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August 27 - 31, 2024

Lorraine's Arsy on Bute
The Apple Orchard of Avalon

Hall of Names is once again showing the descriptions of the Coats of Arms presented at House of Names.

I was amazed in the last update, after I finally decided to investigate the possible heraldic pointers that God might have made to the faked assassination. Although I started to see some evidence for them, I didn't want to do these pointers through my events with Lorraine and Mamie without solid evidence, and a dream I remembered mid-week, upon waking, where I was wearing a baby bib, leaning the scales toward my going ahead with the job.

One of the pieces of evidence was Lorraine's butt symbol, because it suggested ASSASSination, yet that may have been a coincidence. I spent more time on Kim Cheatle than on Ronald Rowe. The first thing I noted was that Kims were first found on BUTE, but there's also the Butt/Bute horse head, for Horse's were first found in Northumberland with Lorraine's.

Load Kim Coat now, which loads on another tab, in order to load other surnames so that you can follow better.

One of the things I missed has to do with Lorraine's long-standing pointer to the ancient Paioni peoples in the Axius river. I told that Ass' have a "fasces," which uses an AXE head, but what failed to come to mind was the "spur ROWells" of both Paions/Payens/Pagans and PANTers. Although the two surnames don't show them in the same design, Hall of Names (link at the top of page anytime you want to check) says they both use "spur rowells." Her butt stain was a PANT stain, and Panters/Panthers must apply because Rowells share the green trefoil of one of the two Rowe surnames! See that?

How does heraldry fall into place like that, to match events in my life, over and over, unless Someone has arranged both the events and the heraldry? Don't think I don't come to doubt this claim, over and over. I greatly fear doing this work in case, in the end, I find out from God that He had nothing to do with it.

Unfortunately, I don't know of any surname using a panther. But I now see how Panters can get us to Trump's ear, and to the Ass'. You decide whether I'm forcing these pointers, or whether they are too-conveniently there to be mere coincidences. But before going to those things, I already know that Rowells, listed with ROTHwells/ROSEwells, share the double chevrons of Devon's ASH's and ASSEfords, and that Devon has an AXE river. See that? I've been telling that for a long time, and so Lorraine's pointer to the Paioni naturally gets her sets of pointers to the Ass-like Ash's. Rowells share the besants of Devon's Trebys. Trypillia-like Treble's/Trible's were first found in Devon.

The Rowe and Rowell TREFoil gets us to the TRYPillians of the Kiev area, and I showed (last update) how the Lorraine surname is from Maria of Kiev, sister of king YARoslav. German TRIPs list TREFFS, you see, and treFOILs are part-code for RoqueFEUIL > Rockefeller liners...from Roxolani on the Dnieper river, at/near Kiev. Fellers, Fallis', Rocks and Rods (from the Roquefeuil-Rodez marriage) all use trefoils. And so the Rowe and Rowell/ROSwell trefoil, green like the Rod and Rock trefoils, can apply to the Roxolani who likely named the Varangian RUS of Kiev. Yaroslav was a Varangian ruler of Kiev.

The Arms of Roquefeuil uses gold-on-green billets, and so this is a good place to sing, row-row-row your boat, because same-colored Boats/Bude's have the Lorraine lion in colors reversed. I told that I came home permanently from lake Rosseau, where my boss was building a boat house with Frank as the contractor, a three-hour drive from my place. I got home two days before meeting Lorraine at her bus stop. Decades later, I bought a Doral run-about boat at a MARINA, and my favorite lake was Rosseau (went there most of the time because my home is not far from it).

I suspect that Marina's are from Maria of Kiev. Rosseau's almost have the Merit/Merey Coat. Dorals and Rosseau's both put red crowns on their giant lions, and while Dorals share the giant Irish Door lion, DORset is where Russells were first found who share the giant Rossi lion, in Mary-lion colors. Merits/Mereys are in the colors of the Arms of Roussillon, in the land of Roquefeuil.

Grasse's share the Fallis lion. Italian Marina's, first found in Umbria with Grasse-like Grazi's, the pointer to the faked grazing of Trump's ear, share the nebuly bends of Italian Maria's. Spanish Marina's have the German Drummond Coat in colors reversed, and the latter were first found in Hamburg with the Kiev-line Trips/Treffs. Hamburg is near the first-known and same-colored Trumps, and Donald Trump is said to descend from DRUMpfs. This can explain why God gave Lorraine the babe symbol, as a pointer to Trump. It's a full-proof symbol because it shares two fingers pointing to the sun with Bradys. Podebrady. Bradys are in the colors of the Babe leopard FACE.

German and Scottish Drummonds show only TRIPLE FESSES in their Shields while Fessys/Face's were a branch of Fauci's who in turn share the vertically-split Shield of Trumps who in turn share the eagle of DORia's, first found in Genova with Fauci's. George's were first found in DORset while sun-using DORsets were first found in Wiltshire with trumpet-using Calls.

I've told before that babe liners can be from Babon, son of the Merovingian, Mummolin and BERTHE. My first date with Lorraine was on my BIRTHday. Belgian George's almost have the Date Coat. Merovee-like Moravia was founded about 800, just as the Merovingian dynasty in France was being replaced by the Carolingians. I assume that Merovingian rulers from the Mummolin > Babon line took their stash of wealth and moved to Moravia, beside Bohemia, you see. The German Frank surnames were first found in Bohemia. Moray of Scotland was named, Moravia, too.

Like Stains, both Drummond surnames call their fesses "BARS." The giant eagle of Scottish Barrs is in Trump colors and format. Trumps love the Staggs/Stage's, and Hungarian lore traced Hungarians to a stag, likely a tale told that has a real surname at the root of an important royal-Hungarian line.

Babon's brother was BODEgisel, the possible namer of Bute. Babon's son was Grimo, and Grimaldi's were first found in Genova with Fauci's and Doria's. Fauci's share the Nagle lozenge while Nagle's were of "ONEGLia," where Doria's married Arduinici of the BAUTica river, also called the BALTea, and that looks like it named the Bauds and their Bald branch. Fauci's and Nagle's share the lozenge of Dutch Bode's, you see, and German Bode's were first found in Brunswick, where the Barrs of Bar-le-Duc had ruled (google no longer makes it easy to find these Barrs). French Bode's are listed with Bauds, who are in Berta, Kepke, Trump and Barr-eagle colors and format. Balts/Bolts share the giant griffin (different colors) with Berthe-like Berta's. Berts/Births share hunting horns (different colors) with German Barrs, the latter first found in Saxony with Kepke's.

Scottish Bauds were first found in the same place as Years while YARborough's/Yearbys share the vertically-split shield of Danish Anders', and king Andrew I was in Kiev under the protection of king YARoslav. German Nagle's (Westphalia with Bar-le-Duc's Ducks, and with Pansys/Pantzers) are also Neils while Irish Neils are also Neals while English Neals share the vertically-splt Yarborough and Anders Shield. Scottish Anders'/Andrews have a "VicTRIX" motto term while sun-using Tricks and Drigs share the Lorraine lion.

It's not very surprising that Lorraine's should link to Bauds because French Bauds/Bauts were first found in Auvergne with Bouillons, and Godfrey de Bouillon's family ruled Lorraine province, in France with Merovingians. Auvergne is where Mummolin's ancestry, in Tullia of Lyon, ruled...when Tullia married a ruler of Clermont-Ferrand (in Auvergne). Tulls/Tullia's use BUTTerflies. I told why Italian Botters trace to Balcons, and the latter were first found in Fife with Butters. Possibly, the Butter bow is the one of Bude's/Buds. Balcons are suspect with Comeys/Combs, and the latter's lions are in the colors of the lion head of Boats/Bude's.

Tulls/Tolle's, sharing the Tool lion, have an "ADversis" motto term looking like the Vere-branch line of Ada of Warenne/Varenne, for the Warren checks are half used by Tulls/Tolle's. Ada's father was from Surrey, and as Stains from that area married the Varangian line of Yarborough's, that's why "Varangi" is like "Varenne." Although Varenne's/Verone's show ravens, they are said to be "black birds," though, perhaps, Hall of Names didn't know what they are officially and called them generically. On the other hand, Birds/Burds share the Bouillon Coat in colors reversed.

Verona's (not "Verone") are firstly interesting because Belli's were first found in Verona while "bello" is a Bouillon and German Baud motto term. Verona's share the Coat of Lanarkshire's Bothwells (topic of last update). Verona's were first found in Ile-de-France with LePage's who share the French Page Coat, the latter first found in Dauphine with Tulls/Tullia's, and with Paions/Payens/Pagans i.e. from the Paioni. That's why Verona's are in Paion/Payen colors, and so the Tull/Tolle and Tool lion can be the one of English Pains/Payne's. The Arms of Dauphine use dolphins, and Dolphins/DOLphins (Dol colors), linkable to "Tolle," were once said to be first found in Surrey with Stains. Dols, in Trump colors, were first found in Mecklenburg with Trumps.

Plus, Tulls/Tolle's were first found in Staffordshire with Stops/Stubbs from Stobi of the Paioni. Thus, Varangians of Kiev had merged with Payen liners, possibly from Hugh de Payens, the first grand master of the Jerusalem Templars a generation after Varangian children were ruling in several places across Europe, including Hungary with his daughter, queen Anastasia, wife of Andrew I.

English Pains/Payne's were first found beside pheon-using English Page's, and the latter were first found in Devon with an Axe river. English Page's share the white dove with Page-like Paise's/Peace's, and the latter's are in both colors of the Pansy/Pantzer dove. Dove's, first found in Berwickshire with Ada-line Ade's/Aids, have the dancetty-fesse of Wests (Devon) in colors reversed. "Aide" is in the motto of Levi's, first found in Ile-de-France with LePage's and Chappes'. I have read that Hugh de Payens married Elizabeth Chappes...who I'm sure descended from the Levite high priest, Joseph Caiaphas of Jerusalem, killer of Jesus. Scottish Chappes' were first found in Stirlingshire with Scottish Bauds, highly suspect with BALDwin I, the first king of Jerusalem, and brother of Godfrey de Bouillon. German Bauds are connectable to "bird"-using Panico's of Bologna, and the father of Baldwin I ruled in Boulogne.

Repeat from above: "Trumps love the Staggs/Stage's, and Hungarian lore traced Hungarians to a stag, likely a tale told that has a real surname at the root of an important royal-Hungarian line." Note AnaSTASia, for EUSTACE's and STACYs were branches, using "stags" very connectable to the Crest of Staggs/Stage's, the latter first found in Devon with Gates', who I trace to "Agatha," whom I suspect in Podebrady as George's wife. The first Templar king of Jerusalem was count Eustace II.

Gates' and Lorraine-beloved Laurels/Laurins share lion of English Golds, first found in Suffolk with Podebrady-line Babe's, and LePage's call their fesses, "GOLD BARS." It is to be assumed that Page's were at the Barrois / Bar-le-Duc area of Lorraine.

The cross between antlers of Eustace's is shared between antlers in the Vise/Vice Coat, and the latter share the stag head of Acorns (Sussex with Vise's/Vice's) in the acorns of the Tromp Coat. VISconti's had a Sardinian branch with a rooster symbol, and while the first Visconti of Milan was Ottone, Ottone's were first found in PERUSia with rooster-using Grazi's, the potential pointer to the bullet that grazed Trump's ear. Grazi's share the "pomegranate" with the Crispins of a Perusia-like Parez region of Lorraine. Grasse is a location near the first-known SARDE's (Provence, on-shore from Sardinia) who in turn look related to French Grace's/Grasse's.

It just so happens that Grazi's share the black rooster with Billiards/Hilliards, first found in Surrey with Stein-branch Stains. Billiards/Hilliards share the stars of Stevensons/Stave's/STEINson (share Stain Crest), first found in Northumberland with Lorraine's. Lorraine had a feet symbol, and Billiards/Hilliards give "red" "feet" to their rooster while Reds/Reeds were first found in Northumberland, and Feet were first found in Yorkshire, where Billiards/Hilliards were once said to be first found.

While I link Ottone's to Chappes' of Paris, French Paris'/Parez's use an "apple" to go with the "pineapple" of English Pine's. I can use Lorraine's BUTT-stain symbol to make a case of a Chris-line merger with Pine's to form "Crispin," starting with Panter-like Penders/PINders in the colors of French Pine's, the latter first found in Limousin with the Clairs who formed the Crispins.

French Pine's share the cinquefoils of Kims, first found on Bute. And there we are.

Chris'/ Christmans, first found in Hampshire, beside Yarborough-related and Swan-connectable Neals, use a giant swan. Hampshire is where Ports and Porters were first found, and Ports sharing the Butt/Bute estoiles while Porters share white cinquefoils with Kims and Pine's. English Pine's were first found in Devon with the Flowers having a giant form of the Porter cinquefoils, and Flowers are in the description of Rinds, first found in Perthshire with Rollo's. King Rollo's daughter was Crispina.

Bute-connectable Bothwells use the pine tree. Belgian Paris' share the red squirrel with Squirrels, the latter first found in Worcestershire with the Rocks in the Spanish Paris Coat. Squirrels love the Tiens', first found in Oxfordshire with English Crispins.

The first Scottish Drummond was a son of George above, and I bought my Doral at Georgian Marina (Parry Sound). English George's have "a black demi talbot ramPANT with gold EAR, GORGEd with a gold collar dancette between two laurel branches." The Lorraine Crest has laurel branches too! That's probably because this George was the son of king Andrew I and the Varangian, Anastasia. The latter's daughter became the duchess of Bohemia, and Wikipedia's article suggests that Agatha, wife of the Atheling, may have been a daughter of Yaroslav i.e. Anastasia's sister. I claim that this Agatha was wife to George above.

LOOKIE: English Franks share the fesse of Rowell-loving PANTers. Row-row-row your boat. The trefoil-using Rowe's look related to the English George Coat. Panters were first found beside the first-known Carls of Aberdeenshire who in turn share the pomegranate with Grazi's and Lorraine's Crispins. Penders/Pinders share the Grasse lion! And there's even a Pendergrass surname. English George's share doves (different colors) with Pansys/Pantzers!!! Lorraine's Crispins are largely in the colors, and in the format of, Spurrs!!!!! Panters have spur rowells! Zikers.

Crispins and Spurrs both share the bend of Belgian George's, and it's also the bend of dove-using Balcons to which Lorraine's pant stain (on her BALCONy) pointed, first found at Crail near the first-known Panters. Balcons are listed with BalCOME's/BalCOMBs, suspect with Irish Comeys/Combs because they have the Lorraine lion in colors reversed. Balcons share the bend of English Grasse's, colors reversed from the lion of Creightons having a "grace" motto term. Creightons were first found in Midlothian with the Fallis' sharing the Grasse lion.

English Grace's/Grass' hint that they descended from Carrick-line Carews who list Creighton-like Carrots. Marjory Carrick gave birth to royal Bruce's (Yorkshire with Craggs and Greggs) while Creightons share the Bruce lion. I didn't realize until now that Creightons could be a Carrick branch. Crete's and Wreath's/Creights may be too. Creightons are also CRICHtons while Crux-connectable Cricks/Cracks were first found in Yorkshire with Craggs (share Carrick dog) and Greggs (Carrick colors). Therefore, the Crooks look like they were of Carricks, who come up as Corricks too. In fact, Eschyna de Molle married both Mr. Croc, and Mr. Alan in the line to the royal-Bruce marriage with Stewarts (and Drummonds). This tends to reveal that the Grasse's do use the Bruce lion, especially as Grasse's (share Italian Croce lion) were first found in Lincolnshire with Croce's/Cross'.

My boss was sub-contracted to help build the boat house with wicked Frank, and German Franks were first found in Bohemia, where George above got his wife. He got her at Podebrady, where Brady-related Babe's trace who were once said to be first found in Dorset with George's. One of the German Frank surnames uses a column while Columns are listed with Malcolms while Malcolm III married Margaret Atheling, who was in Kiev with Andrew I. Malcolm's sister married Maurice Drummond, son of George above, if I recall correctly.

Frank almost killed my boss asking him to raise a steel beam with a backhoe that could not get high enough. My boss quit, and Frank then yelled me off the job because I refused to work the previous day because it was the Sabbath day, which I decided all on my own to practice on Saturdays. I still do.

Frank was cursing me away because he thought I thought that my boss almost got killed because they didn't take the Sabbath off. However, that wasn't quite what I was thinking. Instead, I was thinking that God may have (don't know for sure) caused the accident because they were probably mocking me for taking the day off. The steel beam had slipped off the shovel, and slid down the boom toward my boss in the seat, but, as he told me, one end of the beam hit a scaffold and stopped sliding just in time, "or I would have been killed, " he said to me.

I hitch-hiked home the following day. Hitch's and Hike's are both Hick liners. Hitch's/Hykes' were kin of Chives', first found in Aberdeenshire. Two days later, I met Lorraine, on my birthday. It was Kepke's birthday on the day I hitch-hiked. Hitch's share ESToiles (different colors) with Butts/Bute's, and while the English Este Crest once showed the black horse head in Crest of Boats/Bude's, these Este's were first found in Essex with English Este's, and with the Low Leighton location of Hicks'. The Essex's share the eagle of Italian Este's, and were first found in Middlesex with Stains. That all looks very Arranged to go with my hitch-hiking home.

There's a question as to whether Essex's were of the Esse's/Ash's and/or Ass' (Essex colors). Esse's/Ash's were first found in Devon with Hitch's/Hykes'/Hacks, with Barnstaple's, with the Wears/Were's, Ware's, Wearings/Warings, and Moline's too while Middlesex is where moline-using Fiers/Fears were first found. Essex's are in the colors and format of Essex's Rams, and French Bauds use a giant ram in the same colors. The Barnstaple-connectable Steinsons were first found in Essex too. The Pepins/Pepys, suspect from the HYKSos king, Apepi/Apophis, love the Este's of Essex.

Varangians first ruled at NovGOROD while Roets, first found in Somerset with PAYNE's and a Gordan area, share the GORD/Gordan boar heads. Roets had a branch that named Rothes (Scotland), yet the island of Bute, where GLASS' and Kims were first found, was earlier called, Rothesay. Rowells are also Rothwells. The assassination "attempt" was faked on the Rowe-like roof of a GLASS factory. Roofs/Rolphs are also Rowe-like Rove's.

I told that Yaroslav was to YARborough's/YEARbys, and that they point to Maxwell Yearick, the man whose face the deep state used for the dead shooter on the roof, used by the deep state to fake the Trump assassination. I told that Butt-like Bauds were first found in Stirlingshire with Years, and with the new-to-me Service's that were used to point to "Secret Service," the deep-state thing that "allowed" the assassination "attempt" to happen.

