September 1 - 9, 2024
Country Singer, John Rich, Post-Tribulationist Song
Time Running Out for Texas' Red Heifers
Sleeping Beauty is a Pointer to Ten Virgins
Hall of Names is once again showing the descriptions of the Coats of Arms presented at House of Names.What did God do before the Creation? For one thing, He planned it. I don't think He woke up one morning and winged a creation at a whim, saying, "If it doesn't work out, I can scrap it." This history, in the time of Abraham, wasn't the full foundation of what He planned, but only the footings. The concrete had yet to be laid for moving on to the next age. And there will a lot of next ages, I reckon, each one planned from before the Creation.
The amazing thing about God is that He's sticking to the plan. He's not a kid who gets tired of a toy and abandons it for another. He's not a man who can't keep promises. He finishes His plans, as planned. This history has the purpose of choosing those who will be part of His Kingdom, and throwing away those who do not respect Him. The Kingdom can be rudimentally defined as a family of people and angels having willingly developed ONE MIND. They will not be brainwashed in the negative sense of the term, but will be heartwashed from the pollution of those who reject God, those who brainwash the populations in the negative sense for their own gains. They will be taught what is right, and God will explain why the things He claims to be right are right. It's not going to be, "believe what I say is right, or else," without explanation. The righteous know that God is truly righteous.
The kingdom cannot exist with people unless they respect God. The Kingdom needs a leader, and God chose to be called a Father, not a Czar. He continually reminded the people that he is Almighty because He wanted them to respect Him, for the people treated Him as a nobody, a nothing, or, like the people today, as cruel. Evolutionists betray God, allow the world to go the sinful and violent ways, then say,"if God is so loving, why does he allow all these bad things?" It's you, evolutionists, who made the earth bad, who turned God off so that he doesn't rescue ungodly people from their plights.
God is faithful to His righteousness, and part of that righteousness is that people will reap what they sow. If evolutionists sow unGodliness, then God will not only abandon them to any calamity that might come along, but He will create the calamities. RIGHTEOUSNESS, not cruelty. The wicked will be cleansed from the earth who create filthy hearts. That is the PLAN during the pouring of the Concrete. And it's because we rejoice over this cleansing that those who are under Wrath hate both Him and us.
God thinks faster than a robot, but is infinitely smarter. A robot is nothing but a computer program that acts (does not think) fast thanks only to the speed of electronic impulses. If we ask a robot what the cucumber is on the table, the robot can be programmed to "look" at the table with it's camera. It doesn't know what's on the table at first sight, but checks the pictures in its data bank, ONE-BY-ONE, until the picture of a cucumber comes up. Only then does it say, "it's a cucumber." Or, it might wrongly say it's a zucchini. Whereas you and I can easily tell the difference without checking our data banks, it maybe can't.
How did God create us so much better than a robot? In how many ways are we better than a mere robot, yet evolutionists refuse to admit that we are created? We are aghast at how senseless evolutionists are. What possible reasons could they have for hating such a grand Creator, so infinitely smarter than all of them put together? It boggles the mind. It's as though they want to create a Seat of God in which humans will sit and determine the future. What do we call this? It's satanism.
They don't like a future ordered by God, yet they won't tell the world why they don't. And the thing is, God hasn't even revealed what the future is. So how can they hate it? How can they hate a God who requires men to be fair with each other and get along? What is wrong with that basic launching pad to humanity? It's covetousness. Paul lumped it in with fornicators and disgusting queers, and he said that covetousness is "idolatry." That is, it's a love for something besides God, and so we can glean that pagans of old prayed to their gods for material gains.
And where they were at war with the Spirit of God, they were given to evil spirits, which must be the reason that God allowed them to live on earth with men, as His punishment of those who reject Him. Is that cruel? Yes, but its also loving to those who are persecuted by those deserving his cruelty. If they deserve His cruelty, it's because they are cruel to begin with. They are cruel to their fellow man, using them for their own gains. They maximize prices and care nothing for the poor slaves which they create.
You, with a 5-inch brain, are infinitely smarter than a robot, for the robot has exactly zero intelligence. The robot has the advantage over us of storing and accessing much more data than we can access from a lackluster memory bank. The robot has no memory; it has only stored data, which cannot be accessed until told to do so. It has no will to use its data for anything.
How smart does God need to be to program and build living cells, with many cells per body all working together to give a living thing a will of it's own, and a memory bank / instinct acceptable to perform the needs of life? Instinct is proof of a Programmer, and evolutionists are not too dumb to see it. They are not too dumb to realize that DNA in cells is proof of a Creator. What they are, however, is stupid in the sense of unwise, for they choose to reject God even when they see the evidence of His existence, in living color, in all sorts of things in Creation.
But the wise who know their God know that He deserves more than respect for his abilities to build living things. These living things are on the very-dumb side to minimize the evil they are capable of, and moreover many dangerous creatures have been Programmed to fear humans to keep us safer from them. Yet, when God so chooses, he can make a human a victim of a terrible, merciless beast.
What might He yet create when getting to the floors and walls of the House? What does He have planned when he gets to the roof? In the next stage, God will tame the ferocious beasts, according to Isaiah prophecy. How? By His Spirit which transcends into their minds. He can either allow evil spirits to control their attitudes, or He can control them himself.
The best Jesus did in exposing the future is, "blessed" are those who get to partake of it. Yet Isaiah insinuates that humanity after Armageddon will be controlled in the good sense by the Spirit of God to high degrees, unlike in our current age. God's "evil" in this age is to control the weeds, a good thing, but when the weeds are gone, God will expose his love, and even animals will be bathed in it. Then the people will see the difference between this world given to satanic elements versus a world given to the authority of Jesus.
Therefore, let's not judge God by the evil we see in this world, but let's have the wisdom to understand that God is allowing some evil to expose those who foment it, to teach that God-haters are our worst enemies, that the good they promise is a farce, that when they promise good things they intend to use us for their own gain.
We don't have a description of WHAT God is. We have descriptions of WHO he is, in the sense of His personality, how He thinks, how He behaves, but we don't know what God is. "What" refers to material things, yet "what" can also refer to what God is, his personal "body." The most we are told is that He's "spirit." And this term refers to something invisible, something that does not reflect or absorb light as we know it.
But we are told that God is Light, and we can assume that His light makes angels visible to other angels. Our eyes cannot see that Light. God's eyes are not our eyes. He doesn't see material things as we do. We see them as physical light makes them appear, but God has no eye balls to receive such light. Probably, the Light of God is what caused the discoloration on the Shroud of Jesus. If so, it means that the Light of God can contact atoms and alter their normality. It can contact things from a distance, and so we might gather that His Light was a tool in making the Creation. He probably has the natural ability to radiate Light in any magnification (power level) He wishes. He is able to bring the dead cells of a human body back to life by shining His Light upon it. He's able to get into the atomic world with His Power-of-Light tool. He can see individual atoms, we may assume. Wherever there is an atom, there is the Spirit of God right beside it, and His Spirit has eyes and hands and a toolbox wherever it is. He has a will to use His tools, or not to use them. When you walk down the sidewalk, you walk through God. He's not in a parallel universe; he's there on the sidewalk with you, in this universe.
The atoms of your body cannot feel the "atoms" of His Spirit. But he is Something. He is made of some material, but we don't know WHAT it is. "Material" can be defined as something beyond things made of atoms. God is made of material, and there is no greater mystery.
We could say that, when Jesus died on the cross, God was pouring the concrete into the footings of the foundation. We could then assume that the Chosen will help to build the house, and much better starting when Jesus returns with His toolbox. Does it not make sense that we will be building the future along with the Husband of the House? Jesus revealed that this life is much a training ground for the Next Age, and Jesus makes possible for the Coach and Pilot to be active with our souls.
But what wife wants to wait billions of years before the roof frame goes up, and a few more million years before the shingles go on? A wife that doesn't need a house for the needs of her body. God's house is not for cooking food or using the bathroom to keep the body clean. God's House is not for staying dry. What's it for?
What will people be building? Not mansions. Those who interpret Jesus as saying He's preparing mansions are DUMBO. Will God give us new bodies only to live in larger houses with nicer furniture than the houses we now live in? Is God preparing the hell of four walls for us? Houses are a needed hell. Walls don't speak or give comfort. If you had to stay in your house constantly, it would be torment. The new body doesn't need a mansion, DUMBO. People who try to dress a house for pleasantries are tripping themselves with vanities. A new paint job on the walls is a fleeting reward. Buying "nicer" furniture feeds conceit. Your home is your necessary trap; don't value it above the bodily needs that it tends to. A house is not the goal of LIFE. God is not going to reward us with a mansion each.
You may expect that, at the Wedding Supper, Jesus will be sitting at the head of the table with a fantastic crown and royal robes. But, as a happy surprise, I suggest to you that Jesus might just be the waiter. Isn't that a beautiful picture, putting world rulers to shame? Jesus serving dinner for the conquerors just as soon as they get past their tribulations? Servitude earns respect. At the so-called "last supper," Jesus became the foot washer, and told them that he won't drink the wine with them again until the Wedding Supper.
If we are happy to be at home, it's only because the outside world of mankind is worse than home hell. I love being outdoors in God's nature, but I despise city living precisely because the people there are callously given to unGodly chaos. The people are not one in mind because they are not willingly one under God. It's no secret that the city people are those who ruin life by voting for anti-Christ rulers. This is a magnificent revelation. The majority of city people are our worst enemies.
It's not only that covetous people are attracted to the cities, where the big money is, where the night life is, but it's the cities that then generate more covetousness in their hearts. Once people are daily feeding their own material aspirations, they care less for others, explaining why city people tend not to talk to each other on a bus. COLDNESS. "Screw you, buddy, I'm looking after self." Response: "in that case, I don't want to know you." Yet for the sake of needing sociality, they do socialize, usually in the evening, yet they talk with evil on their lips. They feed each other evil not recognizing it as such, and are now in the throes of glorifying it as something honorable. Their concrete world hides God from them, and reminds them of their human rulers. Everywhere I look in a city, I see the creations of vain, God-rejectors.
Jesus was telling his disciples that He's going to prepare an unidentified SOMETHING for their place in the Kingdom. The emphasis was on His return, not on what they will live in. The emphasis is on His returning to gather them, to raise their souls, all with new eyes that see the Light of God. Only then will we begin to understand the Kingdom. Until then, the Kingdom is invisibly within us, not a kingdom made of buildings, but of the What-God-Is we call the Spirit. How lucky we should feel that He's wanting to touch us even now as a caregiver, thanks to the provision Jesus made on our behalf to turn His displeasure from us. God's Spirit is, for now, a deposit for what is yet to come. God is the true Santa who has his presents inside a bag that we cannot yet see. There's going to be a big surprise.
I do not think that Jesus' sacrifice alone has turned God into our friend where once He was our enemy. I think that our response to the Sacrifice is what does the turning. When God sees that we receive a Good savior, upset with our former sinfulness and ready to follow His words, this is God's rejoicing. This is His success. This is the salvation of God's Creation, so that He doesn't need to scrap it. This is the meaning of Christ crucified from the Creation of the earth. It was in the blueprints from the start.
The coming to Jesus in the first place is a treasure that we maintain while disrespecting all worldly things. "Treasure" in this context is, we have come to respect God. We have the Living God as our personal Helper. Not to help us become moneybags, but to save our souls for the Next Age. We now merely tolerate this pagan world rather than swim along with it. We come to understand that we need to divorce ourselves from it because it's our worst enemy. We have SEEN God with eyes we never had before. We see The Plan. We see that He's a servant, serving our needs as we tolerate this world. We're temporarily in the desert to the Promised Land.
We are then no longer respecting Him if we treat Him as our genie. We are then merely using Him for respecting worldly things, as prosperity gospelites do. It is more than much better to rest in the Spirit within, without saying anything, than to repeatedly ply God for material abundance. The one who plies God for material abundance is the one who locks himself into the prison he came out of at his conversion. That's called an idiot. Jesus insinuated, "don't ask God for the things He already knows you NEED." From other things Jesus said, we know we are not to ask for material abundance, because the Plan is to leave those things behind. The stress now is on how we think. That's the meaning of "spirituality." Thinking and behaving are siblings. The job of Jesus now is to correct our thinking, to guide us into all Truth.
The Plan at this stage is to teach the meaning and details of Righteousness. The plan is to become cleansed from the things in the world that make us filthy. It's not only the taking of a bath in the Spirit, our baptism, but requires our own washing by our on hands by correct thinking. After we are baptized in the CLEAN Spirit, God says, "go and sin no more," which implies go and be good.
First Step: remove from the footings all dirt that defiles and sinks us so that the Concrete can be poured for stability. Our job is to deny demonic impulses seeking to sink us, to betray Jesus, and in this frame did Jesus say, "the work of God is to believe in Me." Stay the course, don't squander the Treasure we found to our delight; keep our first love, and return to it if we have strayed. If we return, He will help us even though He's been disappointed and shamed by our straying. That is the meaning of "big." God is bigger than giving in to "His" anger. It's not His anger at all, but the anger we instill in Him. He doesn't want it. We force it upon Him, but when we turn, the anger turns to blessing us with acceptance into His House. What's in His house? Just the most-powerful Being by far. If this is not enough for some, they must be satanic tools.
When He promised with the rainbow that He would not destroy mankind with water again, my bet is that He's talking to faggots and other God haters now using the rainbow as their beloved symbol. If this is correct, then God was saying, "instead of a horrible death by water, fire will be for you." The rainbow is a herald of the fire that was prepared from the foundations of the earth.
There is a difference between a severe God and a cruel one. Severity uses cruelty, but God is not wanting to be cruel. In His wisdom, He decided in righteousness that man will reap what he deserves. The kinder and more magnificent God is, the greater the crime in disrespecting Him. The greater the crime, the greater the sentence. He does the right thing. Forgiveness is only for those who turn from hating Him. He doesn't love everyone, but loves only those filthy hearts that promise to become cleansed.
