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December 23 - 29, 2014

Revival of the Domitian Head
Caiaphas and Syphax in Avezzano
Looking For Caiaphas' Mother
The Nails of Colchester

Take this page as-is, not all of it has been proof-read. In this update alone, I have caught myself typing "not" about five times in place of "now," like an unconscious habit of a mutational kind. I do this with quite a few words. Just so you know if anything doesn't make sense due to a word out of place. I don't want to afford the time for proof-reading anymore because I'd rather trudge on to discovery.

As the Chimney surname has been emphasized over the last few weeks, I'd like to go back to finding of the last update that the English Line's/Lyne's (red roses, an apt symbol of Rhodes) are using the Chimney Shield and a black Crest symbol, as with the Chimney Crest. The other two Line surnames, with Lind variations, are easily identified with Lindos on Rhodes. I failed to mention that the CHIMera dragon was from Kamiros of Rhodes. In ancient times, Cimmerians were called, Gamir. Therefore, the Chimneys were Cimmerians from Rhodes. Why should the anti-Christ relate to Cimmerians on Rhodes? It all seems logical enough without explanation.

To explain why Bat liners should relate to Kamiros, one can trace both forward and back. Back to Helios elements in Colchis, and thus trace the Bat Colchians forward to the Welsh Baths/Atha's, in Line/Lind colors, for the Welsh were Cimmerians. There is a red-dragon symbol in Wales that could somehow link to the scarlet dragon of Revelation.

The prediction a few weeks ago, before concentrating on the bat-and-chimney Sign in the last update, was that the 4th, 5th, and 6th heads of the seven heads in Revelation are those that would be revived in the end-time 8th head. I used to assume that Revelation 13 was speaking to the resurrection of the 7th head, because that seems logical. But in re-considering, I felt that the family of Vespasian would be the entity to be revived in the 8th head. I have, until now, been sure that the 4th, 5th and 6th were Vespasian and his two sons, Titus and Domitian. It just so happens that I had traced the family of Vespasian, only weeks ago, to the Pasi/Pace surname which, as the last update mentioned, shares white, crossed spears with the Line's/Linds. I did not know of the Line's/Linds while on Vespasian discussions. It may be years since loading the Line's/Linds last; I am not familiar with them.

What a coincidence that the Chimneys are linking to Vespasian as of the last day in the last update, today, as I write here.

What's my point? The bat-and-chimney Sign concerns the 11th horn of Daniel 7; that was made plain to me. The 11th head of Daniel is the 8th head of Revelation when three Roman emperors are ignored; Daniel 7 implies that we should ignore three of them. They were the back-to-back emperors of 69 AD, Otho, Galba and Vitellius, none of which ruled long enough to be of any account. Therefore, God allows us to identify these seven heads of the beast without much question, and yet most of Prophecy Land has missed it. The Hal Lindseys of the world have blinded the eyes of ordinary Christians in this regard. Hal Lindsey, when I read him decades ago, interpreted the seven heads as mountains = continents. Give your head a shake, Hal.

He was obviously trying to hide something that didn't jibe with his prophetic view, for Revelation 17 makes it plain that the 6th head was ruling when God dictated the Revelation to John. Hal believed that the anti-Christ would be one to revive Rome, and yet he didn't want to view the seven heads as emperors. Why not? What in that view was problematic for him? Hal taught that Christians would never see the anti-Christ, no sense trying to look for him.

The Lindsey surname is exactly in line with the Line/Lyne / Line/Lind bloodline to Lindos. Kamiros. The Lindsey Crest even uses a blackish swan (it's not pure black, but it's certainly not white), the color of the FIVE Chaplet swans, and then the Lindsey swan is even in the design of the black swan shown by the French Josephs until after I started to link that swan to a few surnames. Lindseys are from Joseph Caiaphas, clear and simple, and so the bat in my chimney flange is more than about the anti-Christ; it's also about the Caiaphas line to the anti-Christ. That's what I'm seeing in my work over the past two or three years. I feel that God wants me to reveal this Caiaphas link to prophecy.

The Lindsey Crest is black, like the Line/Lyne and Chimney Crests. What a lindincidence. Here in the Seller Crest is the Lindsey swan in white; quite a difference. Lindseys were first found in Lanarkshire, right beside Renfrewshire, where Peter Pollock's family lived. The last update showed why the Line's were Pollock kin. The Line's were found in the "horizontal line" of the Valerys/Valeria's that trace to Valerius Gratus, the Roman governor one that made Joseph Caiaphas the high priest of Israel.

The bat in the chimney traced to Scottish Randolphs (Line/Lind colors), sharing a red Shield with Lindseys, and using another black Crest, a bat. We find that the Lindsey write-up traces to one Randolph character of Normandy, who was banished by the Normans prior to their conquering England. Randolph settled Lincolnshire, it says, and then also neighboring Leicestershire, and so we note the swan in the Leicester-surname Crest. What did the Caiaphas line have to do with this? Was Randolph a Caiaphas liner while still in Normandy, or did his line merge with Caiaphas liners in England / Scotland?

Randolph is called the "Lord of Toeni" in the write-up. Toeni's are known for having their maunch or sleeve in the Arms of Leicester, and this may reveal that Randolph was from Manche. The "VIREscit" motto term of spear-using Line's/Linds suggests the Vire river of Manche. The last update touched upon a "Randolph" trace to the Rhyndacus river of Mysia, and that's where proto-Masseys lived that ended up partly in Manche. Lindseys seem clearly to be a red-Shielded branch of Stewarts. As Anton(y)s share the leopard with Rhodes', first found in Lincolnshire, it stands to reason that Rhodes' were from this Randolph of Toeni, but he was not the namer of Lindsey, as it was Lindum in Roman times. Lindum is what became Lincolnshire. Antons use a leopard FACE (in the colors of the Toeni maunch), code for the Face/Fessy surname shares the Randolph Cross in the same colors.

In the last update, it was suspect that the Line/Lynn roses were those in the Caesar Chief, but I didn't load the Lindens to see that Scottish Lindens/Lintons (eagle in Line/Lynn colors) use the same three roses as the Caesar Chief. I would suggest that the Linden/Linton Coat as a whole is a version of the Caesar Coat. What were Caesar liners doing in East Lothian, where Seatons and Keiths were first found? I would suggest we ask the Seaton crescents, colors reversed from the same of German Julians.

Caseys had been reckoned as Caesar liners, and then Caseys use the Cassel chevron, which happens to be the Line/Lyne chevron too suspect with the Chimney chevron. But the Line/Lyne chevron, like the Casey chevron, is surrounded by three red symbols, and the Casey symbols are eagles in colors reversed to the Linden eagle. Therefore, Chimneys are tracing hard to Lindos, as expected. But are Chimney-line Cimmerians also tracing to the Caesars? The latter use nothing but roses in their Coat, and some say that Rhodes was named after roses.

As Caesars were first found in Kent, where the Centaur lines (probably code for HENETI that led to "Kent" and Cassel-related KENNEDYs) from Ixion and Nephele settled as the Cantii (explains why Kent uses a horse symbol), note first that Wessels use a white horse partly on red, the Kent- and Saxon-horse symbol. That can trace "Caesar / Cassel / Casey" with Wessels to "Gus." Ixion's Lapiths were at Chora...on Patmos, where I trace the Patricians to which Julius belonged. Nephele was given a cloud symbol, which we can see in the Irish Casey Crest Chora was represented by Coronis the crow (Ixion's sister), and Scottish Caseys (a hind) actually use "crows heads", which you can verify by typing "Casey" in the box at the page below. Make sure you have javascript on, then click the black arrow beside the nationality of the surname, then click the Scottish Caseys. The crows are in Hind (Enders/Ingers?) colors.

See also the Julian-related Gullys/Golleys using the same chevron and another black Crest. That Crest uses keys, and then Keys/Kays honor the Kyne's in their motto, wherefore it ought to relate to the Kyne's in the write-up of the Line's/Lyne's that use a chevron in Gully-chevron colors. This is like saying that Chimney-branch Cimmerians trace to Julius Caesar.

German Julians are using a version of the Guille/Gull Coat (Kent), which shares a "sine" motto term with Gullys. This line will link hard as nails later to the Colchesters and Nails, and therefore to Quintus Caepio, expected where Julius was messing with Quintus' granddaughter. The tree of German Julians suggests that they link to Wallers from Valerius Gratus (see "walnut" in the last update). English Lindens (Somerset, same place as Baths that use the Fessy/Face cross) show leopard faces alone, thus giving us the bat link to Chimney liners, and tending to prove that the bat in the chimney was indeed a Sign. So, what is God wanting us to know from all this?

God wants us to understand the seven heads. He's put it in plain black and white. There is no way to get this prophetic Message far wrong. The 7th comes for a short time, it says. Domitian cannot therefore be the 7th. Can Titus be the 7th? He ruled from 79 - 81. Is that short? Nerva, after Domitian, ruled 16 months. Before discussing this, I'd like to say that I was fairly convinced of the Spanish Petro surname being from Titus Flavius Petro, Vespasian's grandfather. You can read about it in the 3rd update in October, though the topic lingers over a few updates after that. This is being repeated because the Petro cross is in the colors of the Dutch Linden cross. The crosses are not of the same design, but it's still notable, for Mr. Petro lived in Rhodes-suspect Rieti/Reate. It's where I traced Reeds/Rieds that share a "book" with Roets, and the latter were first found in the same place as leopard using Lindens. The leopard was traced to Boofima (proto-Baphomet), exactly where Roets were traced by several means.

Of further interest is that Dutch Lindens were first found in Utrecht, like the mythical Otreus, father of Dascylus (topic of last update), symbol of a real Otrea location at Ascania of Mysia (origin of the Romans suspect with Caiaphas' father-in-law). The Ot(t)ers are colors reversed from Dutch Lindens, and there is a Dutch Otter surname too. The Windsors/WINCers are said to be from the Ot(t)ers, and it dawns on me/us here that the bat wings of the Usks/Osks may relate to the WINCer variation of Windsors.

The USKs/Osks were a verification that the bat-in-chimney was a Sign, for it occurred just as Donald TUSK became the new EU-Council president (December 1), and then Dascylus became a topic only due to seeking "Tusk" roots. Dascylus was a father of Gugu/Gyges, a quasi-mythical king of dragonline Lydia. I maintain that the Revelation dragon must trace to Lydians as they formed the Latins because I believe that God chose seven heads on a dragon as code for the ancient Lotan dragon with seven heads. It was the opinion of some ancients that Gugu was Ezekiel 38's Gog.

I am chugging along these days in finding lines from ancient Mosul and Kirkuk, as they became the Baathists of that area now seeking to topple Iraq. As the bat-in-chimney must surely relate to Baathists, lets mention the trace of Currys to Kurds of Kirkuk, a topic of the last update, for it's been many months (now for conveniently forcing a point) since realizing that the Windsor crosslets are those of Gore's/Core's. Currys are also "Corry." That's a match. But it can also be repeated that Wings/Winks were traced to Supers/Sopers (because they share the same-colored bullets), for Supers/Sopers share a white saltire with Windsors/WINCers. Suddenly, Windsors are tracing to Insubres.

Aha! Rose-using Currys were first found in Midlothian, beside or amongst the same-colored Lindens of East Lothian. As I trace the red Curry rooster to the Mouse Tower, the white-on-red Linden eagle can be the Piast eagle. As Currys are said to have named Corrie in Dumfries, it's notable that they are using the Annan saltire in colors reversed, and thus they trace to Annas, Caiaphas' father-in-law (Annas was the high priest by order of Augustus in 6 AD until Caiaphas replaced him).

This is more than interesting because Windsors are now the British monarchy, and because Gore's/Core's had traced with no doubt to Chora, on Patmos, the Revelation island.

Insubres were in Lombardy, where the Windsor and Otter write-up traces proto-Windsors. It struck me that motto terms like the "SPERabo," used by Annans, is code for Supers/Sopers. Insubres were identified with Brescia, and clinched as such I think, while the last update thinks it found proto-Brescia elements at Prusa, beside lake Ascania; Nicaea on this lake at lower-right of this map:

Dionysus island of Naxos is smack beside Paros so that Prusa can trace to it as Nicaea can trace to Nike elements from Naxos. Sailing from Naxos direct to the Asian mainland, a ship passes Patmos.

The last update also discovered that the blue Brescia and Bruce lions were used by Valer(io)s, not only suspect, but virtually clinched, with Valerius Gratus. Some years ago, perhaps four or more, a reader had a dream that she relayed to me, saying that a blue lion by the name of, "something like Cappeo," seemed meaningful. I immediately knew that it was the Macclesfield lion because, as you can see, the Arms uses a "copia" motto term. That dream (of hers) marked the time I began to realize that God was going to use others and I to reveal Caiaphas lines from this Cappeo or Copia entity. But it was not until yesterday, as I write here on Monday, that I found the Valer(io) lion in such a way that it traced to Caiaphas by way Valerius Gratus. I may have loaded the Valer Coat in the past, but it may have meant nothing at the time for my lack of understanding.

German Wellers used to show a pelican feeding her young, but it was changed so that it now looks like a swan. It was the same pelican design used by Devaux', but then both surnames got a design change to the same swan-like bird. "Davaux" was accidentally entered (instead of "Devaux") just now to find it listed with the Auvergne surname, first found in the same place (Dauphine) as Valerys/Valeria's!!! That tends to reveal that Wellers were from Valerius Gratus! I never thought I'd be doing this. It's amazing as it unfolds.

Auvergne is where Bouillons (in Weller-bird colors) were first found that are known to have a swan symbol! I know for a fact that Eustace II, and his son, Godfrey de Bouillon, trace to Caiaphas lines in several ways. It's important because Godfrey's brother was the first king of Templar Jerusalem, and the whole of that affair concerned faked Christianity for the purpose of seeking a prize at Jerusalem, a treasure that Caiaphas' descendants figured was in the ground, waiting to be dug up. Eustace II lived in Boulogne, and then the Arms of Boulogne use a white-on-red swan, the color of the Weller swan!!! Bingo. Boulogne traces to Emilia-Romagna, where Valar(io)s were first found.

The Vaux surname suspect in "DaVAUX" and "DeVAUX" was also "Vallibus," and I read that this was a Well or Wells branch, but it can now be realized as a Weller branch in particular. The Scottish Vaux/Vallibus surname was first found in East Lothian (!), where Lindens were first found.

I'm trying or wanting to get back to the seven-head prophecy, but one thing is leading to another. The three stars on a bend of Vaux'/Vallibus' are colors reversed from the three stars on a bend on Roys, and then Scottish Roys use the "Cappeo" lion, symbol of Valer(io)'s. Around their lion, Roys use red roundels, seen in the Arms of Boulogne.

"Eustace" had been suspect with the Gus location seen on the map above smack beside Prusa. The Roy and Dawson Coats were shown together, as a match, in the last update of November, but in the last update, the very same Coat was found in the Gus surname. Amazing to make that point here! Roys were first found in the same place (Lanarkshire) as Lindseys. Now that the Valer(io) lion has been found in Scotland, one can link to the Rory/Creerys lion (colors reversed to the Roy lion). Roys might just have been Rorys, therefore. Rory of Bute was from Somerled MacDonald, as the Dougals are said to be who use the Roy version of the lion.

The undeniable trace of Dawsons to "Has" in Albania allowed me to realize that Has, the root of HASmonean, was from the namers of Gus. The proto-Hasmoneans were at Gus and the neighboring MACEstus river. That's your Hasmonean-Maccabee entity of Mysia, which is a relief for me because I've been claiming, like a nut, for years that Maccabee's derived from proto-Masseys/Maceys. I thought that they'd lock me up in a metal ward for insisting that Maccabees and Pharisees trace to Mysians. It's not a pretty picture for religious Jews.

The Gessel variation of Gus' was welcome for linking to the Wessels using blue swans in the two colors of the Valer(io) lion. It seems that Eustace was a Gus liner, right? Ad an "H" or "K" to all Gus variations and see what you come up with. I wrote that before trying one myself, and on the first try, with "Kessel," the Valer(io) lion came up!

English Kessels look like Cass'/Cash' / Cush's/Kiss' and Casey liners, the black-on-white Kessel chevron shared by Cass' and "Cush's, and the three Kessel eagles used by Caseys. The Gus' are also "Guss," you see.

Dolphin-using Cassels (Lincolnshire, same place as Randolph, founder of Lindseys) use a version of the Coat of dolphin-using Kennedys, while the dolphin traces to the Arms of Dauphine, where Valerys/Valeria's were first found. As the Kennedy chevron is in the colors of the Chimney chevron while Chimneys are linking to the Kyne surname in the write-up of Chimney-related Line's/Lyne's, it looks like Kyne's were Kennedy kin. Kennedys were first found in the same place (Ayrshire) as Line's/Linds.

It can be added that mythical Batia, the entity to which the bat-in-chimney traces, was in the Gus neck of the woods. I just need to find exactly where.

German Cassels use the three chevrons showing at times for Dutch Burg(h)s / Bergs while the Eustace cross is the Irish Burgh cross. It's also the Dutch Linden cross, and as Bouillons share the flory cross style with Spanish Petro's, lets remind that the latter's cross is in the colors of the Linden / Eustace cross. Which reminds me, time to get back to the Vespasian topic.

I was asking myself whether I was wrong to view the 7th head of Revelation 17 as Nerva. What if it was Titus? That would make Vespasian the 6th, meaning that he was alive while John received chapter 17. That would make the Revelation before 80 AD, and possibly even before the fall of Jerusalem in 70. That picture could play into the hands of those who see the anti-Christ, not as a future event, but one in relation to the fall of Jerusalem at the Roman army controlled by Titus (he sacked the city before becoming the emperor). I don't have any proof to deny Titus (ruled about 26.5 months) as the 7th head. If correct, Augustus, said to be the first official emperor, becomes the first of the seven heads.

There seems to be no evidence as to who sent John to Patmos. The Revelation itself implies that he was a prisoner on the island as punishment for his faith. Nothing in the Revelation tells whether Jerusalem was yet standing when he wrote the prophecy. I would not recommend Wikipedia's article on John of Patmos as it doesn't seem respectable where it says most scholars today reject John of Patmos as the apostle John. Who are "most scholars"? Hal Lindsey can be considered a scholar, and he has a lot yet to correct. At Wikipedia articles, you'll find writers praising Titus.

...In fact, on the day before he was murdered, [Domitian] consulted an astrologer. During this time he also consulted Apollo, the god of music and poetry, as well as light, truth and prophecy! Commemorating his superstition, the emperor minted coins depicting Apollo on one side and a raven, associated with prophecy, on the other

The raven was a symbol of Cyrenian Apollo, though the raven was also the symbol of mythical Coronis, whom can be traced well to "Chora," on Patmos. Her son, ASCLepios is a double code, one for "Lapith," and one, in my opinion, for "Skala," the other city on Patmos. Coronis was a sister of Ixion, you see, a Lapith ruler. Therefore, we now have reason to trace Domitian to Patmos elements. A raven is used by one Peter surname, and he was traced satisfactorily to Mr. Petro, great-grandfather of Domitian. Peter Pollock ruled Rothes castle, and then the German Rothes use nothing but a raven.

At this point I've got to mention the Kilpatricks and Patricks, for I trace them to Roman Patricians suspect in "PATmos." One can fathom Patricians becoming Peters. The Dunbars (Lothian), in the colors of the Lothian Lindens, share an upright, white lion with Dougals, and the Gospatrick branch (from ancient Mosul, suspect as PatMOS) of Dunbars ended up in Galloway, where Dougals were first found. One can sense that Gospatricks were Gus liners. IN FACT, Kilpatricks use so-called "cushions"! To make a long story short, Kilpatricks in DUMfries are suspect with DOMitian lines. Downs/Douns, in the colors of the Pasi's, are also "Doom," and spear-using Dunhams are also "Domen."

Insert -- The day after writing here, it was found that the Kilpatrick cushions are substituted on the Cory Chief with cinquefoils in the same colors while the Kilpatrick saltire is in the Corr Coat, proof positive that Kilpatricks trace to Chora. The below had already been written. End insert]

I am reminded here that Gospatricks (Dunbar colors) use the same saltire as Currys/Corrys! That's more evidence that Patricks trace to Patmos, and it traces them to Chora, where Domitian apparently traces by his raven symbol.

[Insert -- A few minutes after the insert above, the Corries were looked up to find them first found in Domitian-suspect DUMfries, thus making a link to Kilpatricks that's as hard as nails in Colchester. I hate to spoil surprises, but later in this update, it is found that Colchesters are using the Quint Coat, but as Colchesters (share the red Capone-Crest lion) use red-on-gold estoiles, note that Corrie's are using the format and colors of Capone's (same place as Julians) with red-on-gold estoiles!!! The Corrie Coat is a virtual copy of the Camp Coat, making the Campbell gyronny linkable to the Titus gyronny.

As Gospatricks were at Mochrum while Mochs/Moucers/Mouchets seem to apply, it's meaningful that Mousquette's were first found in the same place (Suffolk) as Corys. That tends to reveal that Mochs were Mos elements at PatMOS. End insert]

Edinburgh, in the middle area of Lothian, uses a "Dom____" term in its motto (Domitian was a Colchian, right?) while Edins share black scallops with Ladons/Ladds, a surname like "Lothian" but also like the Lazona home of the Colchian Lazi, and then Ladons/Ladds were first found in the same place as Baths/Atha's. Ladons/Ladds even use a fesse in colors reversed from the Mussel fesse so as to trace possibly to Musselburgh of East Lothian. Lothians use the pine tree, symbol of mythical Attis, the same as Aeetes of Kutaisi in Colchis. Leda took her husband from Tyndaris of Colchis.

Tyndaris was on the Glaucus river (visible on this map), and then Clocks/Cloke's (same place as Sheer branch of Kilpatricks) use the chevron and three garbs of Edins. a The black bird on the Gospatrick saltire is not a raven or crow, but in myth, a crow was chosen because Apollo made a white bird black. There was a reason for that, suspect with darker skin in Cyrene (eastern Libya), home of Ares-worshiping Bistones. Domitian is portrayed in the quote above as a diviner, as was the Apollo cult, as might be the False Prophet. At the article, coins are shown from Domitian with Apollo's face on one side, and a raven on the other.

I neglected to mention that the Curry / Windsor saltires are in the colors of the same-style cross (fat crosses) of Baths/Atha's, important because "WINCer" is now suspect with Wings honored in the bat wings of Usks/Osks. In any case, "Patmos" was suspect with the Bats through Batia, from Bats at the MOSchian mountains of Colchis. Before realizing that Patmos was a Bat-Moschian combo, Ixion had been identified as nearly identical with Ares, and then the Moschian mountains are off the Aras river of proto-Ares. Ixion's Lapiths went through Patmos, right?

The article goes on to quote Domitian's claim to Godhood, and tells of a coin where Domitian's wife and son are called God, more or less, simply because Domitian wanted to be God. Domitian's child, on the coin, is surrounded by seven stars at his outstretched hands (coin shown, however, shows only six stars), and that's what Jesus has in his hands in Revelation's first chapter. The article is suggesting, in a scholarly framework, that Revelation was written during Domitian's reign, and speaking to his false Godhood for its ultimate destruction and replacement by Jesus. But the article does not convince me that Revelation was written in Domitian's time.

When it's said by many that the Revelation was received in 90-95 AD, why then? Why not as early as 81/82, in Domitian's first year? I don't know. I've never looked into this issue before. I've studied Revelation enough to know that timing it from within is not possible in anything obvious.

Why is it that my bat-in-chimney is now leading to the Dooms/Downs that, via Gospatricks, goes to Patmos, the raven island? I've got some more heraldry material to show, and, hopefully, while doing it, something of a breakthrough may come to mind. It starts by asking why the Spears are called such while using the crossed spears of the Pasi/Pace surname. But the reader wants to know why Speers should trace to the Pasi surname (Bologna) at all bases merely on their common use of spears. Well, Renfrewshire, where Speers were first found, is the location of Paisley, a term like "Pasi." The Paisley surname has a Pasley variation, and the Paisleys are in the colors of the Pasi spears.

In other words, Speers settled Bologna, where the Gus line of Eustace was. To prove that Speers trace to Gus, recall the Guis variation of Guido's (Bologna), for the Speer-like Spree's must be using the Guis/Guido Shield (in colors reversed). Guido's are traced to one in IMOLA. Note that Sprees' and Speers share the same-colored crescents. Note that Speers use the Glass star, for Glasgow is in Renfrewshire, and, besides, Lanark, where Lindseys were first found, is very near Glasgow. Lindseys, if you recall, are a branch of Line's/Lyne's (Chimney kin) while the latter use two crossed spears pointed up, as do the Speer spears. You would do well not to take everything you read in surname write-ups as fact.

The "Advance" motto of Speers must be for the Vance's, and they happen to be listed the Vaux/Vallibus surname, first found in the same place as Lindseys and using the Gus bend-and-stars in colors reversed. For the next part, recall that Gus was traced to hard by Cotta and Julian liners. The blue-and-white checks of the Lindseys can now trace to the same that fill the Shield of Checkers, for the Simple's (Renfrew), honored in the "simple" term of the Spree's, use fretty (colors reversed to the Cotta fretty) that they call, "checkered." It's not checkered, but they call it that as code for Checkers.

Yes, for German Cohens use the Checker Coat exactly while the Irish Cohens are the Kyne's found in the Line/Lyne write-up. Therefore, as Lindseys use their checks on a fesse, as do Stewarts, the latter are a branch of Cohens that had used checks for their link to the Checkers. As Bologna was conquered by the Boii, who settled Bohemia in Czechoslovakia, Checkers might apply there. The other half of Czechoslovakia was Moravia, the likely namers of Moray (where Rothes and Peter Pollock were situated), and Moravia was beside Lusatia. In fact, it's been a while since I've read up on the Spree river of Lusatia, but it may have a source in what was Moravia.

The Lindseys that started with Randolph of Normandy was suspect with the Vire river, and so see the checks filling the Coat of Vires/Vairs, for I traced Thomas (father or son of Ralph) de Vere to Randolphs of Moray.

Apparently, the Boii were in Renfrew. To help prove that Checkers were linked to Spree's and Speers, the red-on-white crescents of the latter two are in the Check/Cheek/Chick Coat (Deacon / Decan colors). The Douglas', using the Moray stars, were suspect in the last update with the Deacons and Decans, from a Decani area of KOSovo, which is a term like "Gus." Checks/Chicks were first found in the same place (Suffolk) as Deacons. Two motto terms of Deacons may trace to the Otrea location at lake Ascania, beside Gus. As Otrea was tracing tentatively to the Otter > Windsor line, its notable that the Windsor saltire is colors reversed to the Deacon and Decan cross', and that Otters use a bend-with-symbols in the colors of the same of Vance's/Vaux's. Are Vance's a branch of Windsors?

German Otters/Utters, by the way are in Arms-of-Lombardy colors and of the Milan tree stump, and may be using the Jewish Pollock wavy bend, for Renfrew elements trace to the Insubres at Lombardy, I am now sure. Lombards were first found in Renfrewshire. The Windsors had traced to Insubres already, but look at the "Be faithful" motto of Vance's/Vaux's, for Faithfuls use white symbols on a black-on-white saltire, as do Supers/Sopers, and as it's the Speers with the "Advance" motto, "Speer" is discovered as a Super/Soper branch! Insubres were at Moray with the Innis'. Insubres founded proto-Milan, and then Milans and Faithfuls share the tree stump.

Winds/Windells, sharing the stag head of Windsors, are in colors reversed from the German Otters. The Winds/Windells are using a version of the Winkler/Winkle/Windle Coat, probably of the Wincer variation of Windsors. With the Speers and Sprees linking to Windsors, it's likely that Windsors were from Wends/VANDALs in Lusatia, explaining the WINDEL-like variations. <>P> The Checkers can then trace to the checks filling the Shields of Winters and Winders. German Winders/Wunders use only a bend, in the colors of the Pollock bend, and English Winders use checks in Pollock-saltire colors. Winters use POLar bears (there is a Polar(d) surname), and checks in the colors of the Spanish Baez's/Pelaiz's checks that come with half the Pollock saltire. These checks are in the colors of the lozengy filling the Shield of the Renfrew Lombards.

The history would go something like this. Insubres of Mediolanum (proto-Milan) were Colchians from mythical Medea, either the same as, or got together with, Phasis Colchians. They had been at Incerum (left of map), beside the Breuci that named Brescia, and to the south of the Boii. Incerum may have been named after Ancore/Angora at the Gus theater, possibly explaining the Innus/Angus family. The Incerum part of this merger were named, "InsuBRES,"partly after Brescia, which itself had been from Prusa, beside Gus. The Insubres' then settled Bologna to become, or evolve, into Speers, Supers, Spree's etc., but when the Boii of Bologna went to Czechoslovakia, I assume the Insubres branches went along to name the Spree river. The Lusatians were beside Prusa-like Prussia, and so I imagine that the Hebrews of Prusa named Prussia. Plus, as Lusatia is in Poland, the Polish Sobie/Sobieski surname was a part of the Insubres migration there, and it just so happens that Sobie's use a purple buckle while English Pace's use a purple roundel.

The Phasis Colchians also went to Paisley, and Speers followed. While Phasis was "Poti," Potters are in Super/Soper colors. The Bat Colchians settled in Hampshire with the Potters and Botters/Budins as Bidens/Buttons, and the latter are said to have been ministers in Bath and Wells (Weller liners?) of Somerset, where Baths/Atha's and Battins were first found. Potters share the sea horse with Tokers, from Teucer, father of Batia. Even the Checkers (from Gugar/Gogarene, my good guess for a Swabian reason) were first found in Hampshire, home of Atrebates suspect from the namers of Otrea > Atreus. UTHER Pendragon was suspect from Atrebates, the known namers of Atrecht in Artois, and so the Otters are likely of this bunch. Artois was traced to Arda, beside ODRysians.

Well, after doing that exercise, I can't see how it can tell me whether the 7th head was Domitian or Vespasian. Does it matter? Not much. But I can add to the evidence that Domitian traces to Patmos, which I think is important, and it involves the Chimney surname, perhaps. Here's a quote from the last update:

While living in Chicago, Obama attended the church of a pastor Wright, and so see the Wright line in Obama's ancestry (expected from Wheelwrights) going right up to a wife of Thomas CREEKmore McCurry. That's "Creek," as in "Crichton," right???

...The red Curry rooster is linkable to the same of Curry-colored Cocks. Crickets (in the colors of Jiminy's shirt and jacket), who came to mind with Jiminy Cricket while evoking the Chimney surname, were first found in Oxford and use the rare lion design once showing for the Oxford surname. This is the lion design in the Titus Coat.

The Currys/Corrys trace to Chora of Patmos, I feel sure, for some weeks ago I discussed a trace to the namers of Chora to the naming of Curetes, who I think became the Cruithen > Creightons/Crichtons now suspect with Valerius Gratus (i.e. he's tracing to Curetes). As Curetes were part of the Zeus cult while I traced his mother to Rhagae/Ray of Iran, in the Gileki theater, the Curetes were suspect with Kurds of that area. Not far north of the Gileki theater is the Kura river (definitely in the land of Cocks if they were Caucasians) that could apply to Chora liners, and that could reveal that Cronus, Rhea's husband, was the Kura river. I don't recall realizing that before, and in fact I've always have trouble identifying "Cronus" in the Rhagae theater...until now. The Kura starts in or near Georgia, home to KARTveli.

Wikipedia suggests that the Kura elements named Cyrus the king of Medes. Darius was another name of a Mede king that could explain DARdanus, or PanDAREUS of Ephesus. Pandareus was made a son of bee-line Merops so that the essenes bee cult of Ephesus is suspect with Pandareus, and then Essenes at Carmel (I trace them to the naming of Caria) had been identified with proto-Zeus at neighboring Haifa. Kura liners could then be expected at CARmel, home of a huge Baal cult. The latter term to Greeks (or Latins / Franks) would mean Car-honey. I even traced the bee / honey theme to Moloch, which was Cronus and Zeus, and, in fact, myth writers gave the Cretan Zeus a honey goddess, Amalthea, suspect in my view from mele-like Amalekites that could have named Moloch. The new theory: the Cronus cult named Carmel.

The Cocks are in Chaucers colors, and as Chaucers and related Chalkers were first found in Kent, traceable to Ixion's Centaurs, let's mention that I've viewed Ixion as an element of the Aras river...which flows into the Kura. That traces the Kura hard to Coronis, Ixion's sister! A Mr. Chaucer married the sister of Catherine Roet, and Roets are expected from the Rus > Rhodes line from Ares of the Aras. Moreover, Wheelwrights use Catherine wheels.

So, Curete-suspect Crickets use the Titus lion design while Crickets are suspect with Creek liners that married Currys, which might indicate that emperor Titus was from Patmos. Now why would Vespasian or Domitian send John to Patmos, their own heritage? Or is it wring to take John's words in Revelation 1 as meaning he was exiled there? Did he go there at God's direction? But even if he was exiled there, it could have been as Direction. Does it matter where the revelation was written? Not much, except that it could help someone in the future realize where the Revelation dragon originated.

Crickets and Julian-liner Gullys were both first found in Oxfordshire. I saw with my own eyes that the Irish Brians showed the Oxford lion design (why would anyone change merely the lion design...after I spoke on it?), and Brians trace to Briancon, smack beside Guillestre. The Titus lion is in the gold-on-red colors of the Brian lions. The Sempers were traced to Titus' great-grandfather (Mr. Flavius Petro) a few updates ago, especially as Sempere's use lions in colors reversed from the Titus lion. "Semper" is a motto term of the Chimney-suspect Line's. Line's were first found in the same place (Ayrshire) as Carricks.

Chimneys were Cimmerians on Rhodes, and it's known that Telchines of Rhodes had mingled with Curetes of Crete in forming the Trojans. That could trace Chimneys to Batia, mother of the Trojans.

The Creeks (from PETERborough) share a black-on-white bar with Carrick-related Craigs. It's revealing that Crickets ought to link to Carricks and Line's, important because Line's were Chimney liners while someone linked Crickets to "Jiminy." I'm not thinking that Creeks and Crickets were Curetes, but that they merged with Curetes, as seems evident in the Crick-versus-Critch variation. Crichtons use multiple Crete-like terms, and even "Crey" so as to link possible to GRATe's/Crae's/Rae's and Valerius GRATus.

While the Crichton lion is the Valer(io) lion, the Valerys are the ones using a "horizontal line" as part code for Lindos Rhodians. JJ Tolkien's Valar spirits should be placed beside the fact that "Tolkien" (Kent) looks like "Telchine." If Tolkien knew that Telchines were a part of the Lindos and Kamiros Cimmerians, then he may have made the Valar spirits supreme because the Valerius bloodline had linked to his own Rhodian line.

The "grace" motto term of Crichtons led to Grate-like surnames such as "Grass." The Grace/Grase Coat used a lion split in half in white and gold, the colors of the particular split Brian lions (Brians are showing two sets of lions) that were once in the design of the Creek lion. Now we know that Creeks were Crichton and Grase liners from a Le Gras location in Normandy. But French Grace's were from Grasse in Provence, though the write-up ignores this. Provence is beside the river upon which Briancon is located. The Titus lion can link to the Brian lions, but why? Titus Tatius was a Sabine cult related to the Quirites cult of Sabines. It seems that Curetes liners were at Briancon, and why not, for the neighboring Rhone was once RHODanus. The Sequani on or beside the Rhodanus can trace to "Sicyon," original home of Telchines. Susa, the Cottian capital over the Alpine peaks from Briancon, can trace to versions from "SISYphus," symbol of Sicyon.

French Majors were first found in Provence while English Majors were from gyronny-like Guernsey. Here's a clip from a Valar page:

The Valar were powers of the world created by Iluvatar, or Eru, who rarely directly intervened in the world's course of events. They were part of the Hierarchy of Spirits that is a major part of the Tolkien Myth. Eru (the One), also called Iluvatar by the Elves, was the Creator. The angel-like spirits he created were the Ainur, which comprised the Valar and the Maiar. The Valar were the greatest of the Ainur, but the Maiar were also spirits whose being began before the world, of the same order as the Valar but of less degree.

If Guernsey was part of the gyronny code, then Titus' gyronny can trace to Majors and Maiers. I've just realized that Majors, two of them, anyway, are Mopsus liners. English Majors, who may be using the Caesar roses in Chief, are said to be from a Mauger character, like the Moucer/Mucher variation of French Mochs. As the latter are also "Mouchet," they must be a branch of Mousquette's that share the very same red lion heads as French Majors!!! Very new and unexpected. Plus, Mousquette's share double-red fesse bars with Mopps/Modburleys. Clinched.

The English Major write-up traces to German Malgers, wherefore compare with Tolkien's Melkor"!!!

The Valar were the fourteen (fifteen including Melkor) Ainur who entered Arda after its creation to give order to the world and combat the evils of Melkor.

Now we know that the Maiar spirits were Majors/Maugers. It predicts that Valerius Gratus' descendants had merged with Mopsus elements of the Major line. It's notable that while the Shield-and-Chief color combination of English majors is shared by Annas', the white Major anchor (in place of the white Annas stars) can trace to Ancore/Angora, terms of the like to which I trace Annas of Israel. The GRAYhound in the Major Crest is for anchor-using Grays, and the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Majors is colors reversed from the Anchor/Annacker combo. The Anchor Chief has red-on-gold lozenges in place of the red-on-gold roses in the major Chief. meaning that the latter's roses could be the red-on-white Caesar-Chief roses except that the Majors put them on a gold Chief to honor their Anchor kin. Majors and Anchors both use a red Crest.

This is no small find, for Mopps/Modburleys and Mousquette's use the double bars of Ness/Nice's while Ancore is smack of Nicaea. One thing clinched proves and clinches another. It's compounding. Won't you join me in revealing the realities behind heraldry? The Letts were discovered from "annulets" and revealed as a branch of Annas', and then Guernseys use "annulets." As the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Letts is reversed from that of Annas', the Lett saltire becomes the Annandale saltire in the colors used by Bruce's...who trace to Prusa, beside Ancore. That makes the Lett stars suspect with the Capone stars. The Letts should trace to Leto at Clarus, which is where I traced them well before knowing of Mopsus at Clarus.

Chora Liners Founded the Scotts

Letts use "organ pipes" in Crest, and then variations of Organs look like Currys with a "gan" ending. Corrigans (trefoil) come to mind who happen to share a lizard with Organs. Focus on the white trefoil of the Letts and compare with the size and positioning of the white rose of trefoil-using Currys, for the Corry saltire is colors reversed from the Annandale-proper saltire. It again traces Mopsus-of-MOSul to PatMOS. Meanwhile, the Curry saltire is in the colors of the similar Bath cross.

Aha! The small sword in the Corrigan Crest is visible enough to make out that it's the Moch/Moucer/Mouchet sword!!! DESIGN MATTERS. It's a rare sword design, and the masters knew that it belonged in the Corrigan Crest...they are Chora liners, as are Mopsus/Muksus liners. We can now know that the Irish Hare's/Garrys, with trefoils and a lizard, are Corrigan liners to Patmos! I don't know whether I can remember all this. In fact, I can't.