I told that Baud-like BUDini were at Kiev with Trypillians. A bird just flew into my window as I was writing the last sentence, and Birds use the Bouillon cross in colors reversed while French Bauds/Bauts were first found in Auvergne with Bouillons! Plus, Bauds/Bauts almost have the Coat of Kiev-like Kepke's/Kopke's, perfect because I was planning to go to the Hermits from the Panter helmets, for they are shared by Hermits. The latter have a version of the Kepke/Kopke and Koop/Kupe Coats, but it gets better where all three share the border of Justine's, who share the scales and sword of Ass'!

That is amazing because I was going to say that Scottish Sheds use a "hermit". I was then planning on saying that English Sheds/Scheds (probably Morley/Maul kin) share the potent cross of SHEETS'/Skate's and Skits/Skeets' (Ayrshire with Hare's/Hairs and Sheds), and that Assi's were first found in SHETland!!! A thing I missed in the last update was the "byggar" motto term in the Arms of Shetland, for Biggar is a location in Lanarkshire, and the latter was important to the Lorraine pointers in the last update.

The potent cross was owned by Godfrey de Bouillon who probably was well acquainted with Hugh de Payens. The Arms of Templar Jerusalem used the potent cross. Godfrey's brother, BALDwin, became the first Crusader king of Jerusalem, and German Balds share the hourglass shape with Sheets'/Skate's and Skits/Skeets', and to his we add that Scottish Balds, first found in Peebles-shire with Kim elements (see "Peebles" last update for proof), share the ship of Scottish Bauds. See that? It's all part of Lorraine's butt / ass symbol.

German Balds were first found in Baden with Veringers, and the Arms of Baden is the Lorraine and Keep bend. Yet, the Baden/Battin surname (Somerset with Payne's, Roets and Rhodes-related Baths) shows AXES! There is another Axe river, in Somerset, right beside the Axe river into Devon.

Bute was in the theater of MacDonalds, and Ronalds/MacDonalds share the horizontal arm with Lorraine's. MacDonalds share the "galley" ship of Kiev-liner Keeps who in turn share the Lorraine bend.

I'm not done with Hermits (Yorkshire with Sheds/Scheds and Keppochs) because German Here's/Herrs share their border too, yet the latter share blue wings in Crest with English Here's/Heyers, first found in Derbyshire with ear-like Eyers/Ayers and English Morleys! Sheds were even first found in Ayrshire with Scottish Ayers. To show that God arranged the Eyers as a pointer to Trump's ear, Eyers/Ayers (quatreFOILs) use a leg while Leggs almost have the Trump Coat.

We got here from the Panter helmets, and while German Helms (SALE colors and format) use the Panter and Hermit helmet (same colors) in giant form, English Helms, sharing the Stop/Stubb pheons, were first found in Surrey with SALEmans and Salmons, and with the Stains who are said to have married Yarborough's. Lorraine's butt symbol was a grass STAIN on the butt of her white pants. Scottish White's share

Scottish Morleys/Mauls share the vertically-split Shield of Sheds/Scheds, both first found in Yorkshire, and while Kim Cheatle was born, Kimberly, the Kimberly surname shows a KinMERLEY variation. See Merle's last update, though I failed to say that English Merle's share the ermined bend of Claptons while Clapton is at Gordano. And Clapps/Clappers, first found in Surrey with Stains, use a "pike"fish while English Pike's (Devon with Axe river and Rowell-connectable Ash's) look related to the trefoil-using Rowe's. The other English Claptons have a giant patee, symbol in other colors of Peks, and the latter were first found in Essex with the Pascals sharing the pascal lamb of the other English Rowe's.

Sheds/Scheds share the Pek patee, and the Pek river of Moesia was near the Paioni of the Axius. Scottish Sheds have griffin heads in the colors of the giant griffin of Italian Berts, and English Berts/BIRTHs (Devon with Seaton) were in my last update because I asked Lorraine for our first date on my birthday. As Birds are Burds too while Berts/Births share the Burt Coat, recall the BIRD that flew into the window while I was writing on Bald branch Bauds, for the hourglass shape of Balds is in colors reversed from the same of Guido's. The latter were first found in Bologna with the "BIRD"-using PANICo's/PANE's (at the Seaton-like Setta valley), and PINCum is at the mouth of the Pek river!!!

Plus, the bird flew into my window PANE!!!

It just so happens that Builders/BULDERs, first found in Northumberland with Lorraine's, share most of the Birth/Bert Coat. Then, Bolders/Bolters use "BIRD BOLTs in saltire" (Bolts were first found in Lancashire with the Boltons sharing the Builder / Birth chevron). Saltire's use Builder-like "billets." Bolts share a giant griffin (different colors) with Berta's.

Panico's/Pane's are how we link Paioni to the Pek river, especially as Pans are listed with Paions/Payens/Pagans while Scottish Pagans, first found in Yorkshire with Pincum-like Pincs, share the "label" in the Panico/Pane Chief. English Page's, first found in Devon with PINCons/PENSE's and Berts/Births, share the dove (different colors) with Pansys/Pantzers (and Bolders/Bolters), and French Page's were first found in Dauphine with Paions/Payens/Pagans. I'm convinced that God sent the bird into my window this morning with a mission.

English LePage's/LAWpage's, first found in Yorkshire with Scarfs, share the besants of Rowells and Trebys. The latter were first found in Devon with Page's. A "scarf arranged in a CIRCLE, ends tied," is with Polish Trabys/Sadowski's. Red-rooster Laws were first found in Northumberland with Lorraine's who share their red bend, and the Law bend-with-stars is shared with Salome's while Salemans and Salmons were of Surrey with Stains. Thus, the gold rooster in the Lepage Crest could be the "rooster STANDing on a TRUMPet, all proper," of the neighboring Livers/LEVers. Stains list Stands. I pointed to her pant stain, and Points use a "PENSE a pointer" motto.

"Pense" is a motto term also of ESKINs having an Eyer-like ERSkin variation. ESCHYNa de Molle married Robert CROCE, and Thomas CROOKs is the guy they used to fake the ear graze. Eskins/Erskins were first found near AYRshire. NEW: Eskin-like ASkins/HESkins not only share the Grasse lion, but were first found in Lincolnshire with them.

The ends tied of Traby/Sadowski scarf was probably described as a "knot" at one time because Cnuts/Knots were first found in Derbyshire with Morleys/Merleys while Merle's (same place as Lorraine's and Greys) use a collar with "GOLD circles". The Circle's, minus their "mound," use a "church" in Trump colors and format. NOTTinghams use annuLETs in Treby / Lepage/Lawpage colors, and Lets/Late's were first found in Gloucestershire with pheon-using Nuts/Knuts and same-colored Stevens.

Circle's were first found near Traby of Poland, and Church's (Somerset with PIERCE's) use collared GREYhounds. In fact, Church's use the greyhound head of Schutz's, first found in Rhineland with Lawpage-connectable Salome's. The variations with which Circle's are listed could have named KUSHNer, Trump's son-in-law. CUSHION-using Bibo's/Bible's tell that they use the rooster-on-cushion from Trump-connectable Hahns. Circles on a COLLar could entail trumpet-using Calles', first found beside Church's, the latter first found in the same place with Colles'. The latter show leopard FACES while Tromps were Fauci-connectable. The heraldic cushion is for Cussons and Constance's, and Cussons almost have the Tromp eagle.

LOOKIE: Colles' use "A snake CIRCLing a MARBLE pillar"! I didn't know it while writing above. This recalls the EARhardts/AIRharts with "two intertwined gold snakes, enCIRCLing a fleur-de-lys"!!! I can now say that Ainsley Earhardt fulfilled Sleeping Beauty (along with Miss Hicks) apparently for a pointer to Trump's faked ear SHOT! Shots were kin of Calles'. Marble's share the giant griffin of Griffins, and the latter had a house in Pomerania, where Trumps were partly first found.

Later in this update, I do a piece on Trump's appearance in my SLEEPING Beauty dream of 1979. David Morley circled a SLEEPING bag. Beautys share the black bull with Cole's/Colds (Tromp-eagle colors and format). Cole's/Colds and Mieske's/Mesechs are from the Mieszko's of Poland who married Maria of Kiev. Mieszko II LAMBERT was her father-in-law while English Lamberts (Surrey with Stains) are in Colles colors and format. Maria's sister-in-law (Anastasia) was the matriarch of the Trump-line Drummonds.

As per EarHARDTS, Jewish Harts have "a STAR of DAVID and inside that a CIRCLE". Stars/Stairrs were first found in Wiltshire with Calles'!! The Hart star has the same weave pattern as Jumps, which the latter call, "fretty." The latter share the Trump stag head, and fretty-like Ferte's share the giant Cusson eagle. Eagle's/Hegels were first found in Lincolnshire with Jump-beloved Cross', and with giant-leg Prime's.

Mamie pointed to Trump with her leg and my legs, and with her thigh she pointed to JARRET-branch Gardens/Jardens, a potential pointer to JARED Kushner. Jareds are listed with Gerards/Jarrets, who share the lion of Lincolnshire's Grasse's.

Laws and Salome's use their stars "pierced," and Laws call their stars, "mullets," while Mullets (Auvergne) incorporate the Coat of Page-related Paions/Payens/Pagans (Cnut/Knot colors and format) while adding a horn, the Arms of Traby symbol...that looks like it may have 666 in the strings of the horns. LePage's/Lawpage's were first found in Yorkshire with English and Scottish Pagans (share fleur of Steinsons, same place as Laws).

English Pagans share the border of Justine's, from Justine of PICENum, and then the Trebia river flows at PIACENza. Justine married Valentinian I, and Valentins are in BARNstaple and Stevenson/Steinson (Essex with Morts in the Barnstaple motto) branch) colors and format while Barns share the Treby, Lepage/Lawpage and Rowell besants. Barnstaple's (Justine-related Wings in Crest), sharing the trefoil of Rowe's and Rowells, were first found in Devon with Trebys.

Wings/Winks are from Valentinian's home of Vinkovci, also called, CIBALae, and Sibals ("Justitia" motto) were first found at "BALGONIE, Fife", which probably named the Balcons, first found in Fife, who the pant stain pointed to from her BALCONY! Sibals show nothing but moline crosses, and Moline's were first found in Devon with Barnstaple and STAGGs/STAGE's.

The Barnstaple's/BarnSTAGle's are new to my sniper discussions, and they happen to have a "reGARDez" motto term!!! English Barneys use their lions "guardant"!!! Ronald Rowe is now the chief of White House and Congress' bodyGUARDs! I link Balcons to Italian Botters while English Botters are Body's too! And they say that Crooks was shot from a sniper on the Rowe-connectable roof of a RED BARN!!! I get it.

Reds/Reeds were first found in Northumberland with the other English Stevensons/Steinsons and Lorraine's, and Barns, I kid thee not, were first found in Surrey with Steinson-branch Stains!!! Scottish Reeds were first found in Aberdeenshire with Lorne's. Italian Sheaves'/Chiava's, showing only keys, were first found in L'Aquila while Aquila's share the giant Barr eagle.

French BARneys, sharing the fesse of Bode's (Brunswick with Barrs of Bar-le-Duc), were first found in Dauphine with Barr-loving Page's. French Barneys (Shield colors) use a key while Key-loving Sheaves'/Shaws share the motto of the Shields beloved in turn by German Barneys. Russells could love the Sarah's in their motto who in turn share the motto of Berwick-branch Barwicks (share bear with German Barns/Berns). Shields were first found in Berwickshire.

Barwicks, first found in the same place as Lorraine's, are excellent for being in the colors and format of Lorraine's Landrys! Landens/Landers were first found in Switzerland with Barns/Berns. The "forbear" motto term of Barwicks should be for bear-using Forbes' (Aberdeenshire with Lorne's) who use a "Grace" motto term. Grace's are listed with Grasse's!!! Forbes/ForBEIS' are in the colors and format of Berwickshire's Boys/BIES', yet Beis' are listed with English Besants sharing the Bee quadrants. Beasts/Bessins share bees with Boys/Bies'.

German Biens, in the Carrick and Carew motto, use bees, and French Biens use axes. Irish Grace's/Grass' ("grace" motto term) are said to descend directly from the Carews naming themselves, "Le Gras". If this is the origin of Grass' and/or Grazi's, then they named Grasse near the Provence border.

FORbeis' look like a Fore-line merger with Beis', and here we can add that the neighboring BalFOURs, with a "FORward" motto, were first found in Fife with BALcons/BalCOMBs and Balgonie.

German Barns/Berns (Lorraine bend in colors reversed) were from Bern of Switzerland, founded by the Zahringer kin of Varangian-line Veringers.

Back to the bird, a symbol of Panico's/Pane's of the Setta Bologna with Bald-connectable Guido's who can be in the "Grace me GUIDE" motto of Forbes'. SEATons share "forward" with Balfours.

The Bird/Burt cross is shared by Felts while Felthams/Feltmans share the Morley/Merley fleur-de-lys, and moreover have the double "bars" of Stains in colors reversed. It just so happens that Felthams/Feltmans share a "palma" motto term with Stain-related Yarborough's/Yearbys, and Years were first found in Stirlingshire with Bauds! It was Max Yearby that posed for the picture of the dead man on roof. No sniper on a barn shot him.

It gets better because Felthams/Feltmans, in BATHurst colors and format, were first found in Middlesex with Stains!!! Lookie at what the little birdie has told us. Bathursts even share the patee crosses of Pek-like Peaks! And while Palms were first found in Yorkshire with Pagans and Pincs, Palmers share the double fesses of Stains! Incredible. Palmers almost have the Coat of Flags/Flacks, both first found in Norfolk with Fulke's (ruled Templar Jerusalem), and Palmers share the scallops of Biss', the latter first found in Surrey with Stains! The vertically-split Fulke or Belgian Fleck Shield looks like it applies to the vertically-split Rowe trefoils, and, if it does apply, Lorraine's pant stain is pointing to Ronald Rowe. Fulke's almost have the Russell motto.

Lorraine turned out to be a Russellite by religion, and Stains use a cloud while McLeods/Clouds use "RED flags" while English Reds/Reeds were first found in Northumberland with Lorraine's. Reds/Reeds were first found in the same place as cloud-using Stevensons/Steinsons. Flags/Flecks were first found in Norfolk with the McLeod-beloved Fasts and Steins. A REDmaine location in Lancashire of the Laurence's is at least near the first-known Holds in the "Hold fast" motto of McLeods/Clouds. Redmaine's share the white "castle" with McLeods, and the latter use it "TRIPLE towered."

Flags/Flecks and their Fleet kin link to Flatts/Fletts, first found in the Orkneys with the Peace's/Paise's sharing the Pansy/Panzter dove, and the "Pax" motto term of Reds/Reeds can be of the Peace's/Paise's. Her stain pointed to Pansys/Pantzers, and English Packs (share PAISley anchor) were first found in Sussex with Lorraine-related Keeps.

I told (last update) that Stirlings have the bend-with-buckles of Stops/Stubbs in colors reversed, and I told that Stops/Stubbs were a fundamental part of Lorraine's events because I asked her on our first outing at her bus stop. I told that Paioni had a city, STOBi, to match the Stubb surname, and they also had a city, AstiBUS, to match the bus stop, and I also told that Astys have the Lorraine lion. How can all of that be true unless Someone arranged it?

The Skeochs with whom the Skits/Skeets' are listed have variations like the one's of Shoe's, and the Trips/Treffs show only shoes. One of the communications that Greg Nicol made concerning the shooter is that he was walking toward a Sheets gas station.

By the way, the Cheneys entered the discussion in the last update, and their "major" motto term came to topic when I said: "Haliburtons have a "MaJORES" motto term while Cheneys use "Fato pruDENTia major." Majors share the red greyhound with Gore's/JORES' who in turn share the stars of RES'/Dere's who can be in "majoRES" too. Both Gore surnames are related to both Alan Coats while "lances" are used by Res'/Dere's. Gore's/Core's share the Lance fesse, in colors reversed from the Alan fesse.

Dents were first found in SEDbergh (Yorkshire with Feets/Fate's), where I trace Sedans/Siddens ("sed" motto term)." This pointed to DICK Cheney because he was a CEO of Halliburton oil, yet I missed the fact that Scottish Dyke's/Dike's share the triple cinqueFOILs of Sedans/Siddens, is that not wild?

Belgian Dyke's share the German Bush/Busch Coat, is that not wild? Dutch Dyke's share the red squirrel with Square's/Squirrels who in turn use a "Teins" motto term to go with the "Tien" of Bathursts, and the "tiendrai" of ear-like Erie's/Airys. As the latter share the six pale bars of Italian BELLI's, and as Peare's were kin of Tiens'/THAMES', note first that Stains were first found at Staines-upon-Thames.

WE'RE NOT DONE. This Erie-Belli connection goes to by belly-press symbol with Miss Peare, the symbol that took me to Felts, and later to Felthams/Feltmans in Bathurst colors and format. I had lived on Bathurst avenue, in the Holland LANDING, as little as a month before last spending time with Miss Peare. As little as a month after spending time with her, I asked Lorraine for a date at her bus stop, and she pointed to LANDENs (six pale bars) who have a Laundry- and Landry-like Lander variation. When she agreed to go out with me, we met that evening at my laundromat! Landrys were first found in Lorraine. As was shown Laundrys share the Kimberley Coat!!! It is, it is, wild.

Recall how palmers worked into things with the double fesses of Stains. Felt-like Fleets almost have the Palmer Coat.

The way to connect Erie's/Airys to Eyers/Airs of Derbyshire is the Peak region in Derbyshire, for Felthams/Feltmans share the Peak patees, and Pattys were even first found in Worcestershire with Square's/Squirrels. Pattys share the escutcheon of Saddocks, who in turn use "EARS of rye," and Saddocks were first found in Sussex with "tien"-using Bathursts. Then, the Derby Coat is a colors-reversed version of the Felt-like Field/Felde Coat.

So, yes, both Eyers/Airs and Erie's/Airys can point to the faked blood on Trump's ear. In fact, Dutch Tromps (and German Belli's) share the eagle of Thans (Essex with Peks) in the "Lighter than air" motto of Scottish Ayers.

German Feltmans and Jewish Feldmans look related to the German Gardner Coat while English Gardners were first found in Oxfordshire with Tiens'/Thames' and Peare's. Gardners came up pretty big in the last update as pointers to Secret-Service guards. Feltmans and Feldmans look related to both Reitman surnames while I met Miss Peare when she worked for Reitman's clothing.

