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November 19 - 25, 2013

The Da Vinci Case for Caiaphas Lines

Without going into all details, Jeffersons/Jephsons were traced to "Jabesh" (Gilead) on the Jordan river, and therefore to the proto-JUPiter cult that Romans came to honor above all. I also traced them to Joplins and related Greys/Croys that were merged with the Anaki of Hebron as they developed into the Anchors/Annakers. It sounds like clever lunacy, but I'm convinced it's true. Jeffersons/JEPHsons share a Shield-on-Shield in the same white-on-red colors with as the Shield-on-Shield of Greys/Croys using an anchor theme.

If we perceive two main ingredients in Freemasonry, Hebrews out of the most-ancient Israel and Meshwesh out of north-Africa, that's wrong. The Meshwesh go back as far as, and into, the earliest Israel, and even before its conception with Joshua. They must have made up part of the Jebusites that God permitted to rule Jerusalem well after Joshua. As proto-Romans must always include the Meshwesh, I traced the English Jefferson saltire to that of the Messeys/Messier's. Thomas Jefferson was an anti-Christ in charge of directing the fledgling nation when it was stacked with Masonic "Christians."

In the last update, there was much talk of Caiaphas lines as they welded to Freemasonic beginnings, as well as some talk on his father-in-law, Annas/Ananias out of Annandale (home of blue-lion Bruces). I didn't mention that I traced Annandale to the Ananes Gauls, who, like the Laevi Gauls across the Po river from them, pre-dated Caiaphas and Annas. I like to use the Ananias version because it reflects the Ananes well. I'm still very interested in how the names of both high priests trace to Massena lines in northern Italy.

Later in this long update, I discover a Maecenas character (the foreign minister of Augustus, first century BC), from Arretium, whose ancestry becomes a topic; he has become suspect as a Massena liner that provided the Maccabees. His wife's name, Terentia, traces to Mus of Lake Van. Her brother, with Murena surname, will be discovered as the root of the Moratin tower that you will meet up with before I get to him, when I deal with the Da Vinci code. Maecenas' ancestry is said to be from a Cilnius family that I will trace to a Kilion/Killen surname, interesting because the Da Vinci Code movie is played in part by a Ian McKellen. In this update, you will see that Dan Brown, author of the Da Vinci Code, traces to king Massena by the codes he uses in his book.

The blue-on-white Bruce lion was from northern Italy's Brescia (still uses a blue-on-white lion to this day in its Arms), near Placentia, home of the Ananes Gauls. It's a no-brainer to see that "Bruce / Brusi" derives in the peoples who named Brescia, but there was a Breuci peoples smack beside/on the Kupa/Colapis river of the Jupiter-related Japodes. As the center of the Jefferson saltire is a blue lion, you can trace Jeffersons to Romans elements of the Breuci > Bruce kind.

It was hinted, in the last update, that the namers of the Cuppae location along the Danube named the Kupa river. It was "Colapis" due to another entity leading to the Illuminati family, from the ancestry of Kyles, who chose to use black candles...and a coiled serpent around an ANCHOR in honor of Asclepios. The Anchors and Coles' share the bull symbol that could therefore trace to "ColAPIS" ("Apis" was a bull cult). The Gore's/Cores -- who trace by their motto to a Servitium location near the mouth of the Colapis, where a Cole motto term also traces -- share a "salus" motto term with Jeffersons/Jephsons. You see, it's working: Jeffersons are tracing to Jupiter.

The "cruce" motto term of Jeffersons must be for mythical Creusa, the wife of the mythical founder of Romans, Aeneas, who smacks of the Ananes or of "Annas." However, "Ananes" is said to be Gaulish, not Roman. In any case, it doesn't matter whether "Ananes" was from "Aeneus" so long as Annas can be traced to Ananes. I've been making that claim due to a large body of circumstantial evidence. It must be added that Juno, Jupiter's wife, was traced to the Oeneus river beside the Colapis, because it was also called the Una (consider "Ina," the chief Etruscan goddess, for Etruscans co-founded Romans). See left side of map of Roman East Europe.

There was a mythical Oeneus in Messene of Greece (for those not yet knowing, there was a Maezaei peoples to the one side of the Oeneus river, where also the "salus" motto term of Jeffersons traces, to the proto-Salyes Ligures at Salviae. It's not necessary that "Aeneus" was wholly the Oeneus entity and nothing more, for it may have been different and yet named partially after Oeneus due to a merger with it. Aeneas traces to "Aenus," a city at the mouth of the Hebros depicted by a mythical Aeneus. Keep this in mind when this update gets to Ciconia of an Orvieto region in Italy. That discussion plows into the secrets of the Templars not known by me before, tracing them to Aulus Terentius Varro Murena. It will be very late in this long update when Varro's are connected without doubt to Yonge's of the mythical Juno entity.

The Coles (with an 's') share the coiled snake of Kyles, which was traced in the last update, along with the Gore/Core crosslets, to Skala on Patmos, though it was realized (especially for that reason) that "Core" traces to Chora on Patmos, explaining why Jeffersons would use the Messey/Messier saltire...because Skala elements named mythical Scylla (code for Sicilians), at Messina. Wikipedia says that Messene in Greece named Messina on Sicily, yet lately, I've had thoughts of tracing Messina to king Massena of Numidia (topic of the last update).

An emailer who followed my heraldic writings for longer than I expected anyone to, wrote in to say she had a dream where a blue lion was named something like "Copia." I don't take every dream to be from God, and I myself do not receive many communications from God is vivid forms, but I did have one dream that led me to discover that the Meshwesh in Israel, along with the Benjamites in union with Jabesh Gilead, were the proto-Romans. I can understand your skepticism, which is why I'm sharing evidence from heraldry to reflect the same as what the dream announced to me. By some cosmic coincidence, her dream and mine both concern the Japodes on the Kupa river. However, when she first shared her dream with me, I had no Benjamite topic, and the Japodes topic was only about to get under way.

Her dream was long before I discovered Cuppae and it's significance to the area of northern Italy that was the origins of the Israeli chief priests, and before discovering the Kupa. Immediately after her message concerning this blue lion, I was able to link it to the Bruce lion for their being in Yorkshire with that lion, for the York surname motto uses "cupias" (that was a big surprise clinching that the dream was from God). For obvious reason, I linked the blue York saltire to the same of the saltire used by Coppers/Coopers, but I didn't yet know the Jefferson topic, or its being part of the Roman lines, or it using a blue lion that should apply to the Copia lion, but ZOWIE, look at how the blue Jefferson saltire, surrounded by gold "besants," reflects the York saltire with a besant in the center of the saltire, in the same way that the Jefferson saltire uses a blue lion at the center. It's clear that Jeffersons use the Copia lion tracing to the Kupa river.

But why did God deal with us in an extraordinary way to reveal this lion? Surely it has importance concerning his chief Templar enemies. Coopers/Coppers were first found in the same place (Sussex) as the Deins, Diens/Dives, Dans and Danners/Daniels, who can be traced to Cuppae on the DANube because the Dives (with an 's') were discovered (or perhaps re-discovered), in the last update, to be a branch of Pages (using the Dove/Dow dove design) who trace to the Pek river...near Cuppae, the "city of doves." If you haven't read the heraldry of the last update, you need to see how the Pages and Peks/Pecks are a branch of Payens, and how the first Templar grand master, Hugh de Payen, married a Chappes surname that with little doubt was a Caiaphas line. There was much added to the bloodline topic of the last update until Wednesday or Thursday, in case you loaded the page on Monday or Tuesday.

This update shows how the Da-Vinci code scammers trace exactly to this Copia / Chappes / Cuppae / Kupa bloodline. To this it needs to be added that I trace Coopers/Coppers to "Cypros/Kypros," the Edomite mother of Herod the Great (Roman pawn in Israel). One cannot have better candidates for forming the Illuminati than this, where the Illuminati is defined as a satanic organization coming as an angel of light for to destroy Jesus Christ. I can't recall the details, but I was able to show how the mysterious/unknown ancestry of Caiaphas could link to the Herod family. It could be expected aside from the evidence simply because Herods called much of the political shots in the Israel of those days. At the very end of this update, Caiaphas will be traced to something specific and new, though parts of it were mentioned in the past. That trace will include the plume symbol of Herod Archelaus.

As you can read in the Cuppae article, Germans call it "Taubenberg," which may not be coincidental with my tentative trace of mythical Daphne to "Tubal." I argued that "Daphne" was from a Tubal variation ending in an 'n,' but this was before seeing "Taubenberg" at the city of doves. By that time, I was entertaining that "dove" was play on "Daph(ne)." The Leafs/Leve's use a dove in what I now think is code for certain Levite lines tracing to Cuppae elements. The modern name of this village is Golubac, and then the Gole's show as "McCole." Why should Cole's trace to Golubac? Because they were on the Kupa. It's that simple and rock-solid.

The Kyle location in Ayrshire suggests that Cuppae elements met up with the king-Massena bloodline out of Aures. Gole's/Cole's use the Kyle stars, which I think are the Glass stars (compare a potential origin of "Glass" with "Kyle / Coles"), and, due to discoveries in the last update, the Colapis-river clans are now tracing to "Gulussa," the son of king Massena. That makes sense, especially as I traced the Maezaei to the north-African Meshwesh/Mazyes to whom Massena should trace. This is important as per the new entity that Caiaphas will trace to at the end of this update, for as Caiaphas is suspect from the Copia lion, so his ancestry will happen to trace to C-versions of "Soph," that term being from the name of king Massena's wife. The trace of "Caiaphas," the term, to "Soph" doesn't look reasonable at face value, and yet I will find it compelling when looking at the heraldic evidence for the idea.

Massena married a woman from Carthage, and mythical Aeneus (now tracing to the Oeneus river where the Maezaei lived) was involved heavily with a mythical woman who founded Carthage. The Hannibal Carthaginians, who Massena fought for, were likely named after Aeneus elements in Carthage. It traces Carthaginians in part to the Jefferson bloodline, and as I think Hannibals settled in northern Italy named Huns, it is extremely interesting and enlightening that a blue wolf is used as a symbol for Huns, for there is a blue wolf in the Arms of Placentia, and then the blue Bruce lion traces to a location smack beside Placentia. Hannibals conquered Romans on the river flowing to Placentia.

As Attila's brother was Bleda, note that the Blood/Blud Coat uses what should be the Jung/June stag in the colors of the Varro wolves (used by Yonge's). The stag was a symbol that the first Hungarians used in tracing to their Attila ancestry. Hungarians were partly from Ugors/Ugrians whom I've traced to the naming of "Euganeo," not far from a Bled location.

If you like logic puzzles, you can glean here that the blue lion could/should trace to Carthaginians, or vice versa, very important because Attila the Hun is said to have formed a treaty or alliance while at the Cuppae area on the Danube. While writing here I had not yet traced Caiaphas to "Soph," but when we get to that, you will see the blue Shield of Gophers. That's the new entity to which Caiaphas will be traced, to white-on-blue Gophers. That's what suggests "Soph."

The Gole's/McCole's use a blue-on-white pheon, colors reversed to the Pilate pheons! It all adds up, doesn't it, that the Illuminati traces to the wicked peoples all conspiring to kill Jesus, and whose descendants were proud of it, who carried on the fight against the spread of Christianity to this day. As the Da-Vinci scammers like to call their Jesus-Magdalene line the "holy grail" bloodline, note that grails are used by the Pilotte's/Pillette's, first found in the same place (Lincolnshire) as the Rhodes' and the same-colored English Messier's. French Pilote's were first found in the same place (Burgundy, home of Nibelungs that traced to the Shawia) as French Messeys/Messiers.

The Rhodes' are important in the Da-Vinci topic because it involves Rennes-le-Chateau in Roussillon i.e. land of the Redones, centered at Rodez. Rhodes' are important here because there was a Round-Table Illuminati belonging to Cecil Rhodes, a symbol honoring king-Arthur elements, whose name was code for the Arthur surname that I traced to "Aretas III," the Edomites faction that gave birth to Kypros, mother of Herod the Great (known fact, not my speculation). Compare "Herod" to "Rhodes," and let me remind that one Herod (Antipas) of Israel, a son of Herod "the great," was banished to Comminges on the west side of Roussillon.

Page's (branch of Payens/Paions) use pheons possibly due to their representing the Paeoni (see last update for that topic). The Pilotte/Pilette grails look like the Shaw grails of a family tracing to the Shawia of Numidia (see last update for that topic). The other Herod (Archelaus) banished from Israel was traced by his coin symbol (helmet with plume of feathers) to the Shawia (of Numidia) in the last update, namely to the Carrick-related Craigs, and then Carricks and Kyle's were first found in the same place, AYRshire, a place now suspect with "Aures," Numidian home of the Shawia. In fact, the Arms of Ayrshire uses the motto, "God SHAW the Light."

Numidia who? Yet it's the very seed of Freemasons. Sophonisba of Carthage married Numidia.

There is a Kyle location in Ayrshire. Moreover, there is an Ayrshire location of Prestwick, important not only because it smacks of priests, but because the Kerrick branch of Carricks and are said to be from Prestbury (Cheshire, home of the Massena bloodline) and moreover they use the symbol of the Priestlys/Presleys (using a form of the Drake wyvern dragon). Note the black-and-white colors of the Kerricks, for these are the colors of the Illuminati (Kyle's use black-on-white candles). A Drake-alternative surname will be found in this update tracing to Numidians and to Aulus Terentius Varro Murena.

The Varro-related Yonge's use a priest code in their motto. What priesthood was this? Romans had an augur priesthood. To what wolf does the Varro and Yonge wolf trace? Yes, to the Roman wolf, but it gets very blue-wolf interesting where the Terentius bloodline is found in Placentia. I'm not suggesting that the Terentius surname depicted the blue wolf or blue lion, however. The blue lion belongs to the Breuci to whom the Drake motto traces, but the same motto traces also to Aquila (Abruzzo, origin of Bruce's), the eagle-using entity out of the land of the Venetia, at Padua, location of Euganeo and eagle-using Este. The Priestly/Presley Coat uses two symbols of the Abreu/Abruzzo surname. As the number five will be a topic in this update, it should be mentioned that Portuguese Abreu's use five eagle wings. When we get to the Soph / Gopher topic, it leads to the five eagles of Safers, which will be gleaned as the Tarent eagles to which Childeric I traces. Childeric also used a five theme as per a sea-bull entity.

Witchcraft likes using black-and-white checks, and I've read that the Magdalene church at Rennes-le-Chateau has a black-and-white checkered floor. That's your first clue that the Da-Vinci code authors were of the Illuminati. The Vince/Vinch Coat uses black-on-white griffo-dragons. The Mona Lisa was said (by me) to be code for the HasMONeans, the original name of the Maccabees at Modi-in. See the Lys-surname in the last update, as it traced to LYSimachia, for "Machia" certainly smacks of "Maccabee." The Lys surname (first found in the same place as Levis's and Chappes') shows a Lise variation, you see, and moreover, in light of my Maccabee trace to king Massena, it can be repeated that the Lys surname uses fleur-de-lys in the colors of the Massey fleur-de-lys. Leonardo da Vinch was a Massena bloodliner, wasn't he?

The Jaggers, who trace to "Jugurtha," grandson of king Massena, use fleur-de-lys in red-on-blue, the colors of the Masci and Massena Coats (both use a rare "bend" going diagonally from left to right rather than right to left). The Da Vince Code was written by Dan Brown, and one Brown/Brun Coat uses fleur-de-lys in the colors of the Masci fleur-de-lys, though Scottish Browns use the fleur in white-on-black, the colors of Meschins. There are reasons for seeing Meschin blood in the heraldry-important make up of Browns. Another argument for tracing Browns to the Massena's is where the "MAGEStas" motto term (of Browns) looks like code for the Maxwells/MAKESwells, and then the Makes/Mack Coat uses that rare blue bend from left to right, and it's again in the two colors (gold-on-blue) of the Masci / Massena bend.

Maceys and Mackays use a blue Shield that could explain the blue Gopher Shield where Gophers trace to Massena's wife. The Gopher saltire is in the colors of the Macey chevron. Keep in mind that claims to show the earliest-possible symbols of surnames, as close as possible to the Templar era.

It's now important to see the Make variation of the Makes/Macks, for Kilpatricks, near Annandale and related to Annans, use the motto, "I make sure," which is partly code for their "Shera" variation, and partly code for Maxwells. This is important because I'm in the throes of tracing the Da Vinci code scammers to the chief priests who killed Christ, and here we have a Brown trace to the Makes/Macks, the Maccabee root of the chief priests of Israel, who had merged with the Kilpatricks near Annandale.

The blue color of heraldry is called, azur, perhaps for the bloodline honored in the "sure" motto term of Kilpatricks. It must refer to the Shera variation of Kilpatricks, which could go to "Seir." When we get to the Gopher / Soph topic, it happens to link to the Sherlands/Shawlands/Shorelands, important because the Shore surname comes up as "sure." The Shore's use the same motto as Canns/Caens who will later be exposed as Maccabee liners from of a human-sacrifice cult out of north Africa. The Shere's, said to be from "essira," look like Carrick kin. Shere's were first found in SURRey. The Surrich variation of Surreys traces to "Zurich," which uses a blue-and-white split Shield. Is "azur" code for Zurich?

I had traced COFFERts/COVERts to a Kyburg location beside Zurich, and that surname smacks of the Gophers/Govers in Zurich colors. Coverts look like a version of "Cooper" because both surnames were first found in the same place. If correct, Coverts and Gophers should be Copia-lion liners. Kyburg uses the symbols of German Hagels (Flemings); I know that this is the Hohen house in Swabia, beside Zurich, who share the Flanders lion, but of importance here is that Hagels look like Carols (Tipperary), especially due to Charlemagne (a CAROLingian) using a black eagle, i.e. which must be in the Hagel Crest.

Kilpatricks were at CLOSEburn while the Close surname (stars in the colors of the Makes/Mack stars) shows a CLOVSE variation, smacking of the Merovingian king, Clovis, the reported founder of the fleur-de-lys. The Masci and Brown fleur are in the colors used traditionally by the Franks. Thus, the Browns trace to Clovis, and, we ought to realize, Merovingian Franks were at Closeburn, opposite the waters from Carlysle, where I trace the beginnings of the Carol bloodline that named Charles Martel.

If you don't know, the Da Vinci code scammers trace the children of Jesus and Mary Magdalene (they didn't have children, it's an Illuminati hoax for the purpose of destroying faith in Jesus) to the Merovingian Franks. Clovis was one of the first Merovingian Franks, but I showed that Merovingians (from mythical Merovee, Frank myth) trace to mythical king Merops (Greek myth) without a doubt, and to the Batavi (mouth of the Rhine, home of Salian Franks) that had named Padova (Venetia), the location of Este, important because the Bars of Este (topic of the last update) were at BRUNswick, the likely origin of the Browns/Bruns. I traced "Brunswick" to "Bryneich," the country of Bernicians, and it just so happens that the Makes/Macks (who I think Browns honor in their motto) were first found in Berwickshire, land of Bernicians. Thus, Browns/Bruns look like they are named after Bernician lines out of Brunswick in Germany.

The Da Vinci Code is merely a self-interested tale emphasizing at its heart bloodlines personal to Dan Brown, isn't that true?

In the last update, you can read a little (I have more) on how the fleur-de-lys traces to the curved fish of Bars at Bar-le-Duc, who were from Baars of Brunswick. I have a good idea of how the fish of the Bar / Kotor area got to Clovis as the fleur-de-lys. The grand-daughter of mythical Merops of Kos was Aedon, queen of Thebes, where Cadmus settled with Harmonia. Thebes was in Boeotia, beside Athens, and it's in Athens that we find mythical Butes, the one I think named Butua, smack beside Kotor. I read and recorded, and shared in some updates, that Cadmus and Harmonia were turned into fish at Butua. Butes was the priest of Poseidon, the sea entity, and that allows us to consider a trace of the Quinotaur, the sea-bull symbol to which Merovingians traced themselves, to this Poseidon cult at Butua. Merovingians also traced themselves to the Veneti, and that's where the Este region of the Veneti must come in, for it's known that the house of Este traces to Franks. But I traced Este to "Aosta," location of a Lys valley, and so we should expect the fleur-de-lys entity in the Este theater too. Padova was also "Padua," almost exactly "Butua." It is very apparent that proto-Merovingians went from Butua to Padua...and from "Euganeo" to "Aachen," where Carolingians called home.

This is all very compelling, and it traces Butua and mythical Butes to a Merowe/Meroe location in Ethiopia (land of bees), because Wikipedia says that this city went by the alternative name of Bedewe, revealing that the Merovee-Franks, living beside the Batavi, were from that location. It just so happens that there was a second mythical Merops (said to mean "bee-eater" but I have other ideas), king of Ethiopia, and he can thereby be identified as code for proto-Merovingians at Merowe. Keep in mind that Greek myth located Poseidon in Ethiopia...which at the time was not so far south as it is today. There is yet another reason for tracing Ethiopians to Athens, in mythical Cepheus, king of Ethiopia, who I think was code for the Cephissus river near Athens. The fish symbol of Kotor was from mythical KODRos, king of ETHiopia-like ATHens.

Merovingians do trace to Butua so as to trace to what I see as the proto-fleur-de-lys. The idea here is that the central part of the fleur-de-lys was originally a fish standing erect on its tail, and later, two curved fish were added to it, one on either side, to form what was then called a lily. The Lille location on a Lys river of northern France is in the Aachen frontier, in Artois, meaning that the Kotor-fish entity / cult worked it's way up there, to the west of the Bars of Bar-le-Duc. The fleur-de-lys used by German Boschs showed, until recently, very fish-like, but houseofnames changed the design to give the bottom parts more curve than we expect of a fish tail (check Arms of cities in France using the fleur-de-lys to see the fish-like tail). German Bush's/Buschs use the same fleur, i.e. in the same colors, the colors of the fish of Saracas (from Kotor). These new designs appear to hint at dolphin heads (Daphne symbol, of Dauphine) on either side of the central upright.

To make the Brown trace to Maxwells/Makeswells and Makes'/Macks all the stronger, Maxwells use a "holly BUSH." To verify this, enter "Maxwell" at the website below. Note the motto translates with a "FLOURish" term. If this traces Maxwells to Bar / Kotor / Butua elements, it's no surprise because Maxwells were up the Adriatic coast at Rijeka, which is on the way to Padua around the Veneti corner of Italy. And as Rijeka is at northern Istria, one could suspect that Este and Aosta were named after that place. It just so happens that the dove was the symbol of mythical Ishtar, and she was at Cuppae with little doubt because the Danube was also the Ister river.

(After all these years using the heraldry webpage above with javascript turned off, I have just learned that, with javascript turned on, one may click from, say, an English surname to an identical German surname to see the descriptions of both. Until now, I was under the impression that the website allowed us to read the description of only one Coat per surname. I am now surfing with javascript turned on because the latest version of Firefox forces us to use it. I had it turned off for years previous because, when turned on, doesn't allow one to cut and paste parts of the write-ups. That's why you're not seeing any surname write-ups pasted here. In other words, if you want to cut and paste, shut off javascript. If you want to see all descriptions of all surname branches at the website above, turn on javascript.)

Therefore, very likely, the namers of Cuppae had migratory links with Istria and Este, which can explain why the Daphne-dove symbol should connect with the dolphin-like shape of the fleur-de-lys. If I'm not mistaken, Dauphine was an area right beside Aosta. Unbelievable enough, as an historical fact, the line of Aulus Terentius Varro Murena was in Aosta. You'll see this later as it connects to the maiden name (Walsh) of George Bush's wife, Laura Bush. It's completely flooring where that line goes, right to the chief priests of Israel.

It is extra-important to understand that the dove, in this picture, was a symbol of the lines for the priestly killers of Christ. It is important to trace the Da Vinci code scammers to the Biblical dragon in order to expose what they are all about. To help trace Browns to Bars, consider that Barone's use three symbols around a chevron in colors reversed to the same of Browns. But the Barone's use hearts, which I think is code for Herods. HERALDry claims that the heart used by Logans is the literal heart of king Bruce, but we have already seen that the Bruce lion is the Copia lion, and that Coppers/Coopers trace to the mother of Herod "the great" skunk.

Irish Barone's ("juvat" motto term possible code for Jove/Jupiter lines) happen to use a saltire in the colors of the Annan(dale) saltire so that Barone's trace to the chief priest that killed Christ, and Dan Brown is today trying to kill Christ all over again. Didn't we already see that Browns trace to Annandale via Brown links to Kilpatricks? The Annan(dale) saltire is used on a gold background by Scottish Bruces, and that saltire is known to be in use in the Arms of Ayrshire.

Whose saltire was it? Isn't "saltire" code for the Salette variation of Sale's, and as such doesn't it trace to the Salyes Ligures who founded Aosta as the Salassi? Amazingly, while the Terentius bloodline will be found in Placentia, I have just learned (while writing this update) that Aulus Terentius Varro Murena had defeated the Salassi of Aosta and re-settled it with Romans. It must be from these very Romans that Childeric, the first Merovingian, derived. You will see the heraldic reason for this claim before this update is over, but then I've been saying for some years that "Salian" Frank traces to "Salyes." Keep your eye out for the Walsh surname as it applies to Childeric, and in the meantime see that the Walsh surname uses the colors of Annan(dale)s. I hope you understand what heraldry and history together are saying, that the Gauls who named Annas/Ananias had merged with the Salassi to which the Merovingians trace. The Walsh surname will trace to the Walsers known to live in the Lys valley of Aosta. Can you guess what "Walsh" derives from? Not just from "Walser," but something else.

This is the first indication that I've had that Annas' ancestry could trace to a Terentius merger with the Salassi, though I've claimed for years that the Salyes were merged with the Laevi Gauls that are sometimes called Ligurians. As Annas derived from Maccabees of Israel in Modi-in, the Modane location to the south-west of Aosta could indicate the place of his ancestry. Yet, I don't want to rush to a hasty theory; Annas' ancestry may not have been in the Aosta theater, but rather in Modena. The Salyes lived on both sides of the Cottian mountains, and then the fretty Shield of Modens/Modeys is used by Cotts/Cottins. This update will show you that Modens should trace to Modane because they link with a peoples on a tributary of the river of the Salyes.

The heart is used also by Douglas'/DuGLASS', and so see this from Wikipedia's Massena article: "Major towns [of Numidia] included Capsa, Thugga (modern Dougga)..." Recall the trace (last update) of Touques elements to Numidia, for "Thugga" may apply. The Capsa location is of obvious importance in this Caiaphas discussion, and as Douglas' say they use the heart of Bruce, one can glean a trace of the Copia lion (of Bruce's to Capsa, especially as Capua's use a lion. Bruce's just happen to use the Annan(dale) saltire in the colors of the same saltire used by Ayrshire...a place that traces to Numidia. Doug-incidence?

Months ago, I traced Douglas' to a Getty- or Geat-like term (can't recall the spelling of the Lithuanians), but there are the Gaetuli of Numidia that Douglas' can trace to if indeed Douglas' named Dougga.

As the Barone's use "audaces" in their motto, I know they trace to Pollocks (a sept of Maxwells), first found in Renfrew (near Ayrshire), where there is a Bernys location. As Browns honor Maxwells, apparently, in their motto, Browns indeed look like Barone's. You can expect Bernys and Berns / Burns to be Bernicians, as Browns must be. Burns (said to be from the Bernys location) use fleur-de-lys (as do Browns), and were first found in the same place (Cumberland) as Browns. This makes me suspect that the Burn hunting horn is that of the Jaggers (tracing to "Jugurtha," grandson of Massena), for Gulussa, a son of Massena, traced to Renfrew's Glasgow...where Pollocks lived, though Peter Pollock (chief of the early family) was at Moray, where the Douglas' were first found.

I've always said that Pollocks (hunting horn) are Massey liners from the same line as Mieszko of Poland, where the Cole's trace (i.e. to mythical Kolodjiez of Poland, Mieszko ancestry). Mieszko's were from the Maezaei on/off the Urbanus river. As per my insisting that Maezaei were north-African Meshwesh, not until now have I realized that "Urbanus" could be from "Awraba."

Pollocks were from Pula of Istria, and then the Pollock motto term is used nearly by Eugene's/Ewings that I trace to Euganeo. Eugene's/Ewings use stars in the colors of the Kyle's and Glass', and were first found in the same place (Argyllshire) as Herods/HERALDs and MacARTHURs (i.e. from king Herod's Aretas line). We already have blue-lion reason for tracing Jeffersons to the Kypros > Herod line, but I now find that the Argyll surname uses the white, seated griffin of Jeffersons. The Arthurs and Argylls were both first found in bear-depicted Berwickshire, and could link fundamentally with the Browns because the latter use symbols around a chevron quite reflective of the Pendragon Coat. As the symbols in both Coats are fleur-de-lys, the dolphin-like look of some fleur-de-lys may be for the dolphins of the Tippers/Tippets (first found in the same place as Pendragons) that I see in code in the Pendragon motto.

Indeed, the Tipps'/TIPPENs use pheons that are now tracing with Page's to the Pek river and Cuppae = city of doves suspect with Daphne, the dolphin. In fact, it was not many hours ago that I wrote on "TAUBENberg," the German name of Cuppae. Besides, I've insisted that PENdragons are Pine's/Pyne's (use what looks like a version of the Irish Arthur Coat), and therefore Payne's, a branch of Page's. I routinely trace the Pendragon fleur-de-lys to the same of the Sale's because Sale's and Helms (as per the Pendragon helmet) look similar using pheons.

Salyes trace definitely to Salviae between the Oeneus and the Urbanus rivers, and so while Browns are tracing to the Maezaei of that river, it should be noted that Browns use fleur-de-lys in the colors of the Sale fleur-de-lys. This is important because the Brown fleur has already traced to the Kotor / Bar fish and Busch / Bosch fleur while the Saluzzo location beside Busca is where Sale's trace. But as Dan Brown has Merovingians on the brain in his Da Vinci Code, it tends to trace Browns through Merovingians to the Salassi in the Lys valley of Aosta. The BERNard Pass in Aosta is coming to mind. French Bernards were first found in Provence, an area bordering the Durance river of the Salyes.

The evidence for a Childeric link to Walsh's will be when I show it's connection to the Child Coat, both using red-on-white chevrons. There will be more to it, one thing of which will be the Coats related to that of Walsh's using black symbols surrounding the red chevron, as you see in the French Bernard Coat. Thus, Bernards do trace to the Walser family of Aosta. There you see a helmet in the Bernard Coat, the symbol of Pendragons who use the Sale fleur. The Bernards also use "two laurel crowns," while laurel was the ancient symbol of Daphne. Thus, Bernards are linking to the elements that named Dauphine, which place I think was centered between Aosta and Provence. Dauphine was centered at Vienne Isere, where Herod Archelaus was banished, and not far from Modane.

Of interest where the Walsh surname is also "Welsh," "The Dauphine of France was the wife of the Dauphin of France (the heir apparent to the French throne). The position was analogous to the Princess of Wales..." The Arms of the Dauphin use both the dolphin and fleur-de-lys. I can now claim that the Prince of Wales traces to Aulus Terentius Varro Murena.

The Salemans (look like a branch of Cheneys, use eagle's in Bush-eagle colors) must be a branch of Salmons (in Saleman colors). It may or may not be coincidental to the Kotor fish that the Sale's are depicted with a salmon. Let me remind that Kotor-suspect Cutters use the Saluzzo Shield-and-Chief color combination in colors reversed (when families/individuals merge, one of them may take the symbols of the other in reversed colors to distinguish their line out of respect).

I didn't catch it until the day after writing here that the Italian Bruno write-up suggests a trace to a Bruno location in Asti, near the Saluzzo location. It says that Bruno's were originally from Arretium. I didn't know it while writing way up here that Aulus Terentius Varro Murena was connected to Arretium by his sister. All mention of him way up here is from a proof read of this update. Dan Brown is getting varro interstink.

Did we not see the "magestas" Brown motto term tracing to Makes'/Macks? We then find salmon used by Maccabee-suspect MacAbee's/MacCabe's using two instances of an "AUT" motto term. The "AUDaces / audaciter" motto terms under discussion above are code for AUDE, the area of France where Rennes-le-Chateau is found, where the Dan-Brown fiction takes us. There was a noble de-Pole surname in the Foix area between Rennes-le-Chateau and Comminges (where Herod Antipas lived). Thus, the Browns are tracing heavily to Rennes-le-Chateau with the Maxwell sept of Pollocks ("Audacter" motto term).

The Pollocks may be in the colors of the Herods/Heralds for a kin reason. Both Herods and Heralds, and many similar terms, show as septs of the McLeods, and then while others trace Pollocks to king Clovis himself, I traced McLeods (show "Clode" and similar septs) to the Clode-like variations of king Clovis. I made that trace long before realizing that Pollocks linked to Herods of Israel. But today I'm finding that Browns also trace to this McLeod circle of families, extremely important because the Dan Browns of the world claim that Jesus' sons founded Merovingians. I'd not getting sick over this, I prefer to laugh at the delinquents. But others take them seriously.

Did you see the Abee and Cabe septs in the McLeod list? I had forgotten this, and had written above on the MacAbee's/MacCabe's before seeing this again. It's now very clear that Pollocks, Maxwells and Browns link to McLeods/Clode's. The McLeods have the sept of Teague too, that traced (last update) with Toke's/Tolkien's to Numidia, important because I traced the Newmans, who honor the MacAbee's in their motto, to Tolkien's "Numenor" code. As I said, I identified Numenor as the island of Arran many years ago, when still very green at myth codes, and then, quite recently, I discovered MacAbee's, first found in Arran, only to find, soon after, that Numenor-like Newmans honored MacAbee's. I had traced Tolkien's Sauron character (lord of the rings) to Saracens of Sicily, and so see the last update on how Saracens related to Numidia. Tolkien, the buffoon, spent his time idolizing the Illuminati. Then he died. Fool.

The main reason that I was able to decipher Numenor as Arran is that Tolkien linked it with his "Avallone" code. By that time, I knew that mythical Avalon was the island of Bute, beside Arran. Later, I discovered that the Bute surname (ESToils) used the same horse design as the Este's (that design is no longer showing as it's been changed), which clinched the trace of Bars to the Bar location near Butua, and in the meantime informed me that the namers of Bute were from Butua. By that time, I knew that Merovingians in Britain (including upon Bute) were depicted by king Arthur, but didn't yet know that Merovingians were at the root of Este. Safe to say, Berwickshire / Bernicians trace to Bar. (It's not coincidental that, of the many eagle designs used by houseofnames, the Bars and Estes use the same one.)

The Newman lions were traced to the same-colored ones of the Raines', and the latter surname was identified with "Rennes" and "Renfrew," that being yet more evidence of the Clovis > Pollock trace to Rennes-le-Chateau. The "Judicium" motto term of the Raines' is code for Judicael of Rennes (Brittany). Compare the Raines' Coat to the white-on-black version of the Brown Coat. Raines' were first found in the same place (Essex) as same-colored Este's. Safe to say now, the "magESTAS" motto term of Browns is part code for Este.

Note the Crom-like septs of McLeods, for the Croms use a QUATrefoil as code for Rennes-le-CHATeau. I'm sure of that, not only because Croms use a CAT in Crest, but because treFOILs are part-code for lines out of RoqueFEUIL, smack beside Rennes-le-Chateau. There are at least two Rockefeller-linked surnames using trefoils, one of them being Fellers. (You'll see why Croms are important late in the update, as they trace to "Cremona" beside Placentia.)

To trace Browns once again to Rennes-le-Chateau, use the motto term of Browns to trace to the "make" motto term of Kilpatricks, and compare the "a boo" motto phrase of Kilpatricks to the "Crom aboo" of Desmonds using the Annan(dale) saltire. In the meantime, see that Kilpatricks (near Annandale) and Browns share three fleur-de-lys in the same colors (as used by Frank royals). Then, as we would expect the fleur-de-lys to belong also to CHILDeric, father of king Clovis that traces to Closeburn (home of Kilpatricks), see that the Child Coat is a chevron and three symbols in the colors of same of the Crom Coat, thus tracing Croms to Rennes-le-Chateau if only because the Dan Browns of the world tipped us off concerning a trace of Merovingians there. The white Child eagles are likely the white Este eagles in some way.

You cannot miss the importance of the paragraph above, where the line honoring Annas/Ananias was at Rennes-le-Chateau. There will be new talk, later in the update, on the Reno-river family of Guido Guerra as he links to "Varro." Everything is telling me in many ways that Aulus Terentius Varro Murena traces to Annas wherever his sons go.

Merovingians ruled the "holy" Roman empire for centuries. They had a lot of wealthy, influential bloodlines into the Templar era. Expect many white-on-red chevrons to belong to the Childeric line. Expect many of that line to use white-on-red, as for example the Capes'.

I had traced Pilate's to the "pile" symbol used by Orrs, and by Guiscards who quite apparently merged with the Aures Numidians. But, years ago (long before this topic), I traced "pile" to "Pylos" in Messene (Greece), beside Methoni, a city that was mythically made a daughter of Oeneus. Methoni (also called Modon) is important because, if I'm correct in tracing it to "Modena," it should be the root of "Modi-in," the Maccabee home in Israel. This now jibes very well with my claim that Maccabees were from the line of king Massena. It appears that Greek Messene did name Sicilian Messina, but then Massena was named after Messina elements so that he too should trace to Greek Messene, and, as a first, it suggests that he was from Methoni! If you don't understand my excitement here, it's because I see Maccabees developing from king Massena out of Modena. By what coincidence was that, since he didn't live in Modena, but in Africa? Or, what relationship to / commonality with king Massena could Modena have had? Methoni, right?

That's important because we saw the proto-Washington surname (Wassa/Gace/Gasson) tracing exactly to king Massena in the last update. It's from a Gace location near Ferte-Mace, home of Maceys and Masseys. Alternatively, I traced "Wassa" to Wassukanni, the old Mitanni capital, and then traced "Mitanni" to "Methoni!!! That is incredible, for it's tracing George Washington, a Mason, to king Massena, a Mitanni liner I'm sure.

The Mitanni lived on the Habur/Khabur river, a river mentioned in the last update as being the home of non-Israelite, pagan Hebrews (brutes and barbarians, really, thieves and mercenaries) along the Euphrates. The latter river named Aphrodite (the term "brute" likely derives from her), otherwise known as Kypris (from the Cyprus location, named after copper, that named Herod's mother). She was the mate of Ares who himself named "Aures," quite apparently, and so there you have the unGodly guts of the Massena bloodline for which Armageddon has been prepared.

Aphrodite also named Aprutium (Abruzzo, Italy, origin of the Bruce's/Brusi), where the Marsi lived who caused Ares to morph into mythical Mars of the Romans. The Marsi worshipped a snake goddess, Angitia, smacking of the snake that surrounds an ANCHor in the Kyle Crest, though Cole's use a snake coiled around a pillar, possibly code for the Pylos bloodline. In other words, ANGitia was of the Anchor/Annaker bloodline back to the Anaki, and it just so happens that Nicholas de Vere von Drakenberg traces his Vere family (in charge of a dragon-blood cult) both to the Anaki and to the Mitanni.

Somewhere in my post-tribulation book, I have recorded part of letter written by Thomas Jefferson where he supported Adam Weishaupt, founder of the Bavarian Illuminati in 1776. I thought that "Weis" could be a Wassa variation, but, in any case, what kind of a Christian was Jefferson? Well:

Many, like Gandhi, have tried to separate Jesus' teaching on ethics from his claims about himself, believing that he was simply a great man who taught lofty moral principles. This was the approach of one of Americas Founding Fathers, President Thomas Jefferson, who cut and pasted a copy of the New Testament, removing sections he thought referred to Jesus' deity, while leaving in other passages regarding Jesus' ethical and moral teaching. Jefferson carried around his cut and pasted New Testament with him, revering Jesus as perhaps the greatest moral teacher of all time.

That's not a Christian; that's an anti-Christ if I read the apostle John correctly. By the way, when you're done with this update, visit the good webpage above, for it's there that I found some Da Vinci material that got me started on this update in the first place. You'll read there about a fictional Jacques Sauniere in Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code. Jacques Sauniere was a take from the real person, Berenger Sauniere, the shady Catholic priest who build the Magdalene church in Rennes-le-Chateau.

There is a Saunier surname (no final 'e'), using what should be (I wouldn't be surprised) a version of the "Jewish" Feller Coat, and having Sol-using variations (such as "Solnier") that suggest Helios of Rhodes. We cannot leave him out of this Redone picture because a woman of the Roquefeuil family married Henry IV of Rodes/Rodez.

We can't leave the Rhodian Illuminati out of this, or the Rockefeller globalists, nor the de-Beers that the family of Cecil Rhodes was involved with. These Beers suggest Bernicians to me, but in any case they were in the same place (Dorset) as Russells out of Roussillon. The Beers use a raven on a garb, and then the Rooks not only use a raven on a garb, but don't fail to see a Roquefeuil trace to Helios in that too. The Rook raven is called a "rook" and then the motto is translated thus: "Rooks will flourish while the sun shines." See also the Rookbys.

The rook-raven must trace to dark-skinned Apollo-ites -- Meshwesh of Cyrene -- and then the Newmans, who trace to Numidians, were likewise first found in Dorset, suggesting that they could have passed through Roussillon as the representation of this rook-raven. Indeed, when one gets to Ayrshire, there is a Mackie/Mackey surname first found there using a raven. In this picture, the Mackie's are suspect as Kie's/Keys and Keys/Kays because the Shawia lead to key-using clans, especially the Sheaves > Shaws. Out to sea from Ayrshire are Bute and Arran, home of Numidians. You can thus be sure that the nine witches of Bute = Avalon are code for the Muses = Massena elements originally from the Muses in Cyrene.

A key is used by Cleavers/Cleavers (coat in Meschin-Coat format), who could possibly be a branch from "Clovis," for Dutch Clavers use clovers, which are trefoils, really. Thus, Clovis elements are tracing to the Roquefeuil / Roussillon theater. And, by the way, I entertained the Clavers/Cleavers/Clovers as the namers of the Claro's > Sinclairs, and here we find Clavers in Roussillon, important because the Spanish spelling, Rosellon, smacks of Roslin, home of Sinclairs. Were Sinclairs Merovingians, therefore? You need to ask Varangians, especially the raven-depicted vikings. The first we hear of Varangians proper, they were named Rurik and Harald, but then on raven-related Bute there was a Rory MacDonald, whose Rory name is synonymous with "Rurik." Apparently, MacDonalds (use the Ferte eagle) hooked up with Muses in Bute...which was home to Merovingians in Britain, meaning these Merovingians were the raven-depicted Muses. You need to envision a Meshwesh merger with the peoples of Butua for this, which is the same thing as the Massey fleur-de-lys out of Aosta, where the Lys river turns into the Bautica (origin of the Balder side of Godfrey de Bouillon).

Note the tower design in the Claver Coat, one used by the Moratin surname that I trace to "Mauritanians." This same tower is also in the Italian Bera Coat, important because the Beer write-up traces to an old Bera surname (Beers are said to be from Beer-Ferris, while Bera's were first found in Ferrara). I have known for a while that the same tower is used by DeNardo's of Italy who come up as "Narbonne," important because BERenger Sauniere was originally from Narbonne. We then find the "coincidence" that Berenger Sauniere had a female servant, Marie DENARDaud. I've got to assume, therefore, that a Narbonne surname got into the Italian Denardo family by way of this relationship.

I did not know while writing up here that "Murena" brought up the Moratin tower.

The lion in the Narbonne/Denardo Coat is that also of the Maschi's, first found in Rimini, a location that I trace to Rheims, where Clovis ruled. Clovis' mother was a Basina from Thuringia, and I think "Basina" traces to Bessin elements of the Bistones kind, while I think Thuringia traces to Tuareg Berbers out of Turin, where the Bautica river flows, in the area where Masci's were first found who use the Clovis fleur-de-lys. You see it, don't you, a Merovingian alliance with Massena liners in Aosta in the era (5th century) of the Arthurian myths. Place you bets on whether "Bautica" named Bute, and whether it was a result of the Batavi. The Reno river back at the proto-Batavi theater (Padova/Padua) probably named the Rhine, home of the Batavia. The Reno surname is listed with one of two Rhine surnames.

The Beer write-up traces the Dorset branch to Beer-Hacket, and then, fabulously, we find trefoils (or are they clovers?) in the Hacket Chief! Unbelievably, there are three erect fish -- WHITE ON BLUE -- in the Hacket coat!!! It would appear that the Beers (and Bera's) are the fish-using Bars.

Hackets are called "Strongbownians," from Strongbow Clare. Then, unbelievably enough, the Bera's use a thin bend in blue. I rarely see thin bends in any color, but I can readily recall, due to the great significance, that Chiaro's/Claro's use a thin, blue bend! Plus, I had found the Chiaro/Claro bull design in the Boso Coat, a surname (see Bosonids) from a royal Frank family under Charlemagne (he used a black eagle, symbol of the Hacket Crest). The Chiaro's/Claro's come up as "Charo," perhaps from Carolingians. Chiaro's/Claro's were first found in Ferraruola, an early name of Ferrara, thus explaining why they use the Bera bend. The house of Este was close to Ferrara, and so, indeed, the Bera's look like the Bar bloodline.

For those of you who had agreed that the Joseph surname (garbs) was in honor of Joseph Caiaphas, it's important that it uses a "charo" motto term. The Josephs were first found in the same place (Hampshire) as Drakes, and the latter traced to the Drago river very near CHIARemonte. I think this speaks for itself on tracing Josephs to Montechiaro, but the close links of the Chiaro entity both to Ferrara and to Clare's, not to mention Merovingians, is strong indication that Josephs were from the Israeli priesthood.

Now, back to the Barone's for a look at the Italian Barone's, using three bends, a symbol of the French Merits/Mereys/Marais' depicted by mythical Ector of Maris (Arthurian myth). Ector was given three red bends, on white, the colors of the Barone bends. If the Merit/Merey bends were colors reversed, they would be red too. Then we find a red square (sometimes called a "canton) in the upper corner of the Merry surname (from Meret, Normandy), Barone-important because the Beer Coat uses such a red square too. The Arms of Placentia uses a small square, and so keep a look-out for the Dagobert-suspect Daggers using a squirrel, for the Square surname is listed with the Squirrel surname. I have seen the canton called a "square", which must be for a surname reason. Dagobert (Merovingian king) is made front-and-center at Rennes-le-Chateau.

There was another mythical Ector in Arthurian myth, symbol of the (H)Ector/Heckie surname, using three red-on-white bends, a sun, and a blue lion. This surname has the potential for linking to Hackets linking by their fish erect fish to the Bars that are being traced as a Lys line to Lysimachia (where the Mona Lisa traces, keep in mind), beside the Caeni (traces to Kanes and Keons using the same fish) that I say was named by Khyan's Hyksos. Hackets are Hyksos liners, aren't they? As the Lys valley was controlled by the Salassi, and as the Sale surname shows a Salette variation, the Hyksos king, Salatis, could apply.

The Lysimachia area (lower-right of map) of Thrace was at Marmara (suggesting Maris traced to that sea), home to the kin of the Hector Trojans, you see, and as such it is these that trace to Clovis' lys symbol. There's no doubt about it because Merovingians trace to Cadmus at Thebes, the very embodiment of the Hyksos, and so it should be mentioned that a mythical descendant of Cadmus, Laius, should apply. Laius was a homosexual cult involved with Chrysippus; it was while reading the Chrysippus article that I found the keys for unlocking the root of Jupiter in Jabesh Gilead. Chrysippus is suspect as another term for whatever Creusa represented, and should be the same entity as the "cruce" motto term of Jeffersons/Jephsons. Remember, the Jeffersons using "cruce" also use "salus." And, the Sale's use fleur-de-lys.

When we enter "Cruce," we get a fat cross in the colors of the Jefferson saltire. That works. The Cruce/Crois surname was first found in Languedoc, location of Redones and Roussillon, and that works too where I identified Creusa with "Hros" and Rhodes. The fact of the matter is that Hyksos and Romans were one because both trace to Trojans. "Rome" traces to "Rimmon," where the Benjamites were hiding out when they married 400 wives of Jabesh Gilead. As such, I trace Rimmon's namers to Rimini, and to Rheims. Clovis was a Maschi bloodliner out of Rimini and into Aosta. It's as simple as that. Just ask the Bessin, home of Meschins, that traces to "Basina," Clovis' mother, and to bee-using Bessins of Cheshire. It is clear that Basina has a bee symbol.

Italian Barone's are shown also as "Varone," and, what do you know? It recalls the white-on-blue fish of the Verona's, first found at Ile-de-France, Paris, where the lines of Israel's chief priests settled, but founded by the Paris branch Trojans that were made a mythical brother to the king-Hector Trojans. Moreover, the Verona Coat (trefoils) looks like a version of the Feller Coat, and as the Rook branch Rockefellers use a raven, it should explain why Dutch Verone's use nothing but ravens.

Fellers are also "Felltrager," and then English Tragers/Tregairs use more ravens. If that's not enough, German Tragers, who use the Rocco bend, essentially (both bends have jagged edges often called "embattled"), are also "Trogan," smacking of Trojans.

Another surname using the same sort of jagged edging are the Tokers, who I trace to mythical Teucer, co-founder of Trojans. As he was the father of Batia, "embattled" may be code for one of her lines, and one of her lines could have gone to the Batavi. If so, Batia Trojans led to Padova/Padua, an excellent idea because I traced this term to Padasus in the Troad, location of Troy. Suddenly, I think I've convinced myself that Batia was a line from Bedewe/Merowe, the seed of Merovingians.