When a person asks God for His Spirit with the intention of turning from common sins, that's the one God rejoices in. The person has made a RIGHTEOUS choice. Abraham believed in God, and God measured it as his righteousness, because nobody, generally, believes in the true God unless they will to respect Him. The true God acts within the human mind to identify Himself, which includes a conscience. A person who "knows" God knows him by that route, and a person can then make a commitment to Him. In the New Covenant, the commitment is to the lordship and words of Jesus. The person who continues in Faith is the one who continues to be agreeable to the words of Jesus. If the words of Jesus offend people, they do not come to Faith. The words of Jesus can offend people when they love common, daily life, or the potential achievements of life, more than they love The Plan. Blessed are those who want to become part of the Future Plan, who unlock themselves from worldly endeavors until that time, who walk out of the dark prison to be truly free. And blessed are those who have a new desire to build the Kingdom as they find opportunities. The world is an obstinate wall, making it difficult to be kind to most people with the Good News, but if we have the desire, we will break through it at times when people of softer hearts come our way.
The obstinate don't want to see what we are talking about because they "know" we are "crazy" for believing in this "pie in the sky." We become rejected by them at best, but when they see that we are not near to "coming back to our senses," they'll hate us too. And the more we care about their sins locking them to Righteous Severity, the more they hate us for viewing them as sinners, because they are being conditioned to love sinners like those who own "love." We, on the other hand, for speaking against sinners, are deemed hateful. This growing movement is their chosen way forward to Armageddon. We who know our God can easily handle these cheap shots, but they intend to harm our bodies even with jail just for thinking the way we do.
King David didn't stray from God, but committed murder while living in the House. And he committed murder to commit adultery with the murdered man's wife. God punished him severely with loss of royal glory and loneliness, and perhaps the betrayal by his own son was God's doing. Yet David's soul was spared as a message to us all. Jesus forgave prostitutes as a message to us all: there is still hope for those who repent. And David wrote the Psalms while under God's duress, comfort for others under similar duress.
David's son, Commissioned to build "God's house" out of stones and wood, went wayward as much as any prostitute, by amassing hundreds of wives. The greed, the sexual gluttony. Was he even ashamed of himself? Didn't God have better men in Israel than David and Solomon to act as examples? Yes, but the backdrop to David and Solomon was the disastrous king Saul, and the backdrop to Saul was the Israeli leaders begging for a human king of their own so that they might become like the other nations. They rejected God as their only king to walk in the "light" of the nations. And so God just allowed these first kings of Israel to do as they pleased, and naturally they sinned greatly. Things didn't get better with kings after them.
And so they serve as an example as to why we need God as the only King. A King who does what's right everytime, who thinks faster than a computer. Before an evolutionist clicks the mouse to tell the robot what to do, God knows everything the robot "knows." The evolutionist thinks that he will out-do God one day with computers. What a wayward prostitute, what a murderer of his own Creator. He comforts, and serves the needs of, God haters. The Whore. What fool wants a human king to protect his interests? But evolutionists and other anti-Christs amass rulers who will protect their anti-God agendas.
That's the problem with this world, thieving rulers who put heavy burdens on our backs, who continually increase prices, and balloon the scope of governments. Therefore, God has his cannons aimed at governments, for while He attempts to make the rulers servants of the people by His own Light, they insist on hating His people. How did things trend this way, each Western nation after the other, in one generation alone? Isn't it correct to say that God allowed the wicked to rule the end-time nations because he want a show-down with them?
I Matthew 24:32-34, Jesus could be giving us a clue as to the timing of the last generation of this age:
Now learn this parable from the fig tree: When its branch has already become tender and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near. So you also, when you see all THESE THINGS [caps mine], know that it is near -- at the doors. Assuredly, I say to you, this generation will by no means pass away till all these things take place.If the fig tree and its leaves are His symbol for modern Israel's thriving, then we could say that the generation born around 1967 will not become more than about 80 years old before Jesus arrives. Unfortunately, where He says, "these things," there's nothing I can see that times the Return because it's impossible for me to discern what particular nations-rising-against-nations He's referring to, or which false prophets He's referring to, or which natural disasters He's referring to, because those things can together happen several times in different generations. But if He stuck in a special clue, we might be able to know which particular generation it is, and the fig tree with leaves might just be that clue. The problem is, I can't find a way to be certain that the tree represents modern Israel.
I was a boy in the 1960s, and that's the time when the Western world turned against God, when also we heard of world-war rumors as per Russia-US animosities.
Surely, Jesus knew that "these things" were unable to identify the generation of concern. This argues on behalf of the fig tree representing modern Israel. Yet, one can also argue that Jesus didn't want for any generation to know when His Return would take place, in which case He's not inclined to leaving any clues that can reveal it. On the other hand, the signs of His return are exactly clues. Pre-tribulationists have the fatal flaw of placing the Return BEFORE the signs of the Return, HOW STUPID. Can the main bulk of pastors be this stupid? In the Old Testament, figs have been used as a symbol for Israel, and the olive tree's oil for the Renewed/Eternal Israel of God, the Church.
If He gives signs of His return, then He wants His people to know before His return that the right-at-the-door has come. However, there's a question as to how soon before the Return the final generation can know it undoubtedly. I say that God would want the generation to know a few years before the 666 is made mandatory. But if Jesus disclosed in the Matthew text that the fig tree with leaves represents the re-establishment of Israel, then the final generation would know that the time has arrived decades before the Return. If God didn't want His people to know that early, then the fig tree would come with no hard evidence of its representation of modern Israel. And that's what we have.
This should have us considering very seriously as to whether Jesus is coming in the next decade. Yet pastors are stupidly clinging to a pre-trib mindset. Almost zero pastors are urging their people to prepare to endure the 666. If the Apophis asteroid of 2029 is not the fulfillment of the 2nd Trumpet, then perhaps it's when Apophis returns in 2036. Yet, it's trajectory is extremely close to earth in 2029, but not in 2036. My biggest question at this time is whether a compulsory 666 can be in effect by 2029, for we expect the 2nd Trumpet to be very near to the Return. Apophis was discovered only 20 years ago.
To whom did Jesus give the signs of His return, to His people or to non-Christians? To the natural Jews who reject Jesus? How do we explain that a pastor who elaborates on the Bible constantly, who can do an entire sermon on one Biblical phrase or word alone, cannot figure that the rapture of the Church needs to be AFTER the signs to the Church? Duh, what has afflicted these pastors?
I have a theory. Pastors don't want to teach preparation for the 666 because money spent on that endeavor is money gone from the pastor's paycheck. Right away, a pastor who asks his people to start preparing foods knows that it will spend their savings such that church offerings suffer. One possible motive and "justification": to relieve their consciences for this sinful, self-interested choice, which amounts to the abandonment of their sheep to starvation, they cling to a pre-tribulation rapture as an undeniable fact.
I've just learned that the canadian senate is unelected. Instead, the prime minister appoints senators, and the senate has power to cancel all law proposals of the Poilievre government. It means that, due to trudeau's stacking of the senate with like-minded Liberals, little may change under Poilievre. I wonder what powers he has to replace senators. I've never followed canadian politics closely. There's never been a Christian prime minister I could be proud of. Harris was a sucker upon globalists. He wanted to be loved by them.
End-time canadians are asleep like imbiciles. When the state media, the CBC, confirmed that some 20 fires started in an area of Quebec over one night, last summer, canadians did not make it an issue at all. The CBC even admitted that the fires were set by the canadian government, but canadians then decided to simply believe that report without thinking, like imbiciles unable or unwilling to grasp the reality that the fires were set by WEF arsonists in their globalist thrust to cripple and thereby threaten western societies in a bid to control them tyrannically.
The CBC told canadians that firefighters set the fires to combat fires. But the CBC even admitted that satellite imagery of the fires was authentic, yet the fires were on average some 50 miles apart (my off-the-cuff calculation). Only an imbecile believes that firefighters would start a fire 50 miles from another one in order to fight the other one, by keeping it from spreading too far.
The reason that trudeau got away with his tyrannical and murderous COVID policies is because too many canadians are imbiciles who believe they are wise. Their "wisdom" comes mainly from the CBC, and by nature, the CBC is a typical, globalist deception machine teaching the people that there are no conspiracies in government, and that people like trudeau have their best interests at heart. See any problem here that looks like a WEF ambush on the unsuspecting people?
We no longer hear of entire chicken farms and other food buildings being destroyed by fire. There was a rash of them following the COVID scam, but it seems the WEF relented after losing its political stooges, national leaders, to "far right" voters. trudeau is himself a victim of the wiser members of Western society. This war is not over by any means. The invasions and destructive intrusions could come again. Klaus Schwab himself was the chief reason for WEF failure in this last round, and he himself is a puppet of a more-powerful body, we can assume, which amounts to an invisible, shadow government seeking to prop / purchase politicians who serve certain billionaire corporations. We got a glimpse of how these corporations will use their own products / facilities to instill tyranny and society change toward Sodom. They will play a key role in the 666 system, as they complied with the mask-goon society, kicking people (like me) out of their stores for bucking against the mask mandates.
Doesn't anyone feel sorry for workers who are forced to mask-up, eight hours or more every weekday, for two years straight, when there isn't a pandemic at all? Instead, masks served vaccines sales to companies very willing to do their part to instill the tyranny, for it's the tyranny that makes them money. Through tyranny, the globalist shadow government will reward their faithful stooges. Their weakness was free speech i.e. too many people snitched on what they were doing, the realities behind their push, but if they increase censorship to curtail the snitches, the people will see it and react accordingly, admitting that there is indeed a globalist conspiracy to do damage. The WEF relented because the voters were blaming it for all the destruction. It's not something that the awake-people will forget. This is awake versus woke.
"Woke" is a deceptive term, a facade for "anti-Christ." It's akin to the humanist "great enlightenment," the satanic "age of reason." The evolutionists are its captains in charge of its foot soldiers, the imbiciles whose job is to breed imbiciles, the willfully blind who believe they are the wisest, the ones whom God spoke of when Jesus blasted the religio-political leaders of Jerusalem. Liberals vie for political power like they breathe the air. They are control freaks who must rule at any risk to their reputations. Their agenda is to murder God thinking themselves to be smarter and more beneficent than He. "Imbicile" does not do them justice. They are infested with spiritual rabies. They go nuts when you oppose them rightly to their faces. They become chronically ill when they lose an election, and they bite back hard at those times. They are now experimenting with destructiveness in the streets and in the marketplace when they lose political ground. RABIES. Do not touch them. Cause this whore twice the pain that she causes you; we have this right from the book of Revelation. The whore is a murderous, big-corporate fascist. The billionaire merchants whom the capitalists honor.
WEF is a communist-capitalist parasite. It desires to be the head of a communist snake, yet it practices capitalism to please its members and partners. It fornicates with them, says Revelation 17. Revelation 18 says that this whore laments only for its loss of sales rather than for the ruin of nations and the deaths of their peoples.
For this whore, the peoples are merely consumers who buy their products; otherwise they can be murdered if not needed to produce their products. Their problem is: fewer people on earth means lower profits, and this is where even their own corporate members will shake them to their senses, if they decide to go ahead with massive "population control." Just being associated with WEF or woke has become a financial liability; ask Bud Light or Disney about that, and a host of others who faithfully pushed end-time Sodom.
Suddenly, inflating faggotry is getting too expensive for them. The faggot trial balloon has popped. It was nothing but a bunch of hot air, because nobody gives a damn about faggots. Instead, the woke-pushing companies care to murder God, and inflating faggotry is a way to punch Him in the face, they think. But God laughs. He will make them trip over a popsicle stick when they try to harm you, Christian. But if you continue to be a pre-tribulationist at the brink off the 666, you might expect to be abandoned by God to the war that the anti-Christ will wage on the cities. Most cities are ruled by the imbiciles. They hate you. They elect God haters as mayors, what else? When the call comes to persecute you, these mayors will comply. We saw their rabies in the COVID scam. We saw their bite. They were drooling at the prospect of harming normal citizens whom they will slander for the purpose with unjustified accusations.
trudeau the poison-candyman has become a punching bag for the enjoyment of the non-woke half: the video below, concerning a class-action law suit in canada against vaccine-pushing governments, start in the latter half of the 3rd minute if you want to skip the small talk. At about 4 minutes, you see the government report that 105 million doses were administered in the 2.6 years from early 2021 to the near-end of 2023. Doesn't anyone do math to see that this number is greatly inflated fraudulently? Then, the government number for serious adverse effects during the same period, less than 12,000, is greatly under-reported because the government goal is to greatly reduce the ratio of people harmed per vaccine administered.
The ratio should be on the order of 100,000 serious "events" (some people had more than one event per harmful vaccine) per about 50 million doses maximum. It's a no-brainer that pro-vaccine governments, nationals and provincial, were fraudulently inflating the percentage of people receiving vaccines faithfully on-time in order to make the resistors look like a vast minority. In my guestimate, only 50-percent of the adult country was receiving vaccinations ("half" of that amount was doing it against their will). Therefore, if there were even as many as 20 million people receiving one or more vaccines in 2021, then there were fewer doing so in 2022 when the dangers of the scam began to be unveiled, and by 2023, most didn't want vaccines anymore. How do we get from those numbers to 100 million doses administered? More likely, that's the number of doses sold to hospitals, drug stores, etc. say that only about 1-percent of adverse events were reported, especially as doctors / hospitals were prone to NOT report serious injuries because they were accomplices to this program. The last thing doctors want is for the news to get out that a high percentage of people were being murdered and maimed. Those 12,000 reports of serious events, which doesn't include those who died, should be more like 100,000. But there were also elderly people murdered while being treated in-hospital for the virus. Therefore, as many as 200,000 people suffered greatly or fatally out of some 50-million doses, a ratio of 1 per 250 people. You can make it 1 per 500 if you like, because that too is a criminal disaster that went unreported as it was taking place. The cover-up is itself a crime. The class-action law suit is based much on the failure of governments to warn people of the dangers.
