Previous Update: December 17 - 31

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(if there are any to speak of)
January 1 - 6, 2014

Found: the Panico's at the Setta Valley in Quintus Pansa Caetronianus
Pansa is at the Roets of the Sadducees
Do not miss that part at the very end of this update -- many revelations piled up

Last year ended with the discovery of a Caepio surname in 100 BC Rome that has all the potential to be at the ancestry of the Israeli chief priests in the days of Jesus. The Caepio's traced to Artois, and the El-Gabal priesthood of Sohaemus traced to neighboring Picardy. It's a good question as to what commonality a pagan sun god would have with the God of Israel. The Sadducees were not concerned about God aside from making a lip-service show of it for the sake of holding the power allowed by Rome over Israel.

By next week's update, I will have a suspect for the founding family, by name, of Sadducees, though tentative. I am familiarizing myself with different aspects of heraldry as it links to the families surrounding Quintus Caepio. The better I understand it, the faster I'll be able to understand the whole of it. This update opens things wider on Mieszko involvement.

I didn't get much into Merovingians of the Artois theater, but they were definitely there. Most of Arthurianism is, in my opinion, Merovingian. It was already predicted before the last update that the lines of Caiaphas should trace from mount Pilat (Dauphine) to Merovingians of about 450 AD, though the union was likely earlier still. Knowing now that Sohaemus lines were on the Somme river of downtown Picardy, it is predictable that Childeric's marriage to Basina, a Bassianus bloodliner, has something to do with Merovingian links to related Somme-river elements.

There was a very good set of revelations concerning Landen, where the Pepinid ingredient of Merovingian power came forth. Landen is not far from the mouth of the Rhine in downtown Holland, where the Salian Frank ingredient of Merovingians were living. Pepins share a bend with fleur de lys with the Sale's, and so that (in conjunction with many many other considerations) identifies Salian Franks as a union of Salyes Ligurians and Laevi Ligurians at Pavia. Later, I'll show some undeniable heraldic evidence for this. The blue-apple riddle, which will trace to Pavia elements in Wales, will be held off until the next update due to things that should be said before getting to it.

As Gamble and Campbell/Cammell elements were confirmed in the Somme theater, it's a good bet that the camel of the Pepin Crest traces exactly to them, in and around the Somme. Pepins somehow got to Goplo in Poland too. Polish myth describes a wicked ruler at Goplo with the term, Popiel. The Pepins that Popiel represented were there before 900 AD. Wikipedia times the Goplans of that area to the "early middle ages," and so I see the El-Gabal cult at "Goplo" from early times. How did it get there? Did the Popiel Pepinids bring it? With whom were these Pepinids linked that brought El-Gabal to Goplo? The answer should be in the Artois / Picardy area.

Compare "Somme" to the mythical Siem terms at Goplo, as one possibility, and ask why the Some surname is registered with the Sion/Swan surname. In the next update, undeniable evidence with surface proving that Swans were Swine's from Porcius Cato. It is his family that becomes tentatively suspect as the founders of Sadducees, and there is a way to prove that Porcius Cato elements were in the Seatons that named Sitten.

The Masci's, possibly from the same that named Julia Maesa Bassianus, were at Goplo too. There seems to be some sort of El-Gabal connection between Goplo and the Somme river. The Italian Gobels use a camel, too, for example, and French Gobels share a version of the Macey Shield with the SOME/Sion/Swan surname. Houseofnames changed the symbols of both the French Gobel and Some/Sion Coats just after I identified them with Maceys. You can still see the Macey-like Shield of French Gobels, but the wing was showing in the Masci-wing design, very important for obvious Mieszko-of-Goplo reasons. Similarly, the Some/Sion Coat showed gauntlet gloves, a Macey symbol. The Macey chevron still remains in the Some/Sion Coat, however. Masci's were from the Pavia area, we can assume.

Popiel is said to be representative of a POPIE(lid) people. It reminds me of the mention of Popeye in the last update. The Poppy/Popely surname was mentioned without any thought to Popiel. The Popeye cartoon had been traced to the Janszoon pirates several months ago, when the spinach symbol was recognized as code for Spinks. Here's what was said in the last update:

Jansons, Spinks and Fessys were first found in Northampton too [along with Olives], which recalls the Olive Oyl code, that being Popeye's girlfriend. I traced "Oyl" as a code (known by the cartoon creators) to the OWL of Spanish Olive's. Many cartoonists had Masonic code on their brains, a pathetic indication of what rules over education. The Howels may be suspect with the Olive owl. Howels suggest the House/Howes bloodline because they use three Murena towers in the colors of the House/Hauss "cabbage" leaves. The Cabbage/Cubbal surname, in Olive and Levi colors, was first found in Northamptonshire too. What a coincidence. The Cabbage/Cubbal Chief has the Levi lion in colors reversed.

One can make out that the Cubbal and similar variations smack of Goplo and the Gobel surname. Look at all the "bald / bold" endings of the Cubbals, and compare with English Gobels, using "bold / bolt" endings. The Crest of English Gobels looks like a version of a similar symbol in the Mieske Coat. The white lion of Cabbages/Cubbals is also in the Some/Sion Coat, and moreover Howels were pegged tentatively with the Kevel / Kibble bloodline at Hesdin, in Artois. If correct, it amounts to an Artois connection to Goplo.

One can tell that historians already realized that mythical Popiel referred to Pepins, for as Pepins were mayors of the Merovingian palace, here's on the Popielids: "Some scholars speculate, basing mostly on the linguistic analysis of personal names, that the Piasts...were initially Popielid mayors of the house responsible for education of the princes, in a similar relation as the Carolingians and Merovingians."

No sooner did the Pepins at Goplo evolved into the historical Mieszko that his daughter got married to Scandinavians. It could suggest that the Pepins of Poland before Mieszko had alliances with Danes and Swedes. As German Bessens seem to be using the bent (sometimes called "embowed") Mieske arm again, and as English Bessins use a similar arm-and-sword in their Crest, along with bees in a Coat like that of Poppy/Popley Coat, it seems that Basina, Childeric's wife, was a line of proto-Mieszko's. It was Childeric's tomb that was found with many gold bees. You can see the Massey/Macey Shield in the English Bessen Coat, and Bessins (with an 'i') were first found in the same place as Masseys and Maceys. It's a Massey merger with Pepins, isn't it, from Goplo. The Pepin horse head design is even that of the Massey horse. This was a Hyksos line from king Apepi and the Mus household of Hyksos.

The spread eagle design in the Poppy/Popley Coat is used by Chills/Childs, though in different colors. Then, while Wikipedia shares that Sigrid the Haughty, otherwise known as Swietoslawa, may have been Mieszko's daughter, Wikipedia also claims that her father was SKAGUL Toste. Then, one can make a link between the Chills/Childs and the SKUGAL/Scoot and Toste surnames, thus making the Childeric link to Swietoslawa. There may have been centuries between the latter two people, but the fact seems to be that Mieszko's were Merovingians of the Pepin kind.

Whose daughter was Swietoslawa really? How did she come to have two fathers?

To begin the following revelation, we start by noting that the Chill/Child Coat is a version of the Casey Coat. It's useful to find the red Casey eagle head in the Ardon/Artois Crest, as that tends to make a Goplo link once again to Artois, for the same eagle head, though in white (Piast-eagle color), is in the WRITE/Wright Coat, and there at the bottom of the Write/Write Coat there is a feather which could be called a "WRITING pen" if one wanted to honor the Write/Wright surname with a code. In fact, the feather in the Skugal/Scoot Crest is called, a "writing pen." Now we know that Skugal Toste links to the Write's/Wrights, and it just so happens that the rulers at Goplo just before Mieszko were called, WheelWRIGHTs.

Therefore, when we see that the Toste Coat looks like Chill/Child Coat, we have the definite impression that Merovingians were merged with some Scandinavians, Skagul Toste included. But he's somehow linked to Mieszko's daughter. Who was this Toste fellow? Was he even real? Was he some sort of code for Mieszko? Was he Mieszko's father?

Obama is most-definitely a Wheelwright bloodliner, as for example his Singletary ancestry shares the antelope design with Wheelwrights. But his shady Chicago pastor for 20 years was a Wright surname. This is not coincidental. Virtually all Republicans running for president in the last few years can be traced to Poles. It's as though Mieszko lines have ruled the country for some time. It's not anything that investigators speak of when seeking to unveil the Masonic realities. They will tend to stress Merovingians instead.

I can tell that Skugals/Scoots are a Traby line, and Trabys were Polish, yet another reason for linking Toste to Mieszko. The Traby ostrich feather is shared by Wright and Skugal surnames. Without getting into it again, the Cass'/Cash' and related Kiss'/Cush's, who smack of red-eagle Caseys, traced to Trabys in a merger with Astika's at Lithuania, and then there is a Toste surname registered with red-eagle Tafts/Tuff's. There seems to be a definite Skagul-Toste link to Poles. Moreover, the Casey eagles are colors reversed to the Piast eagle, symbol of the Mieszko dynasty, named after "Piast the Wheelwright."

The Skugals/Scoots honor the Orne's/Horns with their motto. The Orne's have an Athorn variation gleaned to be a branch of Hawthorns, and Hawthorne's are a branch HAUTEville's, and thus they link to "Haughty." Once again, Skagul Toste is tracing to Mieszko, though some would say he's tracing only to Sigrid the Haughty because he was her father, not Mieszko.

I discovered for my first time, in the last update, that the Hauteville's, the immediate ancestry of the Tancreds, were a branch of the royal Scots, using symbols of the Donkeys and related Duncans. It was totally unexpected. Tancreds were the progenitors of the Guiscards, said to be a branch of the Rollo vikings, not Scots. But then there was a viking connection to the early Scot kings of the Duncan era. The heraldry above makes it apparent that the Guiscards linked to Nordics of the Skagul kind, but then it also suspects that the same Nordic line was at the makings of the Scots proper. We'll see below how this proves true through Siward of Northumberland, whose elements were probably at neighboring Durham, where both Hawthorne's and Orne's/Athorns were first found.

You understand: Mieszko > Haughty liners were at Durham, which recalls something I read about Ranulf le Meschin have some charge over Dunham, which was earlier called, Dunholme, what I thought could have named Dunham-Massey / Dunham-Masci in Cheshire. Dunham is on the Wear river, and then Massey-related Weirs/Vere's use the same fesse and stars as the Durham surname. Bellamys (first found in the same place as Meschins), who were from a merger with Massey liners at Ferte-Mace, look to use a version of the Durham Coat, and so while we see plenty of Massey elements at Durham, it can't be ignored that we have just found Mieszko's tracing there too.

Something excellent was found. A mule, in the colors of the Donkey/Donking chevron, is the only symbol of the Capote's (Florence) with a Capo and Capone variation smacking of "Caepio / Caepionis." Therefore, the line of king Duncan was a Caepio line. Trust heraldry when it speaks. How do we suppose Caepio liners were at the early Scot royals?

In the last update, there was some major treatment on Siward of Northumberland, suspected by historians to be a relative of king Duncan. I found heraldry revealing that Siward was a Swietoslawa liner, a Duncan liner, and a Quintus-Caepio liner. Siward must be the Toste line to the Scots, for a Sewer surname was found registered with Shuters suspect as Schute's and Scoots/Skugals. Although Siward and Toste were both linked to Swietoslawa, I have yet to find the true relationships between the three. But it's still early.

This Capote/Capone find caused me to recall the donkeys of the Chamberlains. A new look at the Chamberlains recalls that they use a chevron in the colors of the Duncan chevron, and colors reversed to the Quint chevron. If the three Chamberlain scallops were white, they'd be in the two colors of the Capes scallops. Does this mean that Chambers were Caepio's, or does it merely mean a merger between the two? I would say, merger.

Scottish Chambers use "CHALMers," like the Callam variation / root of "Malcolm." I get it: Chamberlains, no matter what they say, are a line of Duncans > Malcolms (father and son). By the way, I read in a write-up (the surname of which I cannot recall) that Camerons split into a Chalmer branch, or some term very close to that.

The Cambers are in Quint colors, and they strike me as the namers of Cumber and Northumberland, home of Siward whom I suspected in the last update to be from the Cymbri of Juteland. The Cumber surname was first found in the same place (Sussex) as Heslingtons, the latter being an entity close to Siward. I therefore think that Chamberlains were Northumbrians that merged with the Scot line of Malcolm I, before Siward won a war (1054) against the Scot king, Macbeth.

When I get an idea that sits comfortably, I often find corroborating evidence. The idea now is that Caepio liners trace to the Cumbrian-Duncan merger. The leopard design used in the Camber Crest is that of Mosca's, and then I've just realized that the blue leopards in the Seward Coat (a version of the Sweit Coat) are the Mosca leopards too. Why would this be? Mosca's were in southern Sicily. That's where the Guiscards conquered into and ruled. At one point, Mosca's married a Claro line in Montechiaro of southern Sicily, and Guiscards were Claro liners. But then Chiaro's/Claro's share a bull with Mieszko's, suggesting a triangle with Mieszko's, Guiscards, and southern Sicily's Agrigento area that was a Craig > Carrick entity.

French Chamberlains use what I consider a Shield-on-Shield used by Sadducee lines, SEWER/Shuters included.

There is a very good chance that "Campbell" and "Chamberlain" are related terms. If correct, it traces Chamberlains, and possibly also Cambers, to the El-Gabal priesthood. This idea would stretch the historians' minds too far, but I'm accustomed to stretchy ideas that prove true. I would expect Chamberlains in Picardy, but admittedly I'm saying that because I'm pre-loaded with an idea. In the last update, the Quick/Quigg surname was traced to Chivele elements in Artois, especially as the surname uses what appears to be the same chevron as in the Kevel Coat. But I've just found that the Champs are registered with the Camps (in Chambliss and Campbell colors), and they use the same-colored chevron again...with the same three griffin heads (same colors, same positioning) as the Quicks/Quiggs! This is excellent for tracing Campbells yet again to the Somme-river El-Gabal cult...though, of course, we'd expect El-Gabal elements throughout neighboring Artois too.

We have a choice now: 1) Chamberlains were of the Campbells / Gamble's from Iamblichus of El-Gabal; 2) Chamberlains were not from El-Gabal but instead from the namers of Cambrai; 3) both of the above when El-Gabal elements named Cambrai.

To boot, French Champs/Camps were first found in Picardy!!! Surprise. This is excellent, verifying that Arthurians (including MacArthurs) do trace fundamentally to "Arethusa," the El-Gabal capital for a while. If it's correct that Howells are Kevels, while owls are code for Howells, note the owl in the Champ/Camp Chief.

Cambrai on my atlas is stamped between Mons and Picardy, at the western end of Artois. That stretchy idea might just hit the historian in denial, like a loaded elastic, in the eye.

I may be off by the following, but I'll jot it down anyway. I traced Cumbrians to QUMRan, the place on the Dead-sea shore where Essenes lived. I spent considerable time questioning and examining the House surnames (includes "Howes", like "Howell") for to see whether they go to Essenes. I traced Essenes to axe symbols out of Crete, and very confidently to mythical Aeson, father of Iason/Jason. In the last update, the perchevron (solid chevron) of the Heths was shown along with a similar one of the Edmonds, highly suspect with Edmond the Aetheling. There is a similar Coat used by Aesons/Easons said to be from "Aythe." As Siward has started to look like a Cumbrian liner, and as he linked well to the House/Howes' and related Hazels, it's starting to make me think he was an Essenes liner. I even showed how Siward connected to the axe-using Halberts in the founding of the Scottish kings. Essenes of mount Carmel gave all initiate's an axe.

Cumbers were first found in the same place as Hazel-related Heslingtons, and there was talk in the last update as to whether Heslingtons were named after Aetheling elements. It may be that Hessen > Hessal terms came first (i.e. closer to "Essene"), followed by Athen > Aethel / Heth terms. Eastons use a perchevron in colors reversed from the Aeson/Eason chevron (don't assume that the surname derived in "East"). Eatons showed a cross looking like two double-headed axe's, and then I traced mythical Aeson lines to mythical "Aedon," beside Athens. Aedon's father (Pandareus) was a ruler on Ephesus, where there was an Essenes bee cult. Pandareus' father was Merops, the root of "Merovee."

Forkbeard, husband of Swietoslawa, has an axe symbol on his shirt. Why? It didn't get there by accident of sheer randomness. Someone put it there; it's not a photograph.

As Cunninghams use a "fork" motto term, and as they were first found in the same place (Ayrshire) as Forkers/Farkers, "Cunning" may be from "Canute" (because Cnut was Forkbeard's son). Forkers have a "cado" motto term that could trace back to Cato the younger (Porcia liner), father of Servilia Caepionis (born about 100 BC). This is interesting indeed because she is suspect as Caiaphas' close kin. At the moment, I'm assuming that she's his great-grandmother.

