Previous Update: July 12 - 18

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July 19- 25, 2011

Khyan in Guyenne, and the Butteri in KilKenny of Cian
Besides Coffey, what Dallas Cowboys and Toronto Maple Leafs Have in Common
Charles Martel Must have been a Butteri Metal Maker in Poitierss
Alloy there, Matey.

The idea presented briefly in the last update, that the Diau or Daiaeni ("eni" is a suffix) peoples, of Mus province at Lake Van, were Deylamites (south-western Caspian sea), may have been hard for some to swallow. I had my doubts too. There seemed to be a contradiction because "Dia" is not like "Deylam, and for that matter, neither is "Daiaeni." I had identified mythical Dia as Deylamites months ago, not realizing a very important point until this morning.

In the last update, and in fact it was last night as I write, I caught sight of the Deylamite ancestry of the Salyes Ligurians. It was left at that without further thought, but now I can not only elaborate, but make sense of the link between Lake Van and Hebron. Readers of the last update may have thought that this Van-Hebron link was made on the scantiest of evidence, yet I maintained the link to the end of the update. I can now prove it.

The Boscath location at Hebron was identified as the Poseidon line to Pisidia (Anatolia) because Pisidians lived amongst/beside Lycians, while the latter traced back to Lachish, smack beside Boscath. It's known that the Solymi were a fellow tribe with Pisidians, and some years ago I ventured to trace Solymoi to "Deylamite/Delymite." If the all-important Salyes Ligurians were Deylamites, then not only would they trace likely to the Solymi, that jibing with the trace I made of the Salyes to Sol-Helios of Rhodes, but they should also trace to the Daiaeni, if the latter were indeed Deylamites. I would still be struggling at the oar with mere conjecture on these points, had not the heraldry masters come to the rescue.

Asking myself how "Deylamite" could possibly relate to "Daia(eni)," the only answer was a Daia-Lam(ite) combination. That is, a Lam-like entity had merged with the Dia/Daia-like entity. And it struck me like lightning that The Sullivans, whom I traced to the Salyes, use a "Lamh" motto term!!!!

What that tells me is that Salyes trace back to Lake Van's Daiaeni as they evolved into Deylamites. It also tells which came first in history, "Dilmun" (home of Ishtar), or "Deylamite." Dilmun could not have come first, for the Daia merger with a Lam entity had to come first, followed by "Dilmun" as it was named in honor of the Dai-Lamites. If I recall correctly, Dilmun is modern Bahrain, an island on the western side of the Persian gulf.

This revelation then informs us that Ishtar, the Revelation-17 harlot, was a Deylamite entity, and therefore traces to Lake Van. I had caught glimpse of that in the last update but didn't want to mention it without finding teeth for it first. It had made sense after realizing that the Freemasonic phoenix traces to Lake Van in particular, because the phoenix is also attributed to Anu of the Sumerian theater. It's a widespread claim that the Sumerian Inana -- queen of Heaven -- evolved into Ishtar in Akkadian Babylon, and that's the problem. Ishtar was in Babylon, not at Lake Van...which is why I didn't mention Ishtar's Lake-Van branch in the last update.

But now that the Daia of Lake Van are revealed as Deylamites, I can trace the harlot to Lake Van. To this I'll repeat that the Tayk are thought by some to be a branch of Daiaeni, and in the last update I showed some logic for linking the Tayks to the Laz Caucasians, important where I identify the Revelation dragon, on whose back the harlot rides, as the Ladon>Latin peoples from the Laz Caucasians. In other words, it now discloses that the Lazi and the Ishtar Deylamites were merged from way back, even in Lake Van.

You will note that the Revelation dragon has a rising, as though from the ashes, in the end times, and that this dragon is depicted as the revival of Rome, exactly the theme of the Roman phoenix.

In the last update, i mentioned what came to mind for the first time (so far as i can recall), that NERgal, spouse of mythical Laz, depicted the Nairi at Lake Van. That too places the Laz at Van. And to support the Van link to Hebron further, aside from what's yet to come further below, let me point out that the Pisidians and the Lycians from the Hebron theater had a Lasonii tribe amongst them. The excellent revelation now unfolding is that these Anatolian tribes that can be none other than the Zeus-Poseidon family of satanists, not only from the Boscath theater, but from Lake Van.

God was telling me this morning, before dawn, via some thunder in conjunction with thoughts going through me head at the moment, that Lake Van is His arch enemy for which Armageddon has been prepared. The above was going through my head, and the thunder occurred while the term, "Bonnie," was on my mind. In fact, I was rolling the idea in my mind of "Skull and Bonnie," so to speak, when a double-thunder (a thunder upon thunder, angry/vengeful-sounding) of conspicuous loudness occurred. Before that, and after that, the thunder had been very quiet.

I didn't know what to make of the Bonnie term. In the last update, the term was brought up as per the Bonnie Blue flag of the Confederates seeking to break away from the United States. the Bonnie topic included a trace of "Texas" to the Tayk and therefore to the Daiaeni, but on another hand, "Texas" was traced to BosCATH...which once again tends to make the Van link to the Hebron theater. It appears that God's revelation to us now is this very link, for whatever else it can reveal down the road.

I wanted to get up before dawn to get the above "on paper" as soon as possible, but decided to stay put to roll the ideas around further, to expand on what was being disclosed. To set up the next realization, let me say that I traced the heraldic "pheon" (a spear or arrow tip) to "Phoenix/Phoenicia" realizing that the vowels are not in the correct order for making that link. I used the argument that the Poeni (Phoenicians to the Greeks) were likely also the Paioni/Paeoni, and so reasoned that the pheon was code for the latter...which peoples I traced to the Payen/Paion surname of Templar infamy.

By no coincidence this morning, I started to link the pheon to "Biaini," the name of the peoples said to have founded/named Lake "Van." I had traced "Biaini" to "Poeni" years ago and yet did not emphasize that the phoenix ought to trace to Lake Van until the last update, when astounding evidence was found for that idea. The reason that it wasn't emphasized in the past is that I left room for error in the Biaini trace to the Poeni, for the vowels are not in the right order. By the time that these thoughts were taking place, I had already realized that the Sales surname uses a pheon in its that the Salyes Ligurians are honored in Freemasonry as a Biaini entity. That was the second time this morning that the Salyes were traced to Lake Van, a completely new idea never before realized.

Trying to make sense of why the vowels are not in the right order, I reasoned that Panias (in Phoenicia), the apparent representation of "phoenix," was firstly "Banyas" ( a term that the city was in fact called), and only later did it become, "Panias." That reasoning was due to my trace of the phoenix to Van. That is, compare "Biaini," which I assume came first in history, to the later "Banyas." It seems a decent match. Later, and after the city was "Panias," it developed its Poeni-like version.

It was as these ideas were crossing my mind that "Bonnie" re-occurred! And realizing that Bonnie was from the Biaini, it only made sense that Skull and Bonnie should both trace to Van, but then as the Skull surname was linked to "Eschol" in Hebron, there we have yet another trace of Van elements to Hebron! And because Bonnie was a Texas-related term, so it again traces the Caddo ancestors of "Texas" to Hebron (I suspect to "BosCATH"; details in the last update). "Skull and Bones," the very phrase, is itself a witness, in this picture, of the Van link to Hebron made in other ways.

In the last update, the roots of Glasgow were emphasized, seen to be rooted in mythical stories (i.e. deliberate code-work) surrounding a St. Mungo. I showed the Italian Mungo Coat but neglected to say that it used stars of eight points, the known symbol of Ishtar. In the myth, Mungo lamented for a certain Fergus, and when finding his grave, Mungo named the spot, "Glasgui" (note the hint of "GUIScard, the co-founders of Glasgow, at the ending of "Glasgui". It can't be coincidental that the Irish Fergus surname uses an eight-pointed star too, in the same color scheme as the star of the Mungo Coat. Therefore, Glasgow was co-founded by the Fergus entity that became, in-part anyway, the Fergus surname. .

Now you know how myth writers work. Myths are not legends. The latter, strictly speaking, are from rumors and reports. Myths are deliberate codework created for disguising, or craftily laying out, historical realities. Often, myths are wrongly viewed as legends, but we can learn to differentiate.

I can already start to gather that the founders of Glasgow trace to the Van>Hebron line, namely to the Deylamite carriers of the Ishtar cult. We saw that a Glasgow symbol was a salmon, smacking of the Salyes, but then Salyes in the Sullivan clan honor the Lam entity amongst the Deylamites. It just so happens that, in the last update, another "Lamh" term was found, in the Irish Brian Coat. It just so happens that I opened several aging emails from Tim during the writing of the last update, and one that I wasn't able to share, due to having so many other things to say, now fits into this update AMAZINGLY!!

Tim sent in a message on a Douney entity. By that time I had already included the Brian Coat into the update, and so I was very surprised to find that the Douney Coat used the very same three lions, in the very same colors and fashion, as the Brian lions...for which reason the fact was going to be shared in the last update. I had nothing to say on what the Brain-Douney significance could be at that time, BUT NOW that the Daiaeni topic is at hand, WOW, compare those peoples with "Douney" and its variation, "Dawney."

Put it this way, that because the Lamh term of the Brians leads back to the DeyLAMites, so one could expect the Douneys/Dawneys to trace to Deylamites, though more in particular the clan appears to trace to the Diau constituent rather than to the Lam constituent that the Brians trace to. That is, the Douneys/Dawneys and Brians each trace to their respective constituent that made up the Day-Lam-ites. It evokes the same idea as the two serpents entwined around the same caduceus rod/staff. As that rod belonged to Hermes, who was code for "Armenia(ns)," the Brians, as per their Bryces branch, appear to be named in honor of the Bryges= Phrygians that Armenians are known to have evolved into.

What we can gather further is that Phrygians evolved into the mythical Arcadian bear ("Arca>Ursa"), for we not only saw in the last update that Brians were Baars, where the latter were the bear-line Brunswicks>Bernicians, but Hermes was made born in Arcadia (that myth writer had ignored/neglected the Armenian root of Hermes and advanced the Arcadian factor instead). The Arca=Ursa was placed by the warlocks of old tight beside Draco at the polar star, as though having the prime importance, and we can gather from this that Draco was the double serpent on the Hermes caduceus. This was ground-zero dragon cult.

The Douney and Brian lions are both in split colors, as though indicating a merger of two peoples. The two colors are the two heraldic metals, silver and gold, so that the peoples are suspect as metal workers (typically the war mongers of history who used weapons to kill, steal and destroy, the very same men that modern historians label, "Great," if they were "good" enough at destroying). The two serpents on the caduceus can therefore be modified slightly, defined now as the Cadusii Armenians and the Deylamites...though the Gileki can be lumped in with Deylamites.

Did happen to catch the importance of the Dawney variation of the surname? I didn't at first. As the phoenix was just traced to Lake Van, where the Daiaeni lived, is it a co-incidence that the rising phoenix is the same Masonic theme as the so-called "Golden Dawn??? Satanists await a new "Golden-Dawn" civilization, when the phoenix rises from its ashes and is born anew into a glorious empire. The "New World Order" is an attempt at that "Dawn," but the point is, knowing now that Freemasons have codes on the brain for families/surnames, I would suggest that "Golden Dawn" was happily devised as code in-part for the Dawn and/or Dawney bloodline.

Therefore, the phoenix looks like the symbol of the Deylamites, as if to suggest that Deylamites were a main root of Phoenicians. Remember, Cadmus and Armenia-like Harmonia were depicted as two serpents too, as the couple evolved into Illyrians, and so we ought to find the Deylamite constituent in the Cadmus and/or Harmonia fold of myth codes.

Wikipedia's article on the swastika has a piece of jewelry in a photograph that uses a swastika, found in the ancient land of the Gileki, and Gileki were Iranians=Aryans. Hitler's Aryan cult attempted to bring about a golden dawn of sorts.

I trace some Cadusii peoples to Kadesh in the Phoenician theater, but then we also know that Israelites, under Moses, had spied out the land of Hebron from the Israelite camp at Kadesh Barnea (i.e another Kadesh location south of Hebron). Is that Barnea term as in "Bernicia," we wonder. Was it a bear-depicted locale? In any case, it once again has the potential to trace Van elements to Hebron. What happened to the Cadusii at Kadesh Barnea? Why is the Greek land of the mythical Muses at Barnea-like Parnassus? Were the proto-Muses -- that I recently traced to the naming of Moses/Musa -- from a mystery-Mus entity that I expect at Boscath, which entity I suspect there as per the Mus province at Van, home of the Daiaeni???

In this picture, the mystery Mus entity look to have been in Kadesh Barnea, where Moses made camp for the Israelites. It would be very hasty to trace the sons of Moses to the mythical Muses=Mysians, however. It would make more sense that Moses stayed at Kadesh Barnea because there was a Mus-of-Armenia group of Hebrews -- Nairi=Nahorites? -- living in the region that was favorable to Moses. God may even have prepared Moses' name for the reason of finding grace from the proto-Muses of Kadesh.

CadMUS. Is that not amazing? I did not have "Cadmus" on my mind when I wrote, "proto-Muses of Kadesh." I had figured that "Cadmus" stood for a Mus-of-Cadusia entity, and yet he may have been a Mus-of-Kadesh entity. Either way, I think this discovery is a big break. It suggests for me that there was a Meshech/Mushki alliance with Cadusii that moved to Lake Van's Mus province.

It would not surprise me now if the Brian bloodline traces back, loosely speaking of course, as always, to "Barn(ea)" elements. I did suggest a trace of Bernicians to "Parnassus."

The full Brian motto: "Lamh laidir an Uachtar." The laidir term was stressed in the last update, and traced by argumentation (i.e. not just what appeared obvious as per the Lamh term) to the Salyes Ligurians. As the motto is translated, "The strong hand from above," I assume that "Uachtar," being capitalized, is a term for the above=God theme, and yet it doesn't necessarily refer to the God of Israel when wily Masons are behind the motto. The "Uachtar" term smacks of "Ashtarte"=Ishtar, wherefore let me repeat what was said in the last update while on the Brian and Bryce topics:

To assure that Florence [the Etruscan city] links to the fleur-de-lys, or apparently so, we find FiordaLISA and FiordeLISI variations in the Fiori/Floris[-Coat] page [the Butteri were on a Fiori river]. The red roses on their blue Shield recalls the same of the French Brians. The Spanish Flora Coat uses...fleur-de-lys...and hmm was first found in Astor-like Asturias.

Asturias of course smacks of Ashtarte. Point made: that the Astors, one of the 13 Illuminati families (of course there are more), traces to Ishtar, suggesting that the end-time Harlot will be the Illuminati. The laidir term was also traced to the Butteri at Lazio, and so when we have a motto that includes Laz elements together with the Great Mother, we have the Revelation-17 duo: the Great Mother riding on the back of the anti-Christ. If indeed the Brians and Bryces were from Phrygians, then they would honor Kybele (the origin of wily and demented Kabalists), the Phrygian Great Mother...and symbolized with a lion, the symbol used by Brians and Bryces.

It is no secret that Kybele was the extension of Ishtar, and that tends to trace the dragon-cult Deylamites (i.e. the carriers of Ishtar) to the Kybele cult, exactly where we expect dragon-cult Deylamites, amongst the Cadusii Armenians that evolved into Phrygians...and into the Hatti of Cadusia-like Hattusa, a peoples depicted by Attis, the husband of Kybele. We know that Attis evolved further into Lydians, and yet Lydians are said by historians to stem in-part from Mysians, suggesting that the Mus entity that was also at Lake Van was rudimentary to Mysians.

Immediately before the quote above in the last update, it was mentioned that both the Bryce and Brian Crests use clouds. The Brian cloud is used by the particular Coat using the lions and motto above that traces to the Lam constituent. The clouds are amazing corroboration, are they not, that the trace of Brians to the DeyLAMites is accurate, for both mythical Dia and Nephele (the latter was depicted as a cloud) were made the mate of Ixion. What this little bitty reveals further is that the heraldic cloud is, or at times can be, code for the Nephele line.

I trace Nephele to "giants" that created a pseudo-Nephilim cult on this side of the Flood, created in honor of satans' children, of course, children that were portrayed as gods among mere men. The point is that a pseudo-Nephilim cult would not have been created but by a tall/large peoples, and there were giants in Hebron, according to the Bible, the Anaki as well as the Amorites. Is it possible that the Anaki were named after "Nachor," the Biblical Nahor? If so, wouldn't the Anaki have been from the same fold as the Nairi of Lake Van? Does that once again tend to trace Van elements to Hebron, or vice-versa? Why was Abraham, brother of Nahor, welcome amongst the Amorites of Hebron?

The Bible says that the Anaki were from the Nephilim, and yet it says that the man, Anak, the founder of the Anaki, was of the Rephaite-branch giants. The latter term may have been from "Arrapha," the Assyrian city otherwise called, Arraphachitis, after Arphaxadite, grandfather of the Hebrews. Nuzi was practically beside Arrapha, and I think an argument can be made for tracing "Anaki" to "Nuzi," for DioNysus had Naxos as his sacred Greek island. Dionysus may even have been named after the Diau, meaning that Dia and Dionysus were roughly the same Daiaeni bloodlines, and that it then links Nephele=Nephilim to Dionysus...who was a chief priest of the Kybele-Attis cult. You can draw the line, once again, from the Daiaeni to the Phrygians.

But the symbol of Dionysus, the thyrsus rod, had grape vines entwined instead of snakes; we get it, the thyrsus was a version of the caduceus, and Dionysus was a symbol of the Deylamite serpent in the caduceus. In the Bible, we have an account of the Israelite spies, from Kadesh Barnea, taking grape bunches so large from Eschol (Hebron) that they had to set/attach the bunches to a pole, with either end of the pole on a man's shoulder. It's as though Dionysus, who didn't exist, was given his tyros symbol, which didn't exist, from a myth writer who had read or otherwise known about the Biblical account above, and who knew that the carriers of the Dionysus cult were from the giants of Eschol.

That is why I traced Dionysus to Eschol/Hebron. But I am now in the throes of tracing the carriers of Dionysus (loosely speaking; another way to say it is, the peoples whom Dionysus came to depict) to Hebron by other methods, and I do not think that this is my plot, but rather it's what God wants to reveal, not through me, but through the few readers who feed me what it is that I should write, and when.

Do we see how "Eschol" smacks of "Asclep(ios)," the mythical figure having for his symbol a single serpent around a pole??? Now you know the mysteries, you are enlightened, that satan's seed is from the enemies of Israel whom Israel routed by the same hand of God that brings us this revelation thousands of years later. The time has nearly come for God to re-visit those enemies and to Judge their deeds of history since the days that they rejected Him back then.

None of this is to say that I don't make mistakes, or that God doesn't allow mistakes from my writings, but it is to say that the things He wants written will get written, and it is those things that will bear fruit. That fruit is not necessarily positive fruit for growth, but expected to be sour grapes in the mouths of Freemasons. An exposure of Masonry will weaken the power of Masonry and confound the plans of Masonry to do the Israel of God harm in the last days. An exposure of the Illuminati colors will cause many to fall away from satan's camp.

Convinced that I'm on the right track, what could the Lam-like entity be? What about mythical Lamia, "a beautiful queen of Libya who became a child-eating daemon...Some accounts say she has a serpent's tail below the waist"? Sounds like Melusine before Melusine was given a fish tail, but I'll bet that Lamia traces back to the Cadusii serpents. It can be gleaned that Lamia was the child-sacrifice cult of the Libyan theater. She was the daughter of African Poseidon and mythical Libya, the same Poseidon line that afterward entered Phoenicia and evolved into CadMUS. Doesn't that make it appear as though the Mus in "Cadmus" was from the Meshwesh Libyans???

Lamia was a cannibal cult. Note that "Hannibal" (of the Libyan theater) looks like cannibal." I traced "Hanni(bal)" to the Baal-Anat cult in ANATolia, but more in particular to the "HENETi, and as the Heneti were ruled by Tantalus and his Baal-like son, Pel(ops), so we find a myth where Tantalus cuts Pelops into pieces and offers him as food to the gods. Now you know the mysteries, you are enlightened, but you are not like the Illuminati, for you do not want their sort of dragon light. You want out of Freemasonry, and if you're not in it, you don't even want to get close.

The Poseidon line out of Africa ruled Tyre, explaining why Tyrians later founded Carthage (home of the Hannibals) in the Libyan theater. That is, it looks like Tyrians were just going back to their roots. But if Poseidon depicted Buzites, then there had to be Buzites in the pre-Phoenician Libyan theater. Who were they? Carthage was founded in conjunction with the founding of Rome, where TYRRhenians, Lazi-Latins...and Butteri lived.

