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August 20 - 26, 2024

Pointers to the Secret Service
Maxwell Yearick and Thomas Crooks

Hall of Names is once again showing the descriptions of the Coats of Arms presented at House of Names.

For years, over and over, I've been talking about a young lady I was seeing for a couple of weeks some four decades ago. There were three main events I've discussed repeatedly, and I've decided to do two of them here today. I didn't want to do this until yesterday, as I write here on Friday. I had noted the her butt symbol was also her ass symbol, and that the ASSASSination of Trump was in BUTler. The Butler surname could easily have derived in Butts, you see.

Load Butler Coat now, which loads on another tab, in order to load other surnames so that you can follow better.

Plus, she got a butt symbol due to a GRASS stain on her butt. The GRAZi's share the "pomegranate" with French Crispins, and the latter were first found in Lorraine province (France). This lady's name is Lorraine. However, knowing the things above, I still didn't want to start up on a heraldic pointer to the fakes assassination attempt.

I thought that the things above could be coincidences, not something that God arranged as a pointer to the Butler event. But upon finding that Bevere's were first found in Westphalia with Pansys/PANTzer, it got mighty interesting because her grass stain was on her pants, and this stain did point to Pansys/Pantzers because the German Ducks, first found in Westphalia too, named Bar-le-DUC in Lorraine province, for the Arms of Bar-le-Duc use the pansy. See that?

Stains call their doubles fesses, "BLACK BARs". See that? Why would God want to point to Barr liners? German Barrs love the Horns/Orne's, first found in Middlesex with Stains. Are the Blacks in the Stain bars? Blacks use a "crux" motto term, and the Crutch/Crouch Coat looks linkable to the Crooks Coat while Crux's (share Blake pale bar) have a version of the Crutch/Crouch Coat. Thomas Crooks is the one who supposedly tried to shoot Trump.

In fact, the Crux pale bar is the one also of ESKINs/Erskins while ESCHYNa de Molle married Robert Croc(e)! Croce's/Cross' were first found in Lincolnshire with Blacks! Therefore, the black bars of Stains are pointing to Thomas Crooks!

Though the first-known Crooks named a Crooks location, the first-known surname (thus far) was from Shevington, and Shevingtons use three bull heads (essentially the Waleran Coat) in the colors of the "HORNs of a bull" of Bullets/Bullheads. The latter were first found in Surrey with Stains! Walerans were first found in Devon with Shevington-like Cheevers/Chevys. The latter are in the colors and format of Stain-connectable Horns/Orne's.

The reason I checked Bevere's is that, yesterday, I saw the surname in a youtube video. The Butler ESU (Emergency Services Unit), a police sniper / police organization, was teamed up with BEAVER county ESU, you see, which is why Bevere's seem to assure that Lorraine, my date, points to the faked assassination. But there's more.

On Wednesday night, I couldn't sleep. It was about an hour before dawn when I finally fell asleep, and upon waking I remembered part of a dream, where I was wearing a baby's bib. I thought that God was calling me a baby. And yes, until Wednesday, and for a couple of weeks before, I was crying the blues that I didn't want to do anymore heraldic connections. I'm tired of going over the same events repeatedly, and explaining these ideas to readers where my own children think I'm crazy for doing so. I claim that God used some events in my life to point to various things, and one event can point to multiple things.

Then, yesterday, I loaded German Beavers to see their bib-like Biber variation, and to this I've got to repeat that Lorraine had gotten a babe symbol while German Babe's list a Bebel variation to go with the Biebel variation of German Beavers/Beibers. And that's where I was convinced that I had to do this heraldic section.

As German Babe's/Bebels are also Boebe's/Bobels, I checked for a Boby surname, and found one, said to descend from "HUGO de Boebi, also recorded as de Bothebi," from a BOOTHby location in Lincolnshire. It just so happens that HUGO's, first found near Zurich, share the mermaid with German Babe's/Bebels...and Beavers/Beibers probably use the Arms of Zurich. Hugo's were first found in Basel while Basels use pellets while Pellets were first found in Sussex with Babwells/Babels. Pellets were a branch of Pilotte's and Pilots, and French Pile's/Pilots/Pillars share the HUGH Coat. Booths/Boths were Bush/Busch kin, and Bosco's use "grass" on their "pillars."

There's a mermaid in the Crest of Crooks-connectable Shevingtons, and the latter share the black bull head with Kimberly-like Kimbers. The latter share the "Cornish chough" with Nicols/Nickle's, and I say Greg Nicol set up the Crooks hoax. Greggs (Yorkshire with Craggs and Cracks/Cricks) were a branch of Carricks who in turn have a "Garde" motto term pointable to Secret Service guards. Carrick-branch Carrots/Carews (share "bien" with Carricks) were first found in Cornwall with Kimbers! Lookie there, for Kimberly Cheatle was the chief of the Secret Service until last month. Cracks/Cricks look like kin of Crux's and Crutch's/Crouch's.

Kimbers share the Palin Chief while Palins were first found in Dorset with the Beautys/Bowds who in turn have roughly the Shevington Coat! Things are panning out. Cheevers/Chevys were first found in Devon, where Chives'/SHEWAS' were said to be first found, kin of Hykes', and then Miss Hicks was Sleeping BEAUTY, but that's another story. Chives' were from the Cavii Illyrians at the Mathis river, explaining why Mathis' share the Chives moline. Moline's were first found in Devon too, with Hykes' and Beauty-related Walerans. Mathis' were first found in Burgundy with Carrick-branch Quarre's (share Carrot/Carew lion), and this can be a pointer to Thomas MATTHEW Crooks, especially as Welsh Thomas' trace to Thomas of Saluzzo, likely descended from MonFERRATs. Quarre's share the Ferrat Shield.

Plus, Booths/Boths and English Bush's/Buschs share the black boar with the Hardys suspect in the "SECRET et hardi" motto of Welsh Rise's. Hardys were first found in Lanarkshire with Bothwells. I'm wondering how Rice's can point to "Secret Service." Dutch Boths share the fleur-de-lys of German Bush's/Buschs and Boschs.

The Boothby's are excellent here. I'd like to repeat that I had read that Bothwells were from "Bute," and it just so happens that Butts are listed with Bute's! Plus, Booths share the black boar with English Bush's/Buschs, and Lorraine "the babe" had a BUS stop symbol. She was so gorgeous that God, I assume, lured me into riding by bicycle to her bus stop, to ask her on a date. She agreed. We will cross the Bush's again, who can be traced to Busca, near Asti province and Monforte of Italy, near the Swiss border. Asti is beside Langhe while Langleys share the six pale bars of Landens/Landers, the latter first found in Switzerland.

Hugo's were first found in Switzerland along with the Graffs, and so let's go to the Boothby write-up: "The surname Boothby was first found in Lincolnshire, at Boothby, a parish, in the Higher division of the wapentake of Boothby-GRAFFo, parts of Kesteven." Lincolnshire is also where English Grasse's were first found to go with her grass stain, but also where Crooks-like Croce's were first found.

The Graffs are excellent here because they share the Gates lion, and I trace Gates' to Podebrady of Bohemia, where Babe's and Babwells/Babels trace, for the latter share the "gold gate" with the Arms of Podebrady, and Brady's share the finger pointing to the sun with English Babe's. While Lorraine was out for am 10-pm walk with a married man, I had dropped into her place, and ascended her balcony from the exterior stairs, where the man's wife was waiting. When Lorraine got back a few minutes later, I POINTed accusatively to the grass stain on her butt. She asked me to leave, and so much for that relationship. Snappy, but filled with pointers.

Bradys were first found in Galway with Teague's/TEEGERs, and TATEshalls were first found in Suffolk with English Babe's and TIGERs. I'm saying this, not only because Tateshalls use tigers, but because Boothbys (named Bobys, remember) were descended from barons of Tateshall. Booths/Boths were first found in Yorkshire with English Beavers, with Tatton-connectable Tute's/TOUTs, and with Teague-branch Ticks, and then the Tighs/Tease's/Tyes' can be linked to the Thigh's/Thys' while Lorraine's grass stain was a long streak going down into her thigh. This can indicate that the assassination was a tease, a hoax, especially as the thigh is part of the leg while Leggs almost have the Trump Coat. See that?

"Thy" is a motto term of Sinclairs/SUNS, you see, and English Clare's were first found in Suffolk with sun-using TATE's, Babe's and Buckle's. Sun-using Brady's were a branch of Bradds/Breads because the latter were once said to be first found in Midlothian with Sinclairs of ROSLIN. Buckle-using Roslins were first found in Lincolnshire with Boothbys and Tateshalls, and Tattons (share Tute/Tout crescent) were first found in Cheshire with Bradds/Breads.

Fore's/Forez's use a "TOUT travers" motto while Travers are in Buckle and Tateshall colors and format. "Tout" is a motto code also of Oliphants, kin of Bothwells.

The reason I had mentioned "Busca, near Asti province and Monforte of Italy," is that Montforts use the Arms of Bohemia while Podebrady is in Bohemia. Plus, Astys, first found in Lorraine-connectable Lanarkshire with Bothwells, have the Lorraine lion in colors reversed. Bothwells use a "boy" while the Bois named Bohemia. Some say the Boii also named BAVARia. Boys/Bie's were first found in Berwickshire with Scottish Tate's.

[Insert -- I didn't know until Sunday evening that the two-tailed Montfort lion is with Hards/Hardress'! Hardys were first found in Lanarkshire too.

I didn't know until Saturday that Crockers share ravens with ROOFs/Rolphs!!! Beauty. And Crockets, first found in Lanarkshire, share the crescent of English Crocs! We have a definite pointer to Thomas Crooks who was feigned upon the roof with faked/doctored images. Crocs were first found in Shropshire with the Rodden river while Roddens and Lorraine's were first found in Northumberland with the Stain-branch Stevensons/Steinsons/Stove's/Stave's who have a reflection of the Crocket Coat. End insert]

Lanarks/LURNacks, who have the Lorraine-like Lorne's in their write-up, share the BUS and DOG cinquefoil, and I asked Lorraine for out first date at her bus stop at the corner of Lorne and Yonge street (Richmond Hill, Ontario). The Dogs were first found in Perthshire with the Rollo's who not only have another "tout" motto term, but share the black boar with Booths/Boths and Bush's/Busch's.

Perthshire is also where Athels and Drummonds were first found while I identify Gates-like Agatha, mother of queen Margaret, as the woman in Podebrady who married GEORGE of Hungary, father of the Drummonds. This is why I see the Gates' as named from "Agatha." Margaret's cup-bearer was Henry Sinclair, and she gave him the Roslin location as his own. Lorraine turned out to be a Jehovah's Witness, otherwise called the RUSSELLites, and Russells could have named ROSLin. Russells were first found in Dorset with English George's and Beaks, where English Babe's were once said to be first found, and the triple fesses of Beaks (share Babe leopard face) are above the gold gate in the Arms of Podebrady.

Note SUN-using "DorSETs," for a later Henry Sinclair of Roslin was given the Orkneys to rule, beside the island of SHETland, and as ASS'/Assi's were first found in Shetland, let's go to the SHEETS'/Skate's, for GREG NICOL of BEAVER ESU was an obvious player in the assassination hoax. He told his fellow officers that Thomas Crooks was heading for the SHEETZ gas station, and Nicols/Nickle's (Cheshire with Cheatle's) share the pheon of STOPs/Stubbs. Lorraine's bus STOP can thus point to Greg Nicol, especially as Bevere's were first found in Westphalia with Pansys/Pantzers and Ducks.

By the way, Boothbys are said to have named Boothby-Pagnell, and then Scottish Pagans/Pagnells (Yorkshire with BLADE's and Booths/Boths) can take us to French Pagans/Payens who in turn share "spur rowells" (different design) with PANTers/Panthers. Drago de BEWERE is in the write-up of pheon-using Blade's, you see. Pheon-like Paeoni were also Paioni, like the Paion variation of Pagans/Payens.

The Stop/Stubb and Nicol/Nickle pheon (ARROW head) is in colors reversed from the same of Eggertons (Cheshire with Nicols/Nickle's) while German Eggers look to be sharing the Shield of German Beavers/Bibels! Lookie there. GREG NICOL of BEAVER county swat! Arrows/Arras' were first found in Staffordshire with Stops/Stubbs, and with Duck-branch Duce's/Doocys.

Not only do Nicols/Nickle's use the arrow head, but the Dons (Cheshire with Nicols/Nickle's) use a chevron-with-arrows in the colors of the bend-with-eagles of Lorraine's, though that's not all because Dons share the double fesses of English Nicholsons/Nickersons. From here we go to Downs/Douns and Dounhams/Downhams/Dounhams, the surname of Obama's mother, because the latter essentially share the Butler Coat in colors reversed. Both use the dancette while being in the colors of Italian Dance's/Donna's.

Douns/Downs have a giant stag in the colors of the giant Trump stag head, and the Knee's, first found in County Down, share the stag head of the Acorns beloved of Dutch Tromps, and first found in Sussex with Douns/Downs, and with the Deans/Dene's while the "dat" motto term of DENhams can suggest that they were a Dunham branch because the latter were first found in Norfolk with Date's/Dade's/Deeds. "Deed" is a motto term of Scottish Flemings, first found in Lanarkshire with the Yarborough-beloved Sine's and Bothwells. Lorraine elements were in Lanarkshire, as I'll show. Compare Yarborough/Yearby colors to German Beavers.

LOOKIE HERE. Welsh Rice's use a "Secret" motto term while Service's were first found in Stirlingshire with Years. The man whose face the deep state has shown as the dead Thomas Crooks is really Maxwell YEARick. He was hired by the Secret Service! Kimberly Cheatle takes use to the "oak" tree of Kimberlys, and Oaks have a "robur" motto term while Robbers have the Service chevron in colors reversed. Robe's/Robbs, with a different-colors version of the Service Coat, were first found in Stirlingshire with Service's!!! Robe's/Robbs and Service's both use "stags" while Staggs/STAGE's (assassination was staged) were first found in Devon with the Darlene's who in turn have a "A female figure in silver ROBES..."" in Crest! Robe's/Robbs share the chevron of Robins, and the latter were first found in Peebles-shire with the McKinneys and Frasers, both linkable the KETTLE's, and both sharing the Kim Coat!!! ZINGER. There's a question now as per Mr. Rowe, once Cheatle's deputy-director, on whether his surname was a Robe variation.

French Roberts, with blue vair in Chief, were first found in Burgundy with Vairs/Fers while Reesors/Reasons use blue "vair" in their patee cross (Welsh Roberts become suspect with the Patty lion). The French Robert lion is in the colors of the Reesors/Reason lion, and the latter were first found in Lincolnshire with Croce's/Cross' expected in the "crosses crosslet fitchees" of Darlene's. Darlingtons share "Cruce" with Croce's/Cross', and Italian Croce's share the lion of Posts in the Robin motto. I went to Reesors because the Welsh Reesors share the Welsh Rice Coat, and the latter use "Secret et hardi." I don't know what the latter term could be code for.

Hards/Hardress' were first found in Kent with English Roberts, and Robbers share the Hard/HARDRess (and ARTHUR) chevron! ARDons show the Roper Coat exactly. Irish Harts share the French Robert lion! Hards/Hardress' Arthurs (Berwickshire with HOBs) have an "OBstantia" motto term while Stants are listed with Stains.

