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(if there are any to speak of)
July 7 - 13, 2015

The Foxes of Sion were Gaunt Upon the Fieschi Cliff
Watts a Portcullis?
The Proculus Nail Line to Washington Gog, that's Watt
Proctor and Gamble Needs to Sell Soap
So the Pontius Pilate can Wash His Hands

For a reader hopping into an update for the first time, there is not much I can say in an introductory paragraph to explain everything needed before proceeding. The only readers able to follow are those taking the time needed to get a solid idea of the entire scope. It is probably impossible to follow unless the heraldic Coats are loaded and viewed. It would be helpful to have a photographic memory, or to at least spend some time to get to know Coats, and to understand what I'm saying about them. I did the work over years to be able to present to you the relevant Coats, and you need only decide whether I am correctly interpreting the evidence and the codes. It is far best that you load Coats on a separate browser(s) rather than clicking back and forth from the update page. It might take longer for one to read an update than the week it takes me to write it, but that's what it'll take for a solid understanding of what I'm doing. I know that few have the time to follow this in that way. My hope is...actually, I should have no such hopes as I should just allow God to do what He wants with this. One of my goals at this time is to discover the parent(s) of Josephs Caiaphas, and in the meantime to prove that heraldic masters and leading Templar families knew that all of heraldry had, at its foundations, Caiaphas and his circle of Christ killers. These updates are jot-down format (sub-titles don't usually reflect the roaming topics well) making it hard / impossible to have a pre-plotted storyline. I'm no longer doing final proof-reads, please excuse the imperfections / mistakes.

In the last update, where potential realities were sought for the codework, Hiram-Abiff (also Huram ABI), it led to the Rainhams with "HYEME" motto term because the Hiram/Iron/Keniron surname is said to be derived in AiRAINES (Picardy). With the latter location being near ABBEville, the ABI/Abiff surname was clinched with MacAbee's/Cabe's, first found on Arran, a term like "Airaines." And there you have strong proof that Freemasons and their predecessors used myth characters as codes merely for their beloved surnames / families.

But there's more. The MacAbee's are in Ham and HAMMER colors and even share the salmon of Hams, making them suspect with Heims/HEYME's and Openheims/OpenHEIMMERs. I didn't have the time in the last update to look into this. The Faux/Chaulne surname (suspect with Airaines-suspect RENNES-le-Chateau) brought us to the Fox surname, as well as to fox-using surnames, and here I find that Heims/Heyme's use red, upright wolves in the Coat with a red "demi-fox" in Crest, reflecting the Italians Simons and Fox's (Jewish Simons use the fox). As per the MacAbee Salmon, I looked up the Samon surname, finding it listed with Salmons, checking to see if there were Samon links to Simons.

The wolf design used by Heims/Heyme's is identical with the red wolf of Jewish Fox's, and the latter share the same red fox in Crest with Heims/Heyme's. This has likely to do with Foix, beside Rennes-le-Chateau, but a Quillan location is closer to Rennes-le-Chateau while Quillans/Killans use the same wolf design (DESIGN MATTERS). I had traced Hirams' to Newtons because both Newmans to Raines' have been linked (for years) to MacAbee's, but failed to mention that Irish Fox's/SIONnachs show SHINagh/Shinnock variations suggesting the "SHIN bones" of Newtons, which happen to be in MacAbee / Ham / Hammer colors.

And the shin bones are in saltire formation, like the skull-and-bones symbol that some say are those of Mary Magdalene, but that is garbage and likely code for the Magdalene church built by the Catholic priest of Rennes-le-Chateau, Mr. Sauniere (I can't recall his first name). His surname was first found in the same place (Perigord, near the Toulouse treasure of Quintus Caepio) as Faux's/Chaulne's (the latter term looks like a variation of the Saulnier variation of Saunier's). I have been linking the CHENEYs to Sale's, Salemans and Salmons for years, and had traced them to Saluzzo (Cuneo), and then the Saluzzo surname shares a blue Chief with Faux's/Chaulne's with CHAUNEs variation, and suddenly, the Cheneys and Chaine's/Chenays are tracing to the Saunier surname.

This reminds of the chains used on the Quade wolf heads, important for a couple of reasons. One, Quade's are suspect with heraldic QUATrefoils, used for example by Vincents and Croms, and I've been tracing Croms to Rennes-le-Chateau for years while they are honored in the Desmond motto, "Crom ABOO." The "aboo" motto term was come across in the last update in the motto, "Sionnach aboo," of Irish Fox's/Sionnachs/Shinnocks. And that's a good reason to equate Newmans with Newtons (and king Nominoe of Brittany). George Bush as a Skull-and-Bones idiot, and he married Laura Walsh while Scottish Walsh's/Walchs (like "Walker") use a "numine" motto term. These Walsh's use the same five annulets on a black saltire (the pirates use a black saltire as their skull-and-bones symbol) as Benjamins, first found in the same place (Norfolk) as Hirams/Irons

There is a Vos/Vossek surname that lists "Fucks," using the red wolf of Jewish Fox's, and the Fucks/Vos' were first found in Pomerania, with holdings also in Mecklenburg. Voss' are listed with English Faux's/Fauks. Fuggers/Fuggits happen to share fleur-de-lys in the same colors with the Perigord Faux's/Chaulne's. A reader wrote in some years ago to say that Fuggers were a banking family, otherwise I wouldn't have know about the surname at this time. It makes Fuggers suspect with Rennes-le-Chateau. I ignore the derivation of Fuggers in "sheep shearers," for Austrian Fuggers show a "Fuge" variation like the Fage variation of Chaulne's..

English Walsh's use a swan pierced by an arrow, symbol of Pollocks (i.e. boar pierced by an arrow) with the "AUDacter" motto term tracing to Aude, location of Rennes-le-Chateau. And a certain de-Pole surname was married to a ruler of Foix-Candale (Candale is by Gironde). This arrow, under these circumstances, is likely code for the Arrow surname (fat black cross in the colors of the Walsh saltire) listed with the Arras/Artois surname, from Artois, beside Airaines. The Walsh eagle is said to be "PERCHed," and then I identify the Perche location / surname with Pierce's i.e. suspect in the pierced swan of Walsh's. Pierce's were first found beside the Walsh-beloved Mortons.

This swan is linkable to the SION/Swan/SOME surname, where Fox's/Sionnachs are expected to link. (Airaines is in SOMME). The "sed" motto term of the Walsh's is suspect with the namers of Sitten, the alternative name of Switzerland, where the Fox-loving Heims/Heyme's were first found. But as Heims and Fox's use wolves, and because the Ayer quatrefoils link to the Shaw trefoils, it's making me think that the "SITHECH" root of Shaws/Seths, said to mean "wolf," is a version of "SIONNACH," with one honoring Sion and the other honoring Sitten. Bellamys (from Perche) are very traceable to the Arve river between Sion and Geneva, and the Bellamy crescents are in the colors of the same of Seatons/SITTENs. Therefore, Walsh's do trace to Sion / Sitten elements.

Shaws are suspect at "Qewe" (Cilicia), where quatrefoil- and Quade-suspect Quadratus / Quadratilla likely ruled. The family of Quadratus is highly suspect with OPgalli, who traces to Hobs/Habs and probably the Hoppers too, and, the point is, to the OPENheims, highly suspect with a line back to Opgalli. She is said to be possibly a Jewish Galatian (why do they think so?), and then the Quadratus family ended up overseeing (as legates) Jerusalem because they married the Maccabee line of Opgalli (wife of Tigranes Maccabee). Quadratilla, moreover, was married to a Laevillus character while the Leaf/Leve Crest shares the dove with the Rainham Crest, and Leavells (same place as Pierce's and Percivals) link hard to Perche's and Pierces because Leavels are traced to a Mr. Perceval. The Hiram bloodline is all over everything discussed so far in this update.

The "superata" motto term of Rainhams should be code (or part code) for the Supers/Sobers (share billets with Arms of Roquefeuil) sharing a black saltire. "SuPERATA" can also be for English Pratts (same place as Hirams/Irons) using what looks like a version of the Shaw chevron-with-trefoils. Irish Pratts (all three Super colors) use the same chevron-with-mascles but with white-on-black mascles, colors reversed from the giant mascle of Faux's/Fauks/Fawke's. The latter's falcon, in the design of the Pratt falcon, makes them suspect with Fulke's/Folks (same place as Hirams). We just can't get away from the Hiram bloodline, can we?

The Openheims entered recent discussions only because Mynetts/Minute's use "OPEN helmets," while Amyntes, ancestor (five generations) of Quadratus, was suspect with the Mynetts/Minute's. To this it can be added that while Quadratus was a Bassus surname, the Rainhams (Shield-and-Chief color combination of Saluzzo's) use besants in their Chief. Rainhams/Ranghams are said to be from Wrangholm in the Forfashire theater. I'm going to guess that the rainham Coat is a version of the Joseph Coat and using the garbs of both Josephs and Comyns, the latter now known to trace to Como (near Milan), the area ruled by Insubres suspect with Supers/Sobers. The Conteville rulers of Comyn were Conte's (same place as Rennes-le-Chateau), kin of Falcons. Conte's share the lion of Scottish Milans/Millens/Mullens (same area as Rainhams) and FAUCets (same place as Seatons/Sittens).

Italian Milans were once showing the tree-stump design still showing with the perched Walsh eagle, which can trace Walsh's to Insubres because the Walsh's share a black saltire with Supers/Sobers, and moreover Sion is across the Alps from Como and Milan. The Bellamy line at the ARVE river link to HARVeys and GARVeys, the latter (from the land of Neils) using the two red-on-white chevrons of the Perche's, thus tracing Walsh's (from Wallachia, home of Cotesii) to Arve-river elements. The Garveys, suspect with the Garbs/Garbee's (garbs) and the garbs of Comyns (same place as Hirams) and Rainhams, share red-on-white patee crosses with Chads (Sadducee suspects from Sitten), first found in the same place as Hirams and Walsh-related Benjamins. The Patty surname shares the Raines / Newman lions, apparently. The colors of the Chad cross argues for Godfrey de Bouillon being the founder of the Priory of Sion (those who discredit this organization are expected to if they love it and wish to hide its details)

The vertically-split Shield of Chads are in the colors of the same of eagle-using Trents (see Tarent eagles too), and in colors reversed from the vertically-split Shield that is the Arms of Sion. This traces Walsh's to Terentia Murena, wife of Cilnius Maecenas, whose first name, like the Quillan/Killan surname, is of a Cilnius family of Arettium (as far back as 400 BC), and it just so happens that while Arettium today is Arezzo, traceable to Arras in Arettium-like Artois, the Walsh's trace by their arrow to the Arras/Artois surname. It makes the Arrow/Arras cross suspect with the Super saltire, as though Artois elements merged with Insubres. This can reveal that Insubres were part of the Arduinici of IVREA, a location suspect with William de Percival in the Leavell write-up, who is said to be from YVERY. Then, Novara (Newman / Newton liner?), home of the Laevi Gauls, is smack between Ivrea and Milan! That's why Laevillus at Cilicia should trace Laevi Gauls to the Levites that killed Jesus.

Scottish Leavells were even first found in the same place (Roxburghshire) as the saltire-using Walsh's...and Maxwells using the same saltire again, as well as sharing the eagle with Walsh's. Elements Roquefeuil, beside Quillan (AUDE), are expected in the namers of Roxburgh because Roxburghs (share "quam" with Hiram-suspect Misters/Masters) use an "Audax" motto term. Plumers use the "AUDACter" motto term of Pollocks, and it was just two updates ago when Plumers were discovered for the first time from Rox-suspect RIJeka (eagle on a rock), where I've been tracing Rockefellers, Roxburghs, and Maxwells for years.

The Chad patees are shared by Massena's/Messina's suspect at the root of Maccabees and Sadducees, and then Italian Milans were first found in the same place (Messina) as Patti, and where Massena-like "Maecenas" is expected to trace. Scottish Milans are said to be from ANSELan, chief of Buchanans, and father of METHLan, possibly a line from Tigranes-suspect Medleys / Motleys/Medleycots. This is a good place to remind that the Walsh-beloved Mortons can link to the Morte variation of Modi'in-suspect Motts, and so lets not neglect the Walsh trace to Milans. The Ansel surname is traced to "helmet," but that must be code for the OPEN-helmet Mynetts, first found in the same place (Kent) as Ansels. The Annas surname, perhaps of "ANSel," shares the Angus star while Milans and Buchanans are from the Angus area. Annas' were first found in the same place as Tease's/Tighs, suspect with Teague's/Teegers, in-turn suspect with the Medley tiger. The Tease's/Tecks (Annas star?), first found in the same place as HEIMs/Heyme's, are from the Ticino/Tessen river, location of Novara and the Laevi that trace to line of Tigranes.

The Walsh/Walch motto, "AUSpice numine," is suspect with the House surname because it's in the colors of Newtons / MacAbee's. To this it should be added that French House's/HAUSS' once showed green leaves, the color of the Shield behind the white House cross, in the colors of the Newton bone-saltire. French House's call their symbol, cabbage leave's, which tends to trace the Cabbage lions to the same-colored ones of Newmans and Raines', thus making a Newton equation possible again with Newtons, and meanwhile linking House's to Hiram Abiff. House's happen to be in the colors of the Home/Hume lion, which makes the latter suspect with Heims/Heyme's, the latter honored, apparently, in the "Heyme" motto term of RainHAMs. As the latter are suspect with Reno's/Rhine's, it's notable that OpenHeim(mers) were first found in Rhineland.

Recalling that the "aboo" motto term is for the Hiram-MacAbee line, let's add that CROMby's, honored in the "Crom aboo" motto of Annandale-suspect Desmonds, share a white-on-green cross with House's. Crombys (probably using the Angus / Fife lion) were first found in the area of Buchan and the Milans, and Italian Milans are in Cromby colors. I trace Croms and Crombys to Cremona, beside the Ananes Gauls (though they may have been in Cremona too), a good reason to trace Annas' and Angus' to Ananes Gauls. But ZOWIE, Crombys happen to use a white flory cross, symbol of the Byzantine RANGabe's (see the Rangabe cross at Wikipedia's article for Michael I Rangabe), and then Cromby's were first found beside Forfarshire, where Rainhams/RANGams (BYZANTine-like besants) were first found! This is no small revelation as it drags Melissena Rangabe into the Hiram picture, and her husband was INGer, perhaps named after Angus / Annas liners. As the Innus'/Innes'/MacAngus' (INsubres elements) are said to be an Angus branch, note that Innis' share blue stars with Scottish Milans, but as Innis' were first found in Moray, they are using the Morays stars in colors reversed. Then, as I trace Moray (also called, Moravia) to Khazars on the Mures river, Melissena was of royal Khazars on her mother's side.

But what I would really like to know is how Byzantines / Khazars wormed their way to the Forfarshire theater. Byzantines did conquer parts of northern Italy, but Melissena Rangabe lived a few centuries later in the ninth century. The Forfar surname uses the Gord / Roet boar heads, and Hiram ABIFF did link in the last update with both, suspect from PeriGORD, where BEEFS/BOEUFs were first found along with Faux's/Chaulne's. Boars are suspect with Hebrews. Openheims use a Zionist star in colors reversed from the same of Innis', but just compare the Wrangle Coat to the Openheim Coat to know that Heims/Heyme's DO IN FACT trace to Openheims. This is tracing Hiram Abiff hard to Khazar-Byzantines, for Rhineland was home to Ashkenazi Jews, who are traced by many now to Khazars.

I have read where DNA evidence refutes a trace of Ashkenazi Jews to Khazars, but that may be deliberate-false science from those Jews who abhor the thought of not tracing to bona fide and "holy" Israelite's. But if you check the Kagan surname, it's the same Coat that comes up with Jewish Cohens. How did that happen???

The "INTegras" motto term of Openheims is suspect with the Inders/Enders (share arrows with Rothschilds) that list the Inger surname. The "INDUSTRia" motto term of Openheims is a motto term used by an Arms of Rothschild, and was traced recently to Dussel-suspect Dusters, and while Dussels (Dusseldorf) are using the Hazel fesse, Hazels share the House leaves. It's just another way of saying that Rothschilds and Hiram Abiff trace to House / CABBage liners, and while Cabbage variations were recently traced, with Orbelus elements, to Corbieres at Aude, one can now fathom that Cabbage's were named in honor of the MacCABE variation of MacAbee's. The trick is to understand how Hiram elements can be tracing to the imperial Byzantines and to Herod Agrippa at the same time.

Did Herod liners furnish the Rangabe's? I can tell you this, that while we saw the pointing symbol attached to Herod Agrippa in the last update, Michael III of Byzantium (shortly after Michael Rangabe) was shown at Wikipedia, upon his throne, with his middle finger pointing up, even as there are two fingers pointing up in the Point(er) Crest. Both Michael's ruled before the life of Godfrey de Bouillon, but Bouillons share the white flory cross of Rangabe's. The coins of the Amorian emperors (proto-Morays?) to which Michael II and III belonged show checkerboard pattern on their clothing, which links well to the Shield filled with checks of German Cohens and Hohens. See also the Fers/Ferrats and Vairs/Fers'.

The motto in the Arms of Rothschild is "Concordia Integratis Industria," while Openheims use "Integras, Concordia, Industria." That's why the Zionists star of Openheims links to the Zionist stars claimed by many as a Rothschild symbol that went to the modern-Israeli flag. And many are now saying that Rothschilds were Khazars, giving a solid reason for rich cats to use "science" to "prove" otherwise. If "InteGRAS" is part-code for the Gras' of Grasse in Provence (near Antibes), there may be some argument in tracing "Grasse" to "PHRYGian" elements such as Frisians, for Amorians were Phrygians, and moreover the three chevrons of Gras' are half in the colors of the three chevrons of Taddei's that use the Bouillon cross in Chief. Taddei's may trace to lake Tatta, near Amorium, where the Amorian rulers came from. Inger was an early Varangian (may have been the first), and these Rus trace to Wieringen on the Frisia border. Moreover, Vere's trace likely to Guerin of Provence, who lived at the time of Michael II. Interesting mystery.

If correct that Guerin's father was William Gellone, note that he ruled Toulouse, and moreover had a base in the Herault theater (beside Aude) suspect with the Herod/Herault surname using a flory design. Gellone's use fleur-de-lys. The early Varangian, Rurik, should trace to Rorys of Bute, using the blue lion of Bute, shared by Bute-related Crichtons (share green dragon with Guerra's) that use a motto term, "grace." We are not ninnies. The Rory lion is colors reversed from the same of English Gras', and these are suspect with the Caepio-line lion. It's suggesting the possibility that Caepio treasure was transferred by William Gellone and/or Guerin to Rangabe's. The Bouillon cross has always been suspect with two, crossed silver-bullion bars.

There is a Grace/Grase surname itself using an "EN GRace" motto phrase suspect with ENGERs/Angers (share the Nagle lozenges). Engers/Angers were first found in Essex, same place as the Vere's who trace mythical Melusine to a count Milo de Ver(e) of Angers / Anjou, but this is a good reason to decipher Melusine as Melissena Rangabe, especially as she is suspect in forming the Cohens that share the Fer/Ferrat (and Fulk) checks (Fulks were the first-known counts of Anjou).

It is very good that the escarbuncle of Rays/Rae's turned up in the Enger/Anger Crest, for Crichtons/Creightons/Creetons are suspect with Rae / Cree/Crae/Rae / Crete liners (may be Gras liners), and this gives me the sense of linking to Rainhams/Ranghams/WRAYnhams." The Cree/Crae/Rae surname (version of the Washington Coat) is traced (in its write-up) to neighbors of Frey- / Frisian-suspect Frasers (Gras and Arms-of-Grasse colors)...who show variations that can produce "Fresnel" (important topic of the last update). One Rae/Ray Coat (see also Rayburns/Ribons) uses a version of the Frey/Phreeze Coat, and were first found in Dhun PHRIS (Dumfries). Rays share the stag with Frasers, and the latter share a green Shield with Fresnels/FRANets, first found in the same place (Burgundy) as French Rays and Frane's/Frasnays, the latter using three vertical bars in the colors of three chevrons of French Gras' (Provence). I can't be making all of these links up based on some cleverness intended to deceive you.

English Frane's/FRAYne's (Shropshire, may therefore be using the lion of Ranulph le Meschin) use the red-on-gold lion in the Guerin Chief, and the Guerin Coat uses the pierced Zionists stars of Payens. Guerins are even traced in their write-up to a Templar cult in Jerusalem. Imposters, dirty rats, satanists. It's possible for the Frennes variation of Frane's to become "Rennes" so as to link this discussion to Raines' and Rainhams, but lo and behold that "Grenny" was just looked up as per the Frenny variation (because I'm seeing that F terms were also G-terms in linking to "Grasse"), and what came up but a white lamb, symbol of the Arms of Grasse! Grennys (Frane-lion colors) use more pierced Zionist stars, and show Cheney-like variations. GRENNys (same place as Lys' and Chappes') are highly suspect with the surname of Ranulph de GERNon (le-Meschin's son), and it just so happens that Wikipedia's article on Eustace II (father of Godfrey de Bouillon) traces him to "Gernon."

The French Rays, the ones with the escarbuncle (flory ends), use a motto term suspect with Eustace II. That "GRACIEusete" term traces simultaneously to the Grace/Grase surname that honors the Engers/Angers, which reinforces the Bouillon trace to the Rangabe cross and meanwhile reinforces the Rangabe trace to Angers / Anjou (I have always sensed that the Raines' were Vere liners in Rennes, and have said so on a few occasions). It just so happens that the English Rays use the same stag as in the Stacey/Eustace Crest. The Irish Eustace's show a cross suspect with half the Hiram/Iron cross, and as the latter surname is also "KENiron," it looks linkable to the many CHENN-using variations of Grennys.

This trace of Hirams (they are Raines', let's not forget) to Grasse gets them close to ANTIBES, suspect with "Antipater," father of Herod "the great," and with Herod's son, Herod ANTIPAS. Provence was earlier the RHODanus theater that can fashion "Herod." Did you notice that Grennys/Chenie's share a gold fesse with Herods/Heraults? Grasse is in the colors of the Chaine/Chenay surname that once showed the white wing of Masci's (both have since changed), and then Lamas' (suspect with Dumas') use the Arms-of-Gras lambs. The Crenny/CHENie fesse and stars are in the colors of the same of INGens/ENGens/GAINs, and these look like they use a version of the Gore/Core Coat. Another flory cross is used by Gowers/Gore's (same colors) with a "FRANgas" motto term thrown in that looks like it loves Frane liners, but then just write it out as "FrANGUS" too. The Wrays use an "EN JUSte" motto phrase apparently for Ang(us) / Engen liners but suspect also with the Eustace-like Justus', first found in Perthshire, beside Angus.

One theory coming to mind is that "Antipas" evolved into a Tivas-like surname, and this brought the Dives' and Diens/Dives' to mind, which recalls that Diens/Dives still use the old white Masci wing. It works because Diva was the old name of Chester, where le-Meschin (the first Meschin) ruled. Believe it or not, this idea was born minutes after showing the Engens, and they share a gold-on-red dancette with the Dives! They are from the Dives river at the French area of Meschin ancestry. This works because EnGENs/Gains (Dives') are suspect with the Chenie-like variations of Gernon-related Grennys, and they are all in Eustace colors, as expected with the trace of Eustace II to Gernons.

