Previous Update: November 22 - 24

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November 25 - 28, 2010

Fussen Commander Mattis to the Gog Man
The Maccabees in Italy

November 26 -- 27 -- 28

November 25

There are "Christians" now, and have been for centuries, proclaiming that Danish vikings/pirates are Israelites, leading to the idea that other Scandinavians are where to look for in finding the so-called "lost tribes of Israel." Some maintain that white-dragon Saxons are Israelites, others professed that red-dragon Arthurian Brits were Israelites, even the holy bloodline of Jesus. Others spread the rumor today that the Frank counterparts of the Arthurian cult was also the holy grail line of Jesus himself. And then there are those who teach that Hyksos were Israelites. What a mess satan has created.

"My" work in tracing Hyksos becomes important, for the very European-Israelists who are willing fools and tools of satan would have us believe that God is blessing the European Israelites with "kingdom." Not only the Mormons, but some Pentecostals taught that America was the new Zion or new Jerusalem. Freemasons disguised as Christians teach that America is wealthy because it has been blessed of God, and Christians echo this foolish idea. In reality. America was founded by the satanic bloodlines as the new Atlantis.

By being able to trace Hyksos to Trojans and their allies, the Lydians, which then traces them to Latins, Etruscans, and Romans, we can convince the Elect that Hyksos and their branches were not blessed Israelites, but the Biblical dragon.

Since when would God make his blessed Israelites into vikings and pirates? Since when would God make his blessed Israelites into the pagan Saxons? When did God abandon the eternal Jerusalem for the New World of America? If the Roman empire is of satan, how can we then turn around and say the Europe has been blessed because it consists mainly of blessed Israelites?

People in high places actually believe that they are from blessed Israelites. That deception has been the work of the sons of satan for to obtain the support even of European Christians in building the empire of the Biblical dragon.

Freemasons claim to have this true light, that the Biblical account of God is folly, intended for the outsiders, the fools, while the reality is that the Biblical God was another aspect of Lucifer, the same one who was chief in the Horus cult et-al. But the Elect of God are not so dull as to accept that line, for it is clear that the God of Israel despised all other gods, as well as the practices of their satanic cults. It has been satan's job to mix his cults into everything Israel and into everything God, to make God appear as just another false god among many.

It is very important that I point out the Hyksos trace to the Kabeiri transvestites, as that makes it very hard for true Christians to accept a blessed European-Israelism. The Kabeiri, in fact, founded the Trojans. Iasius/Iasion was the leader of the Kabeiri on Samothrace, and his brother was Dardanus, founder of Trojans.

I see Iasion as Aeson, father of Jason of the Argonauts. In the mythical Argonautica, the Argos ship was made to sail from Colchis, with the golden fleece on board, and with Meleager and Atalanta on board. The ship sailed up the Danube on the northern stretches of Thrace, and then veered off on an imaginary river into the Adriatic sea, where it continued up the Po of the Veneti. This myth was a simplified account of the migration of some Colchians into Pannonia and then into the Adriatic sea, which is all about yesterday's topic, the Illyrians.

Meleager and Atalanta were from Calydon, and it was from the Khaldi on the southern rim of Colchis. They were the proto-Celts that formed the Celtic branches of the Illyrians touched upon yesterday. It is known that Celts of Britain came from the Illyrian Celts. My trace of "Meleager" to Tolkien's "Melkor," who ruled Orcs/Orks, is evidence that the Argo-ship crew (so to speak), known to have been from ORCHOmenos, was in northern Scotland, at ORKney. Meleager's Calydonians became the Scottish Caledonians, who must have been the basis of the Celts.

It's a no-brainer to figure that the Argos crew depicted Scandinavian pirates. If you would identify them as blessed Israelites, or spend much of the rest of your life using my writings to prove that these vikings were the blessed Israelites, go ahead and play the fool, and at the end of your life, receive your "reward."

I don't know whether I need to admit error when tracing the unicorn to Inachus of Argos. The unicorn was used by Shetland (beside Orkney), and that's where I traced the Argos crew. Also, I do trace Hyksos fundamentally to Trojans and to Argos Danaans...that became the Danish VIKINGS. They were not blessed Israelites, but sinful, godless pirates and killers.

You may be thinking that I must be either naive or crazy to trace Hyksos to EVERY major Greek god, and then even some minor ones. You might be thinking that I'm naive or crazy to identify major European groups, and some minor ones, as Hebrews. But no. I maintain that the Hyksos Hebrews -- the Kabeiri -- were the creators ot Greek myths, as code for their wanderings throughout the earth, and that they became the great kingdoms of the world because they were ungodly enough to seek it by ruthless cruelty and bloodshed. If you want to identify these groups as blessed Israelis, go ahead and be naive, and then go crazy as your reward.

Anyone who forges forward with a mind to link blessed Israelis to these cults is bent by sin and rebellion against their own creator. There are those who think there is merit in tracing the satanic cults of old to European Israelis, but they view these Israelis separated from the God of Israel, and even part of the anti-Christ system.

My work is to claim that there were MANY more Hebrew groups aside from Israelis. Where this is not being announced by others, so that Christians are misled to give merit to European-Israelism, my work becomes the better alternative that previously didn't come to mind at all due to all the European-Israelists that keep hush on the realities.

I had traced Etruscans through the Transylvanian theater up into the Veneti realm before coming to rest on Italy's west coast. At that time, some years ago, I identified Etruscans as a Trojan branch of the Hyksos. I followed certain clues through Transylvania and Pannonia to the Croatian theater, but I did not have one of the terms on the map shown yesterday as one the clues. On this map of Celt-branch Illyrian tribes, see the Taurisci region north of the Veneti (other tells that Etruscans were merged with Veneti). Is "Taurisc" not proto-ETRUSC??? Or at least the stock from which Etruscans were named?

Later, virtually everything we see on that map became the land of the so-called "pseudo Avars," thought by some to be Hebrews, and not from the so-called "true Avars" of Caucasia. It's easy to realize, therefore, that European Avars were from Avaris, the Hyksos capital...which I do trace to true Caucasian Avars, but very long before the appearance of the European Avars. I had traced those Avaris Avars to the Iberi in the face of the Alans and SAUROmati that Herodotus traced back to the Crimea...otherwise known as Taurica!

Therefore, shouldn't the Serrettes and Serapilli (on the map above), to the side of Taurisci, be branches of Sauromatians/Sarmations...and/or Saracens to which I trace Sarmations? Note how the Serrettes smack of the SARDeates to their south, for Etruscans are often traced by others to Lydians, while Sardis was the Lydian capital.

As Lydians are said by others to have formed as part of the Mysians, see the Maezaei right beside the Sardeates.

As the Sarmations were traced back by Herodotus to Amazons of the Thermodon=Trabzon, note the Drava river smack at Taurici. I maintain that Traby Poles trace to Drava-like regions and then back to Trabzon. The Drava has a source in the land of the Serrettes and Serapilli. Shouldn't the latter have developed into the Sorbs>Serbs?

Mieszko of Poland was in the Silesia and Boii>Bohemia theaters, and yet he was traced by an online writer to SARDinia, wherefore note the Boii marked on the map not far from the Sardeates and Serrettes. Moreover, I suggested that Mieszko's mythical root in KOLODziej" was from the Celts. I'm not bragging here, for if I were truly something to speak of, I would have made these connections long ago. I'm pointing out that my writings are, on the whole, reliable, and that I have an inner radar for making initial traces on the scantiest of evidence. But also, I have the correct viewpoint of what sort of Hebrews we are tracking. If I were to hold to European-Israelism, I would have gone off in an incorrect direction, linking every Israelite entity to any and every similar term in Europe, with or without supporting evidence.

Did you know that some European-Israelists trace Israelis to Cimmerians? One couldn't be more bent on distorting history, for the mere sake of making a good story. But I linked Cimmerians (and Sarmation Alans) to pagan Nahorites and/or other Hebrews in Haran. As I can suspect that Nahorites were in the Serrettes neighborhood, therefore, or even all over the Celtic Illyrians, so I once traced Bosnia to Buz, son of Nahor. I await the evidence.

The son of Kolodziej was made Siemowit, and his son in turn was made Lestko. At his article, we read: "the tribes that lived in what is now Poland were known as "Lestkowici." Kolodziej's father was given a "Khos" front, and there is a Kos island in the vicinity of Pisidians to which I traced "Piast." Also, I traced Pisidians to Pisa of Greece, known to found Pisa of the Etruscans. The trace of Piasts to Sardina is off the coast of Pisa.

Remember, the Argonautica had the pirate ship sail up the Po, and then into lake Geneva, and then down the Rhone and out into the Tyrrhennian sea, where Sardinians and Etruscans lived.

I traced Piasts (for example, Meschins) to Salop=Shropshire (Meschins were first found there), but before that i suggested that "Salop" was rooted in "Slab-Slav." The last thing said in yesterday's update was: "There is a paganish Siemens/Siemsen surname of Germany that could apply. It uses a "slab," but there is no Slab surname that comes up."

Very apparently, it was as simple Direction from Above that I should have identified "Salop" with "Slab." I can't give credit to my own powers of limited intelligence, but ideas pop into my head regularly that seem more like Direction. The Salop link to the Siemowit entity of the Piasts is easily proved where both the Samson and Meschin Coats use white scallops on black. I would suggest that the "wit" on "Siemowit" is "white," and having to do with the white scallops.

The trace now of Piasts to proto-Etruscans to Celtic-Illyria serves to prove that the Maezaei were a root of "Mieszko" and of the Mieske/Mesech surname of Prussia. I had traced Mieskzo to the Meshwesh, also called Mazyes, but as the Meshwesh were Amazons, it serves as further proof that the Serrettes and Serapilli were Sarmations. Meshwesh were called Mazyes by a Hyksos-like man named, Hektaios, and were called Maxyes by Herodotus, the one who gave us the knowledge that Amazons founded Sarmations after migrating through Taurica/Crimea.

The black bull symbol of the Mieske/Mesech Coat could link to the Taurisci region. As Meshwesh are linked to Tuareg Amazons, hmm, they could have named Taurisci.

The idea that Cimmerians were Israelites could lead to the wrong conclusion that Trojans were Israelites too, for Cimmerians are sometimes lumped into Trojans. I was once convinced that Cimmerians were the As/Asii/Assi (probably depicted by "Aeson") of Tocharian/Togarmite affiliations, which then linked to Azov (beside Taurica). The point is, the Serrettes (whom I trace to Cimmerians of Taurica) are to the north of the land of Iazi, smacking of the Assi and Hayasa Azzi to which I trace the Hyksos.

AND, to the north of Iazi is Hercuniates, while to the south of Iazi is Varciana, smacking of Verkana (modern Gorgan) that was alternatively Hercania (southern Caspian sea). That's a match for certain. The Asii/Assi lived to the east of the Caspian, while the Hayasa Azzi lived in the Amazon theater to the south of Colchis. I had traced the Gorgons of Verk(h)ana to the founding of Colchis>Georgia.

The Colopiana region to the west of Iazi then becomes suspect once again as a Colchian domain, and the Latobici to the north of the Colopiana should be the golden-fleece Laz>Lydians.

Now look. I had identified the golden fleece as the Laz Colchians because the Laz were said by Wikipedia to arise in the golden-fleece city after the defeat of Aeetes by Jason's Argonauts. Later, I found a golden lamb in Atreus (and Menelaus) myth, linking the Lazi fleece to Pelops (Atreus' father), king of the city of (H)Eneti. Later still, I found the Argonautica taking the golden fleece to the Atreus-like Adriatic sea. Now I find a Latobici beside the Colopiana on the Adriatic sea on the Heneti>Veneti frontier.

