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October 15 - 21, 2024

New Crutch Dream
The Philips' were from the Herods of Boethus
Governor Felix of Judaea to the Felix family in Picenze

Hall of Names is once again showing the descriptions of the Coats of Arms presented at House of Names.

Heraldry in the last update focused on Armenians lines from Tigranes VI, a Maccabee and Herod king of Armenia in the time of emperor Nero. Also in the last update, the Ardiaei Illyrians were shown traced to Ardahan of Armenia, and to the Vardanes family. I put it like this:

There was, during the reign of the Maccabee, Tigranes VI of Armenia, a Persian or Parthian ruler in Media, VARDanes II, and, by the way, Persian elements could have formed "Pharisee." Just imagine a Maccabee in marriage to the Persian. Vardanes ruled at Media, and the Arthurs of Clapton married the Meads (!) and the Hicks! It's online that Juliana Arthur married Mr. Hicks; they shared "CLARions" for a symbol. Meads and Arthurs share the pelican. Mead-branch Meadows were first found in Suffolk with Tigran-like Tigers (!), Ardons and Clare's. MEDleys (Shropshire with Ros-Alan trackable Alans) have a tiger.

I was not familiar with Vardanes, but I've known for years, from this map, that the Ardiaei Illyrians are also called, VARDaei. Wikipedia has them living on the Naro river, which is shown on the map with the city of Nairn-like Narona upon it.

The Vardanes family thus tends to confirm my claim that, when Ardiaei disappeared from Illyricum, they ended up in the royal Galatian family of king Amyntes, in the name of his heir and son, ArtemiDORos. Not only did the Arduinici (Italy) marry the Doria's, but Wikipedia places the Daorsi on the Naro river along with the Ardiaei.

Load Doria's now, which loads on another tab, in order to load other surnames so that you can follow better.

Quadratus, a descendants of Amyntes, married a descendant of Tigranes VI. Quadratus was a "Legate of Judaea, Consul of Rome, Proconsol of Asia." The priests of Israel generally lived in Judaea, and Quadratus' son-in-law was LAEVIllus, suspect from the Laevi Gauls of Italy, smack where the Arduinici lived (Ivrea and Oneglia). As it's known that Gauls founded and named Galatia (around 250 BC), I suspect that the Laevi Gauls were part of the Artemidoros line.

Gaius Julius Severus of AKMONia, either Artemidoros' son or grandson, was the grandfather of Quadratus above, and that location looks like it named the Hasmonean of Israel, father of the five Maccabee brothers. They lived in Israel's Modi'in, which I suspect named Modena, near Ferrara. The Boii of Modena are suspect in naming, "MaccaBAEUS." Later, somebody wrongly derived "Maccabaeus" in "hammer."

The Maceys/Mace's, using a "mace," were a branch of Masseys/Maceys, and the Maezaei Illyrians lived on the Oeneus river while mythical Oeneus was made the father of the real city of Methoni/Modon, and that looks like it was named by people in Modi'in long before the Maccabees showed up there. Methoni is in Messenia, and Wikipedia says that Messenia named Messina in Sicily, perfect because Messina's share the sinister bend of Massey-branch Masci's. So, it appears that Maccabees had been named from the Maezaei Illyrians, whose Oeneus river was not far from the Boii of Pannonia. The Masci fleur-de-lys are used by Pane's/Panico's, first found in Bologna, a Boii city between Modena and Ferrara.

I had found one family tree telling that the Bassus surname of Quadratus above was also, "Bassianus." Julius Bassianus (less than a century after Quadratus) was stationed in Dalmatia, which includes the Naro river, and one of his daughters was Julia MAESa Bassianus. Thus, she looks like she married Maccabee stock. Or, perhaps, the Maesa name was a part of her ancestry, which can explain why one Bass/Bassen surname was related to the Mascal Coat, but then Mascals were first found in Sussex with the Sadducee-like Saddocks who have the Bass/Bassen escutcheon, in colors reversed from the Mascal escutcheon. Bass'/Bassens were first found in Haddingtonshire (may have included Musselburgh) with the Keiths/Mascals.

We can even go to the Base's/Baise's (Lincolnshire with Mussels/Muscels) because they share the Coat of Gernons while Ranulph de Gernon was a son of Ranulph le Meschin. Base's/Baise's were first found in Lincolnshire with the Armenia-like Armine's who share the Base/Baise lion, and so we can expect the Base's to have been from Tigranes V or VI Maccabee.

Tigranes V was the son of Glaphyra ARCHelaus, and she had been married also to Herod Archelaus. The Arthurs have an ARCHibure variation, and Arch's/Arks were first found in Berkshire with Modena-like Modens/Modeys...suspect from Modane on the Arc river i.e. Modena / Modi'in elements are suspect in naming Modane. The Arc is a tributary of the Isere river, and Augustus Caesar (ruled during the reign of Tigranes V) banished Herod Archelaus to Vienne-Isere. See that? "Isere" looks like "Israel."

Meschins were first found in Shropshire with Dol Alans, and the Alans of Okehampton married Masseys of FERTE-Mace. This would be a good place to add that Vardanes- / Vardaei-like Vardys were barons of La Ferte. That place could have been an alternative name of Ferte-Mace. The latter is on off the Orne river into the Bessin, and Meschins had ruled the Bessin.

Orne's are also Horns while Base's/Bassens use two hunting horns in the colors and format of the two lions of Jewish Levi's while the latter's Coat is a different-colors version of the Base/Baise / Gernon Coat. Thus, the Levi surname looks like it descends from the Laevi Galatians. Somebody knew, and probably still knows, who the Laevi were in Galatia, but apparently nobody's talking. The father of Amyntes was a high priest of Cybele, and that title may have been passed on to Amyntes. Out of that Cybele cult could have been appointed, by the Romans, the high priests of Jerusalem. See that?

The line of BROGITarus, father of Amyntes, is to the Bocci's/Brocato's, first found in Genoa with the Doria's, and sharing "wheat" with Scottish CHAPPES'/Cheaps. Bocci's/Brocato's called their symbol "wheat stalks FANNed gold," and then Fane's/Vans share the gauntlet with Maceys/Macys. Fano is near the first-known Maschi's if Rimini, and the latter is near Ferrara.

Cybele-like Cabyle was a location in Thrace, and Capelli's were first found in Ferrara with Clare-like Claro's/Charo'. See that? "Charo" is a motto term of English Josephs, and Joseph CAIAPHAS (like "Chappes") became the high priest under whom Jesus was murdered. Capelli's share the "chapeau" with Boet-branch Buttons/Budins, and Sadducees had a BOETHus branch. Buttons/Bidens use "horns" with their chapeau. English Josephs (Hampshire with CAPLans) share the double fesses of Capelli-like Chaplains, and so we've just made the trace of what looks like Joseph Caiaphas to Claro's/Charo's of Ferrara.

I trace hunting horns to the mythical hunter, Orion, of BOEOTia, which was also Boiotia, the possible line to the Boii of Modena. I think we should be looking for the real-world entity, that named Orion, in the Modena theater. The last update got Orion looking like he represented the Orontid dynasty of Parthians / Persians, meaning that Orontids may have supplied the Pharisees that I see in naming neighboring Ferrara.

Quadratus Bassus ruled after Titus destroyed Jerusalem in 70 AD, at which time I suspect that the Pharisees escaped to Ferrara, which got re-named after them. I had found an article telling that proto-Ferrara was "Forum Allieni," and I strongly suspected that the Alan Huns had given the city that name. As per "ARTEMidoros," Artems/Aitons were first found in Berwickshire with Arthurs (share Clare chevron), and Eitons were first found in Shropshire with the Dol Alans. Plus, while the Naro river is also the Neretva, Nerets were first found in Dol.

The Arthur and Hicks "claRIONs" must have been code also for the Rions/Riolle's, for they are in Arthur colors and format, and in Hicks colors and near-format. The "all in" phrase of the English-version Hicks (Alan fesse in colors reversed) motto looks like clever code for the Allin variation of Alans. Rions were first found in Poitou of the Pictones, and the Pyxites river was at the Ardahan theater.

Payne Roet was descended from a Riolle-like family, and Scottish Roets (Rollo boar heads in colors reversed) were first found in Somerset with the Ducks sharing the Rion/Riolle stars. The Duck lion heads are in the colors of the two lions of Duce's (Staffordshire with Hicksons), and the latter (Duce's) have the Base/Bassen / Gernon Coat in colors reversed. The Roet boar heads are shared with Gords/GORDANs (Berwickshire with Arthurs and Artems/Aitons), and Gordano is in Somerset smack beside Clapton. The Hicks of Clapton married Juliana Arthur, and the Bassus / Bassianus bloodline was stacked with Julians and Julia's. Artems/Aitons look like kin of Roet-connectable Rhodes' and Baths (Somerset).

Plus, while crossing the Bocci's/Brocato's, the Books/Bocks (Berwickshire) in the "book" of Roets had come to mind. Alan-line Stewarts share the motto of Brocato-like Brocks, and while English Stewarts (Devon with Darts/Dards) share the lion of dart-loving Brocks, the Stewart checks are shared with Houstons (Renfrewshire with Roet-related Spears and GLASgow) who in turn share the "HOURglass" with Books/Bocks, suspect in the "heure" motto term of Hicks'.

The Hicks motto is, "All in good time," and the Edomite Time's/Timms were first found in Kent with English Goods and Alan-related Rundels/Roundels. Brocks, highly suspect from Brogitarus, were first found in Essex with Rounds. Why might French Rundle's and Rundels/Roundels use "LEAVES," do you think?

The sword of Rundle's/Roundels is said to have a "red GRIP", and here we can add that Red-branch Scottish Reeds (share Book/Bock and Dole stag head) have another "book." The Leslie's, earls of Rothes after marriage with Spear-connectable Pollocks, use a "GRIP fast" motto while Gripps/Grape's look like "Agrippa." I trace Bernice Herod Agrippa to BERNICia, now Berwickshire, where Arthurs, Books/Bocks and TEETs/Tate's were first found while Teeters use "grapes." Why do Irish Arthurs (love the Ermine's/Armine's) use roundels called Herod-like "hurts"?

Dol is near the Rance river, and while Rance's are listed with Rands, Randle's have the triple lions of Rance-like Raines' (Essex with Brocks). The "extra" motto term of Randle's can be for a ruling family in Exeter, in Devon with the first-known English Stewarts (share Brock lion). Exeters/Exters use "church BELLs". The "numerRUM" motto term of Randle's takes us to Rums/Rome's, first found in Dumfries with Bells, and with the Leggs/Legges' suspect in the "leges" motto term of Raines'. Bell-branch Bellamys (Shropshire) were Alan kin.

Though the Exeter/Exter description mentions only the arms, they are shown holding scimitars for a trace to mythical Orion at Schimatari. A scimitar is with Irish Kennedys while Scottish Kennedys are in the colors and format of Exeters/Exters (Devon with Kenns). The Kennati priests of Ajax were in Cetis/Citis while "plaCIT" is a Rum/Rome motto term. As Place's (Norfolk with Cupids/Cubits) use an ARM holding a battle-axe, as well as sharing the Army/Armine lion, I've got to mention that the two scimitars of Exeters are in the Cupid/Cubit Crest as "battling scimitars". The Battle's (Place colors) share the giant griffin of Caiaphas-like Chaffs who in turn share the Chief-Shield colors of Capes'.

The Biaini of Armenia were at Lake Van, and while Vans were a branch of Venns, French Biens/BienVENu's use battle-axes too. The axes are often code for lines from the Axius river of the Paeoni, and Phoenix's are also Fenwicks. Paeoni are the line of Payens/Paions, and Hugh de Payens, the first Templar grandmaster of the Jerusalem royals (12th century), married Elizabeth Chappes.

Place-like Placks/Plocks share the martlet of French Josephs, pelican-using Pullys, and Meads. You should be able to find the article telling that Arthurs of Clapton married Meads. Both share the pelican while Pellicans were first found in Maine with French Josephs.

The blue wolf (in Bruce colors) in the Arms of Placentia (no longer shown by its Wikipedia article) is in the Randle Crest, and "PLACit" is a motto term of Rums/Rome's. As the latter were at ANNANdale (home of Bruce's), I trace Rums/Rome's to the ANANes Gauls at Placentia. Joseph Caiaphas married the daughter of the high priest of Jerusalem, ANANus. Bruce's use the lion in the Arms of Brescia/Brixia, beside Placentia, both in the colors of the giant lion head of Cupids/Cubits.

I found the Bocci variation of Brocato's when telling the story that a man invited me to a bocci-ball game in L'Aquila. I was staying at his home while on vacation, in Piacenza-like Picenze, where my mother was born and raised. As his wife was Josepina, I began to see that the line of Joseph Caiaphas was in Picenze. English Josephs were first found in Hampshire with Joseph-connectable Flys and Drake's, and the latter use an "Aquila" motto term but also a "fly" motto term in their English-version motto. Flys have the French Joseph martlet in colors reversed.

During the bocci-ball game, I repeatedly asked him, "can we go now," and he repeatedly answered, "in a minute, in a minute." The Minute's/Mynetts (Kent with Drake-like Dragons) were from "Amyntes," son of Brocato-like Brogitarus. Therefore, I say that God set me up with that bocci-ball game so that I could know these traces, making me think that Joseph Caiaphas descended from the Brogitarus Galatians. Amyntes conquered Derbe while Froggits of Derbyshire look like "Brogit." Derbyshire is where Dwights were first found who share the tiger of Ditts while Diems/Dittmayers are in the Teague/Teeger motto. The Amyntes line married the Tigranes line, and Tigranes' wife was Galatian, same as Amyntes.

Amyntes-like Munts' (Kennedy-like Kent with Minute's/Mynetts) share peacocks with Hare-branch Harcourts (Oxfordshire with Bee's), and while Scottish Hare's were first found in Ayrshire with Kennedys, the latter are in the colors and format of Bee-loving Minds/Munds, first found in Shropshire with tiger-loving Medleys. Mead-branch Meadows were first found in Suffolk with Tigers.

Teague's/Teegers list Caige's while Cage's look related to the Coat of Mitanni-like Mittens/Muttons. The latter's ram can indicate that some heraldic rams are code for Aram, which I think overlapped the Mitanni kingdom, with Aram-like Armenia to their north side. It makes a lot of sense to me to trace the Laevi Gauls to some Mitanni family because the latter were on the Habur river of Hebrews, and it just so happens that two of the Habur/Haber quadrants-with-lions are essentially the ones of Seconds/Segurs in the Levi motto! That's new for me, and German Seagars even share the giant eagle of Mittens/Muttons! English Seagars use what amounts to the Hermes caduceus, ancient code for Cadusii Armenians.

Haber-like Ebers share the black boar with the Bedins/Bedows (Shropshire with Bats) who in turn share the quadrants-with-lions of Habers and Seconds/Segurs.

Ahh, Hebers/Hayburghs look related to the Coat of Mittens/Muttons (Yorkshire with Hebers/Haybrughs). The bottom half of the Heber/Hayburgh lion is the Habur / Second / Bedin lion.

Medes of Media were in mythical Medea of Colchis, beside Armenia, and her father, Aeetes, was play on mythical Attis of Phrygia, home of Severus, great-grandson of Amyntes above. Meads were early in Somerset with Severs. Severus' wife is suspect as Miss Bassus, for Severus' son was Mr. Bassus. PHASIS is in Colchis, also called Poti, and English Pots and Potters were first found in Hampshire with BASINGstoke. Potters are in the colors and format of Dragons/Drainers (Kent with Amyntes liners) who in turn have the Minute/Mynett HELMets in colors reversed. English helms were first found in Surrey with English Hare's (share double Harcourt fesses), and English Pots share the double fesses of Scottish Hare's.

Phasis-like Pasi's can be traced to Paisleys/Pasleys while English Pasleys were first found in Berkshire with the Beetle's in the "beetles" of German Stocks. BasingSTOKE. English Stocks, with an ERMINEd lion, have a "Fortis" motto term while Beetle's use a "fort." Beets (Midlothian with Mens') were first found beside Base's/Bassens of Haddingtonshire. Mens' are in the motto of Poppins/Pophams, the latter first found at Basingstoke. Feasibly, Beet liners were from the Bats of Colchis. Bettle's are listed with Battleys/Batteleys.

The interesting thing here is that Orion the hunter is suspect in forming the Hunters/Hunts (share Baton saltire), first found in Shropshire with Bats (share Baton bat). Amazingly, French Batons/Bastons, with almost the Coat of Button/Budin-beloved CHAPeau's/Capote's, were first found in POITou. That looks Colchian. It's thus important that Capes'/Capets, first found in London with the Horns/Orne of Middlesex, share the Chief-Shield color combination of Chaffs, the latter first found in Dorset with Beautys/Bowds.

I've suspected that lines from Orion BOEOTians named the Hunters/Hunts, and then Hunting(don)s are even in Bettle/Batteley colors and format. The latter share plates with Mussels/Muscels while Musselburgh is at the Haddington theater. Bettys/Beatys use Muscel-like mascles, as do Quince's who built the Faucet castle. The Faucets had their castle a few miles from Musselburgh, and lozenge-using Fauci's can be linked to Grimaldi's who in turn almost use the Beetle lozengy.

Fauci's were first found in Genova with Doria's, and Dutch Tromps share the Doria eagle while sharing the Fauci Shield, tending to explain why Scottish Doors (Plate colors) and Rising-branch Restons (Lincolnshire with Messier's and Plate-loving Mussels/Muscels) share the same leopard FACEs, for Daorsi were at Rhizon too. Plate's have leopard faces too. The Cetina is beside the Daorsi of the Neretva, and the Cetins/Cattans were first found in Norfolk with the Catchers who in turn share the Plate scallops. This picture takes us from Keats (Norfolk) to Keiths/Mascals, first found in East Lothian with FAUCets. This is an example of how to play this game. Properly handling heraldry makes family historians look stupid when deriving the same surname stock in different dictionary terms.

Scottish Doors are in the colors and format of Plate-like Pilate's, the latter first found in Burgundy with Messeys/Messier's. The Neretva is near the ancient home of Maezaei. English Messier's were first found in Lincolnshire with Pilotte's, and with Antons sharing the Plate leopard face. Leopards were first found in Sussex with Pellets (share Pilotte Coat), and with English Rite/Wrights sharing the Door / Reston leopard face.

The point was, Doria's share the Basingstoke eagle while English Doors were first found in Herefordshire with Wafers and Wefers. The variations of the latter two tend to expose them as a branch of Ways/Weigh's (wavy bars) who in turn were first found in Dorset with Chaffs and Boet-branch Beautys. It just so happens that the English Batons/Bastons (Cornwall with Weigh-like Wace's and Watch's/WITCH's/Wage's) in the Way/Weigh Crest share the black bat of Bats. Batons/Bastons are in the colors and format of Walerans who in turn were related to Beautys. Mythical Medea of Colchis was a witch, and while Wace's are listed with proto-Washington Wassa's, Wassukanni was the capital of the Mitanni (14th century BC) on the south side of proto-Armenia.

Ways/Weigh's use their "lucies" (fish) "HAURIENt," and Lucys (Norfolk with Orions/Irons) use their "fish haurient" in Heron colors and format. French Barneys/Bernier's use a "fish" in the colors of the Way/Weigh lucies. Fish's use a wavy chevron. It's interesting that "wavy" can be pronounced, WAYvey.

Plus, Wafers essentially share the Bettle/Batteley Coat except that Wafers use their fesse wavy, and it's in the colors of the wavy fesse of Orion-connectable Ronnys/Runnings. Wafer-branch Wefers (Herefordshire with Wafers and Bernice-connectable Barneys/Bernais') share the eagles of Essex's, the latter first found in Middlesex with Horns/Orne's! Bettys/Beatys (mascles) were first found in Northumberland with Horn-branch Herons! The Wefer and Essex eagle is also the one of Italian Este's while "LuMEN coelESTE" is a motto phrase of Bettys/Beautys. That phrase is linkable to the motto of the Northumberland Stevensons while the other English Stevensons are in BARNstaple colors and format.

Therefore, Beets, Beetle's, Bettys, Bettle's/Batteleys, Beautys, Boets/Boys/Boeddu's and Battle's all look like they descended from Boeotian elements, and Battle's even share the giant griffin of Chaffs. I trace Caiaphas to Sheaves'/Chiava's (L'Aquila) sharing the blue key with Bettys/Beatys. Aquila's share the Italian Este Coat. Butts/Boets were a branch of Buttons/Budins, the latter first found in Hampshire with Basingstoke. I'm getting the impression that Budini of Ukraine, and Boeotians, were from the Bat Caucasians merging in neighboring Armenia with the Armeno>Boeotian line of mythical Cadmus.

Derbys use a "placueRIT" motto term. Scottish Rite's/Wrights share the checkered Stewart fesse, and were first found in Berwickshire with the Teets/Tate's suspect from Galatia's lake Tatta, near Derbe. Tatta was part of Cappadocia, and "Caiaphas" can be suspect from Cappadocia elements. Tooths were first found in London with Capes', and Tooths share the giant griffin of Lauders (Berwickshire with Tate's), half in the colors of the Chaff griffin.

