Previous Update: April 3 - 9

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April 10 - 16, 2012

So Phar I See that this is Sad, You See
John of Bohemia became a Big Ichy Messey, De-Lux
That's Because Levi Puke has been Found Bursting through the Sachs
Not the Pure John-the-Baptist Line, But in Par-Teck-ular the Bar-fy Caiaphas Line
The Covert Windsors were Ever Tack-y and Stick-y because they were Nas-ty Oranges

The world-recognized Syrian government, not that of Syrian president, Assad, is chaired by a Democracy advocate from France, and alleged friend of Israel, but also a Palestinian supporter, Burhan Ghalioun. His government, the The Syrian National Council, is apparently supported by an army consisting largely of defected Syrian military men who have banded together in an organized, Free Syria Army. The latter's article says that the Muslim Brotherhood and al-Qaeda together support this army, and in fact it says the Brotherhood tried to "coopt" with the army, meaning that it wanted in as an official partner.

We already know that Iraq Baathists support to New Syria, and yet I didn't see anything in the three articles above on whether Iraqi Baathists support the Syrian National Council or the Free Syria Army.

From the article for the Syrian National Council: Former Muslim Brotherhood leader Ali Sadr el-Din Bayanouni admitted that Ghalioun was chosen so that the organization would be more acceptable to the West. And in Ghalioun's article:

On December 2, 2011 Ghalioun said that if his party takes over Syria it would end the military relationship to Iran and cut off arms supplies to Hezbollah and Hamas, and establish ties with Israel.

In other words, if Assad falls to the rebels, it's looking like the next Syria will be West-friendly and categorically opposed to the Iran axis...which axis I've got to assume will be the anti-Christ axis at some point. The curiosity is that Meshaal, the leader of Hamas from Damascus, has reportedly fled and abandoned Assad, but neither is he supported by the Western Syrian government-to-be. Is he finding alliance with any group? Which one(s)?

You note that Ghalioun did not mention his stance on Russia. What will happen to the business deals that Putin has with Assad when Ghalioun takes over??? How can Putin stand to see Syria go to the West now that Turkey has revealed its true face, loyal to the West? Putin's cockadoodle-doo has deserted him for another lover. What will Iran be without Turkey and Syria. Just a couple of years ago, Iran was in third heaven, with Turkey and Syria breathing death threats together against Israel. Now look. A suicidal maniac could sure use an atomic bomb about this time.

It would be in Putin's favor if he would try to buy parts of al-Qaeda and Hamas off, and especially the Iraqi Baathists, and turn them against the West-friendly government, promising them their own government involvement in the Next Syria. I suppose we might be looking for Putin to find himself an agent to lead his vision for the Next Syria, but that may not take place in the current fray. It might happen later, however, after the West sets itself up in Syria, when Russia takes on the Assad supporters and re-groups.

Thanks to a tip from Julie, the "Ich Dien" motto of Edward the Black Prince of England can be traced to John I of Bohemia. John was not himself of the Poles or Bohemians, but had married into the Bohemians, the very Premyslid Bohemians who had merged with the son (Boleslaw) of Mieszko I. It was that Polo-Bohemian line that I traced to the Bessin (founded by a Boii-like peoples), and to the Meschins there. It certainly helps to explain why the Dien Coat uses the Masci wing on a Meschin-colored Shield, and tends to corroborate the Masci and Meschin trace to "Mieszko." I'm very interested in knowing who this John was, and what his background adds to the chief-priest story thus far achieved.

Wikipedia: "After the battle, legend states that John's personal crest (a pair of black wings) and motto Ich Dien ("I Serve") were adopted in slightly modified form by Edward, the Black Prince, and since then they have been part of the badge of the Prince of Wales." The Masci wing in the Dien Coat is white (on black), however, and so we might like to keep mind open for the pair of black wings used by John. The fact that Edward used the Masci wing tends to jibe with the Macey Shield used by the English Edward surname, and in recent updates the royal Edwards have been traced to Macon. But as John wasn't himself a Bohemian, and if for that reason he wasn't a Maccabee, what was he exactly?

The mother of John of Bohemia was of Brabant (Belgium). The Brabant surname was first found in Kent, a location now suspect, as per late in the last update, as another home of Pharisee lines of the Ixion kind. Note how "Ixion" smacks of "Ich." The fact that the Macon/Mason surname was also first found in Kent now begins to identify it with the Brabant line of John of Bohemia, so that we again see that the latter man was linked to the royal Edward line.

This is starting to make for a very interesting picture as per the trace, late in the last update, of the Caiaphas lines to that of John the Baptist. It had been reasoned that the father of John the Baptist, Zechariah, was from the Maccabee line of high priests because Zechariah was from the division of priests called, ABIJah. I won't re-explain here. See the last update for details, what I thought was part of a special revelation from God to us.

It's not only the naming of John of Bohemia that may suggest a trace back to Zechariah, but the wife of John of Bohemia was Elizabeth, the name of Zechariah's wife, and mother of John the Baptist. Pause. What could this mean?

These Templar lines can trace themselves back to Zechariah-and-John because Annas/Ananias, a generation later, was likely of the same priestly line. I do not think that Templars, including the royal family of John of Bohemia, are traced by God to the blessed side of Israel, but rather to the side that killed His Son. Some Templars might like to trace themselves to John the Baptist, but it may have been purely for public consumption.

These lines seemed to know exactly where they traced, and yet there seems to be no/little emphasis in written records that they knew it. It's just very conspicuous in the case of John that I traced the Maccabees proper of Israel back to the Boii > Bohemians. It's as though the Bohemians knew that they had furnished the Maccabees, but they weren't making a public case about it, so far as I've read, anyway. While John was not Bohemian, and while it should be Elizabeth of Bohemia (John's wife) who traces to the Abijah line of Israel's priests, yet John had the same name as the Baptist. Can we show that John's background also traces to the Zechariah line? Perhaps his Brabant background.

The grandfather of John of Bohemia was John I of Brabant, and his grandmother in turn was a Hohenstaufen, a Cohen line. It's been already established that Cohens are Khazars who merged with lines from Israel's chief priests. In fact, they might not have called themselves Cohens (means "priest" in Hebrew) until they merged with a line(s) from Israel's chief priests. If so, I was mistaken to claim that Cohens do not trace to Israelites, though to be fair to myself I was referring to their Khazar side as per the Kagan variation of their surname. I was able to show that the checkerboard pattern used by Cohens and Hohens traces to BYZantine imperials, while some of those imperials had Khazar background.

As those Khazaro-Byzantines (Rangabes) ended up also in Poland's Warsaw (i.e. the Melusine symbol in the Arms of Warsaw), we might ask whether John of Bohemia had anything to do with it. After all, the Macons/Masons sound like "Masovia, and Warsaw is the capital of Poland's Masovia. If that's not enough, the Macon/Mason Crest is Melusine. As the Macons/Masons were found in the same place as Brabants, while John's Ich-Dien entity took on the Masci wing, I think it's safe to say that Macey-related Mascis and Macon had some similar history. But this in itself doesn't identify John's Brabant ancestry as a Maccabee line. It only suggests that his Brabant side merged with Maccabees. The suspicion, even aside from his merger with Maccabee lines, is that John's Brabant side was a line of Israel's chief priests. The merger with Maccabee lines only helps to clinch involvement with the chief-priest lines. This is not a small matter. It could be viewed as the historical revelation of the century.

Did we trace royal Edwards to the white York rose? The Brabants use white roses. The Sachs (treated in the last update along with Zechariah the priest) use white roses too, in the colors of the Masci wing in the Dien Coat. And Zacharys/Sacherals (also from the last update) use the York-surname saltire. This evokes the Yorkshire location of the Pharisee-like Parisii. The theory now is that Brabants were Pharisee liners in cahoots with the white line (symbol of the Alps?) of Mascis to the York rose.

It just so happens that Louvain is likewise a location in Belgium, and that the Louvain surname was, as with the Brabant surname, first found in Kent. Macons and Louvains even use the same blue lion on gold, known by some to be the Bruce lion of Yorkshire.

By now I know that all of Freemasonry leads back to the Salyes Ligures, which must have founded the Salines location near Macon. The Sale(-of-Mascy) write-up traces to "soel" (said to mean "hall" but we know better), and then the English Sole surname was first found in Derbyshire, where the Zachary/Sacheral surname was first found. Derbyshire is beside Cheshire, where the Masci > Macey line was first found in England. This is further reason to link Zacharys to Maccabees, and yet I see Zacharys more-technically as a Pharisee-Levi line.

It certainly explains why Meschins had interests in Yorkshire, but then those interests were in purple-lion Skiptons and Lacys. Why the purple?

I always see links between Salyes and Laevi Ligures, and because Salyes are to be viewed in alliance with Redones, and were probably Sol/Helios-based Redones themselves, the Rhode-like Herods of France were likely of the Salyes family. Herods in France go a long way back before Templar times, and Wikipedia's article on Vienne Isere says: "Herod Archelaus was exiled here in 6 AD." That is, the son of Herod the Great was banished to Vienne Isere, which is the Vienne up the Rhodanus river. Note how "Isere" smacks of "Israel." The Isere department is not very far south of Macon, which is itself on the Sion-like Saone river. That river sits in relation to the Jura mountains, smacking of Jerusalem.,_Is%C3%A8re#History

Macon is beside a Bresse region that may trace to Brussels (Belgian capital), and therefore to the Yorkshire Bruces. Entering "Bresse" gets a Bresler family from SAXony. I don't recognize off-hand whose Coat the Breslers use, but the Chief is similar to the Italian Massi/Mattis Chief, and identical with the Italian Fulk Chief. Both the Massis/Mattis' and Fulks use checks in Cohen check colors, though I tend to link the Coats more-closely to the Fers/Ferrats/Ferrarsons, Pharisee liners.

The black-on-gold colors of the eagles are those of the Hohenstaufen eagle. As the German Fulks use a pair of black wings on the same gold background, they could be the black wings of John of Bohemia. The Fulk wings are used by the "Jewish" Glass Coat, and then the Scottish Glass surname, using Melusine in Crest, show stars in colors reversed to the Bresse/Bresler stars. The super point here is that, by the time of the writing of this paragraph, it was already stressed further below that the "LUCtor" motto term of the Scottish Glass' relates to the LUXembourg line of the father of John of Bohemia. The only thing I would stress here is the Fulk link to this John, for Fulks became kings of Jerusalem.

Look at how close Bar-le-Duc is to Luxembourg, the little country just outside France to the north of Bar-le-Duc.

It was only in the last update that I came across a peculiar symbol, a short fesse that did not reach both sides of the Shield. I didn't mention it, though had noticed that it may have been a version of the Herod/Hurl Shield where the symbol reminds me of a Torah scroll, the sacred books of Israel held by the priesthood. The peculiar fesse was on the Canter Coat, which had been viewed when tracing Caiaphas lines to Ixion's Centaur line and therefore to the Cantii founders of Kent. I now find that the same peculiar fesse is used in the Shield of Kent's Brabants! That's more reason yet to view John's lines as Pharisee lines, and to suggest -- very reasonably -- that the Jerusalem Crusades were effected by Pharisee lines. Yes, it makes great sense that TEMPLars should be the old Temple-keeping Pharisees (though we might eyes out also for Sadducee lines).

It's been a long time since I've seen one of the fesse used by Canters and Brabants; it's not likely coincidental, meaning that Brabants were either straight from the Centaur line, or had merged with it in Kent. In the last update, I happened to be on the ABANTians (from bee-line Abas) when I noted "BraBANT." But what does the "Bra" represent? Or is "Brabant" to be understood as a Brab term?

It's important to see the other Brabant Coat, using black bugles with what look like gold stripes. The Polish Trabys use black bugles with gold stripes, and then Trabys also use white ostrich feathers, the colors of the ostrich feathers in the Arms of "Ich Dien" held by Edward the Black Prince and, thereby, by John of Bohemia. It just so happens that John was a king of Poland until 1320, wherefore it seems that the white feathers of Edward the Black prince got to Trabys, and by a similar route the same feathers got to the Tudors of Wales.

Hmm. I traced the Traby-Tudor feathers to Tudor Trevor (i.e. "Trevor" smacks of "Drave / Traby") and later found that a JOHN Yonge of Wales used the same Coat as the Welsh Trevor Coat. There is reason here to believe that John Yonge was named in honor of the Baptist. The Trevor and John-Yonge lion is gold on part-black, the colors of the lion that is the Arms of Belgium (colors reversed from the Flanders lion), and moreover I trace "Traby" to "Derby/Darby" while the Baptist-suspect Zacharys/Sacherals were first found in Derbyshire (beside Wales) .

The Arms of BRESlau / Wroclaw (Poland) use the dead head of John the Baptist on a platter? The Sach/Sax white rose (in Dien-wing colors) is a symbol of York, where Brusi > Bruces lived, and the Sachs/Sax' were first found in Breslau! It suggests very much that Sachs named themselves after Zechariah, father of John the Baptist. But why?

Compare "Breslau" to "Bruce" and "Brussels" (Belgian capital), and know that the Louvain / Macon lion is the Bruce-of-Yorkshire lion. Yes, it can be found online that the Bruce lion traces to the Louvain lion. The theme is the same, a trace again to Pharisee lines. I contend that Breslau uses the head of John on a platter as its victory over Christ, because the same Breslau line had also killed Christ. But, of course, for public consumption, the Breslau line claimed to honor John the Baptist.

Note the black eagle on gold in the Arms of Breslau, for the Candi/Candida Coat uses an eagle in the same colors, and Candi/Candidas, who smack of the Cantors / Cantii, were first found in the same place (Naples) as the Capua surname that I've traced to "Caiaphas." Also note that the Breslau Shield is quartered red and gold with a white symbol in the first quarter, the colors of the quartered Shield of Masseys...who I trace to Masovia of Poland.

Louvain is alternatively, Leuven, and so the Leuven surname was just checked (lucky strike) to find a pair of wings in the same position and color as the "Jewish" Glass wings, and the wings are white-on-black, the color of the Dien wing. Take a look at the black symbol on the Glass wings and ask whether they are garters, for on Edward the Black Prince: "In 1348 he became the first Knight of the Garter, of whose Order he was one of the founders.",_the_Black_Prince

Clicking to the Order of the Garter, we find a "Honi" motto term, and that the next-lower Order is the "Order of the Thistle," which together evokes the bee on a thistle used by Pharisee-suspect Fergusons. Note that both Edward the Black Prince and the Grosman character at the Garter article are robed in black (with a white lining). The Pharisees are usually characterized in black robes. Moreover, I trace the Gros surname to Valerius Gratus, the Roman governor of Judea just before the time of Jesus. The French Gros'/Grauts' were first found in Burgundy, the location of Vienne Isere and Macon. The Gros'/Grauts are even traced in their write-up to the "Earls of York." The laurel branch of the Gros'/Grauts, and then Leuvens are shown alternatively as: Lorfing, Laurfing, Lauerfingen, Leurvin, and Leirven. The Lauries/Lowries then use laurel wreath in a grail cup, the latter being a symbol that I think Pharisees took upon themselves.

The Garter surname, filling its Shield with unusual gold-and-silver checks, was first found in the same place (Norfolk) as English Fulkes/Folks.

In the family tree at the webpage of John of Bohemia, see his ancestry in the Bars, which may identify "Brabant" as a BarBant term. Not only the French Brabants, but the German Bars, use a black bugle.

It's known that the Baars of the house of Este (Brunswick) moved as Bars to Bar-le-Duc of France at the Moselle / Meuse theater, a track that goes through Lorraine (where Bar-le-Duc is located). I had linked Lorraines (white eagles, color of Bar / Este eagle) solidly to the Lauries/Lowrys (the Dien wing is that of a white eagle). Lorraine elements, therefore, may have founded Leuven, just as other entities in the Macon area seem to have settled Belgium. Shouldn't we expect Levites in the Macon area? The curiosity is that "Leuven" and "Louvain" smack of Levites. It may be, therefore, not that Leuven was named after a variation of "Lorraine," but that Lorraine was named after a Levi / Laevi variation, thus explaining the Lor/Laur variations of Leuvens.

The Order of the Garter also uses a "qui" motto term, used by English Sheaves/Shaws/Sithechs whom I identify with the Sadducees. The grails of the Perthshire Sheaves/Shaws must link to the grails of the Pillets because Pontius Pilate was supposedly born in Perthshire. The Laurie/Lowry motto, RePULLULAT" smacks somewhat of Pillets, and the Pulls/Poles/Pools use "Pollet" in their motto. To help trace the Pulls/Poles to John of Bohemia, they use the Dougal lion (in Este / Bar colors), and Dougals are likely Douglass' who are now identified here with the Glass.' Interestingly, Dougals use the motto, "Buaidh no bas," smacking of "Budva."

Insert -- Later, the Covert > Caiaphas line links solidly to the Saxe Coat when getting to the Saxe-Coburg line of royals, and so this is the time to show that the Saxe and Bude Coats are nearly identical. The discovery was made way below that the Tacks/Thackerys were the Zachary/Sacherals. All three Coats, of the Tacks, Saxe's and Budes, use "wheat SHEAVES," all in the same colors, the colors of the Coffers/Coffeys and Coffers/Coffares. Sorry to spoil the surprise but it's necessary here where Zechariah-suspect John of Bohemia is so suspect as per his trace to Bar and Budva. Note the six-pointed estoiles of the Tacks/Thackarys, for both Butes/Butts use those as code for their Este line. End Insert]

I traced Bars solidly to a Bar location on the Adriatic coast of what was Illyria, not far south from Butua/Budva. In fact, the Bar-le-Duc fish (in the colors of the Este / Bar eagle) was traced to the fish symbol of Cadmus out of Butua/Budva. The point there is that Cadmus had been from BOIOtians, who surely named Butua. Just like that, John of Bohemia, although he married into Bohemia, would himself be from the same Boiotians to which I tend to trace Bohemians, if Brabant was named after the Bar bloodline. Again, not only the French Brabants, but the German Bars, use a black bugle.

The Este horse head is also the Butt/Bute horse head, which helps to trace Bars, who use the white Este eagle, to Butua. Italian Estes were first found in Pharisee-suspect Ferrara, beside Modena to which I trace Maccabees proper who lived in Israel's Modi'in location. If the trick is to find a Brabant trace to this Italian theater, the proto-Bruces of Belgium in themselves do the trick. But a Bruce trace to the Modena area is not necessary a Bar trace. I had traced Bars to the Lys / Ferrat valley in Aosta.

I view the Aosta / Este link to the Lys valley as a piece of the Ishtar - Ladon cult (from Histria of the Jupiter / Japodes theater of Illyria, where Maezaei lived with proto-Latins), and Ishtar-Ladon is the picture of the Revelation harlot riding the dragon...and carrying the gold grail with the murdered blood of Christ's saints within. It's an apt picture for the Pharisees themselves who, because they killed Christ, went on to make war against Christians. I say they are the ones making war against Christians to this day. As they once disguised themselves as Jews, they now disguise themselves as Christians.

Usually, that harlot is viewed by Bible readers as a Roman entity (I totally agree, it's not Israel proper), even the end-time Roman empire. It just so happens that the father of John of Bohemia, on John's Bar side, was the emperor of the Roman empire.

I had traced the house of Este to Merovingians, the Amorites out of Jerusalem, without thought that I had also traced Merovingians to Thebes (i.e. to Aedon of Thebes, from the Merovee-like Merops line) of Boiotia, the city of Cadmus. That's another reason to link Bars to Butua. In the last update, Clovis' mother, Basina of Thuringia, was traced to Turin, near Aosta. The Pharisee line of Aosta were at its Ferrat valley, and the Maccabees of Aosta and nearby Asti were simply the Mascis...who were behind the royal Edwards. The Edwards Coat (Macey Shield) is in the colors of the Este / Bar eagle.

As to how the Ich Dien entity should have been passed from John of Bohemia to Edward the Black Prince, perhaps it had to do with Edward having a mother from Hainaut, smack beside Brabant. AND ZOWZERS LOOK: the Arms of Hainaut are three chevrons on gold, the colors of the three Levi chevrons!!! Ask why I have never stressed the Arms of Hainaut in all my Levi hunts. I dunno. I suppose I just never get to the Hainaut article, much. Besides, the Levi chevron are not in Wikipedia's article on Hainaut province, but only in its article on "County of Hainaut."

As the Hainaut surname uses a black-on-gold lion, the black Welsh-Edward lion now looks like the Hainaut lion, but that doesn't conflict with a trace to the black Capua lion because I trace Capuas to the Levi / Caiaphas bloodline. Here's a good map of Hainaut. See the Ferra region at Lille to the west of Hainaut, for the Lys river of France is near Lille, suggesting that the Ferra region there traces to Ferrat of Aosta's Lys valley.

Did I trace "HasMONnean" to Mona in Wales? It just so happens that there is a Walloon in Belgium, even a Walloon-Brabant region using a lion in the colors of Welsh Trevors, and the capital of Hainaut is...Mons. Very super-suspicious, the writing's on the wall. Even the blind can see this, wonder of wonders.

INTERESTING: "Together with the Czech city of Plzen, Mons was selected to be the European capital of culture in 2015." It just so happens that Plzen is in Bohemia. Do the Maccabee math: Levis in Mons + Boii = the lines of Jesus' murderers hanging out in Belgiac Templarville.

