Previous Update: July 17 - 23

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(if there are any to speak of)
July 24 - 30, 2012

On Douglas' of Wales; Proto-Hitlers
Moving Now Towards Glaphyra, Herod's Wife
Read on that Before the Shock Waves of the Next Update

As often happens, the latter parts of this update are perhaps the most important / interesting. The next update (much already written) is so staggering on the Herods that it's important you first know what's in the latter half of this update. But you got to let it sink in a little. I may be putting some of the next update up early, later this week, to give it more time for fast readers.

I didn't realize in the last update about the Oeta location when on the Dryopes topic. Dryopes was alternatively the land of Doris (i.e. the Dorians), and it's here that a myth writer(s) chose for the death of Hercules. But, after just speaking in the last update about the fire-sacrifice symbol of Trypillians, lookie here:

Mount Oeta (...older name: Katavothra) is a mountain in southern Phthiotis and northern Phocis, Greece...To its east is the mountain Kallidromo, which comes close to the sea, leaving only a narrow passage known as the famous pass of Thermopylae. There was also a high pass to the west of Kallidromo leading over into the upper Cephissus valley. The Oeta is southwest of Lamia, the nearest large town.

In mythology Oeta is chiefly celebrated as the scene of Heracles' death. Prepared to die, he ascended Mount Oeta, where he built a funeral pile of trees, gave his bow and arrows to Poeas, father of Philoctetes, and laid himself down on the pile, his head resting on his club, and his lion's skin spread over him, and commanded Philoctetes to apply the torch to the pyre.

The pile of trees is surely code for the dryas = tree symbol of Dryopes/Doris. This evokes the tree symbol of the proto-Essenes that I see, from Essenes of the mount Carmel theater (northern coastal Israel), very near Dor, and not too far north of Joppa where I see the evolution of the Samson > Hercules Avvites as they progressed to Tyre's human-sacrifice cults. I traced the Essene tree and axe symbols to "Esus," yet another human-sacrifice cult in the land of the Muse-like Moselle (= Little Meuse) river.

"Oeta" is interesting because it was in the last update that a Herod and Pollock link was made to Oettingens. Moreover, the Pollock Crest uses an arrow, symbol not only of Poeas, but his son, Pollock-like PHILOCtetes. I feel that the Pollock arrow (shot through a boar) traces to the arrows used to kill the Calydonian boar, suggesting now that those arrows belonged to the Poeas >Philoctetes line. That is, this line was near Calydon and within it, and at war with CALYDon. Note that Oeta is beside KALLIDromo. For me, this was the Gileki > Khaldi > Galli line to the homosexual/tranvestite cult of Hercules / Hephaestus / Dionysus, and as I see the Gileki as one of the snakes of the Caduceus, it should explain why a snake symbol was given to Philoctetes:

Philoctetes, or PhilocTHETES, was, according to Greek mythology, the son of King Poeas of Meliboea [sounds like Samson's bee / honey entity] in Thessaly [where the Ixion Hyksos and Dorians lived]. He was a Greek hero, famed as an archer, and was a participant in the Trojan War...He is also mentioned in Homer's Iliad; Book 2 describes his exile on the island of Lemnos, his wound by snake-bite...

...When Heracles wore the shirt of Nessus [smacks of DioNYSUS of Lemnos] and built his funeral pyre, no one would light it for him except for Philoctetes or in other versions his father Poeas. This gained him the favor of the newly deified Heracles. Because of this, Philoctetes or Poeas is given Heracles' bow and poisoned arrows [i.e. the Hercules line of Tyrians were described here as evolving into the Philoctetis line].

Philoctetes was one of the many eligible Greeks who competed for the hand of Helen [ to be expected if "Philoc" was a version of "Pollux"]...Philoctetes was stranded on the Island of Lemnos or Chryse by the Greeks on the way to Troy. There are at least four separate tales about what happened to strand Philoctetes on his journey to Troy, but all indicate that he received a wound on his foot that festered and had a terrible smell. One version holds that Philoctetes was bitten by a snake that Hera sent to molest him as punishment for his or his father's service to Heracles.

This is simpleton child-play that myth writers were engaged in. The lame / crippled symbol was given to Hephaestus and Dionysus of Lemnos, and Hera hated Hephaestus as she hated Philoctetes, wherefore the latter was a fundamental peoples on Lemnos, Amazons in all likeliness. It can be gleaned that "PhilocTHETIS" was part-code for Thetis, the mother of Achilles, symbol of parent-willing child sacrifice. Thetis was a major Nereid, and Nereids had a mythical Doris for a matriarch. Achilles had a son, Pyrrhus. We get it. But Hercules (husband of HEBE) was also given a wife: the Pyrenees southern France, where Joktanite / Sepharvite human-sacrificers lived as Occitanians/Aquitainians and Sephardics, pagan Hebrews.

In the Poeas article: "As an Argonaut, Poeas is identified as the greatest archer of the group. When facing the giant Talos, some accounts say Medea drugged the bronze giant and Poeas shot an arrow to poison him in his heel." Back to his son's article: " was Philoctetes that killed Paris [abductor of Helen], he fired four times, the first arrow went wide, the second struck his bow hand, the third hit him in the right eye, the fourth hit him in the heel, there was no need of a fifth shot." The Achilles' heel symbol is obvious, and it's tracing Thetis and Achilles through the Galli-Kabeiri cult in Lemnos. But as I think we are on the Dryopes entity here that evolved into the Trypillians, the mention of Medea above is interesting because she worshiped Hecate. It was suggested in the last update that the CUCETeni version for the land of Trypillians smacked of "mythical HECate/KEKET, the frog goddess that was in Colchis." Medea was insinuated there, princess of Colchis, whose father (Aeetes) was the Galli sun god, Atti(s), of frog-suspect Phrygia.

In my opinion, terms such as Colchis, Gileki, and Glaucus are one entity depicted by a snake in a helix. It was the sun-god, Helios, father of Phaethon, removed to Liguria, home of mythical CYCnus, son of Sthenelus, a Gorgon peoples tracing back to Gorgophone, daughter of Perseus and AndroMEDA at Joppa, not too far south of Dor. It's Philoctetes-important because the Cycnus swan must trace to Pollux Spartans (= Sepharvites), born of a swan egg. Or, "Ligure" traces back to mythical "Lycurgus," father/son of mythical Dryas, who should be a representation of the Dorians > Dryopians. But where Dryopians trace from their land of Doris to Israel's Dor, Achilles is once again looking like the Galli cult that named neighboring Galilee, or vice versa. In the next quote, note how the cepheus=head symbol given to Perseus, as per his cutting off the head of the Medusa Gorgon, is paired with "DRYMaea," a term not only reflecting the Dryopians, but "Adram," the Sepharvite god:

Doris is a small mountainous district in ancient Greece, bounded by Aetolia, southern Thessaly, the Ozolian Locrians, and Phocis; the original homeland of the Dorian Greeks. It lies between Mounts Oeta and Parnassus [home of the Muses], and consists of the valley of the river Pindus, a tributary of the Cephissus, into which it flows not far from the sources of the latter...This valley is open towards Phocis; but it lies higher than the valley of the Cephissus, rising above the towns of Drymaea...

Perseus at Joppa was a Danaan peoples marrying a daughter of CEPHEUS, the Gorgon-head symbol of Greeks. In fact, "Greco" should itself be a Gorgon term. "Perseus" should trace to "Paris" of Troy/Mysia, who I see as symbol of Parion (real city in Mysia), home of the Gorgon Muses. I trace "Parion" to "PARNassus," what could be partially a Nassus / Nessus term (Hercules, a Danaan peoples, wore the shirt of Nessus). The location of Orange-Nassau just happens to be on the Dor-suspect Durance river, as it meets the Rhodanus, the river suspect with the mythical EriDANUS river of Phaethon, son of Helios from Rhodes, home of the Danaans. In fact, before starting on anything you are reading in this update thus far, the Ruthenian Trypillians were traced in the last update to the Ruthenes=Redones of the Rhodanus river. It's telling me that the Traby-suspect Trypillians were at Orange-Nassau, an idea jibing with my trace of the Traby bugle to the bugle of Orange-Nassau.

Are we now tracing the 666 bloodline of Trabys to the Dorian-Danaans between Dor and Joppa? Shouldn't the Galli of Galilee (location of Megiddo) trace to the Khaldi in the Trabzon theater? Didn't the husband-less Amazons at Trabzon mate with Gargarian Gorgons, and evolve into the Alans, later the Roxolani that were traced to Trypillians (of the Doly theater) before they became the Alans of Dol? Yes, the 666 bloodline amounts to a complicated migration, but shouldn't it trace back to Megiddo and to Gorgonic Gog? Isn't Jesus going to cut the head off (so to speak) of the Gorgonic anti-Christ at Megiddo?

In the account of Hercules at Oeta, his wife can be gleaned as Dia, the wife of Ixion, father of the Centaurs: "In Greek mythology, [the shirt of Nessus] is the shirt (chiton) daubed with the tainted blood of the centaur Nessus that Deianeira, Hercules' wife, naively gave Hercules, burning him, and driving him to throw himself onto a funeral pyre." The father of Nessus was made, Centauros. As per Hercules' wife being given a "neira" ending, it should be as a clever code for the Nereids, in which case it can be understood why she was also Hebe.

Deianeira was made a daughter of Oeneus (king of Calydon), and should therefore trace to Juno, a major ancestry of Romans on the Oeneus river of Illyria, beside the Japodes whom I trace to "Joppa." Deianeira was even the sister of Meleager, the one who shot and killed the Calydonian boar. It's telling me that Deianeira was the Hebe = Hebrew peoples tracing to Pollocks, who were themselves from the Julian and Flavian Romans. The Centaurs are trace-able to the Cantii founders of Kent, and that's where the Caesar/Sesare surname was first found, whose red-on-white roses I trace to the same of the Sparrows of Norfolk, where the Drops/Trope surname was first found, and where Caesar-related Fulkes lived. The Nerra term that the Norfolk Fulkes had ancestry in may even be indication of the DieaNEIRA entity.

Note the black-skinned people (feature of Trypillians) in the artwork in the Deianeira article. In another ancestry given to her, she's a daughter of Dexamenus, an Ambracian entity that I see as the representation of ambrosia that Thetis spread on Achilles' body. In the mythical Ambrax article: "He was king [when] the exiled Aeneas came to his city. He was son of Dexamenus that was in turn son of Hercules." It's telling us again that the Deianeira line leads to the ancestry of Romans. It's a natural migration up the Adriatic coast from Ambracia (Epirus theater) to the Oeneus river and the Japodes. Ambracia was also called, Arta, which should connect to "Arda" in the land of the Dryopian/Doris-suspect Odrysians.

It all goes back to Hephaestus' metal-making cult, as it should, for Dexamenus was a son of Oeceus, king of Olenus, and a mythical Olenus was a son of Hephaestus. Olenus was a father of Aex, a nurse of Zeus on Crete, suggesting that "DEXAmenus" was part-code for the Daktyloi Curetes...whom I tentatively trace to the Ticino river. There are two interesting things here: 1) the Teck/Tess surname (in Drops'/Trope colors), showing leaves as likely code for Laevi on the Ticino/Tessen river, use a saltire in the colors of the Oettingen saltire; 2) the Drops'/Trope Shield-and-Chief combination is that also of the Men/Men(g)zies surname. The Pepins, whom I trace to the Papia version of Pavia in the Ticino river, use a "Mens" motto term and were linked solidly for others reasons to the Mens/Men(g)zies.

Note "DexaMENUS," suggesting even more-strongly that he and his Ambracian elements were in the Mens bloodline on the Ticino. I have little doubt that the "menus" portion stands for the same as "AlcMENE," mother of Hercules, and tracing back to "Manoah," father of Samson. The reason this is being highlighted here is that I tend to trace the pagan Levite priest, Jonathan, in the book of Judges after the Samson account, to the Laevi Gauls on the Ticino. In fact, as we just saw that drop-using Drops'/Tropes should link to Dexamenus elements, what about the trace I made, years ago, long before writing here, of Jonathan to the Jones and Sam/Sammes' Coats, both of which use drops??? The Jones motto even uses "Heb" twice as likely code for Hebe, wife of Hercules.

As the Jones surname is Welsh (= Cimmerian, ultimately from Hercules in the far-west), it ought to link to the Traby (i.e. Trypillian) line of Trevor. That can now explain why a Trevor variation is "TREFor," as per the Trypillian suspects, the Trips/Treffs!

Where Dexamenus is part of the Hercules-death story at Oeta, shouldn't it now trace Oettingens to "Oeta"? The curiosity here is that while I traced Oettingens to Herods in the last update, Dexamenus was of Ambracia = Arta. I became, as of the last update or two, more confident than ever that "Herod" and "Art(hur)" are the same bloodline. Moreover, I trace "Ambracia" to a Brech-like term that Bruttium was known by. Otherwise, I trace "BRUTtium," otherwise known as CALABRia, to "KALAVRita," a term that can also be read as "KalaVRITA/BRITA," near Boura / Helike. Bruttium was beside Sybaris.

When I traced "Herod" to "Herodotus" out of Thurii (centuries before the Herods of Israel), I mentioned the earlier name of that place, Sybaris, and its founding by Greeks out of Boura of Achaea. I even recall tracing, years ago, the Muse-infested Sybaris location to Muses in Helice/Helike. Therefore, see here what has just been found today: "Olenus, son of Hephaestus and father of Helice and Aex, two nurses of infant Zeus." Not forgetting that Dexamenus was a son of a king of Olenus, we can click the Helice link at that sentence to find the Helike city in Achaea. From this, we understand that "Aex," an HephAEStus entity, is code for Achaeans. From this, we understand that the Galli of Hephaestus founded the Achaeans, and so compare "Helike" to "Gileki." There is your proto-Glass surname, we can be sure, as it passed through LUCania, location of Sybaris / Thurii. It should explain why the Glass motto is simply, "LUCtor."

Reminder, the Glass surname was first found in Buteshire, the same theater that the Herod/Hurl surname was first found in.

The Dexamenus entity was easily identified above as the Daktyloi Curetes, and I traced "Curete" to the Irish>Scottish Cruithen/Cruithne, otherwise known as the Pretani = Brits that should trace to the Bruttii of Bruttium. King Arthur was a Brit, which is one reason that I traced his Arthur surname to "Arta" = Ambracia. The Crichtons/Creightons, by the way, were on Bute, and the green dragon of the Crichton Crest should be a version of green Melusine in the Glass Crest. Melusine of Bute = Avalon was a Vere-prized entity that dragon-liner Veres trace to Anjou, where Fulk Nerra ruled who moved to Norfolk, where Sprowston is located that should link, not just to Veres at Sprowestun, but to the DieaNEIRA entity, daughter of Dexamenus.

We could get the impression here that the Roman elements seen above in the Dexamenus elements traces to the naming of emperor Nero, whose mother was an Agrippa bloodliner that can certainly link to Herod Agrippa.

I trace the Sprowes bloodline to Speers of Renfrew, where Pollocks were concentrated who are now tracing to mythical PHILOCtetes. Is it by chance, therefore, that the Oettingens were just linked to Pollocks in the last update, while "Mount Oeta (older name: - KataVOTHRA) is a mountain...between the valleys of the rivers SPERcheios..."? In the Spercheios article: "The Spercheios is a river in Phthiotis, central Greece. The river begins in the TYMfristos mountains..." The Melusine in the Glass Crest is used by the Moray Crest, suspect in the latter with the Pollock branch in Moray, and traced to the Spree river in Melusine-related Lusatia. A Moray Coat no longer shown at has a "Deum time" motto that I traced to Timms/Times/TYMmes of Kent, whom I identified as elements from Timna, sister of Lotan, wife of Eliphas of Edom. The father of Eliphas ruled at BOZRAH, smacking of "KataVOTHRA" ("kata" in Greek carries the idea of "down"). It's suggesting that Timna / Timnah elements may have named Tymfristos, and that Esau-ites were at Katavothra too.

As Samson's wife came out of Timnah, there is a good chance that any wife of Hercules traces to Timnah. It just so happens that Hercules with his wife was traced by myth writers to the Tymfristos theater.

The Oliphants (white-on-red crescents) use "tout" for a motto term that clearly stands as code for the Touts/Toots, who use a white-on-red crescent inside a canton otherwise called a square. The Square surname (shows a squirrel) comes up as "Squirrel" or "Squire," and then the English Lannoy Crest is like an heraldic squire (but called in this case a "chevalier"). The Foret/Forest Coat (relevance below) is a fesse in the colors of the Herod/Hurl fesse, and the Foret/Forest motto is, "Tout travers." The Herods and Hurls were septs of McLeods from SKYE and Lewis, wherefore the SKUYer variation of the Squares/Squirrels looks to trace the surname to Skye.

The Travers use the white lion in Crest, as do Forets/Forests, and the Travers smack of the Welch Trevors mentioned shortly above as a Trypillian line to the Tudors, in the colors of the Touts/Toots. The Valentines (chevron in Traver-chevron colors) were first found in the same place (Herefordshire) as Trevors/Trefors and Tudors, and then the Valents use what I consider to be the "Jewish" Pollock bend, but with three green squirrels. It just so happens that Decks and Dykes both use squirrels too.

It could suggest a trace of Decks and Dykes to the Dexamenus Daktyloi, though the point here is that the French Lannoys use lions in the colors of the Valent squirrels and of the Lyon lion. It's important because the Lyon write-up traces to Lyons-la-Foret, suggesting a trace of the Herods/Hurls to Lyons-la-Foret...though the other Lyon location, otherwise known as Lugdunum, should apply too. The Herods/Hurls were traced especially to Lugdunum Covenarum, where Herod Antipas was banished, and the Lugdunum-Lyon location is very near Vienne Isere, where the other Herod was banished. Near Lugdunum-Lyon, at the mouth area of the Isere river, is the Valence/Valentia location named by one of the Valentinian emperors.

Valentinian III allied himself to Attila's Huns, and then one of Attila's brothers was Bleda. It is therefore conspicuous that the English Lannoys are from a BLETsoe location.

The Vaughn surname was introduced in the last update, and though it was said to have a chevron in the colors of the same of Pendragons and Valentines, I didn't mention the Vaughn write-up: "First found in Shropshire, where they were descended from Tudor Trevor, the Earl of Hereford, and Lord of Maylors." The Fawns'/Faughnes' seem related because they were first found in the same place (Berwickshire) as Arthurs.

Entering "Maylor," we find a white-and-green Shield and Chief combination (no symbols), the colors of the Lannoy lions / Valent squirrels. German Maylors/Mallers use the five-pointed crown of MacArthurs, suggesting now that the Herod Antipas line was in the Maylors/Mallers...evoking the Malls/Mallibones suspect with the Ananias-suspect Hanans.

At the end of this Wikipedia Tudor article, we find the Arms of Jasper Tudor, Duke of Bedford, using three fleur-de-lys in the colors of the same of the English Lannoys...first found in Bedfordshire! The chevalier in a helmet in the Lannoy Crest therefore jibes with the helmets used by the old Arms of Tudor. But then Pendragons use helmets as well as the Valentine and Traver chevron.

Who were the Lannoys? Did they start off as Lyons, or were they something else? Why are Lannoys tracing to Tudors of the Jasper kind? Hmm, the Jasper surname, said to be from "GASpar," uses scallops, a symbol that can trace to "Euskal," the peoples that had merged with Herod Antipas' descendants before they found the Gascony-related Meschins...who use scallops in the white of the Jaspar scallops. The Jaspers, Touts and Tudors all use the colors of the Taddei cross, a cross that belongs also to Bouillons...who had traced two updates ago to Aosta, location of the Salassi, important because I am very confident that the Pendragon fleur link to the Sale fleur and to the Sale-related Helms.

It's telling me that the Lannoy and Tudor fleur-de-lys are those also of Mascis, especially as the Travers use scallops in Meschin-scallop colors while Valentines, who use the Traver chevron, use the Massey pegasus. The French Masseys (crescents in Oliphant- / Tout-crescent colors) were shown until recently to use the same boot (in the same colors too) as the Trips/Treffs that are now tracing to Trevors/Trefors. French Masseys were first found in the same place -- Savoy, smack next to Aosta -- as the Forets/Forests who use, "Tout travers." The Masseys trace to Amazons, as had the Trypillians.

