Previous Update: Feb 18 - 21

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February 22 - 25, 2010

Porphyria: the Purple Lion of Skipton?

See February 23 -- 24 -- 25

February 22

In the fourth update of January, I got the impression that the genetic-malfunction side of Parkinson's disease was from Meschin-Pollock families. At the time, I didn't have evidence of the suspected cause: incestuous relationships. I thought it was suspicious that the Meschin write-up linked the surname to purple-lion Skiptons, for prior to that time I had the impression that the purple lion of Lacy was a symbol of the purple-urine disease, porphyria, likewise caused by genetic malfunctions due to incestuous relationships.

Last night I happened to read some more of this article (you should be at the second page five of the webpage), and wow, here's what we learn.

At the bottom of page five, William de Meschin has a daughter (apparently Alice). At another article (below): "Alice le Meschin, Lady of Skipton (!!), daughter of William le Meschin, Lord of Copeland and Cecilia de Rumilly, Lady of Skipton..." THEN, back to page five of the other article, we find that she is married off, not to the William Duncan claimed by the article above, but to Robert Romly (also "Romely") of "Skipton of Craven"!! We thus have an Alice from a Rumilly-of-Skipton mother married to a Romly-of-Skipton so that the children will be Romlys on both sides. But the quasi-incest gets worse.

Onto page six, we find that Robert Romly (with Alice Rumilly) has a daughter, named Alice, whom Robert gave in marriage to William Romly!!!

QUESTION: could the Alice names have anything to do with the Ales/Alicea surname in Messina (Sicily), since Robert Guiscard is suspect as a Goz of some sort, even as Goz' were the immediate ancestry of William Meschin (brother to Ranulf le Meschin)?

The above-mentioned William Romly was otherwise Willian fitzDuncan, the earl of Moray, son of Duncan II, king of Scotland, well explaining how Meschins themselves, as Randolphs, became earls of Moray in later years. We might therefore ask if Dunhams trace to "Duncan." This William Romly was the son also of queen Ethelred, herself a daughter of a Gospatrick!! As we saw that the Irish Pattersons are also Cussanes/Kissanes/Guisanes, while the Scottish Patterson (pelicans=Pol(l)ocks) write-up traces the surname to "Patrick," it seems that Pattersons were from Gospatricks!!! This may also explain why Pattersons appear linked to the Ales/Aliceas of Messina (the Cassane Coat even uses an "alis" motto term).

I flipped when finding that the English Alice/Alis Coat used the colors, and the bridled bear, of the Irish Macey/Mackey Coat! The great significance of that link comes out below. Some readers may recall my trace of the first Drummond, George (son of king Andrew I of Hungary and a Varangian Rus mother), to a "Giric" of the Dubh Scottish royals, also known as "Duff," from king Duff (son of Malcolm I). Here's what I shared in the fourth update of June:

"Cinaed mac Duib...anglicised as Kenneth III...was King of Scots from 997 to 1005...Many of the Scots sources refer to...Giric son of Kenneth son of Dub, which is taken to be an error."

It is an error, for Giric was the son of king Andrew. I went on to discover evidence that George's ancestors and/or in-laws were in Scotland previous to him. I just didn't know exactly who they were, but we can now suspect the Strathclydes, especially as there were "Drummonds of Strathclyde." Again, I trace Strathclydes the struthio=ostrich-symbolized bloodlines that pervaded the Polish royals, for one. It just so happens that Malcolm I, son of Duff, became "king of Strathclyde" in 973!!

We of course wonder whether "Duff" was the bloodline depicted by Daffy DuMas-Duck, and then also wonder whether the Strathclydes were not the proto-Meschin (Rani/raven/Ranulf) Polabians leading to the proto-Drummonds of Shetland>Durham>Cheshire...AND to Sutherland (also "STRATHnaver"!) where the Maceys/Mackays lived. Recall from yesterday's update that the DuMas surname was traced to the Maso surname of Italy -- a branch of the Tomas family -- because the Maso Shield is the Macey/Mackay Shield. It was therefore suggested that the Maso clan became the Dumas surname depicted by Daffy Dumas Duck. In other words, I now think that the Maceys/Mackays were a fundamental part of the king-Duff Strathclydes.

The Scottish Duffs were first found in Perthshire, while the Irish Duffs were first found in Connaught, where the Irish Patterson-Cussanes were first found! The Duffs were also first found in Perthshire, wherefore let me bring up once again the theory that the Hagar surname, first found in Perthshire, was in honor of Ishmael's mother, Hagar, not because ancient Hagar tribes retained the term for thousands of years, but because the Scottish Hagar clan knew or thought they traced to Ishmaelites. The point is, the William Meschin under discussion, father of the first Alice (of Skipton), was ruler of EGREmont!! To top this off, I had claimed some months ago, tentatively until evidence could be found, that my own Masci bloodline linked to Ishmaelites.

The reason that I've veered into this VERY IMPORTANT find at all just now is because I caught sight of the "difficile" motto term just as I was writing on the Scottish royals leading back to Duff. That motto code is in the Kissane/Guisane Coat!!! It means that the Casain/Cussane=Guis/Gos side of the Pattersons somehow traces to king Duff. It just so happens that the king Duncan (married a Gospatrick) line had merged with the Duff line. Duncan II's son then married a Meschin so as to clinch the Patterson link to Meschins, which can explain why the Patrick Chief's white scallops, the color of the Meschin scallops.

The Irish Macey/Mackay surname has a MacCoy variation, and so I looked up the Coy Coat just now, finding good evidence that Maceys were in fact linked to, if not one and the same with, the Stout-surnamed vikings that founded Shetland and Rothesay (some of these vikings surnamed themselves "Rot/Roth," using a raven symbol.) First to speak of, the Coy Crest has a green snake (from a cloud; mythical Nephele?). Second, the Coy Coat uses "pheon" arrow heads pointing down. I had mentioned the same arrow heads, also pointing down, some days ago, and going back just now to find what surname used it: the Ruskie/Ruskin surname...first in Perthshire!!!

Third to speak of, the Coy write-up: "They were first found in the region of Quy a chapelry in the parish of Stow." I recall that "Stout" is a variation of the Stow surname (!), said to mean "holy place" but I think that's more heraldic hogwash for the holy-grail cult, for Shaws, using holy grails, were first in Perthshire. But as I traced Shaws to Ayrshire, note the similarity between "Ayr/Ayer" and "Egre(mont)."

Let's go back to the porphyria theory i.e. page six of the article, which floored me, especially as I had surmised a Lacy-surname link to Lucy (of Mercia), wife of Ranulf le Meschin. Just after we find that the second-mentioned Alice (a Skipton with too many Romly genes and therefore suspect as a porphyria carrier) married a Le Gros (the two gave birth to William de Fortibus), we find that Alice's sister, Annabel (likewise a daughter of Alice, "Lady of Skipton"), married REGINald Lucy. As Skiptons were of Yorkshire, it's conspicuous that the English Lacy clan was also first found in Yorkshire, suggesting a Lucy link to "Lacy."

Previously, I had traced porphyria to Byzantine-related Varangians, wherefore Inger the Varangian, the Byzantine guardsman who married the Byzantine noble, Melissena Rangabe, is suspect. Note that the LeGros Coat is the Rangabe cross in the same colors!!

The Irish Lacy Coat (with purple lion) uses "Meritas" for a motto code, which should link to the Merrit/Maryet Coat because it uses a Talbot dog for a crest; Lucy of Mercia was a Tailbois/Talliebois!! The Merry/Merrie surname of Mary-Magdalene importance (the false-Jesus-and-Magdalene cult, not linked to the real/Biblical Mary Magdalene as claimed) was from Meret, Normandy. The Merrie Melodies cartoonists should be named in honor of the Meret-based Merries.

Note the Demer variations of the Merrie surname, for the German Domer Coat is in the same colors. It could suggest that Domers were D'Merets/D'Merries. The heron in the Domer Coat could link to the Savery Crest: "A heron's head holding an olive branch in its beak.

Remember, the Saverys/Saffers trace to "Sforza, and therefore to the Saracens of Guiscard's Sion cult, and as we identify these Saracens with the Moors of Masonic importance, we might trace Merets and Merrets to the Mauritanian Moors. At the very top of the article from which I've been quoting, on page one entitled, "A description of Westmorland," we read that the English called certain men, 'moores," and that Westmorland is "nothing else but a western moorish country." Although the writer thinks he's describing peoples named after moor-like geographies, I think the "moores" were Mauritanian bloodlines. Either that, or the so-called "moores" of Moreland were depicted with Moor-heads as mere codes.