Now is the time to repeat that Trips, with a Treff variation represented by the TREFoil, use a SCALing ladder as code for Skala on Patmos! The ladder may be a further code for the Lett liners there.

The green Garry/Hare lion is used in both its colors by Herod-related Lyons and Lannoys, meaning that the Hare variations of the Garrys could have been injected in honor of the Herod lines that merged with Chora liners. The fox in the Garry Crest is suspect with Herods out of Foix, for while Herod Archelaus was banished to Vienne, beside Lyon, his brother was banished to Comminges, beside Foix. Both Herods were grandsons of Kypros of Petra, which may reveal a relationship between Petra and Patmos. As couped features in heraldry had become suspect with Kypros, here's the Cricket description: "A green shield with a gold cross couped and pierced and on a silver chief three red crescents." The Cricket Coat is colors reversed from the Corrigan Coat, and in the colors of the Herod/Hurl Coat.

Compare CORRIGan to "CRICK / CREEK" and the CORK variation of Irish Core's. Muskerry at Cork in Ireland is where I traced the namers of Mus at Lake Van, and so there we have evidence that Mus elements named Patmos, and that Mus was named by the namers of nearby Mosul. The Corks/Core;s use SIX "lion tails" and the Crest is "A hand emerging from a cloud pointing to a star." The cloud is expected for Ixion liners in Patmos, but the hand pointing to a star evokes the coin of Vespasian with his God-son having hands outstretched at the circle of six stars. I identified Ixion with 666-suspect HYKSos, the term that I think created "HEX" = six.

As Trips are tracing to Patmos, the Traby HORNs might just be code for Chora liners such as Horns/Herons/Orne's, smacking of "CORONis." The Cornovii founders of Cornwall may apply. The Cornellii Romans too. The CORNucopia of Orrs may reveal that Aurelia's / Orrels were Chora liners. I didn't realize while writing above that Corks/Core's were first found in Cornwall.

I've only just loaded the Patmos article at Wikipedia, to find Camp-like location traceable to the Capone-related Camps (Campbell colors) using a version of the Corrie Coat, and this can trace to the Campbell gyronny now suspect with the Titus gyronny. The MacArthur kin of Campbells (same place as Herods/Hurls) can be a branch of the Muskerry MacCarthys/MacArtys. Plus, there is a Creek- / Crick-like location on Patmos to which Jiminy Cricket, wearing a shirt-and-jacket combination in the colors of the Corrigans, may trace:

Patmos' main communities are Chora (the capital city), and Skala, the only commercial port. Other settlements are Grikou and Kampos.

...Forbes in a 2009 research has named Patmos as Europe's Most Idyllic Place to live, due to [blah blah, due in reality to nothing but the sacredness of Patmos to Masonic heritage.]

f It adds, "The current mayor of Patmos is Grigoris Kamposos." It begs the question of whether Gregor(y)s are from Patmos. Scottish Gregors/Grigors (version of the Alpin Coat) just happen to use the MacArthur crown. It says that Kenneth the HARDY was a son of Kenneth MacAlpine, and that's got to be the Herod bloodline, first found in the same place (Argyllshire) as Gregors. Note that the Gregor write-up traced to Dal RIATA, as does the Arthur write-up, for that must be a very good clue for the Rieti ancestry of Titus and Domitian! Bingo. Now we know.

The Gregors are traced to a "GrioGAIR," son of Alpin, but if he's mythical, as are many kings of the Alpin line, then it looks like code for the Garrys/Hare's. for one, and that may be where the Drakenberg Vere's come in who trace themselves to Alpin's transition to royal Scots. I had traced Guerin of Provence to MacAlpin, and so, there you have the Guerin code in GrioGAIR, apparently. It's from Patmos, now I know. The dragon of Chora.

Italian Gregorys, unexpected under other circumstances, even use several Gor terms. I smell dragon breath. The Italian Gregors even use roses in Curry-rose and Organ-rose colors!! Wikipedia's article on Clan Gregor tells that they lived at Glen ORCHY, like "Cork / Organ."

It looks like it was wrong to trace Majors/Maugers to "Magyar." The Majors appear to be a take from "Maucher/Mucher." If Tolkien's "Melkor" is from a Malger variation of Majors, then I suppose I was wrong also to identify him as code for "Meleager," a mythical king of Calydon. Tolkien had fictional Orks/Orcs that he linked to Melkor, and I thought they traced well to Orchomenos of Boiotia...because Meleager was on the Argo ship filled with Boiotians from Orchomenos. I therefore supposed that Meleager Calydonians named the Pictish Caledonians while Tolkien's Orcs were code for Orchomenians at Orkney. However, there may be saving grace for me where "organ" was traced years ago to "ORKNey." Orkney may be a Patmos line, in other words. I wrote the above before going to the Glen Orchy article to find this: Glen Orchy...runs south-west from Bridge of Orchy (grid reference NN298392) to Dalmally (grid reference NN194277) following the River Orchy through the Caledonian Forest."

BIG AHA!!! As soon as I read that Patmos was made a special place by a Forbes group, it became suspect that Forbes' trace to Patmos, and here in the Gregor article: "There is a tradition that Gregor was the son of Kenneth MacAlpin, which is supported by the Scottish historian, William Forbes Skene, but there is no evidence to support this tradition. It is possible that he might have been Griogair, son of Dungal, who was allegedly co-ruler of Alba." Skene's (same place as Forbes) use another cloud, and swords that can match the Alpin sword.

The Forbes ("Grace" motto term) use the so-called "MUZZled bear" of Alis' (and Mackays), a code that can trace to PatMOS. Alis share the fir-tree-with-sword with Alpins so as to reveal that Forbes were Gregory liners. There we have it, a clinched trace of several surnames to Patmos. The Alpin Crest shares the thistle with Organs. Legend has it, we read, that Forbes, at Pitscottie, were founded by OnonOCHAR.

The Fernboy variation, from an early time, is perhaps the most accurate way to view Forbes', for the three Forbes bear heads are in the colors of the three Boy bees. This could indicate Orchomenos Boiotians. If "OnoNOCHar" was mere code partly for the Oak-related Nochs, note the crossed oak branches in the Boy Crest. "Fern" can then link to one of the many Warren / Guerin variations. Boys were first found in bear-depicted Berwickshire. Ferns (Skene and Vere) colors) were first found in Ross-shire, not far from the Forbes'. The FEARne variation may go to the "fear" motto term of Organ-related Hare's/Garrys. Fears, using the Irish Fair Coat, are in Fern and Fair-anchor colors.

While Boys/Bie's use bees, they don't show a Bee variation. Bee's are listed with another Bie surname sharing the green Crichton Crest dragon. It looks like Bee's/Bie's, first found in Oxfordshire, are using the Sale bend on the Vere Shield. This Bee Coat reveals a distinct trace of Vere's to the Salto river of Abruzzo and Lazio. The Salto happens to be near AVEZZANO, and that, I am now sure, was the root of "BESSIN," smack beside the Vere's of Normandy. The Bessins not only use bees, but the same black-on-white bend as the Sale's/Sallete's! We now have good reason to trace other entities in Normandy to Abruzzo, and the Abreu's/Abruzzo's were traced without doubt to Evreux's Hebrews. Drake's trace to Abruzzo too, but we can be sure that Vere's and Ferrari's were one.

I have no choice but to view Avezzano as a Bistones settlement ( see also the bee-using Biston surname). The Bassianus and Basina lines may thus have come out of Avezzano. There is an Avezzano surname (red rose on a stem), first found in Sardinia, and that may trace Salyes Ligures to the Seleucid namers of Sulcis. Am I to assume Seleucid liners of the Balus-MaccaBEE kind in the Avezzano theater??? Sale's/Sallete's are in Alexander colors. The Salto, remember, flows to Rieti, home of Domitian. I've got more to say on this but will do so in it's own section later.

Ross-shire was ruled at one time by fleece-using Dingwall, a term like Dungal, father of Griogair. Note that while Dooms/Dunns and Dunhams/Domens are suspect from Domitian lines, DUNgal can apply. As Dungals are listed with MacDonalds, note that they were "DOMhnull," a term I trace to Irish DOMnanns. Can that trace "Domitian" to LaceDAEMONians? Remember, both Domitian and Gregorys are tracing to Patmos.

In myth, Lacedaemonians were married to Sparta, and the latter was from the Sparti (teeth symbol) that were produced between a marriage of superior Boiotians under Cadmus Tyrians, and the inferior Ares dragon that went on to protect the golden fleece. What's there not to understand here? Dingle's show a gold fleece! As I said, the MacDonald ship was code for the Argo ship! Trace the "terras" motto term of MacDonalds to KinTYRE, right?

Meleager was made the husband of Atalantis, code for Atlantic-ocean peoples such as the Irish-Scots. And Tolkien gave the Atlantic ocean a name like "Meleager" (I can't recall the spelling).

Dungals/MacDonalds were first found at Galloway, where the Mochrum Gospatricks went to live that trace to Patmos. As CadMUS was a Mus liner, Mopsus is now traceable from Cadmus through Patmos to the MacDonalds. How about that. As MacDonalds share the Ferte eagle, one can trace some facet of MacDonalds to the Macestus river.

As "Dingle" is listed with the Ross-shire Dingals, the red-and-white lozenges of German Dingle's have me telling what I decided not to say, that "GrioGAIR may be part code for GRImaldi's. The last update found good evidence that Grimaldi's were to be understood as GREY-Mallets. It was semi-concluded: "We now have reason to trace "Gratus" to the Crete- and Crath-like variations of Grimaldi-suspect Cree's, similar to the Washington Coat. But note how the Grate (and Washington) Chief substitute's the three Caesar / Valour roses for three stars in the same colors." I neglected to read the Mallet write-ups, one of which traces to Mallets ("force" motto term) at a Graville castle (these are the Mallets that traced to the Macestus theater without doubt). "Graville" looked Gri-like, and so the Gravil Coats were just loaded now, one of which has a GREYhound. Good job, John. And it's the black greyhound of Schutz's while the Gravil Coat has a cross in the colors of the Schutz saltire.

French Gravils use the Valour/Valois Coat exactly, and the latter too has a black greyhound in Crest! Just compare that to the semi-conclusion. The Schutz's are suspect with the "vireSCIT" motto term of Brocks that traced to Prusa. The Apollonian location beside Prusa can go to the Spartan Apollo, Pollux.

As Valours are traced to Valerius Gratus (preceded Pontius Pilate), by what coincidence do the Gravils put pellets on their cross? Pellets share the Pilotte/Pillette grails. Valerys/Valeria's were suspect with the Erens at the Rhyndacus, between Prusa and the Macestus, and so see that French Grave's use bars in the colors of the Eren bars. As Eren-suspect liners such as Rinds and Rands traced to Randolphs, see now the Scottish Randolph cross in the Dutch Grave(l) Coat.

Next question: what would Grimaldi liners have to do with Gregors? Well, as the reality at the start of the Scot kings in Alba comes from lake Scodra of the Albanians, where Schutz' trace, and where Gravels may now trace, and as that reality involved Guerin of Provence, we note that Grimaldi's at Monaco were near Provence. Monaco is smack beside Nice, traceable to Nicaea, and between Monaco and Provence is Grasse, where "Gratus" may trace. Monaco's are in Grass colors, and in the colors of the lamb in the Arms of Grasse. Monaco's use a fesse in the colors of the same of Nons/Nevins (Ayrshire, MacDonald theater), and that's said only because the Nons were suspect in ONONochar, an ancestral term for Gregors. Nons use a "speranDUM" motto term.

The Gregor article says that the clan was allied to Grants and Tailyour = Tailor. It just so happens that Corks/Core's use lion tails in the colors of the Tailor/Taylor lions. Plus, Tailors (Somerset, founded by Dumnonii, traceable to MacDonalds/Dungals) use the Creek pale, suggesting that Gregors and Creeks/Cricks together trace to the namers of Grikou of Patmos. The GriogHAIR variation may reveal Gregors as a fundamental Creek-Hare concept where the Hare's are listed with the Garrys that traced without doubt to Patmos.

The Tailyour article says that "Tailor" was rendered "cissor" (scissors) by Latins so that Tailors developed a Cissor surname (play on "Caesar"?), but that doesn't mean that Tailers derived initially in "to cut". I will maintain a trace of Tailers from Lincolnshire's Taillebois' to the Taulantii of Albania. As Taulantii were suspect with Telchines of Rhodes, because, for one, Lincolnshire was founded / inhabited by Rhodians, note that "The surname Taylor is also considered a sept of the Clan Cameron of the Scottish Highlands who are descendants of Taillear Dubh na Tuaighe (b.1550), see: Taylor sept." Camerons (MacDonald colors) smack of Kamiros on Rhodes.

Although Camerons were first found in Angus, their "cheile" motto term gets the Cheile's/Chelys -- bend colors as COSsens -- that are said to be from GOSburton of Lincolnshire. Now Cossens were looked up only as per the Cossentine variation of Constantine's, and it just so happens that Constance's share the MacDonald eagle! The Scottish Cossins were first found in the same place as Camerons. It looks like Kos elements were joined to neighboring Rhodes elements. Nut the Gosburtons could be Gus liners too. Didn't Elizabeth Taylor married a Burton surname? Cossens are said to have been involved in a childhood home of Elizabeth II.

Surprise, Burtons use talbot dogs. Burtons are even traced to Drago de Bewere, though the spelling is a little different. Drago de Bewere is in the Blade write-up, and Blade's use a talbot too. Both surnames were first found in Yorkshire, where Creeks/Cricks and Gregs were first found. In the Burton write-up, he's Drago de Beuvriere, suspect with the beaver symbol in the Arms of Oxford. Beavers (share red lions in Chief with the Oxford-surname Chief) use a fesse in colors reversed from the Burton fesse. That could make the Oxford bars in the colors of the Burtons in particular.

As Beavers use a fesse in Hazel- and Dussel-fesse colors, I'm going to guess that Beavers are Hazels / Has liners (can therefore link to Gus) that trace to Here- / Hare-liners (Hertzogs included) of Bavaria of a blue-wing kind, and to the blue wings of Bauers, and to Heslington elements of Yorkshire and the Were river (near York). Bewere's (blue Shield) are listed with Bewers/Bawers (Rhineland); they use what look like triDENTs (but called "pitch forks"), perhaps code for Dents, Yorkshire. Drago is said to have been a Dane, and that Dent picture may trace him to king "Bluetooth," or his real name, BLATand, probably honored in the Blade surname. That's the first time that I've clinched the Blade surname with anyone. Blatand had always been suspect, but this tends to clinch it. Pitch's/Petch's could be Patchie kin, of the Patchie variation of Kilpatricks.

Aha! The Blades are said to have become "BURSEblades," and the Gus area is in Bursa! I assume that modern Bursa was named after ancient Prusa. Again, the Burse Coat shares gold-and-black bars with Garins. Guerra's use bendy, a symbol, for example, of the Kos/KOSINski surname. White-on-GREEN bendy (Guerra's use a green dragon, as do Crichtons) is used by Italian Gregors (GrioGAIR, remember), and those are the colors of the Pilate-suspect Blade's.

To my surprise and to the disbelief of readers, I claimed that Scottish royals were from Guido's/Guis' in some way involving Guido Guerra III. It was only after that when Guerin/Garin of Provence explained that mystery. It suggests that Gus elements had much to do with the founding of Scottish royals.

Ahaha! German Cossens/Gosens (Hesse) use gold trefoils on red, the colors of the Curry trefoils! Another trace to Patmos; or, at least, a Cossen trace to Patmos elements.

Now, as Creeks and Taylors must be using a version of the Craig bar, and as Carricks are said to be from Craigs, and as Craigs traced without doubt to "ACRAGus," an alternative name of Agrigento, it tells us that Drago de Bewere belonged to the namers of the Drago river of Agrigento, and that Gregors were from Carrick liners, suspect at emperor Caracalla about one century after Domitian. Caracalla's mother, Julia DOMna (Dumnonii liner)? I didn't know until today that the Roman senate ordered that all memory of Domitian was to be removed from the empire. He must have been disgusting, as was the son of Julia's sister, the emperor (Heliogabalus) that tried to make El-Gabal the new Roman god. I can imagine that Domitian's family laid low, and that any of his sons had vengeance on the brain in generations to come.

Gregs are in Carrick colors, may, per change, be using the Levi chevrons. Caracalla was stationed in York when his father died, making him the next emperor. Gregs (more trefoils that had traced to Chora) and Creeks were first found in Yorkshire, suggesting that they don't trace to Curetes in a fundamental way. I reject the historical explanation for Caracalla's naming. He was an Aurelia liner. The theory now is that Caracalla, a Domitian liner, named himself after some Grikou elements on Patmos. Titus liners were expected to bump into Oxfords because the two surnames share the same lion design, and here we just saw good evidence for proving that the Bewere's were represented by the Oxford beaver. It looks like I've been so good that santa will need to give me the whole north pole when he shimmies down my jiminy pipe.

I kid you not that, after I wrote that, I recalled that there is a cricket sound in my house. It's not a cricket, but I was reflecting on how it sounds like a cricket. It's something living in my firewood. It's been making a loud noise every couple of days or so for about a week. I've heard this in other years; it's likely a grub. Anyway, the Crickets were first found in Oxfordshire! The Crickets are the ones using the previously-shown Oxford lion in the same red color!!! I'm going to ask for everything around the Arctic circle too.

The Cricket cross is "pierced," and Pierce's/PURSE's (Prusa elements?) were first found in Somerset, founded by DUMnonii. How do we explain these coincidences? It looks like Domitian traces to the Drakenberg Vere's. It looks like God is about to give them their dream of ruling the world...for three or four lousy years. Don't do it, you've been warned. If I was correct to trace Pharisees to Percivals (share the muzzled bear with Patmos-based Forbes') and related Pierce's/Purse's to Pharisees, perhaps Pharisees were named after Prusa elements to mythical Paris. The statue of Domitian at his Wikipedia article has what looks like a Gorgon head carved on his breast, for I think I'm seeing snakes for hair on that head. The statue is in a Paris museum. I've seen Parion coins with Gorgon heads (the Greek letters, PARI are on the reverse with a bull). See this Parisii (of France) coin with similar hair.

On Domitian: Significant wars were fought in Britain, where his general Agricola attempted to conquer Caledonia (Scotland)... Caracalla's father was stationed at York while fighting the Caledonians. Was Caracalla's father a Domitian liner? Wikipedia would have us believe that moderns view Domitian as a positive force for Rome even though Roman leaders murdered his reputation.

I suggest that the namers of Acragas were at Patmos, and that they got to Caracalla before he gave himself that "nickname," as they call it. The Drago was also the HYPSas river, and Hips happen to use the Burd/Bird martlets while we just saw Burtons, Yorkshire too, involved with the Gregor discussion. Burtons entered it as per Gosburtons, kin of Camerons and Cheile's. Now, I had tentatively traced "Hypsas" to the Apsus river before knowing of / focusing on the Taulantii, who are stamped across the Apsus river at the lower-left of the map below (the river runs between the 'T' and 'A' of "TAULANTI"). See KODRium on the Apsus, suspect with the Keturah > Kodors line.

I had suggested, from the start of knowing Caracalla, that he traced to the Saraca fish. I did not know of the Kodrium location at the time. I did not know that Caracalla could trace to the Apsus until now. Wikipedia's article on the Saraka's has them originating at Kotor (not shown), further up the Adriatic coast at Butua (shown). How about that? It's only the 23rd, I have nearly two days to be good enough to ask for all of Canada.

The GosBURtons could be Eburovices, for they, as Ebroicum, named York as Eboracum. This can trace Gosburtons to Prusa and neighboring Gus, for it just so happens that I know of only two surnames using a sphinx, the Prusa's/Brocoffs, and the Hips'. I kid you not, that after writing the above, the Prusa's were re-loaded to find a "lux" motto term, so I went scrolling back to find the other surname that used the same term, to find it in the Burtons!!! Recall the black greyhounds tracing to the Prusa theater, for Lucks use black greyhounds, along with mascles, important because mascle-using Spinks, suspect in the sphinx, were first found in the same place (Northampton) as mascle-using and Caepio-suspect Quince's.

I almost didn't re-load Percivals, but doing so, I saw their indented Chief, same as Prusa's/Brocoffs. They are likely for Dents of Yorkshire because of the Percevill location (Calvados) of Percivals while Percys were first found in Yorkshire. Prusa liners are expected at the Bruce's of Yorkshire too. Hebraic Mysians in York, that's the story here. Prusa was the Grail-King line. But why?

Isn't it true that the Sevan swan line was at or near Prusa? Lucks come up as "Lick," traceable to lake Lychnis, the alternative name of lake Sevan. The Gorgon nature of the Parisii and the mythical Paris liners at Parion can suggest that Prusa was a Colchian entity, and Sevan is of the Colchian/Georgian theater.

If you haven't read it from me yet, Lohengrin, the Swan Knight, was made a son of Percival in Arthurian myth. "Lohen" is code for Logens/Lochs and Locks/Licks, both using swans. The swan design in the Crest of Locks/Licks was showing for French Josephs, suspect with Caiaphas, and then to the south of the Cavii in Albania, lake Lychnidus seems to apply well. To the near south-east of Lychnidus was a LYNCestis region, and then German Lux's say that the surname is from "Luchs" = LYNX, though that is untrue. Pennys use a lynx in Crest, and they trace to the Penestae region between the Cavii and Lyncestes, with Lychnidus between them; that should reveal the Lux truth. See map:

So, the Burtons and the Prusa's should trace to this Lux / Luck/Lick picture, and that tends to clinch the Percival Grail King with Prusa. The Birds/Burds to which Burtons must link are using the cross of swan liner Bouillons. Aha! Before loading the Prusa Coat, I had loaded the Bordeaux surname to see how it might apply, and was asking whose little crosses were on the Coat. The colors reminded of the Currys, but I wasn't going to tell you for lack of evidence. In any case, the same-type crosses are in the Prusa Chief, and it's a match because Burtons are expected to be Bordeaux liners. The Tailers were first found in the same place as Roets and Borders, and Catherine Roet's husband (Gaunt surname) was at the Bordeaux theater. Then, Gaunt-related Ghents are in the colors of the Creeks.

I've just recalled my "fiscal cliff" discussion (what seemed like globalist code for their fiscal-cliff scam) of years ago, for Cliffs and Fisks use similar Coats. The Fisks use a pale bar with symbols upon it in the colors of the same of Creeks (also come up as "Crack"), begging whether Fisks are Saraca-fish liners. The Fisk Crest is a "pyramid," as if to jibe with the sphinx of one or both surnames above.

Cliffs use their bar as a fesse, in the colors of the Craig fesse, and Cliffs have yet another trefoil. I trace the Cliff surname, and it's black wolf heads, to Claptons (look like they use the Winger Coat), who had a Clapton location in Somerset. Claptons share the patee cross with Percivals.

Revelation 13 says that one of the seven heads looked like it had a fatal wound. We learn later that it's a wound from the sword. I chose to view this is a symbolic death, but perhaps it's in there to give us the opportunity to decide which is the final seventh head. No luck. Neither Titus nor Nerva were killed by the sword. Vespasian and Titus reportedly died of disease, and Nerva, according to Wikipedia, by natural causes. Domitian was murdered by his own court. But he ruled for about 15 years, no short time, and could therefore not be the seventh head. Still, he could be the head of Revelation 13 that is to be revived, for it does not say that it's the seventh head that must be revived.

The article below deals on the issue of whether there was Christian persecution by Domitian, for some say there was not. Will Durante is quoted at times, and all agree that Domitian set himself up as God, the very thing that Daniel 11 says of the 8th head:

Domitian seems to be a classic case of Jekyll and Hyde. He becomes a nut, and then a cruel nut, as though possessed by a spiritual disease. The article above has a link to an article on the dating of Revelation, all new to me:

Eusebius was a fourth century historian who preserved many early writings. He is credited with quoting Irenaeus' testimony (abt. 180 A.D.) that John wrote the book of Revelation near the end of Domitian's reign. Domitian was executed in 96 A.D. "Eusebius quoted also Hegesippus' testimony [abt. 150 A.D.] that John returned to Ephesus upon being released from exile after the accession of Nerva in A. D. 96 (HE III. xx)."...

The author goes on to claim that John wrote the Revelation after he left Patmos in 96, as per John writing the following in the past tense: "...was on the island that is called Patmos for the word of God and for the testimony of Jesus Christ" I have an interlinear that translates "was" as "came to be." But even if we use "was," it doesn't necessarily mean that he was writing Revelation off the island. If I'm in my house speaking of an event of yesterday and relating it readers, I could say, "I was in my house when I heard a squirrel in the attic yesterday." It doesn't necessarily mean that I left the house and wrote it elsewhere just because "I was" was used.

The author goes on to make a good point, that if he wrote it while on the island, "we are assuming that John had access to scarce writing materials while he was a prisoner on a secluded island." In any case, the points are well taken that early quotes of the 2nd century claimed without showing doubt that John wrote the Revelation during Domitian's reign. That would make Nerva the seventh head.

Paul was spared the lion's mouth, he wrote, suggesting that an event had threatened to have him die in the Colosseum. Vespasian, it is roundly reported, did not persecute Christians. But persecution does not need to be from the government level, at least not official government business. Conspiratorial persecution, spite, ridicule, and rejection can take place in private and in secret, out of government eyes.

Let's go back to Gravils. Let me re-fresh your memory:

As Valours are traced to Valerius Gratus (preceded Pontius Pilate), by what coincidence do the Gravils put pellets on their cross? Pellets share the Pilotte/Pillette grails. Valerys/Valeria's were suspect with the Erens at the Rhyndacus, between Prusa and the Macestus, and so see that French Grave's use bars in the colors of the Eren bars. As Eren-suspect liners such as Rinds and Rands traced to Randolphs, see now the Scottish Randolph cross in the Dutch Grave(l) Coat.

You're going to see some amazing coincidences. Keep in mind that Gravils were found by tracing Grimaldi's to Maccabee-suspect Mallets, who lived at Gravill. "Gra" and "Gri" both became suspect with Gray liners...from the mythical Graeae hags (north Africa) that were Amazons = Meshwesh of Cyrene = Mysians from Coronis on Patmos. Mallets may very well have been a line to the namers of Mali, for Amazons = Berbers lived as far west as Mali. In short, Gravils can trace to the Macestus, where Grimaldi's had traced. The Graeae hags were depicted in ancient Greek myth with one eye between them that they shared, and so you may have noted in a Wikipedia article on the Gregor discussion that there was a one-eye character. This jibes with my trace to MacAlpin to Idris of Morocco as the ancestry of Guerin of Provence. It was thought at that trace that Guerin traced to the Aures tribe of Numidians that Idris is known to have married.

I recall reading and sharing, years ago, that "Graeae" was from the same term that provided "Greek / Greco," and this gave the impression that "Grec" were from "Gorgon," for the Graeae hags were a play on the Medusa Gorgon (proto-Masseys) and her sisters. Usually, the Medusa Gorgon was located by writers in north Africa. So, it is very possible that the Gorgons were at Chora and ancient Grikou, where Gregors are tracing. It is likely that dark-skinned Coronis (crow) was the same entity as that Gorgon hag. This expects that Gregors are Grimaldi / Gravil / Gray kin.

It's feasible that Gravel liners are the same as Grabbens/Gravners who come up as Agrippa-like "Gripp." Their Craver variation traces well to Crevena, near the mouth of the White Drin (the Erenik is a White-Drin tributary). My impression from nearly a decade ago was that Greek crow ("corvos") was code for Garebites, and while readers may have thought that to be a shallow argument, I maintained it. Then, recently, while emphasizing Rephaites, it dawned on me that REPHaites were G-less GAREBites, for there was a Rephaim valley west of Jerusalem.

I may be the only person that traces mount Gareb west of walled Jerusalem while everyone else locates it north of walled Jerusalem. Through some meticulous study of the Biblical text, and some other factors that I can't recall, and even after studying the landscape north of Jerusalem with Google Earth photos over an entire winter, I located mount Gareb 1.66 miles to the west of Jerusalem's north-west corner very shortly before starting my Hebrew-dragon hunt, but it was BEFORE, that is the point. I am going to claim that God gave me that revelation for making a point here and now. I mean, why was I interested is such an obscure location as mount Gareb in those days? It dawned on me a few months ago that "raven" is an alternative for "crow" because of raven-similarity to "Repha." This is an indispensable part of my work; Garebites proved to be key in the line to the dragon cult, but they are even tracing to Patmos. By what conditioning and learning was I given the ability to locate Coronis at Chora? And for what purposes?

Years ago, I realized that "Gareb" named SERBs and KRVati, the latter being Croatians. And that's why I traced CRAVens to Garebites of Croatia. That was before finding Scottish importance in Albania, and Crevenia is in Albania, which may still be part of Croatia today. At times, a 'b' becomes an 'm', and so let's consider that "Krume" may have been a Garub-like term. On the other hand, I'm seeing Krume from Cronus.

Let me tell you a story. About two paragraphs ago, I deleted a short paragraph where I told that I heard the "cricket" noise again. I was also starting to delete the other paragraph above where I said that the noise is likely coming from a GRUB, but decided to leave it there in case God showed that is was supposed to be there. I was afraid that readers would think I'm nutty for even mentioning this noise as anything important to this discussion. And here, just a couple of paragraphs later, I was forced to use "GERUB" because "Krume" has a 'u'. A winter or two ago, I inspected the same noise and found a white grub in the wood. I have found the piece of wood where the noise is now coming from, and will look for the grub the next time it starts to make noise.

It seems that we are to link Crickets to Garebites, and Cricket liners have indeed traced to Patmos. I thought that the Og-branch Rephaites could trace to the naming of OXford (earlier "Oxanforda"), where Crickets were first found. There was an Oxanai peoples in the Varni theater, and Gripps/Grabners/Cravers use the same bend as Varns. You need to disregard the claim that Oxford was named after the ox's that crossed the ford.

I've just realized that Crickets share a cross on green Shield with CROMbys (same place as Forbes')! Then, zowie, the Shield-and-Chief color combination of the two surnames is identical!! I love it when things like this happen to help readers have confidence in the many humorous Signs that help us along. The Cromby Chief even shoes the red-on-white lion, in the same position, now showing in the Oxford Chief!!! ASTOUNDING!!! I kid you not, this find was not made until the paragraph above was fully written. And the thought that Crickets should link to Crombys occurred just as the paragraph above was being finished. This is why I think God has destroyed much of my memory (I have suffered greatly in that regard), so that He opens it when He wants to, so that I don't go too afar from what He wants said.

As soon as I finished the paragraph above, the Fords were loaded (as per "OxFORD") to find a "LuCRUM" motto term, I kid thee not! It happened just that way. Fords use flaunches at the sides of the Coat (for some reason, the Irish Ford Coat is midway down the page). The only thing missing in Jiminy Cricket coming down to my chimney flange here on December 24. I'm going to stay awake tonight all night long and wait for him.

I would suggest that "LUCrum" is double code, one for Luck/Lick liners, for English Fords (owl) share the black GRAYhound with Lucks/Licks. It's the Penes/Penny-greyhound design, from Penestae on the Drilon, upstream from Krume. The Penes/Penny lynx is in the MacArthur crown, and then Pendragons were first found in Coronis-suspect CORNwall. One long-time reader discovered recently that Pendragon was of the Tintagel location of Cornwall, where Pendragon transformed into duke Gorlois in giving birth to king Arthur. You can find the Tintagel discussion in the 1st update of November, though it's not until a few weeks afterward when the same reader (thank you, YS) wrote in discovering that the Pendragon-Gorlois affair took place there.

The white-on-green flory cross of Crombys is in the colors of the House cross so that it assured us that Cromby liners trace to Krume, beside House-related Has upon the Black Drin = the Drilon river, which has its source waters in lake LYCHnidus. As Penes/Pennys were first found in Northampton, let's repeat from above: "...Lucks[Licks] use black greyhounds, along with mascles, important because mascle-using Spinks, suspect in the [Prusa / Hips] sphinx, were first found in the same place (Northampton) as mascle-using and Caepio-suspect Quince's." Now you know that Penestae and Lychnidus elements were in Northampton. But I had traced Saer de Quincy to "Kanza," wife of Idris of Morocco, though I don't recall how hard that trace was. Spinks substitute a black talbot for the black greyhound.

[Insert -- I have just understood that Spinks are Visconti's. To help convince me, the "Fidelis" motto of Spinks is for the Fiddle/Fidelow surname of VIS-de-Loop, where I traced Visconti's. Loops use another greyhound. The FIVE mascles of Spinks is likely for "Quince / Quint" = five. The seven mascles of Quince's is likely for Caracalla's father, a SEPTimius liner...whom I traced to "SEPTimania," location of Rennes-le-Chateau. This insert is written after the Rennes-le-Chateau discussion below. The Boeffs are part of that discussion, and they use a split Shield in the colors of the same of Loops.

The big question is, can the Caracalla-suspect Quince's trace to Prusa? Yes, by the Spink trace to the Prusa sphinx. That would support my prior claim that Caracalla's father was a keeper of at least some of the Quintus-Caepio treasure...obtained from the Rennes-le-Chateau theater. I had in mind to consider whether that treasure was, in the first place, from Illyrian pirates of the Cavii theater.

The Spink mascles are in Ottone colors, and Ottone's, from Ottone Visconti in my opinion, are Chappes liners, same as Quint liners. Ottone's were first found in Perusia, now traceable to "Prusa." The Spink eagles are in the colors of the Prusa sphinx. The Spink mascles are in the colors of the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Prusa's...the colors also of the split Shields of Boeffs and Loops, important because the question was asked below whether Boeffs are proto-Boii liners in the Prusa theater. Loops are said to be from a German Sieg river traceable to Seagars, I suppose, and therefore to the Sakarya river, location of the Prusa theater. The Siegers/Seagers/Sagars happen to use a spread eagle in the colors of the same of Spinks, what a sakincidence. The Siegen/Seager cross could be the Deacon and Decan cross if the latter had been "Siegen"-like. This recalls that counts of Nassau were at Siegen and Sauerland, meaning also that Nassau's/Naso's can trace to Nicaea.

AND ZOWIE, totally unexpected, the Siegs/Siegenhofens use nearly the fesse of Beefs/Boeufs (neither surname uses other symbols) that are a central part of the Rennes discussion. The Italian Naso's/Naseau's use the Beef/Boeuf fesse in colors reversed, and as that becomes suspect below with the Monaco fesse, the latter's is in the colors of the Naso/Naseau fesse. The "hanks of cotton" in the Naso/Naseau Coat can trace to Cottians that are now known to be from Gus, smack beside Nicaea. Note the COTARd variation of Cottons/Cotta's because Keturah is tracing to the Nicaea theater.

Look at how the Shield-and-Chief color combination of the Hanks/Anke's can be construed as a version of the Prusa Shield, for "ANK" smacks of ANKara, off the map above to the right. Ancore was also ANGora, and it's shown as the alternative name of Nicaea!

Who uses bendy in Hank-bendy colors. The Guerra's, from Guido Guerra, and then Guis'/Guido's traced to Gus.

A-ha-ha, the Hankers/Hanacre's (Oxfordshire) are using a version of the Anchor/Annacker Coat. Mexico, look out. I'm starting to see penguins already. What next? The Drakenberg Vere's, who didn't tell the online world that they were from the Drago at Agrigento, said they were from ancient Anunnaki of the Sumerian Anu. How did they know that? The Hankers/Hanacre's and Anchors/Annackers. I just know that this is the Aeneas line from the Anaki of Hebron, therefore, as I trace Keturah of Hebron (she lived at the same time as Anak, an Amorite) to Cutters, note that the Hebrew-suspect Prusa's use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Cutters. Isn't Ankara the Turkish capital today?

I have been side-tracked greatly from the Gravil discussion, but I will get back to it, hopefully richer for speaking on it. Here's from the 3rd of October, which you can use for the Rennes topic that starts afterward:

Aha! After writing all the above, it was time to go to the Siegerland article, where I learned on the town of Sieger, built by the counts of Nassau in the 13th century, especially by a Henry "the Rich." Is that code for Richeza lines? Probably. The point is, the Arms of Siegen, (in Sawyer / Seager colors) use a woman with a book, and Roets use a book!!! Plus, the white-on-blue lion, the main feature of the Arms, is not only colors reversed from the Caepio-line lion, but in the colors of the lion used by Roet-related Rita's! The lion can also be deemed the Dowel / DOUGAL lion and/or in Dol/DOHL colors because the latter look related to John of Gaunt.

I've got several break-through points on that paragraph. The Monaco's, a Boofima suspect now for the first time, are mentioned below with Roet-liner Beefs and Boeffs. Monaco's use the same white-on-blue lion mentioned in the paragraph above, as well as a lion matching the Nassau lion. Nassau's are also "Naso" and so can link to the Pinocchio theme, even as Rita's use "pieces of wood" as part of that theme, for Roets and Woods use the Panico oak. The Roets and Rita's have traced to Rieti, and therefore to Domitian. The inclusion of Dougals above gives more reason for tracing two features in the Monaco Coat to the Douglas'. The Siegen liners surely link to Segni's/Segurana's, first found in Genoa (Liguria), where Grimaldi's had some of their main titles. Therefore, while I got off of the Grimaldi / Gravel topic, this may all help when I finally get back to it.

The Segni's/Segurana's have a Shield-and-Chief color combination in colors reversed from that of Prusa's/Brocoffs, and so you can bet that Segurana's are from "Sakarya," and that they will link to the Swan Knight Ligurians. End Insert]

I have yet to get to the discussion I promised an update or two ago, on tracing Rennes-le-Chateau elements to the Has theater. As I said, that discussion was plotted to some degree in my mind by starting with the Force and Forse surnames, suspect with Fords, and so you just saw why the Ford motto term should trace to Krume. The Fords use the gold martlet, a symbol of the Apple's and Applebys that were plotted as part of the Forse / Forse discussion, as per the blue-apple riddle of Rennes-le-Chateau. The Fords were going to be part of the Force-Forse topic anyway, before the Fords got very-important above as part of the makings of the Oxford surname.

I came across a "force" motto term earlier in this update in the Mallet surname. I kid you not that the Forse's were not going to be a topic on account of their Shepton Mallet location, but just look at how Mallets are a hot topic right here on the Grimaldi / Gravil discussion. Forse's were going to be mentioned where their fox symbol, and Fos(s) variation, can link to Foix, beside Rennes-le-Chateau. They were also important for using a blue Shield, and for possibly revealing where Force's, Fords and Sforza's originate.

Force's, which may be using the leopard design shown previous for Danish Bauers (BLUE roundel belonging to Arthurs), use Apple / Appleby colors (all BLUE shields linkable to the blue-apple riddle). The Forse's were first found in Dordogne, beside Perigord, the latter being where the Saunier surname (no final 'e') was first found. The blue-apple riddle happens to involve one priest with a Sauniere surname (final 'e') that built the Magdalene church in Rennes-le-Chateau. He had unaccounted-for / suspicious money to burn, part of the mystery there.

