Previous Update: Nov 8 - 14

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November 15 - 21, 2011

Esso was so Humble that it was Standard
Exxon: the 666 of EUROPIA?
You've Comb a Long Way, Babylony
Rimini-scing on the Gomer lines of Clovis and Basina
Lots more here on lines to the murderers of Christ

It was bound to happen sooner or later, and we get the message loud and clear, that Russia sides with the evil axis even if it won't admit it:

Russian warships are due to arrive at Syrian territorial waters, a Syrian news agency said on Thursday, indicating that the move represented a clear message to the West that Moscow would resist any foreign intervention in the country's civil unrest.

And, Putin is increasing military morale suddenly by leaps and bounds:

Defense and security spending is skyrocketing in Russia. Paychecks for defense and interior ministry personnel will increase 2.5 to 3 times from January 2012, while Federal Security Service (FSB) and the Federal Protective Service (FSO) staff will receive a similar pay boost in January 2013...The massive pay increase is being matched by growing defense procurement and operational costs...

To measure the success of all the American lives and dollars spent in Iraq over the past decade, just see whether Iraq today sides with the West or with Iran:

Iraq's refusal to back Arab measures against Syria...

It was only two years ago when Obama wanted to have a love affair with Ahmadinejad. The O-tune has changed since then. We can only wonder what the Middle East will look like by the time of an American president chosen in 2012. Egypt is falling apart as under Mubarak; Libya probably has little hope of recovering soon from the expected internal disputes. The UN still thinks that the Palestinian state is the ultimate solution. We might be best to purchase a small car before they go up in price, because gasoline could skyrocket with the continued fracturing of the Middle East.

In the last update, some preliminary findings on Herod-suspect lines were made, including a trace of Herod Agrippa I to Gripel in Brittany. The expectation is that Agrippa's line there was somehow related to the Esus-worshiping Treveri in the Oliphant-related Voir clan of Gripel. Just before coming to this conclusion (last update October), the Voirs had been traced to Pendragon by their write-up's trace of them to a Penhoet location, also in Brittany. It was found that Penhoets were Hoes/Hoeys/Kehoes, first found in Tipperary. Agrippa was not at all on my mind when investigating the Voirs of Gripel, but he came to mind in the last update as though timed for a link to Gripel.

Near the end of the last update, the Traby-suspect Treveri were linked to Vindonissa/Windisch, a location near the Treveri and beside the Radziwill-suspect Raetians / Rhetians. The Traby 'Q' had been traced to Vindonissa/Windsich, that is, as per a trace earlier to the Quinces of Winton/Winchester. In the second update of June, 2000, where that Traby-Q trace was made to Quinces, the trace was also made convincingly to Winches, who smack of Vinces/Vinches/Finches.

For readers jumping in for the first time in this update, Radziwills of Vilnius led to a merger with Trabys of Poland / Polabia, and yet Trabys (probably the Drevani/Dravanoon in the Trave river of Polabia, near Trips and Drummonds) had also been traced to the the Dravus river (click map to enlarge) beside the Sava/Save, the Sava being an origin of the Leslies. Leslies (compare with Save Coat) originated near the Sava's source, which happens to be where the Jupiter and Juno cults had been. The Jupiter cult (i.e. Japodes) was on the Colapis river, also called Kupa, and this is suspect as mythical Capys, grandfather of mythical Agrippa.

The points are, first, that the Vinces/Vinches, suspect as the Mary-Magdalene cult pushed today as the Da Vinchi code, was first found in HERTfordshire (could be a coincidence but you can bet all your red chips that it's not), and then the Arms of Hertfordshire use waves, in Drummond-wave colors. Drummonds are not only suspect as Trip-related Trabys, but link for certain to Leslies of a "Grip fast" motto. It could be a coincidence but chances are far reduced by now. We saw waves in the Arms of Vilnius and other Lithuania-related entities, only to find that a wavy bend is used by Pollocks whom had linked solidly to the Doris/Orris line of Herods in the Tortona theater, where Herod liners there had been linked to Rhetia...before finding the adjacent Vintonissa/Windisch location.

It had been reasoned, previous (last update) to these ideas here, that the Mary Magdalene cult was named after a Mariamne married to one of the Herods, or given birth by one. AND, it just so happened that, in the last update, the Mary Magdalene cult had been traced (on a preliminary basis) via an Alexander, son of Herod, to the Tortona theater. But years before that, the MagDALENE term was traced to Alans/D'Allens of BRITTANY. You get it, or shall I say, you grip it. It's all starting to sound very reasonable and sound.

The other point was that Winches/Winces were first found in Bedfordshire, smack beside Hertfordshire, where Vinces/Vinches were first found. In the second update of June, 2000, the Traby 'Q' was traced also to Winches because Quinces/Quincys are (probably) encoded in the "quince" held by the lion of the Sforza Coat (surname first found in Rome). I had linked Sforza" to the Saffers / Savarys, you see, whom I lumped into the Sabine peoples. The French Savone surname is registered with Savards/Savarys first found in Poitou, beside the Vienne theater.

But, the point is, the Winches use a giant scallop, as do the English Savonas/Sabines, and in the Crest is the red bull that I trace to the Lusatian bull. But I also trace it to the red Oxford bull, and Oxford was traced to the Nerthus-worshiping peoples, the Oxonae. The Nerthus-worshiping Varni were traced convincingly in the last update to the Voir clan of Gripel, and to the Gripps and other similar-sounding surnames. Nerthincidence?

The Voir/Voyer surname uses a "vincit" motto term.

Thus, while this creates a puzzle to explain, it begins to appear that Trabys were solidly connected to Herod lines. Their Radziwill relatives were found to trace to Sion/Sitten, and that's exactly where I had traced the Savona Ligurians. In fact, the Valais surname is trace-able to Sion/Sitten, and it uses, not only the same chevron as French Savonas/Savards, but white-on-blue crescents, the colors of the Savone/Saffin crescents. The latter were first found in Somerset (location of Bath and Wells), where Lithuanians were found to trace large, but also where we expect the Butteri of the Poitiers/Poitou theater as they passed through Hampshire as Puttens and Bidens/Buttons.

It should be said at this point that the Savona/Sabine bull is an ox too where it links to Oxford. "Ox" is a term that I trace to "Joktan," son of Eber. I identify "Occitania" (southern France) with Joktanites, and then, around the corner into Spain, where the Ebros river flows, there was an Iberi peoples the "Jews" which became called, Sephardics. Again, I trace the child-sacrificing Sepharvites to Joktanites, and the Adram(molech) god of Sepharvites I trace, not only to Hadoram, son of Joktan, but to "Thermodon" and "Drummond." In this picture, you can make further lines from Sepharvites go to Trabzon-rooted Trabys, especially as "Savard" smacks of "Sepharvite" and "Sephard(ic)."

Now you be the judge again of whether heraldry write-ups are often lying to the world: "The [Winch/Wince] name was originally derived from the Old English word winch, meaning sharp bend in the river." Both the Sharp and Bend surnames use torteaux! AND, the Bends use besants on blue too, the colors of the Savona/Savard besants!!! If that's not enough, the Sharp Coat is one giant white-on-blue pheon, the color of the Pilate-surname pheons. AND, the Sharp motto, "Dum spiro spero," is also the Massin/Mason motto...tracing back to the Lusatian Spree river.

It could be added here that the Doris-Orris symbol is called a "bend" probably in honor of the Bend surname above. In fact, the Doris-Orris surname was traced (last update) to the torteaux of the Orrs and Orells. It just so happens that Orrs use piles that I trace to the Pilate bloodline.

One theory on pierced stars is that they are code for the piercing of Jesus. I expect these bloodlines from Judean Herods and Pilates to have formed an inside joke, and proud of it, on their parts in the death of Jesus. Anyway, the pierced stars of the Sellicks were traced in the last update to the same of the Salomes/Salamans. Compare the Sellick Coat (surname first in HEREfordshire) to that of the Savona/Sabine Coat. It's a near match.

Possibly, the Seleucid elements that I see in Sellicks, Silesia, Salyes, and Sulcis may have been from certain Seleucids in Israel, lingering from the family of Antiochus IV Epiphanes (he had conquered Jerusalem). Although Maccabees routed these Seleucids from Israel, some may have remained behind, and some may even have merged with Maccabee-related lines, you see. Let me re-quote from the last update:

By the way, one of Marcus Agrippa's children: "Mariamne, {b.34-?} who married Gaius Julius Archelaus Antiochus Epiphanes [must be the royal Seleucid line that produced king Antichos IV Epiphanes, arch enemy iof Israel]; they had a daughter Berenice (daughter of Mariamne) {b.50 CE} who lived with her mother in Alexandria, Egypt after her parents divorce.

This quote suggests the possibility of an Agrippa trace to Alessandria, where torteaux-depicted Tortona sat near/in the home of the Laevi. The point here now is that the Agrippa line, which traces to the red bull above, had merged with what Wikipedia affirms to have been a Seleucid line out of Commagene. The latter kingdom was in Armenia / Sophene, wherefore Herods of Armenia may have been of this very line. There is then the possibility that the Contes/Comtes (Languedoc), who use roughly the Valais Coat, were of Commagene Herods.

Antiochus IV was an ally to the Roman Emperors and various members of the Herodian Dynasty...

In 64 [after his affairs with Agrippa's daughters], Epiphanes had married an Egyptian Greek woman from Alexandria called Claudia Capitolina. Capitolina came from a distinguished family...of the highest magistrates of Equestrian [= Roman knights] rank in Rome."

Again, the red bull traces well to the Oxonae worshiper of Nerthus, but I say that Nerthus traces to the mythical Nereids (mariners), from mythical Nereus and Doris, whom I had found at the Neretva river, where the Daorsi are stamped on this Celtic-Illyria map. It appears solid that this mythical Doris was mythical Dorus, son of Hellen, and brother of Aeolus, husband of Neretva-like Enarete. It just so happens that Antiochus IV Epiphanes, the one who conquered Jerusalem was pushing Hellenism...which exposes just how powerful God allowed the Galli priesthood to become. It's important because the same Seleucids who overcame Israel are tied by Daniel to the end-time anti-Christ's desolation of Israel.

Mythical Helen and her brothers and mother, Pollux, castor, and Leda, were traced to Poles and Lithuanians, and that's probably why the wavy "Jewish" Pollock bend looks like the wavy Doris/Orris bend. In the last update, it was found that "there in the Arms of Vienne was a white-on-red wave like the wave of the Jewish Pollock Coat!!!"

Both the Nereids and the "bien" motto term of Viennes had been traced (by me) to the Biaini founders of Lake Van, Armenia. The Biaini were largely of the Nairi Armenians, you see. I generally tend to view Nahorites and Joktanites as an often indistinguishable alliance moving across Greece and Europe. The point is, after Herods no longer ruled Judea, they continued in both Armenia and southern France, where Joktanites had controls. In fact, the Doris/Orris surname was first found in Dauphine, and then here's the write-up: "First found in Dauphine, where the family has been a prominent family for centuries...They held a family seat in D'Oris, in the department of Isere, in the canton of Entraigues a community from which they take their name. The name was connected with an ancient Indo European Swiss race [why Swiss?} which migrated to the region from Thessalie in the 13th century. The family were well established in the region of the Rhone in south eastern France..." If that's referring to Thessaly of Macedonia, it is exactly where Dorians lived...whom I trace to Dor in Israel, beside Megiddo. I repeat the latter part because Armageddon was named after Megiddo for a reason, i.e. one can expect that Megiddo bloodlines will be heavily involved in the end-time Seleucid anti-Christ empire. And as Ezekiel 39 places the final end of the anti-Christ in Edom, east of the Dead sea, there's reason to link the Megiddo bloodline to Esau-ites. In other words, this Thessalonian line to the Doris/Orris surname looks antiChrist-important. It was to the Christians of Thessalonia that the Apostle Paul explained the doom on the anti-Christ.

There is no Isere Coat coming up, but "Sere" brings up a Sere/Sert clan (Seir-ians?) first found in Languedoc, and it's in Doris/Orris colors! Both use white-on-red, expected colors of the Redones. The Seres even use a rose under their white-on-red chevron, smacking of the roses in the red-on-white chevron of the Hebrons. See also the Sears/Seeres with a scallop in the colors of the Savona/Sabine scallop. From the last update while on the CarrUTHERs topic:

The Scottish Carr Shield is not only the same as the Hebron Shield, but uses the motto, "Sero sed Serio." Seirincidence?

It could also be noted that the Carr stars are the colors of the Sion-of-Switzerland stars. The sun in the Carr Crest could be Helios of Rhodes, off the coast of CARia.

Here's the Arms of Valias/Wallis canton, Switzerland, with stars also in the colors of the Sere stars. It looks like we have not only found the Doris-line to "an ancient Indo European Swiss race" (that smacks of code for a Swiss line of Doris'/Orris'), but the Seir-ites in the Sionist fold. This trace here had nothing to do with, but compliments, the trace above of red-ox lines (including the Savonas/Sabines) to Valais. Here's the Arms of Sion. By now you may know that I trace Lake Van to Phoenicians of the Pan / Panias / phoenix kind, at Sion of mount Hermon.

Wikipedia says that the origin of "Raeti" is unknown. As we are seeing the Nerthus worshipers in Valais, what about the Reudigni, worshipers of the same? Might they have been Raetians, in other words? It's possible, I suppose, that "Nerthas," was from the idea of N'Erthus, especially as she was the mother EARTH goddess. But then "Erth(us)" is potentially the makings of "Reud(igni)."

Hmm, while seeking Reud-like surnames just now, it was recalled that the Rudy/Rudyard surname had been traced to Radziwills, and the Traby relatives of Radziwills were traced to Polabia, where Nerthus worshipers lived. The Rudy/Rudyard Coat even uses the Tout crescent, and Touts are now understood as an Oliphant line. The Sears/Seeres were first found in Essex, and from the last update, regardless of what others say about Essex' origins, I got the impression that "Essex" was from the pike=esox fish...traced to Esus-worshiping Treveri, themselves traced to Varni Nerthus worshipers. In the last update, it was said: "Hmm, Tuttels were first found in esox-like Essex." Toutincidence???

