The last update investigated four-faced Svetovit, said to be named after Vit-like entity. It was found to trace well to Pole's, and I just happened to have had the theory that mythical SiemoWIT of Poland was code for WITkowo, a place with an all-seeing eye that must therefore trace to the eye-using Watts and Vatts/Watters. From this, the goddess, Uat, of ancient Egypt was considered as the ancient root of Svetovit, which recalled that I traced watts to White's and Wittelsbachs, and then found some evidence that Wittelsbachs traced through BUDApest, important because Uat was called Buto too, and moreover there was a BudaPEST-like Bast/Baset goddess that applied closely to Buto. Budapest is named after two side-by-side cities, Buda and Pest. Svetovit was traced to the Danube river downstream from Budapest. More specifically, I traced Svetovit to the Ratriara location, suspect with mythical Arpad, the Hungarian founder (Budapest became the Hungarian capital).I found Ratiaria when finding myself at an Oescus river that applied to McLeods/Lutts, whom I ventured to trace some years ago to "Aluta," now the Olt river on the west side of some Carpathian peaks, directly across from the Angusta area off an Agarus river. The Bastarnicae are on the map below, stretching south as far as the source of the Aluta. Their neighboring AGARus is therein called the Hierasus river, suspect with elements of Hera, whom I equated with Horus, the ancient all-seeing-eye cult known to be connected with Uat-Buto. The Hagars, whom I am tracing to "Agarus, share the white-on-blue hexagram, or what I call a Zionist star, with Ratiaria-like Redders, and then the owners of the Svetovit cult were Redarians (Pomerania). Agarus is shown on this other map below. The Cogaeonus (I have recently called it wrongly, the Gogaeonus), is suspect with Gog, and appears to be the river upon which the Bastarnicae are stamped on the other map. There is a good argument for tracing Gogarene/Gugar to the Cogaeonus, for before knowing of this river, I had traced proto-Hera and proto-Aras to Jerusalem's mount Gareb, from "JEREVan, off the Aras river and right at "Soducena," itself near Gogarene (shown). Gogarene was in CAUCasia, and the Agarus/Hierasus is marked at CAUCaensii. This tends to support an identification of the Agarus with the Hera / Ares cult (Ares was father of Eros), which I've always traced to the Hros peoples, a term like "Horus," and this is very Svetovit-important because the old Nordics called their horse, a "hross." This is very good for connecting Svetovit with the four horses of Revelation, a topic of the last update. failed to see "RHATacensii" in the last update, to the west of the Cogaeonus / Bastarnicae. The Rhatacensii are above the BURRIDensii (not mentioned in the last update), the latter at the source of the Aluta along with the Bastarnicae! The last update brought us to the Bird/BURD surname, from the "birdbolt" symbol of Riggs, which speaks to mythical Rig, suspect with the Rugians, the owners of Svetovit! Amazing, for this tends to clinch a Svetovit trace to the Burridensii / Bastarnicae / Rhatacensii peoples. To the north of the Bastarnicae there is a Bastarmae term, beside the Biessi, suggesting the Bessy surname with Bast-like variations. It also suggests the Bessi at the sources of the Oescus river, near Ares-suspect Arsus. The Bolts were first found in Mecklenburg, home of Redarians.
The birdbolt is a code-work term for an arrow, symbol of the Hungarians, for they are thought / said to be named after "ten arrows," making the 11 billets of French Bessys/Bassets (at/near Mont Pilat) interesting, for they are in the colors of the "Andrew's Cross" of Scotland, which flag I trace with Leslie's and Drummonds to king Andrew I of Hungary. It just so happens that the last update has the first-ever trace of the Scottish-royal Duncans to Dunax, at the RHODope mountains near the Bessi and the source of the Oescus. The Leslie and Drummond Hungarians had become close to Malcolm III, a son of king Duncan. Moreover, Drummonds use the same wavy bars (same colors even) as Bassets, while Bissets, in Bessy/Baset colors, were first found at ROSS-shire, beside Moray, where Malcolm ruled. The Drummonds were partly Varangian RUS because they were born from George, a son of king Andrew I, whom is mentioned in an ancient document as being in Scotland in 1055, two years after Malcolm III became king, and one year after Siward of Northumberland defeated MacBeth of Moray, the one who killed kind Duncan.
This Siward is the reason for the Sword surname that I am now tracing to the Serdes of Serdica, smack on the Oescus and near Dunax. This is an amazing revelation. The last update found the white-on-red lion of the Dankers/Dankins when seeking other Dunax-like terms, and that's the Ross lion too (I failed to get that in the last update). The Ross' are said to be from an unidentified Andrew, but I get it.
The Scott surname was linked in the last update to the royal Scots, but let's add here that while the Scott Coat is the Terras Coat too, the latter uses "Amore" as the full motto while Amore's were first found in the same place as Damorys using a version of the Drummond / Basset bars. One can start to get the impression that Bassets were from the Bast cult that named Pest, and moreover the Bastarnicae are stamped along the peaks of the CARPathians, named quite obviously by the Carpi whom on one map above are stamped to the near-north of Budapest (Aquincum), and to the near-west of the Biessi. That works. But the Carpi / Carpae were also the Arpii, the obvious namers of Arpad, from Arpad/ARADos in Syria. This city can be suspect as the root of the Rhatacensii and similar terms. Arados (an island), according to Wikipedia, named Tartus (on shore from Arados), and from that one gets to the mythical underground, Tartarus, which is a theme in Revelation 9's locusts that looked like horses prepared for battle.
These locusts come form an ABYSS (similar Greek word uses), and then mythical Abas had an Abantian peoples on Euboea, the location of Eritrea, which in the last update was linkable to Ratiaria / Redarians as well as Berenice Agrippa of Chalcis. That was an interesting part of the Svetovit topic all itself. The Burns use a version of the Bernice Coat (both are suspect with the Traby horn), but Burns use a blue chevron, the color of the Carpenter chevron. Carpenters can be used to trace to the Agarus river with Fullers, Belli's and Bacons/Beacons, and Carpenters are suspect with the Carpae. The Bacons/BEACons are suspect with Trebizond- and Traby-suspect Beaks (wavy Basset bars in different colors), sharing an ostrich with Bast-like Bests. What a "coincidence" where Bastarnicae are on the Carpathians.
The last update got to the Bustards sharing a BUStard with Traps. The Bests happen to use a "legiBUS" motto term for what I consider to be lines of Nahorite Buzites, important because Nahor's first son, Uts (or Anglicized as "Uz"), is suspect at the naming of Uat. Her Buto alternative can then trace to Buzite suspects such as the Budini smack at/beside an ancient Trypillia location to the south of Kiev. Apparently, the Budini named Budapest along with proto-Bests. Dutch Bests/Beests (like Beaston of Cheshire) share red-and-white bars with Carpenters, Belli's and Fullers (share beacon with a Belli surname), and the latter use three in horizontal positioning, like the Basset / Drummond bars. The Belli surname sharing the Carpenter motto was first found in Moray i.e. same place as Bissets, and these Belli's share a blue chevron with Carpenters, making Berenice and Herod Agrippa suspect with Carpenter liners in Transylvania. Why should that be? What stake did Herods have in Transylvania?
The Belli's are also "Beilley," and in the colors of the Baileys that list "Balas," the surname of king Alexander Balas, the one I highly suspect in the Maccabee line to a marriage with Herods of the AristoBULUS kind. I don't recall off-hand how close Berenice (daughter of Herod Agrippa) was to the Maccabee-pertinent Aristobulus, but I get this now. The blue chevron has opened its mouth to divulge a great secret of Freemasonic roots.
As I trace the Balas/Bailey Coat to the Winchester Coat, I am suddenly reminded of "AQUINcum," the early name of Budapest. But Winchesters are related to Saer de Quincy, and Quincys/Quince's have traced very well to Quints, suggesting now that lines from Quintus Caepio went through Aquincum, for the Bests share the gold fitchee with the Winchester Crest and the Quint Crest!!! Zowie, that serves a double purpose in tracing even the Bests to the namers of Pest. While the reader might like to hold-off on tracing Quints to Quintus Caepio, the least that this paragraph does with some reasonable certainty is to trace Quince's to proto-Budapest. Balas'/Baileys share the Wheelwright antelope design, and Quince's look like a branch of Rouens that, in the last update, looked like the Rujani that named the Rugians.
I and my readers of the time had it from an emailer that a blue lion should trace to "something like "Cappeo," and this was before I know of Quintus Caepio. It just so happens that a blue lion is in the Winchester Crest in front of the gold fitchee of Quints. The information from the reader led me to claim that the blue lion would trace to Joseph Caiaphas, though at the time I didn't know that he was also called, Kuppai: "The Babylonian Talmud (Yevamot 15B) gives the family name [of Caiaphas] as Kuppai." Winchesters were first found in the same place as Josephs with a "mago" motto term. Wikipedia article says that "Joseph Caiaphas" should be understood as Joseph, son of Caiaphas. That's possible, but in any case he was a son of a Caepio, I am certain. Perhaps this trace to Aquincum will help to unveil Caiaphas' mother and grandparents. It seems that I should be linking the Agrippa's to the namers of Aquincum, if, that is, Berenice Agrippa is behind the Burns and Bernice surnames. She was mother to one Berenicianus, but there was another Berenicianus, from Julius Alexander (son of Tigranes and Opgalli) of Aristobulus-Maccabee line.
I've just looked up the Keens (Aquincum-like term) to find them listed with Keons. The Keens share the so-called cat-a-mountain with Caiaphas-suspect Chives', and, amazingly, one can see small white-on-blue estoiles in the Keen Chief, symbol on the Balas/Bailiff cross! The latter surname was first found in Glamorganshire, near a Mago location of Monmouthshire, a term conspicuously like "Magyar." I've reported several times over the years that Magor is near Chepstow, but them Chepmans/Chapmans were first found in the same place (Cambridgeshire) as Capone's while the offspring of Quintus Caepio were called, Caepionis. While Julius Caesar (born six years after Quintus Caepio stole a vast treasure) had an affair with Servilia Caepionis, the Julians were likewise first found in Cambridgeshire. With what money did Caesar become the world ruler?
As the Julian Crest shares the salamander-in-flames with Sagans, while I found some evidence that the Caesar surname (same place as Bests) named the Khazars, by what coincidence were Khazar kings named "kagan," like "Sagan." Three of the ten Magyar tribes / arrows that formed the Arpad Hungarians were Khazars. The Khazars had a secondary king named, a beg, while Khazars of the Arad area (Transylvania, traced to Arados/Arpad) had a base at Biharia/Bihor, like the Biggar surname. The Khazars of Bihor were said to be the ones in Hungarian ancestry. The Hungarians had a Hussian tribe that are said to have been expert / trained horsemen shooting arrows (i.e. shooting while on horseback).
I was amazed to find that Svetovit's faces corresponded to the colors of all four Revelation horses, and that's when I investigated the possibility of a connection. If correct, God was apparently using certain symbolism so that one could eventually realize the horseman connection to Svetovit. One of the Svetovit faces was green, and my interlinear Bible uses "pale green" for the fourth Revelation horse. The Greek word is "cloros," meaning green. If I recall correctly, Bast was a green-lion goddess. If she traces to Budapest, that's where one can expect the derivation of the Hussians (like "Uz"). There is an Utus river shown beside the Oescus, and the Utus, smacking of Uts/Uz, has a mouth very near the mouth of the Aluta. The septs of McLeods/Lutts (from the Aluta) list the Herod surname.
Houseofnames is no longer allowing a way to view septs of surnames by clicking its "Site Map" link. Is the website trying to hide my work and the work of others who look into these matters? Am I defaming too many surnames with the historical realities? McLeods use an Olt-like "Hold" motto term, and the full motto, "Hold FAST," might like to the Best bloodline. Leslie's use "GRIP FAST," said falsely to be the words used by Maurice Drummond, when he piloted a ship in high seas carrying queen Margaret from Hungary to Scotland. We are not ninnies, but can see that the Leslie's and Drummonds (same place as Agarus-suspect Hagars) are honoring Herod-Agrippa liners on and around the Aluta, the river of the Best-like Bastarnicae.
The Fast surname is listed with WIT-suspect WITHIpools, and shares the crosslet style of Bests, Trips, Hamburgs, and Julians. This crosslet is called a CRUSader cross, but as most-everything in heraldry is code for surnames, the Cruse's can apply, for they were first found in Bedfordshire, location of Lutt-like Luton. Moreover, I claimed that Quintus Caepio traced very fundamentally to Bedfords (share black lion paw with the Quint Crest), and here we find the Cruse's using the same-colored chevron as Quints. The full Cruse Coat has the look of the Capone Coat. The Bedwells/Bidwells (Patent liners?) were first found in Bedfordshire. Lutons were pointed out in the last update as using the Grave/Greve eagle, a surname suspect with "Agrippa." Grave's/Greve's have a part-red, part-green Shield, while the first Rothschild had a House, Red Shield, on the same street of Frankfurt as his second house called, Green Shield.
As Bedfords share the upright black lion with Crine's/Crone's/Crooms, Bedwells can using the lozengy (called "fusily" in this case) of Scottish Crone's, and then there is a Potentia location in Lucania (see map) near GRUMentum, and this place can trace to Grumerum at Aquincum. To be sure of this trace, Buchans and Buchanans, sharing the upright black lion too, traced to Buchentum, beside Grumentum, and Palins, using the same lion, traced to Palinurus, beside Buchentum. This black lion is also in the Crest of Crone-suspect Gernons. You might want to come back to this after an insert below shows why Crone's MUST trace HARD to Coronis on Patmos. In that insert, I discuss the trace of APACHnas to Patmos, who looks like "BUCHENtum," and I then tell that Apachnas was the same as pharaoh Khyan, whom I traced years ago to Keons/Keens. It therefore appears that the Egyptian Hyksos migrated to Aquincum with their Uat-Buto cult. In the insert, I discover for the first time that many heradlic crowns are definite code for Coronis (= Chora on Patmos), and I've just checked the Buchanans to find a crown in their Crest! PLUS, I've just read that the first Buchanan was an O'Kyan surname!
O'Kyan (it's the Keon/Keen Coat) must have been an Ixion line. Patmos is off the Anatolian coast from Clarus, and so note the Clarus-like motto term of Buchanans. The Clasky variations of Kyans/Keons suggests the Klassen surname that traced to the Clausula river near Has and Krume. The Lady Fortune of the Klassens traces well to the Melusine mermaid of the Glass', for the Lapps use her too while they look like they could be from the Coronis / Ixion Lapiths. Coronis was a crow that traces to the Rothes / CORban crow. To find the insert now, see "Ceraunii."
The Huss surname is listed with Hesse's of Hessen, and that's where some Caepio treasure was suspect because the first Rothschild, a Bauer using a GREEN Shield, got his fortune from Hesse-Cassel, and I think we are not being told the true story of how he got the fortune, for the story we are told (concerning prince William's money) was not enough to make the Rothschilds instant rulers of Europe. There was more money involved, and then there was some dubious story about his manipulating the stock market to make a vast fortune, but I now think that Mayer found some gold bars in Hesse-Cassel, and stole them.
Here is from the last update: "Dunks [said to be Flemings] were first found in the same place (Berkshire) as the similar Catters/Chathers, very linkable to the Catherine wheel i.e. used by Wheelwrights that likewise have an antelope in Crest." Cathars were a twisted-Christian group of southern France that I traced to Cazeres in Comminges, home of Herod Antipas. A little downstream on the Garonne from Comminges is Toulouse, where Caepio stole his vast gold fortune. The Cathars/Cathers and Cathars can be suspect with "Khazar," and some have suggested that Cathars were a branch of Khazars, but for me now, I see Catters/Cathars as a Keturah-Abraham line to the Caesar surname, which share roses in Chief with the griffin-using Grubs, likewise first found in Berkshire.
The Catherine wheel was owned by Catherine Roet while a Mr. Chaucer of Kent (same place as Caesars) married Catherine's sister. This seems important because Chalkers, likewise first found in Kent, are being trace to Chalcis, where the Herod-Agrippa line ruled, namely, Herod Pollio...suspect, I suppose, in the Fasts/WithiPOOLs The Poole lion, in colors reversed from the Caepio-line blue lion, is used in the Keen/Keon Coat, incidentally, and Keens are being traced with blue-lion Winchesters and Quince's to Aquincum / Budapest. The Poole / Keen lion is also used by James' who in-turn share a dolphin in Crest with Caesars. "Keon" has been suspect with "eschutCHEON," a symbol that's part-code for the Schutz', Skeets' and Skits. The latter two use the potent cross, symbol of Templar Jerusalem, and very linkable to the silver cross of Bouillons, in colors reversed to the identical Bird/Burd cross, which has the effect of tracing Bouillons (named cleverly after bullion bars?) to the Burridensii i.e. on the Aluta with the Bastarnicae.
This recalls that the Claviere's (Bouillon colors), suspect with "Glaphyra" (married a Herod as well as being the ancestor of Berenicianus), were first found in the same place as Bouillons. Clavier's married the Mountains, and use a hand somewhat like the fist of the Fist surname, which makes Clavier's linkable to Bast-suspect Fasts/Withipools. It hints that Glaphyra's religious organization was of the Uat-Buto / Bast cult. The Mountains (share white bull with McLeods/Lutts) are suspect of course in the cat-a-mountain of Keens/Keons. Although the Claviere's are showing the hand, their description (website below) says: "A red shield with a silver saltire between four silver keys." That is, a saltire in the colors of the Bouillon cross, and sharing the key symbol with Clavier-like Clavers. Dutch Clavers/Claviers are in Mountain colors. Clavers happen to share the white-on-black tower of Dunks, and moreover the Claviere hand is with two eagles facing opposite direction, the same as can be found in the Hopper Coat where there is yet another white-on-black tower. Hoppers are suspect with OPgalli, wife of Tigranes, grandson of Glaphyra. It's hard to argue with that, and as you can see, there is slam-Dunk cause to trace royal Duncans to Glaphyra too. It just so happens that the Duncan = DunCHAD royals trace without doubt to Saint Chad's family, and then the Chads use a potent cross too! The related Chaddocks and Chadwicks use the escutcheon, a very good argument, alongside the Saddock escutcheon, for identifying the original Crusaders, led by the family of Godfrey de Bouillon, with lines from Sadducees.
Saint Chad takes one to the 5th century, the time of Attila, who ruled at Budapest, said to be called, Sicambria, at the time, the origin of Sicambrian Franks. Attila can be traced to the Itil river of the Khazars, and even to the founding of Khazars on the Terek river of Alania. The Sicambrians joined the family of king Clovis to form the "Holy" Roman empire, and then "Clovis," a Latin rendering of his birth name, Chlodovech, looks linkable to the Clover variation of Clavers. Clovis' mother, Basina, is suspect with the Bassus family married by the Glaphyra-Berenicianus line, and while Basina was from Thuringia, where Thors/Thorns trace, the latter use a red tower, the color of the MORATIN/Murena tower, important because Glaphyra had also married Juba of MAURITANia.
The map that shows Soducena looks to go back to about the time of Glaphyra, and then Tigranes Maccabee was king of Armenia, location of Soducena. They say that "Taggert" means "priest," and perhaps Tigranes was named as per that theme, for Glaphyra was of the Archelaus priesthood. Might the Sadducees have been from Soducena in direct relation to earlier Tigranes' of Armenia?
The double bars used by the Monmouth and Maud surnames are called "gemel" at times, used also by tiger-using Medleys (see also the tiger of Op-like Hobs of Bernice-suspect Berwickshire). Medleys are highly suspect on multiple counts with Tigranes Maccabee. Bars gemel are suspect with Gamala, home of Judas the Gaulonite, supporter of the Pharisee, Sadduc. This little bit of interesting history was from Caiaphas-suspect Josephus. The latter joined the family of emperor Titus while the Titus surname shares Moor heads with Chappes, so very interesting. Monmouthshire is the location of Magor suspect with the "mago" motto term of Josephs, and, again, Magor is beside CHEPstow. If that's not enough, Moor heads are used in the Belli Chief (white tower in Crest. rose at base), and while Bouillon use a Moor head too, they also show a "bello" motto term. The Christ-like motto term of Bouillons is for the Christ surname sharing roses with Caesars.
Actually, Belli's use both rose colors of Caesars and even throw in an "acuta" motto term suspect with Aurelia Cotta, mother of Julius Caesar. As carpenters use the Belli motto, Julians are tracing to the Carpae, and yet it's hard to know whether this was Julian ancestry, or of Julian liners after him. If Caepio traces to Aquincum, it should be said that Romans named that place after conquering the EraVASCI/EraVISci of the area, and then I see the Chappes Coat as a version of the Ottone Coat owned by Ottone VISconti. As VisCONTI's became suspect with Conte's and Conteville's, the latter known to be descended from John de Burgo, by what coincidence are Vase's/Fessys/Vasseys/VESCI's said to be from "the De Burgh family." Fessys/Vesci's, first found in the same place as Quince's (!!!), use a cross in the colors of the Bouillon / Claviere crosses. For me, those three exclamatons mean that Fessys are now clinched with Aquincum, and so see the last update for a Fessy trace to Rijeka.
This is all extremely important for tracing Caiaphas / Josephus to Aquincum, if the Vesi surname is from the Eravasci. English Burghs share annulets with Ottone's, Burgos', and Svetovit-suspect Vita's, not to mention Attila-like Tills, and the chevrons of English Burghs (same place as Josephs) are in the color of the solid chevron of Josephs while the Joseph Chief uses the same garbs as the Comyns, from the Comyn location ruled by John de Burgo, we can safely assume. German Thors use a solid chevron of their own that looks linkable to the same of Chappes' / Ottone's.