I showed how Shed-like Sedans/Siddens (once said to be first found in Yorkshire with Sheds/Scheds) were a branch of Seatons/Sittens, but failed to add that Seaton is a location at the mouth of Devon's Axe river. Seatons were Flemish, and Flemings were first found in Lanarkshire with Lorraine elements, and with Shetland-beloved Biggars. The "sino" motto term of Sedans/Siddens gets one to Sion/Sitten of Switzerland, and while Sine's/Sions/Swans (in the Yarborough motto) were first found in Lanarkshire, Dutch Dicks/DickSTEINs use swan heads in the colors of the Sine/Sion/Swan swan, is that not wild? It's as though God is using Lorraine to point to devilish BUSH and Cheney team. Lanarks/Lurnacks even share the BUS cinquefoil. Bus' were first found in Norfolk with Stain-branch Steins and Rowe's.

Dickers/Deckers were even first found in Sussex with Cheneys.

Scottish Dicks, first found in EDINburgh (Midlothian, beside Keiths) share the Chief of Balds (Peebles-shire with Keith lands). These Dicks (share ship with Balds) use "A ship in DIStress", and Diss'/Dice's (Norfolk with Deacon-branch Decans) thus get found as a Dick branch. Deacons and Decans have most of the Rhodes Coat.

I had traced Deacons and their Decan branch to a Decani area on the White Drin river, which happens to be beside Paionia of the Axius river, explaining why Deacons and Decans both uses axes. I trace "Drin" to the Drainer variation of Dragons for good reasons, involving a trace of Pendragons to the Penestae peoples on the Black Drin, likewise beside Paionia. Note how "Pendragon" is like "Pendergrass," a stark pointer to Lorraine's pant stain.

Though not in the same colors, Pendergrass'/Penders and dragon-using English White's both use vair fur. Penders/Pinders were first found partly in Lincolnshire with Grasse's, and with the Eagle/Hegels loved by at least three White surnames. Suddenly, I'm beginning to see why Lorraine had white pants for her stain event. Dexters/DECKsters use "weights" in Crest while English White's are Weights too.

Dicksons/Dixons, with the Keith Chief in colors reversed, and incorporating the Moray Coat, which is almost the Doug-like Duc/LeDuc Coat, have: "They were descended from the ancient Pictish Clan Keith, and the first Dickson was son of Richard Keith,...and Margaret daughter of the third Lord Douglas." Keiths were first found in the same place as Fortune's, explaining the "fortuna" motto term of Dicksons/Dixons. Douglas' (first found in Moray) are also DuGLASS' while Klassens use "Lady Fortune." Glass' were first found on Bute along with Keith-connectable Kims.

The Dickson/Dixon Chief looks like the Garland Coat because Douglas' share the Chief of Stevensons/STEINsons (essentially share Stain Crest) who in turn love the Garlands (Perthshire with Keith-branch Kettle's). We just passed butt-like Bute, and here we are back to a Stain branch. English Stevens were first found in Gloucestershire with English White's/Weights who in turn share the Babe LEOPARD face, which really tends to explain why Lorraine had white pants for her stain event. Leopards were first found in Sussex with Wyatts who in turn look like they use the dancetty-fesse of Pantzer-beloved Dove's (!) because the latter were first found in Berwickshire with the Scottish White' turn sharing the Eyer/Air quatrefoils.

There's a question which just cropped up on whether the "arriere" motto term of Douglas' is for ear-like Erie's/Airys? It works because the latter share the Italian Belli bars while Douglas' were first found in Moray with Bellys! The latter share the eight-pointed Duc/LeDuc star, otherwise the latter, with five-pointed stars, have the Moray / Murray Coat. Mure's/More's were even first found in Ayrshire with Eyer/Air-branch Ayers! Mure's/More's almost have the Coat of English Moors while Irish Moors and Morgans (lived on Bute) have the Lorraine lion in colors reversed.

We can now argue that the fake GRAZING of Trump's ear is pointed to both by Lorraine's GRASS stain, and by the Crispin connection to the Grazi pomegranate. Her grass stain took us to German Ducks who named BAR-le-Duc, in Lorraine with Crispins! English Crispins show only "BARRY" (eight bars). The Duc-suspect Douglas'/DuGLASS', who look like a Duc-Glass marriage for connection to Bute, just took us to the ear graze. The Mure's/More's may even be sharing the Panter fesse because Mure's/More's apply stars (five-pointed) on that fesse in the colors of the six-pointed stars of Paions/Payens, which they call "spur rowells," what Panters call their symbol.

The James' who share the "Jamais" motto term of Douglas' were first found in Surrey with Stains. The other English James' (Surrey too) share the Grasse lion and the Edin scallops. Dickensons (not "Dickson") not only share the James and Jean/Jane Crest, but the passant Sion/Swan lion (in the colors of the rampant James lion) while Garland-beloved Chaplets show only swans. Garlands use the "chaplet" while Chaplets were first found in Lorraine. It seems that Keiths have the Garlands in their Chief, a new thing for me.

German Gars/Garners/Karens (possibly the Net/Night lion) were first found in Prussia with German Stevens. Irish Gars/Gearys, sharing a "green wreath" with Stains, share the blue lion in the Dickenson, James and Jean/Jane Crest, but also in the Crest of Samsons, first found in Gloucestershire with English Stevens, White's/Weights, and James-like Games'/Cams. Gars/Gearys may have Surreys's Fiddle's/Fidelows in their motto.

German Stevens share the Garland Coat, which is almost the Coat of Knights (SPUR), first found in Suffolk with Babe's and Dickson-like Deacons. I trace Knights and Nets/Nights to the Nith river, near the first-known Dicksons/Dixons (Kirkcudbrightshire, same as Nets/Nights). Sions/Swans were first found in Lanarkshire with the Allisons having a "Truth preVAILs" motto, and while Garlands almost have the Coat of Truths/Trots, first found in Surrey too, Vails were first found in Northumberland with Lorraine's.

The Mure's/More's were first found in Ayrshire with Barrs and MURdocks, both sharing the same Crest (probably the Ure/Orrey and Aur/Aures lion). German Ducks are also DOCKers to go with MurDOCks. Scottish Docks are listed with Dogs who share the Bus cinquefoil, and then English Docks, first found in Staffordshire with STOPs/Stubbs (= bus stop) and Duce's, share the blue lion with the James-et-al Crest. James' were first found in Surrey with "bar"-using Stains.

Murdocks share the "raven" with Dickers, though the latter use "Cornish ravens," the first I've seen that phrase. I didn't intend on deviating to Dick-like surnames. I had other things in mind, which I'll get to.

Dickens (not "Dickson") show the cross type once showing for Edin-like Eatons (probably kin of Hykes'/Hacks sharing black scallops with Edins/Edons). The leopard face on the Dicken cross is shared by Babe's. From the last update: "...dice are shown for Spells while Stains were at SPELthorne in the Surrey part of Middlesex." Edins, mainly in Diss/Dice colors and format, were first found in Suffolk with Deacons, Babe's, and OULlette-connectable Owls/Howls (Chaplet / Landry colors). It was MICHAEL Oullette who gave Lorraine her babe symbol, and English Michaels, with the Edin scallops in colors reversed, were first found in Surrey with Stains. Edins even share the scallops of James', first found in Surrey. Babe's were from Bohemia's Podebrady, and German Michaels were first found in Bohemia.

Lest we forget why we are on Dick-like surnames: "Scottish Dicks, first found in EDINburgh". That's in Midlothian with the FALLIS' sharing the Grasse / James lion, and the Oullette's were first found in FALAISE's Ouilly-le-Basset at the ORNE river. Bassets were first found in Staffordshire with the Aris' in the motto of Weights/Waits who in turn use hunting HORNs.

Ahh, the Dicken Crest has a gold lion lying down, often called "couchant" if it applies (probably to Couch's). Smalleys have a gold "unicorn couchant," and were first found in Derbyshire with Morleys who in turn share the Dicken leopard face. It's a smalley world. Couch's were first found in Oxfordshire with CLINTons. Edins even incorporate Norfolk's Date/Deed Coat, as per my date with Lorraine-stain. The Date/Deed Coat is shared with Clents/Clints who named the Clent Worcestershire with the Pattys and Clinton-related Hillarys. Dickens and Eatons show a patee cross.

Back to Assassination

Her stain pointed with the "pansy" of Conys to Pansys/Pantzers, and a new thing discovered this morning is that Date-related Comine's come up as "Cuny," probably because Cone-branch Conte's were the Burgh de Conteville rulers of Comines! The Arms of Comines shares the key with Clavers (Norfolk with Comine's and Date's/Deeds) who are in turn in Cony colors and format. Cony-branch Conns were first found in Aberdeenshire with the Lorne's who are in turn in the Lanark/LURNack write-up, and "deed" is a motto term of Scottish Flemings, first found in Lanarkshire and sharing the double-TRESSURE border with Seatons/Sittens (Edin colors) possibly in the Edin motto. Seatons/Sittens were first found beside Edinburgh. Tresure's/Trashers were first found in Suffolk with Edins, and Tracys/Trasse's were first found in Devon with Seaton of the Axe river.

When I first started to write on the assassination hoax, I called the hallways between buildings of the glass factory, "sheds." For all we know, some of those hallways may be storage units or sheds, because at least one of them has a door to the lawn.

A new thing: Scottish Sheds share the cinquefoils of Cheatle-like Kettle's! They are colors reversed from the Bus cinquefoil. Kettle's were a Keith branch, and the Kims share the cinquefoils of Keith-related Frasers and McKINNeys (both of Peebles-shire with Balds) while Kimberlys are also KINmerleys. Keiths were first found in East Lothian with Seatons/Sittens.

I would suggest that God wants to point to the staged assassination due to the deception practiced by groups who routinely stage false-flag events, possibly leading to the Biblical "False Prophet." Prophets/Profetts, first found in Aberdeenshire with the Peartree's/Patria's who share the Trump stag head, seem to identify Trump as the False Prophet. The Jumps who share the Trump stag head share the Belly rose, and Belli's share the Erie/Airy pale bars.

In Revelation 13, the second beast often identified as the False Prophet, is given two HORNs like those of a LAMB, suggesting a false-Christian character. Horns/Orne's were first found in Middlesex with Stains, and their Heron branch were first found in Northumberland with Lorraine's. Rowe's use the Templar lamb, as I call it. VISconti's can apply as per the first one of Milan, Ottone, for Ottone's almost have the tall chevron of French Chappes' while Scottish Chappes' were first found in Stirlingshire with Drymen of the Drummonds, and with WISharts/Guiscards. English Wise's were first found in Devon with the Gates' whom I trace to Agatha of Podebrady.

Vise's/Vice's and Anne's/Hanne's call their stags, "buck's heads." Anastasia of the Varangians was a sister of Anna, queen of France. Merits/Mereys are suspect from Maria of Kiev, and "MERITez" is the motto of Scottish Rights/Wrights while "stag"-using Hands/HANNs use triple "RIGHT hands". Trumps (same place as Hahns and their Bible kin) are in the colors and format of Hahns, a German Hann branch.

Horns/Orne's were first found partly in Hertfordshire with the Childs (Horn/Orne colors) in turn sharing the Lorraine eagles, and the last time I saw Lorraine, about two years after dating her, she was carrying an infant child a few months old. I was sitting in a restaurant with PAUL Smith when she walked past me from behind me, three or four feet away (she may not have known it was me). Pauls share the crosslets of Carpenters who in turn share the Belly motto having "Belli." I kid you not that Paul, at that very time, was getting his carpenter's license. He had a red Jeep at the time, and Jeepma's/CHEPs nearly have the Tromp eagle. Chappes'/Cheaps (Stirlingshire) use "EARs of wheat"! Jeepma's/Cheps were first found in Oldenburg while Oldens, sharing the Chapman/CHEPman crescent, were first found in Westmorland with Crooks'. Morlands almost have the Morley Coat, and Morleys were first found in Derbyshire with Eyers/Airs.

In the last update, I talked about my sleeping bag dream featuring David Morley. I told that he rode a circle around the sleeping bag as a pointer to the "sleeping lion" of Rounds. The latter, first found in Essex with Peks, have a version of the Pek Coat while Peak is in Derbyshire. Morleys are in Peak colors. Rounds, with an "Esse" motto term, have one of the double chevrons of ROWells and ASH's/Esse's, you see, and Morley lived a few blocks down Church street from Lorraine. The point is that Morleys have "the manors of Morley and Smalley" while Smalleys use "a unicorn couchant", meaning a unicorn lying down, like the sleeping lion of Rounds.

Then, while Mamie's sleeping bag was in a tent (see last update for that story), Tints, first found in Somerset with Church's, use "a unicorn sejant" (seated) and a "lion COUCHANT". We thus have a Morley-and-Smalley connection to tent-like Tints, and then "royal tents" are with Tintons.

But that's not all, I'm not done. As I've said for years, Circle's use a "church." Morley rode a round circle around the sleeping bag, and, in the last update, I bumped into the Merle's, like the new-to-me Merley variation of Morleys. Merle's have a ""black COLLAR on which there are three gold CIRCLEs"!!! YES, IT IS WILD. Collars share the MOOR head of Bellys, and probably also the Moor head of the "bello"-using Bouillons.

I was just asking self what the false-like Fallis/Falls surname might have in its write-up to link to Prophets/Profetts. And loading the Fallis; this new thing was found that I've missed in the past: "The Fallas or Fallis variant dates back to the Domesday Book of 1086 where it was first recorded by William de Faleise, de Falisia in Wiltshire." That's where trumpet-using Calles' were first found, and Fallis' are in Trump colors to boot.

As I've been saying for years, that my Sleeping Beauty dream featured a bulldog that I identified as Trump. It came walking from behind me, past my left LEGG and KNEE, and then either JUMPed or FELL into the residential swimming POOL. It could be deemed as both a jump and a fall, for as it walked, it just kept walking into the water as if oblivious to it. Fellers share the Fallis/falls trefoils. Pools, first found in Dorset with Beautys, share the Fallis/Falls lion, and Jumps share the Trump stag head and Belly rose. I showed (last update) how Knee's link to Tromps by way of Tromp-beloved Acorns, and Leggs almost have the Trump Coat.

As soon as the bulldog was in the pool, a nasty shark SWALLOWed its head and clamped its nasty teeth around the dog's belly. Swallows were a branch of Sallows who in turn almost have the Coat of Italian Belli's and Erie's/Airys. The dog was halfway down the shark's THROAT, and Trots/Trude's, with the six Sallow pale bars in half its colors, were first found in Surrey with Stains. The neighboring Sales probably share the pheon of Helms (Sales colors and format), first found in Surrey. Stain-branch Stevensons/Steinsons (Essex branch) are in Swimin colors and format, and the shark was in a swimming pool. Swimins use "green leaves" while Leave's/Leve's were first found in Norfolk with Steins! We just can't get away from Stain liners.

The False Prophet will LIE to the people, says Revelation, and make them believe the lie. Lie's/Lee's, listed with LEGHs/Leigh's (Cheshire with Sales'), could be in the "Je LE" motto phrase of Erie's/Airys. Leghs/Leigh's were first found in Cheshire with Beasts/Bessins, and then Besants/Bessens can be in the Rowell and Rowe besants. English Besants were first found in London with Stains. "Je" could be for Jays who share the Coat of Balcons, a surname as per the grass stain because I first saw it on Lorraine's balcony.

Sallows were first found in Shropshire with LEIGHtons/Leytons, and while Sleeping Beauty was identified with bulldog-related Miss Hicks, Hicks' are said to have had a branch at Low Leighton. Her bulldog was Spuds MacKenzie of BUD LIGHT beer. Leighton-like Leets are interesting for looking like Steinson kin. "Lighter than" is a motto term of Eyer-branch Ayers, and Thans share the Tromp eagle. Eagle's/Hegels were first found in Lincolnshire with Swallows. The six "swallows" of Arundels (from Alans of Shropshire) are in the pattern of the six Than eagles.

The "tienDRAI" motto term of Erie's/Airys can be partly for the "heron"-using Drys, and then leg-using Draytons were first found in Shropshire with Erie-connectable Sallows. Dry's share the drops of Cnuts, first found in Derbyshire with Smalleys who in turn almost use the Coat of Sallow-like Slows (unicorn, same as Smalleys in a different color).

Gog and Apophis

Trump's were first found in Mecklenburg with a ROSTock location of the Varangian-like Varni (predated Varangians by several centuries). As Rosters/Rawstorne's share the horizontally-split Shield of Ice's/Ecco's, the Lever ROOSTer standing on a trumpet seems to apply to "Rostock," which is specifically where Ice's/Ecco's were first found...who share an Icke variation with the Hyksos-like Hicks whom I trace to the Hyksos of Egypt, who had a king, Apophis, the name of an asteroid that will probably strike the earth on April 13, 2029, 50 years to the near-day of my Sleeping Beauty dream of 1979, featuring Miss Hicks as Sleeping Beauty.

Rosters are new to me, and they were first found in Yorkshire with Hicks'/Icke's!

I didn't record the date of the dream, but, shortly after my conversion to Jesus, I reflected back and figured it to be March-April. The dream was about a week after my conversion.

Ice's/Icke's share a giant and black eagle with Tromps, and the Ice/Icke trefoils indicate Roxolani and Trypillians of Kiev, perfect with the Varni line to Varangians. As Roxolani were ROS-Alans, note ROStock, for Alans of Dol must have been from Roxolani, for Dols were first found in Mecklenburg to. They and Trumps are in the same white-on-blue colors, which I see as the colors of Gog, for they say that "gog" means "sky / blue."

Googe's are white-on-blue, and they were first found in ROXburghshire, suggesting that Ros-Alans were from Ezekiel 38's Rosh, lumped there with Gog and Meshech, from Gogarene near the Moschi mountains. Gog had named lake Sevan after itself, or vice-versa, and that's where I trace swans, most-often showing in white-on-blue, beloved of the Yarborough motto. Roxburgh's use a "audax" motto term while Roquefeuil is in Aude province, and Aude's are white-on-blue.

Yaroslav was son of king VLADimir, and Vlads are in Trump and Barr-eagle colors and format, first found in Westphalia with white-and-blue Ducks, the line to Bar-le-Duc in Lorraine province, where Richeza lived who was the mother-in-law of Vladimir's daughter. German Ducks call their FIVE fesses "barry blue", and Blue's/Gorms, possibly from mythical Gorm of the Danish Rus, use rooster heads. Rostock is at the southern realm of the Danes. The daughter of Mieszko I married Forkbeard of the Danes, and they birthed king Cnut.

Westphalia is where Allers were first found who named the Lorraine "allerions" (beak-less eagles). It's known that the Lorraine eagle is the Arms of Piast eagle, after Mieszko II Lambert the Piast, Richeza's husband. Pisa's, where Moschi-like Mosca's were first found, are in blue-and-white, and the white-on-blue Botters/Botini's, suspect from Budini of Kiev, were first found beside Pisa.

