Previous Update: July 5 - 11

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July 12 - 18, 2011

My Texas Friends were Lone-Star Latin-Lazy Cowboys
Kilpatricks were the Bread and Butteri of the American Illuminati
Are You There, Houston, or Out Fishing in Glasgow?
The President Bush's are Kilpatrick-related Scherfs for Sure
The American Phoenix Rose in Sumer and Nair-ly Crashed in the Daia-d of Van-ter

This turned out to be much longer than hoped. The insights just kept coming and coming.

Every once in a while, it's a good idea to remind readers that the negative atmosphere presented here around surnames as concerns heraldry does not reflect family names in general in the real world. It's the Freemasons who control heraldry and trace family names to dark cults. The rest of us tend to be oblivious to it all.

In the last two updates, it was suggested that the fleur de lys was originally a fish. The purpose here is to show further evidence for that idea, which then exposes more families belonging to the fleur-de-lys carriers.

To recap, the Bosch Coat was seen (two updates ago) to use the fleur-de-lys with what looked like a central fish with a fish tail. I was on the Pesce=fish hunt at the time that I saw the Bosch Coat, noting that "Bosch" was a viable modification from"Pesce." I was in the midst of tracing Pesce-like surnames to the white-on-blue Saraca fish, and the Bosch fish" was exactly in that color scheme.

In the last update, the suggestion was added that mythical Melusine, a dragon-tailed woman representing the region of LUSignan, got her fish tail by being a part of the Lys-fish bloodline (If you research Melusine, you'll find that she was portrayed either with a serpent's or a fish's tail). According to dragon-line Veres, Melusine was the foundress of the counts of Anjou (near Lusignan), while the Arms of Anjou are typical Frank-colored (gold on blue) fleur de lys.

It was also suggested in the last update that the lys-fish bloodline went by way of the dolphin symbol of Dauphine. Care needs to betaken that I don't just lump all fish symbols into the same pot, but my senses tell me that the Dauphine dolphin does apply to the lys bloodline. For example, the Arms of Dauphine use two C-Shaped dolphins as well as the Frank-colored fleur-de-lys.

As it happened, which I don't think was coincidental, I ran across two curved fish (veering toward a C-shape) in the last update (the Arms of Dauphine were not on my mind at the time, and I therefore neglected to use the Arms as evidence), belonging to the counts of Baar/Baar clan. The Baar fish were found also in white on blue in Bar-de-Duc, which seemed to corroborate the theory of the update before that, that the two side petals on the lily design of the fleur-de-lys were secretly two C-shaped fish. The fish used by the counts of Baar are in the gold-on-blue colors of the Frank-colored fleur. The Baar fish could be barracuda as play on "Baar."

It should be said, however, that "In the first half of the 13th century, the Dauphin of Viennois adopted canting arms with a dolphin. This dolphin was a stylized fish with a curved back, a large head and a trunk, and had a spiny dorsal fin" (article at link above). Safe to say, the fleur-de-lys was out by that late time.

The article goes about linking the dolphin symbol, with details, to France's Vienne, which I linked several months ago to Vienna in Austria. If I remember that discussion correctly, the Austria connection had to do with Sava-river clans moving into Carinthia and adjacent Austria. To this I can add that the Bosch/Bos Crest uses just three ostrich feathers, meaning that this is their actual symbol, for when houseofnames does not show a Crest, it uses five ostrich feathers as mere decoration. I had traced the heraldic "ostrich" to the German name for "Austria."

This is a good place to mention the blue dolphin in the Kennedy Crest, for I trace "Kennedy" to the Heneti>Veneti line while it seems feasible that Vienna in Austria was named after the Veneti. The Kennedy dolphin is not standard blue, but a light grey-blue veering a little toward the lilac color (could be play-on-words with "lily" bloodline elements). The description of the Reagan dolphin, the color of which looks exactly like the Kennedy dolphin, is said to be "blue," which happens to be the color of the Dauphine dolphin. The Reagan dolphin is blue on gold, the very color scheme of the Dauphine dolphin.

In the last update, a crosslet was encountered as per the investigation on the 13-Illuminati families. One version of the crosslet is the same as the one used in the Kennedy Coat. The Kennedy motto, "Avise la fin," smacks of the noble title, Delfinus of Viennois, found in the Dauphine article above. But it's also remarkable that the Avise term AND the Kennedy crosslets lead to Cheshire, exactly where I expect the Aosta Illuminati (because it was linked innately to the Masci>Massey bloodline).

The Avis Coat uses garbs in Cheshire-garb colors (the Arms of Cheshire, that is), which are again the colors of the Frank fleur-de-lys, which fleur and colors the Masci Coat uses too.

Then, the Kennedy crosslets are in black, the color of the identical Davenport crosslets. Not only does "Daven" smack of "Daphne/Dauphine," but Davenports were first in Cheshire, the capital (Chester) of which was earlier called, Deva. As the theory now is a Davenport trace to Aosta (and possibly also Asti in Piedmont), it can't be coincidental that Davenports are said to have been of ASTbury in East Cheshire.

I'd like to record here that the Davenport Crest is said to be a man (looks like a Saracen of the Scottish More Crest) with a "rope" around his neck. Entering "Rope," what do we find but a clan first in Daven-like Devon, a place to which I trace the Daphne cult?

It just so happened that the Barr clan in Bar-de-Duc (Lorraine theater) was wildly trace-able to Aosta due to their having "belonged to the house of Mousson-Montbeliard-Ferrette." It suggested a trace to the Ferret region of Aosta, and that was the theater belonging to the in Aosta in the era that the first "Franks" were being born, later called Salians and Merovingians, birthers of the fleur-de-lys. The Salassi, and therefore the Salyes Ligurians, are suspect as the Baar-fish bloodline in Aosta because the SULZbach on the Murr location (Baden-Wurttemberg) uses a white-on-blue fish, the colors of the Bar-de-Duc fish. In the last update, the Astor bloodline from Aosta was linked to Baden on wholly separate considerations.

As the Salassi lived on Little St Bernard Pass, we can wonder whether the location was also "Lille Bernard Pass." In any case, the Baar fish was traced to the namers of the BERnard Pass because the Italian and Irish Bernard Coat use white on blue too. I can now add that the same Bernard Coat uses a "florebit" motto term, smacking of code for "fleur." The Bernard Crest has a Sforza (Visconti-related clan) lion holding a green snake, original color of the Visconti snake, though now the Viscontis use a snake on white.

The ideas presented above are for the apparent link of the Aosta fish bloodline to the Dauphine dolphin. If I'm not mistaken, Dauphine shared a border with Aosta. If you've forgotten, there is a Lys valley in Aosta (see Aosta article above for evidence).

It's all starting to come down like an Alpine snowball. I had traced (thanks to FE) the lion design seen also in the German Bernard Coat to Veres out of northern Italy, and they are traced to Ferrat (Aosta) and to MontFerrat (Piedmont). After that trace, it was discovered that the same lion design belonged to the Contes and Villes of nearby Languedoc. The point now is that the Ville lion holds a purple flag, the color of the Spanish Luz lions. AND as you can see, the Luz lions are in the same lion design! When we come to the purple Lacy lion, therefore, we have reason to trace Lacys to the Lys valley in Aosta.

The purple Crest of the English Lacys assures linkage to purple-lion Lacys. English Lacys were first in Yorkshire, and as it was shown recently, they were hooked up there with Skiptons of Craven (Yorkshire), evidenced by the other fact that Skiptons also use a purple lion, in the Lacy-lion design (this lion is said to have a "forked" tail, and I've found Cunningham-evidence that "fork" is the symbol of "York"). This now sets up a discussion on the Bush/Busch surname.

The English Bush clan was first found in Yorkshire too, and that should explain why the Bush Coat uses the Craven Shield. There in the Craven Coat you see the Kennedy- and Davenport-style crosslets. Irish Cravens use a fleur-de-lys among their crosslets, and then we see a fleur-de-lys centrally placed in the Bush Coat.

Already we can suspect that the Bush clan linked to the Meschins of Cheshire who had married the Skiptons of Craven. It's the German Bush Coat that uses a white-on-blue fleur-de-lys, the color scheme of the Bosche fish-fleur and of the Barr fish. That implies a Bush trace to the Aosta-Lys theater, as even the above would suggest where Bush's were linked to Skipton-related Cravens. It can then be said, as per the Ferrat valley in Aosta, that the Bush-Coat eagles, gold on red, are the Ferte eagle in colors reversed.

THEN, to support the Bush trace to Aosta further, the Bush Coat uses the black Sullivan boars, while Sullivans were traced solidly to the Salyes Ligurians. It seems very evidence that the Salyes and the Aosta Salassi were one and the same bloodline.

The red-on-white of the Bush Coat (Ferte colors) are used in the Dutch Bush Coat, and below the lion there we find blocks, suggesting Bush links to the Pollocks, Blocks, and Plocks. The Pollock (and Vere) Crest likewise uses the Sullivan- and Bush-boar design.

Ask whether the side-petals of the fleur design in the German Bush Coat look like dolphin heads? I think they do, and deliberately so. Check out the color of the eagle in the Vienne Coat, the same color scheme as the Bush-Coat eagles. Compare the Ferte eagle to the Vienne eagle and ask why the Viennes use a "bien vienne" motto phrase while the Ferte eagle is found on the Bonne/Bonne Coat.

If the question is, what came first, the Dauphine dolphin symbol, or the fish symbol, keep in mind that the dolphin was a symbol of Daphne long before the dolphin was used by Vienne elements in Dauphine.

Let's now go to Lille, France, where we see a white-on-red fleur-de-lys used. The Arms of Lille shown to the left also use side-petals that look like heads of dolphins. As the Lys surname used a white fleur-de-lys on red too, it can't be coincidental that there is another Lys river near Lille (it's mentioned in the Lille article above). There is a Lilly surname using lilies in the same white on red, wherefore they ought to be the Lille-location bloodline.

It's as though the fish in the Lys-of-Aosta river evolved into (or from) a lily as per the same bloodline in the Lys-of-Lille theater. To help prove it, the Lilly Crest is a swan's head, suggesting a Lille-location trace to Ligurians...who are suspect at the root of the Lys entity as per the Ley/Legh/Lighe surname of Cheshire. The latter use a lion in the color scheme of the Dutch Bush's.

Then, as per the repeated traces I suggest of the Lys entity to the Laevi Ligurians/Gauls, see that the German Ley surname is registered under a family using what could be a variation of the French Levi Coat (both the latter Levi and the Lys surnames were first found in Ile-de-France).

All of the above was written before checking the Dauphine find a dolphin (no surprise) in white on red (a pleasant surprise). It's part of the evidence now being sought for a Lys link to the Dauphine dolphin.

In the last update, the crosslets under discussion here were linked to the crosslet design used by Point(er)s and related Pounds (the latter's Shield could be the Craven / Bush Shield). This is said because the same crosslet design is in the Lille-surname Coat. The link being made between the Dauphine dolphin and the lilac-ish Kennedy and Reagan dolphins, as well as to the purple lions, brings back to mind an argument I made wherein I linked "porphyry/purpura" (= purple) to "porpoise." It's hard to imagine that a single code could link to three or more entities, and yet that's what's expected in the nutty world of Freemasons who do nothing but seek world rule and meanwhile dream up play-on-word codes for their cherished bloodlines. And this has been going on since the pagan myth writers unleashed themselves onto the world.

If I haven't mentioned it yet, the Kennedy clan is listed in the 13-family Illuminati organization.

The light-blue shade of the Kennedy and Reagan dolphins evokes the light blue used in some Keon-fish designs. Light blue is not a standard color in modern-era heraldry, though it was in the past. It may be that it belonged exclusively to an important bloodline, one that may have been depicted by "lazuli." The Lys bloodline (that I trace to the Caucasian/Gorgon Lazi) comes to mind with that term. I say this because the Dauphine article above suggests that part of the Dauphine domain included the "upper valley of river Durance, including the town of Briançon." I found light blue by clicking over to theArms of Briancon (the Durance was home to the Salyes Ligurians).

It just so happens that I clicked over the Briancon page immediately after writing on the Points and Pounds. There in the Arms of Briancon is a white castle. White castles were shown (last update) as per the Pontes, Ponts...and Pounds! PLUS, it was added in the last update that the Irish Ashburns use a white castle that should link to Aosta-related Pounds, and it was moreover pointed out that the Ashburn Coat is reflective of the Sales-surname Coat (the latter uses white fleur-de-lys instead of white castles). THUS, the Sales clan should trace back to the Salyes Ligurians at Briancon.

In the last update, the Pound bloodline was linked to heraldic "piles," and it just so happens NOW that the English Brian Coat uses piles!

The Brian-Crest bugle reminds of the German-Barr bugle. English Barrs use an eagle in the white-on-blue color scheme of the Arms of Este, giving further reason to trace the white-on-blue fish of the Baars to Aosta. The point is, "Baar/Barr" and "Briancon" could be related terms. Having said that before seeing the French Brian Coat, what was found but a blue-on-white saltire.

Amazingly, a couple of minutes before viewing the French Brian Coat, while viewing the English Brian Coat, I had loaded and viewed the Bosche (with an 'e') Coat. The reason that I loaded it was to check for "bugle"-like variations. I had mistakenly found the Bosche Coat a few hours earlier when mis-spelling "Bosch," and noted that it had variations unlike "Bosche." It turned out that the Bosche page showed no bugle-like variations (more like Bouchet, Bouchtal, Bouchut), and so I made nothing of it...until loading the French Brian page and finding them first found in Brittany, where the Boschs were first found.

Remember, the Bosch (without an 'e') surname uses the fish-like fleur-de-lys in Barr-fish colors, suggesting now that the Brian bugle is indeed linked to the Barr bugle.

AWESOME! After writing that, I checked the Buchard Coat, finding, not only more Piles, A lily and holly branch in saltire!!! The heraldry masters have given up all their goods while trying to disguise them.

Chances are, the Buchard piles link to the Orr piles because the latter were first found in Renfrewshire, which itself traces back to Rennes in Brittany. The Ore Crest is a goat horn too (as with the bugle), but in the form of a cornucopia.

The French Brian write-up traces to the counts of Vannes, a location that I link to the Veneti-based Merovingians: "Conjecturally [the Brians] are descended from Brient de Bretagne who was Count of Brittany and Count of Vannes, whose younger brothers, the Counts Alain Le Noir, and Alain Le Roux, where the ancestors of the present British Royal Family." This Brian saltire is in the color scheme of the Malcolm/Callam saltire, and then the Malcolm Crest is yet another white tower/castle...while the same Brian Coat shows a "d'etour" motto term.

Keep in kind that the Malcolm saltire is colors reversed to royal Scotland's "Andrew's Cross," suggesting that the Brian component in the British royals was from the Malcolm royal line. As we know, the son (David I) of Malcolm III invited the English Alans>Stewarts (of Brittany) to become the High Stewards of the Scottish throne, and then we find that white and blue are also the colors of the Scottish/royal Stewarts.

EXCELLENT EVIDENCE of a Brain trace to the Briancon location on the Durance is the "Lamh" motto term of the Irish Brian Coat. The same motto term is used by the Sullivans! In turn (though one might argue that I'm guilty of circular reasoning), that little bittie adds to the growing evidence that Sullivans trace to the Durance-river Salyes. It ceases to be circular reasoning alone if the Brians can be independently traced to the Durance. The alternative-Irish Coat uses lions looking much like the "Jewish" Levi lions.

Finally getting round to checking Barran-like variations to prove that Barrs were Brains/Barians (this was immediately AFTER writing the paragraph above, which is the cause for glee), what popped up but a saltire like the Annan(dale) saltire (the Annan surname was traced to the Ananes Gauls living directly across the Po from the Laevi Gauls).

Then, the Barron/Barone Crest is the Sullivan-style boar again (!!), this time in blue. That is also the color of the Vere-Crest boar, and indeed I did trace Barrs from Ferrette to Ferret in Aosta, where the Veres are expected. As the Ferrat veres must have evolved into/from the blue-and-white-checkered Fers/Ferrats (same colored checks as the royal Stewarts), note that they (the Fers/Ferrats) were first found in Brittany, as with the Brians. In fact, the Fers/Ferrats are said to be from Dol, thus making the proto-Stewarts of Dol, on their Vere side, suspect as Baars of the Este bloodline.

I have been wanting to unmask the "Audacter" motto term of the Pollock Coat forever, not having much luck. It's known that Pollocks were closely related to the Stewarts out of Dol (those Stewarts moved in large part to Glasgow, where the Pollocks had a seat). I can now report, after tracing Pollocks solidly to the Barrs in the last update, that the Barran/Barone Coat uses an "audaces" motto term. Again, the blue Vere-and-Barrone/Barone boar is in the style of the Pollock boar as well as the Sullivan boar. This paragraph is, in case it's skirting your attention, more evidence of a Barr link to Brians. I feel it in my tusks that this key will be a door to another unlocked room in the future.

Lest we forget, the house of Este was on BRUNswich elements, suggesting that Baars were likewise. It stands to reason that Brunswick was named after a Bruno. Wikipedia at one place said that it was named after an Otto-related Bruno, and it may be that the "Audacter" and "audaces" terms link to Otto elements. As Barrs are being linked to the Bernard entity in Aosta, the "florebit" motto term of Barr-colored Bernard Coat should link to the Bruno surname, first found in FLOREnce. The right side of the Arms of Bar-le-Duc use flowers (five petals), the species of which I don't know.

The Bruno Coat uses a gold bar/bend, the color of the Swiss Berne-surname bend, verifying in my mind that indeed the Brunswick line led to Bernicians of Bryneich (Britain).

The Burns Coat has the Brian-style bugle...AND fleur-de-lys in Baar-fish colors.

The "Ever" motto term of the Burns' comes moments after my unorthodox use of "forever" shortly above. I almost never use the term as I did above: "I have been wanting to unmask the "Audacter" motto term of the Pollock Coat forever." It turns out that the Ever surname is listed on the one hand with the Massey-Shielded Ivar/Keever Coat (boar in Crest, as with Pollocks), and as "Ivar/Keever" was traced in the last update to "Kiev" and "Keffer," I now find that there is another Ever surname listed with the Hevers/Hefers/Hephers who use the makings of the Pollock Coat.

My hunch is that the city of Kiev was named after an Ivar (of the 9th century) amongst the Halland Norwegians that ended up in exile in Kiev. The earliest man that I was able to find in the Halland bloodline was Ivar Beitlil, father of BURLufotr, and the latter's grandson was GudBRAND Kula. For yet more grail mystery, the Burles surname (Bruno-Coat colors) is said to mean, "cup bearer," a phrase mentioned in the last update as possible code for the bear-based Barrs. As Barrs apparently became the Brians of Steward>Stewart ancestry, note that the Burles article goes on to root the surname in a "butler," same idea as a steward. Note also the similarity between the Brian/Bryant surnames and "Brand."

The Butler surname is in Burles' colors, and shows grails. Look for a Kula-like term in this write-up: "The surname Butler is derived from Anglo-French 'butuiller,' which comes from the Old French word 'bouteillier.' These words are ultimately derived from the Latin words 'buticularius,' and 'buticula,' which mean 'bottle.' ButiCULA??? Smart-ass Freemasons, lunatics and liars. It didn't mean "bottle" at all, but rather was a Bute-Kula combo. After all, the Beith/Bait surname (i.e. like Ivar BEITil") traces to Bute, and that's the island sacred to Stewarts as well as to Kula-like Kyles.

Yes, for the Beiths/Baits use a boar (Ivar-surname symbol) as well as the green Chrichton dragon. The Chrichtons have holdings on Bute too, and to prove it, their Coat shows the blue-on-white Bute lion. You can bet your best fish bait that the blue-on-white Halland/Hallam lion connects here.

The Ivar boar warrants a re-mention that Halland-line Norwegians were likely Eburovices; I had traced the Bruces (whom I root in Eburovices) to the Halland Norwegians. It is said that York was named by vikings, but I contended that the city's Eboracum name (said by some to mean "boar") was founded by the Eburovices because they were also called, Ebroicum. NOW I see that both theories are correct.

Bute elements in "Baden" are attested in the German Halland Coat use of the Arms-of-Baden colors, and due to the Hallands having been first found in Baden. Everything around Bute got tagged up with the Malcolm/Callam bloodline when royal Malcolms took over from MacBeth, and as was shown in the last update, the 13-family Collins/Caullins clan, a branch of Callams / Hallams, uses the Arms of Baden in colors reversed. It's clear to me that we're dealing here with Varangians from the Zahringen-Veringer family of Baden, and as Varangians founded Kiev, I do have business tracing Ivar Beitil, or another Ivar of his bloodline, to the naming of "Kiev."

The 13-family Astor clan uses a bar/bend in Baden-bend red, and then the Bute/Butt Coat uses an estoile as well as the Est/East horse head. Again, Astors were first found in Manche, where Masseys were first found, and the Ivar Coat is a Massey Shield.

How does it feel to have the peoples once ravaging Europe as vikings, now in charge of the globalism...that everyone defines as an alternative method of pillaging the human race? Vikings didn't act that way because they cared about others, and they could hardly teach their children to care for others while bringing human skulls home to serve as drinking cups. How do you feel to know that your children will need to work extra hard to provide the lucre that globalists skim thickly off the top of everyone's labors? How worse do you feel when globalists use much of the lucre to change the way a society thinks so that it will be more conducive to their scheme? If only we could take up the weapons of the world against them. But alas, they not only have more bullets by far, but God orders us to patience until His War Boot descends from the sky on Thud Day.

Everything above was written on one day. That evening, I was on email and opened some lagging emails from Tim. One was about Wikipedia's article on pirates, telling that they included Illyrians and Etruscans. I wrote him back to say that, where ever there were pirate peoples in very old days, there also were the peoples to which I traced Hyksos.

It's known that Hyksos got to Philistine territory when they were booted out of the Nile delta, and Philistines and Tyrians were pirates too. In my first attempt at tracing Hyksos out of the Israeli theater, I traced them to Trojans and their Etruscan descendants. This was before tracing Etruscans from Croatian/Serbian/Illyrian realms. At the time, I knew nothing of the Sava river in that theater.

Long before that, it was a theory that Ilum/Illium, the alternative name of Troy, evolved into "Illyria." Much later, about two years ago, it was discovered that Ilum was also "Wilusia" in the Sea-People (= pirates) era. That's when it struck me that the Sea Peoples invaded the Nile Delta (unsuccessfully) because they had been a confederation of Hyksos descendants. It was at that time that I learned about the Meshwesh part of the Sea Peoples. I knew nothing about Meshwesh previously, and learned about them at about the time that I was being Led to believe that Masseys were more than involved in the dragon cult, that they were more central to the Illuminati than I had expected. It was not an idea in my mind that the original Hyksos were of the Meshwesh peoples until a few weeks ago.

When discovering "Wilusia," I had known that the capital cities of the Hyksos, Avaris and Tanis, were either on the Pelusiac branch of the Nile delta, or near it. The area was called, "Pelusium," and I was confident that the term evolved into "Wilusia." I don't recall the relative timing that a "Hyksos" (in Egypt, they were called, Heka) link to the "Hecuba>Hecate" line of Trojans was made, but it has been surmised by many that the Sea Peoples came to invade Egypt largely from Trojans after the Trojan war was lost by Hector.

