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October 1 - 7, 2024

Hyksos and Cimmerians of Azov
Is that a Recipe for the Anti-Christ?
Joel Richardson on Gog

Hall of Names is once again showing the descriptions of the Coats of Arms presented at House of Names.

The video owner below is either dishonest, or, by remote chance only, ignorant of the well-known fact that the carbon dating of Jesus' shroud was proven erroneous:

In the video below, you will hear of a Rogers character who headed up the team that promoted the carbon dating of the Shroud, who admitted that a foreign piece of cotton was sewn onto the very piece chosen for the carbon-date test. In my opinion, the vatican knew of this foreign cloth stitched in with the original cloth, and plotted with the atheists to carbon date the Shroud to a period well past the time of Jesus, because the vatican did not want this cloth to be the shroud of Jesus aside from the money it can make from naive and ignorant catholics. In short, the vatican is run by fake Christians:

A comment at the video immediately above:

Blood type on Shroud of Turin: AB
Blood type on Sudarium of Oviedo: AB
Blood type on over 100 Eucharistic Miracles: AB"

Don't take the word of this catholic as expert opinion on blood types of vatican hoaxes. How many vatican hoaxes have had a DNA test on the blood, do you think? Where are there over a hundred vatican hoaxes involving the blood of Jesus? Now you know the one with comment is dishing false information to make the vatican look authentic for Jesus.

I'm bewildered by Protestants who essentially shun the Shroud. I'm starting to wonder whether pre-tribulationists take such a tack, because I've been wondering if there's something seriously wrong with the faith of pre-tribbers. Pre-tribulationism was originally big in Pentecostal churches, and what became the "closed" Brethren churches from John Darby.

In a comment from the video above: "Genuine or not, [the Shroud] has no importance whatsoever to those who have faith according to God. (John 20:29) Blessed are those who have not seen, and yet have believed!" That statement to me is made by an ignorant person who is slapping God in the face. It's as if this Christian doesn't value that fact that, if God gave the Shroud, a "photo" of the Resurrection, you don't treat it with such contempt as to speak words like that. Christians who rejoice over the Shroud, and share it with others, are those who love Jesus. There are different kinds of Jesus', and avid pre-tribber teachers literally war against Jesus' statement in Matthew 24:29-31. What kind of a Christian would openly war against the words of Jesus UNAFRAID? I'd suggest the same kind that says, "never mind the Shroud, it's nothing to get too excited about."

When was the last time your pre-trib pastor did a sermon on the Shroud?

As evangelical organizations really wish to prove to the masses that Jesus was resurrected, they should train their students and disciples to know and teach the Shroud. What kind of a cop-out will evangelical organizations give Jesus for remaining silent? The person who wants Jesus to be real, the person who welcomes eternal life in Jesus, will also gladly embrace the Shroud's evidence of the Resurrection.

Here's my reasoning. We should be slow to convert people. We should let them make their own decisions on Jesus without our promptings and urgings on spur-of-the-moment evangelism. I think people need to make requests for salvation personally to Jesus, and say the right things privately to the Father. But many pastors will want to have people converted at the front of the church, rather than have them go home and make their private commitments to Jesus. This opens the possibility that pastors are self-interested, wanting converts to credit pastors (for their conversions) to so that the converts will then attend, and donate, to the pastor's cost of living. It could have conflict-of-interest all over it. Converts are led to believe that walking up to the front of the church and having people pray over them is as good as a genuine, salvation-obtaining event. Not necessarily.

Even catholic churches want people to be believers, because that's the $bread-and-$butter. At my mother's funeral, the catholic "father" had the audacity to claim that my mother is in Heaven. How would he know? Does he call the shots on salvation? The pagan statues in the vatican should inform us that all catholic priests who conduct funerals tell their audience that the deceased are in Heaven. It's the feel-good message. These priests don't care what God thinks; they run the Church as they see fit. Beware. Everyone who dies goes to heaven, when a catholic priest presides over a funeral, so long as they attended a catholic church just for a little while, or even if they were only born catholics i.e. from catholic parents. I am not at all sure that my mother was ever born-again. I have grave doubts.

You need to reject what almost everyone says, that the Shroud is a photo-negative. IT IS NOT. It is the original "photograph" having no negative. They mistakenly call it a negative because, when one takes a photo of the shroud, the photo-negative has more detail, and looks more normal to our eyes. But this doesn't make the Shroud a negative. The Shroud seemingly has the light and dark parts "backward," but this is not true.

In the Shroud, the tip of the nose is "dark," and the eye sockets lighter, which is often backward in a photo or painting of a face. But the Shroud is not a negative just because a photographic negative often has the nose darker than the eye sockets. We are talking apples and oranges here, meaning that the Shroud's photo was made in a different way as compared to man-made photos.

The Shroud's Light comes from within the Body, either originating from within the body, or deflecting off the bones after entering the body from above. The closer to the body was to the cloth, the darker that part of the cloth. The lights and darks on the Shroud have nothing to do with whether light and dark colors are inherent in the light that forms the image on the cloth. The lights and darks are a function of specific distance between skin/bones and cloth. That's apples and oranges.

The Light was such that it would not make any discoloration (gold color) of the cloth if it was too far from the body. The Light did not form a discoloration if it first struck some blood.

You didn't likely hear, from major media, that a new method of dating the Shroud, "X-ray scattering," has recently dated it to the time of Jesus.

Another video has this comment: "However, a friend and I were having lunch not too long ago, and she confidently 'informed' me that she KNOWS it is a fake! Her reasoning? She stated that 'God would not allow such an important artifact to be left on this earth, because we all have to believe that Jesus rose from the dead WITHOUT evidence or proof!!'" This Protestant Christian was saying, "I don't give a damn about this Shroud."

Another comment at the same video: "This is the reason I became Catholic." See that? Catholics are using the Shroud to make members while Protestants are asleep at the wheel. Maybe the pre-tribbers don't want to advertise, via the Shroud, the great pains that God allowed Jesus to endure, because they teach that God is too loving to let us endure more than some sweat at a golf game before we're caught up in the rapture.

Same video comments section, where someone calls the Shroud a "rag": " I need a rag to prove the bible is real, the Holy Spirit is my proof and if you do all I can say is ...oh ye of little faith, to me this is much ado about nothing and I am really tired of this story." Wow, what a disrespectful SLAP-SLAP-SLAP to God's face for saving the burial cloth for a last-days testimony.

Same video: "That's great that you found your proof but what does it matter? Do you really need proof to believe the word of God? Do you need signs and wonders to believe? Ppl should be careful not to idolize at the end of the day it is just cloth focus on the comforter who is much greater than material things..." Ya-but, this is a miraculous piece of cloth, and people rejoicing in it makes this Christian upset. WHY? It's not "just cloth." It's an image of the Resurrection. If a Christian can't find delight in this, what's wrong with that person? Furthermore, if people have weak faith that is solidly strengthened by this "just cloth," why do some Christians put them down?

Plus, this cloth is a major piece of evidence that will condemn God's enemies, because it stands as solid evidence of the Resurrection, and they had mocking demanded that we give them the evidence. Here it is, from God Himself, but they still refuse to receive Jesus.

Jesus' head was wrapped with a small piece of cloth, but while it is believed to be the so-called "sudatorium," it doesn't have an image of Jesus' face in the way the image is on the shroud, suggesting that it was on the outside of the shroud, if indeed it was on Jesus at all.

The Hyksos of Hesse

The Hyksos king, Asses, tends to prove what others have said, that the Hyksos of Egypt had been Asians invading the Nile Delta. They had a capital at Avaris, which a myth writer placed into code with mythical Everes, the "shepherd seer," which jibes with "shepherd kings," an ancient title for the Hyksos. Everes was made the father of Tyre-like Tiresias, the father in turn of mythical Daphne. The latter was code for a Daphne location in Phoenicia, and Tire was in Phoenicia, where mythical CadMUS ruled whom I claim was part-code for the Cadusii Armenians, probably at Mus of Armenia. The Hayasa-AZZi, thought by some to have been the Asian Hyksos, were in Armenia.

The I see mythical "Hermes" as code for Armenians too, and he owned the Cadusii-like caduceus staff, having two snakes, explaining why a myth writer turned Cadmus and his Armenian wife, HARMONia, into snakes when they migrated to Illyria. The Daphne location was at Phoenicia's mount HERMON, not far from Cadusii-like Kadesh.

Therefore, it seems that the Hyksos, when they were forced out of Egypt, took refuge in the land of Israel, and north of it in Phoenicia and Cilicia, the latter being Cadmus' brother.

The Hyksos worshipped the Baal bull, which in Jerusalem was the Moloch cult of Amorites. It's predictable that a branch of this cult was in Tyre (Tyrus) as the Zeus taurus that stole Europa, Cadmus' sister, away to Crete, en route to forming Trojans of Tyre-like Troy. There can't be any doubt that Zeus was a Phoenician entity because his brother, Poseidon, was made a king of Tyre / Phoenicia. And some historians have placed the Hyksos in Jerusalem too. The SeyMORE's use a "phoenix" in Crest. I'll come back to Seymore's. AMORites are suggested, for Seymore's share the Morinis fleur-de-lys.

I've just noticed that "Zeus" is like "Asses / Azzi(s)." I'm going to propose a trace of Asses-branch Hyksos to "Hesse," and to the neighboring Cassel area, supposedly named by the Chatti Germanics. That combination of terms suggests the English Case's, first found in Norfolk with three cat-using surnames, the Cattans, Catchers and Keats.

Load Cattans now, which loads on another tab, in order to load other surnames so that you can follow better.

From here, we go to the Keiths/Keaths, said to be from a Catti tribe. The Caddys (Yorkshire with Hicks) have a Chief in Keith-Chief colors, and Caddys happen to share "pennants" with Seymore's. Cowes'/Coo's (Lancashire with Plate's) have more "pennants," and plate-using Penns were first found in Buckinghamshire with the Simsons who have a version of the Pennant Coat. Pennys/Penes' were first found in Northamptonshire with the Fessys/Face's whose write-up jibes with the "fasces" symbol of Assi's. The Seymore's married the Zouch's of Harringworth, Northamptonshire.

The Penes variation of Pennys takes us to the Penestae peoples on the Drin river of the Cavii. The latter named the Chives' who happen to have the cat-a-mountain while KENNeths/MacKenzie's use a "mountain." The later are suspect from the Kennati priests of Cilicia (has Taurus mountains and a Tyre-related Tarsus location), and earlier from king Khyan of the Hyksos. Kennati-like Kennedys happen to share the Scottish Cassel Coat and motto. On the northern-most part of the Drin is a Has location (Albania) named feasibly by the line of Asses. Chives' named Chivasso at taurus-like Turin.

Albanians at Has can be to the Albins/Aubins, first found in Devon with the Hazels who share a Hessel variation with Hesse's. hazels share gold crescents with Kenns, both first found in DEVON, where I trace "DAPHNe" elements. Hicks-branch Hooks were first found in Devon too, as well as the Esse's/Ash's. German Ash's have the Coat of Epsteins in colors reversed, and Epsteins were first found in Hesse-Nassau. Nassau's love Billets, one branch of which as first found in Devon.

Italian Albini's were first found in Modena with Seymore-connectable Morinis'. The latter are in the write-up of Deerings, first found in Kenneth-like Kent with Sea's, and Seymore's are also Seamore's. The Foys in the Seymore motto have an English branch, first found in Suffolk with Sea-branch Seamans. Deerings share the stag head of Apophis-suspect Poppins/Pophams, and the latter's Chief looks connectable to the Keith and Caddy Chief. Caddys were first found in Yorkshire with Popleys/Poppeys.

From the last update: "While Hicks' are said to be from a Sauteby location, Sauts are listed with Salts (Staffordshire with Hicksons). That works." And Miss Hicks points to Apophis, suggesting Hyksos on the Salto river, and maybe even in the veins of the imperial Flavians of that river, part of the Revelation dragon. I have been wondering whether the Salto was named by the descendants of the Hyksos king, Salatis.

Poppins/Pophams were first found in Hampshire with the red-dragon Drake's, Potters, and Flys of Flavius. The latter location was also "Flagi" while the McLeods/Clouds having "flags" share the giant tower of German Cassels. Herods were a sept of McLeods. Potters share the cinquefoil of Flavius-like Flowers, the latter first found in Devon. The Drake's, with a 666-like tail on their dragon, translate their motto with "fly catcher," and Catchers, first found in Norfolk with the Fasts in the McLeod motto, and with the Flags/Flecks, use the cat. The imperial Flavians of Rieti were on the Salto river that itself has an upper region in the land of the MARsi, at Avezzano, and then Avezzano's were first found in Sardinia with Amor(ite)-like Amori's. Amorites had a capital at Mari (Babylon). I trace "Sardinia" to Sea Peoples at "Sardis" on the HERMus river suspect from Armeno-Phoenicians at mount Hermon.

German Seys'/Seitz's/Seis' show only "flowers". This could be a Sea branch and thus an additional pointer to the Apophis asteroid, for the wavy Sea bays are used by Tuckers while Tucks (Yorkshire with Hicks) were once said to be first found in Kent with Sea's, Flower-connectable Dovers, and with the Dragons in the Seaton Crest. Dragons are in Potter colors and format while sharing the Flower cinquefoil, and Flowers have the Dover Coat in colors reversed. Tuckers were first found in Devon with Flowers, Hicks-branch Hooks, and with a Seaton location while Seatons (Say colors) are said to have named at least one Say location. So, Sea's may have been named by Seatons. The dragon-using Tresure's in the Seaton tressure border were first found in Suffolk with Seamans (share wavy Tucker bars). The "Hazard" motto term of Seatons could be code for a Hesse / Hazel branch.

Sayers were first found in Essex with Hicks' of Low Leighton while dragon-using Leightons, with the Say/Seys quadrants in colors reversed, were first found in Shropshire with Says/Seys'. The best I can do with the "shame"motto term of Leightons is the Same variation of Sine's/Sions/Swans, some proof that the Sitten variation of Seatons named Sitten at Sion. The Leighton write-up says that Leighton of Shropshire was once Leston, and then Lestons/Leystons have TEN besants to go with the ten billets of Saltire/Salters (once said to be first found in Shropshire), and the ten bars of Tyne's/Thens (Shropshire), which jibes with a North Seaton location owned partly by "the priory of Tynemouth." Sayers use "FORbear" while Seatons have "FORward."