Googe's have a rose for Roxolani liners, and even use an "AUdaces" motto term that can be viewed as AuDACES because Daces'/Darcys are in white-on-blue, and even share the cinquefoils of Bute's Kims, and of the French Pine's suspect in making "Crispin." The Daces/Darsy Crest has the chapeau cap of Botter-connectable BUTTons/Bidens/Budin, can we believe it? Lorraine's butt symbol can be here with the arse-like Arcy variation of Daces'/Darcys. It goes perfectly with Kims of Bute and Pine elements in Lorraine's Parez region.

French Parez's use the apple while English Pine's use the pineapple, and APOLLonia was beside Aulon/AVLONA, which was named by the Alan Huns, and which named mythical Avalon, often said to mean "apple orchard," but this looks like a code or a stab in the dark. I've never repented from identifying Avalon as Bute, and I've told that JJ Tolkien's mythical "Avallone" confirms it to be Bute. The Alans of Dol seized Bute as soon as they climbed the Scottish throne as the Stewarts (blue and white checks).

A NEW FIND! Rossals, in Butt/Bute colors, were not only first found in Shropshire with the Dol Alans, but share the six martlets of Apple's and Applebys. In an earlier time, Bute was Rothesay, and Rossal-like Roswells are also ROThwells, and Lorraine with the butt symbol was a Rossal-like Russellite!!! She pointed to Paioni, and Paions use "spur rowells"! This caused me to load Ross', which I haven't in months, to see that they share a green wreath, held by a hand, with Stains!!! Can we believe it? Ross' (Russell lion in colors reversed) call it "a garland of laurel," same as Stevensons/Stave's/Steinsons.

Rossals convince me that Apple's are from "Apollonia." Plus, Apollonia and Aulon are beside the Ceraunii mountains (all three shown on map) while Ceraunii Illyrians are on the URBANus river on this map while Urbans share the hexagrams of Paions/Payens! Lookie there. They are also the hexagrams of Massena's, who share a sinister-rising bend with Masci's and RASmussens, indicating that Massey / Macey liners (Cheshire) are from the Maezaei Illyrians (shown on map), beside Ceraunii who must have named the Cornovii of Cheshire and CORNwall. Ceraunii-like Crauns/Crane's were first found in Suffolk with Rush's (Ross colors).

Note "ORICum between the Ceraunii mountains and Aulon, for JJ Tolkien had mythical "Orcs." The Sinclairs of Roslin were in ORKney.

The amazing thing yet is that the Rossal and Apple martlets are with the Mountains!!! The MacKenzie "mountain" points to the 2nd-Trumpet asteroid, a topic later in this update already written. While Alans were in Brittany, the Brittany surname uses the Macey/Mace stars in Mountain colors and format. These stars are shared with Spanish Urbans on a Shield looking connectable to Kepke's/Kopke's and Koops/Kupe's. Miss Dol of Okehampton married Mr. Avranches of Ferte-Mace. I trace Branch's to Varangi-like "AVRANCHes," and we just saw laurel branches, symbol of Kiev-liner Lorraine's.

Brittanys share the martlets of Fleetwoods, and while both have a wolf in Crest, the Fleetwoods call it "reGUARDant" probably because Brittanys share the brown Gard wolf. I trace Alans of DOL to Tolle's and Tools, and while they were first found in Staffordshire with Arrows/ARRAS', JJ Tolkien placed his city of Avallone on the island of Tol ERESSea. Arras is the capital of Arthur-like Artois, and I trace it to Arezzo/Arretium, not far from Apple-connectable Perusia.

Tol Eressea indicates that the line of Tullia > Rusticus of Lyon was on Bute. Note that RUSTs/Roosts, highly suspect with Rostock, were first found in Kent with Drummond-line Sea's suspect in Tolkien's "EresSEA" code. Scottish Drummonds were first found in Perthshire with Lyons. Rusticus was father to ARTEMia, and Artems/AITONs were first found in Berwickshire with the Arthurs whom the myth writer placed on Avalon. EITONs were first found in Shropshire with Rossals and Sea-like Says. Therefore, Tolkien must have believed that Artois elements were on RotheSAY. English Rothes' were once said to be first found in Shropshire with Says, but are now said to be first found in Kent with Sea's.

Artemia above was the grandmother of the Merovingian ruler, Mummolin, father in turn of BODEgisel, and close relative of Gondolfus de TONGeren. Tongs/Tongue's, likely in the many heraldic tongues, almost have the Mountain Coat...with the same martlets as Rossals, Apple's, and Fleetwoods.

Fleetwoods essentially have the Apple Coat, and Fleets almost have the FLAG/Fleck Coat while Tullia's use the BUTTerFLY while Flys named FLAGi. Tullia of Lyon married Decimus Rusticus of Auvergne, and while the father of Godfrey de Bouillon was a count in Artois, Bouillons, first found in Auvergne with Bute-like Bauds/Bauts, almost have the TOLLer cross. Mythical Morgan le Fay, from Cornwall with a Bude location, was placed on Avalon, and Morgans have a giant lion in the colors of the giant lion head of Boats/Bude's (Essex with Mountains).

The Bude's/Buds of Cornwall share the hurt (blue roundel) with Arthurs, and Morgan le Fay was made a half-sister of king Arthur, daughter of GorLOIS. Lois' were first found in Artois. Lois' have a giant OSTrich in the colors of the bullhead of OSTs/Hosts, and French Mountains have bulls in the colors of the Ost/Host bullhead. Osts/Hosts (in the Shirt motto) share the bull head of Bulls/Bule's (Somerset with Osts/Hosts), and Bullis is near Apollonia. Bullis'/Bulliards share red roundels with Shirts.

The Rich's in "ostrich" were of Lorraine's Mieszko-Lambert elements, and Mieske's/Mesechs use the bull too, in the colors of the bull of Mieszko-like Cole's/Colds (Cornwall). There's a bull in the Crest of Darsys with an arse-like Arsy variation that shares the Coat of Bute's Kims. Mounts were first found in Peebles-shire with McKinneys and Frasers, both sharing the Kim Coat too.

Her butt stain was from a lawn, and while Irish Lawns share the Lorraine bend, English Lawns were first found in Staffordshire with the ostrich-using Salts/Sauts who almost have the Lawn Coat. Rich's love the BUTTons. Sauters (Austria with Saltz's) share the fleur of Staffordshire's Pipe's. Hicksons, looking related to the "eagle's leg" in the Saltz Crest, were first found in Staffordshire too while Hicks' are said to be from "Hikke de SAUTEby." The Salt/Saut ostrich holds a horseSHOE while Horse's were first found in the same place as Lorraine's, and Lorraine's trace to Kiev, land of Trypillians, the line to shoe-using Trips/Treffs. The "heure" motto term of Hicks can be traced with Eure's to Abruzzo, where the Salto river begins. Salts/Sauts use a "broken chevron" while Brokens/Brogens were first found in Sligo with Hickens and Hickensons.

Brocks/Broke's can be gleaned from both Dare surnames suspect in the Hickenson and Payne motto, and Payne's share the double lions of Scottish Mars (Yorkshire with Hicks), suspect from the Marsi of Abruzzo. French Mars (Normandy with Malo's/Mallets) are also More's while "Malo mori" is in the Hickensons / Payne motto. German Dare's share the triple sheaves of Comine's whose motto, "Courage," is in the English-version motto of Brocks/Broke's (share Chief-Shield colors of German Dare's). Courage's were first found in Essex with Brocks/Broke's and English Dare's.

Brocks/Broke's (share fleur of Hicks-branch Hooks fleur) love the Dare-like Darts/Dards (Devon with Hooks and Giffords sharing Payne motto), traceable to Dardanians beside the Paioni. It seems to me that the Sleeping Beauty dream is identifying the Selepitanoi Illyrians with Hyksos, and Sleeps look related to Darts/Dards too, which recalls my trace of Hyksos to Trojans, for they were made founded by mythical Dardanus. Myth traced Illyrians to the Cadmus Tyrians in Greece, who may have named Troy. Cadmus was given Harmonia for a wife, code for Armenians at the Aras river at Ardahan, the line to Ardiaei of the Selepitanoi theater. Harmonia was given Ares for a father, and he loved Aphrodite, wife of Hephaestus of the Troy theater. Hephaestus was leader of th Kabeiri cult founded by Dardanus' brother.

Pepin of Landen is suspect from Apophis/Apepi of the Hyksos. Repeat from above: "[Miss Hick's] bulldog was Spuds MacKenzie of BUD light beer." She won a barbecue contest where Spuds appeared for the celebration. Olba, home of the Kenneth-like Kennati priests, was also Urban-like Orba, and I've read that emperor Caracalla stationed Julius Bassianus in nearby Dalmatia, father of Julia MAESA Bassianus, highly traceable to the Maezaei at/beside the Urbanus.

The major river on the east side of the Urbanus was the BASANTe (of Bosnia). The mouth of the latter is near Cibalae, otherwise called, VINKovci, birthplace of emperor Valentinian I. The Besants/Bessens use WINGs, and Wings/Vinks were first found in Worcestershire with the Squirrels in the Valentin Coat. Besants/Bessens event share the crown of Ceraunii-like Corons / Corona's. The Bassianus' look like proto-Bosnians.

King Childeric, a century after Valentinian I, married Basina of Turin-like Thuringia, and Masci's (more wings) were first found in/near Turin. Turin elements are expected to use a bull, as do Boso's/Bosani's. I trace "Clovis," son of Childeric, to Clubs/Clobbes' (Cheshire with Masci branches and Bessins), in the club of the Besant/Bessen Coat.

There's a section on the Kennati already written later in this update. Some say that Mummolin's family (at Chalons, Lorraine-border area) was related to Metz (in Lorraine province), which Pepin of Landen married. Lorraine at my laundroMAT pointed to Pepin of Landen because Landens are also Landers, and because her bus stop was at the corner of Yonge and Arnold while Arnolf of Metz was also "Arnold." The other side of that intersection is Yonge and LORNE.

Metz's use an Orba-like "orb" stacked with besants that I trace to BASSIANus'. Julia Maesa's sister was wife to emperor CARACalla, who minted coins with "Olba" upon them. CARRICKs were kin of Kennedys, from the Kennati priests of Olba. I believe that Bassianus' arose from Quadratilla Bassus (of a generation earlier), queen in Cetis, and Olba/Orba is in Cetis. MacKenzie's are also Kennati-like Kenneths. The Ure's in the MacKenzie motto were first found in Ayrshire with Kennedys who share the Roost/Rust fitchees.

Repeat: "French Parez's use the apple while English Pine's use the pineapple, and APOLLonia was beside Aulon/AVLONA, which was named by the Alan Huns, and which named mythical Avalon, often said to mean "apple ORCHard,"..." It looks like code for ORICum elements beside Apollonia.

English Orchards/AUGHERs have a "black crow", and it just so happens that Apollo mated with Ceraunii-like Coronis the black crow!!! That's because Apollonia is near the Ceraunii mountains. The myth writers were using code. Some people of those times would have realized the Apollonia-Ceraunii/Avlona connection.

"Avlona" is like "Aplona," suggesting that Apollo and his twin sister, ARTEMis, were of the Alan Caucasians. It can explain why Roosts/Rusts were first found in Kent with Rothes', the latter once said to be first found in Shropshire with Alans. It makes Rusts look like they were from Rusticus, father of ARTEMia.

One way to trace the Maezaei Illyrians to the Meshwesh (Amazons) of Libya, and to the neighboring Massylii Numidians peoples ruled by king Massena, is with mythical Cyrene of Greece, whom Apollo turned into a crow: "[Cyrene] was said to have been a Thessalian princess who became the queen of Cyrene [Libya], founded and named in her honor by Apollo." Wikipedia's article on Cyrene shows that she was depicted as a man, like the mythical Amazons, and that she was a friend of the Amazonian huntress, Artemis. Therefore, Coronis and Cyrene were intended my the writers to depict two elements from the same stock. Yes, for both women were from the Lapiths.

Scottish Orchards/Urquhart/Eckarts share the Scottish Rose and Lesk boar head while Lesce is on the Sava up-river from the Maezaei and Ceraunii. German Eckarts show only roses (Saxony with goat-line Kepke's), and Roslin of the Orkney Sinclairs was probably a Rose element. Roslins share the "buckle" with Leslie's, earls of Rothes, whom I trace to "Lesce." Rothes is near the first-known Orchards/Urquharts (Elginshire = Moray).

Bullis was also "Byllis" while Billis' are listed with Bellys, first found on Moray with Orchards/Urquharts, which can explain why Bellys have a rose in the colors of the Orchard/Urquhart and Lesk boar head. Bills' happen to have a Chief in the colors and format of the Chief of Rothes-branch Roets (Somerset with Bills'). While the Bills Chief looks like it has a billet, English Billets (Devon with Orchards/Eckarts) share the Coat of English Bello's, and "bello"-using Bouillons share the Moor head with Bellys. That can explain why the Belly rose is on the Bills billet.

While Sharks use a crane for Ceraunii elements, this Arms of Saraca is in the three colors of Belly's who in turn share the eight-pointed star of Ducs/LeDucs, first found in Brittany with Saracen-branch Sarasins. DOUGlas' were first found in Moray. Saracens were first found in Cumberland with Duck-beloved Falcons (share Belly chevron), and with the Daggers/Dackers whom I trace to Dexaroi on the Apsus river, beside Bullis. Bulls/Bule's were first found in Somerset with Bills' and Ducks/DACKs. Docks/Doags share the Bello and Billet cinquefoil. While English Falcons have a "fier" motto term, Cumberland is also where Fare's were first found while Bullis is at Fier country. Fiers/Fears share a moline cross on red with Sarasins, the latter first found in Brittany with Fers/Ferrats.

By the way, a new idea for me: "couRAGEUX" is a motto term of English Falcons, and RAGUSA was home to the Saraca's. The Arms of Saraca have a fesse in Falcon-chevron colors. Saraca's of Ragusa were previously at Kotor (says their Wikipedia article), and Cottars were first found in Oxfordshire. English Crane's have a "staff RAGully".

Ahh, Courage's in the motto term above share the triple fleur of Glass', first found in Buteshire while Butua (now Budva) is beside Kotor. Butts/Bute's/Boets share a fish on a fesse (different colors) with the Arms of Saraca, and Beauty-branch Boys/Boets/Boeddu's have a giant bull. Beautys were first found in Dorset with Kotor-like Cutters who in turn share the Chief-Shield colors of Brocks/Broke's, the latter first found in Essex with Courage's. Bullis is near the Ceraunii mountains of the Shark crane.

The Conte's/Comite's, of the Conteville rulers of Comines ("Courage"), share a part of the Coat of French Falcons/FalCONTE's, first found in Languedoc with Falcons and Rocks/Roque's while Sharks use Roquefeuil-line trefoils.

Roslins use SQUARE buckles while Square's/Squirrels, who love the PEARE-related Tiens in their motto, were first found in Worcestershire with ECKart-like Eggs/Edge's, and English Orchards/AUGHERs use pears in Auger/ETCHes colors. This is excellent because Eggs/Edge's can be gleaned as a branch of Ice's/ECCO's/Icke's, first found at ROSTock. They look descended from whatever mythical IXion was named after. I suspect him to be a version of mythical Iasion, founder of the Kabeiri cult of Hebrews, ruled by mythical Hephaestus of the Amazonian island of Lemnos.

Orchards/Eckarts were at Devon's HARTland (Hicks/Icke / Ainsley colors) while Hartlands look related to the Ainsley Coat. Ainsleys were first found near Tickhill of the Anne's/Hanne's, and the latter happen to share the stag heads of HARTfords/Hertfords. Ainsleys were first found in Nottinghamshire with the Goats/Gothams who happen to share the Coat of English Eckarts/Hatchards/Achards, first found in Devon with Orchards/Eckarts/Aughers. It gets better because Bunnys, first found in Basford with Ainsleys, use goat heads. Goats/Gothams almost share the Coat of Varns, suspect from proto-Varangian Varni at Rostock.

And Bunns/Bonns, possibly in the "bon" motto term of Hicks/Icke's, were first found in Oxfordshire with the Peare's in the Orchard/Augher/Eckart pears! This is all new territory for me. It tends to verify that both Ainsley EarHARDT and Miss Hicks were sleeping Beauty due to their blood connections. Oxfordshire is also where Crow-branch Crawls were first found who both share the camel head with Pepins/Pepys and Pipe's. the latter two have fleur-de-lys in colors reversed from the same of Artois-line Arrows/Arras' (Staffordshire with Pipe's), and the Artois surname is listed with Artemia-like Ardons (not "Arden").

The Apepi-line HYKSos look like they became vikings at Rostock. The WAGRians were on the Warnow river to Rostock, and WAGERs (ANNulet), first found in Yorkshire too, are in the colors and format of pear-using Orchards/Aughers/Eckarts. The Letts suspect in annulets share the Peare / Tiens stars, and have "organ pipes" suspect with ORKney elements. Wagers use hearts in Earhardt and Jewish Hart colors, probably related to Hartlands.

This connection of Ainsleys to Hartlands, first found in Yorkshire with Tickhill (and ROSters), can explain why Ainsleys and Hicks/Icke's share the same symbol, the FLEUR-de-lys. Hartlands, having named Hartley in Kent, share the cinquefoil of Artemia-like Ardens. "Ardens" is the full motto of Perts/Petts, first found in Kent with Roosts/Rusts. It definitely appears that Rusticus and Artemia of Lyon was to the Ardens.

Artemia above married FLORENTinius, named after Florence/FIRENZE, where we can expect the fleur symbol to come out of. Hartlands here first found in Yorkshire with Firenze-like Ferrands, and Tullia of Lyon had married Decimus Rusticus of Clermont-Ferrand, in Auvergne, where Bouillons were first found who share the FLORY cross of Taddei's, the latter first found in Florence with Apollo's/Apollonia's/POLLONi's. Flora's and Flore's use fleur-de-lys, and the Taddei Chief is a version of the PATEE-using Chief of Ferrands.

Ferrands were first found in Yorkshire with Polloni-like Pullens/Pullys, Pauls and Pale's/Palys. Pullens/Pullys share the pelican with the German Wells suspect in the Orchard/Urquhart motto. Pale's/Palys share the camel head with Orchard/Eckart-beloved Crows. Pattys were first found in Worcestershire with Eggs/Edge's and Rus-line Rocks / Rooks. Pullens/Pullys love the Cups/Cope's/COLPs from the Kupa/Colapis river near Lesce. We saw Lesks sharing the boar head of Orchards/Urquharts.