Hmm, the French Massey symbol now is a "tree without leaves," perhaps as per the idea of a "dry tree." Isn't that evoking the Dryopian tree of myth? Note how the Tree/Trow/Trew Crest is like the Lannoy Crest.

The Lannoy surname was engaged only at the request of emailer Pollock. During the initial investigation, I traced Lannoys to Pendragons and thought that PicARDY (beside/in Artois), where French Lannoys were first found, should apply. I wrote to her: "The short of it seems to be that the Lannoys were close to the Arthurian grail bloodline...Thanks to this email of yours, I've found the Herod symbol in the Picard surname, and a grail in the Crest of the Lanny surname. I didn't know about the Lanny grail until a minute or two after writing the first sentence in this paragraph. If you look at the other Lanny Coat, you'll find a bend colors reversed to the Pollock bend, and then the Valent Coat has a bend in the colors of the Pollock bend but with green-on-white squirrels thrown in, the colors of the Lannoy lions...Thanks to this email, I've just found that the Foret Coat smacks of the Herod/Hurl Coat."

Here's the gyronny symbol of the Picard Coat; it's in the blue and white colors of the gyronny in the Arms of Gironde, the Arms that clinched (two updates ago) the Herod-Antipas trace to the gyronny of MacArthur-related Campbells.

French Picards/Piccarts were first found in Brittany, and use a lion in the colors of English Lannoys. The lion is in the same colors as the Beaumont lion, and the latter Coat even uses fleur in the colors of the Lannoy fleur. The French Picard/Piccart write-up traces to "the seigneurie of Vieilleville, you see, which suggests Humphrey de Vieilles, father of the Beaumonts, a HARcourt.

The Lanny Coat, having white and blue horizontal bars, a symbol of Lusignan (and Luxembourg), may link to the Gironde theater's gyronny, for Lusignan did have reach into Aquitania.

The apparent link between Lannoys and Lyons may suggest the Lenards/Leonards (fleur in the colors of the one fleur in the canton/square of the Scottish Picard Coat); their fesse is in the colors of the Alan fesse. The Lennox Coat shows a saltire in the colors of the Lanny bend, but then this saltire is in the colors of the Annan(dale) saltire, which may ultimately indicate that Alans had merged with Ananes who became "L'Annoy/Lannoy."

Going back to the Herod-suspect German Maylors/Mallers (MacArthur crown), there's a good chance that they are related to the Welsh Maylors, especially as Arthurian elements were heavily in Wales. I made a fundamental trace of the Pendragon-Arthur cult in the Devon / Somerset theater to Wurttemberg, where Maylors/Mallers were first found. The "Amor" term of Welsh Maylors is what starts to clinch some important links. First, the Newmans "Ubi AMOR ibi fides" for a motto, which in my strong opinion honors (with two motto terms) the MacAbees, first found in the same Argyllshire area as MacArthurs and Herods/Hurls. Second, the Paines/Paynes use "Malo mori," and I see Paines/Paynes as a branch of Payens/PAIONTS while the German Maylers/Mallers have this write-up: "The surname Maylor is an occupational name for a painter, or more specifically a painter of stained glass, derived from...the Middle High German word 'malen' which both meant 'to paint.'" I'm suspecting codework there rather than a true trace of the surname to painters of stained glass. I've opinionated on an Arthur motto term as code for the Stand surname, properly shown as "Stain."

The Arthur-suspect Fowns/Fauns/Phones/Vauns use a Moray-colored star, as do Glass-suspect Douglas. Fowns/Fauns/Phones were first found in Devon, where I trace "Daphne," and then Payens/Paionts (suspect from the Paeoni/Paioni peoples) were first found in Dauphine (dolphin symbol). The Pendragon motto leads to Tippers (Cornwall), who use dolphins. The Fown/Faun/Phone write-up: "They are believed to have been originally from Saxby Saphy in Worcestershire about 1000 A.D." "Saphy" could be a variation of a Daphne / Dauphine term.

To find a surprising super-coincidence, "Gown" was entered at the sight of the Fown variation of the Fawns'/Faughnes', and there was the Shield-and-Chief combination of the Welsh Maylors. As I linked the Gowns to the double-code, "gonfanon," it's suggesting that the fanon part has to do with Fawns'/Faughnes' and likely Vaughns. Gowns are properly "Gowen," yet I suspected that "Gown" became a variation because the gonfanon is secretly a loincloth or type of womanly dress worn my Masonic types. Interesting here is that the gonfanon is a known symbol of Montforts who use an upright white-on-red lion, just like the Harder/HarDRESS'. I was shocked to find that "The [Harder] family derived from Ardres in Picardy," for I was entering terms at the time seeking PicARDy elements. It's telling me that Herods of the Antipas kind had merged with Montforts.

While I'm linking Arthurs / MacArthurs / MacCarthys to Herod Antipas with little doubt now, the question is the origin of Pendragons, whether from Herods at all. I happened to feel that "PEN" refers to Penns/Penners (plates in Pendragon colors) and Penders/Pynders (Macey chevron), and therefore to Pines/Pynes (Devon and Cornwall). This idea occurred years ago, suggesting the tattoo-suspect Payens too. That is, Pendragons may have been the Payen bloodline. The Pines/Pynes (pine tree) even use a version of the Irish Arthur Coat and the Arthur-related Wayne Coat, the latter having the Macey gloves and therefore identifying "Wayne" as part of the gonfanon bloodline (suspect in Vains/Fanes and other Veneti) now linking to Herods of the Montfort kind. In fact, the Pines/Pynes use colors of the Montfort lion, and besides, I link Montforts (from Monforte, Cuneo) closely to Mascis while Maschis/MASKALLys (Rimini) use a pine cone.

The Wayne and Pine/Pyne chevron is ermined and in the colors of the ermined chevron used by the old Arms of Tudor (see bottom of page).

Another pine cone has been found in the Plas/Plasac surname, a surname suggesting, for multiple reasons, the Pollock trace to Placentia, home of the Ananias bloodline. Reminder: Pollocks trace to the Childeric > Clovis line as per the Pollock trace to imperial Valentinians that are herein linking strongly to the Pendragon > Arthurian bloodline, itself revealed in multiple ways as Merovingians / Amorites in Britain.

One can trace "Rimini" both to the mythical founders of Rome, and to Rheims/Reims, a capital of early Merovingians. When I first discovered that Mascis use the fleur-de-lys in the early colors of the Merovee fleur, I figured that there was some distant link of Mascis to Clovis, but then it turned out that Clovis' mother, Basina, was from the Bessin elements that Meschins/MASCULines lived in. The Plas/Plasak write-up: "First found in Thuringia...The family later branched east into Poland." Thuringia is where Chlodio and Basina were from, and the Mascis bloodline of Poland was in the Mieszkos, whom I had traced to Merovingians of the Moravian kind.

I think what I'm seeing here is that the Valentinian, Herod and Ananias bloodlines all converged at Placentia. It should explain why small white Shields are used by the Herod-related Mayler/Maller surname. The Arms of Placentia is a small white square / Shield on a red Shield; the Plas/Plasac Shield is red too. The latter surname looks as though it can link to the "Plessix" variation of the Plessis', and then German Plessys/Plesses (Drummond suspect) were first found in Hamburg, the location of German Drummonds and Trips/Treffs now linking to Trevors/Trefors, "Lord[s] of both Maelors in Powys..."! I even recall tracing (years ago) "Powys" to mythical "Poeas" (the arrow-depicted bloodline), son of Pollock-suspect Philoctetes.

As both Herods and Pollocks had recently traced to Oettingens, it's important to repeat that Philoctetes and Poeas were from Oeta. The Oettingens were of Bavaria, where German Maylors/Mallers (the ones tracing to Placentia) were first found. It's going to get important shortly below that Oettingens trace to Odins/Hoddys of Yorkshire, where Ellis' were first found who use a cross of the same type and colors-reversed from the Plas/Plasac cross. The woman with disheveled hair in the Ellis Crest was traced to Holle/Holla, wicked-witch goddess of Holstein, near Hamburg (where Plessix'/Plesses' were first found).

I looked up the Plas surname to begin with as per the Plas Thomas location of northern Shropshire, in the ELLESmere / Dudleston area. It just so happens that holly, a symbol likely of Holle/Holla, is used by the Mires/MIREUX's (first found in Melusine-infested Anjou) whom I trace to the MIRROR of Melusine in the Moray Crest. In short, it appears that the EllesMEREs were Amorites of the Mire / Myer kind, especially as I've seen the Ellis Crest as a red mermaid (i.e. red version of Melusine).

There is a good chance that the three black-on-white pheons of the Ellesmeres links to the same of the Walch's/Welch's, which is very important where Pollocks, originally from Shropshire, were identified with the Walch's/ Walch's. It's tracing Pollocks to Ellesmere in northern Shropshire, where PLAS Thomas is located. It's even possible now that "Walch" is a version of "Plas."

Several updates ago, a robin flittered away on my window for hours straight. I recorded the event as a Sign which, amongst other things, ended up linking the Mires/Mireux's to the presidential Bush bloodline. George Bush Jr. married a Welch surname, wherefore I can now add that French (Brittany) Robins use pheons too, and that English Robins use the blue thistle, a symbol of the Paisley, named after the Renfrew town that the first Pollocks lived in. Remember in this discussion that Pollocks trace to the mother of Adolf Hitler while the presidential Bush's were Nazi spies in America. Remember too that Trypillians at Hamburg, and now found in Wales / Powys / Hereford, are suspect as the swastika bloodline. Amazing here is that the British Robins use "funera," smacking of Gratian FUNARius (father of emperor Valentinian I), whose nickname is tentatively being traced to Fawns / Fauns / Vaughns!

When I first saw "Plas Thomas in Shrewsbury" in the Vaughn write-up, it dawned on me for the first time that "Shrew" is a version of "Sheriff / Scherff." At that time, I had not yet come to this point in the discussion, where WALCH's and Bush's have become the topic (important because president George Herbert WALKer Bush was born George Herbert Scherf(f)). I started searching the Scherf-like Coats for evidence of a link to Shrewsbury (alternative name of Shropshire), and found the Scarfs, first found in Yorkshire (seeing moments later that Sherriffs are in the colors of Robins). This is important because the Ellis' of Yorkshire are now suspect with the Trypillians in the Hamburg / Holstein theater, but also because the Ellesmere location around Plas Thomas is suspect as an Ellis line. The Scharfs, you see, use the TREFoil, a symbol that I'm sure is for the Trip-branch Trypillians. I even traced Scherfs and Walkers / Wilkens to Schwerin and the Wagrians (Holstein area) not many updates ago. But I trace the trefoil also to the Fell / Feller bloodline, and we saw that the FLEUR/FLERS surname uses what should be the Pollock bugle.

The blue thistle is used also by Gowns, who are the ones using the Shield-and-Chief combination of Welsh Maylors. It's definitely tracing the Bush- and Walker- / Walch-related Nazis to Trypillians of the Tudor-Trevor kind. The upright red-on-white lion of the Shropshire Ellesmeres ought to be the English Stewart lion, not forgetting that the Walch chevron traces to Exeters of Devon, where English Stewarts were first found. The Gowns likewise use an upright red-on-white lion.

The Says, whom I had ventured to trace to Sais way back in ancient Egypt, were first found in Shropshire. I now find, as per my investigation moments ago on the Plas Thomas location, that the Welsh ruler, Rhys SAIS I (1025), was father to Tudor. Note the Bleddyn names in that bloodline. This bloodline ruled Dudleston, the location of Plas Thomas.

The article goes on to say: "Roger of Dudleston was father to Roger Fychan and Gronwy..." The latter term is jumping out as one related to "Garonne / Gironde," where Herod Antipas had his family in France. We already have reason to trace Herods to Maylors of the Shropshire theater. Here's the Vaughn write-up: "First found in Shropshire, where they were descended from Tudor Trevor, the Earl of Hereford, and Lord of Maylors....Descended was Gronwy, Earl of Hereford, through a series of Lords of Maylors and Oswestry. They descended to John Vaughan, son of Rhys Ap Llewellyn, of Plas Thomas in Shrewsbury."

There have recently been allusions of a Pollock trace to Perthshire, or to the birth of Pontius Pilate to a Pict of Perthshire. It was just in the last update where I discovered (or re-discovered) that the early Pollock arrow had been a "dart." The Crest of the Celt/Colt surname, first found in Perthshire and using what I see as the Pilate pheon, is a dart. The "TransFIGUM" motto of Celts/Colts has already been linked to the "Transfixus" term of pheon-using Walch's...who use a swan pierced with an arrow akin to the arrow-pierced Pollock boar. These motto terms have been linked tentatively to Fiquet / Fichet / Montfiquet elements, and it just so happens that the Gronwy-like Gernon surname was from was from Montfiquet, and yet traced in its write-up to Hereford, a Herod-suspect location of Maylors and Trevors: "First found in Montfiquet, in the district of Bayeux. Robert de Guernon accompanied the William the Conqueror at Hastings in 1066 A.D. Robert held estates in Herefordshire, Suffolk, and a great barony in Essex."

In this picture, we need to bring back the quote above, "Roger of Dudleston was father to Roger Fychan and Gronwy...", for "Fychan" smacks of "Fichet." It just so happens that the Meschins (first found in Shropshire), in charge of the Welch border, had a Ranulf de Gernon ruler in Chester. Yet Fychan and Gronwy pre-date even Gernon's father in Chester. I did trace (2nd update this month) Herod Antipas' bloodline to Gernons of Montfiquet, but did not know at the time that the Herods may have traced there by first going through this line of Roger of Dudleston. Or, Herods first in Montfiquet had moved to Wales to become the Fychan / Gronwy line, afterwhich the Meschins followed to Chester.

There is a Gronwy surname with three white-on-red boar heads, very likely link-able (for gyronny reasons) to the gold boar head in the Campbell Crest. Pollocks use a gold boar and are likewise linking to Herod Antipas.

This trace of Pollocks to the Plas Thomas area around Dudleston should explain why Dudleys (Massin/Mason lion) use a salamander in flames, the Douglas/DuGLASS (and Julian) symbol. That is, "DUDLey" looks like a version of "DOUGLas," a line that (I say) named Glasgow, where Pollocks lived. The Walch chevron is also the Moreton chevron, and Moretons are shown as a sept of Douglas'. Note the Kilpatrick sept of Douglas', for Kilpatricks were Julians. Forests (use same fesse as Herods/Hurls), though not "Foret," are also a Douglas sept. In my opinion, emailer Pollock's father was a Moreton bloodline.

Did I trace "Herod" to "Rhodes"? It started to make sense that the Templars invaded Jerusalem with the money bags of the Herods. I now find this:

Having now determined both by chronology and land holdings that the Roger of Whittington was father to Meurig (and his siblings Maredudd and Thomas) and that the Roger of Dudleston was father to Roger Fychan and Gronwy, the final question to be resolved is which man was a "Knight of Rhodes". Known as the Hospitallers of Jerusalem until 1309 when the order acquired the island of Rhodes, it appears that sometime between 1165 and 1187, Roger of Whittington donated land called Halston from his demense property to the Hospitallers on which they built a preceptory....

Grenons even use the same cross design, called a Crusader cross, as the Julians who use a salamander in flames. It's telling us that the Julian line was in northern Shropshire / Shrewsbury / Salop (the SALAmander likely traces in-part to the namers of Salop).

Interesting in the list of Drummond septs is the Argyll-like septs, for one theory on the origin of "Argyll" is Herod "ARCHELaus," not forgetting that Arthurs are also "ARCHibures." I'm not sure what kind of bird is shown in the Drummond Crest at that page, but I did trace Drummonds to the viking raven, and here we find that the Drummond septs of Crueyer / Cruyer smack of the Kroes/Kreugers. And ZIKERS LOOK! I've just entered "Greer" as per the Greer-like septs that appear related to Cruyers / Gruyers / Gruers, and there was the MacArthur crown!!! It traces Drummonds to a merger with Herods of the Antipas kind!

In the canton of the Greers one can see the Shot/Shutt sword that appears again with the MacArthur crown in the Maylor Coat, suggesting that this was Arthur's Excalibur sword. The motto of Shots/Shutts uses "guerre," evocative of Robert de Guernon in the Gernon write-up. The Alan-suspect Guernons (stars in Alan-star colors) may also apply because I linked the Shots/Shutes to the vulture-using Slings and Geiers, and then identified "vulture" with "Walter" of the Alan kind.

The Guernon write-up: "They also branched to Gree and Landelle in Brittany. This distinguished family were Grand Masters of the Order of St.Jean of Jerusalem in 1231." The Gueron stars are pierced, and in the colors of the pierced Zionists stars of the Payens, who put out the first Templar grand master. Therefore, one may trace Payens to Gueron of Normandy, and to a merger with Brittany's Alans, and to the Geiers at Megiddo. The French Alans who use the Gueron stars were first found in Normandy, as expected now. The Gueron write-up traced to "Turstin de Giron or Girounde," smacking of Gironde of Aquitaine, where the Herod-Antipas line traced.

NEW, and confirming my suspicions that Stewarts / Veres are behind the rash of heraldic changes in the past few months, the French Alan Coat no longer shows the ducklings viewed and discussed two updates ago, but rather shows red footless martins at this time. Fine; it'll just expand our traces and verify all the more the filthy dragon that these masquerading royal families trace to. I trace "footless" to the same place as CyFOETH-using Gernons: to Foetes/Fussen. The Cheshire Foots have already been traced to Gripps / Walters of the Alan kind, and a Footes location at Guernsey was discovered, but since then we saw an ancient foot symbol in the Philoctetes > Poeas line now tracing to "Powys," where the Gernon line lived as rulers of Wales. In fact, Fychan, brother to Gronwy, smacks of "Fussen."

GD, about the same time that she sent in on the Vaughn surname, also said that she had found a Vaughn Arms with green snakes around boys' necks, leading to a finding of the following: "RHIRID FLAIDD (or Rhirid the wolf...appellation of blaidd (wolf) was inherited from his maternal grandmother, Haer, dau and heiress of Cynfyn, son of Cillyn y Blaidd Rhudd (meaning "Cillyn the Bloody(red) Wolf")..." In other words, the Welsh called their wolf by such terms as "Flaidd" or "Blaidde," confirming that Blatand "Bluetooth" is code for a blue fang of a wolf, and thus tracing Blatand Bluetooth, a Danish king, to the mythical blue wolf of Hun elements, especially as Attila's brother was, Bleda. In order to better trace Plas Thomas (on the Welsh border) to Placentia, the Arms of Placentia uses a blue wolf. It just so happens that Gronwy's brother was Bledynn.

Doubtfully, we can't trace Herods to Huns fundamentally, but we can assume a Hun merger with Herods, probably at the time when Valentinian merged with both Huns and Merovingians, the latter finding their way to Arthur / Merlin of Wales. Merlin, to the Welsh, was, "Myrddin," which became the MARTIN-bird symbol, according to some online information I had recorded. The new-showing Alan martins are red-on-white, the colors of the Welsh dragon. Here are the same-style martins of the Alans in the Marlin/Merlane Coat on what looks like a Drummond Shield of the Damory kind.

As the Bleddyn character was from Rhys Sais, note that the Welsh Rhys surname was first found in CarMARTHEN, the place to which many trace "Myrddin."

As the Welsh call themselves Cymry/Cymru, a brief look at ancient Cimmerians might be in order here to show their migration from red Rhodes. Germanics are thought to be largely of Biblical Gomer, though I do not trace "German(ia)" to "Gomer," but rather to "Armenia, for the Germanic tribes were traced (by others) to a mythical "Mannus," whom I trace to Maeonians...whose river flows toward Rhodes, where there is a Kamiros location that I say named the ancient Chimera dragon of Lycia. I see Maeonians from mythical Manes, or the historical Manneans of Mannae, in Armenia.