The English Lacy Coat smacks of the Savage-Coat design; the latter surname was first in Cheshire, where Lucy of Mercia would have lived with Ranulph. The Lacy roundels are officially called "pellets," wherefore we check the Pellet Coat (surname sounds like Pulls/Pules-of-Cheshire) to find gold grails on blue, the same grail design, and in the same colors, as the Scottish Shaw Coat!

I think the Irish Shaws with Shay variation were also Kays and therefore MacKays, but now we can trace them to the Coys of Quy in Stow. We then assume that "Quy" related to the English Guy/Guiss surname, from the locality of Guise (France)!! Let's also include the Gay Coat, blue scallops on gold, from Guye in Manche, for I think the "Manu" motto term of the Irish Maceys/MacCoys links to Manche, itself linked to the Isle of Man(x), itself linked to the Irish Mathuna/Mann > Scottish Mathieson/Mann > German Mathiessen line. Itv was shocking to find a Faget/Faguy (also "FaGAY") Coat as per the "Fac et Spera" motto of the Scottish Mathiesons/Manns, for it's a near-identical version of the German Mathiessen Coat! Thus, it links (very important) the German Mathiessens to the Irish Mathuna > Scottish Mathiesons.

We can trace the blue lion of the Arms of Macclesfield borough, which Arms uses a "Copia" motto term, to William de Meschin of Copeland and Egremont, for the Egremont Coat uses a blue lion!

As William de Meschin married his Rumilly-bloodline daughter to a Romly earl of Moray, see that the Romely Coat uses a Moray-like Chief but with a white-on-blue crescent instead of the third Moray star. The crescent suggests a trace back to the Saracens of Messina, SO SEE the Romely motto: "PerSEVERE"!! No doubt, the unicorns in the Savery Coat connect to the unicorn of the Macclesfield-borough Crest, but when entering "Severe," the Sever/Savior Coat pops up, which looks like the Mann Coat!

As per the "Fac et Spero" motto of the Scottish Manns, the first surname I checked (because I already knew that Speers use crescents) was "Sparrow," for I had linked Sparrows to Speers. The Sparrow Crest: a unicorn!! The Mann surname ("Per Ardua" motto phrase) becomes a topic below, as it links with the Macey/MacKays in the most homosexual way. I had linked the Sparrows and Speers to the Spars (Sparrows and Spars both first in Norfolk), but also recall that the Sparres (no Coat shown) used a red chevron on white and brought to England from Sweden, wherefore I suggested that the Sparre chevron was the (Swedish) Gustav chevron (surname links to "Guis(card)."

The "salus" motto term of the Sparrows should link to the Salis(bury) surname, using white crescents on red, colors reversed from the Speer crescents!! This find links the Sparrows, and the Manns/Mathiesons to the Spree river, Lusatia.

When it rains, it pours. Seeing the Spree Coat just now, I recalled that it's Shield was seen in the Italian Guis/Guido Coat!! Keep in mind that this surname is traced to widu/witu = "wood."

The "Soyet sage et simple" motto of the Sprees evokes the Coy surname and the Coy-related "fac et" motto phrase of the Manns. The German Sage/Sager/Seager Coat uses a crescent and ostrich feathers (Crest), and meanwhile the English Seager Crest uses two green coiled snakes. In the second update of February, I linked the Seagers to the Sarah/Saire and Saier/Sauers/Sawyers. I now find that the Sage/Seager surname is said to be derived from "...'sawyer,' or a person who saws wood." Recalling that "Guis" links to the Wise surname, note that the English Sage surname is traced to "wise(man)." For new readers, the Sarah>Saire>Saier>Sauer>Sawyer surnames were traced to Saracens of the Russell clan's "sara" motto term.

The Sarah/Saire Coat is in the Romney and Pullen design. More to come today on the coincidence in today's news, that the four leading contenders for Republican president-wanna-bees have, in order, the surnames of Paul, Palin, Pawlenty, and Romney:

"U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, a stalwart foe of government spending, won a blowout victory Saturday in the annual Conservative Political Action Conference presidential straw poll.

...Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney finished second with 22 percent of the vote, ending a three-year winning streak at CPAC. Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin finished third with 7 percent of the vote, followed by Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty at 6 percent and Indiana Rep. Mike Pence at 5 percent.

They were followed by former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, who tied at 4 percent. Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels, former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum, South Dakota Sen. John Thune and Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour rounded out the results."

It's All in the Family!! Note that Palin is a variation of a family more-properly "Pawley" and "Pauley." Perhaps the Romely rake/dancette links to the Palin dancette. I figured some weeks ago that Romney, in Kent, linked to the Romely surname..."from Romily, near Eure." There is no Pawlenty Coat, but "Pawle" brings a Paul Coat in Romely colors.

The fifth-place Pence surname has a motto linking to the same "family": "Dum clarum rectum teneam."

The Huckabee/Hokestaple Coat uses coiled serpents. BEHOLD TIM!!! Although the Huckabee Crest is not shown at, it is described like so: "A falcon holding in the dexter claw a rold of AEsculapius all proper"!! The Huchabee surname is said to derive from "Huxtable," so see the Hux/Huck Coat with owls!!! Both the Hux' and Huckabees use multiple blue chevrons, wherefore it's a family match! It has got to trace to the owl cult of "Ascalephus" (= owl species).

The Hux write-up: "Alternatively, it may be related to the Old English 'hoc,' meaning 'hook'" The Hook/Hoke Coat is not only in Huckabee/Hokestaple Colors, but both Hooks and Huckabees were first found in Devon. I recalled that the Staple surname was first found in Devon; the Staple Coat uses fleur-de-lys in the Hook colors.

Zowie, it was just yesterday that I showed the Hokey Coat while in search of Gogi clans using hook-derived surnames. I wrote:

There is a Hook/Hoke surname, where the Hykes/Hacks were first found [i.e. Devon]. In this search for Kuk-like surnames derived from "hook," I happened upon the [Hokey/]Hockley surname with Hokel variations, terms smacking very much of the Saracen leader, Haukal."

Remember, there was the owl cult of Kos, in Edom, and I think Hyksos refugees (escaping the Ten Plagues and their aftermath) were in Edom and Jerusalem before coming to western Europe...with mythical Nephele and her "husband," Ixion. These surnames even smack of "Ixion."

Hmm: "Tim Pawlenty was succeeded, as Minnesota House majority leader, by Erik Paulson." As they say, it's not what you know, but who you know. The Paulson/Poleson Coat could be the Macey/Mackay/MacCoy Shield. Place your bets on "Kay" tracing to kuk-like hook terms. Not that I believe it as it's meant, but the Macey/Mackay write-up traces to "Hugh"! "The name Macey is derived from the personal name Aodh, a cognate of Hugh." Likely, the Macey family links to a Hugh-like person/family, but I don't think "Macey" derives from such terms. As per the MacKye variation, entering "Kye" brings up the Kay Coat.

I think that the Paul surname, where it shows signs of linking to the dragon cults, is a Christianized version of Pole-like surnames/entities. The Paul/Pohl/Pol surname, for example, should link to the German/Silesian Pohl/Pohland surname. Assuming that the black Pohl bull-head links to the same of the Mieske Coat, the arm-and-sword of the Mieske Coat should link to the same in the Fox/Sionnach Coat.

The Gingrich surname is interesting for possible links to "Win/Guin." Gingrich is more-properly "GinGras." Both Gras Coats are blue and white, but the French Gras Coat uses a white triple chevron on blue, colors-reversed from the Hux chevrons. The Gingrich write-up: "They held a family seat from ancient times at La Rochelle." Hmm, said that the leaders/organizers of the CPAC affair (that did the straw poll) are "Rockefeller Conservatives." I have no argument at all with that claim.

Note how much blue and white (Rocque/Rockefeller colors) there are in these Republican surnames.

Finally, for today, the Skip(ton) surname may have been short for "scallop."

Did anyone notice that the dolphins of the Reagans, Durhams, and others are nearly light purple, perhaps the color of the urine of porphyria victims. I wouldn't have said that except that "porpoise" could be a porphyria code.

I would never have bothered seeking the roots of porphyria if not for my email friend with Pollock surname, who has the disease. She is constantly in pain from her bad case, a victim of incest in her multiple porphyria bloodlines. One of her other bloodlines uses a version of the Kos Coat (in different colors). Yet a third line is the Comerford surname that lived in Wexford, where purple-lion Lacys lived.

Has anyone noticed that there is a purple political movement now, said to be a blend of the Republican red and the Democrat blue. How clever if it is code for a/the porphyria bloodline(s). The purple movement is an Independent political movement, and Palin, for one (and perhaps a slew of others at Fox TV) is a part of it.

February 23

We've seen the bent elbow symbol in quite a few Coats, but as it's in the Crook Coat, it may be fundamental to the Crooks and/or Hooks, etc. I'm wondering whether the symbol is in honor of the Gog=hook idea. The Crook write-up: "Crook is an ancient Viking-Scottish name for a crooked person...This nickname was originally derived from the Old Norman word crok which meant 'hook' or 'something crooked.'" Note the similarity between the Crook Coat and "Jewish" Pollock Coat.

