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September 10 - 16, 2024

Post-Tribulationism Has Taken Off
There's No Stopping It

The post-tribbers below fail to mention the need to endure the tribulation without the ability to make as-usual purchases. Why does God mention the 666 system at all? If we spend time convincing people that the rapture is after 1,260 days of the 666, do we fail our hearers by not suggesting means by which to make our lives better? Is our only option to starve to death, or is there another one?

I share this video with light-hearted speakers because it may make you a post-tribber before it's too late for you. The young guy is wrong to suggest that pre-tribbers will not lose their salvation on account of that theory. Some pre-tribbers could receive the 666 when they are unable to starve to death, when they cannot bring their spirits up when repeatedly rejected by other Christians who did make preparations, when asking for some of theirs.

Joel Richardson is a more-serious post-tribber who's sounding the alarm against pre-tribbers, but only a little more to my liking. He likes to respect hardcore pre-tribulationists, but why not ask self how Paul would speak against anyone who twisted his view at 2 Thessalonians 2 such that he/she puts the rapture before the revelation of the anti-Christ in spite of his saying otherwise? I doubt very much that Paul would speak respectful of such an individual, whom he implies to be a deceiver in 2 Thessalonians 2 itself:

We might think that the great falling away is due to satanic deception in the end times, but there could be God at play too, because of His disappointment in staunch, pre-trib church leaders. He Himself can place a stumbling block before them, when they insist in abandoning their members to the 666 at the brink of the 1,260 days, to make them fall away, offended. They could become the main bulk of the foolish virgins.

After the 40th minute above, there is talk of the raptured Church escorting Jesus to the ground to land in Israel. But this makes no sense to me at all, because I view the rapture as a necessary removal from earth due to the great violence destined upon it at that time. Therefore, the saints remain in the sky until the great shaking of the planet has ended. The elect DOES NOT return with Jesus to the ground, but comes back down later. I assume that the Wedding Supper is in Israel, not in Heaven.

Later in the video, about the 56th minute, Revelation 3:10 is the topic, where the elect is taken from the "hour of trial". The pre-tribber thinks this is a removal from the TESTING of the tribulation period, yet Revelation says that God will destroy "Mystery Babylon" in "one hour," and nobody disputes that this is after the tribulation. Therefore, "hour of trial" means the post-tribulational time of HEAT / DIFFICULTY with no further chance of salvation, not time of TESTING with a chance of salvation if people pass the test.

The text does say that the hour of trial will "test" all inhabitants, but the Greek word there, "peirasai," same as "peirazo," might have created the English word, "press." The "winePRESS of wrath" comes to mind, which is after the 1,260 days. Or, the word could mean, "to try" for conviction and sentencing. It's nonsense to suggest that the saints will be removed from the great tribulation when the book of Revelation itself has saints in the tribulation.

However, "great tribulation" is an abused phrase. You can find it in Matthew 24, where it refers specifically to the desolation of Israel at the hands of the anti-Christ. Christians use it loosely to speak of the 42 months (or 1,260 days) as a time frame too, rather than a persecution of Israel alone. The wrath of God will be against Israel first, then the world, but never on the Elect. The great tribulation should never be viewed as the wrath of God that necessarily touches the elect, but rather protects the Elect. The 21 plagues are God's methods to protect the Church from the devil. The tribulation of the Elect is, of course, from satan. As the latter wars with God's people, God shoots back the 21 plagues to weaken satan's kingdoms.

In Revelation 7:14, we learn that the 144,000 Israelis, who are said to be sealed before the Trumpets and Bowls, come out of the "great tribulation". That makes very good sense where the phrase refers to the wrath of God upon Israel. If they, therefore, can be on earth during the great tribulation of Matthew 24, pre-tribbers have no argument when they use the not-delivered-to-wrath argument. To put it another way, if God's choice or most-valued Christians can be in Israel, in the very heat of the tribulation, then there's no argument at all in saying that God loves gentile Christians too much to let them be on earth in those days. For the anti-Christ has a wicked mission mostly in Israel. It is the second beast of Revelation 13 who persecutes gentile Christians.

It's silly how pre-tribbers take to the idea that the Revelation signs of His return can't come before the Return because believers would then KNOW the general timing of the return. But you tell them how dumb it is to put the "BUMP" sign on the road after the bump. You tell them, what good are the signs if they come after His return?

Pre-tribbers have the convenient doctrine of "Tribulation saints," those who miss the pre-trib rapture due to a failure of faith, but, as a result of the rapture, come to faith. It's very convenient because, whenever the Bible shows saints in the tribulation, pre-tribbers say it's not the church nor the "elect," but a second-class "tribulation saints" (their invented phrase). This is how they roll even though the Bible doesn't speak on two groups of Christians in this way. Jesus claims the opposite, that if we are not taken with him, the door will then be closed. There's no mention of a second chance. It is frightening.

As Christians are shown in the tribulation, and because the Return is always at Armageddon whenever its timing is revealed, you need to shun pre-trib and mid-trib dogma.

I've come to the tentative conclusion that pre-trib developed in church-leadership positions because the teaching of preparing food and other needs depletes church coffers. I am now suspecting that denominational heads cherry-picked their pastors who held to a pre-trib belief, and some denominations demand that pastors be pre-trib. See that? And even post-tribbers who have youtube channels can fail to mention the need to prepare needs because they too will get less donations. It's a shameful thing, to have a post-trib position, but to fail to mention the need to prepare for fear of losing $$$ via pre-trib viewers.

