Previous Update: January 29 - February 4

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(if there are any to speak of)
February 5 - 11, 2013

Continued from the Last Update

Let's go back to the Foys whom in some cases were "Fey" too. The Foys traced hard to Alexanders and Skipton-related Lacys. In times before having the evidence (in the last update) for the Foy trace to Placentia or to the Balas bloodline suspect at Placentia, I had traced the Fey / Fay line to Veys/Vivians using a purple lion, the Lacy and Skipton symbols. What a "coincidence." But I now note that the Fife Shield-and-Chief combination, shared by Veys/Vivians, is also the same of the Placentia's Scute's.

As Roman Scipio's were the Cornelli bloodline, are those the Sutherland / Cornell stars in the Fife Chief??? Indeed, as the Cornell ravens are the Shetland elements of Sutherlands, and while those viking elements conquered Rothesay = Bute, so a mythical Morgan le Fay was made a chief of Avalon = Bute.

[Insert -- Days after writing here, it dawned on me that Ravenna (east of Ferrara) was a term related to "rabbi." I suggested a link of rabbi-like surnames to "Ravenna" the last time Ravenna was treated some weeks ago, only this time the idea came to mind as I read this: "Salome Alexandra [queen of Maccabee Jerusalem], the sister of the famous leader of the Sanhedrin, Rabbi Shimon ben Shetach..." I had been reading this moments before coming back to proof-read this section. Just before those moments, I had found the Caiaphas-suspect Panetta's/Panes (whom will later be a full-scale topic) on the Reno river passing by Cento and Argenta...with a mouth in the Adriatic near Ravenna. It was simply too coincidental that this Panetta / Panico / Pink / Punch bloodline was found on the Reno...with what will prove to be a merger of the Scipio bloodline with the Albert surname (one Albert surname uses a hammer), first found in Bologna (blue and gold quarters = checks), the latter location near the holdings of the Panico's. The count Albert of Panico in the Panetta write-up must be of this Albert surname using a ring in the colors of the Scipio rings.

The last time the Pinks and Punch's were treated, they were at the Pincum location at the mouth of the Pek, the river off of which is Cappeo, and here I now find the Pinks and Punch's at the Reno near Copparo. This will be an eye-opening topic that traces proto-Hungarians of the blood-oath kind, and Pendragons, to Panico's, as well as tending to prove that the Raben surname uses the checks of the Arms of Marzabotto, that location belonging to Panico's. What's that raven doing in the Raben Chief? Ask Ravenna proto-vikings to Shetland. I'll cross this bridge after proof-reading and published the few tons of material already written. End Insert]

As Cornells are also "Cornwall," by what further coincidence were Veys/Vivians first found in Cornwall? Therefore, Scipio's bloodline is suspect on Bute with Morgan le Fay i.e. the Vivian / Fife bloodline. The Veys and the related Five's/Fifys may even be using the Bail and/or Belli chevron. If so, keep in mind that the number five is a code used by the Arthur surname (there are even five points on the MacArthur crown, and five turrets on the Placentia crown), for if Five's are from Alexander Balas via the Five link to Bails, then Arthurs should trace to Alexander Balas. [In the Panico investigation, a crown with five turrets was found also in the Arms of Pescia, a location in the Panico domain, this being one reason that Pendragons can trace to "Panico." But it was of course important to find what should prove to be the Piscinas line from the Sulcis Seleucids amongst the Panico's, for Pendragons were already identified (see last update) as Seleucids].

Although I can't prove as yet that the raven in the Cornell Crest is coming out of a boot, it just so happens that the Dutch Veys use a boot in Crest.

Apparently, the mother-trunk of the Scipio-Paullus bloodline traces to the Cornovii namers of Cornwall. It's where Pendragons were first found who already traced to the Salyes Seleucids, but then king Arthur was made to die (or have a re-birth) on Avalon = Bute. The myth, "Le Morte d'Arthur," was code for the Morte/Mott surname using a large single crescent in the colors of the same of the Alexander Coat!! Pendragons even use a chevron in the colors of the Alexander chevron. My my. [The trace of Pendragons to the Panico's at Bologna explains why Pendragons should be Maccabee liners, but it exposes how important the Panico's are in revealing that Pendragon's were the Alexander-Balas Maccabee line in particular].

The reason that I know the Morte code in the myth title to be code for Morte's/Motts is due to the same crescent used by the Deaths/Darths/D'Aeths. Arthur was killed by MORDred, who smacks of "Morte." The myth was simply code, not history, and it suggests that the Morte's were on Bute. The MORATin tower used by Dutch Veys should apply. The same tower in the same colors is in the Italian Durant Coat, and then while Pendragons use the Sale fleur, Durants (who use the sale fleur too) trace to the river of the Salyes. Here are two motto terms of French Durants: "Fert" and "annoname."

[The Reno surname (uses the red lozenges of Pinks) will be part of the Panico investigation, and it is said to be named after the Rhine river. In other words, we can now glean a Reno-river trace to "Rhine," where the Batavi lived whom I've traced to "Padova" on the northern sides of the Reno. I did trace Batavi to Bute, and moreover the mouth of the Rhine belongs to the Dutch. The Veys are thereby predicted to trace to the Reno theater, even as their purple lion is predicted to trace to the Scipio merger with the line of Albert of Panico. It's not coincidental that Rens/Wrens also use purple lions too, and we can now know that Rens/Wrens trace to "Reno," meaning that Rennes and Renfrew elements trace to that river too.]

There's more. The Alexander motto is used by Atters/Tyre's and Macintyre's who both use "Per Ardua" as their motto. Then, when we note the MacAtter variation of Atters, we surmise that a Catter surname may have been involved, and Catters, it just so happens, were first found in Berkshire, where UTHER Pendragon must trace along with the OTHER surname that was root to the Windsors (of Berkshire). Catters use a chevron in colors of the Pendragon chevron, and as Catters (compare with Saleman and Salmon Coats) should trace (with Keturah liners) to Cutters and therefore to Saluzzo's, note that the Pendragon fleur-de-lys traces to the Helms and to the Sale's, a branch of Salyes, the namers of Saluzzo.

In this picture, Atters/Tyre's and the namers of Kintyre look like Keturah liners, meaning that Alexander-Balas lines were living with Keturah lines on Kintyre. As Kintyre is smack beside the MacAbee's of Arran, note that Catters, Salmons, and MacAbee's share salmon symbols. That can't be coincidental. [How amazing that this section, written days before finding the Panico's, should be right here where Maccabee-based Panico's are being introduced, for I had traced the Raines lions to the Newmans whose motto traces to the MacAbee's of Arran. Yes, the Raines were trace to Rennes and that they trace to the Reno river. It's obvious now, and it's the dragon-line Veres (i.e. from Ferrara) who claim kinship with the Raines'.]

To thus find the Arthurian cult from the Alexander Maccabees is excellent for the theory at the top of the [last] update, that Alexander Balas traced to the Aretas > Herod line. Plus, I traced Maccabees to Arddu and to the hammer symbol of the Ordovices of north Wales, beside Arddu.

I also ventured to see "HasMONian" from "Mona" to the north side of Ordovices, but then it should be asked whether "CreMONA" was named after a Mona entity. INDEED!!! For example, the Hammers and Hams, as well as Hamar in Norway, are in the white-on-green colors of the Crombie's who trace to "CREMona"!!! Plus, I've known for months that the Hams use the same salmon, in the same colors, as the MacAbee's. What a hoot. [Don't neglect here the Croms who trace to RENNES-le-Chateau, for that place is now tracing to 'Reno."]

White-on-green are the colors of the Arms of Lombardy, and Cremona is in Lombardy. Scottish Lombards were first found in the same place (Renfrewshire) [!!] as Placentia-based Pollocks! The Other surname says: "First found in Huntingdon...and are believed to be descended from the celebrated Castellan of Windsor, William FitzOTHER, son of OTHERus, the Duke of Lombardy, the great Norman land owner at the time of the Conquest, who was also scion of the Fitzgeralds, the Gerards and the Windsors." There is excellent evidence here that the Desmond saltire is the Annandale saltire because Desmonds ("Crom" motto term) show a Gerald (almost "Gerard") variation, and because Windsors use a saltire in colors reversed to Desmonds...meaning that Windsors are ghosts of Ananias the killer of Christ. THE POINT IS, myth writers called king Arthur's father, UTHER Pendragon. In other words, the Arthurs (and/or other aspects of their entity) are from Cremona and the Ananes Gauls.

[Found after the update was done, an Italian Geraldi/Gerardi surname using what looks like a version of the Balas Coat, thus tracing Geralds to Placentia's Ananes as much as the Balas and Desmond bloodlines can be traced to them here. As the Gerards are a WINDsor branch, one can trace them to Wends of Poland so that the similarity between the Coats of Polish Alex's and Italian Geraldi's/Gerardi's is interesting. Plus, I traced Polish Piasts to Pisidians that should have named Pisa of Tuscany, where Italian Geraldi's/Gerardi's were first found.

This insert was written days before the Panico's were found, and so this paragraph is an addition to the one above. It just so happens that Panico's ruled in a PISToia area to the south of Bologna. More on that later.]

Gerards/Jarretts (Dougal lion?), by the way, were first found in the same place (Lancashire) as the Mone's and Scute's from Placentia. No surprise now. The Arms of Lombardy (quatrefoil like, and Croms use quatrefoils) use what could be construed as four plates (= white roundels), and then the English Plate surname was first found in Lancashire too. I identify German Plate's as Herods of the Archelaus kind. The red leopards of the English Plates should trace to Mark Antony...who married the Scipio-Gracchus line.

The overwhelming point is that CreMONA was what named the Hasmoneans. Surely, this must be correct. The "cre" term can then be traced to the Cree/Crete surname that uses the Rome/Room lion. Last month, or the one before that, the two Cree/Crea surnames and the Cree/Crete surname traced to the Rome's/Rooms (and Paine's) without doubt, but earlier in this update, the Rome/Room lion was found, in the same colors, by the Crombie Chief. It tends to trace the Cree/Crea bloodline (suspect as Cretans of the Rhea kind) to the naming of Cremona so that, indeed, one term of that city is a Mona entity. How amazing that Maccabees, who started out as HasMONeans in Modiin, are also tracing to Cremona. [the Paine's are now tracing without doubt (reasons shown later) to the Panetta's/Pane's that are being discovered as Panico's.]

To this it can be added that one Cree/Crea Coat uses the Shield-and-Chief colors of the Shepherds while the latter use axes, a Cretan symbol.

[Insert -- I had not yet found the Shepherd trace to Agrigento (Sicily) at this point, but as there is an Argenta location on the Reno that was itself traced quite solidly to "Argentera" at the Stura valley of Cuneo, it suggests an Argenta - Argentera - Agrigento triangle. The fact that Scipio's were already found at AgriGENTO while that place was traced suggestively to "CENTO" (i.e. on the Reno) speaks again to a Scipio trace to the Reno river. As Suters were traced to the Stura di Demonte, here's a heads-up that Pinks use the Sutter Shield-on-Shield colors.

These Suters can trace quite easily now to Este / Istria, for Panico's were in cahoots with a branch of Este. As Aragano is at Agrigento, by what coincidence do Punch's use the red and gold bars used also by Sturs and the Arms of Aragon? Furthermore, as the goat cult of Aragona traced to the Demonte unicorn, by what coincidence do the Fire's/Feuers use the same unicorn design (albeit with a goat lower half) while Panico's ruled all around FIREnza = Florence?

Hmm, lookie at the Reno-like term:"Aragona is known in the Sicilian language as Araguna or Raona."

Again, the five-turret crown is seen in the Arms of Agrigento, but it has now been found in the Arms of Pescia, a location between Firenza and Bologna.

You'll see soon below that Scipio's merged with a Gracchus family. It didn't dawn on me until a day or two after tracing Scipio's solidly to Agrigento that "Gracchus" should be from the "ACRAGAS" variation of Agrigento. Isn't that something? What would we have done without the tip from YS on the Cabrera's that led me to Agrigento in the first place??? We would have missed so much. What excellent timing that it should come just before Leon Panetta testified on Benghazi last week, which is what led me to the Panico's...only yesterday as I write here.

I don't think it's coincidental that Craigs (at the root of Carricks that were traced to Agrigento already) use crescents in the colors of the Mott/Morte crescent, or that the latter surname's Crest shows an eight-pointed estoile in the white color of the eight-pointed star of Austrian Alberts (so far, three of four Albert surnames are tracing to Albert of Panico). The Craigs (first found beside Fife) are the ones using a motto that appears to be in honor of Veys/Vivians / Fifes / Five's. Craigs and Crombie's were both first found in Aberdeenshire, where Hungarians lived whose ancestors will trace exactly to Panico's and their kin. It will be simple to identify these proto-Hungarians later with the proto-Alans of Forum Allieni (= proto-Ferrara) at a Carpi location 15-20 miles north of Modena. See the Carpenters. End Insert]

The Windsors and Croms were not the only two to be first found in Berkshire, for the Modens/Modeys were first found there who are now very suspect with "Modiin," home of Hasmoneans proper. The MODERby variation easily modifies to "Motter" so as to be a Mott/Morte possibility. Moters were first found in the same place (Auvergne) as Bouillons, and then Modena is smack beside Bologna! Modena, Bologna, and Placentia are all in Emilia-Romagna. I almost forgot to mention that an estoile (Balas symbol too) appears in the Mott/Morte Crest, important because Motts/Morte's use the Alexander crescent (they don't use it necessarily directly). Mottleys don't show a Coat, but were first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as Mone's/Moans.

As I insist that "Maccabee" came out of Bologna's Boii, the following is interesting in that it traces Bologna to Mieszko's...who I say put out multiple Macca-like surnames [I had not yet come to the Piast-suspect Pistoia location of Panico's when this was written]. The "Libertas" motto term in the Arms of Bologna is found in the English Best Coat. Then, the French Best/Biaz motto shows a "MONstrat" term. Monincidence?

As the Baiz term traces to Placentia by way of the Baez/Pelaiz surname, look at how the Mone's can trace exactly to Placentia, especially if the Mone Coat is a version of the Deer Coat, for the Scute's use "deer."

The vertical bars of the Mone's are in the colors and positions of the German Julian bars. The French Julians use the saltire colors of Windsors...who traced exactly to Placentia and Cremona. [See Carpenter bars and Carpenter crosslets, compared with Julian bars and Windsor crosslets, for while Carpenters ("belli" motto term) are honored by English Alans, French Alans once showed the Julian stars. Carpenters are tracing to Carpi at Modena.]

We saw three vertical bars in the same positions in the Italian Belli Coat, and it was established by that time that Belli's traced to Placentia and Cremona. Reminder: the Scottish Belli Coat looks like a version of the English Block/Blogg Coat, and the latter trace without doubt to Placentia. The French Belli's use the Moor heads of Bouillons, who in turn use a "bello" motto term (and the Crombie "flory" cross [that can now trace to mythical Flora and "FLOREnce"], meaning that we should also be tracing this bunch -- including the Belli-related Mone's -- to Bologna.

To prove that Windsors and Julians were related, German Julians and Others share the same crescents in their Coat and moreover use that same crescent in their Crests. Fife's use the same-colored crescents and should apply where Arthurs trace closely to them. Fife's, remember, use the Scute Shield-and-Chief combination, and moreover share symbols in the gold color in Chief. For the discussion below, know that Dares show a gold crescent in Crest too.

If the Deers trace to Placentia with the Scute's, then see that the Dare's (Essex) use the same lion as Cree's/Crea's now tracing to "Cremona" with the Mone's. As you may realize, the Cree/Crea fesse is the Rome/Room fesse...and Crombie's use the Rome/Room lion. Therefore, Italian Dere's may be using the Chief of Julians.

We are seeing the Roman-Maccabee alliance/merger that I envisioned. It seemed by a wild guess (to explain Maccabees in northern Israel) that Boii and other elements around Bologna were planted into Israel by Romans and given the task of fighting the Seleucid invasion into Israel. Here we are seeing how that implantation may have come about through Scipio-line developments.

The Scottish Cree's/Crea's use the French Casey leaves, important because Irish Caseys use the red eagle design of Thicks/Thecks. It makes sense to link Caseys to the chief-priestly line of Thicks/Thecks because their leaves must be code for the Laevi. The link to Thicks/Thecks means that Caseys trace to the Sethach elements of the Alexander-Maccabee bloodline, but then it means that the Cree/Crea leaves likewise trace to the Levites of northern Italy. Yes, the Laevi Gauls pre-dated the Maccabees proper, but it seems on several counts that they had been paganized Levite liners from Israel from way back.

In fact, I had traced the Laevi to Jonathan in the book of Judges, a pagan Levite priest of the 600 Danites. Therefore, why was Alexander Balas an ally of Jonathan Maccabee? The Jonathan rooster, therefore, in the colors of the Levi chevrons, is tracing suggestively to Laevi "Gauls" in particular. There seems to have been a Laevi merger with the Balas line to Jonathan Maccabee...which I would interpret as a Laevi merger with Bellovesus elements that became the Balas / Bail bloodline.

Likely, Caseys are a part of the Cass / Cust / Kiss trio using the fountain symbol of Piscinas, and so Caseys are suspect with the Seleucids out of Sulcis. Caseys were traced (by me) to proto-Khazars so that they can now be lumped in with Keturah lines, and Keturah traces to Cutters at Saluzzo. Perfect fit. The Thicks/Thecks traced to Italian Sheaves/Chiapponi's (= proto-Caiaphas) so that Caseys can now link as Seleucids to the Scipio bloodline at Cremona. That works. It traces the mysterious Seleucids to Cremona.

Meschins were definitely linked to Salyes, and they came from the Bessin, founded by a BaoiCASSES peoples. The Bessin is said to have been founded by Boii so that Baoicasses look like the Maccabee-based Boii merged with a Casses entity. Irish Caseys (the ones using the Thick/Theck eagle) even use the motto: "Per varios casus." It sounds like the Vere-Massey relationship should apply.

Reminder: the gnostic Cathars were traced to Cazeres at Comminges, and there is a Salat area right there too that can trace to the Salat-like variations of the Sales(-of Masci). Comminges was named by the Comyn/Commings surname and then the Conteville's ruled a Comyns location. This is Seleucid-important due to the Font de Ville's that made up "Conteville," and these Font de Ville's traced to Piscinas, where also the Caseys can trace. Cassincidence? I don't think so. I think the Caseys became a Seleucid part of the Baiocasses that Maccabee-based Meschins joined with. [I had not yet arrived to the Pescia location to which Caseys and Cass' should trace.]

Meschins can be predicted to be from the Hannibals in that a Massey-like ruler of Carthage lived at about the time of Hannibal (I cannot recall the spelling of his name or the date of his life). In other words, expect a Carthaginian merger with Seleucids exactly at the Salyes Ligurians to act as the Casey-Ville-Vilnius line to the war at the Trebia river. In the meantime, view this Casey-Ville line as Keturah out of Africa and merging with Seleucids in Sardinia [to become the proto-Piast Mieszko's at Pistoia, where Pescia is located!! I recall tracing the Pesci surname to Piast Poles.]

The Massey Carthaginians can be traced to MacCarthys at Muskerry / Cork, and Cork is where Irish Caseys were first found. The MacCarthys were linked somehow to the chief priests of Israel, and we just saw the same for the Caseys. I had traced Caseys to Cassels (both use the same-colored chevron), and then the key in the Cassel Coat is further evidence that Caseys trace from the Italians Sheaves to the Sithech-Sheaves = Shaws. The "Avise" motto term of Cassels suggests the Avis surname using the Comyn/Commings Coat. Both Coats use garbs (in the colors of the Cheshire garb), a Casey symbol too [I did not yet know that the Joseph surname uses the Avis / Comyn garbs]. Keturah was the line from Amorites / Garebites.

The Avis Crest is an anchor, a symbol of Vilnius, and Caseys are predicted to trace from Font de Ville's to Vilnius. Could we entertain the naming of Lithuania with Keturah's Letushite line? Keturah's Boofima cult traces to CATHERine Roet, and Roets are said to have roots in a Croy surname (or was it "Groy"?). The Greys/Croys/Groys (trace-able to Graeae Amazons of Africa) use the motto, "Anchor fast anchor," and McLeods use "Hold fast."

German Cassels are now using the McLeod towers in the same colors (!), and McLeods are tracing for the time being to "Laodice," a name beloved of Seleucids to which Alexander Balas belonged. The Lauds (in Cutter / Saluzzo colors) were the ones using the Boeuf fesse so as to trace to Keturah elements in Africa. Cassels were first found in Bavaria, exactly where I trace Boofima. Bavaria was founded by a Baia peoples thought to be the same as the Baiocasses, wherefore, as we can see, Caseys are tracing indeed to Boofima = Keturah [again, I had not yet discovered Pescia between Florence and Lucca, which is where Casey's ought to trace].

The Laud pheons belong to Pilates while Pilotte's/Pillette's use the Shaw grails. The same grail colors are used by Italian Paulus', first found in Genoa, beside Imperia of Liguria, meaning that Caseys do trace to the Scipio-Paullus line that began with Scipio Africanus, son of general Scipio at the battle of Trebia.

I didn't know until after writing the above that the list of McLeod septs includes "Cashie" and "Caskey" amongst many Caskal-like variations. Entering "Cashie" gets the Irish Caseys! The Cashey/Casey write-up: "First found in County Cork, where they were descended from the O'Carrolls, Princes of Ely...O'Casey were also chiefs of Rathconan, in the barony of Pubblebrien, county Limerick." As McLeods and Caseys are suspect as Seleucids on independent arguments, PubbleBRIEN may just trace to Briancon of the Salyes. Indeed, note that entering "Brien" gets the Irish Briens (Levi lion design) with an arm coming from a cloud, a symbol used also by Irish Caseys.

The "laidir" motto term of the Briens above is a Kilpatrick term, and as Kilpatricks were traced (a couple of years ago) to Italian Botters, note that Scottish Caseys use a bend in Botter-bend colors. This bend is used also by Pullens who are now identifiable as the Paullus line that Scipio married. The Casey bend is surrounded by "crows," no doubt the ravens of the Cornells. This is all excellent fodder for discovering how the Seleucids gave birth to the line to Joseph Caiaphas.

COMPLICATED BUT IMPORTANT. If you are per chance interested in the Pulcheria - Flaccilla topic that started in the 3rd update of last December, note that a Pulcheria is in the family tree of the Scipio-Paullus bloodline. This Pulcheria married a granddaughter of Scipio. This granddaughter's brother (Gaius) married a Crassa, as is shown in the tree. Then, entering "Crass," a Coat comes up that's a splitting image of the Scottish Casey Coat.

In that December update, I noted that Pollens were a branch of Pullens; it was suggested that the pelicans used by both latter surnames was code for Pulcheria's. BUT ZOWIE, as the Pullens, Crass', and Caseys share the same bend colors, it could be argued that Caseys trace to the grandchildren of Scipio. I mean, by what coincidence does the Pulcheria line married by Gaius' sister use the same bend colors as the Crass' married by Gaius? It could suggest that these bend colors belong to Gaius, whose name could conceivably morph to "Case" (see also the Pulcher and Flaccus surnames at the bottom of the genealogy.)

As you can see, Gaius belonged to the Gracchus family (married by Scipio's daughter). The name of that husband, SEMPronius Gracchus, sounds like he could have produced the SAMPsiceramus name in Syria's Emesa, ancestors of the Bassianus family of Emesa. NOW LOOK: The Crass surname is also "Grass," and is in the colors of the Arms of Grasse, which uses the lambs of the Lamas Coat that I traced to the Dumas surname (besants) first found near Grasse. This was, in my opinion, the Maesa-Bassianus bloodline out of Syria (Seleucids?) that traced to Basina, wife of Clovis, whom I traced to the Bessin, where Caseys were just traced above!

I did not have the three paragraphs above in mind at all when tracing Caseys earlier to Boofima. It just so happens that Grasse is just inland from Imperia, home of Boofima! Plus, in the Lamas write-up, the Lamas bloodline was from the household of Ralph de Beaufour, a surname like the Beouforts of the Roets that has already traced to Boof terms. Just like that, Caseys may now trace to the Keturah > Roet line indeed.

Entering "Grass" gets a lion split into the colors of the split Brien lions. French Grass' were first found in the same place (Provence) as the Grasse location, but then Provence is where Bellovesus Gauls launched out of that I think trace to the founding of Alexander Balas. The northern border of Provence is the Durance theater, where Caseys and their Brian kin must trace. This is added evidence that Caseys were in the Scipio-Paullus-Gracchus family [Provence is also the location of Draguignan, what will later trace to a Drago river flowing to Agrigento. The "muscas" motto term of Drakes will then trace to a Mosca family at the very location (Montechiaro), near Agrigento, where the Joseph motto term traces, the location where Sinclairs will be found.]

The French Grass' use an upright lion in the colors of the same of Sitlers, first found in Seleucid-suspect Silesia. I found Sitlers related to Settle's and Stars (= Balas kin)...using lozenges in the colors of Lombardy.

The marriage of Gaius Sempronius Gracchus to a Crassa (also "Crassus") surname could indicate that Crass' and Gracchus' were an identical bloodline. But with a couple of clicks starting with "Crach" it was discovered that the Carricks are involved. The Crachs are properly Crichs, suggesting the Cricthens/Craightons that I've traced both to Carricks and to Cree's/Crea's/Craiths and Cree's/Crete's. We have already seen the latter two trace to Cremona's Romans.

The Crachs/Crichs use Carrick colors, but more importantly they use a black pale, symbol of Russian Alexanders. I wasn't going to mention this point, nor the surname at all, until I loaded the Craig Coat (because Carricks were said to be from Craigs). Amazingly, the Craigs showed crescents in the colors of the Alexander crescent! Crachs/Crichs and Craigs share black bars on white-ermined Shields.

The "Vive et vivas" motto of Craigs suggest that Vey/Vivians who have traced already to the Scipio-based Skiptons. The Vey/Vivian chevron is even in Bail and Belli chevron colors.

Carricks use an ostrich in Crest. The last ostrich to be seen was in the Best Crest, and then the Best Coat is in Carrick colors too. This would be a good place to repeat that Kerricks (of PRESTbury use a symbol of the Presleys/PRIESTlys (Yorkshire, where the Abreu > Bruce line lived) while the latter use two symbols of Italian Abreu's/Abruzzi's. The Portuguese Abreu's then use the same wings, in the same colors, as the Alesio Coat.

The Presley cockatrice is more evidence that Drakes trace to Abruzzo. There is a De Vere Mottram Hall in Prestbury. Is that place named after the Mott/Morte surname using crescents in the colors of the Craig crescents??? Prestwick is in Macclesfield...where the ghosts of Caiaphas' kin are expected. What named Prestbury after priests? Why is the Gracchus bloodline tracing here where Maccabee-suspect Meschins ruled? Maxtons, and Maxwells of Maxton, trace easily to Macclesfield, and besides, nearby Manchester uses the bee design of Maxtons. Is that bee not for the Bessin bees? Didn't Caseys -- a branch of Thicks/Thecks -- trace to the namers of the Bessin?

I forgot to mention that French Casey's, the ones sharing the Cree/Crea leaves, were first found in the same place (Paris) as Levi's and Chappes'. Note that this Cree/Crea Coat uses besants.

There is a Prestwick in Ayrshire, where Carricks were first found. Didn't we see the Gracchus family linked to the El-Gabal priesthood of Bassianus? This priesthood protected the Black Stone, what could be encoded in the black symbols of both Kerricks and Presleys.

The question is whether "Casey" was named after "Gaius" Sempronius Gracchus, grandson of Scipio Africanus. There is no Gaius surname, surprisingly enough. It was a huge name to the Romans and should be found in some form. The English Gay surname is interesting for using the Bail- and Belli-colored chevron. It was first found in Manche, and can therefore trace to Meschins and to Sales-of-Mascy, or to other related lines from Alexander Balas. The lion design in the Gay Crest is that of Oxfords, but until last year, the Irish Brians using the Levi lions -- the Brians that just linked to Caseys -- showed the same lion design. The latter Gays were first found in Oxfordshire. They are in the colors of Italian Casa's showing Cassel-like variations as with the Caseys with leaves. There are even Casassa and Casazza variations that may stem from the namers of BaoiCASSES.

Entering "Casses" gets the Scottish Caseys with the Coat tracing to two families married by Gaius Sempronius Gracchus and his sister. These Caseys/Casses" were first found in Lanarkshire (beside Ayrshire), a home of the Carricks to whom I trace the Gracchus' quite confidently already.

A French Casses surname (with many variations) has just come up showing scallops in the colors used by Meschins, but more-importantly, the whole of the Coat looks like the Flack/Fleck Coat! That's super because the family tree shown earlier has the daughter of Gaius Sempronius Gracchus married to Fulvius Flaccus! The latter was the father of one of the wives of Mark Antony [the red leopard of Anton(y)s can now trace much better to the Boofima leopard where Scipio's and Gracchus' trace to Agrigento, and of course the Drakenberg link to Boofima now goes to the Drago river at Agrigento. The Anton Crest goat should easily link to Cabrera's in this case, meaning that Cabrera's of Agrigento and Montechiaro are chief Boofima elements in all likeliness. The Boofima trace to the Templar goat of Baphomet is now link-able to Templars because Sinclairs, a chief Templar peoples, are from the namers of Montechiaro.]

Belgian Flecks use nearly the Pollock saltire. It's starting to look very good for a Cass trace to this Gaius Sempronius Gracchus. It should be important that English Fulke's/Folks use a Shield split in half in the two colors of the split Belgian-Fleck Shield, for it tends to trace Fulks to the Flaccus family. Also, compare "Fulk" with the Polk variation of Pollocks, if that helps to trace Pollocks to the Belgian Flacks. It means that Pollocks are tracing to the Flaccus, as well as to the Paulus, family...not necessarily a contradiction.

We can even ask whether the Belli-related Fullers are from the Fulvius bloodline. INDEED! Fulvia, a wife of Mark Antony, is also shown married to a Pulcher surname, what I am sure was part of the Pollock bloodline if not the very root of the Pollocks. If this is correct, then Fullers and Pollocks are indeed related from way back, long before Roquefeuil at Rennes-le-Chateau. There are many "semper" motto terms that can now be entertained as code for the Sempronius bloodline [I had not yet discovered the Semper surname at the proto-Alans of Forum Allieni. More on that later Keep in mind here that the Pollock-related Alans of Dol were traced to Doly near L'viv]. The Arms of L'viv in the Ukraine uses "semper." The Keetings use the term too and show a boar in Crest (Pollocks use a boar in Crest), as well as leaves surrounding a saltire in the colors of the Annandale saltire! Leaves with that saltire suggest Ananias. (After writing the above, I heard, for the first time since unloading the first two squirrels, another squirrel in the attic. At the moment that I heard it, I was re-learning that the Arms of Exeter also use "semper." Does this mean that Sempers were in Placentia?)

WOW! The Exeter Coat (bells) is another red-on-white chevron, the symbol of Caseys and Cassers! I did not know this when I heard the squirrels. Does this mean that Caseys trace with squirrels to Placentia? Aha. I now recall the short-form variations in the Italian Casa page that I was not going to mention: Dacca, Da Cha, Dacha. Amazingly, the Decks/Deckers and Dykes use squirrels! What does this mean, that Caseys and Decks / Dykes are one bloodline?

Here is the Italian Casa write-up that I have not read until now: "First found in the culturally rich region of Lombardy, where earliest records date back to the year 1126 in Milan, when Apollonio Casati was Imperial Vicar for Lotario il Sassone." Lombardy is the location of Cremona and nearly at Placentia!!! It must be another Sign. I'm beside myself. The Lord continues on with this revelation, otherwise I would be here till grey-haired and picking out my casket.

AHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Laughing loud. I've not laughed so loud since starting this hunt. I kid you not, this story is true. I did not intend to write "casket" for any reason related to my writings. It reminded me of the Caskey sept of McLeods, that should be related to the Cashie sept that got the Caseys. As I sat waiting for the Caskey Coat to load, in suspense for whether it might lead to Placentia or something of that nature, three small shields appeared!!! Unbelievable. Pure joy. They are even colors reversed to the small square at the Arms of Placentia. The Perthshire Hays/Heys use the very same three shields.

So, my tickled friends, what has my squirrel cage wrought for us, not forgetting that the McLeods also show "Caige" that should be related to its Caise sept.

