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September 17 - 23, 2024

Lovelace's Tied to Apophis Asteroid
Santa Claus in Heraldry

Hall of Names is once again showing the descriptions of the Coats of Arms presented at House of Names.

I believe the Apophis asteroid is going to hit an ocean of the earth in the spring of 2029 as the fulfillment of the 2nd Trumpet of Revelation. The timing is perfect if the anti-Christ can be identified in the Middle East in 2026 or 2027.

Do you trust the astronomers when they say it's passing just 19,000 miles from earth? How could they be trusted to know by merely predicting the shape of its orbit around the sun?

They have known this asteroid only since 2004, and have watched its full solar orbit only twice to date. Did they make predictions for its exact distance from earth for the last two earth crossings, and how correct were those predictions? I've not read anything about that. Why not? Surely, if they predicted correctly, we would hear about it.

Can they be so accurate as to peg it at 19,000 miles plus-minus 1,000? Or is the truth more like 19,000 plus-minus 20,000? Do they know it's coming closer than that, and have they decided it best not to tell the people, yet anyway? What does earth gravity do to an asteroid when coming that close, just 2.5 earth diameters away?

I'm back on this topic because of this: "OSIRIS-APEX is a mission to study the physical changes to asteroid Apophis that will result from its rare close encounter with Earth..." As you must know, astronomy named planets and moons after pagan characters, not because they respect Jesus. Astronomy was seized by God-despising evolutionists who cannot be trusted, the same type of God-haters who elongated the history of "modern" man as far back as possible so that Noah's Flood, usually placed about 2350 BC, seems out of the realm of reality. The job of evolutionists is to murder the concept of a Creator.

As evolutionist-respecting historians had the Egyptians going back to 3200 BC, it's very possible that they wrongly timed the Hyksos in Egypt a century or more too far back in time. This is my claim: a Hyksos king was the Exodus pharaoh. But proving this is not my topic here, so you can take it or leave it. My point is that we saw the APEX mission above to study the Apophis asteroid, and APACHnas was a Hyksos king along with Apophis. Do you find it interesting that the people in the United States who wish to rule the cosmos in the stead of God are naming this asteroid in honor of the Hyksos? Osiris was a chief Egyptian god. They are calling the mission, OSIRIS-APEX.

In 2005 or 2006, I began an interesting quest to see if lunar and solar eclipse lines could reveal the distance to the sun. Everyone knows that both lines go to the edge of the sun because both lines are formed by the edge of the sun. The line I'm referring to on a lunar eclipse is the one that forms the outer edge of the earth umbra, and for a solar eclipse the line is the outer edge of the lunar shadow.

After struggling unsuccessfully to find a way to use both a lunar and solar eclipse to find the solar distance, I failed for lack of NASA data on eclipses. However, a few years ago, I realized that a solar eclipse is not needed at all in conjunction with a lunar eclipse. Had I been an astronomer, I would have realized immediately that only a lunar eclipse is needed to find the solar distance.

All along this quest, I had a sure-fire fact under my belt: astronomy is afraid to publicly mention this method of finding the solar distance because it doesn't give anywhere near 93-million miles. It made me suspect that big-loving evolutionists had lied about the distance to the sun, falsely making it much further than the reality because a larger solar system serves their big-bang theory wherein the stellar universe is unimaginably larger than Christians expect on the basis of a Creation. That is, why would God make the stellar universe billions of light-years wide for a temporary earth? There's no need to make it that large.

When realizing that the only thing needed to calculate solar distance is the lunar-eclipse line from just one lunar eclipse in conjunction with a line from the core of the earth passing the edge of the sun at the time of the eclipse, I had everything needed to calculate accurately that NASA data itself gave a solar distance of about 18-million miles. That was the resulting distance, eclipse after eclipse, after I had calculated for ten or more eclipses.

Where the distances were not exactly the same, eclipse after eclipse, the only problem was, not my math, but the NASA data. At times, the distance would be under 18 million, and at times, nearer to 19 million. The differences in these numbers can be explained only in small NASA errors when providing the sizes of the umbra and the "apparent diameter" of the sun during the eclipse. A tiny error in either one can explain the differences if solar-distance results.

Hopefully, as a Christian wise to the lies of evolutionists, you can take my solar-distance figures with some respect. I'll show you my work below, but you won't be able to verify with ease whether it's reliable. Having done the work, I've been able to verify that there is absolutely nothing wrong with the math / geometric method. The only thing you need to verify is whether the method is reliable; all the numbers in the method belong to NASA, you see. My claim is indeed verifiable by anyone who knows how to find the distance from the base of a triangle to its apex upon finding the angle of the line that joins them. This is how incredibly easy it is to find the solar distance; just make a pair of right-hand triangles with lunar-eclipse and sun-size data, and use an online triangle calculator to finish the job.

There is no "peer review" for my work because nobody in astronomy will take me serious on this claim. I haven't sent the work to any astronomer for comment, as this is a fruitless endeavor. The true distance to the sun has everything to do with showing that Apophis is far-more likely to strike the earth than NASA claims.

I don't know how the asteroid-earth distance of 19,000 miles was obtained for the passage of Apophis in 2029, but even if they have that correctly calculated, I can add that, with a solar-earth distance of 18 million instead of five times greater at 93 million, it means they have calculated the asteroid's velocity as five times faster than the reality. The specific velocity, as it approaches a path near the earth, has everything to do with how greatly earth gravity can pull it in toward the earth's core.

For anyone needing explanation for what is meant here, imagine a cannon ball fired horizontally along the ground at 200 mph versus the same ball fired at 100 mph. The slower one will have the steeper curve toward the core of the earth. Per any given time period, the slower asteroid curves more toward gravity. The velocity of a space rock counters some pull of gravity, and the slower the asteroid cutting through gravity, the more ability gravity has to change its path toward itself.

The reason that Apophis is five times slower than they think it is due to their use of the solar distance as their measuring rod. Velocity is defined as distance travelled per unit time. As they have it travelling in an orbit 93 million miles from the sun, they will calculate a velocity five times greater around the sun as compared to a sun 18 million miles away.

Therefore, as I claim that God sent me to Texas to meet Miss Hicks (Hyksos-like surname) as proof that the Apophis asteroid is striking the earth, by what coincidence did I begin my solar-distance calculations in Texas, in 2005 or 2006, a year or two after Apophis' discovery? Did God move me to discover the true solar distance to add evidence in your mind that this asteroid is landing?

I have a son who refuses to talk to me about Jesus. He's never said a word against Him, to me, nor has he the inclination to tell me how he feels about Him. He majored in math in four or five years of university, and it was during/after these years when he began to doubt Jesus. I sent him my math method for discovering the solar distance, to prove it wrong if he could, or to verify that the method is unassailable. But although I've done this more than once, he refuses to respond. My inclination is to think that he's an evolution-leaning man who doesn't want to assist me in this matter, yet my point is that he probably would have responded if he saw a sure-fire way to prove the math method wrong.

The other questions for us to be concerned with is whether Apophis is also five times smaller than NASA thinks it is, but also whether its calculated track past the earth is five times closer than 19,000 miles. It depends on how they calculated its size and path. If they used the sun as the measuring rod to size the asteroid, then they have it five times too large, for when the sun is five times closer to earth than they think, the sun is also five times smaller in diameter than they think.

They cannot size the asteroid by measuring its apparent diameter i.e. by looking at it through a telescope, unless they know how far it is from their telescope. If they assume it's five times further than it really is when they measure the size as it appears in a telescope, they will calculate a size five times larger than it really is.

They can't size the asteroid when comparing its size with the diameter of the moon, unless they know how far the asteroid is from the moon, and because they have nothing to go on to find that distance but their solar-system scale of 93 million miles, they are inevitably going to size it five times larger than it really is.

In the past, I've said that, the lighter the asteroid, the easier earth gravity can pull it in. I may need to correct that because both a bullet and a cannon ball, if travelling at the same speed and shot at the same angle (say horizontal) from the ground angle, will hit the ground at the same time. That is, weight doesn't change the curvature of the path for any given weight and velocity of the projectile, for gravity attracts all objects with equal force, causing the same speed of fall in all.

It's not the weight, but the velocity, that counts for determining how steep the path will be toward gravity of an in-coming asteroid.

What I think we have here is an asteroid travelling five times slower than they think, and being five times smaller and lighter than they think, its landing force (= destructive capability) will be 5 x 5 = 25 times smaller than they think. That's the good news.

Or, it can be more than five times closer, slower and smaller because the NASA data, shown on my page at the link below, shows that NASA's public-offered data can be incorrect enough to change the 18 million-mile distance to more like 13 million miles. For example, I make this offering at the link:

Let's redo this eclipse calculation with this different umbra size as dictated by the U1-U3 times above. As the difference between the two umbra sizes [in miles] is 5,768.5 / 5,736.3 = 1.0056 times, we can absolutely do .6518 x 1.0056 = .65546 degree, for the new umbra radius ["apparent size" that is], to get the new solar distance:
July 16, 2000, shadow radius .65546;
moon radius 14'43.2" (= .490666 diameter); sun radius 15'44.2" (= .524554 diameter):

shadow diameter = 1.3109 / .490666 = 2.6717 moons;
shadow diameter 2.6717 x 2,159.1 = 5,768.5 miles;
lunar-eclipse-line spread = 3,960 - (5,768.5/2) = 1,075.75 miles
1,075.75 / 252,140 = .00426648; (360 / .49066 x 2159.26 / 2pi = 252,140)
1,079.63 / 235,851 = .0045776; (360 / .524554 x 2159.26 / 2pi = 235,851)
.0045776 - .00426648 = .0003111 mile catch-up, per mile toward the sun;
then 3,960 / .0003111 = 12.729 million miles to the sun

In other words, there are two ways to discover the umbra diameter using NASA data, itself absolutely needed to figure out the distance to the sun. In one method, we simply use the umbra diameter that NASA offers, 1.3036 degree (lots of decimal points, we can't go much wrong). This is the so-called "apparent diameter," and so you need to get familiar with what this means (easy to understand) if you wish to verify what I've done. It's not my number, it's NASA's given diameter. When using this diameter, the sun worked out to be 16 million miles from earth when using the NASA data for this particular eclipse. Other eclipses got as far as 19 million. The average was about 18 million.

The other method for finding the umbra diameter is for us to time the moon passing through the umbra -- using the set of times on the NASA page -- which is then used to discover the moon's speed, which finally coughs up the umbra diameter. Just before the quote above, I said:

The U1 to U3 time is the full passage through the umbra exactly, and the trip is said to be from 11:57:17 to 14.49:06 on the clock. That's 2 hours, 51 minutes, 49 seconds = 2.8502 hours (math = (49 / 60 / 60) + (51 / 60) + 2). The U1 to U2 time is equal to the distance of one lunar diameter = 2,159.26 miles [NASA's number], and as that time is 1 hour, 4 minutes, 48 seconds = 1.06688 hours, the speed of this moon is found with: 2,159.26 / 1.06688 = 2,023.89 miles per hour. The umbra diameter should therefore be almost exactly (to within a couple of miles): 2,023.89 x 2.8502 = 5,768.5 miles.

When using this result, the umbra's apparent diameter worked out (math shown at link) to 1.3109 degree as compared to the 1.3036 degree given by NASA (seen above). The larger the umbra diameter, the closer the sun works out to be. The difference in these two diameter figures indicates that NASA is not being perfectly accurate with all its figures.

Do you trust their Apophis-to-earth distance of 19,000 miles? It seems to me that, if they have the asteroid passing by at a certain point upon a cosmic map that they themselves draw, that itself has both the earth orbit and asteroid orbit five times too large, they are also going to calculate a pass-by distance of five times too far. Their 19,000 miles is then reduced to about 5,000 miles, not at all meaning that this is bad news, because if the God of love is sending this asteroid, it's to relieve us of anti-Christ persecution, we can be sure.

All destructive acts of God are ultimately love...which is not to say that all destructive events are from Him. If people die in car accidents, do their friends blame God when it wasn't God's idea for their getting into their cars? Our enemies are evil when they blame God for all bad things on earth. Do they expect God to save everyone from everything in order to give God a thumbs-up? At some point, after God has saved my life ten times or more, He's going to let me die of something. Do we hate him for the one time but not love Him for the ten or more times?

However, if the sun is, for example, only 13 million miles away, it's seven times closer than 93 million, so that the 19,000 miles becomes only about 2,500 miles from earth. That rock would land for sure at seven times slower than they think it's going.

When NASA tells how fast rockets travel in space, it's not from a speedometer on the outside of each rocket, but purely from math based on the distances they think it's travelling. If the solar system is five times smaller than they think it is, the rocket's travelling five times slower than they think it is.

Their speed for Apophis is claimed at about 68,800 miles per hour, but five times slower get's it down to a rip-roar of almost 14,000 mph, or 3.8 miles per second. At 20 miles up, the air density is about 100 times less than at sea level. At about 10 miles up, the air is 1/10th its density. I'll assume that a space rock starts to flare visibly to our eyes at 15 miles up, as that seems logical. At the latter speed (14,000 mph = 3.9 mps), if it comes straight down at a 90-degree angle, it would pass 15 miles of atmosphere in about 4 seconds.

If it comes in a 45-degree angle (starts flashing 15 miles up), it'll flash for about 6 seconds. But if space rocks are travelling five times faster, at speeds claimed by astronomy, they would strike the earth in about 1 second after flash begins, when coming in at a 45-degree angle. However, videos I'm watching do not bear this out. In the one below, the rock seems to be coming in steeper than 45 degrees, though it could possibly be as much as 45 degrees, yet it's visible for a lot longer than one second, more like about five times as long:

From about the time that the cameraman first spotted it, to the time that it goes darkness, BEFORE hitting the ground, I count about three seconds. Therefore, how does astronomy get out of this indication that space rocks are not travelling as fast as they think they are? Easy and predictable, yet they claim the illogical: "So, on average, when you see a meteor, you're looking at a piece of dust burning bright about 50 to 75 miles (80 to 120 km) in altitude above Earth's surface." See their trick?

As the air is 100 times less dense at 20 miles up, do you really think a rock many miles away from you would become so yellow-hot (to your eyes) as to begin flash-burn when a whopping 75 miles high? That's STUPID, but as they have space rocks going at least five times faster than they really are, they have artificially (self-asserted, without evidence) raised the flash-burn point from a logical 15 miles high to 75.

In this way, the rock is thought to travel five times further before complete burn-up, allowing the math to provide rocks five times faster. That's how astronomy rolls, on the axle of circular reasoning, basing their math FIRST on their theories to produce their final "facts." It needs to be the other way around, starting with hashed-out facts to produce sound theories.

You can know now that astronomy is lying about the solar distance because I'm going to tell you how light refraction works. When light is coming down at an angle upon a transparent material such as water, the angle becomes steeper upon passing through the water. So, if light strikes an ocean surface at 45 degrees, it will turn steeper toward the sea floor than 45 degrees.

There is a question as to whether air causes cosmic sunlight to bend at all, but even if we assume that it does, it would bend steeper toward the ground when entering the atmosphere. Then, once it passes the atmosphere fully (on the edges of the earth where the lunar-eclipse lines form), the rays, having shifted toward the ground, will result in an umbra diameter smaller than it would have been had there been no atmosphere for light to traverse.

In order to find the true solar distance using eclipse lines, we want to use sunlight rays not interfered with by the air. As those rays would make for a larger umbra diameter, the math would find the sun closer to earth as compared to the math when using the light altered by the air. In my eclipse-line method of finding the solar distance, the larger the umbra diameter, the closer is the sun.

To conclude: if the math, using NASA data exclusively, gets a sun 18-million miles away, it would actually be less than 18 million if the air bends sunlight. This means that astronomy cannot use sunlight refraction as the excuse to exclude use of the eclipse method of finding solar distance. The reason that astronomy doesn't use this method, and the reason it doesn't even advertise it, is because it proves them wrong with their 93-million-mile figure.

To put it another way, some astronomers who've done the calculations using the eclipse method know that astronomy is outright lying with 93 million, yet they forget about it because they know there's no use bucking against the system only to be portrayed as a buffoon. Be a buffoon today, and get compliments in the end.

Here's another space rock coming in at about 45 degrees, away from the cameraman:

Beware NASA tricks (computer animations) and sped-up cameras to make meteorites look like they are moving faster than they are.

To show how little we should trust astronomers: they think they can track Apophis so exactly that they give it a distance of 19,000 miles from earth rather than a round 20,000, give or take 1,000. Let's assume that it goes off-track, of the path predicted by astronomers, by just one foot (to the left or right, take your pick) over one mile of distance in its orbit. Let's assume it goes off track only in its final 1/4 orbit when returning to earth. Assuming the sun to be 93 million miles away, that's a trip of 146 million miles. Therefore, it will go off course by 146 million feet over that distance, or 27,600 miles. Do you think that NASA's people can predict its track to an exact 19,000 miles from earth, as if they know the track, to the inch, all around the sun? Let's get real. They haven't got a perfect grip on this. They are feeding us the expected no-worries line, but haven't got a clue how close it will come plus/minus 100,000 miles. Maybe more.

If the asteroid goes off the predicted path by one inch on its first mile away from earth, it will be off by two inches, in the same direction, after two miles, etc. Therefore, by the time it returns to earth after a full orbit, it will be off-track by almost 10,000 miles. Nobody in their right mind thinks NASA can predict the path of an asteroid to the inch over one mile.

As this asteroid is expected to be the blazing, mountain-like object, falling from the sky into the sea, in only the 2nd Trumpet of Revelation, it could have a timing near the start of our 1260-day trials. While our neighbors might be thinking to report us to the anti-Christ authorities, the landing of this asteroid, looking so much like a Biblical fulfillment, might change their minds instantly. Money and time allotted to find and persecute us will need to be used up to fix the damage from this asteroid. That doesn't look like bad news to me, unless we don't have stored foods, because this asteroid is expected to put a dent into the world's food supplies.

In my chapter on "The Order of Revelation's 21 Plagues", I place the 2nd Trumpet immediately before the 2nd Bowl, to be followed immediately by the 3rd Seal. The latter is portrayed as food rationing. If the asteroid destroys foods and other products upon one-third the ships destroyed, that food rationing can be explained thereby. It's as though God is paying the world back for making needless difficulties in our acquiring foods and other needs.

What this tends to show us is that, as soon as the 1260 days begin, before the asteroid falls, we ought to buy as big as possible to store as much as possible before the rationing begins. If we are permitted to use our bank-account money to make purchases by buying direct from local farmers, do it fast. However, that's going to deplete the canning jars and other food-storage needs so that we should prepare those things before the 1260 days arrive. I'm not suggesting that we can hold off on buying needs without risk after the 1260 days begin. It's obviously best if we store all our needs before those days begin.

Get to know your local Christian farmer, because, in the 1260 days, he won't be growing crops unless there's a market, and if the 666 won't allow him to have a market, his only reason to grow foods is for Christians. If the 666 is merely a door pass, it's possible that farmers will be able to buy and sell such things as seeds, crops and livestock, for those things can be obtained and sold without entry of the farmer into any buildings but his own. However, I don't know that the 666 will be merely a door pass.

We see the WEF seeking to put EU farmers out of business even now. WEF could be the devil himself seeking to keep us from eating in the 1260 days. WEF is even demonizing fertilizer. But God is on our side.

Urine mixed with 10 parts water is a fertilizer, as a last resort. Just don't overdo it, be very careful not to burn the roots with it. Don't feed plants urine at every watering. There are videos on the topic. Never feed pure urine at the roots directly. This is a concentrated fertilizer. I wonder if it keeps deer away. You're going to need deer fence for a tribulation garden, and electric fence works at my place even for moose and bears.

Aside from the electrifying unit, which doesn't cost much, my electric fence cost $400 complete to do 240 feet of length and five feet high. I used, cheap, non-electric construction wire for the top two feet (seven feet in height in total) to fool the deer into not trying to jump over it. They'll jump over a five-foot fence. Ideally, each person should have at least a half acre, or better than 20,000 square feet, needing 600 feet of fence (for an area of 100' x 200'). This is not very costly. Use thinner electric wire (less money), but with closer spacing, for the bottom foot of height to keep rabbits and raccoons out.

I successfully used half-inch copper pipe (plumbing pipe) for the ground rods. One could get away with ungalvanized steel rods / pipes if it's only for a few years (rust won't inhibit electrical flow much for a few years). Keep it cheap, just make sure it works.

I wonder whether the ancient word for "apex" was named after pharaoh Apachnas in the sense that his symbol was the apex of an Egyptian pyramid. Is he secretly on the American dollar bill? "Apach" is a little like "Apis," the name of an Egyptian bull cult, and German Bachs show a giant gold bull they call a "steer" that once showed as a giant gold calf. It brought to mind the gold calf that Aaron made for the exodus Israelites when they wanted to go back to Egypt, signalling that the calf could have been a symbol of the Egyptian pharaoh of their time. Another giant bull is with Cole's, whom I trace the ColAPIS river of the Japodes (Croatia), whom I think named mythical Jupiter, and he was the Zeus of the Romans while Zeus had been given a white-bull symbol for his Tyrian line to Crete. So, Zeus may have started as a Hyksos element in Tyre, where his brother, Poseidon, had been a ruler after coming out of Egypt.

Poseidon of Tyre was made related, by myth writers, to Danaus and AEGYPTus, mythical sons of Baal-like Belas, and Baal had been the Hyksos bull cult. I trace "Belas" to the Pelusium district of the Nile delta, and Nile-like Neils have a Coat like the one of Keons/McCain who both share the fish with Khyan-like Cains / Kane's. I had read that Apachnas was an alternative name of the Hyksos pharaoh, Khyan.

Load Neil Coat now, which loads on another tab, in order to load other surnames so that you can follow better.

Keons/McCains share the eight-pointed star of Boet-like BATTI's/Botto's, and Italian BOETs/Boeddu's have a giant bull in the colors of the giant Bach "steer," itself in Stelli colors and format. BATTIstelli's have a "pyramid." The steer is code for the Steer surname, first found in Surrey with Salmons and Salemans/Salians while I trace Salome's to Salome BOETHus of the Sadducees and Herods. I trace Herod ancestry to Antipatria on the Apis-like Apsus river.

German Boets/Butts share the "fish" with Neils and Keons/McCains. OCEANs/Cains/Kane's/Keans have triple wavy bends in the colors of the triple-wavy fesses of Sea's who in turn have a "salmon." The Apophis asteroid is landing in the sea, to be assumed as an ocean. Sea's share their wavy fesses with German Drummonds while Scottish Drummonds were related to Steer-like Sturs/Styre's/Stowers. The latter, a branch of asteroid-like Asters/Sturs, were first found in Hampshire with Butt-branch Buttons, and with Ports sharing the gold estoiles of English Bute's/Bute's. Neils use "stars" while Stur-like Stars/Stairrs (gold estoiles) were first found in Wiltshire with English Neals, where the Stour river flows. Star-using Stairs/Stayers were first found in Kent with Sea's.

Hams, who share a Kane Coat but call their fish, "salmon," were first found in Sussex with Apachnas-like English Packs while French Packs use a giant red bull, the color of the Dagger/DACKER bull and of the giant bull head of German Popps/Poppens/Poppels. DEXARoi lived at Antipatria, the line to dagger-using KilPATRicks who in turn share the Steer lion. Daggers/Dackers were first found in Cumberland with early Salmons. The Ham salmon are shared by McCabe's/McABBE's (Arran, beside Bute) while Abbys/Abbe's essentially share the Coat of Apsus-river liners, Apps'/Abbs. English Pagans use a "dagger."


Miss Hicks is Mrs. Kilpatrick by marriage. Here's my theory for those who've not read it before. Firstly, I had a dream about a week after my conversion to Jesus, at roughly the first of April, 1979, 50 years before the Apophis asteroid of April 13, 2029. In 1996, I began to identify the "Sleeping Beauty" of that dream with Miss Hicks, though at that time I didn't know even her first name. I had merely seen her in a Texas church in early 1995. I didn't see her again until 2002, when getting my first confirmation that she was the Beauty of the dream.