"According to one Assyrian inscription, the Cimmerians (Gimirru) originally went forth from their homeland of Gamir or Uishdish in 'the midst of Mannae'" In Mannae was the Cimmerian city of Gomara. It gives us much reason for seeing Cimmerians and Togarmites in the Manes line through pine-depicted Attis and finally to proto-Latin and proto-Roman mythical Lydus...and the Lydian allies, Myso-Trojans, the peoples who entertained the Gorgonic Meshech-Amazons. Hercules, a north-Wales / Erethlyn / Menai / Mona entity, was important at the Attis > Lydus line, and I even trace Manes to Samson's father. The Mysians, before the rise of Lydian king, Gugu/Gyges, in about 700 BC (not long before Ezekiel's prophecy on Gog, Rosh, Gonmer, Meshech), was said to be ruled by the Hercules line for over 500 years. It's telling me that the Samson-cult Danaans and Armeno-Gileki were in northern Wales.

The Togar-like mythical Teucer was, in my opinion, rudimentary to the heraldic salamander used by Julians/Gilians and related Douglass'...but the salaMANDER (code for Maeander river of Maeonians) is now suspect in Dudleys -- from Dudleston of north Wales -- where there is a Rhos location, and a Denbighshire that could trace to Danaans of Rhodes (reminder, I trace Danaans to "Tanais," land next to the Cimmerian Crimea). It all makes sense where I see the proto-Glass surname in the Gileki, whom I say were allied to the Armenians in forming the snake > dragon cult into Helios-infested Rhodes, and to Armenia-like Harmonia, dragon daughter of Ares = Rus = Rosh.

It's a very good bet, therefore, that Harmonia was from the Mannae > Maeonian Armenians, explaining why Ares elements to the red-colored Rus should be expected on Rhodes. It's telling us that even the dragon of Ares was red, the color, essentially, of the Biblical dragon. I traced Hercules to Erethlyn of north Wales because Hercules was in a far-off western location called, Eretheia, a term meaning, 'red." You can therefore assume that the red dragon on the Welsh flag to this day traces to Danaans, Cimmerians, Gileki, and proto-Rus of Rhodes.

The trace of Glass' and Pollocks to Dudleston is again evoking the possibility that terms such as "Helen" and "Alan" were from the Gel variation for the Gileki. It's suggesting that the Glass / Duglass bloodline was at ELLESmere, the area surrounding Dudleston. As this was the location of Plas Thomas, and as the bloodline of Rhys Sais ruled there, note that the Welsh Thomas Coat is three ravens/crows surrounding a black-on-white chevron, identical to the Rhys Coat. The Thomas write-up: "First found in Breconshire, where the family claims descent from Owen Glendower, Lord of Glyndwyrdwy, Prince of South Wales." GLENDOWer and GLYNDWYdwy?? I was taking a look at the Douglas septs just 5 minutes before arriving to this Thomas Coat, and so see the several Glendow-using variations in the septs of Douglas'! ZOWIE!!

Entering "Glendin," we find a Glendinning/Clendenning clan first found in Roxburgh (where Kilpatrick-honoring Maxwells lived), but from Glendonwynn of Dumfries. The Coat uses what a half white, half black cross, what looks like a version of the Latin/Latton Coat that I've linked to the saltire of the Patrician line of Kilpatricks, first found in Dumfries.

If I'm not mistaken, those are Enfield griffins in the other Welsh Thomas Coat, the symbol in both the KELLy/Killia and Hiedler/Hitler Crests. The English Thomas surname uses "A talbot sejant ," and while the talbot (used by the Rhys Crest) may trace to the same of Oettingens, evoking the trace of "Powys" to flame-depicted "Poeas" and Hercules of Oeta, I've suggested in the past that "sejant" is code for Sagans...who likewise use the salamander in flames. It's telling me that Thomas' were heavily invested in the Gileki line to Glass' and Pollocks, both of whom I've traced to a marriage with Adolf Hitler's father!

How important, really, was this find just now, of the enfield griffin used by Thomas'? Who were the Thomas', really? Note that the other Welsh Thomas Coat uses a wavy/engrailed white diagonal bar on red, the colors of the "Jewish" Pollock bend. Here's the write-up for the English Thomas': "First found in Gloucestershire, Lincolnshire, and Hamptonshire where Thomas of Bayeux (1070-1100,) Bishop of Worcester and Archbishop of York, held land as listed in the Domesday Book of 1086." Gloucester is where I trace the Gileki > Glaucus line, and Lincolnshire/Lindsey was named, in my opinion, after Lindos on Rhodes (the city founded by Danaans, according to myth).

I kid you not, that when I was mentioning Ellesmere above, I had forgotten, and had not yet arrived to, the English Thomas Coat above, which is the Ellis cross exactly, all five white crescents included. When I was telling that Thomas' were heavily invested in the Gileki line, I had not yet seen this Thomas Coat again (it was linked to the Ellis' many months ago). I recall that the colors of this Coat, and the black talbot in the Crest, was traced to the colors and black talbot of the Carricks, who I say were of the Saracen surname using crescents in Carrick / Thomas colors and a black wolf in place of the black talbot dog.

The Ellis', first found in Yorkshire, should explain Thomas of Bayeux, the Archbishop of York, the said founder of the Thomas clan. But who or what was this Thomas of Bayeux? The Thomas' / Carricks use colors of the Samsons (Gloucestershire) and Meschins, whose scallops trace to Scylla, who was loved by Glaucus. Thomas' are therefore of the Scala-of-Patmos, 666 bloodline to Scylla, explaining why Kilpatricks / Gilpatricks are septs of Gileki-rooted Douglas'. Le Meschin had his family in the Bessin, otherwise called, Bayeux, and moreover le Meschin married Lucy Taillebois of Lincolnshire, strongly suggesting for this and reason above that Thomas of Bayeux was a Meschin. If that's not enough, I traced a certain Thomas de Vere to the naming of Thomas Randolph (a Carrick bloodliner), first earl of Moray. Reminder: Meschins / Gernons were already traced above to the Ellesmere area of north Wales, and were identified there with the line of Herod Antipas.

I don't know when the Douglas' or Weirs/Veres picked up their Moray stars, but if correct to trace Thomas de Vere to earls of Moray, that should explain the Weir/Vere stars. The Douglas heart can then trace to the Herod-Meschin line in north Wales. The Herod-suspect MacCarthys/Arthys of MUSkerry use a red stag called a "hart," and Kerrys use a bee hive, probably related to the bees of the Bessin Coat. The Bessin bee design was, until recently, used by the Talbot-suspect Tall/Thal surname. Are we getting the Herod-tainted Thule-Nazi picture here? This other English Thomas Coat is split in two blue and white (no symbols), the colors of the split Shield of Hiedlers/Hitlers.

It's been several updates since claiming that the mother of Adolf Hitler traces to Maschis/MASKALLYs of Rimini, and here we are finding Meschins/MASCULines at the heart of the Herod-Hitler bloodline. The common denominator between Germanics of the Aryan kind and north Wales would be the Cimmerians of the Gileki-Armenian alliance. It was otherwise the CadMUS line of Cadusii Armenians, represented by Hermes, the founder of the Herminones, a chief tribe of proto-Germans easily traced to mount Sion/Herman. In this picture, the same that named Wales were the red-colored Walsers of Wallis canton, location of Sion.

Both Sion and Wallis use stars in the colors of the Glass stars, and both Walsers and Glass' use Melusine, a symbol shown in red (with mirror) in an Ellis Coat at the page below. If that Ellis Coat disappears, see it here. The article reads (brackets not mine):

Mermaid, (fr. sirene): composed of the upper half of a woman (with dishevelled hair) joined to the lower half of a fish. It occurs but very seldom as a charge upon true English arms. The Siren seems to be only another name for the mermaid.
Argent, a mermaid gules, crined or, holding a mirror in her right hand, and a comb in her left, both gold -- ELLIS, Lancashire.

The comb is a symbol I've linked to Gomerian / Cymbrian/Cumbrian lines. The Comb/Cumes surname uses red lions (on ermined Shield) in the colors of the English Stewart lion, and was first found in the same place (Devon) as English Stewarts. It's telling us that Stewarts of Wales were linked to red-colored Cimmerians that don the Welsh flag's dragon.

As this mermaid is officially called a Siren, it needs to be mentioned that mythical Butes (priest of a Poseidon bull/bos cult in Athens) swam for the mythical Sirens in one myth, and then Veres located Melusine in Avalon = Bute. It's tracing Athenians to Bute, though these particular Athenians can better be described as Buzites / Seir-ians from Bozrah...whom we can expect to be the line to the Biblical red dragon.

It's a great thing that I took the time to find the page above in my files, for that's the page describing the mascle as well as the Masculine symbol:

Masculyn: there is a curious figure composed of a single mascle with the ends terminating in fleurs-de-lis, to which the name seems to have been given in one instance of masculyn fleur-de-lisé(i.q. fleury).

Azure, a masculyn fleur-de-lyse or, within and without five young men's heads couped argent crined or...

As Mackesys used green snakes, compare the "young men" in the Masculine Coat above to the same in this Arms of Vaughn. The Mackesy snake is coiled around a sword that could be construed as the Excalibur, and then Vaughns were linked earlier in this update to Pendragons. Boys and young men were the sexual theme of the Ares - Eros cult, the Biblical dragon cult. Vaughns had been traced to Pollocks of Wales, though I expect them also in Vannes of Brittany. It can be expected that the Masculine, in the colors of the Masci fleur-de-lys, were a symbol of Meschins/Masculines.

It's clear that MontGOMERys (fleur in Masci-fleur colors), first found in Renfrew but from the Wales theater, were a chief the Gomerian/Cimmerian line of Wales, and allied there with the Meschin Meshech. How logical is that? The woman in blue dress (Gog color) in the Montgomery Crest is even holding a human head, symbol of Gorgons and of Perseus-branch Danaans. I traced mythical "GERYON" of far-west Eretheia to "Gorgon," and Geryon was in my opinion at Erethlyn as the Gorgons who ruled there before Hercules in Helios' ship came to replace, and/or mix with, them. The Montgomery write-up tells that Montgomerys moved to Renfrew with the Shropshire Alans, but we can figure a relationship also with Pollocks...whom I link to Vaughns. I trace the Veneti of Vannes to the Venedotia peoples said to have founded / named Gwynedd, in northern Wales at Erethlyn.

Now, go back to the heraldry webpage on M featured above, and look for the sub-title, "Marshalling." This section displays the Arms of Valence-Chastillon, which I'll assume is the Arms of the Valentinian line. It's said to be: "The arms of Aylmer de Valence, Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery, and Mary his wife, daughter of Guy de Chastillon..." The vair fur in conjunction with red of the Chastillon half of the Arms is used by Welch Bachs and the Kemmis' of Gloucestershire, and is a symbol I trace to Chemmite Danaans that I see in Cumber-like locations across Europe. I also traced Chemmites to Campbells/Cammells that are now showing a Herod face. The Castels may apply because they use Arthur colors and were first found in Artois.

Interesting here is that the Cass/Cast surname (CAMbridgeshire) uses a weight balance (albeit called a "pair of scales") while there is a Balance surname smacking of "Valence." In any case, the Cass/Cast Shield-on-Shield looks to be a version of the Glass Coat.

The left half of the Valence-Chastillon Arms is for the Valence bloodline, using ten red footless martlets (only five shown), the symbol that was discovered, in this very update, of the French Alans! The blue and white horizontal bars behind the martins are evocative of the Arms of Lusignan and Luxembourg, especially as Walsers and Glass' use Melusine while Glass' use the motto, "LUCtor." There is a good chance that "Glass" is a version of "Wallace/Wallis," or vice-versa.

Reminder: the English Alan Coat was changed for a brief few days to the Carpenter Coat, and then the Pollock-related Fullers use a version of the Carpenter Coat. I now find that Fullers were first found in Hereford, that part of England ruled by the Tudor-Trevor and Rhys-line Welch of the Plas-Thomas theater.

AHA!! I've just checked the Valence surnames at houseofnames to be reminded of what I had forgotten, that German Valence's use red ducklings, the symbol of the French Alans up to a few days ago before the Coat was changes to the red martlets!!! Thank you heraldry controllers for that change. Keep-on-changing.

The Phelan-using Dutch Valences (green Shield as with Pollocks) likely link to the Whelans/Failins (conjoined mascles) that look to use the Massey / Lys fleur as they relate to the Walsers of the Lys valley. You see, the Walsers of Sion do trace to Wales, and can now be assumed to be linked there with the Valentinian line to Alans and Pollocks. In short, Walsers and their Wallis canton were named after Valentinian elements.

It's suggesting the Valence/Valentia location near the meeting of the Isere river and the Rhone, the latter river having a source in the Sion theater. It's appearing as though red-dragon Welsh (from Rhodes) trace on their Wal hand to the Flavian > Valentinian bloodline that destroyed Jerusalem in 70 AD. From this alone, one can figure that the red dragon of Wales will have part in the end-time anti-Christ. Another point to be gleaned now is that we may expect the sons of Herod Archelaus (banished to Isere) at the Valence location, suggesting that these sons came to be merged with descendants of Herod Antipas in northern Wales. The fact that Macon is near Valence suggests that Julie was correct years ago: Freemasons were all centered on Herods of Israel as they were banished to France. It was a thing I neglected / resisted to entertain back then.

The Whelan/Failin Coat is used by Bricks (showing the Hicks stag), suggesting that Mascis and Walsers in the Lys valley (Aosta) moved to the Bessin/Bayeux to become the Briquessart surname, which was father to Ranulf le Meschin, the identity of the Thomas surname of Wales from Thomas of Bayeux. The Brecks, first found in Shropshire (Welsh / Hereford border), should apply, and may use a version of the Fleur / Pollock bugle. Breconshire (Wales) is where the Thomas surname was first found (this Thomas Coat uses what should be the Hampton/Ampton cinquefoils, explaining why Thomas' were first/early found in Hamptonshire).

Back to the Glendenning sept of Douglas. The Glendenning cross is virtually identical with the Hykes/Hack cross. German Glenns are in the colors of the Hicks and related Arthurs, and therefore use what should be the Breck chevron. As I've mentioned before, the patee cross (German Glenn symbol) is used by Claptons, and then the Arthur surname married the Hicks clan at Clapton, Somerset. One can see Gileki- / Julian-line Patrician Latins all over this.

English Glenns use the red heart in Crest that likely belongs to Douglass' but stands for a Herod code. It's a sign that Glenns / Glendennings are Herods to some degree. Immediately after writing that, the Denning surname (in Campbell colors) was checked: "The old family name Denning is thought to have derived from the place name Dunoon (Dunomhainn in Gaelic), located in Argyll and Bute, Scotland, on the Firth of Clyde." The Herods/Hurls, Campbells and MacArthurs were first found in Argyllshire!

In their Coat, the Glenns use what should be the Rutherford martin, and then the Borderlands Rutherford write-up traces "Ruther" to "hryder", though in fact the surname could be a Herod variation. There is the Roque rock in the Rutherford Crest that traces to the Roquefeuil merger with the Rodes clan (of the Redones) that is conceivably a Herod variation. See the "Hrod" term in the Rod write-up. The Glendenning Crest is the "sleeve" used by the Arms of Leicester, and then I'm very positive that Ruther-related Rod(h)ams trace to Rutland at Leicester. Hillary Rodham married a Glend/Clend-like Clinton.

Let's not get stumped. Hillary looks like a Herod bloodliner, the line most-expected to be raising the end-time phoenix to global-village power. Bill is a Rhodian Scholar, of the global-class politicians seeking to raise the phoenix to power. Bill was born a Blythe, and the Blythe Coat fesse could be that of the Romes/Roams with "placit" motto term. If so, that's as phoenix as one can get. I trace "Rutland" to the Rutili Latins on the south side of Rome, at Ardea, where I've long traced "Arthur" and the like. But as Arthurs are now solidly identified as Herods, one can entertain the creation of "Ardea" from a Herod variation.

After writing that, no guff, "Ardon" was entering in seeking Ardea clans, and there in the Crest was a red eagle that I view as the phoenix. The surname is properly, Artus/Artois. "The name originated in the French province of Artois and was transferred to England with the conquest." Next, "Arden" was entered to find yet another fesse like that of Romes/Roams / Augusts. Again, this was seen after writing the paragraph above.

Just found: the Arrow/Arras surname, said to be from the Artois capital, uses the same-style tower in Crest as the Herod-suspect Dennings of Ross-shire (beside Moray). Dennings look by their fesse colors to link to Latin suspects, Ladons and Leaders, As Glendennings and Latin-related Kilpatricks are both Douglas septs, note the "laidir" term of Kilpatricks. The Glendenning cross looks to be a version of the Arrow/Arras cross, but on the (Hohen)STAUFen Shield because Arrows/Arras' were first found in STAFFordshire.

Going to the Stafford surname: "First found in Staffordshire where they were descended from Roger de Toeni...His brother, Robert de Toeni, built a castle in Stafford and was the first to be surnamed Stafford." The Toenis of Leicester owned the Leicester sleeve (belonged also to the Hastings) seen in the Glendenning Crest. The Mangels of Glamorgan (same area of southern Wales as Carmarthen) use the sleeves but call them "maunches." It's code for Manche, the ocean waters of which are called, "The Sleeve." As the surname is shown properly as Mansell / Mauncell, chances are that it derives in "Manche."

By the way, as Glamorgan was earlier, Morgannwg, what do we suppose the "Gla" stands for in this Glenn / Glass / Gel picture?

Interesting here, just as I'm finding Hitler roots in Wales and Leicester, is that I had been tracing Charles Mangel, neo-Nazi leader in Montana, to Josef Mengele, Adolf Hitler's physician. The Mangel Coat uses the same chevron as the Rhys and Thomas Coats, and then the Mangel Crest is the same sort of flame used in the salamander-and-flame symbol, suggesting that Mangels were related to Douglas' lines in Wales. The Mangel motto looks like code for Walters.

"Ruttle" was then entered seeking Rutili > Rutland lines, and there was the Macey chevron (I'm guessing a good guess) of a Welsh family first found in the same place (Carmarthenshire) as the Rhos-suspect Rhys surname. In the Carmarthen write-up: "Following the Edwardian Conquest of Wales, the region was reorganized by the Statute of RHUDDLAN in 1284 into Carmarthenshire." Caps mine; the quote was found by clicking the Carmarthenshire link at the Ruttle page, i.e. AFTER suggesting a Rutland-line link to Ruttles. The Ruttle Crest is a "scroll," a symbol, if I recall correctly, of a Moray Crest no longer shown at houseofnames. The Ruttle Coat is in Moray colors, and then Rodham-related Rothers/Randolphs (look to use the Walch/Welch chevron) were first found in Morayshire.

It's a good bet that the heart in the Arms of Lanarkshire are from the Hardys, first found in Lanarkshire, and part of the Douglas write-up along with Archibalds. The Hardys and Archibalds use the same colors, and here Archibalds appear to be a branch of Archibures/Arthurs, and therefore from Ardea. French Hardys use the chevron colors of the Rhys' / Thomas'.

If we're convinced that Douglas' were a Glass branch, then the Douglas write-up is evidence that Glass' were Wallaces: "First found in Moray, where the progenitor of the Clan is thought to be Archibald of Douglasdale (1198-1239)...The grandson of Archibald Douglasdale, known as William the Hardy, served as a companion-in-arms to William Wallace..." If one assumes that family of Archibald above had nothing to do with Douglasdale until Archibald settled it, then Douglasdale must have been named by another family...the Glass / Wallace line being suspect, which evokes the Walters of the Stewarts, the proto-Nazi bloodline along with the Glass surname.

In this picture, the Archibures branch of Arthurs are suspect in the Archibalds who settled Douglasdale (defining, perhaps, the first linkage of Herod bloodliners to the Douglas entity), and the "bald" at the end of "Archibald" evokes the Balders / Baldwins that were traced in the 2nd update of this month to the Baltea/Bautica river that is the lower end of the Lys river (Aosta), where Glass-related Walsers lived. You get it. And the Buthier area of Aosta should trace to Butteri of the Ardea / Rutili theater.

In fact, I traced the white-on-blue bend of Italian Botters, and the Glass-colored star upon that bend, to the blue-on-white bend of Biggers, itself surrounded by Glass-colored stars. Biggars, like Douglas', were Flemings, and then the Irish Archibald bend is easily gleaned as a version of the Biggar bend! Archibalds were first found in the Glass-like Kelso area of Roxburghshire, suggesting that Kelso was definitely a Glass branch. Let's not forget Herod ACRHelaus in south-eastern France.