While Fridays/FARAdays share the triple Seaton crescents, Spanish Fare's/Fara's have two of the wavy Sea fesses. The interesting thing here is the Pharisee-like Freys and Phreeze's/Freys' (Essex with Sayers) share the same Coat, with horses to go with the Seaman and Tucker seahorses. As at least one other Fare Coat is connectable to Fiers/Fears, this picture traces to Fier county in Albania, near ancient Arnissa, it self near the Caiaphas-like Cavii Illyrians at Has. The Seatons with a "HAZard" motto term use Fier-like "fire." And Scottish Fare's, first found in Cumberland with Daggers/Dackers, use a giant anchor with the Annacker variation of Anchors is like the Annas variation of ARNISS'. Dacker-like Dexaroi were on the Apsus river at least west of Fier county.

It's making me think that the Pharisees descended from rulers in Fier county. Italian Fare's, sharing the giant lion of German Freie's/Freys, are listed with Ferrara's, and Ferrara wasn't named until after Flavius Titus conquered Jerusalem. A Jewish general, Josephus, fighting against Titus' father, betrayed his country and went over the Titus' household, becoming Flavius Josephus. How many other priests did the same to save their own skins, since Josephus himself said that he descended from a priestly line?

An article on the ARDiaei Illyrians says that they disappeared from Illyricum about the time of the first HASmoneans, otherwise known as the Maccabees, and as the Sadducees and Pharisees were a product of the Maccabees, it's making sense that the namers of modern Has was anciently the proto-Hasmonean family. Has is on the Drin river while Drainers are listed with English Dragons in the Seaton Crest. I trace the disappeared Ardiaei, apparently in the "hazARD" motto term of Seatons, to royal Galatians of Jesus' days, where I trace the Laevi Gauls, in which case it makes sense to trace the Ananes Gauls to the naming of Annas/Ananus, the chief priest in Jesus' days along with Chaff-like Caiaphas. The Chaffs share the giant griffin of Battle's while Spanish Fare's/Fara's use a "tower without battlements."

Royal Galatians included Severus of Hasmon-like Akmonia. He was ancestral to Quadratilla Bassus, wife of Lupus LAEVIllus. One Bass surname was first found in Haddington with Keith Catti, and can be connected to the Sadducee-like Saddocks, kin of Mascals, tending to explain why Keiths come up as "Mascal." English Base's are in Jewish Levi colors and format. Another Bass surname is in the colors and format of Scottish Kennedys while Kennati priests were in Cetis, where Laevillus above ruled.

Chaffs (look like a Capes branch) were first found in Dorset with the Russells whose "sara" motto terms can be code for the Sarah variation of Sayers. Russell-like Roslin is beside the first-known Seatons of East Lothian, where Keith Catti were first found who can trace to Hesse-Cassel. German Cassels seem to use half of the English Clare Coat while SinCLAIRs settled Roslin. Roslins use square buckles while Square's/Squirrels were first found in Worcestershire with the Rocks in turn sharing the trefoils of Dutch Seys'.

Ardiaei were also "Vardaei," and then the Wards suspect in the "forward" motto term of Seatons are said to descend from "Osbert de Varde of Givendale". Swan-using Givens were first found in Lanarkshire with Same's/Sine's/Sions/Swans, more proof that Seatons named Sitten at Sion. The Seaton-connectable Flemings were first found in Lanarkshire too while Spanish Fare's/Fara's use "flames." English Wards were first found in Northamptonshire with Face's while elite Seatons are said to have received land if Fawside of the Faucets. Fauci's are connectable the Anchor-branch Angers (Essex with Sayers).

The upper Salto is some 50 miles from L'Aquila, and Drake's use an "Aquila" motto term. The Sales/Sallett Coat is almost the one of Cows/Coughs/Cuffie's (KilKENNY), and then English Coffers share the crescents of Irish Heffers while English Heffers (Somerset with Coffers and Pile's) share the triple lions in the Seymore pile, though this pile is called a "pennant," the Cowes/Coo symbol too. There is a Cowes location in Hampshire's Isle of Wight. Seymore's share the Kenny fleur-de-lys.

Drake's use a dragon while Dragons/Drainers, in Potter colors and format, were first found in Kent with Sea's and Seymore-connectable Deerings, tending to explain the Seamore variation. More's/Muirs were first found in Ayrshire with Hare's while Seymore's married Zouch's (Lancashire with Cowes'/Coo's) of HARRingworth. More's/Muirs use a "Saracen's heads" while Saracena is beside Morano (Sybaris river). The Arms of Morano uses Moor heads, as do Morano's, first found in Modena with Morinis'. Hare-branch Harcourts were first found in Oxfordshire with Amore's and Damorys/Amori's, tending to reveal that Seamore's had been of a Sea-Amori / Sea-More merger. The Mauro's/Maurino's/Maurels / Maurels/Morels (Brittany with Sarasins) can apply to the St. Maur variation of Seymours.

The Salto flows beside the Turano, and Mus of Lake Van had a Tarun/Taran area, though google won't bring it up anymore for me for checking its spelling. The Fane's/Vans were first found in Monmouthshire with Seymore's (share Morinis / Kenny fleur). The Turano-like Durance was home to the Sales-like Salyes Ligure's, and then the Sales', first found in Cheshire with Daphne-like Tuffs'/Tufts (share phoenix with Seymore's), are also Salletts. Saluzzo is near Turin. Saluzzo is near the Stura-Demonte river while Demonte's share the Coat of Voirs, the latter first found at VANNES. "DeVOIR" is a Seymore motto term. Voirs use the lion of "St. Mark," and English Marks (Essex with Hicks' of Low Leighton) share the Hicks fleur-de-lys.

Emperor Titus of Rieti can be in the "AppeTITUS" and "paREAT" motto terms of ASHworths, the latter possibly of the line of Asses, for Ashworths share the Massey fleur-de-lys. "Appetitus" can be for elements on the Apsus river of Fier. The Parrs suspect in "pareat" have the double fesses of Spanish Fare's/Fara's in colors reversed, and Parrs were first found in Lancashire with RATcliffs to go with the "rationi" motto term of Ashworths. The Dexaroi of the Apsus can be traced to the Squirrels in the Crest of Holds (Lancashire), for squirrels share the squirrel of German Daggers/Deckers. Scottish Fare's were first found in Cumberland with the Daggers/Dackers. Parrs (Lancashire with Furness') share the border of Furness' while the latter share the giant black dog with Chaffins/ChafFINCH's. Finch's/Vince's were first found in Hertfordshire with Titus'.

Ratcliffe's share the black bull head with flag-using McLeods/Clouds, and so as Flys of Flagi were Flavians from Rieti, Ratcliffe's must have been Rieti elements. The "triple-TOWERed CASTLE" of McLeods/Clouds is shared by German Cassels, and Towers were first found in Lancashire with Ratcliffs, and also with the Holds, in the McLeod/Cloud motto, first found in Bury with Ratcliffs. Tower-using Thors/Tours were first found in Devon with Esse's/Ash's to go with the Ashworth location of the first-known Holds. The Ashborn motto is like the one of Mens', and while the latter were a Mannes branch, the double Mannes fesses are with Holds.

As McLeods/Clouds were first found in Skye, we take it to Miss Hicks and I holding each other will rising into the sky, in the Sleeping Beauty dream, and Beautys have black bulls to go with the black McLeod bull head. Why should Hyksos trace to McLeods? The Ashborn motto is also like the one of BRACEbridge's, and she and I were emBRACEd while rising into the sky. Beautys (Dorset with Capes-connectable Chaffs) were a branch of Boets/Boeddu's while Salome Boethus of the Sadducees was ancestral to a Herod line while the Herod/Harald/Hurl surname was a McLeod sept. Salome's were first found in Rhineland with Shalls/Schals while "shall" is in the Ashborn motto. Scale's (share scallops of neighboring Capes') were first found in Hertfordshire with Titus' expected in the Ashworth motto.

So, yes, king Asses of the Hyksos can trace to the imperials of Rieti while Shall-like Salatis can trace to Rieti's Salto river, to the Salyes/Saluvii Ligures, to Saluzzo, and even to the Sullivans (black boar of Edom), first found in Tipperary with Irish Kennedys. The latter share the dolphin with Scottish Cassels, kin in turn of Scottish Kennedys (Ayrshire with Kendrys/Hendrys).

Scale's share the scallops of French Larins, first found in Provence with Cetis'/Sestiers and Lizards/Sarde's while Scottish Lise's/Lease's share the double chevrons of Clarens/Larins. English Lease's love the Sun variation of Sinclairs, and Hesse's use a giant sun while German Cassels show three of the double chevrons above. Lise's/Lease's were first found in Dumfries with Turks/Torks suspect in the "torch" of the Kendry/Hendry Crest.

Boeotian Greeks

Kendrys/Hendrys were first found in Ayrshire with the Craigie's who in turn share the crescent of German Turks. The latter were first found in Silesia with German Rose's, whom I trace to Ezekiel's "Rosh," part of the Gog alliance. I see Eros, son of Ares, as that Rosh entity. Yet Bible scholars -- often the same ones who punch believers in the face with a fiendish pre-tribulation theory -- do not think that Ezekiel's Rosh is a place name, or the name of a people group. There is super evidence that it is. Note that Craigie's (from Cilicia's Cetis) have a Coat like the one of Goz's/Gos', for Goose's are listed with Gog-like Googe's, first found in ROXburghshire, the latter named by ROS-Alans. (Later in this update, I do a section on the Gog alliance.)

The Kendry torch is held by "cupid," the Roman counterpart of Eros, the pedophile symbol of mythical Ares. Cadmus, who married the Ares people group from the Aras river of Armenia, settled Boeotia, location of Schimatari, tending to explain why the Cupid/Cowbitt Crest has "BATTLing SCIMITARs" "ISSuing from clouds." Ass' have an ISE variation.

Mythical Orion's father was at the Schimatari / Tanagra theater, and Orions/Irons/Kenirons were first found in Norfolk with Cupids/Cowbitts, and with Cloud-related Fasts and Flags/Flecks. What's with the KENiron variation if not for Kenites? The Holds in the Cloud motto, and the COWbitt-connectable Cowes'/Coo's, were first found in Lancashire with Shechemite-line Shake's/Shakerleys.

The Schimatari location is suspect by me from the Shechemites of proto-Israel, who are in the Bible with Kenites, and Kendrys were first found in the same place as Scottish Kennedys, and also in the same place as Cunninghams using a "SHAKEfork.". Battling scimitars can take us to the Battle-Chaff connectability.

Cupids/Cowbitts could be using the Bruce lion because the Bruce saltire is with Cowpers/Coopers (Yorkshire with Bruce's). Kennedy-related Carricks married the royal Bruce line.

Cunninghams use a "fork" motto term with their shakefork while Forkers/FARquhars were first found in Ayrshire with Cunninghams, Este-related Barrs, and Kennedy-related Carricks. Irish Fergus'/Fargus', said to have named Carrickfergus, share the Fare/Ferrara lion, indicating that Ferrara elements, which had alliances with neighboring Este, named the Fergus'/Fargus'.

The eight-pointed Fergus/Fargus star is in giant form with Stelli's, and the Botto's/Batti's (eight-pointed stars), who probably named Battistelli's, look like Shechemites from Boeotia/BOIOtia. Stelli's were first found in Bologna (near Ferrara), home of the BOII. The latter moved into neighboring Modena, where Albini's were first found while Albins/Aubins were first found in Devon with Fier-branch Ware's, Wearings and Were's/Wears. Fergus'/Fargus and Ferrara's thus look like they were named by a people group in Albania's Fier county, not far from Dardania.

Albins/Aubins were first found in Devon with the Dardanian Darts/Dards, and while the Broke/Brock lion holds a "dart," or while there's a "BROKEn lance" in the Fergus/Fargus Crest, that lion is in use with Scottish Fergus', first found in Galloway. The latter's name is related to Galway of Ireland, where Teague's/Teegers were first found, and then German Teegers (southern Denmark) share the giant star of Stelli's. Brocks/Broke's were first found in Essex with English Este's, and Essex's, sharing the eagle of Italian Este's and Barrs, were first found in Middlesex with Fiers/Fears.

Swietoslawa Mieszko married Sweyn FORKbeard, king of Denmark, parents of king Cnut while Cnuts/Knots share the Cunningham Crest, suggesting that "Cunn" is a form of Kennati-like "Cnut." Cunns/Queens/SWEYNs thus look like they were named by the line of Sweyn Forkbeard. The Cunningham / Cnut Crest is a unicorn head, white like the giant unicorn of Fire's/Furs. A "fir" tree is used by Albin-like Alpins. King Alpin was a Pict, and Pictland / Scotland was also ALBA at one time.

Cunns/Queens/Sweyne's (Sky and Lewis with McLeods) share the triple wolf heads of Quade's, from queen Quadratilla Bassus of Cetis, where I trace Kennedys and Carricks. Quadratilla had a son, CHARAX Proculus. Scottish Kennedys share the chevron that is the Arms of Carrick, and Irish Kennedys use the scimitar for a trace to Shechemites of Schimatari. The Irish Kennedy Shield is a colors-reversed version of the Minute Shield, and I trace the latter to king Amyntes of the Galatians, the ancestor of Quadratilla Bassus. Amyntes conquered Derbe while Cnuts/Knots were first found in Derbyshire.

Galatians had been Gauls, and Fergus' were first found in GALLoway. French Galli' and "lance"-using Italian Dere's have stars in the colors of the near-same of lance-using Fergus'/Fargus'. The Italian Tous'/Tosini's suspect in the "virTUS" motto term of Hendersons/Kendricks share the eight-pointed star of Fergus'/Fargus'.

As Kendrys/Hendrys/Kendricks, with CUPID in Crest, were first found in the same place as Kennedys, they were likely their branch, not from "Henry." Hendersons/Kendricks, first found in CAITHness, use a "CUBIT arm HOLDing" a gold, eight-pointed star (as shown by Hall of Names), symbol of Irish Fergus'/Fargus'. Kendrys/Hendrys, Hendersons and Cupids/Cubits share ermine spots and red-white colors. "Hold" is a McLeod motto term. Chatti of Hesse-Cassel named Caithness, and Kennedys share most of the Scottish Cassel Coat while German Cassels share the giant McLeod castle. Keith Catti were first found in East Lothian with the Noble's suspect in the Henderson motto term, "nobiliTAT." Lake Tatta is near Derbe of the Galatians.

The Sola's/Solnier's in the Henderson motto were first found in Derbyshire with Cnuts/Knots, and Spanish Sols/Solana's share a giant sun (different color) with Hesse's. Hendersons use "gold piles COMING from the sinister side," and Comings (Norfolk with Lance's) were from Kuman of Fier county, Albania. The Ermine's/Armys, suspect in the "cubit ARM" of Hendersons, share the Chief-Shield combination of Scottish Tate's. As they share the saltire of Scottish Andersons, I suggest that "Henderson" was created when Kennati / Kenite elements in the Kendricks married Andersons. The latter's boar head is in colors reversed with the SCHIMatari-like Schims/Schiens, first found in Aberdeenshire with Cupid-like Cups, in case the two apply to one another.

