Previous Update: May 17 - 23

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May 24 - 30, 2011

The Scarlet Kikons
Upholland's Gogi
Chief Rosh and the Cappa-Togarmites

Wrong HTML codes were on the NEXT UPDATE links at the end of the 1st (May 2-9) and 2nd updates in May. The two links brought clickers to May updates in another year. You may or may not have circumvented those errors using the correct links from the Updates Index page. If you did not see the chapter title, Jack and Gil Went up the Hill to Fitchee a Pale of Creek Water, then you didn't get to the previous update (link above). The update before that was the very long one, important for understanding where I've been going on the Hall topics. You can find the long one here if you're up the challenge (could take you a week to go through it all, and that's by going fast). If you don't want to be confused, you need to take the time to let it sink in, try to understand what's being insinuating where I don't always explain outright.

Tim (way back on May 9) suggested I consider Rothenburg in the Altmuhl theater for Rothschild connections, but instead I saw the Biblical Gog-Rosh-Tubal-Meshech alliance. Here's what I wrote Tim:

Yes I did [see Rothenburg at that map]. There are several locations by that name in Germany alone. I can't imagine that all are Rothschild related.

The Tauber river upon which this Rothenburg is located sounds like "Tubal." As the current topic on Hall(and)s and their close relationship to Meschins was what brought me to the Altmuhl theater [and map above] in the first place, and as Halls are now being identified with Hellespont Gorgons (at Parion) and the surrounding Mysians, one can start to argue that Gogi and Meshech were in the Altmuhl theater, explaining why the Tubali peoples may have been on the adjacent Tauber river.

I now recall the griffo-dragon symbol used in the Austrian Dober Coat, and I now see that the surname is properly, Tober, Teuber, Tauber (!), Taube.

I also see that English Dobers (trefoils) were first found in Yorkshire, where I trace the Helen-branch Mysians. Both Hallands and Meschins had good presence in Yorkshire, co-founded by the Parisii Gorgons along with the Aphrodite bloodline of Eburovices. Aphrodite was also Ares, the Biblical Rosh in my opinion.

Your email here was opened some days after I again equated the Alda and Halton surnames with the Halls. In the next update [this one], I somewhat emphasize the Aldas and Haltons as per an alt-like motto term, and to expose how soft my brain has become with so much to write on, I didn't realize at the time that the Aldas and Haltons should link to ALTmuhl. Not until now as I write to you! That is excellent because I ventured to guess [a few updates ago] that Malahule-related Halls were at the Altmuhl river [where we see some Ragn-like locations linking to Malahule's brother, Ragnvald).

Thank you!

It's no small matter that the Biblical Gog alliance should be found to mesh with the so-called "holy grail" of Freemasonry. The central feature of the pagan grail cult, within my latest writings, is now pivotal as the Parzival character, whom I identify as the Paris-Helen duo from Parion Mysians and Gorgons on the Hellespont, as they developed into the Parisii Gorgons in both Paris (France) and Halland-laden Yorkshire. If you don't get anything else in all the confusion, this is what you need to retain.

The Alda Coat happens to use a griffin, as with the Tauber Coat! The Tauber is a tributary of the ALTmuhl!! I just checked "Alton" (Tauber colors) to find that they were also D'Altons/Daltons, and they use a "fidelis" motto term that I see as code for Foetes/Fussen, a Ligurian peoples on the Lech river (show on the Altmuhl map above). There is at least one, perhaps two, Schwan-using locations near Foetes that Julie led us to, and it was she who identified that Schwan entity as Lohengrin (swan knight), son of Parzival! If not for Julie's input, I would not have been on the Parzival topic at this time, which the Hall topic of emailer Patterson happened to mesh with perfectly.

The Ligurian swan line goes back to the Greek mythical swan, Leda, mother of Helen. It's a perfect logic that the Lech and Altmuhl theaters together represent the migration of the Leda swan=Gorgon Spartans. It's also a no-brainer to trace the same peoples from further back in time at Lake Sevan, at Gogarene, then forward to Savona of Liguria, where CYCnus the Greek swan was migrated to. We have here the DRAGON, the Biblical Dragon, the Dragon that I've been tracking for years, equated with the pagan holy grail of Arthurian myth writers.

It all fits like a filthy swan into a filthy secret-society dungeon, and the myth writers who wrote with mud for ink never intended that we should understand: The Gog alliance, the arch-enemy of God, is the world-ruling grail cult, even "Babylon the Great" who drinks from the filthy cup filled with the filth of its own doings. AND the Revelation dragon may come with the scarlet color of Edomites for just that reason.

It makes me very glad to discover that this particular Gog alliance at the Altmuhl is also part of the golden fleece/lamb bloodline, for it is that which I've long suspected to form the False Prophet system (second beast in Revelation 13). What we Christian prophecy students/writers have missed is that Revelation speaks to myth symbols, the lamb-like beast of Revelation 13 being the Greek-myth lamb, or so I believe, and the cup of Revelation 17 being the pagan grail cult.

I would not claim the Gog alliance in Germany as the end-time anti-Christ, but rather as the Freemasonic world rulers who will join with the Gogi anti-Christ. I've made up my mind that the Nato alliance in Iraq cannot be the anti-Christ, but is more likely part of the False Prophet system. I'll explain the reason in a coming update.

Julie just sent in an article on Apollo (he's in Revelation 9) telling that: "Sacred to Apollo are the swan (one legend says that Apollo flew on the back of a swan to the land of the Hyperboreans [= "far-northerners"], he would spend the winter months among them)..." Leto and Apollo were the same as Leda and Pollux, though at different times and junctions, but the point is, we see the swan above as symbol of "far northerners," and I did identify (years ago) Hyperboreans as a Gogi peoples because it jibes with the Ezekiel-38 phrase, "far north," where the prophet located the Gogi and Togarmites (a peoples called Tocharians lived in pre-Christian times in what is now northern Russia).

Everything above was written after everything below on the UpHolland topic, which topic will be identified later in this update with a Pendragon-Lancelot merger in Lancashire. I say that here because the Altons were first found in Lancashire. I don't need to tell you again that Altons are suspect as the Gogi alliance from the Altmuhl, meaning also that the Pendragon holy grail cult in Lancashire is likewise that Gogi alliance. Altons can be expected to be a part of the Upholland entity, which led to the Hol(l)and surname, not forgetting that the Dutch word for "frog" is a "kikker," Gogi-like term; see Revelation frogs united with the anti-Christ and False Prophet in Revelation 16. (I apologize for quoting that Dutch frog in the past as "kikkon")

There were frog-like Phrygians/Brigians that connect with the Brigantes who anciently lived in what would become Upholland and neighboring Yorkshire; it just so happens that Phrygians were the golden fleece bloodline that myth connected to downtown Caucasia/Gog-Asia. The golden fleece was mythical (code) Phrixus (who I see as the Phrygian>frog line to Revelation 16), the son of Nephele, and she was in turn the mate of Ixion, whom I identified as the kikker-like Kikons living in the scarlet-like RHODope region of Draco-like Thrace. It is now my estimation that the Rhodope region's red color was after the Edomite Hebrews, by the name of Hebros, that were likewise (as with mythical Kikon) made a son of Rhodope.

I now fully expect that the scarlet color of the Revelation dragon depicts the Edomites as well as the Rus; see below for an additional reason. As you can read at the Rhodope link above, Rhodope was made married to the adjacent Haemus/Haimos region. It just so happens that "haima" means "blood," as red as one can get. The Haemus theater veers into the Transylvanian theater, from where Drakenburg Veres trace themselves. The Revelation word for "scarlet" is, KOKKINon, almost exactly "Kikon." And that's why it's important to trace Kikons to the CYCNus swan of Liguria.

Babylon the Great drinks blood from her golden grail cup, but it's the blood of murdered Christians. Some gold cups will be shown shortly below in a Vere-like clan, reflecting a Herod-associated clan, and merged with a Bellamy=Baal clan from north Africa, likely from Apollo-infested Cyrene (I say "Apollo/Abello" was the Baal cult in Thraco-Greece), i.e. the Meshech-like Meshwesh of Cyrene. The Herod-associated clan (the Hirells) is a sept of McLeods/Clouds, the latter using a HOLD motto term. I see some red flags there, don't you?

Holts and Oltens/Oldans (owls, the Gaston owl, I think) were first found in Lancashire too, and Aldens/Oldens were first found nearby in WestMORland (i.e. recalls Hall links to Moor entities). Holts use "ExALTavit."

Holts are in Holter/Holder/Older colors, and the latter also use griffins. A Holder surname solidly under the Obama thumb now holds much power in the United States. The Holter/Holder dancette is much like the Dunham dancette. Harken: Obama chose family to run his attorney-general racket. When Christians are persecuted while the False Prophet holds the strings of the nation's legal system, it does not draw a very good picture.

The Holand Coat will be shown way down this page and linked to the Norwegian-Halland bloodline (as per the Holand-Coat's rounded-tail lion), but the point here is that the Holand Coat smacks much of the Alton Coat (!), which was discovered only because the time was taken to suggest an Alton link to Uphollands, which I almost passed on.

The German Alten (with an 'e') Coat uses a Rosicrucian-like Shield, and a Nobel/Nibelung-like motto term as well as "virtus," what I suspect to be a Vere code. English Altens (same white-on-red colors) use Robin Hood, to whom Nicholas de Vere traces his bloodline. The German Alten surname was first found in Brunswick, a place I trace to "Bryneich" of the Bernicians, what I identify with "Varangi"...who are not only linked (by me) to Nibelungs from their outset, but are viewed as the guts of Rosicrucians.

I'm referring to the Nibelung-Varangian merger in the Friesland theater, the theater that I say was founded by the Phrixus/Frixos fleece cult. Lest you miss it, dear fast-reader that doesn't take the time to gather together my insinuations, I trace Nibelungs to "Nephele," mother of Phrixus/Frixos.

ZOWIE, as I had traced the Olden surnames to Oldenburg (Germany), I entered "Oldenburg" just now to find the Alt/Ault Coat!! That makes Oldenburg a Hall-suspect entity, meaning that we should find Menelaus-Helen entities there too. There is an Oldenburg in Holstein!! And another Oldenburg not far off in the Netherlands theater (on the Hunte river).

The first-known count of Oldenburg was ELImar I, son of ELSA. A mythical Elsa was made the daughter of the Lohengrin swan line. We find that the present mayor of one Oldenburg has a SCHWANdner surname, and there is a nearby Schwanewede location.

ZOWIE! As I traced mythical Elsa to the historical Elissa, founder of Carthage, it needs to be mentioned right here that the alt-like motto term mentioned above comes below as part of the Hanna motto, "Per ardua ad alto." UNDERSTAND, for I trace the Hanna surname to Hannibal Carthaginians. If this isn't coincidental, then the Lohengrin>Elsa entity, which I define as a Ligurian-Carthaginian merger, must have gone to the first counts of Oldenburg. REMEMBER, Helen depicted Mysians, and I traced Mysians to Carthage by way of Aeneas (from Dardanus-branch Mysians) and Dido, the latter being the mythical founder of Carthage. From the online Catholic Encyclopedia, Dardanus is "A titular see in the province of Hellespont [!!!], suffragan of Cyzicus."

