Jupiter and Juno Finally Identified
The Cappeo Bloodline on the Kupa
The Baphomet Paphlagonians in Perigord
King Leir was a Samson Devotee Levi-Grailer
This update is longer than planned. There never seemed to be an end of new discoveries. If you can persist patiently to the end, you'll understand the history of Freemasonry like no other commoner/outsider has.
Investigation on the Nimrod>Marsyas bloodline to Hungarians and to the Merlin cult continues here from the last update. Central to the investigation is the Frame article concentrating on the Bellamy>Ferte family's relations. I don't know whether the author knew that these families were basic to the founding of Freemasonry.
Keep in mind here that I trace the African portion of proto-Freemasons from Saracens and/or Moors (not sure yet if they were the same exactly or wholly different, but some affinity is suspect) to some relationship in Liguria, for the first topic at hand is the Bray bloodline, a surname that I traced to Cuneo of interior Liguria.
In the Frame page, just above the heading, "BOUCHARD DE BRAY," we read "The family of Montlhery were 'cousins' of the Crispins, the ancestor of whom, Heriolfr Turstain, married Gerlotte de Blois; her sister being the wife of Bouchard de Bray, ancestor of the Montlhrry and Montmorency families." The Blois surname was mentioned recently (4th update in May) as part of the Bellow-branch Bellamys honored by the Sheep/Shipton Coat that I had linked (many months ago ) to Skiptons. I did not know, or at least did not stress, the Lacy>Lacydon link to (Shipton-like) Skiptons, until the last update.
It was in the 2nd update of this month that Lacydon Ligurians were linked to Chaonians and Thesprotians of Epirus, at which time I realized that Chaonians named Cuneo, the place to which I'm now tracing the Bray bloodline, a bloodline emphasized below. It first needs to be repeated that the Frame article points out multiple instances of incestuous relationships (again immediately after the above quote) for the purpose of keeping "pure" bloodlines, and that I traced the bad-gene aspect of Parkinson's Disease to Massey- and Abreu-related clans. At the time, I suspected that porphyry, a bad-gene disease named after purple urine, was linked to the purple Skiptons and/or Lacys.
The Brays (Shipton colors) were from Bray, Normandy, and the Bray write-up locates it near Evreux, home of an Abreu bloodline that founded Yorkshire, where the Abreu-branch Bruces lived. That Abreu bloodline, the Eburovices, smack of "Hebron," and it was just in the last update that Crispins (whom we see related to the Brays above) were traced to Cravens of Yorkshire, who were in turn traced to Hebron (Israel) and possibly to mount Gareb at Jerusalem. I claimed for years that Templars>Freemasons honored Gareb (i.e. their Amorite past) as per the impetus for their Crusades, but now their roots in Hebron are highly suspect too.
I had traced the Bray clan to a Bra location in Cuneo. Bra is not very far from Turin, and as I entertain a trace of Tuareg Amazons to Turin's naming, but then identify the Thurstan surname with Tuaregs, let me repeat the quote above: "The family of Montlhery were 'cousins' of the Crispins, the ancestor of whom, Heriolfr Turstain, married Gerlotte de Blois; her sister being the wife of Bouchard de Bray, ancestor of the Montlhrry and Montmorency families."
Cuneo is the home also to Monforte and Montferrat, wherefore I suspect that Montlhrrys and MontMorencys were from the Cuneo region too. To support my trace of the Veres/Fers to MontFERRAT, see this from the Cuneo article: "Together with Alba, [Cuneo] was the main Angevin possession in northern Italy; their rule (in fact interrupted by periods under Saluzzo, Savoy, the Visconti of Milan) ended in 1382 when Cuneo was acquired by the Duchy of Savoy." The point is, I trace ("Mont)Ferrat" to the Fertes (of Ferte-Mace, Normandy), explaining why the Vere and Massey Shields are identical, and why both lived in the same region of Normandy.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CuneoDid you note the Saluzzo term? As Cuneo is near the source of the Durance river, where Salyes Ligurians lived, I'm linking Saluzzo to the Salyes Ligurians. "The Marquisate of Saluzzo was an historical Italian state that included French and Piedmont territories on the Alps." Note that the Arms of Saluzzo uses a blank (no symbols) Chief, for we are about to see more of them.
The MontMorencys are important because they are suspect as the Cheshire Meres and Demeres (both use a ship in Shipton colors), a bloodline that I see as the Mary portion of the Magdalene cult. The Sales-of-Masci were of Cheshire too, thus offering a good reason to trace MontMorencys to the Cuneo theater. I'm thinking that Morencys were Moor elements in Liguria, and yet I'm not ruling out the Marsyas>Marsi bloodline to Marseilles (near Lacydon).
In the Frame article, we read that a Herve de Montmorency (first name smacks of "Gareb" or "Harbiye") was "founder of the Montmorency-Marisco (Montmarais/Montemarisco) line...Children of their great-grandaughter, Alix de Montmorency [think the Alis names of the Meschin-Skiptons; later the author links Morencys to Yorkshire Ellis,' the Holle bloodline], were called Amaury/Amary; she having married into the family of Montfort [which I traced to Monforte in Cuneo]; see Robert de Amar, as follows. Alvere was also known as Alveve [smacks of Alba in Cuneo] de Mariscis (Marches)..."
WOW! The Morencys/Mariscos were also Marches. The Marches were treated in the last update as parts of the Merlin cult, from Nimrod elements as per the Nimo/NewMarch surname. The French Marches (first found in holy-grail Lorraine) use a symbol like that of the Merits/Mereys. This symbol is like the Arms of Burgundy, and then we find that French Mares/Marrs were first found in Burgundy. The Frame article goes on to say: "William de Mara of Domesday was synonymous with William de Dalmari or De la Mare, (or Marisco)." Brackets not mine.
The Lorraine surname uses eagles of the Ferte-eagle kind, and a Shield in Ferte-eagle red on gold. We'll see these eagles again shortly. French Marches use the Marsh lion head so as to clinch March-Marsh kinship, and the Marsch variation of the latter smacks of "Marisco."
Remember from the last update that Marshes use both the Kay and Ector/Hector (surnames) symbol, and that there was a mythical Kay, son of mythical Ector, two Arthurian-grail characters.
English Marches look like they use a version of the El(l)is Coat. Remember, the witch-goddess, Holle, was like the Basque goddess, Mari.
The Fresnels (smacks of Freskin, founder of Morency-like Moray), which the author mentions often, and whom he equates with the Fertes, were also first found in Burgundy. He uses a "DaMORY variation smacking of "Moray": "Nicholas Damory was owner of the manors of Bochenhall and Blechendon, co. Oxon...[Daumarys were first in Oxfordshire, anciently called, Oxanforda / Oxnaforda / Oxenford]. It may reasonably be suggested that the families of Ferte-Fresnel and Ellis, suggested as close kin by William Smith Ellis, were so related; cousins of Montmorency connection." "Oxon" is the short form for Oxford, and may relate to the Oxonae Germanics.
As per the paragraphs below, I'll add here the Ross-clan write-up: "For this origin, the first reference of the name was Godfrey de Ross, a vassal of the de Morevilles, obtaining from Richard de Moreville the lands of Stewarton in Cuningham." In this picture, where the Morevilles are assumed to be the Morencys, CUNinghams look like Cuneo elements.
I should also mention that the Ross Coat, white-on-red lions, is reflective of the English Mare Coat, white-on-red lions. The latter were first found in Yorkshire, the place to which I traced the 'Y' of the Cuningham Coat. Note the white unicorn in the Cuningham Crest, symbol also in the Basset Crest.
There now comes good evidence that these Morencys -- already suspect as the Nimos/NewMarches/NewMarshes -- were from the Nimrod bloodline, or at least from those Hungarians who thought they were from Nimrod. cult. The Frame article goes on to suggest Morency>Mare links to Gilbert d'Aumari, and to the related Damory surname. The author then says that the d'Aumari Coat ("barry nebulee of six, over all a bend") "are substantially the arms of the later Bassetts."
I spoke on this in the first update of October, 2000. The Bassets were linked to the Ross-shire Bisets (the latter use the Daumary bar/bend in colors reversed) for two reasons: 1) I trace the founding of Ross-shire to Drummonds, known to be directly from George, son of king Andrew I of Hungary, and, 2) both the Basset and Daumary Coats are the Drummond symbol. This is the time to re-mention that French Mares use scallops in Patterson-scallop colors, for Scottish Pattersons were first found in Ross-shire.
The German Drummond waves are used by Spanish Marinas/Marinos, if that helps to clinch the Drummond link to the Morencys>Mares. The further point now is that the Abruzzo capital, Aprutium (traced by me to the Epirotes of Epirus, where Chaonians lived whom I now looking at as proto-Cuninghams), is now called, Teramo, a Drummond-like term. Remember, the Marsi lived in/near Aprutium!
AND, Bassets were first found in Glamorgan, the south-Wales theater where MERlin's setting was located. He is often identified by others with the location of CarMARTHEN, a Marsh-like term.
Just so that more Ferte links can be recorded here, I want to discuss the Frame article under the heading, THE PORTES OF RUSSY. On the one hand, the Russy location of Normandy is suspect as being named by the Russi, otherwise known as the Ruthene, of Redone, France (beside Cuneo). On the other hand, the Ross clan may apply. The author tells of the Porte surname of Russy, and then says:
As for Hugues [de Porte of Russy], he accepted royal munificence in Basing, in Hampshire...His son Henri, founded the priory of Shirburn, which was dependent on the abbey of Cerisy, in Normandy. Russy became 'dependait autrefois du doyenne du Campigny', as shown, a branch of the familly of Ferte-Fresnel, thus clearly showing a link between the family of Fresne in Herefordshire (who held under Adam de Porte, who represented a branch of the Basing family] and the family of Ferte-Fresnel - they were clearly, as armorial bearings suggest, one and the same. The family of Porte held the manor and castle of du Porte within the Russy estate, and were principal benefactors of Cerisy, and 'the Fresnes of Mappledurwell all came from Russy' (Loyd, 'Origins').The Basing location smacks of the Bassets, and as Biset(t)s were first in Ross-shire, we might expect a Russy link to Rosses of Ross-shire. From the above information, we can link the Adler-style eagles of the Basing surname to the Ferte (Adler-style) eagle. As we see Hughes le Porte naming his son, Henri, so we see the Ferte eagle used by the Irish Henry surname. French Henrys (Brittany) use blue on gold, the colors of the French Porte Coat.
The Portes were first found in Berry (France), a theater that included Cher (i.e. Cerisy-like), wherefore the Cerisy elements that Russy's Portes were in submission to should from Cher. Not only is it the Daumary bloodline that uses a "barry" symbol, but barry stripes/bars are used in the Arms of Cuneo...and in the Barry-surname Coat (see also the Berry Coats). The Spanish Cane Coat uses red and white bars too!
You can see yet another "fidelis" motto term in the Barry Coat, a term that I've identified as code for the Bavarian location of Foetes/Fussen, a location on the Lech river, and for other good reasons, Foetes has been traced here to Ligurians. IN FACT, the Barry Coat uses "legi fidelis," a clear sign of links to Foetes. THEN, the Bury Coat, looking quite Masci-related, uses fleur (on a Porte-colored bar/bend) in the same fashion as the Sales-Coat bend, which seemingly links the Barrys and Burys to Salyes Ligurians. Some readers may have read where I traced the bend symbol (= diagonal bar) and bend terms to Foetes elements.
Did you notice that the Portes founded the priory of SHIRburn (a Cher-like term)? For those of you who followed the Scherf topic, as it related to president George Bush Sr. being a Nazi spy of that surname (May 2-9 update), see that entering "Shir" brings up the same Scher clan as entering "Scherf."
The English Porte Coat uses the Macey Shield, and it happens to be the Char(d) Shield (partridges) in colors reversed (I had linked the Char(d)a to Cher in the Berry theater, and it now appears to be turning true). The Char(d)s were first in Somerset, and then we read at the Frame article that the ancestor of the Morencys was "Gilbert d'Aumari, who held lands in Somersetshire". Plus, the Daumarys use a "barry nebulee" for a symbol as well as a bend in the blue color of the Porte bend.
As I traced Berry, France, to "Perdix" (he was assigned a partridge symbol), note how that mythical character smacks of "Porte." We are now becoming dangerous experts in deciphering heraldic codes, especially as we are treading on the Masonic compass and square when we're on the Perdix line to the Char- and Berry-related Portes. My Search feature tells that Perdix became a topic in the 8th update of October, 2000, and was stressed/included in subsequent updates for quite a while, if you're interested (Perdix was the inventor of the compass and of other carpentry tools, and in the last update, "Carpen(ter)" was linked to "Craven").
The English Portes were first found in Hampshire, where the related Basings were first found. AND the EASTers (from Asti?) were likewise first found in Hampshire. As Easters are also Sturs, note this Stur/Stower Coat (surname also first found in Hampshire) with "three red bars"...like the Daumary/Damory Coat. But as the Stur bars are on gold, compare with the Berry (with an 'e') Coat. Berrys were first found beside Somerset's Daumarys/Damorys.
The English Porte Chief uses estoiles, which were found in the last update to be code for the Est/East surname, but now it can be added that there is an Asti location beside Cuneo. It is now very compelling to trace Easters and Sturs/Stowers to Asti. We can therefore include in the Asti trace both the French Sturs/Esturmys (use the Stur/Stower bars) and the Stormys. Yes, for as the French Sturs/Esturmys were from Tourlaville, it smacks of Turin about 30 miles to the west of Asti!
The write-up shows one L'Estourmi variation of "high rank" in 1066, as though possibly an Asti-Turin combo. BEHOLD! 1066 was the year the Conqueror became king of England in the battle of HASTings!!! WOW. How many Templar buffs know what heraldry has just coughed up, that the Conqueror was allied to Piedmont bloodlines?
Remember, I traced the Conqueror's Sinclair line to the house of Candida in Savoy i.e. in the Piedmont and/or Cuneo theater.
Plus, the Easter write-up tells that Tourlaville is in Manche, where the Masseys (and Veres) lived, who were clearly from the Piedmont Mascis. Asti is beside ALESSandria (i.e. smacks of the alis-named Skiptons), and per chance Asti was named after the same that named Alessandria. The map at that page shows the latter's nearness to Montferrat, but also shows a Sale location to Alessandria's east and a New Ligure location to its south.
There is an Ast/Haste surname (red sun) smacking of "Hasting." The latter uses a red "sleeve" in the shape of an 'M', and yet the sleeve can be construed as a scarf, perhaps, if the Hastings per chance link to the Scherf surname. The Arms of Leicestershire uses the same 'M' because the Hastings were associated with Leicester, but as that location's Legro river (after which Leicester was named) smacks of Ligurians, it's another good reason for a "Hasting" trace to "Asti."
I wasn't going to mention that Alessandria was named after king Anders/Andrew of Hungary until, just as I was on the Alessandria page, I asked myself what "Tourlaville" may have been named after. The Turul hawk used as symbol by Hungarian Arpads came to mind. In this picture, the same elements that founded the Ross clan, known to be rooted in an Andrew (as even the Ross write-up attests), also founded Tourlaville, explaining why Morencys trace both to the Cuneo and Ross-shire theaters. We can't neglect that king Andrew's son, George, had a Maurice/Marot for a son, who is pegged by others as the first Drummond.
Moreover, a MacHeth character (a Mackay) is said to have been of Moray elements and yet more-strongly tied to Ross-shire. This is utterly intriguing for the "Eth" similarity with "Asti,' for the Easter/aster Coat is identical to the Arms of Baden (Germany). I had traced the Welsh Atha/Bath surname to Baden (Germany)! If all of this is correct, then the Syrian Baathists were from Asti elements.
Now is the time to quote from the 4th update in May: "Having now traced the Bellows [clan] solidly to Sicily's Samson-related Saracens, note the Samson-Coat "cross," and the scallops (symbol of Sicily, says me, found also in the Samson Coat) in the elite-French line of Blois!
Blois, the region, is in the Cher theater, where Bellovesus' Biturges peoples were at home."
Let me first re-quote from the Frame article: "The family of Montlhery [= Montmorencys, suspect as Cuneo elements] were 'cousins' of the Crispins, the ancestor of whom, Heriolfr Turstain, married Gerlotte de Blois; her sister being the wife of Bouchard de Bray, ancestor of the Montlhrry and Montmorency families." There we have a Turstain whom I would tend to link to Turin, marrying the Blois clan that I think was a Bellamy clan. As I trace Bellamys to Bellovesus, let me repeat that the BITURges to which he belonged smacks of the Bitar surname that is known to have co-founded the Syrian Baathists!
The Alessandria region has a Serraville location, conspicuous because I had traced the Rus-related Saracens of Messina to Piedmont's Massino-Visconti region. Then, entering "Serra" brings up a Spanish coat with a red lion on white, the same lion as in the Russell coat with "Que sara sara" motto!
The same-colored Seers/Sears were first found Essex, where the Ests/Easts were first found. Note that the bent-neck eagle in the Seer/Sear Crest is the one in the Massi/Mattis Chief. The latter clan, though first found in Abruzzo, is said to have been in Piedmont.
We're keeping in mind that Saracens could trace back to Seir (expected in red colors), and that the latter may have named Syria.