The Quints were linked solidly to Hopkins using pistols as code for Pistols/"PESTels (in the colors of the Arms of Baden), but I do not recall suggesting their trace to BudaPEST. I didn't emphasize such a trace, anyway. It just so happens that the Baths use the same cross as Fessys, suggesting that Baths are from the namers of Buda. Baths were first found in the same place as eye-using Badens/Battins, tending to verify that the all-seeing-eye cult of Uat-Buto was at Budapest.
The Eravisci are on the map between Aquincum and the Hercuniates, who smack of John Hyrcanus, an early Maccabee. The Hercuniates are stamped at an Osones location near lake Pelso, and House's share the white cross type of Fessys. The Boii are beside the Hercuniates, and the Boii of Bologna have been suspect in "MaccaBaeus." The Fessys use the MACClesfield cross, and Macclesfields use a "copia" motto term as well as the Caepio-line blue lion. It's enough to indicate the Caiaphas traces to this Aquincum picture. The Reeds use a "copia" motto term too while sharing the red stag head with Pistols/Pestells. There is enough stuff in this paragraph, alongside what's above, to trace Maccabee ancestry to a Fessy alliance with the Boii and Hercuniates, and with some Macc entity. But where is it? What were proto-Macclesfields? See the last update on Macclesfield/MAKESlesfield connection to Maxwells/MAKESwells, for the latter were traced to Rijeka years before finding that Fessys trace there too. This is a very good key for further breaking through of the secret barrier.
The Eravisci stretch down-river on the Danube toward Cibalae/VINKovci, birthplace of Valentinian I to whom I've traced the Fessy motto term, "VINCis." However, not all four Fessy motto terms can be code for surnames, as they constitute a statement supposedly uttered by emperor Constantine I. I have reasoned that he didn't utter it, but rather the statement was put into his mouth but someone as code for Constantine's linkage to Valentinian and/or Cibalae. That's because two terms, "signo vinces,'' both link to Valentinian elements. It may have been one of the earliest cases of heraldic play where a motto is simply code for kin, but we could be surprised to find that it goes back a lot further. It's typical word-play used in mythical stories.
Note the hand in the Fessy Crest, and the cross n the colors of the saltire of hand-using Claviere's. The Irish Hand surname's has a Glavin variation much like a variation of the Swords. There's yet another key: Glaphyra can trace to Glavins, and the Clavier hand is code for Irish Hands. The other Hands are traced to Hanna's. With Fessy linking to Serdica, it begs the question of whether they were of the Bessi peoples of the Serdica theater. The Bessy surname came up in the last update when the thought occurred that Fessys may have been Bessi. Serdica is between Thrace and Moesia, and Tryphaena was a queen of Thrace.
The Fessys have a Fresnel-like variation, and I have a page on the Frame surname said to be from Fresnel elements. "Frame Family Origins is a 'sketch' of how the family of Frame might have evolved from the Fresnels of Normandy...The powerful families which ruled early Normandy were closely related, a relationship compounded by marriages within their kinship network. It is often the case, as within the family of Ferte-Fresnel, that people donated to a variety of religious foundations, representative of their general common ancestry. Thus, when members of the Ferte-Fresnel family donated to the foundations of the FitzOsberns, Giffards, Toenis, and Gois, they were affirming common bonds of ancestry..." The Osborns came up in the last update as pert the HOSkin write-up, and we just saw an OSones location at the Eravasci theater. Hoskins were first found in the same place as Trevors while Travis' use a tiger. Osborns share the white tiger with Hobs, which can suggest that Hoskins were named after Hopkins, the ones with the pistol as code for Budapest-suspect Pistols/Pesters. Later in the Frame page, there is some possible indication of links to the Fast surname honored by Oscan-based McLeods:
William Fresnel was a man of William FitzOsbern. (Earl William FitzOsbern was the son of Osbern FitzHerFAST [caps mine}, that is, Osbern the high-steward, who is also sometimes called Osbern de Crepon, from the name of an estate in the neighbourhood of Bayeux. William of Jumieges calls him 'procurator principalis domus', an office which was only concerned with that branch of the stewardship which regulated the internal service of the palace; his father being Herfast de Crepon, brother of Duchess Gunnor, wife of 'Duke' Richard I [of Normandy]. Osbern FitzHerfast married Emma, a daughter of Count Rodolf of Ivry, who was a half-brother of the said 'Duke' Richard. Through her he inherited a large property in central Normandy, including the honours of PACY, Jouy, and Cocherel on the Eure, lands dependant on Breteuil and centred on Ivry, the earliest demesne of the Norman 'dukes' (D.C. Douglas, William the Conqueror, pp. 89-90, 1964). These lands included the fief of Freschenes, and it may be assumed that William Fresnel acquired this fief as feudatory of William FitzOsbern; his family being also known by derivatives of its name, see anon. Claims that William Frenel was descended from the family of 'Osbern de Freschenes' are fictitious....Elite Norman families were much the origin of all heraldry, the guts behind the Crusaders hungry for something in Jerusalem. The latter Osbern character can certainly trace to Eravasci and Osones whether or not he was related to Osbern Crepon. Crispons/CREPons (likely Bar-le-Duc liners, and perhaps Agrippa liners of the Grape / Gripp kind) were first found in the same place (Oxfordshire) as Iverys. Note that while the Fessys were linked in the last update to FESSy-suspect VESpasians out of Pace's/Pasi's of Bologna, Osbert Crepon had property in Pacy / Ivry.
The "Pax" motto term of Osborns can thus be suspect with Pacy elements, and it may be that Pacy traces to BudaPEST. Although a trace of "Pax" to Pest / Bast elements seems contradictory to my trace of the Reed motto, "Pax Copia," to Cuppae (Moesia) off the Pek river (Danube tributary), it's not necessarily contradictory, for while Cuppae is said to be the "city of doves," there's a dove in the Past Coat. The Reeds share red stag heads with Pistols/PESTels. Note the chevron colors of Pasts, same as that of Belli's/Beileys that trace to Budapest liners with Balas'/Baileys. The Osbern motto happens to be "Pax in BELLO." The Belli's are the ones with the Moor heads, same as "bello"-using Bouillons (same cross colors as Fessy cross), and then Bello's/Belows (Pomerania, beside Maxwell-suspect MECKLenburg) happen to share the black, double-headed eagle of MACCLesfield-suspect Maxwells...while Macclesfields use a "copia" motto term too. Reminder: Titus' use the Moor head too.
As per Osbern Herfast de Crepon (married Ivry), the HerFasts are suspect with Fasts/Withipools, who share almost the quarters of Osborns. The Fast crosses are in the colors of the Bouillon / Fessy crosses, and are similar to the Bouillon cross. The Fast bend with crosses is a reflection of the Lorraine bend with eagles, and Crispons/Crepons were first found in Lorraine, which is where Osbern Crepon should therefore trace, meaning that "Herfast" looks very much of the Fast surname. Leslie's use a "Gripp Fast" motto now suspect with "CREPon." It should explain why Leslie's use a bend in colors reversed from the Crepon bend.
"Ferte-Fresnel was the principal part of the fief de Russy to which was attached ArGOUGES-sous-Mosles...Members of the d'Argouges family later held under Adam de Porte in Mapledurwell. (Les d'Argouges portent: écartelé d'or et d'azur, à trois quintefeuilles d'argent; V. la Roque, Histoire de la maison d'Harcourt, t. i. , p. 305)" That is, Argouges' use a white-on-red cinquefoil, same as English Bello's/Bellows.
Although there is no Russy surname coming up, Ross' use white-on-red upright lions linkable to the gold-on-red upright lions of Frame's. If there was a Ross-Russy link, the Crepon bend could be that of the Ross-shire Bissets, suspect with Bessys//Bassets/BESANcons whom can go to the Hoskin-suspect Ports of the Bessin. I'll get to the Fresnel-suspect Ports below, who may be using a gold version of the Crepon bend. French Ports/Porters were first found in Berry (otherwise called BOURGES!) while Crispons/Crepons use barry, the Basset symbol too. It's interesting that Gouge's share the white-on-blue boar of the Port-suspect Molle's, progenitors of the royal Stewarts. Ports promise to link to Hoskin-like Eschyna de Molle (wife of an Alan-Stewart), and to Jacques de Molay. The Ports will take us to the Segur / Seagar line made evident in the Fessy motto.
Hoskins share the Ross lion, but as it's the Danker/Dankin lion too, it's made fairly evident that Hoskins were from the Oescus river near Dunax. The old Ross-shire capital, DINGwall, is suspect with Dunax / Dankin elements, and the Oescus is not far downstream on the Danube from Cuppae. It's indicating that Oescus elements are to be expected in Caepio make-up in or out of Budapest (I don't know which, in or out).
LOOK IT. The Duncan line was that from Chads, and the latter happen to use double-barred potent crosses with Croce's while Eschyna de Molle married secondly a Robert Croc(e), suspect with the Cruse's/Cruice's using the same chevron as Quints. It was fairly apparent that Dankers use a version of the Chaddock / Chadwick Coats. Then, St Chad was a student of St Columba, and the latter's name means "dove." If that sounds whimsical, it's not, for Chads use the patee crosses (Jacques-de-Molay symbol too) in the same colors as the Pek/Peck patees. Now you know some extraordinary history. Packers/Peckers (another Moor head), in Pek/Peck (and Bouillon) colors and using the Chad format, form their cross out of lozenge in the colors of the Dingel lozenges while Dingwalls are listed as Dingels. This now traces royal-Scott ancestry also to the Pek.
Well lo and behold. The gold fleece of Dingwalls can trace to mythical Aeson suspect with Ausones and perhaps Osones at the Eravasci / Budapest theater. Indeed, to the near-north of Osones, you can see CRISPiana! That's why the first name of OSbern Herfast Crepon should trace to Osones too, suggesting an Osones link back to the Oescus, and perhaps explaining why Ausones are often lumped in Oscans. this point, where the Bourges location can be of the Burgh ancestry of Fessys, and where Crepons are now known to be of the Fresnels, it's necessary to point out that the red-and-white barry of Crispins/Crepons is used in the flag / Arms of Hungary, very conspicuous where this discussion is tracing to Budapest in the first place. The Basset-related and Hungary-based Drummonds (red barry) are the ones honored in the "Fast" term of Hungarian Leslie's.
As Eschyna married the Alans of Shropshire, the Crocs/Croke's, first found in Shropshire, are to be reckoned with, and they share the white-on-red martlets of Chaddocks and Chadwicks. The Croce's use a "fide" motto term for Vis-de-Loop, suspect as a Vase/Fessy / EraVISci line (spelled both Eravasci and Eravisci). Fasts/Withipools were first found in Shropshire too, and as the Fasts use a cross in the colors of the Fessy cross, Fasts may have been a Fessy branch, in which case Fessys become suspect after Pest / Pace elements.
The Frame lions are colors reversed from the one lion of English Frane's/FREYne's while French Frane's are also FRESnay, like the Fressis variation of Fessys. This could indicate a Fessy merger with Frey / Friei elements. The Frame lions are also in the Hoskin Coat. As per the Mosles river that Argouge's (Gouge's?) lived on, there is a German Mosles surname listed with Mosers/Moesers, who came up recently and were suspect with Moesians. Mosles' share upright gold lions with Frame's, and use them facing one another, called "comBATant," linkable to Battle / Bataille elements, and possibly part-code for Conteville's = Burghs. Reminder: Hoskins are said to be from tiger-using Osborns while the latter use a "Pax" motto term for Moesia's Pek river. As there is herein a Tigranes link to Cuppae, shouldn't we suspect a Tigranes link to Quintus Caepio? It's what I've been speculating on for months. His wife (Opgalli) is suspect as a sister or mother of Joseph Caiaphas. Opgalli is suspect with Pestel-related HOPkins who are using the chevron of Quints, first found in the same place as Hopkins. I think we are finding the smoking pistol here.
As per the Ivry family married by Osbern Herfast, there is an Ivery/Ives surname said to be from Ivry-la-Bataille in Eure that should apply, and then I traced Battle's/Battaile's (Berwickshire, same as Hobs) to the battle-axe of Badens/Battins first found in the same place as Fessy-suspect Baths. Battle's use an upright griffin in the colors of the Frame lions (same as one Hoskin lion), and the latter's lions are used also by Seconds/SEGURs (same place as Norman-elite French Clairs), suspect with Segni's/SEGURana's that are likely part of the "segni vinces" motto phrase of Fessys. Vince's use a griffin too. The Bouillon motto phrase, "A very," can be code for the Averys/Everys (lion paws) or some Ivery line. Bouillons were first found in AVEYRon/AUVERgne, same place as Bouillon-related Claviers i.e. expect a trace to the Glaphyra-Maccabee line that included tiger-suspect Tigranes. The Buile-and-similar Bouillon variations are like the Beiley variations of Belli's, and the latter share a blue chevron with
Let's go back to the "the Ferte-Fresnel family donated to the foundations of the FitzOsberns, Giffards, Toenis, and Gois," for the Gois/Guise/Guy surname uses seven lozenges reflective of the seven mascles of Quince's, who are the ones that traced to Aquincum with Fessys. The seven lozenges are filled with blue vair, a Quint-Chief symbol. We really want to know who the Gois' were. An early Mr. Gyse is said to have married Magotta de Burgh while Fessy are said to be from "De Burgh." Might "Magott" be of the "mago" motto term of Josephs, since Josephs share the Burgh chevron? Clare's share the triple chevrons of Dutch Burg(er)s, and Claro's/Charo's are likewise honored in the Joseph motto. The Claro/Charo bend is in the colors of the Port bend, and English Ports were first found in the same place as Burghs and Josephs.
What is the significance of Ports? German Burgs (Goz/Goss stars?) use a bend in colors reversed from the Port bend, and in the colors of the Jacques-de-Molay bend. The Ports will link below to Eschyna de Molle. At the Wikipedia article for Jacques de Molay, he is shown with a moline cross on his breast, in the red-on-gold colors of the moline used by French Burgs. Dutch Burgs, instead of the Clare chevrons, now show a dancette in the colors of Ports, and the Burg stars are in the colors of the same of Pistols/Pestells. The Ports/Porters link to Durwards, part of the Lundin ancestry of Eschyna de Molle (see her in this family tree), daughter of Thomas of Lundin. Durwoods, I believe, are the ones said to be named after a certain door man to a royal / noble house, the same theme as Porters; see write-up of Scottish Porters tracing to a "portier = doorman." The write-up traces to "Radulphus the porter" who witnessed a gift granted to PAISley abbey in Renfrewshire, where Pollocks came to live that Eschyna married.
Paisleys (Renfrewshire) are in Pasi colors and share the blue thistle with Alpins, and the latter had traced to Bologna's Guido's before I investigated Vespasian i.e. before tracing Vespasia Polla to proto-Pollocks in Bologna. Compare "BALOGna" with "POLLOK." The BALLOCKs/Bullocks are in Jewish-Pollock colors as well as Vase/Fessy colors, and while the latter are tracing to Vespasian, Bullocks use the same motto as Vince's, whom are honored in the "vincit" motto term of Fessys. The Renfrew-suspect Reno river at Bologna, and the Pollocks and their Maxwell kin, are all tracing to Pomerania's Rani, while Vince's, with a "sibi" motto term in honor of Durwood-related Sibal(d)s, use nothing but the griffin. The Rani / Rujani / Rugians are expected in Roxburghshire, where Maxwells and Bullocks were first found.
Here is a problem and a solution. Durwards are said to have married a daughter of king Alexander of Scotland, and moreover the Durwoods share the chevron colors of the Alexander chevron, and moreover both surnames use crescents. The Alexander crescents are in the colors of the same of German Burg(h)ens, their only symbol, as is the case with the Maccabee-suspect Motts. The latter, suspect with Modi'in (Israel), use a crescent in the same colors again. Therefore, I was not necessarily wrong for tracing Alexanders to Alexander Maccabee, even though the Durwards make it evident that Alexanders trace to king Alexander of Scotland. He was the son of queen Margaret, who came to Scotland from Hungary in the train of "Grip-Fast" Maurice Drummond and the first Scottish Leslie's. And that topic is under the microscope as we speak, tracing in some instances to Berenice Agrippa, and yet in some instances to Tigranes, son of Alexander Maccabee (himself a son of Glaphyra).
Therefore, after what did Margaret name her last son, Alexander? Was the line from Alexander Maccabee in Hungary, in the household of king Andrew I? Margaret was in exile with this very Andrew, both fearing their mortal enemies while holding out in Kiev. Andrew (Anders, like AlexANDER) may have mated with the young Margaret to produce her first-born son, Andrew, progenitor of the Ross clan. In any case, Dutch Burgs share a blue fesse with Bernice's. The "terras" motto term of Alexanders gets the Terras/DERvall/Derrah surname (Durwood liners?), as well as the Terras/Turris surname (use the Scott Coat) with the same bend as Ports/Porters!
The "terras" motto term can be for tower-using surnames, and the English Lundins (BERKshire, same place as Mott-suspect Modins) happen to use towers. It suggests that Alexanders use a tower of their own and passed it off to Lundins. The red lion in the Scottish-Lundin Crest, holding a sword, is an excellent reflection of the red lion, holding a sword in the Ivery Crest. The Belli/Beiley tower, at least roughly identical with the Lundin tower, comes with a lion holding a sword. The Lundins have a man holding a sword in their tower. Is this indicative of Serdica / Oescus liners? The Belli's were first found in Moray, where the first Scottish Royals ruled that traced with Duncans and the Swords to Serdica.
English Burgens (Dutch Burg(en) colors) use a key in saltire with a sword, making Lundins suspect with key-using Clavers, who likewise use towers, and so there you have a trace to the Glaphyra > Alexander line. But that line was, as goes my claim, from king Alexander Balas, and then the Balas/Bailey surname is in Dutch Burg colors too, as is the Belli/Beiley Coat. English Bergens share a dancette-fesse with Dutch Burgs, and look like they trace to a Burgundy surname. The Burgens share the scallop colors of Duncan-related Chamberlains.
The Gois write-up traces to a village of a Guise name in Bedfordshire, a place suspect with Quint lines, and where Cruse's/CRUICe's were first found. The Gois'/GUISE's are in Guido/Guis colors. Might the Guise's have been Cruse's/Cruice's? I'm noting the Gois/Guise swan that can link to the same of French Josephs, for the Ports have the chevron of the Burns and estoiles in Chief in the colors of the Joseph-Chief garbs. Reminder, Burghs are highly suspect with Josephs, first found in the same place as Burghs and Ports.
The Lundys were linked to Sibalds/Sibals, and so see here on the Ports:
[Frame] CONNECTIONS TO ADAM DE PORT: 1179-80, 26 Hen. II., in which same regnal year Adam de Port gave 1000 marks to the King for livery of his wife's inheritance in Normandy...This baron, who derived his local name from Port-en Bessin of the fee of the Bishop of Bayeux...his first wife was the countess SIBILLA, widow of Milo, Earl of the county of Hereford [where Hoskins were first found]...his father John de Port, Lord of Basing in the county of Southampton...By the countess Sibilla he had no issue, and her property descended through her daughter by her first husband, Berta, wife of Philip de Braose, to William de Braose [listed with Bruce's]...The third wife of Adam de Port was sister of William de Braose, as above mentioned; she was living in 1210.The write-up of Basings (Hampshire, said to perhaps be named after a Saxon tribe) traces to the Ports with vast estates. If the Basings were of the Base's using the Brunswicks lions, then LUNdons and Lundys come out looking like LUNEburg elements. That would, in my opinion, trace back to Alans/Alengs in a line from Langhe (German Langs, sharing the pelican with Stewarts, were first found in Luneburg), where we find a Monforte and Montferrat locations. In the second paragraph of the Frame page, titled, "THE FAMILY OF GOMETZ - GOMETH-ST-CLAIR," a "foundation charter of the priory of Saint-Martin-des-Champs, dated 1067," had Simon de Montfort and William Gometciaca (Gometz) as witnesses, as well as a Montmorency (shares the Burgh / Eustace cross) and a GUIDO de Monte Lethari. The latter reminds me of the trace I made between Renier/Rainier (a Rani / Ruggian / Pomeranian liner?) of Montferrat to the Guido's / Guidi's of Bologna, where the Boii ruled that, as Bohemians, share a double-tailed, white-on-red, upright lion with Montforts. It makes a Boii-of-Bologna link to Monforte. The Lethers then use an upright griffin (traces to Pomerania) in the same colors, suggesting that Lethers (double-tressure border) were from these Italian-sounding Lethari's, themselves merged with Montforts and the Boii (said by some to have named the Bessin or Bayeux). The Guido's then use an upright lion in the colors of the Montfort lion yet again (!), an excellent find for tracing Maccabee suspects to this circle of surnames. To this it can be added that the Italian Ali's/Aliott'a (Messina) use a giant griffin too, in the same colors again. We really have something here because it had all been suspect with the formation of the Israeli priesthood in the Maccabee - Herod era, and then the Champs/Camps (griffins) at the top of the paragraph are suspect with Capone's
Though of different designs, the English Camps/Champs share the "laurel branch" with Fessys. The Lorraine's use a "branch of laurel," and so the Champs and Fessys can trace to the Crepons (pomegranates) of Lorraine, as expected where William Fresnel was linked to Osbern Crepon. the way, I've just noticed that the Piast eagle's used by Lorraine's are called, "allerions," beak-less eagles that must be part code for the Beaks (suspect with Haughts, from Sigrid the Haughty, daughter of Mieszko I). The Holdens/Howlins use allerions too, and the Aller surname share's the red escutcheon of Holdens/Howlins (same place as Chaddocks / Chadwicks), but, zowie, the Aller Shield is the same gyronny as that of Titus'. The "gloria" motto term of Allers goes to Lorraine-related Glorys/Lowrys and Laurie's (Lorraine's use a "Laura" motto term).