As it's clear that Alans were Sarmations, or merged with them deeply, note the ANARTi location on the same map (for studies like these, you should open a second browser for viewing maps, and perhaps two or more browsers open simultaneously at when I'm shooting dozens of surnames at you). Mythical ENARETe was the wife of Aeolus, an Alan peoples I maintain. To the east of Anarti are the Dacians, smacking of the Saxons. I had traced Enarete to Nerthus, the mother-earth goddess among the proto-Saxons.

The Varni were among the Nerthus worshipers, and I traced them to Avars...who ended up in the region that the map concentrates on. I had traced Dacians to Dagestan, making sense because remnants of "true Avars" live in Dagestan to this day...on the Caspian not far north of Verkana/Hercania. The Anarti are located smack beside the Hercuniates.

The Nerthus ceremony described at the link above smacks of the sacrifices made at the Bohemian Grove. Nerthus was thought to be inside a draped wagon. It can be assumed that someone, not Nerthus, is alive or dead in the wagon, and drowned in a pool when the wagon is submerged. In the same way, someone can be assumed to be wrapped up in cloth when a human-shaped package in cloth is placed in a wagon and offered in fire to Moloch at the Bohemian Grove. No one can go near the wagon, and onlookers don't know what's inside the cloth.

It evokes Hercules, who was poisoned by a cloak (Sarmations were called "Black Cloaks") so that dying by the biting poison was worse than being burned to death; he opted to be burned on a pyre instead. This myth suggests that sacrifice victims were covered in a chemical making them desire the flames of sacrifice to speed death. Achilles was covered in ambrosia by his own mother.

Enarete had Athamas as son, smacking of Themis of the Amazons (of Thermodon). Another son, Perieres, smacks of the pyres and of Piraeus near Salamis, which is conspicuous because another son of Enarete was Salmoneus. Remember, I trace Salamis (founded/ruled by Telemon) and Salmoneus to Deylamites (Caspian coast near Verkana), and Deylamites are definitely among the Celtic Illyrians (see yesterday).

I trace Deylamites to Dilmun/Telmon, home if Ishtar, who appears to be represented, not just in the Ister river that was the Danube, where the Hercuniates are situated, but in the Histri peninsula shown to the west of the Colopiani.

Perieres is important for helping to trace the Celtic Illyrians to Avaris Hyksos and Perseus-based Gorgons, for "Perieres...was a son of Aeolus and husband of Gorgophone [= daughter of Perseus]. He was the father of Leucippus and Aphareus."

Perieres, Perseus, and Aphareus: the Avaris Hyksos that should trace to pseudo-Avars, explaining why Khyan-based Hyksos were recently suspect on the Sava river.

We can't be in the Celtic Illyian theater without Aphrodite, for she was the Venus foundress of the Veneti. I do trace "Aphro(dite)" to "Pers(eus)," and I now do recall that I had traced the latter to "Avaris" by the argument above. Myth had many terms describing the same peoples. Possibly, "Avar" stemmed from "Epirus," and that's yet another suspect for Perdix.

In the news, Iraq has 30 days to chose a functioning governmental system, and Maliki has already grabbed the money bags of the country for his own Shi'ite self:

"Iraq's president formally asked Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki [today] to form a new government, giving him 30 days to choose a cabinet from among Iraq's fractious Shi'ite, Kurdish and Sunni political factions.

...Among [Maliki's] biggest decisions are his choices to head the oil and finance ministries....

The oil ministry, which has signed a raft of deals with global petroleum companies in the past year in a bid to vault Iraq back into the top echelon of producers, is led by Hussain al-Shahristani, a close Maliki ally and a leader in his newly formed National Alliance.

'All ministries are important, but the National Alliance is interested in getting the oil ministry, then the finance ministry,' said a senior lawmaker in Maliki's coalition who asked not to be named."

That's the scoop. The wait is on to see how much representation Maliki gives to Allawi and al-Sadr i.e. to see whether either one rebels against Maliki and grounds the process once again, or worse.

In israel, the Netanyahuites are still celebrating after the O-ministration had to agree to put in writing their request to have the three month settlement freeze enacted. I don't think that the Netanyahuites will be happy with what's going to be put in writing, because that's the game they're playing: security for Israel first, Obama second. But Obama wants Obama first, Israel's security second.

Obama is on the wrong side, the side that wants the United States destroyed. He thinks that there are good Muslims outside the country who don't want to see America fall. AND, the American military is a two-faced animal:

"Wikileaks is planning to release files that show Turkey has helped al-Qaida in Iraq, according to London-based daily Al-Hayat. The newspaper also reported that the US helped the PKK, a Kurdish rebel organization.

One of the documents, a US military report, reportedly charges Turkey with failing to control its borders, because Iraqi citizens residing in Turkey provided al-Qaida with supplies to build bombs, guns and ammunition.

...Other documents show that the US has supported the PKK, which has been waging a separatist war against Turkey since 1984 and has been classified by the State Department as a terrorist organization since 1979. The US military documents call the PKK 'warriors for freedom and Turkish citizens,' and say that the US set free arrested PKK members in Iraq. The documents also point out that US forces in Iraq have given weapons to the PKK and ignored the organization's operations inside Turkey.

On Wednesday, the Obama administration said that it had alerted Congress and begun notifying foreign governments that the WikiLeaks website is preparing to release sensitive US diplomatic files that could damage US relations with friends and allies across the globe.

Officials said the documents may contain everything from accounts of compromising conversations with political dissidents...

'These revelations are harmful to the United States and our interests,' State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley said. 'They are going to create tension in relationships between our diplomats and our friends around the world.'"

Well then do what's right, and these exposures won't plague you, but will rather honor you. The first right thing to do is to get out of the Middle East and produce your own oil. The second right thing to do is to arrest the true plotters of 9-11. The next right thing to do is to fire Obama, and elect to High Office a Man on the Street who has no contact with the Illuminati.

The article goes on to say: "A statement on WikiLeaks Twitter site Wednesday said 'the Pentagon is hyperventilating again over fears of being held to account.'" It's Exposure Time, and it's only just begun.

November 26

A couple of tips from Tim and Julie today that can lead Pharisee stock to Meschins and, therefore, to Freemasons in general. Tim wrote in to say that the Russell motto, "Che sara sara," looks like "Caesarea/Kaisariyah," which is situated in Mazaca. We need to discover whether this is by coincidence, or whether Russells intended to codify Kaisariyah.

Russells and Meschins both uses WHITE scallops, and the Cappadocia region where Mazaca is found was "WHITE Syria." "KaiSariyah" appears rooted in "Syria," suggesting that "caesar" was itself rooted in "Kai-Syria." The male/Briquessart side of Ranulf le Meschin was from EYstein of the Rollo/Dane Rus, suggesting that Russells were from that Rus family.

When one enters "Macey," the houseofnames brings the term up automatically as "MacEy." Then, the Scottish Macey/MacEy surname has MacKay/Kye/Quey variations smacking of ">Kue, the proto-Dane region of Adana (Cilicia) that was also Que/Qewe and Koa. AND, in Adana was CEYhan, smacking of the color cian and of pharaoh Khyan once again.

Keep in mind that mythical Lug was given a Cian for a father, for Julie's tip will lead us to the Macey relationship with Lug.

As the Macey/Mackay Shield is identical to the English Macey shield, I figured that the clan was first Mascy/Massey, named after Macey in Manche (as one of the write-ups tells), and then developed the Kay and Ey variations when coming into contact with Irish>Scots who like to use "Mac" in front of everything. However, the write-ups do not suggest that the surnames developed from a Scottish misunderstanding of "Mascy/Massey" as MacKay/Key/Ey." Instead, the write-ups suggest that Maceys and Mackays were from an Ey-like term to begin with.

I struggled with that idea because I feel that Maceys, first found in Cheshire, had to be Mascys and Masseys, first found in Cheshire, especially as Masseys were likewise from Manche. I struggled because I felt certain that Mascys/Masseys were not from "Kay" or "Ey," but from Meshech and Meshwesh i.e. from M-terms all along the paths of their migrations.

BUT NOW the solution seems evident, that there were Kays/Cais in the Macey family all the way from Ceyhan and Kue, not far from KaiSariyah of Mazaca. One can't get a much better match with "Mascy" than "Mazaca." I now suggest that Cai and Mascys were distinct entities/terms converging in Mazaca's Kaisariyah, and remaining merged, more or less, all the way to Britain.

There's much on this Cai/Kay topic as it connects to pharaoh Khyan in the fifth update of this month, in case you're interested. That is, the Kai factor was the Khyan=Hyksos factor as it linked to the Mascy-branch Meshech>Amazons. And, of course, as per Ezekiel 38, we expect the Rosh=Rus among the Meshech. One now gets the sense that Biblical Gog was just this Kyhan-Hyksos entity.

I should mention that the Capella Coat is in Macey colors, and uses the Biden/Button cap/chapeau symbol. A while back, I had traced the Capella surname to Cappadocia, and by that stroke of luck was able to trace mythical Capys (son of Assaracus) recently to Cappadocia, where the Kaisariyah link to mythical Kay was stumbled (or perhaps re-stumbled) upon. The Biden/Button surname is about to come up again as per Julie's tip.

You do realize the importance of this discussion as it not only touches on the roots of Freemasons and Templars in Cappadocia, but in the Hyksos and in Ezekiel's Gogi kingdom. But to have it all link to Pharisee and/or Sadducee stock as well, is mind-blowing.

I am reminded that Grimaldis of Liguria are said to derive from the idea of "mask," a Mascy-like term, and that Meschins were linked to Ligurians in Britain. "Phony" is the middle name of the Pharisees, and the symbol of the Ligurian Grimaldis (I think Monaco) was/is a monk wielding a sword inside his cloak. Can't get much more phony than that. The Grimaldi monk looks "beautiful" or holy on the outside, but inside he is filled with greed and murderous filth. The Kays were the Shays/Shaws, in my opinion, who use the "holy" grail symbol, the beautiful cup of the Pharisees.

It just so happens that the Cai of Cilicia's Adana region were traced to the Cadusii before I knew of the Shaws. Long before that, I surmised that the holy grail bloodline was Cilix, mythical code for Cilicia, because it smacks of "chalice." Cilix was and brother to CADmus, and so CADmus elements had to be in Cilicia as the historical Cati peoples of Cilicia, who lived in/near Adana in a Khassi-named region. Then I found this:

...Knowing furthermore that Kadou and Kai Delymites of Cadusia moved to become the Cati and Que/Kahu of the Tarsus [or Adana] region, I can begin to see that Ishtar in Mesopotamia was the Agade [= Akkadia] holy grail that moved northward to Cadusia before reaching Syria and Cilicia as the Cati. Never before had I understood/considered that the Cati were Ishtar herself. "


Before making that find, I had traced the Revelation-17 harlot, code-named "Babylon" in Akkadia (who holds a gold grail in her hand filled with filthy murder), to Ishtar and her Babylonian cult. In Amorite Assyria (conquered by Amorites from the Habur river), she became merged with the Guti peoples that had previously been a ruling part of her Inana (= Anu/Anaki/Enki] cult in Uruk/Erech of Sumeria. I identified the Guti as the later Kassites (both lived in Zagros), and that idea later came to jibe with Cati living in Khassi.

The Kassites had a "Habira" tribe that I traced to the Apiru/Abiru of Babylon in general, but then there were the Hayasa Azzi (near/in Cappadocia), whom I identified as Hyksos out of Egypt (they were "Heka Khasewet" in Egyptian) as they became the Cilicians of KIZZUwatna. Thus, the Hyksos out of Egypt had to be from the same stock as the Cati of Khassi, and therefore Hyksos were the Cadmus and Cilix lines out of Tyre...the holy grail bloodline to the Kays and Shaws, and Maceys.