Way back in the first Frame-article quote we saw the Cerisy entity, but just under that we find this: "The castle of du Porte [remember, French Portes were first found in Berry, at Cerisy-like Cher] came to belong to the family of Couvert. Raoul de Couvert was lord as late as 1453. The family of Hericy came to posses the lordship and castle afterwards..." We then find a Saracen head in the Hericy Crest! Moreover, the Hericy Chief is blank, like the Arms of Saluzzo. The latter are in the blue and white colors of both Harris Coats, one Harris Coat using the Macey/Mackay Shield, and the other using a wavy bend (with Moray-colored stars) in the blue-on-gold colors of the Porte bend.
Recalling that the Barry (with an 'a') Coat uses "legi fidelis," so the Harris Coat uses "Fidelitas et liberalitas." The liberalitas code should be for the same Cretan entity as the "labore" of the Berry (with an 'e') Coat, what I suggested to be code for the labyrinth and/or labrys axe of Crete (Perdix was a Cretan entity into Italy, probably to Bari in Puglia because on son (Iapyx) of Daedalus was code for the founders of Puglia while Perdix was portrayed anciently as a Daedalus-type inventor).
The "sine" motto term of the Berrys brings up the Macey-shielded Sion/Swan Coat, using swans and thereby tracing Berry once again to Ligurians.
I hope you got the one point that Hericys were Harris' but also Cerisys of Cher and Berry, France. As Perdix was also given a fish's mouth for a symbol as per his invention of the saw from the teeth of a fish, I ventured some months ago to link the fish heads of the German Berry Coat to that Perdix symbol.
Tim and I worked together to discover that the stripes on the American flag were those of the Berry clan, explaining why the Irish Berry Coat uses what looks like the Wassa Coat. It's thought that the flag's stripes are from the Washington-surname Coat, but then it's a fact that the Wassas were proto-Washingtons. At the time of this discovery, I may not have had the evidence for a Berry trace to the Moray stars as I do now, not just because Moray-colored stars are used by one Harris Coat, but because the Morencys at the heart of the Porte bloodlines are easily linked to Moray elements.
For new readers, there is no doubt in my mind that the stars on the American flag are known by Freemasons to be the Moray stars, and yet not one of the fools wishes to let the world know. Why not? What are they hiding from the rest of us over whom they wish to rule...as though by the right of God? Since when does God act secretly like this? But when the truth is discovered, that these bloodlines were satanic to the core, the reason for secrecy is easily understood.
The Frame article continues from the quote immediately above with the Covert surname: "...lady Isabeau Couvert, dame de Couvert, married 'de noble homme Le Herissy (d'Héricy) escuyer seigneur de Fierville, morte l'an 1511.' The castle then passing to the family of Colleville (Caumont, tome I. de la Statistique, p. 130). Herissy-Fierville, d'argent à trois herissons [bezans] de gueules - a Norman branch of the Notts. family of Heriz." The Hericys/Herseys (first found in Nottingham) smack of the Carthaginians just because they use a Saracen head in the Crest.
But I had traced "Carth(age)" to "Crete" and to "Caria," and so note that the Saracen head is said to be "wreathed," for entering "Wreath brings up the Crae/Craith//Cree/Creight/Rae/Ray surname that I trace to the big-mother Rhea goddess of Crete's Curetes, the big mother of the most satanic cult of the Greek world.
The following was amazing. All the above was written yesterday as I now write. I awoke this morning with one thing in mind: the possibility of a Chaon>Cuneo link to the Keon surname that I've traced to Pharaoh Khyan, whom I claim was the Exodus Pharaoh. I first asked myself what evidence there was for a Khyan trace to the Cuneo region. He was a Hyksos king, and as I trace that peoples to the Armenian god, Hyke/Haik, after whom Armenian is named Hayastan to this day, it makes sense that people who honored his name in a people group should trace to the swan-depicted Ligurians. In fact, I have traced Khyan to those Ligurians several times in that I traced "Khyan" to mythical "Ixion," whom I identified as the historical Kikons having a term much like CYCNus, the swan-depicted king of Liguria.
But as I awoke this morning, I recalled that, some time after tracing Khyan to the Keon surname, I saw Khyan elements on the Sava river. During that period I had linked Sava-river clans to Saracens, especially to the Savage surname of Cheshire, a surname that was linked (thanks much to Tim) in particular to the Russell clan, which link was supported well by the "sara" term in the Russell motto. It was after making the Savage-Russell link that I found a white fish on blue in the Arms of Saraka. The Sarakas live(d) on the coast of modern Albania, near the Sava. The point is, I had known that the Keon Coat and the Kane Coat use white fish on blue. If that wasn't the first reason that caused me to see Khyan elements on the Sava, it tended to support the idea.
Before I get to the amazing part, it should be added that mythical Lug's father was made "Cian" by a modern-era myth writer. In my view, because Lug depicted an Irish peoples, I think the myth writer was encapsulating the Keon and Kane bloodline to swan-depicted Ligurians. I trace that "swan" to lake "Sevan," in Armenia near the banks of the Aras river, the river to which i trace Ares. Ares gave birth to Cycnus, it that helps to trace Aras-theater Armenians to swan-depicted Ligurians, you see, which then supports a Hyksos trace Ligurians. It moreover explains why the Meshwesh>Massey line was involved with those particular Ligurians, for Meshwesh had ruled Egypt from Tanis. It is now my opinion that these Meshwesh became the Danaans of Greece, and it just so happens that while many trace the Danaans to the British Danann, Lug was half Danann because Cian was a Danann.
I was still in bed when I was thinking of the potential Keon link to Chaonians of Cuneo. When i got to the computer, there was a browser still open to the Serraville (Piedmont) topic of yesterday. This time I spotted on that page the related location of Vignole Borbera. The first thing to enter my mind was the Berbers that emailer Patterson emphasizes whenever she speaks to me on the Tuaregs... that I trace to Turin (I don't know whether she agrees with that trace). The Borbera location is just 60 miles from Turin.
Although I didn't find a Borbera surname, i knew (from my traces of the cartoonists, Hanna-Barbera, to north-African elements) that there was a Barbera surname (first found in Sicily). Entering it, what did I find but white fish!!! The fish design was identical to the Keon fish. Simply amazing.
As further evidence that Barberas were from Tuarges, the Spanish Barberas use the Moratin tower (Find "tower" in the May 10-16 update for the trace of the Moratin tower to Tuaregs).
I know that some readers will resist my Lug trace to Ligurians, But the evidence keeps on building. I found another supportive reason for the trace as I was just at the article, where we read that lug was alternatively known as, Lamhfhada. Compare with the "Lamh" motto term of the Irish Sullivan Coat. I have traced Sullivans SOLIDLY (little doubt in my mind) to the Salyes Ligurians.
NEXT. The assumption to be made by my finding (moments ago) the Keon- and Saraka-like fish in the Borbera-like surname is that the house of Saraka had a branch in Serraville, among relations at nearby Borbera. It's only as of yesterday that I'm solidly tracing the estoile symbol to Asti, smack next to Serraville. It was amazing, therefore, to see an estoile centrally (just moments ago) in the Kane Coat. By the way, the Keon Coat uses black-on-white lions, the color of the Savage lions.
Further evidence of a Barbera trace to Piedmont and to swan-depicted Ligurians (at Savona) is in the two Barber Coats. One uses a red scallop, and another a bull in Crest. Then, the Savona Coat uses a red scallop and a bull in Crest.
What makes the Barbera fish all the more amazing is that they are in the colors of the German-Berry fish heads (shown above). As I trace Berry elements to mythical Perdix (Crete), and as I traced the "labora" motto term of the English Berrys to Crete's labyrinth (bull cult) and/or to Crete's labrys (= double axe, which symbol I tend to identify as code for "Hyksos"), not only should the "regi" motto term of the German Berrys be mentioned, smacking of the Rhea cult on Crete, but it should be repeated that there is/was a location near the Saraka home with a spelling as close as I've ever found to "labyrinth."
The house of Saraka lived in RAGusa, smacking of Rhea (i trace the goddess to the Armeno-Iranian city of Rhagae/Rey). At Wikipedia's Ragusa article: "The Republic of Ragusa or Republic of Dubrovnik was a maritime republic centered on the city of Dubrovnik (Ragusa in Italian and Latin) in Dalmatia (today in southernmost modern Croatia)," So many points to be made on that one thing. I don't recall emphasizing "Dubrovnik, but it just occurred just now that it could link to the Dober surname, and what was found in the Dober Crest but a griffen head identical to the one in the English Berry Crest!!
What's more, look at the Arms of Ragusa (link above), a so-called barry symbol of red and white stripes!!! (The stripes on the American flag is sometimes calle "barry"). AND LOOK, the Ragusa motto includes, "libertas," not only a common theme in American-ism, but a term like the "liberalitas" motto term of the Harris surname. Recalling that the Harris surname entered this discussion as per the Cerisy and Hericy surnames (related to the Perdix-like Portes in Berry, France), note how "Hericy" smacks of "Saraka." This indicates that the libertas term of Ragusa traces to the Cretan labyrinth and/or labrys cult in Crete.
This would be a good place to quote: "[The Dobra river] continues to the northeast, past the Lesce spa [near the Sava] and a hydroelectric plant...and finally flows into the Kupa.." The Kupa will shortly become a major revelation.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dobra_%28river%29Grip this: not only is one Harris Coat like the Leslie bar/bend, but the other Harris Coat uses the Leslie and Save colors. I made a big thing of tracing Sava-river clans to the Leslies, not just because there is a Leslie-like location (Lesce) at the Sava (also called "Save") in Serbia, but because the Leslie Shield is identical to the Save Shield. The point is, the griffin heads of the Dobers above are also identical to the Leslie griffin, thus making a Dubrovnik link to the Sava clans. That is a major find because the Saracen link to the Sava-river clans can now be rooted confidently in the house of Saraka.
The Dober Coat's bar is in the colors of the Leslie bar but angled in the opposite direction. Like the Harris bar, the Dober bar is wavy. This is more reason for a Hericy link to "Saraka." I will shortly discuss the "Grip fast' motto of the Leslies, but in the meantime consider the McLeod motto, "Hold fast,' for McLeods are in Leslie colors.
In the 7th update of November, 2000, I featured a map Illyrian Celts (click on it once, wait, and click again, to expand it) and discussed some of it's locations. Ragusa is where we see Dalmatia on that map. Beside the Sava (shown) we can see the Drava: I had said: "The Drava has a source in the land of the Serrettes and Serapilli." As we can see, the Drava flows down to the Hercuniates, a Hericy-like term. PLUS, see on the map in the Ragusa article that the region is called, HERZegovina, smacking of "Hericy/Harris."
There are a few ways to link the peoples stamped on the above map to Piedmont. The similarity of the Serapilli to Cuneo's Serraville, for example. Then, as Mascis were first found in Piedmont, there to the south of the Serapilli we see the Maezaei, next to the Sardates that i traced to Sardis of Lydia (Mascis/Masseys are traced to neighboring Mysia, remember). Also, the Cotini beside the Serapilli smack of the Cottians in the Cottian Alps of the Piedmont theater. The Albanians may even trace to Alba at MontFerrat.
In that November update, it was also written: "But before going on, I should mention that the Tryst/Triss Crest is a "falcon holding in its mouth a fish." It could be the Saraka fish because the Trysts were 'Lords of the Manor of Parc Behan,' the latter being a term [i.e. the location of Bohinj] found near the source of the Sava." On a completely independent track, I traced Trysts (using a Trip-like motto term) to the Trips/Trefs (they use the Masse/Massey boot) of Hamburg...near to a Drava-like river that i linked to Trabys!
Now, as the Sava runs through Croatia, the people of which are known as "Krvati/Hrvati," compare the latter term with the Craven surname...that I trace (see last update) to "Gareb" and/or "Hebron." I suspected that the Leslie motto term, "Grip," applied to Garebites, but now I have reason to link it to the Cravens. As the Craven Coat uses a red bar/fesse, see the same in the Coleville/Caulville Coat (strikingly like the Alan/Allen Shield). I say this because, to the west of the Maezaei, also off the Sava, we see the Colapiani.
I should repeat my trace of the Hallands and Cauleys/Auleys to: 1) the COLApian-like Cole/Kyle bloodline; 2) to Gudbrand KULA (Norwegian ruler in the Halland bloodline), and, 3) to a Cappeo-like term that was identified with the Cooper/Couper bloodline. This is repeated because the Colapiani are shown off the Kupa river (another Sava tributary). The Cappeo lion was that of the Hallands and the Yorkshire Bruces, and so the Breuci, shown along the Sava not far from the Kupa, are conspicuous.
In the Colleville write-up: "They were descended from Gilbert de Colleville, from Coleville, a town between Caen and Bayeux in Normandy. From Gilbert and William the English Barons of Colleville are descended. William held lands in Yorkshire." The article goes on to mention a "Kingston on Hulle." Remember, I now trace Caen strongly to the Chaonians and to Cuneo, and to Cunninghams, some of whom were in Yorkshire.
Recalling the Spanish Cane Coat's bars in the colors of the bars in the Arms of Cuneo, this would be a good place to mention that the English Cane Shield uses the Save-Coat bar/bend, thus making yet another Sava-river link to Piedmont. Many months ago I traced "Sava" to "Savona" in Liguria, if that helps. It suggests that the Sava river was a swan-cult location.
NOW LOOK. The Colapiani are between the Kupa and Una river, the latter running through Croatia. The Krvati-like Cravens (who use a red fesse like the Colevilles) were first in Yorkshire, were the Hallands and related Hulls) were first found. All this is said because, in the Frame article (under the section, COUVERTS EN NORMANDIE): "...the family of de Hericy inherited the [Couvert] estates, which later passed by marriage to the Collevilles." That can't be coincidental. For Croatia also covers Hericy-like Herzegovina.
BEHOLD! As the Co(u)vert Coat is a fesse in colors reversed to the Craven fesse, "Covert" may have derived from a consonant-reversal of "Crav(en)," BUT LOOK at how "Covert" smacks of "Krvati."
The Ukrainian Kravitz Coat is in Craven colors, which are the colors of the Arms of Croatia. In fact, I once received an email telling that Coverts were related to Hohens (Germany), and both the latter and the Arms of Croatia use red and white checks.
THEN WOW. The Coupers/Coopers use leopards too!!! This means, I am sure now, that both Coverts and similar Coupers were Croatians of the Kupa river. I actually missed the Couvert link to Coupers when i was writing the above, and had to come back to insert this paragraph when it struck me. Look, to be sure, both Couverts and Coupers were first found in Sussex. We can therefore expect that these clans were from Aphrodite elements in Cyprus, and perhaps also of Cappadocia.
I SEE NIMROD. The Couvert Coat includes both martins (known Merlin=Myrddin symbol) and a leopard. The two symbols had been traced recently to the Nimrod bloodline, and so see: "Neum (Latin: Neum, Greek: Neon) is the only coastal town in Bosnia and Herzegovina." There's more to it that.
Neum is where the Daorsi are stamped on the Illyria-Celt map. They lived in the Neretva valley, smacking of Enarete, wife of Aeolus, brother of Dorus. I've never before found what Enarete could depict in the Greek world, though I suggested that she was code for the Nereids (named after Nereus), who were married to mythical Doris!!! The exclamation marks are not for the Dorus link to Doris, which was understood before, but for the solid trace of Doris to the Daorsi. I traced Enarete to "Nerthas" in Polabia, a goddess smacking now of the Neretva valley.
Checking for a Daor surname, we see one (properly "Dore" but also "Doar", using bees) first found in HEREfordshire, making that location suspect as one from Herzegovina one, and moreover linked to the Hericy/Harris elements. The French Dores use a fish!!!
As you can see, the Daorsi are near the Dalmatian theater of the Sarakas. In fact, Neum is in Ragusa/Dubrovnik. PLUS, the French Dores use the same lion head as does the Neim/Neam Coat!!
We may now realize an Illuminati key, for Russells are said to be one of the 13 Illuminati families. Russells ought to be trace-able to the same Saraka theater because the Hericys (now suspect as Sarakas) were of Russy (Normandy) elements. The Frame article: "The family of Porte held the manor and castle of du Porte within the Russy estate, and were principal benefactors of Cerisy..." THE POINT IS: as Russells were first found in DORset, might Dorset trace to the Daorsi? If so, one might trace the entire vestments of the Illuminati to the Illyrian-Celts. The Illyrian Celts date way back to pre-Christian times, in the Bellovesus era.
If we were wondering why the West placed such great emphasis in the Herzegovina theater in the 1990s. the above can begin to explain it.
There is an article on the Daorsi tribe, said to be of Aphrodite>Muse elements. A statue of Cadmus and Harmonia (= Cadusii Armenians) was found in their city, important where the mythical couple gave birth to Illyrians. The Irish Day/Dea Coat could apply to the Daorsi (pronounced Day-orsi, I reckon), for it uses the same snake design (shared also by Sullivans) as the Save-Coat snake. Both Cadmus and Harmonia were depicted as snakes when they were made the parents of Illyrians.
NOW LOOK. I view mythical Daedalus, because he was made related to mythical Talus=Perdix, as a Dae-Talus codework. I traced his Dae code to mythical Dia, wife of Ixion (keep in mind that I traced Ixion both to the Sava and Ligurian theaters, and that there was evidence presented above for a Sava-river link to Piedmont = interior Liguria). I repeat this because the Dee Coat (i.e. Day-like surname) uses the motto: "Hic labor," which I've identified in the past as code for the Cretan labyrinth, for that thing was (a maze) built by Daedalus. The "Hic" code could certainly link to the Ixion-related Hyksos, but in all certainty is code for the Cheshire Hicks surname because the Dees were from Cheshire (there's a river there by that name).