It tends to prove that Sears/Seeres and Seres/Serts were from Seir-ians, for Oliphants were partly Seir-ians.

Just now, "Rudden" was entered in search of Reudigni clans, and up popped the (white-on-red) Rod(h)am Coat with the tree stump in crest that I now trace to Esus (mythical tree chopper, given a bull symbol). Esus, like Sepharvites, was a human-sacrifice cult. It appears, therefore, that Esau-ites, Nahorites, and Joktanites moved together, or at least tended to merge in various parts, as one satanic-Hebrew entity, it being probably the best definition of the dragon cult (though Gorgon, Amazon and Rosh elements need to be included in this Hebrew dragon).

Entering "Rudder" gets another white-on-red Rutter Coat. Like the Reeds/Reids (red Shield) with "Pax copia" motto, the Rudders use garbs. Rudders, as with Davids (who use "Pax et copia"), were first found in garb-depicted Cheshire. The David Coat is like the Rod(h)am Coat, and then both Reeds and Rod(h)ams were first found in Northumberland. My guess has been that Rodhams trace to the Rutili of Ardea. As per the Rede location of Reeds/Reids, there is a Rede/Wreede surname looking very Roman and using a "wreath," a term that brings up the Crees/Craiths/Raes/etc with Sear/Seere- and Sion-colored stars.

Other Nerthus worshipers are listed as Seir-like Suarines, and Wikipedia traces them to "Suard," what could have become the (white-on-red) Sword/Suord surname.

Hmm, as per the Redes/Wreeds, "Ward" was entered to find the same checkered Coat as used by Varni-like Warrene Coat...with a canton similar to the one used by Touts and Rudys. Warrenes are definitely Veres of the Pharisee line. The Ward Coat uses what could be the Rodham bend, but in any case its "Comme" motto term smacks now of Commagene Herods. Not only the Comme surname, but Combs/Comes, could apply.

IN FACT, there are some reasons to trace Combers (Chee dancette) to Astikas/Radziwills and Trabys. The Slaboda write-up: "It was in this [Polesie] province that the renowned Radziwills and Sapiehas held their vast estates." The Comber motto term, "Sapiens," could apply to Sapiehas, though the motto term also sounds like the Savonas/Sabines that were just traced to Trabys! Estoiles, traced recently to Astikas, are used by Combers, as well as an "astris" motto term. As Combers were first found in Sussex, where Warrenes were first found, it suggests that the "Comme" motto term of the Wards is indeed code for Combers and kin.

Therefore, Polesie elements (Poland) were likely Polabians of the Varny kind, but as we got to the Wards via Redes/Wreeds, the Reudigni seem to apply, and that tends to link them to Radziwills of Polesie.

It follows that the peacock-using Cumbers/Camelfords/Comerford (more white-on-red) should apply to Combers because peacocks trace to Poland, even to the Peacock sept of Doris-related Pollocks. If I'm not mistaken, emailer Pollock said that her father was related to the talbots used by Comforts, who not only use a peacock in Crest, but Comerford and Comberford variations. Veres easily trace to Poland now, and besides, Pollocks are traced by others to king Clovis, a Herod-suspect Frank.

This is all incredibly interesting because her email correspondent, who likewise has porphyry, traced the disease to the Komnenos family. The Commens/Cummins (blue Shield, as per "blue-blood suspect) could apply, with a Coat somewhat like that of the Comfort bugles. It seems to me that these are branches of MontGOMERys.

It's been on my mind to check Clovis ancestry and marriages for clues to the Herod lines discovered in this and the last update. I'm starting that investigation as I write. "He was the son of Childeric I and Basina," and his father's sons may have developed into the Child/Chill surname that I link to the Hebron surname out of Chillingham. Basina was daughter to Thuringian king, Basin, and his Saxon wife, Basina the younger. according to Wikipedia, named her son, Chlodovech, "Clovis" to the Latins. The suspicion is that Basina was a Herod of the Clode/McLeod kind.

Basina the younger was even married to a Bisinus/Basinus prior to marrying Childeric. Bisinus was himself married to a Lombard, and then Tacitus made it a point to say that Nerthus-worshipers lived beside Lombards. Lombards were Suebi, who trace for certain to Sabines. From the whole gamut of info above on the Savona/Sabine bloodlines, it would appear to connect to Herod blood.

Entering "Basin," we find pine cones in a Basin/Bazin surname, first found in Poitou. The Maschis/Masskalys (sound like Meschins/Masculines) of Rimini use pine cones too, and Rimini was traced (by me) to Rheims, where Clovis' bloodline ruled. Rimini was on the east side of Italy, same as Sabines. Sabines had a bee cult (called, Ops/Opis), and Clovis' father's tomb was discovered with many gold bees.

The link to Meschins is important where the Bessin might link to "Basina." There were some indications in the artwork provided by Wikipedia that Basina was Byzantine. The basil surname, suspect as a Byzantine one, is interesting because one Basil Coat uses nothing but plates, and the other, showing Bazon and Bezon variations, was first found in Burgundy, where Pilates were first found. The Bessin/Beson Coat uses...bees. I link the Bessin/Beson Coat to the Salyes Coat, suggesting that Salyes and Salian Franks were one line. German Bessens/Bezants use the Bessin/Beson arm and sword, but also a variation of the crown in the Basil/Bezon Coat. Note the club in the latter coat, what I say was code for Club-, Clob-, or Clop-like Clovis lines.

In other words, it has taken me this many years to figure that Childeric's bees were from Bessin elements of Basina's family. Wikipedia claims that she left Bisinus to marry Childeric for desiring to be the most-powerful woman in the world.

Let me repeat that the Italian Maschis/Maskalys are said to be from a "Malatesta" character, which I break down as Malat-Esta rather than Mala-testa. That term for me signifies the MaccaBEE>Macey malet / mace leading to Malahule, the ancestor of the Bessin Meschins. When we go to the English Malet surname (scallops, Meschin symbol, and crown in Crest), we not only find it looking like the crowns of the Bessen/Bezant and Basil/Bezon Coats, but the surname is traced by it's write-up to "Mary." Could that be code fore a Mary line of Herods?

Aside from Maccabees, I don't know how to explain a proto-Meschin-Bessin entity in the time of Clovis, several centuries before Meschins proper in the Bessin. The fact that Bassina was of Thuringian elements could suggest a trace to Turin, the Piedmont area where Mascis were first found. In fact, both the Maschi/Maskaly and Masci surnames show a Masciarelli variation, and then the Piedmont branch use fleur-de-lys in the colors used by Clovis for his fleur. When I first learned of the Masci fleur, I had no idea that they could trace to Clovis himself in this way. It should even prove to be true that the fleur-de-lys was named in-part after the Lys river in Aosta.

I don't ever recall making the pine-cone link between Maschis of Rimini and the Basin-surname link to Clovis' mother. I did suggest a Basina link to the Bessin (both in the 5th update of November and the 1st of December, 2000), but didn't have the proof until now that Merovingians were from a Rheims > Rimini relationship (I don't know which of the two cities came first). To now find Clovis as part of the Meschin bloodline (loosely speaking) is surprising. This can suggest a Clovis trace, on his mother's side, to the Exodus Hyksos ruler, in more than one way. First, the proto-Mascis are traced to the house of the Exodus pharaoh.

Secondly, I had deciphered "Pendragon" and the related "Pender/Pinder/Pynder" as Pines/Pynes and therefore as Payens / Paines. There was no thought at that time on a pine cone symbol. Nor was there any understanding/knowledge that the pine-cone bloodline under discussion traced to the Exodus pharaoh, and yet I had traced the Payens/Pagans to "Apachnas," the alternative name of the Exodus pharaoh. I can't recall the number of ways that Pendragons had been traced to the Exodus Hyksos. Not only were Penders/Pinders first found in Cheshire, but they use the Macey / Mackay Shield.

If true what some say, that the Bessin's founders trace to Bohemians, and if true that Bohemians trace to bee-cult Boiotians, then it stands to reason that Clovis married a Boiotian bloodline because Merovingians trace to the bee-line of mythical Merops > Aedon, queen of Thebes (Boiotia). It seems that the high-priesthood of Israel, the Maccabees, the Herods, and the Exodus Hyksos, all converged at Clovis. One cannot become more holier to satan than that.

Childeric's father is listed as Merovech / Merovee. It's he that appears named after mythical Merops. When Basina named Clovis, it was likely after his great-grandfather, Chlodio, who "was known as the Long-Haired King and lived in Thuringian territory at the castle of Duisburg...In 448, 20 years after his reign began, Chlodio was defeated at an unidentified place called Vicus Helena by Flavius Aėtius, the commander of the Roman Army in Gaul."

DUISburg? By what coincidence is it that the Dewey surname "was originally from Douai, near Lille, Normandy..."? I trace the fleur-de-lys to Lille in Artois. The Dewey Coat could be a version on the French Pine Coat. There's a Dewey-like Dow/Doves Coat using what I glean to be the Comber and Chee/Cheatle dancette.

The question is whether the Boiotians >Bohemians who made up the Clovis line of Franks had been from Boii of Bologna, the theater where Pharisees are traced here at tribwatch. "The non-contemporary Liber Historiae Francorum says [Chlodio's] father was Pharamond, who many believe to have been a legendary person linked to the lineage sometime in the 8th century." All the better if he was myth code. We have read how the New Testament calls Pharisees "teachers of the law." "In Gesta Francorum (c.1100), chapter 8 describes how the Franks changed their laws under Pharamond." It may seem like a minor point, but laws upon laws were typical of Pharisees. They loved laws, and to make them. I suppose they loved to see the peoples obeying their own laws. Control freaks?

Is that a sort of religious turban painted on Pharamund's head?

Hmm, entering "Mund/Munts" gets the white-skinned Moor head used also by the Scottish More/Moor/Muir Coat. I'm keeping in mind that I trace Masseys to Meshwesh "Libyans" (Amazons, really) of Africa, and that the Tour and Thuringian elements of Clovis could/should trace to Tuareg Amazons, also of Africa. Moreover, I typically trace the heraldic mound to Libya / Cyrene, where Meshwesh lived, but I also trace the mound to the Mound/Mount surname...that uses the mound. The latter Coat shows a lion that must be the personal lion of Ranulf le Meschin. The Mund/Munts surname certainly seems to apply to this picture, suggesting that myth-code PharaMUND was named after these Meshwesh elements.

WOW-OW! The English Mound/Mund/Mind Coat uses bees!!! The same bees as per the Leifs/Leves!!! Think Maccabee relationship with Pharisees in a Boii theater. The Mound/Mund Crest looks like it started out as a pheasant, as code for Besant / Bessen, but turned into a so-called "heath-cock proper" as code for Heths/heaths..who ruled the Moray theater.

The same Mound/Mund/Mind Coat was mentioned in the last update as possible link to Mindaugas of Lithuania...who was traced to Moray elements of dark Douglas.' It just so happens that the Mund/Munts Coat uses blue Indian peacocks, probably a Polish symbol.

The Montague Coat could be a variation of the Pinch Coat, the latter looked up as per some French-Paine variations. The Montague Shield could just be the Doris/Orris Shield.

NOW, as we just saw earlier that the blue Indian peacock is used by COMERfords, what of MarCOMER, Pharamund's father?!?! Have we de-coded this Merovingian mythology so quickly, thanks again to heraldry? Don't MontGOMERys use fleur-de-lys in the colors of the Clovis fleur? Didn't we just see the Comber surname pop up as per the Duis discussion on Chlodio, son of Pharamund? Entering "Comer" get that same Comber Coat!

Wasn't the Comber line part of the Comnenos porphyry line? I did trace the porphyry line to Masseys / Meschins, and can now report that Cummins/Commens use garbs in the colors of the Arms of Cheshire, garbs that I'm sure belonged personally to Ranulf le Meschin (I believe that's what I read in a description of the Arms of Cheshire, and besides, I trace both the Cheshire grabs and the Goz side of le Meschin to the garbs of Gascony).

It was after writing the paragraph above that the purple lozenges in the Montie Coat (from Mundeyville) were re-found.

It's interesting that the Comer Coat uses the Chee/Cheatle dancette. I trace "Cheatle" to "Keath," the latter surname said to be Catti. Then, in the Frank mythology, "The story is told of the election of the first Frankish king. It says that after the death of Sunno, his brother Marcomer, leader of the Ampsivarii and Chatti, proposed to the Franks that they should have one single king, contrary to their tradition." Let's not lose sight here of the fact that there was an ancient city (in what is now Sudan), Merowe/Bedewe, and that proto-Merovingians lived beside the Batavi, a tribe of Catti. This recalls my old Batavi trace to "Padova," and later (recently) the discovery of a trace of Merovingians to Este and Euganeo of Padova.

I'm not familiar with the AmpsiVARII, but this alone could verify that "Varangi" and "Frank" are equate-able terms. The Ampsivarii were a real peoples near where the Varni lived in the time of Tacitus.

AHA! Although the Sunner character is treated historically by his Wikipedia article, he and MarCOMER are both treated together, meaning that Sunner too should be myth code. Entering "Sun" brings up the Sinclair Coat with "COMMit" motto term! Besides, it's expected that Sinclairs (of More) fit into the Merovingians that I see at Moray, especially as I trace Paines to the Malahule > D'Espaines line of Sinclairs. Like the Keaths (just found related to Combers/Comers), the Scottish Sinclairs were first found in Lothian.

Interestingly, entering "Amp" gets the Impy surname (in Keath, Seaton and Say colors) first found in Essex. That location is now suspect as an esox one, of Esus elements that is, god of the TreVERI. That in a nutshell could link Ampsivarii to Treveri. The Amp/Impy Coat uses a black leopard head, seen also in the Keaton Coat. Then, there is a black boar (i.e. Esau symbol) in the Keaton Crest!