It was after tracing Etruscans from Illyrians (Sava theater) that I started getting wind that Khyan-branch Hyksos were in the Sava river and on the Adriatic/Illyrian coast. Later, the Sava was investigated in-depth, and with direction from at least three readers who contribute regularly, a Sava link to Liguria and adjacent Piedmont was made. I happen to be, right now, in the thick of tracing Hyksos to Piedmont. I happen to be discussing the fish link between the Croatian/Illyrian theater and Aosta, and as the fish line appears to link to Daphne, I must include more background info to make the point clear.

I don't want to take up too much space going over all the details. The Tanis Hyksos became rulers of Argos, and were from mythical Danaus, brother of mythical Aegyptus, and son of Belas. The latter was no doubt a depiction of PELUSia (may have been root to the ancient Pelasgians), but one can now also expect the Bellamys / Bells to have been the Pelusia-based Hyksos. In ancient times, the Bellamys were mythical Bellerophon and his Pegasus (= Massey-Crest symbol) ally in the Rhodian-Carian theater, yet another pirate theater. I recall tracing Carthaginians (Tyrian pirates living at Tanis-like Tunis) to "Caria" without thought that they may have been the very Meshwesh (they had ruled Tanis) "Libyans" as they evolved into the Pegasus of Caria.

As you may know by now that the Pagan surname is integral to the Meschin bloodline, and that I tend to trace Pagans to "Apachnus," the alternative name of pharaoh Khyan, harken thee to the tune of that song. It tends to identify the Khyan Hyksos as Meshwesh, just what has been proposed in the last update or two. This idea -- that "Pegasus" depicted Khyan Hyksos -- is fresh as I write; it was not on my mind when making the fundamental Khyan equation with proto-Meshwesh Hyksos.

It may be difficult to imagine that so-called "Shepherd Kings," as Manetho called the Hyksos, could also be pirates and sea-farers. But I trace Hyksos out of Egypt to Avvites in proto-Philistine lands, and Avvites are then traced to Argos with the Samson-Danaans. You can bet your entire pirate's cargo that Samson's father, Manoah, was code for the Minyae (I link them to Minoan pirates) and OrchMenos-ians that were the riders on the mythical Argo ship, a symbol of Amazon-related pirates controlling much of the Mediterranean. Myth had the Danaans going through Lindos on Rhodes before getting to Argos, and it just so happens that last night I opened an old email from Tim showing septs of the Lindsay clan. As I trace Lindos Rhodians to the Lindsay location that was also Lincolnshire, a Lindsay-sept investigation should prove fruitful, but it throttled me to find that it has to do with the Baar topic introduced importantly in the last update! God continues His revelation. I'll get to the Lindsay septs a little later below, and in fact I'm in the process of setting it up.

The historical "Manetho" can be traced to mythical "Manto" because the latter's grandfather was EVERES, the so-called "shepherd seer." That little bittie identifies Manto as the Shepherd Kings at AVARIS, meaning that a Manto entity came out of the Avaris theater (Avvites are suspect from Avaris). Place your bets on whether that led to "Manoah," Samson's father. It was said by the ancients that Manto founded Mantua in northern Italy, near Piedmont. You get the point, that Hyksos ended up in northern Italy, but there's more: Manto was Daphne's sister. We now have a means to trace the fish bloodline both to Daphne and to Dagon (similar terms, by the way, though I don't know that they were related terms).

The father of Daphne and Manto was made, Tiresias, smacking of Tyrus=Tyre, founders of the Minoans. Tiresias was called, the blind seer, and Samson's eyes were put out (not really, there was no Samson, and his eyes being put out was just code for the Tiresias cult) while at the temple of Dagon. Myth is a thin digest of the historical realities, but there is enough in the Samson account for us to glean that he was a Hyksos peoples linked to some Dagon-worshiping groups that carried the fish symbol to the Western grail cults. Remember for all that it implies: the Samson surname shares the same-colored scallops as the Meschins, meaning that these Samson-allied Dagon elements may have been the Hyksos-Meshwesh themselves, explaining why Mieszko was called, Dagome (If I recall correctly, "Dagome" also had an 'n' version).

Mieszko was a Piast, a term that I traced to "Pisidian," the peoples beside Caria and Lycia who were represented by "Poseidon," the so-called "god of the sea," code for pirates and sea-farers, even the Atlanteans. One can see how "pisces" could link to "Pisidian," and indeed Poseidon-related groups (e.g. the Nereids) were depicted as fish or mermaids.

It is important for the Baar and Lys topics that I add yet another point as background info: Daphne's father was made, alternatively, Ladon, who I trace to the Laz and Lydians and Lasonii, the latter being a known tribe of Pisidians and likely developing into the Lycians/Lycaons that founded Lacydon and the related Lys river in Aosta. Keep this in mind as I get to Tim's email on mythical Turan, a member of the Lasas cult, for the latter term happens to link to the holy-grail Lorraine entity, I am sure, while the Baars of Bar-le-Duc were in Lorraine and on the Lys river of Aosta. It's just astounding that, in the slew of aging emails opened last night from Tim, one of them was on the Lorne surname while another one, the Lindsay one, led to further revelations of Baar relations.

Turan was an Etruscan goddess smacking of Turin in Piedmont. I have never treated her so far as I can recall. She appears to be the Great Mother of some Etruscan branch, and as such she is very likely linked to the Great Mother Abomination of Revelation 17, the one drinking from the pagan grail, for the latter is a Biblical description of Rome, a city founded by Etruscans otherwise called Romans. Wikipedia's opening statement: "Turan was the Etruscan goddess of love [think temple prostitutes] and vitality and patroness of the city of Velch." I traced the Revelation harlot from Lydia's temple prostitutes and from the Lydian>Latin line that co-founded Romans.

Checking the Velch location, it was found to be on a Fiora river, itself in Lazio, the region beside the Estruscans and held anciently by Latins. When Etruscans (otherwise called Tyrrhenians) are traced by historians hesitatingly from Lydians (for example, from mythical Tyrrhenus, brother of Lydus), it is rarely said that "Lydia" smacks of "Latin." It boggles my mind as to why this evidence is left out. I further discovered that Tusculus, on the Lazio-Etruscan border, traces to mythical Dascylus, father of Gugu/Gyges, king of Lydia. We are right down the Gog=AntiChrist=Ladon alley here.

There was a Dascylus location in Mysia that we assume was the representation of the mythical character, meaning that Tusculus-branch Etruscans/Lydians may also have been Mysians. I'm keeping in mind that mythical Aeneas, founder of Romans (according to the Augustus pawn, Virgil), was from the Trojo-Mysian bloodline of Dardanus>Tros (compare with "E-TRUS-can"). Caesar Augustus worshiped Latona, mother of Apollo, symbol of Ladon=Lydians.

We can assume that the chief lovers of the Mysian side of the Romans became the Mascis of Piedmont. Let's not forget the Maezaei off the Oeneus (i.e. Aeneas-like) river in Illyria, the river that was also the Una, smacking of Uni, the wife of the chief Etruscan god (Tinia). But the Una must also have developed into "Juno," wife of the chief Roman god, Jupiter, who is now traced easily to the Japodes on the river (Kupa/Colapis) beside the Una (see western side of map).

Amazingly, there is a Butteri element on the Fiori river to Turan;s city of Velch. We read: "After crossing the Lazio Maremma, [the Fiori] flows in the north-western part of the province of Viterbo before getting into the Tyrrhenian Sea near Montalto di Castro." (The latter could be the Monte Alto that the Maud surname (Cheshire) is said to be named after.) Clicking to the Maremma article: "[Marmerra] was traditionally populated by the Butteri, cattle-breeders who until recently used horses with a distinctive style of saddle."

This reminded me of a point on the Lill surname (in Massin/Mason blue on gold) that I neglected to make earlier, a day before coming to this saddle topic. I was going to say that the Lill motto term, "Sedulo," should be code for the Saddle surname (said to derive from saddle makers, which could be true in this case) because the latter uses the Massin/Mason and Louvain lion. As this is an aside to the topic, suffice it to say that I traced the Saddle surname many months ago to the Sais cult of Chemmites that worshiped Uat/Buto.

Is it not amazing, therefore, that I introduced the Butteri (of Lazio) here for one reason alone, because they appear to be the Buto cult? Yes, for it is said online that the Buto cult evolved into the Latona cult of the Romans. You can bet your wildest saddle design that the Latin-Buto cult traces back to Abydos in Mysia, beside Dardanus and opposite the thin waters from Sestus (I trace "Sais" to "Sestus," "Buto" to "Abydos," and the Danaan Chemmites to DarDANUS). You can bet the bull horn of your saddle that "Etrus" traces to "Troas" on that Sestus map.

Was the lasso rope named after Lazio???

Remember too, that the saddle and Massin lions are blue, the color of the Halland/Hallam lion, for the locations above were on the HellesPONT (capitals there are for the Illuminati-13 Pont bloodline in the last update).

As I'm in the throes of linking mythical Turan to Turin, why not consider a Butteri trace to the Buthier river in Aosta? Zowie, that about threw me clear from ma horse. for the Butt/Butt Coat uses the Est/East horse and the Est-depicting estoile. Suddenly, the Est and Bute horses trace to the Butteri "cowboys." YEEE-haaa!! Giddy-yupp.

That brings the "buticula" term of the Butler surname back to the fore, for as it was traced to Gudbrand KULA, it suggests a Buto-entity linkage to the Kupa/COLApis river. Although I don't see a Buto-like term on either of the maps I'm using, we do see the Latobici on the north side of the Colapis. Let's not forget, SNORT, the English-Massey horse, the French-Massey boot, and the Masci bloodline in Aosta.

I recently traced the Revelation harlot to Histria near the source of the Colapis...because she ultimately traces to the Babylonian Great Mother, Ishtar, likely root of the Astors/Esters and Ests, and therefore of Aosta and the Este house of the Baars. In this picture, the Astors and Estes trace more-immediately to "Histria."

How many of you read the Buth treatment in the last update where the term brings up the Bath/Atha surname that I trace to "Bitar/Buttar," the bloodline that I claim was foundational to the Baathists? Suddenly, the latter surname especially, evokes the Butteri. But see the Pont-like location: "A buttero is a shepherd or cowboy in the region of Maremma, in Tuscany in the Northern Latium and in the Pontine Marshes." The last update saw the 13-Illuminati families including both Astors and Ponts, and now we find that entering "Pontin" (as per the above location in Italy) brings up a red-on-white bar/bend, the symbol of the Astor Coat!

MOREOVER, this very red bend was traced to Bute-related Baden!!! SUDDENLY, the Baden proto-pirates of Scandinavia are traced to shepherd Butteri. Let's not forget that the golden-fleece cult was traced (by me) to the Lazi>Lydian line, and that it likely depicted shepherds. But then the same fleece bloodline was on the pirate Argo ship. And that ship is used by the Cheshire Meres and DeMeres, a term smacking of Maremma." IN FACT, Maremma (smacks of Marmara, the location of Trojan pirates) was on the Tyrrhenian coast.

The article continues:

The buttero habitually rides the horse typical of the Maremma, a Maremmano, and tends livestock, especially cattle (such as the native Maremmana breed) and sheep. The characteristic saddle is called a bardella.

Sheep? Let's not forget that the Astors/Easters/Sturs were also of the Hampshire (think ATREbates) branch Sturs that I traced to the lamb-using Pascal clan and to the ATREus golden-lamb line that was the Laz fleece line to Latins. Why AtreBATES?

"The poet Dante Alighieri (a Rosicrucian-suspect writer who included Virgil in his stories)...places the Maremma between Cecina and Corneto, the former name of Tarquinia." Virgil traced Romans in part to Aeneas, and in-part to Dido-branch Carthaginians/Tunisians. We are told that the Maremmana horse breed was somewhat African, and then, as per the trace I conjecture of Turin elements to the north-African Tuaregs, shouldn't the latter have been the namers of Tarquinia? In myth terms, Tarquinus was made the brother of Tarchon, of the mythical Lydus=Lydia family.

All in all, it appears that Etruscans derived from a bull cult. You can even bet your bull saddle that "Etruscan" traces to "Taurisci," the region to the north of the Latobici. For the wild gamblers, they might like to wager the entire bull on the idea that "Texas" (i.e. land of cowboys) was derived in proto-"Tuscany" elements. Aside from this topic, I had traced "Mexico" to "Meshech."

Therefore, I'm going to trace Tuaregs to the Etruscan goddess, Turan, and from there to Turin before reaching the Tourlaville location (Normandy) where Astors were first found. Chances are that Carthaginians, and therefore the Tuaregs, were in the Oeneus-river region before making it to Tuscany.

There is Buthier reason to trace PATRicks to "Butteri," for as Pattersons are said to derive in Patricks, so the Irish Pattersons use white-on-blue scallops, The Buthier river is in the St. Bernard region. Coincidence? AND, as per the Butteri trace to the black-on-white cross of the Bitars/Buttars, so the Patricks (and KilPatricks) use a black-on-white cross. The Kilpatrick Chief uses "cushions," no doubt code for the Cussane variation shown in the Patterson page (entering "Cushion" brings up the Cousin/Cosin/Cusyn surname). The Patterson blood drops are reflected by Kilpatrick-Crest blood drops from a dagger, the dagger now evoking dag-fish, for the fish cult in Aosta was linked exactly from the Baars to the Bernards.

Irish Kilpatricks use fleur-de-lys in Masci-fleur colors (keeping in mind that the Aosta fleur/lys entity were depicted by fish), and a cross in Meschin-scallop colors. These Kilpatricks also use a green dragon with a black lion in Crest, the black lion being a Patterson symbol. The "laidir" motto term of the Irish branch could link to Latin elements. The Scottish Latter Coat uses piles (in Kilpatrick-cross colors), symbol of the GUIScards too who I traced to the "Cussane/Kissane/CUISsane" side of the Pattersons. The Latters show Latto, Lawtie, Laithis and Lathis variations. There are multiple Law-using variations included that now reminds me of the email opened last night from Tim that was on the Law surname...for reasons I couldn't then understand.

The Scottish Law/Lawes Coat (similar to the Scottish Pike Coat) uses a bar/bend in the color scheme of the Astors and Pontins. The latter surname was just traced to the Pontine Marshes where the Butteri cowboys lived, and it just so happens that, before coming to the Kilpatrick topic, I was going to treat the Compitalia cult (treated below). I say this now because a Law motto term is "Compositum." Therefore, if Laws were a Lawtie/Laihis branch, and if the latter were linked to Kilpatricks, as it appears very much that they were, and if Kilpatricks do trace to "Butteri," then the Law motto term would appear to be code for the child-sacrifice cult of Compitalia.

There is a French Law/Lew Coat in blue (lozenges) on white, the color scheme of the French Brians. This is said because the French Laws are said to be first found in Lorraine and Brittany, while Brians were first found in Brittany. This is not only further evidence that Brians and Barrs were one, since Bar-le-Duc is in Lorraine, but it supports the Law trace once again to the Aosta/Buthier theater and therefore to the Butteri. It is absolutely shocking how I allowed a string of Tim's emails (about the end of May) to lag behind so long and yet opened them at just the time needed to break the Barr topic wider. I consider these things, because they occur so repeatedly, to be acts of God.

A French Law variation, Luys, smacks of the Lys river, and that's where the Bernard-branch Baars were at. The Lawes variation of the Laws smacks of "Laz." and the Compitalia cult had to do with the Lasas/Lases cult (otherwise called "Lares")...that I planned to investigate below as per ties to "Laurie/LAWry/LOWry" and "Lorraine" grail entities. Coincidence??? The possible meaning of the "RepulluLAT" motto of the Lauries has evaded me, but I can now suggest linkage to the Latter/LAWtie/Laithis clan (of Latins?).

Unbelievers behold. Most readers may be hesitant to make surname links as I do, seemingly on fragile ice, but I've learned that motto codes can be trusted to link to people groups and/or geographies. As the Latters/Lawties became a topic here in the first place as per the "laidir" motto term of the Kilpatricks, let me add that I've just caught sight of the Dumfries location wherein both Kilpatricks and Lauries were first found!!!

NOW, THEN, seeing a Patrick trace to Lazio/Latins, I can repeat what I once suggested, that the Irish St. Patrick was not named after a saint, but after the Roman bloodline called, Patrician.

The so-called piles used by the Latter/Laytie/Lathis clan are used also by the Orr Coat, and then we find that the Patrick motto uses "ora."

When I was treating the Lorraine location, otherwise called Lotharingia, I was wondering whether the Lorne surname could apply, but there was no Lorne Coat at Yet Tim found a Lorne Arms, and as I said, I opened the email only last night, the same night that he sent the Law Coat...for what reason I have no idea. Here's what he sent, the Arms of the Marquess of Lorne. It shows the CAMPbell symbol because Lornes were of that theater. The theory is that CAMPs were from the Compitalia / Lares cult.

Did happen to note the so-called "label" in the Lorne Arms above, suggesting that CampBells were named in-part after the LaBels/Bells?

Here is the Lorne Arms in Wikipedia's article on Dukes of Argyll, clearly steeped in Campbell blood. There in the Arms we see what I regard to be code for the mythical Argo ship that named Argyll. Camps use the same gold on black as Campbells and Lornes.

AMAZING CORROBORATION. When I had read that the Etruscan month of July was named after mythical Turan, and that Latins called that month, "Traneus," two things came to mind; the Durance river where Briancon and Salyes were located, and a possible trace to a Trane-like surname. I noted that the Trane Coat is identical to the Ley/Legh Coat, and that could certainly link Tranes to the Salyes Ligurians. I wasn't going to mention this...until I came across the Nancy Coat. "The Nancy family originally lived in the village of Nanfan, in Cornwall...[never mind where the surname is said to trace as it may be off-the-wall incorrect]. Many used the name Trengoff of Nance."

I checked the Nancy Coat due to the write-up in the French Laws Coat (won't come up without the 's'): "First found in Lorraine,...The family were well established in the region of Nancy..." Remember, the Laws use Lews and Luys as variations, smacking of the Leys/Leghs and therefore predictably linking "Trengoff of Nance" to the Ley-Coat using Trane surname. If that's not enough to make a believer out of you, consider that these very Laws/Luys were just traced to the Brittany Brians, for on the Trane-like Durance is the Briancon location.

A writer that doubles as a magician can only use terms in this fashion so far in making repeated links to the same theater, but thus far, almost everything investigated here leads back to the same Piedmont/Ligurian theme, even if it traces to Turan elements in Etruscan realms that ended up in Piedmont and/or Aosta. The Nancy Crest is an estoile even, said to be of eight "pionts," and we know by now that "point" is likely code for the Point and Pont bloodline whenever it is linked to an estoile that likely depicted the Pont-related Astors. The Nancy Coat is another black-on-white saltire (i.e. that of the Bitars/Buttars that I've just traced to the Butteri on the Fiori river that was home to the Turan cult).

As further verification that Laws were Lawties who were in turn Lawrys is that Trens/Trents use a laurel branch (in an eagle's beak), the symbol in the Lawry grail and in the Lorraine Crest.

The Lawry motto translates, "It buds afresh," while the Lorraine motto is, "I rise again with laurel." It sounds like the rise of the Phoenix, or of the Golden Dawn.

Convinced already that Trens/Trents (they were first found near the Trengoffs/Nancys) and Tranes trace to Turan and Durance elements, let's check the Duran and Durant surnames. Scottish Duran(d)s use the French-Brian color scheme (adds up to a good trace to the Durance) as well as bugles, the Barr symbol (adds up now to a great trace to the Durance), and the bugles appear to be black with gold stripes, the colors of the English Brian bugle!! Need more be said?

French Durans use a "Fert" motto term and were first found in Dauphine, the two items there evoking the fish-cult of Ferrat (Aosta) -- where the Baar surname was traced -- as it evolved into/from the Dauphine dolphin. I've gone over the Durant surnames before in efforts to link them to the Durance river, and perhaps the best evidence is in the white-on-black fleur-de-lys of the English Duran(t) Chief, symbols also of the Sales Coat (i.e. a surname that i trace to Salyes Ligurians on the Durance). Did you catch the "Dante" variation of the English Durants?

AND NOW TRAIN YOUR MIND ON THIS: the "laidir" motto term of the Kilpatricks that led to the Latter/Lawtie/Laithis surname is seen also in the Brian motto! The Brian phrase, "Lamh laidir," was linked to the Salyes Ligurians because the Sullivans use "Lamh"!!!

We can be confident, therefore, that the Patricks-and-Patterson branch Butteri were on the Durance river too, and likely merged there with the Salyes. REMEMBER THIS WHEN, BELOW, DAGON-RELATED SADDLE MAKERS ARE TRACED TO SALYES-LIKE PEOPLE GROUPS.

Did you notice the Kilpatrick lion is the "Jewish" Levi lion on Levi-lion black? REMEMBER THIS when the Dagon-related saddle makers are linked below to the green-dragon Seatons, for the Kilpatrick lion is on a green dragon.

Time to go back to the Turan article: " consistently paired with her young lover Atunis (Adonis) and figures in the episode of the Judgment of Paris. She was commonly associated with birds such as the dove, goose and above all the swan, Tusna, 'the swan of Turan'. Her retinue were called Lasas. " First points: Atunis sounds like Tinia, the chief Etruscan god. Adonis is known to have been Tammuz, Ishtar's mate.

Second points: the swan always leads to Ligurians, and as I tend to link "swan" with the Ligurian capital, Savona, let me repeat that the Savone surname was first found in Somerset, where the Tren(d)/Trent surname was first found. Also, the sun in the Italian Duran Coat could be for SOMERset. [Excellent. Later below, the Trent surname is linked to the phoenix ground-zero, and Freemasons link the phoenix to the Sumerians cults, suggesting what I suspected, that Somerset was named after Sumerian elements]

The Savone surname smacks of "Devon" and "Sabine/Safini, and therefore ought to have touched upon the Daphne fish cult. The Savone crescents happen to be in Barr-fish white on blue, and Devon and Somerset region was founded by the Daphne-related Dumnonii, who I traced to LACEdaemonians. Clicking over to the Lace-like Lasas article, we find that at least one ancient writer thought that the Lares/Lases were Sabines/Safini. REMEMBER, Lacedaemonians were Spartans, and golden-fleece Spartans came in the form of mythical Menelaus, code for the Spartan city of La(a)s:

From the Late Republican and early Imperial eras, the priestly records of the Arval Brethren and the speculative commentaries of a very small number of literate Romans attest to a Mother of the Lares (Mater Larum). Her children are invoked by the obscure, fragmentary opening to the Arval Hymn (Carmen Arvale); enos Lases iuvate ("Help us, Lares"). She is named as Mania by Varro (116–27 BC), who believes her an originally Sabine deity.

. There you have it, that the Lases were mothered by a Menelaus-like Mania. The Spartan city of Las is on the Mani peninsula. The article goes on to reveal that the Menelaus cult was a child-sacrifice cult, and so let's not forget that the Boofima human-sacrifice cult was linked (by me) to the golden-fleece line:

The same name [= Mania] is used by later Roman authors with the general sense of a bogey or "evil spirit". Much later, Macrobius (fl. 395–423 AD) describes the woolen [think sheep/fleece] figurines hung at crossroad shrines during Compitalia as maniae, supposed as an ingenious substitution for child sacrifices to the Mater Larum...

