Pesce SarakaSauers of the Distant Piast
Bach to the Fisher
The Fisher King is Out: Keon Fisking...for Pike
Beware the Levine of Leonardo da Windsor
Camilla Percival-Boleslaw
On June 27, there appeared an article in the Guardian (I suspect this media to have Illuminati stripes) wherein a Russian with a "Jewish" surname, Finkelstein, claimed something suspicious, that the people on earth would be interacting with aliens within the next 20 years. It's suspicious because there is no way to know this, and besides, aliens don't exist. But satanic cults are expected to foist upon us a hoax in this regard, and that's what I think Finkelstein is part of. Or, at least, he's got wind of the hoax.
My belief is that Illuminatists are secretly working to produce literal Frankenstein-ian monsters by crossing genes of different animals, and of course animal genes with humans. The latter can be passed off as aliens.
At the end of the last update, the Boeuf/Samboeuf surname (and others like it) was featured as part of the Boofima cult out of Bafra, near Samsun. This morning, checking the clues in the Fink(elstein) Coat, I was led to the Beaufre surname in short order. Coincidence?
Here's how that worked. I noted that the Finkelstein write-up derived the surname in "diamond stone" (suggesting that "fink" means "diamond"). The Coat uses a Shield filled with diamonds (called "lozengy," checks flipped into diamonds), not unlike the Illuminati-type Shields filled with checks. I've seen these kinds of "diamonds" before, but was now learning that the lozengy design was likely the very product of the Fink surname, as play on "diamond," though we can expect that "lozengy" is code for another surname (Logens?). Bavaria, home of the Illuminati, uses lozenges in blue and white (and Austrian Lokens/Logens use a white-on-blue swan).
The Diamond surname was then checked because I recalled it;s diamonds. It turned out that Diamonds use them, called "fusils," somewhat in the colors of the Fink lozengy. Entering "Fusil" brings up a Fuzier/Fusie clan (Dauphine) using "gold lozenges." The Gaelic form of the surname, O Diamain, smacks of "Daemon," which brings to mind the Spartan-related LaceDaemonian that may have been relatives of Lacydon founders. Or, the Diamonds were the Dumnonii out of Devon and Somerset, who evolved into the Irish Damnonns=MacDonalds...who use red and gold, the colors of the Fink lozengy (the Diamonds use red diamonds with gold symbols inside them).
If you read the Ophir part of the last update, you know that the term was also "Saphir," and as Ophir was a son of Joktan, it figures that "Saphir" was the Biblical Sephar wherein the Joktanites lived anciently. The Ophir term was linked (by me) tentatively to the ImPERI peoples that ran the BOOFima (human-sacrifice) cult in Africa, and then also to "PERIgord," where the Beef/Sambeouf surname was first found. It suggested that the Boofima>Baphomet cult was of the Sepharvites, for they engaged in human sacrifice too. The point here is, I traced Sepharvites to Spartans, wherefore we could expect the LaceDaemonians to be part of the same human-sacrifice satanists. In myth, Sparta was married to LaceDaemonia.
Likely, LaceDaemonians (of Laconia) were at the Spartan city of La(as), which I trace to Laus (Lucania), a location founded by the adjacent location of Sybaris, very Sephar-like indeed.
I had found an article identifying the Sabines/Safini as Spartans, suggesting that "Samn(ite)" (tribe of Sabines) was derived in "(Lace)Daemon" (later I happened to trace the Marsi-branch Sabines to the naming of the Lacydon-vicinity Marseille). And so I traced "Samnite" to "Dumn(onii)," which later proved correct when finding the Savone/Safin surname, first found in Somerset (the region founded by the Dumnonii). The Marsi worshiped a serpent goddess called Angitia"
Her myths vary. According to Gnaeus Gellius (late 2nd century BC), Angitia was one of the three daughters of Aeetes, along with Medea and Circe, two of the most famed sorceresses of Greek myth. Circe, as widely known from the Odyssey, practiced transforming spells; Medea ended up in Italy, where her son ruled over the Marsi. Angitia lived in the area around the Fucine lake and specialized in curing snake bites."Fucine" smacks a little of the fusil and of the Fusie/Fuziette surname (first found in Dauphine, near Lacydon), but then there is a Fussen location in Bavaria (Fusies use lozenges, symbol of Bavaria) that I traced solidly to Ligurians, and it just so happens that the Marsi founders of Marseille were beside, and merged with, Ligurians of Lacydon. This is where the Marsi-like Merovingian fleur-de-lys out to have developed, as code for Lacy(don), and yet I can't rule out Sybarian Laus in southern Italy.
The Fusie/Fuziette Coat is in the colors of the Fuggers/Fuggitts of Bavaria, who were found rooted (in June) in the Morency/DaMauri/Mare (i.e. Marsi-like) bloodline. I now find that the French Mares are in Fusie and Fugger colors, and were first in Burgundy (where I trace the Burg surname), apparently explaining why the Morency/Muran surname uses a Shield that is also the Irish Burg Shield. German Burgers use the Moratin/Moreno/Murena tower in Morency red-on-gold) sitting on the sea=mer/mar.
The Morency surname was first found in Ile-de-France, where the Lys surname was first found. Big hmmmm, for that was not on my mind when I said above that the fleur-de-lys should trace to the Marsi at Lacydon. It needs to be repeated here that the Damory-branch Morencys use the Drummond symbol, for I trace "Drummond" ultimately to "Hadoram," son of Joktan, who surely named the Sepharvite god, ADRAMmolech (2 Kings 17:31). But the Damory Coat is more-closely linked to the Basset Coat, and Bassets and Bisets smack of the Bistue location on the Bosna. Hmm, Bistue was off the Danube not far from BudaPest up-river on the Danube.
Much later below, I happen to be on the Bray ancestry of the Morencys (this is a good discussion for those wanting to know house-of-Windsor roots; it turns out to be in a Mackay branch of Brittany), telling of Bray links to Brags (i.e. Burg-like). Brays are said to be from Bray in the Evreux region, and I trace "Evreux" to "Abreu," which is the Abruzzo surname too. As the Marsi lived in Abruzzo, I am confident that the Morencys were from the war-loving Marsi, and therefore from Marseille.
The French Mares/Maurs/Meres are said to be named after a ram, while there are so-called merino sheep defined as black sheep, mentioned because one Fugger Coat uses a black ram-like goat. The trace thereby of the French Mare/Maur ram to Marseille jibes very neatly with a golden-fleece (= a mythical ram) trace made a few updates ago to Marseille. With no thought of the Morency and Mare clans, the proto-Boofima cult was traced to mythical Marsyas (said by others too to be code for the Marsi), the Phrygian goat skinned alive (not merely a shear job) and therefore depicting the golden-fleece cult of mythical Phryxus (code for a Phrygian people, quite apparently. The Fugger write-up trace to "sheep shearer" (the truth could be evil).
Now is the time to say that myth writers had Phryxus flying the golden ram to the city of Aeetes, and in fact he gave the ram to Aeetes. Consider that in light of the trace (not mine) of the Marsi serpent goddess to Aeetes' witchy household, and we have the evidence for making multiple traces confidently, including a Marsyas-of-Phrygia link to Attis, symbol of the Hatti of the Phrygian theater.
Another point is that, at the Angitia link above, you can read that she was a serpent of wisdom and healing, the same themes given to Minerva, whom we will meet again later in this update. The point here is, Minerva, who had been Athena, is traced my me to Attis, founder of Attica where Athens is found. Where we meet her again later, there will be evidence that she traces to Cappadocia, on the Halys river where the Hatti had their capital. That capital, Hattusa, was traced by me to "Cadusia," and it just so happens that the caduceus rod of Hermes (owner of the golden ram) was entwined by serpents, a symbol that was also one of healing. It will be mentioned that Minerva's wisdom, for a good sapphire reason, should link to "sophia," the Greek for "wisdom," but a Saphir/Sephar-like term.
The first thing to notice in the Diamond motto is its Sugaar-like motto term. Sugaar was a serpent-depicted god that I recently (1st update June) traced to Sigrid/Sweitoslava, Norse-related daughter of Mieszko I. Sugaar was mated with the Basque goddess, Mari, and that can't be coincidental, suggesting that Mari was named in honor of the Marsi, and that Mari-related Basques/Euskals (along the Ebro river, Spain) likely link back to the founders of Marseilles, just a snake's wiggle from Lacydon.
Joktan, son of EBER, is traced (by me) to "Occitan(ia)" (that region includes the Lacydon theater), not far from the mouth of the EBRO. The Marsi were part of Oscan language group, the group to which Angitia belonged, and Wikipedia says: "The Oscan language was spoken by a number of tribes, including the Samnites, the Aurunci, the Sidicini, and the Ausones." The latter smack of Aeson, father of Iason/Jason, of the golden-fleece Argo ship. The Coats of the Meres and DeMares (the latter is like the Damaury/Damory variation of the Morencys) of Cheshire both use a ship, even the Damnonn>MacDonald ship (i.e. keeping in mind that Damnonns and Dumnonii are traced by me to the Samnites). We can therefore be confident that the mythical-Jason line of Minerva-like Minyae trace to Marseille, just as the Argonautica (a mythcode-studded work) implies.
The Wikipedia article continues: "" The Oscan group is part of the Osco-Umbrian or Sabellic [= Sabines], and includes the Oscan language and three variants (Hernican, Marrucinian and Paelignian)...Paeligni, minor tribes of eastern central Italy." Paeligni??? It just so happens that Joktan's brother was Peleg, suggesting a strong non-Israeli Hebrew element amongst the Marsi and Sabines that spread into southern France and Sephardic Spain. "Osc" smacks of "Euskal," a Templar-related peoples of Spain...along the Ebro. Do we not have a major discovery here on the PAGAN Hebrew nature of these regions?
What does it say for the true colors of the Magdalene cult that was in the Languedoc theater? Should we trust the report of human snakes in that region when they define the Magdalene cult as the bloodline of Jesus Christ? Nicholas de Vere's Drakenberg cult must surely trace to the Marsi serpent, for he wrote on the holy-bloodline theme made popular in Da-Vinci-code propagation. Below, we will see that the Vinci surname had a Macey-related branch in Brittany (not surprising where Veres are known to be Masseys), the same place that dragon-line Veres trace themselves. In fact, they trace themselves to Rennes of Brittany, smacking of the Magdalene cult in Rennes-le-Chateau, Languedoc.
As the Sugar/Seager-surname Crest uses serpents entwined around a rod, the clan was the representation, or at least named in honor, of the Mari-related Sugaar cult. I've traced the Sugars/Seagars/Segar to "Sawyer" because a saw is a "sega" in Italian (see the German Sage/Sager write-up for that theme) and consequently to "Sauer," the clan said in their write-up to be named after the Sau=Sava river. Also, both Sawyers and Seagers: 1) use white on blue, and, 2) were first found in Norfolk. The English Sages, who we saw as the Sacks in the last update as per a fictional Samson character, were first found in Devon (founded by Dumnonii), a place smacking of "Daphne," the goddess whose name I say developed into "Safini=Sabines."
The white-on-blue Sugar cross smacks to me now of the white-on-blue Saraca fish, for it turns out that there was a Laus location at Ragusa. Wait until you find, later in this update, exactly where this Laus was located in relation to Ragusa, and what it could mean as per the Merovingian fleur-de-lys. The point here is the Sybarians of Laus in Italy; could they have been the Sepharvite=Joktanite founders of Laus at Ragusa?
Sawyers use (white-on-blue) footless martins, and the Fink(elstein) Crest is a footless martin in flight, sometimes called a "martlet" (perhaps code for Charles Martel of the Merovingian bloodline), these being known symbols for MERlin. The Fink link to the Marsi bloodline is important for when I get to the Boof-like term linked to Finks.
It dawns on me now that "footless" smacks of "Foetes," the other name of Fussen (uses three legs/feet as its Arms). I trace the Arms of Foetes/Fussen (and others like it) to the Apollo "tripod" (means "three feet"), an Apollo-related item used in divination at Delphi, where the Daphne cult also conducted the divination cult (compare "divine" with "Daphne"). Daphne was made the daughter of the Ladon river on the north side of Sparta, where Apollo tried to love her, and "[Mythical] Sparta was represented on a sacrificial tripod...". I say the swan-depicted Leda, the Spartan mother of Pollux, was the Leto>Apollo cult. Leda's swan line led to the Ligurian swan that was therefore ancestral to Fussen's Ligurians depicted with three legs (Fussen is on a Lech river). The only wonder is that myth writers didn't create a swan-stool symbol. was the Diamond fusils that suggested Fussen links. The other Diamond motto term, "miser," brings up the Messervy/Misserv(e)y clan (evokes the Muses of Vey/Fay-infested Avalon, Arthurian island of an Apollo cult) using cherries. One of the motto terms, "valeureux,' smacks of the Vallery/Valliers surname first found in Dauphine (the lozenge-using Fusils/Fusiers were first in Dauphine). To corroborate the link, the same sort of wavy border of the Vallery/Valliers Coat is in the Italian Massar/Massai Coat. The latter clan was first found in Lacy-like Lucca!
That gives us the magic fodder for making the Marsi>Angitia link to Massalia (the earlier name of Marseille) as hard as snake scales. Wikipedia's Angitia article again: "[Angitia] is named in three inscriptions from Luco dei Marsi, in antiquity known as Lucus Angitiae..." In Protis myth, Massalia and Lacydon were related places; Protis was a prince of Lacydon, and his father, Euxenos, was traced (by me) to the Chaons of the ThesProtians (Epirus), and Chaons were traced back to the LyCAONS beside the Lycians. Later in this update, you can see a LYSimachia link to a nearby Caeni peoples that I am sure (to be explained) were the Khyan-branch Hyksos (Hyksos were Hebrews too, highly suspect as Sepharvites).
It can be assumed that the Misservys were linked to the Cherry surname, and it's there that I found a surname like the Boss/Beaville surname that was suspect in the last update as the Boofima bloodline on the Bosna/Basante tributary of the Sava: "[The Cherrys] are descended from the line of the House of De Cheries, Seigneurs of Brauvel, Beauval, in Normandy, near Avranches."
Avranches is in MANCHe (not far from the Bessin that I now trace to the Bosna/Basante river), a location that I link to the MANX peoples on the Isle of island likewise using the three feet/legs (i.e. used by Foetes/Fussen). As the Massey surname (traces to the Apollo Muses) was from Manche, it looks like the Messervy/Misservys (also Masservy) were Masseys. Not only were the similar Messiers/Messeys first found in Burgundy (i.e. Dauphine theater), but a dolphin, symbol of Dauphine too, is used in the Arms of Avranches. AND, Avranches is rooted in an Ebro-like peoples.
Entering "Beauval" (the term in the Cherry write-up), I came to a Beaufry/Beaufrey/Beauval surname (smacks of Bafra) first found in Calvados, suggesting that this clan was linked to the Beuvilles on the Bosna Basante river (that named Bosnia).
Amazingly, on a totally different track, I found that the bloodline of Camilla Parker Bowles was from Beauval-like bloodline linking to an Evreux region (of the EBURovices), near Avranches. This will be explained and linked to the house of Windsor in a way that explains the roots of the modern English royals like no common article explains it.
On the map above (Bosna link), see the Bistue location between the Besante and the Urbanus (as was discussed in the last update, the Maezaei lived on the Urbanus). "Bistue" smacks of "Beeston," a Cheshire city, adding to the evidence that the Meschins were from a Maezaei clan on the Basante. For new readers, Ranulf le Meschin (apparently the first to use that surname) got hereditary rule of Cheshire as per his uncle, Hugh D'Avranches, and Ranulf was son of Ranulph Briquessart from the Bessin. Entering "Bessin" brings up the Beeston clan (in Baeufry black on white, basic Illuminati colors). Although I've traced "Bessin" to Bezprym, grandson of Piast Mieszko I, the similarity between "Piast" and "Beeston" is well noted.
I've of course wondered whether the anti-Christ is called a "beast" in Revelation as code for the Beeston location, but have never emphasized the theory or taken it seriously, even though I've suggested many times that the anti-Christ (not capitalized because he doesn't deserve it) and/or False Prophet (capitalized to distinguish from just-any false prophet) will be a Massey somehow.
We saw above that Seagers and Sawyers, from the Sava, were first in Norfolk. The Bosons were also first in Norfolk, and they show a Bouzan variation smacking of the Basante variation of the Bosna. In the last update, the Boso(n) surname was traced quite solidly to the Bosna. I have never emphasized Bosnia for dragonline purposes, and now I'm finding that it was the dragon nest all along of the Masseys.
You may think that it's difficult to trace Bafra elements to surnames, but not if I'm correct in tracing "Pepin" to "Paphlagonians." That trace was made long before I got to "Apophis," the Hyksos ruler that was properly, "Apepi." In the last update, there was some indication that Apepi led to the Bafra region, where Paphlagonians lived. English Pepins (camel) were from Normandy, and use what looks like the Massey horse. The Pepins are an example of the Massey relationship with the Marsi>Merovingians.
I say the Pepin camel is symbol of Nahorites, and I trace the Buzite-branch Nahorites to the Bosna river. In the last update, I shared a quote from Wikipedia's Ophir article: "Phar'an [Ophir-like term] reigned over the children of Saphir [Ophir], and built the city of Saphir with stones of gold; and that is the land of Sarania, and because of these stones of gold, they say that the mountains of that country and the stones thereof are all of gold." It reflects the golden-touch Midas Phrygians that were from mount Bermion (a Paramas-like term) beside Ophir-like Pieria, wherefore it seems that the Midas Phrygians were given a gold symbol for being from the Saphir/Ophir region near/at Mesha-like Mosul). The Bible itself tells that Ophir was rich in gold.
Golden-fleece Marsyas was linked (by me) to golden-touch Midas (because both were Phrygian entities), and so it seems certain that Midas was itself a Sepharvite entity. Joktanites lived between Sephar and Mesha, and Wikipedia's king-Midas article suggests that Midas put forth an historical king Mita of the Mushki=Meshech peoples, suggesting that the Meshech named Mesha. The proto-Masseys were therefore linked to Ophir, explaining, among many other things, why Muses from Parion (also called "Parium") infested the Bermion-Pieria theater. Later in this update, I discover that Parium was merged/married with the nearby LYSimachia location, which should explain why Mascis and Masseys use fleur-de-lys.
When quoting the above on Ophir in the last update, I didn't say anything about the Saracen-like Sarania location, but I can now cite Sarajevo in the Bosna watershed.
Beside Bermion is a Gordia-like location that must have been the representation of mythical GORDias, father of king Midas. If you read the last update, remember that the PeriGORD location is where the Beef/Samboeuf surname was first found. As Perigord is therefore suspect for being a Sepharvite/Joktanite entity (because I see the Boofima cult as a Sepharvite one), it is not surprising to find Perigord in Aquitaine, named after Occitania.