Howells (more white towers), who might be in the owl of French Champs, are now suspect with Holdens/HOWLins (double-headed allerion in Crest), and were first found in Monmouthshire, location of Chepstow, and then Cheps/Jepps (double-headed eagle) were first found in Holden-like OLDENburg, this possibly being an Olt-river (the Aluta) entity. The Aluta is across the Carpathian peaks from the AGARus, and then Cheps/Jepps show the Hagar star, as well as sharing the black-on-gold double-headed eagle of Bello's/Belows (Pomerania, beside Maxwell-suspect MECKLenburg). The Jabbach variation of Cheps was traced to Jabesh-Gilead, origin of the 400 wives of ancient Benjamites, who together founded the Romans (double-headed, black eagle). The Chep eagle is in the colors of the six eagles used by Basings, and Holdens/Howlings use six allerions.
As Skiptons use bellows in the Coat and an eel in the Crest, the Allers/Ellers might be eel-liners such as Ealys/Elys. The latter share six symbols with the related Cravens, who lived in Craven, location of Shipton-like Skipton, the Scipio line married my Meschins (see Alice de Meschin).
At the end of the paragraph above from the Frame webpage, it turns out that William Gometz is: "Willelmus de Gomethiaco was also Guillelmi de Feritate (i.e. Willelmus de Gomethiaco; active in wordly affairs until 1071), alias Willelmi (de Feritate)Fresnel. William Fresnel possessed the castle of La Ferte-Fresnel (near L'Aigle and Gauville), in Perche, in 1071, as attested by a charter of that date." The Bellamys were in Perche. There is a good argument here for tracing Fresnels to the Fressis variation of Fessys/Vesci's if they were Eravasci living in Pannonia with the Boii, and this tends to clinch the hunch of the last update, that the Fessys were of the Paci's, first found in Bologna. This would then tentatively identify Vespasia Polla (mother of Vespasian) as an Eravasci liner. The spears of the Pasi's trace to Speers, first found in Renfrewshire, where Polla-suspect Pollocks and Stewarts ended up living after passing through Shropshire, where Meschins and Bellamys (of Perche) were first found.
Did you catch that William Fresnel was also of a FERITate entity, smacking of MontFERRAT? The Ferrats/Fers are a blue-check branch of the red-check Vairs/Fers', but then there is a Vair surname listed with Verona's/Vires', first found in the same place (Pharisee-like Paris) as Morencys (Murena's?), Levi's, and Chappes', and expected to trace to the Stewart-honored Vire river at the west end of the Bessin. If Morencys were Murena;s, I would trace them to the founders of Maccabees as per my theory that they were named after the ancestry of Cilnius MAECENas, who married Terentia Murena. The theory had been that the Maecenas family (Arettium) merged with Boii, and so let's add that while Maecenas' were suspect as a line from king Massena, the Massins/.Masons use two motto terms suspect with Speers i.e. that trace to the Pasi of Bologna.
English Frane's (must be using the Frame lion) use the same lion as is shown for Ranulph (Rani element?) le Meschin at his Wikipedia page, and moreover Frane's were first found in the same place as Meschins...who I trace to a league made between Massena and general Scipio about a dozen years after the Boii conquered Bologna in 218 BC, in time to form Maccabees (about 170 BC). Now, as per my claim that Ferrets were from "Pharisee," lets bring out the FREYne variation of Frane's, for while I see "FreeMason" as code for the Freie's and Massins/Masons sharing the same blue-on-gold lion, the Free's / FREYS are also Pharisee-like "Phreeze."
Along with the witnesses listed above as per the priory of Saint-Martin-des-Champs, there was Geoffrey, bishop of Paris. The French Champs happen to use "ears of CORN," like the "ears of rye" used by Chaddock-related and Sadducee-suspect Saddocks (escutcheon), and the "ears of wheat" used by Scottish Chappes', important because French Chappes' were first found in Ile de France, the north side of Paris. This reminds us that English Champs/Camps use a Coat like that of Capone's, first found in the same place as CHEPmans and Ealys/Elys (from ILE de France?). The POMEgranate of Crispins is in-part code for the apple of the French Paris surname (Lorraine), which can thus be secretly from "Pharisee." The Paris surname sharing gold-on-red uniCORN heads with Saffers (beside CORNwall) are said to be from the Humber river while Allers use an "umbra" motto term. As Rhodian elements were at the Humber (Lincolnshire), it's notable that Arretium was connected to Umbrian elements.
These Saffers use vair FUR (traces to the fir tree of Scot-founding Alpins/CAPPins (sword for Serdica elements) and the fir tree of Meschin-suspect and "muzzle"-using ALIS'/Alice's) while Furs/Fire's/Feuerers use the giant unicorn in the white-on-red that was seen linking to the list of Champ witnesses. Below is on one of those witnesses that traces to the giant Lether / Ali/Aliotta griffin in Fur-unicorn colors; see the same-colored "drinking" (= Drengot Normans of Italy) bird of Leto's/Alitto's/Leuto's (Lutici liners?), first found in Pharisee-suspect Ferrara, where Claro's/Charos were first found (trace's Leto's to mythical Leto at Clarus). "Guido de Monte Letheri was either Guy Montlhery et de Bray, chatelain de Rochefort, or his son, Guy 'le Rouge' (comte de Rochefort), whose siblings were Milon de Bray, married to Lithieuse, viscomtess of Troyes..." One tends to lump Troyes in with mythical Paris of Troy, but the other point is that Brays/Brae's (same place as Fessys and Quince's) trace likely to a Bra location at the MontFerrat / Monforte area. It was the Tanaro-river theater where Fulbert "the tanner" descended, but he, nor his Claro family, were telling, probably because the chief Normans didn't want the world of Britain to know that they were merged with Italians. There are endless Italian names involved with the chief families of the Normans.
Maxwells (share the same eagle as Cheps) were first found in the same place (Roxburghshire) as Svetovit-suspect Rutherfords, and the latter share a specially-named border, as well a "a goose sitting on a rock," with Lethers. Not only does that make the Rutherford goose suspect with swan- and vair-using, Rouen-suspect Gois'/Guise's (probably of the Guis variation of Guido's), but makes Lethers, Leto's and Ali's/Aliotta's suspect with the Lutici (Pomeranians) owners of Svetovit, and explains why the Ali's and Lethers use a griffin i.e. as code for Pomerania's Griffin family.
This reminds me of the FIR Bolg pirates, usually lumped in with ancient FOMORians of Ireland, a term like POMERania, and moreover suspect with "POMEgranate." Fir Bolgs are thought by some to have founded the Belgics, but as Belgium is beside Boulogne, Fir Bolgs (I had traced them to Trojans, others trace them to Greeks) may have been Montferrat's Fur/Fire/Feuerer elements that connected to Bologna. The Reno river passing through Bologna was suspect with RENier of Montferrat, but these terms are now suspect with the Rani owners of SvetoVIT. White's use vair fur.
Brays (eagle talon) are said to be from Brai of Berkshire, as well as two Brai locations in Falaise, and then "the tanner" was from Falaise, serving as good evidence that Brays were from Bra / Tanaro river. There is a La Falaise area at the west side of Paris, in the proximity of the Epte area that has to do with St-Clair-sur-Epte, and this picture may indicate how the Chappes' became initially involved with the Sinclair Normans from as far back as Rollo (he concluded the St.Clair-sur-Epte treaty with royal France almost 200 years before the first invasion of Jerusalem). Brays are also traced (in their write-up) to Bray in the Italian-suspect Evreux area that was home to Ivry. The Ivery surname is traced to "Eburius," which must be a branch of Eburovices. Evreux was home of the Eburovices/EBROICUM, highly suspect with the Eboracum name of early York, and I read that the Parisii (from Paris) co-founded York. This goes to my trace of Aphrodite both to mythical Paris and to Aprutium, the Abruzzo capital, and it just so happens that the two lions / leopards in the Arms of Normandy are in the colors of the two lions in the Coat of Evreux-like Abreu's/Abruzzo's. These were ancient Hebrews of the non-Israelite kind that named the Hebros river, which myth writers made related to Rhodope, where royal Scots are now tracing.
So, what we have is a Guido of Lethari tracing to Guidi's of Bologna (they have some online articles) who married a granddaughter of Renier of Montferrat. I claimed perhaps as long ago as a year that the Bologna Guido's traced to king Alpin / Kenneth MacAlpin. I wouldn't have made such a bold and "ridiculous" claim for too-little reason. I also claimed that Israeli priests and their families moved out from Ferrara to Montferrat, and then up to the Varni theater = Pomerania / Mecklenburg, but this was long before the Svetovit topic caught my attention (first time) in the last update. It was probably before I knew of the Pomeranian Griffins that I traced Herod liners to the Nordic pirates of the Varni theater, which was a funny theme for me, to imagine Herod the Great in a boat filled with nasty vagabonds and scummy thieves, right where he belongs.
The goose on a rock of Lethers reminds me that the swan of Gois' may have been initially a goose, but then changed to a swan in merging with a swan-using family. As Savoy is beside Sion, the swan-using Swans/Sions come to mind. Savoy is where rooster-using Gays were first found that may connect with the Guy variation of Gois'. It's also where the rooster-using Sinclairs had their Candy/Candida branch, and then the Rockforts (Roque/Rock colors, suspect with the Lether goose on a rock), use "Candor" and "alas" motto terms. Where Guido's link to Alpins, they must also link to Alis'. As Alpin and MacAlpin are suspect as mythical characters, one needs to ask hard why Alpins list the Cappin surname. Arthurian myth writers can be judged as writing in myth code to keep secrets in their trace to the Caiaphas / Herod bloodline. Arthurs can trace to Arda on the Hebros, which is named after the Arda tributary of the Hebros, and the Arda happens to have a source at the Rhodope mountain. The Excalibur sword that only Arthur could pull out of a ROCK (myth code, obviously), must be in sword in the Alpin Coat, and this effectively traces Arthur to Serdica, at the source of the Hebros. The Excalibur also touched upon Lancelot and "LADY of the Lake," while Lancelot;'s father, Ban, can trace to the Benni term that you will find on the Arda: does not contradict a trace of the Excalibur, also called the Caliburnus, to mount Alburnus in Lucania (see map), near an EBURum location, for Lancelot's father (also "Bant") was traced to Bantia (shown) of that Lucania theater. The POTENTia location between Bantia and Alburnus may be a root of the potent cross used by the family of St. Chad i.e. at the root of Duncans that trace to mount Dunax at the Rhodope mountains. It hard to argue against this "ridiculous" thing now that the evidence has been laid out.
Rockforts, the French branch first found in the same place as Bouillons and Claviere's, are suspect with Rocheforte, where the Brays acted as counts. Let's look at that statement again to see that Guys and Guido's were interchangeable names: "Guido de Monte Letheri was either Guy Montlhéry et de Bray, chatelain de Rochefort, or his son, Guy 'le Rouge' (comte de Rochefort),...". That's another reason that Gois'/Guys should explain the Guis variation of Guido's. There is a question of wether Lethers, who list "Letter," should be traced to Linkletters, suspect in the "ABCDEF" letters used by Scottish Langs (the Alan oak leaves), whom I've traced to Langhe at the Bra theater. That works. The Alba's, suspect from Alba, beside Bra, happen to use a swan, the Gois symbol.
The Corbeil's are one of the very-few, if any, surnames, that I've found to share the griffin design of Vince's, the latter suspect in the Fessy motto. But the Alis' use a "vincit" motto term too, and they are about to come to topic all on their own. The Corbeil griffin is colors reversed to the Lether/Letter griffin, and Corbeils were first found in Savoy. Many of their variations may indicate the Balas/Bailey / Bello/Beiley bloodline, or, otherwise, they can trace to Corbieres at the Roquefeuil theater. That's the location of the Orbieu river that traced hard to the Orbelus range stretching away from Dunax. The Gometz paragraph in the Frame webpage shows that the same list of witnesses at the Champs priori are listed "in the charter granting the church of Saint-Spire de CORBEIL by Count Bouchard ("Corboliensium Comes", as below mentioned..." There was a Bouchard II, founded of Montmorency. In the list, Guido Lethari is "Lehari," perhaps explaining "HERfast." The latter was suspect with Fasts/WithiPOOLs while Poole's (Vespasia Polla?) use the same lion as Rockforts, traceable to Corbieres / Roquefeuil. The Rooks share the raven with Corbetts/CORBELLs ("Orbelus"-like). I have traced Pollocks to Roquefeuils and to Vespasia Polla.
Apparently, Corbeil was of the Corbell surname, and therefore traceable to Orbelus. In the paragraph after the Gometz paragraph: "THE ANCESTOR OF WILLIAM GOMETZ (seigneur de La Ferte-Alais, Bures, Gometz, sénéchal de France) is said to be Aubert de Corbeil (Bulletin de la Société historique et archéologique de Corbeil...). He was the son of Osmond le Danois, tutor of 'duke' Richard I. of Normandy, who was in all probability a very close member of Richard's family, a case supported by him being second signatory to one of Richard's charters. His brother was Hamon, Count of Corbeil, and lord of Gournay-sur-Marne..." Here we find that William Gometz = William Fresnel was seigneur de La Ferte-Alais, and then the Alais surname is listed with the Alis/Alice's (sword in front of a fir tree, same as Alpins/Cappins), making them suspect with the Ali's/Aliotta's because the latter share the Lethari griffin.
But French Alais (giant brown wolf head) are listed with Alex-like variations so that, along with the griffin, this starts to evoke the Agrippa relationship to the line of Alexander Maccabee. However, I am uninclined to trace "Ali/Aliotta" to "Alexander." But wait, this recalls that I traced the Ali/Aliotta griffin to the red griffins in the Arms of Alessandria, and suspected the Alis' in or out of that place. Alessandria is beside Montferrat and at the mouth if the Tanaro! Plus, Alessandria is near TORTona, the first term that I suspected with the heraldic torteaux, which happens to be in use by the Orrells/Orrels and the Orell-like ORLeans', while the Alais/Alix/Alixat's surname was first found in Orleans. I traced AURELia Cotta (from the Aurelius bloodline) to Orleans because the Aurelia Coat resembles the Blois Coat, but this then traces to the Blois' that I see on the Arc river of Savoy.
Therefore, the line of Alexander Maccabee is suspect at the mouth of the Tanaro, and we do need to ask again why Tanners share Moor heads with Chappes' and Titus'. German Tanners share the pine cone with Maschi's suspect with the Muscel variation of MUSSLE's (Meschin branch), and then the Bernice-suspect bear of Alis' is called, "MUZZLEd." A trace of Bernice Agrippa to the Alessandro griffin is therefore a near-clinched matter, especially if Maschi's were Maccabee liners. And that's the importance of Hamon de Masci, also called Hamon de Massey, of the Massey/MACEY surname that is a branch of MACE's. William Fresnel was the son of Osmond le Danois, begging the question of whether Danois was a Tanaro line. Danois was directly related to Hamon, Count of Corbeil, and lord of Gournay-sur-Marne.
In the Gourney write-up, we find a trace to Gourney-en-BRAI! We also find that a Gournay married a granddaughter of the Conqueror, and the latter's mother was a daughter of "the tanner" of Falaise. Therefore, the Bray trace to Bra is 99-percent clinched. It had been noted that the Bray chevron is in the colors of the Alexander chevron, and to this let's repeat that the Alexander crescents are suspect with the same of Motts, themselves suspect in a Maccabee line from Israel's Modi'in to Modane, on the Arc river. The Alessandria cross is also the Savoy cross.
There is a question here on whether Gournays (Dunham colors) were also Gernons, the surname of the son of Ranulph le Meschin, who was the first Meschin and therefore suspect with ancestry in, or adoption by, the family of Hamon de Masci (both were in Cheshire). Ranulph's grandfather father was a Gois-like Goz, and he (Richard Goz) married Emma of Conteville, a daughter of the Conqueror's mother. I traced Gernons to "Guernsey," home of the Majors/Magors that might be from Magor of Monmouthshire, important because the Monmouth surname (familiar lion) uses the same Coat, essentially, as the Mott-like Mauds/Maids. Majors are traced in their write-up to "Mauger," archbishop of Rouen (you can bet that he was carefully chosen / winked at by the Conqueror's family). On the Frame page a little lower down:
After Hamon's death, [his widow] Elizabeth was married to Bouchard, younger son of Foulques 'the Good', count of Anjou. Bouchard was a favourite of Hugues CAPET, and received from him the counties of Corbeil and Melun, and the seneschalship of Paris. Aubert's [of Corbeil] daughter, sister of William de Gometz, was Germaine de Corbeil, who was married to MAUGER, son of 'duke' Richard I. and Gunnora, cited in charters of Jumieges concerning lands on Poitou, 1012. Children of Germaine and Mauger, cousins of Hodierne and Bertrade, were (1) Guillaume de Corbeil, comte d'Avranches...It just so happens that the Geddes' (suspect with the Chaddock escutcheon) use the motto, "CAPTa MAJORa," thus tracing the Geddes' to Hugh Capet and Mauger. In an article, "The Roots of the Ged Surname," the early proto-Geddes' (400 AD) on the Nith river are said to have put out a branch in the extreme-northern part of mainland Scotland, where roughly the Gunns (Orkney) were first found that might be a line to / from Gunnora (i.e. Mauger's mother). That works. She was even a Crepon, sister of Herfast de Crepon. At the top of the article, the traditional Geddes stag is with the motto, 'Veritas vincit," which is the Keith (stag) motto, but used backward by Alis', important for tracing the muzzled bear of the latter to Musselburgh, home generally of the Lothian Keiths.
The Gunn ship is that of Durante's, with no doubt from the DURANCE river and therefore from the Turano, but I have just noted a DURNESS location at the extreme-northern part of mainland Scotland. Italians at the north of Scotland, wonders never cease. But aren't the Geddes' (Guido colors) a branch of Guido's?
Majors use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Annas and Letts while Letts use ORGAN pipes suspect with "ORKNey" while the Gunn Chief uses the same star colors as the Annas star. For me at this instant, that represents an Annas trace to Gunnora and the royal Normans that she was mother to. The pipes are code for Pipe's and related Pepins, from the Pepins of Landen, apparently, who were directly related to Ida of Metz (this location is at Lorraine's Moselle river, like "MUSSELburgh"). In the Frame article, Hamon of Corbeil's wife (Elizabeth of Vendome) was "a grand-daughter of Landric I. de Baugency" (suspect with the water bouget line that I traced to Bouchard II Montmorency), and, if I'm not mistaken, he's the same as Landric of Metz a little further down, who held land from Theobald de Blois. Lines from / to Ida of Metz had traced from / to Lockerbie, to the near-north of Annas-suspect Annan(dale.) The Nith river (home of Kilpatrick castle) is itself near Annandale so that the Geddes look like they honor Caiaphas liners in their "Capta" motto term, which, if correct, identifies the Capetian royals with Caiaphas.
As I trace Annas to Angusta, a place honored in the Cabbage motto, let's remention that Cabbage's are also "Cobell/CORBold" and that the House's use cabbage leaves, which can then trace Cabbage's to something (Levi liners expected) in the area of Osones, for House's were recently traced to Ausones. Cabbage's are traced to a Germanic "COBBOLD" while Bolds/Boltsshare the griffin of Corbeils, though in a standing position. And let's be reminded that the Bold/Bolt griffin is in a Scott Crest so as to trace Bolds/Bolts to Skudra, now suspect with the Serdica area to which the Aude swords trace. The Bold/Bolt griffin is in the colors of the Vince/VINCH griffin (same griffin, different positions, passant versus rampant), and then French Vincents use the Shield of the Arms of Rennes-le-Chateau (Aude river) in colors reversed, important, not just because Orbelus traced to the Aude river, but because the satanic Da-VINCI Code is a theme of Rennes-le-Chateau. "Rennes" is suspect with the Rani that traced (last update) with birdbolt liners (Bolds/Bolts expected in that) to Rani-suspect Rijeka, beside the GORski area of Croatia, where I traced Gore's/Core's who suddenly smack of the Corbeil/GORbaile surname (Vince griffin design) with plenty of Belus-like variations capable of linking to "OrBELUS." Gore's are the ones sharing a white wolf with Quillans/Killans while there is a Quillan location (Aude river) smack beside Rennes-le-Chateau.
It seems that one can now make an Orbelus trace to the Aude but with some settlement, in-between, in the COLchian areas of Rijeka and/or the COLapis river where Gore's trace. It was the Rijeka-suspect Riggs who use the birdbolt. Osones is suspect with Colchians of the Iason / Aeson kind. German Bolts (a birdbolt) were first found in the same place (Mecklenburg) as the Rani. Note the Potiers surname below, for Phasis at Colchis was also, Poti.
To help assure that this Landric was from the Turano, we read: "The Historia of Hugh of Potiers states that he was the nephew of Bishop Adalgar of Autun," and then the page below shows a Landric I of Turenne, son of Ayga de Albi, herself from rulers of Autun. That might just be of the Artems/Aitons and Levi-beloved Aide's, both first found in Berwickshire. Baugencys were at Orleans, and then the Orleans (with the 's') surname shares green-and-white bars with Landens (Switzerland, origin of the Ticino). I had traced Pepin of Landen or his wife (Ida of Metz) to a close relationship with queen Bebba of the Bernicians i.e. at Berwick. I had also traced Pepins to the naming of Pavia/Papia (Ticino river), co-founded by the Laevi. Pavia is near Alessandria. the Ports/Porters that were of Basing in Hampshire, for Poppins/Pophams were first found in Hampshire, and are said to be from Popham in Basingstoke, a region named by Basings. Poppins are definitely Pepin liners, as one can verify in their common "Mens" motto term. The same Landen Coat above shares black-on-gold roosters (Basing / Levi colors) with Maccabee-suspect Jonathans/Jonas', but that's the color of the Koppel rooster too, and Koppels trace to "Goplo," location of the mythical Polish Mouse Tower (expected in some heraldic towers), where the first mythical ruler was Popiel, a Pepin bloodline in my opinion, perhaps of the Popley and/or Pepoli / Popoli kind. Pepoli's were first found in Bologna, and Popoli's can be suspect with Schwerins, from Schwerin at Mecklenburg. Recall the mention of Pollocks and Paisleys as the latter are suspect in Pasi's of Bologna, for the Pepoli's share a Shield filled with checks in half the colors of the same of Spanish Baez'/Pelaiz's/PAEZ's (Pace-like) who moreover show half the Pollock saltire. This is a way to say that Polish liners link to Pep liners as per the Mouse Tower.