The chevrons within the Fresnel bend are in the colors of the Guerra bendy, and in the colors of the Wrays. Frame's, very linkable to Frane's, look to be using the Guerin Chief in colors reversed. The Frame lions are in the colors of the Gernon lions. Guerin of Provence died just as the first Varangians were heard from, and about the time that Inger was a young man.

There was a time when I could swear that I saw the Leslie Coat using horseshoes, but, looking later, they were buckles. I had written many times, by then, that Leslie's use horseshoes. It gave me the idea that the pin in the buckle had been a nail for hammering on a horseshoe. When the Buncle's were just loaded to see their Buckle's, it had me asking why horseshoe liners would alter to a buckle, and of course the solution is that they merged with Buckle's / Buncle's. That's when I noted the nail-like ending of the Bonkell variation of Buncle's, for which reason a Bunell surname was tried for, and it happened to bring up the Buncle's.

I can imagine a Bonale/BoNAIL surname too, and there is one, with a Bonell variation showing, first found in Languedoc (where Vince's trace), and using a red version of the Vince/Vinch griffin. We saw this red griffin in the last update, in the Corbeil surname, and although Corbeils came up in the Frame / Fresnel discussion, it flowed over to Corbieres, at Languedoc's Aude river, location of Rennes-le-Chateau, where the Da-Vinci-Code stupids concentrate on tracing the children of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. The CorBAYLE variation looks like it can link to buckle-like "Bagle," which resembles the empty hole in the brains of Da-Vinci-Code stupids. Unfortunately, I don't see any immediate way, via heraldry, to link Bonails to the Neil / Nail surnames, but that was written while the Bagle surname was loading, and, incredible enough, Bagle's/Bagleys (ram) use the Nagle lozenges in colors reversed.

The importance of this is that the Frame / Fresnel topic has now traced to Grasse, not very far from Nagle's out of Oneglia = Imperia. The Buncle's/Bonells entered the Grasse topic hard with the escarbuncle of two surnames, the only two I know of to use such a symbol. French Bonneys/Bonnets/Bonners were first found in Languedoc, and the English Bonneys/Bonnets (bend linkable to Bone's/Bohuns) happen to bring up something of what I was looking for, for they share a blue-on-white bend with Leslie's ("Grip" motto term), and even use gold symbols on the bend as a match with the gold Leslie buckles! It looks like the Bonails can thus link to Buncle's and Buckles, and that can help to prove that heraldic buckles were once a nail-and-horseshoe symbol for Nagle liners. English Bonneys use half the Nagle/Nail saltire. The Bone's/Bohuns are very linkable by their Coat to the English Gras', which can explain the Bonails/Bonells / Bunells/Buncle's as a Bone-Nagle merger. I am completely surprised at by this successful venture, but why a horseshoe along with the nail? Horseshoe's are big in Poland.

As French Bonneys/Bonnets are a chevron suspect with the Burns, it's interesting that Bonnet-like Burnetts (share black horn with Trabys and Burns / Bernice's) use a GRAPE vine, clear indication of Berenice-Agrippa liners, expected in the Leslie motto. Between Oneglia and Grasse is Antibes. Probably, a red griffin, the Bonail/Bonell symbol, is of the favorite color of the Edomite Herod-Agrippa line. While writing that last sentence, after visiting the atlas, the Cannes surname was loading as per Cannes smack beside Antibes, and what do you know, a red buckle!!! The Cannes surname (MacDonald ship and eagle) is listed with Keans/Kane's (probably Keon / Kane kin) and was first found in the same place as Herods/Heraults! Kane's even use the white-on-green fish of MacAbee's and Hams! This paragraph is strong indication that Keons and Kane's trace to Cannes. But aren't Keons/Keens Aquincum elements?

It's a good thing that Gunns traced to Gunnora Crepon in the last update, for Crepons/Crispins were traced to Crispiana, beside Aquincum, and the Gunns (ship) might just be from Cannes too. The Caens/Canns, in Keon/Keen colors, use a "PERImus" motto term that can go to Imperia, suggesting an Oneglia merger with Cannes. The Gunn Chief is also the Canton/Ganton Chief so that the latter can also be Cannes elements.

Not convinced of an Aquincum trace to Cannes? The three Gunn / Canton stars were linked suggestively in the last update to the three estoiles in colors reversed in the Neil Chief, and the red Neil estoile is in the alternative-Irish Kane Crest! That's another Oneglia link to Cannes, but it draws Gunns in because they linked (last update) to Geddes, who share fish with the alternative Kane's (all three colors of the Geddes Coat). Kane's use the fish in the colors and pale direction of the Lucy fish, but it's known that the Lucy fish are the Geddes fish too. (See white-on-red Luciano fish)

Proto-Geddes Geds were on the Nith river, a term like the Nice location smack on the other side of Antibes from Cannes, and the Nice/Ness surname links easily to the Canton Coat. This tends to clinch a trace of Irish Neils to Oneglia, no small matter for that proud clan. But there's not much to be proud about in tracing to much of ancient humanity, especially not in Boofima liners. "Great" in the world has often to do with the greatest bullies and fighters, killers and thieves, in the guise of "nationhood."

The Lucys can trace to Lacydon, origin of the Ligurians from Phocaeans near the mouth of the Gediz river, in Lydia, the proto-Latins, and then Luciano's were first found amongst Latins. It's hard to argue with that, but then the Faux's/Fauks, feasibly from Foca/Phocaea (mouth of the Gediz), share the black-on-white mascle with Lucky's/Lucks/Licks. The latter even share the greyhound with Geddes-beloved Majors/Magors. Antibes was founded a couple of centuries after the formation of Ligurians at Lacydon. The following was added to the last update that helps to trace Ligurians to Aquincum: "The Burgos annulet is colors reversed from the Fogg annulet, a good reason to trace Foggs to Fessys. As Fessys traced to Pasi's/Pace's (Spears) and Pascals, it's notable that Fossys/Fossards share the bend of ShakeSPEARe's." It's like saying that Phocaeans were somehow linked to Eravasci at Aquincum, and they came to Bononia with the neighboring Boii, where Pascals and Pasi's/Pascels trace.

From Bononia, they can trace to Fessy-suspect Bouillons of Auvergne, which is even more westerly from Liguria, or to the Bouillons of the Bautica river flowing to Turin. The Bauts, first found in the same place as Bouillons, use a goat/ram in the colors of the Grasse lamb! I think I understand that. And Bauts are also "Baux," like the Faux' surname that can trace once again to Fessys / Foca. As I write, the Baut goat is seen to be a ram (Rangabe colors). It may always have been, or they recently changed it to a ram. A ram came up earlier in this update right in the middle of the horseshoe-buckle discussion, in the BAGle/Bagley Crest, suggesting that they are a branch of Baux's. Rams can trace to the golden-fleece line expected of Atreus and/or to the rams in Baut-ram colors of Rams ("FACias" motto term). I trace Atreus to ATREbates, who founded Atrecht, otherwise called Arras, the ARTois capital, and the ARDuinici of Ivrea (Bautica river) can therefore be suspect with the namers of Artois. A branch of Arduinici is known to have been also at Oneglia, what a nailincidence.

Fossys are traced in their write-up to NIGEL Fossard (11th century), right down the Nagle/Nail alley. Let's be reminded that Sardis (up the Gediz river from Foca) was earlier called, Hyde, while Hyde's use the Nagle lozenges. Nigels use these gold lozenges on red. I am only just-now reminded that the Nagle's are traced to "ANGulos," recalling the Ang entities that just traced to Grasse elements. There was a surname above that shares the string of Nigel lozenges, but I have forgotten which one. ENGERs/Angers (said to be from Anjou), first found in the same place as Rams and Vere's, and the ones with the escarbuncle, share the Nagle lozenges, and Bagle's use them in colors reversed from the Nagel lozenges. German Engers/Ungers (traced to Hungarians/Magyars) are even from Bohemia (beside Hungary), and share two white-on-red stars in Chief with the ANGus', such a small world after all, making Angus' suspect with the Leslie Hungarians in neighboring Aberdeenshire. The English-Enger write-up makes it very clear or convincing that Nagle's should be expected as Anjevins from Anjou, but I glean that they were Neils on one side too (Neils are honored in the Vere motto), and then the German Nagle's/Neils/Nails use a saltire in colors reversed from the so-called Andrew's Cross of Scotland, which I trace to Andrew I of Hungary.

In this picture, Hungarians named Angers and Angus, but perhaps this is not the whole of it. Hungarians were partly Khazars from the Mures river, kin to Melissena, wife of INGER. And Inger's Varangian background traces to Wieringen, at the Dutch border with Frisians, and the latter were of the Angles, not Hungarians. Yet, one may say that Varangians trace to the Varni, kin of Angles long before Hungarians were a nation. and then Inger the Varangian was attached my marriage, to some unknown, degree to the Khazar ancestors of Hungarians. It throws a wrench into what the German Engers/Ungers really were, Inger liners or Hungarians or both. The Enger/Unger / Angus stars are also the Vere star. If we decide that these were Hungarians exclusively, one would be compelled to trace Annas' to "Hungary," not to elements named after Annas of Israel.

The Askers (donkeys), perhaps intended by ESCARbuncle, use a "FAC et SPERA" motto.

It just so happens that Fossys are in Fothes/Fittes ("Industria") and Foot colors, the latter two (Levi suspects) traceable to Footes of GUERNsey, where Majors/Magors (Magyars?) are said to have roosted. The Foots are honored in the GERNon motto, and thus they all trace with Gernons to Grasse elements. The Fossy bend is used, moreover, by Gripps/Grape's/Grabbens. Fothes'/Fittes' are suspect with the Herod-suspect Fitch surname, and especially with the fitchee of Quints, for the Fothes'/Fittes' look like they use a version of the Capone Coat, especially as the Fothes Crest is a cornuCOPIA.

As Orrs use a cornucopia too, while using motto terms for the Bone liners, recalling that horseshoe-nail theme versus the Leslie buckles that traced to Bonails, for Fothes' were first found in the same place (Aberdeenshire) as Leslie's...who trace to Lesbos, opposite Foca. This is the first time that I can glean a Fothes trace to Foca, thanks to the newly-discovered / unfamiliar-to-me Fossys. Then, the Orrs might be the reason for HORSEshoe. Hmm. The Shoe surname shares the blue star with Angus-liner Innis', as well as a "knight issuing from the knees." The Knee surname share a blue-on-white bend with the Leslie's that put buckles upon it. I can glean that the Knee and Leslie bends are half the saltire of Malcolms (in the colors of the Nagle/Nail saltire!), not only because the Knee's share stag heads with Malcolm's, but because the first-known Leslie, Bartholomew, married the sister of king Malcolm III. The Malcolm saltire is Andrew's cross in colors reversed, and Andrew's Cross is in the colors of the Antibes cross. Coincidence, or is there a reason? The Neigh variation of Knee's gives away their being Nagle's/Neils/Nails, and that's how the Leslie buckles could have been nail-and-horseshoe.

The funny thing is, I never see nail-and-horseshoe in other heraldry, but where it does/did exist, it is now expected to trace to the nail symbol of Hiram Abiud, which is to say that it ought to trace to Herod Agrippa. This is a good reason to trace "Abiud" to BUDApest. The Hungarians traced themselves to a Tural hawk, but the hawk is a Herod/Hurls/Herault symbol. Turals may be from the Tuaregs honored in the motto of MISTERs that were deciphered with the "MYSTERious Force" of Hiram Abiud. Turrals (upright white goats) share a "non" motto term with Nagle's, for the Nons/Nevins using a fesse in colors reversed from the Beef/Boeuf fesse. As the latter use the Bernice fesse, Turrals just traced to Berenice-Agrippa liners. Recalling that Tuaregs traced to Turin and Thor/Thorn / Trunk liners, note that Turrels are listed with THORolds. If you don't know, Hungarians traced their ancestry also to a stag. If the Tural hawk was code for surnames, perhaps the Staggs/Staggers (same chevron as Bonneys/Bonnets) apply to the stag, depending on what Hungarians called the stag, or on whether Hungarians had merged with Staggs/Staggers (stag heads) prior to creating their stag mythology. Staggs could be a branch of Stacks / Stake's / Stocks suspect with the Bohemian lion.

There is a Horse surname (same horse-head design as Hebrons), using green GYRONNY, but I can't see a way to link Horse symbols to Orr / Orell / Aurelia symbols. There is an Auriol location very-near Lacydon, however, and while the Dumas write-up traces both to Auriol and Le Mas, the latter very-near Grasse, the Horse horseheads are in the colors of the Arms-of-Grasse and Lamas lambs. Then, the Horse fesse is in the gold colors of the GRENNY fesse, and below the latter's fesse, a lamb. The lamb-using Pascals have a cross in colors reversed from the same-type Fessy cross. In myth, a golden lamb belonged to the son (Atreus) of Pelops, king of Lydia (i.e. where Fessy / Fossy liners trace). This can trace the False-Prophet lamb to Foca, not forgetting that the Biblical dragon is a Latin element i.e. from Lydia.

I predicted that the false Prophet / anti-Christ would be a mouse liner of the Massey / Meschin kind, and later tweaked that prediction to have the line from Musts (share the Wheelwright antelope) and Mouse-Tower Poles (i.e. Mieszko's), where Misl's/Meisels/Maysels (mouse) trace that smack of MASSILia at Lacydon. I don't know whether Lacydon was a real place, or mythical, but Ligurian roots are said to have been of an alliance between Massilia and Lacydon. There is a mythical EUXENos that applies to that Lacydon story, and he sounds like AQUINcum elements all of a sudden! I didn't realize this above when tracing Aquincum (later Budapest) to the Liguria theater.

I traced the black Misl mouse on a bend to the black Davis / David lion on the same-colored bend, but that was suggestive only, from a hunch, probably because Davids (Cheshire) were traced to Diva of Cheshire (where Meschins ruled). Later, I was able to reinforce that trace, but if correct that Dives' trace to "AnTIBES," it's just another reason to trace the mouse line of anti-Christ to Antibes (between Lacydon and Liguria). "Antibes was founded as a 5th-century BC Greek colony settled by Phocaeans from Massilia..." The Arms of Antibes are a white cross (in Grasse colors), that of Fessys too. Might this explain why Jesus was portrayed as a Lamb? Did God send him as such to defeat and mock the lamb line from disgusting Pelops? Why do Fessy-suspect Pascals use the Levi lions, shared by Kilpatricks of the Nith river? Didn't Gediz-suspect Geddes live on the Nith? Yes, suggesting that Gediz-river Lydians were on the Nith. And that suddenly explains why I traced Kilpatricks ("laidir" motto term) to both Latin surnames.

The Nith is in Dumfries, same place as where Nitts/Naughts were first found, and the latter share the Raines lion heads. The Raines' just proved to be Khazars of the Melissena-Rangabe kind, linkable to the Cohens, who share blue-and-white checks with the Nitts/Naughts. But the lions of Pattys, a surname suspect with KilPatricks/PATCHIE's (had a castle on the Nith), are likely linked closer to Nitts than to the Raines'. As Raines link closely to MacAbee's/CABE's, the Patty-Crest lion can be the one in the CABBage Chief. Recalling that the Geddes fish linked to the same of Kane's = KEONS, note that Pattys share a white escutCHEON with the case you doubted a Patty trace to the Nith. The checks of Nitts are on an escutcheon over a black Shield, same as the Patty Shield. The Shoe/Schoo surname, actually, is an eSCUTcheon suspect of the Schutz / Skeets kind.

The Saddocks (like the Shutz variation of Schutz's) use the escutcheon in Patty-escutcheon colors while Saddocks were first found in the same place (Sussex) as Diens/Dives (Patty colors) showing patee crosses. Again, Diens/Dives' use the same wing that Masci's once showed, which was more rare than the new / common wing added to the Masci Coat, and then Massey liners trace in all likeliness to the Dumas / Lamas surnames from Le Mas, for Julia Maesa was sister to Julia DOMna, suspect with "Dumas" (smack at/near Lacydon) that use nothing but besants, traceable to the Bassianus surname (Byzantine element?) of the father of both Julia's. Julia Domna married emperor Septimius SEVERUS, and with the Aquincum trace to Ligurians, there is now a serious question on whether he traces to the namers of Savaria at the Boii theater of Pannonia. Savaria is on the Arrabo, with a mouth near Flexum, suspect with Flecks/Flags sharing the Meschin scallops. Early Maesa liners at the mouth of the Rhone / Massilia would conform to Mysians, i.e. they lived beside Lydia.

The Grimaldi Fiasco

Whether or not these Lydo-Mysians came first through the Pek river (Moesia) is a good question, as the pike fish of Geddes would trace well to the Pek, and Peks use patee crosses too now tracing hard to the Nith. Moreover, Packers/Peckers share lozenges in the colors of the same of Ligurian Grimaldi's. There is a Chateau Grimaldi in Antibes: "In 1608 it became a stronghold of the Grimaldi family..." Note the EraVISCI- / Vesci-like family below to which Eravasci can trace:

The Grimaldi descend from Grimaldo, a Genoese statesman at the time of the early Crusades. He may have been a son of Otto Canella, a consul of the Republic of Genoa in 1133....His numerous descendants led maritime expeditions throughout the Mediterranean, the Black Sea [why the Black sea?], and soon the North Sea. They quickly became one of the most powerful families of Genoa.

The Grimaldis feared that the head of a rival Genoese family could break the fragile balance of power in a political coup and become lord of Genoa, as had happened in other Italian cities. They entered into a Guelphic alliance with the Fieschi family and defended their interests with the sword.

There is a Fieschi article, but the Arms of Fieschi is not the Fessy cross, but blue-and-white bendy, perhaps the colors of Antibes. I had traced Grimaldi's to Guerin of Provence, wherefore it's notable that Guerra's use blue-and-gold bendy. Guido Guerra was of Bologna, where Fessy's trace (where do Fessy not trace?). Fieschi's may be the fish-using Pesce's, with a fish suspect in the Coat of Guerin-like Verona's. INDEED, as Verona's are also "Vair," note that the other Vairs share a Shield filled with red-and-white checks (colors of the Grimaldi lozengy) with Fisks!!! Surprise. Fisks (a pyramid) were looked up while writing this paragraph, checking for links to Fieschi's, and there we have it. Guerin was traced to Idris of Morocco (ruled at Fez = Fessy liner), suspect as an ITURean, and here we find an "itur" motto term in the Fisk motto. Fisks have been suspect with Cliffs/Cleaves = Clavers/Cleaver = Glaphyra Archelaus.

Cliffs/Cleave's share the black Mackay / Quade wolf heads. The Guelphs that the Fieschi supported were Welfs, listed with Wolfs (Cheshire, same as Cliffs/Cleave's). The "fiscal cliff" hoax under Obama (Massey liner) was suspect as code for Fisks and Cliffs. We are not ninnies. Sometimes you need to ask whether the "Christians" websites trying to convince you of things online are really of the globalist wolves in pushing their faked crises. Every faked crisis has a pre-determined "fix" judged beforehand to net gains for the fakers.

George Bush is suspect in starting the fiscal-cliff crock as per his big-bank solution, wherefore note that the Cliff Coat is a version of the Bush Coat. Note the "IN CRuce" motto phrase of Cliffs, as though honoring Inger. The Cruce-like Crux's/Crucks share a black pale bar with Fisks. Crux's, in Mynetts colors, were first found in the same place as Mynetts. Cliffs are said to be from old Clive's of MORETON-Say (Shropshire), and then the Murena/Moratin Coat shares towers with Clavers/Cleavers, and moreover the Says use quarters in colors reversed from the Massey quarters. There is/was a More location in Shropshire that became suspect with the More of Rollo-Norway.

The Fieschi are said to have furnished the prince of Belmont (Spain), and Belmonts/Beaumonts (same fleur as Maschi's) were first found in the general area of Moratin-like Mortons. Bellamys were first found in the same place as Moreton-Say. The alternative-English Belmonts ("Fide and "vide" motto terms) share the Say bull head in Crest, which reminds that I traced Says to Seyssel, near the Arve river, where I gleaned a Bellamy branch. Mortons are beloved by Walsh's who share a "sed" motto term with Belmonts. The Belmont bull head is quartered in the colors of the Morton quarters. As these surnames are suspect with CILNius Maecenas, note that Quillans/KILLENS use the wolf too.

It just so happens that FESCHs/Fechters/Factors/Wachters (Switzerland) share white, eight-pointed estoile with Morte's/Motts! The estoile (six points) is also in the Fisk surname. Este's were the root of Guelphs, and so what the "Fide" motto term above suggests is that wolf-head Fiddle's/Fidelows were Welf liners. Feschs are suspect with Fichtens, Victors, Fiquets/Fiaux's (share's bendy with Arms of Fieschi) and Fitch's. [You might want to remember the WACHTer variation when I get to showing unexpected variations of the Washington surname, including the Wessels/Gastels, for it's making Fessys suspect as a Wassa line.]

As Mortons use buckles, the fact that Belmonts share crescents in the colors of the same of Shoe-like Shows seems interesting. The Fiquets/Fiaux's (probably from Montfiquet) use lozenges in the colors of the Nagle lozenges.

The Fieschi are said to have had strong ties with Anjevin kings of Sicily. The Arms of Fieschi (bars) appear to trace to the same-colored bars that are the Arms of Luxembourg and Arms of Lusignan. The latter location is where mythical Melusine is known to have roosted, and Fieschi's happen to be in Rangabe colors.

With the finding of the "vide" motto term of Belmonts, the Rainhams/Ranghams become suspect with SvetoVIT liners, the Rani / Rujani. Part of the reason is that Rainhams are traced in their page to Melrose, while Melrose's were first found in ROXburghshire, suspect with the Rani peoples. The Meuros/Meuross variations of Melrose's (roses) suggest Ross / Rose elements, but also the Mire's/Mireux' of Anjou, suspect with the mirror of Melusine. If correct, it's another way of tracing Rainhams to Melissena Rangabe, and assuring that she is the secret behind mythical Melusine. As the peoples of Lusignan were/are called, Melusines, it behooves me to trace Melissena and Inger to Lusatia, not far from Anjou. Fieschi's are thus suspect with the Rangabe Byzantines, or at least with Inger.

Como's share two bends in Fieschi-bendy colors. This goes back to the hunch that Rainhams use the Comyn / Joseph garbs, but then garbs are the symbol for the Arve river near Seyssel. Avis'/Avisons (see Kennedy motto), easily traceable to Comyns, are suspect from rose-using Avezzano's, known now to trace to Pesce-suspect Piscinas on Sardinia. The Pesce fish is used alone, as with the same-colored fish of Dutch Focks. This makes Piscinas (and Font de Ville's and Lafins/La Fonts) suspect with Fieschi's. The anti-Christ bloodline traces through Sulcis, beside Piscinas. Murtons/Myrtons/Mertons use blue-and-white bendy, or rather white-on-blue bends, but nearly this symbol became the international marine symbol for 6. Why 6? Why are there three bends to indicate 6? Why are the bends in the sinister direction usually linking easily to Masci liners?