The Force leopard traces to African Boofima cult (leopard symbol) run by an ImPERI peoples that I had traced to Roet-related Beefs/Boeufs (blue Shield), first found in PERIgord. The Beefs/Boeufs (blue fesse) were found before finding the Sauniers. Boeffs/Buffs, sharing a white-on-blue rose with Saunier's, were first found in Hesse, along with Cossens/GOSens, and can thus trace to a Gus > Has line. One can start to imagine that the proto-Boii, whom I trace forward in time to the naming of "MaccaBAEUS/MaccaBEE," were in the Gus-to-Macestus stretch somewhere, and then traced forward to Beoufs (bull theme) and Boeffs. For example, Italian Boys/Boi's (bull) are also "Bova," what could become "Bof" and similar terms. The Sakarya river has a mouth near the bull-depicted Bosphorus. I'll expect those proto-Boii as the Cadmus Boiotians migrating through Mysia. The Tyrians were, as with Boofima, a human-sacrifice entity. Was Boofima a Boii liner? Later, I'll come back to this and link to the new Avezzano topic that I'm itching to get to. But it's going to be after the Colchester section, and perhaps in the next update.

Why is there a black leopard in the Imp Crest. As the surname comes up as "Amp," did the Imperi have anything to do with naming Ampton? As I traced Boofima to the Meshwesh of Africa, it may explain why Mussolini "created" Imperia in 1923. The Wikipedia article doesn't tell when the name, "Imperia," originated. Prior to that, it had a Nagle/Nail/Neal-suspect name, Oneglia, and then the Nagle/Nail/Neal surname uses a saltire suspect with the flag of Scotland, important where I had already linked Weirs/Vere's to Nagle's, and Boofima to Guerins = Vere's. The latter use a "nihil" motto term for Nihills/Neils! It looks like we are learning something here.

The Imps/Amps must be using the Seaton crescents and the black Keaton leopard faces. The chevron of the Imps/Amps (same place as Quints) is colors reversed from the Quint chevron, and then the Quints had a Quince branch using mascles in Imp/Amp colors and first found in NorthAMPton. It looks like Boofima elements trace to Seatons, Keatons, Keiths, and other elements in East Lothian.

ZOWIE! I didn't know that Mussolini created Imperia until now. But after writing that last line, it was recalled that I've been tracing the Marshall kin of Keiths to Mussolini's because the English Marshal/Marescal Coat uses a string of lozenges like the Musso(lini) Coat! And Musselburgh in East Lothian must not only apply to Mussolini's, but to the mascles of Quince's, for Mussels (FIVE plates) are also "Muscel." The black wolf of Mussels matches the black Crest of Imps/Amps, and can of course link to the black talbot of mascle-using Spinks...which traces Mussels, as expected, to Mysia. Where are you going to learn things like this in history class?

Marshalls should go to the Marsi and Marmara (ignore the Marshall write-ups trace to a certain marshall, small 'm', of the Keith family). Note that the Keith Coat uses a Chief in Hanker- and Anchor-Chief colors, for that can trace Marshalls to Marmara. AND LOOK, after writing that, the Scottish Marshall/Marescal Coat loaded to show the Brock motto!!! That can trace Marshalls to the Prusa/Brocoff surname. See that Messey-related Bricks, said to be from "Broc," use a string of lozenges too! Just like that, the father of le-Meschin, Mr. Briquessart, can trace to Mysia, as expected.

Did I mention that the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Brocks (same place as Imps/Amps and Quints) is that of Prusa's/Brocoffs? The lion in the Brock Chief is now showing in the Oxford Chief in both colors. The "VireSCIT" motto term of Brocks can now be seen as certain code for Skits/Skeochs because the Prusa/Brocoff Chief has the red potent cross of Skits/Skeochs.

The Imperi peoples (know nothing about them aside from their running Boofima = proto-Baphomet of beaver-suspect Bavaria) were suspect in "Imperia" (Liguria location), but Monaco, about 40 miles down the Ligurian coast at Nicaea-suspect Nice, had not yet been emphasized. The Beef/Boeuf fesse is colors reversed from the Monaco fesse, you see, and the Grimaldi's of Monaco's are suspect with Guerin of Provence...who traces to Drakenberg, which, I felt, is part of the oversight of the Baphomet cult to this day. Draguignan in Provence (has a Var area) may apply to Drakenberg, and to the Drago river. The heart in the Boeff/Buff Coat can go to the Gregor-related Hardys (part of Scotland's founders) using what could be a blue version of the Scottish flag. The Monaco stars can link to the same-colored ones of heart-using and hardy-derived Douglas'.

As the Nice/Ness Coat uses double red fesses on white, the double blue fesses on white of the Erens can go to a Rhyndacus line to the Erenik river. The Grimaldi's traced to the Rhyndacus if I recall correctly, and so the blue-on-white fesse of Beefs/Boeufs can link back to the Rhyndacus entity. Monaco's are of course suspect with the makings of "HasMONean" in the Rhyndacus theater.

I trace the Keith Catti to the Hatti but suspect that the related Seatons are from a line of mythical Cotys, father of Attis, the latter representing the Hatti. I suspect that a Cotys line through the Cotesii produced Sadducees, and that the proto-Boii in Mysia had part in Sadducee formation. I want to find these proto-Boii in Mysia. The fretty lattice of Cotta's/Cottons is code for Ferte-Mace that traces to the Macestus, and the proto-Boii will prove to be a merger with Macestus lines in CadMUS. I feel that to be correct; I am getting warmer. Seatons use the Bellamy crescents while Bellamys merged with Ferte-Mace. "Ferte" is suspect ultimately from Ferrari's, the Pharisee suspects now tracing to Prusa. Therefore, a Prusa line is suspect in developing as Fursa-like, such as Sforza's and Force's, both in Ferrari colors, and, in fact, Sforza's use the same lion as Ferrari's. Sforza's are the ones using a "quince." Just add it all up and you will get the line to the Israeli priesthood out of Maccabees proper.

Cotys was never found in the stretch between Mannae and Lydia, where the Manes > Cotys > Attis > Lydus line traces. But Cotys (Thracian witch cult) was suspect to the east of the Maeander, where there was an Ordo-like location that I keep on forgetting the spelling of. I traced that to the Ordovices of Wales, which were depicted in myth as Orthos, a two-headed dog that can be part of Hecate, a three-headed-dog cult. Hecate traces to Hector, brother of Paris, and Paris is now tracing to Prusa. Therefore, the proto-Ordovices are expected at the Prusa theater, and this is said because Mallet liners are expected there while Ordovices are said by Wikipedia to have been named after the hammer. The Ordovices lived beside the Menai straight, and Mona was to it's north. That is being said due to the MONAco topic.

The Cotys element could have renamed the Hermus river of Lydia, which is now the Gediz. As Geddes use a "Majora" motto term that now looks to indicate Mopsus, one could have reason to trace Geddes' to the Gediz, for Mopsus was nearby at Clarus. Just look at what was found: "I shall soon have occasion to show, that the prophetess in the temple of Clarus in Lydia was called Iona. The god adored there was called Iao." That's from a book by a Sir William Drummond. Couldn't "Iona" be a short-form preferred by the Greeks for "Jonathan." If Iona was from Jonathan the Levite, then my insistence that Sadducees were from a Cotesii line looks very good beside that Drummond quote. The Claro's > Sinclairs trace hard to Caiaphas liners.

Orthos was Geryon's dog, and GERYON (far-west entity that I traced to Erethlyn of north Wales) had three monstrous bodies, clearly a Hecate cult of GORGONs, and so we already know ad-nauseum from my writings that Gorgons lived at Parion, Paris' city. Therefore, there were Hecate-related Gorgons at Prusa. Hecate, as "Keket," was a frog goddess, and the Egyptian frog God, Nunn, looks like he can trace to the Non variation [later, Frogg and Froggatt surnames link directly to Grimaldi's i.e. Liguria.] The Nevin-like variations of Nons may have to do with merger with Nagle's, who use a blue fesse with gold lozenges all in the three colors of the Paris/Paresse fesse with gold apple.

ZIKERS, I have just realized that the blue-on-white Marshall saltire goes to German Nagle/Nail/Neil saltire, which serves as more evidence that the latter surname is from the former name of Imperia. Note that Irish Nagle's use a "Non" motto while Nons/Nevins use a fesse in the colors of the Monaco fesse. The Nagle fesse is blue like the Beef/Boeuf fesse, important because both surnames are now tracing to Boofima. This is the first time that I've traced Nagle's to the former name of Imperia. If correct, it can be a large key.

Again, the Marshall saltire can be of the Scottish flag where Marshalls link to Guerin of Provence, and as Nagle's use the same saltire, I would guess that Mussolini-related Marshalls were of the Lacydon Ligurians at MASSALia, a MUSSOLini-like term. Later, Massalia was MARSeilles, what I traced to the Marsi, and I think Marshalls were Marsi. That works just because Imperia is in Liguria, but then southern Provence, where Var is located, is smack beside Marseille!!! I get it. The Malcolms use the same saltire.

The Marshall lozenges are gold too, the color of the Nagle lozenges. Asking myself who else uses gold-on-red lozenges like Marshalls, the Anchors/Annackers came to mind, and that traces Marshalls to the Marmara theater once again, for Ancore is smack there. And the Vere link to Marshalls brings Angers (at Anjou, location of Broc) to mind. I am expecting the Melusine elements of the Veres at Anjou to be Marshall liners, therefore. Newmarsh'/Nimo's/NemMOKE's/NemMOCHs (crescents in Seaton- / Bellamy-crescent colors) are in Marshall-lozenge colors, and suspect with Mopsus elements at the Macestus river.

With Marshalls tracing to the Marsi, that Avezzano topic can relate. Avezzano, right beside the Fucino area of the Marsi, became suspect with a Sulcis = Seleucid line in Sardinia, and here we find the Marshalls at Marseilles, on-shore from Sardinia and Corsica. Remember, the Lacydon Ligurians, who merged with neighboring Massalia, had been partially Phocaeans, according to historians, and so lake Fucino was likely Phocaean. The Fossano area in interior Liguria may have been a Fucino entity to the Forse/Foss surname (from Shepton Mallet, suspect with "GriMALDi"), for the Forse's/Foss' use the split Shield of Boeffs in colors reversed.

The fox in the Forse/Foss Coat can link with the fox in the Fes/Fez/Fey Coat, which surname I trace to Fes/Fez in Morocco, where king Idris' family ruled until being booted out. This Idris line has been expected at Guerin of Provence independent of any other considerations. The I can't recall what gave me the distinct impression that the Seaton dragon is the Angitia snake cult of the Marsi, but Crichtons, with a lion in Marshall-saltire colors, are using the Seaton dragon's head. Crickets use more red crescents (as do Seatons and Newmarsh's). Crichtons were first found in Midlothian i.e. beside the Seatons / Marshalls in East Lothian. The "vox" motto term of Nagle's is thereby suspect with Faucette's/FOXside's of Musselburgh...and no doubt stands as code for the Voxe variation of English Vaux's/Vallibus'/VOSE's, and then Scottish Vaux's/Vallibus' (stars in Marshall-lozenge colors), first found in Lothian, traced earlier to Wellers and therefore to Valerius Gratus. Don't Crichtons use the same lion as Valer(io)s? Yes. Although "Crich" won't trace well to "Gratus," the Crichtons look like they developed variation to reflect "Grat." They had a Kreiton location in Lothian. This trace to the Israel of the Herods allows Herod Antipas to enter this picture because his surname smacks of Antibes, near Monaco, with Nice between them. Repeat: Antibes is very near Grasse while Crichtons use "grace" in their motto.

Recall that Forse's/Fose's had linked apparently to Boeffs, and to the Foix area beside Rennes-le-Chateau, for I have just happened upon a Faux trace to the Sauniers. First, we have the English Faux's/Fauks (just a giant, single mascle) said to be from Vaux of Normandy, where the Vaux's/Vose' are said to be from. The, French Faux's/Fage's are listed with surnames I didn't at first know what to do with, but it was nice to see that they were first found in Perigord. Just as I was about to give up on the other Faux variations, it was realized that the Chaulne-and-similar variations were a match with the Saulniee-and-similar variation of Saunier's (Perigord!).

Therefore, as other Faux variations are Cholen-like, Collin surnames might actually trace to nothing but Sauniers. Collins/Caullins happen to use a bend in the colors of the same of Fes'/Fez'/Fays/Feys. Collins/Caullins use the same martlets as French Joseph's, and Caiaphas liners traced to Rennes-le-Chateau in multiple ways. Later, we will see COLchester linking hard to Quintus Caepio, as well as seeing nails in the Arms of Colchester that are definitely code for the Neals/Nails. Might Colchester be a Saunier line? Did Colapis' Cole-like elements evolve into Chaulne's > Saulnier's > Sauniers? Looks like.

It just dawned on me to go fetch the surname using a "culpa" motto term as possibly standing as code for "Colapis." It was first of all surprising to find that it's a motto term of Pullens, because I was going to mention them as using footless martlets in the colors of the same of Collins/Caullins! Secondly, in the 2nd update of this month, "culpa" was suggested as possible code for the "Glopeani" version of the Goplani namers of Goplo". Then, while French Gobels are definitely Masci / Macey liners (they had shown the rarish Masci wing design no longer showing), Italian Gobels use a camel, which can stand as code for Camulodunum, the other name of Colchester! It could seem that the namers of Goplo were from Colapis-river peoples. Quintus Caepio traces to the Kupa variation of the Colapis! That is pretty compelling. It's important to verify that the Caepio treasure was in Mr. Saunier's hands or knowledge.

It's probably true that Marshals had been the Mercians. English Paris' (unicorns) are said to have been Parisii, a branch of Saxons, on the Humber river, the capital area of the Mercians. Paris's are being figured as Prusa-based Hebrews (what kind?), from Aphrodite, whose special mate was proto-Mars. The Marshalls are proto-Mars, right? The Marshall and Nagle's share lozenges, right? And Grimaldi's use a Shield full of lozenges. I'll bet that Grimaldi's were at Imperia too.

Art Thou Ready for This?

After writing the above, I clicked from the Imperia article to the Doria family to check for Grimaldi connections, and may have found Aurelia liners:

Doria, originally de Auria (from de filiis Auriae), meaning "the sons of Auria", and then de Oria or d'Oria, is the name of an old and extremely wealthy Genoese family who played a major role in the history of the Republic of Genoa and in Italy, from the 12th century to the 16th century.

According to legend, a noble Genoese lady named Auria or Oria della Volta fell in love with a noble pilgrim who was going to Jerusalem for the First Crusade; his name was Arduino di Narbonne but their children were named after the mother--de Oria, the children of Oria. Arduino was a typical name of the Arduinici family of the Piemonte, some of whose members bore the title of Counts of Auriate...

...The Doria had fiefs in Sardinia from the 12th century to the 15th century, and also in Dolceacqua, Oneglia [= proto-Imperia] and Portofino, in the Riviera to the west of Genoa.

The Arduinici can trace to king Arthur because Nagle's suspect from Oneglia use na nightinGALE while Gale's use a version of the Nagle fesse while Gale's (share blue unicorn with Tints) had traced to TintaGEL. The Night write-up even speaks on the Knights Templars, and the Guerin write-up tells of an Order that the family had in Jerusalem. It just so happens that Tints are from a Tynte location in Somerset, where unicorn-using Purse's/Pierce's were first found. But it's also where Roets were first found who were BeauFORTS that can be viewed as BEAUFs, and for other reasons, Roets were traced to Boofima, and that's where Imperia traces, right? The Beauforts share

I can now virtually prove satisfactorily that Nagle's trace to "Oneglia," But first, I'd like to point out the Arddu location that I once read about in the Ordovices theater. I recall nothing about Arddu, only that it existed, and that it was likely an Ordovices branch (my personal opinion). The point is that a link between Genoa's Doria's and Monaco liners can trace Arduinici's to Arddu and Monaco's to neighboring Mona. Unfortunately, I don't yet see a Grimaldi link between Monaco and Doria's.

Here is how to trace Nagle's to Imperia. The Doria Coat is a version of the Italian Candida Coat. Keep in mind that while Candida's were first found in the same place (Naples) as Capua's/Capone's, the Segni's/SEGURana's, first found in Genoa, can trace to Seconds/Segurs, suspect with Junia Caepionis Secunda. In other words, I'm expecting Junia Caepio to trace to the Doria's / D'Auria's because Junia's ancestry was, in my opinion, in Aurelia Cotta. The fretty lattice filling the Shield of Cotta's is in the colors of the lozengy filling the Shield of Grimaldi's.

Next, we go to Gandia, where pope Borgia (Alexander VI), brother of a duke of Gandia (eastern Spanish coast), was having an extensive affair with a known Candida liner, Vannozza dei CATTANei. "Candia" and "Gandia" evoke John of Gaunt, husband of a Roet. John was in Candale (I don't recall the details), and then a de-Pol surname was part of noble Foix-Candale, a merger of the Foix area beside Rennes-le-Chateau and Candale on the western coast of France. It seems to be pulling Roets to Doria's, right? But CHATTANs and Chatans use the same bend as Pullens, making Pullens suspect with de-Pols. We just saw Pullens linking to a Collin-branch Saunier line. What's it all mean? Why do Chatans look like Chateau's? Were Doria's named cleverly after Caepio's gold?

Check out the gold-on-black eagle of the Ghents, for John of Gaunt was so named after Gaunt, also called, Ghent. The Ghent eagles are colors reversed from the Candida / Doria eagle, you see, and so it seems that we can pull Roets into the Imperia family. Never lose sight of Roets being from Rieti. I am sure of that.

Here is one Gand Coat showing a moline cross, the symbol of one Borgia Coat too. But at one time, the Gand moline was fat, like the one showing for the Segni's/Segurana's of Genoa. I ask you, why would anybody in his right mind change the Gand moline from a fat one to a thin one if design doesn't matter? Or, unless they have someone reading up on me from time to time to see where they can change designs to thwart my links?

The Borgia moline is in the colors of the Irish Burgh Cross used by Eustace's, but it's also in the Chateau/Castel surname, first found in Artois! The Chatans are also "Chastaine" and similar variations. Therefore, the Arduinici can trace to Artois.

The "'spotted cat-a-mount) leopard design of the Cattans (no 'h') is nearly the "leopard" design of Force's (from the Perigord theater, remember). Chives from Ceva, near Fossano (i.e. suspect with Forse's/Foss'), use cat-a-mountains and a moline. The Force Coat is described as: "for (Ducs de la) Force: a Blue shield with gold leopards." Duke's have a split Shield in the colors of the same of Forse's/Foss'. It looks like the Dorians trace to Foix and to Rennes-le-Chateau. Note that the Cattan spots are black roundels = pellets, for pellets are used by Foix'/Foys (same place as Fes'/Fays/Feys) while fox-using Forse's/Foss' can link to fox-using Fes'/Fays/Feys. The bend of the pellet-using Foix' is even in the colors of the Chattan/Cato and Chatan bend. Doria's predated Mr. Sauniere of Rennes-le-Chateau by centuries.

Why are pellet-using Foix's using stars in the colors of the Aurelia stars? It was a nice surprise to find "Auria" listed with Aurelia's. The "cautes" motto term of Cattans gets the Grimaldi-suspect Cotta's/Cotards, first found in the same place (Languedoc) as Narbonne and Rennes-le-Chateau. French Veys were first found in Languedoc too. It could seem that Caepio liners in Toulouse, where the Quintus Caepio seized and stole some 50,000 gold bars (15 pounds each = about 7" x 3" x 1" rough estimate), removed to Genoa as the Doria's. Why did they marry Arthurs?

The split Cattan Shield is in the colors of the same of Genova's/Genua's/Geneva's, and the latter use the lion in the color of the Second/Segur lion. It really looks like Doria's were from Aurelia Cotta through to the Caepio's. The upside-down Genova wings are in the design used by German Bauers, important because the Danish Bauer leopard was showing for years like either the Cattan or Force leopard. As the Arduinici are expected from Arthurs, let's add that Danish Bauers share the "hurt" (blue roundel) with Irish Arthurs. Scottish Bowers happen to use a "metam" motto term like the "metuit" of Cattans. Isn't this bring Peter Pollocks Rothes line into the Doria picture.

"Burgh" and "Force" can trace to the same thing, Prusa, for example, or Hebrews in general. The Ebers share a black boar with Porcia's, for example, and with Bush's using the same eagle's as Ghents. That can get Ghents to Busca, not far from Ghent-like Genoa, and as Busca is beside Saluzzo, let's add that the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Prusa's is colors reversed from that of Saluzzo's.

I had traced the Fes/Fay bend to the Porci bend, and that terms smacks of "Force." The Porcia's of concern were of Porcius Cato from Abruzzo (about 200 BC and suspect with the formation of Maccabees). Porcia's (not "Porci") were first found in Umbria, location of Parusia!!! That tends to trace Force liners to "Prusa," and so let's remind that the split Shield of Forse's/Foss' is in the colors of the Shield-and-Chief combination of Prusa's/Brocoffs and Brocks.

In the last update, Grimaldi's seemed to trace to Cree's or Grays/Croys/Groys, and then i read that Roets descended from either Croys or Groys, I can't recall which. In any case, Roets were identical to Beauforts, and they share a white-on-red lion with Tints. The Tints don't use the same lion position, by they were first found in the same place as Roets, and moreover, Tints use small crosslets in the colors of the small saltires of Candys. The house of Candida was also "Candy/Candia."

But how can we prove that Tints trace to Doria's? If they do, it tends to trace the Arduinici's to king Arthur, born as a result of Pendragon's affair with Gorlois' wife in TintaGEL. That's all myth code for certain realities, and it trace's Arthurs fundamentally to Tintagel, that's all that really matters here. As Gale's share a blue unicorn with Tints, we note that Nagle's use a NightinGALE. Just like that, we not only have reason to trace Tints to Doria's, but Nagle's are tracing to a place called, Oneglia. I think we've nailed it, but there's more, for Candys were first found in the same place (Suffolk) as nightingale-suspect Nights, and they use pale bars in the red color of the pale bars of Couch's/Cawch's, important because the lying-down Tint lion is said to be COUCHant.

It's known that king Arthur was given a setting in Wales, location of Arddu. If king Arthur's wife, GUINEvere, was part code for Guine's, then I would suspect that Guine's/Gunns, viking suspects in the far north of Scotland, were related to "Gwynedd" of north Wales, I read from an old Britannica volume that "ERETHlyn" in Gwynedd was related to the viking station of "HAEREDaland" in Norway. Then, wholly separate from that link, I read of one claim that Rennes-le-Chateau was related to an AEREDA entity, by which I think he meant the Redones of the Rodez / Languedoc. The Guine's/Gunns happen to use the French Durant ship design while another Durant Coat uses the Sale fleur, which trace's Guine's to the Durance river of the Salyes, location of Guillestre, important here due to the Gillander term in the Guine/Gunn write-up.

The Gunn ship is in the Jamie Crest, and Jamie's (Bute) are expressed, apparently, in the James motto while one James Coat shares the dolphin with Caesars.

If correct to trace Julius Caesar to Guillestre, then his mother (Aurelia Cotta) could trace there too. The Arms of Guillestre use a black eagle, the color of the Doria eagle, and then "DURance" and "Doria" may be related for a blood reason. While Guine's/Gillanders were first found in Orkney, where the Sinclairs of Roslin ruled at one point, it explains why Gillanders were first found in Midlothian, location of Roslin, where Sinclairs had there huge stash of money to burn. It's clear here that Gillilanders are using the Vaux/Vallibus Shield filled with gold-and-red checks.

Henry Sinclair of Orkney, the name also of the Sinclairs that built the elaborate, expensive, out-of-place Rosslyn Chapel, is said by some to have been in America 100 years before Columbus, and then there is a related story about a large pit in Nova Scotia (I think that was the location) that was suspect as a dug-up treasure. Rijeka/Reka shares a double-headed eagle with the Arms of Guillestre, and as you can see, the latter eagle is in the colors of the Doria / Candida eagle. I read that Sinclairs were related to Candida, and so there we have the reason between these lines. It could appear that Guine's/Gunns were from "Genoa" or the namers of Genoa, and, as per that idea, king Arthur's wife looks like code for the Genoa's in relation to the Doria's. Is that cross on the Guillestre eagle the proto-flag of Scotland?

The Wrexham location of Tints reveals that the Rex's/Ricks, who share crosslets in the colors of the Tint crosslets (not the same design), and moreover were first found in the same place, are traceable to Doria's/D'Auria's. For me, that an Aurelia connection to Rijeka and therefore to the two-headed eagle of Maxwells. It's likely that Maxwells were related to the ORLE-using Rutherfords. The Doris'/D'Orris' (and Cotta's) are in Rex / Tint colors. So, it looks good for an Arduin trace to Tintagel.

As the myth writers stuck Pendragon into the Tintagel family of concern, it seems that Gorlois' wife (Arthur's mother) had to do with this Genoa family. It just so happens that while Arthur's roundtable can be shown to be code for the Round and Table surnames (Table's share blue roundels with Irish Arthurs), the Rounds, using a chevron on the colors of the Pendragon chevron, use a "sleeping lion," which is a lion lying down that, if one wanted to, could call "couchant" in honor of their Couch kin.

In Arthurian legend, Gorlois (Welsh: Gwrlais) of Tintagel, Duke of Cornwall, is the husband of Igraine prior to Uther Pendragon. He is the father of Morgan le Fay, Morgause, and Elaine.

If you click over to the Morgan-le-Fey article, you will see her in green and gold, the colors of the Morgan lion, and then she has a purple piece of clothing on her back, the color of the Vey/Vivian lions.

The Round sleeping lion is white, as is the couchant Rex lion, and then Roets (same place as Rex's) use the sleeping moon of Karens/Kerns because they are Carian lines from the sleeper, Endymion. One motto term of Roets looks Carian, and the Rhodes location that Roets smack of is of-shore from Caria. Caria is (in my opinion) part of the Carmel line of Essenes that are honored in the "Esse quam" motto of Rounds, and Endymion was at the Ephesus theater that had an essenes bee cult. "Round/Rownd" looks Rhodian. GORlois, the mythical husband of Arthur's mother, duke of CORNwall, now looks like a Chora-CORONis liner. Rounds were first found in the same place as GORE's.

The raven-depicted vikings were suspect with "Rothes," which included Rothesay = Avalon, an Arthurian affiliate of some kind that traces to Veys/Vivians, first found in Cornwall, where Pendragons were first found. Remember, Gale's and Tints use uniCORNs.

Gore's, and Cole's of Camelot, trace to the Japode's theater, where Rex's/Ricks trace (to Rijeka/Reka/Rika), and then the Beaufort lion is the JOPlin lion too while Joplins (same place as Greys and Rodhams) are using the Gray/Croy lion. The English Stewart lion is colors reversed, and used in both colors by Cornwalls while Cornwall is beside Devon, where English Stewarts were first found. Somerset (where Roets were first found) is on the other side of Devon. Scottish Cornells/Cornwalls happen to use ravens as proof of their trace to Chora!!! Gorlois was thus a Chora liners.

The Cornell/Cornwall Crest: "a Cornish chough hatching in the face of a rock proper." Why proper? The Proper Crest is an ostrich, as is the Lois/Oisel Coat suspect with "GorLOIS." What are the chances that Lois' were first found by coincidence in Artois? The Arthurian story tellers were mere dopes honoring their favorite surnames in code, and not telling anyone. They love to see the readers go wrong in trying to figure out what their stories mean, and many people take the stories as reality. Shame on the Arthurian story tellers.

Why a Cornish Chough? Probably for the Coughs/Cuffs using the Sale bend with the Durant fleur. The Coughs are thus the Avezzano line from the Salto. I hadn't loaded the Durants until now, to find that the Italian branch has the same tower as Chatans and Narbonne's/Denardo's!

I now get Gorlois' wife, INGRaine, as part code for Inger the Varangian, husband of the real Melissena Rangabe that Vere's located on Avalon! Yes, that works, for Gorlois was made the father of the witch cult on Avalon. Therefore, the Rangabe's are suspect in Raines' as per "IngRAINE." That explains why Wrens (said to be from Raines') and Veys both use a purple lion! Somehow, the children of Inger, or perhaps his parents, were at Rothesay, and they probably produced INGELger, the first known ruler of the Anjou area. That traces the raven vikings to GORlois, perfect if he's from Chora!!! It tends to identify the raven vikings as Varangians. PLUS, Ingelger was the ancestor of Fulk NERRA of Anjou! The Apollo crow was code for some dark-skinned Caucasians, right? This traces Fulk -- and Inger and Gorlois too -- naturally to the Denardo bloodline at the Nero river. MOST EXCELLENT, for I traced "NERTHus," goddess of the VARNI (= the proto-Varangians) to "NERETva"!!! Santa's going to give me the south pole too...pen-guine's included. I'll explain the Nera, Naro, and Neretva momentarily for those that don't know.

I can barely let the dust settle on that one. Whew. Patmos elements at Bute. And it came from Cornwall, location of Bude. Clearly, Cornwall was named by a satanic cult from Chora on the island where John wrote the Revelation. Should we assume Bute and Bude were named by the namers of PATmos? I even claimed that the nine witches of Avalon were code for Muses of Apollo, and thus the namers of PatMOS were partly the Muses, no surprise. All nine Muses were women, as with all nine witches of Avalon, code for Amazons, and the raven code was for African Amazons. Therefore, the Arthurian myth writers, lovers of darkness, complete fools, knew where their cult came from. And they tried to convince readers that king Arthur was a holy thing; some of them claimed that he was a Christian-holy thing. Spit! Watch your tails, beasts of the earth. Time's almost up.

Dutch Veys use a boot for Rothesay = Bute, but they also use the same white-on-blue tower as Narbonne's/DeNARDO's (same lion as NORTHs), and then you read that Arduin (who married the Auria family at Genoa) was from Narbonne. The same tower, in the same colors, is used by Chatans, suspect with the Cattanei branch of Candida's. The Narbonne's/Denardo's were even first found in the same place as Candida's, and, zowie, I have just been reminded that the Narbonne/Denardo lion holds a Catherine wheel, known symbol of Catherine Roet. The Scone's use the same white tower (= colors of the Scottish flag), and as "stone of Scone" was suspect with the El-Gabal sun god, note the sun above the Durant tower.

The Narbonne/Denardo lion is in the colors of the Bonne (Ferte eagles?) and Bone/Bohun/BOHUM (Chatan bend?) lions. As they were from Bohun in Manche, it would appear that the Narbonne/Denardo lion is the Maschi lion. Muse liner. This paragraph is a good argument for tracing to the Boii ? Bohemian line and therefore to the proto-Boii in Mysia. The Boii are said to have named the Bessin, and while I'm not sure about that, it could trace Boii to Avezzano if correct, for the Bessin, beside Manche, has a surname using bees. The Salto river out from Avezzano flows to the Nera river, and then there was a Naro river in Neretva, shown at the left of the map below as "Narensis." "Neretva" is suspect with "DeNARDO," and was traced to "Nereid," a sea-portrayed cult of the Greeks that had DORIS as its matriarch. It looks like Mr. Arduin from Narbonne may have been from the Daorsi of the Neretva theater, and that his Auria wife was made "Doria" in honor of the Daorsi (went by other names). The English Dore's use bees.

The Durwards of Lundy can apply here because they were from the ARBRoath theater while ARBORs (Suffolk) use the split Shield of Dore's in colors reversed, as well as lions in the colors of the French Dore's (Brittany). The split Shield here is used by Gate's too while the Arms of Arbroath use a gate.

Spot the Drinus river on the map above, and consider why it sounds like the White and Black Drin river. Was the Black Drin (the Drilon) named after the Naro / Neretva entity? Look at how close the Drinus flows to the source of the Naro? The White Drin is the one at Gabuleum suspect with El-Gabal. On the other map, below, there is a Gensis location near Fosse, both along the Drinus. Do we think that "Drin" should be viewed as "Dorin"? The Drinus is a Sava/Save tributary, and then Save's use the bend in the colors of the Chatan bend. I've just made a major discovery here, to be explained later at the re-mention of Fosse.

SOHAEMus of the El-Gabal cult traced to the Somme river and to the naming of SOMerset, and while Roets were first found in Somerset, Catherine Roet's father lived at the Montreuil theater off the Somme. Artois, where Geneva-related Chatans were first found, was on the north side of the Somme. "Sohaemus" became suspect with a Suemus river (shown on map) near Arda of the Hebros river. The Arda river on this map is the Harpassus, and Arda was at Nice that's shown near the mouth of the Harpassus. Where you see Hadrianopolis beside Nice, it was also called Oresteia (Horus?), which is a line in code in the so-called "rests" of Arthurs. ORESteia and the related ATReus / Odrysian cult trace to the Artois capital, ARRAS, also named ATRecht. See mythical Orestes as he was made part of Atreus' family. It wasn't the bloodline of Jesus, but of Pelops = Apollo = Baal, the False YHWH created by mere dopes.

The Veys are of mythical Morgan le Fey, which myth writers invented as the chief witch of Avalon. But that's not the only clue that Avalon was Bute, for JJ Tolkien located his "Avallone" at fictional Eressea, what must be code for Rothesay.

Aha! The Cornells/Cornwalls use "mullets," linkable to Mallets, and then, it was just found, immediately after writing the paragraph above, that Mallets use scallops in the colors of the Auria/Aurelia scallop! That not only traces the Doria's to Cornwall elements again, but makes them suspect with Gri-Mallets, so to speak. That tends to assure that Grimaldi's were Mallets. Amazingly, what was suspect is coming vivid, for while Doria's of Genoa use the Candida eagle, Candys were first found in the same place (Suffolk) as Mallets! But as nightingale-suspect Nights/Knights were likewise first found in Suffolk.

The Mallet deer is "ducally gorged," and Duke's (Devon) happen to use a Shield split horizontally in the colors of the same of Force's/Foss'. Mallets use a "force" motto term and fox-using Forse's/Foss' were first found in the same place as Rex's and related Tints! Have you forgotten the Doria-importance of Tints in this complicated discussion? Then, the fox-using Fes' are also "Fey/Fay"!!! That works, and it begs the question of why I was planning to start a Rennes-le-Chateau investigation beginning with Force's and Forse's? Was it God moving me? Does he make me sense importance in a certain topic until I get it what he wants me to get?

The Forse's/Foss' are also "Voss" while Vose's are Vaux's (Lothian) very linkable to the Fauxide location of fox-liner Faucets (Lothian), but then French Faux's proved to be Saunier kin. Here I find that English Voss'/Faux's were first found in the same place (Essex) as Gore's/Core's and Rounds. Therefore, as Quints were first found in Essex too, and as Sforza's use a quince, let's add that the Corn surname uses nothing but a chevron in the colors of the Capone and Camp chevron. Camps are in Campbell colors and Campbells are also "Cammell" traceable to Camelot = Camulodunum. But I trace "Campbell" to Campania and ABELLinum, later Avellino...that traces to Avalon, a real place in France a little south of French Campania, better known as Champagne. Then, Campbells, said to be a sept of MacArthurs (i.e. suspect with Doria's Arduin mates) lived in the Bute = Avalon theater.

Lothians/Loudans are suspect with Lutons that share a giant spread eagle with Doria's, and Luton is at Bedford, where Deers were first found. Luton is also at Hertford, and then Fullers, first found in Hertford, share the beacon (same design until I mentioned it) with Belli's while Italian Belli's use pale bars in the colors of the palet bars of Nights.

The Bavarian Boofima

One day in my writings, I happened upon an article that traced the Bavarian Illuminati to Africa. Then, an emailer, Julie, who was dabbling in hunts a little like my own, tipped be off on Boofima. There was very little information online about it, but it was clearly the African cult that led to Baphomet (goat-headed man/demon) because it (Boofima) sacrificed goats when not sacrificing humans. I saw how "Baph" could provide "BAVaria. And i noted that the Roet book got the Books/Boggs, like the Bavarian Bogens using the bow. One day, while seeking other Bogg or Boeuf-like surnames, I came across one using a goat, and, soon after, the Boughs were found using the bow, the Bogen symbol as well as the Caria-suspect "Quaerere" motto term of Roets. As Masters use that term, it's probably for Massa-CARRARA in Tuscany, smack beside the Liguria border.

The paragraph above was written to introduce the below, after the following question was asked while mentioning two locations on the Drinus: Do the Foss'/Forse's, Faux's, Foix's and Vaux' all trace to the namers of Fosse on the Drinus? Upon asking, "Baux" was entered to find the goat I had found before, but I've become very familiar with the Baux Coat since then because that's where the Bauts are listed that trace to the Bautica river of Aosta, and because they fundamentally involve Godfrey de Bouillon. The story here is that Bauts/Baux's were first found in the same place (Auvergne) as fox-using Fes'/Feys (and Bouillons), wherefore Baux's do seem linkable to Vaux'.

In other words, the Boofima cult goes to all the surnames in the question above, and is expected at Fosse near the mouth of the Drinus at the Sava, very close to VALentinian's birthplace at Cibalae, which place provided the Sibal(d)s that got related to the Durwoods and Lundys! As the Doria's of Genoa linked hard to the Vaux liners, and as Sibalds use the moline of the Genoa Segni's/Segurs, it does appear that they can trace both to Fosse and neighboring Gensis. That's important for establishing the root of Genova/Genoa and perhaps also lake Geneva.

The white tower used by Narbonne's/Denardo's keeps popping up, now also in the Auvergne Coat. I'm expecting the Narbonne's. Denardo's to trace to the Naro, but why not also the neighboring Drinus? As Auvergne's are "Davern" too, it gives the impression that DeVAUX's are out of Auvergne. Devaux' had traced to Valerius Gratus by the evidence in the Weller Coat, for Wells are in the Vallibus variation of Vaux's.

AMAZING., After writing that, I entered "Davaux" (with an 'a') and left the desk for a minute before seeing the Coat. When returning, the Auvergne Coat was still showing, and I thought, "that's funny, I thought I loaded Davaux." But then it was seen that Davaux's are listed with Auvergne's! They were first found in the same place (Dauphine) as Valerys/Valeria's!

Dorns were first found in Bavaria, and so may trace to the Dorians suspect at "Drinus." Bavaria was also "Bayern," and so it's very notable that Bayers/Byers/Buyers (in the colors of the Bavarian lozengy) were first found in the same place (East Lothian) as Vaux' and Faucets/Fauxide's.

There is a Grimaldi-suspect Grame surname in the Faucet write-up, I am reminded that I traced the Grimaldi lozengy to the Bavarian lozengy (known to be from Boofima-based Bogens) because a Grimauld was duke of Bavaria. The Franconian Rake that's part of the Arms of Bavaria is in the colors of the Grimaldi lozengy, and has the look of lozenges slightly. The Rake was found to be code for Rex/Rick liners.

Here's an online quote: ""Three early [Bavarian] dukes are named in Frankish sources: Garibald I may have been appointed to the office by the Merovingian kings and married the Lombard princess..." It sounds like Uther Pendragon, whom I identified with Merovingians in Britain, applies here as per the Other/Oter Lombards. But Pendragon is tracing to the Arduinici at Genova. The point was, Scottish Lombards/LimBOUGHs(!!!) share a lozengy Shield as well as a spread eagle in the colors of the same of Doria's! The Bough/Bowes surname, by the way, is said to be from a Bough location in Dorian-suspect DURham. You can see Were this is going.