I had mentioned the Kadou in a chapter on the Cadusii and Deylamites, sharing this online quote:

"The earliest mention of the Deylamites occurs in Polybius' universal history, of the late 2nd century B.C.E. (5.44.9), in which, in the description of Media, Greek Delymaioi is to be read in place of geographically impossible Elymaioi (i.e., Susiana [where Kassites lived]), as the tribes named immediate after them (Anaria, Kai, Kadou, Sioi, Matíanoi) were all in the north. It is also possible that the 'Elymaioi' mentioned by Plutarch (Pompey 36.2; 1st century B.C.E.) with the Medes were actually Deylamites. In the later 2nd century C.E. Ptolemy (6.2) listed Delymaís as a place in northern Choromithrene, which was located southeast of Ray [= Rhagae] and west of the Tapuroi (i.e., T®abaresta@n). There, too, the toponym was corrupted to Elymaís (Markwart, EÚra@næahr, p. 126 n. 1)."

...The Delymite tribes of Kai and Kadoi seem conspicuous enough; were these not the Kahu and Cati, mentioned by Shalmaneser II as being in eastern Cilicia, at Tarsus? This tends to expose Delymites as the holy grail of Freemasonry...not so much Hebrew blood as Elamite.">

In my mind, the topics in that quote had earlier been the womb of Zeus, Hermes, Ares...and probably every major Greek god related to them. The Deylamites look like Elamites, who were Semites. I think that the anti-Semitism term was invented, not by Israelites, but by other Hebrews of the Illuminati kind. Why not use "anti-Israelite" if indeed "anti-Semitism" is intended to mean opposition to Israelis. But I think modern Israel was founded by other Hebrews and Semites belonging to dragonline Rosicrucians.

Shalmaneser, who was from the said Amorite conquerors of Assyria (i.e. he was from the Ishtar cult that had long before merged with the Guti), had conquered the Kahu and the Cati. His title breaks down as Shalman-Ashur, smacking of the Saleman surname that I link both to Salamis and to the Sals/Sales of Mascy. The Saleman write-up was checked for that reason, to see if there are signs of linkage to the topic at hand, and here's what was found: "First found in Surrey where they were Lords of the manor of Caterham from ancient times." CATerham???

THEN, when I checked the Cater surname, a Coat is Saleman colors and using...white salmons! It means that Caters were definitely merged with Salemans.

As the Saleman Coat uses all three Meschin colors, while the Meschins use white scallops leading back to Sicily, I should mention that the Italian Salmon surname (Illuminati checks?) was first in Sicily.

Cater-like surnames are now suspect as holy-grail Cati of Cilicia. I don't forget that I trace Cheshire, and the Meschin-related Keiths/Keaths, to the Catti of Hesse. The Cadman/CattmanCoat is very interesting because it uses "columbine buds," a term that traces to "colom=dove," the Ishtar symbol as per her Semiramis cult in the Cilicia domain. The Cathan Crest is "A stork's head royally crowned proper", and as the surname was first in Yorkshire, there could have been links to Storkhouse of Yorkshire.

As you can see, the Storkhouse link above is the Odin Coat, which surname could be from the Codman/Codeman variations of the Catmans. The Odin write-up appears to trace to "Lords of HOLDerness," but then the Cadmans also have Coldman and Caldmen variations.

The Odin lion is very interesting as per what FE sent in, which I hope to have time for this morning. The horse in the Odin Crest smacks of the Vere/Ferrari horse, and the Massey horse (both Veres and Masseys were from Manche). And that brings me to Julie's topic. She said: "I also find the emblem of the Bavarian town of Fussen rather odd. Maybe you can do something."

Yes I can. The Arms of Fussen is three legs from a central axis, in the same style as the three legs of the Arms of the Isle of Man. I knew that before reading the Fussen article, but didn't know that Fussen connected with the Isle of Man...until reading: "Fussen has Saint Mang (Magnus of Fussen) as its Patron Saint." I knew that peoples on the isle of man are called, "Manx."

AND, I've tentatively traced "Manx" to "Manche." Therefore, the trace I make of Masseys and Maceys of Manche to Bavaria's Garibald>Grimaldi line would appear to be in-part to Fussen. This is all very good, because it jibes with the Meschin merger with swan-line Ligurians of Britain, whose surnames were Legh/Ley like.

Not only do we read (in the Fussen article) that "[Fussen] is located on the banks of the Lech river," but "The famous castles of Neuschwanstein and Hohenschwangau are located near [Fussen]. Julie was writing in because she seeks the swan line of Lohengrin (the so-called "swan knight") and Godfrey de Bouillon, which as was discussed fairly recently was the swan line of Parzival/Percival, the mythical holy-grail king.

The two terms in the quote, NeuSCHWANstein and HohenSCHWANgua, are swan terms, like Schwangua of Bavaria. Julie went on to say that from the Wittelsbach of Scheyern (Bavaria) had a 19th century Bavarian king, Ludgwig the Mad," a "patron of composer Wagern who wrote 'Lohengrin.'"

To make the Ligurian swan link to Fussen even harder, the history of the Isle of Man has one Manannan as it's founder, a mythical depiction of British Danaan that became merged with Lug(h), son of Cian (code for a Danaan tribe that I trace to Khyan Danaans=Hyksos).

Although Lug is an Irish entity, I trace him to Ligurians, and it is safe to say that "Cian" is the same as the Scottish Sion/Swan surname...using the Macey and Mackay Shields, and the Macey metal glove. AND that seems to clinch my impression that the "Manu" motto term in the Scottish Macey/Mackay Coat is code for the Isle of Man, even the Manche elements of the Masseys/Maceys.

In her same email, Julie writes that the Knights of Schwangau were of the order of St Gereon, a brotherhood organized in 1191. The idea comes from "Hormayr--Hortenburg, in 'Die Goldene Chronik von Hohenschwangau,' [who] writes of knights Ulrich and Hinrich being 'gebruder von Schwangau und Geerian'". Ranulf le Meschin's son was styled, "Gernon."

WOWWIE! I just re-checked the Gernon Coat, and saw it's motto code, "cyfoeth," and while at-first concentrating on whether the "Cy" portion was for the Kays, I saw the "foeth" portion...that MUST BE (!!!) code for Fussen: "The original name of Fussen was 'Foetes', or 'Foetibus' (inflected), which derives from Latin 'Fauces', meaning 'gorge', probably referring to the Lech gorge." Julie thinks that "Foetes" is from "feet," as in the three feet used by the Arms of Fussen. NOTE, however, that the Arms uses legs, smacking of the Lech gorge...and the Cheshire Leghs/Leys.

THUS, Meschins were in Fussen, without doubt.

As per the "boot" term that is likely related to a b-version of "foot," the French Masseys use a boot symbol. We can speculate, therefore, that Fussen was also a Bussen term, and that gets us to the Bessin (Normandy) again, where Meschins were from. But I have the suspicion that a Bussen term links also to the Buttons/Bidens and other Buz-like entities.

The Gerone Coat uses mascles and should therefore be a Gernon variation. The Gerones have Gerin and Gering variations smacking of Geerion cult at Schwangau. Julie says that the Geerions were of "Herren von Schwangau," suggesting possibilities that the mythical heron or crane (or even a stork), and/or the "haurient" heraldry code, and/or Heron- and Crane-like surnames, could apply. The Caters, for example, use a "salmon haurient." Cranes, herons, and storks have long LEGS.

The Salmon surname of Italy uses a Coat just like the Hohens, perhaps linking to HohenSchwangau castle. These Salmons were first in Sicily, and the Arms of Sicily also use three legs in the fashion of the Fussen Arms (no pun intended). As I explained to Julie, the Arms of Sicily likely derive from its Trapani region in western Sicily...where, by the way, I traced mythical Butes (= Daedalus bloodline) of Athens. "Trapani" looks like the Greek "drepani," which was round-about the tripod symbol of Apollos, meaning "three feet."

The reason that I link Butes to Daedalus (who I identify as Deylamites) is because Butes was a twin brother to Erechtheus, and Daedalus was from the Erechtheus line. In the Trapani region were the Elymians, smacking of the Elamites=Deylamites. Note the sega-like city of the Elymians, and the Sicani:

"The Elymi shared western Sicily with the Sicani, the Phoenicians and later the Greeks. Their three most important cities were Segesta, the political centre; Eryx (the modern Erice), a religious centre; and Entella. Other cities were Elima, Halyciae (referred to as Alicia in modern Italian sources), Iatae, Hypana and Drepanon."

Note Eryx in that quote, for there was "another" Butes: "An Argonaut, son of Teleon. Aphrodite's lover, a famous bee keeper and a Sicilian king. He was the father of Eryx by Aphrodite." As Teleon was Butes' father, and as we're dealing with a DaeDalus cult here, I'd say that Teleon should link to Talos=Perdix, even Telemon, founder/ruler of Salamis (with nearby Piraeus), the other place that I traced Talos=Perdix.

When I was on the Eryx topic years ago, at which time I traced Butes and the Sirens there (not to mention ERECHtheus), I saw that this area of Sicily founded the mouth of the Rhone, where Ligurians were founded. That was recently supported when I traced PolyXENA entities in Salamis to the founding of Ligurians at the mouth of the Rhone.

Although the sickle symbol of Sicily should be code for the Sicels, why not also the Sicani? The Greek "drepani" does not mean "tripod," but rather means "sickle." But one can make the drepani link to the Trapani region of Sicily by way of the similarity of "Sicily" with "sickle." My guestimation is that the Greek tripod became the drepani=sickle symbol, meaning that the same entity depicted with three feet came also to be depicted as a drepani, and these were the proto-Sicels and/or proto Sicani (Sicyon, where Telchis=Telchines were founded, makes sense). Note that Apollo was the wolf line, and that the Scylla monster was a wolf.

Also, the tripod was a symbol specifically of the Apollo Oracle at DELphi, a Tel term that should link to Teleon (of western Sicily) and Telchines. A sickle is a curved object (like a boomerang) and a saw all at once. The legs in the Arms of Sicily are curved at the knees to form "sickles."

Daphne was also at Delphi with the Apollo Oracle, and she was depicted as a dolphin as a result. I think she traces to dolphin-depicted Dauphine of France, up the Rhone river, that serving as further evidence that Trapani elements in Sicily were up the Rhone...toward Sion of Switzerland (I trace Sion to the Dauphine-like Savona (= swan) Ligurians). After the Argo ship in the Argonautica (or was it the Odyssey?) came out of the Rhone and sailed past Corsica, it came to Butes and the Sirens, and then to the Scylla monster.

Again, Sirens were Muses (= proto-Masseys) and Apollo was chief of the Muses. Apollo was twin to ArTEMIS of the Themis Amazons at Thermodon=Trabzon, and I think "Trabzon" is the root of the Trapani region, meaning that a Sicel/Sican-like peoples should be found in the Trabzon theater.

The dragon cult must always trace back to the Thermodon, and that river had a source in Cappadocia. If Capys depicted Cappadocians, then his father, Assaracus, who definitely depicted Saracens, must have been among proto-sega-like clans such as Sagans and Sawyers, for these clans have been traced solidly to Saracens. Scythians, often identified with the Saka, were all over Cappadocia.

Very likely, the curved sword, a scimitar, was a symbol of the Scythians, and that must have been the sickle that Cronus castrated Uranus with. This was Gog and Rosh, and Meshech and Tubal, and Gomer and Togarmah. It was not blessed Israel then, and was not blessed Israel as they evolved into Saxons and other Scandinavians.

Let's not forget the curved-arm symbol of heraldry that I linked to "hook" and to the Gogi, for a Gog-like term once meant "hook" (Ezekiel 38-39 says that God will hook Gog). I had no inclination, when linking the curved arm to Gogi, of the curved leg now under discussion, that also links to Gogi peoples. BEHOLD. I wrote the two sentences above while the Armstrong Coat was loading. I wrote the above two sentences because the curved arm came to mind when I thought to check the Armstrong Coat. I had not seen the curved arm in the Armstrong Crest at that time, and was hopping that there would be one.