The Montie Crest is a wolf breathing flames, flames being a symbol of Flemings. I would guess that, in this picture, the Flemings inferred are the Seatons (first found in Saytown, Lothian) and related Says. . It just so happens that Ampsivarii were in the Dutch theater, where Flemings lived, and Seatons use crescents in the colors of the Amp/Impy crescents. This is a good place to mention that the "Dutch" term is traced by Wikipedia to "Teutates," the peoples lumped in with Esus.

Seatons use a green dragon breathing flames. Their motto term, "forWARD," may just be code for Wards...who use a "Comme" motto term!!! Irish Wards use three crowns in the colors of the German-Bessen crowns! That last exclamation mark is for the Bessen trace made rather solidly to Basina, Clovis' mother.

Ampsivarii were on the Ems river and supposedly named after it. See Papenburg on that river.

The Comer entity seems to me like Gomers = Germans. The Comer/Comber Crest is the "A gold lynx head, pellettee" that should trace to Lingones and Leuci, that idea complimenting the suggested Clovis-family trace to Treveri. As per Pollocks that are said to trace directly to Clovis, note that both they and MontGOMERys were first found in Renfrewshire. As per the spear symbol of Merovingians, perhaps the Speers of Renfrewshire apply. Remember too that Peacocks are a sept of Pollocks while Munds use peacocks. This tends to make us suspect that Clovis was from the Doris/Orris line of Herods, and indeed the Orrs were first found in Renfrewshire.

Orrs not only use piles, but are said to derive in the idea of "pale." They use "Bonis" and "bona" motto terms, perhaps for the Mallibones of Cheshire who use the Say Shield, which is the Massey Shield in colors reversed. The Orr CornuCOPIA should like to the Macclesfield-Arms "copia" motto term because Macclesfield also uses the same type crosslet as the Orr Chief. The colors of the Macclesfield crosslet are in the colors of the Kennedy crosslet, and I trace the latter surname to "Heneti," the same peoples to which I trace Merovingians.

Consider also the Morbihan (smacks of Biaini of Lake Van) location at Vannes, home of Brittany-branch Veneti. I tend to see "Morbihan" (I'm seeing "Morbighan") as a "Merovech" variation from a hypothetical "Merobech," and the "Merovee" alternative may have been MeroBee.

The Kennedy crosslets are used in red (color of Orr crosslets) by Dobys/Dawbys (Darbys?), first found in Renfrewshire, and the Doby helmet is the same helmet design as Irish Kennedys, of Tipperary, the place to which I trace the Pendragon motto. The Tippers of Cornwall were linked to Pendragons of Cornwall, that being the mythical Gorlois entity that I traced to Carolingian Franks and their PEPinid Merovingian relatives from Heneti PAPHlagonians.

The "Bonis" and "Bona" terms of the Orrs suggest Skull and Bones, code for the Skull and Bone/Bonne surnames. The Skull surname (HEREfordshire) uses a white-on-red bend, as do the Pollocks and Doris'/Orris'. Did I suggest a trace of Clovis' father to the white-on-red Chills/Childs and therefore to white-on-red Hebrons? Yes, and I trace Skulls to Eschol in Hebron. Sellicks, suspect as both Salome-branch Herods and Salyes Ligures that I tend to link to Salian Franks, were also first found in Herefordshire. The Sale bend is used by MalliBONES.

Here's the Bon(n)er Coat (thanks Tim) in case you could use it. The "semper" motto term and the pelicans suggest Samson elements in Poland. The pelicans are in the colors of the Semper lions. Look for a white talbot (Bonner symbol) below in a new Esau discussion.

The "sed" motto term of Dobies is interesting if it's code for Saids/Saddlers that I link to Says and Seatons, who use the Massin/Mason Coat and a blue lion like the Arms of Macclesfield. I'm noting here that "Maccle" is modify-able to "Maskaly," that being the pine-cone clan from Rimini. The Pine/Pyne Coat, by the way, looks like the Coat of Macey-related Waynes, another surname that I trace to Lake-Van elements. The "sed" motto term is interesting where Saids/Saddlers were first found in Wiltshire, for I have thought to link Wiltshire elements in the past to Winchester. The latter location was ruled by Saer de Quincy (1155-1219), 1st Earl of Winchester. The Quince write-up traces to "Quintuis," you see, much like the mythical Quinotaur" to which Merovingians traced themselves.

Consider now my trace of the Traby 'Q' to the Quinns and Quinces (mascles!). It seemed that Trabys were from Treveri, and now there is evidence that Merovingians had ancestry in Ampsivarii-branch Treveri. Not only did Lingones and Leuci live beside Treveri, but the nearby location of Vintonissa/Windisch, very likely of a Veneti peoples, were traced to the Quinn fold. The Treveri, it had seemed, traced back to Bellovesus Galli (Galli transvestites had been long-haired, we might assume), and because he is traced by me to Bellerophon and Pegasus, let it be repeated that Quinns (and Masseys) use a Pegasus. Therefore, as Clovis' mother traced to Maschis/Maskalys, and as the Clovis line also linked to Seatons that I say were Keaths -- who come up when entering "Mascal" -- it very much seems that the Bellovesus Galli, as they produced the Bellamy-Massey fold, were very much the producers also of the Clovis Merovingians from some form of proto-Masseys. The Mus of Lake Van come to mind again, but more immediately, the Meshwesh/Mazyes Amazons must have applied.

It just so happens that Bellerophon and Pegasus (= Gorgons, likely cousin of Gomerians) were fighting war in Lycia, and Lycians likely trace to the Leuci if not also Ligurians. They were fighting the Chimera dragon, and it just so happens that Kamiros is a city on Rhodes that should have elements in the Redone theater, where Ligurians and Leuci lived. Quinns were first found in CARnarvonshire, and then Caria, between Lycia and Rhodes, was home to the Chimera dragon.

Kamiros was likely named by Gamir = Cimmerians, thought by many to have been Gomerians. Therefore, this Bellerophon-and-Pegasus trace to Clovis works where Clovis' ancestry was said to be in MarCOMER.

It should also be said that Bellovesus was traced solidly to Bellerophon because the latter had Sisyphus of Corinth for a grandfather. Sisyphus, by the way, was a brother to the Aeolus that married Enarete, i.e. what I consider the Nerthus line from Treveri to Varni. I realized that "Sisy" was code for Sicyon, beside Corinth, and then "SICYon" smacks of Segovesus, brother of Bellovesus. It just so happens that when we enter "Saer," as per Saer de Quincy, the Sauer surname comes up that is said by its write-up to be from the Sau/Sava river at CARINTHia.

The Sauer surname is traced by it's write-up to a Galleri surname, and then the Gallery/Galloway surname (blue-on-white Cappeo lion) was first found in Galloway, where we would expect Galli. The Gallery/Galloway Crest is "a hill shimmering in sunlight" "between two ears of corn...," perhaps code for the CORNucopia entity; Corinthian and/or Cornwallish elements come to mind.

The Clovis era was in time for the Arthurian period somewhere in 400-700 AD. Although I traced Arthur's wife (Guinevere) in-part to Gwened=Vannes, why not also to the Winn/Gwynn surname in the colors of the Quinns? These happen to be the colors of the Herods/Hurls, and the latter are a sept of Clodes/McLeods, you see. Didn't I say that the Wayne Coat is a version of the Irish Arthur Coat, and that PEN(dragon) traces to Pines/Pynes using the Wayne chevron? Therefore, where we find Clovis-branch Merovingians linking to the Pines/Pynes and Waynes, we understand that the Arthur cult was a Clovis bloodline.

Did we see some dolphins in the Coats of Kennedys and Tippers (Tipperary also uses dolphins, if I recall correctly)? The Doris/Orris surname was first found in Dauphine, where the Pyne-like Payens were first found. We saw above good evidence for a Clovis trace to the Doris/Orris line. It seems that anything "holy" in Masonry traces to Clovis, but that the "holiness" traces to Herods and others involved in the murder of Christ.

Again, the Skull Coat uses a bend in the colors of the Doris/Orris bend, and the Ors use a "Bonis" and "bona" code for the Bonnes/Bones who use a Coat like the Skulls, though Bonnes/Bones use eagles in the colors of the Ferte eagle, that being a house of Bellamy from Ferte-Mace. It just so happens that Dutch Bones, in Skull colors, use the Chill/Child and Hebron chevron, which is what convinces me more that Skull and Bones was code for the Biblical Eschol valley in Hebron...where Anaki giants lived whom I trace to "Inachus" at Argos, now suspect as the torteaux-using Inces / Inches. Orrs use torteaux, remember.

French Bonnes were first found in Languedoc (i.e. near Dauphine) and use the same chevron as Payens (i.e. of Dauphine). We saw that Hugh de Payens had married a Chappes/Chapez surname highly suspect as the Cappeo-lion line of Caiaphas, a chief murderer of Christ. The crescent of Dutch Bonnes is in the colors of the Chapman crescent, and the latter's "pondere" motto term brings up black boars of the Ponders. I think I missed it in the Chappes and Chapman discussion, but the Chapman write-up includes: "Chapman and Pugh Family History and Allied Lines by Minnie May Pugh." The Pughs are probably the Puys, of the "Pagan" variation of Payens.

We are seeing piles and pales in the Orr surname, and then there was that "pelletee" term used to describe the lynx of the Comers/Combers. Around a Payen-colored chevron, there are grails in the colors of the Shaw/Sheaves grails in the Pellette/Pellot Coat. For new readers, Pontius Pilate was said to be born in Perthshire, where Shaws/Sheaves (expected to use wheat sheaves/sheaths) were first found, and they have been traced to Sheaves/Chaves and Chavez', the Caiaphas line again. The Scottish Chappes surname was first found in Stirlingshire, beside Perthshire.

Payens had been traced very recently to Pays/Pascals who use the Laevi lion, and Chappes were first found in Ile-de-France, where the Levi surname was first found. (see 1st update of November for lengthy Chappes and Payen discussion). If anyone laughed at my trace of Caiaphas to the Sheaves/Chaves, and Laevi and Levi, they might not be jeering anymore. Someone would write a book, "The Templar Priesthood, Caiaphas and other Dirty Rats."

It just so happens that "ears of wheat" are used by the Scottish Chappes Coat, which could now link to the "ears of corn" of the in Gallery/Galloway Crest. A man with Galleri surname had become the Sauer surname, itself from the Chaves-like Sava river, you see. Moreover, French Sauvages (red heart and nothing but) were first found in ChamPAYNE.

We naturally want to see if there is an Ear surname, and though none comes up, the Ayrs are also "Eyre/Eyer." The Ayr/Eyre write-up traces to "heres," and then Heres/Heyers/Hears, like the Ayrs/Eyres, were first found in Derbyshire, and moreover Heres/Heyers/Hears use a tree stump (in Ayr/Eyre colors), now suspect as code for the Esus cult. The Ayr/Eyre quatrefoils are in the colors of the pierced stars of the Sellicks, first found in HEREfordshire. Stars in Sellick-star colors are used by Wigtons, and Gallerys/Galloways were of Wigton (Galloway).

I'm now seeing that Sauvages link to Vienne-branch Herods. When writing the above on Eyres, I didn't know about the Heyrieux location in the Vienne arrondissment on the Rhone. It's where Roussillon is located too. It just so happens that, with Tim's help, we identified the Sauvages as the Sauvigeois peoples of Sauviat-sur-Vige, at which time I found evidence that the Sauvage surname was linked to Russells, itself a surname trace-able to Roussillon. It just so happens that Sauviat-sur-Vige is in Limousin, smack beside the other Vienne of the Poitiers theater. It's the latter Vienne that uses the Pollock and Doris/Orris bend, and it just so happens that my first trace of Oriels/Orells, as per Tim's tip, was to the French Rose clan, FIRST FOUND IN LIMOUSIN!!!

That strongly suggests that there is a Russell link to the Roses, and that The Russell Illuminati family is much a part of Rosicrucianism along with Herod elements of Vienne. Meschins were Rus, and Russells use scallops in Meschin colors. French Roses use another white-on-red chevron that could link to the Hebron / Skull chevron. In the Scottish Rose write-up: "The family settled in this [Nairn] area in 1282, when Hugh Rose of Geddes married Mary, daughter of Sir Andrew de Bosco. Mary Bosco was the heiress of the Bissets of Lovat." It was just explained that Geddes trace to Lithuanians.

The Scottish Bosco Coat uses white-on-blue "pillars, out of each, a gold tuft of grass." A white column on blue was wrongly (for a few days) featured in the last update as belonging to the Swiss Gripple surname; it should have been " Gribble." It's the family that was linked to Esus as per its Krahenbuhl variation, smacking of the crane-and-bull symbol of Esus:

...The two statues on which [Esus'] name appears are the Pillar of the Boatmen from among the Parisii and a pillar from Trier among the Treveri. In both of these, Esus is portrayed cutting branches from trees with his axe. Esus is accompanied, on different panels of the Pillar of the Boatmen, by Tarvos Trigaranus (the 'bull with three cranes'), Jupiter, Vulcan, and other gods.

Pillars can also be columns. If you didn't believe me then that Gribbles/Kraehenbuhls linked to Esus, there's more evidence now, not only in the Bosco pillars, but in the tree stump of Italian Boscos!!!! That is excellent for verifying the theory that heraldic tree stumps are code for Esus. It's now no longer mere theory in my mind.

Thanks to GD, we learned in the last update that Kretschmers were Bohemians that had moved into Silesia. Scottish Boscos show a Boist variation that looks Boii enough, and it just so happens that German Roses were first found in Silesia. Moreover, Geddes are a sept of the Scott surname, and Scotts use the same type Shield as Sellicks...whom I trace (admittedly without the needed evidence) to Silesia.