The Biggar they are, the Heroder they Fall
Khazar Kagans look like Levites after all

The Big surname, and the Begs / Buegs, two septs of Drummonds, may apply. In fact, I had traced -- in a risky move I admit -- the ship symbol of Maurice Drummond, the first Drummond, to the ship in the Arms of Shetland, and then the Shetland motto includes, "byggar." I don't think I had known about the Beg / Bueg septs of Drummonds until this week. I would guess that the red leopard in the Big/Byggs Crest is that of Antons/Anthonys (in the colors of the Toeni/Tony sleeve)...which I had traced to the Boofima > Baphomet cult. As you can see, the Big/Biggs Coat is a white Shield on red Shield, symbol also of the Glass Coat. The Big/Byggs lion is in the design and colors of the three lions used by Stewart-related Combs, and both lions are on ermined, white Shields. The same lion in the same colors is in the Rome/Roam Coat. Bigs/Byggs and Biggars are suspect from the Khazar kings called, begs / beks, especially from Khazars off the Mures river at Biharia, who were part of the Hungarian ancestry that gave birth to king Andrew I, grandfather of Maurice Drummond. We get it.

It's hard to argue against the Douglas flame acting as a symbol of Flemings, but, the question is, what were Flemings named after? Last I discussed it, Flemings were traced to the burning of Rome by Nero. I realize it was a wild shot, but I don't always take them lightly. There were reasons. There were Roman flamen priests, but after writing those ideas, I happened upon the fire-loving Trypillians whom I traced to Trabys and Treebys, and to Trips and Drummonds. It just so happens that the Flame/Flamin surname uses besants on black, the symbol of Treebys (big hmm), first found in the same place as the Stewarts using a version, no doubt, of the Big/Byggs / Combs lion.

Here's the Biggar write-up: "The ancestors of the Biggar family may have been Viking settlers. Their surname comes from a place name of Norse origins, from when they lived in east Lanarkshire, in a place probably named from the Old Norse words 'bygg,' meaning 'barley,' and 'geiri,' denoting a triangular plot of land." I did trace the Byggar term of Shetland's Arms to raven-depicted vikings (Varangians, I figured), but viking background for the Biggers can't be the entire picture (Drummonds were Varangian Rus on the side of king Andrew's wife). I shared the quote above for the Geier-like geiri term, looking more like code than true derivative for the surname. The Geiers are the ones using a vulture which I see as code for "Walter," and the Mangels/Mauncels use vulture-like motto terms comparing slightly with the "vulNERE" of the Stewart motto. The Fulk falcon seems to be implied in the latter term.

Is this indicating that NERO's lust for fire was evidence of his trace to Trypillians? I did see Nahorites of the NEURI kind in the Trypillians. Trypillians were in Transylvania, later re-named, Romania, by Romans, and I've already traced proto-Romans of the Silva kind to "TranSYLVania. Romans were founded by the wolf, let's not forget, and in particular it was a she-wolf, what we might expect of the female-oriented Trypillians. Again, Romans were founded by the Romulus she-wolf as it merged with Mars = the Marsi of Abruzzo, where Aprutium was capital, today a city called, Teramo, smacking of "Thermodon" and of "Drummond." May we trace the Neuri to Teramo and to the Big-related Drummonds? Norrys (black wolf) were first found in Aberdeen, a land suspect with Khazars of the Leslie and Drummond kind. The Marsi lived at lake Fucino, a term like, fuoco, the Italian for "fire."

I had traced Drummonds to the raven-depicted vikings symbolized in the raven on the sail of the ship in the Arms of Shetland. It's known that the Shetland raven belongs to vikings with a Stout surname, wherefore the Big/Bygg write-up shows it's big ugly face by lying to us: "Following the Norman Conquest of England in 1066, the name Big was first found in Britina. It was a name for a large, STOUT, or strong man." Liars. What heraldic write-up can we trust to be straight-shooting, rather than twisted codework?

Mangels (using the sleeve) became a topic just after mentioning this: "Going to the Stafford surname: "First found in Staffordshire where they were descended from Roger de Toeni...His brother, Robert de Toeni, built a castle in Stafford and was the first to be surnamed Stafford." The Toenis of Leicester owned the Leicester sleeve (belonged also to the Hastings) seen in the Glendenning Crest." The Stubbings, first found in the same place (Essex) as Bigs/Byggs', likewise use (i.e. as with Treebys) besants on black, which tends to link Stubbings to the tree-stubb symbol of Esus afterwhich "TREEby" may be a clever variation (of Trabys). Stubbing-related Stubbs were first found in Staffordshire.

The Neuri had lived on the Bug rivers, which can certainly morph to "Big." It's tending to trace the Bug river, along with "Biharia," to the naming of the Khazar beg/bek kings, and implying that the "Red Jews" who ruled Khazars were Neuri, at least in part. It's also suggesting the possibility that proto-Khazars were Neuri-related Huns of the blue-wolf kind. I had even found some weeks ago that the Julian bloodline and/or Caesar term was from proto-Khazars...whom I had identified with various surnames including the Cass/Cast surname now found linked to the Valence-Chastillon merger!

Wikipedia mentions the Khazar beg, "Karadach [dated in Atilla's lifetime] was the king of the Akatziroi, a steppe nation allied to the Huns." "AKATZiroi" is another name of Khazars, and it evokes the Cohen-related and "Jewish" Katz surname. Karadach was followed on the proto-Khazar throne by "Dengizich (...spelled Dikkiz on a silver plate; died 468 or 469), ruler of the Akatziroi, was a son of Attila." I had no idea until now that Attila's son ruled the Khazars. It was just a shot in the dark, a few eeks ago, when suggesting that Huns were from the same peoples as Khazars.

"KaraDACH" and "Dikkiz" are very Dachau and Dech / Deck / Dyke conspicuous, especially as I traced these terms to the naming of the Ticino river, where I had found proto-Hungarians. It seems that Attila's Huns and Khazars had settled on the Ticino, the home of the Laevi and of the Marici.

The Neuri worshiped the wolf, a symbol of German Flemings. Irish Flemings use vair "fur" (originally, vair was always blue and white, color of the blue Hun wolf), perhaps code for wolf fur since after all WERwolves evoke the Veres, but also because Vere-suspect Varangian Rus were down-way by the Khazars...and in Red-Rus Galicia, home of Trypillians (suspect from the Thermodon / Trabzon Amazons). This can trace Nero to Trypillians easily if Nero was named in honor of the Neuri. Yes, and to help link Nero to Flemings and Huns, the Nero Coat uses vair fur. Neros were first found in Lucca, and the Lucca Coat uses a cat sitting on green ground and over a blue Shield, as does the Katz Coat. It appears that Khazars, perhaps even proto-Khazars, were in Lucca.

As Khazars had beg/bek kings, check out the vair fur in the Welsh Bach/Baugh Coat. It's a Coat virtually identical to the Nero Coat. German Bachs used to show a gold calf as indication to me that Bachs were from the Exodus pharaoh, APACHnas, but are now showing a gold "steer."

When Hyksos were booted out of the Nile shortly after the reign of their king, Apachnas, they escaped to the land that would later become that of Philistines (who may have named Placentia). In the land of pre-Philistines there was the city of Gath, home of Goliath, likely symbol of the end-time anti-Christ. I had traced Assi-suspect Kassites to the naming of Gaza and nearby Gath, at which time it dawned on me that Khazars were ultimately from Kassites, though I did not know whether they might trace to Gath. The proto-Khazar Akatziroi are thought by some to be the same as AGATHYRsi, which may indicate peoples from Gath. One of the reasons for tracing Kassites to Gath and Gaza was as per the Hyksos identification with the Hayasa-Azzi. I figured that the Azzi / Assi were the same as the Kassi(tes).

Hmm, why was the mother of queen Margaret, in the company of Varangians of Kiev, and of the Hungarians, named, Agatha? Was she a Khazar of the Agathyrsi kind??? Was Agatha created as a name in honor of Khazars? I wonder what the big 'A' stands for in the Beg/Bueg Coat. The Begs/Buegs are said to have been in Inverness long before 1066.

I hate to say it, because I argued against a Cohen/Kagan identification with Levites, but the Laevi (pre-dated Khazars and Attila) can now trace to the Khazar priesthood. I was apt to argue that Cohens/Kagans should be identified purely as Khazars of the 9th century AD, who had merged with Levites of the Laevi kind at some juncture, but here I now find compelling reason (of the KaraDACH and Dikkiz kind) to believe that proto-Khazars had been Laevi already, long before the Cohen/Kagan surname surfaced. I would guess that the Laevi, pagans on the Ticino long before the Huns arrived, were a magnet to Attila-related Khazars because both traced themselves to Hebrews of Abrahamic colors. Nahor was Abraham's brother, and Levi was Abraham's great-grandson.

One question: is Dachau in the Munich area of Germany named in honor of Karadach and Dikkiz? Were Nazis and other Rosicrucians from the Attila-Khazar bloodline? Weren't Nazis traced to the Thomas surname of Plas Thomas? I now find that the "talbot sejant" of English Thomas' is used by the Nero-related Welsh Bachs/Baughs. It was a theory that PLAS Thomas traces to "Placentia," and that the Bleddyn name in the Welsh bloodline that ruled Plas Thomas should trace to Bleda, Attila's brother. The Tess/TECH surname, named after elements of the "Tessen/Ticino" river, uses a saltire (with leaves for the Laevi) in colors reversed to the saltire of Annan(dale)s who I trace to Laevi-related Ananes living at Placentia. It's telling me that the KaraDACH / Dikkiz bloodline was merged with the line of chief priests of Israel who killed Jesus.

It's telling me that the Attila-line Khazars had merged with the wicked of Israel to produce the German Illuminati from the Cohen and Hohen surnames, and that the line of Caiaphas and Ananias had ruled Khazars proper. When Varangians destroyed the Khazar empire, Khazars moved massively to Hungary and Germany for refuge.

There's even a Welsh Blood/Blud surname using stags, a symbol suspected of the Hun > Hungarian line. The stag in the Crest has an arrow in mouth, symbol of Hungarians, but then these stags are called, "bucks." Bekincidence? I don't think so. The Blood/Blud write-up traced to "ap-Llloyd" as the original version, but I strongly doubt it. I say the Lloyds came afterward, after Bleda named the Bloods.

The Welsh Lloyd surname (Montgomeryshire) uses "DIGon" in the motto, a white wolf in Crest, and white ladders that may apply to wolf-suspect Trypillians of the Trip kind. Did we trace the 666 and tattoo bloodline to Trabys / Trypillians and to the dexter term, especially the dexter = right hand? Did we see recently that the Dexter surname is said to be from makers of dyes, which in old times may have been the same as makers of tattoo ink? Didn't I say that the pheon is a needle secretly, with ink cartridge, for making tattoos? Here's the Lloyd description:

A black shield with a spear's head [it's a white pheon!] between three silver scaling ladders...[evokes Scala on Patmos, location of 666 bloodline]

Crest: A silver wolf rampant supporting in the paws a spear's head [a pheon], piercing the dexter paw.

A pheon piercing the right paw??? Therefore, add the Bloods/Bluds and Lloyds to the long list of 666 suspects, and don't forget this when I say in the future that pheons are code for the tattoo instruments leading up to the 666 in the right hand or head. Apparently, blood oaths were made traditionally by scythians (bunch of Gomers) in the right hand; it was the first Hungarians who are known to have made such blood oaths, and so we may assume that the practice came from Huns of the DEXter-like Dikkiz bloodline, and of course from the Bleda bloodline. White pheons are used also by Blades/Blates.

A "dexter paw" of the Levi lion is used on the head of a dragon in the Kilpatrick Crest. It just so happens that Kilpatricks use a "make" motto term for the Maxwells/Makeswells, and Maxwells (same saltire of Kilpatricks) use a stag lying down, as do the Bloods/Bluds!

From this part of the discussion, it can be expected that Lloyd-like terms in the Wales theater are variations from "Bleda," or at least Lloyd-like surnames that merged with Bleda lines. Take note of the gold wolf on two back legs, same as the gold Fleming wolf, in the Lode/Lodder Coat (Somerset). Lotes/Lots (Kent) use a two-headed eagle in the colors of the same of Maxwells, and a talbot in the brown color of the Lothian-surname talbot (Flemings settled Lothian heavily), the one appearing with the black bugle and gold stripes, the color of the Traby bugle. The Weights use the same-striped bugle, important because the Dexters use "Two weights hanging from a tree." Let's not forget the Treebys. (See also the black bugle of the Patch's because Kilpatricks are also "Patchie"). Interesting here is that the weight balance / scale of the Dexters evoke the weight balance / scale of the Cass'/CASTs that were traced weeks ago to proto-Khazars. Trabys had merged with the Astikas of Vilnius (LITHuania, wolf-depicted area), and then the Arms of Vilnius use weight balances (and a "spes" motto term). Again, "balance" evokes the Valence surname that had merged with the CHASTillon surname.

Amazing. German Ducks/Duchers, first found in the same place (WestPHALia) as Becks, use what should be the white-and-blue bars of the Valence Coat. Might WestPHALia have been named after Valentinian elements? I had traced "Phalia" to "Flanders years ago, but now compare "FLAND" with "VALENT." The importance of Flemings and Flanders, bedrock of the Templars, is all starting to make sense in the Valentinian merger with Attila's Huns. The Flander/Flinder Coat is yet another fesse in the colors of the Rome/Roam / August fesse.

Flints use white arrow heads pointed up on a green Shield, like the white pheons pointing down on a green Shield of Bleda-suspect Blades/Blates. I'm still not abandoning the trace of the white Pilate pheons to Pontius Pilate, even if "Pilate" smacks of the Blades/Blates now tracing to Bleda and the Bloods/Bluds. There's got to be some connection. The Bloods/Bluds had linked to Lothians by way of the Lloyd / Lode / Lote surnames, and then Lothians were first found in Perthshire, where Pontius Pilate reportedly had a mother.

I've never realized before, at least not this deeply, that Flemings were from Attila-line Khazars...who are now sticking out like a sore thumb as the skincode bloodline. It's the Huns and Khazars, whom have cared nothing for Europeans, who will bring down this world in their negligent, thieving ways, and lead to the suicidal burning or Europa in Armageddon's flames. Isn't it?

I've never realized before how many Attila lines are evident in heraldry clues. The Dicks/Dyck surname is in the colors of the Biggars, and even uses stars in Biggar-star colors. There is even a stag in the Dicks/Dyck Coat, symbol that Hungarians used for their ancestry. German Becks/Bechs use a stag too. It's a red stag, possibly the hart, therefore. Scottish Ducks, shown properly as Logans, use a heart with nails. The idea is that Dicks'/Dycks were from "Dikkiz," Attila's son who ruled the which Hungarians must trace themselves when they trace themselves to Attila. The early Hungarian ruler, TAKsony, ought to apply to the KaraDach / Dikkiz terms.

In TOXandria is a Breda location that can conceivable be from "Bleda." "The Salian Franks that settled the area in the 4th century became known as Toxandrians." Besides, a Merovingian king, DAGobert, arose, the object of many suspicions.

Both the Dicks'/Dycks and German Bachs use "spes" in their motto, expected if Khazar begs / beks were named after Bach elements. "Spes" means hope, but then both the Spaces/Speccots and Hope bloodlines use a fret. For example, the fret is used by Hoods/Hutts (anchor) and related Audleys, but German Hoods (anchor) are also "Hope." English Hopes even use the full motto of Dicks'/Dycks. German Hoods/Hopes use their anchor in the colors of the Space/Speccot bend...which I suspect to be the Arms-of-Baden bend.

Furmans/Formans (who may have been named after the idea of "fire") use anchors in colors reversed to the Hood/Hope anchor, and were first found in the same place (Edinburghshire, Lothian) as Dicks'/Dycks. The Shield-and-Chief color combination is used by the Anchor/Annacker surname. As these clans are suspect from the same Khazar elements that named Flemings, and because they should trace to the fire theme of emperor Nero, the "fur" used by the Nero and Bach/Baugh surnames may have been a take from "fire." That is, the fire bloodline of Nero became the blue-wolf-fur bloodline of Huns so that the vair fur and the flame/fire lines all trace to Nero via the Hun merger with a Roman emperor, Valentinian for example (though he was a Flavian that did not, as far as I know, trace to Nero). Entering either "Fur" or "Fire" gets the same Feuer/Feuerer/Feirer surname.

Although the Fleming wolf is gold on blue, it could derive from a blue-on-gold wolf. That in a nutshell could trace Flemings to the blue Hun wolf. It's important because Flemings were a chief Templar peoples in the Jerusalem massacre that was the first "Crusade." Who were these people, and why did they want Jerusalem? We could argue that Herods, chief masons in the years of Jesus, wanted Jerusalem, or we could argue that the Caiaphas / Ananias line wanted Jerusalem as an effort to turn back the words of Jesus who said that they would be booted out. It's the Douglas Flemings who have Caffie/Haffy, Haffy and similar-other septs. The Caffie/Haffy boar head is gold, the color of the Campbell boar head, and Campbells were prime Herod bloodliners. The Douglas Crest even uses a chapeau cap along with its flames, a symbol suspect with Caiaphas lines such as the Chappes'.

I almost missed it. Bloods/Bluds were first found in Cardigan/Ceredigon, smacking of Karadach!!! It's confirmation that Bloods/Bluds trace to Bleda. The near-black stags on gold of Bloods/Bluds evokes the black-on-gold Levi lions (colors of the Flanders lion) of the Carrot/Carrow Coat, itself in the colors of the Carrick Coat (dancette in the colors of the Denning dancette). Both Carricks and Blades/Blates use black talbots. It could appear here that the "Carrot" variation is for "KARADach," even if Carricks don't trace to the same (aside from merger with the Attila line). The "J'espere" motto term of Carrots/Carrows must be for the Jaspers (another anchor) because they and Carrots/Carrows were both first found in Cornwall. Jaspers are said to have been from Flanders, home of Flemings.

MORE WHITE PHEONS in the Cardine Coat!!! And another black wolf in crest, symbol of the Saracen Crest. It's the Saracen crescents that are in the colors of the Carrick Coat...with black talbot dog, symbol also of Blades/Blates. As Cardines (bend in colors reversed from the Sale bend) were first found in the same place (Cheshire) as Sales, I must link the Cardine pheon to the Sale pheon, suggesting now that the Salyes Ligures had a relationship with the Karadach Huns.

This coming around to Card terms is evoking "Herod" of the Art / Cart / Hart kind. You don't suppose, do you, that Karadach was named after a Herod bloodline? Wouldn't a hard-C version of "Herod" become like "Carrot / Caradine"?

Carricks can be traced via their Craig ancestry to L'viv, for Craigs (crescents like the Saracens) use "Vive et vivas" for a motto, and were first found in Aberdeenshire, roughly the location of the L'viv line to "Fife." The Five/Fify surname was first found in Aberdeenshire too. This gets the Carricks to the Bug river. The five points on the MacArthur crown, and the five keys to the Arthur rests that themselves look like the number, 5, suggest that the Five / Fife elements to L'viv were Herod lines. It's evoking the purple color / purple lions traced recently to Herod lines, and one surname using purple lions is the Vey/Vivian surname that uses the Fife Shield-and-Chief color combination. With Herods in the Hun picture, the Blade/Blate pheons can indeed trace to both Bleda and to Pontius Pilate.

On Cardiganshire:

In pre-Roman, and possibly Roman times, a part of southern Ceredigon was in the territory of the Demetae and possibly part of that of the Ordovices [I see these as mythical Othos, two-headed dog of mythical Geryon at Erethlyn]. According to Nennius, a 10th-century Welsh chronicler, Ceredig, son of the Welsh invader Cunedda, settled in the area in the 5th century. It remained a kingdom ruled by his descendants until it expanded and changed its name, first to Seisyllwg in the late 7th century and, after the union of Seisyllwg with the Kingdom of Dyfed, it was incorporated into Deheubarth in the mid 10th century.[3]

Ceredig of the 5th century??? Zowie, that's when Attila and Karadach lived. The Ordovices theater had an Arddu area that can apply to terms such as Ordovices and Caradach. On Ceredig: "Little is known of him. One of the sons of Cunedda..." Cunedda was a dragon-portrayed bloodline out of Lothian, and reported founder of Gwynedd. But as Huns were also "Kun," doesn't "Cunedda" suggest a Hun bloodline? The word "Cunneda" is said by the Wikipedia article to mean "hound," by Huns come to mind with such connotations. It therefore appears that Ceredig is either Karadach himself, or a close relative with the same name. For some reason, Huns came to Wales.