It's somewhat important to record here that the Dee lion is said to be "seated,' for the Dee Coat is in Seaton (of Saytown) and say colors. You'll see the significance below.
In the Frame article, we find that Henry de Bohun was earl of Hereford. That is most-excellent evidence for a Hereford trace to the Hericy elements in Herzegovina theater. "Bohun" smacks of the Bohinj location at the Sava's source. "Some 20 km long and 5 km wide, Bohinj is the name given to the entire Sava Bohinjka basin southwest of Bled." Bled? Perhaps the leopard-using Blatts/Platts apply.
After the Frame article tells that Richard de Veyne was Henry de Bohun's seneschal, the author says:
Walter de Feme [the author links Veynes to Femes] was witness (not, as Duncumb says erroneously, to the charter of Bernard Newmarch, temp. Henry I.) to a charter of Roger Earl of Hereford, between 1143-54. He probably held the manors of Fenne and Feme in Herefordshire under William Fitz-Norman (of which family Mr. Ellis believed to be that of Marshal). Earl Roger was Roger FitzMiles, 2nd Earl of Hereford...He was the son of Miles de Gloucester, 1st Earl of Hereford, Lord of Brecknock, who married Sybil de Neufmarche, daughter of Bernard de Neufmarche...Don't be intimidated by all the dry historical links. The main point for quoting this is for the Newmarch/Newmarsh clan, also known as the Nimo surname. You may now think that I've provided good evidence for a trace to the Hereford rulers to Neum of HERZegovina, but that this doesn't necessarily prove a trace to Nimrod blood. However, the Norman surname, which we see in the quote, also uses a leopard, and in fact the Arms of Normandy use leopards. The Norman surname was first found in Suffolk, as with the Coleville surname.
As we see that the Norman surname was revealed to be more-in-particular the MARSHal surname, it again suggests a trace to Neum where Marshals were the same as NewMarshes. But the Marshall surname, as the write-up mentions, was a Keith-o-Lothian branch, while I think Keiths/KEAThs were SEATons, also first found in Lothian. The English Marshals show a Marescal variation smacking of the Morencys/Mariscos...that were integral parts of the Hericy elements.
In the Frame article: "Hugh de Say of Richard's Castle, Herefordshire." As the Says and Seatons use the same colors (Keith-chief colors too), it seems likely that they were the same clan, from Saytown/Sayton. I traced these clans to the Uat/Buto cult at Sais (Nile delta), but I also traced the Sava- and Savona-like Sabines and their Samnite tribe to Sebannytos/Samannud just east of Sais. Is it a coincidence, therefore, that while I identify the Uat/Buto cult Chemmites with Kemuel, son of Nahor, and in turn trace "Kemuel" elements to HAMILtons, that the Say surname is found under the Frame-article section, JORDAN DE HAMELDON ALIAS HAMELTON ALIAS OSGODBY. It's about " the manor of Osgodby (6 miles from Hamelton or Hameldon, near Selby)." The Selby surname could be of the Salyes bloodline. The surname description is "A shield divided barry of eight black and gold." The Crest is "A Saracen's head proper." I equate Saracens with Nahorites.
It just so happens that the colors of the Selby barry are in the colors of the Arms of Saxony (the write-up says there are nine stripes, but I count ten). In the last update, the topic of HAMELhausen came up (in the Drakenburg theater), located in Saxony. Hamelhausen is where Neinburg sits that got me started on the Neim/Neam surname in the first place, now a major feature in this Dragon hunt.
The Wikipedia article says that the Arms of Saxony were from the house of Ascania (Albert the bear), and although the house of Wettin took over the titles of the Ascanians, I traced Ascanians to Wettin blood in the first place. This is important for my trace of "Uat" to such surnames as Watt and White. That is, it seems that "Wettin" should apply.
The Biblical form of Nahor's first son is "Uts," and yet English translations use, "Uz," very near indeed to the root of "OSgod/Osgood." Coincidence? I think not. Remember, Nahorites were from the Haran theater, where we could expect Nimrod-ites.
Both the English/Norse Osgood and Dutch Oz Coat use a green Shield, and the Dutch Oz' use bull heads could connect to the ox of the Oxford Arms, for the Osgoods were first in Oxfordshire. AND LOOK. As the Oz bulls are said to be "cabossed," so we find a red bull (color of the Oxford ox) in the Boss Coat!!!
For lack of a good match, I wasn't going to mention the possibility that the Selby motto terms ("sapit suprema") could be code for the Sabines...until I saw the Boss bull, for it's the same as the one in the Savona/Sabine Crest!
When I started to suspect the Selby link to the Sabines (the Salyes Ligurians were not far from Savona), moments before I came to the cabossed code, the Sabine cult called, Ops, came to mind, which I've long known to be a bee and CornuCOPIA cult (these symbols trace to Amalthea, the bee and goat goddess of Crete). It then struck me that the Selby Coat (and Arms of Saxony) are in the black and gold color of bees. I wasn't going to mention that either...until I saw some Boss variations: Bevill, Beavil, Boiville, and Boyville (the Boy Coat uses bees, as does the Bessin Coat).
As there were ancient bull cults called, Apis (much like the Ops/Opis bee cult), it explains why the bull is used in the Coats above instead of bees. The idea is that there was an Opis/Apis-like people group who worshiped the bull but then got a bee symbol from similarity of terms. For the longest time I've connected that bee-and-bull entity with the producers of the damned and putrid child-sacrificing Moloch cult. It wasn't hard to suggest a Moloch-bull link to the Zeus Taurus of Tyrus' Melkart (child-sacrificing) cult, and so there above we see the link to his AMALthea cult in Taurus-infested Crete. The suggestion here is that the Zeus cult was a mix of AMALekites with Nahorites. (for those who haven't read, I trace "Uranus," Zeus' "grandfather," to "Haran," and then to the Edomite Horites in Seir).
It's a no-brainer to realize that the bull maze called "labyrinth" was part of the Zeus-of-Tyrus Moloch cult. The maze was made a symbol of DaeDALus, and that term smacks of the so-called DakTYLoi (metal smiths) of Crete, defined by ancient writers as "ten fingers" (where fingers had themselves become codes). This is because Crete had ten Curetes, though later they were changed to nine, and that smacks of the Saxony barry of nine, though I count ten. Remember, the barry symbol is code for Perdix (also called, Talus), who was, like DaeDalus, portrayed as an inventor. At the Daktyloi article above, you can read the phrase, "Idaean Daktyls," named as per mount Ida of Crete. It can suggest that Dae(dalus) was named after Ida.
Although the Selby barry has only eight stripes, the Super/Soper Coat (Sinclair cross) has nine "squares." The Super clan, you see, could be at the root of the Selby motto term, "suprema." The Daktyloi article tells that Telchines (a branch of Daktyloi) numbered nine. It's possible that SEL(by) was a TELchine bloodline, in other words. AND, the term "Saxon(y)" now seems link-able to "DAKtyloi."
Wow, see the German Dack/Tax Coat, two crossed swords, white on red, colors reversed from the two crossed swords of an alternative Arms of Saxony shown at the Saxony page above. Likely, the crossed swords were behind the crossed bones of the pirate skull-and-bones flag. It's a no-brainer that Telchines and Curetes -- and consequently Perdix -- were pirates.
English Dacks, properly shown as Ducks/Duches, were first found in Norfolk, where Savonas/Sabines were first found. The Ducks use the same lion head as used by the Neims/Neams and French Dores (a white fish) that were both just traced to the Saraka and Neum theater. THEN, as we saw that Herefordshire traces to the same theater, so the English Dores/Doars, first found in Herefordshire, use...black and gold striped bees!! Hmm, the (Sax-like) Shack Coat uses a hare.
As the Os(good) surname was just traced with circumstantial evidence to the Saxony fold of Hameltons, it's conspicuous that the English Tack Coat (estolies in the purple chief) uses gold garbs (called "wheat sheaves") on green, just like the Osgood Coat. The Tack Chief also includes a "cherub," a Gareb-like term. The Tack motto uses "sol," perhaps code for the Helios cult of Daktyloi=Telchines.
As per the Doorie variation, the Door surname (Saraka-fish colors) was checked to find leopards in the colors of the French-Dore lion heads. The Door Crest is a leopard paw holding a spear, and then in the Quirites article we read that "The singular is quiris (meaning "spear")." Not that I believe this to be true necessarily, but that the Curetes were given a spear symbol when in Italy's Sabine theater. It was the Sabines who had a Quirites cult that seems link-able to the Cretan Curetes (they were likely named after MelQart/Kart).
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QuiritesIf you click over from the above article to the Quirinus article, you'll find that this major Roman deity was the Sabine entity among the Roman make-up. he was viewed as Romulus, and because the latter married the Mars line, we easily understand that the Marsi-branch Sabines merged with the Romulus wolf line to produce much of the original Romans. In the second update of this month, while on the Marsi bloodline, it was shown: "Mersin...is part of Adana-Mersin Metropolitan Area...According to Evliya Çelebi, the city is named after the Mersinogullari tribe; another theory is that it is derived from the myrtle which grows abundantly in the region." I repeat this here because of what we read in the Quirinus article: "[Quirinus] was also often associated with the myrtle."
here's a map of the seven hills of Rome showing the Quirinal hill next to the Field of Mars.
As the Ops/Opis goddess of the Sabines was rooted in Titus Tatius, ditto for the god Sabus. The latter was the personification of the Sabines, and his father tells us where Sabines are rooted, not to mention that Ops was married to Saturn-Cronus, if that helps to trace the Quirites to Curetes (Cronus' wife, Rhae, was allied to Cretan Curetes). The father of Sabus was Semo Sancus. "The temple dedicated to Sancus stood on the Quirinal Hill, under the name Semo Sancus Dius Fidus." Not neglecting the Suebi Swedes and their kinship to the Semnones, read the following:
The first part of the theonym defines the god as belonging to the category of the Semones or Semunes, divine entities of the ancient Romans and Italics. In a fragment of Marcus Porcius Cato, preserved in Dionysius of Halicarnassus (II 49 1-2), Sancus is referred to as daimon and not theos"As you can see that the Semones term smacks of Samannud, the alternative name of Sebannytos, we easily make the link. This should also explain why the Selby motto, using "sapir suprema," starts with the term, "SEMper." MOREOVER WOW, as the Semo Sancus cult is said to be from UMBRIAN elements (Italy), the Selby surname was first found in NorthUMBRIA!!!
The Tack motto term smacks of the Nobel surname first found in CUMBERland. I have always felt that the British Celts were related to the Romans, even though Romans made war with them, and now the idea seems to be that the Celts were from the Sabines, who were lost to history in very ancient times. Remember, the Celts trace here to the "Khaldi," and they trace back to "Chaldea," especially to the Amorite capital, (Marsi-like) Mari.
As Samannud was near Sais, and as I trace the Sais cult to the Say surname and to the Say location in Normandy, I should add that the Say crest is likewise a bull. Moreover, as the Say Shield is the Massey Shield in colors reversed, I would trace the Say line back to the Meshwesh of Tanis. I entertained that "Sais" was named after Esau, and he may have been at the root of the Isis cult, known to be merged with the Horus=Horite cult and the (Seir-like) Osiris cult. The term "Zeus" itself is like "Sais," suggesting that the Say-Crest bull is a symbol of Zeus. Remember, the Seatons of Saytown were first found in Lothian, where we might expect elements of Lotan, the Biblical man from Seir.
As the Seaton dragon breathes flames (smacks of "Fleming"), so the double border in the Seaton shield is a known Fleming symbol (the Scottish Fleming Coat uses it). This is being repeated because the pagan Roman priests were called, Flamen.
There were three major Flamen cults, one to Jupiter, one to Mars (called "Flamen Martialis"), and one to Quirinus. The one to Jupiter, Flamen Dialis, smacks of Dia (suggesting that Ixion could trace to Joppa's Samson cult). We read: "The office of Flamen Dialis, and the offices of the other flamines maiores, were created by Numa Pompilius, second king of Rome." This Nimrod-like Numa character was "legendary," what I perceive as myth code for a Numa-like entity. As Numa succeeded mythical Romulus, and as the latter was depicted as a wolf line, why does the German Fleming/Flamen Coat use a wolf? And why was the German Fleming/Flamen clan first found in Lower Saxony, where Neim-like Neinburg (and Drakenburg) is located? Why do Seatons use a green dragon, the color of the Vere dragon?
I'm not abandoning my trace of "Bellamy" to "Fleming" even though it looks like a good bet that Flemings trace to the Roman Flamens, for the Irish Flemings use a bell pattern (called "vair"). As the bell pattern is in blue and white, it's technically called "kettle hats" in the German theater, smacking of the Keiths/Keaths that I link to "Seaton." I trace the Keiths (said to be Catti) to the Catti co-founders of Esau-like Hesse, and that jibes with a trace of Seatons to Sais where the latter was named after Esau.
We also read: "Titus Tatius, king of the Sabines and a colleague of Romulus, married his only daughter, Tatia, to Numa."
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Numa_PompiliusAs you can see above that the Sabine/Samnite deity was a daimon, it jibes with my trace of "Samnite" to the "Dumnonii" founders of the Devon theater (the Savone/Safin surname was first found in Devon). It's then conspicuous, since the Ops cult was the CORNucopia cult, that the Opie surname was first found near Devon, in CORNwall. It turns out that the Supers, accessed from the Selby motto term, were likewise first found in Devon!
The Opie Coat uses "garbs" and blue roundels called, "hurts." Could they be code for the Herod-branch Edomites/Horites?
I traced the Seatons tentatively to the Sadler surname, for it uses the Massin/Mason lion known to be from the Belgian family of Louvain (Flemings founded Flanders in Belgium, and I trace "Bellamy" to Belgians). I now find that Sadlers use a "sapere" motto term, similar to the "suprema" term of the Selbys. Again, the Supers come to mind. (It just so happens that everything written above, ever since the Super topic quite a ways back, was inserted above the paragraph below, which paragraph was written as a continuation on the Super clan before the large insert was added. It was not my intension to be on the Super surname in this paragraph, but there you have it.
The Super-Coat description gives the number of squares as 12, but I see only nine. Although the Coat I'm looking at has no Crest shown, the description above tells that the Super Crest is a "A lion holding in the paws a black square." Clearly, the Super emphasis is on squares, and then the carpenter square (chief Masonic symbol) was invented by Perdix. Entering "Saber" brings up the Savona/Sabine Coat.
Entering "Taber" brings up the same lion heads again as the Dores. Doors, Dacks/Ducks, and the (Nimrod-like) Neims. As the Taber lion heads are in the colors of the Neim lion heads, see that the Taber lions are around three red leopards. Coincidence?
It wasn't going to repeated here (even though it was on my mind) that the same lion head is shown large in the Bratt Coat (surname first found in Lothian), until I saw a purple grape bunch in the German Taber Coat. I went back to the last update's mention of a purple grape bunch, and it turned out to be of the German Plates/Blattens. Like the Tabers, the English Plates/Blatts use red leopards.
NOW BEHOLD. It pays to write this much and to record things. I almost missed it. I recall linking the Dobers to the Sopers/Zobers and even to the Supers/Soapers. At the time I didn't know that Dobers were from Dubrovnik, shown on this map beside Neim. As per the Neim-theater trace to the nearby Sava-river clans -- that included as a chief clan the Save-Coated Leslies -- it just dawned on me that the buckles used in the Leslie Coat are used in PURPLE by the Polish Sobeks/Sobieskies.
The Sobers/Zobers were first found in Saxony, the place to which the Selby-rooted Sabines are assumed to link to (If you've forgotten, the Selby Coat is like the Arms of Saxony). Sobers are in the red-on-white colors of the German Dacks, the Dacks who use the crossed swords that were just linked to the same in an Arms of Saxony. The Doaks/Dogs are also in white on red, and as they use a "thistle" for a Crest, the Selbys can now be linked to Salyes Ligurians because I identified the Thistle Coat as a cross between the Coats of the Salyes-rooted Talbots and Sales.
Thistles are in the colors of the Tuttle Coat/Toothills, and the latter use yet another leopard. Not only do Tuttles use a chevron in the colors of the Tabers, but both were first found in Essex. This suggests what I said to an emailer with a Tuttal bloodline, who has the porphyry disease, that Tuttals trace to Titas Tatius elements among Sabines. There's a Toot Hill location in Essex, but there are others also, one related to Bec. As Toot Hill is beside Bovinger, I just entered "Bovin" because it's a bovine-like term. That is, I checked for a Bovin surname that would show the same bull as one in the Boss/Beaville/Beville surname, and BINGO!
I now get it, for the same bull is used also by the Savona/Sabine clan of Italy. The Bovin Coat is Italian, you see, and I recall finding another bull when seeking for a Boso(n) surname, the surname of a French ruler of northern Italy. The "I get it" part is why "Boss" is registered under the Beaville clan.