The Fox/Sionnach Crest uses the bent elbow, and that has got to be the Viking bloodline of Guiscard. The Italian Pallota/Palloni uses a bent elbow too. The surname was first found in Florence, in Tuscany, inland from Pisa. My suspicion is that these sorts of surnames, connected to Polabians, include the Rollo viking crooks and pirates. Hmm, as the saltire cross may be a secret symbol for the crossed-bones symbol of the Templar pirates, perhaps the chevron is a symbol of a crook/bend, perhaps even the bent arm.

I don't think it's coincidental that the Florence-surname Coat shares gold stars on blue, the symbol of the Italian Paulo surname, first found in Genoa. If you read two days ago, you saw good evidence of a trace of the Piast-dynasty Polish royals to the Pisa region of Tuscany. Not far to the north is Genoa (Liguria), and not far to the east is Florence. Paulo variations include "Poleti" and "Poloni," and shares still other variations with the Palloni family in the paragraph above.

Thus, the expected trace (see reason below) of the Piast dynasty to Ligurians has been found, and no doubt the Meschin-of-Cheshire trace to Ligurians leads smack to these Paul/Poli-like surnames. By the way, my Pollock friend tells me that a unique case of porphyria arose in Cheshire.

To put this another way, since Meschins have been found to be linked to Rollo vikings in various ways, including the trace of the Ranulf name to Rani Rugens, we expect Pole-like surnames to be viking-linked by the fact that Meschins and Pole-like surnames were linked closely. The French Paul/Paulin surname is very convenient right here as it uses a gold rooster, the Sinclair Crest symbol.

Remember, Guiscards are thought to have been from Guichard (also "Viskhard") in Manche, where the Sinclairs lived (as Claros) before moving to Roslin. Some read the term as Visk-hard, but I see it as Vis-Card/t, possibly linked with Carthage and/or Carter elements.

Both the Ligurians and Polish branches share mythical the mythical Leda>Pollux cult, what appears to be the Spartan version of the Lydian Leto>Apollo. Thus, the Italian Poloni/Apollo Coat with the nine-acorn tree. We fully expect Poloni/Apollo links to the Alis/Alicea family (Messina, Sicily) because they share the same oak tree. But as of this update, the Meschin-beloved name, Alice, should apply. Ranulf le Meschin is made the father of an Alice, though she is otherwise "Adelize" (she seems to be confused with Alice, daughter of William le/de Meschin.

When we get to England, we find the Poland Coat with scallops, a Shield in the colors of the Florence and Paulo(n) Shields, and a pelican-on-nest in the Crest.

At this point, because I had seen the Italian Fulk Coat just minutes before, I tried for a Plant Coat (because an important Fulk was the mysterious, out-of-the-blue Plantagenet surname)...and got the Alis tree!!! I had already been shocked when seeing the Italian Fulk Coat because it's the Italian Massi/Matti[M]assi Coat. In the past, I had tried without success to crack the Plantagenet and Fulk mystery, and here I am finding that my own Masci bloodline is the cause for breaking the mystery wide open. The Fulks and Plantagenets were a branch of the Meschin-Pollocks!!

Since the German Fulk write-up derives from "valke," I tried for a Volk Coat to find the motto, "Qui sera sera"!!! That's essentially the Russell motto, and tends to trace the Fulks to Saracens. The Volk/Folk write-up traces to the Fulks: " The Volk name is derived from the Norman personal name Fulco. The line of this name descends from the noble house of Fulco Nerra, who held the title of Count of Anjou, Normandy." There's a bent elbow in the Folk/Volk Crest.

As per the "Planque" variation of the Plantes, the Plank/Blank Coat might apply because it's the Ferrari lion, while it's suspected that Veres of Anjou had much to do with the Fulks becoming rulers of Anjou. Note that the Scottish Blank surname was first found in Shetland!! The Blank Crest is a leopard-head, symbol of the Transylvanian Hebrews, in my opinion, to which the Ragnvald>Rollo line traces.

The Planques/Blanks evoke "Polanski," so I entered the term to find it listed curiously under an Alicki surname...that smacks of "Alicea" i.e. the Ales of Messina (!!) who share the same tree with the Plantes/Planques!!!! I WOULD NOT have made this find had the infamous Polansky been in the news a few days ago. The Polansky/Alicki Coat uses both a Zionist star and a crescent. I'm convinced, Geoffrey Plantagenet, and his father, Fulk V, Templar king of Jerusalem, were of the Pole fold.

I've talked quite a bit about the Fleck Coat's scallops, as they match the Samson and Meschin scallops. We may now have found the importance of Fleck in the Templar cult: "Geoffrey was the elder son of Fulk V of Anjou and Eremburga of La Fleche, heiress of Elias I of Maine.",_Count_of_Anjou

Per chance, the Elias surname above, because the English Elias Coat is a spittin' image of the Elis Coat (both like the Meschin Coat), were of the Elis/Alis/Ales clan!! The German Elias Coat uses the Ales tree, in fact. The Elias write-up: "First found in West Lothian where they held a family seat from very ancient times, when Helias son of Huctred was granted the lands of Dundas by Waldef, son of Earl Gospatrick, King of Northumberland in 1180."

As Westmorland was the home of the Moors, note the Olden/Alden Coat's white crescents (same as the Elias/Elis clans), for the O/Aldens were first in Westmorland (Meschin-ruled region) while the German Elias/Elis' were first in Oldenburg. There is a Moorland/Morely surname, with a leopard-head AND in Elis/Meschin colors, FIRST FOUND IN WESTMORLAND. The gold fleur-de-lys with the leopard-head likely links to the gold fleur-de-lys of the Macey/Mackay-related Alice/Alis surname.

Yesterday, just after I finished the update, I found it so timely that FOX News featured the Parkinson's disease of heavyweight champion, Cassius Clay, that I looked into his bloodlines. I did not realize until writing the paragraph above that Mohammed ALI may have been in honor of the Alis surname, but as it's proving to be a Saracen surname, yikers, I think it fits, especially as Clay's mother had a mother, Birdie Morehead surname!!! Birdie Morehead's father was a Moorehead.

The More/Moor/Muirhead Coat uses acorns; the surname was first found in Lanarkshire (Blackwood, per chance??). The Acorn Crest has a red heart (Lanarkshire?) between two wings. The surname is properly, Elcorn, perhaps from the Alicki-branch Alis'. The elk may be a fundamental symbol of the Elcorn surname. Compare the Palin/Paulin Shield with the Elcorn/Acorn Shield, for "Polansky" is listed in the Alecki Coat page.

Cassius Clay became a Muslin, and changed his name to Mohammed Ali. His Morehead bloodline was at least part-black, I'm assuming, as we expect from Moors. The Clay Crest uses two wings appearing exactly like the German Fulk wings, and then the Irish Grady/Brady Coat (surname of Ali's mother) uses three lions that could link to the three lions in the Arms of the Plantagenets. The same lion design of the Gradys/Bradys is in the Gay Crest (surname first found in Manche). The Gay lion is superimposed with a scallop, wherefore see the English Matheson Crest, a scallop (Pullen/Romney colors) between the Clay-design wings. I'm doing my best to link the Clay bloodlines to the Meschin clans because I hold out that Parkinson's disease traces to them.

There is an Italian Ali surname (griffin) of Sicily!!! AMAZING, for the surname is said to derive from the location of Ali or Ali Messina! For sure, then, the Alicea/Ales surname of Messina links to it, and should indeed link to the Muslim Saracens.

The mother of Ali's father had a Greathouse surname, and amazingly, the German Greathouse Crest smacks of the Clay Crest in that both use their Coat symbols upon the same two wings!! Therefore, Ali's father and mother were from the same bloodlines, probably explaining why Ali got Parkinson's. AND, FREAK OUT, I didn't know last night -- not until this morning -- that the Greathouse symbol could be the similar one in the English Plante Coat. If so, that is the third time that Ali's bloodlines trace to the Fulks. The Plante Crest uses that stag, with bent "elbow," that I generally link to Meschin-of-Cheshire clans.

There's more. The Greathouse variation, "Grothusen, warrants a look at the German Groth/Grot Coat, and when seeing it's Acton Shield, I was amazed, for last night I had found an "action" motto term in a Clay-bloodline, but unfortunately I can't find it now. The English Alten Coat (Robin Hood in Crest) looks like it could be the Acton Coat, WHILE "Alten" looks like it could have derived from the Italian Ali surname (Acton/Alten colors), for other variations shown are Aliott-like.