Wikipedia's article on Cunedda says nothing of his origin in Lothian. However, the Traby bugle of the Lothian surname is suspect with Huns if only for my trace of that "hunting horn" to HUNtingdon. As Lothians were first found in Perthshire, consider that Cunedda is given a Roman ancestry by some, suggesting the Pilate-line Romans out of Perthshire (Pilate's father was reportedly a Roman ambassador to Perthshire):

Padarn Beisrudd ap Tegid literally translates as Paternus of the Scarlet Robe, son of Tegid. His father may have borne the Roman name of Tacitus. Padarn is believed to have been born in the early 4th century in the Old North (or Hen Ogledd) of Roman Britain. According to Old Welsh tradition, his grandson, Cunedda certainly came from Manaw Gododdin, the modern Clackmannanshire region of Scotland.

Clackmannanshire is at the border between northern and southern Perthshire. Pause. Isn't this something all of a sudden? Clackmannanshire is also near Stirling, where pile-using Wisharts/GuisCARDs were first found. (The Member of Parliament for North Perthshire today is a Wishart surname.) Was I wrong to trace GuidCARD to "Carthage"? Would it be better to trace to "CEREDig" elements? Guiscards were from TanCRED. Yet, I still hold out that Huns and Hannibal Carthaginians were related. I traced "Hanni(bal)" to a Baal cult (i.e. mythical Pelops, ruler of Eneti) of the Heneti founders of the Veneti.

One indication that "Paternus of the Scarlet Robe" is a mythical phrase is due to the Robe surname, first found in Stirlingshire. Robes use the stag/hart design of MacCARTHys/Artys. I robe-ort, you decide.

The Arms of Clackmannanshire use metal gauntlets/gloves, suggesting Maceys / Waynes / Vains/Vans, the latter being, in my educated opinion, from the Veneti of Vannes/Gwened that I say named the Venedotia founders of Gwynedd, even the peoples who were mythicized as king Arthur's and Merlin's wife. The Arms of Clackmannanshire also use a saltire in the colors of the Annandale saltire as used by the Arms of Ayrshire. The Ayrshire motto uses "shaw," and Shaws are Caiaphas / Sadducee suspect, and were first found in Perthshire.

ClackMANNAN smacks of "ANNAN, and yet the former is said to be from a pagan god, Manau or Mannan. Perhaps Mona and the neighboring Menai straight at Gwynedd applies, which I traced, along with the hammer symbol of Ordovices, to HasMONeans = Maccabees of Israel. In fact, I was able to trace Eleazar Avaran Maccabee to the Eleazar name(s) used by the chief priest, Ananias/Hanan. Are we not experiencing too many coincidences all of a sudden here? Yes, but what could Cunedda have to do with this, aside from his coming to rule Gwynedd?

Thus far, he's looking like a Khazar bloodliner (father or close relative of Karadach, ruler of the Akatziroi), merged with Romans of the Perthshire area that gave birth to Pilate. If correct, it goes a long way to explaining why Ananias was traced to proto-Khazars several weeks ago. I should be very grateful for what is being found here, for it was admittedly risky (if not bizarre) to trace Ananias to proto-Khazars. Cunedda did have contact with Picts:

Cunedda and his forebears led the Votadini against Pictish and Irish incursions south of Hadrian's Wall. Sometime after this, the Votadini troops under Cunedda relocated to North Wales in order to defend the region from Irish invasion...Cunedda established himself in Wales, in the territory of the Venedoti, which would become the centre of the kingdom of Gwynedd...The range of dates (suggested by Peter Bartrum) runs from the late 370s, which would favor Maximus, to the late 440s, which would favor Vortigern. "

The 440s gets us to the Attila / Karadach time period. Apparently, some branch of Huns prior to Attila had formed an alliance with the Romans under Padarn Beisrudd, Cunedda's grandfather. I don't know whether it's accurate to translate his name as Paternus of the Scarlet Robe, but if so, he may have been a mythical character to define a Herod bloodline, as per the purple robe of Herod Antipas. Compare "CEREDig" to "HEROD," if that helps to make the point. And besides, we are expecting Herod Antipas to have sons in Scotland, namely around the MacArthurs of Argyll, not far from Clackmannan. The "aboot" motto term in the Arms of Clackmannanshire may suggest Bute = Avalon, an Arthurian island.

Bute is beside the MacAbees of Arran. We just saw the Macey-branch Maccabees in the gloves of Clackmannan. I know that Mascis were merged with Ligures, and were heavily in Foetes/Fussen, a Bavarian location using three legs/feet in the same manner as the Arms of the Isle of Man, an island south of Bute said to be founded by mythical Manannan and Lug. It's tracing Clackmannan to the Isle of Man, the inhabitants of which are called, Manx, a term that I've traced to "Manche," where Masseys/Maceys came out of. It's as though Maccabees stemmed from Mona and Menai, north through Man and into Bute, then due east into Clackmannan and Perth. I even trace MacAbee surname to the Deas / Desmond clan (MacCARTHY-related) of the Perth theater which use the same saltire as Annandales. The problem is, I've yet to understand solidly whether these Maccabee lines were proto-Maccabees, or neo-Maccabees after the time of Jesus.

MacKays use a "manu" motto term. The Mathies/Manns/Makens/Maghans use the Gironde / Campbell gyronny symbol, and the five-pointed MacArthur crown, verifying in my mind that Herod Antipas had merged with that clan. I even tend to see the Greek, "Anti," as a Heneti term. I recall tracing the Mathies/Manns/Makens to Angus, location of the Deas clan. The bees in the Deas Crest may have to do with "BEISrudd," especially if he's a mythical character to define a MaccaBEE/MaccaBAEUS line. Should we be looking for rudd = red bees? Or is the "rudd" of "Beisrudd" code for Rhudland elements? The Arms of Clackmannanshire shows a black-on-white pale (= vertical bar), the color of the Tailer/Taylor pale with white Levi lions, but then the Deas Coat uses a pale too in the colors of the MacAbee salmon...that should trace to the Salyes Ligures.

Then, the Maghans/Mathunas/Manns (red = rudd Levi lions), who I see related to Mathies/Manns/Maghans, have this write-up: "First found in County Clare, where the MacMahons were lords of Corca BAISgin [caps mine]; and possessed the greater part of the baronies of Moyarta and Clonderlaw." Corca Baisgin? MacCarthys / Desmonds lived in Cork.

Entering "Bais" gets three crescents in the colors of Maceys, and of the three Pilate pheons, of a Bai/Bay/Bayou surname (first found in Dauphine) that should trace to the Bayeux/Bessin. Entering "Beis" gets the Besants using the same Shield as Masseys, Hanans, Evers (the Campbell boarhead), and German Manns. The latter likewise use white Levi lions, and the suspected importance of Evers is "Avaran" Maccabee. Entering "Rudd" gets the Macey-Shielded Ruttles that were traced earlier to the Rutili of Ardea. The Rutlans use the Massey horse design and what I figure is a version of the hollow Rutherford Shield-on-Shield.

The Bais crescents are likely those of the Contes (Languedoc), who became the Contevilles from John de Burgo, who named his son, Herluin (de Conteville), likely after the Hurl-like variations of the Herods/Hurls in Argyllshire, where the MacArthurs lived.

Another point is that Germo-Swiss Patronas are in the colors of the Bais' and Rudds/Ruttles, important if the surname was at heart in "Paternus of the Scarlet Robe." We saw that this is a mythical phrase is due to the Robe surname, first found in Stirlingshire, near Clackmannan. But now, Welsh Roberts were first found in Denbigh = north Wales, where Cunedda ruled. French Roberts were first found in the same place (Burgundy) as Pilates, and they use vair fur akin to the Nero Coat, as well as the lion design of Mackeys, first found in Ayrshire. If you recall, the Arms of Clackmannan use the Annandale saltire as used by Ayrshire, and the Guiscards of Stirlingshire suggested the Pilate line there.

English Roberts show what should be the Macey / Pender/Pynder chevron, used with ermines by the Rudds/Ruttles. It tends to verify that Beisrudd and his scarlet robe are just codes for surnames. There is even a Rhudlan surname mentioned in the Meschin write-up. Irish Penders were first found in southern Wales beside Cardiganshire.

The Cheshire Propers/Robins use a "manus" motto term, and the same lion as French Roberts, on a fesse that could be the Rome/Roam / August fesse. The Rome/Roam write-up: "Seated at Gretna...They were registered in Scottish Parliament as a clan in 1597 and responsible for the defense of Annandale, against the English." "Gretna" evokes "Gratian," father of VALentinian, as well as evoking VALerius Gratus, the Roman governor of Judea immediately before Pontius Pilate.

Suddenly, we're not seeing Hun lines anymore, but rather the lines from Israel who partook in the murder of Christ. Yet, these Romo-Israeli lines had merged with Huns in due time. That's the dirt that I'm getting for Freemasonic roots. The scarlet term may have been chosen over "red" at times because of the "pillar" in the Scarlet Crest, for entering "Pillar" gets the Piles/Pillets/Pillards. Scarlets use what could be the Welsh Robert lion.

It's interesting that Rudds/Ruttles were first found in Carmarthenshire, in Wales, where Ceredig lived. If you recall, the Rhys > Bleddyn bloodline ruled in north Wales, where Cunedda ruled who gave birth to Ceredig. While searching earlier for Herod-like surnames that might apply to "Karadach / Cardigan," the "Ardehan" term was entered to find a Hard(y)man surname, but the point is, I struggled to remember where I had heard "Ardehan." Finally, I recalled. It's Ardahan, a location in Caucasia very near to Rize. It should explain the Rhys/Rice surname. Genetes was a Heneti region near Rize. It was the Trabzon - Pyxites theater, the likely origin of Picts and Celts. I'm not suggesting that Ceredig / Karadach was directly from Ardahan, but that the Herod / Arthur surname may have been. It's known that Latins trace to Caucasia, and Ardea is in the land of Latins. This jibes with the idea of Cunedda ruing in the Arddu area of Wales, or with the Ordovices of Arddu having part of the Cardigan area of Wales.

Moreover, we saw that the Rhys and related bloodlines ruled Hereford, where Clacks were first found. The Clocks show as "Cloke/Cloak," evoking the robe.

Beisrudd's mother is said to have been Uther Constantinuis, which looks like obvious code for Pendragons of a Roman-emperor connection. Certainly, "Paternus" smacks of the Patricians. "His paternal grandparents were Cein and Unknown; his maternal grandparents were Flavius (Constantine the Great) Valerius Aurelius Constantinus Augustus and Fausta Flavia Maxima. He was an only child." I'm not biting here Beisrudd's mother stemming from Constantine "the great." What's interesting is that the latter, when in charge of Gaul for the Romans, had invaded a Carausius character of the Romans, who reflects "Ceredig / Karadach." "A cohort of Menapian auxiliaries is attested by inscriptions dating to the 2nd century in Britain. Carausius, the 3rd century commander of the Roman fleet who declared himself emperor of Britain and northern Gaul, was a Menapian, born in Batavia."

The Menapians were Belgics living with/beside the NERvii ("vii," as with "Merovee," was a common suffix of this area), Atrebates, and Morini. Atrebates founded the Arras capital of Artois (then named Atrecht), and I trace them to Odrysians at Arda on the Hebros. We might expect a Roman from Ardea in an effort to pacify the Atrebates, make them friendly to Caesar; might Carausius have been from such a Roman line?

By what coincidence was he born in Batavia, the land that I see from Bedewe = Merowe, and therefore the proto-Merovingians...that may have been mythicized as Bedivere, a knight in Arthur's round table? The Morini may have been named after Merowe. In short, Carausius lived amongst the proto-Arthurian Merovingians, and what's more, the article above says: "The following year [56 BC, the Menapi] sided with the Veneti against [Julius] Caesar." The Veneti, whom Merovingians trace themselves to, are in my mind king Arthur's chief allies, even his "wife." The Cunedda > Ceredig line had been merged with Veneti too in the founding of Gwynedd. Therefore, there is a good possibility here that Paternus Beisrudd was a myth statement, yet in reality he was from this rebel group, the Carausius MENapians. Recall the discussion on Menai and similar terms.

Moreover, I recently traced Childeric, the first Merovingian ruler, to Morbihan at Vannes, identifying mythical Merovech, his father, as code for Morbihan. There was a common l-to-r / r-to-l switch in languages, wherefore terms like "Ceredig" could morph into "Childeric."

I realize it's a stretching of your brain to indicate here possible linkage of MENapii with HasMONeans, but it gets easier if we seeking proto-Hasmoneans, which we can expect in Modena, land of the Veneti. I traced proto-Maccabees from the Bonn / Treveri area of the Rhine to Bononia, also called Bologna (beside Modena) and traced that city's name to Belgics of Boulogne, very near or even in historical Artois. In this picture, as we're looking for a proto-Maccabee peoples from the Arthurian cult at Mona, having alliance with Rome, so as to be planted in Israel by Romans, Maccabees derived possibly from the line of Carausius.

Wikipedia's article on Menapians suggests derivation in "the ancient Irish tribe Manapi (for whom County Fermanagh is named), first mentioned by Ptolemy. Both names are considered P-Celtic and may be derived from a Proto-Celtic root *mano- (alternately *meno- or *mono-) meaning either [blah blah, never mind]" The "mono' is of course HasMONean interesting.

Place names such as Fermanagh, said to be rooted in "Manach" and of the Menapii peoples are interesting because, before coming to this topic, the Ferman/Forman surname was mentioned. When the Ferman Coat was re-loaded just now, it happened to be immediately after the Cain Coat, loaded earlier when finding that Cein was the paternal grandparent of Beisrudd. The two surnames share wavy bars in colors reversed, which I may have passed on mentioning had it not been for the Derry location of the Cains (in Keon-fish colors), in northwest Ireland, the same area as Fermanagh! Plus, I tend to trace Cain / Keon terms of Ireland to the Hyksos pharaoh, Apachnas = Khyan, who I think passed through Dor of Israel, the place that I trace to some terms such as "Derry." I have many reasons to expect the trace of the Arthurian cult to the Khyan Hyksos, and this trace of Beisrudd to both Uther Constantius and Cein may indicate how so, not forgetting the Arthur merger with the Hicks of Clapton.

The Derry surname uses the same ship as the French Durant Coat, indicating that Derry of Ireland traces to the Durance river. It's the English Durants/Durances, who use fleur in Sale-fleur colors, that traces Durants to the Durance river very well.

The Cain bend has bendlets and looks like the Romney Coat (surname first found in the same place as Caesars/Sesares). But this bend is used also by Botters who I trace to the Ardea theater on the one hand, and to English Botters, first found in Hampshire, where the English branch of Atrebates lived i.e. where we can expect Carausius' Menapii ancestors. I have indicated a Meon area of Hampshire for years as the place where Maeonians settled, whom traced to mythical Menelaus, son of Atrebate-like Atreus. This line had an Orestes entity at Arda of the Odrysians. Herein, in the Menelaus line of Spartans, was what I previously thought to be the proto-Hasmoneans.

Did we see black talbots above? The Asmans, found previously to be potential Hasmoneans, use black talbots in Carrick-talbot colors, and Carricks had just been suspect with the Karadach line of proto-Khazars, and therefore with the Beisrudd > Cunedda > Ceredig line. I still hold the theory that a dancette, used by Carricks, traces to the dance theme of the mythical Maenads = Maeonians on their Maeander river. The calTROP symbol of Kerricks were just traced to Trypillians, wherefore the ostrich in the Carrick Crest traces to the Traby ostrich, important where the Treveri were a Traby / Trypillian line. Carricks were first found in the same place (Ayrshire) as Maccabee-suspect Mackies/Mackeys, and beside the MacAbees. The Carrick dancette-fesse is in the colors of the fesse used by Latin-suspect Ladons and Leaders.

English Durants/Durances use a dancette too, and Scottish Durants use what could be the Traby bugle.

At the Carausius article, we read that it's not understood by historians where he got his money bags and other needs to proclaim himself a Roman emperor, and to defend that claim against rival Romans. "He was trying to suggest [to Bretons] that not only was he, Carausius, a kind of messianic new ruler [for Britain], but was also showing his association with Roman culture rather than any kind of remote provincial culture...A milestone from Carlisle with his name on it suggests that the whole of Roman Britain was in Carausius' grasp." I traced the messianic-like king Arthur to Carlisle, which may have been tooted in "Carausius." I'm therefore wondering here whether "Caraus(ius)" was from a C-version "Herod," as "Ceredig" may have been. But first, I've got to find reason for tracing Herods to the Menapii. We have it already. Thus far, I have a trace of Herod Antipas to Normandy's Meschins, but also to the Arthur / MacArthur surname, which traces to Artois, the Menapii theater.

As I traced "Carlisle" to the naming of the Carolingians, it just may be the Carausius was, not just the proto-Arthurian cult, but the proto-Carolingians. Interesting here is that the Carlisle surname uses the flory cross (in Arthur colors) used by Bouillons, whom were from Boulogne in the Artois / Belgian theater.

I had found the Carrow/Carew variations of the Carrots before coming to "CARAUsius." The Carrot/Carrow Coat uses three Levi lions, in Carrick colors, in the same fashion as the three Levi lions of the Herod-suspect Maghan/Mann/Mathunas Coat. Both the Carricks and the Carrots/Carrows use "bien" in their motto, and Carrots/Carrows, with their Jasper kin, were first found in the same place (Cornwall) as Pendragons, where mythical Gorlois ruled, who was not only the alternative father of king Arthur, but who smacks of "Carlisle."

Compare "Carrow" to the Arrow variation of the Arras' of Artois. Compare "Carrot" to "Artois."

In his article: "Carausius coin from Londinium mint. On the reverse, the lion, symbol of Legio IIII Flavia Felix." He may therefore have been of the Flavian line. With one click, we read: "Legio quarta Flavia Felix (Fourth Lucky Flavian Legion), was a Roman legion levied by Vespasian in 70, from the ashes of the Legio IV Macedonica. The legion was active in Moesia Superior in the first half of the 4th century. The legion symbol was a lion." Moesia was the birthplace of Constantine the great, to whom Beisrudd was traced. One of Carausius' names was, Mausaeus. He reigned at the end of the 3rd century, and thus gets us close to the time of Christ, Herod, et-al. It could be suspect that VESPasian, the founder of the Caesarian part of the Flavian line, carried a wasp / bee symbol that linked to the Boii at Bononia/Bologna.

As the Menapii are traced by others to Fermanagh, note the Maghan-like motto phrase, "Magh Eanagh," in the Arms of Fermanagh. I say that the Maghans/Manns/Mathunas are Herod-suspect, even though I tend to see the surname from Mattathias Maccabee, because Maghans/Mathies/Manns use the gyronny symbol. It's again tracing Herods to the Menapii. I do think we have something here in Carausius, the foundations of the Arthurian-Herod cult leading to the branches of Freemasonry. And it's in his Flavian-suspect bloodline that I see Valentinian arising, who traced to Childeric > Clovis, also suspect as the Arthur-Herod bloodline. Childeric married Basina, and then we find besants in the Carow/CAROU/Carot/Caron Coat, from Calvados, the home of Meschins in the Bessin.

How about that. We just traced Carausius to the place that Herod Antipas had traced, and I didn't know that this would be taking place when mentioning above that Carousius should trace to Meschins of Normandy if he were a Herod-Antipas bloodliner.

The lattice in the Carow/Carous/Carot/Caron Chief suggests the Caens, who use a Shield filled with lattice, and came to the Cornwall area from "Caen, near Calvados." The Carow/Carou/Carot write-up: "First found in Normandy, where they held a family seat in the seigneurie of Cairon in Calvados, in the arrondissement of Caen, in the canton of Creully...Cairon is 15 km southeast of Ryes." One could even get the impression that CORNwall was named after "Carausius," as per the Caron variation of the surname above. The five white ostrich feathers in the Caen Crest should link to the Carrick ostrich, but moreover they are coming out of a CORONet.