Robe-connectable Darlene's and Darlingtons share the gold drops of English Cnuts, first found in Derbyshire with Robe-like Ropers. The Hangers in the "pot hangers" of Danish Cnuts were first found in Hampshire with Posts. Ropers have a different-colors Coat version of Botters/Bodins/BODYs (Hampshire)! Cheatle and Rowe are in charge of BODYguards! Ropers have an "anglis CRUX" motto phrase while English's/Inglis'/Anglis' ("NobiLIS") share the lion of Posts (Hampshire with Bodys and Lise's/Liss'), perfect.

English's/Anglis' share the Chief of Douglas' (Moray) who are said to descend from Hardys in the "Secret et hardi" motto or Rice's! The Reesors/Reason Crest looks like a brown wolf head, but is said to be a "fox," yet Irish Gards happen to use a brown wolf, interesting indeed. Gardens and Jarrets share the Hardy boar head, and Jarrets were first found in Brittany with the Moray-connectable Ducs/LeDucs and Vair-branch Fers/Ferrats. Reesors/Reasons use "vair."

Douglas' were first found in Moray and share the Moray/Murray stars in their Chief. Irish Murrays (share Moray/Murray Coat) have an "Imperio" motto term while Imperia (Liguria) was Oneglia, the line to Nagle's below, first found in Westphalia with Ducks! Oneglia is where Hardy-like Arduinici married Doria's.

"SeCRET" can be part-code for Crets because they were first found in Burgundy with their Grand kin while Scottish Grands were first found in Inverness-shire with Cret-branch Wreaths, beloved of Neal-related Yarborough's/Yearbys. Hardys have a cross in the colors of the Neil/Nail/Nagle saltire (Westphalia with Pansys/Pantzers), and Neals share the lion of Yarborough-beloved Sine's/Swans, first found in the same place as Hardys. The Douglas Chief is shared with Jewish Salmons while English Salmons and Salemans were first found in Surrey with the Stains who married Yarborough's. Italian Salmons share the Shield of Fiscs while Fieschi were in Genoa (see their Wikipedia page), where Tromp-related Doria's were first found along with SECRet-like Segurana's. The Fisc and Salmon checks are shared with Vairs/Fers' (Burgundy) while Rice-branch Reesors/Reasons use "vair."

Derbyshire is where Morleys/MERLEYs were first found, and Kimberlys, who took us to Robber-like surname in the first place with their oak tree, have a KinMERLEY variation. Let's remind that we've come to Robert elements from the "robur" motto term of Kimberly-beloved Oaks. having said that, the "Garde"-using Lawns/Lane's (STAFFORDshire with Prets) were resolved a while ago with the French Robert lion, yet it's also the Pret lion. Kimberly was chief at the Secret service, and Service's share the Staff/Stafford chevron while Stave's/Stevensons/Steinsons (Northumberland with Lorraine's) were a Stain and Stein branch. Steins were first found in Norfolk with Rise's, Risons/Risings, and the "stave"-using Pilgrims in the "pilgrim's stave's" of German Rice's/Rise's. PILgrims may have been named by Pile's because they share the leopard face of both Norfolk's Parsons and Steins.

AND WOW, Maxwell Yearick is from Rison-like Arizona!!! The city of Phoenix in Arizona can take us to Phoenix's/Fenwicks (Northumberland with Stave's) who have a Coat like that of Norfolk's Hips'. The latter use a "sphinx" while Spinks were first found in Northamptonshire with the Parson-beloved Face's. It's said that Crooks (Yearick) was shot in the face by a Secret-Service sniper, and Snipers were first found in Oxfordshire with Parson-branch Peare's who likewise share the Pile leopard face.

Oxfordshire is where Ships were first found while ship-using Bauds were first found in Stirlingshire with Service's. Ships use "bellows" while "bello" is a motto term of German Bauds. Bellows share the Bus cinquefoil.

The Service link to Staffs/Staffords can be drawn from the Drummonds who named Drymen in Stirlingshire. Service's are in Scottish Drummond colors. Stirlings/STURlings have the bend-with-fleur of Stops/Stubbs, the latter first found in Staffordshire with the Bassets who share the Scottish Drummond Coat, both of which are essentially the STUR Coat. Lorraine's bus stop can thus be pointing to the Secret Service. It's possible that the many crisis actors at the glass factory were bussed in after given a few words by a team leader on how to behave or not behave.

Lanarkshire is beside GLASgow, and while Glass' were first found on Bute, Butts/Bute's are in Bothwell colors and near-format. Glasgow is in Renfrewshire while Renfrews share the Baud and Bald ship. Balds (same ship) were first found in Peebles-shire (opposite side of Lanarkshire) with the McKinneys and Frasers, both of which share the cinquefoils of Kims, first found on Bute. KIM Cheatle was, until the assassination attempt, the Director of the Secret Service. She was replaced by Mr. Rowe, and Rowe's were first found in Norfolk with Rise's and Risings/Risons and Rice-connectable Roofs.

Rise's are listed with Rye's in the "CROSSEd EARs of rye" of Saddocks (Sussex, where Rise's/Rye's were once said to be first found). Rise's/Rye's share the Crooks bend, and the Crooks bend happens to use three escutcheons in the colors of the giant escutcheon of Saddocks! Croce's are listed with English CROSS', and were first found in Lincolnshire with Rice-branch Reesors/Reasons and Grasse's. The other Reesors share the Welsh Rice Coat having the Roof/Rove ravens. Italian Croce's share the lion of Lanarkshire's Roys and English Grasse's while Roys are in the motto of Lanark-like Lawns/Lane's, first found in Staffordshire with Service kin, and with Stops/Stubbs. Lorraine got her grass stain on a lawn.

Crooks' were first found in Westmorland with Levins who in turn share the footless Saddock martlets. Levens (not "Levin"), who happen to share the Service chevron, were first found in Shropshire with Crocs! Saddocks call their escutcheon a "shield", by the way.

Levens use elephant heads while Oliphants (Perthshire with Drummonds) have: "...Oliphant lands were significantly extended as King Malcolm granted the family BOTHWELL in Lanarkshire..." Sturlings are like the Starlings/Starlincks, first found in Suffolk with Lings/Lyngs while Linch's/Lynch's share the Bothwell Coat. Stars were first found in Wiltshire with the YEARby-related Neals.

It Was My Laundry Day

As I've said many times, on our first outing from the bus stop, Lorraine met me at the corner of LEVENdale and Yonge streets, at my LAUNDRomat. Decades later, and even a few years after I first told that part, houseofnames temporarily listed French Laundrys with Landrys, first found in the Bar-le-Duc region of Lorraine, so wild. I wouldn't have known about Landrys unless they had listed Laundrys (they no longer come up as "Laundry").

Ducks and Ducs were mentioned above with Morays, who share a "pret" motto term with Meats/Meads who in turn share the Landry martlets (see Pellicans and French Josephs). Morays share the mermaid with German Babe's/Babels while English Babe's were first found in Suffolk with Meadows almost having the Meat/Mead Coat. Prets share the Moray stars in the colors for them of SUTHERlands. Shooters/Shuters come to mind, first found in Angus with GARDens. The Secret Service is a guard service. Ducs/LeDucs were first found in Brittany with Garden-branch Jarrets.

English Laundrys use a giant "oak tree," and Tree's/True's use a "knight" "BRANDishing a sword" while English Brands are in Landry colors and format. Kimberlys share the Laundry Coat, both said to be oak trees! KIMBERLY Cheatle. Kims were first found on Bute, and her butt stain needed a laundry machine.

About a week later, Lorraine got a foot symbol, and Landrys not only use footless martlets, but share the Foot and Fothes/Fette/FIDO chevron. "Fido" is a motto term of Croce's/Cross', the latter first found in Lincolnshire with Brands and Grasse's. As the latter's lion is in the colors of the giant lion head of Bradds/Breads, the latter may have named Brands from Podebrady liners such as Babe's. German Brands use "...tree trunks in flames..." while Scottish Flemings were first found in Lanarkshire with Lorne elements. Irish Flemings share the Baby checks; the full Baby Coat is shared with Flamingo's.

The "cockaTRICE" of Brands even gets us to Lorraine-related Keeps (Sussex with Babwells/Babels), for "Keep tryst" is a motto term of Hebrons and Simple's while Trice's/Trysts and Tristans were first found in Cornwall with the Spree's who have a "simple" motto term. Mythical Tristan was of the Arthurian cult which included Morgan le Fay of Cornwall. Morgans have the giant Asty lion in colors reversed.

As Astys (Lanarkshire with Bothwells) share the Lorraine lion, let's repeat from above, though now I'll use capitals: "Asti is beside Langhe while Langleys share the six pale bars of Landens/LANDERs..." It's time to come clean. Cleans are listed with McLANE's. Irish Lawns/Lane's share the Lorraine / Keep bend. Asti is beside Bar-like Bra. German Barrs use hunting horns while Horns/ORNE's were first found in Middlesex with Stains. Cleans/McLane's share the MacDonald ship, and the latter call it a "galley," same as what Keeps call their ship, and then Keppochs were a blood branch of MacDonalds. The latter share the Ferte eagle while Ferte-Mace is off the ORNE river.

I trace Ferte-Mace elements to king Maccus of the MacDonald theater, a grandson of Sitric CAECH (ruled Northumberland), and Cake's are also CakeBREADs. The Bradds/Breads (Cheshire with Mace's) were once said to be first found in Midlothian with the Fallis' who share their lion, and then Falaise is off the Orne river. King Maccus liners are to Maxtons/Maccustons, who share the Clean/Lane fitchee. Bush-loving Maxwells/Makeswells were first found in Maxton in Roquefeuil-line Roxburghshire, named after Kiev's Roxolani who were also on the BUZau river.

Roxolani were Ros-Alans, and they likely named Roussillon because it possesses Roquefeuil. Spain calls it, Rosellon, like "Roslin," and the latter's SQUARE Buckle's tend to prove it because Square's/Squirrels were first found in Worcestershire with English Rocks and Rooks. Buckle's were first found in Suffolk with Sinclair-branch Clare's, and with Rush's/Rish's in Ross colors, and with sun-using Babe's. The Alleys of Worcestershire share the Fallis lion, and Fallis' were first found in Midlothian with Roslin of the Sinclairs/Suns. It doesn't necessarily mean that Clare liners were Roxolani, but likely they were. Rochesters were first found in Kent with Alley-branch Atlas'/Atleys.

Rosco's/Risco's ("elephant tusks") share the Rush/Rish fesse and add the BUS cinquefoil in colors reversed. Riggs share the same fesse while Roslins were of Rigsby. Of interest now is the "Secret" motto term of Rish- / Rigg-like Rice's, because Kim Cheatle of the Secret Service can be traced to Cheatle-like Kettle's who share the Rosco/Risco fesse-with-cinquefoils. Rice-branch Reesors/Reasons were first found in Lincolnshire with Roslins.

The way in which KIM Cheatle points to Kettle's is where the latter were kin of Keiths along with McKinneys and Frasers, and the latter two share the Kim cinquefoils, white like the Bus cinqueFOIL (Fellers, Rocks and Fallis' use treFOILs for whatever named RoqueFEUIL). Kims were first found on Bute, and then the Cheatle Coat is almost identical to the BUTTon/Biden/Budin Coat which itself has the Rosco/Risco, Rush/Rish, Rigg, and Ricks fesse in colors reversed. But it gets whammo where the Buttons/Biden/Budin fesse is shared with German Butts/Bute's/Boets (ROSEs). Kims were first found on Bute! One could get the impression that God arranged to get Cheatle tossed from her job, and I'm betting that she was chosen by Biden's handlers, maybe even Obama.

Lynch's and Lings (Suffolk) look like kin of Fellers who in turn share trefoils with Fallis', and while Fellers were named from whatever named "RoqueFEUIL," note the Clean/McLane rock.

It's mentionable again that Lynch's share the Coat of Bothwells (suspect from Bute), first found in the same place as Lawn-beloved Roys. Lawns use a "Garde" motto term while Cheatle was in charge of BODYguards. Bodys are listed with Botters/Bodins, first found in Hampshire with Buttons/Bidens/Budins.

Lynch's were first found in Galway with Babe-related Bradys, and Lorraine got her foot symbol at the same time as her Babe symbol. Bradds/Breads have a giant lion head in the colors of the English Grasse lion. The Bradd/Bread lion head is shared with Pantzer- / Panter like Penders ("fide") who are in turn in the colors and format of the Saddock-beloved Shields. The latter were first found in Berwickshire with the Boys/Bie's (Shield colors and near-format), and Bothwells have a "BOY PULLING DOWN a green pine TREE." Pullings/Pullys (Yorkshire with Booths/Boths and Bush's/Buschs) share the footless Landry martlets, and English Laundrys use a giant tree, perhaps the tree of French Bois' (Brittany with Roys). Boys/Bie's were first found in the same place as Home's/Hume's who in turn love the True variation of Tree's.

Galway is also where Irish Dene's were first found while English Dene's/Deans were first found in Sussex with Crooks-related Saddocks (Sussex with Deans/Dene's). Grasse's above were first found in the same place as Croce's/Cross' while Italian Croce's were first found in Vicenza with Wing-liner Valentins. One of the Irish Dene's has wings, and the other Irish Dene's (both in Galway) have a "CROCodile," I kid thee not. Dile's/Dills in "crocoDILE" share the English Dean/Dene lion, which is shared also by English and Irish Grass' (not "Grasse").

Valentins are in the colors and format of the other English Stevensons/Steinsons, no longer said to be first found in Northumberland, but now in Essex with Stubbings. Bus' were first found in Norfolk with Steins, and with the Rise's/Rye's sharing the bend of these other Stevensons/Steinsons. Stubbings were first found in Essex with Hicks of Low Leighton, and the Stubbing quadrants are shared by Leightons/Leytons, first found in Shropshire with Crocs. Essex is also where English Bois'/Boys' and Bays were first found, along with early Stumps/Stomps (Colchester with Bays). Italian Bosco's have a Stubb-like "tree stump." So, yes, her bus stop was a pointer to Bush liners. Bosco's are in a Rose write-up, and Bayers use a giant rose.

Stumps/Stomps look like kin of Ticks and Teague's/Teegers while Tigers were first found in Suffolk with Stamp-connectable Rush's, StarLINGs, and LYNGs. Teague's/Teegers were first found in Galway with Bothwell-connectable Lynch's.

Stevensons are also STEPHensons, and STEPPs/StepTOWs share the Coat of German Bush's/Buschs, featuring the fleur-de-lys of Stevensons/Stave's/Steinsons in colors reversed. Tows/Tough's/Tuffs were first found in Cheshire (beside Shropshire) with the Bosco-beloved Tufts/Tuffs' who in turn share the "phoenix" with Phoenix's/Fenwicks, the latter first found in Northumberland with Lorraine's. Lorraine's BUS STOP is in this paragraph. The Bosco's above use "tufts of grass." I argued that Lorraine was probably behind a bush when getting her grass stain, for she was with a married man on a residential street, Church street. English Church's are in the colors and format of English Bush's/Buschs'. Boy-like Scottish Bois' are said to have been a Bosco branch.