Perigord is in the Basque theater of Gascony, while the French Pepins were first found in Gascony. The symbol of Gascony, garbs, was the personal symbol of the Cheshire rulers from Hugh D'Avranches and/or Ranulf le Meschin, expected because Hugh was from a Goz (i.e. like "Gascone") bloodline (that provided the mother of Ranulf le Meschin).
As the founders of Perigord were called by a Petra-like term, and as I trace "Bosnia" and "Sarajevo" to Bozrah and Seir of Edom, so Petra was in Edom. I dare say that the Baphomet cult was from the Sepharvites of Edom, which I identify with the proto-Zeus bull/ox cult there. As per my trace of "ox" and "oak" (two Zeus symbols) to "Jok(tan)," see the oak tree in the Saran Coat. Remember, Sarania was at Saphir\Ophir so that, for the first time, we might realize Seir ancestry in Ophir.
If true that Ophir was at Nineveh=Mosul (see last update for Nineveh statement), not only do we realize that we're dealing with Boofima roots in leopard-depicted Nimrod of Nineveh (the Boofima cult used leopard themes in it's human sacrifice debauchery), but the trace goes back from the Horites of Seir to the Horites of NUZI (downtown Assyria near the Lycus/Zab river), a city off of the Tigris (as was the case with Nineveh) that I trace to the leopard-depicted DioNYSUS.
The two Zab rivers of Assyria were likely named after the Sabirs, known anciently as Sapirs as well, and they, no doubt of the Saphir=Ophir region, smack of the namers of Sybaris and adjacent Laus. I cannot recall the alternative name of the other Zab river, but it was "Kaprus" to the best of my memory. There's an online quote: "Ptolemy lists a place Arraphachitis on the upper Zab river..." Arphaxadite was the grandfather of Eber, father of Joktan and Peleg, which is why we should locate Sephar in the Zab-Assyrian theater, and it just so happens that Subartu was Assyrian domain.
As the Boofima term is now looking like a variation of the Boso term, one could trace "Boof" to "Boz(rah)," which then suggests that "Bafra" was founded by Esau-ites of "Bozrah" (Esau ruled in Bozrah). From the second chapter of my Ladon book: "The Hebrew-Bible form of 'Buz' is 'Buwz' (Strong's dictionary #938), pronounced 'booz.'" The "Buw," which in Hebrew is also "Buv," could have developed into "Buf" too. Remember, the Buff/Beuffe surname was first in Esau-like Hesse, and it uses blue on white, the colors of the Saran Chief. The latter surname, properly Sorahan/Soran, shows a Saracen-like "Soraghan," and is rooted in an old Sourehan term, smacking of the Sour variation of the Sava-river Sauers. That once again tends to trace the Ophir/Saran clans to the Bosna/Sarajevo theater.
As per "Saphir, a Saphire or Safire clan is suspect, but I can't find one at However, I've mentioned the Safers (first found in Devon, near the Somerset Safins) and Savarys many times, who smack of the Safini. You may have heard of columnist, Bill Safire:
Born into a Jewish family, Safir, with Romanian roots on his father's side, William Safire later added the "e" for pronunciation reasons, though some of his relatives continue to use the original spelling. Safire graduated from the Bronx High School of Science, a specialized public high school in New York City. He attended Syracuse University...Syracuse!!! It thereby gives reason to trace the Saphir-vites to the Saran-colored Saraka fish. As we will see good Mieszko-evidence below of a trace of the Saraka fish to fish-tailed Dagon, I'll add here what was suggested years ago but never emphasized, that Diklah, son of Joktan, sounds like the alternative name of the Tigris: "The original Sumerian name [for the Tigris] was Idigna or Idigina, probably from [blah blah]...This form was borrowed and gave rise to Akkadian Idiqlat." Idiqlat, Diklah, okay? had read evidence that Dagon, god of Amorites but stationed in the land of Philistines, had been on the Tigris, and that suggested a "Dagon" trace to "Idigna/Idigina." Now I find that the Saraka fish (to be linked below to the Mieszko roots in the Sava theater) ought to trace to the Tigris-river Sapirs.
Safers/Savarys use the "kettle hats" that belonged to PAPPENheims, used in the Arms of WEISsenburg-Gunzenhausen (check first two updates in May for kettle-hat details). For me, that suggests a Paphlagonian link to the Safers/Savarys, and therefore tends to link Sepharvites to Paphlagonians, just what was found when tracing Ophir-branch Joktanites to the Paph-like Boofima cult.
And look: French Savarys/Savards/Sabarys were first in Poitou, near Perigord. Tending to support a Savary trace to the Basante/Bosna river, the Coat uses only besants (= gold roundels, hmm) the colors of the Bavarian Weis surname.
As per the Weissenburg location, we find an ibex goat in the Weissen Coat, and that's the same type of goat used by the Weishaupt Crest. The Bavarian Illuminati was founded by a "Jew," Adam Weishaupt (Pappenheim kettle hats are in Bavaria-lozenge colors), and while I trace "Sephar(vite)" and "Subartu" to "Sparta," Adam Weishaupt used the alias name, Sparticus.
Both the Spars and Sparrows were first found in Norfolk (where Bosons were first found), and that's where I trace Fulk-related Speers too. At the time, I had no idea that these clans were from the Ophir bloodline. The Ophir>Saphir duo was arrived to for the first time in my hunts in the last update, just days after opening an email suggesting that the anti-Christ will be related to Ophir elements (perhaps that email was Providential to assure that I wouldn't treat the Ophir term lightly when I arrived to it days later). Sparrows (no doubt of Sparham, Norfolk), use unicorns, as with Safers/Savarys.
It just so happens that I was on the Sprowston location near Sparham a few updates ago (May 10-16 update), and was able to link it, big thanks to Tim's email, to the Sprows surname (because the Sprows Coat used a Shield divided white and black like the Sprowston town sign. As Ophir elements are Joktanites, see the very-common oak tree in the Dutch Sprows Coat!!!
As the Sprows surname is also "Spruce," the so-called "sprig of broom" that is said to be the traditional reason for the creation of the Plantagenet surname, comes to mind just because the first Plantagenet was a Fulk. I'm suggesting that Plantagenets were NOT named after a sprig of broom, but rather that they were of the Sprows/Spruce bloodline, perhaps even of the Sprigg surname that, due to the leaves and olive codes in their Coat/Crest, look like Laevi Gauls. LOOK, French Plantes/Planques use the same oak as the Sprows/Spruces!
Entering "Plantagenet" (uses Arms of England) brings up a first-found-in-London clan that must therefore be related to the first-found-in-London clan that comes up when entering "Plante." The latter uses a red stag, the symbol also of the Spars...who are said to be from Sparham. In the Spar write-up: "Hence, conjecturally, the surname is descended from the tenant of the village and lands of Sparham, held by Osbert from Robert Gernon, a Norman Baron..." Gernon was the surname of the son of Ranulf le Meschin, and when we look at the Gernon Coat (looks like the Arms of Normandy, from which the Arms of England derived), there is a CyFOETH motto term smacking of Foetes. The Gernon surname was first found in Bayeux, another name for the Bessin.
It dawns on me now that, because the Gernons were first found in MontFIQUET, that the Fiquet term may have been a Foetes term. YES INDEED, for after writing that, checking the Fiquet surname, the first variation listed is "Fyot." We then find Fiot and Fiots, followed by a Feyot that easily modifies to "Fiquet." There you have it, Julie, some Foetes fodder to fixate upon.
As the Cyfoeth motto term was not exactly hard evidence for tracing le Meschins to Foetes, see that the Fiquets were first found in Burgundy, and that they use the gold-on-blue colors of the Messeys/Messiers, also first found in Burgundy. I've yet to find the reason for the Foetes links to the Sava theater, aside from the Meschins being in both locations. Plus, the Montfiquet/Fitchett surname (in the colors of the Muskets) is also Muschat/Muschet.
It's known that the Meschin line in Bayeux was from Malahule of the Sinclair line. Therefore, as per the suspicion that Fiquets were also the Ficks/Veicks, the Vicks surnames should apply, and it just so happens that one Vick write-up traces to "l'eveske," while the Sinclair write-up traces to the location of St Clare in Pont d'Eveque, Normandy. By the way, I trace "Vicks" and "Wicks" to "viking," and the latter to the Vexin in Normandy.
The German Vick/Fick Coat, first found in Bavaria, uses just one of the two Weis stars (and nothing else), wherefore "Weis" may have been a soft-c version of "Vick/Wick." AND LOOK JULIE, to prove further that Foetes (Bavaria, remember ye all my fellow masked musketeers) was of the Fiquet bloodline, the Vicks/Wicks use a Fedde variation.
I had never taken the time to concentrate on the Sinclair write-up hard enough to discern what the "Commit' motto term relates to. The Comte surname, that is, for in the Sinclair write-up: "They were originally from St Clare, Pont d'Eveque, Normandy, and are descended from Walderness Compte de Saint Clare who arrived in England with William the Conqueror." The Comte/Comites/Conte surname (first in Languedoc) was recently traced to the Contevilles (because the Ville surname was also first found in Languedoc), and it just so happens that the D'Avranches and Meschins of Cheshire were related directly to Emma of Conteville.
This Conteville line, however, as per Herluin de Conteville, was married to the Conqueror's mother, and unless there had been other Conteville links to the Conqueror's viking bloodline, it could be that Clares>Sinclairs were not literally from the Conqueror's vikings, but rather from Herluin de Conteville, who was a Burgo by surname...that I trace to "Burgundy." The Comte/Conte Shield (uses the Fiquet-of-Burgundy chevron) is in the colors of the Messeys/Messiers of Burgundy, and that has been the only way that I can explain the naming of Ranulf le Meschin (i.e. from the Messeys/Messiers).
There is a Herluin/Hurlin Coat (write-up suggests Herluin de Conteville) that strikes one as the many Herl-like septs of McLeods. In the write-up, it's said that the Conqueror "established the Plantagenet rule of England." But why does the write-up, and why do others, call Norman England after the Plantagenets? Why not call it after the Fulks or the Sinclairs, for example? I asked because a special link between the Conqueror's ancestors and the Plante bloodline was suspect, and so see below what was stumbled upon immediately after asking.
There are two Hurl Coats. I didn't have anything to say about the English one until making the discovery below. The Scottish one using the "hawk's lure" has already been traced to the Lure sept of McLeods, even to the king-Leir clans that was a major topic in the last update. As we saw that king Leir was code for a Ligurian peoples at Leicester (beside Cheshire), so one has reason to trace the Hurls to the Cottians, for the Scottish Hurl Coat uses a so-called "a gold fesse flory couterflory.." Spelling mistake; it should be "Counterflory," perhaps code for the Contis/Counts. Or, perhaps it's not a spelling mistake, as there may have been a Conti link to Couter-like clans. I did trace Contis of Languedoc to Cottians of Savoy/Piedmont.
"Cout" was entered to find the red stag head of the Spars, and we saw above that the red Plante stag should apply to Spars because Spars were first found in Norfolk, where the Anjou-based Fulkes were first found (who use a Spar-like spear in Crest). In fact, as we would expect some Plantagenets in Norfolk too, we can now more-certainly peg them as the Spars of Sparham, or at least merged with them.
The point above is, the Hurls/Hurrels/Harells using the Cout-like code can be linked solidly to Couts/Coots (from a Cults location) and therefore to Plantes/Plantagenets, a Fulk bloodline. That could explain why the Hurls use a hawk, or why Couts use an eagle, for Fulks were given a falcon symbol. Having said that, I can turn to the three white birds on black in the English Hurl/Herral/Harrel Coat. We see a gold fesse, assuring that the clan is the same as the Scottish Hurls/Herrals, and as the latter uses a green Shield, we can assume that the partially-green Shield of the Fulkes' applies. THE POINT IS, there are three white-on-black birds on both the Sprows/Spruce Coat and the similar Sprowestun town sign.
Hurls do not appear to use the same birds as the Sprows. The Hurls call theirs, "shovellers." There is a Shovel surname (white chevron) with a write-up: "The name is probably derived from the Old English word 'scufa,' which means to 'thrust, push.' The name is often metonymic for Shoveller and it's variants." "Thrust" could be code for the Trists, who use Shovel white-on-red and a A falcon holding in its mouth a fish.
In the last update, I traced the Hericy surname to "Herze(govina)," the theater where the Saraka fish is found. The Sparham-related Fulkes use a "Qui sera sera" motto, similar to the Russell motto, and it just happens that Hericys were of Russy (Normandy). The Hericy/Hershey Coat is in Shovel colors too, and uses a Saracen head, wherefore it was suggested that "Hericy," and therefore the Cerisys of Russy, were a form of "Saraka."
The Hericys (in Shovel/Shouler colors) took over the Porte-clan titles after they had been handed to Couverts, who now smack of the Shovels/Shoulers. "Couvert" was linked (last update) to the "Hrvati/Krvati"=Croats of Herzegovina. It was suggested that "Couvert" was a consonant-reversal form of "Cravens" because they both use a fesse in the same colors (reversed)...which are the colors of the Shovels/Shoulers. I had linked "Craven" to "Hebron" (the surname), using a white-on-red chevron like the Shovels. AND YES'IR that works, for the Hebron motto: "Keep Tryst"!!! It was suggested above that the Shovel/Shouler write-up's "thrust" term was code for Trists/Trysts, and here it seems to be true.
There is more proof of the link. For as we read in the Scottish Hebron write-up that the clan was from Chillingham, entering "chill" brings up the Child surname with a chevron in the same white-on-red as the Hebrons, and it just so happens that Chills/Childs were first found in Hertfordshire, where the Shovels/Shoulers were first found. "Shoul" and "Chill" are not too-much different. The Child variation smacks of the Cults location (Aberdeenshire) of the Couts/Coots, which is a viable idea because, while one Hurl Coat uses a "couterflory," the other Hurl Coat uses a "shoveller."
DON'T MISS THIS. When reading the Shovel write-up, we see an early Leuuinus Scufe of 1067. I wasn't going to mention the similarity with "Scherf," until , immediately after that thought, I decided to enter "Push" to get the German Bush surname!!!! Why was "Push" entered? Because of the Shovel write-up: "The name is probably derived from the Old English word 'scufa,' which means to 'thrust, push.'" AMAZING, for in the May 2-9 update, I was so convinced that ex-president George Bush Sr. was a Nazi spy of the Nazi-related Scherf surname that I wrote it as fact from that point on. Go ahead and scufe, if you must, but I know a good missing link when I see one.
Thank you heraldry codes for that revelation! The Scherfs are now identify-able as Shoulers from the pagan Hebron elements to which the Samson cult was linked. I traced the Samson cult to the Siem terms in the quasi-mythic Piast dynasty (a German Siemen company/surname was pro-Nazi), and then linked Piast KOLODziej the Wheelwright (dynasty's founder) to wheel-using "Colters" and therefore to similar surnames. In fact, before finding the Colter wheel, I had traced "Kolod" to a Khaldi line (Samsun was in the Khaldi theater), but later (recently) suggested that "Child" was from a Khaldi line because I had traced a "Caleb" tribe (of Hebron) to the "Chalybes," who were merged with the proto-Celt Khaldi (some, like the Wikipedia article, equate the Chalybes with the Khaldi).
Like the Scherf Coat, the Hebron Coat uses a red rose (Trysts use a white-on-red rose). Trysts could be named after Troy or Tyre elements, but in any case I linked a Tryst motto term to Trips (use the French Massey boot and a "scala"=ladder, smacking of the Samson and Meschin "scalop"), and identified Trips as Trabys, from Trabzon, smack where the Khaldi (and Meshech) lived.
Did you happen to notice that the Hebron lions (in the same red-on-white colors) are the same as the Herluin-Coat lions? It was shown in various ways that certain Massey-related clans (think Mussolini too) were pro-Nazis, but then I trace "Meschin" to "Mieszko," the first-known historical ruler of the Piast dynasty (the Meschin trace to Mieszko that was understood in my mind by certain clues, but unproven, was finally discovered recently as per Swietoslawa/Sigrid, the daughter of Mieszko that ended up in the Norse theater, where Meschins were from. It suggests that Malahule, the ancestor of the Meschins, came into contact (perhaps married) with Swietoslawa's line.
Like the Trysts, the Sweit/Sweet surname uses a red-on-white star and red-on-white rose. But as per the Tryst link to the Hebron bloodline found above for the first time, so the Sweets use white-on-red chevrons, the fundamental Hebron symbol (I see "chevron" as code for "Hebron").
Hmm, Loretta Swit of MASH. Hawkeye was played by Alan Alda (Khaldi-like), though originally Hawkeye was played by Donald Sutherland (Mackays were first found in Suthereland). This warrants some investigation of the other surnames involved with MASH, notable Jamie Farr (surname looks Vere=Massey-like) and the Burghoff surname (first found in Prussia, where the Mieske/Mesech surname was first found) that played Radar O-Reilly.
In the last update, it was mentioned the Keons and Kanes were so-called John-derived surnames that I suspect from Hyksos pharaoh, "Khyan." I neglected to include the McLain Coat, which not only uses a white-on-blue fish like the Keons and Kanes (and Sarakas), but is yet another surname said to be derived in "John." The alternative-Scottish McLean Coat (blue-on-white fish) use a "mori" motto term and was first found in the Hebron-like Hebrides islands. It evokes "Malahule" of More.
Indeed, as Balso D'espaines was Malahule's grandson, so the Paine Coat (Couvert Shield) uses "Malo mori" in the motto, suggesting that the McLean "mori" term should apply to Malahule as well. As RAGNvald (= the line to the Conqueror) was Malahule's brother, see the Ragn-like term in the McLain write-up: "The Clan is descended from Eachan Reaganach, (brother of Lachlan the progenitor of the Macleans of Duart). These two brothers were both descended from Gilleathain na Tuaidh, known as 'Gillian of the Battleaxe', a famed warrior of the 5th century. Eachan, or Hector was given the lands of Lochbuie from John, the first Lord of the Isles, some time in the 14th century." That explains the axe in the McLain Crest, but shouldn't "Hector" apply to both the axe symbol and the Hyksos bloodline?
I had traced the battle-axe symbol to the Axel(rod) surname (uses battle axes), but then it's also a Hawkeswell surname. The Hixon/Hickson (Cheshire) use what look like hawk's legs. I just sense the Hurl "hawk's lure" applies because the Cheshire surname uses one too, and so the Herod surname (brings up the Hurl Coat using the hawk's lure) that is listed, like the Lure and Hurl clans, as a sept of McLeods, seems Hyksos-interesting.
The McLain motto uses "Vincere" too, and that has been a Magdalene-grail code in my mind, but that idea comes from the fact that the Magdalene cult is now swarming around the so-called Da-Vinci code (the Vince surname is also "Vinch). However, I understood the MagDALENE term to be code for the red-on-white lion of the Dallens/Dalaneys (their lion style is that of the Herluins, also red on white) without thought of the red-on-white lion appearing in the McLain Coat, the same Coat that uses "Vincere." It can't be coincidental, therefore, that McLains are also McLANE. IN FACT, the blue-on-white fish used in the other McLain Coat is used by the alternative-Irish Delaney Coat!!!