Imagine if a pastor started to implore believers in his church to start making preparations just as soon as he became convinced that the mandatory 666 is within about three years. In most churches, he'd be out of a job fast, first because there wouldn't be enough donation money coming in to pay his bills, and secondly because the denominational heads would cry out for lack of their paying their bills and commitments.

This explanation for the pre-trib theory is the only one I've come up with making any sense. It requires that pastors double their efforts to appear as God's special servants, so that they can instill fervor for pre-trib in their members too. Pre-trib has become a fervent false doctrine to the point of making post-tribbers afraid to mention their position. You may get the feeling that, if you go to a church with the plan of teaching post-trib to believers at lunch time, or during Bible studies, you may as well not go because even the leaders will soon ostracize you. That could be deemed beating up God's saints.

It really hits a raw nerve in church leaders to tell them that they are acting next to murderers of Christians, which is what I claim. Not many post-tribulationists are willing to go this far, and the reason is due to sympathetic people like the post-tribulation hosts you saw in the videos above, who don't want to see a nasty schism between pre- and post-tribbers, especially as their channels would lose money if they badly offended pre-tribbers. If concern for money intake by a Christian ministry ignores the dire threats of the 666, then indeed this is the sin of manslaughter of their own followers / members. I don't want to be guilty of that.

By the way, this week, my chapter, "The First well See of the Anti-Christ," was updated. Not much was changed, but if you haven't read it, it has an unusual view of Daniel 9:21-31, not unusual due to my being wayward with it, but because pre-tribbers absolutely need to teach the wrong view to avoid what looks like a post-trib-rapture scenario starting in verse 32. If you don't know, you would be surprised to find how many Bible passages they massacre to uphold their theory.

My teaching from Daniel 9 is that the anti-Christ will successfully invade Egypt two or more years before the mandatory 666, a key sign that allows us good time to prepare foods. But if Christians are taught and believe that verses 21-35 was fulfilled by king Antiochus IV in BC times, then they might not view a future invasion of Egypt as the anti-Christ doing so. I think that there ought to be other indicators that this invader of Egypt is indeed the anti-Christ so that I think there needs to be a special-big heap of foolishness exercised by pre-tribbers in denying it.

Pride in pre-trib teaching, and unwillingness to admit error after teaching it passionately, is the adding of folly to folly when bodily human life is at stake. Call it what you will, but failure to push a deaf and blind man off the track when you see the train coming is an owning of responsibility for his cruel death. It gets worse if you, pastors, or you passionate pre-trib teachers, are what makes the man deaf and blind in the first place. If you put that man on the tracks, aren't you a murderer? If you say there is no 666 coming to your people, but your people trust you and then go hungry or freeze to death, do you think this is nothing of your responsibility?

And how would Jesus treat post-tribbers who have several online messages about the truth of the post-trib rapture, yet fail to advise their listeners to prepare foods at the proper time? Moreover, they may shrug their responsibility to inform viewers of the earliest-possible prophecies that can act as signs that the time for preparations has arrived.

Revelation 12 tells that God will "nourish" the Church for 1,260 days, but there's solid indication as to how. Will manna fall from the sky again? I'd like to see that, for fear that Christians aren't preparing in large numbers. I'm hoping that God will open the mouth of the earth so that large food plants abound. Pity pre-tribbers who foolishly claim that Revelation 12 doesn't concern the Church even though it has Christians spelled out in black-and-white.

If post-tribbers are afraid of preaching the need to prepare foods, for fear of losing income from their hearers, then at least they can preach that, when the anti-Christ is first identified, only then begin to store foods. Teach that storing foods too early can be a waste of time. That's better than no warnings at all. I agree, that it's a risk to store too early, a risk I'm willing to take, but pastors ought to let the people decide on that choice. But to keep the people in the dark as per the need to feed their bodies in the 1260-day period, that is HORRIBLE, like turning oneself into the money-grubbing wolf rather than the kind and helpful shepherd.

The matter goes beyond the rapture issue. I think that churches and their denominational leaders urge NOT making politics an issue for the risk of losing members. By "politics," though, I mean the issues of the day, in society in general, that touch upon Biblical values that God would have us uphold. There are many pastors speaking out against the sins of politicians, but not enough do. It's politicians who are now driving the anti-Christ train. We need only point this out from time to time, from the pulpit, and during get-togethers, and name the guilty politicians. If pastors fail to do this, are they responsible for letting those politicians off the hook?

When did the apostle Paul ever fail to mention by name those who were ruining the church? When did Jesus shy away from verbally attacking the political leaders in Jerusalem? To their faces at times. Jesus did His part in loosing followers when the message was more important than the numbers of the followers. When politicians are guilty of mass-murder by COVID vaccines, with the threat reaching into the churches like the wet jaws of a fox to the neck of a chicken, do you think that's a good time to name names?

My soil has nematodes that ruin the roots of most garden foods. Had I not tested the soil in growing plants years ago, I wouldn't have known this. Carrots are good test subjects because their roots go shaped like knots. For me, it is therefore necessary to store more store-bought foods, and to ship in a truckload of soil as late as possible toward the 666.

I need to garden in containers due to the nematodes. I've got some 300 containers to date one gallon or larger. I put all my soil through the oven last year that was formed from rotting weeds over the years, and that allowed the green peppers to grow better than they could without this heat treatment. I've purchased my electric fence and tested it for two years, no problem at all, it keeps moose out too. I have extra fence line to enlarge the garden. I own eight solar panels sufficient to run a fridge, freezer and jet water pump, but I can double that amount for better security. I used the solar-power system for upwards to ten years, and so all the equipment needed, and the wiring, is in place. I'll just buy new equipment as close as possible to the 666.

