Mure's/Moors/Muirs (same stars as Maceys) were first found in the same place as Carricks. Mure's/Moors use a "non" motto term as well as the fesse of Nons/Nevins (Ayrshire) in colors reversed. I traced Nons/Nevins (VIVis motto term) along with Neve's to Sophonisba, the Carthaginian lover (or fiancé) of king Massena. The "speranDUM" motto term of Nons/Nevins is expected to be a form of "DUM spiro spero," the motto of Massins/Masons. It was Dan Brown's fictional, Da Vinci Code, that had a "Sophia NEVEu" code that taught me to trace Neve's to Sophonisba. The white-on-blue crescents of the Nons/Nevins can link well to the same of French Conte's just because Elizabeth's son ruled Badenoch after taking Buchan from the Comyns. Elizabeth's son (yes Alexander Stewart) had married Euphemia (of Ross-shire). Compare "Euphemia" to "Boofima."

Buchans use a "Non" motto term too, as do Justine's/Justins of nearby Perthshire. The latter's "causa" motto term has been reckoned to be code for the Cass/Cash and Kiss/Cush surnames with little doubt, because one of the two shares the weight scale with Justine's and Sire's/Sirets, and because both Cash's and Cush's use fountains while Fountains ("Vix" motto term) share the green snake with Justine-loving Sire's/Sirets, suspect with Sere's/Serts and therefore with Zahringers. As Sire's are now looking like part of the namers of ZAHRingers, we need to lump them into the squirrel-using Shire's/Squirrels/SQUARE's. "Buchan" might even trace to the namers of PICENum. Or, the namers of Picenum (like "viking / Vexin") may have become the Vicks honored possibly in the Fountain motto. Fountains can trace to Fano near the northern end of Picenum, but as the Abreu's (two lions in the colors of the same in the Arms of Normandy) who named Abruzzo trace to Evreux (home of Eburovices) of Normandy, note that the Vexin is at the Evreux theater. It occurred to me here that Fountains (red fesses reflecting the Paine fesse) may have been of the Pounds/Pounts (red fesse), for example, and therefore a branch of Payens/Paionts, but that was before checking the Vicks to find a giant Zionist star in the colors of the same of Payens.

Dan Brown's book had a key character with Sauniere surname that was a deliberate play on an historical priest with Sauniere surname at a Magdalene church in Rennes-le-Chateau, and it just so happens that Saunier's (no final 'e'), sharing the same star as Mure's/Moors, were first found in the same place (PERIgord) as Beefs/BOEUFs, whom I view from the ImPERI Africans that ran the proto-BAPHomet, BOOFima cult (like the Carthaginians, Boofima practiced human sacrifice). The Boeufs share the blue-on-white fesse of Mure's/Moors.

The Non variation, and the Naoimhin name to which Nons are traced in their write-up, had become suspect with a Neamt area of modern Moldova, upon a SIRET river suspect with the Numidian capital, CIRTa/Sirta. That's what made "Neamt" suspect as the entity that named Numidia. It made the "Vivis" motto term of Nons suspect with some aspect in L'viv. The "Semper' motto tern in the Arms of L'viv plays well to the Samboeuf variation of Boeufs. The Semper/Sampere lions must be the Brampton lions, and I'll get to the Bramptons in the next section. Sempers had traced to emperors Vespasian, Titus and Domitian, the ones expected to resurrect the anti-Christ.

The Veys/Vivians, said to be from "vivus" (which is just code and not reality), were first found in the same place (Cornwall) as Pendragons, Spree's and Certs/Cards (suspect partly with CARTHage). The latter happen to share the blue lion with Massins/Masons, tending to verify that this is a line of king Massena to the Freemasons. The Sert variation of Sere's, who are now tracing to Carricks, tends to drag Carrick ancestry to king Massena. He was likely named from Sicily's Messina, i.e. not far from Agrigento of the Carricks. Neamt is near ancient Angusta, and my opinion from other, independent considerations (before knowing of Neamt) had been that Annas and Caiaphas both needed to trace to Carthaginians / Numidians.

There had been a question as to whether "Syphax" was a version of the same entity that named Caiaphas. Syphax was the Carthaginian whom married Sophonisba. I don't recall tracing his name to the Save/Sava river, but it now interests me because Euphemia of Ross first married Leslie's whom I had traced to a location (always forget the spelling) at the source of the Sava. I had gleaned that the Leslie bend was a colors-reversed version of the Save bend due to some relationship, and these bends (= diagonal bars) are in the colors of the Non / Mure fesses.

The Leslie buckles are suspect with the namers of Buchan, the area ruled by Euphemia's other husband. From Wikipedia's article on this other husband, it says that his royal father "had acquired the lands of Badenoch probably from Euphemia..." She's called the countess of Moray, sometimes called, Moravia. It just so happens that while European Moravia was beside Bohemia, the Buchanans have a Bohannan variation, suggesting that Bohemians may have named Buchan, the Buckle's, and the Buckleys. It suggests that Bohemians may have been in the Conte's. The Bohums/Bohuns/Bone's even use the same fesse (Moray colors) as Save's and Bissets, the latter first found in Ross-shire. This fesse is colors reversed from the same of the Biharia (Mures-river) Biggars. The green sprouting tree stump in the Bisset Crest likely links to the sprouting tree trunk of Nairns (Nairn was part of the Ross-shire theater). Another tree stump is in the Maurice/Morys Crest while the first Drummond was Maurice, styled "Marot of Yorvik" (York), and then the Ross' were first found in Yorkshire.

Leslie's are known to be from Hungarians in the lifetime of king Andrew I of Hungary, whom I say is the Andrew said to be at the root of the Ross clan. King Andrew's son, George (father of Maurice Drummond, the first Drummond), married a woman from Podebrady, in Bohemia. That should explain any Bohemians in the Leslie part of Scotland (Leslie's were first found in Aberdeenshire, location of Buchan). One George Coat uses a fesse in the colors of the Non/Nevin fesse, as well as the Buchanan / Conte lion, apparently. Belgian George's use the same bend as Bissets. In the article on John Comyn, earl of Buchan: "Sir Andrew [Moray] had taken as his second wife Euphemia Comyn, the daughter of the first Lord of Badenoch." Euphemia I was not only the countess of Moray, and wife of a Leslie, but descended from Ross'. That is, her father, William, was the fifth earl of Ross.