WOW WOW WOW, I get it now. The latter Delane write-up traces to a Slane surname, and then there was a Salonae location, marked on this map (left side), not far up the coast from Ragusa (roughly where you see Epidaurum), home of the house of Saraka. Therein we have the trace of Khyan-like John surnames to Saraka!!!
As per the Buphagus>Alpheus trace to Otrygia=Syracuse in the last update, note that there is a Ragusa location in Sicily to the south side of Syracuse, which tends to identify the house of Saraka as Saracens from Syracuse. Yes, it's now a fact in my mind already.
It moreover discloses that the Hericys/Cerisys, and their relations, were from Syracuse. The arms of the Sicilian Ragusa (link above) use two serpents around a staff, and a cornuCOPIA. The latter was a goat-horn symbol of Amalthea in Crete, the nurse that brought Rhea's son up as an infant, which jibes with a Ragusa trace to "Rhea." I've identified Rhea with "Rhagae/Rey," a city in the Gileki and Cadusii theater, and then, wholly independent of any considerations on the Arms of Ragusa (I think this is the first time that I've ever seen them), I identified the two serpents on the Hermes caduceus staff as symbol for the Gileki and the neighboring Cadusii.
I was able to identify the Gileki/Gels as one of the two serpent as per an Asclepius-related serpent that myth linked to mythical Glaucus (i.e. he appears to depict the Gileki), and that find in-turn eventually enabled a solid trace of the Gileki to Scylla, up the Sicilian coast from Ragusa, for myth tells that Glaucus loved Scylla. That identifies "Scylla" with "Asclepios," and moreover allows us to trace the heraldic (e)scallop symbol to the Asclepios cult in the Scylla theater.
Did you notice the "Crevit" motto term in the Arms of Ragusa!!! That has got to be for the Hrvati=Croat bloodline. You can bet your pirate flag that Croats were Curetes, therefore. Of course, for it was the Curetes who brought up Rhea's son. AND MORE, for as was said, the Hericy-Crest Saracen head is "wreathed," while entering "Wreath" brings up the Crae/Craith/Crath//Creight/Reagh/Rae/Ray surname! This clan uses a red-on-white lion too (same style and colors as the McLain lion), and a shield like that of the Cravens.
In the 3rd update of June, I linked the Crepons (known to be Crispins) to "Craven," and, if you search for "Hericy" in this Frame article, you'll have proof that they were linked closely to Crispins. In fact, it's only now (where was my head?) that I can see a "Cerisy" in "Cris(pin)."
The Hericys/Cerisys were amid the Porte clan that was traced solidly (last update) to the red-and-white stripes/barry of the Berry clan in Berry, France. It was shown then that the Arms of Ragusa (Croatian theater) used red and white stripes/barry (evokes the bee-cult of Amalthea). If you had any doubts left on whether Hericys/Cerisys link to Croatian Ragusa, see the red and white stripes/barry in the Crispin/Crepin Coat! (This Ragusa was "Raiyia" to the Greeks).
Julie has been wondering whether the fish symbols could be code for the so-called "Fisher kings" of the Arthurian grail cult, but I had not looked into it...until this moment. And what a moment, for the same blue fish used by the DeLANES and McLains/Lanes is found in the German Fisher Coat!! I hate to break it to you all, but mythical characters are merely surnames, almost always. How anti-climactic for such a "great" mysteries...but it makes it easy to uncover the mysteries. Although the MacLean fish is blue, a MacLain description says it's silver=white, but then that's referring to the white Keon fish, for that clan has a Maclain registered in its files.
The Fisher Chief is the Mackey/Margy and Margeson/Mackesy lion design. The Fisher Coat smacked of the Hare Coat (I happened to view it a couple of hours ago when first on the Hericy topic), which makes me realize on-the-spot that the Hare surname is a Hericy branch (I had doubts earlier) because the Hare Coat uses the red-and-white stripes/barry that belongs to the Hericy bloodline!
The question now is whether Fishers and/or Fischers were named after a fish symbol, or whether a fish symbol was given to a Fiss-like clan or people group that wasn't originally "Fisher." Fussen comes to mind again. For the record, there is a Fisk surname (check-filled Shield) from Laxfield (Suffolk) while the Lax Coat (Lacydon elements?) is somewhat like the Hare Coat shown above. I now tend to trace the Fisk-Crest estoile to Asti in Cuneo (interior Liguria). Keeping in mind that German Fishers/Fisch(er)s were first found in Saxony, so Laxfield of Sussex was a Saxon location.
As the Lax Chief uses cart wheels (this design called, "Catherine wheel"), it's very Mieszko-interesting that German Laux/Lux clan uses a black head bull on gold, the color of the Mieske/Mesech bull head. That tends to view the Lax cart wheels as symbol for Piast the Wheelwright (his dynasty ruled in Massovia and LUSatia/LUZica theater). The cross is in the colors of the Piast eagle.
As I traced the Wessex Saxons to the Kwisa/Queis river in Lusatia, the Saxons of Sussex (anciently "Gewisse") may have been there too. There is a Lesna location (in Upper Lusatia) by the Kwisa. The grandson of Piast the Wheelwright (and son of Siemowit) was made Lestko/Leszek. In myth code, this could be read as the Piast bloodline developing into a Seim entity in a Les-like location. It strikes us in this particular discussion that "Piast" is like "Pisces" (the fish).
The Samson-like term in Piast mythology is a reason for tracing the Piast fish to fish-tailed Dagon of the Philistine-and-Samson theater. It doesn't matter whether Dagon had a fish tail or not, so long as Piasts and their fishy kin believed the report that the god had one. Therein was born the pagan fish symbol...that Vatican popes wore on their heads but disguised as the symbol of Christ's fishermen.
I should add here that the Pepin motto term, "quisque," is trace-able to the Kwisa/Queis river because Pepins were ancestral to Carolingian kings, who used the fleur-de-LYS that I trace to LUSatian elements ("Luzica" traces to "Lusignan," the arms of which uses blue and white stripes like the Arms of LUXemberg, and so I repeat, the Laux/Lux/Luch Coat uses what looks like the Mieske bull). If Pepins/Pepys were from the Hyksos king, Apepi/Apophis, and if Moses was named, by Apepi's predecessor (Khyan), after the Meshwesh (to which we can assume Khyan belonged), it could explain why the Pepin horse (a Hyksos symbol too, we can assume) looks like the Massey-Shield horse.
To help show that Massey bloodline was linked to Pepins (they were Merovingians), it's known that Pepins (called Pepinids) were from Landon in Belgium, and a Landon surname. Entering "Landon" brings up bear heads, the symbol of the Maceys (from Manche) and Mackays.
The Piast wheel could be code for the Hyksos chariots, for Hyksos are said to have introduced the chariot into Egypt. It's a good reason for the ancients to have given the Hyksos bloodlines a chariot wheel for a symbol, and so we find that the wheel was given as symbol to Ixion...who may have been named in honor of Khyan.
I'm seeing Fisher links to Masci-related Fessys of Cheshire. Mascis were first found in the Cuneo theater, near the Masses/Masseys of Savoy, and not far from the Messiers/Messeys of Burgundy. Chances are, some form of these surnames developed into "Maccles" (ruled by Meschins who show a MASCULine variation), which is being said because there is a Fessy/Vassey surname ("vinces" motto term) showing the Macclesfield cross. As Ranulf le Meschin descended from Herluin de Conteville, who was a Burgo, see the Fessey write-up: "...the name was originally De Vesci, which was a baronial name, a branch of the De Burgh family." "Vesci" is like the Pesci surname, which in Italian means, fish.
WOW, after writing that, I checked the Pesce symbol, and while not being surprised to find a fish, it turned out to be the Keon and Kane fish, in the same white on blue except that Pesces use so-called "royal blue." The surname evoked the Pace/Paice surname (from Pacy Sur Eure, in Evreux) that looks Meschin-related due to the besants on a purple Shield, and their first being found in Cheshire. Italian Paces are in the white-on-blue of the Pesces. The Pascel variation of the Italian Paces evokes the Pascals using the Levi lion in Levi-lion colors. Pascals are said to be from "Pesach" (=Passover), but that may have been a late and Christianized idea where in fact the surname was more from a pagan "Pisces" element.
It was notable that Pascals were first in Essex, where the estoile-related Ests/Easts (horse heads again) were first found, important for where I traced Pascals (years ago) to the Easters/Estors/Sturs (from Manche, where horse-headed Masseys were first found). It was suspected, as per the Stur/Stower branch in Hampshire, that the so-called "Pascal lamb" used by the Pascals traced instead to the pagan/mythical golden lamb of Atreus (father of MeneLAUS), for I trace his name to the ATREbates of Hampshire.
The Stur Coat looks once again like the Hare Coat which itself looks like the Fisher Coat. Per chance, because I trace Hares to the Croatia theater, the Easters/Esters/Isters were from Histria (far left of the map), near the source of the Copia-like Kupa river (marked "Colapis"). On the other side of the Japodes (this WAS mythical Jupiter) we see a Pesce-like Sescia with the Maezaei to its south, but I'd like to find a better match with "Pesce" in that theater, especially as the Pesci fish is likely the Saraka fish.
WOW!!! At this point it entered my mind that the Busch/Bush surname could apply to "Pesce," and looking at the two Bush Coats I didn't have much to say. The German Buschs/Bushes/Pushes use a white-on-blue fleur-de-lys. BUT then "Bosch" was entered to find a German Bosch page with no write-up, but with a white-on-blue fleur-de-lys (assuring linkage to the Bushes) that looks like a fish!!! The bottom end of the center part of the flower is made to look like a fish tail, and it happens to be in Pesci and Saraka white on blue. Could it be that the Fleur-de-lys had always been a secret symbol of the Saraka fish???
Where did the Saraca's get that fish? We don't know that they were the first to have it. It makes more sense to see the first one in the Pesci/Pesce clan, and that then potentially makes the Boschs and Busches/Bushes part of the original fish clan...suggesting that the Fisher-king grail cult traces to them fundamentally. As Sarakas trace well to Sarajevo, might the Boschs have been named after the Bosna/Basante river??? That would certainly explain why Meschins/Masseys seem to apply to the Fisher entities. Entering "Bos" brings up the same page as entering "Bosche."
German Fishers/Fisch(er)s use a split Shield with the bottom half itself split into blue and red. Compare with the blue and red in the German Bosseck Coat. Variations include Bossecker (like "Fischer"), Boseckel and Bosecken, where in all variations the root appears to be "Bos(s)." Bossecks were first in Bavaria/Nuremberg, and so let;s go to the Fisher-king article: "The Fisher King, or the Wounded King, figures in Arthurian legend as the latest in a line charged with keeping the Holy Grail. Versions of his story vary widely, but he is always wounded in the legs or groin..." The leg is a symbol in the Arms of Foetes/Fussen, a Bavarian location on the Lech river. emailer Patterson. Bosticks were first in Cheshire, where the Bosna-river clans are expected. Bosticks use a bear (Macey-suspicious) but also a white so-called couped fesse. By "couped," it's meant shortened slightly, and we see a white, couped chevron in the Couper Coat!!! When was the last time Pattersons were traced to proto-Bosnia?
I still hold out that Pattersons were named, not after Peter, but after Petra in Edom, and there the link to Bozrah elements in Bosnia is yet further evidence of the Patter-Petra link. I kid you not that when I wrote the above, the sentence further above was not on my mind. That sentence: "As the founders of Perigord were called by a Petra-like term [= Petrocorii], and as I trace 'Bosnia' and 'Sarajevo' to Bozrah and Seir of Edom, so Petra was in Edom."
It's true that Pattersons are traced in their write-up to Patricks, but that only links Patricks to Petra elements as well. Who's to say that the Peter of the Vatican isn't code for Petra elements. Was the apostle Peter really buried under Vatican City's basilica? Or was that idea code for Petra's Edomites? Where does "Vatican" derive, anyway? in "Uat"? In "Bat/Buto"? In "Petra"? Are not my traces to Romans a major part of the traces of Edomites all across Europe?
The popes also use a key symbol, said to be the keys of Heaven that Jesus gave to Peter, but then the Betty/Baety/Betay Coat uses keys. As the Betty Coat uses mascles, their key link to the Kay/Key surname (= Macey/Mackay bloodline) makes sense. I trace mythical Kay to the Hector Trojans, and that too makes sense, not only because Virgil traced Romans to Hector-line Trojans, but because the mother of the Trojans was Batia. It doesn't hurt to give birth to such embryos.
The English Hare lion (cut off at the hip) is said to be couped, and as this is the Coat that looks like the Fisher Coat, note that the later likewise uses lions cut off at the hip. It tends to trace Coupers to the Herzegovina theater, thereby making it possible to link with the Kupa river.
The Couper/Cooper clan was discovered (though some readers probably didn't buy it) as part of the Copia/Macclesfield entity out of Cheshire. UNDERSTAND that this find PROVES that Coupers/Coopers are linked to the Macclesfield Copia term, for the couped Couper chevron is not only ermined like the Macclesfield cross, but the couped chevron is over a red chevron while white-on-red is also the color scheme of the Macclesfield cross.
The Couper write-up has the clan in Cumberland, which is where COPEland (uses a blue lion) is found, ruled by the Meschins at one time. Then, the Irish Hare Coat (fox with snake) uses a "garbh" motto term, symbol of the Garb family first found in Austria, beside the Kupa river. The garb in the Garb/Garp Coat is in the colors of the Arms of Cheshire garb. One could get the impression that Garbs/Garps had been Harps who modified to Hares. The Irish Hares show a Garry variation, in fact, along with their Garbh term. This could indicate that Herzegovina was named after a Garebite-rooted Hare or Hericy bloodline.
In fact, entering "Herse" brings up the same Hercy Coat as does when entering "Hericy." Entering "Herz" (German Hare colors) brings up a "Jewish" clan in the colors of the German (Bavaria) Herz/Herts Coat, using a heart as play on word, a symbol that's used by Sauvage-branch Saracens, jibing with the Saracen head in the Hericy/Herse Crest. This indicates that Savages were from the Herzegovina bloodline on the Sava.
It just so happens that the Harp(er) surname, much like "Garb/Garp," uses the Savage lion in Savage-lion colors, while Savages were first found in Cheshire. The Harp(er) surname is the one using a "sauvis" motto term. This serves to trace Harpers to Herzegovina too.
Keeping in mind that I trace Garebites to the same cult (Samson) to which I trace the Laevi and Ananes Gauls, note that the Lennox Coat uses the Annan saltire while showing a Levenax variation. I say this because the Harpers were first found in Lennox. Then, the Leven Coat uses a lion in colors reversed to the Harper lion. This Leven surname (in Levi-lion colors) is shown properly as Le Vanier, not necessarily meaning that it was the original version. It could have been that "Leven" was mistakenly taken as "le Van."
Comparing the tails, I now think that the Savage-style lion is an upright Levi-Coat lion (both are in the same colors).
NOW LOOK. As per the suggested trace of "Kyle" and the related "Cole" to the "Colapis" river, which was the Kupa/Kulpa, the Scottish Hare surname (in Herz colors) is also "Heher," smacking of the Hayer/Ayer/Aires surname (uses the same Coat as the Ayers of Ayrshire), especially as the Hares were first found in Ayrshire!!! The Kyles are of Ayrshire. This shows that king Cole (and possibly his Camulus elements) was from the Kupa river. As the Mieszko bloodline is going to be traced hard (below) to the same theater, let me repeat that Coles (black bull as with the Mieske Coat) are traced (by me) to the "Kolodziej>Mieszko bloodline.
It's now amazing that both the English and Scottish Hare/Hair coats (the Ayer motto uses "air" as code for the Hairs, apparently) use a Fisher-like Shield, for the hard trace of the Mieszkos to the Bosna/Basante river is as per it's fundamental link to the fish bloodline, to be revealed below in a Bask-like surname.
Compare the Couper Coat above with the Buddin/Biden/Button Coat. It just so happens that the Buddin/Biden/Button crest as a cap called a "chapeau."
Another white, ermined chevron (i.e. like the couped Couper chevron) is used by the Baskets (more leopard heads). This clan was found while seeking Bosch relations. The write-up traces both to the Pascals and to Basques: "...the Latin personal name Paschalis, often abbreviated to Pask or Pascal...An alternative derivation suggests that the name is derived from an abbreviation of the Old French word Basque, which referred to a native of Biscay." It just so happens that the Basket Coat is white-on-blue, as with the Bosch fleur-de-fish (so to speak). This paragraph is more evidence of a Pesce link to Boschs (where Pascals were Pesces).
There is a Pask Coat using the Savage lion, though the lion belongs to many others. Still, that tends to trace the Pasks et-al to the Sava river (where the Bosna is tributary). The Pask/Savage-style lion is in the Fisher/Fisch(er) Crest in gold, and that suggests that the gold Mackesy- and Mackie-style lion in the Fisher/Fishcer Coat is the Savage lion too. It's used in gold by the Sforza clan that took over the VISContis. As I understand the surname as a Vis-conti combination, I would therefore suggest that "Fisch" derived from "Visconti," not vice versa.
The original Visconti snake was green on white, (not blue as it's now shown), the colors of the Mackesy snake! That tends to link Mackesy-related Fishers/Fischers once again to Viscontis. And to think that I almost passed on mentioning the Sforza lion...which by the way hold a "quince" in its paws (you may have noted that the gold Fisher/Fisch(er) lion also holds an object in its paws).
There is a Quince clan said to be from Saer de Quincy, and "Saer" looks like the Sauer surname said to be named after the Sava river.
I wasn't going to mention that the Bostick Coat (in Stump colors) uses a bear on a stump of a tree...until getting to the Viscontis, for as they ruled in Milan, so the Milan surname (first found in Messina) uses a tree stump (as does the Stump surname). THEN, I almost missed it, the Fisher/Fischer) motto uses "Treu," which should link to the tree code of the Bosticks because there is a Tree/True surname...first found in WARwickshire, smacking of the "Vorwarts" and "Wahreit" motto terms of the Fishers/Fisch(er)s.
I had almost missed that English Fishers were likewise first found in Warwickshire, clinching their link to the Trees/Trues/Trews. If not for a paragraph written shortly below before the topic at hand was inserted here, I may have missed it.
See how easy this is when one isn't hesitant to view motto terms as codes to kin? You can be sure that the masters of heraldry will deny this tooth and fang. You are being misled when heraldry pages feed you the bull on what the symbols mean, or where they derive.
The Trues/Trees us a "demi-knight in armour," while the Baskin motto uses "Armis." Where Fishers/Fischers are Baskets, why not also Baskins too? Or, where Fishers/Fischers are Viscontis, compare "Viscon" with "Baskin." The Army surname is also the Ermine surname, and the Army/Ermine Coat does use an ermined Shield...while smacking of the Macclesfield Coat. Evidence of Macclesfield links is where the Army/Ermine write-up traces to the bishop of Bayeux/Bessin, yet more evidence of a Fisher-king trace to the Bosna/Basante.