Forkers use hands suspect in the last update with Siward lines, and then while the Hand surname is suspect with Annas lines, Forkers/Farkers are suspect with "Pharisee." See the Fargus/Ferris/Ferguson lion, in the colors of the Ferrari lion. Scottish Fergusons/FARGERson (bee in Crest) were first found in the same place as Hanna's (in Hand colors). The motto of bee-using Fergusons is translated with a "SWEETer" term, strongly suggesting their derivation in Forkbeard and Swietoslawa. Both the Irish and Scottish branches of Fergusons use a "couped" term in their symbols descriptions. The Irish branch uses "hand couped." The Ferguson bee is on a BLUE thistle, and then the Thistle/Thissel Crest is a blue lion! It's the Caepio lion, isn't it?

It wasn't until late in the update when I discovered and briefly discussed the Alpin Crest coming up as "Cappin." This Coat likewise uses a blue thistle. But why are the founders of the Scots proper, the MacAlpins, registered with a Caepio-like surname? It is such a stretchy thing to see Caiaphas lines in the formation of Scots.

It's logical that the Essenes fled Israel in relation to 70 AD with other priesthoods. Aesons/Easons were first found in the same place (Angus) as Sewers/Shuters, and if I'm not mistaken, the leopard in the Sewer/Shuter Crest is the one in the Cumber, Seward, and Mosca surnames. If correct, it tends to verify that the Sewer variation is that of Siward of NorthUMBERland. This is supporting the trace of Siward to Essenes of Cambrai / Cumber if they did derive in "QUMRan."

Another thought is that the El-Gabal cult had traced to Assisi in UMBRIA. That's partly because one of the El-Gabal founders was Aziz/Azizus. In other words, Essenes are suspect at the founding of El-Gabal. "Aziz" looks like an Aeson / Essenes term all its own, leading to mythical Esus of the Gauls, who had a crane and a tree-cutter symbol. Axe-incidence? Not only Scute's, but Gamble's show a crane, and they definitely trace to "Iamblichus," the son or father of Aziz. It looks very good for a trace of Forkbeard to the Esus cult, especially as he is suspect as the father / uncle of Siward.

It just so happens that the Humber Coat looks like the Haught Coat, and moreover the Humber Crest shows the Doberman griffin head in the same white color! I didn't know that while writing above or below. According to the Humber write-up, the Humber pellets are those of Lacys. Humbers were first found in Herefordshire, where I trace Trabys (to Tudor Trevor), though Trabys trace to Trabzon, explaining why Humbers use the three bars in the Arms of Trebizond empire.

With all the talk of Siward tracing to the weight scale of Sibal-related Sire's, and to raven vikings of Shetland, see the weight scale of the Assi/Aassie/Hoseason surname (in Sewer colors), first found in Shetland. Note the Hose-like surname that can be a House liner. There was talk of the Cass/Cash and Kiss/Cush weight scales in the second update of last month too, two surnames that I thought could go back to the Cassius surname that married Junia Tertia Caepio, daughter of Servilia Caepionis. The Caseys should definitely apply.

Sewers are said to be named after a cobbler, but this must be code for the Cobble surname showing variations like those of Cabbage's who are honored in the "cabbage" leaves of one House/Hauss surname. This well explains how Siward could have been related to Heslington elements; he is reportedly buried in Heslington Hill, also called "Siward's Howe."

I've noted that two Camp Coats are in the colors of the Capote/Capone mule, while the third Camp Coat, in Campbell colors, is a chevron and three surrounding symbols all in the colors of the same of English Capone's/Cappons. That's pretty incredible, but it works where donkey-using Chamberlains trace with Donkeys and related Duncans to Italian Capote's/Capone's. I have no doubt. It's suggesting that Chamberlains and Duncans trace to El-Gabal, which begs the question of what "Stone of Scone" really refers to, for El-Gabal was a black-stone deity.

After writing that, I checked the Scone surname, to find that it was first found in the same place (Stirlingshire) as Guiscards. Moreover, not very far below, you will find a discussion of surnames of the tree-cutter kind tracing to Stirlingshire. If that's not enough, late in the update (which will be in next week's update, hopefully), I discover what I had forgotten, that Scottish Chappes' were first found in Stirlingshire. Amazing.

The Scone's use a green wyvern that could trace back to same of Guerra's, whom were suspect at the founding of Scotland, for the Stone of Scone is important to the crowing of Scottish kings. Talk about stretchy, I've never felt so skinny.

The Scone's also use the Murena tower, and a Zionists star in the colors of the same of Hagar(d)s, first found in Perthshire, beside Sterling. The buckles of the Stirling surname are used by Mortons, and then Murena's are also "Moratin." The Mortons and Motts/Morte's were identified as Maccabee elements BEFORE realizing that Maccabees were formed by Cilnius Maecenas, who married, Terentia, of the Murena household.

French Capote's/Chapus' show several "Shap"-using versions that could bring Shepherds, Shiptons, and similar others into the Caiaphas fold. Shepherds become important in the blue-apple riddle, and they trace to Caiaphas elements at Agrigento. Capote's/Chapus' were first found in the same place (Forez) as Billet-related BESANcons/Bassets. This is important where the Billets trace with certainty to St. Etienne, but then English Billets (version of the SHEPherd Coat) are the ones using the Bellows Coat, important because Shiptons use "bellows." That begs the question of whether Sheeps/Shipmans (pellets) are using the Coat of Etienne-based Stephensons, first found in Northumberland, where Siward ruled.

This is where it gets interesting as per the Mieszko topic tracing to St. Etienne, for the Stephenson bend is in the colors of a Jewish Pollock bend that can be traced to Mieszko's wife. Although I don't have the specifics on how Mieszko was from Merovingians, I see that Childeric's wife, and therefore Clovis' mother, was a line to Goplo. Others say that Pollocks trace to Clovis, but I say Pollocks trace to Mieszko.

Mieszko married a daughter of Boleslaw of Bohemia, and Bohemia was beside Moravia. I have the impression that Moravia, founded about 800 AD, was named after Merovingians who had to flee somewhere when booted from France by Charlemagne. So the Merovingians took some of their Pepin kin, their pots of gold, and moved to Moravia (beside Poland); that's one way to explain mythical Popiel at Goplo. Mieszko was born about 925. Mieszko's wife was DOBRawa, and then DOBERs use the same concept as Dobermans/Tobermans, but it's the latter who use a white-on-red bend, the colors of the Pollock and Stephenson bends.

English Bole's use the same shot-through boar as Pollocks, and Mieszko's son was named after Boleslaw of Bohemia. This is how I know that Pollocks were from Mieszko. Belgian Bole's, using the star in Moray-star colors, show three "wheat STALKs," and then the Stock/Stoke Coat is a white double-tailed lion, as is the lion in the Arms of Bohemia." The white Stake/Stack lion should apply. Scottish Chappes' use three "ears of wheat," and then there is a Wheat/Wete surname (looking like it should link to Josephs and Coffers all at once) that traces (probably) to mythical SiemoWIT, code for Wit and Watt elements, as you will see below.

It's probably simpleton to define "Sutherland," home of Mackays, as "southland." For the Shuter variation of Sewers are now suspect at Sutherland ever since Siward defeated MacBeth at Moray. As soon as that victory took place, Mieszko liners were expected at Moray. Those were the Mackays, it's now obvious to me. Some say Mackays were MacHeths (I don't agree), and we saw how Heths could link to Siward.

The "qui INSons" motto phrase of Belgian Bole's should be for Insubres lines to the Kays/Keys (possible branch of MacKays / Mackie's/Mackeys) and Ince's, for both surnames use black bendlets on white. This link to Insubres plays well with the trace of Mieszko's to Visconti's (mentioned in the last update, and for many months prior), for Insubres were at Milan.

The Keys/Kays use a "more" motto term for Moray/Moravian elements, and Belgian Bole's use "fortis" as code for Fortriu, the part of Moray that was important in the days when Mackays ruled the area. Mackays use "forti." It's not coincidental that the white griffin head in the Kay/Key Crest is that also of the Doberman Crest, and so it appears very much that Kays/Keys are a Mackay branch honing Dobrawa.

As you can verify that Ince's are a branch of Orells and Orrs, while Orrs use the Guiscard/Wishart piles, you have reason again to link Visconti's to Guiscards and the two to Mieszko's. Wikipedia's article on Dagome (Mieszko's alternative name) tells that his ancestry was suspect from Sardinia, where a branch of Visconti's ruled. We always need to keep in mind that Visconti's are Caepio liners. Here is from the Dagome iudex:

"Also in another volume from the times of Pope John XV, Dagome, lord, and Ote, lady, and their sons Misico and Lambert (I do not know of which nation those people are, but I think they are Sardinians..."

"Ote" refers to Mieszko's second wife, Oda, from the Ottonian dynasty, which may explain "Ottone" Visconti. In other words, Ottone Visconti may have been from the line of Oda and Mieszko. One of their sons was Swietopelk. The latter has been thought by some as a ruler in Pomerania, where Domermans were first found: "...Another hypothesis stated that the absence of Swietopelk from the '"Dagome iudex' was because he was already in Western Pomerania, who was granted to him as a fief and in consequence he was the ancestor of the earlier Dukes of Pomerania; however, this theory is now discarded by the majority of modern historians, who linked the first Pomeranian Dukes with the Piast Dynasty through a daughter of either Siemomysl or Mieszko I."

It looks very good for Swiet > Sweit elements in Pomerania...beside Mecklenburg, location of Popoli- and Dagger-suspect Schwerin. As I traced Maxwells to the naming of Mecklenburg, keep an eye out below for a saltire in the colors of the Maxwell saltire, for it belongs the Oda' family. Oda's Wikipedia article has Mieszko as "Duke Misaca." If the question is: how do Maxwells at Rijeka/Rika trace to Maxwells at Mechlenburg, we should perhaps ask mythical Rig of the Scandinavians.

I traced Mieszko back to a Sulcis location in Sardinia, and later realized that the Piscinas ("fountain") location beside Sulcis led to the FONT de Ville's, who were the "Ville" part of "Conteville," for both Conte's and Ville's were first found in the same place (Languedoc). Hence, "VisCONTI." Now that I know that Visconti's had been Caepio liners of the Chappes kind to begin with, the so-called "fountain" symbols of the Cass/Cash and Kiss/Cush surnames become important, for Caseys were first found in the same place as Chappes'. That's why I'm confident that Casseys trace to the Cassius surname that married Junia Caepio.

You will note that while Bole's were first found in the same place (Lincolnshire) as Pilette's/Pilotte's, they both use roughly the same Coat, seen also in a Coat of Shaws who share a "qui" motto term with Keys/Kays. Shaws were first found in the place (Perthshire) where Pilate lines are suspect. As Pilette's/Pilotte's are obvious kin to Messeys/Messier's, it speaks for itself in linking them to "Mieszko."

But why are Pilate's linking to Mieszko? Again, Nottings/Knutts use the Pilate peons on a Wheelwright-type Shield, and Mieszko's daughter was the mother of Cnut. Fine, Pilote's link to Mieszko. But Why? That's where Stephensons come in, if they use the Dobrawa / Doberman bend.

Stephensons can enter the Dobrava picture where they were first found in the land that Siward ruled, who was himself a closely related (son, grandson, or nephew, I'm guessing) of Mieszko's daughter. The other Stephensons even use the white-on-blue stars that I say were from Dobrawa's Moravian background, which stars ended up at Moray with the Mackay-branch Mieszko's. It's strongly suggesting that Dobrava was a Merovingian liner in Moravia. Check the colors of the Dobers.

Let's go back momentarily to the cobbler theme in the Sewer/Shuter write-up. Kobble's, smacking of "Goplo," were first found in Lincolnshire, as with Bole's, what a coincidence. The English Kobble Coat could be a colors reversed version of the Tost Coat, and Tosts were first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as the Kays/Keys. The Kobble crosslets are even in the colors of the identical Toste/Taft crosslets, assuring that Toste's/Tafts and a branch of Tosts. This is no small finding, as it traces Skagul Toste to Swietoslawa yet again, and meanwhile assures that Cobble's, and therefore Sewers/Shuters, were Goplo elements. Keep that Stone of Scone in mind as the El-Gabal stone, for Siward's Bernician family must have been at makings of the Scot kings.

To make the expected Goplo link to Artois, the Kobble / Toste crosslets share colors reversed from the Hesdin crosslets, suggesting the distinct possibility of a "Kevel / Kibble / Chivele" trace to "Goplo" elements. Here's how Hesdin came up initially in the last update: "While the Kevel surname is said to be from the Hesdin part of Pas-de-Calais, the Hesdin/Heston surname (included an old "Hewstone") was first found in the same place (Middlesex) as the Kibble/Keeble surname. That's a match." It appears that Kibble's and Kobble's should both trace to Goplo elements.

Houstons (look like a branch of Wrights) were even first found in the same place (Renfrew) as Pollocks and Dobys, the latter in colors reversed to Dobers.

German Cobble's/Kobells (stork) use a "beak" term, the surname of which links to the Haughts and therefore to Mieszko liners, assuring the Cobble trace to "Goplo." Don't lose sight of the Sewer trace to Goplo elements here, for it's the Sewer write-up that has the cobbler code. German Koppels use the same rooster as Aikens (same chevron colors as Cobble's) whom I traced years ago to Aachen, near Hesdin, Landon, Hainaut. etc. If HESlingtons are related to HESdin, the "aris" motto term of Heslingtons can be traced to "Arras," the Artois capital.

If Heslingtons are Hesdins, it would appear that Heslingtons are as Stewart-related as Houstons, and indeed Heslingtons use the Alan oak leaves. Stewarts were all over Renfrew. Therefore, Hesdins/Hewstons were Houstons were Heslingtons, and Hazels traces them all to House's, whatever they were aside from Cabbage's/Cobolds.

We now have the reason as to why Goplo elements seemed to mesh with Artois / Picardy elements: the namers of Goplo also named Chivele from the Kevel surname in Artois. The Melusine dragon woman of the Vere's is from Warsaw, capital of Masovia, where Mieszko ruled Poland as a duke of Masovia. The Wears/Were's, in Heslington colors, share the Kobble / Toste the same red-on-white colors, the colors of the Drake wyvern once used by duke's of Masovia. Melusine is in the Glass Crest, and Houstons, from GLASgow, use an hourGLASS in Crest, if that helps to assure that Houstons trace with House's to Goplo. The Siemowit-suspect Watts and Vatts use glasses hanging from their oak tree.

It's not a coincidence that Houstons use footless martlets (French-Alan symbols) in the colors of the French Josephs, as this has to do with a Caiaphas trace to Houstons. But why? What was the House bloodline?

In the last update, Chivele (Wiltshire) traced very well to Cavaillon/Cabellio in the Forez part of southern France (east of the Rhone). This entity seems to me to be an El-Gabal center from the Bassianus family of Caracalla's mother. I traced Caracalla's Severus surname to "Cavari," a people in the Cavaillon area. But, now , zowie, the Piast eagle is white-on-red, the colors of the five SAFER eagles!! Mieszko is the founder of the Piast dynasty, you see. It's tracing his Goplo home to "Cabellio." That was a Shaw center, explaining why Bole's and their Key/Kay kin trace to Shaws.

But, again, it's surely Siward's defeat over MacBeth that put the Mackays in power at the Moray theater. The Mackie's/Mackeys even use a raven for the link I make of Siward to raven vikings. Mackie's/Mackeys were first found in the same place (Ayrshire) as Scottish Boyds, and the latter use the motto, "Confido," a term found in the motto of this other Key surname. The latter also uses "Domino," suspect with "Domna" because Keys and Kays/Keys (and Dobers) were first found in Yorkshire, where Caracalla was proclaimed the Roman emperor. Julia Domna was Caracalla's mother, but she was also the sister of Julia Maesa, now making it suspect that "Mieszko" is from the Maesa line. That was always suspect, and it's discussed in December's updates, where Mieszko's and Caracalla lines both traced to the theater of the MAEZAei...who lived at Bistue, suspect with the Bistones of Cyrene who became the Biston and Bessin/Bessin/Beaston surnames that link excellently to the Mieske surname. This is why I trace "Piast" to "Bistue" (left side of map).

It just so happens that the Cavari lived at Avignon, which uses keys in its Arms! It's true, the Mieszko Goplans trace to Cabellio. I didn't know I'd be here when starting this update.