The Gribble/Kraehenbuhl Crest was thought to be three ostrich feathers linking to Polish Trabys, and now that Bosco- and Rose-related Geddes are found to be part of the Gribble fold, a trace to Trabys is reinforced. Having said that, my theory that the Traby bugle links to Huntingdon can now be re-evoked as per the Bosco write-up: "First found in Fife, where they were granted lands under the name Bois Arnold. In 1130 Ernald de Bosco was holding Arnald in the county of Leicestershire, and Little Halton and Braefield in Northampton and other lands in the honor of Huntingdon. They moved north with David, Earl of Huntingdon..." Hmm, I trace the Rodhams (tree stump) both to Radziwills and to Rutland at Leicestershire, suggesting that Radziwills and/or Trabys were at Rutland, which in turn suggests that Esus elements were in the Leicestershire theater.

Boscos were first found in Fife. It's clue to Bohemians of Fife, not forgetting that "Bos(s)" is also a bull entity at times rather than a bee entity (Clovis Merovingians used the bee and the bull). In the last update, we saw that Geddes were a sept of Morgans (whom I trace to Veys / Feys of Fife, though they were traced further to the north coast of lake Geneva (Switzerland), now suggesting a Traby / Geddes / Lithuanian link to the Swiss Gribbles/Kraehenbuhls. Besides, Radziwills > Trabys had already been traced to Sion of Switzerland. If we could expect a link of these clans to the Sionist, Godfrey de Bouillon, note that his surname is not only reflective of the Boii, but that his immediate ancestry was in Boulogne, a city of Artois that could link to the Boii-conquered Bologna in Italy. (As Ferraris were of the greater Bologna theater, I note that the Ferrari-colored lion is used by Gribbles/Kraehenbuhls.)

NOW FOR AN AMAZING VERIFICATION. First, the pillars of the Scottish Bosco/Boist Coat are in the white-on-blue of the bees in the Boy Coat, which bees are in the design of the Bessin-surname bees. We now have good reason for tracing the Basina mother of Clovis to the Boy surname, and to Boscos/Boists, you see, tending to verify, not only a Basina trace to Bohemians, but a Bohemian root to the Bessin (Normandy). I happened to enter "Bos" just now to find the white-on-blue fleur-de-lys of the German Boschs, and there were three ostrich feathers in Crest in colors reversed to the three feathers used by Gribbles/Kraehenbuhls!

As Rothschilds use the three feathers too (in the colors of the Gribbles/Kraehenbuhls), it tends to verify that "Rothschild" and "Rod(h)am" were related terms i.e. that Rothschilds had links to Traby Poles and to the Esus cult.

I'm not forgetting that the German Bush/Busche surname uses the same-colored fleur-de-lys as the Boschs, which then traces Bush's to Esus. Then we find that Scottish Bush Coat using black boars, very good indication that black boars were in fact a symbol for Esau-ites, and that Esus was indeed an Esau-honoring cult.

In the last update, Gribbles/Kraehenbuhls had been linked to Gripps and therefore to Treveri, worshipers of Esus the despicable and demonic human-sacrifice cult.

Did you notice that the Bos(s) Coat uses the red bull that I now trace to the Oxonae worshipers of the Nerthus cult? That red bull is also traced to the elephant-using Arms of Oxford, and to Lusatia=Luzika. It just so happens that Gribbles/KraehenBUHLs, who trace to the Varni worshipers of Nerthus, were first found in (blue and white) Lucerne = LUZerne. There is a Kreins location in the canton of Lucerne, "at the foot of Mount Pilatus..." Didn't we just link the Gribble/Kraehenbuhl columns to a Pilate-suspect pillar code???

Why are the Pilate-surname pheons in the colors of the Gribble/Kraehenbuhl columns, and in the colors of the Bosch/Boist pillars? Why are the same colors used by the Moray stars that I trace to Moravia, beside Bohemia. In fact, I traced those stars to a Bohemian royal line (of Boleslaw I) partly from royal Moravians that I claim were Merovingians. Didn't we just see that Boschs/Boists were first found in Fife, the theater in which Pontius Pilate is said (by some) to have had a mother?

The Pillar/Pilot surname is said to derive in "pelon," and entering that term gets white-on-blue pelicans, not forgetting that pelican-on-nest traces to mythical Nestor of Pylos. Moreover, there's an "amore" term in the Pelon/Pelham motto. In the latter's Crest, another peacock said to be "in its pride". It just so happens that I traced the Bosch fleur-de-lys to curved fish, used by Prides, for example.

As per Boleslaw, I think some Bole surnames apply. English Boles use bowls in the colors of the Pillette/Pilotte grails, and both clans were first found in Lincolnshire, where the Helios / Hercules grail cult (of the Rhodian kind) is expected. In the Bole Crest, a black boar again! It's the same design as the Bush, Pollock, Sullivan, and Vere boar, and it's shot through with an arrow, as with the Pollock boar. The Dutch Bole/Boll Coat: ANOTHER TREE STUMP!!! It's undeniable: Esus was named in honor of Esau(ites).

Belgian Boles not only use the Moray-colored star, but wheat "stalks" that look identical in design to the "ears of wheat" used by Scottish Chappes. Wheat is suspect as code for the grail-line Shaws/Sheaves whom I link to Chappes. French Chappes use Moor heads as potential code for Moray's line to north Africa. The Cappes, first found in Lincolnshire, could certainly apply. Garbs are wheat bunches, and then there are Garb-like variations in the Gribble/Kraehenbuhl page.

German Boles use "Bohl," perhaps linkable to "KraehenBUHL." That could help to link Kraehenbuhls to Bohemian Kretschmers, as expected. It may also suggest that the bull symbol of Esus links to Bohemians. German Boles/Bohls use compasses, the symbol that perhaps made it to the logo of Freemason lodges. Entering their Bohler variation brings up other German Bohlens/Bohlers using "hunting horns" and the horse head design used by Estes and Butts/Butes. This very much tends to trace the Butt/Bute estoiles to the ASTikas-branch Merovingians, explaining the Bohlen hunting horns (i.e. used also by Trabys).

Let's not forget the buffalo / bull used by the Pohls/Polans (Silesia), which makes it very link-able to the same-colored Mieske/Mesech bull if Bohls are indeed named in honor of Boleslaw of Poland (descendant of Boleslaw of Bohemia).

AHA! The Pohls/Polans also use three ostrich feathers, in the gold and black colors of their bull! Do you recall who else used three ostrich feathers? The Gribbles/KraehenBUHLs!!! I didn't know this when suggesting a Pohl kinship with Bohls, or a Bohl kinship with Kraehenbuhls. Suddenly, we have found the Polish side of Rothschilds (until now they were Khazars and Hungarians), and it's highly suspect as a Traby entity. Note that all surnames cited with the three ostrich feathers use same colored feathers on either side with a second color in the middle feather.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the Say Crest looks like the Pohl buffalo. The Say Crest is called a "bull."

Aha! French Pohls/Pauls/Poles/Pouls use the same colored lion as the Gribbles/Kraehenbuhls it's the Ferrari lion too). Aha! I didn't know this before, that French Pouls/Poulets/Poulards use the Masci wing, which should explain why Cheshire's Pools/Poles ("pollet" motto term) use the same-colored fleur-de-lys as Mascis! This is excellent for my theories that: 1) Maxwells, said to be named after a pool or pond, trace to Mascis, and, 2) Pollocks were closely related to Mascis.

We can now link the Gribbles to French Gobels/Gobelins, for they likewise use the Masci wing in the colors of the Masci wing of Pouls/Pollets. For me, this is sufficient to trace Gribbles/Kraehenbuhls to the Mouse-Tower Poles at Goplo. As "Kraehenbuhl" has been traced to the Esus crane-and-bull, and as Esus' esox symbol has been traced to "Essex," note that Gobles/Goodbolds were first found in Essex. The latter are not only in Gobel(in) colors, but uses the bow and arrow, a Bauer / Bower > Rothschild symbol. Meanwhile, the Gobel(in)s use stars in Bauer-star colors while Bauers use nearly the Masci wing. If that's not enough, German Gebls/Geblers were first found in Bavaria, and use only a single fleur-de-lys in colors reversed to the Masci fleur.

SUDDENLY, the fish that I have identified with the origins of the fleur-de-lys, which origin I locate as per the Bosch fleur-de-lys, looks like it could have had origin in the esox = pike fish that was of the Esus cult. Yes, for the Boschs also use the Gribble/Kraehenbuhl ostrich feathers, and then it was found in the last update that the Treveri worshipers of Esus were in the same Moselle theater as Bar-le-Duc, the ones using the fish symbol that I had traced (2nd update July) to the origins of the Bosch and Bush fleur-de-lys.

But before I knew of the Bar-le-Duc entity or its fish, the fish of concern had been regarded here as the Keon / Kane fish, traced to the Saraca fish. In this picture, Saracas can be deemed Seir-ians, and probably the Saracens of history. I maintain my trace of Keons to "Khyan," and then I trace the Chaines/Chenays (Masci wing again) to Khyan too. I could repeat here that I traced "Apachnas" to "Bucking(ham)" before I found the Chenays/Chaineys, first found in Buckingham. In other words, it's working, and it suggests that Esau elements had moved across Europe with the line of the Exodus pharaoh. Why? Did God know that the Hyksos had partnered with Esau's sons? Was the worldly greatness of Esau to be kept a secret?

Hmm, the Esse surname is said to be named after an "ash tree," but as trees were a symbol of Esus...

Hmm, why was Esso from Exxon? "In states where it was restricted from using the Esso name, the company marketed under the Humble or Enco brands." Checking the Humble/Hummill surname (Campbell/Cammell colors), on owl in Crest? Edomincidence? In the Humble/Hummill Coat we also find the MacCarthy/Arthy stag, and a Shield design like the Fisher Shield.

I was just going to suggest that the mythical Fisher king traces to Esus when I found the "treu" motto term of German Fishers/Fisches (they use the Keon fish design). The True/Trow surname is also "Tree," for one thing, and then the Trues/Trees were first found in Warwickshire, where English Fishers were first found!!! We already have good cause for making a Fisher link to the Esus tree symbol, therefore, but then see the "resPICE motto term of the English Fishers, code no doubt for the pike bloodline. Again, the Pike surname uses trefoils, and trefoils trace to Trips/Treffs, what I consider a Traby branch...and then I also view Trues/Trows as Trabys. It all makes sense because Trabys are now being traced to Treveri!

Pikes and Trebys/TREEbys were both first found in Devon, and then Trebeks/Trowbecks/Truebacks use three curved fish in the fashion of the Traby bugles. The Fisher Shield is like the Shield of the Herod-suspect Hares, and then both Scottish Hares and Scottish Pikes were first found in Hare-like Ayrshire. The size and number of "teeth" (my term) in the Hare Coat look identical to those of the Humble/Hummel Coat, and then see the liars speak in the description of the Humble/Hummel Coat: "...a gold buck trippant and a gold fesse indented." TRIPPANT??? They lie. In reality, the Humbles/Hummells link to Trips and Trabys, but they kept it a secret.

It just so happens that Ayrshire is beside Argyllshire, where Campbells/Cammells were first found.

I'm convinced to a large degree already that Esso and Exxon were named after Esus and esox. Is that not amazing? Is it not a testament to the deception afoot everywhere in the land of Big Corp? I'm going to do my best not to gas up with Esso any longer. But then Shell is owned by Rothschilds. What oil company isn't owned by the devil, anyway?

Why is the Humble/Hummel fesse "inDENTed"? The Dent motto: "Concordia et industria" Compare with the motto ("Concordia Integratis Industria") on this Rothschild Arms, and don't neglect the so-called elephant trunks that double as prairie-buffalo horns.

More and more, the Rotten-Childs are looking like Esau in our faces. But I'm stumped for the moment at this new finding, that Rothschilds were closely linked to Dents. But I kid you not, as soon as I started to trace Esso / Essex to Esus just moments ago, I was wondering whether Tony the Tiger (long-time Esso symbol) was code for a bloodline/surname that was related to Esso / Esse elements, and here so soon I find a tiger in the Crest of the Dents!

The tiger is "couped," and then leaf-using Coupers/Coopers (York-surname saltire) had been discovered to be a Cappeo-lion line. The Cappeo lion developed in-part into a Yorkshire lion of the Hallands/Hallams and Bruces, and the point here is that Dents were first found in Yorkshire. The Cappeo lion was a sign from God for the Caiaphas bloodline. It's not the first time that Rothschilds have traced to Pharisee / Sadducee elements of the Laevi / Levi kind, and safe to say, we are dealing here with metal-industry which I've already traced Pharisees. The York motto not only uses "cupias," but "metuas," smacking of the "Ad metam" motto of Scottish Bowers/Beauers. Note that the latter Coat uses five bunched arrows, same as the Rothschilds Arms above.

I don't know whether I've ever mentioned it, but the Scottish Couper/Cooper motto, "VirTUTE," could be code for the Esau-related Touts et-al. I note that the Rothschilds Arms above uses a central red canton with white scallop, likely a version of the red Tout canton with a white crescent.

Both Scottish Bowers/Beauers and German Bauers/Bowers use a green Shield. The blue German-Bauer wing looks like a version of the German Here/Herr wing (see also the same wing of the German/Bavarian Herzogs), and so remember the tree stump in the English Here Coat (surname first found in DERBYshire). The blue wings of German Heres have evolved in the German-Fulk wings in the English Here Crest.

If you are not yet convinced that Rothschilds of the Dent kind link to the Caiaphas line, the Dents use ermined white lozenges, colors reversed to the lozenges (technically called "fusils" in this case) of the English Shaws/Sheaves (with "qui" motto term assuring linkage to key-using Sheaves/Chaves). If that's not enough, the Shaw/Sheaves Crest is bunched arrows (three to a bunch for a total of six). (The Fusil surname uses "lozenges".)

