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October 8 - 14, 2024

I Pee'd on the Orontids of Armenia
Re-Visiting Sassy My Cat

Hall of Names is once again showing the descriptions of the Coats of Arms presented at House of Names.

In my last update, I gave the reader fodder for understanding the historical root of the anti-Christ, which is a very difficult thing to grasp because he's given about four nationalities in Biblical prophecy: Roman, Gogi, Assyrian, and perhaps Seleucid. Why would Isaiah call him "the Assyrian"?

Here's Wikipedia on Armenians: "Strabo (1st century BC – 1st century AD) wrote that '[i]n ancient times Greater Armenia ruled the whole of Asia, after it broke up the empire of the Syrians, but later, in the time of Astyages [6th century BC], it was deprived of that great authority [...].'" "ARMenia" looks like it developed from "Aram" in proto-Syria. If correct, then Aramaeans moved north into the Ararat empire once it weakened, to fill the void.

In the meantime, Syria arose by that name, which could logically have derived in "Assyria." So, as Aramaeans moved out of proto-Syria, Assyrians moved in, or perhaps the Assyrians forced Aramaeans north. In this picture, one might like to entertain the anti-Christ from modern Syria, if God considers this nation to be a main stock of Assyrians. If this is correct, then Russia could form an alliance with a Syrian anti-Christ. This is a new idea for me. It makes a lot of sense because the Seleucids had developed their chief capital in Syria.

If the anti-Christ turns out to be Syrian, I would need to adjust my belief that Gog and the anti-Christ are one. I would need to see Gog moving into Israel along with the anti-Christ, they being partners in the desolation of Israel. However, I can't fathom how someone in Syria could be of Daniel's end-time Roman empire. Maybe we're in the wrong generation. I can't see any viable scenario as things now stand in West vs East. How does an Assyrian come to fulfill Daniel's little horn issuing from the Roman empire.

Faced with this difficulty, Joel Richardson has gone off the deep end by re-defining Daniel's 4th beast, not as Rome, but as a Muslim empire. What empire? The one that ruled the Sahara desert and Morocco too? He says that this empire ruled over all the kings of the earth. That's a cheap shot. I wouldn't buy into that theory, though it does eradicate the difficulty above, and that could be his intention.

Plus, when we read at the end of Revelation 17 that Mystery Babylon sits on seven hills and rules over all the kings of the earth, it makes perfect sense with the Romans and the seven hills of Rome. It also squares perfectly with the 6th head being the present ruler at the time of Revelation's writing. That head was the Roman emperor, Domitian (on throne until 96 AD). Trying to fit the Muslims into this picture will open up a can of misleading worms.

The same article above: "It is possible that the last Urartian king, Rusa IV, had connections to the future incoming Armenian Orontids dynasty." The royal house of Rusa was in all likeliness Ezekiel's Rosh (topic of the last update), yet nobody thinks Rosh today is Armenia. It smacks of the Russians now lounging in Syria, and holding a foot in the Gomerian Crimea. Russia is a power sufficiently strong to make possible the trampling of Israel by her Muslim enemies.

I'm now looking to WEF to produce the "Roman" elements of the anti-Christ. Macron of France, a leading WEF puppet, seems to have indicated animosity against Israel, which could be a sign that WEF is too. There has been talk that Klaus Schwab, the WEF founder, had/has Nazi affiliations. Therefore, what if Europe suddenly turns anti-Israel? That could produce a Western-connected anti-Christ, and such a Europe would then side with Russia in the invasion of Israel. I can see that happening, but, for now, there are some Western powerhouses leaning pro-Israel, at least in word. Indeed, Biden and trudeau are probably giving Israel mere lip-service.

I've been open to Gog representing a nation other than Russia, and indeed, if Rosh is Russia, then Gog could be some other nation. However, when we see Gog covering the mountains of Israel, it may not be far-wrong to see hoards of Russians leading the war rather than Gog. Russians pave the way from the north, allowing Gog the "little horn" to focus on Jerusalem. Once in Israel, however, he becomes the leader of the Gog-alliance simply because every anti-Israeli wildly celebrates his success against Jerusalem.

Mythical Orion was in my last update. Same article above: "The ORONtids are the first of the three royal dynasties that successively ruled the ancient Kingdom of Armenia (321 BC–428 AD)." It goes on to say that Orontids may have been Iranian. That for me suggests the evolution of mythical URANus into "Orion." The latter was in Boeotia with Cadmus, and the latter was an Armenian entity in Phoenicia. In this theory, Iranians in Armenia became the Orontid royals, and later they were in Boeotia's Tanagra. Orion's dog, Sirius, looks like play on Syrians.

"People do not agree about [Orion's] parents: Sometimes he is said to be the son of Poseidon [Phoenician ancestry] and the gorgon Euryale, at other times, he is said to have three fathers, Poseidon, Zeus and either Hermes or Ares." Hermes and Ares were Armenian cults. Soducena was in Armenia, and Sadducees of Israel, who had a Boeotia-like house of Boethus, may have been named by Soducena elements. Same article:

...a different story of Orion's birth. Here the gods Zeus, Hermes, and Poseidon come to visit Hyrieus of Tanagra, who roasts a whole bull for them. When they offer him a favor, he asks for the birth of sons. The gods take the bull's hide and urinate into it and bury it in the earth, then tell him to dig it up ten months later. When he does, he finds Orion...

When I was about five years old, I accidentally urinated on the HEAD of my next-door neighbor, Pino (about my age). I was standing on the PORCH railing, when he came walking around the corner post of this porch, and he got it on the HEAD. That's when I found that Orion had a urine symbol, as had Uranus the sky god (rain was his urine). I then came across the PortisHEAD location near Clapton, and looked up Portis' to find them listed with PORCH's. I pee'd on his head from the porch. Portis'/Porch's have a giant version of the Tankerville cinquefoil, and for me this starts to propose that TANKERville's and their Tank/Tancred and Tack branches were from Orion of TANAGRa elements. "Tache" is a motto term of Pero-connectable Peerless'/Napiers, and "Pro" is a Portis/Porch motto term along with Rhea-like Rege.

Load Portis'/Porch's now, which loads on another tab, in order to load other surnames so that you can follow better.

Rhea, which I identify with Rey/Rhagae of north-western Iran (not far from Armenia), was the sister of Uranus, and mother of Zeus, Poseidon, and Hattusa-like HADES. I pee'd on his head, and Heads are also Heeds, a branch of Haydens and Hats/Hades'.

I trace Peerless'/NAPIERs to the Naparis river, beside the BUZau of Wallachia, and Portis'/Porch's (Norfolk with Orions/Irons, Bus' and HEADs/Heeds) share the giant BUS cinquefoil. It looks like God really hates the Orion bloodline. Plus, the Sensii were on the Naparis while "SANS tache" is the Peerless/Napier motto. Peare's were first found in Oxfordshire with Yellows while the Naparis is now the IALOmita. The Crispins, first found in Oxfordshire, share the eight bars of Portis'/Porch's.

Tache- and Tack-like Tecks/Tess' (Peerless saltire in colors reversed) were from the Tessin/Ticino river, where Pierro's/Pero's were first found, in the city of the Laevi Gauls whom I trace to the Sadducees via the royal Galatians (topic of the last update). One could get the impression that Tanagra elements through Tacks and beyond named the Tessin river via evolution of terms.

Orion was married to Side, suggesting Sidonians where: "Sida, eponym of the city of Sidon in Phoenicia. She was the [mythical] wife of Belus, [Nile delta with Hyksos] king of Egypt and mother of Aegyptus and Danaus." That was the line to Cadmus and Poseidon.

Orion was also married to Merope, which I interpret as Amorites to mythical Merops of Kos, grandfather of Aedon, mythical queen of Thebes in Boeotia. Cadmus had settled Thebes as his main Boeotian station, home to the Kabeiri cult extending from the Galli (probably some proto-Galatians) priests of Cybele and Attis.

To verify that God set up the urine event, I can remember being at Pino's house only one time, and can't remember one time that he and I were playing together. When at his place, a man in his garage showed me a rifle, which must have been a HUNTING rifle. Orion the hunter. As to whether God set up his name, Pino, I trace Pine's to king Pinnes (may have been more than one) of the Ardea, and as they lived at Rhizon, I trace them to Ardahan, near Rize, smack where the ORONtid dynasty ruled. Irish Arthurs are in the colors and format of English Pine's, both having ermine.

"The [Orontid] dynasty ended around 200 BC with the murder of Orontes IV and the appointment of king ARTaxias I by the Seleucid king Antiochus III." The Orontids ruled at Armavir, and, by the way, Armenians tracked their ancestry to mythical Hayk, looking like the Hyksos.

Wikipedia's article on Armavir: "Movses also relates that when King Tigranes II (whom he places on the throne from 90 to 36 BC), in order to take revenge on Queen Cleopatra of Egypt, sent an expedition to Palestine, he carried a great number of Jews into captivity, and settled them in Armavir and in VARDges." This was in the period of Sadducees. The Ardiaei were also VARDaei!!! Therefore, after Ardiaei disappeared from Illyricum (at Rhizon), they must have named Vardges. The Tigranes II above was not a Maccabee.