Hald it Right There

AHA! VERY BIG FIND, minutes after writing the above. Mieszko's second wife was from HALDENsleben, and then the Halden Crest not only uses the gold griffin head of Dober Crest, and not only does the Halden Coat show engrailed black saltire of Faithfuls (FIVE plates), but a motto, "SUFFER." Faithfuls are honored in two instances of "faithful" in a Key motto.

Faithfuls were first found in the same place (Norfolk) as Seagers (and Wheats/Wete's), and the Faithful "crane perched on the stump of a tree proper" is a thorough depiction of the Esus cult. The white roundels of Faithfuls recall the same in the Arms of Breslau, where the white "plate" has the head of John the Baptist. It doesn't look like it's in honor of John the Baptist, but quite to the contrary, it looks like a celebration over his murder. Masons think that John the Baptist was an Essene, you see, and they probably fabricated the Dead Sea Scrolls to push that very idea, thus killing Jesus all the more because the idea is to make Him look like a liar, as though he was hiding his background in the Essenes.

Faithfuls are "FEYth and "Fathe," likely a branch of Fothes/Fiddes/Fette's (cornuCOPIA) who come up as "Fido," a term like "fidelis = faithful." I trace the latter to "Foetus/Fussen" at lake Constance, where the "ConFIDO" term of Boyds trace (the lake is also "BODensee"), and then it's the Keys who use both "confido" and "Faithful." There's a lot of clever effort gone into that codework, but what else are Masons good for besides hiding their roots and maligning Jesus?

The Fes/Fay surname, which will become Porcia-Cato important, uses a Faite variation that can apply to Faithfuls and similar others. German Faiths/Feits use the Mieske arm-and-sword again, as well as bends in the colors of the Guerra / Burgundy bends. "Porcia" will be traced tentatively to the namers of Burgundy and "Borgia," but that trace was made having nothing to do with what was written here, days before introducing the Porcia-Cato topic. The paragraph below was already written here. The Fes bend is in the colors of the Porci/Porcini bend, you see.

I've now got to repeat that pope Borgia lived in Gandia (Spain), at a SAFOR location. Why should the Halden line of Mieszko's wife link to this Spanish location? The Belgian Gands/Gends use the same-type moline cross as Seagers and Segni's/Segurana's. French Borgia's/Bourgs (another moline cross) were first found in the same place as Conte's and Font de Ville's, and as such are likely the Burgo's at the root of Conteville's. Therefore, we see again that Mieszko liners were Visconti liners. The Moline's, who use a moline of their own, were from "Milan," right? The Moline moline is in the black color of the moline used by Gowers/Gore's (said to be from a Gouy location), and thus makes a Mieszko-Visconti link to Gouy of Picardy, and to the Guy/GUISe surname, showing again a Mieszko-Visconti link to Guiscards. (See "Gouy" in the last update.)

It's verifying that the Safer bloodline of Caracalla was on the Urbanus river of the Maezaei. The El-Gabal family of the two Julia's had been suspect from that very Maezaei peoples, thus indicating that the Goplans in Poland were named after "Gabal" elements.

It's not a coincidence that Landons and Mackays share bears. The Pepins in the Mieszko family were from Landen, right? It suggests that Decks/Daggers is what named "Dagome," and then Decks/Daggers even use the fleur in the colors of the Piast eagle, and of the Massey fleur. But compare "Dagome" with "Decimus," the first name of the husband of Servilia Caepionis. Doesn't the Servilius surname that named her trace to Servitium near the mouth of the Urbanus?

I have always argued that Kays / Keys were not foundational to Mackays and Mackeys. Rather, it was either the other way around, all from the Maceys and Masseys/Maceys initially, or "Kay" may have developed when the family merged with Maceys, who then developed a MacKay-like look as a result. Again, Mieszko is traced to the Piscinas location that may have been named by the same that named "Piast," and while the Boleslaw line honors the Keys/Kays, note that the Keyes variation of the Kays (in Cass / Kiss colors) smacks of the Khyshe / Kysse variations of the Cass-related Kiss'. The Cass' and Kiss' use "fountains" that trace to "Piscinas," you see. Therefore, Keys/Kays look like they were from Piscinas, and may furthermore trace to the Cassius surname married by Junia Tertia Caepio.

The Cass's/Cash's were first found in the same place (Cambridgeshire) as Julians/Gillians. Junia Tertia is a daughter of the mistress of Julius caesar. Cass-incidence? Junia's father may therefore have been Julius himself, though her father is shown at Wikipedia to be the mistress's husband, Decimus Junius Silanus.

Where Cass'/Cash's had traced to Vilnius' Astikas merger with Trabys, the Cass'/Cash's can be discovered with the Mieszko-Traby merger, for the WEIGHT scales of both the Arms of Vilnius and of the Cass' suggests the Wit-like Weight surname using hunting horns in Traby hunting-horn colors. I had claimed that "Vilnius" traces to the Font de VILLE's.

The Weight motto, "Pro aris et focis," is used by Heslingtons! English Weights/White's were first found in the same place as Julians/Gillians, important because we saw the glass theme of Watts and other Goplo liners shortly above. I found that Julians were of the Glass bloodline, thus tending to confirm that even White surnames trace to Siemowit's Witkowo location. For the record, English Weights/White's use the green dragon used by scarlet-chevroned Treasure's (the latter become important in the blue-apple riddle).

Notice the STEINson-and-similar variations of Stephensons, for Swedish Sewers use STEMS on their rose, and we saw other stems in the last update (another in the Scute Crest). The Stem surname is registered with Steins (Norfolk, same as Seagers), using a bend in colors reversed to the Stephenson bend, and with gold leopards, the Seward (and Mosca) symbol.

I get it now. Mosca's married Montechiaro at the Drago river of Sicily, and because Drake's (axe) use the Masovia dragon, as well as a "muscas" motto term like the Muscas variation of Mosca's, the Mieske bull is the Chiaro/Claro bull. That explains why the red Gar/Karen bend is a thin one, rare, like the thin Chiaro/Claro bend. As more evidence that Mieszko's were Caepio liners, Drake's use "captat muscas."

This drags the Claro's = Sinclairs into the Mieszko picture, which can explain why Sinclairs use an engrailed cross in the colors of the engrailed saltire of Haldens, first found in the same place (Lothian) as Sinclairs. This only adds to the evidence that Mieszko's were Visconti's and Conte's, for Sinclairs honor the Conte's/Comites' with their "Commit" motto term.

The garland of the Stephensons may now trace to the mother of Pontius Pilate, for Garlands were first found in Perthshire. That's a strong argument for the Stephenson link to the same families that connected to the Pilate pheons and Pilate grails.

I don't care whether scholarly types balk. I had a snap vision about ten days ago. I've had these "experiences" before, and have gotten to know that God sends me helpful messages like this as he thinks I need them. These snap visions are not signs of my mental instability, nor are they profound, and should not be called "experiences." It's just a split-second picture in my mind that "comes out of nowhere." It was just a red bend on a black Shield that I saw. I rarely see these two color combinations. I've been waiting to see a red bend on a black Shield for over a week. I wrote "red bend" in the last update because it was half on a black Shield. I didn't say anything to readers because the Shield was not all black.

It's now that I find the first red bend on a black Shield in the Gar/Karen Coat. I didn't see anything to speak of in this Coat, but was anticipating something important because it was in the vision. I then clicked to the Irish Gar Coat (on the Shepherd Shield?), and there were blue lions...that God had highlighted for tribwatch readers, about two years ago, through a dream-vision of a reader. He informed us that this lion would be that of a term "something like 'Cappeo'," according to the person who had the vision. I assumed that this lion would be the Caiaphas lion.

I have been claiming for a few months that the Charo/Chiaro/Claro surname (old Ferrara) is a Caiaphas line because Joseph's (first found in the same place as Drake's) are suspect from "Joseph Caiaphas" while it's the Josephs who use a "charo" motto term. Did you catch from above, as per the two surnames using thin bends, that GARs/Karens are a branch of "CHARo"? I never may have guessed, explaining why I needed the snap vision.

I'm fairly confident that Gars are the Guerra line, explaining why Caiaphas lines should be at the founding of the Scots by Guerra lines, and therefore the Cappin variation of Alpins must apply. My claim is that "Alpin" is from the Alberts of Bologna and/or Alba on the Tanaro river. The blue-lion Gars use a wreath, and thus connect to the Stephenson garland wreath. Stephens were a mainline Caepio line, as their solid chevron indicates.

I'm recognizing that the blue-and-white gyronny of Gironde, and therefore the Garonne river, applies to the Gar / Garland line. Here is a one-sentence paragraph that was included in the last update just for the record, in case I needed it: "Lands, in Lander and Heth colors, use a red bend on the same gyronny as used by Campbells." The Land Coat is the one with a red bend half on black. As Landers use a red fesse on a same-colored Coat as Lands, I now know that both the red fesse and red bend is that of Alans, the founders of Landen. I know what this is: the line of Israeli priests in Forum Allieni = Ferrari, moving to Ferrat and Lange, then to Landen.

It's telling us that God is the Father of Jesus. Otherwise, why would God be directing this revelation? Why would God be concerned about revealing Caiaphas lines if He was the God of Mohammad, or Buddha, or Apollo?

I know what this is now, the line from Landrada, supposed daughter of Charles Martel. Note that the gold lion in the red-bend Gar/Karen Coat is in the colors of the Carol lion, suggesting the Carolingians (founded by Charles Martel). As CAPETians followed Carolingians, it stands to reason that Carolingians may have been Caiaphas liners too. The Gar/Karen surname was first found in the same place (Prussia) as Mieske's, and a Kern/Karen surname was first found in neighboring Silesia...a place that I trace to "Sulcis." As Sardinia was named after the Lydian capital (Sardis), in my opinion, its notable that Kerns/Karens trace to Carians of Latmus in Lydia. Irish Kerns use a chevron in colors reversed to the Heslington chevron (may or may not be coincidental). Karens/Cairns are a merger with Roets; if I recall correctly, Catherine Roet's ancestry was of Montreuil in Picardy.

The small crosses of the Royals will become Sadducee-important later, and so I'll record this here for later reference. "Montreuil" is probably named after the Royal family, for Royals were first found in Kent, where Chaucers were first found who use the Royal bend. The sister of Catherine Roet (wife of Gaunt) married a Chaucer of Kent, you see.

As "Real" is sometimes a version of "Royal," as for example, "MontREAL," it's extremely interesting that French Real's, using the MacARTHUR crowns, were first found in Forez, on the east side of Vienne, where HEROD Archelaus was banished. This may have the capability of revealing that "ROET" is a Herod variation.

Landrada and her husband, SIGRamnus, were of Hesbaye (beside Landen), and are the deepest-known root of the royal Capetians. Capetians ruled France until recently. They have probably laundered more gold bars than any other kingdom.

YOU WOULDN'T BELIEVE WHAT JUST HAPPENED. The Seagram Coat was just re-loaded for a look as per "SIGRAMnus," and there was a version of the blue-lion Gar Coat!!! It has the same red Chief, the same white Shield, and the three blue-and-white lions (though just the heads). Blue-lion Caiaphas liners were in Hesbaye, right? It should explain the blue Louvain lion.

The snap-vision revelation seems to be that Sigurd the Stout, and Siward (Sigweard) of Northumberland, are named after a long line from Sigramnus, and are therefore Caiaphas liners of the Capetian kind. Seagers in general, in other places, may be Caiaphas liners from a long way back.

There was an idea that the SEGNi's/Segurana's (they were found in Bologna too) had named "Ticino," but the idea was a few days before realizing that Visconti's on the Ticino were not a merger with Chappes', but were a line of Chappes' to begin with. If Caiaphas was birthed by an illegitimate daughter or son of Julius caesar (see then end of the last update for the possibility), it can explain why Segni-suspect Sagans/Segans share the salamander in flames with Julians/Gillians.

I have the new impression that the Ticino was named by the Decimus bloodline that named Decimus Junius Silanus. One can see how "Decimus" could become "DECINO," like TICINUM," the proto-Pavia location that named the river. I don't see any problem in "Decin" becoming a S-version too, such as "Sagan/Segan." One could visualize a "Dagome - Sagan" link. The latter surname was first found in the same place (Prussia) as the Mieske/Mesech surname (in Pepin / Land / Lander colors). The Segni's use a white eagle, the Piast-eagle color.

As per the "wreath" of blue-lion Gars, there was a wreath coming up in the last update belonging to Jocelyns, and that topic was about Jocelyn of Louvain, owner of a blue lion. Jocelyns show two motto terms that suggest Vere lines (one being the Voirs), and I think Vere's were Guerra's. Jocelyn of Louvain was from the Lamberts of Brabant, who might just have been from the same that named Mieszko II Lambert. As the Jewish Adel surname uses blue-on-white lions, see all the Adels in the family tree here:

On the page below, we see the tree of Lambert I of Brabant/Louvain (born about the same time as Mieszko), with a son listed (without a question mark) as, Robert de Brus, which could explain the Bruce lion being that of the Adels. There is a question here as to whether "Adel" traces to whatever named "Atilia," wife of a son of Livia Drusa (wife of Quintus Caepio). I'm very open to "Dagome" and the Decks/Daggers tracing to "Decimus," husband of a Caepio.

The father of Lambert I of Brabant was Regnier LONGHals of Hainaut. It reflects Renier of Montferrat at LANGHE, and I fully expect Langhe elements of the Visconti kind at the naming of Landen (Hainaut theater). It's been months since claiming that lines from the Israeli chief priests in Ferraruola (at about 70 AD), where Charo's/Claro's were first found, moved to and likely named Montferrat. It's been only weeks since I've included Langhe as integral to that migration, and it traced hard to Landen only in the last update. By that time, I knew that Levi liners were in Mons of Hainaut. It now appears that Merovingians of a Caepio kind in the Mieszko fold were seeking a foothold in Louvain at the same time that they were dressing up Mieszko.

French Lamberts use the white-on-blue stars of Bole's and Bez', indicating that they are from Mieszko Lambert. It appears that this Lambert Coat (shares double chevrons with Sweits) is a blue-Shield version of the Sweit Coat. The latter is in the colors of German Lamberts and looks like a version of the English Lamberts, suggesting that there are no Lambert surnames tracing to Louvain's Lamberts...unless the latter were related to the Mieszko Lamberts. In order for this to be true, the Louvain Lamberts had to have the same ancestry as Mieszko I, father to Mieszko Lambert. English Lamberts might be using the Tost format.

If the question arises as to why French Lamberts were first found in Dauphine, lets recall that Mieszko liners linked to Pilate liners, for the French Lambert Coat could be a version of the Billet Coat.

German Lamberts look to be using the Chapman crescent, which I typically trace to the crescent of eel-using Foys/Feys, important because English Billets use the Bellows Coat while "bellows" are used by eel-using and Shepherd-suspect Shiptons. The Shield-and-Chief color combination of German Lamberts is colors reversed from the blue-lion Gars, and of the blue-lion, Capet-suspect Seagrams. Foys/Foix' were first found in the same place as Chappes', and Mieszko-suspect Seagrams ought to trace to MontSEGUR at Foix, where de-Pols were.

In the last update, "Jocelyn" was suspect with the name, "Gauzlin," a ruler of Maine, where Billets were first found. The Lamberts in Billet colors use stars and a chevron in the colors of the same of Goz'. Therefore, a Lambert trace to Billets suggests that Lamberts in the ancestry of Jocelyn of Louvain could go back to the ancestry of Gauzlin. In the last update, there was treatment on the Gauzlin bloodline, and it sparked the impression that this was all-important to the Caiaphas line to Mons and Louvain. It's there if you'd like to read it.

Gauzlin of Maine led to Odo I and Odo II of Blois, and it's these names that may connect with "Oda," Mieszko's wife. It is her ancestry that the Louvain Lamberts ought to trace to if her son, Lambert, was related to them. As one Stephenson Coat looks like a version of the blue Lambert Coat (in count-of-Blois colors), here's part of what was said in the last update as the Chappes-suspect Stephen surname, and king Stephen of England, was tracing to the Odo's of Blois:

There is another Stephen, Odo's cousin, in the article on Odo II, and yet another Stephen in Odo's son. Odo's mother (Bertha) was of upper Burgundy, which gets us to Etienne. She was from the house of Capet. Her ancestry goes back to Boso of lower Burgundy (Provence), and then the Boso bull design is that of the Charo's/Claro's (Ferrara) who are honored in the English Joseph motto. Moreover, I have seen "Goz" written as "Gois," and then the Gois Crest is a swan, what the French Joseph Coat showed until recently...