I missed the following McLeod septs when viewing them earlier today: Crimin and Crumman. Isn't that the Cremona line akin to Croms and Crombie's? But of course. I wouldn't have been so sure if not for this third squirrel, which by the way appeared for a few seconds, not to be heard from since [it was caught February 8/9].

I went out to assure that there were no squirrel prints in the snow around the house or on the roof. If there is a third squirrel up there, I haven't heard it for over 40 hours since catching the second one. I have never seen foot prints in the snow, meaning they are hibernating up there. It means there may yet be another sign from the third one. The Lord consistently makes various animals appear here at just certain times to indicate a direction, clue, or verification in my writings.

The Abee and Cabe septs of McLeods are the MacAbees who traced earlier in this update to the Hams and Hammers in Crombie colors. Maccabee liners at Cremona, in other words. The clouds seen in the Casey and Brien Crests can now trace to the Cloud variation of McLeods.

I've just checked my files to see who else uses "semper," to find that Cliffords do too. They are the Glaphyra line to Clovis, tending to verify that "cloud" is a variation of the Clode-like versions of "Clovis." The Clifford Coat is like the Word/Ward Coat probably due to the Bassianus cult at Woerden.

The Cliffs/Cleaves (fesse symbols in Carrick and Crich colors), I now realize, use a version of the Alexander-related Craig Shield, now tending to reveal that Glaphyra and Herod Archelaus trace to the Gracchus bloodline. It's of no surprise with "Herod" showing as another McLeod sept. Note that the Crich crosslet is like the Cliff trefoil, and then see the blue lion of Crichtons, for there is a blue lion in the Ward Crest.

[Insert -- I've known for years that Wards and Warrene's use Shields filled with blue and gold checks, but the day after catching the third squirrel, the Panico's were discovered at Marzabotta and Bologna, both of which use blue and gold checks. About the very night when the third squirrel was caught, I had some thoughts that the Squirrel/Squire/Squire surname (now tracing to Skye, the island location where McLeods lived, are to be identified with Sire's/Sirons, "Cyrene" and "Siren" elements as they trace (as Apollo's black raven) to mythical Melusine (otherwise called a mythical Siren) in Emilia-Romagna, location of Placentia. It reminds me of the Serena topic (late December / early January) as it traced to rulers of Ravenna as well as to Vilnius.

The Serena surname was first found in Lombardy. Serena married general Stilicho who traced to the Astika's of Vilnius; Stilicho was a general for emperor Theodosius, father of Aelia PLACIDia and wife of Aelia Flaccilla.

I have every inclination to suggest that the Schere's and Scherfs (the latter was the real birth surname of George Bush Sr.) were a part of this as they traced to Schwerin in the Varni theater, a proto-viking peoples of the raven kind honored by Warrenes. The latter were first found in the same place (Sussex) as Cappeo-lion Coppers/Coopers / Coverts, and the Cappeo lion is in the Ward Crest. Why should Caiaphas be linking to Wards / Warrenes? I'm very sure that we need to ask the Panico's/Panetta's, not forgetting that the Cyrene / Coronis raven was from the Benghazi side of Libya. I have already started to develop a theory, as per tracing Pennings/Pennons and Binnings/Bennings (see way later below) to the 600 Benjamites, that these lines were at Benghazi with the Beng/Bing surname (Raines / Newman lions?) said to derive in "Binningas." End Insert]

Cliffs share a gold trefoil with the Arms of Exeter, the Arms using "semper" as tentative code for the Sempronius bloodline.

The Crichton blue lion is of Bute, belonging to Rory MacDonald (though Bruces may have owned it previously). The blue lion traces to Capp / Copper elements of Herods and/or Caiaphas. The "grace" motto term of Crichtons is not coincidental because "Grace" gets the Grass / Crass bloodline that Gaius Gracchus married. The Grace/Grass Crest is the same white lion of the Crich Crest and the Penn/Penner Crest. Penners use plates on their black-on-white fesse, a fesse in the colors of the Cliff / Craig fesse. It's the Pendragon Seleucids, right? Clifftons look like a version of English Grace's.

Here is yet more reason to make Cliff-line links to Casey liners, which adds to the evidence that Caseys trace to Gaius Gracchus. The Cliffton write-up: "The Cliffton family lived in one of the many parishes by the name of Clifton in Carlisle, Ely, Gloucestershire and others." As I traced the proto-CAROLingians to "Carlisle," see the Cashey/Casey write-up that uses Carrols and Ely rather than Carlisle and Ely: "First found in County Cork, where they were descended from the O'Carrolls, Princes of Ely... The Ely clan may just be encoded in the Shipton and Foy eel, not forgetting that Foys too use the bend like Caseys, Pullens, and Crass'/Grass'. Moreover, Shiptons and Skiptons trace to the Scipio ancestry of Gaius Gracchus.

The Close/CLOVSE Coat (in McCLOUD and MacArthur colors) is studded with dragon-line symbols. The green lion of the Lannoys = Herods coming from the MacArthur crown that is itself a Herod line. The axe of the Drake line no doubt, and the Traby / Lothian bugle on what I say is a bend linking to Italian Botters who likewise use the Casey, Crass, Pullen bend. Everything in this Gracchus family seems to have been building toward the multiple killers of Christ, rulers of the Israel that He came to visit.

I had traced "Crichton" to Irish-Scot Cruithne/Cruithen peoples, and therefore to Curetes of Crete, but would like to clinch that theory. On the other hand, "Carrick" was traced to "Saracen" on account of the colors of the Saracen crescents. The black wolf in the Saracen Crest could be a match with the black wolves of Cliffs/Cleaves. Black wolves are found also in the Savard Coat, what appears to be a version of the Cliff Coat, thus emphasizing once again the Glaphyra merger with the Severus-Bassianus line.

Cleavers/Clavers use clovers and a key. The black key in the Cleaver Crest seems to be identical with the black one in the Cassel Coat, thus potentially tracing Cleavers and similar others to the Gracchus family along with Caseys. Clappers use what could be construed as Maccabee hammers.

I once thought I made a good case for tracing Asmans/Ashmans to "HASMON(ean)," and so now that Carrick liners are tracing exactly to what I think are proto-Hasmoneans, see the black-on-gold talbot dogs of the Asmans, for Carricks use black-on-gold talbots. These talbots could link to the black wolves above.

Yes, the Seleucid line to Scipio included Caseys, and yes it appears that Caseys were merged with the Gracchus and Crassus line, but Caseys were not the Seleucids themselves to begin with.

We have seen plenty of black and white, the colors of the Sales and Salemans, and we see in the Cliffs, and multiple others, gold on their black bars, the color of the Saleman symbols upon their bar. Even the CLAPtons (wolf) use black and white with gold thrown in. But it's the Pendragons that were the Seleucids [I wrote this before finding Pendragons in the Panico entity that was related to Seleucid-suspect Pescia. The whole of this is like keeping track of the throbs in a migraine headache.]

The Cliffs were first found in the same place (Herefordshire) as Seleucid-suspect Sellicks, and Scipio-suspect Sheeps/Shipmans, not to mention the Traby-based Trevors (= Tudors). Once again, Sellicks use black and white with gold symbols thrown in. Sellers (in Sheep/Shipman colors) use the Tudor chevron, colors-reversed from the Casey / Cassel chevrons. I traced the Seller chevron to the same-colored chevron of Chills/CHILDs (and Hebrons), and then CHILDeric was the father of Clovis. Clubs use the same chevron colors and should trace to Clovis lines. Hebrons are related to the Bones, who use the same-colored chevron again, and Skulls use the same-colored bend as Sheeps/Shiptons, which happen to be in the colors of the chevrons above.

Julie helped me to see (only weeks ago) that Sellers were the Silures (from Africa) of south Wales, where the Trevor-Tudors lived with Arthurian elements. Therefore, I think I can now claim that Silures, said to be dark skinned -- like Scipio Africanus -- were Seleucid liners out of Africa.

To have Seleucids in Wales along with the Seleucid-Maccabee elements of Arthurians makes super sense.

Sellicks use the Coat of Talbots, I'm very sure, and so it traces the Sellicks to the Gracchus bloodline along with the talbot-using Carricks. But Scotts use both Talbot Coats so that Scotts should trace to Placentia with the Sellicks. To help trace Talbots to Placentia, they were "TAILLebois," and can thus be traced to Tailors (first found in the same place as Scotts) who use the Levi lions in colors reversed. Tailors, like Crichs, use a black-on-white pale, colors reversed from the pale of Russian Alexanders. I traced Talbots (of SALop) to a derivation in the same as "Sale," but stopped repeating it due to lack of forthcoming evidence. Still, Talbots do trace to Sale's. As the Scott Shield-on-Shield is identical to that of Sellicks, I'd say that Sellicks were in Placentia as kin of Scute's and their Casey kin. Caseys are revealing themselves as Keturah liners, and Scotts use Catherine wheels.

Talbots use Levi lions in the colors of the Sale fleur as added evidence that Talbots were Seleucid liners. But as they were "Taillebois" when they married le Meschin, they look like the Boii in the Maccabee line. It should explain why MacAbee's use the griffin design of Scotts. Recall the Guis/Guido surname, first found in Bologna (i.e. home of the Boii), while their "hourglass Shield" (my personal phrase) in colors reversed to the same of Skits/Skeochs; it tends to trace Scute's and/or Scotts to Bologna too, which then has the potential in itself to trace the Talbot kin of Scotts to Bologna.

It's important because Sadducees were from a Boetus surname suspect with the Boii. If correct (and I think it is) that Caiaphas, as a name or bloodline, traces to Scipio's, there needs to be some way found to trace the Boii at Bologna to Scipio.

"Skeoch" may just be from "Shetach" because the Skeoch surname comes up also as "Skit." The Scheds use the Skit/Skeoch" cross, called "potent." It's now clear that the potent cross is code for Putins/Padyns (look like a branch of Sale's) because they use the gold tower of Scute's! Therefore, Skits/Skeochs and Scheds/Sheds do trace to Placentia. Putins/Padyns were first found in the same place as Annandale, yet another reason for a trace to Placentia's Ananes. Reminder: Ananias had a Seth for a father in Syria, and here I think we are on the Sethach line of the Alexander-Maccabees that trace to Syria's Seleucids. (Puttens have a familiar look, like a cross between Penns and Cliffs, but in any case suspect (from years ago) with Botters/Budins / Bidens/Buttons...who are now tracing to Alexander Balas.)

Black-lion Sitlers/SCHITlers (Silesia) seem applicable to Skits / Scotts because their black lion is used by Belgian Schits/Schute's/Shoots (what I see as the upright Levi lion). Therefore, it could be that Skits/Skeochs are Seleucids along with Sitlers, and indeed the Skit-like Scotts, in using the Sellick Shield-on-Shield, are Seleucid suspects themselves. The third squirrel told me that Seleucid-related Caskeys / Caseys also trace to Placentia.

The whole of this is very good evidence that Caiaphas traces to the Scipio line, and yet at this time I think he was named by that line. Caiaphas first name was Joseph, and perhaps there was a Joseph surname that carried forward. One of two Joseph surnames shows a "Cas" motto term. I didn't know this all the while that I was tracing Caseys. If the squirrel is any indication that Caseys are the most important topic here, then perhaps this find of a Cas term in a Joseph Coat reveals that Caiaphas lines included this surname most of all. I have not seen the chevrons of the Joseph Coat in any other surname. But last I treated the Joseph surnames, they traced well to Herods.

The Explosive Realities You've Been Waiting For

The other Joseph Coat is only a swan. In a recent update, it was realized (correctly, hopefully) that the Biblical Gog became the "Royal Scythians" (coined by Herodotus) from the term, "Sittaceni," a term that in itself could become "Scythia(n)" with a consonant-reversal, though perhaps "Sitt" became "Scyt(h)." It made sense to view this entity as proto-Sadducees, and we are having a glimpse of how Sadducees could have developed in Placentia from Skits / Scute's / Scotts (I don't assume that "Scott" was a term with origin in "Scotland," for it clearly traces to Skits and Scheds). Herodotus also knew, while others didn't, that Amazons at Thermodon, merged with "Gargarians," ended up at lake Maeotis as Sarmatians...who I entertained as proto-Saracens that might just trace to the Gracchus > Carrick line [especially as "Gracchus" is now tracing well to southern Sicily, where Saracens lived].

The point is, the Sittaceni came out of Maeotis too (see online evidence), but must have named the Soducena location at lake Sevan (Georgia theater), and as I traced the Ligurian swan to this "Sevan" area (years ago, not now for convenience), it seems that the Joseph swan must be the swan-line Scythians that Caiaphas belonged to. And Joseph Caiaphas was a Sadducee. What a perfect fit this theory makes wherein Sittaceni are traced to Placentia.

In other words, Scythian Gogi at northern Italy were ancestral to Joseph Caiaphas; the Creator allowed Gog to kill His Son so that God might in the end destroy the human-sacrifice cults of Scythians via His own "human" sacrifice.

TRABzon/TREBizond is smack between the Georgians and Thermodon (I'm assuming that Gargarians were proto-Georgians at Trabzon), meaning that a trace of Amazonian Georgians to Placentia is predicted alone from the flow of the Trebbia river there. That is, the Amazons at Trebizond named the Trebbia, wherefore we should expect the Sittaceni the Skits who just traced to Placentia, and, moreover, it is the Sittaceni of Placentia (or neighboring location) who must have named the Sethach surname of the Alexandra Maccabees. Therefore, the Israeli chief priests were the Gogi Scythians in cahoots with satanic Romans of the Revelation-dragon kind [from the 600 BENjamites now suspect as forming PENdragon...and BAN, father of Lancelot].

It was not many months ago (started in July and August) when the "hourglass Shield" was traced to a goddess that was drawn by its Trypillian peoples in an hourglass shape, with her head as one triangle, and her body as another triangle, a design that may be in play in the hexagram = Zionist star. The hexagram is named after '6', and Trabys are, in my opinion, a 666-loving bloodline, and then there were those 600 Benjamites and 600 Danites (= Meshwesh) that I had traced to Trabzon's Amazons. I traced the unidentified Trypillian goddess to the Nerthus goddess (Nahorites) of the Varni because Trips were first found in Hamburg, near the Varni, and for more reason than the fact that Trips and Masseys use the same boot design, I traced the 600 Benjamites to the Masseys, explaining partly why God chose me, a Massey bloodliner, to be His prisoner for writing this Revelation. It seems very evident that the 600 Benjamites named Mazaca on the south side of the Trabzon theater as they developed into the Maezaei Romans. The 600 Danites can then be traced to the Tanais river at Maeotis, and therefore likely to the Sittaceni > Royal Scythians.

Trabzon and Thermodon elements trace definitely from Trypillians to Trips and Drummonds in Hamburg and adjoining Polabia / Mechlenburg. Vere's (who use the Massey Shield) should be expected from the Varni of that theater, and history caught wind of the Varni in the first century AD, not long after a Roman consul with Varro surname was involved with Hannibal. Therefore, for one, we should check out whether Varro's descendants named the Varni...because it's predictable that the Amazon namers of the Trebbia moved up to the Varni theater. Moreover, the timing of the origin of the Varni in the Polabia theater needs to be established in order to discover whether they included a marital affair with Pharisees proper whom had escaped Jerusalem in 70 AD.

As Vere's have been identified (by me) with Pharisees, we should watch for signs that Varro became the namers of the Pharisees. As Drake's trace themselves by their motto to Aquila of Abruzzo, it's interesting that "[Varro] was proconsul in Picenum from 215-213 BC..." This recalls Justin, a later the governor of Picenum, father to Justina, wife of emperor Valentinian I. If I recall correctly, Justina was a cousin of Serena, both of whom traced to Vilnius' Trabys (these topics started 3rd update of last December). Picenum was on the coast of Abruzzo but reaching north to Rimini, where the 600 "Benjamites" from Rimmon are expected [who are now tracing to Panico's at the Pescia theater, perhaps related to the Pescara location in Picenum]. The Serena Coat (Dunn sword design exactly) uses swords in the colors, not only of the Shots/Shute's, but of the Trent swords, important where Varro's full name is Gaius Terentius Varro.

The Tarrans/Tarents (in Trent colors) look like they should be a Casey/Cashey branch

[Another Insert, I apologize -- Caseys are already tracing to Pescia elements, yet, on wholly independent grounds, Caseys traced to Vilnius, as did Justina and Serena, not to mention Serena's husband, Stilicho. The Justine surname uses the Shot/Shute sword (but in the colors used by Aude's), and one can trace the Justine surname to Vilnius by their common use of the weight scale. Moreover, as the Vilnius weight scale is used by Cass'/Cashe's, it's not coincidental that the Justine motto uses "causa." This is an excellent find because Cass'/Cashe's also use the fountain tracing to Piscinas.

It should be added here that while Aquila became the Abruzzo capital, the old capital, Aprutium, is now Teramo, a Thermodon-like term. The 600 Benjamites (so to speak), traced to Sabines, could be expected in Aprutium.

I hate to over-complicate the flow of thoughts, but it's my fault. A Roman by the name of Lucius TRENTIUS Bassus was in Woerden as a worshiper of El-Gabal, and then Words/Wards use a Shield filled with blue-and-gold checks, as do Warrene's that should trace to "Varni." These checks were just found to be those of Marzabotto near Pescia, the Panico theater. It's important because it's tracing the Varni to the Panico theater and suggesting that Panico was related to the Picenum elements under discussion. Earlier, it was said: "the Raben surname uses the checks of the Arms of Marzabotto, that location belonging to Panico's. What's that raven doing in the Raben Chief? Ask Ravenna proto-vikings to Shetland." The Justina line out of Ravenna to the raven-depicted Varni > Varangian vikings is being pegged here.

It therefore seems that the line from Gaius Terentius Varro did in fact go to Lucius Trentius Bassus and then, not very long afterward, even to Justina, born in Ravenna and suspect with the Seleucid-Maccabee line that also gave birth to Caiaphas. It can be determined that these blue and gold checks are the quarters in the Arms of Bologna, where Maccabees had their Boii root. It just so happens that queen Alexandra Maccabee had a son, Hyrcanus II, who smacks of the Hercuniates in the land of the Boii (see upper-left of map). End Insert]

The Spanish Varro/Baro surname (first found in Burgos) uses gold and white in contact, two heraldry colors that became forbidden to be in contact, though they were used that way in early times. I had found/predicted that this color scheme was a Hebrew one. The Joseph swan uses that color scheme too. The Brians use the Levi lions split in white and gold, though they were showing until last year as the same lion design used by Oxfords (Vere's had control of Oxford, and I trace their Drake line to Draguignan in Provence on the Briancon / Durance frontier).

[Necessary Insert -- The English Mose surname is a Shield quartered in gold and white, and as we saw, the Mose surname traced to the Scute's and therefore to Caiaphas' ancestry. But it can also be added that German Mose's use two diagonal bars in the colors of the Levi chevrons. The two Moses bars are colors reversed from the two diagonal bars of Hagels and the Arms of Kyburg, a topic that starts shortly below in linking to Caseys.

Also below, you will see the Caiaphas line and Casey-Seleucid line together linking to an upright black-on-gold lion (colors of Levi chevrons), which are the colors of the Belgian Hainaut lion, important because Wikipedia shows the "original" Arms of the County of Hainaut to be three chevrons in the colors of the three Levi chevrons. There is thus a good chance that Hainauts traces to "Hannibal" as per his alliance with Gauls...i.e. suggesting that Hannibal made a marital alliance with Laevi Gauls. In fact, one of his wars was on the Ticino river, home of the Laevi.

The capital of Hainaut is Mons (white-on-red pale). Hasmoncidence? I now realize for the first time that the Mont/Mount lion, in the colors of the other Hainaut lion, traces the Mont/Mounts to Mons (i.e. to Hainaut), for the Coat comes up even when entering "Mons." In this, I'll admit error when I traced the Monts/Mounts to Libyans. But wait. If Hainaut traces to Hannibal, a trace to Libyans is not out of line. Monts/Mounts were first found in PEEBLEshire, and may therefore trace to the PUBLius-Scipio line suspect with proto-Hasmoneans. The Peeble Coat may be using the Dobbs version (engrailed) of the Alexander chevron.

I now see that the Pepins/Peoples use exactly the Dobbs horse-head design in the same colors! I traced Pepins to Paphlagonian HENeti at Pavia/Papia on the Ticino river. It's telling us that Pepins (in Pepoli colors) should trace to "Publius." Reminder: an earlier insert found that the Dobb's should link to DUBAYs/Dubbers who were themselves from the Balas-suspect Bails/DEBAYle's.

JUST FOUND! The English Mound Coat shows the bee design of Leafs/Leve's!!! It not only proves that Monts/Mounts/Mounts trace to Hainaut's Mons capital, but that the Levi trace to the counts / county of Hainaut!

The Mound Crest is a "heath-cock," and then, later below, Jonathan Maccabee will trace fairly hard to the Jonathan/Jonas Coat using roosters in colors reversed to the Heath/Hethe roosters. This insert solidifies the trace of Jonathan Maccabee to the Jonathan roosters. It also reveals that no other Jonathan surnames are worthy of Masonry aside from that of Jonathan Maccabee. Why? As expected, FreeMasons should trace from Massey liners to Maccabees.

AMAZING!. I had not yet shared with you the Jonathan link after writing the paragraph above. After writing it, it was recalled from yesterday that a certain surname used a "Freie" term in its write-up that I trace to "Freemason"...because both Massins/Masons and Freie's/Freis use the same lions (they may not be the same design for long) in the same colors. It was only after not recalling what surname used the Freie term that I fetched the Jonathan/Jonas Coat for find it! Here's the Jonathan write-up: "First found in Freienwalde, where the family was widely established in early times." Just like that, Freemasons are tracing to Jonathan Maccabee. Why Jonathan? Ask the line of the Balas' to the anti-Christ.

Just found; the English Johnson/Jonson Coat compares very well with the Balas Coat. Scottish Johnsons (branch of 666-loving Kilpatricks) were first found in the same place -- DumFRIES -- as Annandale, thus suggesting that Dumfries was named after the Freie/Freis bloodline. In fact, this recalls that the Freys/Free's use horses in the colors of the Hammers / Hams = MacAbee's. The same horses in the same colors are used by the English Friese surname (first found in the same place as Vere's) with variations such as Phrese and Phreeze that I traced many times (at the risk of my credibility) to "Pharisee." Perhaps it's not so laughable now.

The Frey/Phreeze description: "silver horses courant." The Current/Couran Coat then uses three small shields (black-on-white) trace-able to Placentia. The Masons knew, didn't they, that they were Ananias liners out of Placentia? End necessary insert]

The Varro/Baro Coat uses black-on-gold wolves (colors of the Varns), the colors of the Carrick talbots. Vere's claim to be Stewarts, and Stewarts, being Alans, trace to Sarmatians (founders of Alan Huns). This is one argument in support of a Sarmatian > Saracen evolution of terms, yet I also traced "Saracen" suggestively to "Thrace," a term smacking of "Drake."

The Baro variation suggests the Este-related Bars, but even before coming to this it was suspected that the other wolves above, for example those of the Cliffs, were the Este wolves i.e. of the Este branch of Welfs. If Terentius Varro was the line to the naming of Pharisees, then it may be that Pharisees are from the Bar location that was part of Kotor / Butua elements...which could explain why Sadducees were from a Boetus surname. Reminder: "Keturah" traced without doubt to "Kotor" as well as to mythical-Aedon Boiotians, and Butua traces without doubt to Cadmus' Boiotians. Both Kotor and Butua had a fish symbol (from the fish of mythical Kodros of Aedon-related Athens) that I traced to the creation of the white-on-blue fleur de lys from the white-on-blue fish of Saraka's/Saraca's (out of Kotor), and so I don't think it's coincidental that fleur-de-lys are used in colors reversed in the Varro/Baro Coat.

The Varro/Baro surname (first found in Burgos of Spain) could be from Bourges, the modern name in France for ancient AVARicum.

Trypillians were of the Ukraine theater. Skits, due to their hourglass Shield, trace to Trypillians, meaning that Skits are highly suspect on the Trebbia river. It just so happens that Royal Scythians lived in the Ukraine too. Therefore, I am convinced that the Placentia Skits were the Royal Scythians, what I identified many years ago as the Biblical Gog.

While thinking on these things, a certain crane of some Crest was recalled because the crane was discovered (some months ago) without doubt to be a symbol, in some cases, of "Ukraine." I could not recall which surname used the crane, but this morning, just moments ago, I found it. It turned out to be in the Scute Crest!!! It looks like it's correct to trace Skits to Trypillians. It looks like it's correct to trace Sadducees to a future generation of Trypillians who will be at the head of giving the world the 666 commercial system.

While thinking further on these things, it was also realized that the heraldic small shield, called an "ESCutcheon" by heraldry masters, was part code for the Caskeys who traced by the third squirrel Sign to Placentia. You see, McLeods septs have an ASKey variation of their Caskey sept. But just now, I realized that "ESCUTcheon was part code even for the Scute's...who use small shields!!! I'm not saying that both of these ideas are necessarily correct, but the second of the two looks very correct.

Aha!!! The Askey Coat uses donkeys (in a Coat format like that of Meschins), and the donkey is used by Chamberlains who themselves use a single small shield in the colors of the Placentia square!!!!! The "nihil" motto term of CHAMBERlains is used by Vere's. The Askeys were first found in CUMBERland.

I know what this means: it's the Avvites (with donkey god, Tartak) from ASCalon/ASHKelon. Scallops -- or ESCALlops -- of the other Chamberlain Coat trace to "Scylla," which I trace further back to "ASCALon" (Samsons, Flacks and Meschin use scallops in the same colors). I have for many years claimed that the donkey jawbone in the Samson account was myth code for Avvites to which the area of Beth Shamesh (represented by "Samson") was allied. Beth Shamesh is smack beside Timnah, where Samson got his "wife." But as Samson engaged Philistines, and as Avvites lived amongst them, the idea coming back to mind is that PLACEntia was named after PHILIStines at Rome. If correct, Alexander Balas and the Israeli chief priests after him may be considered part Philistines.

Didn't we just see that the Gracchus / Crassus Romans under discussion could trace to Cretans via the Casey-related Cree/Crae/Craith / Cree/Crete bloodline? The Philistines are said in Genesis to originate from Crete.

One problem I'm having is whether to view Caskeys (small shields in colors reversed to the same of Chamberlains) as Askeys or Caseys, and yet while they look more like Askeys, it's apparent that both trace with Caskeys to Placentia.

However, as much as the Chamberlain donkey traces well to Avvites (they even lived in Ascalon according to the Bible), it's plain that the Chamberlain donkey is code for the Duncans (chevron in Chamberlain-chevron colors) who come up also as "Donkey." But I must interpret this "coincidence" by tracing Duncans to Ascalon's Avvites.

The Chamberlains can be interpreted as Cymbri = Cimmerians, the peoples whom the Royal Scythians booted out of the Ukraine. Afterward (8th century BC), the Cimmerians and Royal Scythians both came down through Caucasia into Anatolia and the Middle East. They invaded as far west as Lydia, where, at about the time of Ezekiel, a quasi-mythical Gugu/Gyges was made king of Lydians = proto-Latins. But in mythology, the Etruscans were traced to a brother of Lydians. This is important because Gugu's father, Dascylus, has been interpreted by me as the naming entity of Tusculus on the Latin-Etruscan border. It just so happens that Fluvia (wife of Mark Antony and PUBLIUS Clodius Pulcher) was born in Tusculus. She was the grand-daughter of Gaius Sempronius Gracchus to which Caseys have been tracing.

I just realized as I wrote the above that the PUBBLEbrien location of Casheys/Caseys was named after "PUBLius." That name was used by the Scipio's; every instance of 'P' in the Scipio-Paullus-Gracchus genealogy above stands for "Publius." General Scipio and Scipio Africanus were given Publius as first names. More clearly now more than before, the Caseys who trace to the murderers of Christ also trace to Scipio's (I'm not intending to demonize any surname or bloodline as a whole, but rather only certain individuals who made very bad choices in life). The Pubblebrien term suggests that the Scipio's were merged with Seleucids of the Casey-Seleucid kind, and that they were from the Briancon area.

I have found more proof just now for that assertion. Look again at the Cashey/Casey write-up: "First found in County Cork, where they were descended from the O'Carrolls, Princes of Ely...O'Casey were also chiefs of Rathconan, in the barony of Pubblebrien, county Limerick." Reminder: the eel in the Skipton-related Shiptons (from the Scipio line) looks to be code for the Elys, but the point is, the Carrols use the gold-on-black lion of German Hagels while English Hagel Crest shows the Casey leaves! There are now several reasons for tracing Hagels -- the surname of Obama's new soon-to-be Defense chief (to replace Panetta) -- to the Caiaphas bloodline.

I traced the Hagel lion and diagonal bars to the same in the Arms of Kyburg (at Zurich). Now is the time to repeat that the Hiedler/Hitler Coat traced to the Arms of Zurich, and that Adolf Hitler's father married both a Glassl and a Polzl surname. I had gleaned, perhaps correctly, that the Glass bloodline was responsible for the Grass bloodline...meaning now that the Gracchus / Crassus bloodline that the Scipio's married was in fact the Glass bloodline. In fact, as I traced "Glass" to "Guillestre" (shares a black eagle with Hagels), a location on the Durance, by what coincidence is the Scipio - Casey line tracing exactly to the Durance???

It dawned on me last night that while the Glassl surname traced to the Gracchus / Crassus line, the Polzl surname (of Adolf Hitler's mother) traces to the Paullus line that the Gracchus line had merged with. In other words, Hitler was a Scipio liner. Interesting here is that I trace the swastika to the Julian/Gillian saltire, and then I had traced the Julian/Gillian surname to "Guillestre." The beauty of what I'm claiming is the evidence in the salamander-in-flames that you see in the Julian/Gillian Crest, for the Douglas/duGLASS surname uses it too, meaning that Julius Caesar was himself a Glass bloodliner.

Again, Pollocks were traced to "Polzl," and Pollocks lived at GLASgow. Hitler's nephew with Hitler surname changed it to Stuart-Houston, and Houstons use an hourglass in well as the Stewart Coat. I'm so glad that Glasgows (trace to Rennes-le-Chateau along with "Renfrew") came up because they are in Lord colors while Glasgows use a "Lord" motto term. The Lord Coat is the one that comes up as "Laud" (meaning that Laud is registered as a Lord branch). "Laud" was traced tentatively with McLeods to "Laodice," a name used heavily by Seleucids.

It's interesting here that while "Pollux" looks like "Paullus," the Greek name for Pollux (swan line to Ligurian swan now suspect in the Joseph surname) was, "PoLYDEUCEs," as though possible code for Laodicea. This city was on a Lycus river so that Laodiceans can trace with Lycians to Ligurians. Reminder: Lacydon was where myth had Ligurians founded, and Lacys share a purple lion with Skiptons that trace from Scipio's who married Paullus'. I will try to explain below how the Seleucid Ligures trace to Scipio after the Seleucid Ligures were founded by Caseys, keeping in mind that Lacydon was co-founded by a mythical Protis that traces to Thesprotians, the allies/ancestors of Seleucus I.

It just so happens that Wrens use a purple lion too, and are said to be from "Rennes" of Brittany. As I trace Glasgow to Trypillians and therefore to Trips, by what coincidence do Trips and Wrens share the same gold-on-red crosslets? Doesn't this suggest that Renfrew was populated by Trypillians of the Trip kind? Renfrew was a Stewart bastion, and I trace Stewarts to Trabys. Besides, Stewarts trace to the Sarmatian Alans along with Trabzon elements. [I had not yet found the Reno river to be important when writing here, but it's suggesting that Trypillians were on the Reno too, excellent because Trypillians of the proto-Alan kind will later be traced to Pharisees proper of proto-Ferrara, not far off the Reno].

Pauls use the same crosslets but on a bend in the colors of the Lord/Laud bend. As the Paul ermine spots are large like the Balas/Bailiff ermine spots, it should be said that the blue fesse colors of Lords/Lauds and Pauls are the fesse colors of Burgundy's Bails...while the Bails of Provence use a blue chevron, the color of the Glasgow chevron. We saw the Balls and Blass' first found in Brittany (i.e. location of Rennes). The Wren Coat's chevron (with ravens) even looks very applicable to the Alexander Coat. Wrens were first found in Durham, a term that I trace to "Durance." [The Wren ravens are now tracing to Ravenna, near the mouth of the Reno.]