The Schim/Schien boar head is shared by Mole's (Roxburghshire with Tate's and Chattans/Cato's) while Shake's/Shakerleys use "molehills." Shake's/Shakerleys come up as Shicks and share the chevron of Chickens, the latter first found in Suffolk with English Tate's.

The "hare" in the Shake/Shakerley Crest should bring us to Scottish Hare's, first found in Ayrshire with Kennedys, Kendrys/Hendrys, AYERs, Forkers/FarquHARs, and shakefork Cunninghams. The latter had looked like play on "Cnut," and Cnuts/Knots were first found in Derbyshire with Ayers/Eyers and Here's/Heyers. German Andersons were first found in Holstein-Schleswig with German Teegers, and Tigers were first found in Suffolk with Tate's.

German and Danish Andersons probably share the split Yarborough Shield because the Stains are said to have married Yarborough's while the Stand variation of Stains (Middlesex with Fiers/Fears) is in the motto of Scottish Andersons (part of Clan Chattan). The Sine's in the Yarborough motto even share a Swan variation with Cunns/Queens/Sweyne's. It begs whether "Canute" was a development from the Kennati priests of Ajax (the pagan god). The Ajax-like Jacks had a Joke variation, first found in KENT.

Joke's are also Yoke's (Switzerland with Sion), as are the giant-swan Hocks, suggesting the Sine's/Sions/Swans named Sweyn Forkbeard. Hook-branch Hicks were first found in Yorkshire with Jacks. Joke's/Yoke's share the scallops of Varangian-like Varns (Ayrshire with Cunninghams), and YARborough's are from the Varangian king, Yaroslav.

The Sure's in the "Stand sure" motto of Andersons were not only first found in Derbyshire with Cnuts/Knots, but Sure's share "GREEN holly LEAVES" with Scottish Jacks. Greens were first found in Kent with Joke's/Yoke's, and Leave's/Leve's (Norfolk with Patricks and Hollys) trace to Lupus Laevillus, whose mother, Vibia, is suspect by me to the Bibo's sharing the "cushion" (different color) with "sure"-using Kilpatricks. Bibo's (GREEN cushion) tell that they were related to Hahns, the latter first found beside Holstein-Schleswig, and "Holstein" can be suspect from a marital merger of Hollys and Stain-branch Steins (Norfolk with Hollys).

SCHLESwig-like Scale's have the Jack scallops in half their colors. WIGGons were kin of Hahn-like Annas', and Wigton (Galloway with Fergus') is where Hanna's were first found who have the Trump stag head in colors reversed while Hahns were first found in Mecklenburg with Trumps (Hahn / Hock/Yoke colors and format). Queen Anna, daughter of Yaroslav, comes to mind. She married king Henry I of France, interesting where Irish Henrys (giant GREEN eagle) were first found in Tyrone with Irish Neals/Neils while English Neals (share Sine/Sion/Swan lion) were kin of Yarborough's.

The "DuRIS" motto term of More's/Muirs (Ayrshire with Forkers/Farquhars) can be partly for the Rise's who essentially share the Coat of French Fare's. Wikipedia's "Clan Muir" article: "A single family, the Mores/Moores of DRUMcork, are septs of Clan Grant, but there is no evidence of a connection to the Mure/Muir line." Oh yes there is evidence, where French Grands were first found in Burgundy with French Fare's, and where Weirs/Vere's almost have the More/Muir Coat. Weirs/Vere's share the Moray stars while More's/Moore's are said (article above) to have been a sept of the Leslie's of Moray's Rothes. The Patients (share flames with Scottish Grands) in the motto of Clan Muir use crescents while Cressents (Burgundy with Grands) share the French Grand Coat.

The More's/Moore's of DRUMcork can be of the Drummonds, who descended from king Andrew/Anders I of Hungary, and ANDERsons share a "Stand" motto term with Scottish Grands. The Rise's suspect in the More/Muir motto are also Rye's, and the latter were once said to be first found in Sussex with Courts/Coverts who in turn have a "GRANDescunt" motto term. Courts/Coverts were first found in Sussex with the Babels/Babwells (almost have the Court/Covert pale bars) who share a "gold gate" with the Arms of Podebrady, where the father of the Drummonds (George, son of king Andrew) got his wife.

Weddings vs. Geddings

I've tackled again why Sleeping Beauty, fulfilled by Miss Hicks, was framed in this 1979 dream as my wife. This time, it dawned on me that Weddings, with a different-colors version of the Hicks Coat, were a branch of Geddings/Geddes', in the way that "William" was anciently "Guilliam." Miss Hicks married Mr. Kilpatrick, and while Kilpatrick castle was at the Nith river, the Geds were anciently on the Nith! Perfect. Evidence that God gave the dream, though He was deceptive toward me because I thought Beauty was my future wife. Instead, it was all code for surnames, and a pointer to the Apophis asteroid.

The page above says that the Geds were also on Dumfries' Annan river, begging how the namers of the Annan were related to Ananus of Israel. Kilpatricks do share the Jewish Levi lion, and French Levi's were first found in Ile-de-France with the Lys'/Lisse' beloved of Weddings. Hooks and Hicks'. Scottish Lise's were first found in Dumfries with the Nith river. Lissus was a location of the Caiaphas-like Cavii, near Arnissa, shown on this map with the Albani between them. Ananes Gauls, who named Annandale at the Annan river, lived near the Laevi Gauls. I expect both to have moved to Galatia, and both to have been of the royal Galatians who ruled Geddes-like Cetis. In the dream, Sleeping Beauty was hovering above the seats of a car, and Seats have Cetis-like Cedes variation. English Lise's/Liss' were first found in Hampshire with the Geddys/Gideons.

Ananus' father lived in Syria, near Cetis, and the Cetis/Sestier surname has a giant lily while the Arms of Lille, near the Lys river of Artois, share the fleur-de-lys of Lys'/Lisse's and Masseys/Maceys. The latter's Masci branch, sharing the Hook / Kilpatrick fleur-de-lys, were first found near the Lys tributary of the Bautica river, and the Cavii named Chivasso on the Piedmont, where Masci's were first found. As my mother is a Masci, and born in Picenze while Ananes Gauls were at Piacenza, it explains why God framed Miss Hicks / Mrs. Kilpatrick as my bride-to-be, for French Bride's (Savoy with French Masseys) share the triple stars of Maceys/Mace's. Bride's share the triple stars of Brights (Cheshire with Masseys, Maceys/Mace's and Gethins/Gettins), from Savoy's Brigantium, also called, Briancon, and Irish Brians share a "laidir" motto term with Kilpatricks. Dreams don't know heraldic links like this unless God forms the dream.

Irish Brians share the triple lions in pale of Hover-connectable Heffers (Somerset with Leavells/Levels), and these lions are in the colors of the three greyhounds in pale of Lys'/Lisse's.

Boths Geds and Geddings/Geddes' use "pike" fish. English Pike's were first found in Devon with Albins/Aubins, and with the Hooks using the Hicks and Wedding Coats in other colors. Hooks share the fleur-de-lys of Irish Kilpatricks. Hookers share the double lions of Jewish Levi's. Hookers also use "vair" fur while French Vairs were first found in Burgundy with Chives-related Mathis'. The Mathis river, home of the Albani, is between Lissus of the Cavii and Arnissa. English Vairs/Vere's share the Massey quadrants and the lone Annas/ARNISS star.

The "shield" in the Gedding/Geddes Shield is often called an "eSCUTcheon," used by Scute's who in turn share the gold tower with Patients/Patents, first found in Dumfries with the Nith river. Patients/Patents are in the colors and format of Popleys/Poppeys while I had a dream, days or weeks after the Sleeping Beauty dream, where I saw Popeye the sailerman at the sea floor. That dream could have been on April 13 because the Apophis asteroid is scheduled to return past the earth on April 13, 2029, 50 years after those two dreams. The fact that Popeye was on the sea floor tends to convince me that Apophis fulfills the 2nd Trumpet of Revelation, which strikes the sea.

You need to decide whether I'm telling the truth on these matters, and whether God did give the Popeye dream to warn us of the landing of Apophis. I don't think I've told, prior to this year, of the dream with Popeye, because I've never had reason to, and I've never had reason to decipher it as a dream from God. I remember nothing from the dream but Popeye at the sea floor. It's perfect for addressing Apophis landing in the sea.

For an additional pointer to the Apophis asteroid with Popeye on the sea floor, Flore's and Flora's share the FLEUR-de-Lys' of both Hooks and Hicks, as if God is simply verifying that Popeye points to the Apophis-branch Hyksos. Florence is at the Arno river, perhaps named by Arnissa elements. I've just found the new-to-me Florie's/Fleurys (Somerset with Crab-using Bridge's) sharing the fleur-de-lys of Crabs! The latter is a pointer to the Apophis asteroid too.

Popeye smoked a corncob pipe while Pipe's share the Coat of Pepins/Pepys, both sharing the fleur-de-lys of Jeune's, the latter first found in Cambridgeshire with Crabs. Pipe's were first found in Staffordshire with Jeune-branch June's/Jungs. Apophis is returning at the crab constellation of CANCER, and Chaunceurs were first found in Essex with ASTERs/Sturs, and with the Youngs having a "Jeune" motto term. Chaunceur-branch Chase's were first found in Hampshire with Poppins/Pophams.

Olive Oyl was Popeye's girlfriend, and Oyleys were first found in Oxfordshire with same-colored Lille's. Olive's / Olivers could have been play on "Levi/Livi," especially as Scottish Olivers share the double chevrons of Scottish Lise's. The Chief of Scottish Olivers is shared by Weeds/Weedins! English and Italian Olivers look like kin of Pane's/Panico's of the Cetis-like Setta valley.

Pipe's were first found in Staffordshire with Hicksons and Arras'/Arrows (Pepin/Pepy fleur-de-lys in colors reversed) while Arras was the Artois capital. Lille and the Lys river are in Artois. Lille's were first found in Oxfordshire with the Peare's sharing the leopard faces of Parsons (Norfolk with Patricks), and Parthini are on the map above on the south side of the Albani, and within range of Arnissa. Patricks were from AntiPATRIA, shown to the south of Arnissa. Patria's/PEARtree's (share Trump stag head) apparently apply to this picture. The Lois' (Trump colors and format), first found in Artois, could have named Weedin Lois of the Wedding-branch Weeds/Weedins.

English Olive's were first found in Northamptonshire with spinach-like Spinks, Weeds/Weedins, and Pennys/PENES. Popeye was given a spinach symbol. PENEStae are on the map above upon the Drilon river of the Cavii. The Popeye cartoon had a PoopDECK character while Decks are listed with Daggers while Scottish Kilpatricks have a dagger as code for Dexaroi of Antipatria. Popeye's grandfather, Pappy, is suspect as code for the Papia/Pavia location, co-founded by the Laevi Gauls. Geddys/Gideons were first found in Hampshire (Southampton) with Hanne-connectable Poppins/Pophams.

The Hicksons have a saltire formed with eagle legs in colors reversed from the saltire of Scute-like Schutz's, the latter first found in Rhineland with giant-lys Bush's/Buschs while English Bush's were first found in Yorkshire with Hicks' and Weddings. Again, Wedding-like Geddings/Geddes' use an do Keens, kin of KEONs suspect in "escutCHEON." Keens and Keons were kin of Nile-like Neils, and while the Hyksos ruled the Nile delta, king Apophis/Apepi followed Keen-like Khyan on the Hyksos throne.

I trace the line of Salome Boethus, a Sadducee suspect as a Levite from the Laevi Gauls, to Salome's, first found in Rhineland with Schutz's who have a Sadducee-like Shutz variation. Salmons and Salemans were first found in Surrey with Seats'/CEDES, and Seatons were first found in East Lothian with SCOOTs/Scougals.

Another surname calling their escutcheons as "shields" are the Waddlingtons. Weddings/Waddingtons were at Waddington, in Yorkshire with the fist-known Keys. English Shields/Shiels, with an "OLIVE branch," share the motto of Shaws/Shea's/Sheaves' while Italian Sheaves'/CHIAVa's show keys. Chives' are also Shewas'. In the Beauty dream, God said to me, "it's you SHE loves," and Irish Shee's/Shea's share the Masci / Kilpatrick / Hook fleur-de-lys.

The "Corde" motto term of Waddlingtons (Sussex with Courts/Coverts) suggest that the "human heart" of Waddlingtons is the heart of Cords/McCourts.

The Scute's, first found in Lancashire with Oliver-like Levers/Livers/Lovers, call their escutcheons, "shields." Scute's use a "blue crane" for a trace to the Ceraunii Illyrians beside or on the Una river, and these Ceraunii are expected in the motto of Cecils who in turn share the "six black shields" of Waddlingtons. Cecils use a "sheaf" in Crest. Blue's/Gorms look related to the rooster heads of Shills, and while the Lever/Liver/Lover rooster stand on a "trumpet," the Trump stag head is in the Arms of County Waterford while Corrins, first found in Waterford, have three of the black shields under discussion.

Corrins call them "small" shields while Scottish Smalls have their lion "pierced with a dagger." While Scottish Kilpatricks use the dagger too, Gospatricks share the saltire of Corrys/Currys, the latter first found in Waterford with Corrins. As Scottish Correys (share green dragon with Irish Kilpatricks) were first found in Dumfries with Scottish Kilpatricks, the lion of Irish Kilpatricks looks like the Small lion, tending to explain why Scottish Correys are in the format, and mainly in the colors, of Pierce's/Piers. Peers were first found in Warwickshire with the Pettys sharing the parrot with Corrins, and with Camps sharing the Correy griffin heads.

English Corys, sharing the Gang/Gegg cinquefoils, are in Scottish Kilpatrick colors and format. GOSpatrick-suspect Goose's/GOOGE's (Roxburghshire with Scottish Olivers) may have named the Gangs/Geggs in the motto of Scottish Drummonds (Perthshire with Ratterys). Scottish Olivers share the double chevrons of Lise's/LEASE's (Dumfries with Correys) while English Lease's were first found in Northumberland with Gospatricks, and with the Greys suspect in the Lys/Lisse greyhounds. Greys were related to Hungers / Huns/Hundts, and Drummonds were Hungarians.

The Gedding/Geddes "shields" are thus connectable to the same of Small-loving Corrins, and Geddings/Geddes" were first found in Nairnshire with the Rats suspect in the "Ratione" motto term of Smalls. Sleeping Beauty was standing at the hood of her car when I first saw her, and Hoods were at Rattery of Devon, where Gedding- and Ged-beloved Pike's were first found. Geds (Fife, beside first-known Ratterys and Dure's) use a "DuRAT" motto term. It tends to confirm that Weddings and Weedins were a Gedding / Geddy branch.