Murtons are said to have had one cob and 12 cattle. That looks like code, for Cattle's (fret) traced to Cattolica, beside the Maschi's who trace to Masseys of Ferte-MACE. Cobbs (Belmont colors) could be a branch of Copps and Cope's (both uses roses) in Murton colors. Didn't Feschs just prove to be kin of Morte's/Motts from Modi'in's Maccabees?

Think about it again with the fiscal cliff theme, and view that scheme with a basis in the Fieschi's that use bendy in near-perfect reflection of the 6 flag. The Grimaldi's that linked to Fieschi's were sea-farers, we just read. The Ligurians traced to the False-Prophet-lamb line, in my tentative but serious opinion, and the False Prophet is the one to put out a 666 system for commercial purposes, while some people feel that some sort of financial collapse is needed to enforce that system in a world where people tend to reject a skincode. But as a real financial collapse is not conducive to globalist interests, a faked one is the next best thing. Perhaps the fiscal-cliff hoax was a trial balloon, or perhaps it failed and needs to be re-exercised in the near future.

Fieschi's were called by a Lavagna term, like the Lavigne's/Levine's using the grape vine. Lavagna itself uses a blue bend, but just one, wavy, and on a gold Shield. Fieschi's ruled from this place, anciently called, Lavania. English Levine's/Livings use a dancette between the Chief and Shield, as do Fishers. It asks whether the Laevi Ligures were at Lavania. German and Irish BUTTlers use a dancette between Chief and Shield too, in Lavagna colors, and then Butts/Bute's/BOETs, suspect with the Boethus Sadducees, share a fish with German Fishers. The Butler Shield is like that of Dunhams and English Randolphs (two major Obama lines), and then Scottish Randolphs happen to use the same cross as Fieschi-suspect Fessy's.

English Butts/Bute's (same black horsehead that Este's once showed) share the estoile with Feschs, and Bottle's/Buthills use crowns in Fesch and WIDEN/Whitton colors (crown like the BESANT/Bessen crown design), and Butts/Bute's use a "VIDENtur" motto term [Washingtons will later look like Wide liners of the Guido kind]. I'm seeing Uat-Buto here. Widens/Whittons were first found in the same place as Melrose's, the letter in the write-up of Rainhams, and then the Rainham and Widen Chiefs both use BESANTS. The Widens are said to have had an early Michael Wytton, a name expected from Michael Rangabe, and then the water bouget of Widens suddenly looks like an 'R' for "Rangabe" under those Byzantine-suspect besants.

"Lavagna is a tourist port city of c. 13,000 inhabitants in the curving stretch of the Italian Riviera di Levante called the gulf of Tigullio, in the province of Genoa in Liguria." The Tigells are listed with Tickle's, and they use the maunche or sleeve as code for Manche, home of Masseys, which are pointed out because Ringers (Rangabe's?) may be using the Massey fleur-de-lys, and a bell in honor of the Bellamys of Ferte-Mace. The Tigells/Tickle's (BELmont and Tigh colors) are traced to Roger de BULly of Nottinghamshire, and then Ringers are said to be from Nottinghamshire, where Bugs and Tease's/TIGHS (!) were first found that share the water bouget with Widens, the latter in the colors of English Rings.

It looks like Tigells trace to Lavagna, and that recalls the Teague's and Tease's/Tighs suspect from the Ticino, river of the Laevi. How about that. It looks like one can trace Teague's to Tigullio, and then the owl in the Widen/Whitten Crest can be suspect with the Taggert owl. As Taggerts share the Chives/Shivas motto, and where the latter trace to Ceva (northern-Liguria theater), at the Cavetta river, it's very notable that Cavetts (Picardy, in Picard colors) share blue-and-white bars with the Arms of Fieschi, and the Cavetts//Cheve's/Schavo's bars are horizontal, like those in the Arms of Lusignan.

Scottish Rings/Rinns/CRANS share white-on-red crescents with Fieschi-related Belmonts. The Cran variation is highlighted as a likely merger with Ceraunii elements (see last update) from the URBANus river, for the other Ring surname share's the fleur-de-lys of the Crine's/Crone's. One Crone Coat shares the lozengy of Beetle's/Bedwells, suggesting a Bottle/Buthill branch. Then, URBANs are using a bend in the colors of the same in the Arms of Lavagna. Amazing. Heraldry has a very big mouth.

Urbate, at the mouth of the Urbanus, in not too-far upstream from Fossae to have a relationship with the namers of Fossae, which may have become the Fieschi. The Ceraunii were discovered in the last update to be a line to man y crown-using surnames, and the Tigells use a crown in Crest too, and of course we just saw the Bottle crowns in the colors of the Widen bouget, and the Bugs happen to have bougets in the same colors! That clinches a Widen trace to the "VIDENtum" motto term of Bute's/Butts. Moreover, as Buttlers use a version of the English Randolph Coat, its excellent that Scottish Randolphs share the bat (code for Baths sharing the Randolph cross) with Bugs, and that Randolph cross can now trace to Fieschi's as per it being the Fessy cross too. Dutch Fosse's use bendy, though in red.

So, a trace of Fossae through the Urbanus to the Fieschi can also trace the Amantini peoples at Fossae, and it could then be that the Mynetts helmets are in the colors of the Widens / Bottle's/Buthills for a reason. French Fosse's/Fochs/Faush's (Forez, as with Bassets/Besancons/Bessys in Rangabe / Fieschi colors) are more interesting for a couple of reasons: 1) they use flowers on their thistles, while the giant Flower cinquefoil can trace with the Bus cinquefoil and the Tigell sleeve/maunche to the Arms of Leicester (Ligurian liners); 2) Thistle's, first found in The Sleeve = English Channel at Manche, once again use a bend in the colors of the same in the Arms of Lavagna! Amazing. Heraldry has a big mouth.

I sense that this is a biggie, tracing Fieschi's to Fossae, at the face of Cibalae, where squirrel-using Valentins trace, and then Tease's/Tecks/Tess' are suspect with squirrel-using Decks/Daggers, Ticino-river suspects for years. The THISSel variation of Thistle's therefore becomes suspect with Tess' at the Tesson river. And don't forget, the Ceraunii are Patmos liners. Belgian Tassels/Tasse's/Tassins share the fesse colors of Tease's/Tighs, and English Tassels (reflection of the Bug Coat) were first found in Bedfordshire, where Beetle's/Bedwells were first found. The latter, by the way, use a lozengy in half the colors of the Grimaldi lozenges, and so let's not forget that Grimaldi's of Genoa brought us to Lavagna.

The Bully mascles look linkable to the arms of Thomas Randolph (see his Wikipedia article), first earl of Rangabe-suspect Moray. The heart in flames of the Bully Crest is expected to be of the so-called "heart of Bruce," though the story surrounding that thing may link to Herods. To trace Bullys from Dumfries (where they were first found) back to Tigullio / Lavagna, one can appeal to the giant mascle of English Faux's/Fauks (same place as Gore's and Yonge's that trace to the Sava river, location of Fossae). French Faux's/Chaulne's use the same fleur-de-lys as Masci's who trace to the Maezaei on the one side of the Urbanus. The Bassets / Bissets may even trace to the namers of BISTue at the source of the Urbanus.

Recalling that trace of Aquincum / BudaPEST to Liguria, the topic at hand recalls a trace of proto-Hungarians to the Ticino with such terms as Taksony. But it just so happens that the brother of Andrew I of Hungary was Levante, the name of the modern beach in Lavagna. And all these Butt-like terms linking to Lavagna should therefore trace to the namers of Budapest. It's like saying that Hungarians were Laevi liners. It is definitely foggy in my mind as to how proto-Hungarians can trace to the Ticino as well as to the Khazar-theater Magyars, but that's one way to discover that the Jewish rulers amongst Khazars were Laevi liners. Note how Marks share checks with Cohens (and Boyds), for the Marici were co-founders of Ticinum with the Laevi (according to Wikipedia). Boyds trace to the Budini of the Magyar theater, suspect as kin with the Bugs (Bug river, Ukraine).

Tessens/Tessins (same place as Griffins) use nothing but a blue-on-white fesse, the only symbol of Beefs/Boeuf's, first found in the same place as French Faux's. It's the Bernice fesse, and it's tracing the Laevi to Berenice Agrippa. The Lavigne/Levine surname uses a GRAPE vine, lest we forget, symbol on the one side of a coin of Herod Archelaus. Wikipedia removed the reference to that coin, which had a helmet with feathers on the other side. Why did Wikipedia remove it after I quoted it? Were the Lannoys or True's or Craigs or Cafferys of Blate's or Levine's unhappy with me, and did they write to Wikipedia to have the reference removed? How else do we explain the removal? Did the Masons who keep tabs on my work get it removed? No matter that I offend them, they probably keep tabs. If they were truly worthy of their human race, they wouldn't try to keep secrets, but if they came out to tell the world the thing they itch to tell it, they know that they would be rejected.

The Magyar-suspect Majors/Magors were first found in the Channel Islands, same as Thissels. That's very illuminating where Thissels use the same bend colors as the Lavagna bend, for if Andrew's brother was named after that place, one could expect Thissels to be kin of Majors/Magors. And then Spanish Major(domo)s even use a shield filled with checks, suspect with both Khazars and the Amorian Byzantines. The Major greyHOUND can trace to Huns, founders of Khazars. Majors/Magors are traced to Mauger, archbishop of Rouen, and then Rouens share mascles in the colors of the Bully mascles, which brings king Bela to mind, brother of Andrew and Levante. Bullys entered the discussion at the Tigells/Tickle's, whom convinced me of being from Tigullio at Lavagna.

Bela, I read, had married Helena, daughter of the VRM, count of Angusta, and then Vrm was traced to Forhams/Formans and Worms, the Formans being interesting because they share the anchor with Majors/Magors, and moreover use wavy bars in blue, the colors of the wavy bend of Lavagna! Zowie, this looks like one important piece of the Magyar puzzle. Recall that Engers/Ungers were a problem for figuring out whether they were from Hungarians versus Annas of Israel, but the latter was traced (by me) to Angusta! Wavy bars are used by Drummonds, born from George, son of Andrew I. That's why wavy-bar Bassets trace to BudaPEST. The Forman martlets may be those of Cheneys who trace to Cuneo = interior Liguria.

Proto-Hungarians lived at and around a TISZa river, and west enough to be on the Bug river. It creates a problem for tracing the namers of the Ticino, on the one hand suspect with Dexaroi and Daggers / Degens, and on the other by the namers of the Tisza. Where did we see eight-pointed estoiles before, now showing in the Degen/Deger Coat (NINE of them)? Ah, yes, in the Fesch Coat, meaning that Degers can trace to the Fieschi at Lavagna. Degers were from BALLYduggan, and then Ballys use NINE Moray stars, important where proto-Hungarian Khazars trace to Moray. Ballys are therefore suspect with king Bela.

As GRIMaldi's were traced to KRUMe's, note that the large Deger crescent is also the Krume crescent. The lozengy-Shielded Crone's are in the colors of the chequey Shield of English Vaux's/Vose's (Cumberland).

The Suty/Suddy surname uses wavy fesse bars in the colors of the wavy bend of Lavagna. The Suty/Suddy surname, said to be a branch of tiger-using Side(y)'s/Sudys, shares a "hazard" motto term with obviously-related Seatons/Sittens. As was said, the novelist who created the Hiram-Abiud story knew too much; he even knew the very words that Herod Agrippa spoke in creating a proto-Masonic cult in efforts to destroy the spread of Christianity. Either he didn't wish to reveal his historical sources because he was afraid of a backlash, or he was merely writing a fiction based on some inside knowledge, which is the position I'm taking. For example, his inside knowledge taught him that the Star surname was a very anti-Christian one, and related to Nails / Nagle's. Again, Stars use the all-seeing-eye, a symbol of self-made goons who want to know everything about us through spying, and the Stars share green lozenges with Seaton-like Settle's/Settels. That brings the Abiud codes to the Side's and Suty's, right? And we just saw the wavy Suty bars traceable to the Grimaldi's and Fessys at Laevi- and Agrippa-suspect Lavagna.

Nagle's trace to Boofima with Roets, and then John of Gaunt's line is in the Genoa-possible Ghents that use the same chief as Side's, both using eagles in colors reversed from the one identical spread eagle of Genoa's Doria's, the ones who married Arduinici in Oneglia (Wikipedia has an article on this marriage). Dutch Ghents/Gants (colors of the Dutch-Fock fish tracing to Fieschi-suspect Pesce's) even use another wavy fesse. It's not coincidental because the Gaunts/Gants use Fessy in the colors of the Suty fesse bars, and Fessy traces to Fieschi's. The red Gaunt bend is shared by Gonn's/Kohns (Cohen kin?) with a Ghent-like variation, and the other Gonns/Gowens share the gold boar head with Roets. John Kerry, now overseeing Israel's business, was born a Jewish Kohn surname.

There can be no trace made by heraldic codes more convincing than this one, and it comes one update after Fessys became the chief topic by no plan of my own, and before I knew of the Fieschi's, whom I just bumped into by loading Wikipedia's Grimaldi article...which I was not very familiar with. Had I not concentrated on Fessys in the last update, and in this one too, I probably would have passed by "Fieschi" without much interest. The Gaunts are said to be born from a Baldwin of Flanders, and they were kings of Jerusalem who traced to the Bautica river before I knew of the Arduinici branch there (they were there as a fact, not merely as my theory).

The Genova/Geneva surname is interesting for sharing upside-down, white wings with Diens/Dives', for which reason I trace Masci's to Genoa / Geneva. It's likely the same as the Bellamy trace to the Arve river flowing into lake Geneva. The "bellum" motto term of Ghent- / Gant-like Gunns can apply, which brings the organ pipes of Letts into the picture as code for the Orkney location of Guns, and then Annecy is near the Arve river while Gunns use the stars of Annas', kin of Letts.

The anti-Christ will be supported by three frogs (Revelation 16). What does this mean in the modern world? Should not the frogs link to Massey liners if the anti-Christ system is a Massey entity? The Foggs, because they were first found in the same place (Kent) as Gaunts, happen to share black-on-white annuLETs with Frocks/Frogs (same place as Bellamys and Meschins), and the Frocks came up some months ago only because the Grimaldi write-up traced to a "frock." Therefore, it appears that Frocks were a Fogg / Foss / Fessy branch linkable to Fieschi's, and way back to Phocaeans at MASSILia, the mouse-suspect line. Admittedly, it's a hard sell to suggest that the Revelation frogs are nothing more than the Frock/Frogg surname, but there could be something to it where that surname is a part of it.

The Doria's are traceable by their eagle to the Candida's, which tends to trace Candida's to the Cantii founders of Kent, which may explain the Massey pegasus and the Fogg unicorn. Ultimately, this picture has to go to Massena > Massins/Masons, the Kent line of Numidians, and suspect in a league with Kanza/Kenza of Aures, herself tracing to Fessy liners in the Fes/Fez surname, first found in the same place as Baldwin-related Bouillons. Candida's in the mistress of pope Borgia, who lived in Gandia (eastern Spain), were traced to Belgian Gands/Gends because they share a moline cross (colors of the Cromby / House cross) with French Borgia's/Bourg's, suspect with the Burgh root of Fessys. In fact, the Frock/Frog and Fock annulets are colors reversed from the giant annulet of Spanish Burgos'.

The Borgia moline is in the colors of the Irish-Burgh cross, and the latter is known to be from the Burgo surname of Conteville's, which should explain why French Gands/Gons' are also "Gontes" while using the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Tanners and Ghents in colors reversed. The Gand/Gons combination is that of Levine's/Livings too so that Gand liners can again trace to Fieschi's in Lavagna. Compare the lion of Ghent-related Side's to that of Jewish Levine's/Levi's. As the Moline surname is known to be of the family of "the tanner" of Falaise, the Ghents of Fieschi involvement are likely using the Tanner Shield, and that traces them to the Tanaro of interior Liguria. It's therefore a good guess that Spanish Borgia's are closely sharing the red bull of Daggers/Dackers because the Comyns, kin of Conteville's, use a dagger.

There is no heraldic evidence that one can see at houseofnames to trace Ghents and kin to the namers of Genoa, and moreover the Gonn variations may suggest Cohens instead. But the Segni's/Segurana's, honored by the "segni" motto term of Fessys, were first found in Genoa, and share the moline cross. The Segni/Segurana Chief throws in a white spread eagle, symbol in the Ghent Crest. The Shield-and-Chief color combination of Segni's/Segurana's is therefore suspect with the Saluzzo's, from a location by the same name, not far from the Tanaro. A Fossano location is nearby, either on the Tanaro, or on one of its tributaries. The Busca location beside Saluzzo can go to Bush's that use a version of the Cliff/Cleave Coat while the latter share the star colors and bar colors of the Fisks, thus tracing the Bush family to the Fieschi's. The Bush / Cliff fesse is in the colors of the Frock/Frogg fesse. The Bush eagle is in the colors of the Ghent eagles. The next president of the United States may be another Bush-family product. It is predictable that, when the Kings of the East arrive to Armageddon, the three frogs who assist the anti-Christ will be Westerners.

The Bush fleur-de-lys are in the colors of the same of the Arrow/Arras Coat, honored apparently by the arrow held by the Side tiger. The Arrow cross is in the colors of the same-type cross of Sinclairs, who lived in Lothian, where Seatons and FAUCets were first found, and the latter, by their trace use of the Suty lion, to the Foss- and Fogg-suspect Fieschi too. The world of surnames is getting much smaller. The "Fac et" phrase of Mathie's can apply with Faucets while Mathie's can be suspect with moline-using Mathis', suspect with Italian Mattis'/Massi's (same eagle as Doria's). The Fieschi bars traced to the Chives'-suspect Cavetts while Mathis' are using the Chives moline.

As Artois is tracing to Arettium, though it may also go to Arduinici, let's repeat that the significance of the Arettium location, as pertains to El-Gabal, is the neighboring Assisi location. I haven't proven an El-Gabal trace to Assisi and Arettium, but I'm assuming it to be correct. And let's trace Assisi liners to the Assi surname, first found in SHETland, suspect with the Seaton / Suty bloodline. The Assi's have traced without doubt to Justine and Justus of Picenum, and they in-turn have traced to Seagars, Sibals and Segni's/Segurana's, all three sharing the same moline. If you didn't catch it, that traces Suty liners to Genoa, where Sutys trace by their wavy bars. The Sutys, you see, were first found in the same place (Perthshire) as Justice's/Justus' (Fieschi colors) who trace with no doubt to Justine of Picenum, and the so-called FASCes of Assi's can now trace to Vesci / Fieschi elements (there is a fasces and weight scale in the Arms of Vilnius, wherefore see the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Villains). The "causa" motto term of Justice's traces definitely to the Cass' and Kiss', whose fountains have long been suspect as code for Piscinas liners now suspect with Fieschi's.

The Sulcis location beside Piscinas was traced to the namers of Silesia, where SITlers/SCHITners were from who share the Suty lion. Shitts (same place as Fisk-related Mortons) are listed with Shute's that may be using the Justine sword. The Seatons are said to be from a Say location while Says (Shropshire) were linked solidly above to Moreton-Say, location in Shropshire of the Fisk-suspect Cliffs/Cleave's.

The "hazARD" motto term of Seatons and Sutys is suspect as part code for Arthur liners, but tracing now excellently via Sutys to the ARDuinici that married Doria. Moreover, MacArthurs share the Seagar moline so that Arthurs do trace to Genoa (where Doria's and Segurana's were first found). And so one can glean that these same surnames trace to Arettium, which can make "HAZard" suspect with Assisi liners. With Lavagna tracing to Lavigne's having a Levine variation, note that Jewish Levine's/Levi's are using roughly the black lion of Side's (French-Levi colors).

The Arthur trace to Genoa is important because Arthurs were first found in the same place (Berwickshire) as Artems/Aitons using the Fessy cross in colors reversed, and moreover Artems trace to Artemidoros, whose father (Amyntes) conquered Derbe in the lake-Tatta area, and then Opgalli (wife of TIGRanes), who traced to tiger-using Hobs of Berwickshire, also traced with Teague's/TEEGERs to lake Tatta, wherefore the Suty tiger traces exactly to that Galatian bunch. What were the Sutys in Galatia? Seatons are said to be from Say ("Sees" in French) in EXMes (Normandy), a term like AKMonia, home of Artemidoros' son (Julius Bassus). The SAYTON variation of Seatons is even like the Ayton variation of Artems/Aitons. Amyntes was traced suggestively for the first time, above, to the Amantini at Fossae, and Fossae elements were tracing well to the Fieschi of Genoa.

My Most-Important Section Ever

If Fieschi were Phocaeans, note that the "yet" motto term of Seatons, suspect with gate-using Yates, may trace to the Gediz river. The Yates gates are called, portcullis, a symbol known to be owned by Ports / Porters who trace to Sibals, suspect from Cibalae, beside Fossae! And, French Ports/Porters even use only a bend in the colors of the bend in the Arms of Lavagna! English Ports, using the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Segni's/Segurana's, use those gold estoiles that were tracing to Fieschi elements. These Ports look like they use the Roet / Faux/Chaulne Shield, but very suspect with the Josephs too.

Scottish Ports use bells in Craig colors, and are said to be from Craigie elements (Perthshire).

After writing the above, I did a few hours work outside, and came in for a break, when I happened upon the similarity between "PORTCULLIS and "PROCULUS," son of Quadratilla. As Seatons were just traced for the first time to Quadratilla's grandfather, this comes with some shock. Yates are in QUADE colors, and they chose to use a gate, apparently, as code for Quade liners. And so the portcullis gate is a very clever code for both Quadratus and her son. Yates are even honored in "yet" motto term of Seatons, you see.

The first thing done was to check Exmes for links to Akmonia. The map below has a red circle in a HIEMois/HEIMes part of Normandy, where Exmes is located, and this is between the Orne and Dives rivers, and also beside "Coll du Perche" on my atlas, where the perched eagle of Walsh's traces who honor the Mortons in their motto. You can see Mortain to the near-west of the circle, and that explains Moreton-Say in Shropshire. The Bellamys of Shropshire are from Belleme, we can gather, also shown on the map, explaining why Bellamys and Seatons share the same crescents. I suppose the question is whether Heims/Hayme's and Openheims are from Hiemois/Heimes, and, if so, we then trace to Amyntes, suspect in the open helmets (Yates colors) of Mynetts, and that gets us to the grandfather of Severus in Exmes-suspect Akmonia. Amazing coincidence right off the bat.

