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September 24 - 30, 2024

Poke-In Hockey Goal Leads to Asteroid-Pointing Istria
And Hebrew Bankers

Hall of Names is once again showing the descriptions of the Coats of Arms presented at House of Names.

I was back to Sleeping Beauty in my last update. There was a new thing with the LOVElace's, a surname new to me. They gave me a clue as to what God meant when He said concerning Sleeping Beauty, "what are you waiting for, it's you SHE LOVES, go wake her." And so I had to conclude that Lovelace's had been a fundamental branch of Love's/Luffs. In the past, her hovering LEVEL took me to Levels/Leavells/LOVells, and then I found the Lovelace's come up as LEVElace's, which can be read also as LEVELace's, and I talked about that briefly, showing how Ace's can connect to Hicks'.

Load Lovelace's now, which loads on another tab, in order to load other surnames so that you can follow better.

Miss Hicks, who fulfilled Sleeping Beauty, was not, when I met her at her age 45, as beautiful as I saw Sleeping Beauty in the dream. She was extremely beautiful in the dream, but it was not the face of Miss Hicks. One reason that God showed me a CLOSE-up of her face was for one of the many evidences that Miss Hicks fulfilled Sleeping Beauty, for Miss Hicks married Mr. Kilpatrick while Kilpatrick castle was built at CLOSEburn.

I have always wondered whether "CloseBURN" has significance as per the Burns, and I've only now realized that Burns share the fleur-de-lys of Crabs. The latter, sharing a "dagger" with Kilpatricks, are a major pointer to the Apophis asteroid of April, 2029, exactly 50 years, to the month/week/day, from the Sleeping Beauty dream (I didn't record the date, but I knew, in 1979, that it was around the start of April).

The Burns, first found in Cumberland with Daggers/Dackers, even have an "Ever ready" motto while Evers are also the Eure's expected in the "heure" motto term of Hicks'. I've known and told that before, but I'm now intrigued with making a Burn-Crab link, for the asteroid will burn only if it enters the AIR, and Airs are listed with ear-like Eyers, whom I'll get to promptly. At this point, I don't know how to make a strong Burn-Crab link, but I'll keep it in mind because it's logical to expect God to expose one.

We could even use the close-up photo of Beauty to say that the asteroid, a major topic of the last update, will come close-up to the planet. In any case. the close-up got me to say, "SHE's, beautiful." I said that in the dream. I showed at least some of the significance of Shee's/Shea's in the last update, and told again that Beautys link to Walerans, for they essentially share the same Coat as Beautys, and Walerans were from Waleran of Leavell.

The difference between the Waleran and Beauty Coats is that Walerans have their three bulls as heads only, but then Heads/Heads, in Waleran format and colors reversed, were first found in Norfolk with the Haydens sharing the black bull of Beautys, and the latter were first found in Dorset with Hades'.

Therefore, one can see in these things that the dream was God's pointer to Leavells/Lovells, first found in Somerset with Lovelace's and Sticks. Irish Lovelace's, the ones with the Levelace/Leveless variations, share the "sheaves" of Sticks. And Shee's are listed with Shea's while English Shaws/SHEAVES are Shea's too. See that?

Levelace's call their sheaves, "wheatsheaves," and Wheats were first found in Norfolk with Haydens, yet there is the further gleaning to be had, where Sadducee-like Saddocks use "ears of rye" while Caiaphas-like Chappes'/Cheaps use "ears of wheat." Rye's/Rise's, once said to be first found in Sussex with Saddocks, are now said to be first found in Norfolk too.

These ears are very important if they are code for Airs/Eyers and linkable to Ainsley Earhardt, the second fulfillment of Sleeping Beauty, for reasons I've explained many times. She's more beautiful than Miss Hicks, and looks remarkably like the Beauty in the dream.

You can thus be very confident that God not only gave me the dream, but taught me to make heraldic links that explain this and other of my dreams with certain pointers to certain people or events that concern Him. It's always a guessing game for me to seek what He's pointing to, or learn what he's trying to message me. But then He may not always be trying to message me, but certain readers too.

At age 11, I was at the fountain plaza in L'Aquila, with my mother, because she was staying seven miles away in the village of her up-bringing. L'Aquila is where Italian Sheaves were first found who have Chiava/Chiapponi variations suspect by me from the LEVite of Israel, the Chief priest, Caiaphas, the killer of Jesus. Can we see why God might want to point to him, as we approach the 70th Week? My assumption is that Caiaphas' line is to Love's/Luffs, Leavells/Lovells and Lovelace's / Levelace's.

Caiaphas became the high priest because he married a daughter of the high priest, Annas, and the ANNAS surname was once said to be first found in Nottinghamshire with AINSleys. See that? This tends to explain why Ainsley Earhardt is a second fulfillment of the dream. The Arniss variation of Annas' was first found in Cambridgeshire with Crabs. The giant star of Annas'/Arniss' can be expected a code for Stars/Starmers (Wiltshire, beside Beautys), and then Stormers share the triple fesses of Love's/Luffs. Annas is expected to have been a LEVite.

Crapps/Crappers have "pigeons" in Levin colors and format while Pageons are listed with Payen-branch French Page's (same place as Payens) who in turn share the Coat of LePage's, first found in Ile-de-France with French Levi's and Chappes'. English Payne's were first found in Somerset with "crab"-using Bridge's so that Crabs look like a Crapp/Crapper branch.

What I don't think I mentioned in the last update is that Leavells/Levels/Lovells have six bars, three in red and three in gold, very similar to the three red-on-white fesses (horizontal bars) of Love's/Luffs and Stormers. Stars/Starmers are also Stairrs, and then Stairs/Stayers share the Coat of Chiapponi-like Capone's (more stars), first found in Cambridgeshire with Annas'/Arniss'. See that? Chiapponi's are listed with Sheaves'/Chiava's.

And Italian Capone's/Cupuas' have a giant lion head wearing a gold crown in the colors of the lions with gold crowns of Jewish Levi's. Where could we go wrong if we took a stab at whom these families descended from? Heraldry is confessing it to us, spitting it out naked before us. Capone's/Capuas' were first found in CAMPania with Aquila's while Chiapponi's were first found in L'Aquila. English Camps are in English Capone colors and format.

I've told that my mother has a book on the history of her village of Picenze (where she was born and raised), which says that its founders had been "nobles" from Naples, where Capone's/Capuas' were first found.

The Camps above share gold griffin heads with Capelli-connectable Caplans, and Capelli's have: "The Capelli family lived in the city of Ferrara, where the Capelli family occupied many of the first seats in the ESTensi Court in the 12th century." The Estensi were from neighboring Este, and Italian Este's share the Coat of Aquila's, which means that heraldry is now puking it out for all to see. English Este's almost have the Coat of Heads/Heeds, and we can assume that the latter got related to the Capone's/Capuas' because they use a giant head. Heads/Heeds have the heads of uniCORNs, which traces with the Capone/Capuas crown to the Ceraunii Illyrians.

And then the Hicks and Ainsleys share the same fleur-de-lys while Lys'/Lisse's were first found in Ile-de-France with Levi's and Scottish Chappes'. It's as though heraldry has apprehended Annas and Caiaphas, put them into hand cuffs, and laid them at our feet for execution. English Lise's/Liss' were first found in Hampshire with Caplans. And Chiava-like Cavii Illyrians were at ancient Lissus to indicate that pagan Levites must have been at least close by who may have been sent to Israel by the Roman empire just in time for the births of those two high priests. Arniss' probably trace to ancient Arnissa (Genusus river) to the near-south of th Cavii. This was a land of pirates who had to flee the Romans.

I was once able to prove to readers, with a google search, that Barrs of Bar-le-Duc had also been in Brunswick, both branches sharing the same Arms, but ever since google decided to become anti-educational, as much as it can to keep the peasants peasants, I can't find an article, though this article makes the implication with: "...the true founder of the [Este] family was the margrave Alberto Azzo II (died 1097). From his son Welf IV, duke of Bavaria, there began a related branch that gave origin to the dukes of Bavaria, BRUNSWICK, and Luneburg, as well as the electors of Hanover." This is why Scottish Bars share the giant Este eagle. Brunswicks have a different-colors version of the Jewish Levi Coat.

With "Azzo," we maybe can go to the Ass'/Ace's/Ice's who were in the last update with "LevelACE." It was a good theory, to suggest that Levels had married Ace's to produce Lovelace's, and Ise's took me to Ice's/Icke's (giant eagle) because Hicks', in Welf colors, come up as "Icke" too. Ass'/Ace's/Ise's have "balances" while Balance's (Warwickshire with Camps) have the Italian Este Coat in the colors of the English Este Coat.

Sleeping Beauty was hovering LEVEL on her BACK, and English Backs, first found in Somerset with Levels and Levelace's, have the Balance Coat in colors reversed. Moreover, German Backs share the Coat of Italian Boys/BOETs/Boeddu's, both sharing the bull (different colors) with Beautys/Bowds. Thus, it becomes apparent that stocks of Beautys and Boeddu's, one being an offshoot of the other, are from the House of Boethus, of the Sadducees.

As Somerset has an Axe river, Azzo of Este may have been from the namers of the Axe, suspect from Paionians of the Axius. A second Axe in neighboring Devon may serve to show that Azzo-line Paioni moved there, and Pane's/Panico's of the Setta valley may have named Seaton at the mouth the Devon Axe, because Payne's (probably from Payne Roet) were first found in Somerset with Roets who in turn share the Pane/Panico tree. Devon is where Esse's/Ash's were first found who share the double fesses of Rowells while Payens/Paions use "spur rowells." Spurrs were first found in Devon too.

This is why God gave the dream: to point to His enemies who have descendants in the last days. YHWH wants to pay them back what they deserve for the wickedness they intend to complete, when the Cup of Wrath is finally full. And that Cup starts to get poured out about the time that Apophis swings by, I gather.

German Boets are listed with Butts/Bute's while Buttons/Bidens share the "chapeau" owned by Capelli's of Este. What don't we don't understand about this sewage?

Let's go back to the close-up of Beauty's FACE, for Face's/Fessys were from the Fieschi of Genova. Wikipedia writes: "Guelph families fled to their strongholds east (Fieschi) and west (Grimaldi)..." My mother's maiden name is, Grimaldi. Grimaldi's were first found in Genova with Face-like Fauci's so that the dream can now enter us into another theme: the faked pandemic schemes that I think could provide the 666 door pass. No 666 as proof of vaccine, no get into a commercial building. That's what I'm seeing.

"Six" is "hex," like "Hicks. Hex's/Hecks, looking connectable to Trumps, use a giant and BROWN stag head indicating BRUNSwick elements. Recall CloseBURN, for Burns were first found in Cumberland with Browns/Bruns, and the latter share the fleur-de-lys of Kilpatricks i.e. had a castle at Closeburn. Close's share black hunting HORNs with Burns. Hunts/Hunters have both saltires used by Kilpatricks. Horns/Orne's were first found in Middlesex with English Bruns. The Caiaphas'-like Capes' (London) were feasibly first found in Middlesex (part of London).

German Hex's/Hecks were first found in Holland with the Fauci-related Tromps. Trump has never repented of the mass-murder he conducted (perfect word) with Fauci. With this heraldry in hand, I expect Trump to do another pandemic soon. I expect him to win the election in a few weeks. Dutch Hecks/Hacks look related to the Coat of Bunnys, first found in Broxtow with Ainsleys (share Hicks fleur).

The Trump stag head is in colors reversed with Hanna's, first found in Wigton, not far from Closeburn. The Leggs, with almost the Trump Coat, were first found even closer to Closeburn. The Wigton-like Wiggons (share spur with Close's) essentially have the Coat of Annas' (Cambridgeshire with Wiggons), which is a way to pin the Annas tail on Trump's arse. Each "deer's head" of Wigtons has "a bell around its neck", and Bells were first found in Dumfries with Leggs and Closeburn.

It's taken me years, little-by-little, to write this story as well as it's written here. I didn't wholly know why I was learning to make the dream's connections to surnames, and I may not yet have exhausted the pointers with the latest pointer to the Apophis asteroid. I've told why, in real life, Miss Hicks and her husband pointed to it, via their appearing at a barbecue contest with Spuds MacKenzie.

I might only have evidence that this space rock might knock out satellites but not land on earth, or that it might whoosh through the upper air with a fiery trail, only to exit again and go on its way, a little slower, around the sun. But the MacKenzie "as astra" motto phrase, and it's "flaming mountain," convinces me that this rock fulfills the Biblical prophecy in Revelation 8:8, " a mountain great with fire BURNing was cast into the sea..." This translation is word-for-word (exactly as written) from my interlinear by Alfred Marshall.

NOW, with my new-found realization that Burns share the Crab fleur-de-lys, we can even use the close-up in the dream, and CloseBURN, to predict/realize that the prophecy concerns Apophis specifically, because NASA says this asteroid is scheduled to be seen with the naked eye in the crab constellation of CANCER. As I've said, the CHANCIER's were first found in Essex with Star-connectable Asters/Sturs, Mountains and Este's.

And the "as astra" motto phrase of Mountains can even get us to the Ass/Ace surname that itself can get us to the Axe river, where Stars/Stairrs were first found. Stairs/Stayers share the Coat of Capone's (stars), first found in CamBRIDGEshire with Crabs. Krebbe's/Crebs' use what looks like a lobSTER, which looks like double code, one for Stairs/Stayers, and one for Lobs'/Lobe's looking like they have a Coat version of the Virgins, first found in Kent with Stairs/Stayers. Close's have a "battle-axe" for a trace to something near the Axe, and that ought to be the Caiaphas like Chaffs (Wiltshire) sharing the giant Battle griffin. If this can trace the sons of Caiaphas to Closeburn, it can explain why Kilpatricks share the Jewish Levi lion, suspect with the Capone/Capuas lion head.