The Bissets play to the Bessets/Besancons (from mount Forez, beside St. Etienne) sharing the white-on-blue (Bisset and Pilate colors) billets with Etienne's, and linkable to the Billet surname (like "Pilate"), first found in the same place as French Josephs. This involves an important story in itself that traces to mount Pilat (at St. Etienne), where there is a Perdrix area that I trace to the naming of Perthshire, where Scottish Drummonds were first found. German Drummonds happen to use bars in Bisset / Besset colors, and to prove the link, Bassets use the triple and wavy bar design of Drummonds.

The Capote's/Chaputs/Shappus', the variations of which smack of a Shaw / Chives branch, were likewise first found at Forez. Again, the French Chapels were likewise first found at Forez.

This recalls that the ancestry of Boleslaw I of Poland was in Boleslaw I of Bohemia (historical fact) while the Bole's share the Pollock boar shot through with an arrow. William of Ross is said to descend from Fearchar, founder of Ross-shire. "The traditional story is that Fearchar was part of the ancient family O Beollain (O'Beolain, Boland, Bolan) of the Gaelic Cenel Eoghain that were co-arbs (hereditary abbots) of St. Maelrubha at Applecross in Ross-shire. This idea goes back to the work of the great William F. Skene, and indeed, even before him, with William Reeves, whom Skene cited. The historian Alexander Grant has recently challenged this theory..." I'm just wondering whether there was a Bole-like entity that was known to link to Ross-shire while some historian(s) mistakenly linked it to the Bolan of the Irish. Note that Bole's (Lincolnshire) look like a branch of the Lincolnshire Pilotte's and the Chives-related Shaws.,_Earl_of_Ross

Fearchar is said to be, "mac an t-Sagairt," translated by some as "son of a priest," or "son of Taggart." It just so happens that Taggarts (owl), first found in Ross-shire, use the Chives motto while I claim that Chives' trace to the Israeli priesthood. There was one Tigranes character (son of Alexander Maccabee and Glaphyra) in the Maccabee-Herod line, and his name was thought to trace to the same word, though in the Middle East / Caucasia, that created "taggart = priest" for the Irish. Tigranes married Opgalli (a Jew of Galatia theater), who became suspect in my hunt as even the sister of Joseph Caiaphas. I was unable to clinch the parents of Caiaphas, but entertained Amyntes or Artemidoros (Galatia) as his father. I had not known Brogitarus nor Artemidoros when, months earlier, I resolved to seek Caiaphas' parent(s) as a descendant of Servilia Caepionis, daughter of Quintus Caepio the younger. I then learned that Brogitarus was assisted politically by a Publius Pulcher, thought by some historians to be the son of another Servilia Caepionis, daughter of Quintus Caepio the elder, the one who found the gold and silver bars (in Toulouse) that I traced in-part to the silver billets (= silver bullion bars) of Bessets/Besancons and Billets.

The Moray star should be in play in the Coat of Belgian Bole's/Bollane's. Dutch Bole's (tree stump) use the leaf-revival theme of the Bisset tree stump, and both stumps are green! This recalls the Milan tree stump, which was initially of the Bisset style, but is now of the Bole style. The Milan stump is partly on a green Shield, and then Scottish Milans/Millens, first found near Tarves but said to have had a branch at Moray, are thought to be a branch of Buchanans! That is excellent if Buchanans were Bohemians expected at Ross-shire with the wife of the Drummond patriarch. It really does look like the first ruler of Ross was a Bohemian. German Bole's/Bolens, along with compasses, use the Buchanan / Milan lion yet again. See the green of Scottish Andrews, suspect with the Pollock saltire, from the Arms of Pula, in Istria.

The Milan/Millen lion is the Conte / Buchanan / Peter lion, and then the other English Peters share a "rien" motto term with Misers (cherries) while Misers are expected in the "miseris" motto term of Milans/Millens. Milan is near Como.

Recalling the potential trace of Badenoch to Badins/Battins, first found in the same place as Baths/ATHA's and Boofima-rooted Roets, and recalling my trace of the Ross-shire MacHeths to "Atha," see here: "So did Fearchar appear from nowhere as a 'novus homo'? The facts are that we do not know what happened to the Mormaerdom of Ross after the death, in 1168, of the last known Mormaer, Malcolm MacHeth." The oak-using Roets were essentially the same as Beauforts (Boofima suspects), and the book in the Roet Crest (see also the book of Reeds) is code for the Books/Boggs, terms that can be from Bough-like terms likewise from "Boofima." It just so happens that French Beauforts share the Ross/Roos lion! That is huge where "EUPHEMia" smacks of "Boofima"!!! English Beauforts (may not apply) were first found in Norfolk. See the Fergus' with what could be the Beaufort lion in colors reversed, for Fergus' were first found in Galloway, where Fearchar has some sway. Fearchar may have been his adoptive name, not from birth.

The sleeping moon of Roets (traces to sleeping Endymion, lover of the Carian moon goddess) is used by Kerns/Karens, an apt surname for Carians (of Caria). The point is, the Kerns were first found in Silesia, which overlaps Moravia / Bohemia.

Boofima was traced back to the Marsyas goat of Phrygia, who was skinned alive by Apollo, and consequently to the golden-fleece symbol. It just so happens that while Ross-shire had Dingwall as it's capital, the Dingwalls/Dingle's use a gold fleece. Then, while I traced Boofima to Bavaria (some say it was founded / named by the Boii = proto-Bohemians), German Dingle's (counterchanged) were first found in Bavaria. I can now add that while the Imperi people of Boofima were traced to "Imperia," in Liguria, the Grimaldi's lived / ruled in Liguria while they share red-and-white lozenges with German Dingle's. In fact, Imperia was also called, "Oneglia," which I had traced to Nagle's, and then "Dingle" looks like it was from "D'Nagle."