I started to prepare years ago, my choice, just because I thought it was wise. I have more forest than I need, with lots and lots of dead trees, and dead wood laying around, that will easily supply four years of firewood. I have a large pond a couple of hundred feet from the house that assures garden water. The pipe is laid, and I've use the system over three or four years. It worked even into a drought that dried up my shallow well for two months. The pond makes acceptable-to-me toilet and shower water, with yellow tinge but I'm good with that. I've learned to be rustic.

If you have your house on the edge of a forest, you could cut all trees around the house to prevent a forest fire from getting to the building, and this wood, when stacked and protected from rain, will easily provide enough firewood for four years even if you start using it 10-15 years from now. I chop ALL my firewood with an axe because it's great exercise, no wood splitter for me, not yet, anyway. The dead wood has to be stripped (with a hatchet) of an outer layer of rotted wood, but this makes a super additive to soils, and becomes soil in a few years. Look at it as great exercise for your arm. The dead wood and bark can reward you when spreading it on the garden floor to keep shoes from getting as muddy.

I strip all bark from my firewood, using it for weed control where I need it. Pine needles three inches thick do not allow weeds to get through, especially when the pine needles are sprinkled with pieces of bark from year to year. There's wheelbarrows of pine needles each year under one white-pine tree. Pine-bark fuel is very dangerous in a packed-for-the-night wood stove. Strip the bark off your softwood unless you are home watching the fire. Though most pine bark doesn't have the fuel in large volume, when it does, the entire stove becomes one flame. You can't see the flames for the flames. I need to turn off all air-intake because it's going to get extremely hot in that stove if I don't. Beware some barks in wood-packed stoves.

Here's typical pre-trib talk that ignores the post-trib scriptures:

I absolutely believe in the pre tribulation rapture. Why? Did Noah, Moses, or Lot experience the wrath of the Lord? No. Why? Because they were righteous. Likewise the Lord does not pour out his wrath on the righteous. So what does that mean? It means that the righteous will be raptured out of the earth before the tribulation period begins. Jesus himself is the one who opens the seals from chapter 5 he alone is worthy to open the seals. Those seals are not an invitation to tea. Those seals are his wrath poured out on who? Not the righteous, but the unrighteous. So by default that means the righteous will not be here when those seals are opened.

Ya-but, if the Bible so explicitly says (Matthew 24:29-31 and 2 Thessalonians 4) that the rapture is after the appearance of the anti-Christ, then there's is a fault in the argument used above. What could that fault be? Easy to answer: when Paul said that we are not appointed to wrath, he wasn't talking about the Revelation plagues. How easy is that? Therefore, pre-tribbers are guilty of being absolutely stupid on the one hand, and rebellious on the other hand for forsaking the black-and-white texts. Revelation speaks of the "first resurrection" after the anti-Christ has had his time to rule.

If there were no post-tribbers showing the Biblical texts as proof for the post-trib rapture, we could maybe excuse pre-tribbers in general who are deceived by stupefying teachers. Those days are now gone; post-tribulationism is now everywhere. The wrath Paul was referring to is condemnation, which includes the shutting out from the Kingdom of the foolish virgins. Who are those virgins? Mormons and other cultic Christians, or pre-tribulationists? It's a good question because Jesus chose five and five, not two and eight. Five are foolish, five are wise, half of the whole. One will be taken, and one will be left, half of the whole. FRIGHTENING. It scares me, it's Intended to.

It gets worse when we realize that the one taken and one left behind is at the brink of His return, meaning that both could be eking out an existence without the mark of the beast. I can't be sure, but the idea does come to mind that both are rejecting the mark when one is rejected from the Kingdom. In this picture, it could be the sheep versus the goats, Christians who love others versus Christians who fend for self alone...although I think this is a pattern for them, not how they act in the tribulation alone. If there is a best time to show kindness for God's people, it's when they are in dire straits.

Therefore, when you are sure that the anti-Christ has been identified, prepare for yourself with others in mind who are unable to prepare as well as you. And have them in mind from your heart, to be helpful, not just to quality as a sheep, going through the ropes of being helpful. Pity the church leaders who fend for paying their own bills while abandoning their flock to the anti-Christ ambush.

For example, if I save enough food for me to endure the three to four years, and some believer comes knocking at my door asking for food because he/she has no place to live, and is rejecting the mark, I suppose that the right thing to do is to share half my food with this person and let them live with me in my home. That's what I call putting trust in Jesus. If more believers come knocking, there is a question of when to deny them for the sake of those who are already stretched thin. That's going to be a difficult decision. We need to talk about it, but no pastors are doing so. I'm completely shocked at their silence.

Possibly, the time is not yet to talk about it, meaning that the last seven years could be a decade or more away. Or, possibly, God doesn't want Christians talking about it on a public forum because our enemies will then seek to thwart our plans. Perhaps post-tribulationists are ashamed or afraid to admit that they are making preparations. Perhaps they tell of the post-trib position hoping you will figure out on your own that we need to prepare. I don't know what's going on in their minds on this matter.

Another rebel writes: "Revelation 3.10 puts an end to this debate... The literal translation is that God will TAKE US OUT of the hour of trouble coming upon the whole world." Ya-but, how can you view that "hour" as the 1260 days when Revelation 12 and other texts have Christians enduring them? What gives you the right to even start interpreting the "hour" as the 1260 days? Shouldn't it be obvious that it's the final hour after the 1260 days? The resurrection of the Church is in Daniel 12 immediately after the anti-Christ comes to his end. What don't the stupids understand about this? Why do post-tribbers point this out while the pre-tribbers ignore it like proud bimbos? Is this just a sport to them?