The Boz/Bose Coat uses a large black rose on gold (Saxony colors), and was first found in...Saxony. AHA! The English Bus(s) surname was linked to Buz, son of Nahor, because it uses the Hamilton cinquefoil (same colors as the Doak cinquefoil), but now we can link the Bus'' to the Boz/Bose clan because Hamelhausen is in Saxony. The Bus surname was first found in Norfolk, as with the Savona/Sabine surname. Then, checking "Boson," it too was first found in Norfolk!
"Boso was a Frankish nobleman from the Bosonid-family, who was related to the Carolingian dynasty, who rose to become King of Provence (879 – 887). Boso was the son of Bivin of Gorze, a count in Lotharingia...Boso was also a nephew of the Italian count Boso, for whom he was named," Clicking the Bosonid link, we find the progenitor, Boso the Elder (c. 800 - before 855), with a daughter, Teutberga, smacking of Toots and therefore the Tuttals. we also read that his grandaughter married Charles the Bald (the latter was linked, in the May 10-16 update) to the Flemish Baldwins, major Jerusalem Templars).
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boso_of_ProvenceWe then read that Boso the Elder had a son named, Hucbert, important where the Huck surname (owl, Edomite-suspect) uses blue chevrons, the color of the Tuttal chevron. The Tuttle chevron uses a white crescents (white-on-blue crescents are used by Devon's Savone/Safin clan), the color of the Tute/Tutt crescent. this is said because both Hucks and Tutes were first found in Yorkshire. Already, the evidence is that Hucks and Tutes, and therefore also the Huckabees, were from the Bosons.
THEN, Irish Tutes/Tuits were first found in Norfolk (as with the Savona/Sabine clan that is linked here to the Boso line), The Tutes/Tuits use the Tatton and Dutton Shields in colors reversed (Datons, in the same colors, may apply in that they were likewise first found in Yorkshire). Although these surnames should link to Titus Tatius, he in turn should follow the Quirites line back to the Curetes, and that too is where I expect Edomites. There is a Titus surname using a Moor head centrally.
As the Cappeo/Copia theme was linked to the Yorkshire Bruces and Hallands, it should be recorded that the Dodds/Duddles of Cheshire (use the Cheshire garb in Crest) show a "copia" motto term, suggesting that the copia term in the Arms of Macclesfield (Cheshire) links to these bloodlines.
It should also be said Dudleys use a blue lion that I trace to the blue Bruce, Halland, and Macclesfield lion, but as the Dudleys use theirs on gold, and because it's exactly the Sadler lion, I would venture to equate "Dudl(ey)" with "Sadl(er)," raking in all the available clues therein. If correct to link Sadlers to Seatons, and Seatons to Roman Flamens, then there we have a Dudley trace, potentially, to the Titus-Tatius cults.
The several paragraphs above were written yesterday as I now write. Last night, I opened an aging email from Tim, about three weeks old on the "minerva" motto term of the Prime surname. If not for opening his email at that very time, I would not have discovered what I've been wanting to know for years, the identity of Juno, wife of Jupiter. Plus, showing once again how Tim and others seem to work in a God-timely way, the Minerva investigation led quickly to finding the root of Titus Tatius, and it happened to be smack in the Saraka theater.
Let me take this one step at a time. I had noticed the minerva term of the Primes (1st update this month), but I've never emphasized the goddess by that name enough to know that she had an owl symbol. Tim wrote in to say this because the Prime Crest is an owl. This time, while reading her article, I realized that she was the Manes line through Attis, which seemed to be confirmed when getting down to the part, "Stemming from an Italic moon goddess *Meneswa..." The reason that Manes came to mind at all before reading that is due to the article's linkage of the goddess to Athena. It's been said that Attis founded Attica, the region surrounding Athens, suggesting that Athens too was named after Attis.
Then I got down to the part that said: "Menrva was part of a holy triad with [the chief Etruscan gods] Tinia and Uni, equivalent to the Roman Capitoline Triad of Jupiter-Juno-Minerva. Minerva was the daughter of Jupiter." For years I had figured that Uni and Juno were the same entity, but could never identify the two terms with any entity. But as I was on the Una river earlier in this update, WOW, there on the Illyrian-Celt map was the Una river running by the land of the Iapodes/Japodes. It is thought by some that Jupiter was from mythical Iapodes!!!
Going to the Iapodes article:
They occupied the interior of the country between the Colapis (Kupa) and Oeneus (Una) rivers...Their territory covered the central inlands of modern Croatia and Una River Valley in today's Bosnia and Herzegovina.Excellent! The Una was also the Oeneus, the name of the Greek wine man at Messene. But the Oeneus term smacks also of Aeneas, the mythical founder of Romans. Finally, Juno and Jupiter's identify is known. Finally.
We could be asking at this point whether the Boso(n) bloodline was linked to "Bosnia." From the first chapter of the Ladon book, you'll learn that God set me to this task of uncovering the dragon cult with the aim of finding the Buzite bee cult. Bosnia had been suggested as one of its homes some years ago, but it didn't get emphasized. At that time, I was seeing (for the first time) proto-Etruscans (historical founders of Rome) in Pannonia, Croatia and Serbia, but didn't add to that theory...until now, where it looks very solid.
Note that the Kupa river was also the Colapis, for the Sabines of the Tatius branch were nearby. I found this when clicking from the Iapydes article to the Libernian article, where we read that the Krka river (shown on Illyrian-Celt map) was also the Titius river. It turned out that the Ditiones (right under my nose) marked at the Krka river were the peoples who named the Titius.
I've been wanting to mention the Libernians (beside the Iapodes) for a while throughout this update because they are the closest thing that I've found so far to "labyrinth." It was for this reason that I traced (many months ago) Daedalus elements to the Libernian and Dalmatian theaters. I had entertained the Tattons and similar surnames (especially the Duddles and Dudleys) above as DAEDalus elements, but ventured to identify the latter with mythical Dido (wife of Aeneas), but did not know, at the time, of the Oeneus river...and the Aenona location on the Libernian article's first map. Moments after seeing Aenona, I read that it was alternatively, Nin.
The second map (click-able for expansion) shows the term, "Titius," in southern Libernia. On that map, note the Picentes on the Italian coast, a term said by some to derive in "woodpecker," important as per the woodpecker symbol given to Mars. Note Crepsa in northern Libernia as per a possible link to the Crepon/Crepin=Crespin clan (after all, Crespin relations, especially the Krvati-like Cravens, were just traced solidly to this very Croatian theater).
The Arsia peoples to the north of the Crepsa region could be important for identifying the Libernians as Tubali. Some say that the Tubali were also Iberi, you see, and in fact the Tiberian elements of Rome (built on the Tiber river) have been identified by some as Iberian-Tubali. The Arsia peoples (on the Rasa river) may therefore be an extension of the Aras river of the Tubal theater. As I trace Ares to "Aras," who then became the Roman Mars, we could expect Ares elements in the Libernian theater.
If the Maezaei to the river next of the Una are Meshech, it makes sense for Tubali to be in this area too. I showed a Meshech-like river on a map of ancient Moesia that confirmed for me that Mysians (said to be from Moesians) were Meshech. The third map in the Libernian article shows Moesia's boundaries right next to where the Maezaei are stamped on the Illyrian-Celt map.
To the extreme right of the Illyrian-Celt map, the Picensii are stamped (assumed to be of the Italian Picentes peoples), on the Morava river (in downtown Moesia) where it meets the Danube/Ister. Emailer Patterson, who gave us the Cappeo term, would be interested in the Cuppeo location (see expandable Roman-Illyria map) smack at the same place, where the Morava meets the Danube. Remember, her Cappeo term has to do with the Halland bloodline that I found to be linked integrally to Masseys=Mysians.
I've just found the Romula location smack in the Iapodes theater in the Roman-Illyria map. I don't know whether it was named such before or after the Romans were founded in about 800 BC. It could be that the Romans named it after their ancestor of that name. The Latovici, likewise, may or may not have been named there before the formation of the Romans. If before, then they are suspect as proto-Latins, the heart of Biblical dragon in my opinion. The Latovici are shown smack beside the Iapodes.
To the east of the Latovici are the Breuci on the Sava. As I identify the Breuci (possible proto-Eburovices) with the Aphrodite line to Abruzzo, note that Marsonia is stamped (on the Roman-Illyria map) further down the Sava. In other words, the Marsi of Abruzzo look like they were from Marsonia. When emphasizing the Sava many months ago, it was gleaned that Khazars from the Mures river had been there, but at that time I did not have the map above at hand, which shows a Mursa location (near the mouth of the Drava) to the north-east of Marsonia.
WOWIE! All the above was written before this paragraph, at which time I caught sight of Teutibergium (on the Danube) smack beside Mursa. Compare with "Teutberga," daughter of Boson the Elder, and note that the Bosnia river (stamped "Basante" on the map) is nearby. AND ZOWWIE! As I traced Buzites with absolute certainty to the Bessin, shouldn't the Buzite founders of the Bessin have been from the Basante/Bosnia river???
While the Meschins of the Bessin may therefore have been in-part from the Maezaei, on the Urbanus/Urbas river just one river west of the Basante. This does not necessarily contradict a trace of Meschins to the Meshwesh Amazons because those Amazons (Amazighen) were also called, "Mazyes." On the Roman-Illyria map, the Maezaei are stamped closer to the banks of the Una/Oeneus, and this evokes the Amazon, mythical Oenomaus (father of Hippodamia, wife of Pelops). As Pelops was a Lydian peoples, note the Ladios location (more proto-Latins?) on the north side of the Maezaei. PLUS, on the Illyrian-Celt map, the Sardeates are stamped on the Urbanus river smack beside the Maezaei, while the Lydian capital was Sardis. That can't be coincidental.
Again, mythical Oeneus was father of Methoni, a city in Messene, suggesting that the Maezaei were at least the kin of chief Messene elements.
NOW LOOK (DON'T MISS THIS, SKIMMERS) at this other "coincidence" as I decided (by what motivation?) to check the Urban/Urbanes surname. I recognized it immediately as the design used also by the German Talls (who I identified with the French Talbots). BUT WOW, I had forgotten that the German Talls also use bees in their Coat...THE SAME BEES AS IN THE BESSIN COAT!!!
WOWWWIE! THERE IS NO DOUBT ABOUT IT, the Meschins (who married Talbots/Taillebois), were from the Maezaei, and the Bessin's Bajocasses founders were from the Basante, one river over from the Urbanus. German Bessens (with an 'e') are in the colors of the Urbans, and both were first found in Austria.
Near the mouth of the Urbanus is Urbate, smack near Marsonia. The latter is suspect as Nimrod central just because I trace the Marsi to Marsyas. As we saw that the Marsyas goat cult was linked to Dionysus', so he as the wine god is expected to have had links to Oeneus (means "wine man"). The Tabers, who use a grape cluster and leopards, smack of "Tubal," which is said because I had traced (very tentatively) aspects of Dionysus' Maenads to Tubal, as per mount Tmolus and adjacent Sypylus. These locations are linked by others to Tantalus, father of Pelops, thus making the link again to the Oeneus Amazons.
If Marsonia was linked to nearby Mursa (the Mures river is stamped, "Marisas," to the east of Mursa), and if the latter was of the Mures-river Khazars that were co-root to the Hungarian-Arpad bloodline, then I would suggest that the Urbanus river was named after the Arpii/Carpae that I see as root to the Arpads. THE POINT IS, the Hungarian Arpads traced themselves to Nimrod, if that helps to expose Marsonia as Nimrod central. We are in the Pannonia theater, after all, probably named after the Pan goat cult.
As Marsonia is on the Sava river, which on the Roman-Illyria map is stamped the "Saus" and "Savus," is it coincidental that, seconds after finishing the paragraph above, I entered Harp" to find a "sauvis" motto term??? I didn't know until now that the Sau/Sava was also "Saus," smacking of Sais. I had traced the Uat/Buto cult (Buzites, remember) of Sais to BudaPest (because Buto and Bast were essentially identical), the Hungarian capital that is stamped "Aquincum" on the top-left of the map, next to the "Carpi" peoples and the "Cirpi" location.
The Harp surname is properly, Harper (Canada is led by this surname at this time, and the previous prime minister, Jean Cretien, smacks of Cretan elements), though the page shows a HAREpur surname, evoking the Herefordshire traces to the Herzegovina theater. A black lion is not only used by the Harps/Harpurs, but by the French Sauves/Saves. I don't know if I had ever entered "Sauve," but it just came to mind as per the sauvis motto term.
Tim pointed out that entering "Sava" brings up the Savage/Sauvage Coat...ALSO WITH BLACK LIONS. Amazingly, I just checked my files for "Sauve" and found this from the first update of April, 2001: "...the French Silvan surname is also Savant/Sauvan/Sauvent/Sauvain/Sauvanelle/Sauvanet/Sauvannon. Amazing, for this suggests that "Sau/Sava" was a variation of "TranSYLVANia." I had said that after showing the "maurant" motto term of the English Silvans, which I traced to Mures-river clans (the Mures is in Transylvania).
What's amazing here today as I came across the sauvis term, and consequently across the Silvan/Sauvan surname, is that I was just about going to go to a trace of the Sullivan surname to the Maezaei theater. I may as well do it now. To the south of the Maezaei on the Roman-Illyria map, we see Salviae, and to the north of the Maezaei we see Lamatis. The Sullivan Coat (a boar, as with the Harper coat with "sauvis" motto term) uses a "lamh" motto term. Again, the Sullivan snake (used in the same fashion by many clans, including the Maccabee-like Mackesy is the same design as the Save snake, and I'm about to identify that snake below with the Iapodes.
Remember, there is good multi-pronged evidence for a Sava-river trace to the Ligurian theater, wherefore a trace of Sullivans both to Salviae/Lamatis and to the Salyes Ligurians is not necessarily a contradiction. (As you may know, I trace the Salyes to the Sales-of-Mascy, which serves as evidence for a Mascy/Massey trace to the Maezaei.) As the Salyes lived on the Durance river, perhaps the river was named after the Deuri, who are marked in the Celt-Illyria map smack at Salviae!!!
It should be mentioned that the Ditiones in the Roman-Illyria map are located (rather than in uptown Libernia as on the other map) between the Basante/Bosnia and Drinus rivers. The latter also smacks of "Durance," and there to the north side of the Ditiones we see "Saldae." The Drinus is the Moesia border, which easily explains why Salyes and Masseys were closely related.
As excellent evidence that the Ditiones -- apparently the Titius entity -- were proto-Tattons and proto-Duttons, see first the Bassant Coat (surname clearly traces to the Basante river), which is the Massey shield with a leopard, and compare with the Tatton and Dutton Shields. This represents a solid trace, without question.
It all evokes the Silenos goat cult of Tityros (see 1st update this month for details).
The Salviae were not far from the major center of Salonae in downtown Dalmatia (Julie needs to consider links to the Herod bloodline here). Entering "Salon" brings up a sales-like Coat in the Sal(e)man surname. This surname was first in Surrey, smacking of the Deuri (Dalmatian theater). Entering "Durry" brings up a Dorey clan in the colors of another Dore(y) surname (the latter uses a fish that was tentatively traced to the Saraka clan not far south of Dalmatia). Remember, French Doreys use bees.
As per Julie's Silurian research project, I think the river flowing past Salonae is "Tilerius."
The Kupa has a mouth in the Croatian city of Sisak/Siscia, perhaps a major Sais center (although Siscia is also marked "Segestia," though not necessarily related to "Siscia"). The Kupa is also "Kulpa," which is an obvious variation of "Colapis," it's alternative name. This shows a fundamental equation between a Kupa-like entity and a forthcoming Cole-like entity, jibing with the vision of emailer Patterson wherein a "Cappeo" (of Cappeo-like) term was the name of the blue Halland lion (Hallands were linked solidly to the Kyles/Coles). As the Halland lion is, surely, the Bruce lion, it can't be coincidental that, on the Roman-Illyria map, the Breuci are shown on the north banks of the Kupa (due north of Siscia). Emailer Patterson's vision has indeed turned out to be a vision from God (I never had any doubts, even though I'm more on the skeptical in that regard).
Again, the Iapodes were on the Kupa river. We read:
The original religion of Iapydes is scarcely known, and it appears to be similar with other eastward Illyrians. They knew the divine pair of water-deities Vidassus (as Roman Sylvanus) and Thana (as Roman Diana)...They worshipped the holy horse as their tribal totem, and also the holy snakes as the symbol of their ancestors. Their early tombs were usually in caves...Again, Cadmus and Harmonia were depicted as snakes leaving Greece for Illyria. Harmonia was daughter to Ares, known as the Thracian Horseman. As per the Thana term, I note that the Massin/Mason surname, using a blue lion that I link to the Cappeo/Copia lion, was first found in Thanet, located in (Centaur-like) Kent (in myth, Kent was founded by two horse terms).
The Massin/Mason lion is used exactly by the Sadlers. The latter use a "servire" motto term that i tend to trace to Serbs, who appear to have a serpa-like name, suggesting that the Illyrian snake symbol could apply to them fundamentally. There is a Servitium location shown on the Sava between the Oeneus and Urbanus river mouths; let's not forget the Save-surname snake, in the shape of a simple 'S'. The Sitlers (Silesia), who smack of Sadlers, use the same black-on-gold lion as the Sauves.
It's conspicuous that a banner is used also in the Boso/Bosni Coat, for that surname traces for certain to the Bosna river, beside the Urbanus.