Hartlands, who named Hartland in Devon of the Orchards/Aughers/Eckarts, were first found in Yorkshire with Augers/Etches'. The latter's "SPECTemur" motto term can now be gleaned with the Speck-branch SpeCOTTs (Lorraine and Gorsuch colors and format), first found in Devon, and perhaps explaining the OrCUTT variation of English Orchards/Aughers. Scottish Orchards/Urquharts have the Speak variation of Specks in their motto. The latter share the double-headed eagle of Joice's, first found in MORGANNwg, evoking Morgan le Fay of Avalon, the apple orchard, right? Morgannwg is where Louis' were first found while French Louis' were first found in Lorraine with a butt symbol. Lorraine's have the Morgan and Boat/Bude lion in colors reversed.

Joice's share parts of the motto of Devon's Saver-branch Saffers while French Saffers and Save's were first found in Burgundy with the Inverness elements from Grands and Gows/McGoo's, and Scottish Orchards named Urquhart in Inverness, and that's where the Dougal-branch Dowells (French Baud colors and format) were first found in the "do well" motto of Orchards/Urquharts." Dougals, were Scottish Baud kin. Saffers and Joice's love Vita's in their motto, first found in Treviso with Corona's (share Coron crown).

Inverness-shire is where Scottish Gibbs' (look related to Ferrands) were first found whose Shield has only Ass-like axes. Unbelievably, to my great surprise, I wrote the last sentence before loading English Gibbs'/Gibbons, who almost have the Lorraine Coat. As Gibbs/Gibbons share the English Well Coat, it can explain why the Gibbs/Gibbon Shield shares the Whale/Whele bend. "Well" is three times in the Orchard/Urquhart Coat, and as Dol's use the whale, it recalls that Dol's Alans are from Aulon/Avlona, beside Oricum.

The Gibbs axe together with Whale's can indicate Bullis-connectable Walerans, first found in Devon with an Axe river, and with the Gibb-like Giffords/Givords on the Axe according to the Were/Wear write-up. Givors (swans) are lightly in the motto of Biggars (Lanarkshire with Swans), and "byggar" is a motto term in the Arms of Shetland, where Ass' were first found.

As Bauds can be of Lorraine's butt, it's notable that Dowells and Dougals (Galloway) share the Grasse lion, in colors reversed from the one of Galloways and Rorys, the latter from Rory MacDonald of Bute...the apple orchard, right? Rorys were first found in Tyrone with Yarborough-connectable Neils/Neals. Stain-related Yarborough's/Yearbys (from Varangians) go to Years in the same place as Bauds.

"Rory" is like "Rurik," a founder of the Ukraine Varangians at NovGOROD. Gords/Gordans were first found in Berwickshire with the Dowell-like Dove's/Dows, and dove-using Pansys/Panters were first found in Westphalia with Dougal-like Ducks/DUCKLE's (!) and German Wells (Duckle's are new to me now). English Ducks were first found in Somerset with Gordano, and Bullis-like Bulls/Bule's.

Burgundy is where Pilate's were first found who share the pheon of NUDDs/Cnuts/Nottings while Orchards/Urquharts have a "NUDE woman." The pheons of Nudds (Gloucestershire with Lets/LATE's) are also of Lords/LAUDs in the GLASgow motto along with "let," and while Amptons share the Lord cinquefoils, in colors reversed from the one's of Pine's (Devon) and Kims (Bute = Avalon with Glass'), NorthAMPTONshire (near Cnuts/Note's/Knots) is where Ladys/LAUDYmans were first found while "Lady Fortune" of the Klassens/Class' is NUDE. The Ampton Coat looks related to the one BOTTle-loving Charlie's. Charlie's with Charleys were at CHORley while Core's are listed with Gore's.

Specks (Lancashire with Charlie's, Ardens and GORsuch's) are also Syphax-like Spike's, and Spice's were first found in Devon with a Speck branch. Syphax was a Numidian ruler who married Massena's woman. Massena and general SCIPio together captured Syphax, and Masci-line Meschins married the SKIPtons of Yorkshire.

Lorraine and Gorsuch's share the eagle of CHILDs, first found in HERTFORDshire, and we saw Hartfords/Hertfords sharing the Anne/Hanne stag heads, yet they belong also to the Apophis-like Poppins/Pophams i.e. suspect from Hyksos. Poppins/Pophams and Pepins/Pepys share a "Mens" motto term, and Mens', sharing a "God" motto term with Sinclairs, were first found in Midlothian with Roslin.

Child-like Childeric was the first Merovingian king, and Decimus Rusticus was the reason for the later naming of Rusticus of Lyon, father of Artemia, grandmother of the Merovingian ruler, Mummolin. The latter was, like the Pepins would soon be, "mayors of the palace." It appears we have traced Hyksos to the Varangi-like Francs. I say that Merovingians named Maruvium, land of the Marsi in Hebrew-like Abruzzo. Hyksos were Hebrews. I trace "Abruzzo," which had Aprutium for its capital, to the Epirotes who named Epirus. The Ceraunii mountains are in northern Epirus.

The Eggs/Edge's were once said to be first found in Cheshire with Eggertons, and that's where Corons were first found, and where Cornovii lived, who are in the colors and format of ORCHards/Aughers/Eckarts. The latter are in Butt/Bute colors, and that gets us to Avalon, from Avlona, beside ORICum. Buts/Bute's use estOILEs while Oilys were first found in Oxfordshire with Peare's, and with the ABOTTs who share pears (different color) with Orchards/Eckarts/Aughers.

Oricum-like Horse's are in the Coat of Rush's (Suffolk with Bull-connectable CRAUNs) and Roxburghs (from Ros-Alans). Rush's share the annuLETs of Bullis-like Bulls/Bule's, and then Lets/Late's use ORGAN pipes suspect with LinkLETTERs, first found in "ORKNey." Linkletters share a checkered fesse (different colors) with Alan-line Stewarts. Possibly, therefore, Pepin-branch Pipe's (i.e. Hyksos) were in Orkney, and they with Pepins share the camel with Crows in the Orchard/Eckarts/Augher Crest. Mythical Coronis was made the sister of Hick- / Ice-like Ixion who had a chariot-wheel symbol (in Tartarus), and Hyksos are thought to have introduced chariots into Africa.

The Flatts/Flete's, first found in Orkney, take us to Fleetwoods sharing the six Apple/Appel / Appleby martlets. See that? Floats (Norfolk with Fleets) have an item in a "CORONet" (a CROWN), code for Ceraunii. Feasibly, "coroNET" could be for Nets/Nights/Naughts because crown-using Crauns were first found in Suffolk with Knights. Scottish Naughtons were first found in Argyllshire with Scottish Crone's.

English Crone's (Yorkshire with Palms), with another item in a crown, share the fleur-de-lys of Palms while the English Palmer Coat is connectable to the Fleets. Orchards/Urquharts have a NUDE woman with a palm branch, and Nudds are Naught-like Nottings too.

We saw Crispins of Parez and Grazi's of Perusia, yet English Crispins were first found in Oxfordshire with Peare's. I last spent time with Miss Peare a month or two before meeting Lorraine.

French Parez's use the apple while English Pine's use the pineapple suspect with Apollonia, and from here I'll go to king PINNES of the Ardiaei (there may have been more than one Pinnes). The Ardiaei marred royal DARDanians, and mythical Dardanus was made the brother of Ixion-like Iasion, founder of the Kabeiri. DARDs/Darts, with almost the Sleep Coat, were first found in Devon with English Pine's. Ardiaei were near the SELEPitanoi Illyrians. Dardanus was code for Dardania, beside Abaddon-like Abydos in Mysia, land of Amazons on-shore from Lemnos. The 5th Trumpet has "Abaddon" as the Hebrew version of "Apollyon." Both terms are part of the 5th-Trumpet text.

To me, the 5th Trumpet "star" falling from the sky looks like a nuclear bomb on a missile. Although the False Prophet makes fire come down from the sky, the 5th Trumpet is a plague on the 666 that's foisted by the False Prophet. Apollo/Abaddon, the ruler of the giant "ABYSS" caused by the falling star, is given hair like woman's hair, perhaps suggesting Amazons at Abydos, for Amazons were men depicted in myth as women with male qualities. The Greek text of Revelation uses "abyssos," much like "Abydos."

French Pine's were first found in Limousin, where I trace Lemnites. The Sintians of Lemnos are suspect to the SANTones Gauls, to the west of the Lemovices Gauls of Limousin. The French Clairs, of Clermont-Ferrand but first found in Limousin, became the SAINTs/Sinclairs, and Santones named a Sainte location. I trace Gauls to the Galli priests of the Kabeiri.

English Pine's were first found in Devon with Ass suspects, with English Stewarts, and with WALerans to go with the Dol whale. Whale's share the bend of Lorraine's and Devon's Speccots. Walerans of Leavell were at Yvery while Ardiaei named Arduinici of Ivrea, on the BAUTica river. Arduinici married Tromp-connectable Doria's while Daorsi lived amongst the Ardiaei.

The ancient Apollo ORACle might even have named ORICum, if proto-English speakers were at the Apollonia theater. The abyssos is a giant PIT, and so note: "Pythia was the name of the high priestess of the Temple of Apollo at Delphi. She specifically served as its oracle and was known as the Oracle of Delphi." It was a false-prophecy / divination cult depicted with a snake (i.e. Pythia), symbol of Coronis' son, Asclepius. Delphi was across the waters from CORINth, a possible Coronis element.

Corinth had been ruled by Jason, son of Iasion-like Aeson. Iasion-like Ixion was Coronis' brother, and Jason's shipmates mated with Amazons of Lemnos who ended up in Numidia with mythical Myrina. After leaving Lemnos, Jason stole the daughter of king Aeetes of KUTAISI for his Corinthian queen, and he was a form of "Attis," sun God of the Kabeiri cult of the Hatti at HATTUSA on the Halys river, which has sources at PERTa of lake Tatta, and Perts/PETTs (BULLY kin) share the stork with Pits. See that? Apollo's pit, in the 5th Trumpet.

Perts/Petts were first found in Kent with Crowhursts, a Crowder branch. The latter two use a "tilting spear", and Tiltons/TILEtons share the sheaves of Cheshire, where the same-colored Corons were first found. They are the sheaves also of Comine's, first found in Norfolk with Crows. Tile's were first found in Dorset with Alan-related Pitts, beside the Cocks in the "cock's head charged with four gold TILES" of Saltire's/Salters. I trace Tillers (with good reason) to the Tilurius river with sources near the Ceraunii. Crowhursts and Crowders use the "tiger" on their tilting spear while Tigers were first found in Suffolk with Crows and CRAUNs/Crane's. Crows / ravens include Cornish choughs, and Cock-using Saltire's may have been a branch of Cough-connectable Sallets/Sales' (Cheshire with Cornwall's CORNovii).

Tillers share the lions of Tails/Tailers, and while Organs were first found in Orc-like Cork, Corks/Corrs/COCHs/GOUGH's, looking related to Googe-branch Goffs/Gough's (Wales with Tillers), use "lion's tails" in the colors of the Tiller and Tail/Tailer lions. Corks/Corrs/Cochs/Gough's use a hand pointing in a cloud while McLeods/Clouds were on Skye and Lewis while Lewis' were first found at Morgannwg with Tillers.

Googe's and Goffs/Gough's share the HALYS/Helly boar head, and here I can add that mythical Hades was probably code for the Hatti of Hattusa on the Halys river. Crows were first found in Norfolk with Heads/Heeds and Haydens, kin of Hats/Hades', the latter first found in Dorset with PITs. See that?

Pits (beside Bullis'/Bulliards and Bulls/Bule's) are interesting for being first found in Dorset with bull-using Beautys and Apollo-like Pools/Pole/Pulls. The Pullen-beloved Pellicans were first found in Maine with French Billiards while English Billiards/Hilliards were once said to be first found in Yorkshire with Pullens/Pullys. Bullis'/Bulliards were first found in Wiltshire with the Tree's, and Apollo's/Apollonia's/Polloni's use a giant "green tree".

Organs love the Hollys, first found in Norfolk with Crows, Clint-connectable Date's/Deeds, and Wheats/Whate's (share gold "garb" with Organs). Organ-loving Lets/Late's almost have the Chief of Wattle's/WHEATleys in the red "wattle" of the Billiard/Hilliard rooster. It's black, like the Grazi rooster, and Grasse is near the first-known Lizarts/Sarde's suspect in the Organ "lizard". Lizart-using Corrigans share the trefoil of Rocks, first found in Worcestershire with the Clent Hills, Rooks, and with Hilliard-like Hillarys who in turn share the six fitchees of Clintons. The latter were first found in Oxfordshire, where Rooks were once said to be first found. Billiards/Hilliards were once said to be first found in Yorkshire with the Clints/Clents who share the Organ garb (in both colors.)

Bill Clinton's biological father was Mr. Blythe, and while French Billiards are listed with Blythe-like Billets, and while billets are in the Arms of ROQUEfeuil, Blythe's share the Clint/Clent and Organ garb. I trace Garbs along with Croatians and Serbs, and the mythical crow of Croatia too, to mount Gareb on the edge of Old Jerusalem. Blythe's look related to Oxfordshire's Checks/Chicks who share the red fitchee in the Crest of Blythe-like Belts.

As it looked like ORICum elements went to Ice's/Ecco's/Icke's from Eckarts, we can now add that CORRIGan-branch Organs share the Ice/Ecco/Icke trefoil. It's also the trefoil of Sitlers/Schitners, first found in Silesia with Orchard-connectable Rose's and Lizart-connectable Lists.

At a glance upon a map, Bullis appears to be in Fier county along with Apollonia, and Fier's/Fears were first found in Middlesex with Stains while Steins were first found in Norfolk with the Comines/Comyns, from Kuman of Fier county, and with Crows. The latter, first found in Norfolk with Cockers/Cockets, have the roosters of Cocks (Somerset with Bulls/Bule's) in colors reversed. Stains were first found in Surrey with English Billiards/Hilliards who in turn share the black rooster with Grazi's.

Take a Look at What God Has Done

The Crispin kin of Grazi's share a black ROOSTer with GUMPs/Gomers, and while the nation of Gomer is in Ezekiel 38 along with Gog and Rosh, Gump-like Jumps, in Gog colors, share the Trump stag head and the English Tate rose. Tate's even share the Roxburgh pale bar.

This brings me to lake Tatta, but before going there, I'd like to tell that the faked GRAZing of Trump's ear was when he said, "TAKE a LOOK at what happened..." Looks/Lucks/LICKs are suspect with SWAN-using Locks/Licks from lake LYCHnis, an alternative name for Gog's lake Sevan. Looks/Lucks/Licks were first found in Berwickshire with Take's, can we believe it?

Locks/Licks were first found in Lanarkshire with the Sine's/Swans and Roys (share Grasse lion), and the latter not only share the Grasse lion, but are in the Daces/ARSY motto. The grass stain on her arse. "Roy" is a motto term of Lains/LAWNs while Laineys are listed with the AINcourts in the write-up of Trump-connectable Jumps.

Lanarkshire is beside GLASgow, and the Kims in the Arsy Coat were first found in Bute with Glass'. The Lords/LAUDs in the Glasgow-surname motto have the Arsy / Kim cinquefoils in colors reversed, and Laudymans are listed with Ladys while Klassens/Class' use "Lady Fortune".

Take's are listed with Scottish Tate's, which could indicate that the Tease's/Tess'/TECKs had married Tate's, for the Take/Tate saltire is colors reversed from the Tease/Tess/Tech saltire. Miss Hicks lives in Texas, and the Texas surname shares the Coat of Baby's, the latter first found in Ukraine with Kiev. Babe's were first found in Suffolk with English Tate's, but were once said to be first found in Dorset with Arcy-connectable Beautys/Bowds.

I get the sense from this and other things that Hyksos and Gog were at lake Tatta at the upper Halys river. The Halys surname shares the Googe boar, and Halys were first found in Sligo with Higgins/Hickens and Hickensons.

He said, "take a look at WHAT happened." Then pow, the big fake bullet shot. Whats/Wadcocks were once described with having "whadCOCKs," and they still show them, yet Hall of Names has changed them to Rostock-connectable "roosters". Cocks and Babcocks use roosters. Babcocks were first found in Worcestershire with the Ice-branch Eggs, and Ice's/Ecco's were first found at Rostock.

At first I didn't see how What's/Wadcocks could link to Trump's ear shot, but then I remembered the Wheats/Whate's, sharing a green Shield with Whats/Wadcocks, and Wheats/Whate's use "EARs of wheat" in the "MOUTH" of a stag head!!!!!! MOTTs/Morts were first found in Essex with Whats/Wadcocks.

I've just had one of my best happy laughs for when doing heraldic work of this kind. I'm tickled by God's specialized work here, because when things work out this good, it tells me I'm not crazy for doing it. It keeps me going, doing more.

I've said many times that, God, from behind my back, spoke: "WHAT ARE you WAITing for...go wake her." This was in the Sleeping Beauty dream, and Are's are listed with Scottish Ayers sharing the Eyer Coat! See that? Go ahead, have a laugh. Waits/Weights have an "aris" motto term suspect with Rise-connectable Rice's because they're in WAIT/Weight colors and format. While English White's are Weights too, Scottish White's almost share the Eyer QUATREfoils, suspect from queen QUADRatilla BASSus, the line to Quade's/WADE's. German Base's/Bases'/Bassens share the hunting horn of Waits/Weights.

Sleeping Beauty was fulfilled by Miss Hicks, who pointed to the Apophis asteroid with her event with Spuds MacKenzie of BUD LIGHT beer, and "Lighter than" is a motto phrase of Eyer-branch Ayers while Thans (share the Tromp eagle) look related to BASING(stoke)s! The Apophis-like Poppins/Pophams were first found at Basingstoke. The Than-like Thens/Tyne's are also BOTville's.

Plus, while the 2nd Trump of Revelation has an asteroid landing in the sea and destroying ships, the Boats/BUDE's, first found in Essex with same colored What's/WadCOCKs, and with Cooks, share the sheaves of "ear"-using Wheats/Whate's (Norfolk with Cockers/Cockets and Purple's). Spuds MacKenzie appeared at a so-called "COOK-out" contest, and Cook-branch Coke's (use purple) were first found in Derbyshire with Eyers.

AND ZOWWWIE! English Basses'/Bassins/Bass' share the greyhound heads of LOOKs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ZOWIE! TAKE A LOOK at WHAT happened."

I've got to add, right here, what I said shortly below, because it fits so excellently here: "Trump said, 'take a look at what HAPPENED,' and then he put his hand to his ear to fake being shot. There is an Append surname listed with AlPINE's, a surname that most trace to king Alpin, father of king Kenneth, and the Kenneths/MacKenzie's..." Incredible. Trump was identified as the bulldog in the Sleeping Beauty dream, and Spuds is a bull terrier! The dream had a British bulldog, and Britains/Brittanys almost have the Coat of MacKenzie-beloved Mountains.