As per Maxwell Yearick, not only do Maxwells use a "holly BUSH" to go with Bush-related Booths/Boths, but I've shown how Yarborough's/YEARbys are from king YARoslav of Kiev. I'll need to repeat several things here, but keep in mind that while her grass stain can point to Stains, the latter are said to have married Yarborough's.

As per Lorraine's pant stain pointing to German Ducks of Westphalia, where Bevere's were first found, we then find that Yarborough's/Yearbys (Duke/Doke colors) share the Duke/Dook "wreaths," but the latter call them "chaplets" while Chaplets were first found in Lorraine. Chaplets (Landry colors) share the swan that French Josephs once showed, first found in Maine with Pulling-beloved Pellicans. French Josephs now show the Landry and Pulling martlet. Thus, the Duke's/Dooks just linked to the Bar-le-Duc area where Landrys were first found...which is why God arranged for me to meet Lorraine at the laundromat. He's apparently verifying that Yearick was involved in the hoax. Stains use the "wreath" too.

Plus, the split colors of Duke's/Dooks are in colors reversed with Bewere's (not "Bevere"). Drago de Bewere is in the write-up of Burtons/Bertons who in turn use "DOG's heads." Dogs/Doags are also Docks while English Docks were first found in Staffordshire with Duce's/Doocys, and Westphalia's Ducks are also Dockers.

Berton-connectable Berts/Births were pointed to when I asked Lorraine for our date on my 24th birthday. It just so happens that French Bertons were first found in Lorraine while Burtons/Bertons above were first found in Shropshire with Crocs. German Bertons were first found in Rhineland with German Bush's/Buschs, a branch of German Boschs. Dutch Bush's/Bos'/Boschs use billets while English Billets share the Bus cinquefoil, and were first found in Devon with Berts/Births and Crockers/Croke's. Steins were first found in Norfolk with Burts who share the Bert/Birth Coat. French Billets/Billiards were first found in Maine with Landry-connectable Josephs.

Varangian Rus are to the Rose's who married Bosco's, and then German Bush's/Buschs were first found in Rhineland with rose-using Bewere's. Bus' (share Dog/Doag cinquefoil) were first found in Norfolk with Stain-branch Steins.

Yaroslav was the brother of Maria, and she married Casimir, son of RICHEZa of Lorraine, explaining why Rich's/RICHESS' named Riche in Lorraine. This is also why Kiev-like Keeps (Sussex with Babwells/Babels) share the Lorraine bend, which is the Arms of Baden, where Veringers lived who used the red antler, symbol of Casimirs too. Yaroslav was king of Veringer-like Varangi. Casimirs use their antler as a bend in the colors of the bend that is the Arms of Baden.

She was out walking with a MARRied man, perhaps a pointer to Maria's. Marys, first found in Norfolk with Burts, Bus and Bucks, have the Bucklin/Buckland Coat (share Buck lion), which is the Ross Coat in colors reversed, and Ross' are traceable to Varangian Rus via king Andrew I of Hungary (he was in Kiev). These Varangians probably got hold of the BUZau river (Romania).

And the German GREGGs were first found in Baden while using the Ukraine flag in colors reversed. Kiev is the Ukraine capital. I woke up Thursday morning dreaming that I was wearing a baby's bib, and Babys were first found in Ukraine! See that? That's why God had to make Lorraine look like a babe, or at least to choose a beautiful woman for these pointers. Kiev was home to BLOND BUDINi, and the Buttons/Bottons/BUDINs are in the bottony crosses Rich's/Richess'. Lorraine was a blond babe who had gotten a foot symbol with her babe symbol, and there is a foot in a sun in the Crest of Blond's, first found in Suffolk with sun-using Babe's. While Butts/Bute's are in Bude/Bud colors, Butlers look related to the Ukraine flag.

GREG NICOL seems to be pointed to with Greggs. We can even take this to English Greggs (Yorkshire with Craggs) because they are in Carrick colors.

Veringers ruled in Baden-Wuerttemberg, and the German Babe's/Bebels/Bobels were first found in Wuerttemberg. Like the Montforts and the Arms of Podebrady, Babe's/Bebels/Bobels use two tails, a code suspect with Tails/Tailers and likely Talbots / TailBOIS', the latter first found in Lincolnshire with Boby-related Boothbys. The latter descended from Tateshall, and Tateshalls (Lincolnshire) are in the colors and format of Travers' who in turn share the Meschin scallops and the Booth/Both boar in colors reversed. Ranulph le Meschin married Lucy TAILLEBOIS.

Meschins were first found in Shropshire with Talbots, and "talbot" DOGs are used by both Craggs and Carricks. Dogs/Doags (Perthshire with Podebrady-descended Drummonds, and with Bush-connectable Rollo's) share the Bus cinquefoil, and so we now go to the HOLLY BUSH of Maxwells, for Hollys (Norfolk with Bus' and Heads/Heeds) have the Cragg talbot dog in colors reversed, and in the colors of the talbot heads of Hole's/Halls (Lincolnshire with Tailbois').

The Carrick Crest description includes "A silver ostRICH with gold LEGS and BEAK..." It's important here that Leggs almost have the Trump Coat, for Carricks were first found in AYRshire with Scottish Ayers, who in turn share the Coat of leg-using and ear-like Eyers/Ayers. Trump feigned a bullet GRAZE at his EAR, and English Grasse's were first found in Lincolnshire with Carrick-connectable Tailbois'. Grec Nicol is a sniper, and GATE-using Snipers were first found in Oxfordshire with the English Crispins while French Crispins share the pomegranate too.

Ayrshire is where Sheets-branch SKIT/Skeets'/Skeochs were first found too, and Greg Nicol made the unexpected claim that Crooks was headed for Sheetz. The assassination hoax was a skit of sorts. There was much police camera work that was rehearsed and scripted.

Beaks (Dorset with Caens and Chaffs) were kin of Babe's both from Podebrady, and Caens share the fretty Shield of Chaff-like Cave's (Lancashire with Gorsuch's) and Strothers/STRUTHERs. Beaks share the white ostrich in Crest with Carricks, and in Greek, an ostrich is a "struthios. Lorraine's are said to have married Strothers. Cave's were first found in Lancashire with Lorraine-connectable Gorsuch's, and Butler-like Bottle/Bootels. Butlers, Caens and Irish Clare's share a "plume" of five, white "ostrich feathers." Caens and Strothers share the same fretty Shield, and Strothers share the falcon in Crest with Butlers.

Not only do Strothers have a different-colors version of the Lorraine bend, but they were first found in Northumberland with with Lorraine's and DOUGlas-connectable STAVE's/Stevensons. The Hawks use "pilgrim's STAVES". Although there's a "falcon" in the Crest of Strothers, their motto has a word translated, "hawk."

The same motto has "gloriam" while Glorys are listed with Irish Lowrys who in turn share the Coat essentially of Lawrie's/Larrys (Dumfries with Leggs) who share "laurel" with Lorraine's. The Lawrie/Larry laurel is in a giant cup while Cups/Cope's were first found in Aberdeenshire with the Lorne's and Carls; the latter share the "pomegranate" with Lorraine's Crispins (descended from Clare's). English Charles' and Carltons were first found in Suffolk with Babe's, and Feets/Fate's share the martlets of French Charles'. Charlie's (Lancashire with Bottle's/Bootels/Buttels) use Butler-like "BLUE bottles"! Blue's/Gorms were first found in Arran, beside Bute. Butlers use cups, and Cup-branch Cops were first found in Hampshire with the Hawks in the "hawks head" of the Charlie Crest! The assassination hoax involved privy-to-hoax, detestable, corrupt cops.

Hampshire is also where Buttons/BIDENs/Budins were first found, from the Budini of Kiev, and then German BUTTs/Bute's/Boets share the Button/Biden/Budin fesse! Italian Boets are listed with Boys, and English Boys/Bie's are in the format and near-colors of Bottle's/Buttels. The Boii of Pannonia were near the Ceraunii Illyrians to the crowns of Bottle's/Buttels, and the latter are in the colors of Potters, first found in Hampshire with Botters/Bodins, and with the Buttons/Bidens/Budins who in turn share "horns" with BULLETs/Bullheads. See, Lorraine's butt stain is pointing to bullets in Butler county.

Bottle's/Buttels were first found in Lancashire with Bullet-like Boltons/Bultons (share Charlie chevron), and we can now get very interesting, for I showed how balcony-like Balcons link to Italian Botters/Botini's via the latter's Chatan / Chattan kin. Chatans were first found at the Potter-like Poitiers area, and Potter-linkable Porters (Hampshire with Ports) take us to Ports sharing the Butt/Bute Chief. See that? Lorraine's butt stain was seen on her balcony. Jay-using Davers were first found in Suffolk with Babe's. Balcons and Chatans look like kin of Jays, first found in Herefordshire with Roof-branch Ralphs.

Poitiers and Poitou were PICtonia, and while Luce's/Lucys use pike fish that they called "lucies," Lucca's use a giant cat while Botters/Butini's were first found in Lucca. That's why Chatans apply to Botters with cat-using Clan Chattan. Why might the arrow heads of Picots (Cheshire with Nicols/Nickle's) be called "pike heads" while the giant Nicol/Nickle pheon (Bottle/Buttel colors) is an arrow head? Why do Nicole's share the RALPH trefoil while English Pike's have trefoils too? Is it because Greg Nicol was on the ROOF planting the Crooks hoax, including the fake blood STAIN? I think he planted a dummy, and Dumme's, with a giant "heron" in the colors and format of English Botters/Bodins/BODYs, jibe with the "horns" in the Button/Biden/Budin Crest because Herons (Northumberland with Lorraine's) share the Horn/Orne Coat. Horns/Orne's were first found in Middlesex with Stains?!

Luce's were lords of Dice, and dice are shown for Spells while Stains were at SPELthorne in the Surrey part of Middlesex. Surreys are also Surrichs while we saw the Arms of Zurich with German Beavers/Beibers.

English Clare's (Suffolk with LODGE's/LOGE's) have the Bled and English Matthew Coat in colors reversed while Bleds were first found in Burgundy with French Loge's. This can be interesting with Thomas MATTHEW Crooks, for Bloods/Bluds share the "lodged stag" with Maxwells. The blood streak was on the ROOF of a glass factory, and Glass' were first found in BUTE! Roofs/Rolfe's/Rove's and Rowe's.

Good morning Saturday. I awoke this morning realizing that Lorraine's grass streak could be a pointer to the blood streak on roof. Roofs/Rolfe's/Rove's and Rowe's were first found in Norfolk with Bus', and the latter's giant, ermined cinquefoil is in the colors of the giant, ermined and PASSant lion of Roofs'/Rolfe's/Rove's. Rollo's use a "passe" motto term while Passe's/Pascals share the lamb with one of the Rowe surnames. The fiend of the Secret Service during the hoax was undoubtedly Mr. Rowe, now the acting director of the Secret Service.

The other Rowe's are excellent partly for being in Cop colors and format. Cups/Cope's, with almost the Cop Coat, were first found in Aberdeenshire with Sellers who in turn share cups on red Butlers.

I awoke this morning remembering that, on the evening that I approached Lorraine at her bus stop, we walked back to her place and kissed at a PICnic table in front of her apartment. It's unbelievable that English Pike's share the trefoils of the Rowe's who are in Cop colors and format! Scottish Picks/Pike's were first found in Ayrshire with Eyer-like Ayers and Scottish Hairs/Hare's, and the latter have the dancetty Shield of Butlers in colors reversed! Picots and picNIC-pointable Nicols/Nickle's were first found in the same place!

The fact that I remembered that it was my birthday at that first kiss, at the end of June, means that her pant-stain event was near July 13, the date of the assassination scam. As I can recall only three outings with her prior to the pant-stain event, I figured we saw each other only two or three weeks, probably only two, for I don't think I would have seen her only once per week.

I remember using "picNIC" to point out NICOLs/Nickle's because they share the Stop/Stubb pheon. Greg Nicol was to secure the roof, and it's Roof-branch Rowe's who have a Coat like that of English Pike's. Nicol was a sniper manning the second-story window, and Windows, in Pick/Pix colors and near-format, share the gold fitchee cross with the Window Crest. It was Greg Nicol who took the PIC of Thomas Crooks at the retaining wall from his window, and it was Nicol's Beaver team, or maybe even Nicol himself, that reported Crooks at a picnic table!!!!

As Lorraine and I had our first kiss at that table, note that Kiss'/Cush's (share Babcock rooster) are of the Bibo's/Bible's, and that while Nicol was of Beaver county, German Beavers are also Beibels!!! Zikers, I can't believe this? That kiss was in the early 1980s. What in tarnation would God have been doing pointing to Nicol at that time?

Pick's/Pix's were even first found in Kent with the Fiens/FINIS' whose lions are in the colors of the lion paws of Windows. WINDsors, first found in Berkshire with Points/Pointers, have a fie en" motto phrase looking like code for Fiens, and while FINEStere province in Brittany sounds like the French / Italian word for "window," the Arms of Finistere happens to share the upright ram of French Bauds/Bauts!!! Were's back to Butt elements, I presume. Bauds/Bauts share the Crest of Rose-connectable Ralphs, and Cups with Cops love the Rose's. Roofs/Rolphs/Rove's were likely a branch of Rowe's/ROWS', you see, looking like a Rose branch.

"FiniSTERE" could have been named from a Finis-Stair merger because both surnames were first found in Kent. Stere-like Steers share the vertically-split Shield colors of German Gardners while English Gards were first found in Kent too. Nicols/Nickle's use a Cornish chough while Cornish's are in the colors and format of English Gardners and English Lowers/Louers (Cornwall). Cornwall is where Carrick-branch Carrots/Carews were first found, and Carricks use a "Garde" motto term. Nicol is a bodyguard.

Scottish Bauds share the GUN ship!!! Kepke's almost have the Riffle Coat, and almost have the Coat of French Bauds. GUNS = RIFLES! Guns were first found in the Orkney islands with Ass'!!! Lorraine's butt / pant stain, at our service. The Timms/Time's suspect in the Rowe motto share the goat with Riffle's. Scottish Raffle's use a "cruce" motto term and have a purple griffin head while Purple's were first found in Norfolk with Rowe's and Fiscs.

Italian Raffaels ("comets") probably share the Fisc Coat because purple pilgrim's staves are used by Hawks while stave-using PilGRIMs, first found in Norfolk with Fiscs, can be traced to the Grimaldi's of Genova, who had partnership with Fieschi. As Reines' use the comet too, the Raphael checks can go to Vairs/Fers' and Ferrats/Fers, and therefore to Renier of Montferrat. This paragraph is off-topic.

Guns use "pax" and "bellum" motto terms to go with the "pax bello" phrase of German Bauds. "Pax" means "peace" while Pack-connectable Peace's/Paise's happen to share the doves of Pansys/PANTzers!!! Paisleys were first found in Renfrewshire while Renfrews share the giant Gun ship. Ships/Shiptons use "bellows", and then the Bellow Chief, featuring the Bus cinquefoil, is in the colors and format of Bellows (Cheshire with Nicols) and their Billet branch. Billets almost take us to Bullets.