I've just found Stayer-like Styers, though curiously listed with Stiles'/Steggle's, first found in Bedfordshire with Deers and sharing a wolf head (different color) in Crest with Gaunts, the latter first found in Kent with Deerings and Stairs/Stayers. Stiles'/STEGGLE's (fretty) are in the colors of the Sticks/STICKLE's ("sheaves"). The latter were first found beside the first-known Stars/Stairrs. Sticklands share the Meschin scallops while Steckle's share the Massey fleur.

In the dream itself, Sleeping Beauty was framed as my future wife with, "it's you she loves," and with the subsequent and rapturous embrace that we shared at end the dream. Her bride symbol was probably due to Bridge-like Bride's, for it helps to establish the correctness of using the Bridge crabs as a pointer to Apophis. For, French Bride's were first found in Savoy with BRIGANTium, and Brights share the triple Bride STARs in the colors of the "flaming stars" of Pero's. The latter were first found in Oxfordshire with Love's/Luffs.

In the last update, I re-told of a dream I had with the Luffs, my old friends, where their wavy tongues, which were actually snakes when they opened their mouths, caused me to get up from the table and leave their apartment. But I walked into the coat CLOSEt instead. See that? What I failed to see,last week, is the "gardeRAY" motto term of the griffin-using Bridge's (Somerset), for one of the Luffs was ray. His wife, Valery, was there with another snake tongue, and she points logically to Valerys using a "wavy chief."

I noted that Valerys also use a "line" in their Chief, but didn't see how Line's could apply to topic. I now do. Scottish Bride's use a black "eagle's head" in Crest to go with the black "griffin's head" in the Crest of English Line's. The latter's Coat is partly in the colors, and full format of, crab-using Bridge's (Somerset), and in the format of, and fully colors reversed from, griffin-using Bridge's. In colors reversed, the Bridge griffin heads are black, the color of the Line griffin head. A mythical griffin has the head of an eagle. Is that not amazing, like a "big coincidence"? Already, Valery Luff is pointing well-enough to Apophis, indicating tidal waves of the sea, which I had predicted at Washington DC even aside from the heraldry below. Sea's were first found in Kent with Snake's/Snooks.

Although German Line's and German Lindens don't call their near-identical symbols "linden" trees, we can take this to Scottish Lindens because they share the roses of English Line's, yet Scottish Lindens happen to share the black "eagle's head" of Bride's. Incredible. The Valery "line" took us here, which pointed with a wavy Chief to ocean waves that will destroy ocean LINErs (I get it), and Liners happen to have "two eagles' heads rising..."! Lookie there.

German Line's and Lindens use "trees," and the Tree Crest is nearly the Crest of Irish Lovelace's/Leveless'. Tree's call it a "knight" while Knights (share spur with Close's) trace to the Nith river, location of Closeburn. The Knight Coat is nearly with the triple Love/Luff fesses.

Scottish Lindens share the eagle of CASTings/Castons, and the latter are in the colors and format of griffin-head Bridge's. Castings/Castons were first found in Norfolk with Patricks (share Kilpatrick saltire) and COUSINs while Kilpatricks use "CUSHIONs." Norfolk is also where buckle-using Case's were first found, suspect with the Change-branch Chase's/Chace's. Cass'/CASTs (same place as Crabs), along with the Casters, can be a pointer to Revelation 8:8, where the burning, mountain-like object is CAST into the sea.

Cass'/Casts use "a pair of scales" while Scale's were first found in Hertfordshire with the Childs sharing the Casting Coat. As I've said, once the Kilpatricks sold their home near mine (I assume Mr. Casey sold it), they moved into a home owned at the time by a Childs family. I discovered this when seeking their new address to send her a LETTER, and Letters have a giant griffin in the colors of the Bridge griffin heads.

Letters (Westmorland with Saddock-connectable Levins) are listed with Leathers, and I've told of a dream I had, a week or two after the Sleeping Beauty dream, where I was wearing a leather jacket, and this dream had something straight crossing a city scene that I remember as a BRIDGE over waters. I was drowning in the waters, but God rescued me as the invisible pilot of a passenger jet. He swooped down to the water's surface and picked me up while drowning. This is another story that maybe I should re-investigate with Apophis in mind.

Miss Hick's aunt is/was wife to Mr. Casey, a real-estate agent who sold my Texas property. He also listed the Kilpatrick property for sale. Irish Caseys have eagle heads colors reversed from the Linden / Casting eagle, and Scottish Caseys, first found beside Scottish Lindens, have crow heads while Crawl-branch Crows were first found in Norfolk with Case's. I don't know whether Crawls were Crails, but it's a close call. I was going to kiss Miss Hicks awake, in the dream, which is partly why I dubbed her, "Sleeping Beauty." Kiss'/CUSH's go with the Kilpatrick cushions, and they share the Cass/Cast Coat, both using "fountains" while Fountains were first found in Norfolk with Castings, Cousins and Case's.

The Umbers/Humbers suspect in the Letter/Leather motto share the triple fesses of Finchems (Norfolk with Child-connectable Castings) while Chaffs were first found in Dorset with Chaffins/ChafFINCH's while Childs were first found in Hertfordshire with Finch's/Vince's. Chaffs share the Chief-Shield colors of Capes'. The Umber/Humber Crest shares the Bridge griffin, and the latter's are colors reversed from the Finch/Vince griffins. Bridge's were first found beside Beaks (Dorset with Chaffinch's) who in turn share the triple Finchem fesses in wavy form. Sea's use three wavy fesses too. We got here thanks to my letter to Miss Hicks. Letter-branch Lauders were first found in Berwickshire with Chaff-connectable Battle's. Battins (Somerset with the Axe) use battle-axes too, in Hanna colors and format.

That picture looks like a pointer to Apophis swelling up the Humber river in New York, which is not far from the waterway up to Washington DC. Both waterways drain into the ocean. Such a swell can be the result of the asteroid striking just about anywhere in the north Atlantic. Swells/Swale's share "esto" with English Weavers (Cheshire with Brights), a branch of Webbers (Somerset with Bridge's), and I identify heraldic waves with Weavers / Webbers because the Somerset Webbers have "wavy bars." German Webbers/Weavers happen to share the triple stars of Brights, Bride's and battle-axe Close's, tending to nail the Somerset Webbers to Bridge's. The latter Webbers even have the Pepin/PEPY bend-with-fleur in colors reversed for yet another pointer to Apophis' ocean wave(s).

It's all clicking to assure that the Kilpatricks are indeed the pointer to Apophis. King Apophis/Apepi was a HYKSos king, explaining why God has chosen a Kilpatrick married to a Hicks. H.W. Kilpatrick III (her husband) was a medical doctor, and the god of medicine, Asclepius, is in the Asclepius rod of HUCKabee's. The latter's Chief-Shield colors and chevrons all jibe with the "wavy" Valerys, and Huckabys put wavy snakes around their "rods." Asclepius was made a nephew of Hicks-like Ixion who in Tartarus was given a wheel symbol, suspect with the chariots of Hyksos.

Ixion's sister was a crow, and Crows with Crawls/Croulls/Crowells share the camel head with Pepins/Pepys. Hyksos are thought by some to have been Hebrews (not Israelites, in my opinion), Ixion was the son of PHLEGyas while Peleg was the son of Eber, founder of Hebrews (long before the Israelites).

As the Eber surname has a black boar, Ebers were likely from the Edomite Herods. Esau, king of Israel, was as close as one can get to a an Israelite-branch Hebrew without being one. Esau was the first in line to inherit God's promises to Israel, but he loved hot stews more than God, and so God gave the inheritance to his twin brother, Jacob, whom was re-named, Israel. The book of Enoch, though I don't see it as God's word, tells that the black boar was a symbol of Edom. Note DUMfries. I trace Time's/Timms to "Timna," wife of Esau's son, and Time's/Timms were first found in Kent with Masons/Massins who in turn use a "Dum" motto term. I have seen (houseofnames took it down, I wonder why) a Moray/Murray Coat with a "DEUM time" motto, and Morays share the mermaid in Crest with Masons/Massins. This page tells that "Deum Time" was owned by James Murray.

The Seagars, first found in Devon with Huckabys and Rods, have a similar thing, only now with green snakes, the color of the snake-tongues in the mouths of the Luffs. German Seagars share the Snake/Snook eagle. The Seagar moline is in colors reversed with the Segni's/SEGURana's expected in the Face motto, and while Face's were first found in Northamptonshire with the Spinks sharing the Seagar / Snake eagle, Segni's/Segurana's were first found in Genova with Fauci's, and with the Guelph/Welf-supporting Fieschi and Grimaldi, explaining why the Este eagle is with Segni's/Segurana's.

Scottish Bride's were first found in Angus with Gardens/Jardens and Jardins to go with the "GARDeray" of griffin-using Bridge's. English Gards, with black griffins of their own, were first found in Kent with Sea's. The Gard griffins are in colors reversed from the griffin heads of Garden-like Gardners, the latter first found in Oxfordshire with Love's/Luffs. We arrived here only because of the Bridge motto, "gardeRAY," and Valery's husband is RAY Luff. Irish Gards use a brown wolf while Wolfs are also Welfs, and while Browns/Bruns were first found in Cumberland with Rays and Burns while there is a RayBURN surname. Zikers, the latter was first found in Ayrshire with Scottish Line's! Ray's wife pointed us to Line's.

AHHH, Ray's have "Ready for EVERything" as their English-version motto while Burns use "Ever ready"!!!! Rays were thus related to Burns, and Burns to Closeburn! Incredible finding, all from a mere dream with silly, wagging/waving snakes for tongues.

I was at the Luff residence on LONDON road many times, and Capes' were first found in London while Love's can thus be suspect from Levites in the line of Caiaphas.

French Rays share the "escarBUNCLE with Hanger and Angers, the latter first found in Essex with Asters/Sturs, Mountains and Chaunceurs, three big pointers to Apophis of 2029 specifically. Angers share the Fauci lozenge, and so it seems correct that the Annacker variation of Anchors is of "Annas." The red Anchor bull head goes to the red bull of French Packs because English Packs use anchors, even the Paisley/Pasley anchors while English Pasleys, first found beside Love's/Luffs, share their triple FESSES. FESSYs/Face's were a Fauci branch.

The Chaunceurs point to the return in Cancer in 2029, for it's highly unlikely that Apophis will be in Cancer in 2036 (it flies past earth every eight years roughly). Chaunceurs are listed with Chance's, and so what are the chances that French Chance's, with a version of the Chance/Chaunceur Chief, were first found in Savoy with French Bride's and Brigantium?

Plus, Angus is right beside Crail, and Crabs come up as "Crail." Crawls were first found in Oxfordshire with English Line's and Love's/Luffs!!! The Line's are coming up big. It's amazing, tending to confirm that the wavy snakes acting as the Luff tongues are a pointer to Apophis. I told, in the last update, that Tongue's/Tongs essentially share the English Mountain Coat. See that? When the end-timers touch the apple of God's eye, Apophis will be spit out of His mouth.

Meanwhile, Snake's/Snooks share the fleur-de-lys of Walks/Wachs, first found in Dumfries with Closeburn, and Walks/Wachs share the stars of Close's who in turn use three of them in the colors and format of the three of French Bride's and Brights. Once again, the snake tongues are linking to Apophis pointers.

In place of the third star, Walks/Wachs have a "sheaf", bringing us back to L'Aquila elements, and the Arms of L'Aquila has a black eagle, the color of the Bride eagle head. My mother's mother was a Masci by birth, and Maceys/Mace's, with almost the Close Coat, were first found in Cheshire with Brights sharing their triple stars. What are the chances that Chance's/Chaunceurs share the Maschi (not "Masci") Chief? Pine's use the pineAPPLE while Apple's and Appleby's share the Tongue/Tong, Mountain and Brittany/Britain martlets. The "mountain" of MacKenzie's is probably shown as a rock because Tongue's/Tongs have a rock (as do Letters).

Scottish Bride's have a "canton" that is the "square" of proto-Washington Wace's, and Cantons/Gantons have the Washington Coat in colors reversed. The Bride canton with patee cross is in the colors of the Wace hexagram in a square. If you think it's amazing that Wace's just worked into things who are almost the Walks/Wachs of Closeburn elements, let's repeat that God said to me, in setting up the bride scene: "what are you waiting for, it's you she loves, "go WAKE her."

Loves are Intended to get us to Ray Luff, I assume, and Rays use a "stag at a gaze" while Gaze's/Gace's are listed with Wace's. It can't in itself explain why the Love/Luff Coat reflects the Washington Coat, but we can explain it where God set the heraldry up for us via "Ray Luff." Will tidal waves go up to the White House in Washington? Will the False Prophet there, if minded he's there, get a "letter" from God to back off with 666 persecution?

We might ask if the tidal waves will knock down BRIDGES...when the people with the 666 hate us for deserting our societal posts, and for refusing to conform and comply. I say that this asteroid will be pure love to us from Jesus, to tie up our persecutors. Don't be afraid of it, just consider whether it's smart to buy ocean-front property.

The "flaming stars" of Pero's gets us to Starlings/Starlinck's, suggesting that Musk's Starlink satellites could be knocked out. People in remote areas use that satellite for Internet and phone connections. Without it working, Christians in the wilderness who've refused to let go of their cell phones, will then need to give them up, making their locations un-findable via their phones. Musks were kin of Love's/Luffs; both were once said to be first found in Suffolk with Love-connectable Knights, and both are now said to be first found in the same place as Crabs.