I claim that the Scottish flag, a saltire in colors reversed from the Malcolm saltire (shows the Mure / Non/Nevin stars, apparently), was a symbol in honor of king Andrew, but I can now add that the German Nagle's/Nails use the same saltire. The Irish Nagle's (lozenges) use another "non" motto term and share the Non/Nevin fesse. It's known that Malcolm III entertained the Leslie's and Drummonds. The "ardua" motto term of Malcolms traces easily to the Arduinici of Oneglia. A branch of Arduinici had been at Ivrea, near/with the Laevi Gauls. "Ivrea" traces well to the Yvery location of Leavells/Lovells, in Somerset, where English Roets were first found. Leavells, who appear to be using the wavy Drummond bars in nebuly form, were overseers of castle CARY.

Back to the FearCHAR article: "We know that Fearchar married one of his daughters, called Euphemia, to Walter de Moravia, a magnate who ruled Duffus [Duffy's use the Morgan / Moore lion]. Walter's family were of Flemish origin [as were Biggars from the Mures], and had been planted in Moray by the Scottish crown as agents of royal authority, but were steadily building an independent power-base. Christina, another of Fearchar's daughters, was married to Amlaibh, the King of Mann and the Isles." The French Duffus' use nothing but a bend in the colors of the same of Bissets, as do Belgian George's. English Duffus' may be using the Guilt estoiles, but in any case estoiles in these colors are used by Este-related Bute's while the island of Bute was Avalon, where Arthurian liars (secret-keepers and teasers) traced Morgan le Fay. Scottish Duffus'/Duffs, in Drummond colors, were first found in the same place as Drummonds, and use the Fife lion.

Euphemia is said to be a Greek name, but why was it used by the line of Fearchar? Perhaps this goes to the Varangian Guard, Inger, husband of Melissena Rangabe with royal-Khazar ancestry. There was one Euphemia of Hungary: "Euphemia of Hungary was a daughter of King Bela I of Hungary and his wife, Richesa (or Adelaide) of Poland (1050s - 11 April 1111). She was the wife of Duke Otto I of Olomouc. Otto married Euphemia before 1073." I read that Bela (brother of Andrew I) was the husband of Helena of Angusta.

The Dining Hall Mess(y)

Right off the bat, I'd like to say that the Nairn quatrefoils are in the colors of the same of Wights. The Isle of Wight became an important topic, as follows, from the opening of an email on the same day that I opened the email on Nairns. The Isle of Wight is suspect with the Caepio line, and the Nairn quatrefoils are in a CHAPlet. Here's from me to the other emailer writing on the possible Sale link to Halls where a Warin de Haule/Haule/Aula was also styled, De la Sale, De la Salle, De Sale, De Salle, De la S'aula:

A couple of years ago, someone reminded me that the Sale write-up traces to "dining hall." I have never bought that idea, but now that you come up with this Warin character, I looked into it. I found that he married Juliana Brampton, and then the Bramptons [same place as Fulks, important because Juliana Brampton had a child, Fulk] happen to use a talbot dog in their Crest, the Hall symbol.

...Bramptons look like they use the Gernon lions in colors reversed, and Gernons are from two possible sources: 1) son of Ranulph le Meschin; 2) Eustace II, father of Godfrey de Bouillon. Ranulph le Meschin married Lucy Taillebois = Talbot. Lucy was of Lincolnshire, where the Halls/Aule's (in Sale colors) were first found.

Emma de Redvers married firstly William Avenel, and had Ralph; and secondly William d'Avranches, and had Robert...In later writings, the monk of Ford states in error that Robert d'Avranches married firstly Matilda, daughter of Baldwin de Redvers, and secondly Geldwin de Dol..."

German Warins look like they may be using a version of the Fulke/Folk Coat, in which case these Warins were named likely after Warin de Aula.

Robert D'Avranches was of Ferte-Mace, and Redvers/Revere's use the same lion as Massins/Masons. D'Avranches of Cheshire were born from Richard Goz and Emma de Conteville, and then the Eustace's use the Coat of Irish Burghs, whom I know to be from John de Burgo of Conteville.

The article above is titled, "De Aula and Early Hall Lineage." It points out the Halls on the Isle of Wight using three goat the colors of the three talbot dog heads of Halls. It also shows that Wight's Halls had merged with goat-using Kingsleys, and says that Warin de Aula was a D'Avranches liner. Ranulf le Meschin (son of Maud D'Avranches), it adds, was styled, "de Kingsley" (new to me). It seemingly verifies that Meschins were closely linked to Sale's, who I've seen as "Sale's-of-Mascy," and yet I'm not willing to view Sale's and Halls as perfectly equivalent, mere versions of one another. At the page below, the lion of Ranulf le Meschin is shown as red on gold and upright, quite possibly the red lion of Auleys/Cauleys.

I'm willing to view Halls as a branch of Sale's by merger, not because "sale" supposedly means "hall" in French. Years ago, before knowing that the Sale write-up traced to a person living by a "dining hall," I had reason to link the Sale's to Talbots, as the latter were known (by me) as a branch of Sellicks. I have good evidence in the Durants that Sale's/Sallete's trace to Salyes Ligures on the Durance river, and then back to the Salto and Turano rivers. The last two rivers are the location of Avezzano, and then Avisons use the Comyn garbs for a Salto-river trace to Conteville's and therefore to Aula's. Halls and Aule's were traced to mythical Helle / Helen, or the Hellespont of Mysia, and are therefore expected to be related closely to Massey liners.

"In the 'Pedigree of Warin de Aula,' Earl Ranulf III [le Meschin] was styled 'de Kingsley' and was the son of Maud d'Avranches, sister of Albreda d'Avranches. Albreada was the mother of William d'Avranches [married Redvers-Meules], grandfather of Warin de Aula. From this, it appears the d'Avranches were likely the common source for the use of the Goat." I don't know that D'Avranches use the goat. The Kingsley goat is likely the Morton goat. Kingsleys recalls the Hulls of Kingston in Yorkshire, perhaps a coincidence. The Kinsey variation suggests the Kins'/Cyne's (Kay colors) because they share two black-on-white chevrons with Ash's, first found in Devon, location also of Okehampton, the place of William D'Avranches. Chives' were first found in Devon.