The pro-vaccine goons are turning on the government now because they are amongst the highest numbers to suffer injuries. See how this works? The government's own stooges are going to punish the government. And the stooges who didn't suffer are going to know that they are accomplices to these harms by mocking those who cried wolf. Whether or not they will be ashamed of themselves depends on how great their imbecility has grasped them.
In the 22nd minute, the lawyers tell that they have a separate law suit for businesses that suffered losses under forced shut-downs and 24-hour curfews for their customers.
In my opinion, trudeau deserves capital punishment, I don't care how it's done. But he's not alone who deserves this in politics and medicine. The Punisher is coming, the Judge and Jailer. The host of the video above was an accomplice, and therefore wants to say that the vaccines saved more people than they harmed. Prove it. He can't. In fact, the virus was proven to be mild, killing people only if they were more than half-dead already. But the host of the video can't be this honest with his audience because he contributed to the injuries of his audience by assuring that the "vaccines" were safe. See that? He will continue to say that they were safe, relatively speaking, so save his own skin. This is the power that the vaccines distributors have over their committed media stooges.
I would be the first to say that, if a virus were serious enough, drastic, sacrificial measures are justified. But with utmost concern for peoples livelihoods. Those forced to quit work should be compensated by the rest of citizens. This didn't happen. Instead, imbecilic canadians were callously craving the closing down of businesses as their solution. People who spent decades trying to see their businesses succeed were wiped out like snot on the flint face of a CBC-watching imbecile.
I once caught myself saying,"thank God for vaccine injuries." I said it to my tenant. It popped out of my mouth with wrong words, and so I explained myself. What was meant is, thanks to injuries, there will be fewer injuries in the future, for the injuries forced the imbiciles to shut up and draw back. It also urged the imbiciles to stop taking vaccines, but without apologies for their own part in the former crimes. This is not over. I carry in my soul a hammer that needs to be pounded on those who come again to do it all over again.
The "far right" party won and almost-won two elections days ago, another sign that another globalist state is falling crippled to Schwab's feet. Go ahead, cry the blues, you rabid dogs. "Far right" needs a new name. It's the anti-globalist party, nothing extreme about that. It's people who don't want foreign interference in their affairs. Those who interfere are the cheats, the anti-democratic wolves come to steal, kill and destroy.
Here's the look of Sodomite tyranny in canada, in arresting a Christian teacher for merely his choice to speak out against a lunatic trudeau government:
In the video below, the lady says she's re-used canning lids for years with no problems, which is a thing you have got to remember because canning-jar companies, using the fear tactic, warn you to buy a new lid for each use of the jar. The lids cost half as much as the jars, it figures. Plus, this lady is cluing me in to what I could suspect, that globalist-puppet companies are making cheap/faulty lids deliberately because globalists don't want people prepared to endure a catastrophe in case they decide to bring one on. Jars spiked in price since COVID, and that means the greedy get to increase the price of lids too even though it doesn't cost a penny more to make them. Where I live, they're nearly a dollar per lid when buying a box. putting the lids on that you see in the video above, don't tighten hard because the rubber should stay a little cushiony to make a better seal for the second and third use. Once the lids have been used a half-dozen times, they are still good for storing dry goods. If there's a slow leak, dry goods will be fine as long as they're not in a mold-prone environment like a damp basement.
In the 9th minute of the video above, I couldn't believe my eyes at the tiny pin hole in the lid. It seems to me that this is a manufacturer's deliberate booby-trap because I cannot conceive of any way for any acidic food to create such a small, clean hole through metal. If acid's going to eat away at metal, it does so as a patch, not as a tiny hole as made by a drill bit.
Some sadistic company could have schemed to puncture one out of every 15 lids in order to teach people a lesson, by sabotaging their foods, not to re-use lids. After the puncture that goes almost all the way through the lid, they cover (hide) it with the thin white material that's on the inner side.
I don't see a problem using lids with rust. Keep them for the tribulation. If you never need them, someone else might. Think of others when you prepare for yourself. One can keep some paint enamel to cover the rust with.
There are single-piece lids too. One could buy only the rubber gaskets, I assume, and re-use one-piece lids with the gaskets after the lids have seen plenty of usage.
If you're handy with improvising, you could make your own silicone gaskets using a one-piece lid. Make the silicone thicker than the rubber gaskets are, and it may be possible to reuse the silicone gasket a hundred times if it bounces back to original shape everytime. If the companies wanted to, they could make rubber gaskets that have memory, but they don't want you to have lids that work forever. You could buy your own rubber sheets with memory, and cut your own gaskets, or do this:'m reading: "Silicone boasts an excellent compression set, meaning it retains its shape better despite high levels of repeated or extended compression. This resilience results in flexibility, while also allowing the material to return to its original configuration after stress." I don't see any bodily harm from a little builder's silicone acting as a jar gasket, once the silicone gasket has cured. Just don't let the food in the jar contact the silicone. If there's no lids available just before the tribulation, this is a good last resort. But you need to be handy to make them. Use your head. If you make them about 1/12-inch thick, that seems like an eternal gasket to me. As dried silicone can be sticky, a very-little vegetable oil on the outer part of the gasket will keep the lid from biting it when tightening it.
"Silicone is resistant to several types of oil, but its resistance depends on the type of oil or fuel it's exposed to. Among the oils where silicone shows the most flexibility and oil-resistant properties, even at high temperatures, include: Coconut oil. Olive oil." Corn oil is in the list within the article.
Any kind of store-bought glass jar can be re-used, with lid, so that you can get a really good deal on jars when you buy inexpensive foods like no-name pickles. Just beware the few lids that don't have the pop-up feature, usually only with small lids. The more governments seek to do away with plastic containers in favor of glass, that should bring jar prices down. For tribulation preparation, almost nothing is more important than lots and lots of glass jars. If you wait until the last minute, they may be back-ordered, which will give you half a heart-attack if you know the 666 is at the very door. Best thing, start storing foods now because they last a long time, especially dried foods.
Go out on recycling day and "steal" everyone's glass jars. The town doesn't own them yet if they are at the end of the driveway. Ask your friends to save them for you, you provide the container. Storing foods is best for retired people.
I had watched some videos telling that water run through a home-made charcoal filter could sterilize water to a safe level, but no details were given like the video below seeks to find by getting the water tested. This video (10th minute) tells that his basic charcoal filter doesn't get all bacteria out, just so you know, yet he proves that sunlight shining through the water kills all bacteria. The great thing is that he's filtering swamp water. The only problem is that he didn't do a test on the raw swamp water to show how terrible it was to begin with in E. coli contamination. This video is a confidence builder for purifying your own river, lake or shallow-well water with sunlight. could argue that globalists deliberately hid from the world the water-purifying effects of sunlight. How possibly could it be that I didn't hear of this method until a couple of weeks ago? I've watched a few World Vision shows on helping third-world countries get clear water, but I don't remember anyone saying that sunlight kills all bacteria.
As I have a shallow well, I learned a few years ago that it's purified for safe home-use using merely a small ultra-violet lamp. The water comes into contact with it for a very short time as it passes through a lit container when the pump is running to get it out of the well. But nobody informed me that plain sunlight can accomplish the same, though over hours of contact. This is an obvious important piece of knowledge for wilderness survival.
I would like to see how well a home-made charcoal filter does with shallow well water that's been filtered much already by dirt. The finer the charcoal is ground, the better. I'd also like to know the water volume used before the charcoal needs replacing. These are obvious questions of concern, but I haven't come across the answers yet.
But wait. The fellow above has another recent video where he obtains swamp water after passing through some soil. He got it tested to find zero E coli even before treating with sunlight, and his "shallow well" is far less safe that a real shallow well six feet or deeper. This result is not conclusive, but it's very promising for your shallow well because, if it starts off almost safe to drink without sunlight treatment, you can be sure that it can be used without boiling, saving lots and lots of heating fuel, very important in many tribulation situations. if you have lots of firewood around your place, you may not be able to operate a chainsaw, if you can't buy one. Keep that in mind. Prepare your firewood for four-years usage before the 666 is enforced, and then some extra in case it's needed. Even pine will stay well when stacked for four years. To make pine safe for burning when the wood stove is unattended, take the bark off, because, at rare times, this bark is loaded with fuel and can overheat the stove, threatening a chimney fire, depending on how stacked full the stove is at the time.
I have never had a problem burning pine unless I don't cover it with clear plastic in the last month or two of the drying season. I usually burn the previous year's cuttings because, where I live, the weather's too cold to thoroughly dry wood in one season. The more water in the wood, the cooler it burns, meaning you're wasting wood, and all the work it takes to stack it. The CLEAR plastic allows sunlight to heat the stacked wood, and so just allow some air currents to get at it to increase the drying process using that extra heat (don't cover the wood with plastic all the way to the ground). You won't get this benefit with a tarp.
Use 6-mil plastic because it's tougher, but it does rip easily enough so that you MUST have some waterproof tape to seal the holes (or water's going to get POUR onto your wood if the holes are on the top of the stack). The tape I use is the red or blue intended for vapor barriers in homes. It's everywhere in home-building stores. It lasts for years in the rain and snow. This tape is a must for trib survival.
Once you have your water and wood needs secured, the stored food is just plain work, but lots of it. It takes a lot of time if you do it yourself. If you don't do it yourself, you'll be paying lots and lots. Your choice. If you spent just an hour per evening peeling and slicing vegetables / fruits, and putting them through a dehydrator, you can save lots and lots over a year. If you can dry enough food to feed yourself for three days for each one-hour period, you can have three years of food in less than 1.5 years with weekends off.
Always refresh the air of your home when burning all day with a wood stove that burns off its paint. That can't be good for you, and it's worse if the stove is used and has been painted at home by someone else. I chose a stove with permanent paint, but it costs a lot more. Glad I paid the extra. But if you're using the stove for only three of four years in the trib, you can spend the money elsewhere instead of on permanent-paint stove. If you're planning on starting a wilderness life earlier than the trib, I suggest you get the permanent paint.
As we can't likely sterilize water in the sun in a blue-plastic container, get large clear ones that will last. Stored foods are better in non-transparent containers, which is why clear containers are scarce, so don't wait until the last minute to buy some.
Although bleach doesn't keep its full strength with age, it would be a super product if purchased immediately before the trib because about eight drops per gallon of water is enough to sterilize shallow-well / river water. As the bleach ages to two years, use more drops. Learn about how much more you'll need in the second and third year, because it'll save the hassle of sun-treating water.
I use a gas stove. I only have a 420-pound propane tank, but it does lots and lots of cooking. With a larger tank of about twice the size, it could do four years with a typical family in the house. "A 120 gallon propane tank is also commonly referred to as 420 lb propane tank. 120 gallon propane tanks hold 96 gallons [liquid] of propane when full." All I need to do is pay the tank rental up-front for the four years of the tribulation period, and make sure it's nearly full at that time. You would be wise to get a larger tank because that will give you enough fuel for compromised "showers."
Someone writes that a gas stove in the kitchen uses 5-10 gallons per month. However, be careful with the google robot, because it apparently chooses quotes from people who make errors. For example, this google offering: "The average propane stove uses around 65,000 BTU every hour. So, in this instance, a stove would use between 20 to 50 gallons of propane every year." That can't be correct because a gallon of propane offers only about 92,000 BTUs, and a kitchen stove doesn't use 2/3rds of a gallon per hour.
Someone else from a google-robot offering: "If one of the larger burners on your propane range produces 18,000 Btu per hour, then one gallon of propane will power that burner for over five hours." I assume that's with the burner on full blast, but even this quote may be in error; you could get more than five hours. When the google robot chooses an error, it gets spread in chaos all over the Internet.
It should be illegal for the google robot to act alone with human inspectors. If you double- or triple-check on the google robot, you could get the same mistake because your second and third source got the information from the google robot. This is educational insanity, probably the way that globalists want things. While claiming to be a valiant warrior against disinformation, google is the biggest misinformation and disinformation machine in the world. It supports liberal parties, the biggest disinformation groups in the world.
My 420-pound tank gives about eight months of supply for kitchen stove, on-the-short-side showers (under five minutes), and laundry, but I live alone. Still, that's pretty good if we don't use the clothes dryer, and skimp at the tub.
Let me tell you what I did while building this house. I heated two gallons of water to a temperature that the body can take, which doesn't need much fuel. I built a front shelf in the tub for sitting shampoos, but it served well for sitting the two-gallon container (a roasting pot). A small sour-cream container was used to scoop out the water. I'll give details to give you confidence that this will work for you, otherwise, if your family wants full showers, even three minutes long, it's going to deplete your propane or solar-power batteries.
Pour a container of water over your head and shoulders. Wash hair and upper body. Use a couple of scoops more to rinse hair, and that will get much of the body soap off too. Wash lower body, and use more water to rinse the whole body. I had about a third of the two gallons to spare, which was poured over the head, even though it wasn't needed to get soap off, because it felt so good in the cool room.
Or, you can take a short shower of one minute long, which takes about two gallons of water. However, it uses more fuel -- perhaps twice as much -- to heat household-pipe water than it does to heat water on a stove. Use a black container to save fuel. The wider the container's bottom, the less stove heat needed. The black roasting pots are excellent. To take a one minute-or-less shower. Get the body wet, shut off the tap. Wash. Turn on the tap for 15-20 seconds, and you could be done with just 30 seconds of water, and a few shivers. You'll get used to the cold.
However, there is wastage of heated water waiting for it to go from warm to hot-enough at the tap. And if you have a hot-water tank, it's loosing heat 24 hours per day whether it's used or not, not a good choice for trib survival. The tankless heaters use less gas, but they spray a lot of gas to get the water hot enough quick enough.
Therefore, prepare a two-gallon roasting pot for your trib retreat in case it's needed. My guess is that heating water on high heat takes more heat to get the water to a certain temperature as compared to a lower-heat setting. The lowest setting may waste more heat because it allows heat to escape the water more while heating.
