The SWIFT Skincode!
International Bankers United
December 23
Today's bloodline topic starts with a thought crossing my mind, that Hooten and other Odin-potential surnames included Houghtons/Haughtons. The evidence through a longish series of Coats was not bad at all to that end.The Houghton Coat is, firstly, colors reversed from the Arms of Trebizond Empire (three black bars on a white Shield). The "Malgre" motto term of the Houghtons must be code for the Meleager bloodline out of Calydon, for I traced "Calydon" to the Khaldi in the Trabzon theater.
I mentioned not long ago that the Botvilles/Thems use bars reminding of the Trebizond Arms. Upon reviewing the Botville page now, it strikes me, not only that "Bot" could be a Boden-like version of what could be the Woden/Wotan/Odin term, but my trace of "Odin" to Thyni and the related Bithynia.
I had traced "Odin" from Thynia through to the chief Etruscan god, Tin/Tinia. It didn't dawn on me when treating the Botville variations -- Thynne, Tyne, Tine, Tynes, O'Tyne, Thin(n) and Then -- that the Botville equation with those terms could be explained from the family's ancestry in BITHynia and Thynia together. Wikipedia: "In the ancient world, Thynia was a region of Asia Minor part of or equal to Bithynia..." finding (at that article) a staggering piece of evidence for a Trebizond link to Thynia, I was going to suggest that the Themis(cyra) location on the Thermodon river in Trebizond (which I had linked (starting with the 2nd update of October) to the Botville/Thems/Thynne surname) is the Amazon location that named Thynia. In other words, the ArTEMIS cult moved to Thynia and Bithynia, and "Thynia" is a variation of "Themis(cyra)."
The, at the article above, I read: "[Thynia] was occupied by the Thyni, a Thracian people who came from Thrace. Note that in the Middle Ages, Mesothynia (= Middle Thynia) was the peninsula of modern Kocaeli. Its name came from Thyneas son of Fineas by the myth." I had just viewed the Fin Coat a moment earlier! I had found the Fin Coat because I was searching for the surname that used the Arms of Trebizond exactly!! After seeing the Fin Coat again (it was mentioned in the 3rd update of October), I was lamenting for not having any evidence of a Fin trace to Trebizond...until I read the quote above!!! It's a French surname (Burgundy) that's also Finn, Fain, Faind, and Fein. Surely these terms stem from mythical Fineas.
I've not emphasized this mythical Fineas, but he is very large in the Cadmus line of Tyrians, and is obviously code for Phoenicians:
In Greek mythology, Phineas (also spelled Phineus, was a Phoenician King of Thrace.The name 'Phineas' or 'Phineus' may be associated with the ancient city of Phinea (or Phineopolis) on the Thracian Bosphorus. Some ancient writers recognize two Thracian kings by the name of Phineas/Phineus/Phinehas. The first was a son of Agenor who, like his brothers Phoenix, Cadmus, Thasus and Cilix, departed his Phoenician homeland in search of his sister Europa, who had been abducted by the god Zeus [that never happened; it was code only for following along the steps of Europa]. Phineas gave up his search in Thrace, and settled on the western shores of the Black Sea, in eastern Thrace. This Phineas was the father of Thynus, Bithynus, Mariandynus and Paphlagonus, although the first two were his sons by adoption, their father being a certain Odrysus. These four men founded four kingdoms along the shores of the Black Sea - Thynia, Bithynia, Mariandyne, and Paphlagonia - but are otherwise unheard of.
ZOWIE, this traces the Cadmus Phoenicians straight to Odrysia!!! And it then reveals that Thynia and Bithynia were settlements of the Odrysians...who are always center stage in the dragon bloodline upon the Hebros. The importance here is that Dionysus (a grandson of Cadmus) was just traced (last update page) to the Hebron roots (near Jerusalem) of the Hebros river, in an alliance with some Judah-ites of Hebron. The Hebros river itself was traced to the Judah-ites, though they were found to be in alliance with some Anaki and/or Amorite elements. AND, the Odrysians are known to adamantly be a Dionysus-cult peoples.
There was no more disgusting dragon cult than Dionysus. He was the proto-Zeus bull cult that had stolen Europa (read as EBROpa) on his back, and she was the Revelation-17 harlot. Never before have I traced the harlot to Hebron, but that is where EBROpa must now trace: from Hebron to the Hebros. I get it! The Ishtar cult of Anaki>Amorites in Babylon came to Hebron. I get it, I get it.
And they led to the Thyni, and then to Tinia of the Etruscans, and the latter founded Rome, the seven hills upon which the harlot sits. Ignoring myth on the Romans, historians see the Etruscans as the true founders of Rome, meaning that Romans came largely forth from Etruscans. I did trace Etruscans, independent of any of these thoughts, from the Pannonian and Carpathian theaters (i.e. the European heartland at the time). This was part of the land route to Italy, as opposed to the Mediterranean route, and it went through Venetia and Celtic Illyria.
As the Phineas/Odrysus cult was said to found Paphlagonia (whom I view as the Apollo cult in his role as twin of Artemis), and as the Heneti were Paphlagonians, we fully expect the same cult to have furnished the Heneti>Veneti line through central Europa. The other aspect of the cult, MARIandynus, could be the Mari-based Amorites merged with the Anat cult (fully expected where the Mari Amorites --think Marduk -- are known to be an extension of the Anu/Antu cult), and indeed the "andynus" portion of the term smacks of "Anten(or), mythical code for the Heneti (it was Antenor who lead the Heneti to Venetia.
As one reads the Phineas article further, it becomes more clear that he was the Phoenician link to the founding of Trojans (Antenor was a Trojan leader), but through the Pisidians...suggesting that it went to the Tantalus>Pelops cult, which indeed works because that cult ruled out of the city of (H)Eneti. There is evidence, however, that the Phineas cult also went through the Solymi (fellow tribe with Pisidians):
...[mythical] Idaea, who Phineas married after the death of Cleopatra. His residence was the city of SALMYdessus on the Black Sea. This Phineas was said to be a son of Poseidon, or of Phoenix... (caps mine).Clearly, Phineas was Phoenix, named after Panias at mount Hermon. This was the Sion-of-Hermon cult. From Venetia, it went up the Po river, which was the BODEN/BODINcus to the (swan-line) Ligurians, and into the Sion-of-Switzerland theater, before reaching the Rhodanus...where a MARY Magdalene cult was formed in-part by some twisted, Mari-Amorite-related Merovingians....who led to the demented Veres of the Nicholas-de-Vere kind. And they call this the bloodline of Jesus, though the most it can do is to trace to His tribe of Judah, but only in-part, and only from pagan Judah-ites, not true Jews.
The Bodencus river could be part of my trace of the Bithynians to the Budini Nahorites. I keep this in mind.
Back to the Houghton/Haughton surname where this all started. I wanted to see where an investigation would lead. After viewing the Coat, "Haugh" was entered to find the Keith stag (I've traced the Keith Catti to Cadmus elements at Hesse), though another relevant point here is that the same stag is used in the Woden Coat! The surname is said to be properly, Woodham, but still, this was telling, for I had started the Houghton search in the first place looking for links to the Wootens and Hootens while Wootens are also "Wotan."
What interested me further in the Houghton investigation was the clan's Hector and Hoctor variations (smacking of the Trojan king by that name). I should add that I had traced the HOUGHs/Hoffs (black wolf head) of Cheshire to HUGH Lupus, and I had traced the Keiths back to his domains of Cheshire. I independently traced "Cheshire" itself to Hesse before realizing that Cheshire was named by Keith/Keath-related Catti (think the Chees/Cheatles of Cheshire). Moreover, Hootens were first in Cheshire.
After loading the Hough/Hoff Coat, I was just a click away from the German Hoff Coat, and loading it, there was found a black bull head, verifying that the Houghtons/Haughtons/Hectors were Houghs, for the Houghton Crest is a bull head.
I think this bull head belongs to the Mieske/Mesech clan that was the basic Piast bloodline, and that brings me back to the trace of the Houghtons to the Khaldi Amazons at Trabzon, for I traced the mythical founder of the Piasts, Piast KOLODziej, to the Khaldi (= proto-Celts).
The Horton surname came to mind as per "Houghton," and I began to wonder whether "Hough(ton)" could trace back to "Horus" and its branches. I noted that the stag in the Horton Coat could link to the Cheshire stag (which I think belongs much to the Masseys). The Horton stag emphasizes the ANTlers, which I tentatively view as code for the Anat>Heneti cult.
Next, after finding no Horus Coat, "Hors" was entered to find a Howisons/Howeson surname, which seemed like excellent verification that "Hough" was also "Hor(s)" in a Hor>How>Hough evolution of terms. Hors'/Howisons were first found in Lothian, where Keiths lived. Hows use a red heart, suggesting linkage to the Harts-et-al.
This was amazing, for I had traced the red heart to the DochHARTYs, (another stag), from InisHOWEN. And, the Docharty Chief smacks of the Hooten Coat.
The horse in the Hooten Crest is, I think, a symbol of the Masseys. The horse (Celt = "hross) is important in this potential Horus=Ares investigation for obvious reasons.
The following is an aside but important. The last time that I was on the Docharty motto, Ar Ndutcas," I suggested code for "Dutch." But just now the "Duchess" term came to mind, especially as Dochartys appear as a clan of Dochs/Docks. When I entered "Duchess," there was the rare Masci wing (on a Macey/Mackay-colored Coat).