The dream portrayed her as Sleeping Beauty, and because the Beauty/Bowd surname shares the bull (different colors) with Italian Boets/Boeddu's, it tends to confirm that her birth surname traces to the Apachnas-line Hyksos. My theory is that God moved me, without my knowing, to purchase Texas property, at the end of 1994, in order for me to meet Miss Hicks as a pointer to the Apophis asteroid. I've often pondered, why Texas? It was almost 2,000 miles from my home.

About a month after moving into the property, a piece of vacant land some ten minutes from her home, I saw her for the first time. Much later, in 2016, I discovered that she had been the "trophy girl" in a barbecue contest that featured Spuds MacKenzie, a bull terrier that matched the bulldog at the start of the Sleeping Beauty dream. It just so happens that MacKenzie's use an asteroid-like "as astra" motto phrase while the other Scottish MacKenzie's have a so-called flaming "mountain" in Crest. The 2nd Trumpet is an asteroid called, "as a blazing mountain."

For the first time that I've noticed, the Aster/Stur surname has a new write-up, now said to be first found in Essex with English Mountains and Este's, though the write-up treats only the Ester variation. It has early "de l'Ester" surnames in Dorset and Somerset, which are beside Stars/Starmers and Sturs/Stowers, and in the Stour-river theater.

Miss Hicks married HAMILTON Kilpatrick, and, in 1994, months before first seeing her, I had purchased a five-foot high, fiberglass bulldog, from Hamilton, Ontario, tending to confirm that God arranged for me to buy Texas property in order to meet her, in order that God might point to the asteroid. That's what it looks like to me, and the only reason I can think of for these things is that God wants us to know that Apophis will strike the earth in 2029. If it doesn't, I'll feel stupid for writing these things, and if you do something drastic to avoid the fall-out of an asteroid strike, but it doesn't strike, I'll feel partially responsible. So, take heed. Do what you think is best, not knowing for sure if there will be a strike. Weigh what I'm saying.

I wrote on this topic a few weeks ago; see "Spuds" in my 5th update of August, where I said:

Mr. Kilpatrick is in a photo with Spuds MacKenzie.

His wife, "Charlotte Kilpatrick, TROPhy girl", is in this massacred article:"

You saw the Butt/Bute surname above, and it just so happens that Spuds MacKenzie is the mascot dog for Bud Light beer, the company that recently insisted on supporting Sodomites even though it was losing billions of dollars for doing so.

Buds/Bude's, first found in Cornwall with the Hicks' of St. Ewe, are in Butt/Bute colors. While Buds/Bude's use a "star" while Stars/Stairrs share gold estoiles with English Butts/Bute's, the Star/Stairr Crest shares the "cat-a-MOUNTAIN" with Chives' who in turn were once said to be first found in Devon (beside Cornwall) with the HYKES'/Hacks whose quadrants are those of Chives' in colors reversed. French Mountains have bulls in half the colors of the Boet/Boeddu and Bach bull, and MacKenzie's use "a mountain in FLAMES."

Heraldic flames are expected as code for Flemings / Flamings, and it just so happens that Dutch Flamings are listed with Flamingo's while my fiberglass bulldog was purchased as part of my lawn-decor business where the main product was up to 50 pink flamingos set up (on lawns) for special occasions, usually 40th and 50th birthdays.

"Flaming stars" are used by Pero's/Perino's/PERICHs while Pierro's/Pero's/PERICHs have a Coat much like the one of German Boets/Butts/Bute's. Then, Star-connectable and Aster-branch Sturs were first found in Hampshire with Buttons/Budins, and with Botters/Buddy's/Bodins who in turn include a "PERCH" for their eagle. French Pierre's were first found in Languedoc with French Mountains. Pero / Pierre liners can be in the heraldic PYRamid.

French Mountains were first found in Languedoc with French Alans who in turn share the Chief of Montels/Montella's, and both Chiefs share the stars of Brittanys/Britains, Brights and French Bride's, all three of whom I connect to "crab"-using Bridge's. French Alans are suspect from the Dol Alans of Brittany while Crabs share the Dole fleur-de-lys.

The species of bulldog in the 1979 dream was a British bulldog, same as the fiberglass dog. The British/Braddock surname has lion heads in the colors of the giant lion of Louvains/Louviers, the latter first found in Kent with British's/Braddocks. Then, French Louviers share the checkered Shield of Flamings/Flamingo's. I suggest that Britains had been the Brittanys/Britains in marriage to Bradds because Brittanys/Britains have a star-version of the English Mountain Coat. Montells (not "Montel") could be with the Bread/Bradd lion, and Miss Hicks lived about ten minutes south of a Montell location.

The Coat of Brittanys/Britains looks related both the Pierre's (Languedoc with French Mountains) and Pierro-branch Pero's/Perino's. There seems to be Intelligent Design behind this heraldry that's pointing to the falling, flaming 2nd-Trumpet mountain.

As per BradDOCKs, Scottish Docks/DOGs share the Hamilton cinquefoil while English Docks (Staffordshire with Apophis-connectable Pipe's) share a giant and blue lion with Louvains/Louviers, and the Dock lion is in colors reversed from the giant lion head of Braddock-like Breads/Bradds. The latter were first found in Cheshire with Steels (share Pepoli checks) while BattiSTELLi's share the "pyramid" with Tulls/Toole's, the latter first found in Staffordshire too. French Tulls/Tullia's use "BUTTERflies" and share the pale bar of German Steels. The Alan Chief is shared by French Galli's, first found in Dauphine with Tulls/Tullia's and French Galleys while English Galleys share the checks of English Steels and German Tollers. Plus, Pepoli's were first found in Bologna with the Stelli's who in turn have a giant star in the colors of the stars of Battistelli's and French Galli's, the latter first found in Dauphine with Pans/Pagans/Payens (Dauphine with Tulls/Tullia's) while Stelli's were first found in Bologna with Pack-branch Pasi's, and with Pane's/Panico's. French Pagans/Payens have stars in the colors of the giant Stelli star. The three Pan/Pagan/Payen HEXagrams are shared with Mullets, the latter first found in Auvergne with Tullia of Lyon.

Tulls/Tolle's share the Chief of Drops/TROPE's (Norfolk with Patricks), and while Kilpatricks use "drops" with their dagger, Mrs. Kilpatrick was the "TROPhy girl." Daggers/Dackers were first found in Cumberland with Dockers/DOCTORs, and while Miss Hicks married medical doctor Kilpatrick, Dockers/Doctors have a Crab-connectable bridge in Crest. That is, Bridge's use "crabs."

German Tollers share the checks of Pepoli's while People's are listed with Pepins/Pepys while king Apophis was also "Apepi." German Tollers were first found in Mecklenburg with Tolle-like Dols while Tollers almost have the Coat of German Dole's (share Boyd checks), and it just so happens that English Dole's (Cambridgeshire with Crabs and Pape's/Pope's/Popps) share the triple fleur of Crabs while the Apophis asteroid is returning, visibly to the eye, in the crab constellation.

POPPo I was of GRABfeld, and while English, Pepin-connectable Webbers were first found in Somerset with Bridge's, German Webbers/Weavers share the triple Bright stars, suggesting a Webber-Bridge link. English Weavers almost share the "est" motto term of Pepins/Pepys. We are definitely pointing to the asteroid with Crabs and GRABfeld. The "Gott" motto term of Webbers/Weavers can include German Goods/Guts who use "GARBs." Gotts were first found in Bavaria with Grabfeld.

[Later in this update, I fall upon Lovelace's who explain the wake scene of Sleeping Beauty more than before. English Lovelace's were first found in Somerset with Webbers, and Irish Lovelace's, in English Ghent colors and format, share the Good/Gut garbs. English Goods were first found in Kent with Sleeps.]

Dols share the wavy fesse of Dutch Ghents/Gaunts, in the colors of the wavy fesses of Sea's, and then English Ghents were first found in Hampshire with the Poppins who in turn share a "Mens" motto term with People's/Pepins/Pepys. See that? It all came off of the Kilpatrick blood drops.

The crab constellation is Cancer, and Chaunceurs/Chance's were first found in Essex with English Mountains and Asters/Esters/Sturs. It's as though heraldry has eyes to see the asteroid.

Irish Dole's share the billets of English Steels while English Billets and their Bellow/Bello branch (Cheshire with Steels) share the Hamilton cinquefoil. English Tollers look related to the Coat of "bello"-using Bouillons, and the main thing for this paragraph is that while the 2nd-Trumpet asteroid destroys ships, the Ships/Shiptons use "bellows." Hamiltons were first found in Renfrewshire while Renfrews use a giant ship. The Renfrew ship is even with Dougal-related Scottish Bauds (like "Bud") while the Dougals share the lion of Dole-like Dowells. German Bauds use a "PAX in BELLO" motto, and Dougals can be of the Hamilton-connectable DOGs/Docks, you see. Bellys were first found in Moray with Douglas', and beside the Trope-like Trupe's/Troops. "Dogs' heads" are used by German Pape's/Papeleu's/Papenburgs.

German Dole's are Dals too while Dale's (Yorkshire with Popleys and Hicks') share the swan of Papa's, the latter first found in MiranDOLa.

English Gaunts were first found in Kent with Sea's and Landins/Langdons, and Apophis is LANDING, we could say, because Pepins descend from Pepin of Landen, near Gaunt. Then, Italian Landins/Lande's even share a Coat like the ones of German Tollers and Hykes'/Hacks quadrants. Patricks, sharing the Kilpatrick saltire, were first found in Norfolk with Drops/Trope's and Hyke's/Hake's, but Patricks were moreover from La Lande while Lands are listed with Landens/Landers. Italian Landins/Lande's were first found at the Arno river while Arnold of Metz was a close relative of the wife of Pepin of Landen. We could say that Metz's share a giant besant with Lano's/Lane's/Lanaro's.

The Linardi variation of Leonardo's is interesting where they share the lion of English Marks while Marici co-founded Pavia/Papia with the Laevi Gauls who were in turn also in Novara, where Linardi's/Leonardo's were first found. English Marks were first found in Essex, location of Camulodunum, perhaps in the Pepin and Pipe camel. Pipers share the saltire of Marshalls (both share "leaves") while Bauds were first found in Stirlingshire with NewMarsh's/NewMARCH's. It's the saltire also of Nile-like German Neils/Nails. Marshalls call their leaves, "eDOCK leaves." Tulls/Tolle's were first found in Staffordshire with Pepin-branch Pipe's, with Docks, and with Duck-branch Duce's while German Ducks were first found in Westphalia with Neils/Nails and red-bull Popps/Poppens/Poppels. Staffordshire is also where Hicksons and with Stur-connectable Bassets were first found.

Texas'-like Tax's/Dachs share the star of English Ducks, the latter first found in Somerset with the Borders who in turn share the crossed swords of Tax's/Dachs as well as the Duck and Pape/Pope/Popp star. Fly's (Hampshire with Aster-branch Sturs) in the Tull/Tullia butterflies share the fleur-de-lys of the neighboring Webbers (Somerset with "crab"-using Bridge's and Pepin-beloved Camels) who in turn have the Pepin / Pipe bend-with-fleur in colors reversed.

My question is: couldn't God have arranged an event with Spuds MacKenzie closer to my home than Miss Hicks of Texas? Isn't there a woman having a Hyksos-like surname closer to my home? And isn't there another way to point to the MacKenzie surname besides Spuds MacKenzie? Isn't there another way to prove to Christians that Apophis is landing, aside from the need to have one person, me, learn heraldic connections?

Why do Dutch Flamings/Flamingo's share the Coat of the Texas surname? Because, Pierro's/Pero's were first found on the TESSen river while Tease's/Tess' (first found in Switzerland with the sources of the Tessin river) are also Tex-like Tecks while Pero's/Perino's use "flaming stars." The latter even give their stars flaming tails, like when an asteroid enters the atmosphere. And Stars were first found beside the Aster-branch Sturs.

But is that the only reason that it had to be done in the state of Texas? Is God suggesting that Hyksos were on the Tessin river? The Hicks' have half the Massey fleur-de-lys, and half the Masci fleur-de-lys, and Masci's were first found in Piedmont with Pero's/Perino's, with LAEVI of Novara, and with the BAUTica/BALTea river, the line to Bauts and their Bald branch. The Lys tributary of that river is to the fleur-de-lys of all three surnames. The Cancer-like Chance's/Chaunceur's share the Maschi Chief, and Crabs have half the Masci fleur too. French Chance's were first found in Savoy with French Masseys who in turn share "LEAVES" with Tease's/Tess'/Tecks.

I first began delving into heraldry, in Texas, in about 2005, the same time roughly as delving into the solar-earth distance that tends to show that Apophis is going to crash.

I've not put in as many hours of work in any one thing besides heraldry. It's not what I would have planned for Christian service. Heraldry is a satanic system from the Zionist Crusaders. They founded international bankers. Rothschild bankers became avid Zionists, and they founded modern Israel. Globalist bankers are expected to foment the 666 system with sodomites at their charge. The Banker surname shows only a bend with three chevrons, and a chevron is above the '6' on your keyboard. The Banker surname is in Leslie colors and format, and Leslie's had become earls of Rothes, the location that came to name Rothschilds. The island of Bute was originally, Rothesay. Pollocks, who built Rothes castle and later married Leslie's, were first found in Renfrewshire with Hamiltons and Pack-branch Paisleys. English Pasleys were first found in Berkshire with Lesks who in turn share the triple fesses of Love's/Luffs, the latter first found in Oxfordshire with Bankers.

Although not much, there is a piece of evidence that the 2nd Trumpet is timed after the start of the 1260 days of the 666 system. I assume it's 1260 days long because Christians are protected in the Wilderness, by God, for 1260 days. I assume that, if indeed God is pointing us to the landing of the asteroid in 2029, it's to give us a heads-up on making food preparations a few years before 2029. making sense? The problem is, it seems unlikely that you, reader, would share this update with other Christians, especially if you're afraid of what pre-tribbers would think of you. I wish the evidence for the landing were more solid than through the use of a dream, an heraldic interpretation of it, and a barbecue contest featuring the Kilpatricks with Spuds MacKenzie. I can certainly see why you wouldn't want to share this update. I'll leave this up to God to work out.

Moses was named by the daughter of the exodus pharaoh, and so Moses would have known more than anyone that a bull or calf was this king's god, if indeed it was. When Moses escaped the king's wrath, he married a daughter of the Kenites who possibly named pharaoh Khyan. I have read that Khyan's son did not ascend the throne, but rather it was taken by Apophis. I theorized that Khyan's son was killed by the tenth plague of Moses. MacKenzie's are listed with Kenite-like Kenneths. Coincidence?

There was a Moses/Moesen surname developed possibly by Hyksos liners in the Moesians. It was first found in Shropshire with the Vaughns/Vychans, and Moses'/Moesens have: "The name was also extended to Mostyn, and became attached to Vychan, Lord of Mostyn." Mustins/Mussens (Yorkshire with Hicks) are in Hyke/Hake and Higgs colors and format. Lookie there. Mustins/Mussens have "Gilbert of Ghent" in their write-up, and Ghents share the eagle of Musics/Musys, first found in Brittany with the Dol Alans who moved to Shropshire. Dols share the Dutch Ghent/Gaunt Coat.

Vaughns/Vychans essentially share the Coat of Fish who are in turn in the "fish" of Khyan-like Keons/McCains, Keens and Hyke's/Hake's. The latter share a "calvary" symbol (different colors) with Moses'/Moesens and Crystals (Yorkshire with Mustins/Mussens), and the latter share "Mens" in their motto with Pepins/Pepys and Poppins/Pophams. Yortons/YORKstons, first found in the same Lothian area as Mens', share the Crystal motto, and also share red swords with Mustins/Mussens. Moston is about eight kilometers east of Sleap. Yorton is about three kilometers south-east of Sleap. Were Hyksos to the Selepitanoi Illyrians, the proto-Sleaps?

The Selepitanoi were at lake Scodra, where I trace Scotts, first found in Kent with Sleeps/Sleaps. These Scotts share the border of Scoots/Scougals ("Haec" motto term), first found in East Lothian. Selepitanoi were at modern Bar, and Scottish Bars share the giant Este eagle while English Este's are in the mottoes of "Mens"-using Pepins/Pepys and Roach's.

When I was scouting to buy property down south, my last night was stayed in Crystal City, in April of 1994, seven or eight months before purchasing the Texas property near Miss Hicks. I returned home the next day due to black smoke coming from the tail PIPE. Smoke's are listed with Rauch's while Roach's have a ROCK upon which is a "rising eagle" holding a "fish in its CLAWS." Lake Scodra takes the CLAUSula river, and Claws' are listed with Claus'/Klaus'. Risings were a Rise/Rye branch, and Rise's/Rye's share the Smoke/Rauch bend. The Apophis asteroid landing will confound Rockefeller globalists. Mens' were first found in Midlothian with Feller-branch Falls'/Fallis'.

The Calvary surname was first found in Yorkshire with the Hicks' and Crystals, and Miss Hicks told me she was attending a church in Crystal City (Texas). Hyksos were said to have been "Asians," and Asia is at least beside Mus of Lake Van, where I think the Exodus pharaoh descended from i.e. in order to name Moses after his Mus ancestry. Calvarys almost have the Coat of Mascal-connectable Saddocks, and I can trace Mascals to Mascula of Numidia, home of the Meshwesh who ruled Egypt's so-called 21st dynasty. Saddocks use "ears of rye" while Rise's/Rye's were once said to be first found in Sussex with Saddocks.

"Asia" is like "Axius." The Axe-river Seatons were first found in East Lothian with Keiths/Mascals/Masculs. Ass'/Assi's have an axe head with their "fasces."

Numidia had a queen, Kenza, whom I trace to MacKENZie." AntiPATRIA of the (Kil)Patricks can be to Patria's/Peartree's in the "patria" motto term of Hicks-connectable Leicesters. The latter's motto not only jibes with the motto of the Antipatria-line of Irish Pattersons/Cassane's, but the latter share drops with Kilpatricks and Leicesters. Scottish Pattersons use PELICANs and were first found in Ross-shire with MacKenzie's/Kenneths. PELAGONia (Paioni theater) was near Antipatria, and Pellicans share the tower of Owl-connectable Howells, the latter first found in Monmouthshire with Fane's/VANs/Phone's...whom I trace to Lake Van, home of king Rusa, the line feasibly to the naming of Ross-shire. Fens'/Venns and Fauns/Phones' were first found in Devon with the Hooks sharing the Leicester Coat.

Lake Van was near Gogarene, and Goggers/Gagers are in Pan/Pagan/Paion colors and format while Googe's were first found in ROXburghshire, named by the ROS-Alans (Roxolani) out of Kiev, home also of Varangian Rus. The Rosh of Gog's realm look named after Rusa elements. Goggers/Gagers share the eagle of Sans' in turn in the Gage motto, and Sans' (share SNAKE eagle) are listed with the Snake-like SANGuez's/Sanchez's expected in the "gutee de sang" (blood drops) of SWAN-using Leicesters. Lake SEVAN, named after Lake Van, was the location of Gogarene. The Sans / Snake eagle is shared with Spinks who in turn share the black dog in Crest with Goggins/Coggens (Wales with Googe-branch Goffs/Gough's) and Welsh Bachs/Baghs. Bags (Norfolk with Cockers/Cockets) share the Cock Shield. The Leave's in the Coggin/Coggen Coat were first found in Norfolk. Cocks were first found in Somerset with Oaks who in turn share oak leaves with Goggins/Coggens.

Moses' are said to descend from "Moy," possibly of the variations of Monaco-line Monks (Devon again) who are in Goggin/Coggen colors. Grimaldi's of Monaco share the Bag and Cock Shield, and Monks have a "COCKatrice."

Moses' are said to descend from "Moy," and then German Moyers have a unicorn on a "CASTLE wall" while English Walls look like kin of unicorn-using Masters. Scottish Cassels use the key while Key-branch Kays have a "kinn" motto term while Kinns show a Khyan-like Cyne variation, and they were first found in Lincolnshire with Keon- / Keen- / Kane-beloved Fish. Fish share the rare, WAVY chevron of Pierce's who in turn have unicorn heads in the colors of the Moyer unicorn. Kinns/Cyne's share the double chevrons of Axe-like Ash's/Asch's, and the latter were first found in Devon with an Axe river, with SPURRs, and with Kenns. They are the double chevrons also of Rowells in the "spur rowells" of Pans/Pagans/PAIONs i.e. expected from the Axius-river Paioni.

I trace the Kenites whom Moses married to the Kennati priests of Cetis, then to the Kennedys who share much of the Coat of Scottish Cassels. German Cassels show a castle (but it's called a "tower").

I'm not sure whether the Pagan surname is of "APACHNas," but while Packs share the anchor of Scottish Paisleys/Pasleys, Packers/Peckers were first found in Berkshire with English Pasleys. Panico's were at the Setta valley, and Seatons share the crescents of Bellamys (Shropshire with Moses'/Moesens) while Labels/La Bells are in the "label" of Scottish Pagans. These crescents are in colors reversed with the Kenns, the latter first found in Devon with a Seaton location at the mouth of the Axe river. The Axius was home to the Paioni peoples suspect with the Paion variation of Pans/Pagans/Payens, and this river was probably part of Moesia. The latter has a Pek river with a mouth at PINCum, and Pincs were first found in Yorkshire with Scottish and English Pagans. Pincs share the lozenges of Reno's while Panico's of Setta were on the watershed to the Reno river.

The Axe river is in Devon with the first-known Pagan-like Page's (share dove with Moses/Moesen Crest), and with the first-known Huckabys, and with the first-known Hooks who in turn have a blue-shield version of the Hicks Coat, and moreover the Hooks almost have the Coat of English Pagans. French Page's (have four of the Hook fesses) and Pans/Pagans/Paions were both first found in Dauphine. Hucks share the double chevrons of Dagger-like Dexters/Decksters (Leicestershire), and English Pagans use a dagger. Leicesters share the Hook Coat. Hucks were once said to be first found in Yorkshire with Hicks and Moses-beloved Calvarys, and the latter share owls (different colors) with Hucks.

The Paionian city of Stobi is to the Stubbs (Pipe colors and format), first found in Staffordshire with their Pipe kin, and beside the first-known Moses'/Moesens. The neighboring Leicesters love the Swans/Sions while Sion is/was also "Sitten" while Seatons who named Seaton at the Axe are also Sittens.

Repeat: "'Dogs' heads' are used by German Pape's/Papeleu's/Papenburgs'." Scottish Pape's/Pope's (Elgin, near first-known Bellys) share the checkered fesse of Wearings/Warings, first found in Devon with Wears/Were's who in turn have a "FiuMUS" motto. Wears/Were's share the crosslets of PHOENix-using Tufts/Tuffs'. Wears/Were's (Devon with PHONES') are said to have been one with Giffards who in turn share the motto of English Payne's/Paine's.

Moses'/Moesens (Shropshire with MIDDle's) were first found beside the first-known Tulls/Toole's (pyraMID) while French Tulls/Tullia's share the Moses/Moesen pale bar. Middle's share the lion of Owens and Keons/McCains/OWENs. Owens were first found in Montgomeryshire while MontGOMERys almost share the Hooks and Leicester Coats. The MacOwen variation of Owens could have formed the Cowens/MacCowans who happen to share a "sic itur" motto phrase with MacKenzie's/KENNeths who in turn share the border of English Pagans who in turn share the Montgomery Coat (no border). Keons/Owens share the fish of KEENs.

Owens and Cowens thus look like they are from the Khyan-line Hyksos. Montgomerys (Renfrewshire with Hamiltons) almost have the motto of Kennedy-related Carricks, both first found in Ayrshire with Cowens. The latter are from Charax Proculus, son of king Lupus Laevillus of Cetis, a location in Cilicia along with KIZZUWATna. The Hyksos of Egypt were "Heke KHASEWET."