See also the Clayton Coat with Sinclair Cross and holy-grail-Shaw Crest.

I'm convinced that Actons stem from the Ali/Ales surnames of Messina. I also trace Actons to mythical Ector of the Arthurian cult, and then trace that cult to southern Italy. In this Cassius-Clay genealogy, we find that a Morehead on line 224 married an Armistead surname, with a bent elbow in the Crest. Not only is the Armistead Coat in the colors of the Actons, but both surnames were first found in Cheshire. PLUS, the Acton Crest is a bent elbow. The Acton motto suggests links to the Valance surname, which may be a version of the Ali>Alan surname. For example, the Alan Coat looks like an Acton-Coat variation; note the Alan oak leaves, for acorns (i.e. the Acorn/Elcorn>Alicki surname) grow on oak trees.

Obama, by his own admission, was involved in every scheme that ACORN, now in the news, devised. ACORN has just dissolved itself but plans to re-open in a multitude of new smaller companies that are harder to keep track of. ACORN is a social-engineering organization...think brainwash. Hmm, the CEO of ACORN has a Lewis (i.e. like "Alis") surname. As you can see, the Lewis Coat uses blood droplets, evoking the Samson and Patterson lions. In fact, as "Lewis" is probably derived from "lew=lion," the Luwian Lydians come to mind.

It dawns on me just now that mythical Aeolus of the Elis region may apply. It is known that he depicted an Achaean people removed to western Italy, but look:

"In Greek mythology, [Aeolus was] the ruler or keeper of the winds. He kept them imprisoned in a cave on the island of Aeolia, which came to be identified with Lipari, one of the Aeolian islands that lie north of eastern Sicily [= Messina!].

According to Homer, he was the son of Hippotes, and had six sons and six daughters who married one another."

Another article: "Aeolian peoples were spread in many other parts of Greece such as Aetolia, Locris, Corinth, Elis and Messenia." Son of Hellen, I would suggest that Aeolus depicted Alans in Greece. BUT, I would trace proto-Alans to pre-Sarmation/Sauromatian times, to the Gel/Gilan peoples of the Cadusii Armenians. For, as I trace the Cadusii to the golden-fleece city of Kutaisi, so the Alans were not far off.

I identify the Gels as one of the coiled serpents in the caduceus staff of Hermes, who was the golden-fleece Ram flown by mythical Phryxus (i.e. Armenians became Phrygians), brother of Helle (= Hellespont). We get it. The Cadmus-branch of Hermes (from mount Hermon/Sion) had a war with the Phryxus branch Armenians, in which Helle was killed while Phryxus Lydians (from the Pelops cult) escaped back home to the Kutaisi realm...where they later became (o r contributed to) the Laz Caucasians after Boiotians and their Aeolian allies (depicted as the crew of the Argos ship) defeated the king (Aeetes) of Kutaisi.

What I'm now learning, I think, is that these Aeolians were proto-Saracens i.e. the Thracians of Ares. The eastern branch Thracians became the SAUROmatians, who merged with the Gel>Alans, but to the west, the Aeolians became the Saracens proper of Messina. The other serpent of the caduceus staff was, in my opinion, Asclepios. Quite apparently, the Guiscard-Visconti cult merged with Aeolians, as per the Ali and Ales/Alecia surnames, et al.

It's extremely interesting that I now find (as per the quote above) the symbol of the Aeolians to be incest! A few minutes ago, Elmo the puppet was on a TV commercial. So I went back to see the Elmer/Aylmer Coat again: a dolphin of the Reagan/Durham design, which may be a porphyria or "blue blood" symbol.

February 24

Hmm,the Aeolians lived at "Lipari, one of the Aeolian islands that lie north of eastern Sicily." We then read: "During the Dorian invasion, Aeolians from Thessaly fled across the Aegean Sea to the island of Lesbos." I recall tracing the Lapiths (ruled by Ixion) to Lesbos with hard evidence. But that trace seemed to involve the Arpii/Carpae (= Arphaxadite clans) from the Hebros river (Thrace), after they lost a battle. The Arphaxadites were the Thracian dragon i.e. the proto-Saracens! I found the Arpii>Lesbos line after finding the same peoples at mythical Charybdis, directly opposite from the Scylla monster at Messina!!!

I am referring to mythical Orpheus, whose head floated down the Hebros with his harp, to Lesbos. Orpheus was son of Oeagrus, son of Charops i.e. the Carpae/Arpii.

LOOK AT the picture of Orpheus' harp/lyre in the link above. It looks like the clarion in the Arthur Coat (though the latter seems to be upside down). Years ago, I traced the Arthur cult to the Arda region of the Hebros. Wikipedia tells that clarions were old-style trumpets, but I don't see how the Arthur symbol is a trumpet. See this quote: "[W.E.] Henley's nightingale poem, featuring no less than three birds, was composed in 1910 -- 'The nightingale has a lyre of gold, The lark's is a clarion call, And the blackbird plays but a boxwood flute, But I love him best of all.'"

The clarions are also called "three rests, on each, a hurt." Clever, for "hurt" is clue to an Art(hur) surname, the Hurts. The Hurt Coat looks like the Meschin Coat. The Arthur motto term, obstantia, could be code for the Stanton surname, but I think better the Stand surname, using the wreath seen in the Pelle Crest. The other Arthur motto term is "Impelle," you see. The Stand wreath is in the hand coming from a cloud; mythical Nephele, depicted in myth as a cloud, was the wife of Ixion.

My senses tell me that Nephele led to the Nibelung vikings (of the Vexen, Normandy), whom after I think the Nobels named themselves. The Nobels, like so many other surnames under consideration these days, uses a "fide" motto term, which I think is in honor of the Fiddle/Fidelow (also "Vidler") surname...with green wreath in Crest. The Fidelow write-up: "They lived in or near the settlement of Vis-de-lou in Normandy. Over time, the pronunciation of this place-name changed into fidelow." Could that Vis de lou location be related to Guiscard and/or the Viscontis? I can't find the precise location in Normandy. For further research, see "Fidler" on this page.

This brings me back to the Ixion Lapiths in Lesbos, who should have been ancestors to the founders/namers of Lepari in Sicily. As I trace the Lesbos lot to the Hebros river, and still further north to the Arpii east of the Carpathians, why not trace the heraldic leopard symbol of Transylvania to a Lepari/Lapith branch in Transylvania??? Remember, the Sicels of Sicily were likely related to the Szekelys of Transylvania, who claim to be ancestors of the Arpad Hungarians! There is a German/Bavarian Lippert/Lipard surname using a Moor head. Hmm, some variations smack of "leprechaun."

Hmm, Mohammed Ali's mother had a father with "Lewis" as a middle name (he married a Morehead). Ali's father was named after "Cassius Marcellus Clay...nicknamed 'The Lion of White Hall'...attended Transylvania University and then graduated from Yale College." The Luwian Lydians ruled a kingdom called, Arzawa, which I trace to Arda on the Hebros. Possibly, "Lepari" is rooted in "Lep," so that it connects with "Luw/Lew,"

It's Cassius-conspicuous that the English Casselman surname uses the Abreu castle. For in the Cassius-Clay genealogy, a Morehead marries a Presley surname, while the Presley Coat uses lions, in Abreu-lion colors, in castles that resemble the Abreu castle.

The last time that I linked the Presley Coat to the Abreus, I didn't know that the red wyvern in the Presley Crest traced to Aquila, capital if Abruzzo. I learned that a little later as per the same red wyvern in the Drake Coat, where we see an "Aquila" motto term. I am sure that Drakes were from Saracens, probably the Ali/Ales/Alicea Saracens, for the Italian Ales/Alicea Coat (surname also "Alesani") uses the same wings exactly as those in the Portuguese Abreu Coat.

As I'm hunting for hook-related Gogi peoples, I should mention that the Presley symbols include "grappling hooks." The same symbol was found (in the second update of this month) in the English Kerrick Coat (I link British Saracens to this and the Carrick surnames). The Kerrick write-up traces to the Presley/Priestly surname of Cheshire: "The roots of the Anglo-Saxon name Kerrick come from when the family resided in the village of Kerridge found in the parish of Prestbury in the county of Cheshire." "Kerrick" looks like "Crook" = a hook, but I don't think there's a Kerrick-Crook link.

A Morehead married an Alexander on line 11. The Russian Alexander Coat eagle with stretched neck, like in the Massi Coat, like also in the Maxwell Coat. The surname is from "Alexios," very much like the Alicki surname. The Alexander's Zionists stars are in the colors of the British Alexander Coats, using a crescent, and a bent elbow in the Crest. Variations include "ALISander" and "ALEStare." As per the "Mare" motto term (of the Alexanders), and because Pattersons have been traced to the Ales bloodline (of Messina), the French Mare Coat uses scallops in Patterson-scallop colors. Variations include "Maure" (meaning "brown/dark") and "More."