I think it's amazing that a 1,000-pound propane tank could be enough for three years to do both cooking and two-gallon "showers." Propane has no shelf life of concern i.e. it lasts many years without degradation. If you could buy such a tank used, that's the way to be safest as compared to renting one. Always have a direct-deposit deal with such companies as propane companies in case you have money in the bank that can be used in the tribulation.
Just because we can't buy or sell in stores doesn't necessarily mean we won't be able to use what's left in our banks. If the mark of the beast is a door-pass into work places, then we may not be forbidden to use money so long as we don't need to enter a commercial building. Imagine how great it would be if we can buy electricity with a direct-deposit account. However, it's a risk to depend on it because we don't yet know the shape of the 666-purchasing system. We need to plan for a worst-case scenario: no ability to buy electricity / propane.
Diatomaceous earth is good for killing bugs in the garden during dry spells (won't kill when it's wet), but it also kills bed-bug infestations in the home, and in the meantime kills mites, roaches and fleas. The video owner below is trying to talk people out of using diatomaceous for bed bugs, but the people in the comments section tell that it alone worked for them, for under $10 total cost, as long as they sprayed it everywhere, and left it for a few weeks. It can be used in the mattress too, but not on the sheets because you don't want to breathe it in while sleeping. It's so cheap, do stack up on it in large bags when the time is right. Globalists will want to phase all sorts of products out that make life better for the people, but not right now because they are taking a political and social beating after their COVID schemes. don't see any reason to apply diatomaceous inside electrical sockets or behind wall hangings, or in the dresser, behind the dresser, etc. It seems to me that doing the mattress and floors alone is sufficient. Put a light layer on the top side of the mattress, without any sheets on it, and sleep somewhere else for a few days. Disappointed, the hungry bugs nesting in the bed will walk all over the mattress wondering where you're hiding. They will soon get the DE dust on their bodies, probably on the first night. They should be dead in three days.
When the eggs hatch in the mattress, you'll need to sleep elsewhere for more time, and so don't remove the DE, just leave it under the sheets, but best to use double sheets to keep powder from coming through one to your lungs. When you start getting bites again from the hatched eggs, sleep elsewhere, take all sheets off, and re-apply some DE. Vacuum the mattress once all bugs are gone. You don't need to cover the entire mattress with the powder; just apply it in straight or S-shaped lines from edge to edge.
When you leave your bed for a few nights to the couch, a make-shift air mattress, or another bed, they will probably find you within a couple of nights, unless you stuff some socks under the bedroom door to keep them from leaving the bedroom.
If you wake up with what feels like thingies walking through your hair or beard, or on your neck or face, it could be dust mites in the bed. DE will look after it.
For bugs nesting outside of the bed, they need to walk up the bed legs to get you. Therefore, lift each leg, apply a flat piece of something under it, and spread some very fine diatomaceous upon it. Not too thick in case it dissuades them from walking through it. On the other hand, if they want to eat (they'll think you're in the bed because you were always there before), they'll need to walk through it.
If you have an infestation, then you'll probably need it in other rooms too, just to make sure. You do what you've got to do. If you never need it for bed bugs, you can use it (food grade DE) in the garden, or feed it to the chickens from time to time.
I'm not sure what's been going on in the mind of Jordan Peterson, whether he's faking a semblance of Christianity for a political cause, or whether he's got a genuine desire for faith in Jesus but with a weak faith due to things he doesn't like, or feel comfortable with, about the Bible. In the end times, our faith is on the line. We are being called to endure in the faith where weakening faith abounds. The only way to succeed is by a love in the heart for Jesus which God instills, and He instills it in our hearts according to our love directed at Jesus. Therefore, people with weak faith are in jeopardy in these evil times of deception and mortal combat against Him.
It's not for me to judge Mr. Peterson in so far as I haven't seen anything from him that reveals his true heart in mortal opposition to Jesus. Until I see that sort of thing, I'll leave open the possibility that he's genuine, for he seems to claim such, in this video below, yet, he often speaks about God in terms that are not reflective of a man who's brought Biblical principles close to heart. There's something funny or off about him, but maybe it's primarily from his inner battles against some demonic forces tied to his past and/or future aspirations. The combination of heart, mind and soul can become a complicated thing, especially when one is a philosophical "intellectual," which is usually the turf of humanists / atheists: my surprise, the singer, John Rich, who implores Peterson with the Gospel in the video above, is a post-tribulationist. Here's his interview with Tucker:>What Tucker Carlson is saying at one point is that the Scofield Bible, in league with other pre-tribulationist forces, fomented an American Zionism that he's not very fond of because it's making Israel violent. In some respects, John Rich can agree with Tucker that modern Israel is not the Israel of God, but I go further because it's Rothschilian Israel, deeply satanic. In the midst of modern Israel is a remnant that will become part of the Next-World leadership in the Israel of God, the Church. Or such is how I interpret the 144,000, leaders in the Church.
Did you see how Mr. Rich laments that churches aren't talking about post-tribulationism when they really need to be? That's my kind of guy.
I haven't known before now that John Rich is on a "crusade" (my word) to teach post-tribulationism. I'm very interested in this. If this is from God, I expect more men to come out of the woodwork doing the same. Just as Rich is getting into the dangers of pre-tribulationism, a woman comes out (49th minute) to put a piece of paper on the desk for Tucker, which changes the subject to Trump. Does Tucker have a "help-me" button in his shirt pocket to direct the woman to help him change the subject for when he really doesn't like the topic of a guest? The paper comes out as Tucker has his arms crossed so that one hand is at his pocket. I found it more than rude for Tucker to change the subject when he could have simply waited for Rich to finish his thoughts, less than a minute after he started on this important topic.
The think I dislike enormously is that Rich doesn't recognize Trump as part of the deception. He's even making Trump's survival in Butler look like an act of God.
In the 53rd minute, Rich brings the post-trib rapture back to topic, or more-exactly, he's putting across that Christians need to endure the final days on earth, in opposition to Darbyism. But in the 58th minute, Tucker changes the subject, refusing to comment on the meat of what Rich is saying, the danger to pre-trib Christians who will deny that the anti-Christ is in their midst due to their belief (from brainwashing) that such a situation will never take place. At 1hr3min, Tucker tells that he knows about pre-tribulationism, and even comments that Speaker Johnson believes in it. Whereas I was happy to see Johnson become the Speaker, at first, he's already looked like a disappointment, and indeed he is a typical Zionist Christian, which is what pre-tribbers by-and-large define themselves as. I'm a Zionist too, but not in favor of atheistic / Rothchilian / Russellite Zionism.
If you read recently about Lorraine, who turned out to be a Russellite, it's interesting to me that Lorraine's were descended from Maria of Kiev, as I think the Rich/Richess surname is (from Richeza of Lorraine, mother-in-law of Maria of Kiev). Israel is very much supporting the war between Kiev and Russia, and Russi's share the Russell lion. This makes me wonder whether my events with Lorraine point to John Rich in any way. I'll keep it in mind. The CARLsons were first found in Suffolk with Charles' and Rush's (Ross colors), and French Charles'/Charlotte's, anyway, were from the Carolingian royals who some think were ancestral to Richeza of Lorraine's Ezzo line.
Load Rich Coat now, which loads on another tab, in order to load other surnames so that you can follow better.
Recently, I've been writing of Lorraine's ass symbol, which is her butt symbol representing the Budini peoples of Kiev, but I forgot the fact that Richeza was the daughter of EZZO, interesting where Ass' are also Assi's while Ash's, first found in Devon with an Axe river, are also Esse's. Hazels of Devon share a Hessel variation with German Hesse's, and Ezzonids were from the Hesse / Rhineland theater along with the later Rothschilds. That is, the grandson of Ezzo: "Erenfried II (died c. 970) was a Lotharingian nobleman, from the area of Rhineland area in what is now Germany." The house of Este was founded by an Azzo.
Other historians who don't trace Ezzo back to Carolingians think he may have been from Thuringia, where Rothschild-branch German Roets were first found who use a giant "moon". Scottish Roets were first found beside Devon, where there is a second Axe river, and beside the first-known Moons, in Dorset with the first-known Russells. The Sinclairs of ROSLin are also Suns, and a giant sun is used by Hesse's/Hessels. Sinclairs of Roslin ruled the Orkney theater, where Ass' were first found.
John Rich seems to think that the anti-Christ will be a Western leader, but I still keep a theory that he will be a Russian partner, but with a Western 666 beast at his side who could be of the Trump-Musk partnership now shaping up. This past week, we heard that Trump has asked Musk to be his treasury overseer of sorts, and Musk, because he already has to much on his plate, would accept that job only to get his hands illegally on treasury money.
Tucker comes across as a true Christian, on his way, because he's not afraid to attach his big named to Jesus, even if it costs him big money. However, everyone will be tested, me too. At times it's very hard. The question is, will be continue, to stay the course.
I'm disappointed with Rich because he leaves the Christian to think that we are about to get murdered by the anti-Christ, and he says nothing about physical preparations to endure the 666 with God's help. I don't understand this about him and other post-tribulationists. At this point, I don't know whether he's a "pre-wrath" in his rapture position.
The comments in the video mainly ignore the post-trib message that Rich emphasized. They all rejoice that Jesus was the topic at all, but the post-trib message seemingly went over their heads. I don't understand this, when the West has never outrightly been so satanic as it has become in just the last four years, from the top down, even while a 666 system is potentially at the door.
I used to say that globalist politicians are ashamed of their anti-Christ positions because they tried to hide it for many decades, even centuries. That attitude changed recently, yet they took a beating for exposing their dirty legs in this way. What next? All-out war against Christianity, we may expect, to shut it down tyrannically. This is going to be the test of tests. How "badly" (deeply/greatly) do you want eternal life in a Kingdom ordered by Jesus?
How deeply do you love this world more than how you perceive the Kingdom of Jesus? Perhaps the Bible does not reveal the details of the Next Age because God does not want people keeping Faith for its goodies, but only if they love Jesus the person. And by "love" here is meant agreement with His rules, His thinking, His ways of life, but also appreciation for our being bought (and brought) out of darkness and damnation. Wisdom tells us that there's nothing aside from Jesus in the future, and so stay with the Program, even unto death if necessary.
Rich says he was converted as a child with his street-preacher father, yet his music-industry days doesn't cry that out. Maybe it's time he knocks off the black shirts and black hats. If he preaches that all Christians must prepare to get murdered, he could be feeding our enemies a "bright idea," or helping to normalize it. He needs to knock that message off. He needs to stress Revelation 12, where God protects Christians in the wilderness. If he never does teach it, something is deeply disturbing with this man in spite of his Biblical teachings.
Why did the song producers of Revelation decide to show Michael the archangel with bare breast and stomach, wearing thin linen to boot that looks like lingerie? He's got a tattoo on his bare arm that is given a leather band at the wrist. It's what a faggot could enjoy who watches all-star wresting for the big muscles. In the end, we don't see who wins the battle between Michael and satan. Rich is dressed in black too. It's a bit of a corny scene, actually, but the song is very catchy and makes amends. Angels don't have wings. CORNY.
The problem with celebrity Christians is when they keep one foot each in both worlds. Like Tucker, with worldly concerns in his his full-time job while trying to become a Christian. It could make for a muddy Christian needing a lot more Grace than would otherwise be the case. On the other hand, celebrity status reaches many ears with the Gospel. A singer is only a singer, and a journalist is just a journalist. Both are entertainers.
Some people watch current events to pass the time because they prefer it to watching the cold four walls of the house. I do that too, but it's entertainment of sorts much of the time because it's presented that way by news casters trying to make a living on it. I'm thankful I don't like most newscasters to the point of rushing to see them daily. I don't watch news to be entertained, but I don't mind being entertained when I like it. Entertainment is not always bad, but, as you must know, cell-phone entertainment has become an addiction.
I'm not addicted to phones because I think they are rinky-dink-dink. The technology doesn't fascinate me because it's from my spiritual enemies seeking to pervert minds. My priorities are in the ways of Jesus, this is what counts for you too. Everything else is wasteland, and John Rich knows it, yet he fed the world music wasteland all of that time he was supposed to be a Christian. There's a big difference serving mankind with hands-on work, as in the building industry, and pumping lyrics and music into souls. The latter can be defiling / corrupting / misleading. Making walls and floors and bathrooms is not.
The COVID scheme backfired because people made an outspoken break with "woke," and lumped it in with the schemers. Now the schemers will need to expend extra effort to "correct" the situation, partly by playing defense as they come back on the offense. It's giving us time to prepare physical needs, but if we think that things will only get better, as if this was the only battle and we won, it's a dangerous mindset.
Here's John Rich with another Christian song, by the way, where the topic is for big companies to stick their woke up their butts, which again evokes Lorraine's butt symbol: butt symbol was from a grass stain on a lawn, and Lorraine-connectable Lawns/Lone's can point to Lonestar, the woke-leaning band that Rich was part of, which fired him for refusing to go woke with his lyrics. The only reason I can think of for God pointing from Lorraine to Rich is his post-tribulation message of late. I remember his mention of July 14th as the debut of the song, or something like that, and that was roughly my last day with Lorraine as my date, on the night I saw her grass stain when she was out walking with a married man. To the best of my ability to remember, her stain was on a weekend night when she had dinner guests, in 1981, but neither Friday nor Saturday were July 14, but Monday and Tuesday. Close, but no cigar.
"LoneSTAR" can even get us to Sturs, first found in Hampshire with BUTTon-loving Rich's, and with the Liss'/Lise's suspect in the motto of Lonnys. Stars were first found very near the Buttons of Bath and Wells, and also near the sources of the Stour river.
I don't like Rich's recent music history, downright sinful. For someone who claims to be a Christian, he was in bed with the slippery-slope devil, not very long ago, like so many other country musicians. Just saying. I would suggest we be wary of following Rich, even now, until he heals his mind of his half-glass past, lest we adopt his slippery-slope demons. One cannot work nightclubs and not collect demons like burrs on his pants. But better is a sinner who in the end takes purely to God than one who walks away to the prosperity gospel, like Amy Grant did. It's better to produce fruit for Jesus while shedding the burrs than to get lost in the tall weeds of music money.