As per the Urbanus river, Urbana in Indiana came to mind, and checking the Seal of Illynois for links to "Illyria," an eagle with a beak at a snake-like banner was found. Also, the derivation of "Illynois" is not known according to Wikipedia.
Potential Illyria-honoring surnames: Lier (black lion again); Lure; Lear; Iler; Eler; Lair. On king Lier:
According to Geoffrey [of Monmouth], Leir is the eponymous founder of Leicester (Legra-ceaster or Ligora-ceaster in Anglo-Saxon), called Cair Leir in Old Welsh...In Geoffrey's Historia Regum Britanniae, Leir followed his father, King Bladud, to the kingship of Britain...Geoffrey says that Leir's father lived at the same time as the Biblical prophet Elijah. He built the city of Kaerleir (Leicester) along the banks of the River Soar.
Therein we may have an Illyrian trace to Ligurians. The Kaer term could, in that picture, link back to the Ceraunii peoples stamped across the Urbanus river. We then read that king Lier "produced no male heir [sounds like code for Amazons] to the throne but had three daughters: Goneril, Regan, and Cordelia, whom he favoured most." The favorite sister could be code for the Scordisci region shown extending along the Sava river and into Moesia. Yes, "Scord" is not "Cord, but smack along the Scordisci domain we see Certissa, smacking of an S-less Scordisci. Certissa is between Marsonia and Mursa, and that may hook the Regan sister above to my link of the viking Ragn term to Rhegan on the Mures.
LOOKIE! The Lair/Layer surname "came from when the family lived in Leire, in Leicestershire, or in Layer in Essex." That clan is clearly the king-Lier cult's heart. The Leir Coat is a black on white lion, used by the Sauvage Coat, which can now help to trace the Lier cult to the Sava river's Certissa.
French Lairs/Liers (Brittany) use black and white again, and they happen to be scallops in the white-on-black colors of the Meschin scallops. REMEMBER, Meschins were from the Bessin which was traced solidly to the Basante/Bosna...across the mouth of which was the Scordisci domain!
But what about the Lair/Lier domain in Essex? That too traces to the Sava theater. You may recall the Toot Hill location in Essex, located beside Bovinger, and the an early Boso(n) was the son of Bivin, and that an earlier Boso(n) the Elder was father to Teutberga who was surely linked to Teutibergium near Certissa and Mursa, and not far from the mouth of the Basante/BOSNa river (Wikipedia adds a Bosona spelling).
Near Teutibergium and downstream from it, there is Cornacum, perhaps what the Lair/Layer unicorn ultimately depicts. We read that "Goneril and Regan flattered their father [king Lier] and were married off to the Duke of Albany and Duke of Cornwall respectively..." Albany smacks of Albania in the Illyrian theater, and I'm therefore assuming a trace from Cornwall back to Cornucum. The English Boss/Beuville surname (uses the Bovin and Boso bull) was first found in Cornwall.
I've mentioned that the Cornwall Coat uses a "Durante" motto term, what is assumed to be code for the Salyes on the Durance. Entering "Cord" to check for links to Scordisci, there are hearts, symbol of French Sauvages. If not a coincidence that Scores/Scorys (cinquefoils, a Leicestershire symbol) were first in Cornwall while using Cord colors, the two clans may trace to Scordisci and Certissa. At the king Lier article, note that his bloodline starts off with Corineus.
It could be added that the river Soar in Leicestershire is where king Leir was buried (just code), and that the Sauer clan (uses exactly the Cornwall-surname lion), said in the write-up to be from the Sava river, shows a Sour variation.
Back to the Ceraunii on the Urbanus. As this Illyrian-Celt theater had Aeneas elements, we should expect Dido-Carthage elements there too. Safe to say, the Ceraunii were from named after Cyrene, for that is where the Meshwesh/Mazyes lived while the Maezaei were smack next to the Ceraunii. In this picture, the Certissa location may have been named after Carthage.
Cyrene was an African center of Apollo, the symbol of whom was the lyre, which may now be viewed as code for Illyrians. But the lyre is also a harp, and I did suggest that the Urbanus river may have been named after the Arpii/Carpi. It could be that the Ceraunii and their Apollo-related "Muses" named the lyre and harp after their respective people groups.
If the Ceraunii stamped on the Urbanus were on the neighboring Una, and because that river surely named Uni, the Etruscan-mother goddess, what about a "unicorn" trace to the Ceraunii?
In the Cornwall theater, we find a goddess, Sulis. This in itself can trace the "Durante" motto term of the Cornwall surname to the Salyes. Julie could keep in mind here that the Sulis domain is close to the Silurian theater (Wales). We read: "In localised Celtic polytheism practised in Britain, Sulis was a deity worshipped at the thermal spring of Bath (now in Somerset). She was worshipped by the Romano-British as Sulis Minerva," The Cornwall surname was first found in Devon, very near Bath. Somerset is also the location of Bude, what may have been a Celt/Brit version for the Buzites in the Bosnia theater. To make this point better, let me quote more from the article above:
Although the name "Sulis" appears almost nowhere else outside Bath, she is identified with the Suleviae, a group of Celtic goddesses known as the subject of votive inscriptions in the city of Rome and elsewhere...Suleviae, frequently identified as a plural form of Sulis...On the other hand, the identification of the Suleviae with Sulis has been dismissed by some researchers who suggest that the similarity of the names is coincidental. in Old Irish is "eye" or "gap", with the implication an entrance to the underworld. The usual etymology, however, is that Sulis means "sun..."The Sullivan write-up: "...partially derived from the word 'suil,' which means 'eye.'" While this tends to prove a Sulis link to the Salyes, why not also a link to the Salviae smack in the Ceraunii theater where we expect proto-Cornwall elements? Salviae was in what became the heart of historical Bosnia, and the capital of Bosnia, situated in the Bosna-river watershed, is a Saracen-like Sarajevo. Add to this picture that the Bosna river flows into the Sava, and the Saracen link I had made to the Sava looks like it was infested in Sarajevo. I had no idea at the time.
In short, and the owl-depicted Minerva link to the Sulis entity at Bath tends to confirm it, Bosnia looks like an establishment of the Seir Edomites from Bozrah, the city ruled by Esau. I of course reject the typical derivations chosen by historians who seem to be bent on ignoring links to similar people groups. Instead of seeking a Sara-like people group, historians opted to root Sarajevo in "saray," the Turkish word for "palace." See all the places that are said to be named after "saray," but ask whether some could be Saracen locales.
As I see Garebites (Amorite Jerusalem) in Croatia and Bosnia's Serbs, isn't interesting that Sarajevo is "'European Jerusalem', as it was nicknamed by its Sephardic Jewish populace." Sepharvite Hebrews (not Jews and not Israelites) had a Moloch-type sacrifice system, and then we find Sarajevo on a (Moloch-like) Miljacka river (Bosna tributary). That term modifies to "Miliack."
As you could tell above, I was going to the Bude topic, intending to link Bude to Bute, and that was before I read: "The most famous example of a Neolithic settlement in the Sarajevo area is that of the Butmir culture." Butmir is a location in the Sarajevo canton. What should be the chances that Sarajevo was named by the Saraka bloodline?
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SarajevoBefore checking into the Sarajevo article, I was going to say that the Bude surname uses gold-on-green garbs (suspected Garebite symbol), seen earlier in both the Tack and Osgood Coats. The Tacks use estoiles, the symbol of the Butes/Butts. The Budes were first in Essex, a king-Lier-related location but also where the Ests/Easts were first found to which I traced the estoile symbol (the discovery of that trace was made in the last update using the Bute estoile). The Bude Coat also uses the lion head used by the Neims, who were traced above to Neum, near the Saraka clan in Ragusa.
There are Welsh Budes (in Bute/Butt colors), first found in Cornwall...where we can now expect the Lier elements from the Bosnia theater. AND FINALLY, I had been seeking the answer for years and didn't know UNTIL NOW: the German Butts/Butes/Botes use a fish!!!! It's like conformation of the spanking-new idea, just moments old, that Butes were of the Saraka clan!
The Bute fish is gold, as is the Dore fish, and these Dores use the same lion head as the Budes. The Dores were traced to the Deuri and Daorsi, not far from the Sarakas of Ragusa/Dubrovnik. The Daurin variation of these Dores begs a look at the Darrins and related Darwins. The Darrins use scallops in the colors of the same of the French Lairs/Liers, tending to clinch the Dore link to the Budes (because Budes appear linked to Liers).
MOREOVER, English Dares were first found in Essex (i.e. Lier-cult home), while garbs (i.e. Bude symbol) are used by German Dares/Derres/Derhens/Derns. The Bude and Dore lion head is also in the Darnell Crest and in the Doran/Darren (Sullivan boar).
The Leir=Dare mystery may be solved in the French Lair/Lier page showing Daire and Dayre variations. But this is insufficient to make me view the Dares-et-al as a creation of the Leir bloodline.
Darrins were first found in NorthUMBERland, interesting where I traced Chemmites (Uat/BUTO cult) to Camber- and Umber-like terms (there was more to that trace than meets the best of all-seeing eyes). I repeat this because I link Chemmites to Kemuel, brother of Buz, while the Darwin Crest is a camel, the symbol that I link to Kemuel elements in the Camulus cult. It should be added that the Selby surname, also first found in Northumberland, was just traced from the Umbrians of Italy.
The Bude topic started as per the location of Bath and Bude both being in Somerset. We saw that Bath was the special location of a Minerva cult called, Sulis, and as that term appears to be named after, "Sol," it may have been the entity that named SOMERset (named after summer=sun). NOW LOOK at the following, which I did not know (or remember if I once read it) when I made the above links of the Budes to the Leirs (I kid you not):
Bladud or Blaiddyd[a] was a legendary king of the Britons, for whose existence there is no historical evidence. He is first mentioned in Geoffrey of Monmouth's Historia Regum Britanniae, which describes him as the son of King Rud Hud Hudibras...The Welsh form of the name is given as Blaiddyd in manuscripts of the Brut Tysilio (Welsh translations of Geoffrey's Historia). In the text he is said to have founded the city of Bath.Bladud was father to king Leir. He evokes the Blattens and Blatts/Platts. As Blattens use a grape bunch, while Blatts/Plattes use leopards (amongst more white scallops), I would not be surprised to find both clans tracing to the Illyrian-Celt theater. Perhaps the grapes are a clue to a trace to the Oeneus/Una river. The Iapodes lived beside that river (the Illyrian-Celt map shows them on the Una), and they were traced, as per their also being on the Kupa/Kolpa/Colapis, to the Cauley/Cole bloodline. Emailer Patterson has confirmed that Cauleys were part of the Pattersons (who likewise use a camel in Crest), and the point now is that the Blatts/Platts use scallops in Patterson scallop white-on-blue. That is, we thereby have another reason for a trace of the Bladud code to the Oeneus/Una theater.
As I'm sure that the Una river named the chief Etruscan goddess, and therefore also Juno, note that German Junes/Jungs use white (stag) on blue too. English Junes/Jungs were first in CAMbridge. The Welsh Jone(s) surname not only uses white on blue, but a lion with blood drops, as with the Patterson lion. ZOWIE, the Jones lion is in colors reversed to emailer Patterson's Cappeo lion, and the latter lion was just traced to the Kupa/Kolpa. That creates the theory that the Jones' were from Juno.
It doesn't necessarily conflict with my trace of the Jones surname to the pagan Levite, Jonathan (this assumes that Jonathan had a cult named after himself that led to the Una river and therefore to the Oeneus characters of myth). Jonathan is mentioned after the Samson Dinay are introduced in Judges. It has been assumed here that the Samsam proto-Danaans were in Joppa, and some have suggested that Joppa/Ioppa was the root of "Jupiter," husband of Juno.
A trace of these Leir-related clans is not surprising because the Lair/Lier-colored scallops are used also by the Samson Coat. The reason that I traced the Jones surname to the Samson-cult Danaans is that a lion with blood drops is used also by the Sam/Sammes Coat. But now I can add that the latter surname was first found in Leir-infested Essex. Moreover, the Sams use a black lion like the Savages, and because it's on a gold background, it's identical to the Sauve/Sauvat lion. It looks like the Samson cult was linked to Sabines, therefore, which is expected exactly as per the same Nile location being Sebannytos and Samannud.
A new revelation. As the Harp(er)s use a "sauvis" motto term, they should link to Savages, but I can't recall realizing that the Harp(er) Coat uses exactly the design and colors of the Savage lion (not the same design as the fork-tailed Sam and Sauve lions).
Myth traced Cepheus' daughter and wife to Joppa, and as it was explained recently that Cepheus, meaning "head" in Greek, was linked to CAPPAdocia, (meaning "head of docia," literally speaking), so one could indeed trace the Cepheus line at Joppa to the Iapodes on the Kupa river. Cepheus' wife, CASSiopeia, was identified as the Cadmus cult leading to Adana (= proto-Danaans) and adjacent Kizzuwatna/KHASSi in Cilicia, but then Cadmus later evolved into Illyrians. I understand his brother, Cilix, to be the grail cult, wherefore I identify the Cadmus Cati, who lived in the Khassi region, as the same. One could get the impression that the Samson cult was the Cadmus cult.
WOW WOW WOW. After explaining the above and getting a good feel for the Cappeo trace to Juno, "Jane" (more scallops) was entered to find a blue-on-white lion!!! The surname smacks of the Roman god, Janus, who could certainly have been the Juno bloodline. The Jane(s)/Janis write-up: "They were also found early in Cornwall." This is a good place to say that the Cornwall surname uses "La Vie" as well as "Durante," as though code for both the Salyes and the Levi clan. The Durance river flows in France but near the Italian border close to the source of the Po. Keep in mind in the grail discussion below that the red-on-white lion, shared by the Cornwall and Sauer surnames, was pegged as a special symbol of the Magdalene grail cult (i.e. it doesn't trace to Mary Magdalene, but in reality to the Sava-river clans), and that the latter was traced to the Alan/Allen surname, while the French Lairs/Liers (Samson-colored scallops) were in Dol, says the write-up. The Dutch Liers use a black-on-white lion, the Savage-lion colors, but in the style of the black Sam/Sammes lion.
What's that gold grail doing in the Crest of the Leir/Leyer/Layer Coat???
The red scallop of the Janes is used by the German Johannes clan. Watch the Johannes (i.e. assuming Jonathan the Levite priest) trace to the Laevi Gauls. Red scallops along with a red garb are used by the Scottish Barbers (first found in Northumberland). The Barbers use the red-on-white saltire (used by the Annan(dale)s) that I trace to the Ananes Gauls who lived across the Po from the Laevi, at a Placentia location smacking of the Samson-associated Philistines. Then, the English Barbers use the fat-style chevrons seen also in the Levi Coat and in the Laevi-related (says me) Oliver Coat.
BEHOLD MY GREAT MISTAKE. A while after writing the above, I accidentally typed "Talboy" instead of "Talbot" (the 'y' is beside the 't'), and got the Tailbois surname. It uses the Annan(dale) Shield-and-Chief combination exactly, but with white scallops thrown in. It does not come up when entering "Taillebois," which is the Lincolnshire surname, technically, that Ranulph le Meschin married. Entering "Taillebois" (first found in Champagne) brings up a gold-on-black lion, colors reversed from the Sauve and Sam/Sammes lions.
WHAT A FORTUITOUS MIS-SPELLING, for having found the Tailboys/Tailbois surname (I don't know whether I've ever seen it before), I loaded the Tail surname (because I had linked it to the Talle-related Talbots) to find it rooted in "Taileur" (became the Taylor surname), smacking of the Tailer variation shown in the Taillebois page. IT WAS AT THAT TIME, I THINK FOR THE FIRST TIME, that I happened to realize that the white-on-black (Meschin/Samson colors) Tail(er) lions were the same as in the "Jewish" Levi Coat!
Compare the Mormon/Moorman Coat to the Dan Coat and to the Saracen-like Surrey/Sark Coat.
For new and concerned Christian readers, though I do believe that the Law and the Prophets were Inspired, I believe that the mythical (i.e. stacked with myth code and myth style) Samson account was inserted, by the dragon cult in Israel, into the end of the otherwise historical/reliable/factual book of Judges (this book, perhaps like other historical books of the Bible, was not necessarily Inspired, at least not wholly, but was likely a record of events kept over much time by multiple writers). Emailer Patterson might like you to know that she doesn't share my view of Samson, though I think she does see a corrupt cult of Danites growing out of some followers of an historical Samson. I don't believe a Samson existed; in typical myth style, he should have been an invention, explaining some of the incredible acts that he is said to have accomplished. Try finding 300 foxes let alone tying their tails. In my Samson chapter:
Samson is once again revealed as an Avvite people because he captures 300 jackals (obviously a fictional story = myth code) with which to strike his Philistine enemies (Judges 15:4). Bibles use "foxes," but behold that Strong's dictionary (#7776) defines the Hebrew word (shuwal) like so: "a jackal." This is important because Nibhaz/Anubis (the Avvite god) was given the head of a jackal!The following quote shows where I would root the Daniy, not in the tribe of Dan, but in the Anu of Sumeria: "The Sumerian god of heaven is Anu, depicted as a dog-headed jackal in Babylonian mythology, like the Egyptian Anubis."