British's are listed with BRADDocks, and I trace Bradds/Breads to Podebrady, origin of Drummonds that I see to "Trump." German Drummonds/Tremonds ("...trumpet split the eastern sky" just sang over my speakers) share the triple-wavy fesses of Sea's, the latter first found in Kent with British's/Braddocks.

Orchards were tracing from mythical Coronis while Irish Wards show only the Coron / Corona crown. The Hartland hearts have crowns on top, probably the Douglas crowned heart because Hardy-derived Douglas' share the Verne Chief. Orchards/Urquharts have a "NUDE woman" while Nudds/Nottings were first found in Gloucestershire with the Wye's/Wigh's (house of Griffin) suspect in WYvern dragons. Ways/Weigh's were very early in Devon.

As British's were first found in Kent with English Terrys/Terrie's, perhaps God arranged the French Terrys as per the "terrier" because the latter are in the Croc Coat! The report is that Mr. Crooks shot and grazed Trump's ear. As soon as I woke Beauty by touching her Tromp-connectable knee, on her LEG, she popped into my arms for an emBRACE, for a rising into the sky, and Bracebridge's share the Shield of English Champagne's while French Terrys were first found in ChamPAGNE While Irish Terrys look like they have a coat version of Templar-associated Guerin that itself incorporates the Paion/PAGAN Coat. Irish Terrys share "cruce" with Croce's/Cross, first found in Lincolnshire with crozier-using Bracebridge's. The Italian Leo's/Leons in the "cruce leo" phrase of Irish Terrys share the fesse of French Payne's, and English Payne's were first found in Somerset with Tarrs.

Back to the amazing Basses'/Bassins/Bass', first found in leg-line Leicestershire with English Champagne's, and with the Beaumont earls of Mellent. The Mellents/Millens had configured nicely with blood in Mellanson's ear! The Beaumont earls are in the write up of Newburghs in turn in the write-up of Eyers. As I said, and as I'll repeat below, I thought Mellanson's ear pointed to Ainsley Earhardt, and Ainsleys were first found in BASford!!! Bash's look like News/Nuces' kin.

I'll repeat just the tail end of what I had said above: "I can now say that Ainsley Earhardt fulfilled Sleeping Beauty (along with Miss Hicks) apparently for a pointer to Trump's faked ear SHOT!" I've claimed for a couple of years that she was the second fulfillment of Sleeping Beauty, but I wasn't quite sure of the significance or the reason, though she did point to Trump's murderous vaccine program. Stay clear of Trump unless you want to share in his punishments.

Hold on to your fishing lines. Jesus is about to show another of his fish-catch miracles. Beauty's sleep-and-rise scene pointed to Rhizon, and Rise's and Risings/Risons were both first found in Norfolk while Rise's are also Rye's, once said to be first found in Sussex with the Saddocks using "EARS of Rye"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LAUGHTER. This heraldry was created centuries before the faked bullet shot. God laughs at His end-time footstools.

We haven't caught the fish yet. Saddocks were first found in the same place with Moschi-like Mascals, and while Keiths (beside Musselburgh) come up as "Mascal," the other English Bass', first found in Haddingtonshire with Keiths, share the escutcheon of Mascals!!! So, the other English Bass' with the greyhound heads of Looks/Lucks/Licks are playing together in "Take a look" and "What are your waiting FOR...GO wake HER." GOWs/McGoo's share the cinquefoils of French Locks/DesLoges'!!! LOOKIE there. "For" is twice in the Ainsley motto, and German Her's, linkable to EARhardts, share blue wings with Here's/Heyers, the latter first found in Derbyshire with Eyers!

The Haddington Bass' share the Coat of German Natts/Nathans while English Nathans/Nations (Earhardt-connectable heart) were first found in Nottinghamshire with Basford. HADDingtons share the cross of one of the Hayden surnames, but also of the Hats/Hades', the latter first found in Dorset with Beautys/Bowds who in turn have their bull in the Crest of the other English Haydens. And Hayden Proctor is the only child of Ainsley Earhardt.

Keiths/Mascals (connectable to Sadducee-like Saddocks and Mascals) were first found in Haddington, kin of Marshalls who have "edock LEAVES" looking linkable to Ducks/Dockers, first found in Westphalia with Nails/Neils/Nagle's sharing the Marshall saltire. Ainsley works on Fox and Friends with Steve DOOCY. They have Rupert MurDOCk as their boss.

Keiths come up as "Mascul," like a Mascula location in Numidia, home of Masci-line king Massena. The Shawia Numidians were at Aures, suspect with the naming of AYRshire because an Arms of Ayrshire has a "shaw" motto term. Therefore, the Eyers should trace to "Aures," especially as Aurs/Aures' are related to the Coat of Ure's/Orreys, first found in Ayrshire. MacKENZie's use an "uro" motto term while KENZA was a Numidian queen. Ure's are listed also with Eure's suspect with the "heure" motto term of Hicks.

Miss Hicks celebrated with Spuds MacKenzie (google "charlotte kilpatrick spuds mackenzie baytown sun"). She was the "TROPHY girl," and Trope's/Drops use a Shield filled with drops, a symbol in gold, or "or," with the Cnuts, first found in Derbyshire with Eyers.

Keiths were Catti while Caiaphas-like Chives' use the "cat-a-mountain." Chives' were probably Hykes/Hack kin, and the MacKenzie/Kenneth mountain points to Apophis. Hykes/Hacks share the Biss and Flag/Fleck scallops, and the latter share the double fesses of STANs/Stains (Surrey with Biss'). MacKenzie's/Kenneths share the stag head of Stanleys, first found in Cambridgeshire with Annas' and Crabs. The Stanley motto gets us to Change's and Chase's (both in Hampshire with Poppins/Pophams), and therefore to Chance's/CHAUNCEURs, a Cancer-like surname. Apophis is returning in the Cancer constellation, the crab. French Chance's share the sun with Sunnys while Sonnys/Stoneys are in Stanley colors and format.

The Biss Coat looks related to the Halys/Helly Coat (same place as Hickens) while Crabs share the Hell Coat. Poppins/Pophams (Hampshire with Tiss'/Teese's) share the stag heads of Anne's/Hanne's, in the colors of Hicks (Yorkshire with Anne's/Hanne's). The Biss snakes are in the Arms of Bissone, up in the Ticino canton, and that's where Tease's/TECKs (Annas saltire in colors reversed) are expected while Anne's/Hanne's were at TICkhill, in Yorkshire with the first-known Ticks/Tucks/Tooks/Tolkiens (Teague/Teeger kin). Annas-branch Ainsleys were first found in Nottinghamshire (beside Tickhill) with Tease's/Tighs/Tyes' (share Annas stars).

The Hayden and Beauty bull is in the colors of the bull horns of Bullets/Bullheads, and while Cheneys almost have the Bullet/Bullhead Coat in their Crest, they were first found in Sussex. Cheneys love the Majors in their motto, and Majors look like kin of Annas', the latter first found in Cambridgeshire with News'/Nuces'. Cheneys use a bull's "scalp," and the bullet grazed Trump's scalp or head, we could say. Heads/Heeds were first found in Norfolk with Haydens. The scalp can be code for a branch of Scale's, and then while Trump-connectable Jumps were at Wombwell, Wombwells (Yorkshire with Jumps) almost have the Skull Coat.

Trump is the BULLdog in the Sleeping Beauty dream whose belly got crunched with the shark's teeth, and Belli's share the pale bars of Erie's/Airys. Teeth-like Teets are listed with TAKE's/Tate's, and Teeters were first found in Pomerania with Trumps.

We read in the Eyer write-up: "'the "family of Eyre, earls of Newburgh.'" The News'/Nuces' share the "chaplet" with Hicks, and Chaplets (Lorraine) use swans. Miss Hicks and I both lived on the Nuces-like Nueces river of Texas. The News/Nuces probably have the perchevron of CHAPmans/Chepmans (Cambridgeshire with News'/Nuces') in their Crest.

When we load Newburghs from the Eyre's, a new surname for me, we find their Chief having the Cary roses in the colors and format of the Levin Chief, and Castle Cary was home to Leavells, from Waleran de Leavell who married Miss Beaumont of Meulan. Her family is in the Newburgh write-up as "Roger de Bellomont Earl of Mellent." Beaumonts are also Bellmonts, and Mellent is Meulan, so excellent because I've told many times that, soon after the Sleeping Beauty dream, Steve MELLANson stuck a Q-tip in his EAR and dared Joe Oullette and I to heal it with prayer. I don't know whether we healed it, but when he put the swab into his ear to draw blood, none came out, and he was surprised, meaning that there was blood the last times he tried it.

The Newburgh fesse, likely of the Stewarts, uses the checks of Varangi-like Warrens. They are also the checks of the AINcourts in the write-up of Trump-connectable Jumps.

Mellansons ("axes") were first found in Aberdeenshire with MELLENTs/Millens/Mullens/Milans, but also with Carls who share the Grazi pomegranate!!! Trump's faked bullet graze on his ear!!! The Eyers are the ones who took us here via Newburghs of Mellent elements. Steve Mellanson gets us to Steven-connectable Stains. The Grazi stain, at our service. Stains married Kiev elements, and the Arms of Meulan share the Coat of Ukrainian Babys. The last time I saw Lorraine, she was CARRYing her baby a few months old, or less. Carrys were at Castle Cary of the Leavells who married Beaumonts of Meulan!

English Millens/Mullins, in KEPPOCH colors and format, were first found in Suffolk with Babe's and KEPKe-connectable Kidds!!! Surprise. My guess is that Kidds were created when the Kitts (Middlesex with Stains) married the Kepke's and adopted their goat with an appropriate Kidd variation forthcoming. The Mea's in the Millen/Mullin motto were first found in Nottinghamshire with the Kidd-beloved Goats/Gothams.

Millens/Mullens were at Orne while Horns/Orne's were first found in Middlesex too, yet Horns/Orne's were first found in Hertfordshire with Childs. Babys, Babe's, Kidds and Childs/Chills. Did we miss any? Chiltons, first found in the same place as Lorraine's and Horn-branch Herons.

The Glory/Lowry kin of Lorraine's are in the Millen/Mullin motto. Stevens and Stevensons/Steinsons were kin of Garlands, and Glorys/Lowrys have a "garland of laurel" in a Kepke-connectable "cup." Glorys/Lowrys (and Lorraine's) share "laurel branches" with KITTens/Keatons, and Kitt-branch Kite's have Kete's in their write-up. My teenage buddy, Kepke, was born Lawrence, and called, Larry. Larrys are listed with Glory-branch Lowrys/Laurie's (same cup with laurel). The translated motto of Larrys/Laurie's uses "buds."

Joe Oullette prayed with me for Mellanson's ear, and Oullette's were first found in Orne, at Falaise, and Fallis' share the lion of Grasse's, first found in Lincolnshire with Roslins and Stain-related Yarborough's. Fallis' were first found in Midlothian with "grace"-using Creightons and Roslin.

While I guessed, in years gone by, that Mellanson's ear was a pointer to Ainsley EARhardt for some reason, we saw Earhardts above using the heraldic circle symbol. In this update, it was said about Jump-connectable Harts: "As per EarHARDTS, Jewish Harts have 'a STAR of DAVID and inside that a CIRCLE'." Ainsleys (Nottinghamshire) have the My variation of Mea's in their motto.

Circle's show a church in Trump colors and format, in Gog colors, and English Church's, first found in Somerset with English Leavells, Pile's, and Castle Cary, share the greyhound heads of LOOKs/Lucks/Licks, from the lake of Gog!!! "TAKE a LOOK"!!! Scottish Leavells, using piles, were first found in ROXBURGHshire! Take-branch Tease's/Tess'/Tecks were likely from the Ticino canton of Switzerland, which named the Tessen river to the Laevi Gauls at Ticinum.

Sleeping Beauty was hovering LEVEL in her car as a pointer to Levels/Leavells, and, in the next scene, she was RISING into the sky as an apparent pointer to Gog at Gogarene, for it's near ARDahan and Rize. Both of the latter are off the Moschi mountains, and because she was asleep before rising into the sky whole hugging me, a Masci liner (mother's side), she points to Rhizon of the ARDiaei Illyrians, near the SELEPitanoi Illyrians. Thus, this picture indicates to me that Masci-line Hyksos were at Ardahan and Rize, amid the Caucasian circle of Gog.

Sleep's were first found in Kent with Roosts/Rusts, possibly related to Trump's at the Rostock theater. While Roster share the Ice/Icke Shield, let's repeat from above: "Rosters are new to me, and they were first found in Yorkshire with Hicks'/Icke's!" So, yes, her sleeping symbol could connect to Roosts/Rusts, especially as the latter share the Kilpatrick saltire while Miss Hicks is also Mrs. Kilpatrick. Both Roosts/Rusts and Kilpatricks use the dragon (different color) in Crest, and Dragons/Drainers were first found in Kent too.

Hicks' and Higgs' (Norfolk with Hake's/Hyke's) share the "buck" head, and Hickins and Hickensons are Higgins and Higginsons too. Waleran of Leavell was of the Percivals, first found in Somerset with Levels/Leavells and Pierce's, and the Higgs buck head is "pierced through with an arrow.".

Walerans nearly have the Coat of Beautys/Bowds, and the latter were first found in Dorset with Beaumonts, known to be from the HARcourt Danes. Harcourts can be gleaned with English and Scottish Hare's, and the latter were first found in Ayrshire with Eyer-branch Ayers. Perfect, for Eyers took us to Beaumonts/Bellmonts of Newburgh.

Trump said, "take a look at what HAPPENED," and then he put his hand to his ear to fake being shot. There is an Append surname listed with AlPINE's, a surname that most trace to king Alpin, father of king Kenneth, and the Kenneths/MacKenzie's, with probably the Ass' in their "as astra" motto phrase, are the major pointer to the Apophis ASTERoid due to their use of a blazing "mountain" in their Crest, like the phrase in Revelation, "as a mountain ablaze," as describes the asteroid in the 2nd Trumpet.

Beaumonts/Bellmonts are in Bell and Bellamy colors, and the latter were first found in Shropshire with a Sleap location of Sleeps, and moreover Bellamys and Bells (Dumfries with Kilpatricks, Bullys and Hains) are in the colors and format of Hick-branch Hooks. Bullys and Ainsley-connectable Hains share the mascles of PERTs/Petts (Kent with Sleeps) who in turn use "BULrushes", and Perta was a location at lake TATTa, not far from Rize to which Sleeping Beauty's rise scene pointed indirectly. English Tate's were first found in Suffolk with the Rush's in the bulrushes.

Dumfries is where Rome/Rums/Rims were first found, at ANNANdale, and their motto has a code for a family at Placentia, land of the ANANES Gauls. The Annan(dale)s happen to share the Take/TATE Coat. Lake Tatta is at the sources of the Halys river, and Halys' share the Googe and Marone boar. Morano, Murunum at the bottom of this map (n, is near a Hales river (shown) to its north-west. Between the Hales and Mt. Alburnus is the CALOR river, and Collars, in the Look/Luck/Lick write-up, share the Moor head with Morano's. Licks are from elements of "Lychnis," the lake of Gog. COLORs use a big heart looking related to near-same of Lychnis-like Logans, which jibes with the Lick variation of Swan-loving Locks, and the Loge-branch French Locks/DesLoges'.

Thus, Gog elements around ARDahan were at the Hales river, and the Excalibur, the mythical sword of mythical king Arthur -- code for the Ardiaei at Rhizon and the Naro river -- is nearly "Alburnus" to the Welsh, the CALIBURn, a term like the Chalybes iron makers that were also the "Halybes" of the Halys river at the Tatta theater. Note NERulum beside Murunum. They are at the CALABRia border, and Italian Marone's/Marincola's were first found in Calabria.

The Naro river is also the Neretva, suspect with "Nerthus," the earth goddess of the Varni at Rostock. The Blacks and Blake's can be traced to "Naro" because Blackys share the vaired bend of Nero's/Neriti's. One Blake Coat is related to Tails/TAYls/Tailers, who, because they look related to the Halys/Helly Coat, may have formed from the Tayt variation of Take's/Tate's. I showed how Take's should be from the Tessin river, home of the Laevi Gauls, and as Take's/Tate's share the ANNAN Coat, we need to add that Jesus was killed partly by the former chief priest, ANANus.

Halys', who list HELLys (same place as Hickens and Hickensons), have a collar on their brown lion, and Hells (largely in Marone colors) share the Crab Coat while the Apophis asteroid will become visible to the eyes as it approaches in the crab constellation of Cancer. Hells have a semblance of the Hicks-related Hook Coat. Marone's/Marincola's use anchors, appropriate where the 2nd-Trumpet asteroid destroys ships.

The Daces'/Darcys/Arsys may have been of the Darks of Arques, first found in Kent with Hells. Dark Hell, how appropriate of Apophis the destroyer. The MOTTs/MORTS share the crescents of DEATHs, first found in Kent with Hells and Darks. Motta's and Motels were first found in Calabria, which apparently named king Arthur's sword for a reason. King Arthur's death was placed on Avalon in the myth, "Le MORTE d'Arthur." "Avalon" must have been code for a people at APOLLONia, and Apollyon is in the 5th Trumpet of Revelation as a destroyer.

English Pine's use the pineAPPLE, and then the Appends are listed with AlPINE's. They were first found in Argyllshire, which is now paired with Bute, and Arsys (linkable to Kims of Bute and French Pine's) look like an arse = a butt. Bute is Avalon. Arsys were first found in Galway with Kennys, very linkable to Kenneths/MacKenzie's, and to the Browns/Bruns in the Halys/Helly Crest. Kims and Arsys share a McKinney Coat while Irish McKinneys, looking linkable to McAbbe's (beside Bute), are also Kennys. Kennati-like Kents, in Kenneth/MacKenzie colors and format, were first found in Berkshire, where Boots were said to be first found until recently.

"Take a LOOK at what appened," then pow, from the GLASS factory, shots go off, and Glass', first found in Buteshire, have a "LUCtor" motto term possibly for the Luck variation of Looks, or for Luckets/Lockets, first found in Cheshire with Bends. Jewish Glass' have wings "banded blue", and Blue's/Gorms were first found on Arran, in Buteshire, with McCabe's. Rothesay castle on Bute was the home of king Robert Bruce III, husband of Annabel Drummond. Scottish Drummonds were first found in Perthshire, where Wings were once said to be first found.