There's even a Chievres location in Hainaut smacking of the Chaves/Chiapponi surname. "...However, the Judicial Arrondissement of Mons also comprises all municipalities of the Arrondissement of Soignies but one (Lessines), as well as the municipalities of Brugelette en Chievres of the Arrondissement of Ath." Take the "L' off of "Lessines" and we're left with Essenes, a priestly class in Israel that Templars / Masonic types wrongly insist was the origin of John the Baptist. (The Essenes are the ones who wrote the Dead-Sea scrolls, or so goes the claim, and they may have been named after Esau).

Note "BRUGelette en Chieves," for the Bruce / Louvain lion traces to proto-Bruces that named Bruges, Belgium. And then the Bruce lion also traces to Brescia's lion, and Bruces and Brescia in-turn trace to Abruzzo/Abrussi, where the Chaves/Chiapponi surname was first found.

This would be the place to mention that I traced Bruges to Brays and therefore to Bra in Cuneo (Piedmont), smacking of "BRAbant." Bra is near MONforte and MontFerrat (in Asti), and then the Arms of Bohemia uses a two-tailed lion in the colors of the same of the Montforts! You understand that Montforts are a Pharisee line of the priestly Ferrat kind.

Note the Bohemian flag at the Bohemia link above; it's half white on top, and half red on the bottom, just like the Walser Shield behind two-tailed Melusine! Walsers were first found in Bavaria, said by some to be named by Boii. How-a-bout that: Walsers were MaccaBOII elements, so to speak.

Walloon and/or Wales may have linked to the "Walser" in that Walsers were named after Wallis/Valais, the Swiss canton where we find Sion. Walsers are known to have lived in the Lys valley of Aosta. The Melusine of Walsers traces from Moray's Crest to Amorites of ancient Zion. Melusine of the Walsers is on a red and white Shield, the colors of Wallis/Valais and Sion...and of Hainaut. Melusine is also in the Crest of the Louvain- and Brabant-related Macons/Masons of Kent, which is perfect in this John-of-Bohemia discussion because his Ich-Dien entity was picked up by the Edwards who trace to Macon.

One can also consider the same-colored bend of both Brabants and Swiss Bernes (bear), and that the latter were traced to Berwickshire (bear), represented by the bears of the Maceys and Mackays who use the same chevron as the English Edwards. But now, German Bars are also "Berr/Baer," and we can even make a link of Bars to Edwards if only because John of Bohemia was a Bar bloodline. Bars were in Meuse, not far from the Macon of Edwards, and moreover the Este-Bar eagle is in the colors of English Edwards. PLUS, Welsh Edwards and Welsh Brians were first found in the same place (Denbigh), and these Brians were identified with "Bar" because both Brians and Bars use black bugles...which was another reason for my trace of Bars to Aosta, not far from Briancon on the Durance. [The Brian bugle, black with gold stripes, looks much like the Traby bugle. It just so happens that this update later goes to Orange-Nassau, on the Durance river, and seeks to trace the Traby bugle to the Orange bugle...without thought of the Brian bugle. That's because the Brian part of this paragraph was written after the Traby links to Orange. This Brian bugle is perhaps the best evidence of the Traby trace to Orange-Nassau. As you may know, Orange-Nassau became an entity of the Netherlands, though you'll see reason for a trace to Lorraine specifically (the location of Bar-le-Duc) because the Arms of Lorraine uses an orangey Shield.]

AHA! The French Brian saltire is the Zachary/Sacheral saltire!!! If John of Bohemia links to Zacharys, and I think he does, then the Bar link to Brians is thereby made stronger. Irish Brians use the Mackie/Mackey lion design.

It just so happens that the Montfort lion, which I definitely trace to the white Alpine region of MONforte, is in Mons white-on-red. Mons in Hainaut, that is, near the French border, and therefore near Artois. I had traced the hammer-depicted Ordovices of Wales -- beside Mona of Wales -- to Arddu, a location near the ORDovices. As king Arthur was a Welsh entity too, I trace him to Artois and surrounding PicARDY, beside Walloon. It just so happens that the French Lys river is in Artois, and that the nearby Lille location (the fleur-de-lys is supposedly a lily) uses a white-on-red fleur-de-lys, the colors of the fleur used by the Lys surname first found in the same place (Paris) as the Levi surname which in-turn uses the same three chevrons as the Arms of Hainaut. Either I'm one good wizard tricking you, or what you are reading makes so much logic that it's...true. Yes, French Hainaut reached down into Artois!

PREPARE FOR THE FATAL BLOW. Haven't I been toying with a trace of Walsers to the Bohemians that trace themselves to the Zechariah > Baptist line? It just so happens that the Walser Coat goat is the design of the goat in the Zachary/Sacheral Crest. THUS, we've just traced the Zacharys to the Lys valley in Aosta, home of Walsers, making sense because it was just above that Zacharys were discovered to be a branch of Brians from Briancon. The Zacharys/Sacherals were first found in DERBYshire), and we just finished linking Brians to Trabys on the Durance river. I repeat, you decide.

Zacharys are the ones using "bon" as code for Bononia, a Boii location beside Modena. Do the Maccabee math.

To help prove that the "bon" term of Zacharys/Sacherals traces to Bononia, that location was also "Bologna," which traces to Boulogne in the Artois / Picardy theater. The latter is where Godfrey of Bouillon -- said to be the founder of a Sion entity/cult -- had his immediate ancestry. It just so happens that the Bouillon flory cross is used -- in the same red-on-white colors (= colors of Sion and of Wallis/Valais) -- by Everals. The Zachary/Sacheral write-up suggests that their earliest-known variation included "SachEVARAL." [It will be this Everal bloodline that clinches the link to Orange-Nassau down in Briancon-ville.]

The Everal write-up traces to "April," and then there's an Avri/April surname first found in Brittany, and it uses the Dallen / Constance pine tree. Isn't that the MagDALENE-cult Allens? Isn't it true that the Magdalene cult traces to the line of Israel's chief priests? Do we really think that sons of John the Baptist ended up in France? Isn't it far more likely that the sons of Caiaphas ended up there? Constances use the Ferte eagle, of a Pharisee line from Ferrats. It's raining lys fleur.

It's known that Brittany was founded by Brits of Wales, and so let's trace John of Bohemia from his Brabant theater to Wales by taking the Welsh Blann/Blany Coat. John of Bohemia's ostrich feathers are expected to trace to Welsh Tudors, and meanwhile he was styled, "Blannen," you see. The Blann/Blany Coat uses both red-on-gold and gold-on-red lions, the colors respectively of the Mons/Mont Coat and of the Arms of Chievres, and of Levi-stacked Hainaut. In fact, the Arms of Chievres is a Shield split vertically in red and gold, the colors of the vertically-split Shield of the Blanns. I consider the upright lions in the Blann Coat as upright Levi lions, which jibes with the Levi-chevron used by Hainaut.

The above can't be coincidental because the Mons region comprises Chievres, in Hainaut. It quite strongly convinces me that the Mons/Mont surname is a Hasmonean one. The lion color of Chievres is used by Arras, capital of Artois.

John of Bohemia was also styled, "the Blind," and then we find a Blind/Bland surname. It just so happens that Blinds/Blands use the Sales bend with the Sales symbol, the pheon. This recalls that the first trace I made of the Edward's Dien entity, after seeing the Dien Coat, was to Salines beside Macon. Perhaps John of Bohemia was not blind. Perhaps that was a mythical play on his Blind/Bland bloodline. The Salyes Ligures had a Salassi branch in Aosta (which should trace to the Salian Franks = Merovingians from Aosta's Lys valley). Entering "Salian" gets a Shield much like the Blind/Bland Shield.

Let's go back to the statement that speaks to me of a Caiaphas line in Hainaut. Before I re-quote it, recall that the Chaves/Chiapponis were from Abruzzo, which furnished the Abreu surname and places such as Evreux, smacking of the Avri/April surname. "...However, the Judicial Arrondissement of Mons also comprises all municipalities of the Arrondissement of Soignies but one (Lessines), as well as the municipalities of Brugelette en Chievres of the Arrondissement of Ath." This is being re-quoted because we have the Lessines region with an Ath region. After seeing possible Essenes in "Lessines," "Essene" was entered to find a Coat (Kent / Angus lions) that appears to be a version of the Heth Coat. I traced Heths to Bath/Athas, you see, and linked the latter to the very core of the Arthurian cult. The Baths/Athas were linked to various surnames using the fat black-on-white cross, the same one used by the Arras surname from Artois' capital. The same cross is used by Balders, who were chief Templars in the Flanders / Hainaut theater. (I'll record here that the Balders use the Davenport crosslet; you/I can find it later if we need it when we get to the Davenport hotel in Spokane, on a property owned by the owner of Clark House.)

See also the Easton Coat, the same style as the Essene Coat, and in colors reversed. In this picture, some Est-like surname may relate with Essene-of-Israel lines. Eastons are the ones using gold sea dragons, probably play on the gold sea horses in the Arms of Budva. (Note that the Arms also used stars like the ESToiles in the Bute/Butt Coat; see that a fish, symbol of Cadmus in Budva, is used by German Butes/Butts). As the House of Este was traced solidly to Budva, it seems that Essenes may be behind the which case Estes may not have been named after Ishtar, as I had reasoned, but after Essenes. But hang on.

Thanks to FE, a reader in the Sion theater -- the one who passed the info that Walsers were named after Wallis/Valais -- it was learned that the Kent lion, used by Essenes'/Aisons, is used by Stormys/ESTURmys. There are other Esturs/Esturmys from Hampshire (one branch comes up as "Ester/Ister"), an English location of Atrebates, a peoples that also named Utrecht in the Netherlands. But what about Atrecht, otherwise known as Arras, the Artois capital? Don't we expect Pharisees in Artois? Didn't we just see the Ath region at the Lessines trace to the Bath/Atha elements from Artois?

The Bath/Atha surname is very important to me as per understanding the Middle-East Baathists, and here for the first time it's tracing to Ath in Levi-laden Hainaut. I had traced the Bath/Atha surname to the Bitars and Aflacks (both use the Arras fat black-on-white cross) because the founders of the Bath Party were surnamed Bitar and Aflaq. I now find that the Essenes/Aison surname was first found in Angus, beside the Bitar surname's beginnings. The Aflacks were "First found in Ayrshire and Angus", and ZOWIE I now realize that the AUTHINlek variation may be from the Aison or similar variation of Angus' Essenes'.

ZOWIE SOME MORE. The Essenes/Aison write-up even traces to an Ath-like term: "The Essenes name is derived from Aythe where Aythe filius Thome received a charter of the lands of Fornochtis in Strathearn from Robert the Steward (later known as Robert II) around 1360." It seems a given, therefore, that these Essenes were from Lessines and Ath, and that truly makes them suspect as Israel's Essenes. Wow.

Imagine that, the Baathists from the Essenes (I'm toying with it). Eastons use "a yew tree," but there is no Yew(e) surname, though it smacks of "Jew." Entering "Jew" gets the Chews (Catherine Wheel) first found in the same place (Somerset) as the Bath/Athas. The toy's getting bigger.

The Jew/Chew write-up: "The family was originally from the area of Cheux, near Carne, Normandy..." There is a Welsh Carne surname first found in Glamorgan/Morgannwg, a place that I trace, along with Bath/Atha Arthurian elements, to Bute. The Bude location in Cornwall traces to Bute well because the Morgan entity of Bute was also from the Veys/Vivians of Cornwall; this is being repeated because I trace the Vey/Vivian Shield to the Fife-surname Shield while Bitars, Aflacks and Essenes/Aisons were all first found in the Fife theater. The Vey/Vivian and Fife Shields are red and gold, the colors of both Carne Coats. [As Vance's become very important below for a trace to Orange, note that the French Carne/Charm Coat is nearly the Vance/Vaux Coat.]

Wikipedia's article on the Ich-Dien entity of Wales suggests a trace of the ostrich feathers to the mother of Edward the Black Prince in Hainaut: "The origin of both the feathers and the motto may have a less romantic history [in Wales], with indications that the arms were inherited by the prince from his father. Another theory is that the ostrich feather badge was inherited from his mother Philippa of Hainaut...whose eldest son had the title "Count of Ostrehans", and the ostrich (French: autruche) feathers were a heraldic pun on that name."

"OSTREhan" smacks of Ester elements, which gets us right back to Easton-like terms that were just traced to Hainaut aside from considerations on the Ostrehan entity of Hainaut. When we enter "Oster," we get a gold bend partially on red, the symbol of the French Brabants (Maine) who also use BUGLES IN TRABY-BUGLE colors. That works for tracing Hainaut's ostrich feathers to Trabys too, and therefore the ostrich trace to "Ostrehan" bears out. I might need to admit er-err-error when linking "ostrich" to the German variation of "Austria."

As the Greek ostrich is "struthios," check out the Anstruther Coat, a reflection of the Yonge Coat, for John Yonge used the Coat of Traby-suspect Tudor Trevors.

I just finished showing the trace of Artois to the Mona area of Wales, beside the Menai strait in the Gwynedd theater that I view as Arthur's wife, Guinevere. I had traced "Mona" to mythical MENElaus Spartans (from a Mani region in Sparta), but that trace had nothing to do, so far as I recall, with the trace of Menelaus' father, Atreus, to "Atrebates." "Atreus" is a good argument for tracing Atrebates to Atrecht = Arras, especially as Arthurian elements in Gwynedd trace well to Artois. It's even possible that Atreus elements named the ADRiatic coast where Este-related Bar and Budva are located. It just so happens that Menelaus married the sister of CASTOR, who might just be the root of Hampshire's Ester-like surnames.

If it helps to trace the Esturmys to Wales, the Stormy/Esturmy lion is in the colors of the Dien wing. The Stormy/Esturmy surname was first found in Wiltshire, not far from Wales, but then Wiltshire is where the Edwards were first found who inherited the Ich-Dien entity. Welsh Edwards (traced to the Capua lion) were first found in Denbighshire, a part of Gwynedd.

In the last update, the Ananes Gauls were shown with a trace to stag-using Heneti, who became the Veneti, who had a branch at Gwened/Vannes of Brittany which I identify as Arthur's wife. The Veneti of Gwened/Vannes were, almost certainly the Venedotia peoples that Wikipedia traced to the naming of Gwynedd. This is important because it traces the line of Biblical Annas/Ananias to Gwynedd. You can feel it in your bones that Arthurianism is all about this. The Edwards use stags too, and though I can't make it out, the stag in the Coat looks like the stag of Yorkshire's Annes. I'm more certain that the Edward stag is that of Yorkshire's Hortons, a stag in the colors of the Stormy/Esturmy Lion and the Dien wing.

I trace mythical Helen to Yorkshire's Hulls, Hallands, and Ellis'. Reminder: the Zachary/Sacheral saltire is the York-surname saltire, and Edwards were heavy on York elements. Helen was abducted by Paris who led to the Pharisee line in Yorkshire. In light of Menelaus elements tracing so naturally to the topic at hand, and because Pollux, brother of Castor and Hellen, traces to Poland's founding, I'd say the ostrich feathers are a depiction of Castor lines to such surnames as Osters and Astor-related esters / Sturs. We can't trace Essenes of Israel to Castor in Sparta, but we can trace Essenes to Castor lines in the west, especially in Italy. The symbol of Castor was the horse, and it just so happens that the Este/East surname uses a horse head. Fancy that.

But as the Essenes are linked today like a storm to John the Baptist, we should expect the Essenes to link to John of Bohemia, and therefore to Edward the Black Prince. Do you see where I'm going with this? Thus far the Essenes have come up roughly where John's Brabant ancestry was located, and more precisely where Edward's Hainaut ancestry was located.

AND LOOK, for I trace Annes (who I think use the Edward stag head) to such surname as Hannas/Hanneths, Hands/Hants, Annabels/Hannibals...and Haines / Hannitys. As Edward's mother was from HAINaut, suddenly it's realized that Hainauts were from the Ananes bloodline! The Hainaut surname even shows a Haine variation. That explains why the Levi chevron are used in the Arms of Hainaut! It's just as I've been claiming all along, that the Laevi and Ananes were one massive Templar cult from Israel's chief priests. This finding is remarkable coming just after a trace of Edwards to Maccabees of the Macon/Mason line. Those of you who have helped in this revelation, breath a sigh of relief that I'm not a nut after all.

AHA! The German Haines Shield (Silesia) is the Oster Shield minus the bend, meaning that Osters are indeed from Ostrehan elements of Hainaut. If you recall the suggestive link of Saxons/Septons in the last update to Sack/Sax and Zachary/Sacheral elements, then let's add that Osters were first found in Saxony.

So if Castor is at the root of Estes, and of Osters, and if Essenes come from that line, then Essenes were likely an Ishtar-honoring bloodline to Trabys and other ostrich lines. I'll keep that in mind.

The Hannitys are quite clearly a Haines branch and therefore Ananes-suspect. Hannitys use the greyhound in Crest, symbol of the John-Yonge Crest, and moreover Hannitys use the "toujours" motto term of English Yonges, while Scottish Yonges show the AnSTRUTHER Shield, thus clinching all the more the trace of Trevor Tudor to the Traby ostrich. It looks very good here for the ostrich trace to Hainaut so that John of Bohemia could pick it up in his marriage to a Brabant family. As Brabants are being traced here to Bars, it should be added that German Bars, the ones using a bugle in the black color of the Traby bugle, were from Lower SAXony. Just more evidence of a trace of John's bloodline to the Zechariah > Baptist line (though I think it was a fanciful trace that the family made, either because it honored Jesus, or because it wanted to feign honoring Jesus).

Remember, Trabys are suspect at the head of the 666 system, and Sean Hannity of Fox news interviewed someone from Digital Angel (makers of skin-implantable chips) but failed to warn his viewers that skinchips could be used for the 666 commercial system. In fact, Hannity made it sound like skin chips can be used for good, exactly how satanists are planning to market the 666.

English Horts (another stag) are shown as Hurts, and then the Arthur Coat uses blue roundels called, "hurts." Scottish Horts are shown as Hardys, with black boars. Horts/Hurts use a black Shield in the colors of the Dien/Dives Shield, and were first found in Oxfordshire, where Woodstocks were first found who use the Oxford-surname lion. Edward the Black Prince was also "of Woodstock." We already know that the Dien/Dives surname is of Diva = Chester, beside Wales. I traced "important" Cheshire Meschins to Randolphs of Moray who use the Bath/Atha Shield (recalls the Lessenes at Ath), and I traced those Meschins though Carricks who use an ostrich in Crest. I now see that Carricks are in Hainaut (and Meschin) colors. Carricks were related to Blackwood in heart-depicted Lanarkshire, where "Blackwood" sounds like a Woodstock combo with elements from ostrich-related Edward the Black Prince. Blackwoods were first found in the same place (Ayrshire) as Carricks and English Hares, and use the German Hare/Haar Shield.

Jesus never mentioned the Essenes, nor any wilderness group resembling them. It is a false claim that John the Baptist, and therefore Jesus too, were of the Essenes. It's the claim of ignorant thinkers who know nothing good about Jesus because they are intent on distorting Him into something he was not. Essenes had wilderness churches. Where do we see wilderness churches that Jesus attended or even bumped into?

I don't know what it's like to be a reader with so much heraldry material to digest. I've been told it's hard to follow. But it's heraldry that's going to reveal the Caiaphas line, and so I've got to go one.

I may need to admit to yet another error, where I trace the axe symbol to Crete. The Walsers, who trace very well to John of Bohemia, use an axe in Crest, and it was John the Baptist who said that the axe (= Jesus) is already at the root of the cut the Pharisees off from Israel. Then, in Wales, where the Ich-Dien line of John of Bohemia traces, we have more axes in the John Crest. Johns use black axes while Walsers use a black goat holding an axe, and the black raven (old Apollo symbol of Cyrene elements in Libya) in the John Coat refers to the Meshwesh entity from Cyrene...who settler as a Muse entity at Bute = Avalon. This raven line was the dark line amongst the Rus vikings, and Mackies/Mackeys (facing Bute) use a raven for their trace to Cyrene. As Edwards were of the latter, it suggests that the BLACK-Prince entity is of that raven line.

It's not a far jump from Cyrene to Crete, and moreover Crete had an ostrich egg cult / business. I traced the Traby ostrich symbol to Crete because the bugle, a goat horn, came out of Crete too, from mythical Amalthea, who was an attendant of the Zeus bull cult (= Minoans). Amalthea (Amalekites?) just happened to be the Cretan bee goddess too. Note that the Walser goat is on a Shield in the colors of the Levi / Hainaut chevrons, and keep in mind that Walsers trace to a bee-line Bohemians, the same to which John of Bohemia was linked. The Walser goat head and horns are black, like the Traby bugle, and the colors under the Walser goat are the two colors of the Traby bugle (technically called a hunting HORN).

We are about to see a black bull in the imperial line of John of Bohemia, but on top of that, I traced mythical DaeDALus of Crete, who was a representation of the Cretan bull cult, to DALmatia (Adriatic coast of Illyria) without any thought of Butua/Budva in that Dalmatian theater. This is important because Cadmus followed a bull to Thebes when he was looking for his missing sister, Europa, who was taken away by Zeus the white bull, to Crete. We may infer that Cadmus' Cretan cousins shared markets and social activity with Butua, and that the bee cult of Amalthea was none other than the bee-line Boiotians of Butua. After all, "AMAL" smacks of Melia, the honey goddess of Boiotia, and then the MELusine of Walsers also come to mind. It may very well be that the Boii were an off-shoot of Butua's Boiotians.