The reason that I decided to check the Armstrong Coat had not to do with a curved arm, but because Herbert W. Armstrong, founder of so-called Armstrongism, taught that Saxons were Israelites. He professed to be a Christian, perhaps even a prophet. He claimed that "Saxon" derives in "Isaac's son." Foolish man.

The Armstrong Coat uses "maneo," and is in Macey colors. It's strongarm symbol was used also by Russian Communism, where it should be a Rothschild symbol because this Rothschild Arms (compliments of Tim) also use it. Note the white scallop at the center, the symbol of the Russells (and Meschins).

As you may know, another "Christian" prophet was Charles Taze Russell, founder of the Jehovah's Witnesses cult. Russell supported Rothschilds and their Zionism, but was a pyramidologist.

Interestingly, the Armstrong Coat looks much like one of the Arms of Richard Amerike, and I think that Tim traces him to ARMorica. Another Arms of Amerike use red and gold horizontal bars, a symbol of the Camerons who use the five Rothschild bunched arrows.

I had linked Rothschild bankers loosely to the Drummond bankers (not necessarily meaning that the link wasn't strong), and the banker, Henry Drummond was the founder of the cult, Catholic Apostolic Church, the cult that spread pre-tribulationism. The point is, Drummond's church had 12 apostles throughout Europe that were thought to be rulers of God's European Israel. Literally.

One gets the impression that Rothschilds have been spreading British- and European-Israelism.

I had traced Rothschilds to Masseys, and Masseys to the Mackesys/D'Argensens (Meschin colors)...who I then linked to the Darks/D'Arques using a purple strong arm for a Crest. We can know that Mackesys/Margensons were Maceys/Mackays because the Mackesy lion is used by the Margy/Mackey Coat...using ravens and an arrow much like the Murdochs.

Murdochs were treated in the last update page, and their "secundo" motto term (smacks of the Sicani of Sicili) was traced to the sega=saw cult. The Murdoch arrow was traced to Salamis, and the Doch part of the surname to Teucer elements in Salamis.

Let's not forget that Teucer elements in England were in the Tokers/Togers, who were merged with Puter>Putten-like clans into Sussex, where I traced other bloodlines chosen by Rothschilds to lead their Communist Russia, for the Mackesys were first in Sussex too. I don't forget that I expect the Gogi anti-Christ to be a Meschin/Massey of some sort.

The symbol of Communist Russia includes a sickle, and the hammer and sickle is said to be a symbol of labor. We continue to see the "Labore" motto term, and it's the entire motto of the Mackeys. Coincidence? Cronus (i.e. depicted with a sickle) was likely the chief god of Crete, for even Zeus was afraid of him there, and as we just saw, Daedalus elements from Crete founded the sickle-depicted Sicilians. Daedalus was the inventor of the labor-like LABYRinth. I think we get it, that the Rus, Rosicrucians, and Russian Communists, were from Cronus-based (= Moloch/Saturn/Hercules/Melkart/satan) Cretans. They weren't blessed Israelites, anyway.

Let's go back to the Fussen quote: "Fussen has Saint Mang (Magnus of Fussen) as its Patron Saint."These Man and Mangus terms had been linked to the Mattis surname that now runs Obama's military machine worldwide. Note the two "sic" motto terms, and one "sacra" term, used in the Maghan/Mann Coat (the latter surname, from "Mathuna," being one I linked closely to commander Mattis). Note the curved arm in the Crest, and that the lions are roughly those of the Mackesys and Mackies.

I have not been able to determine whether Mattis is the anti-Christ, and prefer to believe that he will be the False Prophet's agent in making an alliance with the anti-Christ...when the latter enters Iraq, or, if he's already there, is unveiled in Iraq.

I'm out of time, and will get to FE's revelations as soon as I can. It involves a family affair of the Vere kind in the European world that looks after "human rights."

The Jerusalem Post is featuring a story on Israel. It too is called "Kaysaria," like the one in Cappadocia:

"... a town in Israel on the outskirts of Caesarea Maritima, the ancient port city. It is located mid-way between Tel Aviv and Haifa (45 km), on the Israeli Mediterranean coast near the city of Hadera.

...Caesarea is believed to have been built on the ruins of Stratonospyrgos (Straton's Tower), founded by Straton I of Sidon...The pagan city underwent vast changes under Herod the Great, who renamed it Caesarea in honor of the Roman emperor, Caesar Augustus."

Did he really rename it after Augustus, or did he just say that? As per Herods having elements in the Cilician theater, might the city have been named after Kaysaria of Cappadocia. Another article, which tells that the location is near a Sheba-like Sebastos, was a famed Herod monument:

"...This site [of Kaisariyah] was insignificant until Herod the Great began to develop it into a magnificent harbor befitting his kingdom...The forty-acre harbor would accommodate 300 ships, much larger than the modern harbor existing today.

Herod the Great also constructed a theater with a seating capacity of 3500. According to Josephus, this is where the death of Herod Agrippa occurred, as recounted in Acts 12."

It gives me the impression that herods were involved with the Cai terms of Hyksos-based Cilicia and beyond into the Halys river that was at first given a Kizzu-like name: "(Old Caesarea). The present (1908) city seems to have been established in the early days of the Mussulman occupation. It is situated on the Kizil Yirmak (Halys)..."

The Mussulman term for the Muslims is very interesting for my trace of Musselburgh (Lothian) both to Meschins/MASCULines and to Muslims of the Saracen kind. The impression of that theory is that Muslims were of Massey stock, of the same stock that was the Mazaca region wherein Kaisariyah is found. If this Massey=Muslim theory is true, Masseys could trace to Mosul, where I root the term, "Moslim," and where the anti-Christ is to arise. That in a nutshell could be why I feel that Meschins will have something to do with the anti-Christ.

If you don't know from my many mentions, Musselburgh is in Haddingtonshire, smacking of the Cater surname we met today, and of the Hadera location near Israel's Kaisariyah. This is important because Keiths/Keaths are said in their write-up to be a Catti peoples, and they were first found in Haddingtonshire. And as I tend to link the Cilician entities under discussion to pharaoh Khyan, read this from the Keith write-up: "Through marriage with an heiress of the Cheynes of Axkergill, the Keiths acquired lands in Caithrless." Another Cater-like term, and a axe-like term mixed with a Khyan-like term. Quite apparently, "Caithr" is a Keith variation.

The Axkergill term smacks of Ackers/Accas and therefore of Acre/Acca in Israel on the maritime coast...not far from Kaisariyah.

The Mussel surname is also "Muscel," and uses a Meschin/Masculine-Coat likeness.

It dawns on me now that "Cheshire," which I've traced to Keiths, smacks of "Caisariyah" and of the Russell motto, "Che sara sara." If that Cheshire link to Caesarea is real, and it looks very good to this point, it easily explains why Masseys and Meschins of Cheshire appear linked to Kays-et-al. Chester surname variations include ChesSyre, making us wonder whether all "shires" trace to Syria and/or KaiSARIYAH.

It's beginning to look as though Herods, Pharisees (recall Capys-like CAIAphas), and Templars all converged in and out of White Syria and Kaisariyah.

November 27

Look at the snakes who are the European-Israelists. In a chapter entitled, "THE GOTHS -- A BRANCH OF ISRAEL IN EXILE," he/she writes: "One of the locations in which the Assyrians exiled the House of Israel was to a region of Mesopotamia known as Gutium, which extended north from the city of Nineveh up to the mountainous area around Lake Van...In a similar way, Israelites exiled to Gutium were called 'Guti,' even though they were not of the same racial descent as the original Mesopotamian people of that name. Their original homeland was in the southern Zagros Mountains..." Apparently, the writer wants to trick readers into believing that "Guti" is a form of "Jew" or "Judah."

His/her problem in doing so, however, is that the Guti lived before the Israelites were formed, and he/she must admit as much: "In about 2200 B.C. [date likely a few hundred years too early], the Guti swept down from their mountain strongholds to conquer all of Mesopotamia, destroying the Akkad dynasty...and subdued the whole of Babylonia...Their surviving remnant fled from Babylon and Chaldea north to the Tigris and Lower Zab River. "The Guti held both banks of the Lower Zab, in the mountains east of Assyria" (History of Egypt, G. Maspero, p.171). " The Zab rivers were downtown Assyria, occupied at the time by the Arphaxadites and likely some Hebrews and other Semites.

Wikipedia says that the Kue Cilicians were founded by "Kue Assyrians," but I was able to trace the Kue more specifically to Cadusia, and I've often asked whether the Cadusii had been the Guti. Certainly, "Kue" could grow out of "Guti."

I regret that there are some writers using my ideas on non-Israelite Hebrews and applying them to their own European-Israelism. But they'll lose this "war," for God is going to expose the Illuminatists for who they really are.

My trace of the Guti to the Kassites can lend European-Israelists some gunpowder (something that can explode in one's face), because Kassites had a Habira tribe that European-Israelists can claim as Israelites. Moreover, if I can prove that Kassites led to Khazars, they will again claim that the Khazars, though a main element in the Illuminati, were Israelites. There is virtually no Scythian group that isn't being claimed as one or another tribe of Israel. Today, I'm going to investigate a Massey link to some "Israelites," the Maccabees.

Something interesting and perhaps Illuminati-enlightening is starting to set in. The Kadou and Kai Delymites of Cadusia lived even before the Cati and Que/Kahu of Cilicia that they became. Shalmaneser of Assyria conquered the latter so that we know they were in Cilicia before the ten-tribe Israeli exile to Assyria. This was also before the Romans were formed, and Khazar-like "caesars' were even after that.

I started to think that the Kaisariyah location (Halyes river, north of Cilicia), which I'm assuming was from the Kai>Que peoples above, was a Kassite entity of the KIZZUwatna (Cilicia) Hyksos that had settled Khassi (Cilicia), where the Cadou>Cati lived. From that idea, one can postulate that Khazars, appearing more than 1500 years after Shalmaneser, grew out of "Kaisariyah."

There is some evidence for this theory...a theory that developed apart from what I had seen yesterday. As I started to dwell on the theory this morning, thinking through the steps that might have taken place, I recalled that Varangian Rus had some decent relationship with the Khazars at first (later they betrayed and devastated Khazaria). I knew that the Illuminati was very much Varangian Rus, and very much Khazar, and I trace the Kays and Mackays of Scotland both to the Rus and to the Kai of the Cilicia theater. The theory is that Khazars were a distinct branch of Kai that went into northern Caucasia and only afterward came back to merge with the Kay and Mackay Rus...that had long before gone through Troy.

Yes, the proto-Kays and proto-Mackays were the Aeneas Trojans/Mysians, who landed in the Meshwesh part of north-Africa before arriving to southern Italy and southern France, where some Scandinavians, including Danes and Varangians, are rooted. I identified the Rollo Rus, from whom the Meschins/Mackays/Kays derived, as both Danes and Varangians, and so let's not forget that the Kue were in the Adana region of Cilicia, where the Hyksos Danaans settled.

"Aeneas" sounds like "Ananias/Annas," father of CAIAphas the high priest (see some details in previous update page) under whom Jesus was murdered. Similarity of terms in itself is not hard evidence, of course, but European-Israelists are infamous for using that method of evidence alone. The fact that I traced Mackays and Kays to Aeneas (mythical character depicting the Heneti Trojans out of Dardania) before tracing them (days ago) to the Kai of Cilicia, and before tracing the Pharisees to the same, adds to the evidence. Then, I found and shared (days ago) that Ananias/Annas was chosen for the Israeli priesthood by a Roman tool out of Syria.

It should be added here that Khazar kagans were priest-rulers of the Khazars, just as Pharisees were priest-rulers of Israel, and that Khazars were ruled by Hebrews when the Varangian Rus came along.