Or, the "LucTOR" motto term of Glass' can be for Lucks/Looks and Torrs/Tours together because the latter are in Glass colors, and have the tower of Pellicans in colors reversed while there's a pelican in the Luck/Look Crest. Also, Lady Fortune of the Class' has a "banner" while the Bands in the Jewish Glass Coat are also Bans. Torrs/Tours were first found in Devon with Fortibus', possibly part of the Fortune bloodline, and also with Blake's. The "black fish" of Glasgows can take us to the Fish's, first found in Lincolnshire with the Blacks sharing the Glass stars. Blacks use "lux." I wrote this paragraph not loading Fortibus', but when getting around to it, they were found with the Glass / Black stars.

So, yes, "look at what happened" can point to the glass FACTory, especially as Faucets (East Lothian with Fortune's) were a branch of Trump-connectable Fauci's. Face's were first found in Northamptonshire with Glasgow-connectable Ladys/Laudymans. LADY FORTUNE. Glasgow-beloved Fish use a tiger while Tigers were first found in Suffolk with Lords/Lauds in the Glasgow motto. German Teegers were first found beside Trumps. Irish Teegers were first found in Galway with Kennys and Arsys.

While Levers (Lancashire with Fortibus-branch Forts) have a gold rooster on a trumpet, the Glass-like German Galles'/KALIS' have a black rooster that in colors reversed is gold. The Class-like Calles' show nothing but trumpets. French Galles'/Galli's have a gold rooster. See that? The Galles/Kalis rooster is shared by Kopple's, from a Koplik location on the CLAUSula river. I'm singing "Noel Noel" with a song on my speakers while loading Claus'. I meant to load Clauds/Clausels/CLOTs because they share the Tromp acorns. The Clots/DuClos'/DuClauds (Lorraine) are roughly in the colors and format of Luckets/Lockets, perfect because Lorraine elements were in Lanarkshire (beside Glasgow), where Locks, LockHARTs, and Hardy were first found. Lockharts, Douglas kin, use "fetter locks." Tramp-like Trammels use fetterlocks.

Lockharts (probably the Molle boar head) were at Leigh, and use a "lay" term in their English-version motto. Lays/Leigh's (Cheshire with Luckets/Lockets) are listed with LEGHs.

McKinneys use crowns tracing to the Ceraunii Illyrians likely on the Una (the ancient Oeneus) river suspect in the "Un" motto terms of Arsys (One/Innis format). Halys'/Hellys and Browns/Bruns share a brown lion, almost the BRUNswick (and Base/Baise) lion, and English Bruns were first found in Middlesex with Stains while Lorraine's pant stain pointed to Barrs of Brunswick.

Recalling that Tree's/True's/Trew's may have named a Trump branch in Trumans, let's add that the Appends/Alpine's (same place as Donalds, beside Buteshire) use a "FIR TREE". Firs/Fire's share the giant unicorn with the Rasmussens/Eras' suspect in the "gold eagles' LEGs ERASed" of the Bunds/Bundle's in the "bundle of rods" of Mellansons. As Mellanson's ear pointed to Ainsley Earhardt, it's notable that BUNNys were first found in Basford with Ainsleys (Bund/Bundle colors). Or, as Ainsleys share the Hicks fleur-de-lys, we can go to the line of Bone's / Bunns/Bonns expected in the Hicks motto. But this is a non-starter if Bunds were not of the Bunns.

The Bund/Bundle legs are in the colors of the Hicks while we also have the eagle legs of Hicksons, themselves in the colors of the Tromp eagle, and Leggs look like Trump kin. Leggs were first found in Dumfries with Bullys who are in turn in the write-up of Jumps who in turn share the Trump stag head and the English Tate rose.

Bullys share the mascle of bulrush Perts/PETTs while Perta was on lake Tatta. The 5th Trumpet forms a giant PIT, and Perts/Petts, first found in Kent with Petits, share the stork in Crest with Pits ("ardua"). Malcolms/Columns, first found in Argyllshire with Appends/Alpine's, have an "ardua petit" motto while "Ardens" is the full Pert/Pett motto. The Pettys were first found in Warwickshire with Eyer-related Newburghs, and the Beaumonts of Newburgh were earls of Warwick. Warwicks use the ass-like axe and the Grasse / Roy lion, and Roys have a "tendis" motto term to go with the "tendit" of Malcolm-branch Callams.

"Roy" is a motto term of Lawns/Lane's (share "Garde" with Carricks), and the English branch has the BENTlys, likely a branch of Bends/Bents, both said to be from the Bennets / Benedicts (share Lawn/Lane lion), which works out because both use another "roy" motto term. Bentlys, sharing the motto of Carrick-branch Craigs, have three BENDs in the colors of the Carrick bend. I've traced "Carrick" confidently to Aulus CHARAX Proculus, a son of Lupus LAEVIllus, king of Cetis and husband of Quadratilla Bassus whom we met above with Quade's/Wade's (WOLF heads). See that? LAEVI. LAEVIllus.

The beauty here is that Bentlys are new to me; I've just failed to read the Lawn/Lane write-up carefully enough until now. I've never seen any surname sharing the French Levi Coat, but Bentleys have one very close to it with their triple BENDs in the colors of the triple chevrons of Levi's. Neither Shield has anything more. So, there you have the evidence that Levi's are from Lupus Laevillus, but as the Laevi Gauls predated him, he and Annas must have been descended from them, wayward pagan Levites from Israel, I claim.

Marots/Marriots almost have the Levi Coat with their triple fesses in Levi / Bently colors. Merots/Merriots, which I trace to Maria of Kiev, share the dog in Crest with Bentlys, yet Marots/Marriots use the dog in black, the color of the Carrick dog while the Carrick fesse is in the colors of the Marot/Marriot fesses. The Varangi-like Varns were first found in Ayrshire with Carricks and Craigie's, and the Varn scallops are shared by Jack-branch Joke's while I trace "Jack" to Ajax, a god of the Kennati priests of Cetis, the line to Kenneth-like Kennedys, first found in Ayrshire, and sharing the Arms of Carrick. At times, the Arms of Carrick (just a red chevron) add the Kennedy fitchees, which are shared by Roosts/Rusts, first found in Kent with Joke's. Haha, this allows us to trace the Roosts to "Rostock," a location on the WARNow river of the VARNi. Varns are listed with WarNOCKs, in the colors of the crowns of Nocks (share Carrick fesse). Knocks/Knox's were first found in Renfrewshire with Scottish Jacks.

Aha. French Jacques are likely from Jacques de Molay, a grandmaster of the Templars a couple of centuries after Hugh de Payens, and the latter's wife, Elizabeth Chappes, was likely from Caiaphas, who became the chief priest in Jerusalem when he married the daughter of Ananus above. French Chappes' were first found in Ile-de-France with Levi's, and so I have suspected for years that Ananus and/or Caiaphas descended from the ancestry of Lupus Laevillus. The English Jacks list "Jacques," and they share the Varn scallops but on a red Shield. Scottish Chappes' were first found in Stirlingshire with YEARs.

The "aha" above is because VARANgian Yarborough's/YEARbys ("pulVERE"), essentially in the colors and format of French Jacques, have "A falcon PREYing on a cock-pheasant" (Varns use the falcon too). Preys, in French Jacques colors, share the hunting horn of Payen-related Mullets (Auvergne with Preys and royal-Jerusalem Bouillons), and I've just realized that this same hunting horn is with German JAGGers!!! Dutch Jaggers use it too, but on the split Yarborough Shield!!!

The thing is, the Varni (share bend of Agrippa-like Gripps/Grape's), in Levi colors, were already in existence by that name in 98 AD, and so they may have been ancestral to the killers of Jesus. That was the time of Laevillus. GRAPEs are used by Teeters, first found near Rostock, and Teets/Tate's share the ANNAN Coat. See that?

English Jaggers (Yorkshire with Jacks and Scarfs) look related to the Coat of the neighboring Wade's while Laevillus-line Quade's/Wade's have the triple wolf heads of Prays/Preters (not "Prey") in colors reversed. The Pray/Preter Chief shares the lion of Carrick-branch Carrots/Carews and Quarre's/Carre's. Austrian Jaggers have the giant hunting horn on a vertically-split Shield (Carrick colors) in the colors of the horizontally-split Shield of Quarters (Ayrshire with Carricks). Heraldic QUADRants are also quarters. Quarters share the lion of French Grasse's (Provence, near Grasse) while we saw that Grass' may have been named by a fat man of the Carew family.

Wade's were first found in Durham with the English White's sharing the vaired Nero/Neriti / Blacky chevron. Those White's have the Deaths/DARTHs, first found in Kent with Joke's (almost have the Jack/Jacques Coat), in their motto. The other English White's love the Dragons/DRAINers (Ken again) while Drains (Yorkshire) were kin of Blacks from the Naro/Neretva river. That is dirt cool. Darts/Dirts (not "Darth") were first found in Devon with the Saffers having a reflection of that White Coat. Saffers (horn-line "heron") share the vaired fesse of the other English White's. Kent is where Rothes'/WRATHs' were first found while Yarborough-beloved WREATHs share the Chief of Blacks (Lincolnshire with Yarborough's), Drains/Drowns and Washingtons (Durham with Wade's and White's).

Weights/Waits use hunting horns in Quade/Wade colors and near-format. Jacksons look related to Weights/Waits, and Scottish White's (share eagle of Jake's/Jackmans). The latter have QUATREfoils, suspect with a QUADRAtilla line to Roquefeuil elements, from Roxolani of Kiev which predated the killers of Jesus. Scottish LEAVELL were first found in ROXburghshire. Sleeping Beauty, Mrs. Kilpatrick, was hovering LEVEL when I woke her, and Kilpatrick castle was at CLOSEburn (Dumfries with Walks/Wachs) while Close's, first found in Yorkshire with Walk-related WAKEfields and Walkers, shares the Weight/WAIT hunting horns. God said, "WHAT are your WAITing for...go wake HER."

The Cloce variation of Close's suggests the Clocks (share gold sheaves with What-connectable Wheats/Whate's) because they share the Coat of Comines-related Date's/Deeds, first found in Norfolk with Wheats/Whate's, with Patricks, and with Comine's (share dagger with Kilpatricks). This is excellent because Comines (share Walk / Wakefield sheaf) were at Kuman in Fier county, down the APSUS river from AntiPATRia, home of the Dagger-like Dexaroi. I've told that many times before, but now: Fiers were first found in Middlesex with Surrey, and the latter is where Clocks and Stains were first found! A "COURAGeux fier" motto phrase is with English Falcons while Comine's have a motto, "Courage."

The PENEStae, near the Dexaroi, were on the Drin river to LISSus, and Lys'/Lisse's share courant greyhounds (different color) with PENES'/Pennys, and the latter share the black courant greyhounds of Tree's. Thus, Apollonia / Avlona elements can be to the Pendragons from the Penestae, and king Arthur, son of mythical Pendragon, was placed on Avalon.

Apsus-like Apps' (HUNTingdonshire) were once said to be first found in Middlesex, and, moreover, the Close/Close Crest has a green lion, the color of the Lorraine lion, holding an ass-like axe. The Paioni on the Axius are to the Paions/Payens sharing triple stars in the same colors with Close's/Cloce's. Paions/Payens call them, spur rowells, and Close's/Cloce's use the spur! Therefore, yes, Close's (beside Lorraine's) look like they have the Lorraine lion...especially as Clots/DuClos' were first found in Lorraine! I almost forgot that latter part.

Suddenly, Lorraine's WHITE pants are starting to look like they apply to the killers of Jesus. The Stains married Jagger-connectable Yarborough's, and Stains were first found in Middlesex with Jagger- and Close-beloved Horns. The latter's "Nil" motto term was found to be code for Neils/Neals, and English Neals were Yarborough kin. The Hyksos lived at the NILE delta.

A thing I've failed to realize until now is that the Yarborough Coat is like the Ottone Coat! I haven't loaded the latter for months. Ottone's were first found in Perusia (or Perugia) with Grazi's!!! Her GRASS STAIN!!! Ottone's (ANNulets) share the tall and solid chevron of Chappes'! See, her dirty pants point to Joseph Caiaphas. A week or two after her grass-stain event, I walked by her, by an act of God, with JOSEPH Oullette behind me on a bus, at the FINCH bus station, and Caiaphas-like Chaffs were first found in Dorset with Chaffins/ChafFINCH's. The line of Caiaphas must have been in Lorraine with the dirty Crusader family of Godfrey de Bouillon.

A short and solid chevron in the same colors is with English Stevens (Gloucestershire with the White's that her pants pointed to) while Stains share the Crest of Stevensons/Steinsons! Lookie there at what I had missed. Yarborough's were first found in Lincolnshire with Grasse's.

The Ottone / Chappes chevron is in the colors of the three of French Grace's/Grass', and French Levi's (same place as Chappes') share the latter's Coat in other colors! I get it. The Caen/Can motto can trace to Pierro's/Pero's of Ticinum (Pavia), and Grasse in France is at the Cannes region, in case Caens/Cans (Dorset with Hats/Hades' and Chaffs) apply to it. They share the fretty Shield of Caiaphas-like Cave's.

While on STEVEN Mellanson with the bloody ear, we pointed to the grass stain. Ottone Visconti ruled in Milan, and Mellanson-branch Mellents/Millens are also Milans. The Mellanson Coat is a not-bad reflection of the BUTT/Bute and Maurel/Mauro Coat, and the latter were first found in Milan. "Ear"-using Scottish Chappes' were first found in the same place as Butt-like Bauds. Ottone's were kin of French Chappes', first found in the same place as Mellans.

"Joe Oullette prayed with me for Mellanson's ear, and Oullette's were first found in Orne, at Falaise...". Another location, La Falaise, is in Ile-de-France with the first-known Chappes'. English Millens/Mullins share the Chapman/Chepman crescent, and the latter use another solid chevron.

High-priest Ananus was also, Annas, and the Annas surname was a branch of Ainsleys who must have merged with Arniss'. Ainsleys share the scimitar with Irish Kennedys for a trace to Cetis, and the Lafins/La Fins in the Scottish Kennedy motto, first found in Tipperary with Irish Kennedys, share the lion of Quarters, first found Ayrshire with Scottish Kennedys, Carricks, and Air-loving Ayers. Eyers/Airs, pointed to by Ainsley EARhardt, were first found in Derbyshire with the Haddens (share Hatter roses) who not only have another scimitar, but a "Suffer" motto expected as code for Saffers, because the latter share three unicorn heads (different colors) with Heads/Heeds, the latter first found in Norfolk with Hadden-like Haydens, the name of Ainsley's daughter.

In his presidential woes, Trump once told somebody on TV that he would phone Fox and Friends daily...not for Steve Doocy, not for Brian Kilmeade, but for Ainsley Earhardt (he didn't tell that part, but we can gather, for he always chooses beautiful women to be his close employees). Trumps have the HANNa stag head in colors reversed, and Hanna's were first found in Wigtonshire while Wiggons (Cambridgeshire with Proctors and Annas') almost have the Annas Coat. Her daughter is Hayden Proctor, and Proctors share the "nails" in the HEART of Scottish Logans (Ayrshire). Nails are listed with Neils/Nagle's.

Logans have "passion nails PIERCing a MAN's RED heart." In their Crest "A piper." Mens-branch Manners/Maness' were first found in Northumberland with Reds. Pipers share the Nail/Neil/Nagle saltire, and in Crest Pipers ("oak LEAVES") have a unicorn head. Pierce's (Somerset with their Leavell kin) share the gold unicorn head with Hadden-connectable Saffers, and Heads/Heads have unicorn heads that almost make the Coat of Yarborough-beloved Este's, who in turn share the three horse heads of PIPE's and Pepins/Pepys. The latter share "est" in their motto with Yarborough's, and Pepins/Pepys share "Mens" with Poppins/Pophams (at BASINGstoke), good pointers to Apophis/Apepi, the Hyksos king.

I had read that Apophis followed on the throne from king Khyan, possibly to MacKenzie's/Kenneths, the pointer to the Apophis asteroid. If correct, then the Kennati priests could have been from "Khyan," or whatever named him, especially as Hyksos were also called, Heka KHASEWET, like the ancient Kizzuwatna area of Cilicia. The Kennati were in Cilicia.

There is a "lily"-using Cetis/Sestier surname, first found in Provence with French Grasse's and Grace's. Lille's use a "swallow" while Swallows were first found in Lincolnshire with English Grasse's. Stains were first found in Surrey with Cetis-like Cedes'/Seats. Lorraine got her grass stain on her "seat"! I see Cedes' in the "cede" motto term of Steers, first found in Surrey and suspect in the "steer" of Bachs/Backs. For years, I've been suggesting that the latter were from the Hyksos king, Apachnas, whom some think was the same as Khyan.

We read: "...Lee Stere, Esq., of Jayes, Wootton, owned property in Newdegate." Newdegate's (Surrey) are in Lily colors and format.

Trump Surname

I was writing on the Drummonds above when a songline was over my speakers that seemed interesting. It went like this: "...Drummonds/Tremonds ("...trumpet split the eastern sky" just sang over my speakers) share the triple-wavy fesses of Sea's, the latter first found in Kent with British's/Braddocks." If God provided that songline at that timing, then it seems that Trumps were indeed from a Tremond-line variation, and it may also confirm that Trump was the British bulldog in the Sleeping BEAUTY dream.

I've written before on the TRUMBle variation of Turnbulls, and they happen to use three bull heads in the colors of the three Beauty bulls. Not all heraldic bulls can be expected from Bullis elements, because Turn-like Turin can use the bull too. The "saved" motto term of the Scottish Turnbulls can get us to the Hungary border at the mouth of the Sava/Save river, and Drummonds descend from royal Hungarians, who have a mythical stag in their ancestry, the Trump symbol.

Tower-using Rosters/RawsTORNe's were first found in Yorkshire with English Trumble's/Turnbulls. The latter picks up early on Trumble-like surnames, and includes Reginald Thrumbald of Suffolk, where CRAUNs/Crane's and Gates-connectable GOLDs were first found. The latter's crown is "DUCALly GORGed", possible code for George, father of Drummonds. One can see here that heraldic crowns are at times code for Ceraunii liners. Duckle's are listed with German Ducks while English Ducks were first found in Somerset with Bulls/Bule's. Scottish Drummonds have an "An eagle emerging from a GOLD crown", and Eagle's/Hegels were first found in Lincolnshire with Bole's/Bolls, Bowles/BOLLES', and with Bolingbroke's sharing the Gates / Gold lion. The Arms of Podebrady has a "GOLD gate." Bole's/Bolls share the black boar in Crest with Rollo's, first found in Perthshire with Scottish Drummonds.