Months after purchasing a bulldog from Hamilton, I first saw Miss Hicks at her church on the Leakey road for the Purpose of pointing to the Apophis asteroid. The Leakey Chief is shared by Cowens. Leakeys were first found in Lincolnshire with Keon- / Keen-beloved Fish, and with the Armys/Ermine's in Cowen colors and format. Cowens have a Coat version of the Jardins (share Car and Bach/Bag stars), first found in Angus with the Gardens/Jardens suspect in the Carrick and Montgomery mottoes, which include "bien" possibly for the AXE-using Biens.

Montgomerys (Renfrewshire with paisleys) share the anchor of Paisleys and English Packs. At least one writer thinks APACHnas was Khyan by another name. Carrick-like Cars look related to both Peks/Pecks and Bachs/Baghs. Pincum at the Pek river traces to Pinc and English Pagans, both first found in Yorkshire, and English Pagans with Montgomerys almost share the Coat of Hooks and Leicesters while the LEGro river of Leicester is to heraldic legs, for example in the Leakey Crest. Miss Hicks had a leg/knee symbol at the Leakey road's Get'n GO corner store (Camp Wood), which I traced to Gows/McGoo's, yet Cowen-like Gowens (share dagger with Kilpatricks) list a Gow variation too. The same Gowens/Gows use a "torch" while Scottish Turks/Torks were first found in Dumfries with Kilpatricks.

It just so happens that Turks/Torks (Dumfries with flaming-heart Bullys) have a "flaming mount" appearing like a rock. The MacKenzie's have a flaming mountain showing as a rock. Both surnames use "caBOSSed" in their descriptions, and Boss' (Cornwall with Hicks of St. Ewe) share the red bull of French Packs. Turks/Torks (same place as Bells) have a "Pace VEL BELLo" motto!

Is this not amazing since the leg/knee symbol of Miss Hicks got us here to Turks/Torks? Leakeys and Cowens even share the Hicks fleur-de-lys. And Gogarene was in proto-TURKey, at lake Sevan that was also lake LYCHnis (as you can see on the Gogarene link above). The Scottish Licks/Locks (Lanarkshire with Swans/Sions) use swans for a trace to "Sevan," and Gows/McGoo's (Inverness-shire with Grands) happen to share the cinquefoils of French Locks/DesLoges' (Burgundy with French Grands). That is amazing, an heraldic set I'm not very familiar with, i.e. with the inclusion of torch-using Gowens.

"VEL" is a Turk/Tork motto term, and Vela's/Valez's use "torches." Valets share the black greyhound with English Licks/Lucks. Valleys/VELIS' were first found in Northumberland with Knee/NEE-beloved Phoenix's/Fenwicks, traceable to Lake Van. "NE vile" is a motto phase of Griffins and Fane's/Vans/Phone's, and Griffins add "velis." Vile's share the calf with German Bachs/Backs (now show a steer), and the giant Back eagle is with Vela's/Valez's. Valletta, a location on Malta, is likely in the Valet motto, for Malta's are in the colors of the Valets and Vallans/Valletti's. French Mallets are also Malo's while St. Malo is beside Dol while French Alans were first found in Languedoc with Valets and French Falcons.

Valets use a giant "falcon" while English Falcons were first found in Cumberland with Saracens while Sarasins, sharing the moline of Vallans/Valletti's, were first found in Brittany with Dol. Valiants use a Saracen-like "shark," and while the dream with Sleeping Beauty opened with a shark, Sharks were first found in Tyrone with Keon-related Neils. Just follow the bouncing Hyksos to the Saracens of Malta and Sicily.

Sardinia was home to a Visconti branch, and the other branch ruled at Milan, where Boso's were first found whose bull is half red, the color of the Boss bull. Turks/Torks have "A gold ram's head caBOSSed," and Rams were first found in Essex with Rains/Raines', and with Hicks' of Low LEIGHton, the latter named by Legh liners. Rennes is near the Rance river to St. Malo, and the Raines-branch Wrens share the crosslets of WRENch's/Rench's while German RENCH's share the fleur-de-lys of leg-using Leakeys, and of Hicks'. Miss Hicks got her leg/knee symbol at the Get'n GO on the road to Leakey that is officially RANCH road.

GOWers/Gore's almost have the Monan motto while Monans share the double Neil lions, and Gore's/Core's (share white wolf with Gowers/Gore's) share the crosslets of Wrench's/Rench's too. See that? Gowers/Gore's have a "franGAS" motto term while the Get'n Go is (or was) a gas bar as well as a CORNER store. Tork-beloved Vela's/Valez's have "four torches on blue CORNERs". There's two Corner surnames, one sharing the fleur-de-lys of Crabs and Dole's, both first found in Cambridgeshire with Wrench's/Rench's.

Apophis will come from the crab constellation, and become a blazing torch is it hits the earth. Crabs are also Crails while Grails/Neils/Neals share the rock with Torks/Turks, and the latter share a "vel" motto term with Grails/Neils/Neals.

MacKenzie's use an "astra" motto term and a flaming mountain while English Mountains, Chance's/Chaunceurs, and Asters/Sturs were first found in Essex with Turk-beloved Rams (similar to Raines Coat) who are in turn in Crab colors and format! French Mountains were first found in Languedoc with Valets who are of the Turk/Tork motto and traceable to Valletta on Malta! Reines' (not "Raines") use a "comet," and Comets are in the colors and format of dagger-using Comyns/Comine's. Malta's share the lion of Claws'/Clawsons who are suspect in the Crab Crest: "A lion's claw holding a dagger." Clauds/CLAUSels share the acorn (different colors) with Vela-beloved Corners, and Vela's use torches. See that? Miss Hicks has a Rena middle name, and she married a man whose surname was first found in Dumfries with Turks/Torks. The ancient GOK-Turks were likely of "Gog."

Apophis has been predicted to come across earth above northern Africa i.e. near Malta. If it lands near Malta, now you'll know why. It's not far from Corsica, where BattiSTELLi's were first found who share the stars of Bridge-like Brights, the latter first found in Cheshire with Steels and Marble's. One English Bridge surname uses crabs, and the other shares the white griffin with German Steels while English Camels were first found in Somerset with both Bridge surnames. German Camels were first found in Bohemia with the German Franks who in turn share the "column" with Malta's.

The griffin of Marble's and German Camels is in the colors of the griffin heads of Camps while the Get'n Go is in Camp Wood. Campbells/CAMMELLs are in Camp colors. CAMULodunum was in Essex with Low LEIGHton. Leightons/Leytons were first found beside Cheshire's Leghs/Leigh's/Leys. While "GET'N Go" can point to Gethins/Gittins/Giddens, the latter were first found in Cheshire with Giddy Hall, the latter being where Steels were first found. Giddys/Geddys (Nairnshire with Rats/Raids) can take us to Pike-loving Geddes', and Picks/Pix's were kin of Woods and RATTerys. Camp WOOD. Woods were first found in LEICestershire with the LEGro river, and Rattery (see Hood write-up) is a location in Devon, where English Pike's were first found. Woods love Cheshire's Savage's/Sava's.

We're not done showing Intelligent Design, for Gettes' share the saltire of French Loge's while Gows/McGoo's share the cinquefoils of Locks/DesLOGES' (Burgundy with Loge's). English Loge's/Lodge's (Suffolk with English Mallets) share the Malta / Claws lion.


When hearing of Pam Lovelace (running for mayor in eastern canada), I checked for a Lovelace surname to see whether what God said to me in the Sleeping Beauty dream can be opened up, for I'm not satisfied with the pointers thus far. In the dream, he said to me, "What are you waiting for, it's you SHE LOVES, GO wake her." I then inadvertently touched her knee, which woke her, and then she got a knee symbol at the Get'n GO. "GO wake her." Wake's were first found in Lincolnshire with Leakeys having a leg bent at the knees. Giant-leg Prime's, suspect in the Lakey motto, were first found in Lincolnshire. Lakey variations can be of the Lace's/Lacys in LoveLACE's.

English Lovelace's probably share the cup of Bole's/Bolls, first found in Lincolnshire who in turn can be linked to Bulls/Bule's, first found in Somerset with Lovelace's and sharing the white bull with French Mountains. If we can point this set of Lovelace heraldry to the Apophis asteroid, not their Lawless variation, for the anti-Christ will be the lord of lawlessness.

[Insert -- Late in the week, I remembered the LAWyers/Layards sharing the double-ermined fesses of Sleeps. Sleeping Beauty was LAYing down (in a hover) when she fell asleep. German Layers/Leirs were first found in Ulm while German Ulmans have the Sleap / Lawyer/Layard Coat but without the ermines. They are similar to the Love/Luff Coat. Loffers/Loefflers (Austria with Ulmans) have double chevrons in the colors of the double Ulman fesses. Dutch Loefs show only axes while there's an Axe river in Somerset, where English Lovelace's were first found. Layers/Leirs share the "covered cup" with English Lovelace's. Therefore, it seems that "it's you she loves" needs to include Lovelace's with certainty. But why? What's God's bottom line?

The Loef axes are in saltire in the colors of the "shin bones" in saltire of Newtons. And then while Shins/Chine's were first found in Somerset too, STURminster-Newton (Dorset with Beautys) is on the Stour river near the Somerset border. The Arms of Sturminster-Newton has a saltire in the colors of the Newton saltire. The Newton Crest has an "EASTERn prince", and Asters/Sturs are also Easters. Is God's bottom line a pointer to the asteroid? Easter in 2029 is on April 1, 12 days before Apophis is scheduled.

Hicks-connectable English Bone's were first found in Sussex with the Hams and Hammers in Loef / Newton colors, but also in Dutch Hamel colors. There's a good chance that Dutch Loefs were related to these same-colored Hamils. Miss Hicks married Hamilton Kilpatrick, and while Hamiltons of Arran's Brodick castle were related to McBride's (Arran), the latter's Coat is incorporated by English Ulmans. The Sleeping Beauty dream started with a shark and BRITISH bulldog, and British's are listed with Brodicks, what are the chances? McCabe's (Dutch Hamil colors), first found in Arran, share the "salmon" of Hams. End insert]

As it turns out, Scottish Lovelace's share the triple cups of Scottish Shaws while English Shaws share a Shea variation with Irish SHEE's. "It's you SHE LOVES." Shee's/Shea's even share the Hook and Masci fleur-de-lys, and Shaws/Shea's were first found in Berkshire with the Pasleys who in turn share the triple fesses of the neighboring Love's/Luffs! Isn't that amazing? Yes, because Berkshire is where Lesks were first found who come up as Less' while Lovelace's are also LoveLESS'!

Lovicks/Lofwicks share the black bull with Beautys, and the Sleap location of Sleeps is in Shropshire with the first-known Luffkins.

"It's you she loves" can only mean that her Hyksos ancestry ties to my mother's mother, Miss Masci. Miss Hicks even married Kilpatricks who share the Masci fleur-de-lys. My mother was born seven miles from L'Aquila, where KEY-using Sheaves'/Chiava's were first found, and Shea's/Shaws are likewise Sheaves'. Shee's/Shea's share the Masci fleur too, and Hicks almost have the Massey fleur. Love's/Luffs were kin of MUSCats, but because Chives' look like they use the Mosca leopard but call it a "cat-a-MOUNTAIN," note "MusCAT," for Italian Sheaves' are also Chives-like Chiava's. Chivasso is in Piedmont, where Masci's were first found. Chives' are connectable to the quadrants of Aquila-like Keele's/Kills, first found in Lincolnshire.

My mother was born in PICENze, and Justine of PICENum is to the Justine's (Perthshire with Scottish Shaws) who share the MacKENZie border. Queen KENZa of Numidia may have been (I can't remember) from the land of the SHAWia. The latter have alternative names like the Chiava variation of Sheaves'. There you have a very strong pointer of this dream to the Apophis asteroid. Scottish Shaws share the triple Lovelace cups.

Irish Lovelace's use "wheatSHEAVES" while Wheats/Whate's are in What/Wadcock colors. He said, "WHAT are you waiting for, it's you she loves..." Love-like English Lobe's share the Love/Luff and Muscat lion head. Whats/WadCOCKs (Essex with Mountains and Asters/Sturs) are in Star/Starmer colors and format, and another "cat-a-mountain" is with Aster-connectable Stars/Starmers (Wiltshire, near the Stur river of Asters). Then, amazingly, Storms/Stormers share the triple Love/Luff fesses! They are triple-red fesses, the colors of the triple fesses of Sturs/Stowers, first found in Hampshire with Chance-branch Chase's/Chace's. "Astra" is a motto term of Mountain-loving MacKenzie's.

Stormys share the lion in the Patty Crest while "patitur" is a Shea/Shaw/Sheaves motto term. It's suggesting that Pattys were a Kilpatrick branch, for Lovelace's and Aster liners are to topic with Mrs. and Mr. Kilpatrick. Kilpatrick castle was on the Nith river of Dumfries, and Nitts/naughts (Dumfries) share the Patty lion as heads. Irish Kilpatricks, sharing the LOVick/Lofwick saltire, share the Shee/Shea fleur-de-lys.

Pattys were first found in Worcestershire with the Wings/WINKs while "VINCit" is another motto term of Shea's/Shaws/Sheaves'. Lovelace's and English Pile's were first found in Somerset with the Wing/Wink-connectable Hagels; the latter two share the same pile while French Pile's/Pillars are listed with Pilots while English Lace's use "pellets" while Pellets and Pilotte's/Pillers/Pillows share the Lovelace cups. It tends to assure that Lovelace's were created as per a Love-Lace marriage.

Plus, Lovelace's were first found in Somerset with Leavells/LOVells while Walerans, from Waleran de Percival of Leavell, share the Lovick/Lofwick bull heads! Percivals (Somerset) have a black bear head in Crest to go with the black bear in the Stormy Crest. Percivals share the PATEE crosses of Masci-branch Massena's.

Plus, Stormys are in the colors of the Este and Pepin/Pepy horse heads, and these Este's were first found in Essex with Mountains, Asters/Sturs and Chance's/Chaunceurs. Stars/Starmers were first found in Wiltshire, and then here's from the Stormy write-up: "Cowsfield-Esturmy in Wiltshire, and Lysse-Sturmy, in Hampshire, were two of his manors." LYSSE-Sturmy must be of the Less-like Lise's/Liss', first found in Hampshire with Sturs/Stowers, and Irish Loveless' do come up as "Loveliss." The new-to-me Aster/Stur write-up has Esters early in Somerset with English Loveless'! Amazing.

Apophis-like Poppins/Pophams (Hampshire with Liss' and Sturs/Stowers) have a "Mens priSTINa mansit" motto to go with the "man" in the Crest of Irish Loveless'. Stine's/Steins (Case colors and format), first found in Norfolk with Chase-like Case's, were a branch of Stevensons/Steinsons, the latter first found in Essex with Asters/Esters/Sturs and Este's. Chase-branch Chance's (Essex) are cancer-like Chaunceurs! It's as though heraldic links have all-seeing eyes for the asteroid. Stein-branch Stains were first found in Middlesex with Essex's who in turn share the eagle of Italian Este's.

The other Stevensons/Steinsons were first found in Northumberland with Laws while Loveless' are also Lawless'. Ignoring the Law roosters, Laws are in Stine/Stein and Case colors and format. Italian Case's/Casino's share the triple fesses of Chance-like Change's, first found in Hampshire with Chace's/Chase's and Cassane's. The latter share the triple chevrons of Essex's Muschats while Muscats were first found in the same place as Crabs! Thus, the motto of Apophis-like Poppins brings us to this Cancer-the-crab outcome that's splashed with Aster branches.

This asteroid must be a hunk-a-hunk of burning love, for "pristina" can be partly for Presley-connectable Press'. Presleys have red COCKatrices to go with the red roosters of Cocks and Laws. Presleys use two symbols of Abreu's/Abruzzo's while L'Aquila is the Abruzzo capital. Laws were first found in the Northumberland with Este-beloved Horse's, and with horse-head and Abreu-like Hebrons who in turn have a "tryst" motto term while Trysts are listed with Trice's expected in "cockaTRICE."

Press' share the Irish Neil estoiles, and while they are red estoiles, the color of the Colchester estoiles, the Arms of Colchester has nails while German Neils are Nails too. Colchester (in Essex) was CAMULodunum, and Este-beloved Pepins/Pepys use a camel head. Crows, using a camel head too, were first found in Norfolk with Case's while Scottish Caseys have "crow" heads. Love's/Luffs were first found in Oxfordshire with Crow-branch Crawls (another camel head).

English Este's and Bays are said to be first found in Colchester, and Bays share the double fesses of Northumberland's Manners/Maness', a branch of Mens' in the Poppin and Pepin mottoes. Press' share the black footLESS martlet with Mens-related Glenns and Glennys (share Mens and Poppin Chief-Shield combo). Press' are also Prests expected in the "pristina" motto term of Poppins.

I see Bruce's (from "Brusi") and Presleys/Priestlys both from "Abruzzi," generally the founders of York as "Eboracum" from the Ebroicum of Eure and Evreux. Press-like Bress', first found in Silesia with Lovelace-connectable Brocuffs, show only pellets, as do English Lace's (Yorkshire with Bruce's and Presleys/Priestlys).

Previously, Asters/Sturs were said to be first at TOURlaville in Normandy's Manche. French Chance's were first at TOURaine, and Comets use Tour-connectable towers in the colors of the giant Tower tower, and Towers have: "[they] were the Lords of the manor of Lowick or LOFwick...others branched south to Sowerby in Lincolnshire, and Isle of ELY. Others of this family adopted the name Lowick and Lofwick and remained in Lancashire." Lofwicks are listed with LOVicks! Ely's are in the colors and near format of Love/Luff-related Muscats because the latter were at Ely too.

It's now important that early Esters were first found in Somerset with Lovelace's and Weeks/Wichs, and in Dorset with Beautys whose bulls are in the colors of the Lovick/LofWICK bull heads. The Este horse HEADs can be of the same-colored Head/Heed unicorn heads, and the latter were a branch of Haydens (Norfolk with Heads/Heeds and Patricks) who share the Beauty bull because Beautys were first found in Dorset with Hats/Hades' who in turn share the cross of the other Norfolk Haydens. This cross is in the colors of the PATONCE crosses of Chase's/Chace's and Chance's/Chaunceurs, and while flame-using Patents/Patients (Popley/Poppey colors and format) were first found in Dumfries with Scottish Kilpatricks, English Patents/PATTENS' were first found in Essex with the four main pointers to the Apophis asteroid, including the Pepin/Pepy-beloved Este's.

Patents/PATTENS' share the LESlie Crest while Leslie-related and Chase-like Case's and Fountains were first found in Norfolk with Este-connectable Heads/Heeds and Haydens, and Cass'/Cash's (share "fountains" with Kiss'/Cush's) were first found in Cambridgeshire with Crabs and Ely. Case's happen to share the Aster/Ester/Stur bend, perfect for a pointer to Apophis in the Cancer constellation.

After I woke her, she and I were HUGGing while rising into the sky, and Hugs (Languedoc with Font-de-Ville's and Mountains) share two symbols of the Norfolk Fountains/Fonts. We were HOLDing while RISING into the SKY, and McLeods/Clouds of SKYE and Lewis have a "Hold fast" motto while Fasts and Flags were first found in Norfolk with Risings/Risons. McLeods/Clouds and Font-de-Ville's share "flags."

While McLeods/Clouds put a bull white head between two flags, once showed the septs of McLeods/Clouds wherein their bull head was black, the colors of the Lovick/Lofwick bull head, and the colors of the Beauty and Hayden bull. McLeods/Clouds were first found on Skye and LEWIS, and Lewis' were first found in Glamorganshire with Irish Lovelace's. The neighboring Fane's/Vans share a white bull head in Crest with McLeods/Clouds. Lewis' share a green dragon with Irish Kilpatricks, and blood drops with Scottish Kilpatricks (CUSHions). I woke her by brushing her KNEE with my hand, and while Knee's are also Nee's, "Ne" is a Fane/Van motto term.

The "J'avance" motto of English Este's can be for the Vance's/Fanns who in turn share the bend-with-stars of Laws while Loveless' are also Lawless'. Laws share the red rooster with Cocks, the latter first found in Somerset with English Loveless'. The "fasque" motto term of Laws can go with the "fasces" symbol of Ass'. The latter were first found in SHETland while Sheets were first found in Norfolk with the case's whose bend-with-buckles are in the colors of the bend-with-stars of Laws. It makes me wonder whether God fashioned a rapture with Miss Hicks and I as per taking us from the lawless one.

Skye-like Sykes' come up as "Sich," and while "AS astra SIC" is a MacKenzie motto phrase, Sykes'/Sichs share both the Kiss/Cush "fountains" and chevron. While Ass' are also Assi's, "Assiduus" is a Sykes/Sich motto term. While the Sykes/SICH chevron is shared by English Shea's/Shaws/Sheaves' who in turn have a "patITUR" motto term to go with "SIC ITUR," Shea's/Shaws/Sheaves' have "SIX arrows".

The WadCOCK variation of Whats is amazing because my mother's maiden name, Grimaldi, is one sharing the Shield of English Cocks, first found in Somerset with Lovelace's. While Cocks share the red rooster with Kiss'/Cush's (leg-line Leicestershire), I was going to kiss Sleeping Beauty awake, probably on her cheek, because, one may gather, Cheeks/Checks/Chicks (Oxfordshire with Love's/Luffs) share the FITCHee-style cross (both red) of Love's/Luffs!!! The latter were kin of Muschats/MontFITCHets, first found in Essex with Fitch's/Fitchets and Whats/Wadcocks! I get it. The it's-you-she-loves scene was not so fully decipherable as now that I've come to Lovelace's.

Cheek-like Checkers share a Shield filled with checks of Nitts/Naughts, from the Nith river of the Kilpatrick castle, more evidence that the dream was going to have a kiss on Mrs. Kilpatrick's cheek as a pointer to Love's. Lobe's were first found partly in Oxfordshire with Cheeks/Checks/Chicks, and Chichs/Chocks (Essex colors and format) were first found in Essex with Asters/Sturs while Checkers were first found in Hampshire with Sturs/Stowers. And ChichESTERS, wow, share the Texas Coat, another Shield filled with checkers!

To nail Chichesters to the Ester variation of Asters/Sturs, they share a "stork" in Crest with Choke's, first found in Berkshire (beside Oxfordshire of the Cheeks/Checks/Chicks!), and then the stork head is used by Store's/Sturys! Stormer-connectable Pasleys, with the triple Choke fesses in colors reversed, were first found in Berkshire too! It's all good, I get excited whenever I witness with my own eyes that God has granted the dream, but the importance here is overwhelming, a pointer to the asteroid, and probably not because it's only going to strike some far-out satellites, but probably because it's going to plunge, or SKIP, into the SEA.

SKIPtons, first found in Yorkshire with English Lace's, share the purple lion with Irish Lace's, and Skipps/SKIPPERs -- appropriate for cargo ships at sea -- were first found in Essex with Asters, etc. Seamans were a Sea branch, and while Seamans use a sea horse, Horse's were first found in Northumberland with Store's/Sturys. Purple is the color given to the whore of Revelation 17, whom in chapter 18 is depicted as world trade, which includes cargo ships. Ships, with a Skipton-like Shipton variation, I kid you not, were first found in Oxfordshire with Cheeks/Checks/Chicks and Love's/Luffs! This asteroid is the love of God for the Church.

The Choke's share the Coat of Chalks/Chalkers, first found in Kent not only with Chaucers, but with Sleeps who have two of the Choke fesses! Is that a beauty or what? And Kent is where Sea's were first found who share triple-wavy and white fesses with Choke's and Chalkers!!! See that? I kissed her on the cheek, and Kiss'/Cush's use triple-wavy fesses inside of roundels (called "fountains") while Rundels/Roundels were first found in Kent too. Their Alan kin were first found in Shropshire with Sleap. Arundels were in Sussex with the first-known Keeps. Kepke's/Kopke's are in Trump colors and format.