I don't forget that I linked the Dochartys to the DOUGals and heart-using DOUGlas', and therefore likely to Dukes, Dokes, etc (i.e. the Duchess surname fits into these terms). But these surnames smack of Toke/Touques...that I traced to Teucer-branch Trojans. And as Teucer was from the Idaeans (of Ida), note that Phineas was made married to the Idaeans.
It's possible that all Dock-like surnames under discussion stem from Chess>D'Chess; that is, from the Chisne root of the Duchess':
The proud French name Duchess was formed in Normandy when the family resided in Normandy, at the town of Quesney or Chenay. The family name is a local form of this place name, meaning of Quesney or Chenay....First found in Normandy, where the family dates back to the Gauls in the sixth century [the time of the Bellovesus Gauls!] when their root name of Cassanus was used according to the French historian Morlet. After the 9th century the family allied and intermarried with the Vikings or Northmen, when they were recorded as an ancient Norman family with seats and estates."
It might be too early to trace the Quesney and Cassanus terms to the Edomite Kos cult. The Cassanus term brings to mind the BajoCasses (founders of the Bessin, where Meschins lived before jumping to Cheshire). Bellovesus was traced to linkage with the Boii (founders of the Bessin), and was supposed here to be the proto-Bellamy line to Ferte-Mace>Mascis/Masseys. The Bellamys were traced further back, on a suggestive level, to the Baal/Apollo cult of Pelops, and could thereby be from the Heneti>Veneti line.
The Quesneys and Cheynes smack of Kay (and the Kay/Key surname), son of Ector, code for the Ector/Hector surname. Thus, the Docharty>Duchess line may not be an aside after all, as it can connect to the Houghtons/Hectors. The French (Burgundy) Chenay Coat appears linked to the French (Normandy) Quesney Coat, and the Scottish Cheynes (looks like the Hough/Hoff Shield) use bull horns in Crest, evoking the Houghton-Crest bull head.
The fact that Chenays were first in Burgundy evokes my trace of the Bellamys, known early from Perche (Normandy), to Berg/Burg and Burgundy elements. The Fins (i.e. the Phineas line back to Trebizond/Trabzon) were first in Burgundy.
VERY apparently, the Docharty surname is not irrelevant, and its heart symbol to/from the Douglas clan should link to the red heart of the Hors/Howison Coat. The latter motto includes "Sursum," perhaps code for the Saracens to which I've traced the red heart. THE THING IS, after finding the Howisons by entering "Hors," I entered "How" to find the Howes using the black wolf heads of the Hough/Hoff Crest!! Just like that, the suspicion that Houghs were Hors by way of "How" was confirmed. However, it could be coincidental, and the Howes and Hors may merely have been two entities merging.
The Howes variation suggested a try of "House," leading to the House/Howse/Howes surname that was first in BERKshire, where the Hows/Howes above were first found. They use a cloud and Docharty white on green. The cloud here is important for links to Ixion and Nephele, for I was planning to go to Ixion/Khyan elements (as per a code in the Horton surname) that likewise use white on green. I don't for a second think that the clan is rooted in "house."
In fact, amazingly enough, immediately after entering "How," I entered "Horse" to find the Horsey clan a white and green Shield. The French House/Hauss Coat is green on white.
Next, after "Horse," I tried "Ore," and there, in colors reversed, was the Guiscard/Wiscard pile symbol, very rare in my hunts. It's known that Guiscards were RUS, what can be expected at the bottom of the Hors and Horses et-al. The Ores are also "Orr." Their motto smacks of the Bones/Bonnes that I link to Ferte-maces. The Orr Crest is a CornuCOPIA.
After the Ore/Orr surname, I tried "Arres" to find the Arris/Arros/Arrow surname named after Artois. They use what I suspect is a version of the Sinclair cross. I don't forget that I trace Artois to the Arthurian cult and therefore to the Arthur and Hurt surnames. The latter uses gold on black, the Arres colors.
The Arras surname held Bromley (from Robert De Toeni), and the Bromely Coat uses a pheasant (Bessin>Besan(t) symbol, I think) and what could be the Massey Shield in colors reversed.
Next, after "Arres," I loaded the Artois Coat, to find that it uses the eagle design exactly in the Bode/BODIN Coat. Next, "Bodin" was entered to find a swan (could be expected to link to the Bodincus river named by Ligurians).
I didn't know then (earlier this morning) that both Bodins and Arres were first found in Staffordshire, which now suggests that the Bodes/Bodins, who are linked by their common eagle to the Artois surname, are the Bodins who lived in Staffordshire with the Arres-branch Artois clan. I'm thinking of Bedivere, one of king Arthur's chief knights, and of the Batavi(ans)...whom I traced to Padova/Padua on the Po/Padus=BODINcus river. How nice does that work?
The English Bodin Coat uses "AUDENtior," what appears as code for Odin, thus confirming that "Odin" was the Bodin/Boden term by some Woden-like variation. It suggests strongly that the Odin cult was in the Batavians and the Padua Heneti>Veneti, and before that the Thyni and BITHYNi Thraco-Phoenicians (that included Paphlagonians).
The Bodin Coat's thistle-like flowers are called "teasals." The Thistle/Thissel Coat (to which I've previously traced the thistle symbol) uses "pheons"!!! I get it. Pheons are code for the Phineas bloodline!
The Scottish Robin Coat uses the same thistles as the Bodin Coat, and in Thistle-Coat colors. The French Robin Coat (surname said to be from "Hrod"), however, uses...pheons.
The last time that I was on the Robin>Thistle topic, I traced Thistles/Thissels to Tuttals, said to be from "Thor," Odin's associate. I would suggest that Thor was from the Taurus cult of the Tinia Etruscans. Ultimately, "Etrus(can)" may trace to "Tros," though the Tyrrhennian variation for Etruscans could suggest "Tyre/Tyrus."
"Teasal" brought up nothing, but there is a Tease/Tigh/Tye surname, smacking of the Scandinavian war god, Tiw/Tyr (he named "Tuesday"), thought to be the same as Thor.
There's a red and white German Tease/Tess surname, but unfortunately, the write-up traces to no more specific a place than Switzerland. However, English Teases use stars in the red and white colors of the Sion and Wallis/Valais stars, very important because the Tuttle Coat smacks of the Valais/Valois Coat! (I had read and recorded that the Valais/Wallis stars were also those of Sion.)
Moreover, the Tuttle Crest uses a leopard position and tail shape like that of the Danish Bauer Crest, and the latter can be assumed to be from the Rollo/Sinclair Danes, for Rollo married Poppa "of Valois."
German Bauers use the Masci wing, suggesting Bauer links to the Quesney>Duchess clan.
It's hard to say at this point whether the Teases/Tesses/Tighs/Tyes link to the Teagues...that were traced solidly to the Teucer>Batia Trojans. But one thing to be added is that the Swiss Tease/Tess Coat is a white saltire on red, the OETTINgen/Ottingen saltire (see yesterday)! It verifies that the Teases were of the Tyr/Thor cult, and that the "teasal" symbol of the Bodins links to Odin-related Thor. This in turn verifies that Bodins/Bodens were in honor of, and somewhere linked to, the Odin bloodline.
Red-star-on-white Washingtons have been traced by others to Odin, but that now makes it possible to trace the Washington stars to the Arms of Valais/Wallis.
The Swiss Tease/Tess Coat uses a leaf design I see from time but not usually identified as per its species (I still don't know the species and am waiting to discover it). The same leaf is used in the French House/Hauss Coat. It's possible that the species in unimportant because emphasis is on 'leaf," as per the Lief/Leaf surname and related Olivers...that I trace to the Bellovesus-related Laevi/Laeves Gauls. THIS CAN BE VERIFIED in that the Ananes lived opposite the Po from the Laevi, and Ananes were recently traced to the Scottish Annans (of Annandale), who use a red saltire on white, colors reversed from the Swiss Tease/Tess saltire!!
Prior to writing the paragraph above, in the paragraph above it, I was seeking the clan I had seen earlier (I think it's been included somewhere above) that moved from England to Dumfries. I was going to remind readers of my trace of Washingtons to Edomites, and then see whether the clan to Dumfries could relate. Then, loading the Annan Coat for to give you the link (I spend hours of frustration, by the way, providing you with these houseofnames addresses; may the Lord pay me back with new fingers), I find the Annans first in Dumfriesshire. How about that.
It turns out that the other Dumfries clan was the Arras from Artois elements.
It's getting late, so back to the green and white topic. The Horton stag is "cabossed," and the only surname coming to mind with that potential code was, Cabes, a white-on-green Coat using "Aut" twice. The fish are the Kane fish, and in Kane-fish colors. But it's also the Keon fish, of a surname that I trace to Hyksos pharaoh, Khyan.
For the record, Cabes' are also Abees/Abes and MacAbes, and the Scottish page claims derivation in "MacAba." They "became a recognized Breffny sept with their chief being 'Constable of the two Breffnys'"." I wondered whether Breffnys were Bromleys, which lead to the finding of the green-on-white Brome/Broom Coat, very interesting because it uses green broom sprigs, the symbol that Geoffrey Plantagenet (son of an Anjou Fulk) is said to be named after. In fact, the Bromes were first in Norfolk, where the English branch of Anjou Fulkes/Fawks were first found...who use white on part-green Shield.