Bar is just south of Budva, and from Bar I'm assuming the Amalthea goat horn and bee line evolved into Bar-le-Duc and then into neighboring BraBANT. Reminder, the Abas cult of ABANTians were on bee-like Euboea...and Zeus' Cretan Curetes became the KoryBANTians, founders of Troy. In this picture, the heraldic axe may yet come from Crete. The Cretan axe was the labrys double-headed axe, however.

It just so happens, I've just learned, that English Johns/Jones'/Joans, who use axes and ravens as do Welsh Johns, were first found in Lincolnshire, where the Haines and Hannitys were first found! It's somewhat proof that these Johns were named after John of Bohemia, whose Brabant marriage brought him into contact with Hainaut's Levis.

[Insert -- THIS IS SPECTACULAR. I've viewed "axe" as the Mason method to represent "Hyksos," and so note that "Ich Dien" might just depict the Hyksos...whom I traced to "Ixion." For this discussion, it needs to be repeated that Hyksos pharaoh, Khyan, is said by a Wikipedia article to be an old version of "John." Khyan even named his son, Yanassi, smacking of "Jonathan." As we would then expect John names for Khyan lines, the idea now is that it's wholly coincidental that both Johns from Khyan and John the Baptist can use axe's for representation.

By what coincidence is it that the John-of-Bohemia discussion was written before finding an email from GD with the following John-Cheney article. I already traced the Chaine/Chenay surname, using the white Dien / Masci wing, to "Khyan." There is also a Cheney/Chanute surname, and you will now see a CAINeto variation in the article, which for the first time makes it dawn on me that Cheneys were of "HAINaut", in which case the mother of Edward the Black Prince in Hainaut looks like a Canute > Cheney bloodliner, explaining the Dien wing in the Chaine/Chenay Coat:

The family of Cheney can be traced back to Ralph de Caineto who died in 1086....The family name came from either de Caineto and possibly through du Chene...

...Roger du Cheyne was a squire in the household of John, duke of Lancaster...John's father, also called John Cheney... [I was not only seeing corroboration here that the Khyan bloodline liked "John", but was starting to see Cheney links to "John" of Bohemia, which is to say I was wondering whether the Cheneys were the pseudo line to John the Baptist that I've been mentioning]

John was the eldest son of John Cheney and Eleanor Shottesbroke. [German Shutts/Schuetts use Dien Coat colors, and a BLACK greyhound, and English Shutts are also "CHEWte! We saw Jews/Chews above in the Essenes / Easton discussion. Note EASTchurch below. Shutts/Chewtes were first found in the same place, Wiltshire, as Edwards!]. He [John Cheney] was born at the family manor of Shurland, Eastchurch, Kent [Kent is where I trace the Ixion Centaurs].

John Cheney was born about 1447 in the reign of Henry VI at Shurland in Kent [The Shur surname is the Schere/Scherf surname, and as Cheneys use the Covert martins, I've got to repeat that Cathian Covert was also a SURbrook somehow]

23 May 1465 John was one of the men created knight of the bath [why "bath"? The Jews/Chews and Essenes were traced to Baths/Athas] in honour of Elizabeth Woodville's coronation [that floored me, coming seconds after suspecting that the John Cheney's line was a/the Baptist entity which liked use of "Elizabeth" in honor of the Baptist's mother. And as we see "Woodville," let me repeat that Edward the Black Prince was "of Woodstock," and possibly of the Blackwood line].

In 1465 [John Cheney] was sent with Dr Goldwell, dean of Salisbury [I trace Hyksos to the Salyes] to the King of Denmark [Canute was once a king of Denmark]. Here, apparently, he got his nickname of "strenuus miles" [Pollocks are of the Mieszko > Masci line, and then I've never before had a theory, until now, on what the "strenue" motto term of Pollocks might represent. If Pollocks were thus Cheneys, then consider that I accuse Dick Cheney of being a Nazi operative while I trace Pollocks to the mother of Adolf Hitler.

The Irish Miles Coat (should link to "Milo de Vere" of Melusine-cult Anjou) looks like it uses roughly the same sword, in the same colors, as the Shutt/Chewte Coat. And the Shutt/Chewte sword is similar to the Chaine/Chenay sword held by the Dien wing. Who do we suppose the Shutts/Chewtes are, and why are Chews also "Jews"?].

...1471 finds John in the royal household as an esquire of the body to Edward IV. He also is Master of the Henchmen and Master of Horse for Edward IV. These offices were consistently held by the king's closest servants...

Edward IV is painted in black and gold, colors of the Shutts/Schuettes, Diens, Samsons, and Meschins. He was not a son of the royal Edwards and so we may ask why he had that name. However, we saw that royal Edwards for Yorkists, and then "Edward IV...was the first Yorkist King of England...Edward then alienated Warwick by secretly marrying Elizabeth Woodville...Elizabeth's mother was Jacquetta ["Jack" is a version of "John"] of Luxembourg [= country of John-of-Bohemia line]." The coincidences above are staggering, especially as GD did not know what I was writing in this update when sending this article to me. Not only was Edward VI's wife Elizabeth Woodville, but their daughter was queen Elizabeth I. It would be centuries later when a queen would be named Elizabeth II. Why was the latter given that name, hum?

We of course want to know the parents of Edward IV. His mother, Cecily Neville, smacks of "Nephele," Ixion's wife. Another coincidence? Did you note that John Cheney was Master of the Horse? Hyksos were horse-and-charioteers. Hyksos became the Hecuba > Hector Trojans, likewise depicted with a horse. As I trace the Hector Trojans to Pharisees, I expect Nephele (she was the Aphrodite Hebrews, non-Israelites) in that Pharisee line.

AND NOW LOOK. The Neville Coat is the Annandale saltire in colors reversed!

Later in this update, we see the same saltire as used by Nevilles in the Teck Coat, and Tecks were in the ancestry of Elizabeth II. Moreover, as I'll link Tecks to Decks and Dykes, I'll mention here that Decks and Dykes both use squirrels, and that the Squirrel surname is also "Squire," interesting where we read above that Cheneys were squires. I've already traced the Teck surname (calling it the "Tess/Tease" surname) to the Tessen-Ticino river, and for that Laevi reason I've identified its saltire with the Ananes line to Annandales. The Nevilles are very trace-able to Ananes, and so it seems that Edward IV was an Ananes bloodliner on his mother's side.

The Chaine/Chenay surname even shows Duch-using variations that at first glance shouldn't apply to "Ticino," and yet the German Duch Coat, in Chaine/Chenay colors, uses red roundels that I trace to Tortona off the Ticino river. The Duch roundels are in the colors of the Inch roundels, and I've traced Inches to Insubres' of the Ticino theater. That easily explains why Chaines/Chenays use the Masci-of-Piedmont wing.

As there were Sales-of-Masci, so we saw the dean of Salisbury in the John Cheney article. The Salisbury surname was first found in the same place (Wiltshire) at the Edward surname, but we also saw that the Shutt/Chewte surname was first found there, and so this should explain why Salisburys use Shutt/Chewte colors. As the latter use a version of the Miles sword, I'll add that the Miles motto shows "Sol" likely for the Danaan line from Rhodes to the Salyes and Redones. On-shore of Rhodes was Miletus.

I even traced "Ixion" to the "Kikons" (anciently made into mythical Kikon, brother of Hebros) to "CYCNus," the Gog-swan line (from lake Sevan / Gogarene) of Liguria, which is why I trace Hyksos to Salyes Ligures. The point here is that Edward's mother was CECily Neville, possibly named after Cycnus elements. It's online that "Cecil" means "blind," and then John of Bohemia was said to be blind, though that may have been mere code. We can now see why this bloodline would want to use code to hide its tracks to Ananias and Caiaphas, and to Trojans, and to other ailments of the human race.

How could this picture avoid being the line from Ananias of Israel? It's all over. Queen Elizabeth II, the current queen of England, is from the line of the ones who had Jesus killed. It's inevitable. It's screaming out from my veins. I know it already, even before the best evidence comes in.

The Salisburys were mentioned in relation to a visit of John Cheney to the Danes, and this has got to be the Dien bloodline...where there was a king-Canute line of Danes to the Chanut variation of the Cheneys. Or put it this way: as king Canute was the son of Swietoslawa / Sigrid, daughter of Mieszko I, it can explain the Masci wing of Chenays, and then suggests that Diens were the Canute-line Danes.

I had even traced the proto-Stewarts of Dol to Danes of the Blatand Bluetooth line, and then the article continues: "John [Cheney] married the widow of Baron Stourton, who was the heiress of the title. On his marriage John became Lord Stourton of Stourton in right of his wife. Margaret Chidiock was 53 at the time she married John, who was 32." The Stourton Coat shows a "durant" motto term, obvious code for the Durance river of the Salyes.

Surprise: Stourtons ("fountains") were likewise (as with Shutts/Chewtes) first found in Wiltshire, and Stourtons use what looks like a variation of the German Shutt/Schett Coat, likewise in Dien and Meschin colors.

The greyhound in the Shutt/Schuett Crest is likely of the Gray surname because Stourtons use a "gray friar" in their Crest. I'm thinking the mythical Graeae Amazons of north Africa, where the bony finger points to the Meshwesh/Mazyes. As we can glean here that Grays were fundamental kin to Stewarts, I note that Grays (in Shutt/Chewte colors) use a lion in colors reversed to English Stewarts.

The Stourton gold-on-black bend is the best evidence I've seen so far for a trace of Stewarts to Stubbs and Stubbings (named after tree stubbs), both of whom use the same bend. But the besants of Stubbings were traced to the same-colored besants of Trebys/Treebys, and later I found that Stewarts traced to Astikas of Vilnius. Later still it was found that the fountain-using Cass'/Cash's traced to the Arms of Vilnius, but it's only now that I find the same fountains in the Stourton Coat. I don't think I've ever seen the Stourton Coat before. Here's what was just found in searching my files for "Stourton", another John:

"Sir William, the elder brother of John, by Mary Massey, was the eighth heir of this [Stanley] house, and succeeded his father Sir William in honour and estate. The tenth of Richard II, he married Margery the only daughter of William de Hooton, of Hooton, in the hundred of Wirral, and county of Chester; and by her had issue a son, named William, who is styled Lord of Stanley, Stourton, and Hooton, and grand ranger in chief of Wirral, in the county of Chester."...

...The landowning Stanleys of Stanley in Staffordshire and Stourton in Cheshire

(online article entitled, "Descendants of William de la FERTE-MACE (1034- )")

Stubbs were first found in Staffordshire.

We saw that the Stourton heiress married by John Cheney was Margaret Chidiock, and so see the Covert-like Chidiock Coat. The latter uses nearly the same Shield as Grays...who may link to Croys, Crows, and similar terms that I've traced to the Rhea cult in Crete. I had traced the Ryes to the Crete-suspect family of Raes/Craes/Craiths, and had accessed Ryes from the "ears of rye" used by Saddocks/Sedgewicks, who use a Shield-on-Shield similar to the Grays. Danish Ryes even use two white ostrich feathers.

Hang in there, it'll be worth it. The Haught surname of Cheshire, which I've identified with "Sigrid the Haughty" (Mieszko's daughter) because the Mieske bull head is in the Haught Crest, shows a Hector variation. That's just got to be the Trojan-Hector line to Pharisees. Reminder: the Hector Trojans were from Parium of Mysia so that we expect Mysians in the family of Sigrid the Haughty if indeed she traces to Hector Trojans. Indeed, her father was a Mysia-like Mieszko.

Saddocks were first found in the same place as Ryes, Coverts, Diens, Deins, Danes, Danners, etc., and may tell that Shutts are a Sadducee bloodline. "Saddock" smacks of an S-version "Chidiock," and both terms are a good reflection of "Sadducee." As Shutts have become a topic here (as per the Shottebrokes in the John-Chenay article), it's just mind-boggling that Cathian Covert also had/has a Maness surname, while the Maness motto ("Pour y parvenir") is identical to the one used by Suttons (two tailed lion).

The Shield-on-Shield is called "Janina" in Poland, suggesting a potential link back to Khyan > John. Not only do Saddocks and Chidiocks use a Shield-on-Shield, but Coverts, who use a Shield reflecting that of the Chidiocks, have already been identified as a Caiaphas line. The Chidiock Coat was even found as the Shadock/Chaddock Coat.

Can you see why Coverts are so important here? It's easy to shun my suggestion that Saddocks, Suttons, Shutts, etc. are from Sadducees, but if they also connect to Coverts/Cofferts, it helps to make the case. Later, you will see that the Sutton Crest is used by the Lewis Crest, when Lewis' are traced to the Capua / Levi lion. It was also found at this timer that the Lewis lion ii in the Shatner/Shutbolt/Shotbolt Coat.

The Cass/Cash/Cast surname had been linked to the Cassanes said to be in the ancestry of Irish Pattersons (by the way, the Irish trace themselves to Miletus). Yet the same Pattersons are traced in their write-up to the Sodhans of Ireland, and then the Sodans/Sowdons of Devon use scallops in colors reversed to the Irish Patterson scallops. As the Patterson lion is used by Shatners/Shutbolts, perhaps the latter's CHAD terms could apply to "Cassane." In any case, the Pattersons look like they link to Levi / Caiaphas even aside from consideration of Sadducee-like SODhan."

I had traced pharaoh Khyan's alternative name, Apachnas, to "Bucks and Bucking(ham)s," and then the Cheneys/Cheynes who use the Covert-style footless martins were first found in Buckinghamshire. If you look closely at the border of the Saddock Coat, you'll see "eight birds"...the same footless martins. So phar I see that this is sad, your see?

Isn't it possible that the Sadducees were a line of Hyksos Trojans from Khyan, the one I identify as the Exodus pharaoh? Yes, from Set, the cult that I trace to Seatons/Satans of Saytown. The Says even use another bull head, as do the Haughts/Hectors.

You probably know the Biblical story of pharaoh's army that dashed into the Red sea with its chariots. Ixion was given an eternal wheel for his symbol. Keeping in mind that Khyan = Ixion traces to Salyes Ligures and therefore to Salisbury:

In Buckingham's rebellion of 1483, one of the centres of revolt was Salisbury, and John Cheney was one of the leaders in the Salisbury rising....The culmination in October 1483 in the risings in Kent [Ixion's place in England]...

John Cheney, with others had sensibly fled before Richard arrived in Salisbury, making their way across the channel to Brittany to join Henry Tudor in exile.

At the genealogy of Edward IV's grandfather, Richard of Conisburgh, we find his father's York side stemming directly from Philippa of Hainaut, herself directly from a marriage between Hollands and Luxembourg (Philippa was mother to Edward the Black Prince). The Luxembourg line here was that of Philippa of Luxembourg. "Philippa of Luxembourg (1252 – 6 April 1311) was the daughter of Count Henry V of Luxembourg [= great-grandfather of John of Bohemia] and his wife Marguerite of Bar. She married John II, Count of Holland. Two of her grand-daughters were Philippa of Hainaut..."

That not only explained the link between John of Bohemia and Edward the Black Prince, but showed how Bars got into the bloodline of John of Bohemia.

An April-13 news article found minutes after writing this Insert: "CHEYENNE, Wyo. (AP) -- Former Vice President Dick Cheney has received last-minute medical clearance to return to his home state and speak at the Wyoming Republican state convention in Cheyenne. State GOP Chairwoman Tammy Hooper says..." End Insert]

You must have noticed that the Arms of Hainaut used both the black-on-gold chevrons of Levis and a black-on-gold lion, the lion of Flanders. It could mean that the black Flanders lion is a representation of the black Levi lion. Think about what this discovers, for the first kings of Templar Jerusalem were from the counts of Flanders. The Levi lines from Israel's chief priests thus ruled Jerusalem, and it couldn't have been coincidental. They coveted Jerusalem for themselves, their old stomping grounds.

Yes, the first king of Templar Jerusalem, Baldwin (brother of Godfrey de Bouillon), went back to Baldwin I of Flanders, who was called "Bras de Fer." I don't care what they the phrase meant, it smacks of Bra and Ferrat. "Brabant" may have had its start here at Balwdin I.

It should be added that, where the axe is a symbol of John the Baptist, it can be a symbol taken in mocking pride. Whereas John meant the axe to be a symbol of the destruction of the Sanhedrin's rulers, the lines from Caiaphas and Annas may have taken that axe symbol as their own, in the same way they take the grail symbol as their own even though the grail in Revelation 17 is a symbol of their destruction. Or, while the dragon is disgusting to Christians, the satanic lines proudly take the dragon as their symbol, and stick-it to the Christians. [Or, the axe had nothing to do with Templars making links to John the Baptist, but was for the line of Khyan Hyksos.]

Before this update started, I was back to my lawn chair beside the garage. It was the same chair where, a day or two before, I was reading of the Abijah division of priests, and the reading of the Caiaphas decree to kill Jesus. I was thanking God for these latest revelations, when I found myself wondering how to tell readers that this revelation is now about over. I wanted it to be over. I get tired just thinking about anyone reading so much week after week. One or two seconds after I was wondering how to tell you, a bee came right to the front of me, right in front of my face, and zig-zagged back and forth until I got the message. It was the first bee I'd seen all spring. In other words, it seemed like His message: not now John, you can't quite now; you still have more to do on the bee line.

As per the Luxembourg entity to which John "of Bohemia" traces via his father's Imperial line (John of Bohemia should be understood as John of Luxembourg). His father, Henry VI of Luxembourg, was the emperor of the Roman empire. It's the Pharisees and Maccabees making it to the global throne of satan, something that God foreknew.

Did we see John as the king of Poland, from which we assume he got his Traby ostrich feathers, or from whom the Trabys got their ostrich feathers? We now find that the Lux/Luch Coat uses a gold-on-black bull, the colors of the Mieske and Pohl/Pohland bull. English Luchs/Lucks (pelican, Polish symbols says me) use the black greyhound, symbol of Hannity elements of the Ananes > Hainaut bloodline. I trace the greyhound, especially a black one, to the same Meshwesh/Maxyes Cyrenians mentioned above, and Luchs/Lucks not only use mascles, but were first found in Berwickshire, the place to which I trace the "muzzled" Mackay / Macey bears.

We saw that Pohls (probably an Apollo > Pollux line) traced to the Glass and Pollock bloodlines (both lines going to a marriage with Adolf Hitler's father), and then the Glass motto happens to be LUCtor." It's as though we're tracing the chief priests of Israel also to Hitler when we're dealing with John of Bohemia.

The Glass Crest is even the Melusine used by the Bohemian Walsers...who were from the LYS valley that I trace to "LUSignan." The Arms of Luxembourg are the same essentially (blue-and-white horizontal bars) as the Arms of Lusignan, and it's known that MELusine was a dragon woman of Lusignan. Hugh of Lusignan even made it to the throne of Templar Jerusalem.

Did we see Butua Boiotians trace to Bute? The dragon-cult Veres locate Melusine on Avalon. The Glass surname was first found in Buteshire. The Glass Coat even uses stars in the colors of the Italian Botter star, and Botters (= the Latin / Ladon dragon) were first found in LUCca, suggesting that the Luctor motto traces to Lucca (Tuscany) elements. The Dulles' of Moray use the Botter star too, and then Morays show Melusine again. Thus, we are once again to the Bar-Este-Bute line of Maccabee relations, tracing to Bute beside the MacAbees of Arran. Hmm, the Lusignan and Luxembourg bars are in the colors of the Bar eagle.

The House of Luxembourg even uses a red lion on its white-and-blue bars. The Templar Arms of Cyprus (see Lusignan article) is a red lion too, known to be from the Lusignan king of Jerusalem. If you look to the bottom of the Lusignan page, you'll even see the Lusignan lion in red on gold. It's the Mons/Monts who use a red lion, but then so do the Leys/Lees/Lighs, and both use red-on-gold lions, the color of the other Hainaut lion. Reminder: Mons is a city in Chievres of Hainaut, and Hainaut is highly suspect as a Caiaphas-Levi entity that started Templarism in the first place.

The red-on-white Luxembourg and Lusignan lion was used by the dukes of Limburg to which John's Luxembourg line went back. Limburgs were on the Meuse river (Bars were in Meuse), the river to which I trace the Apollo Muses. This area is where Carolingian Franks had their beginnings, as per their Pepin ancestors. On the opposite side of the Meuse from Limburg was Brabant territory, as well as Brussels...which should explain why the Brussels surname uses red-on-white lions too. Tim was pointing out the coincidence (or not) that Brussel-like Russells also use a lion in those colors. It just so happens that Roussillon (Languedoc), to which I trace Russells, use horizontal bars too (though in red and gold).

Come to think of it, doesn't the Magdalene cult need to trace to Septimania of Languedoc? Aren't Russells, along with Astors, one of the 13 Illuminati families? Didn't we just see Hainaut trace to Haines' and Hannitys of Lincolnshire, where the Rhodes surname was first found...because Lincolnshire traces to Lindos on Rhodes? Roussillon was in the area of Rodez, and the Redones thereof had also been called, Russi.

Smack beside the Limburg holding we see Aix-la-Chappelle, otherwise known as Aachen. I'm wondering whether "Aix" had anything to do with the Ich entity of John "of Bohemia." That's not a bad idea because the Aachen Coat is a black Shield with white symbols, the colors of the Dien wing. Plus, the Aachen Crest is a red lion.

Could we ask whether "Chappelle" was a play on words for what had otherwise been a Chappes / Caiaphas line? Both Aackens and Chapmans use white crescents, the colors of the scallops used by Capes'/Capps and Abis/Abbeys/Abys. Those scallops are in the colors of the French Chapelle Coat using what I think is the Templar cross.