Ovid's poetic myth appears to draw on remnants of ancient rites to the Mater Larum, surviving as folk-cult among women at the fringes of the Feralia: an old woman sews up a fish-head, smears it with pitch then pierces and roasts it to bind hostile tongues to silence: she thus invokes Tacita....

There we seem to have a fish connection, as expected where the Lases led to the Lys river in Aosta. Again, as the Barrs were the Bernards (for one) of Aosta, the Bar-le-Duc fish is suspect as a Lares cult because Bar-le-Duc is in Lorraine, a location that related to the Lauries/Lawrys...who even show a Larry variation. It seems rather certain that the swan-using Lares/Larez/Laredo clan of Spain should apply. AND LOOK at what was found after all the above was writhen: a fish tail in the LAWrence/Laurentius Crest!!!

AHA! Although no Lorne Coat shows, there is a Lauren/Laren surname first found in Argyllshire (i.e. where Lornes went fishing), and it uses the Lorne-Arms ship as well as what should be laurel branches in the Crest. The Lauren Coat shows what I'll guess are the fat red chevrons of the Scottish Olivers (these Laurens above are also Scottish), and LOOK, for as the Olivers use a "foedera" motto term, the Laurens show a FEETer variation!!

As Foetes/Fussen (on the Lech river, Bavaria) uses the symbol of the Isle of Mann, where mythical Lug and Mananann mac Lir retreated from Ireland, we would have to suppose that the Menelaus>Mania child-sacrifice cult was in Mann too. It hasn't dawned on me until now that "Mananann" is a combo of Mann and Annan, in which picture the Ananes Gauls directly across the Laevi Ligurians come to mind. The king Leir character of myth was a depiction of Ligurians that named Leicester's Leg-like river, and as such Mananann mac Lir should, as we would expect of "Lug," link back to Ligurians.

You would probably guess correctly that the Mania-Lases cult was the extension of the night-crawling (child abductors?) Maenads of Dionysus. Dionysus' leopard symbol was the makings of the leopard used in Boofima human sacrifices. More on that topic from the Compitalia article shows the fleece symbol used once again:

During the [Compitalia] celebration of the festival, each family placed the statue of the underworld goddess Mania at the door of their house. They also hung up at their doors figures of wool representing men and women, accompanying them with humble requests that the Lares and Mania would be contented with those figures, and spare the people of the house [from human sacrifice]. Slaves offered balls or fleeces of wool instead of human figures.

Macrobius says that the celebration of the Compitalia was restored by the Etruscan king Tarquinius Superbus in response to an oracle that "they should sacrifice heads (capita) for heads." The oracle was taken to mean that in order to maintain the health and prosperity of each family, children should be sacrificed to Mania, identified in this case as the mother of the Lares. But Brutus, after overthrowing the line of Tarquin kings, instead satisfied the oracle by exploiting a verbal loophole, substituting "heads" of garlic and poppies.

While some pagans had decency, minimizing the child sacrifices that satan would want non-stop, there were satanic agents that succeeded in going all the way. They are with us today, crawling the nights as ever before.

Entering "Comp" brings up the Camp surname in Campbell colors. There was a Compsa location in the Avellino theater of Apollo-infested Italy, in CAMPania. Avellino, previously ABELLinus, can be traced to Avallon in CHAMPagne, which was also called, Campania. From there, the cult went to Avalon=Bute. Get it? Bute was named by Butteri elements on the Fiori river to Velch/Volci, the city that was home to the Mania-Lares child-sacrifice cult. The Butteri, somewhere along their history, were shepherds and demonic satanists all at once, apparently.

There is a Campen/Champaigne surname first found in Leicestershire. It uses the bell-pattern. It's not a coincidence that the Lester/Leicester Crest uses a swan in depiction of Ligurians, but look at the blood drops, for we saw them above, in the (Kil)Patricks and Pattersons, tracing to the Butteri (the Lester/Leicester motto reflects the Patterson motto) . Whereas we may have thought that blood drops depicted a pago-holy bloodline, as I've suggested, it could be far worse, a symbol of murderous sacrifices. That could put a whole new slant on "KIL-Patrick."

The Lester/Leicester Shield is the BELLamy Shield too, jibing with the bell pattern in the Champagne Coat, and with "Abellinum." It dawns on me now that the Pegasus, ally of BELLerophon, was depicted in myth as a Gorgon peoples that came out of the Medusa Gorgon after she had her head sliced off...because the cult, in real life, required human heads. I trace the Gorgon Medusa to proto-Masseys -- the Meshwesh. Although Wikipedia located Meshwesh in Cyrene, their having ruled Tanis suggests a Meshwesh presence also in Tunis(ia), where it's well known that Carthaginians were mad in offering child sacrifices.

After writing that, and only after, I remembered that the Irish Kilpatricks use a "Ceart" motto term. [Later below, it turns out that Baathists elements, which I suspect to be Butteri elements, lead to/from Irish MacCARTHys.]

Can you image the untold horror in Carthage, and yet the writers of the Lares and Compitalia articles write as though human sacrifice is a normal or acceptable religious practice. There is no bad-mouthing the cults whatsoever, just matter-of-factly attitude, the modern/professional way of writing. The Great Mouth in the Sky will soon Badmouth all that's appropriate. The guts of history will cry out from sacred stones when they are over-turned by the Voice in the Sky.

The Human Sacrifice of that Judge is not good enough for the pagans, as though they have something better. Instead of their Creator, evolution. Instead of praise, curses.

What does it mean when, for years, I claim that Bitar-founded Baathists of Syria and Iraq will pair up with a European-ruling Anti-Christ allied to the Latin-based Mys. Babylon, and now find a Buttero peoples in the Latin region of Lazio that by every indication trace to the Bitars/Butters? Does it mean that the anti-Christ will be of Bute elements, of a western Rus and Gogi peoples?

What about "Putin"?

Such a mystery, I wish I could unravel it before the time comes. Again, it is not necessary for the anti-Christ to be of the Latin line; he is shown (Revelation 17) making an alliance with the Latin harlot, and we may infer thereby that he comes to rule the end-time Roman world via that alliance. I have in the last year or two gone out on a limb to predict that the anti-Christ will be a Massey / Meschin somehow. This is the time to quote this from the Butteri article: "He carries the 'mazzarella', a stick employed for herding oxen and horses." Clicking to the mazzarella article, "A mazzarella is a stick used to herd cattle (such as oxen), sheep, and horses in northern Italy. It is carried by a buttero...It is derived from the word 'mazza', the Italian word for mace."

The Macey Coat uses a mace, and the French Masse/Massey Coat uses a boot. As per "massarella," we look at the Massar surname to find it rooted in a messiah-like massaio term, and showing a Massei variation, begging the question: where did the messiah term come from, anyway, and why? Isn't it a Semitic term? Does it indicate that the Meshech had an alliance with Hebrews, which is what I claim for the Masseys? And were not the Hyksos Hebrews? The Hebrew term for messiah: meshiach or meshiach.

Wikipedia says that Moses was "Mouses" to Greeks and "Musa" to Arabs. I await to discover what the proto-Masseys of Khyan's day were called, but as the Greek Muses are suspect, we ought to find them at the base of the Apollo cult, which was the Buto>Latona cult in the Hyksos theater. This was the all-seeing-eye cult, depicted in myth as blind seers, just like Tiresias, son of the shepherd seer, Everes=Avaris. The blindness was a take on seeing only with the third eye in the satanic forehead. Stupid men, worse than blind, doers of the devil's will, the destroyers of the planet.

Way back in 1980 I was reading about the derivation of Moses' name in a term, to the best of my recollection, in "Mashiah/Mashiach/Messiach" I remember being surprised to find the term much like my mother's "Masci" bloodline. If the Hebrew alphabet had another letter before the "M," then "Massey," which now adds up to 656, would have added up to 666 because letters in the "M" range go up by 10 (M now stands for 40, N for 50).

We are told that "meshiach" means a "spreading of oil," as on a priest or king for anointment. Wikipedia says: "The Messiah is often referred to as Melekh ha-Mashíah," without the 'c' and with a Molech term, which, though it meant "king," was also the name of a child-sacrifice cult.

Checking Strong's concordance, the Biblical "Moses" is "Mosheh"( #4872), said to be from "Masheh" (#4971), meaning "to pull/draw out" (save?). Further down the page at 4886, "mashach," "to rub with oil." Then there's "moshchah" (4888) said to denote "anointing." Back at 4198, "mazeh," "to suck out," and at 4197, "meseg," "to mingle" (with the example of water with wine).

An Amazon-interesting term appears further down the page at "mezach" (4206), which is very close to "meseg" above. "Mezach" is said to mean "girdle," which should explain why Hercules was sent to steal the girdle of the Amazon queen. But then it suggests that Hercules, or at least the myth writer, was Hebrew/Semitic. In any case, it seems correct for "mezach" to be used as a symbol of Amazons, for I'm sure lived at Mazaca (now Caesarea on the Halys) because African Amazons/Amazighens were also "Mazices"...but also "Meshwesh" and "Mazyes" and "Maxyes" according to Wikipedia's Meshwesh article.

On the Mazices link/page above, there are claims (appearing to copy one another) that Amazighens were dark Mauri as well as "Ethiopians." In my mind, that evokes the Amurru=Amorites (originally Semites that became Canaanized) that I think named Meroe/Merowe (now in the Sudan), as well as the Meroe location (inhabited by Ameru/Meru) a ways to its south in modern Kenya. Again, the Meroe/Merowe location was also "Bedewe," according to Wikipedia's Meroe article, smacking of the Batavi peoples at the mouth of the Rhine, where also the first Franks, the Merowe-like Merovingians, sprang up. This suggests that Merovingians had been Amazhighens of Ethiopia.

The Batavi can be traced to the "Padova" in Veneto, and it just so happens that the Franks traced themselves to the Veneti (of Veneto). This, coupled with Massey links to Bute, can suggest that the Batavi, or Padova's Amazighen>Veneti, were the founders of Bute, explaining why myth writers gave Bute nine Muse-depicting witches.

As per my discovery that "Freemason" is a code for the Frey/Freie (Bavaria) and Massin/Mason clans in combination (because both use the same blue-on-gold lion), note the phrase, "Amazighen = 'Freie'" at the Mazices link/page above. The word, "Frank," is said to mean, "free." but why? Could we deem "to pull/draw out" to mean "to free"? At another page, "Amazighen is a Berber term meaning 'Free Man'..."

On Wikipedia's Meru article was apparently written by a dreamer/idiotic Freemason, for he suggests that the Meru were the Israelites under Moses, that idea bringing home my Moses=Meshwesh claim under discussion. The article goes on to say:

...There have been several studies by scholars and historians to try to establish the location of this island [named Mboa, where the Meru were held captive]...Even more intriguing {says who?} is the fact that no one knows where the people of ancient Meroe are today...

Mboa = Moabites?

I think the writer was lying the typical lie repeated by Freemason historians: that no one knows the history of a certain peoples if those peoples were special root to Freemasons. The same is said about Trojans and many others. I think Freemasons know Merovingian history in Merowe. The false idea above, that the Meru were Israelites crossing the Red sea, lends to Manetho's false idea, that Hyksos escaping their demise in Egypt, fleeing to Jerusalem, were the Israelites under Moses. But the Jerusalem of the time was ruled by Amorites, and so if the Hyksos were likewise Amorites, they could have found refugee protection in Jerusalem for that reason.

My senses are that the Hyksos included Perseus-worshiping Chemites/Kemmites, who were Danaans, and therefore from Tanis, where the proto-Meshwesh (after whom Moses/Moshe could have been named) may have been while Hyksos were still in Egypt. I traced Chemmites to "Kimera" on the one hand, and to Joktanites of Yemen/Punt on the other. Punt was then Ethiopia, but included the Aden region of Yemen (think the Egyptian Aten/Atun cult that may have become Atunis=Adonis of the Turan-cult Etruscans amongst the Butteri, but also think mythical Aedon, granddaughter of mythical Merops, trace-able with good reasons to Autun in France].

The Meru article then goes on to say: "[The Meru] speak the same language, Kimeru..." In Lycia there was a Kimera/Chimera dragon with goat head growing from it's back, and a serpent for a tail. The Bellerophon and Pegasus alliance (i.e. proto Bellamys>Masseys) had the assignment (mythical) to kill the Kimera, meaning that the two enemies were likely related and at typical civil war. Lycia was the mainland in from the island of Kos, where a Merowe-like Merops (mythical character) was located, who no doubt linked to king Merops of Ethiopia. You get it, and you can bank on it.

It can't be coincidental that Perseus married the daughter of an Ethiopian ruler. It suggests that Chemmites had ancestry in Ethiopia, though I traced Chemmites to Yemen for a wholly different reason(s)...which I can't recall at the moment.

The Ethiopian daughter that Perseus married was ANDromeda, but it was not until I could equate Perseus with Aphrodite that it was realized who AnrdoMeda depicted. She was the Gorgon-Medusa peoples on the one hand, known to be from Africa, but also the Anat cult that founded (says me) Anatolians and Antalya (in Pisidia). Antalya also near Kos, was depicted by golden-fleece-line "Tantalus," Lydian ruler with his son of the city of Eneti, and it just so happens that ANDromeda-like ANTenor (a Trojan) is a known depiction of Eneti's Heneti peoples who founded the Veneti...the latter no doubt the representation of Venus, the Roman Aphrodite. When things click that good, you can bank on them.

You can also bank on this, that the Meru were the golden-fleece line of the Marsyas goat-skinning peoples, even the Mars(i) that Aphrodite was in love with. They parked their sorry asses (term intentional as per donkey links to Marsyas Phrygians), after losing a war to the God of Israel, on the Marmara sea, where Hyksos-rooted Trojans originated, at Muse-infested and Gorgon city of Parion/Parium, that being mythical Priam and his son, Perseus-like Paris. When things click along this nicely, we are definitely trotting the donkey home.

And so we ask why the true Messiah came riding on a donkey? Was it to send the donkey cult's ruler, satan, a message, on who the real Messiach was? If so, can we find evidence that the proto-Meshwesh out of Hyksos Egypt was involved with the mythical donkey? Yes, for Midas, a Phrygian peoples too (you can bank of French "frogs" descending from Phrygians), was given donkey's ears when involved with both Apollo and Marsyas, and "Midas" t is said (by Wikipedia) to be linked to a king Mita of the "Mushki," the latter being an alternative term for the Meshiach-like Meshech.

And, you know, Samson was depicted with a donkey's jawbone, and as Samson became the Greek Hercules seeking the Amazonian girdle=mezach, I trace the Samson cult confidently to Samsun/Amisos, a Meshech>Amazon locale...leading to the Samson and Meschin surnames both using white (e)scallops on black. When things click along this good, the clams are doing the clicking, and they're telling us that the donkey-related "Moses"-naming proto-Meshwesh were in Ascalon/Ashkelon (i.e. where I trace "((e)scallop)...which only now, for the first time, evokes the "MASCULine variation of the Meschins!

I identified Samson's donkey symbol with Avvites...who did live (according to the Bible) in Ascalon and surrounding region. Avvites were at that time linked (by me) to Apollo, and so Apollo's Muses ought to trace back to the Ashkelon region too. "Moses" is "Musa" to the Arabs, remember, and "Mouses" to the Greeks, but if anyone takes the ideas presented here to link Moses and/or Israelites to Greek Muses...An asinine Freemason or demented Kabbalist would mingle darkness with Light; we don't expect it from intelligent people. The only thing I'm exploring is whether Moses was named by a Meshech branch amongst the Hyksos, and am not identifying the Levi>Moses bloodline as a Meshech one. Moses was not named by his mother, but by an Egyptian royal.

Where did Samson die when he died blind, chained to two pillars of the Dagon temple? And why was he made blind by his myth writer, as that was code for Tiresias, son of the Avaris-based royal Hyksos? See fish-tailed Dagon, god of Ascalon!

That's right, Meschin-related Samson died in Ascalon. I've never presented this idea before, and it's being presented with the thought of tracing the Ascalon Meshwesh, or whatever they were then called, to the Baar fish, for those Baars were in Bar-le-Duc (a dag- and Dagon-like term there) of the Mousson region (on/off the Moselle = Little Meuse river), too much like "Mouses" to be hee-hawed away.

As I trace "Ascalon" to Scylla=Sicily, so we find Messina (proto-Massino in Piedmont leading to the Massin/Mason surname) smack at Scylla. When things click along this good, the dolphins are smacking their tails on the high seas, telling us that Daphne, daughter of blind Tiresias, was in Ascalon. It tempts me to see a Dagon=Daphne terminology equation, and as I trace "Daphne" to the "Seben"(nytos)/Samannud region near Avaris, chances are that the fish cult was there.

Remember, Sais was on the Sebennytos branch of the Nile, and I traced (a year ago roughly, without any of this on my mind) the Saddle surname (using the Massin/Mason lion exactly) to the Say (Massey Shield in colors reversed) and Seaton-of-Sayton clans, who had in turn been traced to "Sais" elements. The Buttero saddle makers come to mind as they are now being traced to "Buto," goddess of Sais (which by the way was a Chemmite locale).

Dagon's wife, Shala, who was likely code for "Ascalon," smacks of "sela/sella," the Greek and Latin terms for "saddle." That may not be a horseincidence, for it makes sense that Hyksos, inventors of chariots some say, would have made saddles too. Entering "Sella" brings up the Sellick/Selliock surname...that I trace to "Silesia." Therefore, let's not forget the Baar-fish trace to the Salassi peoples of Aosta, or that the Sales clan was "of Mascy." There are several ramifications to be explored here that may unveil the tracks of the Dagon-related saddle makers, if indeed I have this theory correct. I'll mention any as they come to mind.

The Sadler-like Sitlers were originally from Gorlitz, in SILESIA (!!!), according to their write-up. Sitlers use a black lion on gold, the symbol of the Sam/Sammes Coat.

Let me repeat what had been said above:

AND NOW TRAIN YOUR MIND ON THIS: the "laidir" motto term of the Kilpatricks that led to the Latter/Lawtie/Laithis surname is seen also in the Brian motto! The Brian phrase, "Lamh laidir," was linked to the Salyes Ligurians because the Sullivans use "Lamh"!!!

We can be confident, therefore, that the Patricks-and-Patterson branch Butteri were on the Durance river too, and likely merged there with the Salyes. REMEMBER THIS WHEN, BELOW, DAGON-RELATED SADDLE MAKERS ARE TRACED TO SALYES-LIKE PEOPLE GROUPS.

That quote was an insert added further above immediately after writing here on the Sitlers. Upon adding the insert, the Laidlaw surname came to mind as per "laidir," but I didn't realize the "law" in "Laidlaw" until I typed the term out at Sure, therefore, that Laidlaws were a branch of Salyes-related Lawes and Lawties, BEHOLD MY SURPRISE to find Laidlaws first found in SELkirk!!!

Ride'm cowboy. Compare the Sellick Coat to the Selkirk Coat (SALAmander in flames in Crest). The Selkirk heart is the Douglas heart, for Douglas' also use a salamender in flames, as well as three white stars in Chief, the Selkirk symbol. The Douglas, who smack of "Dagon" and "dag," use their stars in Bar-le-DUC fish colors. Remember, laidir-using Kilpatricks use a "dagger" in their alternative Coat.

For anyone that may have been reading, the salaMANDER was traced to Salamis, the place founded by mythical Teucer, son of ScaMANDER...and father of Batia. She is the point here. She was the mother of Trojans, and Trojans became Romans where the Butteri lived.

Scottish Laws use pierced stars (mullets) in the gold color of the Sellick pierced stars. In the Scottish-Laidlaw write-up, the clan is traced back to Shropshire, which was also SALop. It indicates that Salop was named, as suspected, by the Salyes>Sales bloodline.

Douglas' are traced in their write-up to an early (post-Arthurian period) Clydesdale location. Isn't there a working-horse type of that name, which name by the way evokes the Clode-like variations of king Clovis? Did you happen to notice the Louis and Lew variations of the French Laws (needs an 's' to get it) surname? "Clovis," says Wikipedia, was also "Louis," and therefore also "Lewis." These laws are in the colors of McLeods/Clouds, who I trace to Clode=Clovis.

In the alternative KilPatrick write-up, we find the clan in CLOSEburn. Checking the Close surname, therefore, not only is the Shield white-on-blue like the McLeod Shield, not only is it the Macey Shield, but centrally placed is a cowboy's spur!!! YES, of course, for Clovis is a Merovingian idol that must by force of his cult-importance link to the Bute-related Butteri. There in the list of Close variations we find, "Clovse." The bugles of the Coat should link to the Brian and Barr bugles.

In the "lamh laidir"-using Brian Coat, what do we find in the Crest but a cloud?

The white-on-blue of the Close/Clovse Coat, being the Macey and Mackay Shield, link to the Moray and Ross-shire domains that Mackays had some hold of. That explains the Moray stars in the Douglas Chief. This idea of a Moray link came as I was recalling the sour and the golden fleece used by the Dingalls, named after a capital of Ross-shire. But as I was thinking about that, I had already hit the button to load the Bryce Coat. Not only were Bryces first found in Morayshire, not only do they use the Irish Brian lion in Chief, but, like the latter's Crest, they use a cloud.

This of course warrants a repeat of my fundamental link of Nibelungs to Merovingians. I suspect that Nibelungs were from mythical Nephele, wife of Ixion (= Hyksos). The Bryce hand out of a cloud holds scales, a symbol that I tend to link to the Ascalon>Scylla line. There is a Scale surname using white scallops, if that helps to make the link. The Scale Crest shows five white ostrich feathers, symbol of the Trabys. You might like to consider the Scalia surname, using a scala=ladder, which may somehow indicate that Laidlaws/Laidlers, Latters/Layties, and Laws link somehow to Scylla elements, as expected.

Remember here that I identify the golden-fleece bloodline as the Lazi root of the Merovingian Lys cult. I was able to link the Butteri of Lazio to the Lys valley's Buthier region (Aosta), but then the Fiora river that the Butteri lived on flowed also into neighboring Tuscany, the capital of which is fleur-like Florence. The Scalia surname was first found in Florence. If I'm not mistaken, Italian flowers are "fiori." The Fiori Coat shows Floris variations, anyway (I wish I could recall what Spanish clan uses the Fiori crown).

To assure that Florence links to the fleur-de-lys, or apparently so, we find FiordaLISA and FiordeLISI variations in the Fiori/Floris page. The red roses on their blue Shield recalls the same of the French Brians. The Spanish Flora Coat uses...fleur-de-lys...and hmm was first found in Astor-like Asturias. The Arms of Asturias uses the same type cross, with fleur-de-lys ends, as the Bouillon cross, which I repeat because Godfrey de Bouillon was traced (in the last update) to Aosta's Lys theater.

Remember, the town of Lille was in another Lys-river theater while the Lill-surname uses a "Sedulo" motto term apparently code for the Butteri saddle makers. That reminds me, as per many S-terms taking to T-terms, the Taddei Chief uses the Bouillon cross, in the same colors, and was first found in Florence.

AHA-HAA (that's the best Italian accent I can muster), the Scale-Crest ostrich feathers should in fact link to Trabys, for I traced the white Arms of Traby feathers to the white ostrich feathers of the Welsh Tudors (as per Tudor TREVor), but before that traced the Taddei triple chevron to the same in the Arms of Cardiff, the Welsh capital, suspecting that Taddeis, said to be named after "Theodore," were related to the Tudors, also said to be named after Theodore. THE POINT IS, the Scalias were first in Florence, now making the Scale-ostrich link to Florence and thus supporting the Scale link to Taddeis.