The page below shows "Thomas de la Sale De Aula" of Wiltshire (beside Dorset), where Mortons were first found. Thomas is about 220 years after Warin de Aula. Thomas apparently descends from a Reginald de Aula (1250) of Wight. Wiltshire is in the Avon theater, which may link to the Avenell entity of this family. (I had to stop the page below from over-loading to see it:)

On the second page, there is Warin Halduc de Aula (1110) of Wight shown as son of Robert D'Avranches Halduc; Warin has a son with Juliana Brampton named Roger de Aula of Wight. It's very new and interesting for me because Wight is the location of Cowes, and may trace to Qewe, where the Maccabee-Herod line ruled, roughly anyway, and I expect that line in the Meschins. The latter lived in the Bessin, suspect with "Bassus / Bassianus."

Robert D'Avranches (the one who married Godwin Dol(e)), father of Warin de Aula, "Was adopted by his uncle Richard de Brion/Redvers and inherited the Barony of Okehampton of his half brother Ralph Avenell." Brion is a term traceable to Briancon, on the Durance river with the Salyes, and that city was also Brigantium, a term that can trace to Ranulf de Briquessart (Bessin), father of Ranulf le Meschin. Brions/Brians were first found in Denbigh, beside Cheshire. Note that Godwins use lions in the colors of the Brampton lions. I recall tentatively tracing pomeGRANates to Gernons, and so let's quote the following because Crispins use pomegranates: "When King William I (the Conqueror) had conquered England, he gave to those men who came over with him great estates and among them was Baldwin de Brionis (so named from a place in Normandy) who was given many estates and the Barony of Okehampton. Baldwin was the second son of Gilbert de Crispin, Count of Brioniis..."

English Crispins are said to have received (from the Conqueror) lands of Cowley, a term like the Cauley variation of Auleys. Cowleys, using martlets in the colors of the same of French Josephs, were first found in the same place (Shropshire) as Meschins. The French Crispins/Crepons (Lorraine) look like they can link to Save's (Burgundy). Crispins are from Pharisee-like Parez, and their POMEgranate is expected to link to the apple symbol of one Paris surname. From this, the Apple's / Applebys and Mountains are suspect in the mix, which itself goes to mount Pilat and the treasure expected there.

The treasure expected by some at Rennes-le-Chateau's Mr. Sauniere (I forget his first name), which I view as part of the Caepio treasure there too, is wrapped up in a "blue-apple" riddle that can be identified with the Apple's and Appleby's because they both use blue Shields, and because Rennes-le-Chateau is near Toulouse.

The Save's came up because the Crispin bend shares a red symbol upon it with the Save's. I have never before thought to check the Snake surname as per the red snakes on the Save bend, but, what do you know, the Snake/Snook surname uses red fleur-de-lys on a white-on-blue chevron, the Snake / Crispin color scheme in all three colors. The red fleur are used by Gellone's, and William Gellone happened to be the count of Toulouse! William is said to have been father to Guarin (essentially "Warin") of Provence, and that's the area where the Durance river flows, and not far from Orange, where Caepio fought a war the year after he stole the Toulouse treasure. As I trace Guerins to Ferrari's, it's interesting that Snooks use the same lion as Ferrari's. which happens to be colors-reversed from the Redver lion. However, we'll see shortly below that this lion is likely the Sforza lion more directly.

For those who don't know, the very Gauls that became the Brogitarus and Artemidoros Galatians engaged by Publius Pulcher had lived at Toulouse, and the Pulleys/Pullens, who use a pelican (that I trace to the Pulchers) use a bend in the colors of the Crispin / Save / Bisset bend, and moreover the Pulleys/Pullens likewise use red symbols (scallops) upon that bend. Moreover, I had traced Pulleys/Pullens to Guiscards due to a mechanical pulley (completely unexpected = code) painted into a portrait of the Guiscard brothers of Sicily, which can speak to the "piles" used in the Brion/Brian Coat, a symbol also of Guiscards. It just so happens that the Cowes'/Kue's use piles, though they call them pennants in honor of the Pennants.

I had found it compelling to trace Pulleys to Poole, a Dorset location directly on-shore from the Isle of White, now making the Aula's of Wight suspect with the Caepio treasure, for Quints were first found in both Essex (where Vere's were first found) and Dorset. Dove-using George's were likewise first found in Dorset, important because Caepio's must trace to Cuppae (Moesia), "city of doves." Leave's/Leve's (Bisset, etc. colors) use the dove. Even as the Caepio-line lion is the blue-on-white one of Macclesfields and Bruce's, so the George doves are blue on white. Likewise first found in Dorset are the Redvers who happen to use a blue lion. The Palins are also "Pawley" (like "Pulley"), and were likewise first found in Dorset so that I trace them to Poole elements.

It's reasonable that some of the Caepio treasure expected in the Orange area went to Briancon because both are in relation to the Durance river. I should add that Irish Brions/Brians once showed the same lion design as the lion once showing in the Oxford surname, while one Crispin surname was first found in Oxfordshire, where the Gellone > Guarin line is expected in the Vere's.

Beside/near Poole is SouthAMPTON, and then the Brione's / Aula's had ruled in OkeHAMPTON. This is being mentioned because the Snake's/Snooks (Kent) are said to derive from "Sevenoaks / Se Noaks," a location in Kent, where Massins/Masons were first found that use the Redver lion in both colors. The Snook write-up uses the Saxon name, Seouenacas, for this place, which smacks of the Seneca/Seneschal surname in the same colors. The Seneca's are important for using a Shield filled with mascles, the symbol of Spinks (talbot dog) and Quince's (suspect with Quints), both first found in NorthAMPTON. Along with the mascles, Spinks use gold-on-blue spread eagles, the Snake/Snook symbol too. In light of the so-called "quince" flower that the Sforza lion holds, but also because the Sforza's received the snake symbol of Visconti's (suspect as Guiscards/Wiscarts), the Snake's/Snooks are looking like a merger with Sforza's and Quints.