There was, during the reign of the Maccabee, Tigranes VI of Armenia, a Persian or Parthian ruler in Media, VARDanes II, and, by the way, Persian elements could have formed "Pharisee." Just imagine a Maccabee in marriage to the Persian. Vardanes ruled at Media, and the Arthurs of Clapton married the Meads (!) and the Hicks! It's online that Juliana Arthur married Mr. Hicks; they shared "CLARions" for a symbol. Meads and Arthurs share the pelican. Mead-branch Meadows were first found in Suffolk with Tigran-like Tigers (!), Ardons and Clare's. MEDleys (Shropshire with Ros-Alan trackable Alans) have a tiger.

Ardons have a giant eagle in the colors of the spread eagle of Musys/Musics (Brittany with Alans). Mus is at Lake Van, ancient Armenian capital of king Rusa.

Thus, it seems that Arthurs and Ardiaei/Vardiae descended at least partly from Vardanes of Media as he touched upon the Armenian kingdom under Orontids. Claptons even share the ERMINED bend of Vard-like Wards.

Meads/Meats were first found in Warwickshire with Ardens. Clapton is at the GLOUCestershire border, and mythical Medea was up the Glaucus river from Pasi-like Phasis. VesPASIa POLLA is the line to Pollocks and Pullys (share Mead/Meat martlets), and Pollocks were first found in the same place as PASleys. Lake Maeotis was near the Glaucus. Pass'/Pascals were first found in Essex with Motts.

Tyndaris was a location on the Glaucus, and while mythical, swan-depicted Leda was made the wife of mythical Tyndareus, Letts/Late's were first found in Gloucestershire. Leda and Tyndareus were Spartans, parents of POLLUX, and while the latter had a pugilist symbol, Puglia/Apulia had Spartans at least at its Taranto region, where Mead-connectable Motels are said to have named Mottola. If TYNdareus was rooted in "Tyn," note that Tyne's were first found in Shropshire with Motleys.

Motels, sharing the Chief of French Alans, have a pegASUS, which could be part-code for Azzi / Asians of Ardahan. However, as Motels call it a "winged horse", we can take things to Wings/Winks, first found in Worcestershire with English Rocks and Rooks while the Motel horse is in the colors of the rocks of French Rocks/Roque's, the latter first found in Languedoc with Roquefeuil, and with the French Alans. Roquefeuil is the line to Roxburghs who in turn have a horse head in the colors of the Motel horse. Alans of Shropshire were likely from the ROXolani.

Medleys were first found in Shropshire with Motel-like Motleys while Motels use an ARM, suspect with Armenians. The arm is in the MOUTH of the horse. Motels were a Mota branch. Armys are listed with ERMINE's. The latter share the Chief-Shield of Tate's/Teets, and lake Tatta was the realm of the Hatti while my pee on Pino pointed to Hat-branch Heads/Heeds, and to Portishead at Clapton and Gordano. Gordans/Gords were first found in Berwickshire with Tate's/Teets and Arthurs, and it's where Armors were once said to be first found.

The Date's suspect in the Motley motto were first found in Norfolk with Heads/Heeds, Haydens, Comyns, and Porch-connectable Bus'. The latter have the Arden cinquefoil in half its colors. Comyns (dagger), with almost the Date Coat, are from/of "Kuman" in Fier county of Albania, the line to Daggers and Fare's, both first found in Cumberland with the Vardys who in turn share the Fier/Fear moline. Daggers share the Coat of BARDYs/Bardons (PeriGORD), in Bard colors. Vardanes I, who was also "BARDanes," was the son of ARTabanus. Fiers/Fears were first found in Middlesex with Orion-line Orne's/Horns.

Wikipedia's writer(s), in typical stupidity, offers a dictionary-based definition of "Vardanes" as "rose." Instead of looking for a people-group or previous character with a Vard-like name, they run to the ancient dictionaries to see which one of them can come up with the best definition. Then, a tool at Wikipedia (tyrannical and pro-globalist education channel) writes what he/she thinks was the best definition, and everybody copies disinformation and plays the same I'm-word-smarter-than-you game.

Orontes IV had his final capital at JERvan, near Soducena, which I think had changed the name of Salem to JERusalem because the latter was beside mount Gareb, itself looking like "JEREVan." In this way, proto-Sadducees could have been at Gareb / Jerusalem, especially as the descendant of Antiochus III, Alexander Balas, made a pact with the Maccabee priests of Israel. Maccabees would later become kings over Armenia i.e. the land once ruled by Orontids, and while Orion was in BOEOTia, the Sadducees developed a Boethus branch.

Wikipedia once implied that Seleucid ancestry was in Epirus, where proto-Seleucids had been partners with the Thesprotians of Epirus. I therefore venture to trace "Balas" to Bullis of Epirus, very near Apollonia and neighboring Avalon-like Avlona/AULON. Alan-branch Elons were first found in Berwickshire with Arthurs. Motels are said to have named a location in APULia, across the sea from Apollonia.

The Atintanes at Bullis can be traced to Tintons, in Urine/Hurin colors and format. I had forgotten that there's a Urine/Hurin surname, and it incorporates the Coats of Welsh Rice's and Reesors/Rees'. The Orontids were at least near Rize (at the Pontus).

French Pine's were first found in Limousin with French Clairs and French Ardens, and Clare-related Arthurs were first found in Berwickshire with Rose-loving Artems/Aytons while Eytons were first found in Shropshire with Medleys and Motleys. Motel-branch Mota's show nothing but roses, in the colors of the roses of Jumps, the latter first found in Yorkshire with Medley-branch Methleys. Portuguese Mota's share the fleur-de-lys of Gows/McGoo's, possibly a branch of the Googe-branch Goffs/GOUGH's.

I pee'd on Pino' head, and, as I've said many times, I'm not making this up, he looked up to see what was falling on his head, and the urine went straight into his open MOUTH. God must hate the Pine family. Motts/MORTs share the crescent of Darths/Deaths, and this family was in-code with, "Le Morte d'Arthur," a myth on King Arthur's death in Avalon. The latter is often said to derive in "apple orchard," but that's either insider-secret or typical dictionary-stupidity. French Pine's share the cinquefoil of Kims, first found on Bute, the island I identify as Avalon. Kim-branch McKinneys share the "salmon" of McCabe's, the latter first found on Orion-line Arran, beside Bute. The Orontids were also, "ARUANdid." Orions/Irons (Norfolk with Heads/Heeds) were at Airaines of PicARDY.

The pineAPPLES of English Pine's can trace to APOLLonia elements. Julia POLLa was directly related to king ARTEMiDORos of the Galatians, and Arduinici on the Bautica river with Caiaphas-like Chivasso had a branch that married DORia's of Oneglia (Liguria). Chivasso was named by Cavii who lived near, or even in, Rhizon with the Dor-like Daorsi.

We saw the Bardys/Bardons linking to Vardanes of Media. Leslie-connectable Bards/Beards (Lanarkshire with Sevan-trackable Swans) share the boar of Turins (Aberdeenshire with Chives' and Leslie's), and Turin is near Chivasso. Bardans (not "Bardon") are listed with Bartons who probably share the boar head of Lesks. Beards/Bearts share the red bull with Daggers. Lesks share the Scottish Rose boar head, and where the stupid claimed that "Vardanes" is derived in "rose," it could have been insider secret for the line of Armenia's Rusa.

The railing I was on when peeing on Pino may have been intended by God as a pointer to Banisters/BANESters, for they share the "water bouget" with Scottish Rose's. "Arte" is a motto term of English Banes', you see, and Biaini were at Lake Van with king Rusa! The railing I was on was at a street called, ROSEcliff at Toronto's St. CLAIR and Dufferin area. Sinclairs lived at ROSlin! Cliffs/Cleave's share the wolf head (different colors) with Claptons, the latter first found in Cheshire with Cliffs/Cleave's and Wolfs/Welfs, and Cleavers/Clavers were first found in Norfolk with Orions/Irons and Kitchen-like Ketchers/Catchers. Banisters share the water bougets of Kitchens/Ketchins (Lancashire with Banisters).

Ketchers/Catchers share the cat with Chives', first found in Aberdeenshire with cat-using Beans/BAINS'. The latter's "targe" motto term gets us to Targets/TOGARts (owls), suspect from Togarmah elements at the Tigranes-of-Armenia theater. Tigers were first found in Suffolk with Owls/HOWLs. See that? My pee on Pino just tracked to Armenia, ruled by the ORONtids. Ketchers/Catchers share the scallops of Van-trackable Fens/Venns.

The Bean/Bain write-up claims falsely that the surname "is derived from the Gaelic word Beathan or betha which means life." There's no end to houseofnames crediting Irish versions of surnames as the originals, like maybe the company is owned by an Irishman. There's no end at houseofnames deriving surnames in off-the-cuff dictionary terms, with no evidence shown for the derivations. Just ignore those derivations where warranted.

Pino was on the SIDEwalk between the front and back of house, and Orion married Side. I was on the porch railing because I loved to JUMP from it, over the sidewalk, and over the FENCE along the sidewalk. In the last update, I proposed that Jumps were of the Gump variation of Gomers/Gumms, and Togarmah was a son of Gomer. Gomerians were the Cimmerians who conquered Rusa at Lake Van.