Alan-like Elon Musk is coming to mind again with his Starlink satellite system because Keeps share the "weaver's shuttle" with Shuttleworths/SHETTLEworths, the latter first found in Lancashire with SATELLite-like Settle's who in turn share the Star/Starmer lozenges. Leslie-connectable Starlings/Starlincks were first found in Suffolk with Kepke-connectable Kidds. Shuttleworths share the bear in Crest with Stormys.

I've told of the time that my date, Diane MUSCHATov (or perhaps Muscatov), said to me that she almost CHOKED on a CHICKen bone. Bone's were first found in Sussex with Keeps and Diane's/Deans/Dene's, and their Bonn branch was first found in Oxfordshire with Cheeks/Chicks. I shown how Irish Dene's link to the crocodile leather shoes of Michael Zlochevsky's shoe boutique in Kiev (Ukraine capital). Musks are listed with Muscats, and Diane's parents were Ukrainian (had accents), as is Kepke's father (no accent), the line of Kiev's namers. Ukraine's war against Russia depends on the Starlink system. What happens to the West's capabilities if the asteroid cripples it? "Crocodile"-using Dene's were first found in Galway with MacKenzie-branch Kennys.

When something like a rock strikes a satellite as a long shot, it can be called a "kiss."

Shoe's list Shooks while Shake's/Shicks are also Shocks, and the star-using Shoe's/Shocks love the Knights, first found in Suffolk with STARlincks and Tigers. TREFoil-using Linch's were first found in Galway with Irish Teague's/Teegers. German Teegers have a giant star. Kiev's Trypillians are to shoe-using Trips/TREFFs.

Chichesters were first found in Devon with Sea- and Seaman-connectable Tuckers/Tokers (another sea horse). Teague-branch Tucks/Ticks/Toke's were once said to be first found in Kent. Note that English Carlsons share the CHICKen and Shake/Shick/Shock chevron, both first found in the same place. Tucker Carlson is a major spokesman against the Ukraine-Russia war. He's best known for working at Fox news, and a fox head is in the Crest of Ship-beloved Bellows. The latter's Billet branch was first found in Devon with Chichesters.

If the asteroid skips on the sea, it'll come low along the earth surface for a loooong ways, visible by more people and ships. Ships/Shiptons use "bellows," and an asteroid will cause sea billows to roll. Bellows list Billows. Ships/Shiptons were first found in Oxfordshire with Peare's while Cargo's/Cargills share the Peerless/NAPIER saltire. The Rockefellers, money grubbers, are from the Roxolani of the NAPARis river, now the IALOmita, and Yellows were first found in Oxfordshire too. The Domino's in the Cargo/Cargill motto were first found in Piedmont with Pero's/Perino's. The Fido's ("Industria" motto) suspect in the Cargo/Cargill motto were first found in KinCARDINEshire, where PEARtree's/Patria's, linkable to Pierro's/Pero's/Petri's, were once said to be first found. Peare's share the Fido stars.

Peartree's/Patria's (share "Fide" with Cardine's), sharing the Trump stag head, are now said to be first found in neighboring Aberdeenshire with giant-LEG PROphets/ProFETTs while Fido's list Fette's. Trumps almost have the Legg Coat, itself almost the MacKenzie Coat. The FALSE Prophet might just be God's way of indicating the Rockefellers, for FALLs'/Fallis' were a Feller branch. Falls'/Fallis' were kin of Breads/Bradds, first found in Cheshire with Billows, Fido-branch Foots/Foods, Leghs/Leigh's and Cardine's. The Suns in the Peartree/Patria Crest are listed with Sinclairs, and Sinclairs of Roslin (Midlothian with Falls'/Fallis' ruled Orkney, where Cargills are said to have been.

As I've told a few times of my kiss on the cheek of the lady friend of Mr. Kepke, when she got into my FIREbird, I'll add, for what it's worth, that German Tuckers were first found in Nuremberg with Keips (giant horse to go with sea horses) and Kopple's while Kepke's/Kopke's share the upright goat of English Kidds, the latter first found in Suffolk with Seamans and Chickens (Star/Starmer chevron in colors reversed). Keips almost have the FIRE Coat. Her surname is from Wallachia, which may have covered the Naparis river.

She was his girl immediately after he almost married Miss Peare. Peare's were first found in Oxfordshire with Cheeks/Checks/Chicks, and Pero's/Perino's have "flaming stars." Perrins were first found in Northumberland with Store's/Sturys, with Keep-loving Hebrons, and with Lovelace-connectable Laws who share the bend-with-stars of Scottish Vaux's/Vance's while English Vaux's share the checkered Chichester Shield. Checkers were first found in Hampshire with Keppe's/Cheppe's.

Her name is Kim Walsh, and one Walsh/Walch surname shares a "numine" motto term with Irish Lovelace's who in turn share the garbs of Sticks (Somerset with English Lovelace's) in the "candleSTICKs" of Kepke-branch Koops/Kupe's. Irish Walsh's/Walchs were first found in KilKENNY. The Trans' suspect in the motto of Irish Walsh's (share Terent chevron), listed with Trents but capable of pointing to transexuals, were first found in Somerset with Borders. Trans'/Trents look like they share the swords in saltire of Kepke-beloved Borders/BOARDers, and Boards were first found in Sussex with Keeps.

This kiss to the cheek of a WALCH liner can jibe with the near-kiss to Sleeping Beauty because Walks/WACHs were first found in Dumfries with Kilpatricks, and because she was about to WAKE with the kiss. See that? Why would God cause a kiss to Miss Walsh way back in my 20th year to jibe with the wake scene of Beauty? The dream was near the end of my 21st year.

As I said, upset at him, she slammed my car door on Kepke, and he sat on a curb in the parking lot. A year or so later, I almost crashed into a curb at a traffic light returning from seeing CHEECH and Chong live. The Curbys/Kirkbys share the crescents of Irish Heffers, and Hovers are also Hoffers. Lovelace's were first found in Somerset with English Heffers, and with the Coffers sharing the Curby / Heffer crescents. I was going to kiss Beauty while she HOVERed in her car.

I will repeat, I am not making up a story. I was on Major MacKenzie drive at a red light after seeing Cheech and Chong. When it turned green, I turned onto Woodbine, but the turn was too sharp. I was headed right to the meridian's curb, and stopped just in time. I had been drinking. The point is, Major MACKENZIE!!! I get it. Was God working with me even in my drinking / doping days? You can find the curb and Cheech-and-Ching story in my 2nd update of October, 2022.

I've just loaded Curbys/KIRKby to see their anchor. The anchor-using Majors have a Coat similar to the one of Kirks, and the meridian event was at MAJOR MacKenzie drive. The Kirk Chief even has a thistle while Thistle's/Thissels were first found in the Channel Islands with Majors. That's incredible. The kiss to Kim Walsh in my FIREBIRD is pointing to Apophis. We were at a bar, and I had been drinking.

[Insert -- Cheech's/Cheeks/Checks, first found in Oxfordshire with Ships, share the red patee-fitchee of Belts, and then Bellows/BELETs are in the "bellows" of Ships/SHIPTONs. Belts were first found in Essex with Asters/Sturs and CHAUNCEURs. The SKIPTONs married by Meschins were also Rumillys, interesting where the latter have a "ROCK" and were first found in the same place as same-colored Crabs. Later in this update, I discover that the Orion constellation is beside CANCER the crab. The Bellows/Belets are also BILLOWS, a potential pointer to sea billows from Apophis. Alice of Rumilly was a Meschin on her father's side. End Insert]

The Kenns (Devon with Wise's and Moline's) share the crescents of German Julians, first found in Saxony with Kepke's, and with the Weiss' sharing the goat of Moline's and Walsh-branch Walsers (axe probably for Axe river of Devon or Somerset). Walsers were named by the Wallis canton, location of Sion, explaining why Irish Walsh's use the swan. It's a pierced swan, and Pierce's/Piers were first found in Somerset with Trans'/Trents, Tarrs and Coffers. Terents/Tarrents are in Higg and Hyke colors and format, and I wanted to kiss Miss Hicks on the cheek (only in the dream, 15 years before I first saw her). The Arms of Taranto is much like the Coffee/Coffer Crest which itself shares the green dolphin in Crest with French's, and the latter, first found in Devon, almost have the Kiss/Cush Coat.

I saw Cheech and Chong in Taranto-like Toronto. Chechnya comes to mind. There is a Muslim leader (Kadyrov) of Chechnya who serves Putin in the Ukraine war. His conversion to Islam makes him a candidate for the anti-Christ. Kepke's father is Ukrainian. Cheek-related Love's/Luffs were close to Muscats, suspect from Ukrainian Muscatovs. I dated Diane Muschatov in my 22nd year, 10 or 11 months after the Beauty dream. I thought she might be the women in the dream, because both are blond, and because I was convinced from the start that God gave the dream to foretell my future wife. I was wrong about the latter part.

Kepke and I CADDied at a golf course at age 13/14 at CEDARbrae golf course in Toronto. KADYRov. Cedars/Cottars were first found in Oxfordshire with Cheech's/Cheeks/Checks/Chicks. Caddys were first found in Yorkshire with Keppochs. Here's a headline from this week: "Chechen warlord [Kadyrov] accuses Elon Musk of ‘remotely disabling’ his Cybertruck." Musks are listed with Muscats.

ROXolani were at the south of Kiev while Scottish Walsh's were first found in ROXburghshire. The Roxolani named Roquefeuil, and Isabel of Roquefeuil married HUGH of RODez, explaining why green TREFoils are shared between English Rocks and Rods. It therefore seems that God set this marriage up to be pointed to by the asteROID rock. Royds are listed with Rhodes' (Yorkshire with same-colored Keppochs). Trips/TREFFs (shoes) were from Trypillians of Kiev, and Mr. Kepke was a shoe salesman when he met Miss Peare.

Hugh-like Hugo's share the mermaid with Walsers, and while Hugo's were first found in Basel, Basels (Yorkshire with Lace's and Bruce's) share the pellets of English Lace's while Pellets share the Lovelace and Pilotte cups while French Pile's/Pilots share the Hugh Coat. Basels share the Bress Coat, and while Brush's were a Bruce branch, I brushed the knee of Miss Hicks with my hand, and when she awoke with this brush, she popped into my arms for a HUG.

We emBRACEd, and Brush-like Bracebridge's were first found in Lincolnshire with Wake's and GRASSE's (Bruce and Brush lion in colors reversed). I GRAZEd her knee with my hand. Hands are in the colors and format of Lovelace- / Pellet- beloved Cups/Cope's (Aberdeenshire with Starlinck-connectable Leslie's), and Brush's were first found in Suffolk with Starlincks and Starlinck-beloved Buckle's. Hands were first found in Cheshire with Buckleys.

Back to Whats/Wadcocks (part of her wake scene), said to use "roosters" while Roosts/Rusts (Kent with Sleeps) use fitchees while Sleeps have two fesses colors reversed from the two of Muscats. The latter were first found in Cambridgeshire with Crabs and Kiss-branch Cass'/Cash's. Crabs share the fleur-de-lys of Plows. Sleap is in Shropshire with the first-known Meschins and Plows. The latter were kin of CURTis' ("plowshare" in Crest) while Courts/Coverts were first found in Sussex with Keeps, Coopers and the Pellet-branch of Plow-like PILLOWs (sleep theme) in turn sharing the Lovelace Coat.

I can even link Kiss'/Cush's to the Bibo "cushion." SLEEP THEME. Pillows were first found in Lincolnshire with Wake's, Messier's, and le-Meschin's wife. French Messier's were first found in Burgundy with Pillow-branch Pilate's/Pilotte's.

While Pillows were first found in Lincolnshire with Bole's/Bolls and Bolingbroke's, Lace-beloved Pellets were first found in Sussex with the Saddocks in turn sharing the Boling Coat, yet Sussex is also where Coverts/Cofferts and Courts/COVERTs were first found while Lovelace's, Pellets and Pillows (Plow and Curtis colors) have "gold COVERED cups."

Mystery BABYLon of Revelation 17 holds a gold cup filled with lawlessness while BABELs/Babwells (Sussex with Courts/Coverts) almost have the six pale bars of Courts/Coverts. That's making sense.

Curtis' have "A FARMER holding over his shoulder a PLOWshare." English Farmers, first found in Essex with Muschats/Montfitchets, share the lion heads of Muscats and Love's/Luffs. Courts/Coverts were first found in Sussex with the farmer-beloved Leopards, and Coverts/Cofferts (Sussex with leopard-face COUPers/Coppers) use the leopard face while Face's were first found in Northamptonshire with Cup-branch Coops (share Masci / Shee/Shea fleur). English Farmers have "buck's heads COUPed." Cups/Cope's were first found in Aberdeenshire with Less-like Leslie's and Chiava-like Chives'. Chiava's are listed with Sheaves' while English Shea's/Shaws/Sheaves' were first found in Berkshire with Less'/Lesks. Cat-using Croms were once said to be first found in Berkshire, and Crombys were first found in Aberdeenshire with cat-a-mountain Chives'.

Irish Lace's/Lass' share the purple lion with Meschin-related Skiptons, and Skipps/Skippers were first found in Essex with Muscat-branch Muschats. Hyksos must have been related to Masci elements around L'Aquila, for Aquila's share the Coat of Italian Este's while English Este's, in the Pepin/Pepy motto, were first found in Essex too, with Hicks of Low Leighton. Leightons/Leytons were first found in Shropshire with Meschins. Itta, wife of Pepin of Landen, could be in "IT's you she loves," because this is yet another way to point to king Apophis/Apepi.

The other fleur of Shee's/Shea's is shared with MacKenzie-connectable Kennys (probably branches), the latter first found in Galway while cat-using Galways, who share a "vincit" motto term with Shaws/Shea's and one of the Kenny surnames, love the Crab-loving Bridge's. The latter were first found beside the cat-using Stars, yet Stars also love Mountains, as do MacKenzie's/Kenneths. Isn't this a pointer to the asteroid?

More: I've told a million times that her wake scene had she and I RISING together into the sky because Rhizon was beside Kotor, both locations near or amid the SELEPitanoi Illyrians. Kotor-like Cutters (Dorset with Beautys, beside Somerset's Lovelace's) are in Lovelace colors and format! Lovelace's are new to me today. Cutters were first found in Dorset with the Newmans/Numans suspect in the "numine" motto term of Irish Lovelace's/Lawless'.

Cutters love the Dragons, first found in Kent with Sleeps. Irish Lace's/Lass' use an "eagle RISING" while Eagle's/Hegels were first found in Lincolnshire with Wake's, Bole's/Bolls, and Drain-related Blacks. English Dragons are DRAINers too. Hagels were first found in Somerset with Lovelace's/LoveLASS' and Bulls/Bole's. Dragon-using Drake's love the Muscas variation of Mosca's in their motto that also includes "Aquila." The Arms of L'Aquila has the Aquila-like eagle, and Masci's love Wings/Winks who share the lone pile of Eagle-connectable Hagels.

Irish Lovelace's, in the colors and format of English Ghents (Hampshire with Drake's), were first found beside Monmouthshire, and the latter is where Fane's/Vans were first found who can trace to Mus of Lake Van, and who moreover use "GAUNTlets." Ghents named Gaunt. English Gaunts were first found in Ghent- and Kenneth-like Kent, and the Coat of Kents (Berkshire with Shea's/Shaws) look related to English Lovelace's and Cutters. Kents share the Chance/Chaunceur lion, which is in colors reversed with their Chase/Chace branch (Hampshire).

Lincolnshire is where BolingBROKE's were first found while Broke's/Bricks and Brocuffs (Silesia with German Dragons) share the Chief-Shield colors of Lovelace's. Bolingbroke's (Lincolnshire with Pilotte's/Pillows) were from LUCY of Bolingbroke. The Pellets in the pellets of English Lace's/Lass' (Yorkshire with English Bush's) share the cups of Lovelace's, Bole's, and Pellet-branch Pilotte's/Pillows. Pillow-like Plows (Shropshire with Sleap) share the Crab and German-Bush fleur-de-lys. Bowles' look like kin of German Bush's both of whom share the black boar with English Bole's.

"It's YOU she loves" looks like a pointer to EWE's because they have a Cuish variation while KISS' are also Cush's. Not only do Kilpatricks use "cushions," and not only do Ewe's/Cuish's share the giant Cusson eagle, but when I was told to wake her, I decided to KISS her awake.

Repeat from above: "Later in this update, I fall upon Lovelace's who explain the wake scene of Sleeping Beauty more than before. English Lovelace's were first found in Somerset with Webbers, and Irish Lovelace's, in English Ghent colors and format, share the Good/Gut garbs. English Goods were first found in Kent with Sleeps." Ghents share the MUSIC/MUSSET eagle, and Miss Hicks gave me her music CASSETTE. Cass'/Cash's are also CASTs, and MUSTs are listed with Muscats having the double Sleep fesses in colors reversed.

The Lovelace garbs (or sheaves) are also used by English Singers (Devon with Wise's) while Miss Hicks was a studio-recording singer. German Singers (almost the Webber/Weaver Coat) share the hexagrams of Weis'/Wise's, kin of Webbers/Weavers. Lovelace's were first found in Somerset with the Sticks who share the Singer garbs. English Goods were first found in Kent with the Sanguez-connectable Snake's/Snooks, and Singers are Sangs/Sangers too.

The top half of the English Singer/Sanger Coat is in the colors and near-format of a Kenny Chief. These Singers/Sangers share "vincit" with the Shea/Shaw/Sheaves and Kenny motto, and the "patITUR" motto term of the Shea's/Shaws/Sheaves' is suspect for the Itureans that I think named king IDRis, husband of KENZa of AURES, in Numidia, land of the SHAWia Numidians/Meshwesh. MacKENZie's use "as astra sic ITUR," you see, and Shee's/Shea's share the fleur of MacKenzie-connectable Kennys. The latter's "luceat" motto term can go with the "uro" of MacKenzie's, suspect with the Ure's/Orreys who nearly have the Coat and Crest of Aurs/AURES'.

English Singers/Sangers share the Good/Gut garbs while Spanish Guts share the Kenny GREYhound that's itself in the colors and format of the Singer/Sanger horse. Greys were first found in Northumberland with Horse's.

Gut-like Cute's/Cutts share the white greyhound head with Spanish Guts while Cutters are in the colors and format of Lovelace's, the latter first found in Somerset with lozenge-using MontaCUTE's. English Lace's (Cute/Cutt roundels in colors reversed) were first found in Yorkshire with the Dents who are in turn in Cute/Cutt colors and format, and Dents share the HOUND lozenges. GreyHOUND. As MONTecute's were first found in Somerset with Beauty-beloved Bulls/Bule's, and as the latter have bull heads in the colors of the MOUNTain bulls, Montacute's look like a Mountain-line marriage with Cute's / Cutters.

Miss Hicks lived near Montell. I purchased a property in Montell that belonged to Mrs. Teague. Teague's/Teegers were first found in Galway with the Kennys who in turn share the triple crescents of Montels (not "Montell") who in turn share the Bright / Bride / Brittany stars, and the latter three are suspect as a branch of Galway-beloved and Crab-loving Bridge's. Brittanys are in the colors and format of English Mountains, and while Kennys use the greyhound, Hounds were first found in Cambridgeshire with Crabs and Cash's/CASts.

Miss Hicks gave me her studio-produced CASSETTE tape. I remember putting it into my shirt pocket, which I've told a few times before. Cash's/CASTs and Kiss'/CUSH's share the Coat of Custs, the latter first found in Lincolnshire with Pockets and Wake's. CUSTers/Custance's/Constance's) share the giant Ewe/CUISH eagle. The Hosts (Somerset with Bulls/Bule's and MontaCUTE's) suspect in the Shirt motto share the Bull/Bule bull head, and Shorts were first found in Dorset with Bull-loving Beautys and Lovelace-connectable Cutters.

"It's ewe she loves, go wake HER [with a kiss]." German Hers share blue wings with Shorts and Here's/Heyers, the latter first found in Derbyshire with leg-using Eyers/Ayers, suspect with "Aures." MacKenzie- and Aures-connectable Ure's/Orreys were first found in AYRshire with Ayers,Hare's/Hairs, and Kenneth-like Kennedys. Ure's/Eure's are suspect in the Hicks motto term, "heure." Ure's/Eure's share an Ever variation with Hover-like HEAVERs ("wheat SHEAVES"), and Sleeping Beauty was HOVERing when I woke her. Wake's were ORR/Ore kin. See that? Her wake scene connects with the Kenza line to MacKenzie's/Kenneths.

With her music cassette in my shirt pocket, I got talking to John Chambers, after the church service, in the back room. Perhaps God arranged that because he died soon after of CANCER (I'm not suggesting God killed Him to make this pointer). It just so happens that English Chambers look related to both Pape surnames, one of them being listed with Apophis-like Pope's'/Popps.

English Chambers share the checks of Wearings/Warings, first found in Devon with Wears/Were's whose motto, "FuiMUS," can link to the "AltissiMUS" motto term of French Chambers. The MUSic cassette was in my SHIRT pocket, and Shirts have a "HosTIS" motto term while sharing the Tiss/Tease chevron. "AlTISSimus." Musics are listed with Musys/DeMusse's (Brittany), who have a giant eagle colors reversed from the Hickson eagle legs. Musics share the eagle of English Ghents, first found in Hampshire with Tiss'/Teese's. Goods/Guts were first found in Switzerland with Tease's/Tess'/Tecks. Muschats were first found in Essex with TEASEls (share Mott/Mottin crescent) and Motts/MOTTINs while Modane is on the Arc river with Chambre.

French Chambers were first found in Savoy with Bright-branch Bride's, and while Apophis is coming back in cancer the crab, Bridge's love Crabs. Bride's and Brights (share Comerford stars) are from Savoy's Brigantium, and Chambers are from Savoy's Chambre. Cambers/Combers have an "astris" motto term while Cheile's share the Aster bend! Camerons (triple Stur fesses in colors reversed) love the leg-using Cheile's, you see, first found in Lincolnshire with Custs and Keele's/Kills, and here we can take it to the Aquila's who have the Teasel eagle in colors reversed, for Teasels were first found in Essex with English Este's while Italian Este's share the Aquila Coat.

Cass'/Casts use a "pair of scales" while Pairs are listed with Peacock-beloved Paws. Comerfords/CUMBERfords and Campbellfords/Cumbers use the peacock. Peacocks were first found in Essex with Teasels and Muschats.

Elon MUSK's TESLa car company can be pointed to by Teasels and Tessels. Musks are listed with Musts/Muscats (same place as Crabs and Cash's/Casts), and so we can ask: will the Apophis asteroid destroy Musk's Starlink SATELlite system? Settle's share the lozenges of eye-using Stars/Starmers while Storms/Stormers share the triple fesses of Musk/Muscat-related Love's/Luffs. Love-connectable Pasleys were first found in Berkshire with Modens/Modeys and Arks/Arch's, suggesting Modane on the Arc river. Berkshire is also where Shea's/Sheaves' were first found. "It's EWE SHE LOVES." Ewe's/Cuish's share the giant Ferte eagle while Masseys and Maceys were at Ferte-Mace.

Luff Dream

I had a dream years ago that I was not able to decipher, but now think it has to do with the asteroid. It started when I was at my friend's place, Mr. Luff. We were sitting at the kitchen table when he and/or his wife opened their mouths, at which point I saw their tongues as green snakes waving in a moving S-shape. It was as though the S-shape was screwing forward and wagging. The tops of the S-shape would become the bottoms repeatedly, and the bottoms would become the top. The snakes appeared to be moving forward, yet were not. I'll tell you why "wag" fits.