So here's the evidence for the Kai>Khazar theory that I had seen yesterday: I assume that the Kai who named Kaisariyah were the Kue Cilicians, and the latter were also Quwe and Qeve or Keveh. I recall suggesting a link to Keve (Ukraine) some years ago, but the point here is that the Varangian Rus came to live in Keve, and no one knows exactly why except that there were some friends or kin of the Varangians way over there (far from Scandinavia) who asked them to assist them in war. And, Keve was on the outskirts of Khazaria, which makes the theory of a Khazar root in Kaisariyah, or even in the Kue region of Adana, very compelling.

The Wiki site where we find the Kue variations may help us to understand why Freemasons have a love affair with Solomon, not likely due to his God-fearing side but to his paganism in the latter years of his life. It says: "According to many translations of the Bible, [Kue] was the place from which King Solomon obtained horses. (I Kings 10: 28, 29; II Chron. 1:16)." Horses. Weren't those the Hyksos and Ares=Rus thing?

Let's not forget Ceyhan and the Ceyhan river in the Adana theater, for the term smacks of Khyan (= the Exodus pharaoh until I see otherwise). "According to classical references [the Ceyhan's] source is at Cataonia near the town of Arabissus." Another Cat term, eh? It has a source nearly up by Gogarene of Armenia way, and "[The Ceyhan's] main tributaries are called Harman, Goksun..."

These apparent Hermes-based Gogi, who are not blessed Israelites, can be traced to mythical Cycnus (the swan) of Liguria, for not only was the swan-like lake Sevan (Armenia/Colchis) given an alternative Goksu-like name (after the Gogarene/Gugar region on it's shores), but here's what I shared on the Goksu region in my chapter, Satan's Via Della Rose:

...the Taurus mountains between Cilicia and the Halys river...In another Britannica article, the Calycadnus river in Cilicia is given the local name, 'Goksu,' yet another reason to equate the Taurus peoples with the Gogi. Strabo wrote (Book VII, Chap. 3) that the 'Taurisci' peoples are called also 'Ligurisci...'" ">

"CalyCADnus" is yet another Cad/Cat term, serving as evidence that the Harmon tributary of the Ceyhan river was named after Hermes, he and his caduceus rod being the depiction of the Cadusii Armenians. These things smack of the Kadou and Kai peoples of Cadusia, and perhaps "Kai" was just short-form for a branch of Cadusii.

Note this other Keve-like term from Wikipedia's Adana article:

"According to the Hittite inscription of Kava, found in Hattusa (Bogazkale), Kizzuwatna was the first kingdom that ruled Adana, under the protection of the Hittites by 1335 BC. At that time, the name of the city was Uru Adaniyya, and the inhabitants were called Danuna. Beginning with the collapse of the Hittite Empire, c. 1191-1189 BC, invasions from the west caused a number of small kingdoms to take control of the plain, as follows: Kue Assyrians, 9th century BC; Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia (Cilician Kingdom)...Seleucids; the pirates of Cilicia; and Roman statesman Pompey the Great."

The land of the Danuna was Satan Central. I can't find anything else on Kava, but my time is very limited this morning. "Kava" sounds like cavalo/cavalry=horse, the term that could have brought forth the Kabala and the Kybele cult. Keep in mind that the time period above is a few centuries after Khyan, and that his peoples would have been well-settled in Cilicia by that time.

I realize that "Seth" is a common Hebrew name after the Biblical Seth, and yet there was a Seth in Hyksos Egypt too that was Set and, some say, "Satan" itself. The father of the Israeli high priest, Ananias, was Seth, and as Ananias was chosen by a Syrian ruler who had previously been in Cyrene, where the Meshwesh and other Hyksos groups had settled hard, that ruler (Quirinius) may have been of the Set cult. There should have been a Set cult in Syria from the Khyan Hyksos, but then see the below too (Ramses ruled after Khyan was booted of Egypt by the Ten Plagues):

"Ramses the Great ascended to the[Egyptian] throne at the age of 25. The son of Seti 1 and Queen Tuya...During the early part of his reign, Ramses tried to end Hittite control of Syria. About 1285 BC. He fought a battle against the Hittites at Kadesh [Cadusia-like] and claimed a great victory. But about 1269 BC. Ramses made a treaty with the Hittite king, which divided Syria between them.

There you have a Seti bloodline developing in Syria, and Seti was obviously named after Set(h). The Cilician goddess, Semiramis may have been that Seti>Ramses bloodline, though another theory I hold is that she is to be understood as a Samos cult (= Armenian god) merged with ARAMeans of Syria.

The single point is that Pharisees could have been, should have been, from the Hyksos-Seth and/or Seti>Ramses bloodline in Syrio-Cilicia. I tend to go with the Hyksos-Seth cult as root for Pharisees, for Hyksos are known to have been Hebrews, albeit Seth and therefore Seti may have been a Hebrew entity too.

NOW LISTEN AND BEHOLD. The grail-using Shaw surname -- which I've tentatively linked to the cup symbol of the Pharisees -- is said to derive in "Sithech," and I had traced the Shaws to Italian Sheaves (because the Irish Shaw/Shay surname shows a Sheaves variation). The keys in the Italian Sheaves Coat suggests that Shaws/Shays were also Kays, said to be Keys, and that potentially links (I'm convinced already) Shaws to the Cai and Kue et-al. These ideas were presented days ago, before I came to the Kava topic only now...when I realized that "Kava" is a near-match with the Chaves and Chiava variations of the Italian Sheaves!!

Another Sheaves variation shown is Chiapponi, much like "Caiaphas." The evidence builds, and at some point we have got to realize that these things are not Cai-incidences. Want to see another Cai-incidence? The "qui" motto term of the English Shaws/Sheaves.

Wasn't I tracing Rothschilds and Russells to these very Kai peoples yesterday, implying that they may have been from the stock of Pharisees? It dawned on me after closing yesterday that the Rothschild-related Armstrongs may have derived in "Aram." The English Shaw/Sheaves Crest is Six arrows in saltire, BUT, the arrows are bunched Rothschild-style. Yes, Rothschilds are thought to link to Khazars, but then why not also the Kai if the Kai of Kaisariyah were root to Khazars? Recall the Cater term earlier on this page, and that I said: "Cater-like surnames are now suspect as holy-grail Cati of Cilicia." The cultish, Templar-friendly Cathars of France, thought by some to be Khazars in some way, come to mind.

The Shaw/Sheaves motto also used "vincit," a term i see often but don't mention much. It's a term I tend to root in the da-Vinci cult, though a better way to say it is that I see Leonardo da Vinci and family as part of whatever bloodline the "vincit" code refers to. I think the Vince/Finch surname (in English Shaw and Kay colors) should apply. You know by now that the holy-grail cult (that is wrongly traced to Jesus and Magdalene) includes the da-Vinci bloodline.

Searching for the surnames that could be linked to Kava and Keve, the Keebler Coat was found in Keith-Catti colors. Note that the Keith Coat, aside from it's so-called "Chief," is nothing but a white Shield. I've been thinking that white symbols, as for example the white scallops and the white stars used by the Keeblers, are symbols for "White Syrians" of the Kaisariyah/Cappadocia theater. Keiths have already been traced to White Syrians.

While at the Acre article yesterday, I happened to see this: "About 165 BC Judas Maccabeus defeated the Syrians in many battles in Galilee..." The natural knee-jerk reaction was to see Meschins of the bee-line Bessin. The idea was unlikely, but I loaded the Maccabee page anyway to check out possible links to the topic at hand, for Pharisees came out of unknown Israeli roots of the Maccabee era. The first thing at the article is:

"Judah Maccabee...Yehudah HaMakabi, Judah the Hammer) was a Kohen [= priest] and the third son of the Jewish priest Mattathias. He led the Maccabean revolt against the Seleucid Empire"

The English Maceys of Cheshire (possibly rooted in "Caisariyah") use a mace, a hammer of sorts, and sounding much like "Macca(bee)." The Maccabees were of (or became part of) the HasMONEAN bloodline. The Scottish Maceys use a "manu" motto term. But I don't forget that I trace mythical Samson, whose father was Manoah, to the god Manes leading to the Lydians of the Mysian theater, and that Manes depicted the MAEONIANs of Lydian ancestry.

I'm keeping in mind that Maccabees are not treated in Scriptural writ, and that neither Jesus nor the Apostles mentioned them. Were they Israelites at all? Or, if so, more of something else?

Judah Maccabee was born in Modi'in (pyramid-like symbol), and his father was Mattathias (of the Hasmoneans). These terms smack of the Medleys and Modleys, and the Massi/Matt surname to which I link Masseys. I generally link these terms to the Mitanni, who I trace to Modon/Methoni in Messene, which, because mythical Methoni was made a daughter of Oeneus the wine man, I trace the location back to the wine god, Dionysus, the god of Maeonians (mythicized as Maeands) on their Maeander river.

I also link Masseys to the Samson and Sammes surnames, the latter using a blood-dripping lion like one in the DENbighshire Jones Coat (a WHITE lion, Coat in Macey colors). I trace these Denbighshire James', who are Jonas' and Johns too, to the pagan priest, Jonathan (not likely the grandson of Moses as stated in Judges 18:30), whom the Samson Danaans set up as their priest. THEREFORE, what can we make of the fact that Judus Maccabee had brothers named, Jonathan, John, Simon, and Eleazar?

Isn't Simon a surname that was just linked days ago to the Samsons and Siemens of the Piast Poles? And as I traced the Samson cult to Hyksos, I can't ignore that the Hyksos king, Khyan, is said to link to the name, "John." We also find a Hasmonean king, Alexander Jannaeus.

I showed that the English Simon Coat used the trefoils of the Irish Shaws/Shays/Sheaves. I showed that "Jewish" Simons use a fox as does the Samson myth.

There are no doubt Hebrew clans that trace themselves to the Maccabees and who would use Macca-like surnames. But in no way would I abandon my trace of Meschins and Massey to the Mysians/Amazons/Meshech even if the evidence proves a Massey link to Maccabees. Instead, I would view Maccabees as another branch of Massey stock in the Meshech, and Mazaca of Cappadocia is now looking good.

On a coin of Judas Maccabeus at his Wikipedia article, see that the name is split in two, with "Chabeus" on the left side of the coin. The term smacks of mythical Capys, and I do trace Capys to the Copia motto term used in Cheshire, and to other Meschin entities. But "Chabeus" also smacks of "Caiaphas."

Clicking over to the Hasmonean article, we find the term, SanHEDRIN. That is, the Hasmoneans are said to have been linked to the Sanhedrin, the legislative body from which Pharisees/Sadducees ruled israel, and from which they sentenced Jesus to death. I see that "SanHedron" smacks of Haddington locale of the Keith Catti, and of the Cater term.

It smacks even more of Hadoram, son of Joktan, whom I trace to ADRAMmelech, god of the child-sacrificing Sepharvites...who were placed into Israel at the time of the exile (see 2 Kings 17:31). This means that Sepharvites could have named the Hedrin-like Kedron valley (smack to the south side of the Jerusalem Temple Mount) where child-sacrifices to Moloch and Baal are known Biblically. Could Khyan-related "John" (I don't think "John" actually traces to "Khyan") have been from "Joktan," and did the two wicked entities merge because they loved each other's wickedness?

The Kedron valley was traced (by me) to Kedron/Kendron of Greece (Ladon river area), where some Centaurs (e.g. Folos) were located, that jibing with Ixion, father of Centaurs. That's evidence of an Ixion=Khyan situation in the Kedron valley, Jerusalem, smack to the east side of Zion hill.