However, beware evangelists who spread their burrs to their flocks while promising them freedom in Jesus. That's the danger of celebrity evangelists who crop up overnight with zeal but insufficient discipline. In many cases, some up-starts see themselves becoming famous in evangelicalism, and that's more a trap than freedom, for the flocks who follow them.
Some translations of Revelation 1:1 have Jesus coming "soon," yet the Greek word means "speedily." Any translation using "soon" is like an Iscariot against the book, like a traitor, because it makes the reader doubt the book's authenticity. Jesus himself said that He is coming like the flash of lightning. Does He mean it's brightness or its speed? Perhaps 1:1 should be understood as "coming suddenly." It'll be an ambush of God against those who spoil Christians, and we don't want to be teachers of the Bible who spoil Christians, take their last dollars, if possible.
It will be good for Christians to be feeding His flock when Jesus returns, but John Rich didn't concern himself with the need for food in the final 1260 days. Why not? Why doesn't he say that, if you're going to be going through the final 1260 days, you might want to think about preparing some long-lasting foods.
I no longer go to the dentist to get teeth cleaned of plaque; I do my own. I was upset when, many years ago, drug stores stopped selling the picks that dentistry uses to clean teeth. I guessed that the canadian government outlawed the picks to force us to spend money on dentists. I use a paring knife to scrape my teeth at the gum line, and because I'm a builder, I can safely use even a drywall knife = box-cutter. Just be careful. In the trib, clean your own teeth. You can hear where the plaque is; you know the sound it makes at the dental chair.
When at times the gums bleed at one or two teeth, I get the knife out, scrape under the gums, and the bleeding goes away. I brush teeth in the morning, and before bed, with hydrogen peroxide alone. But this substance won't last three or four years in a sealed bottle, they say. I'm not sure how long it lasts in good shape, but probably longer than a google-globalist search will claim.
I've been using peroxide for so long it tastes like water. Some dentists might say that twice daily of hydrogen peroxide can remove some tooth enamel, but then they could be exaggerating a danger to protect their teeth-cleaning department.
I brush the inner cheeks, and the skin under and over the lips, then do a quick wash of the top of the tongue, which causes one to gag-up some throat material that's probably stacked with bacteria that the lungs are trying to get rid of. Get the toothbrush to the back of the tongue to trigger the gag-up. It's good for you.
The video below claims that all plaque-producing bacteria can be violated and murdered after six months use of xylitol. I think I'll try it. google about xylitol gets what are probably scare tactics: "It is possibly safe when used in chewing gums, candies, lozenges, toothpastes, and mouth rinses in amounts up to about 50 grams daily. It might cause diarrhea and gas in some people. Taking high doses of xylitol is possibly unsafe. Using very high doses long-term might cause tumors." Xylitol supposedly makes teeth too slippery for the plaque to stick to teeth.
"Xylitol also modulates the immune system, which, together with its antimicrobial activity contribute to a reduced respiratory tract infection, sinusitis, and otitis media risk." Bonus.
"Clinical and field tests have demonstrated dramatic reductions in new tooth decay, along with arrest and even some reversal of existing dental cavities. This effect from xylitol is long lasting and possibly permanent. Xylitol is a naturally occurring sugar alcohol used frequently as a sweetener." BONUS.
Another google offering claims that xylitol increases blood clotting and therefore heart attacks. But what if this is a scare tactic amongst other scare tactics to save the medical industry from people becoming wise to healing their own selves? It's all a toss-up now, because the corruption of rich people is becoming a foregone conclusion. Never trust a google offering. Google is a globalist tool that wants to be the principle of the entire world, and it naturally wants us to be its obedient students. How do you say, GO TO HELL?
Casimir of Poland
I wrote the above on Saturday. On Sunday, while on a new track starting with the connection between the same-colored goats of Weiss' and Moline's (Devon with Wise's and Molsons/Moltons), I realized that Moles' have a giant boar head in the colors of the giant eagle of Aquila's, suggesting the possibility that Moles' and Moline's were from rulers of the Italian province of Molise, beside Abruzzo province that itself has L'Aquila as a capital. I didn't get a Molise surname to come up, but Molisons (not "Molson") happened to show antlers in the colors of the Casimir antler, and the latter is bendwise so that it's a copy of the Lorraine and Keep bend...which is how I know all three are from Maria of Kiev, Casimir's wife.
My mother, whose mother was born Miss Masci, was born and raised seven miles from L'Aquila, and so I'm getting the distinct impression that I'm descended from the Mieszko's who married Richeza of Lorraine. I met Lawrence Kepke when we were at age 12, and while Lawrence's are often called, Larry, the Larry/Laurie surname shares the Coat of Glorys/Lowrys (share "laurel" with Lorraine's) in the Molison motto term, "gloria." Plus, Molisons were first found in Aberdeenshire with Cups/Cope's in the giant cups of Larrys/Laurie's and Glorys/Lowrys. Kepke's were also KOPke's, and Koop/Kupe kin.
Richeza of Lorraine, styled usually "of Lotharingia," was the mother of Casimir of Poland. Her father was Ezzo of LOTHARingia, and Esse's/Ash's were first found in Devon too. Scottish Lauders/Lauthers share the Larrys/Laurie / Glorys/Lowry tree stump and motto. The motto, "RePULLulat," is suspect partly with the Pullys/Pullens because they share the martlets of French Landrys, first found in Lorraine. The motto is translated, "It BUDS afresh." Buds/Bude's share the bow with Bows/Bough's, and the latter share the motto of Rothes-branch Roets.
"IT buds afresh" looks like part-code for ITa of Metz, from Lorraine province, daughter of Pepin of Landen to which Lorraine's bus stop pointed. That's partly how Lorraine got me to to Landrys, from the Lander variation of Landins, first found in Switzerland with Graffs/Graffens, with the pandemic-crazy WHO, and with Davos of Klaus Schwab who was pointed to by the cotton swab in ear of my friend, Steve Mellanson.
Ita and Pepin birthed Begga suggesting that the giant 'A' of Scottish Begs is code for Arnold of Metz, and relative of Ita. German Arnolds share the giant flory cross of BIRDs/Burds (Cheshire with Ricks) while French Pepins use a "SILVER bird" in the colors and format of BERTa's (Ferrara with Este's), with Pepin-beloved Italian Este's, with Aquila's, and with German Silvers. The latter were first found in Ezzo-like Hesse along with Ita-like Itters. Lorraine's bus stop was at the corner of Yonge and Arnold, and Stops/Stubbs were kin of Pepin-branch Pipe's in the "organ pipes" of Letts/LATE's suspect in the "RePULLuLAT" motto term of Letter-branch Lauders/Lauthers. Itters share the lion of Pulls/Pools.
I asked Lorraine for our first date, at her bus stop, on my 24th BIRTHday, and Births are listed with Devon's Berts. Berta's are in Kepke colors and format, and use a giant GRIFFIN while Graffs/GRAVs are also Graffens. Letts/Late's were first found in Gloucestershire with Grave's/Greafs. I'll remind you that Mr. Kepke, an old teen friend of mine, when he was chasing me with a spider on a web (age 14) at the Graff residence, pointed to poison graphene-oxide in COVID vaccines.
The Lauder/Louther Crest is "A tree stump budding", and Kiev-liner Buddings/Buttons/Bidens/Budins, with a "CHAPeau" in Crest, share the fesse of German Butts/Bute's/BOETs, suspect from the Sadducee house of Boethus that chief-priest CAIAPHas likely belonged to. Chapeau's are listed with Capote's/Chappus'.
Aberdeenshire is where Molisons-like Mellansons and Milans/Millens/Mellents, and Leslie's, were first found. The latter became the earls of Rothes by marrying the family of Peter Pollock, builder of the castle at Rothes, and his brother married Isabel, daughter of Eschyna de Molle! What a small world. If we remove the boar head of Molle's/Moles', it's the Moray Coat, and Rothes is on the Spey river of Moray. Thus, it appears that Mieszko's / Masci's were to the Pollocks too.
Pollocks share the saltire of Scottish Harts/Hearts while the Molison Crest stag head is called a "hart". It's the brown stag head in the Crest of Catti-liner Keiths, first found in East Lothian with the FAUCets who in turn look linkable to the "Fax" motto term of Molisons.
The Darlene's, first found in Devon with Molsons, etc., share the Molison fitchees, and Molisons share the antler (different colors) with the Conte's/Comitissa's, first found in Durham with Darlene-branch Darlingtons. Kepke and I, at age 17/18, both worked at Knob Hill Farms grocers with DARLENE Ray/Wray, whom I dated for a few weeks, and who pointed to poison vaccines all on her own with her ice-cream symbol. It pointed very hard to the FAUCi-Trump partnership. "FAX" is in the Molison motto.
SPEYers/Spears (likely of the Spey river at Rothes) were first found in Renfrewshire with Pollocks, and the former share the crescents of Spree's. The latter (Cornwall with Budini-like Bude's/Buds) were first found beside the Moline's, Molsons/Moltons and Mule's, and then CHIVES'/Shewas', first found in Aberdeenshire with Molisons, share the black moline cross with Moline's while L'Aquila is where CHIAVa's/Sheaves' were first found. The giant mule head of Italian Capotes'/Capozio's is in Mowbray colors and format, and French Capote's are also Caiaphas-like Chappus'. Lauders/Lauthers look like Mowbray kin, both first found in the same areas.
While Molle's come up as "Mow," Mowbrays, with almost the Abruzzo/Abreu lion, share the leopard of Mosca's, which is probably the mountain "cat" of Chives'/Shewas'. The Mowbray lion is in the colors of the Arms-of-Piast eagle, almost the Aquila Coat, and the Lorraine's use the Piast eagle because Piasts birthed the Mieszko dukes of Poland. Mosca's were first found in Piast-like Pisa, beside the cat-using Lucca's. Three surnames using the cat were first found in Norfolk with Luce's of Dice, and Quintana's use three dice, in Luce colors and format, looking like possible code for 666.
Chappes', and even "Caiaphas," may have derived from QUINTus CAEPio (1st century BC). He was ancestral to the Caepionis' while Italian Capua's share the Capone variation with mule-liner Capote's/Capozio's. Capua is near the first-known Aquila's.
Bologna's use the GREYhound, and while Greys were first found in Northumberland with Lorraine's and Mowbrays, the latter share the same giant lion. Lorraine's pant stain was seen by me upon her BALCONy, and Balcons were first found in Fife with a Bologna-like BALGONie location. The Balcons look like kin of Italian Botters/Botini's, first found in Lucca, beside Pisa.
The Simple's in the Spree motto not only share fretty on chevron (different colors) with the Molsons/Moltons, but use a "KEEP tryst" motto"! It's a small world. "Keep tryst" is the motto also of Hebrons/Hepburns, first found in Northumberland with Lorraine's. Lorraine got her butt stain on a freshly MOWed lawn, we can assume, especially as Mowbrays were first found in Northumberland with Lorraine's. English Butts/Bute's look related to Italian Maurels/Maurino's, first found in Milan, wherefore it's a little interesting that Spanish Maria's share the fleur-de-lys of French Maurels and Masci's.
So, yes, Molisons and the like look like they are from rulers in Molise of roughly the Templar era, for heraldry is a product of the faked-Catholic saints of royal Jerusalem, starting with king BALDwin I. The Spree's even share the hourglass design of German BALDs, and Scottish Balds were first found in Stirlingshire with Keep-like Chappes'/Cheaps and WISharts/GUIScards, recalling the Kepke-related Weiss', and the English Wise's of Devon (with Molsons/Moltons and Moline's). German Weis'/Wise's share the hexagrams of Pero's/Perino's, first found in Piedmont with Masci's, and with Chivasso of the Chives'. Pero's/Perino's use "flaming stars" while Baldwin I was a Fleming. The Guido's, who come up as "Guis," look related to the Bald and Spree hourglass shape, and while the family of Baldwin I was from Boulogne, Guido's/Guis' were first found in Bologna.
I trace French Chappes' to Elizabeth Chappes, wife of the first grand master of the Templars, and he's likely the ancestor of a later grand master, Jacques de MOLAY. His Wikipedia article gives (or once gave) de-Molay a moline cross on his breast. The French Chappes Coat almost has the long chevron of Ottone's while Ottone VISconti was a ruler of Milan, where Mellansons and Milans/Millens/Mellents trace. Therefore, the naming of Milan looks related to rulers of Molise province.
Molle's/Moles' share the giant boar head of Schims/Schiens (Aberdeenshire with Skins/Scans), a branch of SKINs/Scans suspect as a pointer to the 666 skin-scanning machines, especially as I claim that God used Mr. Kepke and I, at age 14, to point to graphene-oxide in vaccines. That picture makes me feel a little comfortable with the prediction that the 666 will be a vaccine door-pass into commercial buildings. No pass, no entry, leaving people little means to make money.
We saw the mule-using Italian Capote's/Capozio's. French Capote's/Chappus' were first found in Forez with Fauch's while Fauci's were first found in Genova with Italian Maria's. Then, Face's/Fessys were first found in Northamptonshire with the Brays/Brae's suspect in "Mowbray" while the latter are in the colors and format of the giant Capote/Capozio mule. The Bray/Bray eagle LEGs are in the colors of the giant eagle of Doria's, first found in Genova, yet the other half of the Doria eagle is in the one of Dutch Tromps who in turn share the vertically-split Fauci Shield. German Trumps almost have the LEGG Coat, which all speaks for itself in a pointer to a 666 vaccine DOOR pass.
Doria's can take us to English Doors/Dorrs, first found in Herefordshire with Jays, and looking like kin of Gates' (Devon). The Brays/Brae's came to topic when I lived on Jay street, when, at about age nine, I reached out to touch a BRA on a laundry line.