This would be the place to show the Levissonne variation of the French Levi surname. One could expect it to morph (especially in France) into "Le Vissonne," and per chance the Viscontis were just those Levi-line Vissonnes. After all, Viscontis were on the upper Po theater, where the Laevi lived (at Novara). In this picture, the Fisher grail line goes back to the Laevi bloodline (makes perfect sense where Levis were the grail line), and Pesce and Pesach-like terms came later, as per modification from "VISConti." The Fisks/Fiscs use an "Astra" motto term, smacking of the Easters, i.e. the Easters may have been Pascals...that use the Levi lion in Levi-lion colors. There in the Fisk/Fisc surname (checks in Pascal colors) we have evidence already that Viscontis were Levis! This is new right here.
WOW, the Levins/Levenson Coat is like the Fisher/Fischer coat, meaning that I am on the right track with a Fisher-grail link to the Laevis.
Recall the purple grapes in the last update, for the French Levines use them. Yes, the surname could be a Vine, and not a Levi, surname, but then entering "Levine" also brings up the "Jewish" Levi Coat and the Levins Coat. Entering "Levinson" brings up the Levins while the Levis are also "Levison." AND, entering "Vine" DOES NOT bring up the French Levines, but does bring up the Levi-colored Veyns/Vinns/Veins (Mackay sept)...using garbs in Levins white-on-black.
YES YES, for as it was established that Veyns were from Vannes, Brittany, so the French Levines (the ones with grapes) were first found in Brittany! In this picture, the Laevi look like the Veneti who named Vannes, which makes sense where the Italian Veneti were at the mouth of the Po. If we were wondering how the Laevi bloodline and/or the Levi clan was going to be linked to the Sava theater, since several indicators point there, a Levi-Veneti link could explain it (the source of the Sava is near the Veneti).
KEEP IN MIND that the Magdalene cult was traced (by me) to the Allens of Brittany, for below you will see the Da-Vinci Magdalene cult tracing directly to the Levins and Levines.
In the last update, the purple grape bunch was found in the Taber Coat, and its leopard was also treated, for the German Blattens also use a purple grape bunch while Blatts/Plattes use leopards. This is repeated here because the Veyns/Vinns/Vines/Vains show a red tiger in Crest. Tigers and leopards were the symbol of Dionysus, and it is his drunk/lunatic Maenads whom I trace to the Manoah>Samson bloodline.
The "Vine" play on words from the Veneti>Vannes line may have been due to roots in the wine-loving Maenads. Again, the Veyns are a sept of Mackays, and the latter use a "Manu forti" for a motto that I've said to be code for Manche-based Maceys and Masseys...and also for the Manx people on the Isle of Man. Big eye-opener: the Levine motto is, "Manco-capac." Later in this update, I realize with logical evidence that the Capys-branch Trojans were on the very Oeneus river that the Maezaei were on, and that is very grapevine-conspicuous because "Oeneus" was a wine term to the myth writers.
The above more than implies that Levines were Mackays, and I do recall a Massey-like clan in Brittany that moved to Normandy (i.e. where Manche is located): "Family tradition states that the Meysey[/Maisey] family was from Brittany...However, there is a Meisi in Calvados in Normandy..." Manche is in Calvados.
As Mackays=MacHeths ruled Moray (when it was called, Fortriu), I don't think it's coincidental that the Levines "held a family seat in the seigneury of Haute Morays" (in Brittany). Just like that, the Maceys of Manche are traced to the Levines, and to Vannes elements in Brittany. As some evidence that Levines were Laevis, the German Mann(er) Coat is just like the Massey-of-Manche Shield and showing the Levi lion design. The Mann(er) Crest (apparently the same Levi lion in a standing position; it's the Savage lion design), coupled with the savages in the Coat, suggests that the Savage lion is the Levi lion.
One could extrapolate on the Macey-Levine relationship and expect a Mieszko relationship to the Vandals/Wends of Venethi, Poland. Keep the latter idea on your front burner for a few more paragraphs because is looks capable of identifying the Da-Vinci bloodline (Savage-colored lions) as the Windsors.
If the Levines were a branch of the Laevi, the Laevi look like Veneti rather than Israelite Levites. Yet, I'm still confused. The Laevi should thereby trace to Heneti (Veneti ancestors), who were on the west side of the Halys-river theater, the same river in which I see the Galli transvestites depicted by Dionysus and his Maenads. It seems evident that Laevi Gauls/Gali should trace to the Galli, but if the Halys-river "(C)Halybes" (who smack of the Galli) trace to Jewish "Caleb"-ites, then the Laevi do look Israelitish.
Although Caleb's tribe of Judah was not the tribe of Levi, I trace long-haired Samson to the Galli (for more reasons than his long hair), and it appears from Judges that Samson's Dan entity was linked to a pagan-Levi (perhaps a pseudo-Levi) cult. BUT, safe to say, "Laevi" is not a term tracing to "Heneti/Veneti," and the Laevi trace to the Veneti could reveal that "Laevi" was combined with the Vannes location of the Veneti to produce a Le-Vannes-like clan in the Levines/Lavenes.
As per the discussion here that links the Fisher-grail cult to Guiscards>Viscontis, it should be repeated that the Samson cult amongst the Templars were from, or at least included, Saracens that seem to have been confused with, or perhaps merged with, Moors. It's being repeated because the Levins surname (with Fisher-like Coat) was first found in WestMOREIand. Remember, the Levin-like Levines were of MORay elements. To my amazement, the long-haired Merovingians were found (explained below) in the Fischer bloodline from the house of Saraka.
HMM, wow, as I was writing that Levins and Levines show and Levinge and Lavignes variations respectively, the Vinch surname (that I link to the Da-Vinci grail cult) came to mind, especially as the Vince/Vinch/Fynch Coat uses griffins in the black-on-white of the Levi lions. I kid you not that seconds before that came to mind, I was checking who it was that used martins way above, for the Levins use martins (said to be "martlets"). It turned out to be the "Jewish" FINK(elstein)s, a surname like "Vince." And look, the Finks use the same martin design as the Levins!
WOW, CHECK THIS OUT. Entering "Vinges" brings up a clan first found in Brittany, suggesting linkage to the LaVignes clan of Brittany. But the Vignes are said to be "well established in the region of Dol," and so prepare to see further evidence of a Magdalene trace to the Dol Allens. The problem was that the Vinges term brought up a clan with no such variations shown, but rather the surname is shown properly as "Verger" and "Burges." But immediately after seeing the Coat, I searched for "vince" in this update in order to find the Vince-like motto term I supposed to be Vinges-related, and here is what was found (written above):
"...Fessy/Vassey surname ("vinces" motto term) showing the Macclesfield cross...see the Fessey write-up: "...the name was originally De Vesci, which was a baronial name, a branch of the De Burgh family."WOOOWWWIE! We now have, on the one hand, a Vinci-like motto code used by a Fessey clan that was descended from Burghs, and on the other hand we have a Vinci-like Vinges surname listed with the Berges surname in Magdalene-suspect Dol (I trace "MagDALENE" to Dallens and D'Allens, but perhaps "Dol" itself applies). The Fessy Coat is in the white-on-red of the Vinges/Verger/Berges Coat (the latter using an eight-pointed star, said to be the symbol of Ishtar).
NOW, as the WINDsors were first in BERKshire, don't they look like a good representation of VINCE-like motto terms? Later in this update, there arises interesting evidence (in an Insert written within the past hour as i write) for a Windsor trace to the Mieszko royals in Wendland, Poland, and so I'm already seeing Windsor links to the Vinges/Levine bloodline. as a result of making that link, I recalled that the Windsor write-up traces to an Other/Otho clan, much like the MacHeth variation/branch of the Mackays. The Other Coat is in Windsor colors.
The United States was co-founded by the Burgess bloodline that linked to the red-lion Lee surname (details in "The E-Lee-t Burgess Class" chapter). The Burgess Coat (Shield filled with Hohen-colored checks) is in Verger/Berges colors too, and the Burgess crest is a red lion, the color of the Dallen and Allen>Stewart lion. Remember, the Levines were from a Moray region in Brittany, and the flag of the United Sates uses stars in Moray-star colors. Below, the Moray-colored stars will be see abundantly in the Mieszko-bloodline trace to the Fisher-grail cult.
French Pascals (they use the lamb large) were first in Dauphine, where the Fusils/Fusiers were first found. In case you're overlooking it, the Pesci>Pascal topic was introduced as per the Fusil-like Fessy clan...who, as per a y-to-g modification, smack of "Fisk." The engrailed Fessy cross (no doubt the Macclesfield cross) is the same type, and in colors reversed, to the Pascal cross.
Then, in consideration of the Fishers/Fischers, first found in Warwickshire, see the following from the Fessy/Vassey write-up: "First found in Northampton where Robert de Vassy (Veci) and his brother Ivo were granted nineteen Lordships in that county and overlapping into Warwick, Lincoln, and Leicester..."
Again, it needs to be asked whether the Laxfield location was named after Lacydon elements, for seeing Leicester location involved in this Fisher-grail discussion, it brings grail-cult Ligurians into the picture (the Laevi are sometimes called Ligurians). There is a "Lack" variation registered with the Leech/Lecke surname, first found in Cheshire (where Macclesfield is located), and it uses an ermined Shield (no symbols otherwise, aside from the Chief's crowns) in the colors of the ermined Macclesfield cross. Also, the Lack/Lecke Crest shows a green serpent, and although it's used by many surnames, I emphasize the green snake in this Mackesy Coat , not just because "Mackesy" smacks of "MAKESfield," an ancient (as of at least 1086) version of "Macclesfield," but because the Mackesy/Margeson and Mackie/Margy lion is used by the German Fishers/Fisch(er)s.
In the last update, it was found that the Macclesfield cross is used also by the Masefield surname (that surname told about Ophir being located in Nineveh), though it is shown properly as "Mayfield." But then the Macey surname (Cheshire) shows a Robert de Maysey.
Fesseys/Vassys were first found in the Hampton theater too, where Atrebates lives that I trace to the MeneLAUS bloodline that was merged with the Leda-swan line. That Leda-swan line was Helen in particular, and as you may know if you've been reading the last several updates, Helen has been traced to the Hall(and)s that belonged to a Cappeo/Copia entity. The Arms of Macclesfield uses a COPIA motto term.
Just noticed that the "ResPICE motto term of the English Fishers has a Pesce- and "Pace/Paice-like term built in. THEN, it smacks of "ResPICE" smacks of the Illuminati-beloved Pike surname, and that too evokes a fish. There are two Pike Coats, though I have no comments that could add to this discussion.
Back now to the idea that the Fisher bloodline derived from "Visconti," for the Tree/True Coat uses greyhounds, a symbol that I trace to north-African Moors or Saracens. I happen to trace "Visconti" to "Wiscart/Guiscard," the Saracen-merged Rus-Templar bloodline...that many of my traces find their way to. As I was wondering (while writing this paragraph) how to trace the Fisher bloodline further back from Guiscard (11th century), the Peckers/Packers (lozengy) came to mind who use a Moor head in Crest. It reminded of a tentative trace of Peckers/Packars and Pikes to "Apachnas," an alternative name of pharaoh Khyan. Wikipedia's article on the Hyksos gives the succession of six of their pharaohs: "Salatis was followed in succession by Beon, Apachnas, Apophis, Jannas and Asses."
Perhaps Apachnas was named after "Arrapachitis" (known online more commonly as "Arrapha"), the name of an Arphaxidite-founded city in Assyria. (Asses was the same as pharaoh Khamudi). "Pach" (like "Pace/Paice") ' is registered under the Bach surname, and it's re-mentioned here because the Bach symbol appears to be a golden calf (an idol worshiped by God's Israelite enemies during the Exodus).
The Welsh Bach Coat is essentially the Baskin Coat. The idea of Packen and Bach-like clans linking to Khyan=Apachnas allows the possibility of "Bessin" tracing to the same, which jibes with a Meshwesh identification of Khyan's household tracing to Meschins and Masseys of the Bessin. as per the trace of the Meschin's to the Piast ruler, and as per the tentative trace of Piasts to Hyksos (which Ii wish I could prove), let me repeat what I've said many times, that "Bez(prym)" (half Bohemian) of the Mieszko bloodline traces to "Bessin," a region thought my some to be founded by Bohemians. The Bessin was founded by a BAJO/BAIOcasses peoples.
I feel that the direction I'm on is a Massey trace to the Exodus Hyksos ruler. I may have almost all the keys to make that link obvious, but I think it will require knowing what "Apachnas" became, if anything, in the way of a people group or religio-mythical entity. I did trace Arphaxadites to the Ares dragon, and did realize that Ixion and Ares were nearly one (aside from any considerations on a Massey-Khyan link, which is a very recent idea) The daughter of Ares does trace to Illyrians. I traced Arphaxadites to Arpads in the Carpathians, and while that was close to Bohemia, I don't know whether Apachnas' blood was Arphaxadite. In any case, I do feel strongly that Khyan's name developed into Ixion, and that Ixion was the Ares-dragon cult, meaning that Khyan's blood was indeed in the Arpads. See the barry symbol in the Arms of Arpad.
After writing the above, I shut the computer down having nothing to add. It was near noon, high time to get to work, anyway. But as I was having lunch, moments later, it dawned again that "pagan" could have been a term after "Apachnas." Perhaps Apachnas was honored by the Pagan surname, which is also "Payen" and "Paine," and I did realize very recently that Paines should trace to Balso d'Espaine of Bayeux, the ancestor of Ranulf le Meschin! Balso married a Poppa, perhaps named after the Apepi line of Hyksos.
Look. For at the time that I made the Paine link to D'Espaines, I realized that the Pappenheim "kettle hats" traced to "AnCITEL," father of Balso d'Espaine, or perhaps the other Ancitel, Balso's brother. The point is, the Welsh Bachs use the kettle hats!!! Remember, the other Bach/Pach clan uses a golden calf. (See the Pappenheim kettle hats here.)
The Bach Crest, a talbot (= a Labrador dog), is the symbol of the German Papes/Papenburgs!!! Wow, that proves that the Bach kettle hats belong to the Pappenheim bloodline, and moreover serves to prove that Poppa of SulzBACH (!!), wife of Balso d'Espaines and great-grandmother of Ranulf le Meschin, was a Pappenheim on her Bach side (if she did have a Bach side; she may only have lived in Sulzbach). The "Sulz" term smacks of the Sales of Masci and of the Salyes Ligurians to which I trace the Sales.
COWWIE. The trace of the heraldic saltire to the Sallette variation of the Sales can now go back (possibly) to the Hyksos ruler, Salatis, the first of the six pharaoh's in the list above.
It should be added that a Poppo I was the founder of Grabfeld's Babenberg family. Long after tracing Babenbergs to Paphlagonians, I traced Paphlagonians to "Apophis" on a tentative basis only. It now feels like a much better trace.
I do declare, that the first grand master of the Templars, Hugh de Payen, was a Hyksos bloodline from the Exodus pharaoh. What does this tell us about the hold on the modern world that Freemasons have? What Plague does God have prepared to finally put the Hyksos down?
The German Backen/Bacchen uses an angel in Crest. The Angel Coat (I'm assuming the Anglos, keeping Angitia in mind) uses a red bar on gold, like the Bachmans. It's the Arms of Baden. The Angel motto portrays the dragon bloodline well: "I stand in the track of my ancestors." Proud stupids.
BEHOLD. The Angel Crest shows Medea-based Gorgons, for out of Medea's head came forth Pegasus: "Pegasus crined red, emerging from a ducal coronet." REMEMBER, Angitia was said by the ancients to be from Medea elements in Italy, WHEREFORE we have found Angitia elements in the Angels.
The Angel Coat: "three blue lozenges horizontally, and a red baston over all." The English Baston Coat (Cornwall) uses "bat wings." The French Bastons, with a blue and white Shield, look like white-on-blue Bushes and Boschs/Bos', and these Bastons obviously related to the similar-Coated German Bastions. White on blue are also the colors of Bisets that I had traced to the Uat/Buto cult when called, Bast. s per the bat symbol of the Bastons, could it be that the Uat/Buto/Bast cult became Batia and later the Uat-like Vatican"?
The English Bests are said to derive in the Latin for 'beast." They use a "Libertas" motto term that for reasons below should trace to the Cretan labyrinth, and therefore to Libernia. The "legibus" motto term smacks of the Ligurians somewhere, but also of a Bos-like bloodline. As the Bests use a cinquefoil, perhaps the Leicester cinquefoil and Ligurians apply. Dutch Bests/Beests use the red and white stripes (nine in number) that I trace to the Perdix-related (i.e. Cretan mythical character) Berrys, Barrys and Burys. I traced the "rege" motto term used by Bassets (and Biset-related Pattersons) to Rhea on Crete, but now Ragusa and the white-on-blue fish of the Sarakas is suspect (Pattersons use white-on-blue scallops).
The French Best surname is the Bes/Bez clan, with white-on-blue star, that I traced from Bezprym (Piast dynasty) to the Bessin." We then find that entering "Bessin" brings up a clan that named the Beaston location of Cheshire.
It may be coincidental but as "therion" is the Biblical term used for the Revelation beast, entering Therion brings up a Thery/Ter(r)y surname of France, using the same footless martins as the English Terrys, first found in Kent, where the alleged beast-derived Bests were first found. French Therys/Terrys use the same Coat as Actons, and in the Acton write-up we find that they had an Axton location in Kent. Then, in the Irish Terrys, we're back to the white-on-blue theme seen in multiple Best-like surname above. Did the Best-like clans name themselves after the Revelation beast as their proud heritage?
The next thing coming to mind was the 666 of the Traby arms. I had linked the Tree/True/Trew surname (use besants!) to Trabys because of the Treeby variation of the Trebys. "Tree" looked Terry-like enough under that logic, and when "Tarr" was entered, there was a Tar/Terr clan first found in Somerset, beside the Treebys of Devon.
When seeing that the Irish Terrys are said to have been named after "Theodore," there was reason to check whether other clans said to be derived in Theodore could apply to a beastly line. The Tudors came instantly to mind, and a second later I recalled the ostrich in the English Best Crest, for a major Tudor symbol is the (white) ostrich feather. BUT ZOWIE, the Arms of Traby use (white) ostrich feathers too, and in fact I've traced the Trabys to Tudors many times because Tudors were founded in TREVor Tudor. In the Hebrew alphabet, "Traby" adds up to 613, close enough to 666 for a Traby variation to hit the infamous number.
Whether one enters "Trevor" or "Theodore," Trevor Tudor is found in the write-up. The Theodore surname (colors of the Hereford surname for obvious reasons) is shown properly as "Tudor." The Theodore/Tudor white-on-red is used by the Traby/Sadowski 'Q'.
Entering Derion brings up a Dery clan first found in Champagne, where the Therion/Terry surname was first found. That opens the possibility that some Derry-like terms derived in the Greek for "beast." Note the red stags of the Derions/Derys, for while (Traby-like) Darbys/Derbys use a red antelope, a red stag is the symbol of Derbyshire. Like the Darbys, the Derrs/Dehrens (white and blue Shield) use garbs.