A few minutes before this dream came to mind, I was looking at the . It has the look of the Washington Coat, and so it makes sense that Wake's were of the Wace variation of proto-Washington Wassa's/Wash's. The latter's double fesses are even colors reversed from the double Sleep fesses.

I therefore began to wonder why God might be pointing Sleeping Beauty's sleep-and-wake scene to Washington DC, and then remembered what I thought was an amazing set of events suggesting that the Apophis asteroid will make a tidal wave go up the river to Washington DC, and possibly swamp the Capitol building and/or White House. They say that Apophis is going to cross above the Atlantic ocean between North America and northern Africa.

This tidal wave is what brought the waving green snakes in the mouths of the Luffs to mind, because I had written about this dream in the past, and included the "blue wave chief" of the Valery surname because Mr. Luff's wife is Valery. It probably wouldn't have come to mind but that the Lovelace's and Love's/Luffs had been a topic until the day (Friday) that this Wake-Wace link was pondered. And the Love's were in the sleep-wake event with "it's you she loves, go wake her."

[Insert -- I didn't catch this: Valois'/Valais'/VALOUR, with the Valery chevron in colors reversed, share the Chief-Shield colors of English Lovelace's. The Valois/Valais/Valour Chief is in the colors and format of the Washington Chief, and Washingtons were first found in Durham with Conte's/Comitissa's while French Conte's/Comites' share the Shield (not including the Chief) of Valois'/Valais'/Valours. Poppa of Valois could have been an Apophis-Hyksos liner. She married king Rollo, and had a daughter Crispina. English Crispins were not only first found in Oxfordshire with Love's/Luffs, but almost have their triple fesses. End Insert]

I then realized that Love's/Luffs were kin of Muscats/Musks who in turn have a fair reflection of the Washington Coat. And while Love's/Luffs have the triple Stormer fesses, Stars/Stormers can be in the "star of six points" of Wassa's/Wace's. I then recalled that the Luff tongues were WAGGing, and the Wace / Wake surname can apply to Waggs/Wedge's because Wage's/WATCH's, using "wedges," were first found in Cornwall with Wassa's/Wace's. The motto of Wake's (Lincolnshire with Prays/Preters) has an English version, "WATCH and Pray."

The things above may not have been compelling enough in themselves to have me begin this section, but there's more. All along (from the start of remembering the snake-tongue dream), I knew from the past that Tongue's/Tongs (Yorkshire with Hicks) almost have the Coat of English Mountains, the surname that points hard to the asteroid. Plus, years ago, I brought Huckabee's into the snake-tongue picture because they have S-shaped snakes as well as sharing the Chief-Shield colors of Valerys. Huckabys, using "a ROD of Aesculapius," were first found in Devon with Rods suspect in "asteROID". Hooks, with a blue-Shield version of the Hicks Coat, were likewise first found in Devon, suggesting a Huck and Huckabee branch. Plus, the Wassa/Wace hexagram is shared by Rotens, suspect with Rodens.

I've just loaded a map to show the location of Shropshire's Roden river, and it's near Sleap. In fact, Sleap is 4 kilometers south of Love-like Lowe! Rodens were first found in Northumberland with Laws!!! Lovelace's are Lawless' too! Northumberland is where Mowbrays were first found, though they are said to be from St. LO. Lews/Louis' share a giant and white lion with Mowbrays, and were first found in Glamorganshire with Irish Lovelace's and Lewis', suggesting that Levi had morphed into all sorts of terms including "Lo." Jewish Levi's have lions colors reversed from the Lew/Louis lion. Levens/Lewens were first found in Shropshire.

Three kilometers south-west of Sleap is Myddle, which recalls the Mellansons with "a bundle of RODs with an AXE in the MIDDLE"! One Axe river is in Devon with Rods! Mellansons share the crescents of HOCKeys, first found in Essex with Mountains!!! I wouldn't have known it but that Mellanson asked me to be his assistant coach in organized hockey. Hockeys look connectable to Devon's Hazels.

Lookie. Hockeys must have been of the Hicks' of Low Leighton (Essex), for Hockeys were first found in Essex with Sarah's/SAYers who are in turn in LOWE colors and format, and Says share the quadrants of Leightons (Shropshire with Says)!!! Suddenly, Low Leighton looks like Love Leighton.

I even told how Steve Mellanson's party, which I attended as little as a week after the Sleeping Beauty dream, may have been on Friday, 13th of April, 1979, exactly 50 years from Friday, 13th of April, 2029, the day of Apophis' arrival. It was either Friday or Saturday night, and God had spoken to me on the morning of the party, concerning Mellanson. I heard an "audible" voice, but that's another story.

Actually, I'll tell it again. I heard a voice while in bed, when WAKING. "Write down that you're going to have a disagreement at Steve's place tonight." It went something like that. Sharon Quinn punched Barry on the lip at that party that night, but that's another story that pointed to Fauci and company. The point is that I did write a NOTE, and put it into my pocket, and I did hand it to Mellanson that night. Decades later, I learned that Note's/Cnuts (beside Shropshire) share the Mellanson crescents you see. The reason I'm telling this again is that Wake's use a "wake knot" while Knots are listed with Note's/Cnuts!!!

Mr. Luff under discussion was Ray (died in car accident). French Rays share the "escarbuncle" with Hangers and Angers (Essex with Low Leighton, etc.), and then Danish Cnuts have "pot hangers" while Potters and Pots were first found in Hampshire with Hangers.

I haven't yet told why I decided to begin this snake-tongue section, partly because Sleeps were first found in Kent with Snake's/Snooks, and partly because the latter's Coat is much like the one of Wake-like Walks/Wachs, first found in Dumfries with Kilpatricks. The latter had a castle at CLOSEburn, and Close's (Yorkshire with Tongue's, Walkers and Hicks) share the Walk/Wack stars that are also the Bright / Bride / Brittany stars while Brittanys are in Tongue/Tong colors and format. Moreover, Weddings (Yorkshire), with a different-colors version of the Hicks and Hook Coat, share the fleur-de-lys of Walks/Wachs and Snake's/Snooks. Wedding-branch Weeds/Weedins share "two red bars" with Washingtons.

Another thing convincing me to begin this section is what happened in the dream after the Luffs frightened me with their snake tongues. I got up from the table and decided to leave the apartment, but instead of walking out the front door, I walked into a CLOSEt beside the front door. See that?

Scottish Rays were first found in Cumberland with the Falcons in the Huckaby Crest, and with WASdale of the Waistells/Wessels.

I'm aghast, I'll tell you why, but first: the Luffs had green snakes for tongues while Snake's/Snooks were first found in Kent with Greens. The position of the bodily features of the Green stag is identical with the position of the Ray stag...but what I didn't remember until loading these Rays again just now is that they use "A stag at GAZE proper"!!! That's why I'm aghast. Wassa's/Wace's are also Gace's and Gaze's! That's why the snake tongues were WAGGing.

The closet I WALKed into was pure white, four walls, but nothing in it. What could that mean? One White surname is also "Weight," and then the Weights/WAITs, in "what are you waiting for, it's you she loves," happen to share the Close hunting horn, black with gold stripes!!! I GET IT. The WHITE CLOSEt is a pointer to Close's and therefore to the Kilpatrick castle at Closeburn. I'm amazed. English Walls were first found in Gloucestershire with one of the English White's, and it happens to be the White's/Weights! The closet had for WHITE WALLS!

Plus, "weights are used by Kilpatrick-beloved Dexters, and Dexters share the double chevrons of Hucks while I had thought that the green snakes point to Huckabee's. White's/Weights share a blue-vaired fesse with Hookers. The Kilpatrick lion is said to have a "dexter paw" on the head of a dragon, and it's a green dragon, the color of the dragon head in the White/Weight Crest. Dragons/Drainers, in Potter colors and format, were first found in Kent with Greens and Sleeps.

When trying to find the Sleap location on a map, I saw Prees nearby, and entering that name, it was found listed with Rice-branch Rees'/Ryse's who are in the colors and format of Weights/Waits who in turn use an "aris" motto term looking like code for a Rice / Rise line. Prees/Rees' and Rice's share the raven with the Washington Crest, and Scottish Rays show a Ree variation while French Rays show a Rees variation. Believe it or not.

English Rise's happen to share the ermined Roden bend, and while Rise's were first found in Norfolk with Risings/Risons, the sleep-wake scene included our rising into the sky. Plus, Prees'/Rees' come up as "Reesor," and the other Reasors, with a Rison-like Reason variation, were first found in Lincolnshire with Wake's.

There's more, for Irish Lovelace's were first found in Glamorganshire with Lewis' who share the green dragon head of White's/Weights, and Lewis' add red blood drops, the symbol on the Kilpatrick dagger. Glamorganshire is where Tillers were first found while Tilley is two kilometers north-east of Sleap. Tile's/Tilleys, with a black and giant dragon, were first found in Dorset with dragon-using Cutters who in turn share the Chief-Shield colors of the neighboring, English Lovelace's. I trace Cutters to Kotor, smack beside RHIZON!!! It was the land of the SELEPitanoi Illyrians, and Sleap is right beside Tilley. Tillers were of the Tilurius river, not far north from the Selepitanoi.

here's the map I'm using; enlarge to see Sleap.

The Wagging snake tongues pointed to Waggs/Watch's suspect in the English-version Wake motto. "Watch" is the motto of Otters, first found in Huntingdonshire with the husband of Ada of Warenne. Ade's/Aids are in Roden colors and format, and dragon-using Warrens list Werns while Wern is a location one kilometer north of Tilley. It's also near Sleap. Then, Sleeps were first found in Kent with Dragons/DRAINers while Drains/DROWNs, an apt theme for the asteroid hitting the ocean, share orange with the wings of the Warren/Wern dragon. The Drains share the orange Crest of Blacks (Lincolnshire with Wake's), and both share the Chief of Wace-branch Washingtons.

Ada of Warenne is to the Welsh Davids (from king David, her father-in-law) who almost have the Coat of Gallops (Dorset with Tilleys), and WASdale's Waistells/Wessels have a horse on a "gallop." The Washington Chief is shared by Schims, perhaps a branch of Swimins/Schwimins. The asteroid will see rotten people swimming. Rodens list Rodhams. Swimins share the Roden/Rodham and Ade/Aid bend. Swimins are even in Ade/Aid format, and while Aids are in the Levi motto, and while Leave's/Leve's share the dove with Waistells/Wessels, and while Dove's were first found in Berwickshire with Ade's/Aids, and while Washington DC is in dove-themed Columbia, Swimins use "green leaves."

Two motto terms of Schims are like two terms of Nitts/Naughts, they being from the Nith river, location of Closeburn. English Knights share the spur with Close's. One of the terms shared is of the Conte's/Comitissa's, first found in Durham (Wear river) with Washingtons. Recall the note to Steve Mellansons, for Note's are listed with Naught-like Knots. French Mellans, sharing the gold, blank Chief with Mellanson-beloved Rods, were first found in Ile-de-France with French Levi's. Mellanson was a hockey coach, and Jewish Levi's share the double lions of Hookers. Hooks were first found in Devon with Rods and Warren-branch Ware's, Wearings and Wears/Were's.

Irish Mellans share the bend of ALDERtons, and while Rodens have an "ALTERi" motto term, Alderton is six kilometers south of Wern while Wears/Were's have the Alderton bend in colors reversed. Alderton is about six kilometers west of the Roden river. Irish Mellans have a greyhound head looking like the one of Cute's/Cutts and Guts. Alderton is five kilometers south of Tilley, and Tilleys (beside MontaCUTE's) look like Cutter kin.

Alderton is two kilometers from Mellanson-beloved Myddle. Middle's, first found in Shropshire with Motleys and Medleys, have a giant lion in the colors of the giant Tilley wyVERN dragon. Wern-like Verne's look like kin of Scottish Kidds while the latter share the Alderton Crest. The Tigers in the Medley Crest were first found in Suffolk with English Kidds, and with Palin-related Plains/Platters. Medleys look related to both Washingtons and Wassa's/Wace's, but in Methley colors. In colors reversed, Medleys and Methleys share the Chief of Palins (Dorset with Tilleys) who in turn share the giant Middle lion.

Christmas Day

It's 5:23 am. I've just gotten out of bed, after making some realizations. I was asking God to fill me with His love, same as being filled with His Spirit, because I was feeling low on it. And then I started to think (intellectual level only) of Miss Hicks, the hug we had at the rising scene. I got thinking that it was an emBRACE too, and that Brays/Brae's should apply because they share black eagle LEGs with Hicksons, but also because they come up as Brace-like "Brays."

This then recalled that I first saw her on Christmas day, at church, in 1994. I recalled that Christmas' have the Cony Coat on a red Shield, and that I've had reason to trace Conys to Cuneo province, location of Brae-like Bra. I then remembered that Cuneo is at the STURa-DeMONTE river i.e. a Stura river through a Demonte region. It's right down to Aster/Stur alley, and then I recalled that French Demonte's share the lion of Kenneth-like Kents!!! Bingo, for Kenneths/MacKenzie's love the MOUNTains (same place as Asters/Sturs)!!! DeMONTE. See that? It suggests that Kents were indeed a Kenneth branch.

Christmas' were first found in Essex with Asters and Mountains, as "CristesMASSE." To boot, the Christmas crescent is shared by Kennys! INCREDIBLE. God seems intent here to point to the Apophis asteroid.

Of interest, Brays'/Brae's are in Rabbit colors and format while both Christmas' and Conys use coney rabbits.

I was convinced above that Kent / Kenneth elements had been rulers in Cuneo, and Sleeps were first found in Kent. The SELEPitanoi were at modern Bar, and Scottish Bars were first found in Ayrshire with fitchee-using Kennedys. Fitch's were first found in Essex with Asters/Sturs.

As soon as Beauty awoke, we were hugging, and Hugs happen to have a lion in the colors of the Demonte lions. It's the Maschi lion too while Masci's were first found in Piedmont, which includes Cuneo. Conys are in Meschin colors and format, and Meschins were first found in Shropshire with Sleap, and with Richard Conni of 1273. Maschi's use "pine CONES," and Cone's were first found in Kent! See that? It's not likely a coincidence that German Tanners/Tans use "pine cones" because the Stura-Demonte drains into the Tanaro river.

I now remember Connie, a good friend of my friend, Rick Legge! The Hickson and Brae eagle legs are likely of the Ligurians, for Cuneo is in interior Liguria. The Hicks-related Weddings were first found in Yorkshire with Christmas-like Crystals, and the "FIR tree" in the Crystal Crest reminds my claim of years ago, though I can't remember how it was made, that the Fire/Fir unicorn was part of the gold unicorn of Italian Demonte's (Piedmont).

Wedding-branch Weeds/Weedins, suspect with the Sleep Coat in colors reversed, were first found in Northamptonshire with Brays'/Brae's. The latter have a "flax breaker" while Breakers/Brecks were first found in Shropshire with Sleap. Brecks are likely from Ranulph de BRIQUESsart, father of earl Ranulph le Meschin. Bricks share the Massey fleur, half in the colors of the Hicks fleur.

Le-Meschin's son was Ranulph de Gernon, and Gernons have the French Demonte Coat in Hicks colors! It tends to reveal that Masci's had been rulers in Cuneo. French Demonte's were first found in Burgundy with Messeys/Messier's, and Sleeps in Kent with Masons/Massins. The latter have the giant Hug lion in colors reversed while le Meschin became the earl from his uncle, earl HUGH D'Avranches. English Messier's were first found in Lincolnshire with Wake's who in turn share double-red fesses with Weeds/Weedins. The Wedding fleur are colors reversed from the same of Masseys. Messeys/Messiers share the saltire of French Mountains (Languedoc with Hugs).

I first saw Miss Hicks on SUNNY Christmas day, t-shirt weather, something I had never experienced before. It must have hit 70 degrees that day. Where I live, Christmas is usually below freezing point. Sunnys love the Sun variation of Sinclairs/SAINTs, and SANTA Claus is a Christmas intrusion. The Claws/Clawson Coat shares the giant lion of MowBRAYs of MONTbray. claws As I'm seeing Crystal / Christmas elements from Cuneo, let's repeat that the "calvary" symbol of Crystals is colors reversed from the same of Moses'/Moesens, first found in Shropshire with Meschins. The latter have a Coat much like the SUNNY Coat.

I first saw her on a sunny Christmas day when the House of Praise met on the Leakey road, and Leakeys use a leg while sharing the Hicks fleur. I didn't get back down to Texas again until 1999, and when I attended the House of Praise then, I sat regularly immediately behind Mr. Kilpatrick, not knowing that he was Miss Hicks's husband. She was not attending there with him because, I was told, the church didn't like her prophesying in the first-Person, as if God was speaking through her mouth.

When I switched churches upon going back to Texas in 2002, it just so happened that she was attending there with her husband. I didn't know it when I decided to go there. That year, she revealed that she had been attending church in Crystal City while I was at House of Praise. See that? The pastor at our church there was GREG Johnson, and Scottish Johnsons have a version of the Kilpatrick Coat, but with red cushions. The other Kilpatricks share the Masci fleur.

Scottish Gregs are in Carrick colors and can be shown, via the Lawns in conjunction with German Greggs/Graggs, to be a Carrick branch, important where Carricks and Kenneth-like Kennedys trace to Cetis, ruled by Levi-like LUPUS Laevillus. Keep in mind that Laevi Gauls were in Novara of Piedmont. Hugh, the earl above, was styled, "Lupus." Scottish Gregs have two of the three Levi chevrons, and I've suggested that the Kilpatrick lion is the Jewish Levi lion. All this is coming from Greg Johnson.

Gregs were recently said to be first found in Yorkshire with Craggs (share Carrick dog) and Crystals. The Greg write-up has: "...the MacGregors, descended from Prince Gregory, son of Alpin, King of Scotland." Not only was king Kenneth a son of the same Alpin, but Alpins, with a version of the Gregor Coat, share a "fir tree" with Crystals! This is incredible, because, prior to coming to Gregs, it was made obvious that Kents were Kenneths from Demonte.

Gregors, with a near-copy of the Alpin Coat, use "an oak tree surMOUNTed by a sword..." Mounts share the Legh lion. The Meschins of Skipton had a daughter, Alice, tending to explain why Alis'/Alice's have the Alpin fir tree, and both surnames have the tree "surmounted by a sword."

The Greg Coat is much like the Foot Coat, and I see Foots (Cheshire with le Meschin and De Gernon) in the "cyFOETH" motto term of Demonte-connectable Gernons. The Gernon Crest has a flag to go with the FLAX BREAKer of Brays'/Brae's. The Foot flag is held by a red griffin, similar to the BROCuff Crest, and the latter's Brock/Broke branch was first found in Essex with Mountains and Asters/Sturs. Le Meschin married Lucy of BolingBROKE, a Mercian, and the flag of Mercia is the Messey/Messier Coat. Brocuffs use a "sphinx" while Spinks were first found in Northumberland with Brays'/Brae's.

So, as the dream had Miss Hicks and I hugging / embracing, it suggests that Hyksos and Masci's both were in Bra. I've told many times of my touching a bra (just for fun) hanging on a laundry line at age nine, when I lived on Jay street (Toronto). Jays were first found in Herefordshire with Brace's/Bras'. I told that I was standing on a laundry deck while reaching out to touch it, and that under the deck the PETERSONs had a white rabbit, symbol of Conys. This is how I originally put two-and-two together to trace Conys (and Conns) confidently to Cuneo.

The Jay bend-with-roses is with Balcons, first found at Crail. Jays could possibly be in the "Je" motto term of McKinneys. As Grails/Neils use "fetterlocks," they must have named Needle's/NEILders because the latter share the Fetter Coat.

Nettle's use two "snakes enTWINEd" while Twine's (Yorkshire with Nettle's and Feets) share the green parrot with Pettys who in turn have a branch with a "needle." Earhardts have two snakes, and while Peeble's/Peoples' have a giant, green parrot, McKinneys were first found in Peebles-shire. This goes to the Apophis/Apepi line to which Sleeping Beauty points when she's Miss Hicks, but can we assume that Ainsleys and/or Earhardts were from his Hyksos line too? Ainsleys share the Hicks fleur-de-lys, and Ainsley-branch Annas' were first found in the same place as Proctors and Crails/Crabs.

The Proctor nails are in the heart of Scottish Logans, first found in AYRshire with Ayers who have an "air" motto term for Eyers/Airs. EARhardts are also AirHARTs. See that? Ayers add a "lighter" motto term while Lights/Lite's share the Fetter-like feathers of Feathers. The Valens and Volens' in the Feather motto look related to the Feet.

Petersons (share Peter swan) lived on MAPLE LEAF drive. Maple's (Demonte / Mountain colors) were first found in Essex with Mountains and Asters/Sturs. Leafs are listed with Leave's/Leve's. The man of the house was a Polish Jew, and Petersons with Peters were from Peter Pollock. Jewish Pollocks essentially share the Jay bend, which itself has roses and shared thus (with a bend) by by Jewish Rothchilds (not "Rothschild)." English Peters (probably the Ware scallop) share the raven with German Rothes', and Peter Pollock built Rothes castle.

More: Jewish Rothchilds even share the hexagram of Swedish Petersons and Massena's, and then Masons/Massins, from king Massena of Numidia (where Kenneths/MacKENZie's trace), were first found in Kent with English Rothes' who share the lion heads of Scottish Petersons, in colors reversed from the Jewish Levi lions. Kents share the Demonte lion, yet Demonte's have two giant lions in pale, the Coat also of Jewish Levi's in other colors! Kents were first found in Berkshire with Shea's/SHAWs, and the Shawia Numidians were at ZENATa while Masons/Massins were at Kent's THANET. I'll come back to Zenata. Shee's/Shea's share the Masci fleur, and Demonte's share the Maschi lion.

Swedish Petersons (share Massena hexagram) share the Hug lion, and the bra event was linked to embrace-like Brays'/Brae's. The same lion is of Hug-connectable Fountains, the latter first found in Norfolk with Leafs/Leave's. Scottish Petersons have lion HEADs in the colors of the coney rabbits of Coneys and Conns, the latter first found in Aberdeenshire wit Petersons! The latter add eagles in the colors of the Brays/Brae eagle legs!!! FANTASTIC.

Heads/Heeds (Norfolk with Leafs/Leave's/Leve's) have unicorn heads in Peterson- and Rothes-lion colors, and Italian Demonte's have a giant UNIcorn, which I trace to CERAUNII Illyrians on the UNA and URBANus rivers. The Una was home to Maezaei Illyrians, explaining why German Urbans and Massena's share the same hexagram, and why Urbans look related to the Masci Coat.

A giant and black eagle, in the colors of the same of Temple's (Cheshire with Masseys and le Meschin), is with Algers/Alkers, interesting where the Shawia Numidians were in ALGERia. They were of Zenata, suspect from the Sinti(an)s of Lemnos, whom I trace to Santones at Sainte. The Lemnos city of Myrina was mythicized as an Amazon goddess in the Numidia theater, and king Massena was likely of these Amazons, called Mazyes or Meshwesh. The Santones were beside the LEMovice's who named Limousin, where the Seconds in the Levi motto were first found, but also the French Clairs while Sinclairs are also Saints and Suns. The Sunnys use suns.

It was a sunny Christmas day when I first saw Miss Hicks. Sonnys (Cheshire) are in Leslie colors and format, and share the Peter scallop. The family of Peter Pollock married Leslie's, earls of Rothes thereby. The Stura-traceable STARlincks/Starlings have a square-buckle version of the Leslie Coat. Sunnys are in the colors and format of Milehams while Mile's were first found in Hampshire with Sturs/Stowers.

English Alans (Shropshire with Clun), who married Alice of Saluzzo in Cuneo, are said to have had their Dol ancestors in Mileham, a location in Norfolk along with Hicks-beloved Bucks and Leslie-connectable Case's. Mills and Miles' use the mill rind while Rinds (Perthshire with Saluzzo-related Cluns) share the Peter / Sonny scallop too, as do English Mallets, the latter first found in Suffolk with Starlincks and Buckle's.