Derbys use "garbs" that are often called, "wheat sheaves," and while Bocci's/Brocato's use "wheat," the Sheaves', with Caiaphas-like Chiava/Chiapponi variations, were first found in L'Aquila. Froggits have "cherries" while Cherrys/Charrys (Derbyshire) may have been of the Charo variation of Claro's in the Joseph motto, and/or of Castle Cary of Laevillus-line Leavells. The latter were first found in Somerset with the Severs sharing the Cherry/Charry annulet. Severs are from emperor Severus, husband of Domna Bassianus (sister of Julia Maesa), and possibly the descendant of emperor Valentinian.

We can even add that the Cherry/Charry ANNulet is in giant form with the Vita's in the Saffer motto. Vita's were first found in Tarvisium while Chiava-like Chives'/Shewas' were first found in Tarves. Saffers were first found in Devon with the Chives-related Hykes'/Hacks and Cheevers/Chivers, and then the Hyke's/Hake's and Higgs are in Cherry/Charry colors and format.

I think I've made the case that Cherrys were derived from the Leavell line at Castle Cary, but houseofnames, in typical simpleton-stupid fashion thinks the name was created as per: "PROBABLY used to indicate a landmark, such as a cherry tree,..." Probably? They take a wild stab, and probably? No, not probably, because nobles didn't name themselves after a tree species. Heraldry is from Crusader-based nobles and rulers, who got mixed up with lines from Jerusalem's priests, a good reason for their wanting to hide the facts.

Cherrys are said to be from BEAUval, and BEAUmonts of Meulan had married Waleran de Perceval of Leavell. The Arms of Meulan is shared with Vaux's/VALLibus', which can explain "BeauVAL" and "PerciVAL." It's suspect from Humphrey de Vieilles, a Harcourt Dane, ancestor of Beaumonts. The Shirts/Shards (Cheshire, beside Cherrys), ancestors to HARborough's, and sharing the peacock in Crest with Harcourts, almost use the Cherry Coat. The "inVIDia" motto term of Shirts/Shards can be for the Vido's sharing the Cherry annulet. The "Hostis" motto term of Shirts/Shards should be for both Hosts/Osts (Somerset with Castle Cary) and Tiss'/Teese's, the latter from the Tessin river of the Laevi Gauls. No, not probably from a cherry tree.

I trace Laevi Gauls to the line of Froggit-like Brogitarus, and Froggits loved the Cherrys. Froggs/FROCKs were early in Oxfordshire with Harcourts. Oxfordshire is where Amore's were first found who almost have the Leavell Coat, and them Amori's were first found in SARDinia, where I trace Shirts/Shards. "Frock" is in the write-up of Grimaldi's, first found in Genova with Bocci's/BROCATo's, and when I stayed at the home of Mr. Bocci Ball, it's because my mother, born Miss Grimaldi, put me there while she was vacationing in Picenze.

The Grimaldi lozengy is like the same-colored fretty of BROGdens/Brokedens. The latter share a red rose on a stem with Avezzano's, first found in Sardinia, and red roses are with Artems/AITONs while ArtemiDORos was the son and heir of Brogitarus. Eitons were first found in Shropshire with Froggs. See that? Avezzano is a location some 50 miles from Picenze.

The "cede" motto term of Amore's is like the Cetis-like Cedes surname (besants, traceable to Bassus'), and while Leavells were from Laevillus of Cetis, the Cetis/Sestier surname was first found in Provence with Lizarts/SARDE's who in turn almost have the Coat of English Lise's/Liss', first found in Hampshire with Tiss'/Teese's, tending to explain the "maLIS" motto term of Amore's. Lizarts/Sarde's have three of the double pale bars of Cedes', and the ARMstrongs sharing the Lizart/Sarde Coat have a "MANeo" motto term while Manets/Manae's are in the "manet" motto term of the Arms of L'Aquila because they share the eagle of L'Aquila, which is in the Doria Coat.

The double pale bars of Cedes' are in the colors of the double fesses of Parrs, first found in Lancashire with Cedes'. Parrs are from Pharnaces of the Pontus, a region whose rulers had ruled Cetis at times too. His wife, Nysa, is to the Ness'/Nessans and Nissans, the latter sharing the double Parr fesses.

The Cetina river is also the Tilurius of the Tillers, the latter first found in Glamorganshire with the Welsh Carne's while Carneys share the Pilate pheons. French Carne's almost have the Coat of Belgian Furness'; the latter are probably from "Pharnaces." Tillers apply Pilotte-connectable pellets to their lions, which are the Levi lions in colors reversed. Cetins/Cattans use Saracen heads while Saracen-branch Sharks use a Carne-like crane. Tile's/Tillys, from "Tilley near Caen," were first found in Dorset with Battle-related Chaffs, and the Tile/Tilly Crest is even a "battle-axe."

Crauns/Crane's were first found in Suffolk with Tunnels/Tunno's and Clare's while Saracens share the crescents of Tonbridge's. Clare's were at Tunbridge Wells, and German Wells/Wellers have the Welsh Carne Coat in half its colors. English Wellers (Sussex with Boards and Leopards) share the roses of Carys (Somerset with Boarders, Church's, and with Bath and Wells), and the greyhound head of Church's (Somerset with battle-axe Battins/Badens). The two-tailed lion of English Wells suggest the Tiller-branch and Leopard-loving Tails/Tailers.

Pelican-using Wells/Wellers (Westphalia with Nails/Nagle's) are in Pellican colors and format, and pelican-using Pullys/Pullens were first found in Yorkshire with Nagle-related Gale's who in turn share the Nail/Nagle saltire.

These Carne's use a "nest" filled with a pelican's "young," and while Nests are listed with Ness', Scottish Youngs share the three piles of Scottish Leavells. Again, it appears that Laevi Gauls got in with the line of Pharnaces and Nysa, only this time it's linkable to Laevillus of Cetis. The giant Carne pelican is in Battle / Chaff colors and format. English Pile's share the leopard face of Parr-like Peare's, and French Pile's share a Pilot variation with Pilate's. French Carne's share the cinquefoil of Ardens (Lancashire with Parrs).

Proposal for "Pharisee"

It would be interesting if heraldry could show evidence that Pontius Pilate was named from the Pontus family of PHARnaces, for one can then keep eyes on whether Pharisees were named after Pharnaces stock. For example, Pharnaces-like FurNESS', sharing the black border of Parrs (Lancashire with Furness'), share the black dog with Chaff-branch Chaffins. French Chappes' were first found in PARIS. Parrys, with one of the Parr fesses, share the Chaff lozenges. If that's not enough, the triple "battle-axes" in the Parry Crest tend to prove that Battle's and Chaffs share the same griffin for a related reason. And while Seats (Lancashire again) list Cetis-like Cedes', the Furness' use a "black dog seated."

Just when we propose that Pharnaces named Pharisees, we find his bloodline linking hard to Caiaphas-like Chaffs. Pear-using Parrots (Pembrokeshire with Strongbow Clare) even share the Chief-Shield combo of Chaffs and Capes'. Irish Clare's share the Caen Crest.

Chaffs via Cave's can be linked to Caens whose "PERImus" motto term, and whose Peare leopard face, can take us to Pierro's/Pero's, first found in Pavia, a city co-founded by the Laevi and Marici Gauls. French Mars/Mere's (once said to be first found in Burgundy with Pilate's) share the scallops of Pilate-like Plate's (Lancashire with Cave's, Parrs and Furness').

Perrys (Hampshire with Tessin-liner Tiss'/Teese's) use a "hind" while Parrys have the Hind Coat in colors reversed. Hine's, first found in Oxfordshire with Peare's, share the an eagle looking at the sun with Peartree's/Patria's while Pierro's/Pero's (Tessin river) are also Petri's and PERICHs, explaining why Hine's use their "eagle rising" "PERCHed."

In the "beak" of the Hine eagle is a "sprig of heath" while Heed-like Heaths ("EsPERE") share the Peare stars. Beaks were first found in Dorset with Chaffs. Work out the implications. Heeds/Heads were first found in Norfolk with Hine-beloved Risings/Risons, and with Saddock-beloved Rise's/Rye's. The Hine eagle is "gazing at the sun" while Rye-like Rays/Ree's have a "stag at a gaze proper."

French Rays share the Anchor and Anger esCARbuncle, and Buncle's were first found in Berwickshire with Battle's and Tate's/Teets/TAKE's while Peartree's/Patria's have "take CARE" in their English-version motto. Leavells were at Castle CARY, which put out the Carts (Somerset with Leavells, Carys and Look-connectable Church's) who in turn use the palm trees around the Tate/Teet saltire, and then Palmers share the courant greyhound in the Hine Chief. Black greyhound heads are with LOOKs/Lucks (Berwickshire) while the Peartree/Patria eagle is "looking at the sun."

I've suspected for years that proto-Laevi were in Boeotia with the Orion cult at TANAGRa, and TANKERville's were a branch of Tanks/Tancreds and TACKs. The latter's "nobiliTAS" motto term must be for the Tass' (Suffolk with Clare's) because the latter share red scallop with Tanks/Tancreds, and the latter's are in both colors of the Peartree/Patria scallops. In this picture, Tanagra > Tank > Tack > Teck elements could have named the Tessin/Ticino river. Tass', with the Arden cinquefoil, probably share the Clare / Arthur chevron, and Arthurs were first found in Berwickshire with Tate's/Teets/TAKE's.

Jesus criticized the long tassels of the priests, and so it appears that the house of Boethus created a Tassel surname from Tessin-river Laevi because Belgian Tassels almost share the Coat of Boet-branch Buttons/Budins (same place as Tiss'/Teese's and perch-using Botters/Bodins) while the latter almost have the Tiss/Teese Coat. English Tassels share the Coat of Teasels. While Tease's/Tess'/Tecks were first found in Switzerland with Berns, the latter share a black bear with Italian Tassi's/Tasselli's/Tasins, and then Leavell-related Percivals have black bear heads. Percivals are in the colors and format of English Billets, first found in Devon with black-bear Beers (and Berrys).

Pontus-liner Furness' use a "dog" while Dogs/Doags (Perthshire with Tase's/Taws') share the Tankerville and Billet cinquefoil. Teeters share grapes with German PLATE's while lake Tatta was beside the Pontus suspect with "Pontius" Pilate. The Suns in the Peartree Crest are listed with Clare-branch Sinclairs/SAINTs, and Peare's share the Tass / Clare chevron. The triple Clare chevrons are half in the colors of the same of Levi's. Peare's share the Leopard faces of Santers/SAINTers/Centers and Parsons (Norfolk with Orions/Iron), and while Irish Santers/Sanders use plates, German Sanders (share double Weller chevrons) share the upright red bull of Claro's/CHARo's. Wellers share the Cary roses, and the latter put the roses on a bend in the colors of the leopard-faces-on-bend of Care's. TAKE CARE. French Care's were first found in Burgundy with Pilate's.

As the Pierro/Pero Coat is almost the one of Butts/Bute's/BOETs, note the Peartree/Patria motto phrase, "BUT take care." Parsons were first found in Norfolk with red-bull Sabine's who in turn share the Tank/Tancred scallop. The Pellican-loving Pullys/Pullens (Yorkshire with Tanks/Tancreds and Pavers) have the same scallop. Pavers share the triple Chaff / Parry lozenges but call them "fusils" while Fusils (Dauphine with GALLeys and Galli's) share the Fauci / Nagle / Anger lozenges while Nagle's love the Gale's, first found in Yorkshire with English Galleys and Pavers.

The Latin version of the Peartree/Patria motto, "FIDE sed vide," is part-code for Fido's/FETTE's (Kincardineshire with Peartree's/Patria's) who share the Peare stars. Feets share the Coat of English Pavia's (Warwickshire with Pettys). Italian Pavia's have the Peartree/Patria, Tailbois, and Tank/Tancred scallop in colors reversed while Tailbois' were first found in Lincolnshire with Tankerville's and Fish's. Feets look related to the "fish" of Butts/Bute's/Boets.

Pierro's/Pero's were first found on the Tessin river of the Tess'/TECHs, and so I assume that the Take variation of Tate's/Teets indicates that Tessin elements merged with Tate's. English Tate's were first found in Suffolk with Tigranes- / Armenian-line Tigers while Arms/Armine's share the Chief-saltire combo of Tate's/Teets. Lake Tatta of the Heath-like Hatti is roughly on the south side of the Pontus. Heeds/Heads were a branch of Hats/Hades' (Dorset with Chaffs).

English Botters (Hampshire with Perrys) have an eagle on a "perch," and so it seems that the line of Pharnaces traces to Laevi at Pavia, suggesting that Laevi Galatians had married the line of Pharnaces. So far as I know, there were no Laevi-branch Galatians known to historians, but this is what I call them because Gauls founded Galatia. I assume that Laevi were part of the Galatian nation. The ancient Galli priests operated there, suspect by their castration symbol as Israelites, and Nagle's ("nightinGALE") were kin of Gale's, both looking related to the Hine fesse-with-anchors. Gale's were first found in Yorkshire with the Pierce- / Perich-like Percys who in turn share the Nagle lozenges.

Hine-like Hone's were not only first found in Hampshire too, with Anger-branch Hangers, but they share the double Parr fesses! Hine's use anchors while Anchors have a different-color version of the Anger Coat while Angers (Essex with Marici-like Marks) share the Nagle and Fauci lozenge. Hangers and Angers share the "escarBUNCLE" Fauci-related Tromps can take us to the stag head of Trumps/Tromps in the Peartree/Patria Coat.

French Lise's/Lys', expected from the Lissus location of the Chiava-like Cavii Illyrians, were first found in the same place as Levi's and Chappes'. Chiava's were first found in L'Aquila, seven miles or less from Picenze. Chivasso is near Leavell-connectable Ivrea, home of the Arduinici who married the Doria's. The latter were first found in Genova with Fauci's whose giant lozenge is half blue, the colors of the Chaff / Parry lozenge, and the other half of the Fauci lozenge is in both colors of the ones of Irish Nagle's, the family that named Oneglia, where Doria's lived with their Arduinici partners. The Nagle fesse can be code for Fessys/FACE's.

While Books/Bocks are in the motto of Somerset's Roets, German Bocks share the white and upright goat with Sever-like Cheevers/Chivers/CHILVERs. Saffers can be gleaned as Silver kin, and so Silvers were PROBABLY NOT named after silver coins. English Silvers (Lincolnshire with Armys/Armine's) share the Army/Armine lion, and while Tigranes of Armenia traces to Tigers, they were first found in Suffolk with Citis-like Kiddes' sharing the Bock goat. Kiddes' call them "goats SALIANt combattant," and while Battants/Battins were first found in Somerset with Severs, Salians/Salemans were a branch of Salmons suspect from Salome Boethus. Scottish Kidds (share Percy Crest) were first found in Dundee while Dundee's share the giant lily of Cetis'/Sestiers.

Salians Franks created part of the Merovingians, and Maruvium is in Abruzzo at the Avezzano theater. The Marsi of Maruvium were at FUCino, and Foggs with Figgs almost have the Frogg/Frock Coat. Fuggers/Fuggits (evokes Froggits) almost have the Coat of Nordic Hansons while English Hansons were first found in Yorkshire with English Mars who in turn share the STRANGE Coat. Severs were first found in Somerset with the STRONGs suspect in "ARMstrong."

Fuggers/Fuggits (Germany) have the vertically-split Shield of Fauci's, first found in Genova with Grimaldi's and Bocci's/Brocato's. I think we can add Foggs and Figgs to the list of Fauci branches, from "Fucino." Manet-like Monets/Monai's (Savoy, beside Fauch's) are in the colors and format of English Mountains, first found in Essex with the Motts (and Teasels) suspect in the "Immota manet" motto of L'Aquila. Grimaldi's of Genova were partnered with Fieschi, the Fauci bloodline, and Fiscs (Norfolk with PilGRIMs and Bags) share the Money Shield.

Salians/Salemans were at Caterham while Catters, first found in Berkshire with English Sheaves' (branch of Chiava's/Sheaves') use "salmon." Somerset is where Backs were first found, sharing the giant eagle with Strongs, yet the Backs have it in both colors of the giant Manet/Manai eagle. German Backs/BACHs have a "steer" while Steers (Surrey with Salians/Salemans) share "Tu ne cede" with the Amore motto. Welsh Bachs share the vaired fesse of Silvers and Saffers.

French Saffers (Cheever/Chiver colors) were first found in Burgundy with Rathes'/Ratels/Rateau's, perhaps from Erato, queen of Armenia. The Cavetts/Cheve's almost have the Rathes/Ratel/Rateau Coat. Rathes'/Ratels/Rateau's (Besancon/Basset colors) are said to have named Roet-like Routelle at BESANcon.

The Cevetta river at Cheve-like Ceva can take us to Cavetts/Cheve's, and the latter, along with Rathes/Ratels/Rateau's and Valentinian-line Valence's, almost have the Knighton Coat. Then, Knights and Nights/Naughts are of the namers of the Nith river along with Nitts/Naughts and Ratel-like Randle's.

You can find a Geddes-family article online telling that Geds, with a "DuRAT" motto term, were on the Nith from at least 400 AD, about the time of Valentinian I. Rats were first found in Nairnshire with Geddes'. While German Ritters/Riders have a "log", the Gettes' share the saltire of French Loge's, the latter first found in Burgundy with Rathes'/Ratels/Rateau's. While Erato ruled alongside king Tigranes, Tigers were first found in Suffolk with Lodge's/Loge's (perhaps share the lion of English Ritters/Rutters) and Knights.

Dure's suspect in "Durat" were first found in Perthshire with the Justine's, where Wings/Winks were once said to be first found, though the latter are now said to be first found in Worcestershire with the Valentin-beloved Squirrels/Square's, suspect in the square in the Arms of Placentia. It was the Randle's who are suspect with Placentia's blue wolf.

Perthshire is also where the Neuri-like Nairs/Nuirs/Neirs were first found who share the Rand/Rance/RYND lion while Rinds were first found in Perthshire too. The mirror with the mermaid in the Nair/Nuir/Neir Crest is code for Mire's/Mireux's, first found in Anjou with count Fulk III NERRA. "VulNERA" is a motto term of Skinners while Skins were a branch of Schims/Schiens who can in turn be traced well to Schimatari, and while the latter is at Tanagra, Tankerville's were first found in Lincolnshire with Skinners, and with Blacks while Blackys share the vaired chevron of Nero's/Neriti's. Scheins (not "Schien") have a Coat reflection of Fulke's, the latter first found in Norfolk with Orions/Irons.

Italian Fulks were first found in Tuscany with Nero's/Neriti's. While Nerets were first found in Dol with the proto-Stewarts, Scottish Stewarts share the checks of Italian Fulks. Note the FaulkNERs. The Prays in the Faulkner Crest were first found in Lincolnshire. The Faulkners share the motto of Craigs, the latter first found in Aberdeenshire with Skins and Schims/Schiens.

Craigs were first found in Aberdeenshire with the Five's/Fifys who in turn share the lion of Fife's, in the colors of the lion heads of Furnys/Fernys (Fife with Fife's). The Vivians suspect in the Craig motto share the Five/Fify chevron and Fife Chief-Shield colors. Furnys/Fernys share red lion heads with Farmers and Ferns/Farness', indicating that the latter three could be, along with Furness', from "Pharnaces." CURTUS Maccabee could have been ancestral to Tigranes of Armenia, and Curtis' happen to use a "farmer."

The double Ness/Nessan/Nice fesses are shared by Scottish Spence's, first found in Fife with Furnys/Fernys. Cords/McCOURTs (share Faulkner heart) were first found in Ayrshire with Craig-branch Craigie's and Carricks (same fesse as Cords/McCourts). The Cord/McCourt pheons are shared with Tipps'/Tippins, first found in Lancashire with Furness' and Parrs (share blue fesse with Furnys/Fernys).

Furnys/Fernys happen to share the fesse of French Paris'/Parez's, first found in Lorraine with a Parez region. The latter use "a GOLD apple with green LEAVES." Golds were first found in Suffolk with Tigers and Clare's while the latter were directly the creators of Crispins/Crepins, first found in Parez of Lorraine. English Crispins (Oxfordshire with Peare's) use "barry," suggesting that they were in the Bar-le-Duc area of Lorraine. King Rollo named his daughter, Crispina, and Rollo's use a "par" motto term. I assume that Clare's married the line of Crispina to form Crispins.

Rollo's use a "passe par" motto phrase while Passe's/Pascals, first found in Essex with Paris- and Pharisee-like Phreeze's/Freeze's/Freys', share the lion of Jewish Levi's. French Levi's (almost the Clare Coat) were first found in the Ile-de-France part of Paris. The Seconds in the Levi motto were first found in Limousin with Clairs. Seconds share the lion of Spanish Paris'.