The best I can do with "fence" is the Fens/Venn surname, perfect because if was first found in Devon with Fauns/Phones' while Phone's are listed with Fane's/VANs!!! The latter were first found in MonMOUTHshire (near Portishead / Clapton) with Howl-like Howells who in turn have the Pellican tower while Arthurs of Clapton share the pelican with Meads/Meats!

You can find Pino in several of my updates, including the 1st update in January, 2017, where I said: "I, a pine-cone Maschi liner, peed in Pino's MOUTH." Maschi's were first found in Rimini, near Fano, and "fano" is a Fane/Van motto term. Maschi's share the lion of Voirs/Voyers, first found in Vannes of Brittany. Masci's were first founds in Piedmont with the Tanaro river, and German Tanners/Tans share pine cones with Maschi's. English Tanners were first found in Devon with Van branches.

One day, after jumping the fence, I was playing in the neighbor's garden when an old woman threw a ROCK at me. Rusa is suspect to the Roxolani. Here's from the 1st update in October, in 2021:

As I've said a few times, I was on the porch railing because I liked to jump from there across the walkway and over the FENCE. The FENS'/Venns look like a Fane/Van branch. Fens'/Venns share the scallops of Raines-connectable Rams. Urine-like Orrins/Orens [Aberdeenshire with Beans/Bains] are also Ram-like Orms [Aram comes to mind]. Fens'/Venns (ROXburgh colors) even have a version of the Pine fesse-with-items. I've even told of the time when the neighbor across that fence threw a rock(s) at me for being in her GARDEN (wait for it), which suddenly seems like a God-arranged event as a pointer to ROXolani. The latter lived at the BUZau and Ialomita rivers, beside the Rimini-like Rimna river, and so as Porch's share the BUS cinquefoil, wow, God arranged that event, and the pee event, to point to Maschi's because my mother is a Masci!

Poor Pino. I hope I get to apologize to him one day. It wasn't deliberate. I don't remember peeing anywhere else at that house but in the toilet. I must have gotten a bad urge, couldn't wait.

I was playing in her garden when she through a rock at me, and Garden-branch Jardins (Angus with Gardens) share the Chief-Shield colors of Army/ARMINE's and Annan(dale)s. Angus' and Angus-like Annas' share the Jardin star. Gardens almost have the Eber Coat, and my suspicions are that Armenians at Ardahan named Arda on the Eber-like Hebros river. The Garden branches of Jarrets look related to the Dol Alans. Jarrats (not "Jarret") share the Voir/Voyer lion, and while the latter were at Vannes of Brittany (near the French Jarrets sharing the Garden Coat), JEReVAN is the Armenian capital.

So, now that I've found, for the first time, a solid trace of Ardiaei to Parthians (under Vardanes), and as my Sleeping Beauty dream pointed, with Miss Hicks, to Ardiaei of Rhizon and Ardahan near Rize, why couldn't the neighboring Cavii have ended up in the Armenia theater as the namers of Caiaphas? He married the daughter of the high priest of Israel, Ananus/Annas.

The Ardiaei disappeared from Rhizon about the time of the first-known Hasmoneans / Maccabees (200 - 175 BC). Caiaphas was born around 20 BC. SLEEPing Beauty's sleep symbol pointed to the SELEPitanoi Illyrians between the Cavii of Lissus and Rhizon. After I woke her, we started to RISE into the sky (latter can be a symbol of Gog), and the English Rise's (Norfolk with Risons/Risings) are also the Rye's in the "ears of rye" of Sadducee-like Saddocks. Caiaphas and Annas were likely Sadducees. HASmoneans could have been named by the ancient namers of modern Has, a location in Albania on the Drilon river of the Cavii.

Cave's (Lancashire with Saddock-branch Chaddocks) happen to share the fretty Shield of Caens. Chadwicks, with almost the Chaddock and Saddock/Sedgewick Coats, were at Lancashire's ROCHdale, and the Arms of Rochdale share eight martlets (different colors) around the border with all three surnames. Caens recall the Caeni Thracians near Arda. Arda is in Thrace at the Eber-like Hebros river.

As Caens share the five ostrich feathers in the Arms of Traby, I trace them to the Ceno tributary of the Taro, near the Trebia. Ananes Gauls, the line to Annans, lived between the Taro and the Trebia. Thus, Cave's look like they descended from "Caiaphas," especially as Chaffs were first found in Dorset with Caens. Thrace-like Trace's/Tracys, said to be from near Caen, were first found in Devon with Trebys and Treble's. Drake's were first found beside Dorset.

Here's 10 Rosecliffe avenue, now having a black fence where I'd jump over one some 60 years ago. The porch is still there, with railing, and the walkway to the back yard is there too, of course. Pino lived on the left side of the same building (semi-detached homes), and his garage was at the back of the house, not visible in the view above.


Although the porch railing I was on was not a banister proper when defined as a stair railing, I thought it was amazing that Banes' look like the Biaini people of Lake Van. I can now go to the Beans/Bains from a banister I was re-finishing for a woman (about my age 35) who gave me a kitten from her litter. I've told this story about a dozen times. It's how I discovered that Banisters and kitten-like Kitchens/Ketchins (both of Lancashire) use the same so-called "WATER bougets," and here we can add that French Banes' share the Water Coat, how excellent is that?

I realized that this kitten was an act of God because I named her, Sassy, and because she SUCKed her TAIL habitually as an adult. I think, by the time I loaded Sassys, I knew of the cat-using CETINs/Cattans (Norfolk with Ketchers/Catchers above), and that they were from the Tilurius river, also called the CETINa, along with the Tillers who in turn have pelleted lions in the colors of the pelleted cats of Cetins/Cattans, but what I didn't know, until then, is that Cetins/Cattans and Sassys share "Saracen heads," is that not wild? Yes, it is, because TAILs/Tailers share the Tiller lion. Tails/Tailers even have a Coat version of the cat-using Keats (Norfolk).

The Saraca's of Ragusa were near the Tilurius, and these river regions were home to the Ardiaei Illyrians, trackable to the Vardanes entity of Parthia. The Saracen and Falcon surnames were first found in Cumberland with Vardys, and with the Daggers/Dackers in the "dagger" of English Banes', used also by Beans/Bains. It convinces me strongly that Sassy is a pointer to the Biaini of Van. Vardys almost have the French Sarasin moline, white like the Orion/Iron moline. Vardys share the moline of Fiers/Fears, first found in Middlesex with Orion-line Horns/Orne's (herons). The Fears are even in the motto of PEE's/Peacocks (Essex with Banes-connectable Waters).

The crescent of English Banes' is shared with French Falcons (Languedoc with French Banes'). English Banes, French Falcons, and Sassys share the same lone crescent. The woman whose banister I re-painted didn't know that I called her cat, Sassy. She didn't know any heraldic links, and neither did I at the time.

She SUCKed her tail, and while Suchs were first found in Lancashire with Kitchens/Ketchins and GorSUCH's, Sassys list SAUCers. Gorsuch's share the Lorraine bend-with-eagles, and while French Louis' were first found in Lorraine province, Welsh Louis' and Lewis' were first found in Glamorganshire with Tillers and Balas'/BailLISS'. The latter are suspect in a Balas-line merger with Cavii of Lissus, and Chives' were first found in Aberdeenshire with the cat-using Veans/Beans/BAINs in the "fovean" motto term of Cetins/Cattans. And that's how my job in stripping the banister, and re-finishing it, points to Lake Van.

Cetins/Cattans even share the FITCHee of Tarves' while Chives' were first found in Tarves. The latter's "cat-a-mountain" jibes with the "spotted cat-a-mounts" of Cetins/Cattans. Possibly, a spotted feature is code for ERMINE spots i.e. from Armenia.

Plus, the Waters we saw above with the French Banes' share the Coat of MusCHATS/MontFITCHets, first found in Essex with Waters and Fitch's/Fitchets. French Banes' were first found in Languedoc with the Cautes' (listed with Cotta's/Cottons) in the Cetin/Cattan motto, suggesting that cat-using lines could have descended from Aurelia Cotta, mother of Julius Caesar.

French Banes' share the Coat of Epsteins, first found in Hesse, home of the Germanic Chatti, the line to Keiths/Keaths, and then Keats (Norfolk with Cetins/Cattans) look related to Keatons/KITTENs, the latter in Kitchen/Ketchin colors and near-format. Keiths/Keaths were first found in East Lothian with the Seatons sharing the Tiller crescents. The Kitchens/Ketchins even look related to the Teague's/Teegers/Caige's, the line to Tigranes of Armenia! The latter surname shares the crosses of English Julians, first found in Cambridgeshire with MusCATs/Musks, Cage's and Kedge's, tending to reveal that Teegers had married the Ketchin / Ketcher line to get their Caig-like variations. Kedge's use a giant "leaf" while Leafs/Leve's were first found in Norfolk with Ketchers.

Kedge's share the black border with Parrs and Furness' (both of Lancashire with Ketchins and Banesters), whom I trace to Pharnaces, king of the Pontus, smack beside Tigranes' Armenia.