"Knights use a "canton" for connection to Washingtons, and the Spurrs in that canton were first found in Devon with Spurr-like Supers who in turn love the Billow-branch Billets (Devon). The Ship "bellows" are drawn as hand-operated fans, and Devon is where Fauns/PHONES' (share Este and WEFer eagle) and Fens'/Venns were first found, believe it or not.

Fanns/Vance's are listed with FAUCet-branch Scottish Vaux's while English Vaux's (Cumberland) share the Coat of Dutch Flamings while bellow fans are ordinarily used for fanning flames to coals. The Flaming Coat is the Arms of Meulan while BELLmonts/Beaumonts (Bell / Bellamy colors) of Meulan married Waleran de Leavell.

Fanns/Vance's/Vaux's look like kin of Salome's, expected from Salome of Boethus, and while Booths share the black boar with English Bush's (Yorkshire with Booths and Hicks), German Bush's (share Crab fleur) were first found in Rhineland with Salome's. The Edomite capital of Esau was BOZRah, and German Bush's are Bushers too while English Bushers/Boschers were first found in Dorset with Boethus-line Beautys/Bowds, and with Beaks who in turn look like kin of Bussys. Recalling how the "Dum" motto term of Masons/Massins serves evidence for Edomite lines, added evidence is where their full motto is shared by Bushels (Yorkshire).

Rayburns have a "roeBUCK DRINKing out of a BROOK," and the DRENGot Normans took control of Capua, in CAMPANIA with Aquila's and Naples. Capone's/Capua's were first found in Naples, and so it's worth mentioning that black-boar Pallets were first found in Champagne, sometimes called, Campania. Drengots were from the family of Rollo in one way or another, and Rollo's have the black boar too while Rollo married Poppa of Valois while Valois'/Valais' have a Valery-like Valour variation, and even have the Valery chevron in colors reversed.

Drinks (almost the Buck lion) are also Drengs, first found in Northumberland with Ready-like Reads/Reeds (Rays and Burns love Readys). Drinks/Drengs share the giant Dreux lion, in Drake/Dreke colors (see 666-like tail). Drake's/Dreke's have an "Aquila" motto term for linkage to Drengots of Capua. Dreux is in Eure, and Eber-like Evers (probably from Hebrews) are listed with Eure's/URE's, suspect in the "heure" motto term of Hicks', and the "uro" of MacKenzie's. Ure's/Orreys were first found in Ayrshire with Line's. Ray Luff took us here with RayBURNs. Brooks and Brocks were first found in Essex with MacKenzie-beloved and Tongue-connectable Mountains, and Brocks can thus be sharing the Drink/Dreng and Buck lion.

Goal-Line Gift

Wace-beloved Square's/Squirrels have a "Tiens" motto term while Tiens' share the chevron-with-stars of Peare's, both first found in Oxfordshire with English Line's. The Gaze variation of Wace's are in the Ray Coat, and Ray's wife gave us Line's and Liners while Love's/Love's were first found in Oxfordshire with Bellow-loving Ships while Bellows are also BILLOWS. The sea billows with roll. Wace's/Gaze's share red canton with CloseBURN-connectable Knights who in turn use "pallets." Knights were first found in Suffolk with Sea-branch Seamans.

Apophis will be seen in the NIGHT sky (it's not flying by on a dayside of the planet), and Nets/Nights/Naughts were first found near the Nitts/Naughts, the latter first found in Dumfries with Closeburn on the Nith river. Nets/Nights/Naughts share the Papp lion, and as Pallets share the black boar with Rollo's, Papps may have been of the namers of Poppa of Valois, easily from the line of king Apophis. Valery Luff took us to Valois'/Valours.

"Valore" is a motto term of Annas-connectable Enys'. The latter look related to the Coat and Crest of Bacons/Beacons, both surnames sharing the Chief-Shield colors of Caiaphas-like Capes', and it just so happens, wow, that a "beacon" is used by Fullers who in turn share the triple fesses of Love's/Luffs!

It struck me this week that when I exclaimed, "she's beautiFUL," in the Sleeping Beauty dream, it was a part-pointer to Fullers because the same dream has "it's you she loves." Fullers share a red-on-white canton square with Wake-connectable Wace's, the latter first found in Cornwall with Enys'. The giant Annas star is in the Chief of Annas-like Angus' while the latter's Chief is essentially in colors reversed with the Futters, first found in Angus, and suspect in the "futura" motto term of Fullers.

Angus is where Scottish Bride's (another red canton) were first found whose black eagle head linked above to the black griffin head of Line's, and a giant and black griffin is with Bolds while "Boldly" is an English-version motto term of Irish Fullers. Sleeping Beauty was framed as my FUTURE bride! "She's beautiFUL" thus looks like a pointer to both Fullers and Fuller-related Futters.

A beacon on fire is shared between Fullers and Redmaine's while the latter share the "cushions" (same colors) of Kilpatrick-related Scottish Johnsons (Dumfries with Closeburn) who in turn share the Crest of Annas-related Wiggons, both Crests sharing the spur with Knights and Close's. Knights, first found in Suffolk with Beacons/Bacons, happen to have three pale bars in the colors of the three Fuller fesses. The Knight canton-with-spur is in the three colors of the canton-with-star of Irish Fullers. Thus, as Knights trace to Closeburn's Nith river, "She's beautiful" definitely seems to be God's pointer to Fullers and BACons, a new thing for me right here and now. Sleeping Beauty was hovering on her BACK. Bacau on the Trotus river is near ANGUSta, and Futters were first found in Angus.

Scottish Johnsons have what looks like an assumption that they descended from Gilbert's father, John of Annandale, who was gifted with land from Bruce's of Annandale. Those Bruce's married Marjory Carrick, and the Arms of Carrick is the Gilbert chevron. These Gilberts share the red squirrel with SQUARE's/Squirrels and German Daggers/Decks (linkable to Kilpatrick dagger) to help explain the canton squares. Wace's use the canton as a "square" while Cantons/Gantons (Yorkshire with "canton"-using Fullers) have the Washington Coat in colors reversed.

Therefore, as even English Johnsons were first found in Lincolnshire with Wace-like Wake's, Sleeping Beauty's wake scene might be a pointer to something in Washington DC, like Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson. Maybe. It's a stab in the dark. He's feeding Armageddon as we speak with $$$ to Ukraine and Israel. He's a believer in Jesus, but his actions seem to be those of a worldly dragon. He's assisting the money-laundering desires of Intelligence. Previously, I had reason to believe that her wake scene pointed to John Ratcliffe, whom Trump might again make the leader of Intelligence (after Biden replaced him).

My memory is failing me now, but when my father slaughtered a lamb in Picenze, as I at age 11 looked on right beside it, he was working in real-estate with either a company called, Shea, or Eves. He worked for both, but I can't recall which it was at my age 11 through to 13. "SHE's beautiful."

Nets/Nights remind me of an organized-hockey event in my youth, at age 12, that I've talked much about, where I scored the winning goal by sliding past the net on my KNEES, and TIPPING the puck into the NET as it sat still on the goal LINE. Hmm. I considered the tip-in as a pointer to Tippins, kin of Ratcliffs. Tippins, first found in Lancashire with the Redmaine's in turn sharing the Scottish Johnson cushions, share gold pheons with English Johnsons, and while the latter add the same cross of English Bruns, my father worked in real-estate with Bruno, who bought (my age 13) a brand-new home beside my father's brand-new home on Senator Reesors drive (Markham). We moved away from there near the end of my 13th year.

I bounced lacrosse balls off of Bruno's brick wall with my lacrosse racket, and Lacrosse's share the English Brun Coat. Rackets/Ricketts/Reckitts, looking like kin of McGee's, have a "veRUM" motto term while Rums/Rims/Rome's were at Annandale with the Johnsons, which is in Dumfries, where McGee's were first found. What could this mean? Jim McGee, whom I'll get to below as part of the hockey goal, was one of my friends at that location. It's now interesting that while Rickett-like Ricks were once said to be first found in Somerset with the Tints whom they look related to, that's where Bridge's were first found whose griffin-head Coat is a colors-reversed version of the Racket-like Rack/Rake/Raik Coat (Tinton colors and format).

Nith-river Nets/Nights/Naughts use "duRUM."

It reminds me of ship WRECKs from Apophis, for Wrecks were first found in Essex with Asters/Sturs, and the only thing Wrecks show is a border while Borders/Boarders, who can apply to my crashing into the boards with by back, were first found in Somerset with Bridge's, Backs and Shins. Backers are then interesting for showing nothing but bends in the colors of the Aster/Stur bend, and English Beckers are excellent for sharing the blue-vaired Shield of Shins!!!

In the McGee goal, Tarr had to skate around a defenseman, and to do so, he had to hug the corner boards. When he managed to slip the puck past along the boards, he turned toward the net and saw me in the clear there, feeding a nice, soft PASS that allowed a little kid like me to get the puck up a couple of feet or more up, over McGee's pad, on a BACKhand shot. Pasi's were a branch of Back-like Packs (anchors), first found in Sussex with Boards.

Apophis is coming in April, and the April Chief is in the colors and format of the Chiefs of Packs and Anchor-branch Angers (Essex with Chaunceurs, Asters and Mountains). Anchors share the red bull with French Packs while German Backs/Bachs have a giant bull. This line is suspect from the Hyksos king, APACHnas. The Irish Packen Chief is in the colors and near-format of the Anchor Chief. English Packens are listed with Pagans.

Payne's (Somerset with Tarrs, and with Backs sharing the Packen/Pagan eagle) share the Gift/Giffard motto, and Tarr's pass was presented to me like a gift. Gifts/Giffards almost have the Coat of Board-like Broads. The latter love the Eagle-connectable Savage's while French Sauvage's were first found in Champagne with Tarr-connectable Pallets.

The "arrows" of Broads are said to be "pointing to a crown" while Pagan-connectable Points/Pointers were first found in Berkshire with PASleys, and with Packers/Peckers/Pickers who in turn share the lozengy cross of Stolls/Stowells (Somerset with Paion-branch Payne's), both sharing the Payne lozenges. German Stolls have an ANTLer while Boards have an ANTELope. Stolls/Stowells use a "PARole" motto term while Rolls were first found in Yorkshire with Packens/Pagans and Touts, and then Rollo's have a "passe PAR tout" motto phrase. I trace Parrs and their Furness branch to king Pharnaces of the Point-like Pontus.

I was on my shin bones while scoring, and the Newtons with "shin bones" are in the Rick write-up: "Rixon is a village near STURminster Newton in Dorset." That's on the Stour river of Aster elements. It explains why Newtons have a Crest with an "eastern prince," suggesting the Easter/Ester variations of Asters/Sturs. My shin-pad slide is pointing to Apophis.

Britannica's article on "Apaches" (king Apachnas) claims that his predecessor was Beon. Beans were first found in Aberdeenshire with the Cups/Cope's in the Irish Packen cups. Flavius Josephus had the royal sequence: Beon, Apachnas and Apophis, yet others have Khyan before Apophis, which can suggest that Apachnas was an alternative name of Khyan. I've just been reminded that Asses was another Hyksos king (probably named after Asia), and to this we can add that Ass'/ISE's can jibe with the Icke variation of Hicks! French Beon-like Biens use AXES. German Biens and Scottish Boys/Bie's use bees while Italian Boys/Boets/Boeddu's, a Beauty branch, share the giant bull of Backs/Bachs. I trace Khyan's household to Mus of Lake Van, location of an ancient TARUN province, and home of the BIAINi! Beard-connectable Tarns/Turins were first found in Aberdeenshire with Beans/Bains. French Beards/Bearts have a giant, red bull.

Assi's/Ise's have a "balance" while Balance's have the English Back Coat in colors reversed!

Dorset, where Beautys were first found, and home to TARRents, is next to Somerset's Tarrs and Trents. The puck was on the goal line from a slap shot from Steve Tarr. Ricks trace excellently with Cravens to Rijeka/Reka/Rike, ancient TARsatica at the north end of ISTRia, I kid you not, and Asters/Sturs are Isters too! We got to the Ricks via the lacrosse racket, which could easily have been in the same year as the hockey goal. The lacrosse ball can point to the "fireball" of English balls.

Crab-like CRAVens trace to the KRVati, more-commonly know as the Croatians, and Rijeka is in Croatia. It just so happens that Bank Newton is a location in Craven, tending to prove that Asters/Sturs and Sturs were from nobles in Istria. I can link Ricks to Rich's/Richess', the latter first found in Hampshire with Sturs. The Ships have a Skipton-like Shipton variation, and Skipton is in Craven too. Skipps/Skippers, a ship theme, were first found in Essex with Wrecks and Asters/Sturs, signaling ship wrecks.

Tarsatica is near the first-known Vito's who share the annulet of SEVERs/Saviours. The latter were first found in Somerset with Tarrs and Shins, and then the "viVIT" motto term of Beckers can apply where they share the Shin Shield. Severs/Savers have the nebuly-fesse of Swells ("Savior" motto term) in colors reversed, and Swells were first found in Yorkshire with Bank Newton. While the sea will swell when the asteroid of Revelation strikes water, Swell-like Seawells, who I think should be listed with Swells (share Sea fesse), are listed with SEVERins none-the-less. The "auro" motto term of Seawells/Severins can take us to the "ura" motto term of MacKenzie's, and from the Ure's/Orreys to Aurs/Aures'. Ships love the Billows, and their Billet branch was first found in Devon with the Saffers who share a "Vita" motto term with Billows. See that?