I'm suggesting that TADdeis were of the Butteri SADdle-making clan, and not named after Theodore at all. That should explain the TADOLilin variation of the Taddeis. "Theodore" may have come later, as play of "Tudor" or something of the like.

What's amazing is that the Tudor Trevor Coat (Vere/Drake dragon in Crest) was found to be exactly the Arms of a certain John Yonge of olden-times Tudors. I know someone about as close to me as one could get claiming to have a Yonge bloodline, and then on my father's Italian side, he's a Taddei *(and a Ferrari). If, therefore, the Mascis or Masseys were linked closely to Polish Trabys (possible where Meschins trace to Poland), the 666-like Traby bugles may somehow link to the 656 of the Massey term, suggesting that the bloodline had a pre-occupation with the devil's number.

But this only works if indeed there was another letter in the Hebrew alphabet between the 'Y' (value of 10) and the 'M' (value of 50) so as to net 666 for "Massey." Between those two letters, there are now just two, K and L, with a value of 20 and 30. (the "S" has a value of 300). The 'J' is missing, for example, and had it existed, would have been immediately after the 'Y' (serves as our "i" but substituted also for the 'J') and before the 'K'. Or. if there was a Mayssey surname, for example, it would add up to 666.

Again, the Traby bugles are in the color scheme of the Brian bugle, and so see the Baraniecki surname at the top of the Traby-kin list. THEN COMPARE the piles of the Brian Coat (where that bugle is found) to the Scottish Yonge/Young piles. The "jeunes" motto term of the English Yonges suggests a trace to the Roman "Juno," herself traced solidly now to the Una/Oeneus river where the Maezaei lived. NOW BEHOLD the "Jungor" motto term of the Meeks/Meiks, for while the Traby list shows no Massey-like terms, it shows "Miekicki" and "Mieki(ski)" (that may be corruptions of "Mieske / Mieszko).

The German Jung surname shows a June and a Yonge variation. It was first found in Bavaria probably due to the Baar/Bahar trace to Bayer(n)/Bavaria elements. The Jungs use a stag, symbol of Traby-like Derbyshire.

Many months before coming to the Brian trace to Baars, and before the Baar trace to Bernicians made only now, I had traced the Baraniecki surname (uses a raven with ring in beak) to Bernicians (of the Bryneich region, Britain) and related Varangians, the raven-depicted vikings to which the bear-using Mackays belonged. Irish Barans use rings in the same ring-color as Baranieckis, and Barans were treated above (as Barrans/Barones) as Pollock-clan relations. "Barran" was the term that fist allowed me to see "Brian" links to "Baar."

The Barran Crest is a blue boar, a symbol also of Irish Darbys/Dermotts. Darbys are the Derby founders of Derbyshire.

The Barans use a "juvat" motto term smacking of "giovani" (= "young" in Italian; Italians don't use the 'j') and "jovem" (= "young in Portuguese)...but also of Jupiter's "Jove" variation that smacks of the Yonge trace to Jupiter's wife, Juno.

The English Jung surname (in Scottish Yonge colors) shows a June and a Jevene variation, and has the write-up: "The name is believed to have been Le Jeune (the young) and the first mention of the name in tax rolls was Matilda Jun in 1273 in Cambridge." These Jungs use black-on-white fleur de lys, possibly linking to the same of the Sales Coat.

Hmm, as Baran-branch Bernicians were just linked to the Yonge bloodline, see the Brian Coat come up, with "Lamh" motto term linking to the Salyes Ligures, when entering "Brink" as per "Bryneich." I may not have included the if-ie latter sentence if not for the German Brinks (sunflower and wheat) using the white-on-red of the Traby/Sadowski 'Q'. The Trabys are descended from the ASTika clan, and the Traby link now to Brian and Baar elements can link Astikas to the Este and Aosta Illuminati circles (Estes were in Bryneich-like Brunswick. The Ast surname uses only a sun in colors reversed to the Brink sunflower, and we know that Brinks are in charge of the money bags of the corporations.

The English Yonges use red roses, as do the Mazza/Mazzali/Mazzarelli and the Fiori clans of the same Ferrara theater (northern Italy). As the Butteri were on the Fiori river, couldn't we trace them to the Ferrara region, therefore, where the Ferrari sportscar was given a horse as symbol? The Maserati sportscar was developed by the same big-shot people that made the Ferrari. Apparently, riding horses wasn't good enough for city cowboys. We're happy that the Maserati logo is not a saddle.

Per chance the so-called BARDella saddle (of the Butteri) links to the Bard/Baard/Bayard surname, very much like the Baar/Baher surname. As per the glimpse I've caught sight of for the Boofima cult tracking through the Butteri, it can be added that the Bardon surname (scallops in Bard gold on red) was first found in Perigord, the place to which I traced the Boofima cult as per the Beef/Sambeouf surname (there was more to it than meets the eye here). I can now add that entering "Beof" (green acorns, as with Brinks) curiously brings up no such variations but does bring up Bed-using variations.

the Bed-using variations may apply to "Bedewe" just because a removal of the 'd' gives a "Beeve/Beefe" term. That in an acorn nutshell may trace the Boofima cult to Bedewe=Meroe. Entering "Bede" brings up the same Beof/Bedeau surname, and I'll add that mythical Bedivere may apply to Bedewe elements of the Batavi.

From the theory above, one moves to the Beever/Beaver surname, which in my books leads to Bavaria. Hey hey, the Beever/Beaver Coat uses a blue bar/fesse, just like the Beefs/Sambeoufs of Perigord. A green beaver (color of the Beof/Bedeau acorns) is used by the Veres of Oxford, and dragon-line Veres not only trace themselves to Merovingians (i.e. where the Bedewe/Merowe peoples led), but "Bedivere" appears to be double code in-part for Veres. Moreover, Veres were the Brittany proto-Stewarts, while the Beofs/Bedeaus were first found in Brittany. If that's not enough, the Beofs/Bedeaus use colors reversed from the Beevers/Beavers.

AHA! The Beevers/Beavers are said to be from Beauvoir (Normandy), and that term brings us a French Beauvais clan using Beaufrey and Beaufre variations. The Beauval variation reminds me (first update of July) of the Bowles trace to Bouelles (Normandy, at Bray, near Evreux). Sure enough, after writing that, the Bowles Coat was loaded to find a black-on-white chevron, same as in the Baeuvais/Beafre Coat. The same-colored chevron is used by the Bray/Brae Coat as to prove the link. I traced Brays to Brae of Cuneo, Piedmont, near the Piedmont origin of the Veres.

There is a blue beaver in the Brooks Crest, and the surname is said to be from Broc of the Anjou area (i.e. it could link to Veres thereby). Brooks is (was, she quite) the surname of Rupert Murdoch's chief of British affairs. (One wonders how the staff of a news organization can hack phones without telephone-company participation.)

Hmm, the Bedford surname uses the same black-on-white colors, suggesting that the Batavi were in Bedford. Bedfordshire is the location of Luton, reminding us of the "laidir" motto term of the Butteri-based Kilpatricks. The term led to the Lawties and Laws and Laidlaws and should therefore lead to other Laws and, for example, the Lutons/Lewtons!!! (Yes, that sentence was a pre-meditated, first-degree set-up). Black on white is used also by the Sinclairs of LOTHIAN, where the Seatons were first found (and concentrated) that I now trace to the Butteri saddle bloodline (for lack of a better term). Black on white is also the color of the Bitars/Buttars (and KilPatricks).

Uat on God's green earth is going on? Simple. The Uat/Buto cult from Britain runs (and ruins) the world, controls the education, blah blah, but will in it's pride shoot for the very heart of God with it's end-time scheme, on the Day that the WineMaker in the Sky comes treading the grapes of end-time Eschol. And all the wealth that feverish Buto crafted for over the Millennia will pass to the sons of God whom Buto hated. It's therefore very interesting that Buto is being identified with Amorites out of Bedewe/Merowe, for there is every logic in claiming that God's war of history is against the Amorites out of Zion. It is they that He must have been gunning for when He took their city as His own, wherefore we could expect proto-Butteri in Zion.

I'm pretty SURE (Kilpatrick motto term) I know who they were. The Bozrah-ites.

By what coincidence is it that "Patrick" should trace so well to Butteri but also to "Petra" of Edom? Clearly, the "sure" motto term is code for the Sheera variation of the Irish Kilpatricks, and that can now suggest links to Seir-ians. The Closeburn location of Kilpatricks that suggested links to Clovis Merovingians likewise traces to Edomites as per the many ways that I've traced Merovingians to various Edomite groups.

The motto is: "I make sure." Entering "Make" brings up the Mack/Makke surname showing a Make variation. The surname was first found in Berwickshire, and the Berwick surname used the "muzzled" (code for Maceys) bear of the Mackays. The Coat looks like the Keith Chief, and as Keiths were first found in Haddington, where Musselberg is located, it appears solid that the "muzzle" code depicts the Meschin/MASCULline line to MUSSELberg.

The Keiths are also "Keath" and so I link them to the same-colored Seatons...that are now being traced to the same Butteri bloodline as Kilpatricks, thus assuring that their "make" motto term correctly links to the Macey/Mackay bloodline. Let's not forget that the Butteri shepherd staff was a mace, symbol of the Maceys.

Like the Seatons, Keiths were first found in Lothian. The Keith write-up traces to a peoples called, "Catti," and then the Catti of Hesse are known to be a tribe of that Batavi? Coincidence that cannot be. And while I have tentatively traced "Hesse" to "Esau," so I must trace Hessians and Catti -- and now the BUTTERi -- to BOZRah, the Edomite city that Esau himself ruled. It was Esau's son, Eliphas, who married into the family of Lothian- and Luton-like Lotan, of the line of Seir, and what do we find when we enter Mussel-like "Mascal" but an Eliphas-like elephant in the Crest. If that's not enough, "Mascal" also brings up the Keith Coat while showing no Mascal-like variations.

When things click along this good, it's time for the Freemasons to put down their masks. The game is over. We know who they think they were, and they love to be God's enemies, like a punk who prides himself in telling the he-man off over and over again just because the he-man doesn't retaliate. Fools. For the He-Man will strike a single blow, with vibrations knocking the elephants off their feet at the quaking of the earth.

As you can see, the Mack/Make Coat is in the colors of the Dutch Macke/Mackay Coat using the Massey Shield and Massey horse. The write-up doesn't tell where in Holland the Mackes/Mackays were from, but the Batavi were originally from Holland, near Rotterdam, and we can expect them also in Leyden/Leiden, a city said to be named after the Lug cult. I'm not sure whether terms like Ladon, Lotan, and Lothian can be linked to "Leiden."

This is a good time to repeat the trace of "Haarlem," a Dutch city, to "Jerusalem." We read: "The name comes from 'Haarlo-heim'{citation needed} or 'Harulahem'{citation needed}, which means 'place, on sand covered with trees...[blah blah]..." The "citation needed" was entered by a reader who didn't believe the report, and/or couldn't find corroboration anywhere (anyone is free to alter a Wikipedia article if the "owners" of the article allow it). I rather think that "Haarlem" is a corruption from "Hierosolyma," the Greek for "Jerusalem." When I first made that claim, I didn't have evidence of a Batavi link back to Jerusalem as I do now.

"Haar" could trace to the Herzegovina entities (i.e. Croats/HRVati and Serbs) that I say were Garebites. Mount Gareb was at Jerusalem. We can imagine "Gareb" becoming "Har(b)" and "Harv" terms. I became sure a few updates ago that Here(fordshire) traces to "Herzegovina" and company. The Sellicks, now being traced to the Butteri saddle=sela line, were first found in Herefordshire.

Both the German Hares and English Harveys use the Bellamy Shield, while a similar Shield is used by the French Harveys. Like clockwork, French Harveys were first in Ile-de-France, where Bellovesus-related Laevi were represented by the French Levi clan. And Irish Hares use a "garbh" motto term as though knowing exactly where they were from. Is that a salamander in the Irish Hare Coat? The salamander term (used by SELkirks) has the means to stand as code for the sela=saddle as well as for the Maeander-river Maenads. The Sagan Coat uses nothing but a salamander in flames, and I've traced Sagans in the past to Segovesus, brother of Bellovesus...both of a BITURges peoples!! That tends to link the Biturges (and therefore Butteri) to the Scamander>Batia bloodline, as expected.

I traced Seir's Horites from Edom to the Hera cult in Jerusalem, and identified Hera as Garebites out of Jerevan in Armenia's Aras theater. Yes, this same bloodline had an Osiris (from "Seir) and Horus branch in Egypt, but I think the Jerusalem branch was more evil and important, and the very center of satan's throne in those parts. That's why I think God took it. Where a Greek myth writer made Hera into Nephele, and made Nephele the mate of Zion-like Ixion, it reveals to me that Hera elements were in Zion. This is supported where Ixion's traditional wife, Dia, seems like a play on "Dion," the alternative name of Zeus, Hera's husband.

Hera's daughter, Hebe, may have depicted Jerusalem's Jebusites, who were likely Amorites too, from Hebrews on the Euphrates and Habur rivers. It's very likely that the Euphrates was named after the so-called "Apiru" of Babylon/Chaldea, but as they had an "Abiru" alternative, they also likely named the Habur tributary of the Euphrates. These two rivers were home to Hera-like Hurrians, near Haran, and some, like me, identify Hurrians with Horites. The latter lived in Nuzi, where I trace Dion-play "DioNysus," and the point is, there is logic in tracing Nuzi's Horites to Edom's Horites, and to Seir, root of Osiris and Horus.

Once the Dionysus cult gets to Anatolia, after being way down in Ethiopia (this recalls the Bedewe/Merowe topic), he becomes the god of long-haired Maenads, on the Maeander river where the Solymi lived that smack of "HieroSOLYMA." We then trace Maeands to ScaMander, father of Teucer (Togarmites/Tocharians lived at Nuzi if Togarmites named the Tigris), father of Batia the proto-Butteri. But if the Butteri trace back to the Buto-cult Hyksos, then the Butteri line was also in Jerusalem as Ixion=Zeus. And if "Zeus" was a take from "Esaus" and "Sais," then it makes sense for the Butteri to be from Bozrah, city of Esau.

Tracing Zeus to Horites is as easy as Zeus' grandfather, Uranus, who smacks of Haran-ites / Hurrians. The suggestion is that Uranus Hurrians came to Edom with a hard-C form of Hurrians represented as "Cronus (son of Uranus), and that when Esau's son merged with Edom's Horites, Zeus was born. This entity was also Dia, a representation of Deylamites operating out of Rhagae/Rey, the mother of Zeus and wife of Cronus. The "Deyla/Delym" (probably from Dilmun/Telmon, origin of Ishtar) entity became "Solymi," I reckon, and Hera's Jerevan line made it "Jerusalem" and "Hierosolyma."

From this picture, we conclude that Esau-ite Hebrews sat at Zion, merged with Horites. Later, when God took Jerusalem via king David, they defeated the Jebusites living in the Zion district (south end) of the City. And the Holy War was on between Jacob and Esau.

But if Esau-ites sat in Zion, who were the Bozrah-ites of Zion? In what secret hive were they buzzing? At the time the city was also called, Zedek, an Amorite entity, and I have made good progress identifying that term with Set(h), satanic brother of Horus. Chances are, Set(h) was named after Esau-ites that named Sais. We know the Buto cult was at Sais, but what was the Buto cult in Zion? If I knew, I would have told you by now. I'm emphasizing the question because I sense that it should be true and important, so off to the concordance I go to the Bes and Bos lists looking for a BOZR(ah)-like term.

There is a Besor brook of southern Judah. Then, in the Bos part of the list, a Bosor term said to be from "Besor." The Bosor happens to be the father of Balaam, the donkey-related seer.

There is also a Boscath/Bosketh, a city of Judah that could potentially link to the Cadmus line...and to the Cilician Cati (in Khassi) and of course to Semele, Cadmus' daughter and mother of Greek Dionysus. That is, I fully expect an Edomite link to Cadmus, not forgetting that the Hyksos (called "Heka KhaseWET" in Egypt) of Kizzuwatna/Khassi (Cilicia) likely took their Uat/Buto cult when naming KizzuWATna. As the Hyksos were "shepherd kings," we find from Wikipedia: "Bozrah means 'sheepfold'..." It may have come to mean that, but I don't think it started out that way.

Investigation Boscath, it turns out to be "Boscath" too. It is listed between the mention of Lachish and Egron in the Old-Testament list(s), otherwise the place is reportedly unknown. Lachish is beside Hebron and toward the Philistines. It is closer than Hebron to Samson's home at Shemesh (that's where I locate his cult, near Timnah), and if one draws a westward line from Hebron through Lachish it goes straight to Ascalon. With that, the Boscath-like Basques, who call themselves Ascalon-like Euskals, come to mind. We're not forgetting that the fish-line from Ascalon's Dagon cult was found in Pesce-like surnames so that perhaps Bosk-like surnames may also apply.

The Basket surname is derived from "Pask/Pascal," and as it uses leopards, let me repeat that I traced Dionysus (depicted as a leopard) to Eschol, not far from Boscath. Hmm, Dionysus was also "Bacchus."

Entering "Bosk" brings up a Busc/Busch/Bosc surname evoking the Bosch fish-like fleur-de lys shared by Bush's/Buschs. Admittedly, it's hard to believe that Bask/Bosk-like terms could trace to Boscath, and yet the Catty-Crest stag is exactly the design of the Bosk-Crest stag. However, the Catty term brings up the Arty/Carthy surname with no Catti-like variations shown.

For playing it safe, it is suggested that Bos and Cath terms, only if they seem related at any points, should be entertained in linking back to Boscath. The Butteri link to Keiths comes to mind, and the Batavi tribe of the Hesse Catti could also apply. The Cussane variation of Pattersons also applies well. As the Cussanes can be shown to link to the Cass/Cash surname, the scales (i,e, like "Ascalon") in the Cass/Cash Coat could apply.

There is a cloud and a garb in the Irish Casey Crest, and Caseys are said to descend from the Heber line of Irish. Remember, the mythical cloud was Nephele=Hera, who had Hebe as daughter, possible code for Hebrews of the Habur river.

The Zeus=Esau equation, which I don't make lightly, and retain only for as long as it seems viable, is very compelling where I had identified Buz, years before conceiving the Zeus=Esau equation, as Zeus' brother, Poseidon. Not only does "Buz" fit the part of "Bozrah," but if we're looking for Zeus' brother in the Bosrah theater, there POSeidon is Bozrah itself, quite apparently. But there was a third brother, Hades, which may have developed from a hypothetical "Chades," and of course that should have been the Cadmus line to the Cati. [This new idea for me suggested that the Cadmus-Cati were a symbol of the mythical Underground, and the day after writing this paragraph, here's what was found: " the Iliad, Persephone's consort Hades, king of the underworld, is called Zeus KATAchthonios, 'Underground Zeus'" (caps mine).]

In tis picture, it's easy to identify Edomites in the Pisidian theater by noting that historians claim various peoples as tribes of Pisidians, including the Solymi. The Lasonii may have been from Laish, but then "Lachish" is nearly "Laish," which may suggest that Lycians were from Lachish while Lasonii, known to have lived in Lycia, were from a Lachish branch at Laish (just a theory). I see that the Lasonii have virtually disappeared from online, at least in the first few search pages. Here's an online quote that can be trusted (round brackets not mine):

Cabalea, a later name of Milyas, Lycia. Cabalei (Lasonii), a Mseonian tribe [looks like a typo, should instead be "Maeonian"], who settled in Milyas, Lycia. Caballicome, a town of Lycaonia...

The Lasonii are equated with Cabelees, and I have it recorded that Lasonii were said by Herodotus to have had the war equipment of the Cilicians. The Cabelees were probably named after Abello=Apollo, making sense because his mother, Leto, smacks of Lada, a goddess of Lycia. One now can see that Kabala was a nutty Hebrew religion of the nutty Edomites who would forsake their souls -- cut themselves off from the true God -- in return for nutty spiritual ideas that brought them pleasure. If a bowl of soup was enough to make Esau cut himself off from a serious relationship with God, so goes the Kabbalist down the same asinine road.

If we are looking for Hades in the Lycian theater, look to Kybele's husband, Attis/Atys. That "marriage" appears to be an alliance between the Cabelees and the Hatti. And if the Cabelees were the Apollo cult tracing back to the Uat-Buto cult, then Uat appears to have evolved into the Hatti. Yes, for Uat was traced to KizzuWATna, and that region was alternatively "Khassi," where Cati lived that developed, apparently, into Hatti. But as I trace the Hattusa capital of the Hatti to "Cadusia" (Armenia), it traces the Uat cult of Hyksos to Cadusia too, jibing with a trace of "Heka/Hyksos" to Haik/Hayk, a chief Armenian god.

In Wikipedia's footnote for the Lycians article, we read that the Solym(o)i developed into the Milyans, and that these were later Lycians, but all of this is based on the confusing side of mythology, where too many men attempt to create historical figures out of thin air, only to be taken serious. The Lycians proper were traced by myth writers to a Lycus on Crete, but it can be surmised that they were not from a Lycus, and we should simplify this migration in more general terms (for the time being) as one by the Zeus cult of Minoans, from Manoah of the Samson cult...near Lachish. I say that the Samson Danaans are the ones who invaded and conquered Laish, as per the account in Judges.

It's understood that the Rhea cult on Crete developed into Kybele when the Solymi came over to Lycia. If there was a Rhea-like entity on Crete, I would suggest that it developed into "Argos," home of the Danaans.

It seems that the Hades portion of Edomites took the land route from Cilicia to Hattusa, while both Zeus and Poseidon took the sea route, first to Crete and then to the part of Anatolia facing Crete. In Wikipedia's footnote, it is implied from an ancient writer that the Milyans were from Miletus, the whole bunch of Minoans coming from Gareb-like Sarpedon (brother of Minos). For me, it suggests that the Samsonite Manoah-ites and the Garebites were merged as one people.

The other brother of Minos, Rhadamanthys, smacks of Arados, which I trace to Rhodes. I would also suggest that the "manthes" in his name refers to Maenads (= Maeonians on the Maeander) because there was a mythical Ariadne that was made a wife of Dionysus. I wouldn't trace Dionysus himself to this line, for he was made a son of the Cadmus land route. But I see that land-route Edomites merging with the Cretan-route Edomites on the Maeander,,,which flows past Miletus and out to sea in front of Rhodes. As Arados was also "Arpad" to the Syrian locals, so we find an Harpasus tributary of the Maeander.

What this trace suggests is the Manoah-ites were at Arpad, and indeed that was as per a trace of the donkey god (Tartak) of Avvites to "Tartus," the latter being the Arados mainland and named after "Arados" (according to Wikipedia). In this picture, it appears to me that the Apollo cult, because I identify it with Avvites, came by the sea route to Crete before landing in Anatolia as the Cabelees, which migratory route is just what ancients claimed for the Cabelees.

Whereas Dionysus was merged with the Arpadite Minoans on Rhodes, the Apollo cult was an Arpadite-Minoan peoples merged with the Hatti on the Halyes. But then as Dionysus was part of the Hatti land-route line, explaining why he was a god of the Kybele cult, we are able to grasp that Apollo and Dionysus were re-united Edomite peoples from divergent directions.