This is now the picture to which one can trace the snakes of Save's, and so it should be noted that "SFORza" may be a Saffer / Savary branch (i.e. the Save's included). French Saffers (same place as Save's, Pilate's, and Mont Pilat) use FIVE eagles that jibes with the five theme of Quince's and Quints. Spinks use five mascles. Quince's use seven mascles as a potential code for emperor SEPTimius SEVERus (married Bassianus), whose name can and should trace to "Septimania," location of Rennes-le-Chateau. English Saffers even share the blue vair fur of Quints. Septimius' son, Caracalla, a name I trace to Carricks (share black talbot with Spinks), had Julius Bassianus (his grandfather) stationed in Dalmatia, which included the Sava-river theater. Caracalla was before the time of Valentinian i.e. upon the Sava. The Spinks are likely honored in the sphinx of the Brocuffs/Procoffs surname, a branch of Brocks. This sphinx is essentially a lion, in the colors of the Sforza lion.

There is no Okehampton surname coming up, but the Oke's/Oaks were first found in Somerset, beside Okehampton, and moreover they use what should be a version of the Meschin/MASCULine Coat; both use an engrailed fesse in gold on black. The Oke's, instead of the oak tree, use oak LEAVES. The mascle-suspect Mussels/Muscels likewise use a fesse in the colors of the Oke fesse, but the Mussel/Muscel Crest is a black wolf, symbol of Quade's and related Mackays whom I trace to "QUADratus," father of Quadratilla, wife of LAEVillus. Quadratus was a Bassus surname, son of Julius Bassus, and grandson of SEVERUS Bassus (about 20 AD), the line suspect in putting out Julius Bassianus (second century AD). In this picture, the Brocuffs/Procoffs can trace to BROGitarus, the ancestry of these Bassus'.

The Mussels/Muscels (same place as English PILOTTE's), using a version of the Herl Coat (ducks in place of plates) happen to use so-called "PLATEs" while the Plate/Platts surname once again uses the three-color scheme of Save's and Snake's/Snooks. In fact, the latter share the white-on-blue chevron with Plate's/Platts/Blatts. Both the Plate's and Irish Kerns/Kerins use three red leopard faces on a white chevron, but the Kerns use a chevron in the colors of the Blate's/Blade's.

The Plate scallops are in the colors of the Pilate pheons; we get it. The Blate's/Blade's (another black talbot) happen to share white pheons with Pilate's, but they use a green shield with a white saltire cross upon it, very reflective suddenly of the white-on-green cross of Kingsleys/Kinseys. In this way, the Halls/Aula's (talbots) can again trace to the Mont-Pilat mystery. Pontus Pilate may have been named after the Pontus, an area within or beside the Galatian theater of Brogitarus.

The Aule surname (Gascony, location of Perigord and Toulouse), by the way, uses only a tower, but in Pilate colors. It could be the same tower of Narbonne's/Denardo's, a branch of North's (Norrys use the black wolf too). The Norths share the Narbonne / Maschi lion as well as using the white-on-blue fleur of Dole's, reminding us of the marriage of Robert D'Avranches (father of Aula) to Godwin Dole. Norths (in Chaine/Chenay colors), whose "fide" motto term traces to the wolf-line Fiddle's of Fidelow, use a black dragon in place of the black Norry wolf, but the North dragon ("gorged" could be code for a George surname) has a chain around its neck, a symbol coming with the black wolves of Quade's. The gold lion in the Quade Crest then becomes suspect with the gold North lion, which gives me the impression of linking to the gold sphinx of Brocuffs because the Norths are in Spink colors while Maschi's are a part of the mascle bloodline. See also the Scone tower.

The Narbonne location (beside or even in Septimania) that seems to have attached itself to DeNardi's and Norths is located at Herault, while the Hurls/Herods come up as "Herault." The point is, the duck-using Herls/Hurls share a gold fesse with Hurls/Heraults, suggesting that a line of Herluin de Conteville was at Narbonne and/or in the North bloodline. The Conte's and Ville's were both first found in Languedoc = the Narbonne theater.

The North dragon, like the Hall/Aula goats, are "erased" (cut off at the neck line), a code that I identify with the Eras/Rasmussen/Assman and Asman surnames (Massey branch's) that I've traced to "Akmonia," a Hasmonean-like location that was home to Severus (yes, father of Julius Bassus and great-grandson of Brogitarus). For those who don't know, the Maccabees that were married by the line of Severus were originally called, Hasmoneans, and have therefore become suspect in naming Akmonia.

As the line of Caiaphas is suspect in the Chives', who were first found in Devon, let's go now to this statement from a webpage presented earlier that included the Crispins and their son, Baldwin:

Baldwin [called Moeles/Mueles] married Albreda, niece of the Conqueror [she was from Herluin de Conteville, I assume]. Because he was so close in kin to the Conqueror he was given, in addition to the Barony of Okehampton, the Castle of Exeter, and the Custody of the whole county of Devon [explains why Herls and Devons, as well as French Alans, all used ducks]. They had issue: Richard, Adela and Emma [Redvers].

Adela was married to "a Kentish Knight" [who?], Emma married first, William Avenel, by whom she had issue Ralph, and second to William de Abrincis [D'Avranches], by whom she had Robert. Robert de Abrincis was dearly loved by Richard de Brionis, who treated him as his heir but Robert married a daughter of Godwin Dole and departed "out of England" beyond the seas [to Dol, Brittany, I assume]. They had a daughter named Matilda who was married to the Lord of Aincourt.

Baldwin's brother, Richard, is said to be the founder of the house of Clare, though I trace this to the Claro/Charo surname in Italy. Albreda was the name of a daughter of Richard Goz D'Avranches, according to one site, but the Albreada above is predicted to be a daughter of Emma, Richard Goz's wife (things like this confuse my head, and I make too many mistakes trying to remember and repeat the details). As per the Adela in the above quote, the Adel surname, said to be Jewish, plays well into this picture, for it happens to use the blue Caepio-line lion, symbol also of Aula-related Redvers. But as the latter use the lion in the two colors of the same of Massins, it's notable that while Adela married a knight of Kent, Massins were first found in Kent. In fact, they were first found in Thanet (of Kent), a term that traces to Zenetes / Zenata in the Shawia part of Numidia. That is, the Massins, from the Massena Numidians, are expected to be close kin of the Shawia based Chives'/Shives', and here we are apparently tracing the Massins to Adela (kin of the Meschins) in Devon.