We got here from the lacrosse racket bouncing a rubber ball on Bruno's brown-brick wall, and Lacrosse's share the cross of English Bruns, first found in Middlesex with the Stants/Stains in the "praeSTANTiOR" motto term of Seawells/Severins. I see Browns/Bruns as kin of MacKenzie-branch Kennys, and Kenns were first found in Devon with Saffers. French Saffers were first found in Burgundy with Save's.

"Esto" is a motto term shared between Swells and English Weavers while English Webbers and Sea's share the WAVE feature. German Weavers/Webbers share the Bright / Bride stars. It increases the chances that God arranged Swells to be a part of the Apophis picture. English Webbers have the bend-with-fleur of Est-related Pepins/Pepys in colors reversed. Hyksos king Apophis was also Apepi.

I was sliding on my knees upon the ICE while Ice's share an Icke variation with Hicks. We definitely seem to be back to Apophis with this goal. But how does a key goal point to a destructive Apophis? The goal was a gift. Usually, if not always, God's destruction is a gift to His people. I'll tell of the goal in detail as I get to it; you can decide whether it looks like a gift. We won a trophy that year, and Miss Hicks was a "trophy girl" when Spuds MacKenzie appeared at the celebrations of a barbecue contest.

Tarrs have a not-bad-reflection of the Knight Coat. While Shoe's are not a hockey theme, Trips/Treffs show only "shoes," and I could argue that God tripped me so that I would score the goal on my knees. The Shoe's have a Knight holding an axe so that Knight elements on an Axe river are implied, and Tarrs were first found in Somerset with the Axe river upon which the Gifts/Giffords were found (see Wear write-up for that detail).

Knights use "a knight issuing from the KNEES," suggesting a Knight-Knee relationship. While Knee's share the Needham Shield and Crest, Neets/NEYTs, first found in Cambridgeshire with Cheeks/Chicks, share the chevron of Chickens, first found in Suffolk with Knights. Needs, first found in Lincolnshire with Lacrosse-connectable Cross'/Croce's, have BROWN griffin heads.

"ISSuing from the Knees," perhaps part-code for the Ise variation of Ass' who have "balances." We could say I lost my balance from the overwhelming sight I saw, and dropped to my knees. I went crashing into the boards (after scoring) with my back, and Backs have the Balance Coat in colors reversed. While Backs share the Ice/Ecco/Icky eagle, Eggs/Edge's share the Balance eagle. Seawells/Severins were first found in Worcestershire with Eggs/Edge's.

Balance's were first found in neighboring Warwickshire with Sheriffs who in turn have an "Esse" motto term while Esse's are listed with Ash's/Esh's (Devon with another Axe river, with Rods/Rodes', and Trebys). Esse's/Ash's/Esh's share the double fesses of Rowells/Rothwells/Rodwells (Lincolnshire with Needs), in the colors of the lone Seawell/Severin chevron, and the latter's has gold besants, as does the Rowell/Rothwell chevrons, in Treby-besant colors. Trabys love the Sheriff-like Scarfs while Scherfs are listed with Schere's while the other Schere's use a "STICK". Scarfs, with the green trefoil of Rowells/Rothwells/RODwells, share the triple wolf heads of Bathers, first found in Denbighshire with Welsh BACHs. Baths (Rhodes Coat in colors reversed) were first found in Somerset with Backs.

This reminds of Steve Mellanson asking me to be his assistant coach. I accepted (age 22). Mellansons, having "a bundle of RODs with an AXE in the middle," share the Hockey crescents, and Hockeys (Essex with Asters) share a black griffin in Crest with Line's. Griffins use a "Ne" motto term suspect with the Nee variation of Knees. I scored with my knees on the ice, with a puck sitting pretty on the goal line, with the goalie eyeing it but unable to do anything about me. German Pucks have a Coat like the one of Ottone's while Ottone VISconti ruled Milan while Milan-line Mellansons were first found in Aberdeenshire with Millens/Milans. VISE's, first found in Sussex with Pucks/Puckle's, share the Knee stag head! Lookie there.

As I said, God spoke audibly to me one morning, telling me to write down that there was going to be a disagreement at Mellanson's place that night, and five minutes after Sharon punched Barry on the lip, in Mellanson's apartment, I handed him the NOTE in my pocket. Decades later, I found that Note's/Cnuts share the Mellanson crescents, but it can now be added that Note's/Cnuts were first found in Derbyshire with the Needhams sharing the Knee Shield and Crest!!! Mellanson's hockey theme is linking to my slide-in goal of 10 years earlier.

Sheriffs have an "Esse quam" motto phrase while the "quam" of CAMbridge's and GIFTs/Giffords is expected for nobles on the Cam river who became the Cams/Game's. Knee-branch Needhams use "numQUAM" while Needs are listed with Num-like Name's. Then, Tarrs use a "paly of ten" while Palys/Pale's ("paly of six"), first found in Yorkshire with Sheriff-like Scarfs and Shin-connectable Beckers, use a camel head while CAMulodunum (now Colchester) was near the Cam river. See that? Amazingly, Kemmis'/Camois' (share Becker Shield), once said to be first found in Gloucestershire with Cams/Game's, share the English Shin Coat! I'm impressed. And Shins were even first found in Somerset with English Camels. Sturminster Newton is in Dorset with Becker-like Beaks.

I've got to stress the Paly camel head, symbol of Pepins/Pepys, because Grabber- / Craver-like Crabs were first found in Cambridge with English Pape's. While Tarrs trace well to TARSatica, it looks named by the Taurus line which ancients attached to the Zeus bull, likely the Baal cult of Hyksos. Tarsatica was near the ColAPIS river (beside Istria), and Apis was an ancient bull cult. Cole's use a giant bull. COLchester, the Arms of which use nails, is in Essex with the Istria-like Asters/Isters/Sturs and Chaunceurs. We are at the crab constellation here, and Proctors, first found in the same place as Crabs, use "nails" in PALE in the colors of the Grape/GRABBER Coat while Cravens/CRAVERs trace to Croatians at Rijeka, ancient Tarsatica. Nails are listed with Nile-like Neils while Hyksos ruled the Nile delta. Irish Neils, with the red estoiles of ColchESTERs.

Irish Neils share the Chief of Prests who are in turn possibly in the "PRAESTantior" motto term of Swell-like Seawells/Severins. Or, Irish Prays were first found in County Down with Knee's who in turn share the black-on-white stag heads of Vise's and Acorns, both first found in Sussex with Downs and Boards. I fell DOWN to my knees and crashed happily into the boards. English Prays/Praters were first found in Lincolnshire with Knee-connectable Needs.

The Prays/Praters take us to English-branch Pratts (share Pray/Preter wolf head) using pellets while Pellets/Pillars (Sussex with Boards) share the Coat of Pilotte's/Pillers/Pillows (Lincolnshire with Prays/Praters) while French Pile's are also Pilots while the team piled on top of me as soon as I got up from crashing into the boards.

Tarr and I won the game, 3-2, five goals in all. Five's/Fify's share the lion of Fife's, and the Crail location in Fife somehow worked its way to becoming a variation of Crabs. Cravens looked like a Crab branch, and the Skiptons of Craven share the purple lion wit the Five-like VIVians who in turn share the chevron of Five's/Fifys. The latter share the Bright / Bride stars while Scottish Bride's were first found next door in Angus.

The Fife Chief shares the stars in the Chief of Ducks (Somerset with Crab-beloved Bridge's) who in turn, with their Duce branch, essentially share the Fife and Five/Fify lion. Duce's have the double lions in PALE of Prets/Prettys (Staffordshire with Duce's) while Prays are also Preters.

The Duck star is also the one of English Pape's, first found in the same place as Crabs! It tends to verify that Fife' have the stars of Bridge branches. Bridge's were first found in the seme place with the Bright-like Berts/Brits sharing the Fife / Five/Fify lion. Therefore, it does seem that I got the fifth goal for these surname entries.

While "Semper" is a motto term in the Arms of Vivian-like Lviv (Ukraine), Sempers/St. Pierre's/St. PEERs (Essex with Pratts) share the Duce Coat. English Champions have a "patria" motto term while Patria's list PEARtree's. It's incredible that English Pratts, sharing the trefoil of English Champions (Hampshire with Sturs), were first found in Essex with Asters/Sturs. The fifth goal (semi-final match) allowed us to win the CHAMPIONship in the next game.

English Pape's have the Tigers in Crest, first found in Suffolk with Knights who in turn love the Tarr-connectable Pallets of CHAMPAGNE who are in turn in the colors and format of the Owls/Howls (Suffolk). Howells were first found in Monmouthshire with the Fane'/Vans/PHONE's having a "Ne" motto term, and Nee's/Knee's with Needhams use a "PHOENix".

It appears that our team's three goals is a pointer to Knight-related Tree's, for the other team got two goals while Tews share the three pallets of Knights. Making sense. Tews are listed with Tewells/Tuels while Tulls/Tolle's (share Tool lion) share the Chief of Drops/TROPE's while that DROP to my knees won us the TROPHY. The other team would have gone to the championship match, had the game ended in a tie, because that team got more points than we did in the regular season.

The Tew/Tewell Chief is even a colors-reversed reflection of the Duck Chief while Tulls/Tolle's were first found in Staffordshire with Duce's and Prettys. Tews come up as "Tews" and share the Tease/Tyes stars. Tiss'/Teese's were first found in Hampshire with Champions.

Shoe-beloved Trees (have a knight) were once said to be first found in Warwickshire with Champs/Camps. The latter love the Griffins sharing a "Ne vile" phrase with Fane's/Vans/Phone's. Tree's have a knight "branDISHing a SWORD" While Swords have a motto, "PARATus." The five goals have pointed to Lviv in Ukraine, with a "Semper" motto term while Sempers were first found in Essex with Pratts.

Having said that, Dish's/Diss (Norfolk with Irish Pratts who likewise share the Champion trefoil) suggest Musk's satellite dishes, for Starlincks were first found in Suffolk with Knights. "A GOLD eagle DISplayed," in the color of the eagle-like phoenix of Needhams, is in the Crest of both SCORE's and Knights, the latter first found in Suffolk with Golds, and Diss is off the Suffolk border. PLAYers use drops while Dish's/Diss' were first found in Norfolk with Drops/TROPE's and SKATE's/Sheets. Tarr led us to a TROPHY; we wouldn't have won without him; he was given to our team late in the season. I SCOREd the 5th goal over the goal line that can point to LVIV with the Five's/Fifys It's amazing that Score's were first found in Cornwall with VIVians who share the Five/Fify chevron.

Skate's/Sheets share the Coat of Skits/Skeets, first found in Ayrshire with the Line's having a "Semper vireSCIT" motto phrase. The Arms of Lviv in Ukraine has a "Semper" motto term, and a lion in Gold-lion colors. English Goldens were first found in Oxfordshire with English Line's. Lawrence Kepke was a GOALie in the year we won the trophy, and Gold-like Gole's/COLE's share the stars of Kyle's (Ayrshire with Skits/Skeets) who in turn share candlesticks with Kepke-branch Koops. English Cole's/COLDs are in Score colors, both first found in CORNwall, where unicorns trace.

Then, Kiev-line Keeps almost have the Coat of German Goldens while the latter share a giant uniCORN (different color) with the Haeks (Austria with Goldens) while English Golds were first found in Suffolk with the Kidds sharing the Kepke/Kopke goat. Haeks are probably in the "Haec" motto term of Shoe-connectable Scoots/Scougals. It just so happens that Kepke was a shoe salesman when I was too (both age 18). The giant unicorns above can be of the giant one, in the colors of the giant Gold lion, of DeMONTE's, which then gets us to the Stura-Demonte river, connectable to Asters/Sturs and Mountains, pointers to Apophis. French Demonte's share two giant lions in pale with Sempers (Essex with Asters/Sturs) but in the colors of the Gold lion.

Skits/Skeets (have a version of the Line border) are listed with Skeochs, like Shoe variations such as the Schuchs/Schugs. The amazing thing is that Vivians list Veys while Dutch Veys have a boot while Trips/Treffs, from the Ukraine, once showed boots instead of their shoes!

The Shoe knight holds an axe while Somerset's Axe river is roughly where Tree's were first found. Shoe-loving Trip/Treffs were from Trypillians of Kiev, and Musk's Starlink company is vital to the Kiev side of the Ukraine-Russia war. The Knight and Score eagle took us to Dish's, first found in Norfolk with the Clovers/Clavers in the "FIVE gold leaved clovers" of Score's! Leafs/Leave's/Leve's were likewise first found in Norfolk. Tree's were first found in Wiltshire with Shots/Shoots/Schute's while Score's share the saltire of Skeets-like Schutz's who in turn share the black greyhound with Scoots/Scougals. Clovers/Clavers are also Cleavers while the Clive branch of Cleave's/Cliffs married STICK-branch Styche's. Clive's/Cleave's/Cliffs use a TREFoil in the colors of the Score cinquefoils / clovers.

I scored into the net while Nets share a Night variation with Knights. The latter along with Score's use their gold eagle "DISplayed," and Diss'/Dice's have a gold-eagle version Coat of the TARRent Coat. Score's share a black saltire with the neighboring Supers, the latter were first found in Devon with their Knight-beloved Spurr branch. Tarr was a SUPERstar in the league, nobody came close to being as good. Supers love the Billets (Devon) who share the Coat of SHIP-beloved Bellows/Ballots/BILLOWs. I think the latter with "fireball" Balls are a pointer to Apophis, especially with Stars in the picture with "superSTAR."