Greg Nicol took a picture of Crooks on a wall, and English Walls were first found in Gloucestershire with the LETTs using "ORGAN pipes". Not only were Pipe's kin of Stops/Stubbs, but "organ" looks like code for a person/family in ORKNey, for that's where LinkLETTers were first found. Link-like Lings and StarLINGs were first found in Suffolk with the Kidds sharing the Kepke goat.

It's important that Stops/Stubbs have the fesse-with-buckles in colors reversed from the same of Stirlings while Scottish Bauds (share Renfrew ship) were first found in Stirlingshire with Years/Yare's (show no Coat but have a write-up). This helps to convince me that Lorraine's butt points to Maxwell Yearick, for Maxwells use a Bus-like bush while Lorraine gave us the bus stop at Lorne and Yonge. The English Este's (= Butt/Bute kin) in the Yarborough/Yearby motto were first found in Essex with English Yonge's/Youngs, and Italian Este's share the eagle of Essex's/Essacks, first found in Middlesex with Stains. Ass' use the "balance" while Balance's almost have the Coat of Italian Este's.

The Packs suspect in the motto of German Bauds share the anchor of Scottish Paisleys/Pasleys (Renfrewshire with Spears), a branch of Pasi's/Pascels (Bologna with the Boii) who share crossed, white spears with Picture's/Picthalls. German Bauds share "bello" in their motto with BOUIllons, first found in Auvergne with French Bauds/Bauts. Boyds (Ayrshire with Picks/Pike's) share two fingers pointing with the Point/Pointer Crest. Crooks-like Crocs were first found in Shropshire with English Boyds.

I almost forgot: Babe's, first found in Suffolk with Stop-beloved BUCKle's, and with Kidds almost having the Baud ram, likewise have two fingers pointing! English BUCKs, first found in Norfolk with BUS' and Rowe's, are in the colors and format of gate-using Yates', and the latter were first found in Gloucestershire with Walls. German Bucks share the lion of Picture's/Picthalls, and Nicol took a picture of Crooks at a wall. The Rowe's in Cop colors and format use a red "buck's head" to go with the red stag of Plants, the latter first found in London with the Capes' who in turn share the Chief-Shield color combination of the other Rowe's in Bus colors and format.

This is a good place to add that Cops were first found in Hampshire with the Perrys and Hawks while axes are the only symbol of AxelRODs/HAWKeswells, first found in Suffolk with Buckle's and Lodge's/Loge's. Hawkins, with almost the Arrow/Arras Coat, have a "hind lodged", and Hinds have the Parry Coat in colors reversed while Perrys use an "hind" too. Rods were first found in Devon (location of Axe river) with Hicks-branch Hooks, and then Tromp-connectable Hicksons were first found in Staffordshire (beside Cheshire) with Arrows/Arras', and with Stops/Stubbs from Stobi at the Axius river. Eggertons, first found in Cheshire with Nicols/Nickle's with the Eggerton pheon in colors reversed, use arrows.

Parrys were first found in Wales with the Parrots sharing the Chief-Shield colors of Roofs/Rove's. Unfortunately, there is no Hoax surname coming up, but Hochs/Hoeks share the giant swan of Christmans, the latter first found in Hampshire with Hawks and Cops. Christmans are in Kepke/KOPke colors and format, and the latter's Kupe/Koop branch thus connects to Cops! Rifle-like Riffle's have the Kepke/Kopke Coat on a black Shield, and Kepke's with Keeps are from the namers of Kiev. Keeps (Sussex with Babwells) are in the motto of Hebrons/Hepburns, first found in Northumberland with Kiev-line Lorraine's.

The Crooks rifle was in the backPACK, and English Packs were first found in Sussex with Packs and Keeps while Riffle's look like Kepke kin. Then, as per BACKpack, French Packs share a giant bull (different color) with German Backs who in turn share the Boy/BOET/Boeddu bull. German Backs call their bull a "steer" while Steers were first found in Surrey with Stains! WOW.

Sters/Stars/Stairrs (Wiltshire with Yarborough-related Neals) share gold estoiles with English Butts/Bute's and Ports while German Butts/Bute's are likewise Boets! ZOWWIE. Ports were first found partially in Hampshire with Sturs, and partially in Dorset with Boet-branch Beautys/Bowds! Get a load of that.

The Axe-like Ass' use a "fasces" having an axe head, and Ash's/Asch's were first found in Devon with the Axe river. There is an Axe river also in neighboring Somerset, and English Backs (Somerset, beside Wiltshire and Dorset) are fantastic here because they have the Coat of Balance's in colors in reversed while Ass' use a "balance."

The Balance's almost have the Egg Coat while Ass-like Aggs/Auge's are in the colors and format of Yells/Yule's, first found in Shetland with Ass'. Yale's were first found in Denbighshire with Welsh Bachs/Baghs. The Egg's may be related to the Coat of Back-beloved Steers. Eggertons have a "bon" motto term while English Bons/Bunns look related to Lorraine's while their Bone branch was first found in Sussex with Keeps. Bons/Bunns and Bone's both share the Agger/Auger lion.

Sters/Stars/Stairrs (Wiltshire with Webbs, beside English Webbers) share the SETTLE lozenge while Shuttleworths/SHETTLEworths (Lancashire with Settle's) share the "weaver's shuttle" with Keeps. Weavers/Webbers were first found in Saxony with Kepke's.

German Keevers/Kiefers were first found in Bavaria with Beibers/Bibers/BEAVERs. Greg Nicol of Beaver ESU manned a sniper's rifle, and he's the chief suspect in planting the hoax on the roof.

Christmas' use "coneys" and a red-Shield version of the Cony Coat. The Cony Crest has the pansy for a pointer to the pant stain. Again, Stains married Sine-loving Yarborough's while Sine's share the Christman swan. Christmas' even look related to the English Croc Coat.

Swans/Sine's are also Sions while Sion of Switzerland is also "Sitten," and then Sittens/Seatons can be gleaned as a branch of "sino"-using Sedans/Siddens suspect in naming SedBERGH. The latter can be of the Burgh family of Conteville because Sedans/Siddens were first found in Durham with Conte's/Comitissa's. The Sidden-like Sidneys are interesting for sharing the Nicol/Nickle Coat in someone else's colors. The "Quo" motto term of Sidneys (giant pheon) can be for the Coys who share the Nicol/Nickle pheon on both colors. Nicols/Nickle's use "sed cui," and "sed" is a motto term also of Sedans/Siddens.

The "VOCant" motto term of Sidneys can be partly for the Vocks who share the SERVice chevron, and then Gore's, first found in Kent with Sidneys, have a "SERVire" motto term. I had suggested a trace of the latter to "SERVilia Caepionis," daughter of Quintus Caepionis, and I now find that Quints share the Service chevron. Quints were once said to be first found in Essex, where Gore's were once said to be first found.

Trump Tease

English Pack-connectable Pasleys were first found in Berkshire with Points/Pointers, Packers/Pickers/Peckers, and Windsors. The latter share the saltire of TEASE's/Tess', the latter first found in Switzerland with German Goods and Hochs/Hoeks. Mr. Nicol took a picture of Crooks sitting at a WALL, and Picture's/Picthalls have a Coat much like the one of English Goods, the latter first found in Kent with Picks/Pix's. English Walls almost have the Coat of Hooks, the latter first found in Devon with Pike's and PENSE's/PINCons. The assassination hoax was in Pennsylvania, named by the Penn surname having a Pence variation. I know what you're thinking, that Mike Pence was behind a real assassination attempt, but I'm sticking to a faked assassination not likely involving Pence.

"Pense" happens to be a motto term of Points/Pointers, and I pointed at her pant stain. While Butlers almost have the cups of Scottish Sellers, German Sellers were first found in Westphalia with Pansys/Panters. For whatever the Seller surname could be worth in this event. "Pense" is a motto term also of ESKINs/Erskins (Renfrewshire), named as per ESCHYNa de Molle who married Robert CROC(E) of Crookston, and Crookstons are listed with Crooks'!!! See that? My pointing to her butt is pointing to Crooks of Butler.

It just so happens that Eskins/Erskins share the single pale bar of German Walls while Beauty-connectable Walerans were first found in Devon with Pense's/Pincons. Beautys/Bowds (Dorset with early Babe's) were a branch of Boys/Boets/Boeddu's, and thus we are back to Lorraine's butt stain. Stain-branch Steins were first found in Norfolk with the Sheets while Ass' were first found in SHETland.

"Mole hills" are used by Shake's/Shakerleys, first found in Lancashire with same-colored FAKE's/FaZAKERLEYs. It's completely interesting that God may have provided the Fake variation for us because hoax-like Hochs/Hoeks use a giant white swan, which is also in the Fake/Fazakerley Crest. Yarborough's/Yearbys use a "sine" motto term while Sine's/Swans (same swan as Hochs/Hoeks) were first found in Lanarkshire with CROCKets. A hoax is a bunch of crock!

The triple fesses of Fake's/Fazakerleys are in the colors of the double chevrons of English Burghs/Burrows, and Shake's/Shakerleys have one of the Burgh/Burrough's chevron while variations of YarBOROUGH's/Yearbys (share wreaths with Burghs/Burrows) look like a marital Year merger with Burghs/Burrough's. The latter were even first found in Hampshire with Hoek-like Hawks! Lawfully, heraldic symbols or full Coats can be passed on only by marriages. Wreath's share the Chief of Schims/Schiens who in turn share the Molle boar head.

The "comite" motto term of Schims/Schiens is for the Conte's/Comite's, from the Conteville's, I assume, who are in the Burgh/Burrough write-up as "Harlowen de Burgh", also known at Herluin de Conteville. English Conte's/ComiTISSa's were first found in Durham with the Washingtons who likewise share the Wreath / Schim/Schien Chief.

Tiss'/Teese's (Hampshire with Burghs/Burrough's) may have named Tichfield, where Burghs/Borrough's were first found. The Schim-branch Skins/Scans/Skene's share the wolf heads of French Nicole's. This looks like another evidence that the assassination was a TEASE = hoax compliments of Greg Nicol and company.

I've told a million times that MAMie had a tease symbol and a thigh symbol from her leg. These symbols were obtained a few weeks after I first met Mamie, at her party. I left the party early after dancing with her, to go see Lorraine, and climbing her balcony, I waited for her there. She came home with the grass stain. I didn't see Mamie again until we joined together at a campsite, when she got her tease symbol in her tent, on the night before she got her thigh symbol. Tease's/THYs' seem to apply, but then Mansfields, first found in Hampshire with Burghs/Burrough's and Tiss'/Teese's, named MAMESfeld there. Mansfields and Mangels share the same Coat, both in the colors and format of tent-using Tintons of Cornwall's Tintagel, and we read in the Burgh/Burrough write-up that the son of Harlowen de Burgh became the earl of Cornwall.

But that not all. "Tent" is a motto term of Crockets, and "TentaMINE" is a motto term of Trump-connectable Leggs, along with "Gaudet." Gaudets are listed with GODee's. Mine's are also Menne's, and then Mens'/MAME's ("God" motto term) were first found in Midlothian with Sinclairs/Suns who have a motto, "COMMIT THY work to GOD." See that?

AHHHH, German Gode's share a giant red "fox" with Thy's/Thigh's!!!! I don't know whether I've known this before. English Gode's/Goods have the lion of Irish Fox's!

It's the Comitissa-line kin of Yarborough's/Yearbys, a pointer to Maxwell Yearick, right? I definitely think so. The dead man's face, from the roof, that was released by the deep state, is the face of Yearick, without question, but they claim it's the face of Crooks, and they doctored the ear of one of the images to "prove" that the dead man was Crooks. Lying cheats need to be severely punished to send a message.

The Manx people on the Isle of Man are suspect to Manfields and Manx-like Mangels because they both use the Manx-like "maunch". French Conte's/Comites' are in Mackay colors and format because Mackays ("manu" motto term) and Maxwells/Makeswells are from king "Maccus" of the Isle of Man (my personal discovery, don't expect it anywhere else). The Quoids suspect in the "Quod" motto term of Conte's/Comites' share the Coat of Irish Mackays. Mangels add a "flame" in Crest while Scottish Flemings love the Deeds using a version of the Comines Coat, and the latter use the garbs/sheaves that are the Arms of Cheshire, home of Maceys/Mace's and Masseys/Maceys (from Manche). Comets are in Comines colors and format.

Maunches are sleeves, and Irish Crocs show a sleeve that they call "maunches." English Crocs were first found in Shropshire with Meschins and Cliffs/Cleave's (share Quoid / Mackay wolf heads) while Clavers/Cleavers, in Meschin colors and format, were first found in Norfolk with Comine's and Deeds/Date's. I met Mamie on my last night with Lorraine.

The Burgh rulers of Conteville also ruled Comines in Artois, and the Comine's, kin of Scottish Shaws, have a blue-Shield version of the DATE/Deed Coat. Flemings use a motto phrase, "deeds shaw." I asked Lorraine for a DATE at her bus stop, and Bus' were first found in Norfolk with Comine's (Shaw colors and format) and Date's/Deeds. Italian Conte's share the Coat of French Grass', first found in Provence with Lorraine-like Larins/Lorens. Scottish Larins/CLARins and Scottish Lease's/Lise's share two of the triple chevrons of English Clare's, and Lease's/Lise's were first found in DUMfries with Laurie's/Larrys. English Lease's ("CLARior"), first found in Northumberland with Lorraine's, use suns while Clare-branch Suns use a "thy" motto term. English Lease's share the Chief-Shield colors of Capes' who in turn share the three scallops of French Larins/Lorens. Claro's/Charo's were first found in Ferrara with Italian Conte's sharing a Grass Coat.

If Dumfries was named by DUME's, they are in the colors and format of Dutch Thigh's/Thy's to which Mamie pointed, though Lorraine's grass steak was on her the back of her upper thigh. It's amazing that while a thigh is on the leg, Leggs were first found in Dumfries too, and they're the ones with a "TENTamine"motto term.

As I said a million times, I met Mamie one hour before the grass-stain event, when she threw a party. There is a party-like Pertuis location in Provence near Ass-like Aix. She was walking into the living room and suddenly clasped my hands for a dance. I left to see Lorraine immediately after the dance, knowing she had dinner guests that evening. I didn't see Mamie again until we were at the same camp site, and I was there only because my buddy, BARRy, urged me to go against my will by saying that Mamie would be there. Barry had been at her party. He asked me to the campsite while I was living temporarily at the apartment of Paul Oullette, brother of Mike and Joe.

At the campsite, Mamie, without having said a word to me as yet, sat on my lap uninvited. I didn't mind at all. My lap is on my LEGGs and on my KNEEs. Laps/LABBS' share the mermaid with Babe's/Babels/Bebels, which recalls that I bought her a BIBLE once we started to date. Babe's and Babwells/Babels were from Podebrady on the LABBS-like Labe (or Elbe) river. She didn't want to be a Christian, as it turned out, and said she forgot her Bible under a BED when going on a TRIP. Trips are from Trypillians, and I've read that Trypillia was south of Kiev, where also the Budini lived that should be to the Butts. The bed can be for Bedfordshire's Mine's/Menne's. The latter share the six pale bars of Lise's/Liss', first found in Hampshire with Buttons/Budins and Bodins/Bodys.