Wrens (share white lions with Raines' and Newmans) a have been traced to the MacAbee's by way of Raines' and related Newmans. There is simply no doubt that Seleucids of northern Italy merged with Trypillians to form the line to the future fiends of 666.

Whose footless martins do Houstons use? They are in the colors of the footless martins used by Pula's. Earlier, it was said: "The same Pula elements can be traced to Plocks/Placks/Plucknetts because they use the footless martins (in the same colors) of Pula's/Pullens." The Pula location in Istria was traced upon its very discovery to Placentia, before coming to the Plocks in [the last] update that use the small square of Placentia. Therefore, Houstons trace to Placentia, exactly where the Skit-Trypillians trace that had the hourglass goddess.

With Carols linking to Caseys of the Pubblebrien kind, it's a no-brainer suddenly that all of wicked Masonry (puts on a humanitarian face) revolves around the particular Romans who retreated with general Scipio to Placentia and Cremona. As Charlemagne (a CAROLingian), a Roman emperor, used a black eagle as his personal symbol, I must conjecture that it was the black Hagel eagle because Hagels have just proven to be CARROLs and Caseys.

Alexander Balas had traced to McLeods and Mackays, and the Hitlers had traced to Maschi's at Rimini. Mackays have a Williamson sept showing on their sept page (to access septs of some surnames, click "Site Map" at, and McLeods show William / Guilliam and Williamson septs...but also a Quillian sept that looks to be a Julian/Gillian branch in Quillan (beside Rennes-le-Chateau). If you recall, the Pepoli's (Pepins, right?) of Bologna use a Shield filled with checks in the black-and-white colors of the floor at the Magdalene church in Rennes-le-Chateau, and moreover the Croms traced to Rennes-le-Chateau (with the Vincents) long before they were just discovered in [the last] update to trace to Cremona, where Bouillons traced. Did you glean that Carolingians, who were founded by Pepinid Merovingians, trace in particular to Cremona by way of the "bello" motto term of Carrols (i.e. same term used by Bouillons)? The Carrols thus link to Godfrey de Bouillon.

[Insert -- Rennes-le-Chateau was identified in multiple ways as important to Masonry for having the Caiaphas line there, but that was before realizing that the swan in the Joseph Coat should be the swan attributed to Godfrey-de-Bouillon. In months passed, the mythical Swan Knight, Lohengrin, was traced by the name of his daughter to Carthage, meaning that swan-line Ligurians had merged with Carthaginians. This picture is now suspect where Hannibal's Carthaginians became the line to Ananias, father-in-law of Joseph Caiaphas. But in order for "Ananias" to trace both to "Hanni(bal)" and to "Ananes," it requires, apparently, that "Hannibal" was himself named after the Ananes Gauls, or at least that both Hannibal and Ananes were named after the same peoples. Lookie:

Hannibal, son of Hamilcar Barca was a Punic Carthaginian military commander, generally considered one of the greatest military commanders in history...his younger brothers were Mago and Hasdrubal...

It just so happens that the Joseph motto includes "mago." Don't miss the "Cas" motto term of Josephs because Caseys are definitely a part of the Caiaphas line. In fact, Caseys were predicted months ago to be the proto-Khazars at the ancestry of Ananias and/or Caiaphas, and here we are. End Insert].

Did you ever read my trace of "Peebles" to Pepins in Pavia (on the river that Laevi were on)? Compare "Peeble" to "Pubble." While entering "People" gets the Pepins, the Peebles show a Peoples variation. With Peebles tracing to Publius Scipio (suspect in a merger with Seleucids from Alexander Balas), it could be important that the Peeble chevron is in the colors of the Alexander chevron. The Wrens use the same-colored chevron, and their purple lion likely traces to Scipio for obvious Skipton reasons. I traced Raines / Wrens / Rennes' to "Rangabe" Byzantines who use a white flory cross, symbol also of Bouillons.

By now we may be realizing that the "black Madonna" is from Scipio Africanus. The black Madonna is suspect as a Mary-Magdalene code out of Rennes-le-CHATeau circles of the da-Vinci kind. The da-Vinci cult easily traces now to the Vincents that use the Crom QUATrefoils (as well as using the Arms of Rennes-le-Chateau in colors reversed). Therefore, with Carrols tracing to CreMONA, what was that MONA Lisa of Leonardo da-Vinci all about? My investigations insisted that the da-Vinci cult at Rennes-le-Chateau was from the killers of Christ, not from Jesus himself. My investigations insisted that the chief priests of Israel, who made up stories to keep the Jews from believing in the Resurrection, had sons that led to the Da-Vinci cult that to this day is trying to convince the world that Jesus was not resurrected.

Many years ago, the black-and-white colors of heraldry were realized from Paphlagonians as they became Pepinid Merovingians. It would therefore appear here that "Publius" is a PAPHLagonian term, but as Paphlagonians carried the Heneti with them to the Veneti, one should be able to trace Scipio to the Veneti somehow. Mark Antony is suspect from "Antenor," mythical representation of the Heneti > Veneti line. The Vannes-branch Veneti became a sept of Mackays who lived in Sutherland that has itself become suspect, with Shetland, in the Shetach surname from the SittaCENI>Scythians.

[Since writing here, the Sutherland-suspect Suters/Suthers have become found, apparently, in the Coat of Pinks now being identified with Panico's at the Pescia location. As Caseys are tracing to Pescia as per the Seleucids at Piscinas / Sulcis, it seems that the religious killers of Jesus were from the Casey-line Seleucids. As the Pistoia area around Pescia traces to the Piast > Mieszko line out of Sulcis, it can be noted that the Traby Poles were in cahoots with Mieszko Poles while Caseys have already traced to the Vilnius-branch Trabys. If you have a headache trying to follow this, mine's worse. ]

The CENOmani lived in Cremona, by the way, and the "mani" may link to "CreMONA." But the Mani peninsula at Sparta is also suspect in that Caseys could trace to Spartans. Leda, the swan Spartan, had a husband (Tyndareus) that traces to a location by nearly the same name in Caucasia, on the same river leading down to the Lazi/Luzi Caucasians. See "Colchis" on the map (below) to find "Tyndaris", and in the meantime see "Soducena" at lake Sevan, called the Lychnis on the map. I traced the Mona entity -- that I say is in "Hasmonean" -- to mythical Menelaus (a term like "Mona Lisa"), a code for the Las location on the Mani peninsula of Sparta. It just so happens that Menelaus was made married to the swan child, Helen (Leda's), sister of the swan child, Pollux, that is now tracing quite well to "Paullus." And the brother of Pollux, CAStor, might just be the Casey / Cass/Cast / Cust bloodline. Reminder: one Joseph surname uses "Cas" in the motto, and the other Joseph surname uses a swan.

The Cenomani were also in Brescia/Brixia, where I trace the blue lion of the Bruce's as it represents the Caiaphas line.

If Castor named the Caseys, then indeed Caseys trace all the better to the Scipio-Paullus marriage. The good news is that I was not happy with a trace of "Casey" to "Gaius," but the Castor-Casey theory would yet suggest a Casey trace, if not to the Gracchus line of Gaius, then to the Paullus line.

The William/Quilliam Crest uses a talbot dog split in the illegal colors of gold and white, the colors of the Brien lions (I use "Brien" instead of "Brian" to indicate the Pubblebriens). In the William/Quilliam Coat, it's the Carrol / Hagel lion in the same colors, explaining why Caseys (related both to Carrols and Hagels) and Williams are both septs of McLeods. The Askeys are a McLeod sept too, and they use the motto, "Fac et Spera," the motto of Scottish Mathie's who use the gyronny symbol of Williams/Quilliams. The Mathie's likewise use the Carrol / Hagel lion in the same colors.

Let's go back to Fulvia, suspect from the surname that gave us Fullers / Fellers and RoqueFEUIL beside Rennes-le-Chateau. She was born in Tusculus (northern Latin region) that traces to "Dascylus," father of king Gugu of Lydia who ruled 700-650 BC, long before Fulvia. Immediately before Dascylus, Lydia was ruled by Mysians from sons of Hercules, though this was not true in the literal sense because there was no Hercules. The ancient writer(s) meant that the Hercules-branch Danaans ruled the land of Mysia, and for that claim I can trace these Mysians to the Samson Hyksos with Mus / Mesha household. These Mysians were the 600 "Danites" and 600 "Danaans" -- Meshwesh -- who followed in Samson's footsteps (so to speak) in Israel / Phoenicia. These Israeli Benjamites and Danites were the proto-Romans, remember.

The CHAMBERlains (donkey symbol) and the donkey-using Askeys in CUMBERland relate, therefore, to these Herculean Mysians, but these two surnames go back to the Cimmerians that raided Lydia and took all of it accept Gugu's capital at Sardis:

Gyges, called Gugu of Luddu in Assyrian inscriptions (687-652 BC or 690-657 BC)...The capital was relocated from Hyde [proto-Hiedlers?] to Sardis. Barbarian Cimmerians sacked many Lydian cities, except for Sardis. Gyges was the son of Dascylus...Some Bible scholars believe that Gyges of Lydia was the Biblical character Gog, ruler of Magog, who is mentioned in the Book of Ezekiel and the Book of Revelation.

. I trace "Sardis to "Sardinia," where the Seleucids ended up a few centuries after Gugu. I am claiming, with evidence below, that this Gugu line of Mysia-Lydians became the Skits / Scheds / Scots at Placentia while taking the Seleucids of Sardinia with them. Myth writers gave Hercules a son, Scythes, with a woman that was half snake. She reveals that Scythes was merely mythical, code for Scythians. Yes, the Royal Scythians that named Gugu king of Sardis, who escaped the vengeful wrath of the Cimmerians as they invaded Lydia.

It is simply undeniable now that the Gugu Scythians with their Seleucid allies were the proto-Sethach > Sadducees of the Alexander-Maccabees. I cannot recall the spelling (it's online), but lake Sevan was named after the Gogi at Gogarene/Gugar, on the south-eastern side of lake Sevan; the Soducena location was on the south-western side of lake Sevan. These swan-line Scythians moved from Sardis to Sardinia, then into the Ligurian territory as mythical CYCnus, the swan king of Liguria, son of STHENelus (assumes a Sethen-like spelling). The Gogi from Sevan then named Savona, about 50 miles down the Ligurian coast from Imperia, where Boofima-suspect Caseys should trace.

Gugu was followed on the Lydian throne by Ardys II, followed in turn by Sadyattes. Where do we think the latter got his name? It was rooted in "Sady." I had traced Gugu to the same that named "Yuya," of the Akhenaten cult at Kemmis who traced very well to Seti I of earlier times. Seti I was identified a few updates ago as a Meshwesh peoples in and out of Tanis that became that Danaans, even the 600 Danites and 600 Benjamites. I traced Seti I to the naming of the Sittaceni. In other words, if it's correct to trace Seti to the naming of the Royal Scythians, then Sadyattes (named in-part after Attis, mythical father of Lydia), was a line from the Seti Meshwesh.

Sadyattes was followed by ALYattes, perhaps the proto-Ely surname, or even the Ali/Aliotti surname. The Scotts use the Ali/Aliotti griffin design. The eel of Shiptons can trace Ely's to Skiptons...who lived in Craven, and then the Ely Coat seems a perfect version of the Craven Coat! I don't recall making this find before. I've traced the Terme location of the Ali/Aliotti surname to "Thermodon." After all, Amazons at Thermodon moved to Mysia while Terme is in Messina. And king Alyattes was a Myso-Lydian predicted to trace back to Gargarians at Trabzon...who later came to Lydia as the Gugu Scythians.

Hercules at Lydia was also mythical Sandon. I discovered the Sittaceni in the 5th update of December while showing some origins of the Sanders surname, tracing them to the Sindi of lake Maeotis. Here's from the Sindi article:

Strabo describes [the Sindi] as living along the Palus Maeotis, and among the Maeotae, Dandarii, TOREATae [!!!],...Sittaceni....

That was the discovery of the Sittaceni.

The exclamation mark is due to a torteaux on the head of the elephant used in a Sander Coat. The Lydian lion, thought to be Hercules / Sandon, had a sunburst on its forehead. It just so happens that the wife of Scipio Africanus, the one who first married a Gracchus, had a Tertia surname, which can now allow a trace of the Sittaceni to the Scipio family.

I cannot find a Tertia surname or something like it, but the Arms of Eustace I, the grandfather of Godfrey de Bouillon, uses three torteaux. Isn't that important where both Josephs and Godfrey had swan symbols, while Godfrey is the Bouillon line to Alexander Balas, the conjectured father of the Sethach Maccabees that gave Israel the SANHEDRin (hmm, a Sander-like term), where Sadducees came to rule?

The Chaucers, who smack of "Gogarene/Gugar," use a "Tortois" in Crest. They were first found in Kent, where the Chalkers were first found who use a swan in Crest (tracing to lake Sevan that was called by another name after the Gogarene location). Chalkers also show three wavy bars, a symbol of Drummonds whom I trace to "Thermodon." Kent is where Scotts were first found who use the griffin design of Ali's/Aliotti's (in Chaucer / Chalker colors) who trace from Terme to Thermodon. Don't the Scotts trace exactly with Skits to the Soducena location in that "Scot(land)" is thought to be named after "Scyth"?

The idea now is that the Joseph swan traces to the Ely surname via the arguments above. It should be remembered that I traced Caiaphas ad-nauseum to the Coverts/Cofferts who use a fesse in colors reversed to the Craven / Ely fesse. Before going to Joseph-possible surnames, let it be repeated that Cravens use a term in their motto as code for Actons, who use a fesse in the colors of the Covert/Cofferet fesse. The Acton write-up traces to an Axton location in Kent. Actons are in the colors of Chaucers and swan-using Chalkers of Kent.

I have just found another fesse, in Covert-fesse colors, in the Joost Coat. It was a surname looked up as per the Josette variation of swan-using Josephs. That's a good argument already for identifying the Joseph surname with Joseph Caiaphas. Then, as per the Jose variation of swan-using Josephs, the Gos bloodline of Ranulf le Meschin came to mind, and entering "Gos," there was a Jose variation. Plus, the Gos/Jose Coat uses stars in colors reversed to the Joost Coat. The Gos/Jose stars are used in saltire formation in the colors of the Annandale saltire.

The Gauze/Geusere Coat with torteaux and Ely-colored fesse could apply.

I know what the Gos/Jose description means: "A falcon with wings expanded, ducally gorged in gold." First, the falcon code is for the Falcon surname using the same white-on-blue crescent as the French Conte Coat, important because Ranulf le Meschin's mother was both a Gos/Goz and a Conteville. As the Falcons should be a Fulk bloodline while Fulks are traced to a quasi-mythical "TERTULLus," note that the TURTLE/Tuttle Coat is a colors-reversed image of the French Conte Coat! This find, which I have known in the past, comes not long after the mention of the Tertia surname that married Scipio Africanus.

The "gorges" code in the Gos/Jose description is for the line of George Drummond, son of king Andrew of Hungary [= Scythians of the Magyar kind that may later be found in Magor of Wales, home of Cimmerian Scythians. Magor will become suspect with the "mago" motto term of Josephs because Hasmoneans will trace to MONmouth, where Magor is located. In that discussion, evidence of the 600 Benjamites seem to be found in Pendragons of the Magor theater that later seemed to be found in the Panico's]. The Belgian George/GORGENs Coat honors George, using half the "Andrew's Cross."

I had traced George and his son (Maurice Drummond) to the Dunkeld dynasty, and especially to Malcolm III, before discovering that the Malcolm Coat uses "Andrew's Cross" (a saltire) in colors reversed. It just so happens that the Dunkeld dynasty included the Duncans / Donkeys that trace to donkey-using Chamberlains...= Cimmerians. I trace "DunKELD" in-part to the KHALDI who lived at Trabzon / Thermodon, where "Drummond" originates.

In other words, the Gos/Jose surname is tracing via their Drummond kin to the Gargarians and/or Amazons that trace via Royal Scythians to the Sadducees, even as the Gos/Jose surname is now tracing, for the first time ever, from Joseph Caiaphas.

To prove that the Chamberlains are involved here, the Belgian George/Gorgens Coat uses scallops in the colors of the Chamberlain scallops.

It's the French Chamberlain Coat that uses the small Placentia square/shield. As we saw Carrols, Elys, Hagels, and Caseys -- all related -- tracing to Scipio at Placentia, it's notable that the German George Coat seems to use the two diagonal bars of German Hagels. The German George write-up: "First found in various regions of Germany...The earliest recorded bearer of the name was Everhardus filius Georgi, who was a resident of Hamburg in 1256." German Drummonds were first found in Hamburg, home of Trypillians from Trabzon.

It's not at all a contradiction for Caiaphas to trace both to Hungarians and to Hannibal, for the Hun root of Hungarians should trace, contrary to the historical view, to Hannibal. Again, it's known that the mythical blue wolf is a symbol of Huns of the far east, and yet Placentia uses a blue wolf. Hannibal elements are traced easily to Placentia. I would argue that the far-eastern Huns were none other than the Royal Scythians and/or their kin, but isn't it also interesting that Royal Scythians were at the Placentia theater too?

So, what do you know? I now think that the ghost of Caiaphas traces to the Gos/Gois surname. In fact, recall that entering "Guis" got the hourglass Shield in colors reversed from the hourglass Shield of Skits who trace to the Sadducees. It means that the Guis/Guido lion is connectable to the Ali/Aliotti griffin [much later, I find a Guidi peoples of Italy to discuss, but I also find a page in Italian on the counts of Panico, where we find "Alberto di Guido" in conjunction with a "val del Setta" and a "il Gozzadini." It sounds like the Albert of Panico in the Panico/Panetta write-up].

When all the above was written, I still had not seen the Gois/Guise/Guys Coat again (it's been over a year, anyway). I know that in some rare cases, the Gos/Goz surname was also "Gois," and so SEE THE SWAN in the Gois/Guise/Guys Crest!!! That's got to be a clincher.

Ranulf le Meschin's grandfather was Richard Gos/Goz of Avrances. I've just seen the latter term as AUVERANce, like "Auvergne," where Bouillons were first found who are a swan line too! See the gold-on-red crosslets in the Arms of Richard Gos, the same crosslets used by Hamburgs and Trips (and Wrens, Gores and Windsors). The white-on-red wolf was his symbol, (used also by Quillans).

Entering "Goose" gets the Googe's/Gooch's that I've traced to Gog, and yet there can now be an argument for tracing to a Joost- / Gos-like variation of "Joseph." It's very telling that the Goose/Googe surname was first found in the same place (Roxburghshire) as Scotts and goose-using Rutherfords. Isn't that small shield in the Rutherford Coat a Placentia symbol?

Do you recall the three surnames using the black footless martins seen in the Rutherford Chief? I didn't. But they were just fetched: Houstons, Pula's, and Placentia's Plocks/Placks/Plucknetts.

The Rutherfords were first found in Maxton, and then Maxtons trace to Cheshire, where Richard Gos/Goz traced. It just so happens that the other Joseph Coat, not with the swan, was first found in Cheshire and uses the gold-on-blue garbs of Cheshire. There is a Goz Coat that looks like it could be a Macey-Coat version. It's more important than meets the eye because the Macey / Goz chevron (or at least their colors) are in the Swan/Sion/Sweyne Coat along with the Levi lion in white. (For the first time that I've noticed, the Swan/Sion Coat has lost its gauntlet gloves (a Macey-Coat and Vain-Coat symbol). I don't know what has replaced them but the description at this time says "falconer's gloves." That sounds like code for the Falcons > Conteville > Goz line.

In the quote below, one could get the impression that Sadducees and the Shetach term are unrelated, at odds, but I think there will be a way to rectify it:

[Queen Salome Alexandra] removed the Sadducees (who did not believe in the Oral tradition, the Torah sheb'al Peh), from the Sanhedrin and installed the greatest scholars of those days in their place, with [her brother] Rabbi Shimon ben Shetach at their head.

By the time of Jesus, Sadducees regained the Sanhedrin. But when did the Sadducees first appear in Israel? "The Sadducees (sedûqîm) were one of the three main Jewish political and religious movements in the years between c.150 BC and 70 AD." Hmm, 150 BC is the time of Alexander Balas. Queen Salome Alexandra above was born in 141 BC. The Sadducees were Hellenistic, Greek-like. Why? The Seleucids brought Hellenism to Israel.

The dating of Sadducees in Israel in 150 BC is a vague claim by Josephus. There seems to be no proof of when or how they appeared. They seemed to have been the liberal/heretical branch of Pharisees...while Pharisees loaded the peoples with too many laws and religiosity. Christ set the people free from the burden of the Pharisees, and taught the Truth that Sadducees were devoid of.

It just so happens that a myth was told of rabbi Shetach, wherein he purchased a donkey from an Ishmaelite, and upon finding a diamond in a bag tied round the donkey's neck (as if the Ishmaelite left it there accidentally), the rabbi returned the diamond to its owner rather than keep it for himself (the swan-using Gois/Guise/Guy Coat uses diamonds). But why a donkey? Is it code for Samson's Avvite's? When I had the Sign from the third squirrel yesterday, it led to the Caskey surname at Placentia, where donkey-using Askeys should trace because they and Caskeys are McLeod septs. But at the time, I had not yet gotten down to the proof that Skits and Scheds traced to Placentia with Scotts, and that these latter three were the Shetach bloodline. If God is giving such Signs to speed me up before I die of a blot clot to the brain for spinning my wheels in over-exertion, it has got to be for finding the Caiaphas line to the 666ers:

The great wisdom and piety of Rabbi Shimon ben Shetach reached the ears of Janai, king of the Jews [Alexander bloodline], a descendant of the pious and brave Hasmoneans. The king wished to have this great scholar as one of his closest friends and advisers, so he married Rabbi Shimon ben Shetach's sister Shelomith and made her queen.

That is where I expect the Placenta Skit bloodline to enter the Maccabee fold, and I fully expect that Skit bloodline from the Italian Sheaves/Chiapponi's who led to the Sithech-rooted Shaws/Sheaves of Britain.

NOW LOOK AND DON'T FAINT. Avvites lived at Avith, and Cassels use a key, the symbol of Italian Sheave's/Chiapponi's, and then the "Avise" motto term of Cassels smacks of "Avith," and what's more the Avis Coat has the three garbs of the Joseph Coat! As a variation of the swan-using Josephs suggested kinship with Richard Goz, who married Emma Conteville, how amazing is it that the Conteville's ruled a Comyn location while the same three garbs (gold-on-blue) are used by Comyns/Commings...the ones who renamed the location to which Herod Antipas was banished?

NOW WATCH THE HERALDIC "MAGIC." McLeods are definitely Seleucid elements, and the Casey-related Cassels (in the Coat above) even use the McLeod "castle." We therefore want to see the Castle surnames, and the first one up gets a bend in the colors of the Casey bend surrounded by "crows heads." Then, the Dutch Castle's use "crows"! Normally, these are called ravens, but Caseys and Castle's both call them crows.

I recognize the Castle Coat as the one used by French Corbetts/Corbins, and I've remarked in the past that the chief priests of Israel had a law or legal system that they called, "corban." French Corbins/Corbetts call theirs, "black birds." Wait until you see who uses the motto of English Corbetts/Corbins.

Immediately after seeing the Castle Coat, I entered "Jonathan" because Alexander Balas made a strong alliance with Jonathan Maccabee. Actually, the reason that Jonathan came to mind was that I know the John surname to use ravens/crows, and it's the John surname that uses the motto of the Corbetts/Corbins. The Shield-on-Shield of the John Coat is in the colors of the same of Scotts, and both use the same sort of border design.

SHAME ON ME for failing to read the Scott write-up again throughout all of this update: "First found in Kent, where a family of Scott have been found in Brabourne since the 14th century. Traditionally, they claim descent from Alexander, a younger brother of John de Baliol, king of Scotland, who had settled at Chilham Castle, county Kent." Alexander, from JOHN Baliol??? Alexander Baliol??? That has got to be the line from Alexander Balas.

The best I can do at the moment with the Baliol Coat is a comparison with the Askey Coat and other Meschin-related Coats (such as Mussels, Leaders, Ladd/Ladons). The John Coat even uses a chevron in the colors of the Alexander chevron. Here's the Baliol write-up: "The surname Baliol was originally derived from one of numerous place names in France such as Bailleul-en-Vimeu in Picardy, or Bailleul in Norther France..." It's the Bail surname, isn't it?

It was meaningful to find that the German Jonathan/Jonas Coat has roosters in the colors of the Corbin/Corbett Coat. If not for the Jonathan colors, I would have no evidence of a link to Jonathan Maccabee. The roosters could be indication that Alexander Balas was a Gaul on one side.

Aha!!! Earlier in this update, there was the black rooster of the Billiards/Hilliards, who use nearly the same Coat as Billiards/Billets, and while I hardly find surnames first found in Maine, both the latter Billiards and the swan-using Josephs were first found there! The black roosters of Jonathans are on a gold Shield, the color of the Joseph Shield. The Billiard white Zionist stars are colors reversed from the blue one on the Israeli flag, albeit the latter is hollow so as to be a white one too.

The rooster in the Jonathan Coat may trace to the Gay rooster, for Gays (another gold Shield) were first found in the same place (Savoy) as French Masseys, and moreover Savoy is the location of Modane, a term like the Modiin homeland of Jonathan Maccabee. English Gays (use the Brien lion design shown until recently) use a chevron in the colors of the French Bails, first found in Provence, which borders the river of the Salyes and the Briens.

I had not read this part of the Baliol write-up until after writing the above on Gays: "Guy de Bailleul, owner of the fiefs of BAILleul, Dampierre, Harcourt, and Vinoy in Normandy was a Norman Baron..." Is that not wild? It appears very definite already that the Jonathan rooster is that of Alexander Balas, and that we need to seek the Balas linein the Gays of Savoy. It has to be in Modane, right?

This brings me to a claim I've made over they years, that the lattice/fretty symbol of the Cotts/Cottins is to be traced to the Cottian mountains...situated between the Durance river and Saluzzo in the south, but also between Modane and Aosta in the north. The Modens/Modeys, you see, use that lattice too.

We got to these crows in the first place via Caseys who definitely trace to the parts of northern Italy where the Alexander-Balas bloodlineis expected. The John ravens are called "Cornish choughs," which may be part-code for the Cornell bloodline of general Scipio. Amazingly, while Scipio and Alexander Balas are expected to trace to the Salyes Seleucids, the Irish Cough surname uses three white fleur-de-lys on a black-on-white bend (Alexander colors), the symbol of the Sale Coat!!!

The Sales-of-Mascy (Cheshire) are, in a nutshell, the Seleucid-Maccabees, and so, come to think of it, there is no reason to be surprised that the Goz line to Ranulf le Meschin was an Alexander-Balas line. However, that Goz line identified with Josephs. The Cough surname is also "Cuff/Cuffy/Couff," term that I have traced suggestively to Caiaphas-like terms such as "Coffert / Coffey / Coffer."

So, what do you know? Welsh Johns definitely trace to Jonathan Maccabee, and it proves, for the first time using heraldry, that he was allied to Alexander Balas. It suggests that, if Balas didn't marry a daughter of Jonathan, Jonathan married a daughter of Balas.

[Insert -- I kid thee not. I wrote several paragraphs below before re-learning what I had forgotten, that Jonathan Maccabee was called, Apphus, by surname. What's that? Capphus??? That's what it looks like. It looks like Caiaphas was named after the Balas-Maccabee line. Then, after I started this insert, and not before, the question came to mind: was "Apphus" an Avis term??? I didn't know that an Avis topic, written before this insert was conceived, was immediately below. It means the Kennedys along with Caseys / Cassels were from the Apphus bloodline, right?

Note the cuff in the Avis Crest. Why is this Maccabee-based Coat of the Avis' studded with the Cheshire garbs? Ask the Maccabee-based Meschins of Cheshire, sons of Goz and of Conteville at Comyn. Here's part of the Cough/Cuff description: "An arm erect in blue, cuffed ermine..." The heraldic cuff is for Caiaphas and/or Apphus, isn't it? The description says the cuffed arm holds a battle-axe (John symbol too), and then Battle's/Battels (Berwickshire) use the griffin design of Ali's/Aliotti's and Scotts. End insert]

What follows is a way to trace Caseys / Cassels to both Seleucids and to Sulcis (in Sardinia), keeping in mind that I traced Sulcis to Silesia as soon as I learned that Mieszko's ancestry was from Sardinia (see Dagome article of Wikipedia). The "Avise la fin" motto of Cassels is used by Scottish Kennedys because they use the Cassel Coat. Irish Kennedys were first found in the same place (Tipperary) as Lafins, thus clinching the "la fin" motto phrase as code for Lafins. Yet Lafins use both the Sitler lion and a "La Font" variation, smacking of the Font de Ville's that were traced to Piscinas (means "fountain") smack beside Sulcis. Sitlers were first found in Silesia. So, you see, we have indeed found Seleucids in the Avis surnames, and they include the Seleucid suspects, the Casey / Cass liners...who were traced all by themselves to Piscinas. Proof positive.

To prove that the Lafins are from Font de Ville's, the Font-de-Ville lion design was shown until last year (I've recorded this several times over the years) in the Coat Italian Conte's (thus the Conteville surname as a combination of the two surnames), but the lion design now showing is the Sitler / Lafin lion design, all three of them in the same colors! It shows once again that designs may change, but not at the whim of anyone, for the designs must yet reflect kinship. The Conte's can use either the Font de Ville or the Lafin=LaFont lion design. These lions are all in the colors of the Jonathan roosters, and as he was merged with Alexander Balas, it's notable that he should trace exactly to the Sulcis' Seleucids.

The lions above are black, the color of the Levi and Capua lions. Could Jonathan Maccabee Apphus have been named after a Capua bloodliner?

[[Insert in the Insert -- Jonathan's brother, Simon, was father to the king of Jerusalem, himself the husband of queen Salome Alexandra, and here I now find that she is thought to be a daughter of Setah Bar Yossei. Checking to see if "Yossei" is a form of "Joseph," I found "Jose / Joseph" in brackets at the family tree of Setah's father, Yossei Bar Yochanan:

You can probably ignore the way that the genealogy above traces to the Davidic line.

ZOWIE, while studying "YOCHanan," I recalled by heart that Yoke's use a swan!!! If you click over to English Yoke's/Yochs (Kent), it appears to be the red wyvern/cockatrice of Presleys/Priestlys. The German Yoke's (with swan) use gold scallops, a Joseph symbol too. Dutch Cocks use a rooster in what I tend to think are common Maccabee colors (white on green), and English Cocks (Cornwall) show the red roosters of Kiss'/Cuss' and Cramers (the paragraph below was written and sitting right there before this insert was conceived), and moreover use red and white lozengy, which I hope to come back to when showing the red-on-white lozenges of the Pinks and Reno's, meaning that Cocks, possibly named after the Hoch variation of Yoke's, were part of the Panico entity. But with Hochs/Yoke's using swans, shouldn't they trace to "Gog" at lake Sevan?

In other words, was Yossei Bar Yochanan, father of Setah, a Gogi from a Soducena line that later gave the Sadducee's their name? As pharaoh Seti I was a son of Ramesses, by what coincidence do German Cramers/Cremers use a ram in the colors of the Jonathan rooster??? That is a huge question that I think proves the trace of Sadducees back to the Seti > Sittaceni line of Gogi Scythians. And it's tracing those very Scythians to Cremona, isn't it? End Inserts]]

I have misplaced a surname that I am sure was featured earlier, showing an unexpected Cust-like variation. It smacks of Casts/Cass', wherefore let me repeat from way above: "The "custodet" motto term of Cramers [= Cremona elements] is easily deciphered as code for the Cust surname because it uses the same Coat as the Kiss/Cuss Coat having the red Cramer rooster in Crest." This red rooster can link to the Jonathan rooster.

The Fisher King in the Seleucid Fountain

It's still a mystery to me as to how the Seleucids merged with the Scipio's. The latter are represented with the purple lion of Skiptons, and then, as more proof of the merger, the purple "flag" in the Font de Ville Coat is conspicuous. McLeods use "flags," but then there's a banner called a "pennon" in the English Castle Crest. These are the Castle's suspect as Cassels / Caseys, and then while Scottish Kennedys use a version of the Cassel Coat, Irish Kennedys (Tipperary) were linked to the Pendragon motto and the Pendragon Crest helmet, suggesting already that the Pennon/Penning surname is a Pendragon branch.