But if I'm going to trace Apollo from Arados to Rhodes, what distinction can I make between he and Ares, who I also trace from Arados to Rhodes? It suggests that the Hera-branch Horites were in Arados, making sense where I trace Hera/Horites from the Hros to the proto-Rus on Rhodes. In this picture, the Aras-river clans, both Ares and Hera, founded Arados, and indeed I traced Arphaxadites to the founding of the Arados while there was an Harpasus tributary also of the Aras. The Avvites of Arados were therefore not founders of the city, but immigrants to it. Safe to say, the Apollo-based Avvites were from Abila/Abilene, in the Damascus theater. Isn't there an Abilene in Texas?

Poseidon can be reckoned as the Europa line out of Cadmus' city of Tyre, but unlike Cadmus, the Poseidon>Europa line went the Crete. The Poseidon line would have met the Apollo line, therefore, in Crete, and that explains why I would trace both Poseidon and Apollo elements to Abydos. Although Revelation equates Apollo with Abydos, I would suggest that Abydos was primarily a Poseidon line of Buzites from the Buto cult to Abydos. Apollo, also from Uat/Buto to Abydos, was such in a different manner, and it may be that "Uat" was a take from "Avith," the city of the Avvites.

Apollo landed on Rhodes, and there the Pisidians are to be found inland from Rhodes. It can be ascertained that Apollo was Baal. wife of Anat, and that Anat was carried to Antalya by the Pisidians, in which picture Poseidon and Apollo had been "married." If Apollo was Baal, then he got as far into Syria as mount Cassius, the known mountain of Baal on the Cilician frontier, and that suggests that Kizzuwatna was an Apollo haunt, and once again implies that Apollo was a carrier of Uat (because I identify KizzuWATna with "Uat").

In other words, there had been a merger in Kizzu-Watna of the land-route Cadmus-branch Edomites with Apollo, in which picture the Hyksos look more like Apollo than does Cadmus. There are reasons for tracing Apollo's Avvite side to pharaoh Apophis/Apepi, who smacks of the founding of the Avvites. I had identified "Paphlagonia" with "Apollyon" before tracing Apophis to "Paph(lagonia)." Then we find the so-called "Heneti Paphlagonians," suggesting an Apollo merger once again with the Anat cult carried by Poseidon.

The Moses-naming Meshwesh may have been labeled in "CadMUS." It suggests that the Meshwesh went the land route to Mysia, and re-united there with the sea-route Apollo-ites. The Cadmus line gave birth to Lydus=Lydia, and Apollo's mother was made Leto, suggesting that Apollo was not the Lydian peoples but rather had merged with them. Where Pelops was a ruler of Lydia in Eneti, we have Pelops as the Apollo Avvites ruling the Pisidian-based Anat cult in the Cadmus-founded country of Lydo-Mysia. Apollo became supreme. And his trace to Rhodes explains why he was equated with Helios at times, though Helios was technically the Halyes river, where we know Apollo was the founder of the Kybele cult. though he was merged there with Attis of the Cadmus line.

And so Apollo was supreme in Lydo-Mysia, explaining why he was chief of the Muses. Yet the Muses were not from Apollo integrally, but from the CadMUS line (I trust that I have that part right). As Apollo was merged with Arphaxadites, and as his mother seems to have included the Lycian family, is it a coincidence that there was a Lycus river at Arrapha/Arraphachitis while that river smacks of "Lachish"? Shouldn't it be true that Lachish was the reason for mythical Lycus in Crete that developed into the Milyans and Lycians?

That being said, consider the Irish and their Scot descendants, who claim roots in scythians of north Africa. The Irish myths trace the scythians there to Miletus, home of the Milyans, and then we find that both the Irish and Apollo had a lyre symbol.

I've never before entertained a Lachish link to "Lycus" (so far as I can recall). And the Boscath location near Lachish is new this update. Boscath is important where Masseys always look closely associated with Bute elements. For if true that CadMUS carried the proto-Mysians to Anatolia, then BosCATH looks very much like a possible root for Cadmus (especially as he was from POSeidon, which may have been Pos-Edom), meaning that there should have been some proto-Meshwesh in the Lachish area by a Musa/Misa-like term, which then helps to explain why Apollo was chief of the Muses.

As it should prove true that Boscath was linked to the Samson cult near Timnah, that too predicts the proto-Meshwesh in the area. As the Samson Danaans established themselves at Mycenae, that too says the same. As we're looking for the Butteri among the proto-Latins who founded Lazio, the trace is now suspected in the Lachish and/or Laish entities, and so there we have a Bos term smack at Lachish. One easily makes a link between Arphaxadites at Lachish and Arphaxadites in Arados/Arpad.

We know that the Samson and Meschin (e)scallops trace back to Asclepios, who was not only an owl cult (Edom had a Kos owl cult) but the caduceus cult symbolizing the Cadusii Armenians (they were beside Arphaxadite Assyria). That was the Edom link to Armenians and to Deylamites, but then Armenians were at mount Hermon, near Cadusia-like Kadesh. As that latter location was no doubt Cadmus-proper, it's very likely that Boscath was the proto-Poseidon>Cadmus line. As further evidence, mythical Lycus was made a son of Pandion, what appears to be a Pan-Dion combo.

Pan was the mount-Hermon cult at Panias (in the foothills of Hermon), a city very close to Laish (positioned so close to one another on separate maps that they may have been the same city). Then, as I say that "Panias" was the makings of "Phoenix," the (grand)son of Poseidon, it has the potential to trace the Pan cult to BosCath on two or three counts (it turned out to be four or five): 1) Lycus is being traced to "Lachish," wherefore PanDion ought to trace there too; 2) Boscath and Lachish were near Eschol, where I trace Dionysus; 3) Laish may have been a corruption of "Lachish"; 4) I trace Pan to Lake Van in Armenia, and BosCath is now being identified as an Armenian locale; 5) Lake Van is where the Nairi lived who smack of Nahorites, while Buz, Nahor's son, is suspect as the root of "Boscath."

NOW BEHOLD. It just hit me as I came to that logic (it was NOT on my mind when I suggested above the Muses should be in the Boscath theater), for I now recall that in the Lake Van region there is a Mus province!!! I was struggling at the oars trying to find the Mus entity of the Boscath theater, and there it just popped up thanks to taking the trouble of tracing Pan to Lake Van (I almost didn't include that point until it came to mind after including 3) above.

I now recall an emailer who enquired of me as to what I can share on the god, Tarhun. I recall tracing Tarhun to Mus at lake Van, though I can't recall the details. Tarhun smacks of Turan in the Fiora river where the Butteri lived! I am right-now in the throes of suggesting a Butteri trace back to Bosrah and Boscath.

AHA, found it already:

Mus, city, eastern Turkey, lying at the mouth of a gorge on the slopes of Kurtik Mountain, at the south side of a wide plain in the Murat River valley...reputedly founded by the Armenian king Mushel I Mamikonian in the 6th century. Later called Tarun by the Arabs...

A king Mushel from Mus, smacking of "Musselberg" of the Keith/Keth domain???

In the map at Wikipedia's Mus article, we see that it was in the reaches of the Thermodon Amazons. As I link king Arthur to the Muses of Avalon-Bute, and as I identify king Arthur as a Rus peoples, note that Cimmerian Scythians conquered Lake Van when it was ruled by kings called, Rusa, when Armenia was called, UrARTU. I assume that the Rusa kings went back to Rusa entity of prior centuries, which I assume further was the Ares/Eros (Hros) cult out of the Aras, even the entity that Ezekiel calls, Rosh, friends of the Meshech. I also assume that Urartu named Ardahan and similar locations (e.g. Artvin) in the upper-Aras theater.

To support an Aras trace to Lake Van, the Aras empties into the Kur river, and then we find a Kurtik mountain at Mus. On the north side of Mus province, and Ares-like Erzurum province. To the north of that, Ardahan. Plus, I had traced the Ares>Mars cult from the Maritsa/Hebros river to the Maros/Mures river where Marot/Marut-surnamed Khazars were ruling, and "Murot" is the name of the river at Mus. This potential trace of Khazars to the empire of the Nairi jibes with my suspicions that Khazars were Nahorite Hebrews.

We can't forget the Habira "tribe" of the Kassites in this picture, especially if Kassites were ancestral to Khazars. I had traced "Zeus" to "Susa" on a couple of counts (though didn't emphasize it). Susa was the country ruled by Kassites, and I view "Kassi(tes)" ancestral to Hyksos, the Cadmus Catti, the Hatti, etc. Therefore, BosCath/BosKeth was ultimately a Kassite colony (I tend to link Kassites to the later Guti of the Zagros, and then to "Cadusia"). In that picture, where the Habira/Kassites were Nahorites, Boscath is predicted to be Nahorite too, a conclusion supported by BOScath.

If true that "Zeus" was born from "Esau(s)," then possibly Esau-ites were the Habira tribe of the Kassites...who lived in the Zagros mountains while DioNYSus was also called, Zagreus. Nuzi was in the face of the Zagros, and because I trace Nuzi's Horites to Edom's Horites, I identified Dionysus as a Nahorite cult (because Nahor was from Haran, origin of Hurrians>Horites). A trace of Esau-ites and Nahorites to the Susa domain does not necessarily contradict...because Esau is being linked to Buzites in his city of Bosrah.

A ways above I entered an insert from the Zagreus article suggesting that the mythical underground of Hades was after a term using "kata," suggesting in turn that "Hades" itself was fashioned after that kata term. The term was, KataChthonios, with a "chthon" built in, defined as "ground," which itself smacks of the Catti. I've suggested in the distant past that "chthon" was code for Cutha(h), a city in Mesopotamia/Assyria (location said to be unknown) having NERgal (an underworld character) as god.

It is remarkable that "Zagreus" smacks of the snake god, Sugaar, husband of Mari (Basque/Euskal theater), for when we're dealing with Dionysus, son of Semele, we're also at mount Nysa of ancient Ethiopia (not the Ethiopia of today) and the sphere of the ancient Somali, where the Amorites of Merowe had interests. Amorites had a capital at Mari, not far from Lake Van's Murat river. And in the Mus province we find a Euskal-like location of Haskoy. Remember, we're expecting Asclepios, the snake god, to link with Euskal ancestry in Ascalon, while the BosCath region inland from Ascalon is in the throes of being traced to the Mus province. PLUS, Asclepios was traced to "Scylla" in Messina, home of proto-Masseys, and we are now expecting Masseys (especially scallop-using Meschins) to trace to Mus province. AND, did I not just trace (1st update June) "Sugaar" to "Sigrid," the daughter of Meschin-founding Mieszko?

PersePHONE, wife of Hades, was obviously from Perseus (father of GorgoPHONE) and his marriage to the Ethiopian elements of CASSiopeia. Chances are, "phone" was a suffix to denote Phoenicians, perhaps Punt-branch Phoenicians exclusively.

With the trace of Lachish elements to the Milyans>Lycians, we expect Boscath elements there too. The trace to Lycians was made via sea-route Apollo, which merged with the Cadmus-rooted Hatti to form the Phrygian Kybele-Attis cult. Attis is said by at least one web writer to be the origin of Attica, and thus far I find no argument with that idea/ Attica was Athens too, and that's where mythical Butes ruled who was said to be equal with Poseidon of Athens. Moreover, Butes was made the twin brother of EreCHTHONius and/or EreCHTHeus, son of Athena. I therefore conclude that the BosCath region founded these entities, showing well how Boscath traces to the Butteri.

Moreover, while a Pandion was made the father of Lycus (i.e. from Lachish of the Boscath theater), there were Pandions in the Athenian bloodline to which Butes belonged. The first Pandion ruler of Athens had Erichthonius for a father. Pandion was given a Zeus-like Zeuxippe for a wife, and together they birthed Erechtheus. Where Zeus is equated with the chief ruler of Bosrah, we expect Zeus amongst Boscath elements in Athens. In that sphere, Zeus was given the tail of a snake, as Cecrops had. One Cecrops was made a son of Erechtheus.

It's obvious that the Pandion-Zeuxippe line was from Ethiopians, for their son (Erectheus) was given an Aphrodite/Perseus-like daughter, Procris, who married Cephalus, the son of Deioneus. Cephalus smacks of Cepheus, Ethiopian husband of Cassiopeia, and then, as I trace Cepheus to "Hephaestus" (husband of Aphrodite), so the other Erectheus was a son of Hephaestus (and Athena). "Procris" could be part-code for Acrisius, of the Perseus line to Danaans of Mycenae.

Moreover, Erechtheus' wife, Praxithea, was a daughter of Perseus-like Phrasimus and Dionysus-like Diogeneia (smacks of the Paris-of-Troy human-sacrifice cult), while the latter was a daughter of Cepheus-like Cephissus (you may be gleaning that the Ethiopian side of Dionysus traces to the Cepheus Ethiopians, but then Merope is listed as a daughter of Praxithea). There is a lot of head symbolism here, not forgetting that Athena was born from the axe-slashed head of Zeus (human-sacrifice theme?), suggesting that the first Cecrops, the founder of Athens, was from the head-symbolized Gorgon Medusa...which I equate with AndroMEDA, daughter of Cepheus (a term rooted in the Greek for "head") and mother of Gorgophone. The Kassites figure in with Iranians, Medes, and/or Parthians, the latter being a branch of historical Gorgons, which are good reasons for tracing CASSiopeia (mother of Andromeda) to Kassites.

Erectheus with Praxithea had another daughter, Chthonia, if that helps to trace these Athenians to Boscath. At her Wikipedia article, Chthonia is a symbol of child sacrifice by a willing father. We then read: "It was also said, however, that Chthonia married her uncle Butes..." Again, I see BosCath elements in that Athenian line...and didn't I say that the Butteri ought to have been human-sacrificers at one point in their history? The Underworld and human sacrifice go terribly hand-in-hand.

Merops and Merope have got to have been amongst the mystery Mus elements at Boscath for multiple reasons. For example, Masseys were fundamentally linked with the Mars(i) cult and with Merovingians. As the Pandion Athenians trace to both Lake Van and to Boscath, it strikes me that Meropian elements were in the Murot river at Mus. I may not have felt that way if not for a mythical Merope, mother of OediPUS and wife of PolyBUS.

Of the five-listed Meropes at Wikipedia, the last two are clearly Pisidians elements out of Antalya (think Tantalus>Pelops) as they became the Amazon (= proto-Masseys) rulers of Pisa, as per Oenomaus (recall the Maezaei on the Oeneus/Una river). Knowing for certain now that Oenomaus of Pisa traces to mythical Oeneus, father of the Methoni location in Messene (Greece, south of Pisa), note that the second Merope in the list is a queen of Messene.

Place your bets on whether Elis, the region around Pisa, was founded by Eliphas elements. For if Pisidians and therefore Pisa traces to Poseidon=Bosrah, the city of Esau, then surely the sons of Eliphas were in Bosrah...and Boscath? Note that as Boscath elements (near Lachish) became Lycians, the latter lived beside/amongst Pisidians.

Hmm, the first Merope on the list was of Eli(phas)-like Helios. As the latter had Rhodes for a wife, a good symbol of red-haired Esau (Edom is said to mean "red"), let's not forget the trace of Apollo to Arados/Arpad, as per Arphaxadites of the Lycus river (Assyria) to proposed Arphaxadites of Lachish, for these are expected on Rhodes as migrants from Arados. The city of Ialysos on Rhodes (mythically a grandson of Helios and Rhoda) has been traced (by me) to "Helios," but then why not also to "Eli(phas)"?

If correct to trace Butteri to Boscath, then what about Makkedah, the location where the Lachish Amorites fell to Israel in the Joshua seize? The Amorite king of Lachish at the time was Japhia, interesting where the Japodes (proto-Jupiter) are living off the Oeneus/Una (proto-Uni/Juno) river. Those brackets are to indicate that the Butteri of Lazio may figure in to this speculated Japhia trace to the Roman Jupiter. Not the sons of Japhia himself, but the tribes after which Japhia was called. Joppa, modern Jaffa, comes to mind, where Andromeda was located by at least one myth writer when Perseus married her. [In the next update, already underway as I do this spell check, Hebron elements indeed trace to the Japodes theater.]

Confident that Kilpatricks are descendants of the Butteri, recall their "make" motto term that brings up the Make/Makke/Mack surname, while their "sure" motto term stands as code for their Sheera (i.e. like "Seir") relatives. Let me remind you that the Make Coat was traced to the Keith/Keth Chief, the latter being good candidates for tracing to BosCath/BosKeth, especially as they were first found in Lotan-like Lothian. Perhaps the Amorites of Lachish fled from Joshua to Makkedah due to kin living there. The location of Makkedah is not known, they tell us.

Writers contend that Makkedah " lay in the vicinity of Libnah, Azekah, and Lachish..." LIBnah? As in the Libyan Meshwesh??? Note the double 'k' in "Makkedah," the makings of a similar term with a double 's'.

The article goes on to say: "The officers of the Palestine Exploration Fund agree in suggesting el-Mughdr, 'the cave,' on the northern bank of Wady es-Surar..." Say what? Makkedah was at Surar??? Does that not now smack of the "make sure" motto phrase of the Kilpatricks??? Not that Makkedah was definitely at Surar, but that the Kilpatricks involved in the family's heraldry thought so (by the way, who in all the families decides what symbols to use?)

The article above was written by an Ewing surname. Checking, one Ewing Coat uses the same sort of motto term as the Pollocks (= Meschin kin), and the Irish Ewings the same shield as the Masseys. The latter's Crest is "The moon in her COMPlement proper" (caps mine), which is a curious motto, but it reminds us of the Turan cult on the Fiori (where the Butteri were saddled) because it was linked to the COMPitalia human-sacrifice cult. Remember, Mus province is in a Tarhun region smacking of the Tarchon-branch Etruscans that Turan likely connects with.

The Ewing moon apparently uses drops, as with the Kilpatricks. The latter, as with Patricks, use the same saltire as MAXwells, the latter being the progenitor-of-sorts of the Pollocks (i.e. Pollocks are an official sept of Maxwells, though the Maxwell write-up says, "Maxwell of Pollock" .) Couldn't we link MAXwells to Makkedah elements, since after all we read: "First found in Roxburghshire. The earliest record of the name Maxwell was of a Herbert de Maccusweil..."

FINALLY, the until-now-mysterious Patrick link to Maxwells MAKES SURE sense! And to help trace these bloodlines to Edomites, the "make-sure" Kilpatricks were first found in DUMfries.

See the stag (Maxwell-Crest symbol) in the Evans Crest, for the Ewing surname is also "Ewans." In my calculations, this identifies the whole lot as the Halland bloodline.

Going now to the Sure/Shore surname, what do we find by a Lycia-like "licitus" motto term. AND ZOWIE, as per the proposed Mus entity that I'm seeking in the Lachish theater, here's the full motto: "PeriMUS licitus". The Sure clan (stork in Crest) was first found in stag-depicted Derbyshire, but more in particular at MICKLEover! The Sure/Shore Coat includes "three green holly leaves," while the Maxwell Crest use a stag in a holly bush.

If you were convinced that the spur symbol traced to the Butteri, see more spurs in the Mickel Coat! Recalling the Lachish trace to the Milyans of Milyas, the Mickle write-up tells of a mountain, Meikle Millyea.

These coincidences were not set up by me. I did not discover anything from the first mention of Ewings up to this point, until after writing everything above the Ewings. When things click along this good, my spurs are jabbing into the Freemason donkey, beckoning it to speak to us of what they think they are all about? What are they hiding in all their heraldic codes?

I'll bet that the Mickle bugle is that also of the Pollocks, and to that I'll show the Mick(ula) surname first found in Poland's Silesia and Lusatia. Was this the MAKINGS of the American flag?

Makkedah was just past Azekah. Front the latter term with an 'M' and one has a Mazices-like term describing the African Amazons. Front "Azekah" with a 'B' and one nearly has "Boscath." Wikipedia has an article on Azekah, telling that it was the place where the Amorite kings were executed by Joshua. It also tells that the location is in the valley of Elah, reminding one of Eliphas. If we believe that the battle between David and Goliath is a type of Armageddon, it should be added that Israel's forces camped at Azekah at the time. Nearby is Sokho, much like "Azekah." Although the battle of Armageddon starts at Megiddo, or so we can assume, it ends in Edom -- in particular at Bozrah -- according to Isaiah (Ezekiel 39 implies the same).

We might expect the Peter surnames to have the same roots as Pattersons and Patricks. English Peters use mascles and scallops, and were first found in Lincolnshire, just where we would expect the Lachish entity after passing through Rhodes. This reminds me that, when reading up on the Sea Peoples, when I first learned about the Meshwesh, it was said online that there was a Mass-like term (can't recall the spelling) in the Lycian/Carian theater that was part of the Sea Peoples.

The Peter mascles are in the gold-on-black of the Michael/Mitchell mascles, and that latter term evokes the Mickle and Mickula links made to Kilpatricks. But look, the Michael/Mitchell Coat is practically the Meschin Coat. To prove the Michael-Meschin link, English Michaels/Mitchells use scallops, and they happen to be gold scallops, the colors of the Peter scallops.

The Mousys/Musys of Brittany use the gold-on-black colors. The Maisy write-up tells that the clan was from Brittany originally, but landed in Calvados, where the Meschins lived. THEN, as per the typical Meschin link to Samsons, both the English Samsons and Maisys were first found in Gloucestershire. Therefore, it's a good bet that these Mousys and Maisys were from the mystery Mus entity that I seek in the Boscath domain.

NOW ZOWIE, as the Michaels were first found in Surrey, while the Kilpatricks who use a Chief in the gold-on-blue colors of the Peter scallops also show a Sheera-like variations, SUREly the Sheeras were of Surrey elements. Therefore, the Patricks and the Peters ought both to trace to the Butteri, and sooner or later we ought to find more Butteri-interesting things in Surrey. I know off by heart that Kos-like Gastons of Surrey use an owl.

NOW I MIGHT BE ABLE TO EXPLAIN why entering "Mitch" brings up the same surnames, virtually, as entering "Must" (the lions of the latter are "caBOSSed"). The Mitch option uses "Muschat/Muschet," very evocative of the Mus entity that I expect in BosCath/BosKath. The Must option gets Musket, Muscat, Muscet, Muskett, Muskatt, Muskat, Mousket, Mouskett, Mouskette and Mousquette. Compare the terms ending with 't' or 'te' with the 'da' ending in "Makkedah? In other words, there was a BosCath/BosKath, and there was a MakKath-like location to which Amorites in the Boscath theater fled. My eyes are therefore peeled for a Muscath-like location anywhere along the dragon's tracks.

Did you note that the Mitch/Muschats were from Calvados?

More than two years ago, I ventured to start claiming that the anti-Christ and/or False Prophet would be from these very surnames based on signs that He was giving me regarding my trailer and house mice. I know that it sounds like lunacy, but every time that I refuse to share with you some mouse experiences here, I end up doing so out of compulsion, putting my integrity on His lap yet again.

I've been back at the ranch for nearly two weeks, and the only mouse living in my house now repeatedly licks the peanut butter off the mouse trap, and either fails to snap it, or snaps it and escapes. Night after night I load the trap. It has escaped, like no other mouse, perhaps a dozen times. It's sibling was caught on the first night that the attempt was made. I suspected that God was going to use the remaining mouse as a sign because I first caught sight of it out the corner of my eye rushing madly right under my chair as I typed. Sure enough, it has proven to be an unusual mouse. I refused to share this with you for fear that you'd think I'm too loose and fancy free to be God's reliable reporter on this topic. But here I am reporting it to readers, failing again to keep it to myself.