All of these links can explain why God framed Sleeping Beauty as my future wife. Wiffs/Wiffins can take us to Giffins/Wiffins, first found in Ayrshire with Scottish Pike's (Giffin/Wiffen stars in colors reversed). Dutch Giffins/Givens share the Coat of Scottish Givens/Giverns, first found in Lanarkshire with Giverns/BIGGars while Biggs, first found in Essex with Hicks' of Low Leighton, with Asters/Sturs, and with Fitch's, share the Hick fleur-de-lys. Even the wife theme can take us heraldically to Sleeping Beauty.

GIVENdale is where the Wards are said to have started, and Wards were first found in Northamptonshire with Wedding-branch Weedins. See that? The wife-like surnames connect with Northampton elements, and "ForWARD" is a motto term of BalFOURs, first found in Wiff-like Fife (beside Scottish Bride's). Balfours use the otter while Others/Otters were first found in Huntingdonshire with the husband of ADa of Warenne, and Warrens share the Shield of English Wards under discussion. "Ad" is a motto term of the Scottish Olivers sharing the Weedin Chief!

Biggar-like Beggers (Hamburg with German Drummonds) share the Coat of Pepoli's, and Begga was the daughter of Pepin of Landen. Apophis is probably "landen" into the sea, and Sea's, sharing the triple-wavy fesses of German Drummonds, were first found in Kent with Pike-like Picks/Pix's who in turn share the fitchees of Ratterys, the latter first found in Perthshire with Scottish Drummonds who are in turn connectable to Aster-branch Sturs (Hampshire with Poppins/Pophams). Perthshire is beside the Stirling location of DryMEN of the Drummonds, and Stirlings/STURlings (share "Gang" with Drummonds) have a Coat connectable to Pipe's and Stops/Stubbs, both first found in Staffordshire with Hicksons and Drummond-connectable Bassets.

Pepins, sharing a "Mens" motto term with Poppins/Pophams, look related to the Stirling/Sturling Coat, and thus DryMEN looks named by the Men's, first found beside the Seatons who in turn share a "forward" motto term with Stirlings/Sturlings. Likely, Stirling was named by Istria elements.

We then ask why Stirlings/Sturlings (black-bend version of Leslie Coat) share buckles with Starlings/Starlincks (Suffolk with Buckle's) who in turn essentially share the Coat of Leslie's. The latter started off in Scotland as Hungarians along with Drummonds. Is this a pointer to Elon Musk's Starlink company? See my last update for that topic, where I ask whether Apophis will knock out a Starlink satellite. It's not very likely, unless God aims for it.

It was shown how Wedding-connectable Waddlingtons link to Corrins, first found in Waterford with the Trump stag head. The Waddle's/Weddels are then interesting because they could have the English Dorns in their "Adorn" motto term. English Dorns (CORNwall, named from Ceraunii) share the roses of Bellys and Jumps (Yorkshire with Weddings/Waddingtons), and Jumps share the Trump stag head too. Bellys can take us to Bells, first found in Dumfries with HEART-using Bullys, and Roger de Bully is in the Jump write-up along with the AinCOURTs sharing the checkered Ward / Warren Shields while Wards were first found in the same place as Weeds/Weedins.

Heart-using Waddlingtons probably have the heart-using Corde/McCOURTs in their motto. Waddlingtons (Sussex with Acorns) share the "human heart" with Tromp-beloved Acorns, and Humans/Yeomans have "cronells" for linkage to Corrin / Craun/Crane elements. The Acorn heart is CROWNed, same as the heart of Scottish Olivers, and of Douglas' (Moray with Bellys). crown-using Crane's/Crauns look linkable to Bulls/Bule's. Crane's/Crauns were first found in Suffolk with Waddle-beloved Buckle's and Stirling-connectable Starlings.

The "Truth" motto term of Waddle's/Weddels is shared by Scottish Allisons, first found in Lanarkshire with the Wiff-connectable Givens/Giverns. Weddings have new wives. Truths/Trots were first found in Surrey with Salemans (Stirling/Sturling colors and format) and early Salmons while German Salome's share the bend-with-stars of Scottish Vaux's, first found beside Waddle's/Weddels (Midlothian with Mens'). English Vaux's, sharing the Waddle/Weddel checks, were first found in Cumberland with Salmons. Truths/Trots share the six pale bars of Coats'/Cotes', first found in Staffordshire with Stirling-connectable Stops/Stubbs, and with Waddlington-connectable Shills (possibly Butt/Bute/Boet kin). Waddle's/Weddels were from Wedale in Stow while Sturs are Stowells too.

Gomer of the Gog Alliance

Back to the ROSE-using Jumps, sharing the stag head of Trumps, the latter first found in or around ROStock. The latter is where Ice's/Ecco's were first found who share an Icke variation with Hicks, first found in Yorkshire with Jumps. The Ise's/Ass' can be traced to the Hayasa-Azzi of the Gogarene theater, a people group suspect in naming the Hyksos, begging how much of the Gog alliance had Hyksos blood. I still trace Hyksos to Mus of Lake van, but that trace had nothing to do with Cimmerians or Rusa of Lake Van. The Iberi of the Caucasus could have been Hyksos Hebrews intermingling with Gog.

York was named as Eboracum by the Ebroicum (Eburovices) of Hebrew-line Eure / Evreux, and "heure" is a motto term of Hicks (Abreu/Abruzzo colors). Eure's/Evers share the boar (different color) with Ebers.

Ezekiel 38 lumps Gog with ROSH and Meshech, and as king Rusa of Lake Van was in the Gogarene theater, itself to the west of the Moschi mountains of the Azzi, it suggests that Rusa ruled the Rosh kingdom. Why don't scholars mention this who've decided that Ezekiel mentions no Rosh entity? Are they out of touch with historical facts of the Gog theater? If so, why? Is it deliberate blindness because they want to push a Gog who isn't Russian? Many want to push a Turkish / Muslim Gog.

Why do some scholars teach that Gomer is Germany? I prefer to trace "GERMANy" to "ARMENia," the land of Gog and Rosh, but it doesn't necessarily mean that Germany was named by Gomer. The Chatti Germanics could have been from a Cati/Kati location (google won't let me refind it), which I think was in northern Cilicia. Germans even had a Hermes-like branch, and Hermes was code for CADusii-related Armenians. This people group likely named Hattusa on the Halys river, land of the Hatti, represented my mythical Attis, sun god of Phrygia.

Cimmerians at Sinope were at the Halys theater (proto-Galatia). Mythical Sinope was made a granddaughter of Ares, and a daughter of ASopus, suggesting the writer's play on the Azzi / Asians of the Moschi / Aras theater. Cimmerians of Ukraine were largely at Asopus-like Azov. There's an Asopus river in Boeotia, where roughly CADmus killed the Ares dragon that re-surfaced in Hattusa-like Kutaisi, where the king was Attis-like Aeetes (play on words; the same entity was in mind for both authors). There's another Asopus in Phrygia, land of mythical Attis, father of Lydia, and while Gugu/Gyges was made a king of Lydia, it had a Hermus river, now called the GEDIZ, interesting where Scottish Rose's were first found in Nairnshire with Geddes'.

We now add into the picture the German GOMERs/Gumms who come up as Jump-like Gumps. Jumps use roses. This looks like the Gomer-Rosh alliance. Ezekiel includes Gomer as part of the Gog federation of the last days. Josephus probably made a mistake when saying that Gomer represented Galatia. Rather, the Cimmerians were likely the development from "Gomer," and when the Cimmerians conquered Rusa of Lake Van, they set up military shop in Sinope, what would later become Galatia. So, Gomer was not the Gauls of Galatia, but were likely the Cimmerians of the Ukraine who settled proto-Galatia at the time that Rusa succumbed to being a vassal of the Cimmerians (often implies marital merger, in the least becomes a political/military partnership).

Gomers/Gumps happen to use roosters, a symbol of Gaul- / Galatia-like lines such as the Galli, for "galina" is the Italian word for "chicken." A giant rooster, in Trump colors and format, is used by Hann-branch Hahns, first found in Mecklenburg with Jump-connectable Trumps. The latter's stag was the symbol of Hungarian ancestry in Magyars, and I think the latter term had been an evolution from "Magogar," for a 'y' even looks like a 'g" due to one often becoming the other. The Major/Magor surname not only has roses, but a greyhound, symbol of German Hungars (Hesse) and Huns/Hundts. Czech Hungars share the Grey lion.

Magyars were in Ukraine, suggesting that Magog at least included Ukraine. I think this is a large point that scholars need to accept. Magog was what is now Ukraine, home of proto-Russians expected from the Cimmerian-Rusa alliance. Rusa's line became the Roxolani of the Dnieper river at, or south of, Kiev. Turks/Torks show a ROCK (Roxolani symbol), as do MacKenzie's/Kenneths, yet Turks/Torks call it a "flaming mount", and "stag"-using MacKenzie's/Kenneths call it "A mountain in flames." That stands as proof that Kendrys/Hendrys were a MacKenzie/Kenneth and Kennedy branch. It makes me ask whether Apophis is landing in the Black sea, situated between Turkey and Ukraine.

I'm reminded of the Kendry family at whose home I attended Bible studies. They lived on Church street one block from MAJOR MacKenzie drive, and two or three blocks from Lorraine's apartment at Church and Lorne. I met ROXanne Bennett at the Kendry Bible studies, and we were together for about six months. I met Lorraine about three months after Roxanne and I broke up. Rick LEGGE (became my friend for a bit) attended those Bible studies, and Legge's almost have the Trump and MacKenzie/Kenneth Coats. As per RoxANNE, note that the Trump stag head is in colors reversed with Hanna's (Wigton, near the first-known Legge's).

Between my time with Roxanne and Lorraine, Christine Peare called out of the blue, and we got together one last time. When I took her to church on the last day we saw each other for good, it was the church of the Kendry family. I had never been there before, and was never there again. Church's share the Lick/Luck greyhound heads, and Gog was at lake LYCHnis (lake Sevan).

Kendrys/Hendrys use bends, and Bends are said to be from Bennetts / Benedicts! See that. I trace them to the PIERleoni Jews, named partly after pope Leo Benedict. See that? Bennetts share the "scaling ladder" with Trips, from Trypillians of Ukraine. I read that Trypillia was south of Kiev, bang-on the Dnieper home of the Roxolani! My life with young ladies is a history book written by God, I do believe.

Some say Donald Trump descended from Drumpfs, and Drummonds (Trump colors) were indeed Hungarians. But the father of the Drummonds was the son of a Varangian-RUS woman from Ukraine. See that? The Jumps, with the Trump stag head, are suggesting that the Gomer > Cimmerian line was at Mecklenburg / Rostock, and that's at least beside the Cimbrae country (of the Cimbri) of proto-Denmark that many/most think was named by Cimmerians. The Dane's became "Rus" too, probably by marriage to Varangians. The latter founded Moscow, and so we can glean that Varangians also named Russia. Moscow was not Ezekiel's Meshech, but probably named by Meshech (Mushki to Assyrians).

Kimmers/Cammers, looking related to the Coat of Decks/Daggers, were first found in Bavaria with Gomers/Gumms/Gumps/GOMENS while Comyns/Comens use the dagger. This can indicate Gomerians at Kuman of Albania. I've claimed that Gumms were related to Bumps, first found in Gloucestershire, where Kemmis'/Kenys'/Camois' were once said to be first found, and where Cams/Game's are still said to be first found. Bumps (share white griffin with Bridge's) are said to trace to "BONEboz," and Newtons (Cheshire with Brights) use "SHIN bone's" while English Shins/Chine's (Somerset with Bridge's) share the Kemmis/Kenys/Camois Coat. The last update shows how the Newton Crest especially points to the asteroid.

GOOGE-connectable Letters (goose on rock), sharing the giant Bump griffin, were first found un the CUMBERland region. Kemmis'/Camois' could be of the Kims/Shimmie's, the latter first found on Bute, the area in which the Cimbri-like CUMBRae islands are found. Letters use an "umbra" motto term while Grazi's, first found in Umbria, share a black rooster with Gomers/Gumms/Gumps. Umbers/Humbers (possibly have the Letter griffin in Crest) share the triple fesses over the gold gate in the Arms of Podebrady (Bohemia), where I trace Drummonds and Trumps, and then Gump-like Jumps share the Trump stag head. The Pellets in the Umber/Humber Chief were first found in Sussex with Bohemian-suspect Bone's/Bohuns. Bumps (in the colors and format of the Arms of Bohemia) suddenly look Bohemian.

The Cam river of Cambridge is at least near to where the English Gumms were first found. Bute is offshore from Ayrshire, and the latter is where Clyde's were first found who look a little related to the Coat of German Bute's/Butts/Boets. The latter are suspect from Salome Boethus, and therefore from the Salome's while "salmon" are used by Hams and McCabe's. The latter were first found in Arran, beside Bute.

The Cumbrae islands are in the waters of Clyde off of Ayrshire, and the Skits/Skeets and Sheds, both first found in Ayrshire, could have been from the so-called Royal SCYTHians, for they lived beside the Cimmerians of Ukraine, and invaded Media (part of Persia/Iran) about the time Cimmerians were at Sinope. One or the other or both of these people groups invaded the Lydian kingdom of king Gugu/Gyges, suggesting the latter had been planted by the Cimmerians or Scythians.

Clauds share the Tromp ACORNs, and the Clausel variation of Clauds can take us to the Clausula river (Albania), location of KOPLik, and then Kopple's (Nuremberg with Kiev-like Keips) share the black rooster with Gomers/Gumms/Gumps. Keeps (Sussex with Acorns and Hams) were related to Lorraine's, and Lorraine province is where Clots/DuClos' (Clyde colors) were first found while Clauds list Clots too.

My childhood friend, Mr. Kepke, who was engaged to KIM Walsh, had a Ukrainian father. The Welsh lived in the land of the Cymbri, thought to be of the Cimmerians. Kimmers/Cammers look like "Cimmerian." Wallachia was home to Ros-Alans (Roxolani) who alternatively lived at/beside Kiev. Ros-Alans named Roxburghshire, where GOOGE's were first found who share the boar of Schims, the latter from Schimatari of the Orion cult. The Schim-branch Skins/Scans share swords in the same colors as English Gumms, yet the latter's Coat has swords looking like scimitars.

Kims share the Coat of Scottish McKinneys while Irish McKinneys share the "salmon" and fesse of McCabe's/McABBE's of Arran. I trace "Arran" to Orions/Kenirons of Airaines (near ABBEville), and a hunting HORN is used by Gomers/Gumms/Gumps. Horns have an Orion-like Orne variation, and were first found in Middlesex with early Apps'/ABBs (Huntingdon colors and format) now said to be first found in Huntingdonshire. Huntingdons (possibly from Hungarians / Huns) share the Gomer/Gumm/Gump hunting horn.