The Chretiens in the Levi motto are also Crestiens while Cressents/Crests/Crets (Burgundy with Cressys), sharing the Levi lion too, may have been play off of "Crispina." Cressys are in the write-up of MARKhams, while English Marks, sharing the Second lion, can be from the partners of the Laevi in Pavia. English Marks were first found in Essex with Passe's/Pascals and Maple's (share Rollo and SPEAR boar head), and so the latter likely named Maplewood, where Markhams were first found. Maple's have a vertically-split in colors reversed from the same of German Marks and Fauci's, and while German Marks share the Doria eagle, the latter with Fauci's were first found in Genova with Segurana's while Seconds are listed with Segurs.

Markhams share the Furny/Ferny / Fern/Farness lion head, yet the latter has another lion head in the colors of the Second lion head.

Scottish Chappes' were first found in Stirlingshire with Nimo's/NewMARCH's who in turn share the crescents of March's and Phreeze-connectable FREYdays. Markhams were first found in Nottinghamshire, thought to be named by king Cnut, and the Cnuts/Nots should therefore be in the "not" motto term of Nimo's/Newmarch's.

March's were first found in Cambridgeshire with the Arniss' of Annas', and the latter were once said to be first found in Nottinghamshire with AINSleys who in turn have a Coat reflective of the March Coat. Caiaphas married the daughter of Annas. The March Crest is a "battle-axe," and Battle's share the giant Chaff griffin.

Archelaus Line of Armenians

There was a mythical Enarete, probably code for the namers of Neretva river because her husband, Aeolus, was the brother of Dorus (male), and then there was a Doris in mythology, wife of NEReus, who together formed the Neretva-like Nereids, suggesting the Daorsi on the Neretva river. At least from the first century, there was an earth goddess, Nerthus, worshipped by Lombards, Varni and other Nordics, and so, perhaps, the Neretva/Naro was named by Neuri of Ukraine because there was a mythical Nor, namer of Norway. Also, the Varni probably named the Varangian Rus of Kiev. Rus-line Rose's were first found in Nairnshire. Lombards named Lombardy, location of Pavia.

As Nerets were first found in Dol, note that Dols were first found in Mecklenburg, home of the Varni.

Randle's were likely, as were Rands/Rance's, from Ranulph le Meschin, ruler in Cheshire, where the Wolfs/Welfs and blue-wolf Wolfleys/Wooleys were first found. Randle's mention an early Randle of ARCLet of Cheshire. Rands/Rance's were first found in Norfolk with Orions/Irons and ARCHELLs. Archs/Arks are in Horn/Orne colors and format. Therefore, if Arun of the Arundels was named after the Orion line to Orne's, "Ranulph/Randolph" could have been named after the same. Ranulph de BriquesSART, father of le Meschin, was a ruler in the Bessen, on the Orne river. The Rance river is near Dol while Dols almost have the Coat of Swale's while Arundels use "swallows." Tailbois', from the Bessin as "Taillebois," were first found in Lincolnshire with Swallows.

We can then go to McABBE's of ARRAN because Horns/Orne's were first found in Middlesex, where Abbe-branch Apps'/Abbs were once said to be first found, now said to be first found in Huntingdonshire while Hunting(don)s, with hunting horns, share the fesse of Ronnys/Runnings. Abbe's (Huntingdon colors and format), first found in Angus with Tailbois-connectable Jardins, share the scallops of Meschin-related Tailbois' and Scale's, and the latter were first found in Hertfordshire with early Horns/Orne's. You can see here how Orion elements named Ranulph-like Ronnys/Runnings (Normandy with the Orne river), in Horn/Orne colors.

Mythical Orion of BOIOtia was at Tanagra, and Tankerville's (Tailbois colors) were first found in Lincolnshire with the TailBOIS' (married Ranulph le Meschin). Baiocasses of the Bessin are thought to have been from the Boii. There's a Boius area on this map at the end of the APSUS river, where Apps'/Abbs were from. Arnissa, a location not shown on the Genusus river (shown), beside the Apsus river, is probably to the Arniss variation of Annas', and thus the Sadducee house of Boethus can be named after the Boeotians suspect in naming Boius, especially as the Cavii were to the near-north of Arnissa (on this other map).

Back to BriquesSART, for Shirts/Shards share the peacock in Crest with Chaffs who in turn share the BRICK lozenges in their ERMINEd chief. ChafFINCH's can take us to Finchems, first found in Norfolk with Rands/Rance's/Rynds.

As Herod Archelaus got his surname in Cappadocia, we need to add that the Archells above share the Chief-Shield combination of Chaffs and Capes'. Chaffins/Chaffinch's share the black dog with Parr-related Furness', both from king Pharnaces of the Pontus, father of queen Nysa of neighboring Cappadocia. The latter's capital, Mazaca, was a Maccabee element of the Amazons. Maccabees provided Jerusalem's priests decades prior to the birth of Caiaphas. Ness'/Nice's, with the Parr Coat in half its colors, share the Button/Budin and Butt/BOET fesse. See that? Buttons are also Bidens while Bithynia had a queen Nysa, granddaughter of Nysa of Cappadocia.

By the way, Wikipedia's article on Nysa of Cappadocia says that she "is believed to have died during childbirth," yet, in another Wikipedia article, she's said to have been the wife of AriaRATHES VI...who together were the parents of Nysa of Bithynia.

Parrs and FurNESS' were first found in Lancashire with Charo-like Cars, RATcliffs, and with Chaff-like Cave's. The latter share the fretty Shield of Caens, first found in Dorset with Chaffs and Chaffins/Chaffinch's. Ratcliffs can be traced to the bull head of Walerans, from Waleran de Leavell, and thus we shouldn't be surprised if Erato of Armenia was in the ancestry of Laevillus of Cetis. Scottish Leavells share the Young piles while English Pile's were first found in Somerset with English Leavells (Somerset with Ratcliffe-beloved Bulls). French Pile's/Pilots can be from PONTIUS Pilate, killer of Jesus along with Caiaphas and Annas. I'll bet Pilate he got his first name from nobles / kings of the Pontus. The Jeune's (Cambridgeshire with Capone's and Annas'/Arniss') in the Young motto were from Junia CAEPionis, granddaughter of Quintus Caepio.

Repeat from above: "Rathes'/Ratels/Rateau's (Besancon/Basset colors) are said to have named Roet-like Routelle at BESANcon." Besancons/BASSETs use Pilate-like billets in Pilate and Billet/Billiard colors. Besancon is near Burgundy, where Pilate's and Rathes/Rateau's were first found. English Bassets were first found in Staffordshire with Jeune-branch June's/Jungs. Therefore, Erato may have been ancestral to Pontius Pilate. Pilotte's were first found in Lincolnshire with Tailbois' of the Besancon-like Bessin, and with Armenia-like Armine's.

Pilate's even share the pheons of Lords/Lauds, first found in Suffolk with Tigers. The Lords/Lauds put their pheons on a fesse in the colors of the fessewise bars of Rathes'/Rateau's! Lords, sharing the Glaze pheons, are in the GLASgow motto while Glaze's share the Pilate Coat while adding an ERMINEd Chief, symbol also of Chaffs/Cheffs. The heraldic Chief can be code for Chaff/Cheff / Caiaphas liners, tending to indicate that HERALDry loves Caiaphas the most. Haralds are listed with Herods.

Chaffs/Cheffs share the peacock in Crest with Hare-branch HarCOURTs, and Pilotte's share the Coat of Pellets (Sussex with COURTs/Coverts) in the pellets of the tiger-using Maybe's/MaBEE's. We saw Briquessarts of the Bessin in the ermined Chaff/Cheff Chief, and Tigers trace to Armenia. Bessin-beloved Bee's were first found in Oxfordshire with Harcourts.

Finch's/Vince's could have been a branch of Justine-related Wings/Winks, and thus we are back to Justine of Picenum, suspect with the naming of Piacenza/Placentia. The "placueRIT" motto term (of Derbys) can get us to English Rite's/Wrights sharing the double Parr fesses.

Derbys are in Book/Bock colors and format, and both the book-using Roets and Reeds were from Rieti, home of emperor Flavius Titus, destroyer of Jerusalem, A Jewish general, Josephus, betrayed the Jews and went over to the family of Titus, and thus was renamed, Flavius Josephus. As he claimed to be from the priestly line of Israel's Maccabees, might he have been a relative of Joseph Caiaphas?

The Geds on the Nith were a branch of Geddes', the latter first found in NAIRNshire with RATs. Narona on the Naro river could have named Nairn, and Nairns use a giant "CHAPlet" with QUATRefoils suspect from Quadratilla Bassus (Quadratus' daughter), wife of king LAEVillus of Cetis. Tigranes V ruled Armenia along with ERATo, and Geds have a "DuRAT" motto term. Scottish Rose's were first found in Nairnshire too while German Rose's were first found in Silesia with Brock-branch Brocuffs. Brocato's were from Brogitarus, ancestor of the Bassus'.

Mythical Cupid was the Greek Eros, brother of Erotes! Placentia is also Piacenza, traceable to Picenum, and Justine of Picenum married emperor Valentinian I. We've got to ask why Cupid is celebrated on Valentine's day. Valentins were first found in Vicenza, near Ferrara. Bruce's were first found in Yorkshire with Bath-connectable Rhodes', and while Buttons/Budins (share Rum/Rome and Butt/Boet fesse) are said to have officiated vaticanism at Somerset's Bath, Baths were first found in Somerset with Battins, beside the Battle-connectable Chaffs and ChafFINCH's. Finchems were first found in Norfolk with Cupids/Cubits.

Dumfries is where the NITH river is, and where the Nitts/Naughts (share Stewart checks) were first found who share the triple Randle / Raines lions as heads only. The Kilpatricks on the Nith share the Levi lion.

Erato was a queen of Armenia, perfect because I trace mythical Ares, father of Erotes, to the Aras river of Armenia. Erato was the daughter of Tigranes III, and wife of Tigranes IV. The latter two kings were neither Herods nor Maccabees, but were of the ARTaxiad dynasty. To my surprise, The Artaxiads ruled also in Albania, beside the Ardiaei. Wikipedia: "According to the geographer Strabo, Artaxias and Zariadres were two satraps of the Seleucid Empire..." Artax-like Aretas III was king of Edom, and his household provided the mother of the first king Herod. The latter's father, Antipater, can be traced to Antipatria (Albania), where I trace Kilpatricks and Patricks.

Here's from my 2nd update in February, 2013:

The Charo/Claro surname was first found in Ferraruola [Ferrara], where we could expect Pharisees of the Ferrari kind, and then one Clare Coat even uses a lion like the Ferrari lion...:
According to Boccacio, Ferrara was called Forum Allieni [aliens? or Alliens?] in ancient times. Priscianus agrees with this, but confirms that he has seen this name, written on the edge of an old document which Jacobus Zeno, bishop of Padua, showed at the Council of Basel. Pigna confirms this, and adds that it received this name from Alienus, consul and prefect of the banks of the river Po at the time of the civil war between Vitellius and Vespasianus [a year or less before the conquering and destruction of Jerusalem], who founded a market and a law court there...and he also writes that the expression Forum Allieni in the course of time was corrupted to Ferrarula, (a name it has had for a long time)...

I think it's wrong to derive "Ferrara" from "Forum." It's a wild stab probably without evidence. Note that the Alan-line Arundels are in the colors and format of English Ferrers, and both use a white Crest to boot. The Farris variation of English Ferrers looks like "Pharisee." They use HORSEshoes while Phreeze's/Freeze's/Freys' (Essex with Vere's/Vairs) and Freys show nothing but horses. Shoe's use a "knight ISSuing from the KNEES," suspect partly with the island of Issa/VIS, and Vise's share the Knee stag head, the point being that Issa is beside the island of Pharia.

Knights were first found in Sussex with Tigers, and Phares'/Fare's were from Fier county down the Apsus river of the proto-Kilpatricks who named the Knight-related Nith river. Proto-Kilpatricks probably named Antipater, father of the first Herod, and grandfather of Herod Archelaus, husband of Glaphyra Archelaus above. Her father was king of Cappadocia, begging whether Caiaphas was born from him.

Mythical Orion got suspect with the Orontids of Armenia, and Glaphyra Archelaus had an Armenian mother, explaining why her son was Tigranes V. The latter's Wikipedia article: "The name Tigranes was the most common royal name in the Artaxiad dynasty and was among the most ancient names of the Armenian Kings." That could get the name back to the Orontid Armenians. Orions/Irons were first found in Norfolk with Glaphyra-like Clavers, and beside the first-known Tigers.

Tigranes IV, not an Israelite, was descended from the Seleucid kings, the runners up to th anti-Christ, begging whether the anti-Christ will be descended from the killers of Jesus, for this seems logical to me. Glaphyra's husband, Alexander, the father of Tigranes V, was the son of the first Herod king, and thus likely descended from Alexander Balas, a Seleucid king who formed a partnership with Jonathan Maccabee. The mother of Tigranes V was a Maccabee, you see.

Maccabee's of Israel started at Modi'in, and Motts/MOTTINs share the crescent of Alexanders, the latter first found in Kintyre, beside Arran. I've shown how Orions/Irons of Airaines traces to "Arran," where Maccabee-like MacAbee's were first found who share the "salmon" of Hammer-branch Hams, both first found in Sussex with Arun of the Arundels. The vertically-split Shield of Alexanders is shared with Hunters. I discovered Orion the hunter when accidentally urinating in Pino's MOUTH. I can show that this event is a pointer to MOTTs/Mottins. I say that God arranged that urine event, which I'll elaborate on below for more insights than in the last update. Mottin-like Modane is at the Arc river highly likely named after Herod Archelaus.

Salmons are suspect from Salome Boethus, and Sussex is beside the Boet-branch and HORN-using Buttons/Budins. Salmons were first found in London with Capes'. Alexanders use a "Per" motto term for linkage to Boet-connectable Pierro's'/Pero's.

Wikipedia's article on Alexander, father of Tigranes V, says that he was staying in Rome with Asinius Pollio, interesting where Herod Pollio was the husband of Bernice Agrippa. Plus, at Asinius' article: "[Asinius] had a brother named Asinius Marrucinus...whose name suggests a family origin among the Marrucini." That term is like the Marici of Pavia whom I trace to the Marsi of Abruzzo, and then the same article says that Asinius Pollio was born in Chieti of Abruzzo. His first name looks Asian i.e. from Asi(a) of Armenia.

Airaines of the Orions/Irons is in Picardy with the first-known Pollio-like Polls/Pole's sharing the giant Ferrara and Sforza lion. Sforza's were first found in Rome with the Rita's sharing the giant lion of English Pools/Pole's, in half the colors of the Poll/Pole lion. This picture traces to Vespasia Polla of Rita-like Rieti, yet Rome was where Asinius Pollio lived when he housed Alexander Maccabee. The son of Vespasia Polla sat on the Roman throne about 65 years after Asinius housed Alexander. As Rieti is near th Marsi of Abruzzo, might she have descended from Pollio? Apollo's/Polloni's

I trace Vespasia Polla to Pollocks, first found in Renfrewshire with Spears who in turn share crossed spears (different color) with Pollo's, the latter first found in Florence with Apollo's. Pollo's use "three RED crossed spears," and Reds/Reeds are from "Rieti." The Packs suspect in the Red/Reed motto share the anchors of Paisleys, first found in Renfrewshire. Pasi's/Pascels have more crossed spears. The Pool-beloved Pollets were first found in Somerset with Rieti-line Roets (share Spear boar heads).

Roets (Somerset with Oaks) use a "green oak tree" to go with the "green tree" of Apollo's and PANE's/Panico's (Bologna with Pasi's/Pascels). German Polls/Pole have a "FRYing PAN," possible code for Phreeze's/Freys' (Essex with Rollo-beloved Pass'/Pascals). Fridays/FREYdays share the crescents of Seatons while Panico's were at the Setta valley.

Somerset is where Grove's were first found in the "grove of TREES" in the Crest of Fradley-like Frauds/Friths who in turn use a "scythe" while Scythes' are listed with Seaton branch Side's/Suddys. Fridays were first found at FRADley, beside the first-known Frauds/Friths of Derbyshire, where Cnuts/Nots were first found expected in the "not" motto term of the Nimo's/NewMARCH's sharing the Friday/Freyday crescents. Nimo's/NewMARCH's were first found in the same place as Chappes' to go with the Phreeze's. What is it that family historians don't understand about pure, factual English?

Why is "the sun SHINING" over the grove of trees? Suns/Sinclairs share the Coat of Scottish Conans, and German Shine's/Scheins (assume of the SCHIMs/Schiens) share the fleur-de-lys of Irish Conans, first found in Tipperary with SCIMitar-using Kennedys. The June's who share the Shine/Schein fleur were once said to be first found in Cambridgeshire with Jeune's, Newmarch-connectable Annas', March's, Shine-connectable Cake's, and Chapmans/Chepmans while Chappes' are also Cheaps. June's are now said to be first found in Staffordshire with Fridays/Freydays. This is pure English. The Friday/Freyday crescents are in colors reversed with Kennedy-like Kenns, and Conan-like Cone's were first found in Kennedy-like Kent.

Shine's/Scheins were first found in Switzerland with Sitten of the Seatons, and with the first-known Tease's/Tess'/Tecks. Pane's/Panico's were first found in Bologna with Tassi's/Tasselli's/TESINs, and then Percival-like Percys are said to have been at Tesson. It's got the Laevi line to Leavells all over it. Tessons/Tysons (Northumberland with Horse's) happen to be in the colors and format of Phreeze/Freys (show only horses), and the latter were first found in Essex with Tassel-branch Teasels. Not only is this grade-two English, but it's under an electron microscope so that all the hairy details are exposed.

Repeat from above: "While Tease's/Tess'/Tecks were first found in Switzerland with Berns, the latter share a black bear with Italian Tassi's/Tasselli's/Tasins, and then Leavell-related Percivals have black bear heads." Tessons/Tysons share the lion of neighboring Hume's/Home's who in turn love the True variation of knight-using Tree's (Wiltshire with Phreeze-branch Freys), and then Asinius-like Asners have horseshoes while knight-using Shoe's have a tree. However, that's not enough to prove that Asners derived from an Asinius family.

I was happy to see that Asinius elements were related to the Herius surname, for that was about the name of Orion's father. Orion's Wikipedia article: "...who tells a different story of Orion's birth. Here the gods Zeus, Hermes, and Poseidon come to visit HYRIEUS of Tanagra, who roasts a whole bull [Zeus symbol] for them. When they offer him a favor, he asks for the birth of sons. The gods take the bull's hide and urinate into it and bury it in the earth, then tell him to dig it up ten months later. When he does, he finds Orion;..."

In Wikipedia's Asinius-Gens article: "The first member of this gens mentioned in history is HERIUS Asinius, commander of the Marrucini during the Social War...The earliest of the Asinii bore the Oscan praenomen Herius, which was apparently of long standing amongst their ancestors." I've not known this before. Isn't it amazing that Herris show the same porcupine (different color) in Crest as Spoke's/Speke's? Yes, it's amazing because the Pino-at-porch event pointed to Orion's urine symbol. Spoke's/Speke's are the ones with almost the eight Porch/Portis bars, and so it appears that God arranged Herris' to be a part of the pointers to Orion.

The Herris Coat has hedgeHOGs while Gog-like Hogs share the black boar with Porcia's and Ebers. Hedge's show only swans, traceable to Gog's lake Sevan.

Herris' are listed with Harris', and the other English Harris' were first found in Derbyshire with Eyers/Ayers and Here's/Heyers. Asners happen to share the double-blue wings in Crest with German Here's, and the Here's/Heyers use two "dexter" wings. Wings/Winks were first found in Worcestershire with the Hedge-like Eggs/Edge's, a branch of Ice's/Ecco's, and then Asners are also ISSners while Assi's are also Ise's. The Orontids could have been of the Assi/Azzi.

Kamala HARRIS follows on the slippery heals of Boet-branch Bidens. How many other Orion liners are amongst the power structures of the Biden government? Obama is a Dunham in his mother, and Dunhams almost have a Hare/Hair Coat. English Hare's/Hairs were first found in Boet-connectable Surrey with Salmons, and with English Helms while Here- and Herzog-branch Hermits share the helmet of German Helms.

Apparently, Uranus and Orion belonged to proto-English that the myth writer created their "urine" symbol due to similarity with their names. Or, perhaps, "Uranus" was created in the first place for some ruling Iranians /Persians after "urine," and later, the inventor of "Orion" knew that he was an evolution of the Uranus cult. Many years ago, I traced Uranus to Elis, beside Pisa, though this had nothing to do with his urine symbol.

Zeus was given a gold shower symbol with Danae, mythical mother of Persia-like Perseus, husband of Media-like AndroMEDA. I trace "Elis" to "Laish," which was renamed, Dan. It's very traceable to the Greek Danaans, which included Perseus, which explains the naming of his mother. Perseus killed the Gorgon MEDusa, and Gorgons had a home at the southern Caspian sea, location also of the Medes. But then Gorgons probably named Georgia, beside lake Sevan. That's how myth writers rolled, comical history and tribal tracking.