Although it's not shown, the Touques river is where you see Lisieux, and that river traces to the Touques' and Touque's/Tooks (griffins), the latter using a Coat (Yates colors again) like the Teague's/TEEGERS tracing to the line that married Severus' son, and moreover Severus' Bassus surname is suspect with besants used in the Touques Coat. Teague's, Touque's and Openheims all use a solid chevron, called a PERCHEvron, in honor of Perche elements, tending to prove that Teague's trace to the namers of the Touques river, for Coll du Perche is on the east side of the circle i.e. upon the source of the Touques river. Within the circle, there is Falaise, origin of "the tanner" who traces to the Gaunts whose symbols link hard to Seaton-branch Sutys. Ask whether "Falaise" is from Alexander Balas.

I didn't know until now that Goz's were from Exmes, the elements of which were close to the rulers in Rouen, and so let's bring the sphinx of the other Openheims (besants) into this, for Spinks (mascles) were first found in the same place as Quince's (virtually the Rouen Coat) and Fessys. The sphinx is shared by BROCcuffs somewhat suspect with "BROGitarus" (i.e. Amyntes' father), and the motto of Brocuff-related Brocks traces to the Vire river to the near-west of Exmes. The PROKopps variation of Brocuffs, however, is now bringing PROCulus to mind.

The portCULLIS, by the way, could be part code for Cullis' (PEAScods) that share a blue fesse with Bernice's, and share a sword with the related Barneys. The Peas' are listed with Peacocks (mascles).

The Exmes location was also "Hiesmes", as per William de Hiesmes, born in Exmes, and husband of Beatrice of Goz (marriage in Exmes). Beatrice was the daughter of a "Viscomte de Hiesmes," Ansfred II, son of Ansfred I, "the Dane," first count of Hiesmois. Therefore, rulers of Exmes under the Normans were Danes, though this doesn't necessarily answer to the origin of "Exmes." If correct to trace the Says (Seaton colors) to Seyssel, beside Annecy, compare the latter term with ANSfred." It could explain why the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Annas' is in Seaton / Say colors.

The mother of Ansfred I was "Helloe, Countess of BEULAC b: ABT 942 in Tillieres, Eure, Normandy," and it just so happens that Tillieres'/Tyler's share the Seaton / Bellamy crescents. They also share a passant lion in the same colors with Cabbage's who use the "angustus" motto term suspect with Annas of Israel. Annas was apparently raised to the chief-priest position by Augustus (he named Angustus), and then the talons of the August surname are shared by Talons/Talants. The Tillieres lions are used by Tailers/Taillefers, first found in the same place as Perche- and Laevillus-suspect Percivals and Leavells. Laevillus was the husband Quadratilla, and I'll assume the father of Proculus, wherefore it's very notable that the Tailer / Tillieres lion is a colors-reversed version of the Levi lions suspect in the Side/Suddy Coat. As the Tillieres Coat is a version of the Meschin Coat, Tillieres' link to le-Meschin's Goz ancestry, and moreover Tillieres' should link to le-Meschin's wife, Lucy TAILLebois.

Montfort is on the map, and as this place traces to Monforte (Cuneo), beside Bra, it's necessary to mention the eagle talons of the Brays, who were from Eure, the area around Montfort. Compare Tailers to Crux's, first found in the same place (Kent) as Mynetts (in Crux colors) and Gaunts, and sharing the white eagle in Crest with Ghents who in-turn share the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Tanners tracing to Monforte / Bray in the Tanaro theater. Crux's look like Craigs, and while the latter use a motto term like that of Craigie's, let's repeat: "Scottish Ports use bells in Craig colors, and are said to be from Craigie elements (Perthshire)."

The white-on-black eagle of the Crux's (Fisk suspects, remember) can be that of Balance's/Balancors, a surname perhaps from "BEULAC," as per Helloe of Beulac in Tilliers (same place as Montfort), mother of the Exmes rulers. Balance's were first found in the same place (Warwickshire) as Ardins, perhaps from the Arduinici as they linked to Gaunts. The Tillieres', with a lion in the colors of the Balance eagle, were first found in the same place (Glamorgan) as Balas'/Bailiffs, making Alexander Balas suspect with "Beulac." Balance's and the Tillieres lion happen to be in Alexander colors, and moreover the Alexander crescents are suspect with Motts having a Morte variation traceable to Mortain, the kin of Says from Exmes. Plus, Tillieres' were first found in both Glamorgan and MONmouthshire, while Mott-like Mauds share a version of the Monmouth Coat.

It's begging the question of whether Falaise, in the Hiemois/Heimes theater, was a line from Alexander Balas. The Balas'/Bailiffs use a cross traced to that of Quince-related Winchesters, and this gets one to the Spinks honored in the OpenHEIm sphinx. Tillieres/Tylers are wrongly traced to tile makers using an "oven," and as that is incorrect because Tillieres' were obviously a Tailer/Taylor branch, it may be code for Tile's and Ovens/Owens (lion colors reversed from Tillieres lion), the latter first found in Montgomeryshire i.e. near Glamorgan. Then, "Owen" may just be the OPEN-helmet line to Openheims.

The Pricks/Prickards/Pritchards were likewise first found in Glamorganshire, and so mark them down as potential Proculus liners. They use a lion in the colors of the Till(y) dragon.

The Tillieres lions, by the way, are covered in pellets, symbol of Balans/Balaams that share estoiles in the colors of the Mott/Morte estoile, which happen to be in the colors of the BALANce/Balancor eagle. This is a very good reason to trace Balans and Balance's to Beulac, but with some reservations until the Beulac term is better understood.

The Tile's said to be from Tilly of Normandy, and they not only use a giant wyvern dragon in the colors of the giant Oven/Owen lion, but are said to be from HAYMon de Tellia. It tends to trace to the Heim/Hayme surname (red Fox wolves, Switzerland). As Exmes / Heimes is suspect with AkMONia, "HayMON" may apply. There is a Haymon surname (Burn chevron?) first found in the same place as Mynetts! It reminds that I traced Hamon(d) to "Amyntes" too. The Haymon Crest: "A demi Moor holding a rose in his dexter hand." Then, Dexters share the colors of the Haymon chevron, and moreover the "weights" in the Dexter Crest bring up the Weights (FOCis motto term) sharing black hunting horns with Bernice's and Burns! Bingo. The Haymon martlets are even in the colors and format of the Burn / Berenice symbols. Reminder, the Berenice motto, "PerSEVERanti vincit," is linkable to Severus at Akmonia. The water bouget of Bernice's can go to Watters/Vatts, like "Weight/Wait."

The Haymon motto can trace to Cole's and Gore's, as can the motto of Hays (Perthshire, same place as Hagars), which effectively traces Haymons to the Colapis river and to Servitium, and then the Bernice "vincit" traces to Fossae downriver from Servitium. The latter was the Caepio / Junius theater. The red escutcheons of Hays are traceable to the HOLDers suspect in the Haymon phrase, "holding a rose," and to Allers (Lorraine liners). The Aller Shield is the same gyronny as that of Titus' (PERCHevron), and then Berenice Agrippa had an affair with, and wanted to marry, emperor Titus. They may have had a child. If "Hay" is a version of "Hagar," or if Hays had even merged with Hagars, it's notable that OpenHEIMs, suspect with "Haymon," use the same Zionist star as Hagars.

I don't sense that "Haymon" can trace purely to "Hagar" and simultaneously to "Akmonia." It may be that Hays and Haymons trace to Akmonia and not to "Hagar." The escutCHEON is being traced to Keons/Keens/Kyans who show small white-on-blue estoiles in their Chief, symbol on the Balas/Bailiff cross. And Balas' are now suspect with Beaulac of the Exmes rulers. The "jugum" motto term of Hays is suspect with a Jugon location on my atlas in the Cotes-du-Armour area of Brittany, where Alexander-suspect Motts/Morte's (Mynett colors) were first found. The Mortons use the colors and format of MYNETT-suspect Munds/MYNDs (Oven/Owen lion?), first found in the same place (Shropshire) as Seaton-related Bellamys and as Seaton-related Moreton-Say, and that can trace Amyntes elements to Seatons of Exmes!

Moreton-Say is where Glaphyra-suspect Cliffs/Cleave's were first found, and then Clifftons were first found in the general area (Welsh-English border) as Shropshire and the Cliffords who share a wyvern with Tile's/Tills. Therefore, Glaphyra (wife of Alexander Maccabee) is linking to the Exmes-Tillieres entity under discussion, important because her Maccabee line merged with that of Akmonia's line! You are reading amazing history interesting to every Christian wanting to know the snake-in-the-grass enemy. The Cliffords are using the Ward Shield, important as per the Seaton motto, "Hazard yet forWARD." The Sempers in the Clifford motto were traced to Titus', which is starting to suggest that he with Berenice had a child tracing a merger with the Seaton line.

The Clifford write-up mentions an "early MOTT and BAILEY castle built on a CLIFF." Baileys (Hiram suspects) are traced to a location six miles south of Abbeville. Although Hiram elements traced well to Agrippa's, they were overwhelmingly found to be Maccabee liners, but then Glaphyra and Alexander were Maccabee liners birthed from Herod "the great."

The Herods can now trace to both Antipatria (said to be named by Antipater, the name of the father of Herod the great) and Antibes. We saw earlier that Degers were tracing to the Ticino / Laevi elements suspect at Lavagna, and then Lavinge's use the GRAPE vine on a coin of Herod Archelaus. It just so happens that Deger- and Ticino-suspect Daggers/Dackers and Daggers/Decks trace to a Dexaroi peoples smack at Antipatria. This city, then, is suspect with Herod ancestry. AntiPATRIA was a major topic in the 2nd and 3rd updates of last month. Irish Baileys use a short sword normally considered a dagger, and English Baileys use a "PATRIA" motto term. Pattersons traces with no doubt to Antipatria, and they use scallops in Bailey-star colors. Cliffords, who got us to Baileys, use "Semper PARATus," suspect with Pratts / Prude's in a similar motto term in the Arms of Rieti, home of Titus' ancestry. Baileys are suspect in the Bailiff variation of Balas', but with Cliffords linking so well to Seatons, Beulac comes back to mind.

The Cliffton fesse looks linkable to the Caen fesse, and Caens, suspect with Cannes smack beside Antibes, is beside the Exmes circle on the map. Shouldn't Glaphyra elements be expected in that area? Glaphyra even married Herod Archelaus.

The demi-Moor of Haymons is apparently in the "Saracen" in the Crest of English Godfrey's (same place as Haymons) while the first-known Tillieres ruler was a Godfrey de Beaulac (father of Helloe), traceable to Haymon de Tellia in the Tillieres write-up. As Irish Godfreys share a black griffin (much like the Vince griffin) with Tile's/Tills, it seems I'll need to revisit the trace of Godfreys to Godfrey de Bouillon, for it seems that Godfreys are tracing better to Godfrey de Beaulac. The Godfrey-related Geoffreys/Jeffreys (same place as griffin-loving Jeffersons) use a giant lion in the colors of the Tile griffin. Tile's were first found in the same place as Pullen-suspect Palins/Pawleys that share the Geoffrey/Jefferys (an Oven/Owen) lion. As Godfreys use PELICans (Bealac-like term), it might make "Beaulac" suspect with Pulleys/Pullens, who share black martlets with Haymons. the Pulley/Pullen and Pelle pelicans were traced to Publius PULCher, supporter of Brogitarus, making Bealac suspect as a Pulcher line. Geoffreys and Jeffersons were first found in the same place as Cliffords and early Tillieres'.

Irish Godfreys are traced to the border area of PORTumna, and Ports are yet to be investigated for a trace to Proculus. But the Exmes elements under discussion are tracing well to Proculus' ancestry on two of his sides. The PEAScods of Cullis' can now become important if the Polk variation of Pollocks traces to Pulchers and Beaulacs, for Peas'/Peacocks are a sept of Pollocks. Beulac is also "Beaulac," and there is a Beaulac/Bolliu surname (Provence) sharing the bell with Porters! Bingo. In other words, the portcullis symbol of Porters traces to Proculus, great-grandson of Julius Severus of Exmes-suspect Akmonia, and here we find Exmes rulers also ruling Beaulac, such a coincidence if there is no real trace to Akmonia.

All Beaulac variations are shown ending with a u-sound so that the root is "Baul / Bol / Beaul," and then Bauls (Prussia) list a Baut variation that traces to Bouillons, wherefore we might yet be able to link the Godfrey surname to Godfrey de Bouillon (lived after Godfrey de Beaulac), tending to reveal that Beaulacs were a Bouillon branch, or a branch of Bello's found in the Bouillon motto. In fact, Bauls/Bauts, who share a chevron in Beaulac-chevron colors, use a "Pax in bello" motto, and may using the Bailey stars too. The black lion heads of Bauls/Bauts were seen with the Mynds/Munds. Some Baul/Baut variations, such as the Baulds, can trace to Bolts honored in the BIRDbolt that is half code for Bouillon-merged Birds/Burds. The giant Bolt griffin, in the colors of the Godfrey griffin, reflects the Tile/Till wyvern. Note that Exeters use the colors and format of Mynds/Munds as well as bells.

Here's the webpage where the portcullis can be traced to Porters. Below is a page telling of "A Pedigree of the Family of Porter of Bolton, Cumberland." Cumberland is where Burns and Bernice's were first found. The Bolts can apparently trace to Bolton of Cumberland, and further back to Umbria, location of Assisi that traces well to the Cibalae elements of Justine of Picenum, and then Sibal(d)s of Fife, suspect with the "sibi" term of Vince's/Vinch's sharing the Godfrey griffin design, recalling the trace of Porters to DurWARDs, kin of Sibals.

Boltons/Boultons are using an arrow or birdbolt shot through a brown stag, reflecting the same though the brown Pollock boar. But the Pollock boar is used by Bole's now suspect with the Bol-using variations of Beaulacs, which effectively traces Pollocks/Polks to Beaulac. This is very new. The Bolton lions give the impression of being the Barney/Berney lions, important as per the Boltons of Cumberland, same place as Burns. There is a Bernys location of the Burns in the same place as where Pollocks were first found, but Barneys are traced to a Bernay location in Normandy's Calvados; my atlas has another Bernay location between Lisieux and Evreux. Cumberland links easily to Bernicians suspect in Bernay liners. Reminder: Cullis'/COLESons share a blue fesse with Bernice's, and share a sword with the related Barneys.

Then, then nails are used by the Arms of COLchester. It definitely means that the Quadratus > Proculus line was in Colchester, but was it also in earlier Camulodunum? The Proctor nails are positioned vertically in so-called "pale," and Pale's use the camel.

Porters could have chosen several other symbols if indeed they were doormen / gate protectors, but the portcullis is suspect first with Proculus, and after that, the Cullis variation of some Cole liners may have developed when merging with Porters. The latter have a French branch in both colors of Bernice's, and that Porter Coat traced to the Arms of Lavagna. The portcullis is at a webpage above in the Crest of the bell-using Porters/Pawters (Potter colors), said to be from KYLe, kin of the Coles'. There you have that little mystery solved, tending to drag Kyle's and king Cole of Camulodunum to Proculus. The Bellamy-related Bell surname, to no surprise, uses bells.

What is exceptional here is that QuadraTILLA was traced tentatively to an unknown and ancient Till entity (still haven't found anything) that I traced to Tills / Tillers, and here in this update, the portcullis topic has traced exactly to Tills. The Seaton-related Tillieres' are listed as "Tiller." German Tillers use an arrow (or is it a birdbolt) between annulets in colors reversed from the Vito/Vio annulet.

PERHAPS THE MOST-IMPORTANT PARAGRAPH EVER. If there was a surname to honor Proculus, what about the Proctors using just three nails in the Coat, in the colors of the Levi chevrons??? I say the Levi colors because Proculus' father was Laevillus. The Proctor Crest is even a footless martlet, the giant symbol of French Josephs. The Proctor motto, "Toujours fidele," likely in honor of the Fiddle's/Fidelows using three wolf heads in the design of the QUADE wolf heads. Coincidence? I think not. "Toujours" is a term I have not deciphered, but it was just weeks ago that the TEEGER variation of Teague's (wolf head) was found. "Toujours juene" is a Yonge/Young motto, and they not only use three black piles (POINTED objects) to match the three Proctor nails, but have a black wolf, the color of the Quade wolf. Proctors were first found in Cambridge, where Yonge-related Capone's and June's/Jungs were first found suspect with one or more of the Junia Caepionis'. Yonge's were first found in the same place as Quints. This trace to Quintus Caepio with the use of the three nails screams the birth of Joseph Caiaphas from one of the Junia Caepionis'.

Brocks, now suspect with "Proculus" (may have been named after the same entity as Brogitarus), share the red Yonge-Crest lion, and both surnames were first found in the same place (Essex). Why do Yonge's use "PRAESTat"? When I first traced Yonge's to mythical Juno, obviously from "Una," I didn't yet know that the 600 Benjamites of RIMMON (Judges) were proto-Romans (at the Jupiter-related Japodes between the Kupa and Una rivers). It just so happens that the Yonge annulets at the top of their three piles are in the colors of the Benjamin annulets. Benjamins were first found near Essex.

The June's can be traced, thanks to the Gore's, to the "Una" = Oeneus river, suspect with Jonathan the old Levite (pagan) priest of the book of Judges. As Teague's trace to the Touque's river, it's a good bet that Laish, home of that priest, traces to Lisieux. The fleur-de-lys, used by June's/Jungs, is expected from this Laish line, and Lys'/Lise's were first found in the same place as French Levi's. The Czech Ungers use a one-tailed version of the two-tailed Bohemian lion because German Ungers/Engers were first found in Bohemia (in Czechoslovakia), but Montforts use the two-tailed lion in the same colors, and they are from Montfort, smack beside Lisieux. The Ferrats, suspect with "MonFORTE" and neighboring Montferrat, use checks that are part suspect with Czechoslovakian elements...very likely Boii elements.

You need to keep in mind that Hungarians look like they descend straight from a Junia Caepionis. Irish Hogens/Hoggins use annulets in colors reversed from the Yonge annulets (both are in the Caiaphas-suspect Chiefs), which tends to trace "Yonge" to "Ugrian / Hungarian," for German Hogens use a "Hoger" variation. This caused me to trace Hungarians to Juno-branch Romans before I knew of the Junia Caepio's, but let's recall from shortly above that Hungarians seemingly trace to Laevi on the Ticino, suspect as real but cursed Levites from Jonathan. The three Hogen annulets are in the colors of the three Proctor nails.

German Hogens/Hogers share three red arrows with Unger-like Ingers listed with Enders/Inders. Hogens/Hogers also use rams in the colors of the Baut ram, and Bauts were first found in the same place (Auvergne) as Prude's suspect in the "prudentia" motto term of Yonge's. The Baut ram is upright and in the colors of the upright stag (Hungarian symbol) of German Jungs/Youngs, first found in the same place (Bavaria) as ram-using Hogens/Hogers. It could be that Hogens/Hoggins trace to Biblical Og, for the ROUND, O-like annulets might just be part-code for his name. The Ungers/Engers (giant fleur-de-lys in the colors of the same of Gamble's) are the one with two stars in Chief in the colors of the one star of Annas', suspect in "ANNUlet." I read that Proctor and Gamble was an organization run by an Illuminati group. Gamble's, said to be from "Gamall," might be Camulodunum elements. Gamble's were first found in the same place as Camps, and use a CRANE instead of the Campbell/Cammell GYRONNy.

Repeat: "ENGERs/Angers (said to be from Anjou), first found in the same place as Rams and Vere's..." The Rams use rams in the colors of the Hoger / Baut ram, and perhaps this was a surname from Rimmon liners.

Repeat: Teeger-like "Degers were from BALLYduggan, and then Ballys[/Baileys] use NINE Moray stars, important where proto-Hungarian Khazars trace to Moray. Ballys are therefore suspect with king Bela." It just so happens that Teegers are now suspect in the Yonge / Proctor motto term. And Hogens/Hoggins are said to be from BALLYhogan.

As Degers trace to the Dexaroi at Antipatria, the fact that Hogens/Hoggins were first found at TIPPerary reminds me that the term came to mind when seeking AnTIBes liners. By what coincidence do Tipps/Tippens (suspect with the Shaw motto) share the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Yonge's, as well as sharing with Yonge's a black Chief with three gold objects, and even the Coat symbols are shared in black. The Tipps are suspect also in the Pendragon motto, and Pendragons trace with PENES'/Pennys to the PENEStae on the north side of the Dexaroi. The Penes'/Pennys happen to use greyhounds (in the design of the Lys/Lise greyhound) in the black of the Yonge wolf, and while the greyhound is suspect with Hounds/Houns sharing the ermined lozenges of Dents (see ermined lozenges of Shaws), the Yonge motto term, "PruDENTia," may be part-code for Dents.

The Tipps antelope is gorged with a crown, a symbol that was just traced (last update) to the Ceraunii at the Urbanus river, the major river south of the Una! The "lynx on a crown" in the Penny Crest is similar to a gorged symbol, and the Penny-Coat description calls the greyhound, "courant," perhaps discovering that this term used elsewhere is code for Cerauni = Coronis liners. The anteLOPE traced to wolf-depicted Lycaonia, location of lake Tatta, where Teague's/Taide's have traced. Pennys were first found in the same place as Quince's and related Spinks, the latter tracing to the sphinx of Brocuffs/Prokopps. We therefore want to know whether the Tipps bull head is that of Says for a Tipps trace to Say in Exmes.

It bears repeating here, now that the Yonge motto is suspect with "Teeger," that Teague's use nine of the Julian crosses, making the roses of English Yonge's suspect with the Caesar roses. This is important because Julius Caesar had an affair with the mother of the Junia Caepio's. Servitium, where the first name of Servilia Caepionis (mother of the Junia's) is suspect from, is on the Shaw-suspect Sava between the mouths of the Una and Urbanus. Servitium is where the Gore and Cole mottoes traced (let's not forget the Cole trace to the Proculus-suspect portCULLIS), and the white Gore wolf, suspect with the black Yonge wolf because both surnames were first found in the same place, has traced to white-wolf Quillan's (see also the wolf of the Roman surname). This is repeated because the Hogens of Ballyhogan are said to be from Catholic clerics in KILLaloe, like the Killan variation of Quillans.

The two Kennedy write-ups conflict with one another and should both be ignored. The Irish Kennedys, first found in Tipperary with Hogens/Hoggins, use three helmets in the colors of the same of MYNETTs, while Scottish Kennedys use the colors and format of MYNDs/Munds, having the effect of tracing Kennedys hard to Amyntes (i.e. Brogitarus > Proculus line). Kennedys share the dolphin with Tippers for a potential trace to Antibes, and the fitchee crosses of Kennedys are suspect with the Herod/Herault surname first found beside the early Scottish Kennedys. There are reasons to expect Kennedys as a branch of Ghents, but as the latter just traced hard to the namers of Genoa, by what coincidence are Scottish Kennedys traced to "grim," suggesting code for Grimaldi's of Genoa's Lavagna?

Scottish Kennedys are using the Arms of Carrick, and Carrick ancestry traces to Gilberts (squirrel) are very traceable to squirrel-using Decks/Daggers, though the "Teg" motto term of Gilberts can also be for Teague's / Tease'/Tighs...which can trace to Tigullio at Lavagna, where Ghents and Gaunts just traced. Carricks are a branch of Kerricks that I link to Presleys/Priestlys, perhaps in the Yonge motto term, "praestat."