If Buzites of Libya infested Phoenicia as African Poseidon came in, might we argue that Buzites are expected in the Tyrian migration to Carthage, and to Tuscany, land of Tyrrhenians? Shouldn't we therefore expect that Buzites=Biaini from Van came to Tyre to be with the Buzites from Libya, and shouldn't we define "Phoenicia/Poeni" as those two Buzite branches, congregating near Tyre at Panias, where Lazio-like Laish was located? Does this now reveal the phoenix as Buzites as well as Deylamites (see significance below)? If so, wasn't CadMus the Mus region from Lake Van allied with the neighboring Cadusii? This is obviously a new way of interpreting mythology, as play-on-people-group codes, but I've been discovering the historical realities for years by using it.

In the last update I failed to make a point that goes well here anyway. The reader may not have accepted the suggestion that the Irish kingdom of Desmond was from the Lake-Van Diau. "Desmond" was an Anglicized version of "Deas," we are told, a clan from Angus. We saw that the Deas surname (first found in Angus), and said to be derived in "Dhai," has a "bee feeding on a daisy" in Crest. In the first chapter of my Ladon book, I explain that God called me to discover the bee line of the dragon cult, which I assumed from that time to be the bee line of Buz, son of Nahor.

The point here is that the bee and the Dhai>Deas surname together look very much like the Diau/Daia(eni) of the Bia(ini) peoples at Van. How can there be further coincidences in that the Mus region at Van was home to the Daiaeni while the kingdom of Desmond/Deas was ruled by the MacCarthys (and Lamh-using Sullivans) of a MUSkerry location...beside County Kerry, moreover, while the Kerry-surname Crest uses a bee hive??? It can be assumed that the Bia(ini) peoples were a bee-line entity sooner or later, or perhaps even in their ancestry, as play-on-words kicked in.

It should be added that the Kerry surname was from MontGOMERy, Wales, while the Welsh trace themselves to a Cimmerian peoples thought by many to have been the Biblical Gomerians. For all the Ezekiel-38 watchers, that is a significant point where the Mus of Muskerry should translate into the Meshech from Mus at Lake Van.

The Dhai/Deas Coat uses a vertical bar called in heraldry a "pale," and as the Pale surname is suspect, what's that camel doing in the Pale Crest, what I say was symbol of Kemuel, brother of Buz. It can also be said, as per the trace of "Texas" to the Daiaeni / Tayk family, that the Pale Coat is like the Dallas Coat. Then, as the Texas cowboys were traced rather well in the last update to the Butteri, and as Pattersons=Patricks are definitely a branch of Butteri, by what coincidence do we find another camel in the Patterson-Cussane Crest? There are several Pale-like surnames using pelicans-on-nests, and it just so happens that Scottish Pattersons use that symbol.

What was that goddess where the Butteri lived? She was Turan, just about like the Tarun location in Mus (Lake Van), but also like mythical Tarchon, a branch of Tyrrhenians. I don't yet know whether to identify this entity with Tuareg Amazighen. A further point to be made is that the MacCarthys of Muskerry are predicted to be the Tyrians at Carthage, and therefore the Meshwesh "Libyans" that I trace from "Tanis" to "Tunis," the chief city of Carthage, where the devil's cult was grossly succeeding in killing infants and young children horribly. The blood there cries out! The thunders of Armageddon have been prepared. The rocks will be overturned and laid bare, and the deeds of the Nahorites will be exposed.

Lamia was in the Carthage theater, and it just so happens that I traced Carthage elements solidly to the mythical swan knight (Lohengrin), he depicting Ligurians. Does this picture not suggest the Salyes Ligurians evolving into the Lamh-using Sullivans. In short, Lamia was part of Cadmus because she was otherwise known as, Ceto. This is the Ceto that was involved in the Pontus, land of the Amazons, and we saw earlier in July that Cadmus was the land-route Phoenicians to the Hatti (Halys river) and the neighboring Pontus theater. But Lamia (said to be a shark) can be expected to be of the sea-route Phoenicians, explaining her home at Carthage.

Recalling that I trace the Piast Poles back to Guiscard (the latter also sat in early Glasgow) and therefore to the Guiscard-related "Moors"=Meshwesh of Libya, it's conspicuous now that Mieszko I named his son, Mieszko LAMbert.

It was only within the past few weeks that evidence was found for a link of Piasts to Guiscards, a difficulty had it not been for my prior understanding that Piasts (put forth Meschins and therefore) traced to the Meshwesh (of times prior to the Sicilian Guiscards). Then, to corroborate, the last update showed that Wysharts=Guiscards were the root of Glasgow, where Pollocks were first found. Guiscards and Mieszko Poles came to Glasgow rather late; the question is, what people group(s) was at Glasgow prior to Guiscards? The Glasgow myth suggested a Fergus entity.

Therefore, I'm going to tell what I didn't want to tell. In the dream that I strongly believed from the start (1979) to have been a message from God about my marriage, it turned out that the dream was a re-marriage. I didn't know what the shark depicted that took a British bulldog into its mouth, head first. Later, in mid 1995, just months after seeing (Christmas day, 1994) the Kilpatrick woman for the first time (in Texas) -- whom I basically asked to marry me a few weeks ago in June -- I purchased a British bulldog for a family business. Months after that (still in 1995), I found myself in the throes of being separated from my wife, and at that time, for the first time, the bulldog (fiberglass) sitting in the garage flew into my mind, bringing that dream back and even giving up it's meaning.

Though I continued to run the business after the separation, my wife would not allow me to use the bulldog, a great money-maker it turned out, even though I was paying for expenses of the children living in her house at that time. In the dream, the shark had taken the bulldog in such a way that the teeth were ringed exactly round the mis-section of the dog's belly, meaning that she had her half of the dog, and my half too which she would not allow me access. The dream suddenly changes scenes as I jumped into the pool, where the shark was, to try to save the bulldog. I was then walking out of a body of water, toward a woman on the beach, the forthcoming details of whom seemed to match the description of the Kilpatrick woman that I saw on Christmas day.

The point is, my wife was a Burger, and so when I first learned that Lamia was a shark, I asked whether the Lamia line led to the Burgers/Bergs. I had been wondering whether God depicted my wife as a shark because he pre-knew I'd be writing about the dream in the last update, and because He pre-knew I'd be on the Lamia topic in the forthcoming update. I wasn't going to mention any of this without a Lamia link to the Bergs, and there, when it seemed, as I was writing above, that Lamia should trace to the FERGus entity, which I've linked to "Perche" in the past, I decided to let this out.

The Fergus (FerGUIS?) Coat using the Ishtar star is also the Bellamy Shield. We see a Ferguson variation evoking the Massey-Ferguson corporation. The Fergus-Crest description seems code-studded: "A hand couped below the elbow holding the upper part of a broken lance." The Coopers (metal makers) and Brokes/Brocks (could be the same Bryges>Phrygian lines as the Brians and Bryces) come to mind as well as the Lancelot cult. I trace the hand symbol to "Hannibal."

Entering "Lama" curiously brings up a French MAIStre surname, using marigolds (Merovingian code?). The clan was first found in Ile-de-France (where the Lys family was first found), only in this case the location is spelled, L'ille-de-France," supporting my suspicion that the fleur-de-lys (a lily) of the Merovingians was code for a lily-like location, including Ile-de-France. The marigold may therefore be a lily alternative, and to this we should reflect on the night-owl, child-abducting cult of Lillith. That makes much sense.

Compare the Italian Lama Coat to the Mick/Mix/Miska/Misek Coat, first found in Silesia, where I trace the Salian franks that became the Merovingians. The Spanish Lamas were first found in Asturias, and that ought to link with the Mascis of the Aosta theater. Indeed, I recall that the St Bernard region of Aosta was in conjunction with the Lys river there, and I also recall that the Bernard Coat (Sullivan/Save snake in Crest!) uses three white-on-blue scallops, as does the Spanish Lama Coat!!! Italian Bernards use the same oak tree, though with a longer trunk, as the Spanish Lama oak.

Perche is where the Bel/Baal-like Bellamys were from, and Hannibals were of the Baal cult. There is much indication that the Lamia-rooted Salyes Ligurians whom Hannibals united with (in world-conquering war, what else?) were of the Bellamys>Masseys. Again, Meschins were of the Contevilles, who were themselves Burgos (the latter are now suspect as a Lamia entity). Lest you've forgotten, the Lamh-using Brians had a city of Briancon on the Durance river (the river where Salyes lived).

I am wondering whether my dream was given as verification for readers today that God really is behind this revelation. That is, if the Kilpatrick woman (with Hicks maiden name) accepts my hand, then I can claim it to be verification that God has been working in my life for this dragon-revealing project. We know this, that if she accepts, it won't be based on her desire to prove anything to readers. No one makes that sort of leap in life for the sake of others.

Recalling my trace of "Halybes" (metal makers, as I expect of the Lamh-using Brians) to "Libya," and then my trace of "(C)Halybes" to "Caleb"-ite Israelites of Hebron, how is it that I'm now tracing Poseidon (from Libya) to Boscath in the Hebron theater? The problem is, I had found another theory, aside from Caleb ites, for the root of the Chalybes. Eliphas. The son of Esau. Compare "Halybe" with "Eliphas," and ask whether "Libya" could be an Eliphas entity? Surely, if Boscath traces to Bozrah, the city ruled by Esau, we could expect Eliphas elements in Hebron.

Therefore, it's not necessarily correct to trace Caleb ites to Halybes or any other part of the dragon cult, when things click this good while using an Eliphas trace to Halybes.

English Lamberts were not only first found in Surrey, a place that I tend to trace now to Seir (Eliphas married the Seir bloodline), but they use a white chevron on red, the symbol that is owned, I claim, by the Hebron surname (I say "Hebron" named the "chevron"). If therefore the Lamberts trace to Hebron, it's just as was suspected, that the proposed Lam entity at Lake Van should also be in Hebron (Kilpatricks were found to be fundamental Surrey elements).

I therefore think that we hit it on the nail when introducing Lamia as the possible Lam-like entity at Van. It works rather well. But we would do well to find what the historical name of the Lam-like entity was (as I write, I haven't a clue). It should be added that myth writers traced Lamia to Scylla, which for me means a trace to Ascalon, straight downhill from BosCath and sounding like "Eschol" in the Boscath region. This means that Lamia was part of the Asclepios serpent, part of the caduceus-serpent people groups.

I can also add that humans portrayed as snakes below the belly were in the Cecrops line of Athens. This topic came to the fore in the trace of the Butteri to mythical Butes of Athens. Athena was in Libya, if that helps to link the Lamia cult to Athens, but then Athena smacks of "Tunis," the location of Carthage.

In some myth versions, Lamia was made the very mother of Scylla (Sicily), to which I'll add that mythical Glaucus loved Scylla. I repeat what I've said many times, that "Glaucus" depicted the Gileki/Gels who live with/beside the Deylamites. As Glaucus was given a myth concerning a snake, and as the snake-god Asclepios was in that myth, I reasoned that Glaucus and Asclepios were one of the two snakes in the Hermes caduceus, the other snake being a representation of the Cadusii peoples themselves, who lived beside the Gileki and the DeyLAMites. In fact, Cadusia was between the Gileki and Lake Van.

In other words, where Lamia is the mother of Scylla, and where Scylla depicted Asclepios (there is no doubt about the Scylla-Asclepios link), we can expect Lamia both in the Ascalon theater, and, as had been proposed before coming to this point, amongst the DayLAMites.

In the last update, we saw two cases of the "casus" motto term, one from the Caseys, and one from the Van-like Waynes (uses a chevron like the Hebron chevron). The Casey motto, "Per varios casus," was found again just now as "Lamia" was entered!!! The surname is properly Lambie/Lamby, but this find is certainly conspicuous.

The Caseys use red eagles, and it just so happens that the red eagles of the Tarun Coat became proof in the last update that the red eagle was the phoenix of Lake Van (Mus province was also "Tarun"). FOR ME, THAT IS PROOF that the Lamia/Lamby surname traces to the Lam-like entity expected at Van. In fact, while I had not yet traced the Salyes Ligures to Van in the last update, I did mention that the Tarans were properly, Tarrant, smacking of the Durante bloodline from the Durance river (where the Salyes lived). That's a killing of two phoenix birds with one hail stone, because it solidly traces Durants to Van's Tarun entity too, and of course the Durance is not far from the Etruscan witch, Turan, living where the Butteri lived.

[INSERT -- BELIEVABLE!!! Some five days after writing the above, I found that Dallas is a twin city with Fort Worth, with Arlington between the two. Both Arlington and Fort Worth are in jTarrant County!!! BELIEVABLE EVIDENCE that the Butteri trace, not only to "Texas," but to the Dallas surname and to the Dallas area. SHOCKING!

Actually, it's not that shocking. But it is gratifying to know that I'm not just breathing useless wind. The flag of Arlington uses a star half red on white, the color of the Butteri star. I also see a Bedford location in Tarrant count. End Insert]

Just found a Lamo/Lama/Llama surname first found in Asturias. We shouldn't necessarily think that the most-common term in a list of variations was the original. It's not necessarily true that "Llama" was the original. The Lamo/Lama Coat uses a wolf and scallops, both the symbols of Scylla and its partner, Charybdis.

Lamia was the mother of both Scylla and Akheilos, the latter not only smacking of the Gileki/Gels, but of Achilles, an obvious child-sacrifice symbol. The Lamia article (link above) suggests that Lamia meant, "shark," and that Akheilos "was transformed into a shark by the goddess Aphrodite" (the latter was the copper-making metal cult on Cyprus, and she was married to the Hephaestus metal makers, those who made metal weapons to kill people and take their possessions unto themselves, the ones whom historians call "Great" if they killed and conquered greatly enough). It just so happens that Achilles' mother, Theta, who spread the "drink of the gods" on Achilles body as a symbol of child-sacrifice, was a fish-depicted Nereid.

Think about it. They sacrifice children in the holy fires to MelKart, spread "barbecue sauce" on them while they roast, and then the eat the flesh while celebrating their dark god. That was Lamia, the man-eating shark.

The Nereids with their Dorus faction were traced a couple of updates ago to the Nerensii and Daorsi peoples on the Neretva river (near the Saraca fish!), and then further up the coast at DELMatia (!!!!!!!!!!) we see the Cetina river. Surely, the latter was the Ceto=Lamia cult. I must now reconsider "DELMatia," for I assumed it to be understood as Del-matia. It now looks better as Deylam-ata. In the Lamia article:

The Greek word lamia means dangerous lone-shark [I'm treating that lightly, as mere play-on-word code for what the Lamia entity was really named after]. Such sharks were also referred to as ketea (sea-monsters). As such it is likely that she was identified with the monstrous sea-goddess Keto. Both Lamia (Lone-Shark) and Keto (Sea-Monster) were said to have spawned the monster Skylla...

This trace of Ceto to the Cetini river is very opportune, for Ceto was sometimes made the mother of Ladon, suggesting that the Latobici on the map above (Nerensii link) are trace-able to the Cetini river, and that therefore the Latobici were mythical Ladon was they evolved into Latins...if the Latobici existed before the Latins, otherwise the evolution was vice-versa. Again, I trace Latins to Lydia, with a capital at Sardis, and there to the south-east of the Latobici we see the Sardeates.

The point is that the Deylamite-like Delmatians are on a Ceto-like river while mythical Ceto was another way to represent the Lamia entity that I'm in the midst of tracing to the DeyLAMites. Fishincidence?

AHA! For a string of recent updates, I was all over the map above as well as over this Roman-Illyria map, and it was then that I traced the Lamatis location on the Urbanus river -- the same river on which were the Sardeates and Maezaei -- to the Lamh motto term of the Sullivans=Salyes! This trace was made confidently because the Salviae are to the immediate south of Lamatis!!! And when I wrote the paragraphs above on Ladon, I didn't have it in my mind that there is a Ladios location to the immediate north of Lamatis. Clearly, the Ladon-Ceto-Lamia connection were right here in the Maezaei theater. And there, opposite the Sava from the Maezaei, are the Breuci, smacking of the Lamh-related Bryces (and Brokes/Brocks).

Lamia's roots were not in Libya, for she was made the daughter of BELAS, who was the father of Danaus and therefore identified, by me, as the Tanis location at/near PELUSia. This suggests that Lamia was of the Tanis migration (that I imagine) to the founding of "Tunis," and I did identify that migration as a Meshwesh one (because Meshwesh ruled at Tanis as the 21st and 22nd Egyptian dynasties). Later, not many weeks ago, I ended up tracing the Tunis-area Meshwesh-proper to the Maezaei. When thinks click along this good, the shark's teeth are snapping for more bites.

Lamia must have been a Danaan bloodline from Belas to Bel (= the Celt Baal), and therefore to the Bellamys that put forth Berkshire, and Berks/Burgs. You see, the shark in the dream was indeed my Burger wife, and she did eat me completely, so to speak, when trying to take everything I had (which wasn't much), and she did mangle, as senseless as a shark, my family. She happily (she was giddy about it) left me no rights to direct the family anymore, and she used my children to make my own parents favor her (if my parents opposed her, she'd take the children from them, a common weapon used by the sharks of the divorce world). I was made to swallow a living death and to digest it for several years...while I wrote and wrote the trib book and the Ladon book. And out of my grave site, this flowering revelation as consolation.

We then find Lamia linkage to the Samson Danaans out of Tanis: "Zeus gave [Lamia of Belas] the power of taking her eyes out of her head, and putting them in again." Blindness is here portrayed as a power=benefit. Samson had his eyes removed before taking down the pillars in the temple of Dagon. And the Daphne line, where Tiresias is made Daphne's father rather than Ladon, was likewise given the blind-benefit symbol.

But Tiresias was not only the blind seer, he was an owner of the Hermes caduceus, allowing us to identify Tiresias with Tyre=Tyrus near mount Hermon=Sion=Panias=Laish=Dan (Laish was conquered and re-named, Dan, according to the Bible just after the Samson account). As the father of Tiresias was Everes, it tends to trace Lamia to Avaris, near Tanis. And as Avaris was the capital of the Hyksos whom I say named Moses=Musa, we once again expect the Lamia entity to be amongst the (proto-)Meshwesh (of the Hyksos domain).

The article later traces Lamia's children to the Delphi oracle (DeyLAMite-like term again), suggesting that Lamia the shark was Daphne the dolphin. I note that whenever Lamia is said to be a shark, the term for "shark" is not provided. Delphi had previously been, Pythos/Pythia, smacking of a serpent, suggesting, possibly, that Lamia elements were there before the Daphne carriers arrived.

It has just dawned on me. I googled "Lamites" in case there were such a peoples, and the Elamites came to mind at that moment. I once read that "Delymites" (as the author used the term, rather than the "Deylamite" used by Wikipedia) were Elamites, but this equation came from just one author. The equation made sense because Elamites had their start in the south Caspian area where Deylamites were located. Elamites ended up in the Susa region, however, and convinced at the time that Zeus depicted the Solymi in particular, I traced Zeus to both Deylamites and Elamites (not to mention to "Susa").

I now find that Zeus and Lamia had an affair that caused her eyes to be gouged out so that she might not suffer seeing her ugliness. That's how the myth explains it. The three Gorgon/Graeae hags of north Africa had only one eye to share amongst themselves, and they too were depicted as ugly. It therefore reveals Lamia as a Gorgon entity in her Libyan theater. The Gog-like Cyclopes must have been Gorgons too, and of course, where we define Gorgons as Gogi, we expect Meshwesh amongst the "ugly" Gorgons.

Gorgons lived in the southern areas of the Caspian too, wherefore the Gogi entity that prophecy writers typically identify with Magog, the man, look more like Elamites, the Hebrew-related Semites. On the other hand, the Gileki were Iranians=Scythians (i.e. rather than Semites), as was the case with Magog. I'm seeing an Elamite-Semite merger with Scythians to produce the Biblical Gog. As I identified both Zeus and Ishtar as Deylamites, and as this evokes in me the Revelation harlot riding the back of Gog, I noted that Europa, the Tyrian princess (daughter of Phoenix), rode the back of Zeus in one popular myth.

In this picture, the Lam entity of Tyre was none other than the Zeus Elamites. Europa rode the bull to the sea-route, unlike her brother's (= Cadmus) land round, wherefore the Lamia carriers went out with the Europa migration to the Cretan Minoans (bull symbol) and Curetes (goat symbol). As an infant on Crete (that infant symbolism wasn't coincidental; it refers to the Moloch child-killing cult), Zeus was protected from his father by a bee-symbolized Amalthea. It had become my concept that the bee cult was linked to the Moloch-bull altars because honey had something to do with human sacrifices, and I reasoned that there were honey-flavored "barbecue sauces" being used in the sacrifices. I'm seeing the Bia(ini) peoples of Van as part of the Minoan bee cult.

As I'm now more advanced than years ago, I'm going to back-off on the Delymite=Elamite equation just to play it safe, and keep eyes popping for a Lamite-like peoples that may not have been Elamites. Mythology must have more Lam entities than Lamia. The trick is to find myth codes for Elamites and then match them to heraldry codes. If those Elamite clans turn out to link to Lamite-linked entities, we could have a Lamite-Elamite equation with some teeth. We can already suspect Elamite-related codes in Sullivan heraldry, and a quote was found from Wikipedia telling that Sullivans were the chief allies of the Deas entity of Ireland's MacCarthy-Mus kingdom.