I've told the following story several times, but not with this heraldic set completely: NORMAN Miles, who was in my grade-eight class, became a police officer, and when I fell asleep in my taxi on the shoulder of Keele street, he knocked on my windshield and woke me up (I hadn't seen him since school). Miles' were first found in Lincolnshire with Wake's, Keele's and leg-using Cheile's. The latter are in the motto of Camerons (share five, bunched arrows with the Arms of Rothschild) who in turn have the Stow/Stower Coat in colors reversed. This is tracing to the Stura river, and the taxi can thus point to Laevi Gauls on the Tessin river of the Tess'/Tecks, for they were a Tax branch.

I fell asleep in my taxi in Concord, and it just so happens that "Concordia" is a motto term in the Arms of Rothschild.

English Normans, in Ghent colors and format, were first found in Suffolk with Starlincks, and Ghents were first found in Hampshire with Mile's and Sturs/Stowers. Norman Miles the POLICE officer at our service, and proto-Rothschild Pollocks are also POLLICKs. The father of Peter Pollock was a vassal of the Dol Alans, and Dols share the wavy fesse of Dutch Ghents/Gaunts while English Gaunts were first found in Ghent-like Kent, suggesting that Ghent/Gaunt (Lys river) was named by the Kent / Kenneth line out of the Stura-Demonte theater.

Kents share the Chief-Shield colors of English Lovelace's, and I've only now tried to get a LEVElace surname, finding its listed with Irish Lovelace's who in turn are in Norman and Ghent colors and format!!! EXCITING. Read it as LEVELace, because Levels/Leavells/LOVells were first found in Somerset with Lovelace's!!! Bango! Beauty was hovering LEVEL on her back! God was holding an ace up his sleeve.

Perhaps I've been wrong for fishing with Lace's. Perhaps Lovelace' were named by a Level-Ace marriage because Ace's are listed with Ass'/ISE's while Ice's/Ecco's share an Icke variation with Hicks. Somerset has an Ass-like Axe river. Yes, this works better, for Ass'/Ace's have "balances", and while she was balanced in the air while hovering on her BACK, Backs, first found in Somerset, have the Balance Coat in colors reversed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! INCREDIBLE.

Ice's/Ecco's/Icke' share the giant Back eagle, and Eggs/Edge's share the Balance eagle.

However, Love's/Luffs still work well with Lovelace's where Levels/Lovells have got to be from Levi elements. Love's/Luffs and Lofwicks could have been Levi elements too, for Leafs/Leve's are also Leofs.

The Levelace Crest is a basic copy of the Tree Crest, only Tree's (Wiltshire with Stars/Starmers) call it a "knight" while Knights (Suffolk with Starlincks) have a tree but also share the Mile star! Knights even have a Coat like the one of Stormers. These Mile's can be gleaned as kin of Kepke-branch Koops/Kupe's who in turn use "candlesticks" while Sticks, first found in Somerset with Lovelace's, share the garbs/sheaves of Levelace's! Tree's were once said to be first found in Warwickshire, with Balance's.

I'm amazed with Norman Miles. I now know why he was friendly toward me, so that I would remember him. I went to his school for two months only, and probably would not have befriended him. We weren't friends, but he was always friendly to greet me. God had plotted to use him for reasons you just saw, but with God, nothing is ever exhausted. Everything He does has infinity attached.

Levelace's probably have the Newmans/Numans in their motto (explained above) who in turn have demi-lions in the colors of the Peterson lion heads. I touched the bra on the Peterson LAUNDRY line, and while Laundrys use a giant tree, Landrys share the martlets of CHRISTmas', first found in Essex with Asters/Sturs, and German Christmas' share the Coat of Chris'/Christmans. Then, while Peters and Petersons share swans, a giant swan is with the Chris'/Christmans, who were not only first found in Hampshire with Sturs/Stowers, Mile's and Keppe's, but the Christmans (share blue star with Mile's) are in Kepke/Kopke colors and format, both sharing the border of Kepke's/Kopke's and Mile-connectable Koops/Kupe's. Borders (Somerset with Lovelace's) share the crossed swords of taxi-like Tax's!!!

I attended Mark II school with Norman Miles, in Unionville, where Christine Peare lived when she dated Mr. Kepke. English Marks were first found in Essex with Asters/Sturs, and Mark-like Marici co-founded Pavia with the Laevi Gauls. Hicks of Low Leighton were in Essex, and Hicks' share the Mark fleur-de-lys. Miss Hicks is the one pointing to the Apophis asteroid. Miss Peare is Christine, and Christine's share the triple cups of Lovelace's. Peare's were first found in Oxfordshire with Stormer-connectable Love's/Luffs. Christmans and German Christmas' look like Kepke kin, and Miss Peare wanted to marry Mr. Kepke.

German Marks share the Alger eagle for a possible trace to Algeria's Shawia Numidians, where I expect Hyksos. Hicksons have eagle legs colors reversed from the Alger / Mark eagle, and the Alger eagle is said to have "red LEGs." Reds/Reeds were first found in Northumberland with Greys in the Alger greyhound, and Greys share the giant Mowbray / Claws lion while Claws-loving Crabs were first found in Cambridgeshire with Hounds. Claus'/Klaus' share the giant Legh/LEIGH lion while Hicks were at LOW Leighton. Mowbrays were from St. LO. Claus'/Klaus' share the black border with MontaCUTE's while Cute's/Cutts (Lincolnshire with Eagle's/Hegels) have a greyhound head too.

Algers use "red legs," and Leghs were first found in Cheshire with Temple's sharing the giant Alger eagle. The Temple's share the Christmas / Landry martlet, and the Mowbray-pointable bra was on the laundry line.

Apophis on Jesus' Birthday?

Some speculate that Jesus' true birthday is in April, and we might wonder whether it's on April 13, the day of the asteroid. It's coming to mind. It could then be His Christmas gift. Note that it's returning in the crab constellation, for Crabs love Claus-like Claws'. Plus, Gifts/Giffards share the ermined lozenges of Hounds, the latter first found in Cambridgeshire with Crabs! This is worth looking into. The Gift-connectable Payne's have a French branch having one of the double fesses of Nicolas', which could be how the creators of St. Nicolas gave Santa a gift symbol.

Giffards are in the Wear write-up as fundamental Wear kin, and then German Gifts share antlers (different colors) with Cone-branch Conte's/Comitissa's (Durham, on the Wear river). Gifts/Giffards look related to both the Conte's/Comitissa's and Cone's. Gifts/Giffards have a black-Shield version of the Brix Coat which in turn has the Brick lozenges in colors reversed, this being the line of Ranulph le Meschin, whose mother was a CONTEville. Brix's are also Brests while Bruce's share the Wear/Were motto. I trace the Bruce lion to the Arms of BRIXia/Brescia.

Gifts/Giffards share the motto of Payne's who in turn have lions in Claws-lion colors. These Payne's share the white lion paw with Crabs, though Crabs call it a lion's claws. See that? Payne's were first found in Somerset with Crab-beloved Bridge's. Did you see that? CamBRIDGE was named after the Cam river, and Cams share the Coat of Lise's/Liss', the latter first found in Hampshire with Sturs/Stowers. German Brix's were first found in Silesia with the LIST branch of Lise's/Liss'. "I'm making a list and checking it twice." French Lys'/Lise's share the Massey / Brick fleur.

As Cambridge's use a "quam" motto term, it appears as code for rulers on the Cam river. Cams list Game's while Gamals/Gamble's share the Coat of German Rench's while English Rench's were first found in Cambridgeshire. Gemels share the swan with Cambridge's, and while the Gemel swan is "pierced." Pierce's were first found in Somerset with Bridge's and Payne's. Gamal- and Cam-like Camulodunum is near Cambridge. "Quam" is in the Gift/Giffard and Payne motto. Cambridge's are in Crab colors, and the white lion in the Cambridge Crest can be of the white lion arm, with claws, of Crabs. Payne's use white lions too.

The white Payne paw is "grasPING" a spear, and Panico-connectable Pings are listed with Payne-branch Pagans. English and Scottish Pagans share both Kenny fleur. Claus'/Klaus' share the lion of Spanish Pagans. Do you see that? Page's were first found in Devon with Pincons and Gate's. Pincum was at the Pek river while Peks were first found in Essex with Asters/Sturs. Pincs (Yorkshire with Pings/Pagans) share the Reno lozenges, and Panico's were at the Reno river of Bologna. Bologna's share the greyHOUND of Huns/HUNDTs! This plays to the Gifts/Giffards if indeed they were related to Hounds. Huns/Hundts were a branch of English Huns/HunGATE's (Yorkshire again). The asteroid is coming for the pagans. Panic. It could ping off of a few satellites, gifting us with ruined spy equipment.

I first saw her on Christmas on the Leakey road, officially called the RANCH road, and Rench's were first found in Cambridgeshire with Crabs. Crab-connectable Claus'/Klaus's share the Legh and RANCE lion (!) while Leakeys, sharing the fleur of German Rench's, use a leg! The Rance river flows to St. Malo, and Gifts/Giffards and Payne's use a "Malo" motto term. Raines'/Rains almost have the Coat of Randels while Rance's are listed with Rands.

Her rising scene pointed to Rhizon, near the CLAUSula river. Her middle name, Rena, can connect with REINdeer, for Reins are listed with Reno's who in turn share the lozenges of MontaCute's (Somerset with Borders and Crab-beloved Bridge's) who in turn share the black border with Claus'/Klaus'.

OHHH WOOOWIE. I've just checked for a Rein-like Reen surname, listed curiously with Frane's/Frene's (Shropshire with LEIGHtons), and they happen to share the Claus/Klaus Coat border included!!! The Payne-connectable Pane's/Panico's were from the Reno-river area. Pane's/Panico's share the tree with Masse's/Masseys possibly in "CristesMASSE." German Pole's have a "frying PAN" suspect partly with a branch of Fridays, and the latter share the crescents of Seatons while Panico's were at the Setta valley! Santa was given a north-POLE symbol.

Pole's/Pools love the Pollets (Somerset with Payne's) in their motto who in turn use a black-Shield version of the Aude's, the latter first found in Savoy with Masse's/Masseys! The latter once showed boots. Aude province includes NarBONNE while Italian Narbonne's share the lion of Norths, the latter first found in Sussex with BONE's in turn sharing the lion of French Pole's and Italian Santa's! Italian Narbonne's share the tower of Auvergne's who in turn share the Pole/Pool Shield!

The Christmas theme never ends, now heavily on the north pole. Spanish Santa's share the triple fesses in heraldic fountains, and Fountains have three of the French Paine fesses, and so it's amazing that the triple Fountain fesses are almost in use by DeSantis'/Santo's. The Gift/Giffard write-up has the family holding "the barony of FONThill, called from him Fonthill-Giffard, in Wiltshire..."

Santa's nearly have the Casino and Change Coat, and Change's were first found in Hampshire with Cassane's and Chaunceur-branch Chase's. Cassane's share the triple fesses of Waters/Waterville's (Essex with Asters/Sturs, etc) while Waterfords/Waterville's (Northamptonshire with Brays'/Brae's) use the fountains under discussion.

Seatons share "hazard" with Sutys, who evoke a sooty chimney, and Sutys love the Nothings in their motto, listed with NORTHens. Nothings/Northens (Note/Cnut colors and format) use "flames" to match the flaming mountain of MacKenzie's, and Mountains (same place as Christmas') share the Nothing/Northen martlets. DeMONTE's share the North lion. Nothings/Northens are in Hope colors and format, and while there is a Hope location in Derbyshire, where Note's/Cnuts were first found, "hope" is a Norton motto term. These Nortons share the tower of Thors, the latter first found in Devon with a Seaton location, and with Northwoods.

April 13 must be Jesus' birthday. Could it be? It was at least near Passover, and Pascals (share Levi lion) were first found in Essex too while Masse's have a "tree without LEAVES". Pasi's/Pascels were first found in Bologna with Tree-loving Pane's/Panico's! Tree's were first found in Wiltshire (beside Payne's and Pole's/Pools) with the Frys/Freys suspect in the Pole frying pan. Frys/Freys share the Coat of Freeze's/Phreeze's, first found in Essex with Christmas'. German Freie's/Freys share the French Pole lion.

Pasi's/Pascels (share Spear spears) are also Pace's while English Pace's share purple with Rench-branch Wrens who in turn share a broken spear with Payne's.

Santa's have the triple fesses of German Drummonds in colors reversed while Scottish Drummonds are very connectable to Sturs/Stowers. The latter were first found in Hampshire with Poppins who in turn look related to German Rench's and Wrens. As per Santa's stocking, Stocks probably share the lion of Montforts because Montfort is near Rennes while Raines'/Rains share the Stock lion. Montforts likely share the MowBRAY lion because Monforte is beside Bra.

I trace Poppins and their Mens kin to Keiths of Haddington, and Haddenham was home to Rench's who in turn share the Wren crosslets who in turn look related to the Coat of Keiths, the latter first found in East Lothian (with Seatons too), where the Hadden-branch Haldans were once said to be first found. Haddingtons share the Coat of Northwoods, first found in Devon with Northen-connectable Seaton.

Pane's/Panico's share the "green" tree with Roets (Somerset with Payne's), from Payne Roet. Roets put their oak tree on a "green MOUNT." Roets owned the Catherine wheel of Scotts (Kent with Cony-like Cone's), from lake Scodra, beside the Clausula river.

Norths, sharing the triple Crab fleur (!), share the Demonte / Maschi / CHAUNCEUR lion! Cancer the crab!!! Maschi's use pine cones while Christmas trees are pines! Chaunceurs were first found in Essex with Mr. Cristesmasse!!! English Pine's use pineapple while Apple's / Appelbys share the Mountain martlets. In old time, apples were hung on Christmas trees. Cone's were first found in Kent with the Greens in the "green tree" of Pane's/Panico's. Kent is where Sea's were first found who have the triple-wavy fesses of Spanish Santa's in colors reversed.

The "foeDARi" motto term of Gifts/Giffards and Payne's can be for the Daro's having "...three masted ship proper on the sea..." Masts/Masters share a Roet motto term as well as sharing "quam" with Gifts/Giffards and Payne's. The Daro motto: "Be watchful." Others/Otters have a motto, "Watch," and they were first found in HUNTINGdonshire while hunting horns are used by BIRTHs/Berts, and the latter were first found in Devon with the Kenns sharing the Other/Otter crescents. Others/Otters are in Turin colors and format, and Turin is in Piedmont with Cuneo. Daro elements can square with reinDEER. I'll come back to Daro's.

I went to Births/Berts to see if we could eke out Jesus' birthDAY in relation to the Apophis asteroid. English Days, to my surprise, were first found in Somerset with Crab-beloved Bridge's, and the Coat of these Days even looks related to Brights and Bride's! Brights were first found in Cheshire with Birth-like Birds/Burds! The latter, much in Wedding colors and format, share the Hicks fleur-de-lys and the red Wedding Crest martlet.

Days have variations like those of Dee's, and the latter share the giant Emmanuel lion. In Isaiah, where it predicts the birth of Jesus from a virgin, it calls Him, "Emmanuel." Scottish Dee's were first found in Aberdeenshire with the Banners in the "banner" of Emmanuels. Dee's even use a "Hic LABOR" motto to potentially point to labor PAINs of His mother. Gifts share the Pain motto! The Dee Crest is described as a "A gold lion seated," yet it appears to be holding a banner. Is that not amazing? Deans/DIANE's share the same lion, and it just so happens that Italian Diane's are listed with Natali's, a name that means "Christmas"! Italian Deans, sharing the Dean/Diane crescents, are also Diano's/DEGANi's, and then Decans and Deacons use axes while Wears/Were's were on an Axe river, I assume with their Giffard bloodline.

Axe elements can be Hyksos elements. "Hic Labor" could even indicate that Mary, mother of Jesus, had Hyksos ancestry, for she was the sister of the wife of a priest. And I see Hyksos in the Maccabees who produced the priestly lines. Labors share the human eye with Batants/Badens, the latter using axes. The Somerset Axe is smack beside the first-known Laps/Labbs' in Wiltshire. It disturbs me, though, to think that Jesus may have been part-Hyksos. But in a case like that, blood counts for nothing. Blood counts only where God has a promise to Abraham to fulfill.

"Hosanna" is the cry for His birth, and Hosans are listed curiously with Organs/Horgans. What are the chances that Hosans use the "lizard" while Lizarts/Sarde's can point to Sardinia, where Emmanuels were first found? Plus, Hosans use "holly leaves" while Hollys list "Holy." The latter share red roundels with Shirts/SHARDs.

Irish Degans (share Dean/Diane Crest) look like kin of German Teegers while Irish Teague's/Teegers were first found in Galway with Irish Deans. Both of these Deans have the same motto suspect with the Nihill variation of Irish Neils that we find also in the Vere motto. The motto is a hard one to decipher, which can mean that the English version is in code, and while they have "brave" in their English translation, Italian Brave's have the giant Dean/Diane / Dee / Dile lion (the latter are in the "crocoDILE" of Irish Deans).

Wears/Were's share the Bruce motto, and while I see Bruce's from Abreu/Abruzzo stock, the latter are in both Brave Coats, meaning that Deans share the Abreu/Abruzzo lion. Italian Brave's were first found in Padova with Abreu's/Abruzzo's. The same lion is with Salisburys (Evreux ancestry) of Wiltshire, which is at the Axe river of Somerset. It indicates that "Vere" is from an Abreu line to Eure and Evreux. The Conteville's at the mention of Brix's and Bricks above were named from Conteville, in Eure. Conte's/Comitissa's were first found in Durham, on the Wear river. A Tutbury title from Hugh D'Avranches, son of the Conteville's, went to the Ferrers.

Wikipedia tells that Donna Brazile is descended from BRASwells, and Brazile's have a giant lion in the colors of the Brave lion, perhaps signalling that Brave/Bravo elements named Bra. Braswells use a "girdle." Brace's/Bras' were first found beside the first-known Breakers/BRACKs in the flax breaker of Brays'/Brae's.

Bradleys, first found in Lincolnshire with Bracebridge's, come up as BRAWley, and Brawley-like Barrels were first found in Herefordshire with Brace's/Bras' (Brawley/Bradley colors). Brewers/Browers (Devon) have a mermaid, tracable with Babels/Babe's and Laps/Labbs' to PodeBRADy (Labe river), which can explain the BRADley variation. It just so happens that while Bra is beside Monforte, Montforts share the Arms of Bohemia.

The Labe is the Elbe, and someone on that river could have called self, Elber, and so it's Santa-interesting that English Elbers/Alberts use a "sledge" while Sledge's are listed with Sleigh's/Sleys. Dutch Elbers have a "basket" while Baskets were first found in Dorset (beside Laps/Labbs') with the Beaks in turn from Podebrady.

Herefordshire is where Jays were first found, and I lived on Jay street when reaching out to touch the tenant's bra on the laundry line.

Herefordshire is just one main county away from touching Somerset, where Bridge's were first found who may have named Bracebridge's. In fact, girdle-like Girtle's share the triple Bright / Bride stars! Barrels almost have the Saluzzo Coat, and Saluzzo is near Bra. Girtle's are also CURTlers (Curtis colors) while Curtis' (Warwickshire) were to the near-east of Herefordshire. Curtis' are the ones with the plow while Plows share the Crab/Crail fleur-de-lys. It's now amazing that jays, first found in Herefordshire too, share the bend-with-roses of balcons, first found in Crail!

As I've said a million times, I was standing at the door of Beauty's car when the sleep-wake event with embrace too place, and English Doors/Dorrs, likewise first found in Herefordshire, use bees while Bracebridge's have a "Be as" motto phrase...that could be for the Beas variation of Bee's, or it could be for the Ass' in the "As astra" motto phrase of MacKenzie's. Irish Doors were even first found in Galway with Kennys (!) while Galways use a bridge!! Bee's were first found in Oxfordshire with Love's/Luffs. It's you she loves! Bee's almost have the Eure Coat while "heure" is in the Hicks motto! The wake scene works extra-well in a pointer to Apophis.

Thus, BraceBRIDGE's, Brace's, and even Bra liners can be of the Crab-loving Bridge's. It can perhaps explain why the other Bridge's share griffins with the Wills in the Bracebridge motto. One Will surname shares a Velis variation with Vails, the latter first found in Northumberland with MowBRAYs, and "velis" is a Griffin motto term.

In keeping with the trace of MacKenzie's/Kenneths and Mountains to the Stura-Demonte, the Bee's share the SALES bend-with-fleur, whom I trace to "Saluzzo" (near that river), namely to ALICE of Saluzzo, and we saw Alice's/Alis' sharing the sword surMOUNTed on a fir tree with Alpins while king Kenneth was king Alpin's son. English Albins/Aubins (bull head), first found in Devon with Kenns, are said to be from Eure.

Alice of Saluzzo married FitzAlans of Arundel, in Sussex, where Bone's were first found suspect in the "bon heure" motto phrase of Hicks'. Bone's almost have the Coat of Bonns/Bunns, first found in Oxfordshire with Bee's. Busca is beside Saluzzo while English Bush's/Buschs share a white goat head (both with gold horns) in Crest with Dorals in turn sharing the Coat of Irish Doors (same place as Kennys). Dorals were first found in Buckinghamshire with the Simpsons having an "Alis NUTRior" motto. NUTTERs are listed with Nottings, no doubt part of the "wake knot" of Wake's, and while the latter's Chief shares the Arundel-connectable roundels in the Ore Chief, check out "nutriOR". Ore's even have two bone-like motto terms.

Bunnys were first found in Nottinghamshire with the My's in the Ainsley motto, and My's share the Albin/Aubin fitchee. Ainsleys (same fleur as Hicks') were first found in Broxtow with Bunnys. Bonnie's share the Hook fleur.

The Wears/Were's tell that they named locations on the Somerset Axe river, which is at the Bath theater, not the Axe flowing into Devon. However, as Ware's were first found in Devon with Wears while Ware's share the dragon with axe-using Drake's, this family could have named the Axe in Devon due to abiding there. Drake's are in the colors and format of Dreux's (Wiltshire with Salisburys), and Dreux is a location in Eure. Baths have the Decan and Deacon Coats in colors reversed, and Baths share the Payne lion, to be assumed. Dreux's probably share the bull head of Devon's Walerans.

Only after writing to this point did I spot the English version of the Gift/Giffard motto: "I would RATHER DIE than be disgraced." Dee's are also Die's while Days are also Deie's! German Rothers are listed with Rothes'/Rothchilds while the Arms of Rothschild shares "Industria" with the Dents who in turn share the Gift/Gifford lozenges. Scottish Rathers/Ruths/Rothers are listed with the Moray's Randolphs, and Rothes of Peter Pollock is in Moray. The Rather/Rothes raven is shared by the Peters (Devon with Ware's) sharing the Ware scallop. Rothes (Spey river) was named by the line of Payne Roet, for Roets share the boar heads of Spears/SPEYers (Renfrewshire with brown-boar Pollocks). Scottish Vere's/Weirs (share Moray stars) share a gold boar with Roets and Spears.

Both the Pollock and Bole/Boll boar is shot through, and Gifts/Giffards are said to descend from Bolebec rulers. Isabel de Bolebec was a countess of Oxford with marriage to a Vere of Oxford. She was a daughter of a Montfitchet, and Muschats/Montfitchets were first found in Essex with English Vere's. Muscats were kin of Love's/Luffs, first found in Oxfordshire with their Cheek/Check/Chick kin, and Fers/Ferrats and Vairs/Fers' use Shields filled with checks. Fers/FERRETs share the checkered Shield of Checkers, first found in Hampshire with Drake's. English Vere's share the quadrants of Masseys/Maceys from FERTE-Mace. Masci's were in Piedmont with Montferrat.