Merovingian trace to Parion/Parium (opposite the waters from Lysimachia), representation of mythical Paris and his father, king Priam of Troy. It brings one to a city of the Muses, a city smacking of "Parnassus," a chief home of the Muses, where I've traced Barnys in the past, so that Berns, Berrs and Bars ought to trace their too. That easily explains why the Bars of Bar-le-Duc are on the Little Meuse river. In other words, a host of similar surnames, including even "Verone," traces to Parnassus and Parion (the latter was in Mysia), and as Muses were of Apollo, while he created the raven, so the Verone's use ravens. In short, Bars were Muses.

As these ravens must always come through north-African Meshwesh, to the Mackie's/Mackeys are Ayrshire, it not likely coincidental that the Verona's of Paris use a chevron in the colors of the Mackay chevron...surrounded by bears, a typical symbol of Berns / Beers / similar others. The Mackay Crest is an erect sword tracing to Bistones, in Cyrene, location of the raven line. And so I think that Mackays put forth Keys/Kays, who were represented by mythical Kay, son of Ector. It's the Hyksos and their Mus household that named Moses, and then rebelled against Moses, lost all their empire, and moved grudgingly away from Egypt to fight another day, just as wild beasts fight selfishly without hope of ever achieving higher intelligence. There would be no Armageddon if that were not utterly true.

So, if the Mackay/MacKAW (sounds like a crow) Shield is a version of the Feller Shield, and for other reasons seen here already, we ought to recognize that the Massena line went to Languedoc / Roussillon, and is with us today as the Rockefeller nincompoops, lacking higher intelligence, still seeking world rule that slips through its fingers time and time again. The question is, when did the Massena line get to Languedoc, before or after the Massena line created the Maccabees and the chief priests of Israel? Such a good question. It ponders whether the lines of the chief priests settled Languedoc after the Israeli leaders fled Jerusalem in 70 AD. Could it be assumed that, as refugees, they went back from whence they came, from their Massena line(s)?

The Da-Vinci cults like to trace to DAGobert, and then Mackays use DAGGers. Then, both the Dagger/Daker and Mackay mottoes use "Forte," and Daggers/Dakers were first found in the same place (Cumberland) as Burns and Browns. Fancy that. Plus, as we're looking for the Caiaphas beast here in Da-Vinci land, keep in mind that Daggers use three gold scallops on red, like the three white scallops on red used by the Capes'. The Capes' show the sword design used by Aude's, first found in the same place (Savoy) as French Masseys, but by now you know that Rennes-le-Chateau is in Aude. The Capes' were from Capes, in Calvados, home of Meschins and beside the Masseys. As Clavers use a Meschin-Coat format, they may have named Calvados. That's where the Bessin was located, where Basina should trace, which then helps to identify Clavers/Cleavers/Clovers with "Clovis." Compare the Claver Coat to that of Conns / Conys.

Before reading the quote below, see the Happs/Apps/ABBS Coat, white-on-red scallops, and thus being a branch of Capes'. The "speravi" motto term of Happs/Apps must be in cahoots with the "Sperabo" motto term of Annan(dale)s. But see how the Happ/Apps/ABBS Coat is also a white-on-red fesse, the symbol of Austria and of the HABSburgs of Austria. Now you know that Habsburgs are Caiaphas suspects. Now read from Wikipedia's article on Berenger Sauniere:

In 1969, the English scriptwriter Henry Lincoln [Rhodes' were first in Lincolnshire] read the paperback version of L'Or de Rennes and then between 1972-1979 produced three BBC Two Chronicle documentaries on the subject matter. Lincoln was also directed to one of Plantard's planted documents, "Les Dossiers Secrets" in the Bibliothčque Nationale in Paris. Later, Lincoln teamed up with two other authors, and co-wrote the 1982 book Holy Blood Holy Grail. Unaware they were relying on forged documents as a source [i.e. from L'or de Rennes], they stated as a "fact" that the Priory of Sion had existed. Holy Blood, Holy Grail claimed that Sauniere possibly found evidence that Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene were married, and produced offspring that eventually became the Merovingian Dynasty. The authors speculated that Sauniere engaged in financial transactions with a man whom they claimed was Archduke Johann Salvator of Austria, and Sauniere could have been the representative of the Priory of Sion, and his income could have originated from the Vatican "which might have been subjected to high-level political blackmail by both Sion and the Habsburgs". The book was an international bestseller, inspiring Dan Brown's best-selling novel The Da Vinci Code.

There is no evidence in the quote above that Sauniere was involved with Habsburgs, but rather with Mr. Salvator. And it just so happens that the Spanish Salvator Coat uses the Shield-on-Shield almost as per the Vincents. One is gold on blue, the other silver on blue, using the only two heraldic metals, and, if you're thinking that Vincents ought to link to Vince's/Vinch's, I would have to agree, for the Shield-on-Shield of French Vincents (first found in Languedoc) is colors reversed to the same in the Arms of Rennes-le-Chateau, and, besides, English Vincents use quatrefoils...which is how I knew for certain that the Crom QUATrefoils trace to Rennes-le-CHATeau. The Ayers, from Aures, use quatrefoils too, thus tracing Numidians yet again to Rennes-le-Chateau. If that doesn't convince you, the muzzled bear (Mackay symbol) in the Vincent Crest ought to.

Perhaps the Salvator bloodline gave itself that name for thinking it traced to the sons of Jesus. Or, they were a line from Salviae on the Awraba-suspect Urbanus. How about this: Italian Salvators use a white-on-red fesse, the Austria / Happs/Abbs symbol. Don't you find that a little too much? Ultimately, therefore, I suspect that Habsburgs had some piece of the Rennes-le-Chateau cult. I'm fairly sure that the quatrefoils are symbols for Clan Chattan, a branch of which is this Chatan Coat, in Salvator and Vincent-quatrefoil colors, using the same tower, in the same colors, as the Italian Narbonne's/Denardo's.

Clan Chattan was from Roxborough, where Maxwells/Makewells were from, and that brings us right back to the "magestas" motto of the Masci-suspect Browns, a term that should connect with the Make/Mack surname that must be part of the Mackay bloodline. Browns are so Merovingian that Dan Brown is suspect of trying to curb reality to a Jesus-Merovingian partnership. So, let's inspect the Dagger surname a little more closely, especially as German Daggers show a fleur in the colors of the Massey and Lys fleur. "Dagobert" can traces to "Dagome," the alternative name of Mieszko I of Poland, where the Maxwell sept of Pollocks trace. Pollocks use the shot-through boar of Bole's, and then Mieszko's son was Boleslaw. I traced Mieszko to Merovingians for other reasons. Remember, others trace Pollocks to Clovis himself.

Charles Martel Looks like a Mace Hammer

It was about the time of Dagobert that the Merovingians morphed into the Carolingian royals, named after Charles Martel. And his symbol is the martlet / martin, for Martels are said to be a branch of Martins. And Martins use the white-on-blue castle of the McLeods whom I trace to Clovis, Dagobert's ancestor (the castles are at this time identical in design and colors, aside from the red door and windows of the McLeod castle). The Chattans use the same tower design, but with only two towers.

Then, Dutch Dykes use the same white-on-red (Child(eric)) fleur-de-lys as the Daggers, as well as the red squirrel of the Daggers. Belgian Dykes use the white-on-blue fleur-de-lys that is of the traditional design showing like a fish tail. While that proves that Daggers were Dykes, and while we have some evidence already that Daggers are Merovingians, see that German Dykes/Dickenhausens use a version of the German Martin Coat (both use a lion with a small rectangle at the bottom one-third of the Shield, with paw on the rectangle), which, for me, clinches the Dagobert identification with Daggers and Dykes.

Scottish Dykes (cinquefoils) were first found in the same place (Cumberland) as Browns, not a minor point where Dan Brown loved Dagobert. Daggers/Dakers were first found in Cumberland too.

German Daggers show Deck-like variations, and are in the colors of the Tecks/Tess' that trace to the Ticino river, home of the Laevi and the Marici. Ask whether mythical Maris traces to the Marici? Ask whether the MARY Magdalene code is partly for the Marici. Tecks/Tess' (see last update) use the Annan(dale) saltire, in my opinion, with leaves upon them as code for the Laevi. Thus, Dagobert was from the line of Israeli chief priests, as even the scallops of the Daggers/Dakers would connect them to Capes' and Happs/Abbs.

By what coincidence did the Marsi of Italy worship ANGitia? Can we see her linked to "Angus"? Can we glean that the Marsi then carried the ancestry of Annas/Ananias to the Ticino-theater when they came to the river of the Laevi? I'm convinced. The chief priest, Annas, was a Marici bloodliner of the type merging with an Angitia snake cult. This is a great leap for tribwatch. I'm flying, man, I'm flying.

The Mona Lisa is likely code for the Lee-related Mons/Mound bloodline naming the Mons location of Hainaut, because counts of Hainaut used the three black-on-gold fat chevrons of that the Levi Coat showed until recently. Moreover, the Lee's (also "Ligh / Legh") and Habsburgs use an upright lion in colors reversed to the upright lion of Welsh Maurice's, thus making the latter suspect with the Marici. The Maurice lion is even on a mound, as is the Mons/Mound lion.

The Chief of the Capes Coat does not only use the Aude sword design (though many surnames use it), but acorns, traced to the Ackers (dove with LEAF) in the last update. The Daggers/Dakers are also "Dacre," suggesting the possibility of d'Acker...or of d'Acre as per the Acre location in Israel that was used by Templars. Acre was also "Acco," like the "acca" term from which Ackers are said to derive. It's important to note that the Ackers use a bend in the colors of the Salyes / Saleman bend, not only because I traced Laevi Ligures to a union with Salyes Ligures, but because Ligures named the Legro river in Leicestershire, where I trace the Lee/Ligh/Legh surname. As Irish Lee's are also "Lees," can we see a Mona Lisa in all this, especially as the Lys surname (using the Dagger fleur) is also "Lisse"? English Martins were first found in Leicestershire, and French Maurice's were first found in the same place as French Martins.

We are dealing here with the Lys-river Ligurians, are we not? Yes, but ask why the Leinster/Leicester surname should use a swan, and keep a look out for the Ciconia topic below that traces to Kikones off the mouth of the Hebros (location of Aenus), not far from Lysimachia. That's got to me the swan-line Ligurians. Keep in mind that while Kikones/Cicones lived at/beside Aenus, they (mythical brothers of Hebrews) could have brought the Annas term to northern Italy. "Marici" can then trace to the Maritsa version of the Hebros river. You can't get more logical, especially if "Lysi(machia)" refers to Lycians, the expected root of Ligurians.

As Daggers/Dakers linked well to Mackays besides the Mackay daggers, it means that the Mona Lisa can also be code for Maccabee liners where "Hasmonean" is from a Mon-like term. Again, Mons is in Hainaut that used the Levi triple chevrons. That's a very strong argument. Dagger/Dakers and Mackays both use "Forte," but Mackays use "Forte MANU." French Forts, who look like they use the Mackay Shield with ravens (same theme as Mackie's/Mackeys), were first found in the same general area (Gascony and Guyenne) as Martels, Martins and Marici's. English Forts use the Martin and McLeod castle, in the same white-on-blue colors, and that has got to clinch the Dagger trace to Charles Martel, and therefore to Dagobert. The English Forts even use an "AUDax" motto term, tracing to Rennes-le-Chateau, but also to the Maxwell sept. Do you still think Dagobert was a descendent of Jesus???

Ask the bee in the Forte Chief, for it's the Maxton/MACKESton bee. Plus, the Makes/Mack Coat uses martins/martlets. Maxton is a location in Roxburghshire, where Maxwells and Chattans (using the Martin and Fort castle) were from. The Maxtons use "esto" in the motto, and then Italian Forts, first found in Ferrara, home of the Este's for some time, use Maxton colors. Maxtons come from Rijeka with Maxwells, and both Maxwells and Rijeka use a two-headed black eagle, the color of the eagle used by Charlemagne, grandson of Charles Martel. Forts in Ferrara could suggest a Fort = Ferrat / Ferte equation.

At first I was skeptical about whether Asmans trace to "Hasmon(ian)," but I started to accept it. I now see that they are in Maxton / Fort colors, and that they use fleur-de-lys in the colors of the Lys/Lise fleur, important where "Mona Lisa" suggests two merged bloodlines.

So, it looks like the Dan Brown mysteries are from Massey liners, from the Hyksos, not from Jesus. The Maceys (version of Mackay Coat) even use a mace which could have named Martel. But what about the Macey "gauntlet" gloves? They also trace to Rennes-le-Chateau via John of Gaunt, husband of Catherine Roet. When I found the de-Pole's at Foix (beside Rennes le Chateau), it was a Foix merger with Candale (France, near the Atlantic coast), where John of Gaunt had authority. Until recently, the Swans/Sions showed the gauntlet glove.

The Baphomet Numidians at Dan Brown's Feet

I spent a considerable time on Roets, tracing them to the Boofima human-sacrifice cult, of an Imperi peoples in Africa. There are not many details online about Boofima and the ImPERI, but I traced them to PERIgord (Gascony) because the Boeuf surname was first found there. The Bough surname (pronounced "Bof") uses theRoet motto (Quaerere virum"), and the Roet Crest is a so-called "book" in honor of Books/Boggs (hourglass in Crest). The Buffy/Boughey/Boffey motto uses "quarere."

The Saunier surname is the other surname first found in Perigord. How interesting is that, beside the fact that king Massena's wife was a woman from Carthage, a wicked city that killed countless infants and children to some nothing god. Now prepare yourself, all you Dan Browns of the world, for while He created Sophie Neveu, grand-daughter of Jacques Sauniere, Massena's wife was of Sophonisba, but her "Sophoniba" version is almost exactly SophieNeveu. I don't think that's coincidental. I think Dan Brown was playing with surnames and bloodline lust, and was ejaculating on a fantasy that will never come true.

Another "coincidence" is that while "Neveu" just brought Nevins to mind, they were first found in Ayrshire, home of the Numidians! The Nevin Coat is a fesse in colors reversed to the Boeuf Coat!!

The Colton location of Buffys/Bougheys/Boffeys, and their stag heads, in conjunction with the stags-head design of Books/Boggs, suggests the stag of Colts/Celts, first found in the same place (Perthshire) as Shaws. There you have good evidence of Roet kin from the Shawia Numidians. The Books/Boggs even use a Coat version of the Kelts (Perthshire). The "angel" in the Buffy/Boughey Crest should therefore prove to be for German Angels using keys, the symbol of Italian Sheaves connected to the British Sheaves/Shaws.

To this, we add that Colters use a Catherine wheel (torture instrument), the known symbol of Catherine Roet herself. German Bogers/Bogners (looks like they use a nail as code for the same-colored Nails/Neils/Nagels) use the vertically-split Shield of German Colters, which I think can be linked to Turners and Warners.

As the Colts use the stag design of Rollo's/Rollocks (scroll down page to see stag), likewise first found in Perthshire, the Neive Coat is interesting for using that could be the Sinclair cross. Neive's were first found in Angus, beside Fife (home of Bogers/Bogie's) and Perthshire. See the theory below that Angus' were Annas' (just compare their stars), but as Ectors/Hectors, using the mythical-Maris triple bends, were first found in Angus, doesn't it suggest Hyksos from Aenus at the mouth of the Maritsa??? Yes, it traces Maris well to that river's name. Doesn't this suggest that a peoples at Aenus named Angus? But why does an Annas surname use the Angus stars??? Doesn't it trace Annas/Ananias to Aenus? I think I'm convinced.

Aha! The horse and rider of the Aures-suspect Caffertys/Affertys (and Craigs) is used by the Navy/Neve surname, first found in the same place (Angus) as the Neive surname! That was needed to clinch the Neive and Nevin trace to Numidians so that the code used by Dan Brown can trace indeed to the household of Sophoniba.

A Chaucer surname married the sister of Catherine Roet, and Chaucers and Chalkers were first found in Kent, where Numidians have already traced. Chaucers could be from the Caucones, for the latter were at Padasus, the place that I'm tracing mythical Merovee to (the Bedewe > Padova line from Merops of Ethiopia). Caucones may have become the Cicones, or vice versa.

But what about that white-on-red chevron of the Childs? To what other chevron in the same colors can we link it? The Bogers/Bogie's use one, but this doesn't help us to find ancient roots unless we know what "Boofima" stems from. All we know is that a Boof / Baph term of Templars modified into Bough-like terms, some of which took on the bow symbol...that I think led to the Bogens and Bauers (proto-Rothschilds) of Bavaria, the suspected root of the Bavarian Illuminati. Bogers/Bogie's use two white roses in a similar way to the two in the Saunier Coat, important for obvious reasons of a suspected Childeric link to Berenger Sauniere. The Saunier's use their two roses in the colors of the Close/CLOVSE ("Fortis" motto term) and McLeod Coats, and the Saunier Coat has, not surprisingly, some similarities with the Close/Clovse Coat. Both the Child and Close/Clovse Coats use a white chevron, not surprisingly. Whose chevron is it? The latter surname shows the MacArthur crown, all the more reason to trace the surname to Merovingians.

Butua was a Cadmus line out of the same place as mythical Aedon, the Merovingian line from Kos. The latter is an island off of Rhodes, said to be named after it's roses, though I suspect it was named after "Hros," the Ares cult of proto-Rus from "Horus" and the Horites of Edom. As I trace those Edomites with Esau's Bozrah line to Bozcath (origin of proto-Cadmus in my opinion), we find ourselves in Hebron, important because there is a Hebron/Hepburn surname using the Child chevron, as well as some red roses in honor of Rhodes.

This is important for many reasons, because: 1) Kotor, beside Butua, traces to Keturah in Hebron; 2) Hebron is the location of Lachish, tracing to Lycians that were on the mainland from Rhodes and Kos, the latter being the home of proto-Merovee; 3) I trace "BOZrah" and "BOScath" to "POS(eidon)," and then Pisidians lived beside Lycians. One can see here that PosEIDON could be the Ethiopian-Merowe line to Merops of Kos because the latter's grand-daughter was AEDON, queen in the city founded by Cadmus, son of Poseidon and Phoenix. The Lys-Ligurian entity thus traces to Lachish, but as Ligurians must trace also to mythical LYCURgus, by what coincidence was he a king of EDONE's. It is not a cheap pot-shot that Ligurians should trace to "Lycurgus," for the Sithone branch of Edones traces to "STHENelus," mythical father of the Cicone-suspect swan king, CYCNus of Liguria.

The phoenix bird is a red-on-white eagle of the Taran(t) Coat, from Tarun/Mus of Lake Van, yet, as families share their Arms, it can become white-on-red when its colors are reversed. The Childs use white-on-red eagles, suggesting links to the Mus area of Lake Van, which is very interesting where Childeric married Basina, who I now trace to the Roman-imperial family of Severus Bassianus, a member of which was Julia Maesi (this was not very long before the Merovingians popped up in the Roman empire). Her sister was Julia DOMna, having a surname that can now be traces tentatively to "DUMfries," where Closeburn is located that ought to be of the Close/CLOVSE surname. That works very well, especially as proto-Merovingians trace well with Masci's to Aosta.

KILpatricks of CloseBURN may be named in-part after the Chill variation of Childs, which we may assume named CHILLingham, where the Hebrons/HepBURNs are said to have lived. All that talk on BERNician lines, as they traced to the fleur-de-lys lines of Clovis, is now very important because Hebrons/Hepburns are said to be from Bernicians.

We'd like to know who's red lion the Hebrons/Hepburns use, but for now I can only speculate on it being the lion of Datons/Daytons (patee cross), said in their write-up to be from "Autun," the part of France where I trace mythical Aedon without doubt. Autun is Merovingian bedrock in France, in other words, and it is smack beside Avallon, explaining why we should expect Merovingians at Avalon = Bute. But Autun is also beside Nevers, in an area of Nievre...smacking of the Neive's and kin that had linked both to Numidians and to surnames such as Bogers/Bogie's (suspect as using a form of the Child Coat). I know that Numidians lived right beside Bute, so why not expect them on Bute too? You can expect these Numidians as the Masci's in Aosta as they converged with proto-Merovingians.

Entering "Nevers" gets the Neive surname mentioned earlier. It uses a lily in Crest, and fleur-de-lys in the Coat, not surprisingly, and a "Sola" motto term that could be code for the SOLnier variation of Saunier's (because Sauniers are suspect with Boeufs of Perigord while Boeuf-like surnames link to Neve-like surnames). Assuming that the Burns were a part of the Closeburn and/or Hepburn terms, it's notable that Burns use "ready" in their motto while the Ready surname (in Burn colors), smacking of Rhodes, where the Hepburn roses trace, was first found in Angus, where the Boger/Bogie surname was first found.

The fact that Kos is beside Rhodes suggests that peoples of both islands may have moved together to become the Redones of France. I say this to highlight the close relationship expected between Merovingians and Redones. It was Childeric's tomb that was found filled with gold bees, and Merops of Kos is thought to mean "bee something." Very early in my dragon-line hunt, I traced Redones to the makings of Varangian Rus, noting that "Varangi" is a term like "Frank" and that Merovingians are said to be the first Franks. At that time I learned that Redones had been called "Aereda," similar to "Ready." The idea here is that Merovingians trace back to the Varni of the first century AD, who worshiped the same mother-earth goddess as the Reudigni. We will see "Reudigni" again when on the topic of Aulus Terentius VARRO Murena.

Varangians went on to found Kiev, which is where I trace the "Keep" motto term of Hebrons/Hepburns. The Keeps may be using a ship for this reason that Varangians were pirates and sea farers. The Burns may be using "Ever ready" as part-code for Varangians. The Kiev location (Ukraine) is not far from the Trypillians whose hourglass goddess I say was Nerthus of the Varni. Trypillians lived near the Neuri that I say named the Varni goddess. The Neuri lived on the Bug river (Ukraine), a term that may have been from the Bogers/Bogie's. In fact, both Bug surnames are in Bogen colors, as well as in Varn colors, and English Bugs/Buggie's use a so-called "water bouget." Then, German Bugs/Buggens (martlets) were first found in Hamburg (near the Warnow river of the Varni), where Trips were first found. Thus, the Boofima cult seems to link all the way to the Bug river of the Ukraine, which is incredible because the person who informed me of Boofima, Julie, has ancestry in L'viv, between the south and north Bug rivers.

It just so happens that I trace the Neuri to the Nairi of Lake Van, and, besides, Merovingians said that they were from the VENeti, which could explain why Varangians went to the Neuri theater in the first place. Again, the Chill/Child Coat uses red eagles that trace to Mus at Lake Van. The Veneti were founded by mythical Antenor, a representative of the Heneti Paphlagonians, and then my best shot at tracing "Boof(ima) / Baph(omet)" was to "Paph(lagonia)." Previous to that, I traced "Pepin" and "BABENberg" (found by a Poppo I) to "Paphlagonia," and it just so happens that while the Merovingian element in Charles Martel was the Pepin bloodline, the Babenbergs (at Bamberg, Germany) were likely named (i.e. not the other way around) after the Bernician-branch Bebbanburgs at Bamburgh of Scotland (see queen Bebba). Dagobert was the last Merovingian king, as the Martel dynasty began under Pepin fuel.

To make it certain that the "Keep tryst" motto of Hebrons/HepBURNs traces to Kiev, and to add bite to the idea that Varangians of Kiev were with the Trypillians, the Tryst surname uses a "TREPidum" motto term The suffix of that term may even speak of lines to DUMfires i.e. the Close/Clovse surname of CloseBURN! The Trysts (white rose) are in Hebrons / Child colors. Trysts use stars in the colors of the same of the Angus / Annas Coats, and then the Tryst description suggests a trace to the square of Placentia: "Red a silver rose surrounded by seven silver stars and at top left an ermine square." It makes that suggestion because Placentia was home of the Ananes suspect in "Annas."

The Keeps use a so-called "weaver's shuttle," and then Weavers use an "Esto" motto term, expected of the Childeric line. We saw that motto term used by bee-using Maxtons, who are a Macey / Massey branch out of Cheshire, where Weavers were first found. Weavers, Maxtons and Keeps all use red on gold.

We would like to know how the sons of Jesus got to France to somehow become the Childeric line, but, Basina doesn't help us with this. She traces to the bee-using Bessins, a branch of Bistons who named Beaston in Cheshire. There you have the Childeric bee line, from the Bistones of Cyrene. We can only assume that these Bistones (see the Biston surname too) merged with Merops of Kos. The McLeods show the Abee sept, but they are suspect with Numidians, as are the Nevers/Nieve's using fleur-de-lys in the colors of the same of Abee-related Sale's of Cheshire. One would think that sons of Mary Magdalene would perpetuate the name of Mary in surnames, but, as we saw, the Merey and similar surnames fall under the Trojan-suspect Merits / Maris' using three red-on-white chevrons, the symbol of the Kos Coat. One should argue that MERovingians from MERops of MERowe created the MERey-and-similar surnames.

So, it looks very good for a trace of Childeric to the Varni, who by the way use a "Ne oublie" motto, seen in the last update as used by Grahams. The dragonline Vere's definitely trace to Graham lines in Africa. But "Ne oublie" was shown in the last update to be of the Nibelungs, who were Burgundian Franks, and it just so happens that Autun and Nevers are in Burgundy. I ventured to trace "Nevers / Nievre" to "Nibelung" (early, "Nivilones"), but on that I could never be sure. "The name Nibelunc became a Frankish personal name in the 8th and 9th centuries, at least among the descendants of Childebrand I..." (link above). There you have the Child-bloodline link to Nibelungs, which expects a Nibelung link to Hebrons/Hepburns.

I traced Nobels to Nibelungs, and then the Dutch Nobels use a big white rose in the colors of the Tryst rose!! Nibelungs were in the Vexen of Normandy, but also in Friesland, smack next to Wieringen, home of Rurik the first-known Varangian. During his lifetime, a Rurik founded Kiev...causing me to equate the two Ruriks.

Thus, as it could be that "DumFRIES is part code for the Frisians, by what coincidence does the TrepiDUM-using Tryst Coat use the same-colored rose as Nibelung-suspect Nobels of Holland, where Wieringen is located?? English Nobels even use red-on-gold, the colors of the Keeps and Weavers, but these Nobels also use besants, likely code for the line of Childeric's wife. Nobels were first found in the same place as Bernician-suspect Browns. I traced Nibelungs to Bernicians years ago, not now for convenience where the Hebrons/Hepburns are Bernicians. Dan Brown is a Nibelung, isn't he? Nibelungs are from Sophonisba, aren't they?

NOW WATCH THIS. As Burgundians are said to be from Bornholm (island off the land of the Varni), I just entered "Borne" ("Haec" motto term) to find a surname using the winged white horse (offspring of the Medusa Gorgon) design of the Navy/Neve Crest!!! The designs are identical. Just like that, you have your evidence for tracing both surnames to Nevers / Nievres.

Hebrons/Hepburns use a white horse in Crest too, and because Masseys use a white winged horse, it traces the Navy's/Neve's to king Massena stronger than before, making it obviously that this is where Dan Brown's code, "Sophie Neveu," comes in. The Borne Coat uses ESToiles.

Another surname using white horses is the Free/Frey surname ("moor's head" in Crest), a branch of the Freie surname using the blue Massin/Mason lion, in the colors of the blue Nobel lion. It should be added that the Navy/Neve Coat uses "Marte" and "Arte" as codes, appropriate for a trace to Charles Martel and to king Arthur's Merovingians at Avalon.

I had traced "BaphoMET" to the MEDusa Gorgon in north-Africa. The three Graeae sisters were hags connected to the three Gorgon sisters, all of which descend from the Meshwesh. Mythical Perseus gave birth to the Pegasus, and as I trace him to mythical Paris, he was the ImPERI line to Boofima. Parion was a city of Gorgon Muses, you see, and as it was at Marmara. I link the mythical Phrygian goat, Marsyas, to those particular Muses. Marsyas was skinned alive by Apollo in a Muse-related myth. The point here is that "Frey" was a god smacking of "Frigg," whom I trace to "Phrygia." The idea of the Frank frog links to this, I think, and I've read that the fleur-de-lys was substituted, by Clovis himself, with a frog symbol. Frisians are a branch of Angle's (Nerthus worshipers), and then Angels/Angels use the Massey pegasus.

As the Muses were at Parion and PARNassus, the key of the Barney/Bernier Coat is interesting for being a Muse line to the Shawia Numidians. This Coat also shows a blue-and-white fish suspect with the Bar line to the fleur-de-lys. Moreover, it has a white-on-blue fesse, the colors of the Boeuf fesse. That works excellently, suggesting a Muse-of-Parnassus / Muse-of-Parion trace to Boofima. This is not the first time that Boofima is linking to the Shawia, and moreover I've been tracing Boofima to the Meshwesh for a year or more.

The horses in this picture, flying or otherwise, are Trojan / Hyksos symbols at the Ares cult of Aures. It's obvious. And that explains why the Paris Coat uses unicorns. No matter where the horses go most-immediately, they will go back to Trojan elements eventually. The red squirrels we saw in the Dagger and Dyke Coats are in the Belgian Paris Coat, and Dagobert was buried in Paris. I don't see how this is tracing Dagobert to Jesus or Magdalene. French Paris' use an apple, and that reminds me of the "blue apple" riddle / code out of Rennes-le-Chateau. The Apple and Appleby surnames, which I think trace to Avallon / Avalon, use martlets (on a blue Shield, and in the colors of the Paris apple), a symbol of Charles Martel.

Archelaus Really was Merged with Bassianus

Childeric's wife, if indeed she traces to Severus Bassianus, can explain why the Savary Coat (crane) uses the Paris unicorns (same colors). The two "aut" motto terms of this Savary surname must be for Aude.

There is even a Saviour/Sever/Saver surname (in Sawyer / Seager colors) that may link to the Salvator surname (that we read on above) as part of Sauniere's schemes at Rennes-le-Chateau. Recall that Mr. Salvator was from Austrian elements, for, years ago, I traces the Savarys and similar surnames to the Sava river, with source waters in Austria. The German Sauer write-up started my Sava-river investigation, because they were first found in Austria, on the Sau/Sava/Save river. One can see the "Saver" = "Sauer" equation.

English Sauers, a branch of Seagars/Sugars (coiled snakes in Crest), use martlets on a blue Shield, as do Apple's and Applebys. I traced this Seager / Sauer / Sawyer bloodline to mythical Sugaar/Suarra, husband of a Mari goddess. If you'd like to beat your head against a wall while trying to trace this Basque entity to Mary Magdalene, be my guest.

MARtels (and Martins) were first found in Gascony, a place named by the Basques. As Sugaar is a snake/dragon god, it's conspicuous that the MARSi worshiped a snake, and that Ares had a dragon. It just so happens that I traced "Sugaar" to a daughter of Mieszko I, and his line was from the Maezaei on the Urbanus, now suspect from "Awraba," the region that looked like (last update) it was named after Ares. The mouth of the Urbanus was at the Sava river, you see, but that's not why I traced Mieszko's daughter (Sigrid "the Haughty") to Sugaar. Merovingians had rulers by the name of Sigebert, one of them being Dagobert's son.

When we trace Childeric to the Salyes, we expect Childeric's ancestry to touch upon the Laevi, but as the latter lived on the same river as, and co-founded Pavia along with, the Marici, one can understand why Franks honored the Martin surname from the Marici peoples. As Salyes are the ones who got involved with swan-line Ligurians, from the Kikones, it should be added that Cockers, first found in the same place (Norfolk) as Sawyers and Seagers, show a Coat that looks like a version of the Sale Coat. This is expected where the Salyes trace to Salviae on the Urbanus. The Chalkers (in Chaucer and Cock colors), first found in the same place (Kent) as Chaucers, use a swan, if that helps to link Cockers to Kikones / Caucones. But Cockers also use their fleur in the colors of the June fleur, thus tracing them to the Oeneus river of mythical Juno, the river beside the Urbanus. Salviae was between these two rivers. It's not certain from this, but Kikones may have been in the Salviae theater; the alternative is that the Salyes peoples merged with them elsewhere.

See that the "qui"-using Coke's (half in Sawyer / Seager colors), first found in the same place as Cockers, use half the Child Coat!!! This was a surprise found only after writing the paragraph above in its entirety. It means we are on the right track to link Childeric to what I'm thinking were the Kikones. More amazing yet is that, below, days after inserting this paragraph, I traced the family of Terentius Varro Murena to Orvieto, where I discovered a Ciconia location. The reason that I traced Murena's there was due to the Italian Marina surname, first found in Orvieto. I now find that Chalkers use the three waves of the Spanish Marina's. I've known that these waves are used by the Damorys/DaMARYs/Amori's.

The three bars in the Italian Marina Coat are called, "black wavy bends", but the same pattern in the Saviour/Saver Coat is called "nebulee between three annulets." As I trace Kikones to mythical Ixion, it's important that he was mated with Nephele, the root, in my opinion, of the Nibelungs. This once again argues for a Sava-river merger with Kikones. It is not at all surprising that Cocks / Cockers should be from the Kikones because the latter are expected to use a chicken / egg symbol. More on this below.

Keep in mind here that Kikones were at the mouth-area of the Hebros that was also "Maritsa," and that the Marina nebulee comes with three bends, the number of the Merit bends, thus tracing Merits/DeMerey's/LaMerais' to "Maritsa." The Ectors/Hectors of Angus use three bends too, as do French March's, and can thus trace to the Hebros too, very important where it's suspect that Angitia of the Marsi named "Angus." Furthermore, there is that Aenus location at the mouth of the Hebros. The Saviour "ANNulets" come to mind.

English Merits use the Shield-and-Chief combination in colors reversed to the Tanners, and the latter trace to the Tanaro river as it flows past Alba. This is Kikones-important where the Italian Alba's use a swan, but, to boot, the Chief of English Merits use fleur-de-lys in the colors of the Cocker fleur. In other words, expect the pagan Hebrews at the mouth of the Hebros to be settled along the Tanaro river along with Kikones. The river has a source near Imperia, and flows to Asti, near which is a Chieri location where the Chiaro/Claro surname could be expected because the Conqueror Sinclair had a father from the Tanners. But what about that Bruno location at Asti? It just so happens that the Cocker fleur are in two colors because the Shield is split (in the colors of the Tanner / Merit Shield-and-Chief combination), so that the Cocker fleur are in the colors of the Brown fleur-de-lys too.

It just dawned that "Annulet" is a double code, and so the Lett surname was loaded, to find a saltire in colors reversed to that of Nimo's/NewMARCH's (the latter's "show" motto term leads to Shows/SCHAWs/Schore's so that "Nimo" looks like a Numidian line to a merger with the Marici). The Lett Crest is said to be "organ pipes," and then the Pipe surname is a version of the Pepin Coat! Both Pipe and Pepin fleur-de-lys are in black and in a bendy direction, as are the Cocker fleur-de-lys. I had found one website saying that Pavia (co-founded by the Marici) was also "Papia," and for that reason I traced Pepins there. Pepins are known to be from the house of Landon, and then Dan Brown used a Langdon character in conjunction with his Jacques Sauniere, important because Landons (black bears) show also as "Langdon." Este's are now showing the white Pipe / Pepin horse head, and then Pepins use an "est" motto term. Never underestimate small, inconsequential-looking motto terms.

The Sawyers use a checkered fesse, symbol of two Mark surnames, including the "Jewish" Marx's, and that tends to clinch Sava-river trace to the Marici, though one could expect Mars elements, the female side of the founding of the Romans, at the Sava river. The ancient Breuci were on the Sava at the Austrian frontier, and German Brecks were first found in Austria. German Brecks use a strip of checks in the colors of the strip of Mark checks. The Marsonia location on the Sava, beside Urbate (at the mouth of the Urbanus), looks like it could apply. Marsons/Marsdens use fleur-de-lys in the colors of the Sale fleur-de-lys, possibly indicating a Salviae merger with Marsonia.

German Mark's use the covered crown that both Capets and Martels (i.e. indicates Frank royalty) showed until last year. It once again reveals that Sava-river peoples were merged with the Marici, but as the Marsi used a snake in honor of Angitia, the Seager / Sugaar snake must be that of Angitia. The Save Coat also uses a snake. German Marks (Shield split vertically, suspect with Fulks) are the ones using the double-tipped spear of Shakespeare's seen in the Crest of the Fulke's, first found in the same place as Sawyers / Seagers, Coke's and Cockers. The Coke's use another Shield split vertically, and so their "qui" motto term should link with the same as the Fulke motto, "Qui sera sera." To this , it needs to be repeated that the Sarah surname is registered with the Saire's, a surname much like the Saier variation of Sauers.

The Urban Coat uses three gold symbols on a blue bend, the colors of the symbols on the blue Masci / Massena bend, indicating the correctness of tracing all three surnames to the Maezaei on the Urbanus. But French Urbans (crescent in the color of the Irish-Martin crescent) were first found in the same place (Gascony) as Martels and Martins. The suspicion is that Martels were Martins who re-named themselves after the Maccabee hammer symbol, and then the English Maceys use a mace while having a Coat much like that of Spanish Urbans. If we are convinced that there is a fundamental link here between Martels and Maceys, the Mackay/Macey daggers seem Dagobert-important. They are actually called, daggers. Basques call themselves, Euskals, a term like "escallop." This is the place to mention that Dagobert's half brother was CHARIBert, the son of Sichilde. The two names evoke the mythical monster pair, CHARYBdis and Scylla. In fact, the mother smacks of the Scala/Scicli surname that linked solidly in the last update to the Trips and related Gores (i.e. the latter were at Servitium). I neglected to mention at that time that I've traced "Charibdis" for years, without doubt, to mythical Charops on the northern parts of the Hebros river, and beyond it as the representation of the Carpae/Arpii, namers of the Carpathians. This is where Trypillians lived (eastern Transylvania).

Hungarians (founded by Arpad, you get it) are said to be descended from a Szekely peoples of Transylvania that I traced to "Scylla" (or Sicels, namers of Sicily) for the very reason of discovering the Charibdis entity at the ancestry of Arpads. The mysterious Basques are therefore predicted to be some form of Scylla entity from Patmos, where Gore's trace. As Dagobert linked heavily to Mackays while Browns linked heavily to related Maxwells / Masseys -- from the Messina area around Scylla -- see here what could be the Browns of the Dagobert family:

Sichilde (ca. 590-627) was a Frankish queen consort in 618-627; married to Clotaire II.

She was the daughter of count BRUNulphe II [caps mine] of the Ardennes and the sister of Gomatrude (598-630), who was married to Dagobert I; her maternal grandfather was royal maior domus.

It seems that Dagobert married a daughter of Brunulphe. Can she trace to sons of Jesus? Well, they say, Merovingians were long-haired kings, just like Jesus. Yes, by Gorgons were given snakes for hair, suggesting long hair. And Gorgons founded Paris. Plus, I don't know of any Gorgons that go around performing miracles on the Sabbath just because they haven't got anything better to do on the day of rest. There was no rest for Gorgons; there is no peace for the wicked.

So Dagobert's wife was from a maior domus, hum? What kind of maximus is that? Could Dagobert possibly trace to Jesus? "Under the Merovingian dynasty, the mayor of the palace (Latin: maior palatii) or majordomo (maior domus) was the manager of the household of the Frankish king. The office existed from the sixth century, and during the seventh it evolved into the "power behind the throne" in the northeastern kingdom of Austrasia. In 751, the mayor of the palace, Pippin the Short, orchestrated the deposition of the king, CHILDeric III, and was crowned in his place."

As we read that the Pepins were "majordomos," not only does it evoke Julia Domna, but there is a Spanish Majordomo surname using nothing but a Shield filled with black-and-white checks, the colors of the tiles on the floor of the Magdalene church of Berenger Sauniere. (You can read in my earliest works that Pepins and Paphlagonian lines were fond of black and white.) It sure looks like Dan Brown hit the nail on the head when he traced Merovingians to Rennes-le-Chateau, but the Romans also hit the nail on the head when they crucified Jesus, and Dan wants to do it again.

A Shield filled with black-and-white checks are used by Pepoli's (Bologna). If correct that Pepins trace to "Papia > "Pavia," then expect the Marici to be part of this Illuminati, but ask whether the Marici were the ultimate Illuminati constituent. Reminder: two Mark surnames use checks. You understand where I'm going with that suggestion: that the Levi-suspect Laevi and the Annas bloodline from the Marici were fundamental to the formation of the Illuminati. Heraldic checks are called, "chequey," and then a Shield filled with checks is used, in the colors of the Mark / Fer/Ferrat / Cohen / Stewart / Fulk checks, by the Checker/Chequer surname (Hampshire). One might suspect Cockers = Kikones behind the Checker surname (in Chick colors).

There is a Dumas surname said to be from a Le Mas location of southern France, and this smacks to me of both Julia Domna and her sister, Julia Maesa. It just so happens that the Dumas and Savary/Savard Coats use besants, the expected symbol of the Severus-Bassianus bloodline, suggesting that besants (gold spheres) were originally a symbol for the sun (god). This is what makes me sure that Childeric I married the Severus-Bassianus bloodline. Long before making that connection, I lumped Safers in with Savarys, and LO AND BEHOLD: Safers use eagles in the colors of the Child eagle!!! Now we know, don't we, that Childeric married the Bassianus bloodline.

Safe to say, Safers were a Sava-river clan merged with proto-Childeric. I've read of multiple Roman emperors born in deriving from the Sava-river area. Safers were traced to a Safor area in Spain's Gandia, home of a pope Borgia whose surname I say derived from Burgundians. By naming a son Clovis II (ruled in Burgundy), Dagobert thought to give life to Clovis. Why would that be? Was Dagobert's parent(s) or Brun-derived wife a strong Bassianus or Childeric element?

One shouldn't think that Safers and Savarys derive from Safor, for there is good evidence that Safor derives instead from them. The Gand Coat, for example, uses the same type moline cross, in the same white color, as was used until last year by Seagars/Sugars, kin of Sawyers. The latter two Coats are in the colors of the Close/Clovse and McLeod Coats. The French Borgia Coat itself uses a moline cross.

It could appear here that the chief Childeric > Clovis line ended up in Burgundy with Clovis II, which is where the French Gands (black and white) were first found. In this picture, the chief element in this line was still the Severus-Bassianus bloodline. The Child-related Safers were themselves first found in Burgundy, where Save's (Close/Clovse colors) were first found, and for that me that clinches it. As Dumas' use the Savary besants, it's notable that Le Mas is in the arrondissment of AURiol, suggesting Massena's of Aures. Let's see if we can spot Jesus' sons in the following quote:

Gaius Julius Bassianus or Bassus...was a Syrian High Priest. Bassianus was a high priest for the Temple of the Sun, which was adored in a shape of a black stone. The Aramaean Sun God in Aramaic is El-Gebal. Bassianus was a member of the Royal family of Emesa (modern Homs, Syria). The Royal Family was a part of the local Syrian Aramaean aristocracy and was a client kingdom of the Roman Empire. The beginning of his priesthood is unknown but by 187, he was a high priest at Emesa. Bassianus was a son of a Julius and his paternal uncle was Julius Agrippa, who served as a Primipilaris (a former leading Centurion).

Future emperor Lucius Septimius Severus had visited Emesa, based on a promising horoscope that he would find his future wife in Syria. Bassianus introduced Severus to his two daughters. Bassianus' wife is unknown. His elder daughter Julia Maesa was married to a Syrian noble Gaius Julius Avitus Alexianus and they had two daughters Julia Soaemias Bassiana and Julia Avita Mamaea. His younger daughter Julia Domna was not married.

Severus and Domna, married not so long after. Domna bore Severus two sons, Lucius Septimius Bassianus (Caracalla, 4 April 188-8 April 217) and Publius Septimius Geta (7 March 189-19 December 211). Caracalla and Geta would become future Roman Emperors and heirs to their father.

The father of Annas/Ananias was a Syrian with the name, Seth, and that was not long before this Bassianus family got the Roman throne. We need to ask by what sort of lucky strike the Bassianus household got the throne, or whether it was fate in the first place for the Annas bloodline to receive it (I'm insinuating that Annas was from the Bassianus bloodline), for which reason God, who saw it in advance, chose to bring a member of that household down to Jerusalem for to have it slay his Lamb. One can certainly draw a speculative conclusion that Herod "the great" fiend invited Annas' family down to Israel. Herod's mother was herself named after Cyprus, an island off the Syrian coast. It's not likely that lines were named after Seth, his father, but it is interesting that while I trace the "Sithech" term of Shaws to Sadducees (Annas was one), the Seth surname brings up the grail-using Shaw Coat. This Seth/Shaw Crest is "A hand holding a dagger," I kid thee not.

In the same general area of the world as Syria, at Cappadocia, there was another priesthood and cult run by an Archelaus surname, a daughter of which married a son of Herod "the great" skunk, and this Herod Archelaus was banished into exile to the Rhodanus river of France, at Vienne, the Burgundian capital at one time. Remember here that the McLeods, who I think are a Clovis line, show the Herod surname as a sept. So, when Clovis II was in Burgundy with his Bassianus bloodline, it stands to some chance that it was merged with the line of Herod Archelaus, thus explaining why Herods are part of the McLeod family.

Vienne is near Lyon, and then the English Lannoys use a helmet with plumes, as well as the Frank-royal fleur-de-lys. The helmet with Plumes was a symbol on a coin of Herod Archelaus, and to clinch the Lannoys link to Vienne, French Lannoys use green-on-white lions (with crowns, always a sign of royalty), the symbol of the Lyon surname. Therefore, Lannoys are a Lyon branch, and they had met up with the Herod Archelaus bloodline of that area. Might Landons apply to "Lannoy"? The Close/Clovse Crest is a green lion standing in the MacArthur crown, and then MacArthurs (suspect from Herods) were first found in the same place as Herods/Haralds. That place was Argyllshire, smacking of "ARCHELaus." The Argyll surname is also "Arkell."

The helmet and plumes is used on the horseman of the Navy/Neve Coat, and this is evidence that Burgundian elements in/from Nevers / Nievre had merged with the Herod line. It seems to me that this horse (not necessarily the plumes) should trace to the Ares cult at Aures because it's used by Affertys and Carrick-related Craigs. I'm saying this because Herod's wife, Glaphyra Archelaus, had firstly marred the king of Mauritania, and while Morocco was a part of Mauritania, Numidia stretched across Morocco northern environs. If you're wondering whether Glaphyra married a royal Massena liner, it shocked me to discover that it was true.

The Herod/Harald surname first found beside the Ayrshire home of the first Carricks. This Herod surname uses a "hawk's lure" as code for the Lure sept of McLeods, and Lure's were themselves first found in Ayrshire. Lure's use the same motto as the Augers that I trace to Euganeo. Lure's may have been from the idea of L'Ure, and then Ure's, likewise first found in Ayrshire. The Ure's, like the Aures surname, use a red lion in both Crest and Coat. Thus, Herod kin is tracing to Aures probably for the reason of Glaphyra's marriage to the Massena royals.

Reminder: Eure's/MacUre's, with "NUM" term buried in the motto, use a version of the Hanan Coat.

From Wikipedia's article on the Royal Family of Emesa: "The Emesene High Priest Gaius Julius Bassianus, son of a Julius and nephew of Julius Agrippa and a possible descendant of Drusilla of Mauritania and Gaius Julius Sohaemus Philocaesar Philorhomaeus. He married an unnamed woman by whom was the father of Julia Maesa and her younger sister, the Roman Empress Julia Domna." That sounds as though there could have been a Maesa family in the Mauritanian theater.

In any case, I identified "Clovis" with some variation of "Glaphyra," which idea suggested that the Bassianus line married by Childeric was, at some point, merged with the Archelaus priesthood. I traced "Glaphyra" to "Claver/Cleaver" (as well as Cliffs/Cleaves, Clifftons, etc), the surname using a Meschin-Coat format. I now know what I may not have then, that the Claver/Cleaver key traces to the Shawia Numidians. Reminder: the Navy's/Neve's use the white flying horse, a symbols of Masseys.

The Meschin line from More of Norway has already been shown to be from the chief priests of Israel. But there was another line to Ranulf le Meschin from Languedoc, that being the Conte merger with the Font de Ville's (both of Languedoc), as they became the Conteville's. But before being Conteville's, they were Burgo's from John de Burgo, and this is the Burgundian line that I think traced to pope Borgia. French Borgia's/Bourge's were themselves first found in Languedoc. The red bull of Spanish Borgia's was, until recently, showing as the red bull now showing for Daggers/Dakers, begging the question, or even answering it, of whether the Dagobert > Clovis II line in Burgundy became the Burgos'. Imagine that, the ability to trace Dagobert to Hugh Lupus of Cheshire, son of Emma de Conteville.

I've known that Conte's share white-on-blue crescents with the Falcons (the Basque urban surname uses one too, and their Coat looks like a version of the Close/Clovis / Macey Coat), but I now find these crescents in the Coat of the Nevins (Ayrshire) tracing on the one hand (thanks to Dan Brown) to king Massena, and on the other to Burgundians at Nevers. Nevins use the colors of the Close/Clovse and McLeod Coats, but also a "speranDUM" motto term that may suggest Domna elements of the Dumas / Le-Mas kind. There you have just one possible means of connecting the Severus-Bassianus line to the Dagobert > Clovis II line...if Burgo's were of the latter line. It's entertainable, in the least. But let's hunt on for clues.