Medusa shared an ugly symbol with Hephaestus of Lemnos, where Jason's ARGO ship stopped to mate with its Amazons before going to meet mythical Medea in proto-Georgia, whom he married in Cronus-like Corinth. Cronus (depicted as a cannibal) was a son of Uranus. Medea was the daughter of Aeetes while Attis shared a castration symbol with Uranus/Cronus. The Danaans lived and ruled from Argos. Attis was code for the Hatti of Hades-like Hattusa, and Hades was made the brother of Zeus i.e. a son of Cronus.

Boeotia had mythical Melia, wife of InaCHUS, mythical founder of Argos. "INAchus" looks like part-play on mythical Ino, daughter of Cadmus who in turn settled Thebes in Boiotia, which shared a Kabeiri cult with Lemnos. And then Merops of KOS was made the grandfather of Aedon, mythical queen of Thebes.

Hedge's (Googe and Gough colors and format) essentially share the Coat of Readys who in turn have a scimitar, trackable to Orion of Tanagra, where he got his urine symbol. Googe's and Gough's share th SCHIM boar. I trace Ready-like Reads to Vespasia Polla. Eber elements can be in the "Ever ready" motto of Burns using the hunting horn. Bee's, with almost the Ever Coat, are in the "Be ready" motto of Lawrence's.

Jason's father was Aeson, and there is an Asner-like Aeson/Esson surname with another boar, this time suspect with the Bard or Turin boar. Bards were first found in Lanarkshire with Swans/Sions while SWYNfords almost have the Hog Coat.

In the first update of this month, the Swans/Sions looked like they were of king Sweyne FORKbeard because he was father to Cunn-like Cnut while Cunninghams use a "shakefork" and a "fork motto term. I trace Shake's to the Shechemites that I claim named Schimatari. The latter is in Boiotia with Thebes which had a Kabeiri cult. "In Greek mythology, Cabeiro (or Kabeiro) was a sea nymph who lived on the island of Lemnos...After being thrown out of Mount Olympus, the Greek forge god Hephaestus fathered three sons known as the Cabeiri and the three Cabeirian nymphs with her." Hercules, a Danaan, married Hebe, sister of Hephaestus, husband of Aphrodite, and I therefore trace the Kabeiri to the (K)Habur tributary of the Aphrodite-like Euphrates. It's a good bet that HEPHaestus (named partly after "aes = metal") and AESon / Jason were Hebrews.

Although Aphrodite was married to Hephaestus, she was mating with Ares, part of the Cadmus representation of Armenians. As his ugly symbol pits him with Gorgons, the Iberi of Georgia come to mind as Hebrews. But I trace the line of Medan, son of Abraham and his second wife, Keturah, to mythical Medea, Jason's wife, with plenty of good evidence. I trace Keturah and Medan to Kodros, father of Medon, kings of Athens, explaining why Hephaestus mated with Athena to produce an Athenian entity.

If the Romans were technically correct to view Ares transitioning into Mars due to the representation of Mars having been descended from Armenian worshipers of Ares, then I suggest that Marsi (of Hebrew-like Abruzzo) were from Iberi-Armenians, which can explain why Marsi had a snake goddess, Angitia, for myth gave Cadmus and Harmonia a two-snake symbol, same as the Hermes caduceus that found it's way to mythical Tiresias. The latter, and his Avaris- and Eber-like father, Everes, was the Hyksos line to mythical Daphne. Hyksos were said to be Hebrews, but some mistaken that for Israelites.

Mythical Daphne, loved by Pollio-like Apollo in the Latona-like Ladon river, was the representation of a real Daphne location (modern Dafna, Israel) at mount HERMON (Armenian), which itself had a pagan-sacred summit, Sion. Sweyne Forkbeard was married to a POLE, a daughter of Poland's Moschi-like Mieszko's. Mount Sion had another name, Ardos, suggesting elements from Ardahan at the Moschi-mountain theater along with the Ares-like Aras river.

"Hera, Zeus' wife, turned Tiresias into a woman [= Amazon symbol] because he hit two snakes in the throes of passion [= Maenad symbol]. Hera eventually turns him back into a man when, seven years later, he comes upon two snakes again and chooses not to strike them." It should be clear from this that Hyksos were in Tyrus, which named both the Zeus taurus and TIRESias. The Zeus taurus raped Cadmus' sister. Cadmus was a Phoenician/Tyrian king, and mount Zion, due east of Tyre, was on the Israeli-Phoenician border.

One can trace the city of Dor, near Tyre, and closer yet to Megiddo, to the Dorians of Megiddo-like Macedon, and while Dorians can be identified with mythical Doris, she was the representation of the Ardiaei partners of Daorsi. Doris, like Kodros of Athens and Poseidon, had a fish symbol. Follow the symbolism to understand what the myth writers were insinuating with code, sometimes very cleverly, sometimes not very.

I've not known Asinius Pollio, and so my claim that the Laevi were connected to the real-world representation of mythical Orion is looking very good if the Marrucini named the Marici partners of the Laevi. One can trace the Angitia snake to "Angers / Anjou" because the fish-tailed woman of heraldry can be gleaned as mythical Melusine, who started with a snake tail but ended up with a fish tail. This mermaid comes often with a mirror, code for Mire's/Mireux's/Mireurs, first found in Anjou, explaining why Nicholas de Vere von Drakenberg (warlock who promotes "dragon blood") made Melusine the mother of a fictitious Milo de Vere, first count of Anjou/Angers. Therefore, one can trace Marsi and Merovingians to Anjou.

English Angers were first found in Essex with Vere's, and while Angers share the escarbuncle with Hangers (Hampshire with Poti-like Pots), Danish Cnuts use a "pot hangers" and flags. The Flags/Flecks were first found in Norfolk with the Fulke's, from the real first counts of Anjou. Fulke's are said to be from Fulk Nerra in particular, and Italian Fulks were first found in Florence with Nero's/Neriti's, with Apollo's/Polloni's and Pollo's, and with Pisa suspect with the "Piast" ancestry of the Mieszko's. LATONa's and Apollo's wolf symbol is highly suspect in the wolf symbol of Romulus, mythical founder of Rome (Latvia province of Latins) along with mythical Mars.

I trace Abruzzo/Abreu elements, through the Ebroicum of Evreux, to the naming of York as Eboracum. Yorkshire is where Mare's/Mars were first found likely having the double Laevi lions in half the colors of the double Abruzzo/Abreu lions. "Mare" is a motto term of the Maccabee-suspect Alexanders (KinTYRE), and then English Mare's/Mars, with Mire-like Myers/Meirs variations, were first found in Cheshire with Masseys, Mace's, and MAIDs/Mauds. Thus, the mirror of the heraldic MERmaid, herself likely of the Marsi snake cult of Abruzzo, is tracing to the Mar surname too.

Tyre's, who share the Mare/Mar/Myer ship but call it a "galley," share the dagger with Mackays, but also have the Ferte (and MacDonald) eagle while Masseys named Ferte-Mace. Mare's/Mars/Myers call their ship a "LIMPhad," and Limps/Lambys (Lum/Lamb branch) have the saltire of Gale's (Yorkshire with Galleys) in colors reversed. Limps/Lambie's share "Per" with Alexanders and Tyre's.

Gale's were kin of Nagle's who in turn have the triple lozenges of Angers, in colors reversed from the triple lozenges of English Angels. My Abruzzo mother, in the realm of Maruvium, is Angela, suggesting that she was descended from Angitia elements of the Masci's. English Angels use a "Pegasus CRINEd a ducal CORONet." Maezaei Illyrians were beside or amongst Ceraunii, and Apollonia was beside the Ceraunii mountains of Abruzzo-trackable Epirus, and Ceraunii-like Crine's/Crone's happen to share the fleur-de-lys of pegasus-using Masseys, and Palms (Yorkshire with Abruzzo elements).

I've just looked up "Asinius" in my files, and found this in January of 2015: "I had noted that Quadratilla and Laevillus had a son, "Aulus Julius Claudius CHARAX [caps mine to show a CARACalla-like term] (ca. 115 - aft. 147), married and father of: Julia, married to Gaius ASINIUS Rufus (ca. 110 - aft. 136), and had issue: Aulus Julius Amyntas, Nobleman of Ephesus." So, an Asinius was a grandson-in-law of Laevi-like Laevillus.

On the Marici: "The Marici lived around the modern town of Pavia. Their territory was located south of the Laevi, west of the LADatini, north of the Anamares." Ladds/Ladons (Levi colors) were first found in Somerset with Leavells. Ladds/Ladons are in Carrick colors and format. Mythical Daphne was placed into Greece's Ladon river, and the Ladon dragon even became her father by one myth writer. Marici-like Marcus' (English Mark lion in colors reversed) were first found in Dauphine. English Marks were first found in Essex with Angitia-suspect Angers.

This reminds me that I was able to find several pieces of evidence for a trace of Hungarians, including th family of king Andrew I, to the Ticino river. However, I don't know whether it dawned on me that Andrew's grandson, MAURICE Drummond, may have been named after Marici. I know without looking that Maurice's and Morris'/Morice's both share the English Mark lion!!!

French Morice's, in French Mar/Mere/More Marone colors and format, share the Moray stars. Marone's share the SCHIM/Schien boar for a trace to Orion / Hyrieus of Tanagra. The rulers of Scotland's Mar were at KilDRUMMy, and Scottish Mars have the Jewish Levi Coat in other colors.

Although Morris'/Morice' show a Pilate-like plate, hall of Names calls it a "pellet," and while Pellets were a Pilate branch, Pilate's are in Moray colors and format. Wikipedia once said that Pontius Pilate's father, a Roman ambassador, may have mated with a Pict of Perthshire, near Moray, to birth Pontius. The Pilate pheon is in colors reversed with the Celts/Colts, first found in Perthshire, and Perth-like Perdrix is one of the two peaks of mont Pilat. It's near St. Etienne while Etienne's use Pilate-like billets in Pilate colors. French Billets/Billiard share the three Moray / Morice stars

This map shows Perdrix beside the Chevre peak, and Cheevers/Chivers (Devon with Billets) can be linked to Chives', the latter first found in Tarves, near Moray. Tarves is in Aberdeenshire, where Pellet and Pilotte-beloved Cups were first found. Cheevers/Chivers were first found in Devon, where Chives'/Shivers (compare with Devon's Hykes'/Hacks) were once said to be first found.

There is a Chevre surname almost having the Gamble/Gamal Coat except the latter share the Chief-Shield colors of Chaffs and Capes'. Gamal-like Camulodunum is in Essex, where English Marks were first found sharing the Chevre fleur-de-lys. Lys'/Lisse's were likely from Lissus of the Cavii. Gamble's/Gamals put a rose in the "beak" of their crane, and Beaks were first found in Dorset with Chaffs (Chevre/Gamble/Gamal colors and format). Maccabees lived in Israel's Gamala.

I've read that the god, Camulos, was associated with the mythical Mars cult...very likely named after Marsi.

The Anamares in the quote above with Marici look like the Ananes Gauls, for Ananes lived at Placentia. Someone writes:

Part of this Celtic influx, the Anamares and Libici [Laevi by another name?] were minor tribes whose precise location is uncertain, although they are known to have occupied part of the south bank of the River Padus [Po] in Italy. Information which is available in Italian states that the Anamares were based around Pavia (Ticinum, founded by the Marici). In fact they were the founders of Clastidium, now Casteggio, just on the other side of the Po and just a few kilometres upstream from Piacenza, which the Romans knew as Placentia.

...Confusingly, the Anamares name seems to have been abbreviated and mutated during the Roman empire period to 'Maraci' or 'Marici'. This makes it easy to confuse this tribe with the Marisci, and even modern scholars cannot agree whether the Maraci really were the Anamares.

The article confesses the simpletonian mindset of historians who would define "AnaMARES" with "ocean." But, for me, it looks like the Ananes Gauls merged with Marici / Marsi to create that name. English Mares'/Mariss' even share the saltire of "leaves"-using Tess'/Tecks, first found in Switzerland with the Ticino canton, out of which flows the Tessin/Ticino river to Pavia. The Annan(dale)s have that saltire in colors reversed.

Urine on Pino's Tongue

I was standing on a porch railing, at the corner post that I used to keep balance, when Pino came walking past the post on the walkway beneath the railing. I had to pee, so I peed off the railing (I was four or five years old, and so was he). Had the urine been falling already when Pino came by, he would have heard it fall on the concrete walkway, and wouldn't have been "rained" on. So, just as it started to fall, he walked into it, got it on the HEAD, then looked up to see what was falling, and his mouth was open. It went into his Mott-like mouth, and therefore on his tongue.

I can show that God arranged this event for various pointers, and I've shown that the Orion / Uranus entity was likely to the priests of Israel who killed His Son. The Pino / Pine bloodline is suspect in that bloodline, and while English Pine's use pineAPPLEs, Apple's and Applebys share the martlets of Tongue's, you see, who almost have the Coat of English Mountains (same martlets), the latter first found in Essex with Motts/Mottins and Rains/Raines'.

Uranus the sky god had a urine symbol as per the rain. The Motts are traced to a Mott location near Raines-line Rennes (for example, Mott-Henry of Henrys is near Rennes) in Brittany, and Brittanys are in Tongue and Mountain colors and format. There's a question here as to whether Motts/Mottins named Mounts and Mountains.

In any case, French Mountains use bulls, and we saw Orion's birth expressed like so: "The gods take the bull's hide and urinate into it and bury it in the earth,..." The earth is Gaia, wife of Uranus, and the bull is Zeus, brother of piss-like Poseidon, named after the Pisidians. English Mountains were first found in Essex with the Brocks having a "dart" in Crest. The Brooks, likewise first found in Essex, share the scallops of Joke's, first found in Kent with Deaths/Darths.

Motts/Mottins/MORTs share the crescent of Deaths/DARTHs, and Darts/Dards were first found in Devon with Pine's. Deaths/Darths were first found in Kent with the Cone's in the pine cones of Pino-branch Pinto's. DARDanians married the family of king Pinnes of the Ardiaei, and "Le MORTE d'ARTHUR" was a myth on the death of king Arthur in Avalon. The latter is often defined as "apple orchard," and I trace it to Avlona/Aulon, home of the proto-Alans of Brittany, beside Apple-like Apollonia. The Apollo/Polloni and Pollo surnames were first found in Florence with piss-like Pisa, and while Mosca's were first found in Pisa, Maschi's use pine cones too while Pine's love the Apple's.

The daughter of the Dardanian king, MONunius II, married an Ardiaei family connectable to king Pinnes, and MonMOUTH, named after the Mon river, may have been from "Monunius," for Moons were once said to be first found in Devon (opposite from Monmouth) with Pine's and Monks. Moons happen to have the Italian Pinto/Pino crescents in colors revered, but Moons even add one crescents in the colors of the Spanish Pinto crescents. See that? Monans/Moonans can be gleaned as kin of Gowers while Gows/McGoo's share the fleur-de-lys of Portuguese Mota's. The latter's five fleur are in the format of the five crescents of both Italian and Spanish Pinto's.

As Dardanians lived hear HAS of Albania, the HasMONeans (proto-Maccabees) look like they may have been named by the line of king Monunius I (Dardania), which can explain why Ardiaei disappeared from Illyricum to re-appear in royal Galatia, location of Hasmon-like Akmonia. To be assumed, the Ardiaei line of Gentius (concurrent with Maccabees), who married the daughter (Etuta) of Monunius II, could have been the one to royal Galatia. In fact, while Etuta-like Touts/Tute's/Tutts can be linked by their crescents to Tatta-like Tattons, they both share the Moon crescents! Tattons add them in colors reversed too so that they are the Pinto/Pino crescents! Tattons (Cheshire with Masseys/Maceys) are said to have married Massys.

Gentius ruled from Scodra, on the northern cusp of the Caiaphas-like Cavii. And Cavii were on the Drin river with Has. If Cavii were named from Cappadocians, Cavii could have had an easy / natural path to Cappadocia's nobles. Italian Capone's/Capua's can have the Jewish Levi lion with gold crown.

Wikipedia's Gentius article says that the Ardiaei were as far south as Lissus of the Cavii. English Lise's/Liss were first found in Hampshire with GHENTs.

The successor of Gentius is said, by his Wikipedia article, to have been be BALLAIOS, or "Ballos." However, clicking to Ballaios' Wikipedia article, he is said to have ruled a century earlier than Gentius. Perhaps there were two Ballaios'. The Ardiaei/Vardiae were apparently descended to the Parthian, Artabanus, father of the Vardanes, and Tigranes' ancestry in Alexander BALAS merged about the time of Tigranes V with Parthian elements in Cetis. Artemis was on the back of Ballos' coins, some minted in Rhizon.

Then, in the same article: "In several instances on some [Ballaios] coins, an embossed circular Illyrian shield on one side and the flying horse Pegasus,..." Masseys, sharing the Lys/Lise fleur-de-lys, use a winged horse! Masseys/Maceys and Maceys/Mace's were from Maccabees, and while Lissus is at the mouth of the Drin river, Hasmonean-suspect Has is further up the same river, near to Dardania.

The Amazons (real peoples) were in Pisa of Greece, very traceable to Pisidians. The Amazons of north Africa, which included the Numidian king, Gaia/Gala, were "Amazighen" and "Mazikes," like "Mazaca," capital of Cappadocia, a land ruled by the ARCHelaus'. Arthurs list an ARCHibure variation. My mother's mother was Miss Masci, tending to expose to me that mythical Orion was an Amazon. It checks out because at least one myth writer put him together with the mythical huntress, Artemis, twin sister of Apollo. Amazonians were depicted in myth as all-female tribes not needing husbands because they would hunt on their own. I suggest that Amazons were stacked with transvestites in order to receive such a symbol.

I trace "ArTEMIS" to Themiscyra on the Thermodon river near Mazaca. This river flows to the KHALDi of Trabzon, near to Pisidia-like Pyxites river. The Khaldi named Calydon, in my opinion, and myth had Artemis' boar ravaging Calydon, where the queen was Atalanta. In the HUNT for this boar, she shot the boar. The Pisidians had a city, Attalia, and Atalantis helps us to realize that ATLas, first king of Atlantis, and first son of Poseidon, king of Atlantis, was code for "Attalia." It just so happens at Aetolia is at Calydon.

I don't know anyone who's realized that mythical Atlantis is derived in that Pisidian city, smack beside Perga, home of the Herod-Maccabee, Plancia MAGNA, a descendant of Glaphyra Archelaus and therefore from the Maccabee, Alexander Herod. I showed how Alexanders of KinTYRE (beside Orion-line Arran) share the Hunt/Hunter Shield, and the Mott/Mottin crescent. The Zeus Taurus was code for Tyrus = Tyre, home of king Poseidon, indicating that Tyrians of the psycho Carthage domain were the namers of the Atlas mountains (real mountains in north Africa)...part of Plato's Atlantis mythology (myth was ancient comic books).

Pino was on the WALKway when urine fell upon him. English Walkers use a "magna" motto term. Plancia was the granddaughter of Tigranes VI of Armenia, land of ORONtids. Plancia's father was Galatian, and we may hold out that he was from the Laevi Galatians. In any case, Mottin-like Modi'in of the Maccabees traces well to Mottin-like Modon of Greece, also called, Methoni, and this city was made the mythical daughter of mythical king Oeneus of Calydon, father of Atalanta's husband. The boar of Artemis was in Calydon, and it just so happens that Plancia and her mother were the high priestesses of the temple of Artemis in Perga.

It's not a wonder that God urinated in Pino's mouth. It was a Masci who did so, from the Amazons of Pisa. Maschi's love the Cone's, first found in Kent with Masons/Massins, the latter being from king Massena, so of Gaia. Messina in Sicily was named after Messenia of Greece, location of Methoni. There's a good chance that Oeneus > Methoni elements were in Sicily, therefore, and Maezaei were even on the Oeneus river. Morano is a city near Sicily, and Morano's were first found in Modena.

METHoni reminds that Methleys (Yorkshire with Tongue's) were a branch of TIGER-using Medleys, the latter first found in Shropshire with MOTleys and Hunts/Hunters.

I pee'd from the PORCH railing on Pino's HEAD because Porch's come up as "Portis" while Portishead is at Clapton, home of Arthurs from the family of king Pinnes. The railing had spindles, and while Spindle's use a "spoke," Spoke's/Speke's, said to have had a branch in Devon, where Pine's were first found, have a PORCuPINE in Crest. See that? I had read that Bassets used the porcupine too, which checks out where we see the triple fesses of Bassets in the Porch/Portis Crest. This is more evidence that God pee'd on Pino. French Bassets/Besancons use billets while English Billets were first found in Devon with Pine's.

The eight bars of Porch's/Portis' are shared with Crispins, and I can see God's design here too, for there is an online article telling that a Grimaldi's married CRISPINa, daughter of Rollo. My mother's father was Mr. Grimaldi, who ran a FLOUR mill in piss-like PICenze. English Pike's were first found in Devon with FLOWERs, you see, and the giant Flower cinquefoil is white, same as the giant Porch/Portis cinquefoil. The Flower cinquefoil is shared with Potters, first found in Hampshire with same-colored PORTers/Pawters and Ports (share Butt/Bute estoiles)...suggesting that Port / Porter liners married the Porch's.