You can bet your sweet molasses that the Sullivan-MacCarthy alliance was from the Hannibal alliance with the Salyes Ligurians. Again, Briancon was on the Tarun-like river in the Salyes theater, and as it's easy to link Brians to Bryces, what about linkage now to the Briquessart surname of Ranulf le Meschin? I had traced that surname to the Bricks (using fleur-de-lys in Massey-lys colors). The Bricks use a stag, as do the Annabels/Hannibals, the Annes/Hannas, the Hannas'/Hanneths, and the Hands/Hants.

We then find an ANTelope instead in the Briges Crest, and moreover the Briges Coat is somewhat like the Bryce Coat. The Briges use bugles-goat horns, as does one of the Brian Coats, the Brian Coat using piles. The Briges were first found in Shropshire=SALop, where the Bellamys and Meschins (and Meschin-related talbots) were first found. Are we getting the creeps yet? Do we sense the Carthage creeps upon the global throne, ready to offer human sacrifices to MelKart once again? Careful Christians; they are demented enough. It is they, I am sure, who took the twin towers down in New York. Recall what was said in the last update:

The Musk antelope is said to be "chained and ringed gold, and then the Chain surname turned out to be first found in County Kerry!!!
The Chain surname was thus linked to the MacCarthy of Muskerry neo-Carthaginians, and the twin towers went down while the Chain surname sat in the highest-level meetings conducted by president George Bush, because a variation of the Chains is, Cheney. Again, the Bushes were Scherfs of the Nazi Illuminati, seeking to take down America from within, and it is claimed by the "conspiracists" that the twin towers were taken down by the CIA...who were ruled by the father of George Bush, George "Bush" Scherf!

This is more than creepy. This is cause for planning an escape for what murder and sacrifice is yet to come, imminently. But by fire do the Carthaginians destroy their victims, and by Fire the Carthaginians will be destroyed. At first, God destroyed the dragon cult by water, as was the case in the Red sea as well as the Flood, but prophecy says that fire will be used, instead of water, at Armageddon.

Here's the Chain write-up: "The name Chain originally appeared in Gaelic as Mac Seain, which translates as son of John." By now I know that "John" is often code for pharaoh "Khyan, and so see whether the Chain variations don't strike us as Khyan-like (for new readers, I identify the pharaoh, under which Moses crossed the Red sea, as Khyan). While the Keon write-up traces to "John," the Kane/Cain write-up (Kanes use the Keon fish) traces to "Cathain," but for me that indicates a Kane and Keon merger with a Cath-like entity, the same sort of merger I see when tracing Hyksos to Cadmus.

The Keon Coat uses...eight-pointed stars, symbol of Ishtar. The Fergus and Mungo Coats were seen to use the same stars, suggesting that Glasgow was controlled by a Manche entity (i.e. Mungo was code for Manche elements). Remember, Fergus' are Fergusons, suggesting a Fer(gus) link to Masseys, while Masseys were first found in Manche. See the Ferte eagle in the Ian/Ane/Kane/Kean Coat.

Again, I feel as per very recently that Khyan was a Meshwesh entity who named Moses after that entity. Khyan's first-born son (Yanassi) was John-like, and I say that this son was killed by God in the Tenth Plague because he was not the next pharaoh of Egypt. The article suggests that Khyan=Hayanu and Yanassi were of a "Yanu" entity, but I can also see the Hayasa-Azzi (in the theater of the Tayk=proto-Texas entity) in the two names. I traced Hyksos to the Yanu-like Hannibals for reasons other than that similarity.

The Ilam region of Iran that was named by Elamites was also "Alamo," a location in San ANTonio, Texas (I trace the "antelope" to "Anat>Heneti," depicted in myth as ANTenor, wherefore we can suspect the Anthony/Antonio surname to apply).

Khyan was succeeded by Apepi/Apophis, who I traced to the Landon ancestry of the Pepin Merovingians. Not long ago, I treated the Landon surname while linking it to lamb-line Lam entities...when neither Lamia not the lam entity under discussion was on my mind. The Lammers use the Templar lamb symbol, for example, and to be concise, I suspect that Landons were Lamdons, the latter first found in Berwickshire, home of the bear symbol. As Landons use bears, they can trace to the bear-line Brians using a Lamh motto term. (Pepins use the camel once again).

From the Lam-Lan argument, we can suspect the Lamia carriers in the slew of Lan-like surnames. That got me searching, to find what appears to be the three Brian and Dawney lions in the small square of the English Lane Coat (remember, Brians use "Lamh"). Squinting, I couldn't make out whether they were the Brian lions, but then I clicked to the Irish Lanes and saw what appeared to be the very same lion, in the same color scheme, as the lion in the Irish-alternative Brian Coat!!

That's significant evidence for a Lane=Lam equation. I kid you not that moments before coming to the Lane Coats, I was thinking about the alternative name (Apachnas) of Pharaoh Khyan, and how it might relate to the Lam discussion. In that moment I though about the German/BavarianBachmann Coat (because I trace Bachs to "Apachnas"), which I remembered by-heart to be a red bar/bend on gold, the Arms-of-Baden symbol. Then I found the same Shield in the Irish Lane Coat! Khyanicidence?

One reason that I trace Bachs to Apachnas=Khyan is due to the golden calf in the German Bach Coat. The Khyan supporters among the Moses-led Israelites seduced the Israelites into worshiping a golden calf while Moses' back was turned away. Let me remind that while Bachmanns were first found in Bavaria, the Pagans/Payens/Paions (i.e. even more like "A-PACHNas") use the Weis-of-Bavaria Zionist stars.

To further support the lane link to Brians and Bryces, the Italian Lanes/Lanos/Lanas/Lancaas were first found in Brescia=Brixia. This was the Bruce-of-Brix bloodline, I am sure. The Lancaa variation can now reveal that the Lancelot cult was a Lamia entity.

One could go on to investigate Lennards/Leonards (in Lane colors) and many more similar surnames and entities. The makers of the Lennox furnace comes creepily to mind...whom I've traced in the past to the Laevi and Ananes Gauls...because the Lennox Coat uses a white-on-red saltire, symbol also for the Scottish Bruce and the Annan(dale) Coats.

The Casey surname became large in the last update as per the trace to Texas elements, and now its red eagle=phoenix is suspect as a Lake Van and Daia-of-Mus/Van entity. Having made the trace of Van's Daia peoples to the Deas kingdom of Muskerry (County Cork), who were named, "Deas-Mhumhain," in honor of their surrounding Munster region, see the Casey write-up: "First found in County Cork, where they were descended from the O'Carrolls, Princes of Ely, who in turn were descended from the Kings of Munster, descendants of the Heber line of Irish Kings. O'Casey were also chiefs of Rathconan, in the barony of PubbleBRIEN [caps mine], county Limerick."

I report, you decide my wise-owl friends. Earlier, we're told that "Casey was written O Cathasaigh, from the word 'cathasach,' which means watchful." I see "watchful" as code for the eye of Lamia, the Gorgon eye, the eye that keeps a watch over its people to assure conformity to the "gods" that rule over the masses, socialistic gods such Putin and Obama.

Scottish Caseys use the same stag (traced to Hannibals above) design in Crest as the Brick Crest, and both surnames use the same white-on-blue. As Bricks are traced (by me) to Ranulf de Briquessart (in Bayeux), the father of Ranulf le Meschin, and as the latter's mother was a Goz/Gois on one side, I would guess that Caseys were of the Goz bloodline. That tends to trace the Caseys to the Kos owl cult, and as we can determine that the all-seeing-eye and the owl both represented wisdom to the dragonliner fools, it may be that the Gorgon eye symbol developed from/into the big eyes of the watchful owl. But God has big eyes too, and he too has a watch team on the watch, my fellow wise-owl friends.

The Casey surname uses a "casus" motto term, smacking of the Bayeux founders, the Baiocasses. That is an owl's skull supports that Casey link to the Goz and Briquessart bloodlines. The latter were just linked to Lamh-using Brians, while Caseys, of Cork, must have been linked to the Lamh-using Sullivans among the MacCarthy DeyLAMites.

LOOK WITH BIG EYE! As I now claim that Deylamites were one serpent entwined around the caduceus staff, see the snake around a sword in the center of the Sullivan Coat!!! And before your eyeballs pop out, see the Sullivan stag as symbol of the Hannibals!!!! The Sullivan snake design is used by the Save Coat, and not only did we see proto-Sullivans and its Lam entity on the Urbanus tributary of the Save/Sava river, but the Scottish Casey Shield is, not only the Botter Shield, but the Save Shield. Hmm, as I now trace Lamia (tentatively, anyway) to Bergs/Burgs, I see that the Save surname was fist found in Burgundy. I'll bet that the Lamatis location on the Urbanus put out a branch in Burgundy.

ZOWIE! As per "DeyLAMite," what about the Dalai Lama???

Aha, the so-called "cutting of the elm" by Freemasons who split up. "Elm" may merely have been code, and the report of the split between Templars/Rosicrucians may have been mythical rather than historical reality. The cutting of the elm came to mind as I was entering "Elm"...seeking possible Elamite surnames.

I now recall that, when googling "Lamite," a "laminate" term came up. It's a term speaking of gluing two things together. Did you notice the Sullivan boar, split in half in two colors, just like the Brian and Dawney lions...that I supposed were in split colors in honor of the two caduceus serpents? In case skimmers missed it, the Sullivans actually use an entwined serpent around a sword, as in the caduceus rod.

It is a very good theory, therefore, that the mythical Lamia entity was named after gluing two things into one. If true, expect more two-in-one themes to crop up, perhaps Shields split into two colors, as for example the Lane Shield...with what looks like the three split-color Brian lions (though they are not split colored in the Lane Coat). Or, expect Lamia lines to use things like the Frey Shield.

After writing that, "Lamen" was entered to find the Lambin/Lampen/Lammin surname with "salus" motto term. That has got to be a clan from the Lamatis location (uses lambs), therefore, near Salviae, with the Maezaei stamped between the two locations. Then we read that the surname is from "Lambert," the name also of a Mieszko. Is this the lamb line to the False Prophet??? Note that another motto term is "Dei," smacking of the Daia portion of Deylamites.

Are we onto it? Have we found the tacky way in which heraldic goons operate? Was the Tayk branch of the Daia a term meaning, or that came to mean, "tacky"=gluey? Was "glucose" named after a "gluey" idea, and could "Glaucus" apply? We know that Lamia was part of the Glaucus cult, and as I say, the Glaucus-depicted Gileki/Gels were glued to the Deylamites? Could a gel apply?

What about the Elymians of western Sicily? That region is Trapani, symbolized by the Apollo tripod ("drepani" in Greek), the tripod (= "three feet") being a sick divination tool in Delphi, where Lamia was located. The entire island of Sicily came to be depicted with three feet, suggesting that the Trapani region was supreme in Sicily's heraldry. Does the Ely factor of the Casey surname apply to Elymians? Moments after asking that question, "Lamp" was entered as per the Lamoen variation of the Lambins, and what came up but the Lambie/Lammie clan (using croziers) using "Per varios casus", the same motto as the Caseys! We can link the crozier to the lamb cult, of course, but why is it that a "A right hand [is] holding a gold crozier"? Are we now onto the 666 in the right hand promoted by the do-or-die False Prophet with two horns like a lamb?

It just so happens that the Caseys who use "casus" are the ones that descend from Carroll, "princes of Ely." Entering "Ely," what came up but a clan (in Casey-of-Ely colors) first found in Cambridgeshire, where the Lambins/Lampens/Lammins above were first found. The Carrolls may have been a Charles/Charlemagne branch, and what so we find but another "salus" term in the Irish Charles motto?

If that's not enough, the Charles Coat above uses the same oak (with long trunk, however) as the Spanish Lama Coat. The latter surname was traced a ways above to Merovingians, and Merovingian Pepinids (from lamb-line Landons) furnished the Carolingians. The Italian Lama Chief uses a black eagle the symbol also of Charlemagne, a chief Carolingian. Carlincidences? Not likely, for Italian Lamas were first found in Venice, where the Merovingians traced themselves.

The write-up: "The Lama family lived in Milan. Originally, Lama was a Spanish local name for someone who lived on a patch of marshland, and it was originally derived from the Late Latin word Lama, which means marshland." I quote that because its a bogus derivation, and yet I did find a Lama-like surname (yesterday) using a Lamarsh variation (that I may not have shown yet). That possibly indicates that the Lama bloodline evolved into Marshes, Marches, Marshalls, etc, and it just so happens that Keiths (Catti) and Marshalls were one and the same, or so their write-up tell us.

"The name a name for a blacksmith or a person who tended horses deriving its origin from the Old English word marshal, which meant blacksmith [I've never before heard of marshal=blacksmith, ask Marshall Dillon and Kitty]. In medieval England, blacksmiths were extremely important because they were employed by the nobility to look after the horses." I'm not denying that Marshalls were workers in horses and horseshoes, however.

The Spanish Lama surname links to the German Potter surname which may be a branch of Botters=Butteri cowboys. That should explain the horse theme of the Keiths and Marshalls. "First found in Asturias...The first bearer of Lama on record was Gmez Gernandez of Segovia in Castile and Len, in the 14th century, during the reign of Alfonso. He became the first 'Señor de la casa de La Lama.'" Entering Segovia, we find the pot symbol of the German Pott(er)s. English Potters use a sea HORSE.

The Lamia link to Burger/Berg that I claim on the evidence of the shark in my dream can be supported further, somewhat anyway, where the Segovia clan was first found in Burgos. As Masseys were linked to Messiers/Messeys of BURGundy, while Meschins were from a Burgos bloodline (i.e. the Contes and Villes) from Languedoc (beside Burgundy), it's all evocative of my trace of Bellamy-Masseys to the historical Bellovesus (several centuries BC), brother of Segovesus, who lived in the Languedoc/Provence/Dauphine theater. Therefore, the Segovia location in Burgos seems to apply to Segovesus. Again, the brothers belonged to the Butteri-like BITURges.

It's known that Bellovesus and other Gauls invaded northern Italy successfully, establishing such peoples as the Laevi Gauls and Salyes Ligurians. You can bet your lemonade stand, therefore, that the deathly Lamia entity was amid the Bellovesus/Segovesus Gauls. And as by now we know that lamia entities were depicted with serpents entwined around rods, ditto for the Galli way back in Greece amongst the Kybele cult. The Galli are said to be castrated priests of Kybele, but that was myth code, a code applied also to Attis. It suggests that the Galli, known to be transvestites, were more women than men, which in turn indicates the female myth code applied to Amazons=Meshech=Mysians=Muses that founded the Muses of Avalon-Bute.

Thus, you can bet your stock of lemons too that the same Galli/Amazons (pre-dated Bellovesus) who ended up on Bute were first the Biturges and the Butteri. And as we're looking for the Lama among them, what about the Solymi (fellow tribe with Cabelees and Lasonii), whom (I've suspected) became the Lamh-related Salyes Ligurians? As the Cabelees were Abello-Apollo, founding bloodline of "Avalon," you can bet your license to sell lemonade that "Abello" named Bellovesus.

"Messier" was mis-spelled when on the topic above, which found a Massier surname I don't recall knowing before. The surname was first found in Guyenne, smacking of the proto-Mascis of pharaoh Khyan that I'm looking for. Recalling the messiah=meshiac conversation I had about the Moses-related proto-Meshwesh, note that Massier variations include, Massias and Massiac.

Checking to see whether "Guyenne" shows any evidence of linking to pharaoh Khyan, "Guy" was entered to first find the Gois/Guise surname (swan in Crest), and then to find the French Guy(e) surname, with this astonishing write-up: "First found in Picardy where this distinguished family held a family seat at De Guy a village in the department of l'Oise in l'Yonne. One of the first on record was the Duke de Spolèt whose name was Guy, in the year 894."

SKIMMERS GAWK HERE. Does not "Yonne" reflect "Yanassi," son of Khyan??? I realize that Yanassi never made it to the throne as to furnish a cult after his name, but then "Khyan" is said to be rooted in a HaYANU term. Compare "Guyenne" with "Hayanu"!!!!!!!!!!! (that's 11 marks, in case you're wondering, reserved only for the points that are better than the ones deserving 10).

You may have caught on that the Lamia cult was on lemon-like Lemnos, and to that I should add that Lemnites of that place are easily traced to the Lemovices because they were beside the Santones who smack of the Sintians of Lemnos. And so, by what lemincidence is it that Lemovices (founders of Limousin) lived in/beside Guyenne while I had traced Hyksos to the Lemnos Kabeiri cult? "In 1561, Guyenne was made a province, and included Bordelais, Bazadais, Limousin, Perigord, Quercy, Rouergue, Agenais, Saintonge [named after Santones], and Angoumois."

This may be sour in the mouth of an Englishman, but what sort of importance would have the gold-on-red lions in the Arms of England have blue claws and tongue just like the gold-on-red lion in the Arms of Guyenne (see at above link)? And why are the claws and tongue light blue, lighter than the azur blue used in most heraldry? In times past, blue was known as "cian" (i.e. like "Khyan"), and it may have been just the shade that we see the lion's claws (today, cian is a blue-green). The color of ancient Greece Why?

Is it not obvious by now that inner-circle Masons of England knew their origins in Khyan? I don't know whether that knowledge is still with Masons living today, but centuries ago, they had the fuel in their butts to create an elaborate heraldic system in honor of the most satanic entities, and they plastered the name of Jesus over it to disguise the reality. We know that Masonry today uses the same mask. Masons knew that should the realities be known by the public, the Golden-Dawn cause Masonry would be finished.

Don't kid yourself, that if you want to share this info in any public way, protect yourself. Do not allow them to identify you. If you want to write a book, don't let anyone know until after it's on the book shelves, and even then, consider an anonymous name for it's author.

There will be no golden dawn, for it was a ruse, a deception. The golden dawn is merely a means to make the public adhere to the rule of the Illuminatists. We are to believe that the world is a wonderful place while the Illuminatists feast on our labors. The golden dawn is just a factory for making money by making products, endless products. The dragon's den, a way to make money fast by manufacturing a new invention. The Casey and Lamp motto, "Per varios casus," is translated, "By various fortunes," and I don't think they meant fortunes obtained by honest work ethic.

Blue claws and tongue on an English lion. Blue blood. Khyan blood? You can bet your new invention in cian-colored geese that the English Guy(s)/Guise/Gois surname, with blue lozenges, links to the Khyan bloodline in Guyenne. Blue-green was the color of mythical Glaucus, and so why is the surname above said to be first found in Gloucestershire? Here's the write-up: "First found in Gloucestershire where they held a family seat as Lords of the Manor of Elmore [Ely entity?]in that shire, and were descended from Sir William Gyse who attended Duke William in his Conquest of England at the Battle of Hastings in 1066 A.D. It is believed that Sir William first held the manor of the later marriage of Anselm Gyse to Magotta de Burgh (Burke,) daughter of the Earl of Kent..." We have a Burgh here, an entity that I now link to the mythical Lamia shark, mother of Scylla who was loved by Glaucus. Forget doing crosswords or watching television in your spare time, dig in and find your own heraldic discoveries (you're welcome to use my leads); it's much more fun.

It appears that Guyenne became Gascony by the evolution of "Guy" into "Guys/Guis," or perhaps it was vice versa. This is the Goz line to Ranulf le Meschin, I am sure, for Goz is shown in some trees and articles as "Gois." Moreover, Cheshire's garbs, no doubt from the Meschin clan, are used by Gascony's flag.

You can bet your new invention in basket cases that Freemasons lost their minds looking for a way to make their bloodlines appear like holy Israelites. In the Gascony article, yet another Khyan-like term: "[Gascony] is also the land of d'Artagnan, who inspired Alexandre Dumas's character in The Three Musketeers. It is also home to the hero of the play Cyrano de Bergerac (though this character has little in common with the real Cyrano de Bergerac, who was a Parisian)" A Khyan-like term in a fictional/mythical work that includes a Berg-like tern, What have we wrought but the secret of secrets of the basket cases who didn't know enough to be good men?

The three musketeers must have been code for the Musketts/Mousquettes. Although the son of Ranulf le Meschin was given a surname, Gernon, that was from a MontFiquet/Fitchet location in the Bayeux (Normandy), one can also glean links to Mousquette, Normandy: "The history of the name Gernon goes back 1066 when the Norman Conquest of England occurred. Soon after this event, the name would have been given to a person who had a moustache. The name was originally derived from Old English words gernon or grenon, which meant moustache." Forget the moustache and think Mousquette (there is a moustache symbol in heraldry that may now be revealed as code for Mousquettes), which comes up when entering "Must."

The Gernon Coat uses two gold-on-red lions in the position of the Guyenne and Arms-of-Britain lions. The lions are too small to see the color of the claws, but in any case the border was made in blue.