The French Demonte's share the Maschi lion while Masci's (share Markell/Merkle fleur) were first found in Piedmont with the Stura-Demonte, and with the Novara location of the Laevi Gauls who in turn co-founded Pavia with the MARICi. The winning goal was scored in the MARKham arena, and Markells/Merkle's share the gold feather in the Knight Crest while Knights were first found in Suffolk with English Marks (Essex with Mountains). I wonder why Jewish and French Marks (Languedoc with Mountains) use CHECKs. English Markle's/Marklands happen to have triple-wavy fesses connectable to Love's/Luffs and Musks.

It begs the question on whether Russia's military will be released from protecting the Crimea when Apophis wipes out some satellites, allowing Russian soldiers to pile-up on Israel's mountains when assisting the anti-Christ's Muslim forces. However, the problem with future conjecture on anti-Christ prophecy is that we don't have a good handle on identifying the nation of the anti-Christ.

Diane MUSCHATov (or Muscatov) told me, after we stopped dating (we dated at the time I was coaching hockey with Mellanson), that she almost CHOKEd on a CHICKen bone, and Choke's have the triple fesses of CHEEK/Chick-related Love's/Luffs in wavy form, connectable to the TRIPLE-wavy fesses of Sea's, the latter first found in Kent with the Chalks/Chalkers sharing the Choke Coat. Triple features can be code for Trypillians, and Choke's were first found in Berkshire, where Trip-connectable Boots were once said to be first found who are likely from the Budini of Kiev. English Markle's/Marklands share the triple-wavy Choke fesses.

Love's/Luffs, sharing the red, Muschat-connectable fitchee of Cheeks/Checks/Chicks, were kin of Muscats/Musks. Putin has the ruler of CHECHnya on his side in the Ukraine war, a white man who converted to Islam. Just tinker about that for the moment from a world going mad during the tribulation of Israel.

I climbed Muscatov's TV antenna one night, to knock on her bedroom window, when her Ukrainian parents didn't want me dating her (they had chosen her husband, and it wasn't me). The parents have Ukrainian accents to apparently emphasize Ukraine. I thought that the TV antenna pointed to Musk's Starlink antennas on the ground in Ukraine. It seems like a logical pointer.

Choke's use a "stork displayed" while Store's/Sturys have another stork. Stormers have, without waves, the triple Choke fesses in colors reversed. The Sea's can be gleaned with the triple-wave fesses of Choke's because the latter share them with Chalks/Chalkers who, along with Chaucers, were first found in Kent with Sea's. The latter share the wavy fesse in the colors of the wavy-Dol fesse.

It's Apophis-interesting that Musks were first found in the same place as Dole's and Crabs while the latter share the Dole fleur while Elon-like Alans were at Dol. Elon Musk. Dols, with one wavy fesse, were first found in Mecklenburg with Starmers. Starlinck's/StarLINGs (Suffolk with Links) look like a Ling merger with Stars/Starmers, first found in Wiltshire with Tree's. Elons/Ellams have an "elm TREE"" while Elms share elm LEAVES with them. Muscats/Musks, because they were first found in Ely, almost have the Elon-like Ely Coat. Elons/Ellams come up as "ELYon."

It's interesting that the wavy-Wafer fesse is in the colors of the Choke fesses, for Wafers (almost the Dol fesse), using Alan-connectable roundels, were first found in Herefordshire with WEFers (Way branch). Although the WEF is suffering political losses all over the place due to it's involvement with the COVID pandemic, it hasn't gone away. Its destructive plans continue under the radar, most prominently seeking to reinforce tyrannical pandemic capabilities.

WEF is headquartered in Switzerland with the WHO that is the specific organ seeking to reinforce tyrannical pandemic capabilities. The Whoo's/Hoo's almost have the fesse-with-stars of Cleave's/Cliffs, and as the Cleaver-branch Clovers are in the Score description, my scoring the gift-of-God goal looks like something good is about to happen in crippling the WHO and WEF. It's interesting that Revelation 12 says that God caused the earth to SWALLOW the anti-Christ's river seeking to keep His people from fleeing to mark of the beast, into the wilderness. Alan-related Arundels share the Swallow "swallows."

Drowning is a horrible way to die. Swallows were first found in Lincolnshire with Drown-related Blacks, both sharing an orange lion as well as the Washington Chief. I suppose that people drowning swallow water and CHOKE to death. Arundel-branch Rundels/Roundels were first found in Kent with Sea's and Dragons/DRAINers while Drowns are listed with Drains. Apophis is God's gift to us, relieving us somewhat from the dragon's plots made against us.

Lincolnshire is also where Pratt-connectable Prays/Praters were first found, possibly from ancient forms of the Prut river of the Ukraine theater. The Prut is near the Trotus while Irish Prays share the six pale bars of Trots.

We won the championship. Champions were first found in Hampshire with Campions who in turn almost have the German Pape/PAPENBURG Coat while Poppo I of Crab-like Grabfeld was founder of Babenbergs. The Babenberg surname shares the Coat of Musk-branch Muschats, and of the Waters sharing the Muschat Coat, and both the latter were first found in Essex with Pratts in turn sharing the Champion trefoil. Irish Pratts were first found in Norfolk with Clovers/Cleavers while Cleave's/Cliffs look like kin of English Pratts in both Shield and Crest.

The Pape/Papenburg Shield and Crest look related to the Shield and Crest of Church's, first found in Somerset with Bridge's, thus making GRABfeld linkable to "Crab." Krebbe's/Crebs' were first found in Pomerania with Teeters, whose "grapes" take us to Grape's/GRABBers/Cravers/GRIPPs. The Bridge griffin heads ultimately trace to the House of GRIFFin in Pomerania.

I can link Krebbe's/Crebs' to Kepke's while Kepke-beloved Goats/Gothams share the Grape/Grabber Coat.

Campanio's (Este colors) were first found in PADua (near Este) with Hebrew-line Abreu's/Abruzzo's, and L'Aquila is the Abruzzo capital. Campanio's use bells while Bells were first found in Dumfries with the Nith river! It looks like the hockey event is pointing to the pointers to Apophis.

In the next game, Steve Tarr passed to me in front of the net, and I scored the game's first goal, against my buddy, Jim McGee, the goalie. Gollys were first found in Oxfordshire with Love's/Luffs. I got back-to-back goals with Tarr getting the assists, and English Backs (could have the L'Aquila eagle) were first found in Somerset with Tarrs. McGee flunk out his KNEE PAD to block my BACKhand shot, but the puck went over the pad. Campanio's were of PADua. Not only were Scottish McGee's first found in Dumfries, but Irish McGee's are in Champion colors and format. Tarr got four goals that game, and we won it 6-2 for the championship! Lookie there.

The Bells who share the Shield-Chief colors of Capes' have: "The Clan is descended from Gilbert le fiz Bel, who had extensive territories in ANNANdale...Bel forfeited the clan territories of the Bells and the clan moved to MIDDLEbie in Dumfrieshire." Middle's were first found in Shropshire with Bellamys, and chief-priest Annas was also, ANANus. The Ananes Gauls were between the TARo (!!!) and Trebia rivers, at PIACENZA, and my mother was born in PICENZE! Bellamys are known to have married early at Ferte-Mace. The championship match with Tarr getting the lion's share of the goals just took us to the Taro river!

It tends to assure me that Annas/Ananus was descended from the Ananes Gauls as they migrated, with the nearby Laevi Gauls, to name Galatia. The royal Galatian line married king LUPUS LAEVillus of Cetis shortly after the Israeli priesthood fled Jerusalem in 70 AD. Leavells/Levels have wolf insinuations, and Lupus Laevillus can be behind the Welfs/Guelphs, for Wolfs/Welfs list Lupus'. Spanish Lupus' look related to both Levi Coats. The double lions of Jewish Levi's are perhaps in the Coat of Hockey-like Hookers.

In the first of the back-to-back goals, the puck was TIPPED IN in pool-cue style with the TIP of the stick, though with only one hand on the stick. Tipps'/TIPPINs share the Waleran bull head, and Walerans were of Leavell. The Somerset Leavells/Levels have fessewise BARs in the colors of the Tarr pale bars, and Bars incorporate the Este / Aquila Coat. The Tipps/Tippins (Lancashire with Ratcliffs) share the RatCLIFFE bull head.

Sticks (Somerset with Tarrs and English Lovelace's) and Styche's share the Lovelace/Levelace sheaves. The Cliffs of Mortone-Say (Shropshire with Bellamys) are said to have married Styche's, and Cliffs share the three wolf heads of Quade's, the latter from Quadratilla, wife of Lupus Laevillus. Cliffs were first found partly in Cheshire, where Wolfs/Welfs/Lupus' were first found who likewise have three wolf heads, as do Scarfs in the Q-shaped "scarf" of Trebia-like Trabys/Sadowski's. The Q-shape looks like code for Quade's.

Repeat: "Sticklands share the Meschin scallops while Steckle's share the Massey fleur." Doesn't that look like Masci's from marriage to L'Aquila's Sheaves, from Numidia's Shawia'? When I read from my mother's book on Picenze history, I came across a Mr. Masci, doctor, which has me asking whether the medical ancestry of Masci's goes back to the god of medicine, nephew of Ixion and son of Coronis. Maezaei lived beside the Ceraunii Illyrians, and I trace "Coronis" and "ASCLepius" to "Chora" and "Skala" on PatMOS, then to mythical Scylla on Messina, code likely for the Sicel namers of Sicily. The Arms of Sicily has a Gorgon head, and Gorgons were in Mysia. Meschins and Scale's use Scylla-like scallops. I see "AscLEPius" as a Skala-Lapith combination by a myth writer, for Coronis was a Lapith. The Marsi of Abruzzo had a snake goddess, Angitia, the symbol of Asclepius.

Masci's share the Kilpatrick fleur, and Mr. Kilpatrick, who married a Hyksos liner, was a family doctor. Look at "PATmos." See that? It's as if God is teaching me/us history, going back even to Patmos, where Revelation was given to John. Kilpatricks were even first found un Dumfries with Patients, as if God created that variation of Scottish Patents/Padyns to verify the Asclepius line to Kilpatricks. English Patents/Patens were first found in Essex with Asters/Sturs, Mountains and Chaunceurs while the latter use a so-called patonce cross. Patents/Pattens share the black-lozengy Shield of Skala-like Schole's/Scayle's, in half the colors of the Grimaldi lozengy.

Kilpatricks use the dagger, and German Daggers/Decks, sharing the Massey / Steckle fleur, share the red squirrel of Square's/Squirrels, first found in Worcestershire with Pattys. The Arms of Piacenza has a square, and though I don't know what it's called, Justine of Picenum married Valentinian while squirrel-using Valentins were first found near Este while Azzo, founder of Este, lived in Fermo (southern-Picenum theater) while "Tiens FERME" is the Square/Squirrel motto.

English Moss'/Mose's use a patee cross likely for Patti in Messina, and there's a Le Mose in Piacenza, on the Trebia river, and Pattocks/Puttocks share the Treby besants. Early Puttocs are said to have held the bishopric of Worcester, nailing Pattocks to Pattys who in turn share the lion of Nitts/Naughts, from the Nith river of Kilpatrick castle. Irish Kilpatricks are also Patchie's, and Patch's share black hunting horns, in Levi colors and format, with Burns, assuring all the more that Closeburn was named by a Close-line marriage to Burns, and tending to verify the Levi lion in a Kilpatrick Crest. Burns were first found in Cumberland with Browns/Bruns and Pattons (not "Patten") while the latter share the Hook and Brown/Brun fleur and the Hockey crescents.

German Moss' look related in their Chief to Galles'/Galli's from king Gala of Numidia, father of Massena. There's got to be a 666 in this somewhere, since the 666 prophecy originated in Patmos, and there seems to be one in this Arms of Traby, which shares gold-striped, black hunting horns with Close's, first found in Yorkshire with Traby-beloved Scarfs and Masters, the latter this looking related to the Sheriff Coat. I'm getting the impression that Patmos was an island of the Amazons after they migrated from Trabzon and Mazaca to Mysia.

Therefore, with this reasonable trace of Dr. Kilpatrick to what looks like Hyksos in Patmos and Messina, it underscores why he's in a 1987 photo with Spuds MacKenzie in the Baytown Sun. The question is, what named PATmos? I suggest seeking it near Mus of Lake Van, which is near TRABzon and Gorgon-like Georgia. While Kalts/Kelts (Perthshire with Celt-connectable Calders and Justine's) look a little related to the Pattock/Puttock Coat, Trabzon was the land of Massey-stock Amazons and Khaldi, the latter like "Calydon, and the latter country may have covered modern Astakos, where I trace the Traby-related Astikas', whom I trace in turn to Sticks/Stickle's, and so why not also Sticklands and Steckle's? The latter were first found in Westphalia with Deck-like Ducks while English Ducks were first found in Somerset with Sticks. Mythical king Oeneus of Calydon was related to the city of Methoni in Messenia, and Maezaei Illyrians lived on the Oeneus river beside the Coronis-like Ceraunii.

The Traby scarf is said to be "arRANGEd in a circle", and while Circle's show a church, English Church's were first found in Somerset. Range's were first found in Champagne while Rench-connectable Raines' probably share the lion of Nitts/Naught lion because the latter were first found in Dumfries with the Leggs/Legges' expected in the "leges" motto term of Raines'. The latter were first found in Essex with the Peacocks in the CLIFton Crest, and Cliftons share the Raines lion while Cliffs married Styche's. Astikas' who married Traby were in VILNius, and Rennes with the Rance river are in the province of Ille-et-VILAINE. Cliftons look related to Saddocks while Trabys are listed with Sadowski's.