If you had the impression that the Cappeo lion out of Brescia/Brixia was linked to nearby Ananes and Laevi, then I should remind that torteaux (Esau and/or Herod symbol) are used also by the English Holly/Hollie surname, for Coupers/Coopers use holly leaves.

Scottish Coupers/Coopers were first found in Fife and are therefore suspect as a Pharisee /Sadducee line that had been fundamental to the birth (in Perthshire) of Pontius-Pilate. For example, I link the grail-using Scottish Shaws (first found in Perthshire) to that rotten priestly line. Now Coupers/Coopers are workers in copper, and many things besides barrels are made of copper, and usually barrels are not made of copper, yet the Couper/Cooper write-up traces to "maker of barrels." We're no longer their stupids, wherefore we realize that Coupers/Coopers link to the Barrel surname, especially as French Barrels/Barrels were first found in Dauphine (the place to which I trace Pontius Pilate's father), where Fusils were first found.

Again, Coupers/Coopers use holly leaves, and then we find a dolphin (trace-able to Dauphine) and a white talbot in the Holly Coat. It just so happens that English Barrels/Barrils (first found in HEREfordshire) use a white talbot too. Didn't Tony the Tiger used to say, "put a tiger in your tank"? Yes, and then both Coupers and Tanks/Tancreds use "fructed" in their Crest descriptions. Were Coupers traced to York elements? Tanks/Tancards were first found in Yorkshire.

I think I can now trace Dents to Salyes Ligures. I wasn't sure at all by the Dent bend being the same color as the Sales bend, but then entering "Dant" brought up the Durants (in Dent colors) that I trace to the Durance river on which Salyes lived. THEN, to boot, the three Dent lozenges on blue should link for the several reasons above to the three Brix/Bresson/Brice lozenges on blue, and the latter smack of the Brians that trace to Briancon on the Durance. Briancon was also called, Brigantium, explaining why both Irish Brians and Irish Bryces use the same lion design.

Moreover, Bryces, who had been traced with certainty to Vilnius, use the Scottish Pike saltire, and then Geddes, also traced to Lithuanians, use the pike fish as symbol.

This new link of Brains and Bryces to Dents now explains the French Brians use the Couper/Cooper and York saltire. Yes, this is definitely the Bruce=Cappeo lion line out of the Arms of Brescia/Brixia, suggesting that Brigantium/Briancon was named by the same Eburovices that named Brescia. Did we get the impression that these elements had been Trabys? That could explain why English Brians (piles) use a bugle in Crest in the colors of the Traby bugle (see Wikipedia article on Traby).

Did we succeed in making a satisfactory Traby link to Treveri? As the latter were traced to the Varni, who were fellow Nerthus worshipers with the Oxonae, and as it seems evident that these Masonic snakes evolved into the Veres of Oxanforda / Oxnaforda / Oxford (said to derive in Eburo-like Aubris), by what verincidence is it that the Brian and Bryce lion design is used by the Oxford surname? "Oxon" is the abbreviation for Oxford, but why "Oxon"?

Online we find that "Hellusii and Oxonae are fabulous [= non-historical]," but I don't believe it for a second. There is too much evidence that Oxonae trace exactly to Oxford Veres. I can now add that Exxon is suspect as an Oxonae entity, and this idea traces Oxonae to Esus' esox symbol, adding to the evidence that Varni / Treveri and Oxonae were related. In fact, the news revealed not too long ago that Veres/Weirs of Scotland had some illegal business dealings with Saddam Hussein before George Bush brought him down. It had been my impression on multiple counts that Bush invaded Iraq for Rothschild purposes. Very recently, Exxon signed a surprising oil deal with Kurdistan. Might that be the anti-Christ's and/or False Prophet's tentacle in northern Iraq?

The Dent surname would not be a topic today if not for the "indented" code of the Humbles/Hummells, and the latter would not be a topic if not for the Humble name of the proto-Exxon company. It was Dents who led to Rothschilds and Trabys, and therefore to Treveri and Esus. None of this would have been a topic had I not ventured to investigate an Exxon link to the Esus ESOX=pike symbol. It's not only working out, it looks like it could be central to the anti-Christ empire. In fact, EUROPIA adds up ALMOST to 666, and EUROPIA is European petroleum industry. I was informed that "Europia" uses an omega (the last letter 'O' in the Greek alphabet). But if the omicron 'O' of the Greek alphabet is used, with a value of 70, "Europia" adds up to 666 (e = 5, u = 400, r = 100, o = 70, p = 80, i = 10, a = 1).

By what 666-incidence have we found this EUROPIA just as 666-suspect Trabys had been the topic.

Bauers are said to have come to Bavaria from Austria, and I trace the Traby ostrich symbol to "Austria." It may be that Trabys and Bauers were fundamental to one another way back in Austria. It would not surprise me to find that the anti-Christ will be a Rothschild agent. I had traced the Bower/Beauer motto term, "metas," to "BaphoMET," because Boofima elements (human-sacrifice cult) in Africa had been traced to the Bavarian Illuminati (I was not the first to trace Baphomet to Africa, and others had also traced the Bavarian Illuminati to Africa). It seemed to me to be quite a coincidence that "Baph' and "Bav" reflected one another so well.

Tiger-like Teagues/Tigues (= McLeod sept) use "metuam" in their motto. That's probably not coincidental.

The point here is that the Tony surname is suspect as per Tony the Tiger, and when tracing Boofima to Baphomet some months ago, I had concluded that one of the most Baphomet-suspect surnames was Anthony, for it uses both a goat and a leopard, the two main symbols of Boofima. I had also noted that Bauer-star colors are used in the Italian Anthony Coat. But now would be a good time to emphasize the Austrian Anthony Coat! It's rare when houseofnames gives an Austrian surname (usually, they are given as German surnames first found in Austria).

Perhaps the Dents were Dentons/D'Entons and therefore from the Anton variation of the Anthonys! Aha-ha-hah-hah.

By the way, entering "Coop" or the "Coupe" motto code of Dents brings up the Copes with what I think are the Masci fleur-de-lys. The Coops/Copes were first found, as with the Tony surname, in Leicestershire, the place to which I trace Meschin-related Ligures.

The following sounds to begin as a stretch, but it leads to some key coincidences. The Tony surname is said to be from the "Standard bearer" of the Conqueror. It just so happens that Humble Oil became Standard Oil Company, and by the time that I had come to the Tony surname, it had already been decided that I would investigate Stand- and Stan-like surnames linked in the past to the Arthur motto. First, the Standard/Stonhard Coat, in the colors of the Humbels/Hummells, has a write-up tracing to "Stanehard," or "hard stone," and that already gets us to the RothSTEIN surname (arrow) that comes up when entering "Rothschild." Like the Rothsteins/Rothschilds, the Dutch Stein/Steen surname uses an eight-pointed star, meaning that Rothschilds are suspect from Steins and Stones. Let's not forget that Rothschilds own some of Dutch Shell oil, which are also in Iraq.

English Steins use leopard heads, as with Anthonys. German Steins were first found in Austria, and like Anthonys, they use a goat. If it's not exactly, it's close to the Russell goat, and it just so happens that while the occultist, Charles Taze Russell (Zionist founder of Jehovah's Witnesses) was in some capacity in cahoots with Lord Rothschild of London, the latter are thought to have made huge global strides in 1917, during the war that required plenty of oil/gasoline:

Exxon U.S.A. traces its roots from the Humble Oil Company, in the town of Humble, Texas, which was chartered in Texas in February 1911 with a capital of $150,000 (raised to $300,000 in 1912). In order to develop a refinery adjacent to the Goose Creek Oil Field at Baytown, Texas, on which Humble was the primary operator, the company was reorganized in 1917...The original company resulted from the collaboration of Ross S. Sterling and Walter Fondren, Sr. with Robert L. Blaffer, James Cooke Wilson, and William Stamps Farish II and others.

Many Rothschild experts claim that Rothschilds started wars in order to profit from them. !917 was near the end of WWI, and perhaps these entities above had all profited successfully in that war. The Rothschilds of that very 1917 took both Russia and Israel, and went on in, in few short years, to catapult the League of Nations into a global order.

The Stirling surname is the first one mentioned in that quote. It just so happens that the Stirling Crest is a Moor head, a symbol of African elements, and that the Stirling Coat uses a black-on-white bend, same as the Humbels/Hummells. These are also the colors of the Stanes/Stains, entered as per the Stanehard" term in the Standard-surname write-up. THEN, ZOWIE, there is nothing but a black-on-white bend in the German Stane/Stain Coat, surname first found in Bavaria!!

Using the Greek alphabet, "Stainer" adds up to 666. The Stainer Coat uses a stork and laurel branches in the Chief.

The Stirling motto, "Gang forward," suggests the Gang/Ginge surname, and it just so happens that Newt Gingrich is now ahead of both Romney and Cain in the polls. Amazingly, "Gingrich was raised in the borough of Hummellstown near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania..." Caps mine to reflect the Hummel variation of Humbles. It won't be long before we discover who will be running against Obama.

By what coincidence is it that both the Gang/Ginge and Stone Coats use gold-on-blue cinquefoils??? Remember, cinquefoils trace to Hastings, and the Standard bearer of Hastings was the Tony surname. The Stone Crest: another white talbot, symbol also of the Coupers/Coopers and Barrels/Barrils. Coupers/Coopers became a topic at all only due to the "couped' Dent tiger, and so let me repeat that Tony the Tiger should trace to the idea of Dente = D'Anton.

Both the Standard/Stonhard and Tiger surnames were first found in Suffolk.

There is a French Gingrich/Gaingras surname, first found in Poitou. The Esso sign was blue on white, and there may be a surname-reason for that. Gingrich's use blue on white. The Coops/Copes also use blue on white.

Wikipedia tells that "Esso" is a play on the "S.O" of "Standard Oil," but then the English Stanes/Staines were of HESlington elements. Entering that latter term, another Moor head in Crest. As you would guess by now, I say "Esso" is code for Esau. And I also say that globalists intent on honoring Esau to this day possess a purpose that drives them: to destroy God's Israel, not to build it. To plant Edomites in Israel, not true Jews.

The Hastings surname uses the same symbol (sometimes called a "sleeve") as the Tonys. Possibly, Hastings, Heslingtons, Hastons, and others were ultimately from "Esau." Many thanks to anyone who can find what "sleeve" is code for.

The Espaines were likely from Balso Despaines, of the MALAhule line of Sinclairs. The Espaines/Espagnes write-up: "Alfred d'Espagne was a great Norman Baron, brother of Roger Toeni, from Eespagne, Pont Audemer who was granted twenty lordships in Somerset." Just so you know that Tonys were of these Normans.

See also the Spines and Spoons (in colors reversed to the Esso sign) as per some Espaines variations (e.g. Spineto) that I think link to MALAspinas of Massa-Carrara. Spines were of Epineville (i.e. a pine-like term), suggesting the Pines/Pynes and Payens, but also the related Pendragon and Pender/Pinder surnames. Then check out the AsMALL and ASHmell variations of the Aspin surname...because the Aspin/Asmall Shield is split in two exactly like the Stone Coat! Ashes/Esses, Espaines, Stainers/Steyners and Stones were all first found in the Cornwall peninsula, and then Malahule's father was EySTEIN. Lot's of Esso fodder there.

Did you read the trace of the Fond de Villes to Vilnius in the last update? It just so happens that the Fondren term brings up the Fond de Villes, the line that I say was that of Herluin Conteville who married Herleva, the mother of the Conqueror. "Fondren" had been quoted above as one of the surnames that joined to became the Humble Oil Company. The Fonds were linked to Ponds and Bundys, the latter said to be one of the 13 Illuminati families...along with the Astons. Well it just so happens that there was an Esse location and surname related to the Ash surname, and it uses what should be a version of the Drake wyvern.

Black boars in the Ponder Coat.

Sullivans, who could be at the sleeve code, also use black boars. Nothing comes up when entering Sleeve, Sleave, Slave, Slew, Slav, or many other similar variations. The Silver crescent is interesting because two of them could form the Esso-logo oval. Plus, Silvers were first found in HESSen...and could link to Coupers/Coppers for obvious metal reasons. In the Couper/Cooper section above, the investigation led to Brian and Brescia elements of the Durance river. Both the Brians and Sullivans use "Lamh," a term that I traced to the Salyes.

The Brians who use "Lamh" use lions split into both metallic colors. English Silvers (HERTfordshire) and French Silvans/Sauvans (look like Sellicks) use gold-on-red lions, the colors too of the Brians above. Remember, the "sleeve" used by Hastings and Tonys is used also by Leicester's Arms, a place that traces to Salyes Ligures, in all likeliness. The Silvan/Sauvand use a single lion that is colors reversed to the Ley/Lee/Ligh/Leigh lion (and the personal lion of Ranulf le Meschin). See also the Leighton wyvern and the Huntingdon location of the clan, for I say that they are linked to the Traby (666) elements of Huntingdon. (Leightons use the Say Shield, relevant when to the Keath surname below.)

Red-on-gold lions are used also by Essons/Easons/Assones, who use a Shield just like that of the Eastons (but in colors reversed). The Esson/Eason write-up traces to "Aythe's son," but that indicates that the similar-Shielded Heths/Heaths are in view. The latter use two stars in colors reversed to the two Silvan and Sellick stars. In the translation of the Silvan motto, there is a "death" term indicating the Darths/Deaths, said to be from "Aeth." The Silvan/Cuckney motto term in French is "mourant," close enough to "morte" to indicate that the clan is part of "Morte D'Arthur" mythology.

A trace of Heths/Heaths to Keith Catti gets us to the Catti of Hesse. Lay your bets on an Esso trace to Rothschilds of Hesse Cassel?