If we go back to the start of the Capetian royals, "The first Capetian monarch was Hugh Capet (c.940 - 996), a Frankish nobleman from the Ile-de-France..." Just like that, we have the Capetians, said to be one of the most powerful Frankish dynasties, tracing to the Chappes'. Hugh's article says that his family were "powerful landowners in the Ile-de-France."...

The Capetians are traced back to rulers of Hesbaye in the Hainaut / Louvain zone...It goes back to the nebula of history, to SIGRAMnus, grandfather of Ingerman of Hesbaye. If the Seagrams apply...

It gives me the impression that Mieszko's wife should trace to the Gauzlin > Goz line through the Odo's of Blois. As her line is, without doubt, in the Halden surname, the Hald surname was checked, bringing up the Holts with some very interesting codework linking to Siwards Heslington / Hazel elements.

The Vita Waldevi provides further legendary detail of Siward's journey from Scandinavia to England. According to the Vita, Siward passed through Orkney, killing a dragon there before moving on to Northumbria. There he encountered another dragon, before meeting an Odinn-like old man on a hill, who handed him a raven banner and instructed him to proceed to London to receive the patronage of the king of England.[25]

Clearly, ignoring the fantasies, he was of the Stout-raven viking. The Hald Coat looks like a version of the Stout/Stow Coat, and the latter surname connects with SIGURd the Stout, but also with the "Digri" term used by Siward that supposedly means "stout," according to some deceptive historians. I had said that "Digri" should connect to the Decks/Daggers sharing a squirrel with Hazels, and it was suggested that "Digri" could also link to the "Dagome" term of Mieszko, which Wikipedia shows also as "Dago(me)" (brackets not mine, and I'm not sure if I agree with the brackets placed like that). I now find that the Hald/Holt Crest is "A gold squirrel holding a hazel branch." Just like that, you can be sure that Heslingtons and Hazels link to Mieszko's wife (she was likely the mother of Swietoslawa).

As that tends to suggest that Holts are from Oda's line, what about Holders, in Hald/Holt colors? I did trace Colters to Wheelwrights > Mieszko's, and so the Colts, using the Pilate pheon, appear to apply at the Haldensleben location of Oda. The Rollo's/Rollocks, first found in the same place (Perthshire) as Colts, even use the stag design of Colts, important because Haldens use the engrailed cross of Sinclairs in saltire form. It was the Swietoslawa-line Nottings/Knutts who use the Pilate pheons, and then Halden-suspect Altens were first found in Nottinghamshire. Why are Sinclairs working into the Mieszko picture? Were they related to the Bluetooth > Cnut line?

As Swietopelk was Oda's son, we could expect that Swietoslawa was her daughter. That's how it makes sense that Altens were first found in Cnut-suspect Nottinghamshire (and Staffordshire).

It's Visconti-interesting that Haldensleben is only 40 miles east of Brunswick. The Arms of Haldensleben use a key, and we just saw Keys/Kays link hard to Mieszko's. We also saw reason for Goplo elements at key-using Avignon. German Altens were first found in Brunswick. What a coincidence. It's telling me that the Alan-Visconti (or Langhe-Visconti) line to Brunswick had merged with lines from Oda at Haldensleben, and this can explain how Siward, from Bernicians, can apply to Mieszko liners, for I say "Brunswick" was named after the Bryneich location of Bernicians.

The Hume's/Home's were first found in Berwickshire, and they seem to be honored in the "humiles" motto term of Halds/Holts. As the latter surname connects to the Hazels, a branch of House's/Hauss', it's interesting that the House's/Howes' are in Hume/Home colors (colors reversed to Heslingtons), as though the Home variation was a word-play take on "House."

Halds/Halts use the same-type fitchee as Stouts/Stows, and two of the three Stout/Stow bars. It's linking Mieszko's wife to raven vikings. As both "Siward" and "Stow" are highly suspect with the makings of "Steward/Stewart," and as Heslingtons use the Alan oak leaves, it's all the more likely that the Alan-Visconti merger at Brunswick merged with Oda's line at Haldensleben. As I link the Alan-Visconti entity of Brunswick to witchcraft at Brocken mountain, it's evoking the trace of Siward to Essenes of the Esus (tree-stump symbol) kind.

It's interesting that while I linked Stubbs and Stubbings (Stewart suspects) to the tree stump symbol at Brocken mountain, the Stubbs, using white pheons (colors of the Pilate / Nottingham pheons), were first found in the same place (Staffordshire) as Altens. Stubbs even use buckles on a black-on-white bend, the symbol of Stirlings (Guise-suspect Guys of Picardy also use black buckles). Brocken mountain's Stewarts are bringing us smack back to the line of GUIScards (first found in Stirling) that was suspect already from both Mieszko's and related Alan-VISconti lines.

This merger of Brunswick with Haldensleben and Brocken together is a perfect description of the Mieszko link to Visconti's and their mutual link to Guiscards...and it proves that Stubbs and Stubbings were named after the tree stumps used by both the German Brocks/Brockens and Italian Milans. The Stubbing write-up even traces to an area cleared of trees.

Compare "Staff(ord)" with "Stephen." Secondly, recall that the Stephen perchevron is that also of the Chappes'. Thirdly, see that the Staff surname uses nothing but a chevron in Quint-chevron colors, while the Staff crest is a swan, what French Joseph's showed until recently. Don't be afraid to believe what this is revealing to you: the Alans brought the Caiaphas line to Stafford via a Langhe > Brocken, or a Milan > Brocken, route. Stubbings were first found in the same place (Essex) as Quints.

Stubbings were first found in the same place Gore's/Core's, and then the Guys of Picardy are no doubt from Gouy of Picardy, where the Gower/Gore write-up traces "Gower." Therefore, the Brocken line to Stirlings and Stubbs had also to do with Picardy, which again makes the Goplo link to the Artois / Picardy theater.

The besants of the Stubbings are for the Bassianus surname of the El-Gabal cult. The Stubbing besants are on a black-on-white bend, as are the gold (besant color) buckles of the Stirlings and Stubbs. But roundels on black are used by Treebys, and then Tree's/True's are suspect in the "true" motto term of Home's/Hume's. The latter are honored in the Hald/Holt motto, you see, so that we have extra evidence of a Haldensleben trace to Stubbs, Stubbings, and Guiscards at Stirling.

It is not coincidental that the Home/Hume lion is colors reversed to the Lyon / Lannoy lions, for English Lannoys share the feathered helmet of the True Crest. It means that True's, Home's, and Haldensleben trace to Herod Archelaus...where I expect the lines of Caracalla and Julia Bassianus to trace, along with the Safer=Piast eagle. It is apparent that the red bendlets of the True's/Tree's are those also of Orells, the kin of Ore's using the Guiscard piles. And with these bendlets, we are right back to the same of Ince's and Keys/Kays who linked hard to Mieszko's, and so let's not forget the key in the Arms of Haldensleben.

The True's use two black greyhounds of the type used by the Caracalla liner, the Lys', and by the Scoots/Skugals. The motto of the Scoots/Skugals is the one that linked to the Orne's/Horns/Athorne's, a branch of Hawthone's = Hauteville's, the ancestry of Guiscards. It's suggesting that the Orne/Horn variations should link to "Orell / Ore."

I don't think it's coincidental that the Dutch Horns are using a single wavy line in the colors of the same in the Arms of Tyne and Wear (small location at the south end of Northumberland), for Scoots/Skugals (in Alten colors) were from East Lothian, where Haldens were first found! If we remove the white-on-blue wavy line from the Horn Coat, we are left with a white-on-red fesse, the only symbol of the Alten Coat! These surnames are in Tost colors, and moreover the Wears use the Toste/Taft crosslets in the same colors, meaning that elements of Skagul Tost were in Tyne and Wear. For the record, Tyne's/Thems, shown also as "Botfield/Boteville," use a "J'ai" motto term, perhaps for the Gai term in the Jay write-up.

Just like that, we have found more evidence that Oda traces to Skagul Toste, the reported father of Swietoslawa. It may be that Mieszko married a woman that was married earlier to Skagul Toste. However, Skagul was made a son of a mythical man, which may suggest that Skagul's name is mere codework for the Skugal and Toste bloodline(s) to which Mieszko and/or Oda belonged.

The Stirling motto, "Gang forward," links to Drummond and Leslie Hungarians as well as to Seatons of Lothian. Stirlings share buckles on a bend with Leslie's. The Leslie griffin head is of the design used by Dobers and Dobermans, thus making a Leslie connection to Dobrawa, Mieszko's first wife.

The "fast" motto term of Leslie's suggests the Withipools who come up curiously as "Fast." As the mythical characters at Goplo include a Lestko, who was a son / father of mythical SiemoWIT / Siemomysl, I am sure that the Withipools are code for the same WITkowo location (all-seeing-eye) in Poland that SiemoWIT stands for. This means that Leslie's somehow trace to Witkowo and to the Goplo elements that furnished Mieszko. The Fasts/Withipools use the Kobble / Wear / Toste crosslets in colors reversed, and in the colors of the Hesdins who use the blue boar, a symbol of Mieszko-suspect Vere's. It's entertain-able that the Melusine line at Anjou, of about 800 AD (See "Milo de Vere" lore), led to the pre-Mieszko Goplans at Goplo.

The True's were first found in Warwickshire, a place that I trace to "Warsaw," where Vere's and Drakes came out of, and where Mieszko's are expected to have ruled from. This is what makes the True's/Tree's suspect with a Traby line along with Treebys. The Witkowo-suspect Watts, together using the all-seeing-eye, were first found in Worcestershire, beside Warwickshire, you see. The Arms of Worcestershire uses waves suspect with the wave of Tyne and Wear because there are pears in the Arms of Worcestershire, code for the Pear surname, first found in the same place (Oxfordshire), and using a Coat version of, the TIENs/Thames'! I figured in the last update that there would be a way to connect the Traby- and Drummond-suspect Thame's to the Tyne/Them surname.

One would think that the wavy line in the Arms of Tyne and Wear is for the Wear river, but it may also have been the makings of the Drummond waves in the same colors. If true, it shows something very important: a Drummond origin at the Wear river. Later, you will see this idea solidify like a rubber elastic turning to steel before your eyes. The Tyne/Them Crest is a stag, an Hungarian symbol. The "cause" motto term of Tyne's/Thems looks like the Cass bloodline.

The Pools/Pole's are easily linked to "Withipool" because the Pool Crest is the white Doberman griffin.

As Brocken (Germany) is also called, Blocksberg, see the tree stump in the English Block Coat (Brockens use a tree stump too). Compare the Block Coat to that of Aslings, first found in Nottinghamshire. Why are Siward-suspect lines of the Heslington kind tracing to Brocken? We know already.

German Blocks (Pomerania, where Swietopelk or his family ruled) share blocks / billets with Plocks, and I've identified these surnames in the past with Pollocks...i.e. from Mieszko. The Goz and Goth (and Lambert, Bole and Bez) stars are suspect with the same of Billets. Go ahead, compare the Goth star to those of Billets, in colors reversed to the same Zionist star in the flag of modern Israel. The blue one is the Caiaphas-line star, isn't it?

The Bugs, first found in Nottingham, are trace-able to BOGENs, and then there was a so-called "Goeth's oak" stump at BUCHENwald concentration camp...south of Brocken at Thuringia, where the Goths/Goeths were first found. Buchens/Buckers (oak tree) and Bogens were both first found in Bavaria, and the Buchen oak is now suspect with the oak leaves of Heslingtons and Alans. Note that Altens use Robin Hood, of Nottingham elements, in their Crest. I firmly believe that the Hood/Hutt surname is a branch of Hiedlers/Hitlers/Hutters. Bogens and Altens both use the bow and arrow theme. Why is Mieszko's wife linking to proto-Rothschild Bauer lines?

The following name links easily to Goplans of the Siemomysl kind:

Zemuzil, Siemomysl or Siemosil (fl. 11th century) is the first historically verifiable Duke of Pomerania..."

...According to Edward Rymar, Zemuzil is often thought to have been the father or the grand father of the Pomeranian Duke Swietobor I...

The 19th century German historian Johann Ludwig Quandt believed that Zemuzil and other early Pomeranian dukes of the Griffin dynasty descended from Polish nobility of Lesser Poland...,_Duke_of_Pomerania

That reminds of the Griffin/Griffith surname that was traced to Fano, just south of Cattolica. It's the Cattle's/Cattels who use the fret symbol of Hoods/Hutts. Here's the Pomeranian house of Griffins.

The Leslie connection to Mieszko ancestry at Goplo has likely to do with the Mieszko marriage to Dobrawa of Bohemia. It was in Bohemia's Podebrady that George, father of Leslie-related Drummonds, got his wife. George came to Scotland in 1055, just as Mieszko was becoming the duke in Poland, and a year (or less) after Siward defeated MacBeth. Thus, another Siward link to Mieszko lines can be made in that way if, for example, George married a daughter of Mieszko. Shouldn't we expect a daughter of Mieszko to be married to a Bohemian ruler since Dobrawa was Bohemian?

In this picture, we have the explanation as to why George went to Scotland at all. Mieszko's daughter with Oda was responsible for Siward, and Mieszko's daughter with Dobrawa was married to George, wherefore Siward invited George to come help fight Macbeth. When the victory was accomplished, George received some of the spoils.

I'm going to make your head spin fast, but only for a short time, to show why Buchens should trace to Roxburgh. Across the Danube from the Pek, there is a Moldava-Noua location, and then I traced Trypillians, from Moldova, to the lines of Israeli priests in Forum Allieni, near the Panico's of the Setta valley. Can the Buchen oak tree link to that of Sadducee-suspect Panico's? It's important because Panico's linked to Chappes-merged Payens...from the Pek river. East of the Trypillians was home to the Budini who named the Bodencus river, now the Po. That trace included the Neuri on the Bug river (Ukraine-Poland border area) to the north of Trypillians, and as Neuri and Budini were Hebrews (non-Israeli), it made sense that the Israeli priesthood at the Forum Allieni area had something to do with them. The Bug surname ("water BOUGets") very much appears to be from Buchen elements, you see, so that, indeed, the Buchen oak can relate to the Panico oak. (Buckets, using the same-type piles as GuisCARDs, are also "BuCARD".)

The south Bug and north Bug have sources near L'viv; from the first time that I saw the Arms of L'viv, I saw the lion in the flag / Arms of Jerusalem. Although I knew at the time that "L'viv" traced to the Vivian / Five / Fife bloodline, I did not yet know that the latter was the line of Quintus Caepio.

I have been identifying Alans at Dol as Neuri liners for as many as eight years. It was only a year or two ago, however, that the Boyd-branch Alans were first known to trace to the Budini. There is a Doly area near the south Bug to which Dol had traced. If these Alans or proto-Alans were there before Mieszko's time, I would venture to expect that Mieszko, and/or his wife, was of those Doly-Alan elements.

In fact, I understood that the Neuri were merged with the Alan Huns called, Roxolani (suspect with mythical Rig). I traced them to Roxburgh, where Maxwells proper were first found who are using the Halden saltire. Buckets/Bocards, by the way, share holly with Maxwells, a symbol from Holstein, the western extension of Mechlenburg and Pomerania, and north of Hamburg, where Trips were first found. This was the Varni / Nerthus theater to which I traced the early Israeli priesthood at Forum Allieni.

The Buchen oak tree is surrounded by a border like that of Rutherfords, first found in Roxburghshire, and using a footless martlet in Crest of the design used by German Bug's. "Footless" traces to Foetes/Fussen (Bavaria, where Buchens were first found), at lake Constance = BODENsee," where Boyds = Budini trace. The goose on a rock in the other Rutherford Crest may be part-code for the Goz / Goth bloodline.

It's working out so well that I think I've just found Caepio elements at Brocken mountain, in the Herod-suspect Hartz mountain range, where Esus-branch Essenes are suspect. I am kicking myself because I cannot recall a red-on-white, or white-on-red, griffin in the Arms of some location at Assisi or Arretium. The Pomeranian house of Griffins use a red-on-white griffin.

It was very recent when I took it seriously that griffins are code for Herod-Agrippa liners through Julius Agrippa, brother of Julius Bassianus, father of Julia Maesa. It jibed with my trace of the Griffin surname to the Maschi's at the Fano / Cattolica theater. But as it also traced to Alans at GRIPel of Brittany, where Voirs were first found, the "deVOIR" motto term of Jocelyns is suspect because the Jocelyn/GOCelyn surname traces tentatively to GAUZlin / Goz' / Goths. As the Gripps/Grabbens were traced to Garebites, whom I say were the namers of Sorbs (proto-Serbs), see this:

The origins of the Griffins are not clear. Most theories derive them from either local Slavic nobility or a cadet branch of Polish house of Piasts. Medieval Polish chronicler Jan Dlugosz connected them with Polish noble family of Swiebodzice from the south province of Poland named the Lesser Poland, who also used a griffin as their coat-of-arms.