Catherine Roet was of Picardy, where French Lannoys were first found. And German Roets were first found in Thuringia, home of Basina (Clovis' mother). If that's not enough, Catherine Roet's Gaunt-surnamed husband smacks of "Gandia," the area around Safor. The idea is to figure out how Clovis, a Safor bloodliner on his mother's side, was named to reflect "Glaphyra," and here we have what looks like some Archelaus-of-Lannoy contact with the Roets who may themselves be of the Safor bloodline.

Clavers/Cleavers must trace to Meschins and to Aures. The book in the Roet Crest is for the Books/Boggs with an hourGLASS in Crest, suggesting Gulussa, son of Massena. Even the word "hour" could be code for "Aures." Aside from destroying the wellness of the world, Masons do nothing but play word games.

Lannoys are said (in their write-up) to have become the princes of Rheina Wolbeck and prince's of de Sulmone. Wolbecks use martlets and a chevron in colors reversed to the Childs. Wolbecks were first found in the same place (Nottinghamshire) as Bugs, which might have us ask whether the clan was WolBug most properly. One has reason here to investigate whether Becks were from the Bug river. Reminder: Savarys use a crane that should trace to the Bug / Kiev area of the Ukraine. But the Savary Coat is almost the Welsh Bach Coat, thus making a connection between the Lannoys of Wolbeck and the Safor bloodline. That was quick.

German Bachs are showing the same bull design as Spanish Borgia's (lived in/around Safor), which could again suggest Safor elements in the Lannoys of Wolbeck. English Becks are even showing the same moline cross as French Borgia's, which tends to clinch a Lannoy-of-Wolbeck trace to Gandia / Safor / Borgia / Conteville. The dolphin of German BECKs speaks to me of Daphne at the PEK river, and the Pek-river bloodline leading to Payens/Pagans, first found in dolphin-using Dauphine.

The bell pattern of Bachs and Savarys is called "vair fur." The Vairs are a branch of Vere's using a Shield filled with red-and-white checks, the symbol of the Sicilian Salmone's. It therefore makes sense that the Lannoys-of-Salmone should link to this Sicilian branch. Beckers/Bechers use a Shield filled with this vair, as well as the stag design of the Buffys/Bougheys (same motto term as Roets). This is extremely important. When I discovered that some heraldic crane's were code for the Ukraine, it was while tracing clans of the Fife entity (traces to the Veys/VIVians) to L'viv of the Ukraine, and so while the Savarys use a crane, Beckers use a "vivit" motto term smacking of L'viv. As the Bug rivers were at the doorstep of L'viv, it seems that Beck-like terms, as well as Boofima-related Bough-like terms, trace to the river. This is wholly new to me, explaining why Wolbecks were first found in the same place as the Bugs.

Nevins use "VIVis sperandum." And, by the way, the two Mark Coats using checks use them in the colors of the Vairs and Fers/Ferrats.

Wolbecks use "lozenges" in colors reversed from the Packer lozenges. Packers use roses in the colors of the same of the Trysts who can trace to Kiev along with the Keeps honored in the "Keep tryst" motto of Hebrons/Hepburns. The Wolbeck lozenges are in the colors of the Reno and Pink lozenges, which supports the trace (months ago) of Pek-river clans to the Panicos' on the Reno river. This very trace to the RENO can explain why Lannoys are said to have become the princes of RHEINA Wolbeck.

For whatever it could be worth in tracing Kikones, the Chicks (Illuminati suspects of the Checker kind) use a Shield-on-Shield in colors-reversed to the same of Pinks, the latter's being the colors of the Shield-on-Shield of Spanish SALVators, SILVers, and Save's. English Silvers look like they use a version of the Savary Shield! Just like that, Salvators may be identified as Sava-river bloodliners.

The ideas that "Clovis" is a form of "Glaphyra" thus has some support where heraldry links Lannoys to Safer lines, yet the below is problematic for the theory:

Basina's name is probably Low Franconian for 'female boss' [ignore that garbage]...She (not her husband Childeric) named her son Chlodovech, but he is better remembered under his Latinized name, Clovis I. The simple fact that Chlodovech's name comes from Basina is remarkable since it was a common practice for the Franks to name a son after a member of the family of the male-line of ancestors.,_Queen_of_Thuringia

In my opinion, her being the one to name the son speaks of the importance of her line, and certainly the Severus-Bassianus throne could explain it. Reminder: Safers use eagles in the colors of the Child eagles, thus clinching, with all the other evidence, that Severus Bassianus had linked to the Clovis family.

As Rennes-le-Chateau was in what was then Septimania, note that the emperor's full name was Lucius Septimius Severus. The five eagles of the Safers is not likely coincidental in light of the Quinotaur, a term that could link to Saer de Quincy, for the Sforza's use a "quince," while the Quince/Quincy write-up traces to "quintus ' fifth-born." I don't necessarily agree with that derivation, but I do see the possibility of a five, a number sacred to the Arthurs in that they link to the Veys/Vivians, Fife's, and Fives.

The Sforza's (Rome) are said to be from the idea of "force," recalling the "forte" motto term of Daggers. "Fortis" is used by the Close/Clovse surname. I've been on this topic before, so I know it. I routinely go from Quince's (mascles) to the Massey-suspect Quinns/Quine's using a white winged horse, but it can now be added that it's virtually the design of the Navy/Neve pegasus.

Roets/ROWats appear to be Redones, though perhaps not. But to help clinch the Roet link to the Basina line, the Rowe's use besants in the colors of the Savery/Savard besants. The Rowe's show another Coat using the Templar lamb, a symbol of the Lamas surname suspect at Le Mas. The reason that Le Mas should trace to the Lamas surname is that Le Mas is near Grasse, the Arms of which use the Templar lamb in the colors of the Lamas lambs. Grasse is near Imperia on the Ligurian coast, where I trace the Imperi peoples of the Boofima cult. Therefore, Roets are expected at / around Imperia.

The Rowe's and Lamas' were first found in the same place, Norfolk, where the Lamas-colored Seagers and Sawyers were first found whom I say were Safer / Severus liners.

Near Imperia is Antibes, which name predates Herod Antipas. It makes for a question; was Herod named after Antibes elements? Was Herod from the human-sacrifice cult? Did God use a member of that cult in offering up the Lamb of God, so that God could utterly destroy that cult at Armageddon?? I keep repeating this idea, that God drew into Israel his arch enemies to conduct the Sacrifice. How could Herod the great killer of infants be related to Antibes in far-away Mediterranean France? His father, Antipas, was associated with MARK Antony, who's descendants had married the Massena Numidians around Carthage. While writing up here, I had not yet known what was about to be discovered below, that the line of Mark Antony to Massena was married to the Archelaus cult in Cappadocia.

The lamb-using Rowe's use a "non" motto term that brings up the Nevins in Lamas colors, and using a "Vivis speranDUM" motto that for the time being is part-code for Julia DOMna Severus and her Dumas > Lamas bloodline. I am sure that the "timidus" motto term of Rowe's is for the Time's/Timms (goat), first found in the same place (Kent) as Massins/Masons using the motto, "DUM spiro spero," a good reflection of "SPERAnDUM." As one can trace mythical Satyr goats to Seir because "Seir" is said to mean "shaggy," I have been sure that goat-using Time's/Timms trace to Timna of Edom, the woman of Seir who married Esau's son. Compare "Domna" with "Timna" and "Edom." The "Dum" motto term of same-colored Massins/Masons helped to make that conclusion, though the trace may technically go to the Saracen ruler, Timnah.

I saw a "Deum Time" motto of a Moray Coat that houseofnames no longer shows; there's no doubt that it was code for Time's/Timms because the other Moray Coat uses the Massin/Mason mermaid. That's how we know that Time's/Timms and Masons/Masons were closely linked. It wasn't until years after coming to that logic that I discovered a surname calling this mermaid a "Siren," obvious code for Seir elements. That's what convinces us that "Dum" is code for Edomites lines. Julia Domna could have been Edomite thanks to Herod Archelaus in Syria, meaning she may have been an Archelaus bloodliner from Glaphyra and Herod. This line can easily link to Childeric and Basina, therefore, thus giving rise to "Clovis." While Wikipedia insists that "Clovis" was not his original name at birth, it doesn't mean a name change later in life can't take place in honor of Glaphyra elements.

The Time/Timm border design around its chevron is called, "nebuly." (Type "Time" in the search box at the webpage below to see it.) Nibelungs, right? Nebuly is used also by Severs/Saviours. If one changes the 'v' to a 'p', "Severus" can become "Sper"-like. If once changes the 'v' to an 'f', it becomes Sforza-like. Sforza's were first found in Rome, not surprisingly. For me, it all suggests that Severus-Domna lines were at (or from) the Nevers / Nievre theater along with the SPERAnDUM"-using Nevins. This conclusion is close to making the Bassianus link to Clovis II and to Herod Archelaus. I don't think it's coincidental that Sparrows, and a Sparham location, are of Norfolk, where Seagers and Sawyers were first found.

The Close/Clovse Coat uses a SPUR, and is in the colors of the Spurr Coat. Spurrs and Supers/Sopers were first found in the same place (Devon). As Childs use the Coat of Severus-suspect Safers, we can perhaps understand now why a spur would be used by the Close/Clove surname.

Arretium and Orvieto

It was after writing the above that I somehow got around to checking the Italian Bruno surname, which is when I added the following to an earlier paragraph: "...the Italian Bruno write-up suggests a trace to a Bruno location in Asti, near the Saluzzo location. It says that Bruno's were originally from Arretium." Arretium is where I traced Aretas III of Edom, as well as his ancestry in the proto-Bassianus priesthood of El-Gebal (I've been using "Gabal" instead of "Gebal"), which at that time was run by a Iamblichus character. The El-Gabal cult in this days was in both Emesa and Arethusa, and so I reasoned that Aretas was named after the latter location. The mother of Herod "the great" infant killer is known to be from the household of Aretas. And so, you see, if Herods were from the ancestors of the Bassianus family, one could expect that Herods would gravitate to the Bassianus family after 70 AD, thus being capable of providing Julia Domna.

The reason that I traced Aretas III to Arretium was that nearby Assisi smacks of "Aziz." See quote below. However, it was gleaned that "Iamblichus" could have named the Campbells somehow, who are said to be the mother stock of MacArthurs. Aretincidence?

Sampsiceramus I was the founding Priest-King of the Emesani dynasty who lived in the 1st century BC and was an Aramean chieftain or Phylarch. The ancestors of Sampsiceramus I were Bedouins [smacks of "Bedewe," origin of Merovingians] who had travelled the Syrian terrain, before deciding to settle in the Orontes Valley] and South of the Apamea region. Sampsiceramus I, his family and his ancestors in Syria had lived under the Greek rule of the Seleucid Empire. Sampsiceramus I was a son of Aziz (Azizus, c. 94 BC); paternal grandson of Iamblichus (c. 151 BC) and there was a possibility he may have had a brother called Ptolemaeus (c. 41 BC) who may have had descendants through his son.

If Aziz elements named Assisi, while Arethusa / Aretas elements named Arretium, it's interesting that the area is not terribly far from where I think the Israeli chief priests settled. The earlier family had supported the Seleucids, we learn in this article, until, in 64 BC, it turned to help the Romans instead. Alexander Balas had earlier formed an alliance with the Maccabees, when the El-Gabal family was yet supporting Seleucids, and while the Maccabees took on the Alexander name for themselves, we find the same in the Emesa family. Alexio/Alexander I, died 31 BC, was the first. "Under the rule of Sohaemus, Emesa's relations with the government of Rome grew closer. In 70 in the Roman Siege of Jerusalem, Sohaemus had sent Emesene archers to assist the Roman army...Sohaemus had died in 73 and was succeeded by his son, Alexio II...Little is known about the Emesani dynasty after the rule of Alexio II. By the 3rd century, the Emesani dynasty became Governors over Emesa, then Priest-Kings over a Roman Client Kingdom. Between 211-217, the Roman emperor Caracalla, made Emesa into a Roman Colony, as this was partly due to the Severan dynasty's relations and connections to Emesa." From this article, I can't see any possibility for Emesa having been named by the Massena bloodline that I expect at the Maccabees.

I kid you not, I was just about to discuss the possibility that Dan Brown knows of his trace to this El-Gabal cult when I spotted this: "Gaius Julius Fabia Sampsiceramus III Silas (son of Alexio II), reigned 79-120" Silas is the name of the character in the Da Vinci Code who killed Jacques Sauniere. The very first point I was going to make, before seeing that quote, was that the SOLnier variation of Sauniere's could be in honor of the "Temple of the Sun" of El-Gabal.

I kid you not, that I looked up the Italian Bruno surname after being disappointed with a search of Saunier variations. Throwing up my hands, I found myself looking at the Bruno's for some clues, and that's where I saw the Bruno location of Arezzo = Arretium so that the above was written down for you.

Before seeing the Bruno Coat, I had entered "Sonner," to find the Samson Coat turning up, but I couldn't see how to prove that Sauniers were in the Sonner variation of Samsons/SAMPsons. Suddenly, Sampsiceramus could apply. SIMPsons use a "deSPERANDUM" motto term, as well as an upright lion in the colors of the upright lion of Sams/Sammes'. There can be only one explanation for this: the Samsam and Timnah Saracens were from the Bassianus bloodline. That is, that Bassianus bloodline was in eastern Sicily, probably at Syracuse, but as the Severus bloodline was at the Sava, what about the Sarajevo location of Bassianus-like Bosnia, for the Bosnia river is itself a Sava tributary. ZOWIE, what a lucky strike.

The Mieszko's from the west side of the Bosnia river -- the Basante river on the ancient map, beside the Urbanus -- had ancestry in Siem terms (but also had ancestry in a mythical Leslie-like character (Lestek), important because Leslie's trace to a location (can't recall the spelling) on the Sava, and even use a bend in colors reversed to the Save bend). I have insisted in the past that mythical Siemowit (Siem link above) is shown with a fretty / lattice design on his stockings because a portrait of the Sicilian Guiscards also has that pattern, thus indicating that Mieszko's trace to Guiscards and their merger with Samsam. The portrait of the Guiscards even has a PULLEY on the floor beside them, fully unexpected except that it must be code for the Poles. Thus, there definitely appears to be a Syracuse link to Sarajevo, but more important is the reason: it's now suspect that the Bassianus bloodline was along the Basante river, thus explaining the besant symbols.

I've known that the French Gobels showed the Masci wing design in the past, and moreover they use a chevron in the colors of Maceys...using a mace (they say that "Maccabee" means "hammer/mace"). In consideration of the Mackays using a gold-on-blue chevron whereas Maceys use a white-on-blue chevron, look at how the Gobel Coat has some reasonable similarity with the Saunier Coat. Compare the Gobel Coat with the Macey Coat. As the Saunier Coat uses two white symbols above the chevron, see that Mackays/Maceys use white symbols around their chevron.

After all that talk of tracing Rennes-le-Chateau elements to white-on-blue fish, see three of them in the German Gobel Coat. There are fish in the Sola/Soley Coat too, but on this I'm not very excited because it's not easy to link Sauniers/Saulney's/Solnier's to it aside from the Solney variation. But as "Sonner" gets the Samsons who trace to Mieszko out of Goplo, I think there is viability in a Saunier = Solney equation, especially if Sauniers trace, as Mieszko's must, to the El-Gabal sun god.

Let's go back to the father of Julia Domna and Julia Maesa, said to be possibly from Drusilla of Mauritania, from the line of Mark Antony and queen Cleopatra. In this picture, keep in mind that the Antony surname uses both a goat and a leopard, the two symbols of Boofima:

Drusilla was a monarch of Berber [usually means Amazonian/Meshwesh], Greek, Roman and possibly of Assyrian ancestry. She may have been the daughter and only child born to the Roman Client Monarchs Ptolemy of Mauritania and his wife, Julia Urania.

Her mother Julia Urania may have been a member of the Royal family of Emesa, a Syrian Roman Client Kingdom. Her father was probably Ptolemy of Mauritania who was a son of the Roman Client Monarchs Juba II [king of Numidia!] and Cleopatra Selene II...Drusilla was the great granddaughter of Cleopatra VII and Mark Antony.

I can't believe what I'm reading. In all the time that I've been connecting the Glaphyra-Archelaus family to the El-Gabal cult, I didn't know that a daughter of Juba II might be connected to Emesa. Juba II was Glaphyra's husband! I was already stunned to discover a few months ago that Glaphyra's husband was from king Massena's line, but now this.

In the article, we find that Drusilla was either from the line of the a Roman emperor (the lunatic caesar, named "Gaius" alternatively, whom I view as the first of Revelations seven heads), or from the line of that emperor's wife: "She was named in honor of her father's second maternal cousin Julia Drusilla, one of the sisters of the Roman Emperor Caligula who died around the time of her birth and is also the namesake of her paternal aunt Drusilla....Drusilla was probably raised in the Imperial Family in Rome." This was in the time that Paul was building the church in Rome.

I had no idea: "In 56 Drusilla married as her second husband; her distant relative the Emesene Priest King, Sohaemus, who ruled from 54 until his death in 73...Drusilla and Sohaemus had a son Gaius Julius Alexio also known as Alexio II..." It doesn't sound like there was doubt about it, saying that a descendant of Massena married the El-Gabal cult, and it also tells that she married distant kin when she married Sohaemus ("haemus" means "blood"), suggesting that Massena blood was there in previous generations. So why haven't I read of this before? Who in Soheamus' ancestry was related to Drusilla? Here's the options:

Sampsiceramus I, reigned 64 BC-48 BC, son of Aziz (Azizus, c. 94 BC) and paternal grandson of Iamblichus (c. 151 BC)

Iamblichus I (son of Sampsiceramus I and brother of Alexio I), reigned 48 BC-31 BC

Alexio of Iamblichus I...Usurper to the Emesene throne in 31 BC and executed in the same year by Octavian

...Iamblichus II (son of Iamblichus I), reigned 20 BC-14

Gaius Julius Sampsiceramus II...(son of Iamblichus II), reigned 14-42

Gaius Julius Azizus or Asisus (son of Sampsiceramus II, reigned 42-54

Drusilla is called "the younger" to distinguish from Drusilla, her mother. The latter was a daughter of Juba II and Cleopatra Selene II (queen of Cyrenaica, twin of Alexander Helios). This Selene term, of a Lydian / Carian moon goddess, is a little like "SOLNier." Selene was made the sister of Helios for obvious reason. The Roets and their Book-like kin trace themselves to Caria, but then the Masters use the Caria code ("quaerere") of Roets, and Massena had a son, MASTARnable. Masters use the white unicorn head of Paris' and Saverys, and then ZOWIE, the Saverys and Gamble's share a crane!!! I kid you not that, immediately after this paragraph, it was planned to tell you that "Iamblichus" had been the reason for "Gamble/Gambel," and I was going to mention the Gamble crane in passing but had not yet realized that Saverys could link to Mastarnable.

I had some evidence that Gamble's were from "Iambl(ichus)" in the fleur-de-lys used by them (shared by Browns). The central part of the fleur has a shape like the black stone, which stone you can see in the Wikipedia article, Royal Family of Emesa." It looks like a fish head, which is why I linked it to the black papal mitre (hat) used by Jesuits. The papal mitre has a shape very much like the central part if the fleur-de-lys, and as Merovingians were in partnership with the Vatican, that makes sense. Moreover, the papal mitre is said by many to be a secret fish symbol, thus raising the importance of the erect fish used by Sola's/Soleys (said to be "Solney" originally). Reminder: where the Bruno's of Arretium are a branch of Bars, Bruno's trace to the fish of Kotor.

Gamble's were first found in Yorkshire, where the white roses of the Sauniers/Solniere's ultimately trace. The blue lion in the Sonner/Samson Crest is owned by Bruces of Yorkshire. It's beginning to appear that Dan Brown traces to El-Gabal by the characters that he chose to use in his fiction.

Irish Barone's show a white-ermine Shield with red on top, the colors of the white-ermined Gamble Coat. That's important where Barone's are a branch of Browns descending from Arretium. The Sullys/Siliman's use a white-ermined Shield with red on top too! The latter Coat uses triple chevrons in the color of the single chevron of the Sola's/Soleys. How about that.

The Cole's and Kyle's can now be discovered to be a branch of Sola's/Soleys (use "Sole" too) because king Cole ruled at CAMULOdunum (later COLchester), while Gamble's are said to be from "Gamal." None of this is to say necessarily that the god, Camulos, is directly descended from Iamblichus, but that the two could be from the same stock. I'm thinking that the Iamblichus > Gamble line settled down at Camulodunum to be with their Camulos kin, and it's known that king Cole ruled also at York, where Gamble's were first found. However, I'm not closed to the idea that Iamblichus lines went to Camulos, the god.

LOOK. The Water Coat uses three chevrons in the colors of the three chevrons used by Sully/Silimans, and Waters must link to the Vatts/Watters', first found in the same place as Campbells/CAMMELLs. The Waters were first found in the same place (Essex) as Cole-related Gore's, where Colchester is located. Again, Campbells/Cammells are the mother stock of MacArthurs so that Campbells may trace to Arretium (hmm, now called, "Arezzo," like "Aures").

Are the humps on the black camels of the Camels secretly and cleverly a code for the black stone? German Camels use a diamond usually called a "lozenge" that I trace to a Losing location in the area where Gore's and Cole's trace, around the sources of the Sava Croatia, where Skipton-related Cravens of Yorkshire trace. In the Meschin write-up, you can read of Yorkshire Meschins related to Skiptons and Banisters; the latter use "water bougets" for the reason of linking to the Waters.

It's no surprise that Colchester elements of the Camulos kind should link to Argyllshire, beside Kyle of Aures-rooted Ayrshire. The Ayrshire motto, "God Shaw the Light," may be code for the sun god of Emesa passing through Aures in the family of Drusilla...from women named, Selene. The crescent-using Roets (suspect with Helios of Rhodes) not only trace to the Carian moon goddess without doubt, but they ought to trace to the "bouget" part of "water bouget." (I traced the Waters to Montmorency, but didn't know until this update that "Morency" could be from Aulus Terentius Varro MURENA).

A Kyle-Society webpage claims/claimed that the black Kyle lozenge was a code for "coal," but, really, isn't that a lie? The Kyle lozenge is instead code for a Cole-bloodline at Losinj. The point is, a black lozenge could conceivably be code for the black stone, and then, near Losinj and at Rijeka was the founding family (from KOLodziej") of the Mieszko Poles, who are known to have ancestry in a GOPLo location smacking of the Macey-related Gobel surname. In other words, this is a good argument for tracing El-Gabal to the Losinj theater, where the Arms of Rijeka is a black eagle (the Maxwell eagle) on a ROCK. If you check the Italian Gobel Coat, a camel! Like I said, Masons do nothing but wreck the world and think up surname codes in their spare time.

It begs the question of whether the Roques and Roquefeuils of Languedoc were named after the black stone, especially as Roquefeuils married the Rodez nobles i.e. from Helios. Remember the sun in the Feller Coat.

Although English Gobels (bow-and-arrow theme) use variations not much like "Gobel," the term is yet recorded in its databank, along with "Gobble." This Goodbolt/Gobel surname was first found in Essex, and moreover uses an arm in armor, symbol of the Mieske/Mesech Coat. The latter use a bull, the Cole symbol, thus tracing this surname very well to both Mieszko and Colchester. It's a no-brainer by now that El-Gabal and Iamblichus both trace to mythical Camelot, and king Arthur was related to it because he was the El-Gabal line through Arretium.

The motto, "God shaw the light," jibes with the black candlesticks used by Kyle's, and so you understand perfectly: Kyle's trace to El-Gabal along with Campbells and Gamble's...meaning simply that the latter were named after Iamblichus.

Kyle's must show a red-on-white star for being a variation of the Glass surname, and as such Kyle's and Cole's should trace to "Gulussa." There is no contradiction because the Gulussa bloodline was at the alter of El-Gabal. Let's not forget the black eagle at Guillestre, in the land of the Salyes who were also, "Salassi" and "Saluzzo," Gulussa-like terms!! I've never realized this possible equation before.

The Salviae location in the land of the Maezaei (= proto-Mieszko's) is very near Servitium, where the Cole and Gore mottoes trace. If the chief priests of Israel were from this bloodline, and if it had the Salvator = salvation theme, as well as the messiah them from a Maezaei-like term, then we can see why these themes were stressed by God through Jesus, as a counterpunch to the face of the god of Gabal. If Annas and/or Caiaphas were from El-Gabal priests, then they would be expected, on behalf of the Jews, to tailor their view of God to the shape of Gabal.

The Vatts/Watters (use a version of the Watts Coat) show a pair of GLASSES hanging on an oak tree...that should indicate Vatt/Watters links to Glasgow, where the Pollock-branch Mieszko's lived, and not far from Argyllshire and Ayrshire. The Vatts/Waters use the all-seeing-eye, we can presume, a symbol in the Arms of WITkowo (Poland), a city that I way was in code as per mythical SiemoWIT. In other words, the Vatts/Watters were from Witkowo elements.

The Argyll Coat happens to be a white Chief and red Shield, the colors of the Gamble Chief-and-Shield! As "Argyll" had identified reasonably with "Archelaus" not far above, it's yet another indication of the Gabal merger with the Parthian-rooted priesthood of Archelaus. Argylls use the seated Jefferson griffin in Crest (but with a lunar crescent), and Jeffersons trace exactly to the Japodes of the Gorski / Rijeka / Losinj / Servitium / Breuci theater. The Parthian theme is important if Annas and/or Caiaphas ancestry was in the El-Gabal priesthood, for one can then conjecture that "Pharisee" derives from the Archelaus cult. The Pharisees had a god more like the God of Israel than the Sadducees, for the latter denied the resurrection.

Camulos was equated with the god Mars, but as he was given ram's horns, that's the symbol of Hermes, who was made born in Arcadia. " one of the three queens which Suetonius ascribes to Felix...according to the Roman Historian Tacitus, Felix and his brother Marcus Antonius Pallas had descended from the Greek kings of Arcadia..."

Possibly, "Iambl(ichus)," when understood as "Jambl(ichus)," was related to "Gabal." To Arabs, "jabal" means "hill/mountain," and the black stone has a mountain shape. In any case, when realizing that the El-Gabal cult was crucial to Freemasonry, I reasoned that there ought to be more than one heraldic symbol that secretly came to represent the black stone (we shouldn't expect the black color to be maintained as black-stone symbols transferred from family to family through the centuries). The black stone has an eagle facing left carved out upon it, the direction faced by the five Safer eagles. Coincidence? English Barone's use black hearts that, if turned upside down, would look like the black stone, but there's no end to cheap speculation like this. Black HEARTs are an excellent symbol of brutal Herods.

Just found: between the Danube river and the mouth of the Basante river at the Sava there is a GIBALae location.

The Cabellio Questions

[That location was found during the proof read, after this update was finished. It was found just as I got to the Cabal and similar surnames that were traced, not to the Sava, but to a tributary of the Durance river. However, I've just done a search for a Gibalae article, and instead found a webpage on a Gibala surname showing many suggested variations that come up at houseofnames. This will be very helpful, and so I'll mention some of them as I go along. I'll refer to this page as the "Gibala page." The Gobels and Goodbolts/Gobble's are included in the list, but so is "Nivala," something we don't expect unless Nibelungs are at issue.]

As the Spanish Cabal/Cavallon Coat (in Arthur colors) is in Gamble colors, let's ask why it uses two small saltires on one side of the bend, and three small saltires on the other side. We expect the same number on both sides of the bend, unless the number five is favored by this family. The Safers use five eagles. MacArthurs have five points on their crown, and Arthurs use a 5-like symbol with five organ keys. The Cabal bend has an 'F' upon it that could be code for the Fife's / Five's. The five is the sacred number of the Fife-related Veys/Vivians, therefore, who trace to AVALON with Morgan le FEY (part code for Morgan-related Duffys of Fife), an Arthurian haunt smacking of "CAVALLON"! The Burgundians / Nibelungs at France's Avallon should therefore trace to a Cabellio location (see below), smack beside the Salyes, explaining why the Pendragon Coat uses the fleur-de-lys of the Sale's/Salette's.

The colors of the Cabals/Cavallons are in the colors of the keys in the Arms of Avignon, where the Cavari/Caveres (cannibals) once lived that could trace to Caffertys/Affertys, suspect from "Awraba=Aures." Just keep that in mind, that the Numidians at Aures were the namers of the Cavari, and that we ought to expect the Shawia-Berber line to Shaws/Seths at Avignon. What could make more sense?

The Cavari lived near a Cabal-like river, you see. To the Spanish, "cabalo" is a horse, the symbol of the Caffertys/Afferty Coat. Again, the keys of Avignon trace to the Sheaves and "qui"-using Shaws (black lozenges!), and it just so happens that the key-using Sheaves/Chiapponi's use FIVE keys. The English Shaw Coat is comparable with that of English Barone's expected from a Bruno family at Arezzo.

"Avignon, written as Avennio or Avenio in the ancient texts and inscriptions, takes its name from the Avennius clan. Founded by the Gallic tribe of the Cavares or Cavari, it became the centre of an important Phocaean colony from Massilia (present Marseilles)." "Massilia" smacks of "Massylii" and "Masaesyli," two areas of Numidia in the days of king Massena. How that can be Phocaean (from Lydia), I have no idea, except to surmise a Phocaean merger with Numidians.

I say that "Marseilles" (mouth of the Rhone) was named by the Marsi, the people now expected to carry the Annas name to the killer of Christ. We just want to know how, but it's via Angitia, in my new theory. You can see a very early opportunity here for the Numidians to be merging with the Marsi at the mouth of the Rhone, and from there going up the Durance to join the Salyes and Laevi so as to name the Marici. Right off the bat, I want to show the green snake of the Gala surname which is offered as a "similar" term to "Gibala" at the Gibala page. It's untrue that the surnames offered are "similar spellings," but we may assume that someone knows the offered surnames to be branches of the Gibala family. We can see how "Gala" developed from that term, but the Gala surname is Irish, not Italian, and is shown properly as "Galagher"...perhaps an El-Gabal fusion with Guerra's at the Bologna / Modena theater. The first piece of evidence for that idea is that Guerra's use a green dragon, equating well with the green Galagher serpent. The Irish Garrys/Hare's use a green serpent too, as well as the same-colored trefoils as Gala's/Galaghers, but you would never know that "Galagher" is a Garry term unless you knew that "Gal" is one surname, and "guer" is another.

The black-on-white lion of Gala's/Galaghers is what I've called the upright Levi lion, and this one's in the colors of the Levi's, which of course may suggest merger with the Laevi. The gala's/Galaghers are said to be from a BALLYshannon castle, important because the Gibala page shows many "bala" endings as well as the Bala surname itself. The Bally surname shows "Ubi" and "ibi" in the motto, two terms of the Numidian Newmans that honors Maccabee liners, in my opinion, and so it needs to be repeated that Maccabees started out at Modena / Bologne, the Guido-Guerra theater. The Newman lions are upright too, and happen to be in the same design of, and colors reversed from, the Gala/Galagher lions.

Then, another surname on the Gibala page is "Sabala," and this gets an Italian surname, properly "Sabatini," first found in Bologna! Plus, the Sabala/Sabatini surname shows a Chief with the three fleur-de-lys of the Panico/Panetta Chief, important because the Guido-Guerra family was in some relationship with Panico's (likewise first found in Bologna).

By now, I think you could be convinced that the Galaghers do trace to Guerra's, but please don't forget that green snake suspect as Angitia, for the Seagers use a green snake, and then the Sibals, yet another surname from the Gibala page, shows the Seager moline cross in colors reversed. The Sibala's were first found in BALgonie, of Fife, smack beside Angus, where I'm expecting the Angitia serpent cult. Reminder: the Ectors of Angus use three bends, as do Guerra's, and a sun that can now be suspect with El-Gabal.

Now that the Seagers with Sugar variation have come up with a Gibala bloodline suspect at/near the Marseille location, what about the serpent god, Sugaar, and his wife, Mari??? I think you must agree that this was not Mary Magdalene, but the Marsi / Marici.

The most-fantastic surname at the Gibala page was "Zabala," not only because it was first found "in the provence of Modena, near Bologna," but because it shows several variations beginning with ZAMP. I don't know what Sampsiceramus was made up of, or how exactly to read its syllables, but a Sabala bloodline using "Zamp / Sammp / Samb" is enough for me to make the link. As was expected while writing the update below, the El-Gabal bloodline was indeed in the Modena theater. But why is it linking with the Guerra's?

The Zabala write-up is excellent for telling that the surname was first found in Castelfranco, where a certain man with Urban name built a fort beside it. The Gibala topic is a topic only due to finding the Gibalae location across the mouth of the Basante, one river over from the Urbanus! The Zabala eagle is the black Hagel eagle.

The black lion of Gala's/Galaghers is in use, in the two colors of the Zabala's, in a Gibbs Coat. Across the Gibbs lion are three scallops in the colors of the Capes scallops. Is that a Caiaphas merger with El-Gabal? Back now to the update, keeping in mind that the Cabellio location (not far from Marseilles) may apply to the El-Gabal cult.

"The Cavares were a Gallic tribe, or a federation of tribes, located in the lower Rhone valley. Their strongholds were Avignon (Avennio), Orange (Arausio) and Cavaillon (Cabellio). Their closest neighbours were the Segallauni, the Tricastini, the Salyes, the Albici (or Albioeci) and the Vocontii." The Cabellio location was on the Calavon/Coulon tributary of the Durance, but as a Romanized (i.e. with a 'v') "Coulon" should be "Covlon," perhaps "Calavon" should have been more like "Cavalon," thus reflecting the nearby location of Cavaillon. In any case, we can know that the Cabal/Cavallon surname traces here; in fact, the surname uses the same-colored bend as English Coulons. Note how the "Arausio" variation of "Orange (off the river of the Salyes) smacks of "Aures," and that the Orange/Orringe surname uses the hunting horn style of Jaggers.

We can now drag the Gable's (not all member, of course) into this sun-god manure pile, for Spanish Gable's/Gabels use a version of the Y-like symbol of Cunninghams, first found in AYRshire! The Cunningham's use "fork" in their motto, while a pitchfork (in Spanish-Gable colors) is used by German Gable's/Gabels (Silesia). The fork was traced to Forkers/Farquhars, first found in Ayrshire.

We now have a conundrum, but only minor, not even a bruise. The Gable's are found on the Gibala page, and yet they are tracing very well to Aures. The surnames discussed above, from the Gibala page, seemed to trace well to Gibalae. Is this a contradiction, or were both locations home to the same bloodline? We already know now, thanks to a new discovery in this update, that El-Gabal married the Massena Numidians, and so why shouldn't Gabal-like families be found in the Aures area of Numidia? As the Salyes trace to the Urbanus, and as Cabellio was at the Salyes theater, we ought to expect that representatives of both Gabal-hosting locations came together at and around Avignon.

JUST FOUND. The Glaze/Glazier Coat (pheons, a Sale symbol) has the Shield-and-Chief color combination of the Saluzzo Coat in colors reversed. I have struggled for years trying to discover the origin of the Salyes, without luck of being concrete about it. I've known they were Sales-of-Mascy, and here I discover, concretely, that Salyes trace to "Gulussa." We can be more sure about it because the Glaze Crest is a heart, the DuGLASS symbol. The Glaze's use three pheons in the colors of the Pilate pheons, and as such are expected to be linked to Pontius-Pilate lines. Reminder: both Pilotte surnames were first found in the two places that Messeys/Messier's and Messier's were first found, and one Pilotte Coat looks like it links to the Shaws / Shawia.

The conundrum bruise just got bigger, but it gets healed fast. Do the Salyes trace to the Urbanus, or do they trace to the Shawia at the Aures? Just ask the similarity between the "Awraba" version of "Aures" and "Urbanus" (also shown as the Urbas"). This is all a very good argument for tracing Gulussa elements to the Maezaei, perfectly expected. But the problem is not so-quickly healed because "Salviae," where I trace Salyes, does not look anything like "Gulussa."

No sooner had the problem presented itself that I checked for a Galvy-like surname, which is when I delightfully recalled the Gull symbol used by Gull surnames. It was delightful because I had come across what I think is a gull in the Dutch Gavel Coat. "Gavel" was one of the surnames on the Gibala page. Dutch Gulls use a gull, but compare the so-called "yellow bird" of gavels with the gull of German Gulls/Gollens/Golfens. English Gulls were first found in Kent, home of many Numidian families. Dutch Gavels show a Gavi variation, which is the name of a location in the Piedmont theater, where the Saluzzo location sits.

English Gavels/Gavalles use nearly the Shield-and-Chief color combination of English Gulls. And just like the Sale's, these Gavels use a black, downward-pointing pheon. Of further interest, the Shield-and-Chief combination of English gavels is in the colors of the Arms of Kyburg, where the Hagels trace who use the black Zabala/Zamppareli eagle. This trace of Gavels to Kyburg (beside Zurich) is not a stretch because Gavels were first found in Surrey, which, as a surname, shows as "Surrich" too.

Did the Browns trace in ways to El-Gabal already? We now find that Italians Barone's/Verone's come up as "Barelli," important because the Zabala/Zampareli surname shows also as ZampBARELLI! The Barellis/Barone's are the one's using the three bends in the colors of the same of Ectors...the ones who put a sun over their three bends! This Zabala surname is the one with the Urban character. Let's go back to the Glaze's that appear as a Gulussa / Dougga line to the Salyes theater.

Glaze's were first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as the purple-lion line of general Scipio, one of which was "Scipio Africanus," involved with the Carthaginians / Numidians. Veys/Vivians, who use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Fife's (in Arthur colors), and the chevron colors of Five's, show purple lion heads. The possibility is that these lines trace to the Romans who named themselves after "five." Lucius Septimius Severus was named after the seven-family, yet Safers use five eagles. The Quincys (Arthur / Fife colors) are apparently named after "five," yet use seven mascles. Don't they know how to count? One could get the impression that the fives and sevens were allied.

The Sank surname (SINClair colors) using fish on what looks like the Sale/Salette bend, and a motto, "Sancta Clavis Coeli Fides," what appears to honor both Clovis and Cole's. It's important because fish, Clovis, Coles and fives are all tracing to the El-Gabal cult. The Sank fish are in the colors of those used by Sola's/Soley's, first found in Derbyshire, beside Cheshire, where Sale's/Salette's were first found. We now have reason to link the Solney location of Sola's/Soleys to the Salyes Ligures, which then makes it suspect that Berenger Sauniere was a Salyes liner from Gulussa, as his line merged with the El-Gabal cult.

The above caused me to ponder whether "Clovis" was a GOLOVIS term from the COLAPIS river. But it came a couple of minutes after checking the GULLIVERs, seeking a Galvy like surname for to link "Gulussa" to "Salviae." The riddle gets challenging where the GULLIFER variation is like "GLAPHYRA, and moreover, the Cliffs/Cleaves, who can be expected to be a Cleaver/Cleaver branch, are in the colors of Gullivers. A trace of Cliffs/Cleve's to "Colapis" can be had by their motto phrase, "In cruce," like the "A cruce salus" motto of Jeffersons (Jupiter line, Capeo lion traces to "Kupa") who definitely trace to the Colapis (river of Japodes).

That is a little astonishing because a Glaphyra trace to the Colapis, also called the Kupa, is like saying that Caiaphas and Glaphyra were merged, which is an idea I've been gleaning in multiple ways. Whereas Annas may trace to the El-Gabal cult, Caiaphas traces better to Glaphyra Archelaus (in Cappadocia) because he's suspect with the line of Herod. Moreover, "Caiaphas" and "Cappa(docia)" seem similar enough.

There is the possibility that "Glaphyra" became a Glasser-like surname, or that "Gulussa" and "Glaphyra" were related terms. The Glaze surname is also "Glaser." There is a German Glasser/Glazer/Glasse surname too, using a lion in the colors of the Gibbs lion, the latter being the one with the Capes-colored scallops.

If we modify "Salviae" to a Calv term instead of "Galv," the Calavon river of the Cabellio location comes to mind, especially as it's a tributary of the Salyes! Clavins are also Glavimans and Glafimans. Calverts and Calvins show Masci and Meschin signs. As Calvins are (the ones with Meschin-colored scallops) said to be from the arrondissment of Falaise, they are likely using the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Tanners, thus possibly tracing Calvins to the Saluzzo theater. German Tanners and Maschi's share pine cones. It's interesting that Calvins substitute the Tanner Moor heads with scallops, indication of a Tanner trace to the Samsam Saracens of Messina. English Calvins ("vinces" motto term) use the fat Crusader cross of the Sarasin surname in colors reversed.

Let's go back to Cleopatra Selene II, wife of Juba II of Numidia, and mother of Drusilla the younger, mother in-turn of Alexio II, high-priest of el-Gabal who was a father to Gaius Julius Fabia Sampsiceramus III SILAS. Doesn't it strike us as suspicious that Dan Brown would use "Silas" as the one who killed Jacques Sauniere, and from that episode the revelation took place that Jesus and Magdalene were married? Far-more likely, Dan Brown knew that he traced to the Selene > Silas line, in which case, "SOLnier" seems as though it should apply to that line. The Sank fish are evocative of the fish (but not in the same design) in the Salmon/Samon Coat, of a surname first found in the same place (Cumberland) as fleur-using Browns.

The Salmon/Samon Crest is the double-tipped spear of Shakespeare's ("sans" motto term), who are in the colors of the Sams/Sammes' (blood drops may have to do with "Sank / sang"), suggesting the possibility that the later were merged with Salmons/Samons. It just so happens that while the Salyes are proving to be a fundamental part of the El-Gabal bloodline, the Sams/Sammes' were first found near/in Colchester. Reminder: entering Sonner (seeking Saunier variations) gets the Samsons/SAMPsons in colors reversed. It's not at all surprising that Samsons, because they use scallops in the colors of the Meschin scallops, should be merged with Sale lines.

If you didn't catch the drift, it's that both Iamblichus > Gamble/Gamal / Cammel lines, and Sampsiceramus > Sampson lines, trace to Colchester. The Shakespeare's were first found in the same place (Nottingham) as the same-colored Bugs, and they trace to the Bug river, location of the Nahorite-suspect Neuri, important because I identified Camulos with "Kemuel," third son of Nahor (brother of Biblical Abraham). Entering the "sans" motto term of Shakespeare's gets the Spanish Sanches/Sanx/Sanguez surname.

If the Samsons/Sampsons trace to Sampsiceramus, it's got to be by way of Sicily's Samsam and Timnah rulers of the Saracens. That could be where the "OpTIMA" motto term of Salmons/Samons comes in, but, moreover, while Russells (using scallops in Samson-scallop colors) use the motto, "Che sara sara," the English Fulke's (with an 'e') use "Qui sera sera" as well as the Shakespeare / Salmon/Samon spear. Italian Salmons were even first found in Sicily. That's some mighty profound material, good for exposing creatures of darkness.

An emailer, Tim, who doesn't seem to be reading any longer, was the one who led me to seek Edomite lines when I was resisting it. It was ironic that the Time's/Timms of Kent turned out to be an Edomite line of the Timna kind. But it was Tim who discovered that "Che sera sera" smacked of Caesaria's earlier name, Kaisariya. At the time, it was the Caesarea of Cappadocia that was the topic, but the family of Drusilla and Selene ruled from another Caesarea, in Mauritania, and the way I'm reading it from Wikipedia, they named that city, though Wikipedia says that they named it after Octavius = Augustus caesar. However, I could contest that idea because Caesarea of Cappadocia was Mazaca, exactly where the north-African Meshwesh/Mazices came from, in my opinion.

Pause. The above was written before finding the Gibala page wherein the Gala surname is linked suggestively to Gibala's. The Gala's are the GalaGHERs who were traced to green-dragon "Guerra." As I read "SampsiCERAMUS" during the proof read just now, I recalled that the name was also "SampisGERamus," what may have been a Guerre term. I've just seen that Grahams and Gerams/Gerome's both use a gold Shield, and the latter use green snakes, the Gala/Galagher symbol. That's interesting, especially as Gerams/Gerome's use an oak tree, symbol of the Panico's/Panetta's. The last time Panico's were mentioned, it was due to their sharing a Chief with Sabala's, who likewise use a gold Shield. Grahams look like a Tanner > Calvin line, and may be in honor of the GRAMpion area of Scotland.

Let's go back to Drusilla (de Massena) and her husband, Felix. Both Felix Coats use Massena colors. English Felix's use a "millrind," and then Rind's (Fife) use gold symbols on a blue bend, the colors of the symbols on the Massena and Masci blue bend. Moreover, Rinds use scallops on their bend, tracing to Messina.

I would like to know what Rinds trace to in particular. The Reno / Rhine river? I have not known until now that they are Masci liners. I have known in the past that Felix's are suspect with Flecks using scallops in Meschin- and Samson-scallop colors; the Samson motto even honors the Flecks with Flag variation. The Rind Crest is "A flower pot containing gillie flowers." The Flowers are a branch of Fletchers (pheons in Fleck-scallop colors), said to be from "Jean de la Fleche", and showing a FLAGer variation, thus identifying Flecks (thanks to their rind code) as Felix's. I had no idea until now that the Felix's trace back in particular, in all likeliness, to Felix and Drusilla of Massena. Fletchers/Flagers definitely look like a branch of pheon-using Sale's, thus reminding of an old theory I held, that the Selene term out of Caria named the Salyes. I like a Salyes trace to "Gulussa" better.

Flowers use a large cinquefoil in the colors of the Fletcher pheons, etc., but as they are colors reversed from the Potter cinquefoils, it's obvious that this relationship speaks to the "flower pot" code of Rinds. The Botts variation of German Potters suggests the Botters/Budins and Buttons/Bidens, both of which were first found in the same place (Hampshire) as English Potters. Therefore, I would trace Potters to the Botri Berbers of Numidia, who must have lived near Capsa. This is amazing, because Buttons/Bidens use the Capelli chapeau, thus tracing Botri elements to the same location (Cabellio) to which we might trace Saluzzo-related Kaplans, also first found in Hampshire! Capsa can trace to Cabellio if that latter term can link to 'p' versions, and it can.

We might start with a Caps-like name in Numidia that developed both into the Capes surname (scallops in the white color of the Meschin / Samson / Fleck scallops) and into a Kapland-like surname such as Kaplan (the Copeland location is coming to mind, and ZOWIE, Copelands use a "numine" motto term!!). From the idea of KAPLand, the Capelli's may have been formed on word-play with the Italian for "hair / hat = cap." The Cope's use the color scheme of the Masci / Massena bend with fleur-de-lys in the colors of the Masci fleur.

As roses with stems used by Cope's are used by Schere's/Scherfs and Walkers, see the Sheriff topic shortly below as it too traces to Numidians. The "animo" motto term of Cope's could reveal that it's a Numidia code regardless of who else uses it, though the Nimo/NewMarch surname comes to mind, the one using a "show" motto term that gets the Schores/Schaws, which in a nutshell can trace Schere's/Scherfs to the Shawia in Aures, exactly the location where the Sheriffs will trace.

To be more sure of the Capes trace to "Capsa," the black diamonds of the related Happs/Apps/Abbs could link to the same of English Shaws. See below for more on the Kaplans / Capelli's, as to why they trace well to Cabellio. The latter is near key-using Avignon, and then the Shawia are also Chaoui, suggesting that the key-using Sheaves/Chiapponi's are incorrectly said to derive in their Chiava variation (because it means "key" in Italian). The likely reality is that the surname was more like "Chiapponi" to begin with, from Capsa elements, and having been with the Cavari peoples at Avignon, they developed a Chiava variation that gave rise to the key symbol, which, by the way, is a favorite Vatican symbol. Just think of the implications of the Vatican using a symbol of the people who named Caiaphas.

The fact that Glaphyra at Cappadocia was married to Numidians may trace Capsa to Cappadocia, but a better idea is to trace Capsa to Capua's/Capone's, first found in Naples. However, mythical Capys, from Troy and yet said to be the founder of Capua, may have symbolized Cappadocia.

From the very year in which I became a Christian, I saw Roman Catholic priests as the very epitome of the Israeli priesthood, out-to-lunch mystics teaching more superstitions than living a life pleasing to God. Jesus is not about icons, candles, stained-glass windows, churchiology, ceremonies and symbolism, but about day-to-day life in a way that pleases the Father. God wants to get the human species living right. Vatican priests are not "fathers." They are not priests either, as though they can forgive sins with a wave of their powerful hands, or a sprinkle of their holy water taken from the church tap. Catholicism has traditionally been all for show, and Berenger Sauniere accepted money in return for conducting so-called "masses"...for the naive who follow Catholic priests. If you want to be in the Kingdom of God, don't pay a priest for it, or beg it from him; just live a life pleasing to God. The formula can't get any easier to grasp than that. You can't please God unless you first accept his Sacrifice, and if you do things pleasing to God, He will make His Son known to you.

I can't find too much on the Botri Berbers aside from Wikipedia's Chaoui=Shawia article, but just compare the Dutch Putten Coat to that of the Argyll Coat, and be reminded that the square-jagged border (they both use) is called "emBATTled." English Puttens were first found in Sussex, where, according to the Battle surname, there is a Battle location. I trace Puttens to Buttons/Bidens because the latter were first found in the same place as Putins/Padyns. As it's the Buttons/Bidens who use the Capelli cap, you may as well trace Puttens to the Capelli bloodline too. But where the Argylls/Arkells were named after "Archelaus," the family to which i (tentatively) trace Caiaphas' immediate ancestry, it stands to reason that Capelli's were Caiaphas liners. Perhaps after they fled Israel in 70 AD, they grew their hair long to disguise their pointed ears.