The Leighton write-up: "In this case, the name means 'settlement on the River Lea' and was also known until 1921 as 'Low Leyton' and also included Leytonstone." Another stone. Then the German and Jewish Low Coats use the same gold-on-red lion, not only in Leighton colors, but in colors reversed to the Ley/Lee/Leigh lion, meaning that Lows and Leighs are indeed Ligurians too.

I suggest linkage of English Low(e)s to Lowrys/Lauries with the Rodham tree stump. You saw plenty of gold and black above, the colors of the Traby bugle; Lows use those colors too.

It's been years since I've been able to re-find the Irish version of the Lowry/Laurie Coat; it just came up as "Lowry," showing a Glory variation. Here's the write-up: "References from Lecale in 1447 state that Donatus MacGlory 'held a bishop's court before the O'Neill and the Savage.'" The Sweenys/Swynes, who use the black Sullivan boar and a version of the Sullivan lizard, must therefore be a branch of Swaynes/Swans/Sions. I had made that link a few years ago with some additional information, including the Sweeny write-up trace to Neils: "The name is derived from Suibhne O'Neill, who was a chieftain in Argyll, Scotland."

This is a good place to mention that, about a week ago, GD forwarded an idea that the Stanislaw surname could be from mythical Sthenelus. One Sthenelus was king of Liguria, father of Cycnus. Did you note the Cuckney variation of the Silvans? Doesn't it suggest that Silvans were from, not only Salyes Ligures, but from the Sthenelus > Cycnus swan line?

I kid you not that, when this update led to the Stan-like surnames yesterday morning, it had nothing to do with the Stanislaw message forwarded by GD. Yesterday's update ended at the Sweeney topic, and then last night I was emailing, at which time I was reminded about the Stanislaw surname. What excellent timing that it should come right here. Now watch the "magic," because a short investigation on the Stanislaw surname led straight to Percival, the father of the mythical Swan Knight, that being excellent evidence that Stanislaws were in honor of Sthenelus Ligurians.

It was while emailing last night that I loaded the Stanislaw Coat for the first time. It seemed lucky that there was a Coat at all, and it happens to be Polish, using three "steel blades" in the same fashion as the Traby bugles (i.e. all three coming out from a central point). This may be revealing because the Arms of Foetes/Fussen use three legs in the same fashion, and Foetes has been discovered to be a Ligurian location...meaning that Trabys may use their three bugles in a fashion that is purely Ligurian in ownership.

The Stanislaw blades are even in the colors of the Traby/Sadowski 'Q', and it was just determined that this 'Q' was for the Queen/Swan/Sion bloodline. But the magic in the Stanislaw surname even traces to Sion/Sitten because I had identified "STHENelus" with the Sithones (branch of Thracian Edones) that became the Scandinavia Sitones, living beside the swan-like Sviones. I had determined that Sthenelus-rooted Sitones named Sitten.

Well, well, I just checked my files to see whether I had ever treated the Stanislaw surname, when, from the 3rd update January, 2000), there appeared a link to Albrycht Stanislaw Radziwill, standing on a checkered floor (either black and white or black and gold checks). His mother was a Myszka surname, and the point is, I had just traced (last update) the Astikas > Radziwill line to Sion/Sitten by other means. Therefore, it could just be that Trabys trace to Sthenelus Ligurians, especially if Radziwills and/or Trabys used "Stanislaw" in earlier times. Remember, Stainer = 666, and Traby bugles look like they incorporate a 666.

I opened email from Tim last night, saying that a childhood friend with Arnold surname (pheons) had gotten to dating a Bullock surname. Tim thought it was surprisingly curious that both Bullocks and Arnolds use an ermined-white chevron on red.

I've already traced Bullocks to Mieszko Poles. Besides, both surnames above use the Wayne Shield, and Waynes use a pelican, a Polish symbol. THE POINT IS, the Bullock Crest shows "Five Lochaber axes with gold handles and silver blades..."!!! I was telling Tim that I rarely see blades in heraldry, and frankly I don't know whether I've seen any other blades aside from the Bullock ones...until an hour or so before opening Tim's email, when the Stanislaw blades showed up. I don't think that's coincidental. God should have a special message for us here.

First, the Swan Knight was Lohengrin, and he has been traced to the Lock / Lock / Logen surnames, using swans. Secondly, Lohengrin/LOHERANgrin easily traces to the Laurie/Lowry surname (see first update this month), assuring all the more that Lowrys/Glorys also trace to swan-line Ligurians. This is a good place to remind that I trace Waynes to Lake Van, where Mus was/is located, and that the Sweeney write-up traces to that Mus line in Muskerry: "[Sweeneys] later became attached to the MacCarthys in the south and acquired their own territories and castles in Muskerry in County Cork." Remember too that I linked the Wayne Coat to the Irish Arthur Coat, and much later (very recently) came to realize (with evidence) that the Arthur surname's Gabrain ancestry was from the MacCarthys/Arthys of Muskerry. (Sullivans use the MacCarther stag, if that helps to trace MacCarthers to Salyes.)

Did you notice the axe in the Sweeney Crest. That's as per the clan's pet name, "'MacSweeney of the Battleaxes." But then Bullocks use axes and blades together.

When I saw pheons in the Arnold Coat, I wrote Tim telling that I had just found pheons in the Blade Coat. I've been tracing "pheon" for some time to proto-Phoenician Biaini, founders of Lake Van. The pheons of the Blades are white on green, colors reversed from the Deas/Daisy Coat, the latter surname (from Angus) known to trace to Desmonds of Muskerry!!! Sweeneys, suspect as the Ligurians encoded by the Stanislaw blades, use the Sullivan lizard in white on green. You understand that the black Sweeney boar is the Esau boar.

I am having a tough time figuring whether the pagan grail cult was itself confused on what bloodline in particular was the grail line. Via heraldry, it seems to trace to Pilates, Herods, Arthurs, Esau-ites, and then also to the chief-priests of Israel. We saw grails used by Pillettes/Pilottes, and then white pheons are used by French Pillettes/Pilotes. We could expect the white Blade pheons to apply to the Pontius-Pilate line. The Laurie/Lowry motto uses "Repullulat," a Pilate code I think, because the laurel branch in the Laurie/Lowry grail traces to Dauphine, the place where I imagine the bloodline of Pilate's father (I trace Pilate's father for the time being to the Valerius-Gratus bloodline, or the Valery surname, first found in Dauphine). While the tree stump in the Laurie/Lowry Crest indicates the Esus cult, the clan was first found in Edom-like Dumfries.

Now Esus cut his trees down with an axe, and so the heraldic axe symbol should also be his symbol, at least at times. You might be correct to suggest that God's axe, said to be at the bottom of the tree of the Pharisees, was conceived as play on the Esus axe and tree stump. The fact that the Laurie and Rodham tree stumps are growing shoots may even be mockery in God's face, the attempt to bring back the religious leaders to some form of power.

Here's the Lowry/Glory write-up: "The surname Lowry is derived from the patronymic Irish Gaelic name 'O Labhradha,' where 'Labraidh' means 'spokesman.'" There needs to be a reason that the talbot dog is a Labrador, and this could be it. The Blade Crest is a black talbot, and then it's possibly that "LaBRAIDh" was at one time "Blade." That gets us close to "Pratt," a term that I trace to "priest," not forgetting that Belgian Pratts use the Annandale saltire (as used by Bruces). Plus, the first-listed variation of the Lowrys is "Lavery," perhaps indicating that this was a branch of Laevi peoples.

English and Irish Pratts use plates (black roundels), a term much like "Blade." Blade variations include Blate and Blait, and the surname was first found in Yorkshire, where Bruces lived largely after stemming from Belgians. In fact, Bruces are traced (by others) to Belgian Louvains, who also smack of Laevi. I link Bruces to Brugs/Briggs (pelican), first found in Yorkshire and in Bruce-of-York colors. I trace the Brugs/Briggs to Bruges. Belgium.

The Blade write-up: "The family claim descent from Drago de Bewere, a Danish nobleman who settled at a place called Blades in north England around 1016. He obtained extensive land grants...The variant Burseblades emerged through a compounding of the names of the founder and the estate." Drago de BeWERE certainly smacks of the Vere hold on Drakenberg. And "Burseblade" smacks of a Bruce inclusion into the Blade entity. HOWEVER, my first impression on "BURSEblade" was as per the Purse surname, a variation of the Perse/Pierce surname, that being a variation of the Percival surname! And that's the "magic" I promised way back on the Stanislaw surname.

Yes, both the Purse/Pierce and Burse (not to mention the Percivals) were first found in Somerset, and both use black and gold. It could be added that the pierces stars of the Sellicks (= Salyes Ligures) are likewise in black and gold, suggesting the possibility that pierced stars are code for the Perse/Pierce -- and therefore the Percival -- bloodline.

As the speer of destiny that pierced Jesus should be the valued symbol of those who murdered Jesus, by what coincidence is it that I now trace "Pharisee" to the Parisii, co-founders of York (= Eboracum) with the Bruce-related Eburovices/Ebroicum? Before making that Parisii-Pharisee link, I traced Percival/Parzival to the Parisii too, and it just so happens that the French Levi surname, also in black and gold, was first found in Paris. Let's not forget the Abreu lions and tower used by Priestleys/Presleys, or that the latter surname traces easily to Kerricks and therefore to Carricks with the black talbot (i.e. used also by the Blade Crest). I don't, however, think that the Parisii were named after the idea of "pierce," and certainly not after the piercing of Jesus.

So what we have is a Stanislaw surname using blades in the fashion of the Traby bugles, linked to the five white blades of the Bullocks that must be a reflection of the five white ostrich feathers of the Trabys. These blades are code for the Blades and Burseblades that were linked to Burses and Purses of Somerset, the latter pair not only suspect as the Pharisee line amongst the Arthurian cult, but the line that Arthurian cultists made the so-called Grail King (= mythical Percival), father of the Swan Knight...meaning that Stanislaws do indeed trace to mythical Sthenelus, king of Liguria. Thank you, GD.

Before leaving the Stanislaw topic, here's a list of some variations: Stanek, Stanicki, Stasiak, Staszak, and Stasinski.

Did you notice the wavy white chevron of the Purses/Perses/Pierces? It could be from the white wavy bar in the Arms of Vienne.

Lookie at what was found as per some Tim email wherein he sent in the Quinlisk Coat: "The Lisk surname is thought to have derived from the name of the lands of Leask, in the parish of Slaines, Aberdeenshire...Their first records were at Pitlurg in the parish of Slaines about the year 1380 but it is thought they held a family seat at that location from very early times." That's the write-up of the Lisk surname, first found in the shire that Scottish Leslies were first found. In other words, the Lisks, and therefore the Quinlisks, look like Leslies.

It just so happens that the Trabys trace to Quinces and Quinns appears to be in view here, for the Irish Leslie Coat uses the same gold lion as the Sforza Coat, and the latter's lion holds a flower called a "quince." Well it just so happens that the Quince(y) Coat uses only mascles, the only Lisk symbol too.

This is most excellent for my trace of the Leslie Coat to the Save Coat and therefore for the Leslie trace to the Save/Sava river. It's also excellent for the trace I make of Saer de Quincy (mentioned in the Quincy write-up) to the Austrian Saer/Sauer surname, said to be named after the same Save/Sava river. As this find comes immediately after the Stanislaw trace to Sthenelus Ligurians, it seems that Leslies had linked to those Ligurians at the Slaines location of the Lisks. That is, Salyes Ligures were at Slaines. In fact, Slaines were first found in Shropshire = Salop, and I tend to trace Salyes to the Sales-of-Mascy that I think named Salop.

AHA! The Slaine Crest is the green Leslie griffin, now proving that the Lisks of Slaines were indeed Leslies.

AND ZOWIE, to prove that Sthenelus elements were with Leslies, I've just found the Save and Leslie bend used by the Stanley/StanLEIGH/Stonley Coat!!! Both Slaines and Leslies are traced in their write-ups to Flemings.

"AHA!!!" The Stoner surname was just checked to find a Coat VERY REFLECTIVE of the Standard Coat. Were the Standards linked to Esus and the Oxonae? Yes, and Stoners were first found in...OXFORDshire! I may have missed that great evidence had it not been for Tim's Quinlisk email. He sent the surname in because it uses a papal mitre.

The Lisk mascles and the Leslie bend are in the colors of the Esso sign. I'm still seeking why Esso used those colors.

"GRIP THIS!!!" The Treveri worshipers of Esus, and the Varni relatives of the Oxonae, were linked in the last update to the Gripps/Grabbers, and now I find that the Leslie-related Slaines use a bend in colors reversed to the Gripp/Grabber bend! How excellent is that for tracing the "Grip fast" motto of Leslies to (Austrian) Gripps/Grabbers?

This is a good place to remind that Leslies (= Hungarians and Poles to begin with) should trace to Alessandria, not necessarily to the "Ales" of that term, but to the proto-Hungarians of Alessandria. For the Arms of Alessandria use the griffin. It can be said here that the Alis Coat

I wasn't going to talk about the Mitre/Miterand surname as it might link to the mitre of the Quinlisk Crest, but as it shows a dove, perhaps the fact could be mentioned here as i share from Julie. She chewed me out in fun not long ago because, as she says, she had been "screaming" at me for three years, while I hardly took notice, that Herods were central to Freemasonry. Just let it be known that I had no predisposed ideas for tracing Masons to Herods (or to Esau, or to Pharisees, etc). Here's what Julie says:

btw, if you're dealing with any 'dove' imagery, know that Herod rascals also bond with doves. They adored doves and had large dovecotes built in their palaces. There is even one type of dove named after the Herod lineage. hor-desi'ot or 'Herodian doves"

I wrote her to say that, as Herods linked to Cyprus elements, the Herod dove-love may have been for the dove symbol of Ishtar i.e. in her role as Semiramis of the Cyprus theater. In light of Revelation 17 placing a grail in the hand of Babylon the harlot, whom I argue is Ishtar, see Wikipedia's article on Semiramis:

Herodotus ascribes to [Semiramis] the artificial banks that confined the Euphrates and knows her name as borne by a gate of Babylon... old name of the city of [Lake] Van was Shamiramagerd...