Leggs almost have the Trump Coat while Dutch Tromps love the Acorns who in turn share the Knee stag head. Knee's were first found in County Down while Downs/Douns (almost the Trump Coat) were first found in Sussex with Acorns and Babwells/Babels. I therefore proposed, from years ago, that Mamie pointed to Trump. I can now add that Butler's almost have the Dunhams/DOWNham/DOUNham Coat.

I don't remember a thing after Mamie sat on my lap except laying down her sleeping bag in her tent. When I got into it with her, I did the natural thing, to put my arms around her, but she gave a little push away, and so I settled with going to sleep with one arm draped around her WAIST. She didn't seem to mind that. Decades later, I called this her tease event to go with her thigh symbol the following day at her home.

I trace Waistells to "Vestalis," grandson of king DONNUS of the Cottians, at Piedmont's Susa, and then Piedmont is where Dance's/DONNAS' were first found so that my dance with Mamie points to that situation. This can apply the Trump-connectable Downs/Douns too, but then the Dannys/Dance's are super because they were first found in Wiltshire with trumpet-using Calles'!

Mamie has extra-large breasts, and the Mansfield write-up even claims that their Mansfield location was named after "breast," though I do not agree that MANfields were named after breasts. However, Brests/Brix's have the Brick lozenges in colors reversed, and Ranulph de BRIQUESsart (ruler of the Bessin, near Ferte-Mace and beside Manche) was father of Ranulph le Meschin. While the latter ruled Cheshire, that's where Massey/Maceys' (probably share horse of Dutch Mackays) and Maceys/Mace's were first found who I say named king Maccus of the Isle of MAN. Bricks (share Massey fleur) share the Coat and Crest of Whelans, and the latter first found in Waterford while the Arms of County Waterford uses either the Trump or Legg stag head.

Breasts are BOOBs, and so, as we HUGGed in the LAKE on the morning after we stayed in the tent, note from above: "'HUGO de BOEBi, also recorded as de Bothebi,' from a BOOTHby location in Lincolnshire." That's where giant-Leg Prime's were first found who are suspect with the LAKEy motto term, "praeMIUM," for a leg is used by Lincolnshire's Leaks/Leakeys! When we hugged, we emBRACEd, and Bracebridge's were first found in Lincolnshire too, with Eagle's/Hegels even. MUMMys/MowBRAYs can take use to EAGLE-leg Brays/Brae's, suspect from Bra!!! One mows the grass, and Grasse's were first found in Lincolnshire. She got her thigh symbol on her lawn, at her garden, and Gardens/Jardens share a giant boar head (different colors) with Mows/Mole's!

Mansfield-branch Mangels use the flame, and Scottish Flemings were first found in Lanarkshire with "tent"-using Crockets. Thus, it can appear that all these campsite events with Mamie point, not only to Butler's Thomas Crooks, but to the faked GRAZing of Trump's ear, for Eyers use the LEG. Are we not impressed? The Grazi pomeGRANATE could be part-code for Grants/Grands, first found in i

Inverness-shire with Wreaths who are in turn in the Yarborough/YEARby Coat for a trace to MAXWELL Yearick, for Maxwells/Makeswells and Maxtons/Maccustons were from the Isle of Man too.

Therefore, both Mamie and Lorraine can point to the Crooks hoax. Scottish Shaws (share dagger with Comine's) even use a "mean" motto term while Mine's in "tentamine" are also Means. Are you not impressed? How can these coincidences happen without God's arrangements...asks the cry baby with the bib?

I've got to add that Mens' were first found beside the Cheatle-like Keith/Keath Catti, for Cheatle's use a dancetty-fesse while English Dance's were first found in Yorkshire with Keith-branch Caddys. Kim Cheatle was forced to resign as the head of the Secret Service when the assassination hoax went out of control.

Three surnames using cats were first found in Norfolk (Cattans, Keats/Cats and Catch's/KETCH's), but then there's a cat in the Crest of Irish Berks/Burghs who are likewise from the Burgh rulers of Comines and Conteville. The Keith-branch Kettle's, who had pointed above to Kim Cheatle, use a "vince" motto term while Vince's/Finch's link to Lorraine's Finch bus/subways station.

Cheathams/Chathams (Lancashire with Kitchens/Ketchens) share "Quod" with Conte's/Comites', explains why cat-using Berks/Burghs likely named Berkshire, where cat-using Croms were once said to be first found, and where Catters were first found. Crombys were first found in Aberdeenshire with cat-using Chives', and Italian Sheaves'/Chiava's can be linked to Sheaves'/Shaws ("vincit"), first found in Berkshire. Catter use "salmon" while Salome's share the bend-with-stars of Scottish Vaux's, the latter first found in East Lothian with Keiths.

This gets better where "salmon" are in use with McCabe's/McAbee's, who look related to "salmon"-using Irish McKinneys (share McCabe/McAbee fesse) while Scottish McKinneys (said to descend from Keith Simon of the Keiths), share the KIM cinquefoils! Bingo. We can be on Lorraine's butt here, not only because the lion heads of Irish McKinneys are colors reversed from the Lorraine lion, but because McCabe's were first found on Arran, beside Bute! Kims were first found on Bute! Kimberlys share the Laundry Coat! Salmon were first found in Surrey with Stains, and Lorraine's butt stain needed a laundry machine!

The thing is, Irish McKinneys are in the colors and format of Coffee's, a pointer to a coffee KETTLE!!!!! Kim CHEATLE. Lookie there, so much fun. Whatever happened to Andrew McCabe of the FBI? Did Biden elevate him to something key in the deep state?

English Salmons were also first found in Cumberland with English Vaux's who in turn almost have the Coat of Italian Salmons, and then Salome's virtually share the Scottish Vaux Coat. It just so happens that while Stains were first found in Surrey (Middlesex in Surrey) with English Salmons and Salemans, Jewish Salmons share the Chief of Stain-branch Stevensons/Stave's/Steinsons!

Andrew McCabe had signed off on the illegal use of the secretive FISA court, called, FISC, against Trump's campaign team. The Fiscs share the checkered Shield of Italian Salmons, and McCabe's/McABBE's use salmon! Abbe-branch Apps'/Abbs were once said to be first found in Middlesex!!!

The Chatti Germanics were at HESSE-Cassel, and German Cassels share the triple chevrons of Dutch Bergs. The latter are in the colors of Dutch Thigh's/Thy's who are in the motto of SinCLAIRs/SUNs as "Commit thy," and while Hesse's have a giant sun, English CLARE's share the Dutch Berg Coat. German Hesse's are also Hessels, as are the Hazels, first found in Devon with Esse's/Ash's, suggesting that Ass' may have been Hesse elements. German Ash's, sharing triple chevrons (different colors) with Dutch Bergs and Clare's, were first found in Swabia with the Royal-like Rolls/Raels who in turn share the Roy lion. German Ash's use a "duce" motto term to go with Lorraine's pointer to Duck elements, and Ducs/LeDucs were first found in Brittany with French Roys.

The Hardys we saw in the "SECRET et hardi" motto of Welsh Rice's are said, in the DOUGlas write-up, to be Douglas ancestors. Douglas', sharing the Stave/Stevenson/Steinson Chief, were first found in Moray with Baud-connectable Bellys who in turn share the eight-pointed star of Ducs/LeDucs, the latter first found in Brittany with French Roys. Dougals (and Dowells) share the Grasse and Roy lion, yet Dougals also have the quadrants of Bauds, the latter first found in Stirlingshire with Service's!!! SECRET SERVICE. Service's were found to be STAFF kin, and Stave's/Stevensons/Steinsons were first found in Northumberland with belly-branch Baileys and Baliols, and Lorraine's too.

Roys share the lion of English Grasse's while French Grace's/Grasse's share triple chevrons (different colors) with Clare's. The latter named the Crispins/CREPins who share the pomegranate with Grazi's, and the Greep variation of Greats can apply to Crepins because Greats/Greeps were first found in Northumberland with Lorraine's.

German Bergs/Burghs look like kin of Pierre's, first found in Languedoc with Conte's/Comites', and with Lorraine-beloved Laurels who in turn share the Pierre lion. Pierro's/Pero's were on the Tessin/Ticino river. The "roi" motto term of Pierre's can take us to Roys (Lanarkshire with Flemings), and to the "royal tents" of Tintons. The "Tak tent" motto of Crockets can take to the Take's, listed with Scottish Tate's but using the Tease/Tess/Teck saltire in colors reversed. Mamie had a tease symbol.

Mens'/Mame's are in the motto of Poppins/Pophams, first found in Hampshire with Tichfield, and sharing the stag heads of the Anne's/Hanne's of Tickhill (Yorkshire with Ticks). Hanna's have the Trump stag head in colors reversed, which recalls the Trump-connectable Hahns and Hanns. Ticks share the white griffin head with the Burgh/Burrough Crest.

Harlowen de Burgh above married the daughter of "the tanner of Falaise," and while Oullette's were first found in Falaise, Fallis'/Falls' were first found in Midlothian with Mens'/Mame's. Then, I was with Joe Oullette, a week or two after the grass stain event, on a bus at the Finch subway station. I was the first to get off, and as the door opened, there was Lorraine, the first in line to get on the same bus, coming home from WORK. I stepped off and walked about four feet past her, and she saw me with a very unhappy face that suggested I should say nothing. I said nothing.

The Oullette Coat looks related to Finchems, and the Oullette Chief may have the lion of Sinclair-beloved Works. The triple Oullette fesses are almost the six Babe bars, and Babe's use the sun for the Sun variation of Sinclairs. Works (Essex, near first-known Stains) share the double fesses of Stains, in the colors of the triple Oullette / Finchem fesses.

Mike Oullette, Joe's brother, when he first saw Lorraine, as I was walking past him, said, "what a babe." And that's how she got her babe symbol. Oullette's are suspect as an Owl merger with Letts, and the latter's organ pipes get us to Orkney, where Sinclairs of Midlothian ruled. Compare "ORKney" to "Work."

Roofs/Rove's are also Rolphs, and Scottish Ralph's were first found in Nairnshire with the Gates-like Geddes' whose "pike" fish are in the colors of the German Butt/Bute/Boet fish. Gates' were first found in Devon with Pike's. English Pasleys have the Coat of English Poussins in colors reversed while French Poussins/Posse's (Butt/Bute and Butler colors), in the "posse" motto term of English Butts/Bute's, show only Babe-beloved suns. The Horse's in the Butt/Bute Crest were first found in Northumberland with Lorraine's.

The ESToiles in the Chief of English Butts/Bute's are in the colors of the Chief of Porter-branch Ports and Snipers while Snipers share the portcullis gate of Porters, though snipers call them "castle gates" possibly for the Chattan castles. Snipers (buck's head), kin of Clintons, were first found in Oxfordshire with Poussins, and with the Oilys suspect in the Butt/Bute estOILES. English Este's share the black horse with Butts/Bute's, and Italian Este's share the Pense/Pincon eagle and Wefer eagle.

Wefers and Wafers were first found in Herefordshire with the English Ralphs (share raven with Roofs/Rolphs) sharing the Rod trefoil. We should look to the shooter's roof with Ralphs because it was the roof of a glass factory while Bute is where Glass' were first found. Paisleys/Pasleys were at GLASgow, and the Lords/Lauds in the Glasgow motto were first found in Suffolk with AxelRODs/Hawkeswells.

Lawrence Kepke, my buddy in my youth, was engaged to KIM Walsh, while his brother had married her sister, NIKKI (short for Nicole, I assume). Nicols/Nickle's have the pheon of Irish Walsh's in colors reversed. See that? Kepke's essentially have the Riffle Coat, suggesting that Riffle's point to Nicol's sniper's rifle in particular, for Dutch Nicole's share the Ralph trefoil. Note the similarity between "Riffle" and "Ralph."

The Panico's/Pane's (near Reno river), first found in Bologna with Pasi's/Pascels, were a branch of PINC/Pinks (share Reno lozenges), the latter first found in Yorkshire with English and Scottish Pagans/Pagnells, a branch of Pagans/PAIONs/PAIONTs, you see, and the Paioni peoples, to the south of ancient PINCum, at the mouth of the PEK river, had a city, STOBI, and another city, AstiBUS, which is why God set me up to meet Lorraine that a bus stop, for Stops are listed with STUBBs. Astys, sharing the Lorraine lion, were first found in Lanarkshire (beside Renfrewshire) while Lanarks/Lurnacks share the Bus cinquefoil.

Grazi's were first found in UMBRia while Lorraine's were first found in NorthUMBERland. Umbers/Humbers share the triple fesses of Finchems (Norfolk with Bus') while Lorraine took the bus each workday to the Finch subway station (Toronto). Umbers/Humbers share the triple chevrons of Babe-related Beaks (wavy fesses) while Beach's/Bechs were first found in Hertfordshire with Finch's/Vince's. English Gregs have "beak" in their description for their stork, as do English Croce's for their stork! Lookie there.

Croce's share the quadrants of KEEVers/Eure's, and German Greggs/Groce's were probably from Kiev's Varangians. The split Gregg/Groce Shield can be with English Lawns/Lane's while Irish Lawns/Lane's share the Arms-of-Baden and Lorraine bend. Lorraine got her grass stain on a lawn, probably because it was freshly MOWed. Mows are listed with Molle's. Tufts/Tuffs (Cheshire with Nicols/Nickle's) share the "phoenix" with Mows/Molle's, and Bush-branch Bosco's use "tufts of grass" on their "pillars." Pillars are listed with French Pile's while Points use "piles." I pointed to her grass stain. English Pile's (share Peare leopard face) were once said to be first found in Northumberland with Lorraine's.

Thomas Matthew Crooks

I met Lorraine as little as a month after I last saw Christine Peare, at which time she showed me her PICTURE of herself running on a BEACH (probably photographed by Kepke). Runnings share the wavy fesse of WEFer-branch Wafers, the latter first found in Herefordshire with Umbers/Humbers and Ralphs. Finchems were first found in Norfolk with Roofs/Rolphs/Rove's and Rowe's.

Note that PEARtree's/Patria's share the Trump stag head and the scallop of English Mathie's/Matthews. The latter's scallop is between two blue wings, in the colors of the two wings of Heyers, the latter first found in Derbyshire with ear-like Eyers? The latter use a leg while Leggs almost have the Trump Peartree/Patria stag head. Trump was on a stage when he staged his ear shot!

About 35 years after last seeing her, Miss Peare appeared at the end of my sleeping-bag dream, upon a STAGE, and Mamie got her tease symbol in a sleeping bag. It recalls the Staggs/Stage's from the "stags" of Service's. Peare's are from the Tessin river's Pierro's/Pero's, kin of Butts/Bute's/Boets! Lookie there. Lorraine's butt is pointing to a staged assassination. Crockets even have a "SLEEPING dog", and Crooks are in the colors and format of the Aids/Ade's who were definitely in the sleeping-bag dream. It therefore appears that English Matthews/Mathie's are a pointer to Thomas Matthew Crooks.