"Caen" recalls the Cein line to which Beisrudd was traced, and so it may be correct after all to trace "Beis" to Bessin elements, since after all entering "Beis" gets the Besant surname with Massey/Macey Shield.

We find a central besant in the Arms of Fermanagh, England.

The bee theme here should link to the Boii, the likely founders of the Bessin. I didn't know until reading the Carausius article that Boulogne was also called, Bononia: "This situation continued until 293, when Constantius Chlorus, now the western Caesar, marched into Gaul and reclaimed it for the empire. He isolated Carausius by besieging the port of Bononia, and invading Batavia in the Rhine delta..." Clicking on the Bononia link in that sentence, it brings one to the article on Boulogne.

Later in the article, we find a story told by the Arthurian myth writer, Geoffrey of Monmouth. He's portraying Carausius as a pirate encircling Britain: "he sails around Britain stirring up unrest, and raises an army against Bassianus, the historical Caracalla, here a king of Britain." it just so happens that emperor Caracalla, born Lucius Septimius Bassianus, was a son of Septimius Severus, while the Savard Coat uses three besants on blue, the colors of the three Carow/Carou/Carot besants! It could give the impression that Caracalla (smacks of Carricks, first found in the Herod/Hurl zone) was related to Carausius, and was therefore Herod bloodliner himself. It's compelling to entertain a trace of Basina of Thuringia (whose Thuringian father had the same basic name) back a few generations to "Bassianus" (on the throne 198-211).

Thanks to Tim, who was the one urging me to seek Edom lines in heraldry when I had no inkling of such a thing, I've known for a couple of years that the Dumas/Dumay Coat uses three besants on blue! I tended to reject a trace of this surname to "Edom" because the write-up traces to "Le Mas," yet the besants used, in the colors of the Savard Coat, strongly suggest that the Dumas surname was anciently from Julia DOMna, mother of Caracalla Bassianus. In fact, Julia's father was the Bassianus line.

The father of Ananias was from Romans of Syria. And Herods of Israel trace to titles in nearby Cyprus. We now find: "Caracalla, of mixed Punic-Roman and Syrian descent, was born Lucius Septimius Bassianus in Lugdunum, Gaul (now Lyon, France), the son of the later Emperor Septimius Severus and Julia Domna. At the age of seven, his name was changed to Marcus Aurelius Septimius Bassianus Antoninus to create a connection to the family of the philosopher emperor Marcus Aurelius. He was later given the nickname Caracalla, which referred to the Gallic hooded tunic he habitually wore and which he made fashionable." Lyon is near the place of banishment of Herod Archelaus, wherefore compare "Archel" to "Caracalla," and ask whether it was really true that this was his nickname having to do with a hooded tunic.

The idea that "Archel" traces to "Argyll" jibes with Herods/Hurls first found in Argyllshire. It suggests that the Herluin de Conteville was from a Herod line out of Vienne-Isere, and that the Arthur surname, with ARCHibure variation, can be differentiated from the MacArthurs of Argyllshire in that the latter trace to Herod Antipas rather than to Archelaus. It's telling us that both Herod lines converged in Argyllshire. It just so happens that the Argyll surname shows also as "ARTill / ARKtell," and was first found in the same place (Berwickshire) as the Arthur/Archibure surname.

We might like to ask why Dutch Puttens use what looks like an Argyll Coat. Savards using the besants were first found in Poitou, and then the English Puttens/Puttocks likewise use besants...though on black, the colors of the Treeby / Stubbing / Trypillian besants. The Puttun/Puttock besants are in the colors of the boar heads (Campbell boar-head color) in the English Savard/Salford Coat. The latter uses the Fleming wolf design. I tend to lump Puttens in with Bidens/Buttons, Botters/Budins, and other Butteri lines to southern England.

On the mother of Caracalla Bassianus: "Julia [Domna] was from a Syrian family, thought to be of Arab descent, of the city of Emesa [now Homs]. She was the youngest daughter of the high-priest Gaius Julius Bassianus and her eldest sister was Julia Maesa. Her ancestors were Priest Kings of the famous temple of Ba'al [or Heliogabalus]. The family had enormous wealth and was promoted to Roman senatorial aristocracy." Hmm, smacks of the Bellamy-Macey bloodline that I trace to king Bellovesus, whose Butteri-suspect Bituriges peoples were at Poitou. The French Basin surname, using pine cones, a symbol of Maschis, was first found in Poitou! I think we are on the right track here to the Bessin's Macey / Masci / Meschin bloodline, and then Julia's husband (Septimius Severus) was born in Libya, location of the Meshwesh that I say were proto-Masseys. That should explain Julia "Maesa," who moreover smacks of the Maezaei...not terribly far from Moesia, where Constantine I was born. Constantine represents the merging of the East and West Roman empires, probably important to Biblical prophecy.

What are the chances that the Syrian high-priestly family of Julia trace back to Seth, the father of Ananias? The parentage of Julius Bassianus is not given at Wikipedia. The article tells that Julia Maesa married Julius Avitas, a surname smacking of Avvites (it evokes my trace of the Exodus Hyksos, of the proto-Massey house of Mus, to the Samson Avvites). In the Bible, a ruler of Edom was king over the Avvite city of Avith. The question, therefore, is whether "Domna" refers to Edomites. A case can be made here by the black boars (symbol of Esau according to the Book of Enoch) used in the Bush Coat; the online statement: "Edom is even compared to a black boar (I En[och]. 89:12, 42-43, 49, 66; Jub[ilees]. 37:20, 24)." But we can also find online that Horus, a god merged with the darker god, Set(h), was depicted with the black boar. Horus was probably from Edom's Horites, the term that may have led to "Herod."

That's why I trace Bush's/Buschs / Boschs to "Bozrah" and "Boscath." The point then, is that the latest version of the English Bush Coat shows a black-on-white bend surrounded by black boars. On the Bush fesse are three gold symbols, the colors of the three boars on the same-colored fesse of English SAVARD/Salfords. The idea here is that the Edomites that were the Bush's trace to Septimius SEVERus (Julia Domna's husband), and that the SALford variation is due to the Busca location smack beside Cuneo, a place name that could trace to Caen of the Bessin theater.

Reminder: the Savard/Salford fesse and symbols are in the colors of the Putten/Puttock fesse with besants, and then Dutch Puttens, who use a version of the Argyll Coat, is in the colors of Dutch Bush's/Bosch's. That's Edom-interesting because the Argyll/Artill surname is now suspect as a Herod line, and Herods are known to have been Edomites.

One Salford location is in BEDfordshire, which I've traced suggestively to the Batavi > Bedivere line, and as I trace the Batavi to the north-African city of Bedewe/Meroe, what about the black boars in the Bedow Coat, shown alongside the same lion as, in colors reversed from, that of Dutch Bush's??? Isn't this tracing the Bassianus / Severus line to the Herods of Carausius' area of Menapii?

Bedows were first found in Shropshire, where Meschins, and no doubt other Bessin elements, were first found. The Sales, who use the Bessin bend -- both bends in the colors of the Bush / Savard/Salford fesses -- were first found in the same place (Cheshire, beside Shropshire) as Bessins. Doesn't it make sense that the Bessin bees are from Buzites, or that "Bush" and "Bessin" are related terms from Buzites? Was the Bessin, therefore, home of Esau-ites? Or, is the Bassianus surname of ancient Syria tracing to Esau-ites?

I've known about a Herman Bessen (with a second 'e') surname for years, finding that it's coming up as "Bassan." I haven't brought it up for many months, but now see that it uses a five-pointed gold crown, a symbol of MacArthurs. I had traced the club in the Bessen/Bassan Coat to Clovis even before I knew that his mother was Basina. I argued that clubs in a deck of cards are clovers, and found evidence that clovers in heraldry are for "Clovis." Dutch Clavers/Cleavers, for example, use clovers. English Clavers/Cleavers/Clovers use the Meschin-Shield format, expected if Basina traces to the Bessin. The Cliffs (Herefordshire) were then found to use a trefoil = clover, as well as wolf heads, symbol of the Club-like Claptons/Cloptons, but I can now add (I didn't know this when starting this paragraph, not until this point as I write) that the Cliff fesse is in the colors of the Bush / Savard/Salford fesse, and likewise uses three gold symbols upon it! It's tracing the Severus / Bassianus / Maesa bloodline from Syria once again to Basina of the Merovingians and Meschins!!! Zowie, and we are so very close to the time of Ananias in this pro-Roman line out of Syria.

Take a look at what was discovered just before writing the paragraph above. The Tall/Thall Coat was entered because the bee design of the Bessins was, until the last month or two, identical with the bees in the Tall/Thall Coat. The Talls were first found in Thuringia, home of Basina. Shouldn't Basina have been an Esau-ite, therefore? But what was just discovered is that the quarters of the Tall Shield are colors reversed from the quarters of the Bedow Shield. It works, because I identify the Tall/Thall bend with that of French TALbots (Normandy), and English Talbots were first found in the same place as Bedows. Hmm, from the French Talbot write-up: "Hugh Talbot was castellan of Plessis in Normandy in 1119..."

Reminder: I'm now identifying Shrewsbury, the alternative name of Shropshire, with the Sheriff > Scherff bloodline. Scarfs were first found in the same place as English Bush's...the same place (Yorkshire), by the way, where Julius Severus died. "When Severus died, in 211 in York, Julia [Domna] became the mediator between their two sons, Caracalla and Geta, who were to rule as joint emperors..."

Earlier, we saw that the Domna surname used by Julia Bassianus traced to the besants of the Dumas surname. It was a tentative trace, to be sure, but one can now add some red meat to it. First of all, the "Le Mas" in the write-up can be justified because Julia's sister was Julia Maesa. One can see that the Domna and Maesa surnames moved together from Syria, and into France. At least, the Dumas surname and Le Mas location were of Languedoc. I can add that the Dumas besants are in the colors of the French Messeys/Messiers, first found in Burgundy. Dauphine.

But there may be more; here's the Dumas write-up: "First found in Languedoc where this distinguished family held a family seat in the seigneurie of Le Mas in the arrondissement of d'Auriol where they were located several centuries before their official registry in 1487." This sight of "AURIOL" recalled the red roundels (torteaux) used by the Orrels/ORIELs that I saw as code for the Herod line out of Vienne Isere. There is a sheer curiosity in the write-up that must be a bold-faced lie: "The place name is thought to derive from the Old English 'ora,' meaning 'ore,' most likely iron ore, and 'hyll,' meaning 'a hill.'" It seems impossible to imagine any of the Orrel variations deriving in "hyll/hill," BUT NOW, having just loaded the Auriol Coat, the tower there is identical to the tower in the Hill/Hyll Coat!

Bango! The heraldry writer is dead! He doesn't exist; he's a liar and a vapor, and a viper to boot. He even knew that the Orr surname likewise uses torteaux. Note that the Hill tower is on yet another black-on-white fesse.

It's all telling me that the Bassianus / Severus bloodline out of Syria was likely merged with the Auriols / Oriels, and therefore with the Orrs, first found in Renfrew, where Herods and other bad guys have already been traced. In fact, I linked Orrels/Oriels to Herods in the first place as per the Doris/Orris surname, which I thought should trace to Doris, wife of Herod "the great." I argued that the wavy bend of the Doris/Orris Coat should be that of the Arms of Vienne, and of the "Jewish" Pollocks (some of whom lived in Renfrew), but since then I have traced Pollocks to the Flavian > Valentinian line, and thus tended to verify the Pollock trace to Clovis himself. You just saw Clovis lines above in the Cliff and Claver/Clover surnames, which was shown before I got to this point in the discussion, and it just so happens that the Claver/Clover Coat uses the Auriol / Hill tower in the same colors!!! Astounding, for the Bassianus line of Julia Domna had traced exactly to Clovis' mother.

We have really got it here. No need to be giddy, though, unless you've spent thousands of hours in finding it. Do you anyone like that? Who could be that ridiculous? I mean, why spend thousands of hours looking for dung? Because this dung is about to hit the end-time fan, and fly into our faces.

I know that some readers will become hunting hounds now, whiffing red meat. I have found the Clovis line to Herods and Esau-ites, and it's promising linkage to Ananias. Where do we go for a mystery greater than this? Let's proceed, and see what sorts of snakes live in this dung. But first, of key interest is Glaphyra, the woman loved and married by Herod Archelaus while she was married to another. Her name smacks of Clavers and Cliffs.

Did you notice the key in the Claver Crest. It was traced to Kaisariya, and to Caiaphas lines there. Caesarea, that is, beside Syria. That's where we should find the family of Ananias too. Then: "Glaphyra born around 35 BC...-died around 7...) was an Anatolian Princess from Cappadocia..." Caesarea had been the Cappadocian capital. It continues to show where Herod must have gotten his surname: "Glaphyra was a royal princess of Greek, Armenian and Persian descent. Her father was the Roman ally king Archelaus of Cappadocia, her only natural sibling was her younger brother Archelaus of Cilicia...The priest-kings of Comana were descended from Archelaus..." Interesting here is that Glaphyra became the queen of Mauritania before she hooked up with Herod Archelaus, and then Masons trace themselves to Mauritanians of some sort, for some reason unbeknown to us.

To help prove that Auriols and Oriels were Clovis bloodliners, the Clifftons (in Hill colors) and Oriels were both first found in Lancashire. The Towers/Tours/Lowicks, who use the Auriol tower design, were likewise first found in Lancashire, a location that may have been named after LANGUEdoc elements, for Auriol is in Languedoc. Cliftons had a location by that name in Carlisle.

Thanks to a tip from GD, in an event that I hope to share between now and sometime in the next update, the Hopper Coat was reloaded about a week ago, after not mentioning it for many months. I knew that it used the same tower under discussion, but I didn't know I'd be on that topic right now. A week ago, therefore, I discovered that the Hopper tower is super-imposed on the gyronny symbol!!! That's the Herod Antipas symbol, and so how great is it to be able to show it right here, in the same white-on-black colors as the Hill and Claver tower? It's very likely that the Towers/Tours who own this tower were from Tournai(Belgium), the city where Clovis was crowned.

Auriol (appears to use an oriole as symbol), which is near Aureille, is in Provence, and interestingly in the canton of ROQUEvaire, something I have not previously heard of since tracing the Roquefeuils. This location is near the Durance river, and then I trace that river, with little doubt now, to the Durham location, where Hoppers were first found. You see, as the Oriels have a write-up tracing to Hills, who in-turn use the Hopper tower in the same colors, it traces Hoppers to Auriol, near the mouth of the Durance. It may not be coincidental that the Durham surname was first found in DUMfries, where the Domna / Dumas surname just traced to Auriol.

Hmm, just found Fontvielle (black greyhound on gold), a location near Auriol, important for the Fond de Ville surname, first found in Languedoc. I had traced the Fond de Villes to Sulcis of Sardinia, and therefore to Seleucids, and therefore to the Salyes on the Durance, but I did not at the time know that there was a Fontvielle location near the Durance.

The greyhound in the Fontvielle Arms is in the colors of the Bouches/Boucher saltire, important because Fontvielle and Auriol are in the Bouches part of France. "Boucher" could be a Bush / Busher bloodline since Bush's already traced to the Domna / Bassianus bloodline. Bushers were first found in the same place (Dorset) as Russells whom are expected to trace to the Boucher theater i.e. southern France.

JUST FOUND after writing the above. The Buckets/Bocards/Buchards, thanks to YS, were discovered recently to be behind the water bouget symbol (i.e. as per the "water bucket" that never dawned on me until then), a symbol that I had traced to Bouchers previously. I now find that the Buckets/Buchards use piles like the piles of the Orrs/Ores who link easily to the Oriels!!! It's proving that Oriels are in honor of Auriol. Moreover, Buckets/Bouchards (and Bouchers/Bowkers) were first found where the Oriel-related Towers had moved to, in Redone-infested Lincolnshire.

French Buckets/Bouquets/Bocards were first found in Calvados, where the Carow/Carou/Carot surname was from that uses three besants in the colors of the three Dumas besants. But the Dumas write-up traces to Le Mas in the D'Auriol arrondissement, though I'm finding a le Mas beside the Bouches area. This Le Mas is in the Grass arrondissement, which uses a Paschal lamb, as does the Lamas/Lammers surname (Norfolk), wherefore we can be confident that the latter surname is an Esau-ite line from Julia Domna.

We could wonder why the Paschal lamb is used, and come up with different answers. But the Lamas surname seems to be at the root of it, apparently, though Pas-like surnames are also suspect, possibly from "AntiPAS." The Lamas lambs are in the colors of the crossed spears (that I trace to the Pilate pheons) of the Pase/Pace/Pascel surname, first found in Bononia, bringing to mind both the "Bonis / bona" terms, and piles, of the Orrs/Ores.

AND ZOWIE, there are three besants, just like the Dumas besants, but on a purple Shield rather than blue, in the English Pace Coat! It's telling me that the Domna / Maesa bloodline from Syria was both in the lamb-like La Mas entity, and in the Pas(cal) entity. Could this be the False Prophet lamb???

There is a good chance that the Pace surnames trace to "Piscinas," a location beside Sulcis. The latter location was also called, Sant-Antioco, and then the Seleucids proper of Antioch were in Syria, and might be expected on certain grounds to have been part of the Maccabee > Ananias chief priests of Israel. In that ANTIochus picture, we do need to ask why Herod was called, ANTIpas. Does that Herod somehow belong to Sulcis? Not just the Pace surname, but the Font de Ville surname, uses purple. And a Fontvielle location was just found very near to Le Mas.

Another point: the Pass/Pascal Coat uses red eagles, as does the French Bouches/Boucher Coat. According to their write-up, these Pascals seem to have been in the same Worcester theater as the Hills who have already traced solidly to Auriol, in Bouches-du-Rhones. Interesting here is that the French Bouches/Bouchers were first found in Champagne, where Hugh de Payen had some secret interests before he became the first grand master of the Templars. It's interesting because GD claims that "Payen" and "Dupuy" are the same surname while "Pay" gets the Pace/Pase/Pascel surname. In this picture, the Pass/Pascal surname can be linked to the Pay/Pace/Pascel surname and meanwhile trace to Champagne with clans out of Bouches-de-Rhone, beside the Le Mas theater that uses the Pascal lamb.

To clinch the Boucher link to Champagne, the English Boucher/Bowker Coat uses a bend in colors reversed to the French Champagne bend. This Boucher/Bowker surname is said to be from Beaucir, in Calvados.

That eerie bloodline out of Syria is starting to trace to Champagne, in other words, and promising to be the guts behind the Templars. Even the Bologna area of the Pay/Pace/Pascel surname can trace to the land of Godfrey de Bouillon, and besides, Bouillons traced recently to Aosta, not far north of Le Mas, where Mascis are expected, in the face of Sion yet.

It's been perhaps three years since I predicted that the False Prophet would be a Massey / Meschin bloodliner. At the time, it felt like a good guess, and I'm not prone to making good guesses like that, openly in my writings, unless there is a strong sense of being correct. I value my post-trib work / task here too much to be flippant or sensational merely for making interesting reading, especially at the cost of being wrong. I now find, thanks ultimately to Tim's tip on the Dumas surname, that the Le Mas area, and the Lamas surname expected from Julia Maesa, use the Templar lamb symbol. The Templar lamb symbol has a cross on an angle, just like a painting of Clovis. Clovis is painted in the colors of the Arthur Coat, and has a five-pointed crown on his head.

Whom else do we know, that I've traced to southern France, was first found in Champagne? The Sauvages, who use a heart and nothing but a heart. Is that Herod's heart? Shouldn't it be expected that the Bassianus bloodline, from Septimius Severus and Julia Domna, should either carry, or merge with, Herod blood? English Savidges were even first found in Cheshire, where the bloodline of Julia Maesa might be expected. Where did we find that Pine cone, symbol of the Maschis? Oh yes, in the French Basin surname, first found in Poitou, not very far from Champagne.

By the way, torteaux are not only used by Oriels, but by the Orleans surname, suggesting an "Oriel" link to "Orlean."