It just so happens that Chappelle-like Shapleys (in the colors of MacAbees) use scallops, and a wreath, while a wreath is used also in the Chapman Crest. The Chapman Coat is a red-on-white chevron, the colors of the AiKen/Atkin chevron. It works, and so let's go one with it (when something doesn't work, I quit and move on).

"Chap(p)elle" evokes the Italian Capelli surname from the land of the Veneti, recalling my trace of "Aachen" to "Euganeo" of Padova, smack beside Este. I traced all Franks to this place in Padova because Merovingians said that they trace to the Veneti. I traced Pepin Merovingians (independent of this Euganeo trace) to PAPHlagonian Heneti, who were Trojans (as per mythical Antenor, founder of the Veneti). I now find in the Capelli write-up: "The Capelli family lived in the city of Ferrara, where the Cappelli family occupied many of the first seats in the ESTENsi [caps mine] Court in the 12th century." As that has got to be the Ferrara alliance with Este, it's very good evidence that Aik-la-Chapelle was named after the Capellis, and because I identify Ferrara with Pharisees, it seems a given that Capellis were a Caiaphas line. (I did not know that I'd be writing this paragraph when suggesting above that "Chappelle" was word-play on a Caiaphas line; it just worked out in that amazing way.)

Perhaps the long-hair said to describe Merovingian kings was untrue, but merely a play on "capelli," meaning "hair" in Italian.

The Bidens use the Capelli cap, called a "chapeau" by the Bidens. Harken thee Democrats, for Democrats have controlled the U.S. Sanhedrin for more than a generation. And that U.S. Senate uses the same axe symbol, called a fasces (ancient Roman symbol of dread, brute power), as seen in the Arms of Vilnius. At the Vilnius page, we find that the city is nicknamed, "Jerusalem of Lithuania." We wonder why.

The fasces is a bundle of rods, a take from the bundle of sticks called, a fagot. "Stick" is very important in Vilnius because the city was home to the Astikas...with whom the Trabys merged. One can almost see "United States" in the Vilnius motto phrase, "Unitas JuSTITia." Isn't that another wreath in the Crest of the Vilnius Arms? It just so happens that the Wreath surname is the Crae/Craith/Creight/Rae surname (red-on-white lion again) that I traced to the Curetes of mythical Rhea, mother of Zeus on Crete. Thus, the Vilnius axe should trace to Crete, where I trace the Traby horn and ostrich feathers. The wreath was found above in the SHAPley and CHAPman surnames, and then the other Scottish Crae/Craith/Creight/Rae surname, though it doesn't come up with "Wreath," shows what I think is a wreath in the Crest.

As the strings of the Traby bugle horns are fashioned as three 6's, see the ropes at the bottom of the Arms of Vilnius. It's as though someone was thinking to fashion 6's with the rope, but then decided against it. Behind the motto, purple.

I can now trace the Traby ostrich to Austria elements by way of a trace to the Austria/Astri surname (it was lucky that the Austria surname had been loaded earlier this morning). But first let me repeat that the weight scales and water waves in the Arms of Vilnius trace to the same in the Cass/Cash Coat. Note that the so-called fountain of the latter shows blue and white waves, the colors of the waves in the Austria/Astri Coat. The only reason that this is being pointed out is due to me scrolling back through this morning's Coats to find the one with red roundels on a gold Chief, as per the same of the Crae/Crath/Creight/Rae Chief. Yes, the Austria/Astri Chief has them too. That's not only a great help in clinching the Wreath/Crae link to the Vilnius wreath, but for tracing Vilnius' Astikas to the Ostrehan location in Hainaut, where a writer of a of Wikipedia article suspects the origin of the ostrich feathers belonging to the Ich-Dien entity.

Harken ye Democrats, for I traced "Vilnius" solidly to the Wolfley/Wolley surname to which one of Obama's German ancestors traces (he was Johann Conrad Wolflin). And it is the Biden surname, with Caiaphas-suspect chapeau, that is Obama's vice-president. "Johann Conrad changed his last name to Wolfley once he settled among other German immigrants in Pennsylvania. His son, Ludwig Wolfley, President Obama's 5th great-grandfather, was born in 1766 in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania." How-a-bout that.

The Astikas of Vilnius were traced to the 666-loving bloodline for various reasons, one being the surname's similarity with "stigma," and with the STIGweard variation of the Stewarts. When I was suggesting that three small saltires could be heraldic code for 666, as per "chi-xi-stigma" (= the Greek way to say, 666) the German Stock Coat was shown because "Stock" and "Astika" are similar.

If the white-on-red Stack-Coat lion had two tails, it would be the Montfort and Bohemian lion. But then the white lion of English Stocks (ermined, as with the Stack lion) does have two tails. We could get the idea here that the Montfort and Bohemian Pharisee-Maccabee line leads to 666-suspect Astikas, which has been the insinuation all along. But the point I'd like to emphasize is that the 666 will be a product of the Caiaphas and/or Ananias line that killed Jesus. It's just my logical prediction.

[Sadducee-suspect Suttons use the same two-tailed-lion design as Stocks. Recall "Saddock" and ask whether "Stock" is a related term ("Steck" gets the Stocks too). If so, "Astika" could be from Sadducee. Later in this update, you're going to see the Caiaphas line trace wildly to the wheat-sheaves symbol of the Stick/Stickly Coat. Sticks were first found in Somerset, the same place that Caiaphas-suspect Bidens removed to: to Bath and Wells (of Somerset). Suttons are colored reversed from the three Coats (including Coffers) you'll see all using gold-on-green wheat sheaves.

As the Sheaves/Shaw write-up claims roots in "Sithech," compare to "Stick" and it's "gold sheaves." Could this mean that Astikas were Shaws/Sheaves, the Caiaphas line? Consider that while Lithuanians are traced to wolves, "Sithech" is said to mean "wolf" (though I'm not buying it literally as stated). I should perhaps record that the same fesse as used by Coverts is used on a Shield-on-Shield by German Stecks/Stecklers.]

Earlier, the Everal Coat was shown as per the Zachary/SachEVARAL surname that may have been a reason for naming John of Bohemia after John the Baptist. John not only married Elizabeth of Bohemia, but she named two daughters, Elizabeth (the name of the Baptist's mother). I now find that the Everal cross (used also by Bouillons from Maccabee-suspect Bononia) is in the colors of the Arms-of-Bohemia and Stack lions, and moreover the cross is ermined like the Stack and Stock lions. In fact, both Everals and Stacks were first found in Gloucestershire.

The Honey-Lion Cult

This is a good place to mention the black-Shielded Samson Coat, in the three colors of Meschins and Diens. I trace Samsons, likewise first found in Gloucestershire, to Poland's Siemowit / Siemomysl bloodline that put forth the Mieszkos (we've already seen that Lux elements use the Mieske bull, wherefore John of Bohemia traces somehow to Mieszko too). But Samson's fictional account in the book of Judges, which paints him as a blatantly sinful man of God, as we would expect from satanists writing "scripture," had him eating honey from the carcass of a lion (a violation of God's law, especially for priests), and offering it to his parents without their knowledge.

The Samson lion was a symbol of worldly might, as the related riddle (in Judges) reveals. It evokes the myth wherein Achilles' body was smothered (by his mother) with honey or ambrosia, the whole of this picture being a symbol of the parent-willing child sacrifices...practiced by Tyrians, for example. I don't pretend to know how the demented think, but anyone conducting human sacrifice is demented. Such cults considered themselves superior and all-mighty, but not realizing that their might came from what they didn't recognize as their own sinful brutality, they credited God for their might, and gave him human sacrifices in thanks, thinking they were doing better than offering mere animals. The demented may have eaten the humans in the way they ate other sacrificed animals, and that's what the honey in the lion carcass may have been a symbol of: eating the sacrificed animal that was first smothered in "honey-garlic sauce" prior to "roasting" over the altar's flames.

I do trace Samson's father, Manoah, to Minoans, who were mythically from to the bull/Taurus cult of Zeus and his Tyrian princess. Moloch, a probably the same as Tyre's Melkart human-sacrifice, was a god shaped as a bull but acting as a furnace for burning victims. It reveals the Zeus Taurus as the Moloch cult. And it's known that Hercules in Tyre, and Melkart, were one and the same cult. It's clear to me that Samson became the Hercules cult in Tyre.

It is predictable that Samson's lion symbol made it to the Hercules lion, therefore, and then to the lions of Europe, especially to lions amongst the Danaan-rooted Dane Rus. We already know that Russells, Rhodes' and other Rus elements use lions, and these elements were from Rhodes, an island of the Danaans.

The HERCules Danaans may have been termed in mythical "KERKaphos, the founder of the three Rhodian cities including Kamiros that smacks of the Gamir = Cimmerians. Hercules, father of Scythes, traces well to the Cimmerian family of peoples. The Lydian lion, equated in ancient times with the Hercules lion, even came with a sunburst on its forehead, suggesting connection to Helios. I now trace the Kamiros location to the Cymry that are otherwise called the Welsh, and it's in Wales that we're seeing black-on-white lions that I trace to the Capua and Levi lion in the same colors. Moreover, I did trace Hercules to Erethlyn in Wales (as per his Erytheia myth). Fancy that: Hercules became the Welsh...but then the Walloon theater is filled with heraldic lions.

While looking up Kerkaphos (son of Helios and Rhoda) just now, I found that one of his brothers was Kandalos, smacking of the Candida surname shown properly as "Candelori." The point is, both Candidas/Candeloris and Capuas were first found in the same place (Naples). Candals/Cundells, who use ears of wheat in Crest, were first found in Yorkshire, the hub of Pharisees.

I ventured to trace Jonathan, a pagan Levite priest (in Judges after the Samson account) to the Welsh Jones and John surnames, the same John surname that in this update was suggested for a trace to John the Baptist. Couldn't all that suggest several things, such as Jonathan's Levite priesthood becoming the Caiaphas / Levi bloodline via the Samson > Hercules Danaan? The Sam/Sammes lion is black too, on gold like the Flanders and Hainaut lions.

I'm not going to abandon the Jones-surname trace to "Jonathan" the Levite on account of the new John-Baptist theory, as both the Sam/Sammes and Jones Coats use blood drops, as does the black-on-white Patterson lion that is identical to the Welsh Edward lion...that I now regard as an upright Levi lion. Note that the Dien-related Edwards were first found in DENbigh, if that helps to trace Welsh Edwards to the Jonathan-Levi > Hercules lion. If this is all correct, we'd expect the honey element of Samson's lion to be found in the Edward bloodline, and indeed Edwards linked primarily to the MaccaBEE bloodline...from Boiotia, where Hercules was made born by the myth writers.

Yes, while the Dien Coat is in the colors of the Samson Coat, the Sam/Sammes lion is in the colors of the Hainaut and Flanders lion, a good argument for tracing the Hainaut-based Levis to the Samson bloodline. [And Hainaut was discovered above to be the Canute Danes].

What we have been witnessing, the link of John of Bohemia Dien-related Edwards and to the Levi line in Hainaut, may speak to Jonathan's Levite priesthood. If true that "Jonathan" was a variation of "Yanassi," the name of Khyan's son(s), then it's a good argument for tracing "Ich" to "Ixion." Here's a mouthful: the Bucking(ham)s use besants, a bee-line entity, and then Canute/Hainaut-related Chaines/Chenays, suspect from Khyan = Apachnas, were first found in Apachnas-like Buckingham. Do the math: Hyksos + satanic Levite priesthood + Samson Avvites = the proto-MaccaBoii Laevi Gauls.

Could it be that the Laevi Gauls, who pre-dated Pharisees by centuries, were from the Jonathan cult of Levites, and that Caiaphas and Ananias came later from the same Jonathan bloodline to the Laevi Gauls??? I trace the Gauls to the Gileki "Iranians" (scythians?) and then to the pagan Galli priesthood of Hatti/Hattusa realms. I identified the two snakes on the Hermes caduceus rod as the Gileki and Cadusii Armenians in a merger.

Compare "Cadusii with "Sadducee." Then, at lake Sevan in Armenia there was a Soducena location near Gogarene, and I trace "Sevan" and its Gugars to mythical Ixion = Cycnus of Savona in Liguria, which was the Laevi theater. It's known that Sadducees were from a house of Boetus, and then CADmus in Boeotia/Boiotia had been partly a representation of the Cadusii passing through the Tyre and Kadesh theater. The MUS part of "Cadmus" was from Mus of Lake Van (home of Nairi = Nahorites) that I traced to the Deas / Desmond surname using the Annan(dale) saltire in colors reversed. There had been a Deas-like peoples at Lake Van, and besides I trace Van to the Veneti, where the Pharisees had their roots.

As the theory here goes, certain Johns came along, in Templar circles, named in honor of Jonathan lines, as for example Welsh Jones' and Johns, but some of them decided they would trace themselves to John the Baptist for reasons of prestige. However, John the Baptist was Zechariah's only son with Elizabeth, and there's no word on John having a wife or children.

How long has it been since mentioning the Abijah bloodline of Zechariah? It was found while sitting on the lawn chair three days ago, Saturday, a day or two before the bee turned up at the same lawn chair. I've just re-loaded the Samson Coat to find a "Pejus" motto term, and a blue lion in the Crest that I've identified in the past as the Cappeo = Caiaphas lion of the Bruces. (By the way, the robin is no longer at my window, as of yesterday). [Even until now, Saturday, the robin has not been back to the window.]

Here's what I'm thinking, that when proto-Maccabees of the Bononia Boii were re-located by Romans in Israel to form Maccabees proper, their priestly line became the Abijah line that gave birth to Zechariah and John the Baptist. The same Abijah line is then predicted to give birth to Ananias, though I can't know that for certain, and perhaps the Templars and Masons couldn't know either. There may have been some Templar elements that named themselves after the Abijah priests even though they didn't trace to them, or there may have been some Abijah bloodliners that escaped Israel to the West and became the entity represented by the Samson motto term, "Pejus."

Entering "Pays" gets a Pace/Pacenti/Pascel surname first found in Bononia (in EMELIA, to be exact), and the Pascals use the Levi lions in Levi-lion color. I repeat; you decide. Isn't that earth-shattering beneath your feet? I can't be that good of a wizard to make things work out this well if they're not true. When GD said that Hugh de Payen was known as "DuPuy, I linked the Pays to "Payen." French Pascals were first found in the same place as French Payens. Therefore, it looks like the Samson-related Levite priesthood came to the Payens, and to Templarism. Fancy that.

At some point in the recent past, I identified the "Pejus" motto term with the Payens/Pagans, and when learning (from GD) of the Chappes surname being the one that Hugh de Payen married, it was to be suspected that Hugh (first grand master of the Templars) was a Caiaphas bloodliner at least by marriage. French Samsons are in the colors of Payens, and are said to be from "Saint-Clair-Sur-Elle in Manche." It just so happens that the other wife of Hugh de Payen cited by some was a Catherine Sinclair.

Although no Pejus/Peyas-like surname comes up, there is a PAGES/Pagenot surname first found in the same place (Dauphine) as the Payens/Pagans and Pascals. There is also a Bayes surname that smacks of "Pejus," and it's not only in Payen colors, but was first found in Colchester, in Essex, where the English Pascals (using Levi lions) were first found. The Bayes write-up: "The first people to use the distinguished Bayes family name were found in Sussex...First found in Colchester, where they had been granted lands about the year 1500. The name was originally spelt Baye, and Beyer." Sussex is where the Coverts, Diens etc. were first found.

"Colvert" just came to mind (as a Covert / Cole combination) to find Colverts/CAVARTS in Levi colors and first found in Yorkshire (It looks like a Covert merger with Coles' / Coles / Kyles, tracing Caiaphas blood to the Cole family). Colchester is the place to which Kyles and Coles' links themselves, and they both use coiled serpents, the symbol of the Gileki/Gels, the Galli, and, I assume, of helix-like Helios to which I trace the other two. Colverts use a "masghii PARole" motto phrase (i.e. I link Coverts to Par terms from Mysia), and are also in Meschin / Samson colors. Probably not coincidental, the Candals/Cundells were first likewise found in Yorkshire, while Kyles use candles.

If we had thought that Coverts should link to Nazi elements, note that Kyles (lived beside/with Pollocks and Glasgow) use a white anchor (symbol of Heidlers) and a star in Glass-star colors. Reminder: I traced "Glass" to the Gileki/Gels, and Wikipedia's article of the swaSTIKa shows an ancient jewel, from the land of the Gileki, using a swastika. Coles use a bull in the colors of the Pohl and Mieske bull (and of the Levi / Hainaut chevrons), and I traced the Kyle lion-and-pipe (not shown at houseofnames) to the Flanders = Hainaut lion. The Flanders national anthem: "De Vlaamse Leeuw (Dutch for "the Flemish Lion"...

To prove that the Blind/Bland/Blond surname is that of John, the Blind / Blannan, of Bohemia, first recall that Lux entities are of John's Luxembourg ancestry. It's just been found that the English Blond/Blund surname uses "Lux" in the motto. Good one. I recognize the Blond Coat's "wavy bends" as those of Italian Marinas/Marinos. But why? Spanish Marinas just happen to use more blue and white waves, the colors of the Arms of Luxembourg and Lusignan. Thus, John of Bohemia bumped into Marina elements, probably the Myrina-based Amazons / Amazighen of north Africa. But for this exercise we need to keep in mind that Amorites were a bee-line peoples from Meropians, for Myrina probably applies to such Amorites.

As the Meropian queen Aedon (of Boiotia) was beside Athens, it would appear that Aedon became Athena, the latter being a major goddess representing a warrior (gobble-up-the-world) peoples. It was Hephaestus who raped Athena to give birth to an Athenian dynasty, meaning that Hephaestus elements were in Athens. While Aphrodite was his official wife, Hephaestus' sacred island of Lemnos was infested with the warrior Amazons, an apt depiction of Athena. In this picture, there seems to be a fundamental equation of Athena with migratory parts of Aphrodite which were renamed after Aedon and/or Athens. As Aedon's ancestry was placed in "Merops," consider Myrina, a chief Amazon city on Lemnos. We can even see how "Aedon" may have been an "aes" = metal term found in "HephAEStus" (the metal smith). I say that "HephAEStus" was a play on "Ephesus" (a city of Amazons on-shore of Lemnos) but with an "aes" = metal term thrown in.

I most definitely trace Hephaestus to the Samson cult, and yet I also trace Samson's Manoah elements to the Europa Tyrians. What I'm trying to suggest is that Aphrodite was a honey/bee carrier from the Samson cult. I view "Europa" as a form of EvrOPA (i.e. bee term) that can modify from/to "EBRopa," which now looks like the makings of the Hebros river...the home of Aphrodite on-shore of Lemnos. Yes, Aphrodite lived on the Hebros because Hephaestus' other wife was Cabero/Cabeiro, what seems like a hard-C version of "Hebros." These were the Kikon = Ixion = Khyan-Hyksos Hebrews and their Amazon allies. Reminder: Jason/Iason, son of AESon, visited and mated with Myrina's Amazons on Lemnos, and Jason's family was a "Minyae" one, a term smacking of Minoans.

As Athena had a representation in Libya, the Amazons of Libya are suspect as her cult. Attica, the area surrounding Athens, was said by at least one webpage to be named after Atti(s), which works because Aphrodite was a goddess of the Heneti who lived with or beside the Hatti. The Hyksos worshiped Anat whom I trace to "Heneti." Atti(s) was a sun good of the Cabeiri/Kabeiri cult, where the Galli priests operated. And, besides, the Halybes who lived on the same river as the Hatti smack of "Libya / Lybia."

If we're therefore seeking the Aphrodite cult at Autun because Aphrodite evolved into Athena = Aedon, we need look only to Nevers, for "Aphrodite" was surely the reason for queen Nephertiti's name, wife of AkenATEN the founder of the Atun cult in Egypt. That's probably where the Ethiopian king Merops came in, code for Meroe/Merowe, a city with the alternative name, Bedewe (that I traced to "Padova" of the Veneti, and to the Padova-related "Batavi" beside the Salian > Merovingian Franks). I can't identify Aphrodite herself as the Hyksos line, but I do think the Heneti were the Hyksos that Aphrodite had merged with. It's as though there were two or even three Egyptian dynasties merged with one another moving into Boiotia and neighboring Athens, which can then explain why the Boiotian city of importance here, Thebes, had the same name as a city in Upper Egypt.

As Aphrodite was merged strongly with the war god, Ares > Mars (I equate Ares with Ixion, almost), it's very likely that Merops was some part of the Mars cult to the Marsi, and beyond to the Merovee-based Merovingians. The Merovee bee symbol, therefore, was, not just from Merops, not just from Aedon-of-Boiotia line to Autun, but also to Aphrodite elements if she was the basis of Aedon in the first place. Therefore, when we find the Ops/Opis bee cult in the land of the Sabines, it happens to be in the land of Aphrodite-founded Abruzzo, home also of the Marsi. "Merops" can be viewed as a Mer > Mars entity with an "opis" ending to denote an Amorite fusion with the bee line of Boiotia.

We can even note that Merops was on Kos, beside Rhodes, and that Marseilles (which I trace to the Marsi) was founded in the prime lakeshore real-estate of the Redones. Thus, Rhodians moved together with the bee-line Meropians to the place where Ligurians were founded (which is just another reason to identify Ligures as Lycians on-shore of Kos and Rhodes), and from there we can assume they moved up the Rhodanus river to Autun to become proto-Merovingian Rus, relatives of the Danaan > Dane Rus.