At age 6, my parents were living in a new location, on Jay street (Toronto), two properties over from the Petersons, where the man of the house was a Polish Jew, and his wife was, MARIA! And Petersons share the dove with one of the Peter surnames from Peter Pollock of Rothes. There's a Jewish Pollock surname sharing the Jay bend.
The son of the Petersons was my buddy, and it was at their place where I touched the bra (just having fun). Bra is a location in Cuneo province of Italy, and Conys are the ones with the "pansy" that is pointed to by Lorraine's PANT stain, for Pansys are also Pantzers. Note her BalCONY. My first date with Lorraine had pointed to Landers and Landrys, and therefore to the laundry line upon which the bra was hanging, which belonged to a young, blond tenant of the Petersons of about the age of blond Lorraine when I knew her. The Budini of Kiev were said by HERODotus to be blond. Recall her grass stain that involved the Balcons, very connectable to Botters/Botini's, Chattans and Chatans. The Spire variation of Spears is in the Balcon motto.
The Pepin horse heads gets us to the Horse's, first found in the same place as Lorraine's. Horse's use GYRONNy while GERNONs use a foot-like "cyfoeth" motto code. Lorraine had a foot symbol, and Foots were first found in Cheshire with earl Ranulph de Gernon. Gernons share the Brunswick Coat. De Gernon was the son of le-Meschin while Meschins are in Cony colors and format.
Repeat from above: "That's partly how Lorraine got me to Landrys, from the Lander variation of Landins". The latter share the six pale bars of Langleys, suspect from the Langhe area at Bra. Lorraine's pant stain pointed to Barrs of Brunswick, which city was paired with Luneburg, and while Lune's/Lyons share the green lion with Lorraine's, Luneburg is where German Langs were first found who share the giant pelican with German Wells, the latter first found in Westphalia with Pansys/Pantzers, and with the Ducks who named Bar-le-Duc in Lorraine. Landrys (Lorraine) share the martlets of pelican-using Pullys/Pullens, in turn suspect in the Lauder/Louther motto.
English Wells (Lincolnshire with Conys) share the giant Milan/Millen/Mellent lion. English Wells are said to have married the Vesci variation of Face's/Fessys. There's a Wells location in Norfolk, where Fiscs were first found who share the Molison checks. We are now on the Fieschi of Genova, the Fauci bloodline, making the Well lion look related to the same-colored Doria eagle, for Wells were first found in Lincolnshire with Eagle's/Hegels while English Hagels were first found in Somerset with Bath and Wells, and with the first-known Weeks/Wike's and Wedge's/Weggs. German Vicks share the hexagram of Wike-like Weis'/Wise's.
Fiscs were first found in Norfolk with FONTs/Fountains, and with the Bus' which Lorraine pointed to, and Wells are said to have originated as a FontiBUS surname. English Vicks/Vecks/VESKs, suspect in the "Vix" motto term of Fonts/Fountains, were first found in Lincolnshire. Wells of Lincolnshire married VESCi's. These surnames may have named the vikings.
Cony-branch Conns were first found in Aberdeenshire with Milans/Millens/Mellents and Molisons, and Conys were in Lincolnshire with Aquila-suspect Eagle's/Hegels, Cheile's, and Keele's/Kills (share Chives quadrants, probably). Cheile's are in the motto of Camerons while Cambers are listed with Come's/Combers while Balcons are listed with Balcombs/Balcome's.
English Balcome's/Balcombs (Sussex with Keeps) look like kin of Berns, from Bern (Switzerland), founded by the Veringer-related Zahringers. Veringers (of Baden) shared the red antler with Casimirs and Molisons, indicating that they had been from the Kiev Varangians. Zahringers used their antler in blue. Both Balcomb/Balcome surnames share the Botter/BOTINi bend, though the latter use it curved at times. This indicates that Veringers had been of Kiev's Budini elements.
Chattans were first found in Roxolani-line Roxburghshire with Molle's/Moles' and Maxwells. I trace the latter to the Arms of Rijeka, which was also "Rika," the alternative name of Richeza of Lorraine. Rijeka is in Croatia, and the checks that are the Arms of Croatia are in the Molison Chief.
NEWS, and Red-Heifer Heraldry
It it wasn't Trump saying the following, would it make you very nervous: says that Musk requested the job of officially overseeing how much treasury money government agencies receive, and, on the face of it, the stated goal is to assure there is no wastage / abuse. I agree. But Musk is a compromised soul who covets government subsidies for his businesses. Musk is a man who can make ooh-awe fire come down from the sky, and Trump is the founder of Space Force, a new military branch that makes ooh-awe fire come down from the sky. Trump seeks to be worshipped. He boasts like the devil.
Where Trump says that Musk can save trillions of dollars starting within six months, how can we be sure it's not a program to divert money rather than literally saving it to pay off the debt? It'll be easy to see, when Trump fails to pay off the debt. And if you heard him right in the first minute of the video, he plans to enrich corporations as his way of saving the economy from Bidenites. How is that not buying his votes and feeding the Woke Whore? It's the big corporations in partnership with governments that will tyrannize the future, if time permits.
Musk says he's willing to do this job for no pay, a big red flag. I suggest Musk is gunning to be the next American president, for 2028. I would also suggest that this duo could be the two horns of the False Prophet, but on this idea I am not sure. It makes sense in a few good ways, including the timing with the arrival of Apophis in 2029.
The formation of a new agency with Musk as the helm amounts to a draining of the $wamp water, leaving $wamp creatures to "dry" to death...if the agency does what's it supposed to do. But Trump can't be trusted because he's shown himself to be a swamp snake-in-the-grass. Trump and Musk are NASA animals expected to feed them extra money rather than auditing them sincerely to remove wastage.
Dr. John Campbell has risked the youtube strap by reporting on a Japanese study finding harmful, self-assembling objects created from Pfizer and Moderna COVID vaccines. Some of the objects are rectangular, same as reported as graphene-oxide objects by La Quinta Columna. The study claims that scientists watched microscopic particles becoming much-larger, three-dimensional products over two and three weeks, suggesting electromagnetic attraction of particles to produce various-shaped thingies that inhibit the normal operations of the body, and carried to wherever the blood flows. What happens after six weeks? Do they become larger still? l study says that the thingies "resembled carbon, nano-tube filaments, ribbins and tapes....spiral shapes..." Graphene is a carbon. What's to stop the perpetrators from injecting this material through partnerships with sinister or deceived dental / medical practitioners? I hate to scare you, but. It sure scares me. How far will this progress unless brave people combat this NOW, and jail those responsible with long sentences to send a loud message.
The Campbell video has a not-rare comment:
We told our family and friends. Some actually fell out with us. My elderly parents were persuaded by them and the doctors to take the jab against our advice. Both were in hospital within a week of the second jab with blood clots. They never really recovered and died within 11 months of each other. A friend died the next day from blood clot in her brain. So many people we know from 40's onwards with cancer and heart failure. All were well before getting the poison.Jail is not good enough.
"My grandson and my parents were vaccinated, all healthy people. They’re dead now." "I refused to get vaccinated and lost my job and friends, leaving me quite alone in this world. Thank goodness for God, Christ and the Holy Spirit."
Mr. Campbell shares from the Japanese study that some of the self-assembling objects were as large as 1/10th of a millimeter, which, for some blood vessels, is like a 40-foot tractor trailer into a mountain tunnel. It would only get worse if these objects magnetically attracted blood cells under certain conditions, like when waves are shot at the body from certain cell-phone towers.
Major media will ignore this study, which by the way is peer reviewed, for fear of looking complicit with the crime. Yet by ignoring it, they are being still-more complicit, and are also holding off the fix for the crime in the meantime.
The video below has an update on "embalmer's clots," a tentative name for a new phenomenon in the bloodstream that is a result of COVID vaccines. This video informs us that doctors / scientists are working anonymously and secretly seeking to explain the mechanics and causes of these elastic, worm-like "clots" (not a proper name for them). By the sounds of it, a report will soon come out, but note how the medical agencies and individual hospitals and doctors are afraid to contribute to these studies because the clots will prove them to be accomplices to mass-murder. Always read comments in reports like these: "I'll remind you that Mr. Kepke, an old teen friend of mine, when he was chasing me with a spider on a web at the Graff residence, pointed to poison graphene-oxide (black substance) in COVID vaccines. " I'm repeating this because Kepke's (Saxony) were a Keep / Chip branch while Cheps (Lower Saxony) are listed with Japan-like Jappa's/Jappins. Previously, Japan revealed black nano-particles and metals in COVID vaccines. Kepke's almost have the Coat of Weiss' (Saxony) while Wise's/Weis' have the Chep/Jappin hexagram in half its colors.
Trudeau's in electoral straights, and nobody is crying but the abusers of the treasury: you haven't seen ICAN's progress lately, here's its leader who could be responsible for stalling the next pandemic past this coming winter:'ve watched a lot of dinosaur videos on the topic of young-age dinos living concurrent with men, but I've not seen the artwork below showing the brontosaur, triceratops and stegasaurus drawn on rocks BEFORE archaeologists uncovered their bones. Ignore the speaker when he shows himself to be an evolutionist idiot: were, and still are, abominable liars. The video above seems like an attempt of evolutionists to come to terms with archeology, to correct their errors as required by archeology, while still retaining their millions-of-years fantasyland. The speaker in the video above, or rather the one who wrote his script, is A LYING IDIOT 15-20 times over throughout the production. God's burning anger. Soft tissue has been reported, finally, in dino bones found in rocks that the IDIOTS say are millions of years old. The most idiotic are the biggest educators today, at the tail-end of the last days. Expected. But the comments section of the video has many victorious Christians talking victorious over the "scientists". Expected. Give to the Whore twice as much grief as she gave to you.
An update on the faked Trump assassination. The deep state faked a photo of Thomas Crooks at 4:26 pm some 100 minutes before the shooting. The deep state did this because Beaver ESU had a suspicious report, at 4:26, about a man assumed to be Crooks at a picnic table, and this message reveals that Crooks was in partnership with the ESU units i.e. to fake the assassination. The deep state had to create the faked photo of Crooks, far from the picnic table, faked with a shadow length that can be proven, by software, to be taken at 4:26, in order that congress would not be able to argue that the Beaver report was about Crooks.
As software can create a shadow for anything in a photo, at any time of day at any earthly coordinate, by a few clicks of a mouse, then the FBI has that software for creating a shadow for any photo it so desires, to plug in faked / altered shadows for everything in the picture. This is how the deep state "proved" that Crooks was elsewhere at 4:26 pm, not at the assassination site. Shame of Congress for not talking about the mysterious Beaver report that was, incidentally, revealed by a congressman.
Red Heifer update starts at 1:40: say that, out of the five red-heifer qualifiers now in Israel with the Temple Mount Institute, three have been disqualified...due to growing non-red hairs, I assume. This is a lot corny in my opinion, because I do not think that the Law of Moses required every single hair to be red. Pressure to sacrifice one of the remaining two heifers is growing to alarm level, and Israeli politics doesn't want to see it at this time. The Institute only has until October of this year to sacrifice one of them, because they enter their fourth year after that time, and are then disqualified.
I'll repeat the potential pointer of Sleeping Beauty to the red-heifer sacrifice. Sleeping Beauty is in my last update, a main part of my dream that I claim was given to us By God in 1979, 50 years, at least to the month, from the Apophis asteroid of 2029. Apophis was a HYKSos king, and while Miss Hicks of Texas fulfilled Sleeping Beauty of that dream, and while the five red heifers were raised on a Texas ranch, Hyksos worshiped Baal, which in Israel was a bull god.
In the dream, I was standing at the door to a car, looking in at Sleeping Beauty HOVERing in the air, flat on her BACK, in the car. German Backs/Bachs, whom I trace to the Hyksos, use a giant bull, which they call a "steer," in the colors of the giant bull of Boys/BOETs/Boeddu's, suspect as a branch of Beautys/Bowds because the latter use bulls too. The Boets are very important here because the red heifer is supposed to be sacrificed by Levites while the House of Boethus put out some Sadducee priests of Israel in the days of Jesus. Sadducees are expected to have been Levites.
The Butts/Bute's/Boets were a branch of Buttons/Budins who use "horns", and they are in the shape of the "RED horns" of Heifer-like Hovers/Hoffers/Huffs. They look just like bull horns. The giant leopard face of Hovers/Hoffers/Huffs is black, the color of the Beauty/Bowd bulls. The Beauty/Bowd Coat is in the colors and format of the Walerans using bull heads.
Walerans are from the Levite-suspect Leavells/LEVELs, and while Sleeping Beauty was hovering flat on her back -- LEVEL that is -- English Leavells/Levels were first found in Somerset with English Heifers and English Backs, but also with English Ducks. The latter are in play where Hovers/Hoffers were first found in Westphalia with German Ducks, and moreover the English Heifers have the lion of Duce's in colors reversed, and the latter's lion is in the colors of the lion heads of English Ducks. Moreover, the English Heifers almost have the Brunswick Coat while Barrs of Brunswick named Bar-le-DUC from German Ducks.
The red heifer is to be reduced to ashes, and German Ash's happen to have a "duce" motto term, as do the Skin/Scan-branch Schims/Schiens.
It now gets important that I was standing at the DOOR to her car as she hovered, for Doria's can be said to share the giant eagle of English Backs. The Hover/Hoffer Crest shares the white leopard FACE with Scottish Doors, and the latter's faces are in the Coat of English Rights (Sussex with Leopards) who are in turn in the "right" term of the English version of the Heifer motto. Rights and Hovers/Hoffers both have the same Crest, a white leopard face.
Beautys/Bowds were first found in DORset, which can be read also as "DorSET," noting that Hyksos worshipped Seth (god of darkness). Then, the father of the chief priest, Annas/Ananus, was Seth, and Annas was one of the two chief priests who sentenced Jesus to death. Ainsley Earhardt fulfilled Sleeping Beauty too, and AINSleys were a branch of Annas.' Ainsleys were first found in Nottinghamshire with the My's in the Ainsley motto, and Heifers use "my right" in their translated motto.