After he burns the Philistine fields with 300 jackals, he goes to live at the top of a hill called, Etam (Judges 15:8), smacking of Edom, but also of the Eaton surname that uses the Samson "cross" in Samson-Coat colors. The Avvite capital, Avith, was ruled by an Edomite. In the very next verse, Samson's Philistine enemies engage him at Etam by grouping together in Lehi. That latter location becomes important below as it's traced to certain surnames of the Leir cult.
In verse 11, 3,000 men of Judah go to Etam to speak with Samson. A few months ago, I figured that the Calebite Judah-ites=Jews that could trace to dragon-cult "Chalybes" were from this Samson contact with the tribe of Judah, but at the time I did not know the following from the top of chapter 16: "And Samson lay [with the prostitute of Gaza] till midnight, and arose at midnight, and took the doors of the gate of the city, and the two posts [symbol of the two "pillars of Hercules" and of the two Freemasonic "Pillars of Solomon," to be included later in the Samson account, at his death], and went away with them, bar and all, and put them upon his shoulders, and carried them up to the top of a hill that is before Hebron." I didn't know when linking the paganish Calebite Jews to the Samson cult that Samson had been at Hebron. Caleb was from Hebron elements.
In Judges 14, the number 30 is made a special symbol multiple times in relation to the lion carcass and the bees (no doubt, a lion was a major symbol of the Samson cult even back then). In 14:19, he murders (supposedly by the will of God, but that can't be true) 30 men in (Scylla-like) Ashkelon, which jibes with my trace of the Samson-Coat scallops to Scylla (Sicily). The number 30 is in relation to Samson's wedding a woman from Timnah, and so consider again the Timnah- and Samsam-named Saracens (that Robert Guiscard allied himself to) of Messina, where Scylla was located: "Following the death of Hasan as-Samsam in 1053 three warring emirs divided control of Sicily. Ibn al Hawas ruled northeastern Sicily (Val Demone) from Kasr'Jannis (Enna), Ibn at Timnah ruled southeastern Sicily (Val di Noto) from Siracuse and Catania, and Abdullah ibn Haukal ruled western Sicily (Val di Mazara)."
http://www.bestofsicily.com/history2.htmAt the top of Judges 15, Samson wants to sacrifice a kid goat to his wife after she was given in marriage to his friend, suggesting Samson's merger there with proto-Satyrs. As I trace Satyrs to Seir, I note that there was a Timna in Edom, who was the sister of Lotan, son of Seir.
As the jackal depicted Anu, and as the Avvite jackal god was ANUbis, I would suggest that the "bis" portion related to Bozrah, the Esau-ite capital. The NiBHAZ version of the jackal god may itself have been an Anu-Boz(rah) term (I am reminded that the Neuri amongst the Budini worshiped wolves, and that I had found wolves in some Buz-like surnames, not surprisingly). The point is, Avvites also had a donkey or ass cult, and per chance an ancient "ass" term was code for a tribe of "Esau." I'll bet all the teeth in my lower jaw, silver and all, that the term, "jack ass," was from the jackal-and-ass toting Avvites.
I had therefore noted that 30, 300, and 3000 are numbers found in the Samson account. I recall finding a story online, and sharing it in the Ladon book, about 30 horsemen and five other things, that I linked to the Samson account. I can't recall whether the number five was significant to Samson, and can only cite the five Philistine rulers that are part of the Samson account, likely code for the five major Philistine cities (where Avvites were located). Immediately after Samson takes two posts to Hebron, we read: "After this, Samson fell in love with a woman named Delilah, who lived in Sorek Valley. The five Philistine kings went to her and said, 'Trick Samson into telling you why he is so strong...'"
As it seems certain that the Samson cult led to king Leir, who was buried in the Soar valley of Leicester, we may deduce that Sorek elements, and perhaps even Delilah elements (Lilith, the owl and child-abduction cult?), were apparently in Leicestershire. Remember Minerva, depicted with an owl, who was made a goddess in Bath, the place sacred to Leir elements too.
It now seems a no-brainer that the Lehi term in the Samson account evolved into the Ligurian elements that named Leicester. That is, the Lehi donkey-depicted Avvites evolved into Leir himself. It should be said that the Danites in the book of Judges, after the Samson account, took the Sidonian city of Laish brutally, that being a Lys-like term. In this picture, the Arthurian and Merovingian grail cult leads back specifically to Laish and/or Lehi.
I suggested a few years ago that 30 and five would be a combination found in other codework. Here's Wikipedia's Leir article: "However, Goneril [Leir's daughter] disapproved of such extravagance and after two years decreased Leir's bodyguard to only thirty. [Leir] fled to Cornwall, where Regan decreased his guard to only five knights. Fearing his two older daughters, he fled to Gaul (think the Galli and probably Laevi Gauls] and his youngest child. Nearing insanity...[insanity was code for the Maenads, and as we see, Leir's only three children were females]..."
Just found the following code-studded fictional that uses the thirty-and-five code:
The king and his fifteen companions [half of 30] had not gone very far when they met the hero [Samson]. His helmet and armour were coal black [smacks of code for the Coles/Kyles], like his beard and hair; his steed was also black, but on his shield was emblazoned a [black?] lion on a golden field [black lion on gold is used by the Sam/Sammes clan of Leir-infested Essex]....The old woman [sounds like code for Gorgons/Graeae out of Joppa] went on counting her hoard [sounds like code for "hoar" meaning "grey/old, symbol anciently of the old Graeae hags] as calmly as before.
"Mother," [Samson] began again, "you betrayed your son for gold, and you should die by my dagger [there is a dagger piercing a black lion in the Small/Smele Coat, the surname I intended to discuss later in this update as a possible Samson>Maenad-honoring clan named after elements of mythical Semele, mother of Dionysus]; but you are my mother, and I cannot slay you (the Slay/Sley/Sleigh surname (owls, surname possibly from the Salyes Ligurians] was first found in Derbyshire, where the Samson-Coat-like Smales/Smails/Smeles/Samles were first found]...
The old woman poured her treasures into a huge [the Sack/Sage Shield is exactly the Slay Shield]...
...Three times Samson's hand sought sword and dagger [to kill his mother], but he mastered his anger, and rode away through the dark pine forest [pine forests were symbol of the Maenads and Satyrs, and the thyrsos rod of Dionysus carried by Maenads] to his home.
When he got there, he found Hildeswid [his wife] hard at work with her maidens [there is a German Hilde Coat using a "log in flames" that looks like a rod/penis with an object at the tip, just like the thyrsos rod with pine cone at tip].
"Wife," he said, going up to her, "my mother betrayed me for love of gold — my sword and dagger both thirsted [sound like code for the thyrsos rod] for her blood...
He looked terrible in his wrath, but she took off his helmet and coat of mail [black lions in the Mail Coat]...
...Samson had returned, and, seeing [his enemies], at once set out in pursuit...Brunstein and five of his warriors fell never to rise again, while the sixth got away...Samson started in pursuit. When he got out of the wood, he saw thirty horsemen galloping towards him. On their banner, a lion was displayed on a golden field [same symbol as Samson's].
"So, ho," cried the hero, ''you are Amelungs. Welcome, Uncle Dietmar. I rejoice to see you and your men."...
I didn't read the rest but am sure there are more codes to be had. The idea is that Dietmar (Ditiones line?) is a relative of Samson because he uses the same symbol, and here Samson's bloodline is called, Amelung, smacking of Amalekites. Entering "Deiter" brings up a Swiss clan but does not bring up the German Deiters/Deeters/Teeters using more purple grapes...that I trace to the Maenads! The write-up traces the clan to grape-like Grapow, however, though this does not deter my will to see the Dionysus cult behind it. Entering "Grape' brings up BLACK-on-GOLD (!) Gareb-like surnames, including "Craver," like the Cravens of purple-Skipton kinship. (I know a Simson surname who married a Teeter surname; otherwise I've known no other Teeters).
Hmm, the Levi clan above was first in Ile-de-France, reflecting "Illyria" somewhat. [The latter sentence was all that was in this paragraph originally, with much below it already written before the above on Judges and fictional Samson and HILDESwid were inserted. It's amazing, therefore, that entering Hildes (with an 's') brings up an Eyles/Eels surname, said to be rooted in "Ael," much like "Ile-de-France." The Eyles/Eels use fleur-de-lys (!!) in the colors of the black-on-white June-Coat fleur-de-lys. The exclamation marks are not for the trace of the Junes to the Samson-cult Jones,' but for the fact that the Lys surname was itself first found in Ile-de-France. AND ZOWZERS, the Hildes/Eyles/Eels were first found in Somerset!!! I should add that an eel is found in the Sheep/Shipton Crest, the Coat being in Hilde/Eyles/Eels colors. ZOWIE SOME MORE, for Ii had neglected to read the first part of the Hildes write-up until now: "The surname Hildes is derived from the Old French word isle, which means island and has become the modern French word ile." Is that not wild? I simply can't believe it's coincidental that I inserted the Samson-and-Hildeswid account directly above this Ile-de-France paragraph. I report, you decide, my foxy friends. Does the Levi clan belong to the Samson cult?]
I wasn't going to mention the red heart in the Oliver Coat above as a possible link to the French Sauvages, until I realized that the "Jewish" Levi Coat's black-on-white lions could relate to the same-colored lions of the English Savages. In this picture, the Levi clans were as Saracen-related as the Savages, and for that reason we could expect the Levi bloodline in the Sava theater.
I had linked the Levi of Ile-de-France to the Lys grail clan, also first found in Ile-de-France. I have noted the Lissa location in Libernia a few times not thinking to connect it, till now, to the Lisse variation of the Lys clan. It smacks of the Alis (sur)names that I trace to Skiptons, who were part of the (Lys-like) Lacy bloodline. There is a way to link the Lys clan to the Illyrians aside from similarity of terms, by way of linking the Lys' to the Samson cult...that I do feel was in the Illyrian theater via Illyrian ancestry in Cadmus.
Here's how to make the link. As king Leir was a Leg>Ligurian entity in Leicestershire, and as he has been discovered as the Lair/LAYre surname, the Lay/Legh/Ley surname should apply to him too. Then, the Leahy/Leghe/Lahy surname uses a lion in colors reversed to the Lays/Leghes/Leys, showing direct kinship. THE POINT IS, the Samson account in Judges has his donkey symbol in a town called, Lehi!!! [This was written here already before the insert above that featured the same Lehi theme.]
The Leahys/Leghes use two axes, as does the Welsh John Coat that should link to the Welsh Jones surname mentioned above as a Samson line. The two axes (in saltire) could be code for the double axe of Crete called a labrys, especially as the Samson-Coat "cross" looks like two, crossed labrys. The labyrinth was symbol of Daedalus, father of Iapyx, symbol of the Iapyges (namers of Puglia), a term close to "Iapodes." The Jones' are now being traced to the Juno cult of the Una river on which the Iapodes lived.
[Another insert here. For the first time. the Pyxus location in Lucania (southern Italy) came to mind as per mythical Iapyx. This is remarkable because Pyxus (also called, Buxentium) was off the bay of Laus, a place to which I traced the Lys cult. I just entered "pix" to find the same tree as when i entered "Buchen." It's then amazing that I wasn't going to mention an old trace of the Pyxus location to a Bizers location on the Pyxites (Khaldi/Thermodon theater), until I saw the Bucher, Bucker, Bocher and similar variations. The following from my "Arthur in the Brute of Italy" chapter:
Buxentium (in Lucania), which the Greeks called "Pyxus." One website directed attention from this Italian Pyxus to "Marthyla, a town of the Bizeres, Pontus, at the mouth of Pyxites" (11 miles north-east of Limne)."
http://www.ancientlibrary.com/gazetteer/0220.htmlAnother article by the same web master adds that the Pyxirates river of Armenia "rises in Scordisi," and that "Pyxirates" was the name of Euphrates at one time. On this map of ancient Lucania, compare "Scordisi" with "Scidrus" at Pyxus/Buxentium, just north of Laus.
http://www.ancientlibrary.com/gazetteer/0291.htmlHow absolutely relevant now as I'm on the Scordisci region on the Sava!!! I could add that I trace the Khaldi (= proto-Celts) to "Chaldea," on the Euphrates, meaning also that the proto-Picts were ultimately from the Euphrates before settling the Pyxites in the Khaldi theater. Apparently, proto-Picts went through Iapyx=Puglia, and also through Pyxus at Laus, and then, as per the Limne location above, we assume them to be the Pictones beside the Lemovices (at Limousin) of France! End Insert]
Emailer Patterson, did you happen to note the blue lion in the Samson Crest, which now looks much like the Cappeo lion to the Iapodes of Kupa? Isn't it true just because the Jane/Janis Coat uses a blue-on-white lion while the surname smacks of the Una river on which the Iapodes are shown?
The Samson motto includes, "letho," very close to "lehi." And I've already traced the last term in the Samson motto to the Flecks/Flacks/Flags (if you've forgotten, the Lairs/Liers use white-on-black scallops, the colors of both the Fleck/Flack and Samson scallops). I identify the Flecks/Flacks with the Aflaq surname that founded the Baathists. I'm now seeing that Baathist-founding bloodlines link to king Leir's Bath location in Somerset, which is a think I claimed long ago when I saw that the other co-founding surname, Bitar (uses a heart with potential linkage to Sauvages), is like the Biden/Button surname said to be from Bath and Wells in Somerset.
The Biden/Button Crest is a "chapeau," very close to "Cappeo," and we can assume that the Bude location in Somerset was of the Biden/Button bloodline. That tends to trace the blue-on-white Cappeo lion to Bute, and indeed -- marvel ye one and all for this, God's revelation -- the symbol of Bute under Rory MacDonald, a son of Somerset-like Somerled, was a blue-on-white lion. See it in the Rory Coat! If I'm not mistaken, emailer Patterson said that the Cappeo lion was wearing a crown, as the Rory lion does. (I traced the MacDonald-related Damnonns to the Somerset Dumnonii, and then, making perfect sense, traced them back to "Samnite," the Sabine tribe...that was later discovered to have a Somerset representation in the Savone/Safin surname.)
It just so happens that Ile-de-France is in Paris, the place to which I trace the Perseus>Paris bloodline that had married the Joppa-clan "Ethiopians" (i.e. the Cepheus line). It will be shown below how we can identify the Samson cult with those rulers of Ethiopia, and therefore link it to Joppa...where the Israelite Dans happened to live too. I haven't yet attempted to dogmatically explain this "coincidence." Let's not forget that the Arthurian grail king was Parzival, or that the Percival surname is first found in .
It's possible that "Leir" traces, not to "Illyria" as suggested, but to a form of "Libernia" (it's even possible that "Illyria" and "Libernia" are the same terms) The Leiber surname (logs), not to be confused with the Lieber surname though kinship may exist, smacking of the labrys, is both like "Levi" and like "Libernia." The labyrinth is, I think, a symbol of Libernia, and as the labyrinth was a Minoan symbol (since it was Minoans who worshiped the bull), I should add that I was very satisfied with a trace of Minoans to Manoah, father of Samson, when I found a Minos-like city (can't recall the spelling) founded by Hercules (I think it was on eastern Sicily).
The Leibers use a lion in the colors and style of the Ley/Leghe lion.
The Leahys/Leghes use a "Tout" motto term that should be code for the Tout surname, and that's been tentatively traced to the Ditiones of the Titius region of Libernia. To help confirm that Leahys/Leghes were of the Samson-related Lehi=donkey cult, Titus Tatius was a Sabine entity. Remember, the Toot and Tutt variations of the Touts should link them to Toot Hill of Essex, where the Leg-related king Leir had representation.
As I said that Toot Hill had links to Bec, so see that the Beck surname, in Tout/Toot white on red, was first found in Yorkshire, as with the Touts/Toots. German Becks/Becs use the same stag design as the German Junes/Jungs, and so if the latter was from the Juno cult on the Una river, we'd not only expect Becks to be of the Joppa-Samson cult, but linked to Mormon founders, for I know that Mormons honor the Samson bloodline. Glenn Beck is a self-proclaimed Mormon.
The Liebers/Libers use oak leaves on an Alan-like Shield (the latter also uses oak leaves), and as Alans were of Dol, note that the French Lairs/Liers/Layres were of Dol. Leifs use the same bee design as the Dores/Doars i.e. who were traced almost to the Libernia theater. But in the Roman-Illyria map, there are Derriopes in downtown Libernia.
Then, the Lever surname (engrailed like the Sinclairs) uses a Coat much like the Darrins and Darwins, and as with the Darwins, Levers were first found in Lancaster. The lever Rooster is the Sinclair rooster, but as it's standing on a so-called "trumpet," I now know that it's a so-called clarion trumpet (as per the Claro surname).
Perfect. The engrailed blue-on-white of the Leirs/Leyers, along with it's gold star, makes for an easy link to the Lures (McLeod sept), important for the "hawk's lure" used by the Herod/Hurl Crest. The Lures are also Cloors, a term that I've traced to the Clares.
The following is an important line of discovery. I'm amazed by it. The first step was taken as per the tattoos that are said in Wikipedia to have been a mark of the Iapodes. It struck me that the Touts/Toots may have been named after those tattoos (one imagines the Scythians here). One could then venture to link the Touts/Toots to the Teutons, and then back to the mythical Titans, a peoples birthed by Uranus and depicted as "giants." One can then argue that the Iapodes (and therefore mythical Jupiter) traces to Japheth, the supposed historical ancestor of the Aryan giants.