Pendragons, as well as the Tippers that are in code on the Pendragon motto, were first found in Cornwall, where we can expect the Cornelli > Scipio line, and indeed we found them in some capacity in the purple-lion Veys/Vivians (first found in Cornwall). It's not likely coincidental that Exeters/Hexters use the chevron colors of Kennedys / Caseys / Cassels. Where we read in the Exeter write-up that the place was also EXANceaster, it suggests the Aikens using the same chevron surrounded likewise by three black symbols, only this time, instead of the black bells (Balas suspect) used around the Exeter chevron, there are black roosters around the Aiken chevron, and those are a Jonathan and Billiard/Hilliard symbol.

In this picture, the Hilliards are a branch of Hills of castleMORTON because: 1) Mortons (rooster in Crest) use the Exeter / Aiken chevron with three black symbols (buckles) of their own: 2) the "church" bells of Exeters must be for the Church surname using a fesse in the colors of the Hill fesse. If you click over to the English Moretons, you'll see the quartered Shield of German Castle's.

The Pennon/Penning Coat shows the Celt/Colt / Rollo / Book/Bogg stag. It's colors reversed to the Book/Bogg stag, and Books/Boggs use an hourglass in Crest. Perfect, for Caseys must trace to Boofima as well as to Trypillians on the Trebbia, and Pendragons with Trabys will be at the center stage of the 666.

The Pennon/Penning Coat has a Fisher-Coat look to it, which in Arthurian lore is a grail bloodline. The mythical Fisher King lives at a Corben(ic) castle. Corbancidence? Reminder: one Castle surname uses the Corbin/Corbett ravens, and Pennons were in the Crest symbol of another Castle surname, wherefore it is very likely that the Castle's / Cassels / Caseys are in code in the Fisher King castle.

The Corbenic castle was a creation of the same author of "Le Morte d'Arthur," and we just saw Morte liners in Mortons, but also in the white crescent (Morte/Mott symbol) of the Hill Coat. I've not emphasized Hills in the past for not knowing exactly what they stand for, but here they are looking like Hilliards/Billiards...Seleucid-Maccabee elements. But Hills are also looking like Stands/Stains...who are honored in the Arthur motto. Note that the Stand/Stain/Stant Crest is another hand from a cloud, the Casey (and Brien) symbol.

Whom, therefore, do we expect, other than Caiaphas, at the holy grail of the Fisher King? This topic easily (now anyway) traces to Placentia elements of the Paullus and Plock kind:

(Perhaps conscious of this apparent contradiction, T.H. White in The Once and Future King treats Corbenic as two separate places: Corbin is the relatively mundane dwelling-place of King Pelles, while Carbonek is the mystical castle where the climax of the Grail Quest takes place.)

Corbenic has a town, and a bridge which Sir Bromell la Pleche swears to defend against all-comers for a year, for love of Pelles' daughter Elaine (Morte, books XI-XII).

Codes, codes and more codes, what do they all mean? It's very easy when you've learned that they are usually code merely for surnames. Ho-hum, just a bunch of stupids who like to play Holy Grail Is Me. Like the Arthur's and Arthur-related Wayne's, not to mention the Dol Alan-Stewarts and their Pula/Pullen kin, the Pelles Coat uses a pelican. It also uses a "wreath," the symbol in the Crest of Stands/Stains/Stants Crest. It's fairly apparent that the engrailed double fesse of the Stands/Stains is used by Church's (first found in Somerset, an Arthurian bastion). The Arthur motto: "ImPELLA obSTANTia."

If you see the Bromels (more black-on-white), see the Brooms (chevron in Pendragon-chevron colors)too, and think of the Plantagenet Fulks that mythically used a sprig of broom. That's what the Fisher King is all about, the Fulks.

While the "Pleche" entity of the Fisher King smacks of Plocks, yet it's easily modified to "Fleck." It's Seleucid-suspect McLeods who use "flags," and they may be behind the clouds of the Stands/Stains and Caseys. Like the Stands/Stains, the Flag surname (also "Flack/Fleck") uses two black-on-white fesses. This surname can trace to the Flaccus / Flacilla bloodline that had married in the Scipio family tree.

As Fulks are revealed as a Pollock branch from merely a view of the Belgian Flecks, a new revelation is at hand. Pollocks were identified as Fullers, and Fullers were suggested from FULvia in the tree above. I hadn't realized at the time of the suggestion that her father, FULvius FLACCus BamBalas, was the Fuller-Pollock-Fulk-Flag-Balas bloodline all in one. This is excellent for involving Mason-important surnames smack-dab at the times of formation of Maccabees from Hasmoneans.

The Flack bloodline is represented in the flag-like motto of Samsons, and then the Sam/Sammes surname uses the Sitler / Lafin / Conte lions too. Simsons use an "alis" motto term now suspect with Alexanders or the Alice names of Skiptons.

Repeat: the Belgian Fleck Coat is like the Pollock and the Fulke/Folk Coat all at once. The Fliglperger variation caused a peek at the Perger/Pergen Coat (eight-pointed star) which turns out to look like a version of the Spanish Burgos Coat (Bergers and Burgs are usually lumped as one).

The Fontana's (expected from Piscinas and Sulcis) are easily deciphered, by the look of their Coat, as the Italian Fulks and Massi's/Mattis, for "The Fontana family can trace its noble origins to the Italian region of Tuscany." Massi's/Mattis' trace without doubt to Massa-Carrara in northern Tuscany. Italian Fulks trace to ancient Velch in Tuscany. Thus, Fontana's are expected to be the Font de Ville Seleucids, and indeed Fontana's were first found in Bologna, where I expect Maccabee formation. [I had not yet come to the Pescia location when writing here, which is essentially between Bologna and Massa-Carrara.]

Spanish Fontana's look like Borgia's, first found in the same place as Font de Ville's and Conte's. The latter two have proven to be the Burgo family at the root of Contevilles, now proving to be a line from Joseph Caiaphas. It tends to prove, not only that Fontana's were Font de Ville's, but that Conteville's (descended from John de Burgo) were named partly after Font de Ville's. The Conte-related Falcons ought to be Fulks, and therefore part of the Fisher-king Pleche's.

There is no Plech / Pleck surname, but Placks/Plocks, who show a variation like some Plantagenet variations, are in Borgia / Burg colors. It's plain to see now that the gold five-turret tower in the Scute Chief is used in the Mose Crest (there is a Mose area of Placentia), but then the Placks/Plocks, who use blocks of sorts in the colors of the Mose blocks, likewise use a five-turret tower.

The Mose and Scute surnames use rose themes, and then there are red roses in the English Moses/Moyse Coat, of a surname first found in Shropshire, where Pollocks lived for a time, and using the Casey leaves. One good reason for equating Mose at Placentia with the Moses/Moyse surname (from Moy of Normandy) is due to the similarity between the Welsh Bach Coat and the Fleur Coat, for while the Mose surname uses a "fleurie" motto term, the Moses/Moyse write-up traces to a branch in Denbigh, where Bachs were first found. Thus, the Mose surname at Placentia was the Mus household of pharaoh Apachnas [and for this matter, while that pharaoh's Khyan alternative name traces to "Cuneo," we will later see Scottish Moyers trace to a valley beside the Stura di Demonte.

German Bechs/Becs use a stag in the illegal white-on-gold colors, and these are used, not only in the Mose Coat, but in the swan of Josephs. [I will suggest a Joseph trace to Magor in Wales on account of the "mago" term of English Josephs, and Magyars were given a stag symbol]. Here's the trace to the Moses/Moyse surname to Bec: "First found in Shropshire where they held a family seat as Lords of the Manor. The earliest reference to the name was Jeanne de Moy, a wealthy dowager widow of William Crispin IX, Baron of Bec in France about the year 1325." It explains why Crispins (pomegranates) use a cross type seen also in the Moses/Moyse Coat. It should be mentioned here that I peg the Mus household of the Exodus pharaoh as that which named Moses. I wrote a chapter named, "A Crisp'n Claro Picture," where a Crispin-Clare merger was the point; I've come a long way since then, and never would have guessed that Caiaphas is in that picture.

The Joseph motto includes, "Charo," and when we enter that term, the Charo/Claro Coat (gold Shield again) has a red-on-gold bull, the color of the Spanish Borgia bull. The Sinclairs started out as "Claro," and the Clare's ruled in Wales too. There are several CIA / CHIA terms in this Charo surname, much like "CAIAphas." [I had no idea here that the Charo/Claro surname would marry the Mosca family in an area where the Exodus pharaoh will trace heavily, and where even Scipio's would trace who became suspect as the family of proto-Caiaphas.] The blue bend in the Charo/Claro Coat gives it the colors of the Sheaves/Chiapponi/Chiava Coat. The English Sheaves chevron should trace to the Alexander chevron.

The same key design is shared by Cassels, Cleavers/Cleavers, and Sheaves/Chiapponi's. The "Cas" motto term of Josephs must therefore be for Cassels and related Caseys. I suggested a few times, years ago (but more-or-less abandoned the idea), that "Claver" and Claro" were related terms. In this picture, if there was a Glaphyra > Claver > Claro evolution of terms, the Charo/Claro and Sinclair surnames are from Glaphyra. German Cassels, it now dawns importantly, use the Clare triple chevron!

The Charo/Claro surname was first found in Ferraruola, where we could expect Pharisees of the Ferrari kind, and then one Clare Coat even uses a lion like the Ferrari lion. But why does the write-up use "Ferraruola" for the city of Ferrara:

According to Boccacio, Ferrara was called Forum Allieni [aliens? or Alliens?] in ancient times. Priscianus agrees with this, but confirms that he has seen this name, written on the edge of an old document which Jacobus Zeno, bishop of Padua, showed at the Council of Basel. Pigna confirms this, and adds that it received this name from Alienus, consul and prefect of the banks of the river Po at the time of the civil war between Vitellius and Vespasianus [a year or less before the conquering and destruction of Jerusalem], who founded a market and a law court there...and he also writes that the expression Forum Allieni in the course of time was corrupted to Ferrarula, (a name it has had for a long time)...

You can't expect me to believe that "Forum" became "Ferrara" by way of a tongue slip. Rather, some ferrari entity must have been there to change the name that much, and as Pharisees needed a place to live after 70 AD, I suppose one can claim that Ferrara was named, not by proto-Pharisees, but by Pharisees proper. In such a case, may we ask why they would retreat from Jerusalem all the way to Ferrara? One could argue that this area is where the chief priests of Israel, at least on their Roman sides, originated centuries before. One could also ask an answer of the Este stars in the Balas Coat, for Ferrara came into the possession of neighboring Este elements.

When I added an insert above [now in a previous insert] showing how the Italian Geraldi/Gerardi Coat (eight-pointed stars should trace to Ishtar elements in Istria) looked like the Balas Coat, I got the Giraldi name from the article above (I think it's referring to Giovanni Battista Giraldi, born in Ferrara, the secretary of Alfonso II, duke of Este). Reminder: Geralds and Gerards were of the Desmonds who use the Annandale saltire tracing to Ananias.

Who named Forum Allieni? The Allien/Alan surname (= Dol Alans) are also "AlanSHAW" and use a fesse in colors reversed to the Shaw-related Thicks/Thecks. Do we understand here? It's the Shetach > Sithech bloodline from Alexander Balas, isn't it?

I'm seeing the proto-Alans of Dol at Forum Allieni to receive the Pharisees in flight from Israel. Can that idea work? Or, the Allieni's may even have been in the area long enough to have been proto-Pharisees. After all, dragonline Veres of the holy-grail kind claim to be Stewart liners, and for now, Vere's are tracing to the Roman consul, Terentius Varro. Did you ever read me when I traced the Trent and Tarran/Tarent surnames to Taran, otherwise called Mus, at Lake Van?

LOOK! The Thick/Theck description: "A bittern settling in the reeds." The Reed surname is, not only in Thick/Theck colors, but uses a "Pax COPIA" motto that I've been tracing to Caiaphas ever since emailer Patterson had a vision wherein God shared with us concerning a blue lion that she said was named something like, Cappeo. My first thought upon hearing it (I have this recorded in several updates) was the Macclesfield blue lion where we find a "copia" motto term. It's a good bet, therefore, that the gold garbs in the Reed Coat are those of Cheshire, and of the Joseph / Comyn Coat.

[Insert -- Obama chose a John Brennan as his CIA director, and while one Brennan Coat uses garbs in the colors of the Reed garbs, the other Brennans use the blue Cappeo lion in the colors and position of the Arms-of-Macclesfield lion. The Brennan Coat uses what appears to be a version of the Dempsey and Dempster Coats, important because Obama previously chose a Dempsey surname for his Joint Chiefs of Staff. See the Dunns too. John Brennan will now be up to his neck in the Benghazi scandal, as per the book: "Benghazi: The Definitive Report."

Nearly the same swords are in the Trent Coat, while the Tarran/Tarent Coat (red eagles = phoenix) looks like a version of the Scottish Reed Coat. Reeds will later trace to the same general place (southern Sicily) as Charo's/Claro's. End insert]

The second idea that arrived to me after hearing of the Cappeo vision involved the Copper/Cooper surname in a trace to Cyprus and Cappadocia. I didn't yet know that Coppers/Coopers were from the mother of Herod "the great." But it's now amazing that a Copparo location has been found smack beside Ferrara, and just 50 miles from Bologna. I didn't know about this Copparo until very recently.

Scottish Reeds look like they are using a version of the Casey Coat (with red eagles), but with the Sutherland stars. The red stag of Celts/Colts (= Pilate bloodliners) and Books/Boggs appears in this Reed Coat, important because there is a book in the Reed Crest too (as well as in the Roet Crest).

I traced Stewarts many times, along with Mackays, to raven-depicted vikings of Shetland...long before knowing of the Shetach entity of the Alexander-Maccabee family. The Stouts, who owned that raven, may even trace to "Shetach." The Stow variation of Stouts seem to be playing off of "Stewart." The point here is, that while proto-Alan-Stewarts are being found at Ferrara, there is a RAVENna location on the coast from Ferrara.

I now see that, while the Alexander Shield is split in half vertically white and black, the Arms of Ferrara is a symbol-less Shield split in half horizontally black and white. Hmmm.

The English Reeds of Northumberland link easily to Roddens/Rodhams (first found in the same place), and then while Gene RODDENbury created Star Trek, which I found to be filled with heraldic codework, the Thick/Theck bird is "SETTLEd" in the reeds, code for the Star-related Settle's. I had traced "Trek" to proto-Khazars at the Terek river in Alania, where also I had traced the Dol Alans! This helps to verify that Caseys were proto-Khazars. Khazars founded modern Israel, didn't they? Alas, it seems that Caiaphas- and Pharisee-related Khazars founded it.

I'm going to take the position that Alan Huns from Alania were in the Ferrara area before the sack of Jerusalem by the Romans. Attila the Hun came down toward this area of Italy from the Cuppae area of Moesia [The importance of tracing the Pinks to Huns = proto-Hungarians at Cuppae not many updates ago is now proving huge, for Pinks will later be explained as the Panico's (= Panetta bloodline) on the Reno river flowing right past Copparo. Leon Panetta was himself a CIA chief under Obama].

The Cooper/Copper Coat is a fat saltire in the colors of the fat Balas cross. I don't know who shares the leaf design in the Scottish Copper Coat, but it's likely code for the Levi, and even the Alans use leaves.

In Italian, "coppa" means "cup," meaning that when Jesus spoke of the filthy cup of the priests, it may have been because they had a cup symbol that they honored. After all, they washed their cups ceremoniously, the Bible tells us. One could venture to trace proto-Pharisees to Copparo, therefore, but as the Balas line is tracing here too, the entire gamut of chief priestly elements could trace to Copparo. That may be the reason for emailer Patterson's vision. It was the first time that God fast-tracked my writings toward the Caiaphas bloodline. He saved me, you see, from writing in circles until the day I die.

Entering "Elaine," who in the Fisher-King story is the holy-grail bearer and mother of Lancelot, we find the Alans of Dol in the colors of the Fisher Coat. The Dol Alans are also "AllanSHAW," tending to prove that the Arthurian and Shaw grail is the Caiaphas grail spoken of by Jesus as a filthy cup filled with hypocrisy and greed. Revelation 17 then identifies the owners of this grail as killers of those who choose Jesus. It's not really a free world if the Arthurians can help it, and they take everything that belongs rightfully to God.

I should add here that I have traced the holy grail to several ideas, and that all can be justified: 1) the filthy cup of the chief priests of Israel; 2) the Lato-Roman harlot of Revelation; 3) the Arthurian grail; 4) the Arpad blood-oath grail; 5) the Magdalene grail. I've already nailed Alans of Dol (from Huns > Hungarians) squarely to three of the above: 3), 4) and 5). I can now trace Alans of Dol also to 1), yet a trace to 2) is expected. It should also be said that the Arpad blood-oath grail was traced to a Pink bloodline before finding the Pink-like term in the Rome/Room motto; that "Pungit" term gets the Pungs/Payens, whom are easily traced to the Israeli chief priests but also to the particular Romans represented by the Rome/Room surname (uses a red fesse, color of the Alan/Allien fesse). [I had not yet at this writing found the Pinks at the Panico bloodline, but it too will trace to the chief priests at Copparo, you see.]

The Ferraruola article above, in an Italian sentence that I cannot understand fully, mentions "Giulio, di Sempronio," evoking the Sempronius Gracchus line that Scipio's married. If correct to identify these as Glass liners, then, again, the Dol Stewarts moved to Glasgow, once out of Shropshire. One Semper Coat, in Alan colors, uses what could be a version of the lion of the Place/Plaiz Coat. It's a red lion, the color of the English Stewart lion, and moreover Devon, where English Stewarts were first found, uses a red lion. That's said because the motto of the Arms of Exeter (in Devon) uses "semper." The Arms of L'viv uses "semper, and "Dol" was traced hard to a Doly location on the Ukraine-Polish border area [recall the crane of Scute's that traced to the Scythians of the Ukraine].

Entering "Doly" gets a chevron within a chevron, a symbol also of Scottish Coppers! Excellent. When's the last time we've seen a chevron within a chevron? I can't think of any other one. It's tracing the proto-Stewarts of Forum Allieni to Copparo, isn't it? I even read that Stewarts were linked early in their history to a Strange surname, very conspicuous where Allieni looks like "alien." UNBELIEVABLE, after the Strange Coat loaded just now, the two lions of the Semper Coat!! I kid you not that the timing of this Stranger find is spectacular, for the Strange surname was not in my mind until the paragraph above was fully written, and in fact the Stranger surname did not arrive to mind until after asking the question above. I think the Spirit put it in my mind. I think He's looking over my shoulder as I write, whispering things in my ear like, "hurry up already."

Doly is the Trypillian theater, and Stewarts are Glass liners of the Glasgow kind. The Italian Guido Coat (lion in Strange-lion colors) uses an hourglass Shield. Here's the Strange write-up: "First found in Derbyshire where they held a family seat as Lords of the manor of Pevell's Castle in the peak of Derbyshire. Guido le Strange, son of the Duke of Brittany was present at a joust with Owen, Prince of Wales and the Scottish Prince. Guido le Strange was ancestor of the various baronial houses of L'Strange and Strange." What makes this more compelling is that I trace Trabys both to Trypillians and to "Derby(shire). Amazing find.

Reminder: the Balas Crest is an antelope, symbol of the Derby/Darby Crest.

The Guido surname (Bologna) came up earlier as "Guis" when suggesting that variations of "Joseph" included "Gois / Gos / Joost / etc." As the Gois Crest is a swan (i.e. symbol of the Joseph Crest), it could be that Joseph Caiaphas was named after this Guis / Guido family. However, I see no Guis-like terms in the list of Guido variations. The only thing we can depend on is that "Guis" is registered with this family.

Wikipedia: "The word 'guido is derived from either the proper name 'Guido' or the verb 'guidare' (to drive). Fishermen of Italian descent were once often called 'Guidos' in medieval times." Let's go to the so-called "fiscal cliff," which was found to be codework without doubt for more reasons that the similarity between the Fisk and Cliff Coats. The phrase came from "Super Committee for the Fiscal Cliff," and then the Supers (Devon) and Commit-using Sinclairs both use engrailed black-on-white crosses.

Sinclairs already traced to Cliff lines as per the Cleaver/Claver links to Claro's...who now trace to the Caiaphas-related Charo's/Claro's. The "semper" term that's in Devon and the Ukraine is used also by Cliffords (same-colored fesse as Alans), who use a Shield filled with checks, as do fish-suspect Fisks. As Este is to be expected in this discussion of a trace of proto-Alans to Ferrara and Copparo, note the estoile in the Fisk Crest. Can we therefore trace Fisks to the Guido-fisher theme of the Josephs that named Caiaphas? Does the Fisher-king theme trace to this proto-Alan topic, since, after all, an Elaine was involved with the Fisher king? If we expect the Fisher king to trace to Ferrara's Forum Allieni entity, now suspect with the Strange surname, but what coincidence is the lion design of German Fischs/Fishers that of the Sempers and Strange's??? (it's not quite the Levi lion design; the Fisher / Semper / Strange lion has a front leg more vertical than the Levi lion).

The Semper lion design, in colors reversed, is in the Forham/Forman Chief (i.e. so that even the "Forum" part of "Forum Allieni" may have become a surname). For me, this already clinches a Semper trace to Forum Allieni. The Forham/Forman chevron is once again in the colors of the Alexander chevron. Irish Forhams use a LuCRUM motto term that could be code for Cremona elements, and the Shield is split horizontally, in the colors of the Ferrari lion, like the split-Shield of the Arms of Ferrara. Reminder: Desmonds/Geralds use a "CROM aboo" motto.

The eight-pointed stars of Keons should trace to the same of the Geraldi/Gerardi Coat that looks like the Balas Coat. An eight-pointed star in colors reversed to the Geraldi/Gerardi star is used by Irish Ferris'/Fergusons along with the Ferrari lion. Scottish Fergusons have a blue-on-white Shield-on-Shield, the colors of the Shield-on-Shield of English Gerards, thus tracing Gerards solidly to Ferrara. The Dougal lion in the Gerard Coat is some indication that the (Du)GLASS bloodline was in Ferrara, exactly what was found above via the Guido hourglass Shield.

It's interesting that while Scotts were first found in Kent, there is a Cento location on the west side of Ferrara, and moreover the man mentioned earlier, Giovanni Battista Giraldi (born in Ferrara), who was in the Forum Allieni article, had a so-called nickname of Cinthio/Cintio. The Kent lion (Levi design) is in the colors of the Ferrari lion. The Ghents, kin of the Gants first found in Kent, use a Chief-and-Shield combination in the colors of the split Shield of Arms of Ferrara. How about all that. [Later, the Exodus pharaoh from the Scipio line in southern Sicily traces to Cento, expected where that pharaoh was mythicized as Ixion, founder of centaurs. It becomes apparent at that time that satyrs and centaurs both come from that AgriGENTO location of southern Sicily. Otherwise, satyrs had traced to TARANto (heel of Italy), co-founded by mythical Satyrion, and tracing to the Crest of Caiaphas-suspect Coffers/Cauffys...who might just be a Copparo variation. The Taran = Mus entity that was the household of the Exodus pharaoh is in play with Coffers/Cauffys, first found in Cork, location of Muskerry.]

Hmm, I now recall that the Tanners use the same Shield-and-Chief colors as Ghents, and checking it out, they can trace to Ferrara because it's not far from Rimini, where pine-cone Maschi's were first found. German Tanners, you see, use a pine-cone and pine-tree theme. The Lothian surname also uses the pine tree, with a talbot dog, symbol of English Tanner Crest! Plus, the Scotts who are now tracing to Cento use both Talbot Coats!!! Plus, the patriarch of Tanners is expected to be "the tanner" of Falaise, and then we find a white-on-blue lion (Ferguson symbol) in both the Italian and the Scottish Fallis Coats...while the Scottish branch was first found in Lothian!

Then, as the semper term is tracing hard to Ferrara, the Keetings, who use the term, have their leaves surrounding a saltire in the colors of the Annandale saltire, indicating Placentia's Ananes. Plus, Keetings smack of Keiths, first found in Lothian! Therefore, Tanners are tracing with Maschi's to Cento (Massins/Masons of Kent were first found in THANet), and the Italian Fallis' were even first found nearby in Venice...where the Pesce's were first found who use the Keon and Fisch/Fischer fish. Hmm, the Fisch/Fisher Shield is split horizontally black and red, while the Arms of Ferrara is a Shield split horizontally black and white. Placenta and the Place/Plais surname use split Shields too; the same lion design used by Kents is in the Place/Plaiz Coat. It's raining Caiaphas dogs from the land of the Gentiles.

Caiaphas in the Argenta - Argentera - Agrigento Triangle

[Insert -- It will be a long while before getting back to the Fisher topic, sorry.

While proof reading here, the two Kent lions were found, used in the fashion of the Semper lions, in the French Demonte Coat, and the Italian Demonte's (Piedmont) have a unicorn (i.e. appropriate for Kent elements) in the same colors! That is now huge, for although I was seeking to trace the Demonte's to the Stura-di DeMONTE valley in Piedmont, it also turned out that the Mont/Mount/Mons surname was for the Mona capital of Levi-stacked Hainaut. Plus, this insert comes, by no design of my own, right before the mention of the Keeting motto term, FideLISSimus," like "Mona Lisa." The Lys/Lissa surname (traces to Aosta on the Piedmont border) was first found in the same place as the Levi surname!

The Stura di Demonte is at/beside ASTi of Cuneo (we could expect Laevi Gauls there), which is smack beside MontFerrat, where I trace Ferrari's and ESTE. There is a Langhe location in Asti province, and I kid you not that the French Alans/ALENGS were traced to the Leng / Lang surnames (below) BEFORE this insert was written. Just like that, Ferrara elements of dragon-line importance (i.e. Vere's and Stewarts) trace to Cuneo, where I expect Keon / Khyan lines to trace. Just like that, the Allieni > Strangers at Ferrara trace to Langhe, and from here one may trace possibly to mythical Lancelot and even to the naming of Lancashire / Lancaster.

Plus, Langhe is off the Tanaro river so that the finding of Tanners at Ferrara jibes with a Ferrara trace to Cuneo (see map). It also means that "the tanner of Falaise" was code for Tanaro-river elements. Note Borgo between Demonte and Cuneo, for while "the tanner"'s daughter married Claro's, the Charo/Claro surname has a red bull tracing to the same of Borgia's. Note Argentera too, for there is an Argenta on the south side of Ferrara (the Stura valley is marked at Argentera). What is that PradLEVES location north of Demonte? AND LOOK, a Semper-like Sempeyre location smack next to Saluzzo!!! This is coming as a shock. Italian Durants were first found in Mondovi, which is on the map immediately east of the city of Cuneo.

Did you catch the name of the Gessa river flowing out from Argentera through Borgo, where "Argentera" appears on the map in red ink? Isn't that the Joseph-Caiaphas river, so to speak? And as Caiaphas has been found with lines to a white Zionists star, note that the Wassa/Gaze/Gace/Gason surname uses a white Zionist star, important because that's the proto-Washington surname.

As the Semper surname claims to be from the idea of "Saint Pierre," though this may be a after-effect of the bloodline, "Peyre" was entered as per "SamPEYRE" to find the Ferrari lion.

Aha! The Danish Fries Coat (= Pharisee suspects) was still available from yesterday, and it turns out that they use the white tower of Italian Durants in one part of the Shield, and the blue-on-white chevron of Scottish Durants on the other!

Doesn't this indicate, possibly, that Fries, Freis', and Phreeze's were from the Ferrara line to MontFerrat??? Doesn't it reveal the Pharisees who took shelter at Ferrara moved with proto-Alans into MontFerrat and Langhe? As we saw that the Freie lion is also the Massin/Mason lion (they are in Ferrari-lion colors or colors reversed to it), what about the fact that the French Fer/FERRAT/FERRASSE Coat (surname first in Brittany!) uses a Shield filled with checks (in Stewart-check colors) in the colors of the Shield filled with checks of the Massi/Mattis Coat??? For me, it's telling me that the Pharisees and proto-Alans were also at Massa-Carrara, and no doubt also in Massino-Visconti.

BINGO-BANGO, KAPUT-POW-WOW! After writing the above, it was time to try the Argento surname (properly, "Armano," smacks of Ermine's/Armine's), and it turned out to have a Shield filled with red and white checks, the colors of the checks filling the French Vair/Vers Shield! As the Vair/Vers surname shows also as "Feuer," the unicorn (half goat on the bottom half) of the Fire/Feuer/Feuerer Coat can be deemed to be the Ferrari-colored unicorn of the Piedmont's Demonte's/Delmonte's, clinching the Vere trace to Ferrari's, yes, but as it traces Vere's to Demonte, the goat on the bottom half should be for satyrs suspect at Stura. If one compares with the Troy unicorn, the lower half of the Fire/Feuer unicorn can be seen to be different. [This in a nutshell is the satyr-centaur theme that shortly finds its way to Agrigento.]

The Ermine/Armine Coat (in Argento/Armano colors) is the Annandale saltire-and-Chief combination (!), with what should be the Semper lion in Crest! The Ermine's/Armine's were first found in the same place (Lincolnshire) as Ananias-suspect Hannitys and Hains, names that I've traced to Hainaut.

Repeat from top of this update: "The Balas surname even uses the large, single ermine used in the Ermine/Armine Crest {a topic of the last update}, and it just so happens that the Ormens/Butlers are a branch of Dunham / Randolph Obama liners."

The Rhodes (Lincolnshire) use an engrailed cross in the colors of the engrailed Ermine/Armine saltire!!! Suddenly, Rhodes' and the creators of the ermine "fur" are tracing to Argentera, right where the Joseph-Caiaphas line is tracing before your eyes. And the Rhodes cross is also that of the Sinclairs who trace to the Joseph motto. (The only two heraldic furs I know of are ermine and vair.)

To the south of Borgo is Limone Piemonte, and then a Limone surname was first found in the same place (Essex) as Vere's. Could this place have been named after the Leummites, sons of Keturah?

Are Keturah's satyrs tracing to the Stura - Demonte area??? Didn't the Catters, who were definiely from the fish symbol out of Kotor (beside Budva/Butua), trace to the Sale's at Saluzzo??? Yes, they did along with the Pendragon Coat, and because Cutters use a colors-reversed version of the Saluzzo Coat.

[Insert in the insert -- I'll return to the Cuneo revelations after this long and powerful insert that traces Cuneo's Pharisee / Caiaphas elements to southern Sicily.

YS sent an email just as this update was wrapping up, concerning Javier Solana coming to America to learn English for five years on a Rhodes Scholarship, and while there "he was a close friend and classmate of Nicolas Cabrera, physicist, exiled from Spain, son [or father] of BLAS Cabrera, physicist." From Wikipedia: "For a time Javier Solana, whom [Cabrera] met at the University of Virginia, was his assistant in Madrid."

The Spanish Cabrera (illegal color contact) goat is the Walser goat, and Walsers lived in the Lys valley of Aosta so as to be trace-able to the Asti theater. What the email can reveal is that Sturs are from "Stura," because Italian Cabrera's were first found in Aragona (Sicily) while the Arms of Aragon use red and gold bars, the colors of the Stur bars.

Not only is "Aragona" like "Argentera," but Aragona is in AgriGENTO province. The Arms of Agrigento uses a single white-on-red star (color of the Wassa/Gaze star), while Vere's call their single white-on-red star "the Vere star." Now look: "The Sant-Anna, also known as the Drago, and to Polybius as the Hypsas, is a small stream in the Province of Agrigento, southern Sicily. It flows through a deep valley until it reaches the ancient Greek city of Acragas (Agrigento)..." The Drake's use a wyvern in the colors of the Agrigento Shield-and-Chief combination. Usually, Arms of Cities / Provences do not use Chiefs.

As the Shepherds use a Shield-and-Chief combination in colors reversed to the Arms of Agrigento, note the axe's (a Drake symbol too) in the Shepherd Chief, for this clinches the trace of both Drake's and Shepherds to the Drago / Agrigento theater. Might these axes be code for "Hyksos"? Was the Drago river also the Hypsas (looks like an hippi = horse term) after a variation of "Hyksos"?