Then, after writing all that, and while dwelling on the Hector/Hoctor variations of the Houghtons, I remembered the Scottish Hykes/Hakes (in Hector/Hoctor/Heckie colors), who likewise use fish (not the same as the Kanes-et-al), and they were first in Norfolk too. English Hykes/Hachs use what I consider to be the Meschin and Samson scallops that trace to the Piast>Mieszko bloodline...that the Houghton/Hectors (with Mieske bull head) were traced to above.
Suddenly, the Ector and Kay/Cai cults seem to be fundamental parts of Piast royals, and that agrees with my trace of the Piasts back to the Cai terms in the Cilician/Cappadocian theater, the same terms to which I linked the Ananias>Caiaphas bloodline to the murderers of Jesus.
I was able to trace those Cai terms to Hector, king of Trojans, by way of a Cappadocia link to mythical Capys (a Trojan mythical character). Capys, married to THEMIS(te) (i.e. of the Themiscyra/Trabzon theater), was made a son of Assaracus, which may have been honored by the House of Saraka...using fish in Keon colors. Note Erichthonius (father of Tros) in the tree above, and see the last update page for a trace of him to Judah-ites merged with Anaki.
Today, I think it's safe to say that the Anaki/Amorites merged with Judah-ites became the Phineus/Cadmus Phoenicians/Tyrians, even as per a trace of "Tros" to "Tyrus." The Hyksos can be figured to be strongly at Ilus, son of Tros, because the city founded by Ilus is thought to have been Wilusa, trace-able to Egypt's Pelusiac region of the Nile delta. Is "Wilusa" the root of "Wallis/Valais," per chance?
The "Hough" link to "Hugh" may be explained in a "Hugh" trace to "Gog" and Gog-like terms...such as HYK(sos). I reasoned that as "gog" meant "high" or "sky," so "high" is like "Hugh."
The Hugh/Hews (a lion) motto uses "Kymmer," smacking of the Nile Chemmites. It reminds me of the mythical Chimera dragon, a lion used by Etruscans. The Hugh motto also uses a Lindos-like motto term, which I mention because the Chimera was in Lycia. what was nearly continental Rhodes. We know that the Pegasus horse was used by BELLEROphontes (= Phoenicians in my opinion) to fight the Lycian Chimera, and Masseys, from Bellamys, use a Pegasus in their Crest.
We expect Danaans from the Pelusiac river to be in Lindos, as this city was visited by Danaans, said the myth writer(s), before they got from Egypt to Argos. I remind you that an important line of Danaans in Argos was Abas, a peoples also of Euboea, smacking of the MacAbas/Abees>Cabes.
In the Hugh write-up: "This name was made popular by the exploits of several saints including: St. Hugh of Lincoln (1140-1200), who was born in Burgundy..." Lincoln (derived in "Lindo") is where I trace Lindos elements!
I kid you not that the hawk term came to mind after I entered and saw the Hugh Coat, and the Hawk surname was first in Lincolnshire. Recall the Hor-like terms that seemed associated with "Hugh-like terms. The hawk was a Horus symbol, and may even have been the symbol of "Hyksos" before it became that of Horus.
The Hawk Coat uses "staves," and the Stave surname ("solum" motto term perhaps for Helios=Sol of Rhodes) has another cloud, suggesting Ixion=Khyan. The staves, I assume, are staffs, and the Staff surname (a swan) of Staffordshire "descended from Roger de Toeni...His son, Ralph de Toeni, was hereditary Standard Bearer to King William the Conqueror...the senior line of this noble family descended the Dukes of Buckingham."
Arras=Artois surname, which held Bromley, was from Robert De Toeni. What was the Toeni standard/symbol used by the Conqueror at Hastings? I think it's being kept a mystery. The Toeni Coat uses the M-like "sleeve," used also by the Hasting Coat. What does it mean? I knew that the symbol made it to Leicestershire, and the Toenis were first found there. It says the Toenis received Belvoir for their accomplishments as standard bearers, and that could indicate the Bellamy-Massey line.
The Staff Crest is a swan, and Meschins/Masseys were linked to Ligurians...that I've long said founded Leicestershire. The Ligurian swan was CYCNus, whom I trace to the Kikons that were the Ixion=Khyan Hyksos, married to Nephele=cloud. Coincidence again? The Hawk surname with cloud was the surname that started the ball rolling toward the Staves>Staffs.
The staves of the Hawks/Hauks could have been called anything, but they are "pilgrim's staves," and they're used by the Pilgrim Coat. The earliest form shown of that latter surname is "Pelerin," perhaps in honor of Bellerophontes elements.
The Peller Coat uses a pelican, and was first found in Lincolnshire, where the Hawks/Hauks were first found. I think that's verification that the Pilgrims/Pelerins were also the Pellers...who are said to be Flemish, jibing with my trace of "Bellamy" to "Vlaam=Fleming."
The Hawk/Hauk surname is said to derive in "Hafoc" (Old English for "hawk"), but suddenly we see "Hough/Haugh."
The trace of the Houghtons/Haughtons to both Meleager of Calydon and to the Piast-Kolodziej Poles jibes with the Pollock Crest's boar, which is run through by an arrow. Meleager shot the Calydonian boar with an arrow, and killed it.
Pollocks were first found in Renfrewshire, as with the Ore/Orr surname (with Guiscard "piles"). There are two excellent points to make on this:
1) The Pile surname could be a Pole variation, and is said to be rooted in a "post," smacking of "Piast." The Dutch Pole Coat uses a bugle (= goat horn), symbol of the Pollock Coat. I had traced the Pollock bugles to the cornucopia goat cult of Crete (i.e. to mythical Amalthea), and the cornucopia is used in the Ore/Orr Crest.
2) I trace "Meleager" to Tolkien's "Melkor," leader of the Orcs, whom I identified as the Orkneys. These latter terms smack of "Ore/Orr."
Ahh, the Palestinians were waiting for a UN change-of-command before submitting its anti-Israeli package that most UN members will vote for:
A Palestinian draft resolution condemning Israel's West Bank settlement activity is ready to be presented to the United Nations Security Council, a senior Palestinian official said [yesterday].Saeb Erekat, the chief Palestinian negotiator in peace talks with Israel, said he expected the resolution would be put to a Security Council vote in February, after the United States ends its presidency of the council.
...He said 15 nations had helped draft the proposal after Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas requested a UN Security Council meeting to discuss settlement building in November.
...Erekat said he hoped the United States would not use its veto to defeat the resolution and added that if it did not succeed at the Security Council, 'we will go to the International Court of Justice.'
Netanyahu may feel a sudden lump in his throat. What will the Americans do now? Vote yes for the Palestinian resolution?
December 24There had been reason to suspect that Rothschilds and relations are in Iraq, seeking Kirkuk oil. It seemed that George Bush brought Rothschilds into Iraq, but I doubt that it involved only oil men. Suffice it to say that much for now, not repeating what I've already said on the topic, The point now is that, upon reading the article below on the potential demise of Iraq due to problems in the Kirkuk theater, I learned that a Col. Larry Swift is commander of U.S. Army forces in Kirkuk. So the Swift surname was checked, and there in the Crest was a strong arm holding five bunched arrows. Both the bunched arrows and the strong arm are Rothschild symbols!
That's all for today, as it's time to skip town for my "vacation."
December 25Wow. I thought at first that it would be hopeless to google "swift Rothschild" in hopes of finding some details on the Swift-family relationship to Rothschilds. Instead, there may have been found an important key. The top of the list on that Google page is an article for the Rothschild Swift species of swift, and it had me wondering right off whether it was named due to Rothschild links to the Swift surname:
The family scientific name [for s swift] comes from the Ancient Greek apous, meaning "without feet", since swifts have very short legs and never settle voluntarily on the ground, perching instead on vertical surfaces.Immediately, the so-called footless martin of heartily came to mind, and the very next line read: "The tradition of depicting swifts without feet continued into the Middle Ages, as seen in the heraldic martlet."
Here I am confronted my the possibility of error where I traced the footless martin to the lame Hephaestus. But no matter, I'm excited about this new theory, that the Swift family and/or it other bloodlines are the essence of the footless martin. If so, we would expect Swift-family links to the Merlin cult, for the heraldic martin is known to be (or at least to have become) a Merlin=Myrrdin symbol. I'm finding it difficult to find any semblance of Swift variations. The Schiff banking family has come to mind, which is said to mean "ship."
Note the "lente" motto term of the Swifts, and that the Lent Coat (swift colors) uses the dolphin design (on Swift-colored Shield) of the Marley Coat. The latter were from Morlaix (Brittany), which jibes very well with the Welsh location of the Merlin cult, but I think Marleys have just been found in another surname because I brought some Merlot wine to my parents yesterday. The Merlot surname (swans) uses Marley colors and has variations such as: Marleau, Marlaud, Marlet, Marlot, Merle, Merleau, and Marloux. I think that's a match.
The Merlot surname is said to be from the "Old French word merle, meaning blackbird." I recall that same theme when an online page traced the martlet to the merle bird. In the sixth update of August, 2009:
Just days ago I came across the discovery that the Rollo-line rooster symbol was a symbol of More...See the rooster (less than half-way down the page) used by a More family...We read, "[The Heath-cock, or Black-cock] is frequently confounded with the moor-cock."There is a link to the "moor-cock" and the entire 'M' page. The More hen is said to be of the coot-hen family of birds, which we met earlier in this update as per the Marden/Marsden Coat (Merlin cult) and Coot Coat. On the 'M' page, we read that the Martlet surname is possibly "Merlette" in French, thus supporting a Merlin link to the martlet symbol. It shows a Roger de Merley using martlets.