About two years ago, a friend from Texas emailed to say that a mouse had run across the white-house (or was it the Capital Building?) stairs while Obama was addressing the nation. I shared the footage with readers because it was in the weeks and months prior to the claims that God was using mice as a sign of the anti-Christ empire. It was as though God provided that mouse in front of Obama to allow readers to believe my mouse claims. I realized, almost three years ago, that the mice were symbols of the Massey bloodline. If you ask whether the mouse on the stairs reveals that Obama is the anti-Christ or False Prophet, I don't have an answer.

Petersons are obviously related to the Peters that use scallops and lion heads, and Petersons use a white-on-black cross, a symbol also of Kilpatricks.

Irish Kilpatricks were first found in Ossory: "This constituency [of Ossary] comprised the western part of Queen's County now known as County Laois." Hmm, the location (a known Lug enterprise, wherefore it should trace from Ligurians to Lycians and/or Lycaonians) smacks of "Laish," and where the Lachish region was infested by Esau-ites and Buzites of Bozrah, might "Ossory" be an Esau-ite term? Laois/Leix uses a "leis" motto term. Why is Ossory "Queen's County Ossory"?

The Bible tells that Laish was a Sidonian location, but that may not always have been the case. I've not had a final thought on whether "Sidon" can be traced to "Sion," the possibility existing because Switzerland's Sion is also "Sitten." As I'm implying that Laish was originally an Amorite location from the Amorites of Lachish, my other theory comes to mind, where I trace "Sion" to the Biblical "Sihon," Amorite king/region (likewise defeated by the Israelites) to the east of the Jordan river. In the Sihon theater was Jabesh Gilead, what may have been the origin of Jerusalem's Jebusites, thus indicating that Zion, the part of Jerusalem controlled by Jebusites, was possibly from Sihon elements.

I should add that, as I trace "Zeus" to Susa-like terms, mythical Sisyphus (king of Corinth) comes to mind (of the Nahorite Nereids>Enarete>Nerthus cult) because he was code for "Sicyon," a couple of miles from Corinth. In this picture, Cronus was named after Corinth elements. The point is, a very- soft "Sicyon" becomes "Sihon." If true that Segovesus traces to "Sicyon" (I think it's true because Bellerophon was of Corinthian elements, and because Bellovesus traces well to Bellerophon), then the founders of the Bellamy>Massey clans had Sihon-Amorite ancestry, exactly what I claimed years ago (before knowing that Masseys were at the heart of Freemasons) as the ugly face of Freemasonic Zionism. That is, Masons/Templars care not for an Israeli- or God-based Jerusalem, but for their Amorite past.

As we know that Segovesus and his brother were from Butteri-like Biturges, we could suspect that Biturges were Amorites...probably from the Mars(i) cult of the Roman domain. It was the Khaldi of the Amazon theater that I traced back to "Chaldea" (= Babylon), where Amorites lived, and the Bellovesus Biturges were also Khaldi-like Galli. Therefore, my theory is that Amorite-Amazons went forth as the Sionists to the Bellamy-Masseys.

From the variations, it seems certain that the surname coming up when entering "Mask" (pine cones) are the same surname as when entering "Masci." In the Mask write-up: "First found in Rimini a resort town in Italy in the Province of Forli on the [north] Adriatic Coast. The ancient Castle of Sigismono Malatesta is now a ruin." Forli smacks of the Fiori river (Lazio) on which the Butteri lived, and the castle's owner smacks of Segovesus elements just because I see Mascis issuing out from the Segovesus bloodline. On this map one can see (center left) Segestica just north of the Maezaei.

I admit that I veered into the Sion topic just now because I would be able to add that Petersons use a "sine" motto term, which I've come across before and linked to Sionists. Petersons use "sine Deo" while Peters use "Sans Dieus." Entering "Sine" or "Sion" brings up the Macey Shield and several Macey-related symbols. Again, the heart symbol at the center of all the Sion Coat's symbols is used by Bitars/Buttars, and as Lanarkshire used that heart too, it is logical to trace the Bitar/Butters to Bute, offshore of the Lanark clan's theater. And as the Bitars/Butars were in the Fife theater, how is it that I solidly linked Vey-of-Bute elements smack to Fife? THEREFORE, WITHOUT DOUBT, WE HAVE FOUND the cowboys who named Bute!

As the Sines/Sions/Swans were first found in Lanarkshire, we know they use the Lanarkshire heart, seen also in the Lanark-surname Coat. The Lanark write-up: "Their territories were first located in Lorne and they became associated as a sept of the Stewart Clan. Traditionally they are descended from an ancient Scottish king Loarn..." Perfect, for as there is no Lorne Coat at houseofnames, but as Tim showed Lornes to be nobles of Argyllshire, so the Lanarks of Lorne were first found in Argyllshire. That is, Lanarks are the Lornes.

SAVE THE BEST TILL LAST. After writing all the above, I actually found the Butteri by surname in Italy, by entering "Botter." AND DOUBLE SURPRISE as though God directs me at times, they were first found in Lycia-like Lucca!!! That's in Tuscany, right where we expect the Butteri, and the second surprise is that, like a good cowboy, I went to fetch the other clan that was mentioned at Lucca, as I couldn't recall which one it was, and there in the last update it turned out to be the Massar/Massei surname (traced back to a Pietra location). This is the one mentioned above on the Moses / messiah topic.

THIRD SURPRISE A BIGGIE. Did we successfully trace the Lachish-Boscath families to Milyas in Lycia??? Then, not only is Luccu conspicuous along the Lachish lines, but this too: "This distinguished [Botter family] originates from Pieve di Mulazzo as was written in the war records in the year 1500." Mulazzo? As in Milyas??? DID YOU CATCH that the Mask surname was of a castle owned by a MALAtesta, which in Italian means "sick head"? No castle owner out of his mind would use such a title for himself, and so I suggest that "Malatesta" developed from "Miletus," origin of the Milyans!!!

As Butteros were cowboys, what's that lone star doing on the Botter Coat??? Don't tell me that Texas cowboys are all Italians and Romans from way back? Is that why they roam the ranges? Indeed, the symbol on the Arms of Italy is a lone white star that I've identified as the white star in the Vere Coat...another Massey Shield. Texas uses a white-on-blue star. Both the Arms of Italy and the Arms of Texas use the star between a branch on either side.

After writing that, "Potter" came to mind as a possible Botter variation, and there in the Crest, a sea HORSE, and in the Coat, cinquefoils and a fesse all colors reversed from the same in the Maisy Coat. The German Potters use a pot, but that's no sign of linkage to cowboys...unless there's beans inside and a campfire below it.

So, as per my contention that the Butteri were satanists, we today find a satanic Harry Potter character taking the foolish masses by storm. AND LOOK, for it was recalled just now that the German word for "pot" ("topf") is like one of the variations in the Dober Coat, which uses a white-on-blue diagonal bar just like the Botters!!!

Fortunately, Dobers were traced a few updates ago to Dobrawa (Dobys were traced to Pollocks), the Bohemian queen whose husband merged with the Mieszko line (i.e. king Boleslaw of Poland)...that ended up in the Calvados Bessin, where the Vere star and the Massey clan developed.

I traced the Dober Coat to the Save Coat (same bar/bend as the Botters) and therefore to the Sava river, where the Maezaei lived and where the Piasts Bistue (center left) on the Bosnia/Basante tributary of the Sava, in Bosnia, a place I traced to Buzites! This was the general region that formed the Romans, Latins and Etruscans in the first place so that the Butteri should trace not only to the Bosna elements, but to the roots of the Piast Poles.

The Dobers did not originally develop their name from the German for "potter." Rather, they developed a potter-meaning variation probably because English Butteri bloodlines had developed a Potter variation. That is, it just so-happened that the Dober surname was like the German for "pot(ter)."

Who else uses a red-on-white star like the Botters? The Dallas clan!! In fact, the Dallas Coat (!) even includes a bar/bend in colors reversed to the Botter bend!

The Flemish Biggars (Lanarkshire!) use the Dallas Coat exactly, and Biggars were traced to Bihar(ia), on the Mures/Maros river (Romania) where the Murat-named Khazars lived. Murat was also the name of a river in Mus province, the place to which I rooted BosCath and therefore rooted the Butteri cowboys. These things lumped together tend to reveal that the two rivers were related by blood, and as the Romans/Latins (I assume the Butteri too, therefore) are traced to the Illyrian region just south of the Veneti, I'll add that a trace of Lake Van's Nairi to the Veneti-rooted Illuminati makes sense. Again, the Neuri (Ukraine) amongst the Budini had a wolf cult, and the Scandinavian Vanir were led by mythical Loki, meaning "wolf" in Greek. In fact, the Greek mythical wolf was given to the LYCaons beside the Lycians!!!

Once again, the Khazars look like Nahorites, and to that I'll add that the Bessin home of Meschins was founded by BaioCasses, a term that could have developed from "BosCath." The Cass/Cash and Casey surnames come back to mind. In fact, the Caseys use a "casus" motto term!

WATCH THE MAGIC. Entering "Houston" brings up a Cuiston variation smacking of the "cushion" symbol of the Scottish Kilpatricks who use the "sure" motto term. The Houston/Cuiston motto, "In time," is like one Moray-surname motto, "Deum Time" (smacking of Dumfries, where Scottish Kilpatricks were first found). The Dallas surname was first found in Morayshire.

THEN, entering "Cushion" as per the writing of the above paragraph (it brings up a Cuiston-like Cousin clan), I remembered who it was using a similar Coat, the sure-like Surrey surname!!! ISN'T THAT THE KILPATRICK CUSHION in the Arms of Surrey???

Now compare the Houston Coat with the Surrey Coat!

The Surrey symbol that's called a "woolpack" is a "cushion" to the Kilpatricks as code for the Houstons/Cuistons and Patterson-Cussanes, apparently. The Wolfleys/Wooleys (another important Obama bloodline in Cheshire) use the wollpack too, and may even be the symbol's origins. As Wolfleys use a wolf, it could also be that the woolpack is code for "wolf pack." Wolves in wool clothing??? Here's the wolf in the personal Arms of Hugh Lupus D'Avranches.

As per the Hughston variation of the Houstons, it should be added that entering "Hughton" (no 's') brings up these variations: Haughton, Houghton, Hoctor, Hector. That could link Houstons back to the Hector Hyksos-Trojans.

What makes this so important as God's revelation is that the Hyksos from the Buto cult can be traced to Texas (and to the Bushes of Texas that sat on the saddle of the United States) via the very-key Kilpatrick surname, the symbols of which gave enough away to make the links solid.

After starting the Ladon book in Texas, it became my theory that a large fraction of the local Texans (Germanics) had been from the French-German border, i.e. specifically from Alsace. That had me investigating the Alsace term, and I reasoned it to be a variation of "Luzika"=Lusatia and/or "Lusig(nan)." I am now tracing the Butteri from LAZio. Coincidence?

LOOK! It almost escaped me. The Scottish Casey Shield uses the Botter Shield (!!!) with only the lone star absent. I'm floored! To God be the praise.

You would be wrong to think that it's my horn I'm tooting. God has done much work in my life to bring this revelation to the world, and it will bear fruit. I was right, though I doubted it for 14 difficult years. Aside from my first year as a Christian, the next 14 were difficult because I sensed from the start that God called me for something "special," and yet nothing special was happening...until 15 years I purchased land in Texas, which trip launched the post-trib book. I had no idea then that I would be called to start a Ladon hunt after the trib book was done, and in fact, the very first chapter of the Ladon book shows that God called me to find the Buz bloodline.

And here I am realizing that many patterns and curves in my life were for this very purpose. "Special" does not begin to explain it. God moves his agents through curves without their knowing it, and if they know it, they don't know the colors of it all. And if they grieve through it all because they don't know, and because they doubt, God does not care and will not have mercy; we must wait until the end to discover what he has done through us. It's as though His joy is wrapped up in that "end-time" surprise that makes us embrace Him in praise.

Early in my first year as a Christian, I was given a very vision-like dream concerning my marriage. Actually it was a re-marriage but I didn't realize it until the shark in the dream was discovered to be my first wife. That dream did not materialize...until my family left Texas for the first time and made a British-bulldog purchase (not a real dog). The dream had the same British bulldog. That first part of the dream materialized immediately after I saw the woman in Texas (married the Patrick bloodline), and I began to realize who my re-marriage, in the second part of the dream, would be to. The dream was necessary, I thought, to allow me to re-marry (a God-forbidden thing in most cases) with a good conscience, and with His blessings.

In any case, even if the dream turns out to be not of God, and not true, God is going to stick it to the satanic Hyksos by using Enlightened Hyksos against them. God saves Hyksos and any other kinds of dragons; that's what Jesus' Sacrifice was all about: to steal dragons from the enemy and to make them into lambs. We are the true Illuminated, the starry-eyed conquerors.

I was led to purchase property some 10 miles from this woman and her husband. There were cowboys all over the area. Some still wear the big buckle down there, though she was not like that. She dresses a lady because she is a lady. I wrote her in June because I think her husband has passed away. [Story continues in the 2nd update of May, 2016.]

As I've shown before, the Surrey checks are used by the Kos- and "Cass"-like Gastons of Surrey, who use an owl, suggesting that Surreys trace to Seir elements from Edom. Later, Shields filled with checks become a feature of this bloodline to the first Texans=Caddo, and so I'll add that Gastons use such a Shield. The Sure/Shore Coat is not only in Kilpatrick-cross colors, but it uses the same Shield as the Cass/Cash Coat. Was Johnny Cash a cowboy???

The Cass/Cash Coat uses a so-called "fountain," no doubt as code for the (eagle-using) Fountain surname. Caseys use eagles too. The Fountain surname brought back to mind the Fonts and Ponts of the last update. And that's when it was realized that "fontana" is the Italian for "fountain." Sure enough, the Fontana Coat uses a "fountain and an eagle on a gold chief." But what eagle? The Fontana Shield is roughly -- eagle-in-Chief included -- the Italian Fulk Shield (Shield filled with blue and white checks, with gold Chief, reflecting the Houston-Coat checks on gold Shield). These Fulks were first found in Florence, Tuscany, working well with the Butteri on the Fiori river, on the Lazio-Tuscany border.

I almost missed it after writing that: the Fiori river had a mouth at/near Volci/Velch!!!

The Italian Fulk Coat is also the Italian Matti(s) Coat (Shield filled with checks) that comes up when entering "Massi" (a Mattis surname now runs Central Command in the U.S. military, though the position was almost given to an Allen surname). If we view the blue-and-white checkered Massi/Mattis Shield as blue alone, the white bar/bend going through it translates into the Botter Coat!! I knew it, I just knew it, that Butteri cowboys traced back to a Mus-like entity at Boscath and Lachish, in the Hebron-to-Ascalon stretch.

Many months ago, I traced this Massi/Mattis Coat to the proto-Stewarts of Brittany before knowing that the Mouses and Maisys were from Brittany. Compare the Houston Coat to the Stewart Coat, a near match. It's clear in my mind that the Massin/Mason bloodline after which Freemasons called themselves includes the Stewarts and Massis/Mattis' of the Massino region in Piedmont, but now we can lump in the Houstons (said to be from "Hugh," but I'm laying off that until I find evidence).

If we find Fontana links to the Fonts of Languedoc, who were the Ville surname, and if therefore the Fontana's link to the Contes of Languedoc (the latter use the same lion as the Font-de-Villes), then we can assume that the Fontana bloodline led to the Contevilles, the surname that was mother to Hugh Lupus and Ranulf le Meschin. Evidence for this Fontana line to Hugh and Ranulf is in the Goz/Gois surname of Hugh's father, wherefore Ranulf was a Goz/Gois too (because his mother was Hugh's sister). The German Goz/Goss Coat uses the Butteri color scheme (white on blue), AND ZOWIE, the English Goss surname uses red-on-white stars, the color of the lone Butteri star! That was discovered as I was writing. I did not realize it beforehand. So routinely, the direction that I'm led in proves to have teeth.

As I'll trace the Texas bloodline to Duke-like clans below, from the Georgian (Caucasia) theater's Tayk-branch Armenians, I should add that the Goss Crest is not only a "falcon" (we can assume a Fulk link there, back to the Volci), but the falcon is "ducally gorged."

We have a choice to make. The United States is either run by dark Hyksos, or by Christianized Hyksos. Was George Bush really a born-again Christian, or was he (and Ronald Reagan) using a Christian mask to recruit Christians to his cause? In whose name are Christian young men going to war in the Middle East? Shouldn't end-time Hyksos in the Middle East have a vengeance for Israel if indeed the 10 Plagues were unleashed on a Hyksos pharaoh? I'm not suggesting that God has allowed Hyksos to rule the planet today, but that God fore-saw it to be the case, and so unleashed the 10 Plagues as a sign of the 11th Plague yet to come.

The hourglass in the Houston Crest is a symbol of Glasgow, in Renfrewshire, for Houstons were first found in Renfrewshire. Glasgow was early a Stewart haunt, and so we can expect the Houston line there as per the similarity between the Stewart and Houston Coat. As Renfrew traces to Rennes of Brittany, the Houston blue and white checks should trace to the French Fers/Ferrats, meaning that the red and white Surrey checks (Gastons of Surrey use them too) should trace to the French Vairs/Fers. As the Fers and Vairs use Shields filled with checks (= Illuminati/witchcraft symbol), ditto (in red and gold) for the Spanish Tejeda/Texas surname.

You haven't lost sight here that Surrey is special to Kilpatricks, for below you're going to discover the Patrick bloodline in Glasgow. As Fulks have just been found amid the Cass/Cash and Fontana lines, I need to repeat the "sera sera" motto term of the English Fulkes, for we cannot lose sight of the Kos-like terms here in conjunction with a Seir-suspect element in "Surrey."

The link to the Surrey Arms (above) told that Surrey is rooted in Warrenes, using yet another Shield filled with checks and nothing more. We get it. Veres were everywhere veering, worming, and warring for power.

[I didn't know when writing this paragraph that the Salman/Selman clan, in Salmon-surname colors, was first found in Surrey.] The Arms of Glasgow (see link below) use salmons, as does the Salmon surname. It may not be coincidental because the Salmon/Samon Crest (yes, Samson near Boscath comes to mind) is the same double-pointed spear used by English Fulkes (it's also the spear of the Shakespeare surname).

The Crest of the Glasgow Arms uses the fish-like mitre of a St. Mungo character (when saints are used in heraldry, their names are often codes for pagan/dragon elements), and to that I'll add that the Italian Mungo Coat is nearly identical with the Bavarian Weis Coat (excellent significance of this link was found below moments after writing this). The Ligurians at the Isle of Man, called Manx, come to mind. St. Mungo is pointing up with two fingers, as with the hand in the Pointer Crest (assuming Pointer links to Font(ana)s). The Pointer Coat uses piles, as does the GUIScard Coat, and then we read:

...The emblems [in the Arms of Glasgow] had been used in various forms and can be traced back to the seals of the Bishop of Glasgow. The fish was the first to appear, on the seal of Bishop William Wyschard in 1270 [Wyschards are Guiscards, and "Guis/Wys" smacks of "Weis"!!!], to be joined by the bird in 1271, on the seal of Bishop Robert Wyschard...The bell first appears in 1321 on the privy seal of the Chapter of Glasgow.

In my estimation, therefore, Glasgow was linked to the Bavarian Illuminati as founded by Weishaupt, a "Jew." In this picture, one is compelled to link the Goz/Gois line to the GUIScards, and to that I'll add that Pattersons-Cussanes (said to be from "Casain" and "Kissane"), who were Patricks, have a Kissane/Guissane branch Therefore, the Houstons/CUIStons that we can trace to Glasgow were just the Guiscards, and Guiscards (rulers of Sicily) were indeed in the Patterson clans, explaining the scallops that Pattersons-Cussanes use.

The Kissanes/Guissanes show a Cashman variation suggesting links to the fountain-using Cass/Cash clan, and didn't we just trace the Fontanas to Houstons of Glasgow?

The bird in the Glasgow Arms is a robin, and that bird is in the SULLivan Crest. It appears, therefore, that the Salyes Ligurians are at hand.

One Robin surname uses thistles, as does the Paisley Coat (of a location of that name at Glasgow). A thistle is also in the Doak/Dog/Dock Crest, which may be important as per the theory made below, that Doaks trace to Lake Van, but the point here is that Doaks use cinquefoils in the colors of the Tankerville cinquefoils, and as the latter clan is a known branch of Tancreds/Tancards (scallops, not surprisingly), who are in turn the ancestry of the GuisCARDS, we can bet all our 153 fishes, and the net, that Robins and Doaks are linked to Glasgow's sea of rudimentaries. As the Doaks will be linked speculatively to "Texas" roots in Lake Van, note that cinquefoils are used also in the Tache/Tasshe Coat...the Chief of which uses scallops in the colors of the Tancred scallops.

The "F-lour-ISH" (caps mine) motto term of the Glasgow Arms could be code for both a fish, the Fleur, and a "Lour" entity. YES, I do think so, for the Lornes / Lanarks of neighboring Argyllshire and Lanarkshire come to mind. Note the white-on-red cinquefoils in the Lanark/Larnack Coat!!!! (quatramarks are rare). The Lanark Coat is virtually the Doak Coat...and moreover the Lanark heart belongs to the DOUGlas'!!!!! (cinquefoils are royal jewels of the crown). The alternative-Scottish Coat uses the same ship as in the Arms of Lorne of Argyllshire.

Texans not liking the idea of being from Latins can breathe a sigh of relief that they are Rus instead...but hey, did you know that Latins and Etruscans (as per mythical Latinus, for example) are traced in myth to Circasia/Caucasia (more in particular to the Helios bloodline of Gorgons)...where the Doak entity will be traced, by the way, to a Tayk peoples on the upper Aras theater?

Look at the English Dox'/Docks: the Massin/Mason lion. The Dox'/Docks were first found in Salop, where the Bellamys were first found.

[Insert -- Rupert MurDOCH (of Fox News and the Dow Jones) is making some swelling news today. There is a Brooks surname under Murdoch's wings that has just been arrested, whose PR man is a Wallis surname: "Brook's PR representative Dave Wallis...head of PR giant Bell Pottinger..." Think about the ramifications of a Bell-named organization -- evoking the Bell-telephone cyclopes -- involved in high-level phone tapping, and you have an Illuminati recipe that can make any wolf barf.

The article also mentions a "...'wolfman' Neil Wallis, the former News of the World executive." Rupert owns News of the World too, and it's under fires of exposure right now. Waiting to see just how badly we are being snooped upon by the all-seeing-eye control freaks of the "global village." It's not just about making money in tabloids, but about controlling the restless waves of the sea called "the masses," billions strong, who, if they are not controlled properly, will roll over on the Illuminatists and pop their inners before they can cry croak to their fellow "free" men...those free of the law due to "inside connections" that make the guilty "walk."

As per "Bell Pottinger," the image-makers, we suspect the Bellamy bloodline and may ask whether Pottingers were of the Potters=Butteri. Pottingers, clearly of the Arthur bloodline, were first found in Perche-like Berkshire.