See how clever the Flower write-up is for tracing both to a "miller" (where the Felix millrind traces) and to a "the fletcher, or maker of arrows." Scottish Millers (Dumfries) use the "optima" motto term (used also by Salmons/Samons), and a moline cross in the colors of the Annandale saltire. The fact that Millers use the "opTIMA" code while being from DUMfries once again makes the Time/Timm link to "Dum"-using Massins/Masons, suggesting that "Dum" is code in particular of Dumfries.

See the Moline-like variations of some Millers. The Moline surname, using a moline cross in the colors of the Levi triple chevrons, traces to a Moulins character, "Sire de Falaise," and, then, in the part of Paris where the Levi and Chappes were first found, there is a La Falaise area, roughly where the Rollo-Sinclair bloodline had its beginnings, at Epte. The Epps variation of the Happs/Apps is coming to mind with "Ept," and ZOWIE, that reminds me of the triple chevron of the Eppsteins, in the colors of the Water triple chevrons that traced very strongly to the Arms of Eure-et-Loir, beside the Epte river!!!

[Eure-et-Loir] was created from parts of provinces of Orleanais (Beauce), Maine (Perche), but also Ile-de-France (Drouais, Thimerais, Valley Avre Hurepoix). Ask if Drouais is a Drusilla line. See the French Desmonds/De Mone's, first found in Orleans and Loiret, who may be of the Levi line to Mons of Hainaut. Ask if "Loir(et)" is a L'Orr term tracing to "Aures." There is no Loir / Loiret surname coming up. Ask what ORLeans was named after, but see that Orrels are related to Orrs. Aha! Orrels and Orrs share the red roundel, seven of them used in the Orleans surname.

The "bonis and "bona" terms in the Orr motto should trace to "Bononia," otherwise known as Bologna, where I see the immediate ancestry of the HasMONeans. English Desmonds have a saltire that I trace to Annas/Ananias by way of that saltire being the Annan(dale) saltire, thus making it very possible that Desmonds/DeMons trace to Hasmoneans.

The Perche's use two chevrons in the colors of the triple chevrons. Perche is where the Bellamys lived who merged with Ferte-Mace, where the Massena line came to roost, and that's more evidence yet that the Capsa location in Numidia traces to the Chappes' (Moor heads) of this Eure-et-Loir theater. In fact, the "Avre" term in the quote above smacks of "Aures/Awr(aba)." The term can trace to "AUVERnge," where the Bouillons were first found, though Godfrey de Bouillon lived at Boulogne (Atlantic coast), also called Bononia at times.

As you can see that Perche and Maine are equated, isn't it conspicuous that Maine is where the French Joseph surname was first found, while the Joseph's of Hampshire (where Numidian lines trace heavily) use a "charo" motto term for the Charo/Claro surname??? The Clair-sur-Epte treaty made between France and Rollo thus links the Charo/Claro surname definitely to the Josephs, and I think it is absolutely true that both Joseph surnames were in honor of Joseph Caiaphas (that's his Biblical name).

Consider the CapMAYNE variation of Capmans, who use the Chapman crescent. To be sure that many heraldic definitions are false, see how Capmans trace to a maker of caps while Chapmans trace to "merchant." Both Coats use a solid chevron, symbol also of Chappes'.

German Eppsteins, very suspect as a branch of Happs/Apps and therefore from Capsa, use fat chevrons, exactly the fat chevrons shown in the French Levi Coat until last year. The Levi fat chevrons (in Flanders colors) were used by the Counts of Hainaut. To see the triple chevron in that link above, scroll down to "House of Flanders," and see the first ruler, Baldwin I, first king of Templar Jerusalem. Is that coincidental??? No. It was the Caiaphas line. Scroll further down to see the Arms of the House of Habsburg (because Habsburgs came to rule Hainaut), and see the white-on-red fesse that is the Arms of Austria and therefore of the HABSburgs, for the Happs/Abbs use that same-colored fesse.

God foreknew that the Caiaphas line would rule much of Europe, didn't He? So he brought that line down to Israel like a farmer pulls a hog by a hook in the nose, and made them the priests to slay the Lamb. I think so because it's too hard to imagine any other way for Caiaphas lines to rule so much of Europe.

Pause. I hadn't realized until proof reading that Annas could trace to the Angitia snake cult (I'm assuming "itia" is a suffix), and therefore to the Marsi / Marici. I've just found a Kaplan-like surname using the string of five lozenges of the MARSHalls in colors reversed. It's the German Kapp/Keppler/Keppel surname, first found in Bohemia, founded by the Boii of Bologna. The fact that the Marshalls are said to be a branch of Keiths, who are in-turn said to be from a Catti tribe, is very interesting where, a few minutes before finding the Kepplers, I was looking at the Has/Haas Coat as per seeking the meaning of "HASmonean." The German Hesse's had come to mind at that time, and Hesse was the location of a Chatti peoples.

Keiths are also "Keath" suggesting a branch of Seatons (both were first found in Lothian, and Seatons were Flemings, from Flanders), but I am more convinced than ever that Seatons were the namers of Sitten at Sion. You will see the reasons below in a huge piece to the Masonic puzzle.

By some strange curiosity, Scottish Alpins have a Kapp surname registered with them, but as Alpins were first found in Argyllshire, that's where Archelaus is tracing. Alpins were Picts, and then the mother of Pontius Pilate has been said to be a Pict of Perthshire, something that I thought heraldry proved to be true. Irish Keefe's use the Morgan or Duffy lion, and Duffs were first found in Perthshire. In fact, I traced the mother of Pontius Pilate to Duffs. Irish Feys/Duffie's are also "Cuffie," who must have been the Duffs known to live in Fife. You can draw your own lines, but I'm seeing the five lozenges of Marshalls in bed with the Fife / Five / Vey entity, important just because the Marsi are expected in Angus, beside Fife. The trace of Cuffie's and Keefe's to the same area is another good argument for tracing "Annas" to "Angus."

To trace the Marsi to Angus, start with the sun in the Marsh Coat, then compare the Marsh bird to the Kay bird knowing that mythical Kay was a son of mythical Ector, of the Maris line and represented by the sun-using Ector surname, first found in Angus. Did I mention that French March's use three bends too? Why do English March's use five crescents?

Did you know from my many mentions over the years that the Innes surname (with an 'e'), said to be a version of "Angus," uses a green snake? The Innus (with a 'u') surname even shows a MacAngus variation. Was this green snake Angitia? It's starting to look like it. Why do Italian Angels use a triple bend? Doesn't it suggest the expected Marsi link to the Angle's? Am I serious? Scottish Innes' even use a "traist" motto term, suggesting the Trysts using stars in the colors of the Annas / Angus star.

The black lion of Jewish Levi's likely links to the black lion of Flanders, but also to the black lion of Italian Capua's with a Capone variation smacking of the Italians Chiapponi surname that traces well to Aures and therefore to Capsa. Ask why there is no black lion in the Arms of modern Israel / Jerusalem if the Levi's trace there. Surely, if the Levi's were of Israel, we should see their black lion in Israel somewhere.

The "Chretien" motto term of Levi's should be for the Chretien surname using lions in the colors of the Massin/Mason lion, though one could also trace this lion to the modern Arms of Jerusalem. The Chretiens were at a CRESTienville location (Normandy), and then the Crest/Cret Coat shows almost the Levi-lion design, in the same black-on-white colors. The Crests/Crets use three bends in the colors of the Massena bend. There you go: the Levi's do trace to Israel, but to ancient Israel in the time of Mus household that tried to kill Moses. Remember what Jesus said, that the blood of all the prophets would be on the head of the rulers of Jerusalem in His day.

The other lion used by Hainaut's counts is red-on-gold, the color of the lion used by the Habsburg surname. How many lozenges do Happs/Abbs' use? The same (five) as Kapps/Kepplers. Then, the Five surname uses the same lion! Perhaps the five code in heraldry is nothing but an honoring of the Five / Fife surname. That makes sense. But not all surnames using five symbols should be considered five codes.

The Loir term could be from the idea of L'Aures, just as "Eure" itself smacks of "Aures." The reason that I think the Levi's were in HAINaut, whole Hasmonean-suspect Mons got to be the capital there, is as per a variation of "Annas/ANANias." I know now that Annas traces to the Marici partners of the Laevi so that I should expect his descendants in Hainaut. I showed that the Eure/Ure Coat (Massey / Vere Shield) is a version of the Hanan Coat. I've read that Annas/Ananias was "Hanan" to the Hebrews. I now know that Numidians are in code in the "NUMquam" motto term of Eure's/Ure's, first found in DUMbartonshire.

The boar in the Eure/Ure Crest suggests that the surname was related more with Vere's than with Masseys, and to this it must be added that the Vere version of the Massey Coat substitutes the white fleur-de-lys with the so-called white "Vere star." The Annas Coat is not only in the colors of the Eure/Ure and Hanan Coats, but uses one big star in the colors of the Vere star. Thus, the Vere link to the chief priest who killed Jesus, explaining why the Vere house of Drakenberg has something to be "very proud" of, like the devil who wants to usurp the throne of God, and thinks he's one giant leap closer because he's killed the only Messiah.

Dreux: Angle's of Light

As Vere's trace to the Varni, in my opinion, who use the colors of the Levi triple chevrons, note that the Arms of Dreux (location in Eure-et-Loir) uses a Shield filled with checks in the colors of the Warrene/Warne checks, indication of Dreux links to the Varni/Warni. The Warrene motto includes; "Leo de juda...lion of Judah", apparent indication that Warrene's link to Levi's of the priest-Annas kind.

I have been seeking surnames after "Drusilla," but as of moments ago have not been able to find one. I had checked the Drew surname without luck of finding hint of a link to her. Later, when reading the Dreux article, she came to mind. However, the Dreux location is said to have been the home of DUROcasses, a term not like "Drusilla." Yet, when we enter "Dreux" at houseofnames, what do you know: the Drew surname. It's said to be from "Drewes."

Therefore, the Durocasses may not have named Dreux. They should be named after the namers of the Durance river of the Salyes, or may be the rivers namers. Off the Durance in the Var region of France, there is a DRAGuignan location that may apply to "Dreux." To help prove that this area traces to the Varni along with lines of the Israeli priesthood, the Warne's are said to be from a MARYtavy location, using the same cross as March's (see Tavys for a DOVE-using Davie clan). To show that this could have been a Draguignan merger with Marici (fully expected where the Vere star is the Annas star), Druckers use a bull's scalp, symbol of Cheneys who I say use a version of the Saleman bend. On the Cheney bend, you can see the footless Warne martlets (same colors).

You need to understand my suspicions here. How soon after 70 AD did the lines of the chief priests go to be with the Varni? Or did the Laevi go be a part of the Varni before 70 AD? Perhaps Terentius Varro Murena can help us with this question. If the above describes a Marici trace to the Warnow-river theater, then Angitia of the Marsi may have named the Angles.

Ottones use rings too, though they call them "annulets," perhaps for an Annas bloodline, for Ottones use a long chevron, from bottom to top of the Shield, as do Chappes, and both chevrons are solid and in the same colors...which cannot be coincidental. As I said in the last update that I traced the "viscar" term buried in the "Ne obliviscaris" motto of Campbells to "Wishards/Guiscards," we now find a "Numqaum obliviscar" motto of the Eure's/Ure's. Guiscards have already traced to the Aures area with the Orrs/Ore's', so that the "Ure" variation of Eure's should link to Orrs/Ore's out of Orleans, but the point here is that I had traced WIShards to VISconti, the family ruling at Milan first with Ottone Visconti.

It's telling me that the Iamblichus line with Guiscards -- i.e. in the Mediterranean theater -- went to Milan, where Visconti's ruled. This makes for a fantastic discovery, for I had insisted that the tree stump is code for the woodcutter symbol of mythical Esus (human-sacrifice cult), and then Italian Milans were showing a typical tree stump (very short, like one cut down by a woodcutter) until last year (you can read that they use a "tree stump"). The revelation is that "Esus" traces to "Aziz" and "Assisi," for it just so happens that Ottone's were first found in Perugia/Perusia...where Assisi is located.

As the Eure's use the Campbell motto term, almost, it stands to reason that Eure's should trace back with Campbells to Iamblichus at Emesa, and then it was Drusilla's family that got married to Emesa's priesthood. Numidians are filling in the heraldic gaps all over the place. If the Drews are a Drusilla line, then it needs to be considered that entering "Tree," the symbol of Esus tracing to Aziz, gets the DREW surname.

As Visconti's gave their green coiled serpent (eating a Moor infant, code for Carthage's human sacrifice / cannibal cult) to the Sforza's, it begs the question of whether this symbol was the Angitia snake goddess merged with Numidians when the latter came up through Massilia / Marseille to the Marici theater. As they are expected to pass by the key-using Avignon area in that migration, is it coincidental that German Angels use keys? We saw (last update) an angel in the Crest of the Buffys, thus tracing the Angle entity to Boofima human-sacrificers in north Africa. I know that "Jesus" smacks of "Esus" and that Jesus was a human-sacrifice "cult" too, but really, we can't make that link. Jesus was not the leader of a typical, human, human-sacrifice group. He came to destroy the dragon while trying to save those deceived by it. He came to save, by the power of forgiveness, the sons of Caiaphas if possible, and even the Romans soldiers who killed him.

By what coincidence do Scottish Milans (in Moline / Varn colors) show Moulin-like surnames while such surnames appear also in the Moline page? The green-snake Seagers/Sugars use a moline cross. Isn't it true, therefore, that the Moline's trace to the green Visconti snake at Milan (Visconti's changed it to a blue snake eventually)? Scottish Milans/Mullens (lion in Flanders-lion colors) use a motto term, "SUCCURrere" as code for Sugaar, don't they? They could be using the Innes stars. I now fully expect Innes' and Innus'/Angus' to be a line from Annas/Ananias to the Visconti's of Milan, thus supporting all the more a Caiaphas identification with the Chappes'.

Sforza's use what should be the Ferrari lion holding a "quince" as code for the five-suspect Quincys. The five black swans, in Levi-chevron colors, of the Chaplet surname have been noted. The swans face left like the five Safer eagles. I insisted that Vere's were from Ferrara's years before finding the Italian Charo's/Claro's, first found at an early Ferrara location, early enough to have been named after Pharisees fleeing from Jerusalem. I then had to consider a difficulty, whether the proto-Vere's in Ferrara named the Varni, who were mentioned by Tacitus in 98 AD as living in northern Germany. That amounts to a speedy migration from Italy to northern Germany in about 30 years, if true. I decided to go for it. I decided to insist that Ferrari elements named the Varni, and that Pharisee liners became pirates of the sea, and the Varangian co-founders of Moscow with inhabitants of Kiev. I now find that the Warne Crest is a horseshoe, the Ferrari symbol.

However, as it turns out, Ferrari elements after 70 AD did not likely name the Varni. Possibly, Ferrari elements before 70 AD may have. The new revelation now is that Varni were named after Aulus Terentius Varro Murena.

The Ferrari car logo is in the colors of the Varns, by the way. The logo is a horse upright, and it's the Arms of STUTTgart too, important because the Masonic vikings, whom I identified as Varangians, were surnamed, "Stout," They had a raven flag. The Pharisee-suspect Freys/Phreeze's use horses too, and Frey was a god of Frisians, smack beside the first Varangians. Plus, as Frisians (well after 70 AD) speak a form of English, they are of the Angles suspect now with a Marici-Annas bloodline.

When on the Arretium topic in the past, it was argued that the five turrets in the crown that is the Arms of Arezzo is link-able to the five-pointed crown of MacArthurs; it's reason to trace a five-family to Arretium, albeit this crown is used by other locations. The Ferrari logo may come from the upright black horse in the Arms of Arezzo.

Proto-Ferrara was named, Forum Allieni, in 70 AD. As "Allien" gets the Alans that would become the Stewarts, and as I had previously known that historians link the Stranger surname to the royal-Stewart line from Alans, I checked the Stranger Coat at that time, and made some links, one being to the Tools (boar of Alan-related Pollocks, in the design of the Vere boar), thus identifying "Tool" with "Dol," where Alans lived. The Tool and Stranger lion (identical, colors included) is not quite the Levi-lion design (the front leg is at a different angle), but it's identical to, in colors reversed from, the Dreux lion. Who were the Strangers but the namers of Allieni themselves? And is "StrANGER" play on words for the Angitia cult?

Why do the Rangabe's, whom I trace to "Angevin," use a while-on-blue flory cross (three tips at the ends of the cross), the colors of the moline cross (two tips at the ends) of the Seagars/Sugars? Angevins are the peoples named after Anjou, near Angers. The dragon line Vere's claim to have been the fist counts of Angers / Anjou (about 800 AD) via a mythical Melusine of those locations, but I discovered her to be Melissena Rangabe, a real person from the Byzantine royals, but married to one of the first Varangians, Inger, whose name smacks of "Angers." Historians do not recognize Vere's as counts of Anjou, but instead recognize Fulks as the first counts of Anjou, fathered by a real man, INGELger (a Guerra liner?). As the Marsi of Italy lived at a lake FUCino (Abruzzo, where Drake's trace), one now needs to entertain a trace of "Fulk" to "Fucino," thus identifying "Angers" with "Angitia," though I expect Angitia to have gone to Angers via the Angle's. In any case, I've just learned that the Anget surname is registered with the Anger surname!

The Anger/Anget motto is simply, "Fides," a term that I've traced to Fussen/Foetes, a location in southern Germany (on the Lech river) that I say was founded by Ligurians I have been suggesting a trace of "Fussen" to "Fucino" for years, but could not find evidence. Here we have some good evidence. The particular Ligurians at Fussen can now be identified with those at Marseille, home of the Marsi. For a mythical (code-studded) read on the founding of Ligurians by Phocaeans at Marseille, see "Lacydon" and "Gyptis." But then compare "Phocaean" with "Fucino," and it traces the Marsi to Phocaeans of downtown Lydia, at modern Foca. It's off the gulf of Smyrna, an Amazon location that I trace to "Myrina." In Roman time, the land around lake Fucinus was Marruvium,

I had traced the Strangers to Doly in the Ukraine-Polish border, near a Bug river, and it made sense that this should be in relation to the Varangians in the Ukraine. I connected the Strangers to Trypillians; I recall that I linked Forum Allieni with the hourglass-using Skits / Scheds both using a "potent" cross, which I now find in the English Felix Coat (Sussex). That's one clue already for finding a merger of Strangers with lines from Drusilla and her husband, Felix. This speaks to the situation before the Israeli priesthood.

The Skits (who I think use the hourglass design of Guido's in Bologna) are shown as "Skeoch," and it was discovered in the last update that they should link to Scala's/Scichilone's/Scicli's, and then Trips use a scala = ladder (and the Massey boot), the symbol of Scala's/Scicli's, from Scylla of Messina, apparently. Therefore, my trace of Strangers to Trypillians stands, but for this idea, one needs to see the Alan Huns (from Alania, now Ossetia) in the proto-Strangers.

We want to know where the white lion of the Strangers / Tools comes from; one could suggest the Dougal lion because there is a Dougga location in Numidia, near Capsa. Wikipedia's Massena article: "Major towns [of Numidia] included Capsa, Thugga (modern Dougga)..." Douglas' were linked to a Ged-like family before I traced them to Geddys, now thought (by me) to be Guido's.

To this, it should be added that the Italian Felix Coat uses stars in Moray-star colors, while Douglas' use the Moray stars. The Dowells have a separate Coat to that of Dougals/Dowells, and are shown also as "Doul," suggesting the Tool / Dol bloodline. As Innes', first found in the same place (Moray) as Douglas', are suspect with Annas/Ananias, this Capsa location beside Dougga really does look like a place to which "Caiaphas" should trace.

The Stranger write-up traces to "Guido le Strange." Guido's use half their lion in the colors of the Stranger / Tool lion, and half in the colors of the Dreux lion. Guido Guerra III was identified by me as a Vere, and therefore as a Pharisee liner out of what used to be Forum Allieni, but with the Varro family in the picture, I've got to take a new look ignoring links of the past.

Vere's and Guerra's share a green wyVERN dragon that I trace to the Varni, and Drakes use a red wyvern dragon (as do German Dragons). In this picture, the Drake's, and Nicholas de Vere von Drakenberg, are tracing to Drusilla and Felix in particular...all the more reason for tracing her name to "Dracula," the murderous "impaler" of Transylvania, because Nicholas de Vere traces his Vere family to Transylvania. Felix must have divorced Drusilla because she kept biting his neck in his sleep.

Nicholas also traces from the ancient Mitanni, and vaguely to "Scythians" of Europe, before coming to his ancestry in the royals Picts and Scotts, where he has Melusine / Milouziana, mother of the Angers counts. It just so happens that I identified Skits (Ayrshire) and Scheds as Scythians in northern Italy. It makes a lot of sense to trace dragon Vere's to Trypillians of Transylvania, at Moldavia, the Ukraine border area.

As the Drake wyvern was used, in the same colors, by dukes of Masovia (Poland), the Felix line must trace to Masovia and Mieszko, and indeed I identified, years ago, the Moray-colored stars, with Mieszko lines (see the stars in the Bez and Bole surnames, as per Boleslaw and Bezprym, sons of Mieszko). This is amazing, that heraldry can tell us these things, that the Massena line likely named Masovia via Felix-of-Massena lines. Two of Mieszko's mythical ancestors from Goplo, Siemowit and Siemomysl (code for the mouse-using Misls, and therefore code for the Mouse Tower at Goplo), suggest the Samsons using a buried "Flag" term in their motto, now known to be for the Felix bloodline. I've read that Polish heraldry is by-and-large blue and red, the colors of the Felix / Masci / Massena Coats. The Arms of Assisi have no symbols, just two colors, blue and red.

Therefore, I do not think it's coincidental that Samsons and Dreux' were both first found in Gloucestershire.

Recall that the Felix millrind led to the Rinds using a flower pot, and that it was code for Potters without doubt (because Potters use the Flower cinquefoil in colors reversed). Harry Potter, by the way, is no doubt a stooge of the Illuminati. The potent cross of Felix's and Skits / Scheds should trace to the Potter bloodline, therefore. There is no Potent surname, but the Pottens/Pottingers, with MacArthur crown, could work excellently where Arthurs trace to Arretium. It's expected that Guido Guerra linked to the El-Gabal bloodline at Arretium / Assisi for other reasons besides Drusilla's other husband, Soheamus, priest of El-Gabal. If he was named after "haemus = blood," the vampire theme may arise from it.

"Some" was entered at houseofnames seeking Soheamus lines, and that got the Sion/Sine/Swan Coat (Macey liners). Both the Some and Potten/Pottinger Coats use swans. You will shortly see Aulus Terentius Varro Murena at the Sion theater so that his family in Arretium may have gone to Sion. We just want to know whether his family in Arretium joined the El-Gabal cult there, and how it got there, whether directly from Syria, or from the Drusilla-Felix family. The Felix surname was first found in the same place (Sussex) as the Coopers/Coppers tracing to Kypros de Herod, known to be of the Aretas bloodline of Edom (Herods may not have been Edomites prior to marrying that house). The Felix Shield may be red for Edom. We need to know whether Arretium was named after this Aretas family, or after Arethusa in Syria.

The Guerra triple bend that comes along with its wyvern dragon is used in the same colors by the Crests/Crets, who link to the "Chretien" motto term of Levi's. It's like sticking your hand down the throat of Caiaphas and pulling out the devil. Hasn't the triple bend traced to Annas lines of the Marsi kind? Yes, and the Bend surname uses besants, indication of El-Gabal.

The griffin-head design of Kaplans, Sheriffs, and Masters is used by Sheds/Sheddens, first found in the same place (Ayrshire) as Sched/Shed-related Skits. Sheds use the Shield-and-Chief color combination Kaplan's in colors reversed, which clinches the link of Skits and Scheds to the Bologna theater, where the Capsa-suspect Capelli's were first found who use the chapeau of Botri-suspect Buttons/Bidens who smack of a Potent-like surnames such as "Potten / Putten." This is not like pulling a rabbit out of a hat, but more like dropping a hat on a rabbit and making it dance. (See the Chads too.)

The Shed Crest is a "A hermit couped below the shoulders," important because one Cooper/Copper surname has a couped / shortened chevron, suggesting that "couped" is a code for the Aretas > Kypros bloodline. It's beginning to appear that Skits and their kin were at Arretium as Herods, and yet they are tracing to Numidians, which makes sense because Drusilla got involved in Syria due to her grandfather, Juba II, husband of Glaphyra Archelaus. However, to complicate an heraldic investigation of Drusilla, "Between the years 54 to 56, Felix divorced Drusilla as he fell in love and married the Herodian Princess Drusilla."

There is a Hermit surname, and it happens to use "Fortis in arduis," like the Potten/Pottinger motto, "Virtus in ardua," thus clinching the trace of the potent cross to Pottens/Pottingers. The helmet theme of Hermits can therefore link to the Pendragon helmet, and one may consider that a Helm terms became a Herm term, or vice-versa.

Here is some possible evidence of El-Gabal in Arettium: "There is other significant Etruscan evidence [in Arretium]: parts of walls, an Etruscan necropolis on Poggio del Sole (still named 'Hill of the Sun')..." Reminder: "jabal" means "hill" in Arabic so that El-Gabal could have been a sun god of a hill. Hmm, the Hill surname (black color) uses the Murena/Moratin toewer.

It's only now that I re-visit the Arretium article after many months that I can emphasize this:

Gaius Cilnius Maecenas (...70 BC - October 8 BC) was an ally, friend and political advisor to Octavian (who was to become the first Emperor of Rome as Caesar Augustus) ...During the reign of Augustus, Maecenas served as a quasi-culture minister to the Emperor...The Gaius Maecenas mentioned in Cicero as an influential member of the equestrian order in 91 BC may have been his grandfather, or even his father...Maecenas died in 8 BC, leaving the emperor sole heir to his wealth."

It sounds like this Massena-like character out of Arretium was related to Augustus, something we could expect from a Massena relationshiup with Scipio more than a century earlier. Everything you read above on Murena was not yet discovered in the original update to this point. It was all added in during proof reads. Murena was kin-by-marriage to this Maecenas character.

Drusilla came later, and as she was a great-grand-daughter of Mark Antony, so we find that Maecenas: "first appears in history in 40 BC, when he was employed by Octavian in arranging his marriage with Scribonia, and afterwards in assisting to negotiate the treaty of Brundisium and the reconciliation with Mark Antony. As a close friend and advisor he acted even as deputy for Augustus when he was abroad." If Maecenas was a Massena liner, his contact with Mark Antony may have had something to do with Drusilla's appearance in Numidia. Drusilla's line from Mark Antony and Egypt was a result of Mark Antony's daughter (Selene II) marrying a Massena liner, Juba II. Who instigated that marriage? If it was Maecenas, then we could certainly expect Drusilla's Emesa elements at Arretium with him...thus tracing the city well either to Arethusa or Aretas.

Drusilla's mother, Julia Urania, is said to have been from the Emesa family. She:

married the Berber King Ptolemy of Mauritania [yes, from Mark Antony's line], who was a son of the former Mauritanian Monarchs Juba II and Cleopatra Selene II.

...Urania is only known through a funeral inscription of her Freedwoman Julia Bodina found at Cherchell, Algeria [SMACKS of BOTTERs/BUDINs and BUTTONs/BIDENs]...The inscription reveals that Bodina was a loyal former slave to Urania.

Modern historians have created two theories on the origins on the wife of Ptolemy of Mauritania. Urania may have been [blah blah]...The nickname derived from the Muses [one of the nine Muses was Urania]. She was probably a member of the Royal Court in Mauritania.

The other theory is that Urania could have been an Assyrian Princess from the Royal family of Emesa....

Urania is an ancient Greek word meaning "'Heavenly"...The name Urania is of Emesene origin. Two other Emesene Priest Kings shared the name Uranius, the male variant of Urania who were Uranius Antoninus who reigned from 210 until 235 and Lucius Julius Aurelius Sulpicius Severus Uranius Antoninus who reigned from 235 until 254. She wasn't the only Queen to have the name Urania. The Parthian Queen and wife of Phraates IV of Parthia had the name Thea Urania (Astarte).

Hmm, that could mean that "Perusia" was named from Parthians / Persians, and as such, the namers of that place are suspect as the ones naming the Pharisees. Indeed, if Maecenas was from the Massena line that founded the Maccabees, then, in case you don't know, Pharisees developed out of the Maccabee royalty in Israel. Maccabees were priest-kings. The origin of Pharisees is shrouded within Maccabee camps. Suddenly, I'm excited to be finding the one who may have named Maccabees. A hard-c version of "Massena" in the Modena area is just what was needed.

Maecenas claimed to derive in an ancient Cilnius family in Arretium, though the article doesn't make clear whether that city was known by that name at that time. If so, then it could not have been named after Aretas III. Arethusa, possibly, or even Aretas I and II, but Aretas III. It also doesn't make clear whether this claim to Cilni elements was merely his fabrication or the reality. The family reminds me of the Kelners/Kellers who use a key symbol. English Kelners are also "Kilner." It's a little hairy here now because I traced "Kelner" to the Cave bloodline because a celler is a cave of sorts, and because Kelners are said to be from "cellerers," but I take this as code for Sellers using grails, symbol of the key-based Shaws. In the Seller Crest, the Joseph swan design.

I've just checked the French Josephs to find that their swan has been removed, and replaced with a footless martin. I think houseofnames is deplorable for making many changes since last year, with more to come, obviously. It should continue to show designs that have been up for years, while showing the new designs too in an alternative Coat. It's a good thing I recorded that the Joseph swan is the one used by Sellers, but will houseofnames also change the Seller design? What's houseofnames' motive for this rash of changes since early last year?

You can see here how Kelners linked to the key-using Shaw bloodline, and the Caves smack of the Cavari at key-using Avignon! Irish Shaws even use black-on-gold eagles, the colors of the Celler/Kelner eagle heads. Isn't it true that Joseph Caiaphas traces to these lines?

When I get to the Idris-of-Morocco topic below, where the Cavari come up, remember that the "qui"-using Shaws use the motto term, "patITUR." It's important because Idris is going to trace without doubt to Numidians of the Masonic kind.

German Sellers are also Selliman, evoking the Sully/Siliman surname, and, generally speaking, the Solniers can apply to "Cilnia" out of Arretium just because the El-Gabal sun god traces to nearby Assisi. In this picture, the El-Gabal cult, said to use Persian dress on its priests, may have been from Arretium, not vice-versa. In this picture, Arethusa, where the priests of El-Gabal started out, was named after Arretium, not vice-versa. In this picture, the Hill of the Sun" in Arretium became "El-Gabal," which may literally mean, "(Sun)God of the Hill" or "hill of the god" ("el" means "god" to Hebrews).

We read: "Their nomen was originally written Cfelne or Cfenle, which was subsequently Latinized as Cilnius... " Assuming "ne" is a suffix, the root was "Cfel," a term that could develop into "Cavel > Cavalon," the latter term being otherwise the Cabellio location near Avignon. Is that not amazing? It's very compelling that El-Gabal in Arretium was in the Cabellio location.

The Caves (in Chafer colors) are said to be from a "Chaff / chauf" term, but for me, "Caiaphas" makes more sense. The Caves Coat is a "fretty" used on the same-colored Shield as the Modeys who come up as "Moden," smacking of Modena and Modi'in, the latter being the home of Maccabees in Israel. You can't count all the "coincidences" in this update on the fingers of a hekatonchire.

The Cable's/Cabbels use a Coat like that of Caves, which seems to clinch their mutual trace to Cabellio. The Cable's are in Gable colors. Two Gable Coats indicated kinship with Cunninghams, and then one branch of Cunninghams was at CAPRington, which reminds me of the Cappers (in Capris/Cavra colors) that are also "Caps," said to be from "Capella."

During the spell check after the update was over (will it ever be over?), the computer suggested "driscoll" for a certain term that it thought I misspelled. I recognized the potential of Driscolls being Drusilla liners. It gets Marsi-interesting where Driscolls have the Mere/Mair and DeMere ship (same colors), but the corMORANT bird in the Driscoll Crest suggests the Morants (Zionist stars). The Driscoll write-up indicates that Driscolls lived beside Sullivans, thus tracing Driscolls, potentially, to the Salyes.

Morants are also "Murran," and I've got the sense that this was a line from Terentius Varro Murena. Ask again whether he links to Drusilla and Felix. You will see that Murena was fighting the Salassi-branch Salyes. It thus makes all the sense in the world of history to trace "Varro" from the Var region and Draguignan, to the many heraldic dragons of Polabia, location of the Warnow river, home of the Varni. Warne's (colors reversed from Varns) even use rings called "CHAPLets," smacking of the Kaplans that have traced to the Saluzzo-branch Salyes. To make a Driscoll link to Drews/Dreux', the Chaplet surname is the one using five black swans, indicative of the swan of French Josephs, while Josephs of England were first found in the same place as Dreux-like Drakes. Do you recall where Dreux is located?

That Joseph swan is used by Lindseys, who use it in black. The Lindsey motto term, "enDURE," could be code for the Durocasses at the Dreux Ile de France, where Chappes were first found! It just so happens that Lindseys use what looks to be a version of the Mark / Marx Coats i.e. indicating a Lindsey link to the Marici. The Marici are suspect with Martins and Martels, and French Josephs are now showing a martlet.

Variations of the Dragon surname (Kent) such as "Dreyner / Drainer" suggest the Dreys/Drees'/Drais' with five ducks. You can read in the Drake write-up that they trace themselves to a duck theme. The Dragon Coat is a fesse (embattled) in colors reversed from the Hill fesse. You will see below that Varro Murena traces exactly to the Mortons, and so see the Hill write-up tracing to De Montes of CastleMORTON. That tends to clinch the Morton trace to Murena because hills use the Murena tower.

As Monte's are the Mons suspect with Hasmoneans, and as I traced Hasmoneans out of the Guido-Guerra entity through the Morte's/Motts, one can now identify the Morte's, who are in code in "Le Morte d'Arthur," to "Murena." Morte's/Motts (in Hill colors) even share the white crescent of the Hill Crest. Thus, Hills can trace to "Hill of the Sun" at Arretium. The Hill crescent is a very thin one, like the white one in the Crest of Argylls/Arkells with ARTell variation. The crescent is not indication of a sun god, however, and may be for Selene liners from Drusilla's family. Compare "CILN" with "SELENE," though I'm mindful that Cilnius traces to Cabellio instead.

The helmets of the Dragons must thus be code for the Helms who come up as "Helion," suggestive of a link with Heylins at Hellion of Brittany. One can see here an easy identification of "PenDRAGON with this very Dragon surname, in Pendragon colors, because Pendragons also use a helmet. That in itself traced Dragons to Arretium well. But there is the extra evidence of Hillions, who not only smack of Arretium-suspect Hills, but use a version of the Kelly/Killia Coat, suggesting strongly that Hills were from "Cilnius."

If that doesn't convince you, the Hillions are said to derive in "UALACH" (the Kellys are said to derive in a different term, thus revealing that both terms are defined erroneously), and so read on to see that the wife of Cilnius Maecenas was the sister of AULUS Terentius Varro Murena. You will see how "AULUS" links to Mortons, if I ever get there for you, thus linking to Hills and therefore to Hillions. I realize that "AUL" is not "UAL," but the link of Aulus Murena to Wallace elements is very compelling.

Hillions share a white crescent with Hills, and yet are shown with variations such as Holohan, Holland, Highland, Hooligan, and Whelton. You'd never guess they were Hills / Killia's. The Keele's/Kills show the embattled design of Dragons in the same colors, and use a crescent in colors reversed from the same of Morte's and Deaths...which can be construed as colors reversed from the Hill crescent.

The Deaths/Darths, using a dragon and the Hill and Morte crescent, were first found in the same place (Kent) as same-colored Dragons.

These heraldic traces suggest that Hillions derived both in "Aulus" (Wallace's) by blood, but in "Cilnius" by word. As such, Hillions and some similar terms are tracing to the proto-Maccabee suspects (Maecenas'), explaining why I had identified Morte's with a major Maccabee line (after 70 AD) though the Touques-river region (location of Ferte-Mace) and into Wiltshire. Hill- and Kill-terms ought to be of the Kelner/Keller bloodline, and so see the Kilners/Kelners using an eagle in the white-on-black colors of the Morte / Death crescent. I had found this spread eagle (in the same colors) in the Coat of Gavels/Gavalls, a surname on the Gibala page. If you recall, the black stone (symbol of El-Gabal) carved into a coin had an eagle upon it, meaning that we could expect that eagle on a black Shield, as we find it in the Gavel/Gavall Coat.

The particular Maccabees carried by Morte's had been traced to those making a pact with the Seleucid king, Alexander Balas, for the Morte's use the crescent of Alexanders. That was my reasoning. I now find that the Kilner/Kelner and Gavel eagle is used by BALances/BALANcors. The Alexander chevron may thus link to that of Belgian Gibble's/Gebels/Gabers, who are said to be named after "gabel" = makers of forks, evoking the fork-using Gable's, but I'm not buying any of this maker-of-forks business.

The Balans use a Coat quite reflective of the Dragon Coat, and as that's a version of the PENdragon Shield, it's not likely coincidental that the three black-on-white roundels on the Balan fesse are in colors reversed on the PENN fesse. The latter's fesse is in the colors of the Hill fesse. As the Balas estoiles are in the colors of the Balan (and Morte) estoiles, it speaks for itself in tracing Balances to Alexander-Balas Maccabees.

Topheth and Moloch

Killers/McIllrichs OF AYRSHIRE (!) use the three dolphins of Tippers in the colors of German Sellers, thus indicating the possibility that something in Numidia had crossed paths with a Kellner / Cilnius-like entity. It is very important that a Cilnius-suspect clan was first found where Aures traces, for Aures also traces to the Cavari near Cabellio. Again. Wikipedia says that "Cilnius" is rooted in a "Cfel" entity, smacking of Cavaillon/Cabellio.

It just so happens that there is a Tipaza location in Numidia where Tippers and the like may trace.

As Arretium seems to use the five theme of MacArthurs, let's re-visit the Five-relate Veys/Vivian line. Veys/Vivians were first found in the same place (Cornwall) as the Tippers that I say are honored in the Crest of the Pendragon motto. We just saw reasons above for tracing Cilnius elements to Dragons and related Pendragons. If we don't exactly know Arretium ancestry, it's safe to say that one can now correctly trace it forward to the Arthurian cult.

In myth, Pendragon was turned magically into the man (Gorlois) who ruled Cornwall, and Pendragon thus mated with that ruler's wife to birth king Arthur, meaning that Arthurian ancestry of the Pendragon kind was in Cornwall, explaining why the Pendragon surname was likewise first found in Cornwall. The point now is that the Pendragon motto term, "teipsum," does not bring up a Tipp surname, but does get a TIPPS/Tippen surname, which may be very important where Juba II and his wife (Cleopatra Selene) were buried in Tipaza (modern Algeria).

It can't be coincidental that IrishShaws use the motto, "Te ipsum nosce," while Pendragons use "Nosce teipsum." It tends to prove that the Shawia Berbers were at Tipaza with proto-Pendragons, and that they passed through the land of the Shaw-suspect Cavari. I only wish I knew what the "Nosce" term might stand as code for.

I think it was the Toups/Toops/Tupe's (come up as "Tepes" and "Tapes," important for coming up with the 's' needed for traces to "Tipaza") that Tim suggested could apply to the Pendragon motto, and indeed, Toups/Toops use grails, as do Shaws, and we may have heard about the "holy-grail quest" of the Arthurian knights. Like, uh, which one of our bloodlines is the holiest of all? Tim did an enormous amount of work. He couldn't possibly have relayed all his work to me. I had to ask him to slow it down. it was raining in so heavy. Not everyone has the ability to stomach heraldry links. It's a little like going to college for eight years but failing to land a job afterward. You may or may not get rewarded. It gets a lot easier when you make the right traces. After years, not exactly worthy of class honors, I've finally found Masonic bedrock in Numidia.

The water bougets of the Toups/Toops trace to Bouchard II of Montmorency as per his associations at Eure-et-Loir. It was Tim who initially had me looking into the origins of the water bouget, which is when I found some info linking it to the Bouchards, but it wasn't until years later that the triple Water chevrons were found to be important in Eure-et-Loir (i.e. when finding Bouchard II there). It all relates to the Chappes' and Levi's of that area, doesn't it?

This happens to be an excellent place to be mentioning the Bouchard Coat, for it uses a "Fais" motto term, very link-able to Idris of Morocco for Fes/Fez reasons. It just so happens that the Fez line appears to have created the Veys and Fays, explaining why it's predictable for a Vey link fundamentally to Tippers. Idris' wife out of Aures can trace to the naming of ATRecht, otherwise know as Arras, capital of Artois. I was sure in the past that "ATRecht" traced to mythical Atreus as his name developed into the Atrebates known to name Atrecht, but now we had an IDR term much like "ATR." Hmm. With "Arras" smacking of "Aures," and Shaws using an "ITUR" term buried in their motto, it looks like I was wrong to trace Atrebates to Atreus, whom I further identified as the Odrysians on the Hebros. I suppose that it may not be incorrect if "IDRIS" traced to "ODRYSia." I had traced the Arthurs fundamentally to Atrebates (found also in Hampshire) because Odrysia was smack beside the Arta river.

In other words, we now have cause to trace Atrebates to Idris, and yet we can also seek proto-Arthur elements in pre-Idris Numidia, at Tipaza. It just so happens that the pheons of the Tipps are called "ARROWheads," important because the Arrow surname is listed with the Arras surname (in Tipps colors) from Arras of Artois.

Not far north of Atrecht/Arras is Utrecht, a term that may relate to UTHER Pendragon, which term is for the Other surname with little doubt. The Atter/Attur/Tire surname (MacDonalds) provides a "Per Ardua" motto with the sword of Ares in Crest as used by Bistones of Cyrenaica. Catters (Pendragon chevron) must apply because they were first found in the same place (Berkshire) as Windsor castle, while Others (in Windsor colors) are said to be at the root of the Windsors. The Catter fish are called, "salmon haurient," which is not only proof that the Pendragon fleur are those of the Sale's, but may be suggesting that the "haurient" motto term is for Aures elements.

Apparently, the Idris-line Odrysians from the Maritsa river were in the area of Lille near the Lys river of northern France. Whom did they cross paths with at the Lys valley but the Walsers of the Lys valley in Aosta? I'm now claiming, for the first time with strong reason, that Walsers named Walloon to the north side of Artois. You will know that this is correct when I show the Seaton and Say trace to Aulus Terentius Varro Murena, as he himself named the Walsers. I didn't know until after writing on that, that the Wallon surname uses the Say Shield.

In other words, the Pendragon > Arthur entity that had linked all by itself to the home of Murena, which home smacks of "Artois," must have been in Artois with Murena elements, or may have been the Murena elements in Artois. The red tower in the Arrow/Arras Crest may even be a version of the red Murena tower. Isn't it amazing how big a mouth heraldry can have? You must have realized, when I was linking Cilnius elements to Arthur-related Morte's that the latter were one with the Moratin variation of Murena's. But as you will see, the goat-using Walser bloodline links fundamentally with goat-using Mortons (Wiltshire) too.

If I have been correct all along to trace "Moratin" to Mauritania, then Aulus Terentius Varro Murena looks like his family had been from north Africa, but because Aulus' sister had married Massena-suspect Maecenas, Murena may have been from the Massena line too. That not only explains why Vere's may be using the Massey Shield, but why the Wallon / Say Shield are quartered in colors reversed to the Vere / Massey Shields.

To put this another way, proto-Arthurian elements in Arretium came down to Numidia, and were picked up by Idris lines out of Fes. They then went to Cornwall and Wales. The dark-skinned SILURians of south Wales yet need to be explained, and perhaps they were Cilnius elements somehow, from Seller lines.

Artois and its Lys valley is not far north of the north-Paris region of the Levi / Chappes / Ley / Joseph lines, home of MontMORENcy's. I'm sure you get this. Another emailer had a brainstorm, that since water bougets are said to be water bags, for carrying water, the Bucket surname should apply to "bouget." The Normandy Buckets turned out to use a Boquet variation. English Buckets (lily and holly) use the same "piles" as Guiscards and Orrs, thus tracing to Aures, home of Idris' wife. These Buckets were first found in the same place (Lincolnshire) as the Toups/Toops using water bougets. How about that; this is the first I've mentioned this.

I don't have enough data of Tipaza to make a trace into its history. All I have is the surnames under discussion. The Toups/Toops, in conjunction with the nearness of Tipaza to Carthage, may suggest Tophet, a spot beside Jerusalem conducting child sacrifices, of sons and daughters in fires. Proto-Ares was from Jerusalem, and he moved to the Aures / Tipaza theater through Lydia, and then the PHOCaeans at the mouth of the Lydia river (Hermus) sound like the Italian word ("foco / fuoco") for, "fire." The Hermes-of-Sion cult on the Hermus had a coiled snake symbol, which was the Ares dragon, and this transferred to the Marsi of Fucino, who were at Marseille with Phocaeans.

Human sacrifices were rife in time of war, because the stupids thought they could win the god's favor with such sacrifices. The cruelest man wouldn't think highly of such sacrifices is he were the victim. We can expect Ares, the god of war, to be a human-sacrifice cult under that argument.

The Bouget term has been shown to be like several tracing to the Boofima human-sacrifice cult. The latter used a priest dressed in leopard-claw gloves to kill the victim, and Bouchards use leopards. The Banes' use "arte" in their motto, and Banesters use water bougets. The Banes' also use another "dagger," erect as per the Ares sword, which recalls the dagger of Shaws and Mackays, both from Aures.

I think we have good reasons for tracing the Shaw and Pendragon mottoes to Topheth, therefore.

Hermes was from Armenia, origin of the legendary phoenix rising from it ashes. Why ashes unless the red bird is a symbol of the sacrifice victim, who was coerced into believing that he/she would live again with the gods. Sometimes, we may assume, the human victim was eaten after being burned. The webpage on the Cavari (see below) shows a statue of a cannibalistic monster. Assuming that the phoenix is code for a sacrifice to the gods, not forgetting that Carthage was founded by Phoenicians, one could trace this cult back to Mus at Lake Van, otherwise known as Tarun. I found red eagles in the Taren(t) surname, but here I find that the wife of Maecenas was Terentia, while her brother was Lucius Lucinius Varro Murena. It's the line to MontMorency, isn't it, a house founded by Bouchard II?

Trents use "A gold demi eagle rising..." That's phoenix symbolism. Trents were first found in the same place as Boofima-engrossed Roets. Roets are from Caria, which was the country that I identified as mythical Cronus (I never did prove it, but it was my best shot), cannibal symbol (he ate his children), son of Uranus, the latter likely being in view in Urania, the surname of Drusilla's mother. It's obvious that the Selene name used by Urania's family traces to Caria. How much sense does it make to trace Drake's to Cronus, son of the Tyrian Zeus bull, otherwise known as Moloch, the human-sacrifice-in-a-fire cult at Jerusalem? Dreux' use a bull in crest.

To what can we trace the "Varro" term? "Hailing from Lanuvium, [Lucius Lucinius Varro] Murena was the natural born son of Lucius Licinius Murena, who was Consul in 62 BC. He was adopted by Aulus Terentius Varro, whose name he took." Lanuvium (south of Rome) is important because there is an Ardea location there. Nearby is a Saturnia location, important here because Saturn and Cronus were equated by many.

The Aulus Terentia Varro in the quote above was the father of the Aulus Terentius Varro Murena under discussion, a Roman general, and brother of Maecenas' wife, Terentia. It is foggy in my mind as to how the Varro family got the Murena surname, whether by adoption only. I don't see why a general would take on a surname if it's the surname of his adopted brother.

With my personal discovery that the Massena line ruled El-Gabal in Syria, it tends to assure that Idris of Morocco fled to Morocco in the first place because he was of that Massena line. Earlier, I traced Idris out of Massyas, smack next to Emesa. It must have been a lucky strike. Idris of Morocco is way down in the family tree of Idris Senussi of Cyrenaica, and I happened to trace the Sens/Sanguez', SINGLEtary's, SINGULars/SINCLairs, and Seneca's/SENEGALs to the Senussi's by way of the Sinclair-based Guiscards who merged with Samsam and Timnah. You can see the Massena bloodline behind this as it created the Meschins and related Ladons/Ladds and Leaders. It's the seven-headed Lotan dragon out of Syria, which the book of Revelation speaks on, apparently from Lotan, brother of Timna. The Saracens of Sicily must have known somehow that they were from Timnah, but it's conspicuous that they lived at and around Scylla, which place traces to Patmos, where Revelation was written a thousand years earlier.

I had traced Meschins to Mali, where Tuaregs Amazons stretched into, partly due to MALahule, le-Meschin's ancestor. I didn't realize at the time that Tuaregs may have been named after the Itureans that I think may have named "IDRis." Itureans lived at or beside Massyas. I've got to entertain the Itureans as Odrysians of some sort, but that's for another day. The "hule" in Malahule gets the Hule/Hull Coat using the ermined Catter chevron surrounded by white symbols, just like the Catter and Pendragon chevrons, everything in the same colors in all three Coats. The Hule's/Hulls use a version of the Hall/Aule Coat, and I think, safe to say, "Aulus" became the Hall / Hull bloodline. The Halls'/Hulse's (in the colors of the Hulse's/Huls) look like they could be using the Hill fesse, the one with the Murena tower upon it. I had traced that tower to Tuaregs of Mauritania, supposing that "tower" was code for "Tuar"...because the Towers use the Murena tower. Both Tour surnames use the tower too.