Not only do Crispins share the eight bars of Porch's/Portis', but Rollo's share the black boar with PORCia's and English Bush's. The latter were first found in Yorkshire with the Walkers having a "magna" motto term, and the giant BUS cinquefoil is the one also of Porch's/Portis'. The latter were first found in Norfolk with Bus' and Orions/Irons. Meschins (married Skiptons of Yorkshire) descended from Rollo's uncle, Malahule of More, and Mars/Mere's/More's almost have the Meschin scallops.

Then, while Orions are said to be from Airaines in PICardy, Picardy is where Cavetts/Cheve's were first found who almost have the eight Spoke/Speke bars, the latter in half the colors of the eight bars of Porch's/Portis' and English Crispins. French Crispins share the "POMEgranate" with Grazi's, and the latter were first found in Umbria with Porcia's.

Grazi's were first found in Umbria's PERUSia, and French Crispins in Parez, and while Parez's/Paris' use the apple to go to the Pine pineapple, for the POMEgranate was named after "pome = apple." The Tongue's share the Apple martlets. Grazi-like English Grass', in English Mark colors and format, share the cinquefoil of McBride's, first found on ARRAN, and French Bride's share the stars of Brittanys who are in turn in Tongue colors and format. Tongue's almost use the Coat of Mountains, the latter first found in Essex with English Marks (share Grass lion). Porcia's are in the colors and near-format of French Grass'. English Grasse's (not "Grass") were first found in Lincolnshire with English Paris', with the Wells essentially sharing the Coat of French Grass', and with the Pockets/POUCHERs sharing the other half of the Porch(er)/Portis cinquefoil.

Plus, Crispins were Clare's while Clairs were first found in Limousin with French Pine's. The Lemovices of Limousin were from Lemnos, home of Amazons to mythical Myrina of north Africa.

When I pee'd on Pino, Alfredo, my age, lived on the bottom floor of the same house as my parents on the top floor. Alfredo's mother is Miss Masci, sister of Mr. Bocci Ball's wife! This is wild, for Alfredo's mother of LETizia, a name that could have cropped up with mythical Leto, mother of Artemis and Apollo. Let's not forget that the Arm of L'Aquila" has an "imMOTA" motto term while Portuguese Mota's have FIVE fleur-de-lys.

Leto was Latona to Romans, and mythical Daphne of the Ladon river was at Laish-like Elis while a real Daphne location was beside Laish of Phoenicia, land of Poseidon. Elis is beside Pisa, you see, and so it seems a good bet that Letizia was indeed named from the Leto cult. Elis was political with Calydon, where the boar of Leto's daughter ravaged, and while Letizia married Pepin Taffo, Taphians were at Calydon / Aetolia. Tafts/Tuffs' share the phoenix with Phoenix's/FENwicks. I pee'd on Pino at the home of the Taft bloodline, I can now assume.

Italian Mota's are excellent first for sharing the Jump roses, for I was peeing from on the porch railing because I liked to jump from it, over the thin walkway and the neighbor's FENCE. Fens' are listed with Venns, a branch of Fane's/VANs/Phone's, the latter first found in MonMOUTHshire with Howells who in turn have the Coat of English Tours in colors reversed. These Tours were first found in Devon with Pine's, Venns and Fauns/PHONES'. Can you do that with your pee? It pointed to Orion of Boeotia, and the cult of PHOENIX-related Cadmus settled Boeotia. Phoenix's are listed with FenWICKs, and Weeks/Wycks were first found in Somerset with the Pollets who in turn share the three swords of railing-like Rallings/Rawlings. Over the past days while discussing this railing event, Rallings only-now came to mind.

Battle-related Chaffs were first found in neighboring Dorset with the Pools who have the Pollets in their motto. Wicks/Wix's/Weekes' ("Cari"), with BATTLE-axes for the Axe river of Somerset, were first found in Surrey with Salmons, suspect from Salome BOETHus! Leavells were at Castle CARY. See that? My pee has a big mouth. One day, the true sky God will rain down "urine" upon the damned who despise Him. He's given them many years to repent, and He's given them history to learn not to make the same gross mistakes again. Stop hoarding money.

Weeks/Wyke's (same place as Ducks and Bulls/Bule's) are in Scottish Morton colors and format while Motts/Mottins somehow got a Mort variation. Scottish Mortons, sharing the Duck star, are now said to be first found in Dumfries with Bullys. English Mortons were first found in Wiltshire, near Castle Cary.

While English Tours share the tower (different colors) with French Tours, the latter share the Coat of MOTHs. Didn't we just see MonMOUTH and Mota's? Didn't the urine go into his mouth? Moths were first found in Lorraine, where the family of Godfrey de Bouillon ruled, and Bouillons (BOIOtians?) were first found in Auvergne while Auvergne's share the Moth / Tour tower. English Towers were kin of Lofwicks/Lovicks while Luffs/Love's were once said to be first found in Suffolk with Owls/HOWLs. Luffs/Love's are now said to be first found in Oxfordshire with railing-like Rallings/Rawlings.

Mota's and Motels were first found in Calabria with Morano, and Morano's were first found in Mottin-like Modena with the Morinis' who in turn have the double fesses of Parrs in colors reversed. I say Parrs were of Nysa of the Pontus, mother of Nysa of Cappadocia.

Morinis' are in the write-up of Deerings (Kent with Mott-related Deaths/Darths and Van-branch Fiens/Finis') who in turn share the stag heads of Anne's/Hanne's of Tick Hill. Kent is where the Ticks/Tooks/Tolkiens were once said to be first found. The same stag heads are with Poppins/Pophams (share "Mens" motto term with Pepins/Pepys), and I pee'd on Pino at Pepin's porch. Poppins/Pophams were at Basingstoke while Basingstoke's can have the L'Aquila eagle, especially as Aquila's share the eagle of Este's in the Pepin/Pepy motto. English Este's (Pepin/Pepy horse heads in colors reversed) were first found in Essex with Motts/Mottins. See that? God apparently arranged Pepin Taffo to point to Pino's urine-filled mouth.

Before we criticize God for allowing a kid to get a mouthful of urine, let's consider what sort of man Pino grew up to be. I have no idea, but God knew already when he was a child. If God hated Pino, it could be because He hated the Hyksos king Apophis/Apepy. That is, king Pinnes of the Ardiaei may have been from the Hyksos. Hicks (Yorkshire with same-colored Anne's/Hanne's) share the PORCi (not "Porcia") fleur-de-lys, and I always trace Masci's to Hyksos. A Masci liner pee'd on Pino from the PORCH. I trace Hyksos to Asians at Mus of Lake VAN, and Asians lived also at Ardahan.

Wikipedia's article on PORCius Cato said he grew up in Abruzzo, then changed it to owning land in neighboring Sabina, home of the proto-Reeds who love Books. Cato's are listed with Chattans, and Clan Chattan included the Biaini-like Beans/Bains and Catchers (Norfolk with Sabine's and Catters).

I can now go to the Portuguese Abreu's who share the FIVE wings of Portuguese Alfreds to match the five Sheaves keys. Wings/Winks (in the Masci wings) were from Vinkovci, birthplace of Valentinian I, husband of Justine of PICENum, suspect in naming PICENze. Vinkovci was then, CIBALae, and Sibals were first found in Five-related Fife.

JJ Tolkien said that his fictional Avallone could be seen from the land of his fictional Numenor. As he put Avallone on his fictional Tol Eressea, it tends to affirm by identification with Arthurian Avalon as Bute, for the latter had previously been Eressea-like Rothesay. I therefore identified his Numenor as the neighboring island of Arran. Numenor looks like part-code for Newmans/Numans sharing the triple Rain/Raines lions, and the latter surname takes us to Orions at Airaines, near Abbeville to explain why McAbbe's were first found on Arran.

English Este's once showed the Butt/Bute horsehead exactly, both in Crests. The Glass' of Buteshire, probably in the Book hourglass, could have the Lucks/Luke's in their motto, first found in Berwickshire with Books. My bet is that Bookers (share Porci fleur) ultimately trace to the L'Aquila eagle.

Picenze Elements to Blois

I've just gone looking to see if the Grimaldi family still owns the flower mill in Picenze (technically, Poggio Picenze), and as that is where Mr. BOCCI BALL lived (I don't know his real name), who was married to Miss Masci, look at what I've just found, the BOCCABELLa family:

As I was growing up in Australia, my grandfather, ANNIBALE Boccabella [caps mine] told me stories of Abruzzo, his early life in Fossa where he was born, Poggio Picenze where his mother’s family was from on the opposite side of the Aterno Valley, and also the nearby capital, L’Aquila.

...Annibale was born in Fossa in 1923...his mother, Maddalena Urbani, from the other side of the Aterno Valley in Poggio Picenze where her family had an inn, a butchery and GRAIN MILL. [!]

Zowie, it was a small village when I was there in the late 1960s, so that Maddalena's grain mill could have been purchased by my mother's father. The village couldn't have had a grain mill and a flour mill; they must have been one and the same.

"Annibale" suggests the Annabells sharing the double fesses of Ness', and there is even an Annibale surname having the two fesses in colors reversed as well as the two lions combattant of Abruzzo's/Abreu's! It's indicating the line of Nysa of Cappadocia in the Picenze theater. Mr. Bocci BALL pointed to the royal Galatians, beside Cappadocia. French Balls use giant ERMINE's, as do Balas', and Ermine's (large ermine in Crest) are listed with Armine's, from the Tigranes Armenians, I assume.

Annibale's share the besants of English Alfreds while Portuguese Alfreds share the Coat of Portuguese Abreu's.

The Anne's/Hanne's were first found at Yorkshire with the Tiger-connectable Ticks/Tooks/Tolkiens and Keys. The latter are in the keys of Sheaves'/Chiava's, first found in L'Aquila. Chiava-like Chives' share the moline of Mathis' because Cavii were on the north side of a Mathis river, and Mattis'/Massi's were first found in Abruzzo. English Sheaves'/Shaws were first found in Berkshire with Modane-line Modens/Modeys and Arks/Arch's.

The interesting thing is that, in the article above with Zoe Boccabella, it says of her great-grandmother: "Maddalena was known in Fossa as the village witch, a healer." I don't know how serious or light that's intended, but it evokes the Angitia snake goddess. Mythical Coronis, suspect as code for the Ceraunii stock, was mother to Asclepius, who had a snake symbol as the mythical doctor. The Ceraunii were on the Urbanus river, and here we have Madallena Urbani.

Bocca's, to my surprise, share the giant Aquila eagle (Boch colors and format!), yet it's half the Child eagle too, and while CHILDeric was the first Merovingian king, Merovingians were from Venetio, where Bocca's were first found. Aquila's share the Este eagle while Este was first found in the Padova part of Venetio. Abruzzo's/Abreu's were first found in Padova.

One would at first think that Boccabella's were named after "beautiful mouth," but not necessarily so. When ruling families merged by marriage, they could mix surnames. For example, when the Bocca's married a Bella surname, the Boccabella's could have been created by the children. The Italian Bella's were first found in Verona, a city in Venetio. Fossa-like Foss' use a fox as play-on-words, and Bello's/Bellows, first found in Cheshire with Masci elements, have a fox head in Crest.

Oh wow, Spanish Bella's use "pilGRIM's staffs." That's incredible because Pilgrim's were first found in Norfolk with the Bags who in turn share the Grimaldi Shield! It looks like the Bella's of Boccabella's were related centuries ago with Grimaldi's. However, it wasn't the Boccabella's who owned the flour mill, but the family of Maddalena URBANi whom Boccabella's married. While Mr. Grimaldi married Miss Masci, the Maezaei Illyrians are on maps at or beside the Urbanus river, and Urbans share the Massena hexagrams. Massena's share the left-rising bend with Masci's.

Spanish Urbans happen to share the border of Kepke's and Justine's. Kepke's almost have the German Boch Coat, and the line of Justine of PICENum could have named Picenze. Justine married Valentinian I, and Valentins were first found in Vicenza, another city of the Veneti. 

The "NoBLESSE" motto term of Bochs is amazing because I had read that Felice is the patron saint of Poggio Picenze ("Poggio" means "village"), and Bless' (almost the Porci Coat) have a "felicitas" motto term! Fleck-like Felix's/Felicks' were first found in Sussex with the Keeps (= royal Varangian line) while Bochs essentially share the Kepke Coat! As the Kepke goat got suspect with Baphomet, the Templar god, ditto for the Boch goat. As Boofima of Africa had both goat and human sacrifices, and as Carthage was the child-sacrifice capital of the world, compare "Annibale" to "Hannibal." Annabels list Hannibals.

Spanish Felice's have a "red castle standing on a sea" while Stands/Stains (married royal-Varangian line) share the double fesses of Flags/Flecks (Norfolk with Fulke's). English Castle's were first found in Sussex with Felix's. Sea-branch Seamans were first found in Suffolk with Blois'/Bleys', Lodge's/LOGE's, and Clare's; the latter's Coat is in colors reversed with French Bleds/Bleys, first found in Burgundy with Fulk-related Loge's and Loches'.

Ahh: "Chiesa [Church] di San Felice Martire, Poggio Picenze." That is, the giant catholic church across the street from the flour mill was named after Felice.

[Insert: Zoe just wrote to me after I inquired with her:

Hello John,

It was very interesting to receive your message, thank you. I'm thinking it might just be the same grain mill in Poggio Picenze!

When you mentioned the name Masci, straightaway, I thought, yes, I think you might be right as Masci was my Granny Maddalena's mother's maiden name. She was Maria Eugenia Masci and she married Emidio Urbani in Poggio Picenze.

These Boccabella's were Masci's on their mother's side. Later in this update, I mention Eugene's and Euganeo. The latter is in the land of the Veneti.

I'm thinking the timing is about right that my Grimaldi grandfather married the daughter of Maria's brother, Mr. Masci, who, I assume, came to own the Urbani-family mill by inheritance. Sorry, I know that's complicated, and I know you don't care a hoot to stretch your mind to grasp it, but I'd like to record this. Mr. Grimaldi's wife looked to be about 60-70 years old when I saw her in the late 1960s, and that puts her birth about the same time expected for Maddalena's birth, she being Maria Masci's daughter. Therefore, Miss Masci, the daughter of Maria's brother, would have been of the same age, roughly, as Maddalena, or just right for marriage to Mr. Grimaldi.

Note how "Maddalena" is like "Magdalene," for Merovingians are said to have developed the heresy that Jesus had kids with Mary Magdalene, and that they descended to Merovingians. Maddalena's mother, MARIA. End insert]

The Mills/Mile's (Hampshire with Drake's) in the Felix millrind are suspect with the invention of Milo de Vere of the Drake bloodline. Drake's are the ones with "Aquila" in their motto. The Mill/Mile moline is "pierced lozengways" (with a lozenge shape), and this formed lozenge is the Anger lozenge, tending to verify that Milo de Vere of Angers was of the Mills/Mile's and Miles'. In the meantime, it tends to assure that Felix's and Flags/Flecks were of Picenze's patron-saint code, likely code for an important family in that village.

Flags/Flecks share the scallops of Meschins (Shropshire with Baton-branch Bats). Meschins share the scallops of Biss', first found in Surrey with Salmons while Salome's share the pierced stars of Scottish, Picenze-like Pike's/Pickens. Meschins share the fesse of Belgian Moulins'. French Moulins' have a Coat like the Boards, first found in Sussex with Felix's. Borders/Boarders (Somerset with Pierce's and Percivals) share the star of Scottish Pike's/Pickens, though the latter pierce them, suggesting that Pike's/Pickens touched upon the line of Waleran de Perceval of Leavell.

Biss', featuring two snakes, were first found Surrey with Clappers/Clapps who in turn use a big-smacking pike fish in Crest. See that? The Biss' have got to have the Angitia snake in their Crest, but as a Bissone location (in Ticino canton) has those two snakes in its Arms, a location not far from Massino-Visconti, it's got to be to so-called "biscione" snake of Visconti's (originally green, now blue). Just like that, we traced the Marsi snake to Visconti's. Felix's were even first found in Sussex with VISE's. Thus, we are confirming that Picenze elements go to the bloodline of Albert Pike, a Masonic snake. English Alberts were first found in Kent with Snake's/Snooks.

The Ways/Weigh's in the "lozengeways" code of Mills/Mile's were once said to be first found in Devon with English Pike's, with two-snake Seagars, and the Mill-beloved Moline's/Moulins'. The Ways/Weigh's use "lucies," a fish species that in heraldry are conflated with pikes. While English Geddys were first found in Hampshire with Mills/Mile's, the Geds and Geddes'/Geddys use pikes while Kidneys/Gedneys were first found in Lincolnshire with Miles' (not "Mile"). The Batons in the Way/Weigh Crest were first found in Cornwall with Weigh-like Wace's. French Batons were first found in POITou while Pots and Potters were first found in Hampshire too.

While Varangi-like Varns were first found in Ayrshire with candlestick Kyle's, the Kepke-branch Koops/Kupe's use "candlesticks" while the sheaves of Sticks (Somerset with BOOK-using Roets) and Keppochs can be of L'Aquila's Sheaves'/Chiava's.

Perhaps "BoccaBELLa" was off of a Bless variation. The winged Massey (and Angel) horse recalls the winged horse on the coins of Blois-like Ballaios/Bellos (Ardiaei king). Arthurs were first found in Berwickshire with Books! It appears we have a good theory, now, on the ancestry of Blois'.

Bless' are listed with Blois', and English Blois'/Bleys' use dragons in pale looking connectable to Scottish Mare's/Mars (Yorkshire with Pale's), perfect because French Mars/Mere's/More's share the scallops of French Blois'. The city of Blois was political with Angers, where de-Vere von DRAKENberg placed the dragon woman, Melusine. Dragon-using Drake's have an "Aquila" motto term, and while the English-version Drake motto uses "fly-catcher," Catchers share the Blois scallops too.

The Flys (Hampshire with Drake's) are said to be from a Flagi location, suggesting the Nicholas de Vere von Drakenberg was a Drake liner, for Flags/Flecks (kin of Palmers) can easily be of the Fulke's. The latter share the Massey and Palm fleur-de-lys while Vere's share the Massey quadrants. German Dragons share the Drake wyVERN, but in Ferte colors and format. I trace Dragons/DRAINers to the Drin river, location of Lissus, the line to the fleur-de-lys, a lily said to have been owned early by Clovis, son of Childeric. Just trace this picture to Lille at the Lys-river area, and Vere's ruled Oxfordshire, where Lille's were first found who share the Balas/BailLISS cross. This is making the Seleucid line of Alexander Balas look like it named Ballaios. Drake's were first found in the same place as Lise's/Liss'.

The Lys river flows through Artois to Gentius-like Ghent while Ballaios is said to have ruled after Gentius. Artois is where Lois' were first found, in Boch colors and format, and then Louis' and dragon-using Lewis' were first found in Glamorganshire with Balas'/Bailliss'. Bless'/Blois' love the Arrows/Arras', from Arras, the Artois capital. Blue's/Gorms, perhaps naming mythical king Gorm of the Danes, were first found in Arran.

While Bleys' are listed with English Blois', English Bleys share the griffin of Shorts (Dorset with Moons) and a crescent of Moons. Monunius' daughter married Gentius.

Shorts can have the giant, gold griffin of Chaffs (Dorset) and Battle's, the latter first found in Berwickshire with Arthurs and Books. Shorts share the griffin (both colors) of neighboring Box's/Bowers (Wiltshire with Neals) sharing the Neal / Swan/Sion lion. Locks were first found in Lanarkshire with Swans/Sions.

Wiltshire is also where the Calles' were first found with trumpets in the colors and format of English Blois' and Brains. The Brain leopard faces are shared with Colles'/Coals' (Somerset with Book-loving Roets, beside Calles'), possibly in the "coelum" motto term of Bookers. The green snake, in the Colles/Coals Crest, has been suspect from Angitia, and so note that Mare's/Mars have a Coat similar to the ones of English Blois'. Trumps are in Boch colors and format while one Booker eagle is the Tromp eagle too.

Heraldic MeluSINE usually comes with a green tail. The green dragon of Seatons can take us to the Bell-branch Bellamys sharing the Seaton crescents. BOCCaBELLa's of Abruzzo. Tails/Tailers, looking related to the Blois Coat, were a branch of Tillers, the latter first found in Glamorganshire with green-dragon Lewis' and Balas'/Bailiss'.

Artois was home to the first kings of Templar Jerusalem, followed by Fulk V of Anjou, and while it's known that Melusine was of Lusignan (near Anjou), the Arms of Lusignan shares the Templar flag of Jerusalem, owned in part by Godfrey de Bouillon, brother of the first Templar king. The "vero" and "bello" motto term of Bouillons is interesting as per Boccabella's. Bello's are listed with Blois-like Bellows. The Templar flag shares the potent cross with Felix's.