The Bayeux=Bessin was symbolized by the bees in the Bessin Coat. And as the Bessin was founded by the Bia-like BaioCASSES, the Bia(ini) from Mus of Lake Van are suspect. It's been to the Meschin bloodline, eventually in the Bessin, that the Lamia cult has been linked. And the Masseys were linked to the Hallands thanks to the Great Hornet in Sky sending emailer Patterson (with Hall bloodline) to tribwatch. She was given the eyes of the owl to understand the ancient bloodlines, and id I'm not mistaken, she was the one who once suggested lamia to me, when I had no idea what she was all about, when I didn't emphasize her at all.

Today, I entered "Alam" to find a Halland/Hallam clan using yet another blue-on-white lion, and likewise first found in Yorkshire. Compare with the Hallam Coat coming up when entering "Halland." In the first case, the lion design is that of the Contes and Villes, the Lamite line to the Burgos'. Lamincidence? Julie asked me to investigate a surname using the same red bull in the Alam/Hallam Crest. I don't know when I'll get around to that. It could become another super key.

It's too hasty to trace "Hall" or "Holland" to "Lamia." Or is it? The implication is that the Alans and Hellenes of history were Elamites. It is then conspicuous that Alans were of the SauroMATA or SarMATIans, at lake Maeotis, while we have just seen a DelMATIA and a LaMATis location in regards to the Lam entity. Then recall BaphoMET.

After writing that, BEHOLD, some things about Hallams that the other Hallam write-up didn't mention: "The name Alam was originally derived from a family having lived in Hallamshire, an ancient part of Yorkshire encompassing the modern cities of Ecclesfield and SHEFField. Allam is an abbreviated form of Hallam." Checking "Sheff," what was found but "The lamb from the arms issuing from the torse." Is that not Hallarious? The first Rothschild (Mayer) -- who changed his surname from Bauer -- shared the house, called the "Green Shield," with the Shiffs!! Both the German/Bavarian Bauers/Bowers and Scottish Bowers/Beauers use green Shields.

Sheffs are properly, Schaeffer/Schefer (evoking the Safers but also the Scherfs) and first found in Hesse, likely having to do with the first Rothschild having close money-related associations with prince William IX of Hesse-Cassel (it is said that Rothschilds became fabulously wealthy thanks to money from prince William). My guess is that Schaefers evolved into the Shiptons (said to be from "scip"=sheep) and therefore into the Skiptons of Yorkshire. It's the Shiptons that use an eel and a "bellow" symbol. One proposed root of the Shiptons is "from Ilbert who held his lands from the Bishop of Bayeux..." Bessin roots once again.

We know that Skiptons of Yorkshire were married to Meschins that liked the Alis/Alice name, and then we also find the Elis clan in Yorkshire using the witch cult, Holle/Holla, in Crest. Therefore, a proposed Hallam-of-Sheff line to the Shiptons>Skiptons, because it leads to "Holle," looks accurate inasmuch as Hallams were the Holle cult. Moreover, as Skiptons were of Craven, they were traced to the Croatian theater, where we saw the Lamatis elements. This jibes with my trace of the Bauers from Bavaria back to the Sava theater.

In fact, the Boyers, a term entered moments ago because Bowers use "Bowyer," use a bar/bend in colors reversed from the Save bar/bend. Moreover, the Boyers are properly shown as "Bowyer"! If that's not enough, the Boyers/Bowyers use a rising eagle...what I now view as the phoenix of Lake Van -- i.e. Biaini -- elements!!! That trimark is because I expect the Bia peoples to have evolve into Boy-like surnames. While one Boy Coat uses the Bessin-surname bees, the Italian Boys/Bois/Boves (smacks of the Boii>Baia link that historians make between Bohemians and Bavarians) use Bauer-colored stars as well as the same bull as the French Boyers/Boiaie. If this Bow/Boy topic is a trace of the Boofima term, then it stands as a possibility that the Boofima term traces back to the Biaini. I didn't know until now that there exists the Bavarian cowbows.

This is a very good place to mention the Dallas surname again and what was just realized about it. In the last update it was mentioned -- in the throes of tracing the Butteri to "Texas" elements -- that the Dallas-colored stars are also the Butteri-colored star. I made a tentative but determined link between the Butteri and the Buthier river in Aosta, without evidence that would hold up well in the court of historian opinion. But moments ago, as i was using the browser still having the Aosta page to google for the Green House page, the term "Salassi" caught my eye from the Aosta page (they were the peoples of ancient Aosta), when it hit me that the Dallas surname could apply. It was only after that thought that I came to the blue bar/bend of the Boyers. The Dallas Coat uses a blue bend!

I think I know what it means, that the German Talls, who not only use a blue-on-white bend, but the Bessin and Boy bees too, and that the Tall-like Talbots, who also use a blue-on-white bend, are related, not only to the Sales as I've previously maintained, but to the Salassi-like Dallas' who likewise use as blue-on-white bend! If this is not coincidental, the Dallas' are Salyes and/or Salassi...which serves to trace the Butteri "Texans" to the Buthier region of Aosta (remember, the Butts/Butes use ESToiles).

THEN, the additional link (apparent above) of the Butteri "Texans" to the Boy clans leads the bloodline to the Catti of Hesse (!), where the Bauers/Boyers were involved. It not only tends to link the Butteri bloodline to the Bavarian/Rothschild Illuminati, but it tends to give reason for a Caddo-of-Texas trace back to the Catti founders of Hesse. It moreover gives some teeth to the proposed trace of the Butteri back to BosCATH, and if that's not enough, the proposed link between BosCath/BosKETH and the Keith Catti is reinforced as wildly as a Texas cowboy on a mean bull.

By now, you may know that "bos" is a bull term, as for example the white mythical cow, Io, was made the founder of Buz-like BYZantium. The bos term is related to the bovine term, itself related to Boof-like "buffalo" and "beef," which once again allows a Boofima trace to the Buzites that I see in the Biaini of Lake Van.

The Butteri bloodline in the Dallas' can be traced to Norwegian Hallands by the "barley" code on the Biggar write-up, when we find a gold boar head in the Barley Crest, the symbol also of the Ivar Crest. In the recent past, when tracing the first-known of that Norwegian-Halland bloodline, Ivar, I linked him to Bar-like surnames. Ivars were first found in DumBARton, and the Ivar boar head is used by the Barton surname. The Barton write-up: "the English word barton which originates in the two Old English words bere, which means barley..." However, that sounds like code for Barleys, for German Bartons, using Baer-like terms, suggests that the real derivation is in the Barr/Baer surname...which was earlier traced to Aosta's (!!) Bernard region. Those exclamation marks are for making the Norwegian-Halland link to the Buthier (i.e. Butteri-suspect) theater.

The Baer term evokes "Bayern-Bavaria." The Barton snails, for example, should be code for the Snells/Schnells, first found in Bavaria. Note that Scottish Bayers were first found in East Lothian, where the Keith Catti lived. Then, smack beside Lothian, in Peebleshire, is where the green-shielded Bowers were first found, who use what I think is the arrow symbol of Hungarian origins (though it's widely known that the Arms of Rothschild also uses five bunched arrows tied in the middle, a symbol used also in the Great Seal of the United States, but with 13 arrows). The above is mentioned because the Dallas bar/bend is the Leslie bar/bend in colors reversed, and Leslies are known to have been from BARTholemew, a Hungarian. The KaBARS/Khazars in Hungarian ancestry are suspect here.

The Peebleshire Bowers use "Ad Metum" for a motto, which evokes BaphoMET. I wouldn't have proposed that idea seriously had it not been for suggesting right above that "Boof(ima)" evolved into "Bower." It's very convincing, all of a sudden, and in fact I am convinced from other factors that Bowers carried the Baphomet cult, and were named after it. It now turns out the Bavarian>Bower link above to Norwegian Hallands is important where vikings were Templars while Baphomet is typically regarded as a Templar (i.e. but not Bavarian) cult.

The Dol-like variations of the Dallas' may suggest a trace of the Alans of Dol to the Salassi and/or Salyes (i.e. the latter named Dol). As per my belief that Salyes and/or Salassi named Salop=Shropshire, I'll add that English Stewarts>Alans (related to Leslies) were first found in Shropshire. I'll add that Irish Doles were first found in Lug-founded Leinster. The Irish Collins (i.e. Alan-suspect) were first found in Leinster! Later, this Collins-Leinster topic comes up again, where's it's shown, amongst other things, that the Leinster surname uses a swan in Crest.

Let's not forget my trace of Dol's Alans back to the raven-depicted vikings of Shetland with Stout>Stow surname, for we are now discovering that Alans were Hallams (i.e. Halland-related) and Callanes=Collins=CATHalans. The most-intelligent historians may be able to figure out here which came first, the chicken or the egg, but my emphasis is first finding the links, and only afterward figuring which surnames developed into which, and how.

German Doles (green Shield!) were first found in...Bavaria!! They use the grape vine, as do Levines ("Manco" motto term) of...Brittany!!! If you recall (from 1st update of this month) my link of vince-like motto terms to the "LeVIGNES variation of the Levines (assumes a "Vinges" variation also existed), see the "vincit" motto term of the Irish Doles (!), and don't forget that I traced the Magdalene cult -- said by others to be the Da-Vinci-code cult -- to the Dallens=D'Allens. In that 1st update, the Levines were linked to the Lam-carrying Landons, and they to the Vignes/Vergers/Berges' (the Lamia cult was not yet arrived to at that time), which now jibes with the theory herein that the mythical Lamia shark was carried by Burgers/Bergs. The clan above was likewise first found in Brittany, and it uses the eight pointed star of Ishtar, as does this Rothschild/Rothstein Coat on either side of an arrow.

Now BEHOLD, for I have shown several times in the past that the RothSTEIN star is identical to the one in the Dutch Stein Coat, but never had I seen the Stein Coats again up until now that I'm emphasizing the Boofima cult...a cult symbolized by both a goat (the German Steins use a goat!!) and a leopard (English Steins use leopards!!!). Remember too that the Weishaupt Crest is an (ibis) goat too.

The Stein goat is the Russell-Crest goat, having the appearance of a mohair goat (prized for the wool industry and abundant in Texas). The first Rothschild sold wool, and I believe I had found good evidence that he was selling to British Drummond bankers in charge (by government permission) of clothing the British army when the English were attempting to stop American independence, which was achieved in 1776, the same year that Adam Weishaupt formed the Bavarian Illuminati on an official basis. At the time of that Drummond-Rothschild discovery, I reasoned that the Confederates were a Rothschild/Illuminati insurrection seeking to undo the Americans again in the Civil War. Eventually, as many online claim, Rothschilds came to "own" the American central bank through insidious means, and have been working ever since to control, rather than to destroy, the United States.

To help prove that the Stein star is the Ishtar star, the English Steins use their leopards on a red-on-white bend, the color of the Astor-surname bend.

Several months ago, I stressed that Masseys and Mackays were the roots of Rothschilds (the Bauer wings look like the Masci wings, as only one reason for the link), and now I can add to that picture. The Astors were first found in Manche, where Masseys were first found, and the Levines/Levignes of Brittany, identified in the 1st update of this month as Mackays, use a "Manco" motto term. Mackays themselves use "Manu."

The fact that the Belgian Vignes/Vignons use the Payen/Pagan Shield may reveal that "Vignes" is a Pagan variation, in which case I would trace the Levines et-al to "Apachnas"=Khyan. It should also be said that the Payen and Vinges Shield is the Irish Mackay Shield. One could suspect that "Vignes" is a "viking" term.

For the serious investigator, let me go one. The Bartons using snails for the Bavarian Snells also use holly. In the Barton Crest, we are told that there is a "banner," and entering that term brings up the German Baners/Banners/Bayners/Bainers, while it's known that Banes/Bayns/Bains are a Mackay sept. As this sept was identified as Ban(t), father of Lancelot, and traced to BANESters as well as ardua-using Banes', note that Banesters were first found in Lancelot-like Lancashire, where the English Bartons were first found. As the Bartons link themselves to Snells of Bavaria, so we find that the Bart surname was first found in Bavaria.

I added some things to the last update, and one thing will be included in the quote below. There are multiple important points to be made, including the suspicion that "Deo" and "Dieus" are code for DeyLamites. A second important point is related to the latter, that the Butteri are trace-able to the Deylamites. The quote has more punch and makes much better sense if the reader had read what came just before and after it. Here's what I said:

...I admit that I veered into the Sion topic just now because I would be able to add that Petersons [= Butteri] use a "sine" motto term, which I've come across before and linked to Sionists. Petersons use "sine Deo" while Peters use "Sans Dieus" [i.e. tends to link Petersons to the Daia, who had a Sien-named king]. Entering "Sine" or "Sion" brings up the Macey Shield and several Macey-related symbols. Again, the heart symbol at the center of all the Sion Coat's symbols is used by Bitars/Buttars, and as Lanarkshire used that heart too, it is logical to trace the Bitar/Butters to Bute, offshore of the Lanark clan's theater. And as the Bitars/Butars were in the Fife theater, how is it that I solidly linked Vey-of-Bute elements smack to Fife? THEREFORE, WITHOUT DOUBT, WE HAVE FOUND the cowboys who named Bute!

A further point is that "Lanark," though the surname may not have started out that way, may have developed because it was a Lam entity. For example, if the Hallams were a Lam entity, then note that the symbol of Bute (see Rory Coat) and of the Hallams is both a blue-on-white lion. But if HALLAM (and Halls) were a Lam entity, then I would tend to identify the Alans with the Greek Hellenes, and as Bute was a Stewart beloved island, while Lanarks are a sept of Stewarts (see last update), how is it that Stewarts developed from "Alan"? In fact, I saw evidence that Alans of Brittany were the Helions/HELMS!!

I can now add -- as further evidence of a "Dol" trace to "Salyes" and/or "Salassi" -- that the Helions/Helms use, not just the downward-pointing pheon that the sales use, but a Shield smacking of the Sales Shield!!! Excellent.

And where I've said that the Sales/Salletes bend is half the Kilpatrick saltire, LOOK! The Helions/Helms were first found in Surrey, the place that the "sure" motto term of the Kilpatricks was solidly traced in just the last update. There we have yet another reason to trace the Butteri to the Salyes and/or Salassi. By this time, I think I need to admit error when previously tracing (tentatively) the Dol location, and the Alans thereof, to Attila's House of Dulo and to the Alan Huns allied to Attila. Again, the Dallas', who smack of the Salassi and use the Butteri star, have Doleys, Dolas and Dolles variations. Moreover, Dales use a swan.

This is a good place to add what was found minutes before publishing the update. Kilpatricks use a "make sure" motto phrase that was traced (as a proposal) to Makkedah in the last update, but now the one term can be traced to the McGees that came up when entering "Makie." Both McGees and Kilpatricks were first found in Dumfries. The McGees appear to use the Mackay dagger, and then the addition of the boar heads evokes the sword-with-boar of the Butteri-like Baits/Beiths.

This idea that Hellenes were "Lamites," so to speak, evokes the fact that mythical Aeolus, son of Hellen, was made a twin brother of Boiotus. As the Butteri are gelling nicely as a Lamite bloodline (I trust my "intuition" by now), it appears the Butteri were from Boiotia, which was in fact a bee-line entity represented by the honey goddess, Melia. It's my opinion that Boiotians developed into the Boii=Bohemians, who were not only a root to the Bessin's bees (the Boy surname also uses bees), but had been linked (in historical fact) to the Bellovesus BITURges as they conquered into northern Italy and beyond (the Boii were in Bologna, off the Po west of the Veneti). In that picture, one could imagine the gelling of two related Boiotian peoples, one the Bohemians and the other the Biturges line to/from the Butteri (the Bavarians were yet another line of Bohemians).

English Botters/Bodin, who were just linked to the Bodencus=Po river, were first found in Hampshire. Italian Botters (= the Butteri) show a "Botten" variation, and then we find that Bidens/Buttons/Buddins were also first found in Hampshire (i.e. they were obviously the Botters/Budins), though they had titles in Bath and Wells (Somerset), the very place to which I trace the proto-Baathist Bitar/Butters...because the Bath/Atha surname was first found in Somerset. Now we know yet better evidence than presented before that Middle-Eastern Baathists were from the Butteri...which line included vice-president Biden, now in charge, on Obama's behalf, of secret Iraqi affairs.

The Bath/Atha clan is said to have been first found in both Somerset and Gloucestershire. This is a good place to mention a theory that the Khaldi were named after the "cauldron" used in metal making. The metal would solidify, a process that required a name. "Gel" can denote either a gel-like "glue" or the gelling of a liquid into a solid, as for example the making of jello. Then there is my trace of the Gileki/Gels to the Glaucus line to Gloucester, while "glaucus" smacks of a glue term. The Greek, "glukus," giving us our "glucose," means "sweet," and yet it can derive also in sticky honey, syrup, and/or molasses. Wet sugar itself, when dried, is sticky.

In the beginning, man had "gel"-like "gold" rather than alloys such as bronze and tin. The Gileki>Gels evoke the Galli while "gold" is like "Khaldi." When metal gels, it's "cooling" and becoming gold-like "cold." When aes=metal cools to make cold gold, it's as though metal is turning to aes-like "ice."

To cover a metal with another metal can also be to "glaze," a glue concept and a Gileki-like term. One can also use a sugar-based glaze on a cake. The term, "glass," comes to mind, which is why I just checked the Glaze surname. Remember, the Glass motto uses "Luctor," apparent code for Lucca (where the Botters were first found) because the Glasses were first found in Buteshire and moreover use red-on-white stars, the color of the Botter-Coat star.

Amazingly, the Glaze Crest uses a heart!!! The heart is used by the Bitars/Butters!!! Glazes were first found in Yorkshire; they use Hallam colors, and their down-pointing pheon could link to the same of the Salyes Crest, but in any case I'm sure that pheons were code for the Biaini bee-line from Van. Remember, the DURANce river of the Salyes traces to TARUN at Van and TURAN of the Butteri theater. AFTER WRITING THAT, "Gloss" was entered to find a German Glasau/Glas clan using a bar/bend in colors reversed to the Botter/bar/bend, and, like the Botter coat, showing Texas-shaped stars on their bend. AFTER THAT, "Gleason" was entered to find another bend having Texas-shaped stars in the color scheme of the Botter lone star!!!

ALMOST UNREAL. I clicked the Tipperary link in the Gleason page (it's where Gleasons were first found), taking me to Wikipedia's article, and showing the Arms of Tipperary to be the same as the BUTler Coat!!! The reason that I went to the Tipperary link in the first place is because the location is in Munster, where the Deas=Deylamites of Mus-blood were living! Lam-like Limerick is also in Munster, beside Tipperary.

Butlers were first found in KilKENNY, perhaps a Khyan domain (because I trace Butteri to the Buto cult of the Nile delta). Indeed, Kilkenny is in Leinster, a known Lug-founded domain, and Lug's father was a Danann named, Cian!!! The Irish call Kilkenny, "Chainnigh," perhaps a branch of the Chain/Cheyne clan.

The Khaldi are known ancient iron makers along with their Halybes fellows, suggesting that the Khaldi, of the Thermodon theater, had a branch on the Halyes i.e. where I suspect the Galli. That is, the Khaldi and Galli were the same peoples in two branches, one the proto-Celts and the other the proto-Gali=Gauls. The Galli were priests of the Kabeiri cult, and the Kabeiri were on laminate-like Lemnos (as well as in Boiotia), where the metal-smith god, ruler of the Kabeiri, was made (myth writers) at home.

Again, the Khaldi trace to cauldron-like Chaldeans, on the Aphrodite-like Euphrates, where there was a Kabeiri-like Khabur tributary of the Euphrates. Aphrodite was from copper/cupris-like Cyprus, and she was made the wife of the metal-smith of laminate-like Lemnos. If we can find good evidence that the Boiotians were on Lemnos, and we will below, then as the Boiotians are being traced forward to the Butteri, how is it that the metal-smith on Lemnos was the Roman Vulcan, smacking "Velch, a Volci city at the mouth of the Fiori river upon which the Butteri lived?!? When things bang along this good, it's the hammer to the anvil.

The Fulks now look like the Hephaestus metal cult in Anjou, and wouldn't you know it, the Fulks had been identified months ago as a split-Shield bloodline...when I hadn't yet realized that the split Shield may have been code for metal alloys. Italian Fulks use checks, yet another split-color theme, and the same checks are used by Ferrari-based Veres ('ferrari" means "iron/steel smith"). As you may have realized, heraldry as a whole is based on the symbols of war, and ditto for the game of chess.

Sintering is a process of liquefying materials, such as metals, and bonding them together. There were Sintians on laminate-like Lemnos. Sintian-like Sandon was a god of fire, as was Hephaestus on Lemnos. The term to adhere one metal coating to another metal is "GALVanize," much like "Chalybe."