The Alan-related Arundels and Rundels/Roundels could have been of the Rounds who in turn share the motto of Sheriffs, and I showed above how the latter can be linked to Traby-beloved Scarfs via Masters/Masts, who are the in the "masts" of Daro's while I see Italian Dere's related to Alans. Arundels were from Arun of Sussex, and Sussex is where Treby-connectable Pattocks/Puttocks were first found. The latter come up as Puttens while Dutch Puttens almost have the Annas/Arniss Coat. Putins are listed with Patients/Patents whose "crescents flamMANT" can take us to Cressents/Crete's/Creys sharing the Kilpatrick / Hooker lion, and Patricks were first found in Norfolk with English Cressys while their French branch was first found in Burgundy with Cressents. Flame's share the Pattock/Puttock and Treby besants, and Mants/Ments (Yorkshire with Scarfs and Close's) share the Cressent/Crete/Crey Coat. Trebys were first found in Devon with Asclepius-rod Huckabys and Rods, and the latter share a blank, gold Chief with Puttens and Annas'/Arniss'.

Repeat: "The Bridge griffin heads ultimately trace to the House of Griffin in Pomerania, where Krebbe's/Creb's were first found." Krebbe's/Crebs' are in the colors and format of the Casimir ANTLer, and this traces without doubt to Keeps, first found in Sussex with Saddocks/SedgeWICKs, COOPers, and with the Boards who share the ANTELope with Tipps'/Tippins. After I tipped in the puck on the goal line, I went crashing into the BOARDS with my BACK, and Kepke- and KOOP-beloved BOARDers were first found in Somerset with English Backs, Sticks, and Weeks/WYCHs. Koops use "candleSTICKs"). I can see why God might cause the crash into the boards, for Boards have a version of the Chaddock, ChadWICK and Saddock/Sedgewick Coats.

Goal-like Gole's/Cole's share the stars of Kyle's who in turn share "candlesticks" with Koops. In the year that we won the championship, Kepke was himself a goalie on another team, but we were not yet friends...though that very summer (after the championship), he and I began to collect GOLF balls in the Rouge river through three golf courses, to sell the balls back to the golfers as they came by early in the morning. That traces to the Guelph-like Golfin variations of Gulls because Gullys/GOLLYs were a branch of English Gulls, both traceable to Julians, including the German Julians, first found in Saxony with Kepke's/Kopke's and Weiss'. Dutch Koopers share the Wise/Weis hexagram.

The Krebbe's/Crabs were first found in Pomerania with Trumps, and the latter are in Kepke/Kopke colors and format. From the Gole's/Cole's, we go to the Colles', said to be first found in Wiltshire with Calles', or in Somerset with the griffin-using, Crab-loving Bridge's who in turn are in Colles colors and format. What are the chances? CALLES' show only trumpets. Galles'/Galli's have a gold rooster, as do Levers/Livers who in turn have their rooster standing on a trumpet. Levers/Livers (probably of Lancashire's Liverpool) were first found in Lancashire with Tipps'/Tippins and their Ratcliff branch, and Ratcliffs share the double bends of Levers/Liver.

What could this mean? We're here from the winning goal via Gole's/Cole's, which was scored by a tip-in. The foolish virgins might think that God is portraying Trump as a winner, but I suggest that God is promising our victory over Trump's devices and vices in the next presidency. We shall soon see.

Galles'/Galli', whom I trace to the Gaia/Gala, father of king Massena, share the gold rooster with French Gays, the latter first found in Savoy with Bride's and Brigantium. The latter two share the triple stars of Maceys/Mace's, and these stars are also in the Galles/Galli Chief, as well as in the Chief of French Julians, first found in Languedoc with Cotta's/Cotys'.

Colles' even use a green snake that, in the Luff dream, pointed with Valerys to Line's. Compare "Colles" to "Close," for after I saw the Luff snake-tongue's, I tried to get away but walked into the coat CLOSEt. Coats/Cotes' have six pale bars in the colors of the ten of Tarrs, and Cotta'/Cotys can be traced to Aurelia Cotta, mother of Julius Caesar. That's the line to Gulls and Gullys/Gollys. We might then want to know why Caesars (Dolphin) share the Chief-Shield colors of Capes' and Chaffs. Galles'/Galli's and Galleys were first found in dolphin-depicted Dauphine.

To verify that I'm on the right track to include Krebbe's/Crebs', Gole's/Cole's and Colles', the latter use a "marble pillar" while Marble's share a giant Griffin griffin. Pillars are listed with French Pile's, so amazing because, as I've said a million time, the team PILEd on top of me, as I got up from crashing into the boards, because they were so HAPPY with the goal, coming in the last minute of the game. They had all left the bench to celebrate, but I didn't see them coming until they were upon me. Happys/Hoppers were first found in Wiltshire with Calles', and English Pile's were first found in Somerset with Leavells/Levels and Krebbe-connectable Bridge's. Pile's share triple piles (different colors) with Scottish Leavells.

Colles' have a "snake CIRCLing a marble pillar," and while Circle's show a church, Church's were first found in Somerset too. It was the winning goal, and Gole-connectable Colles' were first found in WINcanton. Winner-connectable Weiners share the Dutch Tromp eagle. While Colles are in Child colors and format, Childs are said to have been in Wanstead while Wansteads list Winners. English Winners share a purple Shield with Farndons, first found in Cheshire with Clubs/CLOBBES' of Farndon, and because the latter are likewise in CHILD colors and format, I trace them to CLOVIS, son and heir of king CHILDeric.

The Child Coat is in colors reversed with the TARRents, possibly of the namers of the Taro river. My suspicions are that God used Steve Tarr because the Ananes on the Taro took a Tarr surname. The Annas'/Arniss' were first found in Cambridgeshire with the Julians who share the Gully/Golly cross. English Gulls and German Julians share pale bars (different colors) with Tarrs.

In the last update, I suggested that Apophis will be God's gift to us partly using the Gift/Gifford surname. The latter's English-version motto has "DISgraced" while Diss/Dice's almost have the TARRent Coat. Tarrent element predominated in Dorset, next to Tarrs. The full motto suggests the Woods with ""I WOULD rather die than BE disGRACEd." First off, Woods share the tree with Roets while Gifts/Giffards share the motto of Roet-related English Payne's. French Payne's are in the colors of the GRAZi bend.

The non-translated word for "disgraced" is "feoDARi," and Daro have "ship proper on the sea between three oak trees eradicated." The Daro motto, "BE watchful." Woods, with an "oak tree," use a motto, "Tutus in unDIS," and translate it, "Safe on the waves." "Safe" can be code for such things as Save's, the Sever-branch Saffers, or Sava's/Savage's in the Wood Crest. It all looks related, even having Apophis-potential themes at sea, and the other Woods share the fitchees of Roet-like Roots who in turn share a tree with roots with the first Woods. I trace waves to Webbers (same place as Tarrs, Roets and Payne's), who themselves use a "disc" while the Diss location of Diss'/Dice's was once "Disce."

Having said that, see if you can agree that God gave me a gift as I re-tell this story. I was on the bench. I looked at the clock and saw 2 minutes and some seconds left in the game, with the score tied 2-2. The next think I remember is being on a face-off in our end zone. Then, after some skirmishing, one of our players passed the puck to Tarr on the right-side boards at the center line. I was playing center ice and was just behind him, but down the center of the rink. We had a two-on-one break, and I was excited. He crossed the blue line, by which time I was skated as fast as I could to get behind the defenseman to take a pass in the clear. But Tarr, perhaps not knowing I was behind him, and maybe thinking there wasn't much time left, took a slap shot from just inside the blue line...which I thought was crazy because he was a super-star and could have skated around that defenseman.

I've got to assume that, by this time, since clocks don't stop when pee-wee teams are changing lines, we were in the last minute as Tarr crossed the blue line. He maybe didn't think there was time to skate to the net. His shot knocked the goalie flat on his back, bouncing off his mid-section and then over his head, and finally rolled and/or slid to the goal line but did not go into the net. I was passing the defenseman (he was skating backward, as good as out to lunch) by this time, and seeing the puck all alone on the line, without a goalie in the net, my knees gave out in the excitement. They dropped to the ice, to my embarrassment, and I slid all the way, poking the puck in while sliding past the net on my hockey socks.

I ask you: was that not a GIFT from above? It sure felt like it to me. The buzzer to end the game must have gone off when I was on the ice behind the net, for my mates were all piled on me immediately after the goal. I've never considered this before: as the guys were about ten feet from me when I crossed the red line beside the net, going toward the bench after getting off the ice, the game must have ended by then because the coaches wouldn't have let the players leave the bench if, for example, there was a minute left, or even 30 seconds. It suggests that the goal was maybe five seconds before the buzzer.

I couldn't breath when, with my belly to the ice, they were on top of me LIKE A MOUNTAIN. But I was relieved that I couldn't breath for only a second. As soon as I started to worry about it, they got off.

I POKED the puck on the goal line, and Poke's are listed with Pollocks. Plocks, sharing a spread, gold eagle in Crest with Score's and Knights, were first found in Oxfordshire with English Line's. Pollocks were first found in Renfrewshire with Spree-branch Spears while the latter share crosses spears (different colors) with Scottish Line's. Spree's were first found in Cornwall with Score's. See that?

I tipped the puck in with the tip of the blade, and Anchor-loving Tippers/Tippets were first found in Cornwall too. Anchors share a bull head (different color) with Tipps'/Tippins, and the Anchor bull head is red like the bull of Pully-related Sabine's. The Tipper-beloved Dolphins/Dolfins (Dol colors) were first found in Cumberland with red-bull Daggers/Dackers.

I was wearing Johnny Bower skates at the time, I remember buying them, and Bowers/Bauers were proto-Rothschilds descended from Pollocks of Roet-related Rothes. With one hand on the puck, I did actually spear the puck into the net, POOL-cue style, with the BLADE of the stick. Pools were, in my opinion, a Pollock branch, from Vespasia Polla, wife of Sabinus, the line to Sabine's. The fat cross that is Arms of Pola/Pula -- on Istria, a pointer to the Apophis ASTERoid -- is in the colors of the Pollock saltire when the latter used it green-on-gold. Pools were first found in Dorset with the Stour river at Sturminster Newton, and Newtons have shin bones in saltire, in Blade-saltire colors, on a green Shield, the colors of the Pollock Shield. Pullys/Pullens, first found in Yorkshire with Blade's, and definitely descended from Vespasia Polla, share the Plock martlets.

I speared the puck into the net because Roets share the Spear boar heads, and the Speyer variation of Spears (same place as Pollocks) probably named the Spey river, location of Rothes. Roets and Reeds are from "Rieti," home of Vespasia Polla. Having said that, we return to Payne Roet and the fact that Gifts/Giffards share the Payne motto. Payne's were first found in Somerset with the Pool-beloved Pollets, and with the Shins in turn sharing triple-red fesses with Sturs. Pollet-like Poltons share the boar head of Shin-like Schims/Schiens likely because Eschyna de Molle's daughter married Robert, brother of Peter Pollock of Rothes. The Somerset Bourlys have white boar heads too, and probably the Pollock Shield.

Peter's father had been a vassal of the Dol Alans, and here we can go to the "SPERno" and "timeo" motto terms of Elons (Berwickshire, beside Mole's) because "Time" was a motto term of Moray-branch Murrays while Time's/Timms were first found in Kent with Rothes' while Rothes is in Moray. Eschyna de Mole had married an Alan, and so, perhaps, her line became the Elons and Elms in particular.

She married an Alan en route to their becoming royal Stewarts, and here we can go to the Stewart ship, a "galley, SAILS up, OARs in ACTION." English galleys were first found in Yorkshire with Newton-connectable Blade's in turn suspect with the pheons of Pile-connectable Pilate's/Pilotte's. The latter share the pheons in both colors of Lords/Lauds, and the latter are in the motto of Glasgows while Glasgow is in Renfrewshire, where Pollocks and ORE's/Orrs were first found.

Alans of Arundel had marred Sales'/Sails-like Saluzzo's, and Sales'/Sails' were first found in Cheshire with Newtons who named Bank Newton in Yorkshire's Craven. Then, the Actions/Actions are probably in the Craven motto. The Stewart galley could have been of a Galley marriage with Ships/Shiptons because Skiptons were in Craven. That is, the Alan-connectable Galli's could have created a Galley surname when in marriage to Skiptons as they became Shiptons/Ships. As Cravens could have been a branch of Dole-connectable Crabs, this picture looks like another pointer to Apophis.

The Craven Coat can link to the one of Elon-like Elys, kin in turn of Musks. Actions/Actons (Cheshire and Shropshire with Newtons and Alans) look like they have the Vails and Home's in their motto, both first found in Berwickshire with Elons. The "VailLANCE" motto term of Actions/Actons looks like part-code for Alan-branch Lance's, and the Axton variation named Kent with Alan- and Saluzzo-related Rundels, and where Rothes were first found who are in Sales' colors and format.

The Axe river of Somerset, near the Stur, can explain why Actions/Axtons share the Payne fesse, especially as Payens/Pagans were first found in Dauphine with French Galleys and Galli's. The latter share the French Alan Chief, and essentially also the Chief of "lance"-using Dere's.

If the goal-line score is pointing to Elon Musk too, I suggest it's due to his duplicity, not to be trusted. He's either a Trump-sort of a liberal "conservative," or acting like one in order to draw Christians into a 666 trap. His Neuralink company could easily be working with the ones hoping to bring on the 666 system. Musk wants to own the whole world of banking. Where did he come from, so rich, and who's he working for?