English Bayers/Beiers/Beyers show a giant red rose that I've been meaning to link to the red rose of the Avezzano Coat. But for this moment, it's very linkable to the red roses of Dorns. The Dorn bend is colors reversed from the Chattan / Chatan bends, and thereby traces the Doria's harder yet to the Drinus. It's important if Aurelia Cotta traces there too. The Dorns are traced to a Torun location that was "Thorn," and that evokes the Turano river flowing to Terni, and flowing beside the Salto! Just like that, the Dorn rose links to the Avezzano rose. Don't think that it's necessarily a contradiction, for Drinus peoples can trace to the Turano. And, from the Turano, they named the DURANce, right? Yes, the namers of the DRIN named the DURANce. The Salyes told me so.

The first Merovingian (had gold bees in his tomb / casket) married Basina of THURINgia, but I traced Merovingian / Salian-Frank ancestry to the Salyes long before I knew of the Salto and Turano river. It's important because "AVEZZANo" is now tracing hard to "Bessin." It's suggesting that Basina (a nice-a Italian name-a). was from Avezzano while Thuringia was named after the Turano. Those Italian girls get around. Am I saying that Franks were from Italians rather than from the ice-age snow ape? Which do you think is more likely?

The Salian/Saleman Coat happens to use the Sale/Sallete bend with eagles in colors reversed to the Doria eagle! That traces the namers of the Durance river both to Doria's and to the Turano just because it appears that Doria's trace to the Turano. However, it is difficult to see how "Aurelius" could be from "Turano" unless Turano elements had been Urano's/Arano's. Arran, where salmon-using Maccabee's were first found, comes to mind.

Why do Austrian Turners use BESANts? Why another white tower in the German Turners? The elephant trunks of the latter are bringing to topic the THORs/Thorns of TYRol, the surname that belongs to the Germanic (or was it Italian?) god, Tyr = Thor. I always knew those Italians were boisterous, and that they swing a mean construction hammer. Could "AURELius" have been from a T-less TYROL? Was Julius Caesar a Tyrian on his mother's side? Dor is near enough to Tyre to have been named after Tyre. The German Turners even use a lion that could be of the Doria-related Nights.

Just to let you know, I'm not at all making an hard Aurelia-Dor link, but to various Latin speakers, "dora" and "aura" are identical in meaning "gold." Tyrian / Dorian liners, as they developed into proto-Latins at and around Troy, could have taken on a "gold" theme in surnames.

Dorals/Darrels, said to be from "D'Airel," were looked up as per "Aurelius." Dorals were first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as English Dorns from Torun = Thorn. The Arrol surname came to mind, and seeing their large raven in the colors of the Rolls, the latter were loaded to find that they were likewise first found in Yorkshire. I had found evidence to trace Rolls to the TURNbulls in the Boeuf surname, and therefore to Roets. That trace, though admittedly foggy in my mind, is now looking like a super key for explaining Turnbulls (view as Turin-Bull or Taurus-bull) upon the Turano, for Roets traced to Rieti downstream on the Salto from Avezzano! Excellent. There had been the impression earlier that raven liners went through Avezzano.

Now, recall that Caracalla was tracing to Domitian at Rieti, with only a century between them, for the Roll dancette is colors reversed from the Carrick dancette! And that dancette is a fesse, as is the same-colored Turnbull fesse! Excellent. These are the colors of the Shaws (same place as Arrols/Errols) and related Ayers, the latter first found in the same place as Carricks. One can read on the Rule surname (i.e. like "Roll') in the write-up of Scottish Turnbulls. There are two Rule surnames, but I see no way to trace them to Arrols or Aurelius'. I have no idea what to trace Rule's to in the Turano-river area. The gold-on-black lions on the Turnbull billets may reveal that Arrols are Irish Carrols. Irish Charles' use a "salus" motto term.

Scottish Turnbulls use an erect sword, symbol of the Bistones now tracing to "AVEZZANo." I'm sure I know what this is, Apis and Abas, the Apis bull cult and the Abas bee cult. It traces to Abas of ARGos, founded by INACHus, two terms like the Arak = Aras river of Ares, who is honored in the erect sword of Bistones. The Argos goddess was a white cow, the Zeus Taurus. She was at the BOSphorus at Byzantium. "AVEZZano" looks more like the bee side than the bull side, explaining why Bessins and Bistons use bees. Avezzano even has a "Byzan(tine)" look to it, and I think the Rangabe Byzantines now suspect at Avalon apply here. However, Inger and Melissena may not have had children on Rothesay. Their only known child was Eudokia.

I'll need to make a statement here that, because mythical Melusine looks like code for a real person, a thing I had not clinched until now, I might need to do away with tracing "Melusine" to a geography such a Miletus. However, it is notable that Patmos is off-shore directly from the Miletus-area shore.

If the Gorlois line to Avalon passed through Avezzano, it's so close to Fucino that the Marsi and their Angitia snake cult are suspect with Morgan le Fey. That can explain the naming of Angers and Anjou after Angitia. The Vivians of Cornwall use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Fife's, and Fife's share the red lion with neighboring Angus so that Angitia elements may been Angus elements too. Doesn't the Armenian god, Angl-Thork look smack-dab right on at the Turano river? Yes, especially as Gorlois represented Varni liners, who worshiped Nerthus along with Angles. Mona in Wales came to be called, Anglesey.

Here's a thought. Coronis was Cronus, same peoples, and Cronus was made a son of URANus. It looks like an Iranian/Eranian people got fronted with a 'C', but that may not have happened until "Oronus" developed. So, Coronis developed, and then the Cornell/Cornwall motto is, "La vie durante." Did "Dor" form as short for "Oronus"? Why is Zeus missing in the Greek-founding myth where Hellen is the father of three sons, Aeolus, DORUS and Xuthus? Or was Dorus the Zeus Tyrus?

I had identified Zeus with a Sittacene location south of Assyria at a time when I was tracing "XUTHus" to a Cutha location (not known exactly) in the Assyria theater. The god of Cutha was NERgal, possibly the same that named Nereus, husband of Doris (with an 'i'), parents of the Nereids. I didn't yet know that Xuthus could have become the Cotesii because I wouldn't know about the Cotesii until this year. Couldn't "Xuthus" have become "Soducena"?

English Turners (Oxfordshire) use only a giant mill rind that could indicate Erenik liners from the White Drin. Rinds are the ones with "gillie flowers" linkable to Caesar. The Flowers are linkable to the Arrow/Arras surname, from Artois! Note that the center of the mill rind looks like the giant mascle in the Faux/Fauk Coat.

I kid you not that, at this point the Avis' were loaded as per "AVEZZano," and getting garbs (called "wheat sheaves" in this case), I decided not to mention them. I was being jelly-brained because they apply greatly. I was looking for something else. Then, a minute later, the cricket-GRUB started up! It's nearly noon, and has not been heard since last night. So, the Avis Coat was loaded for you because, I suppose, God spoke to me through a grub. Who else can have that boast? The colors of the Avis garbs are used for the Joseph and Wessel garbs, and the Wessels are from Aurelia Cotta, right?

What's it mean? That Germanics were from grubs? You'd better not say anything like that in front of Thor. Does it mean that Joseph Caiaphas was from Avezzano? Maybe. Did the Garebites, expected at the Drin and Drinus rivers, get to the Salto river? Apparently, yes. The fact that wheat sheaves are called garbs at times means that the Sheaves / Shaw / Chives / Cavett / Caves (clearly Cotta / Moden kin) bloodline is Garebite-Hebrew. The Sheaves were first found in Abruzzo so that a grub trace to Avezzano (in Abruzzo) is actually expected. I have always suspect the Chiapponi variation of Sheaves to be a Caiaphas line. The Sheaves were first found in the current Abruzzo capital, where I say the Drake motto traces. Drake's were first found in the same place as Burgh-related Josephs.

[Long Insert (I had no idea that it would be); let's give it a title:

Avezzano; Dragon Breath

As per the Grimaldi topic, note that English Sheaves/Shaws use lozenges called fusils, what the Grimaldi's call their lozenges too. This paragraph is an insert here after writing below on the Fusil surname with Fus-using variations looking like they can be from Phocaeans. For example, Fussen on the Liguria-suspect Lech river looks like it can be a match with "FUCINo." Before this insert was started, the Eves' were looked up to check for Aves links, and that found three human legs in the Crest, the same symbol used in the Arms of Fussen. This clinches the Fussen=Fucino relationship. It is said that the Eves' became called, D'Evere's, from "Eure," but that is not the whole story, is it? The Eves were an Avezzano line to the Abreu namers of Eure, and the two had merged.

Eves' are also "Iver," and so where we see Ivers/Eure's and Hanans using virtually the same Coat, it tends to trace Annas of Israel to the Abruzzo theater. I am confident that we will find the Marsi and Angitia tracing both to Angusta and to Angus, noting that the Angus stars are the Annas star. The Angus lion now becomes suspect with the Dreux lion, for Dreux (Drake colors) is a location in Eure. Again, the Drake motto honors the Mosca/Muscas surname that has it's leopard design (exactly, in case it changes) in the Chives Crest.

On my atlas, the distance between Avezzano and "Conca del Fucino" is about two letters. Couldn't the Fusils trace to Avezzano, therefore? Can't we expect Phocaeans there since Avezzano's were first found in Sardinia, off the coast of Phocaean-founded Liguria and Marsi-founded Marseilles? Sheaves/Shaws were first found in the same place (BERKshire) as Croms (cat in Crest), and then Grimaldi's were already tracing to Krume (beside Has), and will trace there again below. The Berks/Burghs/Gillicks use a cat and can therefore link to the Chives cat. But the "foy" motto term of Berks/Burghs is listed with Foix's that become suspect below, in the Fusil discussion, from Phocaeans! The Berks/Burghs are suspect with English Burghs (same place as Josephs) that share the green chevron with Josephs, and the latter share the Avis garbs. Burghs are highly suspect as a Caiaphas line, and may be from Lydians too (Phocaeans were Lydians), who became the Latins. The Salto river starting in Abruzzo enters Lazio/Latium soon after flowing past Avezzano.

Berkshire's are likely using the blue bend of Charo's/Chiaro's/CLARO's for two reasons: 1) I have seen a Dutch Berg / Burg Coat that is exactly the three Clare chevrons (this Coat sometimes shows, and then doesn't); 2) Josephs use a "charo" motto term! I think the grub is trying to tell me to seek Joseph Caiaphas in the Avezzano family. Soon below, I trace others to Sardinians, and it brings me to the Tate's. I looked at the Duttons at that time to see if they relate, but saw nothing. During this insert, however, the Berkshire's were found to be using the Dutton Coat. It looks like a version of the Tattons-of-Massey. The Duttons and Berkshire's use the fret, which is a central mascle on a saltire. The Sheaves/Shaw arrows are said to be "in saltire." It could have said "crossed arrows," or just plain "arrows," but the use of "saltire" in this case suggests a Sheaves trace to the Salto river and to the Sale/Salette / Saltire/Saltire entity. And that's where the grub has traced Sheaves.

The Joseph call their sheaves "garbs." The "in base" in the Joseph description is likely there for a Base reason. Base's/Baise's (suspect weeks ago with Bistones) not only use lions (suspect with Brunswick) in the colors of the same of Seconds/Segurs, but their Bays variation has become suspect with Avezzano lines. As soon as I got to the Avezzano surname for the first earlier in this update, there was found indication that Bei's / Bee's / Beys should apply. Note that Bayeux version of the Avezzano-suspect Bessin. "Zano" may be a suffix so that the root was "Avez," linkable to the Vessey variation of Fessys, said to be a branch of Burghs. As I traced the Alans to Brunswick with VISconti's, and then traced them further to VIS-de-Loop, I can now glean that AVEZ elements were involved in naming Visconti's.

The lions in the Second/Segur Coat can now be linked tentatively, and well, to the same ones in the Abreu/Abruzzo/Bruzi Coat. As you can read that Abruzzo's had a Bruggia of Bruzi branch in Ferrara, where Charo's/Claro's were first found, the gold-on-red Abreu lion is likely the gold-on-blue Ferrari lion. It's the Prusa bloodline, right? It's notable that "Bruzi" can become "Forza so as to explain why Sforza's use the Ferrari lion in both colors. A Visconti trace to Avezzano tends to reveal that the Visconti snake was that of the Marsi goddess. The Visconti snake was originally with a Moor infant in its mouth, and I just know this related to the Moor head in the Chappes Coat.

I think I now have another major key. It's thanks to the change in the Abreu tower that I have just noticed for the first time. The Abreu tower shown previously is of the design now showing in the FalCONTE Coat, but the Abreu tower now showing is what I call the Murena or Moratin tower. There are many using this tower, and so it's not necessarily correct to suggest that Murena's/Moratins own it. However, I trace the Towers and Tours, who use the MORATIN tower, to Tuareg Berbers living in the land of Moors and even as far west as MAURITANia. Therefore, the Moratins do seem to have ownership of the original tower. I had traced Tuaregs to the naming of Turin and Thuringia, tentatively anyway, before knowing of the Turano river. That now traces the Maccabee-suspect Murena/Moratin bloodline to Avezzano. But there is more; I'm not yet to the point. The Abreu tower is now in both colors of the Turner tower (!), which I didn't know until now, but that was not the original point either.

The theory was that Cilnius Maecenas (proto-Maccabee surname, in my hunches), who married a Murena family, should trace to the Murena/Moratin bloodline somehow. And I decided for reasons that the Kellys, using a white tower of their own, should trace to "Cilnius." The CILNius family lived in Arettium a few centuries BC, but I now see CELANo beside Avezzano. Then, the Kelly/Killia Coat ("Turris fortis" motto phrase) uses two lions (colors reversed from the Bruce / Brescia lion) facing one another with white tower between them, and the new Abreu Coat shows essentially the same. There were two lions in the previous Abreu Coat, but I don't recall them facing one another, which is sometimes called, "combatant," as if boxing with one another. In any case, the evidence now suggests that the Cilnius family was at Celano, and meanwhile related to the Abreu's.

The CILNius-like Killens (who look linkable to Flags/Flecks) use the same tower, in white again, and the same-colors Keele's/Kills use the Morte/Mott crescent, in my opinion just because I see Cilnius Maecenas' ancestors behind the Maccabees at Modi'in. Why do Portuguese Abreu's use FIVE wings while the Italian branch has the Second/Segur lion design in the same colors? Were their Caepio's in Abruzzo that we should know about?

The Killen tower is beside a white bend, the color of the Chatan bend with the same tower beside it! As CATO's/Chattans use the Chatan bend, let's repeat that Wikipedia's article on Porcius Cato has him growing up at an undisclosed location of Abruzzo. Even if we ignore Cato, the fact here is that Killens are being traced well to Abruzzo. As the Doria's of Imperia were likely Cattanei-line Candida's, meaning that they link to the Chives cat, this would be a good place to mention that Arthurs, and therefore the Arduinici's (that married Doria), can trace to Arettium, where Cilnius' lived for centuries. Cilnius Maecenas was from Arettium.

My mother is a Massey liner from Abruzzo. Purely "by chance," an employee of mine with an Abreu surname (Portuguese ancestry on both sides) became my landlady while I needed a temporary place to stay. It was while staying with her in about 2002 that I began seeing dragon-line Hebrews from Abruzzo. The idea that Hebrews named Abruzzo started to gnaw at me until I broke down and included Hebrews in my dragon hunt, which, until then, I was not prepared to do. I did NOT want to get into anything that resembled British-Israelism / European-Israelism. Now look at me. In the first years, I denied that any Hebrews in the dragon cult, from Ladon through to Varangians in Rosicrucianism, were Israelites. That allowed me to understand other Hebrew lines. Mythical PHLEGyas the Lapith became suspect with Peleg, son of Eber, father of all Hebrews. They were not Israelites yet at the birth of Peleg, and Pelegites went forward with many Hebrew branches that were not Israelitish.

But God had a different purpose, to reveal the roots and end-time meaning of Caiaphas and the Maccabees. In my mother's house there is a book, written in Italian...which I could read not well at all (I need to struggle speaking Italian). The book was about her home town near L'Aquila. I was able to make out that the people from her town had been from Naples. And that's where the Capua's/Capone's and Candida's were first found. So, Who planted that book in my mother's house?

My grandmother is a Taddei that should lead to Tattons-of- Massey at Dunham-Massey. Tattons use the Dutton quarters, colors reversed from the Second/Segur quarters. It could look like Caepio's were linked to the Taddei bloodline, and so let's repeat that the line of Godfrey de Bouillon linked hard to Caiaphas liners. His father, Eustace II, is represented in the Eustace surname using the Burgh/Berk cross. Eustace was a Fleming, right? It just so happens that the Quint chevron is colors reversed from the Deed/Dade chevron, and the gold garbs of Deeds/Dade's are the Cheshire (and Joseph) garbs. What's going on? How would anyone have known that the Bouillon Cross was the Taddei cross had I not been a Taddei on one side? This may not be a small clue, and I'm still waiting to find who else, aside from Taddei's, use three red chevrons on blue. Clare's and Burgs use three red chevrons.

I feel completely enlightened by the grub in my firewood. Avezzano looks like the Abruzzo area of dragonline concern. The "Bruggia of Bruzi" suggest that Brussels and Brugg in Belgium were Abruzzo liners. The Louvains of Belgium, suspect as Levite liners, are likely an origin of the Bruce lion. Louvains use their lion in colors reversed to the Ferrari lion. It is online that the three Levi chevrons were used by counts of Hainaut (Belgium), and as that was Flemish territory, a new theory on the origins of Flemings is now "Fucino," which to Italians can mean "fired-up / "smoky." My enlightenment here is that the Livius-branch Levi liners were at the Avezzano theater along with Caepio families. One could expect "Joseph" in a Levi family. I have just realized that Scottish Flemings (BURGundy border?) are using the Morton chevron and the Morton goat head. That traces Hasmoneans to Flemings

The three Levi chevrons are half in the colors of the three Clare / Burg chevrons, but the Levi chevrons are in the colors of Flanders (home of Flemings). The lion that's the Arms of Flanders and the Arms of Hainaut is upright and in the colors of the same of Italian Conte's, first found in Ferrara, and it's in the colors of the horse in the Italian Fort/Fortezza Coat, first found in Ferrara...meaning that the Ferrari car logo is the Fort horse (see it in the Arms of Stuttgart and ask why), revealing that Forts are Ferrari's. German Forts use a version of the Sforza lion. That allows a Fleming link to the Avezzano discussion insomuch as Conteville's had Avezzano links. So, let it be reminded that Avezzano's were first found in Sardinia, where I trace Font de Ville's, first found in the same place as French Conte's. One might be able to glean a fundamental Conte-Avezzano link, especially if VISconti's were named after Avis elements.

Irish Flemings share the Quint "vair fur" (both in blue), as well as the red-and-gold checks of the Vaux's/Vallibus' whom, below, become part of the Fucino suspects along with the Grimaldi fusils. Scottish Flemings lived mainly in Lothian, at least originally, where Scottish Vaux's and Faucets/Fauxside's were first found.

As HAINaut us thus suspect with "Annas," and while the Annas Coat relates to the annulet (Ottone symbol) and to the Letts, note the Fleming motto: "LET the deed shaw." Flemings are shawing evidence of their trace to the "whet sheaves" of Avis', right? Is "deed" partly for Dutton liners? Yes, for Duttons share the Berkshire Coat while English Shaws/Sheaves were first found in Berkshire. Deeds/Dade's happen to share gold garbs with Wheats (!!), and both were first found in Norfolk. This traces the two surnames, with Flemings, to the "wheat sheaves" of the Aves'. No one in this discussion calls them "wheat sheaves" aside from the Aves'. The Wessels, using them in the colors of the Aves sheaves, call them, "wheat garbs."

The Dutton quarters are colors reversed from the Second/Segur and Morton quarters, important because Duttons were first found in the same place (Wiltshire) as Mortons (their rooster is suspect with Jonathan Maccabee at Modi'in so that Mortons link well to Motts). The "vincit" motto term of Sheaves/Shaws brings one to the Fessy motto which itself is in honor of Valentinian, whose bloodline includes the Segni's/Segurana's (Genoa), which is to say that Caiaphas-suspect Sheaves' are linking to the Caepio-suspect Seconds. The Segni's trace to Seagars, first found in the same place as Wheats and Deeds. Below, the Fessys became part of the Fusil group suspect with Phocaeans, but it was only in this insert that they became suspect with the namers of Avezzano. DUDleys even use the Louvain / Massin lion.

The Morte's/Motts are important for the Sardinian topic, for Jordans (one branch in Brittany) will be discovered with Sardinians while Judds/Jutts/Juggs are said to derive in "Jurd / Jordan" (I don't agree but it looks like Jordans were involved with the surname). They trace to Jugon, the very part of Brittany (west side of Dol) where Morte's/Motts were first found. As the Drake wyvern in the Jugg/Judd Crest is called a "COCKatrice proper", note that Cocks use, not only the Grimaldi fusils, but a white FESSE (in Fessy colors) matching the Jugg/Judd fesse color.

Jonathan Maccabee is known to have made a solid alliance with Alexander Balus, who is suspect at Sulcis of Sardinia. This has got to be interesting for you, especially as Balas' share the white estoile with the Mott Crest. The Balas cross looks to be a version of the one used by Quince-related Winchesters (Quint fitchees"), first found in the same place as Josephs.

So, the grub has given us a reason to trace the family of Quintus Caepio to Avezzano, or to something close, especially as Visconti's use the Chappes perchevron.

After writing the above, I loaded Wikipedia's Avezzano article, and in the meantime "Sane" was loaded seeking the entity in the latter part of "Avezzano." Sane's are listed with swan-using Sions/Swans/Sine's. Although I'm not at all convinced that by this that Avezzano's were Sions (Macey chevron), the latter do apply to the discussion because they once showed the gauntlet gloves of Maceys, and now show "falconer's gloves" while being in both Macey and FalCONTE colors. The Falconte's are the ones with the old Abreu towers, and they become suspect with Valerius Gratus after the quote below. French Josephs were showing a swan, which I had traced to the swan of Italian Alba's, who may relate to this quote:

Alba Fucens [a Fucino term] was an ancient Italic town occupying a lofty location (1,000 m) at the foot of the Monte Velino, c. 6.5 km north of Avezzano, Abruzzo, central Italy. Its remains are today in the comune of Massa d'Albe.

It was originally a town of the Aequi, though on the frontier of the Marsi, but was occupied by a Roman colony (304 BC) owing to its strategic importance. It lay on a hill just to the north of the Via Valeria...

When I see a Valeria term smack when the grub is tracing Caiaphas, I start to do a little chirping myself. Was Valerius Gratus from Avezzano? Let's squeal: the Valer(io) lion is in the colors of the Kelly/Killia lion, and English Falcons are using the same chevron as Valerys/Valeria's...suggests that a VALerius-Conte's merger existed as Falconte's. That's no small deal if correct, for it identifies the one who put Caiaphas on the priestly map as a Conteville liner.

What happened next was inspiring. The Valerius-Gratus article at Wikipedia was loaded to see if per chance he was from the Avezzano area. Nothing is said in his short article on where he's from, but it does say that his first choice in replacing Annas ("Ananus" in the article) was an Ishmael ben Fabus. This excited me because my mother's brother, Mr. Grimaldi, has some Fabian elements to the best of my recollection. I was thinking that while "Ishmael" is not Roman but very Semitic, he may have been married to a Roman Fabian family, explain why Valerius may have chosen him. Perhaps the Jews rejected him due to his Roman blood, explaining why Gratus picked another high priest to replace Fabus.

At first, the Faber Coats were loaded to re-find that Italian Fabers were first found in Modena, suspect with Modi'in in Israel. That could give the impression that Fabus' had been entrenched in the Maccabee family / priesthood from decades earlier, or even from the start of naming "HASmonean." Imagine if I'm correct in pegging Hasmoneans as Grimaldi's as per their trace to Has and Monaco? If I sound confident, there is now a reason.

German Fabers, using a fesse in colors reversed to the other Fabers, show anchors, the symbol in the Aves Crest. I've been waiting to see how Anchors/Annackers (proto-Annas from Agrigento, right?) can relate to Avezzano, and so wait for the Crone's after this insert, who use a Shield filled with lozengy half in the colors of the Grimaldi lozengy, and in both colors of the Anchor lozenges. It just so happens that another Crone surname has Crome/Croom variations traceable to Krume, smack beside Has. If you recall, the Krume's had linked to Chappes-related Thors/THORNs traceable to the Turano river. The Thors use elephant TRUNks while Trunks use bull heads so that Trunks too look named after the Turano. Here is from the 2nd update of this month:

Dutch Reeds are the ones sharing the "crampon" symbol of Tyrols that's now tracing to Crampons and to the Krummpen variation of Krume's...If you recall, Tyrol is at the Rhaetian mountains that became suspect with "Rieti."

Rieti is where the Salto meets the Turano. One has good reason for tracing Krume elements to these rivers, therefore, and that allows a trace of Grimaldi's there.

German Fabers use a fesse in the colors of the same of Beefs/Boeufs, and the latter show a TURNbull family merged with them, for which reason the Fabers can trace to the Turano river. Both Beefs/Boeufs and one Faber Coat use nothing but their fesses in colors reversed from one another. The lion of German Fabers even has red roses on stems, the symbol of Avis! HAVE WE GOT YOUR ATTENTION?

Next. The Fabians were loaded to find a Shield filled with the Grimaldi lozenges!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It blew my mind. It seems that everything in my life is suspect as geared for making this revelation concerning the roots of Caiaphas. What will my mother say when I tell her this? I won't. She'd never believe me.

It then dawned that Mr. Grimaldi, my mother's brother in Italy, has a wife, Eva, and Eva's are listed with Avis-related Eves! So, what was I supposed to do but load the Dino Coat, for they named their son by that name. The Dino's were first found in Florence, where Taddei's were first found, and they share a red Chief with Taddei's while the first-recoded Dino was Taddeo Dini. Incredible. Maybe I'm Joseph Caiaphas.

It strikes me that a red Chief is used by Veys/Vivians, who use a blue chevron, the color of the Faber fesse, meaning that "VIVIAN" can be a FABIAN variation. There is no Fibian surname coming up, however. It is interesting, however, for tracing Fabians to "Fey" at Avalon.

As Deans/Denes' use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Dino's in colors reversed, the Dean crescents must be the Tatton crescents. The upright lion in the Dean Coat is in the colors of the same of Seconds/Segurs, important because the next section links Colchesters to Quintus Caepio while involving the Neils/Nihills/Nails whom the Deans honor with their "hihil" motto term. Nails are used by Logans who are suspect with the Swan Knight, LOHENgrin, and my guess had been that "grin" is code for Grimaldi's (because I knew that Lohengrin was a Ligurian entity). Italian Deans/Degan, first found in Placentia, use the Tatton crescents too, I assume, and crescents in colors reversed from Luna's, as per a Luna location in northern Tuscany, were traced confidently to the LUNEburg entity of Brunswick-Luneburg, wherefore lets repeat that the Brunswick lion is the Second/Segur well as the Dean lion.

As Deans are linking to the Taddei > Tatton line, isn't it relevant that Taddei's were first found in the same place (Florence) as Bruno's? The Brunswick lions always come in pairs, as do the Abreu and Second/Segur lions in the same colors. As Luna is beside Massa-Carrara, the Luna crescent was traced to the same of French Masseys/MASSA's, and the latter use three in the Chief, as do Deans in colors reversed As Diens/Dives use the Masci wing that was once showing for years, the Taddei's are tracing to the Diens/Dives too. The Massey/Massa Chief and Coat look like a version of the Taddei Coat! Browns are probably using the Masci fleur.

As most Italian-Dean variations are Degan-like, the same colored Deacons and Decans come to mind. Irish Deans use three wings used by Abreu's. The wings are singular, like the Abreu wings. When the singular Masci wings were changed, they took the same design. The Avezzano area of Italy is simply not a place that anyone would trace Templars to, and here the grub has apparently spoken to indicate that something like a Joseph Caiaphas was there.

Having said all that, let's go back to the Wikipedia quote wherein an Alba Fucens existed in a Massa d'Albe region at Avezzano. Then, let's repeat that Phocaeans suspect at Massalia smack of this Massa entity while Phocaeans are suspect at "Fucens". If you read up on the Numidian peoples that king Massena was involved with, you'll see why they should apply to "Massalia/Massilia." My suspicions were that Cilnius Maecenas (about 100 BC) was a Massena liner. The Lacys are suspect from Lacydon, and as Lacy-related Skiptons, whom were engaged in marriage by Meschins, share a purple lion with Vivians, I am seeing Fabians involved in the alliance that king Massena made with general Scipio a few years before 200 BC. This was in time for the first known Maccabee no earlier than about 170 BC. General Scipio was stationed at Placentia at the time (where Deans/Degans were first found), where he was in charge of the Roman army, with power to send a Massena liner, or a Fabian liner, or a Grimaldi liner, to Israel.

The "fideli" motto term of English Deans traced to Fiddle's at Vis-de-Loop. That, in a nutshell, can trace Deans to Avezzano. One Irish Dean Coat, using the motto of English Deans, shows a the double-red fesse bars of Mopps'/MODburleys. Irish Deans use a CROCodile, and then the red-on-white Dean crescent is used by Scottish Crocs/Croke's. Now listen to this, for the last time that I saw the Crocs, the AshMOLE's came to mind when seeing the Irish Crocs (maunch / sleeve) in Ashmole colors (for Eschyna de Mole was married to a Croc/Croce surname. When seeing ISHMAEL Fabus shortly above, the Ashmole surname came to mind because I once considered it from the Biblical Ishmaelites. So, I've just loaded the Croce's to find that the Italian branch (same place as VALentins) uses the same lion as Valer(io)s. It was Valerius Gratus that appointed Ishmael Fabus to the high priesthood of Israel. After appointing a few more that didn't work out (I have no details), he gave the job to Joseph Caiaphas, and a reader informed us that Caiaphas' line would be found as per a blue lion named "something like Cappeo," which turned out to be the blue-on-white lion of Macclesfields, colors reversed from the Valer(io) lion.

In other words, Valerius Gratus may have been related both the Fabus and Caiaphas. English Croce's look like they use Massey and Massin/Mason items.

As Annas was from a father (Seth) in Syria, lets ask why he gave his daughter to Caiaphas? Were they close in Syria? As the Hasmoneans are suspect from Has, smack beside Gabuleum, where I'm now tracing the El-Gabal cult of Emesa (Syria), a cult that the Massena line engaged, might Caiaphas have been involved there as a priest, or the son of an El-Gabal priest? What are the chances that, before knowing of Cilnius Maecenas at Arettium, or of Has and Gabuleum, I saw two reasons for tracing El-Gabal's priesthood to Assisi and neighboring Arettium?

Around 64 BC, the Roman General and Triumvir, Pompey had reorganised Syria and the surrounding countries into Roman provinces. Pompey had installed client kings in the region, who would become allies to Rome. Among those client kings was Sampsiceramus I (whose name is also spelt Sampsigeramus).

The same sort of client-king installation is possible generations before under Scipio. To the immediate south of Emesa -- in the same period, from about 100 BC, when the first Emesa priest-kings ruled -- there had been a Massyas area. It was also "MARSYas," I had read and reported, suggesting now some Marsi elements from Avezzano. How about that. Another priest aside from SampsiGERAMUS, who smacks of the Campbell-gyronny symbol, was Iamblichus, who himself smacks of the Cammell variation of Campbells, kin of MacArthurs that smack of "Arettium" and "Arethusa," the latter being a Syrian location where the El-Gabal cult had its start before being in Emesa. The Campbells and MacArthurs were first found in the same place as Herods/Hurls even, and Hurls (and Herls) are suspect with Herluin de Conteville, a line now suspect out of Avezzano.

Recall the Mount VELINo that was the location of Alba Fucens, for it smacks of Valentinian. In any case, the Velins/Valens share duck with Herls/Hurls, and the latter's fesse is not only colors reversed to the Valen ducks in fesse formation, but shares a gold fesse with Herods/Hurls. "Coincidences" like this happen when you have the story correct.

The French Alans once showed ducks before they were changed to martlets in the same colors. The Bellins look like they should apply to Vellans, and the French Bellins were first found in Brittany, while the Italian Bellins are the Belli's that use the Carpenter motto. I always view Carpenters as kin of Alan-Stewarts. Wellens were first found in the same place as English Stewarts, and my claim was that the Scottish Stewarts borrowed their checks from the Massi/Mattis Coat, a surname that I know for a fact was of suspect with Massa-d'Albe at mount Velino, what a coincidence. Plus, the Maccabee-liner Motts were beside Dol while Dol and Rennes are in VILAINE. My goodness.

The Raines' from Rennes were from Rainier of Montferrat, at Langhe. That Raines' link to purple-lion Wrens, remember, and the purple has been suspect with the Roman purple of Scipio. Welsh Bellins look like they are using the Elis cross with the Raines lions. Ask the eel and the bellows of the same-colored, Skipton-related Skiptons about that. Whose Shield-and-Chief color combination, and whose colors within the Chief, are the Bellows using?

The Vilain surname uses the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Tanners, and then Alba is on a Tanaro river at Langhe, while Langhe was named after Alans/Alengs. Ask the German Lang pelican whether it has seen any pelicans in a Stewart Crest, and then look to see that they were first found in Luneburg. I didn't know that yet when I traced Alan-Visconti's to Brunswick-Luneburg. "Coincidences" like that happen know.

Massino-Visconti is nearby Langhe while the Tanner Chief uses the Moor child that the Visconti's put in the mouth of there snake (they now show a white child). It looks like Alans are tracing to all the right places for a trace to Avezzano and Velino. There must be some Avezzano elements in the Vilaine area of Brittany.

I would also like to mention in passing that "IamBLICHUS" may have been a take on "BRIQUESsart, father of le Meschin. Briquessart lived in the BESSIN, now tracing to AVEZZANo. The WHELAN/FAILIN Coat (Massey fleur) is a copy of the Brick Coat, you see. The Shield-and-Chief color combination of the Whelans is that of Dino's from the Taddei's, and the colors inside the Whelan Chief are used by both the Massey/Massa and Taddei Chiefs. Both things can be said of Bellows.

I don't know how you say "wow" in Italian, but, O my. The Bellins were looked up because it was thought that Velino's may have become them. But, O my, when "Bellino" was loaded, it was about a minute after wondering why no sign of VALENtinian was showing up. I of course thought about the Valentin Coat with squirrels. Then, when the Bellino Coat showed, a "bear's paw," the symbol of the Squirrel Crest!!!

Bellino's were first found in Verona, as were Bellins and Basso's (Varn bend?), not far from where Valentins were first found. Therefore, Valino was related to emperor Valentinian in some way. His father was GRATian, which had become suspect with Valerius GRATUS!!! That now looks pretty good. Reminder: Mount Velino and Alba Fucens and Massa-d'Albe were on the Via Valeria. "It probably owed its origin to Marcus Valerius Messalla, censor in 154 BC." That could indicate a Massalia-Lacydon trace to Avezzano / Fucino.

It's notable that while "albe" can mean a tree in Italian, French Masseys/Massa's use a "tree without leaves." It's suspect as part-code for Levi liners, but I have not an idea on why is has no leaves. Did the Levi's depart Massa-d'Albe? Were they the Livius'? The Livings/Levins use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Tanners AND VILAINs, along with martlets in the white colors of the same of Sadducee-suspect Saddocks and Chadocks / Chadwicks. Did the Levites at Velino move to the Tanaro?

As The Caepio-Livius line in Servilia Caepionis had an affair with Julius Caesar, it gives me pause. I think I'm scratching at the heart of the matter with this pause. The Italian Bellin/Belli Coat looks like a red version of the German Julian Coat, and the crescents on that Julian Coat are colors reversed from the Bellamy crescents. The French Alans that once showed ducks are still showing the French Julian stars. It looks like Julius can trace to the namers of Velino too, expected if Caiaphas was born from his child's child.

The Powys' use a bear paw too, and so the Welsh Bellins are likely related to the Powys' (the name of a location In Wales). The Powys bear paw is colors reversed from the Bellino paw. Why a bear? The Mackays? King Arthur? Berwickshire? Why do Powys' call it a "gamb"? Powys' were first found in the same place (Shropshire) as Bellamys, and the Moor-using Chappes' are honoring the Bellamy location of Perche.

Amazing, just as I was looking for the mother of Caiaphas in the people of El-Gabal, and just as I worked out a viable theory, I loaded the Gamble Coat to find a crane with a rose on a stem. That's the symbol of the Avezzano's. The Gamble's had became suspect with "IAMLichus." I realize how far-fetched that sounds, but hear me out. After tracing Azizus of El-Gabal to Assisi, and then tracing "Arethusa" to neighboring Arezzo = Arretium, here I find a good trace of Gamble's to Avezzano, all three places in central Italy with Perusia (Ottone's) between them. The last time we saw a rose on a stem was in the Fabers.

The first thing noted about the Gamble Coat was that it uses the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Deans, and the Dean Shield has a large lion in the same color as the large Gamble fleur. The Deans use a crocodile while Croce's (Gamble colors and Massey-suspect Shield) use a white stork in Crest much like the white Gamble crane. A giant crane, likewise in white, is used by Crone's. Another Crone Coat uses the Grimaldi-suspect lozenges (in Gamble colors) as well as a fish sticking up erect from the Crest i.e. in the shape of the black stone of El-Gabal. The central part of the fleur de lys was identified from the Saraca fish (I had good arguments that won't be repeated here) before realizing that it's in the shape of a papal mitre said to be a fish. But that caused me to see the central part of the fleur-de-lys as a potential code for the black stone of El-Gabal, for Julius Bassianus' family was part of the El-Gabal priesthood while Caracalla, whose mother was Julius' daughter, was from the Saraca fish line that formed the fleur-de-lys (at Lille near the Lys valley of Arretium-like Artois). In short, the Gamble fleur was suspect as the black stone, but not black due to the need, sometimes, to change heraldic colors due to kinship. Gamble's were first found in Yorkshire, where Caracalla was stationed.

You need to stick with me as this is long. The third Crone Coat uses what I say is a version of the Arthur and Wayne Coats, in Gamble colors again, and even show the white Gamble ermine design. Wayne's share the GAUNTlet gloves with Maceys and Mackay-sept Veyne's. That glove is code for John of Gaunt, who was at the Gironde theater, tentatively important because the Arms of Gironde is gyronny. To share the importance of this ahead of time, the theory will be that Caiaphas was a son of Sampsiceramus / SampsiGERAMUS, a term like the Greek "geranos = crane," and suspect with the gyronny symbol.

Gironde is on the Garonne river i.e. two term like "gyronny". The Arms of Gironde are in the blue-and-white colors of the same in the Picard surname, suggesting a Gironde trace to Picardy, where John's wife, Catherine Roet, originated (though her line goes back to Rieti near Avezzano). PicARDy is on the south side of Arettium-suspect Artois. It tends to suggest that the Gironde gyronny was related to John of Gaunt even as he seems to be in play in the Coats above. The Ghent Coat uses the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Livings, Tanners and Villains, suggesting linkage to the Levite suspects from Mount Velino and Avezzano. That red rose we keep seeing; John of Gaunt was the founder of the red-rose House of Lancaster. It could appear that Mr. Gaunt was from Avezzano, or at least mixed with one or more of its lines. Mr. Gaunt has been found in the Doria-ARDuinici family.