Back now to Tiller-suspect Vito's sharing annulets in colors reversed. If Vito's were Quido's, they both can link to the Yonge annulets because the red Yonge lion may be the Guido lion. In all that talk of Yonge's, don't forget that they are now highly suspect as Proculus liners, for Tills and Tillers were just identified solidly with the QUADratus > Proculus line. As the Quade wolf links to the Fidelow wolf, compare "Vito" to "FIDElow," though Fidelow may not have been the original term for the location. The Fidelow location (somewhere in Normandy, I would like to know where) was also "Vis-de-LOOP, perhaps linkable to the antelope, but in any case the Loops share that courant greyhound with Pennys and Lys'/Lise's, the latter suspect with Lisieux.

The Vita's (Bello/Bellow colors) are found in the Bello/Bellow motto, and then Bellino's share the bear PAW with Powys' (same general area of Wales where Tillieres' romped) while Paws, suspect in the Pawter variation of Proculus-suspect Porters, share the peacock with Peas' (i.e. in the Cullis peasCODs). The Codds/Code's then use the colors and format of Mynds, Mortons, Kennedys, Carricks, Walsh's, and bell-using Exeters, and share the same chevron with Boltons with a "Vi et" motto phrase suspect with Vito's/Vio's. As Porters are likely a branch of Potters and Bidens/Buttons, it's notable that the latter share bull horns with Bolt-like Bullets/Bullheads (in Bolt colors), first found in the general area of Capone's / June's/Jungs.

This book traces has a short section on the Fiddle's, with mention of Humphrey Vis de Lou of 1086 ruling a barony in Berks, and a related Ralph V. in Norfolk, where Yonge-related Benjamins were first found. There is also another Vis de Lou character mentioned that ruled the Berks barony several generations later, about the same time as William de Burgos went to Ireland with the Clare's to found the Berks. Might this William trace back to William Vis de Lou (1198), likewise mentioned in the book above. William de Burgo is said to have received much Irish land in 1077, and his son was Richard OGE de Burc, smacking of Biblical Og...the REPHAite that I trace to raven-using Ralphs. Rephaites were suspect at the Riparia river, a tributary of which, the Viu, is suspect with the Vio variation of Fidelow-like Vita's.

Vis de Lou is also "Vise de Lou," and the Vise's are using a symbol linkable to the Eustace Crest, important because the Eustace cross is the Berk cross. Didn't Yonge's just link to the Eustace- / Bouillon-suspect Bauts? Why should Yonge's trace to the Bautica river? Ask the Arduinici of Ivrea that trace to Pendragons (open helmet in the color of the Kennedy helmet) using the June/Jung fleur. Vise's look traceable to Mortons (WILTshire, same place as a Devizes location), but the Vyse Wood location of Morthoe looks linkable to the Wood surname that seems to be in code in the Guido write-up (the Wilt/Wild Coat has an oak linkable to the Woods). Vyse Wood can explain or describe why Wide's/Woods should be Weis / Wise liners to the Bavarian Illuminati. Later, Guiscard ancestry in Hauteville's come up in Exmes, and the Hauteville's are said to have had a branch in Wiltshire.

And, by the way, as Vaughns use the Pendragon chevron, note that Vaughns come up as "Vagan," like "LaVAGNa." The latter location was very linkable to Arduinici of a merger with Genoa's Doria's, and yet they were in Oneglia, near Antibes, where the "tiepsum" motto term of Pendragons is being tentatively traced. Vaughns were first found in the same place as Mynds/Munds i.e. who trace to the open-helmet line. The Pendragon and Vaughn fleur are suspect with the Sale fleur while Sale's (beside Shropshire) share the pheon with Helms and Tipps', that's how this Pendragon picture works.

The Berks/Berks' use "UNG" three times in their motto for an additional potential trace to Yonge's, and moreover the Berk motto goes to Foys/Foix's (same place as Lys'/Lise's) that shares plenty of stars in the colors of the Bally stars, which recalls the Ballyhogan location of Irish Hogens/Hoggins suspect with "Og." The Irish Berks -- known to be from John de Burgo of Conteville, smack beside Lisieux -- are said to have become two septs, the UACHtars and LOCHtars. Scottish Locks are sharing the swan design that French Josephs once showed, and the "tar" endings on both septs of Berks can link strongly to the scimiTAR of Irish Kennedys, or any scimitar (Kyle's used one), for the "la fin" motto phrase of Scottish Kennedys was instrumental in identifying Conteville's with Fonts de Ville's, for Lafins/La Fonts share the Conte lion, and moreover the "Avise" motto term of Scottish Kennedys goes to Avis' sharing the three garbs of Comyns, of a Comyn location likewise ruled by John de Burgo...father of Herluin de Conteville, whose daughter married Richard Goz, which brings Beatrice Goz' of Exmes back to mind.

Both Loch surname use swans, and they trace to mythical Lohengrin, code for the NAIL-using Lohans/Logens.

As Eustace's traced to a Comyn-like or Comyn-related location near Boulogne, the Vise's and Avis' may be one and the same, and therefore may trace to Vis de Lou, kin of the Quadratus line to Quade's, but suspect also with the Coat of Welfs/Wolfs of Cheshire, whom I link to Hugh Lupus, son Richard Goz and the daughter of Herluin de Conteville. Therefore, the family of Hugh Lupus (from Avranches, beside Exmes) is tracing to the Proculus line.

To this it should be added that Hogens/Hogars share quarter colors with Hagans, both in Hagar colors while the Zionist Hagar star is in the Chief of OpenHEIMs now suspect with Heimes variation of "Exmes." Plus, the Kennedy helmets are in the colors of the OPEN helmets of Mynetts. So, as the Amyntes line married the Herod-Maccabee line, consider again the possibility that Tipperary, location of the first-known Kennedys and Hogens/Hoggins, traced to Antibes, the place suspect with Herod Antipas' surname. Then, trace grim Kennedys with Ghents and Gaunts (same place as Mynetts) to Genoa, or generally to Maccabee-suspect Grimaldi's that were also in MONaco, about 20 miles from Antibes. MONaco was suspect with HasMONeans previously but now with Exmes-suspect AkMONia. Plus, the Monaco's, who share the white-on-blue Hagar Openheim stars, were traced with little doubt to Monks, and the Irish Kennedys show an unexpected Minagh variation that seemingly applies to Monaco liners.

The Hoggs (share the boar with Vere's) happen to use a "DAT gloria vires" motto that can apply to "ScimiTAR." Tarrs were first found in the same place as Leavells and both use red-and-gold bars. But the other Leavells share black-on-white piles with Hogen-related Yonge's, and these Leavells are suspect, as per the paragraph below, with the Caen fesse, not neglecting the Cannes location even closer (5-10 miles) to Antibes than Monaco!

The SCIMitar was suspect with the Schim variation of Chande's (same boar head as Molle's), but I may not have realized then that they could be a Kennedy branch. The "comite" motto term of Schims/Chande's traced to variations of Conte's. The Schim/Chande Chief looks linkable to the Gunn Chief. The Schim/Chande boar can trace to the same-colored Googe/Gooch boars, a surname suspect with the Hogens/Hoggins. The "Audaces juvat" motto of Googe's is suspect with the "adjuvat" motto term of boar-using Booths, which reminds that the "juvat" term of Duffs was traced with Yonge's to the Jove = Jupiter. The "adjuvat NOS" of Booths thereby becomes suspect with the "nosce" of Pendragons and Shaws.

Hoggs share the black boar with Booths suspect with the Boethus house of Sadducees. The creation of the Hogg variation is suspect naturally from a Hogen-line merger with boar-using Booths. In the Booth Crest, a lion holds an annulet-like "wreath," and it's black, the color of the Hogen annulet. The Spanish Burgos' show nothing but a white-on-black annulet.

The Hoggs even use a "Vires" motto term that's in the "VIREScit" term of Brocuffs/Prokopps!!! It's apparently tracing Hogen liners to Proculus, as expected. The Vire river is near Exmes, and a Tessy-sur-Vire location is suspect with the Tesson-river liners such as the Laevi. The Freemasons cannot deny the fiends to which these heraldic codes are tracing with zero doubt. There is a Vire location on my atlas at the source of the Vire, just 25 miles from the source of the Orne and therefore that close, or closer, to Exmes. Hoggs were first found in the same place (Durham) as a Wear location, but as Conte's were likewise first found in Durham, let's mention the Conde location (on my atlas) on a short tributary of the Orne. Condy is roughly where you see Falaise on the map, which reminds of the marriage between Herluin de Conteville to the daughter of "the tanner" of Falaise! And that's how Conteville-loving Kennedys can trace to Exmes!

The Berks location quoted above was Berkshire, it turns out:

Lewawse :

This must, I think, stand for Leuveise or Visdelieu -- more properly Vis de Lou: for the armorial bearings of the family were Argent three wolves heads erased Gules. "Humfrid Vis de lou held a barony in Berkshire in 1086 (Domesd.), and Ralph Vis de lou was seated in Norfolk. In both counties the family flourished for many ages. Walkelin Vis de Lou held a barony in Berks in 1165." -- The Norman People. Jordan Leuveisie of Bedfordshire, and Milo Leu Veise of Suffolk appear in the Rotuli Curiae Regis of 1194. In the latter county they gave their name to the lordship of Visdelieu in the parish of Cransford [Suffolk], and from early times were seated at Shotley, where they continued for seven generations. "William de Visdelieu, in 1300, married Rose, sister and heir of Elizabeth de Shotisbroke...

It sounds like Vis-de-Lou elements married the Shots/Shute's, potent-cross suspects along with Saddocks, the latter first found in the same place as Vice's. As Crans/Crane's were first found in Suffolk, note that they are the Crauns with gorged crown, and more annulets (i.e. the Vita symbol). The writer goes on to Vise-de-Lou elements he/she expects in Essex: "Widington-Veysie's, where Robert Leuveise held three fees of William de Montfichet in the time of Henry II. They were subsequently sub-feudatories of the De Veres; and Robert le Veise... Essex is where Yonge's were first found. The next sentence includes "Gilbert Leuveis, called Veysy," and that strikes me as the Veys/Vivians, same place as Tippers / Pendragons, and very traceable to Morgan le Fay of Avalon (= Bute, where Bothwells and Booths should trace), where the Vere's trace their Milo de Vere.

However, this trace of Vis-de-Lou to Veys stands on the writer's theory only that "Leuveise" as a Vis-de-Lou branch. But the writer goes on to insist or reveal, I don't know which, concerning "Robert Leuveise or Vis de Lou of Essex..." And he/she mentions "William Leuveise or Vis de Lou, Lord of SoteBROC," important where Milo de Vere is claimed as count of Anjou, that being the location of Broc to which Brocks are traced. In other words, Proculus may be tracing thereby to Vis-de-Lou, suspect with Quade's. If you've forgotten, the Proctors are central in this section, and they use the motto, "Toujours FIDELE."

If one clicks from the page above to the next page, the Tilly's of Muscamp come up as a topic, such a vitoincidence, for Vita's are suspect with the Till annulet. The article is titled, "Muschampe." Related to Muschamps, we find "Robert de Muscam his son, Seneschal to Gilbert de Gand..." We should thus expect a trace to Gand liners in Genoa, which is the same as a trace to a branch of Seatons with a branch at Say / Exmes. And indeed we do find a trace to Genoa elements where it says: "Robert's three sons, Ralph, Robert, and Andrew, all died s. p., and in 1223 Ralph de Gresley entered into possession of their inheritance as the husband of their sister Isabel. " GRESLeys evoke the Gris surname, and indeed German Gris' are both Griims and GRISELs (first found in the same place as Grimaldi-suspect Krume's). Gresleys (Derbyshire, tracing to Derbe of Lycaonia) even use a Shield filled with Vair in the colors of the lozenges that fill the Grimaldi Shield, but it's also important as per the vair that fills the Shield of English Champaine's (Leicestershire, traces to Ligurians), for French Champs (Picardy), suspect with the MusCHAMP variation of Muscamps, are also "Champlain." French Champs share two white-on-blue stars in Chief with the Chief of English Gris', and the latter look like they use a version of the Monaco lion and stars. With the Gresleys, we are apparently back to the Cran/Craun / Crone/Croom line at Suffolk's Cransford.

The canton in the Champaine Coat gets important where the CANTon stars are suspect with the Annas star. The latter's is a giant one suspect with the giant one in colors reversed in the Gris/Grisel Coat. And Cantons/GANTons can be suspect with Gilbert Gand above. You will see Carricks cropping up in the Muscamp Crest, and as Carricks descended from Ticino-suspect Gilberts, this Gilbert de Gand may apply to the Laevi expected at Lavagna. Let's just add that the Crone's have a branch using a Shield filled with fusil-type lozenges suspect with the Fieschi's of Lavagna. The white Annas star may be in play in the white Gris / Champ / Monaco stars, but, in any case, whenever Annas liners come to together with Seaton liners, I expect a trace to Annecy and Seyssel near Genova-like Geneva (Geneva's are listed with Genova's). The Annas (and Tease/Tigh) surname was first found in the same place (Nottinghamshire) as Muscam.

French Gris' are in the colors of the Arms of Grasse while same-colored Grasse's were first found in Lincolnshire. Muscamps were first found in the same place (Northumberland) as Grays while the same lion as used by Grays is in the Irish Grasse Coat. The Grasse lion is also gold, the color of the same Gris lion. I think we have Gris' nailed down in Grasse, near Nagle-suspect Oneglia.

Muscamps/Musschampe's (same bars as the Sturs from Manche, where Masseys were from) are suspect with English Camps/Champs, first found in Yorkshire, and then "This Hugh [Muscam], who appears in the Liber Niger as a landowner in York and LINCOLN, has left his name to Muskam in Nottinghamshire, which he held of Henry Murdac, Archbishop of York." York brings Meschins of Yorkshire to mind , especially as le-Meschin (son of a sister of HUGH D'Avrances) married the Taillebois on Lincolnshire expected in the Muschamp-Crest talbot. The Muschamp write-up mentions the lands granted to Hugh Muschamp in Lincoln and York, and says that this family was the greatest barony in northern England.

These Normans entered and ruled the land of Mercians with a flag that is the saltire of Messeys/Messier's, with one branch first found in Lincolnshire. Mercians are traced to the Marici partners of the Laevi, and it just so happens that the Muschamp bars are in the colors of the near-same bars of Leavells. The Marks are the ones sharing checks on fesses with many Stewart kin, symbol also of Murdocks, but we saw the Muschamps linked to Henry MurDAC, like the Deck/Deckers/Daggers sharing the red squirrel with Gilberts. Like the Murdocks, the Gilberts share a red Crest, same as Proctors suspect with Cambell-like Gamble's. And I still trace Campbells to Avellino/ABELLlinus in CAMPania, and trace the latter two to Avalon of France near Campania = Champagne. And speaking of red Crests, there's a red griffin in the Prock/Brocuff Crest.

Note that the motto of Irish Grasse's is suspect with German Engers using the Gamble fleur-de-lys. Ingers share the arrow with Murdocks, and as the Grasse lion is split in the colors of the same of Irish Brians, I know what this arrow is, that of Archers / Larchers in a trace to the Arc river, location of Modane, beside Briancon. The Ark surname was even first found in the same place (Berkshire) as Modens/Modeys. The Arc is the location of CHAMBre (Savoy), and the Chambers/Chambre's (Savoy) use an "AltissiMUS" motto term [later, the Guido- / Vito-suspect Hauteville's are said to be of an Altaville / Hialtus entity]. Chambers also use "fundaVIT," and are said to have a peacock in Crest, suggesting that they, with a Chamers variation, are a branch of peacock-using COMERfords/Comforts sharing the cross of peacock-using Campbellfords. That is astonishing because Campbells/Cammels trace to nail-using Colchester while the Peacock surname comes up as "Peas," found in the PEAScods of Cullis/COLESons!

Campbellfords use the same cross as Fessys, and if the latter trace to Phocaea/Foca, that's Lydia, where the Apollo wolf line at Abellinum (the Hirpini) traces. Comforts were first found in the same place as Foggs, and to this it should be added that Gog was suspect in Gugu of Lydia while the peaCOCK is suspect as part-code for Cocks and Cochs, like the Gochs/Goughs / Goch's. It's making "Phocaea" suspect as a Gog variation. This recalls the ancient Gog-like terms that I found, defined as "egg / cock=rooster," symbol of the Cocks. I'm trying to wrap my head around the means by which Phocaeans were from a Gog term, but am not having a good time of it.

If you've forgotten or gotten confused in the fog of heraldic complication, or even if you can't follow well for not trusting my links, let's repeat that Cullis' are suspect with the portcullis tracing with Proctors to Proculus, son of At the page below, Proculus' name was also, Asinius Julius Laevillus, and his father's long name was Caius Iulius Lupus Vibius Varus Laevillus. Feasibly, "Asinius" goes to the donkey of Chamberlains, or the mule of Capote's/Capone's. Asners, in case they apply, use gold horseshoes on a bend in colors reversed from the Leslie bend with gold horseshoe-and-NAIL-suspect buckles. The funny thing: I tackled the Leslie buckles versus horseshoe-and-nail earlier in this very update not knowing I'd be showing the Asner Coat down here, and the Asner Coat was not a topic at all when finding the nails of Proctors. Asners come up only now as per "Asinius." Nor had the Asner horseshoes been seen as yet when on the Chamberlain-like Chambers above. But if we are even half convinced that heraldic nails trace to Proculus, what did he have to do with the nails that were driven into Jesus??? Shouldn't his Laevillus surname suggest something like the Israeli priests who shouted, "Crucify him, crucify him"?

The Chamberlain scallops trace to the same of Dade's/Deeds that can trace to Tatta, where Proculus' ancestors had conquered (roughly, anyway, though I don't know that they took Tatta itself). Amyntes conquered Derbe, and Derbys (Teague/Taide colors) use three scallops in the format of the Dade/Deed garbs. The other Chamberlains share the escutcheon of Sadducee-suspect Chaddocks / Chadwicks.

English Chamers/Chambers use the fesse with checks nearly that of Murdock's, which by now clinches the Muschamp link to Chambre. Murdocks share the arrow through a raven with Mackeys/Mackie's/Margys (same place as Murdocks), traced some weeks ago to Marjory Carrick (same place as Murdocks), which should explain why the Muscamp Crest is the black Carrick talbot. Marjory Carrick married Adam KilCONQUhar, and Derbys use a motto term, "UtCONQUE." Some Adam surnames (Scottish branch uses just the arrow) definitely trace to Kilconquhar (Annandale), who share a Caw variation with Mackays, which is able to trace Murdocks to the descendants of Kilconquhar. The Adams above are probably using the Sutherland stars that will come up again shortly below in a Murdock-suspect surname (Dachs) of further nail-importance.

Musks are shown properly as "Musket/MOUSQUETTe," and use an anteLOPE suspect with Derbe, for Derbys use the antelope too. Let's not forget the Mokissos location on the north of lake Tatta, for the Mochs/MOUCHETs (Dunn sword design) share the sword colors of the Cullis sword. It could appear as though Musts/Muskets/Mousquette's trace to Mokissos. The Scottish Mocks/Mochrys (Washington kin) trace to Mochrum in the Dunbar write-up, and Dunbars apparently share the Chaddock escutcheon (colors reversed) of Chamberlains because the latter are kin of Duncans while Dunbars are said to have ancestry in the ancestor of king Duncan. Dunns, Dunbars and Duncans, all the same. Dunbars were first found in the same place as Muschamps (and Seward of Northumberland = the heraldic sword line), and so where we read that Dunbars had to flee Northumberland for Scotland, assume that the Mussel namers of Musselburgh went along because Dunbars lived in Lothian, location of Musselburgh. In that case, I think we have just stumbled upon a Mussel / Muschamp equation.

Murdocks were first found in the same place (Ayrshire) as Kyle, and Kyle's are the black-candle line to Colchester, where the Arms shares nails with Proctors. French Champs (Picardy) use "EARS" of corn, suspect with Ayers/Eyers. Safe to say that Muscamps / Murdocks are able to trace to the Proctor-suspect Cullis'/COLESons, especially as Mackey-like Mackays share the black Quade wolf heads. If you can't follow, you'll miss the importance of what's all being revealed with just a little contemplation. I'm not revealing it; heraldry is, when one understands how its codes work.

The "OPus" motto term of Cullis' hasn't yet been mentioned, which drags Opgalli into the ProCULUS picture, as expected. "Hoc" is used in the mottoes of Cullis' and nail-using Ducks/Logans (and Fessys), no coincidence, is it? The three Duck nails are black and in pale positioning, as with the three Proctor nails. That can't be coincidental either. Hocks/Yok's (Switzerland) use a giant swan (in Goch/Goff/Gough / Gooch / Gopher colors), symbol of the Logan-liner Locks and Lokens. This traces Ducks to the Drilon river flowing from swan-suspect lake-Lychnitus, and you will see German Ducks/Duckers tracing to the Drilon shortly below with MurDOCKs.

Murdocks, as per their "secundo" motto term, can be suspect to some degree with Junia Caepionis Secunda, important where it was earlier evident that Proctors were linking to Caepio's. But where is that Caepio in the ancestry of Proculus? Someone has hidden that Caepio line, but here there is an inkling that it was Junia Secunda, and if the Second surname applies, it's listed with SEGURs...Genoa liners of the Fieschi kind. Didn't we just see Fessys sharing the Duck motto term, and don't swans trace to Ligurians?

The French Alans once showed, for years, three ducks in the two colors of the red martlets now showing, and it just so happens that the Proctor-Crest martin is red too. That's another reason for linking the Proctor nails to the Duck/Logen nails. The French Chambers/Chambre's, by the way, were first found in Brittany. The nails of both surnames are in the colors of the French-Joseph swan, which was replaced with a martlet in the same colors.

The Muscamp Coat shows three red fesses, and as these are suspect with the bars of Leavells/LOVells, it's very notable that LOVE's/Luffs (Suffolk, same place as some LEUVeisie's above) likewise use three red fesse bars. As per the Muscam variation of Muscamps, the Musks (Suffolk again) enter the picture because they use two fesse bars in both colors of the Love/Luff bars, and the Musk bars are double fesses, called, "GEMEL" Leuveisie's could indicate Leuven/Louvain, for it just so happens that Italian Leuvens share three chevrons in both colors of the three Love/Luff bars...apparently indicating that Leuveisie's were NOT Vis-de-Lou fundamentals, though it's interesting that Fiddle's/Fidelows use wolf heads in the colors of the Luff / Musk lion heads. The same lion head is in the Murdock Crest, and when the same symbols pop up left and right, you know there's something to it.

Ask the Devon Stewarts about a red lion, for Devons use the Alan ducks, and Murdocks use the Stewart fesse-and-checks, and then the Stewarts share the BROCK motto so that the Brock lion is the Stewart lion. And just like that, more PROCulus elements are linking to Murdocks. What named Fox News established by the Murdocks?