Then, on the first update of last October, from an article on the heraldic martlet:
A bird resembling a swallow, with thighs but no visible legs representing the martin...There is some dispute as to what kind of bird it really is...It was apparently, in its original purpose, a small blackbird...The word 'martlet' does exist in English as the name of a swift [!!!] or martin and appears to have been confused with the French 'merlette' (merle) because of its similarities to the word 'martlet'. However, it is also said that the charge first appeared as a small blackbird in 1185 in the arms of Mello in Normandy and subsequently in canting arms of 'merlot' [!!!], indicating that the intention was to represent the French blackbird called 'merlette'.Entering "Merle" brings up the Merlot Coat. Am I ever glad I didn't bring the Cabernet Sauvignon.
In this picture, the Swifts may have been named after the bird, and were otherwise Rothschilds of some sort, and/or of the CarMarthen Merlin cult. As per the raven (you get it, another black bird likely depicting the Moor/Saracen ancestry of the Rollo Rus) of the German Roths, note that the Schiff Coat (red Shield) uses a raven too...and with a ring in its beak.
The Welsh John/Jones surname, using the same ravens, was first in Carmarthen! Then, as per the discussion below that the raven leads to, note that English Johns (same ravens) were first in Lincolnshire, the home of the Rhodes family.
I had a little difficulty recalling what other surname used a raven with ring in beak, though I knew it had been in the Polish theater. It should be said, therefore, that I linked the Marleys to the Meschins, whom I regularly view as Rothschild ancestors. The point is, although I can't recall the exact spelling of the Polish clan, it was Bernicia/Bryneich-like and for that reason was linked to Bernicians. It reminds me of venturing a trace of the Cecil-Rhodes Illuminati to Bernicians as per the Rhodes link to de-Beers diamonds. I didn't write that to point out the raven in the Beer Crest (!!!), as I didn't know it until after I wrote it. I wrote it to point out "Bryneich" was equated (by me) to "Varangi," and Varangians were traced back to the Rhodes line into Redone France. And, hmm, Bernicians are traced (by me) to ZahRINGers.
I found it in the 5th update of May: the Polish Berenec Coat with raven and ring on a red Shield.
I noted above that one Beer Coat uses Swift colors (black on gold).
I had suggested a link of Polish Berenecs to Irish Barans (use rings)...who I now see use a red saltire on white, the Annan(dale) symbol. These are the two colors also of the Schiff Coat (with raven and ring).
There are three indications in the Baran Coat to Pollock-surname links, and then the German Beers (use a bear like the English Beers) were first in Silesia and Bohemia, the two places settled by king Mieszko (i.e. ancestry of the Meschins). It was mentioned in the May update that the Barney Coat uses half the Baran saltire on the same ermined Shield.
NOW, the Gaulish line of Ananes>Anann(dales) was part of the Bellovesus invasion from Dauphine (dolphin symbol) into Italy, and so note the bell-pattern in the Swift Coat and recall its "lente" motto term leading to the dolphins of the Lent Coat.
The coming show down on Israeli settlement may cause more waves than might be felt at this time:"A senior US official told Haaretz: 'Final status issues can only be resolved through negotiations between the parties, not by recourse to the UN Security Council. We, therefore, consistently oppose any [Palestinian] attempt to take final status issues to the council as such efforts do not move us closer to our goal of two states living side by side in peace and security.'" The official is unidentified, but we can assume for now that this is the Obama position too.
However, while the O-team publicly rejects the UN route to "peace", what are the true sentiments? Israel wants to know, not words, but just one thing at this time, whether the Americans will veto the proposal. If not, a global monster against Israel could develop. The article continues:
The Israeli mission to the United Nations and the Israeli Embassy in Washington held talks with senior State Department officials and with the American mission to the United Nations, to ascertain whether the United States intends to veto the resolution....The Americans have made clear to Israeli diplomats that they oppose the Palestinian circulation of the draft resolution to the members of the Security Council, but they did not state clearly that they would veto it.
In contrast to similar cases, the draft resolution distributed by the Palestinians this time is relatively moderate, avoiding extreme anti-Israeli language. The Americans may therefore find themselves isolated in the UN if they decide to veto the resolution, and they may find it difficult to do so.
Is that the writing on the cold hard wall? It doesn't sound promising. Or, perhaps, the Israelis might need to do a few high jumps before getting veto assurances. We get it. What will Netanyahu do now with the looming threat of no veto? Will he do the high jump? If so, how will he land when going over the bar? Comfortably, or will his right-wing hawks tar and feather him?
The article adds: "Other members of the Security Council, particularly Russia, China, Britain and France, tend to support the Palestinian draft resolution. The Palestinians reportedly intend to call for a meeting of the Security Council to vote on the resolution only in January, after the holidays, when Bosnia and Herzegovina replace the United States as president of the council." We know now where the loyalties of Russia, France and Britain stand. The whole lot together can now bring Israel to it's knees. Or can they?
What will Netanyahu do? Might he take the high bar and smash it over Obama's head? Will Israel abandon the United States for two years, hoping that Republicans take over after that? That's got to be one option being kicked around. But it's not time to smash the relationship with the United States yet, at least not before the vote. If there's no veto and the vote succeeds, the political woes of the Dems could go further south than they've already gone. But we've already seen Obama doing the wrong thing with pride, so why rule it out for the Israeli situation where he shines on being the fool?
December 26I've found a potential relationship between the 666 skincode and the Swiftcode. This will be the topic of the coming day(s); I have no time this morning. As preparation, you might want to read the Swift topic and it's links to Rothschilds, earlier in this update beginning on December 24. This could be a major key for predicting what's to come.
December 27It is known that the British Illuminati of the late 19th century, which included Rothschilds and Rhodians, were called Societies. On a universal basis, that term evolves into the "global village." Here's what "SWIFT" is:
The Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication ("SWIFT") operates a worldwide financial messaging network which exchanges messages between banks and other financial institutions...ISO 9362 bank identifier codes (BICs) are popularly known as "SWIFT codes"....SWIFT is a cooperative society under Belgian law and it is owned by its member financial institutions. SWIFT has offices around the world. SWIFT headquarters are located in La Hulpe, Belgium, near Brussels...
It was founded in Brussels in 1973, supported by 239 banks in 15 countries. it's a business, based on the world of money, why did they call it a "Society"? Is there other evidence beyond this and other evidences earlier in this update that SWIFT is a Rothschild creation? The Arms of La Hulpe use a green Shield, and "Green Shield" is the name of a house in Frankfurt...where the first Rothschild lived. La Hulpe is in the arrondissement of Nivelles (Wallonia). Keep in mind that the Neville Coat has been recently traced to the Laevi-related Ananes Gauls at Placentia, as this topic will crop up again below.
Here's the SWIFT home page, though you won't find devil's horns there.
On a basic level, SWIFT was devised to allow different banks to communicate as safely as possible when carrying through money transactions, but all transactions are recorded. Everything can be reviewed and studied by the trolls who devised the system. One SWIFT page says: "The European Commission estimates that electronic invoicing has the potential to save businesses approximately EUR 64.5 billion per year in Europe alone."
Electronic banking is firstly about saving and making banks money, but electronic invoicing also makes our collective expenditures just a few finger taps on keyboard away from the eyes of globalists who wish to operate the global village as suits them best. Do we trust that they will manipulate the system as per our concerns? Of course not. Wouldn't they love to have all transactions occur electronically? Isn't that exactly where we cattle are being herded?
When trying to access the SWIFT page for Chase Manhattan bank, I was brought to a webpage warning, visiting this web site may harm your computer! Clicking on the latter page's diagnostic link, we are told that "Of the 102 pages we tested on the site over the past 90 days, 30 page(s) resulted in malicious software being downloaded and installed without user consent." For further research, you can see "Chase Manhattan" Rothschild , but do it after you read this update.
When I got to the Germany page of SWIFT codes, where the codes for 561 German locations are presented, the idea entered my mind to check for a 666, and, if found, to ask whether that particular location got the number by pure coincidence, or whether it was assigned as per a deliberate arrangement by the creators of the codes.
In the Germany list, every location starts with the four-letter bank code, "COBA." The next two letters of the SWIFT code represent the country, and for Germany they are "DE" for "Deutsche." The next two characters are indication of the city, and as you can see, all codes on this Germany page use FF after the DE, which we can safely assume to be for "FrankFurt."
The last three characters of the SWIFT code are usually numbers, and that's where the creators of the code could have assigned a 666 to a particular location of their own choosing. On this page, the 666 is code for the city of Pforzheim. On this map (which can be shrunk), Pforzheim can be seen not far from Frankfurt, very near the Neckar river to the direct east of Stuttgart.
It should be noted that this is not the only city assigned a 666. Other cities in other countries can also use a 666, and in many cases we must assume that they are mere coincidences of where the numbers happen to fall. But I wanted to know whether the 666 of Pforzheim was deliberate, and the best place to start was to check the code for Frankfurt itself. The city as ten number codes (and a few others), from 060 to 069, including 066. Coincidence, or was this arranged in order to get a 666 near Frankfurt?