A version of the Pendragon / Catter / Hull Coat appears to be in play in the Sowerby/Soureby/Soreby Coat, looked up due to the Sowerby location of Towers. It could seem as though "Sower" and "Tower" are related terms. It could seem as though Towers should trace to the Sava river with Sauers/Sours. The Hillions (said to be from "Uallach") with Hule-like variations use red-on-white rings, symbol in the Sowerby Chief. I definitely think these are all Murena lines, which tends to underscore his importance to Masonry.

I had traced Halls to Mysians / Amazons at the Hellespont (symbol of mythical Helen of Troy, I think), a part of the Mediterranean waterway, along with Marmara, into the Black sea. It may have been wrong now that the surnames seem to be tracing to Aulus. The Halls and Hulls appear to be in play in the Hellen/Hellion Coat, though using three black horse heads instead of black talbot heads. The Arms of Arezzo (Arretium) use an upright black horse. German Hilles' use an upright white horse.

The Hellen/Hellion horse heads can be identified as a colors-reversed version of the white Pipe and Pepin horse heads due to the Pape's/Papenburgs using a colors-reversed version of the Hall / Hull talbots. That's a good reason for equating Pepins with Babenbergs and Bebbanburgs.

Why should Aulus Terentius Varro Murena trace to Pepins? We need to ask Papia/Pavia, on the Ticino river with a source up in Switzerland. Keep a look out below for his trace to Sion of Switzerland, and to Aosta, both smack beside the Ticino.

The land of Massyas was of course not Muslim at the time of the El-Gabal priesthood, centuries before Mohammad, but Idris, who had ties to / beginnings in Syria, had became a devout Muslim:

Idris was the great grandchild of Hasan, who was the son of Ali and grandson of Prophet Muhammad. His brothers Muhammad and Ibrahim had been killed by the Abbasids during an abortive rebellion, and Idris himself escaped after the defeat of another Alid uprising at the Battle of Fakhkh in 786 and took refuge in the western Maghreb (nowadays Morocco). There he established the Idrisid dynasty.

In 789 arrived in Walila, the site of the Roman Volubilis where he founded the town of Moulay Idriss near the hill of Zerhoun surrounding the native Berber tribes. It was then occupied by the Berber tribe of the Awraba, under Ishaq ibn Mohammed. He married Kanza, daughter of Ishaq ben Mohammed the king of the tribe, fathering a son, Idris II.

It can't be coincidental that Kenneths/KENZie's use "uro" as code for "Aures" elements, as well as "itur," in their mottoes. Therefore, Kenneths trace to "Kanza" no matter what the family experts say. The Winney variation may trace to WINchester, for Winchesters (mascles) are in the same colors. Winchester is where the Quincy's (mascles) lived, and so Quincys may be from the Kanza Berbers too.

I found it strange that the Wikipedia article didn't tell what others do, that Idris fled to Morocco FROM SYRIA:

In Morocco, the royal houses of Idrisid, Saadi and Alaouite are called Sharifian or Cherifian.

The first known Chorfa, Idris I, was the great-grandson of Ali ibn Abi Talib and Fatima Zahra, the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad and his first wife Khadijah. Idris I and his people fled from Syria to Morocco in 786...

It's more than a little interesting that the Winchester / Kenneth colors are used by Sheriffs, smacking of "Sharifian." The Sheriff motto use "quam," as do the same-colored Masters (Kent) who I'm tracing to Massena's son (Mastarnable). In fact, I've just noted that Shariffs and Masters' use the same griffin heads (in the same colors) on either side of their same-colored fesse's. A heraldic fesse, a horizontal bar, smacks of "Fes/Fez," the Moroccan (or shall we say neo-Numidian) city set up by Idris I for his son. When I mentioned Tuaregs (not "TAUReg") shortly above, I had not yet come to this discovery, not yet including Masters in the discussion, and here we find the Master motto term, "tueri."

Pause. For what it may be worth, Scottish Master's (no 's' at the end) use the Innus/Angus Coat. The Master write-up traces to "Mhaighstir," smacking of the "magestas" motto term of Browns.

While writing here initially, I neglected to mention the "non" motto term of Kenzie's/Kenneths. It's an important term for tracing to the Numidians that Dan Brown traces to. The Non surname is registered with the Nevins. I'll get into this again later in the update, but earlier in the update, you saw Nevins tracing to Nibelungs at Nevers. The Nevins and similar other will trace exactly to the family of Mastarnable. In fact, the Non surname was assessed as part of the Noble bloodline that could be in "MastarNABLE." The Browns are in the colors of the Masters', wherefore I've got to say that, likely I was all wrong in tracing "magestas" to the Mackes/Mack surname. Perhaps it's simply code for the Masters' bloodline.

Where Idris is gleaned to be a Massena liner, consider the implication: Mohammad was himself a Massena liner. It's not a crazy theory at all, for in a "holy" place of Mecca there is, to this day, a sacred black stone. Compare "Mecca" with "Emesa." If Idris was out of the Emesa cult of Syria, for all I know about Mecca, his ancestors may have named it after Emesa, or an Emesa-related term. The god of Mohammad, Allah, was, previous to him, a pagan god amongst many gods. Mohammad decided to make him the only god. It reminds me of Atun/Aten of Egypt, a monotheistic god that Egyptians rejected. The carriers of Atun named Autun in France, beside NEVERs. The reason that I know of an Atun trace to Autun is that queen NEFERtiti was the wife of the pharaoh who started the Atun god.

Atun had to be somewhere in the world while it was carried to Autun. Where was it? Atun was a sun god. So was El-Gabal. The Merovingians traced to from mythical Aedon to Autun, and Childeric traces to El-Gabal via Basina. What if "Childer" is one of those Kilner terms tracing to Cilnius at Arretium? We saw that Arretium may have named Arethusa, where the El-Gabal cult started. The earliest-known term of the Cilnius family looked like it had origins at CABELlio, not terribly far from Nevers. Could neo-Atun have become a Cabel-like term in France? Kybele was the wife of the Phrygian sun god, Attis, who is said to trace to Attica, the area around ATHENs, and beside Boeotia, where Aedon was queen. Does this indicate that Atun/Aten evolved into Attis / Kybele before naming Athens???

I've read that "Allah" was simply a version of "El," meaning "god." Perhaps the emphasis on El-Gabal got to be on "El" rather than on "Gabal." Perhaps El-Gabal of Emesa became Allah of Mecca. Compare "Sohaemus" to "Mohammad." Was the latter a Mo-Haemus term? The Druids of Britain were traced by others to a Haemus area north of the Hebros, but I gleaned that they were from Odrysians because "dryas" to the Greeks is a tree, often an oak. Druids were called, "of the oak." If Idris traces to Odrysians, why not Mohammad, his ancestor just six generations before him? Was Mohammad an Iturean? Itureans occupied Lebanon and into northern Israel, and there in northern Israel is Dor.

Idris is tracing well already to Massena elements, not surprisingly. But the inclusion of the Sheriffs in this picture is important for connecting Schere's/Scherfs and similar others to Idris, the latter surname linked closely to the presidential Bush family. As Bush's trace to Busca beside Saluzzo, see the Sheriff / Masters griffin heads, in the same colors, on a Saluzzo Shield-and-Chief color combination, in the Kaplan/Chaplan Coat. The latter Coat appears as a colors-reversed version of the Salyes-related Glaze Coat, suspect from another son of Massena. That works. As the Glaze Coat uses the Pilate pheons, I think one needs to entertain Joseph Caiaphas in this picture.

Kaplans/Chaplans were first found in the same place (Hampshire) as Caiaphas-suspect Josephs. They are said to be from "capellanus," which reminds me of the Capelli/Capellin surname, first found in Pharisee-suspect Ferrari. The Capelli's use the "chapeau" cap of the Bidens/Buttons, first found in Hampshire, thus clinching the Kaplan link to Capelli's.

The Durance traces without doubt to the English Durant surname (shares the Sale fleur). They and Scottish Durants were first found in the same place (Warwickshire) as Sheriffs, which may reveal yet again that Idris lines were on the Durance. If the Durance term traces to Dorians, then consider a trace of Odrysians to mythical Doris, symbol of Dorians. Idris just seemed to be tracing to Atrecht, where I thought Odrysians of the Atreus kind should trace. Atrebates were in Hampshire, where Drakes were first found Draguignan off the Durance river.

After learning from online articles that George Herbert Walker Bush was born George Herbert Scherff, son of a Nazi under Adolf Hitler, I found a Scheriff surname in the West Islip (Babylon) part of Long Island, near to where Adolf's nephew, William Hitler (changed surname to "Stuart-Houston"), settled and had sons. A member of this very Scheriff family in West Islip had a family in the area of Idaho where Aryan Nations operated, and the person who revealed on his deathbed that George Scherff was George Bush also said that Adolf had escaped or been given safety in Montana, which is beside Idaho. Adolf's nephew settled the PATCHogue area of Long Island, either beside or near West Islip, and this is mentioned because the Patch surname uses black hunting horns, symbol of Durants. Are we tracing Sheriff lines from Idris to Long Island?

I don't know the ramifications of what I'm telling you, but it seems certain that Hitler's Nazi's arose to control the United States after he was gone. The future will tell you what the ramifications are.

"The children of the Idrisid dynasty lives mainly in the North of Morocco: Casablanca, Fes, Ouazzane, Tanger, Taza, Rabat, Sale, Oujda, Meknes, Tétouan, Chefchaouen and Moulay Idriss Zerhoun." There you see a Sale location, but also a Tancred- / Tankerville-suspect Tanger location.

Entering "Fez" gets the Faye surname, suggesting that the sacred five bloodline of Avalon was from Idris elements. As we just saw reason for tracing Winchesters to Idris' wife's name, the five-suspect Quincy's are coming to mind.

Tim revealed to us that HAWThorns were a branch of Tancreds, for they share the same-colored chevron, while Tancreds were from HAUTvilles. But, now, zowie, it just so happens that Hawthorns and French Veys share red cinquefoils (Tankervilles use cinquefoils in colors reversed to the Hawthorn cinquefoils). Thus, we may have just seen the expected Tancred link to Tanger of Morocco by way of Tancred liners linked to Faye/Fez elements. The latter use a fox because the Foix/Foy surname was first found in the same place (Auvergne) as the Faye/Fez surname.

It's the other Foix/Foy surname, first found in the same place as Chappes / Levis' / Lys, that are from dukes of Foix-Candale, the house that involved de-Pole. The white-and-black Coat, colors of the Kyle Coat, could indicate that the Kyle candles are code for Foix-Candale. John of Gaunt was a duke of Candale/Kendel. Could that place be named after Kanza too? Do Gaunts / Ghents trace to "Kanza"?

The capital of Masovia, Warsaw, traces in my opinion to Warwick, where the Kaplan-related Sheriffs were first found, but also where Trews/Trows were first found, who use the plume symbol, in my opinion, of Herod Archelaus. The latter surname is said to be from "trog," which may indicate that Drusilla terms hardened into things that one would never guess. The Trigs use a sun, expected from Drusilla. The Tragers are the ones using the embattled bend of Rocco's, but let's go to the embattled Chief of Argylls, who may have been named after "Archel(aus)," for Herods were first found in Argyllshire. There was a Herod woman named Drusilla that was also married to Felix; am I sure I'm tracing the right Drusilla to these terms?

Dutch Puttens use a version of the embattled Argyll Shield, and then English Puttens (suns?) were first found in the same place (Sussex) as the Cooper/Copper Herod liners, the place where we find a Battle location that identifies the embattled code. The write-up of the latter Puttens has the audacity to trace to a bird of the "hawk family," and then Herods of Argyllshire use a "hawk's lure." That's very good evidence for tracing Argylls so Herod Archelaus. As he was from Vienne, it's interesting that the MacDonalds were sailing home waters around Argyllshire, for the MacDonald eagle is colors reversed to the eagle used by the Vienne surname, itself in the colors of the Battle griffin.

The ultimate question is: what family was Kanza from? Was she from Numidians at all, and, if so, from which ones? Consider the GAUNTlet gloves of Maceys, which may identify her as a Massena, or even a Maecenas, liner. Might the Cantii founders of Kent have named her, or did her namers name the Cantii? Was she from the Ixion-Nephele line of Centaurs? Wouldn't that make her a Nibelung? There is a Gaunt-related surname, first found in Kent, where Massins/Masons were first from. The Gent location of Belgium, where Gaunts trace out of, is only about 60 miles from Arras, where Idris liners were tracing as per being the guts of the Pendragon cult. I cannot recall all the reasons for tracing Idris refugees and Moroccan-pirate elements of the Janszoon kind (see 4th update of last February) to the Bristol channel between Wales and the Cornwall peninsula, but all that stretch is the full scope in which Pendragon elements called home.

Tracking Cilnius

The Kills/Keele's (embattled design) use the quartered Shield of Drove's, and the latter were first found in the same place as Drake's, suggesting a potential Drove trace to Drusilla. "Drove" was entered in the first place due only to the expectation that the Drew variation of Dreux' morphed into it. DRYSdale's/Drisedale's use a version of the Kilpatrick Coat. It looks like a version of the Kaplan Coat too.

The Moratin/Murena tower is in Kill/Keele colors on the Kilion/Killen Coat. Killens are said to be from "O' Cillan." One Killen is said to be from Cavan, which jibes a little as per the Kelner/Keller trace to Caves and the Cavari. And, ZOWIE, the Cavans use the red lion exactly of the Dreux'!!! Would you look at that. It just popped up while writing this paragraph.

In case the lion designs change, trust me, they are identical at this time, angle on the front leg included, red-on-white colors included. What does this mean? It all depends on who the Drews/Dreux' are. I haven't proven them to be from Drusilla; I'm just kicking the idea around. Cavans come up as "Keven," but there is another Keven surname (Argyllshire!) with Ewen / Ewing variations using the Dowell / Dougal lion, which reminds me of when the Dreux' were introduced, their lion being traced to the white one of Tools and Strangers, and from that it went well to that of Dowells, then to the stars shared by Douglas' and Felix'.

It just so happens that the Cavans are said to be from a son of Dermot MacMurrough, while Murrough's (probably the Wallace lion; see Douglas write-up) use a lion in the colors of the Tool / Stranger lions, and yet they smack of Murrays/Morays using the Douglas stars. Murrays are traced to MacAngus, first earl of Murray, and then the Angus surname just happens to use the Dreux / Cavan lion, almost. Irish Murrays use an "Imperio" motto, which could go to the Imperi peoples of Boofima.

Now this is very interesting after having just created the theory in this update, that Angus' were of the Annas/Ananias bloodline. By what coincidence is Dreux a location smack at the Chappes / Levi theater? Does this alone reveal that Cavans are Caiaphas liners, either ancestral or otherwise? The Angus lion design is that of Levi's. The "est" motto term of Angus' has the potential to trace Cavans to Ewings of the Eugene kind at Euganeo (beside Este). Eugene's/Ewings even use stars in colors reversed to Angus' and Annans. Reminder: Dreux-suspect Drysdale's are a branch of Kilpatricks near Annandale.

Ewings/Eugene's (red lion) were first found, once again, in Argyllshire. Once again, like in the Argyll surname, an embattled design shows in the Ewing/Eugene Coat. There is a third Ewing surname, also from Argyllshire, using a full moon in its "compliment", and what should be the Annandale saltire in the colors used by the Arms of Ayrshire.

What a mess to explain. What I'll do is to start with the Hardys in the Douglas write-up. The HARDYs are a likely cause for the Douglas HEART. Hardys use the same black boar as Sullivan's, who definitely trace (with Brians) to Salyes Ligures, off the coast of Imperia. As it's the Moray-related Murrays who use the "Imperio" motto, note that Douglas' were first found in Moray. The Douglas/ DuGLASS heart is used by Glaze's (Gulussa suspects), who in-turn share a white pheon with the Sale's, not to mention that the Glaze pheons are in the colors of the Douglas / Moray stars. The Shield-and-Chief color combination of the Glaze's traces to Saluzzo, beside Busca, where the black-boar Bush's are from. But this doesn't get us to Euganeo. Where do Cavans come in? The Salyes theater is beside a Cavari.

I was about to say that the red-on-white stars of Ewings/Eugene's should trace to the same of the Glass surname using the mermaid of the Moray Crest, and therefore should also trace to the Glaze / Gulussa bloodline, when I thought to re-check the Gleasons using the Glass stars. They were first found in TIPPERary, and then, to help prove that dolphin-using Tippers trace there, the Kennedys, first found in Tipperary, use a dolphin in their Scottish Ayrshire, which could trace "Kennedy" to the same Aures family (of Kanza) as Kenneths. The Kennedy motto is code for the Lafins (Tipperary).

Thus, Gleasons can trace to Tipaza, the burial place of Drusilla's grandfather (Juba II). It just so happens that Gleasons use the same bend colors as Kilions/Killens, the one's who started this mess by linking to Cavans with an Ewing variation (I'm being thrown for a loop as to whether they trace to Euganeo or to the Caves' / Kelners, Sellers, etc.). In this picture, Killens, with Gilin variation, could be Julians/Gillians using the Douglas salamander in flames. In any case, recall the Gillie flowers of the Rinds honored in the Felix surname, keeping in mind that Felix' use stars in the colors of the same of Douglas'.

As the Killens/Gilins are the ones using the Moratin/Murena tower, it's also notable that while Salyes trace to the Pendragon fleur, the Killen bend is in the colors of the Pendragon chevron. I'm convinced that Irish Kennedys trace their helmets (in Pendragon colors) to the Pendragon helmet due to the "teipsum" code of Pendragons. As Arretium is suspect for the merger of the El-Gabal sun god with the Selene > Drusilla line that married priest Soheamus, it's also notable that Ewings use both a moon and a sun, while the Ewing moon is said to be in its "COMPLiment," a term like "Campbell" that traces for the time being to Iamblichus. And the Comps are also "Camp," in Campbell colors.

Look at this "coincidence" that I think traces the Terentius family to Euganeo. Trents use an "Augeo" motto term, and then the first I ever knew of Euganeo was when an emailer fed me the Auger surname with "AGENdo" motto term that I traced to Euganeo elements (see 2nd and 3rd updates of last August for a mythical-Auge trace to Og, the Biblical Rephaite in a land next to, or even in, Topheth). The Augers use the same lion as Ferrari's, and then Este elements, beside Euganeo, has been involved with Ferrara. Romans had priests called, augurs, that could apply. In this picture, it looks like the Cilnius-suspect surname, Kilion/Killen, can trace with the Cavans/Ewings to Euganeo.

AHA! On the proof read, I think I get it. The Cavari lived at Avignon, which was earlier "Avennio," a term like "Eving." If this is correct, Avennio elements were at Euganeo. Yes, for if we change "Avign" to a non-Romanized "Auign," we nearly have "Eugan." I like that. It explains the Cavans/Ewings excellently. "Cavan" is just a hard-C version of "Aven(nio)," or vice versa. Let this sink in, and I may figure out why it's important that a Padua-area peoples moved up the Rhodanus, or vice-versa. But wait. If the Cavara were named after Aures, as with Orange just a Gorgon spit up-river, does it mean that Numidian lines were at Euganeo too? The Augers, suspect as Ugrians / Gugars, use "SpectoMUR agendo" for a motto, thus evoking the Murroughs of Cavan.

On the Italian coast across from Este, a Cavarzere location. A little to the north is a Mestre location where the Master-branch Numidians might trace.

Red Skelton will now help us to trace Murena to the Hoppers using the Murena/Moratin tower. This is not a new idea here: Red Skelton (a Mason) played a character, Clem Kaddidlehopper, and then the Clements/Climers use the same sort of black "wave" as Italian Marina's, first found in Orvieto, near enough to Arretium to relate to Murena. It's as simple as that: Clems were related to Marina's who are at the Murena/Moratin tower used by Hoppers. The Clements using the Marina wave pattern show besants in their Chief, expected where they linked with the Bassianus bloodline in Assisi and/or Arretium. The question is: where do Hoppers trace? Opland, land of the Norwegian Claro's? I've read that Hamon de Masci held an Oppland location.

French Clements use only a star, in the colors of the Felix stars. The Selliman variation of German Sellers, or the Siliman variation of Sullys, could modify to "Clemens," important because another Clement surname uses a black boar, the Sullivan symbol. Sullivans and Brians share the same "lamh" motto term, which is why Sullivans trace to Briancon/Brigantium, on the river of the Salyes. Key-using Avignon is off a Salyes tributary, and then the Arms of Orvieto have a lion holding keys.

There is an argument to be made; if Sellers, Silimans and Sullivans trace to "CILnius," then the Salyes were just a soft-c version of a Cilnius line. As the earliest known form of "Cilnius" (according to Wikipedia) may trace to "Cavari," that theory makes some sense. But somehow, I'm not too enthused about Salyes / Saluzzo / Salassi tracing to "Cilnius." Yes, the Cavarzere location near Este may explain the known founding of Aosta by Salassi (while people of Cavarzere founded the Cavari), but I'll remain open for another derivation for the Salyes.

The Arms of Orvieto show a swan (holding an object that I can't identify). In the Orvieto commune, there is a Ciconia location, and then I've been tracing the Ligurian swan king, mythical CYCNus/Cygnus, to "Kikones/Cicones." It can reveal that Ligurians trace to Ciconia. In Homer's mythology, Cicones kill six men in every ship of Odysseus, suggesting that Cicones had that number for a symbol. The French pronounce "six" like "sis," reflecting "Cic" quite well. This idea jibes with my trace of Kikones to "Ixion," who I trace to Hecate and Hecube, terms that can morph into hex terms, that being the number, six. Odysseus and his men had slaughtered the Kikones immediately after leaving Troy, at the defeat king Hector, and so if we ask why Homer brought Odysseus to the Kikones at that time, it could be due to their being blood kin with Hector.

If the Kikones were from Caucones, then it should be noted that Caucones were in Padasus (near Troy), a place I trace to "Padova/Padua," and the naming of the Po river as "Padus." Euganeo and Este are in Padova. Terms like "Cauc / Kok" meant "egg" and "cock," which is interesting where "EUGaneo" smacks of an egg term. Mythical Leda gave birth to children from eggs, one of them being Helen of Troy. Leda had mated with a mythical swan, suggesting (for me) that her children were Kikones / Caucones. As "swan" smacks of the Ligurian capital, Savona," I trace the mythical swan to lake Sevan of CAUCasia, where the Gogarene location was that the Assyrians called, Gugar," a term that morphs well to "Ugar" or to the Auger surname that I say traces to Euganeo and the Eugene/Ewing surname. ZOWIE, just realized: this can explain the Cavan variation of Ewings as a hard-C "Sevan"!

Does this mean that "Avignon/Avennio" was founded by Gugars from lake Sevan? Was Avennio" just an S-less "Savona"?

Recall what was said: "...the Cavans are said to be from a son of Dermot MacMurrough, while Murrough's (probably the Wallace lion; see Douglas write-up)..." The Murroughs are the ones using "Imperio" that was traced suggestively to Imperia, on the Ligurian coast. Savona was on the Ligurian coast too! Just like that, Cavans can trace to Sevan > Savona elements.

If Murroughs use the Wallace lion, then Wallaces can be identified with Walsers, known to be named after the Wallis/Valais canton of Switzerland, where Sitten is located that I trace to the Sithones branch of Edones (lived near the Kikones). I also trace Sithones to "STHENelus," father of mythical Cygnus, you see. In other words, Murrough and Wallace elements (in the colors of Sion and Wallis) are expected in this swan-line to Sion/Sitten and Wallis canton.

Kikones lived off the coast of the Hebros theater, where Lemnos was situated that had a Myrina location of the Amazons. These Amazons were represented largely by Artemis, daughter of Leto, who evolved into Leda, wherefore Leto is herself suspect in a close relationship with the swan-based Kikones. Artemis' twin brother (Apollo) was chief of the Muses, and Caucones were in Mysia. These were definitely Scythians moving into the Po river.

The fact that this discussion involves the question of how the chief priests of Israel may have arisen from the ancestry of Gauis Cilnius Maecenas, and that the Cavan home of Killions/Killens is now tracing excellently to Ciconia, requires some strong consideration on whether a Soducena location (see on this old map) on the shores of lake Sevan led to the naming of Israel's Sadducee priesthood. Caiaphas and Annas were Sadducees.

As there was a Sittacene location, as well as a similarly-named people in northern Caucasia, its namers may have evolved into Sithones > Sitones. The Shaws, who may certainly trace to the key symbol in the Arms of Orvieto, are said to derive in a "Sithech" term. Annas' father was Seth. Conceivably, "Shaw / Sheaves" was from a Svi / Sevan term. The Shawia Berbers were Amazons. There was a queen Mryina of Amazons in north Africa. Spanish Marina's use the Drummond waves, and I trace "Drummond" to "Therm(odon)," home of the Caucasian-related Amazons of Artemis. Again, the Shawia lived at Aures, a term like the Aras river passing by lake Sevan. The Sindi below are suspect as Sintians on Lemnos:

Strabo describes [the Sindi] as living along the Palus Maeotis, and among the Maeotae, Dandarii, Toreatae,...Sittaceni....

Ah, the Sittaceni. Isn't that the origin of the Sithech term of Shaws, especially where "Shaw" is from "Sevan"? Can't we trace the Sittaceni to Sithones / Sitones? Shouldn't the Sheaves/Chiapponi's, suspect as the namers of Caiaphas (there is more than one suspect), trace to the Sviones, partners with the Sitones? Couldn't the Sheaves keys trace to the Kabars of the Maeotis region, since keys are used at the city of the Cavari? Yes, for KABARDINO in the north Caucasus should trace with the Leslie's of Hungary (founded by Gugar-suspect Ugrians and Kabars) to ABERDEEN, smack beside Perthshire, where Shaws were first found.

As a Sittacene location is between Assyria and Susa, and as the latter location was in the Iranian frontier, there is a chance that the Persian elements, said to be in both the religious cult of El-Gabal and that of Glaphyra Archelaus, were related to Sittacene, thus naming the Sadducees.

As Strangers were from Guido le Strange, we should expect Alans of Alania (Caucasia) in the family of Guido Guerra III, husband of MontFERRat, likely named after elements of Pharisee-suspect Ferrara, where Forum Allieni was located. The Fers/Ferrats use the same checkered Shield as Cohens, who come ups a "Kagan," and were therefore Khazars, from beside Kabardino Bulkaria. Vairs use the same checkered Shield as Hohens, who were Khazars too, which suggests a slew of north-Caucasian / Scythian peoples in the proto-Ferrara theater. Umbria, the larger area around Orvieto, was probably named by Cumbrians, thought to be Cimmerian Scythians. As the Welsh are about to enter this picture, know that they called themselves by a Cumber-like term, and sometimes traced themselves to Cimmerians.

I had traced proto-Khazars to the Casey surname, and found good evidence for that theory. If I recall correctly, the Casey's traced to mythical Castor, Leda's son. Leda's husband, Tyndareus, is a name on the old map of Caucasia, but he smacks of the Dandarii in the quote above with the Sittacena. Therefore, as the Leda-suspect Kikones were at Orvieto, we could expect some Dandarii and Sittacena there too, or at least close by.

The Welsh are said to mean "foreigners," but I doubt that very much. It begs the question of whether the Stranger lion is the Wallace lion, however. It begs the question of whether the proto-Wallace's were at Forum Allieni, which could explain why Alans of Dol liked the Walter name. The proto-Wallace's are suspect as peoples in Sion/Sitten, wherefore we need to ask why Wallaces use an upright lion in white-on-red, the colors of the upright lion in the Guido Coat. Was Guido le Strange a Wallace liner? As Guido's with the hourglass trace to Trypillians of Transylvania, by what coincidence was much of Transylvania also called, Wallachia? Thus, it appears that Wallachians at or near Doly came to the Ferrara area before 70 AD, and settled with some Trypillians, and they all whistled back home to indicate, "Hey, there's this place called Italy. It's really warm here. Come on over."

Varro was a surname pre-dating 70 AD. I shouldn't trace it back to "Ferrara," therefore. Perhaps forward to Ferrara. Aulus Terentius Varro Murena was loyal to Augustus. Note how his first name is like "Wallus," and then see in the quote below how his bloodline could trace to Aosta (faces Wallis canton), which is known to have been filled with Walsers. Then, as the Walser mermaid is suspect with Melusine, what the Drakenberg Vere's honor, doesn't it suggest that Walsers do trace to Murena?

Augustus dispatched [Aulus] Murena to lead an expedition against the Salassi tribe of the Val d'Aosta region in the northwestern Alps in 25 BC...The Salassi were utterly defeated...In 24 BC, Murena established a Roman colony of 3,000 settlers in the heart of Salassi country - Augusta Praetoria Salassorum (Aosta, Italy).

This should then trace the Var area to the south of the river of the Salyes to "Varro."

The Walser Coat shares the mermaid of the Moray Crest, wherefore, as Murroughs are Murray/Moray kin, it does seem that Wallace's, with a Wallis variation, trace to Wallis canton and its Walsers.

Does it make any sense that Sitten was named alternatively, Sion, after priests from Israel? Flowing south-west away from the Sion theater is an Isere river, location of Modane, smacking of "Israel." To the west of Sion are Jura mountains smacking of Jerusalem. Herd Archelaus was banish to Vienne of the Isere region.

Why does the Sion surname come up with a swan if not for links to Savona, and therefore to Cavan elements? But then we should expect Sion links to Ciconia too, and therefore to some Soducena elements in / near Ciconia. Beside Montferrat is an Alba location, and the Italian Alba Coat is a swan, which we should trace to the swan of Josephs, first found in Maine, beside La Falaise, the theater of the Levi's and Chappes', home of the Morency line from Murena, right? We should trace the Alba swan to Maine because the Alba / Montferrat locations are along a Tanaro river, where "the tanner" of Falaise (important family to Norman England) truly traces. Thus, when we have a Joseph surname linked closely to the area of the Chappes', it should raise the hairs on the spines of all who honor the Sinclairs / Templars as special / favored peoples of God. The Josephs of Hampshire even honor the Claro bloodline in their motto.

The Murroughs of Cavan can be traced to Khazars on the Mures/Maros river of Transylvania. Proto-Khazars made inroads into Europe under the Hun invasions.

At issue now is my former claim that Vere's trace to "Ferrara." It looks more like Vere's trace to Varro. Did Varro's really name Ferrari? Vere's claim to be from the Mitanni (and Scythians), who should have named Modena not far from Ferrara. Does his statement reveal that Varro's were especially in Modena? That is an excellent picture for seeing Pharisee ancestry in Varro's of Modena. We just need to find Hasmoneans in Modena.

The Varro's are said by Wikipedia to be strictly part of the Terentia family, and as such I see it from Mus of Lake Van (not far from lake Sevan), generally explaining why Vere's and Masseys use the same quartered Shield. The Nairi of Lake Van were Nahorite Hebrews (non-Israelites), in my opinion, and the Mitanni had an empire based on the Habur river south of Armenia. It predicts pagan Hebrews at Modena.

How far back did Varro's go? Is there evidence of how they could have named Pharisees? Yes: "[Marcus Terentius] Varro was born in or near Reate (now Rieti) to a family thought to be of equestrian rank...He was one of the commission of twenty that carried out the great agrarian scheme of Caesar for the resettlement of Capua and Campania (59 BC)." The Capua's, from mythical Capys (Trojan), using the lion in the colors of the Levi lion, and having a Caiaphas-like Capone variation.

The question may be: why was Varro tasked with Capua in the first place? Did his family belong to that city? If not, did he come into contact with Caiaphas ancestry in Capua, and, due to his contacts with Modi-in in Israel, send the ancestor of Caiaphas to Israel? Were there Soducena elements in Modena that were also sent to Israel?

Reminder: Ottone's, first found in Perusia, use a version of the Chappes Coat. Were Pharisees named after Perusia? The pieces of this puzzle are coming together, but large gaps still exist.

By the way, as Roets and Trents were first found in the same place (Somerset), perhaps Roets trace to "Reate." A partner tribe with the Varni was the Reudigni, perhaps named after Reate. That makes good sense.

There is only one Varro surname, from Spain, using wolves in Varn colors. Coincidence? I don't think so. The Murena/Moratin eagles are in the same colors. One might think that these wolves were the Roman wolf of Romulus, but the Neuri, to whom I trace the Varni, were wolf worshipers. It's a toss-up.

Here is an interesting thing. The Marici are now suspect for producing the Angle tribe, fellow partners of the Varni and Reudigni. Then, I say that the Budini peoples of the Ukraine were in cahoots with the Neuri because they both trace to Nahor. Then, the Coat of the Boyds (a branch of Alans out of Dol) looks like a version of the Mark / Marx Coats. As both Boyds and the Budini have been said to be blondes, it appears that the Budini were merged with the Marici that named the Angles after Angitia. Nordics, from a mythical Nor, use an Ancitel name that could be in honor of "Angitia."

The Po river was also, "BODENcus," suggesting a Budini possibility, important because the Varangians, suspect from the Varni, went to live at Kiev, the Budini area of the Ukraine. Thus, we should expect that Varro liners were in some cahoots with Budini > Boyd elements in Italy, who might just have been part of the Alan crowd at Forum Allieni. The way to track the Budini in Italy is to find their Geloni partners (from Gelonus in the Ukraine), but they may have been the Alans / Hellens / Hellions / Hillions, Keele's, Kelners, etc.

"Gelonus" may have become "Cilnius," for Alania has an Ardon river that may have named Arretium, home of the Cilnius family. I don't think that "Cfel" and "Cilnius" were the same term at all, i.e. they were not related to the same entity. The KELNer key looks like a solution to this puzzle, with the key tracing to Cavari on the one hand that conforms to "Cfel," and the surname itself tracing as a Gelonus element to "Ciln(ius)." The Ardon surname is said to be associated with Artois.

Reminder: the Capelli of Bologna use the chapeau of Buttons/Bodens. Isn't that something? The Budini must have been in Bologna as part of the Scythian migrations. The Capelli must have been the namers of Cabellio in the Cavari theater. Cavarzere is very close to the mouth of the Po. Although this doesn't tell us whether Caiaphas originated as the Capelli entity, or whether the latter was a Capua branch, it does hook up with the Sevan-suspect Avignon location so that Soducena elements can be expected in the picture.

If "Avignon" came first as a term, followed by the "Euganeo" version, then it seems to obliterate the Gugar/Gogarene potential of "Euganeo." As Eugene's/Ewings use the white-on-blue saltire from Andrew I of Hungary, I think Euganeo was indeed an UGRian entity, named possibly from "Gugar." This is why I think we should expect Soducena Scythians at or near Euganeo. The best I can do with finding Soducena elements in a surname is "Sithech," and indeed Shaws have been found at Avignon. The variations of Italian Sheaves suggest that Soducena elements were at Cavarzere, at Padua, where the Abreu/Abruzzo surname was first found, important because the Sheaves/Chiava's/Chiapponi's were first found in Abruzzo. It's important also because Padua traces to Padasus of the Caucones suspect with lake Sevan.

I'm viewing the Sheaves in Abruzzo as Sevan elements. As Abruzzo was the home of the Marsi, and as the Marsi are suspect in carrying the name of Annas, it indicates that Sevan's Soducena elements were in Abruzzo too, as the Sithech line to Shaws, but then these must have been the Sadducee elements. How do we get proto-Sadducee elements way down in Abruzzo to Israel? They've got to come up to northern Italy in time for Varro, and that's where the Drake motto term for Aquila, the Abruzzo capital, comes in. The Drake wyvern is indication of Varni elements in the Nordic theater where Abruzzo elements can be traced by various means. For example, Abruzzo was home to Sabines/Safini, and then the Samnite branch of Sabines traces to the Nordic Semnones, living amongst/beside the Suebi who must have been from Sabines.

It is very possible that Savona, which traces to the Nordic Sviones, was named by Sabines. That in a nutshell traces Sevan elements in Liguria to the Abruzzo theater, and then there are the Sthenelus Ligurians that connect with Sviones, but are suspect as SITHones. And to boot, the Marsi joined Ligurians at Marseille, though I don't know whether that should be viewed as part of mythical Sthenelus. If so, the whatever "Sthen" refers to was in Abruzzo.

Thus, I expect Sadducee elements at the land of the Marici, and at Pavia co-founded by Marici. If Pavia traces to "Peebles," it's interesting that Peebles is on the south side of Lothian, the latter being home to Seatons/Sittens and Marsi-suspect Marshalls. This can then trace Seatons/Sittens to "Sthen." It can also trace Seatons/Sittens to the Marici, very important where the Laevi were their partners in Pavia. But how does all this get us to the Bologna / Modena theater in order to get the Annas and Caiaphas names to Israel? I'm not sure. It's what I'm hunting for. The Pepins in Pavia can be traced to Pepoli's, first found in Bologna, but then Popoli's were first found in the same place (Naples) as the Capua's/Capone's. That's extremely interesting where we expect Capua elements at "Caiaphas." If the Popoli's of Naples were re-seated at Bologna as Pepoli's, then perhaps Capua's were re-seated at Bologna too, when a Varro had the task of working with Capua.

The Popoli's were discussed in the 4th update of last February, where it was found that they use a version of the Deck/Dagger Coat, important for tracing them to the Ticino (also called "Tessen"). I wrote: "All three -- Popoli's, Decks, and Pavia's -- are split horizontally with the red half on the bottom." To this it needs to be kept in mind that Tecks/Tess' use the Annan(dale) saltire with LEAVES. It once again tells us that the naming of Annas/Ananias had to do with the Marici merger with Laevi. I had a book in my hands telling that a town some 10 miles from Aquila was settled by peoples at Naples. Consider how "Abruzzo" smacks of "Hebrew / Abiru."

I didn't know until now that, in the same February article, the Popoli Coat was also traced to a Hall Coat! The Halls are also "Aule," suggesting "AULus Terentius Varro Murena, and so remember that Pape's/Papens use a version of a Hall / Hull coat. It's suggesting that Murena may have had something to do with the re-settling Popoli's in Bologna. If we are convinced that Murena's Varro line was that of the Varni/Warni, it's interesting that the Pape's/Papens use checks in the colors of the Warren checks, which are the colors of the checks in the Arms of Bologna. Thus, as Hall-related Pape's were connected with Bologna, they must have been a branch of the Popoli > Pepoli family.

We now have some very good, even if foggy, reasons for tracing the Sadducee-related namers of Annas to a Setta valley to the south of Bologna. In the February update, I put it like this:
AHA! Popoli's (first found in the same place as Rocco's) use the

German Hall Shield!!! It's so amazing to find it right in the middle of a Hall trace to Halberts of Bologna!!! Bamm-Bamm! [my code for Bamberg's Babenbergs from Poppa I] It means that the German Pape's/Papeliers/PAPENBURGs (the Rocco / Trager design?), who use the Hall talbots in colors reversed, were a branch of Popoli's (Apophis-branch Hyksos, right? from Troy at the Hellespont, right? from Paphlagonian Heneti, right?). Pape's were first found in Hamburg, where Massey-related Trips/Trefs were first found who I say were a Trypillian branch of Roxolani-suspect Roquefeuils [I linked Roxolani to the Neuri]. Therefore, the Trypillians (i.e. includes Skits etc., at the Setta valley) at Forum Allieni are suspect with Halberts and Pepoli's at Bologna.

There was much on Guido Guerra in that update including: "...Halberts whom I traced (see "Halbert / Albert" 2nd update this month) to count Albert of Bologna...The wolf in the Halbert Crest has got to be due to Guido Guerra being the leader of the Guelphs=Welfs. German Alberts (in Welf/Wolf colors), who look like they use two of the Hall Shields..." If Halls/Aule's trace to "Aulus," then (H)Alberts of Bologna may have been Murena liners, which begs the question of whether "Guerra" is a version of "Varro."

I found a Poppi location in that investigation: "...'Poppi along with Battifolle and Porciano was granted to the Count Guido Guerra dei Guidi'." As I'm tracing Walsers in this update to "Aulus," consider the implications in what else was written in February: "It would be more compelling to link Rockefellers to "BattiFolle" if Alberts / Halls / Tragers could link to Walsers because I traced Fellers to "Valais," what Walsers were named after. Therefore, by what coincidence do Walsers use the battle-axe of Halberts??? In fact, it was the Walser battle-axe that was first found to be named, a "halberd." Only after that did I find that the Halberts call their axe, a halbert."

Drake's use the battle axe too, suggesting that Murena was part of the axe family at Bologna. And we can see above a Walser trace specifically to Alberts of Bologne. I'm actually copying these quotes here during the proof read of this update. None of this was on my mind when I traced Walsers to Aulus Murena in this update. I had forgotten that Walsers linked to Bologna. If I were a computer unable to forget, and if I could use all my information together at the tip of a finger as fast as electricity, I would have had this Caiaphas / Annas mystery solved by now.

If Murena elements were in Bologna, why not nearby Modena? And if Murena was in Modena, his sister, Terentia, may have been there too, or, in any case, her husband, the high-level operative, Maecenas, may have been in the namer of Maccabees. But as I've been tracing Maccabaeus" both to an unknown Macca entity in northern Italy, and to the Boii of Bologna, this apparent link of Murena to Bologna is excellent. It is more excellent where "Maecenas" looks like a Massena term, for the Macca entity in northern Israel has always been suspect with the Maceys / Masseys. It is more-excellent yet where king Massena joined Romans stationed at Placentia and Cremona. Nobody can call me a lunatic now.

This all gives the impression that Varro's of some sort were responsible for the Varni, which can predict that Pharisees fleeing to Ferrari in around 70 AD ended up with the Varni, or even in the family of the Bologna Alberts / Walsers / Halls. Remember what John the Baptist said to the Israeli priesthood: "The axe [of God] is already at the foot of the tree." He was saying that the Israeli priesthood was about to be cut down as a tree is chopped with an axe. Did John know of axe symbolism in the Israeli priesthood? If not, did God know it and speak through John?

If the Hule's/Hulls trace to MalaHULE, then consider the one (or two) man named Ancitel in the line between Malahule and Ranulf le Meschin. If that's an Angitia term, we'd expect Malahule's family to be from the Marici, in which case we'd expect Laevi elements in that family. And that's where Balso D'Espaines comes in, who, as part of that line, is suspect as furnishing Hugh de Payen, husband of a Chappes. I don't think that one can get more Templar than this line from Malahule. I think he's it.

The Malahule line came to rule the Bessen / Bayeux. I have never been able to nail down how Ranulf de Briquessart of Bayeux named his son, "le Meschin." I can only assume that it connected with Masci's of Cheshire. Le Meschin had power in Cheshire thanks to Hugh Lupus D'Avranches, who I think was a Welf (see the Wolf/Welf write-up). Therefore, let's not forget that Guido Guerra was a leader of the Welfs, a house of Este.

I use "Masci" instead of "Massey" at times for reasons. The Masci's can be traced to Tanner-related Maschi's at Rimini. Both surnames use PINE cones as code likely for the Pine's/Pyne's = Payens. In the Maschi write-up, we find a "Malatesta" entity seeming named after "mala testa," meaning "sick head" or "bad head." But as I can't conceive of anyone taking such a name, I prefer to read it as "malat esta." The phrase can still link well to "Malahule" by way of a Payne = Pyne equation, but it can also be for the Este location not far from Rimini. However, "malat" smacks of a mallet...a hammer, a mace, symbol of the Maceys who are found as a Massey variation. If that's not a coincidence, I'm seeing Maecenas elements at Este.

The Urbino location at Rimini smacks of the Urbanus, home of the Maezaei, but where "Urbanus" as a version of "Awraba," I'd expect Urbino to be a Shawia center. San Marino is smack at Rimini too, and that suggests the Marina surname, first found at Orvieto. The Ciconia location in Orvieto can trace Shawia = Sevan elements to Orvieto, and thus it looks like we can trace Urbino's peoples to Orvieto along with San Marino elements. Perusia, suspect with Pharisees and with some Chappes element, is not far from Orvieto. The "Perugia" variation of Perusia may have named the Burgos, who were the Conteville's giving birth to Hugh Lupus. The latter's sister was the mother of le Meschin.

Thus, where Hugh Lupus traces to Welfs at Este or Bologna -- or at malat esta of the Maschi theater -- he looks like a Sadducee liner, for the Welfs were ruled by a Guido Guerra of a Setta region. And to prove that Malahule traces to Maschi's, or that D'Espaines traces to Pyne's / Payen's, Panico's ruled in the Setta valley who come up as "Panetta" too, and who can be shown to be Payens in numerous ways.

The Lombards that Tacitus lumped in with the Varni, Angles and Reudigni were traced, by me, to a Lom location along the Danube, not far down the Danube from Cuppae, itself near the Pek tributary of the Danube, exactly where I trace Panico's, Reno-related Pinks, and Pink-related Points (Payens were also Point-like). God revealed to tribwatch readers that a blue lion of the Breuci, who settled at Brescia/Brixia, was important to my hunt. I know that Breuci liners named Abruzzo, and as such they are suspect as Hebrews. The Breuci lived near the Maesaei, yet Abruzzo is well south of Rimini. One point is that we saw the Marsi of Abruzzo trace to the naming of Annas/Ananias, and another point is that Breuci have to do with Ananes at Placentia. A third point: Ranulf BRIQUEssart must have been a Breuci liner out of blue-lion Brixia, wherefore, the Malahule line to le Meschin was a Hebrew line, at least at some point along the way.

If Wikipedia is correct in coloring the lion of Ranulf le Meschin red on gold, it's colors reversed to the two Abreu/Abrussi lions that I say became the Arms of Normandy when the Abreu line named Evreux, home of the EBUROvices. Evreux is near Avranches, a term that I trace to "Varangi," and therefore to the Varni...and therefore to the Varro bloodline. Some of the estates of Hugh Lupus D'Avranches went to a Fer-like surname, I think it's spelled, "Ferrer."

When you put all these things together as a computer might, you spit out something like, "Look to the Setta valley for Caiaphas / Annas lines."

Years ago, not now for convenience, I traced Yonge's/Youngs to "Juno" based on their motto term, "juene." It just so happens that English Yonge's were first found in the same place (Essex) as Gore's and Vere's. Moreover, "Jung" and "Yonge" are expected to be the same, and then while German Jung's (stag, HUNGarian symbol) come up as "June," English June's/Juens show a Jove-like "Juvine" variation, and use three fleur-de-lys, the symbol also of Spanish Varro's. Yonge's use a black wolf, symbol of Spanish Varro's. Weren't we expecting Murena to be linked to the Welfs of Guido Guerra?

So, Yonge's were Varro's, suggesting a trace of Varro's to the Oeneus river of Juno, and then a mythical Oeneus of Greece was the father of mythical Methoni, the representation of the real city of Methoni/Modon that I say was the Vere-based Mitanni line to Modena. It seems very clear that the Habur river of the Mitanni named Abruzzo, and the Eburovices that named the Breuci.

The rings of Scottish Yonge's are colors-reversed to the rings of Hogens who smack of "Euganeo." The Shield-and-Chief color combinations of the two surnames are also colors reversed, and the Varro fleur are in the colors of the Este eagle. I think by now, Masons should be having a sick head.

Hogens are traced in their write-up to a Killaloe entity. As Hogens were first found in Tipperary, where Kennedys were first found, it tends to corroborate a "Kennedy" trace to "Veneti," who lived all around Euganeo. But as Pendragons link to Tippers by their motto, and because I identify Pendragons / Arthurians lines as Merovingians in Britain, it needs to be re-mentioned that I trace Merovingians roots to Veneti at Euganeo and Este. Drakenberg Vere's claim to have been Merovingians, and moreover these Vere's trace their mythical Melusine to Avalon...though she is also in the Walser Coat. The Hogen write-up is cleverly deceptive when tracing to "'og,' which means 'young'." It's code for their Young/Yonge kin.

Hogens thus trace to Cavari / Cavan=Sevan elements if they trace to Euganeo. Hogens thus trace to the naming of Avignon if the latter was named after Euganeo. It's exceptionally important for clinching the trace of "Cilnius" to the Cavari, for Hogens are from a Killaloe entity.

Hogens thus trace to Soducena / Sittaceni elements of the Shaws, if the Yonge wolf is for the Welfs of Guido Guerra. Why else does the Shaw write-up trace "Sithech" to "wolf"? Isn't it telling us that Shaws of the Chiapponi / Capone kind trace to Welfs in the Setta valley? Was a Varro responsible for this wolf entity in the valley? One Varro did deal with Capua, didn't he? And a Varro did re-settle Aosta with 3,000 peoples of his own choosing. We wonder who he put there? The Walsers and Halberts in the Lys valley, right, explaining the fleur-de-lys of the Varro's.

The Hogen and Yonge rings are often called "annulets." The Lett's use the Annandale saltire in colors reversed from the way that Bruces and Shaw-honoring Ayrshire use it. The Lett Crest uses "organ pipes," thus speaking to the Pepoli family (line to the "sacred" Merovingians of the Majordomo kind) that Murena apparently re-settled at the Laevi theater. Perhaps Murena gave them the city of Pavia. Remember, "Pepins are known to be from the house of Landon, and then Dan Brown used a Langdon character in conjunction with his Jacques Sauniere, important because Landons show also as "Langdon." Este's are now showing the white Pipe / Pepin horse head, and then Pepins use an "est" motto term."