As Aphrodite evolved into Venus = the Heneti > Veneti line, we could trace her to the "Vienne" closest to Autun and Nevers, for which reason we could expect Amazons in the area. Compare "Macon" to "AMAZON." The logic here is that the Ich-Dien cult was an Amazon = Meshech one, but then we expect some north-African Amazons in the Macon area, especially from the Meshwesh, and that's where the Masci wing of the Ich-Dien entity comes in. Moreover, the Ich-Dien entity became a beloved one of Wales, so much so that it represented the Prince of Wales, while the Welch are traced to Cimmerians, whom are viewed as Gomerians, from Biblical Gomer, brother of Meshech. Likely, the Welsh = "Cymry" were from Kamiros, a major city on Rhodes, explaining why Wales uses a red dragon for its Arms.

So, what I'm trying to say is that mythical Myrina, an Amazon queen on Lemnos, who is known also to have had an empire in north Africa, must have been the Amorite entity to the chief priests of Israel, and to the Templars. Reminder: the Chappes Coat uses Moor heads. I trace the Myrina of north Africa to Mazaca of Syria (because north-African Meshwesh Amazons were called, Mazices), and Mazaca was the capital of CAPPAdocia, a good reason for viewing the Moor-depicted Chappes surname as Cappadocians out of north Africa. The Capua location in the land of Apollo's Avellino is represented by the Capua surname (BLACK lion) using "Caputo," very close to "CAPPADOcia." And I traced the Cyrene entity (BLACK raven) of Apollo to a Cyrene entity on Cyprus, not only the island where Aphrodite was made born, but an island off the coast of Cappadocia. Thus, the Capua location (said to be from mythical-Capys Trojans) in the Avellino theater traces very well to Cappadocia, via the Meshwesh Cyrenians / Libyans that were some of Apollo's Muses.

To prove Blond links all the more to John of Bohemia, the French Blond/Biondi surname was first found in Picardy, beside Brabant, the home of John's mother. The Blond/Biondi Coat uses red towers, the color of the Spanish Moreno/Moratin tower...that I've traced to Mauritainians = Moors. I trace the heraldic "tower" to "Tuareg" Amazons, who indeed spread as far as Mauritania.

The black objects in the Moreno/Moratin Chief are eagles, and so I'm keeping in mind that John's Ich-Dien black wings could apply. Hohenstaufens (the ones who use the lion in Hainaut / Flanders lion colors) use an eagle in both colors of the Moreno/Moratin eagle.

Where Blonds/Biondis are tracing so well to John of Bohemia, the idea coming to mind is that the surname traces, not to blond hair as might be assumed too hastily, but to Bononia and/or Bonn and/or Bond and/or Bio(n) elements. For example, by what coincidence does the Italian Bondis/Blundi use the same sword design as held by the white Masci wing in the Chaines/Chenay Coat, while John's Ich-Dien entity uses the same white Masci wing? The Bondis/Blundis are likewise said to be from "blond," but I see that the Balance/Balancor surname uses a white-on-black eagle, while the white-on-black Dien wing is of an eagle.

As the wing is white, the Blanch/Blank surname seems link-able to Balances, and then we find the Covert leopard head in the Blanch/Blank Crest, and Covert colors in the Blanch/Blank Coat.

[Insert -- Tim sent in the Anas/Annes Coat suggesting links to the Biblical Annas/Ananias. This is a good place to re-mention them because they use just a giant Vere star, white-on-red, the color of the giant cinquefoil that is the lone symbol of the Blanch/Blank. Moreover, I trace Veres to Warsaw and consequently to Warwick, where the Balances were first found. We can keep in mind that Coverts always trace closely to Veres, tending to verify that the Blanch/Blank leopard belongs also to Coverts, and that Veres link routinely to leopards. You understand that if Coverts were a Caiaphas line, the Anas/Annes surname should apply to Ananes > Ananias.

As I tend to expect the end-time False Prophet from Veres / Masseys, the Anas/Annas write-up's trace to "lamb of God" may be telling. We can ask why Revelation 13 portrays the False Prophet as a lamb-like dragon. Was God trying to link to the Atreus/ Menelaus lamb symbol? Or to the pascal lamb of Levi-related Pascals? Or to the Annas-line lamb in the Anas/Annes write-up? Perhaps all the above apply.

Loading the Agnus Coat, what do we find by the sword design used to hold the Dien / Masci wing in the Chaine/Chenay Coat. PLUS, the Agnus surname was first found in the same place (Naples) as the Capua surname.

The Agnesi and similar variations of the Agnus' suggested another look at the Nasi/Naso Coat [this seems to be of the Nassau-Orange topic below], which uses mill stones (symbol of the Vere-related Miles) in Agnus-sword colors. The Naso/Nasi write-up: "Most instances of the Nasi surname are derived ultimately from the place named Naso in Messina province". This recalls the Nati topic of the last update which had included the Diane/Natali/Dinatali surname (Venice). It just so happens that English Dianes are also the Deins of the same place where Coverts were first found, and Dianes/Deins even use the same motto term (nihil) as Veres.

I happened to enter "Nataly" to find an English Nately surname first found in Hampshire, where the Atreus lamb line traces, and where the Drakes were first found who use a red-on-white dragon identical in species with the same-colored dragon of Masovia's dukes. As Warsaw is the Masovia capital, we can glean that Dien-suspect Balances of Warwickshire, and therefore also the Anas-suspect Blanchs/Blanks, apply to the Nataly line. The Nataly/Nately Coat is a snake, in Vere colors, in the shape of a knot (think "Canute/Cnut"), and the Crest is an unusual BLACK swan. The surname looks like it should link to German Natts/Natens/Nathans using roughly the same Shield-on-Shield as Saddocks. The latter use the same footless-martin style as do Coverts, which thing traces to Charles Martel, and then the Martel and Diane/Natali Coats both use the same crown design.

Who else uses the same crown design? Ahh, yes, the Spanish Capets/Cepedes who smack of the Caputa variation of the Capuas. English Martels were first found in Essex, beside the Saddocks, Deins, Diens, and Coverts of Sussex. English Capets are from Capes. We started with the Anas/Annes surname, and ended up on typical Caiaphas lines. End Insert]

English Bondys use gold Zionists stars as do Italian Bondis, but how strange that this surname is traced, not to blonds, but to "a farmer." Maybe he was a blond farmer. By the way, we just saw gold-on-blue Zionists stars in the Payen/Pagan Coat.

Back now to the "Pejus" motto term of Samsons, for "Pais" could apply, which smacks of "Paisley." The Paisley Coat has three white roses in Chief, and a Shield that is also that of the English Edwards...who traced to the white rose of York! That's excellent because Edwards became part of the John-of-Bohemia line that is now suspect from the honey cult of Samson (after all, ancient Boiotians were linked to Cadmus of Tyre who was himself linked to the Manoah > Samson cult that I trace to Minoans, i.e. Cadmus' sister). It just so happens that while the Samson surname traces to Poland, Paisley is a location in Renfrew where the Pollocks were first found, and where the Glass' come from that had linked earlier to the Luxembourg elements of John of Bohemia.

Paisleys is where Tim's find, a bee on a thistle, comes in, for Paisleys use thistles too. It was the Pharisee-suspect Fergusons who use a bee on a blue thistle, the color of the Paisley thistle. Fergusons use a buckle in the same colors as the Paisley chevron. Therefore, the Samson honey cult, which we can trace confidently via Cadmus to Melia, the honey goddess of Boiotia, can trace to the Pejus-like Paisleys.

Reminder: Melia was married to the founder of Argos, and Argos became the home of the Hercules Danaans who trace back to the Samson "Daniy" or "Danites." Hercules was born in Thebes, you see, an apt description of the Samson cult arrived with Cadmus Tyrians to that Boiotian city. In short, the Samson bee cult became Boiotians beside the Abantian bee-liners, and while Boiotians named Butua beside Brabant-suspect bar, "BraBANT smacks of ABANtians. I had traced (years ago) the Samson bee cult to Avvites in the lands later controlled by Philistines. In the Bible, Avvites are "Avviy," very close to "Abijah."

As Paisleys just linked to a bee, I don't think it's coincidental that the Paise/Pease/Peace Coat is a white fesse on green Shield, the colors of the MacAbee fesse. Moreover, I trace the MacAbee Coat to the Deas Coat, and the latter is the one with a bee on a daisy.

Half the Pollock saltire is used by the Spanish Baez/Pilaiz Coat [I later learned that this comes up also as "Pais"], and I now see that it's Paez variation is much like "Pejus." I had the gumption over the years to trace "Pilaiz" to "Philistia," but I wouldn't trace "Baez" or "Paez" to Philistines. The family/surname could be a case where two different entities merge and then combine their terms.

Clarks and Lewis'

It's Wednesday morning. Last night was a short email session, with new things coming up. First, our agent in Spokane discovered that a famous architect with Cutter surname is the one who designed the home of F. Lewis Clark in Spokane. This was a 14,400 sq-ft. home not to be confused with his Clark-House mansion that was merely his summer cottage. I noted that "Cutter" looks like it could be from the Cotts-et-al that I trace to "Kootenai." Checking the Cutter Coat, what was found but the two dragon-head designs used by Clarks...albeit the sharp-snouted dragon in the Cutter Crest (with the tip of the snout curled up as with the Clark design) is perhaps not quite the design of the sharp-snouted dragon in the Clark Coat. The dragon in the Cutter Coat is definitely the design of the Clark Crest. Both Cutter and Clarks use the same colors.

I learned last night that the lavish Davenport hotel in Spokane was designed by Cutter but "contracted" by F. Lewis Clark. Cutter served only the wealthy, take note. He and Clark must have worked together on various projects. It just so happens that the explorers, Lewis and Clark, the ones who named Lewis and Clark County in Montana, as well as the Clark fork that is partly in North Idaho, were commissioned by Thomas Jefferson to go "discover how the [North-West] region could be exploited economically," and then F. Lewis Clark was indeed an exploiter of the region's resources.

Both Lewis and Clark were Freemasons, and in fact Lewis started a lodge in St. Louis. Lewis was a trusted man of Thomas Jefferson, the latter being one who supported Adam Weishaupt, the founder of the Bavarian Illuminati on Maypole day (May 1), in the year (1776) of American Independence. It just so happens that while the Welsh Jefferson Crest is a sitting white griffin (= a type of dragon with wings and a lion's body), the Lewis Crest is a sitting white lion with wings (I'm assuming its the Levi lion in a sitting position, though of course it may be a mere generality to call it "the Levi lion").

[Insert: After the above was written, the Sutton surname became a topic where it was linked above to Sadducees, and so see that the Sutton Crest is the same winged-lion design as in the Lewis Crest. Then, Shatners/Shutbolts use the Lewis lion in the same colors, a lion that I say is an upright Levi lion.]

The English Jefferson Coat (besants) can be linked to Messiers, for it uses the French Messey/Messier saltire. Plus, the English Jefferson Coat uses a blue-on-gold leopard, symbol of Hannitys/Henages who were first found in the same place (Lincolnshire) as English Messiers. Hannitys/Henages even use the same style Shield-on-Shield as Welsh Jeffersons.

Maypoles and the Bavarian Illuminati trace back to Taranto in Apulia, and that's where the Coffer/Coffey surname (green shield) comes back into the picture because it uses a rider on a dolphin, the symbol of Taranto...which I trace to the blue and white (= Bavaria and Taranto colors) Toronto MAPLE Leafs, founded by a Levi-suspect Livingstone surname. A Maypole was a pole made of the MAPLE tree.

The Livingston Coat (a green version of the Fleming / Seaton double border is used) shows a "puis" motto term, perhaps code for the Paise bloodline. The Livingston Crest is a near-naked man, and the rider in the Coffer/Coffey Crest is naked, as is the rider in the Arms of Taranto. Puglia, the alternative name of Apulia, smacks of the Pages / Pagans/Payens.

This would be a good place to remind that German Flemings from Lower SAXony, who were major Templar elements from the Hainaut area, use A demi-wolf and ostrich plumes. One assumes that Flemings came into contact with the Ostrehans / Osters of Hainaut, especially as Osters were first found in SAXony. More and more it begins to look as though Saxony elements had everything to do with the line of those who linked themselves to Zechariah / John the Baptist. However, as that line is in reality from the Samson > Hercules line that apparently furnished the chief priests of Israel, consider the Saxon trace of some to Saka = Scythians, for Hercules was made a father of mythical Scythes.

On the other hand, I still think it's a good bet that "Saxony' traces to "Zechariah" elements such as the Zacharys/Sacherals. I'm open.

Why do Flemings use plumes? That term was linked in the last update to Nazi suspects of the Bush and Cheney kind, and Cheneys have worked themselves in this update to the Hainaut and John-of-Bohemia lines.German Plumes/Plumers were first found in Bavaria, home of Adolf Hitler, and use a Shield like that of Hiedlers/Hitlers.

As Livingstons use the Seaton/Satan double-border too, it should be said that I trace the Saytown home of Seatons to the Say surname using the Pohl buffalo design that I link to the Polzl line of Adolf Hitler's mother.

An argument for viewing the "puis" term (of Livingstons) as code for the Paise / Payen bloodline from the Abijah priesthood in Israel is that Livingstons were first found in Lothian, the location of Sinclairs that Hugh de Payen befriended. A branch of Payens lived in Lothian. As Hugh married a Chappes, we'd expect Levi-like Livingstons to apply to Payens. From the 4th update in march:

The [Wikipedia] article goes on to tell that Hugh established a headquarters for the Templars at Temple, Midlothian. The Temple article reads: "Historically the Parish of Temple was divided into three portions, the ancient parish of CLERKington [caps mine], and the CHAPELries of MOORfoot and BALANtrodach...Balantrodach on the other hand, was a Chapelry of the Knights Templar."

The Balance surname with what I think is the Dien wing has a BALANcor variation.

This is a good place to repeat that Clerks and Clarks look like variations of the Clairs in the Irish Clear/Clery/Clarey write-up that traces to "a clerk." The French Clear/Clair/Clere write-up also traces to "the clerk," but while the latter's Coat is identical to the French Clair/Clere Coat, the Clair write-up does not trace to "clerk," but rather to "bright." A little inconsistency there, and I doubt that either derivation is correct. It seems that the clerk derivation is code for Clerkington of the Payen Templars.

In all the time that Roosevelts (red roses, ostrich feathers) were emphasized in the last update, where they seemed to trace to Clark House, I neglected to mention the three red roses of the French-alternative Clerk/Clair/Clere Coat. Irish Clairs even show five white ostrich feathers.

The Livingston Crest is filled with codes, including a club; it was just in the last update where the Club/Clobbe surname, from Clovis, was discussed as a Caiaphas bloodline.

I haven't yet commented on the patee cross design used by Diens/Dives. English CLAPtons/CLOPtons use such a cross, and Claptons were first found in Cheshire, where the Dives variation of Diens traces. Note that the other English Clapton Coat is in all three colors of the Diens, including the Dien black Shield.

As promised in the last update, I would investigate in this update the Teck entity that was associated with Edward VIII, and so I should mention that Livingston club is held by the "DEXter hand." If that's not enough, the Hands/Hants were first found in Cheshire too, and they are now tracing to Ananes Gauls, cousins of the Livingstons, I assume. Late in the last update, the Teck entity was traced to the "Ticino" river, where the Laevi lived.

Moreover yet, the Savages were first found in Cheshire, and the Livingston club is held in the dexter hand of a "savage." If that's not enough, the Savage Coat uses the upright Levi lion in Levi-lion colors, and colors reversed to the same lion design used by Welsh Lewis'...while "Clovis" is said by Wikipedia to have morphed into "Louis / Lewis." Julie found that some Masons define "Lewis" as "wolf," and Claptons use a wolf in Crest. French Sauvages were first found in ChamPAGNE, where Hugh the PAYEN was associated.

Livings were first found in WestMORland, suspect as the home of the Moors seen in the Chappes Coat. I recently re-traced the Chappes Coat to the Ottone Coat and therefore to Viscontis, who originally used a green snake, the color of the Livingston "serpent" held in the "sinister" hand of the savage.

The Living Chief-and-Shield combination is used by Powers and Palins/Pawlins (topic of last update), and Palins/Pawlins use a black-on-white lion in their version of the Shield that is now being traced to the Welsh Edward lion (same design and colors as the Savage lion), and consequently to the Capua / Levi lion. Welsh Edwards are said to be descended (on one side, anyway) from the "Prince of Powys."

Next, I received mail from GD. In one piece, where she claimed that Lewis' and Clarks were related, she tacked on an article, which I'll get to in a moment, but first let me say that I neglected to view the Lewis Coat until last night (shame, shame, I should have viewed it in previous updates), moments before GD sent the message that Lewis' and Clarks were related. It just so happens that the WELSH Lewis Coat uses yet another version of a sharp-snouted dragon head, with the tip of the snout curled up as with the Clark and Cutter griffins. The other Lewis Coat uses an upright lion (that I identify as an upright Levi lion) in white on black, colors reversed from the Welsh Edward lion that I trace to the Capua and Levi lions. Note that Lewis' were first found in Glamorgan = Morgannwg, for we are about to see some Morgans in the article shared by GD (my comments in square brackets):

THE WARNER HALL Lewises dominate the early history of the Lewis family in America. For near a hundred years their supremacy was unquestioned. They were established in Virginia for near a century before Irish John Lewis founded his Virginia settlement [the Lewis and Clarks team commissioned by Jefferson were from Virginia]...

...The Warner Hall Lewises were the earliest Lewises of record in the new world; they were wealthy (at least in landed estates), were powerful in public affairs, and were the intimate associates of the great and the near-great in early Virginia. To this branch belonged the ancestor of the nephews of George Washington.

...General Robert Lewis, reputed founder of the Lewis family in America, is a figure so shadowy and indistinct that his very existence has been challenged by some historians....

There is ample evidence, however, that General Robert was anything but a myth. Setting sail from Gravesend, England, with his wife Elizabeth [Elizabeth?!?!], this Welshman (native of Brecon, Wales)...They were parents of two sons, William and JOHN [caps mine] Lewis...

...John Lewis, son of Robert and the first known John in America [italics mine, why would anyone strive to figure that out unless the John name was important?], was born about 1640. His wife, Isabella Warner...

This first John Lewis and first master of Warner Hall had one child, a second John [!!!], called "Councilor John," born 1669. He married his first cousin, ELIZABETH Warner...granddaughter of Colonel George Reade, descendant of Edward Plantagenet, known as Edward III of England [father of Edward the Black Prince, yes indeed, who reportedly received the Ich-Dien entity from John-the-Baptist suspect, John of Bohemia]. Colonel Reade's wife was ELIZABETH [again that name!] Martian (pronounced Marchen), a daughter of Colonel Nicholas Martian.

.....In view of reputed relationships between the Lewis and Boone families [it was suggested, just before reading this article, that John of Bohemia, suspect from Bononia elements, was linked to Bone-like entities as per his Biondi elements; Boones/Bones were first found in Sussex, where the Diens were first found. Zacharys/Sacherals use a "bon" motto term)] appears reasonably certain that this inter-family relationship [between Lewis' and Boones] begins at this point, and that one of the "lost" daughters of Councilor John Lewis and Elizabeth Warner married James Morgan [Lewis' were first found in Morgannwg], the maternal grandfather of the noted Colonel Daniel Boone...

...It follows from this established relationship that Samuel and James Lewis's mother...was a first cousin of Daniel Boone's mother, who was Sarah Morgan, a daughter of James Morgan of Bucks county, Pennsylvania [wasn't I just on Bucks county, Pennsylvania, in the last update, in the midst of the robin-on-my-window revelation? Wasn't that topic about Cheneys too???]...

Later we shall find a brother of Samuel Hardin Lewis marrying a niece of Daniel Boone, and a son of Daniel Boone marrying a niece of Samuel Hardin Lewis. We know that a close relationship existed between the families of Lewis and Boone...

John Lewis, the eldest son of Councilor John and the third John Lewis of Warner Hall in regular succession, was born at Warner Hall in 1692. He married Frances Fielding [Fieldings, first found in Cheshire, use the same as the Irish Nagle Coat, important for the Nagle topic in Pennsylvania. Did the robin revelation have to do primarily with Palmers related to Plumstead in Bucks county? I now find that the Fielding Crest is An eagle and a palm tree." The Fielding motto includes "pondere," and I linked black-boar Ponds and related Ponders to the Biondi / Bondy Illuminati bloodline now linking to John of Bohemia. The Ponds use a patee cross used also by Diens]...

...Warner Lewis, born about 1720, married the widow of William Booch, whose maiden name was Eleanor Bowles, daughter of James Bowles of Maryland. Her first husband was a son of William Booch, Governor of Virginia [heraldic "water bougets" trace to the Boucher / Bouchet surname, and then the Zachary/Sacheral Coat uses water bougets; there's just too many coincidences here not to link the Lewis' to John of Bohemia's chief-priest lines, another "coincidence" being that Lewis' were from Wales, the resting place of Ich-Dien, and moreover Lewis' were from Morgan elements tracing to Bute = Avalon, the island of the chief-priest lines. That line was known as Morgan le Fay, and Zacharys/Sacherals use "bon foy." French Foys were first found in Ile-de-France, where Chappes and Levis were first found who merged with Hainaut, where the mother of Edward the Black Prince was from]...