Doria's were first found in Genova with Face-branch Fauci's, and while the latter were kin of Tromps round-about, the latter share the other half of the giant Doria eagle, which is in the colors of the giant eagle LEGs of HICKsons, first found in Staffordshire with Duce's/Doocys above. Ainsley Earhardt works on Fox and Friends with Steve Doocy. Trumps look like Legg kin.
The Leghs/LEIGH's, first found in Cheshire with Temple's and English Hoffs, are now amazing because Tromps and Doria's share the giant Temple eagle. The Temple MOUNT Institute suggests that we go to the Mounts, who share the giant Legh lion, and moreover the Mons' are listed with Mounts while "mon" is a motto term of English Heifers. The latter's motto suggests the Dee's/Die's too, first found in Cheshire, and having the Legh Coat in colors reversed. Hicks are said to have been at Low LEIGHton to explain the eagle legs of Hicksons.
The Droits in the Heifer motto, "Dieu et mon droit," almost have the Coat of Weddings, the latter first found in Yorkshire with the Hicks, and both they and Weddings have the same Coat in different colors. The Droits are mainly in the colors and format of the Higgs' and Hake's/Hyke's, the latter two first found in Norfolk with the Comine's who in turn have a Coat like the one of Kews/Cue's who in turn look like a branch of a Ewe/Cuist variation. Hicks were at St. Ewe.
Hovers/Hoffers share a Hoff variation with Cheshire's Huffs, and while Irish Heffers share the crescents of English COFFers (Somerset with Heifers), Cows are listed with Irish Chough's/Cuffs/Cuffeys. Irish Coffee's share a Coffer variation, and they are in the colors of English Coffers. Chough's/Cuffs/Cuffeys almost have the Coat of Sale's, the latter first found in Cheshire with Huffs/Hoffs and Temple's, but also with the Birds/Birds of BROXton who share the Wedding and Proctor Crest. Weedins/Weeds have "black BIRDs." Ainsleys were first found in BROXtow, and Ainsley Earhardt married Will Proctor,having a child with him, Hayden, while Haydens share the Beauty/Bowd bull because the latter were first found in Dorset with Hayden-branch Hades'.
Brox's/Brocuffs were first found in Silesia with the Helds/Helts in turn sharing the Hickson Coat, and Brocks/Broke's were first found in Essex with the Hicks' of Low Leighton.
The Reds/Reeds have a "Pax" motto term while a giant "red bull" is with French Packs. The bull is "in front of a green tree," and Tree's/True's were first found in Wiltshire (beside Beautys/Bowds) with English Cuffs. English Packs were first found in Sussex with Rights.
When Miss Hicks moved from my part of Texas, she moved to the Dallas area. Her children were living in neighboring Fort Worth, and this is the area that the five red heifers originated. Previous to moving to the Dallas area, Miss Hicks' husband ran an exotic ranch, making me wonder whether God set me up in the church of Miss Hicks because she's somehow involved with the people breeding the heifers.
"'I felt like it was my duty as a Texan to go out and look around Texas and see if I could find some completely red, pure red cows that fulfill the requirements of the red heifer and, if I could, then try to ship them here to Israel,' Stinson told the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. BYRON STINSON is from Glen Rose, but he's only the shipper to Israel, not the rancher who raised the cows. Stevensons/STINSons were first found in Northumberland with REDs/Reeds.
Byrons, amazingly, use a "Crede" motto term to go with the "Credo" motto of Wedding-branch Weedins, first found in Northamptonshire with Hover-beloved Face's/Fessys. Byrons have a different-colors version of the Crete Coat, and the latter is shared by English Ments/Mants (Yorkshire with Byrons) expected in the "Mente" motto term of Scottish Vowells, first found in Aberdeenshire with Mans/Ments ("ardua") who in turn love the English Dragons, kin of Cornwall's Pendragons.
Scottish Vowells are the ancestry of Levi-connectable Hookers. Scottish Vowells were first found in Aberdeenshire with Molisons while Molsons/Moltons were first found in Devon with English Vowells and Hooks. Vowells can point to "foolish virgins" while Virgins were first found in Kent with Dragons. See anything looking like Revelation 17 here, if we include Hookers?
Crede's were first found in an Austell area of Cornwall (beside Hooks), and the Wedding-related Hicks are said to have had a branch at St. Ewe of Cornwall. Austells, probably sharing the lion of Byron-like Irish Brians, were first found in Northamptonshire with Face's and Weedins/Weeds, and more leopard faces are with Crede's. Northamptonshire is also where foolish-like Follys were first found. Irish Brians share a "LAIDir" motto term with Kilpatricks, and Ladys/Laudymans were first found in Northamptonshire.
The gold cross in the Austell Crest is in the Crest of Beggs, the latter first found in Inverness-shire with the Stinson-connectable Wreaths/CREIGHTs in turn sharing the Wedding fesse (Weedins have two of them). Begg-like Biggs' (another leopard face) share the Hicks fleur-de-lys, and were first found in Essex with Hicks' of Low Leighton, and with the Brocks/Broke's sharing the Biggs lion. It just so happens that Biggars share the DALLAS Coat! Make of these heraldic links what you wish. Is Sleeping Beauty pointing to red heifers, and, if so, why? Will the anti-Christ be a Hyksos liner? Essex is where Courage's were first found sharing the three fleur-de-lys of Weddings.
This reminds that English Marks, a potential pointer to the mark of the beast, share the fleured border of Biggs, both first found in Essex with English Stevensons/Stinsons.
German Marks share the Doria and Tromp eagle. The colors of the vertically-split German Mark Shield are shared by Tromps (and Fauci's) while the eagle under discussion is in the colors of the Hickson eagle legs while Leggs (Dumfries with Kilpatricks) almost have the Trump Coat. While she was hovering, I touched the LEG of Miss Hicks = Mrs. Kilpatrick at the knee, and Knee's share the stag head of the Acorns in the Tromp Coat. Knee's were first found in County Down while Downs, first found in Sussex with Acorns, almost have the Trump / Legg Coat. Kilpartricks use the dagger while Scottish Daggers/Dackers have a "red bull". I've never seen a bull called a "cow" that I can recall. Nor a "heifer." I wonder why.
Sussex is where Rights were first found who share the Door leopard faces. French Marks share the checkered fesse of Scottish Rights. Temple's, first found in Cheshire with Beasts (share bees with English Doors), and with Birds and Brights, share the Doria / Mark / Tromp eagle. French Temple's look like kin of Brights and French Bride's, the first found in Savoy with Byron-connectable BRIANcon = BRIGANTium. Birds share the Wedding Crest. Rights are also Wrights while Wheelwrights were first found in Yorkshire with Weddings and Byrons. Hick-branch Hooks were first found in Devon with Births/Berts.
Sleeping Beauty was framed in the dream as my future bride, which can explain why the Weddings and Bride's have worked into things, but only while following the red-heifer theme along with Byron Stinsons. As Miss Hicks and I rose into the sky in a literal rapture as soon as I touched her knee, perhaps she represents the Bride of Christ. As she was asleep until I touched her knee, she seems to represent the five wise virgins who awake as the end-time signs finally begin to take place.
The Rapps use a "vulture" in the colors of the Sling/SintzenHOFFER vulture, suspect as code for Walter liners. It makes sense that Rapps once called it a rapture-like raptor prior to marrying a Walter or Walter-like family. Watters'/Walters use the same colors as these vultures, and they happen to be in the colors of the Hickson eagle legs. Dutch Walters use "black HOOKs". Ahh, German Walters were first found in Silesia with Wise-branch Wies', suggesting the wise virgins. As Vulters/Galtieri's were first found in Umbria with Ottone's, whom I link to VISconti's, whom I link in turn to Guiscards/WISharts, note that WisHARTs can jibe with the heard of Wies' above. Vise's/Vice's were even first found in Sussex with rapture-like Rappers.
Hicks' of Low Leighton were in Essex with English Stinsons who can be connected to Rise's because they were first found in Norfolk with Stinson-branch Steins and Risings. The latter were a branch of Restons sharing the Door / Right leopard faces. She and I were RISING into the sky in rapture. The red heifer pertains to the national Israelites, not the Bride.
The WEDDING SUPPER gets interesting where Supers share the Kilpatrick saltire. Supers were first found in Devon with Wedding-connectable Hooks (share Kilpatrick fleur-de-lys), and with Leavell-related Walerans. Hookers, sharing the double lions of Jewish Levi's, and said to descend from Vowells (Devon with Hooks) while "laurel LEAVES" are with Scottish Vowells. The Foulis' in the latter's write-up are said to have purchased land from the Eure's, and "heure" is a Hicks motto term. Note how "Foulis" is like "foolish" virgins, for Wise's ("Sapere"), with almost the French Levi Coat, were first found in Devon with Supers. "SaPERE" looks like code for Pero's because they share the Weis/Wise hexagram. The Crest of English Wise's (love Mace's) shares a red lion with Virgins (Kent with Gaunt).
Gaunt is also, Ghent. The Follys use a giant purple lion while Purple's were first found in Norfolk with the Stave-loving Pilgrims while Hook-like Hawks, first found in Hampshire with Ghents, use purple "pilgrim staves" while Stave's are listed with Stevensons/STINSONs. PilGRIMs take us to Grimaldi's, first found in Genova with Doria's who in turn have the Ghent eagle in colors reversed.
I'm just wondering whether Hookers, Weeds/Weedins and Folly / Foulis' are God's pointer to the foolish virgins and "weeds" who follow the end-time whore of Revelation 17 and 18. Byron-connectable MAIDs/Mauds almost have the Coat of MONmouths while "gauntlet"-using Fane's/Vans/Phone's were first found in Monmouthshire. Fens'/Venns and Fauns/Phones' were both first found in Devon with English Vowels.
The parable of the ten virgins (Matthew 25) has the BrideGROOM, and Grooms have a "GAUNTlet" in Crest. The Groom piles are called "pennants," what the COWes call their piles. It just so happens that Groom-like Crooms/Crone's have the WEDDING fleur-de-lys in colors reversed!!! It's the fleur-de-lys of Lys'/Lise's too, and of Masseys/Maceys while Maceys/Mace's have another "gauntlet." AND OOOOOOOOOOOOHHHH WOW, English Wise's share the "mace" with Maceys/Mace's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
English Wise's translate their motto, "Dare to be wise," and English Dare's share the Virgin and Maid/Maud lion.
I had read that the "maiden" in the Arms of Gaunt is a "virgin," which can be explained where Maids/Mauds share the Virgin lion. While Flemings lived at Gaunt, Pero's (Piedmont with Masci's) use "flaming stars" that are the hexagrams of Weis'/Wise's! Gaunt is at the Lys river while Lys'/Lise's, in the Hicks, AINsley, Hook and Wedding fleur-de-lys, were first found in Ile-de-France with French Levi's. The triple Levi chevrons were almost used by the counts of HAINaut, near Gaunt. The Maidens/Maddens may have been in the Byron merMAID, and Maids/Mauds were first found in Cheshire with Temple's, Masseys and Maceys/Mace's. The latter share the Doria eagle, and while Doria's married Arduinici if ONEGLia, German Nagle's/Nails/Neils (Westphalia with Hovers/Hoffers) share the saltire of French Brians/Byrons, first found in Brittany with the Nerets who in turn share the Ment / Crete Coat. The Neretva river was home to Ardiaei and Daorsi, the line to Arduinici and Doria's. Ardens share the cinquefoil of McBRIDE's.
I was told to wake Sleeping Beauty, and Wakefields (Yorkshire with Hicks), with the vertically-split Shield of Fauci's (Genova), have an "Arudua" motto term suggesting the Arduinici-Doria marriage. "Ardua" is with Dragon-loving Mans/Ments, and mythical Pendragon birthed king Arthur.
I'm just wondering whether God pointed to the red heifers with Beauty, as His signal to the ten virgins that the sacrifice of a heifer marks the start of the anti-Christ's rampage that desolates Jerusalem. The Mounts come up as "Mons" while Mons is the capital of Hainaut. "Mon" is a motto term of Heifers, what are the chances? To see the Levi Coat, almost, see Wikipedia's article on counts / county of Hainaut.
I dubbed Mrs. Kilpatrick, "Sleeping Beauty," because, when God told me to wake her, I was thinking to kiss her awake Sleeping-Beauty style. But while leaning over to kiss her, I inadvertently touched her knee, and she awake then. Kiss'/CUSH's go with the Ewe's/CUISH's because Hicks' are said to have had a branch at St. Ewe, and Ewe's/Cuish's even share the giant Cusson eagle while Kilpatricks use "cushions".
I find that amazing already, but it gets better where Kiss'/Cush's use "fountains" while Fonts/Fountains (Norfolk with Patricks sharing the Super / Kilpatrick saltire) share parts of the Hug Coats. Not only were we hugging when rising into the sky, but Hugo's share the mermaid in Crest with Byrons. HUGHstons use an hourglass to go with the "heure" motto term of Hicks'.
Let's go back to the "steer"-using Backs/Bachs with essentially the giant BOY/Boet/Boeddu bull. Boii named Bohemia, and the Arms of Bohemia use the two-tailed Montfort lion. Follys use a two-tailed purple lion, and Foulis' named the Hookers who in turn share a blue-vaired fesse with Welsh Bachs/Baghs, the latter first found in DenBIGHshire with English Brians. The COWES-beloved Pennants were first found in neighboring Flintshire, and the Cowes Coat looks related to the one of English Brians, both using what are otherwise called, "piles," and then English backs were first found in Somerset with English Pile's. I showed how Stinsons are connectable to the purple pilgrim's stave of Hawks.
Bags were first found in Norfolk with stave-using Pilgrims, with Purple's, with Fonts/Fountains, and with the Flags in the purple "flag" of French Fonts-de-Ville's. The latter were first found in Languedoc with the Hugs sharing much of the Font/Fountain Coat.