Darrens/Dorans (Sullivan boar, split shield included) use white-on-blue stars, the colors of the Best/Bes/Bez star, while a boar is a symbol also Irish Darbys. The Derbyshire Darbys are said to be derived in "doer," a deer, but I have different ideas, for entering "Doer" brings up a Dor(r) clan. Compare "Dorian" with "therion."
"Torian" brings up a Shield like the Therions/Terrys but in colors reversed. The Torians/Thornes had a Thorne location in Somerset (where Tarrs/Terrs were first found). Then there is the Scottish Torian/Torrance surname with black bull head in Crest, VERY INTERESTING because a black bull head is used also in the Trew-like Drew/Drywe Crest. It evokes my trace of the Druids (oak symbol) to the Odrysians, who I say were depicted by mythical Dryas, who I identified (largely on a guess) as Dorians. BUT LOOK, for as "dryas" means "tree" and "oak" in Greek, surely the Tree/Trew surname relates to the Drews, the Druids and mythical Dryas (son and/or father of king Lycurgus of the Edones, who I trace to "Ligur(ian)").
German Darrs/Derrys use acorns, the fruit of oak trees.
I trace Dorians, part of Megiddo-like Macedonians (Mac-Edonians?), to Dor in Israel, beside Megiddo. The Revelation beast will be killed in the battle of Megiddo, called Armageddon. Didn't I say it was interesting? It gets even more interesting if the Edones were named after Edom, for in Ezekiel 39, the Revelation beast, as Gog, has his army destroyed in Edom.
The German Darrs/Derrys have a Darret variation that caused a look at the Darts, who not only use ermined red and white like the Drews. but were first found in Devon, where the Treebys were first found who I trace to Trees/Trews.
L EXCELLENT!!! Darcy came to mind, using, not only another black bull in crest, but the bull design of the Boss/Beavil surname that was traced quite solidly to the Bosna/Basante river (German Boss' use acorns too). THE POINT IS, the Deuri were near the Bosna, and as the Bessins Meschins (who lived in Beaston) were just traced to the Bosna river after having traced them for years to the Mieszko royals, we now find a black bull tracing, potentially, to the Deuri, smack beside the Maezaei, while the Mieske Coat also uses a black bull head!!!
The Deuri are where "Salviae" is stamped on this Roman-Illyricum map, who were identified squarely in the last update as proto-Sullivans, while the latter were identified (months ago) solidly with the Salyes Ligurians, who became the Sales of Mascy, who are now being traced to the Hyksos king, Salatis. To make the Mieszko-Deuri link still better, let me repeat what was said earlier: "Darrens/Dorans (Sullivan boar) use white-on-blue stars, the colors of the Best/Bes/Bez star..." The latter clan is the one I trace to Bezprym, grandson of Mieszko I.
WOW, unbelievable. It was immediately (few seconds) after finishing the paragraph above that I went looking for a browser to fetch you the Sullivan boar (super comparison to the Darren/Doran boar), when my eyes fell on the Saran Coat still lingering from when it was treated in the last update. The Saran Chief uses white-on-blue stars, the color of the Best/Bes/Bes star, and an oak tree!!! The proto-Piast bloodline must have been in the Celtic-Illyrian family with certainty. The Saran surname is shown properly as Sorahan and was anciently Sourehan, smacking of the Sour variation of the Sava-river derived Sauers.
The surname was treated as per Sarania, the land otherwise called Saphir and Ophir, the land of the Sepharvite cult that I think will produce the end-time anti-Christ and/or False Prophet...the infant-sacrifice Sepharvite cult that I trace to the serpent with infant in mouth, symbol of the Sepharvite-like Sforza (and Visconti) clan.
The first Visconti ruler of Milan was Ottone Visconti, which is mentioned because the Ottone Coat is likewise (like the Saran/Sorahan Chief) white on blue. By the time I got to the Ottone Coat, the human-sacrifice Boofima cult was already preparing on the front of my mind, and that's when i saw the similarity between "Perigord," where the Boofima cult was traced to in the last update, and "Perugia" (also "Perusia") where the Ottone surname was first found. The Perugia surname is also white on blue, and variations include "Peruzzi," smacking of mythical Paris (and Parzival) who was linked fundamentally to the Boofima cult's Imperi and Pieris entities.
AND LOOK!! As the Imperi entity was linked (by others, as fact) to a Paramas country, see the Perugia write-up (I didn't see this until the paragraph above was written fully): "Records are found in 1280, when Oddo Oddi was mayor of Parma." Is that not evidence that the Boofima cult passed through the Viscontis? But why not also through some Otto/Odin surnames? There is an English Parm(es) surname> (kettle hats) that morphed from/into "Palm(es)."
The Cart Coat uses palm TREES, and I trace the surname to GuisCard and the Carthaginian alliances that "card" suggests to me. It is well known that Carthaginians practiced infant sacrifices. I traced the GUIScards/Wisharts/Wycharts to VIScontis when I had not yet realized a Carthaginian link for the Guiscards. The Boofima goat cult was traced back to the Marsyas goat cult that evolved into the Marsi, while Guiscards use "Mercy" as a motto term.
I theorized that the palm trees are symbols of the palm of the hand, for the Hand surname (stag) and several Hand-like clans (including the Annabels/Hannibals) likewise using a stag were traced to "Hannibal"-branch Carthaginians...who conquered into northern Italy, where Viscontis ruled. The Anne/Hanne surname (stag) of Yorkshire seems important here because the Parms/Palms were first found in Yorkshire. Just so you know, the Farm(er)s also use stags in Parm-Coat colors.
Back to the Darcy/Dorsy surname that was linked to the Mieszko clan. As further evidence for the link, Darcys/Dorsys were first found in Manche, where Masseys and Maceys were from. Amazingly, the white-on-red fleur-de-lys used by Masseys are on the Parm/Palm Coat, important not only because both Masseys and Parms/Palms are English clans (meaning that the clans are highly-likely to be related because clans in the same country cannot use symbols of others unless they are related), but because I traced the Boofima cult to the Meshwesh in the Libyan theater (who I claimed were proto-Masseys long before finding the Maezaei in the Sava theater).
The Dryopians look like Dorians: "Dryopes or Dryopians were a tribe of ancient Greece. According to Herodotus, they had once lived in a place called Dryopis, later known as Doris." In the last update, mythical Dorus (wife of Nereus) was traced to the Daorsi in the land of Naro/Neretva...which on this map is at Narona. A little up the coast, in Libernia, were the Derriopes. You get it.
Above the word, "Derriopes," you see EpiDORIUM. These entities are on the coast from Aeneon, assumed to be the home of mythical Aeneas, co-founder of Carthage and Virgil's founder of Rome. Back down the map to the south of the Narona location we see "Epidaurum" (earlier "Epidaurus"), which is very close to (less than 10 miles from) Ragusa, home of the Saracas. Off the shore of Narona, we see a "nigra" term smacking of "negro," suggesting that the Narona location and it's Naro river are to be understood as nero=black. Where the Saracas were Saracens, we could trace them too to north Africa. Off-shore of Narona we also see Pharia, perhaps a location of the African Boofima-cult proper.
The paragraph above caused me to visit Wikipedia's article on Epidaurus, where I learned something new and IMPORTANT: "The city was destroyed by Avars and Slavic invaders in the 7th century. Refugees from Epidaurus fled to Laus (Ragusa)..." A Laus in the proto-Piast theater suggests proto-Lusatians, but therefore the proto-fleur-de-lys entity, even the Merovingian and Arthurian holy grail. I now recall seeing proto-Piast links to Merovingians by other means. I didn't know then how it could have been, but now I see it. Both Piasts and Merovingians were from the Laus>Ragusa location.
Did you get it? It was only earlier in the day, as I write, that the fleur-de-lys was discovered to be a white-on-blue fish, the Saraka-of-Ragusa-fish colors. We really have something here. But I don't forget that Mieszko's ancestry was said to be from Sardinia, and that his rule in Lusatia and neighboring Silesia had me tracing him to Sulcis (on Sardinia), which was identified solidly as a Seleucid location (Seleucids being the anti-Christ bloodline/entity according to Daniel 8 and 11). Plus, when I was very green in the dragon hunt, I did venture to trace the Salian-Frank side of Merovingians to "Silesia." Now it's looking very good.
And so see the Sardeates smack where the Maezaei are stamped on the Illyrian-Celt map. The Sardeates are between the Maezaei and the Deuri.
Now we have the Piasts discovered. YES, for as the peoples above are on the Urbanus river, see Bistue near the source of that river. That has got to be a proto-Piast term.
The location smacks of the Bisets and similar surnames, but why not also the Bests et-al??? When I started out on the Bests/Beasts above, I had no idea it would lead to linkage with Dori-like terms let alone to linkage with Bistue and the Deuri. The link to the Dori-like surnames was made as per the Greek therion term meaning "beast." Does this mean that the anti-Christ and/or False prophet will be from the Piast and/or Mieszko bloodline? I've been claiming for up to two years that the anti-Christ and/or False Prophet would be a Massey or Meschin, and earlier today I was nearly shocked when using the Hebrew alphabet to count "Massey," but it only added up to 656.
I now recall tracing Piasts to "Paisley" as per the Baez/Pilaiz surname that uses the Pollock saltire. Pollocks, the clan, were first found in the Paisley theater, and were solidly traced to the Piasts by various other means. At the time that I trace Paisley to Piasts, I also considered a Pace/Paice trace to them, and today the latter clan was lumped in with the Fisher-king grail bloodline. Could "Piast" apply to Pesces, therefore? YES, for Piasts were just traced to the city of the fish-using Sarakas. Mystery solved.
Fish-tailed MeLUSine was traced (by me) to Lusatia/Luzica, when I didn't know that Lusatia traced to Laus, the earlier name of the city of the Sarakas. Mystery solved. It means that Lusignan (where others trace Melusine) also traces to Laus=Ragusa.
It's not necessarily wrong to trace "Piast" to "Pisa" and the Pisidians. The latter peoples were depicted by Poseidon, and he was related to the fish-like Nereids i.e. Nereus and Dorus removed from Greece to the Narona theater, smack beside Bistue. At the Nereid article above, a Nereid is shown on a sea bull, symbol of the Merovingians.
The Fisher king is called "Pelles" or "Pellehan" by Arthurian myth writers. The most famous Nereid was Thetis, wife of Peleus. Coincidence?
The Arthur-surname motto uses "Impelle," suggesting either that the clan linked itself to the Pelles Fisher-king grail cult, or in any case that the motto term is code for the Fisher-king bloodline. Note that the Arthur symbol is shaped like a number '5', for as the Arthurian cult was brother to Merovingians, so the latter claim to derive from a sea bull called, "Quinotaur," as if meaning five seabull lines. There is a Taurius river shown flowing past Salian-like Salonae, which could apply to the sea bull.
As both the Arthur and the Pelle/Pelles Crest use pelicans, I think we have found the Fisher-king Pelles entity. As mythical PELops was the grandfather of MeneLAUS (depicting the Mani city of Las, Sparta), I think we have found the Pisidian line to Laus of Ragusa, for Pelop's father, Tantalus, depicted (says me alone) "Antayla" in Pisidia (explaining why Pelops married a clan in Pisa). It looks like I was correct in the gamble of tracing Piasts to Pisidians (ahh, relief. I really was nervous about that trace each of the several times that it was mentioned).
MORE CONFIRMATION. As Ragusa was also Dubrovnik, so the wife of Mieszko I was Dobrawa of Bohemia. Her husband, Boleslaw of Bohemia, suggests links to the Pelles bloodline, for both the Pelles and Boles clans were first found in Lincolnshire. The latter surname is traced in the write-up to "Bouelles" (Normandy), smacking of the Boss/Beavil/Boisville surname with bull. Are you understanding that the Merovingian sea-bull is probably the same as the Mieske=Mieszko bull?
There are four Bole Coats, one using a shot-through boar, used shot-through in the Pollock Coat as well, which makes the Bole link to Boleslaw of Poland (named after and descended from Boleslaw of Bohemia), son of Mieszko I rather solidly. Belgian Boles use the white-on-blue star of the Best/Bes/Bez Coat, indicating that the latter was named in honor of Boleslaw's brother, Bezprym. I've said all this before, but can add SOMETHING NEW (capitalized letters are necessary for skimmers who skim for capitalized letters, when I've got something new or important to say.
NEW NEW NEW, and IMPORTANT: The German Bole lion can now be identified as the Conti lion (they are identical, colors and all) because the VisCONTIs were just found to be the root of the Fisher-grail line that included Piasts. I had identified this lion as a Vere lion from Ferrara just months/weeks before I found that Conti lion and write-up: "First found in the cities of Ferrara, Venice, Milan..." Viscontis were of Milan, and as the Milan surname uses a tree stump (on a white-and-green split Shield), so see the white-on-green tree stump in the Dutch Bole Coat.
BUT THERE's MORE, for the Bohl variation of the German Boles brings up another Coat, this time with the snake in Crest that is the snake design in the Save Coat (!), which again traces Viscontis and the Mieszko bloodline to the Sava/Save river. Both the Bohls and the Boles/Bohl were first found in Mechlenburg, assuring that they are the same clan. AND, the Bohls use a Pascal lamp (!!!) in the colors of the Bole/Bohl=Conti lion. The exclamation marks are for the earlier suggestion that Pesce-like terms (i.e. such as "Pascal") were after "VISConti." There in the Bohl Coat we have the Templar lamb (always comes with a leaning cross) -- what I claim is the False-Prophet lamb -- in the Mieszko>Meschin bloodline.
In both Bohl Coats, you see a split Shield gold and blue, and in both Coats you see the common-to-this-bloodline white-on-blue in the lower half. As per the Dober trace that was made in the last update to the Dubrovnik=Ragusa location, so the Dober Coat is white on blue. But now we can ask whether the Dobers were named after Dubrawa rather than after Dubrovnik.
I've just figured out what the helmet symbol of the Dobys is code for, but before getting to that I'd like to point out that the lower half of one Bohl Coat uses white-on-blue fleur-de-lys, expected where that fleur now traces to Laus=Ragusa (where the white-on-blue fish was), while the other Bohl Coat uses white-on-blue compasses. That was the symbol of mythical Perdix, a Cretan entity, jibing with the trace of "Ragusa" to Rhea on Crete.
Back to the white-on-blue Dobers/Dawbers, who I linked some years ago to the Renfrewshire blue-on-white Dobys/Dawbys because Pollocks were first found in Renfrewshire too. The curious object in the Doby Coat is said to be a helmet, and while entering "helmet" brings up no surname, entering "Helm" is bang-on, for it uses a white-on-blue (Dober colors) helmet, and like Dobers, Helms were first found in Austria.
English Helms then use a Coat that has just got to be a variation of the Sales Coat. Do you see it? I now claim, even though I haven't quite found how, that Sweitoslava/Sigrid, daughter of Mieszko and Dobrawa, was the Mieszko line to the Malahule line that brought forth, and named, Ranulf le Meschin. In the Malahule line there was one Poppa of SULZbach, (born about the same time as Mieszko I), the location of whom smacks of the Sales clan. Now we're seeing a Dober>Helm bloodline -- that's assumed to be the Dobrawa bloodline -- using the Sales symbol (a pheon spear/arrowhead) and design, suggesting that Sulzbach was important to the Mieszko and/or Dobrawa bloodline.
Plus, the Malahule line ruled the Bessin, and while that's traced by some to Bohemians, so Dobrawa (and the Helms we can assume), were to some degree Bohemians. "Helm" smacks of the Hallam surname that comes up when entering "Halland," and as we saw repeatedly, Hallands/Hallams also use blue and white.
There are several Sulzbach locations, but the one in south-west Germany, in Saarland (very Saraka- and Sarajevo-conspicuous, uses white-on-blue Arms. The Arms of Saarland uses white-on-blue itself (along with the Nassau lion). The region has a Saar river, and entering that term brings up the Sayers (leopard), smacking of the Saiers that were first found in Austria (as with the Dobers and Helms) but named after the Sava river. Sarajevo was off the Sava river.
Remember here that I had traced Helm-like Hallams/Hallands to the Mieszko bloodline on little more than an educated whim, and that the MalaHULE bloodline is highly suspect as kin to the Norwegian Halland bloodline. The Hallands were also Cauleys/Auleys, who use white-on-red stars, the colors of the Welsh Bach stars, AND the latter surname also uses the Pappenheim kettle hats (white and blue), while German Papes/POPES/Papen(burg)s are a Hall branch. The idea coming to mind now is that "SulzBACH is linked to the Bachs that use kettle hats, especially as we're dealing with POPPA of Sulzbach. The educated whim came when tracing the "Callide" motto term of the Cauleys/Auleys to "KOLODjiez."
Did I show that the Arms of Pappenheim (Bavaria) uses a Moor in white-on-blue? In this picture, the white-on-blue of the Mieszko bloodline could be the colors of Bavaria. I traced the blue and white lozenges of Bavaria to Garibald of Bavaria, and then traced him to "Grabfeld" (Bavarian-border region), where Poppo I was the first Babenberg. Coincidence? No, and it therefore does look as though Moor-using Pappenheims were from the Paphlagonian entity that produced the African Boofima cult.
BEHOLD, for as I traced the wheel-using Colters (white-on-blue!) to Kolodjiez the Wheelwright (I hadn't realized at the time that white-on-blue was a Kolodziej>Mieszko color scheme), and as we see the so-called Catherine wheel in the Colter Coat, so that same wheel design is used in the Muhl Coat. That tends to trace the Piasts to the AltMUHL valley, where the Pappenheims were from!!! Understand here what's going on, for as I traced Pepins to "Apophis/Apepi," the Hyksos ruler, so I had earlier traced (on an educated, stomach-feel whim) the Kolodjiez wheel symbol to Hyksos. The Muhl page includes a Milner variation, and while that suggests that it's wheel symbol is nothing more than a mill wheel, I've been at heraldry long enough to know that some clans name themselves after symbols, not vice versa. "Jewish" Millers use a white-on-blue wheel too.
WOOOWWWOOOWIE! I don't recall ever entering "Wheelwright" (first found in Yorkshire, as with Pape-related Hulls) but did minutes after writing the above. The Wheelwright Coat uses "three silver Catherine wheels"! There is a Cather Coat using...white FISH! In this case, the fish are called "salmon haurient."
Entering "Salmon" (Shakespeare and Fulkes spear in Crest), what do we find but the Kane- and Keon-design fish, revealing now that they are salmon. With white-on-blue stars being traced to the Piasts as we flap our gills, so they are found in the Chief of the "Jewish" Salmon/Solomon Coat.
As Italian Salmons use the Hohen shield, it's likely that the "Jewish" Salmon stars are the same as in the "Jewish" Cohen Coat. And as it's known from the Kagan variation of the Cohens that they were Khazars, the Catherine wheel, and the Cather surname with salmon, might just be the Christian-twisted Cathars.