...John Lewis, born June 22, 1747, was the only child of Fielding Lewis and Kate Washington who survived infancy...John married, first, Lucy Thornton, daughter of Colonel John Thornton and granddaughter of his great aunt, Mildred (Washington) Gregory...[Purple-lion Thorntons were first found in Cheshire too, as expected for the Edward / Ich-Dien line, and they use the motto phrase, "tuta merces." We saw the mercy theme in the Mercersburg topic of Pennsylvania, and then even found, in the last update, that Northampton County, beside Plumstead and where Bethlehem is located, uses the motto, "Mercy." In a Chris-Nagle hunt for additional information in discovering the 911 plotters, three Chris Nagles had been found in Pennsylvania, one in Mercersburg and another in Bethlehem. The Irish Thornton Coat gives an impression like the English Bush Coat while the English and Scottish Thornton write-ups trace to "thorn BUSHes." The Scottish Thornton hearts jibe with the black boars of Bush's, and the fesse of Scottish Thorntons is colors reversed from the fesse of the English Bush Coat. As the Byrds enter the Lewis bloodline below, note that the English Byrd fesse smacks much of the English Bush fesse. And remember, Dutch Bush's are related to Skulls and Bones/Boones. We also find the Hardin surname entering this Lewis line as we read on, who had a Hardin location in Yorkshire, where English Bush's were first found. Hardins smack of the Hortons of Yorkshire, but note too that "THORTon" gets the Thorntons. I recall tracing Hortons to "Thorton." Hardins use the same footless martin design as the Byrds with the Bush-like fesse. If you catch the Hard drift, Bush's trace not only to Esau, but to Herods.]

...General George, however, looked with much favor upon some of his other Lewis nephews. He appointed one of them in his own "Life Guard."...Washington on his retirement from the Presidency, offered this favorite [Lawrence] Lewis nephew a home at Mt. Vernon, which led to young Lewis's marriage with Mrs. Washington's grandchild, the captivating Eleanor (Nelly) Park Custis, a match that so pleased General Washington that he made arrangement for Lawrence to build on the Mt. Vernon estate, named him an executor of his will, and left the couple a part of the Mt. Vernon property, as well as a portion of the residuary estate [the Custis' are thought by me to be of the Cass'/Casts/Cash's/Custes' that I trace to the Arms of Vilnius, and so let me repeat that while Astikas of Vilnius merged with Trabys, Zacharys/Sacherals were first found in DERBYshire].

Charles Lewis, the second son of Councilor John and Elizabeth Warner...Mary Howell, daughter of John Howell, Gentleman. Colonel Charles settled the Byrd plantation in 1733 and was thereafter known as "Charles of the Byrd" [recalling the Bohemian elements of John of Bohemia, which trace to Bologna/Bononia, see that the Byrds use the Bouillon cross in colors revered. And, we saw above that the Bouillon cross is used by the Everals, who were accessed from a Sachevaral variation of the Zacharys/Sacherals. I made much of the "spes" motto term in the Arms of Vilnius, and now see that Byrds use "spes." The term means, "hope," and then both Hopes and the Arms of Vilnius use anchors. The "Cruce spes" phrase of Byrds (Jeffersons use "cruce" too) should be part-code for the Cruce/Crois surname, much like the Crae/Craith surname that was traced above to the wreath in the Arms of Vilnius].

...Through three successive generations and for near a hundred years, the Lewis family in every essential particular played the role of "Lords of Gloucester" [I trace Gloucester to Skulls / Scylla]...

...Robert Lewis, in 1725, married Jane Meriwether, and here we are introduced to another great American family, which, in union with Lewis, gave to the world the hero of the Lewis and Clark expedition, Captain Meriwether Lewis, who was an own cousin of Samuel Hardin Lewis...

The Meriwether/Merworth Chief uses a sun, symbol of the Ectors who use a triple bend, as do the Merits/Mereys/Marais' to which I link the mythical Ector de Maris grail cult. I trace the Ector Coat to the Hiedler/Hitler Coat using red and white diagonal bars along with a sun. In other words, MERIwethers look like a Hitler-related line, and then Meriwether Lewis has a county named after himself near Polson, where I expect the hide-out of Adolf Hitler and/or some of his Nazis.

We saw Warners all over the Lewis line, and we saw links to Zacharys/Sacherals throughout that article. I had just linked the latter to the Saxon/Septon surname that looked like the Mary Magdalene cult out of Septimania. I now find that German Warners were first found in Lower Saxony, where German Bars were first found who were linked above to the John-of-Bohemia's Brabant. It stands to reason that a bloodline, such as that of John of Bohemia, which traces to John the Baptist on a false premise (for the sake of building prestige) could also devise children for Jesus and Magdalene to which they might trace themselves.

We saw John Lewis' mixed up with Elizabeths. Think about it. GD sent this article in just as I was on John and Elizabeth of Bohemia, just after I had already made links of that John to Zacharys/Sacherals. And it was Julie who simultaneously led us to John of Bohemia not knowing what it would lead to.

Orange-Nassau and Covert Witchcraft

How long ago were links made of the "nati" motto term of the Pollock-related Frank surname, and of the Natali surname, to Nobels and Noels respectively? It was just in the last update. I now find the English Warner motto: "Non nobis tantum nati." The Frank motto: "Non nobis nati." Moreover, the next topic on the agenda, the Teck topic, leads to squirrels, the symbol in the Warner Crest.

We might trace Warners to the Warren(e)s, who use a Shield filled with gold and blue checks. I tend to view the Nassau/Naso Coat as one filled with gold and blue checks too, and so there you have indication that Nassau's are to be included in the Nazi-like "nati" code. In the last update, the nati entity was linked to the Italian Nasi/Naso/Naseau surname. The Nassau family was related to the Orange entity of Masonry, and it just so happens that Thomas Jefferson was a product of Orange's William and Mary college in Virginia.

The Nassau lion is also the Ferrari lion, expected now that Nassau's are found linked to Warners.

The Orange surname shows a large bugle "stringed red." The stringed code is likely for the String(er) surname, first found beside Buckinghamshire, where the Oranges were first found. Emailer Pollock once remarked that the Pollock-bugle strings look like a bee, to which I responded, no, it's not a bee. But she may have been suggesting that the strings were shaped to look like a bee deliberately. The Orange strings allow for a large view of the bee-shape, like when a bee is seen flying with its legs hanging.

As Nassau's and the Orange entity were Dutch elements, this is the place to check the Dutch Horn surname because bugles are typically called "hunting horns" for a reason. It just so happens that the Dutch Horns Coat uses Zionist stars in the colors of the same in the proto-Washington Wassa Coat. That's important because Ness' use the Washington Shield, meaning that Washingtons were closely related to Oranges and Nassau's.

I was unable to quote the entire article here, and did not include some parts where Washingtons were mentioned. The article also said that the Lewis' lived in Pike county (Virginia). I've just come across some pike in the Coldwell/Caldwell Coat. Coldwells were looked up because I recognized the wave in the Dutch Horn Coat to be like the waves in the other Scottish Coldwell Coat. (Haydens use a similar wave.) It was the pike and other factors that had me tracing Coldwells to the Arms of Vilnius, but then as Coldwells were first found in Renfrewshire, and for other reasons (e.g. the "In deo spes" motto linking to Pollock-related Peacocks), it seems that Caldwells link also to Pollocks, which then tends to link the Pollock bugle to the Polish Traby and Orange bugles.

Aha! Didn't we just see that AnSTRUTHERs -- suspect as an ostrich line of the Traby kind -- use black-on-white piles??? Yes, and so do the Caldwells. The Anstruther write-up: "First found in Fife, where the Clan derives its name from the ancient barony of Anstruther. The lands of Anstruther were granted to William of Candela, who had previously been granted lands in Dorset..." Palins/Pawlins (lion in colors-reversed to the Levi-suspect Lewis lion) were from Dorset, and their lion was traced to the Caiaphas-suspect Capuas who were first found in the same place (Naples) as Candelas.

AND LOOK: the Anstruthers are also "AnSTRODER," while entering "Stroder" gets the Strobels (curiously) using the Lewis lion! The Stroder/Strobel lion even holds what looks like a hammer / mallet. Aha! Entering "Strode" gets the Strouds (conie rabbits), whom I traced (years ago) to "struthios," the Greek for "ostrich."

Aha! The Strode Crest is a "savin tree", and then "Savin" gets the Savage Coat with the Lewis and Stroder lion in colors reversed!!! English Savins, first found in the same place (Somerset) as Strodes/Strouds, are the Savones/Saffins that I've traced to the Sabines/Safini and to Savona of Liguria, smack beside Cuneo to which I trace the conies of the Strodes/Strouds.

Now, see the Orange region at the confluence of the Rhodanus river with the Durance river. Some of the Arms of Orange in the page above show checks in the colors of the Warrene checks, suggesting that they are Nassau checks, and meaning that the Warners with "nati" motto code are the Nassau-Orange line. A region in Provence, where Orange is situated, is called, Var, and with that the Anstruther/Anstroder motto terms should be mentioned, which smack of the Parisii.

Orange sits at Avignon. When finding that Avignon was anciently, Avennio, the Aven surname (properly "Evans/Evance") was looked up to find a lion in the colors of the Ferrari lion. We're told that the house of Orange is related to the house of Baux, which recalls my old links of "Baux" to "Vaux" in this very southern part of France. I now see that "Evance" smacks of the Vance surname that is also the Vaux/Valibus surname (Lothian). It just so happens that the Vance/Vaux Coat uses the same-colored bend (Vere colors) as the Warner Coat, and then you can see (bottom of Orange page above) that the historical House of Orange Shield is the Vere Shield too (red and gold quarters with white symbol in top-left). The white symbol in this case of the Orange Shield is a 16-pointed star, the star of Baux. The Veres use a simple five-pointed white star. Warners were even first found in Leicestershire, which traces to Liguria, and Ligurians were founded in relation to the Avignon theater.

The modern Arms of the Prince's of Orange use a blue hunting horn with red string, and besants fashioned as flowers.

The Ligurians were founded in Lacydon, according to myth that had one Protis character...whom I traced to Thesprotians of Epirus. The Savage surname is now tracing to Savona due to finding its Savin variation, and Savona was the Ligurian capital. I'm mentioning this because Savages/Savins use "pro te" in their motto. In my opinion, the Aphrodite line to Aprutium (Abruzzo's historical capital) was from the Thesprotian entity of Epirus. Aphrodite can be traced to Marseille because I see the city as founded by the Marsi (for reasons explained somewhere in my Ladon book). The Wikipedia article on Avignon tells that its history was related to Marseille.

The Argo ship was curiously made to sail on the Rhodanus, but this was simply code for the migrations of the Danaans into the Redone theater. As Jason's father was an Aedon-like Aeson, we might glean that Danaans settled largely at Autun. Note that Eatons use the same cross design as Danaan-based Samsons. Note that Eatons were first found in Cheshire, where we expect Macon elements from the Autun theater. The Nieves/Neves (apparently from Nevers) even use "Sola" and scallops in Samson-scallop colors.

The question then is whether Ever-like surname link to "Nevers," for Everals/Averells were first found in the same place (Gloucester) as Samsons. Evers/Eures use the same Shield as Masseys. Zacharys/SachEVARALs were first found beside Cheshire. The latter's write-up: "First found in Derbyshire where they held a family seat as Lords of the Manor of Hopwell...the village of Hopwell was held by Ralph Fitzhubert from his overlord, the Bishop of Chester. " If Everals and Evers do not link to the Nevers term, then it's still possibly that they were Hebrew terms from the Abreus / Abruzzis / Bruces. Note "FitzHUBERT," an Abreu-like term. Huberts/Hubbards, who use what looks like a version of the Sales Coat, were first found in Cheshire, where Sales were first found.

Before getting to the Teck investigation, some further points from our agent in the Spokane theater. Kirtland Cutter was mentioned, and this article found:

Born August 20, 1860 in East Rockport, Ohio, Kirtland Cutter demonstrated an interest in art from an early age...However, on a trip to Europe with his stepmother, siblings, and some members of the Corbin family...[the Corban term is one used by chief priests of Israel to denote a law allowing them to snatch family money away, urging families to give the money to the House of God instead. However, I haven't been able to verify whether that law applies to the Corban surname, which uses a raven alone in the Coat, and an elephant in the Crest. It suggests an Esau line. Cutters, who use the Clark dragons, were first found in Dorset, where Russells were first found, important for the Roosevelt topic in the last update, where the president Roosevelts seemed to trace to Clark House and area]...Cutter decided to follow Austin Corbin to Spokane in 1886 and accepted a job at the bank with his uncle [ahh, bankers], Horace Cutter. Developing his avid interest in illustration and architecture, Cutter began drawing incredibly beautiful houses...He also built a Swiss style chalet for himself at 628 West Seventh Avenue called "Chalet Hohenstein." [How amazing, for the owner of Clark House, whom we will see below as the article continues, was a friend of a German emperor with a Hohenzollern bloodline. I heard that checkerboards, used by Cohens and Hohens, were used by bankers for purposes of coins, like when checkers are stacked on one another. Suddenly, the Cutter link to Hohens potentially makes the Corbins a Pharisee line]...

...In October 1892 Kirtland Cutter married Mary Corbin, the daughter of Spokane's prominent businessman Daniel C. Corbin and sister of Austin Corbin II ["Austin Corbin II Mansion is a property located in the Cliff neighborhood on the lower south hill at 815 West 7th Avenue in Spokane"]...Interestingly, Cutter designed homes for both Daniel and Austin Corbin in 1887 on Seventh Avenue near F. Rockwood Moore and F. Lewis Clark [that's the owner of Clark House]. In February 1906 Cutter married Katherine Phillips Williams [The WELSH William surname (sept of Mackays) uses the Savage lion in gold, though I wouldn't have mentioned this had it not been for two things: 1) the "suivant" term buried in the "Ensuivant" motto term of Williams, and, 2) the heart in the Wilhelm Coat, a symbol of French Sauvages. It reminds me here of William and Mary of Orange, and that there were some Mary House's in relation to Clark House. The Wilhelm heart grows red roses (likely a Roosevelt link there, but then Clairs/Clerks use red roses too) from stems used by certain Nazi elements that I see in the Bush and House bloodlines]...

...In particular his ability to combine styles such as the Moorish-Oriental-French-Roman style of the Patsy Clark home [= mansion], or the Gothic-Tudor homes of F. Lewis Clark and Louis Davenport result in noticeably unique structures.

...Many of Kirtland Cutter's designs remain in the form of the Davenport Hotel, the Spokane Club, the Sherwood Building [Bingo! Sherwoods use roses on stems, as do Schers/Scherfs, the Nazi line to president Bush's. Sherwoods also use stars in the same colors as the Glass stars, very Hitler important. There's no need to mention "branch" when describing the Sherwood roses, except that the Branch Coat is identical to the Sherwood Coat! In the last update, the Branch surname was mentioned as per this statement: "There's got to be a reason why the Franklin Crest eel is simply "between two branches"]...

...The Tudoresque home of F. Lewis Clark built at 701 West 7th Avenue completed construction in 1899 [Cutter lived at 628 West 7th Avenue. There is evidence that F. Lewis Clark and Cutter worked very closely, but this article seems to shy away from making the link solid]...

F. Lewis Clark had a reputation for being a ruthless businessman, and was among the wealthiest people in the Northwest. An industrialist, a great deal of wealth derived from his C & O Mill. Clark strangely vanished from a boat in January 1914 while on a yachting vacation with his wife in Santa Barbara, California, and only his hat was found. Police suspected the death was suicide. Unable to manage the estate, Clark's wife was forced to sell the property by 1922. B. F. Gordon resided in the home next. The property was then donated to the Marycliff Catholic School and they currently manage the estate [Gordons use a Shield with boars that is a match with the Ferguson Coat, but perhaps more importantly, the Gordon Coat is similar to the Cutter Coat. If I'm not mistaken, the stag head in the other Gordon Crest is the Horton stag head, meaning that "Gordon" and "Horton" may be related terms.]

In addition to the more than 14,000 square foot mansion on seventh, Cutter constructed a vacation home [he "constructed" it, not merely designed it] in Hayden Lake called "Honeysuckle Lodge" [that's another name for Clark House]as well as a commercial building for [F. Lewis] Clark in downtown Spokane which was contracted to Louis Davenport and eventually grew into a most famous luxury hotel, The Davenport. The home in Hayden Lake, now called The Clark House...

The way I read the last paragraph, Louis Davenport and F. Lewis Clark signed a contract to have the Clark property modified to a luxury hotel, and Cutter designed the hotel. So let's look at the evidence of bloodline worship here in this partnership...and ask whether Louis (a version of "Lewis") Davenport and/or Cutter had anything to do with Lewis Clark's disappearance.

The Scottish Clark write-up claims that Clarks were a sept of McPHERsons and/or Camerons. The McPhersons, suspect as a Pharisee line from Ferraris / Fers/Ferrarsons, are in the colors of Scottish Clarks (and Ferraris), and use the same crosslet style as Davenports, though not in Davenport-crosslet colors. However, Clarksons use the Davenport crosslet in Davenport-crosslet black on white! Davenports even use "Fear God" as code, likely, for PHERsons. Davenports use a savage in Crest, and both Levi-suspect Savages and Davenports were first found in Cheshire. This was bloodline worship in the world of big greedy money.

Possibly, the Davenport chevron is the Sherwood and Branch chevron. If so, Louis Davenport may be a Schere/Scherf/Shur bloodliner. This gets very interesting now because it's bringing into the picture the Surbrooks of Spokane, whom I've not mentioned much lately. Cathian Covert was somehow a Surbrook too (she's "Rev. Cathian Surbrook" online), of Spokane's Surbrooks. I'm mentioning this because the McPherson write-up suggests "Parson," and then Parsons use gold leopard heads, a symbol of Coverts too. Reminder: Coverts/Cofferts are highly suspect as part of kaiser Wilhelm's Hohenzollern bloodline in the Spokane theater.

I hate to repeat myself so often, but Coverts/Cofferts, suspect in the first place as a Caiaphas line linked to Cohens > Hohens, link to Par lines out of Oxfordshire, and that suggests the Pharisee > Vere lines. For example, Cathian also has/had a Maness surname (by marriage I assume), and the Maness motto is "Pour y PARvenir." The Pury surname was first found in Oxfordshire, and use footless martins of the style used by Coverts. I'm kicking myself for not recording which Coat shown way above used the black Pury martins exactly. The Enfield Coat (Vere, Parson, Pear colors) uses the martins too while the Heidler/Hitler Crest uses an Enfield dragon. The Pears/Perles were also first found in Oxfordshire, and they use the gold leopard head of Coverts in Parson colors.

Just like that, I think the Coverts have been linked, for the first time, to Clarks just because Parsons are Phersons who put forth the Clarks! I've been half-expecting and waiting for this: a Covert-family link to Clark House. It's not by any means clinched, but it's a start. I'm sure she said that her father was from a "kaiser" Koffert of the Hohenzollerns, and as kaisers were emperors of Germany, it should mean that kaiser Koffert was related to kaiser Wilhelm.

The Maness surname uses a blue INDian peacock, and as I think that "In Deo" is code for the Peacock-surname bloodline, so I'll mention the Scottish Clark motto: "In Deo speravi." This is the place to mention that Cathian had married a Dein, and that the Clarkson Coat uses crescents in the colors of the Deins and of the Speers. Speers were first found in Renfrew, where Hitler-related Pollocks were first found, and Peacocks are a sept of Pollocks. Deins use "nihil," a term used also by Veres, and the Neil/Nihill bloodline links to Nagles that I have found in Bethlehem's Northampton county, Pennsylvania, smack beside Bucks county that was named after Buckinghamshire, where the Parsons (and Dane-based Cheneys) were first found. Buckinghamshire is beside Oxfordshire. Clarks were Clairs and therefore the Rollo-line Danes. It's the Samson Danaans to the formation of Israel's chief priests.

I had traced the Drake-line Veres of Drakenberg to "Draguignan" in Var, Provence, not far from Avignon. The Aven/Even Coat was just found to trace well to Avignon/Avennio, but it can now be shown that the gold Dein lion, a round-tailed lion, is used by the Aven/Evens Coat.

Clarksons use a red pennant in Crest, and then Pennants use an "animo" motto term, the term of this Gordon Coat. The Pennant Coat is identical to the Tudor TREVor Coat, the one to which I trace the Traby ostrich feathers, BUT WOW, I knew that before the paragraph above was written, and I now see that the Trevor Crest is a wyvern dragon, the symbol of Drakes!!! There's a lot of meat to investigate there on new Traby links to Provence. The Pennant Crest is an antelope, symbol of the Darbys/Derbys.

I can now be more sure that the gold Trevor and Pennant lions are the Savage-alternative gold lion of the William Coat.

WOOOOWWWIE! LOOKIE HERE. Although there is no Surbrook Coat, there is a Shurbook Coat. I waited in expectation for the Coat to load while staring at the write-up that has it first found in Derbyshire. Then, when the Coat appeared, it had the Vance/Vaux bend!!! I just finished tracing the Aven/Even/EVANCE Coat to the Vance/Vaux surname as proof that Avens/Evens were indeed from Avignon/Avennio, where the house of Orange was part of the house of Baux. [This is more remarkable because Coverts will trace to Orange too.]

The Irish Thornton bend is like the Vance/Vaux bend, and its motto, "Nec opprimere nec opprimi," smacks twice of mythical Priam, father of Paris, and therefore the Pharisee line to the Purys, Parsons and Pears. It's the Scottish Thorntons who use the Savage heart, which is also the heart of the SHERwoods that grows roses on stems (a heart that's suspect as code for Herods). That's enough for making a Sherwood link to Shurbrooks/Sherbrooks, important because Sherwoods use roses on stems. Sherwoods were early in Yorkshire, where I trace the Paris > Parisii > Pharisee line.