The next generation Morehead married a Duncan (line 57). We saw the Duncan surname yesterday; Robert Romly gave his daughter, Alice Meschin/Skipton, to William Romly, otherwise William fitzDuncan (i.e. William had Romly and Duncan parents). THUS, WE HAVE JUST CONNECTED THE SKIPTON PURPLE LION CLAN TO CASSIUS CLAY, A PARKINSON VICTIM!!! Possibly, the disease, and porphyria too, trace to the Saracens. Yes, I'm referring to the Aeolians whose symbol was incest from ancient days.

Recalling from yesterday that Pole-like surnames are involved in the Saracen cult, and especially because my Pollock-bloodline friend is the one that has been placed in my email life to help trace her porphyria to the dragon cult, let me repeat what was written yesterday: "I don't think it's coincidental that the Florence-surname Coat shares gold stars on blue, the symbol of the Italian Paulo surname." The Paulo clan shared variations with the Paul clan first found in Florence, you see, The point is, those Paul(oni) clans were linked to royal Poles, and Meschins>Maxwells were from royal Poles (so I claim), and so see the same gold stars on blue in the Makes/Mack Coat, for Maxwells have a Makeswell variation. This not only explains why Pollocks are a sept of Maxwells, but it traces Pollocks to the Genoa and Florence Paulonis.

Another Morehead married a Turner surname (line 113). The Turner Coat uses the Moreno/Moratin castle. The problem is, the castle is used by so many families that I don't yet know whether it's fundamental to the Mauritanians Moors that I think "Moratin" represents.

In the previous generation, the above-mentioned Turner's parent married a Norman surname (line 227). The German Norman Coat uses the wildman seen a few times already, most interesting being the German Wild Coat with Ales oak tree. In that same generation, a Duncan surname (Skipton-gene carrier) married a Norman surname too. The English Norman Coat uses leopard heads.

Yesterday, when on the Armistead surname on line 225 (married a Morehead), I suggested an Armistead (of Cheshire) trace to the Actons of Cheshire. I now see that, in the previous generation, an Armistead marries a Lee. The English Lees/Leghs were also first in Cheshire (I suspect these to be the Ligurian line), while the Irish Lees use leopard heads. Some Irish Lee variations include Alee and Alea, possibly from the Ales bloodline...that lived close to Lepari (off the east-Sicilian coast).

On line 1801, an Armistead married an Ellis surname. Not surprising. The Lee on line 902 married a Kendall, while the Kendals use the dolphin=PORPoise design that I suspect is a symbol of PORPHyria. PLUS, the Kendals were first in WestMORland.

I recall tracing the Marlays (first in Cheshire) to Morleys, but at the time I didn't know that the More/Moorland surname, with leopard-head, has a Morely variation. The Marlays also use porpoises!!! See that the Morely Coat I showed previously uses the Moorland symbol! If I'm seeing well, the Staple Coat also uses the Morely/Moorland symbol. I mentioned the Staples yesterday:

The Hook/Hoke Coat is not only in Huckabee/Hokestaple Colors, but both Hooks and Huckabees were first found in Devon. I recalled that the Staple surname was first found in Devon; the Staple Coat uses fleur-de-lys in the Hook colors.

I see a leopard head in that Staple fleur-de-lys. Apparently, therefore, Huckabees ("fide" motto term), as per their Hokestaple variation, can be traced to the Morleys/Moorlands of Westmorland. The Marlay write-up: "Marlay is a place-name from in Morlaix, in Brittany." If I'm seeing correctly, the Marlay dolphins have a purple tinge.

In the previous update page:

"The English Hauk/Hawk Coat shows "three purple pilgrims' staves," and when we look for a Pilgrim surname, we not only find an English Pilgrim Coat with three pilgrim staves, but the write-up: "It was a name for a person who had made a pilgrimage to the Holy Land..." Likely, it was a Templar family, and very likely linked to the Haukal Saracens. The Pilgrim Crest shows what some consider to be the Saxon sword, but isn't it really the Muslim sword???

Yes, it's a Middle-Eastern sword because it's called a scimitar. Note that it's on a bent elbow. The symbol was found in the sixth update of July: "AFTER writing ALL of the above, I found that the arm in the Roxburghshire Crest is called "Arm and Scimitar" at the Kyle-Society page." My bets are that the scimitar is the Roxburghshire symbol as per the Meschin>Maxtons and Pollock bloodlines there. Note that the Arms of Roxburghshire also uses a unicorn and a black bugle, two Macclesfield symbols.

As per the Cassleman surname in the Cassius Clay bloodline, which may have been the real cause for the use of "Cassius," see the dolphin in the Cassel Crest! It's in a yellow color, however, perhaps representing normal urine. We've seen this before; it links to Cheshire's founders, from Hesse-Cassel, in my opinion. The German Cassel surname, from Bavaria, shows the triple chevron on Clare/Burgh colors.

Not only do some trace porphyria to the Claros>Sinclairs, but my finding at the top of this update that it was from the purple lion of Romely-Skiptons, who married the Briquessart>Meschin line, may trace it to also to the Burghs...if indeed Briquessarts were Burghs. I do think that Briquessarts were the Ebroicum>Brigantine bloodline from the Abreu-based Celts...themselves from the Aphrodite-Ares sex-pot and faggot cult.

THERE IS a Cassius surname listed with the Italian Cassanos/Cascianos. The Coat has blue Zionist stars on gold, colors reversed from the Weis/Wise Zionist stars of Bavaria-Illuminati roots. Note that the Weis Coat, as with the Clay and Greathouse Coats, uses the Coat symbol in conjunction with two wings. The Cassius surname is Italian, from Modena, northern Italy...where the Eburovices (= Ebroicum) lived at one time. I trace Modena to Methoni/Modon of Messene (beside Sparta), wherefore namers of Modena may have been in Messina (Sicily) too.

In the Arms of Dumfries and Galloway, we see the white unicorn again, and the stag to its opposite side is said to belong to Maxwell of Nithdale. The point is, the motto evokes the Quince surname, which as we saw in recent days, links directly to the Sforza surname, first found in Rome. We should probably be seeking for a family of Rome to carry bad genes to the Romely clans. The "Rumilly" variation of old suggests mythical Romulus. In Michigan's Wayne county, Romulus was founded by Pullens and Pulciphers/Pulsiphers/Pules; the latter were in Cheshire with the Waynes. Therefore, porphyria could link to the gold-on-blue stars of the Paulons and Polloni of Tuscany and Genoa.

Medical experts traced Parkinson's to western Italy. I mentioned this in the fourth update of January. I updated a piece of that article just now; see square brackets in this quote from that update:

I found yesterday's trace of Parkinson's victims to Meschin-and-Pull families so not-coincidental that I investigated the disease. It was named after a Parkinson surname who, apparently, did not have the disease, and yet the Parkinson Coat uses black stars on white (!), the Ashton symbol, and colors reversed from the Pulls/Pulsiphers of Cheshire. I was amazed. Perhaps James Parkinson (a London-born surgeon) had discovered the disease when multiple of his family members had it:
"[James Parkinson] was a member of several secret political societies, including the London Corresponding Society. In 1794 his membership in the organization led to his being examined under oath before William Pitt and the Privy Council to give evidence about a trumped-up plot to assassinate King George III. He refused to testify regarding his part in 'The Pop-Gun Plot', until he was certain he would not be forced to incriminate himself."

George III is perhaps the most-discussed person in porphyria circles, as his bout of insanity is credited to the porphyria disease. Both Parkinsonism and porphyria are caused in large part due to faulty genes. I note that king George is illustrated at the Wikipedia article in black, gold, and white, the colors of the Meschin Coat. The article also shows the Arms of the House of Hanover (George was from that German House)...The Hanover lion is within the double-border ("double tressure fleury-counter-fleury") used in particular by the Scottish Flemings.

The idea that Meschins were Flemings is new to me, but as yet we need evidence to trace the Hanover lion to Ranulph before we can support the theory. [Update February 24 -- the Fleming double border was used by Thomas Randolph, first earl of Moray, who I trace to the Meschins. See Wikipedia article on Thomas!] There is some possible evidence already in the German Fleming Coat, for it's a wolf, the symbol of Hugh D'Avranches (the one who gave power in Cheshire to Ranulf). Plus, the Fleming Crest uses the wolf in conjunction with ostrich feathers, while the Parkinson's Coat uses ostrich feathers too (see verification). [Update February 24 -- The Arms of Cheshire use ostrich feathers! They belonged to Ranulf le Meschin!!]