The Crone's with the erect fish and the Grimaldi-suspect lozenges in Gamble/Gamel colors were first found in the same place as Gamel-like Campbells/Cammells (gyronny), MacArthurs, and Herods. Chives-related Scottish Mathie's use gyronny and the MacArthur crown while English Mathie's use triple chevrons in Gamble colors, and colors reversed from the same of Burgs and Clare's.

Finding Caiaphas' Mother: Shot One

Now for the theory. Julius Caesar and Servilia Caepionis were having an affair from before 64 BC, according to Wikipedia. It seems no one knows when they started, but it continued to 44 BC, suggesting that Servilia's husband knew about it and tolerated it. My theory, they gave birth in about 75-70 BC to Mr. Unknown. When he became of age, Julius (a total scum) was powerful enough made him into a politician or a military man, or a somebody in some way. He was involved in Caesar's desire to conquer all of the West if possible, and was sent as an ambassador to the Picts to get them in submission to Rome. By that time, Julius was perhaps passed away, but maybe not. While in Pictland, Mr. Unknown took a girl on a lonely night, and she raised his son. When the son was of age, Mr. Unknown sent him to the Pontus, where he was known as Pontius Pilate (this was under emperor Augustus, an adopted son of Julius Caesar). Mr. Unknown sent his son to the Pontus because his sister, Junia Caepionis, was sent to marry Sampsiceramus I, who was "family." I'm not taking this seriously. It's a pot-shot.

Sampsiceramus was the son of Azizus (reality), whose mother had been from Assisi (my theory), sent to Syria on behalf of Roman interests there. The ancestry of Azizus had been from the family of Cilnius Maecenas (my theory), a woman of Arettium which was given to the Syrians at Arethusa for Roman interests. But the El-Gabal priesthood came to serve the Seleucid powers up to Azizus (reality) so that other daughters were needed to turn things around for the Romans. This is where Junia Caepio came in. "Around 64 BC, the Roman General and Triumvir, Pompey had reorganised Syria [Julius Caesar was not yet powerful at this time] and the surrounding countries into Roman provinces. Pompey had installed client kings in the region, who would become allies to Rome. Among those client kings was Sampsiceramus I...At the request of Pompey, Sampsiceramus I captured and killed in 64 BC, the second last Seleucid King Antiochus XIII Asiaticus."

Something turned the El-Gabal leader around, against the Seleucids. However, in earlier times, when the priests served the Seleucids, it may have involved peoples in Avezzano, explaining why they were first found in Sardinia.

Pompey, who had formed an alliance with up-coming Mr. Caesar, had successful battles in the Pontus. "Late in 48 BC, Caesar was again appointed Dictator, with a term of one year. After spending the first months of 47 BC in Egypt, Caesar went to the Middle East, where he annihilated the king of Pontus; his victory was so swift and complete that he mocked Pompey's previous victories over such poor enemies." Apparently, the two leaders had something going in the Pontus.

Then, although Pompey had enriched the El-Gabal cult to make it his tool, Sampsiceramus' son, Iamblichus I (crowned 48 BC), betrayed Pompey in favor of supporting Julius Caesar. The latter two had a falling out. But if Iamblichus I was a grandson of Caesar, that would explain it. "It was either Iamblichus I or his son, Iamblichus II, that received Roman citizenship from Julius Caesar or Augustus, as the Emesani dynasty took the Roman gentilicium Julius to be added to their Aramaic, Arabic, Greek and later Latin names. Iamblichus II ruled as a Priest-King from 20 BC to 14." I see the birth of Caiaphas' about 20 BC. The fact that the El-Gabal priests could use "Julius" can explain Julius Bassianus several generations later. Bassianus' daughter, Miss. Maesa, looks like a Maecenas liner.

After forming the theory thus far, it dawned that SAMPSI was a form able to create "Caiaphas." For example, the Camps, in Campbell colors, use the colors and format of Capone's. That could trace the proto-Camps to the creation of "SAMPSI." If correct to trace Campbells to "CAMPania" at the Naples theater, that's where Capua's/Capone's were first found, and peoples of Naples are suspect in moving to Abruzzo, as per my mother's book that says they did. Let's imagine, therefore, that Campania elements of the Avellino kind got to Syria with the goings forth there of one or more Maecenas liners, and perhaps they named Arethusa after Arettium. The Syrians didn't like "Camp," and used "Samp" instead, Avellino was named after Apollo, a sun god. This line would become mythical Avalon, where Arthurs had stake, what an gabalincidence. Camps were first found in Yorkshire, where Miss. Maesa's sister saw her emperor-husband (Septimius Severus) die while at war with the Picts.

Compare the design on the rare Avezzano bend with that on the bend of the French Champagne's or the Arms of Champagne. It's not a match, but the similarity is striking. I've never seen any other like them. It can give the impression that Campania liners were in Avezzano.

I've never had anything to say about the symbol of the Chambre/CHAMBY Coat. After writing the above, when started to think about other Camp-like surnames. I knew without loading that this surname uses a red rose on a stem, and that's all the Coat uses. I'll spare you the 10 exclamatons that this deserves. That is impressive. If only that grub would talk more. It's been asleep all day. Just like that, a proto-Caiaphas trace from Capua (in Avellino) to Avezzano looks clinched. And there is a Chambre location on the Arc river, location of Modane (for new readers, that's suspect with Modi'in).

Iamblichus II died in 14 AD, four years before Valerius Gratus gave Joseph Caiaphas the hot seat. Valerius Gratus got his job in Judea in 15. Caiaphas was the high priest until at least 36 AD, a very long time in a politically-shaky world. That might be explained where Sampsiceramus I was the Emesa king until 42. Syria had a lot of sway in Israel.

In 70 AD, Titus took Jerusalem. Josephus of Israel formed an alliance with Titus and even took the family name of Titus as his own. This can indicate that the family of Joseph Caiaphas abandoned their people and joined the Romans. Who gave the Titus surname its gyronny, half in the colors of the Picard / Gironde gyronny? Why is the Chappes Moor head (same design at this time, in case it changes) at the center of the Titus Coat? Chappes' are in Valer(io) colors. Scottish Chappes' use "ears of wheat."

The wife of Sampsiceramus II was of some Persian extraction within a priestly cult of northern Syria, perfect for attracting what became the Pharisees (theory only). Her name was Iotapa. She named her daughter the same, who married a grandson of Herod "the great." Mamaea, sister of Iotapa the younger, married a king of the Pontus, where I see Pontius Pilate washing his hands, and giving his wife lots of headaches. There may have been other Iotapa's before these. Couldn't one of the Iotapa's (like "Joseph") have used "Joseph" for one of her children if the father was a Hebrew? Let's imagine Junia Caepionis, a Livius on her mother's side, having a daughter in about 50-40 BC. This daughter marries Sampsiceramus II or one of the Iamblichus', giving birth to Joseph Caiaphas, a "rightful" Levite. "Rightful" is debatable, I suppose, but the Jews apparently had a problem in that period bagging a suitable chief priest, and, in the end, I suppose they threw their hands up and tolerated Caiaphas as Gratus' fourth offering.

The king of Pontus at the link above had a niece that married Cotys VIII, King of Thrace. This family could have linked to Cottians, even to Caesar's mother. We find that Cotys' family was "a loyal ally to the first Roman Emperor Augustus." Going further back, Cotys I was an ally of Pompey. They were called Sapaeans: "Sapaeans, Sapaei or Sapaioi were a Thracian tribe close to the Greek city of Abdera. One of their kings was named Abrupolis." ABRUpolis??? As Sapaean smacks of the Sabines, whose Sabine mountain was smack at Avezzano, I'm either one wizard, one lucky nut, or correct in hearing that grub's message. It looks like Abruzzo elements were used in Thrace to turn it pro-Roman. If there is no evidence for the Sapaean existence much earlier that Cotys I, then that theory could be correct. Cotys I is listed as the first king of Sapaeans:

Aha! The DRAKE's from Abruzzo can now trace to "THRACE." If that's correct, then they must have named the Drago river later. The name of Cotys can thus trace to Aurelia Cotta in anticipating that Julius Caesar subdued or befriended the Thracians.

There must have been Bulgarians (i.e. Thracians) in Abruzzo, especially in the Ferrari's, which can explain the horse logo of the Ferrari car. One can now see how Arettium traces to Arda on the Hebros, for these Sapaeans are said to have ruled at Odrysia. The Paeti on the Hebros that I've traced to Alans of Dol, and to Pietas-Julia at Istria, may have come from this Abruzzo-Thracian exchange / partnership. Pietas-Julia is better known as Pula/Pola, and the king of Pontus above is Polemon II. I had traced Sohaemus' name to a Suemus river up the Hebros area, and Sohaemus was the brother of Polemon's wife, as well as the son of Sampsiceramus II. Sohaemus' first wife was Drusilla of Massena / Numidia. Amazing. Servilia Caepionis' immediate ancestry was a combination of the Livius and Drusus families, and the latter may have named Drusilla.

As often happens, Wikipedia writers give derivations of terms like undeniable fact, or as though opposing schools do not exist. This is the case for the claim that "Sohaemus" derives in "little dagger." When I see flat claims like this, I smell cover up, not necessarily by the Wikipedia writer, but from the people who advanced that idea, from whom the Wikipedia writer borrowed. Shortly below, we will see why Herod liners should trace to the Hebros river too.

The Cottians ruled shortly over the Alps from Modane. The Sabines and the Abruzzo's apparently sent to Thrace (by who, the Cato's) could have included the Campania and Capua liners that, in a merger, can explain a Camp-Capone merger seen in heraldry. Capua is a location in Campania. I'm still shocked over the Chambre rose. Perhaps Chambre and Cumber elements were one and the same from "Umbria," for Avezzano is near the Umbria border. Or, perhaps Chambre's were Campania elements.

The Drake-Odrysian connection can explain several Arthurian centers in one grubby picture. It can not only explain how Odrysians named Atrebates that did live where Drake's were first found, but how Arda at the Odrysia area named Artois, where the Odrysians of Hampshire named its capital, called both Arras and Atrecht. "Arras" is just like "Arezzo," the alternative name of Arettium. But there's more, for I had the impression that the Cottians had moved quickly to the Varni theater in roughly the first century AD to become Jutes / Geats, and then the Drake wyVERN looks like code for the Varni. It could appear that king Cotys named himself that because he was from the Cotesii that named the Cottians, and they knew their ancestry to be in mythical Cotys of Thrace. It appears that Drakes and Cottians were a Cottian-Abruzzo merger, then merging together with the Varni proper or even the proto-Varni. The latter are expected to use the rose for a symbol of Rhodes and/or the Rhodope mountains (west side of Arda).

Let's go back to Iotapa, whose sister married ARISTobulus, son of Aristobulus IV, son of Herod "the great" and a Hasmonean. It seems that his "bulus" term goes back to Alexander Balus, and thus there is a Maccabee-Balus line involved with this particular Herod. "Arist" smacks of Oresteia at Odrysia, at the mouth of the Herod-like Arda river. It looks like Herods were named after Arethusa elements, and indeed the mother of Herod "the great" bottomless pit was from Aretas III of Edom. The Arthur "rest" symbol thus appears to be code both for the Aristobulus line and for Odrysian liners. There was a mythical Aristaeus that can apply.

Aristobulus was brother to Herod Agrippa, and so let's re-mention that the Gripps, listed with grub = Gareb suspects, use the bend colors of the Varn bend. Where did grubs trace? Why were grubs at Avezzano so important? As the brother of Julius Bassianus was an Agrippa, I would trace the brothers along with Caracalla (Julius' grandson) back a few generations to Herod Agrippa. Note that Carricks were first found beside the place in which Campbells, Herods, and MacArthurs were first found. Douglas' were of that same area, and they are said to be from Hardys while the latter use a black boar, symbol of Edom. The MacArthur-like MacCarthys/Arthys share a red stag with German HARTs, and the latter even call a red stag a "hart." As even the Carrick-suspect Gregors were from Hardy, it seems that these elements all trace to Herods.

Aretas III ruled Petra in far-south Edom. This thought gave me pause, asking whether Petra was named after a Peter term. As I'm emphasizing Avezzano, upstream from Rieti, what about Flavius Petro of Rieti and his line to three heads of the Revelation dragon? Ahh, I then recalled, the Spanish Petro's (the only Petros' that come up) use the same fleur colors as Gamble's, and there were other clues that recently traced Vespasian's family to El-Gabal elements. Imagine how much money and power was pumped into the Rieti area during the reign of the Flavian dynasty. The wealthiest families around would have been sought out for power-sharing purposes. If the Caepio's were in the area, couldn't we imagine a Vespasian link to Caepio's treasure?

Here's my impression at this point: Herods were from Arda, explaining why one Herod (Drusilla) was Sohaemus' second wife. These beasts liked to keep things in the family, as nothing mattered to them but there own stomachs. They would kill brothers and sisters if only they didn't need to work for a living, but could have all the luxuries that power had to offer. Their game was making alliances, not for love of family, but for stomach. This is why Jesus was railing against the priests of Israel; their outlook was just like that. It's not a wonder a grub spoke of this nasty thing. The suspicion is that the Herod and Sohaemus lines were from the Julian-sponsored or Julian-created Cotys Thracians, from the line of Aurelia Cotta, Caesar's very own line. That would be a good bet at this point of this story.

And Caiaphas ought to work into this in the Drake side of the picture because Josephs have linked to Drake's heraldically while being suspect with Cottian ancestry. I did not know that Caiaphas could trace to Abruzzo until the grub chirped up. Caiaphas' mother may have been a plant in the east for purposes of Roman expansion (never satisfied until they gobble down the entire globe, killing and maiming along the way). She or her mother may have been in Thrace. That is, one of the Junia Caepio's may have been given to Thracian rulers, and from that, Caiaphas' mother or father may have been used in Pontus or Syria.

When I was telling you the story on Mr. Unknown-Caepio in the Pontus, as it led to the most-logical choice for finding Caiaphas' mother by the things that I've discovered thus far, I did not know about king Cotys of Thrace. I settled tentatively on Caiaphas' mother being a Iotapa in case she was the reason for "Joseph." One Iotapa that married Sampsiceramus II had a sister (Julia Mamaea) that married Julian-suspect Polemon of Pontus (he had another wife previously, a Herod). These are all things new to me. How did Julia Mamaea get the Julian name? From adopting it as a gift from Caesar, as Wikipedia suggests for the Iamblichus', or was one of her parents a true Julian liner? Caesar had connections with the Parthians. Please do join me and let's figure this out.

Polemon's brother's sister married Cotys VIII, suggesting a Roman connection of a Julian kind between Cotys and Polemon. When I started the story where Mr. Unknown would father Pontius Pilate in relation to the Pontus, I did NOT yet know that Julius Caesar was involved there in just the way I expected, nor had I come to Polemon as yet. Lucky strike, or something more?

I've just read in one of the El-Gabal articles that their priest would wear a purple robe. Now that Caesar blood can work into that cult, it got me wondering whether this was part of the purple-dressed Harlot. For example, the Scipio's, who seem to trace well to heraldic purple, may have injected his own elements into the family that would come to run the El-Gabal cult. Perhaps Arettium elements such as those belonging to Cilnius Maecenas were chosen to go rule the Arda area on the Hebros (a few generations before the Cotys kings at Arda) just because Arda elements had founded Arettium in the first place. That would suddenly make an automatic cause for El-Gabal's trace to Maecenas blood, and explain "Arethusa" at the same time (Arabs probably didn't like "ium" endings used by Latins). Later, as we just saw, we find the Cotys family marrying Polemon who was in-turn a Massena liner, as you will see, and connected to El-=Gabal.

Interestingly, Julius Caesar was an official priest of Jupiter in his early days, and could therefore relate to El-Gabal priests. If Pietas-Julia was named after a Caesar line, and if Polemon was named after its other name, Pola, then let's add that Pola is in Istria, suspect with Ishtar, the bottom-line of the Harlot in my opinion. How else do we explain that Revelation 17 calls her "BABYLON THE GREAT, MOTHER OF..." The mother of Vespasian (Vespasia Polla) was traced to Pola, and while "VesPASI was traced to the Pasi's/Pace's, English Pace's/Paise's use three besants on a purple Shield. That looks like the Bassianus line linked to Vespasian elements, which recalls the suspicion that Pietas-Julia was named after one of the daughters of Julius Bassianus. Trace Pace's/Paise's to Paisleys, where Pollocks were first found that use a version of the Arms of Pola.

That reminds me. The idea crossed my mind that "Ves" and "Bass" were identical, from the same root. But I didn't know AVEZZANo at the time. Is that what formed BASSIANus? It can explain how Bassianus' daughter, Julia Domna, can trace to "Domitian." The Dumas Coat uses three besants on blue (near-replica of the Pace Coat), and the surname, from an Auriol location, looks fashioned for both Domna and Maesa liners. To prove that besants are for the Bassianus line, the SAVARys/Savards use them too while Bassianus' married Septimius SEVERus.

Another thing of interest. While the Revelation dragon is scarlet, the Flemings use either a scarlet or burgundy "double tressure border." The Saxons/Septons, suspect in-part with Septimius Severus (married Julia Domna), use scarlet / burgundy "chaplets." The Chaplet surname show FIVE swans in the colors of the French-Joseph swan, meaning that Quintus Caepio is at the bottom of the Saxon/Septon surname. It looks like a Caiaphas element should be in the line from Servilia Caepionis through to Julius Bassianus. Does Shepton Mallet apply?

I have little doubt now that the Vespasian dragon line to the 8th head goes through Bassianus, but the question is, was he really from Avezzano?

Polemon's father, Polemon I, was king in days after Caesar's death, but he remained on the pro-Julian side of the Roman civil war. Wikipedia has no article on Zenon, the father of Polemon I, but there may be a cover-up here because his wife or mother may have been from Pola. This is logical because the Polemons ruled from Bosphorus to Colchis, and including Colchis, while Pola was a Colchian settlement, or at least in the Colchian-settlement theater. Wikipedia's article on Polemon II says that his father's mother (Zenon's wife) is unknown. The Paisleys use a Coat much like the SANE/Sion/Swan Coat, and the Paisleys even share the anchor with AVIS'.

The location of Swiss Sion was traced to the Sensii peoples smack beside the Cotesii! That could make Zenon a Sensii liner. See top-right of map:

Again, the Sane/Sion/Swan motto traces to VIS-de-Loop. The Swiss Sens Coat even looks like a version of the Aurelia Coat so as to help make the Sensii link to Cotesii liners.

The "milker of cows" in the Sens write-up could be code for the Cawes using a version of the Aurelia-related Orr, and the VISconti-related Wishart/Guiscard, piles. It looks like Cottians are tracing hard to Avezzano liners, and that helps to link king Cotys to Aurelia Cotta. Did I mention that the Aurelia scallop can be the Mallet scallop?

I think I get this now. Aurelia's were Dorians, from mythical Dorus, brother of Xuthus, the same as Cotys, symbol of the Cotesii. Xuthus was from the Biblical Cutha which had the god, Nergal, husband of Lazi, from the Colchian Lazi at Pace-based Phasis. That's why the Doria's are also "Auria." They must have named d'Auriol at the mouth area of the Rhone, where Fucino elements have traced. That makes LACYdon and purple Lacys suspect with the Lazi, the Biblical dragon otherwise called, Ladon.

I've just re-checked Bassens to find another red rose on a stem!!! The grub rules. That was needed to help trace "Bassianus" to "Avezzano," but tends to clinch the "Avezzano" trace to the Bessin and to reveal it as a Colchian center. It can be argued by the Besants and Pheasants that "Vezz" traces to "Phasis." That would explain why Vespasian merged with Avezzano, and moreover helps to prove that his name is as per the Pace/Pasi surname. The Bassens even share greyhounds with the Lys/Lisse and Loop surnames. By now, it's apparent that the Biblical dragon is especially Colchian. Both English Bassens: a "ducal CORONet."

Why do Josephs use "two gold chevroNELS in BASE." Because the Base lions are the Brunswick and Second/Segur lions. The Loops relate to Brunswick and were first found in Segur-suspect Sieg. No one else I know of calls chevrons "chevroNELS," and so it's likely code for the Nels' (in Base colors) using red roundels, symbol of Orrs and Orrels. I have neglected the chevronels until now.

As Polemon was made a client king of Rome by Mark Antony, it just recalled that Italian Tonys (probably the French Julian stars) use a flower with a stem. Most heraldic roses come apart from a stem, and so stems became suspect with the leopard-using Stem/Stein surname, suspect with Stone's and therefore with the black stone of El-Gabal. This can reveal that the royal Polemons trace to Vespasia Polla, for Vespasians were Colchians. Tonys, of course, are suspect with Mark Antony whom gave Polemon his throne. English Antonys use a leopard face too.

But why do Italian Tonys use a flower rather than the rose of Avezzano? First of all, Austrian Antonys use a red rose (no stem) on a bend in the colors of the Porci and Fes/Fay bends, and while the latter's fox makes them suspect with Phocaeans at Fucino, Porcius Cato grew up in Abruzzo. Amazingly, I had forgotten that the Porci Coat has fleur-de-lys in the colors of the same of Petro's and Gamble's!

Shortly before the paragraph above, it was wondering when the white Pilate pheons would show up in the Polemon-of-Pontus discussion. Just watch what happened.

The Tony flower is important in the Polemon discussion because Flowers are using the Potter cinquefoil while both Vespasia Polla and Potters are from Poti = Phasis in Colchis. Potters were first found in the same place as Atrebates and Drake's while Polemon's granddaughter married Cotys VIII i.e. Thracian king in Odrysia. After writing that, the Polmon Coat was seen to be the Poole Coat, from the area of southern Hampshire, Atrebate territory! But this lion is the Valer(io) lion too.

The Flowers are suggested in their write-up for a trace to a fletchers = bowmen, and that reminds me that Fletchers/Flegers (= Baathist liners from Bat Colchians), using white pheons (!) on pellets (!!!!!), have a cross in the colors of the same of Arrows/Arras', said to be from the Artois capital! Wow, things are being explained here on a host of topics that I stress routinely, and, guess what? They are tracing to the makings of the Jesus setting. It looks like Polemon may have been a Pilate liner.

Fletchers/Flagers are said to have moved from Yorkshire to Aberdeen, the general area where Bitars/Buttars and Aflacks were first found. Fletchers settled GlenORCHY, and are said to have had a relationship with Stewarts, who had been in Devon previously, where Chives were first found. However, Chives' are said to have lived in Tarves, in Aberdeen, and they use a moline cross in the colors of the Fletcher cross. This speaks to a Caiaphas relationship with king Polemon. Pilate's mother is said to be from Perthshire, beside the Chappes' of Stirling, and in the general area of Aberdeen. One could imagine that Pilate and or his family member had later moved back to be with his mother. The Fletcher write-up happens to say that Campbells dominated Glenorchy. How about that.

AHA! After finding that Glenorchy is in Kingswell, the Kingswell article was loaded: "Kingswells is a suburb of Aberdeen, Scotland, situated west of the city centre, east of Westhill, north of Cults and south of Dyce." The Cults/Colts use the Pilate pheon in colors reversed along with a red stag suspect with the Herod-suspect harts. The Rollo clan badge is the Cult/Colt stag design, and both surnames were first found in the same place as Pilate's mother! It looks like the Fletchers, related to Mark Antony, and to king Polemon, were amongst the Pilate's of Scotland.

In fact, the English Antonys (using what looks like a version of the Hobbit/Hobbard Coat), were first found in the same place (Lincolnshire) as Pellet-related Pilotte's/Pillette's, both of whom use grails suspect with the Revelation harlot.

I was so busy writing the above that I hadn't yet time to click over to the German Polmons until now: A RED ROSE ON A STEM!!! The surname shows no Polmon variations, but shows as "Buhls" (and even a Pichler variation), meaning that they are the Pohls/Pohlands, Mieszko-Pole liners (dukes of Masovia). That says a lot, for Drake's use the red wyvern of the Masovia dukes! Therefore, heraldry has discovered that Mieszko Poles were from king Polmon's kin (Cotys Thracians) by marriage.

As red-rose-on-a-stem Avezzano's were suspect at Sardinia with Sulcis, which was gleaned as Mieszko's ancestry at the time that I traced "Sulcis" to the namers of Silesia, it's notable that Pohls (Mieske bull) were first found in Silesia. Therefore, proto-Mieszko's were at Avezzano. To help this picture stand harder, the Mieske arm is holding the rose-on-stem of Chambre's/Chambys. The latter were first found in the same place (Denbighshire) as Jones' using the same lion as Polmons/Poole's.

Aha! As soon as the Polmon/Poole Coat was seen, I was asking where I had just seen another Shield filled with fleur-de-lys in gold-on-blue, and they showed up just now in the French Chambre Coat! Bingo! We have a story.

The Polmon/Poole Crest is the Mieszko-related Dober / Doberman griffin, suspect with Agrippa liners, and there was recently found a Dober location a couple of miles from Goplo-related Koplik, and the latter was also called, Cupionich, suspect with "Caepionis." So, we have Pontus elements that were under Julius Caesar and Mark Antony tracing to the Mouse Tower and suspect with the Harlot line that includes Pontius Pilate's family. I'll bet that family was a Quintus-Caepio line through the seed of Julius Caesar, the bottomless pit, the scum of this earth along with millions of similar types who have no part in life; their role will be the torment of Hell fire. That's where they will finally learn, when it's too late. Have no pity. What levels of torment did they cause people on this planet? Can you measure it? Yet our modern historians love these men. They tell their war stories as though they were sporting events.

The Polmon/Poole motto informs us that Pollets/Pawlets (Hampshire) were related, but you can add Palins (same place as Poole) to that.

Off-shore of Polle on the Isle of Wight, there is a Cowes location looking like it can be a Caiaphas line, especially as it uses a version of the Orr / Guiscard PILEs. The Cowes piles are called "pennants," and, by the way, they are positioned in the way the Pollet swords are positioned. The Pennant surname (same area as Polle-related Chambres'), using the Trevor Coat, has an "Aequo" motto term that I traced to Qewe/Kue in Cappadocia, the realm of king Polemon. The trace seems sound because "Cowes" looks like "Qewe. But years ago, I traced Caiaphas to the Qewe / Cappadocia area, long before I knew of the Syrian cults. And even after learning of these cults, I was not quick to link Caiaphas to either one. Eventually, I was able to accept that the type of Levite that Caiaphas represented was not at all normal to Israel, and that he may have been more Roman than Jew. At this point, I don't even know whether he's Jewish at all.

The "Aequo" term, amazingly, is like the peoples at the Avezzano area, and this is where Caiaphas is suspect according to the grub. "[Alba Fucens] was originally a town of the Aequi, though on the frontier of the Marsi, but was occupied by a Roman colony (304 BC) owing to its strategic importance....After this it became a regular place of detention for important state prisoners, such as Syphax of Numidia..."

It looks like a Roman fort and prison was at this place inhabited by the Aequi, and so if they were from Qewe/Kue, it can trace Polemon elements to Avezzano, a trace indicated secondly by the Polmon/Buhl rose. Qewe was at Adana in Cilicia, and Polemon was king of Cilicia too. That's also the area of the religious cult at Comana that Polemon II's mother married; she married Archelaus, somewhat suspect with the Arc river at Chambre and Modane because Herod Archelaus lived nearby. This Herod had married Archelaus' mother, Glaphyra, suspect with the Claver/Cleaver surname using a key that is somewhat suspect with Cappadocian areas such as Qewe, KAIsariya (Caesarea, the old Mazaca), and another neighboring key-like area the name of which I have forgotten (it may have been Ceyhan).

Why does the Cowes/Kowe/Ku Crest use the Julian/Gillian cross in the same color??? That's why the Cowes location should be one from the Caiaphas bloodline, and it's making him suspect with the Julian-Polemon line. The Cowes write-up traces the term to "jackdaw," but Scottish Jacks (share holly with Maxwells) were first found in the same place as Pollocks (i.e. said to be named after "a pool" haha, and linking to the Arms of Pola/Pula). Daws' and Dawsons were traced to Has. Jacks could be from "Jacob," as the write-up claims, and that could make them related to James' using the same lion as Polmons/Poole's. Daws (swans in the design of the Joseph swan) were first found in the same place (Lancashire) as Cowes'. Now you know that the Cawes write-up is a lie as well as code.

Polemon I married a granddaughter of Mark Antony, and together they gave birth to Polemon II in 12 BC, roughly when Caiaphas was born. To show how the Polemons can trace to Massena elements:

Through his maternal grandmother [Polemon II] was a direct descendant of Mark Antony and his second wife Antonia Hybrida Minor [Hebrew? From Abruzzo?]...Through Antony, his great maternal aunt was Queen Cleopatra Selene II of Mauretania [married Massena liner, Juba II, as did Glaphyra Archelaus]. Through Antony, he was a distant cousin to Roman Client King Ptolemy of Mauretania and the princesses named Drusilla of Mauretania [first wife of Sohaemus]. Through Antony, he was also a distant cousin to Roman emperors Caligula, Claudius and Nero and Roman empresses Valeria Messalina, Agrippina the Younger and Claudia Octavia.

Polemon was a Biblical dragonliner.

By the way, a good reason for tracing the fox-using Fes/Fey surname to Fucino is that Fes/Fez in Morocco is near Sale, traceable to the Salto river having a source smack beside Fucino. Idris of Morocco married an Aures gal where the Shawia Numidians lived. I identified "IDRus" with ITURean before seeing the "qui patITUR" motto term of English Shaws/Sheaves. The key-using Italian Sheaves were first found in Abruzzo! Amazing "coincidence." What does this mean? The Itureans were Arabs, as was Idris, and they lived at Massyas, now in eastern Lebanon. Massyas crept right up to Emesa. It could appear that Idris knew some El-Gabal elements of the Massena kind, from Drusilla above, for example, And so he escaped war, as Wikipedia claims, to find refuge in Numidia. I had read an article locating him in Syria before he went to Numidia. It looks as though he knew elements from Fucino, then in Syria or Lebanon, that had founded Fez, and so he went there with his Numidian wife.

Compare "Aures" to "Abreu" where the 'u' in "Aures" is a 'v'. "Aures" looks like "Eure," where Dreux is located. The Dreux surname (Drake colors) is properly "Drew," perhaps indicating Drusilla liners that merged with the Drake's. Drusilla married Sohaemus suspect from Suemus up the Hebros watershed, which river was proto-Abruzzo. Drake's just finished tracing from the Hebros to Abruzzo. King Massena liners were in the Fucino theater, weren't they?

Why did the Romans put Syphax (originally an associate of king Massena) in prison at Alba Fucens? "Syphax" was actually suspect with "Caiaphas." Did they release Syphax? What happened to him (it was before 200 BC)? He was a Numidian of the Masaesyli tribe. I had traced his wife's father, HASdrubal, to Has on a good whim as per the neighboring Cavii, i.e. because Syphax was suspect in forming "Caiaphas" or suggesting that Syphax was a Cavii liner. Has is beside Cupionich, now suspect with "Caepionis"? The Hasmoneans were suspect with "Hasdrubal," and another Hasdrubal, brother of Hannibal, was in Italy with Hannibal's rampage of the country. That's why Annas, Caiaphas' father-in-law, was suspect from "Hannibal."

It's feasible that Syphax merged with Caepio liners because they were cousins, the same stock, and that both were in Caiaphas' veins. Compare "Syphax" to "Samps." There were about two centuries between Syphax and Sampsiceramus II. At this point, it looks like Caiaphas was the brother of Mamaea, wife of Polemon II, and daughter of Iotapa, wife of Sampsiceramus II. In this picture, HasMONeans could have been from whatever named PoleMON.

The Monaco lion is upright and in the colors of the Polmon/Poole lion! AMAZING MONINCIDENCE.

If Grimaldi's were Mallets, it should be added that the latter share gold scallops with the James-suspect Jacks. The Monaco's looked traceable to Douglas' (Daws" liners?), and the Douglas motto can link to the James' motto. The James lion is also the Dougal lion. The JAMes dolphin looks linkable to GAMble's/Gambels (red rose on stem) and to the Powys / Bellino "gamb" (Bellino's were suspect with Mount Velino smack where Syphax was imprisoned). Powys is beside Denbighshire, where Jones' were first found suspect years ago with Levite liners. The Livius-suspect Livings/Levens were suspect from Mount Velino, and they use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Tanners while "the tanner" of Falaise can trace to the Fallis Coats using the same white-on-blue lion again. "Falaise" is suspect with "Valais", and the Valour/Valais surname is suspect with Veler(io)s that use the same lion again! The Via Veleria is at the mount-Velino area:

Alba Fucens was an ancient Italic town occupying a lofty location (1,000 m) at the foot of the Monte Velino, c. 6.5 km north of Avezzano...It was originally a town of the Aequi...It lay on a hill just to the north of the Via Valeria...

Fallis' were first found in the same place as Vallibus'/Vaux's. Italian Fallis' use the same Coat (as English Fallis') and were first found in Venice. They give the impression of being merged with Pesci's that I trace to Piscinas on Sardinia, where I trace Font de VILLE's that should be of the Vilains using the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Tanners / Livings. There is a La Falaise area (beside Dreux) smack beside Ile-de-France, where Levi's and Chappes' were first found, but as Verona's/Vires'/Vairs were first found there, note that the latter use the Pesci fish as well as the colors and format of the James'.

By the way, I forgot to mention the "tueri" motto term of Powys', with a rare vowel combination, but used essentially in "Tuareg," the Moor suspects at the naming of Turin and the Turano river!!! Those exclamatons are for the fact that Bellino's use the Powys bear paw (in colors reversed) while looking like they trace to Velino i.e. near the Turano, and so let's add that Bellino's were first found in Verona! I like clinching things like that. It's the science that I've developed, and pretty soon, heraldry will tell me the color of Caiaphas' underwear.

When the Powys Coat is colors reversed, its fitchee crosses become the gold one in the Quint Crest. It's suggesting a Caiaphas trace to the Velino area, and that the Chappes' Moor head should trace to Tuaregs at the Turano. Chieri is near Turin, and then the bull-using Chiaro/Claro surname is honored in the motto of the Hampshire Josephs.

I haven't repeated that the line of Quintus Caepio had married the Cato's en route to Servilia Caepionis, grub-important because Porcius Cato grew up in Abruzzo. Servilia's mother, Livia Drusa, married Marcus Porcius Cato as well as Quintus Caepio the younger, which helps to trace Caepio's to Abruzzo depending on how many Cato's were there. Servilia's son, Brutus, married a cousin, Porcia Catonis. Why Brutus? Was it a name from the Abruzzo capital, Aprutium? Isn't it true that Cato's became the Botter-related Cato's/Chattans and Chatans? Yes, it is true, even where Chattans are Irish-Scots. And English Botters were first found in the same place as Drake's and Josephs. See Servilia's genecology here:

The page below shows a Stewart Coat with lions in the colors and positions of the Second/Segur lions. The page is an article on Servilia Caepionis! Amazing coincidence, for I've never seen this Stewart Coat anywhere else but on this page. The article suggests that one of the Junia Caepio's may have been a daughter of Caesar.

The Arms of Fussen are three human legs joined at a central spot. Junia Caepionis Prima was suspect with the Primo/Primeau and Prime surname's. The latter use a human leg. Of all things, Prime's are traced to "deliCATE." Here's the Dutch Cate's/Cats using a moline that can be that of Borgia's, as per pope Borgia having Miss Cattanei as his mistress. As the Doria's were Candida = Cattanei liners, the Cate moline traces to the moline of SEGURana's, first found in the same place as Doria's, and that links the Cate/Cat surname to Seconds/SEGURs!

Italian Botters were first found in Lucca while the Lucca Coat uses a CAT. Now we know what that stands for.

Gamels were just found using the Capone stars, possibly.

Before ending this insert, I'm going to show how Avezzano liners trace to Bute = Avalon. If correct, it implies Avellino liners at Avezzano, as expected.

We start with the Otes' (muzzled bear), first found in Cornwall. That was where Rangabe BYZANtines had traced, to Gorlois, that is. However, he was not so much the Byzantines, but Inger the Varangian, who married Rangabe. The Otes' had been realized as Cottians because "Cote" gets the Cotta's. But when I saw the white boar head of Otes' this time, I figured that the Otes = Jutts so that Jutts/Juggs were from a version of "Cotta," an idea that may not have occurred before. This is going to work well.

The other English Otes' (roundels in Ottone colors) are in Code colors, and Code's were likewise first found in Cornwall, and their ravens trace to CORONis, as even CORNwalls do. Next, we look up the Raggs/Wraggs because Jutts/Juggs use "ragully," and the Raggs/Wraggs are in all three Code colors of the Otes', but also in Rangabe colors (see Wikipedia on Michael I Rangabe for the Arms of Rangabe, a flory cross in white-on-blue). The only way to have a double-code symbol like "ragully" is to have the Raggs be a Julian line like the Gullys (keys), and the latter are using a version of the Code Coat. Others that use the same colors and format include Mortons. From this paragraph, it seems that Coats' are using a version of the German-Julian Coat. We can clearly glean a Cotta-Julian line here.

The Raggs look like they use a version of the Cour Coat (besants), a surname that can trace to Chora, where I trace Roman Patricians such as Julius Caesar. Servilia Caepio was a Patrician, by the way. The Cour bend rises left to right and is therefore expected to be a Massena liner, and in fact it's in the colors of the Massena bend. The patee crosses of the Massena bend trace to Patti in Messina, which is also at mythical Scylla, and this picture traces excellently to Skala in PatMOS.

Next up is the Bassy/Baisy Coat sharing estoiles in the colors of the Bute/Butt estoiles, which already begins a Bassy trace to Avalon. The "Vive" and "vivas" motto terms of the Bassy clinches the trace while tracing to Veys/Vivians, first found in Cornwall. Why would the Inger Varangians in Cornwall (from INGRaine, Gorlois' mother) trace to Bute along with a Cottian line in Cornwall? That goes to the fundamental Varni relationship with the Cottians, and moreover I thought that the Jutts/Judds/Juggs should trace to "Jute." The Jutts/Juggs trace to Jugon, where the Morte's/Motts are expected who share the estoile with the Bassys. Estoiles are suspect as code for the Westoile variation of Wessels sharing the three garbs of Avis'. Bassys are using three estoiles only matching the colors and positions of the three Avis garbs, and so, after this point, it's a no-brainer that Bassys are of the Bessins, Bassens, etc., from the Avezzano line.

Recall the Basso's that were first found in the same place as Bellino's susoect at Mount Velino.

The Bassy write-up traces, however, to "bas / base," as in "low," but then chooses "thickset" as the best meaning, and you have got to know a code when you see one. The Thicks/Thecks were traced to the Sithech term in the derivation of the Shaws who come up as Seth, hence that's the thickset riddle solved. The Shaws even use three grails in the colors and positions of the Bassy estoiles. The Shaws were Sheaves, first found in Abruzzo, and that suggests again that the Italian Sheaves, using FIVE keys, were at Avezzano. The Shawia Numidians, right? Yes, and probably from Massena Numidians too. The Veys/VIVians are easily shown to be kin of Fife's and FIVE's.