Jesus said that the final hour is unmatched in all of history for its troubles. He said that, unless He appeared, the final hour would see the extinction of mankind, suggesting nuclear war from the powers. It is this part of history that sees the Chosen raptured to the skies to avoid the utter destruction. The 1260 days will be manageable with God's help, in the midst to the plagues, and as yet, we don't know whether the bulk of plagues are global versus local to the Middle East.

As some are now pointing out, the four colors of the flags of Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Jordan several other Muslim countries are the four colors of the four horses of the first four Seals of Revelation (Revelation 6).

After the abomination of desolation in Daniel 11:31, we see the anti-Christ's invasion again into Egypt. I can't be sure whether the text is going back to the invasions prior to the abomination, or whether there will be an additional invasion(s) after the abomination. In verse 40, he has ships. It looks like he's from a full-blown country, not invading Egypt merely as groups of Muslims packed together in the Iraqi desert. I see the anti-Christ's navy when Revelation says that he has one foot in the sea, and one on land. I tend to see the ships docked at the Russian naval port in Syria. I tend to see them coming to the Egyptian frontier with the excuse of helping Gaza from Israeli persecution, and then picking a fight against Egypt.

There isn't one pre-trib argument I can't answer satisfactorily. I've been doing this for a long time. Some other pre-tribber says: "Jesus gathering His elect [in Matthew 24] is NOT the rapture. His elect are the Jews who must be gathered for judgment." Wrongo, buddy, because "elect" in the New Testament is 100-percent the Christians. This dumbo is misinterpreting Jesus in order to deny His post-trib rapture. How will Jesus speak to this worse-than-dumbo for making such a reckless statement?

The lengths that pre-tribbers go to in massacring Scripture in order to salvage pre-tribulationism from post-tribbers: "The church is NOT now, nor ever has been, nor ever will be ISRAEL....John is an Apostle to the Jews. Revelation is about the Jews, written TO THE JEWS, not to Gentiles. Jewish CONGREGATIONS." See that? It's a massacre. The speaker is a nincompoop, who makes this claim simply to salvage pre-trib "theology." Post-tribbers point out that Christians are in the tribulation, in Revelation, and along come the pre-tribbers to change what the book says.

The Church is indeed the Israel of God. Don't let a ruinous pooper tell you otherwise.

Another dope: "I like what Chuck Missler said, IF believers go through the Great Trib; 'We'll get married (Jesus is speaking), I'll beat the daylights out of you, and then we'll go out for dinner.'" Hey Chuck, dare you take a guess at what Jesus means when He said, "he who endures to the end will be saved"? Does it refer to one who endures in faith living American pie? Or he who endures to the end writing Chir$tian book$ and making a killing on them? What exactly have you been enduring, Chuck? Yet you say that, at any minute, when you are on a golf course, or in a vacation resort, you could be taken to the Wedding Supper. He who endures to the end is in Matthew 24 with the great tribulation and the "elect."

Other desperado pre-tribbers will say that post-tribbers are bizarre for wanting to go through the tribulation period. That is, some pre-tribbers think that we choose the post-trib position out of personal preference. Duh, we don't want to go through troubles, but we're good enough to admit that God is calling the end-time generation to fight the anti-Christ face-on. What's your problem that you can't face up to it, desperado? And how will you fare when, to your shock, you are neck-deep into the 1,260 days, perhaps angry at God for making you endure what you for decades said would not happen to you? This is why post-trib websites exist, to warn people like you, but also to steer others from being like you.

It's not cool or loving to say that it doesn't matter who's right on this controversy. It's loving to warn pre-tribbers that God will treat them harshly if they dare continue much further with this treacherous teaching. It is loving to talk them out of it any-which-way one can. But if post-tribbers don't highlight the dangers, then pre-tribbers will get away with convincing more people that it doesn't matter which theory one adopts. IT DOES MATTER, and the danger is not being in the wilderness when the 666 is enforced.

Post-tribbers, put your heads on straight. There is not automatic persecution to every individual living in the last 1,260 days. What don't you understand about God saving the Elect from persecution, in the wilderness, as per Revelation 12? What don't we understand about the Elect fleeing into the wilderness to get away from satanic forces? But we also read that other Elect, who do not flee into the Wilderness, will be persecuted. And the one who endures to the end will be saved. Not all will endure. Some Elect will love their lives too much, and therefore will receive the mark. That would fall under the category of the apostasy.

How will you fare, proudful pre-tribber? If I had the choice of helping a post-tribber versus you, pre-tribber, who do you think I would choose? Therefore, if you mock those who prepare to endure the tribulation, you are much-more likely of being rejected from tribulation retreats, and you might get angry at God's people, and at God, and, hungry, you might take the mark in bitterness and regrets. What a terrible fate you will have EARNED for yourself by mocking and antagonizing and frustrating post-tribbers who tried to knock sense into your head. And, reading this, the proud pre-tribulationist thinks, "no worries, I'm not worried, I know I'm right." And that's how it is, not the time to be soft on pre-tribbers.

youtube does not offer me many post-trib videos. It sets limits on how much content Christians get to watch. I'm sure you've noticed this. No worries, God will give youtube as it deserves, and He will finish the Plan in spite of the piggish games His enemies practice.

Pre-tribber: "When Paul spoke about the rapture, he didn't tell us the timing. So don't mock those who believe in the pre-trib rapture as you did in the first minute of the program." Post-tribbers who write books or make videos never fail to mention Paul in 2 Thessalonians 2, where he has the timing of the rapture at the bright and visible coming of Jesus, when he comes to kill the anti-Christ. That's as good as the evidence can get for a post-trib rapture. It wouldn't surprise me if the one making the statement above is, not naive, but a willful liar seeking to weaken the current wave of post-tribulationism. Pre-tribbers can be cry-babies now because they once had a monopoly. Not any more.