My impression has thus far been that the Holy Spirit led me through Tim's tips to Saracens for the purpose of uncovering more than Sionic-Templar roots, but for tracing Parkinson's and/or porphyria, thanks to the help of other readers seeking the same. CC has herself been seeking gene-defective lines to Muslims and north Africa. There could be more to this story than has been treated here so far. It's hard to know at this point whether porphyria/Parkinson's was fundamental to the Polish>Meschin line, or whether that line picked it up elsewhere, as for example the Romleys. For further research on Maxwell links, see page with many Maxwell Arms.

One thing that I can remember well is the Yonge\Young Coat. It smacks of the Romely Coat. I trace "Yonge" to "Hung(ary) because the same rake used by the Yonges was used by the flag of king Stephen of Hungary. It is said that one of the major porphyria hubs is Hungary. Note two motto terms of the Yonge Coat: "prudentia" and "praestat." The first should be the Prude/Prat(t) surname tracing to PodeBrady, Bohemia. The second looks like code for the Presley/Priestly surname.

Again, the Presley Coat uses the hooks found in the English Kerrick Coat ("paratus" motto term), AND the Scottish Kerricks/Carricks use an ostrich in the Crest! The motto of the latter branch uses "Garde," and the English Garde Coat uses the Abreu castle (the Presley Coat uses lions, in Abreu colors, in a castle almost like the Abreu castle). The Presley Crest is the Drake wyvern that links (in my opinion) to Abruzzo while the Drake surname should link distantly to "Carrick" as per Draco>Thraco>Sarac(en)>Carrick.

Versions of the Kerrick surname look enough like "Kerry" that I checked the Kerry Coat again. It's got the Shield design used by the Spree (crescents, from Lusatia) and Guis/Guido Coats, the latter surname first found in Venice, not far from Modena. The Abreu surname was first found in Padua, almost smack at Venice. Possibly, the Heneti line in Venetia merged with the Aeolian line in southern Italy. The Aeolians settled western Italy, at first in the south...roughly at the locale to which medical experts have traced Parkinson's:

"Families from [Contursi] have played an important role in the understanding of Parkinson's disease. In 1986, Larry Golbe...came across a family with six Parkinson's patients, and found that they had originated in Contursi. A few months later he found a second family with several Parkinson's patients, who also had ancestors from the village. This prompted Golbe to collaborate with Giuseppe DiIorio...They identified three families in Italy and three families in the US, all of whom were descendants from a single couple who lived in Contursi in the late 1600s and early 1700s. Of 400 members of this extended family, known as the Contursi kindred, 61 are known to have had Parkinson's. This showed for the first time that Parkinson's could be inherited."

I can't find a Contursi Coat, but the Conte surname comes to mind. There is an Italian Conti/Contarini surname "First found in the cities of Ferrara, Venice, Milan, Pavia, Assisi, Bologna, and Padua." This family could be the second half of "VisConti." Ferrara, like Modena, is in the region of Emilia-Romagna. In the Wikipedia article on the latter: "Emilia-Romagna is home of numerous iconic gastronomical and automotive industries, such as Ferrari, Lamborghini, Maserati and Barilla..."

Maser(ati)? Checking, it turns out that "Maser" is listed under the Massey/Massie/Macey surname (is that Pegasus in the Crest?), first found in Cheshire but earlier from Manche (!) where the Guiscards/Viscards originate. The Veres lived at Ver(e) in Manche, explaining why the Maser/Massey Coat is the Vere Shield. We assume that Ferrari, the parent company of Maserati, was the Vere bloodline. My father's Italian bloodline is a Ferrari.

As per "Lamborghini," I thought of the Lambert surname, and while loading I recalled that Polish king, Mieszko Lambert II, was from the Meschin bloodline. The German Lambert Coat: a crescent in the colors of the Sprees!! The Lambert Chief uses the Gas/Gasson ducklings.

The white-on-blue star of the French Bez/Bes Coat has been traced to king Bezprym, half-brother to Mieszko Lambert, and that should explain why the French Lambert Coat uses white-on-blue stars! BUT, the Romely Chief also uses white-on-blue stars, with a crescent between them!!! Again, the Romely motto, "Persevere," should link to the Sforza surname at Rome, for the motto term must be code for the Savery surname with Saffer variation (i.e. smacking of "Sfroza"). The French Saffer surname (first near Italy) shows a Safres variation that easily modifies to/from "Sforza."

You may have read where Veres trace one of their branches to the Genny/Guisnes bloodline, which I traced to Guines. I mention this as per "LamborGuini." The Guin Coat, like the Maser Crest, is a winged horse! I showed this Guin/Cuin/Quinn Coat recently when tracing the surname to "Quince/Quintus, for the Sforza lion holds a "quince" in honor of the Quince family!!! The Quince write-up: "This line produced Saer de Quincy (1155-1219), 1st Earl of WINchester"

BUT NOW, see another part of the Quince write-up: "First found in Northampton, where they held a family seat from very early times and the first of several to bear the name Saer de Quincy (Saer I) was lord of the manor of Long Buckby." Then read the write-up of the Huckabee/Hokestaple Coat (coiled snakes): "The name Huckabee...comes from when a family lived in the village of Huxtable in East Buckland in the county of Devon." Apparently, "Huck" evolved into "Buck."

More clues in the Quince write-up: "...however there were several places in France such as Quincy-sous-Sénard in Seine-et-Oise or Quincy-Voisins in Seine-et-Marne." The Voisins Coast uses diamonds, as in the rocks, which perhaps link to the Quince-Coat diamonds, as in the card suit. In other words, all diamond symbols, as in the card suit, may link to the rock diamonds of the Viosins bloodline, first found in Languedoc i.e. near Italy.

The Diamond surname uses long diamonds, as in the card suit, in Quince colors. PLUS, the Diamond motto uses "Miseris," smacking of "Maser." The Diamond colors are also in the colors of the Maser/Massie Coat. The Diamond Crest is a gold lion holding a diamond, evocative of the Sfroza gold lion holding a quince. The Diamond variations, Diment and Dymott, may be variations of Dumas=D'Mas (a Dumas variation is "Dumat"). Remember, the French Dumas Coat uses the roundels used by the French Savery/Savard Coat so that we expect the Dumas surname to link with Quince>Sforza bloodlines. As can be seen in the Visconti write-up, a variation was "Visco," perhaps represented by the "disco" in the Diamond motto.

There is an Italian Bisco/Visco surname first found in southern Italy. The Coat uses axes and gold lions on red (Diamond/Quince colors).

What about the Barilla sportscar company (white crescent on red in the logo?), named after the Italian Barilla/Barrile surname, using the same griffin as the Ali Coat!!

The Barillas were first in Calabria, which faces Messina...where the Alis were first found. There is an English Barrel surname (said to derive from "boar," even as I trace Veres to the Eburo Celts) with Barril variation, using a white talbot/Lab but with a red ear. I recall a red ear on the Lab-like face in the Arms of Oettingen-Oettingen. Going back to view the latter arms, I noticed for the first time the so-called "rest" symbol used by the Arthurs and Hicks/Hykes!!

I now recall tracing the Oettingens to the Otin and/or Otis surname(s), but when entering "Odi" just now, the Ottone Coat! The first Visconti ruler of Milan was Ottone!

[End update]

PS -- I just saw a FOX News correspondence (two minutes ago) reporting on the denial of lawyer access to the 9-11 detainees at Gitmo. Her name, Catherine Herridge, I recognized it as the Kerrick variation, Kerridge, but when I entered "Herridge," zowie, a red and gold bell pattern, exactly the color of the Oettingen-Oettingen Arms bell pattern. How could that be a coincidence, coming just a couple of hours after writing on Oettingens? The Herridge/Herrick motto includes "nobilitat."

How do we explain that the 9-11 suspects are still not at trial...if they are sooo guilty of the crime??? Why no lawyer access? I know. They are not guilty because 9-11 was an inside job. There was a time when I thought it was crazy to believe it, but now I do: 9-11 was an inside job, not an al-Qaeda plot. [End PS]

February 25

Did you miss the PS yesterday? It's very important and helps to verify that the Arthurian cult was merged with Hyksos.

We have a clue of Arthur surname link to Oettingens because the Oettingen-Oettingen Arms used what looks like the Arthur Coat symbol, which I have been calling "clarions," apparently incorrectly (the reason occurs below). The Arthur-Oettingen link may now identify the "ostantia" motto term in the Arthur Coat as code for the Standish surname, for it uses a saltire in colors reversed from the Oettingen saltire.

It's then Very conspicuous and revelatory that the Standish Crest includes a hand coming from a cloud, a symbol possibly of mythical Nephele, wife of Ixion...the myth code, I think, of the Hyksos. Stay with me here no matter that it sounds hokey at first. Not only was the Arthur surname of Clapton merged with the Hicks/Hykes because the two families shared clarions, but the Herridge surname, using the Oettingen-Oettingen bell pattern, has a "nobilitat" motto term that should be code for the Nobel surname. If I'm correct that Nobels were named in honor of Nibelung vikings (I think involved with proto-Varangians), I think it will prove correct that Nobels were from mythical Nephele.