Fortunately, I've just loaded the Durante's to see that the Scottish branch uses the blue chevron and black horns of the Burns! It's excellent for tracing to Bernice's. Whereas mythical SiemoWIT of the Mouse Tower traced well in the last update to SvetoVIT, his mythical grandfather, SiemoMYSL, traces to the mouse-using MISL's (same-colored bend as Jewish Pollocks), which is why we should expect some heraldic towers to be the Mouse Tower. We saw towers not far above, all tracing to the Herod-Maccabee line, and then another white tower (in the colors of the Scone tower) is used by Italian Durante's!
Now that we know how Turano-liner Durante's trace to both the Mouse Tower and to Bernice and/or Berenicianus, we can assume that the Mieszko's of the Mouse Tower trace to the Turano, and so note that the black-on-white bend of Popleys is in the colors of the Sale/Sallete bend, that being a surname from the Salto river beside the Turano. The way to know that Durante's trace to the Turano and Salto is by noting their use of the Sale/Salette fleur, and by the fact that Salyes Ligurians lived on the Durance.
I had traced Mackays to Mieszko from way back, probably before I knew of the Mouse Tower. The Ged article says that Geds got involved with Mackays when they got to the northern area of Scotland. "One [Ged] party, a small one, escaped by sea to the far north of Scotland. They landed in the area of Loch Eriboll [like "Orbelus"] and offered their swords [code for Siward / Serdica?] and services to the Chieftain of the Clan Mackay. It is from this party of Geddes refugees that {Auckland Campbell Geddes' family} descend" It might explain why the Geddes pike fish are in the colors of the SUTHERland stars, wherefore note that Siward-suspect Sewers are listed with Suther-like Suters/Shuters who share a white escutcheon with Geddes'. Loch Eriboll is smack beside Durness!
I've always traced the Mackay bear to the bear of Berwickshire i.e. home of Berenice-suspect Bernicians, and afterward (recently) found that the Suthers share a bend-with-symbols like the Aide's, first found in Berwickshire. The Suther bend-with-symbols is also like that of Misl's, the one with the mouse, which is a good point for verifying that Mackays were Mieszko liners. The Suther sword is held by a gauntlet hand, symbol of Maceys. This can trace Suthers to the namers of Sutherland, not at all named after "south" as goes the simpleton claim. The Shute's (Suther colors) use swords in the colors of the Sword swords, and the Shute motto honors, in my opinion, Guido Guerra III, the one who married a granddaughter of Renier of Montferrat. Shute's are highly suspect with potent-cross liners, the Skeets', Skits and Schutz's, all traceable to the Geddes' eSCUTcheon, another reason for tracing Guido Guerra (long after the Geds) to the Geddes'. The potent cross used by Chads traces to Dunax i.e. beside Serdica, but this was Thrace, where a SKUDra entity existed, though no one seems to know where in Thrace it was. Sutherlands are suspect with "Scotland" from "Skudra". One might be interested in the Scoter surname, with martlets in Sutherland colors. Schutz's share a greyhound with collar with Majors/Majors for a possible trace of Skudra liners to the Gunnora > Mauger line.
Suthers are said to derive from Yorkshire, and then Orbelus is beside the DENTHeletae, suspect earlier with the Dents (share white lozenges with DINgels/DINKels), first found in Yorkshire and using a bend-with-symbols like the Sale's/Salette's. The "Letae" ending on those peoples can get us back to Letheri / Ali/Aliotta / Alis elements, and even the Letts. As you can see on the map (below), the Margus river, north-west from Orbelus, has a source at Scupio, suspect with Skiptons of Yorkshire. The source of the AXius is near the source of the Margus, and the Cravens of Yorkshire honor the Actons with an AXton location. Along the Axius (Paeonia), there is a BYLAZora location, evoking mythical Belas, yet what about the bellows of the Skipton-suspect Skiptons who moreover use an eel suspect with the Ealys that use a version of the Craven Coat? No guff. The Bellows use a Chief-with-cinquefoils very reflective of the stars of the Gunn Chief, and the Gunn motto is, "Aut pax aut BELLAM."
Mythical Belas was grandfather of LYNCeus, and then there is a LYNCestes area to the near-south of Paeonia. That brings the migrants to the Drilon theater, where the namers of Lissae named Lissus. The unanswered question is whether the Paeoni named Pannonia, home of the Boii, the Hercuniates, the Eravasci, and the line of Quintus Caepio / Quince's. the OrBELUS mountains at Dunax were named after mythical Belas/Belus (father of Danais), then Dunax may have been a real-world version of "Danais." In that case, the Duncans trace to the Biblical city of Dan, earlier called, Laish, the very city that I traced to Lissae smack beside the namers of Serdica! I have never realized until now that Dunax and Orbelus could be from the Danaans, for I didn't know of the two terms until the last update. I trace proto-Danaans from Tanis of Egypt (in Belus-like PELUSium), where the Meshwesh ruled Egypt, and then Meshwesh trace to Mackays!
Tanis was in the area of AVARIS, the Hyksos capital, and one of the last Hyksos rulers in Egypt was APEPI, making Popiel suspect with an Apepi line to Pepins, who not only share the horse with Masseys, but also fleur-de-lys that trace almost-certainly to Lissae! What an amazing find, and it comes in the middle of an investigation on Fessy's where their ancestry is said to be in Burghs while the Bourges/Berry location in France was early called, AVARICum. But, remember, the Arms of Hungary share red-and-white barry with Crispons while much of this discussion is traceable to Aquincum (traces later via a Uat-Buto line to the Nile delta, location of Tanis and Avaris), including the Keens/Keons who were tentatively identified (years ago) with the Hyksos king, Khyan, who ruled in Avaris ruled just before Apepi. I trace Khyan liners to German Bachs. Possibly, GUNNora was a Khyan line.
Orbelus is at the RHODope mountains, and then myth writers had the Danaans founding Lindos on Rhodes BEFORE they got to Argos. I traced the Argo ship, so to speak, to Orkney, because, for one reason, it smacks of ORCHomenos, the Boiotian location that stacked the Argo ship. A second reason is that I view the Argo ship as code for pirates, like the vikings, and then the MacDonald ship is suspect with British-Danann pirates. If Orbelus traces to "Eriboll," it's notable that Eriboll is near the sea, wherefore the Fomorian league with the British Danann comes to mind. It we then trace Fomorians to Pomerania, it's beside the Denmark i.e. the Dane's (who were married by Mieszko's daughter). The Fomorians of importance to the myth writers was Lug, the Irish sun god that ended up on the Isle of Man with mythical ManANNAN (myth terms are almost-always code). I can't recall the name of a ruling viking on Man at the time of Rollo, but he was a Macca-like name; his family ruled much of the Scottish isles. He may have been the Mieszko element who founded the Mackays and Mackie's/Margys.
As per the double usage of "aut" by Gunns, it just so happens that Orbelus traced to AUDE (location of Orbieu and Corbieres) in the last update!! Aude's are likely using the Sword swords for their own trace to Orbelus. The "pax" motto term has been traced solidly to the Pecs / Packers (Dingel kin) and then the Geddes' honor the Pike's / Pickens. The Dingel/Dinkel lozenges (two colors schemes) happen to be in the colors of the Reno/Rhine and Pink/Pinc lozenges for a trace between Pincum at the mouth of the Pek and the Reno river! It seems that one can now trace from the Reno to Gunnora Crepon, but let's not forget that Crepons were also Crispins from Crispiana at Osones, for as the latter is suspect with mythical Aeson, lozenges were traced to Colchians at Losinj (now Croatia, where Cravens trace). In fact, lozenges were traced to Lazona of Colchis, home of the Lazi that can be suspect with Lissae elements. If I recall correctly, Losinj is in Croatia's GORski area.
The golden fleece that Aeson's son (Jason) retrieved from Colchis was up the ancient Glaucus river (real river and real name) with a mouth at Phasis, suspect with the Pasi surname out of Bologne. Therefore, Pasi's are suspect in a relationship with the namers of the Reno...and Rhine rivers, but as the Rhine has a source near the source of the Rhone, we go back to the earlier name of the Rhone, the Rhodanus (which was sailed by the Argo ship in the Argonautica), and that smacks of Redone links to the Rani. It even seems that the namers of RhoDANUS should be Danais elements from Rhodope, i.e. the namers of Dunax. That's like saying that Colchians were at Moray's royal Scotland, wherefore expect the Keturah > Medan line to mythical Medea, Jason's wife, in royal Scotland.
The Argo ship first sailed the quasi-mythical Eridanus (with Colchian ships in pursuit, we get it) before sailing the Rhodanus, and the Eridanus is suspect as the Rhone river to the east side of lake Geneva i.e. in the source area of the Rhine. If ERIdanus was a myth code, then perhaps it was part-code for the ERAvasci, for the Argo ship sailed first of all up the Danube river (doesn't say how it got from the Danube to the Eridanus, but it's a myth version of migratory history), location of the Eravasci. "Vasci" and the Vase/Face/Fessy/Vesci surname is thereby suspect with "Phasis," a great argument for tracing to Pasi-Reno elements at Bologna, and to VesPASIa Polla, mother of the Biblical dragon that's about to be revived in Mosul.
Isn't it a little interesting that Vespasia liners are linking to the owners of Svetovit, now expected with the four horsemen that will bring destruction to this unsuspecting world? Mosul's ancient name (Mepsila) is where I traced Mopsus, though his Muksus variation traces well to Mokissos on the Halys river, location of Kutaisi-like Hattusa, the latter mythicized as "Atti(s), like king Aeetes of Kutaisi, owner of the golden fleece and father of Medea. The Revelation harlot traces to Attis' wife and mother. The Mopps/Modburley surname shares what I see as a version of the Washington Coat, and Washington spies and military people are right-now pressing in on Mosul.
The Crispins/Crepons are the ones using barry for a trace to Berry/Bourges/Avaricum i.e. where Fessy ancestry is suspect. Reno's share the lozenge colors of Grimaldi's and of the Dingels//Dinkels suspect with the Dingels/Dingwalls using a gold fleece. Then, "According to [Mr. Grimaldi], Crispinus, Baron of Bec, was the son of Crispina, daughter of Rollo, by Grimaldus, Prince of Monaco." If that's correct, Colchians trace to Rollo, wherefore note the "passe" motto term of Rollo's/Rollocks. The Passe/Pascal surname uses the Fessy cross in colors reversed while one can expect Crispina to trace to Crispiana at the Eravasci theater, and "CREPon" is thereby suspect with "GRABfeld," Bavarian home of Poppo I Babenberg, suspect with "Poppa," Rollo's wife.'s then possible for CRIS and GRIM liners to be of the Greys that very-likely use the Danker/Dankin lion i.e. for yet another trace to Dunax. Note that the French Gris Coat (Brittany, where Julian-based Alans lived) looks like the Aurelia Coat, both using two stars in Chief that came to be the Moray stars too, which once again hints that Aurelia Cotta had ancestry at the namers of ORbelus. "Aurelia" may even be a b-less corruption from "Orbelus," as when one uses "Orvelus" and then makes a consonant-reversal to "Ovrelus > Aurelia." The Orvells (same place as Julians and Grabfeld-suspect Crabs) happen to use Aurelia / Gris colors and even share the upright, gold-on-blue lion of Gris'.
This can make the Overs (a so-called fret versus the Cotta fretty) suspect with "AURelia." Let's also throw the Orell-related Orrs (Shield-and-Chief color combination of Annas') into this, who show motto codes for what I think is Bononia/Bologna, for the cornuCOPIA in the Orr Crest traces in a Cuppae line to Pinks (and Panico's) of Bologna. The Over Crest even uses a dove (i.e. Cuppae code) with a Levi-suspect olive branch ...though the Over description calls it a "bird" for a potential trace to Bologna's Bouillon line via the Birds/Burds (fundamental relationship with Bolt liners). The olive branch is suspect with the Levi surname and/or Levites of the Olive(r) kind; see Olive-related and dove-using Leve's/Leafs sharing a good reflection of the Orvell Coat. This is more amazing than readily meets the eye, for with the "Danites" / Danaans of Laish tracing hard to the Dunax / Orbelus theater, it brings me (wildly thrilled) to the Biblical Levite, Jonathan (book of Judges), who was forced to become the pagan priest of the 600 "Danites" that conquered Laish and renamed it, Dan. Zowie, I never thought it would become possible to trace Jonathan so well to a Greek-area location. I had traced "Jonathan" to "Oeneus," the name of a river beside the Kupa (Colapis) river that for various reasons traces well to the namers of Cuppae! This is the Caepio bloodline! And I did trace Jonathan on a strong hunch to the Galli priests of Attis, who was made a son of mythical Cotys!
In a nutshell, the Leve's/Leafs are tracing with Orvells to "Orbelus," and that was across the Rhodope mountain from the Bessi Thracians suspect in the Leve/Leaf and Bessin bees. Moreover, as the Bessi are said to have been the priests of the Satrae, the latter are stamped at the southern end of the Orbelus range! I'm noting that the Orvell / Leve Coats are a reflection of the Macey Coat while Overs were first found in the same place as Maceys.
If the Dentheletae were LETHER(i)/LETTER liners, they can be traced to LEDERata, shown across the mouth of the Pek river. It's one way to get Orbelus liners to the Cuppae area. The VIMINacium location at the mouth of the Pek was traced to the "WOMAN" used by Elis', first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as Dents. Elis' are suspect with the eel of Skipton-suspect Skiptons, and may have been Alis/Alice elements, especially as Alis' are tracing to Alessandria, using the red griffin that can be a colors-reversed version of the white-on-red Lether griffin. The Meschin marriage to the Skiptons produced Alice de Meschin, and Elis' (Alexander crescents?) are somewhat in Meschin colors. Orrs use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Letts, as well as the torteaux now tracing better to Tortona, beside Alessandria.
I can see that Annas' trace definitely to the Orr Coat, for Anchors/Annackers trace to Agrigento, home for a while of mythical Aeneas, suspect with "Oeneus," who traces to Oenomaus of Elis (Greece). The "omnia" motto term of Orrs is suspect with Omans/ORmunds.
The "diSHEVELed woman" of Elis' may be code for Shovels (see Crooms/Crine's) showing Schole-like variations (see Scholefields too), and a Coat like that of Eschol-suspect Bone's (this is the SKULL and Bones bloodline). English Bone's are again using the lions of the Gris'. It's notable that Shovels are in the colors of the piles of Orrs ("Bonis omnia bona" motto) that trace to Pylos, ruled by Nestor now tracing to the Nestes river between Orbelus and Rhodope. Moreover, Pylos was beside Methoni, made mythically a daughter of Jonathan-suspect Oeneus! That supports a trace of priest Jonathan to Dunax, Lissae, and Orbelus!! Moreover, I had traced mythical Belus (code for PELusium liners) to golden-fleece "Pelops," ("ops" is a suffix), made the husband of a daughter of OENOmaus, king in Pisa = Elis (!), not far north of Methoni.
And all of this must have come from ancient Modi'in, where Hasmoneans / Maccabees roosted later on. Like I said, Maccabees will trace to king Massena, from Messina and Messene, the latter being the location of Methoni and Pylos. But there was also a Mycenae, a twin city with Argos, where Danaans proper ruled...not to mention where Atreus (gold lamb symbol), son of Pelops, ruled. They say that Mycenae was founded by the Danaan line of Perseus.
The giant star of German Gris'/Grimms (Grimaldi colors) is a colors-reversed version of the giant Annas star. German Gris'/Grimms were first found in the same place (Hamburg) as Grimaldi-suspect Krume's and Gore-related Trips, important where Gore's trace to Orbelus elements of the Corbeil kind. The Trips and Gore's (Julian liners) traced unquestionably to Tryphaena, a queen of Thrace, making her suspect with Skudra / Potent elements. Her husband's name, Cotys, is listed with the Cotta's. I wouldn't have so much to say if there were not truth involved in much of my link-making.
Patents share the lozengy Shield of Schole's who in turn use the Julian cross, lending reason to link the same lozengy to that of Grimaldi's and thus linking also to the Gris' using what looks like the Aurelia Coat. But if Patents are potent-cross liners to Skudra elements, then the Biblical Eschol suspect in Schole's can trace to this picture, and it just so happens that the Anaki lived in Hebron, and were related to it's Eschol entity. That's important because Annas is suspect from the Anaki. Anchors/Annackers use lozenges in the colors of the Crone lozenges, and per-chance the Keturah line from Hebron to mythical Medea involved the Krone's (crow-liner suspects) because Medea was married to Jason in Krone-like Corinth (she moved her team of 12 dragons to Athens to be with the Kodros>Medon line there, suspect with the Keturah>Medan line). Crone's share the fish head with Geddes' and Barrys.
The Mackay bear is, like the Alis bear, muzzled. Why is Mieszko thereby tracing to the Alis' of griffin-using Alessandria? Ask the Griffin family of Pomerania, which was merged with Mieszko liners. As one can expect Pepins at Pavia and the Mouse Tower together, expect them also at Alessandria. The Poppins (share the Mens' as kin with Pepins) use stags in their Chief in the colors of the Keith Chief, and Keiths were very-apparently merged with Alis'. In the Polish language, the name of the Mouse Tower sounds like Mysians, even as the Mesech variation of Mieske's sounds like the Meshech/Mushki. Mieszko's wife, DOBRava, traces to the namers of Dober, but there happens to be a Doberus location opposite the Keturah-suspect Strymon river from the Orbelus mountains. Just look (map below) to the north of "Doberus," about the distance of one dragon breath, to find "Maedi," itself beside the DentheLETAE, suspect with Keturah's Letushite tribe, and now suspect with the griffin-using Lethers/Letters and Ali's/Aliotta's. is a couple of miles from a Dober location, and then Dobers and Dobermans use more griffins, highly suspect with the Berenice line because her husband was Herod Pollio (perhaps the ultimate namer of Poland) while her father was Herod Agrippa. I trace the Keith Catti to the Chatti of Hesse, and the Hesse sun may be in the Italian Durante Coat (because Keith-suspect Geddes linked to Durante's). The English Durante's share the same-type Dancette with Hesse- and Keith-suspect Cheatle's. Scottish and English Durante's were first found in Warwickshire, suspect with Warsaw.
The Boofima Herods and Hiram Abiff
I've just received some emails (withholding name) concerning an online claim that the mythical Freemasonic character, Hiram Abiff, is secretly Hiram Abiud, a servant of Herod Agrippa whom together started a proto-Freemasonic cult. In my preliminary opinion, I reject this claim; the account reads like a fictional novel, and there are no historical documents to back up the claims nor the supposed words of Herod to a certain group on nine Jews that swore an oath to keep secret a program set against the Apostles.
On the Abiff term, there is likely typical surname code at the core. It strikes me that "Abiff" is like the Beef/Boeuf surname with a blue-on-white fesse, the Bernice fesse, what a coincidence. If the Bernice's trace to Berenice Agrippa, there is some merit in identifying Hiram Abiff as code for an Agrippa line. And it would then cause me to link the Agrippa line to the Boofima > Baphomet cult. As Boofima was run by an Imperi peoples (Africa), I traced it to Imperia and PERIgord (where Beefs/Boeufs were first found), and Imperia happens to be not-far from Antibes, a term like the Antipas surname of one Herod. This Herod was near Rennes-le-Chateau, and then some mystery of that place concerns a Catholic priest with Sauniere surname that, as "Saunier," comes up as one first found in Perigord. One can therefore fathom a trace of Ligurian elements to Perigord.
Recently (January), I discovered an Arduinici family of Oneglia, and learned that Oneglia was an alternative name of Imperia. At that time, "Oneglia" was traced to the Nagle's sharing a blue-on-white fesse with Beefs/Boeufs as evidence that the Imperi were of Imperia, but here one can be fairly certain that Nagle's were a Bernice / Burn line. In the Abiud account (or the novel that was put out as fact), Herod Agrippa decides to use three stars to secretly indicate the nails that hung Jesus, or, alternatively, three points. But the Nagle's happen to have a Nail variation, and then there are three nails in a Herod-suspect heart in the Logan Coat. Plus, there are nails (three, I think) in the Arms of Colchester. The impression I'm getting is that the novel writer knew things about Masonic / heraldic symbols. Therefore, when we find three stars in a Caiaphas-suspect Chief, that could be an anti-Christian symbol. If the three stars are white on red, as they are in the Gunn Chief, then they are suspect as the Annas stars. But why would stars be code for nails? I don't know. But the Star/Sterr surname share's green lozenges with Sadducee-suspect Settels, and happen to use a human eye while sharing a green Shield with the Bauers and Herods/Heraults.
German Nagles happen to share a blue saltire with Coopers, suspect with "Cypros," mother of Herod "the great," father of Herod Antipas.
The Boofima cult is rare online, but there is/was one author giving a few details, saying that when its Imperi priests conducted human / goat sacrifices, they would wear the paws of leopards as gloves, and it just so happens that Coopers use leopards. But they are called leopard "faces" in heraldry, when the necks are not showing, thus revealing that the Face/Fessy surname is fundamental to Boofima-based families.
As Quints are now tracing to proto-Budapest along with Fessys, we note that the Quint fesse is a fitchee cross, like a stabbing instrument, held by a lion paw, and then leopard faces are used by the Fitch surname. The latter are in the colors of the Herod/Herault surname, first found in the same place (Argyllshire) as Arduinici-suspect MacArthurs, the latter sharing the moline cross of Seagars / SEGNI's/Segurana's, and then Face's/Fessys happen to use a "segni" motto term. The Segni's were first found in Genoa, important because it's in Liguria, location of Imperia too. The Segans/Sagans use a SALamander, which I trace to the Salyes Ligures.