Pre-tribbers get reckless when conveniently interpreting the white robes in Revelation 19 as Christians. Instead, they are clearly the angles, for Matthew 24 tells us that Jesus returns with angels, and the latter gather all the Elect from the sky. Pre-tribbers want us to believe that Christians are coming down to earth with Jesus, at Armageddon, wherefore they cannot possibly be going up at that time to be spared Armageddon. RECKLESS ABANDON.

Daniel 12 says that, at Armageddon, the archangel signals the first resurrection. Abraham will be there. Daniel will be there. Do you think that Abraham will be given a "white horse" at that time to come down to earth with Jesus to put an end to the anti-Christ? In Revelation, the white horses are not truly horses, I hope you realize. They symbolize warfare, as does the last trumpet. Jesus is coming back as a killer to reck vengeance. His scalpel will cut the cancer out of humanity.

Just as our zeal for Jesus will be called hate speech by the governing bodies committed to anti-Christ "values," so pre-tribbers will view what I'm saying as hate speech. The purpose in this accusation is to get us to tone down our offensive attacks on pre-tribulationism. The cry babies are worried. We are strong online.

But, I fear, youtube will side with pre-tribbers and minimize the post-trib message. That's what I'm seeing because, everytime I re-load youtube's home page, after watching videos on this topic for days, it re-hashes the same videos, either ones I've already watched, or those I've passed over several times. I know there are hundreds of others, yet I know that youtube is burying those others, otherwise it would offer them to me. youtube decides on my behalf that I shall not have all the information that others make available to me. That is a sin deserving the cutting off of youtube executives from the gift of life.

Same goes when I click a video from a certain pastor's church service: youtube gives me lots of his other church services, but does not offer a dozen other pastors because the youtube computer is programmed to minimize the offerings on these topics. It's obvious in many ways. youtube puts cookies in my computer whether I want them or not, meaning it knows exactly which videos I've clicked on, yet it pretends not to know when giving them to me all over again for days or weeks afterward, which I interpret as filling my choices with less choices by design.

The nations will hate Jesus, and therefore the Doctor is returning to cut the cancer from the planet. Passionate pre-tribbers are shaping up like a malignant part of the problem. No matter that they read 2 Thessalonians 2, they remain passionate pre-tribbers. This is evil, no doubt about it. This is nothing short of rebellion, and may culminate in the mass-murder of Christians at their feet.

We don't need to, and we should not, apologize to pre-tribbers when we say the pre-trib rapture is not in the Bible. If we are making pre-tribbers look like false teachers by saying that, a fact is a fact is a fact. They are responsible for becoming the punching bag. And punch we must as we see the time drawing near. We must punch out the lights of pre-tribulationism.

Some say that the two witnesses die in the middle of the last seven years, in which case they will become a sign that alerts to the soon-arrival of the 666. But I cannot agree with that timing for the Witnesses. A mid-tribber would be prone to taking to that timing because there is a rapture for the two at the end of their 1,260 days. In my opinion, there is no evidence that any Revelation plague takes place in the first half of Daniel's last seven years. I don't know of anyone who is able to time the first Seal, or any of the Trumpets and Bowls, but all seven Bowls can be timed after the start of the 1,260 days.

Only after re-loading the youtube homepage about 50 times over the past 10 days did youtube give me the post-trib video below that does a super job on Matthew 24, even treating the word "elect," which is very important for putting pre-tribulationism to its grave. Over these past ten days, youtube gave me the same post-trib pages OVER AND OVER again without bringing up this page. Why not? Just because it's from a channel with low subscribers. Can you imagine how many post-trib presentations there are which youtube mainly ignores due to low subscribers that church-service channels generally have? Instead of giving me videos off-topic these past ten days, youtube had the opportunity many times to present post-trib pages that get few hits to give them a boost, but youtube doesn't want that. It has a special program built into pages that it doesn't want to come up often, maybe 20 times less than they would come up without the special black-out program.

It's very convenient for youtube to artificially lower the subscribers of Christian videos so that Christianity doesn't come to command the minds of the peoples...this is what's going on in anti-Christ censorship land, a gross sin against God Himself. We are being called to endure abuse, and to suffer low-quality life, while God allows the enemy to condemn itself prior to the glorious appearance of the Son of Man:

Post-tribbers on the youtube channels that I've seen this past week or two are failing Jesus if they not only fail to mention the need for physical preparations, but don't mention God's protection of the Church in Revelation 12. With pre-tribbers always making the great tribulation appear like certain murder of Christians, it's IMPORTANT that Revelation 12 becomes a fundamental part of post-trib teaching. For some believers, there will be little personal harshness to endure in the last 1260 days. It may be fearful, but some will simply be left alone to eke out their living, and there will be nearness to God from the heart, that is not the case now for many.