In the last update, Tattons/Teytons and others were traced to Titus Tatius (probably a mythical character code), just before realizing that the latter was from the Titius peoples stamped "Ditiones" on the Titius river. But in the Roman-Illyricum map, Ditiones are stamped on the Bosna/Basante river, where the Maezaei are expected! The exclamation mark is for this Tate/Tait/Tayte Coat because it's fashioned like the Wheelwright Coat...meaning that Wheelwrights appear linked to Meschins of the Bessin (and to the Besant clan using the Massey shield), jibing with a years-old trace of Meschins to Piasts...that probably no one believed when they read it from me.
AFTER WRITING THAT, I learned that Scottish Tates were first in Berwickshire, as with the Wrights (!!!)...meaning that Tates are indeed trace-able to the Ditiones, for "Piast" is traced -- as of now -- to the Bistue location at the source of the Bosna/Basante river.
The Wrights use leopards in white-on-blue (i.e. Piast colors), which may just be the Boofima-leopard symbol because Piasts are being linked to Paphlagonians as we roar. And didn't we just see that the Boofima cult traced to the fish-central Viscontis?
Remember that the Sales-of-Mascy use a Sallette variation that I now trace to the Hyksos ruler, Salatis. We can therefore suspect that Sulzbachs trace to both Salatis and to pharaoh Apachnas=Khyan. Near the source of the Bosna/Basante, and on the Sava, we see a Saldae location.
A heraldry-uncommon six-spoked wheel is used in the Sulzbach_am_Main, in Bavaria. It is said online (google " 'six spokes' Hyksos ") that early chariots had four spokes but that the 18th dynasty showed six spokes. Hyksos ruled to the end of the 17th century, and could therefore have introduced the six spokes.
As Helms were part of the Dobys of Renfrewshire, it should be added that the Arms of the Sulzbach-of-Saarland use a white wavy bar/bend as with the "Jewish" Pollock Coat (I assume here that Dobers and Pollocks were related via Sulzbach lines). If you've forgotten, the Helm Coat is so much like the Sales Coat that one can expect a helm link to Sulzbach elements...if indeed Sulz refers to the Sales. Note that the Salz Coat (surname first in Austria, as with the Helms) is white-on-black, the color of the Helm pheons and of the Sales fleur.
AHA! After writing all the above aside from the last two sentences, I kid you not: I clicked (from this page) to the Sulzbach on the Murr location (Baden-Wurttemberg) find a white-on-blue fish!!! That tends to trace Saarland, as expected, to the house of Saraka (I don't see why all Sulzbach locations thus-far treated couldn't be related).
The Arms of Sulzbach of Birkenfeld is again white on blue, this time what looks like a papal mitre...which some say is a fish-shaped hat! They say that the papal mitre is a symbol of fish-tailed Dagon, which evokes the Dagome name of Mieszko I.
Were the Roman popes named secretly after Paphlagonians?
As per the Visconti link to the Piasts, the Basques of Visconti-like Biscay (all Pesce-like terms to boot) call themselves Euskals, a term that I've traced to "Ascalon," a Dagon center. It's at Wikipedia's Dagome page (and nowhere else but in my intuition) that the trace of Mieszko to Sardinia was found:
"Also in another volume from the times of Pope John XV, Dagome, lord, and Ote, lady, and their sons Misico [= Miesko Lambert II] and Lambert (I do not know of which nation those people are, but I think they are Sardinians...The fish cult looks integral to the Mieszko bloodline, therefore, and as that bloodline was just linked to the Viscontis, who were started off in Milan with Ottone, note not only that the Otone/Oulden surname was first found in Cheshire (where we expect Mieszko elements), but that Miesko was married secondly to Ote/Oda of Haldensleben.
There is a Halden Coat that is version-ary (I'm allowed to coin my own words) of the Sinclair Cross, for Haldens were first found in Lothian, where Sinclairs ruled the Rosicrucian cult. The Halden motto is simply, "Suffer," perhaps a sadistic code for the Sepharvite child-sacrifice cult that I trace to Viscontis.
Zowie, Wikipedia traces Ote Haldensleben to: "The House of Billung...The first known member of the house was Count Wichmann..." The
Wichman Crest shows a black bull head, symbol of the Mieske/Mesech Coat. Long before I traced the Mieszko line to the Besante river, I linked the hooked arm and sword of the Mieske Coat to the same in the German Bessen/Besant Coat...white-on-blue again, and first found in Austria again. There you can click to the English Bessen Coat using the Massey Shield but with a leopard in place of the fleur-de-lys. Then, as we see one of Mieszko's sons holding the Lambert name, recall 1) the Sullivan "lamh" motto term; 2) the Sullivan boar used by the Pollock crest; and, 3) the Lamatis location among the Maezaei, near Salviae.
The Lambert Coat? White-on-blue stars once again. The English Lambert write-up traces "Lam" to "land," but I think that's a bunch of bullbehind (another coined word) because we find a Land surname first in Kent, where the Louvain surname was first found (that uses the Massin/Mason (Kent) lion). The write-up continues: "First found in Surrey where they were descended from the ancient Count of Mons and Louvain..." Therefore, the Lamberts were related to the Lands, but not necessarily named after "land."
The Landons (from Belgium, as with the Louvains) of Pepin ancestry come to mind, and indeed the case can be made too tight for bullbehind to pass through the bull and hit the ground. The Pepin Crest shows a camel is trace-able to the Camulus god and/or to the Campbells/Cammells, while the Lands use the Campbell/Cammell Shield exactly.
The Scottish Lamb Coat (in Parmes/Palmes colors) shows a "Palma" motto term smacking of the Boofima-suspect Parm(es)/Palm(es) clan. The latter clan uses a palm leaf in Crest, and it looks like the Irish Lamb/Loane/Lowan Crest uses the same. Parms/Palms use the kettle hats that were linked to Wheelwrights, Hallams/Hallands, and Hulls, and all of the above, including Parms/Palms, were first found in Yorkshire.
The "sine" term of the Irish Lambs/Loanes/Lowans now makes possible a Lamb trace to Lohengrin the swan knight, code for the swan-using Locks, Lokens, Logens, Lohans, etc; that were Ligurians merged with Carthaginians, the alliance of which was already traced (by me) to the Sava theater. Swans are found in the Sine/Sion/Swan Coat, using lots of white on blue, Macey symbols and the Levi lion. BUT LOOK, it uses a red heart centrally, which has got to be the Lanarkshire heart, for the clan was first found there.
The "BUT LOOK" part is for the white-on-red cinquefoils (Leicester symbol as well as the camel-like Hamelton symbol) in the Land-like Lanark Coat, for cinquefoils of that color are used by the Palma-using, Land-related Lambs. As Palms were traced to Hannibal Carthaginians, we're back to the GuisCARD (and VISconti) line, for the Sicilian Guiscards were descended from Tancreds=Tankervilles, who likewise use white-on-red cinquefoils.
Therefore, the Lambs appear to trace back from Piast-related Lamberts to Viscontis and Guiscards, but also to Camulus-related Hameltons and Campbells/Cammells, the latter of which were merged with Lamb-related Lands. As Landons were from Belgium, see this:
In the ancient Celtic pantheon, Camulus or Camulos was a theonym for a god whom the Romans equated with Mars by interpretatio romana. He was an important god of early Britain and Gaul, especially among the Belgae and the Remi, a Gaulish tribe who lived in the area of modern Belgium...he was portrayed with a ram-horned head...Ram-horned? As in lamb-horned, as in the False Prophet??? Wasn't Mars, as Marsyas, a symbol of the golden-fleece ram? As Marsyas was the root of the Boofima cult, shouldn't the Pepins of Landon apply? There is a Lambdon/Lamben surname that may have been root to "Landon," and not only is the Lambdon Coat in the colors and configuration of the Arthur Coat, but the Lamdon surname with the Arthur surname was first found in Berwickshire. The clan is said to have been from Lamben in Hasslington. As per the following link of the Hass clan to Hares (= Herzegovina elements), it should be added that the Arthur symbol includes the so-called "hurt."
Checking "Hass," we find it among Variations such as Haasen, Heasse and Heslin/Haeslein (in German hare colors). As the Hass/Heslin Coat uses a hare, linkage with the Hare bloodline is suspect. The "Jewish" Haas Coat uses a hare as well, and the write-up traces to a "Dutch-Jewish" clan. Dutch Bergers use stars in colors reversed to the Haas stars, and the German Berger Coat is almost the same as the Fisher-like English Hare Coat.
The German Haas' were first found in Bavaria, and of course the Hesse entity is suspect as it's root. If "Hesse" does not trace to "Esau,' then, as the Mieszko line traces to Hyksos, perhaps it and the Lambert-related Hasslington location was named after elements of "Asses," the last Hyksos ruler...also known as Khamudi and perhaps revealed thereby as a Chemmite line.
The Brittany Vergers/Berges' were discovered above as a Macey>Mackay=MacHeth-of-Moray clan, and I do trace Hesse elements to Cheshire, and I did trace "Heth" to "Hesse." I even identified the German Hare Coat as the Bellamy Shield, and Bellamys were from Berg-like Perche (Normandy) before founding a branch in nearby Ferte-Mace, home of the Maceys/Masseys (I, with Masci bloodline on my mother's side, married a Dutch Burger). Ranulf le Meschin was from the Burgos bloodline, and while I don't know the ethnicity of that line, I suspect the Dutch Bergers/Burghs.
French Bergers (Hare and Bellamy colors) are in the colors of the Messiers/Messeys, and both clans were first found in Burgundy (that's good evidence that Bergers were named after Burgundy elements, and that Bellamys of Perche were from Burgundy). Having said all that again at the risk of boring seasoned readers, let's get to the point: Lamberts of Hasslington should be found related to Hares and their Berger kin, and as the latter were of the Masseys and Meschins, who were themselves from the Mieszko Piasts, so the Hasslington Lamberts must have been ancestral to Mieszko, for he named his son(s), Lambert. The German Lambert write-up:
First found in Franconia [this was paired in Piast days with Bavaria, where the Hass surname was first found]...The name Lambrecht with its many regional variations was much loved...partly owing to the fame of Bishop Lambertus von Maastricht who lived around 700 a.d. The oldest Germanic variation is Land-behrt, meaning literally "shining-land" or "holy-land." The variation Lamprecht especially became prominent..."Never mind shining and holy land and other Templar/Illuminati blah-blah, but keep to the Pepin-of-LANDon track that traces to the Heneti Paphlagonians (and Apophis), for the Levines/Levignes and related Vignes/Vergers/Berges were traced above to the Heneti>Veneti, the root of the Illuminati. The Haas Coat being in colors reversed to the Dutch Berger Coat may now apply the Hasslington Lamberts to the Maastricht Lamberts above. I do trace Bellamys to Belgium's founders, and the Bellamy relatives of Massey are traced to "Maastricht" and it's Maas/Meuse river, keeping in mind that Mieszko ruled Massovia.
We can see that "LamPRECHT" smacks of "MassTRECHT, and that reminds me of when I traced "Atreus," to "Atrecht" (also known as Arras) in the Artois area of the Netherlands, for it's known that Atrebates of southern England were also in the Atrecht theater. "Arras was founded on the hill of Baudimont by the Belgic tribe of the Atrebates, who named it Nemetacum or Nemetocenna in reference to a nemeton (sacred grove) that probably existed there. It was later renamed Atrebatum by the Romans, under whom it became an important garrison town.]" IT COINCIDENTAL that Atreus and his father (Menelaus) were portrayed with lambs? I had found only one myth, but using TWO lambs, in regard to MeneLAUS, and the False Prophet has TWO horns like a lamb. I believe that God used Revelation's symbols for the reason of linking to pagan cults that carried the dragon bloodline to the modern day. Jesus has seven eyes, and the dragon has seven heads, in Revelation, so that the two horns of the False Prophet should not be considered a natural thing, like the two natural horns of a lamb. The number two was used for a reason.
Again, we see Masseys (this time of Maastricht) in what I think is a False-Prophet entity, and that makes Lamberts of Maastricht very conspicuous. It suggests that the False Prophet will be from the Mieszko bloodline. Mitt Romney and a host of other Republican presidential contenders and wanna-bees can not only be traced to the Mieszko Poles (I'll treat that later, along with BACHmann), but Romney (a Mormon) could make a "good" False Prophet.
Weeks ago, I had prepared a section showing the logic of a Bellamy-Massey trace to Belgium and Holland (land of the Templar Flemings) before they came to Perche and Ferte-Mace. I didn't have room for it and deleted it, but at the time I did not have the LamBERTS/Lamprechts in mind. Compare "LamPRECHT" to "Perche," and then let me say again that I traced "Perche" to "Berg" aside from this evidence.
The Lambert/Lamprecht Coat is in the white-on-red of the Fessey Coat ("vinces" motto term) and related Vinges/Verger/Berges Coat, Checking for Vinge-like clans that might also link to the da-Vinci grail cult, I didn't find anything link-able in the Bing Coat, but then the Bench/Bence Coat turned up a Fessey-like cross in colors reversed, surrounded by "frets" that could be code for Ferts. Typing "Fessey" as "Fessy" by accident just now brought up a Dutch Vassy/Vassey clan. The latter clan uses three black roundels, while the Lacys/Lasseys use six black roundels and a "fret-knot" in Crest.
Black roundels are called, pellets. It now smacks of code for the Pelles term used for the Fisher-grail cult. I recall Julie finding (from someone's writings) that pellets and stones, when used as codes, should link to "grail" by play-on-words with the French word for hail stones. The Pellet Coat uses...grails (in the colors of the Pelles-Coat pelican).
Again, as the Arthur Coat is like the Lambert/Lambden Coat while both surnames were first found in bear-portrayed Berwickshire (explains why the Landons use bears), we expect the Arthur-cult grail to hook to the Mieszko Lam(b) line, but as the Lamprecht line in Maastricht (700ish AD) was well before the time of Mieszko, and nearing the time of King Arthur (mid-Millennium), and because Atrecht was in Artois, the location which has the Lys river and Lille location (I think its Arms use a fleur-de-lys in Lys-fleur colors), it's becoming apparent that the Arthur grail was that Lamprecht line to Mieszko. I'm setting up an important point: The Arthur- motto term. "impelle," should link either to the Pelles or Pellet surname (or both), and as one Arthur crest uses a pelican, the Pelles surname is strongly implied. The Pelles clan was firstly found in Sussex, where the Lamp/Lambie/Lammie surname was first found!
MORE!! SEE THIS. The latter surname used croziers, and so I hit the Enter key to get the Cruze Coat to load, when it dawned on me that a crozier is a shepherd's staff (i.e. having to do with lambs) just one second before the Cruze/Cruise Coat showed, with three red-on-gold stars...just like the Dutch Berger Coat and in colors reversed to the Lambert/Lamben stars! Rosicrucian Templars likely produced the Cruze surname.
Lamberts may have been named after an ancient lamb-like entity, or they may have named themselves after a lamp for being linked to a fleece-line entity. Can it be a coincidence that Marsyas the Phrygian goat was skinned alive as a symbol of the Phrygian>Phryxus fleece cult (that I trace to Frisia, beside the Netherlands), while there is a Dutch Pellet-like Pelt surname (acorns) with the write-up: "It comes from the Latin word 'pellis,' meaning 'skin' or 'hide,' and would have originally been born by someone who tanned or sold hides and pelts for a living." The "pelles" term is just like the naming of the mythical Fisher king, and it was Apollo who skinned Marsyas alive?
The Cross Coat (Jerusalem-Templar cross, personal symbol of Godfrey de Bouillon) is in Cruze colors, and the "dum spiro fido" motto phrase suggests that the French Berger lion is colors reversed in particular to the English Massin/Mason lion, for the latter's motto is "Dum spiro spero." We could expect the Massins/Masons to link to Maastricht's Lamberts, and so why not also to the Lamps/Lambies/Lammies and their Cruise kin? In fact, the Crewes surname was first found in Massey-infested Cheshire.
As the Lamberts of Holland are being suspected as Landon's Pepin line out of Belgium, let me first remind you (to set up another discovery) that the Massins/Masons were first in Kent, and that the Louvains (from Belgium's city by that name), likewise first found in Kent, use the Massin/Mason lion exactly (Brabants, from the Belgian city of that name, were also first found in Kent, a Freemason bastion). The English Lamberts are said in their write-up to be from the count of Louvain/Leuven (Laevis???). The Crow Crest is a camel, the symbol of the Pepin Crest, jibing with the Cruze and Crewes traces to the Lambert bloodline, and meaning that the RosiCRUCians were from the Crow clan (Rus vikings), and therefore from the raven-depicted vikings.
Crows were first found in Norfolk, where the Spars/Sparrows, and Speers lived, who are represented in the Massin/Mason motto, but moreover the Crows are said to be first found in both Norfolk and neighboring Suffolk while Colchester=CamuloDunum (where the Pepin line was at, presumably) is near the Suffolk border.
French Pepins were first in Gascony, and then the Maastricht Lamberts/Lamprechts use the same duckling (or is it a GoSling?) as the German Gascon surname. Not only the Gascon and Lambert/Lamprecht Coats, but the Crow and English Lamberts Coats, are in white-on-red.
There we see sufficient evidence (though not rising to the level of proof) to state that Lamberts were Landons>Pepins, the golden-fleece bloodline to the False Prophet. Let's bring back the Land Coat using the Campbell/Cammell symbol (like a windmill). The Land surname was first found in Kent too. Granted, those two things in themselves prove only that the Pepin camel links to Camulodunum and some Belgian clans, but then the camel-using Crows link to the Pepins while other factors above linked Crows to Lamberts.
Looking for some Lambert-like Land clans, the Lander surname (in all three land colors) was first found in Bedfordshire, where the Lamp/Lambie/Lammie-related Cruze surname was first found. Keep in mind that Crows use the Sinclair roosters, symbol of the Conqueror's line.
The English Lambert write-up traces, I think, to Hyksos, just where I suspect the Pepins to trace: "First found in Surrey where they were descended from the ancient Count of Mons and Louvain, born 940 A.D. died 1004...Accompanying Duke William [the Conqueror] to England at the Battle of Hastings, a Norman chief, Haco Lambert acquired lands from Duke William...." The Scottish Hack/Hykes Coat -- with fish -- is a chevron in colors reversed to the English Lambert Coat and should therefore apply.
BIG POINT. The Lambert Coat's white-on-red chevron should link to the same of the Hebron Coat, of a clan from Chillingham. A white-on-red chevron is used by Chills/Childs, this being the evidence for tracing Caleb-ites of Hebron to the (C)Halybes and related Khaldi. The point now is that Halybes lived in what was Phrygia, out of which we expect the golden-fleece cult. There you have yet another reason to trace Lamberts to the fleece-line...of mythical Pelt-like Pelops, ruler of (H)eneti, and father of gold-lamb-depicted Atreus, the line to Atrecht, where Dutch Lamberts lived.