I have an amazing way to link the sleeping bag dream to Lorraine's laundry symbol, through the use of the Kimberlys, so wild, but first: "Aide" is a motto term of French Levi's while Laevi Gauls founded Ticinum, now Pavia, on the Tessin river. It's were Pierro's/Pero's/PETRI's were first found who can be traced to Peartree's/Patria's, the latter first found in Aberdeenshire with PROphets/ProFETTS (giant leg!) and Lorne's. Feets/Fate's share the English Pavia Coat. See all of that?

Lorraine got a feet/foot symbol the moment she got her babe symbol, and Babe's have fingers pointing to the sun while Peartree's/Patria's have "An eagle LOOKing at the sun." Looks/Lucks share the pelican with the PULLINGs/Pullys who not only share the Peartree/Patria / Matthew/Mathie scallop, but in the last scene of the sleeping bag dream, I was PULLING Miss Peare toward me by her waist...which was a pointer to Waistells/Wessels, first found in Cumberland with Deck-connectable Daggers/Dackers who in turn share the red bull of Sabine's who in turn share the red scallop of Pullings/Pullys. Pully is a location not far from the Ticino canton. Bags were first found in Norfolk with the Bucks in the Peartree/Patria Coat.

Luck-like Lucca is where Balcon-connectable Botters/Botini's were first found, and the babe came home to her balcony on Church street with a grass stain. Church's share the black greyhound head with Looks/Lucks/LICKs. Scottish Locks/Licks use an "ASSIduitate" motto term for the Assi variation of Ass'. Locks/Licks use swans, and were, until very recently, said to be first found in Lanarkshire with Swans/SINE's, and the latter are in the Yarborough/Yearby motto. Locks/Licks are now said to be first found in neighboring Peebles-shire, where Kim kin were first found, the McKINNeys. Kimberlys show a KINmerley variation. Read that as "KinMERLEY," because I'm going to show how Lorraine's laundry symbol points to it.

Lorraine's feet symbol had pointed to PAVia's because, just as I turned to see her when Oullette said, "what a babe," I spotted her BEAUTiful BARE feet on the PAVEment of Yonge street, and Scottish Yonge's share the triple piles of Scottish Leavells. Bare's/Barrs can be traced to Bar-le-Duc in Lorraine. Feets/Fate's were first found in Yorkshire with Pavers.

Cheneys ("bull's scalp"), who almost have the BULLET Coat in their Crest, use a Fate-like motto term. Bullets use bull "horns" while Horns/Orne's were first found in Middlesex with Stains. German Barrs and Huntingdons use hunting horns while Aids/Ade's were of Ada of Warenne of HUNTINGdon. The faked blood stain was faked by faked bullet shots.

Dick Cheney is/was a deep-state operator highly suspect in LAUNDERing military money. Bill BARR worked for the first George BUSH who loved Dick Cheney. Bill Barr, as U.S. attorney general twice, let Chris Wray and every other deep-state criminal off the hook. Cheneys look like Saleman kin, and the latter share the Bush eagle. Salemans were first found in Surrey with Stains. Lorraine's grass stain needed to be laundered, and she met me at MY laundromat, suggesting that God will clean things up.

Cheney was a CEO of Halliburton (OIL company) until becoming the vice-president for George Bush Jr. The BUTT estOILes come to mind. IN FACT, the Oilys have two bends in the colors of the one Haliburton bend!!!! ZOWIE. Cheney is the Chairman of Halliburton, either now or soon.

HaliBURTONs (Burton/Berton colors) share the black boar with the same English Bush's and Booths/Boths, the ones pointed to by Lorraine. French Bertons, sharing the Res/Dere stars, were first found in Lorraine with Landrys. Haliburtons have a "MajoRES" motto term while Cheneys use "Fato pruDENTia major." Dents were first found in SEDbergh (Yorkshire with Feets/Fate's), where I trace Sedans/Siddens ("sed" motto term). Sidden-like Sidneys use a "fata" motto term. Feets/Fate's share gold footless martlets with Cheneys, and the Cheney martlets are in colors reversed from those of Landrys!

Better yet, the Cheney martlets are shared with Merle's, whom I looked up as per "KinMERLEY." While Merle's were first found in Northumberland with Lorraine's, French Merle's share the martlets of Landrys (Lorraine)!!! Merle's share the Coat and Crest ("hind") of Wingers, first found in Durham with Sedans/Siddens.

The sleeping bag dream featured David Morley, and Merleys are listed with English Morleys. As I've said a million times, Morley was on a motor bike, and he rode a CIRCLE around the sleeping bag. He came from a ROAD, and went back down the road after circling the bag. This had pointed to the Round table of Cecil Rhodes due to the circle, but also to the "sleeping lion" of Rounds, for he rode a round circle around the bag. Cecils have eSCUTcheons in colors reversed from the same of Crooks'. The Rhodes Crest looks related to the Crest of escutcheon-using Shooters/Shuters. Ahh, both Crests share the same seated leopard, yet the Rhodes description gives it a COLLAR! See the Merle collar below.

Plus, Collar-like Calls/Calles' (Wiltshire with Shoots/Schute's) use TRUMPets and in the colors and format of the Shoots/Schute's swords!!! Shooters/Shuters come up as Sword like Sewers, and Swords share the Shoot/Schute swords. Trumps can be traced to Waterford with Cecil-related Corrins. Irish Cauleys (WestMEATH) share the lion of Rhodes' (Yorkshire with Meaths). Lorraine lived on Church street while Church's (English Bush colors and format), first found beside English Bushers, share the Schutz greyhound with gold collar. Schutz's were first found in Rhineland with German Bush's/Buschs/Bushers. Can we spot any Intelligent Design behind these heraldic links from merely Lorraine's apartment location? She was a couple of properties from the corner of Church and Lorne.

Collars use a crossBOW while Bows/Bough's share the ROET motto! It's the line of Cecil Rhodes. Cecils were first found between the Roets and the bow-using Bude's (Butt/But colors). The Collar Moor head is with Rovers, and Roofs are also Rove's.

David Morley, an old friend in my youth during the time that I knew Lorraine, lived on Harding, at the corner of Harding and Church. A quarter mile north was Lorraine's place. We saw Hardys and Hards/Hardress' pointing to Kimberly Cheatle. The Harding Coat looks like a combination of the Cheney and Haliburton Coat!

Davids were from king David I of Scotland, whose son married Ada of Warenne, and this is why the Aid/Ade Coat is a version of the Welsh David Coat. Ada's father was of Surrey, and that's where Stains and Salemans / Salmons were first found.

The point is, while Morley rode a CIRCLE around the bag, Merle's have a "black COLLAR on which there are three gold CIRCLEs"!!! That's incredible. I've never known this before, and Merle's are not familiar to me, yet this discovery comes with the Kinmerley variation of Kimberlys, suggesting that the Secret Service is a Rhodian beast.

The Collars happen to use MOOR heads, and Morleys with their Morland branch could easily have been Moors. Irish Moors have the Lorraine lion in colors reversed, and the Moor lion is shared with Morgans while Arthurian myth located Morgans on Avalon = Bute! Where Kims were first found.

Aids/Ade's are in the colors and format of road- / Rhodes-like Rodhams/Roddens, and while the Rodden river is in Shropshire with Sleap and the first-known BAGleys (and Burtons/Bertons too), Hillary Rodham married the Rhodian Scholar, Bill Clinton. Clintons look like Sniper kin.

The French Merle's/Merlots (new to me) are in OWL/Howl colors and format, perfect because the OULlette's were involved with Lorraine. Owls/Howls were first found in Suffolk with Babe's, and Mike Oullette said, "what a babe." Mike's brother is Joe/Joseph (the best man at my wedding), and French Josephs share the Landry / Merle/Merlot martlet! French Josephs were first found in Maine with the Pellicans who in turn share the tower of Howl-like Howells, the latter first found in Monmouthshire while Monmouths share the bars-gemel of Oullette's.

Let's remind that Kimberlys/Kinmerleys share the Coat of English Laundrys/Landrys. There is a rooted tree in the Crest of Oaks, symbol of Woods and road-like Roots, and the latter happen to share the Bagley Coat. The sleeping bag was in the woods, otherwise called a "bush," on a HILL. Morley came from a road and rode down the hill, and Roads share the Lorraine eagle. The Eagle's/Hegels share the six lions, in the same format, of Cecils, and the same format is with Hillarys and Clintons while Hillary were first found in Worcestershire with Hills.

Roots (Kent with Sidneys) are in Sidney colors, and the latter have a different-colors version of the Nicol/Nickle Coat. Welsh Davids were first found in Cheshire with Nicols/Nickle's, and with the Stockports having the Root / Bagley Coat in colors reversed. Rodhams/Roddens (same place as Bagleys and Lorraine's) share the ermined bend of Malbanks while Cheshire's MALLs/MARLYbone's have: "...Ellen de MALBANC was the heiress. She married Sir Robert of STOCKPORT. The family held a family seat at MOTTRam." David Morley was on a MOTORbike, and just as he was riding away down the road, I was CROSSing the road into the parking lot of a MALL...because Scottish Morleys are also Mauls. Malls/Marlybone's have the Croce/Cross quadrants in colors reversed. The final scene with Miss Peare on a stage was inside the mall that I walked into.

StockPORTs are in the colors of the Port Chief, which looks connectable to the Chief of Joe's/Josephs (Hampshire with Ports and Porters). Ports share the Butt/Bute estOILEs, and Oullette-connectable Oilys were first found in Oxfordshire with Clintons and Snipers. The latter share gates with Porters. French Ports have one of the double Oily bends, and both Coats are nearly identical because both show nothing but bends. I'm extremely impressed.

German Thomas' (Bavaria with Beavers/Beibels) use "six red BARs and a silver DUCK." It's got the pant stain to the Pansys/Panters, first found in Westphalia with Ducks of Bar-le-Duc.

Her beautiful feet point to the bull-using Beautys/Bowds, for a giant bull is with Boys/Boets/Boeddu's. English Boys are in the colors and format of Kims, the latter first found in Bute! Kims share the cinquefoils of Welsh Thomas'!

Babe's were once said to be first found in Dorset, where Caiaphas-like Chaffs and Chaffins/ChafFINCH's were first found, and Chaffs share the lozenges of Pavers. They are also the lozenges of French Louis'/Loys, first found in Lorraine. On a gold Shield, they are the lozenges of BAGleys (Shropshire with Crocs). Feins/Finns share the triple Finchem fesses while "fyn" is a motto term of Welsh Matthews, first found in GlaMORGANshire (ancient Morgannwg) with Welsh Louis' and Lewis'. Lorraine's have the Morgan lion in colors reversed, and Morges is near Pully in LausANNE while Anne's/Hanne's were first found in Yorkshire with Pullens/Pullys, Pauls, Pale's/Palys, Feets/Fate's and Pavers.

As Glamorgan is beside the first-known Welsh Thomas', it could appear that we are pointing to Thomas Matthew Crooks, especially as these Thomas' use the raven species, "Cornish choughs," while Roofs/Rolphs use ravens, as do Welsh Rice's who in turn use the Welsh Thomas Coat exactly. It just so happens that the Nicol/Nickle Crest has a "Cornish chough'! Cuffs/Coughs almost have the Coat of Sale's/Sallets, first found in Cheshire with Nicols/Nickle's and dancette-using Cheatle's. Cuffs/Cough's add a dancette to the SALES/Sallet Coat, and I trace the latter to Thomas of SALUZZO, husband of Luis of Kiev-like Ceva.

The Cheatle Coat is an exact, colors-reversed version from the one of German Camps/CAMPERs, first found in Westphalia, and evoking Corey Comporatore, the man supposed shot and killed by Thomas Crooks. OHHHH WOWWWW, Irish Coreys incorporate the English Camp/Comp Coat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And English Coreys (look like Kilpatrick kin) have the Bag Chief in colors reversed!!! Mamie's sleeping BAG at the CAMPsite! It's where she sat on my legs, and Leggs were first found in Dumfries with Scottish Corrys (share green dragon with Kilpatricks) and Kilpatricks. Scottish Corrys share the Irish Corey Coat!

Recall the Butler-like Bottle's of CHORley-related Charlie's. Charleys/Chorleys share the giant lion of German Lowers (Bohemia) while English Lowers were shown above in the colors and format of English Gardners, and the latter almost have the Camp/Comp Coat.

Camps/Comps and Coreys are in the colors and format of the Meats/Meads (Warwickshire with Camps/Comps) who in turn share the Landry martlets. Plus, while the Trump and Legg stag head is in the Arms of County Waterford, that's where Irish Corrys/Currys (share Gospatrick saltire) were first found! Incredible. Meats/Meads were a branch of Meadows, and Trump's chief of White House staff was Mark Meadows.

Corrys/Currys were first found in Waterford with the CORRINs who share the black escutcheons with Cecils, and the latter even have a "COR UNum" motto phrase. The "una" motto term of Cecils suggests the Una river, beside the Urbanus river of the Corrin-like Ceraunii Illyrians.

En Gard

At her house, Mamie got a thigh symbol at her GARDen, and English Gardners almost have the Coat of English Camps/Comps. These Gardners have the Gard griffin in colors reversed, and Kim Cheatle was in charge of bodyGUARDs. See that again? English Gardners share the Peak patee, and Picks/Pix's were first found in Kent with Gards.

I must have kissed the babe at the peaknic table because Babe's were once said to be first found in Dorset with Beaks, but are now said to be first found in Suffolk with Peaks (Hurt-like heart). The latter are in Hurt/Hort colors and format, and while Table's use hurts (blue roundels), Gardners were first found in Oxfordshire with Hurts/Horts (Peak colors). The Fiddle's/Fidelows suspect in the English Hart/Heart Coat were first found in Surrey with Stains and Michaels (Hurt/Hort colors and format), and so the Fiddle Crest "garland" must be the Stain Crest wreath by another name. The Lows (Peak / Gardner / Hurt/Hort colors) in "FideLOW" share wolf heads (different colors) with Fiddle's/Fidelows, and while Lows share the Gardner griffin, Lows were first found in Worcestershire with Peak- and Gardner-beloved Pattys. The latter share the lion of Garden-branch, English Jarrets.

Jarret-like Jarrats use "FIDELis," and were first found in Carlow while Carlows/Carlo's (same place as Lorne's) share the pomegranate with Lorraine's Crispins...who descended directly from Clare's, the latter first found in Suffolk with Carltons and Charles'. French Clairs share the Chief of Clements/Clermonts' in the "Clementia" motto term of Morleys/Mauls. The "rigore" motto term of Morleys/Mauls can be for Riggs, first found in Lancashire with Charlie's. The other English Riggs, first found in Shropshire with English Jarrets, share the black rooster with pomegranate Grazi's. The BULLET GRAZED Trump's EAR, and while Eyers were first found in Derbyshire with English Morleys, Lancashire's Riggs (same place as Bolts and Boltons/BULTons) have a "birdBOLT". We now have David Morley pointing to Trump.