The Fitch motto is "Esperance," which looks like code for the Asper(en) surname sharing the double-red-fesse bars of Washingtons and Mopps'/Modburleys, and the latter use a fitchee cross within a canton while CANtons/GANtons -- same Chief as GUNNs stars included -- use the Washington Coat in colors reversed. In this way, the Washington stars become suspect as the Annas nails. The Gunns, remember, trace to the Durance-river Durante's, river of the Salyes. The nail-using Logans trace to the swan-symbolized Ligurians.
The novel puts it like this: "King Herod Agrippa reinforced his deceit of Christianity into ancient masonry by establishing the meaning of the instruments and symbols. Every session would be opened by striking three times consecutively with a hammer; thus remembering eternally through the centuries, that they crucified Christ and with the hammer had fixed the nails into his hands and feet, killing him. Three stars would symbolize the three nails. They would be able to change them for three points that will have the same significance." This should explain why points are called piles, like "Pilate."
The pile-using Orrs use a cornuCOPIA symbol, and pile-using Guiscards were first found in the same place -- Star/Sterr-like Stirling -- as Chappes'. The Stirlings/STERlings share the Moor head with French Chappes', and the Stirling buckles look like they incorporate three nails! In fact, they look like round horseshoes and nails, and perhaps they were originally, until they were altered to honor the Buckle surname.
The "great" Masonic seal of the United States has the motto, "Annuit Coeptis," as though to honor both Annas and Caiaphas. This amounts to mass deception with no good ending for Christians, but, alas, the Freemasons shall pay dearly for their "games," both in this life and afterward, for God shall not be mocked.
There is a question here on whether "Aspere" is a version of "Imperi." The Pere's/Peirs are in the colors of ModBURLEY-suspect Burleys, the latter in Star colors. The PURys/BUReys happen to share the black-on-white martlet of AsPERE's! It's making some Per liners suspect with Eburovices, but the importance here is that Purys (Oxfordshire) are thus revealed as Imperi liners (I feel sure). The fitchee itself has a nail-like look, but how does a Pury- / Pere- / Bauer-like name trace to killers of Jesus? It doesn't look hard to answer.
I have never viewed "Bauer" as a "PHARisee" possibility, but they do use three stars, and share a green Shield with Herods/Heraults. Then, when we go to the Pettys, first found in the same place as Bowers, they (Pettys) use a green bend, the arrow, Pere-related parrots, and a "needle POINTing."
Burleys/Bourleys were first found in the same place as Piers/PIERCE's (Pury / Fogg colors) and related Percivals (muzzled bear), begging the question of whether Perche was an Imperi element. Percival was made the father of the Logan-related Swan Knight, LOHENgrin, what a nailincidence. Percival was tagged, "grail king," while Pilotte's and Pellets use grails. Pilate's use arrow heads i.e. with points, but they called then "pheons," now suspect as code for Chappes-related Payens/Peans. Bellamys, from Perche, were first found in the same place (Shropshire) as Modleys/Medlicots, who share the red mural crown of Bauer-suspect Lurch's/Larchers and Archers suspect at the Modane location upon the Arc river.
This Pury link to Aspers is new to me, and it just so happens that the three Pury stars are linkable to the stars-in-Chief of Modburley-suspect Medleys because the latter share double-bars gemel with proto-Washington Wassa's (and Mauds/Maids). The Medley stars were traced to those of Foggs (PIERCED stars, suspect years ago with the piercing of Jesus), and are a virtual copy of the stars-on-fesse of Purys/Bureys. Foggs traced to Foca/Phocaea, home of the known proto-Ligurians. Medleys traced to Methymna and/or Mitilini on Lesbos, out to sea from Foca. Remember these Met-like terms when we get to the Bower motto. The buckle-using (or are they nails?) LESlie's are suspect with boar-head Less' from LESbos, and Leslie's happen to use a bend in Bernice- / Beef-fesse colors. Leslie's can be a Fessy liner because both are from Pannonia / Hungary.
The Fogg / Medley stars were traced to the white stars of Palins (compare with the Gunn / Canton Chiefs), who share the upright black lion with fox-related FAUCets. Along with fox-using FOSS' (Bernice / Beef colors), both are suspect with the FAUX's/Fage's of Perigord showing Saunier-suspect variations. The Faux's share the Panico Chief and a dove so as to be traceable to the Cuppae line to the Kupa=Colapis river (Sava tributary), important because Faux variations such as "Colnes/Chaulnes" look linkable to the namers of the Colapis. "If "Saunier" developed from "Chaulnes," then Saunier's are suspect from the Japodes theater, but it seems rather evident that the Faux/Fauge variations are Fessy liners, and Colchians did settle the Japodes theater even if they didn't name the COLapis. Moreover, the Quint trace to the same area as the Fessy>Eravasci is highlighted here where Quintus Caepio was traced to the namers of the Kupa river. Therefore, just as was expected, the money-mystery at Rennes-le-Chateau had to do with the Caepio tressure found in Toulouse, itself located between Rennes-le-Chateau and Perigord. Near the latter is Bergerac, which can trace to the Burghs at the ancestry of Fessys. The Burgos annulet is colors reversed from the Fogg annulet, a good reason to trace Foggs to Fessys. As Fessys traced to Pasi's/Pace's (Spears) and Pascals, it's notable that Fossys/Fossards share the bend of ShakeSPEARe's
[Insert -- Later, it turns out that "Hiram" traces exactly to the namers of Rennes of Brittany, but I didn't know it while writing here. Where Fessys are from Phasis, "Chateau" may have been a modification to a dictionary word from something named in honor of the Hatti that I say named Kutaisi. In fact, after writing that, it led me to consider the Keiths (said to be from Catti), who use a "vincit" motto term while Vincents and Vince's/Vinch's both trace to Rennes-le-Chateau, wherefore it looks like that place was named by the Keith Catti, especially as Faux-suspect Faucets were first found in the same place as Keiths. But does the "vincit" term of Fessys trace them to Rennes-le-Chateau too? Were Fessys a branch of Faux's? Were the Eravasci and related peoples down at the Aude river of Languedoc?
As it was just found that elements at/near Rennes-le-Chateau were from OrBELUS, suspect with Abello=Apollo, let's repeat that I expect the golden fleece of Kutaisi to have been the same symbol (Apollo) that skinned the Marsyas goat alive. If Phasis elements were a line to Faux's through Phocaea, they go especially well to the Marsi and their Fucino region, suggesting that Marsyas was a Colchian entity of the Hatti. The Salto river at the Marsi theater then becomes suspect with "Khaldi," the people represented by Aphrodite's husband.
The golden fleece must derive from Apollo-suspect PELops of Lydia, and in Latin, a language expected from Lydians, "pel" is like the word for "skin / hide," which makes the alternative name of ancient Sardis, "Hyde," interesting. One can see how Apollo (born from a Lydian mother) got the skinning symbol, in other words. Reminder: there is a gold fleece in the Dingel surname that represented the Ross-shire capital, a surname like "Dunax" at Orbelus. Therefore, Apollo traces well to Orbelus. I traced his name to Abila / Abilene between Damascus and what is now Lebanon, and years later found a Massyas/Marsyas area right there on the southern parts of Damascus. "Massyas" became suspect with nearby "Emesa," home of El-Gabal, but also suspect with "MACCAbee."
The Hyde surname happens to use Colchian lozenges, as do German Dingels, and the Hyde lozenges are in the colors of the Nagle lozenges. I identified the golden-fleece bloodline with the Colchian Lazi, of Lazona, suspect with "LOZENge." Later in this update, I mention that the Fusil surname uses lozenges in the colors of the Nagle lozenges, but didn't realize yet that they are the Hyde lozenges too. Hyde's use a "Fecit" motto term possibly for Faucet liners. Some lozenges are called, fusils, because the Fusil surname was a fundamental lozenge line, wherefore one can expect Fusils and Fessys from Phocaea, if the Lazi were Lydian elements. The Attis cult at Kutaisi evolved into mythical Lydus = Lydia, location of Phocaea (near the mouth of the Hermus, now the Gediz). The founding of Ligurians at proto-Marseille was near Sardis-like Sardinia, and while the Hattusa of the Hatti was from the Cadusii Armenians represented by the Hermes caduceus, it just so happens that Sardis (Lydian capital) was on a Hermus river. If the Geddes' trace to the Gediz, recall that Gunnora Crepon became suspect with the Geddes-related Gunns, which provides an opening for tracing Fessys to Phocaea.
In Peloponnesia, Pelops became a king with the help of Hermes. Hermes, beloved of Freemasons, was the owner of the RAM, and the golden fleece, while yet alive, was a ram. Therefore, the HiRAM code ("Hiram" is much like "HERMes") looks like it has the Hermes ram in code. Near Phocis (not the same place as Phocaea but may be related), there was an Abaeus cult of Apollo, like "MaccABAEUS." This can go to "Abi / Abiff." On the ancient map, at Muse-suspect Mysia, you can see an Macestus river through Apollonian.
Later in the update, a red-eagle identity with Lake Van's Pan cult traces through the Satrae at Orbelus, to Pannonia, home of the Boii that might just be from Abaeus (divination cult). This insert is the first thing done this morning, after awaking from a bad dream in which I was in Hitler's army, watching how he operated to make his men zealous for killing neighbors. The Hitlers (Enfield GRIFFIN) are listed with Hyde-like Heidlers, and Hyde's use the red eagle. End Insert]
And speaking of Panico's [as per the Faux Chief], the Pinks/Pincs use another fitchee, suggesting that Boofima liners were at Pincum, suspect with "Benjamin," the affiliates of the Japodes.
[I had wondered whether the Jabesh line to Japodes was through "Abas," a Jabesh-like term, and it could be that Abas was named after the Abaeus cult. As Jabesh-Gilead was on the Jordan river, why is one Jordan surname listed with Sardis-like variations? The Benjamite-Jabesh merger must trace to the formation of Romans, who included Latins i.e. from Lydia. Proto-Boofima traces to the disgusting Lydians. The leopard symbol of Dionysus links to his Maenads = Maeonians, and this is where he can trace to Hyde. Wikipedia: "...the name Hyde seems to be given to the city of the Maeonian (i.e. Lydian) chiefs, and in later times Hyde was said to be the older name of Sardis..." Hyde's use the lozenges of Nagle's, of Imperia, and using a fesse tracing to Berenice / Berenicianus Agrippa, of Chalcis, which can trace to the mythical Abas of Euboea, and even "Euboea" is a term like "Abaeus." It can suggest that Cadusii-related Boiotians/Boeotians (of Cadmus) were from Jabesh-Gilead.
Where mythical Belas (Baal?) was the proto-Apollo cult, it exposes a fundamental Apollo link to mythical Danaus, a link we see again at the Dunax-OrBELUS theater, and it just so happens that Argos, home of the Danaus line, had a mythical Abas as a Danaan patriarch. Abas of Argos traces to the mythical Danaan, Perseus, at Japode-suspect Joppa. The Perseus Danaans can be expected from Laish, and thus the 600 Danites of Laish (Judges) are found merged with the 600 Benjamites of Judges.
I had identified the two caduceus snakes as an alliance between the Cadusii and the Gels/Gileki (near Hercuniates-like Hyrcania), and I traced the CADUSii from Hermes' mount Hermon to KADESH, which is feasibly the makings of JABESH, wherefore note that the Gilead area around Jabesh is like "Gel/Gileki." The Colchians are suspect from "Gileki." Hermes liners (probably named after "Armenia") can go to Hermans, and the French Herman surname (Ermine colors) shares red-and-white bars with Crispons, from Crispiana smack in Pannonia beside the Hercuniates and Boii. It's a good reason for tracing the Maccabee-suspect Hercuniates to Hyrcania/Verkana. The reason that I don't proof read much anymore is that I always add inserts during a proof read, and they break up the original flow. End insert]
I had traced Boofima to the Bavarian Illuminati when discovering from a writer or two that it had roots in Africa. It felt right to trace Boofima to the founders / namers of Bavaria, who often share a bear with Bernician lines. Some say that the Baii namers of Bavaria were Boii, but then the Boii were in the same area as the Eravasci. "Boii" looks like "Boof" while the latter can become "Bov." There are many writers who lump Rothschilds in with the Bavarian Illuminati (founded by a Jewish control-freak nutbar), and then the Burleys (same place as Boofima-liner Roets) share a green Shield with Bauers and Bowers as well as having a BOURley variation. This tends to confirm a Boofima trace to Bauers, first found in Bauer-like Bavaria (meaning that the claim of "Bauer" being rooted in some German term for "land" is likely wrong).
BURleys/BOURleys share the BOAR head with the Bernician Gords (Berwickshire) who may be from "PeriGORD." Indeed, the Gord boar heads are in the Roet Chief. In this case, it seems that the boar is owned by the Burley line, making it suspect with the EBER surname (shares the upright black boar with PORcia's). The white boar head (color of the Burley head) is shared by Mea's/Meighs (fitchee cross of a design used by Pinks) who happen to use the same cross as Fessys and Macclesfields, though it's shared also by Baths, first found in the same place (Somerset) as Burleys. You need to put Maccabee-suspect Macclesfields together with the MODburleys to see Modi'in liners involved in this Eber=Hebrew discussion. For the paragraph below, let it be reminded that Modburleys use a canton with fitchee as code for Cantons/Gantons, dragging the latter into Boofima circles, as would be expected where the mythical goat-man was linked anciently to the mythical horse-man, the CENTaurs.
As "Herod"-like Roet's were first found in the same place as Burleys, and as Catherine Roet married John of GAUNT (he was at the Gironde area), see the Dutch GHENT fesse in colors reversed to the fesse of Beefs/Boeufs. [Later, the Arms of Gironde, shared by Picards, will trace to Boofima elements in Picardy's Somme river.] The Gaunt/Ghent surname looks linkable to "Gunn / Ganton," both latter surnames sharing the same stars in Chief that someone claimed to be anti-Christian symbols as per nails = Nagle's, and then the Oneglia location is where the Arduinici family married a Doria family (Genoa) that uses the same eagle as CANDida's, in colors reversed from the eagles in a Chief of English Ghents (Gaunts were first found in Kent, founded by the Cantii).
As German Nagle's are listed with Nails/Neils, see the three, star-like estoiles in the Irish Neil Chief, for they are in the colors of the Washington-Chief stars. One easily links this picture to the Modburleys, and assumes that the Medley-Chief stars apply. There is no evidence that these surnames used stars as secret code for the nails of Jesus, but, rather, I'm assuming that someone knew to connect heraldic stars, and perhaps the Star / Stirling / Stur bloodline, to the Nagle's / Neils. Vere's are from the same place (Manche) as Sturs, and the Vere Coat uses the so-called Vere star, while the Vere motto term, "nihil," has been traced to the Nihill variation of Irish Neils. The Vere star is suspect with the Annas star, in the colors of the Canton/Ganton stars, and that links Vere's to Modburleys and Burleys, the latter sharing the boar with the Vere Crest.
Although that particular Vere-Burley argument looks thin, there is more to it. English Sturs were first found in the same place as Drakenberg-suspect Drake's, while the green beaver of Oxford (where Vere's ruled a long time) became suspect with Drago de BEWERE in the write-up of the Blades (colors reversed from Were's). Blade's share white pheons with Pilate's) are in Burley white-on-green, and then, later in this update, you will see the Stur-related Easters, honored by Newtons, tracing fundamentally to Hiram Abiff. The point here is that Newtons (share a green Shield with "Beaver"-like Bowers/Beauers) are in Blade colors.
Bowers/Beauers use a "METam" motto term suspect with whatever BaphoMET was named after. Reminder: "Medleys traced to Methymna and/or Mitilini on Lesbos, out to sea from Foca." Why "MeTAM? The Tam/Thames surname uses a version of the Pear/Pearl Coat (leopard faces) expected in the pears of the Parrot Coat while parrots are used by Peeble's while Bowers were first found in Peebles. This makes Pears and Parrots suspect with "ImPERI," and traces the Imperi to the Thames river (Oxfordshire), where Moor-suspect Amore's were first found that are honored in the "Amore" motto of Terras'/Turris', whom were traced to the Tuareg Berbers / Amazons, and moreover the Tuaregs were suspect as the namers of Turin before I emphasized the Turano river i.e. beside Abruzzo. Remember the TUARegs (not "TAUReg") when I nail the mystery of the Mister surname, which uses a "TUERi" motto term.
The trace of Aphrodite and Ares (= the dragon that protected the golden fleece) to Abruzzo and the Marsi is important where the Greeks appointed Bapho-like Paphos (Cyprus) as the birthplace of Aphrodite. This doesn't conflict with an Aphrodite trace to the Parthenius river of the Heneti, for there was a PAPHlagonian branch of the Heneti. Aphrodite is the root of all pornography. Pygmalion of Cyprus fell in love with a statue of Aphrodite, code for porn. The Hermaphrodite was a male-female being like the transvestite, named after a Hermes link to Aphrodite's erotica-addiction cult. Aphrodite and Ares (child porn symbol) birthed both Eros and Erotes, the latter strikingly like "Herod," the latter born from a woman named, Cypros. The Cooper/Copper saltire is colors reversed from that of Messeys/Messier's, the latter using the saltire that was the flag of Mercia, thus linking Messeys to Marsi liners, probably explaining why proto-Marseilles was "Massalia/Massilia."
The Boofima goat (they made it scary and wicked on the head of Baphomet) was traced some years ago to the mythical goat, Marsyas, whom should trace to the Marsi living at Fucino, in Abruzzo but very near the source of the Turano, and so that "tueri" term of Misters/MASters can trace to the Turano with some sort of Berbers, and one can sense the line of king Massena in this. "Foca" traces well to "Fucino" because the Marsi trace well to the naming Marseilles, the place where Ligurians originated from Phocaeans in 700 BC, long before king Massena, yet Massena was from a Numidian tribe named much like, Massilia. Later in this update, Hiram Abiff is discovered with NOMinoe of Brittany, wherefore compare with "NUMidia."
Massena was suspect with the Shawia Numidians in Aures, who were traceable to the Shaws (eagles) and related Ayers, both in the colors of the Ghent eagles, important because Numidians traced to Kent, where Massins/Masons, Misters/Masters, and Gaunts were first found. Then, in about 700 AD, there was a family of Numidians in Aures that birthed Kent-like Kanza/Kenza, wife of Idris of Morocco. It makes John of Gaunt, and the gaunt gloves of Maceys, suspect with a king-Massena line to Kanza. Idris ruled at Fes/Fez (Morocco), which traces well to the Fes/Fez/Faye surname (fox), and thus Moroccan Fez looks like a Fessy / Faux bloodline to / from Perigord. It's a good reason to trace Boofima to Aures, and even to Kanza's family. And that's what I do because Boofima was an African cult. Faucets are traced to a FAYEside location / surname.
If the namers of Kent trace to Kanza, one might expect the Kent lion to be her family's symbol, but in any case, Kents were first found in BERKshire, while Fessys are said to be from Burghs. The Berks are listed with Irish Burghs using a "foy" motto term that links with the Foys having Foix variations, thus tracing Kents exceptionally and surprisingly well to the Fes/Fez fox. The link is so-well made that Kents are with little doubt from the namers of Kanza. But "Kanza" got suspect with ancestry in Quintus Caepio, and was therefore traced to mascle-using Quince's, notable where the Kent lion is in the colors of the Sforza lion, the one holding a quince. One French Foy/Foix surname (sinister bend, used by Massena's, Maschi's and RasMussens) was first found in the same place as Chappes', and the other French Foy/Foix surname was first found in the same place as Fes'/Fez'...and moreover Irish Foys use the giant crescent of Chapmans. Irish Foys even share the eel with Skiptons, suspect as a branch of Skiptons that trace to a king-Massena merger with general Scipio. Fes'/Fez' were first found in the same place (Auvergne) as Claviere's that trace to Glaphyra, wife for a time of Juba of Numidia, a known descendant of Massena. "Aures" elements might even have named Auvergne.
To this it should be added that Boofima-suspect Neils are said to have been from a QUINN element while Quinns (Burley colors) share the pegasus with Masseys/Maceys. The other Irish Quinns use a so-called wolf's head, but it looks like a white boar head (i.e. it may have been at one time), the Burley symbol. And we need to remember that the talk earlier on Washingtons and their Modburley kin trace to Messene in Greece, which is what true FreeMASONry traces to. And we will find Hiram Abiff tracing to this Messene > Massena line without much question, but let's keep Julius Agrippa in mind, the brother or uncle (I can't recall which) of Julius Bassianus, father of Julia Maesa (she is suspect in marrying a Massena liner). Julia's son, Heliogabalus, tried to make El-Gabal the official Roman religion when he became emperor (218 AD, I think). Earlier, a Massena liner, Drusilla, was married to Sohaemus, an El-Gabal priest that I trace to the naming of the Somme river, and yet the same Sohaemus married another Drusilla, daughter of Herod Agrippa (the first squirrel since last fall has just entered my attic). It wasn't until later in this update when I found a translated page calling Somme by a "Sum" term, and so let's add the "IpSUM" motto term of Irish Shaws (the ones with the grails of Pellets / Pilotte's honored in the Foy/Foix pellets), for English Shaws share "vincit" with Fessys, and moreover bury an "ITUR" term that I trace to the Iturean peoples to which I trace IDRis.
This strong trace of Fessys to Fez of Morocco, and Fez' of Auvergne, should not discredit a Fessy trace to the Eravasci, for as that trace involved AQUINcum, so we just saw the Quinns working into this, suspect with the Quince line to Idris' wife. If you've forgotten: Quince's were first found in the same place as Fessys. Idris is known to have originated as a Muslim element in Syria, and Itureans lived, not likely coincidentally, at Massyas/Marsyas. This can explain why he fled war to the Aures tribe of Numidia. Quince's and Winchesters use mascles, which are hollow lozenges or fusils. Mascles likely trace to the Massilia-like tribes of Numidians that Massena and his kin derived in. The Kent lion is almost the Maschi/MASKALy lion. This is prime-root Masonry, but only as it got caught up in Herod circles.