Reminder: Schers/Scherfs also use roses on stems, and the Dein family that Cathian married into had itself married a Scheriff surname from West Islip (NY), and this finding had been the very first clue that I should investigate Nazi possibilities in Post Falls, Idaho, where Cathian and the Deins lived (I later found that Cathian had lived about a quarter mile (or less) from Heutter sub-division of Post Falls). It was the first clue that Cathian's bloodlines should find Hitler's friends in the Montana to Spokane stretch, and thus far the hunt has gone wilder than I could have imagined.

A Wayne Surbrook (a reverend, supposedly), from the Spokane Surbrooks that Cathian was involved with (Wayne may have been her husband), is found online to be a "Christian" diviner, the sort of witchy Christian one would expect in Nicholas de Vere's Drakenberg organization. I mentioned this a while back, but it was only minutes ago that I was able to trace Shurbrooks to Avignon...near Draguignan, you see. For a long time I've been finding link after link of Coverts to Veres, and finally I understood the reason to be a Caiaphas and Pharisee one. As I said, Rev. Cathian Surbook was once into witchcraft, though I don't know the details, whether it was a Covert-family tradition. No other Coverts have turned up, that I know of, in the Clark-House environs.

I have the sense that "Covert" relates to the "coven" (secret hide-away) of witches, or that Covert tradition was into witchcraft. The Coven/Gowen Chief happens to use Coffer/Coffey and Coffer/Coffare colors, and as "Gowen" smacks of "Cowen / Cohen," it may reveal that a Caiaphas-like surname at the root of Coverts/Cofferts evolved Cohen-like variations due to Caiaphas-line merger(s) with Cohens. The Coven/Gowen Crest is another blue thistle, said to be a "thistle proper. Robins use thistles too, and Propers/Robins use an ostrich with key in Crest while the Proper/Robin Coat is a fesse in colors reversed to the Covert fesse! That tends to prove that Covens/Gowens were a Covert line. And it's the Proper/Robin motto that uses "Manus."

Pharisee-suspect Fergusons use a bee on a blue thistle, and bee hives are a known symbol of covens or witch's haunts. The Scottish Fergus/Ferris Coat even uses a red-on-white lion, the colors of the Coven/Gowen lion. The Fergus Crest lion is brown, not an official heraldic color (probably reserved for special bloodline), the color of the Orange bugle and of the boar of bugle-using Pollocks.

As I trace Cohens back to Byzantium's "Rangabe" surname (half Khazar bloodline), compare "Rangabe" with "ORANGe." The John-Baptist suspect Everals use the Rangabe-cross design! Then, as emailer Pollock's idea -- that the Pollock-bugle strings look like bees -- seems verified in the Orange bugle strings, note that Byzantium was traced by ancients to a BYZus entity of Megara, where mythical Bias ruled. Lake Van was said to be founded by a BIAini peoples (where "ini" is a suffix). My Hebrew dragon hunt was Commissioned by God (in 2006) to find the Biaini Buzites (from Buz, son of Nahor) of end-time-prophecy importance, under-scoring the importance of the Covert surname.

I had traced Buz to "PosEidon," and it just so happens that Taras was a son of Poseidon. Taras, who smacks of Taran, an alternative name of Mus at Lake Van, was the naked rider on a dolphin that founded Taranto, and then the Coffer/Coffey Crest uses a naked rider on a dolphin.

The Shield of the historical Arms of Orange is quite like the Arms of Breslau / Wroclaw (Poland!) with the dead head of John the Baptist, if that helps top trace the Orange hunting horn to ostrich-depicted Trabys. Remember too that while Sachs with a white rose (in Dien Masci-wing colors) were first found in Breslau and therefore represent a major part of what I'll call the John-Baptist cult, the modern Arms of the Prince's of Orange uses besants (on stems), a central symbol on the white York rose. But Veres also trace to Poland, especially to Masovia and its Warsaw capital (uses Melusine), but also to Lusatia/Luzica, the origin of Speers and a sister-area to Lusignan.

Let's not forget that while Nassau's are Dutch, there is a Dutch Ness/Nest bloodline using the same Shield as Washingtons. I trace Wassas / Washingtons to "Wassukanni," capital of the Mitanni kingdom to which Nicholas de Vere (major protector of elite witchcraft) traces himself. The Mitanni lived around Haran, the home of Nahor, some say, brother of Abraham and father of Buz. But the same Nahor gave birth to Kemuel whom I've traced to "Camelot," otherwise known as the Colchester of the Cole > Kyle bloodline. This recalls the idea presented above that "Coverts" were also "Colvert."

Wow, while trying to get you the Arms of the Prince's of Orange, I came across a bead store called, "House of Orange." It says: "Originally established in 1968 in Vancouver, Canada, and now near Victoria [on Vancouver island], our company has continued to expand to become one of the foremost supplier of thousands of different items for use in the hobby and craft field, and specifically for costume jewelry manufacturers and bead stores." Cathian and/or daughter ran/run a bead store in Post Falls, not very far from Vancouver! What a coincidence, finding this Vancouver bead distributor just as Cathian's family ties were under discussion.

AHA. In this Arms of Orange-Nassau, see the white fesse on red Shield, the color of the Covert fesse (!), the color of Hohens too. See what look like gold-on-red leopard heads (= Covert, Pear etc, symbol) smack beside the Orange-Nassau fesse! Surely, this all ties into Hainaut's / Brabant's Levi line, for there is even a lion in the colors of a Hainaut lion above the Orange-Nassau leopards. Yes, they are leopards, as can be seen further down the page, where they look like the leopards of Normandy. Eventually on down the page, we see three such leopards, the symbol of England and of the Oxford-surname Coat.

In the Arms of the Ottonian Branch House of Nassau, there are two black wings in the Crest that could be the black wings of the Ich-Dien entity of John of Bohemia. Unfortunately, the page doesn't give the particulars of the symbols, though I'd like to find out who owned the white-on-red fesse that I now think belongs to Coverts.

The Ness Coat(s) use what could be construed as a double-red fesse on white. Recalling that Anstruthers traced well to the Traby family that I'm tracing to Orange-Nassau, while Coverts have just traced to that same area aside from the white-on-red fesse of Orange-Nassau, what about the fact that both Anstruthers and Scottish Ness' were first found in Fife? THEN WOW! English Ness' were first found in the same place (Sussex) as Coverts, Diens, and Deins!!! As the Ness/Nest Coat is also the Washington Coat, it could explain why Cathian lived smack beside Washington state. Let's not neglect that Clark House is in Hayden lake while Haydens use the same-sort lines as the proto-Washington Wassa Coat. I'm not losing site of the 'nati" motto terms that seemed to link well to Nazi / Hitler elements such as Pollocks.

The Sussex-branch Ness/Nests even use swans that should trace to Savone of Liguria. Let's talk about that, for the Levi-suspect Savins/Savages started the Savone/Saffin topic. It just so happens that I traced Savona (the city) to Sabines/Safini, who had a Samnite tribe, which reveals that the Scandinavian Suebi with a Semnones tribe are none other than a branch of ancient Sabines. The point is, it's known that Suebi named Swabia, the original German home of Hohenzollerns. I suppose the supposition here is that Laevi Gauls had merged with Savona elements. The English Savona Chief-and-Shield combination could be that of the Palins/Pawlins because Palins/Pawlins and Savages use the same lion colors and positions, thought (by me) to be the upright Levi lion.

The Palin/Pawlin write-up traces to a Pavilly location in Normandy, though it smacks of Pavia on the Ticino river. That Laevi-picture makes sense where the Palin/Pawlin lion has been traced to the Capua lion. Reminder: I trace "Pavia" to the "Phyffe" variation of Fifes, and zowie we just saw Orange elements in Fife, including the swan-using Ness'!!! That's suddenly huge, for I had traced the Ligurian swan to the Salyes, and they lived on the Durance, while Orange is located at the mouth of the Durance!!! Pavia (anciently Ticinum) is not far off.

PLUS, the French Savona/Savary/Savard Coat uses besants in the colors of the Arms of the Princes of Orange. Those besants grow (on stems) from a heart, the symbol of French Sauvages. What does the Stem Coat use? The Covert-suspect gold-on-red-leopard heads...on a bend in the colors of the Covert-suspect Ness'! Both the Stems and English Savonas were first found in Norfolk. We're not just on a roll, but tumbling down the Alps in a snow ball. There are too many coincidences here for these links not to be true. This Orange topic, and the outgrowth from it, is all new territory for me, and it seems very much to be a Levi-Caiaphas one.

Note in the Prince's of Orange page that they liked the name, William, by which I mean to suggest that kaiser Wilhelm may have developed from Prince's of Orange.
Teck-nicalities of the Royal Windsors

There is a question as to why Edward VIII, or his father George V, chose Edward as the name. It suspects a trace of the family to whatever the previous royal Edwards had traced to: the Savoy and Macon theaters. Edward VIII's mother was Mary of Teck, a term that could get us to the Ticino river and the Laevi there. Keep in mind that many think the house of Windsor traces to Israel, specifically to king David and the Judah line to Jesus, for Edward VIII is of the house of Windsor. George V was a grandson of queen Victoria, the same Victoria that was grandmother to kaiser Wilhelm II (friend of Clark House).

On the father of kaiser Wilhelm II: "He was a scion of the House of Hohenzollern, rulers of Prussia, then the most powerful of the German states...fell in love with his cousin Elisa Radziwill, a Princess of the Polish nobility, but his parents felt Elisa's rank was not suitable for the bride of a Prussian Prince and forced a more suitable match. The woman selected to be his wife, Princess Augusta of Saxe-Weimar..." Radziwills were fundamentally of the Astikas-Traby fold, and I am now linking Orange to the Traby bugle (I continue to use "bugle" so that anyone wanting to find the many instances of "Traby bugle" in my files can do so).

There is a Saxe Coat (not to be confused with the Sach/Sax Coat) with gold symbols on a green Shield, the colors of the Coffers/Coffeys and Coffers/Coffares. The Coffers/Coffeys use cups, as do Staufers that should be of the Hohenstaufen branch of Hohens. In this picture, the Saxe's could be of the Sach/Sax and Zachary/Sacheral line from the John-Baptist cult. Hohenzollerns have a black eagle, and consequently a pair of black wings that could link to the Ich-Dien that John of Bohemia came to own. The other black wings seen above were from William-Orange III of England.

The Saxe motto, "Sit saxum firmum," has that fern/ferm-like look that I traced to families that named Fernan lake near Heutter of Post Falls. The Haydens use "Ferme in foy" for a motto. The central Saxe symbol is a "wheat sheaf" and the Saxe birds are PARtridges that I've linked to the musical line, "partridge in a pear tree," for Pears/Perles, I realized, were of the mythical Perdix line (Crete), which in ancient times had a partridge symbol. In that picture, Saxe's link to the Coverts once again as per Covert links to Pears/Perles! We are coming closer to linking Cathian's kaiser-Koffert ancestry to the line of Wilhelm II.

Indeed, Saxe's were also Saxe-Coburgs, and "Coburg" smacks of "Covert." Coburgs use an eight-pointed star on a Shield like that of the Hiedler/Hitler Shield, and per chance the eight-pointed star here links to the 16-pointed star of the Baux house linked to Orange. In any case, the eight-pointed star is used by Dutch Steins, likely a branch of English Steins/STEMS, and the house of Orange uses besants on stems while Stems/Steins use the leopard heads of Pears/Perles and Coverts! We're on a roll again, always welcome. I have a job to do, to convince Cathian that God really is using her surname to lead us somewhere important for His end-time revelations.

On the father of Wilhelm II: "In 1917, he became the first monarch of the House of Windsor, which he renamed from the House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha as a result of anti-German public sentiment." Coburgs are in the colors of Gobels that I trace to the Mouse-Tower Poles (at Goplo). French Gobels even use the same wing design as the Diens, and the Gobel wing is even on the Edward Shield (!!!) along with Bauer stars, thus proving that the Edward Shield is the Macey Shield because the Gobel wing is the Masci wing. German Gobels are from Bavaria, and that's a Bauer entity. As English Gobels (bows, an apt symbol of Bauers / Bowers) are properly shown as "GOODbolt," the Clark House secretary, Mr. Goodspeed, comes to mind.

You may have noted the bunched arrows in the Arms of Orange-Nassau, for that's a Rothschild symbol, and then "Rothschild" gets the RothsSTEIN Coat with the Stein eight-pointed star. It's already suspect that Coverts were the Rangabe Khazars that created Cohens / Hohens, and Rothschilds, as the modern consensus goes, were Khazars too. The John-Baptist suspect Everals use the Rangabe-cross design, but then the John-Baptist cult was just traced to the Zachary/SACHevaral surname. As the John-Baptist line was likely the Caiaphas / Ananias line, it could be expected that the Rangabes developed "Cohen" (meaning "priest") for a surname, and indeed the Rangabe cross is white-on-blue, Cohen colors.

I had traced Rangabes to Raines and related Randals. German Randals/Raindls (Bavaria) even use ears of wheat. The Raines were first found in Essex, location of Colchester, itself close to the Sussex border where Coverts were first found.

Was Orange traced to the ostrich to which Osters (Saxony) and Anstruthers trace? Rothschilds use ostrich feathers too (see Arms below). Do Osters smack of "Ishtar"? Yes, and an ancient symbol of Ishtar was the eight-pointed star (used by Rothschild/RothSTEINs and Covert-related Steins). Therefore, the OSTRich is ultimately symbol for an Ishtar the Revelation-17 harlot and grail cult.

Note in this Arms of Rothschild the red-on-gold lion, symbol also on the Arms of Orange-Nassau and in the Arms of Hainaut. Beside the lion, a black-on-gold eagle, color of the Hohenstaufen eagle (Hohenzollerns use it too). Hohenstaufens are the ones using the black-on-gold lion that is the other Hainaut lion color. It's all Levi blood now linking to the Rothschild symbols. IT'S TIME TO RECALL the "Chalet HohenSTEIN" that was home to Mr. Cutter, partner with, and designer of, Clark House.

As Clark House is in Hayden lake, note that Haydens and Covert-related Steins were first found in the same place (Norfolk). I've insisted that the lion on the back side of the Hayden bull is a picture of the Revelation-17 harlot...because in myth Ishtar goes to the Zeus bull that carried Europa to Crete. I traced Dutch Sprows solidly to Sprowston of Norfolk, and then the German Randal Coat is split in the colors of the split Sprows Coat, and both use three white objects on their black sides.

SUPER AHA!!! The Saxe lion is said to hold a dart, and then the Dart Coat is a white-on-red fesse, the Covert symbol! Darts were first found in Devon (beside Coffers/Coffares), where Roosevelts were first found. Dutch Roosevelts use roses on STEMS...and even ostrich feathers. The flame in the Dart Crest speaks to Flemings (I think).

AHA!! Coverts are now tracing to the Boofima > Baphomet cult of satanic Templars, for the Boofima cult uses both a goat and leopard symbol, and was traced to Phrygia, where Heneti lived. In myth, the Heneti were represented by mythical ANTENor. I now find that the founder of the house of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha was Ernest ANTON, and meanwhile the Anton Coat uses one mean-looking leopard head (Covert Crest symbol). To prove that Antons here are of Ernest Anton, the Antons and Saxe's were both first found in the same place (Lincolnshire). Plus, I traced "Windsor" to the Wends, who were the Venethi of Poland from the Heneti > Veneti line. That's how the Saxe-Coburgs could be re-named to "Windsor." Windsors trace themselves to northern Italy's Lombards, but you can bet your best lumber jacket that Levi lines link to Windsor's Lombards.

Whom did the Anton line marry? "Ernst I's second son, Prince Albert (1819-1861), married Queen Victoria," grandmother of kaiser Wilhem II. THERFORE, it would seem that Coverts were NOT from the kaiser-Wilhelm line originally, but bumped into it by marriage to the Victoria line (kaiser Wilhelm's father married queen Victoria's daughter). It recalls that "victoria" is a motto term of Koffers/Coffeys! AHA AGAIN, the latter Coat uses a white ermined fesse, the same as the Saxe-related Darts...and the Saxe's are in the colors of the Coffers/Coffeys.

As we have been tinkering in this update, for the first time, with the John-Baptist cult, and as the house of Windsor has been traced to it by more than mere intuition already, and seeing that the John-Baptist cult liked "Elizabeth," what about queen Elizabeth II (whose father was the son of Mary of Teck)? How do I even find myself on queen Elizabeth, a topic I rarely engage, here in this update that started with the John-and-Elizabeth topic? Queen Elizabeth was daughter of Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon. On her father's side, Elizabeth II was of the queen-Victoria line, now viewed as the Covert/Koffert line, and suspect as the Coburg line.

In the past, I had found that the Cober/Cove Coat is in Covert colors, but at the time I hadn't suspected that the axe in the Cober/Cove Crest (symbol of Welsh Johns) could be a symbol of John the Baptist. I recall that the Bowes, also "Bough," were traced to "BOOFima," and because I trace Boofima to Bavaria, I see that Bowes could be a Bauer branch. Bauers and Bowers use green Shields, as do Coffers/Coffeys and Coffers/Coffares, and then Lyons (Norfolk) use a green lion.

The Bowes bows look like the Bower bows, but then a bow is used also by the Bavarian Bogens/Bugles/Bugels, the clan that ultimately gave the Arms of Bavaria its lozenges. It sure looks like the Bowes line in queen Elizabeth traces to Bogens, and if true that this was the Boofima > Baphomet line, recall that the Antons were that line too, who were the root of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. As Zacharys/Sacherals use "water bougets," it should be added that the colors of Bogens -- Levi colors -- are used by Bogets/Brocketts.

Reminder: I traced Coffers/Coffeys (rider on a dolphin) to Bavaria via the Taranto rider on a dolphin.

Recalling that Darts are honored in the Saxe Crest lion, and that Darts and Coverts share the same-colored fesse, it's important that the Dart Crest flame is used in the French Lion/Leonard Coat, for that Coat uses a lion in the colors of the Ferrari lion! Just like that, we might be able to trace the Lyon line of queen Elizabeth to the Pharisee line, if Lions and Lyons are related. It's now expected that Elizabeth-named peoples should trace to the Caiaphas line.

The grandmother of queen Elizabeth was a CAVENdish, smacking of the Caiaphas line again. The Cavendish surname was first found in the same place (Suffolk) as the Covert-colored Cober/Cave surname, meaning that Coverts seem now to trace both to the line of queen Elizabeth and the Victoria line that Elizabeth married. It makes sense; the Caiaphas lines sticking to themselves.

The Cavendish write-up: "First found in Suffolk, when Gernon de Montfichet was granted the lands of Cavendish by Duke William of Normandy..." That goes back to Templar times. MontFICHETs may have been Ficthens, and that gets the Fichten surname with the same pine tree as Dallens and Constances (Wilhelm II had his Clark-House-related palace on Lake Constance, and Clark House is in Coeur d'Alene). It was when finding this recently that the Fichter variation of Fichtens led to the Fichter/Victoria Coat!!! Parfect.

Were Coverts traced to the Vances, and were Coverts traced for that reason and more to Avignon/Avennio at Orange? The Fichters/Victorias to which Coverts are now tracing, madly (as the English would say it), use the same-colored stars as Vances. Were Deins and Coverts first found in the same place (Sussex)? Yes, and Aven/Evens/EVANCES use the same lion as Deins. We now find that Cavendish-like KEVANs/Kavanachs (i.e. suspect as Evens) use the Dein-colored crescents. Scottish Kevens are in the two colors of Coburgs, and both use split Shields. [Although I knew that Avens/Evens are also "Avon," I did not yet know at this point that the Avondale entity would come up shortly below in queen Elizabeth's Teck bloodline.]

Dutch Evens/Evers/Effers use a split Coat similar to that of Dutch Sprows (Rangabe suspect), and even use the same oak tree as Sprows. But the Evens/Evers use the colors of the split-Shielded Scheres/Scherfs (whom I think had fundamental links to Deins). Both the Dutch Evens/Evers and Scottish Evers/Eures use a black bend. English Evers/Hephers (wheat bunches) were first found in Sussex, where Coverts were first founded.

Hmm, the Cabenagh variation of Kavanachs may link to the French Cabans/Cabanots (in Coburg colors, lions in colors of the Ferrari lion). It was the (Mac)CABE term that clinched the Covert/Coffert link to Caiaphas lines. I can't recall the details but I think it had to do with the Chappes-like Coat of the Kaip/Kaif surname. I'm not going to get into it, but Randals and Raines had linked squarely to MacCabes/MacAbees (it involves the Newmans), suggesting that Maccabee elements had merged with the Byzantine Rangabes (two bee lines merging). I'll explain how the MacCabe fish design links to the Saxe-Coburg line below.

Cabans/Cabanots say they derive in "hut." I'm open here to a Caban link to "Hutter," the term in the Hiedler/Hitler write-up, because the Scottish Keven Coat is in the two colors of the Coburg Coat, and both use split Shields. Then, the Coburg Coat is split like the Hiedler/Hitler Shield, and both use blue in the bottom half. In this way, the Cavendish > Covert line might actually be the foundation of the Hitler surname, and moreover Cathian Covert lived smack beside the Heutter part of Post Falls.

The Cavendish family in queen Elizabeth's line married Burnabys, and they use the Washington / Ness/Nest Coat. It had been suggested above that the double fesse in the Ness Coat was colors reversed from the Covert fesse. Burns use "EVER ready" for a motto! Burns even use bugles...that should like to the Orange bugles because the black Burns bugle (Traby-bugle color) is of the Brian-bugle design while Brains trace to the same river (Durance) that Orange-Nassau is situated.