The alternative names of the Shawia were even suspect in the naming of Qewe, very logical if correct that a line from king Massena furnished "Maccabee." The family most suspect was that of Cilnius MAECENAs, and his wife, Terentia, happened to be a Murena liner while the Murena surname uses the tower design of the Norths / Aule's.

Although I have yet to come across it in this update, a reader once passed on to me a page that had Robert D'Avranches living in Ferte-Mace. I have been expecting the king-Massena line at the root of "Maccabee/Maccabaeus," and have had good reason to trace the term also to the Boii of Bologna, with the suspicion that it goes also to "TailleBOIS," le Meschin's wife. Some say the Bessin home of Meschins was founded by Baiocasses, a branch of Boii. The Boy surname happens to use the Bessin bees, once showing for the Talls/Thalls. The Leave's/Leve's/Life's are in Boy colors and likewise use bees. In this discussion, I think it's important that the Tailors and Livings/Levins are in Hall colors.

Repeat from other updates: the Chives' are traced (by me) to the Cavii Illyrians on the north side of the Tall-suspect Taulantii. The Mathis river and Bassania separated the two peoples, and the Chives' use the Mathis moline cross. The Moline surname (uses a black Moline too) is said to be directly related to the Conqueror's mother, whom was married secondly by Herluin de Conteville, grandfather of the Cheshire D'Avranches, and great-grandfather of le Meschin. This is what God wants the world to know through my work, that Caiaphas traces to this beast. But if God wants the world to know now, then it has likely to do with future prophetic fulfillment.

Let's go back to Adela who married firstly William Avenell. There is an Avenell surname (said to be from Eure) using six annuLETs in the colors of the Annas star, important because the Shield-and-Chief color combination of the Annas' is colors reversed from the same of LETTs, suspect along with Annas in "ANNulet." The Letts were first found in the same place (Gloucestershire) as Sampsons, and the latter must be using a "letho" motto term as code for their links to Letts. The saltire-and-Chief color combination of the Letts is colors reversed from the same of the Annan(dale)s as used by blue-lion Bruce's. This recalls the blue lion of German / Jewish Adels. The gold lion head in the Avenell Crest is also in the Quade Crest.

Now, on to the English Wights that named the Isle of Wight, important because they share the blue vair fur of the neighboring Quints. These vair-using Wights were likewise first found in Gloucestershire, and are using the dragon-head design of the North Crest. The Wights can be suspect in league with the Aula's of Wight, and therefore with Adela, a sister of the mother of the Aula's. We are tracing the blue Caepio lion smack to Wight, where the Cowes location is suspect fundamentally with Quade's, the whole of which is suspect with a line from Quintus Caepio to the birth of Caiaphas. Repeat from above: "The Isle of Wight became an important topic, as follows, from the opening of an email on the same day that I opened the email on Nairns. The Isle of Wight is suspect with the Caepio line, and the Nairn quatrefoils are in a CHAPlet." Quatrefoils, shared by Scottish Wights (Hall and Quade colors), are suspect as code for Quade liners. Compare Scottish Wights with Levi-suspect Livings/Levins.

The Norths and Norrys are suspect from the Neuri, where Nairns trace well too. The "wolf of Badenoch," Alexander Stewart, may have been named after this wolf line, for Herodotus reported that the Neuri became wolves once per year (at their holy day festivals?). The "fide" motto term of Norths may trace to Fidelow, also known as Vis de Loop, but the "vita" motto term of blue-vair Saffers may be able to trace Fidelow's namers to the Vita/Vido/Vitello surname (in Fiddle/Fidelow colors) using a giant annulet in colors reversed from the Avenell annulets. This allows one to explore the likelihood of Vita's being a branch of Wights. The giant annulet is used also by Spanish Burgos', perhaps a line from Conteville's / Visconti's. I had ventured to trace "Vis de Loop" to Ottone VISconti, and then the Ottone's (Chappes liners) use white annulets themselves while Vita's/Vitello's are also "Vitone." Ottone's family was of a Massino-Visconti location suspect with a line from king Massena and/or the Massins/Masons. The fact that Visconti's originally used a Moor infant in the mouth of their serpent speaks to their trace to north-Africa.

Wikipedia's article on Hugh Lupus D'Avrances insists that he was given that name due to his wolf-like ferocity, but this is a questionable thing. In the same way, High's other name, "le gros," is said to be from his great weight / gluttony, and moreover Wikipedia creates doubt that his mother was Emma de Conteville. But the French Gros surname happens to use a blue lion (in Redver-lion colors) in the design used by the Font de Ville's, the one side of Conteville's. The Ville lion holds a purple "flag" (see flag-like motto term of blue-lion Sampsons) and wears a "gold collar and chain," and then the Quade wolf heads are "collared and chained gold" (gold collars). The Flag/Fleck surname shares the Meschin / Samson scallops, verifying again that the Font de Ville's are part of the Conteville's.

Incidentally, although the Quade and Mackay wolf heads are black, the Quade description says they are gold, the color of the wolf heads of Welfs/Wolfs ("fides" motto term), first found in the same place as Hugh.

Hugh's Wikipedia article states that he took over lands held by a Saxon ruler of Mercia, and then the flag of Mercia is also the Coat of the French Messeys/Messier's, first found in the same place (Burgundy) as Gros' and Pilate's. English Pilotte's (double 't') were first found in the same place (Lincolnshire) as English Messier's and le Meschin's wife. There is an overwhelming link of Meschin liners to Mont Pilat. The Mercians were traced to the Marsi at the sources of the Salto river, meaning that this discussion is not irrelevant to the Sales-of-Mascy/Massey now being conflated with the Aula's of Wight. One Wight surname shares the red rose with Avezzano's.