I'm now assuming that God used sassy to point to the roots of the Sassanid dynasty, which was the last Parthian dynasty of Iran prior to the Muslims taking over. Although Sassanids started a couple of centuries after Jesus, what did they descend from in the Armenia theater?

Plus, I STRIPPed and re-FINIShed the banister, and Finis'/Feins are in the colors and format of Fane's/Fiens/VANS!!! See that. Sassy pointed to Tillers by way of Cetins/Cattans, and English Tillers were first found partially on Monmouthshire with Fane's/Fiens/Vans.

[Insert -- Days after writing the above, it dawned on me to load Brush's because I re-finished the banister with a paint brush. Brush's happen to have a motto, "FiuMUS"!!! Mus at Lake Van. Brush's and their Bruce branch are known for using the Annandale Coat, but on a gold Shield, and Annandale's have the Chief-saltire combination of Armenia-like Armys/Armine's. Bruce-branch Bryce's look like they have a colors-reversed version of the Army/Armine Coat. Therefore, God set me up to paint that banister without doubt at the time that the owner was ready to give away a kitten that itself points to surnames like the Biaini of Lake Van. End insert]

The Diems/Dittmayers (Schleswig-Holstein with German Teegers) in the Teague/Teeger motto take us to the STRIPE-less tiger of Ditts and Dwights. Diems/Dittmayers use the Ukraine flag.

The stripe-less tiger of Maybe's/Mabee's looks related to the Cetin/Cattan Coat while Kitchens/Ketchins look related to the Teague/Teeger and Stump Coats. Then, while Tigranes could have been merged with the royal line of Rusa, Stamps (ERMINES) have a black-Shield version of the Rush's/Rish's, the latter first found in Suffolk with Tigers. The giant Portis/Porch(er) cinquefoil is in colors reversed with bouget-like Pockets/Pouchers (Lincolnshire with Armys/Ermine's) who in turn share the cinquefoil of Rosco's/Risco's (Rush/Rish fesse in colors reversed) and Keith-branch Kettle's (i.e. a tribe of Catti).

Water bougets are very traceable (without doubt) to Buckets/Bockets/Bucharde's, first found in Lincolnshire with Pockets/Pouchers. Bouchier's (Essex with Waters) have water bougets. I was standing on a banister when peeing on Pino's head, and Banisters have water bougets.

I also stripped and re-finished the spindles under the banister, and there is a Spindle surname said to use "a six-spoke, gold wheel." It's amazing that while Sassy pointed to Tillers via the Cetins/Cattans, Tillers were first found in Glamorganshire with the Joyce's in turn sharing the double-headed Spoke/Speke/Spike eagle. But that's not all, because Sassys were first found in Devon with the Saffers who share two motto terms of Joyce's.

Saffers not only have a "HERON's head" to go with the Horn-branch Herons, but the latter were first found in Northumberland with Gorsuch-connectable Lorraine's. And the Saffer uniCORNs can take us back to mythical Cronus, son of Uranus.

The Vita's in the Joyce motto along with "honoraBILIS" looks like the line of Billets (Devon with Sassys, et-al) sharing the Portis/Porch cinquefoil, and the porch railing I was on for the Pino event had spindles too. It was Pino who pointed to Orion, now pointed to by the heron of Saffers who share "vita" in their motto. Severs, sharing the Vita annulet, were first found in neighboring Somerset with BILLS'. The latter love the Pellicans, first found in Maine with French Billets/Billiards. This annulet is in colors reversed with German Tillers.

Saffers and Severs can be traced to emperor Severus because he married a daughter of Julius Bassianus. His other daughter married Julius Avitus, the line to Vita's in the Saffer motto. When Severus' son became the emperor, the son appointed Julius Bassianus to a station (I don't know of) in Dalmatia somewhere. The Tilurius/Cetina river is in Dalmatia, and while Cetins link to Sassys/Saucers, the latter's share Bassianus-like besants with Suchs. German Besants are also Bessens. English Bass'/Bassens were first found in HADDINGtonshire with Catti-line Keiths. German Bassens show nothing but hunting horns.

Severs were first found beside the first-known Caens while the latter, sharing the Peare and Parson leopard faces, translate their motto with "perish" while Perish's/Paris' (Peare / Parson colors) share the triple Saffer unicorn heads, gold like the unicorn heads of Piers/Pierce's (Somerset with Severs). Why might Caens, from Caen on the Orion-line Orne river, use a "PeriMUS" motto term? Caens share the fretty Shield of Cave's whose "Videt" motto term can be for the Vido variation of Vita's.

As per the spoked "wheel" of Spindle's, Whele's/Whale's share the Gorsuch bend, and Spoke's/Speke's/Spike's had a Speke Lancashire with the first-known Gorsuch's who are in turn in the colors and format of Speccots, the latter first found in Devon with Brampton Speke, with the first-known Spice's, with Spice-connectable Thors/Tours, and with the Sassys. The latter are linking hard to the spindles under the stair banister. Spice's, in Stair/Stayer colors and format (!), share the tower of SCUTE's, first found in Lancashire with Spike-beloved Towers. Stairs/Stayers were first found in Kent with Gore's.

I trace Gore's to mythical Gorlois for good reasons, and here we can add that Gorlois lived in Tintagel (Cornwall), birthplace of king Arthur with Gorlois' wife as the mother. The Urine's/Hurins were first found in Cornwall with Tintons, and are in Tinton colors and format. The ATINTanes were at Avalon-like Avlona. Tints almost have the Gore crosslets. Urine's/Hurins share the leopard face of Beaks who in turn have a white ostrich in Crest, possibly the white one of Lois' (Artois) suspect in "GorLOIS."

While English Banes' have an "arte" motto term, king-Arthur myth (almost-always code for surnames) had Ban, father of LanceLOT. Lots, first found in Kent with Banes', share a brown Crest with Banes'. Lots share the brown dog with Lothians (hunting horn) who in turn have a pine tree.

Scute-like Scotts use the Catherine wheel of the Roets (probably Bills kin). Sassy sucked her tail, and German Roets were first found in Thuringia with Thalls.

Speke of Lancashire is at Liverpool while Livers/Levers (Lancashire) have a rooster standing on a "trumpet" while "trumpet"-using Calles' are in the colors and format of Shoots/SCHUTE's. The latter were first found in Wiltshire with Calles' and Stair-related Stars/Stairrs!!! We got here from the Spindle spokes, and some would even call stair spindles, "spokes."

Trump appointed NEIL Gorsuch to the supreme court of the United States in his first of three appointments, and while Irish Neils/Neals were first found in Tyrone with Saracen-branch Sharks, it's interesting that English Neals were first found in Wiltshire with Trump-connectable Calles'. Perhaps God arranged for Gorsuch's appointment, for his positions are usually Christian-friendly, and badly needed to stave off the anti-Christ agendas for the United States.

Spindle's have "two HORNs" in Crest for tracking to mythical Orion and the Orontids. The latter had ruled Parthia prior to the Sassanids doing so. Suchs were first found in ORMSkirk, and Scottish Orms (Aberdeenshire with Cattan-beloved Veans/Beans/Bains) are also Orrins. Scottish Orms share the eagle of Spindle-like Spinks. Orms/Orrins share the vaired Shield of Schole's/Scayle's, first found in Yorkshire with English Orms, and Scale's were first found in Hertfordshire with the Childs sharing the eagles of Gorsuch-connectable Lorraine's.

Lorraine's were first found in Northumberland with Horn-branch Herons, and the last time I saw Lorraine (an old date) was as she carried her infant child beside Paul Smith and I sitting at the same table. English Smiths use a "heron." Pauls (large ERMINE spots) were first found in Yorkshire with pelican-using Pullys. Balas'/BAILliss' share large and black ermine spots with Pauls, and Bailys were first found in Northumberland with Lorraine's. The Smith heron is "holding a fish" while Fish's were first found in Lincolnshire with Armys/Ermine's. Paul- and Balas-like Pallas' use "an arm in armor." Pullys share the martlets of Meads now tracking to Media elements highly suspect with the Ardiaei-branch Vardanes family.

Irish Herons, first found in County Clare to jibe with clarion-using Arthurs of Clapton, have an "ardua" motto term and share the pelican in Crest with Arthurs (Berwickshire with Whele's/Whale's). Irish Herons share a green Shield with Gows/McGoo's possibly in the "surGO" motto term of Irish Herons. Sure's and Caens (share the same motto) have a "PeriMUS" motto while Caen is at the Orne river. Caens share the leopard face of Bucket-beloved Pile's while Buckets share "holly" with Sure's while Holly-branch Hole's/Halls were first found in Lincolnshire with Buckets.

If Chaffs, who share the Chief-Shield colors of Capes', are from "Caiaphas," then we ask why they use a giant griffin while Griffins share "Ne vile" with the Fien/Van. How did Caiaphas get to marry the daughter of the high priest? Not because he had a dazzling smile. Elite tended to marry elite. GRIFFins could have been from the AGRIPPa-branch Herods, one of whom was Bernice Agrippa, the line, I think, to Bernice's and Burns, both first found near the first-known Battle's who share the giant Chaff griffin. Battle's were first found in Berwickshire, anciently BERNICia. See that?