The Drago river may have been re-named Anna for Hannibal elements ("Saint-Anna was likely mere code to appease the Vatican or Catholic peoples). The Anne's/Hanne's of Yorkshire use a red Shield and what I gather is the Plantagenet / Sparham stag; see the Sparham topic below as Plantagenets (red stag) trace to Agrigento. Vere's and Plantagenets were virtually one with Sparhams. The Annabels/Hannibals (stag) were first found in the same place (Norfolk) as Sparham and the Fulke's/Folks (the latter were ancestors of Plantagenets). I would venture tracing the Drago river to "Draguignan" in a Var area of Provence, for there is an Argens river passing by Draguignan (itself near Grasse and Imperia).

The Penning/Pennon Shield-and-Chief combination (red Shield, as with Anne's/Hanne's) is colors reversed to the Arms of Agrigento, and it uses the Book/Bogg / Celt/Colt stags, though this time in colors reversed. It's the Boofima trace to Drakenberg, isn't it?

Apparently, PenDRAGONs of the Castle and Pennon kind are tracing to the DRAGO river, no surprise. But always keep in mind that the Perthshire Celts/Colts (definitely Pontius Pilate elements) and Perthshire Kelts (a Book/Bogg branch) are tracing there, for Julie shared with me a Pontius Pilate story of ancient times wherein he was in Sicily after his part in the murder of Jesus Christ.

If the Balas ermines are a version of the Pilate pheons, it explains why a Plantagenet/Fulk branch (see Fletchers below) uses what looks like the Balas Coat with the Pilate pheons. Moreover, the Kelt and Book/Boggs chevrons are in the colors of the Alexander chevron. It's feasible for Alexander Balas lines to trace to Agrigento where his Seleucid nature must merge with Hannibal's Carthaginians. Remember, Pendragons were the Salyes Seleucids (on the north side of Provence) expected in the Balas line. Pendragons were also Kennedys = Cassels and Castles that use the "pennon" symbol, and as such, Pendragons of the Pennon kind must trace to Caiaphas with Seleucid-suspect Caseys.

Yet another surname using the red Celt/Colt and Book/Boggs stag is the Farm(er) surname (first found where Vere's were first found) in Agrigento / Anna / Annabel colors. The Farm Coat (Brian bugle? if so, they trace to Salyes / Seleucids) was re-loaded when on an earlier topic: the Fairholm/Ferme/FARME and related Fair/Phaire surnames tracing to the "ferme" motto term of Squirrels/Squares, and to the "firma" motto term of Bacons, the latter using stars in the colors of the Book and Kelt stars. But Bacons even use the Penning/Pennon Shield-and-Chief combination (colors reversed to the same of the Arms of Agrigento)!!! What makes this all the more important is that the French Fairs (in Penning / Bacon colors) are also "Vers/FEUER" so as to be link-able to the Fire/Feuer/Feuerer Coat using the Demonte unicorn!

These are all major Boofima elements, clearly, all leading to the Stura valley and other parts of Cuneo. But it always involved the Levites out of Ferrara when it involves the Vere's, explaining why the Fairholms/Ferme's/Farme's use the dove in Crest, symbol also of the Leif/Leve Crest. I've just got to believe that God used the dove to stick it to the Pharisees that were over-seeing the baptisms of John the Baptist. The dove must have been their special symbol. The first chapter of the John's gospel says that it was the Pharisees in particular who were sent to check out John's baptism, and they were questioning him the day before Jesus was baptized. John then gave a testimony that he saw the Spirit come down like a dove. Did the Pharisees see it too? Was God sending them the message that their holy dove symbol was special rather in Jesus? Didn't the Alexander-Balas line trace to Este where roughly Pharisees retreated after 70 AD, and doesn't Este trace to "Istria," a place that sounds like it was named after Ishtar, who had a dove symbol?

There is a Dove surname, in Pendragon / Alexander colors, and first found where the Arthur's were first found, but the dove must trace to Cuppae (off the Ister and Pek rivers), said to be named, "city of doves." [If that traces the dove symbol to Copparo at Ferrara, I'd understand. I've just noted that Scottish Coppers could be using the Casey chevron and the wreath of the Casey-related Stands/Stains.]

Fairholms/Ferme's were first found in Midlothian, location of the Sinclairs of Roslin, and Pennings were first found in Suffolk, where Clare's were first found. But the Clare's ruled at Pembrokeshire of south Wales, and the Balas surname (Glamorgan) was first found in south Wales. We saw that Hasmoneans can be traced to MONmouthshire (borders Glamorgan) as a near certainty, and it just so happens that Arthurian lore came out of Geoffrey of Monmouth. The English Joseph surname was first found in the same place as Drake's [I didn't yet know at this writing that the Joseph motto would trace to the "muscas" motto term of Drake's, and to a Charo/Claro location near the Drago.] The Pembroke/PENbroke Coat (dragon) shows the same bend colors as the Varn and Shakespeare bends. The latter are important because they married the Fulke's/Folks (= Vere kin), first found in the same place as Leifs/Leve's.

The Pembrokes and Varns are in the colors of Saracens, and Saracen-suspect Carricks (in the same colors) will trace below exactly to Agrigento's alternative name(s). The Craig ancestry of Carricks uses white-on-black crescents, almost the gold-on-black crescents of the Saracen surname. Saracens were in southern Sicily.

There is another insert below showing how the Pembroke's link to the Joseph bloodline in Monmouthshire. In that insert, the Magor location in Monmouthshire is traced suggestively to the "mago" motto term of Josephs. After finishing that insert, I returned here to add the Carrick segment above, when it was decided to check the Major/Magor surname, and there was the anchor design of the Fairs/Phayre's and Fairholme's/Farme's (i.e. Pharisee suspects merged with a Joseph-Caiaphas line).

As the Balas surname was first found beside Monmouthshire, the French Major/Mayer Coat looks to be a version of the Alexander Coat, especially as these Majors were first found in the same place (Provence) as the Bail/Debayle and Dubay surnames...and Draguignan. The raven-using Welsh Johns (first found in Carmarthenshire, on the Pembroke border) look like they should apply to Alexanders too, and their axe's can then link to the same of Drake's.

Just like that, Joseph Caiaphas traces to Mayer surnames too [later, Moyers using the Moor heads of the Chappes trace to Cuneo very near to the Stura / Argentera]. As Josephs trace in at least three ways to Cheshire, the Cheshire Mere's/Meyers should apply who use the MacDonald ship, and then the red MacDonald eagle is identical to that of French Alex's/Alexendre's. Where have we seen the Alexander motto before? See the MacDonald motto. End Insert in the insert]

Agrigento (also "Girgentia") is said to derive from the ancient Greek city of Akragas (also known as Acraga...and Kirkent or Jirjent in Arabic)..." "Agri" terms in Greek were goat terms at times. Note that the Crest in the Arms of Agrigento (in the two colors of Placentia) use five turrets, as does the Arms of Placentia, and that while the Placentia wolf is blue, ditto for the goat in the Italian Cabrera Coat.

BEHOLD!! After reading in the Agrigento article that Saracens "pronounced its name as Kerkent in Arabic; it was thus Sicilianized as'"Girgenti,' "Gergen" was entered to find the Demonte unicorn in the same colors!!! Just what was needed. In both cases, only the upper half of the unicorn shows! Therefore, the email from YS was Directed, was it not??? In fact, in a previous email, YS had even sent in on the Demonte goat, which is why the Cabrera email was sent, I assume. Amazing.

Gergens were first found in Hamburg. The Kirks/Gorchs use a tower, main symbol in the Arms of Agrigento. This line could be both to the Shetland unicorn, and to the namers of York. The white-on-red star of Agrigenta may have developed into the white rose of York. I had traced the raven-depicted vikings of Shetland to the Hamburg area, and in fact I traced them to the Drummonds, first found in Hamburg, while the first Drummond was a son of GEORGE! Belgian Drummonds are also "Gurganus/Gorgens!!! The Belgian George write-up: "The earliest recorded bearer of the name was Everhardus filius Georgi, who was a resident of Hamburg in 1256."

I read that George's son, Maurice, was styled, "Marot de Yorvic." I reasoned that since the Scottish flag was named secretly after king Andrew I (the father of George under discussion), that the English flag, called "St. George," was named secretly after George, patriarch of Drummonds (secrecy was needed because native Brits / Scots would not appreciate a flag honoring far-off Hungarians).

Note the colors of the lions in the coat of English George's, for they are used by Sadducee lines (e.g. Sitlers), and moreover I've traced Pharisees to the Parisii Gorgons, who co-founded York. Here I am now finding that the Gorgon-suspects from Agrigenta are tracing to the MontFerrat area, where I trace Pharisees from Ferrara. The Parisii trace to mythical Paris at Troy (= Hyksos), and then the unicorn design seen above is used also by German Troys.

English George's, in the colors of the York surname, were first found in Dorset, beside Wiltshire i.e. where Yorks were first found, and moreover both Yorks and George's use besants (gold roundels). The Yorks were one of the first to be suspect as per the Cappeo-lion line, not just because they use a saltire in the colors of the Cooper/Copper saltire, but because they use a "cupias" motto term.

The Yorks and the English Gergens/Jarmans (first found in the same place as Clare's!) both use "nec" twice in their motto, which can trace them to the Neckar river...where STUTgart is located, the origin, in my opinion, of the Stout-surnamed raven vikings. The Talbot in the Gergen/Jarman Crest is in the design of the Carrick talbot, meaning that "Carrick" can indeed trace to "Saracen." If there was ever a struggle for me, and there was, trying to figure whether Craigs, Carricks, or Crichtons/Creightons (blue lion) traced to Crete or Saracens, note that Agrigento is on the south side of Sicily, where Cretans migrated large.

The importance of Gergens/Jarmens being found in the same place (Suffolk) as Clare's is that Gergens trace to Argentera, where there is a Gessa valley (see some details below) suspect after the Joseph / Guisepi surname, and it's Josephs who use a motto term in honor of Charo's/CLARO's. I have the sense that this Agrigento-to-Gesse trace was the proto-Washington line. Washingtons likewise use a raven, trace-able to Vere's. I have traced the Wassa's/Gace's/Gassons to "Gascony" for years, and then the Arms of Gascony, like the Josephs, uses garbs. The duck of the German Gascon/Gaas/Gaes surname (Hamburg again) can be found as a theme in the Drake write-up, and then, as was said, the single white star in the Arms of Agrigento is suspect as both the Vere star and the Wassa/Gaze Zionist star. The Gascon/Gaas/Gaes duck is in the same white-on-red colors, as are the lozenges of the swan-using Gois'/Gyse's', wherefore it's starting to look as though Washingtons were from a short-form for "Joseph." Washington DC stands for "District of Columbia," and "columbia" is a dove term.

The Gois/Gyse write-up: "The name, however, refers to the district of Guise in France." It strongly suggests the same-colored Guis/Guido surname (Bologna) that I had traced to the same-colored Geddes using a small shield that should trace to the same-colored square of Placentia. The "Capta majora" motto of the Geddes was suggested in a trace to Caiaphas liners, but I didn't know then that the "mago" term of Josephs could trace to Majors/Magors. Therefore, it once again appears that Josephs morphed into Guis-like terms. In fact, I now recall finding (many months ago) a Geddy Coat using the colors of Joseph chevrons.

One way to trace Josephs to the white Zionist star is by entering "Vlad," for the Joseph motto uses "wlad." The Vlads/Flattens use one large white Zionist star on blue. [Later, the Cheps will be found using a Zionists star in the same colors, important because Cheps were looked up as per the Chepstow location in Monmouthshire, where there is a Magor location.]

As per Flattens, Flats/Fletts were looked up to find them first in the Orkney / Shetland area, and they use what should be a version of the Pike Coat, important because Geddes use pike fish. It just so happens that while the Geddes small shield traced to the small square in the Arms of Placentia, the Pikes use a Shield split vertically in colors reversed to the vertically-split Shield in the Arms of Placentia. Pike's / PIckens might therefore be named after "PIACenza."

[Another Insert in the Insert -- A trace of Geddes to Placentia gets one close to the Guido's, which included the count Albert di Guido of Panico in the Bologna theater (albeit Bologna and Panico had struggles against one another.) The article has a title: "I Conti di Panico e La Rocca delle Bedolete in Val di Setta." It sounds as though counts of Panico were merged with Bedolete in a Sette valley; it is bang-on with the theory made (by me) before finding this article, that the Egyptian line of Seti I, through the Sittaceni Scythians (of Caucasia), came to northern Italy as the Trypillians who formed the Skit surname using an hourglass the colors of the same of Guido's. In other words, the Sadducee line should have been in the Sette valley.]

Check out the Capes scallops found in a Beddel/Beadle Coat! It tends to trace Beddels to Bedolete at Setta!!! The page above mentions the surname, Beduletti/Bedoleti.

Amazing, and to help prove that this Valle del Setta had something to do with Shetland, see William V of Montferrat, where we can expect the Vere's that were fundamental to the raven vikings (keep in mind that I identified Varangians as a porphyria line when they had merged with Komnenos Byzantines). William V (married Babenberg) looks to be possibly from the Byzantine Rangabe's (who use the flory cross of Bouillons) because his fifth son, Renier of Montferrat, was a son-in-law of Manuel I Komnenos, a Byzantine emperor of early Templar times...who should have something to do with the garbs shared by both Josephs and Comyns/Commings. William V was himself father of Conrad, king of Jerusalem, and of William Longsword, count of Joppa and Ascalon, father of Baldwin V, king of Jerusalem. Reminder, the first king of Jerusalem, Baldwin I, was brother to Godfrey de Bouillon, and suspect as a Balas bloodliner. The Komnenos liked the name, ALEXios.

One of the daughters of William V was "Agnes, who married Count Guido Guerra III Guidi of Modigliana." That Modigliana location (30 miles south-east of Bologna) may have been named in-part after the same that had named Modiin in Israel. After all, the Guido's are suspect with Sadducee-line contacts.

The Valle del Setta (near Bologna) is a tributary of the Reno river that is itself suspect as the namer of Rennes-le-Chateau, a location to which Sadducee liners have already been found. I'm having a hard time finding an English article on the Setta valley, or even the exact location. From bits I can understand, the Setta river appears to flow past a mount Scoperta in Camugnano (25 miles south of Bologna), but also through Marzabotto some 15 miles south of Bologna. There is a Guzzano location at Camugnano.

Marzabotto (owned at one time by Panico, just 9 miles away) is the location using a lion colored with gold-and-blue checks that I'm tracing to Warrene's and Wards, Varni suspects. These are the colors of the Scope's who may therefore trace to mount Scoperta. In fact, the Scope Coat uses its bend in colors reversed from the same of the Scott surname that was itself lumped in with the Scute's and Skits.

The Scope Crest shows the five white ostrich feathers of Trabys / Clairs / Caens. The Caens ("PeriMUS" motto term traces to Boofima) are important for their lattice design used also by Modens/Modeys, and for their Cuneo-like spelling. It just so happens that the mayor of Marzabotto at this time has a Masetti surname, and that the Masetti/Masina/Mason Coat (Piedmont, location of Cuneo and Montferrat) looks like a version of both the Caen and Paine Coat, which is part of what helped to convince me that Panico's/Panetta's were a line from Paine's / Payens / Pine's/Pyne's from Meschin-related Malahule of More.

The excellent find here is the trace of Scotts to mount Scoperta, for the two Scott Coats are used by the two Talbot Coats, and Ranulf le Meschin married a Talbot by the spelling of "TailleBOIS" that I ventured to trace to the Boii, and here we are at Scoperta just a few miles south of Bologna, where Boii conquered.

The Masetti/Masina/Mason write-up traces to an Ottone-like name, and uses a chevron in the colors of the Chappes and Ottone chevron (not to mention the Macey chevron), important because Hugh de Payen married a Chappes.

It is obvious that we've hit an important Templar bedrock here in William V of Montferrat, which heightens the importance of the Montferrat trace to Pharisees of the Ferrara theater. A son of William V, William Longsword (count of Joppa and Ascalon, father of Baldwin V of Jerusalem), has a name smacking of LANGHE (in Montferrat) that was traced to the proto-Alans at Forum Allieni. The Longswords/Longsworths (first found in LANCAshire, hmm) use a version of the dragons in the Italian Leopold Coat, important because the mother of William Longsword (Judith of Babenberg) was herself a daughter of Leopold III of Austria.

The leopard used by Caiaphas-suspect Coverts/Cofferts was traced to "Leopold" of Austria. To this it can be added that English Paine's/Payne's use a fesse in Covert-fesse colors. I had also traced Coverts to "Kaufering" in Swabia, and Judith of Babenberg has Swabian ancestors on her mother's side (going back to Otto I). Judith's ancestor, Gisela of Swabia, married Bruno of Brunswick (traces to "Bryneich," home of Bernicians that had a Bebbanburg entity at a Bamburgh castle tracing to Bamberg, Germany, home of Babenbergs) and thereby came into contact with Bars, a branch of Este's to be expected from the Ferrara domain.

A "Covert" trace to Ferrara's Copparo location is now suspect where Coppers/Coopers were first found in the same place as Coverts, but then the Swiss Leopolds use the same lion as Ferrari's (used also by Gisels/Gris'/Grix', from a Motte location of Brittany). Kyburg of Switzerland is on the Swabian border, and not very far from Berne, where I trace Bernicians, and where Bars may also trace. Coburgs (eight-pointed star suggesting Este) use nearly the Arms of Zurich. This is the filthy-cup bloodline through the fleur-de-lys cult of Clovis that included the Bruns/Browns using what looks like a version of the Pendragon Coat. Seleucids.

Babenbergs were founded by a Poppo I of Grapfeld, and then the Guido counts were at a Poppi location:

Poppi is a small charming town located in the picturesque valley of Casentino [Casey elements?]...between the cities of Arezzo [= Arettium] and Florence... 1191, when Poppi along with Battifolle and Porciano was granted to the Count Guido Guerra dei Guidi [husband of the Montferrat family above] in a certificate by Emperor Arrigo VI. For the following three centuries, the history of Poppi would be closely connected with that of Count Guidi family, who was one of the most powerful and notorious feudal families in Tuscany

The Battifolle location suggested the treFOILs of the Pike's, which turned out to be in the colors of the eight-pointed stars of the Batti surname (in the colors of the Boyd checks), first found in Cremona, interesting because the Geddes and their Pike kin had traced to neighboring Placentia. Then, as Cremona and Placentia evokes the Scipio's using the purple lion of Skiptons, what about this identical crowned, two-tailed purple lion in the Foll/Folliot Coat??? Couldn't Folls be Fullers from "Fulvia," part of the Scipio bloodline?

Fulvia was a daughter of Fulvius BAMBalas, a term that can now trace to Bamburgh, a location of Babenbergs. I have always identified "BABENberg" with "Pepin," tracing them both to Paphlagonian Heneti. As the Heneti were represented by a mythical ANTENor, by what coincidence did Fulvia marry Mark ANTONY?

I identified trefoils as code for two surnames, the Trips/Trefs and the RoqueFEUILs. I had traced Trip to Trypillians independent of any other trace to Trypillians, but then by what coincidence have Trypillians traced to Placentia, where trefoil-using Pike's are now tracing? Roquefeuils were traced to the Varni at/near Hamburg, where Trips/Trefs were first found, and moreover Roquefeuils were identified as the Roxolani Alans amongst the Nahorites (or the Ukraine) that are now tracing to Forum Allieni as the proto-Alans of Dol). This is amazing because the Seleucid-Maccabees at northern Italy traced by the Jonathan rooster to Rostock (on the Warnow river of the Varni), exactly the location to which I had traced the Roquefeuil Roxolani. To now find the Roxolani in Forum Allieni explains why Pharisees of that place should have become part of Roquefeuil, smack beside Rennes-le-CHATeau, the latter represented by the QUATrefoil symbol of CAT-using Croms (and Vincents). Reminder, the Batti, suspect from Battifolle, were first found in Cremona, where Croms trace. Are you with me? It's the filthy-cup line of the da-Vinci coders.

The floor of the Magdalene church at Rennes-le-Chateau is a black-and-white checkered one, symbol of the Illuminati, and symbol also of the Pepoli's, first found in Bologna, origin in my opinion of the Balas-Maccabees. The black-and-white checkers of the Majordomo's was traced to the Magdalene floor because Rennes-le-Chateau was intimately involved with Castile, the area of Spain where Majordomo's were first found. (Entering "Chateau" gets the Castel surname, first found in Artois). But we saw a "majora" motto term in the pike-using Geddes motto, and moreover the Joseph surname seems to link to Magor elements as well as to the Guis variation registered with Guido's. Then, while the Majors/Magors (GREYhound and anchor) trace well to the Greys/Groys/Croys (anchor theme), the GISel surname is registered with the Gris/Grix surname said to mean, "grey."

In this picture, Gisel of Swabia may have been named in honor of the Guis variation of Guido's that may indicate a merger with the line from Joseph Caiaphas. Swabia was home to Hohens who use a Shield filled with checks themselves. I've traced Swabians (said to be a branch of Suebi) to "Sabine," and then the Sabine/Savona Crest uses a red bull, symbol also of the Charo/Claro Coat that traces to the Joseph motto. It's all the more pertinent in that I trace the swan of the other Joseph Coat to "Savona." Plus, I've just only realized, the Italian Savona's use the Kay birds in white on gold, the colors of the Joseph swan! The Joseph swan design, by the way, is used by Lindseys (Cohen-colored checks).

As I traced (months ago) Hungarian Magyars to the Major/Magor and Grey/Groy/Croy surnames, and therefore to the mythical Graeae Amazons / Gorgons of north Africa, the finding prior to these inserts, that George-Drummond liners from Andrew of Hungary traces to Agrigento, is telling me that the Gris/Grix surname traces with Croys/Groys, Craigs, Carricks and similar others to "Acragas," a version of "Agrigento." As the anchor theme of Majors/Magors and Greys/Croys should be in honor of the Anchor/Annacker surname, it's not likely coincidental that the Shield-and-Chief combination colors of the Anchor/Annacker Coat are those of the Arms of Agrigento! Wow.

Immediately after these inserts, when I return to the Agrigento topic, the Nagle's find their way into it who use gold lozenges, the colors of the Anchor/Annacker lozenges. The red bull in the Anchor/Annacker Crest should now be identified with the red Charo/Claro bull in that the Charo/Claro/Chiaro surname will trace to MonteChiaro near Agrigento. In this picture, Anchors/Annackers (in Annandale colors) look like the Ananias-line Hannibals.

The blue bend in the Charo/Claro Coat looks to be that of Scotts and Talbots, now being identified with the Scoperta location (means "exposure, unveiling") at the Setta valley. The Sabine/Savona Coat looks like the Tanner Shield but with the pierced Sellick stars, and it just so happens that Sellicks (Seleucids, right?) use the Scott and Talbot Shield-on-Shield. Reminder: the Tanaro river is to the east of Saluzzo in Langhe and Montferrat.

The Saddocks/SEDwicks use the same-colored Shield-on-Shield, and were first found in the same place (Sussex) as Coverts / Coopers. This is extremely important, not only due to similarity of "Saddock" with "Sadducee," but because the other surnames using the same Shield-on-Shield color combination just traced to the Setta river. I didn't force that trace for this purpose; it happened naturally before the Saddocks even came to mind. Saddocks and Coverts share footless martins/martlets.

Spanish Clare's and French Leons (GAScony, where the Joseph garbs trace) share the same lion with Ferrari's, important because Spanish Clare's were first found in Leon. It's tracing Pharisee liners to Leon, isn't it? There are purple lions in the Leon area. Italian Leons look to use the Masetti/Masina/Mason and Paine Coats, important because their red-on-blue fesse is used also by Caens that show five white ostrich feathers, symbol of Irish Clare's. It's tracing the Charo/Claro surname, and the Masons, to the Panico's in the Setta area off the Reno, the river suspect as the namer of Rennes-le-Chateau. Reminder: the Reno passes through Cento that traces now to Kent, where Massins/Masons were first found who use the Cappeo lion along with Pharisee-suspect Freie's. The Reno also goes past Copparo, albeit by as many as 40 miles (Cento and Argenta are right on the Reno).

Long before the discovery of Copparo and the Reno this past week or two, I traced the Covert/Coffert fesse to the Acton fesse, and therefore to the Craven fesse because the Craven motto honors Actons. Actons were in Axton of Kent and should therefore trace to Ixion-liner Hyksos at Cento and Copparo. Purple-lion Skiptons lived in Craven of Yorkshire, where Cravens were first found. Cravens use a red fesse, the color of the Masetti/Mason / Caen / Paine / Leon fesse. The English Paine's with a fesse in Covert-fesse colors even use the lion design (in the same white color) of the Leons using a fesse in the colors of French Paine fesse.

I trace the heraldic fesse to the Fessey/Vassy surname ("vinces" motto term) using what should be the engrailed Macclesfield saltire, important because the Arms of Macclesfield uses a Cappeo lion and a "copia" motto term. Plus, Macclesfields traced without doubt to Cuppae on the Pek river, where Pinks had been found who will trace later to the Panico's. The Fesseys/Vesseys were first found in the same place (Northampton) as the Folls/Folliots who use the purple Skipton lion (same design aside from the two tails). Reminder: BattiFOLLE was granted to Count Guido Guerra dei Guidi.

Prior to this insert, the Agrigento area was a topic as it was tracing from king-Andrew liners to the York bloodline. Of interest here is that the white-on-red star of Agrigento was linked above to the same-colored stars of proto-Washingtons while Washingtons (red-on-white stars) were first found in red-rose Lancashire, a location now tracing to Langhe. Remember, Agrigento traces definitely to Argentera, where there is a Gessa river suspect with both Joseph Caiaphas liners, and the proto-Washington surname. But as Argentera is on the Stura river, note that Pinks use the Suter Shield-on-Shield, which has an upper white Shield like the Saddocks/Sedwicks now tracing to the Setta river. End Insert in the Insert

The reason for indicating inserts is that the serious investigator might set them aside to have a better flow of any discussion before and after inserts.

I have no way to explain what I'm seeing immediately after this insert, a trace of the Hungarian "George", his name, to versions of "Agrigento," aside from appealing to a trace of the "mago" term of the Joseph surname to Mago, brother of Hannibal. Before finding Agrigento and all that has derived from it, it was evident that the Huns growing out of Hannibal and into the Hungarians were exactly Massey / Meschin liners from Meshwesh Amazons. I am somewhat confident that Hannibal will trace to the Meshwesh as they formed an alliance with the Salyes Seleucids. End original Insert]

The Irish Clare fesse is an obvious version of the Nagle fesse in that German Nagle's/Neils/Nails use the same saltire as Yorks, and then the German Nagle/Neil/Nail saltire is colors reversed from Andrew's Cross (i.e. the Scottish flag). The Scottish Malcolms (known to be related to Hungarians of the Andrew kind) use the same saltire colors and with the Book/Bogg stags, important because the Books/Boggs were discovered to be Boofima > Baphomet elements, as were Petitbois elements, and then there is a "petit" motto term in the Malcolm Coat. Plus, the Malcolm Crest is a white tower, now tracing to the Agrigento tower. The Malcolm motto even uses "ardua" for the Arthurs / MacArthurs who trace to Agrigento.

Suddenly, the goat symbol of the Boofima > Baphomet cult is tracing from the Cabrera's of Agrigento to Argentera at the Stura, important because I identified the Boofima cult with GORGONs of north Africa, and even as the Medusa Gorgons. In the center of the Arms of Sicily there is a Medusa Gorgon head. I even ventured to trace the "METUS" term of Yorks to the MEDUSa that I see in "BaphoMET," but this was years after suggesting that York was named after Gorgons. When that York trace to Gorgons was made, it went to the Parisii Gorgons, of obvious importance now because Boofima was from an ImPERI peoples to be expected at Imperia on the natural shoreline of the Cuneo theater.

The theory has been that Keturah named the satyrs; here, now, satyrs are indeed tracing to the Stura valley, wherefore it needs to be repeated that Keturah lines were identified in the first place with the founders of Boofima by other methods.

If the Nagle (surname from "D'Angulo") trace to Agrigento > Argentera is suggesting that Angles (= Germanics) were down in southern Sicily, note the pegasus (son of Medusa) in the Angle Crest, as well as the Angle Coats' lozenges in colors reversed to the Nagle lozenges. This in itself can trace Agrigento to the Varni.

Hmm, having just re-loaded the Angle Coat, there was the motto phrase, "STARE SUPER," code apparently for Stura and Fabrosa Soprana, both in Cuneo (see Cuneo map). "Faber" means iron worker/fabricator, a Ferrari theme, but see the fesse, in Nagle-fesse and Boeuf-fesse colors, in the German Faber Coat...suggesting that Fabers were at Fabrosa Soprana. Italian Fabers use a fesse in colors reversed, and were first found in Modena.

As I claimed that the "Super Committee for the Fiscal Cliff" was code in-part for the Supers/Soper and part-code for Fisks / Fischs/Fishers, by what coincidence is the Scottish Kirk Coat a Shield-and-Chief combination of the Fishers??? Plus, the Scottish Kirks use a crosier, what appears to be in the Angle Coat.

[Before the string of inserts, the Agrigento variations were traced to George-suspect Gergens of Hamburg using the Demonte unicorn in the same colors, and to Kirks/Gorchs use a tower, main symbol in the Arms of Agrigento.]

Wrights (use the Boofima leopard symbol) are said to be named after Fabers, in which case mythical Piast the Wheelwright can trace with (proto)Miezko's to Fabrosa Soprana. Or, at least, to the Boofima-suspect Meshwesh. The Wheelwright Coat uses Catherine wheels, a symbol of the Book-related Roets. AHA! I now see that the Demonte / Gergen unicorn design is used in the Scottish Wright Crest! It definitely is tracing the Boofima Gorgons to the Stura di Demonte valley.

Scottish Wrights use a version of the Stewart Coat, as well as the Casey eagle design, important because I'm tracing Caseys to Keturah line...from horse-depicted Castor. In this picture, the unicorn, found at Macclesfield (Cheshire), is a Castor symbol secretly, and then I say that Castor named Cheshire's capital, Chester. Keturah traced from the Boiotians at Thebes to the resurrected Sparti dragon that Cadmus killed, and from that one can see the formation of Spartans to which Castor belonged. [Is it important to trace SPARTANs to Agrigento, using the Shield-and-Chief combination colors of SHEPARDs/SEPARDS???]

German Fabers likely use the anchors of Greys/Groys/Croys, the latter being the ancestry of Catherine and Payen Roet. English Fabers were first found in the same place as Clare's! [This sentence was written here before the inserts above wherein it was discovered that Grey-honoring Anchors/Annackers likewise use the Shield-and-Chief combination colors of the Arms of Agrigento.]

The Bellamy > Massey line was traced to Bellerophon and his Pegasus partner in western Anatolia (Masseys use a pegasus). From the top of this update, Alexander Balas was identified with the Bellamy surname for more reason than Bellamys in the ancestry of Maccabee-suspect Maceys (they use a mace, and Maccabee's are said to be named cleverly after a hammer). Maccabee ancestry is thus tracing with Medusa elements to Agrigento's proto-Angles, proto-Nagle's, proto-Vere's, proto-Masseys. It's simple to see here that these lines were from Perseus at Joppa...the 600 Danites, the 600 Benjamites, the ugly-faced 666ers who merge as a False Lamb with blasphemous end-time Gog.

Did you notice that Gergens/Jarmans use a crescent in Alexander crescent colors, or that George's use the Bail-fesse colors too? (See the Weir/Vere fesse). With Clare's thus tracing down to Sicily, the MacCarthur crown in the Irish Clare Crest can be for Carthaginians of Sicily. Zowie, I had traced the FIVE turrets in the Arms of Placentia to the five-pointed MacArthur crown, but here I find five turrets in the Arms of Agrigento!!! At the top of [the last] update, the 5-like Arthur "rests" were found in the CARTeret Coat, and moreover I trace "rest" to "Rostock," where the Sinclair rooster traces.

Therefore, MacArthurs do trace to the Carthaginians, meaning the MUSkerry should trace to Messina (as well as to Massa-Carrara). Plus, as Desmonds are a branch of MacCarthys, note that the Desmond saltire traces to Placentia so that, once again, we see a Placentia-Agrigento connection. But this picture all includes the Ananias / Caiaphas bloodline.

Scottish Langs (the Alan oak theme, probably) and Arthurs were both first found in Berwickshire, and the pelican-on-nest in the Arthur Coat is that of German Langs and Scottish Stewarts. See the unicorn in the other Scottish Stewart Crest that should trace to the Gergen / Demonte unicorn [I had not realized it here as yet, but the identical Fire/Feuer unicorn became trace-able to "FIREnza," not far south of the Setta valley where SHETland elements are supposed, for the moment, to trace, important because Shetland uses a white unicorn too. Reminder: proto-Stewarts are expected with Pharisees at Forum Allieni, and moreover proto-Stewarts were traced to the raven vikings of Shetland.]