On Mary of Teck, we see that she was a Victoria:

Mary of Teck (Victoria Mary Augusta Louise Olga Pauline Claudine Agnes; 26 May 1867 - 24 March 1953) was the queen consort of the United Kingdom and the British Dominions, and Empress of India, as the wife of King-Emperor George V.

Although technically a princess of Teck, in the Kingdom of Wurttemberg, she was born and brought up in the United Kingdom. Her parents were Francis, Duke of Teck, who was of German extraction, and Princess Mary Adelaide of Cambridge, a member of the British Royal Family. To her family, she was informally known as "May", after her birth month. At the age of 24 she was betrothed to Prince Albert Victor, Duke of Clarence and Avondale, the eldest son of the Prince of Wales...

I've known nothing about this Teck entity until now. I even spelled it wrong in the last update. I was wondering since then how one would be able to trace it to the Ticino river, and here I find relations with AVONdale, while "Avon" gets the Aven/Even/Evance surname (same lion as the Deins) that I've been tracing to Avignon/Avennio, at the mouth of the Durance river, not far from the Ticino river of the Laevi.

The Avon/Even lion has the peculiarity of the mane going off to the left, even though the lion is facing the viewer. The Levi lion has the same peculiarity. You decide whether this is evidence of their being the same lion. In the past, I've called the Avon/Even lion a "round-tailed lion," in case you want to look for it in my files. I traced it to the Norwegian Halland line. While I trace the French Levis from Paris to Yorkshire, Hallands were first found in Yorkshire. As you can see, the Halland lion is the Cappeo = Bruce lion that traces in multiple ways to the Ananes and Laevi. The Hollands (Lincolnshire) use a round-tailed lion in colors reversed to the Halland lion (see the de-Holland nobility).

The Tecks go back to Zahringers, the line that gave its red eagle to Hohenzollerns. Zahringers founded Berne, and then we saw the BURNaby line above. Burnabys were first found in Leicestershire, which traces to the Ligurian swan, part of the Salyes-Laevi family. The Burnaby Coat is like the Washington and Ness Coats, and we saw above that Burns traced to Orange-Nassau on the river where Salyes lived. Burns and BRUNSwicks should have been kin because Burnabys and Brunswicks both use the Kent lion. Kents were first found in Berkshire, the location of Windsor castle:

Duke of Teck was, in medieval times, a title borne by the head of a principality named Teck in the Holy Roman Empire, centered around Teck castle in Germany. That territory was held by a branch line of the Zahringen dynasty from 1187 to 1439, known historically as the first House of Teck.

It just so happens that while the Tecks married into Cambridge, the Tack surname (purple Chief) was first found in Cambridgeshire. Tacks use gold symbols ("wheat sheaves") on a green Shield, the colors of both Coffer surnames. The "sol" motto term could trace to the Salyes and their Helios-based Redone neighbors. The Tack surname is properly shown as "Thackary," smacking hard in this case of the Saxe-suspect Zacharys/Sacherals...who use the Sach/Sax-related York saltire.

AND I ALMOST FORGOT, the Saxe Coat likewise shows gold-on-green symbols, and even a wheat sheaf! THAT CLINCHES IT: the Tacks were Saxe's and therefore much a part of the Covert bloodline, and meanwhile the Saxe-Coburgs are proven to include the John-Baptist-suspect Zacharys. Hollands were a part of John-of-Bohemia ancestry, and both Hollands and Saxe's were first found in Lincolnshire, English home of the Danaan-branch Redones (Danaans founded Lindos).

I had earlier gotten glimpse that the Ticino was named after Zachary/Sachevaral elements, and I now find Saxe's using the same wheat sheaves as Tacks who surely link to Tecks. And then the Thackery variation of Tacks smacks of "Zachary." If that's not enough, I've typically traced wheat sheaves to the Laevi / Pharisees / Sadducees.

I was going to say that the "cherub" in the Tack/Thackery Chief may be a symbol of Cher in France, the place to which I traced the Perdix cult...because the Char(d) surname uses partridges, and because Cher is in Berry/Avaricum, the place to which Perdix elements traced well. I then decided not to mention it...until I re-loaded the Saxe Coat to be reminded of its partridges!

It can now be added that I traced Perdix from Crete to Bari in Apulia thanks to finding that Perdix led to Berry. That trace to Bari was wholly independent of the Coffer/Coffey trace to Taranto in Apulia. I now find that Covert-related Saxe's trace to Perdix. In myth, Daedalus of Crete, a type of Perdix (both were Craftsmen), moved to Apulia/Puglia as the Iapyges (the latter were made a mythical son of Daedalus). Perdix was the inventor of the square and compass, and as such he's the bottom-line of the Masonic logo. It's not far from Apulia into Abruzzo, where the Sheaves/Chaves/Chiapponi surname was first found that I trace to "wheat sheaves." So you see, it explains why Coffers are also Cave/Cavan-like surnames, and then the Avons out of Avignon.

Plus, it's likely that Daedalus and Perdix were of the Hephaestus craftsman cult, and then Hephaestus was not only the official husband of Abruzzo elements, but the Evers use Epher and Hepher variations even while "Ever" smacks of the Abreu Hebrews that I trace to the Hebros/Evros river! This recalls the impression I got that the April-and-similar variations of Everals traced to Abreus. I had said that the Arms-of-Orange leopards were those of Normandy, but I have long traced Normandy's two leopards to the two, same-colored Abreu lions, as per an Abreu trace to "Evreux" in Normandy, an Ever-like term once again. Scottish Evers/Eures even use the Vere Shield, and Normandy has a Eure region...where we find Bray that I traced to "Bra" of Cuneo (beside Monforte and MontFerrat), what I now link to "BRAbant."

The trace above of Tacks/Thackerys to the Ticino tends to prove my contention that the John-Baptist line was nothing of the sort in essence, but rather a Caiaphas line amongst the Laevi.

AHA! GOOD ONE! "In the 13th century, the [Teck] family divided into the lines of Teck-Oberndorf and Teck-Owen. The Dukes of Teck-Oberndorf died out in 1363 and Frederick of Teck-Owen sold their possessions to the Count of Hohenberg." It's hard to say whether "Owen" links to "Cohen" or "Aven/Avon/Even or even the Ewen variation of Kevens. In any case, the AHA part is the upright-Levi lion in the Welsh Owen Coat, in the colors of the Levi / Capua / Edward / Savage / Palin lions, and colors reversed from the Lewis lion. .

Reading further: "The last member of that line, Louis [like "Lewis"] of Teck, Patriarch of Aquileia from 1412, died in 1439." The Abreu surname was first found in Padova, the theater where Aquileia is located. But the capital of Abruzzo is Aquila. I know for a fact that the people who populated my mother's home town in Abruzzo were nobles from Naples, and that's where the Capua surname was first found. The Arms of Teck are shown in its link above, and they are in the colors of French Levis, using on one side the Zahringen antlers, and on the other side the black Hohenstaufen (Capua?) lions. The center of the Coat uses the lozengy design in the colors of the English Lombard lozengy Shield, suggesting that this Lombard surname traces to the Lombards at the core of the Windsors. French Lombards were first found in Provence, if that helps to trace the Windsor Lombards to the Laevi family. In fact, the Windsor Coat uses a saltire in colors reversed to the Annan(dale) saltire, and a stag in Crest that should link to Yorkshire stags (e.g. the Annes) but more assuredly to the Desmond-related MacCarthys...that I link to Annes and Annabels/Hannibals, anyway. (Desmonds and Windsors use the same saltire in colors reversed).

Windsor ancestry is described somewhat in the Other write-up: "First found in Huntingdon where they held a family seat from very ancient times, and are believed to be descended from the celebrated Castellan of Windsor, William FitzOther, son of Otherus, the Duke of Lombardy, the great Norman land owner at the time of the Conquest, who was also scion of the Fitzgeralds, the Gerards [Desmonds are also "Gerald"] and the Windsors. The Clan proliferated in east Yorkshire, Nottingham, Lincoln and Derby."

When the Tacks renounced their titles, they took on their Cambridge side for a title. As we can see in the family tree of the great-grandmother of queen Elizabeth II, the Cambridge line was, on the female side, immediately from Hesse-Cassal and Nassau-Usingen. On the male side, Cambridges were from the German kings of England, and from Saxe-Gotha.

While Coverts are linking well to Saxe, what about the possibility that Coverts and Coburgs were one? Coburg is a north-Bavarian location using a Moor head with earring as its Arms; it's supposedly the head of St Maurice, but we should know better. The Coburgs are generally described as a hold of the Wettins, who I tend to trace to the Uat/Buto cult with the Whites, Watts and others. The Wettins are traced as far back as pre-Templar times in the Liesgau location of Saxony. The question now is whether it's feasible to identify Saxons as the not-John-Baptist-really-Caiaphas bloodline. It just so happens that Saxons appear in Europe as friends of Merovingians, and the latter have already been traced to Israel's chief priests and even to Herod lines.

This is a new idea here that sounds too much like Armstrongism, where Herbert Armstrong traced "Saxon" to "Isacc's sons." Yes, he traced to Isaac, son of Biblical Abraham. I'm not being so ridiculous.

"Liesgau" is based in "Lies," a term that could certainly link to the Lys entity of Clovis. Liesgau is in the Hartz mountains that could trace to Herod lines. Liesgau is in Lower Saxony, where German Bars were first found. That's VERY INTERESTING because I traced the fish of the Baars and Bar-le-Duc to the central part of the fleur-de lys. Yes, and I'm confident of that idea, that the fleur-de-lys started as a fish from the Bar / Butua area of what was once Illyria, and then advanced into the town of the Saracas (Saracas use a white-on-blue fish; see Wikipedia for "Saraka"), now Ragusa but earlier called, Laus. The entry of Butua into the discussion just now plays well with the Wettin trace to Uat/Buto cult.

Entering "Lies" gets the Ley/Lee/Ligh Coat that I trace to Ligures, and then while Merovingians were Salian Franks, the Salyes / Salassi lived in/near the Lys valley of Aosta. I've been through this topical territory before, and won't elaborate again right now. It's making sense, especially as the Lys surname in France was first found in the same place as the Levi and Chappes surnames: in Paris where Clovis came to rule. So, yes, the Clovis-allied Saxons could have been the John-Baptist-not-but-really-the-Caiaphas line, or, more simply, the Sach / Zachary / Saxe bloodline that is linked to the Coffers. The Lies lion is in the colors of the one Hainaut lion, and the Arms of Hainaut use the triple Levi chevron, from the Levi that were first found in Paris. I seem to be egg-sacha-lily correct on this.

The Baars were house-of-Este elements in Brunswick, and then we read: "n the 13th century, the Liesgau became part of the Duchy of Brunswick-Luneburg..."

I traced mythical Daedalus to the Saraca / Ragusa neighborhood, Dalmatia, thinking that Ragusa was named after Rhea elements on Crete, themselves from ancient Rhagae (Caspian area). I ventured to link "Daedalus" to mythical Dido (Tyrian princess at Carthage) that was made (by Arthurian myth writers) the daughter of the Swan Knight, Lohengrin. I thus concluded a Ligurian alliance with Carthaginians (who led to MacCarthys), and yet that alliance was traced to the Sava theater, strangely enough, near Ragusa=Laus. The point is, the earliest-known founder of Coburg, Thierry / Theoderic I (Clovis named his first-born by the same name) had a son, Dedo I of Wettin.

Of the three possibilities from Wikipedia for filling the shoes of Thierry's father, the first-one listed is "Dedi I, Count in the Hassegau (died 957), a descendant of Burchard, Duke of Thuringia." You may recall that Clovis' mother was from Basina of Thuringia, though I traced her to Turin, in interior Liguria. I now check the Haase surname (as per "Hassegau") to find it first found in Bavaria, the location of Liesgau, and the origin of Adolf Hitler's Nazis, which makes the Haase entity suspect as the House surname.

This is a good place to repeat that the Swiss Teck/Tess Coat (which I trace to the Tessen = Ticino river) uses the leaf design of the House/Hause and Hazel surnames, and that the Tess/Teck leaves are on a saltire in colors reversed to the Annandale saltire (not to re-mention the Desmond saltire because Desmonds were of the MacCarthy Carthaginians).

I've just noticed that houseofnames has changed the French House/Hause leaf design. It's now something like a linden leaf. Trust me, it used to be the same leaf design as per the Hazel leaf, and in green-on-white. I recall that it was colors reversed to the other House surname (using a white-on-green cross). This description of the House leaf tells that the leaf now showing is a "cabbage leaf" on red Shield, and so the leaf that used to show, which was the Hazel leaf in green on white, was NOT the cabbage leaf. Here's from as long ago as December, 2000: "The French House/Hauss Coat is green on white...The Swiss Tease/Tess Coat [same as the Teck/Tess Coat here] uses a leaf design I see from time to time but not usually identified as per its species (I still don't know the species and am waiting to discover it). The same leaf is used in the French House/Hauss Coat" (6th update December, 2000).

The Tess and House surnames were discussed again in the 2nd update of September, 2001, where it was said:

"Houses (Calvados) use only "cabbage leaves")...the German Hass/Haesen/Heslin surname [= the Hasse surname here] was also first found in Bavaria...The Cony Crest is a "A Coney holding a pansy." Like the two Howse/House Coats, the Pansy Coat is green and white [there's the proof that the House leaf was green on a white Shield, though the other heraldry website described the House cabbage leaf on a red Shield; it got me confused and so I wrongly called the green House leaf a cabbage leaf]. Hmm, the Pansy surname uses some Pant variations while Pavia=Ticinum has a Pantaleona (= Panta-Lion) location."

The conies were mentioned because the Hasse Coat uses a "hare," and so we see that the Wettin-related Haase surname could trace to the Ticino river, which then tends to trace Coburgs there, important for making the House link to Coverts. I've been expecting the House bloodline in Post Falls / Hayden Lake to link to Coverts there.

The hare in the Haase Coat suggests the Hares, especially German Hares/Haars/Hars (in Haase colors) that could link to the namers of the Hartz mountains where Liesgau is located. I traced Hares / Heres / Herzogs to "Herzegovina," the Ragusa / Laus theater. It just so happens that German Hares use France's fleur-de-lys on the same Shield as Bellamys, which is the Shield also of Scottish Clarks. The German Hartz Coat (Bavaria again) and the Jewish Hartz Coat are in Haase and Hare colors, which may imply that the House / Hazel surnames are ultimately from the namers of the Hartz mountains...suspect as HERZegovina elements. Hazels use a fesse in colors reversed to the Hare / Clark / Bellamy fesse.

As the Cabbage surname (Northamptonshire) shows variations such as Cobbold, Cubbel, Cubaud, and Cobell (evokes Goplo / Goodbolt/Gobel elements), while Coburgs are traced by Wikipedia to the Haase entity at Liesgau, it tends to show that the House / Hazel / Islip bloodline traces to the Covert-suspect Coburg line. The fact that Cabbages/Cobells were first found in Northamptonshire recalls that Bethlehem in Northampton county of Pennsylvania was on the highway to Newark, beside Islip. The Islip surname (Yorkshire, as expected of Caiaphas lines) is also HASlop (i.e. like "Haase"), and uses holly as does the Cabbage/Cobell Coat.

If the Haase hare at the root of Coburgs can trace to the Ticino / Cuneo, then so can the Teck entity that was part of the Saxe-Coburg line to the royals. And that's where the Hazel Crest squirrel can come in handy, because the squirrel is used by Deck(er)s and Dutch Dykes. The Deck(er)s even use a fleur-de-lys in Lys-fleur colors, fully expected from the Liesgau entity. The Dutch-alternative Dykes/Dykens use the red Lies/Ley/Ligh lion design with the white fleur again, and German Dykes use a red lion on (partial) gold like the Lies/Ley/Ligh lion.

Didn't we just see that the Liesgau location is in Lower Saxony, where the Bars/Baars were first found that I've said were the root of the white-on-blue fleur-de-lys (I've been saying this for months)? Belgian Dykes use the white-on-blue fleur-de-lys, like the Bosch-fleur design where the central part looks like a fish (the fish of Bar-le-Duc are white-on-blue).

Although I won't explain it all again, these lines under discussion link to the Thornton heart (= Hartz symbol), and the Irish Thornton bend (traced earlier to the Shurbrook > Vance > Avon line that I linked to Coverts) uses black cinquefoils, which should explain the black cinquefoils of Scottish Dykes (I realize how complicated this gets, a real headache to keep track of.) If you recall, the Vance / Aven/Avon/Even line went to the same place (Avignon / Orange) as the Anstruther/AnSTRODER topic, and the latter led to the Strodes/Strouds who, I now learn, use the same hare design as the Haase surname at the root of Coburgs. This tends to add glue to the Covert = Coburg theory.

The great news is that where Haase's call theirs a hare, Strodes/Strouds ("savin tree") call theirs a "conies." Reminder: Orange / Avignon is not far from the Ticino or from Cuneo or Savona.

Dickens use a gold leopard head, a Covert symbol. Dickensons use an ermined fesse, as do Coverts. And Dutch Dickensons use footless martins, though not in the style of the Covert footless martins. The coincidence was that the Aven/Aven and Vance Coats both used three gold symbols on a red bend (as do the Others of the Windsor surname). The Lorraine location and the Lorraine surname use a red-on-gold bend (i.e. colors reversed). The point is, the Arms of Lorraine have their bend on an orange Shield. Or, at least, if it's gold, it's significantly darker than typical gold in Arms. I suppose that it shouldn't be a surprise if orangey colors are found in the Belgian-Holland theater called Flanders, but then see how not-orange the Arms of Flanders are. The orangey Shield of Lorraine may be hint that Orange-Nassau traces to it in particular.

The Others were first found in HUNTingdon, and then Hunter-and-similar surnames use hunting horns, the Orange symbol. That in itself can suggest that Others>Windsors were of Orange-Nassau, explaining why the French Lombard surname was first found in Provence, the location of Orange-Nassau!

It just so happens that another Crest using the same squirrel is that of the Clark-related Warners, and the Warner Coat is yet another red bend with gold with Thorntons / Shurbrooks / Vances, Others...and Lorraines and the French Brabant Coat, important because Lorraine and Brabant are near one another.

NOW FOR A BIGGIE. If you're just half convinced that Coverts were Coburgs, and if you recall that Saxe-Coburg and Gotha was founded by an Anton surname using the red leopard head that I link to the Covert leopard, then see the hammers / martels of the German Antons, first found in SAXony (!), for these have got to be the reason that Coverts use martins / martlets. It's code for the Martin / Martel bloodline of Merovingians. From Charles Martel, founder of Carolingians. The Martel martels are in the colors of the Anton leopard head.

A white-on-red fesse (no symbols) is used by the Arms of Liege; Carolingians (i.e. founded by Charles Martel) had their start in the Liege theater. The Arms of Liege also show green-on-white lions, the symbol of the Lyon Coat. Lorraine also uses green lions.

Note the pipe-like tongue of the Flanders lion, for Pepins/Pipes (= Merovingian root of Charles Martel) had their start in Belgium. I trace "Pepin" to the Papia version of "Pavia." It always goes back to the Laevi.

French Martels were first found in the same place (Gascony) as French Martins, and use the Irish Martin crescent. To make another potential Covert link to Clark House, Scottish Clarks appear to use the castle of French Martins. This Covert link to Clark House is very expected, remember, because Coverts were Hohenzollerns.

German Martins??? First found in...Lower Saxony! They use the Lies/Ley/Lee/Ligh lion!! That's strong evidence that Covert martins are for the German Martin surname too.

The Salyes links come across above could explain why Saalfeld is part of the Saxe-Coburg entity. See this map. Saalfeld is in Thuringia, evoking the Salian-Frank link to Clovis, whose mother was from Thuringia. When I was on the theory that a fish became the fleur-de-lys, I spotted curved fish in the Arms of Baar and in the arms of Bar-le-Duc. By that time, I had already begun to realize that the two outer "petals" of the fleur design were secretly curved fish (some of the petals resemble dolphin heads) I now find, for the first time, right where we might expect them, curved white fish as the Arms of Saalfeld. Fishincidence?

The Sale Coat uses white fleur-de-lys, and the Salmans/Salmons use what look like the same fish species as the Saalfeld Arms. The Salian/Saleman Coat is the Sale bend. The Saalfeld fish design is that of Scottish Neves, while English Neves/Nieves use "Sola" in their motto and fleur in their Coat that are the colors of the Sale fleur. That clinches a Saalfeld trace to the Salyes Ligures. On Saalfeld: "It is best known internationally as the former capital of the branch of the House of Wettin (known amongst English-speakers as the Windsors) that is today's British royal family."

The MacCabe fish is also the one used in the Arms of Saalfeld, and that simply suggests that MacCabes had been from the same Mascis that created the Sales-of-Mascy.

One can go dizzy on these genealogies because they go in circles like those committing incest to keep their bloodlines "pure."


Especially for new or confused readers
shows where I'm coming from.

For serious investigators:
How to Work with Bloodline Topics

Here's what I did when I had spare time on my hands:
Ladon Gog and the Hebrew Rose

On this page, you will find evidence enough that NASA did not put men on the moon.
Starting at this paragraph, there is a single piece of evidence -- the almost-invisible dot that no one on the outside was supposed to find -- that is enough in itself to prove the hoax.
End-times false signs and wonders may have to do with staged productions like the lunar landing.

The rest of the Gog-in-Iraq story is in PART 2 of the
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