Marsyas the goat was a Phrygian entity, and was therefore near Mokissos, the place where I trace the Mopps/Modburley bloodline. Mokissos is the entity that I trace to ancient Mosul, beside Nuzi, origin of the high priest, DioNYSUS (trace's to Nice, near Imperia), whom anciently had a leopard symbol (he wore a leopard skin, very connectable to the Boofima priesthood). Only lunatics sacrifice humans, and Dionysus was given a lunatic / frenzy symbol. Abruzzo traces to Aphrodite on the Parthenius river, beside the Sakarya, where Fessy-related Seagars trace. Proto-Fessys are suspect as Phasis Colchians in the Hatti theater that named Aeetes, and the Hatti are known to have lived on the Halys, location of Mokissos (or "Mokissos"). As Dionysus was the high priest of Cybele, his Nuzi elements (Horites, likely) are expected on the Sakarya, for she (lion symbol) was on that river along with a Kabeiri location. But I think that heraldry wouldn't be interested in tracing to ancient elements on the Sakarya had it not been for Brogitarus, high priest of Cybele at Pessinus, on the Sakarya.
Let's mention the Arrabo river that becomes important below, tracing smack to the Newton parts of Hiram Abiff (Isaac Newton was of the Freemasonic era). The ARRABo was home to the Boii of Pannonia, not far west of the Eravasci. This is mentioned here because Nuzi was smack beside ARRAPHa, today Kirkuk, which was anciently part of SUBARtu, suspect with the Biblical SEPHAR. Joktanite Hebrews are said (in Genesis) to have lived between Sephar and Mesha (Mosul? Mus?), and then on the north side of the Arrabo, we can see (on map) a SAVARia location. As the Hercuniates between the Arrabo and the Eravisci are suspect with the Hyrcanus Hasmoneans while the Boii are suspect in naming Maccabees, by what coincidence was Julius SEVERus (Brogitarus' g-g-grandson) in Hasmon-like AKMONia?
To put it another way, someone in the Brogitarus family is suspect in marrying elements from Pannonia's Arrabo river, thus naming Julius Severus. In fact, the BRIGetio location near the mouth of the Arrabo may explain BROGitarus. Note that Brigetio-like Brights use nothing but pierced stars, and in the Crest a griffin holding a star. Per chance, this can reveal that Brogitarus elements were at Brigantium/Briancon, near Modane.
To the near-south of Brigetio, the Crispiana location had an Agrippa-suspect Crepon entity. Crispins were from Lorraine, and Lorraine's are kin of Glorys/Lowrys while Severus-suspect Saffers/SAVARys (Crispin colors) use a "gloria" motto term. This tends to reveal an Eravasci merger with lines out of Savaria. Saffers/Savarys share the unicorn with Akmonia-suspect Assmans/Rasmussens, and the Saffer/Savary crane thus traces well to the Crone's/Crine's/CROOMs (similar Crest with Brights) sharing the fleur of Masseys and Asmans. Note the GRUMerum location beside Brigetio.
The Crispon/Crepon pomeGRANate's can trace to the Scottish Crine's/Crains, or the Grains/Grayns, first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as Croom. Grame's, listed with Grahams, are in the Faucet write-up, and Faucets share the black Crine/Crone lion. It just so happens that the Grain Coat is identical to that of Agrippa-suspect Grave's, and French Grave's (in Crepon colors) shares bars with Crispins/Crepons. Dutch Grave's use just a cross, the same one as Fessys! It's tracing Grave liners to the Eravasci / Brigetio theater. As the LUTONs use the Grave / Grain eagle, see LUSSONium at the south end of the Eravasci. Again, Luton is in Bedfordshire while Bedfords share the lion paw with Quints. Faucets were first found in Luton-like Lothian.
[Forgive the insert, but it's important. A few hours after writing the above, the Ceraunii were spotted on the URBANus river, beside the Maezaei to which the Masseys and Massena's were traced. The URBANs, you see, share gold Zionist stars on a blue bend with Massena's, but just now the Craun surname was checked to find patee crosses, the other Massena symbol. While the sharing of these crosses doesn't in itself prove a Massena trace to the Crauns, the Massena link to the Urbans does. Plus, the Crauns are using a version of the Gore/Core Coat, and the latter surname was traced to Servitium (years ago), beside the mouth of the Urbanus, clinching the Craun trace to the Ceraunii while clinching the Gore trace yet again to Servitium. This is why the Crone's and Crains can trace to the same Ceraunii, which is all important as per the Revelation written in Patmos
I have always wondered why heraldry has crowns, yet no Crown surname comes up. But now, the Craun hind (shared by Messina-suspect Shaws) is said to be "gorged," a term referring to a crown surrounding the neck of an animal! Therefore, the mural and CORONal crowns of heraldry are at times suspect with the CERAUNii. I traced Gore's/Core's to CORONis (sister of Ixion), whom I identify as the city of Chora on Patmos, which, if correct, traces Patmos elements to the Ceraunii. I'm fully convinced of this trace. It should be added that I see Coronis as the Corinthian people too, as per mythical Medea of Corinth. Hinds use lozenges i.e. they are Colchians.
It just so happens that Crine's/Crone's/CROONs use a mural crown!!! This means that other Crine's / Crone's / Crane's / Grooms can trace to Patmos / Coronis, and that can trace her to Grumerum. The Grame's in the Faucet write-up use scallops, which not only trace to Scylla (Messina), but to Skala on Patmos. The patee crosses of Massena's and Crains/Crane's (same place as Grooms) are now known to trace to Patti in Messina, suspect in being named by PATmos elements. Therefore, a patee cross traces to Patmos. Peks and Packers use patee crosses, important for my theory that Hyksos passed through Patmos, making the Pek river suspect with the Hyksos king, APACHnas. Or, see if the Massey PEGasus will spill any secrets. I had claimed that Apachnas had a Mus household before emphasizing lines from PatMOS. I read that Apachnas was the same king as Khyan, and traced him to "Ixion" before realizing that Coronis represented a Patmos city, and even before knowing that Coronis was Ixion's sister. And here I find Coronis tracing to the Maezaei and to Massena. I'm impressed. I must have a Gift, because I'm not capable of things like this. How can anyone write for nine years on heraldic discoveries without running out of anything to say unless something motivates him continuously?
The Chads use both the potent and the patee cross, and are traced to St. Chad at Litchfield. I agree with that trace, for I read that St. Chad's family used this potent cross. Recently, the Litch surname came up, but I've just looked at it again to see that the Chief uses CROWNs! I must have been wrong when claiming that heraldic crowns are indication of royalty. Some might be, but it seems clear enough now that some crowns are for Coronis elements. I used to think that only coronal crowns were code for her. The Litch Crest even uses a snake, symbol of Asclepios, son of Coronis.
I've just checked the Gregorys because I recall tracing Gregors to Patmos, and that got the CRANE of German Gregorys! The crane holds a rock, same as the CRONkite crane. And, yep, the Gregors use a crown, the MacArthur crown, but that's not why Gregors were traced to Patmos. The Gregors became a topic a few months ago when Mr. Skeetz told me that he was a Gregor on one side. The Skeets' happen to use a potent cross. Gregors were in cahoots with Alpins, founders of Scots, but as royal Scots are now tracing to Sword-suspect Serdica, note the Gregor / Alpin sword. Can Chora elements trace to ORbelus?
The gorged code could be for Gregor or George liners, or even Gorgons. The Gorge's/George's (doves) are using the same fesse as Bernice's (and colors reversed from the Hind fesse), which might not have meant much except that the gorged Crauns are said to be Bernicians! Why were Patmos liners Bernicians? Did Coronis go to the Herods? I did trace "Gareb" to "Agrippa."
Yes, as Coronis was the mythical a crow / corvos, suspect with Garebites ("raven" is suspect for "REPHAites), note how "URBAN" can be a line from crow-using CORBANs ("corvos" motto term). These Corbans/Corbetts even share the white elephant with Scottish Crine's/Crains (from Jura, like "Jerevan / Jerusalem"). I don't recall making this Patmos trace to the Urbanus before, but the river is in the Serbia theater, and "Serb" was traced to "Gareb," a good reason for tracing SERVitium to Gareb too. It gives two good geographical options for tracing Agrippa's. Jura, by the way, is in Hebrew-suspect Hebrides. End Insert]
Lussonium (suspect with the lozenge line) is beside Ripa while the latter smacks of the Rephaites that I traced to "Arrapha." The RIPleys/Rippers are in Luton colors, and share the lions (same colors) of Triggs/Tracks/Tricks suspect with "TROCmii," the Galatians to which Brogitarus belonged. I had equated Rephaites with mount Gareb (both are on the west side of Jerusalem), and proposed a trace of "Agrippa" to "Gareb." Note the Girpi location smack beside Grumerum, upstream (on the Danube) from Ripa. The CARPae are stamped not far off from Girpi. As the Biblical king Og was a Rephaite, I'm looking in the Ripa vicinity for Og-like terms, but AQuincum is the closest thing.
As Og went to mythical Ogyges of Acte (Athens / Boiotia region) because Keturah elements from nearby Hebron traced to Athens, Og elements are suspect with ACTons, honored in the motto of Gareb-suspect CRAVens. Coincidence? I don't think so. The Gripps/Grape's are listed with Grabbers/CRAVers. Ogyges was said (by others) to be the Ares dragon, and, independent of that claim, Ares traces logically, with Hera, to Jerevan > Gareb elements.
Let's recall the novelist who claimed that the nails in Jesus were represented both by stars and points. What did he mean by points? Did he mean only the Point surname (pointed piles), and/or things like the three spears in the Track Chief? They did spear Jesus. Note that Tracks (same place as Capone's) use a green lion upright, symbol of Herod-related Lannoys / Lyons.
It just dawned on me that "ERAvasci" is a Hera term, for she was traced to Gareb / Jerevan and the naming of JERusalem. Therefore, the Eravasci are looking much like non-Israeli Jerusalemites through some Hera hot-spots of Greece, such as Argos or Samos. Note that the Eravasci are at a HERCULia location, for Hercules married Hebe, daughter of Hera. This has potential to trace "Hercules" to Hyrcania (southern tip of the Caspian sea), yet I thought to trace him to "KURKura," the later name of Arrapha! Therefore, it appears that one can take SAMSon elements to Samos along with the Hera cult of Jerusalem, the cult that the Greeks called, Heracles (a Danaan). Samson's "Daniy" (not necessarily the Israeli tribe) go to the Danaans of Argos, explaining why Hera got Argos as her turf.
This is good, for I now know that the Fessys were Hera-branch Jerusalemites. Zeus traces to the Solymi peoples of Anatolia, who had a Zeus-Solymi cult, and that smacks of the Greek version of Jerusalem, HieroSOLYMA. The Solymi are said to have been a branch or tribe of the Pisidians (hence, Poseidon, brother of Zeus), the Lussonium-like Lasonii, and the mother-tart Cabelees.
The Hiram Surname
There is a Hiram surname (same place as Seagars) listed with Irons/Kenirons. Hirams/Irons show a white moline in Crest, the color of the Seagar moline. There is already cause to trace the Hiram secret to the Sakarya, home of the Cabelees. It had nothing to do with Solomon.
Hirams were first found in the same place as English Barneys/Bernie's (Chaucer bend?), and it then becomes obvious that Hirams are using a quartered cross linkable to the quarter colors of Bernays/Burnie's, likewise first found in the same place (Norfolk) as Hirams! Zowie, one could get the impression that the Hiram secret traces to Herod Agrippa, just as the Abiud novelist claimed.
Indeed, the paragraph above is a thing to convince me that Bernice and Burn liners are from Berenice Agrippa. Here is what the darkest / most-immature Freemasons loved. Never mind the Freemasonic trace of Hiram Abiff to the Biblical Solomon; what they didn't want to tell us is that he's a Herod-Agrippa liner to a nasty human-sacrifice cult, Boofima. Herod "the great" was the sort of idiot who would cling to a throne with his band of thugs even if God himself were coming to town to claim the leadership position of Israel. And that's the only story of Herod that counts. His lofty stonework and directives within the Jerusalem temple are gone forever, yet the darkest Freemasons wish to keep some Templarist ceremonies alive in his honor, quite apparently. The only thing that the goat head of Baphomet has going for it is that Herod was uglier.
The sharing of the Betty / Barney key in colors reversed goes to Barney and Betty Rubble. Barney and Fred Flintstone were Freemasons of a Water Buffalo lodge. This is just one of countless pieces of evidences that Freemasons have been in the faces of our children to re-educate them away from a Christian perspective. But the messages in cartoons paled in comparison to the satanic material for adults from Hollywood, which is in very fact uglier than Herod heart by far. Modern satanists are by far the most disgusting in all of history. Their game is to educate the masses into satanic themes, and to ridicule Christ. You see it everywhere. It's the demented Roman caesars revived, but far worse.
It doesn't matter whether Hiram Abiud was a creation or a real person. The fact that he's said to have been an associate of Herod Agrippa, while starting something of a masonic cult from a so-called "Mysterious Force," had me thinking about the Fort bloodline a little earlier, BEFORE I arrived to the Bernay Coat above. It just so happens that the Fort quarters are colors reversed from the Bernay quarters! I get it. I would therefore venture to suggest that "ABIUD" is itself a code for some specific Hiram/Iron and Agrippa liners. The namers of BUDApest?
Forts use a motto traceable to the Aude river, as do Saffers/Savarys. Forts also use the McLeod tower, by the looks of it, and by now you know that McLeods have the Herod sept, which is in the colors of the Pollocks using "AudACTer," feasible part-code for Og-suspect Actons, who use virtually no symbol in their Coat but a FESSE in Fessy colors, and so Forts should trace to Hiram / Jerusalem elements pertaining to the Hera-Vasci, if you don't mind me using that phrase to keep the Garebites / Rephaites in your mind as I continue. Also keep in mind that Jerusalem was ruled by Amorites and Jabesh-suspect Jebusites until the son of Solomon came to oust the Jebusites as rulers of Zion. Freemasons may know that some Israelites of Zion had merged with Jebusites in leading to a certain people-group and/or surname, but nip the thought that this group was considered blessed by God, for only a Freemason would have such a thought.
Here is the Acton Coat: "A red shield, with an silver fesse and border." The Border surname (Somerset, same place as Tresure's) uses swords, a symbol in the Acton Crest, and it's the erect sword of Ares, part of the Hera cult, very likely some Horites from Nuzi through to Edom, the same HORITes suspect in naming "Herod." The mythical Erotes, son of Ares, can apply to Horites, therefore, and so just assume that these Ares / Hera elements were part of Og's kingdom, though at times there would be conflict. Borders are suspect with Birds/Burds that trace to Bouillons, first found in the same place as Fes'/Fez', and so let's recall that Bouillons and Fessys share the same-colored cross, in colors reversed to the Bird/Burd cross. Fessys were definitely of the Fes'/Fez/Faye surname, and the Faye's are suspect as satanists in Abiud-like Bute = Avalon. The people who belonged to this group are very frightening, as in lunatics you can't trust. You never know when the demons will arise in their souls to pollute your spirit, or even to damage your body, if you associate with them. Yet, they are worming to the highest levels of globalism, because God wants it that way in-time for Showdown. It's been the plan-in-the-works ever since David conquered Jerusalem."Abiud" gives me the impression of "Abydos," a Mysian entity suspect with Abaddon and the Abyss in Revelation 9. That Abyss became suspect as God's code for mythical Abas, founder of the Abantians, and it just so happens that there is a ScarBANTIA location at the Azali theater. The Azali are stamped northwest of the Arrabo river, and so one can seriously entertain a trace of Scarbantia to Jabeshites / Jebusites in league with Og...who traces to Acte in Boiotia, the possible root of the Boii on the Arrabo. That works. Boiotians are highly suspect with BUTua/BUDva, where Cadmus and his Ares cult came to roost in Illyria prior to forming a vast sector of Europeans. The "BYDand" motto of the Gords might just apply to whatever "Abiud" refers to, and so let me add that Gords and Actons share the boar head. Here is the Acton Crest: "An arm in armor holding a sword on which there is a boar's head." The boar was a symbol of KODRos of Athens, who traces to Kotor, smack beside Butua. Actons are thus tracing from the Acte region between Athens and Boiotia to Butua and Kotor.
What do you suppose the "ARM in ARMOR" of Actons refers to? If Hiram was the ARMENian cult of Hermes, note that Cadmus married HARMOnia. Together they were depicted (by myth writers) as two snakes slithering out of Greece to Illyria, and then the Hermes caduceus (part-code for CADmus elements) was a rod with two snakes. We are not ninnies, we get it. One of the Quinn Coats, the one in Acton colors, shows two snakes. One of the Border variations, BOWRder, smacks of Bauers / Burleys/Bourlys again, and the latter use boar heads too. And the Quinn Coat above even uses an erect sword in the colors of the crossed Border swords. It's a good argument for tracing Og to Aquincum with Quinns, but ultimately, the Swords should apply to this line, which is to say that Rephaites / Garebites are expected at Serdica, and indeed the Garebite suspects on the Aude river (Corbieres) had traced to Orbelus, near Serdica.
I have so much to say that I'll need to come back later below to the discovery above on the Hiram-surname link to Berenice Agrippa. The leads now are tracing Hiram elements to Jerusalemites, and this is of obvious importance in the battle for world control between those who love Israel, and those who are imposter-Israelites. Believe it or not, there is a Salt in the world seeking to steer minds as God would have them think. The Salt of God wish that they had world control, and the purpose of the de-Christianized pagans / apostates is to thwart that desire.
There are an AMANTini peoples on the Sava river to the near-south of Cibalae. The Amantini are not very far downriver from Ripa. It was recently learned and shown (second update of June) that Abantians of Euboea formed Amantia terms, such as the Amantia location in Epirus. Amantia is beside Bullus, which became suspect with the Bouillons, kin of Eustace's that share half the Hiram cross. Bouillons are Fessy liners while Fessys use a motto term that traces to Vinkovci, the alternative name of Cibalae, wherefore one might Venture a trace of Eravasci to Cibalae's Valentinian family, for Italian Valentins use a bend in Fessy colors. Therefore, ask whether EUSTACE was named after "JUSTUS, father of Valentinian's wife. But, in any case, why should Hiram Jerusalemites be tracing to CIBALae? I think we need to ask the CABELees, the Solymi...and the Lasonii suspect as Lussonium, beside Ripa.
On this alternative map, which shows nothing in the Eravasci theater, there is a "Fossae" stamped smack at the Amantini theater (up-river slightly from Sirmium): the Sava is also the Sau to some, consider "SAUnier," for that surname must be a branch of Chaulne's/Faux's, and suddenly the Faux's are tracing to Fossae on the Sau, where "Saunier" looks like a development in honor of Sau elements, the Foss's. If the Sau was named by the Boofima-suspect Shawia Numidians, it traces Mr. Sauniere to them. Of further interest, "Saun" can be from "Savona," wherefore it's notable that the Saunier Coat compares not-bad with the Coat of Savone's/Saffins, first found in the same place (Somerset) as Foss'. The Sabines were also "Safini, and so this makes it appear as though Sabines and Shawia were one, which reminds that the "AWRaba" version of "Aures" looks linkable to "Abreu." In colors reversed, the Abreu/Abruzzo lions become red, and then the Aurs/Aures surname (Bavaria) uses a red lion in both Coat and Crest, as do the Italian Simons, while Jewish Simons use a similar scheme but with a red FOX and a red wolf. This then reminds of the trace (I make) of wolf-using Quade's to "Qewe," a Shaw-suspect location, and moreover the Shaw Coat is a trefoil-version of the QUATrefoil-using Ayer Coat. The Sheaves variation of "Qui"-using Shaws traces well to the key-using Italian Sheaves, first found in Abruzzo.
This is the first time that I've been rather convinced of a Sabine trace to the Shawia. If correct, it means that Shawia trace to Samannud/Sebennytos in the Nile delta, the area of Egypt ruled by Meshwesh. It makes Italian and Jewish Simons suspect with "SAMNites". The Samons/Salmons use salmon are in the colors of the Shaw trefoils, and use the double-tipped spear of Fulke's/Folks (Faux liners?), first found in the same place as Hirams. Later in this update, Hiram Abiff traces excellently to the salmon-using MacABEE's. It can already be gleaned here that this discussion traces to Tanis, origin, in my opinion, of the "Daniy" to which Samson is said to belong. This, as per the foxes of Samson, makes "TIMNah" suspect with the SIMON surname.
The Saunier Coat (shares a star in the colors of the Julian stars) even strikes me as a version of the Aurelia Coat, suggesting that Aurelia Cotta was an Aures liner, and explaining why Quintus Caepio should trace to Kanza of Aures, for Quintus' granddaughter had a long sexual affair with Aurelia's son. I don't recall seeing the Aurelia Coat in the Saunier Coat, but I did suggest that the mystery around Mr. Sauniere's unaccounted-for money had to do with some Caepio treasure, and that treasure might be the "Mysterious Force," for Misters (Shawia suspects) use an embattled fesse while Battle's use a giant griffin. Later, we find Hiram Abiff tracing to Somme, location of St. Quentin, and so lets mention the Soan/Soam surname (shares hawk's lure with Herods/Heraults), asking why it uses mallets while Samon-related MacAbee's are suspect with Maccabees. Soans/Soams, first found in the same place (Suffolk) as Mallets, use a chevron in colors reversed to the Quint chevron, and the Mallets use nothing but scallops in the color of the Aurelia scallop.