"During the Hasmonean period, the Sadducees and Pharisees functioned primarily as political parties...Pharisees demanded that the Hasmonean king Alexander Jannaeus choose between being king and being High Priest. In response, the king openly sided with the Sadducees by adopting their rites in the Temple...Alexander was succeeded by his widow, Salome Alexandra, whose brother was Shimon ben Shetach, a leading Pharisee."

Simon son of SHETHACH? That sure smacks of the Sithech>Shaw surname. And as that surname is said by its write-up to derive from "wolf," look at the rest of the sentence continuing immediately from where I left off above: "Upon [Salome's] death her elder son, Hyrcanus, sought Pharisee support, and her younger son, Aristobulus, sought the support of the Sadducees." Hyrcanus??? Isn't that like Hercania=Verkana, the so-called "wolf land" that is today the city of Gorgan? Was Gog in Israel's Sanhedrin??? Salome's Hyrcanus son made it to the position of Israel's high priest.

The Cater term cropped up as per the Saleman surname, smacking of Salome. The Salemans were "First found in Surrey where they were Lords of the manor of CATERham from ancient times," and the Cater Coat is Saleman colors and uses white salmons.

Even "Sadduc(ee)" smacks of the Sithech>Shaw surname. But again, Satan in Egypt was Seth and "Sutekh."

Again, Seth was the name of the father of Ananias, the Israeli high priest in the days of Jesus. And, "It is difficult to state at what time the Pharisees, as a party, arose. Josephus first mentions them in connection with Jonathan, the successor of Judas Maccabeus." Possibly, "Annas/'Ananias" was in honor of a Jonas/Johanan-like name.

The Hasmoneans survived the Herods by the skin of their hammers: "The Hasmonean Kingdom survived for 103 years before yielding to the Herodian Dynasty in 37 BC. Even then, Herod the Great felt obliged to bolster the legitimacy of his reign by marrying a Hasmonean princess, Mariamne, and conspiring to have the last male Hasmonean heir drowned in his Jericho palace." Modi'in, the place of birth of the Hasmonean Maccabees was also known as Hashmonaim. It's in the allotment of the Benjamites, and so note that a Benjamite account is inserted in the book of Judges after the Samson Danaans are inserted. The Benjamite account has a Greek-myth-like theme, the cutting up of a person into pieces (19:29). Yes, one can find anything in Greek myth because there are so many myths, but still, there could be a link. The cutting up of people was given as a symbol of Pelops, the Heneti from Antayla.

The Hashmonaim location reminded me of the Ashman surname (that I thought to link to Ishmaelites). The Ashman Coat uses white symbols again (like Samsons and Meschins), and they happen to be the white-on-red fleur-de-lys used my the Masseys. Moreover, the Ashman Coat (Massey-Coat colors) has black talbots, a code for the Meschin-related Talbots that I linked to Sals/Sales-of-Mascy and, consequently, to the Salemans.

The trick now is to discover the earlier root of "Hasmonean," but I may already have done so in Manoah, "father" of Samson, and the Maeonians bloodline. Whether the "spear" definition of the Ashman surname is correct or not, the spear symbol may yet apply to the family. The MONAhan's use a knight holding a spear (Arthurian cult?). I take note of the Monagan, Mongan, Monaugher, and Monck variations of the clan because they could link to the Manx>Manche topic (Masseys were first found in Manche) earlier in this page.

I've gone to lengths explaining how Masseys and Matthie-like clans (such as the Mathuna>Mann/Maghan surname) are related to the Massis/Mattis' of Italy as they evolved into the Massin/Mason surname, and so let me say that the Monahans/Monagans above are in Massin/Mason colors and that latter use spear-like motto codes for the Speer surname.

I traced Speers and related Sprees to the Poles, and Polish Piasts trace not only to the Samson cult, but to Pisidians that brought forth Tantalus and his son (Pelops) whom he cut into pieces).

Certain Mathie surnames (including the Massis) are said to be properly "Matthew," and that was the name of the earliest-listed Hasmonean in Wikipedia's article. The Scottish Mathie/Maghan/Matheson Coat uses "spera" for a motto code, smacking of the Massin/Mason motto, "Dum spiro spero." The spear was a symbol of long-haired Merovingians, but where the spear symbol was derived between Samson and Merovingians I am not sure. There is the notion that it may have been the so-called "spear of destiny," the spear that was thrust into Jesus.

[INSERT -- After writing this update to a few paragraphs below, while doing a spell check, the system suggested "Chapman" as a correction for "Chiapponi" (= variation of the Sheaves surname). I thought that Chapmans could be linked to a Capys entity, and had a look at it, to find, not only a red/white crescent on red/white like the Spree Coat, but a broken spear in the Crest!

The Chapman Coat, in fact, uses an crooked arm holding the broken spear, as does the Speer crest holding an unbroken spear. The crooked arm was suggested only yesterday as a symbol of Sicily's sickle symbol, and in particulare the Trapani region of Sicily founded much by the peoples of Segesta, wherefore I note that the Speer motto uses "sage et."

Moreover, Sprees use the "simple" motto term seen often in my hunts, which I recently thought was code for the Temples of Cheshire (I've traced Capys elements there). I had found it strange that the French Temple-Coat page has no write-up, and besides that I figured that Temples were a ground-zero for Templars. When re-checking the French Temple Coat this time, there was a Coat shown earlier, and finding which one it was, it turned out to be exactly the Monahan Coat, the one with spear held by a knight! I remind you in case my writings confuse you (reminders can often cause mind burn-out, I realize, as well as being helpful) that "MONAhan" is suspect as a HasMONIAN bloodline).

The Monahan Crest uses a "spear tilting thereon a forked pennon." This pennon and knight symbols together evoke Pendragon. The Chapman motto uses "pondere" as possible Pendragon code.

The Capman Coat (CapMane and CapMayne variations) uses the Chapman crescent and has a different write-up. It has a Copman variation that can link Cap entities such as Capys to Cheshire's Copia, and to Copes and Copelands et-al. The Copps (using the Copes Coat) were first in Lancashire, the representation of mythical Lancelot . The Copeland Coat uses "Benigno" for a motto term, smacking now of Ban, father of Lancelot (= Spear-Lot), but also evoking the Benjamites to whom some Freemasons trace themselves.

In the last update page, I said: "The 'Benigno' motto term of the Copelands begged a look-see at the Ben Coat, and zowie, I had just seen its gold-on-blue roundels in the Hope Coat. Hopes were first in Derbyshire (beside Cheshire)..." The Bens were first in Cheshire and Lancashire, suggesting the Ban>Lancelot cult once again. Months and perhaps years ago, I traced Lancelot's father to Banisters (see Meschin write-up) and the Banes (both of Yorkshire), where some Meschins were ruling. End insert]

The Hasmonean bloodline appears to be known prior to Mattathias:

"The father of Judah and the other Maccabee leaders, Mattathias was from a rural priestly family from Modi'in. Like all fit priests, he served in the Temple in Jerusalem. He was a son of Yohannan, grandson of Simeon, the Hasmonean, and great-grandson of Asmon or Hasmonaeus (remember, the Ashman surname is said to derive in "spear-man"), a Levite of the lineage of Joarib for being the 5th grandson of Idaiah, son of Joarib and grandson of Jachin, in turn a descendant of Phinehas, 3rd High Priest of Israel, according to Mattathias' own words in I Maccabees."

Phinehas, mentioned in Judges 20:28, was son of Eleazer, son of Aaron, brother of Moses. This Hasmonean trace to Aaron, however, may not be true at all, but mere self-stratifying dung. I'm not suggesting that the Levite line wasn't true, only that it may have been false for obvious reason of securing power in Israel. It could be true, because Jesus said that Pharisees sit in Moses' seat, and that may have been via their marital merger(s) with Hasmoneans. But then, Hasmoneans may not have been Levites except that they themselves had married Levite blood.

As per the Hasmonean city of Modi'in, the Mody/Moden surname could apply because it is also Moderbie, a possible deliberate reflection of MaccaBEE. I hate to belabor the topic but more ideas come to mind. The lattice used by the Mody/Moden Coat, a symbol of the Guiscard "fox," is used by the Cotts, whom I had traced to Cutts, said to be from the Cuthbert surname. I was amazed at this because I arrived to the Cuthbert Coat AFTER viewing the MaBEE/Maybe Coat (tiger), which I viewed thinking that it could be linked to "ModerBIE" (variation of the Modys/Modens) in that I had traced Mabees to Moberleys with a MOD-using variations. The point is, both Mabees and Cuthberts were first found in KirkCUDbrightshire (near Wigton), wherefore it looks like a link of Cuthberts, and therefore of the Cott lattice, to the Mody/Moden lattice.

In other words, the Cotts and Cuths appear linked to Hasmoneans. I regret that I can't find the Coat viewed moments ago that used a "projecto" like motto, and I think used a hand holding an arrow as does the Cudd Crest. The arrow-in-hand is also the Cuthbert Crest.

For what it could be worth to you, the Moberley/Modburleys Coat uses the same Shield as the Copelands (the Wassas use it too). It could be evidence of a Hasmonean link back to the Capys Saracens in Cappadocia, especially as Copelands link to the Ban>Lancelot spear line that includes the Modi'in-like Mody/Moden surname.

The Cope write-up: "Their name reveals that an early member was a person who habitually wore a long cloak or cape." Not that I believe that derivation, but the cloak could be a symbol of the Black Cloaks, the Sarmations of ancient times. It brings to mind satanists in their religious rituals. But Pharisees were said to wear their robes long, and perhaps they were linked back to Sarmations. Everything in the dragon bloodline must go back to Sarmations, whom i trace to Saracens, whom I see in mythical Assaracus, father of Capys. Do you see how nicely that works in leading to the Copes/Coapes surname said to derive in "cape"? Remember, the Capps were first found in Caux, Normandy, smacking of mythical Kay/Cai whom I trace to Cappadocia's Kaisariyah.

"'[The Capps] were descended from Le Cappere of Ayncourt, in the bailiwick of Caux..." As the Capps were first in Lincolnshire, where the The Ayn/Haynes surname (more crescents, and another arrow) was first found, it looks like we've found the kin of the Capps. The Ayns look like Hagens, a clan that I've linked to Hagarites=Saracens.

I still hold out that Lindos elements on Rhodes founded both Lincolnshire=Lindsey, and London. I say that because the Cape/Capp surname, which should link to the Capps of Lincolnshire, were first in London. The white-on-red scallops of the Capes/Capps, and their white-on-red lion, smacks of the white Russell scallops, and Russells ("Che sara sara" motto, like "Kaisariyah" and "Chesire") should link to Rhodians for obvious reason.

The Cloak surname, said to be derived from makers of cloaks, uses garbs, the Cheshire symbol.

The Capes/Capps of London were first in Capes, near Calvados, and Calvados is where the Bessin is located that I traced to Piast ruler, Bezprym. He was of the Mieszko line that I trace to Meschins of the Bessin. Assuming that the Maccabees were indeed linked to the Samson cult, as I'm sure the Siemo-descended Piasts were, then might not the Bez term have derived from the bee/beus portion of "Maccabee/Maccabeus," even while Mieszko was round-about named after the Macc portion of their names?

It was a long time between the Maccabees and the Piast Poles, and whatever was the root of the Maccabee beus portion may have gone on separately to produce the bee-using Bessin surname...of Cheshire. As you may know by now that I believe God has commissioned me to find the bee-line of Buz, son of Nahor, I suppose the reality could turn out to be that Maccabees were Buzites and other Nahorites inside Israel. Nahor did have a son, Maacah (Genesis 22:24).

But that compelling idea makes a huge error of my trace of Mieszko, and Meschins, to the Meshech and Amazons. On the other hand, Nahorites appear to have had many branches covering Europe, and they were involved with Sarmations, Cimmerians, and other Scythians, not just Rus, but the Meshech/Amazon root of the Sarmations.