Pforzheim is in the Enz district as per the Enz river, a tributary of the Necker. The Enz flows out of the Black Forest" "Pforzheim is located at the northern rim of the eastern part of the Black Forest (Schwarzwald)...Due to its location, this city is also called..."Gateway to the Black Forest" (Pforte zum Schwarzwald / Porta Hercynia). I was on the topic of the Black/Hercynia forest in late November, because the Bellovesus Gauls had infiltrated it.
Not only did I trace Nahorites to the Neckar river, but to the Neil surname. In the article above, we also read that Pforzheim is at "in an open valley at the confluences of the rivers Wurm and Nagold and the rivers Nagold and Enz." The German Neil/Nail surname has Nagel, Nagle, Naegel, Nageli, Naegeli, Nagell, Nagler, Nagele, Naegele, Naegelen, Negel, and Negele variations. Just saying.
AND, it was just learned, the Arms of Nagold uses a nail!
After writing the above, I went to the Irish Neil/Nail page, looking for evidence of a link back to the Pforzheim region, and found it! Last night I was wondering whether the Enz term linked to the Innes/Inice surname (German Neil colors), which I've often linked to the Ince and Inch clans. In the Irish Neil write-up: "First found in County Tyrone, and County Clare where O'Neill was chief of Clan Dalvy and of Tradree, a district in the barony of INCHiquinn" (caps mine).
I ventured to trace the nail symbols in the Scottish and Irish Logan Coats to the German Neils/Nails, and so I now see that the Logans are traced by their write-up to Bernicians...whom I trace to Zahringers of Baden-Wurttemberg. The Enz river and Pforzheim are in Baden-Wurttemberg. Another coincidence?
I won't go into the details now, but it's interesting that I had traced the Pfiefers both to a "Foret" in region in France and to "Fife" and neighboring "Forfar," for the Innes clan was of "Angus" elements (a place beside Fife), and the Inch clan was first in Perthshire (no doubt related to the Hagar(t) surname of Perthsire), which is also beside Fife. The Innes-like Angus surname (Scottish Fleming colors) was first found in Fife.
Also, in the Scottish Innes write-up, we have evidence of a trace to Bernicians, for the founder of the Innes clan was one BEROwaldus Flandrensis (i.e. of Flanders/Flemings). Again, I trace the Bellovesus Gauls to "Bellamy" = "Fleming." Remember, the Swift Coat uses a bell pattern.
The point above was that "Pforz" appears rooted in a Foret-like term, and when we go to the Foret surname (in Pfiefer colors) we find a Forest variation, suggesting possible roots in the Black forest. There's a Fores/Foray surname first found in Moray, where the Innes clan operated.
AND, where the Sforza surname of Italy comes to mind with "Pforz(heim)," note that the Sforza snake (adopted from the Visconti snake) was originally green, the color of the Innes snake! In fact, I did link the Innes snake to the original Visconti snake.
I have trouble remembering the spelling of terms. The Moray location under MacBeth was also called Fortriu, but in the past I've mistakenly recalled it as "Fortis" because I had suggested that the "fortis" motto term was code for the place. I suggested the link of Fort surnames to Fortriu, but now I can report, again, that the German Fort surname used the Arms of Stuttgart! That can't be a coincidence; it means that the German Forts, who use a Fortis variation, were from Pforzheim.
The Stuttgart horse is also the logo of the Ferrari sportscar, and the Ferrari surname links to Veres/Fers...who were Neils/Nihils as per their "nihil" motto term. I get it!
From the 6th update in May:
MacBeth was a Mickey Mouse!!! His father was Findlaich, wherefore it's no coincidence that the Findley Coat uses "FORTIS in arduis" as a motto, as well as what appear to be the Mackay swords. AND, the Findley Coat uses a red double-headed eagle on white, the SAME, THE VERY SAME, as the Mickey Coat (!!) which itself appears to use the Mackay sword in Crest.The Fortriu article:
The Prophecy of Berchan says that King Dub was killed in the Plain of Fortriu. Another source, the Chronicle of the Kings of Alba, indicates that King Dub was killed at Forres, a location in Moray. Moreover, additions to the Chronicle of Melrose confirm that Dub was killed by the men of Moray at Forres.I must mention that the Fores/Foray Coat uses "travers" in the motto, for I think this term links to the Traby family that appears to use a 666 in the Arms of Traby. Looking down the Traby list of clans that use the Arms, you'll see Toka and Tokar terms as well as Tru(s). These seem like the Teucer-related Tokers/Tuckers of Devon, where the Treby/Treeby surname was first found. Then there is a Tree/True surname using what looks like the Ince Shield! I recently traced the Teagues ("nec" motto term twice), who I thought were Tokers, to the Neckar river. More coincidences?
The Travers Coat (in Teague colors) uses "nec" twice too!!! The motto, "Nec temere nec timide," has already been traced to the Meres and DeMeres.
Don't lose sight of the blue and white Toker waves, for they are found in the Pforzheim region. The two white-on-blue waves in the Arms of Rhein-Neckar. Where the Rhine and Neckar meet is the city of Mannheim, and the Mackay Coat uses, "Manu Forti." Just saying. The Mackay Coat is in white-on-blue too, and three white-on-blue waves are a symbol of German Drummonds, whom I link to Trabys and trace to "DARMstad" not far north of Mannheim (shirink this map.
I had linked the Drummonds closely to Rothschilds, but not due only to Frankfurt being in the Darmstad administrative region. By the way, FrankFURT.
If I'm not mistaken, the Arms of Frankfurt use the Piast eagle, which I called the "strongarm" eagle without any thought of the strongarm symbol of the Rothschilds. It would now appear very connect-able.
The "fidelitas" motto term is often seen in my hunts, and now I find it in the Arms of Karlsruhe. This city is just to the west of Pforzheim. On the Germany Swift page, the 665 code is for the location of Rastatt in the Karlsruhe region. Not only Pforzheim, but Ettlingen, (white on blue) with 667 code, are in the KARLSruhe administrative regions. Are you thinking links to the Carolingians and/or Gyula Khazars on the Mures...that were from "Carolt/Sarolt"?
The Arms of Karlsruhe district uses the Zahringer/Veringen antlers.
There's an Ettling Coat using white and blue in somewhat the same fashion as the Ettling-like Hiedler/Hitler surname. The Ettling Coat is even more reflective of the Heidler Coat. "Heidelberg is part of a densely populated region known as the Rhine-Neckar Metropolitan Region." Arms of Graben-Neudorf (Karlsruge district) uses two downward spades in the colors of the same of the Italian Pace/Pasi Coat. The latter surname was also Pascelli and Pascel, wherefore it very likely links to the English Pascal surname. The significance here is that FE found a Pass-using surname (I can't recall the spelling) that leads a global single-currency organization.
Secondly, it was mentioned recently that the Pass/Pascal lion is exactly the one in the "Jewish" Levi Coat (I now note that the French Levis use the gold and black colors of Wurttemberg). I had mentioned that the Laevis Gauls (of the Bellovesus armies) settled at Placentia, a term smacking of the Pelaiz surname that is also a Pass-like Paez/Baez.
This surname was linked to the Scottish Paisleys and Pollocks (both of Renfrewshire), and the Paisley Shield looks like the Mackay Shield while using a white-on-blue does the Heidler Coat. The anchor is also in the English Hood/Hudd Coat, a surname reflective of the Hutter variation/derivation of the Hiedlers/Hitlers.
The German Graben surname uses French Levi colors (black on gold), which are the Wurttemberg colors, and moreover the Grabens use a diagonal bar that should link to the same in the Arms of Baden...that in-turn link to unspecified rulers of Pforzheim (see below for that topic).
Near the top of the Germany SWIFT page, one can click the link to the European Central Bank SWIFT codes. We learn right off that the headquarters of that bank are in Frankfurt, evoking the claim of conspiracy theorists that the American central bank is run by Rothschilds (i.e. so why not also a Rothschild-run European central bank.
I didn't know why the codes for Frankfurt were from 060 to 069 until I went to this page for the European Central Bank, where we see what the postal code: 60066. It's at a Frankfurt address. This doesn't necessarily mean that the Swift codes for the various Frankfurt SWIFT locations are purely/entirely linked to postal codes of their respective areas, but some form of link can be assumed for the time being.
The question is that, since postal codes were assigned rather late in history, surely after the formation of the Bavarian Illuminati, was Frankfurt assigned a 666 postal code deliberately by Illuminatists?
I now recall that Obama lives/lived at a Chicago address using a 60606 postal code. This postal code belongs also to the Jewish United Fund. Hmm, that could be a Rothschild tool.
Chicago has a 60666 postal code. It's the postal code for Alliant Credit Union. It's also the postal code for Chicago's Circular Building, a name evoking the Roundtable Illuminati and the rings of power. It's the postal code for Chicago's O'Hara International Airport.
What's with the ring in the hand of the O'Hara lion? Are O'Hara colors those of the Forets and/or Pfiefers? Why is the O'Hara lion "rampant peon, while entering "Peon" brings up the Pagan/Payen surname (Zionist stars) in the colors of the German Hares/Haars?
On December 24, when I visited my parents, I was told for the first time that my father's first home in North America was at a 666 address. When he answered my question as to where I was born, whether at that house or the next house (at a Rose... avenue), he paused, and couldn't answer the question. I think it meant that I was born at the 666 address. This was not indication to me that I am of the anti-Christ, but my father's revelation came to me just a day before I found the Swift codes. Nothing surprises me anymore about the many circumstances in my life geared by God to the writings on these bloodline topics.