See also the Scottish Chambers (LEUVEN colors) at LLEWENNE (Wales) with a Coat (another red lion a-popping) looking linkable to Love's / Musts. These Chambers are traced to John de Chambre, earl of Lincoln, which seemingly clinches the Muschamps with Chambre on the Arc. This is indication for a Massey trace to Modane (Arc river), for the Chambre fleur-de-lys is colors reversed from the same of Masseys/MACEys (i.e. Maccabee suspects), and the French Chambre's use the fleur in the colors of the Masci fleur. John of Chambre is also said to have been part of the ruling class of Chester, Meschin territory. It's additional good reason to expect Mus' as Massey liners. There was a Welsh ruler, Llywelyn, from the Llewenne theater. If Llewenne was named by Levite liners, where would we trace Llywelyn, son of GRUFFYD, do you think???

The Gruffyds may have branched to Ruffords because the latter use the same eagle in Crest as the Chambre/Chamber Crest. The Muschampe article says: "[Hugh Muscam] had a park, and no doubt a residence, at South Muskam, where some of his land was granted to Rufford Abbey..." French Chambre's use a "nos" motto term suspect with Nos'/Ness' sharing double red fesse bars with Musts.

We then need to enter the Dachs/Ducks because they use red lion heads too, and in the Dach/Duck Chief I'm spotting the stars of Mackay-suspect SUTHERlands, important as per "William Leuveise or Vis de Lou, Lord of SOTEbroc," for Shots/SHUTE's share swords in the colors of the swords of German Dachs/Tax', suspect with DACHau (Bavaria), because the Arms of Dachau is a sling SHOT. And to this we must add that Scottish Ducks are listed with nail-using Logans (Dach-lion colors). The Sutherland stars are said to be the Moray stars while MURdocks (and the Monaco / Gris stars) are suspect with Moray elements. The Duck nails are black, as are the Proctor nails, and as nails were made suspect with the Star bloodline, let's repeat that Muscamps are using the bars of Sturs (Manche and HAMPshire).

One can now trace this picture to the Cavii Illyrians, suspect with the ancestry of Caiaphas. It begins with German Ducks/Duckers/Duchanhoffs, and so we can now trace Dachau and Hugh Murdac to a branch of Dexaroi Illyrians as they furnished the namers of the Ticino. Ducks/Duckers were first found in Westphalia, location of Dusseldorf, and the Dussel(dorf) surname happens to use the fesse of d'Ussel-like Hazels who share the squirrel with Decks/Daggers. Hazel liners were HASmonean suspects at the namers of modern Has on the Drilon, in the Cavii theater. Has is beside Krume, suspect with the Gresleys that we just saw with Muscamps. Ducks/Duckers use eleven fesse bars in the colors of the nine used by Cavetts (Caves / Caen colors), suspect at the Cavetta river through Cavii-like Ceva, itself between nail-suspect Oneglia and Chivasso, the latter near the Ticino. The eleven Ducker bars are suspect with the eleven billets, in the same colors, of BESANcons, and that traces to Bassania between the mouth of the Drilon and the mouth of the Mathis rivers, still in the Cavii theater. The Mathis goes to the Mathis surname sharing the moline of Chivasso-like Chives', but the checks of Massi's/Mattis' (in the colors of the Murdock checks) were traced to an Arms of Massa-Carrara, suspect with "MUSKerry."

There is much more to be said, but this in itself suffices. The Duckenhoff-like Deacons, suspect from a Decani location not far from Has and Krume, were first found in the same place as same-colored Musks...and Luffs/Love's, the latter using lions in the colors of the Deacon lions. This makes Decani suspect with the Dexaroi. As for the nine bars of Cavetts, it's notable that the Degens/Dougans use nine estoiles as well as the same crescent as Krume's (Hamburg, same place as Gris'/Grisels). German Degens/Degers were first found in the same place as Dachau.

The Coddan Key

Irish Adams/Caws (nearly the Jefferson motto) use the Duck/Logan heart in colors reversed, and instead of nails, three gold fitchees are used, the Quint symbol. These Adams show a CODdan variation now suspect for the first time with the "peasCODs' of Cullis'/Colesons/CAWlisons. Whose heart is this? What heart-like character had to do with Jesus' murder. What do the Jefferson griffins represent along with the Jefferson leopard FACE? While Herods/Hurls were first found near Kyle, the Herls/Hurls use more ducks, popping up everywhere. The Alan ducks were in the design of the Herl ducks. Herls/Hurls (share gold fesse with Herods/Hurls) were first found in the same place as MUSchamps, and then the Herl Coat can be a version of the MUSSel Coat (see donkey-using Asks too).

No surprise, but very welcome, the Coddans/Cottons were first found in the same place (Cambridgeshire) as Capone's...and Crabs (share the Coddan chevron). The "hanks of cotton" used suggest the Hanks of Lincolnshire i.e. same place as some early Muschamps. Cottons were suspect with Cotta's/Cottins/Cottards and Cutters, and then the Cutters (same place as Quints) use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Procks/Brocuffs. The Prock sphinx (traces to Quint-suspect Quince's) is in the colors of the Cutter dragons, and so we need to grapple with the fact that Coddans came up as per Proctor-suspect Cullis'. Procks share a red Crest with Proctors. The potent cross of Procks traced with Patents to Patmos, home of Coronis, suspect in the "mural coronet" of Cutters.

Here's the code-studded description of the Coddan Crest alone: "A falcon proper with a gold bell on a leg, the dexter claw on a belt with a gold buckle." The Claws'/Clasons (like the Fortuna Coat) should trace, along with CULLIS'/COLESons, to the CLAUSula river, for as the Lady Fortune of Klassens traced to that river, the Coddans happen to use a "fortuna" motto term!

That's huge, tending to verify that the namers of the Colapis, and the namers of Colchester, were from the Clausula river, and meanwhile making the name of Proculus suspect with that river. I do realize that "Proculus" can be rooted in "Procul / Proc," thereby obliterating a trace to a Culus entity, but that doesn't mean that a surname after his line couldn't have developed into the namers of the Clausula. I wonder what it was named in the days of the Caepio-suspect Cavii. The Dobers (griffins, yawn) trace to Dober on the Clausula and share a white-on-blue bend with Asinius-suspect Asners (not yawning anymore), probably no coincidence. This secret should be screamed from the housetops. The Asners, no sooner had they been mentioned, got me on a treatment of the Leslie buckles, and here we find the Cullis-suspect Coddans using a buckle (along with a falcon while Falcons share the Krume crescent).

The Kopple's, tracing to Koplik/Cupionich, a couple of miles from Dober, are in the colors of the Proctor nails, and Proctors have become suspect with Cupionich-like Caepionis'.

Claws/Clasons are traced to Claxton at Leicestershire, and there is even a Clays de TABURer in the write-up, like some Dober variations such as "Tauber." Tabers share a woman with Klassens, and the Taber woman carries grapes while English Tabers were first found in the same place as Quints. The three Taber leopards are in the design of the "cats" in the Coat of Cavii-suspect Chives' (same leopard in Crest as the MOSCa's). The Fortuna's were suspect in the last update with the Mysterious-Force code of the fabulous Hiram Abiud. The Force surname (Taber colors) happens to share leopards of a similar design, and Clacks (in Fortuna / Claws/Clason colors), suspect with Claxton, may trace to Clackmannanshire, near Tarves, where Chives' went to live.

As Muschamps were first found in the same place as Siward of Northumberland, note that Sewards use the Mosca leopard. Mosca's of Sicily married MonteCHIARO, and then there is a Chieri location near Chivasso.

The Hiram-Abiud story is the one that equated the nails in Jesus with stars and pointed objects. The Clack-like Sellicks were first found in the same place (Herefordshire) as Clacks, and then Selkirks/Selcraigs, with three stars in the Chief, use a giant heart, like the one with nails in it. The Selkirks are using codes used also by Douglas', the latter perhaps a branch of Degens/Dougans. I often mention Decani along with the neighboring Clausula river, and moreover I often show the DuGLASS variation of Douglas'. The Selkirk / Douglas SALAmander must be part-code for the Sel in "Selkirk," and the Selkirk stars are in Sale colors. It's always a challenge to figure out how Cavii-theater elements got to lake Tatta / Lycaonia, and perhaps the Clocks can be of help who show the Dade/Deed Coat exactly. Flemings (wolf), who included the Douglas', use a "deed" motto term.

The Misters/Masters/Mesters suspect in "Mysterious" might even be a branch of Musts/Muskets, the latter (antelope, traces to Lycaonia) first found in the same place as Deacons. The Deacon-cross format and colors are also those of Procks/Brocuffs. The potent cross of Procks is used by Skeets' and Skits whom I trace to lake Scodra before I knew of the Clausula river...that ultimately empties into lake Scodra. Suddenly, Proculus lines are suspect around the Clausula river, and merged with Decani elements. There is a modern Tropoje location between Decani and the Clausula that traces to the Trops/Drops using a Shield filled with drops, a symbol with the swan of the Leicester surname, and then Decans were first found in Rutland, at Leicestershire, which is repeated because the Claxton location of Claws/Clasons is at Leicestershire.

Why do GOPHers use drops on a saltire in colors reversed from the Nagle/Nail saltire? Don't the Gogi swan liners trace to the Ligurian swan (CYCnus)? If Coddans were Cotesii, they traced to Soducena, at Sevan beside Gogarene. There is Weight-y reason shown below to trace Gog liners to the Dexaroi, i.e. at Tropoje upon the Apsus river.

The "lux" motto term of Procks is suspect with the lynx of Penes'/Pennys traceable to the Penestae upon the Drilon, for the Lux/Laux/Luch surname traces to "lynx" as possible code. The Glass surname (another woman) uses "Luctor, tending to assure that Procks trace to the Clausula theater. The Watsons/Wattie's (same griffin head as Dobermans / Dobers) were first found at Rutland while Quade's are traced to "Wat" (not necessarily the original term), and then ye-using Watts and Vatts/Watters both use a pair of GLASSES hanging on an oak tree, I kid thee not. This oak is suspect with the Roet oak because Cutters are suspect with the Roet Shield, and then German Roets share crescents in the colors of the Watson crescent, almost in the two colors of the Krume crescent. As Krume liners are suspect with Crone's and similar terms, it's notable that Kerns share the sleeping moon with Roets.

Scottish Watsons (oak tree) are also "Quattie," and there you have another Quadratilla>Proculus suspect in the Watsons, whom I have identified as the root of the Rothschild Illuminati...because Mariel, or Lady Rothes (daughter of Peter Pollock), either married a Watson, or her daughter did so (I can't recall which). Scottish Watsons are even using a fesse in both colors of the Cullis/Coleson fesse, a great reason to trace Decans to Decani (Kosovo) and Cullis' to the Clausula!

I've traced Watts to eye-using WITkowo suspect in mythical SiemoWIT, and then Siemens use a slab that can go to the slab under the Prock sphinx. The Sitlers/SCHITners (suspect with potent Skits), first found in the same place as potent-liner Procks, use a white-on-red trefoil, almost the gold-on-red trefoil of English Dobers (i.e. traces Sitlers to the Scodra area). SITLers may be a branch of Settle's that share the lozenges of eye-using Stars suspect with the Illuminati, the arch-enemy of Jesus. If you try at random to make as many links as I am right here, amongst the 30,000 Coats, you won't do it in a million moons unless you have an idea of their relationships.

The Leicester Coat looks like a version of the Bellamy / Bell / Harvey Coats, and then one Bell surname shares bells with Ports so that Leicester's namers can trace closely to Proculus. The LEYcester variation suggests the Leys/Leighs/Lighs. The "patria" term of Leicesters can go to Antipatria because it's on the Apsus river with another Tropoje location near it's mouth. The Leicester write-up traces to a Nether-Tabley location, of the Table surname (shares hurts with Arthurs), suspect with the Round Table of king Arthur, which was a phrase adopted by the Rhodian Illuminati to which Rothschilds are regularly linked. The Round surname (chevron in colors reversed to the Pendragon chevron), first found in the same place as Tabers and Quints, look like a branch of Rowe's that use trefoils in the colors of the Sitler trefoil, and moreover Rowe's look like they use a version of the Proctor Coat and Crest. This recalls Roe versus Wade in what may have been a mock trial with the predetermined purpose of striking down abortion laws. Trace TREFoils to Trips, same place as Krume's and suspect with Trope's.

Lest you didn't catch it, Table's look like Tabers now traceable to Dober on the Clausula. The Taber lions are in the colors of the Prock sphinx (part lion). Rounds (sleeping lion) share the Moch/Mochry motto (Esse quam VIDeri) and may thereby trace to Mokissos, on the Halys river, home of the Chalybes suspect with the exCALIBUR sword of king Arthur. The other Mochs use only a sword. Feasibly, the Glass bloodline originates in "Halys."

Reminder: I predicted that Musts would furnish the False Prophet. Here's the Must Crest: "A black demi antelope chained and ringed gold." The Quade wolves are in chains, and it makes the white Ring/Cran crescents suspect with the white Krume crescent. Although I can't at the moment find the surname with certainty for the "cabossed" lion heads of Musts, it sounds linkable to a Cavii liner, and perhaps the Cabes'/MacAbee's apply. The latter were part of the Hiram-Abiff entity.

Let me spell this out. The Coddens are listed with Adams who show a Caw variation that is part of the variations of Mackays who in-turn have an Irish branch using the Quade wolf heads. And while Quade's were traced to Quadratilla, her son traces to Cullis' using peasCODs for Codden liners. It's very hard to argue with that, but then while Quadratilla was suspect at Qewe/Kue (Cilicia), the Coddens use an "utraQUE" motto term, and even share "paratus" with the Deacons that themselves use "utroQUE" and "utrumQUE." These codes are partly suspect with UTHER Pendragon, as well as with Atrecht, the Artois capital, and then the Artems/Aitons, using a cross in the format and colors of the Deacons and Decans, must trace to Artemidoros, the g-g-grandfather of Quadratus.

These are the dictators, those who have the spirit of dictatorship, who lord the world over us. It can be gleaned now, thanks to Coddens/Cottons, that the Cullis Chief is using the Caesar Chief, or that Coddens are from Aurelia Cotta. It's another reason for expecting Junia Caepio in the line to Proculus. In other words, ignore Junia's said father and assume that Julius Caesar birthed her. Although it's like thin ice to trace Seconds/Segurs to Junia Secunda, it's worth a stab. The Seconds use the same lions as Barneys. But many others use thus lion, though I had found some good reason (via the Dee lion) to trace it to the Brunswick lions, which is similar to a Barney trace.

Seconds were first found in the same place as French Clairs, and Clairs trace to Clarus, known home of mythical Mopsus, who was also Muksus, traceable very well to Mokissos. Seconds were first found in Limousin, traceable with certainty to Lemnos, home of the Kabeiri that had a home at a Kabeiri location on the SAKARya river, where the SEGURS trace, where there was a Pessinos location, home of Brogitarus. As I said that Mochs trace to Muksus / Mokissos, see now the Moke's (share a gold rooster with SinCLAIRS/SAINTS) with a "DIIS sunt" motto phrase partly suspect with Dee's / Deas', and partly with Santones (of a Sainte location), beside the Lemovices of Limousin, and traceable with certainty to Sintians on Lemnos. That's how Dee's and Desmond-related Deas' can trace to Seconds/Segurs. The question is why and when Segurs formed a Second surname, whether it has to do with the Secunda relationship with someone in the family of Brogitarus. German Moke's share the Dee / Second lion, but on a blue Shield.

Days/Dea's (Deas colors), first found in Clare, share an erect sword with Mochs, and moreover use green snakes like this Mackesy Coat, which I'm grateful to Tim for, as "Mackesy" now suddenly traces to "Mokissos/Mocissus." At houseofnames, Mackesys are listed with MARGesons, and share the Mackey/Margy lion design, and this links Mackesys to Murdocks (Proculus liners), and to Adam Kilconquhar suspect in the Derby motto. Derbyshire shares the stag with Dade's/Daids, in Deas colors, and both are said to be from "David," though this is not correct as the original derivation. Dade's, you see, trace with Derby to the Tatta area, land of Mokissos. The Daid/Dade Coat is also that of DOCHertys, like "MurDOCK." Dochartys (said to descend from DAVID O'Doherty) look like they can be of the Ducks/DUCKERs.

Now, if it looks to you as though Dochartys and Dade's/Daids were somehow a branch of Deas', first found beside Dee's, by what coincidence do Seconds share the Dee lion exactly while Dochartys and Dade's use the upright stag design of German Jungs??? Are not the English Jungs/June's first found in the same place as Caepionis-suspect Capone's? That's why the Seconds are suspect with Junia Caepionis Secunda.

The Jung stag is in the colors of Cambridge's, and as the latter is on the Cam river while they use a "quam" motto term, one can trace the "quam" term of Rounds and Mochs/Mochrys to Cambridge's (swans), and that too makes a Mokissos trace to June's/Jungs (Cambridge). In fact, the sleeping lion of Rounds had been traced to mythical Endymion along with the sleeping moon of Carian Roets and Carian Kerns, for Endymion was in Latmus of Caria with the moon goddess, and LatMUS is smack beside Clarus. Then, the Dee's happen to use a "surROUNDed" term in their description, while Days/Dea's were first found in the same place (Somerset) as Roets and Moke's.

The Cambridge motto is that also of Rounds and Mochs, and the white lion in the Cambridge Crest therefore looks like the white Round lion, but then it's passant, like the white lion of Mackesys/Margesons. When asking why Mokissos elements should use a white lion, it's in the two colors of the Hall / Hull talbots, and the latter were suspect with "Halys," location of Mokissos.

Northampton, where Spinks ("Fidelis" motto) were first found, is not far from Cambridge. Spinks not only use the eagles in the colors of the same in the Day-like Mackesy Coat above, but they use the black Carrick / Muschamp talbot dog, all three in the Crests, all the reason to link Spinks to Murdocks. Recalling that Muschamps proved to be Mussels/MUSCels, note those MASCLES of Spinks, same symbol as Quince's, and Spinks trace to the Prock/Brocuff sphinx.

As per the trace of Muschamps to Chambre on the Arc river of Maccabee liners, that's where Joan of Arc traced, and while her surname was Du Lys, the Loyal surname is listed with the Dulys surname, and that may be the reason for a "Loyalite" motto term of Maccabee-suspect Mackeys. The Margesons/Argesons were traced years ago but only suggestively to the Darks/ARQUES. That works. The bends of Loyals may be the same-colored bendy of Hanks/Ankes', perhaps from Angusta, for the white-on-black lion (Mackesy/Margeson symbol) is used also by Cabbage's (same place as Spinks) with "angustis" motto term. Cabbage's recently linked well to Cabes'/MacAbee's. Hanks can trace to Angusta where they are honored in the hanks of cotton of Cottons/Coddans, suspect from the Cotesii on the Siret river, same area as Angusta. The lion in the Cambridge Crest is of the design in the Cabbage Crest, and the Cabbage's use it in gold, the color of the Dee-Crest lion, and then Deas' were first found in ANGUS.

The Rounds can be suspect with Rowens and Rouens, the latter using a Coat much like that of Quince's. Rowens are also "Rome," while the Rome's/Rooms share a red-on-white fesse with Table's. The Mackesy lion is in the colors of the Tailer lions, and as the Tailer lions are in the same-colored lion tails of Corks, Mackesys can trace to Muskerry in Cork. That links Mackesys to Muschamps very well. But tailers were found earlier in the update with Tillieres'/Tylers (same lion as Mackesys), and they traced to QuadraTILLa. Tillieres' use the colors and format of Mussels/Muscels, but use pellets on their lions whereas Mussels use plates.

The Tillieres' crescents were found to be the Seaton crescents, and to this it should be added that Dee's use a "SEATed" lion. As best as I can muster an opinion, Dee's and Deas's, and Desmonds of Muskerry too, trace to the Dexaroi. This is because I think the DOCHARty version of the surname was earlier than Deas' and Desmonds (I assume that David O'Doharty formed Daids and then Dais'/Deas', but this may be wrong). The latter, by the way, are suspect in honoring Crombys, with a Shield-and-Chief color combination of Dochartys, and first found in the same place as Dee's. The Dockers are listed with Ducks/Duckers, who traced to Cavii suspects earlier in this update. But they also traced to Bassania, on the edge of the Taulantii, the Tillieres suspects.

Hmm, the "dea" motto term of talbot-using Comforts/Comerfords (purple bow), kin of Campbellfords suspect with a colors-reversed version of the Deacon / Decan Coat, and then the Comfort motto has "dea ne," perhaps indicating that Deans are a short-form "Deacon."

Note that Deas', Bessins and Talls/Thalls all use bees. The Tills/Tillers and Rounds (suspect as Dee kin) share white annulets, and Tills/Tillys share the axe with Deacons (proto-Dee's?) while Dockers are also Duckens. The Dees/Dease surname is listed with Dias'/Deas', and Irish Dease's (Cork) use the erect sword of Days, and share red-on-white towers with Thor(n)s, important because Basina and Talls/Thalls were of THURIngia (where German Roets were first found).

Did you spot that Crombys share a red Crest with Proctors and use the Brock-Chief lion in their own Chief?? The Shield-and-Chief color combination of Crombys and Brocks are similar. Brocks use the Stewart motto while Proctors share the red Alan martlet in Crest. I didn't realize until now that German Brocks/Brockens use "three black tree trunks" in the colors of the Proctor nails! That was needed to clinch the Proctor link to Brocks and Procks/Brocuffs. And then the Croms use QUATRefoils!!! That works just because Crombys just traced to the QUADRAtilla > Proculus line.

I think we have a very good key in the Junia Secunda trace to Dee's, and this should be exploited for whatever else it can produce. For example, the Ley/Ligh lion is colors reversed to the Dee / Second lion. Repeat: "The Leicester Coat looks like a version of the Bellamy / Bell / Harvey Coats, and then one Bell surname shares bells with Ports so that Leicester's namers can trace closely to Proculus. The LEYcester variation suggests the Leys/Leighs/Lighs." This can be important as per the Prime's using a human LEG while Prime's may be in honor of Junia Caepionis Prima. Leicester was apparently named after it's Legro river. One could expect the Legger surname to apply to that river, but i don't recall checking Leggers, who happen to use the fretty lattice of Caens and Modens! That links back to the Cotta's/COTTINs/COTTARds.

It wasn't until getting down here that I tried to think up a PROCTor-like surname, when FROGGITs came to mind, and they have been known to use a Coat like that of COTTARs, much like the Coddans/Cottons. Froggits were first found in Derbyshire even. This then makes the Frocks/Froggs suspect, who use annulets in colors reversed to the same of Rounds. And Rounds are expected fundamentally with Table's who are in the Nether-Tabley location of the Leicesters.

Leggers were first found in the same place as Focks that share the annulets in the colors of the Frock/Frogg annulets, and of course annulets are a Till symbol probably for an Annas link to Proculus. But the Harveys were lumped in with bells above because their Bellamy branch had traced to the Arve river between Annecy and lake Geneva. This tends to create a possibly Leicester trace to the Arve, and that recalls the Genova surname listed with Geneva's, suggesting that certain Ligurians named Geneva. Reminder: Grimaldi's of Liguria are traced to a "frock." And Frocks were first found in the same place as Bellamys.