Back to the Kirks suspect at Agrigento/Girgentia. Scottish Kirks use the Shot/Shute sword, and I trace the latter to Scute' Placentia! Shot's/Shute's were first found in the same place (Wiltshire) as Yorks, and the other Kirks are also "Gorch."

The Kirk crosier suggests shepherds, and then the Arms of Agrigento is the Shield-and-Chief combination colors of the same of the Shepherd Coat! [This is where I first realized it.] Could this be the Scipio bloodline??? Can Skiptons be traced to Sicily? Yes, if the Shipton eel is for the Ali/Aliotti surname, first found in Sicily's Messina area. [Plus, I traced the Ali's to the Aeolian Islands off of Messina, and therefore to Elis of Greece, where mythical Aeolus was from, and then a motto term in the Arms of Agrigento traces to Sicanian co-founders of Sicily, whom I trace to Sicyon's mythical Sisyphus, brother of Aeolus. These were the sons that I saw (years ago) in the proto-Nerthus cult that included Varni and Angles.

Scottish Shepherds. The continuation of the above will continue, hopefully tomorrow, after the important insert below. Note: I have just corrected the many instances to "Alexander Balas," which should be "Alexander Balas." I became confused when mentioning the Balas surname that does not come up as "Balas."

[Insert -- I have just discovered evidence of multiple surname traces to the Setta valley. You decide if I'm correct, and then ask whether my interpretation of the findings is accurately shoved down the throat of Caiaphas. It started when my spell-checker got to the Scoperta term above, when it suggested that I change it to "Schubert." I looked up the Schuberts to find a vertically-split Shield in colors reversed to the vertically-split Arms of Placentia. The Schuberts also showed a large fleur-de-lys used by split-Shielded Decks/Deckers (and Dykes) who use the squirrel tracing to Placentia.

Next, it was thought to check Schubert-like terms that could show connection to Scoperta, and it got to the Schober/Schobe surname with a vertically-split Shield in the colors of the Schubert split Shield. Great. The three red-on-white Zionist stars of the Schobers reminded of the three red-on-white eight-pointed stars of the Batti Coat (shown above), at which time I saw that the surname (first found in Cremona) was also "Botto," very connectable "to MarzaBOTTO," a location that I think is on the Setta river. Excellent, for here's the first thing said above on Scoperta: "From bits I can understand, the Setta river appears to flow past a mount Scoperta in Camugnano, but also through Marzabotto toward Bologna."

Before going on, the Walser Coat needs to be brought up to show that it uses the split Shield of Decks. It's known that Walsers, named after Wallis canton, lived in the Lys valley of Aosta, wherefore the fleur-de-lys on the Deck/Decker Coat is proof that Decks/Deckers were kin of Walsers...who trace to Sion at Wallis/Valais canton (Switzerland). The Arms of Wallis canton uses a Shield split exactly like the split Shields of Schobers and Schuberts!

It is no small matter for the present topic, centered on the Sadducee-suspect Setta valley, to trace to a Sion location. Moreover, I re-iterate: the Arms of Placentia are split in the same way in colors reversed. Why is Sion also called "SEDuna" and "SITTen"? It should be said here that there is a mount Scopus a mile or two north of the walled city of Jerusalem.

When we enter "Wallis," what do we find but the same white-on-red lion of the Schober/Schobe Coat? The colors of the stars in the Arms of Wallis and the Arms of Sion are the colors of the Schober/Schobe Zionists stars, but also of the Ishtar stars of Batti's/Botto's. I'm pretty sure that the Batti's/Botto's are given the battle-axe code, which I'll discuss below.

But first, it needs to be said that the colors of the Washington-surname stars are in the colors of half the Wallis-canton stars, and then the Zionist star of Wassa's/Gace's is in the colors of the other half of the Wallis stars. I might not be saying this had I not thought that Wassa's/Gace's should be a Joseph line to the star in the Agrigento Chief. Prior to that idea, the Walser goat design was found to be that of the Cabrera's who were first found in Aragona, a location in Agrigento.

The Walser battle-axe is identical in design to the one in the Shepherd Chief, and it's these Shepherds who use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of the Arms of Agrigento. As the Panico's were at the Setta valley and at Marzabotto, it can now be added that Panico's/Panetta's use fleur-de-lys in the colors of the same of the other/Scottish Shepherd Coat (more red stars).

At this point you need to ask yourself what it could mean that "Shepherd" and "Schubert / Schober" are so similar. Isn't it telling you that the namers of mount Scoperta were at Agrigento? Alright, fine, no problem, I don't think you'll have an argument with that. But it's the Scottish Shepherds who use a ram in crest; the last time it was mentioned, I had not yet done the spell check to find the Schuberts and Schobers. None of what you are reading here was yet conceived. The last time the Shepherd ram was mentioned, I traced it to Ramesses, son of king SETI. And here the Shepherds are tracing smack to the Setta valley. It means that the Shepherds (and other Masonic / Templar elements) know/knew of their trace to Ramesses and Seti...and they must also know that they trace to mount Scoperta.

It now explains why the Scope's/Scrope's use a bend in the colors of the chevron of Scottish Shepherds. Recall that Agrigento traced hard to York, for Scope's were first found in Yorkshire. But the five white ostrich feathers of Scope's is telling us further that the Traby-branch Trypillians were at Scoperta / Setta, which jibes with my trace of Trypillians to the Skits / Scotts / Scheds (Scope's use a bend in colors reversed to the Scott bend).

Having said that, it's time to quote from the Schubert write-up: "Ancient records reveal the name Schubert is derived from the Old German words 'schuoch wurhte,...which mean 'shoemaker.'" I would not consider the shoemaker idea the original form of the surname, but it did evidently become "Shoemaker" because the Schuh/Schuch/Shoemaker Coat uses battle-axes in the design of the Shepherd battle-axes, and moreover the Schuh/Schuch/Shoemaker Crest has two ostrich feathers. The surname was first found in the same place (Bavaria) as the Schuberts and Schobers, but the point was the "Schuoch" term in the Schubert write-up, for it explains why the Skits are shown properly as "Skeoch/Skeach."

The point is, the Skits / Scotts / Scheds / Scute's trace exactly to the Setta valley, and the Skit-related Scheds (Yorkshire again) are even shown as "Shed," very close to "Setta." The Sched/Shed Shield is once again split vertically, but in colors reversed to the split Schubert and Schuber Shields.

I've repeated quite a few times that the heraldic term, "dexter," is code for the right hand of the 666, wherefore note that the "dexter claw" of the Sched/Shed "falcon" is on a "potent cross." I had already traced the 666 to Trabys out of Vilnius (uses a weight scale) before finding the WEIGHT scale in the Dexter/DECKster Crest. The WEIGHTs then use bugles in the colors of the Traby bugles that appear to use three strings forming a 666.

The other English Weight/White Crest shows both the Boofima leopard and the green Leopold dragon head. It's important because I traced Boofima to the heraldic paw (because human sacrifices were conducted with priests wearing leopard-paw gloves). The Kilpatricks, who definitely trace with Decks and Dexters/Decksters to Placentia, and who trace secondly to the Salyes = Seleucids (i.e. a bloodline expected of the anti-Christ and/or False Prophet), use the black Levi lion with his dexter paw resting on the [green] dragon's head. This is about as close as one can get to depicting Revelation 13's 666 message while still having some chance of denying it.

The new revelation at this point is that the Kilpatrick Chief is identical to the Panico/Panetta Chief. Here's from the Kilpatrick write-up: "First found in Ossory, where one of the earliest ancestors was Giolla Padraig, a powerful chief." As I see the Panico's/Panetta's as a branch of Pendragons, consider how "Padraig" could be disguised as a Pendragon term. The Kilpatrick saltire is even in the colors of the Pendragon chevron, and both surnames use the fleur-de-lys. The "fleur" term may ultimately be for Florence, and so note that the Setta valley is between Bologna (where Panico's/Panetta's were first found) and Florence. Note too that the Drago river at Agrigento is being traced to Draguignan, not far off the Durance river where the Brians were who share a "laidir" motto term with Kilpatricks.

I'm getting the feeling that the Setta valley was a 666 bedrock.

The Weights are, like White's, part of the Uat/Buto all-seeing-eye cult of Egypt, wherefore you can bet already that the Batti/Botto surname is from "Buto." It's interesting here that "Uat" traces to the Watts and Vatts/Watters, who use, not only the all-seeing-eye, but the Panico/Panetta oak tree. That very much helps to trace "Buto" to MarzaBOTTO."

PLUS BEHOLD: English Watts use the Shepherd Shield-and-Chief color combination!!! The Watt Chief looks like it uses a version of the Scute Chief, important because the gold tower in the Scute Chief should trace to the Agrigento towers. This is a super find because the Watts show a pair of glasses hanging off of a tree, suggesting a trace to the hourglass goddess of Trypillians. The Scute's trace exactly to Trypillians. The Watts can trace to Trabys too by way of the Traby bugle hanging off the pine tree of the Lothian surname. The Dexter description: Two weights hanging from a tree. Hanging off of a tree is a re-occurring theme of the 666 bloodline. It reminds me of the time when I suggested that the Abomination of Desolation in Jerusalem would be the hanging of Jews on the Western Wall.

EXCELLENT!!! The Lothian motto was mentioned earlier in this update as one used in the Cramer Coat, and Cramers use the Kilpatrick and Panico/Panetta Chief too!

So far as I can tell, the Watt eagle is the Botter eagle, important because I identified Kilpatricks with Italian Botters now suspect as MarzaBOTTO. Italian Botters use a single star in colors reversed to the single Agrigento star.

Let's go back to the battle-axe of the Shepherds and Walsers, both of which trace to Agrigento, location of the Drago river. The Drake's use a battle-axe too, and then the red drake wyvern dragon (tail looks like a 666) is used in green in the Drago Coat, a surname first found at Geno(v)a (Ligurian coast, not so far from Draguignan to make a migratory link).

The Genova Coat is interesting for using what looks like an arm and fist between a pair of wings, the same sort of image that I see in the Bauer Coat. I know of no other pair of wings where a fist seems to be in play. Bauers (= proto-Rothschilds) definitely trace to Boofima, as even the leopard of Danish Bauers suggests. I've only just noticed that the Bauer Chief is in the style and colors of the Panico/Panetta / Kilpatrick / Cramer Chief. Moreover, I fully expect Rothschilds to trace to the killers of Christ, and to the all-seeing-eye cult of modern times.

I had not planned on bringing the Pinks and Punch's to topic at this time in an effort to show their trace to "Panico," but with the finding of the Genova fist, the time is a good time to show the fists in the Pink/Pinch and Punch Crests. It is an even better time because it just so happens that while an original Rothschild symbol was five bunched arrows, the Cameron Crest uses the same while the Cameron Coat is almost the Punch Coat!

The Pinks use the lozenge colors of the Reno Coat, and then the Setta is a tributary of the Reno river. I had previously traced Pinks and Punches to the original Hungarians, exactly where I had independently traced the Rothschild arrows. As the heraldic label, used in the Panico/Panetta Chief, is often said to be of a certain number of "points," note the Poyntz variation of Punch's. See also the Paoint variation of Payens, and note the color match with the Panico/Panetta Chief.

The Pinks and Punch's were traced to the Arpad blood oaths, but as I trace "Arpad" to the Arpii, otherwise known as the Carpae/Carpii, what about that Carpi location in Modena province beside Bologna province? Carpi is about 50 miles (just a guess) from the Setta valley. GD just emailed on a question involving the Carpathian Rusyn, and I have a feeling that these peoples are to whom the elements under discussion will trace.

The red Panico label has four points, and then the Pungs/Pagans/Pagnells use a red label with four points too, which clinches the Panico trace to Punch's and to Payens/Pagans. Pungs had been accessed from the "Pungit" motto term of Rome's/Rooms. Compare the Pung/Pagan/Pagnell Coat with the Calvi Coat, for mount Scoperta is near monte Calvi. Then, read the Calvi description: "...a bearded man's bald head...," and see the Guido hourglass Shield in the Bald/Beldewyn Coat!!! Now we know that Hugh de Payen traced to Panico along with Baldwins, first kings of Jerusalem. Sadducees, right?

Recall now what was said earlier in this update: "Leons using a fesse in the colors of French Paine fesse." The Panico topic was born due to my covering the Benghazi hearings last week where LEON Panetta was questioned. LEONnardo da Vinci was born in Vinci at Florence, and the Setta / Scoperta location is very near Florence. Reminder: "Vinci" and "Pink" are similar terms, and the Vinci's were traced to the Margus river, beside the Pek where Pincum is found. While at the Vinci article, load the Tuscany article to see that it uses Pegasus as a sole symbol.

The red four pointed label is in the Arms of Sasso Marconi, a location very near to Marzabotto. Camugnano, the general location of mount Scoperta, also shows the red label.

This is a good time to say that the British prime minister at this time, with Cameron surname, was preceded by a prime minister with Brown surname, while Browns appear to use the same Coat as Scottish Shepherds...who use the fleur-de-lys in the Panico / Kilpatrick / Cramer Chiefs. The Scottish Browns are the ones who look like Pendragons. This recalls Bruno of Brunswick, husband of Gisel of Swabia, daughter of the Leopolds who use the green dragon of the leopard-using Weights/White's.

I trace Brunswick to Berwickshire, where the Battle's/Battels were first found whom I had linked to Arthurs for more reason that Arthurs being first found in Berwickshire too. The battle-axes would seem to be play on the Battle surname, which uses the griffin design of the Scott griffin, and Scotts have traced already to the Setta valley, where battle-axe Shepherds have traced from Agrigento. The Scott-related Shoemakers that use a battle-axe also show a white tower with five prongs (I can't recall their official name, but heraldry at times calls them "BATTLEments"), a symbol reflecting the Arms of Agrigento. But it's the oak tree growing out of the Shoemaker tower that traces them well to the Panico oak.

Walkers use a "battlement" on their tower, wherefore I am tracing them now to the Setta theater's MarzaBotto or similar term to which the battle-axes may trace. The Walker Crest description: "Out of a silver battlement, a dexter arm holding a green lizard." It reflects the Kilpatrick description probably because Scottish Walkers and Kilpatricks share a white saltire and a similar Chief. Scottish Walkers and Payens share pierced Zionist stars in the same colors.

The white Walser battle-axes are called halberds. Then, the Halberd/Halbert surname uses white battle-axes that they call, "halberts," and as this surname is from "Albertus," it reminds of Albert, count of Panico, or the Alberts, first found in Bologne.

Here's the Halbert write-up: "First found in Perthshire, where the name is unquestionably derived from Albertus, from the Anglo Saxon Aethelbeort, the first being recorded as Albertus of Dundee about 1214 and succeeded by Cleopha Alberti in 1281. The affectation of the 'H' in front of the name did not arrive until the 15th century, and at this time the canting of the Arms for the name became associated with the pike-like weapon common amongst the Scottish/English Border Clans known as 'The Steel Bonnets' from the 13th century onward." This write-up could be mere code for the Pike's who can trace via their Geddes / Geddy kin to Guido's. Aha! Pike's use a Shield split vertically in colors of the same of Schuberts and Schobers!!! Just like that, the Halbert surname traces to count Albert of Panico, where the Walsers had traced.

Then, while one Shepherd Coat uses battle-axes, the Scottish Shepherds use fleur-de-lys in the colors of the same of English Bonnets! Then, French Bonnets/Bone's and Pike's share a blue chevron, but the Bonnet chevron is in the colors of the Bail chevron and moreover is surrounded by the individual ermines used in the same-colored Balas/Bailiff Coat! The Bails and the French Bone's were both first found in Provence. I'm guessing a good guess that the Bone lines trace to "Bononia," that is, Bologna, where Alberts were first found.

See verification at the Italian webpage below, where the topic is the Panico's of the Setta as they related to counts of Bologna; the page speaks on Albert di Guido, count of Bologna, one generation after a count Alberti. Unfortunetly, I'm unable to find more info on this in English.

It would be no small thing to find the Balas bloodline in Bologna, where I envision Maccabee ancestry in Alexander Balas. Keep in mind that while the Balas estoiles trace to Este, the counts of Panico and counts of Bologna were both Este liners. The Panico label symbol is itself suspect with the Balas line.

Why do Halberts say "Steel Bonnets"? The Steels show billets in their Chief in the colors of the Panico-Chief fleur. The Steels also use black-and-white checks, a symbol of Pepoli's (Pepins honor Este in the motto and horse design), first found in Bologna! Then, to help prove further that Halberts trace to Pike's / Geddes / Guido's, here's the Steel write-up: "First found in Cheshire where they held a family seat from very early times where they were Lords of the manor of Giddy Hall near Sandbach..." GIDDY Hall??? This is important because the Joseph Coat with the Cheshire garbs has chevrons in the colors of the Geddy Coat...that comes up when entering "Giddy"!

In other words, the Halberts just helped us prove that Geddes and Geddys trace to Guido's with the hourglass Shield of Skits who had already traced to the Setta valley (and Scoperta) by way of Schuberts and Schobers.

It's conceivable that "Steel" is from a "Set"-like term such as "Settel," which reminds that Settle's are a branch of Stars that use the all-seeing-eye. [As Washingtons will trace to the Setta line, I would trace "Seattle," Washington, to it too].

Here's from Wikipedia's Camugnano article: "Camugnano borders the following municipalities: Cantagallo, Castel di Casio, Castiglione dei Pepoli..." Is that the Castle-related Caseys at Castel di Casio?

German Bonnets were first found in the same place (Bavaria) as Schobers, and both Coats seem to use the same fesse format. The Schobers are the ones using red-on-white Zionists stars that seemed to trace to Sion / Wallis, but then here is one single, large red-on-white star in the Gris Coat, important, perhaps, because "Grizzana Morandi is...located about 30 km southwest of Bologna [very near Marzabotto]...located in the mountains between the valleys of the rivers Reno and Setta." The Gris surname was first found in Hamburg, where I expect Trypillians. Reminder: for the time being, the hourglass goddess of Trypillians is being considered in code in the hexagram or Zionist star. As Trips use red Shields while these stars are red, it could be that Trypillian lines liked red.

The Schubert write-up even has what could be a location named by a Glass surname: "Chronicles mention Waczlab Schubort in the town Dux in 1390, and Close Schubert in Glatz in 1415" There is a Glatz surname, first found in Bavaria, a place thought to be named after the same Boii that named Bohemia, where Schuberts were first found. It's suggesting that the Boii of Bologna were at Scoperta. See also the Glads/Glats (Brittany) and ask whether the "w'lad" motto term of Josephs applies.

The term "BENghazi" is itself suspect with the PENdragon / Panetta bloodline, is it not? In fact, mythical Ban was made a father of Lancelot who definitely stands as code for Lancashire elements, and then the Wassa/GAZE surname was first found in Lancashire, suggesting that the trace of Wassa's/Gaze's to Agrigento (a Gorgon location) can also trace to the namers of BenGHAZi. The 600 BENjamites will be discovered at Agrigento. The Drake "muscas" term, when it later traces to the Agrigento theater, turns out to be the Messina surname that I link with Meshwesh of eastern Libya, where Benghazi is located.

There are Massey liners in this Panico discussion already, not just from the Massey Pegasus as it links to the Tuscany Pegasus, and not just in the white-on-red Massey fleur-de-lys (in the colors of the Wassa/Gaze Zionist star and of the Tuscany Pegasus) as used by Schuberts (which is probably part-code for Florence = Tuscany capital), but in the Masci fleur-de-lys showing in the colors of the same used by Scottish Shepherds / Panetta's / etc. In fact, the Scottish Shepherd chevron is in the colors of the Mackay chevron, and then the Shepherd stars are colors reversed to the Sutherland stars, important not only because Mackays were first found in Sutherland, but due to the Pinks using the same Shield-on-Shield as Suters/Shuters.

You understand that Suters are suspect with "Setta." The Schobers use the white rose, likely, of Setters/Satters/SatherTHWAITE's, but the Schober Zionists stars are colors reversed to the same of Wassa's/Gaze's. It can't be coincidental that Wassa's/Gaze's were first found in the same place as Setters/Satters!!! The Thwaits are in the colors of the 666-suspect bugle's of Waite's/Weights, thus making it more compelling to view the Setta valley as a 666 bedrock.

As Schubers are said to be from "ShoeMAKER," the surname must have been code for the Macks (Berwickshire) who come up as "Maker," for they use a version of the Messina Coat (Zionist stars) which is itself a version of the Masci Coat (see Talbot bend too because it's tracing to the Scope bend). The patee crosses of the Messina's are, not only in the colors of the Wassa/Gaze Zionists stars, but they show in the Sched/Shed Coat along with the Schubert rose. Macks/Makers use the same number of red-and-gold bars as Punch's.

I've seen two coronets, one used by Pungs/Pagans/Pagnells and the other by the Boofima-cult Caens. There is a black bird in the Pung coronet, the color of the Coronis raven, and I trace Coronis (mythical mother of Asclepios at Messina) without doubt from the "Cyrene" term to Scylla at Messina. Cyrene was what is now the eastern half of Libya...and Benghazi is the Cyrene capital today. Note that the Pung / Panico label symbol has four points, the number of battlements in the coronet crown. I traced the Wassa/Gaze/Gasson surname to "GAScony" for more reason that similarity of terms, and then, while I see the label symbol as code for the LaBel/LaBail surname, it was first found in Gascony!

The Label/LaBail Chief is a red greyhound tracing to the Majors/Magors (red greyhound in Crest) and therefore to the Greys that honor the Anchors/Annackers using the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Agrigento. The Bologna Coat uses greyhounds on what could be the Fulkes/Folk and/or Belgian Fleck/Fleger Coat; compare "Fleg" with "Bolog." Mythical Pollux fits very well into this Shepard = Spartan discussion.

Reminder: Ranulph le Meschin (Masci > Massey bloodliner) was a Goz on one side (i.e. I'm suggesting the Benghazi > Wassa/Gaze line), and Cheshire's garbs trace to the Gascony garbs, but then as Josephs use the Cheshire (and Comyn) garbs too, it's notable that the Joseph motto uses "mago" as well as "charo," the latter code for Montechiaro that married Mosca. As LaBels are tracing to the Wassa/Gaze bloodline now suspect at Benghazi and Agrigento, note that the crescents of Labels are in the colors of the Conte crescents, for that was the Seleucid line to Emma de Conteville, who married Richard Goz, le Meschin's grandfather and grandmother. They were the parents to Hugh Lupus D'Avrances (ruler of Cheshire), and as the Welf/Wolf surname was first found in Cheshire, I traced the wolf symbol of Hugh Lupus to the Welf/Guelph branch of Este, which was in Bologna as a branch of Este to which label-using Panico's belonged.

As I traced these Seleucids to Sulcis and Piscinas, it can't be coincidental that Pescia is about 20 miles from mount Scoperta (smack on the Emilia-Romagna border), while Pistoia is even closer to Scoperta.

The Wassa/Gaze Coat is said to use "double bars," and checking the Double surname, it turns out to use bells (!!!) in the colors of the Wassa/Gaze star. Here is part of their write-up: "But Saxon surnames survived and the family name was first referenced in the year 1273 when Hamo and William Dobel held estates in that county." "Hamo" is the name also of Hamo de Masci of Dunham Masci, where I trace Obama's mother's Dunham surname. She was descended from Jonathan Singletary (who changed his surname to Dunham), and then Singletarys and Balas' both use the same antelope design. It's important because the Double's, who are also DoBELL, suggested a look at the Dobbs, who happen to be the ones using the split Alexander chevron!!! Like I said from the start of the Balas investigation, Alexander Balas was a Bellamy / Bell liner!

It is revealing that the Panico label symbol, used in at least two locations at the Panico theater, is code for the Seleucid line of Alexander Balas!

Aha! The Dobbs (now suspect from a version of "d'Bell" and therefore related to LaBells) were first found in the same place (Lancashire) as Washingtons!!! One Bell surname (in Rome/Room colors) was first found in the same place (Dumfries) as Rome's/Rooms who use the "Pungit" motto term for label-using Pungs/Pagans. The Kilpatricks were also first found in Dumfries, and their "make" motto term gets the Messina-related Macks/Makers who are now being viewed as Shoemakers and Schuberts...the line to Scoperta. You understand here that Hugh de Payen is tracing to Scoperta / Setta, where Caiaphas in some shape of form is expected who was responsible for the Chappes surname that Hugh de Payen married.

Reminder: the Bails of Provence are also "Debayle" and may therefore link to "DuPuy," what GD says was an alternative spelling of Hugh's Payen surname. "Debayle" is very close to the Dobell variation of Wassa-related Double's. The Dobys (colors reversed to the Down/Doun stag) were first found in RENfrewshire, a term now tracing to the Reno river. Scoperta and Setta are at the source of the Reno.

The Downs/Douns, using variations like the Dunhams, show the stag design of the Double/Dobell Crest, in the colors of .

As "Benghazi" is now tracing hard to Cheshire, recall that I identified the 600 Benjamites with the Meshwesh out of Tanis. The Ben surname not only uses the fesse colors of the Bell / Bellamy fesse, but was first found in Cheshire. Bens even use besants as likely code for the Bessins (use the Sale = Seleucid bend), first found in Cheshire but tracing to the Bessin, where Meschins came from before ruling Cheshire in the wake of Hugh Lupus. Meschins were from Malahule of More, who was the Paine bloodline now linking to Panico's. The Ben motto traces to the Mere's and DeMere's of Cheshire, the ones honored in the motto of MacDonalds and Alexanders!

However, Wikipedia's article suggests that Benghazi was named after "Marsa ibn Ghazi," what looks like Marsa ben Ghazi = Marsa son of Ghazi. As proto-Benghazi was ruled by a Battiad dynasty, "Marzabotto looks to be from those Benghazi elements. Yet, even if "Benghazi" was not named after Benjamites, they may yet trace to Amazons of this place. As Marzabotto is less than 100 miles from Lucca, where Botters were first found, the Botters, which I had traced to Boofima elements, might just have been in the Battiad dynsaty. Reminder: the Batti surname (Cremona) is also "Botto."

Hmm, the line of Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone, is now in a position to act as all-seeing-eye (i.e. via internet and telephone).

The Bessin was founded by Baiocasses, thought by some to have been Boii, who were at Bologna. It works even where Schuberts were first found in Bohemia, named after the Boii. What's being reported here is correct in the main, and it's telling me that the Maccabee priesthood of Israel had some ancestral representation at Scoperta.

Repeat from above from Wikipedia's article on Camugnano: " "Camugnano borders the following municipalities: Cantagallo, Castel di Casio, Castiglione dei Pepoli..." Is that the Castle-related Caseys at Castel di Casio? " The Pepoli's were first found in Bologna, and the Casio term may therefore have to do with "BaioCASSES." Camugnano is one of the places discovered thus far using the red Panico label, but as this LaBel line links to Bails/DeBAYle's that show some Bay-versions, what about "Bayeux," the alternative name for the Bessin?

There is a GUZZano location at Camugnano. Wassincidence?

I've never found a Bayeux surname, but when trying, I've entered Bayou." I now find that the Bay/Bayou/De Baye surname was first found in the same place (Dauphine) as Payens (!), and uses the crescents in the colors of the same of Conteville's and LaBels!!! They are the colors of the Pays/Pace's/Pascels/Pacenti, first found in Bologna (!), and traced (by me) to the Speers, first found in Renfrewshire. We expect purple in the Scoperta theater, wherefore see the besants on a purple Shield of English Pace's.

Let's go back to the Setters/Satters/SatherTHWAITE's that traced sell to the Setta valley as a branch of Wassa's/Gaze's out of Benghazi (whatever it was called in those days). I noted that the white-on-black roses of Setters/Satters are used by Sach's/Sax's, important because the Saxon surname is listed with Septons. Saxons/Septons and Setters/Satters were both first found in red-rose Lancashire. It just so happens that while "sept" is "seven" in Latin, "sette" is "seven" in Italian. Then, as we just saw that the Setta area should trace to Rennes-le-Chateau, that latter location was in SEPTimania. It can explain why I saw (not many months ago) Sadducees at Rennes-le-Chateau behind the da-Vinci-code scam.

German Setters/Setzers were first found in Regensburg (could be a Reno/Rhine term because Rhine's are said to be from "ragin"), where the Bavarian lozenges came forth from the Wittelsbachs. But I know for a fact that the Bavarian lozenges were owned by Bogens before Wittelsbachs got them. Bogens/Bugers (Bavaria) use a bow (symbol of Setters/Setzers) in the colors of the two Bug surnames (one was first found in the same place as bow-using Robin Hood), and then the Neuri on the Bug river of Ukraine trace to the Trypillians that I've traced to the Setta valley (the Neuri-related Budini are suspect at MarzaBotto). The hourglass goddess was traced to the NERthus goddess of the Varni and Angles, whom are suspect as the proto-Saxons, you see, and then the Angle/Angel surname had traced to Agrigento along with proto-Varni, wherefore note the angel in the Sach/Sax Crest. In other words, the German Setters/Setzers are proving to be, by their trace to Trypillians, Sadducee liners from the Setta valley / Septimania.

German Bugs were first found in Hamburg, where Trips were first found. English Bugs (bat in Crest) share "water BOUGets" with the BANesters of Lancashire, where the Setters/Satters and Saxons/Septons were first found. I had identified Banesters with Ban, mythical code for father of Lancelot, but this Ban entity is now tracing hard with Wassa's/Gaze's of Lancashire to "BENghazi."

I know what this is: the Apollo-Cyrene cult in Benghazi. The Neuri were said to be worshipers of the wolf, a symbol of Apollo, as well as of the Norrys and the Banes' (Yorkshire, where the white roses of Sachs and Setters/Satters trace); note the crescent in the Banes Coat, in the white-on-blue colors of the LaBel crescent. Apollo had a far-north branch in the ancient Hyperboreans (I identified them as Gogi, but in this picture they are the Royal Scythians of the Ukraine that led from Seti I to Skits/etc. of the Setta valley), and it stands to reason that this Apollo branch hooked up with the Neuri. The Hyperboreans ought to have been the Amazon-Gargarian alliance that formed the Royal Scythians, and so it's important here that I traced the 600 Benjamites to the Amazon-Gargarian alliance.

The Apollo/Poloni Coat uses the oak tree, a Panico symbol, and Panico is a small village not far from Florence, where Apollo's/Poloni were first found.

I had discovered the patriarch of the water bouget in Bouchard II of Montmorency, a location where the Levi and Chappes surnames were first found, at Paris, where Gorgons lived that co-founded York. In the Montmorency area, there is a triple red-on-white chevron (symbol of Eure-et-Loire, if I recall correctly), symbol not only of the Water surname, but of French Banes,' thus explaining why BANESters use a water bouget. French banes were first found in LANGuedoc, the location of Septimania! In my formed opinion, water bougets were code for the Uat > Watt > Vatt/Watter line from the Bug river, and then the Budini (of the Ukraine) were the Buto line to Buda(pest), where WITTelsbachs were traced.

Just like that, the namers of Benghazi are tracing to Banesters and Banes. But there is more, for the Singletary Coat (in Wassa/Gaze colors) is a triple chevron in colors reversed to that of the Waters and Banes', and then Singletarys were likewise first found in Lancashire!!!

But, now, the Halberts -- who had traced to count Albert of Guido and therefore to a Trypillian line -- use battle-axes with "staves," and entering "Stave" gets the Stevensons while Obama's choice for Benghazi ambassador was a Stevens surname. The crisis of Benghazi started for Obama just as I was discovering and reporting that his true father, Frank Marshall Davis, was a Stevenson on his father's side. For that story, google "Adlai Stevenson" along with "Frank Marshall Davis" and throw in "Obama."

Stave's/Stevensons use fleur-de-lys in the colors of the Pung/Pagan fleur, important because Pungs/Pagans represented a prime trace to Benghazi. Compare "Beng" with "Pung(it)." Like the Singletarys, the Bengs/Bings/Binks use an antelope in Crest. Singletarys are suspect with the Singular variation of Sinclairs, and the latter trace with Charo's/Claro's/Chiaro's to MonteChiaro, where the Mosca family was merged with the Montechiaro family, which recalls the fly = mosca on the face of Obama when God gave us a fly sign (shared at the top of 4th update in January).