As Meshwesh are suspect through Patmos, I'm noting that Soans/Soams were first found in the same place as Grume's, the latter suspect at Grumerum, the Eravasci theater. "Vincit"-using Fessy's and "vincit"-using Shaws should definitely trace to the namers of Fossae, but this is where I need to repeat a theory that offends plenty of Christians. I came to believe for multiple reason that the Samson account in the book of judges was not normal / true history, though I don't view the other judges of Israel in the same way. I feel that some demented priest of Israel inserted the Samson account into the book of Judges when Israel was wayward from God, and they invented the story in much the same way that Greek myth writers used codes. It's impossible for anyone, no matter how strong, to find 300 foxes, let alone capture them. The Samson account has 30 pieces of clothing, 300 foxes, and 3,000 men of Judah, as though the writer liked numbers, as do Kabbalists.
The Avvites had two gods, one was a donkey god (Tartak), and the other (Nibhaz) a small-dog god, and that's where the foxes come in as code for the Avvite god, and then Samson supposedly killed a thousand Philistines with the jawbone of a donkey. The Avvites were living in what would later become Philistia when the Israelites first entered the Promise Land. My guess was that Samson was made married to an Avvite tribe in Timnah, and as the name of that place (beside SAMSon-like Beth SHAMESH) reflects Timna of Seir, it would appear that these Avvites were from Avith (unknown location), where the Bible places an Edomite as its ruler. Edom's chief god, they say, was Kos, and then Dutch Foss' are using the same Coat as Kos'/Kosinski's. The island of Kos is not far from the island of Samos. The point was, I traced Avvites (Biblical "Avviy") to mythical Abas (long before I dealt with the Jabesh-Benjamite merger), but could never prove it, yet what was just witnessed -- the Fossae location where the Amantini lived -- makes a possible trace of a fox-suspect line to the Abantian-possible Amantians. And this find came in the midst of discussing an Abas-Jabesh possibility.
It just so happens that I entered "Balent" just now as per VALENTin of Cibalae, and got the Baalham/Balaam surname (rooster), which recalls that God spoke to a prophet, Balaam, through a donkey, suggesting perhaps that Balaam was an Avvite. Balents/Balaams, first found in the same place as Mallets and Soams, share the white-on-black estoile with Motts and Alexanders (beside the MacAbee's), making Balents -- and Valentinian -- suspect with Alexander Balas! The Este location suspect with estoiles is in Padova, where Valentins and Aurelia's were first found, the latter using stars in Este-eagle colors. The Aurelia stars are in the colors of the Bailey/BAYLey stars while Balents/Balaams have a BAYLham variation. Baileys use two MacAbee-suspect motto terms of the Newmans, and you will see a great reason for tracing Hiram Abiff to Newmans (in Balaam colors). The nine Bailey stars are suspect with the eight (same colors) of the Foix surname that itself shares pellets with Balaams (!), indicating that Foix's are from a Cibalae-Fossae relationship, important where Idris of Fez and Kanza were about three centuries after Valentinian I.
This is all good material for gleaning the dragon bloodline's connections and roots. Reminder: Sibals and Hirams share the moline cross, and the Moline's use it in black, as do Shawia-suspect Chives'/Shivas'. The "vi" motto term of Chives was traced tentatively to the Viu tributary of the Riparia suspect with Rippers/Ripleys, in which case the royal Cottians (at Susa) on the Riparia trace to Ripa elements. Susa was directly across the Cottian peaks from Modane, and we just saw Aurelia Cotta tracing to Modane suspects. Let's remember that Brigantium (Turano-suspect Durance river) is near Modane while tracing now to Brigetio. Brights use the same star colors as the Julian stars, but Brights use them pierced, as do Maceys (the latter's gauntlet gloves were once in the Some/Sion Coat). The Cabels, in MacCabe/MacAbee colors, share fretty with Cotta's, and you will shortly see Hiram Abiff tracing hard to the MacAbee's. The Cable motto, "ImpaVIDE." The Vita surname is also "Vio," which may trace SvetoVIT to the Viu river.
It's the Bellows (related to the EEL-using Skiptons) that use a "vita" motto term, but see also the Shropshire Bertons, beside the Brights and in the same colors. The Bertons are using the Bellamy Shield and were first found in the same place as Bellamys. German Bertons use an "All is" motto phrase suspect with the Alis surname, which traces well to Ali's that share an upright and giant white griffin with Italian Bertons. Bertons are thus tracing to Brigetio and Crispiana, especially as French Bertons (same place as Crispons!!!) share the Bright stars.
As the root of "Avviy" is "Avv" because "iy" is a suffix, and if it's correct to trace to "Abas," then perhaps the Abbe's and Abbeville of Picardy apply. Hiram Abiff's last name was "Abi" too, and Somers were first found in the same place (Franconia) as Trunks while the latter use the quarter colors of Hirams and Bernays. Trunks trace with Thors to the Turano river, but then ought to trace to Turin, near Chives-suspect Chivasso. Somers are mentioned because Abbeville is in Somme while Foss' were first found in SOMerset. Suddenly, Hiram Abiff is suspect as an Avvite line from Samson to Hercules to the Herculia location at the Hera-Vasci theater. It suggests that Beth Shamesh = Samson had something going with the Rephaite inhabitants of mount Gareb.
Unfortunately, I don't have a sense on what Avvites were called, or became, outside of Israel. But it is very interesting that the Somer surname shares a red fox with Foss' while the Some surname is listed with the Sion surname, important because Jabesh-suspect Jebusites lived at Zion. The Jewish Some-like Simons use a fox too, and the Irish Fox surname (same red lion as Italian Simons) is traced to "SIONnach"...which is said to mean "fox," but something looks misleadingly amiss there. The entire motto of the Irish Fox surname is, "Sionnach ABOO." Abiffincidence? German and Jewish Fox's (yep, Franconia!) use what looks like both a fox and wolf, both in red, reflecting Italian Simons and Irish Fox's. There can be no doubt that Somers bumped into the Jewish Fox's, and moreover these Somers look like the Sion-related Some's.
The Somer Shield is split in green and red, the colors of the split Grave Shield (let's not forget that Herod Agrippa was an Edomite), and the Grave's are using a version of the Luton Coat so as to trace possibly to Lussonium i.e. beside Ripa. "Luton" smacks of Lotan, brother of Timna, and Faux-like Faucets (said to be from Foxside) were first found in Lothian. The Fossae location is upstream from SIRmium, like the Seir homeland of Lotan and Timna (they were Horites).
Euboeans are suspect at Syrian Chalcis, where Berenice was queen with her Herod husband, and we just saw Hiram tracing to hard to Berneys and Barneys. Why did the Chalker-related Chaucers marry a sister of CATHERine Roet? Was "Roet" a branch of "Herod"? If that's the case, I need to trace Herods to Rieti/Reate (Turano river, beside mount Sabina) and related entities, and figure out which were Herod ancestry versus the descendants of various Herods.
If you like, you can entertain "Ferrat" as a version of "Herod." The ancients put the 'h' beside the 'g' because H-terms could be G- or GH-terms, but the 'f' is beside the 'g' while 'gh' is often pronounced like an 'f', as in "cough." This is simply to say that some Herod liners may have become the Forts / Fords (owl), a way to explain why the novelist (I don't yet know his name) coupled Herod Agrippa with "Mysterious Force." Forts (fitchee cross) were first found in the same place as Washingtons (Modburley kin), and share black-on-white stars in Chief with the Medley Chief. The Gace and similar variations of Wassa's traced the surname to "Gascony," which uses blue and red, the colors of the Fort quarters. These are the quarters linking hard to the same-colored Hiram quarters.
French Forte's were first found in Guyenne = Gascony. German Forte's are likely using the Sforza lion, yet another reason to trace Hiram liners to Quince's / Aquincum / Fessys. That's probably the Mysterious Force solved, but just to make sure, zowie, I've only just entered "Force" at this point in the discussion, to find Force's first found in Dordogne, location (in Gascony) of Perigord! This is a very Beef-y discussion, obviously, or shall I say, ABIFF-y? The Beefs of Perigord were the ones using the Bernice fesse. I traced the Fort quarters to Gascony some years ago, but here we are with some great significance. The same person that introduced Boofima to me years ago is the one that got me onto the Hiram topic this past week.
The Force Coat is just LEOPARDS (in pale) in the colors of the Force / Sforza lions, but let's add that while these lions are the Ferrari lion too, the Italian Forts were first found in Ferrara. That's a good reason to trace Ferrats/Fers to Ferrara. This evokes the potential "Pharisee" link to the ImPERI.
The "Fortis" motto term of English Forts and Herod-like Hearts/Harts looks meaningful with this part of the investigation, for Scottish Hearts are in Herod/Herault colors, and use the same saltire as Scottish Pollocks who in-turn use a motto term like that of English Forts.
I didn't know (or remember) until now that the Forse surname is listed with the Faux- and Saunier-suspect Foss surname. There is a Foix area to the west side of Rennes-le-Chateau that can apply. Foix, where a De-Pole surname was significant, is beside Comminges, home of Herod Antipas whom Jesus called a fox. It can explain the naming of Foix from another term not so much like "fox." One French Foix/Foy surname (Fes liner) has a bend surrounded by eight stars in the colors of the nine of English Baileys. The novelist claimed nine Jews whom had surrounded Herod and Hiram Abiud, but then it's known that there were eight original Templars around Hugh de Payens, the ninth. The Arthurian myth writers had eight witches on Bute with Morgan le FAY as the ninth, and the Fes' are also "Faye." We are not dufus's.
In the Irish Fie/Fey/Duffie surname, we can see why Irish Duffs are using the Morgan lion, which is in the colors of two Ripley/Ripper lions, and then Scottish Duffs use a "juvat" motto term that I traced to "Jove = Jupiter" before I knew that Jupiter descended from Jabesh. But here and now I can tell you of a Jovia location smack to the west side of Ripa!!! Jovia and Ripa are in the Eravasci theater (i.e. explaining the Duff link to Fey liners), and the idea coming to mind is that Duffs were not named after a Tuff- / Daphne-like entity, as I once figured, but as per a DuFay / DuFes surname. ZOWIE! After writing that, the DuFay surname was found listed with Faux's/Chaulnes'/Fage's of Perigord!
The Fogg and the Cloud is lifting. The MYSTERious-like and Mysian-suspect MISTERs/Masters (same place as Massins/MASONs!) are in Fort colors and share a motto term with Boofima-based Roets. And that's the likely internal meaning wherein Hiram Abiud created MASONry. We have the novelist to thank for opening up his big mouth, and there may be several more clues in what he wrote, I haven't read it all as yet. But I also want to thank the person who put Hiram on the table for me. There arte some very excellent revelations to be made from the details surrounding this character.
The motto term referred to ("Quaerere") is used likewise by Boughs/Bows' (Hesse), who must be showing the Beaufort lion in Crest because Roets were Beauforts. The Medley stars are in the colors of the same of Roet-beloved Books/Bogue's/Boggs. Misters/Masters share the red mural crown with Modleys/Medleycots. The latter trace to Lesbos, across from Foca (near or in Mysia), and Misters/Masters were first found in the same place as Foggs, in Kent, suspect as the home of several Shawia liners, which recalls that Shawia are suspect at the Sava, location of Fossae and of the Euboea-suspect Amantini. Roets and similar others may have passed through Euboea's Eritrea.
There was a human-sacrifice Moloch / Baal cult on the west side of Jerusalem, according to the Bible. It was in the Hinnom valley on the west side of mount Zion. The way in which Boofima-suspect Shawia can trace to Hinnom is where Samson links to mount Gareb and the Jebusites of Zion. It had seemed to me that honey was fundamental to the Moloch cult, and then there is a Samson account concerning honey in a dead lion, which he ate in glee in violation of the law of God not to touch a carcass (the writer of the account seemed to be enjoying this bit of fictional codework). Of some interest, the Kidders, a term like the KIDRon valley on the east side of mount Zion, are in Ripper/Ripley colors. The "packet" in the Kidder Crest should be for the Packets/Pagets, using the Levi lions as well as an engrailed cross in colors reversed from the same of Sinclairs, who were associates or even kin of Payens/Pagans. Hugh de Payens spent many years at Zion, or at the Jerusalem temple on the top of Zion. As Baphomet was a Templar god while de Payens led the first Templars, one could expect Boofima lovers to trace to a Jerusalem-temple cult revived by the Templars.
The black Packet-Crest lion looks linkable to the same of the Faucet lion, suggesting that Packets were Faucets, first found in the same place as Sinclairs of Roslin. This traces Packets/Pagets to the Perigord Faux's/Fage's. The "Standard" term written on the Kidder packet suggests the Standard/Stonard surname (Suffolk, same as Clare's) using eagles in the colors of the same of Ghents, which traces to John of Gaunt...and the Boofima-loving Roets, kin of Misters/Masters. The latter share a "quam" motto term with English Paine's/Payne's (lion paw) who in-turn share the lion colors of Beauforts. The Paine fesse is in the colors of the same of Actons who trace to Og's Rephaites at or beside mount Zion. The Paine motto term, "mori," might just trace to Moriah elements, for the temple was more-correctly on mount Moriah (part of the Zion formation). The Kidder crescents are used by Coffers/Coffaire's, first found in Somerset i.e. same as Roets/Rouets (Rouen elements?). German Roets (THURINgia) use a gold crescent of their own.
Misters/Masters share an embattled fesse with Modburley-suspect Aspers, but Tragers use an embattled bend, which recalls that Tracks use the lion colors of Ripleys. Tragers link to Rocco's and Fellers/Felltragers, and the TROGE variation of Tragers can go to "Trocmii." While the embattled symbol should trace to battle-axe Battins/Badens and Baths, the Bidens/Buttons are said to have been in Bath (Somerset), and moreover Bidens/Buttons share the bull-horn theme of Truckers/Druckers with a Drigger variation tracing well to Track-related Drigs.
There is thus a large Maccabee / Modi'in theme in this Mysterious Force; and as the Aspen bars are also the Washington bars, Aspens go to the bars gemel of Medleys, Mauds/Maids, and Wassa's. Bars gemel (twin bars) go back to the Pharisee, Sadduc, partner with the Gaulonite from Gamala (Israel), a place that came to be ruled by Balas-suspect Maccabees. See the same double bars of Italian Ballas'/Ballardi's and the Dutch Ness', for the Aspers are Dutch. Ness' come up as "Nice" while Nice is beside Antibes.
Recall the solid link of Balents/Balaams/Baylhams to the Alexander-Maccabee / Alexander-Balas line. Balas'/Bailiffs use a cross in the colors of the Hiram/Iron cross, and thus trace to Bouillons and related Bello's. Ask what the twin code of Gamala came to represent in the childish (immature) mind of the Freemason. Freemasons are under-developed delinquents, not knowing the path for which God created man. Instead, they adhere to foolish nonsense, making a religion out of sheer garbage. Just look at their scary webpages to learn that they have the minds of unteachable teenagers. Unfortunately, there are whitewashed Freemasonic organizations with greater hope of laying successful bait for the unsuspecting soul. Wasn't Washington founded, and then ruled, by the blind? They say that Washington is 85-percent liberal in its political persuasion, and that can't be by chance. Demons have a firm hold on that city.
When animals find something they want but doesn't belong to them, they steal it without qualms, or fight for it if two or more animals find it at the same time. Animals do not have the capacity to be kind. No matter how much you think your dog loves you, it's inclined to eat your food before you do. Animals don't stop to think, hey, why not give this tasty thing to my sister or brother or mother or father. It's an non-animalistic thing that God calls the blind to, but, as you can see, Washington is preparing to swallow the entire earth, politically, because Masons are blind animals who think only for self. That's why they put on a humanitarian show (e.g. Shriners), as when the Pharisees gave gifts in the open with trumpets, for men to see. And while Washington prepares to gobble up the nations, it deceives them into thinking that it's good things they want for the world as a whole. So, go ahead and participate, blind nations, with the global call to the future. I will not heed the global call to whitewash every spiritually-sick group. Wash your own swine. If we don't resist them, we will become like them, or learn to like what displeases God.
We have seen giant griffins recently. The Balardi variation of Ballas' prompted a look at the Ballard Coat, another giant griffin. Harold Ballard was the owner of the Toronto Maple Leafs for many years; and was criticized for not giving the city a winning team because Maple Leaf Gardens was filled to capacity continuously even with the lousiest teams. Ballard was thinking of self, the money bottom line, rather than the fans. That's the meaning of blind. The world thinks it has eyes because it advances in prosperity, but God had called people to use their free will to think of others too, especially in their business dealings. There is hope in a world like that, but globalists are bottomless stomachs who never have enough of the available wealth, and they force us to pay for their costly world agendas. In a world where people have the Light, there is no war, but Freemasonry has trashed the Light, wherefore war. And they are so blind that they blame war on religion when in fact war is from the animal, religious or otherwise. The Vatican was one nasty war beast, but who can beat the Herods for nastiness?
There was good reason to trace "Toronto" to Taranto, where the dolphin in the Coffer/Coffey Crest traces, and they are in the colors of the Coffers/Coffaire's that share the Kidder crescents. The green Shields of these surnames is the color of the original uniforms of the Toroto Maple LEAFS, but they then took on blue and white, the colors of the Leaf/Leve surname, and moreover they were originally controlled by a Mr. LIVINGston, and Livingstons/Levinson use a green double-tressure border. The Packets/Pagets honored by the Kidder Crest not only use the Levi lions, but are in Living/Levin colors. The "puis" motto term of Livingstons is suspect with Pois/Poix of Picardy (where Powers are said to trace).
The Motels were first found in Taranto, and are expected to be sharing the Caffery horse and rider that uses feathers in the helmet, a symbol on the coins of Herod Archelaus, who's suspect in the green lions of Lannoys / Lyons, and then the green lion is shared by Ripleys/Rippers tracing smack to Jerusalem's temple. The Motel-like MOTLeys are listed with Modleys/Medlicots using the quarter colors of Hirams. Shortly, you will later see "Hiram" as the equivalent of the Raines surname, and so note here that English Motleys (show no Coat) are said to be from Rainham in Kent. And then, to make it more sure, the Rainhams (share dove with Leafs/Leve's) use a "Hyeme" motto term. The Rang terms of Rainhams (besants) may suggest the Rangabe Byzantines. Rainhams seemingly honor the Supers/Sobers.
Note the BallHYRD/BallHIRD variations of Ballards, as if to honor Herods. Ballards are in Mott / Alexander colors, as could be expected. Ballards use their upright griffin in colors reversed from the upright lion of Balls'/Balders, and anything Bald is suspect with the Baldwin kings of Jerusalem.
The white lattice design in the Hiram/Iron moline was seen in a portrait (Wikipedia) of an Aetheling-Saxon ruler that was a close kin to Edmond IRONside. Coincidence? Therefore, I am entertaining an Hiram-Agrippa line to the Aethelings. Edmonds could be using the Gunn / Durante ship. I link the Edmond Coat to the Aeson Coat (surname like "Aethel") so that the Edmond ship can be secretly the Argo ship. Saxons can definitely trace to Colchians. But were the Aethelings related to Gunnora Crepon? By what coincidence do Crispins trace to Crispiana beside Osones, what had earlier been suspect with mythical Aeson? This apparent link of the Edmond ship to the Gunn ship is making Aethelings (Hazel / Heslington suspects) suspect as kin of Osones, as House's are kin of Hazels, and as House's are in colors reversed to the Heslingtons. Across the Arrabo river from Osones, there is shown an AZALi Ullman-suspect Ulmum, and ULMans happen to share red-and-white bars with Crispons. The Leirs, a Herod-related sept of Oscan-based McLeods/Clouds (latter honored in the House cloud), are said to be from ULM (Germany). We thereby have what appears to be a solidifying Hiram link to McLeods, whose flags (code for Flags/Flecks) should trace to FLEXum shown near the mouth of the Arrabo. Leirs share two fesses in Bernice-fesse colors.
Leirs (their variations suggest merger with Ayers) are also Laurie-like "Laier", and share the grail with Laurie's / Glorys/Lowrys. Therefore, Leirs and Lure's trace to Lorraine's, expected because Crispins were first found in Lorraine (that's a good argument for equating Lorraine's with Laurie's). Lure's (AYRshire) are traced to Carricks, which puts them in a good position to trace to Bernys of Renfrewshire, for Lure's share the Burn chevron. It can be gleaned that Lure's were merged with the Barney-related Bettys/Beatys (share the blue Lure sword and gold Lure / Leir star), and the Betty / Barney key links naturally to Ayr-related Shaws and Sheaves'/Chiava's. The French Barneys who use the key also have a fesse in colors reversed from the Bernice fesse. As the "qui"-using Shaws use "vincit," the Shaws are suspect as Shawia namers of the Sava, and so note that while Gallerys/Galloways trace to Sauers of the Sava, the Lure's were first found in Ayrshire and Galloway. The Hanna's, first found in Galloway, share the stag with same-colored Hands that once again use a the Burn chevron. Hanna-Barbera created The Flintstones.
Leirs share the blue fesse with Paris'/Parez's of Lorraine, but this trace of Lorraine elements to the Eravasci theater now makes the Parez location in Lorraine suspect with the Imperi, and therefore with the Bernice line that shares that blue fesse. The heraldic fesse is probably named after the Eravasci-based Fessys. The Grume Chief with symbols are in the colors of the German-Barney Chief with sword in Sword-sword colors. The Grume Chief has "Knight's helmets" while Knights, first found in the same place (Suffolk) as Grume's (and Omans), share red-and-white bars with Crispons / Ulmans. Pharisee liners are now suspect in the Imperi.
Hirams/Irons are expected in the "GRAPPling IRONs" of Priestlys/Presleys (probably using the Arms-of-Carrick chevron because Presleys once showed the same symbol as Kerricks). "Grappling" looks like an Agrippa line, such a coincidence, and may be related to "Gripel," where Voirs/Voyers (Boyers?) were from who share "Vincit" with Fessys. Voirs were first found in Brittany while Dols seem to share the same fesse as Dutch Gaunts. Hirams/Irons are traced in their write-up to the Somme area of PicARDy, suspect with Somerset, where Burleys and Roets were first found. I had read that Roet ancestry was in Picardy.