My Tout-Toot trace to the Titus-Tatius bloodline does not necessarily contradict the Tout/Toot trace to Titans, for obvious reason.
In the second step, my thoughts started to go toward the mark of the beast, that it should be applied by end-time Scythians of the Freemasonic kind, perhaps even by end-time Iapodes. Remember, the Biblical dragon was Rome, and the Latins of Roman make-up, and so why not also the Jupiter-related Iapodes?
The third step came eventually, now, as I finally got round to checking mythical Iapetus. He's called "the Piercer," and zowie did that ever hit me like a ton. Revelation 13 implies that the mark of the beast will be applied into the skin, not on the skin, and as you may know, tattoos are made by piercing the skin. As you have noticed, tattoos have been made fashionable in many media productions over the past generation, and even "good girls" are advertised as getting them.
Iapetus ("the Piercer") is the one Titan mentioned by Homer in the Iliad (8.478–81) as being in Tartarus with Cronus. He is a brother of Cronus, who ruled the world during the Golden Age.Iapetus' wife is normally a daughter of Oceanus and Tethys named Clymene or Asia.
Aha! Tethys, smacking of Titus Tatius, was made part of the Iapodes bloodline. It indicates that the Ditiones of the Titius region, Libernia, was a Iapodes branch. No surprise. But then the Ditiones are shown in the Roman-Illyria map on the Basante/Bosna river. That was proto-Meschin-ville, and I still maintain that the anti-Christ and/or the False Prophet will be of the Meschin line.
The Iapetus article goes on to quote Stephanus of Byzantium as he quotes Athenodorus of Tarsus, who traces the Iapodes (perhaps inadvertently) back to Cilicia, as expected by me as per the Cadmus>Cilix ancestry of the illyrians:
Anchiale, daughter of Iapetus, founded Anchiale (a city near Tarsus): her son was Cydnus [smacks of the Cati of Khassi/Kizzuwatna], who gave his name to the river at Tarsus: the son of Cydnus was Parthenius, from whom the city was called Parthenia: afterwards the name was changed to Tarsus.We then read from code-studded Argonautica:
...And near it they heaped an altar of small stones, and wreathed their brows with oak leaves [Zeus symbol] and paid heed to sacrifice, invoking the Mother of Dindymum, Most Venerable, Dweller in Phrygia, and Titias and Cyllenus, who alone of many are called dispensers of doom and assessors of the Idaean Mother [= Rhae], – the Idaean Dactyls of Crete, whom once the nymph Anchiale, as she grasped with both hands the land of Oaxus, bare in the Dictaean cave [Iapodes buried their dead in caves].Multiple points can be made:
1) the Zeus "Taurus" can be traced to "Tarsus" and the surrounding Taurus mountains, but also to the Tyrian/Tyrus line to Crete.2) I identified the Taurus with Joktanites, supposing that "Jok(tan)" gave birth both to the "oak" and "ox" symbol of Zeus (it reveals that Zeus was a Joktanite>Sepharvite bloodline), and therein we find the ox-like land of Oaxus in the very Cretan domain that was home to the Zeus cult.
3) The Zeus Taurus can be traced in particular to the Anchiale entity (smacks of Enki) of Tarsus, which gave birth to the Daktyloi, and to that I'll what one online writer shared, that in the land of Enki, in the Persian gulf, there was a Tyloi peoples and/or location.
4) Titias -- the same term found as part of Libernium, which is itself being traced here to the bull/ox maze called, labyrinth -- was the object of worship in the sacrifices to the so-called "Mother of Dindymum" (somewhat like "Diti-ones") who I assume was Rhea, great-mother of Zeus, and the harlot of Revelation 17.
As we see that Dindymum was a Phrygian entity, so it's known that Rhae on Crete evolved into the Phrygian great-mother cult of Cybele. In that picture, "Tatius" looks like Cybele's son/husband, Attis. Cyllenus should then be the Galli priests of the Cybele cult, even the line to Helen>Helenus.
Okay folks, you are now learning what others won't tell you who also know: that the Romans called the Zeus cult by the name of, Jupiter, because Zeus was from Anchiale. daughter of Iapetus. To make the link solid from the Iapetus entity in Tarsus to the Iapodes way up in Croatia, see the location of TARSAtica smack next to "Iapudia" on this map of Liburnia. There to the west side of Tarsatica is Histria, apparently named after Ishtar (Enki's kin), the great mother of Babylon, the very root of the Revelation 17 grail cult. Tarsatica is stamped at the very source of the Kupa river.
As we gathered already that the Zeus Taurus, because it was white, led to Io of Argos, depicted as a white cow, so it's known that the founders of Argos were from the Parthenia elements at Tarsus (the Danaans of Argos are thus trace-able to Adana at Tarsus). My identification of "Inachus," founder of Argos, with "Enki," is now rather solid, in case you were doubting that trace. The Cappeo lion could therefore be traced to Tarsus, and indeed Cilicia was the home of the so-called "Hercules lion" (identified with Sandon).
Smack in Histria, we see Lauriana, important because both the Revelation harlot and the Laurie surname were assigned grail symbols.
If we're wondering where the Cati (who I initially pegged as the grail cult) may be in the Libernian theater, see "Cetina" stamped right under the Delmatae term. I had linked the Cadusii fundamentally to Deylamites/Delymites, and later, before I knew of the Cetina location (i.e. for wholly other reasons) I identified Dalmatia with Deylamites (from DaeDalus, who I viewed as a Dia-Talus combo where Dia was Ixion's wife). I'm assuming that "DelMatae" is a combination for Deylamites (= Iranians) and Medes.
On this other map of Liburnia, see the Elektrides south of Histria. The term evokes the Alki giants (as I call them, as for example mythical Alcyonus the giant) which included the mother of Hercules, Alcmena (see also Alcyone, daughter of Aeolus and Enarete). Alcmena was herself a daughter of Electryon (ruler of Tiryns, near Argos), if that helps to trace the Hercules grail cult to the Elektrides. YES YES YES, for Elektryon (probably code for Alky giants of Tiryns, in the neighborhood of so-called Cyclopian walls) was made the son of Perseus and Andromeda...at Joppa!!! Wow, is that ever A SUPER FIND, for I had no idea (earlier in this update) how I was going to prove the "Iapode/Japode" trace to "Ioppa/Joppa."
Electryon was made married to Anaxo (code apparently for Anaki giants), daughter of his brother Alcaeus.
There is ample evidence of an Electryon trace to Ligurians. His cattle were given to mythical Polyxenus of Elis, smacking of mythical Polyxena (child-sacrifice cult) who was traced to mythical Euxenos (father of Protis) of Lacydon. Electryon's brother, Sthenelus, was also the name of a mythical Ligurian king.
Now, it was Sthenelus of Liguria who was made the father of the swan king, Cycnus, and as I traced the latter to "Ixion" and his Kikons, it had best be said that "Euxenos" smacks of "Ixion." The problem may be that I traced "Euxenos" to the Chaons (associated with ThesPROTians) of Epirus, but the problem may instead be a key, identifying the Chaons with Kikons (it works because I trace Hebros, brother of Kikon, to Aphrodite>Aprutium who I say was the root of the Epirotes and therefore of the Protians). As the Chaon>Euxenos line was brought (by me) to Cuneo of interior Liguria, perhaps Cuneo was the Ixion center and therefore the heart of the swan king, Cycnus.
Recalling that the Boofima cult was traced to Lacydon's/Marseille's frog and Phrygian elements, a passage from Pausanias had best be included here:
As I have already related, the boundary between Megalopolis and Heraea is at the source of the river Buphagus. The river got its name, they say, from a hero called Buphagus, the son of Iapetus and Thornax. This is what they call her in Laconia also. They also say that Artemis shot Buphagus on Mount Pholoe [= code for a Buphagus association with Artemis-branch Amazons]...The Buphagus is a tributary of the river Alpheus, Thornax is a mountain between Sparta and Sellasia [proto-Salyes?] and Pholoe is a mountain between Arcadia and Elis.
(Wikipedia's Iapetus article)
BOOFIMA-INTERESTING: "Buphagus" looks like a Buph-Agi = Buph-goat term.
The Alpheus is located in Arcadia and neighboring Ilia=Elis. Myths surrounding mythical Alpheus (example, his chasing/stalking women) reveal that he was a Pan-Satyr entity...which I trace to Panias, a giant's punt from Laish. I traced Laish elements to the Ladon river, likewise running through ArCADia. Hermes at Panias (foot of mount Hermon) was made born in Arcadia, suggesting that Pan, his son, should also be found in Arcadia. The Panias-like Peneus is a river next to the Ladon, and therefore near the Alpheus and it's tributary, the Buphagus. That in a nutshell gives reason to trace the Boofima goat cult to Buphagus.
Then, WOW, the Alpheus river is said, in myth, to run through the sea into Sicily, in particular to Ortygia (= myth code for an Alpheus-people migration to Ortygia). Not knowing where Ortygia is located, and checking: "...a little island and it is the historical centre of the city of Syracuse, Sicily." An island in the center of the Saracen city is exactly what we expect if both Satyrs and Saracens trace to Seir.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OrtygiaIn one myth account, Artemis was made born in Ortygia rather than on Delos (details in article above). Syracuse is in eastern Sicily, on the side of the island that includes Messina...which I trace to Amazons. "Syracuse was founded in 734 or 733 BC by Greek settlers from Corinth and Tenea, led by the oecist (colonizer) Archias, who called it Sirako, referring to a nearby salt marsh [blah-blah black cheap, don't believe it]. The nucleus of the ancient city was the small island of Ortygia..." ORTygia=Horite???
If you read my trace of the proto-Boofima/Baphomet cult to mythical Paris, you would be interested in mythical Pharis, the line to which mythical Alpheus was made married. "In Greek mythology, Pharis was the son of Hermes [right down Pan-goat alley] and the Danaid [= Danaan bloodline, from Perseus] Phylodameia [smacks of Damia=Amazons], and founder of Pharae in Messene. He had one daughter, Telegone, who consorted with the river god Alpheius and had by him a son Ortilochus (Orsilochus)..." (Horus-Lochus combo?). You can figure here that Messene (Greece) elements removed to on Messina (Sicily) gave birth to Ortygia and it's Saracens.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pharis_%28mythology%29You may have read where the proto-Boofima Marsyas cult was traced to Muses=Mysians. It all fits so well around the Buphagus region that it is indeed a good candidate for forming the Boofima term. As the proto-Boofima cult was linked to the Dionysus Satyr cult, let's keep in mind that he traces to Oeneus of Methoni/Messene, as this should trace some Boofima elements to the Oeneus/Una river and therefore to the Iapodes-Juno bloodlines. Could the Bovin surname, which we saw in the Boso(n) bloodline at the Bosna river, apply? If so, we now have reason to trace Sarajevo, in the Bosia watershed, to the Syracuse bloodline from the Buphagus-Alpheus theater.
MOREOVER, and this was not my intention whatsoever when the paragraph above was written, emailer Patterson would be sure to point out that she had "alpha" in mind as the definition of her Cappeo term, and there you see above a suggested trace of Alpheus elements to the Kupa theater.
It's remarkable how the Mann surname can be identified thoroughly with the Dionysus Maenads. The German Manns were first found in Styria, a Satyr-like term if ever we saw one, and the English Manns use a goat. Then, German Manns use the Levi lion (a version of Levi lions are used also by the Irish Maghans/Manns), and by now we know that Levis were of the Samson>Dionysus bloodline to Maenads and other perverted groups. Also, as a means to trace the Manns to the Sava-river Saracens, and therefore to the Sarajevo theater, German Manns use "a savage proper."
Interestingly, the German (Hesse) Buff/Boff/Buefe surname uses a red-on-white heart, the French Sauvage symbol. More intriguing yet, the Bessen Coat is the Massey Shield, white symbol (leopard, Dionysus symbol) in the top corner included, and then the German Mann Coat is the same quartered Shield with white symbol in top corner again.
Are you with me? The Bosna river was also the Basante, and we have already traced it solidly to the Bessin surname. As this traces the Dionysus-cult maenads to the Bosna, Sarajevo looks very much like the Saracen/Seir-goat cult, important where BOSnia smacks of Bozrah, the Esau-ite capital. If "Esau" elements trace to "Hesse," the Buff/Boff/Beufe surname, in this picture, anyway, looks like a Boofima link to an Esau-related goat cult.
Then, recalling that the Isle of Man(n) uses the same symbol (essentially) as the Arms of Sicily, the Irish Maghans/Manns use a "sic nos sic" motto phrase, possibly code for the Sacanians (major founding group) of Sicily. The Arms of Mann and Sicily is a bent human leg, while the Maghan/Mann crest is a bent human arm. Both the Bessin and German Bessen surnames use a bent arm.
The term "bovine" is related to "buffalo," and this recalls my trace of "Bouillon" (view the 'u' as a 'v') to a buffalo term. I know for a fact that Zahringers used buffalo horns. But at this point I have no particular evidence of a Boofima/Baphomet trace to buffalo themes. A buffalo is a bison, and entering "Bison," there was another version of the Bessin-Coat bees. Hmm, the Bis(s)on write-up traces to an old Bissopeston term, much like "Budapest" (not far up the Danube from the Bosna theater).
One could imagine a modification from "Bison" to "Biden," and there in the Biden/Biton crest we see what look like bison horns. The Bisens/Bitons (also "Button," like BUDApest) were first found in Hampshire, where a Meon region/peoples is situated that I trace (tentatively, anyway) to Maeonians (represented by Maenads).
Remember, Budapest was in proto-Hungary, and as Hungarians proper (from the Carpi of the Budapest frontier) traced themselves to Nimrod (leopard symbol), we might expect that line to go back through the leopard symbol of Dionysus. For new readers, the Boofima cult in Africa used leopard themes in a sacrificial ceremonies.
Recalling the trace of the Samson cult to Lemnos and then to the Lemovices of Limousin (beside the Sintian-like Santones), see the two pillars (Samson symbol, I'm assuming) in the Boville/Bofill/Beaufil Coat (surname first found in Limousin).
The Buphagus elements at the Alpheus river should connect to Arethusa, the mythical entity that was the fountain in Ortygia. "It was believed that a cup thrown into the Alpheius would make its reappearance in the well Arethusa in Ortygia" Why a cup? Is it code for the grail symbol? Arethusa was made the daughter of Nereus (Nahorites?), whose wife was made Doris, potentially the Deuri and/or Daorsi of the Illyrian-Celt family. Nereus was made a son of Pontus, and that was the theater of the PAPHlagonians who migrated to the Veneti right past Illyria.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alpheus_%28mythology%29Note Bafra on that map, to the west of Samsun and on the Paphlagonian side of the Pontus.
By the way, there on the map is Ordu, what I think traced to Ordovices in Erytheia-related north Wales. Arethusa (had Pontus as her grandfather) was an entity in that western Atlantis of Geryon and Orthos, and so we see how "Arethusa" smacks of "Orthos" but also of "Erethlyn," the latter being a location in north Wales that I identify as Erytheia, home of Geryon and Orthos.
Paphlagonians also lived in the Phrygian theater, and that was where the proto-Boofima cult of Marsyas was traced. In fact, the Marsyas river has a source in Phrygia roughly at the same place where the Maeander (home of the Maenads) has a source. As with the idea of the Alpheus river jumping the sea and continuing in Sicily, so there was an Asopus river in the Marsyas theater that went under the sea to Sicyon, suggesting a Maenad migration to Sicyon.
The Heneti Paphlagonians were ruled by Pelops, the golden fleece line that was linked recently to the Marsyas Phrygians (i.e. Phryxus), and the Pelops fleece line to Atreus went to the Atrebates of Hampshire, that being a good reason for tracing the Maenads (Maeonian namers of the Maeander river) to the Meon entity of Hampshire.
IT IS NOW AMAZING that Julie and emailer Patterson are working together at the same time to provide the topics of this and recent updates, the topics of the Cappeo lion and the Boofima cult respectively. It's not likely that either woman thought the two entities would be related. But the Cappeo topic led to the Couper surname and therefore to Aphrodite=Kypris on CYPRus, who was made born at PAPHos, a place suspect as root of Paphlagonians.
But as per the alpha=chief=head idea behind the Cappeo entity, it was reasoned that Cappadocia and CEPHeus were part of the entity, which proved quite right where it looks certain that Cepheus' Joppa elements led to the Kupa-river Japodes. I had identified Cepheus and Perseus at Joppa as proto-Hephaestus and proto-Aphrodite respectively, at Lemnos, and as you are about to see, the Baphomet cult in Bafra just happened to be found in a Lemnian theater of France, in Celtica and smack beside the Pictones that likewise trace to the Pontus theater.
You may have read where I identified "Aphrodite" with Nephele from "Nefertiti" of the Myrina-like Amarna district in Upper Egypt (i.e. that's evidence that Nephele was at Myrina on Lemnos). "Nephele" was a one-shot deal from a myth writer who depicted her as a cloud. I say "one-shot" because she was made a wife of Ixion in that manner, though Ixion's wife was really Dia (this tends to trace Ixion to southern Egypt, and as Nephele was made a copy of Hera, it suggests a Horus cult in Upper Egypt). The Pontus, which I linked tentatively to "Punt" (ancient Ethiopia), because it was known as "Pontos Euxeinos," may have been named after Ixion elements, or vice versa. That's a new idea now.