As Mieszko was traced from Sulcis of Sardinia to Silesia, this being a known Seleucid bloodline, I note that the German Mach surname was first found in Silesia. It uses arrows once again, and crescents. It also uses Zionist stars in the same colors as the Zionist stars of the Hagar Coat. The Scottish Mechs: crescents once again, symbols of the Saracen surname.

The Mech crescents are in Speer and Spree colors, whom I've traced to Piasts. Both Mechs and Spears use boars. The Siemen Coat? A crescent.

There are some Mickey-like variations in the Mech Coat, and the Meech variation brings up another Coat, properly the Meek Coat, using the bougets in the colors of those of the Banisters. The latter fit the bill for Ban, father of Lancelot, because they were first in Lancashire.

Therefore, however we may wish to identify the Macey terms, either with Meshech or the Maccabees, it seems that Maccabees do trace to Lancelot and no doubt other Arthurian elements. That's my impression thus far.

As I think there's evidence for a Mach and/or Mech trace to Mechlenberg, I entered Macklen to find a page showing it as "MacKlen," with MacLane/Laine variations. The surname is traced to "John" once again, and the Coat uses some symbols of the Macie/MacIan Coat that's also traced to "John." The MacLane Coat uses the blue-on-white Keon fish that I trace to the House of Saraka. As I identify the Keons (and Kanes/Kaynes) with pharaoh Khyan, but then trace him to mythical Kay, son of Ector, note that the MacLane write-up shows a Hector.

The Mickey/Michie Coat uses some symbols found in the MacLane Coat, and while Meeches/Meeks/Mekeys were first found in Fife, Mickeys/Michies were first in neighboring Aberdeenshire. I don't know that these similar surnames trace to Maccabees, but I tend to think that they are heavily involved with the end-time anti-Christ kingdom. I had linked the Mickey surname especially to that kingdom, and to the Mick(e) surname (Coat smacks of the American flag) that was also, as with the Machs, first found in Silesia.

In Iraq, one of the first things an at-ease Maliki says is that O-mericans can go home on schedule, no doubt as a message sent to his anti-American Iranian friends:

"...'I don't feel the need for the presence of any foreign force to help the Iraqi forces' after 2011, he said in a press conference aired live on state-owned Iraqiya television. 'The Iraqi army, police and the services are capable of handling the security situation.'

...Iraqiya cited an unidentified interior ministry source today as saying that Iraqi forces have detained al-Qaeda suspects accused of kidnapping and killing 58 Christian worshippers in a Baghdad church on Oct. 31.


There's another headline, "Eight Iranian Ships dock at port in Iraq's Basra in one week." It's party time!

Depending on how badly the O-mericans want to stay in Iraq, we could see some Sunni uprising that is co-engineered by commander Mattis. That's one thing I keep an eye out for, for he has expressed interest in staying in Iraq, saying that Iraq needs the Americans until terrorists are eradicated sufficiently. The best way to assure that they aren't eradicated is to engineer an escalation of their intensity.

A top American military officer has something to say, whose Mullen surname I tend to link solidly to Meschins:

"The United States needs to be realistic about its efforts to engage Iran, whose leaders are lying about Tehran's nuclear program and are on a path to building nuclear weapons, the top U.S. military officer said.

Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said in comments released [yesterday] that the U.S. military has been thinking about military options on Iran 'for a significant period of time' but added that diplomacy remained the focus of U.S. efforts.

...Asked whether he believed Tehran's vows that its nuclear program was for peaceful purposes, Mullen said: 'I don't believe it for a second.'

'In fact, the information and intelligence that I've seen speak very specifically to the contrary,' he said."

Is that a show of a strongarm with more to come? No, probably not. It sounds more like the building of a Middle East monster for to have the excuse to stick around and deal with it. If you really want to invade the enemy, you don't tell it publicly. The Iranians know that.

There's a headline with a Massey-like surname, a dread enemy of Israel who, if the tribulation of Israel comes soon enough, will be a chief of the invasion: "Mashaal calls for armed 'resistance' in West Bank." Will the threat amount to anything this time? I'm snoring waiting.

November 28

If you were even half convinced yesterday that the Mody/Modin surname traces back to Modi'in, the home of the first-known Hasmoneans/Maccabees, then you may have been at least half-convinced that the Spear and Spree surnames link to them. Therefore, as the Mody/Modin surname uses a lattice, while the Sprees use a "simple" motto term, I've just got to add that the Semple/Simple surname uses lattice too.

The "tryst" motto term of the Semples brings up an interesting set of surnames that can be linked to Trabys and to Sicily, but once again leading back to the Masseys. Just follow the leads given by the clues. The Tryst/Triss surname is not only in Semple colors, but in the white-on-red of the Polish Traby/Sadowski Coat, and the central rose in the Tryst/Triss Coat is like the central 'Q' in the Traby Coat. As the Arms of Traby use striped hunting horns/bugles, so do the Semples.

The reason that the Trabys are brought up is due to the "trepidum" motto term of the Trysts. The term also smacks of Trapani in Sicily, which will begin to make sense momentarily...keeping in mind that I traced the Traby bugles and ostrich feathers to Crete.

But before going on, I should mention that the Tryst/Triss Crest is a "falcon holding in its mouth a fish." It could be the Saraka fish because the Trysts were "Lords of the Manor of Parc Behan," the latter being a term found near the source of the Sava, and one which I traced to the Bavarian Bogens...who were blue and white (lozenges) like the House of Saraka's fish. On top of that, the Italian Fulks (which the Tryst falcon likely depicts) use a falcon and blue and white checks, similar to the Bogen blue and white diamonds/lozenges. Moreover, as we are on the spear and Spree=Speer family relations right now (see yesterday for interesting details linking the spear symbol to Hasmoneans/Maccabees), the English Fulkes/Falks use a spear in Crest.

The source of the Sava is near the Drava river (see map), if that helps to make a Traby link to that region. There are two Saraka-like terms on the Drava. The House of Saraka is where "Dalmatae" is stamped.

The Tryst/Triss motto term brought the Trip/Trypp surname to mind, and its variations smack of "Triss." Recalling (from not many days ago) that Trabys were discovered to be Trojans in the Devon area (not just Trebys, but Teucer-branch Trojans were first found there), so the Triss' were first found in Cornwall, and moreover their name is like "Tros."

The Trip Coat uses a ladder, but I recognized it as a scala, the Italian word for ladder, and therefore I began to see Tryst and Trip links to Sicily's Sicels and to the Trapani region of Sicily's west point. Later, I fetched the official terms used for the Trip Coat, and it turned out to support the theory because the Coat uses a scaling ladder? Why include the term, "scaling"? I know why. The Trip Crest is a hawk.

Next, the German Trip Coat was loaded to find boots. The boot design looks identical to the French Massey/Masse boots, and just as I suspected, the boots are a symbol for mythical Butes at Trapani. This makes me suspect all the more that Butes of Athens was from Buz, son of Nahor, not forgetting that I had traced Nahorites in general to Athens.

The German Trips were first found in the Hamburg and Holstein regions, which is the Polabia theater to which I had traced Trabys. There is at least one Drava-like river in Polabia. The German troy surname was also first found in this theater, in Mechlenberg. It was just yesterday when it was suggested that Mechlen-like surnames could trace to "Maccabee."

NOW, on the map above, see again the Hercuniates region near the source of the Drava, for I touched on Hyrcanus, a Maccabee ruler, only yesterday. I thought that it might not have been coincidental that I should touch on him immediately after dissecting (earlier on this page) the Hercuniates theater.

Hyrcanus was son of a Salome, wherefore note the Salone region where the House of Saraka is located, keeping in mind that Maccabees were being traced (yesterday) to the Capys line of Assaracus. As we saw that Maccabees were merged to some degree with Pharisees, note the Pharia term (!) stamped smack beside Salone. And let's not forget that I trace "Dalmatia" to Deylamites/Delymites, and they to the Solymi.

As it was suggested that the "bee" portion of "Maccabee" was linked to the Bessin, and because I and others trace the Bessin's founders, the Baiocasses, to the Boii Bohemians, see the Boii Bohemians stamped directly beside the Hercaniates.

After closing yesterday, I took a look at the Bee and Beus Coats (because there was also a Maccabeus variation). The Bee Coat was stunning, as it is like the English Massey Coat, and once again using white symbols that I'm thinking to trace to White Syria (when the white symbols link to Meschins, Russells, et-al). Both the Massey and Bee Coats use white fleur-de-lys.

The Bee Shield is not exactly the Massey Shield, but exactly like the Say Shield (should be the Mieszko black bull in the Say Crest). I had traced the Says and Saytons/Seatons to Sais (the home of Seth/Sutekh, I figured), on the Sebannytos branch of the Nile.

As it appeared that White Syrians (especially the Cati of Cilicia) led to the Keiths/Keaths, let me say again that I trace "Keath" to "Seaton." I'm also thinking the Kitten/Keaton surname (using cats) that could trace back to Kit(t)ion on Cyprus (off the Cilician coast), the Biblical Kittim.

The Maccabee term was also "Maccabeaus," wherefore the sun in the Beaus/Beaux Coat might apply. It's the same sun as per the "Jewish" Cohen Coat. Hmm, the Bessin is also "Bayeux." There's crescents (white on blue) in the French Bayou Coat.

I don't know what to make of all this. I had traced Beaumonts/Bellmonts to Bellamys, and Bellamys of Perche are known to be the root of the Mace(y)s>Masseys. Again, "Macca" -- the "Hammer" -- squares very nicely with "mace," the symbol of the Cheshire Maceys.

It's important to know when doing these kinds of traces to ancient Hebrews that there are many clans who wrongly believed, because they have been wrongly taught to this day, that they trace back to Israelites. And what Jewish family could resist believing that it traces back to the great heroes and saviors of Israel, the Maccabees? Couldn't some Meshech clans (and others having a Macca-like name) have been convinced of the same? However, even if this is true, I would still suspect, as per all the evidence thus far, that Maccabees did find Europeans. I'll be back to this topic, I'm sure.

Now for FE's topic, which I've been meaning to do for two days. She wrote in that in an article, Rome: 60 Years Of The Human Rights Convention,, there are three Italian surnames mentioned all using the same lion design. One is the Raimondi surname, first found in Venice, using the lion on red and white (i.e. Hohen-like) checks. As these three surnames appear to be Vere-related, I'm keeping in mind that I traced Veres of Anjou -- the Melusine line -- to the Friuli/Furlan Venice's direct east, and that gets us into the Drava-river region.

The Raymond surnames could apply, said to be from "Ragin" and therefore could link to mythical Rhae elements in Italy, especially at Reggio (Bruttium) opposite the Scylla monster. The Irish Reagan surname uses a dolphin, and French Raymonds were first in/near Dauphine.

The second surname from FE is Fratini, smacking of "brotherhood." The Fratini surname was "First found in Bolgna (Bononia) in Emilia where it is the capital of the province of Bologna." That city was founded by the Boii Bohemians, and moreover the city is in the Ferrara region (in Emilia-Romagna) to which I trace the Ferrari-branch Veres...whom I link to "FRiuli."

Judging by a comparison of the Celt-Illyrian map and the Friuli map, I'd say the Boii and the Hercuniates were smack in what became Friuli. I suspect that Friuli was named after "Avar" elements, and Avars had some Khazars among them. Didn't I trace the Maccabees to potential Khazar elements in "Kaisariyah"?

Amazingly, this topic may be Directed, for the Fratini were found near Modena, a term smacking of Modi-in, home of the Maccabees. "Modena...Modna in Modenese dialect) is a city and comune (municipality) on the south side of the Po valley, in the Province of Modena in the Emilia-Romagna region of now best known as 'the capital of engines', since the factories of the famous Italian sports car makers Ferrari..."