PERFECT!! I SWEAR TO YOU, WORLD AT LARGE, that I wrote the above without reading the entire line in the Elimar article. I had only read up to the Elsa term. Only after finishing the paragraph above did I read the rest of the sentence: "Elimar was the son of Elsa of Brabant and Helyas of Lorraine, identified as the Swan Knight [i.e. Lohengrin] of legend.",_Count_of_Oldenburg


As a variation of Lohengrin is Laurie-like, I ventured to trace Lohengrin's grail>swan line to the grail symbol in the Laurie/Larry surname (DUM-Fries). But I had also found reason to link the Laurie surname to Lorraine (France), which now proves to be correct as per Elyas of Lorraine.

I recall finding a Laurie branch in Ireland (can't recall the exact spelling) using the same grail symbol, which branch was linked to the swan-like Sweeneys/Swineys. This is important for when we get to a Swinton location, of the Upholland theater, that I happened to link (days before writing this paragraph) to Salyes-branch Ligurians. YES IT WORKS, for I now see that Sweeneys/Swineys use the Sullivan boar, the latter being a clan I traced to the Salyes without doubts.

Sweeneys are said to be related to Carthys (in MUSkerry), who smack of Lohengrin's Carthaginian merger. Another Carthy clan is also "Arty," which seems important where the Swinton location is discussed in conjunction with its Pendlebury partner, what I saw as a downtown-Pendragon center. The other Carthy/Arty clan uses a stag, a symbol seen in many Hannibal-like surnames, including the Annabels/Hannibals and Annes/Hannes of Yorkshire.

The next sentence in the Elimar article: "Elimar married Richenza, who according to the annals of Stade was the daughter of Dedi or of Adalger." Dedi??? Much like "Dido."

The "Tristus" motto term of the Altons should be code for the Trip/Treff-related Triss/Trist clan, perhaps coughing up the reason that English Taubers use TREFoils. The point is, the Trips/Treffs were first found in Holstein theater, home of mythical Holle. That means that Altons/Daltons were part of the Holle cult, and that Holle elements can be traced to Alt-like clans. This was all written a day after the Treff topic not far below, which links Trips/Treffs smack to Uphollands.

We are trudging now all over the Templar swan, which was linked in old times to Godfrey de Bouillon, the bloodbath sacker of Jerusalem in 1099. He died in 1100, the year before Elimar was made a count of Oldenburg. Note his mother's name, Elyas, like the Holle-using El(l)is clan of Yorkshire. You can start to place bets that the Holle cult was just this Elimar clan. YES INDEED. After writing the above, searching for Helyas-like clans, I found the Ellis Coat used also by the Elyas/Helias surname (!!), first found in Lothian.

I am always amazed at how things in my mind work out, as though I were an expert on these topics. Not to toot my horn here, but to get you to stop skimming and start contemplating. The time for skimming was in the past as I was working up the background info to what now seems very prophecy-important. The time for contemplation has arrived, where we now start to concentrate on our spiritual enemies whom in the future will persecute us by the crowds. Know thine enemy, and beware the smooth-talking Masonic lambs who pose as our friends.

Place your bets on whether the goat on green MOUND in the Elyas/Helias Crest is code for BaphoMET. The Elyas motto uses "quoMODO," evoking the Maud/Mold surname said to be derived from "MONTE ALTo (Italy). It recalls the Hill write-up's link to an Odo de Monte. The Mont/Mound surname, with red lion (= Maud-lion color) on a green mound, was first found in Peebleshire, beside the Elyas' of Lothian.

As per the Altons/Daltons, we then suspect Dal-like terms too, and the Dols/Dollens were first found roughly in the Holstein theater too. The Dols/Dollens use a whale in the white-on-blue colors of the Altons/Daltons. We are now trudging on the Alans>Allens of Dol who I think became the D'Allens and Dallens, whom I identify as ground zero of the MagDALENE grail cult. This is no small paragraph, for the Altens/Daltons were just linked fundamentally to the Gorgon grail cult. As the Altmuhl river (not to mention Foetes and Schwangau) are both in white-and-blue Bavaria, I see that German Dols (grape vines) were first found in Bavaria, jibing with my link of the Bauer stars to the French-Alan stars.

Beware the Rothschild bloodline, really beware, because while the Rothschilds of satanic stripes have no wisdom, they have ruthless personalities and therefore lots of money and connections for making money, and money and connections for persecuting us. The Internet spy system may be our undoing, Christian. We could be marked for slaughter as per out Internet sloppiness, leaving our personal info on the same computers that we surf the Internet with. Readers of this tribwatch website should be extra careful, especially now that Nicholas may be taking tabs on these updates. Protect your children's computers too, because the Internet spies may be able to record all the computer numbers at one household's Internet-connect system. I don't know how it all works, but I don't trust the creators of the Internet.

I happened to check the Whale surname at this point, to find that it uses the same Shield as the German Taubers. As the Tauber river is an ALTmuhl tributary, I think this speaks for itself, that Whales were Halls of the Altmuhl theater (beside Baden-Wurttemberg). The same Shield is used in the Arms of Baden, Baden being the theater in which the Zahringers ruled, who were founders of bear-depicted Berne, leading to the Bernicians of bear-depicted Berwickshire, where the Whales were first found. I see that the Whales use the colors of the Arthur surname, also first found in Berwickshire. And we know that the Arthurian cult was closely linked to red-dragon Wales.

In a long insert into the very long 2nd update in May, I linked Wall and Whale clans to Halls, saying: "German Walls use a BLACK "pale" (= vertical bar) again, and were first found in Baden, important where the Whales/Whaills use the same symbol as the Arms of Baden (and a "BLACK square")."

The idea is that Halls were Gauls who became Wales and Walls. The point is the square symbol. Holts use a squirrel in Crest that I had linked to the Whales "square," for entering "Square" brings up a Squire clan using the squirrel.

The heraldic square of course evokes the Freemasonic "square and compass," and it just so happens that I had treated the square a little further above the mention of the Whale square. But just GAWK at what I said that I didn't realize at the time, not until just NOW:

It should be suspected that "gules", the heraldic term for the red color, is code for an important and relevant bloodline of Edomites and Rus, and yet the term is suspect also for the Gauls [I identify Halls as Gauls]. The Arms of Mortain [this topic was as per the Hill write-up] use "a bend compony argent and gules" (a "bend" is a diagonal bar). A quick check just now finds no Gule(s) surname but does find English Guilles/Kules ["Kule" was earlier traced to Gudbrand Kule of the Norwegian-Halland bloodline] using the same Shield as the Moans (they use a red "bend"!) that were part of the Mound-surname topic. I say that because the Dutch Gull/Gol(en) Coat uses a footless martin on a "mound." It recalls the Galli transvestites that were the Maenad-depicted Maeonians.

But why a "compony bend"? It caused a check of the Campen Coats, both of which use red, one using a red "square," a symbol that will pop up again shortly below in a Whales/Whaills clan, conspicuous because I (and I think others too) trace "Wales" to "Gaul." The Campen Coat with a square is properly the Champagne clan, and it uses a Shield filled with KETTLE hats (or vair) in the same colors as the A(n)sKETILLs/Haskels. Recall that I had traced ChamPAGNE to the Payne and Payen bloodlines from Balso D-Espaines (MalaHULE's grandson), whose brother is shown as AnsCHETILE and whose son was AnCITEL. In this picture, heraldic "gules" could have been the same entity as the "hule" in "Malahule," and while I've suspected that to be a Hall(and) entity, perhaps it's also a Gaul term at it's roots. The Laevi Gauls come forcefully to mind.

Although that quote may cloud your brain, I thought to include the whole of it, even though my only original point was the square of the Campen/Champagne Coat, for we can now suspect that the square and COMPass was code for the CAMPen bloodline, which should have included the Hall-related Campbells.

I tend to trace Campbells to COMPSa, in Lucania near ABELLInus, in CAMPania (the French Champagne region was also known by a Campania-like term). It's not necessarily contradictory to trace the square and compass to the carpentry tools said to be founded by mythical Perdix, for as he was an extension of the Daedalus cult in Crete, so we know that Cretans settled southern Italy. Remember too that Daedalus' son depicted the IaPYGes, smacking of PYGmalion, the Tyrian bloodline that put forth Elissa of Carthage, which then tends to identify mythical Dido with "Daedalus." Further below, written a couple of days before what's at hand here, we come to the Upholland bloodline marrying the Duttons.

To help assure that the Walls surname links to the Welsh, the Wall/Wales Crest uses the Clapton wolf head (in a MURal crown), while I trace "Clap" to "Salop," beside Wales. Claptons were first found in Cheshire, also beside Wales. This update will get back to Kaisareia in Cappadocia, and so I repeat that I trace Halls and Gauls, and therefore the Walls/Wales, to the satanic Galli priests on the Halys river, the river that Kaisareia/CEASARea is on. I repeat this because the Irish Wall/Wales clan, said to be from Pembroke of Wales, uses a "Caesar" motto term!

That Wales clan was first in Gloucestershire, where the Samson surname was first found, and you may have read where I traced long-haired Samson to the Galli transvestites, for I trace the Manoah>Samson cult to the "female" Maenads of Dionysus, the transvestite god. BUT, I also trace the Samson cult to Samsun, an Amazon city near the mouth of the Halyes, a region visited in war by Hercules, the Greek Samson.

The Wall/Wales Coat also uses the same motto term ("nihil") of the Veres (indicating the Neil/Nihill clan), and the Crest is a strongarm (= Rothschild symbol) holding a bloody, curved sword, a symbol created by ruthless men who apparently don't mind bragging about their murderous ways.

When entering "Olsen" as a potential Olden variation, the Scandinavian Olaf Coats come up that were linked in the last update to Norwegian Hallands. The German Olsen Coat is identical to the Norwegian Olaf/Olsen Coat (using leaves as code for "Oliefr").

The Holt squirrel holds a hazel branch, and the Hazel Crest likewise uses a squirrel: "A squirrel cracking a nut." "Crack" brings up the Creeks that were already linked (in the last two updates) to Halls. The Hazel Shield looks like the Bellamy Shield, and the hazel leaves in the Coat are called, "slips," perhaps a code for Salop because Hazels were first found in Cheshire while Bellamys were first found in neighboring Salop. The Halse variation of the Hazels may have derived from "Alt," since after all the Holts use an "alt" buried in a motto term that means, "Exalt."

The nut could be code for Nottingham elements, for English Altens (use Robin Hood in Crest) were first found in Nottingham. The Knot/Cnut surname (thought to be from "CaNUTe") uses crescents in Hazel-crescent colors (these are the Nottingham-surname colors too). Creeks/Cracks use Notten black-and-white, and both clans were first found in Yorkshire, where the same colored Hulls were first found who use talbots like the Creek-related Carricks. Hmm, Kerricks, in the same black and white, use a "caltrop," with yet another buried "alt". On suspicion, "Calt" was entered to find the Coles, a branch of Kyles and Cauleys/Auleys. That's likely a correct deduction because Carricks and Kyles were both first found in Ayrshire.

But as the Coles are traced to the Mieszko Poles, and to their KOLODziej-wheelwright entity, I should add that wheel-using Colters were traced there too, for "CALTRop" evokes a Colter-like term. One could even get the impression that the Alt terms are corruptions of "Khaldi" (to whom I've traced "Kolodziej"), who lived in the Samsun theater and became the Celts. I claim that the Samson cult infected the Kolodziej dynasty with quasi-mythical Siemowit and Siemomysl, descendants of Kolodziej just prior to the rule of Mieszko the proto-Meschin, explaining why both Meschins ans Samsons use the same-colored scallops. The Meshech were definitely in the Samsun theater.