According to the legend as related by Diodorus, Semiramis was of noble parents, the daughter of the fish-goddess Derketo of Ascalon in Syria and a mortal. Derketo abandoned her at birth and drowned herself. The child was fed by doves until she was found and brought up by Simmas, the royal shepherd.

...Armenian tradition portrays her as a homewrecker and a harlot.

Years ago, I traced her to Sames, Armenian god near Syria, and Aram, the alternative name of Syria. There is obvious good reason for tracing her fish-tailed mother of Ascalon in Syria to the Dagon cult at Ascalon/Ashkelon of Philistia. It just so happens that, in the same email wherein Julie shared the dove bit, she said: "...since you're writing that Apollo links to ALL, you want to remember that...the Herod clan REPUTEDLY once having being Herodules {priests} of Apollo cult." Then she left the URL of this website:

...It was this Apollo of Cypro-Phoenician [i.e. non-Greek] lineage who bequeathed his name to the Roman city Apollonia, between Caesarea and Jaffa...Likewise, the worship of Apollo in Hellenistic Ashkelon...One tradition has it that Herod's grandfather served as hierodule (a temple servant) in the temple of Apollo at Ashkelon. The sacred dogs of Ashkelon, like the dogs and puppies at Kition (= Cyprus], just might have been part of a healing cult in the tradition of Apollo-Resheph-Mukol.

Apollo was father to the healer, Asclepios, who easily traces in this picture to "Ascalon." But Asclepios also traces to Scylla at Messina (Sicily). To be sure, we are dealing here with the escalloped Samson and Meschin surnames tracing back to the "Biblical" Samson of the Philistine theater. Samson was given a fox symbol, and then Jesus called one Herod a fox.

The problem with the Herods = hierodule claim is that it may have been made wrongly as an attempt to explain what Herods had been named after. I'm not saying that I think the claim is wrong, for frankly I just don't know. But here's Wikipedia on hierodules:

In ancient Greece and Anatolia a hierodule...was a temple slave in the service of a specific deity, often with the connotation of religious prostitution. Her prostitution would technically be excused because of the service she provided to the deity. The priestesses of Inanna/Ishtar were known to be hierodules...

It's no wonder that Ishtar was a "great mother"; there weren't any condom machines in the temple. "Heiron" by the way means, temple. Are we to think that Herods were male prostitutes in a temple? That's pretty herod to believe.

Tim did some digging and reminded me of the name of the Vilnius bundle of sticks or rods: a "fasces." It's a Roman-dictatorship symbol, smacking of "fascist." Tim found the fasces in the Seal of the United States Senate, which tends to prove that America was fashioned after Rome, the seat of the Great Mother until the very Last Day.

See the straps around that bundle of sticks. Do they not strike us as the Annan(dale) saltire-and-Chief combination? The Hinks use the combination too, and this by the way is good evidence for tracing the Inch/Hinch and related Inces to the Ananes Gauls. The Italian Latins/Latoni use the same saltire in Hinks colors, which are the two colors of the Annandale saltire when used by Bruces and the Arms of Ayrshire.

By what coincidence did we just trace the straps on the Senate fasces to Latins after starting with the premise that the straps were code for Annandales? It seems like a clue that the fasces traces in particular to Latins...who by the way were the Ladon-dragon line. In Revelation 17, the Ishtar harlot is in partnership with the Ladon dragon, you see. The Annandale motto term is code for the Hesperides, the garden of the serpent/dragon, Ladon. Spaldings, who were independently traced to Hesperides before the Hinks were traced to Latins, use a "hinc" motto term). Note that "Spalding" begins like "Hesp(erides),"

Here's the Arms of Vilnius almost showing "United States" in its motto.

Here's an interesting coincidence. I had neglected to mention in the last update that Kretschmers/CreekMORES are traced in their write-up to "Inn," which for me seems like code for the Ince/Ines bloodline to the Innes' of Moray. Let's not forget that the axe at the end of the fasces is a Cretan symbol. and that KRETschmers were traced back to Cretans of the Crichton/Creightons and Carrick kind. I had traced the Inces to the Insubres (Milan theater). The "pluribus" term in the motto of the Senate seal is subre-like when spelled backward. It even smacks of "Hesperide" i.e. the Insubres may have been from the Hesperides. The entire motto is "E pluribus unum."

Why is the serpent, with seven coils, eating a black child in the Arms of Insubria? It's the Visconti and Sforza serpent, and I have read that the Visconti serpent had, by design, seven coils. Could it be the same theme as Revelation's seven heads? Here's the flag and Arms of the Dutchy of Milan. REMEMBER, the Milan surname uses a tree stump.

Compare "Sforza" with the Suber/Seiber/Seaver surname...using just a green leaf. Then, French Savarys/Savards use besants on blue, as does the Melun/Mellon Coat. This is the first inkling I've had that the oft-mentioned Savarys and Saffers, whom I typically link to Sforzas, trace to InSUBREs of Milan.

I already know that Viscontis were close to the Massi/Mattis clan (black-on-gold Milan / Visconti / Insubres eagle) as per the Massino-Visconti location, but to that I can now add that the Massi/Mattis Shield is also the Melun/Mellon Shield...which tends to prove that the latter surname was in honor of Milan elements. Yes, the Massi/Mattis Shield uses blue and white checks rather than a solid-blue Shield, but then the German Mellons/Melins use blue and white checks.

By the way, the Milan surname was first found in Messina, the place that I assume named Massino-Visconti. AND, I trace the Massino-Visconti cult to the Massin/Mason surname, all-important to Freemasons.

Having just traced Sforzas to Leslies not far above, what about the Sobek/Sobieski buckle? Leslies also use buckles. Shouldn't that be capable of identifying Sobeks/Sobieskis as Insubres? By what coincidence does the Sobieski write-up mention a subre-like term: "The surname Sobek comes from the Slavic personal name Sobeslaw, meaning 'usurp glory.'" Might that be part code for the Lowrys/Glorys? Hmm, the Laurels/Laures use the Massin/Mason and Louvain lion in colors reversed.

Now is the time to remind that the Insubres are traced (by me) to torteaux-using Inces, whose Tortona location was in the Laevi theater. I'm thinking that Louvains / Leuvens and Lowrys were Laevi. Note that French Meluns/Mellons were first found in Ile-de-France, as with the Levi surname.

The Sobieski write-up: "First found in Lubel among others. There was a Sobieski family of Lubel, who belonged to the Clan Janina, a Sobieszczanski family of Lublin, who belonged to the clan Nalecz, and a Sobek family of Sandomiersz, who belonged to the clan Brochwicz." Clan Nalecz is the one using the 'Q' (my personal term), and then the Sobieski buckle looks like a 'Q' as well. Again, my hunch is that the 'Q' is in-part for the Quince(y), and therefore the Sforza, bloodline.

How important are Insubres? Why are they figuring so large? If true that they trace to Innes' of Moray, then the Innes Zionist star, blue on white, could be on the Israeli flag today. Consider also that the Annan(dale)s show Inyaney, Innieney, Inyoney, and Inyanee variations. Simply put, the bloodline from the chief priests of Israel, in Jesus' day, are now on the Israeli flag. If this is all correct, including the trace of Insubres to Hesperides, then the Ladon dragon is part of the founders of modern Israel. The same that formed the Roman dragon also formed modern Zionism. How ironic is that?

I had no idea that I would be saying the above when it first dawned on me, years ago, that the green Innes snake was a version of the Visconti snake (the latter's was originally green on white).

Way back in the summer, Tim sent emails that I allowed to get old. Coming across them last night, they were lists of septs of various clans with some interesting stories to tell. The list of MacIntosh septs was interesting if only for the question of where the "In" part derives. As the Comers/Combers were a recent topic at the mythical ancestry of king Clovis, it's also interesting that MacIntoshes have Comber, Combie, Combs, Come, Comtosh, Cumber, and other similar variations. As i had traced Comers/Combers to Biblical Gomer, so we also find MacIntosh septs like Gom, Gome, Goom, Gum, and Gume, followed by a Heggie. I've always suspected that "Gog" variations took on a Hog-like form, but then I also suspect that "Hyksos" took on Hick- like forms. And so we find MacIntosh septs by the name of Hichenson, Hicheson, Hickenson, Hickeson, Higgenson, Higgie, Hikeson, and similar others.

If we're getting the impression that Gog and Gomer were in the MacIntosh fold, fasten your eyes on the MacinTOCK variation, suggesting Biblical Togarmah, son of Gomer. THEN WOW, CONSIDER THE TIMING OF my opening Tim's email, for in the MacIntosh list we even find Eson, Eason, Easson, and Easone variations smacking of the Esso / Exxon topic introduced just days ago!!!

If that's not enough, Tony the Tiger can now be traced to TOGARmites. Is that not wild? Again, the timing of this tells me that it's true. For your information, it appears that Esons were also Easolms, Easombs, Easombes, Easomes, and similar others. What do you see? The possibility that "Come", "Comb" and "Colm" got wrapped up in "EaSOME", "EaSOMB" and "EaSOLM." There's even an ESSOme variation, not to mention "Eggo."

Then, at the top of the list, "Aeson" and many similar others, which for me refers to a metal-making cult, that of mythical Aeson > Jason at Lemnos, the metal-making island of HephAEStus. Jason visited and mated with Amazons on Lemnos, and Amazons were Meshech!

Did we see the Esse/Ash surname in the Esso discussion? Yes, and in the MacIntosh list we also find several Ash-using surnames.

Did I suggest a trace of Tony the Tiger to the Teagues? Well just look at the MacIntosh variations of MacCagg, and Maccagy, for in the Teague write-up there are MacCaig and MacCaige variations included! PLUS, the MacIntosh motto uses "cat," and moreover shows an orangey cat as symbol. , MacKaig, MacKeague, McKeague, McKeage.

I don't think it has ever dawned on me that the "glove" motto term of MacIntoshes (and other Clan Chattan allies) was code for "Clovis." It just so happens that the Close/Clovse surname (spur, Botter-suspect), which I did trace to Clovis, uses Chattan (and Botter) colors.

Understand here, it's Monday morning as I write, the day that this update is due. All of the material above the MacIntosh topic was already written, i.e. not based on, or aligned with, what;s now under discussion. It just so happens that the Leslie, Lisk, and Save bends, blue on white, are used in colors reversed by the Chattan/Chatto and Chatan surnames.

The Chattan castle (same as French Martins) is not quite the Innes castle, but then the latter is the Clode/MacLeod castle, and I trace Clodes/McLeods to king Clovis' original name. French Martins were first found in Gascony, where French Martels were first found, and Martels are said to be from "Martin"...suggesting that we are now touching on French royal clans when on the MacIntosh subject. The "Touch" term in the MacIntosh / Chattan motto is likely code for Teagues and other Tiger / Togarmah bloodlines.

Teagues use a wolf=DOG, possibly from TOGarmah. The Cattans (no 'h') even use a "lupus" motto term, not to mention a "metuit" term smacking of the "metam" term of Scottish Bowers/Beauers. Then, the Cattan-Coat leopard is similar to the Danish-Bauer leopard. You've probably picked up on a Chattan trace to the Hesse Catti, suggesting that the Esso-like variations of MacIntoshes trace to Hesse too.

I traced Teagues to mythical Teucer, Trojan founder with Batia, his daughter. I traced Merovingians to Batavians, and Franks have been traced by many others, at the laughs of certain historians, to Trojans (laughing historians can't be trusted). It seems logical that Jason (of the Argo ship) was of the Kabeiri cult of Hephaestus, and then we find that the founder of the Kabeiri was an Iasius/Iasion, much like Jason's father, Aeson. It just so happens that Trojans were founded in-part by mythical Dardanus (who married Batia), and Dardanus was made a brother to Iasius/Iasion. Therefore, the trace of Togarmah-like Teucer to the Teagues still stands just because Teague elements and Aesons are both parts of MacIntoshes/MacinTOCHs.

The Chatans (one 't') were first found in Poitou, beside Limousin, and they use roses. The Rose clan was first found in Limousin, and Roses are suspect as the Biblical Rosh of Ezekiel 38/39 (some Bible versions omit Rosh), where Gog, Meshech, Gomer, and Togarmah are listed as the allies of the end-time anti-Christ. The original point here was that I trace (without a doubt) Limousin's founders to Lemnos. Another point is that I trace Roses to Rhodes, where Kamiros appears founded by Gamir = Cimmerians. We can figure a Rosh trace to Russell elements of the Rodez/Roussillon theater, and of course to the neighboring Rhodanus river.

I had traced Teagues to Tolkiens because the latter are also Tooks/Tokes. But there has always been a question of whether "Tolkien" traces to the devilish Telchines of Rhodes. It just so happens that the Rush wolf head looks like the Teague wolf head. On top of that, I traced the Exodus Hyksos to Rhodes, especially to Danaans of Rhodes (that is to address the Hyksos-like variations of MacIntoshes).

It just so happens that Scottish Roses, of Ross-shire, were first found in Nairn, and yet another MacIntosh sept is "Nairn." The list also shows Naorne and Naourn, closer yet to "Nahor." I and others trace Biblical Nahors to the Nairi of Lake Van, and some trace Nairi to Neuri...which Herodotus equated with wolves. The Neuri (in the land of the Ukrainian Rus) had a Budini branch, and the motto of MacIntoshes / Chattans use "Bot" or "Bota."

I link Varangian Rus to Rhodians and to Nibelungs. I thought that there was good evidence to trace Nibelungs to Nobels. It just so happens that the MacIntosh list of septs includes Nobels and many similar others. Hmm, Noels use a "cuique" motto term, possibly suggesting the Cagy-like Teague variations used by MacIntoshes. In other words, Noels may have been of the Nobel bloodline.