Recall, therefore, the recent trace of the pine symbol to surnames such as Penders/Pynders, Pines/Pynes...and possibly Payens! In other words, the Basin / Maschi pine cone may be a symbol of the tattoo-suspect Payen / Pyne bloodline. If so, there must have been some Herodian relationship between the Poitou area (home of the tattoo-suspect Pictones) and Champagne. The Pines/Pynes even use the Irish Arthur Shield, if that helps to trace the Domna / Maesa lines to Herods, but then Herod-Antipas families even traced to Meschins aside from what you're reading now.

In the last couple of updates, it had been a good theory that Herod Antipas traced to Euskals = Basques, and especially to Haskels, who use a Shield filled with black-and-white vair fur. The Champagne/ChamPAYNE surname uses likewise. I should be screaming here. Does this mean that all the deadly hub-bub in Templar Champagne was at the feet of the Herod Antipas bloodline??? Wasn't it found that Herod Antipas lines used the CAMPbell gyronny symbol in blue and white (see Arms of Gironde)? Those are the colors of the French CHAMPagnes (and Maceys), and Champagnes use the same bend as the Botters whom I trace to Bituriges out of Poitou, where the Basin surname was first found. I traced Maceys to Bituriges, didn't I, of the Bellovesus kind.

I'd like to re-visit a Pink / Punch topic of a few updates ago. The idea was that scythian bone heads without education, who pillaged their neighbors for a living, made blood-brother pacts by dripping some of their blood communally into a cup, then drinking it together like they were celebrating a resurrection or something profound, when in reality their hearts were bent on what neighbors to rape next. Even they did didn't go to school, they got civilized enough to add water to their cups, or bowls, so that their blood looked pinkish, which I assume is the reason that punch today is made pink. Why should fruit juices and ginger ale in a bowl today be called, punch? That's odd. I reasoned that the punch bowl was named after their punching holes in their right arms to draw blood, and that "pink" looks like "punch" for that reason.

So I looked up the Pink and Punch surname, and saw a fist, of the right arm, clenched in the Punch Crest. The fist is not like one about to punch me in the face, but like one when the nurse asks me to make a fist for taking my blood pressure, or when she wants to take a sample of blood. The Punch surname was first found in Gloucestershire, which by that time was a location of Glaucus, a myth character of a blue-green color, the color of tattoo ink. The idea coming to mind is that the same people who used needles / pins to puncture the skin for blood (think acuPUNCture) also discovered tattoo needles for "painting" their skin, all because they were a bunch of uneducated and unemployed bums (otherwise called, pagans) who resorted to being scruffy, arrogant vagabonds. You can see a couple of these scythians inside the crown of the German Bessen Coat. You can tell they don't have a diploma. And the only master's degree they can achieve is one out of ChamPAYEN, where for the price of selling their souls to satan, they can become proud Templar tools.

The reason that I'm sharing this again is that I've just seen, a few hours ago, the Italian Bassan Coat, red and gold horizontal bars. I was waiting for them to show up elsewhere in a way that could link them to the Bassianus line now tracing to tattoo-suspect Poitou. And here I am, at the red and gold horizontal bars of the Punch Coat. I re-punch, you decide.

The Pinks are in the colors of the Champagnes, and have as Crest a similar dexter arm to that of Punch's. The latter show a Poyntz variation like the Paiont variation of Payens, and then the Dexters are said to have been makers of dyes, what a painter / tattoo artist could use. Payens use pierced stars. One of the reasons that I traced Payens/PAGANs to the south of Naples was for the PACENti variation of the Pays/Pace's/Pascels, for in the Salerno theater there is a Picenti mountain range. Inland from that theater is Avellino (earlier ABELLinus) and the greater CAMPania theater that easily traces to "Champagne," beside Avallon. While I can see "CampBELL" tracing to Campania and Abellinum, I restrain from tracing Herod Antipas there without evidence.

? That is, Campbells may not have contacted Herods until they bumped paths in Scotland or western France. Herod Antipas may never have had sons in Campania. For all I know, Champagne may have existed before Campania. As you may know, "pagan" means "country dweller," and "campania" is the Italian word for "the country." Hence, ChamPAGAN. That's the second reason that I trace Payens/Pagans to Campania.

Now what are the chances that Bowls/Bowles will connect to the tattoo bloodline of the Pink and Punch-bowl kind? I can tell you that this Bowls/Bowles clan is a Bush-related one; just compare the Coats. Both use three black-on-white boars heads around a black bar with three gold symbols. Bush's were already found to be of that eerie Syrian bloodline to Bas terms, and the Bouchers/Bowkers and Buckets/Bouchers, found to trace to the Bouches area of Auriol, where the Syrian bloodline traced, were first found in the same place (Lincolnshire) as the Bowls. I hate to stretch myself out further on the limb, but did the scythian vagabonds also use water buckets along with punch bowls when there was a really big and wild blood-oath event?

English Boles (Lincolnshire again) use "gold cups" that look large enough to pass off as bowls, and in the Crest another black boar, this time with an arrow piercing it, same as the Pollock boar...which is why I trace Boles / Bowls' to king Boleslaw of Poland.

Water bougets are used by Rolphs, though English Rolphs (Norfolk) also use ravens, a symbol of vikings. I don't know how better to define vagabonds than "viking." It should be mentioned here that Norfolk is where the Lamas' were first found who trace to the Dumas surname. Ravens are a symbol of Tates, who smack of "tattoo." One Tate Coat (Berwickshire, Herod suspects, therefore) uses an enGRAILed saltire, and grails are generally understood as cups for communal oaths / agreements. Hmm, God/Jesus may have started his communal cup just because Herods had used them. One English Tate Crest (in the colors of the Bouchers/Bowkers) uses what looks like a right arm (same as Pinks and Punch's), and in the Coat, ermines that may be code for tattoo markings, or three ink drops at the tip of a needle.

The Raven surname uses a raven on a red roundel, the latter symbol used by Oriels. Ravens were first found in the same place (Leicestershire) as tattoo-suspect Champagnes...and Inks/Ings, though I see no evidence in the latter's page for a tattoo theme. However, as Oriels are Herod suspects, I do note that Ings/Ings use the colors of Herods/Hurls in reverse.

[After writing six paragraphs below, I went to a new tattoo possibility, seeking surnames honoring the Pictones of Poitou. After seeing the Pictons with what appear to be a Shield filled with drops, "Ficthen" came to mind as a possible Pictone variation, and that idea conjured up MontFiquet/MontFichet, the location of a Meschin branch to which Herod Antipas has traced. It led to the loading of the Fichet Coat, and there were three leopard heads (symbol also of the Inks/Ings), and a chevron in colors reversed to the Ink/Ing chevron, meaning that Fichets are in the colors of the Herods/Hurls. Fichets are shown properly as Fitch, however, yet their write-up derives from an iron a needle would have. It recalls the Poyntz variation of the Punch's. The Point Crest is yet another dexter=right arm, this time pointing. The Point Coat uses "piles," which come to a sharp point.

If we enter "Pin," the pine tree of the Pines/Pynes comes up. But then a pine tree is used also by Fichtens. In Italian, a figa or figa-like term means to "stick it in." Possibly, "Pictones" was not the original term for those peoples; possibly, Pictones came from a "stick it" term fronted with an F or V, for example, "Vic(t)ones."]

What do you know? By a lucky strike, the German Boehls/Buhls (dragon-infested Mechlenburg), who do not come up when entering "Bole" as do German Boles/Boehls, use a pascal lamb. They also use fleur in the colors of the same of German Bush's/Buschs. In the Crest is a snake, an apt symbol for tattoo bloodlines. The needle-like Nettles use coiled snakes, and Glaucus was a mythical snake cult (it should explain the many blue-green snakes in tattoos).

As I've mentioned before, the Needle surname shows a NEILder variation, evoking the grail-cult Neils/Nails (they link to the grails uses by Lawrys / Lowrys), honored in my opinion by the nails piercing a heart in the Logan Coat. If the latter is a tattoo theme, then it brings Herods into that theme. The Needle Coat is solely a sun, suggesting Helios, the same cult as Glaucus. The snakes in a helix of the Nettles therefore appear to be evidence that they and Needles are part of a tattoo cult from Helios-branch scythians, largely out of Rhodes and into southern France, then into Lincolnshire too. Interestingly, the god of the Bassianus priesthood was Heliogabalus.

The Pascal lambs in southern France, namely of the Lamas' of Le Mas who trace to the Bassianus priesthood, are extremely 666-important, especially as yet another Pascal lamb turned up in the Boehl Coat. It will be the False Prophet dragon, said for a good reason to have two horns like a lamb (Revelation 13), who requires everyone to take the 666 "tattoo."

The boars in the grail cups of the English Boles may be more than meets the eye at first glance, for the Arthurian myth writer's identified mythical Bors as the chief grail line. The raven-using Welsh Thomas' use "b'or" in their motto, and English Thomas' were first found in Gloucestershire and Lincolnshire (latter is where Boles / Bowls' were first found), where I expect the tattoo bloodline. There is reason to believe that the Thomas bloodline does not derive in a Thomas, but rather it was earlier found in a "Mas," and that now suggests the Le Mas location. The reason I make that claim is for the Italian Maso/Masolini/Masucci/Masullo surname (Piedmont), said to be from "Tommaso" and yet hard to believe. It may have been the other way around, that the Le Mas entity morphed into many Mas-like variations and eventually into "Tommaso" as per the Dumas surname; still later, the Thomas names in the British world arose.

The French Mass/Massey Coat is a new-showing one (I am told by houseofnames that Coats change when older ones are found, for they seek the oldest-possible Coats), now in the colors of the Maso/Masolini Coat.

The sitting talbot of the Thomas Crest may be a version of the sitting greyhound used by Tattons/Taytons, said to be "allied to the Barons Dunham and Massey."

Aside from the Macey Shield in the Maso/Masolini Coat, there is what could be construed as the Rome/Roam / August bend and the three red roses of the Caesars/Sesares. The Italian Mazzo Coat has that Bush / Cliff / Savard/Salford / Bowls look to it.

If the False Prophet line is now strongly pegged at Le Mas, what about the Le Mas in the Dumas write-up, said to be, not in the Grass arrondissement, but in the Auriol arrondissement? That would locate the Mas / Maesa bloodline in Bouches, and trace it to Bouchers, as well as to clans using water bougets. The first point is that Buthier (location in Aosta) may apply to "Boucher," or, more to the point, the Butteri / Bituriges bloodline in Poitou. It just so happens that like Bush's and Boles / Bowls, Booths (first found in the same place as boar-using Bush's) use black-on-white boars. And they were first found in York, what was earlier called, EBORacum, said to be named after the boar, now suspect with mythical Bors, the chief grail bloodline.

In this picture, the grail cult and the 666 bloodline are overlapping in the Bush / Booth bloodline to the Eburovices/Ebroicum (even the Ebers use a black-on-white boar). It's even possible with the l-to-r switch that "Bole" and Bore" were the same entities. Or, Bowles and Bowers may have been one, perhaps explaining the arrow in the Bole boar. I did trace the green Pollock Shield to the green Scottish-Bower Shield, and Pollocks use the same boar-and-arrow design as Boles. Green-Shielded Bauers became Rothschilds, and German Rothes use a raven, a symbol now standing as part of the tattoo bloodline from the Bouches theater. Scottish Rothes were Pollocks, who named the island of BUTE after themselves, though the Herod-Arthur cult had called it Avalon, perhaps after the tattoo bloodline from Avellino through Avallon and Champagne. Did you notice that the Dumas besants are in the colors of the Payen stars?

There is even a raven and an arrow right where we expect it, in the Le-Mas / Dumas bloodline in the face of Bute, in the Coat of the Mackes/Mackeys.

Normally, myth codes of the Arthurian kind are for surnames. The Bors surname has been entered many times, but on each occasion until the last, seconds ago, I was stumped to explain the Bors pots. I figured that Potters perhaps applied, whom I know off by heart to use white-on-black cinquefoils, but how Potters related to the Arthurian grail bloodline I could not distinctly understand. The Bors Coat was reloaded moments ago as I wrote above, and just as I was about to quit for the day, I decided to look up the Maes surname, in case it showed signs of linkage to Julia Maesa's bloodline. And there in the Maes/Maestas Coat were three white-on-black cinquefoils, seen just moments earlier in the Potter Coat. How do you like that?

The Biggest Secret No Longer

White-on-black cinquefoils are used also by Clifftons (in the colors of the Claver towers). Recall the similarity between "Glaphyra" and "Claver," and the evidence shown that Cliffs were Claver branches. Perhaps about a year ago, I had confidently traced the tower used by Clavers -- and the Moratin surname -- to the Tuareg Amazons that ruled, and still live in, Mauritania, where Glaphyra was queen! Wowie! Is that not stupendous???

Suddenly, the wife of Herod Archelaus, herself from the Archelaus bloodline in Cappadocia's religious center, traces to the Clavers/Cleavers! And Cappadocia had the capital of Mazaca that I say named the north-African Amazons, who were also called "Mazices." Chief amongst these Amazons must have been the Meshwesh, also called Mazyes / Maxyes. It's now suggesting that Glaphyra's Archelaus line was later merged with the Bassianus line in neighboring Syria that included Julia Maesa, whom I'm assuming derived that surname from a marriage because she was a sister to Julia Bassianus. The Bassianus line was likewise in charge of a major religion.

BIG REMINDER: the Claver tower is used by the Hills who are encoded in the write-up of the Oriels who trace to Auriol, where the Dumas' / Maesa bloodline traces. It's an utterly astounding discovery that heraldry has just coughed up. The Claver Coat's Meschin format verifies that the Glaphyra line merged with the Maesa line.

None of this contradicts the Claver trace to "Clovis" because Basina (Thuringia) was his mother. It's suggesting as hard as rock that Clovis was named after "Glaphyra" elements, and that Glaphyra elements were in THURINgia, a place that I trace to "Tuareg" Amazons!!!!!!! ZIKERS. I'm going to have a heart attack. The idea had been that the tower = turris was code for Tuaregs, who traced to Turin of Piedmont as well as to Thuringia. But then Thurii, home of HERODotus, also entered that picture!!! ZOW-WOW-WOWIE, is this ever big, for the Thurii-Herodotus investigation not many updates ago went immediately to a heart symbol / bloodline in Germany.

It's a Eureka moment. After thousands of hours of typing the ink off of many keyboards, I have finally had what can be deemed a Eureka moment. The cat is out of the bag. Glaphyra and Herod, the Moorish heart of Freemasonry, founders of Merovingians. No, the Merovingian mystery is not about Jesus and Magdalene, for Jesus was truly the Son of God. The Septimania mystery must be Glaphyra's line as it linked to Septimius Severus, husband of Bassianus. And to think, I'm still sane after all of this time of emphasizing the darkest beasts the world has ever known. I am coming out of this with my Faith intact, dented and maybe less polished, but intact. The Massey bloodliner has found the Massey secret, and I'm ratting. Squeak-squeak.

It just so happens that the Glasser Coat and the Claver Coat both use gold-on-blue chevrons, suggesting the possibility that Glassers are a Glaphyra variation. Mackays use the same-colored chevron.

To help verify that heraldic purple traces to Herod's purple robe that Freemasons celebrated, the Cliffords are in the write-up or purple-lion Skiptons: "First found in the West Riding of Yorkshire...Skipton Castle was built by the Normans in the same year, but at the time of the War of the Roses, Skipton Castle was acquired by the Cliffords." Reminder: the Cliff Coat looks like a version of the latest Bush Coat showing, and then Bush's and Skiptons were first found in the same place. The Skipton lion must link to the Lacy lion, and the latter trace to Lacydon at the mouth of the Rhone. The Le Mas and Auriol locations are in Bouches-du-Rhone, meaning "Mouth of the Rhone." How do you like that. Meschins are even known to have married Skiptons.

I don't know whether Glaphyra and Herod had any children, but apparently she had at least one child with Juba II, king of Mauritania, who became the Claver bloodline that took over the Skipton castle. Lacydon was merged by myth writers with Massalia, also at the mouth of the Rhone. However, Massalia predated Julia Maesa. Still, it can explain why a Maesa surname came to live at the area colonized by the namers of Massalia. I wrote about Juba in the 2nd update of December, 2011::

What's more important at this time is the Masinissa character (born in Carthage) on that page:
Masinissa (c. 240 or 238 BC - c. 148 BC) -- also spelled Massinissa and Massena -- was the first King of Numidia, an ancient North African nation of ancient Libyan tribes. As a successful general, Masinissa fought in the Second Punic War (218-201 BC), first against the Romans as an ally of Carthage an later switching sides when he saw which way the conflict was going.

This is excellent because Massena is highly suspect as a Meshwesh ruler...His descendant, Juba (85 - 46 BC), is "Iuba" on his coins, and he smacks of the Ubii Franks smack beside the Mattiaci (identified earlier in this update as the Massi/Mattis bloodline...

Okay, what we have is Maesa-like north-Africans that were ancestral to Juba I, and then Glaphyra steals the heart of his son, Juba II, while he was making a circle through her Cappadocian area. If they had a child, and the child or his/her descendant(s) came to Cappadocia, it could have resulted in Julia's husband with a Maesa surname. The heraldic evidence presented above is telling me that this is what took place. The Juba article says: "Juba had no children with Glaphyra." But this contradicts the heraldry, which tells that Glaphyra had Mauritania blood leading to the naming of Clovis.

Just found. The Clapper Shield is filled with vair fur (red and white), which in this case should be a Herod symbol as per the vair of Haskels and Champagnes. It's as was expected, that the Glaphyra - Herod line goes to Claptons too. I wasn't surprised (but happy) to see the pike (fish) in the Clapper Crest because I had been wondering whether the Geddys family (in the colors of the Clapton vair), which uses pikes, was from the Geta, son of Julia Bassianus Domna. The "Capta" motto term of Geddys can certainly trace to Cappadocia in this case! Like the Glass Coat, the Geddys Coat uses a white Shield on red Shield. The small Shield is typically called an Escutcheon, which may be a code broken down as Hasket-Keon. Haskets use garbs, a symbol of Gascony, land of Euskals=Basques.

Incidentally, the idea that vair is wolf fur is not necessarily contradicted here because the Cliffs and Claptons use wolves. Geddys were first found in Nairnshire, which may have been named by the Neuri wolf line. The "Sero sed serio" motto of Nairns may just be code for Syria i.e. where the Bassianus line originated. Hmm, the Clappers were first found in SURRey, a place I've traced confidently to "Zurich." The Surrey/Surrich surname was first found in the same place (Devon) as the Pike surname.

It seems clear enough that Geddys are related to Pikes, and then one Pike Coat uses trefoils, which may have started out as clovers when acting as symbol for the Glaphyra > Clovis line! How about that. Later, they were re-named "foils" to act as code for RoqueFEUILs, the likely namers of Roquevaire beside Le Mas and Fontvielle. Reminder: HROD-rooted Rods use the Rockefeller trefoils. As I traced the "feller" of "Rockefeller" to the Valais/Valois clan and therefore to Valais/Wallis canton, consider that the Pike Shield is split vertically in white and red, with red and white trefoils, while the Arms of Valais/Wallis are split vertically in the same colors and show stars in red and white.

This is huge, because it's tracing Geta, brother of Caracalla, to Sion, Walsers, Melusine, Glass', the Lys bloodline, etc., the dragon of dragon lines, and even to Rockefellers and Rhodians, the bottomless stomach of the Mother-Earth acting shamelessly as the Global pillage.

The Herod-suspect, trefoil-using Rods/Rodes (HEREfordshire) should connect to the German Rodes using torteaux roundels, the symbol of Oriels whom traced to the Syrian bloodline under discussion. It was the Rodez/Rhode family of Languedoc that Roquefeuils had married. English Rhodes, first found in Lincolnshire, an area to which the Bassianus Syrians in Languedoc have already traced shortly above, use roundels in colors reversed from the Rodes torteaux, and they happen to be besants! I get it.