Horns/Orne's, in the hunting horns of Turks/Torks, were first found also in Hertfordshire with the Scale's who in turn share the Apps/Abb and Abbe scallops. They are also the scallops of Capes' who in turn look related to the Coat of English Gumms. The latter's "swords" look related to the Arms of Middlesex. English Gumms were first found in nearby Cambridgeshire with Bridge-beloved Crabs/CRAILs while Scottish Bride's (Angus with Abbe's) look related to the Abbe Crest. Horn-branch Herons are in McCabe/McAbbe colors. Crail is in Fife while Fife is where Kimmer-like Kinners were first found.

I need to repeat that Kimmers/Cammers have a Coat like the one of Decks/Daggers, for I've said several times that Rick Legge and I built a deck on Church street about a half-dozen properties from Lorraine's place about a year before I met her. I don't remember how we got this deck job so "luckily" on Church street with both the Kendrys and Lorraine.

Roxanne Bennett was my girl at the time, and Bennetts use a "SCALing ladder" to go with the Scale's above. On my first days with Roxanne, I was living at three-story apartment building on Church, a block or two south of the Kendrys. About two years later, I would purchase a 32-foot extension ladder to paint that building's rain GUTTER, and Goods/Gude's look like kin of Bennetts. I painted the apartment building while living at the home of Verne Archibald, the one who had hired me to build his deck. Upon moving out of Verne's place, I carried the ladder on my shoulder past Lorraine's place to my new address on Hunt street, because I didn't own my Firebird anymore (can't remember what I did with it).

I've said several times that Rick and I built the deck with Trevor, and while Trevors are also TREFors, German Trips are also Treffs, and thus we are back to Trypillians of Ukraine's ROXolani theater. ROXanne Bennett. Bennetts share the scaling ladder with English Trips, the latter first found in Kent with the Gutter-like Goods/Gude's, and with the Dragons/Drainers in the Gutter/Cutter Coat's dragon heads.

From the Tromp-beloved Acorns, we take it to their kin, the Vise's, then to rooster-using Visconti's of Sardinia, and finally to Ottone Visconti of Milan. Ottone's were first found in Cumber-like Umbria with the Grazi's who in turn share the black rooster with Gomers/Gumms/Gumps. Grazi's share the "pomegranate" with French Crispins, the latter first found in Lorraine with Clots/DuClos' while Clauds/Clots love the Acorns. The pomegranate is also with Carls, first found in Aberdeenshire with Hungarian Leslie's, MILANs/Millens and Mellansons. Ottone's look like kin of Capes-like Chappes', first found in Ile-de-France with Mellans. Ile-de-France is in Paris while Crispins were first found in Parez while Grazi's were first found in Perusia. Do we detect Persians here, who are part of Ezekiel's Gog alliance?

BalCOMEs/BalCOMBs were first found in Crail while Comers/Combers/Cumbers ("ASTRis") look related to the Coat of Clots/Duclos'. Balcome's/Balcombs share the bend-with-roses of Jays, the latter first found in Herefordshire with Umbers/Humbers. The Balcome's came up originally as Balcons, from the BALCONy of Lorraine, who appeared there with a long grass streak on the BUTT of her pants, and as Clots/DuClos' were first found in Lorraine, that streak should be a pointer to the Apophis asteroid streaking through the air, for multiple reasons, especially where Crails are listed with Crabs.

The Cumbrae islands are in butt-like Bute, and while the Comer/Cumber motto suggests the Ass-like Asters/Sturs, they were first found in Essex with Bute-related Este's. Lorraine pointed to Pepin of Landen on the day we first dated, and Pepins share the camel head with Crail-like Crawls. The grass streak was on our last day together, but I BUMPed into her, not many days later, by freak chance, at her FINCH subway/bus station, and Finchems (Norfolk with Bus') share the triple fesses of Umbers/Humbers while Grass-like Grazi's were first found in Umbria while Lorraine's were first found in NorthUMBERland, beside Cumberland with Bump-related Letters.

Now I know why I BUMPed into her. I was on a bus at the time, and when getting off at the station, she was the first person in line to get on it. What are the chances, in the city of Toronto? Almost zero chances for that to happen without God's set-up, only a week or so after the grass stain (which ended our short relationship). I was on that bus only because my friend invited me to see someone in downtown Toronto.

Lorraine must have depicted Rusa-related Cimmerians, for Lorraine's were descended from princess Maria of Kiev, daughter of the Rus king, YARoslav, the line to Stain-related Yarborough's who were in turn related to English Neals. This is part of why God arranged her grass STAIN. English Neals were first found in Wiltshire with Aster-connectable Stars, and beside the Beaks who likewise share the triple Umber/Humber / Finchem fesses. Lorraine's share the eagles of Childs, first found in Hertfordshire with Finch's.

English Bute's/Butts share estoiles (different color) with Stars, Comers/Cumbers and Colchesters. Camelfords/Cumbers (Staffordshire with Lett-beloved and camel-using Pipe's) love the Peacocks, first found in Essex with Asters/Sturs and Este's, and with CAMULodunum even, now Colchester. Essex is also where Cancer-like Chance's/Chaunceurs were first found whose crosses are in the colors of the Camelford/Cumber cross, and Chance-branch Chase's (share the Chance/Chaunceur cross) were first found in Hampshire with Sturs. French Chance's were first found in Savoy with Brigantium and French Bride's, and the latter share the triple stars of Comforts/Comerfords (share peacock head with Camelfords/Cumbers)! Camelfords/Cumbers share the fat cross of Baths, first found in Somerset with English Camels and Crab-loving Bridge's!!! The fresh butt stain seen by me on her balcony is pointing to Apophis.

The Comforts/Comerfords have a version of the Mullet Coat, and Mullets incorporate the PAION/Payen Coat which in turn shares "spur rowells" with pant-like Panthers. This works because, on our first date, she pointed to the Paioni people group. Payne's/Paine's (probably share the Bath lion) were first found in Somerset with Comfort-connectable Camels. Her BUS STOP, where I met her on the day of our first date, pointed to Stobi and AstiBUS of the Paioni. Stops/Stubbs were first found in Staffordshire with early Comforts/Comerfords of Comerford. The Axe rivers are in Somerset, and also in neighboring Devon with the first-known Spurrs (use one "spur rowell") and Rowell-connectable Ash's. ASTIbus taught me that Astys were Lorraine kin.

The Paioni were on the Hyksos-like Axius river tracing to the Axe river of Somerset, where Payne's/Paine's were first found. Yet the neighboring Axe river is in Devon with the first-known Hykes'/HACKs and Hicks-branch Hooks. This picture is conducive to a pointer of Lorraine's grass streak to Apophis. The quadrants of Hykes'/Hacks are colors reversed from the same of Keele's, and the latter were first found in Lincolnshire with English Grasse's who in turn share the lion of Kellys! Beauty. The Keele-branch Cheile's are in the motto of CAMERons who in turn have the Stur Coat in colors reversed. Kimmers/CAMMERs come back to mind. Camerons are in the colors of the Chamberlains whose "quam" motto term (shared by Cambridge's) traces to the Cam river.

ZIKERS, just noticed: While Kimmers/Cammers almost have the Dagger/Deck Coat, Chamberlains share the Dagger/Dacker scallops! Daggers/Dackers were first found in CUMBERland! God is reserving some thunderbolts of wrath against Cimmerians of the end-times. This week, I STAINED / PAINTed the STAIRS to my DECK (for the first time). Paions/Payens have a paint-like variation.

Chamberlains/Camberlands even have the Majors/Magors/Maugers in their write-up: "The Chamberlaynes of Maugersbury claim from John, count of Tancarville..." I can trace TANKERville's to "Tanagra" of Boeotia, home of mythical Orion's father. These Chamberlains have a different-colors Coat version of the Tankerville-branch Tanks/Tancreds. Orion was the mythical hunter, which can explain the hunting HORN in the Crest of Cumberlands. Tankerville's were related to the Darks/D'ARQUE's while Chambre is in the Arc river...of Savoy, where French Chambers were first found. This river is near Brigantium, the latter suspect from Phrygians i.e. near or amongst the Cimmerians of Sinope.

Some days after our first date, she got a babe symbol for the Babe's, Babwells and Babys (Ukraine). Babe's happen to share the leopard face of LICHfields while Comerford of Staffordshire is near Lichfield. Babe's were once said to be first found in Dorset with their Beak kin, and with Varangian-suspect Russells suspect at Roslin with the Suns in the Babe Crest. Lorraine turned out to be a Russellite by religion.

Lichfield and Comforts, new to my Lorraine discussions, brings to mind lake LYCHnis, was once called after Gog of Gogarene, and is now called lake SeVAN, where heraldic swans trace. Locks/Licks, using swans, were first found in Lanarkshire with Neal-connectable Sions/Swans and Astys (share Lorraine lion). Sions/Swans are also the SINE's in the Yarborough motto, and Cimmerians were at SINope ("ope" is often a Greek suffix).

There was a pagan cult at a Sion summit/peak at mount Hermon in what is now the Golan Heights of Israel, but what was then Phoenicia. It makes a lot of sense to trace the Hermes and Pan cult at Hermon (includes PANias) to Sinope, and then from the Attis-cult Phrygians at Sinope to the Lydians on the Hermus. Rose-using Liddle's (Roxburghshire of the Roxolani) and Litts (Silesia with Rose's) share the fleur-de-lys of Scottish Chambers.

Gomers/Gumps share the black rooster with Aikens/Oakmans, first found in Lanarkshire with Sions/Swans. Aikens/Oakmans are in the colors and format of Bass', and the latter can be from the Bassus family that the line of Tigranes VI of Armenia married. Therefore, it appears that the Cimmerians (Gomerians) of Galatia were maritally involved with Akmonia of neighboring Phrygia. The Bassus family descended directly from a Severus character in Hasmon-like Akmonia, and Tigranes VI was descended from Hasmoneans. Akmans look definitely like an Aiken/Oakman branch; the latter share the chevron of Hyke's/Hake's/Ake's and Higgs.

Lanarks/LURNachs, sharing the Bus cinquefoil, have the Lorraine-like Lorne's in their write-up, and her bus stop was at the corner of Lorne avenue and Yonge street. She lived at Church and Lorne (Richmond Hill, Ontario), and Church's (Somerset again) share the black GREYHOUND heads with Licks/Lucks. The map at the link above shows Gogarene, but also has "Asia Minor" at the sources of the Aras river, called the "Araxes" also that could have named Roxolani.

GreyHOUNDs can be traced to Hungarians, from Magog's Magyars. While German Huns/Hundts use a giant greyhound in Grey colors and format, and while Greys have the Talbot Coat in colors reversed, English Huns/HunGATE's (trace well to Podebrady's "gold gate," shared by Gold-connectable Babwells) share the Comfort/Comerford "talbot" dog, in Hun/Hundt and Hunger colors. Talbots share the giant Russell and Rossi lion, and Golds with Babe's were first found in Suffolk with Starlings/Starlincks who not only share square buckles with Roslins, but essentially have the Coat of Hungarian Leslie's. Babe's share a hand pointing to the sun with BRADYs. PodeBRADY.

Lake Sevan was named by elements at Lake Van, where king Rusa ruled who succumbed to the invading Cimmerians. It seems a no-brainer that Rusa's descendants trace to Russells, Roslin, and Rossi's. The heraldic dog is often a "talbot," what Comforts/Comerfords call their dog, and Dogs/Doags (Perthshire with Hungarian-Rus Drummonds) share the Bus cinquefoil too.

Cams/Game's (easily of the Camulodunum elements) were first found in Gloucestershire with Letter-branch Letts. The estoiles of Colchesters are those of Irish, Nile-like Neils (suspect from Hyksos), and while Nails are used by the Arms of Colchester, Nails/Neils/Nagle's were first found in Westphalia with the Pansys/Pantzers to which Lorraine's pants pointed when it got the grass stain/streak. Irish Nagle's ("nightinGALE") love the Galatia-like Gale's (Yorkshire with Galleys).

"Iran" is like the Iron variation of Orions/Kenirons, and mythical Orion was likely from the Uranus cult because both had a urine symbol. Uranus was the brother of Rhea (mother of Zeus) whom I trace to Ray/Rey/Rhagae of Iran. Scottish Rays are in Arran colors and near-format. Ronnys/Ronnes' could have the wavy fesse of McCabe's of Arran.

Apophis could be cutting through the Orion constellation because it's beside the crab constellation.

Josephus: "For Gomer founded those whom the Greeks now call Galatians, but were then called Gomerites." It appears that Cimmerians could yet have been in the land of Galatia when the royal Galatians from Brogitarus ruled, he being the high priest of Cybele, and father of Amyntes. "Brog" suggests he was of the Briges/Brigians, the Phrygians by another name, the likely namers of Brigantium, the line to Bride's, Brights and Crab-loving Bridge's. McBride's were first found in Arran.

It may not be correct to identify Ezekiel's Gomer with modern Turkey, the state, just because Galatia is in Turkey. However, it's interesting that Jumps have Roger de Bully in their wrote-up while Bullys were first found in Dumfries with Turks/Torks.

Wikipedia has a Gugark article on Gogarene, but there's not much there of prophetic value. It doesn't tell us when the Armenian area was first called, Gogarene, but someone tells that Strabo, about the time of king Herod I, was the first to mention it by that name. There's therefore a question on whether Gogi originated in Ukraine, coming down with the Cimmerians or Scythians. They both came down before Ezekiel mentions "Gog of Magog." Googe-branch Goffs/Gough's were first found in Wales, land of Cimmerians, along with Scottish Chambers.

Goff-like Gofers/Gophers share the "Andrew's Cross," the Scottish flag that I trace to king Andrew I of Hungary. He was in exile (protection) in Kiev, probably because his ancestry was in Magyars of Ukraine. Varangians may have named Vere's, and the latter ruled Oxfordshire, where Gofers/Gophers were first found. Googe's, Goffs and Gofers are all in Giuffre colors.

Gofers/Gophers put "guttee de sang" on their saltire, and the giant ROSE of Gutte's/Gude's suggests the line of Rusa to the Varangians of Kiev, especially as Gutte's/Gude's were first found in Hamburg with the Hungarian Drummonds, and with the Trips/Treffs in turn from Trypillians of Ukraine. English Goods/Gude's (share triple-Ross lions) were first found in Kent with English Trips, and German Goods/Guts share the sheaves of English Singers/SANGers. Guttee de sang.

I've been waiting to find roses in the colors of the April roses ever since I've wondered whether God would use Aprils to point to the Apophis asteroid of Friday, April 13, 2029. Fridays/FREYdays not only share the Seaton crescents, but Singers/Sangers, first found in Devon with a Seaton location, share the courant horse of Friday-connectable Freys and Freeze's/Freys'. That's very interesting because Gutte's/Gude's have the April rose in giant form.