Hungarians also have a tural hawk in their mythology (Arthurian myth is always code for surnames), and the Strike's/Strakers (Streek branch) in the Hawk motto share the Legh Coat while Leggs almost have the Trump Coat. English TURNers have a mill rind while Rind-branch Rands share the giant Legh lion too. Rinds were first found in Perthshire with Scottish Drummonds while Rinds and Rands/Rance's trace to the Rance river near Dol, and Dols (Trump colors) were first found in Mecklenburg with Trumps. Perthshire is where Rollo's were first found while Scottish Trumble's/Turnbulls, in English Roll colors and format, are said to descend from Rule's.

Perthshire is where Scottish, Sava-like Shaws were first found who share a "mean" motto term with the Scottish Orchards/Urquharts sharing the boar head of Lesks (from Lesce on the Sava), the latter first found in Berkshire with English Shaws/Sheaves'. Italian Sheaves' were first found in the present capital of Abruzzo, but the previous capital, Aprutium, is now Teramo, like the Tremond variation of Drummonds. Aprutium, along with the neighboring province of Molise, can be traced to Epirotes, who lived at Oricum. See that?

Abruzzo's/Abreu's share the lion of Welsh Maurice's and English Morris', and the first Drummond was Maurice. Maurice's were first found in Herefordshire with the Nudds/Nottings suspect in the "nude woman" of the Orchard/Urquhart Crest. Cnut's/Knots use drops while Drops/Trope's/Trupe's can take us to Trump-like Troops/Trupe's, first found beside the first-known Orchards/Urquharts of Elginshire (another named for Moray).

"Nude" can also be for NEWDeGATE's because they share the split colors of Eggs/Edge's in turn linkable to Orchards/Eckarts, first found in Devon with Gates'. The latter have a Coat like the one's of Steers of Newdegate. BathGate's were first found in West Lothian with Elis-branch Elias' and Towns while Elis' have a "naked woman". English Towns/Tune's can be in the "TU NE cede" motto phrase of Steers.

Bullis is suspect in naming the Seleucid king, Alexander Balas, possibly the son of Antiochus IV in Daniel-11 prophecy, the backdrop to the end-time anti-Christ.

German Turners share the vertically-split Yarborough and Neal Shields, and Neals were first found in Wiltshire with trumpet-using Calles'. Yarborough's were from Kiev, and while Dol-beloved Whale's share the Lorraine bend, Andrew I of Hungary, patriarch of Drummonds, was in exile in Kiev with the family of YARoslav.

So, I suggest that the Trumble variation of Turnbulls is due to a Trump-line marriage to Turnbull / Turner elements. The Kings, sharing the lion of English Rolls, are in the Scottish Turnbull motto. Kings were first found in Devon with Walerans, and Sleeping Beauty pointed to Waleran de Leavell when hovering LEVEL, but also because Walerans almost have the Beauty Coat. Walerans share the triple TurnBULL bull heads, and so we might glean from this that Trump the bulldog is indeed of the Trumble's. The TRUMans were first found in Devon too, along with the Spurrs in heraldic "spur ROWELLs," and English Rolls list Rowles' who share the besants of Rowells and Trebys. The latter were first found in Devon with Rowell-linkable Ash's, and with Trumble-like Treble's/Trible's (show no Coat but have a page), perhaps a branch of Trips. "Rowell" is like the ancestry of PAYNE Roet, and Paions/Payens (Orchard/Eckart colors and format) use spur rowells.

Trump's may have been named originally from a Drummond > Tremond evolution to Trumans/TRUEmans/TREWmans who may have formed variations from a marriage to Tree's/True's/Trews, the latter first found in Wiltshire with trumpet-using Calles'.

Trumans, sharing a green dragon "SPOUTing fire" with Seatons, were first found in Devon with a Seaton location, and with the Tuckers sharing the wavy bars of Drummonds, Sea's and Seamans. Ticks/Tucks, in the format, and colors reversed from, Scottish Turnbulls, were once said to be first found in Kent with Sea's, and British's/BRADDocks (Podebrady suspects). And while Sea's and Seamans can apply to Apophis landing in the sea, that was pointed to by SPUDs MacKenzie to bull terrier. Trump-like Trumans use "SPOUTing." MacKenzie's almost have the Trump Coat.

Ticks/Tucks are now said to be first found in Yorkshire with English Trumble's/Turnbulls, with their Roll/Rowles kin, with POPleys, with King-branch Kingstons, with the Hicks/ICKE's, and with the HARTlands who named Devon's Hartland location of Orchards/Eckarts. The latter trace to Ice's/Ecco's/ICKE's, first found in the same place as Trumps. Trumps are also Tramps while Trammels were first found in Devon with Pike's who in turn share the Ice TREFoil. Treffs are listed with German Trips (Hamburg with German Drummonds).

Hartmans happen to share the hearts of Rule's, and we saw the Devon elements from the Trumple's/Turnbulls of Rule ancestry. Rule's tell of a Rule location in Roxburghshire, where Trumple's/Turnbulls were first found. Plus, Rule is in HOBkirk while Hobkirks (Roxburghshire) are also Habkirks/Hopkirks, suggesting the Hobs/Habs who happen to use "hawks". Hobkirks are said to derive in "Hopekirk near HAWICK in Roxburghshire."

Hobs/Habs were first found in Berwickshire with Roet-related Gords/Gordans and Books, and with the Hume's/Home's having the True variation of Tree's in their motto. Hoppers/Happers were first found beside Gordano, and in the same place as trumpet-using Calles' while the neighboring Roets use a giant "GREEN oak tree growing out of a GREEN mound...". Greens/GREEMs/GREME's have stags on blue, as do Trumps and Leggs, and Mounds share the Legh lion which is also the one of Hawk-beloved Strike's. Hawks love the PilGRIMs.

Leggs were first found in Dumfries with Bells while English Trumble's/Turnbulls (WAKEfield) list TrumBELLs. I was told to WAKE sleeping Beauty. We might say that Trumble's have nothing to do with "Trump" if they were named after marriage with Bells, but there's that sticky thing about the Trump-connectable Leggs first found in Dumfries with heart-using BULLys and Hains (share Bully mascle). Wake's were first found in Lincolnshire with HANNitys. English Hains/Ains' have the six pale bars of Mine's in the Legg motto, yet the Hains/Ains (Moon kin?) use the pale bars wavy in the colors of the wavy fesses of German Drummonds. Mine's were first found in Bedfordshire with the Dere's possibly in the "procedere" motto term of Hobkirks.

Bells share the fesse of Bellamys, first found in Shropshire with Tromp-connectable Hobbes'. Bellamys share the crescents of Truman-connectable Seatons. Plus, Wakefields share the green wyvern dragon in Crest with Trumans (essentially have the Seaton Crest) who in turn share the heart with Bullys. The Truman and Seaton dragon SPOUTs fire for a potential pointed to Spuds MacKenzie. MacKenzie's, who share "flames" in Crest with Bullys, were first found in Ross-shire with Kilpatrick-branch Pattersons, and Irish Kilpatricks use a green dragon in Crest too.

The Bully / Mackenzie flames look connectable to Flemings, first found in Lanarkshire with the Royal-like Roys whom share the lion of German Rolls/Raels. German Roets, from Roll elements, were first found in Turin-like Thuringia. Scottish Roets share the boar heads of Spears suspect in the Hobkirk motto along with Pero's, first found in Piedmont with Turin. Turins/Thurins (Aberdeenshire with Hungarian Leslie's) have the Orchard/Urquhart boar head in colors reversed!!! It means that the Turin taurus can be from Bullis elements.

The Speyer variation of Spears takes us to the Roet-related Rothes location on the Spey river of Moray, where Orchards/Urquharts were first found. The Rothes' were first found in Kenneth-like Kent with Greens who in turn have a stag in the colors of the Kenneth/MacKenzie stag head. The latter is "caBOSSed" while Boss' use a giant red bull likely from the Mieszko's. This is going to take use to Bullis, for the Mieszko's birthed king Cnut, and Nudds/Knuts/Nottings are suspect in the Orchard/Urquhart Crest.

Notting-like Nothings, sharing the Apple martlets, are in the motto of Seaton-branch Sutys. Nothings are listed with Northens, and they share the dragon (different color) in Crest with Norths. The Nothing/Northern dragon is the Seaton dragon, yet the Nothings/Northens use it "EMITTing fire" instead of spouting fire. Dragons/DRAINers trace to the Penestae on the DRIN river. Emitts use bull heads and share the white uniCORN head in Crest with Cnuts/Notts/Knots to go with the giant and white unicorn of FIRs/Fire's in the fir tree of AlPINE's. Pine's use the pineAPPLE. The Nothing/Northern martlets are those also of Kenneth-beloved English Mountains while French Mountains have more bulls.

The giant bull of Mieske-connectable Cole's/COLDs (Cornwall with Boss') is from the KOLODziej ancestry of the Mieszko's, and while there are Polish Packs, French Packs have a giant red bull too, standing with a "GREEN tree out of GREEN GROUND". Apollonia's/Apollo's have a "green tree." Irish GROUNDs are listed with "crane"-using Crannys, and then Crauns/Crane's are from "Ceraunii," perfect because Oricum is at the Ceraunii mountains just an arrow's flight from Apollonia. Were the Poles named after Apollonia elements? Polish Packs share the Palm fleur while Palms are in the "palm leaf" held by the Orchard/Urquhart woman.

Scottish Roets use "green" tree, and Tree's/True's love the Knights who in turn share the three pale bars of French Role's (not "roll"). Nets/Nights/Naughts were first found in Dumfries with Nitts/Naughts, and with the Nith river of Kilpatricks, home of proto-Geddes Geds. Nitts/Naughts share the checkered Shield of Ferrats while Montferrat is at Turin.

In the Beauty dream, the Trump bulldog jumped into a Kidney-shaped swimming pool, and Kidneys/GEDneys have the Ged fish in colors reversed. It tends to confirm that Trumps were from the mother, Agatha, of the Drummonds. Kidneys/Gedneys, first found in Lincolnshire with Fish's, and with Croce's/CROSS', have "fish crossed". Lincolnshire is also where "wake-KNOT" Wake's were first found who were in the same dream. That looks like a pointer to the Nitts/NAUGHts, for Wakefields share the sheaf of Walks/Wachs, first found in Dumfries with Nitts/Naughts.

The Nith river was the location of Kilpatrick castle, and Sleeping Beauty is Mrs. Kilpatrick. Mr. Kilpatrick is in a photo with Spuds MacKenzie.

His wife, "Charlotte Kilpatrick, TROPhy girl", is in this massacred article:"

The ancestry of Ross-shire's Ross' were likely from king Andrew, grandfather of the first Drummond. It can suggests that George, son of Andrew, married Miss Drummond. Or, if not, then Maurice Drummond could have been named after a Beak-related Drummond entity in Bohemia. Beaks are in the Arms of Podebrady above a "gold gate," and while the Boii of BONonia named Bohemia, English Bone's, first found in Sussex with gold-gate Babwells, share the Gates lion.

\ I trace George's wife, whom I suspect as Agatha, to Gates', first found in Devon, and George's were first found in Dorset with the Moons (share La Bell crescents) who share the Shield colors of Gates'. The Pike's of Devon are in the "pike" fish of Geddes', first found in Nairnshire (near Ross-shire) with Orchard-related Rose's. Beak-like Becks were first found in Berkshire with the Lesks sharing the Rose and Orchard/Urquhart boar head. Leslie's are known Hungarians. Lesce is on the Sava/Save river, another reason for suspecting that Trumble's were Trumps from Hungarian Drummonds, for "saved" is a Trumple/Turnbull motto term.

With Trumple's/Turnbull connection to ORCHards, their bulls can trace to Bullis and ORICum. The Rule's are in the colors and format of Scottish Orchards/Urquharts, and in the format of, but colors reversed from, Bullys...suggesting that Urquharts could have been named from a marriage between an Orch-like surname and Hartlands.

The Ark river in Savoy is interesting with its Modane location, because Modens/Modeys and Arch's were first found in Berkshire with Orchard-connectable Lesks. ARCHibalds were first found in Roxburghshire with Rule of the bull-sing Trumble's/Turnbulls. French, Orchard-like Archers share the Archibald and Label/La Bell crescent while Bells were first found in the same place as Bullys.

If the "Spero PROcedere" motto of Hobkirks if for Pero's, they were first found in Piedmont with TURIN. And the TURNbull ancestry in Rule's was at Hobkirk. Spears share the boar heads of Roets having Roll ancestry. Hobkirks even share the Tease/Tess/Teck saltire for a trace to Pierro's/Pero's of Pavia. As Tease's/Tyes' (Nottinghamshire with Ainsleys) share the stars of Ainsley-branch Annas', the Hobkirks probably have the Ainsley fleur-de-lys, and she was a second fulfillment of Sleeping Beauty. Ainsleys even share "king" in their motto with Scottish Trumple's/Turnbulls of Rule. German Roets use a giant "moon" while Moons, once first said to be first found in Devon with Monks/Moyne's, look like kin of Italian Pavia's.

On the other hand, Hobkirks (Fare / Fier/Fear / Vere colors) have a Coat version of the Farrs, first found in Yorkshire with the Hicks who share the Ainsley / HobKIRK fleur. I showed earlier why Fare's trace to the Bullis theater. KIRKs (Yorkshire with TEES river, beside Wear river), sharing a white sword with Farrs, have a Coat version of the Ainsley-branch Annas' (share Vere star), and share the crozier with Wears/Were's. Weirs/Vere's share the Moray stars while Orchards/Urquharts were first found in Moray, where Bullis/Byllis elements trace fairly well, to Bellys. Kirks use an "OPtimum" motto term while Hopkirks are also HOPkirks, and Vere's ruled Oxford, where Hopkins were first found.

Bulls/Bule's were first found in Somerset with the Borders in the Hobkirk/HOPkirk border, and both share the same-colored saltire. The neighboring Bullis'/Bulliards were first found in Wiltshire with Hoppers/Happers, and with Trump-connectable Calles'. Hobbes' share the Tromp eagle. Somerset is where Roll-connectable Scottish Roets (Rollo boar heads in colors reversed) were first found.

Although the Hartland surname was first found in Yorkshire, they named Hartley much sooner, in Kent with the first-known British's/Braddocks and early Ticks/Tucks, and while Anne's/Hanne's were at Yorkshire's Tickhill, they share the stag head of Hartfords and Poppins/Pophams. Trammels, using locks they call "fetters," look like kin of Yorkshire's Keppochs and Feet. The HEART-using Wagers were first found in Yorkshire with HARTlands, and Wagrians were from Mecklenburg on the same river as Ice's/Ecco's/Icke's.

As Trump-like Trumans have a different-colors version of the Wager Coat, it helps to show that Trumps and Trumans were branches. I suggest that Trumps were created from Trumans, not vice-versa. The Truman vyVERN dragon looks like it's to the Varni on the same WARNow river as Wagrians. Verne's, sharing the stars of Weirs/Vere's, were first found in Forez, and the Fore variation of Forez's can be to the "Forward" motto term of Truman-related Seatons. "ForWARD" can get us to Wardens (HERTFORDshire) sharing pears with Hartland's Orchards/Eckarts (Coron colors and format). Wearings (Devon with Hartland) and WARRENs share the Ward checks.


In the past two weeks, I've been talking about purifying rain water from a roof. But even swamp water can be filtered near-perfectly by running it over sand with charcoal powder underneath it. The latter is the filter that get's some of the smallest of bacteria, and also removes most of the tannins, which cause the yellow color in a small pool of water filled with vegetation.

However, a new thing that you may not have heard about is that sunlight kills 99.9-percent of virus and bacteria. After you watch the video below, reflect on the fact that our modern society routinely uses an ultra-violet lamp to kill 99.9-percent of bacteria from shallow-well water, no risk at all for drinking it, and the water contacts the ultra-violet light for an extremely short time:

So leaving water (in a transparent container) in the full sun for six hours, or four according to others, will disinfect it, make it safe for drinking. To be safer, leave it all day, or for two days. Drink only a little at first to get your body equipped to dealing with anything still alive. This is a very good thing to remember because you don't want to be wasting fuel on boiling water if you don't need to.

When Jesus said, "watch," he didn't mean to watch for the signs of His return only, but to watch ourselves. And now we know why, because deception is rampant, seeking to lure Christians back to a worldly mindset / habit of one sort or another. Keep watch on how you think. Being thankful to God is a way to stay open to Him, because lack of appreciation for the Father means you'll become a spiritual orphan of sorts, though "bastard" is the appropriate word. We don't want to be that.

King David said that he became beastly when living alone. If you haven't noticed, we are much more civil when around others, especially people we don't know much, because we tend to put our best face on. But when we are alone, the true self is all there is, and living alone for extended periods can make for some unhappy times that comes with cussing or crankiness. Married people can become their true selves when they get tired of acting what they are not, and they too can be cranky and unhappy at times even though they don't live alone. Probably, the sources of our unhappy times is generally the world. It's full of human weeds that pass on their bad attitudes to us. We pick them up as we associate with them, or even if we just watch them on TV.

I suggest you watch yourself when watching "Christian" movies fed to us by youtube, because most of them have liberal / worldly mindsets for most of the movie, and then there's a short little blast of a good-feel scripture near the end. These movies do more harm than good, and usually make Christians look hypocritical. Watch you don't become like people in movies, for the characters are faked, not usually reacting as people do naturally, but react as the storylines need them to.

Best thing: act according to Biblical values. Make this our love in life. Make this our full-time job. The work of God is that we confide in Jesus, "follow" him, which means to do likewise. Watch who you listen to on youtube.

Watch, be careful.

If you are a Christian, you probably think about God daily to some degree. I don't think this is by our own doing. "Something" is working, Someone is serving us. God is a servant; God is a worker; God always does what's best. He never tires unless He tires of our bad attitudes. If He sees that we are thinking about Him, trying to change our attitudes to satisfy some Biblical requirement, to do as Jesus would, God never tires to help us along. It's what He lives for. It's "exciting" for Him. Pleasant. I always beware Christian movies that begin with white writing on a black screen. This is modernism. Good Christian movies should have excellent attitudes from start to finish, but when movies begin with sinners that become converted to Jesus, you get bad attitudes for most of the movie. Ever notice that? It's deceptive. We are better off not allowing those things into our minds. We are much better off if we watch good attitudes that we are excited to adopt. This is what makes Jesus so popular.

I don't know about you, but when I try out a Christian movie, youtube allows only 20 options in the right margin because it's programmed not to feed me many Christian movies. But if I watch anything else, youtube will have hundreds if not thousands of options in the right margin. The Internet is becoming just as bad as television once was in the sense of foisting upon us what the sinners wish for us to see, and burying good content.


The Highwire shows how deceivers lie extravagantly to the public on the safety of infant vaccines.


Here's all four Gospels wrapped into one story.

For Some Prophetic Proof for Jesus as the Predicted Son of God.
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