"Heraldry" looks named after the Herald variation on Herods. Heraldry has battle-axes, used by Battins/Badens, first found in Somerset, beside the Chaffs. Gripps/Grape's/Grabbers are possibly in the grape-using "branch" in the Crest of Spindle's. While grape-using Teeters were first found in Pomerania with the House of Griffin, and while Teets/Tate's were first found in Berwickshire too, the "spokes" of the Spindle's had taken us to Speccots, suspect now in the "Spectemur" motto term of Lure's in the "hawk's lure" of Heralds/Herods.

Spindle's have the "two HORNS" on either side of their grape-using branch, and then Gripps/Grape's share the Coat of Goats/Gothams expected in the giant goat of rifle-like Riffle's. It seems to me that Pino's pointer to Orion had God showing me his father's rifle to assure the pointer. The two-headed Spoke/Spike/Speke eagle is shared by Scottish Raffle's/Raiffle's while Riffle's are listed with Riffs, and then Roofs were first found in Norfolk with Orions/Irons.

Goats/Gothams were first found in Nottinghamshire with goat using Bunnys, and the latter were first found in Broxtow with Annas-related Ainsleys. Riffle's essentially have the Kepke/Kopke Coat, a line from the namers of Kiev. Gotham-like Goths are in Kepke/Kopke colors and format (aside from Goths have a white border rather than gold).

The Clan-Chattan motto can have the Katts/Kate's/KATTERbachs, who share the hexagram of Goths and Hagars, because Catters are in Glove colors and format while Glove's, in the Clan-Chattan motto, were first found in Perthshire with Hagars. The banister where I was urinating has linked to the banister that I was re-FINIShing, which took me to Sassys and Bain-connectable Cetins/Cattans (same place as Orions/Irons). The Fiens/FINIS' can be traced to Lake Van, realm of Tigranes VI, and Tigers were first found in Suffolk with the Kidds who share the upright goat of Kepke's/Kopke's, a branch of Kupe's/Koops.

The Biaini of Lake Van are suggesting the Clan-Chattan member, Beans/Bains (same place as Cups/Cope's), who use the Clan-Chattan motto but switch out "glove" with "targe," and we saw Suffolk's Owls/Howls in the owl of Targets/Togarts while Howells were first found in the same place as Fiens/VANs. Catters have "salmon HAURIENt," which could be code for an Orion branch such as Herons/Harons. Beans/Bains use a hand while Katts/Katterbachs were first found in Mecklenburg with Hann-branch Hahns while English Hanns are listed with Hands (Cup/Cope colors and format).

The same term, "hauRIENt," can be part-code for Ryans (Heron/Haron / Orne/Horn colors and format), or the Raines' because they are in Catter colors and format, and were first found in Sussex with Coopers, Keeps and "salmon"-using Hams. Keeps share the "galley" with Beans/Bains, and Kepoi is a location not far north of the Glaucus river. Hams share the salmon of (both colors) of ARRAN's McCabe's/McABBE's, and Abbeville is near AIRAINES, where Orions/Irons are said to have been. The "Malo" motto term of Ryans can take us to St. Malo (near Dol) of the RANCE river (near Rennes), and Rance's/Rands were first found in Norfolk with Orions/Irons, a good reason to see Ryans as an Orion line. Malo's/Mallets are in Rench/Reintz colors, and have buckles while Buckle's and English Mallets were first found in Suffolk with Tigers while Teague's/Teegers were a branch of Ticks/Tooks/Tucks who in turn have a different-colors version of the Ryan Coat.

Catters were first found in Berkshire, where cat-using Croms were once said to be first found, and Crombys were first found in Aberdeenshire with Beans/Bains. The latter, which I assumed have a cat in Crest, call it a "mountain lion", though it's a good bet they once called it a cat. The Cautes' in the Cetin/Cattan motto were first found in Languedoc with French Mountains. Beans/Bains apparently married the cat-a-mountain Chives', first found in Aberdeenshire with Beans/Bains. Cetins/Cattans have "spotted cat-a-mounts," now indicating that Beans/Bains share the Mount lion. I showed above how the Cetins/Cattans, with the Vean variation of Beans/Bains in their motto, can link to Chives', and while Caiaphas is suspect in marriage with a relative of Salome Boethus, we just saw salmon. Salmon-loving Hams were first found beside Boet-branch Buttons/Budins. Boots were, until recently, said to be first found in Berkshire.

Beans/Bains apparently married the Lyon family, having a giant lion and first found in Perthshire with Catter-connectable Glove's.

In fact, Lyons share the Coat of Touch's/Tuffs in the Clan-Chattan motto, "Touch not the cat bot a glove." There's a red hand in the Crest of Touch's/Tuffs, first found in Cheshire with the "PHOENix"-using Tufts/Tuffs', and with the Hands/Hanns (red hands) in the "RED right hand" of Beans/Bains, first found in Aberdeenshire with Scottish Reeds. Reds/Reeds were first found in Northumberland with Phoenix's/Fenwicks, and with the Lorraine's sharing a green lion with Lyons and Touch's/Tuffs. Fiens/Vans are also PHONE's, and first found in MONmouthshire while Mons' are listed with Mounts. "Mon" is in the motto of French Simons, first found in Lorraine with Chaplets.

Homeward Bound

The RED RIGHT HAND of Beans/Bains does seem to be part-code for Reds/Reeds because they have a "copia" motto term while Cups/Cope's, in Hand colors and format, were first found in Aberdeenshire with Scottish Reeds who in turn share the "book" with Roets while Books were first found in Berwickshire with Scottish RIGHTs, and with the Hume's/Home's who have the Lyon and Touch/Tuff Coat in colors reversed. It reminds that Sassy was the name of a cat in the movie, "HOMEward Bound." I didn't name my Sassy after that cat, but because of her personality. She pointed foremost to Bean-connectable Cetins/Cattans. Bounds are listed with Bone's, first found in Sussex with English Rights.

I'll even add that there's a Banes' / Bain-like Baun/Ban surname while French Baums (Baun colors) use a giant ermine for tracking to a ruler of Armenia, land of Biaini. See that? The Baumgartners use a "fence" suspect with Fens variation of Fenwick-connectable Fenns/Venns. See that? The Coat of English Bauns is almost the one of Orions/Irons, and Sassys, sharing the Banes crescent, also share the Baum bend. I got Sassy from the woman whose BANISter I finished.

Therefore, as even Bounds/Bone's have a Bohum/Bohun variation, Baums, Banes' and Banisters look like Bohemian lines, and it's known that Bohemia was named by Bia-like Boii. "Biaini" is rooted in "Bia." And so the Bia may have named Boiotia/Boeotia, because it's where CADMUS settled, who represented the Armenian Cadusii, and Mus of Lake Van. No historian I know of has made this case, but me and my cat have put it on the table.

Plus, I urinated on Pino (as a pointer to Orion of Boeotia) from the banister of the home of Pepin, whose surname was of the Taff bloodline. Tufts/Tuffs' are also Tafts, and Taffs have a different-colors version of the Twitts/Thwaits, the latter first found in Norfolk with Orions/Irons. Where the 'f' was interchangeable with a 'v,', one can see that "Twitt" could have formed from "Taft." His son, my age, is Fred, often called Freddy as a child, and Twitts and Taffs use so-called "fretty." I trace Daphne, an ancient location a mile or two from Panias/Banias, to the Taphian pirates of the Calydon theater, and I trace "Calydon" to the Khaldi of the western-Ararat domain around Rize.

The "gold fence" of Baumgartners is like the "gold gate" in the Crest of Babwells, and the "gold gate" in the Arms of PodeBRADY (Bohemia). Bradys share the finger pointing with Babe's and Touch's/Tuffs.

As proto-Armenia (Ararat) was a Nairi kingdom prior to the appearance of Biaini, by what coincidence were the Scottish Rose's first found in Nairnshire? Nairs use a "chaplet" while Chaplets show only swans for a trace to Sevan. Read-like Readys use swans and a SCIMITAR in Crest while Orion's family was at Tanagra, where the capital/seat is SCHIMATARi. The latter is less than 10 miles from a Chalchis location while Herod POLLIO of Syria's Chalchis married Bernice Agrippa, whom I trace to Bernice's/Burness' and Burns (both first found in Cumberland), and Burns use a "Ready" motto term. I trace Reeds and Roets to Vespasia POLLa of RIETI! It appears that she was related to Herod Pollio.

It seems the ancients knew that Burns could trace to Orion elements because there's a "a hand holding a hunting horn" in the Burn Crest. Burns and Bernice's share black hunting horns in their Shields. Herod and Bernice had a son, Hyrcanus, smacking of Hyrcania of the Iran / Gorgon theater (Gorgons were at the south Caspian sea with Hyrcania). It just so happens that SASSanids ruled Hyrcania! Bernice's/Burness' share the fesse in this Arms of Saraca, and Sassys/Saucers with Cetins/Cattans share the "Saracen head." Sassys/Saucers even look connectable to English George's.