HURTs/Horts are able to get use, with "ache," to black-rooster Achens/Aikens who share the "oak tree" with Kimberlys/KinMERLEYs and Laundrys. Achens/Aikens were first found in Lorne-related Lanarkshire. That's interesting. HORTons were first found in Yorkshire's Morley, but had a Horton location in neighboring Northumberland, where Lorraine's were first found. It should explain why Morleys/Mauls share the scallop of German Gardners. Jardins use an "ADsum" motto term while David Morley pointed to Ade's. German Achens/Ache's (Westphalia) are in the colors and format of Bottle's/Buttels, the latter first found in Lancashire with the Ackers in turn sharing acorns with Oaks. Crooks' (WestMORLAND) were first found in Cumberland with Acre's and their Dagger/Dacker branch.

The Oaks had helped this investigation with the "robur" motto term, and here Aikens use "Robore" while even using "proper" in their description of their oak tree. Propers/Robins (Cheshire with Davids) are also Roberts, and share the French Robert lion. They share "beak" in their Crest description with the Acker Crest, and Beaks share the ostrich with Propers/Robins/Roberts. It had been found that Service's were somewhat related to Robe's/Robbs. It had also been found that Service's are suspect in the Gore/Core motto, and then Morleys/Mauls use "riGORE."

The beauty here is that, apart from their Robert lion, Propers/Robins/Roberts (same place as Cheatle's) have the Button/Biden/Budin Coat, and essentially have the Cheatle Coat!

It was only after writing on Achens/Ache's above that I read: "There was also an ancient city named Aachen, which was originally called AIX-la-Chappelle by the French, and founded by the Romans." As Chapelle-like Chaplets were first found in Lorraine, "AIX" looks like her pain in the ASS! For she pointed with her bus stop to Payen/Paion liners at the Axius river! The AXE river is in Somerset, where Pains/Payne's were first found! Ass' use an axe head. I have no idea how we could have come here from the whim I had when Hurts caused me to think of "ache," but here we are.

Chapelle-like Chaplains share the double fesses of English Josephs while Caplans first found in Hampshire with English Josephs. French Josephs share Landry martlet, yet French Josephs once showed the Chaplet swan instead of the martlet. Chapelle's share the cross of Baths, first found in Somerset with Pains/Payne's, and the latter's lions are in the colors of the Bath lions. Butt-branch Buttons (Hampshire too) are said to have been at Bath! "Wreath"-using Chapells (not "Chapelle") share a green lion with Lorraine's, not a big surprise but welcome. Chapells have a "counterCHANGEd" Shield, and Change's/Changers, in the motto of STANleys, were first found in Hampshire. Stains ("wreath") are also Stans! Her pant stain was her pain in the butt! I wonder how the wife of the man treated him after I pointed to the stain?

The Button/Budin Crest has a "chapeau" used in giant form by Caplan- / Chapell-like Capelli's. Chapeau's are listed with Caiaphas-like Chapus', and they were first found in Forez with Chapelle's, and with Mont Pilat. Caiaphas forced Pontius Pilate to murder Jesus.

Houseofnames doesn't list a Streak surname, but as the stain was a longish and thin streak, it's notable that "stave"-using Hawks, first found in Hampshire yet again, have a "Strike" motto while Strike's are listed with Strake's. Stave's/Steinsons (same place as Lorraine's) almost have the Stain Crest, you see. It would have been better had God supplied a Steak surname, but I guess this will need to do. What might "strike" refer to, from Him? Strike's/Strake's share the LEGH Coat. I've just found Streeks with the same Coat! The streak went down into her leg.

Strecks (not "Streek") have the Coat of Balance's in colors reversed who are in the "blue balances" of Ass'. Strecks share the Coat of English Bachs (Somerset with Pains) while German Backs share the giant bull of Boys/BOETs!!! German Boets are listed with BUTTs! I suggest that Strecks share the eagle of Pattys, first found in Worcestershire with Streeks.

Ahh, both Chapells and Lorraine's use their green lions "ramPANT". Rams (Boy/Bie colors) were first found in Essex with Boats/Bude's, and with Rains who in turn share the Patti lion. The green lions of both surnames are in colors reversed from the lion head of Boats/Bouds/Bude's.

Bouts show only a bend-wise arrow in the colors of the Lorraine bend. It reminds of the Polish Casimirs showing only a bend-wise antler in the same colors. They are both colors reversed from the TRIPLE bends of Merits/DeMere's/MEREYs, perfect, a new thing for me. Casimir of Poland married princess MARIA Kiev, near or amongst the Bout-like Budini, and while TRYPILLia was near Kiev, it tends to reveal that triple bends, and perhaps triple anything, traces back to Trypillians. Merrits/Marriots show only triple FESSEs, and Fessys/Face's are a branch of Fauci's, first found in Genova with Italian Maria's! A NEW THING FOR ME.

Except, why do Maria's show nothing other than FOUR bends, though in Merrit/Marriot colors? When people got married, they were allowed to use the partner's symbols, and, naturally/generally, we can assume, the less-important nobles took the symbols of the more-important partner, not vice-versa. Marys use triple lions, the triple lions of Ross' in colors reversed. English Merits/Morits use the ROSE.

The Boy/Boet / Back bull is in the colors of the bull head of Strake- / Streck-like Starks/Streks, how-bout that. The latter even have a good reflection of the English Joseph Coat. The Stark/Sterk Crest shares the "horn" with the Button/Budin Crest, though the Starks/Sterks call it a "bulls' horn." Buttons/Budins were first found in Hampshire with Sturs/Styre's, and with Strike-loving Hawks. It's possible, due to Pains (Somerset with Backs and Bulls/Bule's) sharing the lion of Back-beloved Steers (Surrey with Stains), that Steers were a Sterk branch.

Gardens/Jardens and French Jarrets have the same giant boar head, in the colors of the Booth/Both boar heads. Gardens/Jardens share "cruce" with Crooks-like Croce's/Cross', and Jardins (Angus with Gardens/Jardens and Shooters) share the Tease/Tyes stars.

Cheatle's and Camps/Campers show nothing but a dancetty-fesse, same as Mine's/Menne's (different colors) in the "Tentamine" motto term of Leggs. Mine's/Menne's add the six pale bars of Babwells/Babels and English Lise's/Liss' while Lease's/Lise's were first found in Dumfries. Trump is a babbler.

As per Luis of CEVA, the red horse in a Crest of the other Welsh Thomas' is shared with Kiev-like Keips, and these Thomas' share the Saluzzo Chief-Shield colors. Italian Dance's/Donnas' were first found in Piedmont with Saluzzo, and with the first-known Massey-branch Masci's. Dutch Macks/Mackays share the red horse along with the Grant/Grand crown while Maezaei Illyrians were beside the Ceraunii Illyrians who named the Cornovii of Cheshire and Cornwall.

I trace the Alans who married Thomas' and Luis' daughter to Aulon/AVLONa at the Ceraunii mountains of Epirus. I identify mythical AVALON of mythical king Arthur as the island of Bute (king Maccus territory, generally), and then Luis-like Lois' were first found in Artois. King Arthur's birth was made at Cornwall's Tintagel, the line of tent-using Tintons and Tints. His half sister was MORGAN le Fay, chief witch of Avalon, and we saw GlaMORGAN above with the Luis-like Louis'. Arthurs were first found in Berwickshire with Irish, Masci-connectable Macks/Make's. The latter's Shield looks related to Tarrs, first found in Somerset with Tints and Cough-connectable Cocks, and to the MacDONALD-beloved Terras' (Moray with early Mackays). Cocks share the Bag Shield, and Bagleys were first found in Shropshire with Sleap. Mamie's sleeping bag, in her tent.

German Rice's/Rise's show Crooks- / Croce-connectable croziers, but call them, "pilgrim's staves" as code for Pilgrims, first found in Norfolk with chough-like Cockers/Cockets, with Steins (share Peare and Parsons leopard faces), with Parsons, and with Bags sharing the Cock Shield. Stave's (same place as Lorraine's) were a Stein and Stain branch. Cockers/Cockets (almost have the Cuff/Cough Coat) look like "Crocker / Crocket."

Stains married Yarborough's, and the latter's split-Shield colors is shared with one of the English Thomas Coats. Yarborough's ("sine") share also the vertically-split Shield of English Neals (Wiltshire with Shoots and trumpet-using Calles') who in turn share the lion of Sine's/Swans, first found in Lanarkshire too.

The other English Thomas' share the black seated dog with Chaffins/Chaffinch's (beside Wiltshire), and then the sleeping Crocket dog is black too while Sleeps/Sleaps named Shropshire, where Crocs were first found.

Again, the other Welsh Thomas' (griffins) share the Saluzzo Chief-Shield combo, and then the daughter of Thomas of Saluzzo married the Alans of Shropshire, where Crocs and Saluzzo-line Sallows were first found. Shropshire was also, Salop, looking like it was named by Sleeps. Sallows use a "willow tree" while Wills/Velis'/Willows use griffins while "velis" is a motto term of Fien-related Griffins while English Velis'/Vails were first found in Northumberland with Lorraine's.

Wills/Velis'/Willows use suns while Suns are listed with the Sinclairs ("God" motto term) of Orkney, and the Shetland part of the Orkneys is where Ass' were first found suspect in the "As God" motto phrase of Wills/Velis'. English Willows/WillowBEE's were first found in Lincolnshire with the Bracebridge's having a "BE as God wills" motto. Bee-using Boys/Bie's were first found in Berwickshire with Wills/Velis'/Willows. It just so happens that Bracebridge's (Lincolnshire with Croce's and Velis-beloved Eagle's) use a Crooks-connectable crozier. Croziers were first found in Kiev-line Roxburghshire with Scottish Leavells.

Roxolani Alans of Kiev were also at the Niparis river (beside the BUZau) while PEERless'/Napiers (Tease/Tess/Teck saltire in colors reversed) use a "Sans tache" motto, suggesting the "sans" motto term of Willowbee's to apply. The Sensii were also at the Naparis river. The Niparis is now the IALOmita while Yellows were first found in Oxfordshire with Peare's. Yale's share the Peerless/Napier saltire. Tache's share the red scallop with Peartree's/Patria's, and Italian Pavia's, first found in Piedmont with Pero's/Perino's, have the Peartree/Patria scallop in colors reversed.

Foot-branch Fothes'/Fette's were first found in KinCARDINEshire (beside Aberdeenshire), where Peartree's/Patria's were once said to be first found, and Cardine's (Cheshire with Nicols/Nickle's) share the Nicol/Nickle pheon!!! BINGO. I win. Miss Peare was on a stage because Greg Nicols (reckless, self-destructive loser) staged the assassination.

The Tessin river starts in the Ticino canton of Switzerland, and Tease's/Tess'/TECKs were first found in Switzerland. The stage doubled as a DECK because Decks/Daggers share the red squirrel with the Square's/Squirrels who in turn use a "Tiens" motto term while Tiens'/THAMES (Oxfordshire with Peare's) share the Pear chevrons-with-stars. Looker now at the Stain write-up: "Staines-upon-Thames, commonly referred to simply as Staines, is a town on the River THAMES in the borough of SPELthorne in Surrey (in the historic county of Middlesex.)" Spells use Deck-like dice on what could be the Ukraine flag.

When I first met Peare, she had been the friend of Louise Phillips, saleslady at the time for Pennington's clothing. Louise went into choreography, though I don't think Peare knew this. French Louis' were first found in Lorraine, and Penningtons, sharing blue lozenges with French Louis', share "patria" with Phillips', though the latter use "patriae," same as Welsh Louis who in turn have the giant Phillips lion in colors reversed. Penningtons share, in both colors, our of the three lozenges of BAGleys (Bag-Chief colors), first found in Shropshire with the Rodden river while Rotens share the Reitman hexagrams. Peare was a saleslady for Reitman's clothing at the time. The sleeping bag dream.

Bagleys share the Coat of Roots, first found in Kent with Sleeps and Phillips' (share giant Pile/Pillar lion). The sleeping bag dream ended with two ladies on a stage, and the other must have been Louise, though I didn't see her face. Phills, sharing the fesse of Yellows, are listed with Phails/Vale's, and share the eagle of English Velis'/Vails. Yellows were first found in Oxfordshire with the Amore's in both the Phillips and Pennington motto.

Ahh, Crooks' were first found in WestMORLAND with LEVIns while Morlands (share fleur of Irish Crocs/Croke's) share the Babe leopard face. Lorraine's babe symbol is pointing to the assassination event yet again. Morland-branch Morleys were first found in Derbyshire with ear-like Eyers/Eyers and Heyers/Here's. The latter share blue wings with Mathie's/Matthews.

Two blue wings are also with German Here's and Herzogs, the latter first found in Bavaria with Beavers/Beibers/Beibels. Herzogs share the split Shield of Lawns/Lane's, and the latter's "Garde" motto can point to Trump's faker body guards. The full motto is translated, "Guard the king." That split Shield is in colors reversed with Stain-connectable Spells who in turn have the Tromp acorn in colors reversed. The "roy" motto term of Lawns/Lane's can take one to Roys, first found in Lane-like Lanarkshire with the Crockets, and the latter's "tent" motto term is like the "tenDIS" of Roys while Diss list the Dice's in the two dice of Spells!

Roys have a lion in the colors of the lion of English Neals who in turn have an "exTENDere" motto term. I link the Roy lion to the same of German Rolls/Raels while TINTons use "ROYal tents".

Morlands and Morleys share the so-called "jessant" feature (includes fleur-de-LYS) with the Aids/Ade's in the motto of Levin-like Levi's, the latter first found in Ile-de-France with Lys'. Aides/Ade's are in Crooks and Roddens colors and format while Roddens (Northumberland with Lorraine's) named a Rodden river in Shropshire, where LEVENs and Crocs were first found.

Morlands share the fleur-de-lys of Wing-beloved Peaks (Essex with Patents/Pattens) who in turn use patee crosses. Pattys (Worcestershire with Wings/Winks), possibly of Patents/Patients of DUMfries, have the Crooks escutcheon in colors reversed. The man they say was Crooks died reportedly at the PEAK of a roof. I say it was a dummy placed on a fake blood stain, and Dume's can be in the "dum" motto term of English Croce's while Italian Croce's were first found in Vicenza with Valentins...whom I trace to emperor Valentinian I of VINKovci. I trace him to Wings/Winks in the Peak Crest. Dume's use a heron while Heron-branch Horns/Orne's (same place as Stains) have a "desperanDUM" motto term. The Lorraine Crest is an arm "HOLDING a branch of laurel," and Holdings/Holdens, using allerions, share the red escutcheon of Allers.

The Perans in the "desPERANdum" motto term of Heron and Horns/Orne's were first found in Northumberland with Lorraine's (beakless eagles) while Perins, first found in Lorraine, use beakless eagles, called "allerions" as code for Allers, first found in Westphalia with Pansys/Pantzers. Stains were nearly first found in Hertfordshire with Beach's/Bechs, and with Horns/Orne's and Childs, and the latter share the Lorraine eagle (but with beaks). See that? We got a pant stain by following the Beak-like Peaks. Beach-related Clappers ("pike" in Crest) were first found in Surrey, part of Middlesex, and Horns/Orne's were first found in both Middlesex and Hertfordshire. Stains were first found in Middlesex with Fears/Fiers while Fire's/Furs are in the "fur cone" of Perans ("FERiunt" motto term).