In the 17th century, the Griffins derived their roots from legendary beings from Sorbs mythology called Gryphus or Baltus.

German Griefs use a griffin in the colors of the Griffins, but the Grief(en) griffin is in the design and gold color of the Dober-Crest griffin, wherefore the Griefs and Griffins do indeed come from the Pomeranian Griffins.

I've found the white-on-red griffin in the Arms of Perugia, where Ottone's were first found! These are the Ottone's using the Chappes' chevron, and suspect with the Visconti's of Milan who are suspect at the tree stump of Brockens. As these Visconti's are the ones linked to Oda of Haldensleben, it is now very likely that the Pomeranian Griffins, with a griffin in colors reversed to that of Perugia, trace to Visconti's. Perugia was also Pharisee-like Perusia. Therefore, elements of Pharisees, of Caiaphas, and of Herod Agrippa are suspect at Perugia, but why not also throw in the Aziz line of El-Gabal expected at nearby Assisi? Perugia is in Umbria, suspect with Northumberland.

We now have better cause for tracing "Ottone" Visconti's first name to whomever Oda was named after. Perhaps Oltens and similar others can be gleaned as Alten / Halden branches. Oltens'/Oldans (owls) are using three red roses on a gold Chief, the Capote symbol, and a gold-on-black chevron, same as Capone's, first found in the same place as Chapmans and Julians.

The paragraph above was written before the Griffin topic was inserted above it. I can now add that the Griffins use a "velis" motto term by which we can trace them to Fano, and then the Velis surname ("domine" motto term for Julia Domna), first found in Northumberland, uses the Julian cross in black. Scottish Velis'/Wills (suns, can trace to El-Gabal at Assisi in Umbria), share the Enfield griffin with Hiedlers/Hitlers, but they use the griffin design of Griffins in their Crest, and it's a RED griffin!!! That traces the Pomeranian Griffins harder to the Perusia location! It is a stunning verification that the Israeli priesthood got to the Varni theater. Mechlenburg-Pomerania is studded with dragon / griffin symbolism.

Although I had traced the Arthur "rest" symbol, as well as certain roosters, as for example the Sinclair rooster, to "ROSTock (mouth of the Warnow river), it was decided that the rests should trace to "Aristobulus," the name of the Maccabees who are known to have birthed Herod Agrippa. Therefore, the "rest" can still trace to "Rostock," especially as the Aristobulus Maccabees were a branch of the Alexander-named Maccabees from Jonathan Maccabee, who traces without doubt to the rooster-using Jonathan surname! Does this mean that Rostock was named after versions of "Aristo"?

The Arras/Aris/Arrow surname uses a version of the Sinclair cross, apparently, and this is the name of the Artois capital. The surname was first found in Staffordshire, and is in Stubb and Stubbing colors. The "aris" motto term is used by Heslingtons and Weights, which can identify the Arras/Aris cross as a version of the Halden saltire. Can we thus trace the ARIStobulus Maccabees to "Arras" too? Can we link "Arras" to "Rostock." The Belgian Rost surname uses nothing but a red-on-gold chevron, as does the Staff Coat! It's the colors of the Quint chevron, and colors reversed to the Arthur chevron. I did not find these two Coats until after the parts above were written. It came as a small shock, like when an elastic hits one in the cheek, tending to prove that the rooster-suspect namers of Rostock can trace to the same that named Arras.

After that, ZOWIE, the Roost surname was found with the same-colored saltire as Haldens! There is even a red wyvern in Crest (probably from the dukes of Masovia).

Oltons, first found in the same place (Cheshire) as Eltons, come up as "Otone." It appears that we are still on lines from Mieszko and Oda of Haldensleben, and they are tracing exactly where expected: the English home of Masseys and Maceys. Eltons (Mieske sword in Crest?) look like a merger with Sales and using a version of the Longford bars. Why are we finding a Mieszko link to Longs? Is it Mieszko ancestry at Langhe's proto-Visconti's?

It can then be repeated that, a few years ago, house-of-names changed the English Alan Coat for a few days only. I reported then that it showed bars identical to those in the Carpenter Coat...which uses the same bars exactly (colors included) of the Longfords! That's important because it became apparent in the last few days that Alans of Langhe founded Landen.

There is a Carpentras location 10-15 miles from both Avignon/Avennio and Cavaillon, the two locations that traced (in the last update) to the Kevel family near Avion (see map). However, this same Cavaillon is now tracing to Goplo. That's why it's important to find Carpenters sharing their bars with both Landen and Mieszko lines. The Carpenter Crest is a "globe," a code suspect for the "Golpiani" version of the Goplans. The Globs/Globensmay apply. The Glob/Globen chevron is colors reversed to the perchevron of Keys...who trace to the Avignon keys.

Pepin's Ancestry in Queen Bebba

Sometimes I feel as though I know what I'm doing even though I consciously haven't a clue of where the topic is leading. I'm a pioneer at what we are learning here, going where no man has gone before, and yet rather than being bitten dead by mosquitoes in the woods before I even begin, I'm plowing a path from sea to sea unscathed, never out of words or ideas, as though Someone goes before me and makes my way.

Pepin of Landen was a servant of king Dagobert I, which is why one may consider "Dagome" and "Popiel" to apply. Pepin of Landen was born in the late 6th century, about the time of queen Bebba's death. I've just looked into the details now, after already taking the position that Pepinid ancestry was in the family of Bebba and/or her husband, Aethelfrith, first king of Northumberland. I took that position before finding the evidence arising below. I thought it was a break-through. I did not know until now that we have a Gar- / Guerra-like term involved with Bebba. I may have mentioned it in the past ("Guaire" is in only one update, in October 2011), but that was before the Guido-Guerra topic.

The Historia Brittonum says that Æthelfrith gave the town of Din GUAIRE to his wife Bebba, after whom it was named Bamburgh...It has been suggested that she 'was probably Æthelfrith's first and most important wife'."

In all the time that I've been tracing Guido Guerra to the first Scots, I've not consciously known of the Guaire term for Bamburgh. By the way, I've experienced a significant loss of memory over the past two years, and was reading last night that formaldehyde from particle board can cause it. My floors have been unfinished for four years, and they are particle board.

As Siward has been suspect from the Guido Guerra line that founded the Scot kings for about two weeks as I write, it's amazing suddenly that he was from this royal Northumbrian line. However, I expected Guerra elements from the Picts, not the Bernicians, and yet it started to become apparent in the last update that the Guerra-related Alberts of Bologna should have become AETHELberts, you see, an English version of "Albert." But Aethel terms belong to Anglo-Saxons, not Scots, and so it appears that the line of king MacAlpin should go back to Aethelfrith and/or Din Guaire. Yes, they go back on elastic bands, because historians are not going to believe this. Guido who? The professors didn't say anything about him in university.

There is a Quarre/Quarry/Carre Coat, using a Shield filled with checks in the colors of the same of Fers/Ferrats, that should apply to the Guerre > Guaire line (for, Guido Guerra III married MontFERRAT). I had not known of this Quarre surname in all the time I was working on the Guerra surname.

I cannot find one Guaire-like surname aside from Gueire, and it gets the Cafferty/Caffrey horse-and-rider (Coffer/Caffey colors), in the colors of the Quinn pegasus. The Coats are identical. Just like that, Din Guaire can be advanced as a Caiaphas-line location. Both Gueire's and Caffrey's were first found in FERmanagh. When we enter "Ferman," we get the Forman Coat that I thought could trace to "Forum Allieni." The Ferman/Forman Crest is a green dragon, the color of the Guerra dragon. The lion design in the Ferman/Forman Chief is that of the Strange's...who were linked with Forum Allieni = Ferrara.

As the Quarre/Quarry Coat is a version of the Italian Fulk Coat, this Guaire-Bamburgh location must be of the Melusine line that Nicholas de Vere von Drakenberg spoke of, which was at the Vere line, he says, at founding of the Scots, but also in the first counts of Anjou. That explains why Babe's/Babels use Melusine. As no one historian seems to know where the Vere's are at in the founding of the Scots, it appears they were a Guerra line to Din Guaire.

It's very likely that Guerrens (look like a merger with Payens) apply because Warrens (in Guerren colors) use another Shield filled with checks. The write-up says that Guerrens branched into LANDell of Brittany, very conspicuous where I say that Forum Allieni's Israeli nest of vipers moved to Langhe and then Landen. Perhaps that's the Joseph garb in the Landell Crest.

Nicholas had Melusine in Scotland's Avalon location before a certain Milo de Vere was in Angers / Anjou in the 8th century, before the Fulks took rule over Anjou. It's suggesting that the Guerra line was in Scotland before the formation of the Scots proper from the Cappin/Alpin line. The blue Caepio lion was in Bute at some point, though I don't know when it's owners got there. Rory of Bute (from an Irish family) took that lion as his own symbol when he ruled Bute, but the owners may have been in Bute before he arrived. Arthurian myth writers placed king Arthur in Bute, though they didn't reveal where this island of "Avalon" was.

By what coincidence were Creightons / Crichtons in Bute while they too use a green dragon...and the blue Rory lion? It's suggesting that the Guerra line was in Bute as Melusine the dragon woman in years before the Scots were formed. Myth writers gave us a clue in "Morgan le Fay," the chief witch of Avalon. The Fay surname gets the Chanut sword piercing a boar's head, and the same sword pierces a black boar head in the Bait/Beeth Coat. The latter term is link-able to "Booths" because they too use black boars, and because I read that Bothwells were named after Bute. The green dragon head in the Bait/Beeth Crest is identical to the one in the Creighton/Crichton Crest! It verifies that these surnames do trace to Bute = Avalon.

The Crichton dragon design is that of Seatons too, important because the two surnames were both first found in the same place (Lothian) as green-dragon Fermans/Formans. Seatons will be discovered as a branch of Cato's, the name given to a Porcius liner of Rome. Cato's are going to be suspect in the family that named Sadducees because the line of Porcius Cato married a son of the wife of Quintus Caepio.

It's a very good thing that the Porcia topic was discovered before this topic is being inserted here. As you will see when I get to it, Porcius Cato traced to the Fes/Fay coat, and here we are finding the Fay surname. It's important because the Porci/Porcini Coat use the Fes/Fay bend while the Fay Coat above shares the black boar with the Porcia Coat. Therefore, when I get to the Porcia topic, remember that it was in Arthurian Avalon, likely as the blue Vere boar. The Hoggs (Durham, location of the Wear river) use black boars too (same Coat as Booths!), and show a "vires" motto term. You can figure that Bernicians were in Durham, and so we could start to trace Porcia liners to Bernicians, asking why.

The Vires surname is the Vair/Verona surname, first found in the same place as Chappes and Levi's. Amazingly, the Vair/Verona Coat is, aside from its fish, identical with the Bothwell/BORTHwell Coat! Borths use black cinquefoils in colors reversed to those of Potters, suggesting that Borths are Porters. This will be a sizable part of the blue-apple riddle.

Borths (can be assumed on Bute as a Bothwell branch) were first found in the same place (Roxburghshire) as Landells. It was the Guerrens who moved to Landell, and then the Weirs/Vere's, who use a version of the Durham Coat, were likewise first found in Roxburghshire. Vere's say that they were in Sprowestun (rooted in "Sprowes"), and then Norfolk, where the Fulke's were first found, has a Sprowston location that traces with little doubt to the Dutch Sprows surname using a vertically-split Shield of Foix's/Foys/Foyers, first found in the same place as Vires'/Vairs/ and Chappes'. By what coincidence does the Fay/Fes Coat use a fox while the other French Foix/Foy Coat was first found in the same place (Auvergne) as Fays/Fes?

The Foyers could be expected as a branch of Marici-suspect Voirs/Voyers, first found in the same place (Brittany) as Landell.

We are expecting the oak tree of Panico's in this Ferrat-Guerra picture, and so note the oak of the Sprows' that comes with three white-on-black martlets, the colors of the Living/Levin martlets, important for clinching a Sprows link to Foix's/Foys, first found in the same place as Levi's. The Hoggs, who must now trace to Porcia liners in the Fay/Fes surname, likewise use an oak, as do Watts, first found in the same place (Worcestershire) as Crom-suspect Crams/Crame's.

The Vere's of Anjou, who either did not exist under that name, or are unknown to historians, were traced by me to Lusignan for obvious Melusine reasons. The bars of English Babels are in the blue-and-white colors of the bars of Lusignan, suggesting that the line of Guaire-Bamburgh was in Lusignan. Keep in mind that this family may have been Mercian rather than, or as well as, Bernician, for Mercians trace to the Marsi who had a snake cult of ANGitia, which may have named ANGers and Anjou. The Vere's must always trace to Abruzzo, where the Marsi lived. The Crams/Crame's/Cramps (Cromby suspects) are in Lusignan colors too, mentioned in-part because the red snake they use in their Crest could by the Lusignan lion.

The red lion in the Guerren Chief probably applies because the surname is said to have been "Girounde" in early times, smacking of Gironde, not far from Angouleme, where the counts of Lusignan had associations. The Guerrens are said to have been Templar elements in Jerusalem, and then both the Fulks of Anjou and a Lusignan ruler (he owned the red lion) made it to the Jerusalem throne. If this is tracing the Guerra and Guaire-Bamburgh line to Gironde, you understand that it's tracing Pepin of Landen there too if he was from Bebba's family, and so let's repeat that it was the Guerrens who were in Landell. The counts of Angouleme used (red and gold) chequey, a symbol of Fers, Vairs, and Fulks.

Then, we note that the Shield-on-Shield of Landells is that of Vincents, and it's the Crom-related English Vincents who bring up the Cram/Crame surname because these Vincents are said to be from a Cramenil location (Normandy). English Vincents use a bear in Crest, and bears are used by Landons. But the muzzled bear is also in the Alis Coat along with a version of the Cappin/Alpin fir tree and sword, which makes sense if Pepin of Landen traces to the Bebba elements expected in the formation of the first Scots via MacAlpin.

We should not forget that the Kenneth character involved with MacAlpin history traced to "Kanza," wife of Idris of Morocco, who ruled in Fes, a place tracing to the Fes/Fay surname, where the Bouillons were first found, who traced to Cremona with the Croms and Crombys. The line of Porcius Cato will not only trace to the Fes/Fay surname, but to "Berk," to the cats in the Crests of Crom (first found in BERKshire) and Berks. The latter even us a "foy" motto term.

It's important now that the Berks use an "UNG foy" motto phrase, code for "jeune"-using Yonge's that trace to the Junius family. For, the son of the wife of Quintus Caepio -- the son who married Porcia Cato(nis) -- was Marcus Junius Brutus. Immediately at the sight of this, this time around, I recognized that this Brutus line should trace to mythical Brutus quoted by the avid Arthurian writer, Geoffrey of Monmouth. He had his Brutus entity as the founder of London, but I think that's code for the London / Lundy surname using the gyronny in the Arms of Gironde. Like the Guerrens from a Girounde surname, the Lundys use a red-on-gold upright lion on top of their Gironde Arms. As gyronny of Gironde is in the colors of Lusignan, this red lion shared by Lundys and Guerrens should be that of Hugh of Lusignan.

The double tressure border of Lundys is that of Scotland, in the colors of the Alans that I say named Landen. Of course, it would not be surprising should the Alan line to Scotland be represented in some way in the Arms of Scotland. It would be very offensive to the royal Stewarts if they were not in the Arms of Scotland in some way. English Stewarts use a red upright lion, another symbol of royal Scotland.

The Cromby and Bouillons share a white flory cross, the symbol also of Rangabe's whom I suspected at the term, "Anjevin." As Melissena Rangabe (real person) was married to Inger the Varangian, I suspected that the Vere's of Lusignan / Anjou, i.e. the Melusine Vere's, were from that couple. The Rangabe flory cross is in the colors of Lusignan.

There is a lot of fodder there for further investigation if you feel compelled. It's kind of like pulling the lever of the slot machine every time you enter a surname, hoping that matches come up.

Let's go back to the globe symbol of Alan-related Carpenters. As Globs/Globens were first found in Hamburg, the gold crosslets of the Carpenter chevron (it's the Belli chevron too) must be those of the Trips/Trefs, first found in Hamburg! That is excellent for the trace of Trypillians to a merger with the proto-Alans in Forum Allieni. It also maintains the trace of "Carpenter" to the Carpathian mountains, for Trypillians (Moldova) were in the Carpathians.