Siemowit is shown at the link above with lattice on his stockings, evoking the lattice-like clothing of the Sicilian Guiscard shown here. As I trace the Samson "scallop" to "Sicily," or more in particular to Scylla at Messina, it seems very obvious that the Samsam- and Timnah-named Saracens, with which these very Guiscards became merged, were somehow the Siemowit entity of the Poles, suggesting also that Mieszko could trace to "Messina" elements. Note that Guiscards are also drawn in stockings, and that Siemowit is drawn with long hair.

The accounts of the Siemo characters are from a single source, the "GALLUS Anonymous," a phrase used in a work, by a Kromer surname, called, "HEILSberg manuscript." There is a Kromer surname (using the Kay bird, though used my many other clans) first found in Silesia and Bohemia, the very places to which I trace Mieszko's Sulcis/Seleucid line.

ZOWIE, after deducing that the CALTRap was code for the Colter bloodline, "Alter" was entered to find the Colter Coat!!! Suddenly we have reason for suspecting, not just Hall merger with, but Hall roots for the Kolodziej Poles, and that evokes Helen and Pollux together (both children of the Leda swan). Might Helen in Poland, therefore, have been in the Heilsburg term?

The German Heil(s) Coat was shown, with logs, to link to a Scandinavian-Halland bloodline: the Norwegian Olaf/Olsen clan also using a log. If the problem is that the latter page shows no surname variations, the leaves on the log make it the clan link-able to "Oliefr" surname found in the Swedish Olaf/Olsen write-up. German Olsens use the same log and leaves, and show all Olsen variations but no Olaf variations. It's clear that Olsens were Olafs, anyway.

It's not necessarily contradictory to trace "Kolod" both to the Khaldi and to Helen elements in the Anatolian theater, for we can assume a Khaldi link to the Galli inasmuch as historians interchange/conflate "Celt" with "Gaul."

Tim thought that we should see this:

China has officially put the United States on notice that Washington's planned attack on Pakistan will be interpreted as an act of aggression against Beijing. This blunt warning represents the first known strategic ultimatum received by the United States in half a century, going back to Soviet warnings during the Berlin crisis of 1958-1961, and indicates the grave danger of general war growing out of the US-Pakistan confrontation.

It highlights what prophecy suggests, that China will fight in the mother of all wars in the Middle East. Clearly, China is upset that the West continues to intrude on the Middle East, and no doubt the anti-China sentiments in the United States are working secretly to undo any business opportunities sought by China in the Middle East. China is now openly picking a fight with the United States, and I believe that the United States will militarily support the anti-Christ empire as it arises.

Do you still want to go to the Middle East, Christian soldier, to help the cause of the United States there? Are you sure of what you are risking your life for, or what you are killing people for with your war machines? Are you sure it's all for the security of your fellow Americans? Your God is about to lead the Chinese to undo the Western trodders, and you don't want to be fighting against God's forces. Nor do you want to be in support of the anti-Christ empire. Think about it hard.

The following is a snippet from an article sent in (thanks FB) a few weeks ago. Then see that these "Israelite" Freemasons, who clearly want to do spiritual war with the Biblical Christ, honor a Hall-like entity as the "Hailey Spirit." Then, see that the list of names begins with the Duncan-of-Fife bloodline, which was a Fey-related Hall(and) bloodline (see 2nd update of May for Fey>Vey and Halland links to Fife Duncans). The next on the list (I'm assuming these are listed in the order of importance) are the Moray Randolphs:

On August 17, 2009, Stan Monteith [Mont-Heth?] went public with his personal belief that Christians have been deceived through the New Covenant/New Testament. Also that Christianity has been teaching the lie that the Lord Jesus is God, that there is no Trinity, that there is no Holy Spirit, but a 'Hailey Spirit'...

..."Written in fluent Latin, the Declaration of Arbroath reads in English as follows: To the Most Holy Father in Christ and Lord, the Lord John, by divine providence Supreme Pontiff of the Holy Roman and Universal Church, his humble and devout sons Duncan, Earl of Fife, Thomas Randolph, Earl of Moray, Lord of Man and of Annandale, Patrick Dunbar, Earl of March, Malise, Earl of Strathearn, Macolm, Earl of Lennos, William, Earl of Ross, Magnus, Earl of Caithness and Orkney, and William, Earl of Sutherland; Walter, Stewart of Scotland, William Soules [there's good argumentation for tracing this surname from Salyes Ligurians to Salop], Butler of Scotland, James, Lord of Douglas, Roger Mowbray, David, Lord of Brechin, David Graham, Ingram Umfraville, John Menteith [uses two Heth colors], guardian of the earldom of Menteith, Alexander Fraser, Gilbert Hay, Constable of Scotland, Robert Keith, Marischal of Scotland, Henry St. Clair, John Graham, David Lindsay, William Oliphant, Patrick Graham, John Fenton, William Abernathy, David Wemyss, William Mushet, Fergus of Ardrossan, Eustace Maxwell, William Ramsay, William Mowat, Alan Murray, Donald Campbell, John Cameron, Reginald Cheyne, Alexander Seton, Andrew Leslie, and Alexander Straiton, and the other barons and freeholders and the whole community of the realm of Scotland send all manner of filial reverence, with devout kisses of his blessed feet [totally pathetic worship of a mere man, and probably not sincere].

"Most Holy Father and Lord, we know and from the chronicles and books of the ancients we find that among other famous nations our own, the Scots, has been graced with widespread renown. They journeyed from Greater Scythia by way of the Tyrrhenian Sea and the Pillars of Hercules, and dwelt for a long course of time in Spain among the most savage tribes, but nowhere could they be subdued by any race, however barbarous. Thence they came, twelve hundred years after the people of Israel crossed the Red Sea [date subject to debate], to their home in the west where they still live today..."

The peoples being referred to are the Gaels, the Heberite Irish from Miletus, as they became the Irish-Scots proper. But they deceive themselves who trace the Irish to Israelites, for Irish myths trace to Scythians from Miletus. Instead, they were the Iberians named after the Ebro river in Spain, named after elements from Eber, father of Joktan.

Did you notice the Olaf-like Oliphant surname (in Olaf-Coat colors) in that list, first found in Perthshire (home also of Mentieth) and said to derive in "elephant." It uses a red Shield, as expected if the clan was from Eliphas, son of Esau (this is hardly the first time that I've traced Edomites to Perthshire). But the Oliphant symbols, white-on-red crescents, suggest linkage to Speers because the write-up shows Oliphants in Roxburghshire, where the Spowestun location sits. Moreover, as we read in the Weir/Vere write-up that Vere (= Speer) earls of Oxford had settled in Sprowestun, we find an elephant in the Arms of Oxford. Hey hey, fat elephant, there's the suspected Vere link to Esau-ites yet again. The Oliphant motto includes "voir."

The Oliphant write-up links Oliphants to Bothwells i.e. a surname after the island of "Bute." That makes sense where we might trace Bute's namers to Esau's rule in BOZrah of Edom. The Esau-ites ruled with Seir elements in submission, who were no doubt the Saracens=Hagarites amongst Nahorites=Horites. We are also told that Oliphants were granted Bothwell-like ArBUTHnott, and when entering "Buth," the Oliphant-colored Bath/Atha Coat ("Habere" motto term) comes up. This is also the Randolph of Moray Coat, and I did trace a certain Thomas de Vere to the earldom of Moray via the Blackwoods of Lanarkshire. LOOK: "Under later rulers, the Oliphant lands were significantly extended as King Malcolm granted the family Bothwell in LANARKSHIRE and King William I granted them Arbuthnott in Mearns." WOWWIE! (Mearns Coat has piles in Vere colors.)

Bothwells (trefoils) were first found in Lanarkshire.

AND, as Lanarkshire's symbol is a heart, the Olaf-Coat hearts should apply, but then why not also the Bitar-Coat hearts, for that was the surname of the co-founder of the Baathists. Clearly, Olafs were Oliphants.

The Bitars (Perthshire) use a strongarm, holding a bow, very Rothschild-suspect. The Bitars are properly Buttar, which we can link to Bothwells from Bute, and of course the fact that Bothwells were first in heart-depicted Lanarkshire explains why the Bitars/Buttars use hearts (in the same configuration as the Olafs).

The Lanark/Larnack surname (said to be from Lorraine-like "Lorne") appears to possibly trace to the Laurie>Lorraine grail cult. The Lanark/Larnack Coat uses cinquefoils in Bus and Hamilton cinquefoils, and as I trace Hamiltons to Cammels/Campbells, I see that both Campbells and Lanarks were first found in Argyllshire (part of the Bute theater). We can now be more assured that the Bus surname (and therefore Buzite Nahorites) links to Bute elements.

The Lornes show no Coat but are said to have been first found in Argyllshire. The English Lorraines ("Lauro" motto term) use an Arms-of Baden-like Shield (I trace Badens to Athas/Baths), in Vey and Fife colors, wherefore the green-on-gold Lorraine lions should be code for the Morgan surname lion, and the lion of the Fey/Dubh-related Duff/Dubh surname (i.e. their Fife and Perthshire branch). This exercise caused me to find the Irish Fey Coat (in Bute colors) using the same symbol, essentially, as the Baits/Beeths/Baeths. The latter were first found in Fife!

We are all over Morgan la Fay here, head witch of Avalon=Bute, and we have now found the Eliphas Esau-ites there too. As we can assume that the Oliphant-related Buths and Bothwells were also Booths, see the Booth motto phrase, "Deus AdJUVAT," for that is the entire motto, essentially, of the Fey-related Duffs (in Fife-surname colors and first found in neighboring Perthshire).

Could "Menteith" (to be read as Mont-Eith, smacking of the "Keith" Catti) be viewed as Mont-Esau? I do trace both "Keith" and "Heth" to Esau-like Hesse elements. The earldom of Menteith was rooted in a MURdock (or "MUIReadhach"), a royal Stewart (grandson of Bruce II), whose mother (Margaret Monteith) was born in Stirlingshire, where Guiscards were first found. It's very likely, therefore, that the Monteith-Coat checks on gold Shield are a variation of the Stewart checks. But instead of blue and white checks, the Monteiths use blue and BLACK ones i.e. evoking Moors. (The Murdoch surname uses checks in Stewart-check blue and white.

Wherever I read of Moray-related Moors, I now think of the Meshwesh (Amazon) line from Messina to Masseys>Mackays of Moray and Ross-shire, same as the MacHeths.

Earls of Menteith were also rooted in an earl MAURice (died about 1226), with Grahams involved early whom I trace to mythical-Graeae Amazons/Gorgons. As MacHeth was thought to be linked to Moray and neighboring Ross-shire, so the earldom of Monteith was linked to KinRoss elements while the Murdock and Maurice terms smack of Moray. Moreover, I see the Ross clan founded by George and MAURICE Drummond (from royal Hungarians that had been merged with Kiev Rus).

The Welsh Maurice/Morris Coat is in Monteith and Heth colors; same applies with the Irish Maurice/Morris Coat. The Welsh Morris Coat uses ladders, a symbol also of the German Trips who were first found in Hamburg, where German Drummonds were first found.