The Standish surname was first found in Gloucestershire. I identified one serpent of the caduceus staff as the Gels (south Caspian sea), and because they were also "Gileki," I traced them to mythical Glaucus, who loved Scylla. As I traced Hyksos to the Samson cult (long before I came to the topic at hand), is it a coincidence that the Samson surname was also first in Gloucestershire, that it uses scallops (= Scylla), and that I trace both the Samson and Arthurian cults to southern Italy? On top of that, I trace the early Samson cult to the Tanais river (north Caucasia), where I think the Gels/Gileki moved to in becoming the Alan tribe of Sauromatians. I am therefore already convinced that mythical Glaucus and Scylla represented Alan of Sicily scythians that moved to and named Gloucester.

"Gileki" smacks of "Alick," a hard-c version of "Alicea/Ales." The hard-c was found in the Polish Alicki surname that includes "Polansky," curiously enough, but the Acorn/Alcorn surname is also suspect because it was first found in Rotherfield (Sussex) while the Rotherfield Coat uses gold crescents on blue, the Alicki-Polansky symbol. Note that while the English Rother (and "Ruth") surname is listed under an alternative Randolph-of-Moray Coat using black stars, the Bacon Coat using black stars, was first found in Sussex (where Rotherfield is located). It's known that the Bavarian Illuminati, to which the Rothschilds are thought to have linked, were Rosicrucians i.e. as Francis Bacon was.

The snake in the German Schell Coat (I'm thinking Schell/Shell = Scylla-scallop shell) is blue on white, the colors of the modern Visconti snake. Keep in mind that the Schell Shield is the English Alten Shield because that surname is about to come up again today in conjunction with the deep roots of the Bavarian Rothschilds in the Bug surname. Moreover, the Alten Shield looks like a variation of the Allen Shield, suggesting that Altens were Alans. "Alan," in an ancient language, means snake, by the way (so say some webpages). Remember, I had traced the proto-Stewart Alans to the Visconti circle of peoples, namely to the Massi surname of Massino Visconti.

LOOK. The Standon Coat -- which was earlier suggested as representation for the "obstantia" motto term -- also uses a the colors of the Haskells, whom I link to the Euskals=Basques! I think the bell pattern can be explained by a Haskell trace to the

As Saffers are being equated with a branch of Sforzas, and as Sforzas link to the Quinces, the five eagles in the Saffer Coat may be due to the idea that "Quince" means (or came to mean as play on words) "fivefold." I also remember the myth code wherein Robert Guiscard left Normandy with five horsemen and 30 men on foot to conquer half of Italy. Although the number 30 can be traced to the Samson cult, I was wondering at the time why five horsemen? The cinqueports, perhaps. The English Saffers use a bell pattern too (!), in the colors of Irish Flemings, which colors were also in a bell-pattern of the Gascony-Aquitaine theater (I can't recall with whom).

Tim sent me some information on what I've been calling "water carriers." In one of two articles he shared, where they are called "bouques", we are able to find a rabbit trail to what family they trace to:

"To heralds, a water-bouget was a favourite charge on an armorial shield...Henry V's standard bearer, Lord Bouchier, had water-bougets on his coat-of-arms, most likely, in his case, on account of the similarity of the names..."

There are some drawings (above) of bouges, one version looking like the letter 'M'.

There are no water carriers in the Boucher Coat, but there are in the Bouchier Coat (talbot in Crest). The same Coat comes up when entering "Bouzes," as per the clue in the second article shared by Tim, where we read: "It is not easy to determine the primary form, but in the earlier rolls [the water bouges] is spelt, as will be seen by the examples, in a variety of ways, i.e. bouges, bouz, buzes, buz, bouces..." In the first article, we find that a TrusBUTT/TrusseBUZ also uses bouges.

What of the talbot in the Bouchier Crest? I trace it to the Taillebois/Tallbois surname, which could be derived from a compound, D'Alle-Bouz/Boug. Just a thought. The English Talbots were first in Shropshire (where Meschins were first found), and the French Talbot Coat uses fleur-de-lys in the colors of the Masci (Piedmont) fleur-de-lys. As you may know, Ranulf le Meschin married Lucy Taillebois...and she may have been/become the purple lion Lacy clan as a result of linking to Meschin's Skipton (from a scallop-like term?) bloodline.

The English Talbots use "Prest" as a motto term, and we have seen the Presley surname (recently) linking to the Parkinson's disease of Cassius Clay...not to mention that both parents of my Abreu friend, from Cout and Ribell bloodlines too, had/have Parkinson's (Presleys use Abreu symbols). If you are confused, let me say that both Parkinson's and porphyria is tracing to the Aphrodite-Ares cult of Rus-Hebrew mix i.e. the Thracian/Saracen dragon that included Arphaxadites and Harmonia=Hermes Armenians, yes the Cadusii and Gileki snakes represented later by Harmonia's (= Ares' daughter) marriage to Cadmus. In another Greek myth, the two Gileki-Cadusii snakes were represented by the brothers, Aeolus and Xuthus (both sons of Hellen).

As Tim is very interested in the Russell surname, the article goes on: "William de ROOS, de goules, a trois bouges d'argent..." That is, three red bouges on silver/white (same colors as the bouges of Bouchiers/Bouzes), which can be seen in the Arms of Peter Trevor Maxwell, Baron de Ros (near the end of webpage below). The Ros bouges are made to look much like 'M's, as though representing Maxwells. Perhaps not coincidentally, the Maxwell-of-Ros Coat uses a red saltire on white, the color of the Standish saltire.

At the time that I read Tim's email, I wondered whether there could be a bouges link to the Baugency surname, but there was no such Coat. A little later the Bugs surname came to mind, but I didn't check the Coat for bouges. I decided that I would mention the Bugs surname today, in this bouges discussion, but even at that time I hadn't looked back at the Bug Coat, the symbols of which I had forgotten. Finally, after writing the paragraph above, I checked: bouges on the Bug Coat!!! Then I remembered mentioning that the Bugs Coat is in the Meschin-Coat format.

The German Bogen Coat, that pops up when one enters, "Bugel," is in Bug colors. The Bogen surname (first in Bavaria) is important because I know for a fact that they transferred the blue and white Arms of Bavaria before the Bavarian state had them. As we can see, there are many Bug-using variations in the Bogen family. I also suspect that the Bogens (meaning "bow") became the Bowers/Bauers>Rothschilds...who may have named Bavaria, therefore.

Note the archer in the Bogen/Buger Crest, because we saw Robin Hood in the English Alten Coat. I call him Robin Hood because the Altens (no doubt from Oldenburg, Germany) were first in was the Bugs surname! You get it. The Bugs surname of England was from the Bogen/Buger surname of Bavaria, or vice versa. The German Bug surname, in the same colors, has variations such as Buggen and Bugle. TIM, YOU'VE COME UP BIG AGAIN!

NOW, see that variations of the Bouchiers are: Bowser, Bowesar, Bowsher. I mean, I think they were Bowers/Bauers and Bogens/Bugers.

About midway into the Maxwell-Arms page, we see the Arthur-Coat and Oettingen symbol, called "rests," in the Arms of General Sir John Grenfell, Maxwell. Fortunately, the Grenfeld Coat uses rests too, and zowie, they are NOT clarion trumpets at all, but organ the colors of the Arthur rests! (DRATS! It looks like I've got to go back through the updates to change every instance of confusing the Arthur rests with the Arthur-of-Clapton clarions.)

After writing that, I went seeking more Oettingen clues when, amazingly, I came upon an armoral webpage showing the Oettingen-Oettingen dog with red ears (below which we find what looks like an organ rest). It's shown as the Crest of the Nurnberg (of Hohen) Arms. In yesterday's update, a white lab with red ear was found in the English Barrel/Barril Coat/Crest (said to be a Huguenot surname).

But that's not the point, for before finding the red-eared dog in the Nuremberg Crest, I saw it just five coats down as the KRENkingen Crest. I mean, this came just minutes after linking the Grenfeld "rest" to what appears to be a rest in the Oettingen-Oettingen Arms!

The armoral page shows the griffin of the Oltingen/Oltinger Coat, which smacks of the griffin in the Italian (Calabria) Barilla Coat, BUT the Oltingen griffin is in the colors of the Barilla-identical griffin of the Italian (Messina) Ali Coat!! Likely, the Olten term links to the Altens/Aldens of Oldenburg (lower Saxony).