The idea is that metals were being laminated on Lemnos, and different metals were being experimented with to form alloys, that being a Galli-like term. Alloys such a bronze, made from mixing copper with tin, evokes the Thynia region not far from the Halyes. "Bronze" reflects the Brian surname, which is the one using the lions in the split colors of silver and gold, the symbol that was suspect, before the metal-making topic at hand was conceived, as one for metal makers. It had been argued that Brians were Bryces because the latter use the same lion design, and Bryces were traced to the Bryges/Briges=Phrygians. It just so-happens that Phrygia was smack in relation to the Halyes river and to the Halybes of that region (the gold-like Galatians later came to settle the Halyes, as though coming back to ancient roots).

Then we also have the Phrygian golden king, Midas, mythical code, likely, for the gold making of Phrygia, which is where the golden fleece also came out of. Gold is gelled into bricks, and we saw the Brick surname linked to the Bryces. The golden fleece was ridden by brick-like Phrixus to Gileki-like Colchis.

There are an Iron peoples that were...Alans from Alania (Caucasia)! It suggests that Alans were of the iron-making peoples. "Halybes" smacks of "alba" = white, and it's known that Halybes made iron (they say Halybes invented iron), a "white" metal in comparison to gold, copper, or bronze. There is an Arda-like river in Alania to this day, and then we find an ExCALIBUR sword in Arthurian myth, smacking of code for "Chalybe."

This is all good argumentation for linking Alans to the Gel=Gileki line, and as the Galli ended up in Lemnos, where we expect the Lam entity, it allows the proto-Stewart Alans to have been just that Lam entity. Perhaps, as per the fact that the golden fleece was from Phryxus=Phrygia, so as to depict the gold-making industry, the fleece was made the pelt of a lamb just because of linkage to the Lam entity, though that argument seems to fall apart because neither the Greek nor Latin "lamb" was a lamb-like term. BUT, the Lato-Greek term for a lamb, , "agnus/agnes," smacks of "argent"=silver, another "white" metal. And there is an argument to be made that "silver" is a soft-C version of "Chalybe(r)."

Although "lamb" is not a Latin term so as to be link-able as play-on-words to the Lam entity, the Butteri, who were in Lazio=Latinus, are being traced to the Lam entity, and the Butteri were sheep herders. As the Butteri are now being traced to "Boiotia," they may have been from Lam-like Lemnos. Again, the Lam-suspected Alans of Brittany, as soon as they got to the royal Scottish throne, seized for their own honor the island of Bute, founded by Butteri elements.

Nergal was also a hell-fire god (symbol of metal making, as per Hephaestus evolving into the Roman Vulcan), and like Sandon (Sintians?), Nergal was depicted as a lion. It's known that Sandon and Hercules were virtually one, otherwise called the "Lydian lion." As Nergal was the spouse of the Lazi (= the golden fleece bloodline), we can see that the Lazi evolved into Lydians, the line to the Butteri Latins and Etruscans. It can then be surmised that NerGal, with a Gel/Galli implication, traced to mythical Xuthus of Greece, because Nergal was the god of a Cutha location. Xuthus was the son of Gel-like Hellen, and brother of Aeolus and Doris. Aeolus was made married to ENARete, whom I trace to the NEReids, who were made married to dora-like Dorus ("dora" means "gold" in Latin). Thus, the "gal" in "Nergal" was in honor of proto-Greeks of the Hellen line.

As there is a good chance that "Nereid" traces to the Earth-Mother goddess, Nerthus, and as it's said logically that "earth" can be seen in "Nerth," what about Lam-like LIMEstone, the earth used in making the bonding agent, cement? Recall my theory that the Greek word for earth, "chthon," is linked to "Cutha/Xuthus," if that helps to link Nergal to the Earth-Mother. As we know, earth cults also became underworld themes, such as Nergal was. In Greek, the word for "down" is "kata." In myth, "Chthon" is used to define the indigenous Greeks, or the earliest Greeks possible, and that again identifies Hellen as a Nergal-of-Cutha cult. It then suggests that the Lazi were fundamental to the founding of the Hellenists, and yet we don't see a Laz term high up in the Hellen family.

However, mythical Butes was made a twin of EreCHTHeus and/or EreCHTHONius, while the Butteri and the Turan witch were in Lazio. Xuthus was made the father of Daia-evoking Diomede, she being a "mistress of Achilles." We saw that an Achilles-like term was the son of Lamia, and that Achilles was the son of a chief Nereid. Moreover, Diomede was made a wife of Daiaeni-like Deioneus, who was the father of Dia, wife of Ixion, king of Lapiths. It was the case that Diomede was a (Halybe-like) Lapith on Lesbos, and as I traced "Lapith" to "Libya," let's not forget that Lamia-proper was from Libya. Suddenly, Lamia looks like the Ixion-branch Hyksos (and Ligurians), which is what was gathered as per her father, Belas=Pelusia.

Pelusia is traced by some to "Wilusia," another term for the city of Ilus. The latter is said to have been the city of Tros, which smacks of "dross," the materials floating on the surface of a molten batch of oar. Sometimes, the floating materials are exactly the materials desired in metal-making.

Another word for "glue" and the process of sintering is "mesh." I'm not suggesting that the Meshech=Amazons were named after a meshing of things, but rather vice-versa. Amazons were on laminate-like Lemnos along with sinter-like Sintians, and Lemnos was off-shore of Amazon-infested Mysia, the nation that was fundamental to the Hercules line as it developed into Lydia proper.

Another word for "metal" or "iron" is "aes/ais" (see HepAEStus), and then we find that Iason/Jason, son of Aeson, visited and mated with the Amazons of Lemnos while en route to retrieve the golden fleece in Gileki-like Colchis. The fleece was stolen by Jason from king Aeetes in the city of KutAISi (near the Lazi and Bats), and as I trace that city to mythical Attis, or the Hatti of Kutaisi-like Hattusa, so the aes-metal cult can be traced back to Hattusa-like Cadusia, where the Gileki and Deylamites were joined like two metals into one with the Cadusii. When Jason stole the fleece, he took both it and metal-like Medea with him. The fleece belonged to army-like Hermes, code for army-like Armenia, where the Cadusii lived. Metal-making and armies were one and the same to the dragon cult. Harmonia, depicted as a serpent/dragon, was the daughter of the god of war, Ares. The Ares dragon was said to protect the golden fleece in Colchis, and mythical dragons protected the gold in mines. WE GET IT.

The Argos ship was loaded with a crew from the Boiotians, including the miner=like Minyae/Minyans. It was in Boiotia that Cadusii-based Cadmus found the Ares dragon that ended up in Colchis protecting the golden fleece. The dragon was given the code-word, "Sparti," which sounds like "sparring"=fighting a war, an apt term for the gods of war. CadMUS founded a city at Thebes of Boiotia, meaning that the Mus entity from Lake Van was there in Butteri-based Boiotia, explaining why the Butteri and the Masseys appear foot-in-boot together. Although there were nine Muses eventually, they started out (in myth) as three Muses from Boiotia. YOU GET IT.

And where did the Muses go from that Boiotian beginning? To Thessaly, where Ixion lived with his children, the Centaurs, code for a horse-loving cowboy peoples just like the Butteri!! And where did the Massins/Masons end up? In Centaur-like Kent. The "FreeMason" code was found to be in honor of both the Massins/Masons and split-colored Freys. The latter are traced back to Frixos=Phryxus, a special ally of Nephele, the mother of the Centaurs! Put an "A" on the front of "Nephele" and compare with "anvil."

If Nergal was a Nahorite-Gel entity, then it should be mentioned that Nahor was from ARMenia-like Aram. The golden fleece was, technically, a ram, the ram symbol of Hermes. Armenians evolved into Phrygians, and that's where the golden fleece came out of, though technically it was from a Phrygian entity in the Lydo-Mysian theater.

Rosicrucians experimented with metals and called it "alchemy," and "chemistry" smacks of Kemmis, the Khemmite capital. There is no alchemy/chemistry without the transfer of electrons, and Hercules, a Danaan descended from Khemmites, was of the mythical Electryon bloodline. Hercules' mother, ALCmena, smacks of "alchemy." Rosicrucians tried to turn cheap metals into gold by chemical experimentations, only to find that gold was what they called a "noble" metal (i.e. unable to react chemically with other chemicals/metals), smacking of the Nephele line to the Nobel surname. I should get the Nobel prize for uncovering the Nobels under a cloud of suspicious fools-gold dust.

Back now to the link of Glass' / Gloss' and Gleasons to the Butteri. All four clans use the five-pointed pentagram, which is the Texas star, and it was just last night when I realized "pentagram" to be code, possibly, for "Pendragon." It just so happens that, several months ago or more, I linked a Pendragon motto term ("teipsum") to the Tipps' and then, as corroboration, to the Tippers (dolphins). The latter were first found in Cornwall, where the Pendragons/Pendreds were first found, and where Arthurian myth essentially traces the birth of king Arthur from Pendragon=Gorlois, a ruler of Cornwall. The point is, I had traced Tippers to Tipperary, and though I can't recall the evidence used for it, it had not to do with the fact that Gleasons (now found to use the pentagram in the Botter-pentagram color scheme) were first found in Tipperary.

DON'T GLOSS OVER THIS: Here's what was written above:

Amazingly, the Glaze Crest uses a heart!!! The heart is used by the Bitars/Butters!!! Glazes were first found in Yorkshire; they use Hallam colors, and their down-pointing pheon could link to the same of the Salyes Crest, but in any case...AFTER WRITING THAT, "Gloss" was entered...

That paragraph led soon to the Gleasons, of Tipperary, and so let me say that the Tipps (with an 's') use...downward-pointing pheons (in this case called, "arrowheads") It recalls my trace of the Arrow surname to the Arthur cult because the Arrows are properly, "Arras," the name of a region in Artois.

One gathers from "PendRED," and because the Arthurian dragon was red rather than white, that Pendragons had been a Pend entity. I linked them to Penders, but can now report that the Pender Shield is a chevron on colors reversed to the Tipper chevron. To make this link gel even harder, the Irish Pender(gast)s use what looks like an antelope, the stated symbol of the Tipps'.

It makes sense that Pendragons should trace to Butteri in this way, for king Arthur was made to die in Avalon=Bute. But there is also a Pendragon trace to Lake Van insinuated, for where the Butteri trace to Lake Van, the "Pen" term smacks of "Biaini" and "Poeni." In fact, as I now tentatively trace the pheon to the Paeoni/Paioni, I will add that, many months ago when the Van topic was not on my plate whatsoever, I saw that Pendragons, as per the Pinder/Pynder/Pindar/Pinner variation of the Cheshire Penders (in Botter colors), linked to Pynes and therefore to Payens/Paions. The Pyne Coat is essentially the Van-like Wayne Coat, and the latter uses the Arthur-crest pelican design.

None of this needs to be complicated for the casual reader; just get the gist that Arthurians were one and the same the Lake-Van Nahorites, the bloodline-loving peoples that God hated so much that he took from them a small metal splinter, called Abraham, to first frustrate and finally destroy, them.

Pendragons were likewise the Pan cult out of Van. All major Freemasonic lines should trace to Van. That is the Nairi same thing as saying that Freemasons are now Buz-ted. We don't forget that the Biaini are named in relation to UrARTU. One online site says, "It might seem strange that the Urartians referred to themselves as Biaini..." Earlier on the page, in a mythcode-studded and satanic account of Urartu's history:

...Van [a man], who had labored in Caligastia's headquarters city of Dalamatia for three hundred thousand years under the plan for world advancement, denounced the rebels vigorously. With Amadon, his modified Andonite associate...

...[In the 13th century BC], the Assyrians applied the term Uruartri [looks like an Uru-Arter combo] to the loose groupings of people in the region where Urartu was later to appear. The Assyrians also referred to these peoples as the Nairi. (Could this be connected with the Nerites referred to in The URANTIA Book?)

I kid you not that when I traced Van's Daiaeni to Dalmatia on the Adriatic coast, I had not known this quote's Dalamatia myth code. Someone else beside you and I know of the Daiaeni trace to Dalmatia. The "Amadon" term seems like code for Amazons, but then they were Meshech (i.e. likely founders of Mus at Van).

I just recalled how it was that the Pendragon motto term was traced to Tipperary. Both the Tippers and Scottish Kennedys (smack of "VENeti/Heneti"!) use blue dolphins, while Irish Kennedys were first found in Tipperary. The Pendragon Crest is a helmet, the symbols in the Irish Kennedy Coat...though the latter's helmets are like the one in the Doby Coat (in Tipper colors). We saw above that Dobys link to German Potters, bring it round back to the Butteri bloodline in Tipperary.

This paragraph is an insert, as was the above on the Helions/Helms identified as the Alans=Hallams of Dol. The paragraph above was written days before the Helion/Helm insert, and here I am proof reading the day before publishing, seeing first that "helmet" is code for Alan-Met, where "met" refers both to BaphoMET and this cult's evolution into the "metam" using Bowers (known to link to Alans in that French Alans use Bauer stars). Or, in short, the Pendragon and Kennedy helmet is code for the Helms.

You may recall that I traced Doby and Dobers (Save- and Leslie-like Shield) to Ragusa's alternative name, "Dubrov(nik)", a location in...Dalmatia! That Ragusa location was important for tracing pharaoh Khyan to the fish-using Saracas. It was in this Sava theater that I imagined the Austrian Bauers to stem out from, long before I knew that Bauers were the Boofima cult's ugly guts.

The Dobers are also Taubers, smacking of the grape-using Tabers. The grape bunch is purple, like that of the Levines/Levignes, and as per the theory made above that (Le)Vignes' were Payens/Pagans, is it not verification that English Tabers use the Payen/Pagan Shield??? The big world of surnames is becoming much smaller. As the Levines were traced with Alans of Dol to the Salyes / Salassi, note that Tabers (more leopards) use a "Soles" motto term.

As per the dolphins in the Tipper Crest (the surname is shown properly as, Tippett), the clan is perhaps named after "Daphne" elements, for the Tipps are properly shown as Daphne-like Tippens. The Daphne bloodline had been traced from Sabines to Devon's founders, and that's roughly where the Pendragons came forth. I also see a Pendragon link to the Pennines and Apennines (the Sabines were on the Apennines). The anchor in the Tipper/Tippett Crest evokes a sea-faring entity.

Back to the Arrow/Arras surname that was brought up in the first place as per the "arrowhead" that the Tipps pheon is called. The Arrow write-up traces the Arras-of-Artois line to Dumfries, where the KilPATRick-branch of Butteri were living. I say it because both the (Kil)Patricks and the Arras'/Arrows use black-on-white crosses. This picture evokes the Bonnie term that I thought the Spirit of God had linked to the Biaini founders of Van. That is, the Kilpatrick and Patrick saltires evoke Skull and Bones, the cult named after the pirate flag using a skull and crossed bones. It became my theory many years ago that the crossed bones were the derivation of the so-called saltire X cross, and so a black satire, used by (Kil)Patricks, translates into the "best" symbol of the pirate flag, for that flag was black bones on white.

Later, and not long ago, I happened on a theory that "saltire" was named after the Sallette variation of the Sales clan, at which time I had no idea that the Sales-Crest pheon linked to Bonnie bloodline and therefore to the Biaini of Van. Again, the Tipps/Tippins use the Sales/Sallette pheon but call it an "arrowhead." As you can see, both Sales/Salettes and Pendragons use white-on-black fleur-de-lys, and Sales use half the Kilpatrick saltire. See the similarity between the Bonnie Coat and the Sales/Sallette Coat, and let it be reminded that Bonnies were found in two locations to which I trace Ligurians.

The casual reader needs only to get the gist, the overwHELMing fact that the Illuminati traces to human-sacrifice cults, and to the murdered blood crying out to God for VANgeance.

The Arms of Ragusa motto: "Non bene pro toto libertas venditur auro" "Non bene pro toto libertas venditur auro."

We see a Bone/Bonnie-like "bene" and a "vend."

The Bonnie bar/bend is the Masci bend but in the other diagonal direction, which link is expected as per tracing Masseys to Mus at Lake Van. Again, the Bones use a bend in colors reversed to the Bonnies, and in the color scheme of the Botter bend. If these are not bonincidences, then the Butteri do trace to Lake Van in multiple ways. Here's what little we find online from someone with bad English:

In inscriptions this kingdom, were calling Biainili, Biaini.

Capital - Tushpa (Tosp), by name of Goddess Tushpeaini, she is a wife of the Sun God Shivini.

TushPEAINI??? I kid you not, that I have only started to seek info on the Biaini now, AFTER tracing the pheon to them. And what of the similarity between the "Biainili" variation and "Vinili"? The Vinili and the Vandals=Wends were a related peoples. From this we can gather that Van/Biainili elements were among the venditur-using Ragusa theater.

Tushpa is also "Taysheba/Teisba," the "Tay" smacking of the Takys and Daiai(eni). There's not much at the page from which this was accessed, but we do see a "Musasir" location. Here's a transacted Wikipedia article on Urartu/Biainii that locates Musasir at Van when it's capital was Tushpa (proto-Tipps/Tippers?).

Clicking over to the Biaini article, you can see it associated with "Haiasa," who look like good candidates for "Hyksos" because "Haiasa/Hayasa" named "Hayastan," the name that Armenians call their country, who trace themselves to a god, Hayk/Haik. Here's the translated Hayasa article, where you can see some evidence that the Hyksos were linked to Sames, the Armenian god that I trace to "Biblical" SAMSon, depiction of the Hyksos inside Israel.

In continuing the mouse-survival story begun in the last update, the mouse is still alive. As per the last report, the mouse had tripped the trap six or seven times and survived in excellent health. On at least two of those occasions, some part of the mouse was caught in the trap, and yet it wiggled out of it. If the trap is heard dragging on the floor after snapping, I know some part of the mouse is caught.

There was only one other mouse a year or more ago, out of dozens that have been caught, to come close to this amazing feat. It had a round darkish circle on it's side, and like the mouse now, it was the last one in the house. I don't recall if I had ever caught the one with round circle. I had remarked that the circle reminded of the Obama logo, after which a mouse appeared on camera in front of Obama as he addressed nation. The idea of a mouse getting away from a trap many times evokes Obama more than anyone else in my mind, though it also evokes the Illuminati in general.

The present mouse has learned to lick the peanut butter off of the trigger and other parts of without snapping the trap. I can hear it's happy pitter-patter, as I write, a few feet behind me near the unsprung trap. It's belly is full of peanut butter yet again. About a week ago, I could hear the quieter thud, a distinct sound as compared to the louder metal-on-wood "snap" when the springing trap misses the mouse. After the thud, there was the sound for a couple of seconds of typical rapid leg movement until the mouse lost consciousness, which is when the mice usually die. In the morning, there was the trap upside down, as often is the case with dead mice underneath it. That was that, but I didn't discard the mouse at that time.

It was evening when I got round to it. Picking up the trap, and turning it around to see this Obama copy-cat...there was no mouse. I reasoned that, while I slept, it had regained consciousness, and slipped out of the trap yet again. That fact continued to indicate to me that this mouse is another Sign. I had first seen a mouse some three weeks ago, out of the corner of my eye, dash like lightning right under my chair as I typed, which seemed to be an indication that this mouse was from Him, to act as a sign that I should be attentive to.

After the event above, I decided that a better way to get this mouse was to sprinkle poison pellets on the trap, knowing that I was "fighting" against God, and that He could make a way out for it. If it survived the trap, the pellets would finish it off, I reasoned. On the first night, the mouse got all the pellets off the trap without snapping the trap. Amazing. I've learned that, mice that survive a snapped trap will reach in with feet to get food rather than climb over the trap. Good idea. I would do the same.

The next morning, new pellets were still in the trap. The same was the case on the morning after that. I figured that the mouse was dead already from the pellets. On the third night, a trend started that has continued until this very morning, which is after the fifth night. I would wake up at roughly 4-5 am, just before hearing a sound like the sound of a mouse. On the third night, there was a sound like the sound of a mouse, but I couldn't be sure whether it was inside or outside, or perhaps in the wall. Had it been a pitter-patter, I would have been sure that it was inside the house, but it wasn't a pitter-patter. In the morning, the pellets were still in the trap, wherefore I reasoned that the noise wasn't from in the house.

From the second night on, I left the box of pellets on the floor too. There's no way a mouse's snout could be inside that box and not make the appropriate pellet-rattling noises. I didn't hear that sound. The pellets in the box appeared undisturbed in the morning. On the next night, I heard sounds at the same near-dawn time. Getting up at the break of dawn when hearing the noises again, I wanted to know whether the noise was a mouse inside the house. Standing by the trap to get a better sense of where the noises were coming from, there and then the healthy mouse came into full view. He went straight to the trap, sniffing at it but refusing the pellets (the only way I can explain this is that the mouse got sick from the pellets on the first night, and knew enough not to eat them afterward). It then came a little further out, saw me, and ran away under the gas barbecue (that I keep in the kitchen). How many times during these nights did the mouse go to the trap, sniff, but then refuse the food?

I had to resort to peanut butter again, therefore, and early this morning I awoke at around 4am, just minutes before hearing the distinct licking sound that I've heard before. I got up, and sure enough, the trap's trigger was spanking clean of peanut butter, and the trap had not snapped. As I said, the mouse is happy this morning.