The English lambert write-up continues: "Descended [from Haco Lambert] was Henry Fitz Lambert living in 1235 who was a benefactor of the church at Lincoln." Hmm, the Linton surname (white-on-red again, with red roses in Chief likely code for Rhodes) is like "Landon," and should trace Lintons to Lindos (Rhodes), for there is Rhodian evidence for a Lindos trace to "Lindsey," the old name of Lincolnshire. It therefore appears that Lamberts trace to Rhodes, and that highlights the Lambert link to the Cruze surname because I trace RosyCross-ians (use a rose on a cross for a symbol) fundamentally to Rhodes, an island said to be named after its roses. By the way, the Linton Crest is an eagle "erased" with acorn in beak.
The acorn happens to come just before a Hack>Hyksos topic re-visited, and so it'll be added that the acorn was traced to the Ackers because the English Ackerman Coat uses an acorn. The Ackerman Shield is also the Dutch Mackay Shield, and as it was suggested that the M-like "sleeve," shown also in the Ackerman Coat, was code for the Massey bloodline, there you have some evidence. While Hackers use an olive branch as possible code for the Olivers=Laevis, Ackers use a dove (often shown with olive branch) but with an acorn.
In the Coat, Ackers use acorn in "husks," while the Husk/Haskens (another ResPICE motto term) were first found in HEREfordshire, evoking the two Haas Coats using hares. As the Hares are traced to the Sava theater, this can trace Ackers there too, which is what I do in the case of Hyksos.
The city of Ialysos on Rhodes should be what Helios of Rhodes stood for, and I see "Helios" as code for "Halys," where the Halybes (and likely the Galli) lived. I'm making the point that the white-on-red Lintons (and Landons=Lamberts) appear to connect to the white-on-red Hebrons and Chills/Childs...and Hacks/Hykes. As you may know that I trace both the Samson line of Kabeiri>Galli and Hyksos (because I equate them) to Trojans, see the German Hack Coat, a unicorn exactly like the one in the German Troy Coat. It was to the mythical Trojan king, Hector, that I traced the Hyksos, and so the German Hacks show Hech and Heck variations.
Then, the English Hack/Hykes Coat uses four black-on-white scallops surrounding a cross, the same idea as in the Samson Coat. Just so you know, white scallops are used also by the Hackers/Hatchers.
The Dutch Hack Coat is a goat in the colors of the Hack/Hykes scallops, and then there is a Dutch Mackay Coat using the Massey Shield (and horse in the upright position of the Troy and Hack unicorns). The Dutch Mackays show a Machlin variation while German Troys were first found in MECHLINberg (not surprising where Masseys were from Mysians, for Troy was in Mysia).
The father of Hector was Priam, and so see the "praemium" motto term of the Hickeys. That can't be coincidental. THE DAY AFTER WRITING THE SENTENCE ABOVE, during the spell check moments before publishing this page, the Hacket surname jumped into my head, to find it using white-on-blue fish!!! These are called "fish haurients." It's good evidence that the Keon and Kane fish, in the same colors, are code for Khyan-branch Hyksos.
You may be thinking that it proves correct to trace the Hector Trojans to the Hacks and Hicks, but that it doesn't prove a trace to Hyksos.
This would be a good place to mention the Arthur-surname merger with the Hicks in the Clapton location of Somerset. Somewhere in the Ladon book there is record of that merger, an historical document telling that the Hicks used the Arthur-Coat symbol. I think they were called "clarions" (type of trumpet?) at the time, probably a symbol for the Clares. The Arthur symbol now showing is a so-called organ "rest" on a hurt that appears like the number '5'. And that's why this is a good place to mention it, that I trace the five-like Vivian clan to "Fife" (there's no doubt about that trace), and that latter location is the theater in which the Ector/Hector clan was first found. This suggests that the Hector Trojans led to the Hicks surname too, and there we see the Hicks/Hix Coat in Arthur colors.
The Ector bloodline (it was involved in the grail quest) can also be traced to the Kinners, first found in Fife, for the Wikipedia article on mythical Ector says he was given the alternative name of "Cyner/Kyner," smacking of course of the Hyksos pharaoh, Khyan. The Kay motto translated is: "Keep your own kin-kind." Blood-worship obsession.
It's extremely important now that Mackays play into this, because Ector=Kyner's son was made Kay. Not only does the Kay Coat use Kyner-like motto terms, but it uses the Kinner canary (play on "Kinner"). The Scottish Kay write-up admits that Kays may have derived from "MacKay" rather than vice versa, important because it shows what I suspect, that Kays did not come first. That is, Mackays were not Kays, but rather were Maceys that were shortened to "Kay," which is to say that Kays were Maceys=Masseys. That's important for those who see a correct Hector-bloodline trace to the Hector Trojans are not so sure about a trace to the Hyksos, for as the Khyan Hyksos are starting to look like Meshwesh, so that theory requires a Khyan trace to Masseys.
BUT, there may have been a Kay-like clan in honor of "Khyan," and that's what I think the Arthurian myth writers did when creating Kay, son of Ector.
On the same day that I traced the Mieszko bloodline to the Sarakas and to Bosnia, an email from Tim was opened that seemed to relate wildly. But before getting to that, let me repeat from the last update, that "minerva" is a motto term in the Priam-like Prime surname.
Adding to his Minerva topic, Tim said that Wikipedia's article on the goddess has a link to the Kappa Kappa Gamma cult. Assuming that the Kappa code traces to the Kupa=Colapis river, see that the owl in the Prime Crest is "collared," and that the Collar surname (Moor heads; may link to the black human leg in Prime Coat) was first found in Essex and Sussex, while COLchester is in Essex. It seems that the Primes were linked to the Collars because both clans were first found in Sussex. The Prime link to the Coles brings one back to the Mieszko line...which was just traced to Hyksos, so why not also to Priam, father of Hector and wife of Hecuba.
Also, Colchester was near the Suffolk border, and so we find the same owl design in the Owl/Howl surname, first found in Suffolk.
The Kappa Kappa Gamma cult (or call it what you will) uses two shades of blue as official colors, one being a sky-like blue that may have been accepted as cyan at one time, defined as "the name of any of a number of colors in the blue/green range of the spectrum." Although the light blue color of Kappa Kappa Gamma shows little, if any, green hue, yet keep reading to find that a green-blue entity may be the cult's chief emphasis.
I think "cyan" is an excellent code for Khyan.
Before I get to the Arms of Kappa Kappa Gamma, let me show in the quote below what was found in a link from its page to Wikipedia's article on the Fleur-de-lys. It was only in this update, for the first time, that I traced the fleur-de-lys to the Saraca fish (i.e. Herzegovina theater), which should then trace the fleur to Sarajevo in downtown Bosnia:
"The coat of arms of the medieval Kingdom of Bosnia contained six fleurs-de-lis, understood as the native Bosnian or Golden Lily, Lilium bosniacum. This emblem was revived in 1992 as a national symbol of Bosniaks, and was the flag of Bosnia-Herzegovina from 1992 to 1998...I did not know this when I traced Merovingians to the Mieszko Piasts on the Bosna river. It blew my mind to find that the fleur-de-lys is used in the Arms of Kappa Kappa Gamma are in the cyan color, for a fish in that color was treated in this update, as the one belonging to the alternative-Scottish McLean/McLain Coat.
Recall the Fessey motto term, "vinces," and the Fessey-related Vinges/Verger/Berges of Dol. The Levines\LeVINGES, of Brittany's Morays location, look like the Vinges, and so see the MacLean motto: "Vincere vel mori." The Levines were easily traced to the Veyn/Vein sept of the Moray Mackays, and as the McLeans were first on Mull, they easily trace to Malahule of More (i.e. Meschin ancestor). This is important where we already suspect the Maceys and Meschins to be from Khyan-branch, Meshwesh-based Hyksos, for not only was Khyan traced to the Saraka fish via the Keon and Kane fish, but the MacLean fish is in the light-blue color to boot (rare in heraldry as compared with the typical azur-blue).
I neglected to say in the last update, when asking about Khyan-like terms to which Khyan may have been named, that I had suggested a trace to WassuKANNI, capital of Mitanni in the very period that Khyan lived. It is said by some that Tiye and her family, from Yuyu, (Akhenaten's horse trainer), were Mitanni. If not Khyan, then it appears that AKHENaten was named in honor of (Wassu)kanni. The Mitanni were on the upper Euphrates in what was the Armenian theater, and indeed Hyksos (often called "Asiatics" as per Asia Minor) are trace-able to Haik/Hayk, the chief Armenian god.
The capital's spelling was also, Waschschukanni, and similar terms. The idea seems to be, Washshu, or Wassu when the 'h's are removed. It had me wondering whether the Meshwesh were behind it.
In any case, the timing of the Kappa Kappa Gamma (KKG) article (just as the Bosch Coat fleur-de-lys was seen as a white-on-blue fish) had me thinking that it's light-blue fleur-de-lys was the Saraka fish. My direction was toward finding a KKG link to Ragusa, previously called, Laus (i.e. a lys-like term). But how to find it.
The importance of the Keon-fish trace to the Saracas is in the light-blue color of the McLean fish, especially as another McLean Coat likewise uses the fish in Keon- and Saraka-fish colors. The light blue is so rare in my hunts that it seems likely for there to be a KKG link to the Sarakas...and other Saracen clans, especially of Sarajevo.
The official gem of the KKG is the blue sapphire. It makes me think that it was chosen as per "sophi" = wisdom, for the Minerva owl is a symbol of wisdom too. The Sapphire also smacks of Sepharvites, who I imagine had a child abduction program at times for their infant sacrifices. The night-owl demonness, Lillith, was also a child abductor.
As the KKG Arms uses an owl, and as the cult uses Greek letters, I searched for Greek terms meaning "owl." I came to this article telling that one Greek word for owl is "glaux": "In Greek and Roman mythology, Glaucus (Greek: Glaukos, 'glaring (eyes)'; compare Greek glaux, owl, of the same origin) is the symbolic owl of Athena or Minerva, respectively." I knew that Glaucus loved Scylla, but where was Glaucus in relation to Scylla (north-east Sicily)? As Scylla was traced to "Asclepios," who was named after an owl term too, it stands to reason that Glaucus was roughly the same owl cult.
I had very-recently traced the Saraka bloodline to Syracuse, not far down the east-Sicilian coast from Scylla. But it made more sense to trace Glaucus to the Charibdis monster that myth paired with Scylla. Charibdis should be the Italian mainland in the toe of Italy, and in fact I recall tracing the Reggio location there to "Rhagae/Ray," the origin of mythical Rhea. It just so happens that, wholly independent of that trace, I traced "Ragusa" to the same Rhagae>Rhea line (the latter city is also "Rhages"). Rhagae/Rhages was in the land of the Glaucus-like Gileki.
Athena's other name was Pallas, smacking of the Pelles Fisher king, yet another reason to trace Kappa Kappa Gamma to the Saraca fish. "Gamma" is the Greek letter, 'g', which might just be code for "Glaucus,." though that doesn't answer why there are two 'k's. As I said to Tim, Ragusa's trace to Cretan Rhea and Perdix evokes the "G" sometimes placed between the Masonic compass and square.
"Glaucus" does not mean, "glaring (eyes), but is amply said to mean "blue-green"...and that could have been the link to cyan>Khyan. It means that I'll be keeping a glaring eye out for Glaucus links to Hyksos. It helps to know that the Gileki became the Colchians, the Cilicians, the Galli, and Helios, the last three identified (by me) in various ways as being spines of the Greek grail cult.
As you can see that KKG looks much like KKK, why is the Saraca fish white, the color of Aryanism? The question is asked because it hit me that Ku-Klux-Klan looks like it has a "glaux" built in. There was something revealing not many weeks ago, that Nazi and/or Rosicrucian Aryan cults trace themselves to Aryans/Berbers of north Africa. Athena Pallas was an entity of Libya, according to myth, but I trace her in particular to "Tunis." However, she should also trace to "Tanis," where the Meshwesh ruled. There is also the possibility that the Atun cult of Akhenaten was an Athena or proto-Athena cult.
How much did the Meshwesh under Khyan, Apophis and Asses/Khamudi hate Israelites after Khyan suffered the Ten Plagues? As much as Hitler? Or more than Hitler hated them.
Entering "Cian" brings up an Italian Cianfari surname (red and white lion, colors of the Magdalene-cult lion) said to mean "coin." Checking the Coin surname, a light-green "sea-horse holding a silver fusil on which there is a fleur-de-lis." Ciancidence? I wouldn't say that the sea-horse is blue-green, but neither is it typical heraldic green. And as mythical Glaucus was regarded as sea green, a sea-horse does apply.
For all who have wanted to beat me in deciphering "Kappadocia," it could be too late. Check out this capital find: "...dakos is also known as koukouvagia in some places. Koukouvagia means 'owl' in Greek." Cappa-owl!!! Apparently, the Cappadocia region (Halys river) was an owl-cult center, of the Athena owl cult, and it fits, for Minerva was traced to Manes, father of Attis (= Hatti on the Halys river), reported founder of Attica, where Athens is located that gave rise to Athena. Tim's direction toward Minerva seems so timely.
The Gogi were Georgians, and the Gileki should trace to "Colchis," the earlier name for Georgia. We then find that the other term for owl, the Koukou-using one, smacks of "Gog" or "Cauc(asia)." The Gileki lived near the Gorgon namers of Hyrcania (modern Gorgan).
If you don't know, the capital of Cappadocia, Caesarea/Kaisariya, was earlier Mazaca. I had traced mythical Capys, a Trojan, to "Kappadocia," for his father, Assaracus, smacked of "Kaisariya." Did you see the "Saraca" in "Assaracus"? Just saying. I identified the Meshwesh of Libya and Tunisia with mythical Aeneas, grandson of Capys. Aeneas married Kypris, the copper goddess, who morphed into Venus, perverted goddess of the Veneti that led to Vannes, Brittany, where the Mackay-based Levines and Vignes lived. As difficult as it was to understand, I considered a trace mythical Kay, also called "Cai," to KAIsariya. I didn't know about the Mackay link to the Levines until this update, however.
I also traced CAIAphas, the murderer of Jesus, to "Kaisariya" elements of some sort, and as he must have been a Levite, I noted that his father, Ananias, smacked of the Ananes living across the Po from the Laevi. The Levines were conjectured above as a Laevi clan.
It makes sense to trace the Gileki=Glaucus to Cappadocia...if the Gileki were founders of neighboring Cilicia. The chief character of Colchian myth, Aeetes, owner of the golden fleece, smacks of Attis/Atys, the ancestry, as my theory goes, of the Minerva>Athena owl cult. That theory was made before I saw the genealogy of Capys tonight, where a second Capys is shown as a son of Atys. This Capys is made the father of Capetus. More white scallops in the Capes/Capet Coat.
Hmm, as "Cappa(docia)" was linked to Kypris of Cyprus, she being the copper-mining cult, what about Minerva as play on words with "miner?
In any case, did you see it? There are two k's in "koukouvagia," and later a 'g.' . I didn't know this when i asked what the two K's in "Kappa Kappa Gamma" could represent. The owl term is pronounced, Koykoyvayia. I'm assuming that the cucko-like prefix can be ignored to leave a "vagia/bagia" root.
Another article says that Lug's father was Cein, himself the "son of Dian Cecht, god of healing." Glaucus, friend/lover of Asclepios (god of medicine), was right down the god-of-healing path. "Cecht" is a term smacking of Hecate/Keket, the witch goddess in Colchis after whom I say HECTor was named.
As I trace Lug to Ligurians, I would have to identify "Cecht" more immediately with the CYCnus swan of Liguria.
The article then says that Cian is sometimes called a "son of Cainte," probably a line of Centaurs because I trace "CYCNus" to "Kikon" and say that the latter historical peoples were depicted by "Ixion," father of the Centaurs. The house of Candy/Candida is/was in the Ligurian theater. I feel sure that Kent (named after a Cantii peoples) was founded by lines of Centaurs (code for a horse-loving peoples, like the Hyksos), who I think were named after "Heneti."
[Insert -- Sussex, where the Primes and Collars were first found, is beside Kent. The Coles not only use the same bull as the Boss/Beuvil surname that was traced to the Bosna river, where also the Piasts were traced, but both Coles (no 's') and Boss' were first found in Cornwall. If you're having trouble believing that a surname would trace to mythical Priam of some 3,000 years ago, consider the unicorns of the French Paris Coat, for Paris was the son of Priam and brother of Hector while the Troy and Hack/Heck Coats also showed unicorns...possible symbols of CORNwall.
As I trace the grail king, Parzival/Percival, to the French Parisii, it's interesting that the Percival surname uses a "cruce candida" motto phrase, found hours after mentioning the Candida clan above. The Percival Chief uses the Clapton-style cross, and that evokes the Hicks of Clapton, a location in Somerset. The Percival surname was first found in...SOMERSET!!!
As the Hicks of Claptons were merged with the Arthur surname, the latter being first found in Berwickshire, see that the Percival Crest is the exactly the bear of the Berwick surname. As Mackays are traced to the Khyan-branch Hyksos, it makes sense that Mackays and Maceys use the same sort of bear design as the Percivals.
Hmm, the Percival Coat is like the Fisher Coat. "Percival" was traced to the Perche location of the Bellamys, and it smacks of "perch," the fish. But the Fisher motto is "ResPICE finum," the latter term smacking of a fish's fin. Hmm, the Fien/Vane/Veynes Coat uses the Macey metal glove (called "gauntlets," perhaps code for Gaunt/Ghent in the Belgian theater).
Not only is there a French Perche Coat (no write-up) in Percival colors, but Percivals were from Calvados too, where the Bellamy-Massey family developed in France. As both Parkers and Percivals were both first found in Somerset, they appear to be the same bloodline. The Parker stag head could be the Windsor stag head, especially as Windsors were first found in BERKshire.
As per Camilla Parker-Bowles (who we could expect to be a Windsor relative), it should be added that the Bowles page shows a root in a Bouelles location in Normandy. Variations include "Bolles," perhaps from the "Boleslaw" elements that I expect in and around the Bessin. Bouelles is on a Bessin-like Bethune river. AND LOOK, I wrote the above brackets about an hour before finding the evidence, for the Bethune Crest uses an otter, symbol also of the Dutch Other surname!! The English Other surname was ancestral to the Windsors!!!
The Bethune Coat shows mascles (hollow diamonds), symbol for the Meschins/Masculines and/or the Mascals. BEHOLD! Recalling the trace above of "Windsor" to Vince-like motto terms, so one Mascal Coat uses a "vincit" motto term. That Mascal surname is registered under the Keith clan, which I now see using a Chief in Windsor colors. The Keith stag head then links to the Windsor stag head. AND BEHOLD MORE, for the Keiths are said to be "Catti," trace-able to the Catti of Hesse, and as proof that Hesse was named after "Esau," the other/English Mascal Coat uses an elephant, suspected as code for Eliphas, son of Esau!!!! I've shown that before, but it's hitting me hard this time.