The same armoral page shows that Oettingens were also "Ottingers," so I had better record the Ottinger\Ottin Coat here, for it looks like a variation of the Nurnberg Coat of that page, which, a few Coats above it is shown also as the Zollern Coat (i.e. the HohenZollerns of Nuremberg).

NOW, this is amazing. For Tim had also sent a second surname he'd found using a pomegranate, as per the Bilson Coat. The only think I could suggest to him then was connection with the Bils Coat, a Shield filled with black and gold checks. BUT NOW, seeing the black and gold quarters of the Ottinger Coat, I was in the process of asking myself what surname in the Ottinger family circle reflects (Pome)Granate," when my eyes fell on the Grenfeld surname!! Astounding "coincidence." It's clear to me that Someone is sending us messages through Tim lately, many good clues to things extremely important.

I would suggest that the pomegranate depicts the Grenfeld/Kren(kingen) family. I would also suggest that the Gren term may have been named after a pomegranate-honoring family tracing to the Asclepios snake, for: "[Ascalaphus] betrayed the fact that Persephone had eaten a pomegranate in the underworld, something that she was forbidden to do. Ascalaphus was punished by being turned into an owl." The last time I traced the pomegranate symbol was to Thomas Mallory, Arthurian myth writer, and his granate-like myth character (= Sir Gareth, see Feb 9). The Malrau/Mallroy Coat uses a pomegranate in the colors of the Bilsons (thank you Tim).

Tim also suggested that "pomegranate" may have been code for Pomerania. I recall tracing the Bils surname from the Pamphylians of the Bilis river, Paphlagonia, to a river by virtually the same name in the Polabian theater i.e. at/beside Pomerania. Hmm. At this point, I should mention that the same armoral page has a Baumberg Coat, for I trace Pamphylians to Bamberg (Germany) and Bamburgh (Scotland). The Baumberg Coat shows three scallops in Meschin/Samson/Fleck colors.

Is it a coincidence, therefore, that the Grenfeld Crest uses the same griffin, OR that a Grenfeld motto term is "flectes"? Geoffrey Plantagenet was the son of a daughter of Elias La Flech, in turn the son of John de Baugency? I had suggested (years ago) a mythical Lancelot link to Lancelin de Baugency; I now find that "Baugency" can link to the water-bouges symbol, used also by the Banisters (Lancashire)...who I traced recently to the "art"-using Banes surname and to mythical Ban/Bant, father of Lancelot (= Lancashire elements?)!

The German Kren Coat uses a crane, as does a corner of the Scottish Craney Coat (see verification) with "gren" listed in its databank. The latter uses an elephant centrally/primarily, and an "amor" motto term. Was anyone reading February 7 when in the topic of the crane goddess, Gerana (the term means "crane" in Greek). It now appears that Gerana elements also used the pomegranate symbol. Here's what I shared on that day:

Gerana was made the mother of a Mopsus. "Another" (i.e. probably the same peoples) mythical "Mopsus was venerated as founder in several cities, among them Mopsuestia in Cilicia, the oracle at Klaros [Lydian theater] and at Mallos (Cilicia]." Mallos? Malrua/Mallory? I think yes! I went on to say: "The father of Mopsus brings us to familiar territory. He was Amphyx [Pamphylia code], son of Elatus, king of the Lapiths. Phlegyas, remember, was the Lapith ruler who birthed a peoples depicted by "Coronis" (crow) (and she in turn evolved into a peoples depicted by her "son," Asclepios)."

The Ali surname of Messina is also "Aliotti," very reflective of "Elatus." If there is a link, the Lepari location (off of Messina) to which the Aeolians moved could indeed link to "Lapith." In the far north, a Sami peoples are also called Lapps, which seems to harmonize with the fact that the Samson cult was at Scylla and Messina.

Unfortunately, the article I had shared telling that the Arthurs and Hicks of Clapton (Somerset) used clarions did not show what clarions look like. I did find an online quote verifying that the clarion (said to be a trumpet) was a symbol of the Clares. When entering "Clarion," a MacLaron/MacLawrence Coat comes up...with two red chevrons on gold, suggesting a link to the red triple chevrons on gold of the Clare clan. The Crest uses laurel leaves, no doubt representing the Daphne-Dumnonni cult at Devon and neighboring Somerset, for the Clarion/Laron Coat uses the MacDonald (i.e. from Irish Domnanns) ship. The "Creag" motto term, could link to the Carricks/Kerricks = Saracens (Carricks are said to derive from "Craig," but I think the two surnames were variations of one another, both derived from an earlier Sarac(en)-like term.

The Creag Coat uses roundels (technically "bezant" coins when in gold) in the colors of Dumas, smacking of Daffy Dumas Duck! The French Savary Coat also uses gold bezants on blue, and I've already suggested that family to link to the Saur/Saier surname (from the Sur/Sava river) i.e. of Saracen ancestry.

No doubt, the French Sauviges, first in Champagne, link to the Sauvigeois peoples of nearby Sauviat-sur-Vige. I trace Champagne (and its Avallon) to Campania of western Italy...where experts have traced Parkinson's (Contursi, near Avellino). The Champagne-branch Sauviges use a red heart, as does the Crest of the Acorns/Alcorns. It's hard to know how to derive the latter surname, but they seem to be linked to the Roths/Rothers of Sussex, which harmonizes with the Saracen connection to the Russells and related Rus peoples.

The red heart is also the symbol of Lanarkshire...which may derive from an Alan or Alan-like term. There is a Lanar/Lanier surname, first found in Champagne, which can easily trace the Lanarkshire red heart to the same of the Sauviges of Champagne! Hmm, there are some Lain-using variations recalling the Delane(y) surname, also "Dallen," that was traced to "D'Allen" i.e. Alans of Dol.

The Lanark-surname page doesn't help to easily trace the term to a derivation. BUT, there is a clue to Saracen>Craeg>Carrick links in that "they were associated with the Clan Gregor." When we go to the Scottish Gregor Coat, an oak tree (same design as the Apollo and Ales tree) showing some mighty-fine acorns. Both the Gregors and Lanarks were first found in Argyllshire.

The Gregor motto term, Srioghal, is interesting, for it seems to be an 'S' version of the harder "Grioghair" variation of the family, as if the Greg family were linked to an 'S' version...such as "Sarac(en). Not only could the Gregor Crest be the leopard of the Sarah Crest, but the Sarah Coat smacks a little of the English Greg(g) Coat.

By the way, the Cragg Coat uses the Carrick black talbots. A black talbot head is in the Griffin Crest, and the Coat uses the Ali griffin; the motto is "Ne vile Velis," as if to be code both for Nevils and the Elis'. The The Oettingen saltire!! Nevils were first found in Gacey.

It's hard to say whether the Cray/Cree/Craith surname (traced by the write-up to "Rath"), which I link to red-lion Dallens/Delaneys, also link to the Cragg>Craig>Carrick fold, but it's deeply within possibility. The problem is, I've traced the Cray/Craith surname to "Curete," while the Carricks are traced to "Sarac(en)." Perhaps it's not a problem so much as a revelation...that the evolution of terms was Curete>Cruithen>Craith>Cray>Craig>Carrick. Yet the problem persists in linking "Curete/Crete" to "Saracen." BUT "Cruithen" is easily a hard-C version of "Saracen." The Alan Coat could be a variation of the Cray/Craith Shield.

The Gregor tree, with seven acorns in the branches and at least one falling along the trunk, is the same as the Echen Crest. The latter surname is properly "Atkin," but "echen" means "oak" in German. The point is, the Echens/Atkins were first founds in Lanarkshire, while the Gregors are said to have been associated with the Lanark surname. Clever, the Echen motto uses "viGILANTIA, while the Coat uses roosters = "galina" in Italian. I would suggest roots in ancient Gilan/Alan peoples tracing forward to the Galli = proto-Gauls. The Galli used serpents coiled around a staff.

The Gilaki of Gilan lived at the city of Rasht/Resht in Alborz. There were Elamite peoples there (before they moved to the Persian gulf) who may have became Delymites/Deylamites (D'Elam?) on the one hand and Gilans later on i.e. Alans may have descended from Gilan-branch Elamites. Rasht could have been a city of the ancient Rosh, but in any case there is good reason to trace the Curetes to the Rasht region, thus tending to verify that the "Rath" derivation of the Cray/Cree/Craith surname is in the Curete>Cruithne Irish (Ireland was named after Iranians, and the Gilani/Gilaki were Iranians). Zeus was raised by Curetes on Crete, and that's where his mother nurtured him too. Her name, Rhea, traces to Rey/Ray, anciently Rhagae, in Iran, close to Rasht. In Phrygia, she was Kybele/Cybele, the goddess of the Galli.

You get it. The Zeus cult was an incestuous cult because it considered itself superior blood. That's why Zeus mates, in myth, with every relative he can get his hands on.


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