It's now important that Lancashire is where Banisters (share black water bouget with Ralphs) and Shake-like Suchs were first found along with the Shakerley location of Shake's/Shakerleys. Sassys/Saucers have a RALPH de Saci, making the Sassys suspect from Schimatari, for that is where I can trace Shake's/Shakerleys (via the Schim-Mole relationship)! I almost missed this. It's perfect for connecting the stair banister to the banister upon which I urinated on Pino. And Sassys/Saucers were even first found in Devon with Pine's. Ralphs were kin of Rose's while Sachs/Sax's show only roses in their Shield.

Shake's/Shakerleys share a green Shield with Saxe's who in turn use the dart in Crest while Darts/Dards (Devon with Pine's) are from the Dardanians who married the Ardiaei tribe of king Pinnes.

Plus, while Sachs/Sax's share the Cary roses, Saxe's share "partridges" (different colors) with Chars/Charts (Somerset with Carys, Carts and Leavells) while Carys were a Cart branch (both from Castle Cary of the Leavells). Not only do Chars/Charts use hunting horns, but they share the Horn/Orne motto!!! I almost missed all of this.

Gorgon-like GEORGE was the father of the first Drummond, and this George reportedly married a woman from Podebrady. Bradys were first found in Galway with the Teague's/Teegers, the line from Tigranes VI, a Herod, king of Armenia, land of the ORONtes dynasty. Galways use the bridge while Bridge's (Somerset with Read-branch Roets) use crabs while Crabs share the fleur-de-lys of Burns. English Bauns have the Coat of English Bruns in colors reversed. Browns/Bruns were first found in Cumberland with Burns and the Banes-beloved Daggers/Dackers. I pee'd on Pino from the DECK railing, and German Daggers list Decks.

French Bauns use "oak leaves" while Leave's/Leafs/Leve's (Norfolk with Orions/Irons) share the dove (different color) with George's who in turn share the Sassy besants. George's share blue doves with Waistells/Wessels (Cumberland with Burns), and dove-like Dover is where English Banes' were first found who share the Sassy crescent. I now see Sassy pointing to the Levite house of Boethus from the Orion-branch Boeotians.

Van-branch Fiens/Finis' are said to have been officials in Dover castle. Dove's were even first found in Berwickshire with the Boys/Bie's sharing bees with Leave's/Leafs/Leve's, and with English Doors who list Dover-like Dowers. Irish Doors share the Fien/Finis lion. It's therefore amazing that Fiens/FINIS' share the wolf (different color) with the BANES' of Dover, for I re-FINIShed the BANISter.

Bee's almost have the Coat of Evers in the "Ever ready" motto of Burns while Bernice's/Burness' are connectable to the Arms of Saraca. It begs whether Dove's and Dovers were from the Daorsi of Rhizon and Kotor. The Saraca's of Ragusa were first at Kotor (see Wikipedia's Saraka article), and Kotor was named after the line on Keturah, second wife of Biblical Abraham, brother of Nairi-/ Neuri-like Nahor.

Abraham's concubine was Hagar, and Hagars share the Katt/Kate/KATTERbach hexagram. KatterBACHs can suggest the Welsh Bachs/Baghs while Bagleys (Shropshire with Bug-beloved Bats) share the Root Coat while Bags were first found in Norfolk with Saracen-head Cetins/Cattans, from the Cetina river near Ragusa, and in the Daorsi theater. Ragusa-like Raggs' (look related to the Sassy Coat!), sharing the fleur-de-lys of Burns (tends to clinch Bernice-Saraca link), were first found in Leicestershire with Root-related Woods, and Woods love the Savage's/Sava's while the Cetina river has a source near the Sava river. French Sauvage's were first found in Champagne with French Bauns, and Scottish Champagne's were first found in Leicestershire while Leicesters have the swan for a trace to Armenia with Bauns.

Lake Sevan is near or amid the Caucasian Bats, and Cauc-like Cough's/Cuffs use a "baton" while English Batons/Bastons share the black bat with Bats, and the saltire of Hunts/Hunters (Shropshire with Bats). English Batons/Bastons were first found in Cornwall with English Bogans (COCKatrice) while German Bogans are in the colors of bat-using Bugs. The Neuri were from the Bug river.

Dovers, with another hunting horn, have the Coat of Flowers in colors reversed, and Flowers were first found in Devon with Sassys, with Door-connectable Gates' (of Podebrady's gold gate), but also with Dove- and Waistell-connectable Wests. Dove's were first found in Berwickshire with Boys/Bie's and Reed-beloved Books, and Boy's/Bie's are in the colors and format of Burn-beloved Readys. Berwickshire is also where Home's/Hume's were first found who love the True variation of Baumgartner-beloved Tree's. Homeward Bound. Baumgartners share the "green tree" with Book-beloved Roets, the latter first found in Somerset with the Oaks having their own rooted oak tree, and Roots have another rooted tree, first found in Kent with Dovers.

Doria married the Arduinici, who had a branch at Ivrea, on the Baltea/Bautica river, which I trace to Balds and their Baud branch, and so as the Baldwins share the green cockatrice in Crest with Dovers, it appears that Dovers were a line from Doria's. As Baldwins share the Bat saltire while both were first found in Shropshire, suddenly that Bat Caucasians could have named the Bautica river.

French Bauds were first found in Auvergne with Bouillons while Godfrey de Bouillon was the brother of king Baldwin I of Jerusalem, and then the "bello" motto term of German Bauds and Bouillons can take us to Bell-branch Bellamys because they were first found in Shropshire too. Bells were first found in Dumfries with the Rums suspect in the "majoRUM" motto term of Dours/Dorrs. Thus, the Arduinici can trace to Ardahan of the Bat theater. Bats probably lives at Phasis, and "pas" is a Baldwin motto term. German Bauds use "pax." I suppose that the Bats could have named Budini of Kiev, and even the Boeotians. Bat-using Bugs were first found in DORset. Rus were at Kiev while Bugs share the bouget with Rose's.

Orion the hunter was of Boeotia, and Hunts/Hunters were first found in Shropshire with the Bats and Baldwins whose saltire they share. ADa of Huntingdon can be in the "Ad MAJORum" motto phrase of Dours/Dorrs. Magyars were beside Kiev. Dours/Dorrs have "small square's" while Square's were first found in Worcestershire with the Wings/Winks in the Dour/Dorr Crest. English Winklers were first found in Cheshire with the Hands in the Dour/Dorr Shield. German Winklers (Saxony with Kepke's) look like they have the Kepke Shield but with the lion of English Golds (Suffolk with Kepke-connectable Kidds) and Gates' in the "gold gate" of Podebrady. George, the son of a Kievan-Rus woman, and a descendant of Magyars, married a women of Podebrady.

I think that woman was AGATHa, grandmother of king David I of Scotland, father in turn of Henry, earl of Huntingdon, husband in turn of Ada above, whose father was a Warenne / Varenne. Warrens share the checks of wards who in turn share the ERMINED bend of English Wingers of WinGATE and Windegate. Winklers are also Windlers. Agatha above is thus suspect as the mother of Maurice Drummond.

Varenne's/Verone's, looking like "Varangi" and sharing the Coat of German Bugs (Hampshire with Drummonds and Trips/Treffs), were possibly a branch of Verona's, the latter first found in Ile-de-France with the Levi's who in turn have both an "Aide" motto term and a "second" motto term, and while Seconds/Segurs share the Dour/Dorr quadrants, Segurana's were first found in Genova with Doria's, tending to nail the Dours/Dorrs to Doria's. English Doors/Dorrs are in Gates colors and format. Gates' were first found in Devon with Segurana-branch Seagars. The Second/Segur lion can be the one of Dee's (Cheshire with Winklers/Windlers) suspect in the Dour/Dorr motto, but it can also be the one of Maurice's, first found in Herefordshire with Dorrs/Dorrs and Jays, the latter possibly in the "Je majorum dei gloria" motto of Dours/Dorrs.

Scottish Dee's were first found in Aberdeenshire with Hungarian Leslie's and the Culps/Cups/Cope's in the Winder motto, and in the giant cup of Glorys/Lowrys. Koops/Kupe's share the border of German Wingers and Wing-related Justine's (Perthshire with Drummonds). Glorys/Lowrys share the cup of Scottish Lowrys/Larrys/Laurie's, first found in Dumfries with the Rums suspect in the Dour/Dorr motto. Winders share the white bull head in Crest with Griffin-connectable Fane's/Vans, and German Wingers have a griffin.

As per the Orion pointer from Pino's urine event, I think it's mentionable that Seagars were first found in Devon with English Pine's while French Pine's were first found in Limousin with Seconds/Segurs. This gets us to the Levi bloodline, which I trace to elements of Orion's Boeotia, as per the Boethus-branch Levites. Pino's are listed with Pinto's while German Pinters share a "fish" on red with BOETs/Butts/Bute's. This fish could easily have been a salmon as code for the line of Salome Boethus. Fish were first found in Lincolnshire with the Grasse's who in turn share the lion of Pinters/Pinders (Nottinghamshire and Lincolnshire). The latter have one of the triple chevrons of French Grace's/Grasse's.