I'm really not up-to-speed on the details of these families. I'm learning slowly. In all the time that I was tracing Maccabees, Meschins and Blois' of the Joan-of-Arc kind to Modane (Arc river), I didn't know that Hugh's son, Richard, who preceded le Meschin on the Cheshire "throne," "married Matilda of Blois, a granddaughter of William the Conqueror." The Chambre location on the Arc river has the Chambre surname sharing a red rose upon a stem with Avezzano's (Comyn / Joseph kin), and Modane may therefore have named Maud, le Meschin's mother. Joan of Arc's family had previously been "Du Lys," and then Lys' and Masseys share fleur-de-lys in the same colors. Moreover, the Lys' share the greyhound symbol with the Gros' under discussion (suspect with the Massin/Mason lion) while Hugh D'Avrances was acquainted with Hamon de Massey (of Dunham-Masci) of Cheshire. Blois' (dragons) and Clare's together were first found in Suffolk, beside the Massins/Masons of Thanet. I cannot think of any other way for le Meschin to have received that name aside from some contact with Masci's = Masseys. Neither of his parents are said to have bourn that name, but as Maud was a daughter of Richard Goz, it's notable that Goz' share a white-on-blue chevron with Maceys (i.e. Richard may have been a Macey / Massey on one side).

Wikipedia says that Robert D'Avranches (husband of Dol) was thought be some to have been an illegitimate son of Hugh D'Avrances, but we read differently from someone else, where he was a son of Emma Redvers with William Avenell of Devon.

As Aula's have proven to link to Talbots, what about the idea that "TAULAntii" became a D'Aula surname and later "Aula"? Can "Adele" fit into that theory? It recalls that Attila-suspect Tillers (dove) use annulets in the colors of the Avenell annulets! Attila was from a house of Dulo, and then I traced the Dol Alans to Attila's Alan Huns. These Alans were in Devon (i.e. where English Stewarts were first found), and that's where the Avenell entity was too. How about that. Talants were first found in Cornwall, beside the Okehampton of William Avenell.

I say that Talants/Talons use a version of the Capone Coat, a good reason (if correct) to trace Caepio's and Caepionis' to the Cavii peoples. I trace Capone's and Talants to Camps, the Dutch branch of which uses an eagle's head in the colors of the MULE head of Italian Capote's/Capone's/Capo's. As these are also Blois colors, this picture reflects the trace of donkey-using CHAMERlains to Chambre, and yet the mule can now be considered as a symbol for the Mueles' line, i.e. the father line to Warin de Aula. It just so happens that Mule's were first found in Devon! Mule's look like a merger with Cantons, possibly the Cantii founders of Kent.

To make a further point, let's repeat from above: "There is no Okehampton surname coming up, but the Oke's/Oaks were first found in Somerset, beside Okehampton, and moreover they use what should be a version of the Meschin/MASCULine Coat; both use an engrailed fesse in gold on black. The Oke's, instead of the oak tree, use oak LEAVES [as do English Alans!]. The mascle-suspect Mussels/Muscels likewise use a fesse in the colors of the Oke fesse...The Mussels/Muscels (same place as English PILOTTE's), using a version of the Herl Coat (ducks in place of plates) happen to use so-called "PLATEs"..." Having repeated that, I want to say that the English Tillers/Tylers (Talant colors) use the same fesse colors as all four surnames in the quote, as well as the three-color scheme of Mussels/Muscels, Meschins and and Herls, as well as a lion covered in PELLETS (black roundels), important because the Pellet surname uses the same grails as Pilotte's. And remember, the Herl ducks trace to the same of Devons as well as the French Alan Coat (that showed for years with ducks in the colors of the martlets now used).

The Oke fesse is used yet again by the Noaks/Nocks/Noke's, said to be named after "oak," which is not likely correct in as much as they are a branch of Oke's/Oaks. The Noaks/Noke's happen to share red leopard faces with the Plate's and Irish Kerns while German Kerns were first found in the same place as oak-themed Liebers.

Suddenly, many heraldic oak trees, leaves, stumps, branches and trunks are expected to trace to Okehampton. The Stump surname was first found in the same place (Sussex) as Pellets. Oke's use "six gold slips of oak fructed." The Oakleys (Shropshire, share red fesse with Alans of Shropshire) use a "caveo" motto term, the closest thing yet to "Cavii" that I've encountered. Oakleys are in the colors of Liebers, oak-themed Ackmans, and oak-themed Aikens. The three Thor surnames use two kinds of trunks, while the English Thors/Torrs/Tours, sharing the red Murena/Moratin tower, were first found in Devon. That works excellently because German Thors/Thurs/THORENs were first found in THURINgia, and therefore trace to the Turano river, where Sale's trace. It was the Nairns that use a "trunk" of oak.

The Trunk surname was figured to be of "THURINGia," but as the Trunks use bull heads, they trace well to Turin, itself suspect from the namers of the Turano. Turin is near Chivasso so that one might expect Turin elements related to Chives' of Devon. These Chives are said to have had a branch in Tarves...Aberdeenshire, where Turins/Torns/Tarns/Thurings were first found. Turins use the helmet and can therefore link to Sale's by way of the Helms. This becomes Pendragon-interesting because Pendragons (helmet, Sale fleur) were first found in neighboring Devon. Turins happen to use a Coat reflective of the OTHER Coat, a surname in-code with UTHER Pendragon. The Others use crescents in the colors of the "INCRescent" and "DECRescent" of Thurens/Thurns/Torens, perhaps code for Ingers and Deckers together. It's made clear that Others (proto-Windsors) were a branch of Thors / Trunks / Turins.

The Thorns, traced earlier in this update to Badens/Battins, are said to have had a Thorns Suffolk, where Blois' were first found. This recalls the Chambre rose-on-stem as it was thought to link to the same of Avezzano's, and then due to Avezzano being on the Turano river, Avezzano's are expected to trace to Thorn liners...meaning that we have a good way here to trace Thorns to the Turano. This then sets up a trace of the Aves/Avison garbs to Aberdeenshire with the Turins of that place, important because the Avison garbs are also the Comyn garbs while Como is not far from Turin. The "spinis" motto term of Thorns may be for Spine's because they share gold crescents with Others and Thurens/Torens.

There is a good chance that "ZAHRINGer" is a THURINGia term because Zahringers are known to have used the type of elephant trunks used by Swedish Thors. That should explain why Turins use the bend that is the Arms of Baden (Germany). Thuringian elements of heraldry are suspect with Basina, wife of the first Merovingian, CHILDeric, and then the Sears, whose symbols link easily to the Zerrs/Zehrers and Sere's/Serts, look to be using a version of the CHILD Coat (in Thuren-sword colors). Sears were first found in the same place as Vere's who may trace to Veringens. The Shield-and-Chief color combination of Sears is colors reversed from the same of German Thors/Thorens. The "Honor" motto term of Sears can go to emperor Honorius, and from that one can trace to the Sire's/Sirets because they had been found to honor Valentinian I and/or his wife (Justine). The Justine's/Justins were first found in Perthshire, i.e. beside the Turins.