Now recall the snap vision that brought the Gars/Karens to a topic, who were suspect with the Guerra's (probably a branch of Karen-like Guerrens). The unusual red-on-black colors of the Gars/Karens are used in colors reversed by Globs/Globens. By what coincidence do the Kerns/Karens share a sleeping moon with Siemens, suspect with Siemowit and SiemoMYSL at Goplo? It's seemingly impossible for the family of Guido Guerra to trace all over Europe, unless it was a Vere line. The greatest prostitute of all is Babylon the Great, who fornicates with all the nations in endless alliances, and while at enmity with the God of Israel.

The MISL/Meisel Shield is quartered in red and black, and even uses the upright gold-on-black lion of the Gars/Karens!!! God wants us to know that Guerra / Caepio liners were at Goplo! Can we glean Popiel at Goplo as an alliance between the Pepins of Landen and the Gars/Karens?

Th Gar / Misl upright lion is that also of the CAROLs, and then the father of Pepin of Landon was CARLoman. Could we not trace Carloman to Din Guaire??? Yes. The Carlo Coat uses an upright gold lion too, half in the colors of the Ferrari lion, no surprise. But as the Carlo surname was first found in Milan, it's likely the Sforza lion too.

Wikipedia has no article on Carloman, father of Pepin of Landen. Below is a family tree showing no known mother, and speculating on his father. I think I am ready to take seriously his trace to Bebba's Bernicians:

The Gar/Karen bend is almost in use, perhaps not coincidentally, in the Land Coat. If it's not coincidental, the Landen location can thus trace to Din Guaire (Wikipedia has it as "Gaurie"). The gyronny (highly suspect "Guerren") of the Land Coat traces to Aquitaine!!! Those exclamatons are for the surprise that Pepin of Landen had a daughter (Begga) married to a son of Arnulf of Metz, and the latter's father "was probably Baudgise or Baudegisel II of Aquitaine (d. 588)..." Might "Begga" be a "Bebba" version?

The Bauds are suggested by "Baudgise," and it just so happens that Bauds/Bots were first found in the same place (Auvergne) as the Fays/Fes' who trace to Bute's witchcraft cult! German Bauds share a "bello" motto term with Bouillons, first found in Auvergne.

English Bude's/Bauds use a lion in Morgan lion colors, thus clinching the link to Morgan-le-Fay. Bude's/Bauds (same place as Veys/Vivians) use the gold-on-green garb of Wheats, for it therefore appears that Welsh Bude's share the Wheat dancette. It appears that Baudgise himself traces to Goplo elements, but is expected at Gironde's elements. The "gise" in his name may be of the Goz' because German Bauds may be using a version of the Goz Coat on the right side of the Shield.

The Wikipedia article on Bamberg spells it, "GUARDI."

A piece of good evidence for the trace of Pepin to Bernicians is the bears of the Landon/Langdon Coat. Berwickshire uses the bear, and the Berwick surname ("ears of wheat") uses muzzled bears in the colors of the Landon/Langdon bears. English Langs were first found Northumberland (!), where some Berwicks are said to have been.

There is the possibility that "BER(wick)" derives in the namers of Perche because the Percivals, first found beside the Berwicks in Cornwall, use a black, muzzled bear too, as do Mackays who are expected to trace to Maceys at Ferte-Mace, where Bellamys of Perche came to a merger. I would seriously consider tracing "Porcia / Porcini" to "Bryneich," therefore, if it proves correct that Porcia's named Perche and Percivals.

Even though we may not expect a surname to develop from Begga, she may have been important. While Langs use the letters from A to F, there is an 'A' in one Begg Coat, and what could be the Mieske arm-and-sword in the other Begg Coat. As the woman who had the vision of the "Cappeo" lion said she had the impression that it meant "alpha," perhaps an alpha-like entity is in code in the alphabet used by Langs, and perhaps that alpha-like entity, perhaps ALFred of the Aethelfrith line, is the meaning of the Begg 'A'. As we may expect Bernicians in Durham, note that the Durham and Begg Coats share a red crescent.

The Begg arm-and-sword is in the Crest of Goplo-suspect Cable's/Cabels, and the latter's motto was suspect as code for the Imps, who share the red crescent with Beggs / Durhams, important because Wide's/Wade's were first found in Durham while the Cable motto is, "ImpaVIDE." The Durham crescent (used by Bellamys) is colors reversed to the crescent of French Pepins, and the best reason coming to mind as to why Pepins should trace to Durham has to do with Goplo links to Siward, or Pepin links to Wears.

See also the crescent colors of German Julians, who show bars that may link to those of Babels.

It can be gleaned that Wide's are a branch of eye-using Watts and Vatts/Watters from eye-using Witkowo, for they both use oak trees, the symbol of Scottish Wide's/Vouds/Woods...who use the savage that crops up in Pepin-related lines of the Mens kind. That's at least moderate evidence that the Begga surname was from Pepin's daughter.

To make the queen Bebba link to Mieszko's quite hard, the Haught Coat should be compared with the English Babe Coat, the latter surname said to be from "Babegh / Babba" location in Suffolk. "Babegh" can certainly corrupt to "Begga." We must be amongst the very few who know that "Pepin" is a term related to "Bebba." Right?

AHA! I've just tried "Babcock" as per "Babegh," and what do you know? Babcocks, first found in the same place as Watts, are in Babe colors, and use the rooster design of Koppels! DESIGN MATTERS!

Babcocks are said to have formed "Bat(cock)" versions," suggesting "Baudgise," Begga's grandfather. But it just suggested the BathGATE surname (Lothian) as a Batcock variation, especially as English Babels use a "gate" in Crest. AND ZOWWIE, Bathgate's (suns in Gate colors) are also "Beggat/Baggate"!

Bathgate's/Beggets share a "vive" motto term (code for Veys/Vivians, right?) with the Star surname (Porcia cat in Crest?), who likewise use an eye. It's reminding me of the Uat/Buto cult of Egypt, related to the all-seeing-eye of Horus. I traced "Uat" to White's, Weights and Watts, and so why not Wheats too. The Buto name of that Egyptian cult is thus suspect in these Bute-related terms. But what was the Buto cult doing in Aquitaine? We should ask the gyronny-using Campbells, on shore of Bute.

The Bathgate/Begget motto is exactly that of the Craigs...and the latter use the horse-and-rider of the Gueire's suspect from Din Guaire! It looks like the line to Craig to Carricks (and Crichtons?) is from Bamburgh / Bebba / Pepin of Landon.

The Babcock rooster design is also in the Coat of Aikens who I think trace to Aachen, near Landen. By now, it seems certain that queen Bebba was ancestral, suspect as the mother of, Pepin of Landen. Aachen is where Carolingians ruled, who were formed by Pepin of Landen, you see. The Aiken motto term, "vigiLANTia" probably honors Landen. Aikens look to be using the Cobble/Cuppel and Mound/Mund chevron.

As Aikens are also "Atkin," a look at the blue-lion Atkins is suggested. The other English Atkins were first found in Northumberland and neighboring Westmorland. The latter Atkins use pierced stars in the colors of the same of German Brix's, first found in Silesia, which is mainly in Poland, though part of it is in Prussia, where the Mieske surname was first found. This Brix-Mieszko link looks important because "Meschin" was the name of a son of a Briquessart surname in the Bessin, and then Bessins and Bessens use the arm-and-sword of Mieske's, apparently. In short, Atkins are tracing to Mieszko liners too.

It's the Wears, of the Wear river through Durham, and off the edge of Northumberland, who use the Kobble crosslets (in the same colors) and the "Fuimus" motto of the Brix-suspect Bruce's. Durhams even use the Weir/Vere Coat. It therefore means that Pepins at Durham (not terribly far from Bamburgh) were involved in the blue-lion Atkin trace to the blue Bruce lion, expected as per the Atkin merger with Brix's. This is a powerful piece of work for exposing the Bruce lion with Poles of the Siward kind, and should explain why Bryce's were at Moray: given power there when Siward defeated MacBeth. The Bruce-lion trace goes to Louvain, yes, but may go that route as per Siward's son married to Louvain. I may not have explained that as well as it merits. I'm out of time for making this book-quality.

Back to the alphabet theme. As I traced proto-Carolingians to the naming of Carlisle (opposite side of England from Northumberland), it's notable that there is a black writing feather (what letters are written with) in the Carlisle Crest, a symbol also in the Scoot/Skugal Crest. The Carlisle motto is, "Humilitate," like the "humiles" of the Halds/Holts. Doesn't it suggest the Goplo Pepinids involved also at Carlisle??

The motto of Witkowo-suspect Wide's/Voud's is "DefEND." It was the Hume's/Home's who use the motto, "True to the END," and then the curiosity is that German True's, using letters too, are shown as Secrest/ZACHreiss. Roses, in the colors of the Sach/Sax roses, and in the colors of the True/Zachreiss fesse, are used by Carys, a known version of "Carl." The Swedish Sewer rose is in these colors. The Cary Crest is the white swan design that was showing in the French Joseph Coat.

Drummonds of Mieszko

Back now to the Carpenters suspect with the Globs/Globens. It was realized in the last update that "ferme" was code for Forum Allieni, and as Alans showed the Carpenter Shield for a few days, Carpenters should trace to Forum Allieni. You see, houseofnames claims to show a surname's earliest Arms, and so I suppose it was debating whether the Carpenter Coat was earlier than the one now showing. I've just re-loaded the Beacon/Bacon Coat because Carpenters are related to Belli's and Fullers, both using a version of the Carpenter bars and "beacons." Beacons/Bacons not only a "firma" motto code, but were first found in the same place (Suffolk) as Carpenters. Beacon-using Fullers use "Fermiora."

Then there is that Fermanagh location of the Gueire's and Caffreys, and the Ferman surname, all suspect with the Guerra's at Din Guaire.

As I always link Trypillians (lived in the Carpathians) with the Alans at Forum Allieni, it's likely that Carpenters trace to "Carpathian," and to the Carpae/Arpii founders of the Hungarian Arpads. In fact, before the lion design of English Stewarts was changed, I had reported that it was the lion design of English Ullmans, tracing to Ulm (on the Danube) in Germany, what seemed to be the representation of mythical Olmos, founder of the Hungarian Arpads. Ullmans use horizontal bars perhaps in the colors of the Carpenter bars.

Scottish Belli's (Moray), who share the Carpenter motto, are a branch of Bouillons, from Pas-de-Calais' Boulogne location, Artois. It's that Mieszko connection to Artois again (because the Carpenter Crest is code for Goplo, I think).

There have been heraldic signs that Mieszko's had merged with Trabys (from a Traby location near Masovia), but while Trabys in Lithuania were dealt with by tracing them to Stocks and Stacks, and to Cass' and Kiss', these two pairs of surnames are now tracing to Mieszko quite fundamentally. I hopefully gleaned correctly that Silesia was named after Sulcis of Sardinia, as the Mieszko family came from Sulcis and Piscinas. And so I traced those Silesia elements to Hereford as the Sellicks, for Hereford is where the Tudors and Trevors were first found, and then Tudors are known to use ostrich feathers, the Traby symbol too. It's the writing-pen theme, write? From the Wheelwrights, wright? The beacon-using Fullers, suspect as the foundations of Pollocks proper, were first found in Herefordshire. Fullers use the three, red Belli and Carpenter bars horizontally, like those of Drummonds.

Pollocks were founded by a mysterious FULbert "the Saxon." I decided that Fullers were named after his family, and that the family included Fulbert "the tanner." It's probably Drummond-important that Fullers use the three, vertical Carpenter bars horizontally, for Drummonds were first found in the same place as Trips, and moreover Drummonds trace to Trabzon with Trips. But since when do Drummonds trace to Poles unless the Trabys were involved with Mieszko?

Why did the French Masseys/Masse's show (until recently) the same boots as Trips? Not just because Amazons were at Trabzon. Not just because Trips link to Mieszko in some expected way, but because the boots link to the Vey/Vivian boot, a symbol for Mieszko elements on the Avalon of Morgan le Fay.

Pollocks were kin to Maxwells from Rijeka, but then a recent update convinced me that the "rectas" motto term (of Blackwoods) is code for the Rickets/Reckets that trace to Rijeka. I now see that while Rickets/Reckets were first found in Kent, they are said to have settled in Hereford, and then the Fullers (Herefordshire) use a "recte" motto term too! That seems to clinch the "recte" trace to Rickets/Reckets and Rijeka.

Rickets/Reckets (look like a Mackay merger), using a chevron in Quint-chevron colors, show a "decens" motto term that could apply to "Decimus" and/or the namers of the Ticino. By no apparent coincidence, Deacons/Dekne's were first found in the same place (Suffolk) as Carpenters and Beacons/Bacons. We shouldn't assume that this surname was from a deacon.

The same red, vertical bars of Goplo-traceable Eltons, Longfords, and Carpenters, in the same position, are used by Britons/Brittanys, and because they show Melusine in the Crest (she's in the Arms of Warsaw), its important that the same bars are used in blue by English Babels. It's now linking Long elements, as expected by now, to the Bebbanburgs of Siward, suggesting what was already suspect: Siward was related to Oda of Haldensleben.

It's been a re-occurring theme that Siward was closely related to Swietoslawa, but as the Britons/Brittanys are predicted to be a branch of Britans/BREDans, it could start to appear that Swietoslawa was the wife of George Drummond out of PodeBRADY. But I'm going to reject that. It makes more sense that a daughter of Mieszko would be given to a Bohemian, not a Hungarian, and that she was from his marriage to Dobrawa, not Oda. Still, it's possible that, at the end, or failure, of the Mieszko marriage to a Bohemian in Podebrady, George married the woman, and thus drew near to the court of Mieszko. Perhaps she and George eloped to Scotland because the Bohemian was a bully.

If correct, I would assume that she got to Scotland with George in 1055, and perhaps Siward mated with her to produce his own line with her. No one seems to know what happened to George, though I think the English flag is named after him. His son, Maurice, was said to be "Marot de Yorvik," i.e. at York, south of Northumberland. I have not understood until now how the George-Maurice duo, from Scotland (England's enemy at the time), got involved in elite England. I now understand: Siward must have rewarded George handsomely.

Reminder: the Malcolm-surname saltire (colors reversed to the saltire that is the Scottish flag) is also the York-surname saltire, and Siward was related both to the Malcolm family and to Maurice at York, right? Two George surnames show York-like versions, and German George's show "two gold bends" in both colors of the three, Drummond-suspect bars of Marots.

Aha! While French Merits three gold bends for to link to the two George bends, English Merits/Morritts show the white griffin head of Dobermans!!! I don't recall realizing that before. In fact, I've never made a strong link of George Drummond to Mieszko's, but suddenly, as of this update, it's exposed. Merits/Morritts were even first found in Durham, in what was once a part of Northumberland. It makes perfect sense.

Dutch Marots/Merots/Mauritz's share four fleur-de-lys in blue with Gingrich's/GAINgrais', and the latter may apply to the "Gang warily" motto of Drummonds. Then, French Gains (Ile-de-France) use three gold bends, the color of the three Merit bends. English Gains look like they are using the Hamburg crosslets, which make's it possible for them to be a branch of German Drummonds, first found in Hamburg. These crosslets are used (in different colors) by the Wears, expected heavily in Durham.

The Durham surname uses the stars that I say are from Mieszko's but linking from the Marots of the Mures river in Transylvania, but as the Durham fesse is that also of the Weirs/Vere's, there appears to be a special relationship between Drummonds and Vere's that can now be explained where Drake's were dukes of Masovia. I trace "Durham" to the Durance river, near which we find Draguignan.

Introduction to the Treasure Hunt

The Caepio mistress of Julius caesar was married to Decimus Junius Silanus. His last name strikes me as a possible "Cilnius." There is a way to trace "Silanus" to the Cilnius family if correct in tracing it to mount Cyllene. First off, Cyllene was a goat center, explaining why Pan, the son of Hermes (born at Cyllene) was made a goat. Secondly, there was a major mythical goat cult called, Silenus. That can't be a coincidence.

In the article on the Junius surname, note how the Ticino river is suggested by the Marcus surname appearing with the Decimus surname: "The praenomina favored by the early Junii were Marcus, Lucius, and Decimus. " In fact, years before I knew of this sentence, I identified Juno-based Yonge's as proto-Hungarians / Ugrians on the Ticino. The Lucius surname may be a Lycian line to Ligurians.

It just so happens that mythical Silenus was a drunken goat, having the wine (Greek = "OEN") symbol of Dionysus, and then Juno was named after the Una = OENeus river. Assuming that Maccabees were founded by Cilnius Maecenas, can we trace his surname to the Una river? Yes, for the Maezaei were on/beside it. I can't recall the reason(s), but it was compelling to trace Cilnius elements to the Maccabees proper.