[Fortunately, I happened to enter "Fuss" an hour after writing here to find the red moline in the Sibal Crest! It clinches a Fessy-motto trace to Cibalae while assuring that Sibals are from that place. Fusils happen to share lozenges in the colors of the Nagle lozenges, no small point for dragging Fessy liners deeper into the Boofima cult, and meanwhile assuring that Fuss'/Fussells and Fusils trace to the Eravasci...identified as Colchians along with lozenges. The rest of this update has not been proof-read]
Cibalae=Vinkovci is near the Danube not very far downstream from Budapest (i.e. Quince-related Aquincum), and the Eravasci may have stretched as far south as Cibalae (shown on map). Arrabo river of the Boii is named after its ArraBONA location suspect with the Boii namers of Bononia. As Orrs are expected in Bononia elements, it's notable that Grume's/Grooms share piles (though called pennants) with Ores while Grumerum is shown on the north of Aquincum. As Grume's were first found in the same place as Deacons, they can trace to something in the area of Decani (Kosovo theater), such as Krume on the Drilon river shortly downstream from where the Penestae are stamped. That should explain the pennants of Grume's, but does not complicate a Grume trace also to Grumerum, for the Uscana capital of the Penestae can trace to Oscan / Ausones suspects near Grumerum.
French Alans share the stars of Bauers, used also by Saunier's, and are kin to Gore's that trace with Vincents to Rennes-le-Chateau. Vincents share quatrefoils with Ayers, from Ayrshire, where Carricks were first found who are said to be from Craigs that share the white tower with Priestlys/Presleys. As Priestlys use two symbols of the Abreu's/Abruzzo's (who I identify with EBURovices), and as their common lions trace to the Arms of Normandy, why did the Normans change them to leopards? Porcius Cato grew up in Abruzzo somewhere, but Wikipedia doesn't tell where. It looks like the heraldic boar is (often, anyway) code for Abruzzo liners to the founders of York, and Yorks (York Rite Freemasonry) happen to use the same saltire as Nagle's.
The Carricks (Galloway elements) had traced to Mr. Galleri in the write-up of Sawyer-suspect Sauers, a surname said to derive in the Sava river, which is the river upon which Cibalae is located. The Gallerys/Galloways share the Caepio-line lion with Bruce's, a lion that traces to a same-colored one in the Arms of Brescia/Brixia, a city that (I've read) housed the Eburovices, which I agree with because the Bruce surname, which was also "Brusi," is like the Abrussi variation of Abruzzo's.
The apple-using Paris'/Parez's are from Parez of Lorraine, where Crispons are said to originate, and Crispins trace to Crispiana of the Eravasci theater. This is reminding me of the "blue-apple" riddle out of the Rennes-le-Chateau that pertains to Sauniere, and then while Saunier's were first found in the same place as Abiff-suspect Beefs/Boeufs (have TURNbull-like variations traceable to the Turano), the apple-using Paris' share a blue fesse with Beefs / Bernice's. And as PeriGORD can trace to Gords, by what coincidence are Gords said to be Bernicians? One may have argued to this point that Bernicians do not trace to Berenice Agrippa, but do trace to Bernicians, yet here we have some goods indication that Bernice's trace to Berenice...if Hiram Abiff was a Herod liner to the Templars / Rosicrucians / Freemasons. Baphomet was specifically a Templar god.
The Rhodope mountains neighbor the Orbelus mountains that trace to Orrs using an OMNia motto term that can be for Omana. The Amans are in Chaucer / Chalker red and white, and are traced to a Lauffen entity while Lauffens (paws in Fogg colors)) are listed with Leuvens, kin no-doubt of Louvains, the latter first found in the same place (Kent) as Chalkers and Chaucers (and Foggs). Kent (horse symbol) was founded by a people group that Greeks called Centaurs, birthed by Ixion, suspect with the Kikons (proto-Ligurians of the swan kind) that were made the sons of Rhodope. Kikons are suspect with "Cycnus/Cygnus" and the namers of swan-like Savona. Ixion was a Lapith (may have been Levites as Leuvens are suspect), and Lapiths were in Lesbos (i.e. linkable to Foggs), and moreover the Lapp surname shares Melusine with the Aman Crest. Centaurs were mythical the kin of Satyrs suspect from the Satrae at the southern end of Orbelus. The Grume's, suspect from Grumerum not far north of the Amantini, share a red Chief with Amans and the Mens/Mengzes, perhaps indicating that Mens / Manders / Manners were from the Amantini.
Savona's/Sabine's (same place as Hirams/Irons) share the Fogg / Palin / stars, expected where Foggs trace to Fucino, near mount Sabina. Palins (Paw / Power liners) traced to PALINurus, beside FUCINO-like BUCHENtum, but as the latter was also, Pyxus, the Phocaeans are thereby suspect from the Pyxites river, which was near GENETes, a term that I thought should name the Heneti, which I identified as CENTaurs! It looks like Centaurs were from Genetes, and this picture traces to Aphrodite, the goddess especially of the Heneti, and she traced to Abruzzo, location of Fucino. The KHALDI of the Genetes area trace to the CALEDonian Picts if the Pyxites is the root of Picts, and moreover the Khaldi (metal makers) trace to the metal-smith god, Aphrodite's husband.
The Hiram/Iron surname is said to be from Picardy' Airaines location in central Somme. It checks out where the Arms of Somme are quartered in colors reversed to the Hiram quarters. We saw the Hirams linking to Barneys too well to deny, but here (in a translated Wikipedia page) is more proof and other details concerning that link:
Dreuil-Hamel is a neighborhood of Airaines. Located just to the west, this ancient village today an extension shaped "logic" since the habitat is not stopped in the hollow of this small valley where winds from Allery, a small river flowing into another, called the Airaines. The Provincial Road No. 936 (which we see the needle slate pointing towards the sky of the elegant bell tower ) and goes along the valley, in parallel on the plateau, south side, in the direction of OisemontIt is just so good that the allerion (beak-less eagle of Holdens and Allers) came up earlier in this update. When I was staring at the red escutcheon of the German Barneys earlier on, I wasn't sure what to do with it, but at the site of the Allery river, the red escutcheon of Allers (Westphalia, not close to Picardy) and Holdens comes flooding back to memory! And the blue-and-gold gyronny of Allers thus traces to the blue-and-white gyronny of Picards. Therefore, Allers named the Allery river. But gyronny is also used by Cambells/CAMMELLs while that surname may trace to Dreuil-HAMEL, "if "Hamel" is not from a dictionary word of the French, but of a people-group. French Hamels (Etienne colors), said to have a branch at Etienne, even share the fesse of French Barneys, first found in Dauphine, location of St. Etienne and other Herod liners of the Archelaus kind (still suspect with the naming of ARGYLLshire). Scottish Hamels: more griffins.
The Aller motto may be honoring the Glory/Lowry surname that traced to the Leirs (share a blue fesse with Burns). Repeat: "It can be gleaned that Lure's were merged with the Barney-related Bettys/Beatys..." One can explain Berenice-Agrippa lines in Somme if the latter term connects to Sohaemus, a priest of El-Gabal from Campbell- / Gamble-suspect IAMBLichus. I can't say that the Campbell trace to Iamblichus has been clinched, but there are several arguments for something of the Campbell bloodline tracing to him, one of which has to do with the MacArthur ancestry of Campbells.
Iamblichus' family had run the sun-god cult in Arethusa, suspect with Aretas III, the known Edomite ancestry of the Herods. The sun-god priests were suspect from Arettium (and near-by Assisi), which has a modern name (Arezzo) that is almost Arras, the capital of Artois to the near-north of Somme. Assisi and Arettium are at the Umbria-border region while "umbra" is an Aller motto term. It looks full-proof. Assisi is suspect with "Azizus," a co-founder with Iamblichus of the El-Gabal cult. I traced El-Gabal to GABULeum (shown on map) upon the DRILon river, and was never happy with any surname that could possibly trace to that river, but I now see "DREUIL-Hamel." Very compelling. Arthurs are of course lumped in with Pendragons that trace to the Penestae peoples on the Drilon. It is possible for "Gabul" to morph into "Hamel."
But I have reason to trace "PicARDY" to the Arduinici of Ivrea (this same family had a branch at Oneglia=Imperia), for that BAUTica river flows through Ivrea, and was also the BALDea river, and that's where the BAUTs (same place as Bouillons) come in to prove that the BALDwin kings of Jerusalem were from that river. The Bauts happen to use the upright, white goat (Boofima symbol) of Dutch Hamels/Hamme's (in Ham / Hammer colors), but Hamels use it in the colors of MacABBE's/Cabe's (share the Ham salmon in the same colors), suspect from ABBEville, a few miles north of Airaines. The MacAbee's were first found on the island of Arran, next to the Maccabee-liner Alexanders, but, as you can see, Arran must have been named after Airaines! Bingo; it has just traced Hiram Abiff to Arran, which happens to be beside Baut-like Bute. And this is the area where the MacArthurs, Campbells and Herods were first found. The white salmon above must be the one in the French-Barney Chief.
I've been calling the Baut symbol a goat for a long while, but it's now a ram, or maybe it always was a ram and I didn't look closely enough.
We now ask whether "Abiud" is a code for the Bauts / Bute's / Abbots or something of that nature. Abbots (pears) are traceable to Tams/Thame's / Pears/Pearls / Parrots. In any case, I am very amazed that there is a Hiram surname in the first place (hidden, not listed for all to see), and am struck by the force of this trace to Arran's MacAbee's. Their trace to Somme brings them to the "Summum" motto term of Teague's/Teegers.
The "SumMUM" term was traced to a character below, from the 3rd update of this past February: "For this section, you might appreciate putting the following tree on your scratch paper: Ruricius (of Limoges), father-in-law of Rusticus, father of Artemia, wife of Florentinus. Artemia, mother of Arthemia, wife of Munderic, grandfather of MUMmolin, Bodegisel of Provence, and Gondulphus of Tongeren." I had traced Bodegisel to Bute. Part of the evidence was in this: ""We saw bulls in the Boy/BOVE/Boetti and Bobo surnames suspect with a Bodegisel-related Bobo...If you search "Masculine" in the last update, you may find why Itte of Metz was traced to the boys in this Masculine Coat, and so she was traced to "A BOY pulling down a green pine tree" in the Crest of Bodegisel-suspect Bothwells/Boduels." The German Bute's/Butts are also "Boet, like the Boetti variation of Boii-suspect Boys, and then the Sadducees were of a Boethus family.
So, why did the Freemasons trace Hiram to Biblical Solomon and two pillars. What lie did they really have in their demented minds with the two pillars? St. Etienne is at Mont Pilat, and the Piller surname brings up the grail-using Pilotte's. It's the Hamels whom are said to have been at Etienne, and Hamels are tracing well to Airaines.
Long before I knew of Airaines (have known it for some years but didn't know Hirams traced there), I traced the motto term of Newmans to the MacAbee's, and this was also before I knew of Abbeville. I then claimed that Newmans are using the Raines lions, and of course we can see that "Raines" has to do with AiRAINES in this picture. Therefore, the Raines either named Airaines, or vice-versa, but in any case, Hirams are tracing to Rennes / Wrens / Renfrew / Reno / Rhine / Rani suspects. The reason that Newmans traced hard to MacAbee's is because JJ Tolkien, whose surname links to the Teague's, wrote on a mythical Numenor, an island that was decipherable as Arran. That's because he had Numenor beside Tol Eressea, code for Rothesay = Bute. Tolkien blew it on that secret, especially as he had "Avallone" on Tol Eressea. By the time that I discovered this (2006), I already had Avalon pegged as Bute. I had no way to verify that Numenor was Arran until finding the MacAbee's there. I had traced Tolkien codes hard to Daphne lines, and here I'm finding a Hiram trace both to Arran and to Dauphine (see "TOLKIEN TELS ALL ABOUT DAPHNE", but I was green when writing that).
Hammersuse dolphins, the Dauphine symbol. They are said to have had a Hamer location in Rochdale, and the Arms of Rochdale are the makings of all three Coats: Chaddocks, Chadwicks and Saddocks/Sedgwick; the latter were first found in the same place as Hammers (and Bone's/Bohuns), and so just like that these Maccabee suspects are tracing to Sadducee suspects.
We now have Hiram Abiff nailed as the Wren and Raines surname, the latter using a "terrae" motto term suspect with the "terras" of Alexanders (Kintyre). Raines' also use "Judicium," code for Judicael of Rennes, whom I think was a kin of NOMINOE, self-proclaimed king of Brittany, no coincidence. Nominoe was Tolkien's Numenor, and so we realize that Newmans are from Nominoe. But what about Newtons, with "shin bones' in MacAbee colors? Looks good.
The Newman motto, "Ubi amor ibi fides," goes to Amore's, kin of Terras'/Turris ("Amore" motto), no coincidence. It means that the Raines chevron is in the colors of the Alexander chevron for a blood reason, and together they are in the colors of the rooks used by Bavarian Terras', clearly a branch of Sale's/Salette's tracing to the Turano with Turris', and moreover tracing as the Salemans and Salmons to the salmon of the MacAbee's. Had the Hams and Hammers not shown definite signs of linking to MacAbee's, I might hot have been so sure that these were Maccabee liners. The colors of the Terras/Turris star and crescent (same as Scotts) are those of the same of French Hamels. The latter are thus suspect from "Gamala."
We can glean that Hamels and Hammers / Hams are one and the same family, and that Hammers likely named themselves as per the Maccabee hammer, said to be named such after Judas Maccabee (though I don't think we are getting the entire / true story), possible kin of Judas the Gaulonite from Gamala. As Hamels entered this discussion at Dreuil-Hamel, note that I traced HASmonean ancestry to the namers of Has, on the Dreuil-suspect Drilon river, and then traced Mattathias, Hasmonean father of the five Maccabee brothers, to the neighboring Mathis river. It looks like I was right, which saves me years in correcting it all.
Which came first, the naming of Arran, or the naming of Rennes? Or the naming of Airaines? Wikipedia is not very good for questions like this. It would make this work much easier if the first-known usage of the location's name were known. Raines' were first found in the same place as Vere's and Quints, while Nominoe was known also as "Tad de VRO," likely a Vere term. It's what the Welsh called him. The Welsh had the habit of using "ap" in such a way that "Rennes" could have evolved into ap-Rennes, or Prennes, like the "eastern PRINCE" in the Newton Crest. We therefore want to see whether the Prince surname derived from Hiram lines, and, what do you know, the engrailed cross of Prince's/Prinse's (pineapples)is the white-on-red one used by Bernays/Burnie's, first found in the same place as Hirams, and sharing their quarter colors. Who ever would have thought that Hiram Abiff could trace to so many things so fast? If not for the Prince's being found in the Newton Crest, I wouldn't be so sure that Prince's apply to Hirams.
The Vere's (known to be from a Ver(e) location somewhere in Manche) are suspect on the Vire river of Manche, suspect with the "Virescit" motto term of Stewarts and Brocks...and Bernats. To help assure that Berenice Agrippa traces to Berwickshire, it's where the Bernats/Burnetts were first found who share the Burn / Bernice hunting horn. The GRAPE vine in the Bernett Crest is used by Levine's, first found in Brittany. The Bernetts Crest also has a PRUNing knife as part-code for BURNetts, we may assume. Bernats were just found because I mis-typed "Bernay." Lucky strike.
There is no Eastern surname coming up, but Easters (a branch of Sturs) were first found in Manche, and share a red-on-white bend with English Barneys, first found in the same place as Hirams and Bernays. The Barney lions, and the Bernay quarters, together reflect the Arms of Somme. On the map, a Beauvis area in Somme, beside Glaphyra-suspect Cleremont, not far from St. Quentin. The Bauvis/BEAUFre Coat is in the colors, and partially in the scheme, of the Arms of Hallencourt (beside Airaines). But the Hallams/Hallams show the Caepio-line / Bruce lion. In the red Chief of Hallencourt, the bendy is that of Abbeville, I think. The Paw-related Powers are traced in their write-up to Pois/Poix of Picardy, and then Quentins/Quints use the lion paw. It seems that Boofima was here in the Somme river, especially at Beauvis.
It may not be correct to identify "Abiff" with the Beefs (Bernice fesse), though the fact that they and the Force's were first found at Perigord is striking. Again, Hiram Abiud, whom I have not read up on, is the master of the so-called Mysterious Force, and I know how childish Masons love their word-play codes. The "habeo" motto term of Newtons suggest the MacAbbe's, but then "Abiff" might be an Abbe term too. The Newman motto uses "IBI Fide," the potential makings of "Abiff" over two words, or perhaps just code for it. One website writes, "Hiram Abiff (Huram abi)..." It looks like the last name evolved from "Abi" to "Abiff." The Beefs might have a Bif-like variation. I was half expecting the Beaver Coat to show a blue fesse, and there it popped up, tending to suggest that the Oxford beaver is code for the Abiff bloodline. The Abbots, suspect with "Abiud," were first found in Oxfordshire. The black beaver below the Beaver fesse is in the color of the Burn / Bernice HUNTING horn. Abbotts (pears, Imperi-suspect) were first found in both Oxfordshire and HUNTINGdonshire.
The theory had been that the three red fesse bars of Sturs, first found in Hampshire, beside the Leavels that likewise use three red bars with a gold background, were using a version of the three red bars of Amore-related Damorys (blue bend), both first found in Oxfordshire. Then, as Sturs are definitely kin of Newton-beloved Easters, it's not likely coincidental that three red fesses are used by Shins/Chinns, from the "shin bones" of Newtons, and first found in the same place (Somerset) as Leavells. The blue vair behind the Shin/Chinn bars suggest the Quints and AQUINcum liners, and the renaming of that place, BUDApest, can go to "Abiud." The shin BONES then trace well to ArraBONA of the Pannonian Boii. Arrabona is beside Crispiana, and Crispins/Crepins (Oxfordshire) use red bars too. I had reasons to trace the Boii to Germany's Bonn, and then Bonns (obvious branch of Bone's/Bohuns) were likewise first found in Oxfordshire. The Bone's/Bohums are traced to Manche so that they with Bonns are assured in the "shin bones." The Bone's/Bohuns use a version of the Skull Coat, and the Skull bend is therefore suspect with the one of Easters, and therein you have the demented Skull and Bones cult, just the childish codework of wayward Masonic stupids.
In myth, Hermes was made the father of Arabus, but with Hermes depicting Armenians, this makes more sense if Arabus was from Arabkha, the alternative name of Arrapha. There is logic in tracing Arabs to Arrapha for various reasons, and one is where Mosul (beside Arrapha) is like "Muslim."
The creeps have spoken. They speak the language of the dragon, a strange speech reserved for lunatics who go wayward from the normal human condition set into our beings by the Spirit of God. They deliberately walk into the wide-open darkness, and love their crafty deeds in opposition to the Big God. The bigger He is, the more they feel superior for rebelling against His very face. That's why they are demented. They think they are big for not cowering, but God has yet to act against them for to make them cower. When that Day comes, they will urinate their pants, and call on the rocks of the mountains to fall upon them before God gets to them first. The Noise.
Svetovit was a zero, a figment of their demented imaginations, set up in Arkona on the island of Rugen. I wonder if the priests ever heard Svetovit speak words. I was wondering whether ARKONa was named by the HERCUNiates on the south of Crispiana. I feel very sure that the Maccabee characters with Hyrcanus names were from these Pannonians. In Lake Van, there were kings named, Rusa, whom were made the puppets of the Cimmerians not long before 700 BC. Lake Van is near Hyrcanis/Hyrcania at the southern tip of the Caspian sea. The peoples of Lake Van are said to have been a Biaini peoples, with "ini" as the suffix, wherefore they may have been the proto-Boii, which can trace Hyrcania to the Hercuniates. "Rusa" can then go to "Rugen" and the Rujani of that place. It's a good bet that Rusa's were of the biblical Rosh. I had claimed that mythical Pan was from "Van," and so his cult at Panias/Banias could have evolved into the namers of Pannonia. Panias was at Laish, which traced without doubt in recent days to Lissae, home of the Bessi priests of the goat-suspect Satrae, and Pan was himself a Satyr. I traced the red heraldic eagle to Lake Van (location of Tarun) for a couple of reasons, one being the red eagle of Tarans/Tarents, and the other being the scarlet / purple PHOENIX suspect in "PANIAS." The Phoen-like Bonns use red eagles. One can also trace this beast to the Phone's/Veynes'/Vane's (Bone colors) and Wayne's (Skull / Neville colors).
Isaac Newton was a Rosicrucian "Christian." He was president of a London "society," a term beloved by Masonic types.
It is a delusion to think that America is blessed of God. Superior wealth is not necessarily a sign that God favors. While America was founded by some decent Christians, Masonic wolves evolved lamb's wool as best they could in efforts to keep their powers, and secret societies crept along in low key, slowly changing the tune until queers got the right to marriage, and mothers got the right to kill their own unborn, and countless American women strip and pose for millions of viewers with clitoris unabashedly exposed, and far, far worse. If you think God is overseeing America to this day...
I'm out of time for this update.
Especially for new or confused readers
shows where I'm coming from.
For serious investigators:
How to Work with Bloodline Topics
Here's what I did when I had spare time on my hands:
Ladon Gog and the Hebrew Rose
On this page, you will find evidence enough that NASA did not put men on the moon.
Starting at this paragraph, there is a single piece of evidence
-- the almost-invisible dot that no one on the outside was supposed to find --
that is enough in itself to prove the hoax.
End-times false signs and wonders may have to do with staged productions like the lunar landing.
If you have received emails supposedly from me, and they look like advertisements
or anything unflattering and unexpected from me,
they were not from me but by someone using my email box to send it.
The rest of the Gog-in-Iraq story is in PART 2 of the
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