To that it needs to be repeated that Dan Brown had a Sophia Neveu code for Nevers elements, important now because the Laevi on the Ticino lived at NOVARa. You may say the city was named after "new," but I'm not so sure. If the term does not link with "Nevers," it could be a NoVARRO idea.

An earlier Varro, and the earliest that Wikipedia deals with at its Varro page:

Gaius Terentius Varro (fl. 3rd century BC) was a Roman consul and commander. Along with his colleague, Lucius Aemilius Paullus, he commanded at the Battle of Cannae during the Second Punic War, in 216 BC, against the Carthaginian general Hannibal. The battle resulted in a decisive Roman defeat.

...n 208-207 BC, as propraetor he held Etruria against Hannibal's younger brother Hasdrubal Barca. He went to Africa, in 200 BC as ambassador.

This Varro is expected to have had contact / correspondence with king Massena, who would soon turn against Hannibal's fighters to join the Romans. Etruria is the land of Etruscans, which included Orvieto and Arretium.

The best way to discover the line of Israel's priests after 70 AD is to look at the first Templar rulers of Jerusalem, one of which was Fulk V, out of Anjou, where dragonline Vere's claim to have been counts even before Fulks were counts there. The Vere's at Anjou were Fulks, in other words; just compare Italian Fulks with Fers/Ferrats. If Fulks were from Fucino, then they would be expected to be related to the Marici, which should explain why the blue-and-white checks of Fulks and Fers/Ferrats are used also by Marks.

Varro's colleague with a Paullus surname may link to Pawlenty's/Palins, first found in the same place (Dorset) as Tarans/Taren(t)s. There was a Turan goddess / witch in Velch (Tuscany), a place that I trace to "Fulk" to, partly because it's on the Tyrrhenian coast along with Massa-Carrara, the place that named the Massi/Mattis surname using a version of the Italian Fulk Coat. Both Chiefs use a black-on-gold eagle, the colors of the Murena/Moratin eagle. If the latter surname is Mauritanian, this speaks loudly of Massena elements united with Varro lines all the way to Anjou and beyond.

The Fulke motto term, "sera," may even link to "Assarachus," mythical father of Capys. Possibly, Assarachus was the proto-Saracen. The Russells using "sara" in the same fashion as Fulks were first found in the same place (Dorset) as Taren(t)s, which does not look coincidental. The Fulks are expected to be lines from Felix of Mauritania, thus tracing Felix' / Flecks / Fletchers / etc. to "Velch." Belgian Flecks use a version of the Fulke Coat. It's suggesting that the Felix surname can trace to "Fucino."

Neither nor the are working this Sunday morning, from 3 am to 11 am. I can't check the Fort Coats, but if I recall correctly, one of them uses a black horse, upright like the Ferrari-car horse, but then a black upright horse is also in the Arms of Arezzo. It's a good reason for linking the equestrian household of Varro Terentia Murena to Ferrara. We saw quite a few Fort-like motto terms tracing to Dagobert and Charles Martel, but then the Halls look to be using a version of the Deck/Dagger Coat, the surname of which traces to the Ticino, important where the Popoli Coat is a reflection of those Coats too. I think it is very clear here that the Pepin-Martel line of French royalty traces to the parts of the Ticino where the fingers of Murena are expected. If the Murena tower is code for Turin elements, it's not surprising as Turin is not far from the Ticino.

The Drake motto term, "Captat," appears to be for Capetian royals of France (who took over the Carolingian dynasty ), and then Spanish Capets (use the Martel crown) appear to be using the Fulke Shield. The question obviously is, where did Capets derive?

I once remarked that Shields split vertically in two are Fulk symbols. As only one of many examples, the Sprows Coat, from Sprowston of Norfolk, where Fulke's were first found, use a split Shield vertically (as do Fulke's, Belgian Flecks and Capets). The Sprows/Spruce split Shield came to mind, I wonder why, when studying the vertically-split Trent Coat for clues of where else the Trents could trace. I'm suggesting that Trents / Terents were Fulks, the only question beings: where had they merged, and was the Terentius line as important to the Israel priesthood as Fulks?

The Weir-branch Vere's are said to be from a Sprowestun location of Roxburghshire. You can see here that peoples of the Tarun = Mus part of Armenia came to the Etruscan coast at Velch (now Vulci). We read: "The Etruscan goddess Turan was the patroness of Vulci."

If we trace "Turan" to the naming of the Durance, after tracing Trents to "Turan," we cannot only get lines from Varro to the Var area, but we might identify the Durance, and the Durant surname, after "Terent." "The Etruscan month of July was named after [Turan], although we only know the Latin word for it, Traneus."

She is said in that article to be named after a tyrant theme, but, in consideration that she holds dear "above all the swan," Armenians of the Sevan kind are pegged, suggesting that she's named after Tarun elements around Lake Van.

Terentius and Childeric

As Wallace's are tracing to the Salassi theater with Walsers, why not the Walsh's/Welch's? Here's from the 4th update of last February, and so note the clue on how the Setta traces to Sevan:

The Walsh motto phrase, "sed non mortuss," suggests the Morte's/Motts out of the Setta valley. The swan in the Walsh Crest is the same shot-through swan in the Gemel Crest, very important because president George Bush Jr. married a Walsh. The Gemel Coat (uses the Walsh / Morton chevron) was seen above in the Wager Coat, that surname being from Wagrians [on the Warnow river of the Varni] as with the Walkers to which the president Bush's connected. The Gemels and Wagers both use hearts, important because it's a Douglas symbol too, and then here's from the Scottish Walsh write-up: "First found in Roxburghshire, where John Walshe...A John Walch was listed as a tenant of the earl of Douglas, in the Barony of Kylbouho in 1376." They say that "Welsh" means "stranger," but it's instead got to be Masonic code for Walsh / Morton links to the Strange's to Guido le Strange, suspect with Guido Guerra's in the Setta valley.

The "numine" term of Scottish Walsh's...

Of interest is that while Trypillians were in Moldavia, there is a New Moldava ("Moldava-Noua" in my Atlas) location directly across the Danube from the mouth of the Pek, the river that traces to Panico's of the Setta valley. As the Guido's use a Shield having an hourglass shape just like the shape of the Trypillian goddess, it stands to reason that Trypillians were at New Moldava. North of it there is a Caras-Severin area that may apply to Safers et-al. In fact, I trace Joktanites to Severus elements, but I also claim that the oak tree, the Panico symbol, is a Joktan symbol. As Joktanites were chief Hebrews, perhaps the Trypillians were Hebrews too.

So far as Ii can recall, I have never found a quote telling of Guido's / Guerra's in the Setta valley; I've found only the Panico's in the Setta. But Guerra's are predicted to be Panico elements. What do you suppose the "sed" motto term stands for in the Walsh motto phrase, "sed non mortuss"? I already know that the Non/Nevin surname traces to Dan Browns Sophie Neveu. That's the Massena line, and then the Saids/Sadlers use the Massin/Mason lion. Coincidence?

We can know that the "sed" term is for Sadlers because they were first found in the same place (Wiltshire) as Mortons. Saids/Sadlers use "sapare," what looks like code for the Sepharvite lines of Joktanites. Nons/Nevins use "Vivis SPERANdum," part code for L'viv. Trypillians could have been in L'viv, though Wikipedia locates them in Moldavia, along the southern Bug. Between the southern Bug and L'viv is a Kamenec location that I had traced to Walkers a year or more ago...without any thought whatsoever of Walsh's or what you're reading now.

It makes great sense to trace Walkers from Kamenec (just north of Moldavia) to the Wagrians because German Trips were first found near the Warnow. But that's not why I traced Walkers to Kamenec.

Why should Massena liners be tracing to Trypillians? The Saids/Sadlers are the answer: Massena liners must have been in the Setta with Trypillians, therefore explaining why Trips use the boots that French Masseys showed until recently. Why boots? It's code for Bute = Avalon, where the occultic Vey / Fay bloodline was at, and then Veys are also "VIVian," a term I trace from Vey-related Fife's and Five's to "L'VIV." Dutch Veys use a boot.

An emailer, FE, revealed to tribwatch readers that Morgan le Fay of Avalon traced to Morges and the surrounding area on the north shore of lake Geneva, opposite the Wallis canton to which Walsh's/Welch's are tracing. Nicholas de Vere located Melusine on Avalon, and yet she's in the Walser/Walss Coat upon a white-and-red split Shield that could be that of Decks/Daggers from the neighboring Ticino river. In fact, that must be correct. FE also revealed to tribwatch readers that Walsers were in the Lys valley.

As evidence that Walsh's link to Guido Guerra, German Walkers/Welkers use a version of the Schere/Scherf Coat. Dutch Welkers are registered under surnames using "Wilkin," and then the English Wilkin Coat ("ESTote" motto term) is exactly the split Shield of Schere's/Scherfs (FIVE roses), but using the green wyvern, a symbol of the Guerra Coats. The Wilkens were first found in GlaMORGANshire, called Morgannwg in older times. There is a Schwerin location off the Warnow that may have been home to the Schere's.

We'd like to know whether the green coiled serpent in the Coat of Austrian Schere's is the Angitia / Marsi snake? As some good proof that Schere's were in contact with the Marsi, the Nimo's/NewMARSH's have a motto term in honor of the Shows/Schaurers/Schore's/Schaws. Nimo's/Newmarsh's also have a "boast" motto term that gets the Bois'/Bosts/Busts smacking of the Boii of Bologna. But as the Coat is a version of the Cheney Coat, both of which use the Saleman bend, and because the Cheney eagles are the Bush eagles, it could appear that the Bush's were joined to the Boii. It could reveal why George Bush is/was a Skull-and-Boner, if that cult honors the Bone surname named after "Bononia." The Skull and Bone Coats are similar enough to reveal that "Skull and Bones" is mere code for surnames. Nimo's/Newmarshes use the Annandale saltire in the colors used for it in the Arms of Ayrshire. i

The Mackesys use a green coiled serpent too. But the Mackesys showing at houseofnames use the Levi lion in colors reversed, suggesting that Mackesys were either on the Ticino, or in alliance with the Laevi and/or Marici from that river. The Mackays (and the Shaws) are the ones using a dagger as code for the Deck/Dagger surname upon the Ticino. You quickly get the impression here that Massena Numidians of the Shawia kind were on the Ticino. As you can see that the Mackesy sword held by a hand is upright as a snake coils around it, so there was, until recently, an upright sword held by a Masci wing in the Chaine/Chenay Coat. The wing design was changed last year.

I'm unsure as to why Mackesys come up with the Margeson surname, but, for years, until recently, the Mackesy/Margeson lion design was identical to that of the MARGY/Mackie/Mackey Coat (Ayrshire). It's obvious from that alone that design matters, that houseofnames chose to give both surnames the same lion because houseofnames knows of the blood ties. The two surnames are proven as kin on their common curious Marg factor alone. I welcome the new change showing the Levi lion design. It has just helped me to find Massena liners on the Ticino.

I think design changes must not be random, but must be in accordance with family ties. However, I'm asking what possible reason houseofnames could have had for changing this lion design. There is no reason to change a design, is there, if any design will do? I think someone who reads my work, opposing it, speaks to houseofnames, asking them to change designs so that things I uncover are discredited, if possible. Over and over again, I see proof that design matters. Shared design is proof of kinship, and houseofnames must honor this rule.

The eagle in the Austrian Schere Crest is that of Zabala's/Zampbarelli's, first found in a town of Modena, though the write-up says "close to Bologna." With immediate Maccabee ancestry tracing to Modena and Bologna, we really do need to ask the significance of having this El-Gabal line at Modena. Again, "SampsiGERAmus" may be indicative of the Guerra bloodline. Cheneys, Bush's and Shaws all use eagles in the colors of the Zabala eagle, and while these colors are used by many, Bush's and Shaws happen to be tracing to Annandale-suspect Nimo's.

The Bush and Cheney eagles are showing in the Ghent Chief, and then the English Wells are said to be from Gilbert of Ghent. There must be a thousand Well surnames all from different sources, and yet houseofnames shows only two, lumping them all in with the designs and mottoes of two Coats only. This is because heraldry concerns itself only with traces to Mason-important families. It's a tracking system to certain rulers of this world. The Ghents are a branch of Gaunts honored in the Macey gauntlet glove, the glove that holds the mace. It's a clever (not brilliant, just crafty) term created only to honor the Gaunts / Ghents, which brings them into the Maccabee picture. Last they were discussed, they were tracing suggestively to Kanza, from the Awraba tribe. Awraba is where Maceys trace.

As Maccabees pre-dated Sampsigeramus and the other El-Gabal priests, the link of both El-Gabal and Maccabees to Modena and Bologna may have to do with El-Gabal originating from the Hill of the Sun in Arretium. Perhaps there was a Zabala entity that pre-dated El-Gabal. In that case, Sampsigeramus was named in part after this family at Modena / Bologna. I don't think we can say that, because Romans sent Maecenas elements to Israel to fight the Seleucids (my theory), they also sent Zabala elements to Syria to do the same, for the first El-Gabal priest-kings, according to Wikipedia, were pro-Seleucid and anti-Roman. However, it's possible that they were sent to be anti-Seleucid but then turned coat. The Maccabees did the same when they joined Alexander Balas.

It stands to reason that "Well" should trace with Welch's and Walsers to their ancestry in Italy. The two-tailed lion of the Wells should link to the same of the two-tailed Montfort lion, and as there is a Monforte location near Alba at Montferrat, that's where the Walsh swan should trace, for Italian Alba's use a swan. One needs to ask whether Alba was named after the Alberts who share the axe with Walsers, for Scottish Walsh's use a tree stump. In this picture, the tree stump could be purely code for the Albert / Walser "halpert" axe.

The Gemels using the same shot-through swan as Walch's may even be Gabal elements that morphed into 'm' terms. It recalls how El-Gabal elements were carried by Campbells/CAMMELLs and Gamble's/GAMELs to Esus-suspect Assisi and Arretium. That works excellently, linking the tree stump of Walch's both to the halpert axe and to Esus, the tree-cutter god. Esus was suspect to the Essenes who used an axe in their religious observances.

Gamble's were first found in the same place (Yorkshire) was Bush's, Walkers, and Wagers, the latter being the ones using the Gemel hearts (in different colors). From this, we may learn that Iamblichus didn't evolve into Gamble's, for it may have been the other way around, with the proto-Gamble's naming Iamblichus. We are now finding something of a great secret, for Gamble's use a crane in Crest that does not likely stand as code for the Ukraine, but for Esus:

The two statues on which [Esus'] name appears are the Pillar of the Boatmen from among the Parisii and a pillar from Trier among the Treveri. In both of these, Esus is portrayed cutting branches from trees with his axe. Esus is accompanied, on different panels of the Pillar of the Boatmen, by Tarvos Trigaranus (the "bull with three cranes"), Jupiter, Vulcan, and other gods.

There you have all the evidence in the world needed to trace Esus to Assisi and therefore to Aziz of the Iamblichus family of El-Gabal, while proving that Gamble's are part of El-Gabal along with Gemels, Walsh's, Walsers and Alberts out of Bologna. The Esus article goes on to associate with Esus what should be the Terent bloodline: "A well-known section in Lucan's Bellum civile talks about the gory sacrifices offered to a triad of Celtic deities: Teutates, Hesus (an aspirated form of Esus), and Taranis."

If it's correct to trace Esus to some aspects of Aulus Terentius Varro Murena, then lookie here: "The given name "Esunertus" ("strength of Esus") occurs at least once as an epithet of Mercury on a dedicatory inscription. It is possible that the Esuvii of Gaul, in the area of present-day Normandy, took their name from this deity" As it's stated to be fact that "EsuNERTAS" is a term from the Esus cult, doesn't the term suggest Nerthus, the goddess of the Varni to whom I trace "Varro"?

The article goes on sharing some speculation on the meaning / origin of the bull and three cranes, telling that the term for crane is "garanus" the gyronny code for the design of the Campbell/Cammell Coat. I found the Campbell design on the Gironde river, however, so that "gyronny" may not apply to "garanus." Still, as I identify Nerthus with Nahorites of the Neuri kind, I claim that El-Gabal was founded by Nahorites of the Kemuel kind.

The Gemels were first found in Ayrshire, perhaps suggesting the Massena-like El-Gabal family. The Gemel Coat is a reflection of the Tarent Coat that comes up as "Taran." Taranis was yet another human-sacrifice cult. His description at Wikipedia causes me to see him as Ixion, from the Kikones, the swan line Ligurians! I didn't make that up just to suit the swan in the Gemel Crest. Plus, amazingly enough, Taranis is said to be spelled alternatively, "Tanarus", smacking of the Tanaro river where swan-related Alba is located! We are wheeling along here. I didn't get to the Tanarus article until AFTER writing on the swan link to Alba. Thus, the Gemel Coat is a reflection of the Tarent/Taran Coat because both surnames are from the Taranis cult.

Heraldry can have a mouth as large and wide as Hell at times. Ixion was a Hyksos line from pharaoh Khyan to Cheneys. Hyksos were from the Armenian god, Haik, and Taranis is from Tarun at Armenia's Lake Van, which was also called, Mus, which formed the household of Khyan, and which named Moses, whom he tried to kill. Therefore, after the military instruments of Khyan's kingdom were drowned in the sea, his sons took up a calf cult and sacrificed humans to it, seeking world domination by that vain craft, and the stupids continued the practice all across Europe, and in the meantime developing horses and weapons of war.

While writing earlier at a time when I couldn't get to the houseofnames, I had been trying to recall what surname used "Transfixus" in the motto. I wanted to know because Turan at Velch was called "Traneus" for the Latin month of July. I now find that "Transfixus" is a term in the motto of Scottish Walsh's!!! Imagine that, unashamed of linking the Walsh bloodline to Tarun and Taranis. That's your stupids for you. If they didn't exist, there would be no Armageddon, but resisting God, as did the Exodus pharaoh, the war shall go on.

Wikipedia makes a case for identifying Taranis with the Irish Tuireann, and though I'm not convinced, there seems to be a good case in tracing Taranis to "Thor." It recalls that Swedish Thors use hearts, the Gemel symbol. German Thors use a solid chevron, from bottom to top of the Shield, in colors reversed from the same of Chappes' and Visconti's. The Visconti's were of Milan, and the Italian Milan Coat also uses a tree stump.

It recalls that the Arms of Haifa use a long, solid chevron in one color of the Chappes chevron. It was therefore notable that "Haifa" and "Caiaph(as)" are similar terms. It had me wondering whether Caiaphas' family fled to, and named, Haifa at about 70 AD, which is as far away as one can get from Jerusalem while remaining in Israel. Haifa is on a national border where the family could escape quickly into Phoenicia if the invading Romans wanted the heads of his family's leaders. The point is, Haifa was also the location of mount Carmel, where a branch of Essenes lived that I say took the axe symbol from when the prophet Elisha had an axe float in the Jordan river. Carmel is where Elijah made stupids of about 450 priests of Baal. I had an entire system worked out on this topic that traced the Essenes axe to the naming of "Esus." The Essenes gave an axe and a piece of cloth to all initiates.

I traced paganized Essenes from Haifa through Crete's birth goddess to an Apollo-related "essenes" bee cult in Ephesus. That cult was quite apparently from Merops of Kos, father of Pandareus of Ephesus, father in-turn of Aedon of Thebes, carrier of whatever was left of the Atun sun god to the land of Merovingians. If "Essene" is a term related to "Aedon," then one could suppose that the carriers of Atun out of Egypt were the founders / namers of Essenes, the priests of Atun. That could explain why Essenes were not worthy of mention in the New Testament. Esus was a god of a Treveri peoples on the Moselle/Musel, but it's certain that he was acknowledged by other peoples elsewhere.

English Thors use the red Moratin/Murena towers!!! There can be no doubt that Aulus Terentius Varro Murena was a Taranis bloodliner / cultist / worshiper.

You understand, that, where Gemels use the Walsh swan, it's a Gemel trace to the Tanaro river. It flows right through Alba. And so now see that the German Alba Coat is split vertically in colors reversed from the vertically-split Trent Coat! I didn't know it until now, during the proof-read additions to this update. The fleur of German Alba's links easily to the Lys river of Aosta, home of Walsers.

Aha! Spanish Alba's use a black-on-gold wolf, the colors of the Spanish Varro wolf!

The fact that the Walsh write-up traces to Douglas' reveals that the Gemel and Thor hearts are shared by Douglas'. Should we expect the Douglas salamander-in-flames to be a sacrifice symbol?

I cannot recall if it ever dawned on me that "perchevron," the official term used for the Thor and Chappes chevrons, was code for the area of Perche smack beside Ile-de-France, where Chappes' were first found. As Ile-de-France is part of Paris, by what coincidence was Esus a cult of the Parisii? Compare "Parisii" with "Perusia," where Ottone's were first found! There you have the evidence that the line of Ottone Visconti in Esus-related Milan was merged with the Chappes family, thus making Caiaphas lines suspect with Essenes out of Haifa! Where else can you learn this but from the heraldic blabbermouth? That mouth is on fire right now.

Assisi, now suspect with the Essenes, is near Perusia. It's starting to indicate that El-Gabal was the god of the Essenes. I did not know all this when suggesting earlier that El-Gabal could be Atun.

It is extremely important that there is nothing Christian-like in any entity under discussion, and moreover it seems to be all about the enemies of Jesus. When John the Baptist uses the axe symbol, at a root of a tree, he was baptizing not far from the home of the Qumran Essenes; the Dead Sea Scrolls, said to belong to Essenes, were found at the north-west side of the Dead sea. However, while a Mason would argue that John and Jesus were secretly Essenes, one can also argue that John uses an Essenes symbol to indicate the judgment of God because Essenes had come out to check him out. No New Testament writers mention a group of religious men aloof in the wilderness, which is the lifestyle that Essenes reportedly lived. When Jesus went out to wilderness areas, it was to hide from the Jerusalem priests who were plotting to kill him, and of course to pray and develop his strategies against them. It is unthinkable that Jesus and/or his disciples were Essenes but were too ashamed to make mention of it. Don't be deceived by those who try to make Jesus out to be an Essene, even though Nazareth is beside mount Carmel.

Moreover, the Dead sea scrolls have been shrouded in mystery and suspicions because those who hold them have refused to make them available to others wishing to scrutinize them for authenticity. One could suggest that the scrolls are a hoax for the deliberate purpose of re-painting Jesus into something that He was not. We can fully expect hoaxes like that from the Illuminati.

Newmans were first found in the same place as Tarents, in Dor-suspect Dorset. Dor was an area of northern Israel smack beside Carmel. It's also smack beside Megiddo, the name that God chose for the War against many end-time nations.

I had traced "Perche" to the Pierce and Percival surnames, first found in the same place (Somerset) as Murena-related Thors and Trents. It's not likely coincidental that the Gemel and Walsh swans are said to be "pierced." Perche was also Maine, where the French Josephs were first found who showed a swan for until recently. I'm sure this swan belonged to the line of Joseph Caiaphas, and in fact I had traced it to the Alba swan for reasons I cannot not recall. Oh yes, because Alba is at Montferrat, where Pharisees from Ferrara are expected. But Pharisees are also expected from the Perusia location, and perhaps from the Parisii.

The gold Pierce unicorn head is the gold unicorn head of English Paris', suggesting that Pierces and Percivals were a Parisii peoples from the Pegasus Gorgons.

The pierced symbol could also apply to the piercing of Jesus when it traces this well to Caiaphas. It might be used by lines proud of killing Christ. Walsh's are in this alone expected to be of the Pierce / Perch bloodline, but then here's the description for the Scottish Walsh Crest: "An eagle PERCHing on the branch of an oak tree" The Perche Coat is two chevrons in the colors of the Welsh chevron. Thus, Walsh's trace to the Chappes theater, to Maine, where swan-using Josephs were first found. You can't possibly miss the significance, but houseofnames has removed the swan of the Maine Josephs.

The Maine surname uses the two Perche chevrons, as well as the black Walsh pheons. The chevrons are surrounded by three black symbols, as is the same-colored Walsh chevron. This format is used, not only by Murena-suspect Mortons that Walsh's honor, but by the Exeter surname. Exeter is in Devon, where the Maine surname above is located, suggesting that the Walsh elements in Perche/Maine moved to Devon too. It's important that Exeters use bells, for Perche was home to Bellamys. The Spice's, in the colors of Morants and using the Murena/Moratin towers, were likewise first found in Devon, important because Scottish Walsh's use the motto, "AuSPICE numine." To clinch a Spice link to Walsh's, the Spice's are said to be from the count of Mortain.

Now that Aulus Terentius Varro Murena has traced to the Maine area, let's look deeper to see how they link with Maine's Joseph surname because English Josephs were first found in the same place as Varro-suspect Drake's who use a "captat" motto term. If we can prove that Drake lines were in Devon, it tends to identify Josephs and "CAPTat" as code for the Chappes. And that's where the Drake codework, "duck-like gait," in the Drake write-up, comes in, for ducks are used by the Devon surname having a "CAPTivus" motto term." The "nitor" motto term of Devons could be for the same-colored Nitters ("black savages"), first found in Yorkshire. Nitters are in the colors of the Savage surname.

By "gait," the write up is referring to how a duck WALKS. Thus, when Nicholas de Vere von Drakenberg traces his surname to Transylvania, it must be to Kamenec, a term smacking of "camina," the Italian for "walk." While you are at the Drake Coat, don't fail to see it's battle axe, and it's "non" motto term shared by Walsh's. Again, that term traces to the Carthaginian, Sophonisba, wife if Massena, and then Wallace's were first found in Ayrshire, where Massena lines are expected in droves.

Camulos is known from inscriptional evidence across continental Europe. Dedications to this deity have been found at Mainz...

It's hard to say whether "Mainz" was related to "Maine." But as the Walsh's use the Maxwell saltire, we can link the German Mains/Meinhard surname to the Maine area in that it used a crowned version of the black Maxwell eagle, which is obviously a version of the two-headed Roman eagle. As Maxwells honor Bush's, the English Walkers can be linked to Kilpatricks who honor Maxwells in their "make" motto term, and who likewise use the Maxwell saltire. This gets the Annas-suspect Kilpatricks smack to Joseph Caiaphas lines. The description of the English Walker Crest is very much like that of the Kilpatrick Crest. Walkers use a "dexter arm holding a green lizard," and Kilpatricks use the dexter (right) paw of the Levi lion on the head of a green dragon. One can glean a Dexter-surname trace to Decks/Daggers on the Ticino river, home of the Laevi.

German Marks use the crowned Maxwell / Mains eagle too, and they can trace to the Marici on the Ticino.

Dexters are said to be from makers of dyes, and then I view the pheon as a tattoo needle (I have my reasons). One can see a small container above the "arrow head" that, yes, can fit the shaft of the arrow, but could also be a container for dyes / inks. Thus, when we find pheons in conjunction with Dexters, which term refers to the right hand, the mark of the dragon beast in the right hand, or on the forehead, comes to mind, which seems to be the very message of the Kilpatrick Crest. But some clever work, Dexters, though named after the Ticino, were turned into a right-hand term.

The "Two weights hanging from a tree"in the Dexter Crest is code for Weights using a "focis" motto term, smacking of the Phocaeans, who were with the Marsi at Fucino, and at Marseille. What a "coincidence," since the Marsi were the Marici on the Ticino. Why is the 666 bloodline tracing to the Ticino? Ask the Levi lion in the Kilpatrick Crest. Or ask the Traby bugle with what looks like 666 in the three strings of the bugles, which are black bugles with gold stripes, just like the Weight bugles. There is even a green dragon in the Crest of the other Weight Crest, of the Weights first found in Gloucestershire, where Dreux'/Drews were first found. The latter surname is suspect at a Drave (or Drave-like) river of Polabia, where I've traced Trabys of Poland. But as Drews are suspect with the Trews/Tree's, it should explain the "tree" in the Dexter Crest.

One of the reasons for suspecting the pheon to be a tattoo needle is that the similar ermine looks like a needle with three ink drops. You can see the ermine in the Crest of the Ermine surname (from Lake Urmia in Armenia?), as well as throughout the Ermine Coat. The surname is also "Army," and so the "dexter arm" of Walkers should apply. The Ermine/Army Coat is the Annandale the Shield-and-Chief combination.

The Walker motto term, "quam," is used by Masters (share the Sheriff griffins), and the Master (no 's') surname is the one that's traced to the Mhaigster variation much like the "majestas" motto term of Browns that I thought should be part-code for the MAKESwell variation of Maxwells, and part-code for Este. It's therefore conspicuous that the Walker motto includes "quam MAGna," (like "MHAIGster"), and that the Master Coat includes a black boar head, a Bush symbol. Moreover, the Master fish should trace to the fish of Bar le Duc, on the Moselle, river of the Treveri worshipers of Esus, honored by the tree stump of Walsh's. The black eagle (facing left) perched on that stump must be the same as the Maxwell / Mains/Meinhart eagle. Masters (with an 'a') share the unicorn head with the Maine surname. As Mains/Meinharts were first found in Pomerania, the MECKlenburg theater (Varni area), I'll remind of my theory that Maxwells trace to Mecklenburg.

Where did the Bush boar trace? To Kotor beside Bar, and to Butua much closer to Kotor. Nearby, on a Neretva river, home of the Doris-depicted Daorsi (fish symbol in Greek myth), was the origin, in my opinion, of "Nerthus," the Varni goddess. Walkers trace to Wagrians on the river of the Varni. Masters do not only use the Sheriff griffins, but those of the Kotor-based Cutters using a version of the shield of Saluzzo's, from Saluzzo smack beside Busca. That tends to trace the Durance river of the Salyes to the Daorsi, and to mythical Doris, wife of Nereus. It then suggests a trace of Nerthus to Neretva elements expected on the Durance. In myth, Nereus and Doris are called, Nereids, a term like "Neretva." In this picture, Tarents and the Terentius family may trace exactly to the Daorsi, if Tarents named the Durance. In that case, Taranis, the god, was from the Daorsi.

Recall the Rinds that came up as per the Felix "mill rinds." The Rinds came up when discussing Drusilla and Felix links to El-Gabal elements in northern Italy. Now that, thanks to Wager-suspect and Walsh-related Gemels, it's more certain that the El-Gabal elements at Assisi and Arretium were of Camulos, read this: "Dedications to [Camulos] have been found at Mainz and Rindern, Germany..." Not until now have I had clue as to what Rinds could trace to.

Reminder; the Drusilla-suspect Dreux/Drewes surname was at a Dreux location beside Maine, in the same place (Ile-de-France) as Chappes and Levi's, and Dreux is thought to be named by DUROcasses. Thus, the Daorsi are expected at the Chappes theater too, which argues in favor of "Ile" tracing to "Illyrium," home of the Daorsi on the Neretva. As Taranis was also named like the Tanaro river, note that "the tanner of Falaise should trace to La Falaise at Ile-de-France. And indeed we have found Taranis elements at this Paris theater where Esus and Taranis were part of a triad of gods (of the Gauls).

I tend to trace "Wales" to "Gaul," and so "Aulus" may have indicated Murena's Gaul ancestry. I'm not sure whether this idea can reconcile with a trace of "Walch" to Wallachians. English Walls use a Coat like the Masters, and show the white wolf design of the Scarf Coat.

When houseofnames and connected other companies change their designs, you should probably prioritize the older symbols before they may have started changing them to thwart my work. When houseofnames was not accessible from 3 am last Sunday morning, well into Sunday afternoon, neither was available at that time, indicating that the companies are from one computer system...that was likely shut down for operational modifications at that time. The latter company had been, one I had linked to for years, when suddenly it disappeared from online, ruining all my links where I showed readers the Masonic codework. I wrote to the company complaining, but it gave me some off-the-wall excuse and later ignored my emails, refusing to tell me where I could find an alternative page for showing Coat descriptions. When finding it at (exactly the same page), I was no longer able to share links in a way that brings readers directly to the specific surnames. Instead, when I copied the URL of any page showing a surname description, the URL always pasted as "" so that you can't get to the specific page being quoted from. You need to enter the surname yourself at to get to that page.

If stupids of the world wish to make connections of Esus-and-company to Jesus Christ, they should show how the teachings of Gaul gods reflect those of Christianity. If Jesus was an Essene, we'd expect secular writings to make mention of Essene roots for early Christians. The "quam" motto terms under discussion might just be code for Essenes lines out of QUMran. I traced "QUMRan" to "Gomer," and Gomerians are thought to be Cimmerians, and the Welsh sometimes traced themselves to Cimmerians. We could therefore expect the Walsh/Welsh surname, or anything Welsh to trace to Qumran's Essenes. The Welsh call themselves, "Cymry," but the Cymru variation suggests that one can also spell it, CUMRu," much like QUMRan. Thus, the Welsh (red dragon on their flag) likely trace to the Chimera dragon of Lycia.

I trace Lycians to Lachish, in Hebron not far from Boscath, where I trace the Busca location, and Busch / Bosch variations of Bush's. It's all in the family, isn't it, to this day, right up to the upper decks of the American crown disguised as a "presidency."

The Chimera was killed by mythical Bellerophon riding his Gorgon Pegasus, and then I traced him (for good reason) to the Bellovesus Gauls that successfully invaded northern Italy, which is how the Laevi Gauls got to the Novara location on the Ticino, and how the Ananes Gauls got to Placentia. Bellerophon was from Corinth, where mythical Aeetes ruled before he went to Colchis. Aeetes was the owner of the golden fleece (the Hermes ram), otherwise known as the Ares dragon at Thebes, home of Aedon. One can glean here that Bellovesus' Gauls included some from Autun (named, Aedui). It was IASON, son of AESON (from Iolcus, in the land of Ixion), who went to retrieve the golden fleece from Colchis, and these terms relate to "Aedon," and to Essenes out of EPHesus, the latter location being home to HEPHaestus (maker of metal weapons). The "AEStus" in his name explains why he was connected by myth writers to names of mythical people starting with "Aex/Aix," an axe-like term. Thus, Essenes out of Carmel trace to Hephaestus, and no doubt to Syrian on Lemnos, and therefore to Murena, if he was from the Myrina Amazons.

Hephaestus was associated with fire, as his Vulcan name in Italy implies, but this was non-secret code for his metal-making fires. As "Vulcan" smacks of "Velch," home of Turan, it would appear that Terentius Varro Murena was indeed from Hephaestus elements, which were Amazonian just like the Meshwesh and other Berber nations in Moratin-like Mauritania. But if the Fulks of Velch link to "Fucino" of the Marsi, then, very likely, that lake was named after foco/fuoco = fire. While the Marsi snake is now tracing to the naming of Angles, it reminds me of the Armenian god, Angl-Thork, suggesting that Angitia was named after that god. As Taranis, suspect from Tarun of Armenia, was a thunder god, he clearly developed into Thor, which tends to trace Thor to the Marsi. But it was Ixion whom the Greek writers equated cleverly with Zeus, the thunder-and-lightning god, at Olympus near the stomping grounds of Ixion and Iason/Aeson...and the Muses from Mus of Armenia.

"...the Chimera, a monster that Homer depicted with a lion's head, a goat's body, and a serpent's tail: 'her breath came out in terrible blasts of burning flame.'" Is that code for Hephaestus elements from Qumran? It just dawned on me that the lame symbol of Hephaestus may have been due to a typical injury that woodcutters get when they miss a branch or trunk and hit their legs with the axe. Footless martins come to mind, now showing in the French Joseph Coat. Josephs, remember, were Caiaphas liners of the Chappes kind who trace to the Arms of Haifa, just north of Carmel. And English Josephs were first found in the same place as "captat"- and axe-using Drakes. .

The "quam magna" phrase of Walkers may even be of the "mago" motto term of English Josephs, possibly explaining why the no-s Master surname uses gold and green, the colors of the Joseph multi-chevron. As Walls use a Coat similar to that to the with-s Masters surname (itself uses "quam"), it appears that Walls are a Walker branch. These Walls were first found in the same place (Gloucestershire) as Dreux', thus suggesting that Walls were at the Chappes theater with Walsh lines. As could be expected, Walsh's look like a branch of Walkers, which exemplifies the bloodline lust in the Masonic leaders of the United States.

BEHOLD! The Henrys were just looked up because there is an online article telling that the Josephs of Hampshire were named after a Joseph Henry of Hampshire. To the best of my ability to make out the design of the perched Walsh eagle, it's identical to the eagle in the Irish Henry Crest! DESIGN MATTERS! I knew from this right away that Walsh's were linked to Maine's Josephs and all that it implies. I just about flipped when I loaded French Henrys to find footless martins, the new symbol showing for Maine's Josephs! Thanks to the Coat changes, we are now able to link Walsh's (share the swan with Maine's Josephs) back to Joseph Caiaphas, strongly suggesting that Aulus Terentius Varro Murena had something to do with planting the Caiaphas family in Israel, or protecting it when it escaped / left Israel at about 70 AD.

The hunt is getting very interesting. Won't you join me in finding the rest...before I get knocked off for telling what they don't want me to tell. Perhaps they won't knock me off until they themselves have learned from me what they didn't know, and what they find interesting.

I've already mentioned that the French Alan Coat was changed from duckling that linked to those of the Devons, to footless martins in the colors of the Henry martins (or martlets). It's bringing that idea back to mind again, where Forum Allieni housed the Israeli priests when they fled from Israel. Did the Walsh swan trace to the Alba swan? The latter is on a Shield using a thinner-than-most fesse in colors reversed from the thinner-than-most fesse of English Alans, itself surrounded by oak leaves.

The Thors who use what should be the Chappes PERCHevron also use "two red rams' horns," and then Camulos was portrayed with a horned head of a ram. Thus the same Walsh - Gemel bloodline linking to Esus was also linked to Camulos, the god to be expected in Gemel / Cammell / Gamel terms.

Camulos also had a crown of oak branches, suggesting Druids, and/or Zeus, and/or Dor-ians. Does this trace Gemels to the Durance river? Here is the Murena tower in the Italian Durant Coat. English Durants, using the Sale fleur, were first found in the same place as Sheriffs, and then Scarfs use a chevron in the colors of the Chappes / Thor / Ottone chevron, and they are traced, if you would believe it, to an "old Norse word, 'skarfr,' meaning 'corMORANT', a kind of large black seabird." The writer has the audacity to say that the surname was PROBABLY given to a person resembling a cormorant! You are being taken for a fool.

Thus, it appears that the Scarfs, Schere's/Scherfs and Walker-related Walsh's all trace to Murena, with Scarfs and similar others going perhaps to the Morant-branch Murena line. Scarfs, like Bush's, Walkers and Gemel-suspect Wagers, were first found in Yorkshire. Scarfs are in the colors of the Roque rock and use trefoils, the Rockefeller-line symbol. Scarfs are also in the colors of German Schore's, first found in the same place (Hamburg) as Trips. Let's not forget that Walkers trace to the Trypillian theater around Kamenec, and that since Walsh's should trace to Wallachians of that area, ditto for Walkers.

English Shore's -- showing the same motto as human-sacrificer Canns/Caens, who will later link to Cables/Cabells and Modane lines -- use "a stork holding a stone." The stork traces from Oettingen-Oettingen of Bavaria through to Odins / Oddie's of Storkhouse in Yorkshire. Oddie's are the ones in the colors of Ottone's.

It's all-in-the-family with president George W. Scherf, "adopted" by the Bush family to disguise his Nazi roots, and marrying Laura Walsh. Scottish Walsh's, first found in the same place (ROXburghshire) as Maxwells/Makeswells, use the Maxwell saltire, and Maxwells use a "holly BUSH"," while Shore's use holly. The Nazi who reported on his deathbed that George Herbert Scherff was George Herbert Walker Bush had a SKORzeny surname. The story is online for all to read. English Walkers and Scottish Walsh's share gold rings.

Schere's/Scherfs and German Schore's share red roses, but Schere's and Walkers use them on stems, possibly important because the Stem surname brings up the Stone-suspect Steins, and then, as we just saw, Shore's use a stone in their Crest...suspect with the black stone of the Cables/Cabell bloodline, but, as we saw, Walsh's link to the El-Gabal cult too. Why do we think the Shore's/Sure's are honored in the "make sure" motto phrase of Kilpatricks? Ask the Shera variation of Irish Kilpatricks, kin of Shere's/Sheers of SURrey. Why do we think Walch's and Walkers should link to Kilpatricks too?

These are all profound revelations coming like a torrent late in this update. We can walk away from all this knowing that Walsh's and Walkers had something to do with lines from the Israeli priesthood. We can ask why these very lines traced to certain Nazi elements that came to rule the United States. Shouldn't we expect Caiaphas liners at the charge of Armageddon involving the "heavenly" weapons of the U.S. military? The lightning bolt symbol of that military is that of Zeus, isn't it?

Margys/Mackie's/Mackeys of Ayrshire are suspects from Numidia, but ought to link to the MacAbee's a little out to sea from Ayrshire, on Arran. The Walsh motto term, "Numine," is obviously for Newmans, suspected as Numidians, and honoring the MacAbee's with their motto. It just so happens that the Mackesy/Margeson Coat uses a white-on-black Levi lion (colors reversed from the Levi lion), the colors of the Newman lions that I say is the upright Levi lion design.

One can see that Ticino-river Massena liners ended up on Arran as Newmans. The MacAbee's may have been originally "Maccabee," and then disguised as "MacAbee." Any surname that starts with "Mac" can be wrongly changed. For example, a Maccus surname can be wrongly changed to "MacCus, as though the name were Cus instead of Maccus. If you type "Maccabee" in the search box at houseofnames, it automatically shows it as "MacCabee." Mackays are shown as "MacKay" even though they are a branch of Maceys, but, even in real life, the English Maceys did become MacKays just because it's somewhat inevitable in Scotland. The MacAbee's are in Scotland too, and while they are truly spelled, MacAbee, they may not have been so originally. That's my point.

I like to repeat that Bush's, Walkers, and Wagers were all first found in Yorkshire. I had recognized a slew of related surnames all using the red-on-white chevron surrounded by three black symbol, the Walsh's and related Mortans included, and then, not only are Mortons suspect with Moratins/Murena's, but the Taran(t)/Tarent Coat is itself a red-on-white chevron...though surrounded by red eagles. In short, these red chevrons appear to be in honor of the Terentius family that gave the Gauls, or received from them, the terrible god, Taranis.

The Tarent Coat is a colors-reversed version, eagles and all, of the Child Coat. Thus Childeric I was a Terentius bloodliner...probably from the Caiaphas lines around Ile-de-France.

French Alans may be using the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Saluzzo's. Bush's (share a goat with Walsers) trace smack to the Saluzzo theater while swan-using Walsh's are tracing to the Salassi a little further north of Saluzzo, facing the Sion location that had the swan-line Ligurians. The mermaid in the Walser Coat is a symbol for Khazars from Melissena Rangabe, part imperial Byzantine, part royal Khazar. The Caseys, who were discovered to be from proto-Khazars, use three red-on-white eagle heads around a red-on-white chevron that can be considered a version of the Tarent Coat! Thus, the Casey leaves must be code for the Laevi Gauls.

I just realized now, after writing the paragraph above, and after writing on the vertically-split Shields, that the Arms of Wallis canton are split in half vertically in colors-reversed from the vertically-split Trent Shield!!! That clinches it: Aulus Terentius Varro Murena, who re-settled the land of the Salassi, founded / named the Wallis canton! Well, I feel sure about it, anyway. See also the Arms of Sion/Sitten.

Is it coincidental that the Casey eagle-head design is used in the three eagle heads of the Cellers/Kellers/Kelners??? I don't think so! The brother-in-law of one Terentius Varro Murena was from the Cilnius family. Isn't it amazing what heraldry can reveal? These Cellers/Kelners were even first found in Swabia, home of the Khazar-rooted Hohens, some of whom, the Hohenstaufens included, use the quartered Kill/Keele Coat!! Hohens (see Hohenzollerns too) also use two colors for their eagles, black and red, the colors of the Celler and Casey eagles. I did an entire treatment on Caseys, but cannot recall what location (something like the Stephen surname) in Alania they were traced to when finding evidence for their Khazar roots. "Cohen" means "priest" in Hebrew.

Sitten on the Secret

Now that we can have a good grasp of what surnames the Terentius-Varro-Murena line trace to, we can investigate whether the Sittaceni peoples named the Sitten location in Wallis Canton, and whether they named the Setta valley south of Bologna. I've done plenty on the Setta topic, but I don't have time for this update to go back into it. The only purpose is to discover whether the namers of Setta / Sitten named the Sadducees.

Half the stars in the Arms of Wallis are in the colors of the Annas / Angus/Angas stars (two stars, as with the Arms of Sion), and knowing now that Varro's trace to Wallis, the "Vere star" applies. It's extremely important that Vere's use a green wyvern, the symbol of Guerra's, for it links the two surnames as cognates, and trace's Varro's to Guido Guerra. Guido Guerra was involved with the Panico's of the Setta valley, though not much online information is readily found for this relationship. Guido Guerra had spread some wings over much of Tuscany.

We've been seeing some green dragons lately, but there is another one in the Seaton/Sitten Crest.

There is a Savena location near the Setta that could indicate the Soducena location at lake Sevan. It recalls my tracing Sitten/Sion to swan-line Ligurians. Why should a green dragon be related to Sitten/Sion? Shouldn't Army-related Walkers (arm holding a green lizard) and swan-using Walch's have something to do with this? Yes, and the WILKins use the green wyvern too, which may indicate that Wilk- and Walker-like surnames are a branch of WALSERs out of Sitten/Sion.

Now hold on, now. If Walkers are from Kamenec way over near L'viv, and were Wallachians there, what reason does this offer for a trace to Sion/Sitten? The idea for mentioning Armys is that they use the Shield-and-Chief combination of Annans, and the reason for mentioning Kamenec is due to the Comyn garbs, in the colors of the Joseph garbs, themselves in the colors of the Kamen/KAMENETski horseshoe. In other words, it looks really great (like when one has a large puking episode) for a trace of Caiaphas and Annas to this Sion location.

Scottish Walkers use the Comyn/ Kamenetski / Joseph colors, and it should be noted that the Walkers use these colors in the Caiaphas-suspect "Chief" portion of the Shield. The Josephs use their garbs in the Chief too. The Walker Shield looks like a version of the Kilpatrick Shield-and-Chief color combination, because Irish Kilpatricks use a white saltire as an alternative to their black one.

One expects Patricks to use a green dragon. If I'm not mistaken, the green of St. Patrick is a shade of "kelly green," which can explain the green Enfield griffin in the Kelly/Killia Crest (Hiedlers/Hitlers use an Enfield griffin). KILpatricks may thus be a branch of the Killia sector of the Cilnius bloodline. Perhaps the green heraldic dragon is nothing more than the color of Ireland / St. Patrick, but where did Patrick get the green? From green trefoils?

We'd like to take a look at the Enfield surname, but I want to assure you that I did not see it until writing all the above. The Enfield Crest is the footless martin, in the same colors, as in the French Joseph Coat!!! Adolf Hitler was a Caiaphas liner, wasn't he? I wonder whether he knew it. He has until the sun and moon are no more to ponder it on his bed of puke. Maybe we shouldn't tell him.

The Enfield Coat has eight martlets in the same fashion of the same in the SEDwick Coat that comes up as SADDOCK. Both Coats use a smaller shield within the Shield at the center of all the martlets. To help prove that this was a Sadducee line, Sedwicks/Saddocks use "ears of rye" in the Crest, while English Chappes/Chaips use "ears of wheat," as well as the same gold garb of Josephs.

I've had good reasons to be so confident of a Joseph trace to Joseph Caiaphas. But here we are finding the Setta-valley clans, are we not? We should ask the Panico Chief, using gold symbols, as do the Joseph, Kilpatrick / Walker Chiefs. What can we expect Panico's at the Setta theater to use? What about the pierced Zionists stars of Payens (I see them as pert of the tattoo bloodlines)? Yes, for the Walkers use them in their Chief. So..Walkers were Payens in the Setta valley, and Walch's trace to Chappes, whom Hugh de Payen married. Therefore, Chappes' were at the Setta valley, weren't they?

What else would we expect Panico's to use at the Setta? What about the patee cross of Peks, or the red-on-white chevron of Peks? The Kamens/Kamenetski's use a patee, and English Walkers and Welch's use a red-on-white chevron.

The "ears of wheat" of the Sadducee line must be code for the Wheat/Wete surname using three grabs in the Chief in the gold color of the Joseph and Comyn garbs. The Wheat/Wete garbs are free, without a separate box to identify the Chief, as is the case for the Joseph garbs. Like the Panico's, the Vatts/Watters and Watts (both use an eye) use an oak, thus identifying the Wheats/Wete's as a branch of Watts.

The Wheat/Wete garbs are in the two colors of the Coffer crescents, thus effectively identifying Coffers as Caiaphas liners, and moreover these colors are those of the multi-chevrons of the garb-using Josephs. Irish Coffers/Coffeys/Caffeys use the same colors again, and a green dolphin in Crest, suggesting Kelly kin. The latter Coffers use two motto terms used also by Walch's, "sed" and "Non," the sed term now being capable of identifying with Sedwicks/Saddocks, the surname known to be of the Sadducees more than any other. Walsh's already traced to Josephs' and Chappes, anyway. I wonder if Laura Bush had a painting of the Sanhedrin in the White-House living room. No matter, Obama took it down and replaced it with a painting of king Massena.