English Grasse's share the lion of Fallis'/Falls', first found in Midlothian with Crichtons/CRETons (Fallis lion in colors reversed) who in turn have a "grace" motto term. Chretiens, sharing the blue lion with Crichtons/Cretons, are in the motto of Levi's who in turn have a different-colors version of the Grace/Grasse Coat, suggesting that Seconds/Segurs (same place as Pine's) share the giant lion of English Grass' (not "Grasse"). The Faiths and Fish-like Fiscs were first found in Norfolk with Orions/Irons, and "faith" is in the English version motto of Pinters/Pinders. To this we add that Fate's/Feets share a Pavia Coat while Laevi Gauls co-founded Pavia while Pierro's/Pero's, first found in Pavia, almost have the Boet/Butt/Butt Coat. Pavia was co-founded by Marici while English Marks almost have the Coat of English Grass'.

As someone in Pino's garage (likely his father) showed me a rifle to assure that we are to be pointing to Orion, it's notable that my teen-age buddy, Mr. Kepke, had a Ukrainian father so that Kepke's can be traced well with Keeps to "Kiev." As Riffle's almost have the Kepke Coat, we can perhaps glean that the Budini of Kiev had been a branch of the namers of Boeotia. The Goats in the Riffle and Kepke Coats were first found in Nottinghamshire with Pinters/Pinders.

The Boet-branch Buttons/BUDINs were even first found in Hampshire with Keppe's/Cheppe's while Chappes'/Cheaps (same place as Scottish Bauds) were highly likely a branch of French Chappes', first found in the same place as French Levi's. French Bauds, with almost have the Kepke Coat, love the Rams (Pinter/Pinder colors and format), first found in Essex with English Marks. German Marks can be traced with Fauci's and Tromps to Doria's, and it was the latter who married a branch of the Arduinici of IVREA upon the BAUTica river. Yvery was home to Leavells, and Laevi Gauls were at Novara too, not far from Ivrea.

I can't find a rail-like surname so that "banister" must be in play. I stained the banister and spindles after stripping them bare, and while German Bare's/Barrs show only hunting horns, Stains were first found in Middlesex with Horns/Orne's and English Bruns.

The Nairi-like Neuri were on the Bug river (Ukraine), and Bugs share water BOUGets (different colors) with Scottish Rose's, Bernice's, Banisters and Kitchens.

Herodotus said that Neuri became wolves once annually (suggesting worship of the wolf, symbol of mythical Leto/Latona and her children), and Neuri-like Norrys, with a wolf head, were first found in Aberdeenshire with Beans/Bains. The latter probably trace to remnant of the Biaini in the family circle of Tigranes VI, and Teague's/Teegers have another wolf head in Crest. Teague's/Teegers, Norrys, and Herods/Haralds (and Lure's) were all septs of McLeods. Norrys share the fesse of Rusa-trackable Rush's, first found in Suffolk with Tigers. The Teague wolf is BROWN, as is the one of Van-branch Fiens/Finis'. Teague's were first found in Galway with Brown-connectable Kennys.

Latona-like Lazona was a location of the Lazi of Colchis, and while the Bats were to their immediate south, Bugs have a bat in Crest. Lazi were at the mouth of the GLAUCus river having Leda-connectable Tyndaris. Leda was probably myth-play on "Leto." Nairns translate their motto with "Late" while Late's, first found in GLOUCestershire, are also Lets. The latter are in the motto of Glauc-like GlasGOWs along with Lords/LAUDs, and while Glass' were first found in Budini-suspect Bute, Gows/McGoo's may have been a Gough / Googe branch. Gog was at lake Sevan. The Trips/Treffs who trace to Budini with their boot symbol (no longer showing) were first found in Hamburg with German Bugs.

Lords/Lauds were first found in Suffolk with Tigers, and we saw Norry kin linkable to Tiger elements. Norths share the fleur-de-lys of Plows while Pillows were a branch of Pilate's/Pilotte's who in turn share the pheons of Lords/Lauds. Pillow-branch Pellets were first found in Sussex with Norths.

It just so happens Lords/Lauds share the cinquefoils of French Pine's, begging why Laud liners are a part of little Pino's pointer to Orion of Boeotia / Tanagra. Tankerville's of TANERdevilla have white cinquefoils too, and Spanish Pino's share pine cones with Tans/Tanners and Maschi's. The latter share the North lion, which is also the one of the Voirs/Voyers of Vannes. Voyer-like Boyers have a "CONTENTment" motto term while a pine tree is used by Constance's/Contens'/Contants.

"Constant" is in the motto of Scottish Rose's, first found in Nairnshire with the Rats/Raids suspect in the "ratione" motto term of English Constance's. These Rose's share the water bougets of Scottish Ralphs/Rolphs (Nairnshire) while English Roffs/Rolphs were first found in Norfolk with Orions/Irons while Pino's father showed me his hunting rifle while Riffle's are listed with Roof-like Riffs. We can add that Reefs are listed with German Rice's/Rise's while English Rise's and Risings/Risons were first found in Norfolk too, suggesting a Roof-Rise merger. Norfolk is where the Pilgrims were first found in the "pilgrim's staves" of Rice's/Rise's.

Recalling the BAUMgartner tree, Rice's/Rise's (Bohemia of the Boiotia-like Boii) have an "oak tree" while Rose's have the True variation of Tree's in their motto, "Constant and true."

I wonder if you'd like to tackle the reason that Norths share both the lion of Cancer-like Chaunceurs and the triple fleur of Crabs? What might Norths (same place as Bone's) and their Nordi/NarBONNE branch have to do with Apophis landing in 2029? English Bone's (probably have the North and Nordi/Narbonne lion) were a branch of Bunny-like Bunns. While Plows were first found in Shropshire with DOL Alans (and Bats), and while English Dole's (Cambridgeshire with Crabs) share the Crab and Plow fleur, French Bone's have a DOLphin.

"Biaini" is thought to have morphed to "Van," but then the Pan cult was at Banias/Panias of Phoenicia, and I think "Panias" morphed to "Phoenicia," which can explain the phoenix of Phoenix's/Fenwicks and Knee's/NEE's, the latter being in the motto of Fiens/Vans/Phone's. The Fine variation of Fiens/Finis' might perhaps have formed the Pine's, and then Pino's/Pinto's share the crescent of Chapmans, the latter first found in Cambridgeshire with "chaplet"-using and Nee-like News who in turn look like they have the Chapman chevron in Crest.

Cambridgeshire is also where Pont-branch Ponders were first found, who are in the Chapman motto. I trace Ness'/Nice's and VANNES'/Ness' to queen Nysa of the Pontus (beside Armenia). And the latter two surnames share the Coat of Pine-like Bine's. Nysa's daughter, Nysa, was queen of neighboring CAPPadocia. Spanish Pinto's use pine cones, and Cone's were first found in Kent with Fiens/Fine's/Finis' (Ban/Baun colors and format). Banisters share the fleur-de-lys of Irish Conans. Feins/Finns were first found in Burgundy with the Cressents expected in the crescents of French Pine's. Feins/Finns and Finchems share the triple fesses of Beaks who in turn share the leopard face of Urine's/Hurins, and Beach's were first found in Hertfordshire with Finch's and Nuse's/Newes'.

Fiens/Vans share gauntlets with Maceys/Mace's, and Moschi-like Maschi's (near Fano) use cones while Masci's were first found in Piedmont with Cone-like Cuneo province. Chivasso is also in Piedmont with Novara of the Laevi, and thus Levite blood from Caiaphas is suspect through Chivasso. Sassy pointed to Chattan elements, which included Beans/Bains, and while Chives' use a cat, it shows as the Mosca leopard.

The Masci wings are "CONjoined," and while Cone's share the Conte/Comitissa antlers, French Conte's/Comites share the crescent of Sassys, which is on a bend looking slightly connectable to the Masci bend, for Sassys place besants on their bend while Tailbois-related Meschins (Shropshire with TALbots) were rulers of the Bessin, a location related to Thals. Meschins descended from Emma of CONTEville.

Recall now the Joyce's/Joys (Glamorganshire with Cattan-connectable Tillers) sharing the double-headed eagle of Spoke's in the Coat of Spindle's, for I re-finished the spindles of the woman who gave Sassy to me, and my mother's mother was a Masci by birth. The "conJOINed" wings of Masci's should be for Joiners/JOYners/JUNors because they are in the colors and near-format of Mackays. JUNE's share the Conan fleur-de-lys. Mackays share the dagger with Banes' (Kent with Cone's) and Beans/Bains, and German Daggers/Decks share the Massey/Maceys fleur-de-lys. French Banes' share the Muschat Coat while Muscats/Musks were first found in Cambridgeshire with Jeune's.

Beans/Bains were first found in Aberdeenshire with the Cups in the Joiner Coat, with SCHIMs, and with the Conns (Meschin colors and format). But it's also where Leslie's (and Chives') were first found who have a bend-with-BUCKles in the colors and format of the bend-with-fleur of Masci's, and in the colors and format of the bend-with-besants of BUCKING(hams) too while the latter look very connectable to the Sassy/Saucer Coat. Shakle's (same place as Shake's/Shakerleys) use "lozenge buckles."

What Buck-like entity might have been migrating across Europe with Shechemites of Schimatari? Buckets/Bockets were first found in Lincolnshire with Bus-connectable Pockets/Pouchers while Bus' were first found in Norfolk with Bucks. Lincolnshire is where TANKERville's (share Bus / Portis/Porcher cinquefoil) were first found, and Schimatari is at TANAGRa.