Peaks share the fleur-de-lys of German Matts, in the colors of Welsh Matts/Matthews, and so this can be a pointer to Thomas Matthew Crooks. Cone's share the Conte/Comitissa/COUNTER antlers, and then Italian Conte's share the giant Matt/Matthew lion while German Matts are "COUNTERchanged". Conys have the "pansy" in Crest while Pansys are the Pantzers! See that? Change's/Changers were first found in Hampshire with Conteville-line Burghs/Borrough's. Cony-branch Conns/Cone's were first found in Aberdeenshire, beside the Panters/Panthers, first found in Angus with Shooters/Shuters (escutcheon). The latter are linkable to Schute's while Scute's/Scutts use the eSCUTcheon. This line may have named the SKITs/Skeets' and Sheets/Skate's.

Crocs look like kin of Coverts/Cofferts who in turn have another gold leopard face. Coverts/Cofferts, first found in Sussex with Leopards, Babwells/Babels and Courts/Coverts, share the gold leopard face with Aids/Ade's, and then Courts/Coverts look related to the Babwell/Babel Coat. French Nicole's almost have the Coat of Coverts/Cofferts, the latter first found in Sussex with English Bone's to go with the "bon" motto term of French Nicole's. The latter share the wolf heads of Wolfs/Welfs (goes with Kepke's golf theme to Guelphs), first found in Cheshire with Nicols/Nickle's. Wolfs/Welfs share the wolf heads of Skins/Scans, first found in Aberdeenshire with Conns/Cone's (share Cony Coat), and with the Schims/Schiens having a "comite" motto term.

Coffert-like Coffee's/Coffers can be a branch of Cuffs/Cuffeys in the "cuff" of the pointing arm of Points. English Cuffs, first found in Wiltshire with SHOOTs/SCHUTE's/Shuts (share Skin/Scan swords), use the axe while the Paioni ancestry of Points were on the Axius river. Shooters/Shuters share fitchees on blue with Picks/Pix's. Irish Cuffs/Cuffeys are also Cough's while the "Cornish chough" is used by Nicols/Nickle's. I was at the PICnic table with Paioni-pointing Lorraine. A chough is a raven species.

Congressman Higgins is looking into the assassination anomalies, and Higgins/Hicksons can apply with Hickensons to Axius-river suspects. Nicol, stationed on the second story with a Butler ESU sniper, took a picture of Crooks on the wall, and hoax-like Hooks almost have the English Wall Coat. German Walls share five feathers (different color) in Crest with Butlers, and while German Walls call them "cock feathers", BabCOCks, sharing the red Cock and BIBLE/Bibo rooster, were first found in Worcestershire with the Wheelers/WHALers sharing the Lorraine lion, and with the Rod-related Rocks in the Dutch Wall Coat (Wheeler/Whalers colors). Rods, who may have named AxelRODs/Hawkeswells, were first found in Devon with Walerans, and with the Axe river.

On the even of the bus-STOP event, I kissed Lorraine at a picNIC table as a pointer to Greg Nicol, and this red rooster is also that of KISS'/CUSH's (Leicestershire with the LEGro river). Ear-like Eyers use the leg. Bible's look like a branch of Babe's/Babels or Babwells/Babels, and they have their rooster on a "CUSHion," the symbol also of KilPATRICKs, interesting where it's said that the Patsy name is a form of "Patrick." Kilpatricks, with a reflection of the Sniper Coat while adding the Maxwell/MAKESwell saltire, were first found in Dumfries with Leggs who almost have the Trump Coat, and the black eagle legs of Hicksons are in the colors of the Tromp eagle. We might even add that English Beavers (Yorkshire with Hicks) share the Legh/Leigh lion while Low LEIGHton is said to have had a Hicks branch. This has Greg Nicol all over it.

Having said that, wow, BIBLE's/Bibo's tell that they use the Hahn rooster while Hahns, in BEAVER/BEIBEL colors (!), have a giant rooster in the colors and format of Trumps, the latter first found in Mecklenburg with Bible's/Bibo's and Hahns. Red-rooster Hanns can link to Hands/Hanns (Cheshire with Nicols/Nickle's!), who happen to be in Cop / Rowe colors and format! We still don't know the name of Nicol's partner from Beaver ESU. German Eggs/Eggers have a Coat like that of Beavers/Beibers, and from here we can take it to Eggertons, first found in Cheshire with Nicols/Nickle's who almost have the Eggerton pheon. English Eggs have a near-match with the Coat of Ice's/Ecco's (Mecklenburg again), who in turn share the trefoil of English Pike's.

The cushion-using Kilpatricks use "drops of blood" while Bloods/Bluds share the lodged stag with Maxwells (share Kilpatrick and Patrick saltire). MECKlenburg may have been named by the Make's, and Maxwells share holly with the Sure's in the "I make sure" motto of Kilpatricks. Sure's happen to share the Caen motto, and so let's remind that Lorraine's took us to their Strothers kin, and that Caens, with the Strother Shield, share the five ostrich feathers of Butlers.


God has given the human race a super water-filtration product in charcoal, and pretty-much the best type is what comes out of your campfire or wood stove. It filters pathogens and microscopic critters, and it's cheap than dirt. The video below can be improvised to create a larger system, and from this one you can hop, skip and jump to others videos until you get the idea, and remember it when you need it. The problem with storing youtube videos for tribulation preparation is that, unless they are saved to your computer, you may not be able to watch them in the 1260-day period of the 666.

I'm not sure why the pine needles are necessary in layers. Why not just one bottom layer after all the charcoal? I don't see why one can't use some fine, washed sand, which is re-usable forever. Pine needles degrade and rot, you see. As a water filter, a toxin-free clay pot does as well as charcoal, but maybe you'd like to use charcoal in a clay pot just to feel safer. Here's the clay-pot method:

I suggest getting a larger clay pot for trib use in case there are many people needing water. Put the pot over a 50-gallon barrel. Or, one pot per person, for example. These ideas are great for saving heating fuel as per boiling water to sterilize drinking water. Once you have your water needs met, you need to work on food, and wouldn't it be great if all we needed to eat was charcoal and clay. The thing about food is, it's part of daily happiness, unless the food we eat tastes lousy. A good meal can make your day. But if you have lousy food to look forward to every day, life can get lousy every day. That's why you need to dry meats, because soups and stews taste much better with it. And have lots of salt to improve taste, and to keep your energy level up.

I'd hate to eat beans and rice everyday, especially without meat. Try making chili without the beef. The fats in meat are what makes the taste. Skinless chicken is a nothing burger in comparison with chicken fried with skin on. In the trib, don't worry about too much fat intake. Fat tastes good, and, usually, the better something tastes, the more your body needs it.

God may have given our mouth sensors to "know" when a food is coming down the pipe that the body "knows" it's really needing at the time, and so it tastes much better because the body activates the gimme-gimme-more button. That's my theory. I get that sensation whenever I buy pineapples once every two years, or avocados once every five. It feels like there's stuff in those foods my body badly needs at the time.

If I go without bananas for a long time, they taste great. Dry a bushel of bananas when on sale. They last longer when fully dry than globalist-controlled google claims; never trust google's shelf lives, go to the experienced homesteaders to get the truth.

Dried scrambled eggs don't taste very good, but I put them into soups to snag their nutrients. Eggs last long enough out of the fridge that you can go buy many dozens at a time from the local egg farmer. Scramble them, cook lightly only until dry, chop them into pieces when done, and dry them. Once a food is sufficiently dry to stave off bacteria, you can either store in glass jars, or plastic bags with the air sucked out. But to protect from mice, the plastic bags should go into metal containers. I recommend considering a used filing cabinet. A tenant left one here, and so I have it in my basement. I noted that the bottom of the cabinet is mice proof, and in fact the entire thing is fully mouse proof. It's got four large drawers that will be very handy for storing foods in plastic bags. A filing cabinet mouse-proof only on the bottom but not on the back of the drawers could work because mice can't climb metal.

The way I control mice, the best way, is to put traps outdoors until they stop catching mice. At times, I'll go an entire month without mice, usually during the summer after trapping them all spring. Unless you do this, they will chew their way in through your wood siding. If you have bricks or metal siding, you might be fine, but the roof will at times allow them an entry point or two. If you catch them all outdoors, you will have cleared them fully from around the house for many yards, and this then thins them out for more yardage after that for following years (less mice per season). I hate to kill them in such large numbers, but, the more there are, the more they will eat into the house. I once heard a mouse chewing through the siding, night after night. They get determined. I was able to stop this one only because I heard it behind my toilet in the middle of the night. If they find a place to sit, like in a large knot hole in the siding, they can chew there regularly until they get through. Make sure they have no place to sit near the wood. They can't chew while clinging to the wood on a vertical wall. They need to sit/stand on something.

I didn't watch the following video on how to make your own ram pump, which is a non-electric way to pump water uphill. If you're new to this topic, research ram pumps. If you haven't got a country place to live at, but are planning on it, having a home (or animal trough) uphill from flowing water, providing the water is fast enough, can allow water-flow power to push water to your home, if it's not too high for the available water power.

But it's even better if your house is downhill from a water source that you're allowed to tap into with a pipe (maybe your neighbor will strike a deal with you (signed contract) to use his/her water source). Or, even if you're home is next to a river, you'll have a water table at a shallow depth in the dirt so that you can dig your own well.

However, a river property will cost so much more that you may opt for a deep well instead, and solar power (not much needed) to operate the well pump. But deep wells, unless extremely deep ($$$) or fast replenishing, do not have high water volumes, good for household purposes but not for large gardens. Look at how lousy this manual water pump is for a deep well:

I'd rather put more work per stroke, and get more water per stroke, than the easy stoke pump above. The pump below looks much faster. For very deep wells with water at 200 feet deep or more, weigh the total water in your tube, and ask the pump company if the pump's check valve can handle that weight (I don't think it will be a problem). Then, to make the work easier, find a way to extend the handle by attaching a long member (like a steel pipe) to it.

Hand pumps assure you can drink, eat, and take manual "showers," all you need to survive so far as water needs go. There's no reason that you can't make your own manual water pump that you can feed down the well pipe to below the water line. Most parts are sold separately at a common hardware store. The task is merely to lift a check-valve in a tube (open at the bottom end), then let it back down; that's your pump, the tube and check valve. Have threads at the top of this tube (it could even be made of plastic if not very deep) that is your pump housing, and away you go, the rest is easy to figure. There's a few ways to lift the metal rod up and down, including a gear system maybe. It's an emergency pump, chances are you won't need it for years. Just have a spare in case it's needed. Here's making our own check-valve for three bucks:

I've just figured an easy way to pump water all year to your house with a manual pump, if you have a shallow well. Drain the well with an electric pump, go down and remove the foot valve. Install a tee where the foot valve was, then put the foot valve to the other side of the tee. For the rising part of the tee, install your pipe with check-valve, only have the check-valve upside-down so that each down stroke of the valve pushed water to the house, winter and summer. Drill some holes into the vertical pipe, above the highest point of the check-valve, to allow water into the pipe. Pump away.

A heads up: never leave a tap turned on to a hose (when hose is attached to a hose sprayer) that has a splice i.e. two hoses attached by the typical hose coupling with steel clamps, because my coupling burst one day. I was home fortunately, and heard the pump running and running, otherwise the pump would have burned out, again. Use a threaded coupling to attach two hoses, and hope that a bear doesn't come around to chew the hose (bears chew through by black pipe laying on the ground from the pond) if you leave the tap on. One should install a cheap device ($50 or less) that automatically shuts a jet pump off when it goes as low as 20 psi, ideal for your trib retreat.

Anyone with a ram pump needs to see this rare and easy-to-do way on how to get more water volume when downward water-flow force is more than enough to climb water to the need, or how to compensate a little for having minimal water-flow force.

The video below allows you to see how to build your own ram pump while explaining how it works, all in short-order:

The man above says that a certain height must be achieved at the water need in order for the pump to work, meaning only that you get the supply hose/pipe to that height, then let it flow down into the tank. No worries. In other words, if you try going straight into the tank, and it's not pumping, it could be that the hose/pipe has got to go higher than the tank first. That's how I'm reading him.

Ram pumps don't work in winters unless you protect the pump and pipes where there are mild winters only. So long as your river doesn't freeze under the top ice, you could get away with it. If the pump is buried in a water-tight container, you can keep a light bulb or two, of the old type that produced heat, within the container. I've stocked up on 40-watt bulbs, about 15 of them, one per year, to assure the water doesn't freeze in my crawl space that reaches to one degree or less above freezing. The new bulbs putting out 11 watts are probably not good enough, so I would advise that you,like me, buy many of the old type before they are no longer available. They make for a very cheap and reliable heater.

One bulb is good enough for me placed under the pipe that comes through the block wall from the outside, but I leave the bulb from the year before right beside the new one in case the new one is defective and goes out. I'm retired so I don't my checking the bulbs daily, part of a risky routine to shut them off during the day when there's enough water usage to keep them from freezing. It's risky if I forget to turn the bulbs on during an extremely cold night. But it's also risky to leave them on 24 hours non-stop and check them only weekly. It's not a high risk with two bulbs, but it's there.

One guy said that the steeper the feed pipe to the ram pump, the faster the cycles, the more the water volume per unit time. What I think he means is that a five foot vertical fall will do much better than a low-slope five-foot fall over 100 feet. Try the vertical drop on your ram pump, if you'd like, though you'll need to suspend the pipe in the air. Or remember it, in case you ever need such a pump. Or, maybe it won't be worth it to you if you buy a property where the feed comes a very long way, on a mild slope, to your pump. Check your particulars before buying your raw land.

It's exciting to buy raw land where everything develops as you want it to. But there will be sweat, not a problem if you are 52 or younger, generally speaking. Many can still do good work at 55-60, but, unless you are rich, it'll take more than a couple of years to become self-sufficient, so best to start at 52 or younger while you still have good patience and an adventurous spirit. I didn't say that it's going to be easy to start from scratch.

This guy says a larger ram pump gets much more water volume, so why would anyone use the smaller one? He says that for every foot of water drop, one can lift seven feet, but the larger one gets no higher than a small one.

Here's more necessary knowledge to get your system to work at all:

These are sensitive pumps. The trick is to make the air in the vertical pipe act as a cushion. It gets compressed, then pushes back like a spring to lift water, but if the air compaction/pushback is not timed right, it won't work. Distances make differences, and you can even close a valve a little to get it to work. If ever I need a ram pump, I would research it thoroughly first before buying. Use a see-through vertical pipe so you can see whether the water is working properly.

Water is priceless in a self-reliant home, and water without any power need at all is a big relief as compared to the worry of not being able to buy anything to fix an electric pump or solar system. On the other hand, look at what might not work on the ram pump...meaning, have spare parts:

Here's a Christian movie with gun content:

By the way, I don't like it when Christians say, "God, family and guns." This plays to the deep-state's new classification of Christians as "terrorists." Gun lust is not what Jesus would do. Guns for protection and food, fine, but don't like guns. Imagine first-century Christians infatuated with the finest, best-looking swords.


Here's all four Gospels wrapped into one story.

For Some Prophetic Proof for Jesus as the Predicted Son of God.
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Pre-Tribulation Preparation for a Post-Tribulation Rapture