The team emptied the BENCH to pile-on, and while Bench's can be gleaned as kin of Roet-like Rhodes', Benchers are listed with Bankers, what looks like a pointer to Rothschild bankers, especially as Benchers/Bankers are in the colors and format of Leslie's who became earls of Rothes due to marriage with the family of Peter Pollock. Benchers/Bankers were first found in Oxfordshire with English Line's. Bench's are also Bense' while Beans' were first found in Aberdeenshire with Leslie's. Are we back to Beon-line Hyksos with Bench's?

Beans (cat in Crest) were of Clan Chattan while the Keith Catti were from the Chatti of Hesse-CASSEL while "Castellum" is a motto term of castle-using Bench's/Bense's. Hesse-like Esse's/Ash's can trace with Ass' to Asses, another Hyksos king.

We can point again to Apophis where Casts/Cass' (same place as Crabs), possibly in the Bench motto, can go with the Leslie-related Case's, and then Chase's (same place as Sturs) share the patonce cross of Cancer-like Chance's/Chaunceurs (same place as Asters/Sturs and Mountains). Scottish Caseys love the Crows (same place as Case's and three cat-using surnames) who were in turn a branch of Crail-like Crawls (same place as Benchers/Bankers and Renfrew-beloved Ships/Shiptons). Case's, Chase's, Chance's, Change's and Chattans thus look like they were from the Chatti, and it just so happens that Chatans (not "Chattan") incorporate the Coat of Balcons, first found in Crail. Chives', with cat-a-mountains, were first found in Aberdeenshire with Beans'.

It's then incredible that Leslie's essentially share the Starling/Starlinck Coat, except that the latter use the buckles square. So, the poking and spearing of the puck itself, the emptying of the bench, and perhaps even the pile-on, are pointing to Rothschilds. Apophis comes to spoil cargo, materialism, industry, when the elite world and its leaders reject Spirituality for lust of "the good life." The rich don't want you to eat beef while they feast on T-bones and prime rib.

I wouldn't have speared the puck had I not fell to my shin pads, and I fell due to the excitement of this gift. All I had to do was poke the puck in. There was nobody in all the universe near that puck. And nobody behind me was close enough to catch up even though I slowed down due to the slide. I imagine that my other team mates saw at least one of the other team's players almost catching up to me as the puck was tapped home, just to make the goal more suspenseful but happy for them in order to get them to come off the bench and pile on. It was necessary for them to pile on.

I do declare, the Apophis asteroid looks like a gift of God. I can understand God wanting us not to fret this space rock, so long as we are ready with extra foods and a special means to heat our homes in case there's a shortage of fuel.

Repeat from above, for I've maintained that Fullers were from Fulbert, father of Pollocks: "Sleeping Beauty was framed as my FUTURE bride! "She's beautiFUL" thus looks like a pointer to both Fullers and Fuller-related Futters." Fullers share the triple fesses of Shins, and we saw how Shins link to Pollock elements through Newtons. The latter were first found in Cheshire with Polesdons/Pullesdon/PILsons and Poltons, and the Pilsons share the stars of Palins, the latter first found in Dorset with Pools. Palins share the PILE/Pilot Coat.

The "foedari" motto term of Payne's and Gifts/Giffards looks like it could be for a Futter branch because the Futter fesse is in colors reversed with the fesse of spear-using Payne's. Futters use a "maSTIFF" while Stiffs share the crossed spears, in colors reversed, with Scottish Line's! English Line's share the Sparrow roses. Stiffs were first found in Gloucestershire with Mast-connectable Walls, explaining "MASTiff." Waleran-like German Walls use "cock feathers."

English Fedders/Feathers share the feathers of Lights/Lite's (Payne colors and near-format), the latter first found in Somerset with Payne's and Cocks. The German Fedders have "a blue Shield BEARING a trunk...on a green BANK." The Baring bank comes to mind. Bearings/Barings/BECKerings were first found in Devon with the Wear-Giffards, Beers and Berrys. Fedders/Feathers (beside Beaks) use white ostrich feathers to go with the white ostrich of BEAKs (same place as Pola-like Pools), suggesting that Bearings were formed from a Beer-Beak merger. Beckers were a Beach/Bech branch. Beaks were first found in Dorset with the Beaumonts of Meulan, and the Arms of Meulan is shared by Bearings/Barings/Beckerings, the latter first found in Devon with the Walerans (and Mule's) who married Miss Beaumont of Meulan.

The German Fedders have a "pelican in her PIETY, also on a green bank," and Pola/Pula of Istria was/is otherwise called "Julia Pietas" or "Pietas-Julia." Pettys use a "needle" while Needle's/Nadlers share the Fetter Coat with Hesse's while the first Rothschild, a banker like his father, found his fortune in a ruler of Hesse-Cassel, or so the story goes. German Rothschilds/Roddensteins use eight-pointed stars, ancient symbol of Ister-like Ishtar. We read: "...Pola first appears as a Roman town. It is said to have been destroyed by Augustus on account of its adherence to the party of Brutus and CASSius, and it was re-founded by him under the name 'Pietas Julia' as a monument of his reverence for the first Caesar,..." Did the line of Cassius name the Cassel area at Hesse?

We can trace the pelican in its piety to the pelican of Pullys/Pullens while the latter share the Plock martlets, in giant form with French Josephs, the latter first found in Maine with Pellicans.

The green bank we saw can be partly for the Greens having Grimm-like Greme/Greem variations. Stiff-like Stave's are in the Coat of Grimaldi-connectable PILgrims, the latter first found in Norfolk with Fiscs, and with the Bags in turn sharing the LOZENGy Shield of Fieschi-associated Grimaldi's. Plock-trackable LOZINJ is in Croatia off the Istria Coast, and the Arms of Croatia shares the checkered Shield of Fiscs. Hawks, first found in Hampshire with Istria-line Sturs, use purple "pilgrim's staves" while Grimaldi's of Monaco use a purple throne while Purple's were likewise first found in Norfolk.

The son of Miss Grimaldi scored the poke-in goal, thanks to STEVEN Tarr. German Stevens have pale bars in the colors of the Tarr pale bars. English Stevens share the solid, white chevron with Irish Packens. The team then PILEd on me so that Pilgrims may have been from a Pile-Grimaldi marriage. Stave's are listed with Stevensons/Steinsons, first found in Essex with Asters/Sturs.

Tarrs use a "paly of TEN" while Palys were first found in Yorkshire with Pollock-related Pullys/Pullens (share Plock martlets). Ten-like Thens/Tyne's (Shropshire) use ten bars. I assume that Fulbert, father of Pollocks, went to live in Shropshire with the Dol Alans. Saltire/Salters, once said to be first found in Shropshire (beside Sales'/Salletts), use ten billets, and there was a Hyksos king, Salatis, whose line may have named the Salto river at Rieti. While Hicks' are said to be from a Sauteby location, Sauts are listed with Salts (Staffordshire with Hicksons). That works.

Jewish Pollocks, probably sharing the Jewish Rothchild bend, have "a WAVY bar, HORIzonTALLY PLACEd." Tallys share a green Shield with Pollocks, Bowers, Bauers and Bourlys. Place's share the horizontally-split Shield of Tache's in the "tache" motto term of Horrys/Ure's/Orreys. As Ure's/Eure's come up as Givers, perhaps Giffords/Giffers came off of them. We saw a couple of "Be" motto terms, one from ship-using Daro's, and Ure's/Eure's almost have the Coat of Bee's, first found in Oxfordshire with Ships and Giffard-like Gophers/Gofers.

I trace Place's, suspect in the motto of ANNANdale's Rims/Rums/Rome's (Dumfries), to Placentia (Piacenza), at the realm of the ANANes Gauls between the Trebia and the TARo. It's as though events in my life have been manipulated to be God's unique history and prophecy book. I think He's justified without asking my permission because my mother said I was born blue i.e. almost died. So, if God spared me, he also owned my life.

Tallys are excellent because bee-using Talls were first found in Thuringia with German Roets, tending to verify that Tallys share the Pollock Shield. Pollocks of Rothes were at Moray, and "mori" is a Gift/Giffard/Giffer motto term. I poked the gift-puck in. The Turins/THURINs were first found in Aberdeenshire with Leslie's whom Pollocks of Rothes married. Leslie's share the green griffin head of Bards/Beards who in turn use a giant form of the Tarn/Turin/Thurin boar heads. Lesks use it in colors reversed. Bards/Beards were first found in Lanarkshire with Biggers/GIVERns and Givens/Giverns, in Giuffre / Gofer / Goff/Gough / Googe colors.

Mike Lindell

Previously, I claimed that the goal-line score was a pointer to the fight against election fraud brought on by Mike Lindell, owner of My Pillow. Three Line surnames are listed with Linds, and Dutch Linds/Lindells use a "log" while Lodge's/Loge's were first found in Suffolk with Knights sharing the Score Crest. The gold eagle in the Knight and Score Crest is used as a "phoenix" by Phoenix's/Fenwicks while Lindell dished out a lot of his money and efforts fighting election fraud in Maricopa / Phoenix, Arizona. Score's share the saltire of Scottish Locks, in the colors of the cross of Ratcliffe-connectable Rats.

However, Lindell started to appear so duplistic to me that I started suspecting him to be an actor for the Trump cause. While I thought my tip-in goal could have pointed with John Ratcliffe's help to some victory over election fraud, the best I can do is point to national EXPOSURE of election fraud through Lindell and many others...which will perhaps curb some fraud in 2024.

The Chinese were behind the Dominion Voting company that flipped votes from Trump to Biden, and the shin-bone slide to the TIP-IN goal points to Shins/CHINE's/CHINGs, an apparent pointer to China. John Ratcliffe could have been behind Lindell's securing of the so-called p-cap (packet captures) evidence against the Chinese, but this evidence amounted to a scandalous nothing when it seemed that Lindell was acting dualistically. He never missed an opportunity to raise money for My Pillow when speaking out against election fraud.

Tipps'/TIPPINs share the Ratcliffe bull head. Pillows are listed with Pilotte's while Pile's/Pilots can be pointed to by the team's piling on me as a result of the tip-in goal. John Ratcliffe was in a perfect position, during the election, to provide the p-caps to Lindell. If the p-caps were authentic, it must have sent shivers up the criminals who stole the election with Dominion voting. Lindell may have been scared away from using that evidence, we may never know. Almost nobody seemed to know or tell that Dominion Voting's initial head office, on 215 Spadina road in Toronto, is in that city's Chinatown.

Pilate's/Pilotte's were first found in Burgundy with French Locks/LOCHES'/DesLoges' and Loge's, and while Lindells use a log, Burgundy is also where Poulos' were first found using log-like "sticks" in saltire, in colors reversed from the Loge and Gettes saltire. John Poulos founded Dominion Voting. The Gettes' were first found in Anjou, and Miss Loches was wife to Fulk I, count of Anjou. Then, Geddes' were first found in Nairnshire with Rats and Line-beloved Rose's. See that?

The Poulos saltire is in the colors of the saltire of French Mountains who in turn have bulls in the colors of the bull heads of Bulls/Bule's, the latter first found in Somerset with Sticks, beside Pools. Pools share the Rita lion because they are both from Vespasia Polla of Rieti. Scottish Rights/Wrights, first found in Berwickshire with Elons, share the checkered Alan fesse. German Rat-like Ritters/Rutters share the "log" with Lindells. English Ritters (Cheshire with Cliffs) have "Malta" in their English-version motto, and Malta's share the lion of Loge's/Lodge's (Suffolk with Mallets), in the colors of the English Ritter lion. Mallets were first found in Suffolk with Buckle's and Buckle-loving Starlincks while French Mallets/Malo's, in the Gift / Payne motto, use buckles.

The Amore's suspect in the "Melitae amor" motto of English Ritters were even first found in Oxfordshire with Line's/Linds and Love's/Luffs while Ritters translate the motto, "Love of Malta." Love's/Luffs were kin of Musks and Muschats. Amori's were first found in Sardinia, near Malta. The Malta-beloved Columns share a blue saltire with French Loge's, in both colors of the ERIK saltire for a pointer to ERIC Coomer. French Loge's were first found in Burgundy with Pillar- and Pillow-branch Pilate's, and with the Petits in the Column motto. Malta's use a pillar-like "column."

It's not likely a contradiction that the same slide-in goal can point to both election fraud and Apophis. God is able to arrange the heraldry and the goal-associated props to point to more than one thing. An article my Time, in May of 2023, has a headline: "Dominion CEO [Poulos] Predicts ‘Business Ultimately Goes to Zero’ Because of 2020 Election Lies" Hopefully, this is true. And Lindell had a lot to do about it. Poulos thinks that many counties will use other machines rather than those of Dominion. Hopefully, this will come true for the main, no thanks at all to Trump, who seemed extremely duplistic in the fight against fraud, like one putting up a faked resistance through his chief lawyer, Rudy Giuliani.

The Plock Crest shares the gold-on-black eagle of Phoenix'/Fenwicks, which can be the black eagle in the Crest of Voters/Gauthiers. In black, it's the giant Giuliani eagle too. And Plocks share the Voter/Gauthier martlets while Phoenix's/Fenwicks use martlets of their own, on a gold Shield, same as the Plock and Voter/Gauthier martlets. Plocks and Line's were first found in Oxfordshire with the goalie-like Gollys/Gullys who in turn share the cross of Giuliani-like Julians. The Sine's/Swans in the Golly/Gully motto were first found in Lanarkshire with swan-using Locks.

A former and corrupt director / executive of Dominion Voting, Eric Coomer, takes us to Coomers, in Plock colors, who have an Apophis-interesting "DOMINabitur ASTRis" motto phrase. That looks arranged by God. The Coomer fesse is in the colors of the Stur fesses, and the Plock bends are red, the color of the Aster/ISTER/Stur bend. Pollocks almost have the Arms of Pula/Pola, on ISTRia.