Reminder: the Singletary antelope design is used by Wheelwrights (Yorkshire, as expected of Agrigento lines), who were Mieszko's that trace to Meshwesh (i.e. they lived in Cyrene, location of Benghazi). One gets the distinct impression that Obama is spending the money of Americans to bolster his own bloodlines, caring nothing for the country but rather concerned with the global rule of his historical roots.

Recall that Bonnets traced exactly to Albert Guido of Bologna, for German Bonnets (Bavaria) use the "chapeau" cap used also by Bidens/Buttons (both use red-on-white fesses), first found in the same place (Hampshire) as Botters/Budins and Drake's. The white footless martin design of Singletarys is used by another Bonnet surname. The Biden chapeau is used in the same colors by the Capelli's, first found in Ferrara. It's the Caiaphas bloodline, isn't it, which traces with Josephs to Montechiaro? Isn't Obama's vice president, JOSEPH Biden? Charo's/Claro's use a bull, and there are bull horns beside the Biden chapeau.

By the way, the Wassa/Gaze write-up mentions that its star has "points," which jibes with the Wassa/Gaze trace to the Labels and to the Punch/Poyntes surname.

The Bengs/Bings/Binks sound like they could link to Pinks and Punch's, and they use quarters in colors reversed to the Kill/Keele Coat (in Vince/Vinch colors), whom I traced to "Quillan," smack beside Rennes-le-Chateau. That's important because "Bink" easily morphs from "Vince." The Kill/Keele quarters are a symbol also of HohenZollerns (Swabia), and their HohenStaufen kin look like Stevens. As Pinks and Punch's traced to the Arpad blood oaths made when dripping blood into cups, note that while Wikipedia says that "Staufer" means "grail bearer," the Staufer Coat is "an arm holding a cup."

It's tracing a Benghazi-like term to Vinci, a location at Florence. Then, entering "Flora," what do we find but a mix of two Bonnet Coats with a Shield-on-Shield in colors reversed from the same of Pinks (and Suters). In fact, the Vincents (Languedoc, location of Rennes-le-Chateau) use a Shield-on-Shield too (with more white-on-blue crescents), in colors reversed from the same in the Arms of Rennes-le-Chateau. Both Vincents and Pinks use a blue Shield at the bottom.

The Pinks are the ones using the red lozenges of the Reno's. Then, as San Lorenzo is a location at Florence, note first that the Lorenz surname (first found in Florence) uses the Panico/Panetta oak tree, and that Panico's/Panetta's use the Bonnet / Flora fleur-de-lys. The Zionist star of Lorenz's is in the gold-on-red of the Zionist star of Bavarian Rhine's, said to be from "ragin" and therefore tracing quite possibly to the namers of Regensburg (Bavaria), where bow-using Setters/Setzers were first found. This cannot be coincidental; it's tracing the Sadducee liners to Regensburg from the Setta-valley (= tributary of the Reno), very near to Lorenzo. German Lorenz's (Flora / Pink / Setter colors) even use a rhino.

The Lorenz surname of Florence shows variations such as Renzi/Renzo, suggesting that Lorenzo was named after the idea of L'Reno. Lorraine in France is coming to mind because I identified it as a grail bloodline along with Laurie's and Lowrys. Lorraine's/Lorrens were first found in the same place (Northumberland) as Stevensons and Roddens/Rodhams; it's a good reason to trace "Umberland" to "Umbria," near Florence. French Lorrens (Provence) use the Happs/Apps and Capes scallops (!!!), totally expected where the grail line at Florence belongs to Caiaphas liners.

The Capes scallops were found earlier in the Beddel Coat tracing to Bedoleto in the Setta Valley!

The Capes Coat has recently changed with new symbols showing, in a Chief not shown before. The Chief uses a sword and oak branch, suggesting the sword of that pierces to oak tree in the Lorenz Coat. Just like that, the Chappes that were expected at the Panico theater have been found in the Capys and Happs/Apps.

One has the makings of a revolutionary book in this insert alone. Any author material reading this? End Insert]

Obama's Ancestors in Modern Royal Libya?

[Continuation of insert above -- Forgive, but I cannot yet go forward with anything until the insert above is continued as per some very good finds that may trace "Obama" to "Apama" in Cyrene.

After writing the insert above, I went to Wikipedia's article on Benghazi to seek some clues of its history. The city was first called Berenice, and while some may suggest that "Benghazi" is a form of that term, I doubt it. Berenice first of all smacks of the Bernicians that have traced very well to topics above.

[Benghazi] was traditionally founded in 446 BC (different sources give different dates like 347 BC or 249 BC, by a brother of the king of Cyrene, but got the name Berenice only when it was refounded in the 3rd century BC under the patronage of Berenice (Berenike), the daughter of Magas, king of Cyrene...

"Magas" might just have something to do with Mago, Hannibal's brother, and/or the "mago" motto term of Josephs. The Berenice above had Apama II as her mother, an Egyptian royal of the Greek kind. I thought this was very interesting in that Obama seemed to trace to Benghazi. However, I do not think that Obama's father was an Obama surname, and yet it can be reasoned that the president's mother (an anthropologist) knew her bloodline history, and was in cahoots with Obama Sr. in a Masonic / Illuminati capacity. In short, I'm going to trace Obama Sr. back to something in Benghazi, noting that there is a Barca location in Cyrene today...which I assume was named after Barca, father of Hannibal. I'm insinuating that BARACK Obama Sr. was named after this Barca location / bloodline.

It could be that this city of Barca pre-dated, and therefore, named Hannibal's father. It would in a nutshell trace Hannibal to the Meshwesh theater, explaining why Obama's various bloodline branches trace to Masseys. For those who say that Obama was intended in the words of Jesus, "I saw satan fall like lightning," read here: "The Barcid family was a notable family in the ancient city of Carthage...'Barcid' is an adjectival form coined by historians (cf. "Ramesside" and "Abbasid"); the actual byname was Barca or Barcas, which means lightning..."

[Be sure you read this insert until I show, and explain the details around, a photo of a modern-times Muslim that looks like he could be Obama's father or grandfather.]

The article goes on : "The Barcids were the founders of several Carthaginian cities in the Iberian peninsula, some of which still exist today. Mahon..." The Maghan/Mahon/Mann/Mathuna surname was the first Irish surname to which I had traced Arthurs, before finding Arthurs in the Muskerry MacCARTHers/Artys that I traced to Carthaginians. Doesn't "MusKERRY" sound as though it should trace partly to a Caria / Cyrene / Carthage term? I traced it to "Massa-Carrara," some 70 miles approximately due west of Scoperta / Setta, and even closer to Pescia, where I trace Sulcis' Seleucids that are about to be discovered at Benghazi. The first clue was the Suluq location 30 miles from Benghazi. But that in itself was not sufficient for identification with Sulcis.

The Maghan/Mahon surname above is traced to "bear," but for me that was code for Arthurs, first found at bear depicted Berwickshire, a city of Bernicians...who may now start to trace to Benghazi = Berenice. It's very compelling, isn't it? It explains the many ways in which the Arthurian cult linked to Massey liners.

As Hannibal's brother was mago, it's starting to suggest strongly that Hannibal's ancestor(s) was merged with Magas. Starting from the beginning, Berenice I (Macedonian) was mother of Magas, father of Berenice II, and husband of Apama II. These were the rulers of Cyrene. I had not yet read that Apama II was a daughter of Antiochus I, son of Seleucus I, founder of the Seleucids, and yet I was able to make a trace to Seleucids by other means, namely, that Berenice I "was originally from Eordeaea." That's where I had traced mythical Gordias, father of king Midas, the origins of the Boofima cult according to my findings.

Eordeaea is near mount Bermion (looks to be named after "Parium"), where king Midas of Mysia is known to trace. Bermion is near the mount Olympus of Zeus, but also near the Muses of Parnassus (this was the Thessaly theater that probably named Thesprotians). I saw a trace of "Parnassus" to "Bernicia" years ago, and here I'm finding that there is a Bernicia-like name in the Meshwesh area of Libya, noting too that I have been tracing Meshwesh to Mysians. When I discovered that Muses lived at Parium/Parion (in Mysia), it was easy to link "Parion" to "PARNassus," and this clinched the Muse = Mysian theory that I had suspected. I now trace "Parion" to the ImPERI priests of Boofima; I also trace "Eordeaea=Gordias to "Perigord," a Boofima location in France. I discovered Parion when finding its coins minted with Gorgon heads.

A Muse merger with Gorgons suggested a Meshech-Gogi merger, but for the discussion at hand, it's the Amazon-Gargarian alliance that I'm tracing from the 600 Benjamites to Benghazi.

Having thus traced the Bernician bear to Muses at Bermion / Parnassus, recall that, from the very inception of the Alexander-Balas topic, there was a bear theme that traced by way of the Mackay bears to Berwickshire. The point here is that Alexander Balas lines had been tracing to Agrigento and/or Hannibals before coming to the knowledge that these very entities trace also to Benghazi, earlier named Berenice. Therefore, the bears in this discussion trace to Benghazi.

It had been found that the "Jewish" Salmon Chief uses a red bear, and red is a common theme in the traces to Scoperta / Setta (GD just emailed recently to say that a red bear is a symbol of the Carpathian Rusyn). German Salome's use stars in SUTHERland-star colors, and were first found in RHINEland, what could now trace to the Reno river, where the Pinks lived who use the SUTER/Shuter Coat. It was Antiochus I, father of Apama, who was styled, "Soter." However, the mother of Magas I was wife to Ptolemy I Soter. Suthers (bend in colors reversed to the Salome bend) use what could be the Saleman/Salman eagles, the whole of which begins to trace the Salyes Seleucids to the Scoperta / Setta theater of Panico's.

In the list below of Cyrenian kings, the first one is Battus I (630-600 BC). In his article, Battus (his mother was a Cretan) is traced to the Minyae, the group of people involved in the Argo myths, a Keturah bloodline, therefore, that should trace to Boofima. It's not out of the question, therefore, that Battus was named after a Boiotian entity involved with Butua/Budva. The household of Jason and Aeson was in Thessaly, where, perhaps, the Thesprotians trace.

As soon as I read that the mother (Berenice I) of Magas I of Cyrene was from Eordeaea, I recalled that Seleucus I was traced by an online article to an alliance with Thesprotians (fellow tribe in Epirus with Chaonians), who lived west of the Eordeaea area. This is what tipped me off that Seleucids were in Berenice = Benghazi, but then it was clinched when discovering that Apama II (wife of Magas I) was the daughter of Antiochus I. Does this trace Obama to the proto-antichrist Seleucids?

Upon reading the Thesprotian article just now, and seeing the Chaonians, the Keon Coat was loaded to assure that it's eight-pointed stars were in the colors of the Batti/Botto eight-pointed stars, and indeed they were. Doesn't this suggest that Chaonians were in Cyrene along with the Batti kings of Cyrene?

The Keon fish, which I traced (years ago) first to Saraca's, then to Butua/Budva and Kotor, are used also by Kane's, but as the Kane fish look like the MacAbee fish, couldn't we expect that Alexander Balas (king of Seleucids, lest you've forgotten) traces to the Battus / Chaonian entity at the Benghazi theater? The Alexander surname was first found on Kintyre, smack beside Arran, where MacAbees were first found!!! It's clinched: the Keons and Kane's were the Chaonians in Cyrene. Note that the Alexander Crest is nearly the Keon Crest.

I have been suspecting for half a day now that the dragon in the Agrigento area was that of Ares, and then Cadmus with his wife, daughter of Ares, founded Budva/Butua after having left Boiotia. The idea that Ares should be in Agrigento's Drago river was from the trace there of the Shepherds = Spartans, for the Ares dragon became the Sparti at the feet of Cadmus in Boiotia.

It was suggested earlier that a Carthaginian-Seleucid merger was at Cremona and/or Placentia as the root of the Israeli chief priests. I now find that the Batti/Botto surname, first found in Cremona, is tracing to rulers at Cyrene, where Seleucids later came to rule. Battus I was from a tiny island of Thera, and then the "Per mare, per terras" motto of Alexanders might just be part-code for that place. I'm quite sure that "terras" is code more-directly for KinTYRE and the McIntyre's, but this may serve to reveal that these entities were from Thera. By what coincidence is Kintyre so close to Bute and Argyll while the first Cyrenians were from Battus, and later from Argos? McIntyre's were first found in Argyllshire.

There is a Terras Coat (Bavaria) in Alexander colors and using what should be a version of the Sale Coat. That's a good fit, not only due to Salyes and Alexander Balas both being Seleucids, and not only because Mere's/Meyers (I trace them to the Alexander motto) were first found in the same place as Sale's, but because the Salmans use the salmon fish seen in the Kane/Kayne Coat, the surname of which traces to the Chaonians suspect with the Seleucids that Magas married. The Alexander motto therefore honors the Magas bloodline with "Per mare," and then honors the Battus bloodline with "per terras."

Battus I is the one said to have named Cyrene after the mythical Cyrene, but she was a Lapith, as was Ixion, whom I say was a term from "Khyan," what I also trace to "Keon." BEHOLD: "In Greek mythology, as recorded in Pindar's 9th Pythian ode, Cyrene...was the daughter of Hypseus, King of the Lapiths..." The Drago river was also called, "Hypsas." Therefore, Ixion and his centaurs do in fact trace to Agrigento. The article goes on to say that Cyrene mated with Ares to produce Diomedes, a Thracian king with man-eating horses.

If I recall correctly, Seleucids worshiped Apollo, but then this Magas of Cyrene made himself the high priest of Apollo, and moreover he appealed for political power to the Apollo Oracle at Delphi. This was the line to the Panico's.

Apama I was wife to Seleucid I (married at Susa). Seleucus was a ruler of Babylon before coming to rule in Syria. In this list of cities named after Apama, see Apamea in Sittacene. Seleucus built his Babylonian capital at Seleucia, opposite the Tigris from Opis. Might Opis have been named after Apamia, or vice versa?

AHA!! I had not entered "Magas" until now. The Magas surname, which uses an oak, a symbol of Panico's and of Apollo's, was first found in the same place (Cremona) as the Batti/Botto surname!!! Cremona was stacked with Cyrenians and Ixion liners. Reminder: the Alexander-related Atters and Macintyre's use a Shield quartered in colors reversed to the quarters of the Mose Coat, and then there is a Mose location in Placentia to which the Mose surname traces with certainty. There is a rose theme in the Mose motto, and then the Arms of Marzobotto uses ten roses. It's important because Benghazi was at first named Marsa ibn Ghazi, and the "botto" ending on "Marzabotto must be for the Battus bloodline.

"Magas" is listed with the Maggio/Maggioro surname smacking of the Magors/Magors, but then the Cheshire Mere's, honored in the Alexander motto, are also "Meyer," a form of "Major" in some cases. Recall that Majordomo's/Mayerdomo's share a Shield filled with black-and-white checks with Pepoli's, and then let me re-quote from above: "Poppi is a small charming town located in the picturesque valley of Casentino...between the cities of Arezzo [= Arettium] and 1191, when Poppi along with BATTIfolle [caps mine!] and Porciano was granted to the Count Guido Guerra dei Guidi..."

Reminder: Majors/Magors traced to Greys/Croys (named after "Kyre," what articles say was root to "Cyrene"?), and then while the Gris/Grix surname is said to be from "grey," there is a GRIZZana location at Marzabotto. Reminder, the Bologna Coat (important as per the Guido counts) uses greyhounds, the Major/Magor and Grey/Croy symbols. I have a mind suddenly to trace the mythical Graeae Amazons to the naming of Cyrene. The Graeae (three sisters of the Medusa Gorgon) were given the symbol of old age (= grey) as well as the single-eye symbol of the Cyclops. The Graeae sisters passed one eye around to each other.

Diomedes, son of Cyrene, suspect as the man-eating, horse-related peoples of Ares, was a giant...and obviously of the Cyclopean peoples. He was a leader of the Bistones (Thracian tribe) near Rhodope, where also the Kikons lived whom I've traced to Ixion. Then, on mythical Biston: "In Greek mythology, Biston was the son of Ares...His two brothers were Odomas and Edonus (eponyms of two Thracian tribes, the Odomanti and the Edoni). Alternately, he was called son of Paeon and grandson of Ares...He also introduced the Thracian practice of tattooing both men and women with eye-like patterns as a magical fetish...The Thracian Bistonians were famous for their warlike nature and cult of Ares whom they worshipped in the form of an upright standing sword."

I did trace the Payens, with Paion and Paiont variations, both to the Paeoni and to the tattoo - paint cult of the Pinks and Punch's, but I had not known about the quote above when doing so. I have seen heraldic swords said to be "erect" that might just be code for that Bistonian god of Ares. The Bistue location near the Maezaei (Urbanus river) may apply, or even Pistoia very near Scoperta / Setta.

There is a Biston surname using bees; it's a version of the Bessin/Beaston Coat and traces easily to the Salyes = Seleucids. Until last year, the Bessin/Beaston bees were in the design of the Biston bees. DESIGN MATTERS. The Bistons were first found in the same place (Worcestershire) as all-seeing-eye Watts (!!), the ones who use the eight-acorn oak tree of the Apollo surname. It's important because Apollo and Cyrene mated in giving birth to a beekeeper. I'll come back to that below. What's evident here is that the Panico's / Pinks trace to this Cyrenian line from the Paeoni. The Uat/Buto cult included one Bast goddess that may apply to Bistones.

I reasoned that the same cult that PUNCtured veins with needles to draw blood for blood oaths also used needles to tattoo. The Paionts variation of Payens suggested a tattoo theme. I reasoned that the fist in the PUNCH Crest was not necessarily for a punch of the fist, but a tightening of the fist when drawing blood. The fist-like Pink Crest was then realized with the same puncture theme, but, I realized (correctly, I hope,) that the pink punch of traditional gatherings and special occasions had derived from blood dripped into a cup or bowl, but mixed with water (for drinking in a blood oath) to form a pink color (by dilution with water). In other words, "pink" was coined by this Paeonian bloodline in relation to "puncture" of the veins. It now seems that we should be tracing Paeonians from Cyrene / Benghazi to the Panico's.

I neglected to mention earlier that the English Watts (who use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Agrigento) show a red lozenge in Crest that is the color of the Pink and Reno lozenges.

There's another oak tree in the German Mayer Coat. This finding is such that all Mayer-like surnames are suspect from Magas of Cyrene. As this suggests a trace of Mayer Rothschild (the first Rothschild) to that line, by what coincidence does the Rothschild/Rothstein Coat use an eight-pointed star, the Batti/Botto symbol? Jewish Mayers use only a single fleur-de-lys in the colors of the Stevenson and Pung/Pagan fleur. This could indicate a fundamental trace of the Stevens surname to Benghazi.

As Tyrone Woods was killed along with ambassador Stevens, by what coincidence does the Woods Coat use another oak tree??? Why was Tyrone Woods appointed to Benghazi/Libya?

A third man killed in the attack was Sean Smith. While the Smiths show signs of tracing to L'viv in the Ukraine, yet this English Smith Coat shows a motto with a Benghazi-like term: "Benigno numine." Moreover, I know for a fact that Newmans (ultimately from the Reno river by way of kinship with Raines') trace to the MacAbee's at Arran, as do Alexanders, and we saw that Kane's and Keons trace both to Battus and to the MacAbee fish, as well as tracing to Chaonians at Cyrene. The Smith Coat above is first of all a reflection of the Pendragon Coat, and then it uses the crosslet style of Pinks. Both Pinks and English Smiths use red-on-white, the Batti/Botto colors, important because one other Smith Coat shows the Ferrari lion with a hammer, while "batti/batto" is an Italian term for "strike with a hammer." Might the Maccabee hammer have evolved from this theme in proto-Maccabee times?

Now, recall that Battus I was from Thera, now called, SANTorini. I have been tracing "Latter Day Saints" for years to the Santones of France, who were definitely from Sintians in Lemnos, but than also from the Sindi of lake Maeotis, where the Sittaceni lived that are now known (by me) to have come to the Setta valley of the Pinks = Panico's. As latter day Saints is a formal name for Mormons, the point is that Mormons were founded by Joseph Smith...which is another reason for tracing Smiths to the Cyrenians.

I introduced the Sittaceni of Maeotis while sharing from the Sander surname...that smacks of "Santorini." I now find that the Sander Coat uses the Shield-and-Chief color combination of the Arms of Agrigento. The Sander Chief has white plates on red, a Bonnet symbol (Bonnets traced to count Albert Guido, ruler over Battifolle. The "Folle" entity may be from Volos (a location in Thessaly near the home of Jason of the Argo ship) and/or the Folos centaur from the Kendron/Kedron area (Peneus / Ladon river) of Greece). Lest you've forgotten, Battus I was traced by ancients to the Minyae, a major part of Argonaut make-up.

We saw labels at the Setta valley area, and so we now find a label of three points in the German Sander/CENTer Coat. German Sanders/Centers were first found in the RHINEland, perhaps suggesting that they were from Cento on the Reno (not far from Copparo, where Caiaphas elements are expected). In the Crest of these Sanders is the red upright Charo/Claro bull! It's suggesting that the Montechiaro area (= Caiaphas-suspect line) of Sicily was merged with the Battus Cyrenians, perhaps revealing that the Boetus surname of the Sadducees was from this Battus line.

There was much time between Battus and the Montechiaro's, but suddenly we can at least form the theory that "Charo" was from "Kyre." Hmm, Kerrys use bees around a hive, and then the Boys/Bouie's use bees too. Then, "...[Cyrene] and Apollo had two sons: Aristaeus, the demigod who invented beekeeping, and Idmon, the Argonaut seer." It's interesting that king Judah AristoBOLUS MaccaBAEUS (reigned 104 - 103 BC), grandson of Simon Maccabee, could apply both to the Balas bloodline and to mythical Aristaeus the beekeeper. It dawns on me here that while "Baeus" can conform to "bee," it's just one letter off from "Balas." It just so happens that queen Salome Alexandra, who was suspect from Alexander Balas, was married first of all to Judah Aristobolus Maccabee.

Perhaps I was wrong to trace Kerrys and Massa-Carrara to Carians, as Kyre-based Cyrenians do better. How notable that John Kerry is now Obama's foreign-affairs junkie. I wonder what sort of scrap they will give the world now. Can Obama do anything good? Of course not, for selfishness and good are opposite poles.

Consider Idmon, brother of the bee-keeper. Compare his name to "(H)Asmon." Isn't that compelling? Were Hasmoneans > Maccabees named after "Magas" the Cyrenian king who married the daughter of Antiochus I? Is that why the Seleucids attacked Maccabees, because Maccabees were kin in line for the Seleucid throne? In consideration that Pharisees grew out of Maccabees, see the Idmon article:

In Greek mythology, Idmon was an Argonaut seer. His father is said to have been Apollo but his mortal father was Abas (or Ampycus). His mother was Asteria, daughter of Coronus, or Cyrene, or else Antianeira, daughter of Pheres.

One can clearly see that Coronis and Cyrene were both Apollo-crow lines (referring to whites with darkened skin in Africa). But here I was, prior to reading the quote above, suggesting an Idmon > Hasmonean identification, and then finding that Idmon's mother was made, by at least one writer, a daughter of Pharisee-like Pheres. It's compelling. Unfortunately, I don't know what people or geography "Idmon" refers to. The Minyae (horse lovers) who were traced by ancients to Battus I (a real man) comes to mind where Idmon (not a real man) was made an Argonaut, and Battus is still suspect as the ancestry of the Boetus Sadducees.

Did you catch above how the myth writer(s) made Apollo a substitute for Abas, which jibes with my trace of Apollo to Avvites in a work I did that underscored Apollo = Abaddon of Revelation 9.

Aha! Clicking the Abas link at the Idmon article, we find that Idmon had a sister, LysiMACHE!!! (The Shoemaker-suspect Macks/Makers have been in the back of my mind ever since coming to Magas of Cyrene). Lysimache may just be from the 600 "Danites" (= Meshwesh from Tanis) at Laish. She was mother to ARISTOmachus, smacking of Aristobolus Maccabaeus.

A brother of Idmon was made Coeranus, what looks to be a branch of Coronis and/or Cyrene, and then one mythical Coeranus was made a sister of Manto, excellent because Idmon was a seer as were Everes and Tiresias, grandfather and father of Manto. It just so happens that Everes was a "shepherd seer," while Hyksos were "Shepherd Kings" at Avaris. Therefore, the Idmon entity was a Hyksos one of a sort. Cyrene's father was even a keeper of sheep.

The Magas surname showing Major-like variations also shows "Magia / Magis," terms akin to seers. The same oak appears in the Maio/Majo Coat.

There is a myth where Apollo fell in love with Daphne (sister of Manto) while she was in the Ladon river (beside the Peneus river), and then we see a story of Apollo falling in love with Cyrene while she's tending sheep on the other Peneus river, of Thessaly (home of Muses). I trace the name of these rivers to "Panias," smack at Laish, suggesting that the 600 Danite Meshwesh are involved with Cyrene even toward Greece from Israel.

Here on the lower right of this map, you can see Laish-suspect Lysimachia opposite the waters from Parium. The latter location already traced to Muses of Cyrene. In a September update of 2010, I identified "Coeranus" as a Core-Aenus combination, where Aenus is at the mouth of the Hebros not far west of Lysimachia. I identify Aenus with Aeneas, co-founder of Carthaginians. Further west of Aenus, the Edones and the Odomanti (Manto?) are seen, whom were made brothers of Biston, the eye-ball divination cult. "Idmon" (brother of Lysimache) may therefore be code for the Odomanti or a branch thereof. They may even have been be Edomites / Idumaeans.

Could Senussi be Obama's grandfather?

During the proof-reading of this Insert, I realized that I had forgotten to add a portion here concerning the god of the Luo tribe to which Barack Obama Sr. belonged. That god was named, Nyasaye, and similar spellings, wherefore I traced him to the African DioNYSUS cult, which was later realized as the reason for the leopard symbol of Boofima. I'll explain why the name of the Luo may have been Libya-important, but first, I just want to show what was found this moment.

I could not recall the spelling of the Luo god, and went surfing to find it for you when I came across my own article below with the title, "Obama Stock." In the article, I shared on the Luo-related Luhya: ""The Luhya people call their leaders Mwami (singular - Omwami, plural - Bami or Abami)" {brackets not mine}."" "Abami" was the point. At the top of this insert, when suggesting that "Obama" may be related to queen "Apama," and while implying that the Kenyan Obama Sr. may somehow trace to the Apama bloodline, I had not recalled this quote above, nor could not have asked for a better piece of evidence toward the Obama-Aparma theory.

Here's another quote from Obama Stock: "'The Luhya play a traditional seven-stringed lyre called litungu.' Compare with: 'Apollo was especially known as the god of music [in his capacity as ruler of the Muses]. He is often depicted carrying a lyre...'" A little later, I added "'The dance styles in the Luo folk music were elegant and graceful...usually to the tune of the nyatiti, an eight stringed [lyre].'" I had been looking for an eight symbol for Apollo ever since showing the eight-acorn oak tree in the Apollo Coat (one of the acorns is down the trunk).

I traced "Luo" to the Luwians, proto-Lydians, and identified Apollo's mother as a Lydian; moreover I trace Dionysus to the Maeander river on the Lydian border. The 600 Benjamites are expected from Lydia, but at this time the 600 Benjamites are suspect in the Cyrene / Coronis migration of Apollo's Muses=Mysians to Libya's Meshwesh. In other words, the Luo are being traced here to the particular Luwians>Lydians (lived beside Mysia) that came to Cyrene with the Apollo cult, then made their way south to Kenya, where their is a Nairobi location smacking of the Nairi and Neuri. The Nairi lived at Mus of Lake Van and can be expected with the Meshwesh of Libya, and especially at Massa-Carrara, beside Lucca, where Massai's/Massars and Botters were first found. ver).

The Battifolle location is very near Florence, where the Apollo surname was first found, wherefore recall the EIGHT-pointed stars of the Batti/Botto surname, for that surname is being traced from Battus of Cyrene to Bidens/Buttons, a branch of Baathist ancestors first found in the same place as Botters/Budins...and Drakes using a wyvern in Batti/Botto colors. In other words, Obama's pick for vice-president may be due to Joseph Biden's trace to Battus of Cyrene because Obama himself traces to the Meshwesh of Cyrene. The Battifolle location is at Poppi, what I imagine to be named, ultimately, after the Apepi/Apophis Hyksos. I traced Hyksos to the founding of the Hector/Paris Trojans, and this line had origins in a mythical Batia in the Mysia theater (Troy was in Mysia).

By the time that I have found the Obama-Stock article, I was in Wikipedia's article on the Muslim group of SeNUSSI because they were accessed from the Benghazi article and looked connect-able to the Luo god, Nyasaye. I could not believe my eyes when scrolling down the Senussi article to find a photo of that looked like president Obama. In case it disappears from the article, here it is from my files: photo of Sidi Muhammad Idris al-Mahdi al-Senussi, King of Libya. Suddenly, we can ask whether Obama is seeking to get the Senussi family to replace Gaddafi!

By the time of viewing this photo, I had seen that the Arms of the Senussi family used a white-on-black crescent, the color the Alexander crescent. At this moment, I also reflected off the Meschin scallops in the same colors, but did not make much more of that idea aside from a possible Meschin trace to the proto-Senussi Libyans. Moments later, as I got to the article on Barack Obama Sr to check for his links to Cyrenians, and learning that he married a Baker surname, what was found in the English Baker Coat but scallop[s in Meschin-scallop colors!!! This is extremely important for showing that Barack Obama Sr. was himself a bloodline luster.

It can also be said here that while the co-founders of Baathists (in Syria, main part of Seleucid empire) were Bitar and Aflaq surnames, the Bitar/Buttar and Aflack Coats both show black-on-white crosses (colors reversed from the Senussi symbol), and then English Bakers show a black-on-white saltire cross. Plus, I identified these colors with Paphlagonian lines to Babenbergs of BAMberg, and that latter location traced to PAMphylians of Anatolia. But see how these terms smack of "APAMa," and then let me repeat concerning Fulvius FLACcus BAMBalas (he married the Scipio-Paullus-Gracchus line that is tracing hard to Agrigento). But where did he get his BAM-Balas surname??? Was this the line to queen Apama II, daughter of the Seleucid, Antiochus I? Didn't it seem evident above that Alexander Balas connected with the Apama line?

It just so happens that the Bails/Debayle's of Provence use a chevron in the colors of the same of Dutch Bakers. It can also be added that while I trace "FULvius" to Fullers, I identified Pollocks as Fullers, wherefore it's notable that the Jewish Pollocks use a wavy bend in the colors of the same of German Bakers. Scottish Pollocks, who traced to the Paullus bloodline, use what looks like a version of Belgian Flecks/Flegers.

By what coincidence do English Flacks/Flecks (smack of "Aflaq / Aflack") use scallops in Baker-scallop colors??? Dutch Flacks/Vlachs (same colors) could be using the white-on-black Baker lion.

As the Komnenos Byzantines were from a Vlach location of Thrace, while the Joseph surname (i.e. suspect with Chappes lines) uses the garbs of the Comyn/Commings Coat, it's interesting that Dutch Flacks/Vlachs (use the black Fulk wing) look like the Chappes-related Ottone's who use rings in the colors of the Scipio rings. As the Pollocks and Komneno's both are suspect as a line of porphyria (named after "purple"), why is the Skipton lion purple???

The Fletchers, said to be from "Fleche," use the same crosses, in the same colors, as the Bitars/Buttars and Aflacks, all in the colors of the Baker cross. It's telling me a story, that the Battus Cyrenians are at the root of Syria's and Iraq's Baathists, explaining why I predicted that the neo-Seleucid anti-Christ would be a Baathist ally in conquering Iraq, Syria, Egypt and Israel (so predicts Biblical prophecy), for later Cyrenian kings (i.e. Joseph-suspect Magas) were in fact merged with Seleucids...for the express purpose of conquering Egypt, something that Obama has applied himself to. The Senussi trace themselves back to Mohammed, but then can we ask why the father of Obama Sr. was a non-Muslim who converted to Islam? Was it due to his joining the Senussi family in some sort of political ambition?

One of Gaddafi's spies was surnamed Senussi.