Expect Maccabee and Herod liners in the quest of the Crusaders to conquer Jerusalem. Herods/Haralds, possibly first found in Arran, have fleur-de-lys half in the colors of the Fulke fleur. The split Shield of Fulke's is related to Belgian Flecks while the Lys river flows from Artois to Belgium. The other half of the Fulke fleur is in the Arms of Lille, Artois. The Herod/Harald fleur is shared by Gows/McGoo's who in turn share the triple cinquefoils of Loge's, and the latter, sharing the Coat of Anjou's Gettes', were first found in Burgundy with Loches/DesLoges while Fulk I of Anjou married Miss Loches. Flys of Flagi were first found in Hampshire with the Geddys who in turn have a fesse colors reversed from the Herod/Harald fesse.

Why do Cetis'/Sestiers use a giant lily? What Templar elements joined the line of Laevillus of Cetis? And why? Cetis/Sestiers were first found in Provence with Guerin of Provence, and with the Liss-connectable Lizarts/Sarde's while the latter's Coat looks related to the Arms of Lusignan, as do the Cavetts/Cheve's. Guerins (look related to MARKhams) are said to have been from Templar elements, and they share the triple hexagrams of Payens'.

Might Felix's be descended from Antonius Felix, governor of Judea? His Wikipedia article: "Felix persuaded Doras, one of Jonathan's most trusted friends and a citizen of Jerusalem, to hire robbers to kill Jonathan by promising to give him a large sum of money. Doras arranged for some hired men to mingle with the worshippers in the Temple in Jerusalem with daggers hidden under their garments." The Arms of Monaco, or better yet, the Arms of the Grimaldi princedom of Monaco, use daggers under the frocks of catholic clergy. Could this symbol have been chosen to indicate that they were descended from governor Felix via the Felice's of Picenze / Abruzzo. The Picenze church is called the Church of St. Felice the Martyr, but I could not find an article on him at all, unless he's the Felice of Umbria.

AHHHH, Spanish Felix's use a "sea" very reflective of the Italian Tony/Antony Coat!!! ANTONIO Felix!!! Tonys/Antonys use a "flower" while I got to this discussion only by seeking some details on the Grimaldi FLOUR mill!!! Flowers were first found in Devon with Monaco-like Monks who use a COCKatrice while the neighboring Cocks share the lozengy Shield of Grimaldi's and Bags (Norfolk with Cockers/Cockets).

I've mentioned many times that Monaco is near Grasse because I've suspected that there was a relationship between them. The Monaco's have one lion in the colors of the English Grasse and Rita lion, and another one in the colors of the Sforza lion while the latter were first found in Rome with Italian Felice's and Rita's. Umbria (beside Rieti) is where Grass-like Grazi's were first found, and there is an online article telling that Mr. Grimaldus married Crispina. It just so happens that French Crispins share the Grazi pomegranate. Therefore, the Felice code for Picenze could be St. Felice of Umbria. The Grazi bend is in the colors of the Felix quadrants, and colors reversed from the cross of Italian Felice's.

There is an abbey of St. Felice "Near the village of Giano dell'Umbria, at the foot of the Martani mountains,..." It just so happens that French Martins share a giant castle (different colors) with Spanish Felice's! French Martins were first found in Gascony with the Martels, the founders of the Carolingian dynasty that followed the Merovingian dynasty, and was then followed by the Capetian dynasty. It seems that the Frank kings were descended from the Abruzzo-Umbria region, and that the Grimaldi's found their special-treatment place in France's Monaco.

I kid you not, that English Martins have the double Annabel (not "Annibale") fesses in colors reversed!!! The Annibale's have their double fesses, in colors reversed, in curved fashion, a rare feature, and then the Italian Botter and Rita's both use curved bends. The GRASS STAIN on Lorraine's butt had pointed to Italian Botters, interesting enough. Stains share the double fesses of Felix-like Flecks/Flicks! The latter were first found in Norfolk with PilGRIM and Bags, both connectable to Grimaldi's. Bagleys (Shropshire with Meschins) share the lozenge of Fauci's, first found in Genova with Grimaldi's.

I can explain why God used Lorraine for this pointer, for Godfrey de Bouillon's family ruled Lower Lorraine, and maybe some upper parts too, I'm not up to speed on the details. Those rulers go back a few generations to Gothelo, father of Godfrey III, and Goths/Gothels share the Monaco hexagram; the latter put them with their white lion that's also the Grasse and Rita lion. The Rita lion holds "PIECES of wood" while Lorraine's pant stain pointed to Pansys/Pantzers who share the PEACE/PAISE doves. Paisleys share the anchors of Packs, the latter first found in Sussex with Felix's. "Pas" is a motto term of Rollo's.

Plus, Lorraine's, sharing the Child and Bocca eagle, were first found in NorthUMBERland with Grime's/Grimms, excellent. Grazi's were first found in UMBRia. Look at all the things that God teaches the willfully-daft family historians (which is not to say all historians are daft or unwilling to see).

The giant Annas star is with German Gris'/GRIIMs in colors reversed, and French Gris' (Grass branch?) not only share the Felice stars, but the lion of Sforza's (same place as Felice's) and Monaco's.

French Gris' were first found in Brittany with the Rance river while the Felix millrinds connect to Rinds (Perthshire with Rollo's) and Rands/Rance's/Rynds. The latter were first found in Norfolk with Pilgrims who share the "pilgrim's staff" with Spanish Bella's and Spanish Santiago's. The five Santiago scallops can link to the five keys of L'Aquila's Sheaves'/Chiava's and Spanish Chavez's (Galicia with Santiago's). Saints/Sinclairs were of the Clare's who named Crispins, suspect from Rollo's daughter. Both the Spanish and Portuguese Chavez's are in the colors of Portuguese Abreu's who in turn use five wings in the same pattern. See that?

It's all got Grimaldi's of Abruzzo, or even Grimaldi's of L'Aquila / Picenze. The Felix MILLrinds are looking like a pointer to Mr. Grimaldi's flour mill, directly across the main road from the St. Felice church. The kids and I would play soccer on the big field in front of that church. We would climb the steeple into the bell room.

English Alfreds (Felix /Felice colors) share the bottonee cross with Lorraine-line Ricks, the latter first found in Hampshire with Buttons/Budins, Botters/Bodins, Mills/Mile's...and with the Potters who share the cinquefoil of flour-like Flowers! See that? French Fleurs even look related to Italian Felice's. Who provided for that "coincidence"? And why did He? Governor Felix is the one who kept the apostle Paul in prison. What are his end-time sons up to?

My Taddei line traces to the Bouillon flory, a symbol from "Florence," where Botters and Taddei's were first found, though Botters are suspect from the Butteri cowboys (cattle ranchers) on both sides of Rome. It just so happens that Taddei's are in the colors of the Felice cross.

Oh wow. For the first time that I've seen, houseofnames has changed the Taddei Coat. It once showed two of the Bouillon flories in the Chief, but now shows only one, with the second replaced by a potent cross!!! That's the Felix symbol!!! BIG SURPRISE.

On either side of the Taddei potent are the fleur-de-lys shared by Masci's, and within the triple Taddei chevrons are another new feature I've not seen before, the triple Clare chevrons in colors reversed. I peg them as the Clare chevrons because Clare's formed the Crispins.

Ahh, the German Grimms have the Felix quadrants in colors reversed. These Grimms share the Abruzzo/Abreu and Annibale lion.

As an recent prince Grimaldi married GRACE KELLY, it's notable that Grace'/Grasse's were first found in Provence, beside Grasse, and that Kellys not only share the white Monaco lion but use two of them combattant in a reflection of the Abruzzo/Abreu Coat while the latter's combattant lions are in the Annibale Chief! That is all very amazing. The Annibale and Abruzzo lion is shared by Irish Grace's/Grase's.

There were things above that convinced me of the Felix / Felice trace to the governor of Judea, but there's more where he's said to have been the brother of Marcus Antonius Pallas (looks related to Mark Antony). The Pallas surname (Rome with Felice's) happens to share the star of Italian Felice's, and moreover the Pallas fesse is in the colors of the Felix quadrants and the Grazi bend.

Pallas add "an arm in armor from a cloud" while McLeods/Clouds not only share the giant Martin castle, but have flags while Flags are listed with Flecks/Flicks! Can we believe it? The description doesn't mention what the Pallas arm is holding. McLeods/Clouds were first found in Skye and Lewis with the Rimini-like Rimmons/Crimmons who share the Monaco lion, in the colors of the lion of Maschi's, first found in Rimini.

Possibly, Pallas was named after PLACENtia, if it had that name by that time. Place's/Plaise's (Norfolk with Flecks/Flicks) share the armored arm with Pallas', and the Place/Plaise lion is shared with Armys/Armine's (Lincolnshire with English Antonys) while Armors share the Pallas / Felice star. English Antonys use a leopard face while Leopards were first found in Sussex with Felix's.

With the Felix's linking to McLeods, as we saw it clearly, I'm reminded of the miracle-marble shot I had at age 11, the same year I was in Picenze for the summer. I've mentioned this event 20 times or more. I FLICKed the marble off of my thumb directly across Hullmar drive from SKYE Court (Toronto), and so I mentioned that the McLeods of Skye use flags while Flags are listed with Flicks.

The marble shot was on my own lawn, i.e. where Miss Grimaldi lived who took me to Picenze, when she stayed at the Grimaldi home beside the flour mill. There is a public fountain on the street attached to the front wall of that mill, featuring a naked child pouring water from his wee-wee. Is this God's pointer to Orion's urine symbol?

I was drinking from this fountain one hot day when Maria came along to say hello. She lived in that Grimaldi home, had Marsi-like Mauro for a son (about my age), but I never did find, or ask, how she was related to my mother. She was in her 20s, and could have been my mother's sister. This recalls Maria Eugenia Masci, mother of Maddalena.

Ahh, the Fountains have triple fesses in the colors of the triple chevrons of Taddei's, in Felix colors.

It's amazing that Spanish Maria's again have FIVE symbols in the format of the Chiava keys, and Maria's happen to use the Masci fleur-de-lys. It seems that heraldry-important lines were from Masci's of Picenze. Why? Was Baldwin I of Jerusalem a Masci? Why were Baldwins first found in Shropshire with Meschins, and Bagleys? Why do the Arms of Cheshire use SHEAVES? Hamon de Masci of Cheshire ruled Bagley, and Bags have the Grimaldi Shield. English Mare's were first found in Cheshire.

Italian Maria's were first found in Genova with Bagley-connectable Fauci's and Grimaldi's. Was the delusional Mary-Magdalene cult in Picenze? Why was the Da Vinci Code (fictional book) written by Mr. Brown while Browns ("FLOReat") share the Masci fleur?

Cheshire's (surname) share the "hawk's lure" (different color) with Herods/Haralds, and while Lure's (flag) were a sept of McLeods, Hawks (Hampshire with Felix-connectable Mills/Mile's) use purple "pilgrim's staves"!!! The hawk's lure in the Cheshire Crest is purple, and Purple's were first found in Norfolk with stave-using Pilgrims.

Meschins ruled Cheshire from Chester, and Chesters happen to share the motto of English Sheaves'/Shaws. Chesters ("VINCit" motto term) probably have the VINCE/Finch griffin in colors reversed. The Da Vinci Code thus looks like code for Vince's / Vincents. Leonardo's even share the Abruzzo/Abreu lion, in the colors of the "CROSSed lion paws" of Cheshire's. Leonardo's were first found in Novara, home of Laevi Gauls, in Piedmont with the first-known Masci's. Massino-Visconti is in Novara. The Mason/Massin motto is in the Croce/CROSS motto. The latter's motto adds only "Cruce" to it.

The miracle-marble shot struck TONY's marble bang-on (from six or more feet away) after I literally prayed to make the shot. Tony was Italian, and therefore likely born Antonio. Antonio Felix!!! I GET IT. This is the first time ever that I've deciphered that flick shot. Why has it taken me so long? The marble rested on my index finger, and was flicked with the thumb. MARble's were first found in Cheshire, now suspect from the Marsi! In fact, Marble are in the colors of Italian Maria's.

Tony lived on Hullmar. Just before moving away from Hullmar, at age 11 near my 12th birthday, which must have been near the marble shot, I heard that he gave Andrea Fabian *(our age) a jewel for her birthday, and I had given her a board game and a Tarzan book for her birthday. I've told this all before, and have even told that Italian Fabians share the Grimaldi Coat!!! That now means more than it ever did because I proved above that Grimaldi's were Felix / Felice kin.

English Fabians (Hampshire with Hawks) even have two flags positioned in the way McLeods position their two flags!!! The flick shot was at SKYE court. The triple fleur of English Fabians are in colors reversed with Masseys/Maceys. I've also told that FABRIcia (sister of Parry) lived a few houses from my mother's brother, Mr. Grimaldi. They were relatives but I don't know their last name. Mario was their father. I kissed Fabricia in a greeting, after not seeing her for decades, at the funeral of Mr. Grimaldi. Kiss'/Cush's, first found in Leicestershire with Staff-related Tonys, use "fountains"!!!

Hampshire is where Poppins/Pophams were first found who share the ANNE/Hanne stag heads.

Andrea Fabian lived on Shoreham directly across from the Jew, Harold, who invited me to his place twice to play chess. That looks like a pointer to Herods/Haralds and CHEShire. Yes, for Cheshire's share the hawk's lure with Herod/Haralds!!! I've told of these chess games before, but had no idea that they were to be viewed in the way we just saw it.

The Chess write-up has "HAMO Chese, Salop (Shropshire)," and then there was the neighboring Hamo de Masci. Hamon(d)s were first found in Kent with Salop-like Sleeps/Sleaps, and Sleap is a location in Salop. The double Sleep fesses are in the colors of the double fesses of AnniBALE's, and then Bellamys were first found in Shropshire too (with Baldwins) while Balls/BALDs were first found in Cheshire.

"I can add that Balas' were first found in Glamorganshire with Tail-branch Tillers while earl Meschin of Chester married Tailbois' while Talbots were first found in Shropshire.

AHH, Bale's/BALES' (Norfolk) almost have the Bocca Coat. AnniBALE Boccabella was the son of Maddalena Urbani, and grandson of Maria Eugenia Masci!'s! Bale's/Bales' look related to the Grave/Greaf Coat while Graffs/Gravs share the demi-lion in the Bale/Bales Crest. It's begging whether the line from Alexander Balas, through the Alexander Maccabees, was in Abruzzo. Annibale lived in Fossa, while Foss' share the fox with Cheshire's Bella's/Bellows.

Italian Felice's share the Moray stars with Baileys who in turn can be traced by their boar head to Innis' and Bellys of Moray. Ince's/Inch's, first found in Cheshire, might be borrowing the Coat of Sheaves-beloved Keys (and Kays), though now showing their black bendlets in purple. The Domino's in the other Key motto were first found in Piedmont with Masci's, and Domine'/Dunhams share the Coat of Meschin-line English Randolphs while Scottish Randolphs, loving the Baldwin-connectable Bats (Shropshire), were first found in Moray with a branch of Maccus-line Mackays. French Mars, in Mackay colors and format, are also More's. King Maccus was son of king Harald.

Was Abraham's Family in Armenia?

As Cadmus and Harmonia were turned into two snakes when founding Illyrians (lightly/mythically speaks), where do we look for the Cadusii and Mus Armenians amongst Illyrian tribes? The Muse's have a Chief in the colors and format of the Chiefs of Caddys (Yorkshire with Muse's) and Keiths. It can suggest Cadusii in the Chatti of Cassel.

What about looking to the Neretva river, since Musys/Musics, first found in Brittany with Nerets, have the Doria eagle in colors reversed? Plus, the Musy/Music eagle is that of Ghents, making the latter look like they were from Gentius. Dutch Ghents/Gaunts share the wavy Dol fesse, and Nerets were first found in Dol.

In colors reversed, the Musy/Music eagle is that giant one of Bookers (not their green one). Box's/Boxers were first found in Wiltshire with the Fews suspect in the "FuiMUS"motto term of Were's and Bruce's. Fews (Wiltshire with Tree's) share the "green oak tree" with Book-loving Roets. In this picture, the Few fesse looks connectable to the Ghent/Gaunt fesse. Roets were first found in Somerset with Bulls/Bule's while Bullys share the "heart in flames" with Bullys (share HAIN mascles). Roger de Bully is in the Jump write-up with the AINcourts who in turn share the Warren Shield in turn having the Wearing checks. The AISENcourt variation (of Aincourts) can suggest Asinius elements.

The "Ad" motto term of green-eagle Bookers can be for Ada of Were-related Warenne, suspect with the EDwins (Huntingdonshire) sharing the black-on-gold Booker eagle. Ada married an earl of Huntingdon. Winns/Wine's, suspect in EdWIN(E) variations, have the green eagle of Bookers in colors reversed. Were's and Wearings were first found in Devon with Venns and Fauns/Phones', traceable to Mus at Lake Van. Fawns/Faunes' were first found in Berwickshire with same-colored Books. The Fawn hunting horns suggests the ORONtids Armenians.

Should we be looking for proto-Books in Armenia? Can the latter's Bogg variation suggest the Bug river of Ukraine? That was home of the Nairi-like Neuri, and Nairi were at Lake Van. Nairs use the merMAID with mirror, as do Glass' in the Book hourglass, and Maids/Mauds/MOLDs almost have the coat of Monmouths while Monmouthshire is where Fane's/Vans were first found. The MERmaid is looking like a feature of Hebrews in snaky, Marsi Abruzzo. Nairs share the pheon of Seaton-branch Sidneys, first found in Kent with Snake's/Snooks and mermaid-using Masons/Massins. Did Marsi liners arrange a Snake surname from Snooks?

I highlighted Molds because the Bug river is near the Moldova tributary of the Siret. The latter was anciently the AGARus, and while Nahor's brother, Abraham, had a concubine, Hagar, Hagars were first found in Perthshire with Nairs, Keith-branch Kettle's, and Rinds. The latter were of the Rynd variation of Rands/Rance's, first found in Norfolk with Abram-like Bramtons and Orions/Irons. Rands/Rance's share the Nair lion. Hagars share the Rad hexagram while Rats/Raids were first found in NAIRnshire with the Scottish Geddes'/Geddys while English Geddys share the Bramton lion.

Wow, Books/Boggs share the stag head of Dutch Necks/NECKERs while Nahor is "Nachor" in the Bible! German Neckers (Bavaria with ZEHRs/Zerrs) have the lone pale bar of Blake's in colors reversed, and I'll soon show how Blake's can trace to the Naro river. The Felix's use the "millRIND." The Neckar river is in the Baden land of ZAHRingers and Veringers (red antlers), both of whom used antlers, which can explain why Necks/Neckers have a crown hanging off of one red antler.

I don't know how it has escaped me until now that Nahor lived in Orion-like Haran!! It wasn't far from the Habur river of Hebrews. Books/Boggs share the stag head of Book-loving Reeds, the latter first found in Aberdeenshire with the Orion-connectable Schims, and with the Norrys. The McAbbe's of Haran-like Arran share the salmon of Hams, first found in Sussex with NARbonne-related Norths and Bone's, and I had traced Italian Narbonne's/Nordi's to the Naro/Neretva river. It thus appears that lines from Nahor, or at least families who thought they descended from him, named the Naro river. On the other hand, nobody may have known it. The carriers of th Nahor name may have simply evolved to "Naro."

Repeat from above: "...where do we look for the Cadusii and Mus Armenians amongst Illyrian tribes? What about looking at the Neretva river, since Musys/Musics, first found in Brittany with Nerets, have the Doria eagle in colors reversed? Plus, the Musy/Music eagle is that of Ghents, making the latter look like they were from Gentius. Dutch Ghents/Gaunts share the wavy Dol fesse, and Nerets were first found in Dol." Muse's and Caddys were first found in Yorkshire with the Ments/Mants sharing the Neret Coat. Manets are in the L'Aquila motto.

The Daorsi of the Neretva could have named Dorsets, first found in Wiltshire with Box's/Boxers. Dorset is beside the first-known Ghents. Gentius ruled at Lake Scodra, near Kotor, where I trace Keturah, wife of Abraham, for very good reasons. Kate's/KATTERbachs share the Hagar hexagram, but there's more reasons than that. Cutters were first found in Dorset. Dorsets could have the Roet MOON. See anything suspicious? Whose family did Gentius marry?

Spanish Cades' (Jewish Levi colors and format) can be sharing the WHEEL of Narbonne's/Nordi's because Narbonne is near Spain's Ebro river, in CATALonia. Wheels look related to the Catter Coat. Cattle's/CATTALs (Norfolk with three cat-using surnames plus the Bramtons) share a giant fret (different color) with Blake's/Caddells, and Blake-like Blackys (Crest similar to North Crest) share the vaired chevron of Nero's/Neriti's, indication that Blake's could have been Naro-river elements. I see the other Blake's as kin of Tails/Tailers, from the Tilurius river near the Naro.

Cades' share the border of English Scotts who share the wheel with them, and then while Scottish Scotts share the Terras Coat while Nahor's father was Terah. The Scott wheels are "CATHERine wheels," owned by Catherine Roet, suggesting the possibility that Roets were from Keturah's line.

Scottish Roets were first found in Somerset with Tarrs'/Tarres' and Ducks. The latter have lion heads in the colors of the full lions of Ducys, and the latter share the BRAMton Coat. See that? The Catherine name must have been used by Keturah liners.