There is a hint happening at my feelers; the line of Benjamites, merged with Jabesh Gilead, are in this Silano picture. They did a full circle and ended up in Israel again as Maccabees.

One of the Dyke surnames shares a squirrel with the Decks/Daggers. The Dicks show a stag, a Hungarian-ancestor symbol. June's/Jungs use a stag. Dicks were first found in Edinburgh, and then the Arms of Edinburgh show a motto term that can trace to Domna, Caracalla's mother. Caracalla was born, Lucius Septimius Bassianus. He had traced to the Sava, but that was before I knew the sentence above wherein Lucius is listed with Juno lines. Why should Lucius' trace to the drunken cult of Juno? You need to ask the drunken Maenads on the Maeander river, which was the Lycia border. Maeonians are suspect as part of the HasMONeans.

Recently (the first update in December, I think), the Marici had unexpectedly been traced out of the Sava theater. Their Marsi branch/ancestry traces to "Marsyas," the mythical goat of Phrygia. The Maeander river starts in Phrygia. Both Silenos and Marsyas were given donkey symbols (not necessary linking to the Donkey surname), which was used in the Samson account, meaning that a donkey symbol (probably of the Avvites) existed in Israel's days when the Benjamite-Jabesh merger took place.

The article says: "Brutus was the name of a plebeian family of the Junia gens..." The Bruttii and Calabrians trace to "Kalavryta/Kalabruta" very near mount Cyllene. In Bruttium there was a SYBARIS location that may have been a part of the SEVERUS surname, the surname of Caracalla's father. The Severus surname, I am sure, was related to the Avvite-suspect Avitus surname.

In fact, I thought that Caracalla's Luce line founded the fleur-de-lys after a Laus Dalmatia, where Caracalla stationed his servant -- Gaius Julius Avitus Alexianus -- husband of the sister of Caracalla's mother. There is the wide-open possibility that Avitus was directed to do favors for the Saraca's of Laus (now Ragusa) that either named Caracalla, or vice versa. These favors may have included some gold bars.

A mythical Oeneus was in Methoni, and then there was an OENomaus in Pisa (to the north of Methoni), to whom I traced the Benjamite-Jabesh alliance. It just so happens that Pisa is very near Kalavryta. In other words, mythical Juno looks to go back to Oenomaus, husband of Hippodama, wife of Pelops, the disgusting cannibal cult of Lydia. But Pelops' father Tantalus, is code for Antalya, in PISidia, in the land of Lycians. The son of Pelops, Atreus, looks to have named the Adriatic coast, where Dalmatia is located. As Servitium was near the mouth of the Una, note SERVilia, the name of Decimus' wife.

Of special importance is the Payen-suspect branch of Juno: "Paciaecus or Paciacus, the cognomen of another member of the [Junia] gens, does not appear to be of Roman origin, although it may be that Paccianus or Pacianus is the correct form." The writer seems to suggest that, since the name looks like "pagan," it's of a foreign element. The Italian Pace/Pacenti surname could apply here.

There is a stag in the Cage Crest too. The surname was checked because the Teague's/Caige's became suspect from "Decimus" and/or "Ticino" when the related Took/Tolkien Coat came up with "Tick." The Cage Coat uses a saltire partly in the colors of the Jefferson saltire, and then Jeffersons, from the Jabesh entity, trace to Japodes on the Kupa river beside the Una.

As the blue Jefferson leopard is suspect with the Caepio lion, it would make sense to trace Ticks and Teague's/Caige's to the Laevi on the Ticino. Besides, Caepio liners were found in the Ticino recently, and I've been tracing peoples between the Urbanus and the Una to the Salyes Ligures for years. Note that the Tick Coat shares a white perchevron (solid chevron) with the Chappes Coat. The Tick-Coat griffin design is used Kaplans.

The Tolkien variation of Ticks may trace to Telchines in Rhodes, an island off the mouth of the Maeander. The Telchines are said to have been part with the Curetes of Crete, and that latter were given a DAKtyloi symbol, mean "TEN fingers." Doesn't "Decimus" mean "ten." The "tyloi" symbol may even be code for a Silenus element at Crete. In fact, it's known that Lycians, and the Miletus / Latmus area to their Lydian side, was founded mythically by Sarpedon of Crete, and it just so happens that Selene (moon) was at Latmus. Therefore, her name was play on "Silenus." Didn't we already trace the Gar/Kern name to Carians at Selene's Latmus?

Yes, they traced to the sleeping man at Latmus, ENDymion, and then the Hume's use a "True to the END" motto. The Humes were suspect with House's as Essenes because: 1) "HUM" can be from "QUMran", and, 2) there was an essenes bee cult at Ephesus, beside Latmus. The Essenes of Carmel traced to the birth goddess (Eleuthia) of Crete, and king Minos, father of Sarpedon, was given a nine-month symbol, what we expect from the birth goddess. What else did Greeks do but devise stupidities like this? Did they ever grow up? Apparently not, for they made sexual "love" to mere boys.

The Curetes, they say, started as ten in number in respect to the Daktyloi symbol, but were reduced to nine, which I now understand to be in respect to the birth symbol. Curetes danced wildly in clanging noise -- a Maenad symbol -- at the birth of Zeus from Rhea, and the latter may have named Ragusa. There was a bee-and-goat goddess (Amalthea) involved at the birth of Zeus that should apply to the Essenes cult, and she may have been code for a line of disgusting AMALekites. Zeus wasn't given an adultery symbol because the owners of the Zeus entity had virtuous men. Zeus was a queer box society, a most deplorable and backward example for humanity's forward "evolution."

This would be a good place to add that the English Cobble's (in Deck/Dagger colors) are shown with several dik- and dyke-like endings. They are said to be from a Cobbledi Lincolnshire, where Mieszko-suspect Messier's were first found. As Lincolnshire is beside Cambridge, it's very possible that the Cobble crosslets are those of Julians/Gillians too. In that case, because Chapmans were likewise first found in Cambridge, the Cup-using variations of Cobbles may indicate a merger with Chapmans, especially as both use red-on-white chevrons (Rhodes colors).

Rhodes, off of Caria, traces to several Rhodes-related elements in Lincolnshire, and then Manders (may be in the salaMANDER code of Julians/Gillians) look like they use a version of the Rhodes' Coat. A good crack at tracing the Tick motto term, "Militia," is to Miletus of Caria.

The black-and-red colors of the Gars/Karens are used by German Kaplans, like "Cappel" below. As the Karen variation of the Gars is used by Kerns who trace by their sleeping moon to mythical Endymion, Caiaphas is tracing to Carians according to the latest revelation. But why? What was the purpose of the Gar/Karen Revelation? Didn't it have to do with Guerra's? Why should Vere's be tracing to Carians? Didn't we see the green Guerra dragon at the blue-lion Crichtons of Bute? I traced Crichtons (years ago) to the "Cruithne," an Irish peoples, who smack of Curetes...suspect at the founding of Miletus by Sarpedon. The Irish-Scots even trace themselves to Miletus.

The Tick/Tolkien trace to Miletus seemingly traces the Decimus surname to the Daktyloi, and to Sarpedon, who I traced to Sorbs and Serbs, and then the Oeneus river is beside SERVitium. So, you see, Cretans look like they landed in Dalmatia, then spread inland, and later found northern Italy and the Ticino.

If we'd like to know what "cat-a-mountain" refers to, aside from Porcia Cato lines, we need to identify the Mountain surname. French Mountains look to be using the French Messey/Messier saltire, same as the Jefferson saltire, thus tracing Mountains to the Japodes - Maezaei theater with the Oeneus river between them. We expect Maeonians at the Oeneus, right? Goplo-suspect Cappels/Keppels, and smacking of what we would expect from the Cuppel variations of Cobble's, use an upright lion in colors reversed from the same of Mounts/Mounds/Mons'. Then, the red-on-white chevron of Cobble's/Cuppels, in Mander colors, is in use by English Mounds/Mnds. Aren't these Maeonians?

Cappels/Keppels share the gold fitchee with Quints and Crams. The latter happen to be in-topic due to the Cramenil location of Quint-like Vincents. Now think about the idea that Leonardo da Vinci, of MONA Lisa fame, was a Quintus Caepio liner because "Vince / Vincent" is a variation of "Quince / Quint." It signals that the Da-Vinci-Code cads have something to do with the gold bars, either owners of some, or seeking some, or both.

To trace to "Goplo," we find that Scottish Monds/Mons' were first found in Peebles-shire, a place suspect with Pepinids. The Peeble surname has a chevron in the colors of the Landon chevron. Caepio-suspect lines to Caria's Maeander river are expected to be from mythical Capys, a Trojan line to Capua of southern Italy. The Capua/Capone/Caputa Coat happens to use a black lion head on white, the colors of the lion heads in the Mound/Mund Coat. I can think of no Cato-like entity in the line of Maeonians to Menelaus Spartans, but I do think that the Spartan swan line traces back to Sevan, home of the Soducena. I'm going to keep eyes out for any Cato link to Swan liners, especially as "cat-a-mountain" traces in-part to Menelaus.

The Cage's and English June's were first found in the same place (Cambridgeshire) as Julians/Gillians, thus tending to verify that the Teague/Caige crosslets are those of Julians too. It's interesting that Cato the Elder, as per his bust that Wikipedia shows, had deep "wrinkles." I knew a woman with Teague surname by marriage, with deep wrinkles like that, a "condition" (may have been genetic) far worse that what we see in Cato. Her maiden name was Friend, perhaps a version of something like "Feren/Farent."

Later, the Cato's become highly suspect as the Gate's, but only now do I realized how the vertically-split Shields of both Gate's and Cage's (sept of McLeods) are in the same red-and-blue colors. These are the colors of Panico's at the Setta valley, and of the Paine's. If Cato's were from Soducena / Sittaceni elements, I'd expect Cato's to be at the Setta valley. I'd expect "Cato" to be a version of "Setta." Later, we discover that Cato's are a branch of Seatons, and then, at that time, I fall upon the Yate's surname, using gates (!), as per the "yet" motto term of Seatons. Isn't that wild?

On top of that, the Cage saltire (in the colors of the Gate lions) is half in the colors of the Mountain (and Jefferson) saltire!!! Cage's (share stag with the Friends) are therefore highly suspect as part of the cat-a-mountain theme tracing to Clan Chattan, and so Cage's can now trace to Menelaus Spartans. The round-tailed lions used by Gate's are used also by Hollands, possibly tracing to whatever named Helen, wife of Menelaus.

I'm not taking the position that "Cage" is a Gate variation. I'm not even sure whether "Caige" is a version of "Teague," for there may have been a Caige merger with Teague's. Chattans are in McLeod colors and share a castle symbol with McLeods; Teague's are listed separately as a McLeod sept. This castle symbol could be of Castor, Helen's swan-line brother. The Arms and motto of McLeods expect them to be a Mieszko line.

The two Felix Coats are likewise in the colors of the Caige / Gate Coats. These colors are said to be the main ones used in Polish heraldry. McLeods use so-called "flags, and then the Flag/Fleck Coat (in the colors of Ferons) is a colors-reversed version of the Feren/Farrand Coat, for both surnames were first found in the same place (Norfolk), where also Fulke's were first found who use a vertically-split Shield in colors reversed from the same of Belgian Flecks. The Feren/Farrens Crest is a swan between what could be the Fulk wings. Didn't Fulks rule Templar Jerusalem? Why?

The Belgian Fleck Coat looks like a version of the Cage Coat, and so we definitely have what looks like a Cage / Caige link to the Friend-suspect Farrends (Pharisee suspects, right?), and as such it appears that the woman with Friend maiden name married a Teague because they spotted each others genetic make-up.

The wild element here is that Friends are linking to Gate's suspect as Cato's! I did not know this when suggesting that the wrinkles in the Friend woman could trace back to Cato's wrinkles, and in fact, I can barely believe I would even mention something as stretchy as that. But it was mentioned, and I did find a connection just minutes afterward. It didn't take months to manufacture it for you by cleverness on my part, because it's simply correct.

If you recall, the "mill rinds" of Felix' trace to Rinds using a "flower pot," and then Flowers are a branch of Fletchers/Flegers. Therefore, I expect Cato's to be merged with Felix lines, and it just so happens that a Felix character was a Roman governor of Judea while Sadducees yet ruled there on the behalf of Romans. Felix' use a potent cross that traces to Skits / Scheds (Saddock / Chadock kin) that I say were in the Setta valley.

Having said that, it should be added that I looked up the Shake's because the Fulk Crest uses the Shakespeare spear. It dawned on me that "Shake" was a Caige / cage variation. Therefore, it should be mentioned that the Shake chevron is colors reversed from the chevron of cat-using Stars, who use the SETTle/Settel lozenges! Settle's and Shake's were first found in the same place (Lancashire). The Cato line should connect to Settle's, you see, which builds the possibility that Cato liners were in the Setta valley, itself beside the Savena river tracing very well to lake Sevan, location of Soducena.

Plus, we saw Porcia lines tracing smack to the Fay elements of Bute, and then Sadducees were from a house of Boet(h)us. Peoples of Bute are "BOTHwell," and likely the Booths too...using the black Porcia boar, right?

To show further that Caige's were Shake's/Shakerlys, the "mole hills" of the latter can be code for Ashmole's for a couple of reasons. The McLeods to which Caige's belonged show septs that may link to the Asch/Ash surname. Secondly, Ashmole's use the fleur-de-lys in the colors of same of Ferens/Farrends. Ashmole's were even first found in the same place (Roxburghshire) as McLeod-suspect Chattans. The Borths, suspect with the Borthwell variation of Bothwells, were first found in Roxburghshire too. The Mole's use a boar and stars in the colors of the Italian Felix stars. Borths are the ones using the Potter cinquefoils, and Potters can link to the flower pot of Felix-related Rinds. Borths even share a "qui" motto term with Fulke's, and i had the impression that "CAIge" could be from a Cai-like variation of the Keys/Kays.

There are some arguments, which include the Fulke motto, for tracing Cai / Kay terms with mythical Capys to "Kaisariya." One such location was in CAPPAdocia, but there was another one in Numidia that was home to Drusilla of Massena, wife of the Felix above. The Porcia's had linked to a Fox line from Fes of Morocco, right? Check out the Sion-like term that the Fox surname is associated with, for Cato's are being identified with Seatons, namers of Sitten.

Didn't the fox-using Fes/Fays trace with the Veys/Vivians to Bute's witchcraft center? I now find that the Caix/Caisse Coat is a near-identical version of the Vey/Vivian Coat, and moreover it uses the red-on-gold lions of the Fife's and Five's, suggesting that the red Fox lion should apply, interesting because the Aurs, who may trace to Aures, home of the tribe of the wife of Idris of Fes, likewise use red lions. In this picture, "Caige" may trace to the Cass/Cast/Cash bloodline of the Cassius' who married Junia Caepio, half-sister of Junius Brutus who married Porcia Cato(nis) (see family tree at bottom of page).

When heraldry shares Julian surnames, they are not expected to be from any old child of Julius caesar, but are expected to be the lines from Julius that connected with Israeli-priesthood lines. The Pharisee-suspect Ferens/Farrends (in Capone colors) were in Cambridge in old times, where Julians and Capone's were first found, and then the Tacks/Thackerys (branch of Shake's/Shakerlys?) were likewise first found in Cambridge.

Julians trace definitely to the Guillestre location, where we expect Salyes Ligures. The Shield-and-Chief color combination of Kaplans is that of the Saluzzo Coat too. The Teck/Tess surname, definitely from Ticino elements (nor fat from Saluzzo), uses a saltire in the colors of the same of French Julians. The impression is that the child(ren) from Julius' affair with Servilia Caepionis are linking to Servilia's children with her husband, Decimus Junius Silanus. The goat entity to which Silano's are expected to derive in are expected to be Satyr / Satrae lines possibly from "Keturah," and the Cutters use, in my opinion, a version of the Kaplan Coat. The Tease's, remember, use the same chevron as Quints.

The Mole's use a motto suspect with mythical Faunus, the Roman Pan. The bigger point is that Mole's are honored by Caige-suspect Shake's, and then the Caix's/Caise's are expected with Caseys who share a red eagle with Mole's. Things routinely go back to the family tree shown above. We are going to see the black greyhounds used in the Ashmole Crest again at the blue-apple topic. It may just be that Ash's trace to Aziz elements at Assisi, near Arettium.

Perhaps not be coincidence, the Cass', likewise first found in Cambridgeshire, share the weight scale with the Assi surname, which may reveal that "Assisi" was a Cassius entity. It may then reveal that Aziz of the El-Gabal cult was from Gaius Cassius Longinus, husband of Junia Caepio. As I expected Cilnius Maecenas to be linked to Modena in order to explain why the Maccabees from his family were in Israel's Modi'in, here we find a Cassius/Casani surname, first found in Modena.