Didn't I say that "sed" looked like code for Saids/Saddlers? Yes, and they use the Massin/Mason lion.

You have just seen that the Kellys trace to Placentia via their Enfield griffin. If we are correct in tracing Kellys to the Cilnius ancestry of Maecenas, then Kellys must be at the feet of the first Maccabees, the progenitors of the Israel priest-kings. It's one thing to find a surname tracing to Caiaphas / Annas lines after 70 AD, and another to find lines tracing to them at about 200 BC. It gives us a good picture of what may have taken place. We should expect Cilnius / Cavari blood in Israel during the inter-Testamental period.

The "arms holding a green lizard" definitely look like code for the Ermines/Arms from Placentia's Annas line, but that line pre-dated 70 AD too. Ananes were in Placentia. Wikipedia has no article on the Ananes, but says that they were also "Animari." As I say that Maccabees were partly Boii, look at what was just found that I do not recall finding before:
"The Celts, named as the tuatha of the Ananes and the Boii (Polybius, Histories, 2.17), came into conflict with Rome..." The writer dates this event at about 390 BC.

I have had no idea that the Ananes were fundamental with the Boii. Heraldry could bear out this relationship. The Bone's (in the colors of English Boys and Italian Boys/Bovins) are also shown as "Bohun," a Bohemia term, I am sure. They were first found in the same place (Sussex) as Sedwicks/Saddocks and their Rye kin. The Bound variation of Bone's should apply to the Romanized "Bovin." Boys/Bovins (in the colors of Bologna's checks) were first found in Emilia-Romagna, location of Bologna/Bononia, where the Boii lived. Modena is also in Emilia-Romagna.

I've just been to the Bologna article to show you the Bologna checks, but they are not there. Hmm, perhaps I was mistaken about who used the blue-and-gold checks. I went looking for other Arms of Bologna, and lookie at what was found on the page below showing 38 Coats of many Bologna families. One of them is the Armi surname. I did NOT know this when writing on the Ermines/Armys above. Note how many of the Coats use the co-called "label" as well as three fleur-de-lys in Chief, two symbols used by Panico's.

There are several bulls on the page, one of them used by the Borghi's who must be related to the bull-using Borgia's. The Borghi's use two white-on-blue bulls both facing the white-on-blue tower, in the same manner that Kelly/Killia's use two white-on-blue lions facing a white-on-blue tower. This suggests that Kellys trace to the Burghs of Bologna. It's getting Kellys exactly where we expect them for forming the Maccabees.

The Carli's are shown on the page using two lions facing what looks like a tree stump, and that surname evokes the Charo/Chiaro/Claro surname using an upright bull. In fact, the same page shows an upright white bull in the Coat of the Chiarelli's, suggesting that the Charo/Chiaro bull is that of the Armi bull, and thus it's tracing Kellys to the surname honored by the "charo" motto term of Josephs! I was wrong for suggesting that the big mouth of heraldry is as wide as Hell. It's bigger. The page even shows the black-on-white "pale" of the Magnana's, perhaps the bloodline honored by the "magna" motto term of Walkers. Pale's (camel head) were first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as Walkers. The "mago" term of Josephs comes back to mind.

Apparently, the Carli's were Charo's/Chiaro's of the Chiarelli kind. It suggests Carolingians, and yet, with their apparent link to Kellys = Cilnius elements, it's bringing the Cavari to mind. Non-Romanized, Cavari" would be "Cauar."

Here are the Arms of Lambertini's (three red pale bars on gold) of Bologna, and that of Benoit's, using what should be the Shield of Scottish Walkers, the one with the white satire of Kelly-suspect Kilpatricks. The reason that I can be sure that the Walkers are using the Lambertini bars is that this Walker Chief was found to use the Panico-of-Bologna design but with the Payen stars. ("Pale" is the heraldic term for vertical bars.)

It's amazing that this Lambertini page was found so soon after discovering that Walkers are using the Payen stars on the Panico Chief. Therefore, Walsh's must trace to Bologna too, which is where I think the Boulogne house of Templar Bouillons trace. Godfrey de Bouillon was given a swan symbol, i.e. used by Walsh's. The Bouillon swan was related to the mythical Swan Knight, son of Percival the "Grail King," and we have seen Percivals, kin of Pierce's, tracing to the pierced swan of Walsh's. Thus, the Walsh swan at Perche, which is the Joseph swan too, is the ugly guts of the Bouillon swan symbol. Doesn't BOUIllon smack of the Boii?

IMPORTANT. As The Lambertini Coat is used also by Benoit's of Bologna, see that French Benoit's (Languedoc) use the bendy Shield of Guerra's in colors reversed!!! We are on it. Walkers are tracing to the circle of the Guido-Guerra's at Bologna. I fully expect these families to have been in contact with Caiaphas / Annas / Maccabee lines.

Some Guerra variations suggest the Garrets, and what do you know? Irish Garrets (Guerra colors) were first found in Carlow, smacking of the Carli's of Bologna that linked to Josephs. If correct that Carli's use a tree stump, they suggest Joseph elements in contact with Esus. Why would Essenes carry their symbol through Bologna? We should ask the Walsh tree stump, or the one of Milans that likely links to Chappes. Then, English Garrets use the Desmond / Annandale saltire with a MONK in Crest, important because Desmonds use a MONKey in Crest. The Garret Crest: "A demi monk, in the dexter hand a lash." Desmonds link to dexter-loving Kilpatricks because both use "aboo." REMEMBER: while Desmonds and Kilpatricks trace to Placentia rather than Bologna, the Bologna topic started after discovering that Ananes had merged with Boii in Bologna. I then sought heraldic evidence for this. What has been found already tends to prove that Annandales trace to Ananes, but as Caiaphas seems to be all over this, Annas/Ananias must be from the Ananes.

The Monks/Monckes' (wyvern dragon) look like they use a version of the Childeric and/or Skull and/or Newman Coat. The latter are honored by the Walsh motto, and use a version of the Coat of Raines' whom I trace to the Reno river, where the Setta valley sits. Newtons use what could be a symbol of Skull and Bones. Compare the Skulls with the Bones/Bohuns that trace to Boii of Bologna. Monks were first found in Devon, where the Walsh-et-el elements from Maine / Perche had traced.

As Cilnius was a family of Arretium stretching back to about 400 BC, the Sadducees could, conceivably, have been from the proto-El-Gabal cult expected at Arretium. If Arettium named Arethusa in Syria, then the Caiaphas family in northern Italy may have moved to Arethusa. The El-Gabal cult had it's start with a man named Aziz, who is predicted to be the proto-Essenes from Assisi, and so the proto-Essenes were sent to Syria too, as goes this theory, before all of them found themselves in Israel with Maccabees out of Bologna and Modena. As Assisi is in Perusia, it may have named the proto-Pharisees. In the meantime, the family of Annas in/around Placentia (or perhaps in Bologna) may have moved to Syria with the proto-Sadducee clan that named Seth, his father. Seth may have been named after "Setta."

The Armys that are in code in the lizard of Walkers may be a branch of the Arms/Harme surname (Surrey) using only one giant besant. If the size of an heraldic symbol is indicative of importance, the Arms/Harme surname looks like a chief Bassianus line.

In the 3rd update of last February, and a couple of updates before that, I wrote repeatedly that the Arms of Bologna use blue-and-white checks, and I even gave the URL to the Wikipedia page. But the checks are no longer shown at the Wikipedia article on Bologna. I wonder why. The checks traced Warrens and Wards there so well as to indicate that proto-Varni were there, as in Aulus Terentius Varro Murena. Pope's/Pape's use the checks too and should link to Pepoli's of Bologna using a Shield filled with black-and-white checks. The Gillans (grail in Crest) use a Shield filled with red-and-gold checks, and may just trace to Cilnius. Or, the Gelonus peoples from the blonde Budini, the Boyds from the Budini use checks too. See the two fingers pointing up in the Boyd Crest, for I just saw that in one of the Arms in Bologna! Reminder: the Po was the Bodencus too. The two fingers are used by the Segni family; see near bottom of this page:

Here is the Italian Segni Coat from houseofnames. The bigger point is that the Point surname uses the two fingers pointing, and they were traced to Pinks (= Panico branch) who were in-turn merged with Renos/Rine's! The Reno river passed by Bologna!!

AHA! The Segni's not only show "SEGURana," but they show the moline cross design (in colors reversed) that Seagers/Sugars used until recently!!! DESIGN MATTERS!!! Therefore, the Seagers/Sugar snake cult was in Bologna, wasn't it? And they got related to the Panico's, didn't they?

Here is the theory, but be ready for a surprise from what was just found. The 666 is predicted by me to be from a tattoo cult that was experienced in using needles in the skin. This cult got involved in blood-brother pacts that engaged in drinking blood from a cup, after various partners of war drew their own blood and let it drip into the cup. The Hungarian Arpads did this. After finding that the Punch surname showed a fist, I realized that it was a symbol of a clenched hand for to draw blood better from the arm when poked with a needle. Don't give up on me here. When I saw the Pinks, who smacked of Punch's, the modern pink punch drink came to mind, and it seemed logical that the pink punch was named after watered down bowls of blood from those who made blood-brother pacts.

I didn't yet know the Panico surname at that time, but the Punch's and Pinks were identified with them, and because related Payens use a paint-like Paiont variation, I lumped them into the tattoo cult, and asked whether their pierced stars might be from their needle theme. Then I found the Points using the cross style of Pinks, and both use an arm CUFFed, as if to be code for the Caiaphas line. While wondering minutes ago about the Point surname's origins in the Segne's of Bologna, I noted, one, that the pointing hand was the right/dexter one, and that Points are in the colors of Traby- and Dexter-related Weights, and that's when "Poyndexters" came to mind. Loading the Poyndexter Coat ("Nemo" motto term), what was found but " with right hand clenched, proper, CUFFED gold...with a blue mullet."

Astounding! A surname said to be named after a right-hand fist. Who would want to have that name? The Dexter bloodline, I assume. I had traced Arpads to the Ticino river, I kid you not, but some sound evidence. It was a trace of proto-Arpads there, and even the name of the brother of Andrew I is found in the Laevi of that river. But I did not know at the time that there was a 666 bloodline connected with Dexters, and the theory you just heard was not yet conceived, and so by what coincidence are Dexters, in all likeliness, a branch of Decks/Daggers / Tecks/Tess' from the Ticino? In other words, the 666-suspect tattoo bloodline should be expected from Arpads of the Ticino, and to that picture add Pepinids on the Ticino because Pepoli's out of Bologna use the Illuminati Shield.

But the Laevi should be included even as Kilpatricks use their lion in 666 imagery. And while Revelation 17 reveals a grail filled with blood that amounts to the murders of Christians, Jesus gave his Apostles a cup of "blood" to drink in making a pact with them. I don't know whether the Arpads were mimicking the things that Christians had done over the centuries in remembrance of Jesus, but, yes, the very meaning of Illuminati is to make a counterfeit Christianity with satan secretly as the savior. It's demented, but it's not our fault.

There is a Clench surname using "An eagle rising proper, on a hand gauntleted, couped in fesse." As "couped' must be code for Kypros-of-Herod lines, it's notable that the upright Clench lion is colors reversed to the upright Lannoy lion known (by me) to be a Herod Archelaus line. I can't say whether Clench's apply to the clenched hand of Poyndexters. "CLENch" could be a CILNius line, however.

I'm not going to restrict the blood-brother pacts suspect on the Ticino to Arpads alone (you can find those pacts online involving king Arpad himself). I'm going to keep eyes peeled for others on the Ticino having 666 hints. It would probably be amiss to say that the Marici, and therefore the Marks, are a clue to "MARK of the beast." It's notable, however, that the Mark checks on a fesse are in the colors of the Boyd checks on a fesse.

German Mains/Meinhards and German Marks share the crowned Maxwell eagle. Maxwells can be the 666 line as per linkage to Kilpatricks. English Mains use pheons, a pointed projectile in Crest (said to be a "dart"), and a unicorn (sharp point on the head). The Mark eagle holds a spear with a point at both ends. There are points all over this picture. Even the Traby hunting horn (a goat's horn) can be used to paint the body if filled with ink and allowed to exit through a small hole at the point.

Consider how "Pek" could refer to something sharp. The Attila proto-Arpads were at the Pek river but also at Bologna. The Marsi (Abruzzo) lived near the Piceni / Picentis, who I think were the makings of a facet of Payens. Mars was known to have a woodPECKer symbol, suggesting these Piceni elements. A Piceno location is in MARCHE just outside the north Abruzzo border, and a Picenzo village is in Abruzzo. The people who named that place were from the Picentini mountains south of Naples. (When discussing the Popoli of Naples versus the Pepoli of Bologna, l didn't yet know of the Popoli location in Abruzzo.)

What we're seeing here are some important Ticino-river connections to the Bologna theater involving lines from or to the Israeli priesthood. The Marsi connection to them is indication of how these lines became damned with the Ares-dragon cult. The Pepoli's > Pepins took their blood to Merovingians, and we have yet to determine whether "CHILderic" was a line from the Cilnius factor. The Cilnius factor is extremely important for its ability to be at the ancestry of the Maccabee priest-kings. The Hebrons/Hepburns to which the Chill/Child Coat links, were of a CHILLINGham location, and then the Killens/Killians, or "Cillin" to the Irish, use the Murena tower. Murena is the one who had the power to move people around in the Roman empire just as the Hasmoneans / Maccabees showed up in Israel.

The "tryst" motto term of Hebrons/Hepburns goes to the Trysts surname (in Chill/Child and Hebron colors) using the same-colored star as the stars of the Annas / Angus Coats. You can see that we're on the damned Marsi > Marici lines here as we try to find how the Maccabees were formed. The Angus Coat shares a red-on-white lion with the Hebrons/Hepburns, and the Angus lion design is the one showing for the Jewish Levi Coat suspect with the crowned lion of the Capua's, first found in the same place as Popoli's. If one tries to wreck the implications of what's being said here, we can wreck their efforts by simply pointing out that the Chill/Child Coat is a colors-reversed version of the Tarent Coat, spread eagles and all.

It's therefore compelling that Childeric traces to the family that founded the Maccabees, in which case Maccabee lines in 70 AD, which could have been in the Sanhedrin at that time, may have fled to their Cilnius kin back in Italy, then parking their sorry butts on the Ticino with old Levi members, and later on the Durance with the neighboring Salyes, thus becoming the Salian Franks with Padua-based Batavi living beside them. It's not that simple, I realize, but you get the gist. The Cavari on the Durance were the Numidian factor, as were Murena and Maecenas themselves. I'm fairly confident, anyway, that Murena was Numidian.

The Cable's/Cabells -- first found in the same place as Trents - are the ones using the same fretty Shield as the Modiin-suspect Modens/Modeys. It testifies to Maccabee lines at the Cavari theater, explaining the Modane location to the north of the Salyes, on the Isere river. The Gable's (in Cable colors) should be from Cabellio just off the Durance. The keys in the Arms of Avignon are likely from the Vatican, from the time when the papal capital was at Avignon, but, the question is, where did the Vatican really get its key symbol? Not from the apostle Peter, I'm sure.

Bologna is where the Reno and the Savena meet. I just checked all my files for "Savena," but it did not come up, meaning that I don't think I have known this before. When speaking on the Sevan trace to Ciconia at Orvieto, and suggesting that a Soducena-like entity ought to be there or nearby, I did not know of this Savena river. Not until now, while looking for webpages on the Setta, was it found. I have "Setta valley" recorded in nine updates, yet the google search (link above) gets only five. Tribwatch, and probably other Christian websites, is punished by Google with special programs intended to limit / cripple readership. I see this consistently with my pages. Google censors the information that the world gets to have, doesn't it.

I doubt very much that the "Sithech" term that Shaws are traced to means "wolf," as the Shaw write-up states. The Thicks/Thecks use ermined lozenges in colors reversed from the ermined Shaw lozenges, which tells us that "SiTHECH" traces to it. Note that Thecks use the red Casey eagle head, for Caseys use a version of the Tarent / Child Coats. The Joseph motto uses "Cas." What's this all about? Ask the Casey leaves. The Cass and related Kiss/Cuss surnames linked to Trabys at Vilnius, the Lithuanian capital, but there is a Trebbia river flowing into Placentia that could find proto-Caseys there.

Thecks use "A biturn SETTLing in the reeds". Setta-incidence? If not, Shaws just traced to the Setta. The Theck description is why the Settle's/Settels should apply. German Gable's/Gabbells (in Settle colors) were first found in the same place (Silesia) as SITLers/SITTners, a possible branch of Settle's. Why should El-Gabal elements link to Setta-valley families? I can feel it in my skull and bones: Seth, father of Annas, was from Soducena swan liners in the Setta valley, and this ancestry of his was sent to Syria to start a priest-king cult, at Arethusa, with Cilnius liners from Arettium going along, all related to Maecenas de Cilnius, and under the service of his ancestors. And that's why the Mona Lisa is smiling, because she knows this while the rest of the world doesn't.

The Thick fesse is colors reversed from the Bitter/Biter fesse, which answers to the "biturn" code of Thicks. The Bitter/Biter Crest is a sun held by a hand. Both surnames are in Reed colors, and English Reeds, first found in the same place (NorthUMBERland) as Hebrons/Hepburns, use a "Pax copia" motto, a rising "falcon" that I might trace to the Tarun phoenix, and gold garbs that have traced to Joseph Caiaphas in numerous ways. Scottish Reeds use what should be a version of the Taran/Tarent / Chill/Child Coat. If I'm not mistaken, Dutch Reeds' use a thunderbolt, symbol of Taranis, the god of the family of Aulus Terentius Varro Murena.

The NorthUMBRia location of the Reeds can connect to Umbria, location of Assisi, where we could expect the origin of Aziz, an ancestor of the El-Gabal priesthood. But wait. Wikipedia says that it was an Arab, not Roman cult:

The royal family of Emesa, also known as the Emesani Dynasty or the Sempsigerami of Emesa...They can be viewed both as Arameans and Arabs.

Emesa was famous for the worship of the strong ancient pagan cult El-Gebal...El-Gebal was worshipped in the form of a conical black stone. El-Gebal was the Aramaic name for the Syrian Sun God and means God of the Mountain.

"God of the Mountain"? Are we sure? What about that Zabala/Zampberelli surname, first found in Modena? What if "Gabal" is not Arabic? The Wikipedia writer must be assuming that "Gabal" is the Arabic "jabal = hill." What if El-Gabal was named after something in Italy, something belonging or pertaining to the Zabala family. That's what it looks like. I wouldn't have any idea if not for "SAMPsigeramus."

An Aramean is not an Arab. Aram was an old name for Syria. Some said that Aram also named Armenia. The article goes on: "The ancestors of Sampsiceramus I were Bedouins who had traveled the Syrian terrain, before deciding to settle in the Orontes Valley [where Hermes-branch Armenians had settled long before] and South of the Apamea region...Sampsiceramus I was a son of Aziz (Azizus, c. 94 BC); paternal grandson of Iamblichus (c. 151 BC)..." The writer could be using "Bedouin" generally, as in wanderers, not necessarily proving that the priests of El-Gabal were Arabic. Besides, if Bedouins were named after Bedewe = Merowe, I would peg them as Amorites. Wikipedia's Bedouin article makes a good case for "Bedouin" = "desert," but perhaps the Arab word for desert was named after Bedouins, not vice versa.

The article goes on: "The father of Sampsiceramus I, Aziz also known as Azizus the Arab[5] and Azizus the Phylarch of the Arabs[6]..." It's hard to argue against that. But what were Arabs in those days. Greek myth made Hermes the father of Arabus. What were Bedouins in those days?

If Romans transplanted in Syria were married off to local Arameans to fortify an alliance with Rome, then I would expect the El-Gabal priesthood to be opposed to Seleucids. But they were not, according to Wikipedia. Aziz comes into the picture after the Maccabees had betrayed Rome with a Seleucid alliance. Aziz does not appear faithful to Seleucids, as we would expect if Romans transplanted him there: "Aziz may had assisted Philip I [Seleucid ruler] some years before about 87 BC...Aziz assisted in putting the last Seleucid King Philip II Philoromaeus, the son of Philip I on the throne, by arranging to meet him and putting the Diadem on his head. However Philip II realized that Aziz befriended him to murder him to gain a portion of a divided Syrian Kingdom, realized the plot and fled to Antioch."

To prove that Rome was installing Roman elements in Syria, we soon after find: "Around 64 BC, the Roman General and Triumvir, Pompey had reorganised Syria and the surrounding countries into Roman provinces. Pompey had installed client kings in the region, who would become allies to Rome. Among those client kings was Sampsiceramus I..." This was the son of Aziz, and Sampsiceramus becomes the first priest-king of El-Gabal thanks to, not the Seleucids, not the Syrians, but to the Romans. So, who really was Aziz? A closet Roman? "At the request of Pompey, Sampsiceramus I captured and killed in 64 BC, the second last Seleucid King Antiochus XIII Asiaticus." Thus began to subjugation of Israel by Romans. Like a dog rewarded with a bone to gnaw on: "After the death of Antiochus XIII, Sampsiceramus I was confirmed in power and his family was left to rule the surrounding region under Roman suzerainty"

The Armenian god, Angl-Thork, was of the Orontes dynasty of Armenians, otherwise called the Yervand dynasty. "Emesa was added to the domains of Sampsiceramus I, but the first Emesani capital was Arethusa, a city north of Emesa, along the Orontes River." Arethusa sure does smack of Arretium. A second Aziz became the priest king, and he married Drusilla of the Herods. When he died, his priesthood position was taken over by Sohaemus, who married the Massena Numidians, which could be explained if the line of Gauis Cilnius Maecenas was in Arethusa. Gauis Cilnius Maecenas was born in 70 BC, and Sohaemus ruled El-Gabal about 62 years after Maecenas had died.

Wikipedia says that Aziz was divorced by Drusilla because she fancied Felix, the Roman governor of Judea. This was the same Felix who had previously married Drusilla de Massena, the wife also of Sohaemus. It was a bed-hopping comedy. Everyone was laughing and crying at the same time. Israel was a crash zone, trampled by outsiders, demons. The Israeli priests even killed God. It couldn't get any sadder.

We can't trace Fulks to both "Fucino" and to "Felix," can we? Felix was from Arcadians, not Massena liners. As Flecks use the Samson / Meschin scallops, and as Belgian Flacks look like Fulke's, perhaps Flecks do not trace to Felix. Perhaps Velch has nothing to do with the Felix line. English Felix's were first found in the same place (Sussex) as Herod-suspect Coopers.

Anyway, that's all the proof I can muster at this time that El-Gabal was a Roman entity implanted into Syria. Perhaps the priest kings were called Arabs because there was Roman intrusion threatening to rob the leadership position of the family. I assume that Romans may have given a daughter in marriage to the father or grandfather of the first Aziz. His father is not mentioned, but his grandfather is said to be Iamblichus of about 150 BC, after the Maccabees threw off Seleucid control of Israel, but just as Jonathan Maccabee formed a strong alliance with the Seleucids. In this picture, we could expect Iamblichus to turn against Romans, if ever his family had the mission to be pro-Roman, and support Seleucids along with Jonathan Maccabee. Jonathan was made the high priest in 153 BC under alliance with the Seleucid king (Alexander Balas).

If the Maccabees were named by an ancestor of Cilnius Maecenas, then we could imagine that a daughter of that line may have gone also to Iamblichus or his son. As the Arettium home of this Maecenas family was near Assisi, we can see the possibility of the Roman mother naming her son, Aziz(us). This assumes a Maecenas branch living in Assisi. Assisi was in the Perusia area of Umbria, and as such the Pharisees would have been named after the branch of Maecenas elements in Assisi.

Wikipedia says that Pharisees were named after the idea of "to separate," as in to parse, to divide. But that's an assumption. One could just as well say that Paris or Perseus was named after "parse." Not necessarily, of course. It is completely foggy as to how Pharisees arose from Maccabees. "Josephus first mentions [Pharisees] in connection with Jonathan [Maccabee]..." That doesn't tell us much.

Annas was made the high priest in 6 AD when Roman authority moved into Judea. In the same year, Herod Archelaus was removed from Judaea by the Romans. The priesthood at this time had, in the least, to feign loyalty to Rome. If the high priest was worldly ambitious, he could suck up to the Romans carefully. Annas was removed from power by the Romans after 10 years, followed by his son for two years, followed by Caiaphas in 18 AD until 36 AD. After that, four more sons of Annas were high priests until 63. Does this assume that Caiaphas died in 36?

The following may be on Annas' son by the same name, who ruled until 63:

Josephus remarks: "As for the high priest Ananias, he increased in glory every day, and this to a great degree...for he was a great hoarder up of money...he also had servants who were very wicked, who joined themselves to the boldest sort of the people, and went to the thrashing-floors, and took away the tithes that belonged to the priests by violence, and did not refrain from beating such as would not give these tithes to them. So the other high priests acted in the like manner, as did those his servants, without any one being able to prohibit them; so that (some of the) priests, that of old were wont to be supported with those tithes, died for want of food...

...The particular Annas, or Ananias, to whom Josephus refers is not the same as the one depicted in the gospels. He is of the same family, only a generation later.

There is a large blank between the Maccabees and Annas. One of Annas' five sons was Theophilus, a Greek name, suggesting that his wife, or one of his parents, was Greek / Syrian / Roman. Three of the sons have Hebrew names, but I'm not so sure that Annas is a Hebrew name. The New testament mentions an Ananias of Damascus, a city smack beside Emesa. But there was also the couple, Ananias and Sapphira, who were apparently Hebrews. At Merrium-Webster, we read a contradiction:

Origin of ANANIAS

Greek, probably from Hebrew Hananyah
First Known Use: 14th century"

I think what this means is that the name was Greco-Hebrew under the Seleucid invasion of Israel. It wasn't Hebrew to begin with. However, "Seth" indicates Jewish roots on his father's side on the argument that only Jews read the Bible to know of Biblical Seth. Yet the Egyptians had a mythical Seth. And there is that "Sithech" term in a surname that I see as a Caiaphas line even aside from the term. I'm completely ignoring the common assumption that "Sadducee" is the a priestly line from "Zadok." It's known that the Sadducees had a house of Boethus, which not only looks like it could be a Greek term, but one that arises out of the Boii.

I'm willing to entertain the Dutch Both surname as one from Boethus because it uses symbols in the Chief apart from a box for the Chief. We saw this situation with the gold garbs in the Joseph and Wheat Chiefs. As Bothwells are known to be named after Bute, and as German Bute's/Butts share a fish with the Dutch Boths, I think the Boths ought to trace to Butua, a term that should be from Boeotia, origin of Cadmus. There shouldn't be a connection to the Sadducee house of Boeth unless it's from Boeotians.

Bothwells (in the colors of Bute's/Butts) use a BOY taking down a pine tree. It looks like a Rockefeller Coat, and I think Rockefellers might have the audacity to sell doves at the front doors of the church. The "URGENtia" motto term of Bothwells suggested the Organ surname, which, once again, uses Chief symbols with the box for the Chief. In this case, Organs use holly in the Chief along with one trefoil, the Bothwell symbol. There is one gold garb at the base of the Coat.

The Harrigan variation of the Organs reveals that this is a branch of Garrys/Hare's likewise using trefoils, as well as sharing the Organ lizard design. The Garrys/Hare's seemed to trace with little doubt to Guerra's. As it's the Letts who use "organ pipes," the Organ and Garry surnames are tracing to Annas as per the ANNuLETs that seem to honor Letts as well as an Ann term. The Letts even use the Ayrshire-version of the Annandale saltire in colors reversed.

The last time Garrys/Hare's were mentioned was when connecting their green snake and trefoils to the same of the Gala/GalaGHER surname (upright Levi lion in Levi-lion colors) that was introduced due to being on a list of Gibala-suspect kin. Of further note now is that it uses eight trefoils as a border feature around the Shield, in the same way that Sedwicks/SADDOCKs do so with the footless martLET of Josephs. Shadocks/Chadocks, who look like a merger with Rutherfords, do the same (with footless martlets). Chads use a split Shield in the colors of the Trent split Shield, and may be using the Pek patee crosses.

It's remarkable how a short investigation for to see whether Boths were from the Boethus Sadducees took us naturally, one step at a time, to Saddock liners. I'm having a hard time believing that Bute elements were from Sadducees. I've always traced Bute to Boeotia, which was also Boiotia, and it seems that they may have furnished the Boii so that, indeed, the Boeth house in Israel may have been from Boeotia liners in Bologna: the founders of the Maccabees, right?

Doesn't this explain why MacAbee's are smack beside Bute at Arran? But having Sadducees on Avalon = Bute is begging the question of whether the five theme of the Fay line is for the five sons of Annas. Hmm, Angus' were first found in Five-related Fife. Stewarts controlled Bute, who I say had been at Forum Allieni in about 70 AD.

Could we assume that the Setta valley was named after a Seth family? Should we disregard a Soducena / Sittaceni trace to the Setta, and simply view it as the origin of Seth, father of Annas? That could work because the Setta valley is just south of Bologna. But what about the Sevan-like river at Bologna? Doesn't it suggest Soducena elements at Bologna? I spy with my little eye that the Boii in the Setta valley came to Israel first, followed by Annas' family likewise from the Setta.

"Sitten" brings up the green-dragon Seatons with Satan variation (who in their right minds would create and hold that surname?), said to be from a Saytowne location? You already have the green dragon as evidence of a trace to Guido Guerra, and so a Seaton origin in the Setta seems assured. But the Sitten variation is some evidence that the namers of the Setta were also in Sitten/Sion. Wikipedia says that a Seduna peoples named Sitten.

It also says that a neighboring Salin/Salen location merged with the city. I had never read that before. The Arms of Salin are gold grabs on blue, the colors of the Joseph garbs. The description of the Arms calls the stars, "mullets," and then the Mullet surname uses three pierced Zionist stars as well as what I'm now identifying as the Jagger hunting horn tracing to Jugurtha, grandson of king Massena. The Mullets were first found in Auvergne, what could be a term from "Aures." It looks very much as though Payens and Mullets use the same Shield, suggesting that Mullets are named after the same that named Malahule, ancestor of Despaines (may have been originally, DesPaines). The Salen and Salian surnames are registered with Salemans.

"Seth" gets the Thick-related Shaw surname. The Theck eagle is in the colors of the Ferte eagle. A Ferte trace to the Setta via the Shaws bears out where Vere's and Masseys/Maceys use the same Shield. It smacks of Maecena's and Varro's together at the Israeli priesthood.

The black bull head of Dreux' is used by the Say Crest. The Say Shield (in Seaton-of-SAYtowne colors) is a colors-reversed version of the quartered Vere Shield. The black bull head used in the Crest of both surnames can be linked to the black leopard head in the Imp(y) Crest because Imp's use crescents in the colors of the Sitten/Seaton crescents. The Imp's were brought up as per the "IMPavide" motto of the Cable's. The fact that the Imp chevron is colors reversed to the Arthur chevron tends to assure that Imps are in view in the Arthur motto term, "IMPelle." It helps to assure that Cable/Cabbel motto honors the Imps, but that just linked Arthur's to the Cabellio, didn't it?

Arthur's were traced to Maccabee's in northern Wales, at Arddu, and to the Ordovices there, said to be named after a hammer, but here we find Arthur's linking to Moden/Modey suspects, the Cable's/Cabbels that is, who are in the colors of the MacAbee's, and who use the fretty Shield (code for Ferte's?) of Caves' suspect with the Cavari in the theater of the Cabellio. You now need to ask why the five theme is in the Arthur Coat as well as at Avignon. Actually, it's obvious, isn't it, that Cable's trace to the Cabellio? But as they are Maccabee suspects, why shouldn't Caiaphas / Sadducee lines also trace to the Cabellio? That's where the five-using bloodline of the Shaws/Sithechs come in. And so it becomes very compelling to view "Caves" as a Caiaphas variation, especially as the Caves write-up traces suggestively to three 'f' terms: caf, Chaff, chauf.

Once we understand that heraldry is not about surnames in general, but about tracking and systemizing pagan, anti-Christian / false-Christian leaders, we don't expect Coffins/Caffins/Chafens to trace to anyone but Caiaphas. This family was first found in Devon, where the Walsh set of Caiaphas-related families were first found. The surname uses besants, a flory cross, and a blue raven in Crest. This surname looks Childeric-Basina rooted.

One can make a German Gable/Gabell link to Settlers/Settels by way of linking Stars to Settle's/Settels. The Star Coat is in the colors of the Coffey Coat that comes up as "Caffey." The latter's Crest traces to the Arms of TARANto, a location in Apulia (southern Italy) suspect as the root of Terentius and/or the Taran/Tarent surname. As the latter surname uses a version of the Child Coat, you have reason to trace Caiaphas-suspect Caffeys/Coffeys to king Childeric. It's totally expected that Childeric comes from Sadducee lines out of the El-Gabal cult, for he married a member from that cult. This was not said because the Caffey/Coffey motto uses "sed" (Walsh term too), but there you have yet another reason to see Caiaphas in this surname.

SADLers come up as "Said," using the blue Massin/Mason lion. Sadlers were first found beside Dorset (near Devon), where Trents were first found. The "Servire" motto term of Sadler's must trace to Servitium, home of the Maezaei. The Sadler-like Sitlers are said to be from GORlitz (Lusatia), and then Gore's use Servitium-like term, and meanwhile trace to a Gorski location of the Servitium theater. I traced the "spiro spera" motto phrase of Massins/Masons to the Spree river of Lusatia independent of what's said here. The Sprees and Speers appear very related, yet the Tattons, who were at Dunham Massey, use a similar Coat. Sitlers use a treFOIL, a code that I trace in-part to the Treff variation of Trips, and then Trips not only use the boot that French Masseys showed until last year, but they use the Gore crosslets. Thus, Gorlitz is tracing to Gorski, which has logic where Lusatia is home to Sorbs, relatives of Serbs that were, surely, the namers of SERVitium. You can see the tracking system working like a charm.

Entering "Stars," with the 's', gets white wolves, the color of the Gore wolf, and then Star's (no 's') use the green-on-white lozenges of Settle's/Settels. Imps, in colors-reversed from Gore colors, were first found in the same place (Essex) as Gore's and Vere's. As Imps are Sittens/Seatons, that's why we should link Sitlers/Sittners to them both. As Cole's use a black bull as well as another motto term honoring Servitium, that's why the black bull of Seaton-related Says and Dreux' should be linked to the ColAPIS river. But the big black eye here is how Sittens/Seatons and similar others are linking to green-dragon Guerra's at / beside the Setta valley.

It's very hard to reconcile lines of Jesus and Magdalene with the Levi-dragon theme of Kilpatricks, yet Nicholas de Vere von Drakenberg insists that Jesus had "dragon light." Kilpatricks lived in the place (Closeburn) suspect with the Clovis line, and the Murena/Moratin tower is not only in the Claver/Cleaver Coat, but in the Scute Chief, important because I trace the small gold square's in the Scute Chief to Placentia. Moreover, the Scute's ought to be a branch of Skits/Skeochs that had traced to Trips / Scala's/Scicli's (use a ladder = scala), who show the potent cross of Chads who must be a branch of Chadwicks and Chaddocks both using the Sedwick/Saddock Coat with the same footless martin as Josephs. This is easy once you know what it's all about, but until then, heraldry is a mystery, and moreover, heraldry controllers have set the world off track deliberately. Modern Masons do not know these things because it wasn't safe to inform the entire breadth of Masonry. But someones created the system, and maintained it.

Kilpatricks are suspect from Patmos, location of Skala, where the Trip ladder traces because the Core variation of Trip-related Gore's traces to Chora on Patmos. The Trypillians were on the Ukrainian border, and Scute's use a crane in Crest as code for Ukraine, very apparently.

If I recall correctly a Le Mose area is in Placentia (see 2nd and 4th updates in last February for "Le Mose"), and then the Mose/Mosse Crest is a tower that uses a small gold square in its design, which is how we can know that Scute's trace to Placentia. Yet, I was tracing Scute's to Placentia before knowing about this Mose link to the Scute Chief because the Arms of Placentia use a small square. The Scheds share a patee cross with the Mose/Mosse Coat, and for me this indicates the Mus-Tarun peoples of Lake Van. The Mose patee is in the blue color of the Arms-of-Placentia wolf.

The Murena/Moratin tower in the Scute Crest is indeed for the line of Terentius Varro Murena, which idea I have discovered only now due to the Scheds (as with the Chads) showing the split-Shield of the Trents. In fact, both Scheds and Trents use white/red roses on their split Shields. But as this split Shield traces excellently to the Arms of Wallis canton, and to the Arms of Sitten/Sion, you now have a very concrete link between Placentia, Sion, Chad-related Saddocks, and Chappes-related Josephs. That should send shivers up the Jesus-Magdalene cult, to know that Childeric and Clovis trace instead to the devil's sons, the killers of Jesus. But, unfortunately, the devil's sons don't know how to blush, let alone repent.

The "billets" in the Mose Coat are code for the Billets, who look like they merged with Payens. Billets were found in the same place (Maine) as Caiaphas-suspect Joseph's, where the Bellamys lived who merged with Ferte-Mace in the area where Chappes' were first found, who were married by Hugh de Payen. English Billets use the Coat of the Bellows, suspect with the house of Bellamy, therefore. Then, Shiptons use "bellows," and that for me indicates the Bellamy-Macey link to general SCIPio and king Massena, for "Shipton" must be a SKIPton variation. Again, the Meschins of Skipton were in Craven, and Cravens trace to "Krvati," the name of Croats, important because the Maezaei lived in what would become Croatia.

For those who don't know, the first general Scipio retreated with his soldiers into Placentia and neighboring CreMONA when losing the war of Trebbia (on the Trebia river flowing to Placentia) against Hannibal. There was a Varro character in those days who went to Africa to negotiate terms with Carthaginians, if possible, or to fortify the new allies for the Romans, the Massena Numidians. I can only assume it, but it stands to reason that Varro and Massena lines merged at that time, or shortly afterward, to produce the Murena surname from Mauritanians. Later, a Varro adopted a Murena character, and while the adopted Murena character took the Varro name, the son of the Varro character took the Murena surname. That son (Aulus Terentius Varro Murena) became a Roman general at the time when the first Roman emperor (Augustus) signed up a Maecenas character to take stock of the kingdom.

The August and Rome/Rooms use a fesse in the colors of the Trents and Tarents. Augusts were first found in Ferrara, and Rome's/Rooms were first found in the same place as Annandale. Moreover, the Rome's/Rooms use a "placit" motto term that must be, surely, for Placentia's Ananes. As I'm sure that a branch of Ananes in Placentia got to the Setta valley with the carriers of the Annas name to Israel, by what coincidence do the Rome's/Rooms use a "PUNGit" motto term smacking of the Punch's / Pinks / Panico's on the Setta valley? By what coincidence are these three surnames lines of Payens who later married Chappes when going to Jerusalem on official business moderated by the powerful Vatican. What in Hell was going on in Europe at that time?

"Cremona" links possibly to the Croms associated with Rennes-le-Chateau's Childeric line(s). As Croms are honored in the "Crom aboo" motto of the MUSkerry-related Desmonds, who use the Annan(dale) saltire, that's another reason for tracing KilPatricks ("a boo" motto phrase) to Mose/Placentia and Cremona...for which reason you can be more sure that the green Kilpatrick lion is that of the Guerra's while the black Kilpatrick lion is that of the Levi's.

I don't know whether I had realized the following before, but Pungs use the bendy of Guerra's in the same colors! If there was any doubt about a Guido-Guerra link to Panico's there you have it. Pungs are shown properly as Pagans/Paganels. That's how you can be sure that Panico's were Payen liners. They come up as "Ping," assuring that Reno-related Pinks ought to be a Payen branch. That's how you can be sure that the Setta valley had something to do with Caiaphas. Pangs/Pagans use the same Coat but have separate page.

PREPARE THYSELVES FOR THE BOMB. Recall the theme of eight objects surrounding the border of the Shield used by Saddocks and the like. The Pengs/Pengellys (Wallace lion?) use it too, with eight trefoils in white-on-black, the colors of the eight Chadock / Chadwick martlets, and moreover eight trefoils in this fashion are used by Gala's/GalaGHERs!!!!! A MASSIVE EXPLOSION had just taken place in the heraldic ionosphere. Electromagnetic pulses are in chaos. Irish Galaghers were from Guido Guerra, who would have thought?

The Wallace's use a motto term, "libertate," like the "Libertas" in the Arms of Bologna. Wallace's are described as a powerful clan in the quest of Scotland to break free of the English throne along with Stewarts removed to the Glasgow- Renfrew area. I am not familiar with the Wallace write-up. I do recall the theory of some that Pollocks are rooted in Wallaces. The write-up mentions a Cupa location, and a Kelly location in Renfrew. The Kellys came to mind, before seeing this write-up, due to "PenGELLY." I wouldn't think that Pengellys were Kellys originally who merged with Pens, but rather were Pings / Pungs at the Setta who had merged with proto-Kellys lines from Cilnius Maecenas. And that's where the Bologne connection of Wallace's comes in, for not only is the Setta on the outskirts of Bologna, and not only is Bologna at the Reno, but I think "Maccabaeus" was a part-Boii bloodline. Therefore, the Pengelly lion looks like it is the Wallace lion.

It's now not surprising that the Wallace lion is in the colors of the Tool and Strange lion, the Stange's being from a Guido character, and tools from Dol elements that fought the English with Wallaces. English Stewarts (from Dol) use an upright lion in colors revered to the upright Wallace lion. And so the theory is that Wallaces were Wallis-canton Walsers / Walch's linked closely to Sadducee lines at Sion/Sitten. The Seduna peoples that named Sitten must have been the namers of the Setta valley, right? They must have been from the Sittaceni of Caucasia.

In fact, the Argonautica myth had the Argo ship sailing down the Po to its source waters, then sailing down the Eridanus and the Rhodanus out to sea at western Italy. In the meantime, Colchians from Kutaisi, in their own ships, chased the Argo ship. The only way this can make sense is where it's code for the migration of Colchians from the Po river into the river that feeds lake Geneva, for the other end of that lake becomes the part of the Rhodanus-river system emptying out to sea at Marseille. The Argo ship was, previous to entering the mouth of the Po, at Pula, where Pollocks originate (because the Arms of Pula are a Pollock-Coat version), and it was at and around Pula that some Colchians settled. Kutaisi was not far from Lake Sevan, you see, and Sion/Sitten is off the Rotten river (German term for "Rhodanus") just before it enters lake Geneva.

If one goes to the source of the Rhodanus (now the Rhone), and climbs up and down the Alps there, the source of the Rhine will be found, flowing to lake BODENsee, roughly the Bodencus name of the Po at one time. As the Reno surname is connected with Rhine-like terms, I think the Budini peoples (from north of Caucasia) were part of the peoples who named both the Reno and the Rhine. These were proto-Alans of Dol, the Boyds, and so I would expect the Budini and the proto-Pollocks at Doly on the Polish-Ukraine border area.

The Reno and Pink lozenges trace to Losinj near Rijeka, origin of the Maxwells, mother stock of Pollocks, and closer still to Pula. Losinj is in the island group exactly where Colchians settled, but as they were chasing Iason, son of Aeson, I expect Essenes lines there that furnished Esus. Autun's Aedui peoples are not far from the Rhodanus. Losinj is in Primorje-Gorski Kotar county (that I call Gorski for short). The Sveti village in Losinj may be small because it's namers left to name Switzerland.

Reno's were first found in Switzerland, yet they apparently passed into Losinj, thus making the Colchian connection from Losinj to the Sion/Sitten area. I had traced the naming of Sitten to Svione-related Sitone's, but as Svione's are swan liners from Sevan, it stands to reason that part of the Colchian migration under discussion involved lake-Sevan elements, thus tending to prove that the Savena river at Bologne, beside Setta, involved Soducena / Sittaceni elements. I had suggested that the Swiss were named after the Sviones, but now the Sveti location is Losinj may apply to Sviones.

The format of the eight Pengelly trefoils are called "an orle," suggesting Orleans / Orell / Ore elements, important because Orr's were first found in Renfrew.

Let me requote what was said earlier in this update:
[Eure-et-Loir] was created from parts of provinces of Orleanais (Beauce), Maine (Perche), but also Ile-de-France (Drouais, Thimerais, Valley Avre Hurepoix). Ask if Drouais is a Drusilla line. See the French Desmonds/De Mone's, first found in Orleans and Loiret, who may be of the Levi line to Mons of Hainaut. Ask if "Loir(et)" is a L'Orr term tracing to "Aures." There is no Loir / Loiret surname coming up. Ask what ORLeans was named after, but see that Orrels are related to Orrs. Orrels and Orrs share the red roundel, seven of them used in the Orleans surname.

The "bonis and "bona" terms in the Orr motto should trace to "Bononia," where I see the immediate ancestry of the HasMONeans. English Desmonds have a saltire that I trace to Annas/Ananias by way of that saltire being the Annan(dale) saltire, thus making it very possible that Desmonds/DeMons were Hasmoneans. The "aboo" motto term of Desmonds could certainly be code for the MacAbee's. As I think Maccabees were at the Ordovices, the Mona location in north Wales may apply to Hasmoneans. Mona was renamed by the Angles after themselves, whom I now lump into Annas lines.

To that it can be added that the Orlean surname is in Cromby (and Coffey/Caffey) colors, important, not just because the colors are used also by MacAbees honered in "ubi" and similar terms such as "aboo," but because the Desmond motto honors the Crom / Cromby bloodline, and then Crombys use the same, white, fleur-tipped cross as do Bouillons. Why are the Croms thus at the doorstep of the first Templar rulers of Jerusalem?

The Cromby Crest shares the red eagle with the Taran(t) Crest, and so when the Croms trace to Rennes-le-Chateau, it's the Terentius Varro Murena line that goes there. I don't see how that was from Magdalene, but someone might waste a lot of time trying to figure it out for the sole purpose of reducing Jesus.

Look at the Crom/Cromb Coat yet again to see that it's a version of the Child Coat, itself a colors-reversed version of the Taran(t) Coat.

The Cramer write-up seems like a convoluted mess, tracing to both "Traynor/Treanor" and "CRAINor/Creanor." But isn't that the Traneus term of the goddess, Turan, as well as the crane symbolism of Esus? The small square in the upper corner of the Coat indicates Placentia elements, and thus the surname must be from "Cremona." The Cramer Shield is gold, the color of the Scute Shield, and then the Scute's use a CRANE, making it obvious that Cramers linked to the proto-Scute's at Placentia. This expects the Terentius line in Placentia and Cremona. The Cromby-colored Caffey/Coffey surname could suggest that Crombys trace to Taranto, in APULia, what may be related to Pula.

There is a Crema location north of Cremona and near Milan, and the Esus cult was at the tree stump of the Milan surname. I find it compelling that Hasmoneans were named after the Mona element in "Cremona," though afterward they became Crem-like terms. I've said that the "Cre" part of "Cremona" could be of the Cree surname using the bendy of Pungs/Pagans, as well as of the Cree-related Crae's using what looks like a version of the Rome/Room Coat.

The "reward" motto term of Scottish Cree's (Casey leaves) should be for the Wards, who use the checks in the colors of an Arms of Bologna. The Rie variation suggests the Rye's, first found in the same place (Sussex) as Chappes'/Chaips, and honored in the Chappes/Chaipe Crest description, "ears of rye."

The Gala/Galagher write-up traced to "gallCHOBAR," which I don't deny. I just think that "chobar" should trace back to Guido Guerra. The Cobers, shown properly as "Coves," use a white-on-red bend, as do the Chappes-related Rye's. The Cober/Coves Crest is an axe. The surname should be related to the same-colored Coverts/Cofferts, first found in Sussex.

In other words, the Rie's and Rye's, and the Rice's, look like they can trace very well to whatever named the first half of CREmona. At the south end of the Colchis theater, there is a Rize location that can apply. Near Rize is Ardahan and similar Ard terms that can trace to Arddu at the Mona theater. There is another crane in the Dutch Rye Coat, as well as Zionist stars in the colors of the same of Payens.

In this picture, Cremona may have been Ryemon- or Raymon-like. Spanish Ramona's (Casey leaves) use the Murena tower, and smack of the Rome's/Rooms that linked to Cree's / Crea's / Rae's / Rie's. It tends to reveal that Cremona was named after a Rome-Mona idea. Raymonds, said to be from "ragin," the Raines' surname theme, look like they use a version of the Raines Coat, which is a version of the Coat of Newmans who honor MacAbees. Were we not expecting Ryemon-like elements to trace to HasMONians at Cremona? Don't Raines' trace to the Reno through Rainier of Montferrat? French Raymonds look like they can be using a version of the many Coats in Bologna having the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Panico's.

(continued from yesterday) Raymonds use a so-called "orb," possible code for Orvieto elements. The Raymonds using the orbs also show a crescent in the colors of the Savone crescents, perhaps important for swan-line Ciconia at Orvieto. For years, until now, I have not seen the stars on top of the Savone crescents, but they happen to be in the colors of the stars in the Raymond Chief, smack on either side of the Raymond crescent!!! That is a very good key, tracing Rays and similar others very likely to the Savena river, for the Savona's use a Saven variation.

Thus, Raymonds are Raines' from the Reno river. Too perfect. And Raymonds use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Bologna families because Bologna is where the Reno and Savena meet. As these Raymonds were first found in Languedoc, I traced their orbs to Obieu of Languedoc's Aude theater, not far from RENNES-le-Chateau. I don't recall whether I realized at the time that Raymonds were a Raines' branch that should have named "Rennes-le-Chateau." I have sufficient proof that Raines' named Rennes in Brittany.