Trace this picture to Bude of Cornwall while noting that Welsh Bude's (Cornwall) are in Bute / Bassy colors, and while English Bude's, sharing garbs in both colors of the Wheat/Wett garbs, were first found in the same place as Quints. Colchians in Bute, right?

There is no doubt (not exaggerating) that Bute traces to the Cadmus Boiotians at Illyricum, but after that, the theory has been, they become the house of Boet(h)us to which the Sadducees proper belonged. And this would be an important facet of Avezzano's Caiaphas line, for Bute elements are tracing to Avezzano liners. Sadducee's were suspect from "Cotesii," "Soducena," and "Sithech." The "thickset" of Bassys is telling me that Sadducees were at Avezzano. The witch cult at Bute was that of the Marsi, apparently, and, as you can see, Morgan le Fey is in the Vivian surname honored by the Bassys. This witch cult goes back to Hecate Colchians at Marmara. English Bude's/Bouds (Baut liners?) are even using a lion in Morgan-lion colors, and likely using the Avis garbs in those colors. German Bute's/Butts/BOETS may be using the Avezzano rose, therefore, and a fish expected from Piscinas.

The Jamie's, first found on Bute, use black anchors, the colors of the Avis/Aves anchor. By the way, another variation, Avison, is much like "Avezzano." Hmm, if the "littiora" motto term of Jamie's is for Litts, note that they trace to "grim." Litts use a giant fleur in red and white, and were first found in Silesia.

After this insert, we'll see some surnames honoring a Sardis > Sardinia line. Piscinas is suspect with Avezzano's, and the latter use what looks like the Champagne-bend pattern so as to trace to Campania, where Avalon = Bute traces. The Fountains even use a green snake in Crest, linkable to the Marsi witch cult. The "voco" motto term of Fountains can go to "Fucino" elements, and the "Vix" term looks like "Vis." The Lafins/La Fonts are honored without doubt in the Kennedy and Cassel motto phrase, "la fin," and Cass' use fountains. But the Joseph motto uses "Cas," you see, and it's likely code for something. That could trace Caiaphas to the Seleucid-Maccabee bloodline suspect at Sardinia.

ZOWIE, IT WAS ONLY AFTER WRITING THE PARAGRAPH ABOVE THAT IT WAS REALIZED: The Cassel and Kennedy motto is: "AVISE la fin"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kennedys link to Tippers, first found in Cornwall. The Cassel Coat is using the colors and format of the Gullys, and so the Cassel / Kennedy dolphin goes to Caesars. That tends to prove that Cass' and Cassels (and Caseys) are of "Caesar." Instead of three black fitchees like the Kennedys, the Cassels exchange one for a black key, a Gully-Crest symbol. I don't know whether I've ever realized this. The green Fountain snake is linkable to the coiled, green Seagar snake because both surnames were first found in Norfolk, and Seagars (Rangabe cross?) are kin to Squirrels/Square's/Squire's while the Fountain canton is called a "square." Irish Kennedys use what others call a "squire's helmet." The Sire's use another coiled, green snake as well as lozenges in the colors of the Hyde lozenges now tracing to ancient Hyde = Sardis, beside Foca where the "voco" term (of Fountains) can go. That's a good argument for tracing Fountains to the Piscinas location at Sardinia. As Seagars are suspect with Siegen, home of the counts of Nassau, its notable that the lion in the Fountain square is in the colors of the Nassau lion.

In the modern world, once can create a computer program so that, every time a surname is written down, other surnames using the same symbols are brought up in a list. I can't remember it all. Fontana's look like they should link to Massi's/Mattis' at Massa-Carrara, now traceable to Massa-d'Albe where king-Massena elements are expected. The three Fountain bars look linkable to the three Taddei chevrons in the same colors because Fontana's were first found in Tuscany, where Taddei's were first found. The Tattons use crescents in the colors of the Massey/Massa crescents.

The Joseph motto also used "mago," the name of Hannibal's brother, and then the Hesse-Cassel traced to El-Gabal elements at Has, where Mago's brother (Hasdrubal) is suspect. This once again begs the question: by what coincidence did I take a Caiaphas-name trace to "Syphax" seriously, and then, this week, find that Syphax was in prison exactly where a grub indicated that Joseph Caiaphas should trace?

At first, Syphax formed an alliance with Scipio, and then the traitor, king Massena, did so too at a time when Syphax betrayed the Romans for the Carthaginians. Massena was betraying the Carthaginians at this time. The Wikipedia article on Syphax doesn't bother to mention what happened to him, or his imprisonment, or death, as though the Internet is out of room for the article to spare a paragraph or two on that. It is my impression that Syphax and Massena were "cousins," from the same stock.

I've just read from a clip of an online book that Syphax died in Abruzzo. It calls "Albe de Fucens" by the simpler name of, Alba, and says that a brother of emperor Vitellius "had a country seat near there." As Italian Alba's use the swan while swans are used also by Wessels, compare the latter to "VITELL(ius). Italian Swans are in the colors of Whistle's/Wissels that share a string of diagonal lozenges with Mussolini's, and the latter can be suspect from the two Numidian tribes that Syphax and Massena were from. German Alba's use a large fleur in the colors of the Massey/Massey fleur, and Space's/Speccots (like "Syphax") use frets in the same colors again, in the colors of German Wessels even. The fret, in Cotta-fretty colors, is likely code for Maceys (of Ferte-Mace). As I trace Wessels/Westoile's to Vestalis, son of Cottius, note the "cott/cote" endings on the Space variations. The Space/Speccot bend is in the colors of the Porci / Fex/Fey bend. How long was Syphax at Alba? Was he permitted to have a woman? I had traced Hannibal to a merger with Cottians as he passed west-to-east through the Alps in his war against Scipio. The Wessel swans are in the colors of the Hanna stag.

The Wessel horse now looks like code for the Numidian horsemen that Hannibal employed at Trebia. The Wessel bend-with-garbs is in the colors of the Rind bend-with-scallops. There is a Pascal-reason for making that link. Deacons and Decans were traced to Decani at the Erenik theater (north of Has) while Erens (scallops in colors reversed to the Rind scallops) are in the colors of the Wessel swans, and, moreover, "Rind" was were traced to the "Erenik" too. The Deacons and Decans use the same cross, in the same colors, as the Pascals, and Deacon-suspect Dawsons (fundamental Has liners) were first found in the same place (WestMORland, suspect with Moors) as Wessels. Is this tracing Syphax liners to Has?

The Speycot/Spaycott variations of Space's could suggest the Speers using crescents in Tatton-crescent colors. The related Duttons use the fret too, and that can trace Syphax to the Taddei's. Speers trace to Pasi's/Pace's that are also "Pascel," and then Pascals (Levi lions) have the cross as Baths and Fessys/Vesseys (= Phasis Bats) cross in colors reversed. The Pascals are, in my opinion, the golden-fleece lamb line that had been on the Glaucus river to Phasis, and so their use of a Pascal variation is a clever idea. I would NOT view "Pascal" as the original form. Rather, I would trace them to Pasi's and therefore to Vespasian suspect in "VEStalis." That is, Vespasia Polla (was born about the same time as Vestalis) may have been related to Vestalis so that her name is a Vestalis-Pasi combo. That would make Vespasian traceable to Julius Caesar and/or his Cotta mother. Vitellius was a short-term emperor immediately before Vespasian took over. It seems that VESpasia traces to "AVEZzano," and so note that Sane's/Sions/Swans use swans in colors reversed to the Wessel swans.

The Scottish More/Moor/Muir Crest (white-skinned Moor with head band not over the eyes) is using Hasdrubal, father of Syphax's wife (Sophonisba), in my opinion, for Hasdrubal's coin has him wearing a head band. The HESLingtons/Hazeltons use the same symbol, and are a branch of Hazels and Dussels/Dussens, and therefore trace to Has, exactly where Dawsons/D'Osons trace. The Heslington motto even uses "focis" as likely code for Alba of Fucens. Amazing, it's tracing Has liners to Syphax at Alba of Fucens. The coin-like artwork of Syphax is likewise using a head band on Syphax. Massena's brother was Hazel-like Oezalces, the name also of a brother of their father.

English Dawsons share a blue square, with gold symbol within, with Fountains (the latter's motto traced to Avezzano and Fucino) that are using what look like the Taddei symbol. The Dawson square (called a canton) uses the "lodged" stag of Islips/Haslips. Cantons use the Washington Coat in colors reversed, and the Deacon bars are suspect as a blue version of the Washington / Ness/Nest bars. The Fountain lion was suspect with the Nassau/Naso lion. Italian Naso's/Naseau's ("hanks of cotton") were first found in the same place as Taddei's and Fontana's. Fountains use a "noster" motto term smacking of mythical Nestor of Messene, highly suspect in alliance with the Methoni line to Modi'in.

The Chappes Moor head is black, but it dawns on me that, sometimes, black is not indicating skin color. Josephs and Chaplets use a black swan, for example, that can explain a black Moor head. The heraldic Moor head was initially a band around the eyes, as code for blindfolded prisoners, according to what I've read, but suddenly, that seems to be a prisoner symbol applicable to Syphax. The More/Moor/Muir Coat could be using the blue Hazel fesse but with Nagle colors. Was Syphax a Tuareg Berber? Weren't Tuaregs traced to the Turano, and wasn't it possible that Tuaregs could trace to the Murena family married by Maecenas? On Massena's father: "Gala (died 207 BCE) was a Berber king of the Massylii, an eastern Numidian tribe in the Ancient Algerian Maghreb of North Africa."

The Rind motto is "DiuTURNiTATE FRAGrantior" as a motto, while More's/Moors/Muirs use "Frangor." The Rind motto should also be part-code for Rants/Rands/Rynds and Orrs, for Rinds are using a bend in the three colors of the same of Orr-related Wessels. Rants/Rynds share the white boar head with Cote's.

Sophonisba, Syphax's wife whom later married Massena, was traced (thanks to a Dan Brown "Sophia-Neveu" code) to Nons/Nevins and Neve's. English Neve's use the white-on-red fish of Italian Barbera's. Spanish Barbera's use the Moratin/Murena tower in both colors, and both towers throw in a second story. That's the Tuareg-Berber tower, right? And it traces to the Turano that flows to Terni. It just can't be coincidental that the other Neves (Angus) are using a version of the Arrow/Arras cross-with-fleur, for Arras was the Artois capital while Arettium was home to Cilnius Maecenas. Plus, this explains the red Murena tower in the Arrow/Arras Crest!!! I think this is the first time that this link has been made in this way. It's compelling to the point of clinched. Every implication in this paragraph appears clinched.

The Neves look traceable by their fleur colors and "Sola" motto term to the Salto river, but as Dan Brown used his Sophia-Neveu code in association with his fictitious Mr. Sauniere that is known to be code for the Sauniere priest at Rennes-le-Chateau, the Sola/Solnier surname (linkable to Rhodian Chimneys, wherefore trace to Helios), like the Saulnier variation of Saunier's, likely applies. Saunier's were first found in the same place as Beefs/Boeuf with a TURNbull-like variation, and the Beef fesse is colors reversed from the Non/Nevin fesse.

It looks like the Moratin tower and the Berbers trace to Syphax and/or Massena and/or Sophonisba's father. The Arrows/Arras' are a branch of Fletchers/Flegers and Flowers while Rinds are the ones with the flower pot. It's hint that the Numidians / Berbers / Tuaregs were involved at the White Drin into which the Erenik flows.

JUST REALIZED. Sopers/Supers use a saltire-with symbols upon it in the colors of the similar of Neve's, and thus Sopers look like they are named after "SOPHonisba." As both her husbands had official alliances with the Scipio family, the theory that heraldic purple traces to Scipio's is thereby enhanced with the purple buckle of Soper-suspect Sobie's. Sopers were first found in the same place as chives, and they with Neve's use the colors of the Chives cross. Don't Syphax and Hasdrubals trace to the Cavii theater?

Nons/Nevins use a "SPERandum" motto term now being tested for Soper links. It could be that the Speers and similar others, including the Spree river, if true that they were Sopers, could now be identified with Sophonisba lines.

I traced Sopers to "InSUBRES" of the Massino-Visconti fold, but thought that Insubres should link to some I-variations of the Annans. The latter use a red-on-white saltire, almost the Soper saltire. The Ananes Gauls at Placentia (Romanized we gather) were suspect as Hannibal's distant cousins, and it's interesting here that Deacons and Decans use a cross in the colors of the Annan saltire. The Decans (Leicestershire, founded by Ligurians) were suspect in the naming of the Ticino/Tessen, home of Insubres and of the Ananes-suspect Laevi. The latter lived at Novara, where Neve liners may trace. Hannibal made alliances with as many Ligurians as he could, and he invaded the Placentia theater, defeating Scipio. The Decans must be using the red lion of the Lee's/Lighs/Leghs that I see as the namers of Leicester's Legros river. The Legros was also the Soar, perhaps short for "Sopar."

Amazingly, Danish SORensons, checked for Soar and Sophonisba links together, use a giant. black cinquefoil linkable to the giant cinquefoil of Flowers (i.e. Arrow/Arras and Neve kin). However, as Flowers are related to Fletchers/Flegers that use a semblance of the Neve Coat, the SORENsons may be a branch of TORNS/Turins, first found in the same place (Aberdeenshire) as the Glenorchy location of Fletchers, where the Sobie buckle may trace, and where the Tarves location of the Chives' is located. The Torns/Turins use a bend in Space/Speccot-bend colors so as to be linkable to Syphax liners, and Tarves was suspect with the bull of Tarvos Trigaranos, possibly from a bull of Tuareg liners.

I'm not happy with a trace of "Soph" to "Insubres." Otherwise, the links made above look good for tracing to her circle. She is reported to have been given poison by Massena in order that she might commit suicide rather than be humiliated in Roman parade celebrating the military win over Numidians. But if that sounds as far-fetched to you as it does to me, perhaps she went to live in Italy, perhaps even with Massena and/or his family there, which I traced to Massa-Carrara. In the same way, Syphax may not have been imprisoned at all; it may have been a story reported for tricking the north-Africans, for both Syphax and Massena were inclined to make deals with Romans.

The Torn/Turin write-up traces them to Fyvin, and that links them to the Fife and Five surnames traceable to purple-lion Veys/Vivians. End long insert]

Just look at what I would have missed had that grub not spoken up to put me in my right senses. Isn't the Thor/Thorn perchevron the Ottone and Chappes perchevron? Yes. And doesn't Haifa, between Dor and Tyre, use a blue perchevron that could be a colors-reversed one of any three above? The Avis Crest even uses a CUFFed sleeve, though it's described as "A dexter hand holding an anchor." I went over to see if I could find the grub, but didn't see it. It's tight-fitting bark with sticky "syrup" that it could be feeding on. As soon as I touched the wood to turn it, the chirping stopped.

The Avis garbs are in the colors of the Cheshire garbs, and Sales/Sallete's were first found there. That works for an Avis trace to Avezzano. It means that I have a new key in Avezzano elements. I am being cautious; the trace of garbs to the Salto doesn't necessarily trace Joseph's family there [this was before that long insert].

Sardinian Seleucids at the Maxton Bee; it Sounds so Maccabee

After several key insights were inserted in places above, I followed the clues of Turnbulls to their being first found in Roxburghshire, and that reminded of the abbey of SELkirk, which is in the Kelso write-up. That is, the abbey of Kelso had also been of Selkirk, and the Kelso's happen to use gold garbs too! That traces Turano elements to Roxburghshire, and Maxwells there were first found in Maxton while Maxtons use the bee too! Zowie, the Maxtons look so Quintus.

We are on a Roll. I should gamble on a Roet-wheel that Rieti elements from Domitian are to be found in Roxburghshire. I'll bet four gold garbs and one Reed. There are multiple reasons for identifying Reeds from a primary line of Quintus Caepio. The Dutch Reeds are the ones use a crampon that traces Reeds to Krume's.

Funny how things happen. When I wrote, "We are on a Roll," it was for the Roll bloodline suspect with the Rule's in the Turnbull write-up. I had not yet re-loaded the Selkirks to be reminded of what I had forgotten, their Douglas heart and Douglas mottto. I had seen a heart earlier but couldn't recall where, It turned out to be the Rule's, first found in Roxburghshire. We are truly on a roll. It means that Turnbulls were indeed from the Turano while Selkirks were named in part after Salto-river liners.

As Sellicks use the same engrailed, red border as Rule's, we now know that Sellicks were Selkirks. The Raul variation just-now strikes me as "Ralph," a raven liner, perfect for what already been found, that grubs = Garebites = raven liners trace to Avezzano. I've noted that the Rule/Roul heart is in the two colors of the Logan heart with nails. These are Quint colors, and we shall see Quints linking to Neils/Nails.

To find Sellicks here is support for the original idea on Avezzano's (first found in Sardinia) trace to Sulcis in Sardinia. Is that not amazing? If I were on a roulette wheel, for one spin alone, I'd stand a better chance at winning than for this to happen here within a matter of hours of writing. Sellick = Sulcis. If "Kelso" is a hard-C version of "Sel," note that it would be "Selso," two s's like "Sulcis." If Kelso's are using the Potter fesse, then the Kelso garbs trace well to the same of Josephs (same place as Potters).

GET A LOAD OF THIS. The Sard surname was loaded to check for Sardinia links. No luck, I thought. But then the Sard variations reminded of the Shurtan/Shurdane variations of Jordans, much like the Sherdan/Shardana Sea Peoples thought my many to have been Sardinians. The evidence for a trace of Irish Jordans/Shurdane's to Sardinians is their black-on-white fesse, colors reversed from the Kelso fesse. That's for starters.

The Eves were looked up as per "Avis," to find a fesse in Jordan/Shurdane colors. The Evers / Eure variations can be Abreu elements from Avezzano.

Next, French Jordans (Brittany, share a red fesse with Alans) look like they use a version of the Sard Coat. Excellent. It starts to make Jordans look like a merger with Sardinians. Finally, the third Jordan surname gave the greatest clue. For this, let me remind that I trace Dagome = Mieszko I to Sulcis because Wikipedia's article on Dagome says that his ancestry might be in Sardinia. I was convinced, and later traced Mieszko liners of the proto-Guiscard/Wishart kind to Visconti's of Sardinia. Later, I felt that the Piscinas location (means "fountain") beside Sulcis applied to Font de Ville's that merged with Conti's (suspect in "VisCONTI), both first found in the same place, to form Conteville's (from John de Burgo of Conteville and Comyns).The Comyns use the same garbs as the Avis' now tracing to Avezzano's!!! IT'S AMAZING WHAT A GRUB can reveal; we should pay more-careful attention to them...but I'm not yet at the original point as per the English Jordans (Suffolk).

After making the conclusions above, I traced the so-called fountains of the Cass'/Cash's and Cush's/Kiss'/CUSS' to Piscinas. Therefore, I've been giddy as a Roet-wheel winner right up until now, since the time of seeing the "PerCUSSo" motto term of Jordans/Shurdane's!!! The Cuss' (red rooster of the Cocks?) even use a chevron in Jordan/Shurdane colors.

Can Mieszko's trace to Avezzano by other methods? Ask the Drake wyvern used by Masovia's dukes, and the Vere-Drake trace to Abruzzo.

Next, we trace German Cuss'/Gus' (the ones using the Dawson Coat) to Gus, beside Prusa (Mysia, Mouse-Tower expectations here), the place expected earlier to name Abruzzo. That means that Cass / Gus liners are expected at Avezzano, where the first Merovingian traces with his wife, and then Merovingians also trace to Merops of KOS. Don't you think that Merops was code for the proto-Marsi at Avezzano? The Avis garbs are also the Comyns garbs, and the Conteville's of Comyns married the GOZ/Gos surname, what a gusincidence. Plus, the red borders we saw above in the Sellick and Rule Coats are the "orle" of Rutherfords, no doubt, who use a goose in Crest.

The German Cuss/Gus surname reminded me of the bend-and-stars of the SHURbrooks, and so they can be suspect as Sardinians too. It means that Gus Mysians were on Sardinia, expected because Sardinia was named after Sardis, the Lydian capital.

English Jordans were first found in the same place as Deacons somewhat suspect with "Dagome," for Kelso's use "DIGNitate," part code for Tate's (same place as Jordans) who not only use ravens, but a six-sectioned Shield like that of Wheelwrights. The latter surname uses the antelope design of Balas', and then Alexander Balus made an alliance with Hasmoneans. If you don't know, Alexander Balus was a Seleucid king when Seleucids ruled from ANTIOCH (named after the son of king SELEUCUS I), and then SULCIS was also called, Sant-ANTIOCO. Ignore the Wikipedia explanation for the naming of Sant-Antioco after a mythical saint from Antioch, as that was someone's garbage to hide the reality. Seleucids were on Sardinia, and Daniel 11 tells that the anti-Christ will be a Seleucid.

One Tate Coat uses a "Cornish Chough" that's otherwise a raven, assuring a trace to Chora. But the Coughs/Cuffs use the Sale/Sallete bend in a dancetty formation, and can now link to the black dancette of Carricks, especially as Kerricks link to PRESleys/PRIESTlys (suspect from proto-Pharisees in Prusa) that in-turn use two ABReu/Abruzzo symbols. The Tate Crest even uses a "saltire" code for Saltire's/Salters = Sale's/Sallete's = Salto-river peoples:"A dexter arm embowed in blue, gold CUFF, charged with two silver roses, holding a pine apple between two ears of wheat in saltire." It just so happens that Dexters/Decksters (Tate colors) share the weight scale with fountain-using Cass'/Cash's. That's just one way to trace Tate's to Sardinians.

But as Chappes/Chaips use "ears of wheat" too, the Cuff line looks like it traces Chappes' to the Salto. We naturally ask whether Balus-Seleucids trace there too in kinship with Caiaphas. Why so French Josephs use two birds in the colors of the Jonathan/Jonas roosters? One Joseph bird is a martlet, symbol of Martel, an appropriate Maccabee symbol. The Martel Coat has always shown the same crown design as Spanish Capets, even when the crown design of both was not the one now showing.

There's another way to trace Tate's to Sardinians. Keeping in mind that Sardinians as well as Dorian suspects from the Turano traced to Roxburghshire, let's look at the gleanings in the three black bulls of the Boweds (DORset), as per the "embowed" term of Tate's. Turnbulls use three black bulls. Boweds were first found in the same place as Quints (both Dorset and Essex). Gore's/Core's, first found in the same place as Quints, use a "salus" motto term. Tate's are Chora liners, right? Therefore, it looks like Tate's can trace to Salto elements. They lived upon lands owned by SALISbury, and the Salisbury surname is also "SALESbury." held lands and Mortons,

I cannot recall nor find why "Insubres" flashed across the screen of my mind while the Taid Coat was loading, as per a Tait variation of Tate's. At the time, I was looking at the third Tate Coat: the Shield-and-Chief color combination of the Annans, but that's not why I figured an Insubres link, even though Annans did link logically to Insubres. When the Taids/Daids (not likely from Davids, as stated) loaded, it was seen that they were first found in INIShowen, and that their Chief was in the colors of the Arms of Lombardy. Innis' are expected from Insubres liners. Then it was realized that I do trace Decks/Daggers to the Ticino river of the Insubres while Dexters/Decksters can trace there too. So, the flash across the screen of my mind proved true.

I've just remembered that Dexters use the two Huck chevrons while they are in the blue color of the five Huckaby chevrons. Hyksos are suspect in those surnames, and Ixion Lapiths of Patmos were Hyksos liners, in my opinion. Moreover, Huckabys actually state that they use Asclepios rods, and then Asclepios was a Lapith son of Coronis. I think that Sea Peoples had been the Hyksos booted out of Egypt but seeking to rule Egypt again. I don't think that this element can be kept out of the Avezzano discussion.

Not known until now, but Tate's share a blue-on-white pale bar with Roxburghs. Tate's had entered the discussion at the "dignitate" motto term of Sardinian Jordans/Shurdane's. I traced Roxburghs to Roxolani Alans, same as Alans of Dol, and then Jordans of Brittany are probably using the Alan fesse. On the north side of Sardinia is CORsica. Cours (probably Masci / Massena liners) were first found in Brittany.

[Tate's are considered king-Tut liners that came out of Africa separate from the Hyksos wave. King Tut was a son of AkhenATEN and NEFERtiti, and these named Autun and neighboring Nevers. The Nevers surname similar to the Insubres Coat) is listed with the Neve's discussed in the long insert. Yuya, who was of the Akhenaten side, was traced to Gugu of Lydia, and as such he may go to Sardinians. DAYTons (Dreux lion?) are said to be from D'Autun," and so TAYTs and Tattons/TAYTons may apply there. The Tatton/Tayton crescents traced to Selene at Latmus, and the Toots use the same. Selene's mate was suspect with the Smendys line out of Africa.

Toothill use yet another CORNish chough (crow), the third in this update (Cornwalls, Tate's and Toothills), suggesting that Tut liners were in Patmos' Chora location. The Coughs/Cuffs use the Nevers/Neve fleur in the same colors. The Sale's/Sallete's use them too and may have named "Skala." The Toothills look like they use the bend and bendlets of Champagne's, and Champagne is to the north of the Autun area, with French Avallon between them. As the Champagne bend has the look of being linkable to the Avezzano bend, Tut liners can trace to Avezzano, which can make Avezzano elements related to Sophonisba. Why? In my opinion, the Mitanni line of Yuya is the one that named Modi'in, and Sophonisba's father may have been a Hasmonean liner. The Toothill lion design is on the rare side, but it's been in use by Maccabee-like Mackesys and Mackie's/Mackeys/Hughs; the latter use ravens, and their Ayrshire location faces Avalon = Rothesay = raven-line island. It also faces Arran, home of MacAbee's, beside the Alexanders. The "BRANCH" in the mouth of the Toothill chough is likely code for Hugh D'AVRANChes.]

My guess is, Sardinians, and Seleucids, were at Avezzano. Recall the Eves fesse in the colors of the Jordan/Shurdane fesse, for these are in Alexander / Mott colors. The Eves Crest may be the Arms of Sicily. The Ives' (probably a version of the Orrel Coat) were first found in the same place (Lincolnshire) as Eves/Eure's.

Hasmoneans Were KrumeAldi's from Patmos

One of three Crone surnames looks like the Wayne Coat (shares the gauntlet with Maceys) but using the Massey/Macey fleur. It's in Grimaldi colors while I've always claimed that the Wayne Coat is a version of the Irish Arthur Coat, for both surnames use pelicans. The Arthurs are tracing to the Arduinici, where Grimaldi's are suspect but not yet found linked to them. The fact that Crone's are in Grimaldi colors is not exactly evidence of a link between them, but the Crone's are also "Croom/Crome." If this is a Massey-liner tracing to Krume, beside Has, it can explain all-the-more why Has was a Hasmonean element. The Crone/Croom Crest is a "mural crown," but there is no Crown surname. The mural crown is often called a "mural CORONet." I'm seeing crows. It looks like the proto-Masseys of Chora, and it might just be that the Maso lived at Patmos. Proto-Masseys also trace to Messene, which is where the Yuya Mitanni are traced.

The Mural term is likely for Muriels, for Spanish Muriels use what look like gold mural crowns, but call them "walls" for an alternative reason. English Muriels/Merrils were first found in CORNwall.

I never did get back to the Grimaldi / Gravel investigation. I had been intrigued by the Crim/GROOMbridge surname as it could link to Krume, and here I find Scottish Crone's (Argyllshire) using a Shield filled with lozengy in half the colors of the lozengy filling the Grimaldi Coat! That's the interesting part I was referring to.

You can read in the Grimaldi write-up that Grimaldi's of Genoa captured some place in Monaco, a place suspect in a merger with Has liners, right? It really is a good argument for splitting "Hasmon" up into two distinct entities. The RasMUSSENs/ASSMANS use a uniCORN in Grimaldi colors, and Asmans use fleur in the colors of the Massey fleur. As per the suggested GRImaldi trace to Grays, note that the third Crone Coat is a crane in the colors of the Gray lion and Rasmussen unicorn. No matter how I find Maccabee liners, they are usually the same lines, but here the Grimaldi's are totally new. What is this?

Aha! The colors above, they are used by Monaco-like Monks, and in the Monk Crest: a COCKatrice! Cocks and Grimaldi's use the same lozenges...which is why you can know that the Monk write-up is a falsehood. Cocks thus trace to Monaco, and while I say that rooster-using Jonathans are from Jonathan Maccabee, so Cocks use the rooster in both Coat and Crest. The Monk lion heads are erased (code for the Eras variation of Rasmussens). The Grimaldi write-up story that Monaco castle was captured by a Grimaldi disguised as a MONK (with a hidden sword in his "frock"), with his cousin, of a Cagnes entity (I would suggest the Cohen / Hohen Khazars), looks like a fable = code rather than a true story. Decks/Daggers are in the same colors. Didn't Maccabees use daggers when surprising their Seleucid enemies by ambush?

The Cocks were first found in CORNwall, beside Monks. There is just a ton of Cornwall ever since I got to the Grimaldi's. Monks are said to have been "Moyne" in 1066, and so I gather that Monaco liners became Moyne's too. French Moyne's/Moine's, in Monk/Moyne colors, use the same three roses that are the Caesar Coat. Irish Mannix/Mangans/Munichs/Managhans are said to be from "monk," and they happen to use a stag alone in the colors of the lone Dutch-cock rooster. Therefore, Monaco elements are suspect even with Monaghans, and so why not Irish Maghans/Manns too, or the Maghans/Manns/Mathie's. It looks like the Manx peoples on the Isle of Mann can apply, and then the Arms of the Isle of Man are yet another one using three human legs connected at their center, like the Arms of Fussen and the Eves Crest. The latter two both trace to Avezzano. The Lech river through Fussen flows toward, if not right into, Munich.

I was going to say that my first response to the lions in the Monk Coat were as the ones in the Whistle/Wissel Coat, but that was even while forgetting that the Whistle Coat uses lozenges in the colors of the Grimaldi lozenges! I think that historians need to look at my material and re-write half their history. There is not an update that goes by these days without major discoveries. We have here a trace from Munich to Manx, and probably including Manche, all connected to the namers of Monaco, and yet historians imagine that each of these locations was named separately after a local rock or hut or puddle or whatever jumps out at them from off the wall.

The heraldic maunch is used in the Arms of Lech-suspect Leicester. MANGels/Mansells use the "maunch" as well as the Julian / Sagan / Douglas salamander in flames. Didn't two features in the Monaco Coat trace to Douglas? Yes, and one of the two is flames. Sagans/Segans are exactly relative to Grimaldi's as the latter are suspect with Segni's.

The Prophets/Profetts use a human leg in the colors of the Mannix/Munich stag. Prime's call theirs a "human leg," and then there is a Human/Yoeman surname using "spear CRONels." Don't Grimaldi's trace to the Crone lozengy? It's notable that Leghs/Lighs use an upright lion in colors reversed to the Second/Segur lion, and as Grimaldi's were first found in the same place as Segni's/Segurana's, it looks like Grimaldi's (from Liguria) are indeed connected to these human legs. The lion of Leghs/Lighs (Ligurians, right?) is used by Mons/Monts, what a monkincidence. Both human legs use a spur on the heel, yet the packed Prime description doesn't mention it. The Spurrs have been identified with Italian Botters, and then Monks are said to be from a Moyne family holding a POTHERidge location. English Botters and Potters were first found in the same place as Josephs, and the latter share gold garbs with Spurrs, important because Prime's are suspect from Junia Prima.

Pottingers were first found in Berkshire, where cat liners were that trace to Italian Botters. Pottingers (MacArthur / Mathie crown) happen to use pelicans (the ones that look like swans in the Weller Coat) in the colors of the Prophet leg / Mannix/Munich stag. As Pottingers use an "ardua" motto term, they link well to the Arthur pelican. The PottinGALE variation is suspect with TintaGEL, birthplace of king Arthur. This is suggesting the Arduinici of Oneglia = Imperia, the very ones that I thought Grimaldi's would link to. The Tint Coat (in Monk / Grimaldi colors) is the one using a lion (in Monk-lion colors) said to be "COUCHant," a Cock-like term if ever we saw one. Amazing, it looks Grimaldi's were Arthurian goons, and the sword under their frock looks like code for the Excalibur.

The "frock" can indeed be code because Frocks/Froggs use a fesse in colors reversed from the same of Potters. The latter link to Flowers > Arras' of Artois and to something in Arettium. The flower-using Rinds use a "FRAGrantior" motto term. The Humans/Yoemans use a "broken spear" that can indicate a Frock = Bock equation. The Hume's use white-on-green, the colors of Prophets, what a legincidence. That links the Prime "human leg" to the Prophets/Profetts (the latter were suspect as Foots and Fothes).

Aha! Froggatts use a parrot with a "bunch of cherries" while the Bunch's use lozenges in Grimaldi-lozenge colors. Now you know that "frock" is code, and that Monaco's are from the Monaco location (in case you were doubting it).

Cherrys (Bunch colors) even share annulets with Frocks. The BUNCH lozenges are in the colors of the PINK and Reno/Rhine lozenges. Therefore, Grimaldi's link to the Panico = Benjamite circles, and to the Guerin line to Rainier of Montferrat. Fers/Ferrats use the Cohen checks. I've seen the Grimaldi lozenges in entire-family Arms of Hohenzollerns / Hohenstaufens. Bunch's use the same fleur as Gamble's and Petro's while Pettys share a parrot with Bunch-honoring Froggatts. Bunch's were even first found in PERTHshire while Perts (parrot-like) are Petts ("Ardens" motto) and share a stork in Crest with Bunch's. So, this traces to Pietas-Julia = Pola with Peter Pollock, and that was a Colchian center while Potters are expected as Poti = Phasis Colchians tracing to the naming of Vespasia Polla. Am I forcing this into the discussion, or does it fit naturally? The Pert/Pett stork is "LEGGED red".

Aha! Ardens (cinquefoils in the colors of the Pert/Pett mascles) are said to be from "gravel valley " haha. French Ardens were first found in the same place (Limousin) as Seconds/Segurs, and that can mean that the Arden CINQUEfoils (Potter symbol) are code for QUINTus Caepio. I would suggest that Ardens are to be placed as Artois / Arettium liners beside the Arras-related potters. That could make the Arden sun a symbol of El-Gabal. The Ardons/Arteis' (with an 'o') are using the bird design once showing for English Botters.

The Bench's (same place as Ardons and Deacons) were loaded to check for Bunch links, and they use a version of the Deacon Coat, which traces to the Has / Krume theater. As the Bench frets are colors reversed from the Space/Speccot frets, this can trace Syphax to Decani. Here's from two updates ago: "...I jotted down a note to remember the Deacons and the Decans in regards to a Decani location (very near Pec) on the Decanska Bistrica tributary of the White Drin. Then, while on the Banje topic above, the Bench surname was checked to find that it uses the Deacon / Decan cross". Banje is on the White Drin, a river with a mouth at Has / Krume, where Grimaldi's are suspect, especially if Grimaldi's were Mallets. What are the chances that Bench's would come up coincidentally here, as per a Grimaldi > Frock > Bunch > Bench trail, and then lead, as per a clue wholly new to me two updates ago, to the Krume theater?

Ahaha, I had been wondering who it was that uses cherries, and we arrive to it by following the Frock trail. The Bunch's call their lozenges "diamonds," and then Diamonds use red lozenges. As soon as I saw the "miser" term of Diamonds, it recalled that Misers/Messerlys are the ones with the cherries and cherry tree! The Frocks had used a parrot with a "bunch of cherries." Therefore, the Grimaldi lozenges are also those of Diamonds/Dyments. The latter's fleur once again have fleur in the colors of the same of Gamble's / Petro's...and Bunch's. I would suggest that Diamonds are Deas' = Desmonds (MONKey!) and possibly the Demonte's. English Diamonds use their ermined lozenges (look like fusils) in the white-on-red colors of the Monks.

Ahh, I almost forgot. Desmonds use a "Crom" motto term, which once again tends to trace Grimaldi's to Krume. I read that Desmonds were Deas' (same place as Evetts) and so "DesMOND" can be of the Mons/Monds because Croms should trace to "CreMONA." There is good reason here to trace Desmonds and Diamonds to Monaco.

I'm now seeing Grimaldi's as GrioGAIRS = Gregors. The way to figure this is by the Frogg variation of Frocks suggesting the Froggatts with frogs in the rare green-on-blue colors, used by the Cottar lizards, however. The lizard is in use by the GARRYs that traced to Chora. The Misers use a "coeur" motto term. The Cottar lizards are called "evetts," and Evetts/Eviotts (Perthshire, same as Bunch's) use a large patee cross in the colors of the Miser cherries.

Crombys/Crumys, by the way, are in the white-on-green seen in a few Coats above. They lived in Crummy (Aberdeen, same as Chives) while Crummys are listed with Croms/Cromps (share the cat with Chives), first found in the same place as white-on-green Pottingers. Croms use Monk colors and format, which explains the Desmond monkey. Monks were first found in the same place (Devon) as Chives'.

Hams and Hammers (dolphins) likewise use white-on-green, and both were first found in Sussex. German Hams use a giant annulet in the colors of the Cherry (and Vita) annulets. This is a funny thing, that while Hammer-related Hams are already starting to link to Gri-Mallets, so to speak, Hams use salmon, in the same colors, of MacAbee's.

Some excellent proof of a Grimaldi trace to Krume is in the KrummenSTOLL variation of Krume's. The Stolls/Stowells (COTHel in Somerset) use lozenges in Grimaldi-lozengy colors, but, in particular, the Stolls are using the Whistle/Wissel lozenges because German Stolls use a single antler, symbol of German Wessels. The Cothel location is near to whether Cottels/Cothulle's were first found, and they use nothing but a red-on-gold bend, which is the entire Arms of Baden, that place being where the Veringers and Zharingers ruled that use single antlers. Badens/Battins were first found in the same place as Cothel. I see Colchian Cottians (namers of Kutaisi, right?) in Somerset, with the Bat Colchians of Somerset.

How do I know that Krume's/Krummenstolls, first found in Hamburg, trace way down to Krume in Albania? They use the giant white crescent, a symbol of Motts/Morte's and of Chapmans. Cottels/Cothulle's were first found in the same place (Wiltshire) as Mortons.

Whose axe's do Badens/Battins use. The axe and crossed hatches of the Zarrs/Zherers (clinches their identification with Zahringens). It looks like the golden-fleece Colchians trace to Zahringers. The Hatch/Hacch surname (CORNwall, expect axe-depicted Hyksos there) looks like it's using the two Brunswick / Base/Baise lions in pale, and "Baise" looks linkable to "Paisley / Pasi." That can explain why the Zarr hatchets are crossed. The Speers (share the Pasi crossed spears) had traced to the Spree river, and the red Veringer antler was found in the Arms of Spree-Neisse (single antler). With a Pasi trace to Lusatia, the Bats and Lazi are seemingly in play. As Zahringers are known for founding Berne, and as I traced them to Bernicians at BRYNEICH while identifying the latter location with "BRUNSWICK," here in this paragraph is the first piece of evidence ever for that trace.