I had traced Veres to Modena because I traced them to Modon/Methoni, for Melusine Veres claim to descend from the Mitanni. We saw yesterday that Hasmoneans traced well to the Dionysus Maeonians, and therefore to the wine man, Oeneus, mythical father of the Methoni location. I had traced Gypsies from mythical Aigyptus (brother of Danaus) to Methoni, and that's how I discovered the location in the first place. Gypsies are also "Roma," and should therefore trace to Romagna.

Note that "Fratini" smacks of "Ferr" and "Ferte," for Mace(y)s and Masseys issued out of the Bellamy house of Ferte-Mace (not to re-mention that the Massey surname was found in Manche beside the Ver(e) location of the Veres). Could this then trace the Modi'in home of Hasmonean Maccabees to the Mitanni? You betcha! AND, I don't forget the trace of Masseys to the Tyrian king, Mattan/Mittan, father of the historical Pygmalion and, as a myth character, lover of Cyprian Aphrodite.

We fully expect the Heneti Trojans in this Friuli-Veneti theater, who were depicted by the Trojan leader, Antenor. One might wish to consider a Drava>Traby link to the Heneti, therefore. The third surname using the same lion is Alfano, with Elfano variation, smacking of the so-called "Elvin Princess," Melusine. This surname was first in the Tuscany capital, but then I had traced "Etruscan" (see top of this page) to the Taurisci region on the Celt map above, which is the northern side of Friuli.

The Alfano write-up mentions the Medici as a notable clan of the Etruscan capital. The term reminds me of Med and Matt terms that I apply to Mitanni and to Masseys. In fact, the Massi/Mattis surname was in Piedmont, not far from Tuscany, and "Medic" could modify to "Matteus/Mattis." Judas Maccabee The Hammer was son of a Matthew.

I have little doubt left that the peoples of Modi'in were related to peoples of Methoni and Modena, but might some of the peoples of Methoni and Modena have wrongly traced themselves to the Maccabees just because some of the Maccabee-blood peoples there were claiming to be from Maccabees?

The middle-of-the-road alternative is that some non-Maccabees, as for example the Khazars/Avars of the Friuli region, merged by marriage to Maccabee blood. But while that can rule Veres out of Maccabee blood apart from marriage, it doesn't tell me whether proto-Masseys were Maccabees or not. I note the Maezaei on the Celt map, not far from the Drava and the Hercuniates, but I also see Sardeates smack beside the Maezaei that could suggest a Maezaei trace back to Sardis elements of Lydia...which was in the Amazon/Mysian theater.

The Oseriates to the north side of the Maezaei could have been the Sirens, and as Sirens were Muses, whom I trace to Mysians, it once again suggests a Massey trace back to Mysians/Meshech. Moreover, it's nearly a given that the Mieszko Poles, from SARDinia, were founders of the German Mieske surname that had a Meshech-like Mesech variation.

My impression is that the Celts, who were in the Friuli-to-Croatia theater (before 800 BC) long before the Hasmonean Maccabees, were Amazons from the Thermodon/Trabzon, where Khaldi was located that I trace to Celts. But that same Thermodon region was home to Cappodocians while the Halybes, said to be nearly the same as the Khaldi, lived on the Halys, where Khazar-like Kaisariyah is located. My trace of Maccabees yesterday to the elements in the last sentence was not based whatsoever in trying to make a Maccabee link to the Friuli theater (i.e. as per the regions in the Celt map). It just happened that way.

I'm suggesting that Maccabees were proto-Khazar elements, as well as Amazon elements, and that Maccabees came to live among other Khazars and/or Amazons in the Friuli theater. Thus far they appear to be chiefly the Hercuniates on the Danube, and may have included the Boii.

Checking the Wikipedia article, I find that the Boii were also the "Boius," smacking of "MaccaBeaus." But the Boii first appear before the Maccabees. Perhaps the Maccabees may have originated as a Maezaei alliance with the Boii, and being in some trouble, they ended up in Israel. In that picture, the Maccabees would have been among the Boii of Bologna, for that was near Modena, by which I mean to say that Modena elements founded Modi'in, not vice versa:

"In the second half of the 3rd century BC, the Boii allied with the other Cisalpine Gauls and the Etruscans against Rome. They also fought alongside Hannibal, killing (in 216 BC) the Roman general L. Postumius Albinus, whose skull was then turned into a sacrificial bowl (Liv. XXIII, 24). A short time before, they were defeated at Telamon in 224 BC, and later at Placentia [LaoMEDON's wife was Placia] in 194 BC (modern Piacenza) and Mutina in 193 BC (modern Modena). After the loss of their capital, a large portion of the Boii left Italy."

Zowie, I got to that quote after writing the above, on their getting into some trouble and beeing forced out. Might they have buzzed their way to Cilicia, where they had been from initially? I trace the Boii to Boiotians, where Melia the honey goddess thrived, which by the way smacks of Emilia, beside Romagna. The Theban city of Boiotia was founded by Cadmus (and the mythical bull that led him there), brother of Cilix=Cilicia, wherefore we could expect many Boiotians to have been Cadmus>Cilix Phoenicians.

The trick now is to find some Bologna-region Boii in the Cilicia theater who became the Maccabees. BUT, the window of time may not be large enough for a Boii-like peoples to have developed in the Cilicia region, for "[Maccabees] founded the Hasmonean dynasty, which ruled from 164 BCE to 63 BCE...", while the Boii at Mutina/Modena were defeated in 193 BC.

On the three identical lions as per FE's email, I had written the following earlier in the update: "The Odin lion is very interesting as per what FE sent in, which I hope to have time for this morning. The horse in the Odin Crest smacks of the Vere/Ferrari horse, and the Massey horse." The language of the Odin write-up suggests a trace to the Other surname (both were in Yorkshire), which was the root of the royal Windsors, and had been traced by me not many days ago quite solidly to the UTHER Pendragon cult/surname.

Remember, yesterday's treatment on Maccabees traced them to Pendragon, starting with the knight and spear of the Hasmonean-like Monahan Crest and the spear elements of the Hasmonean-like As(h)man surname.

The Other/Oder Coat (crescents) is in Windsor-Coat colors, and they are traced to Lombardy, where we could expect some Boii. However ultimately the Windsors trace to Wends (who were Veneti), their claim that they trace to king David of israel could be founded in their knowing to be from Maccabees, though they're not telling because Maccabees were not necessarily holy, and may not even have been Israelites until merging with them.

As I write, the Windsor Coat is loading because I recall that I had just seen its crosses, in the same colors, in a surname mentioned this morning. Here is the Windsor Coat now, and I'll mention that the white-on-red saltire was traced (by me) to the Odin-like Oettingens/ers. Now, let me go find the other Coat using the Windsor crosslets....It's the Trip Coat, with scala=ladder, Massey clan from the Scylla wolf if the German Trip surname (same colors) is related (to the English Trips).

Note the Massaies variation of the French Masseys/Masses (the ones using the German-Trip boots). It's very close to the Illyrian "Maezaei." And as I traced Trips to the Triss clan whom I suggested were from "Tros," note that Illyrians were from mythical Ilus, who built Troy (or at least one of them). Ilus, son of Tros, was brother to Assaracus!

The Ilus article tells that Assaracus lived at Dardania, wherefore take note that Aeneas, whom I traced to Meshwesh-Saracens of north-Africa, was from the Dardanus line. The trace of Trips to Trabys jibes with the daughter of Ilus, Themiste, whom I trace to Themis in Trabzon=Thermodon. Themiste was the one who married Capys, whom I trace tentatively to Caiaphas, the priest who had Jesus murdered.

For further investigation, the Ilus page shows "another" Ilus at Ephyra (a Pharisee-like term), near Grecian if to identify Ilus as Elis elements, which then traces Ilus to the founder of Elis, Aeolus, son of Hellen i.e. the Alan Sarmations>Saracens. It's clear to me that this Ilus was the golden fleece bloodline out of Colchis but first in the Hellespont, for he was made "a son of Mermerus, and grandson of Jason and Medea."

The golden fleece of Colchis had been flown there by Phryxus/Phrixes, brother of Helle, she being the depiction of the Hellespont, at the sea of Marmara...that mythical Mermerus obviously depicts. Mermerus was given a brother, Pheres, who must have been code for the Ephyra location at Elis/Pisa, which is where the golden fleece line ended up, as per the marriage of Pelops to the Amazon princess of Pisa. [My spell-checker suggests "Pharisee" in place of "Phrixes."]

But as per my trace (yesterday) of Maccabees and likely some Pharisee blood to Piast Poles, I should repeat that I've long traced Piasts to Pisa and their Pisidian founders.

Medea was the daughter of Aeetes, and he was of Helios, if that helps to trace Ilus to Helios-based Alans of Colchis. In some accounts, "[Aeetes] was brother of Perses, a king of Tauris, husband of his niece Hecate..."" There we have Perseus located in Taurica/Crimea, near Tanais (i.e. explaining why Perseus was a Danaan peoples from Tanis on the Nile), and being made the father of Hecate, the frog-symbolized Hyksos (explaining why Hyksos were likewise Danaans).

Suddenly, my trace of Maccabees to Capys should link their Modi'in locality to LaoMEDON (son of Ilus), for his sister, Themiste, married Capys! I didn't realize this yesterday.

This has all been too coincidental not to be true. No one in modern history, but for some Freemason insiders, know as much as you now do on the background of the Pharisees, and even on the Pharisaic roots of the Freemasons. With these keys, the Pharisaic bloodline can be blown wide open. It does appear that Pharisees trace to mythical Perseus: Alans and Gorgons of the Hyksos kind.

Jesus point-blank shot Pharisees cold in the heart by telling them who their father was: satan. And Revelation's chapters two and three tell us that they were not Jews, but that they lie.

Note in the Laomedon family tree above that his bloodline leads to Creusa, whom I linked to Herods.

FE went on to say that other surnames in the EU article look Illuminati-interesting, as for example the Aleman surname, for the German Aleman Coat uses the Danish-Bauer leopard, and is in the two German-Bauer Coat colors. The surname is definitely from the Alemanni, the name that Germans have called themselves.

Judging by the eagle in the English Aleman Coat, I'd say the surname, and perhaps even the Alemanni, were from "eagle," as for example the "Aighlmear" root of the Irish Elmer/Aylmer surname. The English Elmer Coat looks Hyksos enough (with dolphin and battle axe). We're back to Hagar and/or Hagen entities now.

To top off the evidence that the The Human Rights Convention was a Vere affair, FE pointed out the Arno surname (first in Venice) in the article, which uses a wyvern dragon, a Vere-dragon species. The Arno write-up: "The Frankish given name Arnuwald, which is composed of two elements, arnu, which means eagle, and walda, which means powerful, was given to a person who was as powerful as an eagle."

The rich and powerful...shall fall with the Thunder.

Thank you all for your invaluable help and support.

There's no use quoting from an article showing the first embarrassing things for the American military, coming from Wikileaks. Just read for yourself.

The systematic murders of Catholics in Iraq this past month comes across as a tentacle of the anti-Christ kingdom yet to blow to the full proportion of a octopus' head:

"The leader of a Muslim fundamentalist militant group was among 12 arrested in connection with a deadly church siege in Baghdad last month, Iraq's Interior Ministry said [yesterday].

Huthaifa al-Batawi, the leader of the Islamic State of Iraq, was the 'mastermind, direct supervisor and planner' of the October 31 attack..."

The Islamic State of Iraq is probably the front row in the anti-Christ's theater, yet to draw open its curtains. I suppose that as the curtains are about to open, we'll hear a certain noise first, like the music the Muses, luring terrorists their deaths. The anti-Christ, says Daniel 11, is to call out for his soldiers, luring them with promise of reward, but in the end, a horrible destruction. A small group, says Daniel 11, will become large and mighty, and Daniel 8 tells us that the anti-Christ, a Seleucid in some way, will marvel all the world with surprising victories of war.


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