The Bach-like Bechs are listed with Beach's, and as I've said a million times, Mrs. Kilpatrick = Sleeping BEAUTY (the Boy/Boet/Boeddu line) was hovering in a lone car on a sandy BEACH. Hovers/Hoffers were first found in Westphalia with German Becks who in turn share the "buck" with Hicks, and English Becks/Bechs, sharing the Sarasin moline, were first found partly in Dorset with Beautys/Bowds. The Beauty dream started with a Sarasin-connectable Shark, though I can't at the moment see how that thing relates to red heifers.
The Beach/Bech Shield uses a "pile" while Pile's were first found in Somerset with Heifers, but wow, I don't think I've known until now that the Beach/Bech Crest calls the same pile by another name, a "pennant", the COWes symbol!!! A heifer is a virgin female, a COW not yet giving birth. The Beach/Bech pennant is said to be on an "eSCUTcheon", and escutcheon-using Scute's were first found in Lancashire with Cowes'. The Shoots/Schute's were first found in Wiltshire with Cow-branch Cuffs! Lookie there, a new thing from her sandy beach. The Beach pennant is held by a lion in the white color of the lion in the Penn/Pence Crest.
It just so happens that Beach's/Bechs use a shield filled with red vair, and vair is one of the few heraldic furs. The RED FUR of Beach's can thus look like a pointer to the necessary red fur of a sacrificial heifer. Heifers were first found in Somerset with Backs, and Heifers almost have the Coat of Irish Brians who in turn share a motto term with Kilpatricks, first found in Dumfries with Walks/WACHs. Irish Brians use a "UACHtar" motto term, and Tarrs were first found in Somerset with Heifers. I was told to WAKE sleeping Beauty while she was hovering on a beach, and Walks/Wachs share the wheat sheaf with Wakefields, first found in Yorkshire with Byrons and Walkers. See all of that?
Walkers share the Lady/Laudyman annulets, and "LAIDir" is the motto term shared between Kilpatricks and Irish Brians. I saw myself WALKing on the beach toward her car when suddenly I was STANDing at the car door. Stands/Stains, first found in Surrey with Steers and SANDs, were a Stinson branch, and their Stein branch was first found in Norfolk with Pilgrims and Bags. The Sandy beach.
The "vinco" motto term of Wakefields is excellent because Vince's/Finch's were first found in Hertfordshire with Beach's/Bechs, and Finchems were first found in Norfolk. Wakefields share the green wyvern dragon with WILKins.
As "mentis" is a motto term of Molisons who in turn share the fitchees of Sands and Sandys, it recalls the "Mente" motto term of Scottish Vowells who in turn were first found in Aberdeenshire with Molisons and Ments/Mans. Sands, when I first started to treat Beauty's sandy beach heraldically (2016), were once said to be first found in Lancashire with Cars, Seats/Cedes...and Cowes', She was hovering on her back over the SEATs of a car, and Seats/Cedes' are expected in the "cede" motto term of Back-beloved Steers, the latter first found in Surrey, where Sands are now said to be first found. Cedes-like Cetis was ruled by Levi-line Lupus Laevillus, who lived at the time that the Revelation was given.
Laevillus' wife, Quadratilla, is the line to Wolf-loving Quade's/WADE's, and Weddings/WADingtons were at Waddington (Yorkshire). Scottish Wade's/Waids share the Hook fleur-de-lys. WADINGs (Yorkshire) share the fleur-de-lys of Fish's, first found in Lincolnshire with the Wake's who share double-red fesses with Weedins/Weeds. Fish's share the rare WAVY chevron of Pierce's who were part of the Leavells/Level family. As the latter are also Lovells, I'll repeat here that God said to me, "WHAT are YOU WAITING for, it's YOU SHE LOVES, go WAKE her." It could be a pointer partly to you-like Ewe's/Cuish's, for I was thinking to kiss her awake. Shee's/Shea's share the Hook / Wade / Masci / Kilpatrick fleur-de-lys. "It's you she loves" suggests that my mother's Masci line is from the Hyksos, a thing I've gathered from other means. Masseys have the Wedding/Wadington fleur in colors reversed.
Loves' were kin of Muscats and Muschats, and the latter share the Coat of Wading-like Waters, both first found in Essex with Hicks' of Low Leighton. Leightons/Leytons were first found in Shropshire with Meschins and Waders/Waters. Watters/Walters share the bend and bendlets of Wolf-loving, Loves-like Lowes'.
I trace Hyksos to the Cetis area, specifically to KIZZuwatna, and that may have named the Kiss'/Cush's because Bibo's/Bible's, with the Kiss/Cush rooster on a "cushion", may have been named by Vibia, mother of Lupus Laevillus and daughter of Vibius. It can explain why I intended to kiss the woman awake, for which reason alone I dubbed her, Sleeping Beauty.
She was not called by that phrase in the dream itself, but it seems I guessed right that God wanted her so-named. In the dream, I was thinking that I should kiss her awake like in Sleeping Beauty, and so from that angle. Sleeping Beauty was in the dream. Again, Beautys almost have the Coat of Walerans, from Waleran de PERCival of Laevillus-like Leavells/Levels (Somerset with Pierce's, Percivals, Carys, Pile's and Heifers). Walerans were first found in Devon with Hooks and Hooker-line Vowells/Fowells, and the latter use PIERCED "stars." Repeat: "The red heifer is to be reduced to ashes, and German Ash's happen to have a "duce" motto term, as do the Skin/Scan-branch Schims/Schiens." The latter, first found in Aberdeenshire with Scottish Vowels/Foulis', have a colors-reversed Chief version of the English Vowells/Fowells, the latter first found in Devon with English Ash's. English Wise's look related to both Ash surnames, and "Foulis" looks like a pointer to foolish virgins.
Fowell-like Fowlers share the lion of Irish Carys while Leavells/Levels were at Somerset's Castle Cary. Somerset is where Duce-branch Ducks/Dacks were first found along with the English, Heifer-connectable Coffers. Then, ignoring the Chief of Vowells/Fowells (Devon with French's), it becomes the Coat of French's who in turn share a green dolphin in Crest with Irish Coffers/Coffee's. Ducks/Dacks have the Vowell/Fowell Chief in half its colors. Scottish Leavells have "piles".
Anytime you want to see Coat descriptions for yourself, hit the link at the top of all my updates that have some heraldry in them, which gets you to Hall of Names.
English Pile's, looking related to the leopard face of the neighboring Beaks, even have piles in the colors of the Beach/Bech pile, and while Somerset is where Clapton is located, Beach's/Becks share the red vair fur with Clapps/Clappers, first found in Sure-like Surrey with Sands and Steers. If that's not enough, Beaks share the leopard face of Byron-beloved Crede's. Surreys (Devon) have a Shark-like Sark variation, in case it applies to the dream's shark. Surreys have a Zurich-like Surrich variation while Hugo's, first found near Zurich, share the mermaid with Byrons. Crede's could even have the Coat of Fountain-loving Kiss'/Cush's while Hugs were Fountain kin.
As I've said, when I left the scene with shark in a residential SWIMMING pool, I found myself standing about waist deep in BLUE WATERs. I then walked onto the beach. SWIMINs ("green leaves") are in STINSON colors and format! Waters were first found in Essex with these very Stinsons!!! And it just so happens that Hugo's put their mermaid in "blue water"!!!!! Blue's are listed with Cnut-connectable Gorms.
I had told that Beauty's beach of Jeffrey Epstein's island, filled with hookers, partly because Epsteins share the Water Coat, but I've not known of the blue waters of Hugo's before. The Hugo mermaid holds a black anchor, symbol of Graffs/Graffens, and Anchors (RED BULL head) can be gleaned as kin of Angers and Irish Nagle's who both in turn share the Fauci lozenge. The Hugo and Fauci Shields are in the colors of the giant GRIFFIN of Hangers/Angers (share escarbuncle with Angers). "Pot hangers" are with Danish Cnuts while English Cnuts were first found in Derbyshire with Surrey-like Sure's.
The Leavell piles are "SURmounted" with a wavy fesse, and while Sure's are in a Kilpatrick motto, Sure's share the motto of Caens, first found in Dorset with Beautys, and sharing the red fesse with Scottish Leavells. Caens, upon their red fesse, even share the leopard face of Pile's.
However, I don't see what Epstein has to do with red heifers unless the anti-Christ is from the circle of Jeffrey Epstein's bosses, a circle that can be depicted with the shark. Variations of Ewe's/Cuish's takes one to Kilpatrick- / Walk / Comine- connectable Kews/Cue's, linkable to Scottish Kevens who share the motto of Maxwells. Epstein's manager of his hookers is Ghislaine Maxwell of a British / Israeli spy family. The horizontally-split Keven Shield looks linkable to the near-same of Hugo's.
I claim that a new temple needs not be built in Jerusalem for the anti-Christ to put an end to animal sacrifices. I claim that the "wing of the temple" of Daniel 9:27, where the anti-Christ ceases sacrifices, is the WESTern Wall of the old Herod temple, the current sanctuary of religious Jews in Israel. I was WAIST deep in the waters, perhaps a pointer to the Western Wall. English Walls, with almost the Hook Coat, were first found in Gloucestershire with Grave's/Greafs, and the Graff residence pointed to graphene-oxide in poison vaccines, perhaps an element to be used in the mark of the beast...the poison that perhaps makes ugly sores form on people with the mark.
Daniel 9:27 does NOT say "wing of the temple," but only says "wing," and while translators assume its a wing of a new temple, it could just as well mean a wing of the entire sanctuary. The Western Wall is the outer west wall of the entire Old-Jerusalem sanctuary, the only thing that remains standing after the Romans destroyed the temple.
She was hovering on her back, and Backs (Somerset with Leavells/levels and Heifers) share the Western Coat!! Westerns (giant black eagle) were first found in Staffordshire with Hicksons (black eagle legs) who in turn share the Coat of health-like Helts/Helds. I had pointed ECOhealth to this picture because it was involved with Fauci in funding the Wuhan lab, but that pointer involved the Hicks-connectable Ice's/ECCO's/Icke's (Mecklenburg with Trumps and Bibo-related Hahns) who happen to share the giant Western eagle!!!! It's almost the Coat of Eggs/EDGE's so amazing because the Hebrew text for "wing of the Temple" is literally "EDGE." See Stephen Hahn if you don't know him.
Ice's/Ecco's/Icke's share the English Pike trefoils while red-fur Clapps/Clappers have a "pike" in Crest. English Pike's were first found in Devon with Wests. German Eggs/Eggers, first found in Austria with FURs/Fire's, look related to the Arms of Zurich, and Eggs/Edge's were once said to be first found in Cheshire with Eggertons and black-eagle Temple's. Furs/Fire's have the split colors of Eggs/Edge's, in colors reversed, upon their unicorn. These are the red-black colors (which combo John Rich loves the most lately) of Templetons, first found in Ayrshire with Scottish Pike's and Kennedys. Templetons share the Whoo/Hoo star, and Eggertons look related to the Coat of Hoe's, first found in Tipperary with Irish Kennedys. The latter are from the Kennati priests of Ajax, in Cetis, and English Jacks (Yorkshire with Hyksos-like Hicks') almost have the Coat of Joke's (KENT) who in turn are essentially in Whoo/Hoo colors and format. English Jacks are said to have had a branch near St. Ewe, where Hicks had a branch, and I showed how Ewe's/Cuish's can trace with Kiss'/Cush's to Vibia, mother of king Laevillus of Cetis. Ewe's/Cuish's share the giant Ferte eagle while Caens use fretty.
Jacksons have black eagle's heads in both colors of the Western eagle. The white courant horse in the Jackson Crest can be the one in the Waistell Chief, a Chief that has quadrants in the split-colors of Eggs/Edge's and the white Fur/Fire unicorn. English Jacks look related to the Caen fesse with FACES.
I've dealt with the Griffin-loving Wests (Devon with Surreys/Sarks) because they almost have the WHOO/Hoo Coat, a potential pointer to the WHO (World Health Organization) intent of bringing on another faked pandemic. The Whoo/Hoo Coat is much like the one of Byron-beloved Crede's (beside Wests), who in turn love the Dove's who in turn almost have the dancetty-fesse of Wests in colors reversed, and it just so happens that more doves are with WAISTells, first found in Cumberland with Shark-line Saracens, and with red-bull Daggers/Dackers. I went from the shark scene to standing in blue ocean waters WAIST deep. Oceans are listed with Cain liners, and Sure's are Caen-connectable.
As I've aid a million times, I first spotted Sleeping Beauty from the shoreline walking to the front of the car, at the hood. When I arrived to the car, she was hovering inside of it; I did not see her enter the car. The hover-like Hoovers and Hooters/Hutters share the same Coat, a giant eagle leg, suggesting the Trump-Legg bloodline when eagle-leg Hicksons are tossed into it. Hooters/Hutters apply with the Hoot and Hutt variations of Hoods (Devon), likely a branch of Yorkshire's Oddie's and Odins. Hoods use a "Cornish CHOUGH," and Huffs/Hoffs/Hough's were first found in Cheshire with bull-head Houghtons/Hottens and Coffer-colored Hootens. English Coffers (Somerset with Heifers/Heffers) share the crescents of Irish Heffers. Huttons look related by their Coat to Whoo's/Hoo's.
Sleeping Beauty's hovering scene pointed to Leavells/levels, and they lived at Yvery (Normandy) while Iverys share the bend of Hootens. Ivery-like Hevers/Hefers share an Ever variation with Eure's/Ure's while Hicks' have an "heure" motto term. I didn't know any heraldry or heraldic connections in 1979, when this dream was given. Not until 2004 did I start delving into some heraldry.
Hevers/Hefers probably share the wheat sheaves of Sheffields who are in turn in Higgs and Hake/Hyke colors and format. As Chips were at Sheffield, I link the Sheffield sheaves to the same-colored ones of Keppochs (Yorkshire with Hicks). The Hever-beloved Leopards were first found in Sussex with Keeps.
NEXT UPDATEHere's all four Gospels wrapped into one story.
For Some Prophetic Proof for Jesus as the Predicted Son of God.
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