ZOWIE!! I have discussed the Putin/Paddan surname many times, and yet never knew that they were Kilpatricks and Butteri...until now!! The Coat uses half the Kilpatrick saltire, and the surname was first found in DumFRIES-shire, where Kilpatricks were first found. Signed, Sealed, and God. No, I'm not referring to Rush Limbaugh, the money man. When Rush gives credit to God for his disclosures, he's referring to himself, wherefore, for he and his ilk, there will be this Law: He who kills by disclosure shall be killed by disclosure." And the decree: "It is Mine to Disclose."

Because the Putin/Paddan crescents are on fire with flames, it indicates (for me) that they are Flemings. The Seatons of Lothians are Flemings, indicating that the Keith/Keath Catti are Flemings. The Douglas' are Flemings too, as are the Biggars (who were in relation to Douglas'), indicating that the Dallas'/Dulles'' are Flemings.

I repeat, the Templar-related Baldwins of Flanders, Flemings on the throne of Templar Jerusalem, are now traced to the Baltea/Bautica river of Aosta, in the Lys-valley theater. If the Butteri trace to the Bautica, then Flemings come from the Butteri, I imagine. Somebodies in that line wanted Jerusalem for a reason, and I don't think it had to do with any holy charities to God. End Insert]

The Arms-of-Glasgow write-up tells that the Glasgow-Arms tree was originally a hazel, wherefore we could consider why the Hazel Coat is almost a Stewart Shield. Variations include, Hassal, Hassel, and Hassall, smacking of Hesse-Cassel (or "Kassal"). The Scottish Cassel Coat is virtually identical to the Kennedy Coat, both using dolphins in Crest. Then we read a fable-myth: "The fish with a ring in its mouth is a salmon and the ring was a present from Hydderch Hael, King of Cadzow..." We are looking for Catti terms in this BosCath discussion, and a Catti peoples did found Hesse, according to Wikipedia. The Hydderch Hael character smacks of code for "Hazel."

On St. Mungo, who dates back to the Arthurian period, we read:

...Born in the early 6th Century at Culross in Fife [Avalon=Bute elements are traced to Fife, but so are proto-Baathists, so why not the Butteri blood?], he was the illegitimate son of Urien, Prince of Cumbria and...[the] daughter of the King of Lothian [Keith Catti were in Lothian]. He trained as a priest at the monastery of St Serf at Culross where he was renamed Mungo, meaning dear friend [everything here on the Arms of Glasgow is an insert after the below was written on the Friend=Texas topic]...The bulls [pulling Mungo's cart] stopped at a place then known as Cathures [smacks of "Catherine" cart wheel, to be emphasized below] where Fergus was buried. Mungo named the spot Glasgui which translates as 'dear green place'...[doubtful derivation of the city]...

AGAIN, Glasgow-Arms topic THIS IS AN INSERT after this update was finished last night (I wanted to end it there, anyway). It was then that I traced the Caddo ancestors of the "Texas/Tejas" term, said to mean "friend" in the Caddo language, to the Catlin surname. When I discovered that there was a Dear/Deir surname (horse in Crest) just now, the first thing noted was that it has a Shield split into six partitions just like the Wheelwright Shield with Catherine wheel (this topic will be featured below too). The second thing noted was that the Dears/Deirs were first found in Bedfordshire, and recalling that I had found other clans first in Bedford last night, I searched the article below for those clans, and one turned out to be the Catlin surname!!!

Moreover, as per the code, "dear green place": 1) the Dear surname is said to be derived in "deer" (doubtful, but some believed it); 2) the Green Coat uses deer and was first found in Kent; 3) the Place surname uses the Kent-surname lions; 4) the Plaise and Plaiz variations of the Place surname smacks of "Paisley" in Renfrewshire just outside Glasgow.

See also the Spanish Baez/Pelaiz Coat (more checks, first found in ASTurias, link-able to the Butteri that I expect in Aosta) that I traced to the Pollock Coat of Renfrewshire. Ask whether Paisley was a Buzite center, and letting me first repeat that Stewarts have been traced many time to Nahorites, read from Wikipedia's Paisley article: "It is situated...straddling the banks of the White Cart Water [we're looking for Mungo-related cart entities]...Paisley Abbey was much favoured by the Bruce and Stewart royal families." This end the Arms-of-Glasgow insert.

The Glass surname, of Glasgow elements, was first found in BUTEshire. Yes, where the Butteri are expected. [A day after writing that last sentence, I realized that the Glass Coat uses the red-on-white Botter and Dallas star. The Dallas clan was of Moray, and the Glass Crest uses the same Melusine, with mirror/glass, as the Moray-surname Crest. Melusine is a symbol of Anjou, where the first counts were Fulks and/or Veres].

The "Jewish" Glass Coat uses an hourglass shape between the two wings of the German Fulks. The Masci wings, though not the same shape, are in the colors of the Glass wings. The Glass motto, "Luctor," smacks of Lucca, where the Botters were first found, and the Glass symbols are red on white, as with the Botter lone star.

On Texas: "The name, based on the Caddo word 'Tejas' meaning 'friends' or 'allies, was applied by the Spanish to the Caddo themselves and to the region of their settlement in East Texas." Caddo is a local native language (said to be out of Oklahoma and east Texas), and very conspicuous in this BosCath and Cass discussion. When I was in Oklahoma, I found it curious that car license plates honor Oklahoma natives. Is it in honor, by Illuminati groups, of the Caddo???

The quote above was included because "Tejas," which we assume to be "Teias" too, smacks of the DAESitiates on this map, stamped smack on the Bosna river [the Diau entity becomes an important key in the next update and leads smack to the Bosna theater]. Not long after making this point, I made the following point that seems to apply wildly. It started with the Spanish Tejeda/Texas surname (said to derive in "roof tile or lime tree," but that is doubtful). As the Tejeda and similar variations looked like "Tayte," hmm, the Tate/Tayte Coat also uses, sort of, red and gold "checks."

That evoked the Tattons/Taytons (Massey-like Shield; see also Duttons), said to be "of Mascy." Here's what was written in the first update of July when discovering for the first time that Piast the Wheelwright was on the Bosna/Basante river:

In the last update, Tattons/Teytons and others were traced to Titus Tatius (probably a mythical character code), just before realizing that the latter was from the Titius peoples stamped "Ditiones" on the Titius river [shown on this map]. But in the Roman-Illyricum map, Ditiones are stamped on the Bosna/Basante river, where the Maezaei are expected! The exclamation mark is for this Tate/Tait/Tayte Coat because it's fashioned like the Wheelwright Coat...

...AFTER WRITING THAT, I learned that Scottish Tates were first in Berwickshire, as with the Wrights (!!!)...meaning that Tates are indeed trace-able to the Ditiones, for "Piast" is traced -- as of now -- to the Bistue location at the source of the Bosna/Basante river.

The Luck(e) surname, using mascles and greyhounds, and per chance linked to Lucca, was first found in Berwickshire.

The Wheelwright Crest uses the same antelope design as in the Singletary Crest (I don't recall seeing the Singletary-antelope design anywhere else). A Jonathan Singletary in Obama's bloodline changed his surname to "Dunham," the surname of Obama's mother. As that tends to link Obama's bloodline to the Piast Poles, it jibes with my trace of his Dunham surname to the location of Dunham Mascy (Cheshire), where Tattons and others "of Mascy" likely lived.

I've shown many times that the Dunham Coat smacks of the BUTler Coat(s). I don't know whether I've ever noted before that the gold spears in the Singletary and Dunham Crests are identical, except that the Dunham spear is broken.

The Wheelwright cartwheel is called a CATHerine wheel. I wonder why. There is no Catherine Coat. But "Cath" smacks of "Boscath" while the Piast bloodline had one Bezprym that I trace to the Bessin.

LOOK. The French Bez/Bes Coat shows the Moray-colored star, as does the French Richard Coat (Brittany) while "Richard" is a shown variation of the Butlers. Although the Botter surname (showing a French Bottaèlli variation while the Butlers are said to be "derived from Anglo-French "butuiller,"") uses a red star on white (like Dallas' of Moray), the Shield is white on blue like the Moray star. The point is, I repeatedly traced the Moray star to the Mures/Maros river and to the Marot/Murat-named Khazars there, while the Boscath region was traced above to the Mus province where there is a Murat river.

Let me quote what was said yesterday (above):

Entering "Bosk" brings up a Busc/Busch/Bosc surname evoking the Bosch fish-like fleur-de lys shared by Bush's/Buschs. Admittedly, it's hard to believe that Bask/Bosk-like terms could trace to Boscath, and yet the Catty-Crest stag is exactly the design of the Bosk-Crest stag. However, the Catty term brings up the Arty/Carthy surname with no Catti-like variations shown.

I repeat that because entering "Cathy" brings up the same Arty Coat as entering "Catti." If BosCath traces to Lake Van, capital of UrARTU, then possibly the Arty/Cathy surname reveals roots in that very line. You may think this too far-fetched, but when Freemasons get it on their brains to honor their ancient roots, anything is possible in the world of heraldry and surnames. If the Nairi were their earliest roots, you can bet your bus that there are many symbols of that place. The wheel was a Hyksos symbol, and in the Ardahan theater were the Hayasa-Azzi, and I think a good argument can be made for tracing Hyksos proper back to the Hayk roots of the Hayasa and/or Azzi (some think the latter named Asia)

The Catherine wheel was a device used in cruel capital punishment, but it wasn't necessarily named after a Catherine. As Wheelwrights were surely of Piast Kolodziej the Wheelwright, does their use of the Catherine wheel reveal their roots in Boscath? I had traced "Colter" to "Kolodziej," and Colters (in Wright colors) use a Catherine wheel.

As Tates use a Coat like that of Wheelwrights, there should be a Tate link to the Piasts. The first thing of note is that Scottish Tates and Wrights were first found in Berwickshire. Secondly, we may assume that Artys were a branch of Arthurs, first found in Berwickshire. Thirdly, we know that Maceys were from Piasts, and they use the Berwick muzzled bear. Suddenly, Berwickshire becomes suspect as a significant Piast locale. MORE: while wrights are said to be Fabers too, and while all three Faber Coats show blue and white, the Tay/Teyas Coat -- the surname suspect at the root of "Texas/Tejas" -- is not only blue on white (one Tate Coat uses that color scheme), but shows the Colter chevron (loosely speaking).

Lets go back to the Spanish Tejeda/Texas surname, when the Tates/Taytes were shown to be a viable kin possibility. The Tay clan showed a Teyas variation, for example. I now find that Tejeda and Tayte colors are uses also by the Tachs and Ducks.

There was a Diau entity in the late Nairi kingdom, smacking of mythical Dia, wife of Ixion. I've just found a Sien, king of the Diau, at the article above that supports my "Ixion" identification with "Sion." The page also shows a king named, Asia, perhaps the Azzi (associates of the Tocharians/Togarmites) being implicated. The page suggests that the so-called "Tayk" may have been the Diau. I had previously traced Dia to the Tayk, who lived not in the lake Van area but toward the Lazi in the Artvin / Ardahan theater (near the source of the Aras/Araxes).

As Ixion was depicted with a torture wheel in Tartarus=Hell, is it coincidental that the Wheelwrights use a Coat nearly like that of the Taytes? A myth writer(s) placed Ixion forever spinning on a wheel as punishment, and the Catherine wheel of the Wheelwrights is also a wheel of punishment. Could this inadvertently link Ixion to BosCATH...since after all I traced Boscath elements to the Diau theater?

NOW YOU TELL ME WHETHER THIS IS NAIRI INSANE, or whether it tells the truth: the Texas/Tejas Coat uses nothing but a Shield filled with red and gold checks, and then we see the same-colored Van Coat showing a ValliBUS and Vaux variation while the Vose Coat (from "Bus/Bos"?), said to be from the "Vaux or Vallibus" location(s), is nothing but a Shield filled with red and gold checks.

As we saw a Mus province in the land of the Nairi, why are the Vanes (uses the Macey metal glove) and Veins said to be septs of Mackays? I see deliberate fraud in the claim echoed by Wikipedia, that "Texas/Tejas" derived from "friend" in the Caddo language. Either that, or the Friend surname was created after that idea, for the Friend Shield uses the Wayne Coat, and the Waynes use the Vane/Vain/Veyn metal gloves.

I say that Waynes and Veyns look like Lake-Van > Veneti elements, especially as I recently learned the certainty that the Mackay sept of Vain is named after Vannes, Brittany, where a Veneti branch is known to have lived. The motto of the Confederates: "Deo Vindice." A Wend/Vandal-like term.

Is it another cassincidence that, like the Casey motto, the Wayne motto uses "casus"...not to mention "omniBUS" (caps mine). Recalling that Houstons/Cuistons traced to Butteri elements, let me add that the Houstons use an "In time" motto while the "Tempus" motto term of the Waynes is translated, "Time." The term could be code for a Tim(e)-like clan, or for the hour glasses that were found, one being in the Houston Crest itself. The English Hicks use "Tout en bon heure" (All in good time). I report, you decide, my foxy friends. Are we clever enough to see the daylight through the Masonic grape vines?

Did you ask why the Wayne and Friend Coats use white-on-red chevrons, the color of the Hebron and related Child chevron? I didn't think so. But if we're tracing to Boscath, that was in the Hebron theater. This never must be forgotten, for Skull and Bones traces there, wherefore we could expect many Illuminati parties to use symbols that emphasize that region, or in some way trace there. What is that "bon" term doing in the Hicks Coat? As both the Touts and Hicks were first found in Yorkshire, we know that deliberated code was used in the motto. Can you imagine the family sitting round trying to create a clever one? What family? Who knows?

The Hebron Crest is a horse, perhaps in honor of the Butteri, for Hebrons were likewise first found in East Lothian. Although the Hebron surname is shown properly as Hebburn/Hepburn, the fact that they lived in Hebburn of Chillingham allows us to link them to Chills, who are properly Childs, who smack of the Khaldi, a tribe with the Chalybes. who smack of Biblical Caleb, of the Biblical Hebron bloodline.

Was Texas named after Buzites of Lake Van? Were the Diau and/or Tayks the proto-Texans? The Dyke surname looks very conspicuous along this line. Belgian Dykes use that short-tailed fleur-de-lys (the one that makes it look like a fish and fish tail) of the Boschs (i.e. like "BosCath"), in the Bosch color scheme even. Dutch Dykes use the fleur-de-lys in the colors of the Lys-surname fleur and the Arms-of-Lille fleur (in France near Belgium). Remember, the Lys entity traces back to the Laz, spouse of NERgal, a god of CUTHa. Dicksons/Dixons use a Chief that looks like colors reversed from Keith/KETH Chief, and by now I don't need to repeat that I trace Mus-of-Van elements to BosKETH, or that Keiths live(d) at MUSsulberg of East Lothian.

When I was looking at the CATHerine wheel, I noted a musical group by that name with an artist surnamed, Dickenson. They are in white-on-blue like the Dicksons/Dixons, and that's the color scheme of the Bosch and Dyke fleur. I didn't mention, but noted, that Dickensons (look like leopards) were in the colors of the Colters (Catherine wheel) and Wrights (leopards), and that Dickensons use the same Shield as one Wright-related Faber Coat. More fishyincidences?????

I finally got round to reading a decent article on the Caddo Indians, and there found a Catlin surname that I figured should apply. It uses the Levi lion and moreover it is said: "The name is derived from the Old French names Caterine and Cateline, which were forms of the personal name Catharine." I often find that Westerners who study certain native peoples or even extinct civilizations do so because their surnames apply. Therefore, I have got to think that the Caddo natives trace back to the Catlin surname, and to the Catherine wheel, which is to say that the wheel was named after the proto-Caddo Europeans that developed into the Caddo "Indians." But then it is suspect that Texas was pioneered and/or governed by branches of the Catlin clans, and of course by that I mean the Catti grail bloodline. I first traced the pagan grail to the Cati, and many years later found it to be of the Levi and Lys clans too. There have got to be some Lee entities in Texas aside from Robert E. Lee.

The Diau were also "Diaokhi," smacking of the makings of "Texas." The Doak clan shows a Dog variation, and the Diaokhi smack of an old term for "dog" (I think it was "dahae/dehae") that I had found in relation to the nearby Dagestani. Doaks, Dykes, and Tachs all use cinquefoils. The Ducks use stars in their Chief that are the color scheme of the Van stars. I neglected to say earlier that the Vans (their Vaux kin use a Coat exactly that of the Texas/Tejas Coat) were first found in East Lothian, where Musselberg is located and where Keths were first found. Need I remind you that the Keiths are said to be "Catti"?

As the Catlins appear to be as "Jewish" as the Levis, the German Katt/Kate/Katz surname (Mecklenberg), known to be "Jewish" and using Zionists stars, should apply, for they use a Coat much like the Massi/Mattis and Fulk Coats shown earlier...that linked to Houstons et-al. There is a cat in the "Jewish" Katz Coat (colors of the Katts/Katz') said to trace to Levites, but I'm not biting. It's known that the Katz surname is a Cohen-related one, but Cohens/Kagans (Shield filled with checks in Massi/Mattis- and Fulk-colored checks) are not Levites, but rather Khazars/kagans. Every surname in this paragraph uses the same white and blue colors.

The Confederate flag was the "Bonnie Blue," a lone white-on-blue star, the Texas star today. The Bonnie surname, blue and white again, was first found in Bedfordshire, where the Catlins were first found. Bonnies were also first found in Leicestershire, and as I recall tracing both Leicester and the river at Luton (Bedfordshire) to Ligurians, it should be said that the Bonnie Coat is the Sales Coat but in different colors.

As I linked "Sales" with "Tal(bot)," it should also be added that the French Talbots use nearly the same bar/bend as the Bonnies. The German Talls use the Talbot bend (with Zionists stars, however), and toss in the Bessin bees to prove that Talls are the Talbot line that Ranulf le Meschin married.

English Bones that I say were the Bone portion of Skull and Bones use a bar/bend in colors reversed to the Bonnies, if that helps to identify the latter with Hebron elements. Dutch Bones use a chevron in Hebron-chevron colors. If that's not enough, the English Bones use a bend in the color of the Botter bend.

We can assume that Skull and Bones is also "Jewish," and that should explain why the Mormon founders, Freemasons, claimed that American Indians were the lost ten tribes of Israel. Hebrews yes, but I don't bite on the ten-tribes part.

I tentatively traced "dog" to "Togarmah," and I say that Togarmites named the Tigris, which river was also "Idigna/Idigina." Though it's a long shot, I re-mention it because I traced the latter term(s) to fish-tailed "Dagon." The theory now is that the Lys-related Bosch "fish" traces back to Boscath, you see, and that Boscath traces forward to proto-Texas=Caddo Butteri. I'm not yet claiming that the fish symbol traces to Boscath, but that the carriers of the fish/dolphin/fleur symbol do. One Bone Coat uses a dolphin, for example, and Bonnies use fleur.

If proto-Texan Tayks were therefore Togarmites, they could trace to Teucer, father of Batia, important for the Texas=Butteri equation. The Tayks lived in the face of the Lazi, who were themselves amongst or beside the Bats (e.g. the people that named Batumi), and we don't forget that the Laz-and-Nergal cult were in Cutha (2 Kings 17), now being entertained as the root of BosCath, where I expect the proto-Butteri...who came to live in Lazio. Clickety-click-click-clack, we're tap dancing happily now. When I attempted to find the "unknown" location of Cutha years ago, it was to the Tigris river that I was brought.

Then there was a Las city to which I traced the Lazi and proto-Lys, a city that was on an extension of the TAYGeti mountain range (Sparta). Compelling.

LACEdaemonians were Spartans, and I traced "Sparta" to "Subartu," where the Lycus river of Assyria was located, otherwise called the Zab, a tributary of the Tigris. Hmm, "The Little Zab enters the Assyrian plain south of Dukan..." That's an Indigna-like term if ever we saw one, not forgetting that a Hebrew fish is a dag.

As the Butteri were first found in Lucca, why does the Lucca Coat use a Cath-like cat? Did Lycians have a cat-like ally? Didn't Lycians trace to Lachish, neat BosCath? Didn't Lachish trace to the Lycus river in Assyria? Just lucc'a this, what I wrote above:

...I actually found the Butteri by surname in Italy, by entering "Botter...they were first found in Lycia-like Lucca!!! That is in Tuscany, right where we expect the Butteri, and the second surprise is that, like a good cowboy, I went to fetch the other clan that was mentioned at Lucca, as I couldn't recall which one it was, and there in the last update it turned out to be the Massar/Massei surname,,,

I now find that the Luccas were related to Massars because both uses the same green border.

This is a good place to mention that the Massar surname was accessed originally, perhaps two years ago, when investigating the Russian leadership. The chief of the Russian army had a surname like it, which had me thinking that he could become the anti-Christ should Russia ever decide to taker Iraq. The way Obama is going, Putin could just enter the picture soon, before the West takes too much of the Arab world. The Russian man I speak of is Nikolay Makarov.

This is a good place to mention my theory that I spent two months in Abruzzo, with my Masci-surnamed mother, by an act of God at age 10, in preparation for this topic. We visited L'Aquila, which I think is important to the Freemason eagle, symbol of the United States. There is an eagle (said to be standing on a perch" i.e. smacks of Perche, ancestry of the Masseys proper) in the English Botter Coat. A variation shown, Bodin, smacks of the Bodencus river that was also the Po, where another city was called after an eagle, Aquileia, named after Romans and therefore likely being the Roman eagle. You get it.

But it dawned on me in the last update that the American bald eagle is used as per the Baltea/Bautica region in Aosta, the place where we also find the Buthier river, smacking of the Butteri. We have linked Houstons solidly to the Butteri, and so here's the Houston write-up: "First found in Renfrewshire, where they were descended from a Scottish knight, Hugh de Paduinan, who in 1165 founded the town of Houston in that shire." That sounds like elements from Padua, which was Padova, which I trace to the Batavi, who I trace to/from Bute, an island off the Renfrew-area mainland.

Again, I trace "Veneti" to Lake "Van," where the Nairi had a kingdom so that Buzites are expected in Veneto. I say the Buzites evolved into the Budini amongst the Neuri, and that a branch thereof named the Bodencus. When we get to the Vanir Scandinavians, headed by Loki, we see a Lucca-like term, where the Botters were first found. Then, the enemies of the Vanir, the Aesirs later merging with the Vanir, were headed by Odin, also called, Woden, smacking of "Boden." The Washington surname is said to trace to the Odin cult. In this picture, Woden was from the Neuri-Budini-Geloni, and the Vanir were from the Nairi...being entertained here as a line to the Lachish region before embarking to Anatolia as various allies and/or factions, the Samson-cult included.

By the way, when I use "cult" like that, it's sometimes loosely speaking. It doesn't refer to a specific/historic religious organization necessarily. It's a term I use to indicate the carriers of an entity, whether they had a temple/group cult or not around the character. I don't know of any temples built to Samson, but there were to Hercules.

If the "perch" code in the English Botter/Bodin Coat is for Perche, then let it be repeated that I traced the latter to "Berk" and Berkshire (beside Surrey), for Masseys are not the only ones to use a boot, but the Boot surname uses boots too, and they are said to be first found in Berkshire. Moreover, "They were originally from Buat a castle near Falais in Normandy." Perche, too, is in Normandy. Hmm, as Butteris are being traced to the Uat/Buto cult, note that Buat location. Checking, it turns out the Isigny-le-Buat is in Manche, home of the Normandy Masseys!!