The Irish Maurice/Morris Coat (BLACK-on-gold dancette, as with the Carricks who I think were Saracens) uses a BLACK lion in the black Patterson lion design, which I say because the Patterson lion has red blood drops, same as the lion in the Morris Crest. It's suspicious that I was telling emailer Patterson just one day before I came to this that in order to find where the Patterson lion traces, we need to find who had the lion first. It just so happens that Scottish Pattersons were first in Ross-shire, possibly linked to Kinross and the Monteith line there, but in any case the Maurice/Morris clan was likely linked to Moray. The English Maurice/Morris write-up: "This personal name is in turn derived from the Latin name Mauritius, which comes from maurus, meaning 'a moor.'"

Remember too, the Pattersons (use scallops too as code for Scylla at Messina) are also shown as Kissanes=GUISsanes (i.e. Guiscard-related) and Cassanes (Moratin tower in Crest); the latter term brings up a clan rooted in an old Cattessone surname i.e. smacking of the Keith Catti.

An early countess of Monteith, a daughter of earl Maurice above, married Walter Comyn, Lord of Badenoch. I link the Baden term (surname is also "Batten") to the Welsh Bath/Atha surname, which is exactly the surname to which I recently linked MacHeth of Moray. Coincicence? Remember, the Moray Randolph Coat uses a bat, and its Coat's cross is exactly the Bath/Atha cross.

AND, as I trace the supposed Atha>Heth line to the Mackays of Moray and therefore through the Cheshire Maceys, it should explain why the Comyn Coats use garbs in the gold-on-blue colors of the garbs in the Arms of Cheshire. IN FACT, one of the Comyn Coats even uses a Macey and/or Mackay Shield!

That Irish Comyn clan lived at Killala, evoking the same-colored Cahill/Kahil surname with Kyle anchor in Crest. The whale in the Cahill Coat is no doubt for the "catu-ualos" term that the write-up traces the clan to. The Wales/Wall write-up has a similar root in "O'Uaill."

Yes, the Comyns -- if indeed from the catu-ualos bloodline -- appear to be another Catti clan, explaining why they Comyns would marry Monteiths. BUT it's only now that I realize that the Cahills must have been Ketill-like (the write-up traces to "Cathail")! Yes, for not only is the Cahill Coat in the blue and white (Patterson/Cassane scallop colors) of the kettle hats proper (!!!), but Ketelborns produced the Hall clan while it seems very evident that Cahills were Kyles=Cauleys. We can therefore draw a Kyle line to Killala.

Comyns may be suspect as a major porphyry bloodline.

Cahills use a "Domino" motto term that I entertain as code for Edom.

The Eliphas line of Esau-ites may have founded the (C)Halybes, in which case I may have been wrong to trace Chalybes to the ancient Biblical Jew, Caleb. I was convinced in-part of a trace to Caleb-ites because Dionysus, who was a chief in the Kabeiri cult to which I linked Chalybes, was traceable to the Kabeiri-like Hebron valley, where Caleb was rooted (according to the Bible). Now, on seeing the similarity between "Eliphas" and "Halybes," coupled with the proposed link of "Eliphas" to the Galli priests of the Kabeiri, and knowing also that DioNYSUS depicted Horites out of Nuzi but migrated to Edom, it may be that Halybes were Eliphas-line Esau-ites...well explaining why God hated Esau. IN FACT, the term, "Halybes," is, I think, the singular form, not the plural, which then reflects "Eliphas" all the more.

There's more. For if in fact the Seir Horites of Edom trace to "Syria," then Aleppo/Halab of Syria (which I typically link to Halybes) becomes suspect as an Eliphas-rooted location, especially as Eliphas married the sister of Lotan, who was the son of Seir (the man) the Horite. But then I also link "Aleppo" to the "Lapiths" ruled by Peleg-like Phlegyas, and by Ixion (Peleg was son of Eber, brother of Joktan). We could expect that chief Eberites=Hebrews would be merged with Esau-ite Hebrews, and it all means that we should expect Esau-ites in Occitania (i.e. north-eastern Spain and southern France) and in Sephardic or Iberian Spain along with Joktanites and Eberites there.

The Oliphant Coat has only white-on-red crescents, perhaps belonging to Speers and/or Sprees. Their "Tout" motto term indicates links to the Tout/Tutt surname using only a white crescent in a RED SQUARE, and a blank white Shield. Tattons use white-on-red crescents too, and a Shield very evocative of the Spree/Spry Shield. Remember, Joktanites put forth the Sepharvite cult that I trace to Spartans, and Speers are identified here as Spartans. Moreover, I trace Sprees to Helen-related Spartans of the golden-fleece cult (i.e. which her husband represented), and then we see that Ixion, king of Lapiths, was mated with Nephele, mother of Phrixus who rode the golden fleece. I did trace Sprees to Lusignan, in Occitania (that place evolved from LangueD'OC to "Aquitaine").

It's now clear to me that the Freis/Free/Frey surname (uses the Massin/Mason lion) -- likely from the Phrixus/Frixos bloodline -- is half the meaning of the "FreeMason" code. But as Freemasons proper were part Mason surname, while Masseys were Veres, who were in turn the Sprees of Lusignan, it explains why the Fries/Frees/Frese (not "Freis") surname uses nothing but crescents in Speer/Spree-crescent colors. Again, in case you missed it recently, Moray was founded by a Freskin, while the Danish Fries Coat uses Moray-colored stars.

Let you be reminded that the Frisians were merged with Nibelungs, that being the Nephele-Phrixus bloodline, surely. But I identified the Frisian Nibelungs with Varangians (in neighboring Wieringen), who were Rus, which is being repeated because Nephele was introduced in myth as a copy of Hera, who was the Greek Horus cult, whom in Egypt was, I am sure, the Horite Edomites from the Caucasian Hros. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that Freemasons could be traced to Edomites so well.

It's ironic that I rejected any Edomite elements in my dragon hunt in the early days, at which time I was concentrating on a dragon trace to Varangians.

It was only the day before writing here that I realized Varangians to be Edomites too. I was writing to Julie, who wanted to know the reasoning behind Herods in Languedoc. I started by saying that my guess was a "Herod" trace to "Rhodes," for Rhodians were at Rodez of Languedoc (who were there called Ruthene and even Russi). But I had also traced "Herod" to "Hros" and "Horus." No contradiction. I ended by telling Julie my old trace of Varangian Rus to the Rhodians/Redones out of Rodez, which conclusion tended to identify Varangians as Edomites.

I also told her that Rennes le Chateau was said by one online site to be founded by an Aereda peoples that I figured were Redones. I had traced "Aereda" to Haeredaland (i.e. a Herod-like term) in Norway. Britannica 1970 says that Haeredaland was linked to Hirota/Erethlyn in north Wales, near Rhos.

North Wales is Gwynedd, founded by Venedotia peoples that are trace-able to the Heneti>Veneti/Venus line represented by Aphrodite, who apparently named historical Nefertiti, whose Atun cult I assume developed into mythical Nephele. No contradiction here because Aphrodite was mated with Hros-like Ares, and they gave birth to Hros-like Eros. Aphrodite Heneti were therefore merged with the Horus Horites that in Greece were Ares and Hera, the proto-Rus.

It's my theory that Phrixus depicted the Phrygians, also called Brigians in antiquity. As Phrixus is trace-able to Frisia of the Holland theater, it's conspicuous that the British Brigantes (Celts) lived in Upholland (and Yorkshire). It makes sense that the golden fleece depicted Phrygians where we read on king Midas of Phrygia with the golden touch. And yet it seems that these particular Phrygians were living in Lydia and Mysia as per the Pelops>Menelaus fleece line. But as Pelops and his Atlantean father (from Antayla/Attaleia in Pisidia) were ruling at (H)Eneti, we could expect the Phrixus Phrygians there. Now read the below on the apparent Phrygian links to the Heneti>Veneti.

There is a Brigantia at A Curuna, northern Spain, where mythical Geryon ruled ancient Atlantis. But I traced Geryon to Erethlyn because Greek myth placed him in the far west at "Erytheia." It was Hercules, known to be a Hera branch (Hercules married Hebe, daughter of Hera, who now looks like the Spanish>Irish Hebers/Iberians), who sailed to Erytheia in a ship of Helios shaped as a cup. The symbolism reveals that the Hercules (i.e. Rus) line to the far west was a Danaan-Rus peoples out of Rhodes (the island of Helios)...pegging the British Danann, out of whom came the goddess, Brigit. Simply put, we're talking proto-vikings, who may have been worse pirates than the vikings. It's known that Greek Danaans lived at Lindos on Rhodes, a very AtLANTA-like term.

The article above on Brigantes tells that a Brigantii peoples lived in the Alps and were related to the Veneti fold, specifically to the Vandal-like Vendelicia peoples. It could therefore be that these were related to the Venedotia that founded Gwynedd. In the Vendelicia article: "Towards the end of the first century AD, this region of the Vindelici was included in the province of Raetia." That's a very Aereda- and Erethlyn-like term. And when Hercules defeated Geryon at Erytheia, he came back to Greece by way of a continental route (i.e. not by sea), passing with Geryon's cattle (symbolism there) through Italy and fighting a war there with a Gog-like peoples from Rome, the meaning of which is, in my mind, that Hercules had a station in Italy. That is, was the station at Raetia, such a Rhode-like term? (I view "Geryon" as a Gorgon code).

As per the Upholland merger with Tatton-like Duttons mentioned below, I'm thinking mythical Dido, who was historical Elissa to the Elimar>Elsa>Helyas swan line in Oldenburg, all suspect from the Leda>Helen swan that also put out the Uphollands. The question needs to be asked whether "ELIphas" founded the Helen line (I link her to Elis, in Pelops-established Pisa) to the Elis and Elyas surnames. Eliphas married the Lotan family, and so we find the Scottish Elyas clan first found in Lothian. Big Hmmmmm.

Were the Galli (which I typically link to Halybes) named after Eliphas??? Was the Halyes river, and Helios, named after Eliphas? Note ELIPH similarity with "Olaf" and "Lief." Helios, because he was a god at Rhodes, fits well with the red color of Esau. Remember, Kos, the name of a chief Edomite cult, was also the name of an island beside Rhodes. And if I'm not mistaken, the Edomite Kos was also "Kaus," what could have been a hard-C form of "Esaus," the latter then forming "Zeus"...since after all I trace "Uranus" (Zeus' "grandfather") to Haran's Hurrians>Horites.

I identified Nahorites, roundly thought to have been from Haran, fundamentally as the Atlanteans and the Danaans (think the Nereids of Poseidon, for example, though the evidence is greater than that alone). As Poseidon was the chief king of western Atlantis, whose first son (Atlas) I say depicted Attaleia in Pisidia, I now see that "EliPHAS" may apply to Poseidon=Pisidians. I did trace "POS(eidon)" to the Sumerian water cult of Abzu/Apsu, what I linked to Buz, son of Nahor, but then POS(eidon) may have been named after Esau's Buzite city of BOZrah. Then, there is always the possibility that "Edom" became Edon/Eden-like, just as in PosEIDON. The Edones of Thrace are suspect because they lived near the Ixion-encoded Kikons, "brothers" to the Hebros river at RHODope.

If the Greek "alpha" and/or the Hebrew "aleph" (i.e. our letter 'a') was from "Eliphas," since, after all, letters were named after sacred bloodlines/tribes, might Cappadocia, on the Halys river, have been an extension of Eliphas elements...just because "cappa" is the Latin "alpha" in the sense of "first/chief"? The Greek "k" is a "kappa."