I trace Scotts to lake Scodra (near Kotor), ruled by the Illyrian, Gentius, and he married the family of MONunius while Moons are in the "moon" of German Roets. The SELEPitanoi Illyrians were on the west side of lake Scodra, and the Roet moon is SLEEPing, though the official description doesn't mention it. Roet branch Roddens named a Rodden river in Shropshire, location also of Sleap of the Sleeps, the latter first found in Kent with the wheel-using Scotts. As Moons were first found in Dorset, Dorsets (beside Scottish Roets) could have the Roet crescent moon, but it's also the crescent of Scotts and Terras'. "Terras" is an Alexander motto term.

Might Maccabees of Jesus' days have known of Abraham's lines with Keturah, which I trace partially to Medes and Colchis? One of their sons, Midian, could have named the Mitanni on the Habur river. I trace at least one of their sons to mythical Medea, daughter of Aeetes, and then the Phrygian sun god, Attis, may have given Midian-like mythical Midas, of Phrygia, his gold symbol. Aeetes came to own the golden fleece, said to have been the flying RAM of Hermes. Aeetes left his throne in Corinth to Hermes' family. Mitanni-like Mittens/Muttons have a ram in Crest. Attis was made the father of Lydians, who had the Hermus river, later re-named to the Geddes-like Gediz. Geds love the Hagar-connectable Rats/Raids, first found in Nairnshire with Geddes'.

Kodros of Athens, where Medea rode her chariot, had a fish symbol, and Geddes, Geds and Kidneys/Gedneys share the fish with the Arms of Saraca. Medea's chariot was play on Helios' chariot. Like Attis, Helios of Rhodes was a sun god. Rhodes' were once said to be first found in Lincolnshire with Kidneys/Gedneys. In my 1979 Sleeping Beauty dream, the Saraca's appeared in a kidney-shaped swimming pool as a nasty shark, with nasty teeth, and Teets/Tate's can thus be from Lake Tatta, at the upper reaches of the Halys river of the Hatti i.e. after whom Attis was named.

Why was this shark in a swimming pool? Perhaps the fact that Swimins share the bend of Jewish Pollocks and Crooks can help answer it. Scottish Pollocks were first found in Renfrewshire with Crookston of the Crooks, and with Eskins/ErSKINs suspect with ESCHYNa de Molle. While she married Robert Croc, her daughter married Robert Pollock, and then Skins/Skene's were a branch of Shims/Schiens who in turn share the boar of both Molle's (Roxburghshire with Scotts from near Kotor) and Halys'.

It appears that the line of Keturah's son, Midian, went through the Halys river of the Hatti. And Hats/Hades' were first found in Dorset with Kotor-like Cutters, Beautys, and Beauty-related Haydens were first found in Norfolk with BRAMtons and Orions/Irons. Cutters share the Chief-Shield combo of Dart-loving Brocks, and while I've seen the Pollock arrow called a dart, Darts/Dards were from Dardanians conceivably in Kotor. Darts/Dards look like kin of Sleeps, both using ermines on their fesse. I see the line of Monunius to the Moons, first found in Dorset with Pools.

Sleeping Beauty was played by Miss Hicks while Halys' were first found in Sligo with Higgins/Hickens and Hickensons. Hyke's/Hake's and Higgs were first found in Norfolk with Bramptons, and Hykes'/Hacks were first found in Devon.

So, the shark in the pool was God's message to us that the line of Abraham with Keturah, which I think is to his end-time enemies, is in view. I'll bet my golden fleece that the end-time "Templars," the Rothschilian Zionists, will war against God's Son. And he will defeat them with the sons of Abraham and Sarah, the loyal Christians who resist the dragons. But, what about all of the pre-trib Zionist Christians who don't seem to be preparing for God's slaughter of national Israel, at any moment? This slaughter is imminent.

Halys share a brown lion in Crest with Browns, and the latter share the Coat of Hooks (Devon), a blue-Shield version of the Hicks Coat. Browns/Bruns were first found in Cumberland with Burns and Bernice's/Burness', and the latter's fesse is shared by the Arms of Saraca. The Readys in the Burn motto have swans for a trace to Gog's lake Sevan while Molle-related Googe's share the Halys boar head. The Halys boar heads form a pale bar in colors reversed from the Tate and Roxburgh pale bar, and Googe's with Molle's were first found in Roxburghshire. Lake Tatta, on the Halys watershed.

German Terras' use the Roquefeuil-line rook, and Roquefeuil is in Aude province along with Narbonne. Scottish Scotts were first found in ROXburghshire, and "AUDax" is a Roxburgh motto term. Wikipedia's Saraka article says that Saraca's were at Kotor, and then Sassys/Saucers, with Saracen heads, look related to the Scottish Scotts and Terras'. The "stag trippant" in the Scottish Scott Crest looks like the Trypillians were in their bloodline who lived in the Kiev theater with ROXolani. Look for Trypillians in Roxburghshire. As Moons were once said to be first found in Devon with Sassys and Darts/Dards, Sassys could have the Moon crescent.

Saracen heads are with Cetins/Cattans too, from the Tilurius river and first found in Norfolk with Bramptons.

My New Crutch Dream

It's Saturday as I write here. I woke up this morning with an arduous dream I can't remember, but the last scene as I awoke: a woman in crutches. Crutch's/CROOCH's have the lone pale bar of Eskins/Erskins. I'm reminded that Erskins are said by historians to have been kin of the earls of Mar, and that looks like the Marsi line to Eschyna de Molle, wife of Robert CROC. But why would God give that dream, if indeed He did? Crutch's/Crooch's, with a border, were first found in Somerset with Roets and Borders/Boarders, and we saw Boards first found in Sussex with Picenze-line Felix's. Roet elements named Rothes, where Peter Pollock, Robert's brother, built a castle. It was this Robert who married Eschyna's daughter.

Cross'/CROCE's (Lincolnshire with Mussels/Muscels) use the double-armed potent cross, which was invented as per the upper parts of the crutch. And English Patents were first found in Sussex too, even with Mascals who share the Crook escutcheon. The Mascal escutcheon is in colors reversed with Sadducee-like Saddocks (Sussex) who in turn look related to the Board Coat. Saddocks share the martlets of Levi-like Levins, the latter first found in Westmorland with Crooks. Levens (not "Levin") share the elephant with Mascals.

Ahh, I get it, it just dawned on me, for I recall without looking that Saddock-branch Chadwicks were at Lichfield, where the crutch symbol originated in a catholic saint. I can't remember his name. I'll find it.

I've just found this: "The close resemblance between the Arms of [Templar] Jerusalem and those of the See of Lichfield are too close to be merely a coincidence. In the Lichfield Arms the central cross is squared at the center, and the four small crosses are of the form known as 'paty'." Crutch's/Crooch's use patee-like fitchees. Pattys look like kin of Petersons, whom I trace to Peter Pollock. The article mentions the saint whose name I had forgotten: St. CHAD! Chads (Norfolk with Sheets/Skate's) share the potent cross with Sheets/Skate's, Skits/Skeets/Skeochs and Sheds/Scheds. All of this must be from the line of some Sadducee. Which one? Why did the dream end with a WOMAN in crutches?

In the article above, the Arms of Lichfield are shown as the Chad Coat. Often, catholic saints are make-believe, code for surnames. The Chad Coat at houseofnames doesn't include the square shape at the center of the cross shown for the Lichfield Arms, and this makes sense where Square's were first found in Worcestershire with the Pattys in the Chad Coat, and with Lilys in the Chadwick Crest. It's also where where Rocks and Rooks were first found while the Chadwick Coat is a form of the Arms of Rochdale (Lancashire with Chaddocks). Chaddocks tell of a Chadwick location in Worcestershire, and Chadwicks have: "'The Chadwicks of Chadwick in Rochdale parish...'" It's the Roxolani suspect from king Rusa of lake Van.

Plus, the Arms of Picenze-like Piacenza has a square!!! See, that's why I was given the dream with crutches on the very day I was destined to trace Picenze elements to the potent cross of Felix's!!! I'm impressed. I was going to tell readers, a month or two ago, that it's been quite a while since I've had a dream at wake-up that proves to be heraldically rich.

Repeat from above: "Scottish Chappes' were first found in Stirlingshire with Nimo's/NewMARCH's who in turn share the crescents of March's and Phreeze-connectable FREYdays." The latter were "first found in Staffordshire at Fradley, a village and civil parish in Lichfield District." It appears that lines from Pharisees were at Lichfield. Fradley-like Frauds/Friths use a "scythe" while Scythe's (not "Scythes") are listed with potent-liner Skits/Skeets/Skeochs.

The vertically-split Chad Shield is in colors reversed with English Pike's. While Clapps/Clappers use the pike, Crutch's/Crooch's were first found in Somerset with Roets, and with Clapton at Gordano. The Roets, sharing the Gordan boar heads, were of the Rodden river, in Shropshire with the first-known English Crocs/Croke's, Fleck-related Meschins, and Rudes'/Rudge's. It was probably where the father of the Pollocks lived.

Clapton is near Bath while Baths share the Rudes/Rudge cross while Bathursts (Sussex with Felix's and Boards) have the double Fleck fesses in colors reversed. Plus, the Bathurst Chief has patee crosses in the colors and format of the Lichfield Chief. Licks/Lucks share the black greyhound head with Somerset's Church's. Bathursts happen to have the Tiens in their motto, as do Square's in the Arms of Lichfield. "Cherches" is a motto term of Sawyers who in turn share the martlets of Boards who in turn have a split-Shield version of the Chadwick and Chaddock Coats. The Felix millrind is unusual with its central square shape (usually lozenge shaped).

Bathursts are in the colors and format of Fleck-connectable FELThams, for Fleets almost have the Fleck Coat. Fleetwoods were first found in Lancashire. It just so happens that Felthams share the Lichfield Chief while Felts have the Bouillon flory in colors reversed. Felthams were first found in Middlesex with the Stands/Stains sharing the double Fleet fesses, in colors reversed with the Felthams. The latter have a "palma" motto term while Palmers (Norfolk with Flecks and Chads) share the double Fleet and Fleck fesses too.

The "PerFORATus" motto of Boards (Fort colors) can be for the Forts, first found in Lancashire. Forts share an "audAX" motto term with Roxburghs, and Dax's/Ducks share the star of BOARDers (Somerset with Dax's/Ducks) while Tax's/Dachs share the crossed swords of Borders. Dax's/Ducks were a branch of Duce's, the latter first found in Staffordshire, location of Lichfield.

Crocs/Croke's (share Chadwick and Chaddock martlets) look like kin of Coverts, first found in Sussex with Felix's, and then Courts/Coverts (Sussex) share the six pale bars of Muse's. It reminds of the Le Mose part of Piacenza, and then Mose's/Moss' have a patee cross (as do Massena's) while Moses' were first found in Shropshire too. Croce's/Cross' share the Massey quadrants. Mose's/Moss' share the gold tower with Scute's (Lancashire with Chaddocks) and Scottish Patents.

But why the women in crutches? Parrs, first found in Lancashire with Chadwick-branch Chaddocks, use a "woman's HEAD and shoulders," and SHOULDhams were first found in Norfolk with Chads, Heads/Heeds, PARsons, Saddock-beloved Rye's, and Chappes-beloved Wheats. Did the dream thus indicate that Sadducees were from Pharnaces of the Pontus?

Another "woman's head and shoulders" is with Elms (Lancashire with Parrs) who in turn share the double Fleck fesses. There we see another reason for the woman in crutches in this morning's dream, and she was a blond, like the Parr and Elm women, as well as the "woman" of the neighboring Elis', suggesting that Elis' and Elms were of the same stock.

Elms use "elm LEAVES," and Leave's/Leve's were first found in Norfolk with Shouldhams and Flecks. We are on the Levi line to Sadducees, right? Yes, for Salome Boethus of the Sadducee, Simon Boethus the high priest, can be in the Salmons, first found in Surrey with Elm-like Helms (Sales colors and format). Salemans, from Surrey too, share the Musy/Music eagle while Mus was near Soducena. Herod II Boethus (didn't make the Herod throne) was the father of Salome. Elms were a branch of Elons/Ellems ("elm trees," but show oak leaves), and I trace the Time's/Timms suspect in the latter's motto to Timna of Edom, where Herods descended.

[Insert -- The above was written Saturday, and on Sunday I remembered that I'm using Head and Shoulders shampoo. I rarely buy it, but ever since I've been using this bottle, my drain has never become clogged with fallen-out hair. There's not one hair in that drain right now, whereas I used to clean it out every month or two. It could be some new food I've been eating, or it could be this shampoo. Maybe you should try this brand to see if your hair stops falling out. Elis' happen to use a "A naked woman HER HAIR DISheveled". Maybe she's taking a shower. Lucy-related Diss'/Dice's were first found in Norfolk with Heads and Shouldhams.

It just so happens that Elis' share the Rat(e)/Raid cross while Shouldhams have an "oRATE" motto term that can be also for the Orrs/Ore's because the gold Shouldham eagle shows exactly as the "gold falcon" of Knocks/Knox's, the latter first found in Renfrewshire with Orrs/Ore's and SPEARs. Aside from "ORate," we find the Knocks with "proficiOR" while Rates/Raids have the motto, "SPERo meliORa."

The initial reason for this insert, before finding the things above, was that there is a Shamp surname listed with Champagne's, and, I kid you not, they use the potent-crutch pattern!!!!!!! The Shamp/Champagne Crest has a "BUST of a Moor", and the Bust Crest has a "woman" with no clothes showing, but her shoulders showing!!! Incredible.

The Hall of Names description of the Shamp/Champagne Shield has no mention of the potent pattern, but it's exactly the Arms of Champagne, described officially like so: "Woodward blazons the arms of Champagne as 'Azure, a bend argent coticed POTENT-counterpotent or...'" The same article reads: "A potent is a crutch,..." The article claims that potenty can be an heraldic fur, a thing I've not known before. The only furs I've known is ermine and vair.

If Armys/Ermine's/Armine's (Lincolnshire with Mussels and Rake's) are to rulers/nobles of Armenia, note that Furs/Fire's share the giant uniCORN of RASmussens while Ras' are listed with Scottish Rose's (Nairnshire with Rats/Raids), trackable to king Rusa of Armenia. The same unicorn is with Swabs/Schwabs, first found in Franconia, and the "rake" in the Arms of Franconia resemble the Bust Coat. Rats/Raids share the cross of Elis' whom I trace to "Laish," the Armenian theater of Hermes, Pan, Cadmus and HARMONia. Bust-like Boasts/Bois' are in the Nimo/NewMARCH motto along with Shower-like Shows.

Armys/Ermine's/Armine's (probably in the arms of Brace's) were first found in Lincolnshire with Shouldham-beloved Eagle's/Hegels, and with Bracebridge's who in turn share the vaired (fur) Shield of Scottish Champagne's, and so it's pretty amazing that the Bracebridge Crest shows a CROZier, though it's called a "staff." Crutch-line Lichfield is in Staffordshire! The CROZiers are easily linkable to the Crutch's/CROOCH's. See that? It appears that God arranged for me to be using Head and Shoulders shampoo to go with yesterday's crutch dream. I bought this shampoo in Bracebridge, I kid you not. I do all of my grocery shopping in Bracebridge.

The potent cross is with Sheets while the Ass' of SHETland may be in the "as" motto term of Bracebridge's. The Bracebridge staff could have been called a Crutch-connectable crozier at one time until the family married the Staffs/Staffords. The latter have: "...Robert de Toeni, built a castle in Stafford and was the first to be surnamed Stafford." Toeni's (see Tonys) were of Leicestershire, where Scottish Champagne's were first found. Italian Antonys/Tonys, sharing the Boy/Boet Chief, almost have the Shampoo/Champoo Chief. English Antonys were first found in Lincolnshire with Bracebridge's.

Camps/CHAMPs were first found in Warwickshire with the Dile's in the "CROCodile" of Irish Dene's while the latter's English branch share the giant Dile lion. English Dene's were first found in Sussex with potent-cross Felix's. The Dove's (Berwickshire with Boys/Bie's) in the Dile Crest almost have the Coat of German Camps. The Patiens' in the Dove motto are listed with Scottish Patents (Patty colors). The patee cross looks like a potent probably for the obvious reason. Patiens'/Patents were first found in Dumfries with the Bells in the Campanio Coat.

"Crane"-using Shampoo's/Champoo's share the Chief of French Alans while Aulon/AVLONa is beside the Ceraunii mountains. There is a mont VELINO (not far from the Velino river near Rieti), in Abruzzo, straight up from Avezzano, and Avezzano's share the potent pattern on a bend with Shamps/Champagne's! End insert]

The snaky Masons have a cross faked as the cross of Jesus when it's in reality the Rosicrucian cross, and code for the Crutch/Crooch bloodline. Their Day is coming, their reward. Salome Boethus danced for Herod Antipas to "win" the decapitation of John the Baptist.

"According to Josephus, [Salome] was first married to her uncle Philip the Tetrarch, after whose death (AD 34) she married her cousin Aristobulus of Chalchis, thus becoming queen of Armenia Minor." Soducena was in Armenia. Time's/Timms were first found in Kent with Chalchis-like Chalks and Chaucers, and Chalks use the SWAN while Soducena is shown beside lake SEVAN (CAUCasia), though on this map it's lake LYCHnis, like "Lichfield."

As French Philips use a swan, and have a Coat much like the Swan/Sion Coat, I'd say, for the first time, that Philips look like they were from Herod Philip, the more-official name of Herod II Boethus. The Swans/Sions even use a Herod-like heart, likely of the Douglas-related Lockharts, the latter first found in Lanarkshire with Douglas-related Hardys, with swan-using Locks/Licks, and with Swans/Sions. While lake Sevan was the lake of Gog, Googe's and Gough's share the Lockhart boar, and moreover, wow, Gows/McGoo's share the Herod/Harald fleur-de-lys! Hardys use the black boar of Edom.

Heart-using Douglas' share the Moray stars, and were first found in Moray; one of those stars is with French Philips. I've read that Mackays, in French Philip colors and format, were at Moray. Mackays are from king Maccus, son of king Harald, suspect to the Herods/Haralds because the latter were first found in Argyllshire, probably / possibly part of the islands ruled by Harald / Maccus. French Philips were first found in Normandy with the Mars/MORE's/Mere's (Philip colors and format). Irish Mackays share the triple wolves of Quade's, from Quadratilla Bassus of Cetis.

It appears that Herods in relation to Salome Boethus got mixed up with Lake Sevan's Gogarene elements. End-time Gog could be a Seleuco-Herod. Maccabees of this particular Herodian circle liked the name, AristoBULUS, suggesting the line of Alexander Balas.

Now that Hardys and LOCKherds have looked like Herods more than ever, let's go on. "SeCRET and hardi" is a motto term of Welsh Rice's in the colors and format of French Hardys who in turn have lion heads in the colors of the giant lion of Welsh Philips. See that? But we're not done. CRETE's (Burgundy with French Grands), sharing the Levi lion, share the Coat of both the French Grands and Gow-connectable French Locks/Loches', while Scottish Grands (share flames with Douglas') were first found in Inverness-shire with WREATHs/CREIGHTs and Herod-connectable Gows/McGoo's. Welsh Philips were first found in Kent with WRATHs/Rothes' whose lion heads are colors reversed from those of French Hardys.

Herodias, the woman who wanted the Baptist killed, was the wife of Herod-Philip Boethus, but upon divorcing him, she took up with Herod Antipas, the defacto, lunatic king of Israel. It was before Herod Antipas in which Jesus stood silently resentful at His trial. After what was "AntiPAS" named? Antipater was his grandfather. Was "Antipas" related to "VesPASia?" Pasi's/Pace's/Pascels trace through Paisleys to Packs, and "Pax" is a motto term of Reds/Reeds, from Rieti, home of Vespasia Polla. Packs were first found in Sussex with Felix's, and while Felix's trace to Pike-liner Felice of Picenze, note that Scottish Reeds share the stars of Salome's and Scottish Pike's/Pickens while the latter are in Pike/Picken colors and format.

Zikers, the fitchee at the tip of the Reed chevron is shared by Philps! The blue wolf of Philps was in the Arms of Piacenza!!! The Philps (Monmouthshire) must have been from Herod-Philip Boethus!!! It's a good bet that many blue wolves will show evidence of linkage to Herods. Arran is in Bute-Argyllshire, and the Blue's (blue rooster heads), first found in Arran, may have provided the blue wolf. Blue-wolf Wolfleys/Wooleys use "wool PACKs", begging whether "AntiPAS" was formed with the proto-Pass / proto-Pack surname.

OHHHH WOWIE! Wolfleys share the Herod/Harald fleur-de-lys!!!!!