The trace of Windsors to the Mieszko Poles, coming right at you as we continue below, is a trace of Windsors to the Hyksos, the last ruler of which was Asses. Again, Samson was depicted with the jawbone of an ass, and Asses was also named Sam-like Khamudi. It's as though these Khamudi Hyksos, a Meshwesh peoples from Tanis, set up the Samson-Daniy cult in the Timnah region of what was only then becoming Israel. Then, as per the Anat goddess of the Hyksos, the Timnah-region Samson cult evolved into the Heneti>Veneti>Windsors.
By the way, I trace "Timnah" forward to "Samnite" and independently traced the latter peoples back to Sebannytos/SAMANNUD, near Tanis. In fact, Samannud (which smacks a little of "Khamudi") was closer to Sais, a term that I'd tentatively linked to a hypothetical "Esaus" before knowing about, or aside from considerations on, Asses. In that picture, Khamudi looks like a Sais-and-Samannud entity. Remember, Khamudi-like Chemmites/Kemmites (of ancient Egypt) claimed to be Perseus-branch Danaans.
Entering "Bovelle" instead of "Bouelles" got a Boseville/Bovill surname smacking of the Boss/Beville/Boisville clan (Lusatia-colored bull) that was linked to the Bosna/Basante river. The Boseville/Bovill Coat uses white-on-black cinquefoils, colors reversed to the Maysey/Maisy cinquefoils. The latter clan was from Brittany but moved to Calvados, and was suspect above as the Levine/Levinge bloodline to vince-depicted "Windsor." Windsor variations include Winser and Wincer. I get it.
There is some good (and not surprising) evidence that the Bosevilles/Bovills were from the Bouelles Bowles because Bouelles is in the Bray region of Normandy while the Bosevilles use a "Vraye foi" motto. The foi term is shown because the Berk motto uses "foy." The Berk/Burgh Coat is in the gold and red colors used by the Windsor and Berkshire surnames. The Berkshires use frets (a saltire with a mascle in the center), what I'm assuming is code for Ferte-Mace. Some Bellamys of Perche moved to Ferte-Mace to co-found a Massey/Macey clan, if that helps to trace "Perche" to "Berkshire."
Not surprisingly, the Bowles Shield (minus the symbols) is identical to the Bray-surname Shield. The Bray region is not far from the Bois-le-Roi area of the Evreux theater, mentioned because the Berks use a "roy" along with their "foy," and because the Brays are said to be from Bray, near Evreux (it seems that Brays were Abreus, the Eburovices (I say they were depicted by a boar) founders of Evreux.
As further proof that these lines were from Mieszko>Boleslaw, the Bole Coat shows the Pollock-boar theme in black, the color of the Bowles boar. Both Bowles and Boles were first found in Lincolnshire. The Belgian Boles use a Shield like the Bellamy and Bell Shield, suggests "Boleslaw" to be named after Bellovesus-Gaul elements.
WOW, I recall tracing "Bray" to "Brag," but at the time I didn't know that the red-on-white Brag bull was the Boss/Beville/Boisville bull exactly!! It all tends to trace the Windsor and Bowles/Bouelles bloodline(s) to the Bosnia theater, on the very Bosna river that the bull-depicted Piast Poles were just traced to earlier in this update.
That is, it looks very good for 1) a Bowles trace to "Boleslaw," a Piast>Mieszko Pole (both the Mieske and Brag surnames use a black bull head); and, 2) a "Windsor" trace to the "Wends"/Vandals of Poland's Lusatia theater.
The Other write-up shows linkage to the Middletons, the surname that just married prince William, son of Charles, husband of Camila Parker-Bowles: "William FitzOther, son of Otherus, the Duke of Lombardy, the great Norman land owner at the time of the Conquest, who was also scion of the Fitzgeralds, the Gerards and the Windsors...
Gerards = Geralds? The Geralds, using a saltire in colors reversed to the Windsor saltire, and just like the Annan(dale) saltire (important where Windsors connect to Levines that are possibly the Ananes-associated Laevi Gauls), put a monkey in the Crest, a Manche-like term, but here's the full description: A monkey statant with a collar around his middle. "" The Collar surname uses the same black lion as the Middle Coat, and as Collars use Moor heads, they should connect to the Middle-colored Middletons first found in WestMORland.
LG wrote in to say that "There was a reference [in Tolkien's 'Lord of the Rings' series] to a Bucklebury Bridge & that caught my ear because the new Mrs. William Wales [Middleton] hails from Bucklebury, no? Also, the similarity between 'Middle Earth' & the Middletons..." Middle Earth is a fictional location in Tolkien's codes, and it does likely refer to the Middle (and possibly Arthur) surname. There is a Bucklebury bridge in Berkshire, and there were Bulkelys-of-Mascy. The Buckleys/Bulkeleys use bull heads.
The Buckel Coat is obviously related to the Buckley Coat, and my hunch is that the two Shields are not in colors reversed to the Bowles Coat by coincidence. Here's a bit on the mythical Bucklebury:
Bucklebury Ferry, a raft-ferry used as the second main crossing point of the Brandywine River from the Shire to Buckland, after the Brandywine Bridge (which is twenty miles further north). It is apparently left unmanned to be used by hobbit travellers as needed. En route to the new house at Crickhollow, Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pippin crossed using the Ferry just before the arrival of a Black Rider...Frodo=Ferte? I think so, and not only because Buckleys were "of-Mascy." Did you notice the "temere" motto code of the Buckleys (Cheshire) and Buckles? I traced it to the De Meres and Meres (of Cheshire), both using the same theme (ships) in Buckley and Buckle colors. It's the MacDonald ship, displayed with a red-on-gold eagle (the Ferte symbol) by the MacDonald Coat(s). Apparently, the Merry in the fictional account above should be for the Meres. French Demeres show a Merey variation. The fact that Pippin occurs with Merry suggests the Pepinid Merovingians...known to be from the Heneti>Veneti. This gets us back to the Levines-branch Veneti (of Vannes), as there is a Morbihan location at Vannes that I see as a Merovee/Merovech term.
The Gerald monkey could be code for a variety of clans, but as Manche is suspect, the Mann surname is suspect. The German Mann(er) Shield (a reflection of the Massey-of-Manche Shield) uses "savages proper," wherefore the saw-like fesse in the Scottish Mann Coat should be linked to the saw-like fesse in the Middle Coat, for the Middles use the Savage lion in Savage colors.
The Bushels/Bussells/Buchels, who smack of the Buckles, use the white-on-blue colors of the Boschs and Bushes/Buschs who both use fleur-de-lys (in those colors) that I traced to the Saraka/Laus fish, where the fleur-de-lys of the Merovingians (gold on blue) may have had it's beginning. The fish may not have become a lily until it was designed after the Lille location near the Lys river in Artois. The blue roundels in the Bushel Coat are called "hurts,' a term given to the Arthur-Coat symbols. The Bushel motto is identical to the Massin/Mason motto, "Dum spiro spero." Back to the Brays, for they were ancestral, I think, to the Meres. In the last update, the Morencys were treated that had several variations, including Damaury, Mare, and Damory. A quote was shown from an article seeking Ferte-Mace details: "The family of Montlhery [= MontMorencys] were 'cousins' of the Crispins, the ancestor of whom, Heriolfr Turstain, married Gerlotte de Blois; her sister being the wife of Bouchard de Bray, ancestor of the Montlhrry and Montmorency familie..." The Brays were very Templar-oriented, and in fact the daughter of Guy I, lord of Bray and Montlhery, was mother to Baldwin II, king of Templar Jerusalem. was at Guy's article that I saw pope Urban II. He ordered the Templar invasion of Jerusalem in 1095 (just 23 years before Baldwin took the throne), and that can jibe very well with what I promote, that Masseys were the ugly guts of the fake-Christian Templars. Talking about filthy cups painted white on the outside...
I'm asking whether pope Urban was named after the Urbanus river, where the Maezaei are stamped on this Illyrian-Celt map. There to the north side of the Maezaei are the Breuci, who I trace to the Eburovices and therefore to the Brays. As I write, I've been living for a while in the home of an Abreu surname (it's nice to have DSL). It was at this place where I think it was God who started me on the Abreu=Abruzzo topic roughly in 2002/3 for the very reason that we now see it at the root of Templarism. I didn't know that the Abreu surname was linked to Abruzzo until then, and it was just before that when I started to wonder whether the Abruzzo town of my Masci-bloodlined mother was a Hebrew entity. Then houseofnames confirmed that Abreus were also "Abrussi," after I already knew that royal Bruces of Scotland were "Brusi." End Insert]
As Lug was an Irish peoples, perhaps the Cainte entity [mentioned before the Insert] evolved into the Irish Cain surname, using Keon-like variations and a bar/bend in the white-on-blue colors of the Keon and Saraka fish. I include the Saraka fish because the Cain Shield has what could be the Save bar/bend, suggesting the proposed Keon trace to the Sava theater.
The Cains were first found in Derry, which can now link to the Derriopes of Libernia, and/or to the Deuri further inland amongst/beside the Maezaei, and/or the Daorsi almost smack at Ragusa. The Daorsi were identified way above as the Nereid-Doris sea peoples, and these are then suspect as part of the Glaucus sea peoples where the Sarakas trace to Reggio. Irish Derrys use a Moor and an oak tree that matches the acorns of the German Derrys/Darrs.
Chances are, the Una river marked "Oeneus" was linked to the Capys>Aeneas (with an 'a') line of Mysians to the Meshwesh. The map shows the Maezaei beside the Oeneus river. A ways to the right, at the mouth of the Hebros river in Thrace, you can see Aenos, depicted by a mythical Aeneus (with a 'u'). Off-shore of Aenos is Samothrace, where I trace the Samson-cult Meshwesh (or whatever they were called that Khyan belonged to; God willing, we'll know the name soon). Beside Aenos are the Cicones=Kikons, who I suspect as the Khyan bloodline.
To the side of the Kikons there is DORIScus, and up the Hebros you see the Odrysians (I say they're Dorians too) at the Arda.
o the near-east of Aenus/Aenos we find a Bisanthe (Basante-like) location as part of the Caeni peoples, very Khyan-suspicious. Below the Bisanthe region is the city of LYSimachia, no doubt the representation of mythical Lysimache, daughter of Priam. See Parium directly across the waters from Lysimachia, meaning that this location was depicted by Priam. But I had traced it to Paris, Priam's son, not realizing that it was represented by Priam specifically because I knew the location as "Parion." It was a Gorgon center.
Lampsaca, beside Parium, seems Lamp/Lamb-surname conspicuous, but I'm out of time for this update to follow through.
. I suspect that the Ares-Aphrodite relationship was one between the Hebros river clans and Rhodope, yet we could expect Ares elements on the Hebros too. There on the middle Hebros is an Ares-like Arsus location, a very ursa=bear-like term evoking the bear theme of king Arthur (a Greek bear was an "arca")...who i do trace to Arda. As the Arthur surname was first among the Bernicians of Berwickshire, see Beroea to the north side of Arsus. Hmm, were mothers in the woods literally telling their kids, watch out for the big arses?
On the Rhodope mountain range we see the Bessin-like Bessi pagan priests, and further north on the verge of Moesia are the Serdi smacking of the Sardeates amongst the Maezaei on the Urbanus (beside the Basante). There therefore seems to be a line of the same peoples from Mysia through Moesia and into proto-Bosnia. The line starts majorly at Dardania of Mysia (or the Parium to Illium stretch), and there in Moesia Superior we see another Dardania region.
As I trace Sarajevo to Seir-based Saracens, note SYRmas tributary of the Hebros, running through Sephar-Subartu-like Subradice. As the Serdi are nearby, was Sardis named after Seir elements? That's not a bad theory because the Hermus ran through Sardis, and the Pan goat was made the son of Hermes. The latter was made born officially in Arca-depicted Arcadia, and so see how close Arsus is to the mouth of the Syrmas. Then, as Esau ruled in Bozra, perhaps the Bessi to the south of the Serdi apply. The Bessi city appears to be Besapara.
To the north of the Serdi is the Haemus=blood mountain range, perhaps named after the red hair of the Esau-ites, or their red skin, or even as code for the Esau blood(line).
I didn't know until now that the other Lysimache, daughter of Abas, was code for the relationship between Lysimachia and the adjacent APSinthii peoples. My gut tells me that this was the Apis entity, the Egyptian/Hyksos bull cult. The Lysimachia location may have been the Thracian root of the Merovingian lys symbol, and the "mache" term may have been after the proto-Meshwesh household of Khyan. That's what I'm registering in my brain for the time-being.
Here's what I'm seeing, that the Lysimachia relationship with Parium/Parion led to the Parisii of France, where Merovingians picked up a lys symbol (it wasn't a lilly yet) in honor of their Lysimachia roots. The Arda-river clans got to Artois, where a Lys river was named in honor of Lysimachia. But perhaps before reaching Paris, the Lysi bloodline went through Laus at proto-Ragusa, proof for which is in the son of mythical Lysimache, Adrastus, he smacking of the Adriatic sea on which Laus/Ragusa sits.
It's very likely that Adrastus was the same bloodline as Atreus, the symbol for Odrysians at Arda Lysimache's other son, Aristomache (sounds like Orestes-Machus combo), was involved with Pelops, father of Atreus. The nephew of Atreus was Orestes, symbol for the city of Orestia (shown on map) at the mouth of the Arda, Having convinced you of that logic, patient as I am as the minutes of my life ebb away, I want to get to CYANippus, son of Adrastus!!
Is that not AMAZING, since after all I was tracing Khyan to Lysimachia and its greater region, not knowing about this Cyanippus character (I may have mentioned him in the past) until after looking into the ancestry of Adrastus as i write? The other children of Adrastus both sound like Aegi=goat terms.
"Cyanippus" seems to mean "Cyan horse people." Wikipedia has three Cyanippus characters to chose and learn from. The third one is of extreme importance for the Khyan trace to the Ragusa Sarakas...that was made, I kid you not, after everything above was written, days after tracing the Saracas to Syracuse. The third-listed Cyanippus was:
A Syracusan who did not venerate Dionysus. The god punished him by making him drunk, in which state Cyanippus raped his own daughter Cyane. She managed to take a ring off the rapist's finger, so that she could recognize him later, and gave the ring to her nurse. Soon after that, the city was affected with plague, and the oracle of Apollo pronounced that there was an impious man in the city who was to be sacrificed in order to put an end to the calamity. Cyane was the only one to understand the prophecy. She grabbed her father by the hair, cut his throat, and then killed herself in the same manner...Looks like symbolism for willing human sacrifice of daughters to appease the gods. It smacks also of pyre sacrifices from the account of the second-listed Cyanippus, who looks like the Perseus Gorgon-head cult allied to the Cepheus-head cult. This Cyanippus was a "Son of Pharax, from Thessaly. He fell in love with the beautiful Leucone and married her...Cyanippus himself came up too late [to save her from the hounds]; he set up a funeral pyre for his wife, slew his dogs upon it and then killed himself. The story is similar to that of Cephalus and Procris." There is dog symbolism throughout this account, suggesting a "canus" symbol for "Cyan." The Caeni to the north of Lysimachia seem applicable.
Clicking over to the Cephalus article (= a river near Athens), we find an historical man by that name, son of Lysanias from Syracuse (5th c.BC), and father of orator Lysias. That too can trace Lysimachia elements to Laus=Ragusa, and it meanwhile supports a strong link between Lysimachia and Khyan Hyksos.
Cyanippus of Pharax has markings of the Boofima elements at Pieria and mount Bermion, which were Thessalian elements, as was Pharax. It therefore smacks of Ixion proper of Thessaly.
The first-listed Cyanippus was the son of Adrastus, and king of Argos: "He died childless and was succeeded by Cylarabes [not sure how to break that term down], son of Sthenelus." Sthenelus was a Gorgon entity, son of Perseus and Cepheus' daughter. Keeping in mind that a Sthenele was a daughter of an Egyptian line of Danaus, in Tyre, it becomes clear that Aegialeus, who was made either a son or father of Cyanippus, was the Phoenix>Agenor goat line out of Tyre.
In Wikipedia's Cylarabus article: "Cylarabes regained the portion of the [Argos] kingdom given to Bias upon the death of Cyanippus." It implies that Cyanippus had taken Bias' portion of Argos. We might reason that Cyanippus was related to Bias, but who was Bias? A bee/honey cult. for one, but look at where he leads: "Bias married his cousin Pero and had one child, Talaus, with her." Talaus was the husband of LYSimache (!!!), daughter of Abas...who I identified as a bee cult in Argos. I didn't know at the time that he was from Apsinthii. The Aps term now looks like "apis=bee." Yes, for BISanthe is adjacent to the Apsinthii, while the Bessin surname uses bees. was Pero (sounds like the pyre human-sacrifice cult) who tipped me off as per the Boofima elements of Cyanippus, for the Boofima peoples were "Imperi," traced to Pieria, Pieris, Perigord, and other such terms related to mythical Priam and Paris. The Pero article convinced me that Pieria was involved: "Pero's beauty attracted many suitors, but Neleus (son of Tyro, we get it], her father, refused to give his daughter to any man unless he could raid the cattle of Iphicles [a Thessalonian] from Phylace." There is a Phylace location smack at Pieria.
As Khyan was also "Apachnas," apparently found in Bach-like surnames, it's conspicuous that two Republican presidential contenders are surnamed, Backmann and Cain. The Romney Coat uses the Pullen Shield (more scallops), and the Pullen motto uses "pellescere" while the Pullen Crest is a pelican, reflecting the Arthur pelican and "impelle" motto term that was linked way above to the Pelles surname. We then find a Palin, a Pawlenty, and a Paul also interested in the presidency.
The Pullen motto also uses, "culpa," while the name of the Kupa/Colapis is also "Kulpa." This river is beside the Oeneus, suggesting rather strongly that, Capys, grandfather of Aeneus, was (as a people-group) on the Kupa river. It in-turn tends to identify, as expected, the Saraca clan with Capys' father, Assaracus.
Beware the yeast of the Republicees, for they look beautiful on the outside but inside they are filled with greed and filth. They advertise Christian values and yet are always concerned about money matters and the American economic dream. Beware the Democrazies, for they will make you the gum under their shoes. As Jesus warned Pharisees not to partake in decorating the tombs of the murdered prophets lest they be Judged as partakers with those who murdered them, what business do we have partaking with economy-minded Republicans too afraid to attack the non-morals of the immoralites?
Is it really holy for young Christian men to go to war on behalf of the Masonic rulers of the United States? Since when did God give us the right to kill those who stand in the way of "democracy"? Is it justified just because leaders of the United States say it is? Tribwatch lost many readers since I turned against George Bush, but I'll stand firm in this logic: don't go to war killing for the United States in the day that Jesus returns to destroy the American dream.
(you've got all week to finish it)
Especially for new or confused readers
shows where I'm coming from.For serious investigators:
How to Work with Bloodline TopicsHere's what I did when I had spare time on my hands:
Ladon Gog and the Hebrew Rose
It took the prime right out of my life.The rest of the Gog-in-Iraq story is in PART 2 of the
Table of ContentsThe 2011 Update in the 2016 chapter tells why
I'll be watching Iraq until the summer of 2011, at least.