The Arms of Bolebec is in the colors of the white boar heads of Burleys/Bourleys who in turn share a green Shield with Bewere-like Bauers and Bowers...and Pollocks too. English Bole's/Bolls have white boar heads. Mayer Bauer, father of Nathan Rothschild, was the first Rothschild banker in Frankfurt. English Franks ("nati") share the Pollock saltire. Scottish Franks ("nati") are in the colors of the Arms of Bolebec. Nations/Nathans (share arrow with English Bole's/Bolls) share comPASSes with German Bole's, and "passe" is a motto term of Rollo's in turn sharing the black boar with the Crest of English Bole's/Bolls. BOLEslaw the BRAVE, son of Poland's Mieszko I, is probably a root of this Pollock-connectable family.

[Insert -- after finding Datsons below, I came to write this insert. The Arms of Bolebec is just a giant lion in the colors of the same of Autens, perhaps from the Aedui peoples of Autun (France). If they named Ada of Warenne, of Huntingdon, it can explain the Pollock hunting horns, in Arms-of-Bolebec colors. The same lion is with Hume's/Home's, first found in Berwickshire with Ade's/Aids. The latter are in the Levi motto while Levins were first found in Westmorland with Audens/Aldens, beside Autens. Altons/Daltons were first found in Northumberland with Tysons sharing the Arms-of-Bolebec lion once again. Altons/Daltons were first found also in Staffordshire with the Arrows/Arras' who in turn share the fleur of Datons/Datsons. The latter are said to be from Autun or D'Autuns. End Insert]

Beaver-like Bee's (share NOTHING/Northen dragon head), first found in Oxfordshire, and essentially sharing the Eure/Ever Coat, share the Vere quadrants. "Nothing" is in the English-version Vere motto. "Be" is a motto term of Gifts/Giffards, and of BRACEbridge's (Lincolnshire with Bole's/Bolls) who in turn share the crozier with Wears/Were's. Payne's were first found in Somerset (beside Beaks) with Backs, and with Bulls/Bule's who in turn share the French Mountain bull while Vere's were first found in Essex with English Mountains. Bracebridge's look related to Beach's/Bechs to explain "BoleBEC." Beaks are of Podebrady in Bohemia, location of Boleslaw I after whom Boleslaw the Brave was named.

Wow, I arrived to Boleslaw of Bohemia without not knowing the following, which I wouldn't have known hadn't I loaded his Wikipedia article: "[Boleslaw] is notorious for the murder of his elder brother Wenceslaus, through which he became duke." Then, as you may know, "[Wenceslas] is the subject of the well-known 'Good King Wenceslas'," a CHRISTMAS song. "The carol was written for the Feast of St Stephen, better known as Boxing Day." It's a pagan / humanist song. It includes the word, "cruel," probably in light of his murderer, Boleslaw the Cruel. Could this be the Crail / Grail/Neil bloodline? Crawls/Croulls/Crowells (Crow branch) were first found in Oxfordshire, now tending to nail them to Boleslaw Bohemians.

I've found that pagan Christmas songs are often codes for bloodlines. Boxing day just caused a look-up of Boxers (share a "fireball" with Balls/Balders) having the lion of English Neals (Wiltshire with Boxers). Scottish Balders were first found in West Lothian with Mast-loving Tenants while Masts/Masters share the Boxer griffin heads. They are the griffin heads also of Austrian Dobers, and DOBRawa of Bohemia was the mother of Boleslaw the Brave. Brave's share the lion of Salisburys, first found in Wiltshire with Boxers (beside Cheppe's/Keppe's). English Dobers/Tobers (Yorkshire with Keppochs) are in Chip/Chipman colors and format, in case it applies. Dobys were first found in Renfrewshire with Pollocks. Dobbs were first found in Lincolnshire with Pollock-connectable Bole's/Bolls.

Dobers are most excellent because there is a Dober location a couple of miles from KOPLik, on the CLAUSula river, and they trace to Mieszko ancestry at GOPLo, but also to Kopple's, first found in Nuremberg with Keips. With the Clausula perhaps naming Santa Claus, note that Chips/Chipmans and Dobers/Tobers are in DEERing colors and format.

As Keiths use the "deer" head, the Deering "roebuck" heads inform us that Keiths married the Deering line. And a "reindeer's head" is with Keith-branch Kettle's. Keiths could have the Kent lion since Deerings were first found in Kent. Kettle's were first found near the first-known MacKenzie's/KENNETHs who in turn share the border of Perthshire's Justine's. The latter, first found in the same place as Scottish Shaws, were from PICENum while Kents were first found in the same place as Kenza-line Shaws/Sheaves' while Italian Sheaves' were first found seven miles or less from PICENze. Kettle's use a "vince" motto term as compared to the "vincit" of Shaws/Sheaves' and Keiths.

I was born a year after my mother left Picenze permanently. I wonder why God chose me for this funny work. What was in Picenze? I watched my father slaughter a lamb in Picenze when on vacation there. Is there meaning from God behind that? I was standing beside the lamb, watching it remain silent as my father slipped a knife through it's NECK. The blood drained into a bucket. I felt bad, just 11 years old. It didn't bother him a bit. Is my father descended from the high priests of Israel who offered Jesus up? Italian Sheaves' are Chiava's/Chiapponi's too, like "Caiaphas." Necks use a "deer's head."

Justine of Picenum married Valentinian I, and Valentins were first found in Picenze-like Vicenza, near the first-known Berts/Berta's (Ferrara) who in turn share the Justine border. Deerings were from OsBERTs. Os'/Oz's are in Ham colors and format while the Packs suspect in the Osbert motto were first found in Sussex with Hams. Births/Berts have fitchees while Fitch's were first found in Essex with Pack-connectable and lamb-using Pascals/Pass'.

Kettle's were first found in Perthshire with Scottish Drummonds while Santa's share the Coat of German Drummonds in colors reversed. Keiths were first found beside the Saints/Sinclairs. Ya-see, the pagans invented their Christmas symbols after their cherished bloodlines. Intruders disguised as humans. Where were their heads? What possessed them?

With Italian Sheaves' first found L'Aquila, the REINdeer can be figured now as code for Raines'/Rains, first found in Essex with Este's while Italian Este's share the Coat of Aquila's. Essex has the first-known Pascals/Pass' showing a lamb. Essex is where Camulodunum was located while a camel head is with Pale's/Palys (share Rand/Rance/Rynde lion) in the "paly" of Deers/Dere's. Mallets, very connectable via Perthshire's Rinds to Rands/Rance's/Rhynds, use the "deer." The Deerings are said to descend from Osberts who love the Tigers, first found in Suffolk with Mallets.

Deerings and Osberts were first found in Kent with Trips and Sea's, while Spanish Santa's have the triple-wavy Sea fesses in colors reversed while the three of Sea's belong to German Drummonds, first found in Hamburg with German Trips/TREFFs, which can explaining the Dober/Tober TREFoils. Sea-branch Seamans were first found in Suffolk with Kepke-connectable Kidds. A "deer" is with Nissans, first found in Hamburg, and Ness'/Nessans have a Nose variation for the red-nosed reindeer. "You split the sea" just sang over my speakers.

Reines' use a "comet" while Comet was made one of Santa's reindeer too. The virgin in the Arms of Ghent comes with a white-on-black lion, the colors of the Raines/rain lion, but also of English Nicolas'. Santa was given the name, Nicolas. Dutch Nichole's/Nicolas' are in the format of, and colors reversed from, Stockings/Stocktons, the latter first found in Cheshire with Nickle's/Nichols. Santa puts gifts into stockings, and German Nicolas' have two of the French Payne fesses while Gifts/Giffards share the motto of English Payne's.

The stocking is to be placed on the chimney mantle, and Chimneys essentially share the Tiss/Tees Coat, evoking the pagan phrase, "tis the seasons." Chimneys were first found in Yorkshire with the Tees river. People buy stocking HANGERs for Christmas, and Hangers, first found in Hampshire with Tiss'/Tees', look like kin of "sledge"-using English Alberts while Sledge's are listed with Sleigh's/Sleys.

Seasons/Says were first found in Shropshire with Vychans, and the latter's line could have named Vixen, one of Santa's reindeer. Vickens share the lion of English Stewarts while Stewart ancestry was in Shropshire, and probably in Rennes before that.

Why was Rudolph's red nose made BRIGHT? Brights were first found in Somerset with Brets/Brits and Payne's, and with Gifts/Giffards on the Axe river. Brets/Brits share the Rance lion while one reindeer was named, Prancer. The Welsh add a capital 'P' in front of some words starting with 'R.' The Welsh were Britains; they moved to Brittany. There's a Prence variation with Prince's, but I have no comment on this surname on how it might be a Rance variation.

Prence's/Prince's, first found in Yorkshire with Chimneys and Bank Newton, are in the Newton Crest while Shins/Chine', in the Newton Shield, share the Coat of Chimney-like Kemmis/Kenys'/Camois'. Santa SHIMMIES down a chimney, and Kim-branch Shimmys are listed with McKinneys/Cammie's. The Kettle "reindeer" can link to Shimmys/McKinneys by way of the latter's relationship to Kettle-branch Keiths.

As KIM Walsh has been a topic in this update, let's repeat that her sister, NIKKI, married Kepke's brother, Bob. The pheons of Nickle's/Nichols are colors reversed from the pheons of Irish Walsh's/Walchs. However, if God intended a pointer to St. Nick with Kim, shouldn't it be more important than the face value here? Who cares whether humanist stupids created Santa from their bloodlines so long as Christians have the courage and will to not celebrate a pagan Christmas? The question perhaps ought to be, who were the stupids? How do they relate to end-time prophecy?

Why would we go from my kiss to her cheek, which looked like a pointer to Apophis, to Santa Claus? Is Apophis coming on the true birthday of Jesus? Kiss'/Cush's were first found in Leicestershire with BRIDals. Is Apophis going to produce a bridal shower of rock confetti? Am I being too corny?

The kiss on the cheek involved Curbys sharing the CRESCENTs of Irish Heffers while English Heffers share the lion of French Roberts, first found in Burgundy with CRESSENTs and Kiss-connectable Cussons. Nikki Walsh married ROBERT Kepke. Propers/Roberts were first found in Cheshire with Nickle's/Nichols. Nikki was probably born, Nicole, and Dutch Nicole's look related to Locks/DesLoges', first found in Burgundy. Scottish Locks (Lanarkshire with Swans) share the swan with Irish Walsh's/Walchs.

It just so happens that English Heffers share the triple lions in pale of Irish Brians, from Briancon, ancient Brigantium, the line of Brights and Bride's, suspect with Crab-beloved Bridge's. That picture seems to beg a Kiss-Bridal merger, though the heraldry doesn't provide proof of one. Kiss-branch Cass'/Casts were first found in the same place as Crabs, however. Cusson-like Cousins were first found in Norfolk with Castons and Case's.

Briggs (share McBride cinquefoil) share the pelican with Propers/Roberts, and blue vair fur with French Roberts (share Heffer lion). French Brians (Brittany) share the blue saltire with Loge's, first found in Burgundy. Briggs share the red escutcheon with Briggers/Briegs. Brighams were first found in Yorkshire with Brittany-connectable Brightons and Mountain-connectable Tongue's/Tongs (Brittany colors and format).

A brig and a brigantine were types of sailing ships, adding to the weight of Bright liners pointing to Apophis.

Shimmys/McKinneys (share Fraser Coat) are said to descend from "FREZell...granted lands at Keith in East Lothian in 1160." Freeze's/Freys' were first found in Essex with Rance-connectable Raines'/Rains. Another of Santa's reindeer was named, Cupid, and while Rance's are also Rants, Rantons/Rentons (scimitars) have a giant version of the Cupid lion head while Cupids were first found in Norfolk with Heads/Heeds and Rance's/Rants. Rantons/Rentons were first found in Berwickshire with Battle's while Cupids have "two hands...battling with scimitars." Battle's share the giant griffin of Chaffs, first found in Dorset with Head-branch Hats/Hades'. Rantons/Rentons look related to the Coat of Chichs/Chicks, first found in Essex with Raines'.

In colors reversed, the Nissan fesses are those of Dons while another reindeer was Donner. Their respective double fesses are like the three of Santa's versus Drummonds. While French Rogers share the bend of Dutch Hamburgs, English Rogers use "deer" and a "NOS" motto term! See? The masonic pagans love their bloodlines who create Christmas themes.

I showed how Nettle's were of Needle's/NEILders, and so let's repeat that Nettle's have two "snakes enTWINEd," for Tine's use a "reindeer," and Deerings were first found in Kent with Snake's/Snooks. Rogers are RODGers too while Rudge's/RUDE's were first found in Shropshire with Tine's.

When I went to scout land down south, which led me to seeing Miss Hicks first on CHRISTmas day, I was driving a Nissan pick-up. My final end of the trip was at CHRYSTal City. I had no intention of going to Santa Claus and reindeer when starting that section, but I've just remembered what I've said several times, I'm not making this up: my Nissan's original owner was Kent DONER of a Datsun dealer in Newmarket, Ontario, now "Newmarket Nissan." DONNER was one of the reindeer, and Dons have the double Nissan fesses in colors reversed. The "dona" motto term of Dons can be for Dance's/Donna's, and Dancer is another Santa reindeer

It's amazing that Datsons are listed with DAYtons/Deightons. I didn't know until seconds after writing the last sentence that "Dei" is a Don motto term, looking like code for the Die variation of Dee's (Cheshire with Dons). Dons even use arrows while I was wondering whether Datsons share the Arrow/Arras fleur-de-lys prior to loading Dons a couple of minutes ago. Arrows/Arras' were first found in Staffordshire (beside Cheshire) with Rudys/Rudyards.

There ought not to be a Datson relationship to Dons aside from God arranging it as per Doner Datsun, then, centuries later, arranging my scouting trip down south to meet Miss Hicks. Datsons have: "They descended from the distinguished Norman family of Picot d'Auton," which brings Eatons to mind, first found in Cheshire with Picots.

Eatons share an "omnia" motto term with Dons. Eatons look like kin of Hykes'/Hacks (Devon with Pike's), and I can trace them with their patee cross to "Etna" in Messina, for Patti is in Messina too while patees are used also by Massena's/Messina's. The Hyksos from the Exodus pharaoh were proto-Masseys, right?

I trace Nice's/Ness'/Nessans to queen Nysa of the PONTus, and PONTers are in the Chapman/Chepman motto while we saw Chipmans in Deering colors and format. The line of Nysa, and her husband, PHARNaces, is to the Furness' and Parrs. The latter share the double Nissan fesses. Furness' and Parrs were first found in Lancashire with the Lancastrian-rose line of John of Gaunt, and Lancasters (red roses) have double fesses too, half in the colors of the two of Nissans.

Ahh, I remember: Morinis', in the DEERing write-up as Deering ancestry, share the double fesses of Dons!!!! Dons were first found in Cheshire with Fox-loving Bellows/Billows, and Doners/Donners/Donahue's have "foxes comBATANT" the colors of the Arms of Bolebec. Batants/Badens (Somerset with the Axe river of Wears/Were's) use axes.

The interesting thing here is that Irish Days have a sword beside two coiled, green snakes, similar to the green snake coiled around a sword of Doners/Donners. There was some evidence above that Days and Dee's could be a pointer to Jesus' birthday, but I'm nervous with this claim, especially now with snakes in the picture. But wait. Read on.

Morinis' were first found in Modena with the Marano's whom I link to the Montfort lion, and Monforte is beside Bra, itself near the mouth of the Stura-Demonte. I had read that Montforts owned the so-called "gonFANON banner," and Fanano is in Modena too. The Arms of Fanano has a lion holding a banner which reads, "FIDES." Marano is on a Banner-like Panaro river, and while "Banner / Bainer" looks Bohemian, Boii, founders of Bohemia, conquered Modena. "GONfanon" can be for the Gone/Guenets (share Gaunt bend), first found in Belgium with Ghent, and I had read that the "maiden" in the Arms of Ghent is a "virgin." You will read in Bible commentaries that Isaiah mentions "young maiden" that the Septuagint (pre-dates Jesus) translates as "virgin." Therefore, let's now repeat from above when on the virgin birth of Jesus from Isaiah's mention of "Immanuel," the same passage having his "young maiden":

Scottish Dee's were first found in Aberdeenshire with the Banners in the "banner" of Emmanuels. Dee's even use a "Hic LABOR" motto to potentially point to labor PAINs of His mother. Gifts share the Pain motto! The Dee Crest is described as a "A gold lion seated" [doesn't tell what the lion is holding], yet it appears to be holding a banner. Is that not amazing?

Immanuels are also Manuels while Scottish Manuels share the Sword sword, and we saw the Doner and Day swords above. Immanuels share the Dee and Dean/DIANE lion while here's on mythical Diana: "Diana swore a vow of chastity, making her one of the Roman maiden goddesses famed for their virginity,..." Deans/Diane's and Italian Deans/Diano's share the crescents of Mallards/Milwoods while Maidens use a "mallard." Make of it what you wish, but it's certainly not common (understatement) to link the Word of God to heraldic connections like this. But if God has set up heraldry to make certain pointers for me to discover, for your benefit, it's a different matter.

Spanish Manuels have a red-Shield version of the Chaine Coat while a "chain" is used by Gemels (Ayrshire with Virgin-connectable Ure's/Orreys and Bars) while "bars gemel" are used by Labors (Yorkshire with Hicks and Joiners) in the "Hic labor" motto of Dee's. The Bar Crest looks related to the Ure/Orrey, and therefore to the Virgin, Crest. The Gemel hearts are "joined by a chain", and Joiners share the Chaine sword. Gemel-like Gamals/Gamble's share the Hicks fleur.

The only thing I can say reliably about Virgins, besides being first found in Kenza-connectable Kent with Gaunts, is that they show only red lions in both Shield and Crest, and ditto with Aures'/Aurs and Ure's/Orreys. Queen Kenza was from Aures, and MacKenzie's use an "uro" motto term. However, my quest was to find evidence that the Apophis asteroid returns on Jesus' birthday, what seems like a futile quest. Why did I even bother trying? Hykes' could have the Ure's/Eure's in their motto.

Ahh. I had been frustrated in using the Births/Berts for pointing to Jesus's birth because I couldn't see how their hunting HORNs could apply. But, now, the Virgin-connectable Ure's/Orreys are also Hurrys while Hurons are listed with Herons sharing the HORN/Orne Coat! I was rolling the die, but now the gamble looks safer.

God Apparently Used Star Worshipers

Wow, I kid you not, that I only just-now learned that Virgo is beside Cancer!!! I'm not into mixing God with pagan constellations, but as per the purposes of pointing to Apophis, I'm open to his use of these constellations. For all I know, Apophis might travel first through Virgo, as one sees the rock in a telescope from earth, and then through Cancer. I learned of these two side-by-side constellations because I was checking whether Orne-like Orion is beside Cancer.

As Leo is beside both Virgo and Cancer, it's interesting that German Leo's share the Virgin lion as well as the quadrants of Osberts, first found in Kent with Virgins. Italian Leo's share the Kent lion in half its colors. German Leo's were first found in Hamburg with Sea-connectable Drummonds while Sea's were first found in Kent with Virgins. German Leo's even share a bend-with-hexagrams (different bend color) with Massena's while Masons/Massins were first found in Kent too. That's pretty amazing. Leonardo's even share the giant Immanuel lion.

Masons/Massins even use a merMAID for likely connection to the "maiden" in the Arms of Ghent/Gaunt. The latter is at the end of the Lys river while Massena-branch Masci's, RasMUSsens (look like Pepin/Pepy kin), and Masseys/Maceys use fleur-de-LYS. The Maceys/Mace's and Maceys/Maceys lived at Ferte-Mace off or the Orne river, and they share gauntlets with Fane's/Vans. The latter were first found in Monmouthshire while Monmouths almost have the Coat of Maids/Mauds.

AND, I've just remembered, Maids/Mauds and Monmouths both share the giant Virgin lion! MAIDs/Mauds even have the red lion both in Crest and Shield, as Virgins do! That's why the Arms of Gaunt can have both a virgin or a maiden. Although Maids/Mauds don't call their bars-gemel by that phrase, Scottish Bars, first found in the same place with Gemels, share the Maid/Maud lion head in Crest. And German Bars are the ones with HORNS!

Alice of Rumilly was a Meschin on her father's side. Her sisters were Avice Meschin of PAYNel, and Maud. Maids/Mauds were first found in Cheshire with the Meschins who provided Alice's father. Rumillys share the white crescent with Simsons who in turn have an "Alis" motto term. The Simson crescents are in the colors of Irish Herons/Haverans who in turn share the ORNE/Horn Coat, and, believe it or not, both Herons and Orne's/Horns share the motto of the other Simsons! I didn't know it when starting this paragraph!!!

Herons/Haverans use a pelican while Pellicans were first found in Maine with French Billets while English Billets share the Coat of Bellows/BELETS, and the latter was in an insert I wrote minutes ago, above, telling of Orion's BELT. French Billets share the Rumilly stars, and Rumillys are suspect as kin of Crabs. Pellicans share the tower of Howells, first found in Monmouthshire, and Monmouths almost have the Maid/Maud Coat. Howells are in the colors and format of Rumilly-beloved Lilys, first found in Worcestershire with Rumilly-beloved Rocks, and while Belts were shown as Cheek/Check/Chick kin, the latter were first found in Oxfordshire with Lille's, and with Belet-connectable Ships/Shiptons. The Rumilly-Meschins were related to Skiptons. Belts were first found in Essex with Belt-beloved Fitch's, with Skipps/Skippers, with Belt-connectable Chichs, and with Asters/Sturs and Chaunceurs. Cancer the crab is beside Orion.

Rumillys, with nine lilies, are said to have a "a rock with nine points," and they share the crescent of Nine's/Nons/Nevins. Lille's (same place as Cheeks/Chicks) share red fitchees with Belts and Cheeks/Chicks. Lille's are traced to "ALICE, wife of Warine de L'lsle." The Points/Pointers were first found in Somerset with Billet-connectable Bills (pelican) who in turn look related to the Rumilly Coat that itself shares the French Billet stars. While Lille's look connectable to Cheeks/Chicks, Chichs share the lion of Grasse', first found in Lincolnshire with the Swallows in the Lille Crest.

Plus, it's amazing that Orion is beside Gemini. "Gemini" is the "twin," and "gemel" means "twin"! Lookie there. Suddenly, for the first time in my life, I'm realizing that God may have had a say in what the pagans chose for their gods in the sky, but for His purposes, one apparently helping to convince us that Apophis is landing. The Orion constellation has a "belt," like a belt at the waist, a Santa symbol.

Another mermaid is with Glass' having the Massey and Lys fleur in colors reversed, and while Glass' were first found on Bute, mythical Orion was in Boeotia, suspect in naming Butua at the CLAUSula theater, where I trace "Glass / Class" elements. Class'/Klassens use another "banner."

I'm now amazed because, while Labors have bars-gemel, Laps/LABBS' use a giant mermaid! This means that Labors must be from Bohemia, named by the Boii, and Boeotia is also "Boiotia"! Plus, the Maccabees lived at GAMALa of Israel, yet they lived also at MODI'IN (Israel), and Boii conquered Modena! Maccabee's were "MaccaBAEUS"! German Babe's/Babels have another mermaid, this time with two tails for linkage to the Arms of Bohemia. Could "babe" point to Jesus in the manger?

Although I see nothing in the Manger Coat to point to Jesus' birth, nor in the Coat of their Major/Magor/Mayer branch, Mangers were first found in Wiltshire with Laps/Labbs', and with Audrys whom I checked because Aprils (Audry colors) have an Audri variation. I'm looking for evidence that Jesus was born in April, and Aprils use the "pine tree," symbol of pagan Christmas. The Audry Coat and Crest looks related to the Thistle Shield and Crest, and Thistle's were first found in the Channel Islands with Majors/Magors/Mayers.