After writing the above, the Cage surname was checked to find the same stag in Crest as per the Noel Crest. I love it when things like that happen. The Cage Shield is split in two in the same colors as Cattans. It was only after writing that that I decided to tell of the "Cautes" motto term of Cattans, a term bringing up the Cotes/Cottins (that I suspect as Cottians); both Cotes/Cottins (Languedoc, location of Rodez / Roussillon) and Noels use lattice (or "fretty"), and that can't be a cottincidence.

Just before introducing the MacIntosh topic, I had traced the Ince clan to Saffers et-al as per InSUBRE." It wasn't a hard trace by any means, just suggestive. I now find that MacIntoshes, who use a distinct "In" term, apparently, have Saffer- and Savary- like septs such as Safewright, Saffewrite, Savewright, Seafright, Seavright, Seffright, and others (including Shackright).

There is a Saffewright surname first found in Angus, the term that "Innes" traces to (i.e. Innes and Angus' were related). AND ZOWIE, after writing all that, the Saffewright Coat loaded showing torteaux!!! I love it when things like that happen. I had traced the Inces, who use torteaux, to Insubres (Inces have an Innes-like variation, and Innes' have an Ince-like variation). The Saffewright torteaux are called, "disks," and there's a "thunderbolt" in Crest. Guiscards are thought to have used thunderbolts.

I thought the following was amazing. The Seiver/Sever/Saver Coat (in Save colors) was loaded as per the Siever-like variations of MacIntosh septs. The rings in the Coat had me loading the Rush Coat to compare its rings, but as the ring colors were not the same, I wasn't going to suggest a Rush-Seiver link. Then, because the Kiev location and topic came to mind while the Seiver Coat was loading, I checked the Cheevers Coat (goats), for in the past Cheevers had been linked to the Varangian-Rus elements that I think named Kiev. There in the Cheever motto was "En dieu," and rushing to see where else the phrase had just been seen, it turned out to be the Rush motto, "Un Dieu." I love it when things like that happen.

The Rush horse design is used by the Frees/Fries, who I think are Frisians. It's known that Nibelungs had merged with Frisians...who lived smack beside Wieringen, the home of the first Varangians that were led by a Rurik in the very same period that a Rurik-named Varangian went to Kiev (I think they were the same man). It therefore appears solid that the Rush surname was of the Varangian Rus.

Both the Seivers and Frees/Fries were first found in Essex, the Esox-suspect location where we should expect Treveri, Varni, and the like that I think founded Varangians. The Saffewright torteaux are in Vere colors, and it just so happens that a Saffewright motto is "Recte ferio." I say that Veres were at the root of "Pharisee," and then the Frees/Fries show Phrese and Phreeze variations. I also think that Veres are at the roof of "FREEmason," and it was the other Freie/Frey/Vreie Coat that was traced to Massin/Masons, you see.

Besides that, recent Payen investigations, as well as other hints, suggested that Hugh de Payen, the first Templar grand master, was a religious leader only due to tracing to Shaw/Sheaves / Chaves bloodline that I am sure was of the chief-priests of Israel who did most of the legwork in arresting and murdering Jesus.

In this picture, Varangians had linked up with the metal-making cults of the Bower / Bauer kind, and of course the Ferraris were metal makers that I trace to "Pharisee." I include the Bauers into this lump because Rothschilds, mainline founders of modern Israel, are bound to be from the priests who murdered Christ. I don't think God would have it any other way. It just so happens that German Rushes use arrows that for me tends to re-expose the Gog-nature of the Rothschilds. That is, Rothschilds likely trace to Rosh on their Roth side. Prior to their choosing the Rothschild name, their Bower / Bauer arrows traced to Khazar elements of the Magyar Hungarians, the latter likely of the Magog entity to which Ezekiel 38 links Gog.

Remember, I traced proto-Magyar Hungarians to the Tortona theater, and that's where the Saffewrights-et-al are now tracing. If you're convinced that MacIntoshes were loaded with the allies listed in Ezekiel 38, it tends to verify a Magog link to Magyars. Khazars, by the written admission of their king Joseph, a so-called "red Jew," were Togarmites (info readily available online). Macintoch-incidence??? I don't think so.

As per all the Wright terms used by Saffewright-like septs of MacIntoshes, the Wright surname could be investigated. It is said to be from the Fabers (think metal FABRicators), and then one Faber Coat looks like it uses the Sforza lion, conspicuous where "Faber" is not a far cry from "Sforza." Or, put it this way, that "Ferrari" metal fabricators could have morphed into "Faber," or vice versa, while "Sforza" may have been from a Fers-like term. Fabers and Wrights all use blue and white, colors of the Chattans and Chatans.

The Chattan and Chatan (identical) bends link to bends of Leslies and Lisks, and we saw above that Lisks were also Quinlisks. The latter's Quin term had been traced to Quinces, and it just so happens that Sforzas use a "quince." Besides, Leslies have already been traced to Sforzas in quite a hard way, meaning that Chattans, and therefore MacIntoshes, trace to Sforzas. That in itself can trace the "in" in "MacIntosh" to the Inces / Insubres.

Tim also sent in a list of Corbin/Corbett septs (though he didn't send in the online page). In the list are some very interesting details, for there happens to be some Indaggard, Indaggart, Indaggord, and several other similar terms smacking of "MacINTOCH" and Togarmites. It just so happens that Taggerts/Toggerts (owl) were first found in ROSS-shire, and use a "ratione" motto term smacking of Rhetia/Raetia, smack beside the home of Insubres. BY what coINcidence is it that Indaggarts use "In"??? Entering "Indaggart" brings up the Taggarts/Toggerts.

Later in the same list: MacAtegard, MacEndrew, MacEntegard, MacIndrew, MacIntaggard, MacTagart, MacToggart, and many more similar.

Did I trace king Andrew of Hungary to Ross-shire? YES, but later and recently, I found his name in Alessandria, the region of north-Italy where Tortona is located? By what cosmic coincidence is it that the list of Corbin/Corbett septs shows "Anders" and several similar variations???

Let's not miss the elephant in the Corbin/Corbett crest, or the raven in the Coat that I trace to Rus (German Rothes use the same raven). You can bet your best trunks that this elephant traces to the Esus tree stump, and therefore to the Treveri. Did I just trace the Varni and Treveri to the Gripps and Gibbles? Yes, and that was just days before I opened the email with Corbin/Corbett septs...that includes Cribben, Crippan, Crippand, Gribban, and many similar variations! I now see why I had missed these old emails from Tim, as though by Design for the right time. The list also shows Crow, Crowe, and Croy, suggesting the possibility that Gripps and Gribbles were named after Crow-like variations to which Corbins/Corbetts trace.

After the list of many Taggert-like terms, the septs include evidence that Tolkiens/Tokes were indeed related to Togarmah-like clans: Tilach, Tillake, Tockard, Tockart, Tulach, Tulk, Tullo, Tyllyck, and many more. The Tillacks et-al were likewise first found in Ross-shire, and use a Shield like the Alans of Dol.

There are a great slew of Hagar(d)-like variations in the Corbin/Corbett list. It just so happens that Hagar(d)s use just a Zionists star in colors reversed to the Innes Zionist stars, which once again tends to trace Corbins/Corbetts to Insubres and/or Tortona/Alessandria. There is the theory yet to be proven that Hagar(d)s trace to Hagar, mother of Ishmael.

There are also Fair, Faire, Faires, Fairs, Fare, Fares, Fayer, and Fayers in the Corbin list, noting that "Fayer" may have developed from "Faber." There are also the counterparts: Pare, Phair, Phaire, Phare, Phares, and Phayre. These terms bring me to the list of FARQuharson septs (also opened last night from Tim). The Farker and Ferger septs can suggest the Fergus' that I trace to Ferraris. You can see some Bogen-like and Bow-using variations, important for my trace of Bogens to Bowers/Bauers. It's as if we are once again on Pharisee lines here, and so see that there are quite a few Hard-, Herd- and Hart-using variations that could be Herod lines. In fact, there are also some Gros- and Grace-like septs that I would trace to Valerius Gratus.

It may sound like a stretch to link the Sood/Sout-using septs to Sadducees, but then there are a slew of septs using "Boe" and "Boy," the Boii, apparently, that could trace to Boetus-branch Sadducees. I haven't the time at present to check many of these surnames for further clues. The Cock-using variations could be Gogi lines, but as they end with a 't', they could be from mythical Keket/Hecate," the frog goddess. Compare "frog" to "Farq" or "Ferg." Hmm, as I trace the frog symbol to Phrygians, I now recall the valid trace of mythical Phrixus/Phryxes (golden-fleece rider) to Frisians.

There's a chapeau (symbol of Capelli and Bidens/Button) in the Farquharson Coat above. I traced that chapeau to the mythical Capys line that I think brought about "Caiaphas." If anyone knows whether Caiaphas was a Sadducee versus a Pharisee, I'd like to see and share the evidence.

It just so happens that Tim had also sent along the Frisian-like Fraser septs. We see some Boii lines of the Bessin kind. Actually, Bessins and the like are not included in the list, but Bissets are included, who were first found in ROSS-shire. The Bushett sept looked interesting, and when loading it, it brought up the Bisset Coat...with tree stump in Crest!!! The Bush Coat shows a black boar, LIKEWISE A SYMBOL OF ESAU-ites. MOREOVER, the Bushett/Bissett Coat has a bend in the colors of the Chattan (and Botter) bend.

Scottish Frasers use "Je suis prest" as motto, which I trace to the Uat/Buto cult at Sais. The motto certainly smacks of a priesthood, and pretends to be of "Jesus." The Fraser Crest is the Keith stag, i.e. of a Catti peoples, and the Fraser cinquefoils are in the colors of the Chattan bend. In case you ever come across strawberries, one Fraser Crest uses them as per play on "fraisse," French for strawberry.

Did I trace the Cappeo lion (i.e. the Caiaphas line) to Eburovices of Brescia/Brixia? Yes, and in the list of Fraser septs are many Abber/Eber/Aper/Eper-using septs. There are also Heber-like septs. By what coincidences are they that Frasers smack of "Pharisee" to begin with, while other Fraser septs include Levatte, Levet, Loffet, Lovete, and many similar terms??? As per a Laevi trace to Olivers and Olives, so we see the Fraser septs of Oliva, Oliver, Olivier, Olliva, and a few more. Why do Scottish Olivers use a crowned heart, and fat chevrons like French Levis?

Earlier in this update, we had seen that Mary Bosco (wife of Hugh Rose of Geddes) "was the heiress of the Bissets of Lovat." Italian Boscos had at that time been discovered with a tree stump. Very bad. It suggests that Boscos were from "Bozrah," city of Esau. I traced Bozrah elements to Boscath (Hebron), and that term seemed to link well to Boschs and Bush's/Buschs.

The Spanish Olive/Olivera owl looks identical to the Taggart owl. As per the Esso-like terms of the Taggart-related MacIntoshes, consider too that Esso elements had traced to the owl-using Humble surname, and then the Humble Coat is in the colors of Scottish Olives/Oliffs...suspect as Eliphas-rooted Oliphants/Olifards. The latter Olives use a Shield like the Heths/Heaths, linked earlier in this update to "Esso" elements.

Unless you're willing to jump out and trust these sorts of traces, you will not find the many "coincidences" that serve as evidence. Unless you make the stretches as I do, you won't have as much fun. Trust me, you'll find many links if only you don't think that what I do is "crazy."

Did I trace the Laevi and Levi to the Samson cult? Frasers show many Samson-evoking septs including: Sammons, Samons, Semins, Sempsom, Semson, Sim, Sime, Simons, Simpsom, Symmson, etc.

Did I trace Samson-ites to Esau-ites? The "tout" term of the Oliphants had led to Tuttels, and it just so happens Tuttels are part of these Fraser septs: Tewdal, Tudal, Tutall, Tutell, Twadal, Tweatale, Twedil, Tweety, Tweetyle, Twitty, Twodel, and many more. I do declare, Frasers, more than anyone else, look like the Pharisee line. I'm tempted to trace them to Frisians en-masse.

Tim had also sent a list of Moray/Murray septs, which shows Piper and Pieper septs. That reminds of the Pepinids that I trace to Moray-founding Merovingians. Entering "Pipe" brings the same Coat and Crest as entering "Pepin." But Pipers were first found in Aberdeenshire, beside Fife to which I trace the Pepinids of Pavia/Papia. My guess is that Pipers use the York saltire, noting that there is a "cupias" motto term of Yorks (that links to the Coupers/Coopers using the York saltire), suspect as a Caiaphas-line code.

Hey hey, the Bundy/Bond surname, as well as the Pipes, was first found in Somerset, and then the Piper write-up: "First found in at InnerBUNDY in Aberdeenshire..."

The Moray/Murray list exposes a thing in the following septs: Samlle, Samllee, Samlles, Samlley, Samllie, Smaale, Smail, Smailee, Smailley, Smalle, and many more Small-like variations. It exposes that Samson lines may have been Small(ey)s too. Another :"ratione" motto term in the Scottish Smalls (Renfrewshire). German Smalls/Schmals just happen to show the Couper/Cooper saltire just after mentioning it in regards to another Moray sept. English Smalls, like the Pipers, use a white unicorn. For me, this is the same Pepin-Samson line found in Poland's Goplo, founded by a mythical Popiel and continued by a mythical Siemowit.


Especially for new or confused readers
shows where I'm coming from.

For serious investigators:
How to Work with Bloodline Topics

Here's what I did when I had spare time on my hands:
Ladon Gog and the Hebrew Rose

On this page, you will find evidence enough that NASA did not put men on the moon.
Starting at this paragraph, there is a single piece of evidence -- the almost-invisible dot that no one on the outside was supposed to find -- that is enough in itself to prove the hoax.
End-times false signs and wonders may have to do with staged productions like the lunar landing.

The rest of the Gog-in-Iraq story is in PART 2 of the
Table of Contents

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