But I have an unopened package of cheese in the fridge now, and a mouse can't lick cheese off the trigger. Tonight, it will be cheese on the trigger.

It's now the following morning. I was woken at about 5 am by a loud nose. It was the mouse's snout inside the box of pellets! It was an extremely loud no(i)se. Do you know the feeling when you've eaten something so good, when there's none left, that you've just got to eat something else too? Sure, enough, the mouse was pigging out on what it had refused for days, immediately after eating the cheese. Yep, I got up to verify that the cheese was gone, and the trap unsnapped.

So I took pliers to the wire's hooked part, and slightly straightened the hook so that the trap would snap more easily. A fresh piece of cheese was pressed in tightly so that it would need to be yanked off the trigger. A half hour later, behind my back while I typed away parts of the below (on the Meschin-based Carreys and Carricks), I jumped in my seat as the trap went off with the metal-on-wood sound. Sure enough, the trap was upside down, without the mouse.

The next day, Sunday, the cheese was again clean off the trigger, and not an atom of cheese left. But I've got yet one more night before this update is due for publishing.

For all the animal lovers and Illuminatists shouting, "hurray!," what about my electrical wires that mice have been known to gnaw at? This mouse could end up "burning" me. I wonder, has the Sign already occurred, or is there something else yet to come? Stay tuned to, Miracle Mouse: The Saga.

Sunday night. A swipe of oily grease from the frying pay right onto the wire that trips the trap, making the wire more slippery and easier to trip. For good measure, a piece of carrot soaked in that oil was squeezed tightly under the wire, and even a piece of potato chip under the spring under the wire. Monday morning 5 am. SNAP! Then the mouse running away was heard. 6:30 am, I got up to witness the empty trap (it didn't come back for the potato chip still in the trap). I have it scared now, and there are yet six 5am's left in the week.

From World Net Daily this past week:

An elite team of computer technicians assembled by the Obama administration to protect Pentagon networks from cyberattack shockingly includes a former Clinton official who "lost" thousands of archived emails under subpoena and who more recently left the Department of Homeland Security under an ethical cloud related to her qualifications, WND has learned.

The administration in May quietly hired Laura [Crabtree] Callahan...

Obama hired family, for as Obama has a Wolfley bloodline, the Callahan Coat (in Wolfley colors) uses the Wolfley wolf.

A few hours after reading the article above, I went searching for the latest on the Obama-care skinchip, and happened upon my 6th update of June 2000 on the Google search page. The part of the update showing on the search results was, "Obama's Been a Dunright Payne..." Clicking, therefore, to the update and finding the first instance of Payne, here's what it said: "...a Wolfley married a Payne that was Obama's mother's parent. It completely slipped my mind, when on the Payen/Payne surname in recent days."

The fact that Obama is a Payne skipped my mind again in this update when on the Payen link to Lake Van, and to that I will add that the Neuri (Ukraine) worshiped, or used, wolves in their annual ceremonies.

By the way, there are more and more webpages saying that Obama-care does not require (as mandatory) a microchip implant. Therefore, in spite of what I may think of the mouse signs, I tend to think that the second half of the 70th Week is too far in the future to arrive when Obama is the president.

Next, I found myself at the 13-Illuminati-families page, clicking on the Collins link. Here's just a small section:

The Collins family is one of the most powerful families in the world, and yet has been able to hide their power and wealth. The Van Duyn family [recall the "Dunright Payne" phrase, part code for Obama's DUNham mother, known as a worker for Rockefellers] has also hidden themselves very well. But the Collins family is full of tantalizing clues...the Collins family and their relationship to the Bauer family who according to his book changed their name to Bower. That is exactly what the Rothschild relatives named Bauer did...

[Sara Aynn Collins] went to Scotland to get to the heart of learning the occult and became a leader in the oldest form of Wicca, the Elven Path. A wild woman stabbed Sara Aynn Collins to death in a Boston store [this is the final fate of every Illuminati rat that proudly escapes the trap many times]...The Todd family seems to have Satanic undertones to [the Collins family]...The Todd surname [said to mean, "fox," and using foxes] is not an extremely common name - until one begins researching the [Illuminati] conspiracy, and then it pops up with frequency. It is known that during the time of the Civil War the Collins bloodline went into the surnames of Todd and Putman [smacks of the Butteri bloodline, uses a red wolf i.e. like the red Todd fox].

It needs to be brought out here that the Putman family also has spelled their name Putnam [Putmans/Puttenhams were first found in Hampshire, where PUTNam-like Bidens/Buttuns/Boddins were first found; Putmans/Puttenhams are in the colors of the Putins/Paddams, Puters/Putters and Puttens/Puttocks]!...The Be Wise As Serpents book exposed the early Clinton family of DeWitt Clinton as an illuminati family [I trace both Whit(e)s and Butteri to the Uat/Buto cult]. William Collins Whitney (1841-1904) and his two sons are the core of the Whitney influence in the Order of the Skull & Bones. This Collins blood of the Whitney's then went into the Harriman family. Anyone who has been reading this newsletter this year knows how important the Harrimans are! Pam Harriman is the person behind Bill Clinton.

Further, the Collins blood of the Whitney's went into the Payne family and the Vanderbilts by intermarriage! The Payne family has been a big part of the Rockefellers and Standard Oil...Their son (and remember he still has Collins blood) Cornelius Vanderbilt Whitney married Marie Norton who later married W. Averell Harriman (unit. into S&B in 1913), the man who helped finance Hitler to power. The Harrimans also helped bring the Bush family from oblivion back in the early 1920s. When Prescott Bush (George Bush's father) lost all his money in the 1929 stock market crash, the Harrimans again came to financially helped Prescott Bush back on his feet.

During the 1920s, the W. Averell Harriman, Prescott Bush, Fritz Thyssen and Friedrich Flick [same as the Flecks/Flacks that I link to proto-Baathists] created several entitles to help finance Hitler and to produce the weapons Hitler would need to fight W.W. II...

The first time that I heard of Bush links to Nazis was when reporting on it in the 4th update of last April. I was already convinced of it then due to heraldry evidence. I can now report that both Harrimans and Collins appear linked to the MacCarthy Deylamites at Muskerry. It's just incredible that I did an update this month (the second update of July) of the 13 Illuminati families, where I discussed the Collins clan too, and that immediately after that update, I found myself on the Muskerry topic. That topic centers around the Deas=Desmond kingdom of Ireland, and it's only because of coming across the article above that I re-checked the Collins find what may have been otherwise missed totally: that the Irish Collins surname was "First found in North Desmond, later part of County Limerick..." Is that not incredible... as though Someone directs my topics?

The English Collins Coat, using what I suspect is the Arms of Baden, shows the same footless martins as the English Harriman Coat. Harrimans use yet another black-on-white cross, like the one used by Arras'/Arrows. That is, "Harri(man)" could be an "Arrow" branch. The Harriman Chief shows the three-fingered cross called a "cross fiori." As (Kil)Patricks use a black-on-white cross too, and as they were Butteri, is it coincidental that Butteri were on the Fiori river? Could the cross fiori, used by Bouillons too, be code for the Butteri and/or others on the Fiori river?

There is another black-on-white cross in the Crabtree Coat, presented here as per Obama's pick of Laura Crabtree Callahan (who married a Collins-like Callahan surname). Recall the trace of Harry/Harris-like terms to Herzegovina, and to Croatians that I think were Garebites, for "Crab" evokes "Gareb." The Crabtree surname is also "Craytree," and then there is a Cray Coat (this is a clan that I trace to "Crete" and "Rhea") using stars in the colors of the Butteri lone star.

The Callahan surname was first found in...drumroll please, for the great work of God...MUNSTER!!! How is it that the Munster topic coincides so well with Obama's pick for Callahan (from a July-18 article)??? It's of course not by my doing.

The center of the Harriman cross shows the stag head used by the Yorkshire Annes/Hannes, indicating Harriman links to Hannibals. But it also reminds that I traced Croatians=Hrvati to the Yorkshire "Cravens," who use a red-on-white fesse just like the Crays!!

NOW BEHOLD. Recalling that the Brian and Douney/Dawney Coats use the same lions exactly, it just so happens that the Harrys/Carreys (in Dunham colors) use the same lion design while being first found in Kilkenny, which, like the Deas'=Desmonds, is in Munster. The Douneys/Dawneys, who smack of Dunhams, were traced to the Deas clan, and here we now find some verification.

It therefore appears solid that Harrimans and Harrys/Carrys were one, and to that I'll add that the latter are also "Carre," smacking of "Carthage." It is not necessarily contradictory to trace Harrimans both to Carthage and to HERZegovia. BUT LOOK, for the Harrys/Carreys are also "Kearey/Kearrie/Keerie/Keery/Keerey," smacking of the Desmond clan at Muskerry, between Cork and Kerry! (I had traced "Cork" to Leicester's earlier name of "Ratae CORIEtauvorum.") The Irish Collins, the ones using the Harriman martlets, were first in Leinster, where Kilkenny is located, but, as says the Collins write-up, moved to Cork.

As Kilkenny is in Lug-founded Leinster, what about the Soar river in Leicester, anciently the Legro river, the term that named Leicester? Is it coincidental that the Leinster surname was first found in Cheshire, where English Masseys were first found, once again having the capacity to identify Muskerry with Masseys? As Masseys were of the house of Bellamy, so the Leinster-surname Shield is the Bellamy Shield, but then the Bellamy Shield is also used by the German Hares/Haars!

Harrimans are therefore suspect as these Hares/Haars, suggesting that the Nazi-related Bushes were supported by a Bellamy-Massey branch. This would be a good place to mention what almost evaded me, that there is a perfect bell shape (the same bell used by the Bells and Porters) between the arms of the two Collins lions. Let's not forget the Hitler alliance with Mussolini, or other indications that Massey blood (i.e. the Siemowit Mieszko line) was pro-Hitler. When we now find further that Baathist/Butteri elements linked to the Bush-Nazis, it comes forcefully to mind that Europe has been under threat by the brutal claws of north-African elements that care nothing for Europeans but to take them to the cleaners. The Butteri: the strippers of humanity.

But look at Revelation 17. The Babylonian tart whom we can identify easily as the Illuminati strippers of humanity, a theme used here as play on the Boofima skinners, will have her flesh raped. It's the same idea. God has it on his heart to strip the Great Mother of all her wealth...that she has stripped from others, and to burn her with fire as the Boofima cult burnt it's victims.

Irish Hares/Garrys ("garbh" motto term) use another red fox (as with the Collins-related Todd surname), as well as the lion design used by the Collins of Desmond. We are treading all over the killing-cult Illuminati here, the same that practice murder, when needed, to keep their secrets hidden. But God mocks, and in the end it will burn their souls to find the trap coming down on their heads just when they have the finest cheese on their tongues.

[Insert -- After the above paragraph, I was reminded of the red fox of the "Jewish" Simons as per the Siemowit entity mentioned above, and coming first to the Italian Simon Coat, there was the Desmond-like Desimone variation. This could be a coincidence.

On the other hand, English Simons use a Shield like the English Tates while the Scottish Tates use a Shield like the Irish/Munster Desmonds.

In the last update, the Tate Coat above was linked to the Wheelwright Coat, and that in turn linked Tates to the Piast Poles. It just so happens that the Siemo entities of the Piasts were birthed by Piast the Wheelwright. Second, Tates in the last update were traced to the Tayks, a branch of the Daiaeni, the peoples to which I traced Desmonds. If Siemos of the Piasts were related to Simons while Simons were related to Desmonds, then "Desmond" either cannot be related to "Deas" (it can't be both from and the "Deas" and "D'Simon"), or the Deas term was a corruption of "Desimone," in which case "Deas" ceases to look as though it traces to the Daiaeni.

On the other hand, if the Simons and Desimones trace to the Daiaeni, and I think all Freemason entities must, then "Deas" may have been a corruption with a deliberate motive to reflect the Daia/Dia entity. End Insert]

Todds, who by the way are in Wolfley colors, may have been from the Taddei. When I linked the Taddei (in Florence) to the Butteri in the last update, I had forgotten that the Taddei cross is a "cross fiori." Totts could apply as they use only a swan.

We can sense that the Douneys/Dawneys were named in honor of the ancient Danann, for Lug's father, Cian (who was likely code for (Kil)Kenny elements), was a Danann. And look, the Harry/Carrey Crest uses a gold-tipped spear as in both the Singletary and Dunham Crests! As I traced Dunhams to Mascis of Cheshire, so I traced Muskerry to Masseys! This means that Obama is the president of the United States today because his mother was a Muskerry-related operative. Obama is a "mouse" operative. He's a mouse who wants to evolve into a powerful dragon.

Compare the Dunham Coat to that of the Scottish Hares. Haven't I said many times that Obama is a neo-Nazi operative? A black Nazi? What I meant was that Obama's bosses are from the same lines that provided Nazis. We have yet to learn exactly how the Obama faction, as opposed to the Republican faction, follow Nazi guidelines. We do see that neo-Nazis are overwhelmingly with Republicans. But the battle is not between Democrats and Republicans, but of satanists against Christians, and satanists are overwhelmingly with Democrats.

In recent years, John Kerry almost made it to the Big Chair that Obama now sits in. Recall the statement above that Clintons were made by Harrimans, but also of the Bushes. There is nothing inconsistent here, for satanists are not going to infiltrate/maneuver one party and neglect the other.

What can we make of the political battles between the Bushes and the Clinton-Kerry-Obama Democrats? Are Democrats exclusively from the Muskerry cult while Bushes are not? I don't think so. I think they are all from the Muskerry "cult." The United States must therefore be controlled by it. It's the Carthaginians folks, the ones who never did care for Europeans, and even then, Europeans are themselves largely Tyrians. Is there any hope for such a world? Only by raping the Great Mother tart. How wonderful will it be when the anti-Christ turns on her flesh, the anti-Christ on whom she will trust.

Let's strip the Stewarts bare. Entering "Cullane" (a Collins-of-Desmond variation), we find green-on-white trefoils, the symbol also of the Irish Hares/Garrys, but also of the Irish Davis surname that I think was that of Obama's real father. We find Melusine - the so-called Elven Princess, according to dragonline Veres -- in the Cullane Crest, evoking a snippet from the Collins article: "[Sara Ann Collins] went to Scotland to get to the heart of learning the occult and became a leader in the oldest form of Wicca, the Elven Path...What you have just received is the important link in tracing the Satanic Collins bloodline. Sara Aynn Collins (and there were several Sarah Ann Collins in her day - it seems the name appealed to the Collins family)..." Obama's mother was an Anne, and it may be that the Collins clan also liked "Sara" for it's honoring of Saracens.

The Cullane write-up: "First found in County Wicklow, but other references claim O'Cullen, O'Kenealy, and O'Sheehan, were chiefs in the baronies of Conello, county Limerick. Cullen is also a small village in County Cork." Melusine is also the Moray Crest, speaking to me of the Collins/Caullins link to the Hallams/Hallans, in particular of the Malcolms/MaCALLAMS whom ruled Scotland from Moray. When "Callane" is entered, a Cowen clan of Ayrshire comes up, mentioned because, not only the Scottish Hares, but the Carrey-like Carricks, were first found in Ayrshire. It just so happens that the Callane/Cowen motto uses "alum."

The Callanes/Cowans use the Bruce-of Annandale Coat, and it's known, as even the Carrick write-up attests, that Bruces descended in-part from Carricks. I claimed that the Carrick line to Bruces was from Ranulf le Meschin, an argument that was made aside from the Carrick talbots (Ranulf had married a Talbot line). I also claimed that the red lion of Scotland belonged personally to Ranulf le Meschin, though I also say that it was the red lion of the Ley/Legh Coat...Ligurians.

Later below, while on a Porter surname that involved the Craigs=Carricks, I looked up "Carrey" to find a Coat matching the Sales Coat (= Ligurians), but substituting roses for the fleur-de-lys. Plus, the Carrey Crest is a swan. Remember, the Kerry Coat uses a beehive, and the Bessin/Beaston surname (Cheshire) Coat uses, not only bees, but bees on a black-on-white bar/bend, the same bend used by Carreys and Sales. This Carrey surname is good evidence for my claim of Ranulf ancestry in Carricks, for we read: "First found in Somerset, and in Guernsey..." Ranulf's son was Ranulf de Gernon of Chester (Cheshire).

Moreover, the Carrey write-up has: "...the manor of Carrey, near Lisieux, Normandy." "Lisieux does smack of "Lys," but also of the Alis names used by Meschins. As the Irish Carreys/Harrys (= Muskerry Carthaginian elements) use the Brian lion, it firstly suggests a trace of Carreys (and Carricks) back to Briancon (Durance river, home of the proto-Sales), but it secondly suggests a trace of Carreys nearby to the Aosta's Lys river, for that's the other place to which the Baars>Brians were traced.

Irish Callan(e)s show a slightly-different version of the English Collins Coat and crest. The Callane write-up suggests a possible derivation in "Cathalan, king of Farney. There seems to be something to this CathALAN link due to the "alan" term buried in "Cathalan," for another Callan Coat is the Alan Coat!!! WOW, how's that for linking the Collins bloodline -- said to be the greatest Illuminati bloodline -- to the Alan proto-Stewarts!!! In the Collins write-up, "First found in Shropshire," the very same as in the Alan write-up. Note that the Alan and Collins (and Callane) Shields are essentially identical.

I now say that the Alans/Callans evolved into "Callam" which Malcolm III belonged, explaining why this Malcolm's son invited the Alans of Shropshire to become the High Stewards of Scotland! Then, these same Alans were also the Hallams/Hallands, not forgetting that Malcolm III was married to Ingibiorgi, a Halland, so that very likely now, the Alans had descended from the Halland-line Norwegians. The Cowen surname with Callane variation should then explain why Scottish Stewarts use Cohen checks.

But then we saw that the Callanes/Cowens were first in Ayrshire, where the Meschin-rooted Carreys and Carricks were first found, who also made it to the Scottish throne. Moreover, the Meschins were likewise, as with the Alans and Collins, first found in Shropshire. The Scottish throne therefore goes back to an Alan alliance with Meschins, recalling the Levines of Brittany, that they were Mackays. But then the Levines, with the Annandale Bruces in mind, traces the Scottish throne back to the Laevi Ligurians and the Ananes. Where the Stewarts were Levis, it would easily explain why a Bruce royal married a Stewart.

"Cathalan" smacks of the Catlin surname (Chief in Cathalan colors) that I traced (last update) to the Caddo founders of "Texas," and these founders were traced further back to the Deylamite-Cadusii alliance at Lake Van. The Catlins were first found in BEDfordshire, while Cathalans use the Arms of BADen, and as these Alan branches are now being entertained as the Butteri bloodline, it suggests a Butteri alliance with the Laevis, making sense where the Laevis (and Ananes) were on the BODENcus river. This paragraph comes independent from the paragraph above, and yet we find the Levi lion in the Catlin Coat! It evokes the Katz surname that is part of the Cohen (thought wrongly to be Levi) "priests."

Do you understand what this means? It means that Stewarts were partly Cohen Khazars -- kagans = priests -- who probably led others to view them as God-directed and God-blessed Levites and other Israelites. These are the Masons who think they have a God-given advantage to order the future of mankind, the ones who started Anglicanism as a "holy" throne in England, and even the Scottish Masons who, with Bruces leading, did defensive war against the Vatican's persecution on Cathars and Templars.

I've shown that the Leinster location traces to Ligurians by multiple means, not only by the Leinster trace to the Lug-like Legro river at Leicester, but by the swan in the Leinster Crest. The point now is that the swan has blood drops, the Patterson and Kilpatrick symbol too, suggesting strongly that Leinster had the Butteri bloodline. Moreover, the Leinster motto, "Pro rege at patria," smacks of the Patterson motto, "Pro rege et grege." The German Greggs/Groggs were first found in Baden, where I trace the Butteri, and moreover the motto term smacks of the Graigs>Carricks.

As Carreys were first in Somerset, I should add that a Pottel clan was also first found in Somerset. I can't figure what the Pottel magpies are code for. Also, while Carricks were first found in Ayrshire, they had a home in Lanarkshire, where the Bottels/Boduels were first found. The latter use a "boy" on a pine tree, and as I traced the Pyne/Pine surname (= Pendragon elements) to Payens, how is it that the Bottel Shield is also the Payen Shield? The Bottels are shown properly as "Bothwell," a surname known to be named in honor of Bute. Thus, the Pottels look like Butteri too, and the Butteri are thus linked to the Pendragon>Arthur>Merlin (why not include Bedivere too?) cult.

NOW LOOK, a new piece of evidence for the trace of Carricks to Ranulph le Meschin. The idea was born when learning that a Vere by the name of Thomas went to live in Blackwood, Lanarkshire. This information was from Nicholas de Vere, major Satanist of royal-toting elitists. To make the story short, the trace of Thomas de Vere was made to Thomas Randolph, first earl of Moray, who I say was named in honor of the Ralulph-le-Meschin line. It is said that Thomas of Moray was from the Carricks. After entering "Bottle" (using Carrey-of-Somerset color scheme), "Beatle" was entered to find red and gold diamonds. The Arms of Thomas Randolph are red diamonds on gold!