Plocks share the Pully/Pullen martlets, and the latter are from the marriage of Vespasia Polla to Flavius Sabinus while Pullys/Pullens share the scallop of Sabine's, the latter first found in Norfolk with Comine's i.e. like the Comer variation of Coomers. The latter's "astRIS" motto term can be part-code for Rise's, first found in Norfolk too, and sharing the Coat, almost, of Jewish Pollocks. Norfolk's Risings/Risons, like "Arizona," have the Arms of Pola/Pula in colors reversed.

Already, Eric Coomer's surname is pointing to Apophis pointers. But there's another on "dominaBITUR" is it's part-code for the Bitar variation of Butters, first found in Fife with Crail, and with the Geds suspect in the "DiriGET" motto term of Bitars/Butters. Ged's have a "DuRAT" motto tern while Scottish Geddes' (share pike with Geds) were first found in Nairnshire with Rats; the latter share a fat and black cross with Bitars/Butters. The Gettes' and Loge's are the ones with the Poulos saltire in colors reversed, you see, meaning that the Coomer motto has led us to Coomer's boss.

But we have also been led with Geds and Bitars/Butters to the cusp of the Five bloodline in Fife, where the Crail variation of Crabs was located, and it's the BalCOMBs, linkable to the COMBer variation of Coomers, that was first found in Crail. While Geds are in Crail/Crab colors, the "duck"-using Drai's, suspect in the "DRAWing a bow" of the Bitar/Buttar Crest, brings us to English Ducks, first found in Somerset with Crab-loving Bridge's, with BOOK-loving Roets sharing the Bow/BOUGH motto, but also with the Saffer-branch Severs while Drai's use FIVE ducks in the color and format of the five falcons of French Saffers, the latter with found in Burgundy with Drai's, Poulos' and Gettes-related Loge's. English Saffers were first found in Devon with English Pike's, and while there's a pike in the Clapp/Clapper Crest, Clapton is in Somerset.

There's a Gettes-family article online claiming that proto-Geddes Geds were on the Nith river prior to 400 AD, and then the Coomer Coat is a reflection of the DuCLOS Coat, the latter suggesting the Closeburn location of Kilpatricks. But that's not all, for Coomers are in the colors and format of Padds/Padburys, whom I included with my goal over the knee PAD of the goalie, Jim McGee, for McGee's were first found in Dumfries with Kilpatricks and Patients/Padyns. McGee's are said to descend from "Mac Ethe" and "MacGETH," you see. Patients/Padyns use crescents while Cressents were first found in Burgundy.

As McGee's are also Jay-like Jee's, we note that BalComb-connectable Jays were first found in Herefordshire with the Judds sharing the McGee boar heads. Wondering whether Judds came from an evolution of "Geth," I've just found Geeds/Geete's, first found in Hamburg with Judd-like Guths/Gudde's/Gutte's. The latter use a giant rose while Scottish Rose's/Ras' were first found in Nairnshire with Geddes' and Rats. I scored over McGee's knee pad as he kicked it out to block the shot, and HAMburgs share the Knee bend while Knee's share the stag head of Vise's and Acorns, the latter two with found in Sussex with HAMs, Hammers, and McGee-beloved Leopards. DuClos' are listed with Clots while Clauds/Clots use acorns in Leopard colors an format.

Nitts/Naughts (Dumfries with McGee's) might even be sharing the Gethin/Getting lion. The latter almost have the Net/Night/Naught lion. The Nith/Naught checks are shared with Tulls/Toole's while Tulls/Tullia's have "BUTTERflies." We could thus be back to the motto of DuCLOS-connectable Coomers/Combers. DuClos' were first found in Lorraine while Lorraine's share a green lion with Lyons, and Tullia of Lyon is probably in the Tull surnames.

German Geeds/Geete's use crescents in Ged colors and format, and the Dure's suspect in the "durum" motto term of Nets/Nights, and in the "Durat" motto term of Geds should be for the Dure's, first found in Perthshire with Stur-connectable Scottish Drummonds and Lyons. Sturs were first found in HAMpshire with Butter-like Buttons/Budin and Botters/Bodins. I see the Geddes pikes with Boets/Butts/Bute's. Pike's use TREFoils. German Drummonds were first found in Hamburg with both Geed/Geete surnames, and with Trips/TREFFs. Dutch Geeds/Geete's essentially share the giant lion of Louvaine's and Masons/Massins, both first found in Kent with English Trips sharing the English Hamburg crosslets, with McGee-connectable Guths/Goods, and with Gore's sharing the white wolf with Hamps/Hamptons (Staffordshire with Tulls/Tolle's).

Suddenly, the line of Gothelo, patriarch of the first crusader kings of Jerusalem, look like they were descended from a Ged > Gee line on the Nith. Goths/Gothels share the hexagram of Hagars (Perthshire) and Rads, and Goats/Gothams were first found in Naught-like Nottinghamshire with the My's/Mea's sharing the McGee boar heads. My'/Mea's have a McGee-like Meigh variation.

Dutch Geeds/Geete's share the Albany Coat, essentially. I trace Comine's for good reasons to Kuman in Fier county of ALBANia, on the APSus river, explaining while Apps' were once said to be first found in Middlesex with Fiers/Fears. The latter are in the translated motto of Elons, and Albanys were first found in Shropshire with Alans. Middlesex is where Stants/Stains were first found who share the double Elon and Elm fesses. Plocks use two bends of the one of Dol-beloved Whale's, the latter first found in Berwickshire with Elons. The Plock "lozenges" can trace to Losinj off the Istria coast.

Istria is near the Treviso location of the first-known Vita's in the motto of English Saffers/Savarys using a "Vita" motto term. The neighboring Severs share the Vita annulet, and "PraeSTANTior" is a motto term of Severins/SEAWELLs. Swells/Swale's (look like kin of whale-using Dols) love the Este's (Essex with Asters/Sturs), and Este's look like kin of Heads/Heeds (Norfolk with Sabine's).

Sabina's (not "Sabine") were once listed with Saffins (Somerset with Severs), but are now listed with Savards/Savarys. This helps to realize that Vespasia Polla was named after Pola-of-Istria elements. She lived in Sabina, home of the Safini, otherwise known as Sabines. I trace her three sons to three dragon heads in Revelation 17, one of them being Titus, destroyer of Jerusalem, the fulfillment of Daniel 9:27, the precursor to the 666 system. Titus' were first found in Hertfordshire with the Prests suspect in "Praestantior." The third son, Domitian, may have been the line to Domino's expected in the Coomer motto.

I'd like to go back to the two minutes and unknown seconds left on the clock previous to the goal-line score. I don't know whether this heraldic set will point to election fraud, but it's does appear Arranged so far as I've looked at it. We start with the blue wings in the Crest of two-like Tews, and then go to the blue wings in the Crest of German Hers who in turn share the HERmit and Justine border. Justine's were first found in Perthshire, where Wings were once said to be fist found. The Hers and Tews didn't chose wings for a symbol out of the blue-nothingness or fancy-dancy, as some heraldry "experts" online would have you believe to hide the fact that heraldic symbols and mottoes were (and still are) are secret or not-so-secret codes for ancestry.

Hermits (not named after people who live alone) share the Helm helmet, and Minute's use helmets too. TWO MINUTES left on the clock, prior to the puck coming to rest on the goal line. English Helms were first found in Surrey with Clocks (not named after clock makers), and where Tipper-beloved Dolphins were once said to be first found. Clock-like Kellogs/Kellocks (wings) are in Tipper colors and format, and I tipped the puck across the goal line.

Clocks share the Coat of Date's/Dade's/DEEDs, first found in Norfolk with Skate's/Sheets. "Deed SHAW" is a motto phrase of Scottish Flemings, first found in Lanarkshire with the Biggars expected in the "Byggar" motto term in the Arms of SHETland. Scottish Sheds, first found in Ayrshire with Hare's, Here-connectable Ayers, and Line's, use a "hermit." Clocks and Date's/Deeds use sheaves (but gall them "garbs") while English Shaws are listed with Sheaves'.

English Sheds/Scheds share the potent cross of Skate's/Sheets and Skits/Skeets/Skeochs, the latter linkable to variations of Knight-beloved Shoe's. The Hers above use "scythes", and Scythe's are listed with Skits/Skeets/Skeochs. Scythes' (not "Scythe") are listed with Tiger-loving Side's/Suddys, and Tigers were first found in Suffolk with Knights sharing the triple pale bars of Her- and Hermit-connectable Tews. Side-branch Sutys were first found in Perthshire with Irish and Scottish Shaws, linkable to the Date-linkable Comine's, and BalCOME's were first found in Fife, where Side's/Suddys were first found.

The best I can say in that heraldic set, for a pointer to Mike Lindell, is that Line's are also Linds while the Lindell log can take us to Loge's'/Lodge's, first found in Suffolk with Knights. But there's a little more because Loge's/Lodge's share the tressure border of Seatons/SITTENs, a branch of Side's/Suddys and Sutys. Scottish Locks were first found in Lanarkshire with their Swan/Sion kin, and Sion is also, Sitten. Flemings above, likewise first found in Lanarkshire, share the double-tressure border, code for the Tresure'/Trashers, first found in Suffolk too with Loge's/Lodge's, and sharing the green dragon with Seatons/Sittens and Suty-beloved Nothings/Northens ("flames" in Crest).

So, yes, the two minutes left on the time clock is pointing to Lindell. I'll therefore repeat that Lindell's efforts against election fraud turned out to be one big tease, for Tews/Tews' share the Tease/Tyes stars. The Wings/Winks we saw at the start of this heraldic set, from the blue wings of Tews, are now said to be first found in Worcestershire with the Grows in the Lindell description, "three plants growing out of a log." English Plants were first found in Linden-like London, beside English Line/s/Linds.

Clock-like Kellogs/Kellocks have a "hand beTWEEN wings" while Tweens/Twins (Hampshire with Tiss'/Teese's/TEES') have a Coat like the one of Tyes-like Tie's, the latter first found in Yorkshire with the Tees river. Twine's/Thwengs (Yorkshire) use "poppinjays" while Poppins/Pophams were first found in Hampshire with Tweens/Twins. Doesn't the Twin / Tween surname look like a branch off of "Tew"? The game was TIED 2-2, until the final few seconds, and then our team scored goal number THREE while Tree's love the Knights who in turn share the triple pale bars of Tews.

The Tewell variation of Tews could get us to the Tools sharing the lion in the Tull/Toole and Drop/Trope Chiefs, and the latter surname add a Shield of black drops viewed as, tar.

Poppinjays are an Apophis pointer where Jays share the bend-with-roses of Crail's BalCONE's/BalCOMBs, possibly a branch of Coomers/Comers/Combers, the latter not only pointing to Eric Coomer of Dominion Voting, but having an "astRIS" motto term suspect partly with Rise's, first found in Norfolk with Comine's and their Date/DADE/Deed kin. Daddys/Dawds/Dowds share the saltire of POKE's/Pollocks, in the colors of the fat cross of Risings/Risons (Norfolk) which is in turn Istria's Arms of Pola in colors reversed.

Irish Doors share the giant lion of French Pole's. Rising-branch Restons share the leopard faces of Scottish Doors (Fife with Crail's Balcons), and English Doors were first found in Herefordshire with Jays and Este-connectable WEFers/Wayfers. The latter's Way/Weigh branch were first found in Dorset with Pools/Pole's. Este's share the giant eagle of Bars, from bars of Brunswick, where German Eriks were first found. I suppose it's possible that Dominion Voting obtained its confidence to act criminally, even after being caught massively, by the determined, over-reaching and demonically-twisted WEF.


Here's some proof that trudeau's party stole $390M, yet there's no talk of jailing anyone. How can this happen? How can the Conservative party not clamor almost daily for the RCMP to make arrests in order to put a stop to the on-going heists? It's in the billions easily. Why are conservative fingers not being pointed to a criminal RCMP? The America congress comes up just as shy. It's deeply criminal for a police department not to put brakes on theft of this magnitude.

Here's another video on the same topic involving the $1B climate-change "slush fund" that now promises to grab government documents to nail the politicians with criminal acts. These documents are being demanded fir the specific purpose of sending them to the RCMP, which begs whether the RCMP will do anything. If nothing, it condemns itself as a cursed, gangster-supporting cancer on which blood-sucking maggots feed. Anytime the RCMP takes you to court for jay-walking, tell the judge about its do-nothing approach to billion-dollar heists by the trudeau liberals, because it's a perfectly relevant thing to enter in the court records:

Climate-change money goes to shoring up wicked globalists who are upper-level rungs in satanic globalism under the bankers-et-al. This is not theory, but fact. trudeau would love to enforce a 666 upon us. They all would who belong to the WEF. They would love to jail us for refusing a vaccine. This is what they are aiming for. They don't dish out tax dollars just to make friends in high places, or just because they like to help the ultra-rich. They do it because the globalist cause gets built in this way. Those who have received tax money criminally have effectively ""sold their souls." under threats of blackmail and exposure or jail time, to higher levels in the pyramid. Once politicians take the bait or receiving tax dollars illegally in high amounts, they are caught in a network of like-minded ones.

Proof that CTV is for the globalists, by creating a manipulated news cast by clipping pieces (words) from other of his statements, and doctoring them together to make it appear he said something that he did not in reality say, just to keep canadians from hearing that he wants an election based on the carbon-tax battle. CTV: petty and dishonest in a professional disguise:


Here's all four Gospels wrapped into one story.

For Some Prophetic Proof for Jesus as the Predicted Son of God.
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