It appears that Boeotian elements, initially from Israel's pagan groups, returned to Israel with the Maccabees, and Maccabee king-priests are known for putting forth the Sadducees, who had a House of Boethus!!!!! Look at what God has been teaching the world (anyone who will read) through these heraldic connections that He's been teaching me. Maccabees had apparently been Greeks, and they were attacked by the Greek Seleucids.

I have said that they peoples from Modi'in, which went by that name from at least the time of Joshua, named Modon/Methoni in Messenia (Greece), the latter being the line to Massena's, Masci's, Mace's, and their branches.

Orion's family was in Tanagra, location of SCHIMatari, which traces to Shake's/Shakerleys because they use mole hills while Mole's share the SCHIM/Schien boar. Schims/Schiens love the Fortuna's in their motto, and "Lady Fortune" holds a banner in the Class/Klassen Coat. Cunninghams, first found in Ayrshire with Horn-connectable Bars, use a "SHAKEfork.". Thus, trace the Kenite-associated SHECHEMites of Israel to Ayrshire.

Horns/Orne and Herons/Hurons use a "desPERANdum"motto term, and Perans, first found in Lorraine with French Barrs, share beakless eagles with Lorraine's, called "allerions," and then Allers were first found in Westphalia with the Pansys and Ducks. The Arms of Bar-le-DUC, in Lorraine, use pansies. Conys, with a "pansy," share the Coat of Conns in turn first found in Aberdeenshire with Schims/Schiens and their Skin/Scan branch. "Duce" is a Schim/Schien motto term. Scheins (not "Schien") share the giant fleur of German Banners, and the Immanuel lion is "holding a banner" (!) while Holdings/Holdens use "allerions" and moreover share the red escutcheon of Allers! Incredible outcome.

Schims/Schiens list Chands/Shands while Chands are listed with the same-colored Chaine's in turn essentially sharing the Coat of Immanuel-like Manuels. I've just realized that the giant Schim/Schien wing must be of the giant Bar eagle, for they are in the same colors.

Bars were first found in Ayrshire with Scottish Kennedys while Irish Kennedys use the SCIMITAR as proof that Shechemites moved through Greece with Kenites. It explains the KENiron variation of Orions/Irons. I say that the namers of the latter named Arras, beside Bute.

McCabe's, first found in Arran, use "salmon" while Salome of Boethus (SADDUCees) was part of a Herod line. Maccabees are said to be named after "hammer," and some family arranged for the Hammers and same-colored Hams, both first found in Sussex with SADDOCKs while Hams share the McCabe "salmon" in both colors. Salmons and Salemans were in and out of Surrey, where Dolphins were once said to be first found, and English Hammers (Dutch Hamel colors) show only dolphins.

Salmons are now said to be first found in Cumberland with Dolphins, and with Autens who in turn, in Hammer / Ham / McCabe colors, share the giant Hume/Home lion that is the Arms of Bolebec. English Bole's/Bolls share the Schim/Schien and Mole boar head!!! Ham-like Hume's/Home's were first found in Berwickshire with Boys.

Methoni, a real city, was mythicized as a daughter of mythical king Oeneus of Calydon, whom I trace to the Caledonian PICTs, and then while PICOT de Autun is in the Datson write-up, mythical Aedon was queen of Thebes in Boeotia. This lends curious evidence that Shechemites of Boeotia are to Mole-loving Shake's/Shakerleys, first found in Lancashire (at Shakerley) with Furness' and Parrs, who in turn descend from Seleucids via Pharnaces and Nysa, the line to Nissans, explaining why God chose for me to drive a Datsun-Nissan PICK-up truck. Picots use "PIKE heads."

Recall Picot of Autun, for the Pyxites river was in the Amazonian land of Calydon-like Khaldi, at the Rize / Asia theater of Armenia.

"Autun" is like the Egyptian sun god, Aten, and the Apophis asteroid is part of the Aten group of asteroids. I didn't come to Autun elements due to that, however. And so let's repeat from above: "HERONs were first found in Northumberland with Ade's/Aids, now suspect from Autun's Aedui." We saw Orion beside Cancer.

Autuns came to topic with my Datsun Nissan, as per D'Autuns in the Datson/Daton write-up. For what it's worth, they once showed the same lion as Dreux's. The interesting thing is that Datsons share the Powell Coat, and I've been pretty sure that Powells have the Fens/Venns in their motto, linkable to Phones'/Fauns and Phone's/Fane's/Vans, and this could be a pointer to Apophis knocking out telephone-facilitating satellites. The Edrichs in the Powell motto, with a red lion in both Shield and Crest, could explain the same-colored lion once shown by Datsons.

I see the myth writer's "CadMUS" as a mythical character depicting the Cadusii Armenians of Hermes, together with the Armenians at Mus of Lake Van, where I trace the Hyksos who named Moses. They had a snake symbol all the way to Illyrium. Cadmus looks like a Hyksos element in Phoenicia after Hyksos left Egypt. The myth writer had Cadmus and his Armenian wife, Harmonia, settle in Boeotia. We can guess-timate that the Kenites were in his train to Boeotia.

Cadmus' sister had elements in nearby Argos as per Io the white cow. I say that the Exodus pharaoh had a calf symbol. Ask Aaron about that. Melia of Boeotia married Inachus of Argos, and Melia is suspect in naming Meleager, king of Calydon, and husband of Atalantis. Mythical Atlas of mythical Atlantis, son of the Phoenician Poseidon, had seven daughters that were made stars. The star gazers. The sea-faring star gazers. They were probably infested with astrology and delirious on odorous kegs of wine. I suggest that Cadmus and company were the proto-Masseys.

Maceys/Mace's from the Orne region use a "mace" = a hammer. Auten-like Edens were first found in Suffolk with the Mallets who may have named themselves such only when bumping in marriage to a Maccabee line. Mallets are used by Soans/Soams, in Eden colors and much-format, and first found in Suffolk too. Edens add scallops in the colors of the same of James', first found in Surrey with the line of Salome Boethus.

One of the ancient Maccabee's, Avaran, may have had a line to the Horns where the Haveran surname came forth from them, listed with Hearns/HEFFRons. They share the Heron/Huron and Horn/Orne Coat, but on a green Shield that has its herons in both colors of the Arms of Bolebec. Herons were first found in Northumberland with Ade's/Aids, now suspect from Autun's Aedui.

I trace the mirror of the heraldic mermaid to Mire's/Mireux's on reliable reasons, and they use the "myrtle bush" while Mertle's/Martels use "hammers". See that? It suggests that the Carolingian dynasty was from Maccabees, making sense where it was followed by the Capetian dynasty suspect from the ancestry of the high priest, Joseph Caiaphas, feasibly or likely a Boethus-line Sadducee.

The myrtle BUSH gets us to German Bush's, first found in Rhineland with Salome's, and to English Bush's, first found in Yorkshire with Boethus-like Booths/Boths and sharing their black boar, the color of the boar of Edom. Herods descended from an Edomite, Kypros, and then Coopers/Coppers were first found in Sussex with Saddocks and Hammers. Bothwells use a "boy." The black boar is by Bowles' (in the near-shape of the Bush Coat), first found in Lincolnshire with Bole's/Bolls.

For those who don't know, "Immanuel" means "God with us." Isaiah, in 7:14, didn't know he was writing about Jesus. Isaiah told his readers that this would be a sign = miracle, but there is NOTHING miraculous about a young maiden giving birth, and so this is why the translators in the Septuagint version of the Bible used, "virgin."

Surnames have a way of developing from marital mergers, when two surnames are combined to form one. I've read that Nicholas de Vere von Drakenberg liked the Gwinns/GINs, who are listed with Ghent-like Gwents sharing a wolf head in Crest (different color) with Gaunts. VirGINs may then have formed by the namers of the Vire river with Gins. Vere's of Manche lived at Ver, near or even on the Vire river. Vires' are listed with Verona's, first found in Ile-de-France with Ghent-connectable Lys'/Lise's. English Lise's/Liss' were first found in Hampshire with English Ghents.

It took me until now to add that Marys share the Virgin lion!!! God is turning heraldic connections against the anti-Christs by showing that He lives powerfully!

Hyksos were on the Nile delta. The Nihill variation of Irish Neils could be in the "nihil" motto term of the Deans, the ones translating their "Forti" term as "brave." Boleslaw the Brave. English Neals were kin of Yarborough's, from king Yaroslav of Kiev, and Bocks share the Coat, minus the border, of Kiev-line Kepke's. Yaroslav's sister, Maria, married the son of Mieszko II Lambert. The latter was a son of Boleslaw the Brave. Maria is to the Keeps without a doubt.

Yarborough's use a "sine" motto term while Sine's/Sions/Swans share the Boxer / Neal lion. The Sitten branch of Seatons was named as per a tribe at Sion. As German Christmas' share the Sine/Sion/Swan swan, I've been wondering if Noels were a Neil offshoot. Yarborough's have a falcon while French Falcons share the French Noel crescent. Sine's/Sions/Swans, possibly from Sweyn Forkbeard, husband of Mieszko I's daughter (sister of Boleslaw the Brave), use "falconer's gloves."

English Noels share a fretty Shield, in different colors, with Rudys/Rudyards, both first found in Staffordshire. It evokes Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer.

Seaton is at the mouth of the Axe of Devon, and the "nihil" motto term of the Deans, Vere's and Weirs is translated "nothing," recalling the "nothing" motto term of Seaton-branch Sutys. Their Side/Suddy branch shares the tiger in Crest with Devon's Walerans.

Back to the Births/Berts and Burts, noting that Burtons/Bertons are from a Drago character. Burtons/Bertons are in the colors and format of Hooks, first found in Devon with Births/Berts and dragon-using Ware's. The Proctors, first found in Cambridgeshire with Crabs, share the Bird/Burd martlet exactly, and the Proctor motto has a term translated as "Always," which is a term in the motto of Ainsleys who likewise share the Bird/Burd fleur-de-lys.

Ainsley Earhardt doubled as Sleeping Beauty, and her daughter was with Will Proctor, a professional FOOTball player. Foots/Foods, first found in Cheshire with Balls and Birds/Burds, can be suspect in the "FOEdari" motto term of Gifts/Giffards. If the latter were on the Axe river with Births/Berts or Brets, we can spell, birthday gift.

The Ship-loving Daro's suspect in that motto term were first found in Stirlingshire with Ship-loving Bauds, a branch of Ship-loving Balds (Peebles-shire with McKinneys), and the Cheshire Balls list Balders. Ainsley Earhardt was married to Mr. McKinney prior to Will Proctor, and the stunning thing now is the Jesus-like "Je suis" motto phrase of McKinneys!!! Unbelievable.

The full motto, "Je suis PREST," is translated "I am ready," and Readys, sharing the Cambridge swans, are in the colors and format of the triple McKinney (and Kim) cinquefoils. Prests share the Neil estoiles, and then Proctor-connectable Nails/Neils were first found in Westphalia with the Pansys in the Cony Crest.

Repeat from above while on the Grail/Neil link to Fetters: "The Valens and Volens' in the Feather motto look related to the Feet/." While Lorraine's pants pointed to Westphalia's Pansys/Pantzers, she had a feet / foot symbol. She and I first dated on my birthday.

Lorraine's butt symbol (grass stain on pants) was on her balcony, which is how I discovered Botter-related Balcons of Crail. Nail-loving Proctors were first found in the same place as Crabs/Crails! Why did I first date her on my birthday (not in April)? Why are Date's/Dade's kin of Comyns who in turn share the German Dare Coat?

The Ships love the Bellows/Billows/Ballots, first found in Cheshire with the Balls/Balders using a "fireball", can we believe it? The fireball is coming. The only thing missing with the Ball fireball is its gift wrapping. The Bellows/Billows/Ballets use a fox head, and Ainsley works for Fox. The Bellow-branch Billets were first found in Devon with Births/Burts.

Scottish Balders were first found in West Lothian with Tenants who in turn share a "mast" with Daro's. "Mori" is a motto term shared by Grails/Neils/Neals and Gifts/Giffards / Payne's. This would be much better if I can prove that the Crail variation of Crabs is a Grail offshoot. English Neals, first found beside Payne's, have an "extenDERE" motto term. It appears that there was a Grail-Gift link, and the vertically split Shield of English Neals has the colors of the horizontally-split Shield of German Gifts.

The split colors of German Gifts are in colors reversed with the Bewere's, and Drago de Bewere is likely the reason for the beaver in the Arms of Oxford, for Vere's ruled Oxford as earls many generations. Burtons/Bertons call him "Drogo de Beavriere." This greatly helps to nail Births/Berts with Gifts/Giffards of Wear. BIRTHDAY GIFT a-coming on April 13?

Dare we seek evidence that Jesus was born on April 13? German Dare's are in Lovelace and Cutter colors and format, and Cutters were first found in Dorset with Beautys and Hayden-branch Hats/Hades'. Lovelace's use cups, and, likely, a family with cups had been dubbed the "holy grail" line...out of which came the Crails, POSSIBLY. Holys are listed with Hollys, first found in Norfolk with the Comyns sharing the triple Dare garbs/sheaves. Norfolk is also where Lance's were first found in the "lances" of Italian Dere's. Garbs share the stars of Italian Dere's, yet they are the Bright / Bride stars too.

Lance-like Langhe is beside Bra, and I reached out to touch a bra belonging to the tenant at the Peterson residence. Italian Dere's (share the stars of the French Alans) have the lances, and Daro's share the "mast" with Tenants. See that? I trace Petersons to the Fulbert, father of Pollocks and a vassal of the Lance-like Alans/Alengs whom I trace to "Langhe." The latter is at the TANARo river, and Alan Huns had been at the Tanais river (now the Don). The Talbots in the Crest of English TANNERs (Devon with Alan-of-Dol Stewarts) were first found in Shropshire with Dol Alans. English Tanners share the Chief-Shield colors of Vilains while Dol is in Vilaine. f

The earliest Dol Alans are said to have been at Norfolk, where Roundel-like Rands/Rance's and Lance's were first found; the latter have the Alan fesse in colors reversed. The Alan-related Rundels/ROUNDels (from Cuneo, location of Bra) were first found in Kent with Deerings, and with the Gore's sharing the Lance fesse and the Rench crosslets. Dol is near the Rance river. Gore's were once said to be first found in Essex with ROUNDs who have a "sleeping lion" in Crest, and Sleeps were first found in Kent with Gore's while Sleap is in Shropshire with the Alans.

FitzAlans of Arundel and Dol married Alice of Saluzzo. They lived in Clun of Shropshire, and Cluns, first found in Perthshire with Dere-like Dure's, both share the Saluzzo Coat. French Dure's were established in Dol.

"PonDERE" is a motto term of Chapmans/Chepmans, first found in Cambridgeshire with Crabs/Crails and Ponders/Ponters. The latter have roughly the Coat of Ponds/Ponts, first found in Hampshire with Sturs/Stowers and English Botters. I trace Italian Botters to the Balcons, first found in Crail. Chapmans/Chepmans were first found in the same place as Capone's who in turn share the Coat of star-using Stairs/Stayers while Stars/Starmers (Wiltshire with English Neals) come up as "Stairr." This is not only making a fair case for a Grail/Neal link to Crails/Crabs, but plays to the asteroid via Aster/Stur branches. Ponders/Ponters and Ponds/Points share the black boar with English Bush's/Buschs while Busca is near the Stura-Demonte river.

Ponter-like Pointers love the Pense variation of Pincons, first found in Devon with Giffard-Wears on the Axe river. Pincs share gold patee-fitchees with Pointers. The latter use "piles" while English Pile's were first found in Somerset with the Lovelace's (Dare colors and format, reminder) who in turn share the Pilotte/Piller cups while French Pile's/Pillars are also Pilots. "Pillars" are used by Bosco's with "TUFTS of grass" upon them, and it just so happens that Tufts/Tuffs' share the crosslets of Giffard-related Wears. German Bush's/Buschs were first found in Rhineland with the German Dare's under discussion.

Pontus elements can be to PodeBRADY where Bradys have a "hand pointing to a gold sun," similar to English Babe's. Brady's were first found in Galway while Galways and Ponti's use bridges. As I see Bridge's as a Bright / Bride / Brigg branch, note how "Brady" is like "Bride." Brights were first found in Cheshire with Breads/Bradds/Braids. The latter were once said to be first found in Midlothian with Suns/Sinclairs, explaining the Brady sun. English Babe's are now said to be first found in Suffolk with Bradfields. The latter share the annulets of Bulls/Bule's, first found in Somerset with Bridge's.

Bull-using Popps'/Poppels (Westphalia with Hovers/Hoffers) share the Bull / Bradfield annulets, which becomes a good pointer to Apophis with the Bridge-beloved Crabs, for the latter were even first found in Cambridgeshire with English Popps/Pape's. The Tigers of Suffolk are in the Crest of English Popps/Pape's, and Teague's/Teegers were first found in Galway with Bradys, even with MacKenzie-branch Kennys. Hyksos worshiped the disgusting Baal bull cult, and we saw Sleeping Beauty hover, BALanced level on her back, while Balance's look like kin of English Backs (Somerset with Levels and Bulls/Bule's) A steer bull is with German Backs. Levels were related to Beauty-connectable and bull-using Walerans who in turn have: "The family was first found at Bradfield,... There's another tiger in the Waleran Crest.

The Beauty bull is in the Crest of the Haydens, and Ainsley's daughter is Hayden Proctor. The Beauty / Hayden bull must be with Luffkins, first found in Shropshire with Hunters/Hunts who share their saltire. Both Hayden surnames were first found in Norfolk with the Comyns who share a "dagger" in Crest with Daro's, as well as the three garbs/sheaves of German Dare's.

English Dare's, first found in Essex with Asters/Sturs, share the Chapman/Chepman crescent, and Ponders came from Chapmans/Chepmans. Norfolk is where the Wheats/Whate's were first found in the "ears of wheat" of Scottish Chappes'/Cheaps. English Dare's likely have the lion of Brocks who in turn love Devon's Darts.

The McKinneys above are also McCammie's/McKIMMIe's, probably a branch of Kemmis'/Kenys'/Camois'. The latter were once said to be first found in Gloucestershire with the Cams suspect in the Gift/Giffard motto. Crabs could very well have ruled on the Cam river, and Kemmis'/Kenys'/Camois' share the Coat of SHINs/Chine's, first found in Somerset with Crab-loving Bridge's. CamBRIDGE. Somerset has the sources of the Stour river, which named Sturminster-Newton, and Newtons (Cheshire) use "SHIN bones." Shins/Chine's share the triple Stormer fesses.

Prior to working for Fox, Ainsley worked for KENS TV news.

Bald-like Blade's have a saltire in the colors of the Newton shin bones in saltire. Blade's and BURTons/Bertons share Drago de Bewere in their write-up, and Births/Berts share the Burt Coat. The latter use hunting horns while Kemmis'/Kenys'/Camois' are now said to be first found in Huntingdonshire with the Others/Otters linkable to the Daro motto.

Huntingdon is in Cambridgeshire so that Crabs may have been found in Huntingdon. Crabs were kin of Dole's while Hunters/Hunts were first found in Shropshire with Dol's Alans. Hellens were first found in Brittany with Dol while Hells share the Crab Coat. Hellens can be gleaned as kin of English Este's while Italians Este's share the eagle of Wafer-branch Wefers, and Wafers look like a cross between Huntingdons and the wavy Dol fesse. Este's share the Dole fleur.

Someone writes what makes a lot of sense:

One of the main arguments for a spring birth comes from the Gospel of Luke, which tells us that shepherds were watching their flocks by night when Jesus was born (Luke 2:8). Some scholars argue that shepherds in Judea would typically watch their flocks at night during the lambing season, which occurs in the spring. This practice was necessary to protect the newborn lambs from predators.(Schaff, 2004) The spring timing aligns with the Jewish feast of Passover, which holds great theological significance in relation to Christ’s mission. Jesus is often referred to as the “Lamb of God,” and the symbolism of His birth coinciding with the time when lambs were born for the Passover sacrifice is compelling to many. Some early Christian writers also suggested a spring date for Christ’s birth. Clement of Alexandria, writing in the late 2nd century, mentioned several dates proposed for Christ’s birth, including April 20 or 21.

I ignore anyone who has tried to link a comet to the "star of Bethlehem." I don't see how anyone can follow a comet to a village let alone a house / barn. A comet flies over thousands of villages and towns. What's wrong with the scholars? Wouldn't it have been over Jerusalem too, just four miles from Bethlehem?


The UN is working desperately, with no time to spare, with the WHO to become a global beast. There are other conglomerations involved secretly with this effort. Every state and provincial leader should claim sovereignty against this globalist intrusion:

The Republicans speaking above are imploring the people to elect more like-minded Senators in order to keep the Democrats from voting on behalf of the UN / WHO treaties. Unless election fraud is severely crippled, the Senate could become heavily tilted Democrat. Globalists put up organizations pretending to help the world when in fact they are designed to usurp the world with snake-in-the-grass tactics.

The Israeli military is suspect in exploding 1000s of pagers and 1000s of walkie-talkie's in Lebanon. This is demonic; I'm not in favor of it, and one can see here that globalists have probably booby-trapped many cell phones all over the world with harmful effects. Note how Zionist Christians, committed to "the peace of Jerusalem," are standing up for a demonic Israel military in the name of self-defence. The problem is, God doesn't want to defend modern Israel anymore. God gave her a chance back in the 60s and 70s, but since then, Israel has become a sadistic, globalist whore:

I didn't see one comment in the Christian-Zionist video above telling of Israel's great tribulation looking like it's on its way. What kinds of Bible readers are these? Yes, Israel will get the victory, but not until after a horrible ending for herself. Netanyahu is goading her enemies to bring it on. It is not a proper method of warfare to explode phones and phone-like devices because nobody at the exploding end of things knows who's near the devises at the time of detonation.

Ahh, down about 100 comments as I arrived to them, one quotes this: "Zechariah 14:2 For I will gather all the nations to battle against Jerusalem; The city shall be taken, The houses rifled, And the women ravished." It'll be still worse than that. Starvation in Jerusalem, death by war, death while fleeing, exile into Greece, the nation will fall amid wild celebrations of Muslims. It's not time to make merry. God does not like this nation, can't Christians see why?

If you haven't time to watch anything more of this week's Highwire, start this at 58 minutes to see the debauchery and sheer wickedness in COVID New York:

The video above, near the start, has some good news as per ICAN court cases that promise to reinforce "religious exemptions" in the United States. ICAN is steam-rolling ahead, slowly but surely.

The video also tells that Agenda 2030 is way behind, probably because Klaus Schwab likes to fine-dine with "important" people rather than get down and work. These globalists want to be more stars than doers. They prefer to just force us at the pain of punishment rather than work hard to convince us that they are respectable and beneficent. It's a losing strategy.

The vatican is showing true colors as globalism steers anti-Bible. Mike Winger doesn't need to worry about being "petty" for jumping all over the vatican; he needs to jump all over it with disgusto:

Here's trudeau's biggest scandal yet for tax-money laundering now out in the open. This is toxically sinful. The first video has some choice clips with comments from the video owners; the second video, starting at 2 minutes, has the uninterrupted parliamentary hearing with the gutsy, unrepentant, determined whistle-blower:

If the main canadian media and the RCMP do nothing about this gangsterism, canada will become a laughing stock worse than it already, reflecting the same gangsterism that has long plagued the United States. The entire globalist-maintained West must be like this. The RCMP has long known about this, but has arrested nobody. Do you see what demons hang off of the upper levels of political canada? How does one get rid of them if the RCMP and the Justice department won't act? Change the brass. Change the federal government. But will Poilievre's RCMP boss have the guts to arrest the liberal gangsters, or is Poilievre just another cowardly / duplistic Trump stooge? He doesn't seem like one.


Here's all four Gospels wrapped into one story.

For Some Prophetic Proof for Jesus as the Predicted Son of God.
Also, you might like this related video:

Pre-Tribulation Preparation for a Post-Tribulation Rapture