But are Leggers really from the Legro river? I have been tracing the Leys/Lighs to Salyes Ligures for years, but did not know of, or have not been familiar with, the Legger surname that shows also as Sallinger. That works. The French Harveys/Harve's (possible Macey Shield), by the way, were first found in the same place as Lys, who might be a Ley branch. The "bon" motto term of Leggers can be for BoNAILS (part of the horseshoe-and-nail topic), for the two surnames share the same griffin design. The eagle of Bonails was seen in the Spink / Mackesy Coats, but it's used also by Spanish Sans suspect with Sens that trace to Sion/Sitten, as do Bellamy-related Seatons/Sittens. The horseshoe's that were found in the Asner Coat are on a bend in the colors of the Bone bend, you see (Asners were suspect with "Asinius," a name of Proculus).

Now would be a good time to tell of the "Nil" motto term of Prime's, suspect with Neils/Nails/Nagle's.

The trace of Geneva to certain Ligurians can touch upon the Nagle's/Nails from Imperia, and the latter was traced to PERIgord, where Sans-like SAUNier's were first found who are now tracing both to Sion and to Aurelia COTTA. The Leggers are clearly related to Cotta's, and the Caens sharing the fretty in the same colors as the Legger fretty use a "PERImus" motto term. The Chaulne's variation of Saunier's may then trace to the Cullis'/Colesons.

The red Bonail griffin was first discovered with the Corbeils suspect at Corbieres, near Rennes-le-Chateau, where Mr. Sauniere lived. It's in Languedoc, where Bonails were first found. The Corbeil griffin was found to be the Vince griffin for proof of the Corbeil trace to Corbieres, and here we find that the Leggers use a "Haut" motto term, like the AUDE river upon which Corbieres is located. Plus, the Orrs use "bon"-like motto terms, and they trace to Aurelia Cotta. The Bonail quarters are colors reversed from the Petty quarters while Pettys share the parrot with the Froggit Crest, and this plays Pettys with the Grimaldi Ligures suspect now with a Proculus line of the Frock/Frogg kind. Pettys were suspect with Petts/PERTs that can trace to Perta at lake Tatta.

The Orrs play well into the set of clues here. Their "omnia" motto term traces to Omans sharing a black-on-white fesse with Frocks/Froggs. The Osmund variation of Omans may even have been the first, from "Hasmonean / Akmonia." The reason that Orrs trace to Omans is the latter's black martlets, shared by Rutherfords who in-turn have an "orle" as code for the Aurelia / Orrel / Orleans line. Aurelia Cotta was a grandmother of any Junia Caepio if any were born from Julius Caesar. But Rutlands use an orle border too, as well as a PRAEMia motto term suspect with leg-using Prime's, and it just so happens that Rutland is at Leicester i.e. at the Legro river. While the above trace's Prime's solidly to the Legro river, were they from Junia Prima?

The "inVITA" motto term of Prime's is very Till-linkable. Just trace back from QuadraTILLa to Junia Prima, for indeed, the Vita annulets are used by Cherrys (same place as Froggits), and there is a cherry in the mouth of the Froggit parrot. The "l'esPOIR" motto of Cherrys suggests the Purys/Bureys with a fesse and martlets (all in the same colors) of Omans/Osmunds, and it's the Frock fesse too while Purys share the same stars-on-fesse as Foggs who happen to share the Frock fesse and annulets (same colors). Foggs were first found in the same place as Caesars.

If one checks the "Pour y" motto phrase of Manners/Manness, it becomes evident that Manners / Mens/Mengzes' named the Oman variation. The Mens' write-up gives cause for tracing to the Glenns and Glennys sharing the black Oman / Pury martlets. Glenns, sharing the heart suspect with the one with nails, were first found in the same place as Pettys (i.e. share a parrot with Froggits). For what it may be worth, German Glenns/Glans share a gold patee with the Primo's/Primeaux's. Glennys (share the Mens Shield) were first found in the same place (Aberdeenshire) as Cullis' ...and Leslie's, the latter perhaps part of the "L'ESpoir" term. This discussion is all magnified where French Josephs share the black martlet. Why is it always FootLESS, and why do Foots / Fothes (share cornuCOPIA wit Orrs) use a chevron in Levi-chevron colors??

Of some interest that I haven't taken seriously, the TORTeaux shared by Orrs, Orells and Orleans' can trace to Junia Caepio TERTia. The Orleans surname is said to have had an Valois-Orleans branch while the Valois' use the Caesar-Chief roses in Chief. It just so happens that Cullis/Colesons use the same Chief! The Valais variation of Valois' can trace to the Valais canton of Switzerland, location of Sion!!! That clinches the Aurelia trace to Sion while simultaneously clinching the Aurelia trace to Caesar's mother. The Valois Shield is in all colors of the Aurelia Shield.

At the foot area of the Glenny martlets, it appears that small torteaux are added in place of the feet, but these dots are actually at the legs for a leg-reason. Here's the Glenny description: "A silver shield with three black martlets beaked and LEGGED red; a red chief on which there is a silver claymore (sword) and a black pennon with a staff inscribed 'bonnie' crossed in saltire." Bonnie's use a footless martlet of their own, as well as what could be the Leslie bend, and they were first found in Bedfordshire (and Leicestershire) while Bedfords share the black lion paw that's actually a black leg.

The Prime owl is gorged with a scroll in its mouth. This owl is called, MINERva, and then Miners, with the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Cutters / Brocks / Procks/Brocuffs, have a hand holding a LEG (though it's called a "black lion's paw erased)" in Crest, tending to assure that Miners (same place as Clausula-suspect Clacks) are intended in the "minerva" motto term. Mythical Minerva was an owl goddess, but perhaps she's merely being used as code, no need to trace Prime's to her cult. On the other hand, there was a Lilith owl demoness that can trace to Lille (near the Lys river of Artois), the place that created the heraldic lily, the fleur de lys that traces to Lissus, near the Clausula. The Primo's/Primeaux's (from Beaune), using half the Bonail quarters, may therefore be using the Brock lion.

Let's highlight the "OPus" motto term of Cullis' now that the latter are found as a line of Julius caesar, for it was the expectation that a Junia Caepio should be the grandmother of Opgalli, the latter suspect with the direct family of Joseph Caiaphas. If correct what they say, that Opgalli was a Jew, her family may have had a Joseph. Opgalli married Tigranes suspect with owl-using Taggerts (same motto as Chives'), and that can link to Prime owl to Tigranes! Taggerts/Teggarts are in the colors of Teegers (Julian liners) using an "OPtem" motto term. The Taggert owls are in the brown colors of the Hob eagles, and the Hobs (tiger) use a fesse in the colors of the Taggert bend, and it's the same fesse as that of Omans/Osmunds and Frocks, which is additional proof that Frocks / Froggits were Proculus liners.

The CLAYmore sword of Glennys can be code for Claws/Claysons/Clasons/Claxons (Lady-Fortune liners) that led to Clacks, and moreover the "pennon" of Glennys is a banner while Lady Fortune (Klassen Coat) holds a "banner." Therefore, why are Glenns and Glennys tracing to the CLAUSula river? It's where I had thought to trace the CULLIS/Coleson surname (same place as Glennys), and then the Cullis use "peascods" as part-code for Peas/Peacocks in the Manner/Maness Crest (Mens/Mengzes are said to be a Manner branch). Were Mengzes' a branch of Monks / Monaco's? Are Monks using the Clason lion? Why does the Arms of Man (MANX peoples) use human legs? Were Mens' related to Legger-suspect Prime's?

The Valois' (same crescent as Krume's) are suspect with Poppa of Valois while Mens' are honored in the Poppin and Pepin mottoes. Poppa is said to have married Rollo, but she traces to a Grimaldi family (suspect with Krume's) "According to [Mr. Grimaldi], Crispinus, Baron of Bec, was the son of Crispina, daughter of Rollo, by Grimaldus, Prince of Monaco." The Bec/Bez Coat happens to use two symbols very linkable to the Monaco's. So why did Grimaldi's marry a daughter of Poppa of Valois? Doesn't Valais canton trace to certain Ligurians, especially at Genoa, where Grimaldi's had a branch? Genoa is where Segurana's were first found suspect in the Seconds/Segurs. Monks (in Trice colors) use a COCKatrice in Crest suspect with the Cocks sharing the lozengy Shield of Grimaldi's.

Becs were first found in the same place (Languedoc) as BoNAILS, and as the latter traced to the horseshoe-and-nail line, suspect now in the horseshoes of Asners, it's notable that French Crispins/Crepons (Gris / Grass liners?) share the same bend as Asners/Eisners. The blue wings in the Asner Crest can trace to the blue wings of Bauers, but the Baur wing design has changed since 2012/13, and now shows what looks like a fist between the wings, the same as can be seen in the Genova/Geneva wings. The Geneva lion is the same one as per the Second/Segur Coat.

The Becs can be traced solidly to Peks if Asners/Eisners link to Becs, for Jewish Eisenhowers are using the Pek patees. Moreover, Eisenhowers are using a split Shield in the colors of the same in the Arms of Sion. See also the Arms of Valais, and compare Chads to Eisenhowers, then note that the Eisenhower Shield is split in colors reversed to the same of Trents while both surnames use crossed swords. The Claymore sword of Glennys is in the same colors. Doesn't all of this speak well to an Eisenhower trace to Asinius Laevillus = Proculus? And why would a Proculus line trace to the Pek river? Ask the Skits who traced there whom share the Prock/Brocuff cross, same (nearly) as the Chad cross.

"A claymore from Scottish Gaelic claidheamh-mòr, "great sword") is the Scottish variant of the late medieval two-handed longsword. It is characterised as having a cross hilt of forward-sloping quillons [why quillons?] with QUATREfoil terminations. It was in use from the 15th to 17th centuries." Why does it use a quatrefoil design. I traced the quatrefoil-using Croms and Vincents to Rennes-le-Chateau, beside quillon-like Quillan!

At the Google-results page for the Claymore sword, there is one much like the Eisenhower sword, of obvious importance where I've traced quatrefoils to the mother of Asinius. Lookie: "the typical quatrefoil design (as can be seen on the Great Seal of John Balliol King of Scots)." As Ballys ("BENE" motto term) use the Moray stars (as do Becs/Bez'), Ballys can trace to Balliol, and, in any case, Balliols are in the write-up of Scotts, who trace with Skits to Scodra, beside the Clausula where CLAYson/Clasons trace. If you know my stuff, you can trace the CHILham castle of Scotts to the Trents and therefore to the Eisenhowers, important because the Scott kings (Dunchads / Duncans) before Balliol trace to Chads.

Chills/Childs, who link to Childeric, husband of Basina from Bassania (i.e. near Scodra), are using a version of the Tarent Coat while Scotts use a version of the Terras/Turris' (Moray). This effectively trace's Alexander of Chilham castle, brother of John Balliol, to the Alexander surname with "terras" motto term. From that, one traces "Balliol" to Alexander Balas, ancient kink of Seleucid that made a pact with sorry-ass Jonathan Maccabee. The Alexander name then went to Maccabees all the way to Julius Alexander, who's daughter married Quadratus Bassus. You just need to trace the husband of Terentia, CILnius Maecenas, to Chills and Chilham castle, while tracing Bassus to Basina, and that's the Maccabee-Seleucid line of anti-Christ in the formation of the first Franks, the frogs.

And, by the way, the Walsers, known to be named after Wallis = Valais canton, share the Melusine mermaid with the Glass Crest.

Primo's were first found in the Burgundy capita, Beaune. The Arms of Beaune (Bone colors) has Mary and baby Jesus with Mary holding GRAPEs and Jesus holding a Catholic orb. The CREPons, using the same bend as Bone's, are suspect with Grape/Gripp/Grabber liners, especially Poppo Babenberg of GRAPfeld/Grabfeld, suspect with Poppa of Valois. "Valais" is suspect with "Falaise at the Exmes theater.

The Mackay sept of Beans/Bains show Beane and Bene variations (see "bien" term of Mackey-related Carricks), the Bene's are suspect with the "bene" motto term of Ballys. The latter's stars trace to Moray, where Mackays had an important branch, and this all makes the Primo's of Beaune suspect with the Messeys/Messier's of Burgundy, for these Messeys use a saltire in the colors of the Primo patee. The mirror in the Primo Coat can go to the Melusine mirror, and then the Beans/Bene's were first found in the same place as Cullis'/Colesons highly suspect with the Melusine-using Glass' that share the red-on-white stars of Kyle's who in-turn share the coiled snake with Coles' for a trace back to Cullis'/Colesons. The "Luctor" motto of Glass' is suspect with the Lux/Laux surname sharing a black-on-gold bull with Cole's (no 's'). See also the green snake, the colors of the Coles snake, looking itself in the mirror in the Sire Coat.

As the Coles' share the colors and format of Tarents / Chills/Childs, it's somewhat compelling to trace Cole's / Kyle's / Glass' to "Cilnius." But if this is correct, then it behooves me to trace Cilnius MAECenas to the Colapis river, near the MAEZaei, the latter on the URBanus river perhaps intended in the Beaune ORB. I trace Julia MAESi to the Maezaei, and then while I traced her to Lamas' (Arms-of-Beaune colors), suspect from Le Mas near Grasse, there is a Lamatis location off the Urbanus. Julia's father, Bassianus, was working in neighboring Dalmatia (stamped beside the Maezaei), but I don't know the details. He may have had links to Lamatis, in other words. The Grasse's of Provence use chevrons in colors reversed to the Macey chevron, and the English Grasse's were first found in Buckinghamshire while Bucking(ham)s use a besant-version of the Urban Coat.

Amazingly, because I'm not very familiar with this trace, the English Gras'/Grasse's (Lincolnshire) use a bend in colors reversed to the Bisset bend, a surname that can trace to Bistue on the Urbanus. Yet I traced Bissets to the BistRITA river on the Siret, and traced Rita's (Bisset colors) to that river, but didn't at the time know that the Rita lion is also the Gras/Grasse lion. The Sire's above are also "Siret," home of Trypillians, and as Masseys/Massa's/Massai's share the boot of Trips, it's notable that Spanish Urbans to share the crescent of Krume's, first found in the same place as German Trips. Crone's/Crooms are Massey kin who traced recently to the Cerauni on the Urbanus.

The Bistrita has a mouth at Bucking-like Bacau, suspect earlier with Bus' and Bacons who share cinquefoils on red with the Buckingham Grasse's! To me, this speaks to the Buckle versus-horseshoe topic now tracing to Asners/Eisners sharing the bend of Gras'/Grasse's. The latter suggest the Bone's, but this is where the Bene's/Bains can come in for a trace to Proculus elements of the Potter kind, for the Clan Chattan to which the Bene's/Bains had linked trace to Italian Botters, first found in Lucca, near Massa-Carrara, where Masseys/Massa's' trace. As Massa-Carrara's Arms links to MATTIS' with a Massi variation, perhaps "LaMATIS" was the root of Mattis', in which case I would trace the namers / peoples on the Mathis (location of Bassania) to Lamatis (beside Servitium).

Urbans were suspect at the Orbieu river in Aude, while Aude's Rennes-le-Chateau uses an Arms like the Spanish-Urban Shield. Rennes-le-Chateau is beside Cilnius-suspect Quillan, and the wolf of Quillan reminds that I traced Cilnius' to an line of Cilla, a city in Mysia. On mythical Cilla: "One of the two female characters associated with Troy: Cilla, sister of Hecuba. She was married to Thymoetes, brother of Priam [son of LaoMEDON]. On the same day that Hecuba bore Paris, Cilla bore Munippus, to Priam..." This was the Keturah-Abraham line, and Laomedon (father of an Abram-like term) is suspect with mythical Medon, son of Kodros, traceable to Medan, son of Keturah (Genesis 25). There was another Thymoetes, king of Athens. However, I was unable to clinch a Cilla trace to Cilnius', but the theory was entertained because Maecenas was a Mysian suspect. Keturah traces to Kotor, earlier home of Saraca's who ended up in Ragusa (Dalmatia), and then Julia Maesa's father was commissioned to DalMATIA by "Saraca"-like Caracalla, son of Julia's sister.

The similarity between "Dalmatia" and "Mathis" is a good reason to trace the Cavii on the Mathis to the namers of the Sava/Save. The Save's (Burgundy, same as Mathis') are using another one of those bends shared by Gras'/Grasse's, for example, but the Save bend is linkable to the Botter bend. The Saviours/Severs (same place as Quints) smack of Severus, father of Caracalla Bassianus, which may indicate that the earlier Severus Bassus was named by Sava / Cavii elements, jibing perfectly with the previous trace of the Mathis-river Taulantii to this same Bassus family. There was not much more than a century between the two Severus'.

The Saviours/Severs happen to use annulets in colors reversed from the Till annulets, or in the colors of the Vita annulets, and then Julius AVITus (Alexianus surname) married Julia Maesa. It's a great reason to trace the Bassianus' to QuadraTILLa Bassus. The Saviors also share a blue fesse with Cullis'. To prove that the Maesa family trace to the white-on-blue lamb of lamas', the Scheffs (Hesse) were just looked up as per the Sceviour variation of Saviours, and that got an upright lamb in those very colors, and it moreover looks linkable to the Baut/Baux ram. The Scheffs (Scarf colors) are properly Schaefers, but ignore the write-up's derivation, of course. The Scarf wolf heads are in the design of the Quade's.

I am now absolutely convinced that Severus Bassus was a Cavii liner, and that he or his son was somehow related to a Taulantii line. This is an astounding find and claim, for Caepio's and Caiaphas were suspect from the Cavii, and yet I could not make the Cavii link to Severus Bassus as well as I would have liked it, until the last few paragraphs cleared the fog. This is also important for readers who rolled their eyes and abandoned my work due to a Maccabee trace to the Mathis river. It sounds so nutty. But Severus Bassus to my rescue, for his Akmonia location has got to be the Hasmonean entity. I win. The Masons lose. Hurray for me, I have not wasted nearly ten years for nothing. Let the Masons lose everything. They are unworthy of honor.

Saviours were first found in the same place as MontFITCHets, first found in the same place as FITHEE-using Quints, and the Montfitchets are likely using the triple chevrons of Clare's, first found in the same place (Suffolk) as the Leuveisie's liners thought to be from Vis-de-Lou elements. The son of Ranulph le Meschin had a surname said to be from Montfitchet. This goes back to the Musts of Suffolk as they linked hard to Italian Leuvens sharing three chevrons in the colors of the same of Montfitchets. Muschampe elements then traced to Llewenne of Wales, not far from the Meschins of Cheshire, and not far from where Clermonts'/Clements were first found.

The Saviour/Severe fesse is given a nebuly border, same as Marina's and related Clements (besants) whom I've traced to the Murena's/Moratins that Cilnius Maecenas married. This makes "CLEM" suspect with a CILN-like surname. When learning that "Clermonts" is unexpectedly listed with Clements, it was realized that the Clement besants are those of French Clairs, first found in the same place as Seconds.

I need to stress this idea that Maecenas traces to Maezaei while Lamatis is suspect with the Mathis, for I traced Mattathias, the first-known Hasmonean (of Israel) to the Mathis elements, but before that claimed that the first Maccabee (Mattathias' son) would prove to be from the ancestry of Cilnius Maecenas (born roughly at the time of the first Maccabee brothers). I came to feel fairly strongly that Kellys/Killia's ("Turris" motto term) would trace to Cilnius'. That theory sits waiting to be clinched. The Mathis' using the Chives moline were first found in the same place (Burgundy) as Primo's. As the Chills/Childs were suspect with the Cilnius', it's notable that the Chill eagle is spread and white, symbol also of English KILNers/Kelners, while German Kelners are also "Keller", thus opening the door for Cilnius liners to Kell-like terms without the 'n'. Kelners/Kellers use a key in colors reversed from FIVE keys of Sheaves'/Chiapponi's, a branch of Sava-suspect Shaws. Yes, the namers of the Sava may have been both the Cavii and the Shawia Numidians. Just trace the Maezaei to king Massena (of Numidia), and he to "Maecenas."

Saffers/Savarys (Burgundy again, same place as Save's) use FIVE falcons (not spread) in the colors of the Chill/Child eagle. The Keller-like Sellers use the same swan as French Josephs, as well as the colors and format of Chills/Childs. Hello, is anyone appreciating this sacrifice of mine? Is anyone there? English Saffers ("Aut VITA") were first found in the same place as Chives'. It's just as though the freaky Masons knew of their trace to Julius Avitus and Septimius Severus, but weren't telling for obvious reasons.

Take a Guiss Why Washingtons are Codden Liners

I beg your pardon, but I've been calling the Saffer bird a crane, whereas it's said to be a heron, welcome because Orne's are listed with Herons. And Akmonia is now under investigation for a trace to Exmes in Orne. The Heron herons are in the colors of the Saffer falcons, no coincidence. The Orne's/Horns are on a separate page showing the Heron Coat exactly, and the Athorne variation links with certainty to the Hawthorns because they were deciphered as Hauteville's while Saffers use "Aut" ("Haut" was found earlier in the Legger motto). As Hauteville's / Tancreds furnished Guiscards, we simply take notice of Scottish Chappes', first found in the same place as Guiscards, and trace the Chappes' to Severus liners in Orne. Who were those Severus liners in Orne? The Guiscards, quite apparently. Yes, the Hauteville's. I don't even know where Hauteville is, as I write.

But the Leggers share the Caves / Caen fretty while Caen is beside the Exmes circle, and on the Orne river! Therefore, Leggers trace to the Orne. In fact, I claimed that Calvados, where Caen is located, was named by Cavii.

Looking into it, there was one Hauteville in AISNE!!! Amazing coincidence. It's Mr. Proculus' ghost at Hauteville. The Hauteville in Savoy must be the Audeville in the Aude write-up, said to be in Savoy. That suggests that Aude's were Hauteville's. But which of the many Hauteville's was first, and how many are directly related to a main trunk? Were they all from Orne? The Hauteville of Savoy (purple) is in Chambery, down the Arc river from Chambre. The purple bow of Comforts is on a horn. The Aude's use swords while Herons and Orne's were first found in Northumberland, thus linking Guiscard liners to Siward (Sewards use purple leopards). The Hauteville of the Guiscards is in Manche:

Hauteville-la-Guichard is a commune in the Manche department...

It is famous as the original stronghold of the Hauteville family who made their fortunes in southern Italy and Sicily as the Norman kings of Sicily, beginning with the modest Norman seigneur Tancred of Hauteville...

The Hauteville family is said to descend from Hiallt, a Norseman who is said to have settled in the Cotentin and founded the village of Hialtus Villa (Hauteville) in 920, the later family's toponym coming from this town. From just which village of Hauteville the family drew its name is hard to identify with certainty, though modern scholarship favours Hauteville-la-Guichard.