Wikipedia indicates that Arbroath is also "ABERbrothock," a very Eber-like term. The place is in Angus near ABERdeen, which I trace to "Kabardino," the home of Kabars in the Caucasian theater. This is no hokey claim. The Leslies were first in Aberdeen, and they are known to have come from noble Hungarians, who were themselves seven tribes of Magyars (from the Kabardino theater) and three tribes of Kabars. It is highly likely that the Kabars of Caucasia were from the "Iberi" of Caucasia, the same peoples that became the Spanish Iberians. Yes, Hebrews (not Israelites) meshed with Gogi, Tubali, and Meshech...the anti-Christ nations.

I'll place my bets that the cinquefoil in the Arms of Angus link somehow to the Bus and Hamilton cinquefoil.

The symbols in the Arms of Aberdeen, also white on red, should be the two symbols in the Abreu/Abrussi Coat (more Heber-ites), for as we can read, the Aberdeen symbols were created under king Brusi/Bruce. The castles in the Aberdeen Arms are said to have belonged to king James I, son of Bruce III and Annabella Drummond. Aprutium, capital of Abruzzo, became named a Drummond-like Teramo (that's the modern name).

James married Joan Beaufort, and that sounds like the Beaumont/Bellmont clan that I linked to the Bonne/Bone surname! The exclamation mark is for the "Bon Accord" motto of the Aberdeen Arms, what I had suspected might be code for a Bone clan. Skull and Bones are suspect here along with Phi-Beta-Kappa cults.

Check out more white-on-red crescents (i.e. indicating Speers and/or Tattons) in the alternative-Beaumont Coat and in the Dutch Bonne/Bon Coat! These are the colors of the French Beauforts. Julie sent an email reminding me that the sacred swan line of the English monarchs belonged to the Bohuns, who come up as the Bonne/Bone clan.

Where was my head when writing on the Halland bloodline (2nd update May) from Norwegian rulers, for as I shared that they were also called, Hollands, I failed to check out the Holland surname. It uses a lion with the rounded tail that I showed a few times as belonging to that very Halland bloodline!!!

The bloodline of Joan Holland goes back to Upholland, Lancashire, and to Robert Holland of Holand (one 'l'). Robert's personal Arms are a white-on-blue lion, probably a colors-reversed version of the blue-on-white lion used by the Yorkshire Hallands/Hallams. The latter was the CAPPeo lion of emailer Patterson's special message on the Hall bloodline. There's even a Thurston Holland in the bloodline, recalling the Thor terms used by Norwegian Hallands. The Thurston Coat uses an "esse" motto term! Remember, Hollands are highly suspect now as the Eliphas-branch Esau-ites.

The page tells that "Melbourne Castle was started by [Robert] de Holland in Melbourne, Derbyshire." Place bets on whether MELborn related to the MalaHULE bloodline. I say this because the Melbourne Coat is in the Hull-Coat format. Mels use a fret, the Dutton symbol, while Duttons had merged with these very Uphollands. Let's not forget that Malls/MalliBONES (who use the Ivar Coat exactly, a Massey Shield essentially) were first in Cheshire too (i.e. where early noble Duttons were born). Ivars were first in DUMbarton (if you didn't read it in earlier updates, the Norwegian Halland bloodline was fathered by a Varangi-like Ivar, associated with an Olaf).

Upholland is not very far from blue-lion Copeland (southern Cumbria), the area to which I think the blue Cappeo and Copia lions trace (see second update May for that important-to-God revelation). In that Cappeo discussion, the Hollands were linked to Copeland and surnames thereof. Malahule (who I linked strongly to the Norwegian Hallands) ruled Upland/Opland, suggesting that "UpHolland" is a play-n-words with that location, and/or the Hopland (Massey domain) to which I also trace "Opland." Again and again, Hollands and Masseys.

ZOWIE, Upholland is near Wigam (like "viking"), a term bringing up the Wickens/Wiggins Coat (WHITE TALBOT in Crest) with multiple thin chevrons...and TREFoils. The Wikipedia article suggests that the earlier name of the place was "TrefWigan." That sure does seem to trace the trefoil symbol in-part to the Wigam entity.

You may be thinking too hastily that my trace of the trefoil to the Trips/Treffs was wrong. Not necessarily, for the spur of the Wiggin Crest suggests links to the Sprees of Sprowston, Norfolk, and as I linked Trips to Drops/Tropes (Chief in Speer colors), so the latter were first found in Norfolk. Therefore, as Trips/Treffs (Massey boot) were first found in in the Holle theater of Holstein, the Treffs of Holstein must have been in Wigam of Upholland. How much sense does that make? It means that mythical Holle should be found in UpHOLLand.

AFTER suggesting that Trip>Wiggan equation/association, there came a flood of evidence. The Holly surname?? A WHITE TALBOT (like the Wickens/Wiggins)!. Also Spree colors (!!); and first found in Norfolk!!! The Irish Hollys? First found in WICKlow (!!!!) and using TREFOILS!!!!! Another cinquemark But wait. The Holly Crest is Melusine!!!!!! Let's hear it appropriate for wicca-witches and other desperate creatures.

The Irish Holly surname is properly Cullen, and uses hands like the Cauleys/Auleys...whom we've already traced to Holle and Hallands. BUT LOOK, a septamark is coming, for the English Holly Coat uses three red roundels along a white diagonal bar, the symbol also of the Ince Coat and the Inch Coat, while the location of Ince is at TrefWigam above!!!!!!! THAT PROVES THAT HOLLE was in UpHolland. Yes, I'm convinced.

Ince and Wigan are part of Manchester (the southern portion of which is Cheshire holdings), and so see the Shield filled with kettle hats (= Halland-bloodline symbol) in the Manchester-surname Coat!!!!!!!! Things are beginning to drop into place when octamarks come your way. Fortunately for you, I don't know what to call nine marks, and so won't use one. But beware the decamark.

Note that Ince is called, Ince-in-Makersfield. For I know that the Maxtons (of Maxton, Roxburghshire) use the same bee design (close enough) as the bee in the Arms of Manchester. AND, the Maxton page shows Makes and Mack variations, reflecting the variations when "Maker" is entered.

We can now make the trace with certainty from the blue-on-white Cappeo lion belonging to Hallands, to the blue-on-white lion of Macclesfield/Makeslesfield, for that latter location has Arms using a "COPIA" motto term. Now we can understand, with the discovery that Hallands were in Upholland, that Macclesfield elements of the Maxtons (and no doubt Maxwells) were in Upholland.

The garb that the Macclesfield lion holds is alternatively called a wheat sheaf. The idea coming to mind is that a sheaf was somehow made an heraldic symbol as per the idea of cappa=chief. I took a few minutes to investigate this idea, and found that the Chief-like Cheevers surname is said to come from "capra." By that time, I had already thought about the Sheaves/Shaw bloodline because I link it's Shay variation to Kays, whom I connect to mythical Kay/Cai and therefore to Kaysaria/Kaisareia, capital at Cappadocia. The Scottish Shaws (Perthshire) use... cups.

The goats (Seir/Horite symbol?) in the Cheevers Coat and Crest do not match the goat in the Russell Crest, and yet the Russell motto, "Che sara sara," smacks of "Kaisareia." Russells use scallops in Meschin-scallop colors, and then we find that Kaisareia was also Mazaca. The Samson surname uses the same scallops and then we find Samsun near the mouth of the Halys (the river on which Kaisareia sits). The Rutlegdes/Routledges use a wheat sheaf (and trefoils), and they could very well be a Rhodes-Rus clan, as we know that Meschins were. Again, we're talking the Rus line here, and IT JUST DAWNED ON ME as I ended that last sentence, that the Hebrew "Rosh" means "head/chief"!!!

That means that Cappadocia may have been named after the Rosh proto-Rus, and it's expected that the Meshech (i.e. at Mazaca) be in Cappadocia too!!!!!!!!!! Count them. Ten! Some versions of Ezekiel 38 leave out a Rosh people amid the Meshech and Gogi, interpreting the term instead a "chief". The Capper variation smacks of the "capra" that the Cheevers are said to derive in.

I really don't think that Cheevers were derived in a capra=goat, but rather that the clan used a goat as a play-on-word symbol. Chances are, as per the trace of the Cappeo topic to CoopeRs and therefore CypRus, I'd say that CheeveRs and Cappes/CappeRs were from mythical KypRis: Aphrodite and Ares.

If I recall correctly, the Kay/Cai cult was traced to Caux in Normandy, which I say here because entering "Cappe" brings up the Cappe/Caper clan (use caps worn on the head) first found in Lincolnshire (where I trace Lindos-of-Rhodes elements) but from Caux, Normandy!!!!!!!!!!! An elvinmark is born! Or whatever one calls it.

The Chevys and Chever variations of the Cheevers evoke the chevron symbol, and the Hebron surname to which I trace the chevron. I say that because the Cheevers Coat is white-on-red, the color of the Hebron/Hebburn chevron. The "Keep Trist" motto of the Hebrons may be hint that Cheevers were a branch of the similar Keeps. There is a Keep Coat with Arms-of-Baden Shield once again. The Keep Crest use a "weavers shuttle," suggesting Weaver (in Keep colors) and Weber branches.

There is a Heaver/Hepher clan using garbs as with the Cheshire Weavers, and first found in Suffolk, where the Keeps were first found. This all tends to link Cheevers to Hebrons and their branches, which jibes with my Cheever link above to Cappadocia because I traced Hebron elements (Israel) to the Halys-river Halybes. If it works, don't break it. Keep it around.

The Ross motto uses "succESSES alit," possibly code for Hesse as well as Alt terms related to Hallands. The Ross' use a red Shield with white symbols (lions), typical of Rosicrucianism's white verses red rose lines. We see "Moreville" (white lion in Moray colors) and "GilleMORIStun" in one Ross write-up, and Moors are also typical in Rosicrucianism. There is a Moorman/Morman Crest using three bunched arrows, what I strongly suspect to be a ROTHschild (means "red shield") symbol as per the three Kabar tribes amongst Hungary's founders, and that evokes the Hungarian root that I see in the red-shielded Ross clan (traced here to George "Drummond," son of king Andrew I of Hungary).

It's not unthinkable that Rothschilds should trace to Rosh blood. Manchester was the home of the first Rothschild to England, and as Rothschilds became largely involved in railroads, it's interesting that "Manchester was the site of the world's first railway station..." Moreover, I traced Rockefellers, who are the other part of the trefoil symbol, to Rochdale, part of Greater Manchester along with Treff-Wigan. In fact, I now see that there was a Trafford region nearby (we're not forgetting here that Trips/Treffs lived where Drummonds were first found).

Way back in the 4th update of April, 2009, when Hallands were by no means on my plate, I took one of my first jabs at identifying Rockefeller clans. It was then that I found the Rigby link to Rochdale. I wrote:

"Rigsby [Rockefeller-related] is in Lancashire...where also the (black and white) Clegg surname was first found. But as the latter surname was in Rochdale, it could be that "Rocke(feller)" derived from that place. The [rook-using] Rocksby Coat [surname first in Yorkshire with Hallands], as you can see, is fully black on white, using the black chevron again, but the Rook Coat [Halland colors] changes to a blue chevron while leaving the rooks black. A rook is a castle on a chessboard, and this is why -- the castles -- I was thinking yesterday to check out a Rockefeller link to the white castles on blue of the Aul Coat..."