Repeat from the Justine discussion earlier: "As Sire's are now looking like part of the namers of Zahringers, we need to lump them into the squirrel-using Shire's/Squirrels/Square's." It just so happens that the red squirrel is shared by Deckers/Daggers suspect in the "DECRescent" of the Thurens, and moreover the latter share a central sword with Justine's, both using two gold symbols, on either side of their swords. Justine of Picenum pre-dated the first-known Zahringers. After writing that, I learned that the Thuren crescents are used by English Deckers/Dykers/Ditchers.

To make a good point, the Sear liners must trace in some way to Bassania if they are Thuringia and Basina liners. One way to do this is to recognize the Sears as a merger with Augusts and related Rome's/Rooms (both use red-on-white fesses), whom I trace to emperor Augustus, thus explaining the black eagle of Sears and the double-headed black eagle of Hatchets honored by Zerrs/Zehrers. The ROMneys share the red scallop of Sears, and the final point is that Augusts share the eagle talon with Talants now tracing to the Taulantii on the south side of Bassania.

Rome's/Rooms had traced to a modern Roman location of the Sear-suspect Siret river, because Roman is near PUNGesti, which seems to be in the "Pungit" motto term of Rome's/Rooms. Rome's/Rooms are suspect in using the Pound/Pount and Paine (and Fountain) fesse because Pungs are listed with Paganells (black eagle). It tends to trace Payens to the Siret.

The black eagle had traced with Hagels to Akheloos, ancient home of mythical Sirens, who are like the Siron variation of Sire's/Sirets. But in this picture, it is hard to see the namers of the Siret as the namers also of Thuringia. I therefore do not think that "Zahringer" traces especially to "Thuringia" as well as to Sire / Sear / Square liners. One Hagel Coat can link to the Hagan Coat, in HAGAR colors, and then the Siret was anciently the AGARus. As Trypillians lived on the Agarus, the Hagan boot is notable because Trips use boots. Hagans share the dagger with Comyns, a symbol expected of the squirrel-using Deckers/Daggers, and moreover Hagans use a canton (sometimes called a square) for a potential trace to squirrel-using Square's.

Bassania is beside Lissus, where I trace the Lys/Lisse surname that shares a white-on-red fleur-de-lys with Deckers/Dagger. Why are Thuringians tracing to Lissus? Because, heraldic masters record only their own or important ancestors, such as Childeric-Basina liners. The important-to-heraldry Thuringians were of Basina's family. You can read online that the fleur-de-lys goes back to a founding in king Clovis, Childeric's son.

It's suddenly notable that "Dagger" can be a D'Agar bloodline, i.e. from the Agarus river. Perfect, for Sire's/Sirets trace hard by the Valentin squirrel to Daggers. If I have been correct in tracing Decks/Daggers to the namers of the Ticino, then one might now seek Siret links to that river. The lower Siret was settled by Rimmon's Benjamites and therefore by proto-Romans, and while Trypillians are said to have burned their houses down willingly from time to time, it's notable that the Benjamin Crest uses flames.

Let's not forget the Angusta/Augusta location off the Siret, perhaps the ancestral area of Augustus' family. He was of the OCTavia family that might just have become the HACKETs/Hatchets (double-head-eagle) honored in the hatchets of Zerrs/Zehrers. I've just checked for Hockets to find them listed with Hackets. The Zahringers did use the eagle, and after passing their red eagle to Hohens. one of the Hohen branches used it in black (became the symbol of Weimar). Benjamins are in the colors of Cabbage's (Northamptonshire) that use an "angustis" motto code and possible a Levi chevron because the Cabbage lion is the Levi lion in colors reversed. Cabbages are honored in "cabbage LEAVES" (of House's). The Cabbage / Levi chevron is colors reversed from the Talant / Capone chevron. Variations of Cabbages may be from the Kupa river of the Japodes (i.e. Benjamin liners), the term to which I've traced "Caepio(nis)."

It's notable that Cabbage's are colors reversed from Oke's while being first found in NorthAMPTON, evoking the Okehamptons. Were Oak liners from the Octavians? I've just looked up Auge's to see whether an Augustus signs might appear; French Auge(r)s are also "Dauger, suggesting Dagger / Agarus possibility. Auge's/Dauger share the blue Shield with Hagars. This recalls my trace of Augers (Auge colors) to Euganeo (Padua), a term like the Cogaeonus river off the Siret and near Angusta.

The Pungesti area honored by Rome/s/Rooms (same place as Annandale) was traced to Pinks/Pincs and Pincum at the mouth of a Pek river. Near the source of the Pek, there is the location of Cuppae (city of doves) that appears to be honored in the Leave/Leve dove. Angusta became suspect with naming Angus and therefore the Annas surname, both of which share white-on-red stars with Sere's/Serts. That is one great way to corroborate the trace of the family of highpriest Annas to the Siret and to Angusta. If I recall correctly, emperor Augustus elevated Annas to the high priesthood. The Sere's/Serts are in the colors and format of the Childs. It strikes me here that WHITE stars and white fleur-de-lys are an apt symbol for the Bassania / Lissus area, home to ALBAnians, for "alba" means "white."

This update has not been proof-read.


Especially for new or confused readers
shows where I'm coming from.

For serious investigators:
How to Work with Bloodline Topics

Here's what I did when I had spare time on my hands:
Ladon Gog and the Hebrew Rose

On this page, you will find evidence enough that NASA did not put men on the moon.
Starting at this paragraph, there is a single piece of evidence
-- the almost-invisible dot that no one on the outside was supposed to find --
that is enough in itself to prove the hoax.
End-times false signs and wonders may have to do with staged productions like the lunar landing.

If you have received emails supposedly from me, and they look like advertisements
or anything unflattering and unexpected from me,
they were not from me but by someone using my email box to send it.

The rest of the Gog-in-Iraq story is in PART 2 of the
Table of Contents

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