Just learned that Perche was into horses too: "...the Percheron race of horses originates from the [Perche] area." The Arms of Montagne-au-Perche (once the Perche capital, in Orne departement) uses ferns, likely code for Veres of Manche that I now think use the Botter lone-star. The Arms of Longhy-au-Perche (also in Orne) use black-on-white crosses as a chevron in the same colors. The water waves then suggests links to the Cass/Cash surname because it uses the blue-waved "fountain" symbol in a black-on-white chevron.

Remember, Caseys/Kassies (aside from their Botter-like Coat) use a "varios casus" motto phrase smacking of the Baiocasses founders of Bayeux/Bessin. Bay-using locations are suspect where tracing Baioocasses.

ZOWIE, although the Perche surname used a double chevron in red, the Arms of Perche (I've not seen this page before, available only in a translation from French) shows a triple red chevron on white, the symbol that was considered when creating the Masonic Great Seal of the United States. Note that the eagle is gold on blue, like the Arms of Aquileia.

Here's an original Great-Seal sketch (design devised by a Thomson surname; info online) that was considered before the 13 vertical barry-stripes were used instead.

Although eagles go back to many cults, the American eagle, if it is the Aquileia eagle, goes back to the phoenix. That makes sense, anyway. The rising phoenix became a symbol of the revival of Rome (very Biblical theme), but must of course trace to Phoenix of Phoenicia...which I happen to trace to "Panias" and then back to Lake Van, a very ancient Lake Van, probably of the Nairi. Wikipedia says that the lake was once "Sea of Bznunik."

[Long Insert -- Below you will see the eagle/falcon in the Velch theater that was home to the Turan goddess, and so do not lose sight of the Tarun region of lake Van, also called, Mus. Checking the Tarun surname, red eagles!!! This paragraph (alone) is an insert the day after writing the paragraph above, where it was suggested that the phoenix traces to Lake Van. Coincidence? And, a Phoenician phoenix is expected to be red. I am therefore confident that the phoenix>eagle symbol of Freemasonic heraldry is a symbol that includes Mus and/or Tarun elements as they came to the Hermes-Pan cult at mount Sion. Let's not forget the red Ferte eagle (in the color scheme of the Turin/Tarn Coat, using the Baden symbol), from Ferte-Mace we can assume, and the Ferrat and MontFerrat locations near Tarun-like Turin. Variations of the Tarun surname include "Durant-like "Tarant" as well as witchy "Tarrat."

JUMPIN' TAROTS, the house of cards is falling down! Did I say the above paragraph "alone" was an insert??? Now, moments later, this paragraph is another insert, as per finding the "gold demi eagle RISING (caps mine) in the TRENT Coat!!! BREAKTHROUGH SUPREME!!!! The public does not know where the phoenix relates to, other than Phoenicia and Rome. Now, there is an expose of Illuminati roots in Lake Van, without doubt. Dig in, writers and thinkers of the world, and find more, find why, find who they were at Lake Van, what sort of witchcraft they practiced, how many children they sacrificed, how dark were their deeds. Write books. Use any of my information and write mystery-exposing books. By the way, the Trent rising eagle has laurel in its beak, and the "Augeo" motto (that's all she wrote) should be code for some similar entity.

The Boscath location was either near, or in, Eschol, the valley of giant grapes, the land of giant Amorites. It was at Eschol that the embryo of Israel passed through the canal and cried it's first cry. Why is the laurel branch in a cup in the Laurie Coat (surname first found in Dumfries, as with the Kilpatrick-branch Buttero)? What does the laurel have to do with the wine grail? Why does the German Laur/Lauer Coat show grapes? Why does the description fail to mention the grapes and the sickle in the man's hands? Are those two things not the symbol of God in Revelation 14, the symbol of Armageddon's winepress?

I recall linking the Laurie surname to the Sweeneys/Swynes (and therefore to the Sweynes/Swans/Sions of Macey), who use a boar as play-on-words, but then the French Laur Coat uses a boar too. I have been seeking a Mus entity in the Boscath theater that links to the Mus province of Lake Van, and here I now find that Sweenies lived at MUSkerry (County Cork, Ireland).

As the laurel is a symbol of Daphne, was she in Boscath? Was she at Lake Van? Was she the Diau people at Lake Van, also called the "Daiaeni" (note the "eni" suffix, just as in "Biaini," the founders of Van). In fact, the Daiaeni were accessed from the Mus-province article...because they were an ancient peoples of Mus. Have we therefore succeeded in finding Van's Mus people in Muskerry's Sweeneys? In the Swaynes/Sions/Swans? YESSSSS'ir, for, doesn't it make perfect sense in that we saw a king named Sien among the Daiaeni??? Doesn't that allow us to link Zion's Amorites/Jebusites at Jerusalem to Van's Mus province, and in particular to the Daiaeni carriers of the Daphne cult?

As the Sinclair Rus were avid front-line Templars along with Flemings, note that entering "Sien" brings up the Sinclair Coat.

Quite apparently, for the first time, I'm seeing that Dia, wife of Sion-like Ixion, was Daphne. For the first time, I'm hammering down what peoples Daphne represented. I had traced her to an 'n' version "Tubal" out of desperation, and if that's incorrect, she yet appears here to be of the Tubal theater...if the Daiaeni were the Dahae/Dahae=Dagestani (Tubal was beside Dagestan). Avars yet live in Dagestan, and Daphne's grandfather, Everes, was identified (by me) as Manda-branch Avars (because Daphne's sister was Manto). If I'm correct now, then the Avaris Hyksos trace to the Daiaeni.

I had traced proto-Apollo to the Dagestani, and to that I'll add that both Daphne and Apollo were given laurel symbols at Delphi, where the two also picked up their dolphin symbols. I had argued that mythical Dia represented the Deylamites, from Dilmun/Telmon, which now smacks of "Delphi." In any case, I'm eager to see what the Muskerry topic can wring. Hopefully, the neck of the dragon.

County Cork (extreme southern Ireland) was traced (by me) to Leicester, and therefore possibly to its Massey-related Ligurians. County Kerry is beside Cork so that Muskerry in Cork looks like a Mus-of-Kerry settlement. Here's a clip from the Cork article that seems to show the Daiaeni in charge of Cork in modern times: "Much of what is now county Cork was once part of the Kingdom of Deas Mumhan (South Munster), anglicised as 'Desmond', ruled by the MacCarthy Mor dynasty." Daincidence?

The MacCarthys are the same as the Arty/Arthy/Cathy clan presented above.

The Deas/Desmond domain (called a "kingdom" of its own) is between Cork and Kerry. So far so good for tracing Muskerry to the Daiaeni. Wikipedia suggests that "Deas-Mhumhain - which means Southern Munster." Even if true, the name could yet be double code for Van's Daiaeni. We also read: "The chief princes under the MacCarthys in [the Kingdom of] Desmond were the O'Sullivans, " meaning the Ligurians were indeed there, even the grail Salyes Ligurians. It strikes me now that "Salyes" modifies to "Dalyes," very akin to "Delymite/Deylamite." I do trace Ixion, husband of Dia, to the Ligurian swan: mythical king Cycnus of Liguria.

Entering "Deas" brings up a Dais/Daes clan with a "bee feeding on a daisy" in Crest (that explains the bee-hive in the Kerry-surname Crest, or perhaps it's vice versa). The write-up: "The tale of the name Deas begins with a family who lived in Angus (in the modern region of Tayside), and claim descent from Gaelic MacDhai, son of David." Dhai certainly smacks of "Dahae," and "Tay" of the Tayk (who are suggested by some to have been a Caucasian branch of the Daiaeni).

It may be a longish shot as to whether entering "Musk" could bring up a Muskerry clan, but the Coat coming up is the Muskett/Mousquette surname using the Singletary/Singleton antelope, and then we find that Sinclairs are also "Singular," which picture evokes that Sien term of the Daiaeni that brings up the Sinclair Coat.

IT'S NOT A LONG SHOT ANYMORE! The Musk antelope is said to be "chained and ringed gold, and then the Chain surname turned out to be first found in County Kerry!!!

I kid you not that when I used "wring" above, which I think is a present-tense "wrought," I did not know that the Ring surname (in Cork-Coat colors) has a Wring variation. I didn't even know yet that the Musk antelope was "ringed." I have already traced Rings to the Sinclair-related Norwegian Halland bloodline...that lived at Ringerike (which, if I recall correctly, is beside Halland).

Moreover, the Chains use the Sinclair Cross, apparently. In fact, get the chains to wring the dragon's neck, because variations include the following Sien-like terms: McShane, McShain, McShaen, MacCheyne, McSheyne, McCheine, and MacChain. That's incredible, for if there were so many takes of the Seincler variation, then perhaps the Sinclairs were originally, "Sion-Clare" (although "Seincler" alone is shown with no "Siencler," we can see that entering "Sien" brings up the Coat). We are told that "Sinclair" is an after-thought of "Saint Clair," but now there is another theory, that the Clares became Sion-Clares when meeting up with Swaynes/Swans/Sions, and only later were they "Siencler/Sinclair."

The Desmond article above goes on the say that, along with Sullivans. the McCauliffes were important. They sound like Cauleys=Hallands, and so checking, there were three Melusines in blue on white (color scheme of Halams/Hallands), and three blue-on-white stars. As Melusine is in the Moray Crest, and as Moray uses the McCaulliffe stars in colors reversed, we should have to say that the "MacCarthy Mor" dynasty was of Moray elements. The McCaulliffe crest is a gold boar, same exactly as in Ivar Crest (Massey Shield), a surname I linked to the Hallands.

ZOWIE!!!! Googling "Muskerry cork" didn't bring up anything decent on Muskerry, and i almost passed on it completely, when I got determined and googled "Muskerry" alone," getting the Wikipedia article first-up. And there I found a link to MacCarthy of Muskerry!!

The MacCarthy dynasty of Muskerry is a branch of the great MacCarthy Mor dynasty, the Kings of Desmond. Their branch descends from...[the] second son of Cormac MacCarthy Mor (1271–1359), King of Desmond.

Drats. No Muscy Coat. But what this shows is that a Mus entity, no doubt the Muskett/Mousquette bloodline, was integral with a Daia(eni)-like entity.

ANOTHER THOUGHT bringing the Butteri to bear. As the MacCarthy Mor dynasty was first found in Angus, it evokes the Bitar/Butter surname, using the Sinclair and/or Chain cross, FIRST FOUND IN FIFE and PERTHSHIRE, BESIDE ANGUS!!!!!!!!!! A decimark indeed, and well worthy. So much fun. And now we may know what the "Deus" motto term of the Bitars/Butters stands for.

I don't need to repeat that I trace the Veys/Vivians to Bute for more reason that the boot in the Dutch Vey Crest, and that the Vey/Vivian Shield is also the Fife-surname Shield, while "VIVian/VYVyan smacks of "Fife." It means that the Butteri were involved in the MacCarthy-More "cult" in Angus. The Angus/AnGUIS surname shows links to "Guis(card)," who must always be involved in the Moors of Moray. The Angus Coat uses the Kent-surname lion again, and it's all in Tancred/Tankerville colors. I say that Baathists were "Moors," though I think the Guiscard-related Moors were Meshwesh "Libyans."

To help prove further that the Angus surname was a Guiscard line, the MacCarthy stag is essentially the same as the Kissane/GUISsane stag. This draws the Pattersons-Cussanes smack into the kingdom of Desmond, and I am sure that Pattersons were likewise carriers of basic Butteri blood. Pattersons therefore carried it to Ross-Shire, smack beside Moray.

The Bitar surname was only a co-founder of the Baathist party, with the other being, Aflaq. There is an Aflack surname, using the Bitar/Butter cross exactly, FIRST FOUND IN AYRSHIRE AND ANGUS. Winging dragons' necks is easier than I thought.

What's that rising eagle I see in the Aflack Coat??? Sure enough, the official description is "An eagle rising." And the "fat" cross, as I call it, is said to be an "embattled Crusader's cross." Did you catch the "bat" in that one term???

Now look at how it all comes back to Maceys. The fat cross above was linked to the fat cross of the Welsh Bath/Atha Coat, and that one is in the color scheme of the same cross in the bat-using (Scottish) Randolph Coat...of Moray. It makes sense because the MacCarthy-Mor entity from Angus was just traced to Moray. I traced Randolphs on the one hand to Ranulph le Meschin, while the Bath/Athas were traced to the MacHeths=Mackays of Moray/Ross-shire. The MacHeths and Mackays are said to be derived ultimately in "Hugh,' but I think that Hugh d'Avranches Lupus was only incidental.

The Aflacks/Aflechs, judging by their variations, look like possible Lecks=Ligures. (the Kerry surname were first found in Wales, and so they are suspect as the Bath/Atha bloodline there. The Leck Coat deserves a peek, and there we see a wolf in Crest (as can be expected of this surname), and the Tancred chevron, likely, because the Lecks were first found in Stirlingshire, where the Guiscards/Wisharts were first found.

ANOTHER LIE! The Leck write-up: "The place name is derived from the Gaelic leac,' or 'flagstone,' and the suffix -ach, which means 'place.'" This mumbo-jumbo has a grain of truth, and verifies that Aflecks/Aflacks were Lecks/Lackies, for I caught on that the flag-like motto term in the Samson Coat was code for the Flecks/Flags (compare their white-on-black scallops), wherefore the "flag" in the Leck write-up is code for Aflecks. It means that Baathists were from "Moors" of Guiscard associations, of the Arab-family Hebrews and likely anti-Israel to the marrow.

You can bet your ram-hide cowboy boots that Lecks/Lackies were of the Lucca location of the Botters=Butteri. For if Lecks were of the proto-Baathists in Angus and Fife, so the nine witchy Bute elements -- code for the nine Muses -- were there. You see, the Baathists were the Massey bloodline on Bute, though I've yet to discover whether there were two Massey entities, the post-Arthurian Meshwesh (= Masseys proper) and the earlier witchcraft-of-Bute Muses of the Arthurian period.

AHA! ANOTHER FAT CROSS in the Anstis Coat. Why? "The prime mover in the establishment of the Order of the Bath was John Anstis, Garter King of Arms, England's highest heraldic officer." They actually take baths at their all-nighter knightly ceremonies, and we wonder who's all invited into the tub.

Highest heraldic officer? Was he in charge of assigning family symbols, of keeping secret records on what symbols meant, and filing away long lists of surnames in alphabetical order, each with detailed info?

The Anstis/Anstay cross is very much like the Rhodes cross, the latter an apparent variation of the Sinclair cross. The Rhodes motto also uses "Deus" (now suspect everywhere in heraldry as code for Van's Daiaeni.

I spy with my little eye that the Anstay surname was of the Arness clan (Anstay colors) showing Anniss and Annes variations (said to derive in "Agnes"=lamb). The Annes/Arness Coat is English, like the same-colored Vere Coat, and shows a lone white star on red, which is the so-called "Vere star" too...appearing in the English Vere Coat. I doubt that the chief heraldic officers would have allowed two unrelated clans of the same country to use that same star. The Veres were Masseys, and Masseys were in charge of Freemasonry because they were the chief witches of the world.

Hey, lookie, the Angus-surname Chief uses the same colored stars. Remove the 'g' and the surname becomes "Anus," which reminds us that the Innes clan is a known Angus branch at...Moray!!! The Innes bloodline governed (controlled?) heraldry, but for how long, we wonder?

God has a hot bath prepared for them; He's stirring the waters now. And many princes are being called by their fellow frogs to join in. Leap in, fat frogs, and surround Zion once again. Take it once again and squat yourselves down with rosy cheeks of wine, for no sooner will you hem yourselves in that the tub will become the vat, and the heavy feet of Christ will trample your grapes with relentless spatterings, until you are dead and no more, when your surviving branches will be too weak to rule again. Then watch the New Vine grow. End insert]

The primary reason that my two-month vacation in Abruzzo was mentioned was for the Mediterranean beach we went to on weekends. However, I'm so glad that I started the aside on L'Aquila and Aquileia, as I had no idea then that it would lead to the Great-Seal disclosure. I had discussed the triple red-on-white chevron as important even before I found it to be a candidate for the Great Seal, but to now find it in the immediate/Bellamy ancestry of the Massey clan...

The beach we went to was at Pescara. I neglected to mention this when I was tracing (1st update July) the mythical Fisher kings to the Pesce surname et-al, which included the white-on-blue fish-like fleur-de-lys of the Boschs. Entering "Pescara" brings up the same white-on-blue fish as entering "Pesce," and as the surname was first found in Venice, I think it can also link to the Pescara location. One point is, the white-on-blue fish was being traced to the Saracas on the opposite side of the Adriatic from Pescara, and it's known that Italians on that side of Italy were largely from the Illyrians in the Saraca theater.

I should add that I later found two white-on-blue curved fish in the Arms of Bar-le-Duc that seemed to be substitutes for the two side-petals of the fleur-de-lys. To support the idea that the fleur developed from a fish, there are two fleur attached to one another in the Bosch Coat, a very unusual way to show the fleur. In fact, I'd never seen it that way before so that indeed it should link to the two Baar fish.

I don't think it's a fishincidence that the Salmon Coat uses salmons in the colors of the Salman (gold) eagles while the Salman bar/bend is the lys-using Salyes bar/bend. The Salman surname, first found in Surrey and therefore suspect as a branch of Butteri-rooted Kilpatricks of Surrey elements, uses Sel variations smacking of the Butteri sela=saddle. We could even ask whether "boot" was named after the Butteri cowboy boot.

As per the Lucca location of the Butteri, we find the Pescara fish in the Italian Lucias Coat! Although I've insinuated that Butteris should link to the fish cult, this is the first piece of direct evidence. The black-on-gold eagle in Lucias Chief is like the same-colored eagle in the Italian Fulk/Folchi Chief, and while Fulks were first in Florence, we can't deny fundamental linkage to Velch/Volci, where the Butteri lived. This is the most confident I've ever been on a trace of Fulk ancestry. It means that the royal English-Norman house -- called in honor of the Plantagenets -- was from the Volci of Velch. The French Lucien Coat verifies that the clan was using a black eagle on gold (German Fulks use black Falcon wings on gold).

As the phoenix was traced to Lake Van via a Turan-like surname that can be assumed to link to the Turan cult in Velch, we can assume that the Lucias / Lucien eagle likewise traces to the Van phoenix entity. Charlemagne's Arms was a black eagle, and he was, like all Franks in his ancestry, from the Veneti. Therefore, as Lake Van was founded by a "Biaini" peoples (difficult if not impossible to find online, but I believe my info was from Britannica on that score), what about the black-on-gold eagle of the German Bez/Baz/Baez Coat???

If "Biaini" developed into "Van," why not also into a Bez/Baez term, especially if the Biaini had been Buzites. The Bez eagle is in the colors of the checks in the Spanish Baez/Pelaiz Coat, traced not far above to Glasgow, that being a center suspect for the Lake Van line...that I trace to BOSCath as of this update.

As per the "sure" motto term of the Kilpatricks leading to the Sure/Shore surname, so we check the Score surname to find another gold eagle (i.e. not only the same as in the Salman/Selman Coat, but in the color of the Great-Seal eagle). And, the Scores use a black saltire as do the Kilpatricks. The Maxwells use a black saltire too, and a "holly BUSH" in Crest, while the Sures/Shores use holly leaves Keep that BUSH in mind for just the blink of an eagle.

There have been a few times when intuition caught glimpse of a Nazi link to Kilpatricks and/or the Butteri, and in particular to the Scherf surname.

Entering "Shcerf" brings up the Scher surname, too much like "Shore" and "Sure" to be ignored, and as the Scher(f) Coat is enough like the Walker Coat (Presidents George W(alker) Bush both have a Walker bloodline), I was convinced of the truth of a death-bed confession by a Nazi with Skorzeny (i.e. like "Score") surname: that president George H. W. Bush Senior (his mother was a Walker on one side) was a Nazi plant/spy and in real fact was born as "George H. Scherff, Jr., the son of Nikola Tesla's illegal-immigrant, German-born accountant, George H. Scherff, Sr." Details 4th update of April.

George Bush Sr. married a Pierce (more horses), too much like "Perche" to be ignored. The Pierce surname has been traced to the Percival cult because it was first found in Somerset, where the Percival surname (muzzled bear) was first found. As Percivals were from Calvados, links to Perches and Maceys are expected.

Scottish Walkers use a white saltire, which could be the white Kilpatrick saltire. In fact, both the Walk surname and the Kilpatricks were first found in Dumfriesshire. It therefore appears that the "sure" motto term of Kilpatricks links definitely to the Scher(f)s, and we can therefore ask whether the Nazi by that name, and all Nazis in general, were Edomites who hate Israel.

In the new this past week:

Rebel leaders won recognition as the legitimate government of Libya from the United States and other world powers on Friday in a major boost to the rebels' faltering campaign to oust Muammar Gaddafi.

Western nations said they also planned to increase the military pressure on Gaddafi's forces to press him to give up power after 41 years at the head of the North African state.

This can only mean that the rebels, no doubt opposed to Western deals/demands as per Western interests in Libya, chose to succumb, the other choice being a sacrifice of the West's war machines against Gaddafi. Thus, with the money obtained from American workers, the United States props up regimes that must become West-tilting in return for military favors, which might be fine and dandy where the West is a Christian-value entity, but you can be sure that the West has the aim of undressing the Muslim woman until she becomes the rock star, the porn star and the corporate tramp, just as the West has accomplished it in the West in a single generation.

In truth, the West has been protecting Gaddafi (we are not supposed to know, of course) until the rebels agreed to their terms. The rebels have not had the weapons to win the war. But as soon as the rebels agreed to the West's terms, the West promised the military aid that's needed. It's all over the article for anyone to see. Is that any way to run the world? Is that any way to acquire the respect of the world? Gaddafi has seen this turn of events and is preparing to step aside, or so we are being told. Too bad for the weapons makers, unless they have already been ordered.

Now that the rebels are the government, the West can legally sell it weapons in loans to be repaid. How convenient for the weapons-making Illuminati, that tax money pays for weapons manufactured and sold by corporate Illuminatists. The Obamafia strikes again. Meanwhile, Obama orders the weapons on borrowed tax-payer dollars while the taxpayer pays interest to banker Illuminatists. Such a wonderful world. The weapons are then used to kill those who stand in the way of a satanic "democratic" government. Meanwhile, young American men are taught to become brutal murderers in the name of the flag when in reality the causes are for the Illuminatists.

Iran is funnelling billions if dollars, says another report, into Syria to save Assad's thinning powers where the West is doing to him as it had to Mubarak. The overthrow of Muslim nation after Muslim nation has the smell of the anti-Christ, does it not? Watching.

Gen. David Petraeus handed over command of the Afghan war to Marine Gen. John Allen on [July 18] as the U.S. and its international partners prepare to withdraw over the next few years.

For all that fell on me to say in this update (I've been busy all week), I didn't get around to Tim's email on the Lindsay septs. That'll be in the next update, as well as a treatment on what clans the Welsh Silures belonged to.


Especially for new or confused readers
shows where I'm coming from.

For serious investigators:
How to Work with Bloodline Topics

Here's what I did when I had spare time on my hands:
Ladon Gog and the Hebrew Rose
It took the prime right out of my life.

The rest of the Gog-in-Iraq story is in PART 2 of the
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