I've told of an event in my life that was described as "it FELT so GOOD." It had to do with a belly, otherwise called a "gut," and the event pointed to the "bello CHRISTi" motto phrase of Bouillons whose giant flory cross is colors reversed from the same of Felts. But now, I've just found the Bouillon flory with Averells when seeking a branch of the Avril variation of Aprils. Averells list Avrils too. But how can this help to point to Apophis?

"Bello Christi" can take us to the "bello" motto term of Turks/Torks, first found in Dumfries with Bells. German Turks were first found in Silesia with German Rose's while Christs show only Rose's. Rose-loving Bellys were first found in Moray while German Bauds, with nearly the Turk/Tork motto, share the Moray stars. Scottish Bauds use a ship but call it a "galley". French Bauds were first found in Auvergne with Bouillons.

English Bello's/Bellow's/BILLOWs, in the "bellows" of Ships, were first found in Cheshire with the Birds sharing the giant Felt FLORY, and we seem to be on Popeye at the sea floor again here, where drowned ships end up, when sea billows roll, for Sea's were first found in Kent with Goods/Gude's. The belly was that of CHRISTine Peare, and Peare's were first found in Oxfordshire with Ships, and with GUTTEE-de-sang Gofers/Gophers, and Gutte's'/Gude's share the April/Avril rose. Pero's use a "flaming star." Pierro's/Pero's share the Christ roses. German Singers/Sangs have hexagrams in the colors of the Pero hexagrams, and it's the latter which are called "flaming stars."

Lichfields, first found in Staffordshire with Pipe's and Hicksons, share the FELTman Chief, and Popeye toots a pipe while the Hicks have the Tout variation of Toots in their motto. Touts are also in the motto of Bello-like Belows, first found in Yorkshire with Hicks, Touts/Toots, Popeye's, Masts and Sailers. Popeye the sailor man, at the sea floor with sunken cargo ships of the globalist bastards without a Father in Heaven, mocking those who warn them.

The "Who" motto term of Sailers is interesting. Sailers share the Mast griffin heads. The "ho" motto terms of Comforts/Comerfords could be for the Hoo variation of Whoo's. Comforts/Comerfords look like kin of Mullets, the latter first found in Auvergne with Bouillons.

Helen my tenant, who pointed to Apophis on my stair LANDING, got me to discover Tenants, and they use "A mast with a sail." Helens (Brittany with Aprils/Avrils) share the Pepin horse heads in colors reversed. Pepin of LANDEN. Landens were first found in Switzerland with Goods/Guts, and with the WHO. Helen, very promiscuous, and hateful of God, was an appropriate symbol for the whore of Babylon, which in Revelation 18 is a symbol of cargo and trade. I last saw her at my place in April of 1999, 30 years before April of 2029. I don't know what day it was in 1999.

The April/Avril Chief is almost the one of Hermons/Harmans, and if that's a Hermes line from Armenians, I'll repeat that I trace the Hermes cult to Hattusa of the Hatti, represented by mythical Attis with a pine symbol. It can explain the April/Avril pine tree. I trace the pineAPPLEs of English Pine's (Devon with Alan-line Stewarts) to Apollonia, beside Aulon/AVLONA, the line to mythical Avalon, like "Vela." Stewarts descended from Alans of Dol, in Brittany with the first-known Aprils/Avrils. I left my home, with Helen alone in it, in April of 1999, and went at that time to my Texas property. I trace "Devon" to "Daphne," and there was, and still is, a Daphne location beside Panias of the Pan cult, at mount Hermon. Pan was made the son of Hermes for that reason. Panias was also "Banias," perhaps from the Biaini of Lake Van. "Van" converts easily to "Pan." "Panias" is suspect in forming mythical Phoenix.

The Attis and Dionysus cult used the pine CONE, on a so-called THYRSos rod, looking like myth code for "Tros," a Thracian element at Troy (beside Lydia). Hermons/Harmans share the cross of CONans, and Cone's were first found in Kent with Goods/Gude's while Gutte's have the Herman/Harman rose in giant form.

Helen on the stair landing pointed to Brest in Brittany, near to where Helens were first found, near St. Brieuc. Brests are listed with Brix's who in turn look related to the Dol Coat. Tenants have a "vela" motto term while Vela's use "torches" while Turks/Torks can point to Gomer in Turkey. Gomer's brother, Togarmah, is suspect to mythical Teucer, co-founder of Trojans at Troy, and German Troys share the giant unicorn of Googe-connectable Giuffre's, both looking linkable to Demonte's who in turn share the Coat of the Voirs/Voyers, first found at VANNES, home of the Celtic Veneti. Myth writers traced Veneti back to Heneti of Phrygia, part of the Trojan political alliance.

Irish Troys have griffins in the colors of the griffin heads of Tenant-beloved Masts. Helen of Troy. German Turks were first found in Silesia with German Brix's and Rose's. Helen pointed to Brests/Brix's. Proto-Turks were GOK-Turks. Khazars of Ukraine were of the Turks, and Khazars were in the realm of Tocharians. German Brix's share the pierced stars of Meat-branch Methleys and Medleys, and the latter's tiger can take one to Tocharians with Teegers. Meats can be from a tribe out of lake Maeotis. Methleys are in Umber/Humber colors and format, suggesting Cimmerians at Maeotis.

Methleys were near Leda-like Leeds, near therefore to the first-known, Kiev-trackable Keppochs, and near to PONTEfract while the Pontus was beside Armenia. The Leeds cockaTRICE can take us to the "Keep Tryst" motto of Hebrons/Hepburns ("TREPidum"), and the Leeds fesse can take one to Kiev's Budin because it's shared by Buttons/Budins (Hampshire with Drake's). Two of the Leeds fesses are with Ness'/Nice's, the line to queen Nysa of the Pontus.

The eagle of Leeds (Yorkshire with Presleys and Scayle's) can be traced to the same-colored one in the Arms of L'Aquila, the Abruzzo capital, because cockatrice-using Presleys (look like kin of "Aquila"-using Drake's) share two symbols of Abreu's/Abruzzo's. ESToile-using Press' were first found in Hertfordshire with Scale's. Scayle's share the Shield of Patents/Pattens, first found in Essex with English Este's while Italian Este's share the Aquila Coat. My mother was born seven miles from L'Aquila to Mr. Grimaldi, and Crimea-like Grimaldi's (almost have the Scayle Shield) of Monk-like Monaco share the Shield of Gog- / Cauc-like Cocks in the Leeds / Presley / Monk cockatrice. Drake's and Dragons may have derived from "Thrace," especially from Arda of Thrace, trackable to the birth of mythical king Arthur from Dragon-related Pendragons (Cornwall with Trice's/Trysts and Tristans).

Meat-branch Meadows were first found in Suffolk with Thrace-like Trashers/Tresure's, and with Tigers and ARDons, and with Togart-beloved Owls/Howls while Howells were first found in Monmouthshire with Fane's/VANs. Wikipedia: "Ardahan was historically located in the region of Gogarene (Gugark), which Strabo calls a part of the Armenia that was taken away from the Kingdom of Iberia." It sounds as though Gog was in the land of the Iberi. Gogarene was beside SODucena (shown on Gogarene map above) while the SITTaceni tribe was at Maeotis, land also of the Alan Huns. Seatons/Sittens named Devon with Van-branch Fauns/Phones' and Fens'/Venns (look related to Dol Alans), and with SODans/Sowdens (Fens/Venn scallops in colors reversed). Cetis was also Sittac-like Citis, and Seats are also Cedes', and those terms above look like "Sadducee." Sadducees came forth from Maccabee's, and Tigranes VI was a Maccabee-Herod.

The TOREATae tribe was at Maeotis/AZOV too, and Shirts/SHARDs, feasibly from the entity that named, SARDuri, father of king Rusa I, use TORTeaux. Lizarts/SARDE's were first found in Provence with Cetis'/Sestiers. This was the king which Cimmerians conquered (722). I can't remember which Rusa was a vassal to the Cimmerians. King Rusa II was Rusa's grandson. Rusa II had a son, king Rusa III, the latter reigning from 625-605, which brings us to the time of Ezekiel. Lizarts/Sarde's share the Coat of ARMstrongs (CUMBERland), and Armys are also Armenia-like Armine's. Shirts/Shards/Sards love the Peacocks in the Crest of Comforts/Comerfords and Rose-loving Camelfords/Comerfords.

Armstrongs and Sarde's, with almost the Cam/Game/Camb Coat, have triple of the Roxburgh and English Tate pale bar while Arms/Armine's share the Chief-Shield of Scottish Tate's/Teets. CAMBridge's use swans for a trace to lake Sevan, and to the motto of same-colored (Gog colors) Yarborough's. The latter love Falcons, first found in Cumberland with Armstrongs. Wikipedia tells that pheasants were named after Phasis (near lake Sevan) of CAUCasia, and Yarborough's have "A falcon preying on a COCK-pheasant." Irish Preys/Prays can have the Army/Armine Chief because English Prays/Praters were first found in Lincolnshire with Armys/Armine's. The latter share the lion of Bassus-like Base's/Baise's, both first found in Lincolnshire! Tigranes' descendant married the Bassus'.

There's a good chance that Tigranes' line is to Armys/Armine's, wherefore note that they share the Chief-Shield of Ananus-like Annan(dale)s while Annas' were first found in Cambridgeshire with the Cam river. Ananus/Annas' father was in Syria, roughly between Armenia and the Bassus' of Cetis. German Base's/Bassens (hunting horns, to Orion of Boethus-like Boeotia) are in Jewish Levi colors and format while the latter have a different-colors version of the Base/Baise Coat. That's significant for tracing the Maccabee priest-kings of Israel to the Levi surname. SADDOCK-connectable Bass' (look like Mascal kin) were first found in East Lothian with Seatons and Mascals/Keiths. Tigranes ruled at and around Saddock-like Soducena.

It's a good bet that most surnames out of Armenia were from Tigranes VI. Trashers/Tresure's were kin of tressure-using Seatons, and Seaton is in Devon with the first-known Trace's/Tracys and Monks.

I can trace Teegers to this king Tigranes VI, king of Armenia. He was an ancestor of Lupus Laevillus' Galatian wife, and Tigranes married a reportedly-Galatian woman, Opgalli, suspect in the "Optem" motto term of Teague's/Teegers. "Tigranes" was a Persian name but merely adopted by Tigranes himself (i.e. not born with it). His family apparently loved its Seleucid ancestry in king Alexander Balas.

Balas'/BailLISS' use giant ermines while Armys/Armine's are also Ermine's while Lise's/Liss' (Hampshire, beside Strongs) share the Cam/Game/Camb Coat, almost the ARMstrong Coat. Ermines are rife in heraldry, and in Brittany. As Balas'/Bailliss' are in Oyley colors while using estOILES, it's likely the Balas/Bailliss cross is shared by Lille's, first found in Oxfordshire with Lille's ("honESTE"). As Lille is near the Lys river, or as the Arms of Lille shares the Lys/Lise, fleur-de-lys, it can explain the DuLYS variation of Oyleys. Cetis'/Sestiers (same place as Armstrong-connectable Lizarts/Sarde's) use a giant lily, and Lilys were first found in Worcestershire with Rocks and Rooks (the latter were once said to be first found in Oxfordshire with Lille's). Rocks use TREFoils for linkage to Trip/Treff ancestry in the Roxolani theater.

Worcestershire is also where Knightons were first found who look related to the Coat of Armstrongs because the latter almost have the Coat of Knights, the latter first found in Suffolk with Tigranes-like Tigers! This brings the proposed line of Tigranes to the Nith river, near Annandale.

Thus, the line of Alexander Balas is going from king Tigranes to the queen of Cetis, QuadraTILLA. Tillers were even first found in Glamorganshire with Balas'/Bailliss'. Bassus-like Bassets were first found in Staffordshire while Oullette's while named OUILLY-le-Bassett at Rockefeller-connectable Falaise. That place looks related to Oyleys/DuLys', and La Falaise (not the Falaise location) is even in Ile-de-France, where Lys'/Lise's and Levi's were first found. Plus, I've shown how OULlette's were of the Owls/Howls, first found in Suffolk with Tigers.

Julia Iotapa, a Herod and a princess of Cetis, was the granddaughter of Tigranes VI, and wife of Quadratus Bassus, father of Quadratilla above. In Julia's Wikipedia article: "The Kingdom of Cetis was a small client state in the Roman Empire. Cetis was a small region in Cilicia that was previously ruled by her Cappadocian royal ancestors and Antiochus IV." The latter, framed in Daniel 11 as the runner-up to the end-time anti-Christ, is thought by some to have been the father of Alexander Balas. This underscores the Gogarene location in Armenia. It seems that Gog touched upon royal Maccabees, Herods and therefore possibly Sadducees and Pharisees.

Tigranes' Maccabee side used the Alexander name, and Balas had earlier formed an alliance with Jonathan Maccabee, tending to explain how the Alexander name got into the Maccabee fold. Tigranes VI was the son of one Alexander, and the father of another Alexander. This picture should be part of all prophecy talk on Gog and the anti-Christ.

Caesars (the surname) almost have the Chief of greyhound-using Majors/Magors Chief, and while Hungarians trace to greyhounds, Greys (share anchor with Majors/Magors) are also Croys while Khazar-like Caesars were first found at Croydon. French Majors/Mayors were first found in Provence with Cetis'/Sestiers. It begs whether Mayer Bauer, the first Rothschild, descended from Magyars, who together with Khazars formed the Hungarians. The Bauer-beloved Wings were first found in Worcestershire with Rocks. The Dolphins/DOLfins in the Crest of Rose-loving Caesars were first found in CUMBERland. It is thought by some that Khazars descended from Attila the Hun, tending to explain why Khazars were at the Atil/Itil river (into the Caspian sea).

I've had a mind to trace Drummonds/Tremonds to "Thermodon," an area of the Amazons of the Trabzon theater. Herodotus said that these Amazons had migrated to the Crimea, land of Cimmerians, and also to Sarmatia, land of the Alans / Roxolani. The wavy fesse of German Drummonds is shared by Dols. These Amazons moved also to name Mysia, location of Troy. I see Drummonds as a branch of Trumps, and the latter, in the colors and format of Troys, were first found in Mecklenburg with German Troys and Dols. The house of Griffin was in neighboring Pomerania, and Irish Troys use combattant griffins. I can link Tromps to Knee's/Nee's suspect in the "Ne" motto term of Griffins, and then "Ne vile" is a phase shared by Griffins and Fane's/VANs.