Was Hiallt a mythical character of legend? When, in the Hauteville-family article, it says, "they are said to be descended from Hiallt," who said it, and why does this sort of statement arise when introducing legendary figures? Why did eight of Tancred's 12 sons go to Italy to beat up the peoples there in order to secure thrones for themselves? Was Manche insufficient beauty for them? What sort of bottomless stomachs had these vikings? Ask the modern globalists, still not satisfied with what they control. And that's why there is a vast abyss prepared for them, and their countless ilk. The ones who remained in Normandy are said to have furnished Somerset and Wiltshire/Berkshire branches. The Cowes', suspect from Cowes in Wight, use pennants linkable to the Guiscard piles.

? They are said to have been HALSville's and Hauville's, but even those surnames do not come up at houseofnames. Who were they by other surnames? The Hals'/Halse's/Halls' (Devon) use griffin heads in colors reversed from the Hall / Hall talbot heads. They could be of the black-fesse liners mentioned earlier. They are apparently using the Touque's/Took griffin heads in the same colors. "Halse" brings House's to mind that linked to Heslington House / Siward's Howe of Siward of Northumberland. Both Hals surnames are in Height/Hite colors, and the latter were first found in Derbyshire. I suppose that Halls and Hulls may have been Hauteville's, but there has got to be more to it prior to the formation of Hauteville. The Hite's can link to Hiedlers/Hitlers because they show two symbols of Ectors, while Pollocks, with an AudACTER motto term suspect with both Aude liners and Ectors, trace well to Mrs. Polzl, mother of Adolf Hitler.

Hitlers share an Enfield griffin with Kellys, and Fields/Feelys are traced in their write-up to a term similar to what Kellys are traced to in their write-up. Feelys could be Fallis / Falaise / Fuller / Feller liners because I trace Pollocks to Roquefeuils, and then "Hiallt" can feasibly be the same as "Feuil." The Tankerville write-up suggests a reason as to why "the tanner" of Falaise may apply to Tancreds. In the Exmes circle, one can see TINCHeBRAY roughly between Falaise and Hauteville, and the Brays trace to Bra on / off the Tanaro river. Brays are said to be from Broc, and thus may be Proculus liners.

English Hulse's are in Tinker colors and share piles with Guiscards. German Hulse's (ram), first found in the same place as Hazel-related Dussels, use a giant version of the House / Hazel leaf, now dragging House and Hazel liners to the Hauteville's. That's a big deal for understanding who the Hauteville's really were. German Hulse's are said to be from a Huls location near Dusseldorf. But why is the Hulse leaf upside-down, like the Bauer-suspect wings of Geneva's/Genova's?

Tinkers are in Hals colors, and share antlers with Cone's (Kent, same place as similar Hamons, similar Touque's/Tooks, and similar Foggs) suspect in the pine cones of German Tanners. This traces also to the pine cones of Maschi's (I traced Hitler's mother to Maschi's), and the Rimini area of Maschi's is honored in the motto of antler-using Hamons, who share the chevron and format of Tinkers. English Tanners were first found in the same place as Hals'! I get it. It recalls that Conte's, who share the Cone antlers, traced to the naming of Cotentin/Contentin, smack beside Hauteville. Cone's use a "gauntlet" hand traceable to Maceys, Wayne's and Fane's/Veyne's, and of course to Gaunts / Ghents of Kent sharing the Tanner Shield. There is a talbot in the Tanner Crest (see also the William talbot) that can bring Halls and Hulls into this picture. But proto-Talbots trace to Severus Bassus (traced hard to Herons / Orne's), he in a line suspect to the Bessin in the thick of this Hauteville discussion. Conteville's were first found in the same place (Durham) as Orne's/Horns/Athorne's, the latter being the one's who sidetracked the topic to Hauteville's, and then the Orne river flows through / beside the Bessin.

The question is: did Rollo encounter lines from the killers of Christ, and many of their descendants, in France when he came to Normandy, or did these families come to France with Rollo in the first place? In order to answer this question, one needs to know the origin of the particular Norman families involved. And I have no skill in this whatsoever. But I did trace the killers of Christ to the Varni of the 1st century, and Rollo is suspect with some Varangian make-up. Vere's lived in a Vere location of Manche, and Freemasons are suspect in the Freie and Mason surnames: "According to Goffredo Malaterra's chronicle the fourth son by Tancred's second wife, Fressenda,or Freisen, descendent from Frei, Avril or Aubrey, was one Aubrey or Alverardus who remained behind in Normandy." Aprils/Avrils use a pine tree. As the early Vere's used the Aubrey name, it appears that one can trace Freemasons to this Freisen marriage to the Rollo Normans, with the Masons (same place as Hamons) being the same as the Manche Masseys. Varangians were founded on the Frisia border, and thus Varangian Rus are suspect in Rosicrucianism. The antlers we saw above trace to the antler of Veringers, don't they? Tinker a bit about this, and you will be illuminated.

The Tate's use a motto, "Thincke and Thancke,' and then Tate's use the raven, symbol of certain vikings with a Stout surname. It looks like Tate's, suspect from lake Tatta, were merged with Tinkers / Tancreds. It is perfectly in line with a Bassus trace from the Tatta area to Normandy. Aubreys ("fero" motto term) were first found in the same place as Clements/Clermonts', in BRECHnoch. The Brechs (same place as Meschins) are also "BRITCH," recalling the Prick/Pritchard surname suspect with Proculus liners. The Brechs use the antelope suspect with the Derbe / Tatta area, and moreover use HORNs, what a coincidence. Brechs likely trace to Brians (horn) and therefore to Briancon/BRIGantium, and that place was suspect months ago with BROGitarus, ancestor of Bassus. The Briquessarts of the Bessin are suspect from Brigantium too, and the old Brian lions were once showing in the Oxford Chief, while the Oxford bars are in the colors of the Stout bars. Just vikings, thieves and other poor slobs who made a bed in Hell for themselves. But they want to be honored to this day as something special in the eyes of a twisted Masonic god, and they will force their globalist religions and ideals upon us all. They are still making a bed for themselves in hell. The Oxford lion is that of Brocks, isn't it? And minus the blue bars, the Oxford Coat is the Prock/Brocuff and Brock Shield.

One of the eight sons of Tancred, who went to Italy to find what Wikipedia describes as honor, was Drago. There was a Drago de Bewere (see the Blade write-up) probably in code in the Arms-of-Oxford beaver. The Bewere surname with variations looking like branches of Bauers / Burleys/Bourlys. The latter use boars in Blade colors, both on green Shields like the Bauers and Bowers, and the green Oxford beaver. The first Rothschild, a Bauer, sent his son to England, and the Rothschilds there are suspect at Oxford, beside Berkshire, where Beavers were first found who may be using the three Brian lions. German Beavers (Coat compares with Hiedlers/Hitlers and Weiners) were first found in the same place (Bavaria) as Bauers. The Jewish founder of the Bavarian Illuminati, who lived at the time of the first Rothschild, was Adam WEIShaupt, and then Guiscards show Wise-using variations.

The WEINShaupt variation of Weishaupts gets to the Weins' sharing the Zionists stars of Weis'/Wise's, both first found in Bavaria, and the so-called elephant trunks in the Weins Crest are used in this Arms of Rothschild. On the other side of the beaver, the Arms of Oxford uses an elephant, and not because elephants roam the Thames riverside along with the oxen. The Weins' use grape vines, called "a BUNCH of grapes," like the "bunch of cherries" with the Froggit parrot. I'm not underestimating this Illuminati link to Frog liners.

The Weishaupt/Weinhaupt Coat uses an iBEX goat, and then the Bex surname (Dutch) uses just a giant anchor, the Hope/Hood symbol too, as well as that of some Vere liners such as Fairs. They would like for us to believe that Weishaupt is named after Weis-head, but the "WeinHAUP" variation suggests merger with the Hope's...suspect with Opgalli. English Hope's (besants) were even first found in Derbyshire (same as Froggits), and Opgalli was suspect at or near Derbe. The Hagelshiemer variation of the Bavarian Heids (see Heidler anchor) does in fact link to Hagels because the latter linked to two symbols in the Arms of Kyburg (beside Zurich, the Arms of which traces to the Hiedler/Hitler / Weiner Shield), one of which is a gold-on-black lion, used also by Austrian Weiners along with a black eagle, the Hagel-Crest symbol.

The gold lion of Kyburg was suspect in the Kings and Kingstons, and Hulls were from Hull-on-Kingston, in Yorkshire, location of Heslington Hall, and this recalls that Hulse's (kin of Huls') are Hazel elements...such as Heslingons/Hazeltons. The question is, who came first, Hauteville's or Halls / Halls? Either way, Halls / Halls are tracing to Manche, the ancient Alauna. Now that starts to make sense, and Alauna was traced to Lyncestes of the Paeonia area. In short, Hauteville's and Hulls look like Alans/Alengs, from Lync-like Langhe (Cuneo), at the Tanaro theater. The Stewart pelican traces to Pelagonia, beside Lyncestes. You need to lump the Lux's/Luchs into this.

If we were wondering why Weishaupts should be Weinhaupts too, perhaps they are both rooted in "Wie," like "KYburg." The Why surname ("Quo" motto term) happens to be listed with Guiss', and that should explain the Wise-using variations of Guiscards. I suppose what I'm finding is that Guiscards (and likely the Guis/Guido surname) are central to the founders of the Bavarian Illuminati. Why do the Why's look like both Quince and Quint liners? Because, the illuminati must trace to the killers of Christ whom have decided to continue to kill him, or tread foot upon Jesus' face, to this day. Wise they are not.

The Why's are said to be from Guise in France, beside Proix, and so let's mention that Quadratilla is expected at Qewe/Kue/Que, suspect in the "Quo" motto term of Why's. That makes Proix suspect as a Proculus liner. If correct, expect the Why-Crest swan to be that of Joseph Caiaphas. I wrote the above while the Guise article was loading, and what do you know, it's in AISNE!!! The last time Aisne was mentioned, it was the location of a Hauteville. Therefore, the Why's were part of the Guiscard stupids who didn't know enough to live a good life and mind your own business, never mind tearing up the bodies and lives of everyone that gets into the way of your wicked schemes. The Arms of Guise is a rampant white-on-blue lion, colors reversed from the Caepio-line lion. Guise is in Picardy. The Guise's moved into Bedfordshire.

No Proix surname comes up. The dukes of Guise used the potent cross that was the Arms of Jerusalem; just compare it to that same design in the Prock/Brocuff Chief, of that helps to identify the namers of Proix. At the lower-right of the Arms, the two curved fish of the Brunswick Bars/Baars are included. At the top-left, the Crispin bars are expected.

Recall the nails in the heart, in the colors of the Proctor nails, for Aisne's (share blue Shield with Asners/Eisners) use nothing but hearts (Weis colors). The hearts are in the colors of the same of Wagers (reflective of Hope Coat) with a WAIGer variation like the Wies/Weiser surname (same colors), and this could reveal Weis / Guiscard liners with Wagrians, on the Warnow river of the Varni. I had insisted that Herod liners went to be with the Varni, and the most likely candidates seemed to be the Herods of Comminges, with Roquefeuil elements at Rostock. Comminges is suspect with the Comyn/Commings surname with a Coat like that of Wagrians. Wager were first found in Yorkshire with the Caepio-lion Bruce's.

Zowie, it just so happens that the "Courage" motto term of Gage's, looked up as per the Wage variation of Wagers, is the full motto of the Comyns! Gage's share an hourglass Shield (my term) with Guis'/Guido's. Gage's have a Gaacy variation in Hagel-suspect L'Aigle, and that tends to prove that Weis' were Wassa's/Gace's, proto-Washingtons. The Gace location is on the Touques, while the Conteville location is on the map near the mouth of the Touques, proving that Comyns were Conteville liners. But the Touque's us where the Tigranes liners are expected.

The Gage surname was also "Gaugi / Gauchi," suggesting an Italian version of the Gooch's/Googe's and Goughs/Gochs (in the colors of the Arms of Guise). French Gage's/Geigers (Wager colors and format) were in Calvados, and use the same eagles as Spinks. This makes the Washingtons suspect as Gog liners, and it goes to my theory that Wassa's derive from Wassukanni, the ancient capital of the Mitanni. The household of Yuya, the horse trainer of Pharaoh Akhenaten, is said by some to have been part of the Mitanni that were making alliances with the Egyptians. Tiye, Yuya's daughter, I think it was, was an Egyptian queen, and I had been asking (years ago) whether her name led to Tige-like terms!!! The Teague's on the Touques, you see. Recall Tigullio at the Fieschi theater of Lavagna.

On what the reader would have considered too wild to believe, I traced "Yuya" to "Gugu/Gyges" of Lydia, a quasi-mythical king of 700 BC, not long before Ezekiel prophesied concerning Gog. This trace can explain why the Wassa surname should also develop Gog-like variations. Akhenaten was traced to mythical Aedon and Aeson, and the latter may have furnished Asners/Eisners and Eisenhowers. I have just loaded the Dwight surname as per president Dwight Eisenhower, and it not only uses a TIGER (!!!), but was first found in Derbyshire (!!!), where roughly I've been tracing Teegers, and important because I predicted that Caiaphas would trace to something in Derbe as it related to Avezzano and the Avis/Avison surname, the latter sharing the three garbs of Josephs and Comyns. Were Dwights something like d'Wide's / d'Weights, from the same that named "Guido"?

After writing here late, I added the following above: "You might want to remember the WACHTer variation [of Fieschi-suspect Fechters] when I get to showing unexpected variations of the Washington surname, including the Wessels/Gastels, for it's making Fessys suspect as a Wassa line." The Fessys were traced suggestively / tentatively to Phocaea (suspect with Phocis), in downtown Lydia. Recall the horn-using Weights with "FOCIS" motto term, for Wide's can be Weis liners. Phocis was beside Thebes, where the Aedon line from AkhenATEN (created the Atun sun god) traces.

Repeat: "Gilberts (squirrel) are very traceable to squirrel-using Decks/Daggers, though the "Teg" motto term of Gilberts can also be for Teague's / Tease'/Tighs...which can trace to Tigullio at Lavagna." The Gilberts are thus suspect with Tiye liners, and the Dexters are the ones with "weights" in Crest as code for Weights! This is tracing Washingtons to the Dexaroi / Antipatria.

The Gage Coat can now link to the Gophers. Apparently, there is no Wagri term in the history books before the 800s. What were the Wagrians prior to that? Or what named them? I'm predicting that they were Wassukanni liners. Such terms can become, or derive in, Bassu-like terms, like the Buzau river of the Cotesii, who trace to Cotys = proto-Lydians. The Mitanni were beside or at Mannae, where Manes, father of Cotys, can derive in. As Gog traces to Gogarene at swan-suspect Sevan, it's notable that Wessels, suspect from Vestalis, son of king Cottius, use the Comyn garbs again, as well as swans. The Wessels with Gastell variation were traced to Wassa's at Gace on the Touques! Note that the Wessel bend with garbs has an Asner / Leslie look to it. VEStalis may have been named after Wassa / Weis...or even Vis-de-Lou liners. The Viu river near Vestalis' capital links to the Vio variation of Guido-like Vito's.

The Riparia was traced to Rephaites at mount Gareb, and "Gareb" was traced to "Jerevan" beside Gogarene. The Rephaites became suspect with the raven symbol, used by Ralphs, and then, as per Ralph Wastel (1182) in the Wessel write-up, I've just looked up Ralph de Wacy. There had been a Robert fitz Gilbert (Clare-Tonbridge), guardian of William the Conqueror: "It is believed two of [Robert's] killers were Ralph de Wacy and Robert de VITOt, the latter also implicated in the plot to kill William." Recall that Vis-de-Lou elements had been traced by a writer to Suffolk elements, for Ralph Wastel is said to have been in Suffolk. Virtually everything in that discussion was red and white, Wassa / Washington colors, and it had included the Musts sharing double red-on-white bars with Washingtons. The Musts (and related Love's/Luffs) even use lion heads in colors reversed to the Whistle/Wissel lions. I still do not know where in Normandy Vis de Lou = Fidelow was located.

"Richard FitzGilbert de Clare, seigneur de BIENfaite et d'ORBec...", father of Gilbert Crispin, and son of Ronais De Tellieres. Recall the ORB symbol of Beaune (Burgundy). Bienfaite should be of Saint-Martin-de-Bienfaite-la-Cressonniere at the Touques theater, for that's where Orbec is located. Like the Tills suspect from the Tellieres surname above, the Arms of Orbec use the colors of URBans. The Arms is also suspect with the Masci fleur-de-lys because Urbans are related to the Maezaei / Masci's, and that LYS fleur can thus go to the namers of Lisieux. The Meschins had married the Clare's of Tonbridge. Beaune is in Burgundy, where Messeys were first found, and as the Carrick motto in full is, "Garde bien," note that Gards (Bisset colors) share a "Toujours" motto term with Yonge's from the Una river, and that the UNIack variation of Irish Gards (share hawk's lure with Cheshire's) was traced to the Una river, one major river over from the Urbanus.

Orbec thus traces to the Urbranus, home of the Cerauni, probably at Bisset-suspect Bistue. The Gard motto in full (Toujours fidele) is that also of Proctors, and while the Proctor martlet was suspect as that of French Josephs, the Gard griffins are a replacement of the martlets of Pullys/Pullens (key Guiscard kin), in both colors of the Joseph martlet. Proculus thus traces again to the Urbanus / Una rivers, land of the Maezaei or Dalmatia, where Julia's Domna's father was commissioned by Carrick-suspect Caracalla. That should explain why the Carrick motto is tracing to the Urbanus / Una.

In the said article, there had been one Milo Leu VEISE of Suffolk. And there was also "WIDington-Veysie's" and "Gilbert Leuveis, called Veysy." These extra-ordinary Washington links are difficult, but if one takes the time to sort through it all, launching off from bits and pieces throughout this update, a good understanding of Washington migratory paths shows up, going right through the Lydian / Ladon dragon that had 100 heads (many tribes) as hint of the complications involved.

I've just seen that German Wessels/Wassels (a HORN, traces to Orne, where GUIScards had apparently shown), with an antler in the colors of the Wassa star, use a split Shield in colors reversed from of the same of Eisenhowers!

The Half/Help surname shares the hourglass in the same colors as in the Gage Coat, and the Halfs share red lions on their hourglass with Guis'/Guido's. I had claimed that Guidi (around the RENO river, I had to assume) merged with GUERIN of Provence (800s), suspect with the Varni. The Gage write-up has a WARIN de Gaacy (Wacy) of Bedfordshire, and I had just read that Guise's moved into Bedfordshire (Varni were also "Warni"). Guido Guerra III married a granddaughter of RAINier/Renier of Montferrat, and then you can read in the Wagri article that they merged with the RANI and the Lutici owners of Svetovit, suspect with the four horsemen of Revelation that kick-off the end-time upheaval. Leave it to the bottomless-stomach vikings, eh?

I realized that you may not understand how the portcullis became code for Proculus while owned by Ports/Ports. I'll explain this in the next update. I do not think that the Porters created the heraldic portcullis. That's what creates the difficulty. As the portcullis traces to Seatons by multiple arguments, the Porter bells are not due to a doorbell theme, but are of the Bellamy-line Bells (both share the same fesse, colors reversed to the Bernice fesse). The Bello's/Bellows (Bouillon colors) share white cinquefoils with Potters, first found in the same place as Botters and Buttons. Porters/Pawters were Potters, weren't they? Porters were not named after a door man, were they? What were they named after? Porters were Yates liners, themselves suspect from Gate's or a Gate-like surname, but Porters were not gate keepers with little bells, were they?

As the Tills have proven to be Tailers, and because I trace them to Taulantii Illyrians, these are suspect with the family of Quadratus, as though he married a Taulantii liner as to explain the "till" in his daughter's name. Or, perhaps, his mother or father was a Taulantii liner. After all, Taulantii lived to the south of Lissus, suspect with Lisieux beside Exmes. And Lissus was beside Bassania, suspect with the Bassus surname of Quadratus. This makes so much sense, especially as the birth of Caiaphas is expected both from the Cavii peoples at Lissus, and with Julius Severus himself (Quadratus' father, in case you can't keep these names straight). Severus' parents are said to be unknown, which may be hiding Caiaphas' family.

Cavii Illyrians are expected with the Caves' sharing the fretty Shield of Caens, suggesting Cavii liners to be found near Caen, itself near Lisieux. Caen (Bessin) is downstream on the Orne from Exmes / Heimes, and is expected to trace to Herod liners of the Cooper kind in relation to Cannes / Antibes. We saw a good reason to trace Herods, suspect at Antibes, to Dexaroi in Antipatria, which was on the edge of the Taulantii theater.

I'll need to assume that "Exmes" is a variation of Heismes, which is also "Heimes." For example, William of Heimes / Heime is said to be of Heismes too. Heimes' are listed with the Swiss Heims. Why Swiss? The Dexaroi migration to Ticino? The Sens' were first found in Switzerland, but they use the same patee as Cambridge's, and are suspect with Sions/Swans sharing swans with Cambridge's. As the Sens use a Coat like the Aurelia Coat, they likely trace to the ancient Sensii, beside the Cotesii. It was in the last update when I realized for the first time that the SAUNier Coat was a version of the Aurelia Coat, meaning that Saunier's wire Sens / Sion liners, how about that, for it's tracing Aurelia Cotta to Sion with Seatons.

The father of William Heimes was on the SEINE river, not at Exmes, however. He married a HARcourt, who were Danes i.e. like the rulers of Exmes earlier in this update. Harcourts, from a Harcourt location in the same place as Caen, and/or a Harcourt location in Eure, use the peacock and share double fesse bars with Manners/Maness' having the same peacock.

Repeat: " The Pricks/Prickards/PRITchards were likewise [as with Tillieres'] first found in Glamorganshire, and so mark them down as potential Proculus liners. They use a lion in the colors of the Till(y) dragon." This had me looking at BRITTs as though they were Proculus liners, for the Britts share a red Crest, and a gold Shield, with Proctors. The Britts are traced to a SAUNford Bret (Somerset location). Is that the Brock lion in the Britt Crest??? Perhaps Proculus liners, when they merged with Alans of Brittany, developed Brit-like variations. All sorts of possibilities arise here, such as Pratts, Bradds, and Prude's. German Bretts and English Pritts/Prettys share gold-on-red stars. Italian Prettys/Preti's/PreVITE's were first found in Treviso, where Vita's were first found, which recalls that Vito's may be using the Till annulets.


Especially for new or confused readers
shows where I'm coming from.

For serious investigators:
How to Work with Bloodline Topics

Here's what I did when I had spare time on my hands:
Ladon Gog and the Hebrew Rose

On this page, you will find evidence enough that NASA did not put men on the moon.
Starting at this paragraph, there is a single piece of evidence
-- the almost-invisible dot that no one on the outside was supposed to find --
that is enough in itself to prove the hoax.
End-times false signs and wonders may have to do with staged productions like the lunar landing.

If you have received emails supposedly from me, and they look like advertisements
or anything unflattering and unexpected from me,
they were not from me but by someone using my email box to send it.

The rest of the Gog-in-Iraq story is in PART 2 of the
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