The Beatles are properly Bedwells/Bedewellins, and they were first found in Bedfordshire, where Catlins were first found that were just linked to the Carrick bloodline. The write-up is either clever or shy: "This place name derives from the Old English words 'byde,' meaning 'tub,' and 'well,' meaning a 'spring,' or 'stream." As Carreys and Pottels were first found in Somerset, where Bidens/Button/Buddins had their station at Bath and Wells, shouldn't the Beatles/Bidwells from this tub-and-a-well junk be in truth from Bath and Wells...the root, in my opinion, of the Syrian-Iraqi Baathists?

There is a Bude location in Somerset as well, and if we are convinced that these entities were from Butteri, then let me say again, that as the Butteri were traced to the Caddo word, "Texas," so I had found a Catlin surname in a Caddo article, wherefore it was reasoned that the Caddo "Indians" were from the Catlin bloodline. Here we now find that Catlins and Butteri lived in the same Bedford region.

Remember, the Bottel- and Beatle-like Butlers were first in Kilkenny, where the Irish Carreys were first found. And by now we are realizing that the Carthaginians of Muskerry's MacCarthys/Artys were represented by the Carrick lines, and that Carthaginians were a fundamental part of the Arthurian family cults. Moreover, we are now realizing that Carthaginians may have had an alliance with Butteri in pre-Arthurian times. It is extremely compelling to identify this as Carthaginian alliance with the proto-Fulks of Velch, therefore.

Is it a coincidence that Butlers use the same Shield, essentially, as the English Randolph surname (the one that Obama's mother was of), while the bat-using Scottish Randolphs were of Moray and moreover use the same Shield as the Baths/Athas??? Didn't I just trace Beatles/Bidwells to Thomas Randolph of Moray??? Ask Batman's butler. And why was the original Batman played by Bruce Wayne, with a Van-like surname? The fact that the Randolphs and Dunhams use the same Coat helped much in making the trace of Thomas Randolph to Meschins, for the latter must somehow have been of the Mascis of Dunham Masci.

As for the Bat surname using the same bat as the Randolphs, it was first found in Rutland, a suburb of Leicestershire. Recall the ancient name of Leicester, Ratae Corietauvorum, what should have become, "Rut(land)." If I'm correct in tracing the "Corie" part to Cork, then the Butteri expected in the Muskerry entity look like the Bats/Baats, for one. Did I mention yet that the Bat Coat uses a black-on-white saltire, the symbol of the (Kil)Patricks that were identified as Butteri? But what batincidence (I'm not trying to be funny; I just don't like to use "coincidence" 101 times in one update) is it that the Bat Crest is the Wolfley wolf? Remember, a Wolfley married a Payne that was Obama's mother's mother.

Are we yet getting the impression that Obama is a Hyksos of the Khyan=Apachnas kind? Or, at least, from the Uat/Buto cult? By what coincidence is it that the Bottels were just discovered above as Payens, while Bottels, who smack of the Butlers using a Randolph Coat, use trefoils, a symbol on a Davis Coat? Couldn't that explain why Obama's mother was posing nude for Frank Marshall Davis (photos online), who I and others claim to be Obama's real father? The Davis clan using the trefoils (code for Roquefeuils=Rockefellers) is said to be in-part from McMurroughs, smacking of Moray's Murrays, and therefore suspect as Moray's Randolphs.

Could Obama's being black have anything to do with the Moor line to Moray? How is it that the Randolphs of Moray trace to BLACKwood? How is it that Blackwood is in Lanarkshire, where Bottels were first found? Was Obama chosen by the Illuminati, or by God, because he is in honor of the Moor-loving Masons? What part of Africa was Frank Davis' ancestry from, anyway?

If there is any coincidence at all, I would say it's in the "Obdura" motto term of the Bottels. Surely, it doesn't refer to an Obama entity. Does it? I read that "Obama" means "lord," and possibly the term did make it to Europe as per the coming of Dionysus. But as I traced the Dionysus-worshiping Luo tribe to Luwians (= proto-Lydians) and Lycians, don't I then trace Lycians to Ligurians, and wasn't the Durance river home to Ligurians? I'm inferring the "dura" in "Obdura." Did an Obama entity out of an ancient Luo tribe trace to the Durance river???

It's not surprising that the Italian Leo Coat uses a lion, but why is it the Mackesy/Margeson and Mackie/Margy lion? The Leo surname is said to have been first found in the Papal States, which included Lazio (i.e. where Butteri lived). Lazio's Latins are traced easily to Lydians=Luwians.

Then, when going to the German Leo Coat, it turns out to be a variation of the German Tall Coat. The latter uses the Bessin bees and a blue-on-gold bar/bend like the French Talbots, wherefore Talls were traced to the Talbots that had married the Ranulph le Meschin from the Bessin. Therefore. Leos were Meschins too. Note that English Talbots use a red-on-white lion (could be Ranulph's red lion), as does the German Leo Coat!

In the French-Talbot write-up, I see traces to Both=Bute elements. "The first on record was Guillaume Talbot, descended from Hugh, Bishop of Lisieux, and was surnamed Taleboth." The Carrey manor was near Lisieux, and as Carreys were first found In Somerset, perhaps the Both part of TalBoths were of Somerset's Bath and Wells, or Bude.

French Roberts use the bell pattern of the Whites, mentioned because English Roberts use the White-style eagle. That in itself traces Roberts to the Uat/Buto cult. French Roberts use the Leo and Mackesy lion too, and as Robins are said to be Roberts, they are Batman-and-butler conspicuous. That is, we would expect the Robins and French Roberts to apply to Obama's Butteri bloodline, the bloodline to the bat-using Randolphs, and to Butlers, Bottels, Beatles, etc.

English Robins use a "vivet" motto term as possible code for Bute=Butteri elements, as well as the same Shield as Bottels and Payens. French Robins, said to be from "Robert," were first found in Brittany and use pheons, the Sales-Crest symbol. That's part of the reason for tracing Robins to the Salyes Ligurians, the other being the robin symbol in the Sullivan Crest.

If there was a question, therefore, as to what entity on the Durance the Obdura-using and Luo-suspect Bottels were associated with, the Salyes are a good choice. Leos=Talbots were first found in Salop, probably named after the Sales>Salyes in neighboring Cheshire, but then Talls and Tal(bot)s may have been a T-version "Salyes."

In the Rhone=Rhodanus valley, not far north of the Lacydon location of early Ligurians (I see that place named after Lycaons and neighboring Lycians for good reasons), is the city of Lugdunum, quite apparently a Lug-Ligurian entity. The city was later Lyons, a good Luo / Leo candidate now. Checking into it, what was found but that the Lyon surname was first found in Norfolk, where Obama's mother's surname was first found, thus giving up a good Illuminati motive for the relationship between she and Obama Sr. The Lyon motto, "Pro rege et patria," the same motto as that of the Leinster surname (swan), a known Lug entity. Wow, and to top it off, the Pattersons -- a Butteri bloodline -- use nearly the same motto.

A Lion/Leon surname was first found in Gascony, which is where I trace the Goz side of Ranulf le Meschin. Then, as the Lion/Leon lion is in colors reversed to the lion used by Massins/Masons of Kent, we find the Lennard/Leonard clan first in Kent, where the Luo-like Louvains were first found, who use the Massin/Mason lion exactly. Wikipedia gives a "Lwo" variation for the Luo that could be deemed, "Lvo."

Bedewe=Merowe, the root of the Batavi and Merovingians, was in what is now Sudan, and: "More than eight centuries ago, the Luo peoples occupied the area that now lies in eastern Bahr el Ghazal in present day South Sudan." Dionysus was traced (by me) from the Merowe locality to the Maeander river that separates Lycia from Lydia. As I trace "Lacy(don)" back to a Nile-river peoples and forward to the Lys grail cult, it's not unimaginable that "Luo" became "Lys" and "Laz" before that (the Lennard/Leonard Coat above uses fleur-de-lys).

Is it true what Wikipedia reports, that Lynyrd Skinner, the rock band, was named after as "a mocking tribute to a physical-education teacher at Robert E. Lee High School," Leonard Skinnerd? Or did the band need a false claim for what was in reality in honor of the Marsyas skinning cult that evolved into Boofima? If you think that's a stretch, I'll go further and claim that the Marsyas>Boofima cult was a human-eating group, and of course they ate the skin. Why is there a hand in the mouth of a griffin in the Skinner Crest? Why does the Skinner motto include the French word for "blood."

Is that Robert E. Lee as in the Ley/Lee/Legh surname that was probably a branch of the Lug-rooted Lyons??? Was Lug the Luo entity of Liguria"

The Skinner Coat is nearly the Took/Tolkien Coat, and the latter were first found in Kent too. I trace "Kent" to Ixion's Centaurs, and as I identify Ixion as the Kikons, why is there a Kikuya peoples in Kenya too? The original name of the rock band, "Nobel Five," evokes my trace of Nephele (i.e. Ixion's wife) to the Nobel surname (which by the way uses the lion design of the Brians and Douneys/Dawneys, not forgetting that Ixion's mainline wife was Dia, a mythical entity that I link both to Dionysus and to the Douney/Dawney surname; if it works, don't fix it). We're not forgetting here that Ixion also traces to the Ligurian swan, Cycnus.

One of the Noble Five's founders was Allen Collins; Wikipedia's article on him says that his guitar was made of "African limba wood."

The Knobs/Knobels were first found in Bavaria, where I expect the Boofima cult. This clan uses arrows, likely the symbol of the Bavarian Bogens, who I think were also Bowers/Bauers (because "bogen" is German for "bow," the one that shoots arrows). Consider how "Boof" easily modifies into "Bow." That in a nutshell has the ability to reveal known Rothschild ancestry in Bauers as ancestry in Boofima>Baphomet. The conspiracists claiming that Rothschilds were satanists of the first order might find that interesting.

The Lazi lived in Colchis beside the Bats, and while these were Caucasian regions (i.e. not Negroid), it can't be neglected that Colchis was invaded and inhabited by Jasons Boiotians (proto-Bats?), and only afterward did the Lazi arise in Colchis. Moreover, Boiotians were in Thebes, exactly where I trace the proto-Merovingians out of Merowe. That is, I trace them to Aedon, queen of Thebes, in Boiotia.

As the Lazi (= golden fleece cult, think Boofima from Africa) can be traced back from Colchis to Lydians (think Pelops' golden-fleece line ruling over Lydia), especially as Jason mated with Amazons of Lemnos, the island off of Myso-Lydia -- the same Lemnos where Dionysus lived at one time -- it is indeed possible that the Luo tribe traces to Luwians and later evolved into the Lydian-Laz line. I mean, Obama may be the key to unlocking the African secrets of the Biblical Ladon dragon. It's all in the Luo tribe. (It doesn't take long for Caucasians to be born black, or for Negroes to be born white, when "inter-racial" mating takes place).

Under Luo sub-groups, the article shows a Pari group of Sudan that is Boofima suspicious. Julie, if you reading, what do you make of it? We also see an emphasis on the Anuak group of Luo (called "Ethiopians" but in Sudan), perhaps the root of the Laevi and Ananes, of which the Laevi were the Luo>Laz line itself! Remember too, Pelops of Luwians elements was an Anat entity from ANTalya (i.e. I'm suggesting the Anuak as possible carriers of the Anat cult).

The other Wikipedia article on the Luo tells: "The Luo traditionally believed in an afterlife and a supreme creator, whom they called Nyasaye, and had a strong ancestor cult." That god smacks of mount Nysa in ancient Ethiopia (there was such a mountain in Ethiopia, according to at least one ancient myth writer, home of DioNysus). Under the religious section, the Luo's customs are treated positively, but that may be purely in respect of Obama's reputation. The question is, what were the ancient Nyasaye really like? If DioNysus is any indicator, they were the brutal and degenerate rock concerts of the past.

The article traces the Luo fundamentally to a Meride river, smacking of the Merit surname to which I traced the grail cult. All in all, the Merit-related clans were Merovingians in one way or another, from Marsyas>Mars. In this picture, the Luo were in the Marsyas cult.

You may know that the Gard(e) surname links to the Wolfley line of Obama, and that I therefore suspect the Guardian media of Britain as a Gard-honoring Illuminati media. How is it that a certain Murithi Mutiga -- smacking of the Moru / Meride terms -- wrote an article on the Luo for the Guardian?

There is also a Moru peoples in the Luo theater of South Sudan. There are a slew of terms evocative of current topics here:

The Moru [of Merowe elements?], who belong to the ethnic group which includes the Madi, Lugbara {Lug elements?], Avokaya and Logo [Lug again?] of Uganda and Zaire, live in the southern part of Mundri [Lug-ites to the Isle of Mann?] County, Equatoria Region, Southern Sudan...There are five main divisions of the Moru, namely: Miza [Mysians>Masseys?]; Agyi; Moroandri...

The northern part of Mundri County is inhabited by the Jur cluster, which includes the Beli [proto-Bellamys], Sopi, Modo, Nyamusa [Mus?], Wira [Veres], Biti [Batavi / Bats?] and Morokodo.

I don't have time to investigate further. Chances are, if the Luo are Freemason-important, Freemasons would be writing the data on the Luo, and at times subtly emphasizing the entities they know to be linked to ancestor-cult European bloodlines. If the Luo do trace to Ladon, then they were fundamental parts of the Hyksos and all other major entities along the dragon path to Anatolia and beyond.

I've been stressing the child-sacrifice cults lately, which is why the Collins article should be quoted further. Keep in mind with what you are about to read that Obama seems to have mysteries surrounding his birth, as should be the case where spies and Illuminatists are being manufactured from childbirth, by the parents and the people to whom the parents are devoted:

It was no accident that Hitler's Rothschild blood was hidden. A common practice among the top 13 families is to have an important child secretly or quietly without fanfare, and adopt the child out to another family [I think Obama was "adopted" by Obama Sr., i.e. it was not his son]. The child then takes on another last name, which hides the genealogy, in the occult ceremonies, the biological parents will step forward. For instance, for Mothers of Darkness the biological father must impregnate the young daughter who is being initiated into the Mothers of Darkness. The first baby by the girl must come from her biological father and must be sacrificed by her to Satan. Many of the Illuminati children are adopted out, (in fact our President Clinton was).

The much-watched trial of Casey Anthony came to mind as I quoted the above. I asked myself whether the two-year old was sacrificed in a Satanic cult, and whether the parents may have been willing accomplices? I remembered that Casey's lawyer has a Mason surname...who may have had much Masonic help to get Casey to go free. Look at the mean red leopard, a symbol also of the Boofima cult, in the Anthony Coat! Then see the goat in the Anthony Crest (!!!!!), another Boofima=Baphomet symbol. Wasn't it one theory in court that Caseys' father had had sex with her? I find it amazing that on the same update that this came to mind, Anthonys were linked to child-sacrificing Carthaginians. My advice, don't date or marry an Freemason with Anthony surname.

Earlier in this update, the MARIgold of the Italian Anthonys was linked to Merovingians, but now it needs to be re-mentioned that I traced the Boofima cult to MARsyas, the Phrygian goat-skinning cult. It just so happens that, the Austrian Anthony Coat is once again, like the Collins Coat, the Arms of Baden.

It's a good bet that Obama Sr. was an Illuminati bloodline, and as we are tracing the Nairi to Munster, I'd say it connected with Nairobi (Kenya). The leopard-loving human-sacrifice cult in Africa, Boofima, was traced (by me) to Dionysus, and eventually to Perigord in the Poitou theater. Perigord was traced to the ImPERI of the Boofima cult, and that's where the Pari sub-group of Luo may come in. Is Obama the human-sacrifice president?

Julie once again asked how the Silures of Wales might link to Africa, and I think she wants to know whether it also linked to Boofima. Here's part of what I wrote her:

Just getting round to this email now, and a new idea came, that Silures could be in Tiller-like surnames, and what do you know, the Tillers were first found in southern Wales?

The timing of this Tiller find is excellent because it's during the update now in the works [= two updates ago] where the Tiller lion design was found in the Bryce and Brian surnames, they possibly being from "Briges," the Greek name of Phrygians. As you may know, I traced the Boofima cult to Phrygians.

...The "lamh" motto term of the Irish Brian Coat was traced in the last update to the Sullivan "lamh" term and therefore to Salyes Ligurians, which makes me remind you that last time I spoke to you on the Silures, I suggested a trace to the Salyes bloodline. Since then (in the current update) , I traced Brians to the Salassi in Aosta. Things are beginning to gel.

As you could know by now (I have no idea how much you've been reading), the Fussen location that you introduced into the updates traces to Ligurians, and I've always suspected the Salyes at Foetes'/Fussen's root, only to find the Salassi in foot-defined "Piedmont." And now, as of this email, you might be interested in the German Tillers from Fussen! In this picture, the "Fiat" motto term of the Bryces is code for "Foetes."

The "laidir" motto term of the Irish Brians is used also by Irish Kilpatricks, and in the update out on Monday [= last update], Kilpatricks are key for tracing an important Butteri bloodline that I speculate as part of the Boofima cult...

I faintly recall doing Tillers in respect of Silures before writing it to Julie. I'll add that Dillers (properly "Dillon"), in Tiller colors, were first found in Baden. It should also be mentioned that Briancon, on the Durance river, was "Brigantium" to the Latins. Look at how close Briancon is to Piedmont. "Briancon is built on a plateau nucleated around confluence of the Durance and the Guisane rivers"

There are articles online denying that there were Eburovices in northern Italy, but the Briancon article mentions Ebrodunum, also called, Eburodunumm and Embrun. "Ptolemy (iii. 1) mentions Eborodunum as the city of the Caturiges...",_Hautes-Alpes

The city is in France's Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, which reminded me that the official azur color of heraldry may be in honor of Azur. The Azur Arms uses a blue dolphin, and then see this: "Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur...or PACA is one of the 27 regions of France." I hold a theory that cian=blue (which may have been the blue of older heraldry) was code for pharaoh Khyan, who was also PACA-like APACHnas. Coincidence? As I would further theorize that cian gave way to azur, it could be due to the Khyan bloodline landing in, and/or founding, the Azur location. Indeed, I linked the Hyksos fundamentally to the Everes>Daphne line, and Azur uses the Dauphine dolphin.

We can trace the Butteri from the Fiori river to the Buthier river in Aoste, but where are the Butteri in the Azur region? We can assume that the Hyksos in Azur were the Uat/Buto cult, and it's known that the Bellovesus Gauls (= the Moses>Massey elements that were from the Khyan Hyksos) were in the Azur theater. Also, it now comes back to me that the "Daiaeni" at Mus may have been mythical "Daphne," so that we should expect the Daiaeni in Azur's Dauphine elements.

I just had a realization, even before investigation, that Whites should have been in Azur as per the Uat bloodline there and/or amongst the Durance-river clans (I trace "White" back to "Uat"). But the only White clan in France that I can find momentarily are the Blancs, the write-up not telling where in France the clan was from. The Blanc Coat is like the Bellamy Coat, however, AND IN FACT the Blanc Shield is the Payen/Pagan Shield, and not only were the Payens first found in dauphine, but I traced "APACHNas" to "Payen/Pagan"!!!

Blancs use a "tache" motto term smacking of the "Texas" trace I'm making to the Tayk branch of the Daiaeni.

Then, trying the Wyatt clan (gold eagle, as with the Blancs), what was found but a "Duriora" motto term! The Wyatt eagle design is the one used by multiple White/Blank clans. From the last update:

The black-on-gold eagle in Lucias Chief is like the same-colored eagle in the Italian Fulk/Folchi Chief, and while Fulks were first in Florence, we can't deny fundamental linkage to Velch/Volci, where the Butteri lived...The French Lucien Coat verifies that the clan was using a black eagle on gold (German Fulks use black Falcon wings on gold).

The Whites also use a black-on-white eagle (!), as well as a Shield like that of the Bellamy-related Hares. And as Plantagenets were Fulks, so the Planque variation of the Plants should be a Blanc branch. The Plantes use the oak tree seen in the Scottish Watt Coat. THIS IS EXCELLENT EVIDENCE for a White link back to Uat/Buto.

[Insert -- After finding that Tarrant County is smack beside Dallas in Forth Worth, the surrounding area was investigated, finding the White-style eagle (in black too) in the Denton-surname Crest, mentioned because Denton county (named after a Denton surname) is beside Tarrant county. The page showing the flag of Arlington is, coincidentally, by Rick Wyatt.

To the east side of Denton there is Collin county, and to Denton's west side a Wise county (the Weis surname is also "Wise"). End Insert]

The Wyatts are said to derive in "guyat," and that deserved an all-seeing-peak at the Guy clan. I imagine that the swan in the English Guy Crest branch is trace-able to the Salyes, for like the Sales, Wyatts use fleur-de-lys in black and white. And just discovered: Dutch Witts (who are Wytes in other Witt pages) use a Shield like the Italian Botter Coat.