As I was re-reading that just now, before getting the Aul surname (Gascony), I was wondering whether "Clegg" was one of the Cauleg-like terms predicted by "Cauley." I therefore think that the Cauleys/Auleys of the Halland fold were in-part the Cleggs. It must have been pure Providence that I should then include the Auls at that topic. Not much further above that paragraph I had mentioned the Clegg-like Kellogs, using talbots (Hall/Aul symbol) in Halland blue-on-white.

AND BEHOLD. I kid you not, I don't lie. I had not seen the Clegg Coat until writing all the above. The Clegg motto uses "capere capiat"!! You see, it pays to record these things even though it risks putting you to sleep.

The pierced Clegge star is found in the Arms of Rochdale. The Crest of the Arms uses a fleece on a pack of wool in the green and white colors of the Wolfley/Wooley wool packs (latter is an Obama bloodline out of neighboring Cheshire). I trace the golden fleece of myth to the Pelops>Menelaus bloodline, from the MANI peninsula, and here we have a fleece symbol in MAN(chester) city !

AND WINDFALL, for we expect Helen, wife of Menelaus, in Manchester too!!! The UpHOLLANDS!!!!!!!!!!!! That's a no-name-mark coming at you, emailer Patterson.

As Rochdale is part of Salford, I can't help but recall the Salyes Ligurians to the side of the Languedoc theater. I mention Languedoc, not just because the Roquefeuils were from there, merged for an historical fact with the Rodes line out of Rodez, but because there's a chance that Languedoc elements named Lancaster, thus tending to reveal that the red Lancastrian rose is code for Redones.

The Salford-surname Coat uses wolves (as with Wolfleys), and the Clegg Shield in colors reversed. AND, the Salfords use boars, evoking the boar-using Sullivans that I trace strongly to the Salyes. Like the Salfords, the Cheshire Sales-of-Massey use a black engrailed bar. The Arms of Salford (shown a ways down the webpage above) use symbols from the earldom of Chester (that would include Ranulf le Meschin, I'm assuming, from bee-using Bessin elements). I see bees and garbs on the Arms of Salford. Sol=Helios is suspect there.

Consider that while Rocques=Rockefellers were first in LANGuedoc, Rochdale is on the Roch river in LANCashire. There's no necessary complication in a Roch=Rosh equation. You might like to study the red-Shielded Roach/Roche Coat, and ask why they call them cockroaches who steel our food by night. The Wolfleys were in LONGendale (Cheshire), while Long(en) surnames are also Lang-like. The Longen/Langen Crest uses a Templar lamb! That exclamation mark is for the theory of Obama = False-Prophet-lamb.

As Manchester should have the lion's share of Lancaster's Lancelot elements, and because I traced the Pendragon code to similar-named entities on the west side of the PENnines -- that stretch from Manchester to Gorlois-like Carlisle -- it wouldn't surprise me if the Pendlebury location in Salford was a Pendragon haunt. I say this because I've already looked up the Pendle and Pendlebury Coats, both using a white-on-black lion, the colors of the Pendragon/Pendreigh surname. The Cliftons use the same because Clifton is beside Pendlebury.

Carlisle, says Wikipedia, was named after Lug, and if correct to trace him to Ligurians, then the Salford trace to Salyes Ligurians is underscored. I did say that the Salyes Ligurians represented the heart of the grail cult, and there must have been reasons that led me to that conclusion. We don't forget that the Laevi Ligurians are suspect in the Arthurian grail cult, especially those Arthurian clans using fleur-de-lys. The Sales clan (first found beside Salop) use fleur in colors reversed to the Pendragon fleur. In this picture, the Swinton location may have been named after the Ligurian swan (Savona comes to mind), and later was given a swine derivation in error.

The downward-pointing pheon in the Sales Crest could be the one in the Arms of Salford City Council.

Note that "PenDragon" is said to mean "Head/Chief-Dragon," for the Cappeo entity is suspect in their midst. And, I did identify the Arthurian cult many years ago as a Rus one. The Arms of Pendlebury uses a wyvern dragon, and a boar head that I would trace to an Arthur-related, boar-depicted peoples of Cornwall (where Pendragon and Gorlois were located by myth writers). However, the Pendlebury boar should connect more-immediately with neighboring SWIN(e)ton. The Arms of both Pendlebury and Swinton use a "Salus" and a "Lex" motto term. It all reminds me of the Arthur link to Salop-like CLAPtons and related Clavers>Cliff(ford)s.

Entering "Lex" brings a Swiss Lex/Leck surname smacking of the red-lion Leys/Lees/Leghs. The Arms of Salford City show red lions galore, symbols also of Sullivans. We don't forget the Locks (engrailed cross) and Logens/Lochs using swans.

Back now to the UpHolland bloodline. Note the Singleton bloodline (that Thurston Holland married) in the Holland tree, for it was a Jonathan Singletary (centuries later) who changed his surname to Dunham in Obama's very ancestry.

After seeing those early Singletons in Lancashire, sure enough, I found the Singletons/Singletarys to be first found in Lancashire. The earliest-mentioned Singleton on that tree is a Huck Singleton, and meanwhile both the Huck and Singletons surnames use multiple thin chevrons. Hucks (owls) are in Halland blue on white, and like Hallands were first found in Yorkshire. Suddenly, it appears that Hucks and Huckabees were from the Singletons...who may have been named after SINCLairs, for the Clare Coat uses three chevrons like the Singleton Coat. The Sinclair page shows a Singular variation, if that helps to make the Singleton link to Sinclairs.

An earlier Joan de Holland is shown on the tree, marrying a Dutton (born in Cheshire, definitely related to Masseys there). The appears to be a variation of the Tatton Coat (there were "Tattons-of-Mascy" as well as "Duttons-of-Mascy"), meaning that the Hollands married into the same as the Touts/Tutts that were introduced shortly above as an Oliphant branch! The Dutton write-up traces to a nephew of Hugh D'Avrances.

As the Speer crescents are now being linked to the Tout>Tatton>Dutton bloodline, and as Speers were traced to Lancashire's Lancelot cult, so the Duttons were first found in Lancashire. It predicts that Hollands and Duttons together were part of that Lancelot line. We can see that Joan Holland married Hugh Dutton, son of a Risley on his mother's side, explaining why the Risley Coat uses red-on-white crescents. Risleys (Russells? Rices?) were first found in Bedfordshire, where Luton sits, a location that I traced Ligurians to. The Lotan-Horite theme is once again evoked.

The BEDford-Luton combo evokes the Bats>Batavi and related Lazi>Ladon lines from Caucasia not far from a Rize location in the Khaldi/Trabzon theater. I fully expect the Caucasian Bats in Bute (not to re-mention that I suspect the Bats in the Bath/Atha clan), and feel that mythical Ladon of western Atlantis, who was said to guard an apple grove, was in apple-depicted Avalon=Bute.

In earlier generations of the Duttons, we find a Hugh, son of a Prescott, marrying a Massey, daughter of Hamon de Massey. Clicking to the Hamon Massey page, we find him born in Cheadle, the place to which I trace the Catti of Hesse, suspect as Esau-ites. The Catti can be traced through Cadmus the Phoenician, and that supports a trace of Duttons to Dido the mythical Tyrian princess, and to the Minoan bull cult of Daedalus. In my opinion, the "Dido" term is a "Zeus/Dios"-variant (think the Zeus cult at Dodona, for example), and so we find that Zeus the bull took the Tyrian princess, Europa, to found Minoans.

The Prestwick location (said to be named after "Priest") in the Salford theater evokes the cockatrice-using Presleys/Priestlys that were linked closely to the Halland bloodline. And LOOK, while writing that, I was waiting for the Prestwick Coat to load. It's Melusine in Speer colors. I say that because the Prestwich motto uses "speravi."

It reminds me of the Speranza clan (strongarm symbol again) first found in Bergamo (Lombardi), off the Po and not only near the Laevi Ligurians, but near Brescia, where Eburovices (and CenoMani) were located. It makes sense because I trace the Presley/Priestly symbols the symbols of the Abreus, they being first found on the Po; I then trace Abreus to the Eburovices. Both Presleys and Prestwicks use white on red, as does the Speranza Coat. (The Prestwich Crest is a porcupine, a symbol belonging also to Bassets.)

I'm not sure if the lion in the Arms of Prestwich is blue; it looks more grey. Not sure what the two white birds are.

From Tim way back on May 6:

Hi John, I used to know a McVey and so when I read that you had been looking at Vey I had a look at it. "The name is derived from the Irish Gaelic 'Mac an Bheatha,' and a bearer of Mac Bheatha is mentioned in the Annals as taking part in the battle of Clontarf in 1014." I wonder if Mac Bheatha has a link to McBeth?

Good point, especially if MacBeth's name was of Bute elements. The McVey Chief is in the colors of both Bute Coats. In support of the McVeys being of Morgan le Fay of Avalon, their motto is, "Per ardua." Due to the similarity between "Bheatha and "Beaty," the gold McVey crescent may be the same in the Betty/Beaty Crest. As the latter clan was first found in Roxburghshire, the spear in the McVey Crest could link to the Speers of Sprowestun, Roxburghshire.

Entering "Beth" brings up Beathe variation (also shows "Bath"). English Beths use the same Shield (as Beths above) and show a Beaton variation, very Bheatha indeed. The Beth/Beaton motto: "DeBONNaire." In the Beth/Beaton write-up: "The Macbeths were concentrated in Islay and Mull...".

It evokes Malahule, son of Eystein, but even before coming to that thought, I had checked for "Is" links to "Eystein," finding the Eyles/Eels/Eylers when entering "Islay." The Coat is half the Sinclair cross. The surname is said to possibly derive in "Aethel" smacking of my MacHeth/MacKay trace (in the 2nd update of May) to the Atha clan of Wales listed under "Bath."

The eel in the Ship(ton) Crest is suspect, and since the Ship(ton) Coat uses BLACK bellows, I would suggest the Bellamy clan. Again, both Beth Coats use the Bellamy Shield. Bellows (BLACK fox) were first in Cheshire, where we expect Bellamys, and the black color of the bellow symbol and of the Bellows fox has just been highlighted because the Bellows write-up traces to a Moreton location.

We then get hint of Cauleys in Normandy: "The name of the Norman noble who was granted lands at MOREton was interchangeably Bellet or Bellot of Callouville in Normandy..." That is a nutshell would explain why Halls consistently seem to be Massey-related (Masseys were from the house of Bellamy in Ferte-Mace) and Malahule-of-MORE related.

There is no "Calou" Coat, but there an interesting Callow Coat in Hull format and colors. The write-up says: "...where Callow means the bald or bare hill." That evokes the same-colored Hill clan (using Moratin castle) of CastleMORTAN!! Entering "Call" brings up the Coles/Auls of Argyllshire, using Cauley/Auley stars. English Calls (trumpets) use a Caules variation. For the record, Callows use a blue Indian peacock in Crest, a symbol that I had tended to trace to Polish clans. Entering the "cale" that Calls are said to be rooted in, the whale of the Kahill/Cail surname pops up, with Kyle anchor in Crest.