A google of "60666" along with "Frankfurt" brings one to an address of the European Central Bank. On the page below, we find the address: "2 European Central Bank, Postfach 160319, D-60666 Frankfurt am Main, Germany." The address belongs to a Bruggman surname, which smacks of Brugg, Belgium i.e. near the Belgian offices of the EU, and the SWIFTcode capital. think the Neckar river's flow into the Rhine well explains why there were Rosicrucian-related international bankers infested in Holland's Rotterdam region, where the Rhine flows past.
I shared a theory that the five bunched Rothschild arrows are a take from "On Ogur," the term from which "Hungary" was formed, and said by some to mean "ten arrows." Not only does the Swift Crest use the five bunched arrows, as does the Scottish Bower/Beauer Coat, but I tend to trace the stag (used in the Swift Coat) to Hungarians (the Arms of Wurttemberg use a stag). Moreover, Drummonds were Hungarians, and the Scottish Bowers were from the parish of Drummelzier. But this paragraph was conceived when it gripped my mind that the Leslie motto term, "Grip fast," might be play on words with "swift." Leslies were also Hungarians!
The Teague motto: "Summum nec metuam diem nec optem." The Bower motto: "Ad metam." Remember, the Teague Coat uses waves in German Drummond wave colors. The Leslies use buckles (in the same colors), which I linked to the Buckle surname with "Nil temere" motto code. McLeods (a branch of Leslies, or at least linked to them) use "Hold fast."
The diagonal/inclined red bar on gold in the Arms of Pforzheim is the symbol of Baden, which I suggested was "Bedrock" as per the Flintstones. But I now see, in the Pforzheim article, that the symbol belonged first to rulers of Pforzheim: "The inclined bar can be traced back to the 13th century as the symbol of the lords (owners) of Pforzheim, which later on also became the National Coat of Arms of Baden, but its meaning is unknown." I'm sure that someone knows the story behind it, but isn't telling. speaking of "pre-historic" animals, last night on 60 Minutes it was announced (this is the first time I've seen the program, anyway) that a T-Rex fossil was discovered under 50 feet of rock, but jutting out of a cliff face. The fossil bone had blood vessels and soft tissue! This was shown graphically to be true. As great a find as this is for Creationists, the evolutionists involved in the discovery, in cahoots with 60 Minutes, made it appear as through there really wasn't a problem maintaining the 60-million year old dinosaur theory, even though evolutionists have always maintained that soft tissue cannot remain for that length of time.
The reality is the dinosaurs were buried in the global Noah's Flood less than 5,000 years ago.
The Baden page above says: "The House of Baden is a junior branch of the House of Zahringen, which itself is related to the Hohenstaufen family, and was founded by Hermann I of Baden, The Margrave of Verona, son of Berthold I, The Duke of Carinthia, in the eleventh century. The arms of the house of Zahringen share the same tinctures with its junior branch, though they display a red eagle on a yellow shield."
Only the Zahringers may know for certain why they use (gold-on-red) crosses axes. The Zahringer Crest is a man wearing a red and gold sash, and surname variations evoke "Sahara," but I'm guessing roots in Saracens. The Zahringer/Baden colors are used by the Sagans, a very evolutionist-beloved surname. The Sarah/Saier surname uses "Bear and forbear" as likely motto code for the Berne bear of the Zahringen family. And the Sarah Coat is in Wurttemberg black and gold.
Sawyers/Sauers were first in Norfolk, and use a "trouveras" motto term smacking of the Travers entity above (that was traced to the Neckar region). Sawyers/Sauers also use footless martins, which were linked earlier in this update to the Rothschild Swift bird. If you're wondering where else you shaw the black and gold Sawyer checks: the Pelaiz/Baez Coat.
Bh the Sarahs and the Seers were first found in Essex, and the Seer term evokes the Sage/Sagars surname, though it may be coincidental that both seers and sages are false prophets. Essex is where the Pascals were first found, though they were from Pasci of Normandy.
The Welsh John/Jones Coat uses crossed axes and a "pascit" motto term. As I said, this surname was first in CarMarthen, the locale to which the footless marten=swift traces. "Major General Michael D. Jones assumed duties as Chief of Staff, U.S. Central Command, on August 6, 2010..." you can see, the Pascal Coat uses a red eagle, the color of the Zahringen eagle. I am very convinced that Zahringens linked to, or were directly descended from, the Laevis and Ananes of the Bellovesus/Segovesus Gauls as they entered the Black Forest. The Pascal cross is in the colors of the Annan(dale) red saltire.
Should we expect the 666 to issue from the people who bring us the Swift code? If only they would do it swiftly and get their end over with, the better people on this planet can get on with True Life.
I was going to end here for the day, but then found axes in the Baden-surname Coat. The Crest is a hand holding a human eye. The surname has become properly, Bat(t)en/Bat(t)on. AND, both Welsh Baths and Badens were first found in Somerset (I once or twice traced Welsh Baths to Baden, Germany). These clans should link to the Bath and Wells of the Somerset theater which saw the rule of the Buttons/Bidens, suggesting that Joseph Biden traces to Baden elements.
December 28Yesterday's trace of the Rothschilds=Swifts to Zahringens underscores why the latter and their Bernician branches have been emphasized for so long. If you're a long-time reader, you may have caught my linkage of the surname topics of the Iraq situation, especially to Baathists. Late yesterday, the Baden surname cropped up, using axes just like the Zahringer Coat. I don't know whether I had ever made that connection before. Plus, it started to dawn on me that Zahringers were from the Bello/Segovesus Gauls that has moved into the Black forest (this was taken especially by the Segovesus branch, with the Bello branch taking northern Italy).
NOW LOOK. Bellovesus and his brother, Segovesus, belonged to a peoples called, Bituriges. I had linked the Welsh Bath surname to Baden with some logic, and assumed with confidence that the Bath surname linked to the founders of the Baath party, with Aflaq and Bitur/Buttar surnames. You can already spot what I'm trying to say.
I didn't know the importance of Bituriges until less than a month ago when my dragon hunting brought me to Bellovesus (by way of emphasizing the Bellamy>Massey bloodline). I now find that the Bituriges-like Bitar/Buttar surname uses (in Crest) a strong arm holding a bow (!!), the same theme as the Swift Crest (with strong arm holding five bunched arrows). (See that the Aflack cross is the Bitar cross, same style cross as the Bath cross).
For new readers, I'll quickly add a few things in this paragraph. The Samson motto includes a "flagitium" speaking of the Fleck Coat with same scallops as the Samson Coat. The Flecks likely link to Aflacks/Aflecks. The Meschins use the same scallops, and Meschins with their Massey relatives link closely to the line to Rothschilds. Meschins provided the Moray Randolphs who use the Bath cross in colors reversed, and the two Butler Coats use what should be a version of the English Randolph Coat, which is exactly the same as the Dunham Coat. The latter two surnames were connected maritally in the ancestry of Obama, whose mother was a Dunham. He picked Joe Biden (a Button surname from Wells and Bath) probably due to his linkage with the Butler and Bath families.
My two theories of several years, 1) that the anti-Christ must ally himself with Saddam Baathists, and 2) that the anti-Christ will form an alliance with an American-administration False Prophet, comes forcefully to mind. What is going on in Iraq?
Not many days ago, I shared a current-news article showing that Weirs=Veres of the Renfrew area (Scotland) had a secret/illegal business deal with Saddam, and these Scottish-branch Veres had been were a fundamental part of the bloodline from Ranulph le Meschin to the Moray Randolphs, going through the Blackwood region (and bloodline) of Lanarkshire. The Blackwood surname uses a mascle (= Meschin symbol) and the Bellamy Shield. I've known this for over a year, but recently suggested a link of Blackwoods to the Black Forest because it fits logically. Blacks use a black saltire cross in the colors of the Bitars and Aflacks (I would suggest linkage to the Moor/Saracen side of the Sinclair Rus, for Sinclairs use the same-colored cross).
The Lanark symbol, a red heart on white, is used by the Bitar Coat. Before making that discovery, the red-on-white heart was linked to Saracens.
The commonality in all the bloodlines above appears to be the Saracens from the Samson cult i.e. the Samsam and Timnah Saracens of scallop-like Sicily.
It was shown yesterday that the 666 SWIFT code is used for the German location of Pforzheim. This place was on the Enz, and I think I showed good evidence for an Enz trace to the Innes/Inice, Ince, and Inch clans. The McLeods were mentioned only once yesterday, as per their "Hold Fast" motto (virtually the Leslie motto, "Grip fast") that may have been play on word for the Swift clan. I neglected to mention that this McLeod Coat uses the Innes-Crest castle.
As the green snake of the latter was traced to the Visconti snake, we shouldn't ignore that the Italian leader with BerLUSCONI surname (he honors the Visconti serpent) smacks of the Bernicians at the root of yesterday's topics. BUT also, I ventured (recently) to trace "LUSConi" to proto-Leslies from the Lesce location near the headwaters of the Sava/Save river. "The Sava is created by two headwaters, Sava Dolinka (left) and Sava Bohinjka (right) which join between the Slovenian towns of Lesce and Radovljica." I had shown that the Save Coat (snakes) uses the Leslie Shield in colors reversed, and meanwhile the current colors of the Visconti snake are in Innes colors, which are also Leslie colors who use a green dragon/griffin in Crest, the original color of the Visconti snake.