Knee's/Nee's share the bend of German Hamburgs, and German Drummonds and Trips/Treffs were first found in Hamburg. English Hamburgs share the crosslets of Trips/Treffs. Hams and Hammers were first found in Sussex with three surnames connectable to Knee's/Nee: Downs, Vice's, and Tromp-beloved Acorns. Knee's/Nee's were first found in County Down with the Prays suspect in the "praefero" motto term of English Hamburgs. Downs have a giant stag in the colors of the giant stag head of Trumps.

The Khazar king, Joseph, claimed that Khazars were Togarmites. Why don't prophecy scholars mention this? They might never, or for as long as they've committed themselves to "far north" being Turkey instead of Russia. Are their pet theories causing them to hide things? Have they not the ability to admit error? They all claim that Togarmah translated to Turks, but while Gomer was in proto-Turkey, his Cimmerians were as far north as Tocharians. Why do people who profess Jesus leave this out of their teachings? Maybe they've not heard of Tocharians. Teucer and Batia are probably foreign to their knowledge. "Turk" looks more like "Troy" than "Togarmah." Thrace is now Turkic Bulgaria.

Batia married mythical Dardanus, and the Dardanians are to the dart in the paw of the Brock-Crest lion. It's the lion also of English Stewarts (Devon with darts/Dards) while Scottish Stewarts share the Brock motto. It's the lion also of Scottish Chambers, and Cimmerians were amongst Roxolani Alans (Stewarts were Alans). The Chief-Shield colors of Brocks are with Brocuffs, and the latter were first found in Silesia with Rose's and Turks. The Prokopps variation of Brocuffs is suspect from Prokopia, wife of Byzantine emperor, Michael I. Byzantium is at the Thrace theater. Michael II of Byzantium was a so-called Amorian, from Amorium of Phrygia.

The Chamber fleur-de-lys is shared by Weddings and English Sandals (both of Yorkshire) who in turn have a CAMERarius character, the same term found in a Chamberlain write-up. I suggest that the Chamberlain family tried to hide its ancestry in Cimmerians by claiming descent from a chamberlain or camerarius of noble families. Wedding-branch Weedins were first found in Northamptonshire with spinach-like Spinks suspect in the "sphinx" of Brocuffs/Prokopps. Scottish Chambers share a "Spero" motto term with Scottish Sandals.

Scottish Chambers share the fesse of Buttons/Bidens/Budins and Rose-loving Butts/Bute's/Boets, from the Budini of Kiev, yet they may have named Bithynia too because its empire (same era as appearance of Galatians) covered the land from Byzantium to Sinope. Thus, Budini could have been chiefs amongst the Ukrainian Cimmerians who came to Sinope. The Geloni that Herodotus (5th century BC) joined to Budini were possibly Alan Huns, or they may have been from Gauls.

Who carried the "Asia" name as far as China when the initial Asians lived merely at the Aras river and/or the Azov sea of Khazars? The Tocharians migrated to the east of Russia, wherefore Tocharians may have been mingling with Asi of Azov. Tuckers/Tokers were first found in Devon with Ash's, and an Axe river. Tucks were a branch of Irish Teegers. Wikipedia says that Tocharians had an Arsi language, looking like "Aras."

Waters of the Aras go into the CASPian sea. As I trace "Orion" and "Uranus" to scythians of "Iran," it's notable that someone arranged CASPers to have a crane between "two HORNs." The Casper write-up even traces to "Magi" of Persia = Iran. Magi may have been named after Magyars (same general area as their Khazar allies). Crane's can trace to Cronus, son of Uranus.

CRONkite's/Kranke's have a giant "crane holding a ROCK," in German Troy colors and format, but compare also with Kiev-line Kepke's because they share the goat of English, KITE- / Kitt-like Kidds. CronKITE. These Kidds were first found in Suffolk with Crane's/Crauns. Kite's are also Keyts, first found in Norfolk with Keats and two other cat-using surnames. German Troys were first found in Mecklenburg with Kate's/Katts/Katterbachs.

This part of the discussion goes to Chattans/Cato's of ROXburghshire. The cat-using Cetins/Cattans (Norfolk) have a "foVEAN" motto term while Veans/Beans/Bains, probably from the Biaini of Lake Van, where of Clan Chattan. But the Veans/Beans use a slightly-different version of the Clan-Chattan motto, using "targe" instead of "glove" (Glove's are in Catter colors and format). Targets are listed with Togarmah-like and Teeger-connectable Togarts, believe it or not.

Togarts were first found in ROSS-shire, and I see the Ross clan from Varangian Rus. The owls in the Togart Coat were first found in Suffolk with horse-using Rush's (Ross colors), and with Tigers. While Togarts share the motto of Scottish Smalls, German Teegers (beside Mecklenburg) were first found in Schleswig-Holstein (southern Denmark) with German Smalls and Diems/DittMAYERs, and while "diem" is a motto term of Irish Teegers, Rose-loving Majors/Magors are also Mayers. Diems/Dittmayers share the Ukraine flag. Ditts and Dwights use a stripe-less tiger. Togarts and Smalls use a "RATione" motto term while Rats were first found in Nairnshire with Geddes' (and Rose's) while Gettes' share the saltire of German Smalls.

Mythical Teucer had a daughter, Batia, who married the founder of Troy. The Caucasian Bats named Batumi at the bottom of the Moschi mountains of the Asians. See that? Mythology has a big mouth once you know how to make it talk (Unless you're made of teflon, I don't recommend learning myth codes, as this is a vast enterprise not good for your spirituality). The Bat surname was first found in Shropshire with the Moesian Moses'/Moesens. Moesians had been from the Meshech; ask the Moschius river of Moesia Superior on this dark map.

I've never heard a prophetic scholar mention "Gogarene," which I find a little mesmerizing. How can they be so out-of-touch? I've never heard a prophecy scholar mention the similarity between "Togarmah" and the Tocharians of Russia. It's stupid of the pre-tribulationists to say that Meshech was Moscow, for the latter was not yet named in Ezekiel's day. What kind of scholars are these? Guessers in scholarly costumes?

Ezekiel 38 / 39 has both Gog and the Tocharians in the "far north." In Ezekiel's day, Gog may have been in Ukraine, not yet at Gogarene. I doubt much that, in his mind or God's, Gogarene was part of the far north of the populated world. Cimmerians had already been in Ukraine before his days. Ezekiel doesn't say that Tubal, Gomer and Meshech were in the far north.

Gofer-like Giuffre's (Gofer colors) almost have the giant unicorn of Demonte's, from the STURa-Demonte Piedmont, where Pero's and Flore- / Flora-connectable Masci's were first found. French DeMONTE's share the Maschi and Chaunceur lion, and while Chaunceur's were first found in Essex with Apophis-pointing MOUNTains, Maschi's use "pine cones" while Aprils use a "pine tree" while Tree's were first found in Wiltshire with Stars/Stairrs while Cone's were first found in Kent with Goods/Gude's, Stairs/Stayers, Greens and Sea's while Pine's were first found in Devon with Singers/Sangers while the Apple's in the Pine "pineapples" share the Mountain martlets. The Giuffre unicorn is on a "green mount."

Joel Richardson on Rosh

Below is a video on whether Rosh is a place name / people group. The speaker, Joel Richardson, thinks it's not a people group because all other instances of "rosh" in the Bible are translated as "chief." Yes, but woe-there, horsey, because some Hebrew words meaning whatever are also identical words for people groups, just as some English words for whatever are names of people groups too. And so if there's a Rosh-like people group in the fold of Gog's allies, we need to consider that and not rush to Turkish conclusions.

Joel takes the position that Gog is not Russia, you see. He is a post-tribulationist who thinks that Gog is the anti-Christ, but he's looking to a Muslim anti-Christ. I'm open, but lean to a Russian anti-Christ. I'm adamant that there was a Rosh people group. In fact, Ares can be gleaned as the Armenian god, Ara, and then we go to Ra of Egypt, related to Hros-like Horus. See that, Joel?

Woe horsey, for Ares was the Thracian Horseman, and "hross" is the Nordic / Rus name for "horse." A horse head is use by ROXburghs as well as Keep-loving Hebrons (NorthUMBERland with Horse's and Keep-related Lorraine's). Meshech-derived Masseys and Dutch Mackays/Macks use the horse such as to be linkable to the red Keip horse.

Joel makes the mistake of interpreting "Rosh" as "Russia" when he entertains the term as a people group. Russia was not a nation at the time, and so his audience tends to agree with him when he frames a sentence in that way. BUT, he totally hides from his audience king Rusa's alliance with Gomer about a century before Ezekiel. Why? What kind of an honest scholar does that? I bring to this table a wealth of heraldic and mythological expertise. Ares was the son of Hros-like Eros, and there was indeed a Hros people group that Joel IGNORES. WHY WHY WHY? How could the scholars ignore such a term in this debate?

Google has become such an incompetent piece of trash. Asking for "hros Caucasia," it gives articles on Caucasia even though "hros" is the first word in the request. Googling "hros ukraine," it gives articles with "heroes." I know there are many articles with "hros," and I alone have many files with that term. Google is a stingy whore that serves the anti-educational globalists, the very Gog that God had made His chief enemy. GOOGle, you see. I don't think that name is coincidental. Goggle's choice for chief Bible teacher is Wikipedia. SPIT!

When I ask google for "hros tribwatch," it offers me just one of my pages with just one inconsequential mention of "hros" even though I have "hros" in dozens of online files. There was a Hros people group in CAUCasia. That's CaucASIA. Asia was between the Moschi mountains and the sources of the Aras river.

Ara was related to Hermes, and the Hermus river is at Sardis (Lydian capital) while king Rusa I was the son of Sarduri II. It appears that the Cimmerian alliance with Rusa was at downtown Lydia, the proto-Latins. Rose-using Liddle's and Liddesdale are of ROXburghshire. Wikipedia's article on Rusa I: "His name is sometimes transliterated as Rusas or Rusha. He was known to Assyrians as Ursa..." It can explain the Russian bear, which is not the bear symbol of Daniel. Daniel's bear is a symbol of Media, where the Royal Scythians invaded. Mythical Medea (eponym of the Medes of Media) was the witch-daughter of Aeetes above. The Ares dragon protected Aeetes' golden fleece.

This dragon was the resurrection of the teeth of the dragon killed in Boeotia by Cadmus. There were tooth themes in myth, and the Georgia like Gorgons had such a symbol. "Gogi" is a personal name in Georgia. The Tooths, which go with Gumms, share the giant Bump and Letter griffin, and mythical Leda had Tyndareus for her husband (parents of Helen of Troy) while Tyndaris is on the Gogarene map above smack at Kutaisi (not shown). What don't we understand about Leda giving birth to her children in swan eggs? That's code for lake Sevan = Lychnis, the lake at Gogarene.

That ladder I walked past Lorraine's place pointed to the Letter-branch Lauders that likewise share the Bump griffin. See that? It seems that God arranged for me to BUMP into her. The ladder points to Richeza of LOTHARingia, the ancestry of Lorraine's.

Caucasians were proto-English speakers, and so they had the proto-swan name that was likely much like "Sevan" at that time. Myth writers were inventing mythical characters after play-on-words fun...that's about all myth was, a bunch of fictional fun on people groups mixed in with tying them together in their migrations.

The teeth-like Tate's/Teets (Berwickshire with Lychnis-like Licks/Lucks) can trace to lake Tatta of the Attis-related Hatti of Hattusa. The golden fleece was in Kutaisi, north of Armenia in what is now Georgia, where Tubal-like Tbilisi is located. Gorgons moved to Mysia with Amazons, and the latter had earlier been Meshech. For example, Gorgons were at Persian-like Parion/Parium of Mysia, but also on the Caspian sea of Persia and Media. I claim that Parion/Parium named mythical Paris of Troy (abductor of Helen of Troy), and his father, king Priam of Troy. Ares was a Trojan element.

In Joel's video below, he mentions a TiRAS character of Genesis, proposed by someone as corrupting to "Rosh." Some think that Tiras named Thrace (beside Mysia and Troy). However, Troy was also "Tros," or founded by mythical Tros, and that looks like the best way to trace Tiras' descendants. Ras' are listed with Scottish Rose's.

RasMUSSENs are from the Meshech because they share the sinister bend with Masci's and Massena's. The white and giant unicorn of Rasmussens (Massey-horse colors) is probably heraldic play on the Thracian Horseman, Ares. I trace UNIcorn partly to the Maezaei at the UNA river, beside the Cron-like Ceraunii on the URBANus river, and Urbans share the Massena hexagrams. Mythical Medea above became queen of Ceraunii-like Corinth, and Cronus was the son of URANus, and the grandfather of Ares. Ceraunii elements could have named, Ukraine, especially as the Alan Huns named Aulon down by the Ceraunii mountains (Epirus).

Father-son / mother-daughter relationships in myth indicate the immediate, partnering people groups, and when they end up warring in the real world, myth writers indicate ii with fanciful killings or near-killings of their invented characters.

Where Romans identified Zeus as Jupiter, we can probably trace this picture back to Japheth of Genesis, father of Tiras, Meshech, Gomer, Tubal and Magog. There is no reason to view the list above as mythical, for the Bible is not mythical fun-and-games on a fantastic level. We need to draw a solid line between the miracles of the true God and the inventions of pagans. Pagan Zeus (father of Ares), an unbridled adulterer and faggot too, was proto-Troy in the mythical Trojan war of Gomer-like Homer.

Here's the video:

Near the end of the video, Joel says there's no historical connection possible between "Rus / Russia" and Ezekiel's Rosh. What an irresponsible / naive thing to say, not only in light of king Rusa predating Ezekiel, but where the Varangian Rus of Scandinavia probably ventured to Kiev in the first place because they had gotten their "Rus" name from the Ros-Alans of the Kiev theater prior to their migration to Scandinavia. In other words, the Rus of Scandinavia had descended from Ros-Alans and the Hros Caucasians. Wikipedia:

The Roxolani...were a Sarmatian people documented between the 2nd century BC and the 4th century AD, first east of the Borysthenes (Dnieper) on the coast of Lake Maeotis (Sea of Azov), and later near the borders of Roman Dacia and Moesia. They are believed to be an offshoot of the Alans.

Ya-but, where did they originate before the 2nd century BC if not from a Rox-like entity? Wikipedia's writer(s), in typical blockheaded fashion for Wikipedia writers on people groups, derives "Rox" in "light." You need to ignore these off-the-wall definitions. All historians are guilty of this mental instability. It's like they are incapable of fathoming that "Rox" could derive in another people group of a similar name. Instead, they look to their dictionaries for the best-possible definition. The article has: "The name Roxolani is generally interpreted as a compound formed with the Alanic root *rox- (modern Ossetian ruxs or roxs 'light, luminous';..."