The Bellows location at Moreton is on the Wirral Peninsula (almost northern Wales, what may have been Geryon territory) and checking the Wirral Coat, we find BLACK (as expected) lions, but also "gold cups." The Wirrals/Wyrrels could easily have been Weirs/Wiers in Cheshire. There are plenty of red dragons in the heraldry of northern Wales, and Ladon of Geryon myth was in relation to his Erytheia, a term rooted in "red."

Insert -- Julie wrote in to ask about the dark Celts of southern Wales called Silures. She provided the Wikipedia article on Silures, where there was a MURchison surname, and checking it just hours after writing the above, I found that both Murchisons (BLACK lion, scallop) and Bellows use a "pectore" motto term. AND MORE! The Murchison write-up: "They are believed to be descended from Murdoch, a natural son of Angus Mor of Islay of the Clan Donald." ISLAY!!! For the record, Murchisons use pineapples, rare in my hunts.

Murdock is the surname that founded Fox news, very conspicuous where the Bellow Crest is a fox, don't you think??? My investigations into the Fox-news people led to Moray elements galore. The Guiscard-fox Samsonite Saracens are highly suspect as the Moors at the root of Morays and MurDOCKs, especially where the Dock/Dog Coat (Perthshire) uses the Tancred and Tankerville symbols. If any docia-like surname can trace to CappaDOCIA, the Dock surname can. Recalling that we expect a blue Cappeo lion in Cappadocian lines, see the blue Massin/Mason lion in the English Dock Coat.

Duce's use the Kent-surname lion while Massins/Masons were first in Kent. AND the Toques/Tokes were first found in Kent too. I had never thought to trace the Tokes to CappaDOCIA. If I had a clue as to what "docia" stood for, I could perhaps do better, but I have linked Tokes to Tokers, and the latter to the Batia>Teucer line of Trojans. That makes sense where mythical Capys, son of Kaisareia-like Assaracus (note the Kos-like ending), was a Trojan line.

We might be looking at proto-Khazars in "Kaisareia" and "ASSARacus" because Khazars are traced by historians to Bulgarians, and Trojans are thought to be Thracians out of Bulgaria. But then I say that "Thrace" derives in "Saracen" elements, and "Assaracus" looks Saracen-like. If Saracens were from Seir, then the idea that Assaracus was made father of Capys suggests that Seir-ians founded Cappadocia. Khazars were called "Red Jews," and yet they were largely from TOGARmites, said one of their "Jewish" kings (Joseph) in a letter that's online. I suspect Edomites of Cappadocia at the kingly courts of Khazars.

Toggarts/Taggerts (Ross-shire) use owls (!!), and a Ratione motto term smacking of Redones. "Tokar" (with an 'a') brings up the Taggerts. Their owl design is that of the Oldan/Olten owl, and LOOK LIKE AN OWL at the Oldan write-up: "[The surname] is a product of when the family lived in Oldham, in Lancashire. This was a town near the city of Manchester; it has since been absorbed by that city."

The above suggests that "docia" was named after Togarmah elements, making sense where I just unveiled Cappadocia as a Meshech and Rosh locale (In Ezekiel 38, not only the Rosh, Gogi and Meshech, but Togarmah, is mentioned as part of the end-time anti-Christ empire). I trace Togarmah tribes to "Teucer. " My suspicion was that heraldic tigers were code for Teucer lines. While the English Tiger surname shows no Coat, the write-up traces to a spear, suggesting perhaps, Lancelot: "The distinguished and ancient surname Tiger is Old French in origin, and was brought to England in the wake of the Norman Conquest. The name is derived from 'tigier,' meaning 'people-spear.'" Again and again, the same themes. And somewhere in Freemasonry is thought to be a spear as code for the spear that pierced Christ. End insert.

There is evidence that these McVey-related clans link to Kyles of Ayrshire (= continental Bute). The Coel-like term in the Betty/Beaty motto, for example. The only reason I'm mentioning this is due to the Alda-like motto term of the Vaughn Coat (Hull/Hall-like Shield). And the only reason I'm mentioning that is due to the Hanna motto, "Per ardua ad alto." You see, while the Hannas use the same phrase as the McVeys, a variation of the McVeys is "Vaugh," possibly linked to Vaughns (who were "descended from Tudor Trevor"). We're keeping in mind that Hannas were first found in Galloway (Wigtownshire to be exact), to the south of Ayrshire. When we enter "Alda," we find a clan first found in Ayrshire.

ZOWIE! When the Alda/Auld clan was introduced as a potential Hall/Aule clan in the 2nd update of May, the Halton surname (i.e. like the "alto" motto term above) was introduced in the next paragraph, where I said: "Just checked Haltons to find that they use the Irish Wall/Wayle lion and a split Shield in the colors of the Hail/Hayle/Hale split Shield." I've since found that the Italian Alda Shield is split in the very same colors.

The Vagh and Vaugh variations of McVeys smack of Wagner, which was found to use, aside from the Alda griffin, symbols on a bar all in the colors of the McVey Chief. The Veigh variation of McVeys supposes a Veighn branch, but as there isn't one when entering that term, the Veins/Veyns and Vaynes are evoked, and the latter were clearly (as per a comparison of Coats) a Wayne branch (Waynes were fundamental to the Arthurian bloodline). The point is, I trace "wagon," said to be the root of "Wagner," to "Wayne." In this picture, Veys (and therefore Feys/Fays/etc) may ultimately have been named after wagon(er)s. But which wagoners?

Earlier, while on the Bellows clan, I found the Bloors/Blouers when entering "Blow" or "Blough." And then was found a Wagner-like Coat when entering "Blou" to bring up the Languedoc Blou/Blouard surname. The latter's red lines reflect the same in the English and "Jewish" Wagner Coats. The English Wagners use the Bellamy Shield, suggesting that the German Wagner Shield is a vertical form of the Bellamy Shield.

Very likely, therefore, as I am confident of a Meschin trace to the Mieszko Poles -- said to derive in Kolodziej the Wheelwright -- the wagon wheels uses by Wagners out to link to the Kolodziej bloodline.

Julie has been relaying to me her next important search project, to find the Herod bloodline in Languedoc. She is convinced it was there. She is also convinced that emperor Claudius (of ancient Rome), from Lyons (France), was a Herod on one side. I've already mentioned that a Herod surname is listed as a sept of the McLeods/Clouds, and that sounds to me like evidence that Claudius was a Herod. But what about the Blous/Blouards of Languedoc, if true that they were of the KOLODziej dynasty? I did trace that dynasty back to the Samson cult, and did link the Samson cult to Edomites.

The Samson account has foxes (one Simon surname uses a fox), but then Jesus called king Herod a fox. And we saw the fox above in the Bellow Crest. As the Bellows were clearly linked to Norman-related Moors, it recalls the Samsun and Timnah-named Saracens of Sicily as they merged with the Guiscard Normans in their attempt to overtake both Europe and Jerusalem.

AND ZIKERS YES, for the Sicilian Guiscards were from theTancred>Tankerville bloodline, the Tankerville Coat using white-on-red cinquefoils, the only symbols in the Bellow Coat!!!

Perhaps Bellovesus of the Languedoc-theater Gauls was an Edomite line. Yes, didn't I just suggest above that Eliphas could have been the root of the Galli? And doesn't "Claudius" smack of the Khaldi? My Bellovesus link to the Laevi Gauls comes to mind where "Eliphas" sounds like an Oliver-making term. In that picture, the Laevis (and their Oliver lines) may ironically have been Esau-ites, not Israelites. I will therefore keep my mind on Laevi links to Esau-ites of the Eliphas kind, not forgetting that I've already traced (recent update) the Laevi and Lys holy grail to Edomites.

As the Herod clan is also "Hirrell," consider that the Bellow clan lived in Wirral! Entering "Wirrell" does bring up the Wirral Coat...with gold cups/grails! I've already traced Veres and Weirs to Edomites, and the Vere-related Speers have just been traced to Spartans, no doubt the Helen branch that I now suspect to be from Eliphas. Helen's mother, Leda, has already been trace to the Laden dragon of Greece, which I say was the seven-headed Lotan dragon of Syria, which I say traced to Seir in Edom, where Biblical Lotan lived, who's sister, Timna (Genesis 36:22), was concubine (i.e. wife-like) to Eliphas (36:12)! Eliphas with Timna gave birth to Malahule-like Amalek.

We can imagine many Amal-like terms down through history and across Europe, especially in Crete's goat cult, mythical Amalthea, for it's suspect that the Seir (meaning "hairy/shaggy") location of Edom was depicted by a goat. Not only the Moreton Coat (i.e. as per the Bellow location of Moreton), but the Blow/Bloor Coat (i.e. as a Bellow variation), uses goat heads! Place your bets on whether this was Baphomet, and wait for Julie's theory on identifying Baphomet in an African entity. I'll get to that soon.

Having now traced the Bellows solidly to Sicily's Samson-related Saracens, note the Samson-Coat "cross," and the scallops (symbol of Sicily, says me, found also in the Samson Coat) in the elite-French line of Blois!

Blois, the region, is in the Cher theater, where Bellovesus' Biturges peoples were at home. Note at the Bellovesus article the AULerci peoples, said by Wikipedia to be Celts of Gaul. The Aulerci were associated with the Eburovices entity (co-founders with the Parisii of York), clinching once again the Hall/Aul links to the Abreu>Bruce Yorkshire.

I should also mention the Bellovaci (Belgiac) who lived beside the Parisii, for we could expect Helen elements transferring to them from among the Parisii, and for all we know those very Helen elements named Holland. I found it very fundamental to trace Bellamys from Belgio-Dutch realms (think the Maas river for the Massey merger with BELgiacs) to Normandy's Perche and Ferte-Mace, but that was a longish discussion that was deleted due to lack of room in the long May update. The Caleti peoples beside the Bellovaci may be Kyle/Cauley-important because Cauleys use a "Callide" motto term. In that Bellovaci theater were the Eburovices-like Eburones.

One Wagner (of Yorkshire) variation is "Wiggoner," smacking of "Wig(town)/Wigton (the Wigton/Wiggenton surname was likewise first found in Yorkshire, as with the Hannibal surname to boot). As I trace Hannas of Wigton to Hannibal CARTHaginians, I'll add that I trace Carthaginians to the Carter surname and to other Cart/Card (= wagon(er)) terms. Possibly, Carthage was named after some variant of "cargo," for Tyrians were cargo carriers at sea.

The Wiggins Crest is a spur, suggesting Speer loyalties. But as I recall linking the spur to a Cole/Kyle branch from the Mieszko bloodline in Silesia (Speers are traced nearby i.e. to the Spree river), and as I know that these Silesian elements were from Sulcis, a Seleucid locale co-founded by Hannibal Carthaginians as they had merged with Seleucids, I'm noting that German Wagners were first found in Silesia. The Sulcis region (Sardinia) was "named for the Phoenician city of Sulcis (Solki), present-day Sant'Antioco." The Seleucid capital of Antioch is just a Gogi spit from Aleppo.

While writing that, it entered my mind that something in that topic should link to the "chief" meaning of "Cappadocia." It occurred while recalling that Antioch had earlier been, Harbiye, a term I traced to mount Gareb (Jerusalem) with little doubt. As I identify Garebites with the heraldic garb, I wondered whether the wheat sheaf, i.e. as code for "chief/cappa" term, was linked to Harbiye. It just so happens that I traced "Gareb" to "Jerevan," in the Aras theater of Armenia from which I see the Ares and Hera cults originating. The Rus that is, or the Rosh=Chief peoples. I was wondering further above how I could have both the sheaf=chief code and the garb code depicting the same peoples. There's one way.