THE NEW THEORY. Zarrs / Zahringers are from Saraca's because Hatchets use blue-on-white fish, the colors of the same on the fesse in the Arms of Saraca (see Wikipedia on "Saraka"). This was realized when I finally got down to wondering whose fesse the Saraca's share; it's in the colors of the Hazel fesse so that Saraka's should be Heslington/Hazelton liners (Heslington House is in Yorkshire, where Saraka-related Caracalla was stationed), for their home at Kotor was not far from the mouth of the Drilon, the river upon which Has is located. Plus, the fish out of Kotor became the fleur-de-lys at Laus = Ragusa, where Saraka's lived after leaving Kotor. The fleur-de-lys traces to Lissus at the mouth of the Drilon so that "Laus" tends to reveal that Lissus elements renamed Ragusa. It's interesting here that while I uses a white-on-blue fleur of Bush's and Bosch's to prove how the Kotor fish evolved into a lily, the Raggs use fleur in those colors! "Ragully" might therefore apply to Saraka's at Ragusa.

It dawned on me, when mistyping "Hazel," that Haels can apply. That found Hails, first found in the same place as Hazels, and the Hails use a chevron in the colors of the Ragg bend. But the Hails also use a vertically-split Shield in colors reversed from the same of Gate's, who were suspect with "Geta," Caracalla's brother.

With a tentative trace of the Saraca's to Has, note that the Has-based Dawsons use a bend in the colors of the Ragg bend. This can explain why the Dawsons that share the lodged stag of Islips/Haslips share a black Talbot with Carricks. The Dawson estoile even traces to the Bar-Este's while Bars of Bar-le-Duc (from Bar, beside Kotor) are using the Saraca fish in the same colors. It was theorized that two Saraca fish were curved when forming the opposite sides of the fleur-de-lys (it amounts to three Saraca fish), and only after that did I find the fish of Bar-le-Duc to be curved.

Carricks share a dancetty fesse on the thin side with Dutch Dussens (Dussens/Dussels are Hazel / Dawson liners and use the Saraca fesse again). Carricks are sharing the talbot of Shere's/Shire's of Surrey! The latter are Squire/Squirrel liners linking to the Hazel squirrel, meaning that Carricks can trace to Has. German Schore's (red roses on column) even look like they use a version of the Bosco "pillars," important because I traced "Kotor" via Cutters to Saluzzo, smack beside Busca! The Derbyshire Shore's/Sure's (Maxwell and Kilpatrick kin) share holly with Islips/Haslips and Maxwells, but the latter use their Islip / Dawson stag under a "holly BUSH!" That traces Has liners to Busca.

Plus, Bosco's are not only Rose kin, but of the Gate-suspect Geddes using fish!!! Bosco's (in the colors of the Arms of Grasse) have "tufts of grass" on their columns, and they're in the colors of the Monaco's while Monaco is near Grasse. The latter is beside Le Mas while Lamas' share the white-on-blue lambs in the Arms of Grasse, and then Le Mas is where I've been tracing one or both of the Julia Bassianus' being Caracalla's mother.

Aha! German Schore's (in Krume colors) were first found in the same place (Hamburg) as Krume's! I Has been right.

There are all sorts of connections to be had with this information. Saraca's, Has, and Krume liners can be explored in all Squirrel kin. The Derbyshire Shore's/Sure's use black fitchees very linkable to the same of Davenports and Macclesfields. Sorleys/Surleys are now expected to be Soar-river liners because Raggs (Bosch fleur) were first found in Leicestershire (location of the Soar). That trace's Saraca- and Zahringer-suspect Shore's/Sure's to Leicester, for all that this may reveal concerning Caracalla / Bassianus lines. I traced Caracalla to Valentinian, the squirrel liner.

The Krume location can be identified with Chora. We already started to see that in the Cornwall location (with chough ravens fundamental to it) popping up with Monk kin. But there was also the Croon/Croom/Crome surname with Massey fleur that trace well to Chora. Then, to make it sure, the gold garb in the Crim/Grumebridge/Croombridge/Crombridge Crest is described like so: "A garb with a crow perched on it, coming out of a mural coronet." Is that not something? I feel very fortunate to have found that right here after the discussion above. The Coat does not show the raven nor the mural coronet, but only the garb. It feels lucky to have loaded the description right here to find how they describe the red borders on their INEScutcheons. We saw red borders in the Sellick and Rule Coats, suspect with the "orle" of Rutherfords that were at the Maxton location. It is screaming Maccabees from the Cronus / Lapith cult of Patmos'...which is off-shore from the mouth of the Maeander.

The Cornells use "a Cornish chough hatching in the FACE of a ROCK PROPER." It tends to trace Hatchets and Hatch's to Patmos. The Hatchets share three white fish with Roach's, who use "On a ROCK PROPER, a silver eagle rising, with gold beak and legs, and a silver fish in the claws. It looks like the Cornells are honoring Roach's, who translate their motto, "God is my rock." It has nothing to do with God, but is only for the Rock bloodline.

Although the Roach Coat shows the fish horizontal, the description says that they are in pale, vertical, and that's the position of the Hatchet fish. Moreover, the Hatchet Chief use trefoils (Rockefeller-line symbol) in the colors of the Rock trefoil, and the Rock write-up trace's to "a rock FACE," tending to show Rockefeller / Roquefeuil kinship with Face's/Fessy/Vesseys...suspect from Avezzano / Fucino. Vertical fish are used by Luce's/Lucys, but see also the Luciano's. The Roach fish are in the colors of the Barbera fish.

This recalls my trace of Roxburgh and Rockefellers to the rock in the Arms of Rijeka, and as that Arms uses a two-headed, black eagle, so we find one in the Hatchet Crest. Therefore, I think hatchet-using Zarrs/Zehrers are Saraca liners to Rijeka.

The Roach motto: "MON Dieu est ma roche"!

After being silent for more than a day, the grub just started chirping. I hope it's not a roach. The Bridge's can apply from "Croombridge," for Bridge's were first found in Somerset, part of the Cornwall peninsula, and once again use the colors and format of the Monks, first found in neighboring Devon. That suggests a Krume merger with Monaco liners, excellent. It's nice to know I'm not wasting me time with complete error. The Mond variation of Mons can trace to the namers of Muntenia in Wallachia, for Monks use lion heads in the colors of the Wallace/Wallis lion while Munds/Mounds/Mynds (not the same as Monds) use the colors and format of Walsh's, related Mortons, and Exeters to name a few. As Douglas' are now almost-certainly from Monaco's, let's repeat that they are said to have ruled a Morton location.

The Munds/Mynds (bees) have a chevron in colors reversed from the Monk chevron, and while Monks use a COCKatrice, Munds/Mynds use a "heath-COCK proper"! That was badly needed. Mortons were first found in the same place as Lapith-suspect Lapps/Leaps.

But the Wallace lion is also the Gray lion, and that can apply to GRImaldi's. Greys were first found in Northumberland, where Siward of Northumberland named the Swords (Grey colors) that use the Scute sword, while Schutz's use the greyhound. It's a good bet that the Monaco lions are the Grey lion, right?

Shute's/Chute's (use the sword of the Moray Mogans/Moggachs) were first found in the same place (Wiltshire) as Mortons and Dorsets/Dowsetts (sun in Krume-crescent colors), and the latter use another giant crescent that's expected with the Mott/Morte and Krume crescent. The Dempseys and Dempsters use the same sword (all in the same colors), and the ribbon of Dempsters was traced to "RIBNik," which was alternatively the Erenik river i.e. tributary of the White Drin that flows to Krume. If Dorsets were Dorians, they are suspect from "Drin." The Erens/Erringtons, sharing the red Cock rooster, were likewise first found in Northumberland?

If the Grimaldi frock was code, what about the sword under their frock? Mogans, with a MOYgach variation that could be honoring Moyne's/Monks, were looked up when I was passing the Maghans, as per "Managhan." Monaghans/MONAhans/MONCKS (!) haven't been looked up until now. They use a KNIGHT holds in the DEXTER a PENNON with an escutcheon. Pennons/Pennings use stag heads in the colors and positioning of the Monk lions and Blois dragons, and were first found in the same place (Suffolk) as Knights/Nights (Blois kin), Blois' and Deacons. Dexters (possible Deacon branch) use double chevrons in the colors of the double Eren bars, and then Decani was near the Erenik river. Blois had traced to the Arc river with Joan of Arc, and that's where MODane is to which the Has Maccabees must trace, and so why not also some Krume elements seeing the Krume's are likely using the MOTT chevron?

As the same description using pennons have a knight RESTING a SINISTER hand on a hip, Monahans/Moncks are likely being linked to the Arthur rest, and that makes Monks and Pennons part of the Pendragons at Tintagel. That can explain why you just saw Pennons linking to Moncks, and so we can trace confidently to Arduinici of the Monaco theater. Arduu in Wales, as well as Ordovices, were to the south side of Mona. When was the last time you heard historians tracing Ligurians to Wales? Mona faces the Isle of Mann. I'm seeing the Grimaldi sword-in-frock as the ExCALIBur, which I traced to (C)Halybes (now suspect in a line to the naming of Albanians) and to EXeter, in Devon, where Monks were first found.

To help prove that "sinister" is code for Seneschals, the Hips use a sphinx while Spinks and Seneschals share mascles on blue Shields. The Spink eagle is the Dunn eagle while Dunns use the Moch sword design...because Dunbars lived at Mochrum. The Pennon knight is a Herod-Archelaus symbol (feathered helmet on his coins), and his brother, Antipas, is suspect from Antibes, near Monaco. The Pendragon-Crest helmet may apply.

Mogans/Moggachs (never known these before) share a single, upright sword with Mochs, and then the Moggs/Moke's ("cura" motto term) look like Moch liners. The "diis sunt" of Moggs/Moke's looks linkable both to the Deas (bee) Crom liners, and to the "desunt" motto term in this Arms of MACClesfield. The double "nec" terms in the Macclesfield motto can go to Rutherfords and therefore to Maxtons/MACKEStons (fitchee crosses) while Macclesfield was "MAKESlesfield" in 1086. Wikipedia used to show both that Macclesfield Arms and another one, but removed them both. Why? The other one had black fitchee cross hanging from the stags, and that made it possible to link Macclesfield to the black fitchee in the Hanna Crest. Mochrum is a location in the same place as Hanna's, and that place, Gallaway, smacks of Gala, father of king Massena. Hmm, that's the first time that thought occurred. Rodhams use "nec" while being first found in Northumberland.

Mogans/Moggachs are said to derives in a term meaning "surly," but that could be clever code for Sorleys/Surleys.

I was just thinking shortly above as per who it was that use a BROKEn sword, for the Frocks are suspect with Broke's/Brocks, meaning that any broken sword can apply to Grimaldi liners. I had been meaning to show the Sands (ragully fesse) when coming across Maxtons, for Sands use their colors and share fitchees. The Sand fitchee is red, as is the Sorely fitchee, and so we can make a Sand link to sword-using Mogans. The Sands had also come to mind in the "Diis sunt" and "desunt" motto terms, the latter being from the Maxton-related Macclesfields. Sanders (Clare colors) are the ones with the broken sword, and its a single sword pointed up, like the Mogan / Moch sword. Prusa's/Brocoffs are the other surname using the sphinx.

The Moggs/Moke's, the ones using "sunt," share the gold Sinclair/Saint rooster. Plus, it can be gleaned that Sanders are a branch of Claro's/Charo's (share red bull) so that the Saint variation of Sinclairs suggests a Sand merger with Clare liners, and it just so happens that Mopsus/Muksus was a cult at Clarus. The Clare chevrons are in the colors of the Maxton chevron, and these are the Quint chevron. Clare's were first found in the same place as Pennons, and then Arthurs sometimes call their rests, clarions. Pennons are the ones with sinister hand on hip, and Hips are the ones with the sphinx while Spinks use the same spread eagles as Irish Clare's. The latter use the MacArthur crown, expected in a Pennon discussion.

As I feel confident that Mochs were Mopsus = Muksus liners, let's re-mention that Mopps/MODburleys use the double bars, but in red, as Erens. The Moch-related Mousquette's (share double-red bars with Mopps'/Modburleys) once showed the lion design in the Rothes Crest, and Rothes, suspect with Rutherfords, were first found in the same place (Shropshire) as Mogan-suspect Frocks. Isn't this raven-Rothes picture capable of tracing Mock liners to Patmos, where Monks are tracing? Didn't the MOSul elements of Mopsus trace to PatMOS? The Rothes lion, by the way, is in the Hatch/Hacch and Staple Crests. The "Sans" motto term of Staple's gets the Clare eagle in the Spanish Sans Coat.

Crims/Croombridge's are said to be from Staplehurst. Staples (Morley and Morland symbol) were first found in the same place as Monks, and may be using the Gellone fleur, which has potential to make the Monaco link to Guerin of Provence that I'm expecting to find. Staples are from Stobi, a Paeoni city, and the Guerins share the Payen stars, no paeincidence. Gellone's are using the Barber fleur in both colors for a trace to Berbers. Why is there a bull in the Barber Crest? Tuaregs? Scottish Barbers are using the same saltire as Desmonds. Is this tracing Idris elements, traced earlier to Guerin, to Grimaldi's? Grimaldi's are expected from the mythical-Graeae Berbers.

Let's not forget Hanna-Barbera that used code in their Flintstones production. Wilma Flintstone (colors of Scottish Flemings) was code for VLAAMs/Flemings of FLANDers, and then the Flint surname ("Sine macula") use arrows heads called "flint stones." It occurs to me here that Dino, the Flintstone pet, was indeed code for the Dino surname said to have merged with Taddei's, for the latter use the Bouillon cross while Bouillons were Flanders / Fleming elements! Plus, Dino's are suspect as Grimaldi liners. Bettys and Barneys both use keys. The Rubble-like Ribble river flows past Flintshire. Dino's ("LIBERTAS" in their Chief) look like they could be a merger with Levite-suspect Liebers (Silesia). Dino's were first found in the same place as BRUNO's, and the Luna crescents are used by Tattons (see Deans too), wherefore the Leibers, first found in Brunswick, can apply to Brunswick-Luneburg. It just so happens that Leibers are using the Second/Segur lions on a Shield with quarters in the colors of the Second/Segur quarters. Flints are in Prophet colors while Prophets use the Prime leg. That's a strong argument for tracing Dino's to Quintus Caepio.

I can swear that the Flint flint stones had previously been diamonds. Spanish Dias' (Castile, same place as Barbera's) are also "Diago, and can reveal that Deas', DesMONDs and DiaMONDs are from Decani. In fact, Deacons and Decans use a cross in the colors of the Desmond saltire. English Dias' (no write-up) use a swan and can therefore trace to Liguria; these Dias' (share red Chief with Annans) are using double red pale bars, but with a gold background, and that makes them the colors of the double pale bars of Cock-suspect and bear-using Couch's! As Cocks use the Grimaldi lozenges (and likely the Diamond diamonds) while Monks use the lion in Tint-lion colors, let's remind that the Tint lion is "couchant." Tintagel was also called, TREVina," and that can trace to "Trebia." Treebys, first found in the same place as Monks, may be using the white Monk lion.

Tintagel in CORNwall is where mythical GORlois was located. As the Arthurian cult at Tintagel traces, in my opinion, to the Doria's and Arduinici, let's reveal that the Doria's, first found in the same place as Grimaldi's, use the spread eagle in the colors of the English Dias eagle. We are definitely making Grimaldi links to Arduinici. I guess that the Dias swan head is in the Leicester/Lester Crest, but I'm noting that the Dias swan is held by a hand while Hands share the stag with same-colored Hanna's.

Krume's are likely using the giant Mott/Morte crescent, but it's in the colors of the Douglas = MORay stars, and then More's/Moors/Muirs share their use the white-skinned Moor head (though it's not called a Moor head) of Munts/Munds, first found in the same place (Kent) as Crims/Crombridge's.

That's the Moor head with head band tracing to Hasdrubal, which is very meaningful if Munts/Munds are Monaco liners. I'm not yet certain that Mons/Monts / Munts/Munds are Monaco liners. HasMONeans may have been half Maeonian, according to this picture. Munts/Munds are using the same peacock of Maness'/Manners, suspect with the Manders that I see in the Douglas salaMANDER. It looks good for a Munt/Mund trace to Monaco liners. I see the Munt head band as code for Hasdrubal, and that's now important coming right here, after Monaco elements have traced to Krume, smack beside Has. Again, the Mons/Monds use the Legh/Ligh lion so that a trace to Monaco in Liguria seems correct.

The Crim/Crombridge INEScutcheons (small shields) are in the gold colors of the same of Shute's, and I am quite sure that eSCUTcheons, as they are otherwise called when not honoring the Insubres lines, are code for Scodra liners such as SCUTE's/Scutts, who use a blue crane with red rose in it's mouth! Have you ever seen so many red roses on stems as there has popped up while on Avezzano liners? I had traced Scute's to Placentia before realizing the Crom trace to neighboring Cremona. The Scute trace was also made before learning that general Scipio built Placentia and Cremona as army barracks after losing the war to Hannibal. It looks like Cremona's were named partly after Mon elements. This paragraph, and the inescutcheon term itself, is another reason for linking Insubres to the Ananes at Placentia. I think it's important that Placentia, Hanna's, Monk-related Wessels, and Scute's all use blue along with Erens, for Syphax / Hasdrubal is tracing to Decani and the Erenik theater.

The Mochs became suspect with a Le Mose part of Placentia. As the so-called "shields" (they are not called escutcheons) of Scute's were suspect with the square (I don't know what it's called officially) in the Arms of Placentia, note the small white shield of Moggs/Moke's: "A gold rooster with a gold neck chain, and a silver shield charged with a red crescent." It just so happens that the Chaine's/Chenays use an upright sword in the colors of the same of Mochs! I've not had this argument before for tracing Mochs to Le Mose. If the "Cura" motto term of Moggs/Moke's goes to Chora, then "Mose" should go to PatMOS, and that brings Patmos elements to Placentia. Moggs were first found in the same place (Somerset) as Baths and Battins, both suspect with the namers of PATmos.

The Moggs/Moke's were shown above to be undeniable Sinclair liners, and may be using half the Sinclair cross for that reason, but Baathist liners, Bitars and Aflacks, do use the Sinclair cross. Thus, we have a great trace of Mopsus from ancient Mepsila, the alternative name of Mosul, through Clarus to the Clare's, and to Baathist liners in the West, speaking of the Baathists proper that just conquered Mosul weeks ago. And they then proceeded to conquer Baghdad, as was expected of they with the anti-Christ. But the anti-Christ does not yet seem to be their power hub as yet. He's going to be a Sinclair liner, isn't he?

Forgive, but I've just learned that both the Grimaldi and Cock Shields use "fussily" rather than lozengy. Fusils are often longer than lozenges but were created merely as code for the Fusils. It probably means that the Fusil surname (Dauphine) traces to whatever lozenges represent; Colchians, for one. Therefore, ZOWIE, WATCH THIS: as Fusils are using "lozenges" in the colors of the Hyde lozenges, see this: "The earliest reference to Sardis is in the The Persians of Aeschylus (472 BC); in the Iliad, the name HYDE [caps mine] seems to be given to the city of the Maeonian (i.e. Lydian) chiefs, and in later times Hyde was said to be the older name of Sardis..." It's amazing how that happened just as it was thought that I got off the Sardinia topic. But, as you just witnessed, if you read the update to this point, the Grimaldi / Gravil topic was sidelined for the Doria topic, and here I can now trace the Oneglia location of Doria's to Hyde because the Nagle's use lozenges in Hyde-lozenge colors!

But there is more. Read this: "Sardis was situated in the middle of Hermus valley, at the foot of Mount Tmolus..." That's where de-Molle's were traced that use molines as per their Moline branch, and then Segni's of Genoa use a moline too, which is extra evidence that Sardis > Sardinia elements were at Liguria. But the Chives', from Ceva, about 30 miles north-west of Genoa, use the moline too so that Caiaphas liners appear to trace to Tmolus / Sardis too. And that jibes with the grub leading to Avezzano just as it was looking like Sardinian elements were there too.

Actually, none of this is difficult because it's known that Phocaeans founded Ligurians, and they lived at the mouth of the Hermus. This goes back to the Musso(lini) and Marshal lozenges. But what intrigues me is Grimaldi's at Krume. Lozenges are suspect as code for the Lazona area of the Lazi Colchians that I think became Lydians and/or Lasonii. The Hyde lozenges could be in the Sire/Siret Coat, and then that surname has been traced to moline-using Sibals, kin or near-kin of Eschyna de-Molle. Therefore, we are touching upon the Ladon dragon, the mother of all grubs.

Hmm, I've not noticed before that Lydians called the city, Sfarda, and that Old Persian called it, Sparda. I suppose it means that the Pelops wave to Peloponnese had Lydians settled in Sparta. Sardis must have been the Ares dragon that formed the "Sparti." Note that Fusils were first found in Dauphine, named in honor of Daphne, daughter of Ladon. It's another reason to identify lozenges with the Ladon line. But why did they portray Ladon with diamond shapes? Perhaps as a form of mascles (hollow lozenges), meaning that Massey liners using mascles are always linkable to Ladon liners, even as Mysians co-founded Lydians proper. Hyde's were first found in Bedfordshire, location of Luton.

So, who are the Fusils? They show mostly Fuz and Fus terms, and look like Fessys/Vesseys. The latter are said to a branch of Burghs, and that could indicate modern Bergamo, the ancient Pergamum Lydians. The Fus' and Fessys may have been soft-version Phocaeans (their city today is, Foca). I suppose Faux', Vaux', Foix's, Fez', Foss', etc. could apply back to Phocaeans. Consider how Fox's are said to be Sionnachs, for Hermes at the Hermes river was from Mt. Sion at the Hermon mountain. That works.

I think I am able to accept that "Salyes" were a harder version such as "Salges," close to "Sulcis." The reason for this is that Seleucids are said to have been related to, or associated with, ThesPROTians (or Epirus) while the founding myth of Lacydon Ligurians had one Protis character involved:

At the end of the banquet, Gyptis [mythical code] presented the ceremonial cup of wine to Protis, indicating her unequivocal choice. Following their marriage, they moved to the hill just to the north of the Lacydon; and from this settlement grew Massalia."

From this picture, I would gather that the proto-Seleucids were a part of what later became the Salyes Ligures. At Clarus / Ephesus, there is a Sulcuk location, and although the name is apparently not very ancient, Seleucid elements may have originated from that area...which is under suspicion for the line to the Israeli priests. But I have maintained (have not changed my mind) that these priests from Maccabees were from the Laevi, and I still maintain that the Laevi were associated in some ways with the Salassi of Aosta. So, if Laevi and Salyes both originated pre-Lacydon in the Clarus and/or Ephesus cults, where Jonathan Levites may have been as Ion, for example, that would explain a Salyes-Laevi relationship. Perhaps mythical Selene was that proto-Salyes entity, arriving with the Phocaeans, for example, and furnishing mythical Protis.

LACYdon may be a mythical term to describe Lacedaemonians, and they were Spartans. But suddenly, I have reason to view Spartans from Sardis, and that's the location on the Hermus river that had the Phocaeans (Ionian tribe) to its near-north. Sardis was near Phocaea. So, while Sardis elements settled Sardinia, Phocaeans got into southern France. It would be very interesting to find the Jonathan Levites in this French picture. The Laevi had been Gauls likely up the Rhodanus, and Rhodes was where Danaans lived before moving to Argos, where the bull cult there was the goddess, Io. Was she the Jonathan Levites? I gave a quote earlier: "I shall soon have occasion to show, that the prophetess in the temple of Clarus in Lydia was called Iona. The god adored there was called Iao." Remember, I found proto-Zeus as the son of Rhagae (the city) in Iran, not far from Mosul, where Mopsus of Clarus originated. The, in Argos, Io is a white cow, an obvious form of Zeus out of Crete, and we know that the Sarpedon Minoans were at the Clarus theater. So, Rhea and Zeus off of Crete evolved into this Iao, quite apparently.

But once in Argos, they were joined by the Danaans of Rhodes, from Laish, right? That's where the 600 Danites in Judges went to live with Jonathan their Levite priest...who served idols. He was Moses' Judas Iscariot.

Let's go back to LACEdaemonians at Lacydon. If these were the Dumnonii founders of Devon and Somerset (the area, not necessarily the two names), beside Cornwall, note the purple lions of the Veys, first found in Cornwall. We saw that Wrens use purple lions, and as Wrens are Raines liners, they were suspect with the Arthurian code, IngRAINE. Perfect, for there are thus two elements in Avalon both with purple lions. Then, Lacys use the purple lion too. Were they from Lacedaemonians in the Cornwall area? The other Lacy surname uses pellets, a Foix symbol, which can possibly trace Lacys to Phocaea, smack down-river from Sardis/Sparda, where Spartans may have originated. Doesn't "Lacy / Lace" suggest Lasonii or the Laish elements?

Therefore, the Jonathan line of "Levites" may have been smack at Lacydon, from where the proto-Laevi would be expected to issue. It makes sense. It traces the Jonathan line via Cadmus to a merger with the Ares dragon to the Sparti. Ares became the founder of Argos, apparently, though it was called, Hera (she owned Argos, but was heavily at Samos, smack off-shore from Clarus). Ares and Hera were both Aras/Arak-river peoples. While Io of Argos now looks to have come from Iao at Clarus, Heracles of the Argos Danaans arrived later, from Samos, right? HERAcles married Hebe, daughter of Hera, meaning that there were Hebrews around Samos. The Samson Danaan were at Laish, weren't they, and later at Samos, right?

If this is all correct, then the fact that Laevi were called such suggests that they had retained the name of the Levi ancestor. But why? Had they been priests all along their migrational routes? What kind of priests? Perhaps some of their numbers were outright idolaters while other branches separated who had a different outlook.

Caepio at Colchester

I can't recall where I was intending to go with the Gravil search in finding enlightenment upon Grimaldi kin, but more was found than expected. The Monks and Frocks blew the discussion open wide. Some heraldic-master organization wrote most heraldic write-ups before they were unleased upon the commercial market. It had workers carefully insert codes for kin, meaning that this organization has a list of immediate kin for many surnames. In the case of Grimaldi's, the Monks and Frocks are immediate kin. It's that simple. This codework is in many write-ups. often within the terms in quotation marks.

Gravil liners may have been involved as per the hunch that "Grimaldi" was formed partly by Mallets, who lived in a Gravill location. We saw how the upright Monk lion could be the same of Greys, and even the Monaco's use an upright, white lion. I wanted to explore the Gravil avenue. Gravils use the GREYhound. English Greifs/Greaves can link to the Macestus river by their use of a "mea" motto term, because Mea's are listed with Meighs that share the white boar head with Mecks/Meeks. Why would a Gravil / Grief link to Maccabee liners be important?

The white boar head is used by Judds/Jutts/Juggs too who were traced to Jugon in Cotes du Nord, where the Maccabee-suspect Motts (share white crescent with Mecks) are said to have been found, adding weight to the theory that "Maccabee" derived partly from the Macestus river. That's where Grimaldi's were traced in the last update on some whims, when I didn't yet know that they were fundamental Hasmoneans; I was only guessing at the time that they might be. One can't spend ten years studying the backside of the dragon and not get a little familiar with it. After a while, the guessing game gets pretty good. French Gravils likewise have a white crescent, and it's in the colors of the Krume crescent.

German Griefs/Griffins are from Agrippa's. I'm guessing. Emperor Nero was an Agrippa on his mother's side. The "impLEAR" motto term suggests Lears, said to be from L'Eyre in Evreux i.e. home of Eburovices being traced to Prusa. Lears share a "ragully" fesse with Judds/Juggs. Ragully is now tracing to a Saraca-of-Ragusa line through Rijeka. It's bound to be a good key. But who else aside from Saraca's in Kotor and Ragusa trace to Rijeka? The Ricks and Richs's/Richess' were traced to Rijeka from Richeza of Lorraine, and that area is smack at Bar-le-Duc, more reason to trace the Saraca fish through Rijeka. And of course I've been tracing the Maxwell-branch Maccabees to the Rijeka eagle for years.

I just went to the Herod Agrippa article to find that he was named "Julius." I could not find how he got this Roman name. From him, I got to the ancestry of Mariamne, the Maccabee wife of the first Herod. It flipped me out to find that Jonathan Maccabee had an alternative name smacking of Avezzano. It explained much, and will be the topic first-thing in the next update. It convinces me immediately that Maccabees were from Avezzano. I even learned that Josephus, suspect with the household of Caiaphas, was descended from Jonathan Maccabee.

How do Maccabee liners relate to Rijeka? I would say it has to do with the Sadducee house of Beotus being from Butua, a dog-walk to Kotor. You can see how the Boii figure easily into the Maccabee household as per the name, Hyrcanus, used by Maccabees. The Boii are on the map below north-east of Rijeka (not shown), the latter at the west end of the Japodes. The Boii are smack beside Hercuniates, you see, and Hercuniates are smack at an Osones location, suggesting the "D'Oson term in the Dawson write-up. As Dawsons proved to be Has liners while Has was claimed to be a Hasmonean line, there you have the extra evidence that it's true, but there you also have explanation as to why "MaccaBAEUS" should be from the Boii.

I haven't realized until now that the Irish Dawson write-up shares a book with "Spears, Dawson, Burley" as part of the title, and then Hasmoneans are traced to MottBURLEYS. The red Dawson martlets can go to the Henry martlets, and from that I gather a line to Henry IV of Rodez, who married Roquefeuils that I say were in Rijeka. In any case, Burleys/Bourlys share the green Shield with Bowers and Bauers, and use nothing but more white boar heads, which we saw above in a trace to Cotes du Nord, where Motts were first found! Thank you, Dawson.

The way that Dawsons are proved to be Has liners is by their sharing a "lodged" stag with Haslips, but this stag is used by Maxwells too so that we can glean stretch of a Maccabee territory between Rijeka and Osones, with the Carinthia theater between them. I was wondering how this related to Avezzano, and, to my great surprise found that modern Osones is VESZprem today! How do you say, mind-blowing? Veszprem is now in Hungary, near BUDApest, (at Aquincum on the map), a term like "Butua/Budva." I would suggest that the Avezzano elements at Veszprem is in the EraVISCI peoples (shown), smacking of the Pesci suspect from Piscinas.

Compare "Veszprem" with "Bezprym," son of Mieszko I! Mieszko II married Richeza of Lorraine! The French Bez Coat uses stars in the colors of the Moray and Monaco stars, as well as a gold-on-blue lion that's used on the left side of the Monaco Coat. Dawsons use the red star on their bend too. Dawsons even share "Toujours" with the Yonge motto while Yonge's trace to Juno at the Japodes theater. The new Abreu Coat has combatant lions matching those of the Bez's, and the latter show also as "Bec," important for Crispin of Bec below.

In a Crisp'n Claro chapter in my Ladon book, with a title that included "Hebrew Rose" now linkable to the Avezzano rose, I had quoted someone that identified the Templar-era Crispons with Grimaldi kin, and so see the Crispiana location on the north side of Osones. Here's the quote: "According to [Mr. Grimaldi], Crispinus, Baron of Bec, was the son of Crispina, daughter of Rollo, by Grimaldus, Prince of Monaco." As I had traced Rollo liners to the Grampians at that time, I was wondering whether Grimaldi's named those mountains. Grimaldi-related Cocks use the Sinclair rooster design. Crispins were also pomegranate-using "Crepon," very grub-like, wouldn't you say?

I now find that Crepons lived at Paresse/Parez in Lorraine! Pharisee liners in Lorraine? I'll bet that Crepon, from Crepey, were Gravil liners, and I see Garebites all over the Carinthia / Croatia / Bosnia theaters. Crepons look like they are using the bend of Budini-suspect Botters, substituting their red Botter star with the red Chadock cross.

Speaking of Budva and Budapest, the Jamie's/Jamesons, first found on Bute (beside MacAbee's), share the black anchor with the Aves'/Avisons, and then the Monaco's were suspect in a merger with Douglas' that use a motto term much like the "J'aime" term of James'. Then, James', using the colors and format of Gravils, Fellers, and Piscinas-suspect Verona's, share the upright white-on-blue lion with Monaco's, but also share the dolphin with Cassels (trace to Piscinas with Cass') and Kennedys that use "Avise la fin" as code for Avezzano elements in the Font de Ville's whom I see from Piscinas, located in Sardinia, Avezzano's were first found. The Font-de-Ville merger with Conte's (= Conteville's of Comyns, the latter using the Avis/Avison garbs) suggests that the Gravils are using the Conte and FalCONTE crescents. English Falcons use a "Vis" motto term.

As was said, Mieszko's ancestry was traced by others suggestively to Sardinia, and here we find that he may have named his son after Veszprem. The Holme entity in the Avis/Avison write-up can lead to Bidens/Buttons, beside Botters/Budins, for the Holme's use the "chapeau" cap of Bidens. It means that Budapest elements may go to both surnames, first found in the same place as Josephs that use the Avis/Avison garbs. The red-on-white Holme annulet can be that of Cherrys or Vis-like and Visconti-suspect Vito's/Vitone's. In fact, "Ottone" may even be from "Osones," especially as Crepons (likely from Crispiana, beside Osones) were first found in Paresse while Ottone's were first found in Perusia!

Cherrys had worked into the Frock/Frogg bloodline that uses annulets in colors reversed to that of Spanish Burgos', and then Conteville's were from John de Burgo of Comyns and Conteville. It's becoming clear that Conteville's, always suspect with Caiaphas liners, were of the Avezzano entity. As Frocks were first found where Alans of Dol had lived after the Norman invasion of England, I would suggest for that reason too that Grimaldi's were merged with Brocks, Prusa'/Brocoffs and lozenge-using Bricks. The latter are highly suspect with Ranulph de Briquessart (Bessin, where "Avezzano" traces), who married a daughter of Emma Conteville, granddaughter of John de Burgo.

As the paragraph above was being written, the Osone surname was loading (I have slow internet service): white-on-blue annulets, the Ottone symbol!!! The surname is shown properly as "Lauzon/L'Auson." The Osone/Lauzon / Ottone annulets are white, like those of the Burgos'. The green Joseph PERCHEvron is suspect from the double green chevrons of English Burghs, and the latter's are suspect from the double chevrons of Perche's...whon I see as Pharisee liners at Perche, near Paris.

Jonathan Macabee, the one that made an alliance with a Seleucid king, was called, "APPHUS," a term that I will now trace to "AVES/AVIS." This can explain the bee in the Bessin Coat as a Maccabee symbol, and the same can be said of the Maxton bee, but the Bessin bee design was once showing for the Tall/Thals, from the Taulantii on the south side of the Mathis (ALBAnia), the river suspect with "Mattathias," father of Jonathan Maccabee. We saw the Massa d'Albe location at Avezzano that traces well to the Massey/Massa Coat with a tree (suspect from "alba = tree"), but the Massi/MATTIS surname (Abruzzo) should apply to Mattathias. The Massi/Mattis Coat formed the Scottish Stewart Coat, in my opinion, and Stewarts were closely related to Albany. That latter lionk had not yet been in mind when I traced proto-Stewarts to Massino-Visconti, important because Alkbanys use the same lion as Massins/Masons, suggesting that the latter were from the Massi variation of Mattis. That can trace things to Albania, location of the Mathis and the Taulantii. Briquessart's son married TailleBOIS.

I had traced Taulantii liners to Tarves, home of the Cavii-based Chives', at the Grimaldi-suspect Grampian mountains. It is so good that "Bezprym" is now being found in "VESZprem," for I had traced Bezprym to the Bez/Bec surname shown above. There were good reasons for that trace aside from similarity of terms. One reason had to do with BOLEslaw, Bezprym's brother, and the claim that the Bex and Bole stars were the star of Moray, a location on the north side of the Grampians. Peter Pollock was at Rothes of that Moray area, and then the Spanish Baez/PELAIS surname uses half the Pollock saltire while Veszprem is shown on a PELSo lake. What a super find all this is. German Bez's are showing nothing but the eagle (common) in the Massi/Mattis Chief. It's known that Boleslaw was named after Boleslaw I of Boii-based Bohemia. That works.

As the Arms of Pola/Pula uses a fat cross (same type as the common saltire) in the colors of the Pollock saltire, one can now trace Pola (south of Rijeka) to this Pelso lake. The Pulleys/Pullens then use the same bend as Crepons, and so do Champagne's, important because the Greek-like pattern in the Champagne bend is reflective of the pattern in the Avezzano bend. The Seleucids were Greeks.

The Grimaldi sword was traced to the Mogen sword. Everything above this section was written before I got to the Boii area of the map above. I did NOT know that, to the near south-west of Osones, there were a MOGENtianae peoples on lake Pelso.

More yet (I'm being sidetracked from the Colchester topic): the Drava river to the south-west of lake Pelso and the Mogentianae caused a check for the Drave surname, listed with Drove's using nothing but quarters in colors reversed from the Chives quarters! This is the Coat using the black-on-white moline of the Mathis', first found in the same place (Burgundy) as Mochs that share a single, upright sword with Mogens!!! Wow. Keele's/Kills, who use the Drave quarters, were first found in the same place as Lucy TailleBOIS.

Aha! The English Pels'/Pelles' are using a Dawson Coat but subsituting a pelican for the stag.

It dawns on me here that the Hercuniates and/or "Hyrcanus" should trace to the naming of the Arc river, where Modane is located. The Arc/Archie surname was first found in the same place (Berkshire) as Modens/Modeys, and then German Archie's (in Moden/Modey colors) are using a bend in colors reversed from the Crepon / Pullen bend. Modens/Modeys share a Shield filled with fretty with Aves-like Caves' that may indicate an Avezzano trace to "Cavii." That works.

German Archie's are using yet another white-on-blue crescent. It's probably the Mott crescent. The eight-pointed estoile (suspect with the Ishtar star) in the Mott Crest can trace both to Bar and to Istria, the expected Bar-Este merger.

Reminder: the Chambre's, from a location of the same name on the Arc, share a red rose on stem with Avezzano's. That not only tends to trace Modane to the Modi'in home of Jonathan Apphus, but tends to assure that his name traces to Avezzano, and possibly to the Cavii too. That is very important for the theory that Caiaphas was of the Jonathan line just because Josephus was.

The German Archie bend is blue, as is the bend of Scotts, first found in Roxburghshire, where Archie's were first found. And Scotts, who trace to lake Scodra (location of Bar) on the north of the Cavii, use the crescent on their bend too. If you don't know, both Scott Coats use the two Talbot Shields while the Talbot and Scott bends are used by bee-using Talls/Thalls, first found in THURINgia, where bee-line Basina lived that traces to Bassania at the Mathis river. Thuringia traces to the Turano river beside Avezzano, the place that named Bassania, or vice-versa, right? Bassania is on the map below while the Matthis is marked on the Illyricum map above:

As Julia Domna Bassianus married Severus, see Savaria (Illyricum map) to the west of Osones and Crispiana. North of Savaria, an Azali peoples smacking of Hazels and Haslips. ,the o Then, as Grimaldi's traced to Krume and Crims/Groombridge's, see side-by-side Grumerum and Brigetio on the Ister, to the north-east and north of Crispiana!