I claimed with others that Obama's true father was the American communist, Frank Marshall Davis, and yet here I find a photo of a Senussi king of Libya who looks so much like Obama that I'm going to trace Obama's father immediately to this king. I have little doubt. Frank's surname was not Davis, but rather that surname belonged to Helen DAVIS Stevenson, mother of Adlai Stevenson II, and Frank, as the theory goes that I've adopted, was an illegitimate son of this Stevenson family. For details, see starting at the end of the 2nd update of September, 2012. In that update, it was said:

There you have the theory. It can explain why Obama's mother was an employee of Rockefellers, and why Davis' use the Rockefeller trefoils. As Pollocks trace easily now to both the David and Davis surnames, while both Pollocks and Stevens are related to Alan-Stewarts, I think it speaks for itself on the bloodline lust between Davis' and Stevensons.

I'm quoting that to show that the Pollock bend is in the colors of the Welsh Davis bend. We saw the wavy Pollock bend in a Baker Coat, and Obama Sr. had married a Ruth Baker so that Bakers and Davis' are connect-able. That is, there is the potential here for explaining the theory as to why Obama's mother (Ann Dunham) had a child with Frank Marshall Davis and yet allowed Obama Sr. to act as the father. French Davis' (chevron in colors reversed to the Bail / Baker chevron) use a lyre, a potential symbol of the Luo tribe as it linked to the Apollo lyre in Cyrene!

English Bakers were first found in Durham, and that place was DUNholme in earlier times.

By the way: "Born Ruth Beatrice Baker was born in the United States around 1937, the daughter of Maurice Joseph Baker and Ida Baker of Newton, Massachusetts, who are of Lithuanian Jewish descent...Barack Obama's half-brother, son of Ruth Baker and Barack Obama, Sr., [Mark Okoth Obama Ndesandjo] runs an Internet company called WorldNexus that advises Chinese corporations how best to reach international customers. Mark graduated from Brown University, studied physics at Stanford University..." An international Internet company, you don't say.

Irish Davis use a chevron in the colors of the Alexander chevron, albeit Alexanders split their chevron into black and white, the colors that the lion is split with in the Welsh Davis Crest.

English Davidsons use the MacCarthy / Plantagenet stag so as to be trace-able to Carthaginians / Agrigento. The Plantagenets (= Fulks, Falcon suspects) themselves use a label, and as a reminder, the Falcons / LaBels both use white crescents, a symbol of the Senussi Muslims. Scottish Davidsons use what should be the Bell / Bellamy the colors of the French Davis surname, first found in the same place (Brittany) as Balls and Blass'.

Welsh Davis' were first found in Yorkshire, where the Agrigento crowd traced heavily, and later we will get to Plantagenets as they trace exactly to Fletchers/Fleche's out of Agrigento. Marshalls were first found in Wiltshire, where the York surname was first found. I cannot recall the details on the Marshall surname that made if to Frank's middle name, but the Marshalls use a string of five lozenges, a symbol of the Pinks (first found in Yorkshire), and then while the Pink-related Panico's/Panetta's use the oak, ditto for French Plante's.

Recall the online statement quoted above: "The Barcids were the founders of several Carthaginian cities in the Iberian peninsula, some of which still exist today. Mahon..." That is, the Mahon location in Spain was founded by the peoples that I am tracing Barack Obama to, and then the Mahon Coat use three lions (Levi lion design) exactly in the design and positions of the three in the English Plantagenet Coat. Reminder: the Mahon Crest is the Keon Crest, and Keons share the red-on-white (Mahon-lion colors) eight=pointed stars with Batti's/Botto's.

A REALIZATION had occurred moments before coming to the Keon fish in the paragraph above. As the mythical Fisher king will later trace (or has it already) exactly to the sprig of broom at the founding of Plantagenets, and as Plantagenets are looking like they trace to Davis and Obama ancestors, it was notable that the Luo tribesmen are said to have been fishermen. When I paused, however, asking how the Luo tribe could trace to the Fisher surname, BINGO BONGO! The Fisher Coat is a perfect reflection of the Dunham/DOWNham/DOUNham Coat!!! At about the time of this realization, I also noted that the DOWN/DOUN stag is nearly the stag of Welsh Davidsons, first found in Yorkshire.

There is no doubt that Flacks/Flecks (Norfolk) are linked to Fulkes/Folks of Norfolk, the founders of Plantagenets. Therefore, the fact that the Flacks use two bars in the size and position of the Washington bars should be meaningful. As even the raven in the Washington Crest should be a symbol of the Coronis / Cyrene raven symbol, it's very likely that the Washington stars are a version of the Batti/Botto stars in some way. Italian Botters use a single star in these red-on-white colors.

As Welsh Davids, who use the Welsh Davis bend, use a "Pax copia" motto that traced to the Pek river's Cuppae location, where also the Pinks had been traced before finding them at Panico, we are definitely on the Caiaphas bloodline in the Davis circle of Masonic kin. Therefore, as Sadducees were from a Boetus surname, see that "Boet" gets the German Butts/Bute's using a fish on a red fesse that has come up often in the Panico investigation. For example, Paine's and Leons use a red fesse, but lookie at Bidens/Buttons using a red fesse in both Boet/Butt/Bute fesse colors. The latter show a fish on their fesse, surrounded by six roses in the colors of the ten roses in the Arms of MarzoBOTTOo.

It just so happens that German Fishers use a fish and a red fesse!!! Part of the German Fisher fesse is on a blue background, which amounts to the two colors of the red fesses used by Paine's / Masetti's/Mason's / Caen's / Leon fesse.

Therefore, if it's true that the Dunhams link to Fishers while Fishers trace to the Luo fishermen, it easily explains why Ann Dunham was involved with Barack Obama Sr. As we just saw German Fishers linking to German Boets/Butts/Bute's, by what coincidence is the Dunham Coat roughly in the two Butler Coats?? As we see grails in the Butler Coat, note that the Fisher King is a grail cult.

The Butler pelican even stands on the five white ostrich feathers of Caens and Clare's...not forgetting that the Joseph motto traces possibly to Magas of Cyrene, but definitely to the Charo/Claro surname and therefore to the Mosca family that married Montechiaro. Remember the mosco = fly on Obama's forehead, right between the eyes where the occult all-seeing-eye is located, as on a forehead of the Cyclops that just traced to Cyrene.

JUST FOUND after checking the maiden name of Michelle Obama. It's Robinson, and then while the English Robinsons use the Down/Doun stag design, the Irish Robinson Crest shows the erect spear of the Dunham Crest!!! President Obama chose a Robinson to marry because Robinsons are a branch of Dunhams!!! English Robinsons (Yorkshire again) use a chevron in the colors of the Joseph chevrons. Here's from the Obama Sr. article:

In 1959, Obama received a scholarship in economics through a program organized by the nationalist leader Tom Mboya. The program offered education in the West to outstanding Kenyan students. Initial financial supporters of the program included Harry Belafonte, Sidney Poitier, Jackie ROBINSON, and Elizabeth Mooney Kirk...

The Kirk surname was traced already to the Akragas version of "Agrigento." The Kirk Coat is not only the Shield-and-Chief color combination of the Fishers, but it uses the thistle, symbol of the Robins. Is that an erect sword in the Kirk Coat?

The Robinson spear goes through a boar head, and then there is a sword pointed up, through a boar head, in the Baith/Bait Coat, which tends to trace this surname to "Battus" just because Dunhams are tracing to Cyrene.

Recall the erect sword used by the Bistonian Cyclops to act as an altar to Ares. I have been keeping track of any such swords I find, and thus far only two have shown aside from the one in the Baith/Bait Coat. If this surname therefore traces to Battus, note that the Patty/Paddy surname was first found in the same place (Worcestershire) as Bistons and all-seeing-eye Watts (important because mythical Biston had an eye cult along with their erect sword). Let me re-quote: "Alternately, [mythical Biston] was called son of Paeon and grandson of Ares...He also introduced the Thracian practice of tattooing both men and women with eye-like patterns as a magical fetish...The Thracian Bistonians were famous for their warlike nature and cult of Ares whom they worshipped in the form of an upright standing sword."

As the tattoo bloodline traced to Pinks and Panico's in the Setta valley, where the Scythian-based Scheds/Sheds (in Batti/Botto colors) were traced, the patee cross in the Sched/Shed Coat suddenly comes alive as code for Battus of Cyrene. It can be added that the Patty/Paddy Coat uses the upright lions, in the same colors, as the Newmans and Raines' that trace to the Reno river (the Setta is a Reno tributary). Moreover, the Scheds/Sheds use a so-called "potent" cross, and while there is not a Potent surname coming up, "Putent" gets what I normally call the Puttens, and link to the Putins/Padyns. I now see that the latter may be using the Senussi crescents. The Putins/Padyns are the ones using the gold tower of the Scute's, if that helps to trace them to the potent-cross Scheds and Skits. It means that Putins/Padyns and Pattys/Paddys are likely one bloodline. Indeed, for Putins/Padyns use the same bend colors as Bistons (the latter use bees and therefore traced to the bee-keeper son of mythical Cyrene).

The fourth instance of my finding an erect or upright sword, since I started watching at the Biston quote, is in the Biston Crest! I missed this the first time that Bistons and related Bessins/Beastons were shown.

The second instance was in the Scottish Dunn Coat, where the sword is erect by itself, the most-likely way (or at least an original way) to depict the Ares sword.

The first instance appeared in the Bondi Coat; it's not only in the colors of the Down/Doun stag, but Bondi's were looked up in the first place when reading from Obama Senior's article: "His family are members of the Luo ethnic group. His father was Onyango (later Hussein) Obama (c. 1895-1979), and his mother, Habiba Akumu Nyanjango of KaraBONDI, Kenya, was his second wife." It was recalled then that the Bondy surname is said online to be one of the 13 Illuminati families. It just so happens that the Bondi surname was first found in Sardinia, fully expected where Seleucids of the Benghazi / Suluq area trace to Sulcis. Reminder: Seleucids entered royal Cyrene with Apama II. "KARAbondi" may link in part to "Kyre," what Cyrene is said to be named after.

Dutch Bonds use the Shield-and-Chief color combination of the English Fishers in colors reversed. I linked Bonds to Ponts, and one Pont/Pond surname uses the red-on-white fesse again (used by Bidens/Buttons, for example), and was first found in the same place as Bidens/Buttons! The Ponts and Bonds are now suspect with the "point" symbol of the heraldic label which itself traced to the Pinks that I say were related to Payens/Paionts and Punch's/POYTE's! The English Bond(y) Coat is even in the colors of the Point(er) Coat, and the latter uses the crosslet style of the Pinks, in the same gold color.

As these lines must trace with Pinks to the Setta valley, location of the Skits et-al, it's not likely coincidental that Ponts use the red-on-white patee cross of Scheds/Sheds.

I wasn't going to add here that Coffers use a "victoria " motto term that can link to the following: "Obama [Sr.] was born in Rachuonyo District on the shores of Lake Victoria just outside Kendu Bay, Kenya Colony, at the time a colony of the British Empire." The Coffer motto term was not likely applicable in any direct way to lake Victoria, and yet I then found that Point(er)s, Punch's/Poynte's and Pinks all use a cuffed arm in Crest. Then, low and behold, when loading the Coffer Coats, the first one to load has a gold-on-green chevron, the color of the same of Robinsons/Robins who use the Down/Doun stag design. AHA! Downs/Douns were first found in the same place (Sussex) as Coverts/COFFERts!!!

Therefore, as Coffers and cuffs are link-able to "Caiaphas," the Robinson and Coffer chevrons may be in use in the Joseph Coat, and of course Obama is tracing hard in multiple ways to Caiaphas liners. I recall off by heart that Cuffs use a version of the Sale bend so as to trace to Seleucids, even as Obama is suspect with the Seleucid, Apama II. English Cuffs look to use the Pink arms and cuff holding the halberd/halpert axe of Halberts and Walsers.

While one Dunn Coat uses the erect sword now highly suspect with the Ares sword, the other Scottish Dunn Coat even uses the Balance eagle; looks like it uses the white Masci wing in the colors seen in the Coat of Diens, first found in the same place as Downs/Dunns and Coverts.

Cathian Covert, who married a Dein, has been reading again. I rarely check the tracking system, probably less than once per month. I checked it recently because I trust that God will create a single update or two that really takes off in the way that I expect Him to like it to. I found someone in her home town (the tracking system doesn't give names or addresses, only cities) reading the update (4th in January) where I shared the black fly Sign that reminded me of the black UN helicopters. Cathian once shared her dream concerning UN martial law in the United States involving black helicopters, etc.

I thought the Sign was meaningful in that Obama may be about to call some sort of martial-law state. However, since sharing that theory, I have come to another theory on why the fly Sign was given, for extra evidence that Obama traces to the Mosco family in Montechiaro, even to the Caiaphas line there. I found the Mosca family merged with Montechiaro about two weeks after the fly Sign, you see, and I wasn't even looking for a mosca-like surname at the time.

It's now a good place to repeat that details surrounding Cathian Covert seemed like Signs for me that God brought along. She also had a Surbrook surname, and so let me show the Shurbrook Coat using the Sutherland stars, and then see the Salome Coat using the same bend and stars as the Shurbrooks. See the Scottish Reed Coat showing stars in the same colors, for English Reeds use "Pax copia" (= David motto) and garbs that likely belong to the Joseph Coat the motto of which traced to Montechiaro. Compare the English Reed Coat to the Scottish Pike Coat showing what could be the Sutherland stars again.

I don't want to repeat here why I traced Cathian Covert to the Yorkshire's Beads/Beadles (in Baith/Bait colors), the point being that this surname uses the Capes / Happs/Apps (and Lorren) scallops. It helps to convince me that Coverts/Cofferts were Caiaphas liners. The grail-cult Lorrens and Lorenz's traced to San Lorenzo and to the Reno river near Florence, but Caiaphas lines of that area were at the Setta valley, where the hourglass bloodline had traced, and so see yet another hourglass in the Beatle Coat (first found in BEDfordshire). It tends to reveal a Trypillian merger with the Batti/Botto line...that was at Battifolle on the south-east of Florence some 50 miles from San Lorenzo.

To the best of my ability to see, the Beatle Crest shows the castle design of Bessins/Beastons, who in turn show a version of the Biston-Crest tower and sword, thus tracing Beatle's to the Biston cult that is tracing to the beekeeper cult (AristoBalas) of mythical Cyrene. That's a good reason to trace Beatle's to Battus of Cyrene.

The Beatles band came out of Liverpool, in Lancashire, where the Benghazi-based Washingtons were first found, and where the Obama line of Singletarys (= proto-Dunhams using the Balas antelope) had traced. One of the four Beatles, Paul McCartney, has a surname using the red MacCarthur / Plantagenet stag, but then a red stag appears also in the Bead/Beadle Crest. Doesn't this trace McCartneys to Carthaginians merged with lines from Battus of Cyrene? The Lennons (Logen-related) also use a stag.

The Surbrooks live(d) in Washington state, where we can expect Benghazi elements. The Settle's, remember, are traced to Seattle, and Settle's use the Star(r) lozenges in the green color of the Arms of Washington State. Ringo Starr, hum. And what can George Harrison bring us? A surname first found in Lancashire, showing the Dunn spread-eagle design as well as the Shield-and-Chief color combination of Dunham-related Fishers, who use a gold spread eagle in their Crest, the color of the Harrison spread eagle!

Later, I'm not at all sure how far down, I discover that the most-popular name in Mussomeli [Agrigento theater] is the Messina surname. You'll see shortly why Mussomeli is Obama-important where president Obama traces to the Mosco family at Montechiaro. Note the Kent-like terms (Massins/Masons were first in Kent) in the following quote that could trace to AgriGENTO too: "While still living near Kendu Bay [Kenya], Obama [Sr.] attended Gendia Primary School... After his family moved to Siaya District, he transferred to Ng'iya Intermediate School. From 1950 to 1953, he studied at Maseno National School, an exclusive Anglican boarding school in Maseno. [Kenya]" Regardless of how they say Maseno was named, whether for a hickory tree or otherwise, yet the Maseno term gets the Masseti's/Masons using the fesse in the colors of the Paine's who are definitely related directly to Meschins. And it's the Meschins in particular that are central to the clues above, wherein Obama lines traced to Cyrene.

I am about to quote below from my work of days ago -- days before conceiving this insert, days before tracing Obama to Benghazi as per the insert above this one -- wherefore note that both the Bricks and Marshalls are a part of the quote. The BRICKs (string of five lozenges) can be gleaned in the work above, for example from the string of five lozenges in the Marshall Coat, or in the Bessins/Beaston, for Ranulf le BRIQUEssart-Meschin lived in the Bessin. Moreover, the Mahon / Plantagenet lions can be gleaned as the Brian lions who trace to the Briancon location otherwise called, BRIGantium, where I think Bricks and Briquessarts trace. The Maseno Coat above uses red roses, the symbol of MarzaBOTTO, and moreover we saw that Benghazi was also "Marsi ibn Ghazi."

[Insert -- As the Mahons are said to be from "Mathuna," see the Muthanna surname in the Senussi family tree. This Muthanna was grandfather to the Moroccan dynasty started by Idris I (he was from Syria initially), the name adopted by his descendent, king Idris I of Libya, the one who looks like Obama. Don't Mathuna-suspect Plantagenets trace to Obama's lines? It turns out that Idris of Morocco is the line to Morgan le Fay, and Jacques de Molay. See next update. End insert]

In the quote below, I find myself tracing Mussomeli of Sicily to Musselburgh, a Lothian location of the Keiths/KEATHs (in Seaton colors) whom I identify as a branch of SEATons/Satans/Sittens, first found in Lothian. The Seatons were from Saytown, and from a Say location of Normandy, which is why I traced them to the same-colored Says. NOW HOWEVER, after having read the quote above wherein Obama lived in Siaya, I need to ask by what coincidence that Say Coat is a quartered Shield in colors reversed to the same of Masseys/Maceys? After all, the Macey chevron is evident in the Maseno/Masseti/Mason Coat (Piedmont, same as Messina-related Masci's). Besides all this, Obama lines on his mother's side have traced exactly to Massey liners for years. Note the erect swords / daggers of Maceys and Mackays.

The bull head design of the Say Crest is used in red in the Anchor/Annacker Crest, and the latter surname uses the Shield-and-Chief color combination of the Arms of Agrigento. By what coincidence are we going to find the Mussomeli location at Montechiaro (near Agrigento) while the Charo/Claro/Chiaro Coat uses a red bull of its own?

The Anchor/Annacker Chief is in the colors of the Keith Chief, and uses lozenges in the colors of the Marshall lozenges while Marshalls are said in the Keith write-up to be a branch of Keiths. It's suggesting that the Keith Coat is also a version of the Arms of Agrigento. Therefore, if the middle name of Frank Marshall Davis applies to all this, it tends to underscore why the Obama and Dunhams both were involved with that man.

Here now are some clips from further down written days ago. Keep in mind that Montechiaro is a small distance, not exactly the same place, as Chiaramonte:

...Manfredi Chiaramonte, husband of Isabella Mosca...
The Chiaramonte family built many castles at Mussomeli, Caccamo, Chiaramonte Gulfi, Ragusa and all over Sicily, in a very typical Gothic style...

...As per the Mussomeli location, the Musso(lino) surname (Bologna, where I see Maccabee roots!) is very interesting for using a bend in lozengy [= a string of six lozenges] in the colors of the Varn and Pembroke bends. Clare's ruled Pembroke!!!!!! It means that the Charo/Chiaro/CLARO surname traces to MonteChiaro. The Bricks, said to be from "Broc," use lozengy in the same fashion and can therefore be identified as part of the PemBROKE term...

ZOWIE, that explains why Bricks and Clare's use the same stag design in their Crests...

The Mazzarelli location (of the Cabrera's) smacks of the Masci variations, "Masciarelli / Mascarelli." The importance of having Masci's (use a version of Messina Coat) at Mazzarelli is that this area has traced to Cuneo and no doubt to other places of Piedmont...Here's the Mazzar surname, first found in Sicily. I have no idea what to connect it to [German Fishers could apply because Ragusa in Sicily should trace to Ragusa of the Saraca's who use a white-on-blue fish, the color of the Fisher fish. The Massars were first found in Lucca, where the Battus Cyrenians are tracing.]

The Marshalls use the same sort of lozengy design as Bricks and Musso(lino)'s, and they were first found in the same place (Wiltshire) as Yorks. But Marshalls are said to be a branch of Keiths who lived at MUSSELburgh, and that is the general area of Sinclairs = Claro's. Therefore, Musselburgh, and Mussels/Muscels, trace to Mussomeli. How about that.

Many [Mussomeli] townpeople also emigrated to the UK, to London [where Plantagenets were first found] and Woking, Surrey where the Madonna dei Miracoli (Madonna of Miracles) is celebrated every July. The most common surname in Mussomeli is Messina.

As the article says that the Lanza family took over, while the Lanza Coat is a bend in the colors of the bend of Jacques de Molay, I think to Lanza - Molay connection is clear now because the other symbol of de-Molay was the Messina patee cross. Possibly, "Molay" was from the Meli tail of "Mussomeli." [end of quote]

Okay, that's the background information that has been accumulated in just a half-day's work for making Obama traces to Benghazi > Agrigento > Setta valley, and to Cyrenian royalty. Here now on the Libyan king who looks like president Obama:

Idris...also known as King Idris I of Libya (born El Sayyid Prince Muhammad Idris bin Muhammad al-Mahdi as-Senussi 12 March 1889 - 25 May 1983), was the first and only king of Libya, reigning from 1951 to 1969, and the Chief of the Senussi Muslim order. While in Turkey for medical treatment, Idris was deposed in a 1969 coup d'etat by army officers led by Muammar Gaddafi.

Born at Al-Jaghbub, the headquarters of the Senussi movement...

Al-Jaghbub is far inland from the sea, in Cyrenaica's BUTNan region (i.e. evokes the Butlers using a version of the the Dunham Coat, but is also much like the But(t)on variation of Bidens"), on the border of Egypt. On my atlas, Cyrenaica is stamped "Barqah Cyrenaica."

It seems important here that while Bidens/Buttons are said to have been of Bath and Wells of Somerset, the Botters/Budins (first found in Hampshire along with Bidens/Buttons) use the eagle, so far as I can make out, of the Bondy Crest, first found in Somerset. This is a good place to repeat that while the Bath surname, first found in Somerset, uses the same white-on-red cross as Scottish Randolphs, the English Randolphs use the Dunham Coat (there are Randolphs in Obama's mother family tree). Scottish Randolphs even use a BAT in Crest as obvious code for the Bath and/or Biden/Button bloodline.

Isn't it amazing, therefore, that while i was tracing Obama to Cyrene by other methods, i did not know until now of this Button-like Butnan region, found only because Obama looks like a family member of a cult originated in Butnan. The Butnan term is interesting for the ancient / Biblical nation of Put, said to be a Libyan entity. The anti-Christ, according to Ezekiel 38, is to have Put for an ally.

As the capital of Butnan is TOBRuk, by what coincidence do Tobers/Dobers and Italian Botters share white-on-blue bends? This recalls the Dobys and Dobbs (Alexander version?). Dobys use the Kennedy helmet design, and Kennedys were first found in TIPPERary. Dobys (colors reversed to Dobbers/Tobbers) use a "magno" motto term that could be in honor of lines from Magas of Cyrene. The Kennedy helmets are in the colors of the Arms of Senussi.

Tippers/Tippets use a dolphin (Kennedy symbol too) in Doby colors. The cuffed arm in the Tipper/Tippit Crest is identical (colors included) with the one in the Pink Crest, and the latter are the ones who use the crosslet design of Bondy-colored Point(er)s.

Dobsons and Dobb's were both first found in Lancashire, where Benghazi elements had traced massively already. The Dobson Coat looks like a version of the Craven Coat, but in any case, it's yet another red-on-white fesse, shared by the likes of Bidens/Buttons! The Dobson Crest is lion's paws that I tend to trace to Boofima. The Dobson fesse is styled like the bars in the Coat of Scott-related Amore's, and the Amore motto ("Tu ne cede malis") is the one tracing to "Tunis," the main city of Tunisia, where Carthage is located. The coronet crown (sometimes called a MURal crown possibly in honor of Moors) of Amore's should trace to Coronis = Cyrene.

Italian Amore's, first found in Sicily, look to use the Panico/Panetta Coat with the white-on-red star in the Arms of Agrigento.

As Tabors/Tebors were first found in Seleucid-suspect Silesia, they can trace to Seleucids (i.e. Magas and Apama marriage) in Tobruk. The Tabor/Tebor Crest is the pair of wings with a fist-like shape between them, suggesting the Pinks / Punch's/Poynte's now tracing to the Tobruk-suspect Tippers/Tippets. The Tabor arrow could indicate the Rothschilds, and as there were a Rothschild branch that founded Communist Russia, let's keep in mind that Obama is himself a communist secretly, as was Frank Marshall Davis. I mention this because the arm and fist is a symbol of Communism's iron fist policies.

Recall the "steel bonnet" of the Halbert surname (they traced to Bologna/Bononia as did Bonnets), for one Steel surname has Stalin-like variations. In that Steel/Stahlin Coat is a single arrow, as there is in the Tabor Coat. German Halberts/Halbherrs use the rook in the colors of the same of the Terras Coat (Bavaria) that seems honored in the Alexander motto, and moreover the Terras Coat looks like a version of the Cuff Coats, one of which looks to use the Pink and Tipper arm with cuff. The Terras' can trace to Seleucids in Butnan/Tobruk for obvious Balas reasons, and Cuffs can trace to the Seleucids there by their use of the Sale and terras bend.

Scottish Terras' (Moray) use the motto, "Amore," as well as the Scott Coat! The Terras Crest looks like the Down/Doun stag design shared by Robinsons (= maiden name of president Obama's wife). Scotts trace to Skits, a branch of Guido's.

As Steels were suspect with "Setta" while Harberts traced to nearby Bologna's Guido family, it means that we are dealing with the Trypillians or hourglass bloodlines, important because the Half/Help Coat also uses the hourglass Shield, and "Help" is much like "Halb(ert)." The Half/Help hourglass is colors reversed to the same of Kerrys who are now tracing (as per their bees) to "Kyre" = Cyrene rather than to Caria. Simply put, the Cyrenian migration to the Setta / Bologna area, which was the makings of the Maccabees proper of Israel, merged with the Trypillian Scythians of that area suspect from Neuri, Budini, and Roxolani. The Getae Thracians and their Carpae kin (= far-north Apollo) could therefore have become the Guido gamily. The Carpi location is at Modena.

As I'm expecting the 600 Benjamites at Benghazi, who married 400 women from Jabesh (probably all codework), "Jaghbub" may even trace to "Jabesh," per chance. Recall too "Goat's Head Soup," the name of an album from the Rolling Stones led by a satanist, Mick Jagger (born in Kent). Goat's Head Soup had a song, "Angie," evoking the pegasus-using Angle's/Angels (Lancashire, where Illuminati-suspect Beatles were from) that traced with Nagle's to Agrigento (goats traced to Agrigento), and so by what bistincidence do the Angle's/Angels use a "baston"???

If Cyrene was Boofima country, couldn't we expect Jaggers to trace to Boofima at Jaghbub? English Jaggers (Yorkshire) use what looks like a gold version of the Nazi patee cross, what they called "Iron Cross," and in the Crest is an arm holding a sword straight up (!), as is the Biston sword!!!

Dutch and German Jaggers (in Tober colors) use the goat horn (bugle) in Boeuf colors. Austrian Jaggers (in Chep/Jabach colors) use the bugle in Traby-bugle colors.

"Jagg" is registered with Jacks (holly), first found in Renfrewshire, where Dobys were first found who are tracing for the moment to Tobruk. If Jacks are thus named after Jaghbub elements, then what about the Patee cross of Jacques de Molay?

Aha! As Bidens/Buttons are tracing to BUTNan (the area around Jaghbub), by what jackincidence do the Jacques use the same-colored bend as Bidens/Buttons and DOBsons??? These Jacques were first found in the same place as Jaggers! And there is an erect sword by itself (!) in the French Jacques Coat, along with a chevron in the colors of the Jagger bugle!

Mick Jagger even produced "Between the Buttons." Compare the Jacques with the Joke's/Joachs, first found in Kent, where Jagger was born.

The article on king Idris Senussi says that he ruled in Benghazi as per support from the British in WW2. His main political concern was to make Cyrenaica independent. Why? What roots did he have in that entity? We read: "Earl MountBATTEN was a very close friend of King Idris." Like the Baths, the Battens/Bedens were first found in Somerset, and they use the all-seeing-eye (or a human eye ball, however you wish to see it), a symbol that traced to the Bistones of Cyrene. It appears that Battus I of Cyrene, whom we already know to have been a diviner-type stupid, who reportedly named Cyrene, was in cahoots with the all-seeing-eye Uat cult.

ZOWIE! The German Batten Coat (Austrian Jagger colors) is a single crescent partly in the colors of the single crescent in the Arms of Senussi! The arrow behind the Batten crescent is in the two colors of the Senussi crescent. That's why Mountbatten and Senussi were friends, as per bloodline lust unto political inter-action.

Aha! The Germo-Swiss Sens/Sen Coat, which was loaded immediately after seeing the battens, has a single gold crescent, the color of the Batten crescent, as well as a patee cross in the colors of Jaggers.

UNBELIEVABLE!!! It's what we were waiting for, ultimate proof that Obama's mother traces to the Senussi. After seeing the Sens, "Sans" (in Sens-crescent colors) was entered (with Sinclairs/Suns/Singulars on my mind...whom I trace to "Singletary") to find an eagle seen earlier. Not recalling who else used it, it turned out to be the Dunns! These Dunns use "a-bu" in their motto so as to trace to the Seleucid Salyes of the Maccabee kind. These Dunns even use holly with their Crest lizard, a symbol of the Jaggs/Jacks (who are tracing well to the hometown of the Senussi).

I now realize that the Scottish-alternative Dunn Coat is an eagle in the colors of the Senussi crescent. See the Arms of Senussi at bottom of this page:

As the Alexanders use the Senussi crescent colors, see the origin of MountBattens in "Ludwig Alexander von Battenberg [born] in Graz, Austria, the eldest son of Prince Alexander of Hesse and by Rhine by his morganatic marriage to Countess Julia von Hauke." See the Hauk/Hawk Coat with "pilgrims stave's," or the German Hauk/Hauger Coat with lozenges in the colors of the Sens crescent.

The importance of the stave's is for the Stave/Stevenson surname that is suspect as the true father of Frank Marshall Davis, the true father of president Obama.

The quote above continues: "[Ludwig's] early years were spent either in the north of Italy or at Prince Alexander's two houses in Hesse, the castle of Heiligenberg in JUGenheim and the Alexander Palace in Darmstadt." Jugens were first found in the same place as Clare's, which discovery was made after the paragraph below had been written by a couple of minutes. The Jugen Coat is the Washington Coat!!!! Why are Washingtons tracing to Jaghbub?

Entering "Senes" gets the Sinclairs with the same cross as the co-founders of Baathists. I think I now understand, that while Obama traces to MonteChiaro's Mosco family, the Chiaro's were also the Clare's = Sinclairs who came to name the Senussi Cyrenians. The Sinclair cross is likely in use by Bakers, and then the article on Sayyid Hasan ar-Rida al-Mahdi as-Senussi, the son of the Libyan king, we find him in a photo with Taher BAKEER, Governor of Tripolitania.

The prince has a son in 1962, the year after Obama was supposedly born. Look at who the mother was, a Baker, right? Obama Sr. had married a baker. Hmm. "Crown Prince Mohammed El Senussi...born 20 October 1962) is the son of Crown Prince Hasan as-Senussi of Libya, and of Crown Princess Fawzia bint Tahir Bakeer." I did not know this when I gave the Obama-Baker info way above.

The article above says: "On 6 March 2012, Eastern Libyans declared their desire for autonomy in Benghazi. Mohammed [El Senussi's] relative, Ahmed al-Senussi was announced as the leader of the self-declared Cyrenaica Transitional Council." Did president Obama want just such a situation?

Here's Frank Davis history:


Especially for new or confused readers
shows where I'm coming from.

For serious investigators:
How to Work with Bloodline Topics

Here's what I did when I had spare time on my hands:
Ladon Gog and the Hebrew Rose

On this page, you will find evidence enough that NASA did not put men on the moon.
Starting at this paragraph, there is a single piece of evidence -- the almost-invisible dot that no one on the outside was supposed to find -- that is enough in itself to prove the hoax.
End-times false signs and wonders may have to do with staged productions like the lunar landing.

The rest of the Gog-in-Iraq story is in PART 2 of the
Table of Contents

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