The Lohengrin swan-line Ligurians were linked to Carthaginians (Sardinia is off the Ligurian coast) because Lohengrin's daughter (Elsa) was code for the Tyrian princess, Elissa, historical founder of Carthage. We read: "Loherangrin [= the grail-using Laurie surname/bloodline] and his twin brother KARDeiz..." Caps mine. The point us, the Wagner Crest is a "swan swimming in water" (the Waters (with an 's') Coat is in Wagner colors)...meaning that Wagners were of the Lohengrin bloodline. In the Lohengrin article above, we also read: "In 1848, Richard WAGNER [caps mine] adapted the tale into his popular opera Lohengrin..." That can't be coincidental.

But now that I'm tracing Vey roots to Wagners, I should add that the Fife-surname motto uses "opera." I'm not sure if that term relates to the Lohengrin opera, but I mention it because Veys (also "Vyvyan/Vivian") were clearly, in my mind anyway, the Fife clan (uses the Vey/Vivian Shield).

As per the Aldas and Haltons, both the Eltons/Heltons and Hails/Hales (downward arrows, like Cauleys) were first found in Cheshire; Eltons use "ArtiBUS" while Hails use "PrincipiBUS." The German Bus(s) surname shows a Beusss variation that could possibly link to the Bheatha>McVey surname, but in any case, I tend to identify the English Bus(s)/Buse surname with Buz, son of Nahor, because it uses nothing but a large ermined white-on-red cinquefoil, the same symbol as the Hamiltons/Hameltons (I trace the latter to "Kemuel," son of Nahor, and to the Camelot bloodline to which the Hall-related Campbells/Cammels likely belonged.) The Bus and Hamilton cinquefoils are in Speer colors.

Where else did we see white-on-red cinquefoils? In the Bellow Chief! More evidence of a Bellow trace to Edomites.

We seem to be all over the Arthur-Lancelot-Camelot-Avalon entities in this discussion. As Speers have been discovered to be the LANCElot cult (for more than just spear=lance), it's then conspicuous that the Bus clan was first found in Norfolk, where Sprowston is located, while Hamiltons were first in Renfrewshire, where Speers were first found.

I am clearly seeing the Uat/Buto cult of Egyptian Kemmites here, and should therefore re-mention that I see "Uat" derived in "Uz" (Biblically "Uts"), first son of Nahor. I traced the Eye-of-Horus-related Uat cult to White surnames (use kettle hats), as well as to the Watts (all-seeing eye), suggesting that the Waters' clan could belong to such. The RELEVANT POINT: the Blank Coat (i.e. as per obvious links to Whites) uses just a large white-on-red cinquefoil (i.e. the Bus symbol). That can't be coincidental.

You may have read some months ago that I found Fulk related Shields to be split; the Fulkes of Norfolk (spear in Crest) use just that. The Dutch Sprows surname and the Sprowston (of Norfolk) town sign also use split Shields. Haltons (Levi lion), who use a split Shield, were first found in Lancashire. I'm not yet sure by what "coincidence" Lancashire could be a Lancelot location when I'm thinking strongly that "Lancelot" was created instead as code for Speers. It could be sheer coincidence, which is to say that Speers and Lancelot elements were named after different entities and yet merged closely. Or, it could be that way back, a spear-like clan branched out as a Lanc-like clan, for example at Langhe beside the Speer-related Veres of Montferrat and Monforte. When we enter "Langhe," we find the Lance/Lence surname said to be derived in "lance/spear."

We're supposed to believe that "Languedoc" derives in "language of Oc(citania)," but then we find more white-on-red cinquefoils in the Dock/Dog/Doak Coat. The English Dock/Dox Coat (Massin/Mason lion) uses a thin red diagonal bar, same as the English and "Jewish" Wagners. Many years ago I realized that Gorgons, who I expect in CappaDocia, were named after "cart/chariot" (two wheeled, pulled by a horse) or whatever cargo may then have been called. I got the idea when finding that "gar" meant wheel so that "Gargar(ian)" should have meant, wheel-wheel, or two-wheel carters. The theory was apparently clinched when considering that Georgians, whom the Gargarians evolved into, were also called, Kartvelians...i.e. kart-wheelers.

Does it make sense to trace Wagners to Gogi Georgians? Yes, for the Wagner swan is traced (my me) to lake Sevan, where Gogarene was located, which is also the Aras theater of the proto-Rosh. The Aras was also "Araq/Arak," suggesting the arch, which is the top/cap/head of a doorway.

There's more cinquefoils in the English Lang Coat. The same Coat uses oak leaves, evoking my tentative trace of "Jok(tan)" to "oak." Zeus was depicted by a bull and an oak, and while I thought that "Jok(tan)" was the makings for an "ox" cult, why not also an "oak" cult? I was thinking that Joktanites, especially their Molech-related Sepharvite cult (it had an AdramMOLECH god), had formed the Molech-bull cult that I identify with Zeus and his father, Cronus. I trace "Joktan" to "Occitania" and therefore expect that "Languedoc" was named after Joktanite elements, but then should we expect Joktanites in Lancashire too? The Lang oak leaves are technically "oak sprigs, using a term like the Spree/Spry/Sprey/Sprie surname. The Spruce variation of the Sprows comes to mind with "Spriggs."

AFTER doing all the above, "Spreck" was entered to find the Spriggs surname, and it's the Vey and Fife Shield, with Beaty sword in Crest! That can now possibly link the McVeys, said to be from a Bheatha clan, to Beatys. The Spores/Spoores (pierced star) are not only in Vey-Shield colors, but were first found in Cornwall, where Veys were first found. The Spurrs (pierced star) were first found nearby in Devon.

Finally, long wanting to know what the species of leaves is that's found also on the Spreck/Spriggs Coat, they turn out to be, at least in this case, "rose leaves." But as the Spreck sword comes with an olive branch, the Laevi line to the Lief/Leaf/Leave and related Olive(r) surnames is insinuated. This tends to reveal that the Laevi Ligurians should link to some rose entity.

Checking the Rose clans, what was found but a "Constant" motto term and a write-up telling that the Rose clan (of Ross-shire) warred against Moray (MacBeth's theater too). That can only mean that the Constantine-named rulers in the Malcolm bloodline at Moray were on-side with the Rose clan. BUT, I see a Constantine-of-Scotland trace to the Constant(ine) surname first found in Languedoc, and from that I can see a link to the nearby Laevi Gauls.

The Rose Coat uses so-called water bouquets, the symbol of the Lancashire Banesters (who I identify as Ban, father of Lancelot). The French Rose clan was first found in Limousin, founded by the Lemovices whom I identify solidly as Lemnos elements (because Lemovices lived beside the Sintian-like Santones). The point is, as I've just been led to view the Roses as allies of king MacBeth, and as Tim and I both now suspect that MacBeth was of the Bheatha>McVey bloodline, and as it was moreover suggested above on at least two counts that the Beatys are the same bloodline, is it coincidental that the Beaty motto uses "Lumen"??? The McVey Coat, furthermore, uses gold roses, as does the French Rose Coat.

Then, as McVeys/Vaghs were identified as Wagners, so we find both German Wagners and German Roses first found in Silesia. As Silesians are identified here as Seleucids, whom are in turn traced to Rhodes, the island of roses, I think the Laevi Ligurians must have been linked to Redones of Languedoc as explanation for a rose-leaf combination symbol.

The Ross-shire Roses are often said NOT to be of the Ross clan, which I keep in mind in case I find any marks of distinction. I identify the Ross clan's founding with Drummonds, and view the Bissets of Ross-shire as a Drummond line...because I view Bissets as Bassets, the latter using the Drummond symbol. I also suspect that Bassets were of the Egyptian Bast cult that was part-and-parcel with the Uat/Buto cult). The point is: in the Rose write-up we see Roses merged with BOSco-branch Bissets, and so it's highly suspect that both "Bosco" and "Bisset" link to the Bast=Buto cult. That suggests that the stock of peoples to which Boscos/Bissets belonged is the one that named Bute, and indeed we just saw that Roses were linked to McVeys, they being the Morgan la Fay entity that ruled Bute.

IN FACT, ZIKERS, the Bassets were first found in GlaMORGAN/Morgannwg, the very place to which I trace the Morgan side of Morgan le Fay!!

The Ross-shire Roses are said to be essentially the same as the Geddes clan, though the Geddes write-up says that Roses came first. The "Capta" motto term of the Geddes suggests the Capetian dynasty of France, and indeed the Geddes Coat is white-on-red, the colors of the Capet/Cape Coat. The Geddes write-up traces to derivation in a pike fish, but when we enter "pike," another split Shield in Geddes red and white. The Spanish Capet Coat is a split Shield (with crown), in the colors of the split Shield of the Norfolk Fulks, suggesting, possibly, that Capetians were Fulks at their roots. Robert the Strong, of the Capetian royal line, was count in Anjou, where Fulks came to rule about the same time.

As I now think that Fulks of Anjou merged with Speers in neighboring Lusignan, it may explain why English Capets/Capes and Geddes clans use Speer colors (typical Rhodes colors, I may add). As the Rose clan of Ross-shire was specifically of Nairnshire, and as I'm seeing Nahorites in this bloodline, it speaks for itself. There is a split-Shield Nairn Coat using a so-called "CHAPLET" (i.e. like "Capet"). The split colors are the same as in the Sprows and Sprowston (Norfolk) designs. The white birds in the Sprows Coat may even be falcons, a Fulk symbol. The Nairn motto, "Sero sed serio," evokes the Saracens (not to mention Seir) that I equate with Nahorites. AND, the Norfolk Fulkes use "Qui sera sera."

The Phi Beta Kappa secret societies come to mind because I now identify their name as code for: 1) the Fees/Feys>Veys; 2) the Beith/Both/Buto-cult at Bute, and; 3) the Cappadocian line to Cap-like surnames. Compare CAPPADocia with CAPET.

Might we reason Cappa-Toch(arian)? That makes sense. In that case, Batia, daughter of Teucer, should have been in Cappadocia too. Batia may therefore be the Beta in Phi-Beta-Kappa. Perhaps the beta letter was anciently named after Batia elements; it works well where we imagine that the alpha (= chief) letter was named after Cappa(docian) elements. And when we do our ABCs, we might even imagine that the k=kappa letter was at first a c=cappa. Unfortuneately, a 'd' was made a delta, not a docia so far as I know.

Aha! As I trace Saracens>Hagarites to Perthshire, that's where we find the Nairs (i.e. as per "Nairn"), AND, variations include "Nuir" and "Neir," evoking Fulk Nera of Anjou (in the Fulkes write-up). To help support a Nair (and Nairn) trace to the Anjou Fulks, the Nair Crest is yet another Melusine, symbol of the Lusignan Speers.

For what it may be worth, the Italian Nero Coat uses kettle hats / vair.

We might also wonder what lot entity "LanceLOT" and "CameLOT" may be code for. Both the Lot/Loth and Lothian clans use brown/gold talbots.


Especially for new or confused readers,
shows where I'm coming from.

The rest of the Gog-in-Iraq story is in PART 2 of the Table of Contents

The 2011 Update in the 2016 chapter tells why
I'll be watching Iraq until the summer of 2011, at least.