We can even take this to Wolfs/Welfs/Lupus' (Cheshire with Wolfleys) because they share the wolf heads of Skins/Scans, a branch of Schims/Schiens who in turn share the Lockhart/LockHERT/LockHERD boar head. Wolfs/Welfs/Lupus' are in Chip/Chipper colors and format, and while the latter have the Cheppe's in their write-up, ShepHERDs/ShepHARDs (Chip/Chipper colors) are in the colors and format of Anchors while Packs use anchors in the same format (just a different color). These Shepherds use battle-axes for linkage to Caiaphas. Scottish Shepherds were first found in Peebles, beside the first-known LockHERDs.

Chips/Chippers were first found in Worcestershire with the Sandys who in turn share the Philps fitchees. The other fitchees of Philps could be the same-colored one in the Crest of English Shepherds. The Sandy Crest has half the Battle / Chaff griffin. Sands (Surrey with Salmons) have the same fitchees, and Fitch's are in Herod/Harald colors and near-format. Scottish Harts/Hearts, sharing the Pollock saltire, are in the same colors.

Pollocks were first found in Renfrewshire with Pasi-branch Paisleys and Pasi-related Speers/Spire's in the motto of Darlingtons, and the latter's Darlene branch has the Philps et-al fitchees too. Packs were first found in Sussex with the Fitch-beloved Leopards (blue-Shield version of Fitch Coat) who are in turn in the colors and format of Scottish Shepherds...except that the latter add stars in colors reversed to the Salome stars. Darlene's (share "book" with Pack-connectable Reeds) were first found in Devon with the Hooks incorporating most of the Scottish Shepherd Coat. Hookers share the Jewish Levi lions and the vaired fesse of Saffers (Devon).

While Cypros was the Edomite mother of Herod I, Coopers (Sussex with Packs and Leopards) share the leopard faces of Leopards. English Philips use a gold crown for their giant lion, as do Jewish Levi's with the same-colored lion. Pasi-connectable Pass'/Pascals (Essex with Fitch's) share the Levi lion too.

I'm CONVINCED that Philps and Philips were from Herod-Philip Boethus.

While Chips/Chippers were at Sheffield, Sheffields were kin of Keppochs while the Keppoch branch of MacDonalds used the hand-with-black-fitchee in the Crest of English Shepherds. Fitch's are linkable to Coopers. The Keeps were first found in Sussex with Coopers while Kepke's/Kopke's (Saxony) were a Koop/Kupe branch. Shepherds mention an early "Henry Sepherde" of Sussex. As Keeps and Kepke's were of the namers of Kiev, could those namers have been from Cypros, mother of Herod? I'm not sure. It all depends on whether her line is to Coopers. I'm not sure if it is. I trace Cups/Cope's/COLPs to the Kupa/COLAPis river.

I suppose it's possible that Coopers were not Cup/Cope liners, but the Keep link to Kupe's suggests that they were. Cheps/Jappa's (Lower Saxony) tend to indicate the Japodes on the Kupa/Colapis river. However, maybe Kupa-river elements named Cypros, where Cappadocia is near Cyprus. The Colapis is near ancient Romula, probably naming mythical Romulus, for Japodes-like Jupiter was the chief Roman god.

Recall all of those Lock liners, for Coopers share the saltire of Lock/Desloges-branch Loge's, and English Lodge's/Loge's, first found in Suffolk with Mallets, share the Malta lion. Malta's add a column while Malcolms/Columns, sharing a blue saltire with Coopers, were first found in ARGYLLshire with Herods/Haralds. Herod AntiPAS and his brother, ARCHELaus, had Malta-like Malthace as their mother. She was a Samaritan. Why would king Herod marry a Samaritan? Was there a money bags in Samaria? Or did she just have a nice figure?

Malcolms/Columns share the stag head of Scottish Reeds, first found in Aberdeenshire with the Cups/Cope's in the "Pax copia" motto of Reds/Reeds. Scottish Reeds love the Books while Kepke's/Kopke's almost have the Boch Coat. The Copp branch (share Shepherd fleur) of Cups/Cope's was first found in Hampshire (beside Packs and Coopers) with Cheppe's/Kippers. The Cooper leopard faces are part-code for Face's, first found in Northamptonshire with Cope's/Coaps. It looks very much like we are on Herod liners, yet there's a chance that Coopers were not from "Cypros."

However, Dutch Coopers almost have the Scottish Heart/Hart saltire.

I had reasons to trace "Kepke" to the Numidian ruler, Syphax, and he looks like the line to Spike's / Spice's. The "tien" motto term of Bathursts, who have a "spiked club," is translated, "Keep." Syphax raided into Carthage, the city of HANNibal, when the latter was warring against the Romans in the land of ANANES Gauls, at/near the place where Piacenza would soon become a village. It was called the "battle of Trebia." While the Chief of Trebys (Devon with Spice's) is in the colors and format of the Bathurst Chief, and Trabys/Sadowski's use a "scarf" while Scarfs share the Coat of Bathurst-like Bathers.

While the Arms of Piacenza used a blue-on-white wolf, the wolf heads of Scarfs and Bathers are in colors reversed. The same Arms uses a square, on the other half, and then the "Tiens" is a motto term of Square's/Squirrels is translated "Hold" instead of "Keep," because Holds (Lancashire with Specks/SPIKE's) use a squirrel.

General Scipio, who arrested Syphax in Carthage, built his army barracks, after losing to Hannibal, at what would become Piacenza and neighboring Cremona. The similarity between "Hannibal" and "Ananes" had me thinking that "Caiaphas" could have been a development from a family named in honor of "Syphax." The latter was placed in house arrest in Rome (around 200 BC), and from there his descendant(s) could have ended up in the Syria theater in time for Caiaphas' birth in around 20 BC. Porcius Cato, as a Roman senator, would spend time in Rome in about 200 BC, and Spike's use the PORCupine while Spice's were first found in Devon with Pine's.

Spice's are in the colors and format of Capone's and Trudeau's, the latter first found in Ile-de-France with Chappes'. I trace Capone's to Quintus Caepio (about 100 BC), a Roman general, and grandfather of the Junia Caepionis.' Annans share the saltire of Carthage-like Carts, a branch of Carys of Castle Cary. Carters, first found in Winchester, where Saer de QUINCy ruled, share the lion of Sforza's, first found in Rome. The Sforza lion holds a "QUINCE." Sforza's married Visconti's (15th century), and while Felice's were first found in Rome, Felix's were first found in Sussex with Vise's.

I expect Quincys to have been of the Quints. The latter are said to derive from: "Richard de Quintine was Abbot of FURNESS in Cumberland." Furness' were first found in Lancashire with Spike's. This could reveal that the family of Quintus Caepio, possibly descended from Syphax, was mixed up with Pharnaces of the PONTus, for Ponters/Ponders are in the motto of Chapmans/Chepmans, first found in Cambridgeshire with Jeune's and English Capone's. Italian Capone's are suspect with the Levi lion. Capote's'/Capone's are also Chappus'. As Youngs/Yonge's have the Jung-branch Jeune's in their motto, it's notable that Youngs/Yonge's share the red lion with English Capone's.

Italian Capone's look like they may have the Philips lion and crown, now that Philips' are looking like Herods. It's a black lion, the color of the Quint lion paw. As Quints were once said to be first found in Essex (with Youngs/Yonge's) and Dorset, and while Dorset is where Chaffs, Chaffins and Palins were first found, I figured the Quint lion paw was from Palin lion, yet it's the giant lion of Phlips' too. And, Chaffins share the black dog with Furness'! Put it all together, and it looks like Quintus Caepio's descendant named Caiaphas. Maybe he was named after a ruling family in Cappadocia.

Mark Antony can play into this, who lived between Caepio and Caiaphas. Ignoring the Quint Chief, Quints have the Coat of Staffords, and the Tonys were the first Staffords. Mark Antony took over the kingdom of Julius Caesar, and the latter had a long-standing affair with Servilia Caepionis, Quintus' granddaughter, probably because he was after Quintus' vast gold treasure (which he stole in Toulouse). Mark Antony, who may have had some of that gold, installed Archelaus as the Cappadocian king, whose daughter the Herods married. Herod put lots of gold on "his" Jerusalem temple. Archelaus married the queen, PythoDORIS, of the Pontus, and died in 17 AD. Pythidoris' mother, Antonia, was the daughter of Mark Antony. Archelaus' son, Archelaus, became the king of Cilicia in the time that Caiaphas was the high priest.

Let's go back to Elms and Elis', both having leaves. Elis of Greece was at the Ladon river while Ladds/Ladons (Elis-cross colors), first found in Somerset with Leave-like Leavells, share the black fesse with Elms. Ladys/Laudymans are in English Shepherd colors and format while the latter use battle-axes while Somerset has an axe river at its Bath theater.

Back to the Fradley-of-Lichfield location of Freydays. Along with their "scythe," Frauds/Friths use "wheat sheaves" for the Sheaves'/Chiava's, probably in Picenze with Felix's. Chappes-beloved Wheats/Whate's were first found in Norfolk with Scythe-branch Skate's/SHEETs (share potent cross with Felix's), and with the Fountains/Fonts who are in turn in the colors of Italian Felice's.

Spanish Felice's share the castle with English Castle's (Sussex with Patents, Phreeze's/Freys', Felix's and Bononia-like Bone's) while Casts use "fountains". Italian Fontana's were first found in Bologna with a Sheet-like SETTa valley of the Pane-branch Panico's (search google for Panico's of Setta) while French Payne's have one of the triple Fountain/Font fesses. Therefore, expect potent-Jerusalem elements between Bologna/Bononia and Boulogne/Bononia of the first Templar king of Jerusalem, son of Eustace II, count of Boulogne/Bononia, and brother of Godfrey de Bouillon.

While Bracebridge's share the vaired Shield of Champagne's, Forths/Fords were first found in Hampshire with Champions. English Castle's share the bee with castle-using English Forts who in turn have the Felix quadrants in colors reversed (in Fountain/Font colors). Italian Forts (probably the Este horse), first found in Ferrara, might just have the Butt/BOET fesse, for while English Boys/Bie's use bees, Italian Boys are also Boets. "Be" is a Bracebridge motto term, and the rest of the motto shares the "As God Wills" motto of Scottish Wills, first found in Berwickshire with Boys/Bie's.

German Forts share the Ferrara lion, framed like the lion of Sforza's (Rome with Felice's), and German Forts are super in this set because they were first found in Rhineland with Salome's. Do the easy math, family historians, hardheads. Fountains and Hugs share the Ferrari lion. Hardheads, we are all over the lines from Jerusalem's priests. Shut your eyes, blockheads, go back to sleep. Pacify yourselves, suck on your dictionaries. The Hug write-up: "Germanic personal name Hugo, which itself comes from the Old German word 'hug,' which means 'intelligence.'" I think they meant, "blockhead."

It's known that Hugh de Payens had something special in Champagne, and we saw the Shamp/Champagne potent. We can now add that Shampoo's/Champoo's share the Hug/Hughes Chief, both using three stars in the colors of the Payen hexagrams. See, family historians, this is how its done. But you just keep-on sucking on those ancient dictionaries, comfort yourselves with fantasies, anti-Christs. Shampoo's/Champoo's look like they borrow the Pane/Panico Coat. My Head and Shoulders shampoo took me here, and so, with God's help, I can get the job ironed out with zero dictionaries.

One of my grandparents (father's side) was Miss Taddei, and Taddei's not only share the flory cross of Bouillons (Auvergne with French Croziers), but have triple chevrons in the colors of the triple fesses of Fountains/Fonts. One of those fesses is with French Payne's while the first Templar grandmaster was HUGH de Payens, husband of Elizabeth Chappes. DO THE GRADE-TWO MATH. Hugs/Hughes' (Languedoc with Font-de-Ville's) share the triple chevrons, and lion, of Fountains/Fonts. Hugo's use the Templar-line mermaid. Hugh CAPET was the founder of the Capetian throne, and English Capets are listed with Capes'. Put the pieces together and open your eyes.

Miss Taddei above married Mr. Ferrari, and I see Pharisees in the naming of Ferrara, where Charo's/Claro's were first found. Clare's (Suffolk with Taddei-like Tate's) share triple chevrons (different colors) with Taddei's. The triple Clare chevrons are in the Coat of German Castle's/Cassels, and while Cassel is at Hesse, Hesse's use a giant sun that's in the Fraud/Frith Crest. German Fritz's/Fritts look related to the Italian Pavia Coat, both sharing the scallops of Grove's (Somerset with Leavells) in the grove under the Fraud/Frith sun. The Grove's thus become suspect with the Tiss/Teese Coat, and Frith-like surnames look like they descended from Pharisee stock. Fridays/Freydays are in Ferte colors.

By the way, Hall of Names seems to have mistaken the Cassel chevrons for bends because only half the Shield shows. If they were truly bends, the middle one would go corner to corner. Instead, they are positioned as three chevrons would be.

Angie Ferrari, my cousin, might just have been a granddaughter of Mr. Ferrari above. I assume she was born, Angela, perhaps a name related to the Angitia snake. Angie's are listed with Hanks looking connectable to the Coat of Scottish Pagans. French Payens' and Pagans too. The thing is, the Angie/Hank bendy is in the colors of the bend of Ferrara's Charo's/Claro's. Triple bends (different colors) are with Italian Angela's, first found in TARVISium, and then while Chives' were first found in TARVES, the Sheaves'/Chiava's happen to share blue keys with English Angels. I find this new heraldic set amazing. Anger-branch Hangers were first found in Hampshire with the Josephs having a "charo" motto term.

Why do we suppose the Angel keys are "CROSSed." Feeling a little impotent, family historians? Can't you do grade-two English? Croce's/Cross' (Lincolnshire with Champagne-connectable Bracebridge's) use a stork while the Coat of stork-using Store's looks related to the one of Crutch's/Crooch's (Somerset, roughly the start of the Stour river) and Crux's. The latter, sharing the Blake pale bar, are in the motto of Blacks (share Croc crescent), the latter first found in Lincolnshire with Croce's/Cross'. The "dum" motto term of Croce's/Cross' is God's pointer to family historians.

The Black write-up: "The name Black may have referred to someone with black hair or clothing, or to someone who worked in a profession such as chimney sweeping, which left its practitioners covered in soot." HAHAHA. Hey honey, you're all covered in soot, let's call ourselves the Blacks.

Italian Croce's/Crosio's (Este colors and format) were first found in Vicenza (near Este) with "squirrel"-using Valentins, and while his wife can take us to the square in the Arms of Piacenza, Squirrels are listed with Square's. No, family historians, they were not named after square squirrels. Try using another method.

[There's a Basilica dei Santi Felice e Fortunato in Vicenza.]

It's one of God's primary jobs, in the end-times, to expose the lies of anti-Christ "educators," and I'm only too honored to be a part of the fun. Do your share, Christian.

Valentins are in the colors and format of STAVE-branch Stevensons/Steinsons, and Bracebridge's show a crozier while calling it a "STAFF." Stave's/Stevensons were first found in Northumberland with Store's.

Angie's brother, Dave, was probably born, David. Welsh Davids look like kin of Levi-beloved Ade's/Aids because king David I was father to Henry, earl of Huntingdon, husband of ADa. English Cottons, using "HANKs of cotton", were first found in Huntingdonshire. Can we believe this? French Cottons/Cotta's were first found in Languedoc with Font-de-Ville's and Hugs/Hughes'.

I don't think I've done heraldry on Angie and Dave before. Their father was Genio or Eugenio, and I've had reason to trace Eugene's to Euganeo, right beside Este, and just 30 miles from Ferrara. Italian Este's share the Aquila Coat, and the Ferrari family under discussion was from Picenze. Eugene's list Ewens while Owens and Keons/Owens share the giant Hugh lion. Keons/Owens have an eight-pointed version of the Eugene/Ewen stars.

I see Euganeo elements in the motto of English Augers/Eagers/Etches' who in turn share the giant Ferrara lion. The Edge variation of Este-connectable Eggs looks like the Adige river passing near to Euganeo. The lion in the Eugene Crest then becomes suspect as the lion of Eggertons (Cheshire with Welsh Davids).

Euganeo is near Bologna, where Pasi's/Pascels were first found whose CROSSed spears form a saltire in the colors of the saltire in the "flag" of Eugene's. Felix-like Flags/Flecks were first found in Norfolk with the Fulke's and FALCon-using Shouldhams who in turn are in the colors and format of Augers/Eagers. My Head and Shoulders shampoo sits on a shelf with Old Spice bodywash, and Spice's were first found in Devon with the Speccots suspect in the "SPECTemur" motto term of Augers/Eagers.

The Olds (share Saddock martlets) are interesting for being in the colors and format of Slows. The latter share the Alexander martlet with Alex's/Alexandre's share the giant and double-headed eagle of Speccot-branch Specks/Spike's/Spoke's. OLDenburg is where Cheps/Jappa's were first found who have another double-headed eagle. Saddocks are listed with Sedgewicks, a branch of Lichfield's Chadwicks, and thus we've just gotten to potent elements with Old Spice while Head and Shoulders came to topic with the woman in crutches in the dream. It started with the woman with "head and shoulders" of Parrs and Elms, both first found in Lancashire with Specks/Spike's/Spoke's. Elms quickly took us to Elis, and they happen to share the Slow crescents.

Tribulation Preparation

google lies. Asking what the shelf life of hand soap is, article after article says two to three years after manufacture. But I've been saving soap scraps for 10 years or more, and, taking out the container with these scraps, I chose five at random a few minutes ago, and every one still lathers, no problem. Therefore, save all your soap scraps. To turn them back into large bars, heat them until they look like mashed potatoes:

My main point was: buy lots of soap for years when the time comes, when the last 1260 days are in sight. Why not just have a one or two year supply under the bathroom sink?

Here's evidence that the WEF is going to at least be an instigator of the 666, because it's trying to use a climate-change excuse for denying us the right to grow foods at home. What a bunch of grim freaks:

If the government demands that you register your chickens, don't. The government has no right to know whether or not you grow your own livestock. Take that law to court. The government wants only to know where all the chickens are when it outlaws them for home owners. You have more right to raise your own chickens as a big company has the right to sell you their chickens.

How much flatulence does a cow make daily? Let's be generous. Let's say that it lets out as much gas as would fill 15 cubit feet at air pressure. That's 15 feet high per one square foot of ground, per one cow, per one day. That's 365 days x 15 = 5,475 feet high, per year per one cow. That's about one mile high, yet the atmosphere is much higher than one mile. And the square footage of cows the world over is a weensy-teensy fraction of all land and ocean surface, meaning that cow flatulence amounts to about 0.00000 crisis. Yet the WEF wants to outlaw beef on the "danger" posed by cow gases. GRIM CONTROL FREAKS.

I counted 50 videos at one loading of youtube canada. In those 50 videos, there were 17 videos from CBC and CTV, a couple of state news media in favor of trudeau. I NEVER click on a CBC or CTV video, but youtube canada, by an arrangement of the trudeau government, forces a constant flow of CTV and CBC videos on me EVERY TIME I load youtube to watch anti-trudeau news.

Imagine, American, if you watch pro-Trump videos, yet youtube loads CNN and MSNBC 17 times out of the page's first 50 videos. This doesn't happen in the U.S., but canada is a control-freak country, a tyranny. The federal police in canada is just like the liberal FBI, a politicized organ of the liberal government. This is an end-time disaster. Our lives are being steered and exploited by sinful, falsifying, anti-Christ control freaks.

I didn't have time to add more to this prep section, this week, sorry.


With each passing year affirming that COVID "vaccines" were far-more harmful than was let on to begin with, the following video should be the sort of thing that puts national leaders in prison, because when warned of at least one danger by medical experts, and they refuse to even respond to the concerns, they should be held responsible for the harms done. It's just a matter for the people to vote in anti-vaccine governments who change the leadership of federal police so that they do their job. Last I heard, it is a serious crime to kill people with a drug when knowing that the drug can kill:

Here's proof that the CIA may yet be planning an election-day "terrorist" attack arranged by itself. The arrest was made by the FBI. Did the FBI know that the Afghani was working for the CIA? Maybe not. Maybe the FBI office in Oklahoma thwarted this false-flag attack.

If Trump wins the election, as it seems he should, we can watch his "performance," to see if he keeps his promises. However, the latest news reports / polls telling that Kamala is failing badly may become a deep-state play to aggravate Trump voters still more when she actually wins by voter-machine flip-fraud.

I've just learned from a segment on Redacted that the trudeau government is trying to pass a law to outlaw meat during a pandemic. These control freaks work incrementally to phase in communistic goals utilizing "safety measures"? One step at a time, they first scare us with reports of farm animals possessing deadly viruses, at a time when a faked pandemic is drip-drip-dripped upon us from their state media, and eventually the animals need to go...if the communists can get away with it. But the anti-communists far outnumber these globalist fools, and so it's doubtful they will get away with their plans now that the humanity body has sensed the globalist virus. Defence mechanisms have been deployed. Globalists are losing their governments the world over, and they think the reason is that anti-globalist media are too popular. No, the reason is that globalists are wickedly diseased, and enough people have finally detected it, thanks to regular people in alternative media.


Here's all four Gospels wrapped into one story.

For Some Prophetic Proof for Jesus as the Predicted Son of God.
Also, you might like this related video:

Pre-Tribulation Preparation for a Post-Tribulation Rapture