The best thing I can say for the speaker in the video below is that he's got great courage to speak as he does before a church audience. He knows that, as he's speaking, there are pre-tribbers in the pews with their knives out wanting to cut him to pieces. This is the real situation as we approach Day day. He often crosses his legs, indicating "I hope I can get through this, and I'm going to do it all." It's only a matter of time before the knives start flying in the open air, which we can view as a much-needed schism in the churches exposing pre-tribbers as intolerable. One of the speaker's most-important points comes starting in the early 47th minute, where he's telling that some pre-tribbers could face doom-Day if they deny the 666 when it arrives. This video is for people unfamiliar with post-trib reasoning:

We can imagine that the pre-tribbers in the pews above are clinging to their belief that God is too kind to send them through the 1,260 days. And this is how things stand at this late time, when everything is in place to fulfill all prophecy. A number in the hand for making purchases is easily possible, and the electronic system is already in place. Military fire to destroy the whole earth is in place. Sodom is a valid description of European nations. They hate Jesus. Iran is breathing down Israel's back with ties to Russia. The latter can burn end-time Rome to fulfill Daniel 7 and Revelation 17. False prophets abound in our faces, and we can do nothing to eradicate them. They go from church to church, and they receive money from the blind, the foolish virgins concerned with gaining $$$ from God's hand if, they think, they can just develop the proper faith muscle to acquire it. They really believe that if they are not making tons of $$$, like the preachers they look up to, there's something wrong with their faith. FOOLISH.

If God is not happy with the performance and beliefs of people having faith in Jesus, He can withhold the Spirit from them Who has the task of guiding and preserving. It means that they will become wayward for lack of "oil" in their lamps, we could say. How many followers of Benny Hinn or Kenneth Copeland are pre-tribulationists? There are younger false teachers and false healers coming after them, a never-ending stream of boats to take away throngs of wealthy or wanna-be-wealthy BELIEVERS. If you're like me, you find this sad. How could such tragedies happen? They are giving Christianity such a bad name to boot.

The speaker in the video above did not move anyone to prepare to endure the 1,260 days. I'm wondering whether churches who allow the post-trib position to be heard forbid speakers from talking about physical preparations, with some fine-sounding reason to disallow it. "You can tell of the post-trib evidence in the Bible," a church leader may tell someone, "but you can't urge our people to prepare only to ruin their lives with preparations they might never need." In reality, the motive can be to keep church money flowing in as-usual.


My one blueberry bush did extremely well in my soil, but I failed to create more bushes last year by starting my own from twigs. I should buy new plants this spring so that there's a lot more by 2027/28. A few years ago, there were two years in a row where there was zero blueberries on the one bush. I thought the bush was a goner, but, in the third year, I noticed that a couple of thousand berries were coming forth. So I covered the bush in clear plastic, though I had to remove it daily, otherwise the leaves would rot from the trapped humidity. I had a great harvest that year, but my point here is that, instead of clear plastic, we can use bridal fabric, which breathes. I saw this in a video. It's cheap fabric, and can last a few years.

This week, I bought a couple of strawberry plants, which I haven't had here for years because things eat them, and because I had to stay away from sugar. I also bought one grape vine to see whether it can handle my nematodes, and my cool-side climate. Strawberries will grow here (there are wild ones everywhere). Five apple trees were planted last year, but I should have done it years ago. I don't know how many will survive, but with a steel cage around them all, so far, no moose has come along to push the cages over to ruin them. Deer won't be able to push the cages over, which are made of chicken wire. No other fruit tree works in these parts.

The most-prolific produce in these cool parts has been, for me, the tomato. As even August nights get cool, fruit growth starts to wane even before September arrives. Though half the tomatoes are green by the time of the first frost, that's exactly what you want for a tribulation situation, because they last longer in storage. They last into November because they turn red in October, if I keep them cool, and then ripen slowly into November. It gives time to jar other produce first that doesn't last as long off the plant.

I've jarred tomatoes without a hot bath, in a mix of salt and lemon juice/vinegar only, for two years straight, and have not had a problem with a jar gone bad up to nine months after jarring. I assume they would go one year no problem. Just boil the tomatoes (with skin off) and pour into hot jars that have been in an oven at about 220 F degrees. Put the lids on, and listen to the pops. Jar-popping time is a happy time.

Last year, I made half tomato juice (for the jars) with the watery parts run through a strainer, which thickened the remaining tomatoes. The juice was as good as any store bought.

I learned this past week that there's no weed-treated soil, in these parts, anyway, that one can buy by the truckload. One risks getting root-rot nematodes when shipping in trucks of soil, which is a good reason to preserve foods rather than depend on growing your own. It's not easy to grow as much produce as one person needs for one year. In a tribulation situation, you may not have much meat from your surroundings so that you'll need more vegetative produce.

It is very wise to preserve your own meat by drying it. Jarred meats take up less than half the shelf space when dried, and dried vegetables as much as ten times less shelf space. You can readily see that most people haven't got the space to store wet foods in jars sufficient to last years. But when dried, it is very doable.

I'm not going to tell you where to hide your foods. It's for you to figure out. We shouldn't talk about this on a public forum.

I peel all my foods for jarring to get rid of any pesticides and herbicides. I don't trust washing them alone because the toxins can get into the peels. When jarring, you don't view the work in chopping the foods as extra work because they generally need chopping even if you eat them off the stove or in a salad. The drying and jarring process become easy routines.

Put the jarred foods away and feel more at ease. Put the foods away when there is no mad rush to store foods, because the latter is called, hoarding. It's not hoarding if you prepare when there's no food crisis. That's called, smart. Don't wait until there is a crisis. That's called unwise.

Jesus used jars to depict the wise and foolish virgins. He said that the foolish will come beg for some of the oil in jars from those who stored it, but that the wise refused to share lest there not be enough for themselves. It doesn't make any sense that the foolish virgins came to request from the wise some of the their Holy Spirit. It makes more sense that they came to beg for food.