As you can read briefly in the Cassius/Casani write-up, a certain Brutus won the war of Modena against Mark Anthony, but look at that Cato-like surname: "The Battle of Mutina was fought on April 21, 43 BC between the forces of Mark Anthony and the forces of Gaius Vibius Pansa Caetronianus and Aulus Hirtius, who were providing aid to Decimus Junius Brutus Albinus." The latter's mother, SEMPronia, may have been involved in naming SAMPsiceramus, close kin of Aziz at the El-Gabal cult. The Hirtius surname could connect to "Aretas," the ancestry of the Herods.

"[Aulus Hirtius] was a praetor in 46 [BC] and governor of Transalpine Gaul in 45. After Caesar's assassination in March 44, Hirtius was deeply involved in the maneuvering between parties. Having been nominated for that post by Caesar, Hirtius and Pansa became consuls in 43." The Panico surname (in Paine colors) is shown with Pansa-like variations, suggesting that the family of Pansa Caetronianus may have been in the Setta, and that this valley was named after "CAET." "Caetron" could be a Keturah variation, so interesting if this family is the root of Sadducees. Didn't we see cats tracing to Berks and Berkshire? It just so happens that Catters/Cators were first found in Berkshire!

The things I'm reading on Caetronianus are suspicious. He was a Julius-caesar supporter, and was given the position of Marcus Junius Brutus, who would become Julian's main assassin. Thus Brutus was the son of Servilia Caepionis who married Porcia Cato. The father of this Brutus character was "the founder of the colony in Capua." It has all the makings here for a Caiaphas and Sadducee family, especially as Caetronianus was made an overseer of a Roman priesthood:

Originally of Etruscan descent and hailing from Perusia (modern Perugia)..., and possibly from a family which had been proscribed under Lucius Cornelius Sulla, Pansa was elected Plebeian Tribune in 51 BC where he vetoed a number of anti-Caesarean resolutions of the Senate...

In 47 BC Pansa was appointed governor of Bithynia et Pontus [home of Pontius Pilate's family?], and returned to Rome sometime during 46 BC. In that same year, Caesar appointed Pansa as governor of Cisalpine Gaul [where the Laevi / Ananes lived] to replace Marcus Junius Brutus, a post he took up in March 15, 45 BC. Around this time, he was also elected to the post of augur, one of the priests of Ancient Rome.

...Pansa was married to Fulfia, the daughter of Quintus Fufius Calenus...

So many coincidences, or perhaps not coincidences. "Calenus" might just be hint the Cilnius family. It just so happens that the Calen Crest uses the same half-griffin (different color) as the Catter Crest! Isn't that proof that both surnames trace to the Pansa marriage with Calenus??? It means that Catters trace to "CAETRonianus." If Cutters are indeed using the Kaplan griffins because Caetronianus' family was merged with Caepio's, it's of obvious importance.

Together, the Catter and Calen griffins are the same white and gold Doberman and Dober griffins. What an unexpected surprise. The CATHERINE wheel of the Wheelwrights may therefore apply to "CAETRONianus," especially as the owner of that symbol had a father, PAYNE Roet. This has the ability to bring Cole's / Kyle's / Colters (and Kolodziej) into the Calenus fold. The Calen bend may be a version of the Lorraine bend, a surname that I trace to the Lorne's of Lanark, beside the Kyle's and Pollocks.

There is no Fulfia surname coming up, but as Dobers were Pollock kin, Pollock-suspect Fullers came to mind. Pulfords (Eaton cross in colors reversed) were looked up, who must be a branch of Pulesdons (= Pullen / Romney kin). Pole's/Polesons use the same chevron and white-on-blue boars as Mole's. The latter are suspect with Jacques de Molay, who I think was a Moray element from Peter Pollock at Moray, son of Fulbert "the Saxon." The Arms of Jacques de Molay (see his Wikipedia article) are using the Peter bend, I think.

I spoke recently on the Pollock link to Payens liners, and here we find Pansa married to what may have been the proto-Fullers and other Pollock lines. It may mean that the Pansa-Fulfia marriage should trace to Fulbert "the tanner" of Falaise, thus making the Falaise entity suspect with whatever named "Fulfia." See the Fallis surname, what I regard, along with Fellers, as Roquefeuil family. Compare the Valais/Valois Coat to the Feller Coat (same chevron as Payens), and spot the black greyhound in the Valais/Valois Crest.

BEHOLD THE CONFIRMATION! The day after writing above, my files were searched for the surname using the pansy. It was the Drole/Rolet surname. They use a chevron in the colors of the same of Payens, Fellers, Valois', but the big surprise is the red vertical bars in the French Role Coat, in the colors of the Fuller and Carpenter bars! These Role's were first found in Brittany, where the Fullers and Carpenters are fully expected!

Rollo is said to have married Poppa of Valois. To this it should be added that the Vibius name of Pansa can perhaps explain the Vivian version of the Veys, important, not just because Veys and Rollo's use a chevron in colors reversed to the ones above, but because the Porcia-Cato line already traced to the Veys, and moreover they are expected to be a Quintus line, which makes it possible that the Quints trace to Fulfia's first name, Quintus. We could ask why both he and Caepio used the same first name.

The Knights, who will be part of the blue-apple riddle, use the Role bars in the same colors and positioning, and then it was suspect already that Rollo's Danes were related to Cnut's Danes. The Knights, if they are from Swietoslawa > Cnut, are fully expected in the Role family if only for the Role's being a Mieszko-related Fuller line. AND BEHOLD, the Shield-and-Chief color combination of the Role's is even that of Tanners, confirming that Fullers are named after FULbert "the tanner" (he married the line of Rollo).

Now that Knights are tracing to Pansa, and the fact that a "Knight's Tour" code in the blue-apple riddle will lead to some good evidence that Knights were Cnut liners, we need to ask whether Pansa had knowledge of Caepio's gold bars. The suspicion here is that Pansa was closely related to Quintus Caepio, and that the bars were passed on to the Chappes line as well as to the Payen line from "Pansa." These became to "poor" Templars that had been Nordic-pirate outlaws, and moreover became international bankers.

Rollo's and Garlands were both first found in Perthshire, and then the red Role bars are used in the same positioning as the red Garland bars while English Role's share the upright, gold-on-black lion of the snap-vision Gars. The Role lions are on "billets."

The Role Crest arm hold a so-called "roll of PARCHment," and then the stag half-way down the Rollo page is found in red (color of the same stag used by Perthshire Colts/Celts) in the PARK Coat, that being a Stewart-Coat version. One can glean here that since Rollo's use a black boar in Crest, Parks are from PORCius-Cato. It should be plain that no one in England wanted a Pork surname, and so "Park" was adopted instead. See Parkers ("fluctu" motto term) too, and, as per Camilla Parker-Bowles, see the black boars of Bowles'.

The fitchee cross that has been in focus recently is now traceable to Porcius-Cato where the Parker chevron is in the colors of the Fitch chevron. While Parkers are in the "roll of parchment code," Fitch's and Role-suspect Knights were both first found in Suffolk, where the Blois surname was first found, important because Knights were a branch of the counts of Blois. If I haven't yet shown why, it will come later.

The Role bars are called "palets," and then we find more black boars, in the colors of the Porcia boars, in the Pallett/Pailly Coat. Of interest here is that the Pansa surname is said to be under the umbrella of the Appuleia gens: "The cognomina of this [Appuleia] gens are Decianus, Pansa, and Saturninus. Of these, only Saturninus was a regular surname. Decianus was first used by a member adopted from the Decia gens, and passed to his children." You can click on the Decia link to learn that it was related to "Decimus," meaning "ten." The Decia surname is traced suggestively by Wikipedia to Sabines, to whom belonged the Quirites, suspect as Curetes = DAKtyloi ("ten fingers)." Of interest here is that Hungarians are said to derive in "ten arrows/tribes," while I traced the Hungarian ruler, Taksony, to "Ticino."

It is known that Cretans of the Daedalus kind put forth a Iapyges "son" as namer of "Puglia," an alternative name for Apulia to which the Appuleia gens must trace. Of interest here is that I traced Bari of Apulia to Barry, France, where I see the origin of the red-and-white "barry" bars...used by Role's, Knights, Fullers, and Arpad-suspect Carpenters. I traced mythical Perdix, an alternative code for the Daedalus Cretans, from Bari to Barry to "PERTH," where Rollo's were first found. The Taranto location in Apulia was co-founded by mythical Satyrion, suspect with the Saturninus surname of the Appuleia gens.

If you've forgotten, pansies are used by Drole's/Rollets, a Role branch of the d'Role kind, which traces Role's to Pansa Caetronianus, whose latter name is suspect with "Keturah = Satyr." Fortunately, I am not at a loss to explain why "Pansa" should trace to Apulia when I'm expecting it at the Paeoni in the northern Greek outskirts, for the Paeoni (suspect with the Pan satyrs) lived beside, and are an expected part of, the Satrae the founding of Taranto, right? The solution to the problem just corroborated that "Pansa" should trace to the Paeoni.

As the Paeoni line to the Pek river at the Cuppae "city of doves" was made further along to Panico's/Panis', just look at those doves in the Pansy/Panse Coat, all the more reason to expect a close link between Pansa's family and that of Quintus Caepio.

As the boxing symbol of mythical Pollux can be deemed to be a "pugilist" code, I traced him to "Puglia." But then Pollux is a swan liner from lake Sevan, and that's where I expect the namers of Sadducees. More on this later when on the Porcius-Cato topic, as I discover his importance to heraldry initially. I don't at hand know what entity "Role" should lead to, though I have some faint memory that it linked to Catherine Roet in some fundamental way.

Erolls/Arrals (in Role colors), first found in Perthshire and using the Rolph / Ralph raven in Porcia-boar colors, should apply to Role's. This branch smacks of the Herls/Hurls/Herrals / Hurls/Herods (suspect with Fitch's and Forez'), and that recalls the possibility that "Roet" is a form of "Herod." That idea worked like this:

As "Real" is sometimes a version of "Royal," as for example, "MontREAL," it's extremely interesting that French Real's, using the MacARTHUR crowns, were first found in Forez, on the east side of Vienne, where HEROD Archelaus was banished. This may have the capability of revealing that "ROET" is a Herod variation.

It just so happens that the Porcia-suspect Berks are the ones using "ung foy" as well as "ung ROY." The Royals were the ones using the Chaucer bend, important because a Chaucer fellow married a sister of Catherine Roet. To prove things of Sadducee importance, we first start with the cross style of Royals/Rials/Roille's, for it is used by French Role's (!!!), which must be how I had linked Roets to Role's many months ago. This same cross will be emphasized later because Saddock-related Chadocks use it too. I rarely come across this cross design, but in the past few days, six surnames using it have cropped up. Chadocks use theirs in the two colors of the Royals! It's huge because it traces Chadocks and Saddocks to Pansa elements at the Setta valley, which is where I had claimed they should trace when I didn't yet have this quality of evidence.

It's making a rock-hard trace of Payne Roet to Pansa so that, indeed, the personal Catherine Wheel symbol of Catherine Roet is code for "Caetronianus." But Chaucers and their Chalker kin were traced to "Caucasia," where the namers of Soducena lived, and due to the Chalker swan, Chalkers were traced to lake Sevan. It's making a rock-hard trace of the Pansa family to the Panico's/Panis' at the Savena river flowing past the Setta valley to meet the Reno at Bologna.

See also German Rolls/Raels/Roils.

The Roets of the Royal kind traced (as you will see later, hopefully in the next update) to the Doubs area of Forez, where the Bord / Border bloodline traces, and then Catherine Roet was married to John of Gaunt at Candale, beside Bordeaux. The code, "double tressure border" included the Borders and Bordeaux, you see, and then Roets were first found in the same place (Somerset) as the Treasure's/Treshers. Roets share the oak tree with Panico's/Panis'/Panetta's. The mysteries of the heraldic system are unfolding, as when one turns over a rock and finds ancient fungus alive and well, growing wet hairs happily, clinging to clumps, in the secret darkness. You wouldn't want this on your dinner plate.

Pansa was very close to Hirtius...who lived just in time to name Herods. We can wonder whether of Roets trace to "Hirtius." Recall the Rickets/Reckets that apply to the Fuller motto code, "recte," and then recall that the Jewish Pollock bend traced to German Otters, for the Hirt/Herd surname uses an otter and a "recte" motto term. The Pollocks will trace with Dobers to "Doubs," and so that explains why Dobers and Dobermans were found linked to the Catter and Calen griffins. And griffins are suspect with Herod Agrippa.

The swan in the Hirt/Herd Crest happens to be of the same design, in the same white color, as the Chalker swan! That truly does make for a Hirtius > Roet trace. Hirts/Herds share hearts with Lanarks/Lurnacks. The Douglas hearts are from the Hardys (Lanarkshire), who not only use black boars (!), but come up as "Hirtes." This is very important if we think the black boar should trace to Edomites as well as to Porcia, for Herods were Edomites, and Aretas III even lived in Petra of Edom. English Hurts come up as "Hirtes" too, and they may be using a version of the Potter Coat, that being a Botter branch tracing to Buteri peoples in the Lanuvium area.

I find it suspicious that the stomping grounds of the Caetronianus family was in Perusia, not only where the naming of Pharisees could be expected, but where the Visconti-suspect Ottone's were first found who use a version of the Chappes Coat. The naming of Perusia could be from mythical Paris Trojans, who were from mythical Capys. There just may have been everything in Perusia for the makings of the different aspects/factions of the Israeli priests. Perusia is near Arretium and Assisi, what may have named Hirtius as well as Arethusa.

The Hurls/Herls were first found in Northumberland. They are the ones using "shovelers" discussed in the first update of last month. These Herls/Herls are said to have been joined to "unruly" Percys that will become suspect as a Porcia branch. You will see later why Porcia's were the so-called Grail King, Percival, father of the so-called Swan Knight.

The first I caught wind of the Cilnius family of Arretium was as per Cilnius Maecenas of Arretium. He married Terentia from an important Terentius family. By what coincidence does the Cilnius-suspect Silanus family trace to Terentius: "Silanus appears to be a lengthened form of Silus, 'snub-nosed', which occurs as a cognomen in the Sergia and Terentia gentes..."

Tarents (Varro kin) use a version of the Irish Casey Coat, and Trents trace to Sion/Sitten with Cato-liner Seatons. Irish Caseys were first found in FERMANach, where Gueire's (and Caffreys) were first found. Scottish Caseys may be using the Chattan bend. Ashmole's were first found in the same place as Chattans and Weirs/Vere's who come up as "Wire," suspect with the Quire variation of Gueire's.

I wouldn't take snub-nosed too seriously. One thousand years from now, similar historians of a short-sighted bent will suggest that "Washington" was named after "washing a ton of bricks" because "District of Columbia" was named after doves. So many doves dropping door-door on the buildings that Washington became renown for washing a ton of bricks. It's just so logical. It will not dawn on them that Washington was named after someone's surname. Instead, they will study the syllables of the term, and decide by "expert opinion" what "Washington" was named after.

As the blue-apple riddle will be analyzed afresh below, note that Dutch Dickensons share six footless martlets with Apple's and Applebys, all on a blue Shield. English Dickensons are in the same colors, show a blue lion in the Crest, and have a fesse in colors reversed to the Dick fesse. If that blue lion traces Caepio elements to the Ticino, let's add that Dickensons are in the colors of Chappes-related Stephens and Staufers, suspect with the namers of Staffordshire, where Dickens/Diggons (and Ashmole's) were first found. It just so happens that the Thicks/Thecks were likewise first found in Staffordshire, wherefore this is the first time I can recall for making a Thick (and Shaw/Sithech) trace to "Ticino."

Compare the Thick Coat to that of Siwards (blue leopards). The ermined Thick lozenges are used by Hounds, suspect in the greyhound used by Ashmole's, but then Ashmole's use the fleur-de-lys while Lys' use the Ashmole greyhound design. And Lisborns appear to be using the three Hound lozenges.

This marks the end of this update, pushing the blue-apple riddle to the next update. I will have it there for you this time.


On this page, you will find evidence enough that NASA did not put men on the moon.
Starting at this paragraph, there is a single piece of evidence
-- the almost-invisible dot that no one on the outside was supposed to find --
that is enough in itself to prove the hoax.
End-times false signs and wonders may have to do with staged productions like the lunar landing.

The rest of the Gog-in-Iraq story is in PART 2 of the
Table of Contents

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