Possibly, "Pforz(heim)" developed into the "Sforza" clan (or vice-versa) that took the Visconti snake as it's own symbol. Possibly, "Save" had a Safe-like variation that developed into/from "Sforza." I did trace the Sforzas to the Safers and Savarys (at a time not not knowing anything of the Saves or the Sava river). Hmm, the Safer Coat uses the same rising falcon as the Aflack Crest.
I didn't know until writing the paragraph above that English Savarys use the blue and white bell pattern showing also in the Swift Coat!
ALSO, I ventured to identify the UNICorn symbol, used in the Savary Coat, as code for the Innes/INICE and INCH/Ince bloodline back to the INACHus=cult Argives that were placed on the Argos ship largely as ORCHOmenos Boiotians. I traced these Argives to ORKney elements out of which (I say) came the Orchards/Urquharts, who were themselves linked to the Innes/Inice clan. The write-up for the latter: "The Innes family originally lived in either of the places called Ince in Cheshire and Lancashire, in the settlement of Innes in Cornwall, or in the barony of Innes in Urquhart. " Their CORNwall location could explain UniCORN."
Immediately after writing the above (I had never before emphasized the Innes link to Cornwall, and can't recall a "unicorn" link to the Innes clans of Cornwall), I ventured into an investigation of the Innes motto term, "Prudentia," finding straight away the Pruden/Prodhomme Coat with lions in Sforza colors. When reading that "The place named Pridhamsleigh, in Devon is named for John Prodhomme," the Prid term was entered to find a Pride/Pryde/Pryd surname first found in Cornwall!
I know that Argives of Greece (traced by others to Tarsus) trace to mythical PARTHENius of the Cilician theater, and I had traced that term forward to the Pretani=Brits of Britain. Note the Enki/Inachus-like term below:
Anchiale, daughter of Iapetus, founded Anchiale (a city near Tarsus): her son was Cydnus [think the Cadmus>Cilix line to the Cilician Cati], who gave his name to the river at Tarsus: the son of Cydnus was Parthenius, from whom the city was called Parthenia: afterwards the name was changed to Tarsus.
The Prides use "lampreys haurient." There is a Lamprey surname first found in DEVON (where the Prudens/Prudhommes were)! The Lamprey Coat uses only the black crosslets of the Cheshire DAVENports. Possibly, the French Preys/Duprays, who use the Save Shield, are related. Actually, yes, for Preys were first in Auvergne, on the south side of Burgundy where the Saves were first found.
Note above that the Anchiale line to Parthenius was from Iapetus, and keep in mind that the Tarsus line to Argos was the white bull/cow cult (= Zeus of Tyrus then in Tarsus) which led Cadmus to Thebes (Boiotia), while his daughter, Ino, went on as the Inachus/Io bull cult. Then, as per my recent identification (6th update November) of the Cretan bull pen, called "labyrinth," with the Liburni peoples on the Illyrian-Celtic map, note that the Japodes are smack beside them...both near the Sava river (which I think is the one where the Maezaei are stamped) .
It had struck me that the Hercuniates (on the map) should have named the Hercynian/Black forest.
To trace the Sforzas to the Sava river, one only needs to see that the Sforza lion holds a so-called "quince." The Quince Coat (mascles) write-up then traces to a Saer de Quincy, and entering "Saer" brings up the Sauer surname that is said to be from the Sau=Sava river.
Saer de Quincy is said to be of Winchester, which should explain why Quincys and Winchesters both use mascles (in colors reversed).
I therefore claim a solid link between Sava-river clans and the German Illuminati that led to the Rothschild-ruled Western world. And it was shown that Bellovesus entities (Gaulish) had ancestry amongst the Illyrian Celts (see map) at the Sava-river region. I linked them especially to the Boii, who are very-likely from Boiotians.
It was suggested that the Perdix cult out of Cretan-labyrinth entities led to sega=saw-like terms such as Segovesus. But not until now did I realize that Perdix could have been Parthenius elements. I trace Joppa, a city wherein mythical Perseus was located, to "Iapetus," which makes sense where Iapetus is made (as per the above quote) the root of Argives. The Perseus line of Danaans, going through Adana at Tarsus, ruled Argos.
But more in particular, the Perseus Danaans ruled Mycenae (a suburb of Argos), wherefore the Maezaei (beside the Japodes) should be from Mycenaean elements. The Sardeates beside the Maezaei suggest the Lydo-MYSIANs of Sardis (supporting my Mysian=Mycenaean equation).
Back to the Auvergne region where the Preys (with Save Shield) were first found. The Arms of Auvergne are red on gold, the red-on-gold colors of the Baden diagonal bar (see yesterday for some significances). This wouldn't be said if not for the Allier department making up part of the Auvergne administrative region, for the Arms of Allier is a red diagonal bar in the same direction.
red allerion is a heraldic symbol of the Holden Coat and Crest, and an allerion is said to be a version of an eagle. The rulers of Baden, the Zahringens, used a red eagle! We saw the Holden motto, "Nec temere nec timide," yesterday in the Travers Coat, and Travers were traced to the Enz river, that flows into the Neckar, while the latter river is encoded in the "nec" motto terms. The Allier flows near to Nevers, and has an Enz-like Anse tributary. The Allier also runs through Cher, a town that I traced to mythical Perdix as per the Bituriges that abided in nearby Berry.
If you didn't read yesterday, let me repeat that the Pforzheim location is on the Enz, and that this location was traced to the Fores/Foret/Forest surname (white lions like the Travers) using a "travers" motto term.
I keep the Drava river in mind that is to the north side of the Sava (see Celtic-Illyrian map). Hohenzollerns were of Baden elements, and they used a Shield quartered black and the Drave/Drove Coat. Either Hohenzollerns or Hohenstaufens used the Zahringen red eagle (the Hohenzollerns' became a black eagle) .
I'm sure I had found the very same quartered Coat in an Oettingen Arms, but for now I can show this similar Ottinger Coat. The gold dog (looks like a talbot) with red ear in the Arms of Oettingen-Oettingen must be the same as the one shown in the Crest of the Arms of Hohenzollern. We read: "Oettingen-Oettingen was a noble family and county in modern-day eastern Baden-Wurttemberg and western Bavaria, Germany."
There's a very good chance that Wu(e)rttemberg was named after Vere/Weir/Wier elements that I trace to Worms (this was the line to Robert the Strong and the Capetian Franks). Worms (Vere-star colors) is just outside the Baden-Wurttemberg border, and near Oettingen-like Ettlingen (Swift code 667). The latter location was anciently, EDINingom.
See yesterday for Ettling-surname links to the Hitler surname (and to the Neckar), at which time I didn't know that the lion style and colors of the Ettling Coat are exactly those of the Sforza lion.
Entering "Edin" brings up a Coat using "prudentia." Just saying. That's the Innes motto term too, suggesting a possible Edin trace to the Enz river and/or to 666-Pforzheim. The black Edin scallops should link to the white-on-black scallops of the Samson Coat, for the latter uses the double-axe-like cross of the Eatons/Etons (gold lion holding what looks like a bow).
Arms of EDINburgh uses a light-bluish anchor that could be silver=white, the color of the Heidler and Hood anchors (the Heidler Coat is nearly the Ettling Coat). The white lion of the Heidlers could link to the same of the Fores/Foret/Forest surname...tentatively but confidently from 666-PFORZheim, the co-called gateway to the Black Forest. With a direct Edinburgh trace now (I think for the first time) to Zahringer-Baden elements, I can add that the Edinburgh motto term, "Frustra," should link to the two Forst locations to which I had (years ago) traced Zahringen symbols. One Forst is in Lusatia (uses the Zahringen/Veringer antler), and the other in Baden-Wurttemberg.
The Arms of the latter Forst uses a woman holding a castle, evocative of the woman and castle (with red flags) in the Arms of Edinburgh. A castle is used also in the Arms of Heidenheim, a location in Baden-Wurttemberg. One can tentatively assume here a Zahringen link to Edinburgh via the Bernicians.
The "Nisi Dominus" motto phrase in the Arms of Edinburgh is very good reason to trace Edinburgh (and Forst) entities to DioNYSUS-cult Edomites that I see in Odrysia-branch Edones. These were the proto-Druids.
There is a German Forst surname first found in Baden. I would suggest links to the Swedish Gust Coat. I've long traced the latter to line of Tancred>GUIScard/Wishart and therefore to the Viscontis>Sforzas. Tancreds were also Tankervilles...and the latter uses a Shield in colors reversed to the Holdens using the red eagles/allerions that should trace to the Zahringen red eagle. I keep in mind that "ZAHRINgen" could trace to mythical Sirens ultimately from Seir of Edom. As I've said, Lothian, where Edinburgh is found, smacks of the Biblical Seir-ite, Lotan, whose sister (Timna) married Esau's son, Eliphas.
Hmm, the Eliphas-like Elvin surname (Hagar colors) was from Alwinetone (Devon), a location "held by Hamelin from the Count of Mortain, from which the Alwins are conjecturally descended." "Hamelin" smacks of the Hamilton surname that I trace to "Camelot" and then back to Kemuel, son of Nahor (I traced Nahorites of Haran to Seir's Horites; Lotan was a Horite. I then linked Horite Nahorites fundamentally to Hagar's Ishmaelites (they also married Esau-ites), whom I traced to the Hagars and Hayers of Perthsire).