That is, Jesus may have been using "oil" to represent food, but didn't want to use "food" in the parable lest Christians from the first century started to store foods when thinking that Jesus could return in their generation. The same discussion in Matthew 25 has Jesus telling that His people will be blessed if he finds them feeding His people when He returns. I suggest that wise virgins should share with wise virgins, because not all will prepare enough for themselves. I imagine Christians working on farms in return for some of the produce. I imagine them growing foods the old way, all by human labor.

I wouldn't count on it, but farmers may be able to buy gasoline in the tribulation if there are no door passes needed for buying it at the gas pumps. If the 666 is a door pass, that is. But if the 666 is a number that needs to be used at a cash register or card machine, then I don't see how we can make gasoline purchases. There was no difference in buying gasoline, when using a debit card, before and during the COVID scam. There were no changes made at the gas pumps to COVIDize them.

Christians who have no money to prepare foods, or have no homes to store them, will need to find other Christians with their own spread of land who will take them in because they have enough land to allot each new person a piece of garden space, where they might tend to their own garden. They would do this type of thing best in the south, where it's possible to survive in a tent or cold barn / garage.

One of the hardships for the believers coming out of great tribulation, as mentioned in Revelation 7:14-16, is the sun beating down on them. That sounds like they were growing foods by manual labor. It says: "These are the ones coming out of the great tribulation. They have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb...They shall hunger no more, neither thirst anymore; the sun shall not strike them, nor any scorching heat." It sounds as though being free of the world at large is a purification process, especially when one is conscious of the Return in short order. Anyone rejecting the mark at the cost of difficulties and risk of death has solid proof of faith in the Blood.

Verse 17 says that endurors of the great tribulation will weep tears (not all, of course), meaning it's not going to be a easy thing. But it doesn't say whether these are of the global Church versus Christians in Israel.

The 7th Seal follows verse 17, and that brings history to the brink of the rapture, because the 7th Trumpet is the next plague, immediately after the 7th Seal.

Whoever created the chapter and verse numbers for Revelation did a disservice to us by having the opening of the 7th Seal as the first verse of chapter 8. It should have been the least verse of chapter 7 because the second verse of chapter 8 starts the seven-Trumpet plagues. By having the 7th Seal in the first verse, it gives appearances that all 7 Trumpets are the 7th Seal itself, which is what most prophecy readers teach. This is incorrect. The 7th Seal speaks only to silence in Heaven, but, obviously, something is going on as per a plague on earth against our enemies.

I should take issue with Joel Richardson's position, where he calls people like me a heretic for our claim that we are saved by faith and works. He's one on the faith-alone teachers who doesn't rightly understand what Paul was saying. Paul was saying that faith in Jesus alone is needed, not works of the Law alone, and especially not works in regards to temple activities / requirements. And in his word, "faith," he means the whole gamut of what Christians are called to, and Jesus himself said that the saved are those who obey what he commands. That's works, Joel, yes it is. Faith is a work.

If a person comes to believe in Jesus but does nothing but sit on a couch, doing no work for Jesus at all, can that faith save him? Is Joel crazy? It's not mere belief in Jesus that saves. Rather, it's the person who comes to Jesus knowing he owes Him a life lived in ways that please God. Repentance is stuffed with works. If he doesn't understand these things, he's being a dumbo.

Therefore, beware not applying yourself to assisting other believers in the great tribulation, or you might be left behind. If you share even a quarter of your food with another believer to assure they don't starve badly, it's going to be very good for you when God judges your tribulation performance. If you now say that you will trust in God alone rather than making your own preparations before the time arrives, you will not have any problems sharing foods with another while trusting that God will supply. Right?

Last I heard, Joel Richardson is asking Christians to support his program for supplying bomb shelters in Israel. Is this the wisest use of Christian money as we approach the end of the end times? When Israeli Christians flee at the sight of the in-coming anti-Christ, they won't be able to take their bomb shelters with them. Bomb shelters will become a waste of money unless the people who own them are permitted to remain at their own homes, in which case the shelters could become food-storage rooms, or bedrooms, though costly ones.

You shouldn't assume that my food preparations are an indication to you that we will be in the tribulation period in the next decade or less. Like you, I haven't got a phone line to God in which I can hear Him speak to me in plain English, and answering every question I have. In being retired, I have the time to prepare foods, and I feel better doing so because every BASIC thing (not to the last detail) is in place to see fulfilled prophecy at any moment.

It's to the point where I get nervous being unprepared, for I see the violent hearts growing up like weeds from our spiritual enemies. If the 666 is a vaccine mandate, I know how heartless and harsh the mask-goon individuals will be toward us. I saw them. I realized that they would like to see us jailed or even killed for refusing vaccination. The only "good news" for us is that these goons saw their friends and loved ones killed or maimed by the vaccines, and so they have relented against anti-vaxxers, for a time.

Many badly want to be in the right with their claims that anti-vaxxers are dangerous and worthy of punishment. They carry that delusion to the point of blaming the COVID virus for the deaths and maimings rather than the vaccines. There is media-based brainwashing to that end. They will not heed Revelation where it says that people with the 666 will suffer skin soars...which may be merely a symptom of something more than skin deep.

Preparing for the tribulation requires waving goodbye to pre-tribulationism. That's the first step. If God can seal and protect the 144,000 in the literal great tribulation of Israel, he can do it for gentile believers far from Israel. Here's a typical blind spot of a typical pre-tribulationist when driving reckless with you in the car with him: "Lot was led out of Gomorrah just before Gods wrath came down. He never changes." There's no evidence in those words of a pre-tribulation rapture. The Bride is indeed delivered by a rapture from the post-trib Wrath, at which time mankind will annihilate the planet in conjunction with God's final plague, the 7th Bowl. Removal from the planet is necessary when destruction is all-encompassing and sufficiently harsh that the wheat cannot be salvaged amongst the weeds. Only the weeds are left on the planet for burning.