That's as blockheaded as historians, a thousand years in the future, claiming that Germans were named after germs. As Cimmerians lived at Azov too, and as they formed a partnership with king Rusa not long before the appearance of "Roxolani," why don't we use the brains that God gave us to make the better definition of the term: Rus-Alans? We can then take things to Roussillon/Rosellon in France, at ROQUEfeuil. No, that does not mean "bright feul." Roquefeuil is in Aude province, and "AUDax" is a motto term of the Roxburgh surname. No, that does not mean a rock-like iceberg. Wikipedia writers like to frame themselves as word experts, then lay snake eggs.

The same article has a thing much better: "Historian George Vernadsky suggested that the Rocas (or Rogas), a tribe conquered by the Ostrogoths in the 4th century, may be a corruption of Ruxs-As." That's looking viable, especially as the Asi / Azzi (Asians) were at the Aras = ARAXES river.

In the video above, Joel seeks to distance the Scandinavian Rus from the Hebrew word, rosh, on the premise that Scandinavians are not Hebrews. But Hebrews were in Babylon before they were in Israel, yet nobody things Babylonians were Hebrew at their roots. So why can't Joel investigate whether the Scandinavian Rus were originally from Hebrew elements in Caucasia, since the Iberi were in central, downtown Caucasia in the land of the Alan Huns? Why couldn't the Ros-Alans have migrated to Scandinavia, especially since Dols were first found at the ROStock theater? Is Joel just stuck in a mental mud for a short time, or is he choosing to be blind for the long run because he's chosen to push a non-Russian anti-Christ? I think the latter is the correct answer. I'm not saying I don't like Joel.

Plus, Joel is not correct to demand that Varangian Rus must trace to a Hebrew word in order to make viable a Rus connection to Ezekiel's Rosh, for if the prophet is using "Rosh" in indicating a people group, there's no reason for it to be a Hebrew term at all...just because the Hebrew language has a "rosh" term of its own. Joel is going too far to make his case.

I've long believed that the Rosh entity was merged with Hebrews, however. The title of one of my unfinished books is, "Tracking Ladon Gog and the Hebrew Rose." It's about the Rus, written in my early days of mythical investigations, some 20 years ago. Mythical Ladon, an extensive dragon with 100 heads (i.e. many tribal offshoots), was likely play on "Lotan," a seven-headed dragon of Syria / Cyprus (the latter had another mythical Teucer, as well as Aphrodite, special mate of Ares). Where else have we heard of a seven-headed dragon? Ladon was related to mythical Asopus, and to the Cetis-like Ceto/Cetus of the Black sea around the south-Caucasus region. Asopus' wife, Metope, was made a daughter of Ladon.

"Metope" looks like code for Maeotis, another name for the AZOV sea. ASOPus. See how to play this game? See how to open myth's big mouth? It was just word play by the myth writers. Know your history, and myth codes come spilling out once you're focused on matching them to real-world places and peoples. But don't get engrossed in devilish, pornographic mythology; it's not good for your Christian spirituality. Myth was a people-tracking game played by the sodomites, pedophiles, and secret societies such as the Hebraic Kabeiri cult of Aphrodite. Protect yourself when reading myths. Or just stay away from them.

Kabeiri were in Thebes, where Cadmus landed. "Kabeiri" was named by the Hebrews on Khabur/Habur tributary of the Aphrodite-like Euphrates river. It was a river of the ancient Apiru/Abiru, the Hebrews of the Mitanni empire. "Apiru" reminds of the rose-using Aprils.

Joel's next offering on the Ezekiel prophecy is a good show, making it obvious that Gog is the anti-Christ by several arguments. It begs: what's WRONG with MOST of the prophecy "scholars"? Are they STUPID? Yes, very. I don't know what ails them unless it's the pre-trib rapture heresy. I'm not apologizing for warning you: they are STUPID and FOOLISH, beware, don't listen to them as concerns Gog, especially when Gog arrives to Israel:

In the follow-up video to the one above, Joel shows what should be obvious to the trouble-maker prophecy buffs who would remove Gog wholly from the tribulation period of Israel:

The video below has Joel making an unimportant mistake, I think, when assuming that the anti-Christ will have a "burial" according to Ezekiel 39, in contradiction to Revelation 19. The Ezekiel text makes it pretty plain that when God addresses Gog, it's referring at times to his entire army, not the man alone. For example, when Gog is said to cover the mountains of Israel, that's not the man alone. Therefore, when Gog gets a burial in chapter 39, it's referring to the army, not the man. Why doesn't Joel understand this easy thing? Daniel 11 does not say, as Joel insists, that the anti-Christ comes to his death, where it says that "he comes to his end."

In his next show, below, you will hear Joel assert that Gog will be from Turkey:

Will Apophis Be Visible to Naked Eye?

One can show how wide Apophis would be if true that it's 1,100 feet wide, and coming closest at 19,000 miles from earth. For this calculation, we use this right-angle triangle calculator. In the drawing offered by this page, the asteroid is to be envisioned centered at the corner where Line 'a' meets Line 'b'. The asteroid's edge therefore goes half its distance, or 550 feet, to the right of Line 'a'.

Then, Line 'c' is to be envisioned as a line from your eyes, beginning at the beta-angle corner, to the edge of the asteroid. Line 'a' goes through the middle of the asteroid. We therefore need to enter 19000 (miles) into Box 'a', and .1 (mile) in box 'b'. The latter represents 550 feet. Once you are sure that this is the way to figure the angle from your eye to the edge of the asteroid, click "Calculate." The look to the top of the page to see that the beta angle works out to .0003 degree. As this represents the so-called "apparent diameter" (or "angular diameter," as it's also called) for only half the asteroid, we need to double it to .0006 degree. Could this tiny fraction of one degree really be visible to the naked eye?

As the full moon has an apparent diameter of .5 degree, a sliver of the moon at 1/100th of its diameter has an apparent diameter of .005 degree, which is about the size of a large star. Yet the .0006 above is eight times smaller than the size of a large star. Does that sound like it's going to be visible to the naked eye? I doubt it, because a star radiates lots of its own light, but the asteroid merely reflects sunlight. Therefore, why are they saying that it's going to be visible to the naked eye? Do they think it's coming by much closer than 19,000 miles, but lying to the world to keep it from freaking out too soon?


Here's the latest from Karen Kingston, though I don't know the date of this interview. This new message, which I've not heard before, is good news in opposition to Pfizer, yet it condemns Trump for not telling the people what Miss Kingston is telling us here, that Pfizer did not have immunity as per the contract it signed with the Trump administration for releasing the COVID "vaccines." Trump has yet to demonize the COVID vaccines, meaning that he's a killer demon in sheep's clothing:

David Knight talks about the push of Netanyahu's government to outlaw cash.

Here's a perspective, by a social media sympathetic to Palestinians and Putin too, on this week's Iranian attack on Israel,, but I offer this because it could perhaps show some authentic footage (how can anyone know for sure?) telling a different story than the West is reporting, if you want to consider it:

Redacted above says that Putin is warning Israel after it killed the leader of Lebanon's Hezbollah.

Now look at the news slant from a pro-Israel media claiming that the explosions on the ground are merely from missile "debris" after Israel's Iron Dome struck the missiles mid-air. Achem, if it's debris, why is it glowing in the air, and why does the debris cause explosions on the ground? My understanding is that missile debris is made of chunks of metal that cannot explode. If the missiles are hit in the air, that's where the explosions are expected to take place.

Israel appears to be gunning for all-out war. It's not listening to Putin, and is invading Lebanon as per tonight as I write, October 1, the day of the Iranian missile attacks. I say Israel has the right to protect itself against Hezbollah and Iran, because Hezbollah attacked Israel first, although Israel did provoke Hezbollah by crushing Gaza. We need to consider the time when God himself will invade Israel with Arabs under the anti-Christ. It won't look good on Christian Zionists who do not understand this when the time comes. Israel could be making a grave mistake by provoking all of its enemies with this go-go-to-war stance.

This rare parliamentary event promises to expose the RCMP as complicit with Liberal gangsterism:

Trudeau's fortunes took a turn for the worse, due to the move above by trudeau's own Speaker, who was forced to betray trudeau lest the Speaker go down in the history books guilty of complicity with supergrand-theft of taxes. This is how there could be a new election very soon, with the Bloc party ready to betray the Liberals too due to the latter voting, this week, against the Bloc's heist of tax dollars for Quebec seniors:

It is incomprehensible, and wacko, to have an entire province as part of a FEDERAL party, as is the Bloc Quebec. How can a province act on behalf of other provinces that despise it, should that Bloc ever win a federal election? Only in liberal / anti-Christ canada are wacko things like this permitted. Imagine a New-York State Party winning the White House. The liberal, national media isn't even reporting on what the Speaker (Greg Fergus) chose to do against trudeau.

It's not surprising that the Liberals voted against Quebec's bid to increase pension payments because trudeau's mass-murder spree was exactly a big-time savings of pension money by killing the aged in the pandemic scheme. This killing of "useless eaters" was the plot virtually worldwide. Once a society, with canada leading the way with its MAID program, begins to push voluntary euthanasia, doctors and nurses will respect the aged less and make their lives more miserable by being cold toward them, the very opposite of what God demands. We were once taught to respect elders, make then feel welcome, good and happy, but trudeau wants them to be coerced by doctors and nurses, together, to swallow poison. He's a demon.

Poilievre rarely mentions the criminality of trudeau's government as discovered degree-by-degree by Conservative committees. But now that a Conservative committee has arranged a possible stepping stone to a coop against the trudeau government, suddenly Poilievre is talking about that criminality. He wants us to think that Conservative voters want a carbon-tax election when the reality is that they want the Liberals jailed for thieving billions of tax dollars. Surely, these thefts are the reason that even some Liberals are planning to vote for Poilievre. Give credit to where credit is due, Mr. Poilievre. So extensive are the findings of the committees that even trudeau's Speaker caved.

Here's the latest trudeau-government $candal, now involving elitist New York:

Find the Jaxen Report below, another important show talking about what media won't. The latter part of the video has a spunky food activist trying to protect Americans from the FDA:

Here's where some of the climate-change "slush" dollars are going. These scandals are on the open table only because the auditor general was willing to put them there, otherwise the Liberals would be increasing their criminality under the table at full speed:

A new movie featuring "Al Gore":

The speaker in the video below gave me the impression that he fears violence from Western Arabs. In fact, I'd like to say that pre-tribulationists, Zionists, due to their outspoken support of the Israel that God wishes to desolate, are going to be responsible for attacks against Christian churches, especially when the anti-Christ and Iran get the upper hand over Israel. Modern Israel is NOT beloved of God. He will pour his WRATH upon it, and spare a remnant only due to his Promise to Abraham.

It's not enough that pre-tribbers will cause some of God's people to starve by not preparing them for the 1260 days, and it's not enough that they will mistaken the anti-Christ for Gog, saying that Gog is not the anti-Christ, but they will also openly chide the Arab and Iranian enemies of Israel after globalists have allowed Arabs and Iranians to flood Western countries. Is it therefore a good strategy to daily hurrah the deaths of Hamas and Hezbollah fighters? Keep it quiet. Just watch. Don't provoke our enemies as we see the Gog-alliance taking shape toward northern Israel. It is best that pre-tribbers preach the truth, that God is angry with modern Israel. I will not support the Israeli alliance with Washington. PUKE DC and IMF SEWAGE.

In the end, God will fight against Israel's enemies, says prophecy. Until then, they will be God's tools to cleanse the land of Jacob of the sewage.

I'm going to propose that the general belief of most prophecy educators, that a cashless society must precede the 666, is not necessarily required. It depends on what the 666 system is. If it's a payment system, then, yes, it tends to require a cashless marketplace. However, as nobody wants to see cash eradicated because everyone wants to have the option of holding their money in their hands, or storing it under their mattresses, I propose that the 666 is more likely to be a door pass into a commercial building.

That is, you can choose to pay either with cash or electronic money, once you get to the cash register, but if you don't have a 666 on your skin, you can't get into the store to begin with. That makes sense to me.

It's risky to attack Western political leaders if they end up holding power in the final three years, but by the looks of things, it's apparent we can vote them out of power, in the main, by attacking them now. Just tell the truth, use no false attacks. trudeau is a communist pig, a truth. trudeau is a sexual slime, and a supporter of many demonic activities, is the truth. When he's not sucking the blood of the nation, he feeds on the lie and therefore becomes what he eats. Still, after what he's done, 20-25 percent of canadians still support him, a big problem no matter how we cut it, and he wants to turn foreign immigrants on us too. Another 10-15-percent of canadians would vote for him again if not for our side making them feel ashamed for doing so. So long as it seems safe to do so, attack the bastard without a Father in Heaven, and give Babylon twice the grief the bastards give us.

Using language like what I've just used will make the bastards want to harm us if ever they get the opportunities. Or, they could go out to seek or create the opportunities. But if we don't describe what they are, which isn't pretty, but simply leave them alone, looking respectable, they could get political powers over us. That's our conundrum. As they were rising in power, they demanded that Christians be tolerable in the face of their revolutionary, anti-Christ values. But when they get in power, they don't tolerate us, but will jail us if they can, if we don't stay politically silent. When we stay silent, they climb the political ladders, and the churches have been guilty, for decades, of remaining silent, allowing them to get the power over us to a very bad degree, of almost all the educational channels. We are at the edge of a cliff now.

I really dislike anti-trudeau youtube channels when showing trudeau's face like those who think they will get more views by showing it. They know their viewers don't want to see his face, or hear his voice, but they put his face even on their thumbnails (video covers) anyway, because they want to make more money, get more hits. A bunch of clowns do they make themselves, not making for a very solid hope. Not many of these video owners, including Rebel News, are Christians. They give trudeau much more publicity than the zero he deserves, but without trudeau, they haven't got much news to report, and so their celebrations mixed with trudeau puke goes on daily. I get feeling sick bringing you the pertinent news mixed with puke, sorry. Why do I bother? In hopes that the anti-Christs will soon be toppled, replaced by servants.

In a late-week show by Northern Perspective, featuring a spokesman for the Bloc Quebec party, it appears certain that the Bloc Quebecoop is about to topple trudeau's government in a couple of weeks just because the liberal-stacked Senate isn't prepared to dish out $3B annually for extra, old-age pension gifts. It would be super to see trudeau's mass-killers go down on this one point alone, because they murdered canadians in order to save pension money. But the penalty MUST be more than merely loosing power in this painful way. If you want to see the show:

Possibly, the Bloc could be merely threatening a new-election stance in order to pressure the Liberals to give it the pension money. Still, the Senate may not salvage trudeau by giving up that money because senators don't need to run for election in a new election; they're safe.


Here's all four Gospels wrapped into one story.

For Some Prophetic Proof for Jesus as the Predicted Son of God.
Also, you might like this related video:

Pre-Tribulation Preparation for a Post-Tribulation Rapture