The stars in the Raymond and Savona/Saven Coats are now shown for the Chief of French Alans. The Raymonds using the Raines' format and colors were first found in Devon, and then the French Alans showed ducks until recently, the symbol of the Devons. You can just feel already that this all links to the Josephs and Chappes' of Maine and Ile-de-France that came to Devon's Walsh elements. Follow me closely here as it gets a little complicated as I trace the Budini to Caiaphas, for the Budini are expected at the Setta.

Stewarts of early times were said to honor the dog / wolf, and I identified Stewarts in so many ways as Nahorites that I traced them to a merger of Alans Huns (the Roxolani) with Neuri-branch Nahorites in the Ukraine. Herodotus, who told us that the Budini were red- / blonde-headed, said that the Neuri turned into wolves once a year, but that's just code for the Neuri wolf deity. I once found a red wolf symbol on a Budini-suspect line that made great sense, but have forgotten the entity showing that red wolf. In other words, the red-headed Budini used a red wolf when merged with the Neuri. I'm assuming that the Neuri had the wolf first, but one never knows.

The footless martins of French Alans are in the colors of the red wolves of the Fiddle/Fidelow Coat. Boyds, said to be Alan kin, are from the Budini who named the lake Bodensee, and then the Boyd motto in full is, "ConFIDO," part-code for lake Constance, otherwise called Bodensee, a lake created by the Rhine. Thus, Boyds are tracing to the Fiddle's.

The Fiddle wolves are in the colors of the lozenges of Reno's with Rhine-like variations, and thus we expect the Reno's to be linked to the Budini that named the Bodencus river, with a mouth near the mouth of the Reno. Boyds use two fingers pointing up, and thus link to the Points using the Pink crosslets who in turn use the Reno lozenges, thus revealing that Boyds linked closely to Panico's in the Setta valley.

Now, having said that, I'm getting to the point, but do not forget Forum Allieni here, and all the details surrounding that entity at Ferrara, which is between the Reno and the Bodencus. With the Boyds linking to the red wolves of Fiddle's, said to be from a Fidelow / Fiddle location (originally Vis-de-lou) of Normandy, and an early Fidelaire surname, we would like to ask why they were first found in Surrey, a place tracing to "Zurich" of Switzerland, where the Reno lozenges are tracing for multiple reasons. The Rhine circles on the east side of Zurich, a city essentially over-looking the lake Bodensee. What a coincidence. It means that "Surrey" really does trace to "Zurich," and that the red Fiddle wolves really do trace to the Budini, and that the namers of the Rhine also named the Reno.

And it all connects to Caiaphas' FOOTLESS martins. Yes, "footless" must be code for "Fidelow / Fiddle," even as we could conjecture that "fidelis" motto terms are code for the same. There is a Foetes location, also called Fussen, near lake Bodensee. Fancy that, for if Fussen traces to "Fucino," we expect the Marsi to have a branch at the Bodensee theater, and what do you know: Boyds and Marks use the same fesse format, the format even of the Stewarts, all using checks, symbols of Cohens and Hohens (Hebrew suspects, as with the Budini) who lived on the German side of Bodensee in a place called, Swabia, which was named by Suebi who had ancestry in Sabines who lived at Fucino. Therefore, there must be some kin-ship between Fiddle and Fussen.

At the Marsi line to the Marici, we are at the feet of Annas, but I'd like to turn to the FOOTLESS martins of Coverts/Cofferts, who smack of a Caiaphas line, which, as the Josephs, use a footless martin too. And then French Alans (first found in Normandy), who must have been at Fiddle = Vis-de-lou in Normandy, use footless martins too. (Keep in mind the new discovery here that Coverts are Cobers/Coves' tracing to the Gala/Galagher line from Guido Guerra.)

And that's why I will continue to maintain that "Covert" traces to "Kyburg," beside Zurich, though I think the surname originates from Kaufering in Swabia. The Kyburg lion is colors reversed from the Hohenzollern lion, thus suggesting a fundamental Kaufering link to Hohens. While I denied for years that Cohens and Hohens were named after the Israeli priesthood of Levites (as they claim to be), maintaining that they were the priest-kings of Khazars instead, I now see that they could have been from both. What implications do we see in this? I see Caiaphas liners in Khazaria.

I had been half-sure that the "Red Jew" elements who ruled Khazars had been Neuri, but the Budini may make more sense. It can explain why Budini-related Alans should link to Khazars of the Cohen kind. Alans of Dol were even traced to Attila's Dulo elements that are said to have founded Khazars. But that's another story.

I want to know why "footless" is code for Vis-de-lou. Why should the Joseph's of Perche=Maine, beside the Chappes', trace to Vis-de-lou? It's obvious. The PERCHevron of Chappes' is a symbol of the Ottone's from Ottone VISconti. The Visconti line must have named Vis-de-lou, and the Chappes went right along to it...if they were not already there.

The proto-Khazar Huns were found at a Stephen-like location in or beside Alania, and so I discussed Stewart links to the Stephen and Stevenson surnames at that time. The Stephens use a perchevron (= solid chevron) symbol too, in the colors of the Chappes perchevron, thus tracing to Perche's Chappes elements. Scottish Stevensons use a "garland" otherwise called a "CHAPlet," and then the Fiddle Crest is a "garland" too, thus assuring that the footless martin of the Perche Josephs traces to Vis-de-lou.

Moreover, English Stevensons use a bend in the colors of the Cober/Coves bend, as well as the gold garb suspect with Josephs, as well as leopard "faces" used also by Coverts. It's clear: Stevensons trace to Caiaphas elements at the feet of Guido Guerra. The Rye's use the same bend as Stevensons, and Rye's were first found in the same place as Coverts. See the Rodham bend too, clearly related to Stevensons.

It's as though that Stephen-like location involved the Budini. Immediately after writing that sentence, and all the above, I checked for a Stephano surname, and, yes, there is one, first found at Bologna! It used the comet that I saw very recently above. It uses the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Bologna families. Scrolling back to find it, it's in the German Rhine/Reiner/Rainer Coat! That Coat shows the blue capeo lion.

The "CyFOETH" motto term of Gernons must be code for Foetes, for Ranulf de Gernon was a ruler in Cheshire, where Foots were first found who use a version of the Fido/Fothes'/Fiddes' Coat. This recalls how "ConFIDO"-using Boyds trace to the Foetes theater. The Fido/Fiddes Crest is a cornuCOPIA that I trace to the "copia" motto term of an Arms of Macclesfield (Cheshire) using a blue lion. It seems that the Macclesfield lion links to the Rhine/Reiner lion, therefore, and that the comet symbol is for the Comyn entity in the ancestry of Ranulf de Gernon (son of le Meschin). I say that Comyns and Josephs are using the same garbs. I say that Foots and Fido's/Fiddes' trace to Vis-le-lou = Fiddle (also spelled, Visdelou). What could be the Gernon connection to the Budini, therefore, if not for "GERnon" being yet another Guerra branch?

Comets use three Murena towers in the colors of the three Comyn garbs.

Gernons probably connects with "Guerren," home body of the grand masters of St. Jean at Templar Jerusalem. As Guerrens use the three pierced Zionists stars of Payens, the Gernons not only trace to Panico's at the Setta, but to the family that married Chappes'. Imagine, the sons of Caiaphas trying to take their Jerusalem back using a Christian facade. Talk about desperate morals. The trick worked so well, we may presume, that the Caiaphas liners continued to feign Christianity, thus giving the world the Illuminati.

As this was the Maccabee line of Meschins / Masci's, note that Guerrens were at Gree. I didn't know this when suggesting that "Cremona" should be a Cree-Mona entity. The Guerren Chief uses the upright lion in the colors that Wikipedia assigns to Ranulf le Meschin. That lion is also used by the Mon/Mound Coat (Peebleshire).

Didn't the Boyds of Fido elements trace to the Marici on the Ticino? I say that Peebleshire traces to "Papia/Pavia on that same river. How important were the Budini? Did they name Padua/Padova? Were they the Batavi? Their Geloni partners were said by Herodotus to be Greeks building wooden houses, and probably the Budini were from Padasus in the Troad, at Hellespont, where the Geloni may have been at home. In myth, Helle, sister of the rider of the golden fleece to Colchis, fell and died in Hellespont. We get it, that the peoples at the Hellespont were of the golden-fleece symbol to Colchis. Was it golden to represent blonde hair?

The reason that I see the proto-Budini at Padasus is that I think Padasus named Padua and the Padus = Po river. I don't think "Padus" should trace to "Bodencus." I think the people from Padasus put out two branches, one on the Po and one in the Budini, explaining why the latter came to the Po...and renamed it. In any case, I'd like to show that the Boyd-related Fido/Fiddes surname traces to "foidhais" = "wood-place." Isn't that just code for the Gelonus location beside the Budini? The Budini were not far from Bulkar Kabardino, and while I think Kabars from Kabardino named Aberdeen, so we find the Fido/Fiddes first found in Aberdeen.

Off of Manche, home of the Vere's and Masseys suspect from a Varro-Massena or Varro-Maecenas merger, there is the island of GUERNsey, with a Footes location upon it. Safe to say, the Joseph FOOTLESS martlet traces to the Budini-Geloni alliance. Halls / Hulls and similar others that link to Pep-like terms at Pavia and Bologna might just have been the Gelonus entity. In other words, AULUS Terentius Varro may have been a Gelonus element, but as his Varro side is suspect in evolving into "Guerra, it explains why Guerrens and similar others are Meschin liners. The Guernsey Coat may be using the August / Rome/Room fesse.

We can't have Fido's/Fiddes' named after "wood-place" if they were a branch of Fiddle's named after "Vis-de-lou." There was a Claude Visdelou, a Jesuit missionary to China who wrote extensively. Two men mentioned at his Wikipedia article as concerns his writings are James Legge and Jean-Roland Malet. The Malet surname speaks for itself in suggesting the Maccabee line suspect in Fiddle's, or even of Malahule, de Gernons ancestor, but the Legge surname smacks of the Lech river upon which Foetes is located. The Arms of Foetes use three human legs as potential code for the Lee/Legh surname using the lion of the Guerren Chief, colors reversed to the lion of Gernons with the "cyFOETH" motto term. (Claude was writing on the history of the Huns.)

English Malets look to be using the hind / deer (no antlers) of Irish Shaws, while French Malets share a "qui" motto term with English Shaws. The Shaw "hind" is pierced by an arrow, suggesting a trace to the same swan-using Josephs as goes the arrow-pierced swan of Walch's. This is the same Joseph surname under discussion using the footless martin as an alternative to the swan. As I claim that Maccabees have ancestry in "Cilnius," so the Sellers use the swan design of Josephs. And here we are making a trace of Maccabee-suspect Malets to the same Josephs through a Sithech-wolf family likely tracing to Setta and Sitten.

I have never been able to decipher the "Hazard yet forward" of green-dragon Seatons/Sittens, but an idea just came to mind starting with the Wards seemingly implied, as per a trace of the Ward checks to the same in an Arms of Bologna. If correct, it traces the Seaton dragon to the green-dragon Guerra's from Bologna. The Hazard term has always been the difficulty. It may be a double code, therefore, one for a Has entity, the another for Ard elements. HASmoneans from ARDDu?

Do Wards use "fus" for Fussen? I would suggest the Fesseys/Vessys using the Macclesfield cross because Macclesfields and Wards both use a blue lion. Could this mean that Fesseys were from Fussen? I didn't know until the Fessey Coat loaded that they and Wards were both first found in the same place (Northampton). The Fessey write-up tells that lords of FitzGERALD claim descent from lords of Vessey, and then the Geralds are none other but the Crom-using Desmonds, the Macca-ABOO suspects also shown as "DeMON." That is some pretty good proof that the Seaton motto should be viewed in exactly that way.

The "signo" term of Fesseys may now go to the Segni family in Bologna, the one you saw above being identified without doubt as a branch, or the ancestry of, Seagers/Sugars and Sawyers. The Fesseys are said to be a branch of the De Burgh family, suggesting the Burgo > Conteville line to Hugh Lupus and Ranulf de Gernon.

PLUS, unbelievably enough, there is a Yett/Yate's surname that can be at the "yet" motto term of Seatons, and they share gates with Spanish RaMONA's (suspect from "Cremona" and the Raymonds of Bologna). So far as I can make out, the gate designs of both Coats look identical. Yetts/Yeats are said ti be from "geat," and so the gate got to be a symbol for that reason, but the surname did not trace to someone having a gate. More likely, Geat-like lines of Guido's, like the Gettys, for example.

It just hit me that Hasmoneans may have been named after Harmonia, Ares' daughter, probably the same entity as the Ares dragon that protected the golden fleece in Colchis. From "Harmonia," we can get "Ramona," and "Cremona" from that. The Ermine/Armine/Army surname, remember, uses the same saltire as Desmonds/Geralds who use the "Crom aboo" motto tracing to Maccabees at Cremona. There is a Harmon surname using footless martlets, first found in the same place (Suffolk) as Shaw-related Malets. The latter happen to be in the colors of the Has/Haas Coat using a Hare that should trace to same-colored Hare's, Here's and Hertzogs, but also to the Irish Garry/Hare surname that I know to be a branch of Gala's/Galaghers, who, as we saw, we found merged with Sadducee-suspect clans using eight, white footless martins, the colors of the Harmon footless martins.

I want you to know that an idea came to me before writing the paragraph above. The idea was that someone didn't like "Harmon," and so changed it to "Hasmon." That idea came to me before I got down to the part where Harmons were first found in the same place as Martels. I had to scroll through the Coats to find what other surname was first found in Suffolk, and finding it in the Malets, I also noted that the Coat looked at immediately after the Malets had been the Has/Haas coat. It was only then that I recalled that Hare's use the same colors. Thus, a Has/Haas link to Hare's argues for a change of "Harmon" to "Hasmon."

Perhaps this is just desperation because I can't think of any has entity of Italy that can explain "Hasmon." Perhaps the Hasmons were purely of Israel, and then they got re-named ("Maccabee") after Maecenas elements (i.e. a daughter) had been offered to one of their leaders. But ideas are developing in my mind that suggest something other than desperation. The idea that Harmons are at the root of Cremona suggests mount Hermon, the summit of which was called, Sion, and here we are being very capable of tracing Setta elements to Sion at Sitten. It was the Seaton/Sitten motto that got us to the Has/Haas surname. If Seatons were therefore from Hermon elements, then there is reason to see a Harmon - Has merger in the least.

In fact, after writing that, I recalled that the summit of mount Hermon was alternatively, "Ardos," and we just saw an "HazARD motto term. Ardos is said to be connected to god-men, purely mythical, of course. Asmans, using Massey fleur, I assume, are in Seaton colors. The Hare bloodline may be suspect in the "ears" of rye or wheat used by Sadducee liners. Scottish Hare's/Hehers were first found in AYRshire, and I tend to see "ears" as code for the Eyers/Hayers (first found in the same place as Herzog-related Here's/Heyers), a branch of Ayers.

As Felix, the Roman governor of Judaea, considered his family to be from Arcadia, Greek birthplace of Hermes, we would expect Hermon elements to come out of Arcadia to Felix, which elements named the Hermus river of Lydia. I say this because the Harmon Coat is in the colors of both the Fleck and related Fletcher/Fleche Coat, and in fact, both use a black-on-white cross identical in shape, the Sinclair cross too. Sinclairs and Seatons were both of Lothian.

The Arms/Harms, in the colors of the Has/Haas hare, were first found in the same place as Fiddle's, which is the Surrey location that traces to Switzerland.

For a read on how the discovery was made that English Fiddle's traced to Vis-de-lou, see the near end of the page below. It was also "Vis-de-loop," suggesting "de-lupus" or the idea of, "Vis of the wolf." We just saw the Seaton motto leading from Wards to their Fessey kin, a branch of the Burghs suspect in the Burgo > Conteville line to Hugh Lupus. I can't find the specific location of Vis-de-loop in Normandy, but it may be at Avranches, where Hugh's family lived.

Wikipedia's article on Hugh Lupus traces him to a term like "Flaad," said to mean "wolf," but that sounds like rubbish because a Robert D'Avrances, who lived in Macey, married a woman of Dol, where the Flaad name comes from. Flaads are the ancestry of the Dol Alans. Thus, it is suspect that Ranulf le Meschin (Hugh's nephew) was named after the Macey elements in Robert D'Avrances. I'm speaking from memory here, as I often must due to lack of time, but I think I have the facts straight. French Alans, first found in Normandy, were at Vis-de-Loop, weren't they? Compare the French Alans to the Harmons (also "Harriman").

I read that Stewarts honored the dog, not a wolf, and so I reasoned that it should be a hound as code for their Hun ancestry. But the Budini suspect at the founding of the Khazars by Alan-related Huns are suspect as a carrier of a sacred wolf symbol, which seems to be a better explanation. Yet, one could expect a hound symbol for Stewarts, and so see the greyhound in the German Loop Coat.

If Seatons/Sittens were from Sion/Sitten, as well as tracing to Hugh Lupus, first Norman ruler of Chester in Cheshire, then behold that the Arms of Cheshire use gold-on-blue garbs, the colors of the garbs in the Arms of Salins/Salens, the area that is now a part of Sion/Sitten!!! That, my friends, is heavy-duty blabbermouth from the gut of heraldry. You can trace the Sale's of Cheshire to Salin. I would not have known this had not Salins merged with Sion in January of 2013. That's how Salins got into the Wikipedia article on Sion.

In the family tree below of duke Alan III of Rennes, there is a portion of the Rennes family from Judicael, who is honored in the Raines' motto. Note the Conan name, for Conans share the Sinclair and Harmon cross. The Harmons, like the Raymonds who traced somewhat well to Cremona, use what looks like a Raines' format, though Harmons look like they use a French-Alan format too. How did Alan of Rennes get his name? I don't see it in his immediate ancestry. His mother is Hawise? The Has/Haas line???,_Duke_of_Brittany

You can see Rollo in the tree, married to Poppa of Bayeux, though she was also styled, "Poppa of Valois." Malahule, Rollo's uncle, is the line to rulers of Bayeux that provided the Meschins out of Bayeux, when the door to Bayeux opened with this Rollo marriage, apparently. The Valais surname is said to be from a Valois location.

As the area around Sion is also, "Valais," we'd like to check out the Valais/Valois surname (greyhound in Crest), which has a crescent in the colors of the Loop crescents, which are also the colors of the crescent of the Conte's suspect in the Contevilles, and then the VisCONTE's are suspect in that line too, which begs whether Vis-de-loop was a place of the Visconti branch of Contevilles. If proto-Seatons were in Cremona, I would suggest the Crema location just outside Milan (i.e. where Visconti's ruled).

After writing that, zikers, a lucky strike. The Cramer Coat (Bologna-style Shield-and-Chief color combination) was reloaded to find a white-ermined square in the upper corner, the color of the ermined square in the same corner of the Hause Coat that had just been loaded minutes before! "Hause" was loaded looking for Hawise elements!!! So, it looks like the Seaton motto ("Hazard yet forward") should be read as: "HauseArd Yates forWard."

It's strange and uncertain, but Hasmoneans seem to be tracing to the namers of Cremona and Crema.

The following may be off-topic, but I'd like to record as per my trace of the Stewart checks to those in the Italian Massi/Mattis Coat (Matthew-like surnames). I've just gone looking for whom Alan III may have been named in honor of, and found that Alan II, duke of Brittany, was a son of a Mathuedoi I, Count of Poher (location in Brittany). Allan II was called "Renard," a term said to mean "fox," but for me this is strikingly like Reneir/Rainier of Montferrat. There is a Langhe area at Montferrat that should apply to Alans. Mathuedoi married a daughter of Alan I of Brittany. "[Alan II] landed at Dol in 936, at the invitation of the monk Jean de Landévennec and with the aid of Edward's successor, Athelstan the Glorious. By 937 he was master of most of Brittany, having forced the Vikings back to the Loire." Yet, later, the proto-Stewart Alans were in Normandy, land of those vikings.,_Duke_of_Brittany

I suppose the idea is to trace Forum-Allieni elements to Langhe and to Massa-Carrara, home of the Massi/Mattis surname. To support the claim that Trypillians were at Forum Allieni, "Massa" gets the French Masseys that showed the Trip boots. The Massa's/Masseys now show a tree, symbol of Italian Alano's. In fact, Alano's show an oak tree, jibing with the oak leaves in the English Alan Coat. German Lange's trace to Brunswick, and then the Brunswick Coat looks like a version of the Strange Coat. This suggests that Langs were Alans of the Allieni kind, and their trace inside Italy does go to Montferrat, strongly suggesting a Ferrara equation with "Ferrat," explaining why Ferrats use the Massi/Mattis checks.

There is a Renard Coat showing only a wolf, in the design of the Fleming wolf. Seatons use the Fleming double border. For me, this looks like Reno-river Renard elements in the Setta valley belonging to the proto-Seatons/Sittens, a family with branches having the audacity to use a Satan surname. The other German Langs show a pelican-on-nest, the Stewart symbol, and so it seems that Alano's can be traced to Langhe, to neighboring Montferrat, and to Massa-Carrara.

Why should Strange's be in Brunswick? While the two Brunswick lions above make part of the Arms of Brunswick-Luneburg, the Arms of Brunswick is an upright lion in the colors of the same of Stewarts. Stewarts use the English Brock motto, and then German Brocks look like they trace to Brocken mountain, near Brunswick. The English Brock Chief uses the Strange lion design in colors reversed. What do you think's with that in regards to Pharisee liners? There was a witchcraft center at the Brocken theater.

As Poppa of Valois smacks of "Poppo," the founder of Babenbergs, I would suggest that Poppo of Valois brought Babenberg blood to the Vis-de-loop area of Normandy. We will see Babenberg blood at Templarite Montferrat shortly below, which blood was married by Guido Guerra III. Why did Guido marry the blood of Jerusalem royals? Did he know that he was a liner from old Jerusalem priests?

Now let's look at German Cramers with the ram. The write-up traces to "merchandisers." But that was a symbol mythical Mercury, whom the Romans equated with Hermes, who had the ram symbol...who is now tracing speculatively as a Harmon-like term to the naming of Cremona. Do you think that idea is clinched with the Cramer ram? I had not seen this Coat when suggesting earlier the idea of CREE-Mona. I now find that German Cramers show KREAmer and KRAYmer variations, which Cree's likewise show.

Convinced that Raymonds trace to Bologna, I've just looked up the Buncle surname because one ray symbol is an "escarBUNCLE." And that when I realized that BUNKELL is a variation of the PUNG surname with PaganELL variation. The Pungs are from the motto of Cray-related Rome's/Rooms who are also suspect at Cremona in the idea of Rome-Mona / Ramona. The Rome/Room motto phrase, "Pungit sed" is strong terminology for Panico's in the Setta. The Buncle write-up traces to an early BONEkil surname (in some partnership with a Cumyn surname), which could suggest Bononia, where Guidi Guerra ruled whose bendy design is used by Rome's/Rooms and Crays.

Guido Guerra III was a count of MODigliana. Perhaps the location was related to Modena or Modi'in in Israel. While his wife's father was William V Montferrat, her mother was Judith Babenberg. This couple gave birth to Conrad, king of Jerusalem. With another woman, Sibylla, queen of Jerusalem, William V gave birth to Baldwin V, king of Jerusalem. "Sibylla" smacks of the Gibala surname suspect at the el-Gabal cult. Recall the Zabala/Zampberelli surname, first found in a Castlefranco location of Modena, near Bologna. The Barelli's are registered with Italian Barone's/Varone's, suspect with the line of Dan Brown in a Bruno family at Arettium, the place that I think could have founded El-Gabal in Arethusa.

"[Baldwin V] became the nominal king from 1185 to 1186, under the regency of Count Raymond III of Tripoli."

The Brocks, whom we just saw to be Alans of the Strange kind, thus suspect from a Guido le-Strange, are said to have been at a Broc location of Anjou (possibly explaining why Italian Fulks use the Ferrat and Massi/Mattis checks). The Brock write-up then speaks on a Ralph Brock at Colchester, home of the El-Gabal bloodline of Camulos, right? It looks like Montferrat married an El-Gabal woman to put El-Gabal on the Jerusalem throne, and in almost the same breath he was married to a Babenberg. As Babenbergs were young at that time, it's likely that Poppa was connected to the ancestry of Judith Babenberg.

There was a migration of Montferrat Alans for to become the Brocken / Brunswick Alans, and then we find the "coincidence" of the Brock Shield-and-Chief color combination to be that of the Valois'/Valais' too. I can't recall when Montferrat linked up with Visconti's of Milan, but I do know that Milans and Brockens both use tree stumps. While there are Wolf-named locations around Brunswick and Brocken, it looks like Visconti's may have named Vis-de-Loop. There are two branches of Visconti's, one from Sardinian rulers. These are the ones most-likely to have furnished the Contevilles.

I'm thinking that, prior to the Templars, Alans of Montferrat merged with Visconti's (whatever they were called at the time), who were living in a Massino location. These Alan-Visconti's then took it over to Luneburg and Brunswick, and engaged the nearby city of Wernigerode (smacks of the Varni) at the Brocken mountain, which city uses a curved fish in the colors of the Brock and Stewart lions. The Baars of Brunswick used curved fish, and they took it over to Bar-le-Duc on the Moselle, where we find an Allain location. The French Alan write-up may be alluding to this location, but it's not in Normandy, where French Alans are said to have been first found. The theory here is that the Alan-Visconti merger settled Vis-le-Loop as Welf liners.

Some proof that Visconti's should be included in the Alan line to Brunswick is the color of the Luneburg lion, the colors of the Massin/Mason lion. It seems reasonable to trace that surname to "Massino" of the Visconti's. It seems reasonable to view that place as a Massena-liner station. We should expect Varro's there.

While Wernigerode smacks of Varni elements from Varro, the Loops show a Loper variation while Spanish Lopers use the same wolves, in the same colors (Varn colors), as Spanish Varro's. It starts to look like the proto-Alans of Dol were Varro liners out of Montferrat. Yes, that makes sense. Ferrari's out of Ferrara founded and named Montferrat, and these Ferrari's were the Allieni. When Visconti's merged with Sforza, there popped up the Ferrari lion as the Sforza symbol. The Allieni were merged with Pharisees, weren't they? They moved together as the Langs. They were merged with Poppa elements at Valois (a place suspect from Wallis/Valais), explaining why the Valois/Valais Coat uses the Loop crescent, which is the Savona/Saven crescent too, of a family from the Savena river at the Setta theater, and that's why the Savona crescent now shows the French-Alan stars. The same Allieni, as the Strange's, must have evolved into Guido Guerra III, who married Montferrat, his old cousins.

After a stint in Brunswick-Luneburg, the Allieni-Strange outfit, ever seeking world domination like sociopaths understanding no love for others, came out of curved-fish Germany to the Moselle as/with Bar-le-Ducs, and that's the river of Esus, who should link to the tree stump of the Brocks/Brockens. As Allain and Bar-le-Duc are in Lorraine, it looks like the green Lorraine lion was adopted from Alans out of Luneburg, for the green Lune/Lyon and Lannoy lion is used by Lorraine's. Apparently, the mysterious Luneburg entity was from Lyon, and connected to the Herod line out of Vienne Isere. That should explain why Luneburg uses a lion with HEARTs.

The Luneburg lion is blue-on-gold versus the green-on-gold of the Lorraine-surname lion. Luneburg is near Hamburg, where Trips were first found. Brunswick-Luneburg started as a holding of an Otto, nephew of Otto the Roman emperor, having a name like "Ottone." The Otto that got Brunswick-Luneburg was a son of William of Winchester, and it just so happens that the Sforza lion holds a quince in honor of the Quincy family of Winchester. The Luneburg lion is colors reversed from the Ferrari / Sforza lion.

William of Winchester, otherwise styled, William of Luneburg, is dressed in unabashed green at his Wikipedia article, and as he was the son of Henry the Lion, it seems that the green lion applies to this line. The Visconti lion was at first green. I don't know when they changed it to blue. On his mother's side, William had Brunswick ancestry, which may have gone back to Lang elements, and Lang elements may have named both Luneburg and the city of Lyon. "Lang" and "Long" are interchangeable terms, and William Luneburg was also nicknamed, "Longsword."

Whenever we see a Henry in this picture, always keep Joseph Henry of Hampshire in mind, the founder of the Hampshire Joseph surname. It suggests that a Caiaphas line was in a Henry surname from some Henry rulers. If Henry the Lion links to the Lannoy lion, it's a good reason to suspect Caiaphas in that family. Winchesters, using a cross in the colors of the Luneburg lion, were first found in Hampshire, and they use a small gold square at the center of their Coat that could be the Placentia square. The Placentia wolf is blue, the color of the Luneburg lion. The Cappeo lion is a blue one too. The Winchester Crest is a blue lion. It's the Luneburg lion, isn't it?

What colors are the Lyon and Lannoy lions? Green on white, the colors of the Irish Henry eagle. Whose footless martlets do French Henrys' use? The red ones of French Alans. What colors are used for the French Henry chevron? The colors of the Winchester cross. Where were French Henry's first found? Brittany. What is in the colors of the Henry martlets? The Winchester mascles. And so it seems to be the case that Winchesters were related the Joseph Henry of Hampshire. It seems to mean that Winchesters were Caiaphas liners.

As Luneburg-Brunswick was getting underway under Otto, the blue-lion Bruces of Scotland were gearing up for a run at the throne, we could say, and the Dol Stewarts were training in their new role as High Stewards of Scotland. The Bruces would lift them to the Scottish throne. Otto was a Welfer, and so was Hugh Lupus, in my opinion. And so was Guido Guerra. I'm seeing a loop here. Otto merged with the imperial Hohenstaufen, the family using the same quartered Shield as Keele's/Kills. Is it possible, therefore, that the Alan-Strange entity at Brunswick-Luneburg brought elements of Cilnius Maecenas to Hohenstaufens? Yes, for the Alans are being traced out of Massino-Visconti. Were the HohenSTAUFENs a branch of Stewart-related Stephens? Perhaps the Stephens using the Chappes / Ottone solid chevron?? The Staufers use the same colors.

Italian Stephano's are the ones using a comet. Comets use three Murena towers in the colors of the three Comyn garbs, important because the Burgos' who became Contevilles ruled a Comyn location. I've yet to clinch or find a Visconti link to Conteville's; it's assumed only, perhaps like a wild guess. It has to do with a Piscinas (means "fountain") location beside Sulcis on Sardinia, what could have become the Font de Ville's, first found in the same place as Conte's. Italian Conti's (Varn / Varro colors) a lion in the colors of Hohenstaufen lion. These Hohens were from Goplo-like Goppingen. The Arms of Goppingen use a black-on-white antler, the colors of the three English Conte antlers. Three antlers are also used by Veringens of Baden, who look like they could have named Wernigerode. We wonder what "gerode" was named after.

Coppingers look like they use a version of the Stewart Coat. Instead of chequey in the fesse, Coppingers use white-on-blue roundels called "plates," and then the German Plate surname shows the Joseph swan design in Crest, and the vine, a symbol on one side of the Herod-Archelaus coin. The other side has a helmet with plume of feathers, the Lannoy symbol. Plate's were first found in Brandenburg, where Hohenzollerns came to roost. COPElands should apply because they were first found in the same place as Staufen-suspect Stevensons. See also Steubens.

It looks very good for the lines of chief priests in the Hohen / Cohen camps.

I'm of the tentative opinion that king Massena, when merging with the Scipio Romans stationed in Placentia and Cremona, had found some alliance with the Boii of Bologna in forming the Hasmoneans. The way to explain why the Ananes of Placentia got merged with Boii, as an article above informed us, is by way of Massena fingers in Placentia. He or Scipio must have been closely involved with the chief(s) of the Ananes family. When asking what possible relationship their could be between the purple-dressed revelation harlot and the purple lion of the Skipton lion, the Gaetuli of Numidia came to mind, because they furnished the purple dye that became the royal Roman color.

As the Strange's were linked to Trypillians, how revealing is it that Gaets/Geeds/Gedda's first found in the same place (Hamburg) as Massey/Massa-related Trips? It's suggesting the Guido le Strange, and the hourglass Guido/Guis surname, was a Gaetuli liner. And what about that Guis variation that gets the Guido's. Did that form "VISconti"? The theory above was exactly this: that Strange's formed the Visconti-Alan alliance that I'm only assuming without hard evidence. The circumstantial evidence looks good for that theory. I'm suggesting that Massena's connection with Ananes involved Gaetuli Numidians. The Gate surname uses a split Shield in the colors of the Massena-Shield colors. The Gaets/Geddy's use only crescents (Ottone colors) in Conte-crescent colors. If Scipio thus introduced the purple cloth to Rome with his contacts to Gaetuli, Roman purple would have become his symbol i.e. explaining why Skiptons use it.

Reminder: Yett/Yate's, said to be from "geat," share the same gate with Spanish RaMONA's, and link to the "yet" motto term of Seatons/Sittens that trace to "Setta," where I expect Guido elements. The "SEATon variation may even be from a Geat term. The Gaet/Gedda crescents are the same three used by Savona's/Savens now tracing to the Savena river at / beside the Setta!!! And it was determined earlier that the addition of the stars in the Savona/Saven Coat are those of the French Alans and Loops/Lupers.

Why would Massena get involved with Modena? We saw why proto-Seatons in Cremona might have been proto-Hasmoneans, but as Hasmoneans lived in Modi-in, we could expect them out of Modena. If Massena's ancestry was from Massina of Sicily, and therefore of Messene in Greece, then his ancestry may have been from Methoni/Modon of Messene, and perhaps king Massena didn't know it until he got political fingers in northern Italy that Modena had his ancient kin. Perhaps he celebrated this discovery, sending them to Israel as the leaders of the Roman campaign against Seleucids, and thus they named Modi'in / Modiin. The Modigliana location of Guido Guerra III may have become the Model- / Motel-like surname, or perhaps just the Motte's/Morte's.

Motels use that horse-and-rider (plumed helmet) of Caffertys / Craigs. It's not precisely the same design, but extremely close. They are said to be from Taranto's Mottola location, thus linking, with certainty, the Caffertys/Caffeys to the Caffey's/Coffey's/Coffers using the Arms of Taranto!!! That was a good find because it proves that the Crest is a version of the Taranto Arms. It potentially traces Modon elements of Messene to Mottola.

Recall now the blue-on-white fretty Shield of Modens/Modeys, for it's used also by Canns/Caens with a "periMUS" motto term. In the Cann Crest, we see five white ostrich feathers, a symbol in the Crest of the Arms of Traby, important because the Trebia river flowing to Placentia. This traces the Modena-suspect Modens/Modeys to that river. Modena is between Cremona and Bologna. Note that "perimus" smacks of Parium in Mysia, for there is a Parma location between Modena and Cremona. Here's the Parm/Palm Coat with Massey fleur.

We saw an Allain location in Lorraine, and Lorraine's are related to grail-using Laurie's/Lowrys. What's the grail for? It's for the Percival line out of Paris, at Perche, where lines from Joseph Caiaphas were slithering through disguised as a white swan out of Sion. Compare the Lorraine Coat (used part of the Arms of Lorraine) with that of Hasmon-suspect Asmans. Lorraine's were first found in the same place as Stephens, and that place was NorthUMBERland (blue lion), perhaps named after Umbrians from Italy. We can image Northumberland elements with the Arretium-suspect Arthurs, first found in nearby Berwickshire. Bamburgh castle of the Bebbanburg Bernicians is in Northumberland. Didn't Arthur elements of northern Wales suggest something to do with Hasmoneans?

Asmans are using the talbot dogs of Carricks (Saracen liners from Sicily) who are said to have ancestry in Craigs, thus tracing Carricks and Lorraine's to the Motels out of Taranto. The Models/Midlers/Middle's use what could be a version of the Talbot Shield-on-Shield, and we need to ask whether Talbots got depicted with a dog as per the Stewart dog symbol. Models/Midlers/Middle's were first found in the same place as English Alans, Meschins and Talbots. The Talbots are showing what should be the Stewart / Brock lions. Why do Talbots use "Prest" in their motto? It's got to be for the Prest terms involved with Kerricks. Guis'/Guido's use the same lion as Talbots.

The Lorraine eagles, found in the Arms of Lorraine, are in the colors of the Child eagles. As Childeric is said to be a holy grail bloodline, where did that grail idea come from when applied to him? From the Paris Percivals, right? From the pierced swan of Walsh's/Welch's, right, out of the Savena river beside the Setta valley, and into Sion/Sitten using a version of the Trent Shield...while Childs use a version of the Taran/Tarent Shield now suspect more than ever with a Mottola location in Taranto. Could this involve a line of Gaetuli out of Mottola and into Modigliana? The Gaets use three white crescents, as do the Craigs with the Motel/Mottola horse-and-rider. If the Gaets thus trace to Mottola, they can trace to the so-called "Guidi," which family included Guido Guerra at Modigliana.

The fretty of the Modena-suspect Canns/Caens has a red fesse through it, as does the Cable/Cabbel fretty. As the latter trace to the key-using Avignon theater, it's likely why the Cann motto uses "qui." As Cable's/Cabbels were first found in the same place (Somerset) as Trents, it tends to assure that Canns trace to Placentia. The dog-like Caeni of Thrace are coming to mind, as Placentia uses a wolf. They were near LysiMACHIA, a root of the Maecenas / Massey bloodline. The Asman Coat shares fleur-de-lys in the colors of the Massey and Lys fleur. Maccincidence? Modencidence? Fretincidence? Musincidence? Khyanincidence?

As Roets were first found in Somerset, the "perimus" term smacks of the Imperi rulers of the human-sacrifice Boofima cult, a most-disgusting peoples. There is nothing sacred about this. It just so happens that the Trebbia river has a source near the Ligurian coast, where also Imperia is located. The Treb(b)ia was the river of Trypillians, wasn't it? As they were from Moldavia, see that the Mold/Maud Coat (Cheshire) is like the MONmouth Coat. Isn't that the Guido lion that Molds/Mauds use? Why does "Maud" look so much like "MODigliana." The English Stewarts used the very same lion design, for years, as the one now used by Monmouths. The design was changed after I linked the lion to the same of Ulmans, from Ulm of Germany, on the Danube, and suspect with mythical Almos, founder of the Arpad Hungarians. Ulm is said to have been founded in 850, just as the first Hungarians (Huns) were moving into the Danube theater from the Kabardino / Khazaria theater. Attila was closely allied to Alan Huns.

Monmouths were first found in the same place (HEREfordshire) as Talbot-related Sellicks and Traby-suspect Trevors. The two red lions used by the Molds/Mauds, one in Coat and one in Crest, are exactly the two red lions used by Talbots, one in Coat and one in Crest. The only difference is that Talbots use the entire lion. Thus, the Talbots are tracing to the lion of Guido's. Talbots (related to bee-using Talls/Thalls) were married by Ranulf le Meschin in the Boii-suspect form of "TailleBOIS." Didn't Hasmoneans come from the Boii? That's why MONmouths are related to Talbots.

Here's were the one's using a tree stump. Herefords use the three eagles of the Childs, but as the Hereford Crest is yet a fourth white eagle, note that all four eagles are used, in colors reversed, by Tarans/Tarents. This is important where Taranis and Esus were of the same group of Gauls.

Remember, Cable's/Cabells ("IMPavide" motto term) are tracing to another human-sacrifice cult suspect at Imperia. The Cable's/Cabells use the motto, "IMPavide," which now traces the Imp(y)s to "IMPeria" elements. The Cabellio peoples lived at the tributary of the Salyes Ligures, thus making a Salyes link to Boofima elements. When Hannibal (leader of human-sacrifice Carthaginians) marched toward the Trebbia for the war against Scipio, he went though the land of the Salyes. However, I also think that Boofima traces to Massena elements, especially when he was pro-Carthage.

Whenever we see a human hand in heraldry, especially when it shows the palm, it could be a clever code for Hannibal elements from Carthage. The Parms/Palms show a human hand in Crest. German Parms share a palm tree with the Carthaginian-suspect Carts. Muskerry was home to MacCARTHys, kin of Desmonds using the same saltire as Carts. Why are Hasmonean-suspect Desmonds linking to Carthaginians. We should ask Cilnius Maecenas.

The Carts show the Annan(dale) saltire, tracing to Placentia's Hanni-like Ananes Gauls. The Hand surname, related to the Hanna surname -- both sharing the stag with Carts and Hannibals/Annabels -- uses the palm of a hand. The prediction in all this is that Hannibal was named after Ananes Gauls, explaining why he attacked on the Trebbia river, in an effort to take Placentia away from the Romans. Hanna's and Hands both use blue, the color of the Placentia wolf. Carts were first found in the same place (Wiltshire) as Sadlers who use the Massin/Mason lion.

The Placentia wolf has now traced to three suspects: the Budini; the Huns that I think were from Hannibals (both used stags, apparently); and the Caeni.

Possibly, Annas/Ananias traces to "Hannibal" as he left military-minded sons / daughters in the Placentia area. It would certainly make sense that the God of Israel would take the most-brutal human-sacrifice cult for His own sacrifice, thus having recourse for aiming his thunderbolts at them in particular at Armageddon. From Wikipedia, on its Placentia article: "Before [Placentia's] settlement by the Romans, the area was populated by other peoples; specifically, most recently to the Roman settlement, the region on the right bank of the Po River between the Trebbia River and the Taro River had been occupied by the Ananes or Anamari, a tribe of Cisalpine Gauls." The arrival of the Ananes tends to pre-date Hannibal so that he didn't likely name these Gauls.

If we are thinking that the Taro river was of Terentius elements, it's interesting that Tarrs/Terre were first found in the same place (Somerset) as Trents and Roets. The MacDonald and Alexander motto terms, "terras," may be in-part honoring this Tarr line. The Macdonalds are using, in my opinion, the Ferte eagle, and their "Mare" motto term traces to the Mere's and DeMere's of Cheshire, where we expect Ferte-Mace elements. The full motto, "Per mare per terras," may be part-code for the ImPERI bloodline. Reminder: fretty-using Canns/Caens use "PERiMUS," a term that can link with the Parma location that seems to trace well to Hannibal's Carthaginians. The Cann/Caen leopards clinch the trace of Canns to Boofima.


Consider how "SOPH," part of the name of king Massena's wife ("also "Sophoniba"), may have become the Coffey/Caffey surname. After all, that surname traces to Taranto, near Massina and Numidia. If this Sophia > Coffey link is correct, then one may like to take a jab at me for claiming that Caffeys/Coffeys/Coffers and Coffers/Coffare's were Caiaphas lines. But wait, for Massena pre-dates Caiaphas, and Massena lines trace to the first chief priests of Israel. The theory now is that Sophia lines named Caiaphas. Let's look at the possibility. We'd be looking for a Cophia-like surname using colors / symbols of Macey / Massey liners.

Cramers use a "NON" motto term that gets the Nevins/Nivens using a chevron on Boeuf-chevron colors, not forgetting that Boeufs were first found in the same place (PERIgord) as Saunier's. The Nevins were first found in Ayrshire, the land tracing to Aures...beside Carthage, where Massena's wife was from. It was Dan Brown who revealed that Nevins should trace to Sophonisba. The Navy's/Neve's are the ones whom Dan Brown's "Sophia Neveu" code represents, and it's the Navys/Neve's who use the horse-and-rider design of CAFFERtys/AFFERtys, a term suspect from "Aures/Awraba." This section was written about a week before finding that the Caffertys use the Motel/Mottola Coat. This bloodline may have been on the Taro river as peoples passed through Taranto as mythical Taras.

Coffers/Coffare's (in Coffer/Coffey/Caffey colors) were first found in the same place (Somerset) as Boofima-rooted Roets. Caffertys are also CAFFRey, and are in Coffer/Coffey/Caffey colors.

In my opinion, it is an excellent theory that "SOPH(onisba)" became the Coffers, because "nisba/niba" appears to be a second term aside from "Soph." Perhaps it was after "Nibhaz," the Avvite god. There is a Nisbet surname (black boars, "byde" motto term), and an author by that surname is found in an article on the Geddys. I may quote from that article in a future update if I can find traces to the Gaetuli. Note how "Avith, the Avvite capital, could become a Byde-like name. Did the Budini apply to Avvites? Yes! I traced the Avvite god, Tartak, to Tartus (Syria) and it's related Arpad/Arados location, which definitely traced to Hungarian Arpads at Arad (Transylvania, CARPathian mountains), and then the Hungarian capital (Budapest) is thus suspect from Budini! Hungarians were Avvites, weren't they? Avvites named the Carpathians, didn't they? Recall the Severin location north of the mouth of the Pek, a term like "Sepharvite."

Sophonisba may have been from the Safer / Severus bloodline, or whatever she was named after may have started the Severus bloodline. I've traced "Severus" to ancient SEPHARvites, land of ancient Hebrews at Sephar, beside Mesha (see Genesis), that latter term smacking of the makings of the Meshwesh. The Sepharvites are in with the Avvites in II Kings 17, as per the Babylonians re-settling northern Israel with peoples from Babylon.

The Goffrey variation of Caffertys reminded me of the Gophers/Gofers (five blood drops), using a saltire in the colors of the Cann/Caen and Moden/Modey fretty. The Gopher/Gofer-saltire colors are in use by saltire of Oddie's, a branch of Odins out of Yorkshire, home of Skiptons, the latter a branch of Shiptons first found in the same place (Oxfordshire) as Gophers/Govers. Were Gophers the Sophonisba line merged with Scipio?

Don't Italian Ottone's, in Oddie and Gopher/Gover colors, use the same-colored, long, solid chevron as the Chappes???

English Ottons (no 'e') use white roundels ("plates"), the colors of the Ottone "annulets," but the Otton Coat looks like a version of the Savard/Savary Coat, a surname much like "Sepharvite." Let me quote from above: "Coppingens use white-on-blue roundels called 'plates,' and then the German Plate surname shows the Joseph swan design in Crest, and the vine, a symbol on one side of the Herod-Archelaus coin. The other side has a helmet with plume of feathers, the Lannoy symbol. Plate's were first found in Brandenburg, where Hohenzollerns came to roost." Thus, Gopher liners may have named Goppingen of the Hohenstaufens, and so let's remind that Staufen-suspect Stephens also use the Chappes "perchevron." Ottone's call this chevron, "tierced." It begs the question of whether the Gopher drops were tear drops. They are officially called. "five guttees de sang." The Tear surname is of the MacAtter / MacIntyre bloodline of "Terras"-using MacDonalds.

Otton's and Ottone's use the colors of Drummonds, who I trace to "Adram," from a son of Joktan, Hadoram, who named the Sepharvite god, ADRAMmolech (II Kings 17:31), suspect with the human-sacrifice god, Molech/Moloch. Genesis says that Joktan's sons lived between Sephar and Mesha so that Sepharvites could, indeed, have traced to king Massena. Perhaps his marriage to Sophonisba was a Sepharvite merger with Avvites.

I had found that lines from Caiaphas went to the heraldic "ear" code, for the Eyer / Ayer bloodline. But this was before discovering that AYRshire traces to Numidia. It just so happens that the talbot dog used in the arms of Oettingen-Oettingen (the stork line that traces to Odins and Oddie's of Storkhouse) emphasize the ear of the dog. They put the Odin white-on-red saltire on the dog's ear. Then, the other Chappes surname, the Cheaps/Chaips of England, use "ears of wheat." Thus, Chappes (Moor heads) are tracing to Aures elements, and can thus trace to Sophonisba.

I cannot find Soph-using surnames, but the Shops come up as SHAWlands, and were first found in Kent, where multiple Aures elements have been found. The Shops/Shawlands (also "Shoreland," perhaps applicable to Schere's/Scherfs) use a sea horse, symbol of the Tokers, suspect with Tooks/Toke's/Tolkiens of Kent. Just as I was thinking that this could indeed be a line for Sophonisba, I recalled (as per the Sherland variation of Shops) the Sherbrooks, and, BINGO! Another "non" term in the motto! It's the Nons/Nevins that trace in particular to Sophonisba.

Sherbrooks use stars in colors reversed from the same of Sepharvite-suspect Shepherds. But that's not all, for we are now on a topic that led me to suppose, months ago, that Caiaphas was from the same entity that named Scipio. In that theory, Scipio traced to SHIP-like terms as per the Shiptons, and so I reasoned that Scipio's linked to the Shepherd / Sepharvite peoples. Scottish Shepherds are "Shippert" as well. The Ships/Shiptons are said to be from "scyp," said to mean "sheep," but I have my doubts. Skippers/Skeppers use what looks to be a variation of the Savards/Savarys, but the latter use a version of the Dumas Coat which traces to the lamb-using Lamas surname, both from Le Mass near Grasse, the city near Imperia that uses the white-on-blue (Gopher colors) lambs of the Lamas'. Thus, these sheep-designed surnames (see also the Sheeps/Shipmans) under discussion should all link to the DuMas / LeMas bloodline that had traced to the Severus-Bassianus bloodline.


On this page, you will find evidence enough that NASA did not put men on the moon.
Starting at this paragraph, there is a single piece of evidence
-- the almost-invisible dot that no one on the outside was supposed to find --
that is enough in itself to prove the hoax.
End-times false signs and wonders may have to do with staged productions like the lunar landing.

The rest of the Gog-in-Iraq story is in PART 2 of the
Table of Contents

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