I can't hold it back: everytime I hear a Christian speaking like a scholar who dishes out one Biblical truth after another to give good appearances for himself, all for the purpose of slipping in a pre-tribulation rapture, I see an IDIOT. I'm not trying to elevate myself over his intelligence, I'm just giving the proper word for the person I'm seeing. An idiot is one who repeats an error in spite of having the abilities to know better. Pre-tribulationists get their pre-tribulationism from others, because the Bible would never give them that idea. The concoction needs to be learned from other idiot boxes. They are all apes of one another. It's not laughable, it's sickening. These people are sick in the head. Nobody knows what ails them. Nobody can understand how they can become super-familiar with blatant post-tribulational evidence (in the Bible), yet they maintain a pre-tribulational stance in spite of what they read with their own eyes.

If that's not an idiot, what is it? It can't be anything better. If it's just a desire or need to fit in with the popular view in the churches, then that too is idiotic. If a Christian can read Jesus in Matthew 24:29-31 and then openly rebel against His words, it's worse than an idiot, is it not? That's a rebel who disrespects Jesus. What justifiable motive is there for such rebellion?

It's one thing for a Christian to think, "I don't want to go through the tribulation, but it looks like I might need to." It's another thing for a Christian to say, "I don't want to go through the tribulation, and I'm teaching that we won't need to." Perhaps the latter doesn't want post-tribulationism to become the popular / dominant teaching, for it causes discomforts. Perhaps they know they are not committed to Jesus sufficient to face hardships for Him. Perhaps it's as simple as that for hardcore, activist pre-tribbers.

I'm not referring to those who have believed in pre-tribulationism by simply trusting their pastors or favorite scholars, who've yet to read the post-trib position for themselves to see the light. I'm not calling them the idiots. But those who know the post-trib scriptures yet rebel against them, all of them, they look to me like reckless idiots who fear their human superiors more than they fear rebellion against Jesus, Paul and John. They are very willing to bring Christians to the 666 system without even a mental preparation to endure it. If we don't call them idiots outright, then we are giving them fuel to murder Christians. If we respect them with our words such that they comfortably continue to teach their concoction, then we are being partial-partners with them. If we don't start open warfare against them before it's too late, then we are guilty of letting them bring the battle against God's people unopposed with fatal and near-fatal consequences.

Christians must warn the weeds, and then the end will come. The first 20 plagues are actually a warning from God to the weeds. God will first warn, hoping for repentance, but in the last plague, it's over for the weeds. Their thrones will be shaken, and a New King will arrive.

I like making descriptive names for Jesus, such as Fruitful. Jesus is a walking tree that continually sprouts fruit. This will be especially true in the Millennium, when even the surviving weeds will become believers. What else? The remaining kings will shut their mouths, finally, at the sight of Him.

The correct way to view the book of Revelation is its bringing the reader three times from the early parts of the tribulation period, to the end of it: once by the seven Seals, once by the seven Trumpets, and finally by the seven Bowls. All the Trumpets do not follow all the Seals, and all the Bowls do not follow all the Trumpets, for this view, the view of pre-tribulationists, is unviable. It creates contradictions in the Revelation texts. I have an thorough explanation on this topic, "The Order of Revelation's 21 Plagues"


Here's the former google CEO. Note how everything he says aligns with the concerns of Jesus (sarcasm). He's talking like a money-grubbing control-freakish hell-bound heap of demonism who doesn't think google is already rich and powerful enough.

I think this Stew Peter's show below has lots of merit. It's about his dispute with Tucker Carlson, yet Stew evolves the show into an attack on the Rothschilian shadow government in the United States. I know Jewish surnames, and they are all over congress, and at the top spots of government agencies. It's not so stacked by coincidence. And I agree with Stew that these Rothschilians would like to see the common gentiles dead by painful means. What I don't know is whether Rothschilds have a partnership with, or sway over, Netanyahu. That sort of thing is way over my head because I'm not following Israeli politics.

I agree with Stew's guest when he says that Tucker has historically been a halfway man, a masked man or actor on behalf of the deep state...until his last days at Fox. But I'm giving him a chance to change because he's confessing that he needs change, and because he's admitted to some wrongs. If Tucker were a sold-out-to-Jew man, he wouldn't be opposed to the American funding for the Ukraine war. Stew didn't mention this part about him. Yet Tucker is pro-Trump, part of his halfway man, half for the devil's position.

With a rough and sinful past, Stew the Christian is still a rough soul, like 30-grit sandpaper on an electric drill as compared to Jesus with 120 grit in his hand. Tucker is about 600 grit, with warm water, and a lunatic laugh thrown in from time to time. Stew versus Tucker is called, a personality clash. The sons of Zebedee had nothing on Stew when it comes to throwing thunderbolts around at God's enemies. I hope he's not a white supremacist, I hope he doesn't rail against all Jews for his disdain of power-grubbing thieves:

This video shows why it's important for Christians to buck against the global training that others have fallen for. Most canadians are amongst to most well-trained animals in all the world, afraid to be different even when they know they ought to be. Peer pressure becomes fear pressure to the inner weaklings. Be instead bold and unflinching like Jesus, and watch liberals cower before you, because you never let them off the hook when they try to make you conform to whatever's wrong. If you have the truth, use it as the silencer:

Beware global demonism:


Here's all four Gospels wrapped into one story.

For Some Prophetic Proof for Jesus as the Predicted Son of God.
Also, you might like this related video:

Pre-Tribulation Preparation for a Post-Tribulation Rapture