We are both scooting along and rolling, Crims/Groombridge's were first found in the same place (Kent) as the wheel-using Scotts. As per the Staple location of Groombridge's, see the colors of the Staple bend too, and let it be re-mentioned that Catherine Roet was from Montreuil (Picardy), beside Etaples that was the Staple line. That's important because the Scotts using the Catherine wheel (Catherine's personal symbol portraying "roet = wheel") have bend-with-symbols in the three colors of the same of Staple's. As I trace Staples to Stobi in the land of Paeoni, while Catherine's father was Payne Roet, it tends to help reveal that Payens/Paions were a Paeoni line. Note that the Osones, etc. are in PANnonia.

The Crisp/Crispin write-up tells that the surname was from a Cowley location, and then Irish Cowleys/Collys(Colchester elements?) happen to use the symbol of Staple's. English Cowleys use footless martlets in the colors of the same of Pulleys/Pullens and French Josephs. It can be gleaned that the English Cowley bend-with-martlets is a version of the same of Dawsons, for the latter were first found in Westmorland while the Staple-and-Cowley symbol ("leopard's face jellopped") is also used by Morlands and Morleys. What this effectively does is to link Roys (same bend-with-stars as Dawsons) to "MontREUIL." That idea was linked some months ago to ROYAL Scythians that had been identified with the scimitar, and it just so happens that Crisps/Crispins use a scimitar.

TOTALLY UNEXPECTED: Royals use the same red cross as Crepons! The Royal bend is likely that of Chaucers (Kent, same place as Royals), for a Mr. Chaucer married a sister of Catherine Roet. So, Crepin and Cowleys link hard to Montreuil and neighboring Etaples. I recognize the Cambridge-Crest lion as the design shown in the Kent surname until recently.

Bridge's, suspect with a griffin-using version of the Monk Coat, were first in the same place (Somerset) as English Roets. The crabs of Bridges may be for a line of Garebites such as CREPons. Crabs (dagger in Crest) were first found in CamBRIDGE. Julians/Gillians were first found in Cambridge, and they trace to Guillestre, smack beside BRIGANTium = Briancon, itself beside Modane. The river at Brigantium, the Durance, is highly suspect from "Turano." Everything is tracing where it's expected. I had the impression that "CRISpin" could be a branch of Chris(t)'s, and so this is a good place to say that the latter use a swan in the colors of the same in the Cambridge surname. The Chris(t) swan is in the colors of Poole's and first found in Hampshire, at the Poole theater. Another possibility is that CRIspin is a GRImaldi branch.

I'm going to jot down that Crappe's look like the Livings/Levins that went to the Tanaro river, where Asti sits that may be from the Astibus location in Paeonia. Both surnames use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Tanners. Crappe's show pigeons in the Chief in place of the Living martlets, but the Crappe Crest is "funny" and informative, because it's the white Living martlet, always footless, only they stuck pigeon's feet to it. Crappe's are therefore Levite suspects. "Pigeon" remind me of French Page's/Pageons/Pegenels (first found in the same place as Payens/Pagans) while dove-using English Page's throw in some Paeoni-suspect pheons.

The important thing here is that, while Colchester will trace to Quintus Caepio, the CROWper variation of Crappe's suggests the Crows (camel, code for Colchester), first found in Essex, location of Colchester. The latter traces to the Colapis river, otherwise known as the Kupa, and I maintain that "Kupa" is from the namers of Cuppae ("city of doves"), off the Pek river, where I trace Page's. I think what we have here is good evidence for a trace of Cuppae to "Kupa," and all connected to the namers of Caepio's. The Peks even share a white patee cross with Cambridge's, and the latter are in the colors of Bridge-honoring Crabs.

The Colapis river is between Rijeka and Veszprem, and then the Avez/Avison surname was found early in Essex, where Colchester is located. This is good, because much of what comes below was written days ago on Colchester codes. It looks like the Grimaldi insert into this update relates fully to the Colchester topic. "Grimaldi" was traced to "Graeae," just one of my typical edu-gutted guesses, and here the Crows (Essex) are in Grey/Croy/Groy colors. The Crows (and Bridge's and Page's) just happen to be in the colors and format of Monks while using roosters in colors reversed to the Cock roosters, and Crows look like a branch of Greys merging with Cocks but taking on a Crow variation based on the crowing of the Cock rooster. If this is correct, Crows may not trace to the Coronis crow symbol.

Cocks can be using the bend of Croatia-based Cravens so that the same-colored chevron of Crows can trace to Croatia, which covers the Colapis river (Sava tributary). Quintus Caepio, as per his Servilius side, should trace to Servitium (proto-Serbia, likely), near the mouth of the Colapis. "Caepio" suspects include the Cuppae trace to the Kupa, and the Cavii trace to Cave's / Chives'. The Puke area of modern Albania may indicate that Pek-Cuppae elements were there so that "Cavii" is to be equated with the namers of Cuppae. Other "Caepio" suspects include the Capys trace to Capua and the Capua/Capone surname. Capua is in Campania while there is a Campona location south of Grumerum, and smack beside AQUINCum, a term that could have created "Quint(us)."

To the north of Rijeka are Tyrol and Carinthia. Here's from the 9th of October, 2000: "Tyrol is red and white...There is a TAUERn mountain system, smacking of "Sau" and the Sauer surname from the Sau/Sava river, stretching from Tyrol into Carinthia...And as I trace Bernicians to Zahringers of bear-depicted Berne, who used elephant trunks that double as prairie-buffalo horns, note that this symbol [the trunks] is used in the Crest of the Arms of Carinthia. Hmm, could 'Zahrin(ger)' be a soft-C version of 'Carin(thia)'?" One can also see that "Zahrin" is like "Tauern."

That was written before making the Zarr/Zherer trace to Saraca's. However, Saraca's can trace to Zarrs while Zarrs could have become Zharins as per merger with another entity. We saw the Hatchets, from the Zarr hatchets, using fish in the colors of the Saraca fish, but the Scottish Hykes/Hacks use fish too while being very linkable to the Hacch variation of Hatch's. English Hykes/Haccke's (same place as Chives') are obvious kin of Chives', but their quarters were seen above in the Drave/Drove Coat. The has potential to trace Hatchet liners such as Zarrs/Zherers to the Drava.

The Sears (from Serez, Normandy) were first found in the same place (Essex) as Crows, and the Sear and Sere chevrons are colors reversed to the Crow chevron. Sere's were first found in Norfolk, while Aves'/Avisons were first found in Norfolk and Essex, suggesting a mixing of Veszprem elements with Sears and Sere's. Saer de Quincy is coming to mind as per AQUINCum." Might the Zherer-like Sere's trace to the OSERiates between the Drava and lake Pelso? Yes, for the Sears share a red scallop with Romneys while the latter use the Coat of Pullens that just traced well to lake Pelso.

By the way, where was my head? The Romney, Pullen and Crepon bends are in the colors of the same of Bone's/Bohums, expected where lake Pelso is in the land of the Boii. We should also find the upright white-on-red lion in the Arms of Bohemia in some the surnames within a Boii-land investigation, and that reminds especially of the Monk lions, for Monks are Mon liners expected in HasMONeans while Boii are expected at MaccaBAEUS. It was after writing the last sentence that "Pels" was entered to discover that Dawsons (lodged stag) and Pels/Pelles use versions of the same Coat so as to assure that Has liners were at lake Pelso, but that was when the Lodge Coat (same place as Deacons) was re-loaded to find an upright white-on-red lion!

Compare the Cowes to the Guiscards/Wisharts, the latter now suspect with Veszprem elements, and note that Poole, beside Cowes on Wight, is represented by the Poole's sharing an upright white lion with the Pels. That traces Pelso elements to southern England. That's where Bidens were first found that share the chapeau of Holme's; the latter can be of the Holme entity in the Aves/Avison write-up.

Ahh, as the Lodge's are in the colors of English Blois' while first found in the same place as Blois', I would suggest that "Blois" traces to "Pelso." The Hercuniates on the north side of Pelso traced to the Ark, where I trace Blois'.

Icaria is an island beside Patmos, the latter where I would trace the Hykes/Hacks. Coronis on Patmos is suspect with Cronus, who was thought (by me alone) to be the namer of Caria as per SARPedon Minoans/Cretans (proto-Serbs later at Servitium) conquering Caria. Mythical Icarius was a son of DaeDALUS (like TALUS), and the latter was traced by me to DALmatia, where Saraca's were from. Dalmatia reached up toward Servitium. That should trace Icarius elements to the Illyrian coast, wherefore Icaria elements may trace to Epicaria in the land of the Cavii. Epicaria was beside CREVinia (both on map), like KRVati, the Croatian Garebites. Icarius was related to Perdix = Talus, the latter suspect with the namers of Perthshire, where Cavii liners trace.

The Sava, somewhat suspect with "Cavii," flows from its sources in the Carinthia (Icaria elements?) theater, and is at that point smack beside the Traby-like Drava, which itself has a source in Tyrol. As the Tyrol theater became suspect with the Vespasian>Titus family, let's add that the October update above found a Tauer/Taws surname (Perthshire, same as Justus'/Justine's) using the Campbell gyronny, and then the Titus surname, suspect in alliance with the Chappes' (Stirlingshire, beside Perthshire), likewise uses gyronny. The Chives-branch Cavii are said to have lived at Traby-suspect Tarves -- like "DRAVA" -- not far east of Perthshire. It's quite the perdixament.

Tauers/Taws (Benjamin colors) even use a motto (suspect with Jupiter = Japodes on the Sava) like the Duffs (Perthshire) so that "Taw" looks like a "Duff" term. See the Cavii-suspect Caffie variation of Fie's/Duffie's that share a black lion in Crest with Tauers/Taws.

It's a little complicated as to which terms came first, but I'm going to stick to my trace of "Duff" to the "city of doves," Cuppae, and assume that Cuppae's dove elements had become "Tauer" when merging with Sava-river liners at the Kupa river of Japodes. The Irish turned the Duffie/Cuffie/Fie line to "Dubh," one of their favorite terms, yet they also evolved a DubhSITHE / DubhSIDH version of the surname said to mean "black faery," but that was a play on words, not the original term, for Side's/Sudys (share a white tiger with Maybe's), first found in Fife (where VEYs/Vivians trace) just happen to use a black lion too (could be the Sitler lion), in Tauer/Taw / Duffie/Cuffie/FEY colors. I've been on the Side/Sudy topic before, and linked them to Sutys/Suddie's (colored-lion as Side's/Sudys), who happen to have been first found in Perthshire! It seems a given, that because the Suty lion is the Sitler/SCHITner lion exactly, that Duffie's/Cuffie's were merged with Skit / Schet/Shed liners, and that gets the Cuffie surname linked with a host of Sadducee-suspect surnames. The "hazard" motto term of Sutys/Suddie's (Drummond bars, probably) betrays their being a Seaton/Sitten line.

The Suty/Suddy Shield can link to that of Italian Mattis' that come up as "Maffia," which ought to trace to the Maffie variation of Duffie's/Cuffie's, and this explains much for the Duffie/Cuffie bloodline, for Mattis' trace to the Mathis river of the Cavii theater. Apply the Cornish chough to this picture and trace the TAULANTii on the Mathis to the Capone-suspect Tallons/TALLANTS, first found in Cornwall.

The Mattis/Maffia Chief substitutes a black eagle for the black Suty lion, and the Mattis/Maffia eagle is colors reversed from the eagles in the Side/Sudy Chief. The Dove's/Dow's had just proven recently to trace to Derby elements in the Cavii theater. The Derby-related Doe's/Dows (in Dove/Dow colors) use "coulters" traceable to Colts, first found in Perthshire yet again. Don't trouble your head about it; just get the gist of where Cavii are tracing, to the north side of the Firth of Forth, where the Camelot-suspect Camallan river flows...from the area where Chappes'/Chaips were first found along with Guiscards/WISharts now suspect with Avezzano liners.

Mythical Camelot traces to Camulodunum, where king Cole ruled. Camulodunum is now Colchester, tracing to Cole's (Tauer/Taw, Campbell, etc. colors). The Kupa = COLapis may have had "Apis = bull" elements, as per the Cole bull. Cole's share a Servitium-honoring motto term along with Gore's/Core's, first found in Essex, where Quints and Colchester were first found. The Campbells are also "Cammell," and so they trace well to the god Camulos, that named Camulodunum. In other words, Campbells, suspect in a merger with Capone's, trace to the Colapis, where Campbell-related Tauers/Taws traced with Duffs before arriving to the Camulodunum topic. Yonge's and Tarves' share a red lion in Crest, likely the Fife / Five lion, and so while Duffs and Yonge's trace to the Sava, Tarves can indeed trace to the neighboring Drava.

Camulos elements can be traced both to Colchester and the Camallan. The Wikipedia page on the Arms of Colchester shows no image of the Arms, but describes it in such a way as to link it to the "pieces of wood" in the Rita Coat. Here's the Colchester description: " : "The shield can be blazoned Gules four Pieces of Wood ragully conjoined in a cross proper each side arm transfixed with a Nail palewise Sable ensigned by an Ancient Crown Or and that in base enfiling a like Crown and transfixed by a like Nail in bend." Two Colchester mottoes: "QUAM CRUX INSIGNIT HELENAM COLCHESTERIA GIGNET / COLCESTRIENSIS SUM BURGI COMMUNE SIGILLUM." The Crest of the Arms of Colchester, we find the Chappes line encoded with "chaplet": "On a Wreath of the Colours issuant from a Chaplet of Roses alternately Gules and Argent a Female Figure habited Azure and Veiled Argent crowned Or holding a Passion Cross Or.; supporters of a fisherman in the sinister (observer's right) and a Roman soldier in the dexter (observer's left). "

Something is telling me that Colchester was a huge Caiaphas-secret center. By what coincidence does the Veil Coat share the black Julian crosses??? The crosses are even on a "cotised dancettee" for a good trace to the royal Cottians (suspect with Caesar's mother) as well as to Gdansk. The "insignit" motto term goes well to Sava-related Segni's/SEGURana's (shares the Seagar moline), while Junia Caepio Secunda was suspect with the Second surname listed with Segurs! The Segni's are even suspect with "Sagan/Segan," who share the Julian/Gillian salamander-in-flames!!! I didn't yet know these surprises when suggesting above that Julius' line can trace to Colchester. But why not? Cambridgeshire, where Julians and Capone's were first found along with Juno's, is not far from Colchester. A Stour river out of Cambridge comes through SUDbury and waves hello from there to Colchester. Another Stour river flows to Poole.

The cotised feature of Veils is in their bendlets, which are black, as are the bendlets of chaplet-using Saxons that I trace to what I consider to be the Sequani kin of Cottians. Black bendlets are used also by Ince's/Inch's, the latter share red roundels with similar (bendlet-using) Orrels that I trace to "AURELia" Cotta. The Chaplets (Vail colors) use FIVE swans, a symbol in the Veil Crest.

Annas' father, Seth, lived in Syria, and his name can be suspect in the DubhSITHE / DubhSidh term of the Duffys/Cuffie's. There is a good Caiaphas-reason to link the black dancetty bendlets of Vails to the black "dancette" bend of Cuffs. Note that Shaws, said to be from "Sithech, come up as "Seth" and share the Pilotte/Pillette and Pellet grails in the same colors. The black lion paw in the Quint Crest can be figured in tentatively with the black lions of Side's / Sutys / Sitlers/Schitners / Duffie's/Cuffie's.

The colors of the Veil bendlets can be linked to the Varn bend. Pomerania is where the Griffin family operated that is known to have been of the Mieszko fold in some way. As Donald Tusk is suspect with the Mouse Tower and the Bat liners, let's mention the "battle axe" of Cuffs (share the June fleur), for Battle's share the Griffin griffin design. It just can't be coincidental that the Griffin motto uses "vile velis" while Vails come up as "Velis"! It means that the Julian line of Vails was in Gdansk, right? Yes, just ask the dancetty in the Veil bendlets. We just found a way to trace Bat suspects to the birthplace of Donald Tusk, and the Griffin griffin is even in the colors of the Usk/Osk bat wings.

The "insigNIT" term of Colchester can perhaps be a double code, or even triple if INSubres' are implied. The Nitts/Naughts are using a version, I think, of the Burse Coat, and while Burse's trace (entertained) to Pharisee liners from Bursa of Mysia, that's where the Croce / Creusa bloodline traced that can be in the "crux" motto term of Colchester. Didn't Seagars trace to Sakarya at the ancient Bursa theater? That tends to trace Seconds/Segurs to Sakarya, perfect for explaining a Pharisee link to Junia Secunda. Vails are said to be from the lower Marne = Paris area, and I trace "Marne" to the same place (Lemnos) as the Lemovices of Limousin, where Seconds/Segurs were first found. Griffins are suspect with the Gripp surname listed with Garebite suspects using the Varn bend, but then Shakespeare's use the same bend while they are suspect with molehill-using Shacks/SHAKERlys that trace to "Sakarya." Therefore, it truly appears that Seconds/Segurs can link by the Seagar and Segni/Segurana moline cross to Eschyna de Molle.

I had traced Garebites to "Jerevan," the Soducena theater, and it became obvious that Jerevan elements were in Ares, the very despicable cult to which I trace Creusa, which itself traces to Karasu of Bursa. The latter term likes Hebrew, as in the proto-Eburovices represented by Aphrodite, Ares' mate. Whatever Bursa was anciently, the Porcia's can trace there.

The Battle griffin, the Coat's only symbol, is in the colors of the Second/Segur lion, what a batincidence. The mythical Batia line was likely at TMOLUS. In fact, Tmolus is often lumped in with a Sipylus location smacking of Cibalae, later Vinkovci, where the Bat-related Wings trace! And, Cibalae was the birthplace of squirrel-related Valentinian suspect in the Vail/Vale surname. The Sibals even use the Seagar / Segni moline! It all tends to prove that Molle's and Moline's trace to Tmolus as well as proving that Cibalae elements trace to Sipylus.

The Griffin griffin is in Hull / Hall colors, and the latter two use talbot heads, the Griffin Crest symbol. Therefore, as was expected, the "helenum" motto term of Colchester is for the Hull / Hall / Helen bloodline that I trace to mythical Paris, or more exactly to the Hellespont of Mysia. Lemnos is off the Mysia coast, and it's city of Myrina is suspect in naming the Marne river. The Arms-of-Colchester article says that the motto term is for Helena, mother of Constantine I, the emperor who supposedly uttered the words (I don't think he said them, but rather they look like codework put into his mouth to honor his descendants to Valentinian) that are now the Face/Fessy motto...that includes a code for Segni's and a code for Vinkovci. The Face/Fessy cross is the Bath/Atha cross too, and thus the bat wings of Usks/Osks are in this Colchester picture. It seems feasible here, because Helena is said to have been born in Colchester, to trace Caiaphas liners to Constantine. He became Christian-famous for the council held at Nicaea at lake Ascanius (Bursa), where Annas ancestry is suspect as per Aeneas elements there.

But, independent of any considerations on Helena, I traced Annas' descendants to Helena, daughter of Vrm, count of Angusta/Augusta. The Nice surname is listed with Annas-like Ness'...meaning that Nicaea was possibly the representation of "Aeneas." Wikipedia's Nicaea article: "Other traditions claimed that the city was first established by Bottiaeans [Bats from Poti?], and to have originally borne the name of Angore or Helicore..." Those two terms could provide both "Angusta" and "Helena." To put it another way, the city of Augusta was changed to "ANGusta" in honor of Angora elements there. Compare "Angora" with the Anchor/Annacker surname suspect from the Anaki of Hebron. See "Ancore" at Nicaea:

Didn't white antlers trace to Gdansk? The Constantine's/CONTEns (same place as French Conte's) should link to Cone's and English Conte's, the latter using antlers in colors reversed to the white Cone antlers. Cone's lived at FAIRbourne, and Vere's trace themselves to Angers. It struck me here that while Cone's are in Bat colors, one Chione variation of Cone's could develop to/from "Chimney," but I wasn't going to mention it for the shallowness of the trace, until the Fairburns were loaded to find them of Yorkshire, where Chimneys were first found who use the same red-on-white chevron as Fairburns. Fairs even use an ANCHOR!

AHA! Irish Fairs look like they are using the falcon design (different position) of the Hamon and Shed falcons that traced to Gdansk (Hamons are the ones whose white antlers clinched a trace to Gdansk). Unfortunately, the description website doesn't have a description for Irish Fairs so as to verify that it's a falcon, but the Falcon/Falconte surname uses the crescents of the Conte's, and is suspect with "Fulk," the first counts of Anjou / Angers!!! Now we know that the Anchors. who traced to the Drago river of Agrigento, ate a line to Angers, and quite likely from Angora. The Fair moline is even in the colors of the Arms-of-Gdansk cross.

The Hips (same place as Seagers / Sawyers, who traced to the Hypsas river that was also the Drago above, use footless martlets in the colors of the same of Birds/Burds while the latter use the flory cross of Bouillons in colors reversed, but then the latter's cross is in the colors of the near-identical Fair cross. As the fair cross is a moline, it again helps to trace Eschyna de Molle to Gdansk.

The "female figure habited" could be for liners that included Hobbits/Habbards, first found in the same place as Seagers / Sawyers and Dunhams/Domens that link to Dunns/Dooms using a "habito" motto term. I'll show below how Hobbits can trace to the Colapis river expected of the namers of Colchester, but let's add that while Doom / Dum liners are expected from Domitian, his family were from Colchians expected as the namers of the Colapis. For the first time, Domitian's Colchian line is expected from Patmos, or, more generally, from Apollo at Apollonian, between the Macestus river and Gus. The boars below are expected to trace to the Hebrews (anciently "Epirus") that named Prusa, smack beside Apollonian.

Like the Colchester Arms, the Mopps/Modburley Crest uses a woman. Do the Mopps use Helena too? The Dunn/Doom sword design is used by Mochs that trace to Muksus=Mopsus as well as to the Mochrum location of Dunbars/Gospatricks. As Helena in the Colchester Arms is suspect in a trace to Helena of Angustus, let's add that Dunns/Dooms were first found in Angus. The "Mecum" motto term of Dunns/Dooms goes well to the "I make sure" motto of Kilpatricks (DUMfries, but earlier from Patmos), and as that's certain code for MACCUSwells/Maxwells, it evokes the MACEStus river as the location of Mopsus/MUKSus. It's tracing Mosul elements to Mysia, but Mosul elements are suspect in "PatMOS."

The Macestus was suspect as the proto-MACCabees, meaning that the chief priests of Israel were partly Mopsus elements. The Mopps/Modburleys were even first found in the same place (Cheshire) as Maceys. As the Mitanni line through MODi'in of the Maccabees proper could have gone through the Macestus area, and while I've been tracing Washingtons to the Mitanni capital for years, note that Mopps/MODburley Coat is a version of the Washington Coat. The Touques river (location of Gace) of the proto-Washington Gace's can trace to the Teucer > Batia line. The trick is to find the Mitanni at Mysia, and one clue may be a "Mitanni" link to the Medea Colchians. Another clue is the proto-Gully Colchians that led to "Julius," noting that Teague's use the Gully / Julian cross. We're looking for Togarmites linked to the Colchians as part of the Julians. Gallipoli on the north shore of the Gileki-suspect Hellespont is near LYSimachia, suspect with a Lazi-Colchian line, Mitanni-important because Jonathan the Levite in Laish is suspect with "Oeneus," mythical father of Methoni. Perhaps Lysimachia was a Macestus merger with Lazi so that one could expect Mitanni at the Macestes. In the golden-fleece myth that took Media away to Chora-related Corinth, the Hellespont was depicted by Helle, a sister of the rider on the flying ram that became the Colchian fleece.

The "I make sure" motto of Kilpatricks can trace Batia=Patmos liners already to the Macestus, but the Sure/Shore surname of Derbyshire shares holly with Maxwells and uses the black Derby chevron. A chevron in the same colors is used by the Durwards/Dorwards with whom Eschyna de Molle was involved, and then the ModDURLEY variation of Modburleys suggests the Durleys/Darleys (probably the Massey fleur and horse head), first found in Derbyshire (beside Cheshire). Durleys/Darleys are said to be from Erle in Calvados, evoking the "orle" used by Rutherfords and Rutlands (Maxwells and Rutherfords were both in Roxburghshire). It's probably not a mopincidence that BURLEYS share the white boar head with Meighs that in-turn share the MACCLESfield cross, as that location (same place as Mopps/Modburleys) was also "MAKESlesfield" in 1086. This cross is used in the colors of the Arms-of-Colchester cross. The white boar head is also used by Mecks/Meeks and Molle's, and then Mechs/Meeks were first found in Fife, home of the Lundys that had linked to Eschyna de Molle. The Lundys / Londons are suspect with the Titus gyronny, and Macclesfields / Meighs share the cross of Baths and Fessys while "Fessy" is suspect from "Phasis."

Hobbits could be using the Cole bull. "Hobbit" is perhaps not integral with the HaBART variation of the surname, and can be suspect as a Cope / Copp merger with Habarts, possibly from "Kupa" (= the Colapis river to which Cole's trace). Habarts can link to Bartons using boar heads in colors reversed from the Meck/Meek boar head. The crescents beside the Meck boar head are in the colors of the Line/Lind crescent, beside the crossed spears that could be in the Crest of the Dunhams/Domens, first found in the same place as Hobbits and Benjamins. Dunhams/DOMens even share an indented Chief with Mechs/Meeks, and then the Dunns/DOOMs use a "mecum" motto term along with "habito." English Randolphs use the Dunham Coat, and can trace to the Rhyndacus, beside the Macestus.

The Benjamites were linked to Jabesh as they traced to Japodes on the Kupa. Hobbits were first found in the same place (Norfolk) as Phasis-suspect Passons that could be represented in the "Passion cross" of Colchester's Crest description, where the "habited" term is found. The JAPODes could conceivably form the "habito" motto term of Dunns/Dooms, for Maxwells (stag) were in Rijeka, beside the Japodes theater. The Dome's (Domitian Colchians?) even share an upright stag with Jungs/Youngs/June's that trace to the Juno-aspect of the Japodes, and then the Mecks/Meeks show a "Jungor" motto term...that can be part-code for the orle-related Orrs. It's known that Colchians settled the Japodes theater. The Jung/Young/June stag is in the colors of the DOOM/Down stag. There's plenty to glean here that might take half your day, or even weeks, in further investigations.

Compare the English June's, same place as Julians/Gillians, to the English Constantine's/Cossentine's. Both use black fleur-de-lys, but Constantine's use six of them in the manner used by Durelys/Darleys. If the latter are from Dor of Israel, then Mech / Meigh liners, and the Macestus river, become suspect from neighboring Megiddo (which I trace to "Macedonia" and the Mygdones that lived generally where Dorians did). The Megiddo theater is where the Essenes lived that trace to Has, but Has is now tracing to Gus as well as to the namers of the Macestus. Dorians are suspect at the Durance river while the Salyes of that river trace to the Sale's using the June fleur in colors reversed. Both Julians and Merovingians trace to the Salyes, but Merovingians trace to Merops of Kos, an island that may have been related to "Gus." Recalling that Has traced well to Hesse, while Cassels traced well as Caesar suspects to Gus, note that the Cossens/Gosens/Gosels (in Kos, Cousin, and Cassel colors), looked up as per the Cossentine variation, were first found in Hesse. German Cassels are also "Cossel."

The Cutters, first found in DORset, are traced to Keturah, and her Colchian line was through Kodros of Athens; his son founded Ephesus (the ancients said), where there was an essenes bee cult, and, besides, Ephesus was beside the Mopsus cult at Clarus. Merops of Kos was given a son that ruled Ephesus, and then, independent of the Merops trace to the Salyes > Merovingians, I traced Cutters to Saluzzo's, from a location in Cuneo that may have named CONstantine, for the Cutter dragon design is used by Cossens.

The red background [of the Colchester Arms] represents the blood of Christ; the nail the Holy Nails. The crowns are representative of the crowns of the Magi, the bodies of whom Saint Helena is supposed to have found.

Not only is she reported to have possessed the true wood of Jesus' cross, but the bodies of the Biblical magi. We of course don't believe any of this, and the nails here may have gone to the Logan nails as a symbol of Jesus' nails, not for pity, but for celebration by the Caiaphas line for killing Him. The trace of this line to Creusa suddenly gives the Colchester cross new meaning. Why magi? The Anchor-related Majors/Magors? What about the "mago" motto term of Caiaphas-suspect Josephs?

At the webpage below, see the so-called "Isolated Coat of Arms of Colchester" (not all the Arms show the three nails in the cross) with a "ragully" cross in the colors of the Gdansk cross. "Ragully" was suspect with the Gully surname (Quint chevron?) that uses the Julian crosses in the same colors! It just so happens that the Gully motto, "Nil sine cruce" (I hadn't yet loaded this Coat when mentioning Creusa above) is likely part-code for Neils/Nails. That traces Neils to the Colchester Arms and reveals the creators of the Arms as clowns, keeping the Neals secret while explaining the nails in another way. Fair-suspect Vere's use a "nihil" motto term for the Nihill variation of Neals. I'll try to remember that ragully is code for Julian liners. Ragully is used by English Stewarts while French Alans and Julians share the same stars.

Ahaha, The Neils/Nails were just loaded to find red estoiles, the colors of the same of Gellone-suspect Colchesters! No small find. Gullys were first found in Vere-laden Oxfordshire and are thus suspect with Gellone's too. Italian Gallons use only a lion that could be the Second/Segur lion. This paragraph is being written after the below on the Colchester surname was written. Feast on the reality when you get there.

Later, the Colchester Arms used staves as likely code for the Stave/Stevenson surname, but then the Stephens (falcons) use the Chappes perchevron in my opinion. Who do the Colchester nails really depict, Jesus or Caiaphas liners? The Stephen falcon design looks identical with the Fair falcon! The other Fairs show only an anchor, and as Fairs became a topic as per the Fairbourne location of Conte-related Cone's, let's add that one can link the Stephen perchevron very well to the same of Ottone's by way of Ottone VisCONTE, for Falcons are Conte kin.

I don't recall a knee-jerk reaction to look up the Colchester-surname Coat (shares the estoile with Hobbits) in the past, but right here and now, zowie, it's the Quint chevron!!! I mean, I knew that Colchester and Quints were first found in the same place, but have not consciously known until now that Colchesters were Quint kin. The Colchesters even share a red lion [Neal symbol!] in Crest with Yonge's (same place as Colchester), Duffs and Tarves' [and Stewarts, first found in the same place as Chives' that lived at Tarves). Colchesters were first found in Somerset, as with Baths and Battins.

I cannot find once instance of "Colchester Coat" in my files, but "Colchester surname" comes up in one file, the 2nd update of last December: "See now how the Colchester surname uses the same-colored chevron as Quints. The red lion of the Colchester's the red lion of the Capone Crest too." He shoots, he scoooores! I had forgotten that find. Quintus Caepio the Elder was grandfather to Servilia Caepionis, daughter of Quintus Caepio the Younger.

Days after writing here, while showing the Gully Coat earlier in this update, it dawned only then that the COLchester surname might be a version of the GOLley variation of Gullys/Golleys (Julian cross), for the latter share a red chevron with Colchesters. But then I saw the "Nil" term in the Gully/Golley motto!!! Then, the Gully surname was looked up in the first place, a while back, as per "ragully." That's how you can know that Cole's and Colchesters were a branch of "Julian," to be expected from Julius' messing with Servilia Caepionis. That explains why Cole's use a "serva" motto term.

While writing on the Gulleys earlier, they were linked to a discussion involving Lapiths at Chora, and so let's add that Gore's/Core's use a "serva"-like motto term, and that Gore's'/Core's trace with related Yonge's to the Juno cult at SERVitium, near the mouth of the ColAPIS. The theory now is that "Apis" was the same entity that became "Lapith" so that Patmos elements, perhaps, named the Colapis.

In the December update, it was almost a year ago to this day when I used a date to record what I thought was a major finding (I've settled down since then). After quoting from Wikipedia's Quintus-Caepio article, I said:

The Quint surname was checked at this point...Plus, there is a blue lion in the Winchester Crest!!! IT'S THE CAEPIO LION!!! ZOOOOOWWWWIEEE! I just know that the root of Caiaphas has been found: December 15, 2013. It's been a long hunt...

UNDERSTAND the Winchester Crest: "A lion in front of a [fitchee] cross supporting a red mascle." It's code for the Quintus Caepio line merged with that of VALERIA Messalina, and it was VALERIUS Gratus who appointed Caiaphas to the priesthood. Valeria's ancestry also used "Valerius." I traced "Gratus" to "Grasse," near Le Mas. It's all making sense.

Constantine I was a Valerius too on his father's side. Le Mas was traced to Julia Maesa, a Julian suspect (she was daughter to Julius Bassanius above). Grasse is near Nice, perhaps related to Nicaea and "Annas." Beside Nice is Antibes, suspect with Herod Antipas, brother of the Herod who married Glaphyra Archelaus of Syria/ Cappadocia. There is a Valer(io) Coat, I have just noted for perhaps the first time ever, using nothing but what I call the Caepio-line lion. What a coincidence. Now that Valerius liners are found to be Caiaphas liners, see the Valerys (come up as "Valeria"), first found in the same place as Payens.

December 15 of this year was Monday, the day that the last update was due, and this update's bloodline discussion started when waking up on December 17, feeling sure that the bat-and-chimney event was to be taken seriously. That event had Donald Tusk laced with it. Veleria Messalina, a disgusting woman I have read, was one of the wives of emperor Claudius.

If we ask why Battle's, now tracing to Gdansk, are linked fundamentally with the axe symbol, perhaps we need to ask the Axtons/Actons and related Cravens, the latter suspect in the Gripp list of surnames that should be branch's of Battle-related Griffins. I would suggest tracing to the Axius river of Paeonians as they merged with the namers of Crevenia at the Cavii theater. The Stobi location of the Paeonians had traced to Chappes/Chaips of Scotland, but also to Staffs that share the Colchester / Quint chevron.

The endings on the Varn variations look like they should be for the Nocks (fesse in Varn-bend colors) and related Oke's, first found in the same place as Colchesters. This is actually a good turn of events, because I was just wondering, even as I was in the throes of leaving the Colchester Coat to load the Varns, whether the Colchester estoiles were in the colors of the Gellone fleur for a related reason. William Gellone, whose surname links well to the Gillian variation of Julians, was (or is said to be) father to Guerin, what I consider a Varn liner. In fact, the leopard faces of Nochs (Buckingham) are in the colors of the Gellone fleur too! Nochs are in Italian-Garin colors, but as these Garins are suspect with the Burse bars, what about Gallipoli at Marmara.

It appears that Colchester was named by a Julian line of a Cole kind. French Majors were first found in Provence and can thus trace the Colchester magi to a major merger with the Gellone>Guerin line. Worms and Formans were traced to Vrm, father of Helena, but Guerra's share a green dragon with Worms and Formans.

On a Vere-family page that emphases Anjou, we find another "elvin princess" that I was not aware of. Geoffrey Plantagenet was called "the fair." The red Plantagenet stag may trace to the Pilate-suspect Colts:

The friends of Geoffrey [Plantagenet] were unaware that their playful nickname for him of Plantagenet would live through the years. Geoffrey was descended from the Elven Princess Plantina, sister of the Fairy Melusine. Thus he derived his popular title. As eldest son of FULK V [Montforte on his mother's side], KING OF JERUSALEM...

Geoffrey's descent from the House of Angevin Kings follows: From Princess Plantina, sister of the Fairy Princess Melusine...(missing generations)................C.800 (1) THERTULLUS...

In other words, Plantina's children are unknown so that she's as mythical as Melusine. The article gives a fictitious genealogy that I'll show in-part to show how distorted the Drakenberg Vere's have been. I did not yet see this portion of this article when writing all the above; I was at this article years ago but never read this portion. Note the Colchester link to "FAIR":

34) LLYR (KING LEAR). He was educated in Rome by Augustus Caesar, his son;
(35) BRAN, KING of SILURIA. In the year A.D.36, he resigned the crown to his son Caradoc, and became Arch-Druid Bran the Blessed of the college of Siluria. Bran married Anna, granddaughter of St. James (Joseph of Aramathea); the niece of Jesus Christ. Jesus and his brother St. James' lineage conjoin with The Uther Pendragon:...
... (37) ST. CYLLIN, King of Siluria....[as you can see, they are tracing Jesus elements to Silurians of southern Wales, stupit!]
(40) GLADYS, who became the wife of Cadvan, of Cambria, Prince of Wales. Their daughter
(41) STRADA, the FAIR, married Coel, a later King of Colchester, living A.D. 232. Their daughter
(42) HELEN of the CROSS, (The Arms of Colchester were a "cross with three crowns"), Helen was born 248, died 328 and became the wife of CONSTANTIUS I, afterward Emperor of Rome, and, in right of his wife, King of Britain. He was born 242, died 306.

I wouldn't take any of the article seriously; it's not targeting historians, that's for sure. The gullible, yes. If I'm correct in pegging Silures as Chill/Child liners -- because Sellers (grails) are in the colors and format of Chills/Childs and Tudors -- then see the Passons/Pastons using an engrailed version of the Chill/Child Coat, apparently. Link to the "passion cross" of Colchester. The Paston write-up speaks on William de Warren in a Pastuna location (Norfolk), and Warrens are suspect as Guerins. It's very likely that the Pastons and the others are using the white Pendragon chevron, and that this was much a part of the Arthurian holy-grail cult, which of course had nothing to do with Jesus.

I can now trace the Chills/Childs and Silures to "CILnius" Maecenas, who married Terentia of a Terentius Varro Murena family (that's a good place to trace Vere's). This is made possible where the Spanish Pastors share both the red tower and the black eagle of the Spanish Murena's. As Childeric must trace in my view to Salyes, it's important that Norman Pastors (FIVE billets) are a branch of Dutch Bush's/Boschs traceable to Busca and neighboring Saluzzo. The black Murena / Pastor eagle is likely the Roman eagle used by Julian lines, and so see black eagle heads in both colors of the Murena/MORATin eagles in the German Keller Coat (said to be from "KELNer"). Killens use the same tower design but in MORTE/Mott / Scottish Keller / Alexander colors. (Alexanders are suspect from the known merger of Alexander Balus with Jonathan Maccabee; I claimed that the ancestry of Cilnius Maecenas (about the time of Julius Caesar) had produced the Maccabees in the first place. Motts are suspect from "Modi'in," home of Jonathan Maccabee.)

If I'm not mistaken, Wikipedia traces Camulos to Mars, and so one can entertain a trace to the Mar clan of the Tarves area, not forgetting that Tarves is suspect with Tarvos Trigaranos, a bull entity that can trace to the Cole bull.


Especially for new or confused readers
shows where I'm coming from.

For serious investigators:
How to Work with Bloodline Topics

Here's what I did when I had spare time on my hands:
Ladon Gog and the Hebrew Rose

On this page, you will find evidence enough that NASA did not put men on the moon.
Starting at this paragraph, there is a single piece of evidence
-- the almost-invisible dot that no one on the outside was supposed to find --
that is enough in itself to prove the hoax.
End-times false signs and wonders may have to do with staged productions like the lunar landing.

If you have received emails supposedly from me, and they look like advertisements
or anything unflattering and unexpected from me,
they were not from me but by someone using my email box to send it.

The rest of the Gog-in-Iraq story is in PART 2 of the
Table of Contents

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