Interesting here is that entering "Piker" gets the Packers with Moor head in Crest, now always suspect as a sign of the Glaphyra-line Mauritanians, either Tuaregs or Meshwesh or both. This is a good place to remind that Meshwesh had been Egyptian pharaoh's starting at the 21st dynasty, ruling from Tanis and therefore likely naming Tunis, the area where Meshwesh and Tuaregs had been, and where Tyrians started their human-sacrifice cults at Carthage. The Massena above had ruled Carthaginians. The point, however, is that Packers have been identified with pharaoh Apachnas/Khyan, whose household was, in my opinion, the proto-Meshwesh. Therefore, when we see Pikes and Pikers/Packers (lords of BUCKLEbury) merged here with lines suspect from Julia Maesa, whose line is strongly suspect with the Glaphyra-branch Mauritanians, I think we're dealing with the line of the Exodus pharaoh as well.

With the Bassianus line now tracing via Pikes to Sion / Valais, the Visp area of Valais is bringing "Vespasian" to mind. The Arms of Visp are still the split Shield of Pikes. One Grachen location (pine trees) in the district of Visp evokes Gratian Funarius, of the Vespasian line. Reminder: Gratian was the father of VALentinian I, who may trace to "Valais / Walser" etc. As the Gratian > Valentinian line was traced to the same place (Childeric > Clovis) as the Glaphyra line, we should expect Herod blood in this Visp picture if indeed Grachen was a Gratian / Vespasian center.

From the Grachen article: Thomas Platter, a famous citizen of 16th century Grachen..." Entering "Platter" got two very interesting results. First, the vine and grape bunch of the Blates/Plates came up, and when we think about the grape bunch with leaves in the Herod-Archelaus coin, shouldn't we expect Herod lines to use that symbol? Does this trace Herod - Glaphyra lines to Grachen? If so, why?

The swan in the Platter Crest is of the design used by Lindseys, first found in heart-using Lanarkshire. Lindseys are suspect from "Lindsey," an old name for Lincolnshire. There is the possibility here that Lindseys were from the Rodez bloodline, therefore. Moreover, the Lindsey Coat, apparently a Stewart / Boyd / Marx variation (evokes the communist Fabian Society that the globalist Rhodes engaged) looks like the Nero Coat.

Secondly, the English Platters use three blue-on-white bends. I've been looking out for this because the international number for 6, when expressed in pattern form for shipping purposes, is three blue-on-white bends, though in the other direction from the Platter bend. Still, the 666 is suspect in Herod / Hyksos lines. What's amazing here that everything above was already written before coming to this paragraph, and at the end of the last sentence I went seeking for the page above on the number 6 so that I could get you the link. I found it in the 1st update of this month, where I introduced it with the following:

Hmm, compare "Pacenti" to "Placentia/Piacenza." It could mean that Placentia was named after a Pacen-like entity. Entering "Packen" gets the Pagnells of Yorkshire, who use three blue bends, the colors of the bends used as international recognition for the number 6; see near end of this Six article). Three blue bends may therefore secretly mean 666.

I just mentioned the Pikers/Packers above, and moreover the Platt(er) surname can certainly apply to lines from PLACentia.

I trace "Apachnas" quite confidently to BUCKEN(ham)s, who use besants on blue, just like the Savards / Dumas' now suspect at Le Mas. Isn't the Mus house of Apachnas suspect at Le Mas??? The Buckingham besants are therefore suggesting that the Bassianus-Maesa line was a Hyksos one, probably the Meshwesh Hyksos out of the Tunis area. It compels me to reason that Glaphyra married a Hyksos Mauritanian of the Apachnas kind, just as I would expect from key Biblical events that predict the line of the Exodus pharaoh to rule the world via the False Prophet line.

It just cannot be a coincidence that the English Grass surname was first found in Buckingham while Le Mas is in the Grass arrondissement. Note that the Grass/Grace Coat is an upright lion surrounded by cinquefoils, the symbol of Glaphyra-suspect Clifftons. I've just noted that the "Tenez" term of Clifftons may be for "Tunis."

The French Grass/Grace Coat was first found where we expect it, in Provence...the Grass / Le Mas theater. This Grass/Grace Coat uses an upright black lion, perhaps link-able to the Lincoln lion, itself in colors reversed from the Cliffton lion. The crown around the Lincoln lion shows a three-leaf clover, as I think the Lindsey crown does.

There's some dung in the Lincoln write-up: "They lived in the city of Lincoln in Lincolnshire. The place-name is derived from the British name Lindo, which means lake, and the Latin word, colonia, which means settlement or colony." "Lindo" likely traces instead to Lindos on Rhodes.

Of interest is the besant on gold held by the lion in the Link Coat. The Rhodes of Lincolnshire use same-colored besants, suggesting that Links were named after "Lincoln." The Rhodes crest is a leopard, symbol of the Inks/Ings and their likely kin, the Pictone- and Antipas-suspect Fichets whom use Herod/Hurl colors. It's begging the question of whether "Lincoln" was in reality named after the "ink" theme of the tattoo bloodline, later morphing into L'Ink. While that idea was coming to mind, the engrailed saltire of the Rhodes was coming to mind, for "engrail" means to etch a design or mark into something. The three bends of the 666-suspect Platters are engrailed bends. The Platt-like Pilates use pheons that I think are code for the tattoo / oath-making scythians. The Pillettes (Lincolnshire!) use grail cups on a Payen- / Dumas-like Shield. The Grass area of the Dumas bloodline mat even be for Valerius GRATUS, who preceded Pontius Pilate.

Coins were engrailed with letters, wherefore let's ask why there is a Linkletter surname? If "to mark" is to engrail, we may even ask why Linkletters have checks on their fesse, as do Lindseys and "Jewish"Marks/Marx' (Payen Zionist star?). For that matter, since the Levi lion (in the colors of the Lindsey lion) has been found to be the Biblical harlot line (with dexter paw on a dragon's head, for example, or found with the Pascal lambs of Payen-related Pascals), what about the possibility that the Marici, who lived on the same Ticino river as Laevi, were an etching / engrailing bloodline? The Marici may have founded Marseille at the mouth of the Rhone...where that eerie Syrian bloodline settled, at Pascal-lamb-using Le Mas / Grass.

The Crass/Crace/Craiz/Grass Coat uses lions in the colors of the Lamas lambs, and was first found in Lincolnshire. It also has a bend in the colors of the Bottar / Champagne / Romney bend.

French Marks, also using checks on a bend, were first found in Languedoc. These checks are suspect with the Illuminati, whom we may figure to be central in the coming 666 system. The French Mark checks are in the colors of the Lindsey checks, and the latter surname should trace to Redones of Languedoc.

There is some amazing corroboration in the Linkletter description to show how it's part of the 666 bloodline out of Patmos: "A sheldrake [duck] gorged with a crown, and resting the dexter foot on a gold escallop." Not only do SHELdons ("pati" motto term) use the sheldrake as their personal symbol, and not only does "shel" jibe with "scallop" for obvious reasons, including the likeliness that SKELtons are a Sheldon branch, but the full motto of Linkletters is simply, "Skoal." It's not only bringing Scala on Patmos to bear, but the Scholefield surname having a Scofield variation that became that of a chief pre-tribulationist strategist...of a group of passionate and influential false teachers later to be joined by Hal Lindsey.

Recall that the Grass lion was link-able to the Lindsey lion, and that the Cliffton lion was asking to the Grass lion. I now find that the English Mark lion is in the colors and design of the Grass lion, but using fleur in the same fashion as the Cliffton cinquefoils. The Mark / Grass lions are colors reversed to the same of the Marcus/Marcoux surname, first found in the same place (Dauphine) as Payens, not far north of the Marseille.

As the "Jewish" Marcus Coat is the one with Zionists star in the colors of the same of Payens, the finding that French Marcus' were first found in Dauphine clinches the Mark link to tattoo- and Apachnas-suspect Payens.

AHA! The Germo-Austrian Marcus Coat (Austria) shows a version of the Germo-Austrian Link Coat!!! That is huge for the theory that Links were ink-ers (or artists) who were into markings / etchings. Why ART Linkletter???

The German Marker/Marcart Coat (Melkart cult?) shows the bent-neck eagle in the colors of the same of the Massi/Mattis Coat, which itself uses checks in the colors of the Mark checks. The Massi/Mattis surname was traced to Massa-Carrara, which now evokes Caracalla, son of Julia Bassianus Domna. That is, the Massi/Mattis surname is tracing to Le Mas. In fact, the Marker Coat shows (twice) the Shakespeare spear (once in the dexter claw of the eagle) used by the Fulkes of Norfolk, where the Lamas surname was first found! Spanish Lamas use scallops, but also a wolf, symbol of Scylla.

The Skoal term of Linkletters could be directly for the Scholes, first found in the same place (Yorkshire) as Skull-and-Boner Bush's, and as SHELtons (not "Sheldon"). The Schole-Crest cross is suspect with the Julian cross as the proto-swastika cross, though the swastika was in the ancient land of the Gileki, of a peoples that I say morphed into tattoo-suspect Glaucus, who loved Scylla. Schole-incidence? The Dutch Bush lion looks to be the lion of the Dauphine Marks, wherefore the 666 bloodline is now at the feet of the Bush's too, if indeed the Marks will produce the future skincode.

The Scholes/Scayles can be traced to Languedoc in two other ways, first from the Scholefields first found in LANCAshire, and secondly...I forgot what I was going to say. I have a terrible case of forgetting when too many ideas flood my brain, each needing to be written out before the next is re-considered. This work gets to be very trying at times, even if it's very easy on my rear end...if I don't spend too many hours at a time upon it. I hate the thought of growing old with slippers on my feet under this desk. God forbid. I never have time, due to ideas flowing one after the other non-stop, to make these updates much more than scribble. If some good writers were to take greater care in a book form, these topics would spread wings and pluck out some tail feathers of the phoenix that it wouldn't be able to steer itself well enough in the planned onslaught against Christians.

Scholefields use a fesse in the colors of Skulls and Dutch Bones. The latter use the same-colored chevron as Hebrons (Eschol was an ancient grape vine region of ancient Hebron), and Hebrons are the ones living in CHILLingham, wherefore the Chill/Child surname, using the Hebron chevron too, tends to link all surnames in this paragraph, and the two above it, to Childeric, as expected where the Bassianus and Glaphyra lines go exactly to that family.

Sheltons are in the colors of Skeltons (Masci fleur on Bellamy Shield, I'm assuming), and of the French Messeys. Ah yes, I remember now. The Meschin scallops trace to Scylla at Messina, where we expect Glaucus elements, and Scholes/Scayles then trace from Scylla to Le Mas. Interesting here is that the Shell surname, using a blue snake as expected of the Scylla-Glaucus cult, has a fesse in the colors of the Scholefield fesse. The Shell Coat even uses the Massey fleur.

Let's go to the write-up of French Lamas to verify that the family is from the Domna / Maesa line of Bassianus: "This [Lammas] place-name may also be associated with the village of Lamarsh in the county of Essex. Lamarsh was recorded as a thriving farming community on lands held by Ranulf Peverel." The Peverel surname (garbs, a Cheshire symbol, in the colors of the Lamas scallops) was first found in Nottinghamshire. I have mentioned many times that a Notting or Notting-like surname uses the same bend, with besants on blue (colors of the Savard / Dumas besants), as the Bucking(ham) bend, but at this time I cannot refind it, whereas it was simple to find before. The Knotting/Notting Coat now showing uses three pheons in the colors of the Pilate pheons (and of the Peverel garbs), which I've never seen before so far as I can recall, in a Knotting surname. It may mean that the Nottings use both the Dumas besants and the Pilate pheons, not forgetting that Messeys were first found in the same place as Pilates.

As the Pilate pheons are suspect with the tattoo theme, I note that Knottings/Nottings were first found in Gloucestershire. Moreover, they use the Shield type of tattoo-like Tates. To help trace Nottingham elements and Peverels to the Maesa / Le Mas cult, the Moratin tower (= Mauritania-suspect), which has already traced to that cult, is used, in the same red color, by Naughtons...first found in Argyllshire.

Dangerously interesting is the Littleboys variation of the Peverels, evoking the young men shown on the Arms of Masculine (earlier in this update), and the little boys with green snakes round their necks in an Arms of Vaughn. The Fauns, I see, are in the colors of the Peverels and Nottings.

If you recall the trace of the Lamans to the Shakespeare spears in the Marker Coat, because the Lamans (who come up as "Lamarsh" too) were first found in the same place as Shakespeare related Fulkes/Folks, then the Lamarch location of Peverels jibes with the fact that Shakespeares were likewise first found in Nottinghamshire. Wasn't William Shakespeare a homosexual, perhaps even a boy molester??? The Shakespeare Coat is even in the colors of the triple bend (666 suspect) used by French Lamarch's (Lorraine). If that's not enough, the single Shakespeare bend is in the colors of the single Gripp/GRABber bend, and that should explain the GARBs of the Peverels.

Evidence of Stewarts in Nottingham include the Sturtevants, with a lion in colors reversed to the lion of English Stewarts, and a Shield-on-Shield in colors reversed to the same of the Glass'.

This Lamas verses Lamarsh/Lamarch curiosity may explain why entering "Maas" gets the Marrs/Mares. It could represent the Massalia verses Marseille name of the city at the mouth of the Rhone since after all the white-on-red lions of the Maas/Marr Coat can trace to Redones. It's known that Massalia was co-founded by Phocaeans, but then the Marsi of Abruzzo lived at lake Fucino. As per the important paragraph below, note that the Maas/Marrs surname was first found in the same place as English Bush's.

When we enter "Show" as per the "show" motto term of the NewMarsh's/NewMarch's (in the colors of Dutch Bush's), we find crescents in the colors of the French Mass/Massey crescents. The Show surname has variations smacking of the Schere/Scherf surname, the birth surname of president George Bush Sr. Then, when we enter the "boast" motto term of NewMash's/MewMarch's, we find a Boyce/BOYES/Boze/Bois/Bost surname, smacking of "Bush" and the Littleboys variation of Lamarsh's Peverels. The Boast/Boyes Coat shows a bend in the colors of the English Bush fesse, and like upon the latter there are three gold symbols upon the bend. This can be no Bush-incidence. The Boasts/Boyes were first found in Le-Mas-suspect Buckingham, where Cheneys were first found who use the same bend, almost, as the Boast/Boyes bend. The Chaine/Chenay Coat even uses the white Masci wing.

It's tracing this powerful band of wicked Nazis, trolls in the United States and worthy to be hanged in the Washington square, to the Bassianus / Maesa bloodline, suspect with the wicked Hyksos...whom God has had His all-seeing-eye upon since the great 10 Plagues. There are very few pages left on God's colander before the 11th Plague is unleashed.

By the Boast/Boyes and Cheney bends, in the colors of the Sale bend, the NewMarshes can be traced to Saluzzo, smack beside Busca, in Khyan- and Cheney-suspect Cuneo, where the Masci wing lived. The Saluzzo Shield-and-Chief combination is in the colors of the German-Bush fleur, and the Chaine/Chenay wing. The English Boyes/Bois Coat (Lincolnshire) uses the same red lion as Dutch Bush'. It puts a whole new Bush spin on the hideous Bohemian Grove cult, where satan in the guise of Moloch is boss.

Entering "Peever" gets the Beaver surname using the same lions as the Dutch Bush's, suggesting that Peverels were Bush kin. The Peppers show lions in colors reversed, which are the colors that the English Bush Coat showed until two or three months ago.

The Boy/Biye Coat used to show the same bee design as the Tall/Thall and Bessin bees, but now the Boy/Biye bee has also changed (to what the Maxton Crest uses at this time). As I have witnessed, in only the past three months, many changes of Coats that involve only the designs, it can't be true that these changes are occurring merely for showing the oldest Coats. The question of why such minor changes are being made to so many Coats in such a short period is a good question, which sticks the accusing finger right up the noses of those who order the changes. It's apparently for malicious purposes.

It could be that someone(s) in control of heraldry is seeking to confound my writings, or to assist me. I don't know which, because the changes often assist me. The fact that the designs can be changed may be indication that a comparison of designs is meaningless (in which case many of my comparisons have less basis), though one would think that design is of great importance where family links exist. However, while designs shown may have been true to family links prior to three or four months ago, it may be of secondary importance now that I've been using them to expose what heraldry is mainly about. The primary purpose now may be to confound my work, and the works of others who may be taking off of my work. You can run but you can't hide, heraldry controllers, because you care more for making money than for what I'm exposing.

While it may not matter much whether a bee from the top view is exactly the same (or not) to another bee design from the top view, a change from a gold calf to a gold steer is a major change when the gold calf is suspect as the Biblical one of the Exodus. The steer now showing in the German Bach Coat was a calf design, important where I pegged Apachnas as the Exodus pharaoh BEFORE I saw the Bach calf (it was quite a while before I knew that Khyan was alternatively, Apachnas). The bull in the Italian Boy/Bove/Bovaro Coat has also changed, and it's now the same steer design as the Bach Coat. Does any of this matter? I don't know any more, and that may be the idea. Or, someone has just helped us to trace Apachnas to the Boy/BOVARo surname, which happens to use the BAUER stars colors.

The Masci wing (in blue) in the Bach Crest still acts as evidence that this surname is from the Mus house of Apachnas. I used to tell readers that the blue Bauer wing was also the Masci wing until one day I noticed it was not quite the same. That wing has changed yet again (this is the first I've noted it) so that it no longer reflects the Masci wing at all. Between the Bauer wing, one now sees a strongarm design, or a fist down on the table, with the forearm visible above the fist. Think fascist corporation and you'd have it exactly correct. The Boys and Bovaros together with Bauers appear to represent the Boii, whom some say founded Bavaria, which "Bauer" appears to represent.

Welsh Bachs (vair fur) use stars in Massey fleur colors, and were first found in DenBIGH, where we might expect Apachnas Hyksos out of Tanis. The Talbot in the Welsh Bach Crest can even link to the Talls/Thalls, expected where the latter used the Boy bee design while Boys/Bovaro now use the Bach steer. The Baugh variation of Welsh Bachs may even morph to "Bovi." But I wonder how long it will be before this wing design is changed too, and if it's changed due to what I'm writing, then the heraldry controllers are more in bed with the exodus pharaoh than they realize. That's why God's finger is up their noses, pointing straight to their sins. No matter, they don't believe that God sees what they're doing.

I've just checked to find that the Chaine/Chenay Coat no longer uses the Masci wing design now showing. There was no reason to change the design as it's still essentially identical as to what it was. And customers who have purchased the old designs may be disappointed to find that they no longer have the latest versions.

There are other reasons for linking Cheneys to Mascis, not only the ones shown above, but because the CHESney variation of the name reflects CHESter and CHEShire, where Meschins and Mascis / Masseys / Maceys ruled. Therefore, I do not think it was coincidental that Chaines/Chenays used the Masci wing prior to the recent change. Therefore, the designs chosen prior to all of these changes may yet well-reflect kinship where designs of two or more Coats were identical.

So long as the changes occur, I'll make light of them, and use them to further my work. Changing merely the designs is not going to make it impossible to make family links. A single white eagle wing is a single white eagle wing is a single white eagle wing, regardless of the shape. The heraldry controllers cannot use a blue wing where the family / individual did not use it. They cannot use a spider in place of a bee where the family / individual did not use a spider. The blue Bauer wing, regardless of shape now showing, but link to the blue wing of the Bavarian Hertzogs/Hartochs, a wing that is partly like the Masci wing now showing. The last I saw the Bauer wing, it was a shorter version of the Hertzog / Here wing. As the German Heres now show the same blue wing as Hertzogs/Hartochs (same bend and symbol-colors as Cheneys), it's apparent that Bauers and Rothschilds were a Herod line. I don't know that a Herod line can be called anti-Israeli, but certainly it can be called anti-Christ.


Especially for new or confused readers
shows where I'm coming from.

For serious investigators:
How to Work with Bloodline Topics

Here's what I did when I had spare time on my hands:
Ladon Gog and the Hebrew Rose

On this page, you will find evidence enough that NASA did not put men on the moon.
Starting at this paragraph, there is a single piece of evidence -- the almost-invisible dot that no one on the outside was supposed to find -- that is enough in itself to prove the hoax.
End-times false signs and wonders may have to do with staged productions like the lunar landing.

The rest of the Gog-in-Iraq story is in PART 2 of the
Table of Contents

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