French Malo's/Mallets use buckles while Buckle's were first found in Suffolk with English Mallets, beside the Bucks (Norfolk with Cetins/Cattans Rands/Rance's). I'm guessing that the lion of Beans/Bains is the one of Rands/Rance's, Buckings and German Bucks because St. Malo is at the Rance river. Plus, Cone's were first found in Kent with English Rothes' and Masons/Massins while Leslie's were earls of Rothes at Moray while Masons/Massins share the Moray mermaid. Mackays were at Moray. There's a Buckie location near the mouth of the Spey river that flows at Rothes, not far from the first-known Leslie's.

Masci's are suspect in the family of Alice of Saluzzo (in Cuneo) who married the FitzAlans of Arundel, named after an Orion-like Arun location. Orion of Tanagra is likely to Tankerville's, first found in Lincolnshire with Arundel-beloved Swallows. Arundels (Sussex with Arun, BOUNDs/Bone's and Deins) have an "hirunDINE" motto term while the Dives variation of Dine's can get us to the Dives river of ORNE. English Dives' look like they use a red-Shield version of the Meschin Coat, and the dancette-fesse of Dives' can get us to Italian Dance's, first found in Piedmont. English Dance's share the Alan and Rundel fesse. Shakle's share the fesse of Rundels, expected where Shake's are from Orion elements of Schimatari.

When previously on the Homeward-Bound cat, I looked up the HUMphreys with a "L'homme" motto term. Their "vrai" motto term, and their HumFREY variation, can get us to VARathane because I re-finished the banister with that product after staining it. Stains were first found in Middlesex with Horns/Orne's and Fears/Fiers. Vrey-like Vareys were first found in Norfolk with Orions/Irons. While Humphreys have a "pays" variation, the Pee's/Peacocks list PAYcocks. Vairs/Vere's were first found in Essex with Fear-loving Pee's/Peacocks, and with Freys'/Phreeze's who in turn share a green Shield with Mole-loving and Schim-connectable Shake's while Mole's were first found in Roxburghshire with Scottish Vere's/Weirs.

Varathane allows us to take a peak at the Thane's: "One of the earliest records of the family was Philip de Thaun (fl. 1120), the Anglo-Norman writer who probably belonged to a Norman family of Thaun or Than, near CAEN, but had come to England, perhaps with his uncle HUNFREI de Thaun." There could be the root of the Humphreys/Humfreys. Thane's are in Hun colors, and in Horn/Orne colors and format. Caen is at the Orne river. "Than" is in the motto of Ayers, first found in Ayrshire with "SHAKEfork" Cunninghams. Sassys/Saucers have been gleaned as a Shake branch.

I brushed the varathane onto the banister, and Brush's share the "FiuMUS" motto of Were's/Wears, first found in Devon with Ware's, Wearings/Warings and Sassys/Saucers.

Humphreys have an otter in Crest while Otters/Others were first found in Huntingdonshire. The Others/Otter crescents are shared by Kenns (Devon with Sassys) while Orions/Irons are also KENirons. The Veneti-connectable Windsors (share GORE crosslets) were descended from Others/Others (in-code with Uther Pendragon, father of king Arthur, son also of GORlois' wife), and so we can glean that otter-using Fenders/Venders (Huntingdonshire) were a Windsor line. King Arthur's wife was made "GUINEvere," suspect with a Gwened province, also called "Vannes" of the Brittany Veneti. Thus, it seems that the line of Orion developed Hunter- and Hunt-like surnames to go with his hunter symbol. Note "GuineVERE," for Guine's/Quinns share the horse (almost) of Freys and Freys'/Phreeze's. Vreys are listed with German Freys.

The Guinns / Winns/Gwyne's may have been play from a Joiner/Joyner/Junor/Ginners (share Fender/Vender sword) variation while June's/Jungs can get us to the Junks sharing the Coat of Homme's suspect in the Humfrey motto.

While Ada of Warenne/Varenne married Henry, earl of Huntingdon, Warrens (Sussex with Arun) share the checkered Shield of Wards. HomeWARD Bound.

Here's from my 1st update in may, 2022:

I was amazed yesterday as I recalled being in the basement of the lady whose banister I was refinishing. I often reflected on that event, but had nothing to say, and so thought that it was not part of God's pointers. I can remember nothing clearly in that basement aside from her husband showing me the sump PUMP.

...To help prove that God is in the sump-pump event where the lady gave me Sassy, the Pumps are listed with Pape's/Pope's, first found in CAIThness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's what I realized yesterday, but it floors me even now, for I read an article on the Chatti of Germany having named CAITHness, and the Keiths'/Keaths are said to derive in a Catti tribe of Scotland! AMAZING. That's why I was shown the sump pump!

I have it recorded in my Heraldry-Changes page: "Pape's/Pope's from Caithness to Elgin in about 2022." That is, the Pumps are now said to be first found in Elginshire. I recall that Pumps/Pape's/Pope's were once said to be first found in Perthshire with the Hagars sharing the Kate/Katt/Katterbach hexagram.

I went on to talk about another sump-pump event in my basement as per a mouse stuck in a trap between the rock floor and a JOIST of the wood floor. The Joyce's were first found in Glamorganshire with Cattan-related Tillers. Pumps/Pape's/Pope's share the Warren checks, but Pumps/Pape's/Pope's also share the bend-with-checks of Wearings/Warings (Devon with Sassys).

We can take this to the Poppins/Pophams, first found in Hampshire with the Drake's in turn sharing the red vyVERN dragon in the Crest of Cliffords who in turn share the Warren / Ward Shield i.e. with Pump/Pape/Pope checks. Verne's share the Moray stars while Pumps/Pape's/Pope's of Elgin were at Moray.

The Rose's were first found beside Moray, and the pee-on-Pino event was at RoseCLIFFe avenue while the Sassy-banister event can link to the Rose water bouget (black like the banister bouget). It seems as though that address is a pointer to Cliffords, for the owner of the house on that street was Pepin, and Pepins/Pepys can trace to Pope-like Apophis, a king of the Hyksos whom I trace to Mus of Lake Van. It's where Sassy is pointing while Pino is pointing to the ORONtids of Armenia.

The Nairi of Lake Van and the Neuri of the bouget-like Bug river are suspect to Nairnshire, where Rose's were first found, and Nairns share the "chaplet" with SAXons while Sassys/Saucers have the Saci's in their write-up. Saxons were once said to be first found in Lancashire with Banisters, Shake's, Shakle's, and Suchs. Shakle's, in POPOLI colors, use a "POPLar tree." Saxe's use partridges while Partridge's share the Pepoli Shield.


Canadian news shows are typically vague because they begin talking about an issue as though the viewers already know the details, and because the news hosts are shy to come right out and spell out the issue. Like in the video below...where the RCMP spokesman, a piece of trash, is trying to make it appear possibly illegal for the Parliament to obtain incriminating documents against the Liberal Party...because the RCMP obviously wants the Liberals to escape arrests for the criminality of stealing billions of dollars of tax money:

How can it be illegal for Parliament to vote to obtain government documents? Baloney. The RCMP is a corrupt organization, and we want to know how much money the Liberals paid the RCMP and its leadership to keep its mouth shut and remain inactive. Under the suspicious circumstances, the RCMP should itself be "requesting" these documents in an official capacity. The fact that it's not is a dead give-away that it wants to protect the criminals.

If you would like to buy a farm for tribulation self-reliance:

The lady above says you need 1/8th acre to "grow all the food your family could ever eat." That's a very big stretch. To play it safe, aim for 1/2 acre per person, depending on the soil quality and climate. If it's good soil and good climate, 1/4 acre can get you at least $3,000 worth of vegetables, as per canadian retail prices. Add a few egg- and meat-producing chickens to that land, and you're doing good. I say a family of five should buy five acres if affordable, just to play it safe, which would be super if you had one acre of trees 30 feet or higher (for firewood).

My full 1/16th acre in cold climate gets about $700 (per season), so that 1/4 acre in warmer areas should easily get better than $3,000. Dry everything you can't eat fresh. Work hard in the first year of the 1260 days, save as much as you can. See if you can buy a parcel from an aging farmer. If he's a Bible-believing Christian, you might just get a piece severed for yourself. We need to convert farmers and ranchers to the post-tribulation view. Fast.

At this time, my full grocery bill (me alone) is not more than $3,600 annually, and that's by buying cheap with little meats where groceries have gone way up under trudeau. You can see that, if you can grow $3,000 annually per person, you should be safe, though you probably won't be happy with veggies alone.

I've just ordered a cheap food-dehydrating machine, the 6-tray Cosori machine. I'm going to check out how good or bad it does. I'm probably going to buy a quarter cow soon just because I don't trust store-bought meat.

The experts had suggested many years ago that we shouldn't add salt to foods, and then food makers stopped adding as much salt to their products, and now you may be salt-deficient. So, see this short video:


Here's all four Gospels wrapped into one story.

For Some Prophetic Proof for Jesus as the Predicted Son of God.
Also, you might like this related video:

Pre-Tribulation Preparation for a Post-Tribulation Rapture