AND THAT REMINDS ME of the WittlesBACHS that I traced to the Buto (she was also Bast) cult via BudaPest. It all makes me think that "P.A.C.A." was cleverly and deliberately used as code for the Apachnas bloodline in Provence-Azur. The Wittel Coat shows the Bells pattern used by the Whites, not forgetting that the Kemmis Coat uses it too, who smack of Kemmis, the capital of the Egyptian Kemmites that worshiped Uat/Buto. In fact, the Whites that use the bell pattern were, like the Kemmis clan, first found in Gloucestershire.

[Insert -- The Kemmis page shows a Kenys variation while the seat of Collin county is MacKinney (evokes KilKenny too). Repeat: the Irish Collins of Desmond show a bell between the arms of the two lions. As per the trace of Collins to Alans/Allens, there is city of Allen (within Dallas) in Collin county, and if I'm not mistaken, Kinney- and/or Kemmis-like surnames are septs of Stewarts (Allens are registered as a sept of Mackays). Recalling my trace of Stewarts to Stout-named vikings, I now find a Stout surname in the Allen-city council. There is also a Lucas location in Collin county, not forgetting that Botters of Lucca (Tuscany) are traced to Stewart-beloved Bute.

The Kinney surname uses the Mousquette/Muskett lion design (that always makes me see Stewarts behind them), and then to the near-east of Dallas is a Mesquite location (named after the tree I know, but how was the tree named?). Mesquite is in Kaufman county, and that ( a "Jewish" surname) evokes the Coffee/Couffy surname, first found in Cork, where Muskerry is located. AHA! The Coffee Crest is the one with man riding a dolphin, the one I wanted to get to again as per the Toronto Maple Leafs (perhaps in the next update). The AHA! is for mythical Taras, rider on a dolphin in the Arms of Taranto of southern Italy. Compare "Taranto" with Tarrant county!! The Coffee motto uses a buried "dentia" term smacking of Denton county. End Insert]

CORRECT ME IF I'M WRONG, but wow, the English Botter eagle ("on a perch") is exactly that in the Watt Crest, excellent evidence that the Uat/Buto cult led to both surnames. Remember, these Botters/Bodins were first found in Hampshire, where Bidens/Buttons/Buddins were first found, suggesting that Obama chose a Buttero bloodline for vice-president.

BACHmanns too use the Arms of Baden, once again linking what should be the Apachnas elements of the Butteri bloodline in Baden. And isn't true that packman gobbles up the entire field? Remember, the golden-calf Bachs, who come up when entering "Pachman," were of Bavarian elements too, as with the Bachmanns above.

A reminder: the Arms of Baden (just a red-on-gold bend) were used also by the Anthonys who very-much appear to use Boofima-cult symbols. It all smacks of the hunch that the Butteri were ranchers by day and human-sacrificers by night.

The reason that the Egyptian dating system has been altered from the reality, quite possibly, is to hide the fact that the Hyksos were the Exodus Egyptians. I think the Masons know this. Masons are responsible for an unbelievably huge information-deception age, as of the so-called Enlightenment. The entire world is being controlled by false information where needed to promote the Enlightenment agenda.

Aha! "Anton" was just entered to find a German clan using the same hammers as the Dutch Blanks. As Anthonys use a MARIgold, perhaps the hammers ("martel" in Lato-French) and the marigold are code for Charles Martel. The same hammers are used by the English and French Martels; one write-up traces to "Martinus" and "Mars." When we're on the Martin surname, we are definitely on sacred Merovingian land.

Is there a White reason that Charlemagne, son of Charles Martel, used a black eagle in his personal Arms? The French Charles/Charlemagne/Charlotte Coat use martins/martlets, if that helps to reveal these birds as code for the Martel line of royal Franks (not at all meaning that it's contradiction to trace the martins to Merlin, as at least one heraldry webpage asserts). The English Charles Coat, telling that "Carl" is a variation, uses a white eagle.

"Carie/Cary" is a known alternative of "Carl." Is it a coincidence that the English Carrie surname (shows a "Carie" and "Cary") treated above showed definite signs of linkage to the Sales clan while the Irish Charles Coat (could be the Alan Shield) uses another "salus" motto term??? Irish Carries/Harrys (definite Dunham>Obama bloodline) were traced well to Briancon of the Durante river. The other Salus term was from the Landon-like Lamens/Lambins/Lampens/Lammins.

AND THEN SEE the red-on-gold lion of the Carlton/Charlton Coat, for the Coat is exactly the Ley/Legh Coat that I trace, not only to Ranulf le Meschin's personal lion, but to Ligurians. It therefore makes sense to trace the Leys to the Salyes Ligurians (because they were on the Durante), and of course that jibes with the Salassi of Aosta where there is a Lys river. Perhaps the bigger point now is that the fleur-de-lys symbol of the Merovingians, which symbol passed to the Charlemagne Franks, is now very link-able to the Ley/Legh surname and therefore to Aosta's river, as expected (by me). To that we can add what Wikipedia says/said about the Charlemagne Franks, that they were originally from the Liege area (Belgium).

The fact is, the Charlemagne line was from the Pepinid Merovingians, and as the latter were from Landon of Belgium, and as I've just traced "Landon" to a Lam entity often encoded with a lamb, what is that lamb doing in the French Carie/Carrier Coat??? The write-up traces to a "carrier/carter," but that could be totally off the wall. Think Carthaginians instead.

It's very interesting that I had traced the pomeGRANate to surnames like, Gernon (in Greek myth, the pomegranate linked to a crane goddess whose name was after, "geranos," the Greek for "crane"). The Scottish Carls/Carleys use pomegranates while the English Caries (using a swan and a version of the Sales Coat) were from Guernsey? It just can't be coincidental that Ranulph le Gernon was the son of Ranulf le Meschin while Meschins too had fundamental links to the Ley/Legh surname that now traces, as with the Car(r)ies, to the Salyes.

Then, as the Sales of Cheshire were styled, "Sales-of-Masci" (in honor of the Dunham-Masci location), why do we see red-on-gold crowns in the Dutch Mackay Coat (using the Massey Shield), the color of the crowns in the Irish Charles Coat (= the Coat using "salus")? Isn't it becoming obvious that Masseys and Meschins were meshed closely to the Charlemagne Franks? But of course, for Italian Mascis and English Masseys use fleur-de-lys. But I should like to know the particulars of this close relationship. Why is it that Masseys appear in the Carthaginian theater, the Bavarian-Illuminati theater, and with mysterious, cultish Merovingian Franks? Was it the Masseys who corrupted the entire world wherever they went?

But of course, for if they were the Khyan Hyksos coming to Europe, they were the cursed (not all Masseys, of course, but those who honored their Hyksos/satanic past, those who were destined to control the world). Although the Irish Charles page does not give a location or any pertinent data, the Irish Carries were first in KilKenny, a location related not only to the Muskerry/MacCarthy Carthaginians, but to "Khyan" (I'm convinced) and the Irish sun god, Lug.

AND from the Irish Casey write-up: "First found in County Cork [where Muskerry is located], where they were descended from the O'Carrolls, Princes of Ely...!!! These Carrolls are traced back to the first Irish Heberites, but at this time I have no idea whether these are proto-Carolingians in some way.

Recalling the Moses link I made to "messiah" and to the proto-Massey bloodline (for new readers, this doesn't mean that Moses was of the Massey bloodline), where I got on to the Italian Massar/Messai surname, let me show the border in the English Charles Coat. It's the border seen also in the Masser Coat, and as the Massars were first in Lucca (where the Botters) were first found, so the Italian Lucca Coat (Masonic Luciferians?) shows the same border.

There is some talk in Merovingian-explorer circles of the spear symbol of Merovingians, and sometimes there are broken spears in heraldry that seem to apply, as for example in the Wren Crest (surname traces to Rennes in Brittany). The Chapman's "broken lance" and Speer-colored crescent tells us that the broken spear belongs to Speers of RENfrewshire. The Speer Coat uses crossed spears as does the Breakspear surname. The latter uses the same spear design, though totally in gold, as the Irish Carries, Singletarys and Dunhams. This relates totally to Merovingians because the Speers were Sprees and consequently were from LUSatia's Spree river, by which I mean to say that "Lusatia/Luzica" was a fleur-de-lys entity.

The Speers were discovered to be very central in Masonry, very close to the Veres of Anjou and therefore very close to Masseys. At first, I could not be sure that the central symbol in the Spree Chief -- a red-on-white star -- was that of the Botters of Lucca. But after writing the first sentence in this paragraph, I remembered that the Fulks trace to the Velch river of the Butteri theater. I traced Speers to Lusignan (near Anjou), a branch of Luzica, and so I asked myself just now if there are a Botter- or Butter-like peoples in the Lusignan-Anjou theater, and -- ZOWIE-- PoitiersS!!! Ahahahah, there we have it: the expected Butteri link to the Masons, the Pictones of Poitou.

The Veres trace Melusine, a known code for Lusignan, to Scottish Picts, but also locate her on Avalon. The Pictones of Poitierss, I should have guessed it by now.

There is a Poitou surname first found in Artois, and for me that speaks about the king-Arthur link to Bute...and to the Batavi from Padova/Padua, the Merovingians from Bedewe/Merowe. Think Sir BEDiVERE of the Arthurian satanists (and never be caught viewing Arthurian characters as gentlemanly, for that is pure fantasy from Arthurian myth writers). The Arthurian cult was sheer witchcraft and other senseless stupidities practiced by peoples who didn't know morality or responsibility. Vagabonds, in bondage to their stomachs, their lusts, and their own blood.

The Potelle variation of the Poitou clan reminds of the Pottel surname first found in Somerset, where the Carrey/Cary-branch Sales were first found. As the latter were just traced to CharleMAGne, perhaps the MAGpies of the Bottels is code for "Magne." The latter term means, "major," and so is it coincidental that the Major surname, with Mauger, Magor, Maior, Mayer, and Mayor variations, was first found in Guernsey, where the Somerset Carreys/Carys were first found???

By the way, there is a Guernsey surname first found in Hampshire, where the Potters, Botters, and Bidens/Buttons were first found. And then the latter clan were overseers of Somerset's Bath and Wells while the Carrey/Cary surname was first found in Somerset and Guernsey.

You might be interested in this:

The French are related with the name frog. The frog symbol was earlier on the banner of Emperor Charlemagne. His banner consisted of three toads on it. The English and Welsh visualized them as frogs. Charlemagne was a Roman emperor reigning between 800 AD and 814 AD. After that, the coat of arms of Charlemagne showed the half body of an eagle which is black. This was used as a symbol of German emperors. Fleur-de-lis images were the symbol of France emperors and they were present on their shields. They used to resemble the frogs but are not frogs carved or painted on their armory.

Artois is where the Lille location and the Lys river flowed, the area that I say transformed the symbol of the Lys entity into a lily, the design of which resembles an overhead view of a squatting frog. Recall now my proposed trace of the Butteri to the Buthier theater where the other Lys river is situated, for as we just saw that the Poitou surname was first in Artois, it gives reason to link the lys symbol to the Butteri on the Buthier river who then evolved into the namers of Poitou and Poitierss. Wikipedia suggests that Poitou was named by the local Pictones, a term not far off from "Apachnas."

In the Pictone article: "Their chief town Lemonum...located on the south bank of the Liger." As the Lemovices and Santones were around the Lemonum location, it's additional evidence for a "Butteri" link to "Poitierss," for the Velch location near the Butteri was traced to Vulcan=Hephaestus, god of Lemnos. I am getting every indication now that the Frank holy grail was from these Ligurian-rooted Poitierss as they moved from Aosta's Lys river into the Lys river of Artois (Belgian-border region), and into nearby Liege. In this picture, Charles MARTEL may have been named as play on the hammer of Hephaestus.

Remember, Lemnos was visited by Jason's BOITians...that I pegged as proto-Butteri, only to find good reason for linking Butteri to Poitierss now.

The Pictone article goes on to say: "Ptolemy mentions a second town, Ratiatum (modern Reze)." That smacks of Leicester's old name, Ratae Corietauvorum, and Leicester had a Liger-like river! I've never viewed Pictones as Ligurians until now.

My theory is that the early frog symbol of the Merovingians/Carolingians, not necessarily the Lys entity proper, was a code for Phrygians, especially the Freys=Frisians. As per "kikker," the Dutch word for "frog," and also because I see the Lys entity as a Ley/Legh entity, I would trace the frog symbol to the Ligurian Cycnus cult of Gorgons, from the Kikons.

Does this mean it's wrong of me to maintain that the fleur-de-lys was once a white-on-blue fish from the Laus=Ragusa location? Note if the Keon fish in the Carling/Caroline Coat can help it! The surname was first found in Limerick, where we find some Muskerry entities.

Hmm, the Tarrant county (Fort-Worth-Dallas) which I'm now tracing back to the Turan cult at Velch includes Carling-like Arlington (home of the Dallas Cowboys). Or, perhaps, Arlington traces to Arles (Azur, France), a Carolingian stronghold. Arles was granted to count Boso/Boson, the family name that I traced to the Bosna river and the Piasts there...that I thought were Merovingians somehow. There is an Arlington surname (talbot in Crest, in Hall colors), but I can't do more than that at this time in connecting the Coat to any clans.

BUT WAIT. It's said that Arlingtons were "First found in Cambridgeshire, Rutland, Lincolnshire..." and Rutland was Ratae Corietauvorum!! Lacydon Ligurians were in the Arles theater. Hmm, as "tauvorum" smacks of "Taber," a clan using purple grapes, so there is a Grapevine location -- in Tarrant -- using purple grapes. Grapevine is said to have been named (by the Houston surname) after local grape vines, but I no longer accept simpleton claims like that where heraldry shows otherwise.

As we saw that martins -- the birds -- looked like code for Charles Martel, sure enough, French Martins were first found, as with French Martels, in Gascony. English Martels were first found in Leicestershire, the place to which I trace the Leys/Leghs. And as we are now getting the impression that the Leys=Lys' were of the Butteri especially/exclusively, so the Italian Martins use goats and what appears to be the "cushion" of the Kilpatrick-branch Butteri, or of the "woolPACK" of the Wolfleys, thus making what looks like a Butteri link to the Marsyas goat-skinning cult leading to Boofima. "PACK" is capitalized to indicate my Wolfley suspicions to "Apachnus" links.

This not only tends to link the Butteri to the Boofima cult, but to link Martins to the Marsyas bloodline...that I traced to Marseille, in Azur, near the mouth of the Durance river. Spanish Martins can be linked to the Uat/Buto cult, as expected, where their blue border is like that of the Gernon-Coat border (more evidence of Carolingian links to the Meschins>Gernons), and where the Gernon black lion is the Wyatt and Irish-White black lion. I had traced Buto=Bast to the gold lion of BudaPest which I think translated to the gold-on-black lion (should appear in reversed colors in some clans) in the Arms of WittelsBACHS.

Wittelsbachs were a root in Bavaria. My first-ever mention of a Baphomet trace was to Africa, though I can't recall the African details. The trace was a trace of Bavarian elements to the Baphomet cult in Africa. I would suggest that BACHmanns of Bavaria are WittelsBACHS.

Buda(pest) was a pre-Hungarian city in Pannonia, the latter term smacking of the Paioni peoples that I trace to the Payen/Pagan/Paion surname that I identify with "Apachnas." That's very "coincidental" where I link the Uat/Buto/Bast cult to the Khyan Hyksos.

It can be repeated here that there was a Gyula faction (= Khazars/Kabars on the Mures) of the Hungarians proper who had a Carold/Karold and Sarolt name that I traced to Carolingians (the latter were founded by, and named after, Charles Martel). That could reveal the Majors/Magors/Mayors as the Magyars in Hungarian ancestry, not neglecting that the first Rothschild, Mayer, had such a name. The Irish Carol surname (Tipperary) uses a sword, which was another symbol used by/for Charlemagne. Recalling that PENdragons, who I think were from "Payen," were traced to Tippers and Tipperary, this is a good place to remind you that I've always viewed the Arthurian characters as brothers or cousins of Merovingians, and that their respective "holy grails" are identical: the Ley / Lys bloodline.

The Spanish Martin oak is that of the Blank-like Planques and White-like Watts, this being further reason to link the black Charlemagne eagle to the same-colored White eagle.

As it's known that Apollo was grown out of the Uat/Bute cult, I should show the same oak tree (as used by Martins) from the Italian Apollo Coat. You may not have read where Marsyas was skinned alive by Apollo (i.e. making light of the Martin link to Italian Apollos), but then let's not forget that Apollo/Abello is traced by me to "Pel(ops)," who was depicted as a cannibal cult. It could be that mythical Bellerophon and his alliance with PEGasus was none other than the Apollo-Apachnas alliance. It makes much sense.

Irish Martins use a white-on-blue crescent seen earlier, but I can't recall which clan used it. It has been found this minute in the Fayette Coat, which was viewed due to the Faoite variation of the Irish Whites. The latter use a "coruac" term smacking of Cork. The point is, mythical Fay of Butteri-rooted Avalon=Bute. Note that the Apollo (root of "Avalon") oak has nine acorns, the number of Avalon's witches. Fayettes, like the Butteri, use a lone star, and were first found in Auvergne. French Fays/Faits, using a fox, were likewise first found in Auvergne.

As I've shown in the past, the Irish Fays use the same symbol, essentially, as the Fait-like Baits/Beiths of Fife, while the Vey surname, using a boot in one case, was linked both to mythical Fay of Bute, and, as is the case with the Vey/VIVian clan, to "Fife" and the Fife Coat. French Fays use Vay/Vivians and fife colors. That's the mystery solved of the Morgan-Fay witch, nothing but the useless tools of humanity, the agents of iniquity.

Hmm, the Fay-like Bays, who use a Fayette-like "Bayet," use white-on-blue crescents and were first found in Dauphine. The Martins that use the same crescent show an estoile (symbol also of the Butts/Butes) in Crest that I trace both to Asti and/or Aosta elements, and to the same-colored Barrs of Este, whom I trace to the bear line out of Baden. I thereby trace to the Astors, who use what looks like a version of the Arms of Baden.

The Berne line went from the Baars/Barrs of Brunswick elements (in Mouson) to the Bryneich country of Bernicians, where the bear ended up at Berwickshire, where the Buys/Boys (uses Bessin bees) were first found, but also where the fox-using Todds were first found. I think we are finding here that Todds ("vivere" motto term) use the Fayette fox. The Todds were introduced above as per being a main Illuminati clan with the Collins', the latter using the Arms of Baden. The Bathgate/Baggat Crest is a bee, and the motto is, "Vive et Vivas."

PLUS, it was the Bothwell Coat that uses a boy with a pine tree, and we saw that these Bothwells/Boduels were definitely Butteri. As Bathgates are apparently from Bute, as Bothwells are know to be, it means that Todds are related to these same Bute elements. That then suggests that Todds were possibly the Taddei from Florence (Tuscany).

Todds also use a port-like motto term along with their Vivian-like motto term, and so we find that the Port Coat (estoiles in Chief) is a blue chevron, symbol also of the Veys/Vivians. But the Port color scheme is that of the blue chevrons of the Payens/Pagans and Blancs of Dauphine. The Veys/Vivians were first found in Languedoc, the same theater as Dauphine/Azur. It is overwhelming that Khyan-branch Hyksos were the Vey line to Bute.

The question is, is "Port(er)" a corruption of "Potter"? French Ports (first found in Berry) use the same color scheme, and show a Lapotre variation. English Porters show a "Pawter," and the bells used, rather than being derived in the theme of a porter, trace to the same-colored bells as the Borderlands Bell Coat, for Bells and Bellamys (use the same Shield) were from the Bellovesus Gauls of the Provence-Azur theater.

Scottish Porters use the same bells, and have this write-up: "First found in Kyle [named after Kyles of Ayrshire], where Radulfus the porter witnessed the gift of the church of Cragyn (Craigie) [= the Carrick bloodline of Ayrshire] to the monastery of Paisley in 1177." This is definitely a difficulty.

It's true (I didn't know the following when I suggested that), Porters were Potters=Botters=Butteri, for Porters were first found in Hampshire, as with the Botters/Bodins!!! AND, as the Kilpatrick-branch Butteri were first in Dumfries, ditto with the Bells!!! I'm not at all surprised to find the Bellamy-Massey line linked to the Butteri, but am happy to find this strong evidence. The Porter Crest is "A portcullis," suggesting links to the Cullis surname...that uses "peascods."

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I don't think that destruction is everything that the Illuminati is about because they need to preserve the American nation for their own corporations. Therefore, while they do destroy much, they simultaneously seek to control the nation.


Especially for new or confused readers
shows where I'm coming from.

For serious investigators:
How to Work with Bloodline Topics

Here's what I did when I had spare time on my hands:
Ladon Gog and the Hebrew Rose
It took the prime right out of my life.

The rest of the Gog-in-Iraq story is in PART 2 of the
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