Dutch Hamelins use a (white) goat on green Shield (I traced Hagarites to the goat cult of Seir>Satyrs), while English Albans (said to derive in "white," but that's a generic/loose derivation) use white on green...but with blue on the white, the colors of the Elvins/Alwins. Also, English Hamelins use bulls, the symbol of the Alban Crest. Further proof that Albans were Elvins/Alwins is that Albans were "First found in St. Taurin, Evreux, Normandy, in the year 980, as St. Aubyn. This distinguished name arrived with the Conqueror through Sir John Aubyn, and settled in Barnstaple in Devon," Elvins were from Devon.
Barnstaple was also home to the Traceys, who I think were the Trews/Trees and Treebys/Trebys of Devon. Some Alba Coats use a tree because the Italian for tree is "alba." The Trew/Tree Coat is somewhat comparable with the Ince Coat. The related Inches were first in Perthsire.
One can already start to ask whether the Elvens and Albans were linked to the mythical Elven line of the Veres (Scotland), and indeed, when one enters "Turin" as per the Taurin location of the Albans, a Vere-colored Coat Scottish clan comes up, using boars, a Vere-Crest symbol. AND, the Turin Coat (likely depicted at times by a taurus=bull) is a red diagonal bar on gold, the Baden symbol!
Let's not forget the red Vere bull/ox of Oxford, for in the Arms of Oxford, an elephant that I've thought was code for Eliphas.
The Howling variation of the Holdens could then suggest linkage to the Edom OWL cult. I see that the Howell Coat uses castles in Holden (and Forst-castle) colors. There's a good chance that terms like "Holden" are from Odin/Eden-like terms. The Auden variation of the Oldens (Sforza lion) is just one example. Oldens use a red Shield on white Shield, the Holden symbol.
I had traced the Holden Shield-on-Shield to the Hay/Hayer Coat. The latter surname was first in Edomite-suspected Perthshire, and I think it's safe to say that Hays/Hayers are of the Perthsire Hagar(t)s...who use the Innes Zionist star. And Zowie, as evidence of a Hay trace to the Sforza bloodline, the Hay Crest is the rising falcon seen in the Safer Coat (and Aflack Crest).
To prove that the Holden Allerion eagles link to the Allier river and region, the French Allier/Eller Coat uses what should be a version of the Holden red Shield on Shield.
The McLeod list of Septs includes "Aleer/Allear," which when entered brings up the McLure Coat (it looks connect-able to the German Leir Coat). English Lears (unicorns) of Leicestershire are the most likely to have identification with mythical king Leir/Lear, but note that the Alliers use the Cammel/Campbell design (link-able to Camelot) in Leir colors. The Lears are said to be from "Eyre," smacking of the Holden-related Hayers. Once again, the Arthurian cult traces to Edomites and Nahorites.
Camel-like HAMILtons use the Leicestershire cinquefoil, but the founders of Leicester should have been the Pattersons (and perhaps Bellamys) as per its Patterson-like Crest and motto (and the Leicester Coat's Bellamy-like Shield). The Patterson Crest is a camel. We get it.
There's not much to report from the news. I won't bother with the Korean situation until it escalates into something. The Kurds are still bucking to have their oil rights, meaning they didn't clinch that deal before handing Maliki his ability to form a government. Kurd leaders are still denying oil output until Baghdad gives them more rights to oil profits. This is the place to watch for the rise of the anti-Christ. In Mosul, another place to watch, some five or more Iraqi police were killed today. Four policemen were killed yesterday in the Mosul area. The terrorist battle still rages there.
End update.
I missed this Mattis article in November:
TASHKENT, Uzbekistan (Nov. 17, 2010) - ...General Mattis came to Uzbekistan on his initial round of visits to the region to see and hear personally from Uzbek officials...During his visit, General Mattis and the Uzbek Minister of Defense, General-Major Kabul Berdiev, signed the 2011 Program of Security Cooperation between USCENTCOM and the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Similar to last year, the program outlines a series of mutually agreed-upon engagements and training opportunities for fiscal year 2011.
Mattis was appointed by Obama, and the Centcom chief of staff has a Jones surname. This Jones Coat uses blood drops, a symbol seen late yesterday on the Leicester swan. The latter surname was accessed during, and relating to, the Lear clans linked to McLeods/McClouds. The Jones write-up traces to three Jones clans, one from "Dyffryn Clwyd, a Chieftain of Denbighland." The Jones lion is in McLeod colors, and as the McLeods use the Innes castle, the Jones' too must trace to the Enz river where 666-Pforzheim is located.
The 666 is a SWIFT code (see earlier in this update if you're jumping in here), and the "Hold Fast" motto of the McLeods could be world play, not only for Swift-branch Rothschilds, but for for the Holden surname...who are fundamentally linked (see yesterday) to the Alliers and therefore likely also to the Aleers/Allears, a McLeod sept.
You may recall my links of the Stewarts to the McLeods, but I also ventured to trace the allerions of the Holdens to the Alans>Stewarts. It just so happens that while "Major General Michael D. Jones assumed duties as Chief of Staff, U.S. Central Command, on August 6, 2010," "Lieutenant General John R. Allen became Deputy Commander, United States Central Command, on 15 July 2008." The Allen surname is a Mackay Sept, and Mackays are in McLeod colors too. showed yesterday the Howlin variation of the Holdens, and linked the clan to the Hays/Hayers (these Coats are in one way like the Allier Coat). That all smacks of the Haylins/Hellions (of Brittany) by which I identified the Brittany Alans only recently. Irish Allens use "Hallion," and I'm assuming that the Alans of Stewart ancestry apply. Here is the dragon cult that rules the United States and seeks world order.
I don't forget the alternative Welsh Jones/Johns from Carmarthen, for the swift bird is the footless martin of heraldly, the symbol of CarMarthen's Merlin cult. We know this is witchcraft, not Christianity. It is in the great interests of the dragon-cult military to fool you, Christian, into making you think they are a quasi-Christian organization.
I just looked at Allier variations, and seeing "Eller" caused a look for the Heller Coat, which turned out to use blood drops in Jones blood-drop colors. The Hellers/Helliers use stars in the colors of the French Allen stars.
I had linked these Allen stars to the Bauer stars, and so see the Bauer wing in the German Heller Cres. As we might suspect Bauers to be named after Bayern=Bavaria, so the Hellers were first in Bavaria. "Jewish" Hellers use the same Coat, but then this reveals that the Alans>Stewarts were "Jews."
As per the fact that the Bruce kings of Scotland got the Alan>Stewart bloodline to the Scottish throne, I would suggest that St. Brieux, near where the Haylins/Hellions lived, was thye Brix line to the Bruces. That should then certify that the Brix-Coat lozenges, in the colors of the Bavarian lozenges, do link to the Bavarian parts of the Allen-et-al clans.
The Heylin/Hellion write-up: "First found in Brittany, where Hillion, near Saint-Brieux, was the birthplace of Herve d'Helion. d'Helion was a companion of William the Conqueror and was awarded a barony and lands in Devon. Here, the family established its seat at Ashton and Credy-Helion." The Ashton Coat's single black star on white must be the same as the stars in the German Brix Coat, though this surname was first found in Silesia.
By a stroke of luck when seeing the Brixel variation, "Brickell" was entered to find yet another bunch of five arrows (Rothschild, Bower, Cameron, and Swift symbol). The Brickell arrows are in German Bauer colors. The clan was first in Yorkshire, where the Bruces lived before re-locating in Scotland. Brickell variations include Brignall, Brigenhale, and the Brix/Brice-like Bricnell.
A minute after writing that paragraph, "Iller" was entered to find a German clan using a saltire in colors reversed to the Bruce saltire...which I trace to the Ananes and Laevi Gauls of suspected Pharisee stock. The idea springing to mind here is mythical Ilus, founder of Ilium/Wilusa, the Trojan city (keeping in mind that I traced Ananias, father of Caiaphas, to the Tros>Trojan line to mythical Capys). The Illyrians, that is. Not long ago (I think the bulk of it is in the 7th update of November), I traced what I thought was Pharisee and Maccabee stock to the Celtic Illyrians.
If it seems contradictory to trace the Alans of Brittany both to Alan Huns and Illyrians, perhaps Illyrians were Alans...from mythical Hellen. Entering "Hellen" brings up two Alan-related Coats above, including the Haylins/Hallions. The Hellenism that was sacred to Antiochus IV -- who was a type of anti-Christ -- could be at the root of modern "democracy."
With the thought that Alan Stewarts could trace to Wilusa, I took a look at the Willis Coats, one being in typical red and gold Alan colors. This Willis clan, "descended from Baron Welles, the Duke of Somerset," appears linked to Bath-and-Wells (Somerset) at the root of the Bidens and Baathists. IN FACT, the other/English Willis surname (Hayer colors) uses a falcon rising (in Crest), the symbol not only of the Aflack Crest (founding family of the Baathists), but of the Hay/Hayer Crest. (I suggest that this falcon is a symbol of ther Fulks, but am hoping to verify one way or another).
The griffin holding an axe in the Willis Crest asures linakage to the same in the Will Crest. As both Allens and Williamsons are Mackay septs, the Williamson saltire, in the colors of the Bitur and Aflack cross, should apply. Williamsons were first in Peebles (not far from Edinburgh), where the bunched-aerow Bowers were first found. The Williamson Coat uses stars in Ashton and Brix-of-Silesia colors.
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