If correct, we expect Aphrodite on the Pontus, and so compare "Bafra" (on the Pontus) with "Aphro." That's not exactly hard evidence for the link aside from the expectation of Paphos-ites among Paphlagonians, but then see this: "Artemis hid [Arethusa] in a cloud, but Alpheus was persistent [in stalking her]. She began to perspire profusely from fear, and soon transformed into a stream [to Ortygia]." ArTEMIS was a symbol for THEMIScyra Amazons on the Pontus, and Arethusa had Pontus for a grandfather, suggesting that Arethusa too depicted an Amazon peoples in the Thermodon region (Lemnos was infested with Amazons). Place your bets on whether Arethusa was code for Amazons at Ordu, for that place smacks of "Ortygia." In other words, Ortygia was an Amazon station, and that explains why it was beside Amazon-like Messina.
But we can now trace Arethusa of Ordu also to mythical Orthos, who was made a great-grandson of Pontus, as per a Pontus>Ceto>Echidna>Orthos line. To prove that Orthos depicted Ordu, we find that "In the 8th century BCE the city of Cotyora was founded in [the Ordu] area " Compare "Coty" with "Ceto."
Orthos was a two-headed dog, but then there was a multi-headed dog/wolf also in relation to the Scylla monster at Messina. That tends to trace Ordu to Ortygia.
What can we make of the cloud symbol given both to Ixion's wife and to Arethusa? As Ixion's wife was a Horus>Hera cult, and if Ortygia was named after Horites (who I identify with "Horus") as I suspect, then we could trace the Horus cult to Ordu. INDEED INDEED, for the Orthos article above clinches a link back to Edom's Horites: "Orthros [alternative spelling] may have originally represented the constellations Canis Major and Minor, the two heavenly canines forming the double-head of Orthros. The chief star of Canis Major was Seirios [!!!], the dog star...The name kyon Orthros [smacks of Ixion-Orthos] indeed means 'the dog of morning twilight' [I wouldn't put potatoes on that claim]. Just as Orthros represented the heat of summer, his mate the Khimaira..."
There you have a canine cult tracing back to Seir, with linkage to the Khimera dragon portrayed anciently as a lion with a goat's head growing from it's back. It suggests Avvites of Edom as they merged with Saracens out of Satyr-infested Seir, explaining well why Ortygia was at Syracuse. Note the black artwork in the Orthos article, with gold background, the colors of the Samson lion, for Samsun/Amisos is not many miles from Ordu.
After saying all that, I saw in the Ordu article that there is a nearby hill and village called Boztepe, smacking of Bozrah. Then we read: "Hilton is planning on building a hotel at the top [of Boztepe]." Smacking of the Hildes codes in the fictional Samson story above, I entered "Hilton" to find a Saracen head in the Crest.
Hmm, the Hilton Shield (blue on white barred) reminded of the (blue-on-white barred) Sambeouf Coat to be introduced below as a clan from Bafra. I then went back to the German Hilde/Hildebrande Coat (that was linked earlier to the fictional Samson character), and noting the Hiller variation, it was entered to find a Hille(r)/Hildebrant surname (Bavaria), a white-on-blue horse. I now know that the Hildebrands link to the Brands/Brants of Bavaria, for the latter use fagots (bundled logs) with flames on top, reflecting the log with flame on top of the Hildes/Hildebrands. Another Brand Coat shows black on gold, the Samson-lion colors (Hohens use black-on-gold lions, by the way).
Several times I wanted to show the Hilt Coat (surname properly "Hyatt"), not just for the black lion (it's the Savage lion exactly), but to discuss the "Fac et spera" motto. I decided not to show this Coat until I came across the Hildebrant fagots above, for it can't be coincidental that Hilts use "Fac et." I had wanted to say that "fac et" smacked of PuPHAGOS, but wasn't keen on that link at all. I wanted to repeat my trace to the Fawcett surname (said to be derived in "fox"). I report, you decide what exactly is going on, my clever foxy friends, in the secret world of heraldry.
For emailer Patterson: "Hillen" also brought up an irish Holohan/MulHOLLAND Coat, likewise white (lion) on blue. The Whelton variation of the latter suggests possible linkage to white-(swan)-on-blue Waltons.
There was a mount Nysa in Ethiopia, according to at least one ancient writer who traced DioNYSUS there, suggesting that Dionysus' mother, Semele (daughter of Cadmus), was a Somali peoples migrated to Greece through the Canaan/Phoenician theater as depicted by the Cadmus Armenians (I identify Ixion as Haik-related Armenians). In this picture, where Samson was an aspect of Semele, the fact that Samsun was on the Pontus could suggest that a Somali-of-Punt peoples named the Pontus (unless the Pontus named Punt). We could also assume that Samson depicted the Cepheus-Cassiopeia "Ethiopians" (not really, but adventurous Armenians down in Ethiopia) as they evolved into the Joppa-based Perseus Danaans.
Some form of the leopard-loving Boofima cult may have derived from the Ethiopia/Punt/Somali theater (explaining Dionysus' leopard symbol), but ending up smack beside Samsun, at what is now Bafra, perhaps the origin of the Paphlagonians...who ended up as the heart of the Veneti-based Illuminati. Remember too that as Samson represented the founding of the Kabeiri cult, there was a major representation of that cult in Thebes, the city where Aedon, from Merops of Ethiopia ultimately, was located by myth writers. That "Aedon" entity was traced to Nefertiti's "Atun/Aten" cult, meaning that the Merops>Aedon line was the Nefertiti line to Aphrodite.
Remember, Aphrodite was named after the Euphrates river, where Mari of the Merops-line Amorites was situated. It simply means that Aphrodite depicted Amorites from Mari, explaining why the Ares>Mars line was here special mate. I trace Aphrodite to the Hebros/Maritsa river, and mythical Hebros was made a brother of Ixion=Kikon, explaing why Aphrodite was Nephele, mate of Ixion. It's important to have an idea of what myth terms depicted in the way of people groups, which is why I go out of my way to repeat these things at the risk of making the discussions too long. The combination of 1) heraldy clues (includes surname similarity with pagan entities); 2) myth clues, and, 3) historical data is necessary to uncover the realities. Ignore one of the three, and you'll be in the dark.
Aedon was married to Amazons in Ephasus, a term much like "Hephaestus," Aphrodite's official husband. She hated him and instead had an affair with Ares, as the myth writers liked to explain it, meaning that she was not keen with Lemnos but went up the Hebros river instead, as mythical Cabero, the other wife of Hephaestus. As Aedon was the Atun cult of pharoah AKHENatun, husband of Nefertiti, it seems possible that "Ixion," and therefore the Kikons, were from "Ahken(atun)." The HYKsos pharaoh, Kyhan, has just got to be a part of the Ixion bloodline, and we learn that there are some in the world today who define "Khyan" as "John," not likely correct but serves to reveal that the Khyan Hyksos evolved into surnames said to be rooted in "John," like the Keons and Kanes, for example.
Wikipedia roots "Bafra" dogmatically in "bafira,' defining it as "Phoenician trade house," which in the least (i.e. whether it's a right or wrong definition) traces Bafra to Phoenicians, who were in-part from Bafra-like Africa. It is thought that Punt was a Phoenician colony, and meanwhile the Cadmus-line Phoenicians were from a PosEIDON line in Africa. Can anyone see the Merops>Aedon line as relatives of the Cadmus Phoenicians?
Aedon was made the daughter of PANdareus (son of Merops of Kos but I see Merops of Ethiopia too), and I say that Phoenicians were named after the Pan cult of Panias, the location that gave birth to mythical Pheonix, son of Poseidon. You get it, my fellow rain clouds. You're understanding how myth codes work, and few on the planet understand it because our historians are infested with secret-loving pawns of the Illuminatists, pawns who deliberately mislead us with erroneus derivations of terms.
Why does Europa (Ebropa?), sister of Cadmus, smack of "Hebros," suggesting that these particular Phoenicians were also Africa-like Aphrodite on her way to the Hebros river, but via the Amazon region of Bafra, where Chaldean-related Amorites (the Ishtar bloodline to the Biblical dragon) were merged with Amazons. The Ishtar great-mother evolved into Kybele, goddess of the Kabeiri/Caberi, and her husband Attis, was made a son of Cotys, smacking of Cotyora at Ordu, on the Punt-like Pontus. Attis was of the Manoah>Samson line to Manes>Cotys>Attis, explaining why Samsun/Amisos is near Ordu.
Samson was the Amazon line merged with the Amorites in the Pontus, and, to explain that, only recently was I able to discern that Samson was from the Meshwesh out of Tanis, though not necessarily the Meshwesh of the 21st and 22nd dynasty, but possibly of Meshwesh that had ruled the Nile in earlier times. Moses (two s'), if that was an Egyptian name, may have been named after whatever the Meshwesh (modifies to "Meses") were called at that time. The pharoah's household that brought Moses up was the enemy of Israel, and I peg this pharaoh as Khyan, the Hyksos ruler that I linked to the Ixion cult.
I'm not saying that Khyan and AHKENatun were identical (apparently, Ahkenatun was later in times, though I do not agree with the Egyptian dating system), but that the two were named after the same entity...the same entity that led to mythical Euxenos at Lacydon (compare with "Pontus Euxeinos"). Perhaps the entity was the ram-depicted Egyptian god, Khnum (jibes with Nephele's link to the golden-fleece ram, suggesting that Ixion should be associated with a ram cult too).
There was also an APOPHis Hyksos ruler (if not mistaken, he took over from Khyan because Khyan had no male heir), smacking of "Boofima" and possibly the proto-Paphlagonians at Bafra. There was recod of an "Aqenenre Apepi." That is, there was an Apophis pharoah styled as "AQENenre," and Wikipedia argues that this was the Apophis who took over at the death of Khyan.
Compare "Kamose" to "Moses" and see another Moses-like pharoah: "[Aphophis] would have ruled during the early half of the 16th century (BCE) if he outlived his southern rival, Kamose, but not Ahmose I." The latter two kings were enemies of the Hyksos and overthrew them, probably as per help from the ten Exodus plagues, the tenth of which, I say, left Khyan without an heir (Khyan's son was Yanassi, but he never took the throne at Khyan's death. Why not?). As Kamose and Ahmose were from the Theban house of Egypt, couldn't we trace Aedon of Grecian Thebes to this ovethrow of the Hyksos by the Theban Egyptians? Shouldn't PosEIDON have been the Thebes house too?
It just so happens that the last Hyksos ruler, the one after Paph-like Apophus/Apepi, was Samson-like Khamudi. It's not necessary contradictory to trace Samson, as I've done, to the Armenian god, Sames (sounds like a Shem entity), and then to "Khamudi," for Hyksos were from Haik-branch Armenians (the latter lived on the upper Euphrates). In this picture, a distinction needs to be made between the Poseidon trace to the Theban-house Egyptians and the Samson trace to the Hyksos house. "Ixion" may have been either from "Akhen(atun)" or "Khyan." As I trace Nephele to the house of Akhenatun (thought to be rooted in the Amazon-like Mitanni, from the upper Euphrates), perhaps Ixion and Nephele represented a Khyan-Akhenaten merger, and perhaps Akhen(aten) was named in honor of the Khyan bloodline.
All of this on Khyan and Apophis was an insert, slipped in here just before the paragraphs below, but not with an intention to necessarily jibe with the paragraph below.
I trace the Cadmus Cati (smacks of "Ceto," offspring of Pontus) to the Cati founders of Hesse, and this location is where the Buff/Boff/Beufe surname was first found. Coincidence? The red heart of this clan, if it links to Sauvages, traces, as does the Sava river, to the Sabines...who I trace to Sebannytos=Samannud. Another coincidence? [A Buff link to proto-Samson elements from the Nile delta jibes with a Samson link to the Apophis and/or Khamudi bloodline]. Entering "Beef" brings up a Coat in the same blue and white colors as the Buffs/Boffs, and there is a (Bafra-like) Boeufart variation as well as a SAMboeuf (surprising indeed) variation, suggesting links to the Bafra-Samsun theater.
AND ZOWIE, the SamBoeuf/Beef surname was first found in Perigord/Peiregord, smacking of the Imperi peoples/country (see 1st update this month for details) that oversaw the Boofima-cult proper!!
The Imperi were traced to Pieris to Pieria locations in the Thrace-to-Macedonia stretch. Perigord is in the DORdogne departement, Aquitaine, wherefore let me repeat that I linked the Atun sun god (of the AkhenAten cult) to "Aden" in Yemen...because some Joktanite tribes (Joktan's son, Hazarmaveth, especially) lived in Yemen. As the Joktanite tribe of Hadoram founded the Sepharvite god, Adram(melech), and as Genesis 10:30 tells that Joktanites spread as far as Sephar on one side (and Mesha on the other), I feel confident in tracing "Joktan" (son of Eber=Hebrew founder) to "Occitania" (later "Aquitaine") and to Sephardic "Jews" of Spain. The point is, I traced AkhenATEN and his wife, Nefertiti, to Autun and neighboring Nevers, not far from Perigord.
Amazingly, Tim, I think it was, wrote in recently suggesting a link of the anti-Christ bloodline to the Biblical Ophir term, and it just so happens now that Joktan had a son, Ophir, who could link to "Peri(gord) and to "Imperi," not to mention to "Paramas" and "Peramos."
LOOK. The PeriGORDin peoples smack of mythical Gordias, father of Midas!!! "In the founding myth of Gordium, the first Gordias was a poor farmer from Macedonia who was the last descendant of the royal family of Bryges [= Phrygians]." I had identified Gordias as Eordaia (lower left) on this map of Macedonia (because it's known that Midas of Phrygia was from neighboring Bermion, which smacks of the Paramas region related to the African Imperi. Pieria is beside Mount Bermion, and Pieris (shown) is in Thrace at Peramos (not shown). Wow. Was Ophir the root of the Pieria domain at mount Olympus? Wikipedia's Ophir article:
Quinquireme of Nineveh from distant Ophir...[poetry from a Masefield surname, smacking of Mesha. Entering Masefield brings up the Macclesfield cross. The Masefield/Mayfield Crest is a red leopard! Yes, although the Masefield/Mayfield description calls it a lion, it not only looks like a leopard, but the May Crest, the very same "lion," is said to be a leopard...symbol of Nimrod of the Ninevah theater, today the city of Mosul. I see Mesha in that very theater, and it may have been ancient Mosul itself]......'Phar'an [Ophir-like term] reigned over the children of Saphir [Ophir], and built the city of Saphir with stones of gold; and that is the land of Sarania, and because of these stones of gold, they say that the mountains of that country and the stones thereof are all of gold."
Ophir (brackets not mine) is thereby identified as a Sephar-like term. It suggests that Sephar was named after Ophir, Joktan's son, meaning that "Subartu" may have been named after Ophir too. As for Phar'an, recall mythical Pharis, the line that merged with Alpheus, the river into which the Buphagus flowed.
On this map of Gaul, the peoples of Perigord are marked, Petrocorii, beside the Lemovices. Wikipedia says that the Petrocorii term was earlier (pre-Brito-Roman times) than "Perigord," suggesting, if true, that the Imperi were named after the "Perigord" spelling developed. Perigord is not too far south from Berry/Bourges for the two not to be related.
Some counts of Perigord were named, Boso, by the way. There is a way to link Bosos of Perigord to Ranulf le Meschin, not surprising where the Bosna river was also the Basante. On the Talleyrand surname: "A cadet branch of the family of sovereign counts of Perigord, [Talleyrands] took their name from the estate of Perigord owned by these counts, and date back to Boso I, count of la Marche. The first to have borne this name was Helie de Talleyrand, who lived around 1100."
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/De_Talleyrand-P%C3%A9rigordThere is an Irish Talley Coat with scallops (Meschin symbol), and the Rand Coat uses the personal lion of Ranulf le Meschin, explaining why Rands were first in Lincolnshire, out of which Lucy Taillebois became his wife. As you can gather, the Talleys were of the Taillebois bloodline (I'm guessing a good guess). The Rand write-up: "The surname Rand referred to the son of Randolph..."
The Talleyrand article continues: "...their ancestor [unidentified] was one of the great men of the kingdom of France and participated in the election of Hugh Capet as king of France." The English Cape/Capp/Capet Coat: white scallops, the color of the Meschin scallops, suggesting that Meschins (came later) did not own them originally but rather adopted them from the Capet bloodline. If this is correct, it traces Capets to Scylla/Messene. In any case, as the Beef/Sambeouf clan of Perigord is suspect as the Boofima-cult clan, remember that I had traced the Boofima cult to the proto-Meschin Meshwesh/Mazyes...that probably had representation in the Maezaei beside the Basante river.
The point there is that the Capets of France, said by some to be the greatest French dynasty ever, could trace to the Kupa river, and from that to the mythical Cepheus line in Joppa. Capets were from the so-called "Robertians," "powerful landowners in the Ile-de-France."
On the continuing feud between Maliki and Alawi:
Especially for new or confused readers
shows where I'm coming from.For serious, frustrated investigators:
How to Work with Bloodline TopicsHere's what I did when I had spare time on my hands:
Ladon Gog and the Hebrew Rose
It took the prime right out of my life.The rest of the Gog-in-Iraq story is in PART 2 of the
Table of ContentsThe 2011 Update in the 2016 chapter tells why
I'll be watching Iraq until the summer of 2011, at least.